Production Note Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell*s replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the Commission on Préservation and Access and the Xerox Corporation. 1992 .({urnell IGaw ^00! Kibran}GENERAL INDEX TO THE LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS OF THE State of New York, FROM 1777 TO 1888, INCLUSIVE. PilEPAIiED PüRSUANT TO A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. ALBANY: JAMES B. LYON, STATE PRINTEB. 1891.STATE OF NEW YORK : IN SENATE, Albany, May 8, 1888. Besolved (if the Assembly concur), That the general index of Legis- lative documents, prepared in 1877 by Charles R. Dayton, be by him continued down to and including the year 1888, in the same general form and convenience, for reference, as heretofore prepared; that 300 copies of the same be printed and bound, and that twentv copies be placed in the Senate and Assembly libraries for the use of the Légis- lature, and the remainder to be distribuîfed* as^ pft)Vded*by chapter 258 of the Laws of 1845. Said printing to be done by the party or parties having the contract for the Legislative printing, at the same terms or price now allowed in said contract for the same kind of printing. The foregoing resolution was duly concurred in. By order. CHAS. A CHICKERING, JOHN S. KENYON, Glerk. IN — - Glerk.INDEX. A. ABBOTT, NERUM. doc. y0i. no. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the Chemung canal............A 2 115 ABBOTT, NIRUM. 1847 Report on pétition of.......................A 7 206 1849 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 2 61 ABBOTT, FRANK, 1874 Answer of, to pétition of E. M. Madden for seat as Senator from Tenth district............... S 1 8 1874 Debate upon adoption of report of committee in matter of.... ............................S 4 97 ABEEL, JACOB. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 7 121 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 6 73 ABDUCTION. 1857 Or enslavement of citizens of this State, communi- cation from Governor relative to..................A 1 47 ABLEMAN, S. 1846 Report of commissioners of land office on pétition of.. A 5 191 ABOLITIONISTS. 1836 Proceedings of the législature of Alabama relative to. A 3 209 1836 do do North Carolina__A 1 22 1836 do do Kentucky........S 2 79 1836 do do Georgia.............A 3 109 1836 do do Michigan .......... S 2 77 1836 do do Mississippi........A 4 301 1836 do do Virginia............A 4 246 1836 do do South Carolina_____ S 1 1 ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, see Capital Punishment. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY, see Slavery. ABORJGINAL HISTORY OF THE STATE. 1846 Memorial of H. R. Schoolcraft and others relative to, S 2 55 ABORTION IN COWS, see Ag. So. N. Y. State.6 ABRAHAM, CHARLES AND JOHN. Doc.Voi. No. 1845 Report of the committee on the judiciary on the bill ABSCONDING, CONCEALED AND NON-RESI- DENT DEBTORS, see Debtors. ACADEMIES, Etc. 1834 Under the charge of the Regents of the University, report relative to the purchase of bcoks, etc., for the use of............................................. S 1 44 1837 Report of amount of appropriations made to....... S 1 32 1838 Report on pétition to prohibit praying, etc., in ... A 2 55 1838 Report recommending an increase of the annual sum now distributed by law among...............A 5 236 1851 Report on memorials from colleges and..... ...... S 2 49 1851 Instructing teachers, report of committee on literature.................................... S 2 58 1857 Report of the Comptroller, in reply to resolution relative to loans to colleges and........... .A 3 155 1859 Report of committee in relation to law regulating. .A3 93 1865 Report of Regents of the University in relation to . colleges and academies.........................A 7 119 1874 Communication relative to organization and char- ters of.................................................A 6 78 Albany Institute: 1834 Pétition of, for aid............................ S 1 15 Alexander High School: 1831 Report on pétition to incorporate.................A 4 319 Alfred Academy: 1856 Report on pétition of.............................A 4 133 Avon Academy: 1845 Report of Regents of the University relative to an act to consolidate certain school districts with, etc. S 3 105 Brooklyn Institute: 1845 Annual report of trustées of..................... A 4 94 1848 Annual report of..................................A 6 199 1849 Annual report of..................................A 5 235 1858 Annual report of trustées of......................A 3 76 1867 Annual report of................................. S 2 39 1868 Annual report of................................. S 3 37 1869 Annual report of................................. S 6 64 1872 Annual report.................................... S 3 50 1873 Annual report.................................... A 7 124 1877 Annual report.............................. .... A 5 49 Buffalo Female Seminary: 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate................ S 2 1617 ACADEMIES, Etc.— Continuée!. De Ruyter Institute : D0C> Yol. No. 1849 Pétition of Messrs. Bentlv, Sears, Enos and others, in behalf of agricultural department of..........A 2 78 Erasmus Hall Academy: 1832 Report on pétition of, relative to distribution of literature fund..................................A 2 59 Fairfield Academy: 1850 Report on the application of trustées of............A 2 63 Free Academy of New York: 1850 Report on memorial of.............................. S 3 90 Genesee Wesleyan Seminary: 1844 Report of the Comptroller on........................A 3 38 1844 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on pétition of A 3 92 Gbeenbush and Schodack Academy: 1836 Report on pétition for a portion of the literature fund.............................................A 4 218 Hamilton Academy: 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the distribution of the literature fund.......................... S 4 304 1840 Report on pétition for the establishment of a department in, for the éducation of common school teachers................................................. S 2 58 Hudson River Agricultural Seminary: 1837 Report on pétition for aid to the...................A 2 60 Jefferson Academy: 1833 Report on pétition for aid to, in Schoharie county.. A 3 260 Mexico Academy: 1856 Report on loaning money to..........................A 4 107 Middlebury Academy: 1834 Report on bill for relief of......................A 4 368 Mount Pleasant Academy: 1835 Report on memorial for relief.......................A 2 132 Ogdensburgh Academy: 1843 Report of committee on literature, on pétition of .. S 1 32 Onondaga County Institute: 1849 Memorial of, in relation to free schools............A 3 115 Redhook Academy: 1830 Report of the Regents of the University relative to the exclusion of the, from the distribution of the income of the literature fund.............................A 4 3108 ACADEMIES, Etc.— Continued. Rensselaer Institute : Doc. Vol. No. 1848 Report of committee on agriculture on pétition of.. A 6 192 Rutger’s Female Institute: 1838 Report on pétition to incorporate...............A 6 302 St. Lawrence Academy: 1845 Report of Regents of University, concerning the... A 5 158 1849 Report of committee on colleges, academies and common schools, on pétition of trustées of....A 1 34 Sherburne Union Academy: Report on memorial of........:.................. S 4 127 Troy Female Seminary: 1852 Report on memorial of Emma Willard..............A 1 74 1852 Report on memorial of Emma Willard..............A 5 117 Union Academy: 1831 Report on pétition to raise money by tax for the benefit of....................................A 3 262 Union Hall Academy: 1830 Report relative to the exclusion of the, from the dis- tribution of the income of the literature fund-------A 4 320 1832 Report on pétition of, relative to the distribution of the income of the literature fund.............A 2 59 1846 Report of Regents of the University relative to-A 5 141 ACCIDENTS. 1856 Memorial of R. H. Walworth for a law relative to.. S 1 37 # ACCOUNTS. 1858 Report of commissioners appointed to examine the, of the Canal Department, and securities in the Banking Department, for the two fiscal years end- ing with 30th days of September, 1856 and 1857.. S 2 104 1859 C Report of commissioners to examine the, of State officers......................................A 1 38 1864 Report of commissioners to examine..............A 8 193 ACCOUNTS, PUBLIC, sec Public Accounts. ACCOUNTS WITH THE UNITED STATES, see United States. ACHESON, DAVID. 1869 Report of committee on daims in case of........A 6 82 1870 Report of committee on daims in case of........A 10 163 ACKER, ABRAHAM. 1845 Report of the committee on privilèges, etc., on the case of.......................................A 1 219 1839 1840 1841 1865 1856 1857 1858 1860 1848 1852 1853 1857 1862 1848 1847 1848 1847 1854 1833 ACKLEY, ELIPHALET. i Report on the pétition of the widow and heirs of, for rémunération for certain land for taxes.....A 5 303 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 6 237 Report of Attorney-General on the same....... S 1 29 ACTON, T. C. Communication from, as to number of persons engaged in sale of liquors in metropolitan police district..................................... S 3 98 ADAMS, ALSON. Report on pétition of....................... A 3 56 Report of committee on daims, favorable on péti- tion of, for payment of money due ............A 2 123 Report on daim of.... ........................A 4 125 Report on daim of.............................A 2 75 ADAMS, CHRISTOPHER. Report on pétition of....................... A 3 109 ADAMS, HORACE, AND ELIPHALET SEARS. Report on pétition of.........................A 2 29 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of, for relief................................... S 2 44 Report of committee on daims, favorable on pétition of, for further compensation................A 2 112 ADAMS, JOHN C. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 145 ADAMS, JOHN Q. Report respecting address commémorative of services of.............................. A 3 122 ADAMS, MARCUS. Report on pétition of......................A 8 248 Report on pétition of......................A 3 84 ADAMS, PARMENIO, see Genesee county, etc. ADAMS, STEPHEN, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of................. . . . A 2 92 ADAMS, TOWN OF. Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, relative to First Methodist Episcopal Church in................................. A 2 58 ADDINGTON, S. H., AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the Erie canal............. A 3 229 ADIRONDACK RAILROAD, see Railroad. 210 ADIRONDACK WILDERNESS. Doc. Yol. No. 1873 Report of survey of........................... S 3 53 ADJUTANT-GENERAL. N. F. Beck: 1830 Annual report of.............................. A 3 201 M. H. Webster, Acting: 1831 Annual report of.................................. Al 16 John A. Dix: 1832 Annual report of...............................A 2 60 1832 Report on pétition to reduce the number of parades of the militia.............................. S 1 4 1832 Report on pétition of the fourth brigade of artillery, for a change in one of the companies of said brigade...................................... A 3 220 1833 Annual report of...............................A 2 84 1833 Report of, relative to certain books received from the Secretary of War..........................A 3 153 1833 Report on pétition of Gilbert D. Dillon.........S 2 101 Levi Hubbell: 1834 Annual report of............................... A 3 172 1834 Memorial of, for an addition to the pay of his department....................................A 1 32 1834 Report of committee on the same..................Al 31 1835 Annual report of................................A 3 211 1836 Annual report of................................A 3 200 Thomas W. Harmàn: 1837 Annual report of................................A 1 12 Allan McDonald: 1838 Annual report of................................A 2 50 1839 Annual report of................................A 2 27 Rufus King: 1839 Report of, on pétition of Gen. Corss and others-A 6 394 1840 Report of, transmitting the reports of the presidents of courts-martial in New York................ S 3 88 1840 Annual report of.............................. A 3 80 1841 Annual report of................................A 2 50 1841 Report of committee on the militia, on pétition to increase the salary of....................... A 2 152 1842 Annual report of.... . .........................A 2 4 1842 Annual report of............ .......... ........A 2 41 1842 Report on pétition of Thomas Averill............A 7 153 1842 Report relative to staff officers in 29th division and 49th brigade..................................A 7 157 Lyman Sandford: 1843 Annual report of................................A 2 2411 ADJUTANT-GENERAL — Continued. Archibald C. Niven : D0C< y0i. No. 1844 Annual report of............................. S 1 5 1845 Annual report of.............................A 1 3 1845 Communication from, relative to troops at Hudson ..Al 16 Thomas Farrington: 1846 Report of comptroller relative to moneys paid to, and attornev-general...... ................. S 1 28 1846 Annual report of.... ........................A 1 6 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the assembly, A 5 184 1847 Annual report of..............................A 1 39 1847 Report of, as to organization of New York volunteers............................*.....A 2 80 1847 Report of, as to vacancies in offices *of volunteer régiments in Mexico...................,.....A 6 151 Samuel Stevens: 1848 Annual report of........... ..................A 2 54 1848 Report on memorial of Titus Gazynski and others. . A 5 177 1849 Annual report of..............................A 2 88 1849 Report of, in answer to a resolution of assembly, relative to non-commissioned officers and privâtes of the lst division of militia.............. A 2 45 1850 Annual report of..............................A 4 51 L. Ward Smith: 1851 Annual report of..............................A 1 7 1851 Annual report of........ .....................A 1 9 1851 Report on the cost of the militia System...... S 2 28 1852 Annual report of..............................A 1 7 Robert E. Temple: 1853 Annual report of.............................. S 1 28 1853 Report of the, in answer to a resolution in relation to clerks in his office..... ............... S 2 47 1853 Report of the commissioners appointed to codify and amend the militia laws.................. S 2 66 1854 Annual report of..............................A 1 17 1854 Communication from, relative to commutations in New York.................................... S 2 72 J. Watts De Peyster: 1845 Annual report of.............................. A 1 15 Robert H. Pruyn: 1856 Annual report of..............................A 4 155 Frederick Townsend: 1857 Annual report of..............................A 3 195 1858 Annual report of..............................A 1 16 1859 Annual report of..... . . ....................A 5 184 1860 Annual report of..............................A 4 17912 AD JUTANT-GENERAL — Contiuued. Thomas Hillhouse : j)0C> y0it No. 1861 Annual report of..............................A 6 135 1862 Annual report of..............................A 3 25 John T. Sprague: 1863 Annual report of............................. S 3 49 1863 Annual report of............................. A 3 49 1864 Annual report of. ............................A 4 80 1864 Communication from, relative to names and rési- dences of commissioned officers of national guard, S 3 31 1864 Communication from, transmitting roster of officers of national guard.......................... S 3 50 1864 Communication from Governor, asking for additional force in office of......................... S 4 51 1864 Relating to payment of enrolling militia in 1862 .... A 2 55 William Irvine: 1865 Annual report of..............................A 2 22 1865 Communication from, as to amount of money required to arm and equip national guard... SI 20 1866 Annual report of............................ A 2 24 1866 Communication from, relative to bill equalizing bounties................................... S 2 75 1866 Communication from, relative to daims of vétérans of war 1812.................................A 7 158 Selden E. Marvin: 1867 Annual report of. .......................... A 16 242 1868 Annual report of..............................A 5 38 Franklin Townsend: 1869 Annual report of..............................A 7 100 1869 Reply to Senate resolutions as to contract for changing muskets........................... S 22 1870 Annual report of..............................A 2 24 1870 Communication from, relative te vétérans of war 1812........................................A 5 100 1870 Annual report........................... .... A 2 10 1871 Communication from, relative to drafted men, etc. ..A3 43 1872 Annual report of..............................A 1 14 1872 Communication from, relative to payment of soldiers of 1812.................................... A 2 18 John F. Rathbone: 1873 Annual report of............................. A 2 13 1874 Annual report of............................. S 3 42 Franklin Townsend: 1875 Annual report of............................. S 2 7 1876 Annual report of............................. S 1 8 1877 Annual report of..............................A 1 713 ADSIT, A. M. Doc. vol. No. 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 4 136 ADULTERY AND SEDUCTION. 1840 Report on pétition for a law for the punishment of.. A 3 68 1840 Report on pétition for a law for the punishment of.. A 8 333 1842 Report of committee on pétition for law to punish.. A 7 159 1843 Report on pétitions for a law more effectually to punish, etc.......................................A 5 134 1844 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition for the suppression of................................A 3 63 1847 Report of committee on grievances relative to..... S 2 68 ADVERSE CLAIMS, see Claims, Adverse. ADVERTISING. ( 62 1862 Report of amounts paid for....... ............. S 4 -J ^ AGASSIZ, PROFESSOR. 1847 Report on letter of................................ S 4 155 AGENT. 1859 Report of agent and warden of Sing Sing prison, relative to contracts for convict labor.....A 4 172 AGENTS, CONSIGNEES AND FACTORS. 1830 Memorial of merchants of New York for a law to prevent abuses in the disposition of goods in the hands of......................................... S 1 46 1830 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same ..SI 55 1830 Remonstrance against the passage of the bill concerning ...................................... S 2 105 AGRICULTURE. 1833 General report on subject of........................A 4 312 1834 do do (Mr. Sudam) ......... S 2 97 1838 do do (Mr. L. F. Allen) and bill to improve.................................. A 4 161 1839 General report on subject of (Mr. C. E. Clark). ... A 5 273 1840 do do (Mr. J. Johnson).... A 8 352 1841 Report on communication from the American Insti- tute on the subject of (Mr. Johnson)..............A 6 217 1842 Report relative to amending acfc to promote.........A 5 91 1842 Report on the transactions of the State and county societies ....................................... A 6 131 1843 Report of the committee on......................... S 1 46 1844 Report of the committee on, on that portion of Governor’s message respecting.................... A 5 115 1844 Report of the committee on, on pétition of agricul- tural society of Erie county......................A 7 198 1845 Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to............................ S 2 6014 1845 1846 1846 1846 1848 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1855 1857 1857 1847 1847 1847 1850 1851 1851 1852 1853 1855 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to........................«. A 6 200 Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to...........................A 5 146 Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to...........................A 5 148 Report of committee on, recommending the printing of the annual report of the American Institute... A 6 200 Report of committee on, on pétition of Rensselaer Institute..................................... A 6 192 Report of committee on............................ A 5 212 Discoveries by R. Comstock.........................A 3 23 Commissioners’ report............................ A 3 30 Report of committee on memorial of State Agricul- tural Society...................................A 4 56 Resolution of the Législature of Rhode Island on the subject of..................................A 8 180 See memorial of Emigration and Agricultural Association ................................... S 1 19 Report of minority of committee on, in relation to the incorporation of the People’s College.......A 2 38 Minority report.................................. A 2 42 Report of committee to establish an agricultural college, etc.................................. A 2 36 Report of committee on, authorizing the Rensselaer (Jounty Agricultural Society to hold and convey estate.................................. S 1 4 Report of committee on, on pétition of T. S. Lam- bert and others, in reference to stocking waters with fish.......................................A 5 142 Report on “An act to enable the Warren County Agricultural Society to draw their proportion of public money from the State”....................A 3 191 Report of committee on, favorable, on pétition and bill, to furnish a library of agricultural books to each school district...............................A 3 173 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPERI- MENTAL FARM. Report of committee on colleges, etc., relative to. .. A 6 153 Report of committee on agriculture, relative to. ... A 6 169 Report of committee on colleges, etc., relative to establishment of, and workshop, and promotion of agricultural and mechanic arts......................A 7 187 Report of spécial committee................ ... A 5 104 Report of majority of committee on agriculture, relative to...................................... A 2 33 Minority report of same committee.................A 4 116 Report on Governor’s message, relative to........A 5 100 Report of committee on agriculture, to establish an, A 2 36 Report of committee on finance on pétition for aid to............................................... S 2 611855 1856 1856 1858 1859 1860 1861 1863 1863 1864 1865 1869 1833 1834 1834 1834 1849 1849 1850 1838 1842 1843 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 15 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPERI- MENTAL FARM — Continued. j>oc. y0i. No. Memorial of trustées of.......................... A 3 64 Report relative to............................... S 1 23 Report of committee on finance on pétition relative to............................................. S 1 26 Report of trustées of.............................A 4 154 Report of trustées of............................A 3 118 Report of trustées of.............................A 2 27 Report of trustées of.............................A 1 20 Report of trustées of............................ S 5 78 Report of trustées of.............................A 5 110 Report of trustées of............................ S 4 55 Communication from Comptroller relative to....... S 2 39 AGRICTJLTURAL COLLEGE. Report of trustées of............................ S 6 81 AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, see Academies— DeRuyter Institute. AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLS. Report on memorial of the New York State Agri- cultural Society, for the establishment of... S 2 79 Report of committee on agriculture on the same... A 4 311 Report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly on the same.................................. S 2 97 Report of committee on agriculture on the same... S 2 110 Memorial of N. Y. State Agricultural Society for establishment of.................................. A 2 65 Report of committee on agriculture respecting, etc.. A 5 212 Memorial.......................................A .5 86 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Report on establishing.........................A 4 161 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, NEW YORK STATE. Transactions of, and county agricultural societies.. A 6 131 Report of...................................... S 2 63 Annual report of............................... S 3 63 Annual report of transactions .. _ ..................A 4 100 Annual report of transactions of the jear 1844. S 3 85 Report of, for 1845 ................................ S 4 105 Report of......................................A 5 150 Report of......................................A 4 125 Memorial of committee of, for the establishment of a State agricultural school....................... A 2 65 Report of committee on agriculture on memorial of, A4 56 Annual transactious................................. A 7 175 Annual report of.................................... A 6 150 Transactions of................................A 6 126 Transactions of................................A 6 112 Annual report of...............................A 6 1511855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1837 1837 1833 1870 1833 16 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, NEW YORK STATE — Continuée!. D0C. y0i. No. Report of select committee on communication from, in relation to entomology...................A 5 137 Annual report of..............................A 6 145 Communication from, respecting noxious insects. . . A 5 207 Communication of corresponding secretary of...A 7 217 Transactions of...............................A 4 113 Transactions of...............................A 5 213 Annual report of............ .................A 5 161 Transactions of...............................A 4 182 Transactions of............................... A 5 181 Annual report of............................. A 8 139 Annual report of..............................A 10 252 Annual report of..............................A 9 234 Annual report of..............................A 10 203 Communication relative to unexpended balance appropriated to pay freight on articles sent to Hamburgh exhibition......................... S 4 54 Annual report of..............................A 6 203 Annual report of .............................A 7 199 Communication from, relative to Rinderpest. S 2 79 Annual report of........................ .....A 17 243 Report relative to abortion in cotvs..........A 4 68 Annual report of..............................A 15 163 Annual report of.............................. S 8 89 Annual report of..............................A 12 211 Annual report of..............................A 8 103 Annual report of.............................. Annual report of.............................. Transactions of...............................A 10 131 Annual report of..............................A 8 105 Annual report of..............................A 8 136 Annual report of..............................A 9 141 For County Agricultural Societies, see the respective counties. AGRICULTURAL STATE CONVENTION. Resolution of, recommending the establishment of agricultural societies..................... S 1 26 Resolution of, for aid in the cause of agriculture... A 3 167 AGRICULTURAL STATE INSTITUTION. Bill to incorporate...........................A 4 312 AINSWORTH, HON. SEYMOUR. Report of comînittee on charges of Hon. Thos. C. Fields against ............................ A 7 141 ALABAMA, STATE OF. Resolution of the Législature of, in relation to the tarif! laws and the doctrine of nullification.A 4 27417 ÀLÀBAMA, STATE OF — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Correspondence between the Governor of, and the Governor of New York, in relation to the demand for the surrender of R. G. Williams, a fugitive from justice.................................. S 1 1 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, in relation to the abolitionists.................................A 3 209 1838 Resolution of the Législature of, for the annexation of Texas to the United States.................A 5 218 1841 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to protec- tion of American industry..............................A 3 57 1841 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the controversy between Georgia and Maine.........A 4 125 1841 Communication from the Secretary of State of, rela- tive to an exchange of suprême court decisions with the several States.......................A 4 138 1842 Resolutions of General Assembly of, relative to public lands..................................A 2 43 1842 Resolutions of General Assembly of, relative to public lands.................................... S 1 19 1842 Resolutions of General Assembly of, relative to the admission of Texas into the Union.............A 2 48 1843 Joint resolution of Législature of............... S 3 88 1852 Resolutions of General Assembly of, relative to the admission of Texas into the Union............. S 2 25 1856 Resolutions of ..................................A 4 117 1861 Resolutions from................................. S 1 20 ALABAMA, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for a new town from part of the.. A 2 57 1846 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of citizens c f..................... ............A 4 136 1847 Report on the pétition of inhabitants of.........A 2 59 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of inhabitants of................................A 2 26 ALBANY AND SCHENECTADY TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1831 Report on pétition of, to amend the act of the last session relative to...........................A 2 132 1832 Report on pétition of, to allow the Mohawk and Hudson railroad to construct a branch road, etc., Al 36 1833 Report on pétition to increase the capital stock and to increase the rates of toll....~............ S 2 69 1852 Report on application of, to abandon part of their road .........................................A 5 110 ALBANY BASIN. 1866 Communication from Canal Board relative to........ S 2 56 1869 Communication from Auditor Canal Department relative to ..................................A 2 32 1869 Communication from Auditor Canal Department relative to................................... S 3 19 318 ALBANY BASIN — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1869 Communication from Auditor Canal Department relative to................................. B 6 70 1869 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to. ......A 2 28 ALBANY BOAED OF TEADE. 1871 Communication from, relative to canals........ S 4 68 ALBANY AND GEEENBUSH BEIDGE COMPANY. 1875 Eeport of committee on commerce and navigation in relation to the investigation of.......... S 10 130 ALBANY, CITY OF. 1861 Eeport of select committee on bill relative to.A 4 114 1851 Eeport of minority committee relative to bill con- cerning .................................. A 4 114 1865 Message from Governor vetoing bill in relation to repairs of certain streets in................ S 3 97 Arbor Hill in: 1830 Eeport on pétition for a grant of land on, for religious and benevolent purposes............ A 4 352 Arsenal : 1858 Eeport of commissioners in relation to......... S 3 122 Albany Eepublican Artillery: 1834 Eeport of the select committee on the pétition of the same for leave to erect a monument in the Capitol Park to the memory of the late Colonel John Mills.......................................A 5 145 Auotions : 1832 Eeport on pétition to restrain the sale of books at daylight....................................... A 1 39 Basin and Pier: 1830 Eeport on pétition relative to an opening in the north end of the pier ,..........................A 2 83 1831 Eeport on pétition to construct a bridge across the opening in...................................... A 2 94 1835 Eeport relative to the improvement of the naviga- tion of the basin........................................ S 2 71 1835 Eeport of the canal commissioners on the same ... S 2 76 1836 Eeport on the pétition for an opening in the pier between Columbia and State streets ..............S 2 75 1837 Eeport on pétition of the common council to amend the law relative to the navigation of............A 3 281 1838 Eeport relative to widening the pier............... S 2 50 1840 Eeport on pétition of the common council to amend the law relative to the navigation of.............A 4 150 1843 Eeport of the select committee on the basin.........A 5 17719 ALBANY, CITY OF — Continued. D0C y0i# No> 1844 Report of the committee on the judiciary on the memorial of the corporation of, praying for relief in relation to the basin assessment...........A 7 192 1845 Report of canal board relative to basin.......... S 2 83 1845 Report of canal board on pétition of G. W. Stanton and others, relative to excavating............ S 4 83 1846 Report of committee on finance relative to basin. .. S 4 116 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of mayor, etc., relative to basin.......................A 3 66 1848 Report of proprietors of pier....................A 5 142 1848 Report on law....................................A 5 145 1849 Report of select committee on the excavations in. .. S 1 7 1849 Communication from comptroller in relation to removing wrecks in basin...................... S 1 18 Beef and Pork, Inspector of: 1830 Philo Booth, annual report of....................A 2 160 Beer: 1835 Report of select committee in relation to the manufacture of................................ S 2 88 Bridge over the Hudson River at: 1835 Report on pétition for ..........................A 4 363 1841 Majority report on pétition for........A 6 200 1841 Minority report on pétition for........A 6 253 1845 Memorial of corporation of Troy concerning the... A 3 72 1845 Report of the majority of committee on roads and bridges against...............................A 6 198 1845 Report of the minority of committee on roads and bridges in favor of...........................A 6 199 1848 Report of committee on roads and bridges on bill to............................................A 5 149 1852 Report on................ .......................A 5 114 1856 Testimony relative to............................A 5 196 1856 Testimony relative to............................ A 5 206 1856 Report relative to............................... S 2 56 1857 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to............................................A 3 203 1857 Testimony relative to.............. .............A 3 203 Bridge over Water Street in: 1846 Report of committee on canals relative to........ A 4 128 Capitol, see Capitol. Charter Elections, Inspectors of: 1831 Report concerning................................A 2 116 * Charter of : 1834 Report of Attorney-General on bill to amend the. . . A 2 12320 1834 1838 1838 1830 1837 1839 1839 1830 1831 1832 1840 1843 1837 1830 1830 1838 1862 1831 1832 ALBANY, CITY OF —Continued. Charter Officers: Doc. Vol. No. Remonstrance against altering the time of élection.. A 4 357 Report on pétition to change the time for the élection of..................................... A 6 305 Clergy of: Communication from, accepting the invitation to open the morning sessions with prayer............ S 1 6 Common Council: Report on pétition of, o i various subjects.........A 3 221 Report on pétition of, to borrow money to aid in the construction of the Albany and West Stock- bridge railroad.... ..............................A 3 256 Report on pétition of, to borrow money to aid in the construction of the Albany and West Stockbridge railroad .........................................A 3 155 Report on pétition of, to borrow money to aid in the construction of the Albany and West Stockbridge railroad........i................ ............... A 4 189 Common Schools in: Moneys, report on pétition to amend the law appor- tioning, etc.................................... S 4 323 District No. 6, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a school-house in...................A 2 17 District No. 2......................................A 4 300 Report on pétition to separate the male and female departments in the...............................A 6 244 Convict Labor: Resolutions on the subject of, adopted at a meeting of the mechanics in..............................A 5 156 County Poor: Report on pétition to continue an act relative to support of the..... ........................... A 3 191 Court of Oyer and Terminer: Report on pétition of William Campbell, for pay for services as crier of the...................... A 4 365 Criminal Court: Report recommending the organization of a.........A 3 221 District Attorney of: Report relative to the salary of. ... ............A 3 68 Report of, certain testimony taken before grand jury............................................ A 2 24 Domestic Distilled Sfirits, Inspectors of: Stephen W. Johnson, annual report of..............A 2 155 do do do ............A 2 1451834 1834 1836 1839 1840 1845 1837 1833 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1843 1844 1845 1846 1883 1832 1833 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 21 ALBANY, CITY OF—Continued. Domestic Distilled Spirits, Inspectors of — Con- tinued: Doc. Vol. No. James Buckbee, annual report of..............A 3 245 do do ..A 4 346 do do A 3 190 do do A 4 220 do do A 5 189 Elective Franchise: Report of committee on privilèges and élections on the pétition of citizens of, for the passage of a law requiring a résidence of twenty days in a ward to entitle a person to exercise the................. S 4 132 Exchange Company: Report on pétition to incorporate the............A 1 43 Firemen: Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the.. A 2 74 Flour, Inspectors of: Jasper S. Keeler, annual report of.............. S 1 64 do do ................ A 2 162 do do .................. A 2 89 do do ................A 4 290 Erastus Miller, annual report of................A 3 140 do do ................A 3 203 do do ................A 3 191 do do ................A 2 145 do do ................A 3 156 do do ................A 4 219 do do ................A 8 358 Annual report of................................A 5 187 do ...............................A 7 173 do ...............................A 3 49 do ...............................A 6 220 Gas-light Company: Report on pétition to incorporate...............A 2 58 Green Hides and Seins, Inspector of: A. Comstock, annual report of................... S 1 18 do do ................... S 2 66 do do ... ...............A 5 398 do do ...................A 4 316 Harbor Master: Report on pétition for the appointment of a.....A 4 292 Barnum Whipple, annual report of................ S 1 20 do do ................ SI 25 do do ................A 4 133 Seleck Whitney, annual report of................A 4 12622 AL B AN Y, CITY OF — Continue d. Harbor Master — Continned: Doc. Yol. No. 1843 Annual report of.................................. A 5 186 1847 do A 1 38 1848 Report of..........................................A 5 184 1849 Report of......................................... A 5 231 1850 Annual report of...................................A 8 187 1857 do A 3 207 1858 do A 4 150 1886 Report of......................................... A 4 64 Hops, Inspector of: 1830 John C. Donnelly, annual report of..............A 2 191 1831 do do ................A 2 161 1845 Report of..........................*...............A 4 145 Horse Racing and Trotting: 1845 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, on bill to prevent, on Albany and Troy road, etc............................................... S 3 88 Hospital : 1853 Annual report of governors.........................A 3 71 Institute, see Academies, etc. Interest, Rate of: 1833 Remonstrance of citizens of, against the bill to return the..................................... S 2 67* Jail and Work House: 1834 Report on bill in relation to .................. A 1 35 1839 Report on pétition of the supervisors to repeal part of the law relative to.........................A 6 362 Jurors : 1836 Report on pétition to compensate them..............A 3 202 Justice of the Peace for the Fifth Ward: 1836 Report on pétition of the grand iury to abolish the office..........................................A 4 316 1837 Report on pétition to extend the powers of the .... A 3 248 1838 do do .... A 6 338 1839 do do -----A 5 306 Leather, Inspectors of: 1831 George Charles, annual report of..................A 2 176 1832 do do A 2 165 1833 do do A 2 45 1834 do do A 3 151 1834 do do A 4 335 1835 do do A 2 73 1836 do do ................ SI 43 1837 do do A 2 6723 ALBANY, CITY OF— Continued. Lbtther, Inspectors of — Continued : Doa y0i. 1838 George Charles, annual report of...................A 3 128 1839 do do ..............A 4 194 1840 do do ..............A 4 152 1832 A. Russell, do A 2 107 1833 do do .............. S 2 51 1834 B. Yan Benthuysen, do A 3 154 1835 do do ..............A 3 179 1836 do do ..............A 3 159 1837 do do ..............A 2 65 1838 do do .............. S 2 37 1839 do do .............. SI 43 1840 do do .............. S 2 43 Lumber, Inspectors of: 1830 Report on pétition for an additional one...........A 3 212 1834 Report on pétition to increase the number of.......A 4 262 1837 S. Y. R. Ableman, annual report of.................A 2 91 1839 John Burlison, do ..............A 3 143 1840 do do A3 79 1832 B. C. Capron, do ..............A. 2 141 1833 do do .............. Al 15 1834 do do ..............A 2 89 1835 do do ..............A 4 259 1835 do do Al 50 1836 do do .............. SI 39 1837 do do .............. SI 42 1838 do do .............. S 2 55 1839 do do .............. S 2 52 1837 Daniel P. Clark, do ..............A 2 59 1838 do do ..............A 4 189 1839 do do ..............A 2 54 1840 do do ..............Al 9 1830 A. H. De Witt, do ..............A 2 141 1831 do do ..............A 2 184 1832 do do ..............A 3 225 1835 Asa Fassett, do ..............A 1 44 1836 do do ..............A 3 150 1837 do do ..............A 2 138 1838 do do ..............A 3 154 1838 William B. Gourlay, do .............. S 2 54 1839 do do .............. S 2 51 1840 do do .............. SI 7 1830 Issac P. Hand, do ..............A 2 139 1831 do do ... ..........A 2 124 1832 do do .............. A 2 85 1833 do do ..............A 2 93 1834 do do ..............A 3 133 1835 do do ..............Al 30 1836 do do ..............A 2 95 1838 do do .............. SI 3324 ALBANY, CITY OF — Continued. Lümber, Inspectors of — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Isaac P. Hand, annual report of.............. ... S 2 34 1837 Lawrence Hallenbake, do ..............A 3 162 1838 do do .............. SI 28 1839 do do ..............A 5 311 1840 do do A 8 359 1832 H. M. Hopkins, do .............. S 1 14 1834 do do A 2 192 1834 do do A 4 344 1835 do do .............. SI 42 1837 Erastus Hunt, do ..............A 3 237 1835 Peter Lansing, do A 3 196 1836 do do A 3 170 1834 Garrit Lansing, Jr., do A 4 258 1834 do do A 4 361 1830 William P. Lansing, do ..............A 2 150 1831 do do ..............Al 42 1832 do do ..............Al 50 1833 do do A 2 96 1834 do do A 3 232 1834 do do A 4 322 1835 do do ..............Al 53 1836 do do A 2 46 1837 do do A 2 153 1839 John T. Maher, do A 4 179 1840 do do A 5 176 1830 Henry Salisbury, do A 2 140 1831 do do A 2 185 1832 do do A 2 112 1833 do do A 2 94 1834 do do SI 45 1835 do do SI 52 1836 do do SI 9 1837 do do ......... S 1 41 1838 do do ......... S 2 46 1839 do do .............. S 2 46 1840 do do .............. S 3 84 1837 Nelson Salisbury, do A 2 64 1838 do do .'..‘.‘..‘SI 31 1839 do do ..............S 2 48 1840 Peter G. Sharp, do ..............A 5 162 1830 Hosea Spencer, do ..............A 2 149 3838 Daniel W. Tallcott, do S 1 27 1839 do do .............. SI 26 1840 do do ..............A 5 193 1834 George K. Yanderlip, do A 3 152 1835 do do Al 29 1836 do do .............. A 2 93 1837 do do ..............A 2 96 1838 do do .............. S 2 41 1839 do do .............. S 2 4725 ALBANY, CITY OF — Continued. Mayor’s Court: D0C. y0i. No. 1839 Report on pétition to change the time for holding the..............................................A 5 294 Mechanics : 1843 Resolutions on the subject of convict labor adopted at a meeting of................................. A 5 156 Medical College, see Medical Colleges. Orphan Asylum: 1832 Report on pétition for aid to.............. ... A 2 121 1847 Majority report on bill relative to................A 7 217 1847 Minority report on bill relative to................A 8 259 Penitentiary : 1853 Report of committee on State prisons relative to the..............................................A 2 52 1843 Report of minority of committee on State prisons, in relation to the...............................A 2 52 Poor-house : 1835 Report on pétition of supervisors to raise money to build............................................A 2 93 Poor, Support of: 1832 Report on pétition of the common council to make the city a separate district for the............ S 1 38 Pot and Pearl Ashes: 1830 B. Yan Benthuisen, annual report of................A 2 85 1831 do do A 2 74 1832 do do A 2 108 1833 do do A 2 78 1831 Jason Rudes, do A 2 74 1833 do do A 2 78 1834 do do A 3 149 1834 do do A 4 340 1835 do do A 2 84 1836 do do A 3 158 1837 do do A 2 122 1838 do do S 1 128 Race-course and Horse Fair: 1833 Report on pétition for a...........................A 2 75 Ship Canal, from, to Lake Ontario, see Ship Canal. Ship Canal, from, to New Baltimore: 1833 Pétition of E. C. Genet and others for a.......... S 1 24 1833 Report of committee on canals on pétition for.... S 2 80 41836 1843 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1839 1840 1830 1831 1835 1837 1842 1838 1846 1830 1831 1831 26 ALBANY, CITY OF — Continued. SlDEWALKS AND STREETS : poc# y0l. N0. Report on pétition of the common council for power to cause an assessment of the expense of cleaning to be made, and that it be a lien upon the lots assessed.........................................A 4 245 State Hall, see State Hall: State Prison Labor: Resolutions adopted at a meeting of mechanics and citizens of, on the subject of....................A 5 156 Staves and Heading: Inspector-general J. Radcliff, report of..........A 2 133 do do ...................Al 57 do do ............A 2 66 do do ............A 2 72 do do ............A 3 171 do do ............A 4 275 do do ............A 4 282 do do ............A3 213 Culler-general J. Radcliff, report of............. A 6 334 Culler-general J. N. Bâtes, report of.............A 8 355 Taxes in: Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of............................................ A 3 262 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of.............................................A 3 217 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of.............................................A 3 220 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of.............................................A 3 208 Title to Certain Lands: Report of the judiciary committee on the pétition relative to......................................A 7 177,181 Van Rensselaer Guards in: Report on pétition for certain privilèges and exemptions........................................A 2 42 Wàter Street: Report of committee on canals respecting a bridge over............................................A 4 128 Water-Works Company: Report on pétition to incorporate a.............. S 3 202 Report on pétition to incorporate a...............A 3 195 Remonstrance of the “Albany Water-works Com- pany,” against incorporating a second one........A 3 21827 ALBANY, CITY OF — Continued. Wharfage: Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Beport of committee on........................... S 3 91 Young Mens Association: 1835 Report on bill to incorporate.....................A 2 80 ALBANY COUNTY. 1865 Report of committee on privilèges and élections in relation to contested seat in....................A 7 132 1865 Report of minority of committee on same.............A 9 186 District Attorney of: 1838 Report relative to the salary of ...................A 3 68 Inspector’s Reports, see Albany City. Jail and Work Hoüse: 1834 Report on bill concerning........................ A 1 35 1839 Report on pétition of snpervisors to repeal part of the law relative to the..........................A 6 362 Lands : 1842 Majority report relative to titles to certain, in Scho- harie and....................................... A 7 81 1842 Minority report on same subject.....................A 7 177 Manor of Rensselaerwyck : 1835 Report on a résolution to inquire whether ground rents, quarter sales, etc., are subject to taxation. . S 2 83 1840 Report of Comptroller relative to paying the militia called out to assist the sheriff, etc........... S 3 67 1840 Report on bill for the payment of the militia.....A 5 175 1840 Landlord and tenant, report of the *commissioners appointed to efïect a settlement of the dis- putes between............................................ A 7 261 1844 Report on the pétition of sundry residents of, praying for certain modifications of the law respecting the rights of, etc.............................A 7 183 1844 Report of select committee on above pétition.. A 7 189 1840 Manor difficultés, Governor’s message respecting the......................................... S 3 70 1840 Report in relation to the .................... A 6 271 1845 Report of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to.............A 6 222 1846 Report of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to.............A 5 156 1850 Manorial lands, report of committee on............. S 3 96 1850 Report of select committee on..................A 3 24 1851 Report of Attorney-General on the siibject of.. S 2 27 1852 Report on pétition of tenants upon, for relief.. A 5 92 1853 Report of Attorney-General respecting titles to, A3 5928 ALBANY COUNTY —Continued. Man or of Bensselaerwyck — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Manorial suite, report of Attorney-General relative to.............................................. SI 26 1850 Manorial tenants, report of select committee on pétition of................ .............A 5 80 1850 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 5 92 1850 Manorial titles, resolutions relative to ....... S 3 84 1851 Report on bill to stay proceedings.......... S 1 9 1851 Attorney-General’s report................... S 2 27 1853 Report of Attorney-General in answer to a resolution relative to...................A 3 59 See Landlord and Tenant; Rent, etc. Poor: 1837 Report on pétition to continue an act relative to the support of...................................A 3 191 Poor-house: 1832 Report on pétition to raise money to build......A 2 93 1831 Report on pétition of the supervisors for a law authorizing the supervisors, justices of the peace and town clerk, to audit the account of ail charges payable by their respective towns.....................A 1 30 Sheriff of: 1840 Report relative to paying the militia called out to assist the................................... S 3 67 ALBANY TO OWEGO. 1835 Report on pétition for a macadam road from......A 5 387 ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. 1858 Report of majority of committee on railroads on pétition to extend time for completing, and authorizing subscriptions to capital stock............ S 2 87 1858 Report of minority of same on same.............. S 2 88 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General.....................A 3 144 1860 Report of select committee on pétition for aid to... S 1 18 1861 Report on pétitions for aid to.................. S 1 17 1861 Opinion of Attorney» General....................A 5 101 1862 Report on pétitions for aid to.................. S 1 20 1862 Report of minority of committee on railroads, an act to facilitate construction of............A 6 147 1863 Report of select committee on pétitions for aid to.. SI 15 ALBERTY, J. AND J. W. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 99 ALBERTZ, JOHN W. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 7 16029 ALBRIGHT, HARRISON. Doc.Voi. No. 1855 Report of committee on daims relative to........A 1 17 1855 Report of Attorney-General relative to claim of.... A 5 124 1856 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief. . . ................................ A 3 80 1861 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 98 1862 do do do .....A 4 63 1864 do do do ...........A 2 39 ALEXANDER, HENRY P., AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on canals, on bill for relief of.. A 2 63 ALEXANDER, SAMUEL, AND H. DICKINSON. 1843 Report of commissioners of land office on pétition of S 3 106 ALEXANDRIA, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1842 Proceedings of municipal cou ncil of, in favor of rétrocession of, to Virginia.................A 4 53 ALEXANDRIA, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to extend the time for collection of taxes in................................ A 3 90 1830 Report on pétition to divide the...............A 8 356 ALFORD, WILLIAM. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 6 104 ALFRED, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for the division of the.....A 3 266 ALIEN AND SEDITION LAWS. 1833 Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky of 1798, and Mr. Madison’s report on the Virginia resolution of 1799, etc................................... S 2 41 ALIEN PASSENGERS. 1845 Report on the memorial from New York relative to, A 6 216 1850 Communication in regard to.....................A 5 99 ALIENS: 1833 Report on bill concerning.... ................A 4 326 1848 Report on bill to allow, to hold real estate .A 5 168 1854 Report of majority and minority of committee on, on pétition of John O’Brien.............. , . A 1 39 1854 Report of majority and minority of committee on, on pétition of John O’Brien .................A 2 44 1854 Report on pétition of James Hay...............A 3 93 1857 Committee on pétitions of, report of, favorable on pétition of Hanna S. Carter for escheated lands. . A 2 83 1857 Committee on pétitions of, report of, favorable on pétition of heirs of Horatio A. Gj iffin, for escheated lands................. .............................A 3 14630 ALIENS — Continuée!. x>oc. y0i. No. 1857 Committee on pétitions of, report of, favorable on pétition of James Robb for power to hold land. .. A 2 84 1857 Committee on pétitions of, report of, favorable on pétition of Agnes C. Turner for esclieated lands.. A 2 62 ALIENS, RESIDENT. 1838 Report on bill to enable them to hold real estate. .. A 3 129 1862 Report of committee on pétitions of, in relation to holding real estate..........,................A 4 68 ALLEGANY, COUNTY OF. 1831 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Genesee and..................................A 2 105 1831 Report on pétition to change the name of......A 2 128 1831 Report on pétition to reduce the élections in, to one day...........................................A 4 359 1831 Report on pétition to raise money to build a bridge across Genesee river.........................A 4 285 1833 Report on pétition to authorize the board of super- visors of, to raise money to build a bridge across Genesee river, in the town of Hume.........A 4 256 1837 Pétition of inhabitants of, for an investigation into the malpractices of banks, and remonstrating against the chartering any bank to be located in said county .................................. A 2 130 1837 Pétition of inhabitants of, for an extension of the banking System, etc...........................A 3 195 1837 Pétition of inhabitants of, for a bank at Cuba..A 3 200 1839 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Genesee and..................................A 6 393 1840 Report on pétition for an investigation of the title of the trustées of the Pulteney estate to certain lands in A 6 232 1840 Report of Attorney-General on the same..........A 8 342 1849 Report for new county from parts of Steuben and. . A 3 136 1855 Report of select committee in relation to division of. . A 5 141 1857 Report favorable on pétition for a new county from parts of Steuben and... ......................A 3 157 1858 Report of select committee on removal of county seat of. .................................. ... A 1 29 1858 Report of committee on removal of county seat.... S 2 75 1859 Report of treasurer of...........................A 3 120 1859 Report on removal of county seat of............ A 3 150 Dodge’s Creek: 1831 Report as to declaring it a public highway......A 4 326 Jail in: 1831 Report on pétition to extend the jail limits in.A 3 221 1840 Report on pétition to raise money to build..... S 4 128 1840 Report on pétition to compel the supervisors to raise money to build.........................A 8 332 1848 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for.......A 3 10831 ALLEGANY, COUNTY OF —Continued. Poor-house: Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Report on pétition of Jno. Lloyd for the appoint- ment of commissioners to settle his accounts for building the.........................................A 3 241 ALLEGANY RESERVATION. 1846 Message of Governor relative to Indians on... S 2 57 1859 Report of commissioners in relation to bridge over the Allegany river.......................... A 3 108 1864 Report of committee in relation to unpaid taxes on.. S 3 30 ALLEGANY RIVER. 1832 Report on pétition for a ferry across the......A 2 151 1834 Resolution relative to the improvement of the navi- gation of, from Pittsburgh, Pa., to Olean........... S 1 49 1836 Communication from B. Chamberlain in relation to the navigation of........................... S 2 76 1838 Report relative to the continuation of the Erie canal to the.................................A 5 243 1858 Report relative to a bridge across.............A 3 75 ALLEN, AUGUSTUS. 1858 Report on pétition for relief of...............A 3 59 ALLEN, DOTY AND OTHERS. 1831 Report on pétition for the pre-emptive right to certain lands................................A 3 230 1832 Report of select committee on the same. .......A 3 195 1832 Report of surveyor-general on the same.........A 32 23 1833 Report of surveyor-general on the same.........A 465 ALLEN AND HECOX. 1831 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Oswego canal.................... S 1 42 1841 Report of committee on canals on the same..... S 1 57 ALLEN, HIRAM. 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 73 1855 Report of commissioners on daims on pétition of .. A 2 34 ALLEN, HORACE. 1861 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 27 ALLEN, ISA AC, AND OTHERS. 1832 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the Erie canal............... A 2 119 1833 Report of the committee on daims on the same.... A 4 261 1834 do do do .... A 2 67 ALLEN, LEWIS F., AND OTHERS. 1841 iïee City bank of Buffalo......................A 7 29032 ALLEN, NECHO. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition relative to a ferry across Lake Champlain.... A 3 220 ALMOND, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for a new town from part of.... A 3 266 1840 Report on pétition to annex part of, to the town of Burns.................................. A 8 316 ALVORD, HARVEY, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on daims on bill from the Assembly for the relief of.. :.......... S 3 98 AMENDMENTS OF THE CONSTITUTION, see Constitution. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. 1845 Report of the minority of the committee on char- itable and religious societies on the pétitions for incorporating... ........................A 3 39 1845 Report of a majority of committee on same. .A 3 38 AMERICAN ART UNION, see New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE, see New York. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY, see Col- onization Society, American. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATIS- TICAL SOCIETY, see New York. AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, see Geo- logical Society, American. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. 1853 Message of the Governor in relation to a convention at Philadelphia, respecting the érection of a monument in Independence Square.........A4 89 1853 Report of select committee on reference of Gover- nor’s message, relative to a memorial, commémo- rative of......................................A 4 102 AMERICAN INSTITUTE, see New York. AMERICAN PRISONERS. 1859 In relation to tomb and monument for, who died at Wallabout bay.............................A 2 80 AMERICAN SE AMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY, see New York. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. 1847 Report of officers and directors of, relative to certain operations................................A 2 7533 AMES, SAMPSON C. Doc.Voi. No. 1865 Report on claim of...........................A 4 94 AMHERST AND CLARENCE, TOWNS OF. 1831 Report concerning the burying-grounds in the.A 4 291 AMPHLETT, JOHN, AND ISAAC J. FORBES. 1837 Report on pétition to confirm their title to certain land.......................................A 4 319 AMSDEN, AMORY, see Canals. AMSDEN, MANLEY, AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the Troy dam............ S 2 40 AMSDEN HYDROSTATIC SCALE, sec Canals. AMSTERDAM AND PORT JACKSON VILLAGES. 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition for relief of....................................... S 1 23 AMSTERDAM BRIDGE COMPANY. 1830 Statement of the affairs of the........................ S 1 25 1859 Report of majority of committee on free bridge at. . A 3 138 1859 Report of minority of committee on same.................A 3 137 AMSTERDAM, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in...............................A 3 67 ANATOMY, STUDY OF. 1832 Report on pétition for legal provision for supplying medical schools with subjects for the.........A 3 246 1838 Report on pétition of citizens of Troy relative to. .. A 6 301 ANDERSON, HOLBROOK. 1835 Report on pétition of, for a law authorizing John Johnson, an Indian, to convey to him certain land............................................A 2 75 ANDREWS, JAMES M., see Chancery, clerk in. ANDREWS, MARCUS. 1830 A sub-contractor on the Erie canal, report on péti- tion for relief.................................A 4 355 ANGELICA, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for a new town from parts of . . . A 3 266 ANGUS, CHARLOTTE. 1865 Report on claim of, and Elizabeth Simmons.......A 7 115 ANTHONY AND FIERO. 1850 Report on claim.................................A 3 33 534 ANTHONY, MICHAEL. Doc.Voi. No 1830 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages done by the army of the United States upon a farm......................................A 2 89 1832 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages done by the army of the United States upon a farm...........................................A 2 89 1841 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages done by the army of the United States upon a farm ..............................................A 1 ANTHONY, PETER W., AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition for k. relief of......................................A 3 ANTIETAM NATIONAL CEMETERY. 1867 Report of commissioners appointed to visit.......A 3 1868 Report of John Jay, spécial commissioner. .. S 7 ^ ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL COLLEC- TIONS; see Natural History; Regents of the University. ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 1839 Circular from..........................A 3 118 ANTI-RENT, see Albany, city of; Landlord and Tenant. APPEALS, COURT OF, see Court of Appeals. APPORTIONMENT. 1842 [Ex. Sess.J Act of Congress for the apportionment of représentatives, etc............................A 7 195 1842 [Ex. Sess.] Resolutions protesting against action of Congress on the subject of apportioning repré- sentatives, etc.............................................A 7 196 1846 Report of attorney-general on........................A 4 122 1846 Report of minority of committee ou.........A 6 203 1847 Report on bill to district State.................... S 3 106 1856 Communication from attorney-general relative to ratio of représentations in county divisions..... S 2 68 1857 Answer of the attorney*general to resolution relative to districting the State...........................A 1 9 1857 Report of minority of select committee in relation to districting the State.......................... S 3 98 1858 Law of 1857, opinion of attorney-general relative to............................................... A 1 21 1858 Of members of assembly, report Qf majoritv on bill to amend Laws of 1857, relative to.................A 4 93 1858 Of members of assembly, report of a minority (Mr. Barnes) on bill to amend Laws of 1857 relative to. A 4 105 1858 Of members of assembly, report of minority (Mr. Fullerton) on same.................................A 4 106 1876 Report of committee on...............................A 7 12735 1832 ’:>2 j 842 1861 1862 1857 1840 1838 1838 1838 1849 1859 1840 1833 1851 1833 1834 APPEAISEES OF CANAL DAMAGES, see Canal Appraisers. APPEENTICES. Doc. Yol. No. Eeport on ameliorating the condition of....A 4 308 AQUEDUCT, CEOTON, see New York. AECADE UNDEEGEOUND EAILEOAD, see Eailroad. ÀECULAEIUS, HENEY, see Commissary-General. AEKANSAS, STATE OF. Eesolution of the législature relative to the public lands in............................. A 6 365 AELINGTON, TOWN OF. Eeport on pétition to change the name of the. S 1 43 AEMS AND MILITAEY STOEES. Message of Governor relative to....... S 2 27 AEMSTEONG, F. B. Eeport on claim of.......................A 5 100 Eeport on claim of, and William Beck ....A 4 53 AEMSTEONG, JAB1N. Eeport of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages by diversion of water from mill. .Al 24 AENOTT, JOHN, AND LYMAN COVELL. Eeport on pétition for compensation for the loss of their boat on the Erie canal............... S 1 15 AESENALS, STATE. Governor’s message concerning the breaking open of the, at Watertown, Elizabethtown and Batavia, A 5 217 Eeport on same............................ .... A 5 241 Eeport of Commissary-General relative to the arms taken from the............................... A 6 308 Eeport of Commissary-General respecting..........A 5 238 Eeport of commissioners for locating.............A 1 24 Buffalo : Eeport on pétition for an ..................... A 6 251 Canandaigua : Eeport on pétition for the sale of the...........A 4 328 Maloxe : Eeport of committee on sale of lot at........... S 1 14 New York: Eeport on pétition for an appropriation for certain improvements to the...........................A 2 64 Eemoval of, and the érection of a new one, report of Mr. Euggles on the subject.................A 4 38936 1835 1840 1841 1831 1833 1845 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 1856 1841 1832 1831 1835 1874 1874 1845 1830 ARSENALS, STATE—Continued. New York—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Removal of, and the érection of a new one, report of Mr. Judd on the subject......................A Erection of a new one, report of Mr. Overbagh relative to the.................................. A Erection of a new one, report of Commissary-General. relative to the.................................. A Report on pétition for a release of a part of the lot to the lying-in hospital..........................A Report on pétition for a release of a part of the lot to the corporation, etc...........................A Resolutions relative to new..........................A Report of commissioners of land office as to cost of completing ..................................... S Communication from Attorney-General respecting sale to corporation of the city of New York of the site of...........................................A Communication from Attorney-General in answer to resolution of Assembly respecting sale of site of, to the corporation of New York....................A Report of committee to superin tend érection of. ... A Report of select committee of New York délégation against bill relative to........................ A Sale of..............................................A 4 372 4 148 2 18 3 275 4 { 248 4 | 275 3 62 2 54 3 143 5 211 1 29 3 137 5 194 Pékin: Report on pétition for the location of an....A 6 196 ARTILLERY. Fourth Brigade: Report on pétition for a change in one of the com- panies of said brigade...........................A 3 320 Ninth Brigade: Report on pétition to reduce the number of parades, A 2 182 First Régiment of Horse: Report on pétition for certain exemptions.....A 2 112 ARGUS COMPANY. Communication from, in answer to resolution of the Senate................................... S 3 37 Correspondence between, and State Board of Charities .............................. S 4 95 ASHES, POT AND PEARL. Report of committee on manufacture adverse to the bill concerning inspectors of, etc........ S 2 69 ASHFORD, TOWN OF. Report concerning town officers of the....... A 4 41137 1862 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1837 , 1839 1840 1835 1838 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 ASHLEY. Doc. Vol. No. Eeport on pétition of, and others............A 4 67 ASIATIC CHOLERA, Choiera. ASSEMBLY. Confidential journal of proeeedings of, in relation to the application for the Tompkins County Bank.. A 3 143 Rules and orders of the............................A 1 7 do ..........................A 1 3 do ..........................A 1 10 do ............. ............A 1 17 Report of committee appointed to revise rules and orders .........................................A 1 11 Report of committee appointed to revise rules and orders .........................................A 3 156“ Report of committee appointed to revise rules and orders .........................................A 1 1 Rule 38th, report of the committee on the judiciary relative to amending............................A 1 62 Rule 23d, report on proposed amendments to.........A 6 336 Official list of members............................A 1 3 Rules and orders, report of select committee on.... A 1 6 Committees of....... ........................... A 1 8 Members, boarding-houses, etc......................A 1 9 General orders of...................................A 5 103 do ...............................A 7 170 Official list of members of.........................A 1 1 Standing committees of..............................A 1 5 General orders.............................. ......A 3 47 Official list of members of................. .... A 1 1 Standing committees of..............................A 1 8 Members and officers of............................ A 1 11 General orders......................................A 5 104 do .......................................A 6 144 Official list of members of ........................A 1 1 Rules and orders of.................................A 1 5 Standing committees of............................. A 1 13 List of officers and members of the House...........A 1 15 General orders of.................................. A 5 166 Statistics of..................................... A 6 205 General orders of.................................. A 6 223 Official list of members of.........................A 1 1 Rules and orders of.................................A 1 2 Standing committees of..............................A 1 11 List of members and officers of. . .................A 1 15 Report of Attorney-General as to the right of county judge to take testimony relative to con- tested seats in..................................A 2 30 Annual report of statistics of......................A 6 205 Official list of members of.........................A 1 1 Standing committees of..............................A 1 7 List of members and officers of, with résidence, etc., Al 838 ASSEMBLY — Continuée!. D0C. vol. No. 1847 General orders of, resolution relative to printing. .. A 4 101 1847 List of members and officers of, with statement of bills and business of.............................A 7 184 1848 Official list of members of.........................A 1 1 1848 Rules and orders of (1847).... ... ..............A 1 2 1848 Standing committees of..............................A 1 8 1848 Rules and orders of (1848) .........................A 1 0 1848 List of members and officers of .................. A 1 9 1848 58th rule of...................................... A 2 24 1848 General orders and business of......................A 5 135 1848 Statistics of ..................................... A 5 188 1848 Assault on member of, report as to..................A 6 213 1849 Official list of members of........................ A 1 1 1849 Rules and orders of last.. .........................A 1 3 1849 Rules and orders of présent.........................A 1 4 1849 Standing and select committees of................Al 9 1849 Members and officers of, etc........................A 1 11 1849 Members and officers of, with place of birth, etc ... A 3 126 1849 Report relative to select committees................A 8 261 1850 Official list of members, etc.................... 1 3 1850 Rules and orders of................................ A 1 12 1850 Committees, select..................................A 3 21 1850 Standing committees of..............................A 4 54 1850 do ........................A4 55 1850 Members and officers, with place of résidence, etc. A4 57 1850 General orders................................ . A 5 77 1850 do .......................................A 5 83 1850 Report of Attorney-General as to pay of committees during recess .............................. ... A 5 110 1851 List of members, etc.............................A 1 1 1851 Rules and orders of last.........................A 1 3 1851 Standing committees..............................A 1 5 1851 Rules and orders adopted.........................A 1 14 1851 General orders...................................A 3 81 1851 Standing committees..............................A 5 141 1851 Rules and orders, extra session................... A 5 142 1851 Members and officers of, etc..................... A 3 85 1852 List of members, etc.............................A 1 2 1852 Rules and orders of..............................A 1 12 1852 Standing committees of...........................A 1 5 1852 List of members and officers of, with résidences, etc............................................A 1 13 1852 Joint rules of, and Senate ......................A 2 36 1852 General orders of................................A 2 52 1852 List of bills in committee of the whole and unacted on March 20, 1852 ............................. A 3 95 1852 See report of Comptroller in answer to resolution of Assembly in relation to refunding to the clerk of, amount advanced for postage stamps, etc..........A 5 124 1852 List of members with places of birth, etc........ A 7 128 1853 Members of, with counties and districts..........A 1 21853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 39 ASSEMBLY — Continued. Doc Vol. No. Rules and orders of, as amended.....................A 1 7 List of officers of, with county represented, place of résidences, etc.................................A 1 9 Standing committees of............................A 1 11 Rules and orders as linally adopted January 12, 1853 ...........................................A 1 12 Joint rules of, and Senate, as amended by the Senate..........................................A 2 17 Members of, with officers, place of birtb, etc......A 2 41 Members of........................................ A. 1 1 Rules and orders of.................................A 1 2, 6 Standing committees of............................A 1 8 Members and officers of, résidences, etc............A 1 13 Calendar of bills ..................................A 2 68 do .......................................A 3 109 Statistics of, relative to..........................A 3 124 Rules and orders of, for 1855 .................... A 1 2, 6 Committees of.....................................A 1 9 Members and officers of, with boarding places. .. A 1 24 Calendar of business pending in.....................A 2 54 Members of, list of seventy-ninth session.........A 1 2 Rules of..........................................A 1 5 List of members...................................A 1 6 Report of select committee on rules of..............A 3 13 Report in relation to sick members..................A 4 179 Members and officers, statistics relating to ......A 5 ]90 Report of select committee on rules of..............A 1 6 Rules and orders of................................ A 1 7, 24 do A 1 25 Standing and select committees of the...............A 1 8,13 Members, officers and reporters of the..............A 1 11 Library of, report of librarian relative to copies of Revised Statutes in.............................. A 1 33 Joint rules of the Senate for 1857 .................A 1 34 Clerk of, report of, in reply to resolution relative to printing and distribution of documents............A 2 115 Members and officers of, statistical list of........A 3 192 List of committees................................ A 1 8 Rules and orders of, adopted February 5, 1858.... A 1 11 List of members of..................................A 1 14 Members of, opinion of Attorney-General as to rési- dence and élection of.............................. A 3 54 Report of majority on bill to amend Laws of 1857, relative to apportionment of members of...........A 4 93 Minority report (Mr. Barnes) on same..............A 4 105 Minority report (Mr. Fullerton) on same.............A 4 106 Members and officers of, statistical list of........A 4 142 List of members.....................................A 1 1 Committees of the ..................................A 1 8, 25 Members and officers of.............................A 1 27 Members and officers of, statistical list of......A 3 14540 ASSEMBLY — Continued. D0C. y0i. no. 1859 Rules and oïders of, for 1858 ...... ...........A 1 2 1859 Rules and orders of, for 1859 ..................A 1 13 1860 do do .................... A 1 4 1860 Rules and orders of, adopted January 6, 1860....A 1 8 1860 Rules and orders of, adopted January 9, 1860....A 1 9 1860 List of members of...............................A 1 1 1860 Committees of....................................A 1 10 1860 Members and officers, with boarding places....... A 2 46 1860 Members and officers of, statistical list of.....A 4 120 1861 List of members and officers of..................A 1 1, 15 1861 Committees of............................. ......A 1 7 {1 8 2 34 1861 Statistics of members, etc., of..................A 3 69 1862 List of members of...............................A 1 1 1862 List of members and officers of..................A 3 40 1862 Rules and orders of 1861.........................A 1 6 1862 Rules and orders of 1862 ... ....................A 3 35 1862 Statistics of members and officers of............A 6 129 1863 List of members of............................... A 1 1 {23 45 1863 Statistics of members, officers and reporters of.A 5 81 1863 Rules and orders of..............................A 1 7 1864 List of members of...............................Al 1 1864 Members, officers and reporters of...............A 1 7 1864 Statistics of members and officers of............A 6 116 1864 Rules and orders of..............................A 2 15 1865 List of members of...............................A 1 1 1865 Members, officers and reporters of............... A3 37 1865 Statistics of members, cfficers and reporters of.A 7 150 1865 Rules and orders of..............................A 3 48 1866 Apportionment, report minority select committee upon...........................................A 6 182 1866 Committees, standing of..........................A 1 j Jg 1866 List of members of...............................A 1 1 1866 Members, offiœrs and reporters of................A 3 44 1866 Rules and orders of, 1865....................... A 1 7 1866 Rules and orders of, 1866___;....................A 2 29 1866 do do ........................A 2 35 1866 Statistics of members, officers and reporters....A 7 161 1867 Committees, standing of..........................A 1 8, 10 1867 do do ..............................A 5 119 1867 List of members of................... ...........A 1 1 1867 Members, officers and reporters of...............A 1 16 1867 Rules and orders of, 1866........... ........... A 1 6 1867 Rules and orders of, 1867 ......................A 3 45 1867 Rules, report spécial committee on révision of...A 2 30 1867 Statistics of members, officers and reporters....A 6 101 1868 Committees, standing.............................A 2 1041 ASSEMBLY — Continuée!. doc Vo] Nq 1868 List of members..................................A 1 i 1868 Members, officers and reporters of...............A 3 30 1868 Rules and orders of, 1867..........................A 2 6 1868 Rules and orders of, 1868........................ A 2 14 1868 Statistics, members, officers and reporters......A 6 45 1869 Committees, standing.............................A 2 25 1869 List of members of...............................A 1 \ 1869 Members, officers and reporters of...............A 2 34 1869 Rules and orders, 1868........................... A 1 g 1869 Rules and orders, 1869.............................A 2 29 1869 Rules and orders, 1869, report of committee on---A 2 22 1869 Statistics, members, officers and reporters........A 4 40 1870 Committees, standing...............................A 2 19 1870 List of members of.................................A 1 1 1870 Members, officers and reporters....................A 3 47 1870 Rules and orders of, 1869..........................A 1 g 1870 Rules and orders of, 1870..........................A 3 77 1870 Statistics, members, officers and reporters...........A3 61 1871 Committees, standing of............................A 2 12 1871 List of members of.................................A 1 1 1871 Members, officers and reporters of.................A 3 22 1871 Rules and orders, 1870.............................A 2 8 1871 Rules and orders, 1871............................ A 3 20 1871 Statistics, members, officers and reporters........A 3 31 1872 List of committees of..............................A 1 13 1872 List of members of.................................A 1 1 1872 List of members and officers of....................A 3 54 1872 Report of spécial committee on rules of............A 2 32 1872 Rules and orders of................................A 1 8 1872 Joint rules of senate and assembly.................A 3 58 1872 Statistical liet of members and officers of........A 3 55 1873 List of members of.................................A 1 1 1873 Rules and orders of................................A 1 8 1873 Joint rules of senate and..........................A 1 9 1873 Standing committees of.............................A 2 14 1873 Rules, report of spécial committee on..............A 2 21 1873 List of members and officers of....................A 2 27 1873 Chamber, report of committee on ventilation......A 3 30 1873 Statistical list of members and officers of........A 4 40 1874 Members of ........................................A 1 1 1874 Rules and orders of................................A 1 5 1874 Standing committees of . ..........................A 2 12 1874 Statistical list of members and officers of........A 4 48 1874 List of members, officers and reporters of.........A 4 49 1875 Committees of......................................A 2 17 1875 List of members of.................................A 1 1 1875 List of members, officers and reporters of, with boarding places ................................A 4 43 1875 Rules and orders of, 1874..........................A 2 9 1875 Rules and orders of, as reported by the committee ..A4 42 1875 Rules and orders of, for 1875 .....................A 5 58 642 ASSEMBLY—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1875 And senate, joint rules of, for 1875 .............A 6 65 1875 And senate, joint rules for 1874 .................A 2 10 1875 Statistical list of members, officers and reporters of, A 5 47 1876 Committees of................................... A 5 44 1876 List of members, officers and reporters of, with boarding places..............................A 3 32 1876 Rules of report of committee on.................A 4 35 1876 Rules and orders of, as reported by tlie committee.. A 5 50 1876 Rules and orders of, for 1876.....................A 1 9 1877 List of members of..............................Al 1 1877 List of standing committees of the................A 3 21 1877 Of members, officers and reporters of the.......A 6 65 1877 Replies of insurance companies to résolution of the.. A 5 42 Joint Rules of, and Senate, see Législature. ASSEMBLY CHAMBER. 1832 Report relative to furnishing ît with curtains..A 3 274 1832 Report of Secretary of State relative to the archives of the.........".............................A 4 302 1834 Report on pétition of Jno. Torrey in relation to heat- ing and ventilating the......................A 1 388 1835 Report on the pétition of Jno. Torrey in relation to heating and ventilating the..................A 5 399 1843 Report of committee on public printing, on the report of select committee on the arrangement of the seats in the same........................A 2 27 1843 Report of a majority of select committee on the arrangement of seats in same.................A 3 55 1849 Report of select committee on cause of damp atmosphère within..............................A 2 44 1850 Report of committee on expiring laws relative to granting use of, to Gerrit Smith........... A 5 112 1860 Report of committee, heating and ventilating of.. .. A 2 31 1863 Report of majority of select committee appointed to confer with the Goveri or relative to protection of............................................ S 2 26 1863 Report of minority of same on same .............. S 2 33 ASSEMBLY DISTRICT COURTS. 1858 Report on bill to establish......\...... ....... A 4 110 ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS. 1849 Report of committee on judiciary, relative to setting off: portions of towns in one, to other towns in other districts............................... A 3 138 ASSESSMENT LAWS, see Taxes, etc. 1842 Report on the memorial of Peter A. Jay and others, of New York, relative to, and accompanying documents....................................:....... S 4 100 1850 Report on Governor’s message, relative to, and collection of taxes........................... S 1 1943 ASSESSMENT LAWS — Continued. Doc. Yoi. No. 1851 Report of committee............................ S 2 44 1858 Reports of railroad companies of the State relative to.......................................... S 2 68 1858 Report of Comptroller relative to............. S 2 95 1858 Opinion of Attorney-General on law of 1857......A 1 21 1862 Assessment law......................... ........ S 4 75 1863 Report of select committee on révision of...... S 2 30 1863 Act in relation to............................. S 5 127 1863 Report of joint select committee on révision of.A 1 15 ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. 1875 Report of the committee on ways and means of 1874, relative to............................A 8 112 1876 Concurrent resolution relative to...............A 6 105 ASSESSORS. 1838 Report on pétition for the élection of, for three years, etc...................................A 6 357 1839 Report on pétition for the élection of, for three years, etc...................................A 3 79 1840 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the duties and oath of...........................A 5 170 ASSESSORS, STATE. 1860 Annual report of.............. .................Al 11 1861 do A 2 65 1862 do A 4 68 1863 do S 2 40 1863 do A 2 40 1874 do S 2 23 1875 do S 1 20 1876 do S 2 28 1877 do S 26 1864 Reply of T. C. Peters, as one of............... S 4 53 ASSISTANT REGISTER IN CHANCERY, see Chancery. ASSOCIATION FOR BANKING, see Banks — General Banking Law. ASSOCIATIONS, INDUSTRIAL, see Industrial Associations. ASTOR, JOHN JACOB. 1830 Communication from the Attorney-General relative to the trial of one of the causes on the claim of, to certain lands in Putnam and Dutchess........ S 1 5 1830 Opinion of the Suprême Court of the United States in relation to same............................ S 4 347 1830 Report of Comptroller of amount paid counsel in Jefending the titles of certain persons to lands derived from the State, against the claim of..........A 4 38044 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Communication of the Attorney-General in relation to the claim of................................ S 1 2 1831 Communication from Smith Thompson relative to the trial of one of the causes of the claim of. S 1 24 1831 Report of Attorney-General on the communication from Smith Thompson............................ S 1 28 1831 Memorial of Edmund C. Genet relative to the claim of............................................. S 1 29 1831 Memorial of Edmund C. Genet relative to the claim of............................................. S 1 77 1832 Communication from the Attorney-General in rela- tion to the daims of...........................A 2 149 1832 Communication from the Comptroller relative to the issue of stock to.............................. A 3 205 1832 Report of select committee on the communication from the Comptroller........................... S 2 96 ASTOR LIBRARY, see New York. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERYATORY, NEW YORK, see New York. ATHENS AND CATSKILL TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate the.........A 2 155 ATHENS, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition from, relative to fishing in Murderer’s creek in.............. ......... A 3 62 ATHOL AND WARRENSBURGH, TOWNS OF. 1833 Report on pétition for aid to build a bridge across the Hudson river between.............. . . A 3 157 1833 Report of committee on finance on the same.... S 2 117 1834 Report of committee on roads and bridges on the same........................................A 3 168 1835 Rep>ort of committee on roads and bridges on the same...................................... .A 2 126 ATKINSON, T. F. G. AND W. (Aliens.) 1830 Report on pétition to sell and convey real estate ... A 1 44 ATLANTIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. 1845 Report of committee on trade and manufactures on pétition of................................ A 6 232 ATLAS AND MAP OF THE STATE. 1830 Report of Surveyor-General relative to the publica- tion of an...........................................A 2 189 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, in reply to resolution relative to.................... A 2 114 ATLAS, STONE & CLARK’S. 1839 Report on pétition for aid to their . A 4 16845 1839 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 Doc. Vol. No. ATTACHMENTS. Against absconding, concealed and non-resident debtors, report on a resolution to amend the law relative to.......................................A 5 302 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Greene C. Bronson: Communication from, relative to the boundarv line between this State and New Jersey............ S 1 4 Communication from, in relation to the trials on the Astor claim.................................. S 1 5 Report of, on bill concerning Wm. P. Perce, a debtor imprisoned at the suit of the people of this State..........................................A 2 193 Report of, on the law regulating the practice of physic and surgery.............................A 2 198 Report of, on pétition of Gideon Castle.. ......A 3 233 Report of, on bill to divide the town of Huntington, A 4 392 Report of, on a resolution of Assembly as to the constitutionality of increasing the rates of toll on the canals, and the duties on sait and goods sold at auction.................................... S 4 344 Report of, on the charges against the Grand Chap- ter of Free Masons.............................A 4 417 Communication from, relative to the suit instituted by New Jersey on the boundary question ......A 1 3 Report on pétition of Zebulon Barker and others. . . A 2 73 Report on pétition of S. Barnum relative to the Neversink Navigation Company...................A 2 188 Report on pétition of Abijah Hunt.................A 4 300 Report on bill concerning Richmond county.........A 3 225 Communication from, in relation to the Astor claim, SI 2 Report of, on the letter of Smith Thompson....... S 1 28 Report concerning the Cayuga marshes..............A 1 6 Communication from, in relation to the Astor claim, A 2 149 Report of, concerning lotteries...................A 4 292 Report of, relative to the power of the Législature over corporations............................ S 1 8 Report of, relative to the salaries of the bank commissioners............................... S 1 9 Report of, relative to grants of land under water. .SI 45 Report of, relative to the Astor claim........... S 2 54 Report of, relative to taxes upon incorporated companies..................................... S 2 103 Report of, relative to repealing charters by two- thirds, or a majority vote ................... S 1 8 Report of, relative to the assessment of taxes on incorporated companies........................ S 1 9 Report of, relative to the élection and qualification of justices of the peace ................... S 1 10 Report of, on the eligibility of members of the Lég- islature as Senators in Congress................. S 1 1846 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 ATTORNEY- GENERAL — Continuée!. Greene C. Bronson — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. Report of, relative to the exemption of real estate of corporations from taxation.................... S 1 33 Report of, on a résolution to examine and report whether any furtber législation is requisite to protect the titles ancl seeure the public property constituting the canals......................... A 1 10 Report of, relative to the common school fund lands at Fort Covington.................................A 2 41 Report of, concerning lotteries..................... A 1 13 Report of, on pétition of J. Chapman.................A 2 99 Report of, on pétition of J. A. Farrell..............A 3 184 Report of, on pétition of Luca* Elmendorf, and the first Southwestern Turnpike Company...............A 3 101 Report of, on bill for the élection of a recorder in Cazenovia.........................................A 3 227 Report of, on pétition of the president of the Never- sink Navigation Company................... ... A 4 262 Report of, on increasing the jurisdiction of circuit judges........................................... A 4 293 Report of, on vacancies in the office of justices of the peace.......................................A 4 300 Report of, on pétition of Reuben Wells . ............A 2 53 Report of, relative to ferries...................... A 2 61 Report of, relative to the suit of Alvah Beebe against the speaker of the last House of Assembly.........A 3 135 Report of, relative to the taxation of debts owing to the Connecticut school fund.......................A 3 137 Report of, on pétition of Abraham Bogardus...........A 3 156 Report of, on pétition of William Gilliland . ...... A 4 285 Report of, relative to the Montezuma Turnpike Bridge Company....................................A 4 342 Report of, on bill for the relief of Enos Stone and others............................................A 4 381 Report of, relative to the proof of wills, executors and administrators, guardians and wards, and surrogates’ courts............................... S 7 118 Report of, on bill to amend the charter of the city of Albany.......................................... S 2 123 Report of, relative to incorporations for manufac- turing purposes................................. S 1 4 Report of, relative to the contracts for the labor of convict-s in the State prisons....................A 2 106 Report of, on pétition of Samuel Kelly and others. . A 3 234 Report of, on pétition of E. Smith Sweet......A 3 262 Report of, concerning the New York and Harlem Railroad Company..................................A 4 329 Samuel Bearpsley: Report of, on pétition of Archibald Campbell . S 2 108 Report of, relative to the Farmera’ Fire Insurance and Loan Company..................................A 4 31147 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued. Samuel Beardsley— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of, on the bill authorizing county judges to inspect turnpike roads, and to locate gates on ... S 2 47 Report of, on pétition for a new county from parts of Madison, Otsego and Chenango....... . ... A 2 131 Report of, on bill to authorize the business of banking................................. ......A 4 303 Report of, in relation to limited partnerskips...A 4 304 Report of, in relation to the Onondaga Sait Springs S 2 60 Report of, on pétition of Isaac Brown, Jr........A 3 145 Report of, on pétition of John Skirland..........A 2 272 Report in relation to the reward for the arrest of Thomas Rector........................ .........A 5 38 Report of, relative to the bail of Wm. Yan * Nortwicke......................................A 3 123 Willis Hall: Report of, in relation to the érection of new counties from contiguous territory lying in different senate districts......................................A 4 227 Report of, on pétition of Jacob Vanderheyden .... A 4 149 Report of, relative to the title of the trustées of the Pultney estate to lands in Allegany and Steuben, A 8 342 Report of, on pétition of the widow and heirs of Eliphalet Ackley............................... S 1 29 Report on pétition of William Boggs and others.. . SI 38 Report of, relative to assessing lands ceded to the United States..................................A 5 145 Report of, relative to the Phœnix Bank............A 6 236 Report of, on pétition of Janet Hay, or Mc Andrew and others, for escheated land.................A 7 268 George P. Barker: Report on a resolution of the Assembly on the pétition of P. Maine...........................A 3 58 Report on a resolution of the Assembly in relation to State prison contracta.......................A 5 169 Report of, of the amount of printing done for his office.............. ..................... .... S 2 68 Report of, in answer to a résolution of the Assembly of January 27, 1844.............................A 3 48 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of February 10, relative to the manufacture of in grain and Brussels carpeting................A 3 75 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of March 19, 1844, relative to the commencement of suit against some persons holding land by deed or contract from the heirs or trustées of the Pultney estate ............................ A 6 145 Report of, on the act for the relief of Orris Hamilton....................................... S 1 14 Report of, in answer to a resolution............. A 5 15948 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued. George P. Barker — Continued: Doc. Ycl. No. Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to the New York and Erie Railroad Company...............A 6 204 Report of, in answer to a resolution referring the pétition of John Roof........................... A 7 240 Report of, on the pétition of John H. T. Smith. . . S 1 20 Report of, on the bill from the Assembly entitled “ An act to amend an act entitled c An act relative to incorporations for manufacturing purposes/ passed March 22, 1811.”........................ S 2 59 Report of, on the pétition of John Morin and others, heirs of Charles McKnight, deceased............. S 2 63 Report of, on the bill entitled an act to erect the county of Schuyler, etc............................ S 2 66 John Yan Buren: Report of Comptroller relative to moneys paid to, and Adjutant-General............................ S 1 28 Report of amount received by him for extra services, Si 36 Report of Comptroller relative to extra allowances madeto.......................................... S 2 63 Report of daims against the State for extra services, S 3 95 Report of Comptroller relative to payments to, for extra services................................. S 3 102 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, of February 17th................................ A 4 111 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to apportionment of members of the convention .... A 4 122 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to the pétition of A. Campbell and others . ............A 5 161 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the 26th of March............................................A 5 167 Report of, on pétition of citizens of Troy... ....A 5 167 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the 26th of March............................................A 5 196 Report of committee of conférence on bill relating to................................................. A 6 209 Ambrose L. Jordon: Report of, in answer to a resolution.............Si 28 Communication from, relative to power of the Légis- lature to appoint committee to investigate affaire of free banks.................................. A 4 106 Report of, as to right of county judge to take testi- mony relative to contested seats in Assembly .... A 2 30 Report of, as to the constitutionality of a general act of appropriation............................... A 2 52 Report of, as to claim of S. C. Gage......... . A 3 118 Report of, relative to theCayuga Bridge Company. . A 5 140 Report of, on pétition of hrst Christian Society of Oneida Indians. ............................... S 2 3549 ATTORNEY- GE N EK AL — Continued. Ambrose L. Jordon— Continued: Doc. Vol, No. 1848 Communication from, in relation to location of Hud- son railroad tkrough State lands at Sing Sing.. S 2 64 1849 Communication recommending measures in relation to the introduction of disease and pauperism from foreign countries................... ... S 3 76 1849 Report of, on the constitutionality of erecting the new counties of Patterson and Unadilla, from parts of different Senate and Assembly districts.. A 3 123 1849 Report of, relative to a bridge in the town of Day. . A 3 181 1849 Communication from, relative to marine hospital fund..........................................A 5 206 1849 Communication from, respecting sale of site of old arsenal to corporation of New York...........A 5 211 Levi S. Chatfield: 1850 Report in relation to savings banks.............A 3 28 1850 Report on non-resident lands.....................A 3 39 1850 Report on division, alteration and érection of towns and counties..................................A 5 82 1850 Report on law for preserving the public health .... A 5 126 1850 Report on free school law......................A 5 107 1850 Report as to pay of committees during recess... S 5 110 1850 Report on claim of W. W. Niles................. S 2 61 1850 Report on manorial suits....................... S 1 26 1851 Report on enlargement of State canals.......... S 3 68 1851 Report on manorial lands....................... S 2 27 1851 Communication in relation to commissioners of the Canal Fund....................................A 2 30 1851 Report as to attempt at bribing..................A 6 159 1852 See report of Secretary of State respecting books purchased by the..............................A 5 120 Ogden Hoffman: 1853 Report of the, in answer to a resolution of last year respecting clerks in his office...............S 2 61 1853 Report of the Treasurer in relation to fees paid into the treasury since January lst, 1848, b;y the.A 2 16 1853 Report of the, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, of February 18, 1853, concerning titles to manorial lands.............................A 3 59 1853 Report in answer to a resolution in relation to a certain note .................................A 4 85 1853 Report of, in reference to claim of David Jones. . A 5 118 1854 Communication from, relative to certain acts.....A 3 78 1854 Report of fees paid in by........................S 1 10 1854 do do . ...‘...................... S 1 28 1854 Opinion of, relative to toll bridge, etc......... S 2 87 1854 Opinion of, relative to grants of land under water. . A 3 105 1854 Opinion of, relative to judgments against State prison agents................................. A 3 121 750 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued. Ogden Hoffman — Continued: Doc. Vol. 1854 Opinion of, relative to régulation of ferries_ ... A 4 1855 Communication fronr, in answer to résolution..... S 1 1855 Communication from, in relation to suit against Geo. W. Newell....................... ........A 5 1855 Opinion of, as to judgments against State prison agents..........................................A 2 1855 Claim of Harrison Albright.........................A 5 Stephen B. Cushing: 1856 Communication from.................................A 4 1856 do do ...............................A 5 1856 Communication from, relative to ratio of représenta- tion in county divisions...................... S 2 1857 Reply of, relative to power of appointment........ S 2 1857 Reply of, to resolution inquiring wliat statutes are in force regulating tke sale of intoxicating liquor........ ...............................A 1 1857 Reply of, to resolution relative to districting the State, etc......................................A 1 1857 Reply of, to resolution relative to suits on canal contracts.... ................................ A 1 1857 Communication from the, relative to suits against commissioners of loans......................... A 1 Lyman Tremain: 1858 Opinion of, relative to assessment law of 1857...A 1 1858 Opinion of, relative to a certain provision of the Constitution................................... A 1 1858 Opinion of, relative to the résidence and élection of members of Assembly.............................A 3 1858 Report of, relative to the constitutionality of an act to incorporate colleges, etc....................A 1 1858 Report of, relative to the constitutionality of laws making streams public kigkways..................A 4 1858 Report of committee on the judiciary, in relation to salary, fees and perquisites of the... ........ S 3 1858 Communication from, relative tô appointment of metropolitan police........................... S 2 1858 Communication from, in relation to pay of expenses of justices and judgesof the suprême court.... S 2 1858 Communication from, in reference to appointing loan commissioners by the Governor............ S 2 1858 Communication from Comptroller and, relative to suit of Munson J. Lockwood.................... S 2 1859 Communication from, abolishing tolls on railroads. . S 1 1859 Replv of, to résolution relative to amount paid for legislative printing......................... S 2 1859 Communication from, vacancy in the 11 th sénatorial district...................................... S 2 1859 Opinion of, on claim of Nathan Marble..............A 2 No. 131 21 122 28 124 153 186 68 71 39 9 16 19 21 22 54 41 112 138 41 38 47 85 33 80 82 6051 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued. Lyman Tremain— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1859 Opinion of, as to validity of acts approved by the Governor after adjournment of the Législature.. A 3 129 1859 Opinion of, on Albany and Susquehanna railroad act.................................. .......A 3 162 1859 Opinion of, relative to ownership of made land in New York city......... ......................A 3 163 Charles G. Myers: 1860 Communication from, relative to board of super- visors in city of New York. .. ............. S 1 37 1860 Communication from, relative to navigable streams owned by individuals........................ S 1 57 1860 Communication from, relative to liability of State for damages in certain cases................. SI 59 1860 Communication from, relative to constitutionality of r iaw abolishing tolls on railroads...............A 4 172 1861 Communication from, relative to claim of Squire Whipple.......................................A 1 22 Daniel S. Dickinson: 1863 Report of, relative to lands donated by United States for promotion of agriculture and mechanic arts......................................... S 5 77 1863 Communication from, relative to constitutionality of soldiers voting by proxy................. S 5 114 1863 Report of, validity of the laws signed after adjournment . ................................A 2 25 1863 Report of, title of lands claimed by Oliver True ... A 6 199 1863 Report of, relative to lands in the city of New York sold to James B. Taylor...................... A 7 220 John Cochrane: 1864 Communication from, relative to bill for relief of James Morrison and others.................... S 4 82 1865 Communication from, relative to State debt...... S 1 10 1865 Communication from, relative to running Street cars by Hudson River Railroad..................... SI 31 1865 Communication from, water boundary between New York and New Jersey.......................... S 2 42 1865 Communication from, Buffalo police bill....... S 3 102 1865 Resolution calling upon, for certain information relative to certificates held by vétérans of the war of 1812.......................................A 6 104 John H. Martindale: 1866 Reply to Senate resolution relative to railroad com- panies manufacturing, etc.................... S 2 54 1866 Reply to Senate resolution relative to Lewis County Bank receiver................................ S 2 77 1867 Report relative to suit of John Whitman.........A 8 18952 1868 1869 1869 1870 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1867 1866 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued. Marshall B. Champlin : D0(,# yci. xo. Copy correspondence with Canal Board relative to lettings, December 28, 1866...................... S 3 26 Opinion relative to Albany basin....................A 2 28 Opinion on bill for relief of Charles J. DeGraw ... A 10 151 Communication from, relative to exemptions of National Guard...................................A 3 49 Francis C. Barlow: Opinion of, relative to pay of members and proceed- ings for impeachment.............................A 10 184 Reply of, to resolution relative to Crooked Lake Canal............................................A 8 116 Communication of, relative to elevated railway.A 1 12 Reply of, in answer to resolution of Assembly, rela- tive to expenditures for maintenance and repair of canals........................................A 4 46 Report of, relative to attaching part of Hamilton to any other county.................................A 4 50 Opinion of, relative to issue of fraudulent stocks by Erie R. R. Co...................................A 9 164 Daniel Pratt: Report of, in answer to resolution of the Senate on constitutionality of Senate bill No. 119 and cbap. 785 of the Laws of 1872 ....................... S 4 85 Reply of, to resolution relative to words, “The Black River Canal ” in amendments to Constitu- tion .............................................. A 4 46 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly of January 20, 1874............................................ A 2 34 Reply of, to resolution of January 14, 1874 ...... Reply of, to resolution of Assembly of January 7, 1874............................................ A 2 30 Report of, relative to boundary between New York and Connecticut .................................A 4 37 Report of, relative to Marble Land Company........ S 2 37 Charles S. Fairchild: Communication frum, relative to employment of counsel......................................... A 6 73 Communication from, relative to the boundary line between New York and Connecticut................ S 2 43 Reply of, to Assembly resolution relative to certain expenses.........................................A 6 57 Reply of, relative to expenses of ring suits....... A 8 82 Assessment and Collection of Taxes, see Taxes. Avery, S. G., report of committee on daims on pétition of......................................A 7 126 Avery, Wm., report of committee on daims on pétition of......................................A 7 17153 ATTORNEYS. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Resolution offered by Mr. Bascom as to fees of, etc ..Cl 37 AUBURN STATE PRISON, see State Prisons. AUBURN, VILLAGE OF. 1834 Report on pétition to alter the boundaries of....A 1834 St. Peter’s church in, report on pétition to change the name of................................. S 1839 First society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in, report on pétition to confirm acts and doings of said society............................... A 1840 Report on pétition of citizens of, for the removal of the dam across Owasco outlet, adjacent to the State prison.................................A Inspector of Sole Leather, see Cayuga County. AUCTION DUTIES. 1832 To be restored to the general fund, resolution for the same................................... S 2 70 1832 To be restored to the general fund, resolution for the same.................................... S 2 100 1833 Report of Secretary of State, relative to the publi- cation of said amendment..................... S 1 14 1833 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.. S 2 45 1834 Resolution to restore the, to the general fund.A 3 131 1835 Report of Secretary of State relative to the publi- cation of said amendment......................A 1 42 1835 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same. .Al 49 1835 Resolution and récital relative to the same......A 1 59 1834 Report of Comptroller of amount received from.... A 2 66 1839 Report of Comptroller of amount accrued to the State since the year 1812.................... S 3 76 1830 Report of Attorney-General as to constitutionality of increasing.............................. S 4 344 1845 Report of the Comptroller relative to. ..........A 6 2Ô8 1849 Report of minority of committee on ways and means, respecting....................................A 3 192 1849 Report of committee on trade and manufactures, respecting....................................A 5 218 1860 Communication from Comptroller, relative to....A 4 143 1863 Communication from Comptroller, relative to moneys received from.............................. S 5 80 AUCTIONEERS. 1830 Report on bill respecting sale by... ........ . . A 4 381 234 1 12 5 316 7 301 AUCTIONEERS IN NEW YORK, see New York. AUCTIONS. 1831 Report on pétition of citizens of Rochester concerning............................. A 2 11 1831 Report on pétition of citizens of Ogdensburgh to regulate sales at.......................A 1 1254 MICTIONS, PETTY. doc.VoI. No. 1830 Report of select committee as to restraining them.. A 2 72 AUDITING BOARD. 1864 Report of, as constituted by law of 1862 .... S 4 69 1877 Audit, State board of, communication from Secretary of State with report of the............... A 8 97 1877 Report of the ............................... A 8 73 AUDITOR-GENERAL. 1851 Report of, on the cost of the militia System. S 2 28 AUDITOR OF CANAL DEPARTMENT, see Canal Department, Auditor of. AUGUSTA, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition of settlers on the school lot in... A 1 10 AUGUSTINE, PETER. 1832 An Indian, report on pétition to sell real estate_A 2 150 AURELIUS, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition of the vestry of St. Paul’s church in, to change the name of said corporation. S 1 12 AURORA, TOWN OF. 1837 Report on pétition relative to certain roads in the.. A 2 62 AUSTIN, EUSEBIUS. 1830 Report on pétition for aid, to enable him to support an insane son .......................................A 4 429 AUSTIN, ORRIN. 1850 Report on claim..................................... S 1 14 AYERILL, JAMES. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal...................................... A 3 167 AYERILL, JAMES, AND JACOB H. FAILING. 1835 Report of canal board on pétition for compensation, for damages by the Erie canal........................A 2 94 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 4 365 AVERILL, LOUIS, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of ................................ S 4 114 AYERILL ORE BED. 1858 Report of inspectors of State prisons relative to... . S 2 92 AYERILL, THOMAS. 1842 Report of committee on militia on pétition of.A 7 136 1842 Report of Mr. S. E. Church on pétition of..............A 7 139 1842 Report of adjutant-general on pétition of.............A 7 15355 AVERY, DANIEL. (Commissioner of Loans for Cayuga county.) Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of certain land....................................... S 2 75 1834 Report of committee on daims to the sale of certain land.....-................................. S 1 33 1837 Report of committee on grievances to the sale of certain land...............................A 2 152 AYERY, SAMUEL. 1858 Report on claim of......... ...................A 3 63 ' AVON, TOWN OF. 1835 Report on pétition from the, for a modification of the élection law...........................A 2 119 AXON, ROBERT. 1851 Report of commissioners, on pétition for damages, in conséquence of being thrown from a bridge on Black river canal................................... S 1 71 AYLESWORTH, MARCUS. 1846 Communication from Governor on pétition of......A 6 208 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 1878 Annual report of.............................. S 2 40 ANNUAL REPORTS: 1878 American Geographical Society................. S 2 40 1878 Astor Library, trustées of.................... S 1 13 1878 Bloomingdale Asylum.............................. SI 4 1878 Canal Appraisers.............................. S 1 3 1878 Commissioners of Emigration................... S 1 18 1878 Commissioners of Quarantine.... ................ S 2 23 1878 Lenox Library, trustées of. . ... ............ S 1 15 1878 New York and Bloomingdale Asylum.............. S 1 4 1878 New York Catholic Protectory.................. S 1 10 1878 New York Fishery Commission...................S 2 32 1878 New York Infant Asylum........................ SI 14 1878 New York Institution for the Blind at Batavia. SI 6 1878 New York State Inebriate Asylum............... S 1 17 1878 Prison Association............................ S 2 27 1878 State Assessors............................... S 1 20 1878 State Board of Charities...................... S 1 19 1878 State Commissioner in Lunacy.................. S 1 12 1878 State Library, trustées of. , . .............. S 2 29 1878 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica.................... SI 9 1878 State Normal and Training School at Fredonia .... S 1 8 1878 State Survey.................................. S 2 24 1878 Treasurer of State of New York................ S 1 5 1878 Western House of Refuge for Juvénile Delinquents, SI 11 ASTOR LIBRARY. 1878 Annual report of trustées of.................. S 1 1356 ADJUTANT-GENERAL. Boe. VoL No. 1878 Animal report ôf..............................A 1 6 1878 Moneys disbursed by the State for military purposes during the late war, report of, relative to.A 5 80 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, NEW YORK STATE. 1878 Annual report of..............................A 7 118 ALBANY, NORMAL SCHOOL. 1878 Annual report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and regents of the University rela- tive to........................................A 5 70 ANTHRACITE BOARD OF CONTROL (Coal Monopoly). 1878 Testimony relative to.........................A 7 124 1878 Minority report on........................... A 7 128 APPORTIONMENT. 1878 Attorney-General’s reply to a resolution relative to.. A 3 38 ASSEMBLY. 1878 Members of, list of................................A 1 1 1878 Standing committees of the...............*.........A 3 30 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1878 Boards of estimate and apportionment, reply of, on, A 7 95 1878 Foreign and coast-wise steamers in the harbor of New York, reply of, relative to speed of.......A 7 82 1878 Savings banks, reply of, relative to protection of depositors in...............................A 5 69 AUCTION DUTIES. 1878 Comptroller's report on........................A 5 63 AUDIT, STATE BOARD OF. 1878 Annual report of............................. A 3 15 AUDITOR OF THE CANAL DEPARTMENT. 1878 Canals, expenditures on ihe, annual report of, on the.........................................A 3 25 1878 Black River Canal, reply of the, relative to the. . A 5 62 1878 Canals, trespassers on the, report of the, on.. ..A 7 96 1878 Financial report of.................... .......... A 1 4 1878 Tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals, annual report of, on.............................. A 5 56 1878 Weighmasters and others, reply of, relative to réduction of number of......................A 5 60 ANNUAL REPORTS: 1879 Astor Library, trustées of.................... S 1 11 1879 American Geographical Society................. S 2 61 1879 Canal Appraisers............................ S 1 9 1879 Children’s Aid Society ....................... S 1 4 1879 Cooper Union, trustées of..................... S 1 1557 ANNUAL KEPORTS — Continued. Doc. Vol. 1879 Commissioners of Quarantine..................... S 1 1879 Commissioners of State Survey................... S 1 1879 Hudson River State Hospital.................... S 1 1879 Institution for Blind, Batavia................. S 1 1879 Inebriates’Home for Kings county............... S 1 1879 New York State Inebriate Asylum................ S 1 1879 New York Infant Asylum ........................ S 1 1879 New York State Institution for Blind........... S 1 1879 New Capitol Commissioners...................... S 1 1879 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum...... S 2 1879 Prison Association of New York................. S 2 1879 Receiver Guardian Savings Institution.......... S 1 1879 Regents of the University...................... S 2 1879 State Assessors................................ S 2 1879 State Board of Charities....................... S 1 1879 State Library, trustées of..................... S 1 1879 State Commissioner in Lunacy.................. S 1 1879 State Lunatic Asylum, Utica.................... S 1 1879 Statistics of Pauperism..................... S 2 1879 Soldiers and Sailors’ Home, Bath............... S 1 1879 Treasurer ..................................... S 1 1879 Western House of Refuge for Juvénile Delinquents, S 1 1879 Willard Asylum for the Insane.................. S 1 1879 Wyoming Benevolent Institution................. S 2 ANNUAL MESSAGE. 1879 Of Governor.................................... S 1 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1879 Report relative to New York Hospital........... S 2 ANNUAL REPORTS: 1879 Acting Captain of Port of New York..............A 2 1879 Adirondack Survey, Superintendent...............A 6 1879 Adjutant-General................................A 2 1879 Auditor of Canal Department.....................A 1 1879 Auditor of Canal Department relative to expendi- tures on canals..............................A 4 1879 Auditor of Canal Department on Tolls, Trade and Tonnage................................... A 4 1879 Bank Department relative to savings banks.......A 4 1879 Bank Department............................... A 1 1879 Board of Commissioners of Pilots................A 1 1879 Central New York Institute for Deaf-Mutes ......A 1 1879 Comptroller.....................................A 1 1879 Commissary-General and Chief of Ordnance........A 2 1879 Commissioners of Emigration.....................A 2 1879 Eclectic Medical Society........................A 7 1879 Homœpathic Medical Society......................A 7 1879 Insurance Department .......................... A 3 1879 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, A 2 1879 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution for Deaf-Mutes.. A 2 8 No. 26 27 6 5 24 12 22 5 20 47 59 23 37 28 13 14 17 7 34 10 3 8 16 38 2 46 18 87 28 4 63 72 69 5 8 7 3 31 29 154 142 48 26 161879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 58 ANNUAL REPORTS — Continued. d0c. Toi. No. Lenox Librarj.................................. A 2 34 Managers of Society for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents...................................A 2 19 Managers of New York State Reformatory .........A 1 9 New York Catholic Protectory....................A 2 33 New York Infant Asylum..........................A 2 32 New York Institution for Blind ............... A 2 20 New York State Agricultural Society.............A 7 156 New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb..........A 1 13 Onondaga Sait Springs, Superintendent...........A 2 25 Public Instruction, Superintendent..............A 1 6 Public Works, Superintendent....................A 1 12 Public Instruction and Regents relative to State Normal School at Albany.......................A 6 110 Receiver of Continental Life Insurance Company. . . A 6 108 Sailors’ Snug Harbor............................A 6 95 Secretary of State on Criminal Statistics.......A 1 11 State Agent for Discharged Convicts.............A 2 43 State Board of Audit............................A 2 30 State Engineer and Surveyor on Companies Navi- gating Lakes and Rivers.......................A 4 70 State Engineer and Surveyor on Canals...........A 2 41 State Engineer and Surveyor on Railroads of State. . A 5 80 State Homœopatkic Society for Insane........... A 2 21 St. Joseph’s Institution for Deaf-Mutes.........A 1 15 Superintendent of State Prisons.................A 1 10 Thomas Asylum for Orphans and Destitute Children, A 2 22 Trustées of New York Asylum for Idiots..........A 1 2 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes....A 1 14 ANSWER OF J. F. SMYTH. To resolution relative to Knickerbocker Life ..A 4 49 APPORTIONMENT. Tables and statements in regard to..............A 4 59 ASSEMBLY. List of members.................................A 1 1 List of members, oflQcers and reporters.........A 4 65 Standing committees of..........................A 2 35 ATLANTIC MUTUAL LIFE. Communication from receiver of..................A 6 90 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Communication from, relative to distributing pro- ceeds of securities deposited with State by com- panies now in kands of receivers....... A 6 131 AMENDED RULES AND ORDERS. Of Senate........ ........................S 1 2859 ANNUAL MESSAGE. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Of Governor.................................. S 1 2 ANNUAL REPORTS: 1880 Astor Library................................ S 1 8 1880 Canal Appraisers............................ S 1 10 1880 Commissioners of Quarantaine ............... S 2 35 1880 Commissioners appointée! to settle boundary line between New York and Connecticut......... S 1 27 1880 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York.. S 1 18 1880 Inebriates’ Home of Kings county............ S 1 23 1880 Lenox Library............................... S 1 14 1880 Managers Hudson River State Hospital......... S 1 9 1880 New York Catholic Protectory................. S 1 21 1880 New York Infant Asylum......... ............. S 1 17 1880 Prison Association.......................... S 2 34 1880 Regents of the University .... ............. S 2 41 1880 State Assessors............................. S 1 26 1880 State Board of Charities.................... S 1 25 1880 State Commissioner in Lunacy..................... SI 13 1880 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica............... S 1 12 1880 State Survey........................... .... S 2 37 1880 State Treasurer.............................. S 1 3 1880 Trustées Binghamton Asylum for the Insane... S 1 11 1880 Trustées Cooper Union........................ SI 19 1880 Trustées New York State Library........... S 2 31 1880 Trustées New Yo k State Soldiers and Sailors’ Home..................................... S 1 7 1880 Trustées Willard Asylum...................... S 1 6 1880 Western House of Refuge...................... S 1 15 1880 Wyoming Benevolent Institute................. S 1 24 ANSWER OF NEW YORK AND MANHATTAN BEACH RAILROAD COMPANY. 1880 To resolution of Sénate...................... S 2 52 ASSESSORS, STATE. 1880 Annual report................................S 1 26 ASSOCIATION, PRESON. 1880 Report of.................................... S 2 34 ASTOR LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report................................ S 1 8 ATLANTIC AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY OF BROOKLYN. 1880 Report of.................................... S 2 45 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1880 Report of, in pursuance of a resolution of Senate of May 21, 1880............................. S 2 621880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 60 ADIRONDACK SÜRVEY. Doc Vol. No. Superintendent’s report......................A 6 77 ADJÜTANT-GENERAL. Report of....................................A 2 22 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of................................... A 6 85 ALBANY, NORMAL SCHOOL. Report of................................. A 6 84 ASSEMBLY AND SENATE. Rules, joint............................... A 1 7 ASSEMBLY CHAMBER. Acoustics of, report of committee on... ... A 1 9 ASSEMBLY. Committees of, list..........................A 3 34 Members, officers and reporters of, list, with board- ing-houses............................. A 3 56 Members of, list of..........................A 1 1 Rules and orders of..........................A 1 6 Rules and orders of, adopted January 7,1880. A 2 12 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Communications from......................A 8 79,145 AUDIT, BOARD OF. Report of.... ...............................A 1 10 AUDITOR OF THE CANAL DEPARTMENT. Annual financial report of...................A 1 4 Communication from, in reply to resolution...A 3 49 ASTOR LIBRARY. Annual report of ........................ S 1 8 ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. Rules and orders of business adopted by spécial committee on .......................... S 1 35 ASSESSORS, STATE. Annual report of.......................... S 1 4 ATTORNEY- GENERAL. Opinion of, relative to taxation of money loaned out- side of State............................. S 2 53 AUDITOR OF THE CANAL DEPARTMENT. Report of, in answer to a resolution........ S 1 33 ADIRONDACK SURVEY. Report of superintendent.....................A 4 6161 AD JUTANT-GENERAL. Doc. Vol. No. 1881 Report of.............................. A 3 35 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1881 Report of...............................A 8 111 ANNUAL MESSAGE. 1881 Of the Governor ........................A 1 2 ANNUAL REPORTS, see Reports. ASSEMBLY. 1881 Joint resolutions of.................... A 8 129 1881 Senate, joint rules of, and.............A 1 7 1881 Committees of, list................. .... A 2 21 1881 Members of, list of.........................Al 1 1881 Members, officers and reporters, list of (with address), A3 42 1881 Rules of................................A 1 6 ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. 1881 Joint committee on, rules................A 3 45 ASYLUMS, see name of institution, reports, etc. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1881 Communication from... ................. A 1 126 AUDIT, BOARD OF, see Board of Audit. AUDITOR OF CANAL DEPARTMENT, reports of, see Reports. ADJUTANT-GENERAL. 1882 Report of............................... S 4 43 ASSESSORS. 1882 Report of............................... S 5 58 AUDIT, BOARD OF. 1882 Report of............................... S 2 14 ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. 1882 Resolution of ................... . .... A 2 12 ADIRONDACK SURYEY. 1882 Report of Superintendent of...............A 3 57 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, STATE. 1882 Annual report of..........................A 3 43 AMERICAN FORESTRY CONGRESS. 1882 Resolutions of........................... A 5 110(>2 ASSEMBLY. Poe. Vol. No. 1882 Eules of......................................A 3 6, 42, 55 1882 Committees, list of..........................A 2 19 1882 Boarding-houses, ]ist of.......................A 2 35 1882 Joint rules of, and Senate.....................A 1 7 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1882 Answer of, to resolution of February 8, 1882, rela- tive to use of one-horse cars in Brooklyn..........A 2 23 1882 Communication from.............................A 2 28 AUD1TOR. 1882 Financial report of ...........................A 1 3 1882 Report of, on expenditure on canals......A 2 33 1882 Tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals, report of, on, A3 38 1882 Tolls on the canals, report of, transmitting rate of. . A 2 37 ALBANY COUNTY PENITENITARY. 1882 Report of spécial committee to investigate... S 5 51 ALBANY, see State Normal School. ANNUAL REPORTS: 1883 Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane.......... S 1 12 1883 Of Commissioners of Emigration........ ...... S 2 23 1883 Executive Committee of Prison Association of New York....................................... S 5 46 1883 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York.. S 2 32 1883 Managers Hudson River State Hospital......... SI 10 1883 Managers State Lunatic Asylum atUtica........ S 1 7 1883 Managers of the Society for the Reformatiom of Juvénile Delinquents....................... S 1 16 1883 Board of Managers, Western House of Refuge... S 1 17 1883 New Capitol Commissioners.................... S 1 13 1883 Of Secretary of State in relation to statistics of the poor..................................... S 2 25 1883 Of State Assessors........................... S 2 21 1883 State Board of Charities..................... S 1 14 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor on Canals. ... .. S 1 9 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor on the Railroads of the State............... . ................ S 4 44 1883 State Reformatory at Elmira.................. S 1 8 1883 State Treasurer ........................... ..S 1 3 1883 Of the Thomas Orphan Asylum, Buffalo......... S 2 24 1883 Trustées of the Lenox Library................ Si 19 1883 Trustées of the State Muséum of Natural History.. S 6 53 ANNUAL REPORTS, see Reports. ASSESSORS, STATE. 1883 Report of.................... ............... S 2 21 ASSEMBLY AND SENATE. 1883 Joint rules of .............................. S 1 5G3 ASTOB LIBEAEY. Doc. Vol. No. 1883 Eeport of................................ S 1 15 ATTOBN E Y-GENEBAL AND COMPTEOLLEE. 1883 Eeport of, relative to New York Elevated Eailroad, S 2 36 ANNUAL EEPOETS: 1883 Adjutant-General......... .......... ..........A 2 10 1883 Bank Department................................A 1 5 1883 Binghamton Asylum for Chronic Insane............A 3 31 1883 Board of Claims..................................A 4 72 1883 Buffalo State Asylum for Insane..................A 3 29 1883 Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes....A 2 23 1883 Comptroller..................................... A 1 3 1883 Comptroller on Expenditures on Canals............A 2 14 1883 Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and A.rt, A3 52 1883 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, A 2 22 1883 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes.....................A 3 27 1883 Managers of New York Institution for tlie Blind. .. A 2 17 1883 New York Civil Service Commission................A 3 54 1883 New York Hospital and Bioomingdale Asylum......A 5 119 1883 New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb. \ A 2 19 1883 New York State Asylum for Idiots.................A 3 26 1883 Eailroad Commissioners on Bailroads of tlie State.. A3 25 1883 Sailors’ Snug Harbor............................ A 4 100 1883 Society for Beformation of Juvénile Delinquents. . . A 2 18 1883 State Board of Health.......................... A 4 89 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor on Companies Navi- gating Lakes and Eivers.......................A 4 81 1883 State Homœopathic Asylum for Insane...... .....A 2 16 1883 St. Joseph’s Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes....................................A 3 32 1883 Superintendent Banking Department, relative to Savings Banks................................ A 4 101 1883 Superintendent Insurance Department..............A 3 67 1883 Superintendent Public Instruction................A 2 12 1883 Superintendent Public Works......................A 1 9 1883 Superintendent State Prisons.................... A 2 11 1883 Trustées of Charity Organization Society of Buffalo, A4 71 1883 Thomas Orphan Asylum. .........................A3 40 1883 Trustées Willard x\sylum.. . ....................A 2 13 1883 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes. ... A 3 28 AEMOEIES AND xYBSENALS. 1883 Communication from Go ver n or, relative to .....A 4 105 ASSEMBLY. 1883 Committees, list of............................ A 2 20 1883 Joint rules of Senate and........................A 1 1 1883 List of members with boarding-houses.............A 3 4704 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Doc. Yol. No. 1883 Report of, in response to resolution February 7 . ... A 4 83 ADIRONDACK REGION. 1884 Report of spécial committee on lands in...... S 2 23 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1884 Reply of, in answer to • a resolution of the Senate relative to Adirondack railroad........... S 3 55 ASTOR LIBRARY. 18Q4 Annual report of............................. S 2 22 ANNUAL REPORTS: 1884 Adjutant-General.............................A 1 10 1884 Bank Department..............................A I 5 1884 Binghamton Asylum for Chronic Insane.........A 5 31 1884 Board of Claims..............................A 6 72 1884 Buffalo State Asylum for Insane..............A 5 29 1884 Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes..A 2 23 1884 Comptroller ......................................... A 1 3 1884 Comptroller on Expenditures on Canals........A 2 14 1884 Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and Art.. A 5 52 1884 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, A 2 22 1884 Le Couteulx St. Marv’s Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes.................A 5 27 1884 Managers of New York Institution for the Blind. . . A 2 17 1884 New York Civil Service Commission.......... A 5 54 1884 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum....A 8 119 1884 New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb................A 2 19 1884 New York State Asylum for Idiots.................... A 5 26 1884 Railroad Commissioners on Railroads of the State. .A4 25 1884 Sailors* Snug Harbor.........................A 7 100 1884 Sucietv for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents. .. A 2 18 1884 State Board of Health.................................A 7 89 1884 State Engineer and Surveyor on Companies Navi- gating Lakes and Rivers ........................ A 7 81 1884 State Homœopathic Asylum for Insane...................A 2 16 1884 St. Joseph’s Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes.........................................A 5 32 1884 Superintendent Banking Department, relative to Savings Banks.................................... -A 7 101 1884 Superintendent Insurance Department...................A 6 67 1884 Superintendent Public Instruction.....................A 2 12 1884 Superintendent Public Works...........................A 1 9 1884 Superintendent State Prisons......................... A 2 11 1884 Trustées of Charity Organization Society of Buffalo, A 6 71 1884 Thomas Orphan Asylum..................................A 5 40 1884 Trustées Willard Asylum............................. A 2 13 1884 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes..A 5 28 ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. 1884 Communication from Governor, relative to..............A 7 10565 ASSEMBLY. Doc. Vol. No. 1884 Committees, list of.........................A 2 20 1884 Joint raies of Senate and...................A 1 7 1884 List of members with boarding-houses........A 5 41 ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1884 Report of, in response to resolution February 7.... A 7 83 ADJUTANT-GENERAL. 1885 Report of.............................. .... SI 6 AGRICULTURE. 1885 Report of committee on subject of forests... S 5 40 ANNUAL REPORTS, see Reports. ASTOR LIBRARY. 1885 Report of................................... S 5 25 ASSEMBLY. 1885 Boarding-house list......................... .A 4 37 1885 Joint rules of Senate and.....................A 1 7 1885 Members of, list of.........................A 1 1 1885 Rules and orders of.........................A 1 6 1885 Standing committees, list of................A 2 10 ALBANY R AIL WA Y, see Railroad Commissioners. ANNUAL REPORTS: 1886 Astor Library............................... S 1 17 1886 Board of Claims............................. S 1 11 1886 Board of Managers Western House of Refuge... S 2 23 1886 Buffalo State Asylum for Insane.............. S 1 10 1886 Bureau of Labor Statistics................... S 3 28 1886 Ckarity Organization of Buffalo.............. S 1 6 1886 Children’s Aid Society....................... S 1 12 1886 Commissioners of Emigration.................. S 3 43 1886 Commissioners of Fisheries................... S 5 84 1886 Commissioners State Réservation at Niagara... S 3 32 1886 Commissioners State Survey................... S 3 39 1886 Directors Brooklyn Institute................. S 4 63 1886 Managers Hudson River State Hospital......... S 3 25 1886 New York Asylum for Idiots................... S 3 27 1886 New York Catbolic Protectory........... . ... S 1 16 1886 New York Infant Asylum ...................... S 3 30 1886 New York State Dairy Commissioner............ S 2 24 1886 New York State Institution for Blind, at Batavia. ..Si 15 1886 New York State Library ...................... S 1 8 1886 New York State Reformatory at Elmira......... S 1 9 1886 Prison Association of New York............... S 4 67 1886 Regents of the University.................... S 2 18 1886 Secretary of State on Pauperism... .......... S 3 45 1886 Society for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents. . . SI 14 1886 State Assessors............................. S 3 35 966 AN NU AL EEPOETS — Continuée!. doc Vol No 1886 State Board of Charities..................S 3 31 1886 State Treasurer.......................... S 1 3 1886 Thomas Orphan Asylum........................ S 2 13 1886 Trustées Lenox Library................... S 5 33 1886 Utica State Lunatic Asylum............... S 1 7 1886 Wyoming Benevolent Institute........... S 5 22 AQUEDUCT, see Board of Health. AQUEDUCT LABOEEES. 1886 Eeport of Committee on Public Health relative to.. S 4 53 ASTOE LIBEAEY. 1886 Eeport of................................ S 1 17 ATTOENEY-GENEEAL. 1886 Communication from........................ . S 3 37 ADJUTANT-GENEEAL. 1886 Annual report of..........................A 2 23 AEGUMENT. 1886 In favor of Block plan of local indexes.. A 6 63 AEGUS CO. 1886 Communication from........................A 5 35 ALBANY AESENAL. 1887 Communication from the Adjutant-General relative to .................................... S 4 56 AMEEICAN SOCIETY FOE PEEVENTION OF CEUELTY TO ANIMALS. 1887 Eeport of................................ S 3 40 AEMS. 1887 Eeply of District Attorney Martine in regard to carrying............................... S 3 50 ASTOE LIBEAEY. 1887 Eeport of............................. S 2 20 ADJUTANT-GENEEAL. 1887 Eeport of....................................A 10 18,101 ASSEMBLY. 1887 Eules and orders of..........................Al 5 ATTOEN E Y-GENEE AL. 1887 Eelative to bridge across Hudson river....A 10 89 ASTOE LIBEAEY. 1888 Annual report of......................... S 3 1267 ADJUTANT-GENERAL. DüC. Voi. no. 1888 Report of........................... ........A 4 33 ASSEMBLY. 1888 Chamber ceiling, commission on, report of ....A 8 61, 89 1888 Members, list of.............................A 1 1 1888 Members, officers and reporters, list of.....A 6 51 1888 Seats of members.............................A 1 6 1888 Standing committees of.......................A 1 5 BABCOCK, B. W. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.................A 3 187 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 3 100 BABCOCK, JOHN C. 1833 Report on pétition to change the name of his son.. A 2 121 BABCOCK, JOHN H , AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on daims of.............A 1 27 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 121 1852 Report on pétition of..................... .A 2 47 BABCOCK, LUKE P. 1856 Report on pétition of...................... S 1 13 1856 Report of canal board on pétition of........ S 2 51 1861 Report on pétition of.........................Al 22 BABCOCK, L. P., AND OTHERS. 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 3 65 1854 Report on pétition of........................A 3 79 1855 Report of committee on daims in reference to péti- tion of....................................A 3 75 BABCOCK, S., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A3 87 BABCOCK, VARNUM. 1847 Report on pétition of....................... S 4 126 BABCOCK, VARNUM M. 1848 Report on pétition of.................. ... A 2 39 BABYLON, TOWN OF, see Nassau. BACKUS, LEVI S. 1838 Report on pétition for aid to enable him to furnish educated mutes with a newspaper published bv him.................................... A 5 263 1839 Report of select committee on the same.......A 3 160 BACON, HOSEA. 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 10368 BACON, IRA. Doc y0i. No. 1833 Report on pétition to construct a dam across Gene- see river........................................ A 1 31 BACON, NATHANIEL, AND OTHERS. 1833 Report on pétition relative to the last will, etc., of D. Bacon....................................A 4 265 BADGER, SAMUEL, AND OTHERS. 1830 Report on pétition to build a dam across Susque- hanna river....................................... A 1 60 1841 Report on pétition to extend an act authorizing them to build a dam across Susquehanna river... A 7 287 BADGER, WILLI AM L. 1836 Report on pétition to change his name.........A 2 105 BADGLEY, A. T., AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of. .. A 5 179 BAGGAGE, see Comptroller. BAILEY, BENAJAH P., see Robert Land and otliers. BAILEY, HORACE. 1843 Report of committee on canals on his pétition.A 2 29 BAILY, ERASTUS. 1830 Report on pétition, for the privilège of erecting mills on the Genesee river..................A 4 375 1833 Report on pétition to build a boat lock in Genesee river..............................................A 2 88 BAILEY, HON. Mr. 1865 Report of, on contested élection case in Ninth Senate district.......................................... S 1 5 BAINBRIDGE, TOWN OF. 1843 Resolution of the annual town meeting of, trans- mitted by Governor. ..........................A 5 138 BAIN, PETER, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of the committee of the land office on péti- tion of...........................................A 1 18 BAKER & CHEESBRO. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief............................................ S 3 63 BAKER, BLOOM. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.............A 7 135 BAKER, BRAYTON & CO. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 3 63 1843 do do do do ...........A 3 8469 BAKER, CHARLES, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition for damages to tlieir lands by the Champlain canal......................... A 2 158 1833 Report of committee on daims for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal................A 2 130 1833 Report of Canal Commissioners for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal........... S 2 114 1834 Report on committee on daims for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal............A 2 101 1836 Report of committee on grievances for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal............A 2 53 1838 Report of committee on grievances for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal............A 3 65 1839 Report of committee on grievances for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal............A 2 44 1840 Report of Canal Commissioners for damages to their lands by the Champlain canal............A 3 72 BAKER, HENRY. 1852 Report on pétition of the représentatives of deceased..................................... S 2 64 1854 Report on pétition of représentatives of....... S 1 53 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of représentatives of............................A 2 45 BAKER, ISAAC N. 1863 Report on pétition of............................A 6 180 1867 Baker, Mr., contestant, seat of Mr. Gregory, report of committee on ..............................A 4 80 1867 Baker, Mr., contestant, seat of Mr. Gregory, report of committee on...............................A 6 105 BAKER, OLIVER. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.............A 4 115 BAKER, WILLIAM. (Canal Commissioner.) 1840 Report on pétition for an investigation of the charges against...............................A 4 102 BAKER, ABNER, AND JOHN BYRON. 1872 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 7 86 BALCHER AND SCHMIDT. 1851 Report of committee on ways and means on daim of, A 4 97 BALCOM, LUKE, AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal................ A 2 101 1838 Report of select committee for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.......... A 3 134 1839 Report of committee on daims for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal........A 2 53 1840 Report of committee on daims for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal........A 4 11970 BALCOM, B. Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition of, relative to the suprême court............A 3 64 BALDWIN, A. C. & E. T. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of.A 3 43 BALDWIN AND STILLWELL. 1844 Report on a bill to conform the acts of... S 2 83 BALDWIN, CALVIN. 1839 Report on pétition for pay for building a bridge over the Hudson river in Warren county...A 5 298 BALDWIN, CHARLES A., see Luke Balcom and others. BALDWIN, HARVEY. 1850 Report on pétition for dam at Baldwinsville....A 3 47 1856 Report on pétition of, etc..................... S 1 35 1857 Report on claim of............................ S 1 6 BALDWIN, HARVEY, AND OTHERS. 1855 Report of committtee on daims in reference to pétition of..................................A 3 76 BALDWINSVILLE. 1835 Report relative to tolls on the canal around the falls at.....................................A 3 232 1836 Report relative to tolls on the canal around the falls at.....................................A 3 141 1836 Bridge across the Seneca at, report on pétition to raise money to build a..................... A 3 149 1850 Report in relation to improvement............. S 3 94 BALDWIN, W., AND OTHERS. 1852 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 51 BALDWIN, WILLIAM. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 163 1856 Report on pétition of....................... S 2 48 1869 Report of committee on claim of. .. .......... A 6 78 1869 Heirs of, report of committee on claim of..... S 6 84 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A G 104 BALDWIN, WM. W., AND CATHARINE V. S. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 2 79 1857 Report of committee on grievances in favor of.A 3 197 BALL, SILAS. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of John A. Dodge, attorney of, for pay ment of interest on protested draft..........................A 2 12871 BALL, THOMAS, AND MARY. Doc. Vol. No. 1844 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the pétition of............,....................A 5 112 BANK COMMISSIONERS. 1831 Annual report of...............................A 1 59 1832 do ..............................A 2 70 1833 do ..............................A 2 69 1834 do ’ ..............................A 2 102 1835 do ..............................A 2 74 1836 do ..............................A 2 80 1837 do ..............................A 2 78 1838 do ...... .......................A 3 71 1839 do ..............................A 3 101 1840 do ..............................A 2 44 1841 do ..............................A 3 64 1832 Salaries of, report of Attorney-General relative to the payment of the........................... S 1 9 1834 Salaries of, report of committee on pétition to increase the salaries of the................A 1 27 1833 Report of, in relation to bank dividende.......A 4 252 1833 Report of, giving the name of stockholders in the several banks, etc....................... ... A 2 89 1834 Report of amount of dividende made by the banks under their inspection...................... S 1 32 1835 Report of, relative to unclaimed dividende in banks, A 2 139 1838 Report of amount of unredeemed bank notes under five dollars ............................... S 1 19 1838 Report of amount of loans and dividends to stock- holders of banks, etc................................ S 2 44 1838 Communication from, in relation to an error in said report...................................... S 2 53 1838 Report of investigation of the Jefferson County, Commercial Bank of Oswego, Livingston County, Chautauqua County, Commercial of Buffalo, Bank of Orléans, Wayne and Saratoga County Banks .. A 2 13 1839 Report of, concerning the Brooklyn Bank........ S 3 84 1839 Spécial report of..............................A 4 225 1841 Report of, in relation to the Wayne County Bank, etc...... ..................................A 5 172 1842 Annual report of...............................A 2 29 1842 Message of Governor returning bill appointing John G. Blauvelt......................... ... S 4 83 1843 Annual report of..................... .........A 2 34 1843 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies on bill to abçlish said office.......A 5 154 BANKING DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROL- LER’S OFFICE. s 1839 Communication from the comptroller relative to the appointment of a committee to examine the accounts of.................................A 4 16972 1841 1842 1843 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1850 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 BANKING DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROL- LER’S OFFICE — Continued. doc. y0i. No. Report of committee appointed to examine the accounts of................................. A 5 151 Report of joint select committee appointed to examine accounts of ... ................... A 1 7 Report in relation to the accounts of the treasurer, and on so much as relates to the banking depart- ment...................................... .A 1 13 Canal department, treasury and, report of joint committee to examine their condition.........A 2 18 Canal department, treasury and, report of joint committee to examine their condition.........A 1 9 Canal department, treasury and, report of joint committee to examine their condition.........A 1 4 Canal department, treasury and, report of joint committee to examine their condition.........A 1 7 Report of committee of the assembly, appointed to examine accounts of treasurer, and canal and.... A 1 21 Annual report as to examination of..............A 3 65 Report of comptroller as to expenses............A 5 85 Report of committee to examine accounts....... . A 2 23 BANKING DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTENDENT OF. Annual report of................................A 1 9 do do .......................................A 1 6 Report of committee to examine accounts of......A 1 8 Report of, relative to bank at Oswego.......... 8 1 58 Report of committee on banks, on communication from.................................... ... S 2 96 Annual report of................................A 1 15 Annual report of committee to examine accounts of, Al 25 Annual report of................................A 1 10 Report of committee to examine accounts of treas- urer, etc.......................................A 1 11 Annual report of............................... A 1 4 Annual report of committee to examine accounts of, A 4 173 Annual report of................................A 1 5 Report in reply to resolution relative to Lewis County Bank and the bank fund................A 1 21 Report in reply to resolution relative to expenses of, A 3 202 Report of commissioners to examine securities in, for the fiscal years ending 30th September, 1856 and 1857 .................................. S 1 14 Report of commissioners to examine securities in, for the fiscal years ending 30th September, 1856 and 1857 ................................... S 2 104 Annual report of............................... A 1 4 Report in reply to a resolution.................A 1 24 Communication from, showing withdrawal of securi- ties, etc.......................................A 1 3873 BANKING DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTENDENT OF — Continued. doc. y0i. No. 1858 Report relative to savings banks................A 1 39 1859 Annual report of................................A 1 5 1859 Report of, relative to savings banks............A 2 87 1859 Report of, relative to clerks in banking department, A 3 13G 1860 Annual report of................................A 1 3 1861 do do ..................................... A 1 3 1861 Reports relative to accounts of.................A 1 23 1862 Annual report of............................... S 3 32 1862 do do ...................................A 1 4 1863 do do ...................................A 1 3 1863 Communication from, relative to législation neces- sary to brin g banking business of this State into barmony witli banking business of United States S 6 97 1864 Annual report of.......................*....... S 1 3 1864 do do ...................................A 1 3 1865 do do ...................................A 1 4 1866 do do .................. ...................A 1 3 1866 Annual report of, relative to savings banks....A 7 159 1866 Communication from, relative to safety fund banks.. S 2 64 1866 Communication from, relative to more savings banks in New York citv............................ S 2 85 1866 Recommendation of, relative to banks that hâve given notice of winding up........................ S 1 13 1867 Annual report..................................Al 4 1867 Annual report on savings banks.................A 6 98 1868 Annual report .................................A 2 24 1868 Annual report on savings banks.................A 12 133 1868 Spécial report on savings banks.................A 1 5 1869 Annual report..................................A 1 7 1869 Annual report on savings banks................ S 6 71 1869 Communication from, relative to People’s Safe Deposit Company......... ................... S 3 39 1870 Annual report.................................. A 1 7 1870 Annual report on savings banks................ A 1 44 1871 Annual report................................. A 2 7 1871 Annual report on savings banks................ S 1 8 1872 Annual report of..................... .........A 1 7 1872 Reply of Superintendent of, to resolution callingfor statement of expenses.......................A 7 98 1872 Annual report of, relative to savings banks ....A 7 99 1872 Communication from, relative to savings banks.... S 1 11 1873 Annual report of............................... A 1 7 1873 Annual report of, relation to savings banks....A 4 43 1874 Report of, on savings banks.................... A 6 88 1874 Report of, relative to savings banks......... * • • A 10 141 1874 Annual report of................................A 1 7 1875 Annual report of.............................. A 4 62 1875 Report of, relative to business of savings banks.... S 4 67 1875 Annual report of................................A 1 5 1875 Report relative to savings banks ...............A 8 108 1074 BANKING DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTENDENT OF — Continued : Doc. Yol, y0. 1876 Annual report of.................................. Al 5 1876 Annual report of, relative to savings banks.A 5 40 1876 Communication from, relative to savings banks ... A 5 40 1877 Annual report of............................A 1 5 1874 Banking and witlidrawal of fractional currency, reso- lution, relative to.............................A 10 147 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States Bank. BANKRUPT LAW. 1840 Report of committee on tbe judiciary relative to a. . SI 24 1840 Message from the Governor transmitting the pro- ceedings of a meeting of citizens of New York in relation to a................................ S 3 78 1840 Resolution ofïered by Mr. Grout relative to a..A 4 117 1840 Report of a committee appointed to inquire into the correctness of the Senate Journal of March 21, relative to the passage of the resolution for a.... S 4 127 1841 Report of a select committee on the subject of a.. .. A 4 92 BANKS. 1832 Listof.......................................... A 3 229 1833 Memorial of citizens of Utica against incorporating more ... ..................................... S 2 72 1833 List of..........................................A 3 137 1833 do ............................................. A 3 207 1834 do ............................................. A 2 56 1834 do ..............................................A 2 324 1836 do ..............................................A 2 66 1836 Report relative to requiring them to receive bills of ail solvent banks of this State in payment of debts, etc.....................................A 3 134 1841 Report on bill to prevent fraudulent practices in the management of..................................A 6 214 1841 Resolution to appoint a committee to inquire whether any of the banks in Albany or New York hâve been engaged in creating unnecessary alarm or distrust in the solvency of the... S 2 48 1842 Report of committe on, and banking fund..........A 7 187 1845 Report of committee on, relative to............. S 3 97 1847 Number and condition of new......................A 7 199 1848 Report of committee on, respecting so much of Governor’s message as relates to. ............ S 1 27 1849 Report of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to..........................A 3 141 1850 Report of committee on......................... SI 25 1850 Majority report of committee on banks and insurance companies on Governor’s message............... S 2 53 1850 Minority report on same......................... S 2 5475 1855 1856 1848 1853 1854 1830 1841 1841 1847 1848 1854 1852 1855 1837 1849 1830 1839 1847 1837 1830 1835 1856 1857 1860 1862 1862 1862 BANKS —Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on, in answer to resolution of Assembly..........................................A Act relative to banks, etc......................... S Banking institutions, report of committee on banks, etc., as to formation of........................ A Banking privilèges, message of the Governor return- ing bill in relation to, with bis objections....A Banking purposes, act to authorize corporations for, A Charters, report as to what banks bave acceded to the provisions of the act renewing their..........A List of, with amount of capital, and the time when their charters will expire...............*......A Currency and report concerning (Mr. Kelsey).. ... A Free banks, communication from Attorney-General relative to power of the Législature to appoint a committee to investigate affairs of...............A Funds in deposit, report relative to...............A Funds, report of committee on, relative to surplus.. A Loans to, report of commissioners of canal fund, relative to...................................... S Mortgages, report of committee on, in relation to, as a basis for banking............................A Paper money, report relative to reducing the amount of, in circulation, and increasing the proportion of metallic currency............................ A Public money, report of commissioners of canal fund relative to deposits of, in................ A Public moneys deposited in, Comptroller’s report on a resolution of Assembly relative to...........A State stocks, report on bill allowing banks to deal in ....................................... S State stocks in trust for, report of Comptroller rela- tive to......................................... A Taxation of, for the enlargement of the Erie canal, report on bill................................A Taxes, statement of amount of, paid by . . ......A Tax on, for highway labor, report of the expedi- ency of a ................................... A Trust companies, report of committee on, relative to certain .................................... S Trust companies, report relative to condition of incorporated .................................. S Report of committee, relative to engraving bank notes...............-......................... S Reports of majority and minority of committee, in relation to circulation of banks whose charters hâve expired............................ ..... S Report of Comptroller relative to banks of deposit for State funds.................................A Communication from Auditor relative to funds in broken.......................................... A 2 55 2 47 3 70 5 113 4 128 2 71 5 184 7 301 4 106 5 182 2 61 2 81 3 70 4 302 1 31 4 382 3 87 6 202 4 316 1 32 3 189 3 101 4 163 1 85 ♦ q (45 o { 46 6 155 6 1561863 1864 1842 1847 1848 1849 1857 1830 1830 1832 1832 1834 1834 1835 1832 1834 1836 1836 1834 1841 1851 1838 1834 1834 1852 1852 1856 1858 1858 1837 1837 1837 76 BANKS — Continuée!. Doc> y0i. no. Report of select committee appointed in 1862, in relation to unclaimed deposits, etc............A 6 201 Report of minority of committee on, relative to organizing under United States laws as national banks............................................A 7 171 Bank Fund: Report of committee on, and banks................A 7 187 Report as to payments made by banks to.......... S 4 145 Answer of Comptroller to resolutions concerning . . S 2 41 Stock of, in the canal department, report of tke commissioners of tlie canal fund as to........ S 2 35 Report of Superintendent of Banking Department in reply to resolution relative to...............A 1 21 Banking System: Proposed by Mr. Speaker Root.....................A Report tkereon...................................A Report of committee on banks on the..............A .............. S do do do do do do do do do do do do (Mr. Edmonds) S (Mr. Morris) .. A (Mr. Edmonds) S Capital, Incorporated : Amount of, in the county..........................A Amount of, in the State......................... A do do ..............A Amount of, in the State at different periods......A Amount of, in the State.......................... A do do ..............A Report of Comptroller relative to, and names, etc., of incorporated banks and other corporations ... A Dividends and Deposits: Report of bank commissioners relative to dividends, A Bank commissioners’ report of amount of dividends under their inspection ........................ S Bank commissioners’ report of amount of unclaimed, A Report of commissioners respecting unclaimed .... A Report of select committee in relation to gratuities being given to obtain deposits................. S Report of committee on, relative to payment of interest on deposits, etc...................... S Report of majority relative to unclaimed........A Report of minority relative to unclaimed........A General Banking Law: Pétition for a .................................. S Report on pétition for a (Mr. Young)............ S Report of Attorney-General on the constitutionality of the........................................ A 22 26 74 22 108 3 163 1 27 15 66 66 102 56 184 3 87 4 252 32 139 127 98 58 126 140 10 55 4 30377 BANKS — Continued. General Banking Law — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Beport of select committee on bill to create........A 4 318 1838 Beport on the subject of a (Mr. Patterson)......... S 2 122 1838 do do (Mr. Young)............. S 2 42 1838 do do (Mr. Young)............. S 2 68 1840 Kesolution offered by Mr. Boosevelt in relation to the associations under the......................A 1 28 1840 Opinion of the Suprême Court relative to the con- stitution ality of the....................................A 3 65 1840 Besolution directing the Comptroller to give a full statement of notes delivered to each association for circulation, etc............................A 1 28 1841 Associations and individual bankers under the report giving the names of those who hâve failed to redeem their notes on demand................ S 2 53 1846 Beport of committee on banks, etc , on bill to amend, A3 72 1849 Beport of committee on banks and insurance com- panies on the propriety of amending, so as to admit the deposit of United States stocks as a basis of circulation............................ S 1 22 1849 Beport of committee on banks, etc., relative to reorganization of, whose charters are about expir- ing under the ...........................................A 3 41 Investigation of: 1835 Besolution calling on the Governor for any informa- tion he may possess in relation to improper practices of banks.................................A 1 60 1835 Interrogatories addressed to banks....................A 2 96 1835 Beport of committee appointed to investigate cer- tain charges against the.................................... A 3 229 1837 Besolution to appoint a committee to investigate charges of malpractice of (Cutting)................A 1 34 1837 Besolution to appoint a committee to investigate charges of malpractices of (Boosevelt).............A 1 42 1837 Besolution to appoint a committee to investigate charges of malpractices of (Cutting)...............A 1 46 1837 Pétition of citizens of Allegany for an investiga- tion of......................................................A 2 130 1837 Beport of select committees appointed to investigate, A 3 243 1837 do do do A 4 328 See, also, Commercial Bank, Albany; Chautauqua County Bank; City and Commercial Banks,Buffalo, Erie county; Jefferson County Bank; Brooklyn Bank, Kings county; Bank of Dans ville and Liv- ingston County Bank, Livingston county; Dry Dock Company, Manhattan Compan}', Phœnix and Seventh Ward Banks, New York; Oneida County Bank; Orléans County Bank; Sacketts Harbor and Oswego County Banks, Oswego county; Saratoga County Bank, and Wayne County Bank.78 1835 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1810 1810 1812 1811 1815 1815 1815 1816 1816 1817 1818 1818 1818 1818 1850 1851 1853 BANKS — Continuée!. Notes: Doc. Vol. No. Bedemption of, at par in New York, report on tbe subject of the (Mr. Wilkison)..... ..............A 3 189 Beport of amount of tbeir issues on tbe lst Janu- ary, 1836, etc.................................. S 1 33 Résolutions for tbe rédemption of, at par in New York.............................................A 1 27 Post, pétition to allow tbem to issue..............A 1 293 do do do .................Al 291 Beport on tbe same.................................A 1 309 Of foreign banks wbose cbarters bave expired, report relative to...............................A 5 221 Of foreign banks, report on autborizing tbe banks of tbis state to receive tbe................... A 5 265 Of specie paying, résolution relative to collecting tbe revenues in.................................A 6 328 Beport relative to extending tbe circulation of tbe..............................................A 1 222 Beport on bill to regulate tbe value of (Mr. Kellogg)....................................... A 1 223 Report of miaority of committee on pétition for tbe rédemption of, at par in New York .. . .....A 1 116 Beport of committee of conférence on bill for same object...........................................A 8 325 Beport of committee on banking, etc., on pétition relative to safety fund circulating, etc.........A 7 118 Beport of committee on banks, etc., on tbe bill to compel ail banks to redeem tbeir, in tbe city of New York ......................................... A 5 127 Beport of tbe Comptroller in answer to a resolu- tion of tbe Assembly relative to tbe issue of registered......................................A 5 161 Par rédemptions of, report of tbe committee on banks, etc., in relation to . ................ S 3 89 Beport of tbe Comptroller relative to agents for tbe rédemption of, etc........................ S 3 100 Par rédemptions, report of majority of committee on..............................................A 1 131 Par rédemptions, report of minority of committee on............................................ A 5 115 Beport as to asking issues of................... S 1 123 Pétition for rédemption of, in New York...........A 3 56 do do do ............ A 3 86 Reports as to issues of...........................A 3 91 Beport as to limiting issues of.................. A 3 116 Beport in relation to rédemption of...............A 8 185 Beport in relation to destruction of..............A 5 138 Beport of committee on banks and insurance com- panies, on pétition praying for an enlargement of tbe basis of circulation ...........,........A 2 1679 1830 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1851 1834 1835 1837 1839 1841 1842 1848 1848 1851 1842 1845 1853 1833 1834 BANKS —Continued. Safety FüND: Doc. Vol. No. Report in relation to the expediency of amending the law relative to..................... ......A 2 129 Report relative to enlarging the powers of the Comptroller relative to........................ S 1 Memorial of the New York banks relative to the investment of the.................... ......... S 1 Report on the same........... ................... S 2 Report of the Comptroller relative to the disposition of the...................................... S 1 Report of the Comptroller relative to the disposition of the..........................................A 3 248 Report of amount paid toward the, and relative to the investment of.............................. S 1 Report in relation to the investment of the......S 2 Not subject to, report oe the expediency of altering the charter of such banks so as to subject them to the liabilities of that act................. S 2 Bank commissioners’ report of amount of dividends and profits of the............................. A 4 252 Resolution requiring them to hâve at ail times one- ûfth of their capital in specie.............. SI 8 Report of Comptroller of amount paid toward, and relative to the investment of the... .,........ S 2 Report of Comptroller of amount paid toward, and relative to the investment of the.............. S 2 Report relative to enlarging the, etc. (Mr. Powers), S 1 Report of amount paid by each bank to the, and the dividend tliereon to each bank................ A 4 1G1 Report of bank commissioners in answer to a reso- lution of Assembly relative to the....... .......A 5 Report of committee on banks, on condition of .... A 7 Report in relation to rebate of interest to....... S 2 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies in relation to payments to.............. S 3 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies as to contribution to..................... S 2 36 71 23 19 47 99 62 48 38 172 187 56 56 39 Safety Fund Banks : Report relative to circulating notes of.............A 7 148 Report of committee on banks, etc., on the affairs of the receivers of the several insolvent........... S 3 118 Report of committee on banks, etc., on reference of the resolutions calling for information concernin g, A4 81 Small Bills of : Report on bill to prevent the circulation of (Mr. Morris).........................................A 3 215 Report on bill to prevent the circulation of (Mr. Bowne) ......................................... A 3 17880 BANKS — Continued. Small Bills of — Continued : D0Ct y0i No> 1835 Resolution offered by Mr. Edwards relative to the circulation of................................. S 1 26 1838 Report on pétition to repeal tlie law prohibiting the issue of ...................................... S 1 10 1838 Report of Bank Commissioners of amount of unre- deemed......................................... S 1 19 1838 Report of committee of conférence on the bill to repeal the law prohibiting the issue of........ S 2 68 1839 Report on bill to repeal the law prohibiting the issue of........................................A 2 19 Specie Payments : 1838 Message from Governor in relation to the resump- tion of........................................ S 2 70 1838 Message from Governor relative to the bill author- izing the suspension of........................ S 2 71 1838 Report on bill to repeal the suspension law.......A 5 246 1838 Report on the subject of the resumption of (Mr. Birdseye).......................................A 6 352 1838 Senate bill, with amendments of the Assembly.....A 6 354 1838 Bill to facilitate the resumption of..............A 6 354 1838 Report of committee of conférence on the bill to facilitate the resumption of....................A 6 358 1838 Report on bill to facilitate the resumption of (Mr. Birdseye).......................................A 6 344 Stock: 1830 Memorial of mechanics of New York against repeal- ing the law imposing a tax on...................A 3 272 1834 Preamble and resolution, relative to the sale of, at auction.........................................A 1 12 1834 Report thereon......................................A 3 136 1838 Distribution of, investigation by the bank commis- sioners in relation to the...............................A 2 23 Stockholders in: 1838 List of, in the New York banks, not residing within the county of New York, with the amount of stock j 232 liolden by them, and their résidence respectively. .A 3 { 277 1833 List of, with the amount of stock held by them, etc., A 2 89 1838 Loans and discounts to, etc., amount of............ S 2 44 1838 Communication from the bank commissioners rela- tive to an error in the above report.................... S 2 53 1849 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies, on so mucli of Governor’s message as relates to individual liability of...................... S 2 42 Albany County: 1838 Albany City Bank, annual report of unclaimed divi- ^ dends and deposits........................ S 1 18 1839 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits, SI 1081 BANKS —Continued. Albany County — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1840 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits, S 3 80 1841 do do do ........ S 1 13 1842 do do do ........ S 1 14 1836 Bank of Albany, annual report of unclaimed divi- dende and deposits..........................A 2 43 1837 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits, A 1 26 1837 Report of amount of notes in circulation........A 1 23 1838 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits, A 2 35 1839 do do do .. .... A 2 50 1840 do do do .. .... A 1 16 1841 do do do .. ....A 2 21 1842 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.....A 1843 Annual report of................................A 1843 Report of, in relation to its funds and property.. A 1845 Annual report of................................A 1847 do ..............................A 1848 Report of......................................A 1836 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....................................A 1837 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....................................A 1838 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.................................. A 1839 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....................................A 1840 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits................................... A 1841 Canal Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits................................... A 1842 Canal banks, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.. ;..................................A 1843 Annual report of, relative to unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 1844 Annual report of... ............................A 1845 do ......................................A 1849 Report of receiver of, in compliance with resolu- tion of the Assembly..........................A 1849 Report of receiver of.. ....................... A 1849 Report of committee appointed to investigate affaire of.................................. S 1849 Report on the affaire of.................. S 1830 Commercial bank, annual report of the condition and affaire of................................A 1831 Annual report of the condition and affaire of..A 1833 do do do --------A 1833 Remonstrance against being subject to the safety fund law................................... S 1834 Annual report of.................................A 1835 do ..............................A 1836 Investigation, report of select committee...... S 11 2 33 5 186 5 187 1 17 6 175 6 203 2 92 92 3 155 5 276 2 34 4 103 4 56 5 195 6 158 6 220 185 222 62 63 166 160 134 111 50 199 9482 BANKS — Continuée!. Albany County — Continued : D0C> y0i. n0 1836 Documents accompanying the same........... S 2 95 1836 Report of select committee on communication ' from Lewis Benedict.................... S 2 96 1836 Additional testimony relative to the official con- duct of Isaac W. Bishop................... S 2 101 1836 Additional testimony relative to the investigation S 2 102 1836 Report of select committee in the case of John W. Edmonds................................ S 2 104 1836 Communication from John L. Mumford and Isaac W. Bishop.............................. S 2 107 1836 Annual report of.................... ........A 3 160 1837 do ............................A 3 163 1838 do ............................A 4 186 1839 do ............................A 4 209 1841 do ............................A 4 121 1842 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..A 5 90 1843 Report in relation to certain moneys deposited in, part of the net proceeds of the sales of public lands of the United States................A 5 144 1843 Annual report of. ...........................A 5 184 1845 do ............................A 5 163 1836 Mechanics and Farmers* Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..........A 1 24 1837 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 1 15 1838 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 2 56 1839 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 2 20 1840 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits .... ............................A 2 38 1841 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.................................. A 3 53 1842 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits...A 2 35 1843 do do do ____ A 5 194 1845 Annual report of......................... .... A 3 54 1846 do ................. ... A 1 16 1846 do ............................A 1 17 1847 do ............................A 7 176 1848 Report of....................................A 6 204 1838 New York State Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....................A 5 211 1839 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 4 178 1840 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 2 59 1841 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits..................................A 4 93 1842 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits..A4 75 1843 Report of, in relation to its funds and property . . A 5 19383 BANKS — Continued. Albany County — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1849 Watervliet Bank, communication from receiver of.. A 5 204 1849 Report of the receiver of...........................A 5 227 See Banks, Savings. Cayuga County: 1832 Cayuga County Bank, report on pétition to incorporate...................................A 2 104 1841 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................... S 2 38 Chaütauqua County : 1832 Chautauqua County Bank, bank commissioners’ report of investigation of......................A 2 23 Columbia County: 1830 Hudson River Bank, report on pétition to incorporate................................. S 4 292 1837 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits------A 1 13 1838 do do do A 3 66 1839 do do do S 1 10 1840 do do do S 3 74 Delaware County: 1832 Delaware County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate ..................................................A 2 126 Dutohess County: 1856 Bank of Fishkill, report of the committee on ways and means on the pétition of the president and directors of, relative to a certain claim..............A 3 16 1830 Bank of Poughkeepsie, report on pétition to incor- porate ..................................... S 4 383 1836 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....A 2 51 1849 Dutchess County Bank, annual report..............A 3 207 1832 Annual report .................................A 2 330 1833 do .......................................A 3 213 1834 do .......................................A 3 251 1835 do ...................................... A 4 267 1836 do .......................................A 4 214 Erie County: 1831 Bank of Buffalo, report on pétition to incorporate ..SI 43 1841 City Bank, report of the register in chancery in relation to the affaire of the ..............A 4 87 1841 Communication from register in chancery trans- mitting sundry documents, etc................A 4 108 1841 Communication from W. L. Marcy, receiver, in relation to...................-............A 4 14484 BANKS — Continued. Erie Coünty — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Communication from W. S. Marcy, receiver in relation to.................................A 5 150 1841 Report on pétition of L. F. Allen, J. H. Lathrop and Stephen White, for an investigation into their acts and proceedings as connected with the ........................................ A 7 290 1846 Purchasing assets of, report of comptroller in answer to a resolution relative to............A 4 120 1838 Commercial Bank, bank commissioners* report of investigation of............. ................A 2 23 1830 Mechanics’ Bank, report on pétition to incorporate, S 4 338 1857 Walter Joy’s Bank, report of committee on judi- ciary, relative to..............................A 3 166 Essex County: 1837 Essex County Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits...............‘..................A 1 35 Greene County: 1836 Catskill Bank, annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................A 3 124 1837 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................... A 3 218 1837 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits......................................A 2 38 1839 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits............ j...................... S .1 10 1840 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................... S 1 22 1841 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits......................................A 3 58 1842 Catskill Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.......................... .........A 2 20 1843 Report of, in answer to a resolution of Assem- bly of twenty-seventh February.............. A 4 117 1843 Annual report of . ..............................A 5 180 1844 Report of....................................... A 7 179 1844 Annual report of.................................A 7 180 1845 do do ...................................... A 4 113 Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Catskill, report on pétition to incorporate........................ S 4 386 1831 Tanners’ Bank, report on pétition to incorporate... S 1 43 1836 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits .... S 1 42 Herkimer Coijnty : 1831 Herkimer County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate ................................................ S 1 16 1848 Mohawk Valley Bank, pétition of, as to par rédemp- tion, in New York............... ....................A 8685 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1888 1838 1836 1838 1839 1835 1857 1845 1846 1846 1846 1847 BANKS — Continued. Jefferson County : Doc. Vol. Jefferson County Bank, memorial of a majority of the commissioners appointed to distribute the increased capital of...........................A 4 Affidavits of N. M. Woodruff, one of the com- missioners ......................................A 4 Memorial of majority of the commissioners.....A 4 Beport of select committee on the investigation of.............................................A 3 Additional testimony.............................A 4 Affidavits of L. Paddock and N. M. Woodruff---A 4 Bank Commissioners’ report of investigation of.. A 2 Sacketts Harbor Bank, report of select committee recommending the repeal of the charter of.... A 3 Memorial of the directors of, against the repeal of the charter.................................A 4 Testimony relative to the issuing of checks by the, A 3 Additional testimony.............................A 4 do do ....................................A 4 Beport on pétition to recharter..................A 5 Kings County : Atlantic Bank, report on bill for the relief of...A 3 Brooklyn Bank, annual report of unclaimed divi- dende and deposits............ .. ..............A 1 Pétition of F. C. Treadwell for an investigation of...........................................A 3 Beport of Bank Commissioners in relation to the.. S 3 Long Island Bank, report of the affaire and condi- tion of............................................. S 2 See Banks, Savings. Lewis County: Lewis County Bank, report of superintendent of banking department in reply to resolution rela- tive to................ ...............-.......A 1 Livingston County: Bank of Dansville, report of committee on the judi- ciary, on the memorial of B. L. Dorr and others relative to the.................................A 1 Beport of majority of committee on banks, etc., * relative to.......................................A 6 Beport of minority of committee on banks, etc., relative to......................................A 6 Pétition of Bichard W. Porter, director of, and others, for investigation of the affairs of, etc... A 2 Bemonstrance of cashier of, denying charges in pétitions for investigation of the affairs of said bank...............................................A 2 No. 285 299 322 284 326 305 23 243 296 245 297 298 278 92 26 83 84 63 21 17 224 225 79 9386 1847 1847 1830 1838 1831 1835 1838 1839 1841 1836 1838 1831 1838 1830 1830 1832 1832 1832 1857 1857 1836 1838 1842 1844 1859 1860 1861 1843 BANKS — Continuée!. Livingston County — Continued : doc Report of select committee to inquire whether affidavit of John Gilman in the matter of, had been improperly taken from the files..........A Keport of committee on banks and insurance companies, on pétitions for investigating affaire of..............................................A Livingston County Bank, report on pétition to incorporate...... ........................... S Bank commissioners’ report of investigation of the....................................... A Madison County: Madison County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate ...................................... S Monroe County: Bank of Rochester, annual report of............. S Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.... S Report on pétition to extend the charter......A Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....A Bank of Monroe, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....................................A Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits....A Montgomery County: Montgomery County Bank, report on pétition to incorporate.................................. S Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.... S New York: Report of amount of stock held by persons residing out of the State, etc.......................... A Report of amount of stock held by persons residing out of the State, etc...........................A Report on several applications for............... S Memorial of, relative to the investment of the bank fund.......................................... S Report on several applications for............... S American Exchange Bank, report of, in reply to a resolution....................................A Report, in reply to resolution of inquiry.......A Bank of America, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.......»........................ S Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.... S Annual report of.............................. S Report of unclaimed dividende................. S do do do .................... S Report of its funds, etc....................... S Statement of its liabilities and resources.... S Bank of New York, annual report of................A Vol. No. 4 125 4 145 4 307 2 23 1 43 2 26 1 18 2 57 3 85 1 28 3 105 1 43 1 18 3 232 3 277 1 32 1 55 1 22 3 208 3 209 1 45 1 18 2 36 1 8 1 6 1 20 1 6 5 18587 BANKS — Continued. New York County — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1843 Annual report relative to unclaimed dividende and deposits A 5 185 1830 Butchers’ and Drovers’ Bank, report on pétition to incorporate ... . S 4 385 1836 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits A 2 56 1837 do do do do A 2 82 1838 do do do do .... S 1 18 1839 do do do do S 1 10 1840 do do do do S 1 19 1841 do do do do s 1 8 1842 Annual report of s 1 12 1844 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits s 1 10 1847 Central Bank, report on application of.......... b 4 141 1856 Chatham Bank, report in reference to............A 4 171 1857 Report of committee on State prisons, favor- able on pétition of, for payment of money loaned..................................... A 2 142 1830 Chemical Manufacturing Company Bank, annual report of................................... A 3 251 1832 * Annual report of...............................A 2 161 1833 do do ......................................A 3 170 1833 Remonstrance of, against being subject to the safety fund law............................. S 1 102 1833 Remonstrance of, against being subjected to safety fund System................................. S 2 102 1834 Annual report of...............................A 4 305 1835 do do A 4 304 1836 do do A 4 221 1837 do do A 3 232 1838 do do A 5 249 1839 do do A 5 277 1840 do do s 4 97 1841 do do A 4 137 1842 do do A 7 135 1831 City Bank, report on pétition to reduce the capital of A 4 304 1841 1843 1830 1830 1830 1839 1849 15 75 21 Commercial Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits................................. S 1 Report of the receiver of the....................A 4 Delaware and Hudson Canal Company [see Canals], report of Comptroller on pétition of, for power to sell certain land.......................... S 1 Report of Comptroller relative to the stock issued to the .... .................................. S 2 198 Report of Comptroller relative to the stock issued to the................................... .. S Report relative to the issue of bank notes not pay- able on demand................................... S Report of Comptroller relative to stocks issued to............................................ S 2 41 4 317 2 4988 BANKS — Continuée!. New York County—Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Dry Dock Bank, annu al report of...................A 1 62 1831 Annual report of.................................. S 1 76 1832 do A 3 218 ‘1833 do A 4 280 1834 do A 3 240 1835 do A 1 31 1836 do A 1 28 1837 do A 1 16 1838 Report of committee appointed to investigate the affaire of.................................A 6 318 1839 Annual report of...................................A 6 344 1840 do A 1 7 1841 do A 4 112 1842 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposits, A 4 52 1843 Annual report of.................................. A 5 189 1844 do A 7 181 1845 do A 5 171 1847 Dry Dock Bank, annual report of...................A 7 179 1848 Annual report of...................................A 6 209 1833 Fulton Bank, remonetrance of, againet being eub- jected to the eafety fund law..................S 2 104 1833 Remonetrance of, againet being eubject to the eafety fund eyetem........................ S 2 140 1836 Report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite.... S 1 40 1877 German-American Bank, etatement of balance in... A 2 12 1836 Greenwich Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite...................................... A 1 37 1837 Report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite.... S 2 53 1838 do do do do S 1 18 1839 do do do do S 1 10 1840 do do do do S 3 79 1841 do do do do A 3 71 1842 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and deposite, S 1 15 1843 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite, A 5 192 1842 Lafayette Bank, annual report of unclaimed divi- dende and depoeite.................................... S 1 10 1832 Leather Manufacturera’ Bank, report on pétition to incorporate................................... S 2 95 1832 Memorial of the committee of the aesociation applying for the ............................. S 2 104 1838 Report of unclaimed dividende and depoeits....A 2 40 1839 do do A 4 167 1840 do do A 1 20 1841 do do A 2 48 1842 do do A 2 34 1843 Annual report of................................. A 5 198 1845 do* A 1 9 1846 do A 1 21 1847 Annual report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite.......................................A 6 17289 BANKS — Continued. New York County — Continued : Doc. y0i. No. 1848 Leather Manufacturera’ Bank, report of...........A 6 209 1848 Annual report of............ A 6 210 1836 Manhattan Company Bank, report on pétition for an investigation of the affairs of..........A 4 308 1837 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.....A 1 39 1838 do do A 2 49 1840 do do A 5 199 1841 do do A 5 59 1839 Report of unclaimed items of interest on canal stock in the................................A 3 134 1842 Annual report of...............................A 2 40 1843 do .............................A 5 179 1845 do .............................A 6 219 1846 do .............................A 1 18 1847 do .............................A 7 177 1848 do .............................A 6 207 1863 Report of unclaimed dividends and balances for past two years ............................A. 2 21 1836 Mechanics’ Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits...............................A 2 59 1837 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits. ... A 1 22 1840 do do A 2 56 1841 do do S 1 27 1843 Annual report of, in relation to its funds and property...................................A 5 202 1844 - Annual report of..............................A 6 159 1847 do A 6 174 1838 Mechanics and Traders* Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits................... A 3 96 1838 Merchants’ Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits............................... S 1 18 1839 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits..... S 1 10 1841 do do S 1 26 1844 Annual report of................................A 7 167 1845 do A 5 184 1846 do A 1 17 1848 do A 6 206 1840 Merchants* Exchange Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits......................A 5 207 1841 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.....A 2 49 1843 Merchants* Exchange Bank, annual report in rela- tion to its funds and property.........................A 5 191 1845 Annual report of.............................. A 5 170 1846 do A 1 17 1847 do A 7 178 1848 do A 6 208 1856 Morris Canal and Banking Company, report of judiciary committee on bill................ S 2 95 1836 National Bank, report of amount of bills in circu- lation ................................................A 2 78 1290 BANKS — Continuée!. New York Coünty — Continued : Doc Vol No 1836 National Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.....................................A 3 206 1838 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.... S 1 18 1839 do do A 3 126 1841 do do A 3 80 1842 Annual report of.......................... ... S 2 40 1833 North River Bank, annual report of............. S 2 42 1834 Annual report of............................... S 2 56 1835 do .............................. S 1 18 1839 Report on pétition to increase its capital and extend the charter of....................... A 5 266 1841 Minority report on bill to re-charter...........A 6 231 1842 Report of minority committee on banking and insurance companies on pétition for re-charter of......................................... A 4 79 1838 Phœnix Bank, report of the investigation of certain charges against..............................A 5 281 1839 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits....A 3 82 1840 do do S 1 23 1841 do do S 1 10 1841 Report on bill to reduce the capital of.........A 6 295 1841 Report of Attorney-General in relation to the proceedings instituted against the...........A 6 236 1842 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.................................. S 1 17 1843 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.....................................A 5 182 1844 Annual report of . .. ..........................A 7 180 1834 Seventh Ward Bank, report of committee appointed to inquire into the practices resorted to for the purpose of procuring the charter............ S 1 47 1834 Letter from James Perkins...................... S 2 91 1834 Letter from I. D. Brown........................ S 2 73 1834 Letter from R. D. Dodge ....................... S 2 80 1834 Letter from Levi Ridder........................ S 2 89 1834 Letter from David Russell...................... S 2 64 1836 Tradesmen’s Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits ..................................A 1 27 1838 Union Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.................................... S 1 23 1841 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits .... S 1 11 1842 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.................................... S 1 13 1843 Annual report of the............................A 5 201 Oneida Coünty : 1855 Bank of Whitestown, report of committee on daims in reference to claim of.................A 4 94 1831 Oneida Bank, report of select committee on pétition for an investigation of.................... S 1 3591 1837 1837 1848 1850 1841 1836 1836 1836 1841 1832 1832 1838 1842 1843 1845 1847 1848 1836 1838 1836 1841 1836 1836 1836 1838 1836 1840 BANKS — Continued. Oneida County— Continued: Doc.Vol. No. Oneida Bank, report of majority and minority of the Committee on pétition to repeal the charter of.................................. S 2 58 Affidavits of stockholders of................. S 2 61 Pétition of, for rédemption of notes in New York city.........................................A 3 56 Pétition of, for par rédemption in New York.... SI 24 Utica, bank of, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.....................................A 3 63 Branch of, at Canandaigua, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.......................A 2 57 Report of amount of bills in circulation.......A 2 58 Ontario Branch, at Utica, report of unclaimed divi- dends and deposits................................A 1 35 Ontario Branch, at Utica, report of unclaimed divi- dends and deposits.............................. SI 12 Onondaga County : Onondaga County Bank, report of unclaimed divi- dends and deposits................................A 3 116 Salina, bank of, report on pétition to incorpoiate... A 4 323 Ontario County : Geneva, bank of, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.................................... A 1 12 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.................................... S 1 7 Annual report of...... ...................... A 5 199 do A .4 104 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits.....................................A 2 91 Annual report of ............................. A 6 205 Ontario Bank, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits...................................A 4 212 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits..A 3 84 Branch of, at Utica, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits...............................A 1 35 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits... SI 12 Utica, branch of, report of unclaimed dividends and deposits............................. .....A 2 57 Report of amount of bills in circulation...... S 2 58 Orange County : Orange County Bank, report of unclaimed divi- dends and deposits.............................. A 2 49 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits..A 3 136 Newburgh, bank of, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits...............................A 2 60 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits....A 1 1992 BANKS — Continued : Orléans County: Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Orléans County Bank, report of investigation of the charges against............................. A 5 256 1838 Bank commissioners’ report of investigation of... A 2 23 Oswego County: 1838 Commercial Bank, bank commissioners* report rela- tive to the distribution of the stock of the. ..........A 2 33 Otsego County: 1830 Otsego County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate........................................ S 4 384 Rensselaer County: 1836 Bank of Troy, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.......................................A 1 33 1836 Merchants and Mechanics* Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits ............A 1 25 1837 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.....A 2 143 1838 do do do do ........A4 184 See Banks, Savings. St. Lawrence County: 1836 Ogdensburgh Bank, report of unclaimed dividende and deposits............................... S 1 57 1841 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits.. S 1 21 Saratoga County: 1830 Saratoga County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate...................................... S 3 281 1837 Report of select committee relative to the sale by Mr. Young of his stock in the............... S 2 66 1838 Bank commissioners* report of investigation of... A 2 23 ScHENECTADY CoüNTY: 1834 Schenectady Bank, report on bill to incorporate ... A 4 390 1836 Report of amount of bills in circulation......A 2 47 1836 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..A 1 36 1838 do do do do S 8 18 1839 do do do do S 1 10 1840 do do do do .... S 4 112 1841 do do do do S 1 17 Ulster County: 1831 Ulster County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate ...................................... S 1 43 Washington County: 1830 Washington and Warren Bank, report of the Comp- troller in relation to the returns of the.....A 4 37093 1836 1840 1841 1842 1843 1845 1838 1841 1848 1855 1856 1842 1831 1846 1846 1848 1850 1851 1851 1845 1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 BANKS — Continued. Washington County— Continued: Doc.Vol. No. Whitehall, bank of, report of unclaimed dividende and depoeits . ............................. A 1 40 Report of unclaimed dividende and depoeite .... A 5 212 do do do do .... A 4 90 do do do do .... A 4 59 Annual report of................................A 5 190 do do ......................................A 5 180 Wayne County: Wayne County Bank, bank commiesioners’ report of inveetigation of.......................... A Bank commieeioners report of, in anewer to a reso- lution of Aeeembly........................... A Westchester County: Bank of New Rochelle, anewer to a reeolution of Aeeembly calling for information reepecting...A Sing Sing Bank, report on claim of..............A Report on claim of...............................A Weetcheeter County Bank, report of unclaimed divi- dende and deposits.............................A Yates County : Yates County Bank, report on pétition to incor- porate ..................... ................. S BANKS, SAY1NGS. Report of committee on banke and insurance com- panies relative to, at Buffalo and Rochester..A Report of committee on banke and insurance com- panies relative to, at Rochester............. A Report of committee on banke, etc., relative to bill for incorporating............................ S Report of Attorney-General in relation to........A Majority report of committee on judiciary on....A Minority report of committee on judiciary on....A Report of committee on banke relative to, in New York and Kings county......................... S Report of committee on banke, relative to....... S Report of Secretary of State, relative to........A Report of standing committee on banke relative to, S Report relative to...............................A Report of select committee to visit..............A Report of superintendent of banking department, relative to................................... A Report of superintendent of banking department, relative to................................... A Report of superintendent of banking department, relative to................................. S 2 23 5 172 5 217 5 201 5 202 2 49 1 43 2 54 3 68 2 59 3 28 2 39 2 40 2 57 3 1C7 3 60 4 160 1 39 3 158 3 95 3 84 5 8094 BANKS, SAVINGS —Continue»!: Doc.Voi. No. 1862 Report of superintendant of banking department, relative to...................................A 5 111 1863 Report of superin tendent of banking department, relative to.................................. S 4 64 1864 Report of superin tendent of banking department, relative to ................................. S 4 56 1864 Report of superin tendent as to condition of....A 7 174 1865 Annual report of superintendent relative to....A 7 127 Albany Savings Bank: 1830 Annual report of.................................A 4 443 1832 do \ 4 320 1833 do A 4 308 1835 do A 5 397 1836 do A 4 305 1837 do A 4 290 1838 do A 6 399 1839 do A 6 361 1840 do A 8 330 1841 do A 5 176 1842 do A 4 63 1843 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits......A 5 202 1844 do do do .......... S 2 61 1847 Annual report of...............................A 2 88 Bowery Savings Bank: 1836 Annual report of.............................. S 1 53 1837 do S 1 18 1838 do S 2 39 1839 do S 1 17 1841 do S 1 24 1842 Report of........................................S 2 37 1842 Annual report of.................................A 4 54 1842 Report of....................................... A 4 55 1843 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits......A 5 197 1844 Annual report of.................................A 6 161 1845 do S 3 119 1845 do A 5 187 1848 do A 6 196 Brooklyn Savings Bank: 1830 Annual report of.................................A 4 1832 do A 2 70 1833 do A 3 233 1834 do A 4 306 1835 do A 3 335 1836 do A 4 235 1837 do S 2 51 1838 do A 5 248 1839 do S 3 61 1840 do A 6 24995 BANKS, SAVINGS — Continued. Brooklyn Sayings Bank — Continued : D0C. y0i. No. 1841 Annual report of...................................A 4 129 1842 do ...............................A 4 55 1843 Annual report of unclaimed dividends and deposits, A3 67 1844 Annual report of.................................. S 2 57 1845 do ...............................A 5 164 1847 do ...............................A 6 173 Buffalo Sayings Bank : 1846 Report of committee on banks, etc., relative to. ... A 2 54 1847 Annual report of...............................A 8 232 1848 do ...............................A 6 200 1860 Report of, relative to deposits............A 3 81 Greenwich Savings Bank: 1834 Annual report of...............................A 2 89 1835 do ............................... S 2 50 1836 do ............................... S 2 69 1838 do ............................... S 2 43 1839 do ............................... SI 24 1840 do ............................... S 3 76 1841 do ............................... S 1 28 1841 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits..... S 1 9 1842 Annual report of............................... S 2 46 1844 do ............................... S 1 33 1845 do ............................... S 3 120 Ithaca Savings Bank : 1843 Annual report of...............................A 5 196 1847 do ...............................A 4 148 Mechanics and Traders’ Savings Institution, N. Y. 1852 See report of minority on bill to incorporate..A 2 40 New York Bank of Savings: 1830 Annual report of...............................S 2 185 1830 Report on pétition for an extension of its powers relative to the investment of the money of depos- itors................................................ S 3 203 1832 Annual report of...............................A 3 255 1833 do ............................... S 2 63 1834 do ............................... S 2 71 1835 do ...... ........................ S 2 72 1836 do ............................... SI 54 1837 do ............................... S 1 31 1838 do ............................... S 2 71 1839 do ............................... S 3 62 1840 ^ do ............................... S 3 95 1836 Communication from trustées of, in relation to the law relative to unclaimed dividends and deposits, SI 196 BANKS, SAVINGS —Continued. New York Bank or Savings — Continued : Doe V()^ No 1842 Annual report of.................................. S 2 48 1843 do ............................... S 2 54 1843 Annual report relative to unclaimed dividende and deposits..................................... A 3 64 1844 Annual report of.................................. S 2 89 1845 do ............................... S 3 121 1848 do ............................... S 3 78 Ontario Savings Bank: 1834 Annual report of.............................. ..A 4 170 1835 do ............................... S 2 87 1845 do .... .. ....................... POUGHKEEPSIE SAVINGS BaNK: 1841 Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits...... SI 16 Rochester Savings Bank: 1846 Report of committee on banks, etc., relative to..... A 3 68 ScHENECTADY SaVINGS BaNK: 1834 Annual report of.............................A 4 390 1836 do ............................... S 1 41 1837 do SI 43 1838 do ............................... S 2 47 1839 do ............................... S 2 45 1840 do ............................... S 4 109 1841 do ............................... S 1 30 1842 do . ............................. S 2 29 1844 do ............................... S 1 32 1848 do ...............................A 6 202 Seamen’s Bank for Savings: 1831 Annual report of............................. S 1 21 1832 do ...............................A 3 247 1833 do ............................... S 2 81 1834 do ............................... S 2 53 1835 do ...............................A 3 186 1836 do ......... .....................A 3 164 1837 do ...............................A 3 180 1838 do ...............................A 5 210 1839 do ...............................A 4 175 1840 do ...............................A 5 195 1841 do ...............................A 4 114 1842 do ...............................A 3 74 1843 do ...............................A 5 188 1844 do ...............................A 7 165 1845 do ...............................A 5 167 1847 Annual report of, to July, 1847..............A 2 90 1848 Annual report of.............................A 6 19897 BANKS, SAVINGS —Continued. State Trust and Savings Bank: Doc. Vol. No. 1862 Report on act incorporating the, at Buffalo........ S 1 4Û Troy Savings Bank: 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1839 1842 1842 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1848 Annual report of............................. A do A do . ...........................A do A do S do S do S do . ..........................A do A do A do A do ............................. S Report of unclaimed dividende and deposits... S do do A do do A do do A do do A do do A Report on pétition to amend the charter of the ... A Annual report of.... ......................... S do A do A do A Report of......................................A Annual report of............................. A Twenty-second annual report of.................A Annual report of............................. A 4 420 4 344 4 286 4 292 2 124 2 81 2 90 4 300 6 312 6 354 7 307 3 73 1 32 1 29 3 72 2 56 1 23 2 35 3 73 4 99 2 25 5 183 7 168 7 172 3 53 6 213 6 201 Union Savings Bank, Rochester : 1855 Report of minority of committee relative to.... S 3 70 Utica Savings Bank : 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate................A 2 65 1841 Annual report of................................. S 1 22 1842 do S 2 47 1844 do A 7 171 1845 do A 5 181 1847 Annual report of unclaimed deposits and its affaire, A 2 87 BANT, JOANNA, see Eliza McCarthy. BAPTIST MISSIONARY CONVENTION, STATE. 1844 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on the bill relative to........... S 2 67 1398 BAR ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK. Doc. Voi. No. 1872 Memorial of, relative to investigating office and con- duct of certain judges of the Suprême Court_A 3 40 1873 Resolution of, relative to salaries of judges.S 4 100 BARBER, HIRAM. Report on pétition for a lease of surplus waters of the Glen’s FalJs feeder dam.................A 3 259 BARBER, JOSIAH. 1845 Report on the pétition of...................... S 3101 BARBER, WYLLIS. 1867 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 8 165 1868 do do do ...........A 8 77 BARCLAY, ALEXANDER. 1868 Compensation of...............................A 8 73 BARCLAY, ANTHONY. 1849 Report on pétition of...................... S 2 59 BARCLAY, HENRY. 1831 Report on pétition to build a bridge over Esopus creek.......................................A 2 159 1832 Report on pétition to build a bridge over Esopus creek.......................................A 1 25 BARCLAY, LAWRENCE. 1834 Report on claim for work done on the Cayuga and Seneca canal................................A 4 366 1834 Report of committee on daims..................A 4 379 1835 do do ....................A 3 247 1836 do do ....................A 2 68 BARD, SAMUEL W. 1835 Report on pétition to allow him to maintain a ferry across the Hudson between Rockland and West- chester...........................................A 4313 BARDIN, AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of........................ A 3 39 BARDWELL & BRAYTON. 1830 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal.................... A 4 319 1831 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 1 28 1831 Report of Canal Board on the same.............A 3 203 1833 Report of select committee on the same........A 2 12999 BARGY, PETER, Jr. Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.................A 4 313 1837 Report on pétition for ' extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.. ..............A 4 320 1840 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 6 263 1841 Report of Canal Board on the same............A 5 162 1841 do do ................A 5 178 1843 Report of Canal Board on pétition of P. Cagger, administrator of.......................... A 5 135 1852 Report on pétition of P. Cagger, administrator of, deceased.................................. A 2 75 BARHYDT, JOHN S. M. 1852 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 62 BARRER & STROÜD. 1837 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Chenango canal..................A 1 44 BARRER, OLIYER. 1849 Report on pétition of........... . ........... S 1 16 BARRER, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition to annex part of, to the town of Greene......................................A 6 273 BARRER, Z., AND OTHERS. 1831 Report on pétition relative to certain lands escheated to the State on the death of John G. Leake..A 2 73 BARNARD, HON. GEORGE G. 1866 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of Daniel C. Birdsall, containing charges against.....A 7 197 BARNES, CALVIN M. 1863 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 6 191 BARNES & HINMAN. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 5 119 1845 do do ....... ......A 3 73 1845 do do A3 79 BARNES, DAVID, AND PLINY JENNINGS. 1830 Report on pétition for bounty land ...........A 4 406 1831 do do ..............A 3 269 1832 do do SI 42 BARNHARDT, WILLIAM G, AND OTHERS. 1851 Appraisement of damages.......................A 1 8 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 4 99 BARNHART, JACOB, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on resolu- lution referring matter of..................A 2 34 1853 Report of committee on public lands on the pétition of, A 3 58100 BARNHA.RT, W. G. Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Report on daims.............................A 6 150 BARNHART, W. & GEO., AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A3 58 1854 Report on pétition of.................... S 1 32 BARNÜM, MERRILL AND McDONALD. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 111 BARNUM, S., AND H. HOWELL. 1831 Report on pétition to be released from a judgment in favor of the State.....................A 2 189 1832 Report of select committee on the same......A 4 293 1832 Report of committee on finance on the same.. S 2 111 BARR, THOS. J. 1856 Report relative to seat contested by....... S 3 98 BARRETT, SOLOMON, Jr. 1836 Report on pétition of, to furnish a copy of his gram- mar to each of the common schools......... S 2 105 BARRETT, ZACHEUS W. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 10 180 1870 do do do ..........A 11 190 BARRON, QÜARTUS H., AND OTHERS. 1839 Report on pétition to occupy certain lands for the use of the railroad.......................A 3 157 BARRON, WM. 1849 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 3 133 BARRY, JOHN A. 1840 Report on pétition of, for an impeachment of Judge Inglis....................................A 8 348 BARTHOLOMEW, PETER, see New York Poudrette Company. BARTLETT & STEWART. 1854 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 48 BARTLETT, C., AND OTHERS. 1839 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 107 BARTLETT, JEFFERSON, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for a grant of surplus water of the Chemung canal.........................A 2 91 BARTLETT, M. R. 1830 Memorial of citizens of Utica relative to his school manual....................................A 1 65 1830 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on...A 4 131101 BARTON, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition relative to certain lands in Lewiston......................................A 1 28 1834 Report of committee on public lands on the same. .Al 49 BARTON, BENJAMIN, AND AUGUSTUS PATER. 1836 Report concerning an execution against.......... S 1 17 BARTON, JOSEPH, Jr., AND OTHERS. 1867 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of.. S 2 82 BARTON, MICHAEL H. 1830 Report on pétition to change his name...........A 2 32 BARTON, THEO. D. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..... S 1 15 BARTON, THEODORE R. 1854 Report on pétition of........................A 1 24 1860 do do ........................................A 6 133 BASSETT, LOCK. 1863 Report of committee on daims relative to. ... A 5 68 BASTIDO, LEWIS, AND N. B. KINGSLAND. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............ S 4 129 BATAVIA TO BROCKPORT. 1830 Report on pétition to lay on a road from.....A 2 164 BATAVIA, VILLAGE OF. 1835 Report on pétition to relinquish certain lands in, to the Holland Land Company......................A 1 14 1838 Arsenal at, message from the Governor relative to the breaking open of the...................A 5 217 BATES, FRANCIS, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on pétition of ..........A 1 18 BATES, LORENZO. 1846 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of.. A 2 39 1847 Report on pétition o f...................... A 4 115 1852 Report on bill for relief of.................A 2 48 BATH AND CROOKED LAKE RAILROAD, s*? Railroads. BATH AND LAKE ERIE TÜRNPIKE. 1831 Report on pétition to abolish part of the, etc..A 3 256 1833 Report on pétition to repeal the charter of the_ S 2 105 1833 Report on pétition for a new license to erect toll gates on ten miles of the................. S 2 110 1834 Report on pétition that the west ten miles may be made a public highway......................A 3 202102 BATH AND SUSQÜEHANNA TURNPIKË RO AD. t)0c. Yol. No. 1838 Report on pétition to lay off part of said road into road districts...............................A 9 355 BATTLE, JAMES AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition to change their names..A 1 25 BAXTER, ASA. 1846 Report of commissioners of land office on pétition of...........................................A 3 85 1846 Report of committee on public lands............A 5 179 1847 Report on pétition of......................... S 4 117 1848 do S 2 41 1850 do S 1 35 1850 do S 3 35 BAXTER, ASA, HEIRS OF. 1866 Report of committee to examine claim of........A 1 18 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 94 1866 Report of committee on daims on act for relief of.. S 1 72 BAXTER, SUBMIT, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of commissioners of land office in reply to resolution relative to claim of..............A 3 182 1860 Report on claim................................A 4 178 1864 do ..................................A 6 119 BEACH, ALFRED E. 1874 Communication from, relative to Broadway Under- ground railway .................................... S 4 76 BEACH, CHAPMAN AND McOMBER. 1839 Report of canal commissioners in relation to certain work done on the Erie canal by.............. S 2 40 1840 Report of committee on daims.................. A 3 87 BEACH, E., see Otsego and Schoharie railroad. 1854 Report on pétition of............................A 3 108 1855 Report of committee on daims in reference to péti- tion of......................................A 4 101 1856 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 60 1857 Report on claim of............................ S 1 23 BEACH, HORACE. 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 8 246 BEACH & HEWETT. 1847 Report as to damages of....................... S 4 150 BEACH, JOHN, see John Phillips and John Beach. BEACH, NELSON J. 1851 Communication in relation to canal enlargement. ..A3 63103 BEADLE, LOAMMI. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Eeport on pétition for relief . ............S 2 62 BEARDSLEE, LOYINIA. 1846 Report of canal commissioners on pétition of......A 2 48 BEARDSLEY, JOHN, AND LUTHER PARDEE. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the Minden dam.............A 4 361 1835 Report on the same..........................A 5 393 BEARDSLEE, L. & J. J. 1836 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to ê their lands by the Minden dam .. ........ S 1 63 BEARDSLEY, SAMUEL, see Attorney-General. BEARS, BOUNTY ON. 1834 Report on pétition from the town of Florence rela- tive to...................................A 4 316 1835 Report on pétition from the town of Florence rela- tive to.................... ....................A 1 43 BEATTIE, J. & N. 1863 Report of committee on claim of...................A 5 170 BEAUMONT, A. L, AND OTHERS (con trac tors on the Erie canal). 1838 Report on pétition for relief.....................A 3 121 1838 do do ................................A 5 215 1839 do do ................................A 4 239 BEAYERKILL, SWAMP AND PACAMA YALLEY. 1848 Report as to draining...................... A 2 34 BEAYER RIYER. 1860 Report of committee relative to improvement of----A 3 91 BECK, LEWIS C. 1832 Report of, relative to the adultération of potash-A 3 260 BECK, WILLIAM. 1861 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 100 BECK, WILLIAM, & E. B. ARMSTRONG. 1862 Report on pétition of..................... A 4 53 BECKER, ESTHER. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 112 BECKER, GEORGE. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 119 BECKER, HENRY (a revolutionary soldier). 1830 Report on pétition for bounty land..........A 3 213 1831 do do ..............................A 3 227104 1851 1866 1837 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1831 1833 1834 1854 1855 1856 1857 1839 1839 1839 1840 1841 1846 1850 1830 1872 BECKER, PETER. Report on pétition of Doc. Vol. No. . A 2 38 BECKER, RICHARD. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 147 BEEBE, ALONZO. Report on pétition to confirm his official acts as a justice of the peace.......................A 1 20 BEEBE, ALYAH. Confidential journal of the proceedings of Àssembly in relation to. .......... ...................A 3 143 Report of select committee.......................A 3 155 do do .............................A 3 169 Answer of, to the several interrogatories addressed to, A 3 171 Report of Attorney-General concerning the suit brought by, against the speaker of Assembly.... A 3 135 BEEBE, ELISHA, AND N. TOWER. Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of certain land........................................A 2 112 BEEBE, LEWIS, AND J. CHAPMAN. Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal................ ... A 3 222 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 1 43 BEEBE, LEWIS, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of........................A 1 38 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 125 Report on pétition of........................A 4 151 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for further compensation............... A 1 41 BEEBE, LEWIS, AND WILLIAM THOMPSON. Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal............... ... A 2 61 Report of committee on daims................ A 3 103 Report of canal commissioners................A 6 372 Report of committee on daims.................A 2 45 do do ...........*.....A3 54 BEEBE, THOMPSON & CO. Report on pétition for relief of............ S 1 26 BEECHER & HOSMER. Report of committee on grievances on daim of_A 5 89 BEEKMAN AND PAWLING TURNPIKE. Report on pétition to amend the charter of.A 4 416 BEEKMAN, SAMUEL. Report on committee on daims in case of....A 10 157106 , BEER, EYELINE. DOC Vol No 1864 Report of committee on claim of ..............A 2 30 BEERS, JAMES E. 1847 Report on pétition of John R. Heywood, of West- chester, to be admitted to seat occupied by.A 1 29 BEET ROOT. 1848 Report of the American Institute relative to the manufacture of sugar from the...............A 4 134 BELL, MARY. 1863 Report of committee on claim of...............A 5 91 BELLINGER, FREDERICK. 1833 Report on pétition for a grant of surplus water of the Erie canal..............................A 4 265 BELLMONT. 1857 Report of committee on roads and bridges on “An act for the laying out and constructing a road from Clinton prison to town of,” etc................A 2 129 BELMONT, AUGUST. 1875 Pétition of, relative to the Fifth avenue pavement.. A 6 75 BENDON, EUGENE. 1860 Report of committee on claim of............A 2 68 BENEDICT, LEWIS. 1855 Report of commissioners of canal fund in reference to award to...............................A 4 114 1860 Report of committee on claim of............A 6 184 1861 do do ............. A 2 58 BENJAMIN, GAMALIEL. 1856 Report on pétition for relief..............A 3 58 BENNETT, HARRISON AND OTHERS. 1867 Report of committee on pétitions of........A 8 183 BENNETT, LEYI. 1861 Report of committee on claim of ... .......A 5 89 1862 do do .............A 6 117 BENNETT, ROSWELL G. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages by leakage and overflow of Genesee Yalley canal..................... A 2 121 BENNINGTON, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition from, relative to one day élections, A 6 317 BENOIT, LEWIS (an alien). 1831 Report on pétition to hold real estate...................A 2 148 14106 BENSON, BENJAMIN. Doc. VoL No< 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 5 88 BENTHAM, JEREMY. 1837 Defense of usury.................... ........... S 1 6 BENTLY, WM. 1843 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...........A 4 97 BENTLY, D., AND OTHERS. 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 113 1863 .do do .................................A 4 56 BENTON, LEWIS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 73 BENTON, POSTERITAS POPE. 1835 Report on pétition to change name of...........A 2 147 BERESFORD, S. B. 1856 Report of select committee on pétition of......S 2 64 BERGEN, JACOB, AND THOMAS SMITH. 1830 Executors of the last will, etc., of John Bergen, report on pétition of........................A 4 426 BERGEN, TOWN OF. 1854 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, relative to First M. E. Church in.A 2 50 BERKSHIRE, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition for the division of.........A 3 266 BERLIN AND POESTENKILL TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1834 Report on pétition to extend their road....... S 2 57 BERNE, TOWN OF. 1849 Report on pétition for a fire engine company in_A 6 390 BERRY, Mb. 186 Report of, against Senate bill 176.............A 5 203 BERZEE, MOSES. 1857 Report on daim of........................... S 1 38 BEESE, CATHARINE AND W. R. TITUS. 1864 Report on daim of............................. A 6 108 BESTOW, JOB, see J. Clary. BETHLEHEM, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in.............................A 3 182 18&2 Report on pétition to reunite the..............A 4 332 1833 do do .....................A 2 131107 1839 1864 1838 1839 1838 1838 1844 1854 1838 1844 1851 1852 1833 1839 1849 1837 1852 BETHLEHEM, TOWN OF — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in...............................A 4 250 Report on pétition to confirm acts of commissioners of highways of..............................A 3 70 BETTINGER, MARTIN, AND DAVID LOBAN. Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................... A 5 288 BETTING ON ELECTION. Report relative to prohibiting.. ..............A 6 203 BETTS, CHARLES L. Report on pétition to change his name..........A 2 53 BEVIN, JOHN L., AND OTHERS. Contractors on the Chenango canal, report on a pétition for relief.........................A 6 316 BEVINS, JOHN L. Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 1 25 BEVINS, THOMAS. Report on pétition of..........................A 1 34 BIBLE, see American and Foreign Bible Society. Report on pétition to prohibit the reading of, in academies, schools, etc.....................A 2 55 BICKNELL, JOSEPH. Report on pétition of heirs of................ S 2 60 BIG CHAZY RIVER. Report of committee on railroads respecting draw- bridge over.................................A 5 145 Report relative to improving navigation of.....A 2 57 BIGELOW, HORACE Report on pétition to confirm his acts as justice of the peace..................................A 2 114 BIGELOW, JOHN L. Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Kingsley Brook réservoir.......A 2 22 Report of select committee on pétition of adminis- trators of, etc...............................A 3 157 BIGELOW, OTIS, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition concerning the Seneca river tow- ing-path ................................A 2 114 BINGHAM, ANDREW. Report on pétition of, for relief A 2 83108 BINGHAM, A. T. & A. D0C. y0i. No. 1845 Keport of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 5 179 BIG SALMON RIVER. 1836 Report relative to fishing in...............A 3 183 BILLE, STEEN. 1847 Communication from, relative to conciliation courts, S 3 98 BINDING, see Printing. BINGHAM, A., AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 5 179 BINGHAM, CHAS. B., AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 7 206 1863 do .........................A 5 89 1864 do .........................A 2 50 BINGHAM, ELI JAH. 1840 Report on pétition for pay for services as a sur- geon in the last war.......................A 4 126 BIRD, WILLIAM A., AND OTHERS. 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to the surplus waters of the Black Rock dam...............A 4 243 1841 Report of Canal Board...................... S 2 57 BIRDSALL, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of Secretary of State, relative to report of Commissioners of Land Office, on pétition of.... A 3 162 BIRDSALL, DANIEL C., MEMORIAL OF, see Barnard. BIRDSALL, HORACE, AND OTHERS. 1842 Memorial of, for corporation to complété the canals, A 7 160 BIRDSEYE, VICTOR, see William Morgan. BIRDSEYE, M. B. 1871 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.......A 6 78 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. 1846 Report on pétitions for registration of........S 4 81 1847 Report on registry of.......................... S 1 8 1848 Report of Secretary of State................... S 3 73 1849 Report relative to ............................ S 3 86 1852 Report of Secretary of State respecting.......S 1 50 1852 Report of Secretary of State respecting his report of, Si 51 1858 Report of select committee on the registration of.. S 2 81 1859 Report on registration of... ..................A 3 157 1868 Report of medical society relative to......... S 3 38109 BISHOP, EDSON. Doc. Voi. No. 1855 Report of canal commissioners in respect to claim of, A 4 92 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 1 16 BISHOP, ISA AC W., see Commercial Bank Investigation. BISSEL, CATHARINE. 1867 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 29 BISSEL, D. P. 1847 Memorial of, relative to report of select committee of 1846, for investigating canal frauds.... S 3 109 BISSELL, D. P., AND OTHERS. 1864 Report on pétition of..........................A 6 91 1865 do do ...................................A 6 106 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 7 154 1868 do do do ......A 8 76 BISSEL, EDWIN B. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 60 BISSELL, I., Jr. 1831 Report on pétition of the executors of the last will, etc., of................................... A 4 347 BISSEL, WALTER. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 9 125 BLACK, JOHN H. 1849 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of, for a divorce...................................A 2 66 BLACKMAN, A. S, AND OTHERS. 1834 Proposition of, to build a prison for female convicts, S 2 84 BLACKMAN, CHARLES. 1847 Report on pétition of................................ A 7 220 BLACKMAN, CHARLES AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee an grievance on pétition of... A 2 84 BLACK RIVER. 1836 Bridge across, Fish island, report on pétition for .. A 4 970 1837 Report on pétition of the Dexter Company rela- tive to the injuries they will sustain by diverting the waters of, to supply the Black River canal and Erie canal feeder................................. A 3 205 1840 Bridges across, report on pétition from the towns of Champlain, Wilna, Pameliaand Le Ray, for a loan to build......................................... A 8 336 1850 Report of committee on daims on bill for damages for diversion of water........................... S 3 78 1850 Report of Canal Board on supplying with water. .. S 3 981854 1855 1856 1856 1859 1859 1864 1859 1863 1865 1833 1835 1836 1839 1840 1840 1843 1843 1847 1847 110 BLACK RIVER— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Communication from Auditor relative to improve- ment....................................... S 2 79 Water rights, report of select committee in relation to...........................................A 5 128 Report of committee to investigate grievances of owners of water rights on....................A 4 125 Report of committee on pétition of supervisors and others, for the construction of a bridge over. ... A 4 130 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to jetty dams, locks and conduits on............A 2 75 Report of Canal Appraisers, damages for diversion of waters of.................................A 2 78 Communication from Canal Board relative to improvement of............................... S 4 72 BLACK RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor in rela- tion to........................................A 1 31 Communication from Canal Commissioner relative to, and Black River canal................... S 2 44 Communication from Canal Commissioner relative to work on................................. S 1 19 BLACK RIVER CANAL, see Canals. BLACK RIVER COTTON AND WOOLEN MANU- FACTURING COMPANY. Report concerning............................... S 1 21 BLACK ROCK. Ferry at, report on pétition of Donald Frazier for an extension of the lease of....................A 3 240 Bridge across the Niagara at, report on the pétition of Wm. H. Lacey to build....... .............A 4 333 Harbor, report of A. Barratt, civil engineer in rela- tion to......................................... S 2 54 Harbor, report of Canal Board relative to the pier at.............................................A 8 312 Forts at, communication from Gouvernier Kemble relative to................................. A 6 268 Report of Canal Board relative to property shipped and left at.................................. A 5 148 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the documents referred to tbem by the Assembly, relative to ceding certain lands at, to the United States for military works..................... A 5 662 Report relative to bill entitled an act to provide for draining certain lands near Skajaquada creek in town of.....................................A 1 27 Report of Commissioners of Land Office to permit board of supervisors of Erie county to take stone from public lands in.............................A 1 44111 BLACK ROCK — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. 1849 Harbor, report of the Canal Board on .............. S 2 33 1850 Strike on canal at...............................A 5 93 1851 Harbor, report of Canal Board on removal of obstructions.....................................A 3 90 1857 Harbor, report of Auditor in reply to resolution relative to leases of surplus waters of..........A 3 204 Surplus water at, see Wm. A. Bird and others. 1863 Communication from Canal Board, relative to a swing-bridge across............................. S 4 63 BLACK BOCK AND NIAGARA FALLS RAIL- RO AD, see Railroads. BLACK ROCK LAND AND RAILROAD COMPANY. 1836 Report on pétition of, to lay down piers in the Black Rock harbor...................................A 3 115 BLAIR, GEORGE (an alien). 1839 Report on pétition of, relative to certain real estate, A 5 295 BLAIR, JOHN J. 1872 Report of committee on daims of Wm. McMahon to seat in Assembly, held by................A 9 128 BLASDELL, JOHN C., AND OTHERS. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 9 131 BLAISDELL, WESLEY, AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition to annul certain provisions of a will............ .......................A 4 135 BLAKE, DOMINICK T. 1830 Report on pétition that the State purchase copies of his Digest of Criminal law......................... BLAKELY, EDWARD. 1864 Report of, see State Assessors. BLAKELY, JOHN (an alien). 1839 Report on pétition to confirm his title to certain land........................................A 2 70 BLAKIE, I. AND J. (aliens). 1832 Report on pétition of....................... .. A 3 233 BLAKELY, MARIA, AND R. COLDEN. 1847 Devisees of Maria H. Williamson, report on péti- tion of.............................................A 2 94 BLATCHFORD, JANE. 1850 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on pétition of.............................A 6 141,1431860 1842 1836 1833 1835 1835 1870 1871 1867 1833 1834 1834 1834 1835 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1847 1848 1849 1849 112 BLATHLEY, JAMES. doc. vol. No. Report of minority of committee on pétition of.... A 4 136 BLAUVELT, JOHN O., AND ANDREW PARSONS (executors, etc., of John O’Niel, deceased). Report of executive committee on pétition of... S 3 72 BLEECKER, BARENT, AND JOHN R. Report on pétition of, relative to the aqueduct over Oriskany creek............................... S 1 64 BLENHEIM AND FULTON, TOWNS OF. Report on pétition from, relative to the hunting of deer......................................... A 3 176 Report in relation to the instruction of the....A 5 394 Report relative to the énumération of the...... A 1 65 BLIND. Institution for, at Batavia: Annual report of............................... S 1 10 do S 1 15 Institution for, at Binghamton: Report of trustées of...........................A 8 224 Institution for, New York: Report on pétition for aid.................... A 2 123 Memorial of the managers of, for aid........... S 1 28 Report on memorial for aid......................A 3 114 Report on bill in aid of........................A 4 392 Report on pétition for aid......................A 5 394 First annual report of the......................A 3 199 Second annual report of the.....................A 5 268 Third annual report of the......................A 4 226 Fourth annual report of the.................... A 6 243 Fifth annual report of the..................... A 6 213 Report of Secretary of State concerning the.....A 5 172 Report on pétition for aid to...................A 7 260 Annual report of. ............................. A 4 77 do A 4 88 do A 3 57 Report of managers of........................ S 1 18 Annual report of the managers of................A 3 45 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on the pétition of..................A 4 92 Report of managers of........................ S 1 38 Annual report of.......................... .... A 3 61 do A 5 140 do A 2 50 do A 3 59 Thirteênth annual report of managers of.........A 2 84 Report of Secretary of State, in answer to a resolu- tion of Assembly, respecting appointment of trustées of. ................................. A 3 109113 BLIND — Continued. Institution for, New York — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Annual report of..................................A 4 76 1851 Pétition of managers of...........................A 2 34 1851 Annual report of................................ 3 49 1852 Report of....................................... S 2 88 1853 Annual report of................................. S 2 54 1854 do S 2 108 1855 do S 3 75 1856 Twentieth annual report for.......................A 5 200 1857 Annual report of managers of......................A 3 196 1858 do do .....................A3 79 1859 Annual report of..................................A 3 119 1859 Report of commissioners on public accounts relative to.............................................A 3 154 1860 Annual report of....... ..........................A 4 176 1860 Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction rela- tive to .................................... A 2 79 1861 Annual report of................................. A 2 55 1861 Report of, under resolution.......................A 5 88 1861 Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction in relation to....................................A 5 119 1862 Annual report.....................................A 5 110 1862 Report of select committee on charge of misman- agement and malappropriation of the funds of... A 8 241 1863 Annual report (mechanics, association).......... .A 2 31 1864 Annual report of (mechanics> association).........A 2 34 1864 Annual report of (blind asylum)...................A 8 192 1864 Report of committee relative to affaire of institution for........................................... S 4 89 1865 Annual report of managers of institution for..... S 3 65 1865 .Annual report (mechanics’association).......... SI 22 1866 Annual report of..................................A 5 115 1867 do A 8 223 1867 Annual report of mechanics, association...........A 4 57 1868 Annual report of..................................A 9 113 1869 do S 3 58 1870 do A 6 131 1871 do A 7 92 1872 do A 4 68 1873 do A 4 63 1874 do A 2 16 1875 do A 2 14 1876 do A 3 20 1877 do A 9 114 BLISS, JOHN. 1863 Report on claim of................................A 5 76 BLISS, NEZ IAH, AND OTHERS. 1853 Resolution of Mr. Beekman, on pétition of........ S 2 68 15114 BLOOD, HAIGHT & CAD Y. Doc.Voi. No. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 107 1847 do do do ............A 1 28 BLOOD, JNO. D., AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 123 BLOOD, ROBERT. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 66 BLOOMER, ELISHA. 1865 Report on daims of....................... A 4 98 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 63 1873 Report of committee on daims on act for relief of.. A 7 122 BLOOMFIELD. 1832 Northeast Congregational Society, report on pétition to change the name of................... A 4 328 BLOOMFIELD, JOSEPH E., see Oneida Lake Canal Company. 1833 Report on pétition of, relative to the surplus waters of the canal at Utica................... S 2 112 BLOOMFIELD ASYLUM, see New York. BLOOMINGDALE RO AD, see New York. BLOUNT & TRAVIS. 1854 Report on pétition of..................... S 2 106 BLUNT, EDWARD. 1853 Pétition of, relative to life insurance companies.... A 5 121 BOARDMAN, DANIEL. 1831 Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of certain lands for taxes..........................A 2 115 BOARDS OF SUPERYISORS, see Supervisors. BOCK, FERDINAND H. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 32 BOGARDUS, EPHRAIM. 1834 Report on pétition for indemnification for costs in defending two ejectment suits, etc.......A 3 156 1834 Report of committee on daims. ... A 3 220 1835 do do ...................A 2 160 1836 do do ...................A 2 69 BOGART, H. H., AND OTHERS, see Dresden Manufacturing Company. BOGART, H. H. 1835 Report on his daim for the construction of fences on the Crooked Lake canal...................A 4 283115 BOGART, WM. H. Doc. Vol. No. 1853 Compiler of the Digest of Claims, communications from...................,.....................S 1 ^ 1855 Index to legislative documents.......S 1 33 BOGART, NELSON. 1874 Report of committee on claims on claim of.A 6 94 BOGGS, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition for a grant of escheated land... S 1 38 BOLER, ANTONIO ALEXANDER (an alien). 1835 Report on pétition to take and hold real estate-A 1 48 BOLTON, JOHN, see President Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. BOND, BARNARD. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A 5 93 BOND, BARNET. 1830 Report on pétition for damages to hisboat and cargo on the Champlain canal.......................A 2 180 1838 Report on pétition for damages tohis boat and cargo on the Champlain canal.......................A 3 73 1841 Report on pétition for damages to his boat and cargo on the Champlain canal.......................A 4 122 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 7 210 BOND, EZRA. 1865 Report on pétition of. ........................A 4 88 BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 1870 Members of the Chamber of Commerce, New York city, relative to taxing.....................A 7 135 BOND AND MORTGAGE. 1872 Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce, relative to exemption of, from taxation..................S 3 51 1873 Resolution of Union League Club relative to taxa- tion of......................................S 3 57 Memorial of Chamber of Commerce, to release from taxation................................. S 2 32 1873 Resolutions relative to taxation of............A 5 78 1874 Communication from Chamber of Commerce as to exemption of, from taxation................. S 3 46 BOOKS. 1863 Communication from Secretary of State, relative to, in his office............................. S 4 70116 BOONEVILLE, VILLAGE OF. Doc. Voi. No. 1839 Report on pétition for a road from, to Salisbury ... A 5 325 1846 Report of the Surveyor-General in reply to a reso- lution relative to State lands lying near the pro- posed railroad and slack water navigation from Port Kent to............................... S 3 88 BORDEN, JOSEPH. 1864 Report on pétition of.........................A 3 62 BOSTON CORNER, MASS. 1849 Pétition of inhabitants of district of, for annexation to State of New York.......................A 1 54 1849 Report on annexation of district of, to State of New York.......................................A 3 194 BOTANIC PHYSICIANS, etc., see Thomsonian Physicians. 1830 Report on pétitions to allow them to practice and to receive pay for their services.............A 2 110 1830 Statement of the articles used by............A 2 182 Bullard, Joseph: 1834 A report on pétition of, to allow him to collect pay for his services...........................A 3 206 BOTANIC PRACTICE. 1835 Report on pétition to repeal the laws restraining... A 3 190 1833 Report concerning the........................A 3 198 BOTANIC SOCIETY OF CATLIN. 1834 Report on pétition to incorporate............A 2 96 BOTANIC SOCIETY, Ist GENESEE UNION. 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate............A 3 174 1834 do do ....................A 3 236 BOUCK, W. C. (Canal Commissioner.) 1840 Report on pétition for an investigation of certain charges against.................. .........A 4 102 BOUGHTON, FREDERICK, AND OTHERS. 1863 Report on pétition of........................A 5 92 1864 do do ..............................A 2 47 BOUGHTON, REÜBEN H., see David H. BOUGHTON, SENECA. 1852 Report on pétition of......... ... ........... S 2 61 BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERS. 1858 Communication from, in answer to a resolution of the House..................................A 3 74 1858 Report of the, in answer to a resolution of February 8, 1858 ...................................A 4 148117 BOUNDAEY TjINE. Doc. Vol. No. Between Maine and New Brunswick, see North- eastern Boundary. Between New York and Connecticut, see Connecticut. Between New York and New Jersey, see New Jersey. Between New York and Connecticut............. 4 37 BOUNTIES. 1864 Communication from the Comptroller relative to, to volunteers............................. S 3 39 1864 Communication from Inspector-General relative to, S 4 67 BOUNTIES, EQUALIZATION OF, see Adjutant- General. BOUNTY LANDS, see Lands, Military Bounty. BOUEBON, JOHN S. 1858 Eeport on claim of...........................A 3 82 BOWEEY FIEE INSUEANCE COMPANY, see Insurance Companies. BOYD, JOHN H. 1845 Eeport of committee on daims, in relation to the relief of................................... S 1 27 BOYEE, JOSEPH. 1837 Eeport on pétition to confirm his official acts as commissioner of deeds.......................A 1 18 BOYES, W., see W. McComb. BEADT, ABEAHAM N. 1865 Eeport on pétition of..........................A 7 118 BEADT, JAMES F. 1834 Eeport on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................. A 3 225 1835 Eeport on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal...............................A 3 250 E AD WA Y, I. 1832 Eeport on pétition to continue a ferry across Scho- harie creek..................................A 4 277 BEADY, JAMES. 1848 Eeport on pétition of.........................A 2 50 1849 Eeport of committee on canals on pétition of..A 1 37 1856 Eeport on pétition for relief................. A 3 79 BEADY, JAMES, AND PATEICK FITZSIMMONS. 1841 Eeport on pétition for moneys due on a contract for work on the Erie canal.......................A 6 248 f og 1842 Eeport of Canal Board on pétition of...........S 4 i gg 1843 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of...S 1 161845 1846 1847 1850 1851 1862 1857 1836 1857 1877 1877 1839 1856 1856 1832 1844 1847 1854 1847 118 BRADY, JAMES, AND PATRICK FITZSIMMONS— Continued : doc. y0i. No. Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 3 56 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 1 29 do do do .....A 1 23 Report on pétition of.............................S 3 77 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages. . S 2 47 BRADY, JOHN H. Testimony of, before committee of privilèges and élections...................................A 4 95 BRADY, PATRICK. Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for relief from contract on Champlain canal .. A 2 97 BRAINARD, CHAUNCEY. Report on pétition for the payment of certain costs, S 2 84 BRALEY, NATHANIEL. Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages by overflow and breaks of Erie canal................ ... ................A 2 104 BRAMAN, WALTERS W. Claim of, report of committee of privilèges and élec- tions on, 51.............................. A 6 58 Claim of, report of minority on ... ..........A 6 54 BRAN AND SHORTS. Report on pétition to repeal the law regulating a standard measure for......................A 6 BRANDRETH, BENJAMIN. Memorial of.................................S 1 Privilèges and élections, report of committee on, on seat contested by...........................S 2 BRANTINGHAM, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to change the name of.. . .A 2 BRAYTON AND CHEESEBROUGH. Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 88 BRAYTON AND OTHERS see Baker, Brayton & Co. BRAYTON, FRANCIS L. Report of committee on canals on pétition of..A 2 BRAYTON, HARVEY, AND OTHERS. Report of committee on pétition of..........A 1 BRAYTON, THOMAS L. Report on pétition of.......................A 7 82 12 220 366 4 89. 86119 BRAYTON, THOMAS R., AND THOMAS W. CHEESEBBO. Doc. Vol. No. 1844 Eeport‘of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 3 54 BBAYTON, W., see Bardwell & Brayton. 1839 Eeport on pétition for repairing canal fences.A 5 269 1839 do do do ..............A 5 290 1841 do do do ..............A4 118 BKAZEL & McCANN. 1863 Eeport on pétition of.........................A 5 78 BEAZELLE, THOMAS. 1871 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 42 BEE AD, DANIEL (an Indian). 1832 Eeport on pétition for relief.................A 4 298 1865 Eeport on pétition of, in behalf of Oneida tribe of Indians . ..................................A 9 198 1871 Eeport of committee on Indian affaire on pétition of, A 6 181 BEEED & Co see Geer, Kasson & Breed. BEENAED, ISAAC G. 1856 Eeport on pétition for relief............... A 4 144 BEENT, DANIEL (United States Consul at Paris). 1840 Communication from, in relation to the conveyance of real estate..............................A 4 132 BEETT, DE LOS & LUCENEATH. 1866 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 178 1867 do do do .A 7 147 1868 do do do .A 9 108 BEEWEBTOWN. 1838 Eeport on pétition to cause the Oneida river to be made navigable for steamboats from Three Eiver Point to...........................................A 5 232 BEEWEETON BEIDGE COMPANY. 1851 Eeport of committee...........................A 2 29 BBEWESTEE, SAMUEL S. 1850 Eeport on memorial............................A 5 135 BEICE, J. E. 1846 Eeport of judiciary committee on pétition of...A 3 70 BEIDGES. 1838 Eeport relative to amending the Eevised Statutes relative to .... ......................... A 5 207 1849 Eeport of Commissioners of the Code concerning highways and ferries and... ................A 1 12 1854 Communications relative to commutations for .... A 2 52120 BRIDGES — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Report of minority of select committee on bill to authorize additional sums to be raised for, and roads..............................................A 2 48 BRIDGES ON THE CANAL, see Canal Bridges. BRIGGS, ICHABOD W. 1864 Report on pétition......................... A 3 66 1865 do do ...............................A 2 46 BRIGHAM, STEWART & CO. 1850 Report on claim............................. A 5 90 BRIGHTON AND PITTSFORD. 1835 Report relative to the use of canal water at, for hydraulic purposes.........................A 2 83 BRIGHTON, TOWN OF. 1822 Report on pétition for the division of the...A 3 273 1839 do do do ..............A3 85 BRIGGS, LYDIA. 1835 Report on pétition for an appropriation to pay an assessment for draining the Cayuga marshes .... S 3 94 BRIGGS, THOMAS. 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages............................. S 3 29 BRIGGS, THOMAS, AND EBEN WORDEN. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.S 3 31 1847 Report of Canal Board respecting testimony taken in case of.................................A 1 34 BRIGHAM, STEWART & CO. 1850 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 5 90 BRINTNALL, HIRAM AND JOSIAH AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 74 BRISTOL, JOSEPH B. 1863 Report on pétition of........................A 5 109 BRISTOL AND RENSSELAERYILLE TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1837 Report on pétition of........................ S 1 30 BRISTOW, LYDIA (an alien). 1831 Report on bill for the relief of............ S 1 26 BRISTOW, THOMAS, LYDIA & W. R. 1831 Report on pétition to vest in them the title to cer- tain land in Brooklyn..............................A 1 58121 1858 1849 1857 1857 1863 1830 1835 1832 1833 1842 1842 1842 1845 1846 1858 1851 1851 1847 1844 1848 BRITTON AND TOWNSEND. Doc. Vol. No. Report on claim of..........................A 4 90 BRITTON, SURRANUS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 163 Report of committee on canals favorable on pétition of, for payment of work done......«.......A 2 144 BROADALBIN, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to annex part of, to the town of Perth.......*.............................A 6 344 BROCK, LORENZO D. Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 5 96 BROCKPORT, VILLAGE OF. Report on pétition for a road from, to Batavia.A 2 164 Hook and ladder company in, report on pétition to organize...................................A 4 292 BROCKWAY, MOSES, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for rémunération for improve- ment on lots 64 and 28 Freemason’s patent...A 4 295 Report on pétition for rémunération for improve- ment on lots 64 and 28 Freemason’s patent... S 2 60 BRODHEAD, J. ROMEYN. Communication from Governor transmitting cor- respondent from.................... . ...... S 4 88 Report of, on Colonial History................A 1 2 [Ex. Sess.] Historical agent, communication from, to the Governor........................... A 7 195 Agent to procure and transcribe documents in Europe, final report of, relative to the Colonial History of this State.. .................. S 1 47 Memorial of, relative to the Aboriginal History of the State................................... S 2 55 BRODOCK, GEORGE H., AND OTHERS. Report on claim of............................A 4 92 BROMAN, C. M. Majority report on pétition to discharge sureties of, as treasurer of Onondaga county.............A3 51 Minority report on pétition to discharge sureties of as treasurer of Onondaga county............A 3 50 BRONSON, A. Report on pétition of........................ S 2 41 BRONSON, AL VIN, see Oswego Canal Company. BRONSON, ALVIN AND OTHERS. Report of commissioners of land office on pétition of, A 5 111 Report on pétition of........................ A 3 121 16122 BRONSON, CASE & CO. Doc. Vol No. 1856 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of.. S 2 79 1857 Report on claim of............................ S 1 27 BRONSON, ELI A. 1867 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 2 40 1868 do do do ...... S 5 65 BROOKHAYEN, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition for the division of........A 3 261 1831 do do SI 66 1832 do do .............A 3 207 1841 do do SI 16 BROOKLYN. 1830 Municipal court, report on pétition to amend the law establishing............................. A 3 244 1831 Firemen, report on pétition to reduce the term of service......................................A 2 149 1831 School district No. 1, report on pétition to sell their school-house and lot, etc....................A 2 177 1833 Taxes, report on pétition to extend the time for col- lecting......................................A 1 6 1833 Auction sales in, report on pétition to amend the law relative to..............................A 2 43 1834 Incorporation of, memorial for the..............A 1 36 1834 Incorporation of, remonstrance of common council of New York against..........................A 3 175 1834 Incorporation of, memorial of a convention of dele- gates of the several towns in Kings county in relation to..................................A 3 183 1835 Taxes unpaid, report on pétition to authorize the collection of.... . ........................A 4 375 1836 Taxes unpaid, report on pétition to authorize the collection of................................A 2 64 1838 Harbor masters, report relative to the fees of..A 2 47 1838 Greenwood cemetery, report on pétition to incor- porate . ....................................A 6 334 1839 Corporation of, report on pétition of, for aid to the Long Island Railroad Company.................S 3 66 1839 Taxes, report on pétition to extend time for collect- ing..........................................A 1 14 1840 Water line in the Sixth ward, report on pétition of Cyrus P. Smith and others....................A 3 62 1849 New charter of, remonstrance from delegates from Eighth and Ninth wards of, against...........A 1 28 1849 Communication from minority of committee ap- pointed to forward a copy of proposed new char- ter for ..............................................A 1 32 1849 Secretary of navy, communication from, respecting the purchase of certain land adjoining the navy yard..................................................A 5 237123 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1854 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1860 1861 1861 1863 1864 1865 1865 BROOKLYN — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on trade and manufactures on pétition of gas company in.................. .. S 1 22 Letter from Secretary of Navy in regard to certain lands.........................................A 4 54 Bulkheads and wharves.......................... A 6 141 Common schools and board of éducation, report of select committee on............................A 6 156 Report on wharf âge in, and New York...........A 6 162 Letter of Secretary of Navy in regard to certain lands.. .......................................A 6 171 Report in regard to ceding certain lands to the United States................................ A 8 183 Report on union with New York and Williams- burgh......................................... S 3 74 Remonstrance of common council against inter- férence, etc..................................... S 1 44 Report on pétitions relative to excavations in. S 2 50 Report of committee on laying out Street and con- structing a canal therein......................A 4 106 Tenement-houses, report on........................A 5 199 Police, minority report in relation to...... ... A 5 209 Dispensary, annual report for 1855................A 4 116 Report of majority of committee on incorporation of cities and villages, relative to the police depart- ments of New York and..........................A 2 127 Report of minority committee of, on same subject.. A 3 149 Report of select committee appointed to examine tenement-houses in New York and................A 3 205 Assessment bill, report of committee of conférence on..........................................A 4 104 Williamsburgh, and the town of Bushwick, report of committee on the incorporation of cities and villages, on the bill to amend the act to consoli- date ....................................... S 2 100 Report of minority of committee on bill to close the tunnel on Long Island railroad............. A 4 174 Water act, report of minority of committee on bill to amend the........................... .... S 1 71 Communication from the Governor transmitting report of commissioners relative to sélection on location of certain grounds in the city of...A 2 83 Gas-light company of..........................A 5 81 Ferry company of.............................-A 5 85 Report of minority of committee on bill to protect cousumers of gas in.........................A 5 79 Docks in Ninth ward of, communication from Com- missioners of Land Office relative to........ S 4 63 Communication from Comptroller relative to cer- tain ferries................................ S 3 57 Communication from comptroller transmitting pay rolls of city.............................. S 2 53124 BROOKLYN — Continued: D0C yol> No 1870 Comptroller’s statement relative to city bonds.... S 3 81 1871 Institute, report of, see academies. 1866 Navy yard, communication from Secretary of Navy relative to lands adjoining.................... S 2 82 1868 Navy yard, communication from Secretary of Navy relative to lands adjoining.................... S 3 22 Banks, see Banks, Kings County; and Banks, Savings. Ferries, see New York Ferries. Inspectors of Lumber, etc., see Kings county. Insurance Companies, see Insurance companies. Railroads, see Railroads. Land Under Water, see I. G. Hicks and O. Jackson. BROOME COUNTY. 1833 Report on pétition for an application for the improve- ment of a road in, leading to a minerai spring in said county...................... ...... ... S 2 56 1834 Report on pétition of the supervisors of, relative to the payment of a loan......................... A 3 130 1834 Report on pétition of the supervisors of, relative to the payment of a loan...........................A 3 169 1834 Report on pétition of the supervisors of, relative to the payment of a loan......................... A 3 160 1834 Dam across the Susquehanna river in, report on pétition to erect a.............................A 3 159 1842 Pétition of the New York and Erie Railroad Com- pany, respecting the different lines surveyed in Sullivan and, for the location of their road.... S 3 58 1847 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of certain Indians relative to land in............A 7 215 1859 Report of surrogate of................................A 3 91 1859 Report of judiciary committee relative to appor- tionment of members to, and Livingston counties, A 3 126 BROTHERTOWN INDIANS, see Indians, Brother- town. BROWN, BILLINGS, AND OTHERS, sec Bur- lington. BROWN, CONRAD, AND OTHERS. 1846 Communication from Secretary of State relative to claim of.......................... .......A 4 131 BROWN, DAVID, AND OTHERS, sec New York Marine Dry Dock Company. BROWN, ELIAS. 1846 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.A 1 22125 BROWN, H. E. Doc. Vol. No. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 3 34 BROWN, ISAAC, Je. 1836 Report on pétition for compensation for land taken for the Nine Mile Creek Feeder............S 2 , 78 1837 Committee on daims..........................A 2 112 1838 Attorney-General.......... ............. ... A 3 145 1838 Committee on daims...................... ... A 4 175 BROWN, J. D. 1834 Communication from, relative to the Seventh Ward Bank......................................S 2 73 BROWN, JONATHAN, AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their land by the Chemung canal feeder.A 5 292 BROWN, JOSEPH. 1833 Report on pétition to confirm his title to certain land. A 4 286 BROWN, LEVI. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief................ S 4 37 BROWN, MARCUS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of. .. S 1 22 1844 do do do ... A 5 112 1845 do do do ... A 4 130 1856 do do do . .. A 2 42 1847 Report on pétition of.............................A 1 19 1848 do do .............................................A 5 185 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 53 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.................A 2 76 1852 Affidavit relative to the daim of........... A 5 96 1856 Report on pétition of............................ S 2 72 1857 Report on daim of ............................... S 2 58 BROWN, MATTHEW, AND OTHERS (sureties of C. Yan Slyck). 1838 Report on the pétition to be released from a certain judgment.................................. ... A 6 364 1839 Report on the pétition to be released from a certain judgment......,................................A 3 111 1842 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of... A 7 140 1843 Report of committee on grievances on their pétition for relief.....................................A 2 23 BROWN, MERRIT H., AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.............A 3 129 BROWN, NEAL. 1832 A canal contractor, report on pétition for extra allowance......................................A 3 194 1833 Canal Commissioners.............................. S 2 116126 BROWN, NE AL — Continuée! : Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Committee on daims........................ A 2 57 1834 do ............................A 1 44 BROWN, OLIVER. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages b y break in Erie canal...A 1 56 BROWN, PELEG, AND OTHERS. 1832 Report on pétition for rémunération for improve- ments on certain lands in Freemason’s patent.... A 4 295 BROWN, SOLOMON. 1843 Report of committee on daims on his pétition.A 4 97 1843 do do ......A 2 20 1845 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of....A 3 36 BROWN, THOMAS. 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 3 101 BROWN, T. J. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of.....A 2 51 BROWNVILLE AND HOUNSFIELD, TOWNS OF. 1836 Report on pétition to raise money to build a bridge across Black river, at Fish island........A 4 276 BRUCE, PACKARD. 1847 Reports as to allowances to.................A 2 61 1847 Report on pétition of.......................A 1 41 1849 do do ...................................... S 2 38 BRUCE, PHILENA M. 1863 Report of committee on daim of..............A 5 99 BRUNDAGE, B. S. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the mortgage given by him to George McClure ................ S 1 27 BRUNGES, ANNA C. 1855 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of. A 5 127 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief......... A 3 76 BRUSSELS CARPETING. 1844 Report of Attorney-General in reply to a resolution of the Assembly, of February 10, relative to the manufacture of................................. A 3 75 BRUYN, JANSEN. 1844 Report on pétition of.......................S 2 53 BUCHANAN, THOMAS E. AND H. CARD. 1851 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, for canal damages........................ A 3 82127 BUCKDORF, JACOB. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Keport on pétition to be refunded certain moneys paid for toll...............................A 4 274 BUCKLEY, MARGARET. 18Ô4 Report of committee on claim of...............A 7 167 1865 do do ... .........A3 46 BUCKLEY, PATRICK, AND RHODA CAREY. 1868 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 9 96 1869 do do .....A 6 75 1870 do do .....A 11 199 BUELL, N. 1847 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 7 213 BUELL, WILLIAM. 1834 Report on pétition to authorize the commissioners of the canal fund to pay the expense of certain suite., A 4 318 1835 Report on the same..................... .... S 2 34 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 40 1846 Reports on the bill for relief of. ... ...... S 4 119 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.S 4 126 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 171 1847 Memorial of...................................S 3 94 1851 Pétition for relief for canal damages........ A 2 44 1851 Report of committee on daims....*.............A 3 74 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.............S 1 17 BUELL, WILLIAM, AND T. C. PETERS. 1850 Memorial in relation to agricultural colleges.A 6 158 BUFFALO AND BATAVIA RAILROAD, see Railroads. BUFFALO AND BLACK ROCK RAILROAD, see Railroads. BUFFALO AND HORNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, see Railroads. BUFFALO AND NEW HAMBURGH TURNPIKE. 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate.................. S 1 16 1832 do do ...............A 3 516 BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS RAILROAD, see Railroads. BUFFALO AND ROCHESTER PACKET BOAT COMPANY. 1839 Report on pétition to be refunded certain moneys paid for canal tolls........................ A 3 162 1839 Report on pétition to be refunded certain moneys paid for canal tolls........................A 4 2101830 1831 1831 1834 1834 1836 1837 1839 1840 1840 1842 1843 1843 1833 1847 1847 1848 1849 1850 1854 1856 1858 1861 1864 1865 1865 1867 1868 1869 128 BUFFALO, CITY OF. doc.VoL No. Road from, to Cattaraugus creek, report on pétition for a State road, etc..........................A 3 224 Fire departmeot, report on pétition to raise money to purchase engines, etc.......................A 4 322 Roads and bridges in the Buffalo Creek Réservation, report of Comptroller on the bill concerning .... A 6 198 Road from Abbott’s Corners, report on pétition to raise money by tax to improve a................A 4 313 Burial Ground Association, report on pétition to incorporate........................... ........A 4 375 Marine hospital, report relative to certain lands claimed by....................................... A 4 319 Marine railway, report on pétition to increase the capital of.....................................A 3 197 Canal basin, Main and Hamburgh streets, report of canal commissioners relative to..............A 6 363 Report of the survey of........................A 6 257 Arsenal at, report on pétition for...............A 6 251 Report of select committee relative to excise in .... A 2 46 Remonstrance of common council of................A 3 44 Report of committee on grievances on bill for relief of......................................A 3 48 Report of Canal Board in answer to a resolution of the Assembly calling for information in relation to property shipped and left at................A 5 148 Report on pétition from, relative to Erie canal..A 7 205 Report on pétition of E. Pierson for floating dry- dock at........................................A 2 63 Report of committee on roads and bridges on a resolution of common council of................ S 1 11 Report of Canal Board on the construction of the Works at....................................... S 1 26 Strike on canal at...............................A 5 93 Dispensary, memorial of........ ................. S 1 16 Report on pétition of citizens of, to be annexed to adjoining towns....................... ........A 3 88 Report on pétition of charitable institutions located in....... .....................................A 4 108 Report relative to a general hospital in.........A 5 115 Communication from board of trade of, relative to sait duties.................................... S 4 85 Communication from Attorney-General as to con- stitutionality of police bill of............... S 3 102 Report of committee on pétition for aid to Provi- dence lunatic asylum at..........................A 9 196 Communication from auditor relative to purchasing buildings in...................................A 2 37 Communication from Canal Commissioners relative to depth of water in Ohio basin................ S 3 31 Communication from Canal Commissioners relative to construction of docks in Erie basin......... S 3 15129 BUFFALO, CITY OF — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1870 Canal Commissioners’ reply relative to persons con- structing docks in Erie basin...............A 5 84 Banks, see Banks, Erie County; and Banks, Savings. Insurance Companies, see Insurance Companies. Medical Colleges, see Medical Colleges. Seminary, see Academies, etc. Reports of Inspectors of Provision, see Erie County. BUFFALO ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1872 First annual report of....................... A 7 88 1873 Annual report of......................... .... A 2 23 1874 Annual report................................ A 2 14 1875 Annual report of.............................. S 2 26 1875 Report of superintending builder.............. S 2 27 1876 Annual report of, board of managers of........ S 2 27 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1887 Annual report of managers of...................A 3 22 BUFFALO BOARD OF TRADE. 1877 Communication from, relative to réduction of tolls, A 8 134 BULL, A. 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 7 213 BULL, GEO. W. 1851 Report in relation to charges................. S 2 60 BULL, HENRY. 1863 Report of committee on claim of ...............A 5 158 1864 do de .................A 2 41 1865 do do .................A 2 29 BULL, WILLIAM. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 1 31 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 45 1857 Report of committee on claim adverse on pétition of, for damages by falling of a bridge over the Erie canal............................... A 1 56 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages by falling of a bridge over the Erie canal............................................A 3 156 BULLARD, JOSEPH (a botanic physician). 1834 Report on pétition to authorize him to collect pay for services, etc........................... A 3 206 BUMP, JOHN. 1845 Report on pétition of.. .......................A 4 141 17130 BUMPUS, NATHAN AND OTHERS. Doc. Voi. No. 1835 Report on claim of, on lots 24 and 68, Freeman’s patent .................................... A 2 137 1836 Report on claim of, on lots 24 and 68, Freeman’s patent .................................... S 2 91 BURCH, JOHN. 1844 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of, A 5 139 1845 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of.A 4 102 BURCH, RUSSELL B. 1847 Report on pétition of................................ A 7 225 BURCHARD, NATHAN (attorney for the Oneida Indians). 1841 Communication from, in relation to his salary.....A 4 139 BURCKLE, CHRISTIAN J. 1837 Report on pétition for the conveyance to him of certain land.... ............*.............A 3 216 BURDICK, HUBBARD. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...................A 6 217 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of............A 2 32 1847 Report on pétition of.............................A 2 66 1848 do ...........................A 2 37 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.......A 2 97 1850 do do do ...........A 4 75 1850 Report on daim of.................................A 5 79 BURDICK, MRS. MARIA. 1867 Report of the committee on daims on pétition of. .. A 7 122 1869 do do do ... A 6 84 BURDICK, SAMUEL C. 1863 Report of committee on claim of...................A 5 143 BURDSELL, BENJ., AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of Secretary of State relative to pétition of.. A 3 162 BURLING, WILLIAM. 1864 Report of Canal Board relative to claim of....... S 3 43 BURLINGAME, PLATT. 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.......A 4 147 BURLINGTON, ELIJAH, AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition to confirm their title to certain lands.......................................... S 3 66 1840 Report on pétition to confirm their title to certain lands............................................. S 4 124 BURLINGTON GREEN, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate a fire company in, A 4 2971837 1858 1835 1862 1854 1840 1865 1860 1845 1835 1836 1836 1835 1870 1858 1866 131 BURLINGTON WATER-WORKS CO. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of Billings Brown to incorporate, A 4 286 BURNETT, GEN. WARD B. Report of committee on militia and public defense on the bill to pay moneys to................ S 2 101 BURNHAM, NOAH. An insane person, confined in Cayuga county jail for murder, report concerning................A 3 209 BURNS, SAMUEL. Report on pétition of..........................A 6 162 BURNS, THOMAS. Report of committee on grievances on pétition of... A 1 34 BURNS, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to annex part of the town of Almond.......................................A 8 316 BURNSIDE, S. S. (General). Communication from, relative to amendments of the militia law................................ A 4 89 BURR, C. A. Report of committee on claim of.............. A 4 115 BURR, LEYI S. Report of, for an investigation of the conduct of the the officers of the Mount Pleasant prison....A 3 211 BURROW, ASA. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his land by the Erie canal...................A 4 348 Canal Commissioners’report.....................A 4 231 Report of the committee on grievances..........A 4 255 BURROW, JABEZ (colléetor of canal tolls at West Troy). Report on pétition to be relieved from the payment of certain money........................ S 2 63 BURROWS, ROSWELL S. Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 8 148 BURROWS, ROSWELL S., AND LORENZO, AND OTHERS. Report of committee on pétition of, for relief.A 1 37 BURNETT, WARD B. Report qf çommittee on daims on pétition of....A 4 75132 BURT, D. G., AND WILLIAM HARRIS. Doc. Yol. No. 1831 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the érection of the Saratoga dam, A 2 187 1832 Report of committee on canals............................A 2 148 1838 do do ..............................A3 64 BURT, HARRIET R. 1849 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of.....................................................A 3 102 BURT, JUSTUS. 1830 Report on pétition for the repayment of certain money paid for land....................................A 2 101 1830 Commissioners of the Land Office, report on bill for the relief of.......................... . S 2 156 BURTON, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition relative to roads and bridges in the....................................................A 6 238 BURYING-GROUNDS, see Cemeteries, etc. 1853 Report of committee on medical societies and colleges in relation to the better protection of. .........A 2 21 BUSH, WM. AND HENRY B. HEWETT. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 8 230 BUSHWICK, TOWN OF. 1835 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of tolls in...................................A 1 19 1837 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of tolls in...................................A 1 33 1839 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of tolls in....................................... A 1 14 1858 Report on the bill to amend the act to consolidate the cities of Brooklyn and Williamsburgh with .. S 2 100 BUSINESS. 1861 Report on facilitating....................................A 5 95 BUTLER, NORMAN, see Johnson, Stiles and Nor- man Butler. BUTRICK, R. P. 1856 Report on pétition for relief..............A 5 195 BUTTERFIELD, CHAS. E. 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages to horse and wagon......A 3 160 BUTTERNUTS AND OTHER CREEES. 1836 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the waters of...............................S 2 80133 BUTTERNUTS AND SHERBURN TURNPIKE COMPANY. Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition relative to the location of a gâte on..........................................A 4 145 BUTTERNUTS, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition relative to the appointment of a commissioner of deeds at....................A 5 226 1846 Report of select committee on pétition of inhabit- ants of...........................................A 5 194 BUTTERLY, JOHN M., AND JOSEPH P. HEWETT. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...........A 5 134 BUTRICK, RICHARD P. 1857 Report of committee on canals adverse on pétition of, for additional compensation.............A 1 45 1857 Report of committee on canals adverse on pétition of, for extra compensation..................A 2 87 BUTTS, MILTON E. 1861 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 58 BUTTS, SALMON. 1863 Report on pétition of .........................A j g ^gg BYNGTON, B. 1833 Report on pétition for a loan from the State, to aid him in the discovery of rock sait in Salina.A 4 314 BYRAM RIVER. 1851 Report on pétition for a draw-bridge across...A 5 146 BYRNES, EDWARD. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of. ....A 6 96 1870 do do do ................A 9 150 BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. 1878 Annual report of............................. S 1 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BILL. 1878 Resolution relative to the................... S 2 38 BROOKLYN, CITY OF. 1878 Sailors’ hôtels, remonstrance of James J. Ferris relatin g to............................. S 1 22 BANK DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTENDENT OF. 1878 Annual report of............................ A 1 5 1878 Savings Banks, annual report of, relative to..A 7 89 1878 Embarrassed, Superintendents’ reply relative to .. A 7 126 BLACK RIVER CANAL. 1878 Auditor’s reply relative to the...............À 5 62 ii34 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. Doc. Voi. No. 1878 Animal report of.......................................A 5 72 BANK DEPARTMENT. 1879 Communication from Superintendent...................... SI 19 1879 Communication from Superintendent of, in answer to resolution of January 23, 1879.................... S 1 21 1879 Report from Superintendent of, relative to salaries paid officers of Savings Banks....................... S 2 57 BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. 1879 Report of.............................................. S 2 47 BOARD OF TRADE. 1879 Pétition from.......................................... S 2 66 BOARD, PILOT COMMISSIONERS. 1879 Report of..............................................A 1 8 BOARD, POLICE COMMISSIONERS OF CITY OF NEW YORK. 1879 On the réduction of pay of police force................A 2 46 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1879 Report of, receipts and expenditures...................A 6 81 BANK DEPARTMENT, see Superintendent of Bank Department. BANKS, see Savings Banks. BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1880 Message from Governor relative to trustées........ S 4 50 1880 Report of spécial committee relating to trustées... S 4 60 1880 Testimony in relation to removal of trustées........... S 4 57 1880 Annual report of trustées............................... SI 11 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS, NEW YORK CITY. 1880 Statement from, relative to police pension fund_ S 4 54 BOUNDARY LINES. 1880 Report of commissioners to settle, between New York and Connecticut..............,.................. S 2 27 BROOKLYN ELEYATED RAILWAYS. 1880 In report of committee of conférence relative to Assembly bill, to probibit érection of............... S 4 59 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 1880 Report of, in response to resolution of Senate......... S 2 43 BANK DEPARTMENT. 1880 Report of..............................................A 1 5 BLIND, NEW YORK INSTITUTE FOR. 1880 Report of..............................................A 2 16135 BLIND, STATE INSTITUTE FOR. Doc.Vol. No. 1880 Report of.......................................A 2 18 BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. 1880 Report of.......................................A 7 107 BOARD OF AUDIT. 1880 Report of..................................A 1 10 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1880 Report of..................................A 4 65 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1881 Annual report of trustées of.............. S 1 11 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1881 Annual report of board of managers of........... SI 20 BANK DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTENDENT OF, see Superintendent. BLIND, INSTITUTIONS FOR, see name of asylum. BOARD OF AUDIT. 1881 Annual report of...........................A 1 8 1881 Report of, on claim of Fk>wer & Co.........A 6 84 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS. 1881 Report of..................................A 2 24 BOARD OF HEALTH. 1881 Report of..................................A 2 29 BRIBERY, CHARGES OF. 1881 Report on................................ A 8 130 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1881 Report of..................................A 8 108 BLIND, INSTITUTION FOR, BATAVIA. 1882 Annual report............................. S 6 94 BLIND, NEW YORK INSTITUTION. 1882 Managers’ annual report................... S 3 33 1882 Report of commissioners, establishment of institu- tion for....................................... S 5 64 BOUNDARY LINE. 1882 Report of commissioners on, between New York and Pennsylvania.......................... S 3 20 BROOKLYN. 1882 Report of collector of, in answer to resolution.S 6 74 BANK DEPARTMENT. 1882 Annual report of superintendent of.........A 1 5 1882 Annual report of, on savings banks.........A 2 24136 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR J NS ANE. Doc. Vol. No. 1882 Annual report of........................A 2 15 BOWLING GREEN SAYINGS BANK. 1882 Report of receiver of, in response to resolution .... A 2 31 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1882 Annual report of........................A 3 51 BROOKLYN, ONE-HORSE CARS IN. 1882 Report of Attorney-General on, in response to a resolution.............................A 2 23 BROOKLYN WATER-FRONT. 1882 Report of Attorney-General on......... A 5 125 BUFFALO, CHARITY ORGANIZATION OF. 1882 Annual report of........................A 2 13 BLACK RIVER RAILROAD, see Utica and Black River Railroad. BOARDING-HOUSES. 1883 Listof................................. S 2 28 BOARD OF MANAGERS, see Western House of Refuge. BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1883 Report of directors and trustées..... S 2 27 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1883 Annual report...........................A 1 12 BUFFALO, THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1883 Annual report..........................A. 2 24 BANK DEPARTMENT. 1883 Annual report of superintendent of......A 1 5 BATTERY PARK. 1883 Communication relative to...............A 3 39 BILLS FOR REFERENCE. 1883 To sub-committee of the whole, 60, 69, 92, 95, 103, 108, 112, 118, 141, 145, 156, 167. BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR CHRONIC INSANE. 1883 Annual report of........................A 2 22 BLACKWELL’S ISLAND PENITENTIARY. 1883 Report of warden of................... A 3 58 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS. 1883 Annual report of........................A 2 10137 BOAED OF CONTBOL. d00. vol. no. 1883 New York exp'eriment station, report of......A 4 98 BOAED OF EEGENTS. 1883 Eeport of....................................A 2 15 BANK DEPAETMENT. 1884 Beply of superintendent of, in answer to a resolu- tion of the Senate relative to.............A 3 37 BUBEAU OF LABOB STATISTICS. 1884 First annual report of...................... S 2 13 BANK DEPAETMENT. 1884 Annual report of.............................A 1 5 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOE CHEONIC INSANE. 1884 Annual report of.............................A 5 31 BOAED OF CLAIMS. 1884 First annual report of.......................A 6 72 BOAED OF CONTBOL OF NEW YOEK AGBI- CULTUEAL EXPEEIMENT STATION. 1884 Eeport of... ................................A 5 33 BEOOKLYN PAEK COMMISSIONEES. 1884 Communication from, in response to resolution .... A 8 128 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOE INSANE. 1884 Managers of, report of.......................A 5 29 BOAED OF CLAIMS. 1885 Eeport of................................... S 2 12 BOAED OF COMMISSIONEES OF PILOTS. 1885 Eeport of................................... S 1 7 BOAEDING-HOUSE LIST. 1885 Législature ............................... S 5 34 BOAED OF MANAGEES. 1885 New York Beformatory at Elmira, report of. S 2 13 1885 Western House of Eefuge, report of.......... S 2 23 BOAED OF EAILEOAD COMMISSIONEES. 1885 Eeports of............................ S 5 8, 29, 46 (See Commissioners.) BINGHAMTON ASYLUM. 1885 Trustées of, report of...................... A 2 18 BUFFALO INSANE ASYLUM. 1885 Eeport of....................................A 2 21 181885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 138 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Doc.Voi. No. Report of...................................A 3 26 BATAVIA, see New York State Institution. BOARD OF CLAIMS. Report of.................................. S 1 11 BOARD OF HEALTH. Communication from, relative to new aqueduct_ S 5 73 BOARD OF MANAGERS. Western House of Refuge, report of......... S 2 23 BOARD OF RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Report of.................................. S 3 26 BOARDING-HOUSE LIST. Senators, officers and reporters........... S 3 41 BOUNDARY LINES, see Commissioners. BROADWAY SURFACE RAILRpAD COMPANY. Relative to...........................»... S 3 44 Report of committee on railroads relative to. S 5 52, 79 BRIDGE, see Cohoes. BROOKLYN, CITY OF. Report of commissioners electrical subways. S 5 74 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. Report of directors........................ S 4 63 BUFFALO, see Annual Reports. BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR INSANE. Report of.................................. S 1 10 BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LABOR. Report of.................................. S 3 28 Report of, relative to conductors and drivers on Street railroads......................... S 4 55 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR CHRONIC INSANE. Report of.................................. A 2 19 BOARD OF CONTROL. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, report of, A 5 41 BOARDING-HOUSES. List of members.......................A 5 43 BOARD OF CLAIMS. Fourth annual report of. ........ .... S 1 12189 BUFFALO, CHARITY ORGANIZATION. r>00. vol. No. 1887 Society of S 1 16 1887 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM. Report of S 1 8 1887 BATAVIA, INSTITUTION FOR BLIND AT. Report of A 7 40 1887 BATH, SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME AT. Report of A 7 61 1887 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM. Report of A 6 29 1887 BLACKFORD EUGENE G. Report of A 6 28 1887 BOARDING-HOUSES. List of A 7 55 1887 BOARD OF COMMISSIO N ERS OF PILOTS. Report of A 4 14 1887 BOARD OF CONTROL. New York Agricultural Experimental Station, report of A 6 36 1887 BOARD OF RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Supplementary report of A 7 43 1887 BROOKLYN INVESTIGATION. Report of A 10,82,110,111 1887 BROOKLYN. Proposed act to révisé laws, report of A 9 77 1887 BUFFALO ASYLUM. Report of A 4 22 1887 BUFFALO. Society for Roman Catholic Children, report of .... A 7 58 1887 BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LABOR. Report of A 5 27 1887 BURNHAM INDUSTRIAL FARM. Report of A 6 33 1888 BOARD OF CLAIMS. Annual report of . S 3 11 1888 BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR INSANE. Annual report of . S 3 10 1888 BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR CHRONIC INSANE. Report of A 6 52140 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1830 1846 1847 1843 1848 1851 1851 1851 1843 1852 1831 1852 1854 1842 BOARD OF CONTROL. Doc Vo] New York Agricultural Experiment Station, report of..........................................A 5 No. 36 BOARD OF ELECTRICAL CONTROL IN NEW YORK CITY. Report of.................................A 6 38 BOARDING-HOUSES. List of members, officers and reporters of Assembly, A 7 51 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. Report of.................................A 7 57 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Report of.................................A 9 74 CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY, see Natural History. CALDWELL, EBENEZER S., see Elijah Burlingham and others. CALDWELL, MATHEW, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for a premium, provided they discover a coal mine within ten miles of the Erie canal.......................................A 2 175 CAD Y, BLOOD & HAIGHT. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 107 Report on pétition of.........................A 1 28 CAD Y, HENRY, AND J. N. KASSON. Report of committee on daims on pétition of___ S 1 36 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 3 117 CAD Y, SHULER. Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, A3 23 Report on pétition of, for canal damages.......A 3 73 Mr. Chamberlain^ report, from committee on griev- ances, on pétition of ....................... A 3 75 CAGGER, PETER. Report of Canal Board on his pétition, as adminis- trator of P. Bargy, Jr., deceased............A 5 135 Administrator, report on pétition of..........A 2 75 CAIRO AND CATSKILL TÜRNPIKE COMPANY. Report on pétition to renew the charter of....A 2 134 CALDWELL, G. AND J. W. Report on their pétition......................A 2 71 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 69 CALDWELL, GEORGE. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 3 57141 CALDWELL, GEORGE AND JOSEPH. Doc. Voi. No. 1853 Report of committee on daims in relation to the daims of.......... .......................... S 2 38 CALDWELL’S LANDING. 1835 Report on pétition for a ferry from, to Peekskill... A 4 313 CALIFORNIA. 1849 Report of select committee on so much of Govern- or's message as relates to the introduction of slavery into, and New Mexico.....................A 3 139 CALLANAN, THOMAS. 1861 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 108 1862 do do ...............................A4 85 CAMBRIDGE AND WHITE CREEE. 1833 Report relative to highway labor in..........A 2 79 CAMDEN, VILLAGE OF. 1841 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the. S 3 95 CAMERON, DANIEL. 1835 Report on pétition to confirm the last will, etc., of, etc........................................A 4 27 CAMERON, JAMES J., see Warren county, jailer of. CAMERON, TOWN OP. 1831 Report relative to tho poor fund of the......A 4 297 1832 Report on pétition for the division of the ..A 2 136 1838 Report on pétition to raise money to build a bridge across the Canisteo river..................A 5 291 CAMILLUS, TOWN OF. 1839 First Methodist Episcopal Society, report on péti- tion to sell real estate................. A 4 235 1841 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for the use of surplus waters of the canal at.............A 6 206 CAMMERDON, JOHN. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 5 143 CAMPBELL, A. 1846 Report of Attorney-General on the pétition of. ... A 5 161 CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER. 1849 Report of Canal Board, transmitting pétition and affidavits of............................ A 3 173 CAMPBELL AND MOODY. t 1851 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office relative to the daim of............................ S 2 45 1851 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of........................................ S 3 45142 CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD. Doc Voi. No. 1838 Report on claim of... ........................A 4 163 1840 Report on pétition relative to a piece of land claimed to be escheated to the State............... S 3 69 CAMPBELL, ASA. 1835 Report on claim of, for work done on Erie canal.... A 2 98 1835 do do do do .... A 3 222 CAMPBELL, HARRIS. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 2 68 CAMPBELL, JOHN A. 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 2 64 CAMPBELL, JOHN J. 1832 Report on pétition for compensation for certain land sold by the Surveyor-General............... S 2 97 1837 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office..A 2 156 1837 Report of committee on grievances.............A 3 178 1840 Report of committee on daims..................A 6 225 1864 Communication from Regents of the University, relative to death of....................... S 4 86 CAMPBELL, JOSEPH, AND S. LITTLEFIELD. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Champlain canal.........................A 4 266 CAMPBELL, SQUIRE, AND OTHERS. 1842 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 116 CAMPBELL, W. 1830 Report on pétition for pay for services as crier of the court of Oyer and Terminer in Albany....A 4 365 CANADA. 1853 Report of Auditor of Canal Department in relation to tolls and quantity of property going to and coming from........................................ S 1 29 1850 Report of joint select committee on application of parliament of.............................. S 1 9 1851 Resolutions of parliament of..................A 3 60 CANADICE, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition for the division of the....A 4 334 CANAJOHARIE. 1830 Report on pétition to confer additional powers on Suprême Court Commissioner..................A 4 405 1840 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in.................................A 5 181 1848 Report on the annexation of, to Minden........A 3 96 1863 Communication of Canal Board relative to sewer in, S 4 60 Deaf anp Dumb Institution, see Deaf and Dumb.143 CANAJOHARIE AND CATSKILL RAILROAD, see Railroads. CANAJOHARIE AND PALATINE BRIDGE COMPANY. Doc. Vol. 1832 Report on pétition to amend the charter of ............ S 2 1832 do do do ........ S 2 1847 Report of, under resolution................... S 2 CANAL APPRAISERS. 1830 Compensation for expenses of, etc..............A 1 1837 Report of the, relative tothe applications of Nathan Hall, W. P. Couch and W. Skillenger, for com- pensation for canal damages.............. ... S 2 1838 Report of the, of appraisal of damages on the Erie, Champlain, Chenango and Chemung canals........A 5 1840 Report of the, on pétition of N. S. Howard.....A 4 1844 Report of, on the memorial oî land owners in Frank- fort, German Flats and Herkimer, on the subject of canal damages..............................A 5 1845 Report of Comptroller in relation to the pay, etc., of, S 2 1845 Report of, on the pétition of John Watkins... ... A 3 1845 Report of, on the pétition of Joseph Demont, O. Tyler and E. Mynderse.........................A 3 1847 Report of, of allowance made to Patrick Bruce, for damages from building Genesee Valley canal. ... A 2 1847 Report of, of allowance made to Abraham V. Put- nam for damages in enlarging Erie canal...... A 2 1849 Annual report of.............................. S 1 1849 Report of, on the condition of books, records, etc., in their office.............................. S 1 1849 Report of, on pétition of Simon Matison.......A 3 1850 Report of, of testimony taken in case of John Watkins............................................. S 2 1850 Annual report of.... .................................. S 2 1851 do ............................... S 2 1851 Report of committee on canals on bill to authorize, to award damages...................................... S 2 1852 Annual report of....................................... S 2 1853 Report of the, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of February seventeenth, in relation to applicants for damages.................................A 2 1853 Annual report of, in relation to clerk hire............ S 2 1854 Communication from, relative to daims of mill owners at Rochester................................... A 2 1854 Annual report of....................................... S 2 1854 do ............................... S 3 1855 Communication from, in reference to claim of Geo. Folts................................................ A 4 1855 Annual report of....................................... S 3 1856 Report of, relative to Rochester mill owners’ daims, S 3 1856 Annual report of...................................... S 4 1857 do ..................................... S 2 No. 78 99 51 28 70 201 128 101 74 41 46 61 98 14 28 145 63 69 41 69 60 47 40 63 80 80 82 69 103 106 75144 CANAL APPRAISERS— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1858 Annual report of................................ S 2 40 1859 do S 2 100 1859 Report of, relative to claimants waiting appraise- ment, etc.................................... S 1 47 1859 Report of, damages on Black river................A 2 78 1860 Annual report of................................ S 1 44 1861 do S 2 30 1861 Report on pétitions relative to jurisdiction of.A 2 62 1862 Annual report of................................ S 3 52 1862 Report of, relative to number and amount of awards made by...................................... S 1 19 1862 Report of daims and awards by the, from 1851 to 1862 ........................................ S 1 24 1863 Annual report of................................ S 2 23 1864 do S 3 24 1865 do S 1 28 1866 do S 1 9 1867 do S 2 33 1867 Report, in answer to resolution as to awards....A 4 60 1868 Annual report.................................. S 3 19 1869 do ...................................... S 5 56 1870 Annual report for 1869........................ S 2 50 1870 Annual report of majority....................... S 3 85 1871 Annual report................................... S 1 13 1872 Annual report of, for 1871..................... S 1 13 1872 Reply of, to a resolution calling for list of daims presented to them, since January 1, 1870......A 3 45 1873 Annual report of................................ S 1 15 1873 Communication of, relative to certain awards for canal damages............................... A 4 39 1874 Annual report of................................ S 2 26 1874 Report of, in reference to evidence in matter of the daim of Roswell S. Burrows................... S 2 25 1875 Annual report of................................ S 4 61 1875 Board, resolutions of, relative to toll sheet... S 6 73 1875 Frauds, report of joint committee on............ S 6 88 1876 Annual report of................................ S 1 16 1877 do ................................ S 16 CANAL BOARD. 1830 Report relative to increasing the rates of canal tolls, S 4 291 1830 Report relative to the preference of packets passing locks on the canal........................... S 2 98 1830 Report on pétition of Daniel Mclnray for extra allowance ............................. ... A 2 104 1830 Report on pétition of Andrew P. Tillman for extra allowance ....................................A 3 240 1830 Report of expenditures on the Erie and Champlain canals, the number of superintendents, etc... S 3 243 1831 Report on pétition of S. Bardwell and W. Brayton for extra allowance...........................A 3 2031831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1831 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 3 833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1838 1835 1835 145 CANAL BOARD— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Report on claim of the Oswego Canal Company.... A 4 309 Report on pétition of Allen & Hecox for extra allowance ...................................... S 1 57 Report on pétition of Holmes, Hutchinson and I. Trumpbour........................................A 3 188 Report on pétition of Neal Brown for extra allowance, A 3 194 Report of amount of tolls received on packet boats and passengers for the last two years........... S 1 49 Report on bill to incorporate the Oneida Lake Canal Company................................... S 1 04 Report on pétition of Philip Ludington for a bridge across the canal...............-............... S 2 75 Report of, relative to bridges and fences on the canals......................................... S 1 30 Report of, relative to damages by draining Tona- wandacreek..................................... S 2 89 Report of, relative to Oneida Lake Canal Company... A 3 196 Report of, relative to Cohoes Bridge Company.....A 4 243 Report of, relative to Cayuga inlet, improvement of, A 4 244 Report of, on pétition of Frederick Bellinger for a grant of surplus water......................... A 4 265 Report of, on pétition of Samuel Wilkes for damages to his boat, etc....................... A 4 273 Report of, on pétition of D. & R. Gorton for damages to their mills, etc......................A 4 321 Report of, relative to canal bridges............. A 4 317 Report of, relative to condition of the Erie canal in Herkimer county..................................A 4 272 Report of, on pétition of farmers and others of western New York, in relation to combinations of forwarding companies, etc........................A 4 320 Report on pétition of Henry Thalemer for extra allowance....... .............................. .A 4 338 Report on pétition of Peter Failing and others for extra allowance................................. S 1 26 Report on pétition of Lawrence Barclay for extra allowance .......................................A 4 366 Report of, relative to the improvement of Cayuga lake ..........................*...............A 4 348 Report of, relative to work done on the Oswego canal by Henry Hill and others....,................... S 2 102 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to terminating the Erie canal at Schenectady....... S 2 72 Report of, on pétition of Zebulon Douglass for extra allowance................................ A 4 354 Report of, on the claim of Samuel Farwell........A 2 86 Report of, on the claim of Holmes Hutchinson.....A 2 140 Report relative to the construction of a ship canal from Lake Ontario to the Hudson river..........A 4 334 Report relative to the tow-path bridge across the Mohawk, constructed by the Cohoes company ... A 4 364 191836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 146 CANAL BOAED—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Eeport on the subject of supplying the Eome sum- mit with water............................. S 1 61 Eeport relative to the cost of the Champlain canal, S 2 72 Eeport on a resolution of the Senate relative to the increase or diminution of business on the Erie canal in conséquence of the construction of the latéral canals................................ S 2 81 Eeport and documents relative to the enlargement of the Erie canal................................A 2 98 Eeport and documents relative to the enlargement of the Erie canal.............................. A 2 99 Eeport on pétition of the Black Eock Land and Eailroad Company .............................. A 3 115 Eeport on pétition of W. A. Bird and others, for a grant of surplus water...........................A 4 228 Eeport on pétition of Philip Schuyler, relative to canal fences.....................................A 4 234 Eeport on pétition of T. Y. Yan Nest for extra allowance...................................... A 4 269 Eeport on pétition of Isaac Yail for extra allowance, A 4 230 Eeport of, concerning tolls on gypsum..............A 4 294 Eeport on bill for the relief of John A. Ehle and others.......................................... S 1 36 Eeport on memorial of Pratt, Watson & Co., relative to a contract................................... S 2 47 Eeport relative to the enlargement of the Erie canal, S 2 53 Eeport on claim of Jacob Trumpbour............... A 3 181 Eeport on pétition of I. E. Hinman and H. W. Schroeppel for damages to their lands............A 3 185 Eeport on pétition of B. W. Babcock for extra allowance....................................... A 3 187 Eeport on pétition of Arnold Mason and F. Pratt, for extra allowance............................. A 3 219 Eeport on pétition for a weigh-lock at Oswego____ A 3 231 Eeport in relation to the estimated and actual cost of the canals that are finished, and the estimated cost of those unfinished.........................A 3 189 Eeport of, on pétition of the Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining and Manufacturing Company................ S 2 45 Eeport of, on pétition of Plynn Darby for extra allowance........................................A 4 193 Eeport of, on pétition of Martin Bettinger and David Loban for damages to their lands...........A 5 288 Eeport giving the names and compensation of offi- cers employed on the canals......................A 5 231 Eeport of, on pétition of citizens of Lockport rela- tive to a bridge over the Erie canal.............. S 3 88 Eeport of, on pétition of John B. Ives, a canal contractor...................................... A 6 352 Eeport of, on pétition of Moses Drake for canal damages........................................ A 6 3681839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 147 CANAL BOARD— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report relative to the enlargement of the Oswego canal..........................................A 6 357 Report relative to the enlargement of the Cayuga and Seneca canal...............................A 6 367 Report relative to the enlargement of the Erie canal from Utica to Syracuse.........................A 6 369 Report relative to leasing the surplus waters of the Oswego canal...................................A 6 370 Report on pétition for réduction of the tolls on the Chenango canal, and the equalization thereof with the rates on the Erie canal....................A 6 343 Report on a resolution of the Assembly relative to the cost of the Genesee Valley canal...........A 6 376 Report relative to supplying the Erie canal with water from Lake Erie to the Seneca river....... A 6 381 Report on a resolution of the Assembly relative to the cost of the Black River canal..............A 6 391 Report of, relative to the survey of the branches of the Hudson river............................... S 2 61 Report on bill for the relief of Samuel Farwell and others......................................... S 4 100 Report on pétition of John Spencer and others for extra allowance................................A 6 258 Report relative to the occupancy of the pier of the Black Rock harbor..............................A 8 313 Report of, giving the names and compensation of ofïicers appointed by the Canal Board and Canal Commissioners.................................. A 8 318 Report as to changes of plan of locks, etc., on the Genesee Valley canal.................. ........A 8 329 Report relative to the canal debts and revenues and the enlargement of the Erie canal..............A 7 306 Report on pétition of Andrew P. Tillman for extra allowance...................................... S 2 42 Report on pétition of W. A. Bird and others for a lease of surplus water......................... S 2 57 Report on pétition of Peter Bargy, Jr., for extra allowance......................................A 5 162 Report on pétition of Peter Bargy, Jr., for extra allowance...................................... S 5 178 Report on pétition of W. W. Dygert for damages to his land.......................................A 5 175 Report relative to the Scottsville Canal Association, S 3 72 Report relative to the Oneida Lake canal and feeder, and Seneca river towing-path................... S 3 76 Report on bill for the relief of James Germain. ... S 3 77 Report on pétition of Gerret Visscher and William Shepard for such portion of the bed of the Erie canal as may be abandoned......................A 5 187 Report on pétition of Samuel Farwell for extra allowance .......................................A 5 194148 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1845 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1848 1843 1843 1843 CANAL BOARD — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of John S. Tallman and J. Child, for interest on damages awarded to them..........A 6 216 Report on pétition of Thompson Parkhurst, for pay for lands taken for the Erie canal................A 6 220 Report on pétition of Henry Heath, for damages by the Erie canal....................................A 6 229 Report on the propriety of establishing a uniform rate of tolls on the canals.......................A 6 221 Report on pétition for a bridge over the Mohawk, at or near the lower aqueduct ..................... A 6 223 Report on pétition of Henry C. Stone, relative to a canal contract....................................A 6 245 Report on pétition of Patrick Fitzsimmons and James Brady.......................................A 9 248 Report on pétition of Benjamin and Sarah Skinner, for damages by the construction of the Chenango canal........................................... A 6 251 Report on pétition of Joseph Long, for same.......A 6 254 Report on pétition of the Cohoes Company, relative to their bridge.................................. A 7 257 Report on pétition of William Newton for extra allowance.........................................A 7 270 Report on pétition of Asa T. Smith.................. S 2 31 Report on pétition of Patrick Fitzsimmons and James Brady.................................... S 4 86 Report on pétition of Patrick Fitzsimmons and James Brady...................................... S 4 93 Report on pétition of Levi Casier....................A 5 84 Report on pétition of Barnet Bond, for loss of boat and cargo....................................... A 5 93 Report on pétition of William Finn ..................A 5 100 Report on pétition of William H. Gibson and John Mattemore ........................................A 5 102 Report on pétition of Nelson and Philips.............A 5 107 Report on pétitions for, and remonstrance against the removal of IJort Miller’s dam.................A 5 114 Report on pétition of Aaron Barnes and John E. Hinman............................................A 5 119 Report on pétition of James D. Treat and others. .. A 7 132 Report on pétition of Henry Heath....................A 7 150 Report on pétition of William Page...................A 7 164 Report on pétition of David Murray.................. S 1 28 Report on pétition of Medad Pomeroy............... S 3 90 Report on pétition of William Bentley................A 4 91 Report on pétition of Asa T. Smith...................A 4 108 Report of, on pétition of Peter Cagger, administrât or of Peter Bargy, deceased..........................A 5 133 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly calling for information in relation to property shipped and left at Buffalo, Black Rock, Oswego, etc..................................................A 5 1481844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 149 CANAL BOARD — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. Report of, relative to allowances to contractors on suspended public works.......................... S 3 117 Report of, relative to the five combined locks at Lockport........................................ S 4 130 Report of, of damages awarded to contractors for breaches of contract on the part of the State, in conséquence of the suspension of the public works by the act of 1842..................... .. A 1 2 Report of, transferring the annual report of the railroad commissioners............................A 1 9 Report of, on reference from the Assembly of the pétition of R. N. Cassler.........................A 1 24 Report of, on reference from the Assembly of the pétition of John L. Bevins........................A 1 25 Report of, on reference of the pétition of A. C. & E. T. Baldwin................................... A 3 43 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Thomas R. Brayton and Thomas W. Chesebro.................A 3 54 Report of, on the pétition of Eggleston and Sand- ford..............................................A 3 09 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly of January 31,1844..............................A 3 70 Report of, on the reference of the Assembly of the pétition of Yates and Yandebogert.................A 5 108 Report of, on the reference by the Assembly of the pétition of Thomas McLachlin......................A 5 109 Report of, on the pétition of a number of residents of Oswego, Onondaga, etc..........................A 5 114 Report of, on reference by the Assembly of the pétition of Benjamin H. Sage and William B. Williams........................................ A 5 121 Report of, on reference by the Assembly of the pétition of Robert Spoor..........................A 5 128 Report of, on reference by the Assembly of the bill for the relief of John Simons................... A 6 151 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly calling for the testimony in the case of Robert Fero..............................................A 6 153 Report of, on‘ the reference from the Assembly of the pétition of the citizens of Little Falls for the finishing of a bridge............................ A 6 157 Report of, on the pétition of John G. Wheelock and others....... ................................A 7 203 Report of, on the pétition of the common council of the city of Utica..............................A 7 204 Report of, on the claim of Timothy Eddy............ S 1 34 Report of, in relation to the Albany basin......... S 2 83 Report of, on the bill entitled an act to authorize and require the canal commissioners to take charge of the side-cut canals in the village of Liverpool......................................... S 3 991845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 150 CANAL BOARD — Continuée!. doc. y0i. tfo. Report on bill from the Assembly to provide for the removal of cases decided by, to Suprême Court, by certiorari....................................S 3 103 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of Solomon Brown .............................................A 3 36 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of Hart and Candee.............................................A 3 55 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of Barnes and Hinman....................................... A 3 73 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of John Burch .... .......................... ...........A 4 102 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of James Stewart............................................A 4 125 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of John Bump...............................................A 4 141 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of Joshua Reed...............................................A 5 156 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of A. J. Yates..............................................A 5 191 Report of, on reference, of the pétition of inhabit- ants of Yerona.......................................A 5 193 Report of committee on canals on the bill to remove cases from, to the Suprême Court...................A 5 195 Report on pétition of Ledyard and Mathews............A 6 201 Report relative to locks on Genesee Yalley canal... A 6 202 Report on pétition of J. P. Yates....................A 6 214 Report on pétition of H. Burdick.....................A 6 217 Report on pétition of J. Ingraham....................A 6 218 Report of committee on canals on bill relative to .. S 4 128 Report of, on the pétition of Lewis Bastido and N. B. Kingsland ..................................... S 4 129 Report of, in relation to the claim of Andrew Rock- well ................................................S 4 134 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Asa T. Smith.......................................... .A 2 49 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Sandford and Eggleston......................................A 3 78 Report of, relative to the contract of John Ellis ... A 3 81 Report of, on pétition of N. Schuyler................A 4 98 Report of, on pétition of C. P. Richardson and others..........»................................A 4 103 Report of, on pétition of Oliver Baker...............A 4 115 Report of, relative to Florida bridge................A 4 127 Report of, on pétition of J. P. Yeeder...............A 4 135 Report of, on pel ition of citizens of Alabama, Gene- see county...........................................A 4 136 Report of, relative to water power along Seneca river, A 5 144 Report of, on pétition of Silas Eggleston............A 5 147 Report of, on pétition of James C. Ott...............A 5 151 Report of, on pétition of John Holiister.............A 5 252 Report of, on pétition of Learned & Johnson........A 5 145151 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1848 1848 .1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 1850 CANAL BOARD— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of, relative to weirs od Seneca lake.......A Report of, relative to surplus waters from Chenango canal..........................................A Report of, on reference of the pétition of George W. Hildreth .........................................A Report of, on the pétition of H. C. Swift.... .... S Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly relative to testimony taken in case of Briggs Thomas and Eben C. Worden.........................A Report of, in answer to a resolution referring péti- tion of Barhurd Bruce to them.....................A Report of, on pétition of inhabitants of town of Lenox, Madison county, relative to surplus water on Rome level.....................................A Report of, relative to ïïamburgh canal in Buffalo, and a bridge across Chenango canal at Elmira. .. A Report of, on pétition of John Gibson.............A Report of, on pétitions for draining lands between Tonawanda and Elicott’s creek.....................A Report of, on pétition of James Folbs, for a bridge at Frankfort.................................... A Report of, on memorial for enlargement of Erie canal and basins at Buffalo.......................A Report of, relative to bill for relief of Abojiah Osborn......................................... A Report of, on pétition of N. Buell...................A Report of, under a resolution relative to a pétition for a law on canal damages, etc.................. S Report of, under a resolution relative to improve- ments at Squaw island............................ S Report of, relative to Genesee and Black River canals............................................A Report of, of 1847, and resolutions..................A Report of, on pétition of James Nichols, John C. Hoyt, etc....................................... A Report of, on memorial of E. W. Leavenworth, presi- dent of village of Syracuse.......................A Report of, relative to diversion of waters of Genesee river............................................ A Report of, on pétition of Robert Renwick, Jr., and Henry Marcy.......................................A Report of, on pétition of Robert McBride.............A Report of, on the condition of the contracte of the proposed new works at Buffalo.................... S Report of, in relation to the outlay that would be necessary to improve Black Rock harbor........... S Report of, relative to Fort Miller dam...............A Report transmitting pétition, etc., of Alexander Campbell..........................................A Report in relation to Honeoye, Conesus and other lakes............................................ S 5 166 5 195 6 201 3 105 1 34 1 41 4 109 6 152 7 195 7 198 7 200 7 205 7 209 7 213 2 48 2 57 3 97 5 130 5 170 5 171 5 172 5 179 6 215 1 26 2 33 3 125 3 173 1 40152 1850 1860 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 1852 1858 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 CANAL BOAED — Continued. Doc. Vol. No, Eeport on pétition of John Harris and others, in relation to Fort Miller dam................... S 2 66 Eeport on pétition of Jared B. Moss.............. S 3 86 Eeport in relation to improvement at Baldwinsvlle. S 3 94 Eeport on supplying Black river with water ....... S 3 98 Eeport on pétition of Elizabeth Granger and others, S 3 102 Eeport of, in relation to claim of Anthony and Fiero, A3 33 Eeport in relation tô canal at Geddes..............A 5 103 Eeport of, in relation to nuisance at Spencerport .. A 5 139 Eeport of, in relation to canal at Sodus...........A 6 151 Communication in relation to claim of Collins & Hitchcock..................................... S 1 18 Eeport in relation to lengthening lock on Erie canal, A3 67 Eeport of, on the removal of obstructions in Black Eock harbor.................................... A 3 90 Communication from....... S 1 8 Eeport of judiciary committee relative to preamble and resolution of the......................... S 1 15 Auditor’s report respecting extra allowance on con- tracte by ....................................... S 1 23 To hear and détermine the claim of A. Eockwell & Co., A 2 72 Eeport of auditor in answer to a resolution calling for proceedings of, respecting complainte or charges against canal superintendents......... S 3 71 Eesolution of, relative to grants of national land... S 1 13 Communication from, under resolution.............. S 3 62 do do do ................ S 3 83 Eesolution of, relative to réduction of tolls.... S 4 134 Auditor’s report of daims made to..................A 5 148 Communication from, in relation to line of canal near Port Byron.................................A 3 74 Communication from, in relation to line of Erie canal near Port Byron.................................A 4 74 Eeport of, in relation to new feeder for Genesee Val- ley canal.........................................A 7 146 Eeport of, majority of, relative to canal superin- tendents ........................................ S 2 42 Eeport of, majority of, relative to canal superin- tendents ........................................ S 2 43 Eeport of, on pétition of Luke P. Babcock......... S 2 51 Communication from, relative to Eochester mill owners........................................ S 1 12 Eeport of, relative to tolls...................... S 4 127 Eeport of, committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of A. Y. Lansing for rehearing of claim by... A 3 164 Eesolution of, in favor of the réduction of tolls on certain articles...... ...................... A 3 187 Eeport of, relative to tolls on wheat and flour.. S 3 134 Eeport of proceedings of, relative to tolls on iron, etc. S 3 135 Eeport of proceedings of, relative to réduction of tolls pn canals...............................* S 2 871859 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 153 CANAL BOARD—Continued. Doc. Vol. Communication from, relative to réduction of tolls on canals..................................... S 2 Report of, on pétition of Pringle & Gibbs.A 2 Communication from, on pétition of Horace Allen.. S 2 Communication from, relative to repeal of a certain law . :....................................... S 2 Communication from, relative to Glen’s Falls feeder, S 2 Communication from, relative to sait springs and manufacture of sait........................... S 2 Communication from, and auditor, asking money for repairs of canals..............................A 4 Answer to resolutions of January 22, 1861, and February 15,1862........................... .A 4 Communication from, relative to certain acts before the Législature..............................S 4 Communication from, relative to sewer in Canajo- barie........................................S 4 Communication from, relative to claim of E. Owens and others.....................................S 4 Communication from, relative to swing-bridge at Black Rock.....................................S 4 Communication from, relative to improvement of Chemung canal........................... ... S 4 Communication from, relative to Oil creek réservoir, S 4 Communication from, relative to réduction of canal tolls..........................................S 4 Communication from, relative to bridge across canal at Elmira......................................S 5 Communication from, relative to locks between West Troy and Albany................................S 5 Communication from, relative to building enlarged locks on Oneida Lake canal.................S 5 Communication from, relative to uniform rates of toll...........................................A 5 Communication from, relative to claim of William Burling....................................S 3 Communication from, relative to Cayuga and On- tario Ship Canal Company.....................S 3 Communication from, relative to enlargement of locks on Chemung canal.....................S 4 Communication from, relative to improvement of Black river............................... S 4 Communication from, relative to discharge of waters from Cayuga lske................. ........ S 4 Communication from, relative to Oneida Lake canal locks..................................... S 40 Communication from, relative to repairs of Oswego and Genesee Valley canals. ... .............A 7 Communication from, relative to enlargiug certain j * 6 locks....................................j A Communication from, relative to tolls on coal. S 1 20 No. 111 78 37 41 43 42 98 92 59 60 61 63 65 67 73 88 112 118 131 43 47 64 72 74 80 163 124 126 16154 CANAL BOAED — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Communication from, relative to Niagara ship canal (resolutions)................................. S 2 41 1865 Preamble and resolutions relative to the construc- j ^ 4 91 tion of the Niagara ship canal..............j 6 102 1865 Eesponse to resolution of Assembly relative to use of water inChamplain canal..............".... A 8 169 1866 Communication from, on co-operation coasting laws, SI 36 1866 Communication from, relative to Sodus canal..... SI 43 1866 Communication from, relative to Albany basin.... S 2 56 1866 Eesolutions of, reducing tolls on iron ore.......... S 2 80 1867 Communications from, relative to Niagara ship canal .......................................... S 2 35 1867 Communication from, relative to acts for relief of canal contractors........................... S 1 5 1868 Proceedings relative to compensating Alexander Barclay......................................A 8 73 1868 Eeport of, relative to surplus waters of the Erie canal ...........................................A 10 124 1868 Communication from, relative tocanals of State.... S 5 75 1869 Eeply of, to Senate resolution as to deposits of canal tolls in banks................................ S 6 82 1870 Communication from, relative to Tonawanda creek, S 2 36 1870 Eeport in answer to resolution of January 6.....A 59 1871 Proceedings of, relative to dam across Tonawanda creek .......................................... S 4 46 1871 Eeply of, as to effect upon commerce, of structure now being built across Lake Champlain at Ticonderoga..................................A 7 94 1871 Eeport relative to enlarging locks on western divis- ion Erie canal.......................................A 3 47 1871 Eeport relative to boat scales ......................A 4 67 1872 Preamble and resolutions adopted by..............A 8 119 1872 Eesolution adopted by, calling for investigation of canal management.............................A 7 92 1872 Eesolution of, relative to the management of the canals ...................................... S 3 36 1873 Eesolutions of, relative to toll sheet for 1873. S 1 17 1874 Eeport of proceedings of, relative to toll sheet of 1873 S 2 33 1874 Proceedings of March 31, 1874..................... S 4 87 1875 Proceedings of, relative to canal tolls..........A 7 103 » 1875 Frauds, report of joint investigation committee on, A 10 152 1875 Tolls on proceeding of Canal Board, relative to .... A 7 103 1876 Eeport relative to enlarging powers of...........A 6 62 1877 Communication from, relative to toll sheet.......A 8 105 CANAL COMMISSIONEES. 1830 Annual report, and report on Chenango canal......A 1 47 1830 Eeport on pétition of D. Stevenson, to be released from a canal contract........................... A 1 60 1830 Eeport on the subject of lowering Oneida lake.... A 1 63 1830 Eeport relative to Fort Miller dam...............A 2 861830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 183 L 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 155 CANAL COMMISSIONERS— Continuée!. Doc. Yoi. No. On pétition of Joshua Howe, for damages by the canal.........................................A 2 109 On pétition for a bridge across the canal at Utica .. A 3 275 Report relative to the improvement of the Hudson river with the steam dredging machine . ........A 4 335 Report of, in relation to their proceeding in relation to the construction of the Chemung and Crooked Lake canals, with estimâtes of the cost and revenues of, etc................................A 2 97 Report of S. Young, one of the, on the same.......A 2 195 Report on pétition of Paisley Laing, for damages to his lands................................... A 3 280 Report on pétition of Ephraim Wemple, for damages to his lands....................................A 4 331 Report on pétition of A. Dailey and H. Fuller, for damages to their lands..........................A 4 357 Report on pétition of Jacob Yreeland and others, relative to the water privilèges at the foot of Seneca lake ....................................A 3 284 Report on pétition of Abram Waggener for the con- struction of a bridge ............................A 4 232 Report on pétition of the president, etc., of the Florida Bridge Company, for authority to colléet certain toll................................... S 4 340 On the subject of canal bridges and fences........A 4 334 Annual report of............................... A 1 20 On pétition of George Clarke for canal damages... A 4 334 On Abram Knapp for canal damages................. S 1 38 Of the survey of the Black River canal.......... A 2 229 Of the survey of the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers..........................................A 29 278 Annual report of.............................. A 1 42 Report relative to the draining the Cayuga marshes, A 2 51 Report on pétition of A. Porter and others........A 2 113 Report on pétition of Isaac Allen and others for damages to their lands by the canal.............A 2 119 Report on pétition of W. W. Case for damages to his boat and cargo..............................A 2 120 Report on pétition of R. Yan Yalkenburgh and others ..................................... A 3 190 Report on pétition of Henry Thalimer for extra allowance..................................... S 1 56 Annual report of. .. . ...........................A 2 36 Report relative to draining the Caguga marshes. . . A 3 192 Communication from, relative to appointing an additional commissioner.........................A 3 220 Report of committee on canals on the same.........A 4 240 Report on pétition of Luther Pardee and others for damages to their lands..........................A 4 322 Report on pétition of Ogden Mallory for extra al- lowance ......................................... S 1 251833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 156 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. ^. Vol. No, Report on pétition of Augustus Porter and others.. SI 29 Report on pétition of Harvey Edwards and others.. S 2 73 Report on pétition of B. Granger and William W. Chapin for damages to their lands............. S 2 78 Report on pétition of Cornélius Marseles for pay for land taken for the Erie canal................. S 2 92 Report on pétition of Peter Thalimer for extra al- lô wance ....................................... S 2 109 Report on pétition of Joseph E. Bloomfield relative to a certain lease of surplus water........... S 2 112 Report on pétition of John M’Intyre and others for damages to their lands........................ S 2 114# Report on pétition of Neal Brown for extra allow- ance.......................................... S 2 116 Annual report of................................A 2 55 Report relative to the northern termination of Che- nango canal...................................A 1 25 Report relative to the improvement of the Erie canal at Rochester....................... ..........A 2 88 Report relative to the survey and réservoirs of the Chenango canal........................... ... S 2 87 Report relative to the gifts, grants and donations for the Chenango canal, etc................... S 2 85 Report relative to the surplus water at Lockville... A 4 287 Report relative to the surplus waters of the Mohawk and Hudson rivers.............................A 4 359 Report on the pétition of the Buffalo and Black Rock Railroad Company.........................A 2 84 Report on pétition of the Cohoes Company for relief, A 3 227 Report on bill for relief of the Cohoes Company.... S 2 95 Report on pétition of Joseph E. Smith A Co., for extra allô wance..............................A 3 209 Report on pétition of W. W. Case for damages to his boat and cargo............................A 3 249 Report on pétition of William Jackson for damages to his lands..................................A 4 272 Report on pétition of Jacob Buckdorf, to be refunded certain moneys paid for tolls........A 4 274 Report on pétition of James H. Rathbone and others, for damages to their mills....................A 4 294 Report on pétition of David H. Richardson, for a grant of surplus water........................ A 4 298 Report on pétition of Jacob Van Dam, for damages to his mills..................................A 4 299 Report on pétition of H. Hulburt and D. Porter, for extra allô wance..............................A 4 315 Report on pétition of D. Tomlinson and others, relative to the condition of the canal near Schenectady...................................A 4 327 Report on pétition of Peter J. Enders, for damages to his lands....................................A 4 328157 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1824 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1836 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of Aaron Parkhust, for an allow- ance, etc.........................................A Report on pétition of William Young, for damages to his mille.................................... A Report on pétition of Jeremiah Gillett, for damages to bis mills.................................... A Report on pétition of W. Gibbs, D. Earll & Co., for damages to their mills............................A Report on pétition of Joseph Waggoner, for damages to his lands..................................... A Report on pétition of E. S. Granger and others, for damages to their lands...... .................... S Report on pétition of George L. Taylor, for damages to his lands..................................... S Report on pétition of John Sweeting, for damages to his lands........................................ S Report on pétition of Vincent Conkling, for a grant of surplus water................................. S Report on pétition of Harvey Edwards and others.. S Annual report of.....................................A Report on pétition for a lockin the village of Oxford, S Relative to the Albany basin........................ S Relative to the survey of the Black River canal.... A Report on pétition of Samuel Farwell, for extra allowance........................................ S Report on pétition of Lawrence Barclay, for extra allowance.........................................A Report on pétition of George Coryell and others, for damages to their lands .......................A Report on pétition of Vincent Conklin and Jefferson Bartlett, for a lease of surplus water............A Report on pétition for a lock from the Chenango canal into the Chenango river, at or near Chenango Forks............................................ A Report on pétition of James Averill and Jacob Fail- ing, for damages to their lands...................A Report on pétition of Asa Campbell, for pay for services on the canal.............................A Report on pétition of Simeon Matteson, for pay for services on the canal........... . .............A Report on pétition of Junius Rogers, for pay for services on the canal.............................A Report on pétition of Joseph E. Smith & Co., for extra allowance..... .............................A Report on pétition of John Herkimer, for damages to his lands.................................. A Report on pétition of Plynn Darby, for extra allow- ance, etc ......................................A Report on pétition of John W. Wisner, for extra allowance, etc....................................A Report relative to the enlargement of the Erie canal, A 4 329 4 330 4 351 4 353 4 383 2 27 2 69 2 70 2 78 2 79 2 85 2 64 2 76 1 55 2 84 4 366 2 89 2 91 2 93 2 94 2 98 2 101 2 121 2 109 2 116 2 118 2 120 2 1431835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 183G 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 158 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continuer!. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of George T. & Henry Perry, for damages to their mills, etc ....................A 3 226 Report on pétition of H. H. Bogart, relative to the canal fences....................................A 4 283 Report of survey of the Genesee Yalley canal......A 4 264 Report relative to the cost of canals and railroad... A 4 296 Report relative to the inlet of Cayuga lake.......A 4 297 Report relative to level of the Crooked Lake canal.. A 4 343 Report on pétition of Stephen Tuttle and others, for relief..........................................A 4 324 Report on pétition of Peter J. Enders, for damages to his lands .... ..............................A 4 325 Report on pétition of M. H. Fairservice for pay for work done on the Erie canal.....................A 4 231 Report on pétition of W. H. Lacy, to construct a bridge at Black Rock harbor .. .................A 4 333 Report on pétition of Bernardus J. Swartout, for a grant of surplus water.................... .... A 4 341 Report on pétition of Nathan Paddock for damages to his mills ...................................A 4 344 Report on pétition of J. N. Hicks and others for the use of surplus water at Liverpool, to carry a pump to raise sait water.............................A 4 347 Report on pétition of Asa Burrows, for damages to his lands.......................................A 4 348 Report on pétition of Luther Pardee and others, for ' damages to their lands..........................A 4 361 Annual report of..................................A 2 65 Report on pétition of Luther Pardee and others, for damages to their lands.......................... S 1 63 Report on pétition of Barent and John R. Bleecker, for damages to their mills...................... SI 64 Report on pétition of Isaac Brown, Jr............. S 2 78 Report relative to the waters of Limestone, Butter- nuts and Chittenango creeks..................... S 3 80 Report relative to the survey of the Genesee Yalley canal...........................................A 1 42 Report on pétition of Charles Orwan, for a grant of surplus water...................................A 2 107 Report on pétition of John Gregg, for a grant of surplus water ..................................A 3 108 Report on the pétition of the contractors on the Chenango canal for relief.......................A 3 121 Report on pétition of Abraham Waggener, for dam- ages to his mills.................................A 3 126 Report on pétition of Joseph E. Smith & Co., for extra allowance ................................A 3 128 Report on pétition of W. Gibbs and others, for damages to their mills, etc.....................A 4 220 Report on pétition of Peter J. Enders, for damages to his lands......................................A 4 229159 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc. Vol, Report on pétition of Asa Burrows, for damages to his lands.....................................A 4 Report relative to the quality of the stone in the Onondaga quarries.............................A 4 Report on pétition of Oliver Culver, for a lease of surplus water, etc............................A 4 Report on pétition of Westlake & McConnel, for extra allowance..................................A 4 Report on pétition of John G. Wheelock, for damages to his lands..........................A 4 Report on pétition of Morris F. Sheppard, relative to the surplus waters of the Crooked Lake canal, A 4 Report relative to a wet dock and bridge company atOswego.........................................A 4 Annual report....................................A 2 Report on pétition for the purchase of the Oneida Lake canal and feeder.......................... S 1 Report on pétition of Amaziah Stebbins, for extra allowance....................................... S 1 Report of amount of money agreed to be paid for changing the termination of the Chenango canal, etc............................................. S 2 Report on pétition of the Cohoes company for a grant of a portion of the Erie canal, etc....... S 2 Report on pétition of Baker & Stroud, and Gilbert & Sprague, for extra allowance...................A 1 Report on pétition of John Gregg, for a grant of surplus waters........».......................A 2 Report on pétition of Catherine Fridley, for damages to her lands.....................................A 2 Report on pétition of A. Plantou, relative to his canal steamboat..................................A 2 Report on pétition of Otis Bigelow and others (see Seneca river tow-path, etc.).....................A 2 Report on pétition of John N. De Graff..............A 3 Report relative to the improvement of the Cayuga inlet........................................... A 2 Report relative to using canal water to propel a sait punt at Liverpool ...............................A 2 Report relative to the construction of the Chenango canal............................................A 3 Report relative to the upper level of the Crooked Lake canal.......................................A 3 Report on pétition of Peter B. Ten Brook, for damages by the canal.............................A 3 Report on pétition of John C. Wanmaker, for damages by the canal............................ A 3 Report on pétition of citizens of Sherburne, to be released from their liabilities to the State.....A 3 Report on pétition of W. Newton, for extra allow- # ance..............................................A 3 No. 231 261 . 268 280 428 299 290 73 16 17 49 60 44 77 99 100 114 179 90 93 201 203 206 207 211 2421837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 160 CANAL COMMISSIONERS— Continued. Doc. Yoi. No. Report relative to the tow-path bridge Crossing the outlet of the Cayuga lake......................A 3 250 Report on pétition of Peter Bargy, Jr., for extra allowance, etc.................................A 4 213 Report on pétition of W. L. Crossitt and others, for extra allowance................................A 4 317 Annual report........................... ........A 3 61 Report on pétition of Manley Amsden and others for damages to their lands by the érection of the Troy dam....................................... S 2 40 Report on pétition of W. Hantly, to drain a swamp in the town of Manlius......................... S 2 59 Report relative to damages for private property taken for the Chenango canal ... .............. S 2 67 Report relative to a feeder from the Conesus outlet to the Genesee Valley canal....................A 2 30 Report relative to lands overflowed by water on the Oswego canal...................................A 3 42 Report relative to lands overflowed by water on the Tonawanda and Ellicott creeks..................A 3 124 Report on pétition of Page, Kellogg, Sage & Co., for extra allowance.... .......................A 3 99 Report on pétition of John Stewart, etc., and others, for extra allowance............................A 3 121 Report on pétition of Aaron Parkhurst and others, for a grant of surplus water...................A 4 197 Report on pétition of Hiram Blanchard and others, relative to the line of the Erie canal at Oriskany, A 5 225 Report in relation to appraisals for damages on the Erie canal, • etc..............................A 5 201 Report in relation to the Chenango canal feeder.... A 5 244 Report in relation to locks, etc., on the enlarged Erie canal.....................................A 5 251 Report in relation to bridges over the enlarged Erie canal..........................................A 6 298 Report in relation to the construction of same at West Troy level................................A 6 313 Report on pétition of Jonathan Brown and others.. A 3 292 Annual report....................................A 3 86 Report on bill for the régulation of the water in the Cayuga and Seneca canal........................ S 2 44 Report on pétition of Beach, Chapman & McOmber, for extra allowance............................ S 2 40 Report of amount of work under contract on the Genesee Valley canal, etc ..................... S 3 69 Report relative to constructing the enlarged Erie canal, independent of the Niagara river........ S 2 54 Report in relation to the Junction canal......... S 3 90 Report on bill for the relief of Livingston Spraker and others .................................... S 3 91 Report on pétition of Susie Ogden and Mary Mur- ray, proprietors of the dam at Mount Morris_______ S 3 951839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 161 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continuée!. Doc. Yol. No. Report on pétition of John L. Bigelow for extra allowance.......................................A 2 22 Report on pétition of W. Coleman and others for extra allowance.................................A 2 25 Report on pétition of Marlatt & Dunham for extra allowance.......................................A 2 31 Report of, transmitting a report of estimâtes and map in relation to the Oneida river.............A 2 59 Report on pétition of Lewis Bebee and W. Thomp- son for extra allowance............................A 2 61 Report on pétition of Page, Kellogg, Sage & Co., and Clark, Stover & Sumner, contractors on the Glens Falls feeder, for relief....... ..........A 2 69 Report on pétition of I. P. Smith and others, con- tractors on the Erie canal, for relief.............A 3 72 Report on pétition of John B. Ives, a canal con- tracter on the Erie canal, for relief..............A 3 95 Report of, relative to the extension of the Chenango canal...........................................A 3 146 Report on pétition of J. Child and others, that cer- tain money paid for canal tolls may be refunded to them... .....................................A 3 132 Report on pétition of Barzila Richmond for a bridge across the Erie canai...........................A 3 137 Report on pétition of Timothy Fenill and others for extra allowance.................................A 3 142 Report on pétition of citizens of Sherburne to be released from their liabilities to the State....A 3 139 Resolution requiring the, to report the estimated cost of the enlargement of the Erie canal, etc .... A 4 224 Report of estimated cost of the enlargement of the Erie canal, etc.................................A 6 339 Report relative to walling with stone the sides of the Erie canal..................................A 4 238 Report on remonstrance of citizens of Oriskany, rela- tive to changing the route of the Erie canal.......A 4 261 Report on pétition of Truman Jackson for damages to his lands....................................A 4 263 Report of the estimated cost of the Genesee Valley and Black River canals..........................A 6 267 Report of the estimated cost of the Genesee Valley and Black River canals... ......................A 6 360 Report on pétition of W. Brayton and others, relative to canal fences.................................A 5 269 Report relative to the location of the lines of the Erie canal in the city of Rochester............. A 5 287 Report on pétition of John Hadcock for damages to his lands....................................A 5 308 Report on pétition for the construction of a bridge across the Genesee river........................A 6 346 211839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 162 CANAL COMMISSIONERS— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Report of amount derived from toi! s upon passen- gers, furniture and baggage, with their opinion on the propriety of allowing parallel railroads to transport tlie saine free of tolls, etc.... ...A 6 355 Report of, on pétition of W. Finn for damages to his lands and fences.................................A 6 358 Report relative to the proposed basin at Buffalo ... A 6 363 Report on pétition of James Germain for damages to his mill......................................A 6 371 Report on pétition of Beebe, Thompson & Co., for extra allowance..................................A 6 372 Report on pétition of Gilbert Weeks, to be indemni- fied for injuries received by falling from a wall constructed by the State.........................A 6 379 Annual report of...................................A 60 Report on the pétition of the widow and heirs of Samuel Pike for damages to house, etc., by the canal........................................... S 1 25 Report on pétition of W. Jackway for damages to his lands .................................... S 1 26 Report on pétition of Susan Ogden and Mary Murray to hâve a bond canceled....................... S 3 81 Report on pétition of Jemima Rexfordfor a portion of the land occupied by the présent Erie canal.... S 3 87 Report relative to the lands overflowed adjacent to Seajockety creek................................ S 3 92 Report relative to leasing the surplus water of the Glen’s Falls feeder dam......................... S 4 114 Report transmitting a report from H. S. Dexter in relation to hydraulic cernent.................. S 4 122 Report relative to the survey of the canal route from the Chemung canal to the State line......A 1 32 Report on pétition of W. Gav, Jr., for pay for lands taken for Genesee Valley canal...................A 2 37 Report on pétition of C. Baker and others for damages to their lands.......................... A 3 72 Report on pétition of Henry Paddock and others for damages to their lands...........................A 4 158 Report on pétition for the purchase by the State of the Oneida Lake canal and f'eeder................A 3 81 Report transmitting reports of engineers relative to the condition of the Genesee Valley canal, and the mode of supplying it with water..................A 3 96 Report of the survey of the Conewango canal......A 4 160 Report relative to improvement of the Chemung canal............................................A 5 161 Report transmitting the report of survey in continu- ation of the Black River canal.....................A 6 233 Report transmitting the report of the Main and Hamburgh Street canal in Buffalo................ A 6 257 Report on pétition of Daniel Mclnroy for extra allowance........................................A 7 2791841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1811 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1889 1840 1841 1838 1833 163 CANAL COMMISSIONEBS — Continued. Doc. VoL No. Annual report.....................................A 3 72 Report on pétition of John Haddock for damage to his lands...................................... S 2 40 Report on pétition of Pharez Gould for certain land, S 2 60 Report on pétition of Hervey Luce for damages by the Chemung canal ............................. S 3 84 Report on pétition of W. Z. DeZeng and others for damages to tlieir lands........................ S 2 62 Report of estimate cost of a canal from the head of Seneca lake to Havana.......................... S 2 50 Report on pétition of Henry White and John Wil- liams for a reappointment.........................A 3 76 Report on report of W. Newton for extra allowance, A3 81 Report on pétition of Luther Pardee and others for damages to their lands......................... A 5 155 Report on pétition of John Wright for the construc- tion of a ditch near the Champlain canal .........A 5 156 Report on pétition of David Fitzgerald to be indem- nified against a certain judgment..... .. A 5 173 Report on pétition of W. Sternbergh for extra allowance.......................................A 5 190 Report on pétition of Robert Lamb and others for a reassessment of damages.................. .... A 5 191 Report on pétition of Silas Wallace and others for damages to their lands..........................A 6 201 Report in answer to a résolution of Assembly in relation to contracts on the canals.............A 6 203 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Camillus for the use of surplus water........................A 6 206 Report on pétition of Franklin Livingston and David B. King relative to an infringement of their patent right, etc......!......... ... ...............A 6 211 Report on pétition for a bridge across the Otsquago creek on the south side of the Erie canal ......A 6 225 Report on pétition for a side eut from the Cham- plain canal at Stillwater........................ A 6 232 Report on pétition for the removal of the canal feeder dam on the Genesee river................ A 6 250 Report on pétition for the removal of the canal feeder dam on the Genesee river................ A 7 274 Report on pétition for adoption of Amsden’s substi- tute for weigh-locks............................A 7 272 Accounts of the, report of the committee appointed to examine the..................................A 1 8 Accounts of the, report of the committee appointed to examine the................................. A 1 14 Accounts of the, report of the committee appointed to examine the..................................A 5 151 Additional one, communication from the canal com- missioners relative to appointing an............A 3 220 Additional one, report of committee on canals on the same .......................................A 4 2401836 1840 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 164 CANAL COMMISSIONERS— Continued. Doc. Yol. No. Salary of the, report on bill to increase the......A 2 86 Bouck and Baker, report on pétition for investiga- tion of the charges against........................ A 4 102 Report of, on pétition of Ira Gould and others... S 4 84 Annual report of..................'..............A 2 24 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly, calling for information relative to engineers in the employ of the State............................. A 2 45 Report of, in compliance with resolution of Assem- bly, January 25.......................................A4 64 Report of, on pétition of Luther Pardee and others, A 5 101 Report of, on pétition of inhabitants of Oswego county, relative to dam at Oswego Falls..........A 7 167 Report of, in relation to contracte on the canals.... A 7 173 Report of, on the pétition of Jonas Ingraham and others ....................................... S 1 11 Report of, relative to lot 63 in Tyre, Seneca county, SI 25 Report of, of the amount necessary to finish the Black River canal.............................. SI 49 Report of Comptroller relative to payment for ser- vices for non-acting.............................. S 1 45 Report of, on the pétition of Nicholas Nicholson and Jon. Colton..................................... S 3 71 Report of, relative to the Genesee Valley canal.. S 3 77 Report of Comptroller relative to services of non- acting, and payment therefor................... S 3 80 Report of, in relation to the aqueduct across Scho- harie creek, etc................ .............. S 3 94 Report of, in relation to the combined locks at Lockport........................................ S 3 98 Report of, in relation to the bridges between Little Falls and Utica.................i.............. S 3 105 Report of select committee relative to alleged abuses of.............................................. S 3 118 Annual report of...................................A 2 25 Report of, on the resolution of the Assembly rela- tive to Oneida Creek feeder.........................A 3 45 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in relation to the removal of the dam on the Oswego falls, and Horse Shoe dam.................A 4 93 Report on the resolution of the Assembly in rela- tion to the Cayuga, and Seneca canal, and the outlet of Seneca lake........................... A 4 102 Report of, on pétition of Timothy Eddy............ S 1 48 Report of, relative to the number and names of engineers and assistant engineers employed on the unfinished works in 1842,1843, etc.............. S 2 69 Report of the, relative to the Genesee Valley canal, S 3 111 do do do do S 3 112 Report of, relative to the Jordan level of the Erie canal........................................... S 4 129165 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continuée!. doc. Vol. No, 1844 Annual report of.................................A 1 16 1844 Eeport of, on pétition of John I. and Joseph T. Cook...........................................A 3 99 1844 Eeport of, on reference by the Assembly of the péti- tion of Samuel Cheever..................................A 5 130 1844 Eeport of, in relation to the combined locks at Lockport.......................................A 5 131 1844 Eeport of, on the pétition of E. Eemington and others.........................................A 5 132 1844 Eeport of, on the pétition of E. N. Casier.......A 5 133 1844 Eeport of, on the pétition of Gerrit C. Sweet....A 5 137 1844 Eeport of, on the pétition of John Merriam and others.........................................A 5 138 1844 Eeport of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly of March twelve, in relation to contracte made for enlarging Erie canal, etc....................... ... A 6 146 1844 Eeport of, on pétition of inhabitants of Watervliet for two bridges over canal at West Troy........A 6 149 1845 Eeport of, on pétition of Walter S. Todd ........ S 1 13 1845 Eeport of, on pétition of Chas. Stroud and others ..SI 14 1845 Eeport of, on pétition of Jacob Vandermark and others......................................... S 1 15 1845 Eeport of, answering a resolution of the Senate relative to clerk hire, etc.................... S 1 19 1845 Eeport of, answering a resolution of the Senate relative to engineers, etc..................... S 1 23 1845 Eeport of, on the pétition of S. S. Eiddle and others, S 2 49 1845 Eeport of, relative to obstructions in the Chemung canal near inlet of Seneca lake, etc........... S 2 55 1845 Eeport of, relative to the new line of canal through the village of Eome, etc........................ S 2 70 1845 Eeport of, relating to the préservation of the materials on the unfinished canals.............. S 2 72 1845 Eeport of, relative to the plan of constructing a réservoir on Mill creek to supply the Dansville branch of the Genesee Valley canal, etc......... S 2 75 1845 Eeport of Canal Board on bill to authorize the, to take charge of the side-cut canals in village of ^Liverpool....................................... S 3 99 1845 Eeport of, on reference of the pétition of Warren Granger..........................................A 1 27 1845 Annual report of.....................................A 1 28 1845 Eeport of, on reference of the pétition of James Spraker..........................................A 3 42 1845 Eeport of, on reference of the pétition of citizens of Troy relative to a side-cut in the Erie canal..A 3 57 1845 Eeport of, transmitting annual report of railroad commissioner......... ...........................A 3 63 1845 Eeport of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 101 1845 Eeport of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly relative to Black River canal and feeder............A 4 131166 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1848 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc. Yol. Report of, on reference of the pétition of J. Lafoy and J. W. Clemens ............................A 4 Report of, in reference to the Dansville side-cut of the Genesee Yalley canal .....................A 4 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relating to unfinished public works...........A 5 Report of, relative to the expense of preserving unfinished public works on the Genesee Yalley canal..............................................A 5 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 6 Report of, on reference of the pétition of C. J. Hill, A 6 Report of, relative to the Erie canal enlargement. . . A 6 Report of, on the pétition of sundry citizens of the county of Chemung, relative to the Cayuga and Seneca canal ...................................A 7 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to the best mode of repairing the canals, etc.......... S 1 Annual report of....................................A 1 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Elias Brown...........................................A 1 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 2 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Lovina Beardslee..........................................A 2 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 2 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Platt Williams...........................................A 3 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 3 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to doubling locks on Erie canal........A 4 Report of, relative to lock at Tonawanda...........A 4 Report of Comptroller relative to expenses of.... A 4 Report of, giving names of superintendents.........A 4 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 5 Report of, relative to supply of water on Rome level...........................................A 5 Report of, relative to superintendents of repairs ... A 6 Report of, in answer to a resolution of January 29, 1847 .............................................. S 2 Report of, on pétition of John Swift.................. S 2 Report of, on pétition of Frazee & Foster............. S 2 Report of, on pétition of Charles Ehle............... S 2 Report of, on pétition of Joseph G. Case.............. S 2 Report of, on pétition of F. A. Spalding and others.. S 3 Report of, on pétition of D. S. & S. B. Green........ S 3 Report of, on pétition of Matthew C. Pitcher......... S 4 Report of, on bill for relief of Lewis Averill and others ............................................ S 4 Report of, of Jones, on public works and officers connected.......................................... S 4 Report of, on pétition of William and John James. . S 4 Annual report of..................................... A 1 No. 132 135 150 154 207 209 225 246 27 14 22 35 48 52 74 88 110 117 118 119 150 171 221 59 67 74 76 77 85 96 124 114 125 140 201847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1843 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 167 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc. Report of, relative to draining the Tonawanda level on Erie canal.................................A Report of, on 'pétition of H. B. Smith and others for bridge in Rochester...........................A Report of, on pétition of J. B. Moss............A Report of, as to moneys due Grant, Ryan and Turner........................................A Report of, relative to work put under contract on canals........................................A Annual report of................................A Report on pétition of inhabitants of Havana....A Report on pétition of John Donnelly.............A Report of, as to probable cost of completing Genesee Valley canal................................ S Report of, in relation to the length and width of chambers of enlarged Erie canal locks, etc... S Report of, on the feasibility of constructing a basin at West Troy, or between that place and Albany. S Report of, in relation to constructing a basin in vicinity of lock No. 2, Erie canal........... S Annual report of............................... A Statement from, relative to purchase of materials and tools ................................... A Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly respecting expense of bringing into use one set of enlarged locks on Erie canal, from Syracuse to Buffalo..................................... A Report of, as to supply of water between Tona- wanda and Montezuma... ...................... S Report of, as to supply of water between Tona- wanda and Montezuma............................ S Report of, on canals other than Erie........... S Report of, on enlargement of canals other than Erie......................................... S Report of, on Amsden’s hydrostatic scale........A Annual report of................................A Report of committee on canals on annual report of. . A Report of, in answer to resolution from Senate .... S Annual report of.............................. A do A Report of, in relation to tolls received on Champlain canal for year ending January 1, 1853, etc... S Communication from, in answer to a résolution in relation to canal contracte...................A Annual report of................................A Communication from Hon. Henry Fitzhugh in reply to the preamble and resolutions offered in the Assembly......................................A Communication from John C. Mather respecting the condition of a portion of the Champlain canal Crossing the Mohawk.........................A Vol. fro. 4 149 7 221 7 185 7 212 7 208 2 16 3 64 3 99 2 58 2 50 2 65 3 71 2 40 2 55 3 116 1 29 2 41 3 83 3 88 3 35 3 45 6 153 3 88 2 26 2 33 1 20 2 18 2 23 4 27 4 110168 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc.Yoï. No. 1853 Report of, relative to suspensions of navigation on Erie and Champlain canals......................A 5 128 1854 Report of, under resolution..................... S 2 90 1854 Communication from, relative to commutations, etc., A 2 52 1854 Annual report of................................ A 2 65 1855 Report of, on pétition of Abraham Duell and others, S 2 37 1855 Annual report of................................ A 2 32 1855 Communication from, in reference to claim of Edson Bishop.........................................A 4 92 1855 Communication in reference to canal at Geddes .... A 5 133 1855 Report of, in relation to new feeder for Genesee Valley canal.................................. A 7 146 1856 Annual report of, and auditor...................S 1 15 1856 Report of, of eastern division relative to repairs and superintendence of.............................A 3 31 1856 Report of, of eastern division...................A 3 87 1856 Annual report of .... .................. A 3 100 1857 Report of, and State Engineer and Surveyor rela- tive to the enlargement of the Genesee Valley canal..........................................A 1 35 1857 Report of Commissioner Fitzhugh relative to the Chemung canal locks............................A 1 51 1857 Report of, in reply to resolution respecting canal bridge at West Troy............................A 2 92 1857 Report of Commissioner Sherrill and the State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution relative to condition of the Champlain canal...A 2 116 1858 Annual report of .............................. .A 1 20 1857 do ...............................A 3 145 1859 Communication from, relative to the memorial to Congress for the improvement of lake harbors ... S 1 2 1859 Annual report of.................................A 1 40 1859' Report of S. B. Ruggles, one of the.............A 1 41 1859 Report of Commissioner Sherrill on Black river improvement, etc...............................A 2 75 1860 Annual report of.................................A 2 57 1861 do ...............................A 2 57 1862 do SI 26 1862 Communication from, relative to contract of Oswald & Van Valkenburgh..............................A 6 123 1863 Annual report of................................ S 1 7 1863 Report of the, in charge of eastern division, relative to Black river improvement.................... S 2 44 1863 Communication from same, relative to ordinary repairs on same............................... S 4 * 52 1863 Communication from, relative to sewer in Canajo- harie......................................... S 4 60 1864 Annual report of...............................Al 8 1864 Report of, relative to culvert at Higginsville...A 6 101 1865 Annual report of ................................A 1 10 1865 Communication from, relative to manner of Crossing Erie canal with the Sodus canal................A 3 73169 CANAL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc. Vol. 1865 Communication relative to Black river improve- ment......................................... S 1 1865 Communication relative to Sodus canal......... S 2 1866 Annual report of................................A 1 1867 do do ...................................... A 1 1867 Communication from, as to fulfillment of contracts by contractors............................... S 2 1868 Annual report of................................A 2 1868 Report of, as to depth of water in Ohio basin, Buffalo .................................... S 1869 Annual report of ...............................A 1 1869 Report as tot docks and wharves in Erie basin, Buffalo...................................... S 3 1870 Annual report of............................... A 1 1870 Report in answer to resolution as to persons now constructing docks in Erie basin..............A 5 1870 Reports upon leases and uses surplus waters of the State.........................................A 7 1871 Annual report of................................A 1 1872 do do '.....................................A 2 1873 Reply of, to resolution relative to removing obstruc- tions in canals............................. S 3 1873 Annual report of...............................#A 1 1873 Communication from, relative to Oneida Lake canal, A 4 1873 Alexander Barclay, communication from, relative to structure on the eastern division of the canals... A 4 1874 Annual report of................................A 1 1875 Annnal report of................................A 1876 Report of, relative to the canals of the State. S 6 1876 Annual report of................................A 1 1877 Annual report of................................A 5 CANAL DEPARTMENT. 1843 Report relative to the condition of, etc........A 2 1844 Annual report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly appointed to examine the accounts of the treasury and..............................A 1 1845 Report of Comptroller, relative to clerks in... S 1 1845 Report of joint committee to examine the condition of, and of banking department and treasury. . A 1 1846 Report of joint select committee relative to accounts of treasury, banking department and ..........A 1 1847 Report of Assembly committee appointed to examine accounts of.................................. A 1 1849 Bank fund stock in, report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund relative to....................... S 2 1851 Report of committee to examine accounts of......A 2 1853 Annual report of joint committee to examine ihe accounts of...................................A 1 1854 Annual report of committee on accounts of, and banking department............................A 1 22 No. 19 43 9 7 53 9 31 4 15 4 85 139 6 29 64 6 38 57 6 6 74 6 45 18 10 45 4 7 21 35 23 8 25170 CANAL DEPARTMENT — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1856 Annual report of committee to examine accounts of, A 4 173 1858 Report of commissioners to examine accounts of, and of treasurer.......................... S 2 79 1858 Report of commissioners appointed to examine ac- counts of, and securities in the banking depart- ment for the two fiscal years, ending with the 30th day of September, 1856 and 1857 ................... S 2 104 1861 Report on accounts of.........................A 1 23 1862 Annual report of commissioners to examine affairs of, and banking department................. A 3 29 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUDITOR OF. Francis H. Ruggles: 1849 Annual report of, relative to expenditures on the canals..................... .....................A 1 30 1849 Report of, on the tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals........................................A 3 170 1849 Communication from, relative to collection of canal tolls ........................................A 3 195 1850 Annual report....................................A 4 75 1850 Report on $50,000 borrowed by Commissioner of Canal Fund....................................A 5 81 1850 Report on tolls, trade and tonnage......... A 6 140 1851 Annual report....................................A 3 56 1851 Digest of canal daims............... S 2 50 George W. Newell: 1852 Report of, lespecting inquiry of Senate about extra allowance on contracte by the Canal Board........ S 1 23 1852 Report of tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals ... S 3 94 1852 Report containing estimâtes for expenses of the canals...........................................A 5 116 1852 Report relative to expenditures on the canals.......A 5 125 1853 Report of, in answer to a call of the Senate in rela- tion to the quantity of, and tolls on property going to and coming from Canada......... S 1 29 1853 Report of, in answer to a resolution calling for reasons why certain daims paid from the treas- ury were not charged to the Canal Debt Sinking Fund................ ................................. S 2 51 1853 Report of, in answer to a resolution calling for pro- ceedings of the Canal Board in relation to com- plainte or charges against canal superintendents, S 3 71 1853 Communication from, in relation to the expendi- tures of the appropriation for the support and maintenance of the canals for the currenir fiscal year......................................... S 3 84 1853 Annual report of the.............................A 2 15 1853 Report of the commissioners of the canal fund, with the annual report of..........................A 2 15171 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUDITOR OF — Con- tinuée!. George W. Newell—Continuée!: Doc. Vol. 1853 Communication from, in relation to certain daims, for tlie allowance of wkicli tliere is no authority of law......................................A 3 1853 Report of, in answer to a resolution calling for the salaries and expenses of travel of division and résident engineers............................A 3 1853 Report of, in relation to expenditures on the canals, A 4 1853 Report of, of the tolls, trade and tonnage of New York canals.................................. A 4 1853 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly calling for information in relation to mileage of George Cole, engineer..............................A 5 1853 Report of Auçütor in relation to expenditures of appropriation for the support and maintenance of the canals for the current fiscal year.A 5 Marius Schoonmaker: 1854 Annual report of................................A 1 1854 Report relative to salary, etc................ S 1 1854 Communication from, relative to claim of Harry Hall........................................ S 1 1854 Communication from, under resolution........... S 1 1854 Communication from, relative to fees paid certain persons...................................... S 2 1854 Communication from, relative to contracte on Black river improvement............................ S 2 1854 Communication from, relative to certain daims ... S 2 ( S 2 1854 Communication from, under resolution...........-J 1854 Communication from, relative to communications . . A 2 1854 Communication from, relative to Edward Murray . . A 2 1854 Communication from, relative to tolls on Oneida Lake canal, etc............................. A 2 1854 Communication from, as to awards for damages, etc., A 3 1854 Communication from, relative to a certain draft.... A 4 1854 Communication from, under resolution............A 4 1854 Report of, of expenditures on the canals........A 5 1854 Report of, of daims made to Canal Board.........A 5 William I. Cornwell: 1855 Report to Commissioners of Canal Fund...........A 1 1855 Report of testimony in case of Black River canal lettings..................................... A 1 1855 Communication from, in answer to resolution in relation to work on section 370, Erie canal...A 3 1855 Report in reference to trade and tonnage of canals, A 4 1855 Report of minority of select committee on bill to elect by the people.......................... A 4 1855 Report of fees received by......................A 5 No. 56 73 105 108 122 126 10 36 41 45 63 79 85 101 110 62 70 74 114 135 141 146 148 5 8 72 95 108 116172 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUDITOR OF — Con- tinuée!. William I. Cornwell — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Communication from, in reference to award to Hulburt and Vrooman...........................A 5 138 1855 Annual report relative to expenditures of canals_A 7 147 Nathaniel S. Benton: 1856 Report of, and Commissioners of Canal Fund....... S 1 15 1856 Communication from, in reference to State canals. . A 4 146 1857 Annual report of................................. S 1 10 1857 Annual report of, showing expenditures on the canals........... ............................ A 3 175 1857 Annual report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage on the canals........................................A 3 185 1857 Report of, in reply to resolution relative to leases of surplus waters of Black Rock harbor...........A 3 204 1857 Communication from the, with resolution of the Canal Board, relative to the réduction of tolls on certain articles..............................A 3 187 1858 Annual report of, with Commissioners of the Canal Fund.......................................... S 1 7 1858 Report of, relative to outstanding canal drafts.. S 2 109 1858 Report of, in relation to tolls on the canals.... S 3 123 1858 Report of, giving cost of each of the canals of this State, except the Erie and Champlain canals... S 3 128 1858 Report of, relative to canal expenditures........A 4 145 1858 Report of, relative to tolls, trade and tonnage..A 5 155 1859 Report of, showing at what time the accumulation of the sinking fund will liquidate the canal stock debt.......................................... S 2 57 1859 Report of, relating to Canal Commissioner’s draft.. S 2 67 1859 Annual report of........................*........ S 1 4 1859 Report of, canal expenditures, annual............A 2 90 1859 Report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals, A3 94 1859 Report of, on salaries of officers, clerks, etc., paid through canal department......................A 3 95 1859 Report of, relative to claimants on canal fund...A 3 97 1858 Report of, relative to canal collectors, clerks, etc... A 3 121 1859 Report of, relative to clerks in his department..A 3 147 1859 Report of, relative to delinquent contractors for canal repairs.................................A 3 160 1859 Report of, relative to boats and business of the canals........................................A 3 161 1860 Report of, relative to trade and tonnage of Cham- plain canal................................... S 1 26 1860 Annual report of.................................A 1 7 1860 Communication, transmitting pétitions and papers relative to the claim of Aaron Schuyler.......A 2 37 1860 Communication relative to pétition of Samuel Skinner.......................................A 2 40173 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 CANAL DEPARTMENT, • AUDITOR OF — Con- tinuée!. Nathaniel S. Benton — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication transmitting report on tolls, trade and tonnage of Champlain canal................A 2 45 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage of canals, A 3 103 Annual report on canal expenditures..............A 4 174 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage........A 5 93 Annual report of, and Commissioners of Canal Fund, Al 5 Report of, relative to amounts paid for advertising, S 4 62 Report of digest of daims in 1860 and 1861...... S I 7 Report of, relative to awards by Canal Appraisers. . SI 19 Annual report of................................ S 2 27 Report of, with annual report of Commissioners of Canal Fund..................................A 1 3 Report of, as to moneys collected and expended for enlargement of Champlain canal................A 4 47 Communication from, and Canal Board asking for money for repairs of canals...................A 4 98 Annual report of, on tolls and tonnage...........A 6 112 Communication from, relative to funds in broken banks .................. ...................A 6 156 Annual report of expenditures on the canals......A 6 179 Report of drafts paid during the last three years, on canal contracte, and of awards by Canal Appraisers....... ..........................A 8 244 Annual report of............................... S 1 6 Report of, relative to relief of Warren Granger ... S 1 12 Communication relative to Clark & Skinner slip, Buffalo...................................... S 1 16 Communication relative to balances in bank of Man- hattan Company.................................. S 5 92 Annual report of, fin ancial...................Al 4 Annual report of tolls and tonnage for 1862 ...A 7 224 Communication relative to claim of William Mon- teith........................................ A 4 53 Communication relative to canal moneys at his control ..................................... A 5 86 Communicaiion relative to moneys received from, and expended upon the canals for the past three years...........................................A 5 112 Communication relative to the bill to incorporate the Cayuga and Ontario Canal Company............A 6 193 Annual report of expenditures upon the canals.... A 8 231 Answer of, to Senate résolution relative to locks on the Oneida Lake canal.........................S 4 77 Answer of, to Senate resolution relative to lock No. 2, and side-cut lock at West Troy.........S 1 7 Annual report of, financial .... ................A 1 5 Annual report of trade and tonnage ..............A 8 188 Annual report of expenditures on the canals......A 1 6 Annual report of, financial......................A 1 3174 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1871 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AÜDITOR OF—Con- tinuée! Nathaniel S. Benton— Continuée!: Doc. Vol. Annual report of expenditures on the canals....A 1 Annual report of tolls and tonnage......... .... A 4 Communication from, relative to extraordinary re- pairs and improvements of the canals............ A 6 Annual report, financial.......................A 1 Annual report on expenditures, etc............A 1 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage.....A 5 Communication from, relative to amounts paid for damages, and extra compensation.............A 4 Communication from, relative to repairs sections 1 and 2 Champlain canal.......................A 5 Communication from, relative to weigh-lock at Frankfort...................................A 5 Annual report of, financial....................A 1 Annual report of, on expenditures, etc......... A 8 Annual report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage..A 8 Communication from, as to canal repairs .......A 3 Communication from, as to moneys raised for Che- nango extension............................. S 1 Communication from, as to tonnage moved and tolls paid on Oneida Lake canal........... .......... A 7 Communication from, relative to purchasing build- ings in Buffalo........................... ....A 2 Communication from, reporting estimated expendi- tures and payments on section No. 1, Genesee Valley canal................................A 7 Annual report, financial.......................A 1 Annual report on expenditures, etc............. A 2 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage......| ^ ^ Communication from, relative to canal investigating committee’s report..........................A 5 Report relative to lake and river improvements.... A ^ 8 Report relative to surplus waters Erie canal...A 10 Annnal report, financial.......................A 1 Annual report on expenditures, etc.............A 1 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage......A 7 Communication from, relative to Albany basin... A 2 Communication from, relative to draining water from canal at West Troy.....................A 10 Annual report, financial.......................A 1 Annual report on expenditures, etc.............A 1 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage......A 4 Report relative to business Champlain canal and probable cost of enlargement .....................Ail Report relative to tolls on canals............. S 3 Report as to using water of canal at Black Rock for mill purposes...............................A *3 Annual report, financial.......................A 1 No. 5 40 107 4 6 87 61 105 103 5 109 226 43 21 150 37 136 4 7 147 15 33 66 124 5 6 102 32 185 5 6 83 131 77 50 4175 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUD1T0R OF —Con- tinued. Nathaniel S. Benton— Con tinued: Doc. Vol. No 1871 Annual report on expenditures.................... .A 1 5 1871 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage........A 6 77 1871 Communication from, relative to money borrowed. . S 3 36 G. A. Dayton: 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to daims and damages incurred by break in North Lake réservoir..................................... S 4 78 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to statement of expenditure for ordinary repairs on canals.... S 3 45 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution calling for copies of ail bills for services relative to the Black river daims......................................... 1872 Annual report on tolls, trade and tonnage of canals, A 8 115 1872 Expenditure, report of.............................A 1 5 1872 Financial report of................................A 1 4 1872 Reply of, to resolution relative to money s appropri- ated to the Canal Department..................A 10 # 134 1872 Reply of, to a resolution relative to the extension of the Chenango canal, and to the Crooked Lake canal....... ...................................A 7 90 1872 Report in answer to resolution relative to Oneida Lake canal......................................A 2 31 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to expendi- ture for ordinary repairs, for each division...... S 3 45 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution calling for copies of ail bills for service relative to Black river daims, S 4 89 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to daims and damages incurred by break in North Lake réservoir.....................................S 4 78 1873 Financial report of................................A 1 4 1873 On expenditures on the canals......................A 1 5 1873 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly.............. A 9 107 1873 On tolls, trade and tonnage, annual report of....A 5 71 1873 In answer to resolution of Assembly ............A 6 96 1873 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly relative to damages by recent Üoods to Genesee Valley, Che- mung, Chenango, Crooked Lake and Black River canals..........................................A 7 31 1873 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to damages by floods to certain canals.................... S 4 83 Francis S. Thayer: 1874 Annual financial report of . ......................A 1 4 1874 Reply of, to a resolution of the Senate in relation to toll sheet of 1873 .......................... S 4 65 1874 Communication from, relative to prison dam at Auburn..........................................A 10 138 Report of, relative to expenditures on the canals. ..Al 81874 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1842 1843 1846 1846 1847 1849 1853 1853 1830 176 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUDITOR OF — Con- tinuée!. Francis S. Thayer — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. Reply of, to resolution relative to cost of water for the canals...................................A 4 45 Reply of, to resolution of the Assembly of February 18, 1874 ....................................A 5 62 Reply of, to resolution relative to awards made by Canal Appraisers.......*.....................A 6 89 Report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage of canals. ... A 6 98 Annual financial report of............... .....A 1 4 Annual report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage on canals.......................................A 7 92 Communication from, in relation to contracts for extraordinary work on the canals.............A 4 40 AuDITOR OF THE CANAL DEPARTMENT: Annual report of, relative to the expenditures on the canals ..................................A 2 13 Report of Auditor, relative to securities deposited by contractors............................... S 6 76 George W. Schuïler: Annual report of, on expenditures of the.......A 3 17 Annual financial report of.....................A 1 4 Annual report of, on tolls, trade and tonnage of the, A 8 133 Communication from, with reports on latéral....A 5 46 Report of, on trade and tonnage of canals......A 3 31 Communication from, relative to opening canals ... A 8 117 CANAL FÜND. Report of Comptroller relative to premiums paid on the stock of 1845, and loans of money of, to the banks....................... .............. S 3 62 Report of commissioners relative to loan of, to cer- tain banks...................................... S 3 92 Report of majority of committee on ways and means relative to, and general fund................A 5 189 Report of minority of committee on ways and means relative to, and general fund................A 5 190 Report of Comptroller relative to balance of... S 4 132 Report of Comptroller in answer to resolutions of Assembly in reference to extinguishment of cer- tain debts of.............................. ... A 1 13 Report of Comptroller in answer to resolutions of Assembly in reference to extinguishment of cer- tain debts of...................................A 1 33 Report of committee on finance in relation to cer- tain expenses chargeable upon the............... S 1 10 CANAL FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF. Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc.....................................A 2 152177 CANAL FUND, COMMISSIONERS—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc......................................A 2 102 1832 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc................................. ... A 1 5 1833 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc....................................... A 1 4 1834 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc.........................- ...........A 1 4 1835 Annual report of çeceipts and expenditures on the canals, etc........................................A 1 4 1836 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc........................................A 1 4 1837 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc........................................A 1 3 1838 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc...................................... A 1 5 1839 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc...................................... A 2 26 1840 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc........................................A 3 74 1840 Communication from, in relation to their annual report.............................................A 3 69 1841 Annual report of receipts and expenditures on the canals, etc..................................... A 1 5 1832 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1831, etc......................................A 1 38 1833 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1832, etc......................................A 3 173 1834 Report of amount of tolls çollected on the canals for 1833, etc......................................A 3 107 1835 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1834, etc..................................... S 2 58 1836 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1835, etc..................................... S 2 70 1837 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1836, etc..................................... S 2 52 1838 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1837, etc..................................... S 1 35 1839 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1838, etc..................................... S 1 27 1840 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1839, etc..................................... S 3 63 1841 Report of amount of tolls collected on the canals for 1840, etc..................................... S 2 65 1830 * Report of amount of damages awarded to owners of * lands in the valley of Wood creek, for injuries to their lands....................................... S 4 360 1833 Report on receipts and expenditures on the canals from 1817 to 1832 ................................ S 1 38 1833 Report relative to loans for the construction of the Chenango canal.................................. S 2 120 23178 CANAL FUND, COMMISSIONERS —Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report relative to the contingent expenses, etc__A 4 270 1833 Relative to allowances made to George W. Newell.. A 4 272 1833 Report on bill authorizing a loan to the Junction Canal Company................................. A 4 305 1833 Report in relation to deficiencies in the revenues of the Chemung canal............................. A 4 331 1834 Report on pétition of William Buell, to be indemni- fied against certain costs.................. A 4 318 1838 Report of allowances made to the Chenango canal contractors.................................... 8 2 64 1839 Report on bill relative to the duties of.......... S 3 81 1839 Report giving the items of interest on canal stock in the Manhattan Bank...........................A 3 134 1840 Report on resolution of the Senate, requesting them to communicate in what banks the money pledged for the rédemption of the Erie and Champlain canal debt, and also the stock appropriated for the construction of the Black River canal, is deposited, etc................................ S 2 62 1840 Report of moneys deposited in banks to their crédit, the amount in each case, and the terms of such deposit................................................ A 6 224 1840 Report relative to the expenditure of the $500,000 loan............................................A 8 331 1841 Report relative to notices for the rédemption of canal stock, etc.............................. S 2 55 1841 Report relative to the tonnage of the Erie canal_A 5 193 1841 Report on the claim of David B. King and Franklin Livingston, for an infringement of their patent right...........................................A 6 228 1842 Annual report of, relative to tolls collected and property transported on the canals in 1841....S 2 33 1842 Report of, on resolution of Senate relative to loan for the Chemung canal.......................... S 3 69 1842 Annual report of . ............................... A 2 18 1842 Mr. Hoffman’s resolution calling on, for a statement of State debt...................................A 2 23 1842 Report in compliance with Mr. Hoffman’s resolution, A4 64 1843 Annual report of...................................A 2 36 1843 do ................................ S 3 100 1843 Report of, relative to payments made for repairs and improvements on canals, to what banks loans were made, and the names of holders of canal stock which has been paid ofï or redeemed since February, 1842, etc.......................... S 2 70 1843 Report relative to loans of canal fund to certain banks......................................... S 3 92 1844 Report of, of the printing done for their depart- ment........................................... S 2 80 1844 Annual report of................................. A 3 40 1844 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly.. A 5 120179 CANAL FUND, COMMISSIONERS—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Report from, of the tolls, tonnage and trade of the New York canals, for 1844....................... S 2 115 1845 Annual report of...................................A 5 165 1846 Report of, relative to the tolls, tonnage, etc., of the canals........................................ S 2 59 1846 Report of, relative to freight carried by railroads .. S 3 78 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution calling for names of persons paid by canal superintendent at Syracuse .................................. S 3 101 1846 Annual report of...................................A 1 4 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 2 33 1847 Report of, as to trade and tonnage of canals...... S 3 90 1847 Report of, under resolution of September 10, 1847, S 4 112 1847 Report of, under resolution....................... S 4 151 1847 Report of, in answer to a resolution as to toll derived from western trade in 1846 ...................A 1 42 1847 Annual report of...................................A 2 60 1848 Report of, on trade and tonnage..................... S 2 50 1848 Annual report of...................................A 1 11 1848 Report of, in part compliance with a resolution.... A 1 15 1849 Report of. relative to the bank fund stock in the Canal Department.............................. S 2 35 1849 Report of, on resolution, of inquiry relative to deposits of public money in banks of the State .... A 1 31 1849 Annual report of...................................A 2 100 1850 Report in reply to resolution....................... S 3 97 1850 Report of, in answer to resolution................ S 5 97 1850 Annual report of........................... ....A4 69 1850 Report of Canal Auditor on appropriation of $50,000 boirowed by..................................... A 5 81 1850 Report of committee on canals on annual report of Canal Commissioners and ......................A 6 153 1851 Annual report of...................................A 2 27 1851 Commurication from Attorney-General andLieuten- ant-Governor relative to.........................A 2 30 1852 Report relative to loans to banks................. S 2 81 1852 Annual report of...................................A 1 15 1853 Report of, with annual report of Auditor of Canal Department.......................................A 2 15 1853 Report of, in relation to appropriation of surplus revenues to daims arising prior to June 1, 1846.. A 5 126 1854 Annual report of, etc............................. A 1 10 1855 Annual report of ......................... ... A 1 5 1855 Communication from, in reference to award to Lewis Benedict.........................................A 4 114 1856 Report of, and Auditor............................ SI 15 1857 Annual report of, and Auditor of Canal Department, SI 10 1858 Annual report of, with annual report of Auditor of Canal Department................................ S 1 7 1858 Report of, relative to monejs appropriated to canals, etc...........................................A 1 49180 CANAL FUND, COMMISSIONERS— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1859 Animal report of..............................A 1 4 1859 Report of, relative to canal fund and debt.......A 4 179 1859 Report of, relative to canal debt........... S 2 107 1860 Annual report of.................................A 1 7 1861 do A 1 5 1862 Communication from, relative to paying inter est on State debt in coin........................... S 6 113 1862 Annual report of..............................Al 3 1863 do A 1 4 1864 do A 1 5 1865 do A 1 3 1867 Communication from, relative to enlargement of canal locks.................................. S 2 43 1870 Report of........................................A 7 140 1871 Answer of, to resolution of Senate as to money bor- rowed in 1868 and 1869 ...................... S 4 47 Accounts of the: 1839 Communication from the Comptroller relative to the appointing a committee to examine . ......A 4 169 1839 Report of committee appointed to examine.........A 1 8 1840 do do do ......... A 1 14 1841 do do do ......A 5 151 1842 Report of joint select committee appointed to examine.......................................A 1 4 1842 Report of joint committee appointed to examine, and of treasurer..............................A 7 4 CANALS. 1833 Report of Attorney-General on a resolution to inquire whether any further legislative aid is necessary to protect the titles and secure the public property constituting the.......................A 1 10 1836 Report of the relative cost of, and railroads. . . A 4 296 1837 Report of esfcimated and actual cost of those that are finished, and the estimated cost of those unfinished, etc...............................A 3 189 1842 Report of committee on canals on pétition of Arthur Tappan and others for the early opening of . ... A 5 100 1842 Reports in compliance with Mr. Swackhamer’s reso- lution requiring information from railroad and canal companies...............................A 7 144 151, 161, 163, 164 1842 Report of committee on canals in relation to the préservation of maps, plans and models of the public Works..................................A 7 154 1842 Memorial of citizens of Niagara county asking the incorporation of a company to complété........A 7 160 1842 Memorial for the incorporation of a company to complété......................................A 7 162181 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 C AN ALS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on canals in relation to grog- shops on State lands, on line of............. S Report of minority of the committee on that portion of Governor’s message relative to the same...A Report of Mr. Murray, one of the committee on the same, on so much of the Governor’s message as relates to them.............................. A Report of Mr. Dennis ton on the subject of...... S Resolution relating to.......................... S Report of Attorney-General on the subject of dam- ages on the suspended......................... S Report on the pétitions rêlative to new line of, at Rome...........................................A Report of committee on, on so much of the Gover- nor’s message as relates to.. .................A Report of Canal Commissioners relative to new line of, through Rome, etc......................... S Report of Canal Commissioners relative to preserv- ing materials on unfinished................... S Report of the committee on, on the bill from the Assembly relative to.......................... S Unfinished public Works, report of Canal Commis- sioners relative to............................A Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to..........................A Message from the Governor returning the bill relat- ing to the canals............................. A Report of committee on, relative to the Niagara River Hydraulic Company....... ............... S Report of committee on, on pétition for a, in Che- mung county....................................A Supply of water at Rome level, report of Canal Commissioners relative to......................A Materials at Lockport, report of committee on, rela- tive to........................................A Report of committee on canals respecting water from Genesee river.............................A Report of committee on, relative to appropriations for.......................................... Report of committee on canals on Governor’s mes- sage and bill for repairs, etc., of canals (majority), Report of committee on canals on Governor’s mes- sage and bill for repairs, etc., of canals (majority), Minority report of committee on canals relative to unfinished works............................ S Report on public works and officers connected... S Report of canal balance........................ S Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to..........................A Report on Jordan level draining...................A S S 3 122 5 168 5 170 3 98 3 108 3 116 5 125 7 177 2 70 2 72 3 110 5 150 6 235 7 251 1 30 4 112 5 171 5 185 6 204 2 52 2 63 2 79 3 81 4 125 4 132 4 128 4 140182 CANALS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Eeport of committee on, on bill making appropri- ations for improvement of, and the prosecution of the public works, and amendments of Senate thereto...................................... A. 4 167 1848 Eeport of Canal Board relating to damages...... S 2 48 1848 Eeport of joint committee on.....................A 5 146 1848 Eeport on bill for protection of laborers on...A 5 173 1849 Eeport of committee on, on bill and pétitions for the construction of a basin at West Troy.......A 3 171 1849 Eeport of committee on, relative to apportionments and improvements...............................A 3 178 1850 Strike on, at Buffalo and Black Eock..............A 5 93 1851 Annual report of State Engineerand Surveyor on.. A 3 45 1852 Eeport of joint select committee on lettings......A 3 89 1852 Eeport of State Engineer and Surveyor on..........A 4 90 1853 Eeport of auditor, with reasons why certain daims were not paid to Canal Debt Sinking Fund......S 2 51 1853 Eeport of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to cost of finishing............................. S 2 64 1853 Eeport of the Comptroller in relation to the time when the State tax would be available for the improvement of.................................A 1 14 1853 Annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor in relation to, for 1852 .................... A 2 28 1853 Eeport of committee on ways and means on the bill to provide means to pay présent daims upon the treasury, to support the government, to carry on the public works, etc..........................A 2 48 1853 Eeport of the minority on the same subject......A 2 54 1853 Eeport of Comptroller in reply to a resolution of Mr. Burroughs respecting time when the State tax would be available for the improvement of the, A3 61 1853 Eeport of committee on, in reference to so much of Governor’s message as relates to..............A 3 64 1853 Eeport of Comptroller as to when the State tax would be available for the improvement of.....A 5 114 1853 Eeport of conférence committee of Senate and Âssembly on amendments to Constitution in rela- tion to.......................................A 5 116 1854 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor rela- tive to....................................... S 1 68 1854 Eeport of committee on commerce and navigation on bills to incorporate companies to navigate, etc., Al 16 1854 Minority report on same bill.....................A 1 32 1855 Annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor in relation to................................A 2 50 1856 Eeport of committee on, in relation to payment for certain labor on..............................A 4 127 1856 Eeport relative to work, etc....................A 4 169 1856 Communication from auditor......................A 5 191183 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 CANALS —Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on ways and means favorable on pétition of Ela N. Merriam for payment of a canal draft...................................A Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor rela- tive to.........................................A Annual report of State Engineer on, for 1857..... S Report relative to moneys appropriated to ...... A Report of State Ehgineer relative to amount of monev necessary to complété the unfinished....A Report of contracting board relative to the, at Lockport........................................A Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor .... A Report of Auditor relative to expenditures on.....A Report of Auditor relative to boats and business on the.............................................A Report of Auditor relative to collectors, clerks, etc., A Report of majority of finance committee on the canal debt........................................ S Report of minority of same on same............... S Communication from the Governor relative to increasing the revenue of, and tolling railroads.. S Communication from the Auditor relative to prop- erty transported on, and tolls received from....A Report of committee relative to tolls on various articles of commerce............................A Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor......A Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to companies navigating the lakes and rivers.......A Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor-----A do do do .... S Report of canal committee on réduction of tolls.... S Report of canal committee relative to tolls onOneida Lake canal and Oneida lake..................... S Expenditures on.................................. S Report of committee on canals relative to enlarge- ment for war purposes.......................... S Report of same relative to réduction of tolls on salted beef and pork........................... S Report of same, rebuilding locks on Champlain canal...........................................S Communication from Auditor asking money for repair of.......................................A Expenditures on...................................A Report of committee relative to enlargement of Erie, etc., canals, and of Champlain canal............A Drafts paid on canal contracte and awards by appraisers, for the last three years............A Report of majority of committee relative to réduc- tion of tolls on certain articles.............. S Report of same, adverse to bill to discontinue lock and bridge over Chemung canal, at Elmira....... S 1 50 1 60 1 15 1 49 4 116 3 156 1 28 2 90 3 161 3 124 2 115 2 119 1 47 4 142 4 182 1 15 4 127 2 28 2 35 4 69 5 83 5 90 5 100 5 102 6 111 4 98 6 179 6 190 8 244 5 94 5 123184 CANALS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1863 Contracts on eastern division................. S 2 22 1863 Résolutions of chamber of commerce in relation to enlargement of locks............................. S 4 71 1863 Communication from Canal Board, réduction of tolls, S 4 73 1863 Report of majority of committee on same....... S 5 94 1863 Enlargement of, report of S. B. Ruggles....... S 5 110 1863 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor.... A 1 8 1863 Report of committee on Baldwinsville canal and locks ........................ .. *.........A 2 27 1863 Report of committee on Senate bill to appropriate canal revenues................................... A 4 60 1863 Report of committee relative to abolishing office of Canal Appraiser.................................. A 5 133 1863 Report of committee relative to draining lands over- flowed by water from Black Rock harbor______A 5 153 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to uniform rates of toll................................A 5 131 1864 Communication from Canal Board, enlargement of Chemung canal locks ............................ S 4 64 1864 Communication from Canal Board, Oneida Lake canal locks..................................... S 4 80 1864 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on extension of Chenango canal........................... S 4 84 1864 Communication from State Engineer and Surveyor, , aqueduct across Seneca river, to connect with Cayuga and Seneca canal..................... S 4 101 1874 Communication from Canal Board relative to pro- priety and necessity of enlarging locks upon cer- tain canals..........................................A 6 124 126 1864 Report of committee, cost of extending Chenango canal........................................A 7 155 1864 Report of Canal Board, in answer to resolution of the Assembly relative to repairs of Oswego and Grenesee Valley canal.......................... A 7 163 1865 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor .... A 2 20 1865 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor on companies formed to navigate lakes and rivers... A 6 109 1865 Annual report of Canal Department relative to expenditures on..............................A 1 5 1865 Communication from Auditor relative to extraordi- nary repairs and improvement of.......... A 6 107 1865 Preamble and resolutions of Canal Board, relative ) A 4 91 to Niagara ship canal............................[A 6 102 1864 Communication from Canal Commissioners, relative to manner of Crossing Erie with the Sodus canal, A3 73 1865 Communication from State officers, with documents, remarks and opinions relative to the repairs of the..........................................A 4 95 Communication from State Engineer, relative to water in canal réservoir...................... 34185 1869 1870 1871 1871 1871 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1830 1830 CANALS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of Assembly canal committee on memorial of New York Produce Exchange, relative to canals........................................A 10 193 Report of committee to examine into leases and uses of surplus waters of................... A 7 139 Communication from Albany Board of Trade, rela- tive to......................................... S 4 58 Memorial of Chamber of Commerce, relative to- S 4 49 Communication from A. D. Farrel, relative to tow- age on....................................... S 1 9 Resolutions of Chamber of Commerce, relative to tolls on......................................A 2 19 Amendment to Constitution, relative to tolls on-A 2 20 Reply of Attorney-General, relative to the power of the Législature to limit its appropriations for the ordinary maintenance and repairs of..........A 4 46 Eastern division of, communication from Canal Commissioner Barkley relative to structures on.. A 4 57 Resolution relative to government aid to improve the Erie..................................... A 4 58 Communication from New York Produce Exchange relative to...................................A 7 136 Canals, report of commissioners relative to steam motive power on.............................. S 3 71 Resolution of Chamber of Commerce concerning... S 3 76 Canals, report of State Engineer and Surveyor on.. A 2 24 Report of commissioners relative to use of steam on the...........................................A 5 65 Canal debt, communication from New York Cheap Transportation Company relative to funding .... S 4 68 Canals, message from the Governor relative to...A 7 102 Canals, steam power on, reply of State Engineer and Surveyor to Assembly resolutions relative to.A 6 62 Canals, report of State Engineer on doubling locks on western division of..................... S 6 93 Message of Governor relative to................. S 4 64 Report of committee on terminal charges......... S 6 89 Canals, latéral, report of State Engineer and Canal Commissioners relative to.....................A 5 46 State Engineer and Surveyor’s annual report on. .. A 3 27 Tolls, trade and tonnage on, report of Auditor rela- tive to......................................... A 8 133 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor on.. A 6 50 Latéral, report of commissioners relative to.....A 3 30 Resolution relative to rates of toll on .... ....A 8 109 Boats: Packets, report relative to their preference in pass- ing locks....................................... S Packets, report relative to their preference in pass- ing locks......................................... S 2 98 2 183 24186 CANALS — Continuée!. Boats — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report on pétition for the adoption of Mr. Amsden’s plan for weighing...............................A 7 271 1841 Report on pétition for the adoption of Mr. Amsden’s plan for weighing...............................A 7 272 1849 Report respecting Mr. Amsden’s plan for weighing, A 5 225 1850 do do do A3 35 Steamboat, see A. Plan tou. Bridges : 1830 Bridge at Utica, report on pétition for.......... S 3 274 1830 Report of the Canal Commissioners on the subject of, A 4 334 1833 Report of Canal Board on the subject of.......... S 1 30 1837 Claims for building, report on pétition for a general law authorizing the Canal Commissioners to settle, etc................................... A 3 220 1838 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to, over the enlarged Erie canal........................A 6 278 1839 Report of the Canal Board on the same............ S 3 88 1843 Report of the Canal Commissioners relative to, between Little Falls and Utica................ S 3 105 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of inhabitants of Watervliet for two, over canal at West Troy......................................A 6 149 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the reference from the Assembly of the pétition of the citizens of Little Falls for the finishing of a............A 6 157 1847 Report of Canal Board relative to a, across Che- nango canal at Elmira..........................A 6 152 1847 Report of Canal Board on pétition of James Folbs for a, at Frankfort.............................A 7 200 1847 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of H. B. Smith and others for, at Rochester..............A 7 221 1857 Report of Canal Commissioners in reply to resolu- tion respecting, at West Troy..........................A 2 92 1859 Communication from Commissioner Sherrill, relative to canal bridges............................... S 2 94 1863 Communication from Canal Board, relative to a, over the Chemung canal at Elmira.................... S 5 88 1863 Report of Canal Committee, relative to a, over the Chemung canal at Elmira....................... S 5 123 1863 Communication from Canal Board, relative to a swing-bridge over Black Rock harbor ........... S 4 63 1866 Report of Canal Committee of Assembly, relative to certain.........................................A 4 70 CoNTRACTING BOARD : 1870 Report of minority of committee of Assembly on bill abolishing same................................A 6 125187 CANALS —Continued. CONTRACT DES : Doc. y0j# 1842 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to......A 7 173 1844 Report of Canal Board relative to allowances to, on suspended public works....................... S 3 117 1844 Report of Comptroller of the extra allowances rnade to........................................... S 4 134 1844 Report of Canal Board relative to damages awarded to, for breaches of contracts on the part of the State in conséquence of the suspension of public works by the act of 1842 .............................A 1 2 1844 Report of committee on canals on pétition of...A 6 147 1845 do do do ...........A 3 48 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, on the Oswego canal.................................A 2 31 1859 Names of delinquent repair contractors, report of auditor......................................A 3 160 1866 Communication from State Engineer and Surveyor giving names of.............................. S 1 14 1867 Communication, relative to acts for relief of.. S 1 5 1867 Communication, relative to fulfillment of contracts by.................. ... ........... ........ S 2 53 Contracts : 1842 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to......A 7 173 . 1847 Report of Canal Board relative to work put under.. A 7 208 1852 Auditor’s report respecting extra allowance on, by Canal Board.................................. S 1 23 1853 Communication from the Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in rela- tion to..................... ................A 2 18 1857 Report of Attorney-General in reply to resolutions relative to suits on.........................A 1 16 1863 On the eastern division of the canals, canal... S 2 22 1868 Copy of correspondence between Attorney-General and contracting board, as to lettings of Decem- ber 28, 1866................................. S 3 26 1868 Communication from Canal Department as to per- formances of.......................................... S 7 78 1868 Report of minority Senate committee on abolition of contract System ............................. S 3 35 Debt: 1870 Report relative to extending time for payment of .. A 11 195 Expenditures of, see Canal Department, Auditor. Debt, Erie and Champlain : 1833 Receipts and expenditures from 1817 to 1832.... S 1 38 1836 For the construction of, and repairs of the Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals, resolution relative to the payment of............................A 1 59188 CANALS — Continuée!. Debt, Erie and Champlain — Continued : Doc. Vol. Ko. 1839 Amount of the, when due, etc.....................A 6 388 1840 Report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund in rela- tion to the rédemption of the................. S 2 62 1840 Report of Canal Board relative to the, and revenues, A 7 306 1859 Report of majority of finance committee relative to the canal..............*........ ............ S 2 115 1859 Report of majority of finance committee relative to the canal................................... S 2 119 1859 Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund relative to the canal .................................... S 2 107 1859 Report of Commissioners of Can^il Fund relative to the canal......................................A 4 179 Engineers: 1842 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to, in the employ of the State...........................A 2 45 1844 Report of the Canal Commissioners of the number and names of engineers and assistants employed on the unfinished works in 1842, 1843, etc... S 2 69 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution of the Senate relative to engineers in employ of the State, etc. ................... S 1 23 Engineers, Division and Résident: 1853 Report of Auditor of Canal Department in relation to salaries and expenses of travel of the..A 3 73 Enlargement: 1850 Report of Canal Commissioners on, of canals other than Erie .................................... S 3 88 1851 Report of Attorney-General on bill to provide for. . S 3 68 1857 Report of majority of committee on canals re- lative to................................. .......... S 3 69 1851 Report of the minority on same subject.......... S 3 70 1851 Communication from Nelson J. Beach relative to . . A 3 63 1853 Majority and minority report on the amendment of the Constitution relative to.................A 4 98,99 1853 Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of New York in relation to........................... S 4 100 1854 Communication from State Engineer and Surveyor relative to................................... S 2 109 1854 Report of committee on, relative to, and certifi- cates..........................................A 3 119 1854 Communication from Auditor in relation to work on section 370, Erie canal.....................A 3 73 1855 Report on the maintenance and....................A 3 90 1856 Communication from Auditor in relation to, and completion of..................................A 4 146189 C AN ALS — Continued : Expenditures: Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Annual report of, for 1829........................A 3 208 1831 do 1830.........................A 3 206 1832 do 1831........................ A 1 9 1833 do 1832.........................A 1 16 1834 do 1833.........................A 2 75 1835 do 1834.........................A 3 216 1836 do 1835. *.....................A 4 211 1837 do 1836........................ A 1 159 1838 do 1837.........................A 4 6 1839 do 1838.........................A 1 16 1840 do 1839.........................A 4 131 1841 do 1840.........................A 3 51 1843 Annual report of Comptroller relative to, for 1841 ..A3 63 1843 do do do do 1842. .A3 56 1844 Annual report of Comptroller on...................A 5 105 1845 Annual report of Comptroller relative to..........A 5 162 1846 Annual report of Comptroller on...................A 4 90 1846 Report of majority of printing committee relative to printing annual report of Comptroller on...A 4 94 1846 Report of minority of printing committee relative to printing annual report of Comptroller on.... A 4 95 1847 Estimate of...................................... S 2 43 1847 Report of.........................................A 1 15 1847 Report of, for certain years..................... A 4 129 1847 Report of committee on canals on report of Comp- troller relative to......................... A 4 174 1848 Annual report of Comptroller relative to..........A 3 60 1849 Annual report of Auditor of Canal Department relative to....................................A 1 30 1852 Auditor’s estimâtes for...........................A 5 116 1852 Auditor’s report on...............................A 5 125 1853 Communication from Auditor relative to, of the. appropriation for the canals for the current fiscal year.......................................... S 3 84 1853 Report of Auditor of Canal Department in rela- tion to....................................... A 4 105 1858 Report of Auditor respecting......................A 5 126 1854 Annual report of Auditor relative to..............A 5 146 1855 Annual report of Auditor in relation to....... A 7 147 1856 Annual report of Auditor relative to..............A 5 213 1857 Annual report of Auditor concerning...............A 3 175 1858 Annual report of Auditor relative to..............A 4 145 1859 do do do A 2 90 1860 do do do ..A 4 174 1861 do do do .............Al 5 1862 do do do A 6 179 1862 Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund relative to, S 5 90 1863 Report of Auditor on..............................A 9 231 1864 do . ..........................A 1 6 1865 do ............................A 1 5190 1830 1832 1843 1836 1839 1839 1841 1847 1847 1847 1847 1851 1851 1875 1876 1841 1841 1849 1850 1866 1870 1843 1844 1844 1844 1845 1846 CANALS — Continued. Fences: Doc. Vol. No. Report of Canal Commissioners on the subject of .. A 4 334 do do do Keport of Canal Board on the subject of.......... S 1 30 do do do ..........A 4 234 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of W. Brayton and others relative to..................A 5 269 Kepoit of committee on clanns on the same........A 5 290 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 4 118 Frauds : Memorials relative to............................ S 3 93, 94 Report and resolution of committee on canals con- cerning report of select committee of 1846 to investigate, etc................................A 2 78 Report of select committee of Assembly of 1846 for investigation of............................... A 3 100 Memorial of Holmes Hutchinson relative to report of select committee for investigating.........A 7 218 Report of select committee of Assembly of 1846, for investigation of................................A 6 156 Report of select committee of Assembly of 1846, for investigation of.............................. A 6 158 Report of joint committee on.......................A 6 88 Canal investigation, report of joint committee rela- tive to........................................... S 6 78 Hydrostatic Scale, Amsden’s : Report on pétition for the adoption of.............A 7 271 do do ..........A 7 272 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting...........A 5 225 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to.........A 3 35 Report of Canal Board relative to testing them upon the canals of this State...........................A 7 150 Loans: List of holders of stocks of...................... S 2 70 Locks : Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to com- bined, at Lockport.......................... S 3 98 Report on the subject of closing the, on the Sabbath, S 4 119 Report of Canal Board relative to the five combined, at Lockport ................................ S 4 120 Report of the Canal Commissioners in relation to the combined, at Lockport....................A 5 131 Report of committee on canals, relative to closing, on Sunday........ ...... * • .......... . . _. A 4 148 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution relative to doubling of, on Erie canal.A 4 110191 CANALS —Continued. Looks — Continued : doc. Vol. No. 1848 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to, at Tona- wanda.......................................A 4 117 1849 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the length and width of chambers of enlarged, on Erie canal.................................. S 2 50 1849 Report on tlie subject of closing on Sunday.... S 2 6 1849 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution of the Assembly respecting expense of bringing into use one set of enlarged, on Erie canal, from Syracuse to Buffalo ............A 3 116 1851 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to lengthening ................................A 3 67 1856 Report of committee on canals relative to, on Che- mung canal..................................A 4 132 1857 Minority report of committee on canals relative to, on Chemung canal............................ S 2 56 1857 Report of Canal Commissioner Fitzhugh relative to, on Chemung canal............................A 1 51 1858 Report in answer to resolution relative to enlarge- ment of, on Chemung canal —................. S 3 133 1858 Report of committee on canals relative to closing on Sunday...................................... S 2 77 1858 Minority report on same subject......... .... S 2 91 ,1858 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to, on Chemung canal ........................... S 2 124 1858 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to enlargement of, on Chemung canal............ S 3 133 1858 Majority report relative to closing, on Sunday.A 4 134 1858 Majority report on same subject................A 4 137 1859 Report of Canal Board as to propriety of building locks on Chemung canal, of eut stone or com- posite ............................... ... S 2 64 1862 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to enlargement of, on Champlain canal, for gun- boats..............................................A 6 174 1862 Report of committee on canals, rebuilding the, on Champlain canal............................. S 6 111 1863 Communication from Canal Board, relative to, between West Troy and Albany basin. ... .... S 5 118 1863 Resolutions of chamber of commerce, in relation to enlargement of.............................. S 4 71 1863 Communication from Commissioner W. I. Skinner, relative to, on Champlain canal............. S 5 116 1864 Communication from Canal Board relative to enlargement of, on Chemung canal............ S 4 64 1864 Communication from Canal Board relative to enlargement of, on Oneida Lake canal........ S 4 80 1864 Communication from Auditor relative to lock No. 2, S 1 7 1864 Communication from Canal Board relative to J ^ 0 124 enlarging, upon certain canals..............\ 126192 CANALS — Continued. Management : Doc. Vol. No. 1867 Report of judiciary committee of the Assembly as to State liability for...........................A 4 71 1868 Report of Assembly committee to investigate, and conduct of Contracting Board............. A 4 32 1868 Report of select committee of Senate on......... S 2 13 Navigation: 1833 Report relative to its préservation and management, A 4 255 1835 Communication from the Canal Board relative to the, SI 24 Officers : 1838 Report of the Canal Board giving the names and compensation of...................................A 5 231 1840 Report of the Canal Board giving the names and compensation of ..................................A 8 318 Packet Boats: 1830 Report relative to their preference in passing locks, S 2 98 1830 do do do S 2 133 Receipts and Expenditures : 1830 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 2 152 1831 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund........................ ...............A 2 102 1832 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 1 5 1833 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 1* 4 1834 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund .............................................A 1 4 1835 Annual report of the Conmissioners of the Canal Fund............................................ A 1 4 1836 Annual report of the Conynissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 1 4 1837 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund............................................ A 1 3 1838 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund............................................ .A 1 5 1839 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 2 26 1840 Annual report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund..............................................A 3 74 1840 Communication in relation to their annual report ..A3 69 1841 Annual report.......................................A 1 5 See Expenditures, Revenues. Repaies : 1846 Report of committee on canals on an act to reduce expenses of.......................................A 5 173193 CANALS — Continued. Repaies — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to tke beat modeof............................................ S 1 27 1846 Report of committee on canals on bill to reduce expenses of superintendence and................... S 3 104 1846 Report of committee on canals on an act to reduce expenses of...................................... A 5 173 1846 Superintendent of, report of Canal Commissioners relative to....................................... A 6 221 1847 Majority report of committee on canals on so much of Governor’s message as related to bills for.... S 2 63 1847 Minority report on the same.......................... S 2 79 1847 Report on bill, etc., for............................ S 2 63,79 1855 Report of committee on canals relative to contract- ing............................................... S 3 73 1856 Report of commissioners of eastern division relative to, and superintendence of.........................A 3 31 1863 Communication from commissioner in relation to the ordinary, on eastern division................. S 4 52 1863 Repair contracta on eastern division..................S 2 22 1864 Report of Canal Board relative to the, of the Os- wego and Genesee Valley canals ....................A 7 163 1865 Communication from State officers in relation to . .. A 4 95 Revenues : 1832 Resolution to amend the Constitution in relation to, S 2 70 1832 do do do do S 2 100 1834 do do do do S 3 131 1835 do do do do S 2 35 1836 do do do do SI 48 1836 Of the latéral canals, report of Comptroller relative to ............................................... S 1 58 1840 Report of Canal Board relative to, and debt ........ A 7 306 1842 Report of Comptroller in reply to a resolution of the Senate as to.................................. S 1 16 1848 Committee on canals, report relative to appropria- tions of surplus, to unfinished works..............A 2 25 1848 Report as to application of surplus.................. A 5 137 1853 Report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund relative to appropriation of surplus, to daims arising prior toJune 1,1846 ................................... A 5 125 1855 Report relative to deficiency in..................... S 3 74 Routes, Surveys of : 1831 Comptroller, report of items of the amount paid the, etc...........................................A 4 *399 Stock : 1839 Report of unclaimed items of interest on, in the Manhattan Bank.....................................A 3 134 25194 CANALS — Continued. Stock — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Erie and Champlain, report in relation to notices for the rédemption of............................... S 2 55 1845 Report of Comptroller relative to the issue and rédemption of.................................. A 5 175 SuPERINTENDENTS : 184G Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund in answer to a resolution calling for names of persons paid by, at Syracuse. '............................ S 3 101 1840 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution giving names of ................................ .A 4 119 1847 Report of Comptroller respecting amounts paid, etc., SI 40 1853 Report of Auditor in reply to a résolution calling for proceedings of Canal Board respecting com- plaints or charges against...................... S 3 71 1850 Report of majority of Canal Board relative to...... S 2 42 1850 Minority report .. ................................ S 2 43 System and Internal Improvements: 1831 Report on the subject of (N. P. Tallmadge)......... S 1 32 1833 do do (Mr. Stillwell).......... ... A 4 268 1834 do do (Mr. Hubbard)............. S 2 55 1840 do do (Mr. Lay).................A 7 277 Tolls, see Canal Department, Auditor. Tolls, Trade and Tonnage: 1830 Report of Canal Board relative to increasing the rates of........................................ S 4 291 1830 Report of the Attorney-General as to the constitu- tionality of increasing the rates of............ S 4 344 1832 Amount collected on packet boats and passengers for the last two years.......................... S 1 49 1832 Amount collected in 1831, etc., report of Commis- sioners of Canal Fund of....................... A 1 38 1833 Amount collected in 1832, etc, report of Commis- sioners of Canal Fund of.........................A 3 173 1833 On llour and wheat, report of Canal Board on péti- tion to modify the...............................A 4 320 1834 Amount collected from 1820 to 1834.............A 2 66 1834 Amount collected in 1833.......................... A 3 107 1832 Resolution to amend the Constitution relative to.. . S 2 70 1832 do do do do ... S 2 100 1834 do do do do ... A 3 131 1835 do do do do ... S 2 35 1836 do do do do ... S 1 48 1834 Report relative to, on the canal around the falls at Baldwinsville....................................A 3 2 32 1836 Report relative to, on the canal around the falls at Baldwinsville....................................A 3 1411836 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1839 1840 1841 1836 1842 1842 1843 1844 1,844 1845 1845 1845 1845 195 C AN ALS — Continued. Tolls, Trade and Tonnage — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of Canal Board relative to, on gypsum ..... A 4 294 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1834, report of C. C. Fund of...................................A 1 38 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1832, report of C. C. Fund of...................................A 2 173 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1833, report of C. C. Fund of...................................A 3 107 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1834, report of C. C. Fund of.................................. S 2 58 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1835, report of C. C. Fund of................................ S 2 70 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1836, report of C. C. Fund of.................................. S 2 52 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1837, report of C. C. Fund of.................................. S 1 35 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1838 report of C. C. Fund of ................................. S 1 27 Amount collected, rates of, etc*., in 1839, report of C. C. Fund of................................. S 3 63 Amount collected, rates of, etc., in 1840, report of C. C. Fund of.................................. S 2 65 Report on the pétition for the réduction of, on tke Ckenango canal................................ A 6 343 Report on pétition for tke réduction of, on coal and lead........................................... A 8 343 Report of Canal Board relative to uniform rates of, on ail tke canals..............................A 6 222 Amount received on eack of tke latéral canals.... S 1 58 Annual report of tke Commissioners of tke Canal Fund relative to tolls collected and property transported on tke canals in 1841.............. S 2 33 Report of committee on canals on pétition of Clin- ton Walwortk, for réduction of tolls on lead and copper....................................... A 7 158 Report of tke Comptroller respecting amount of tolls on passengers on tke Erie canal.......... S 1 21 Report of Commissioners of Land Office, of tke amount of tolls collected at Buffalo and Black Rock in 1840, 1841, 1842, etc................. S 1 35 Report of tke Canal Commissioners of tke trade and tonnage of tke canals, etc .................... S 4 118 Report of committee on canals relative to discrimi- nating tolls on............................ S 3 113 Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund of tolls, tonnage and trade of New York canals, 1844. ... S 3 115 Comptroller’s report in relation to amount of tolls paid on Erie canal on freigkt skipped to or from latéral canals............................... S 3 116 Pétition of inkabitants of Western New York for a réduction of tolls on Oswego canal . . . .......A 4 81196 CANALS — Continuer Tolls, Trade and Tonnage — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Eemonstrance of citizens of Oswego against dis- criminating tolls on the Erie canal ...,........A 4 85 1845 Report of committee on canals relative to discrimi- nating tolls on the Oswego and Erie canals....A 5 189 1845 Minority report on same............................A 5 190 1846 Report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund of the tolls, tonnage, etc., on the canals............ S 2 59 1846 Report relative to réduction of rates of.......... S B 89 1846 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution relative to tolls on Erie canal, etc............A 4 113 1847 Report of Comptroller as to amount of tolls and amounts paid superintendents on canals......... S 1 40 1847 Trade and tonnage of.............................. S 3 90 1847 Report on tolls of western trade...................A 1 42 1848 Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund respecting, S 2 50 1848 Report of Auditor of...............................A 3 190 1849 Communication from Auditor respecting collection of tolls........................................A 3 195 1850 Report of..........................................A 6 140 1851 Annual report of Auditor on........................A 3 56 1852 Auditor’s report on............................... S 3 94 1853 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to tolls received on Champlain canal during 1852, etc. ..SI 20 1853 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to ton- nage on Champlain canal................................. S 1 20 1853 Report of Auditor in relation to tolls on property going to and coming from Canada................ S 1 29 1853 Report of Auditor of tolls, tonnage, etc..... ... A 4 107 1854 Report of Auditor relative to, Oneida Lake canal, etc. A 2 107 1854 Report of Canal Board relative to réduction of...A 4 134 1854 Annual report of trade and tonnage.................A 5 145 1855 Report of Auditor in relation to trade and tonnage, A4 95 1356 Annual report of Auditor on. ......................A 5 212 1857 Report relative to canal tolls.................... S 4 127 1857 Annual report of the Auditor on................... A 3 185 1857 Resolution of Canal Board relative to réduction of tolls on certain articles.......................A 3 187 1858 Reply of the Canal Board to a resolution of the Se iate relative to............................ S 3 113 1858 Report of Auditor relative to..................... S 3 123 1858 Report of Canal Board relative to tolls on wheat and flour.......................................... S 3 134 1858 Report of proceedings of Canal Board relative to tolls on iron, etc............................. S 3 135 1858 Annual report of Auditor on........................A 5 155 1859 Report of Canal Board on réduction of tolls...... S 2 87 1859 Annual report of Auditor on........................A 3 94 1860 do do .....................A 3 103 1860 Report of Auditor on réduction of tolls on Cham- plain canal............................................. A 2 451861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1864 1865 1841 1841 1849 1849 1831 1831 1831 1834 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1838 1839 1838 1839 197 CANALS — Continued. Tolls, Trabe and Tonnage — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of Auditor.........................A 5 93 do do ..............................A 6 112 Eeport on............. .......................... S 4 66 Annual report of Auditor on......................A 7 224 Communication from Canal Board on réduction of tolls.......................................... S 4 73 Report of committee on réduction of tolls........ S 5 94 Annual report of Auditor on......................A 8 188 do do .....................A4 90 For Tolls on Railroads, see Railroads. Weigh-locks: Report on pétition for the adoption of Mr. Amsden’s substitute for...... ..........................A 7 271 Report on pétition for the adoption of Mr. Amsden’s substitute for................................. . A 7 272 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting Mr. Amsden’s substitute for........................A 5 225 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting Mr. Amsden’s substitute for........................A 3 95 Black River Canal: Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the sur- vey of the.....................................A 3 229 Proceedings of a meeting of delegates of the towns on the route of the, in relation to the construction of.............................................A 3 245 Report of committee on canals, on pétition for the construction of. ... ........ .................A 4 287 Report of committee on canals, on pétition for the construction of................................ A 4 273 Report of committee on canals, on pétition for the construction of................................ S 2 77 Report of committee on canals, on pétition for the construction of................................A 2 150 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the survey of............ ................................A 1 55 Report of the majority of the committee on canals, on pétition for................................ S 1 36 Memorial of a convention of delegates from Oneida, Lewis, Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties..... SI 21 Report relative to damages by diverting the waters of Black river to supply the...................A 3 205 Side-cut from, to Delta, report on pétition for..A 3 91 do do do .... A 2 68 Extension of, to Sackett’s Harbor, report on péti- tion for.........................................A 5 213 Extension of, to Sackett’s Harbor, report on péti- tion for.........................................A 4 197198 CANALS — Continued. Black River Canal—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Estimated cost of, report of Canal Commissioners relative to...................................A 5 267 1839 Estimated cost of, report of Canal Commissioners relative to ..................................A 6 360 1839 Cost of, report of Canal Board on a resolution of Assembly to in quire wkether an y alteration can be made t*> lessen the cost of...................A 6 391 1840 Extension of, to Sackett’s Harbor, report of a survey of a route....................................A 6 233 1840 Extension of, to Sackett’s Harbor, report on bill for the.......................................A 8 345 1841 Extension of, to Sackett’s Harbor, report on pétition for the.......................................A 6 234 1841 Contracts for the construction of, report of Canal Commissioners relative to.....................A 6 203 1843 Report of the Canal Commissioners relative to the amount necessary to finish the................ S 1 47 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution of the Assembly relative to, and feeder ... A 4 131 1845 Memorial relative to completing..................A 5 151 1848 Report relative to, and Genesee..................A 3 97 1855 Report by Auditor of testimony in relation to, lettings..................................... A 1 8 1861 Report on bill to revive act rélatin g to........ S 2 51 1863 Communication of Commissioner, relative to ...... S 2 44 1866 Communication from Canal Commissioners, as to condition of locks on......................... A 3 42 Cato Canal Company: 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate.............. ... A 4 421 Cayuga and Seneca: 1831 Deficiency in the revenue of Comptroller’s report relative to the payment of certain moneys to the Commissioners of the Canal Eund for the...........A 4 339 1837 Tow-path bridge on, report relative to ..............A 3 250 1839 Report of Canal Board on bill for the régulation of the^water in................;................ S 2 44 1839 Enlargement ol, report of Canal Board relative to. . A 6 367 1840 Enlargement of, report of canal committee on. .... A 5 177 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation thereto, and the outlet of the Seneca lake, in answer to a resolution of Assembly of Mardi 23, 1842.....A 4 102 1845 Report of the commissioners on reference of the pétition of citizens of Chemung, relative to.A 7 246 Champlain Canal : 1830 Report of expenses of, for the last year, the nuinber of superintendents, etc........................ S 3 j 243199 CANALS — Continued. Champlain Canal — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Surplus water of, report on pétition of John F. King for the use of................................. S 1 53 1833 Receipts and expenditures of, report of the Commis- sioners of the Canal Fund...................... S 1 38 1836 Cost of construction and maintenance of............ S 2 72 1838 Report on pétition for the survey of a route for a canal from the head waters of the Hudson to ... . A 5 238 1840 Canal debt, report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund relative to the rédemption of............. S 2 62 1841 Side-cut from, into the Hudson river at Stillvvater, report on pétition for..........................A 6 232 1846 Report of Mr. Clark, from the select committee appointed to inquire into certain expenditures, etc., on the northern section of, and Glens Falls feeder, etc................................... S 4 144 1850 Report on proposition to enlarge............. ... A 5 129 1853 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to tolls received and tonnage employed.................. S 1 20 1853 Communication from J. C. Mather, respecting part of the, where it crosses........................A 4 110 1853 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to suspen- sion of navigation on, and Erie..........................A 5 128 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor and Canal Commissioner Sherrill, in reply to resolution rela- tive to the condition of.................................A 2 116 1859 Communication from State Engineer and Surveyor in relation to cost of giving five feet of water in....................................... S 1 21 1860 Report of Auditor relative to trade and ton- nage on........................................ S 1 26 1860 Communication from Auditor, report of tolls, trade and tonnage on..................................A 2 45 1862 Report of Auditor as to moneys collected and expended for enlargement of.................... A 4 47 1862 Report of committee relative to rebuilding locks on, S 6 111 1862 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to enlargement of locks ‘ of, so as to pass gun- boats...........................................A 6 174 1863 Communication from Commissioner Skinner relative to locks on.................................... S 5 116 1867 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor as to enlargement from tide-water to Whitehall....... S 2 37 1868 Memorial of forwarders relative to condition of-- S 5 54 1868 Report of commissioner in charge as to Fort Miller lock.......................................... S 3 32 1870 Report of Auditor as to business of and probable cost of enlarging same........................A 11 181 1870 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor as to cost of enlarging the prism of the, to correspond with size of enlarged locks......................,..........A 3 691830 1830 1830 1833 1835 1839 1836 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1845 1850 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 200 CANALS — Continued. Chemung Canal : Doc. Vol. No, Eeport of Canal Commissioners in relation to their proceedings in relation to the construction of, with estimate of cost and revenues.............A 2 97 Eeport of S. Young, one of the Canal Commission- ers, on the same.................................A 2 195 Eeport of committee on canals (A. C. Paige), on the reports of the Canal Commissioners.............A 4 326 Deficiency in the revenues of the, report in relation to.............................................A 4 331 Tolls collected on certain articles, report in relation to.............................................A 2 159 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, Governor's message relative to the......................... S 3 86 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, report of joint committee on............................ S 3 112 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, report of, survey of..................................... S 1 2 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, report of Canal Commissioners on survey of the....... A 1 32 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, committee on canals (Mr. Knibloe)........................A 7 287 Improvement of the, report of committee on canals (Mr.Mosely).................................. S 4 105 Improvement of the, report of Canal Commission- ers in relation to the...........................A 5 61 Improvement of the, report relative to the estimated cc cost of a canal from Seneca lake to Havana.... S 2 50 Improvement of the, report of committee on canals (Mr. Mosely)................................. S 2 61 Improvement of the, report of committee on canals (Mr. Mosely)...................................A 5 174 Eeport of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund on resolution of the Senate relative to loan for. S 3 69 Eeport of Comptroller in relation to the amount of premiums received on, and Chenango canal stocks, S 4 87 Eeport of Canal Commissioners answering a resolu- tion of the, relative to obstructions in, etc.... S 2 55 Eeport of select committee respecting........... S 3 105 Eeport of the State Engineer and Surveyor in rela- tion to locks on..................................A 4 113 Eeport relating to locks on......................A 4 132 Eeport of minority of standing committee on canals relative to locks on.......................... S 2 56 Eeport of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to, S 3 87 Eeport of Canal Commissioner Fitzhugh relative to locks on.......................................A 1 51 Eeport of State Engineer and Surveyor respecting locks on..................................... S 3 124 Eeport in answer to resolution relative to enlarge- ment of locks on............................. S 3 133201 CANALS — Continued. Chemung Canal — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1859 Report of the Canal Board as to the propriety of building locks of, of eut atone or composite . S 2 64 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to improvement of, at Corning.................... S 4 65 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to bridge at Elmira..................................... S 5 88 1863 Report of committee relative to bridge over, at Elmira........................................ S 5 123 1846 Communication from Canal Board on bill to enlarge locks on...................................... S 3 64 Chemung Canal Feeder: 1838 Report of the Canal Commissioners of estimated expense of continuing said feeder to the junction of the Conhocton and Tioga rivers, etc.......A 5 244 1839 Extension of report on pétition for and against the, A 4 198 1842 Report of committee on canals on pétition for the extension of...................................A 7 188 Chemung Canal, Surplus Waters of, see Jefferson Bartlett, Vincent Conklin, John Gregg and Charles Orwan. 1834 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to.....A 2 91 1837 do do do ......A 2 77 Chenango Canal: 1830 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition for the construction of................................A 1 47 1830 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Paige) for the construction of................................A 4 299 1831 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Hubbard) for the construction of........................... S 1 20 1832 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Hubbard) for the construction of.......................... S 1 16 1832 Report of committee on canals on bill for the con- struction of...................................A 3 206 1833 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Van Schaack) for the construction of....................... S 2 44 1833 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Stillwell) for the construction of......................... A 1 26 1833 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the loans for the construction of..................A 3 220 1834 Report on pétition for the termination of the, at ütica...................................... ...A 1 25 1834 Report on pétition for the termination of the, at Utica..........................................A 2 83 1834 Pétition from Oneida and Madison counties to change the termination of, to the Oneida creek . . S 2 61 1834 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to gifts, grants and donations to....................... S 2 85 26202 CANALS —Continued. Chenango Canal— Continued: Doc. Voi. No. 1834 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to survey and réservoirs of the........................... S 2 87 1835 Report on pétition for lock from, into the Chenango river............................................A 2 93 1835 Report on pétition for a lock at the Oxford basin.. S 2 64 1835 Report of Comptroller in relation to stock issued for the..........................................A 5 381 1836 Report on pétition of citizens of Utica to be released from tax for changing the termination of.........A 2 88 1838 Report on pétition of citizens of Utica to be released from tax for changing the termination of.........A 2 33 1838 Report on pétition of citizens of Utica to be released from tax for changing the termination of....A 4 194 1836 Contractors on, report on pétition of Joseph Saxton and others for relief............................A 3 121 1836 Contractors on, report on pétition of Joseph Saxton and others for relief........................... A 3 197 1837 Report of amount of money agreed to be paid for changing the termination of..................... S 2 49 1837 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the construction of..................................A 3 201 1837 Subcontractors, report on pétition for extra compensation.......•...........................A 3 236 1837 Report on pétition of citizens of Sherburne to be relieved from certain liabilities in relation to the location of the, in said village.................A 3 211 1839 Report on pétition of citizens of Sherburne to be relieved from certain liabilities in relation to the location of the, in said village................ A 3 139 1839 Report on pétition of citizens of Sherburne to be relieved from certain liabilities in relation to the location of the, in said village.........................A 4 217 1838 Allowances made to canal contractors, report of... S 2 64 1838 Damages to private property taken for, report of Canal Commissioners relative to................. S 2 67 1839 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, Governor’s message relative to the......................... S 3 86 1839 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, report of joint committee................................ S 3 112 1839 Extension of, to the Pennsylvania canal, report of committee on canals..............................A 4 195 1839 Extension to State line near Tioga Point, Canal Commissioners’ report of survey of...............A 3 116 1840 Extension to State line near Tioga Point, report of committee on canals (Mr. Moseley)............... S 3 71 1839 Réduction of tolls on, report on pétition for.....A 6 343 1840 Report relative to a deficiency of funds to pay damages awarded on the......... ... ...........A 7 302 1842 Report of Comptroller relative to the amount of premiums received on, and Chemung canal stocks, S 4 87203 C AN ALS — Continued. Chenango Canal — Continued: Doc.Vol. No. 1843 Report of the committee on canals on pétition of inhabitants of Oriskany Falls and vicinity, respecting moneys paid by them on account of locating, througb said village... .............A 4 105 1846 Report of Canal Board respecting surplus waters from.........................................«. A 5 195 1847 Report of Canal Board relative to bridge across, at Elmira....................................... A 6 152 1860 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, extension of, SI 6 1864 Communication of Commissioner Bruce, relative to cost of improving navigation of...............A 6 102 1864 Report of committee as to cost of extension of...A 7 155 1864 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, on the cost of extension of.............................. S 4 84 Conewango Canal: 1838 Report on pétition for, the survey of a route for. . . A 5 243 1840 Report of the Canal Commissioners of the survey of, A 4 160 Crooked Lake Canal: 1830 Report of Canal Commissioner of estimated cost and revenues of, etc.........................A 2 97 1830 Report of S. Young, one of the Canal Commissioners, relative to estimated cost and revenues of, etc... A 2 195 1835 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to sum- mit level of, etc.............................A 4 343 1835 Report on pétition of owners of hydraulic works on theoutletof Crooked lake......................A 4 369 1837 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the upper level of the...........................A 3 203 1855 Report of State Engineer in reference to improve- ment of........................................ A 5 117 1872 Reply of Attorney-General to, resolution relative to, A 8 116 Delaware and Hudson Canal, see Banks : 1830 Report on pétition for power to sell certain land, etc.......................................... S 1 21 1830 Report of Comptroller relative to the stock issued to the..................................!... S 2 198 1830 Report of Comptroller relative to the stock issued to the....................................... S 4 317 1831 Communication from the president of the, to the Governor.....................................A 1 3 1834 Report of committee on pétition of citizens of Orange and Sullivan for relief from injuries sus- tained from the...................................... S 2 77 1839 Report relative to the issue of bank notes not paya- ble on demand................... ............ S 2 49 1842 Letter of president of, to the Governor.........A 1 2204 1842 1845 1848 1849 1852 1852 1835 1840 1841 1853 1834 1833 1837 1828 1839 1836 1834 1834 1847 1841 1843 1844 1835 1835 1835 CANALS —Continued. Crooked Lake Canal — Continued : Doc. Vol. No, Letter of president of, to the Comptroller relative to, A 7 162 Report of the Comptroller relative to..............A 5 155 Report of committee on finances in relation to... S 2 43 Report of Comptroller relative to stocks issued to.. S 2 41 Report of company of, respecting violation of char- ter of the......................... .............A 2 60 Minority report of company of, as to violation of charter of............... .....................A 2 70 Erie and Champlain Canal: Report of amount of moneys taken from the general funds and paid for the construction and support of, from 1816 to 1834........................ S 2 40 Debt of, report of commissioners of the canal fund as to what banks the money pledged for the rédemption of the, is deposited, etc.... ...... S 2 62 Notices for the rédemption of, report of the com- missioners of the canal fund relative to......... S 2 55 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to suspen- sions of navigation on Erie.......................A 5 128 Erie Canal: Aqueduct at Rochester, report of Canal Commis- sioners relative to rebuilding......... .........A 2 88 Banks of, report on pétition of citizens of Herkimer county relative to defects in................. A 4 272 Branch from, to Catskill, report on pétition for (H. Rogers).. :................................A 3 280 Branch from, to Catskill, report on pétition for (L. F. Allen)................................ A 5 212 Branch from, to Catskill, report on pétition for (Mr. Lewis)....................................A 4 125 Business on, report relative to increase or diminu- tion of, by the construction of the latéral canals.. S 2 81 Condition of, near Schenectady, report relative to.. A 4 327 Cost of constructing from Schenectady to Albany, etc........................................... S 2 72 Contract, report respecting work under. ... .....A 7 208 Contracte for the enlargement of, report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of Assem- bly, relative to the.......................... A 6 203 Contracte on the enlarged, report of the Comptroller respecting, between Albany and Troy............ SI 15 Contracte made for eularging, etc., report of the Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of March 12, relative to..........A 6 146 Enlargement of, report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the................................A 2 143 Committee on canals (Mr. Wager)...................A 3 254 Résolution offered by Mr. Thorn in relation to the.. A 4 340205 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1836 1840 1840 1842 C ANALS — Continued. Erie Canal — Continued : Doc. Vol. No, Enlargement of, report on pétition of common council of, for a direct route from Schenectady to Albany..... ................................ S 2 99 Supply of water for Rome summit, report relative to. .,......................................... S 1 61 Report of the Canal Board in relation to the......A 2 98 Documents accompanying.... ........................ A 2 99 Report of Canal Board in relation to the.......... S 2 73 Remonstrance of inhabitants of Oneida against the, A 2 132 Tax on banks for the more speedy, report on bill... A 4 316 Appraisers* report of damages by the..............A 5 201 Enlargement of, at Oriskany, report on pétition to change the route for the.......................A 5 225 Report of committee on canals on pétition for.....A 5 245 Locks on the, report of Canal Commissioners rela- tive to.........................................A 5 251 Bridges on the, report of Canal Commissioners relative to..................................... A 6 298 At West Troy, report of Canal Commissioners rela- tive to the construction of the.................A 6 313 Committee on canals on the construction of the.... A 6 333 Contractors on the, report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of, for extra compensation.........A 3 131 Report of select committee on the same.... .......A 5 215 Report on propriety of constructing the, independ- ent of the Niagara river........................ S 2 54 Appraisal of property taken for, in the city of Rochester, see Hervey Ely and others. Resolution calling on the Canal Commissioners for estimâtes of the cost of the, etc..............A 4 224 Expenses of, report of Canal Commissioners in rela- tion to...........................................A 5 267 Estimated cost and revenues of, report of Canal Commissioners................................... A 6 339 Route of, through Oriskany, report on pétition against changing the.............................A 4 261 Location of, at Rochester, report relative to the-A 5 287 Walling with stone the sides of the, report of Canal Commissioners on the expediency of...............A 4 238 From Utica to Syracuse, report on pétition to lower the bottom of the canal, instead of raisin g the surface of the water.............................A 6 369 Report relative to supply in g the, with water from Lake Erie to the Seneca river ...................A 6 881 Revenues, resolution calling on the Canal Board for estimâtes of future, etc ........................A 5 204 Debts and revenues, etc., report of Canal Board on a resolution of Assembly.......................... A 7 306 Report of committee on canals on pétition for speedy...........................................A 7 1901843 1845 1847 1847 1851 1853 1853 1857 1858 1840 1852 1847 1855 1853 1853 1844 1846 1849 1849 1851 1847 1853 1855 1853 1855 1830 206 CANALS — Continuée!. Erie Canal—Continued : Doc. Vol. Report of committee on canals relative to a portion of ........................................... S 3 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to.......A 6 Report of, on memorial for, and basins at Buffalo... A 7 Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Rochester, memoralizing the Législature as to the speedy... A 7 Report of committee on canals relative to Governor’s message respecting............................A 4 Report of majority and minority committee on j ^ ^ amending Constitution relative to the.........j Memorial of New York Chamber of Commerce........A 4 Report of Engineer and Surveyor, at Port Byron, in reply to resolution relative to........ ......A 2 Reply of State Engineer and Surveyor to a resolu- tion of the Senate relative to securing six feet depth of water in the......................... S 3 Expenditures of the $5,000,000 loan, report of Com- missioners of Canal Fund relative to the........A 8 Feeder, report on pétition of citizens of Rochester in relation to the............................A 5 Frauds on, report respecting....................A 3 Geddes, communication from Canal Commissioners in reference to...............................A 5 Improvement of, and Oswego, message of Governor relative to appropriations for.............. S 3 Governor’s message relative to appropriation for, A 4 Jordan level of, report of Canal Commissioners in relation to.................................... S 4 Locks on, report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to doubling......................................A 4 Report of Canal Commissioners as to length and width of..................................... S 2 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to reso- lution of Assembly respecting expense of bringing into use one set of enlarged, on the Erie canal.................................. A 3 Report of the Canal Board in relation to length- ening ...................................... A 3 Memorial relative to report on....................A 7 Navigation on, and Champlain, report of the Canal Commissioners relative to suspensions of........A 5 Port Byron, communication from Canal Board rela- tive to line of, near.............................A 3 Port Byron, communication from Canal Board rela- tive to the line of, near.........................A 4 Port Byron, report of committee on pétitions and remonstrances in reference to change of line near, A 5 Receipts and expenditures of, number of superin- tendents, etc........................... ... A 3 No. 102 225 205 183 102 98 99 100 88 117 331 109 100 133 67 91 129 110 50 116 67 205 128 74 74 132 243207 CANALS — Continued. Erie Canal — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Erom 1817 to 1832, report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund of......................... S 1 38 1844 Borne, report of engineer relative to the enlarged.. S 3 110 1845 Beport of the Canal Commissioners relative to the new line of, through, etc................ S 2 70 1846 Borne level, report of Canal Commissioners relative to supply of water on.........................A 5 171 1855 Section 370, communication from Auditor in reply to a resolution respecting work on..............A 3 72 1845 Side-cut in, report of the Canal Commissioners on reference of the pétition of citizens of Troy rela- tive to a.......................................... ... A 3 57 1850 Sodus, report of Canal Eoard relative to, at......A 6 151 1831 Surplus water of, report of committee on canals rela- tive to the use of the.................................. A 4 355 1831 Surplus water of, at Lockport, see Lockport. 1831 At Watervliet, communication from Major Talcott relative to...................................A 3 207 1831 See Isaac Allen and others. 1833 See Frederick Bellinger. 1833 At Utica, see Joseph C. Bloomfield. 1833 At Lockport, report of Canal Commissioners con- cerning...................................... A 4 287 1834 At Macedon, report on pétition of D. H. Bichard- son for a grant of..........................A 4 298 1835 At Brighton and Pittsford, report on pétition for a grant of......................................A 2 83 1839 See Cyrus P. Dunham and others. 1839 See A. Parkhurst and John T. Dunn. 1834 Surplus water of, at Schoharie Creek dam, report on pétition of John Enders for a grant of........A 3 237 1841 Of Nine-mile Creek feeder, report on pétition of inhabitants of Camillus for a grant of........A 6 206 1847 Beport of Canal Board on pétition of town of Lenox relative to, on Borne level.............A 4 109 1837 Tolls, amount of, diverted by the latéral canals.... S 2 73 1839 On passengers, furniture and baggage, report of amount derived from, and on the propriety of allowing parallel railroads to transport the same free of toll, etc.............................A 6 355 1843 Comptroller’s report of the amount of, on passen- gers.................................................... S 1 21 1845 Beport of Comptroller respecting amount of, paid on freight shipped to or from latéral canals.... S 3 116 1845 Bemonstrance of inhabitants of Oswego against proposed, discriminating duties on...........,A 4 85 1845 On Oswego and, report of majority of committee on canals relative to discrimination of........A' 5 189 1845 Beport of minority on same subjecfc............A 5 190 1846 Beport of Comptroller relative to, etc.........A 4 113208 C AN ALS — Continuée!. Erie Canal — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Tonawanda level on, report of the Canal Commis- sioners relative to draining the.............A 4 149 1841 Tonnage of the, report of the Commissioners of Canal Fund respecting the....................A 5 193 1842 Erie canal enlargement and Black River and Gene- see Valley Completion Company, memorial for the incorporation of...............................A 7 160 1859 Reply of State Engineer and Surveyor to resolution of the Senate, relative to securing six feet depth of water in the........................................ S 2 117 1859 Report on bill, providing payment for work done and materials furnished on certain portions of the, S 2 75 1860 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to, at Tonawanda................................. A 2 77 1860 Report of committee on bill to pay for work done and materials furnished on portions of the...A 4 175 1860 Report of committee on bill to pay for work done and materials furnished on portions of the... S 1 25 1866 Answer of Commissioner Alberger to resolution of Senate inquiring relative to canal bank at Rochester.................................... S 2 68 1867 Memorial of J. B. Enos and others relative to divert- ing waters of Mohawk river into................A 7 140 1868 Report of engineer in charge of middle division, as to berme bank at Syracuse..................... S 3 36 1868 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor as to amount of water new réservoir at Otisco lake will contribute to Jordan level............................. S 5 74 1870 Opinion of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to swing-bridges over............................ S 2 27 1871 Report of Canal Board relative to enlarging locks on western division............................A 3 47 1871 Reply of Commissioner Fay relative to constructing swing-bridge at Lockport.......................A 6 83 Erie and Oswego Canal: 1867 Report of Assembly committee on enlarged locks of, A 6 111 Feeder Dam on the Genesee River: 1841 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition for the removal of................................... A 6 250 1841 Proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of Monroe county for the removal of......................A 7 274 Genesee Valley Canal: 1835 Report on pétition for the immédiate construction of, S 2 78 1835 Survey of route for...............................A 4 264 1836 do . ...........................A 1 42 1836 Report of committee on canals (Mr. Balland) on pétition for ... ........................... A 3 1401838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 209 CANALS — Continued. Genesee Valley Canal — Continued : doc# \0i Feeder from Conesus outlet to, the report of Canal Commissioners relative to......................A 2 Cost of, report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the, between the Alleghany river and the point where the Dansville side-cut intersects the said canal.......................................... S 3 Change of location of a part of, report of committee on canals on pétition for......................A 4 Side-cut to connect with the Genesee river.......A 4 Estimated cost of, report of Canal Commissioners.. A 5 Side-cut to Dansville, report on pétition for....A 5 Alteration of the plan to lessen the cost of, report of Canal Board on a resolution of Assembly........A 6 Feeder to, report on pétition for the construction of, A 4 Condition of, and the mode of supplying it with water, reports of engineer in relation to......A 3 Changes of the plan of locks, etc., under the act of May 1, 1839, report of Canal Board in relation thereto........................................A 8 Substitution of a railroad for a portion of the report of select committee on pétition for............A 5 Contracte for the construction of, of report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of Assembly, relative to..........................A 6 Keport of committee on canals on pétition for speedy completion of..... .....................A 7 Report of the Canal Commissioners relative to. ... S 3 Resolution relative to the completion of......... S 1 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to ....... S 3 do do do ............ S 3 Report of committee on canals respecting the appli- cation of Frederick Ho use and others to construct a slip and basin with the branch of, Dansville_A 7 Affidavit in relation to the proposed connection of the Dansville side-cut with....................A 7 Further in relation to the Dansville slip and basin, A 7 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to plan for constructing a réservoir on Mill creek, etc.... S 2 Report of committee on canals relative to the berme bank of the Dansville branch of ............... S 2 Report of committee on canals on bill from the Assembly to authorize Charles Shepard and others, to connect a slip and basin with the Dans- ville side-cut of............................. S 3 Report of committee on canals on pétition of Charles Shepard and others, relative to Dansville side-cut, A 4 Report of Canal Commissioners in reference to, and Dansville side-cut..............................A 4 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to preserv- ing unfinished work on........................A 5 27 No. 30 69 176 264 267 296 376 260 96 329 199 203 190 77 45 111 112 164 182 187 75 82 96 117 135 154210 CANALS— Continued. Genesee Yalley Canal — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. * 1845 Report of Canal Board in relation to locks on...A 6 202 1848 Report of Canal Commissioners as to probable cost of completing................................ S 2 58 1848 Report as to, and Black River..................A 3 97 1855 Reports of Canal Board, State Engineer and Sur- veyor and Canal Commissioners in reference to new feeder for................................A 7 140 1856 Report on pétition for an act of extension of..A 4 160 1857 Report relative to extension of................ S 2 53 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor respecting, S 3 103 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor concerning, S 4 114 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor and Canal Commissioners relative to the enlargement of.... A 1 35 1867 Communication from Staté Engineer relative to building locks on...................• * *.....A 8 172 1871 Report of daims, committee on pétition of citizens of Pennsylvania relative to feeder of.........A 6 82 1871 Report of Commissioner Fay relative to non-com- pletion of................................... A 7 86 Glens Falls Feeder: 1861 Communication from Canal Board relative to...... S 2 43 Hambürg Canal, Buffalo: 1847 Reports on......................................A 6 152 Junction Canal: 1833 Report on bill granting a loan to...............A 4 305 1839 Report of examination in reference to a purchase of the same by the State......................... S 3 90 1839 Report on pétition for the purchase of, by the State, A 4 188 1840 do do do do A 5 191 Oneida Lake Canal Company: 1831 Report on pétition to incorporate the...........A 1 49 1831 Report of Canal Board on bill to incorporate.... SI 64 1833 Report on pétition for the pre-emptive right to cer- tain land.............. ..............................A 3 196 1837 Purchase of, by the State, report of committee on canals on pétition for........................ S 1 27 1837 Purchase of, by the State, report of Canal Com- missioners on pétition for.................... S 1 16 1838 Purchase of, by the State, report of committee on canals on pétition for........................A 5 252 1839 Purchase of, by the State, report of committee on canals on pétition for........................A 2 33 1840 Purchase of, by the State, report of Canal Com- missioners on pétition for....................A 3 81 1840 Purchase of, by the State, report of committee on canals on pétition for........................A 5 165211 CANALS — Continued. Oneida Lake Canal Company — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report of the Canal Board in relation to the péti- tion for............................................ S 3 76 Oneida Lake Canal: 1854 Report of Auditor relative to tolls on, etc......A 2 74 1862 Report relative to tolls on... ................. S 5 83 1863 Communication relative to building locks on..... S 5 118 1864 Communication from Auditor relative to.......... S 4 77 1864 Communication from Canal Board relative to...... S 4 80 ) 3 60 1870 Report of expenses of repairs on...............v A ^ 1867 C jmmunication from Auditor as to tons moved and tolls paid on..............................A 7 150 1867 Report of State Eagineer relative to survey of route of.............................................A 4 73 1870 Communication from State Engineer relative to.... S 2 25 Oswego Canal: 1831 Deficiency in the revenue of, report of Comptroller relative to amount paid the Commissioners of the Canal Fund for the...........................A 4 339 1831 Report of Canal Board on pétition of the Oswego Canal Company for extra allowance for work done on said canal............ .......... ... A 4 309 1833 Surplus waters of the, report relative to leasing the........................................... S 2 57 1836 Report in relation to sales of land near the, and the diversion of tolls from the Erie canal by said canal................................................. S 2 73 1838 Lands overflowed by water on the, report of Canal Commissioners, etc.............................A 3 112 1839 Enlargement of, report of Canal Board on pétition for the........................................A 6 357 1839 Surplus waters of, report relative to leasing the.... A 6 370 1845 Remonstrance of New York Chamber of Commerce against increase of tolls on.................. S 2 61 1845 Pétition of inhabitants of Western New York for réduction of tolls on..........................A 4 81 1845 Report of majority of committee on canals relative to discriminating tolls on, and Erie...........A 5 189 1845 Report of minority of committee on canals relative to discriminating tolls on, and Erie...........A 5 190 1851 Report of select committee on bill in relation to. .. S 2 59 1851 Report of committee on daims of contractors.....A 2 31 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition for the enlargement of................................ A 4 129 1853 Message of the Governor relative to appropriations for the improvement of, and Erie.............. S 3 67 1853 Message of the Governor relative to making appro- priations for the improvement of, and Erie............A 4 91212 CANALS — Continued. OswEGo Canal — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1859 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor and Auditor relative to the original estimated cost of the. S 2 61 1860 Report of committee relative to completion of sec- tions Nos. 20 and 21 of the.....................A 4 137 Sacandaga Canal : 1837 Report on pétition for survey of a route for.......A 2 157 1840 Report on pétition for the construction of.........A 8 335 SoOTTSVILLE CANAL ASSOCIATION : 1841 Report of Canal Board on bill for the relief of. ... S 3 72 Sodus Canal : 1850 Report of Canal Board relative to..................A 6 151 1851 Mr. Townsend’s report on the renewal of the char- ter of......................................... A 3 64 1851 Mr. Burrows’ report on the same subject............A 3 65 1864 Report of committee on canals on pétition for reviv- ing charter...................... ... ......... S 4 62 1865 Communication from Canal Commissioners relative to............................................. S 2 43 1873 Commission, canal, report of, relative to steam motive power on canals.. ...................... S 3 71 CANAJOHARIE. 1863 Communication of Canal Board relative to sewer in, S 4 60 CANANDAIGUA. 1830 Suprême Court clerk’s office at, report on pétition for the removal of .........................A 2 176 1832 Hook and ladder company, report on pétition to organize....................................A 4 316 1833 Arsenal at, report on pétition for sale of.....A 4 328 CAREY, JOHN, JAMES, AND HORACE. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 89 CANANDAIGUA AND GENESEE RAILROAD, see Railroads. CANISTEO. 1855 Report of select committee on formation of a new county of..................................A 5 141 CANDEE, WILLIAM, AND SARAH HART. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 104 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 3 55213 1858 1858 1833 1832 1833 1835 1838 1838 1838 1837 1849 1850 1856 1865 1865 1865 1866 * 1867 1868 1869 1870 CANDEE, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 64 Report on daim of...........................A 4 119 CANFIELD, PALMER. Memorial of, in relation to lotteries....... S 2 108 CANFIELD, T., see Moses Brockway. CANISTEO RIYER. Dam across, report on pétition of Jared Ketchum to build............................................A 2 87 Dam across, report on pétition to autliorize R. G. Gilman and Isaac Myers to build...............A 2 50 Dam across, report on pétition of Wm. Woods to build.........................................A 1 38 Dam across, report on pétition of Arthur Erwin to build........................................ A 6 327 Bridge across, report on pétition of inhabitants of the town of Cameron to raise money to build.... A 5 291 CANISTEO, TOWN OF. Report on bill to confirm the élection of town officers, etc................................... A 5 255 CANTON, TOWN OF. Academy in, report on pétition for a tax for the benefit of the ...............................A 3 253 Report on bill to authorize the building of a plank- road in...................................... S 2 62 Report on bill to authorize road from, to Ogdens- burgh, to borrow money....................... S 1 13 CAPE MAY. Resolution relative to a breakwater at...........A 5 185 CAPITAL. Resolution of board of supervisors of city of New York, relative to removal of..................A 4 82 Resolutions of common council of Syracuse relative to removal of.................................A 9 197 Report of select committee relative to removal of.. S 3 74 CAPITOL POLICE. Annual report of............................... A 1 11 do A 4 81 do A 6 41 do A 2 21 do A 1 15 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. Still- well) ...........................................A 3 187 18321838 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1845 1846 1846 1847 1848 1848 1849 1851 1857 1859 1860 1839 1839 1839 1832 1832 1833 214 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT —Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. Edwards)...................................... S 2 97 Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. Ogden)........................................A 5 293 Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. McElrath).....................................A 6 378 Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. Simmons)......................................A 8 363 Report on pétition for the abolishment of (Mr. O’Sullivan)................................... S 6 249 Remonstrance of inhabitants of Salina against abolishing....................................A 7 133 Memorial of inhabitants of Guilford for abolish- ing.............. ..............................A 7 146 Memorial relative to............................ S 3 78 do ........................... S 3 97 Memorial of the inhabitants of Albany and Chenango counties, relative to......................... S 4 78 Memorial of the inhabitants of Albany and Chenango counties, relative to......................... S 4 97 Remonstrance against abolishing.................A 7 133 Pétition of A. G. Stevens and others, of Lockport, for the passage of a law to abolish...........A 3 59 Report of select committee on pétition for abolish- ment of.........................................A 7 249 Report of majority of select committee relative to.. A 6 213 Report of minority on same subject..............A 6 214 Report relative to abolition of.... ............A 2 95 Reports on......................................A 5 133 do .........................................A 5 191 Memorial of H. W. Taylor on..................... S 1 10 Report of select committee on...................A 4 109 Report of select committee in favor of abolishing.. A 3 170 Report of majority of committee relative to.....A 1 42 Report of select committee on pétition for repeal of death penalty.................................A 3 82 CAPITOL. Removal of the, report of select committee in rela- tion to the.....................................A 6 400 Removal of the, report of the minority in relation to the........................................A 6 401 Removal of the, report of the minority, in relation tothe.........................................A 6 402 Improvement of Assembly chamber and repairing the, communication from the trustées relative to the expenditures for the...................... A 3 196 Park fences, etc., report of committee on finance in relation to................................... S 2 92 Park fence, etc., report of trustées of the, in relation to............................................A 3 1501833 1834 1834 1839 1840 1841 1843 1845 1845 1846 1848 1848 1851 1864 1865 1866 1874 1868 1869 1870 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 215 CAPITOL — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Park fence, etc., report of select committee on the report of trustées...........................A 4 282 Park fence, etc., report of trustées in relation to the..........................................A 2 106 Park fence, etc., report of select committee in rela- tion to........................................A 3 205 Alterations in the, report of the committee recom- mending...................................... S 3 105 Alterations in the, report of expenditures for.A 7 293 do do do .........A 3 73 Repprt on the pétition of the officers and members of the Albany Republican Artillery Company for leave to erect a monument in the park to the memory of the late Col. John Mills...........A 5 145 Report of General Fonda on flag-staff on.......A 6 230 Report of select committee in favor of removal of.. A 5 153 Report of minority of select committee against removal of...................................A 5 175 Report as to warning of........................A 2 29 Report relative to removing....................A 5 148 Report of select committee on bill to remove...A 4 106 Communication from trustées of, and Senate com- mittee on public buildings, relative to plans for new....................... .................. S 4 59 Offer of site for, by supervisors of New York city .. S 2 44 CAPITOL (New). Proceedings of common council of Albany relative to site for .................................A 5 86 Testimony before Finance Committee of Senate on expenditures for............................. S 5 98 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. Communication from O. B. Latham................ S 3 27 Annual report of...................... ........A 10 167 do ............................... S 1 13 do ............................... S 1 11 Reply of, to resolution of Senate.............. S 1 9 Report giving detailed statement of expenditures . . S 1 16 Annual report.................................. S 1 5 Report of committee on ways and means on.......A 3 59 Minority report on.............................A 3 63 Annual report of............................... S 1 5 do ............................... S 1 9 do ............................... S 1 6 Report of committee on finance relative to.....S 7 95 Annual report of............................... S 1 13 Report on plans of new capitol................. S 6 49 Report relative to completion of new capitol... S 6 52 Remonstrance against change of plan for build- ing ...........................................S 6 65, 66216 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS — Continued. Doc.Yoï. No. 1877 Annual report of commissioner of........ ........ A 1 6 Remonstrance relative to changes in..............A 3 28 Testimony relative to............................A 8 138 1877 Majority report of committee on finance relative to construction of building....................... S 2 44 1877 Minority report of finance committee ............ S 2 47 1877 Supplémentai report of, relative to bids for com- pleting new capitol building................... S 2 27 CAPITOL COMMITTEE. 1870 Address of St. Louis, to Governor................ S 2 5G CAREY, JAMES, AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.........A 5 89 CARD, HENRY. 1851 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, A3 82 CAREY, ANDREW. 1869 Report of committee on claim of..................A 10 179 CAREY, JOHN. 1871 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on contested seat of..............................A 4 58 1871 Testimony taken in case of contested seat of.....A 3 27 CARLEY, JOSEPH. 1831 Report on pétition for bounty lands for revolution- ary services...................................A 4 333 CARLTON ISLAND. 1830 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for relief.A 2 92 CARLTON? TOWN OF. 1836 Report on pétition for a new tax-roll for the..A 2 71 CARMAN, CHARLES, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report upon claim of.............................A 3 44 CARMAN, DAVID. 1831 ' Report on pétition for bounty lands for revolution- ary services............................... ...A 4 315 CAROLINE, STEAMBOAT, ; ee Northern Frontier. CARPETING. 1844 Report of the Attorney-General on, etc...........A 3 75 CARR, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Champlain canal ............. A 3 75217 CARR, SALLY C. Doc. Vol. No. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A3 83 1856 Report on pétition for relief of................A 3 48 CARROLL & COOK. 1845 Geological contract of, transmitted by the Governor, A 2 78 CARSWELL, DANIEL. 1830 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Champlain canal...................A 1 40 CARTER, ADONIJAH. 1835 Report on pétition for relief, on account of injuries received while doing military duty............A 3 217 1839 Report on pétition for relief, on account of injuries received while doing military duty............A 3 265 CARTER, HANNAH S. 1857 Report of the committee on the pétitions of aliens, favorable on pétition of, for escheated lands.A 2 83 CARTER, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition to be released from the payment of certain moneys due the State...............A 4 386 CARTHAGE. Extension of the Black River canal from, to Sackett’s Harbor, see Black River canal. CAR VIS, JOHN. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 73 CASE, BRONSON & CO. 1856 Report on pétition of........................... S 2 79 1857 Report of standing committee on judiciary on péti- tion of....................................... S 1 13 CASE, CHARLES E. 1865 Report upon daim of.............................A 3 58 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 4 67 1867 do do do .........A 8 194 1867 do do do ............... S 2 72 CASE, JOHN. 1833 Report on pétition for a divorce................A 2 49 CASE, JOSEPH G. 1847 Report on pétition of........................... S 2 77 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 4 88 CASE, W. W. 1832 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his boat and cargo by weigh lock at Rochester .. A 2 120 1833 Report of committee on canals................... S 1 22 1834 Report of Canal Commissioners...................A 3 249 28218 CASLER, LEVI. Doc.Voi. No. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A 5 84 CASLER, LEVI, AND ALVAN RICHMOND. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, to be released as sureties for Johy Uhle, Al 49 CASLER, R. N. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A 1 24 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.A 5 133 CASLER, SAGE & CO., see Sage, Casier & Co. CASKILL AND OTHERS. 1862 Report upon daim of..........................A 8 219 CASS, HON. LEWIS, Secretary of State. 1859 Communication from. . A 1 37 CASTLE GARDEN. 1859 Report of commissioners of émigration relative to, A 3 130 1872 Testimony taken before committee on commerce and navigation relative to affaire of, at Castle Garden.....................................A 10 148 1872 Report of committee on commerce and naviga- tion on affaire of.................................A 10 143 CASTILE, TOWN OF. 1832 Report relative to tbe boundary line of.♦ .. A 2 172 CASTLE, GIDEON. 1830 Report on daims of, to certain land..........A 3 233 1830 Report of committee on public lands on the same... A 4 348 1831 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 1 14 1831 do do .......A 4 403 1832 do do .......A 2 125 CASWELL, H. 1845 Report of committee on canals in the case of..A 6 238 CATHARINE, TOWN OF. 1833 Report relative to highway labor in..........A 4 254 1860 Report of committee relative to the division of .... A 4 122 CATHOLICS, ROMAN. 1853 Report on pétition of certain, relative to the édu- cation of their children...........................A 4 97 CATLIN, LEONARD. 1856 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 66 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief........... A 3 32 CATLIN, THEODORUS, AND FRED. GREEN. 1847 Report on pétition of........................A 4 108 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 1141834 1856 1856 1835 1837 1837 1838 1839 1832 1868 1831 1836 1836 1833 1831 1837 1838 1839 219 CATLTN, TOWN OF. D0C. Voi. No. Report on pétition to incorporate a botanic society in.................... ......................A 2 95 Majority report on bill to alter boundaries of, and Vétéran...................................... S 2 44 Minority report on same subject................ S 2 59 CATO CANAL COMPANY, see Canals. CATSKILL. Report on pétition from, to raise money to rebuild bridges over the Kakerskill .. ................A 4 273 Dry Dock Company, report on pétition to incorpo- rate ............................................A 2 54 Schoharie creek, report on pétition for a survey of, A3 28 Canal from, to the Erie canal above Schenectady, report on pétition for.........................A 5 212 Canal from, to the Erie canal above Schenectady, report on pétition for.........................A 4 251 Banks, see Banks. CATSKILL AND ATHENS TURNPIKE COMPANY. Report on pétition to incorporate................A 2 155 CATSKILL AND CANAJOHARIE RAILROAD, see Railroads. CATSKILL AND ITHACA RAILROAD, see Railroad. CA TT AR AU GU S AND ALLEGANY RESERVA- TION. Rsport of Commissioners as to damages sustained to lands on................................... S 5 72 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. Court-house and jail, report on pétition to raise money by tax to complété.......................A 2 135 Bridges across Cattaraugus creek at Zoar, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build........A 4 241 Bridges in town of Olean, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build....................A 4 274 Creek fishery, report on a pétition for a law to pro- tect the.......................................A 4 248 Dodge’s creek in, report as to declaring it a public highway_____*..................................A 4 326 Pétition of inhabitants of, upon the subject of bank- ing............................................A 3 200 Justices of the peace in (Reuben Cheney), report on pétition to confirm his official acts..........A 5 285 Suprême Court commissioner, îeport on bill to appoint........................................A 6 336220 C ATT AK A U GU S COUNTY — Continued. E 1842 Report respecting the érection of a new county from parts of Chautauqua, Erie and......... S 2 43 1845 Report on same subject....................... S 1 30 1847 Report relative to pétition of supervisors of.A 7 194 1853 Report relative to the érection of a new county from parts of Chautauqua, Erie and...............A 3 57 1859 Report of surrogate of........................A 3 122 ♦CATTARAUGUS CREEE. 1859 Report of committee relative to bridge across.A 3 148 CATTARAUGUS RESERVATION. 1846 Message of Governor relative to Indians on.... S 2 57 1859 Report of committee on Indian affaire, relative to bridge across Cattaraugus creek.............A 3 148 1864 Report of committee on Indian affaire, relative to unpaid taxes.............................. S 3 30 CATTLE PRAGUE. 1868 Report of commissioners on rinderpest. .......A 2 13 1869 Report of commissioners on Texas............. S 1 9 1870 Report of commissioners on rinderpest.........A 1 14 CAUCUS RETURNS. 1846 Abstract of..................................... Al 5 CAUGHNAWAGA INDIANS, see Indians, Caugh- nawagas. CAÜLKING, EBENEZER. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of certain land for the non-payment of principal and inter- est on......................... ............ S 1 17 OAULKINS & COLE. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 2 44 CAUSES. 1862 Report of clerk of Court of Appeals relating to, pending in said court......................A 3 36 CAYUGA BRIDGE COMPANY. 1848 Report of Attorney-General relative to.........A 5 140 1855 Report of committee on pétition of.............A 4 89 1857 Report of committee on daims, adverse on pétition of, for damages sustained by the construction of the Cayuga and Seneca canal..........................A 3 209 CAYUGA COUNTY. 1830 Race course in, report on pétition for a law to regu- late, etc....................................A 8 275 1832 Jail, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build........................................A 2 124221 CAYUGA COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Jail, report on pétition for a loan to complété.. S 1 13 1835 Jail, report on pétition relative to the situation of Noah Burnham, a prisoner confined in............. A 3 209 1837 Court-house, report on pétition for a loan to com- plété ......................................... A 1 21 1838 Court-house, report on pétition for a loan to com- plété ........................................ A 2 16 1836 Constables* fees, report on pétition of board of supervisors for a law to regulate, etc...........A 3 181 1859 Report of treasurer of..............................A 2 59 1859 Report of surrogate of..............................A 2 74 Commissioners or Loans in, see Daniel Avery. Inspectors’ Report: 1831 Beef and pork, annual report of George W. Gunn.. A 2 109 1832 do do do ..A3 175 1833 do do do .. S 3 177 1835 do do do .. A 2 82 1836 do do do .. S 1 46 1837 do do do 2 126 1838 do do do .. S 3 139 1839 do do do .. S 2 32 1840 do do do .. A 3 63 1831 do do Zadock Hall......A 3 202 1840 do do Stephen Bouton.. A 5 201 1833 Sole leather, annual report of A. Parsons.......... S 2 67 1834 do do do S 2 77 1835 do do do S 2 61 1835 do do H. R. Graves........ S 1 20 1837 do do do S 1 40 1833 do do David B. Wheeler... S 2 46 Seneca Canal, see Canals. CAYUGA INDIANS, see Indians, Cayugas. CAYUGA LAKE. 1833 Inlet of, improvement of, report of canal board on pétition for the............................. A 4 244 1833 Inlet, improvement of, report of committee on canals, on pétition for the....................A 4 267 1834 Inlet of, improvement of, report of Canal Board on pétition for the...............................A 4 348 1835 Inlet of, improvement of, report of Canal Commis- sioners relative to survey of................ A 4 297 1837 Inlet of, improvement of, report of Canal Commis- sioners relative to survey of...........................A 2 90 1839 Outlet of, report on pétition to repair the free bridge across.........................................A 4 234 1858 Outlet of, report as to obstructions in the. ....A 1 46 1864 Communication frora Canal Board relative to dis- charge of waters from.................................. S 4 74222 CAYUGA LAKE AND INLET. Doc.Voi. No. 1834 Report relative to killing ducks in............A 4 349 CAYUGA LAKE AND INLET STEAMBOAT COMPANY. 1830 Report on pétition to increase the capital of..A 4 312 CAYUGA MARSHES. 1830 Report of commissioners for draining the.......A 3 287 1830 Report of Comptroller on pétition for an investiga- tion of the expenditures and accounts of the com- missioners appointed to drain the...........A 2 178 1831 Report of commissionera asking for an additional appropriation............................... S 1 45 1831 Report of select committee on the same......... S 1 51 1831 Report of Comptroller in relation to the.......A 2 70 1831 Report of select committee on the Comptroller’s report......................................A 4 330 1832 Report of the Attorney-General concerning the com- missioners for draining the, and their treasurer. .Al 6 1832 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the sur- vey of the, etc.............................A 2 51 1833 Report of James Geddes relative to draining the. .. A 3 192 1840 Report on pétition for an extra appropriation to pay an assessment for draining the..... ........ S 3 94 1852 Report of commissioners respecting draining.... S 2 66 1853 Report of committee relative to draining....... S 2 35 1860 Report of committee relative to draining the... A 3 97 1850 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to draining....................................A 3 101 CAYUGA AND ONTARIO SHIP CANAL COM- PANY. 1864 Communication from Canal Board relative to..... S 3 47 CAZENOYIA LAKE. 1839 Report relative to fishing in..................A 4 164 CAZENOYIA, YILLAGE OF. 1833 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the_A 3 227 CEMENT, HYDRAÜLIC. 1840 Report of H. S. Dexter in relation to........... S 4 123 1840 Report on pétition of E. C. Warner, to appoint a committee to examine a cernent made by him, etc. A 7 297 CEMENT, HYDRAÜLIC COMPANY. 1840 At Laurenceville, upon pétition to incorporate.A 3 94 CEMETERIES, etc. 1842 Report on pétitions for law to protect the sanctity of the grave...................................A 7 186223 1853 1858 1831 1832 1834 1836 1835 1841 1841 1845 1846 1851 1846 1851 1856 1856 1858 1856 1861 1865 1872 1876 1877 1877 1877 1875 1877 1877 1832 1836 CEMETERIES, etc.— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges in relation to the better protection of public burying grounds............................ A 2 21 Report on bill to prevent the desecration of grave- yards and ................. ..................A 4 111 CENSES. State, for the years 1825 and 1830 .............. A 4 308 Of the several congressional districts, in 1820, 1825 and 1830...................................... S 1 65 State, for the years 1810, 1820, 1825 and 1830..A 2 66 State, for 1835, Secretary of State’s report trans- mitting........................................A 3 114 State, report as to, requiring the blind inhabitants to be enumerated, etc................... .... A 1 65 State, for 1840, letter from the marshal of the northern district in relation to the.......... A 2 31 State, for 1840................................ A 4 117 State, report of committee on Indian affairs in rela- tion to........................................ S 2 84 Indian, report of Secretary of State relative to. S 1 24 Seventh communication from Governor relative to, A 6 157 State, report of, transmitted by Secretary of State ..Al 5 Communication from Governor and Secretary of the Interior relative to.......................... S 2 63 State, for 1855, report of committee on...........A 4 165 Communication relative to........................ S 1 8 Reports of, reply of Secretary of State to resolution in reference to............................... S 2 45 Communication from Secretary of State relative to.. S 1 8 Communication from superintendent of, relative to census of this State.......................... S 2 61 Communication from Secretary of State relative to, S 1 6 Reply to resolution of Senate relative to the aggre- gate population of each of the countie§ of the State, June 1, 1871.......................... S 1 18 Communication from Secretary of State, relative to, A 6 55 Printing and binding of, communication from Secre- tary of State relative to.......................A 8 113 Préparation of ...................................A 3 34 Reply of Secretary of State relative to...........A 3 23 Centennial history of the State, report of ways and means committee on.............................A 5 53 Centennial Commissioners, State Board of, report of, A3 37 Commission, report of Director-General of.........A 8 101 CENTERYILLE. Congregational society of, report on pétition to sell certain lands....................... .......A 4 323 Congregational society of, committee on two-thirds bills.......................................A 3 111224 CENTIGRA.DE THERMOMETER. Doc. vol. No. 1842 Report of Regents of Uni ver si ty relative to the S 4 94’ CENTRAL ASYLUM FOR THE DE AF AND DU MB, see Deaf and Dumb. CENTRAL PARK. 1860 Report of commissioners of the, in answer to resolu- tion of March third, relative to certain proceed- ings of said commissioners.............. S 1 63 1860 Report of commissioners of the, in answer to resolu- tion of March third, relative to certain proceed- ings of said commissioners..................... A 1 64 CERTIORARIS AND APPEALS FROM JUS- TICES’ COURTS. 1833 Report in relation to..................... A 4 273 1845 Bill to remove cases decided by the Canal Board to the Suprême Court by, report of committee on finance relative to .... ....................... S 3 103 CHAMBERLAIN, B. 1836 Letter from, in relation to the navigation of Allegany river............................... S 2 76 CHAMBERLAIN, C. T. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 192 CHAMBERLAIN, ENOCH, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 197 CHAMBERLAIN, JACOB. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 114 CHAMBERLAIN, ORRIN. 1843 Report of committee on daims on his pétition. S 3 85 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1863 Communication from, relative to enlargement of canal locks............................. S 4 71 1863 Memorial of, relative to harbor defenses of New York city................................A 4 58 CHAMPION, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition for a loan to build bridges across Black river............................. A 8 336 CHAMPLAIN, TOWN OF. 1836 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in .........................A 3 112 CHANCELLOR. 1832 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company............. S 2 1121834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1835 1836 1836 1836 1839 1840 1840 1840 1843 1843 1843 1846 1847 1830 1831 1839 225 CH ANCELLOR — Continued. D0C. y0i# No. Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company.............. S 2 59 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company ................A 4 284 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company.................A 3 143 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company.................A 3 257 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company.................A 6 353 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company................ S 3 70 Communication from the, in relation to the New York Life and Trust Company.................A 8 353 Communication from the, relative to the reorganiza- tion of the court of chancery...............A 2 94 Communication from the, relative to the reorganiza- tion of the court of chancery...............A 4 222 Communication from the, relative to the reorganiza- tion of the court of chancery...............A 4 279 Communication from the, in relation to the business of his court............................... S 2 72 Report of, on pétition of H. Sniffen and wife for a divorce.....................................A 5 304 Report of, on pétition of H. Sternberg in relation to funds invested in chancery, etc............ S 4 102 Communication from the, transmitting a catalogue of the library of the court of chancery.... S 4 121 Communication from the, transmitting a report of the clerk of 2d circuit.....................A 5 187 Communication relative to the New York Life Insur- ance and Trust Company....................... A 2 37 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly respecting the amount of the fund of the court of chancery on the lst of January, 1843 .......A 3 57 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to dispatch of business in the court of chancery....................................A 4 86 Report of, relative to notices required to be pub- lished in the State paper.................. S 3 96 Communication from.......................... S 4 113 Vice-Chancellor : Report on bill to repeal so much of the Revised Statutes as gives to them exclusive jurisdiction in certain cases......................................A 3 210 Vice-Chancellor, First Circuit: Report on pétition for the appointment of a........A 1 41 Pétition from members of the bar relative to the business before the............................. S 2 36 29226 CHANCERY, CLERKS IN. Doc.Yoï. No. 1843 Report of......................................... S 3 81 First Circuit, see Assistant Register. Second Circuit : 1835 Alexander Forbus, report of amount of fees re- ceived by him.................................A 3 243 1836 Alexander Forbus, report of amount of fees re- ceived by him....................... .........A 2 45 1840 Alexander Forbus, report relative to accounts and business of his office........................A 5 187 1840 Alexander Forbus, relative to the bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc.................A 4 118 Third Circuit, see Register. Fourth Circuit: 1835 G. M. Davidson, report of amount of fees received by him........................................A 3 245 1836 G. M. Davidson, report of amount of fees received by him................. - -...................A 2 90 1840 G. M. Davidson, report relative to bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc.................A 3 90 1840 G. M. Davidson, report relative to accounts and business of his office.................... ... A 5 169 Fifth Circuit: 1835 James Williams, report of amount of fees received by him........................................A 3 240 1836 James Williams, report of amount of fees received by him........................................A 2 55 . 1840 James Williams, report relative to bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc.................A 5 178 1840 James Williams, report relative to accounts and business of his office........................A 5 186 Sixth Circuit: 1835 J. L. Woods, report of amount of fees received by him...........................................A 4 309 1840 R. B. Monell, report of accounts and business of his office........................................A 6 250 1840 R. B. Monell, report relative to bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc.................A 3 93 Seventh Circuit: 1835 S. A. Goodwin, report of amount of fees received by him........................................A 3 244 1836 S. A. Goodwin, report of amount of fees received by him........................................A 2 44 • 1840 S. A. Goodwin, report of accounts and business of his office ...................................A 5 206 1840 S. A. Goodwin, report relative to bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc.................A 5 2131835 1840 1840 1846 1835 1836 1835 1836 1835 1836 1835 1835 1836 1835 1836 1838 1838 1839 1840 1842 1831 1835 227 CHANCERY, CLERKS IN — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Eighth Circuit: S. L. Seldon, report of amount of fees received by him...............................................A 3 249 S. L. Seldon, report of accounts and business of his office...................................... ... A 6 219 S. L. Seldon, report on pétition of, to be allowed to retain amount certain expenses of his office, out of the moneys received by him....................A 4 106 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to the expenses of his office, during the year ending December 31, 1845................................... S 2 48 Fees or: Report of Alexander Forbes, clerk of 2d district, of amount received by him............................A 3 243 Report of Alexander Forbes, clerk of 2d district of amount received by him........................... A 2 45 Report of G. M. Davidson, clerk of 4th district, of amount received by him........................... A 3 245 Report of G. M. Davidson, clerk of 4th district, of amount received by him................'..........A 2 90 Report of Jas. W. Williams, clerk of 5th district, of amount received by him............................A 3 240 Report of Jas. W. Williams, clerk of 5th district, of amount received by him........................... A 2 55 Report of I. L. Woods, clerk of 6th district, of amount received by him........................... A 4 309 Report of S. A. Goodwin, clerk of 7th district, of amount received by him............................A 3 44 Report of S. A. Goodwin, clerk of 7th district, of amount received by him............................A 2 44 Report of S. L. Seldon, clerk of 8th district, of amount received by him............................A 3 249 Report of I. Sutherland, clerk of 8th district, of amount received by him............................A 1 23 Resolution to appoint a committee to ascertain the annual amount of..................................A 5 273 Report of committee appointed to ascertain the annual amount of..................................A 6 351 Report of select committee (Mr. Stout), in relation to................................................A 4 186 Comptroller’s report of the amount paid into the treasury, etc................................... A 3 77 Report of Comptroller relative to.................. S 2 30 CHANCERY, COURT OF. Report concerning the jurisdiction of, on sums less than $100 ..................................... S 1 48 Delays in the, the remedy, etc., report of the Chan- cellor in relation to.............................A 2 95228 CHANCERY, COURT OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Delays in the, tlie remedy, etc., report of the Chan- cellor in relation to............................A 4 222 1836 Delays in the, the remedy, etc., report of the Chan- cellor in relation to............................A 4 279 1839 Memorial of the New York bar, for the appointment of commissioners for the dispatch of the arrears of equity business...................................... S 2 36 1842 Act for the relief of..............................A 5 94 1843 Report of Chancellor relative to dispatch of business in...............................................A 4 86 1843 Catalogue of the library of.......................A 5 166 Foreclosüre of Mortgages in : Number of bills filed, number of decrees of sale, the number of sales under such decrees, costs allowed, etc. 1840 Report of clerk of 2d district.......................... A 4 118 1840 Report of clerk of 4th district..................... A 3 90 1840 Report of clerk of 5th district......................A 5 178 1840 Report of clerk of 6th district......................A 3 84 1840 Report of clerk of 7th district.................... A 5 213 1840 Report of register...................................A 5 166 1839 Report of Mr. Edwards in relation to the............ S 1 28 1839 Report of Mr. Healey in relation to..................A 6 407 Fitnds Invested in : 1838 Register’s report of amount of........................A 6 293 1838 Assistant register’s report of amount of................A 6 356 1838 Report of select committee in relation to...............A 6 356 1840 Chancellor’s report on pétition of Herkimer Stern- berg, relative to..................•............... S 4 102 1840 Report of clerk of the 2d district, with the master’s report thereon.......................................A 5 187 1840 Report of clerk of the 4th district, with the master’s report thereon..................................... A 3 90 1840 Report of clerk of the 5th district, with the master’s report thereon.....................................A 5 186 1840 Report of clerk of the 6th district, with the master’s report thereon..................................... .A 6 250 1840 Report of clerk of the 7th district, with the master’s report thereon.......................................A 5 206 1840 Report of clerk of the 8th district, with the master’s report thereon.....................................A 6 219 1836 Register’s report of amount of........................ A 4 300 1840 Assistant register’s report of..........................A 7 281 1840 Register’s report of....................................A 6 230 1843 Report of Chancellor relative to amount of, on lst January, 1843 .......................................A 3 57 1847 Report relative to..................................... S 4 120 1849 Report on condition of................................. S 3 73 1852 Report relative to......................................A 2 56 1856 do ........................................ S 3 113229 1834 1846 1836 1837 1837 1837 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1840 1841 1841 1832 1832 1835 1835 1836 1836 1838 . 1838 1839 1830 1838 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1843 1843 1846 1832 1832 CHANCERY, COURT OF — Continuel Reorganization on : . £)0C. Report of committee on the judiciary relative to the, S Resolution offered by Mr. Powers for the.......... S Resolution reported by committee on the judiciary, for the....................................... A Resolution offered by Mr. Bradish for the.........A Resolution offered by Mr. Edwards for the......... S Resolution offered by Mr. Patterson for the........A Resolution offered by Mr. Ogden for the............A Report and resolution by Mr. Edwards for the...... S Resolution offered by Mr. Yerplanck for the....... S Resolution offered by Mr. Taylor for the...........A Report of the committee on the judiciary, on the same.............................................A Resolution proposed by Mr. Taylor for the.........A Report and resolution by Mr. Simmons for the .... A Report of select committee on the same.............A CHANCERY, REGISTER IN. Report of amount of fees received by him.........A Report of select committee in relation to his fees .. A Report of amount of fees received by him.........A do do do ..............A do do do ..............A Report of, relative to the funds in the court of chancery...................................... A Report of, relative to the funds in the court of chancery...................................... A Report relative to his loaning and using chancery funds......................................... A Report of select committee in relation to his fees... A Resolution to appoint a committee to ascertain the annual amount of his fees.......................A Report of said committee ..........................A Comptroller’s report of amount of fees paid into the treasury, etc.................................. A Report of, relative to the business and accounts of his office......................................A Report of, relative to bills filed for the foreclosure of mortgages, etc............................. A Report of, relative to the affairs of the City Bank of Buffalo........................................ A Report transmit tin g a pétition and documents rela- tive to the City Bank of Buffalo.................A Report of......................................... S do .......................................... S Report of, relative to clerks in his office....... S Fees of: Report of select committee in relation to.......A Report of James Porter of amount received by him, A Vol. No, 2 107 1 27 4 265 3 173 1 13 1 24 5 267 1 28 2 50 1 15 3 93 3 60 4 136 7 288 3 203 4 309 3 238 4 314 2 96 4 300 6 296 6 356 4 186 5 273 6 351 3 77 6 230 5 166 4 87 4 108 3 81 3 119 1 39 4 309 3 203230 1835 1835 1836 1838 1838 1839 1840 1845 1845 1835 1835 1836 1836 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1840 1840 1843 1843 1846 1846 1835 1835 1836 1836 1838 1838 1839 1840 CHANCERY, REGISTER IN — Continued. Fees or — Continued : Doc. Vol< No. Report of James Porter of amount received b y him, A 3 238 do do do A4 314 do do do A 2 96 Resolution to appoint a committee to ascertain the annual amount of.................. ...........A 5 273 Report of committee appointêd to ascertain the annual amount of........ .....................A 6 351 Report of select committee (Mr. Stout) in relation to, A 4 186 Comptroller’s report of amount paid into the treas- ury, etc.........................................A 3 77 Report of Comptroller relative to amount of, charged and not paid into the treasury since September 30, 1844 ......................................... S 2' 48 Report of Comptroller respecting, and salaries of.. S 2 50 CHANCERY, ASSISTANT REGISTER IN. Report of amount of fees received by him.........A 3 246 Report of amount of fees and expenditures........A 4 306 do do do ....... A 3 144 do do do .......A 4 254 Report of, relative to funds invested in the court of chancery......................................A 6 297 Resolution to appoint a committee to ascertain the annual amount of fees received by him, etc....A 5 273 Report of the said committee..................... A 6 351 Report relative to his loaning chancery funds....A 6 356 Report in relation to his fees...................A 4 186 Comptroller’s report of amount of fees paid into the treasury......................................A 3 77 Report of, relative to business and accounts of his office........................................A 7 281 Report of........................................ S 3 81 do .......................................... S 3 119 do .......................................... S 1 39 Report of, relative to clerks in his office...... S 2 54 Fees or: Report of John Walworth of amount of, received by him..........................................A 3 246 Report of John Walworth of amount of, received by him........................................ A 4 306 And expenditures, report of amount of...........A 3 144 do do ............ A 4 254 Résolution to appoint a committee to ascertain the annual amount of............................5 273 Report of committee appointêd to ascertain the annual amount of.............................A 6 351 Report of select committee (Mr. Stout) in relation to, A 4 186 Comptroller’s report of amount paid into the treas- ury, etc....................................... A 3 77231 CHANCERY, ASSISTANT REGISTER IN — Con- tinuée!. Fees of — Continued : Doc. Yol. No. 1845 Report of Comptroller relative to amount of, charged and not paid into the treasury since September 30, 1844 ...................................... S 2 48 CHANDLER, ABEL. 1845 Report of committee on daims on bill for the relief of........................................ S 2 68 1845 Report of committee on grievances on the pétition of..........................................A 3 37 CHANDLER, WILLIAM H. 1859 Report on claim of.............. .............A 3 112 CHAPIN, CYRENUS. 1837 Report on pétition for the sale of certain lands to, a stipulated price.........................A 4 324 CHAPIN, W. W., see E. Granger. CHAPLAINS, see Législature, Chaplains of, etc. CHAPLIN, LUC Y 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 81 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief.. .........A 3 97 CHAPMAN, BEACH AND McOMBER, see Beach, Chapman and McOmber. CHAPMAN, DAN. 1837 Report on claim for services during the révolution, A 3 209 1838 .do do A 6 307 CHAPMAN, E., AND OTHERS, see Doty, Allen and others. CHAPMAN, HIRAM, AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 147 CHAPMAN, I., see L. Beebe and I. Chapman. CHAPMAN, NANCY. 1831 An imprisoned debtor, report on pétition of.A 2 174 CHAPPELL, N. 1856 Report of committee on pétition for relief.A 1 22 CHARGE D’AFFAIRES OF UNITED STATES AT PARIS. 1843 Communication from, transmitted by Governor.... A 4 119232 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Doc. Vol. No. 1848 Report as to receipts, etc., of................A 5 139 First Senate District: 1841 Report of commissioners on the condition of.....A 1 4 1842 Report of committee relative to.................A 2 19 1843 Report of commissioners of..................... S 1 42 1844 Report of State Commissioners relative to the faith- ful expenditure of money for................. S 2 70 1845 Report of commissioners appointed to supervise the expenditure of moneys raised and collected for certain...................................... S 2 62 CHARITABLE PURPOSES. 1850 Report of commissioners on expenditures for State, S 3 114 CHARITABLE SOCIETIES. 1848 Report of minority of committee on bill for incor- porating.............................. ............. S 2 45 1860 Report of minority of committee on bill allowing charitable and religious societies to vote by proxy, SI 66 1864 Report of committee on, and testimony taken in relation to Institution for Blind in New York.... S 4 89 CHARITIES, PUBLIC. 1847 Report concerning............................. S 3 92 See Public. CHARLOTTE RIVER. 1838 Report relative to fishing in..................A 6 340 1875 Charlotte, pétition of the trustées of village of_A 6 69 CHARTERS, see Corporations. CHASE, CHARLES G., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief................................................A 2 72 CHASE, ESTHER. 1831 Report on claim of, to certain land sold by the Sur- veyor-general by mistake............................A 2 78 1831 Report on claim of, to certain lands sold by the Sur- veyor-general by mistake..............................A 4 335 1834 Report on claim of, to certain land sold by the Sur- veyor-general by mistake..............................A 4 291 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1830 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.................................... A 4 397 1831 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the, A 3 310 1832 Report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a, S 1 19233 CHAUTAUQUA COÜNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No 1834 Report on pétition to raise an additional sum to complété the................................A 3 246 1834 Court-house, report on pétition for a.........A 1 10 1834 Report on bill to provide for the érection of the... S 2 54 1832 County buildings, report relative to the location of, A 3 221 1831 Division of, report on pétition for the ...... S 1 75 1838 General sessions of the peace, report on pétition to repeal an act relative to the...............A 1 1 1840 Treasurer of, report of majority of select committee in relation to the.......................... S 1 31 1840 Treasurer of, report of minority of select committee in relation to the......;................... S 1 32 1842 Report concerning the érection of a new county from parts of Cattaraugus, Erie and......... S 2 43 1843 Proceedings of démocratie convention of.......A 5 178 1845 Report respecting the érection of a new county from parts of Cattaraugus, Erie and......... S 1 30 1853 Report on same subject.......................A 3 57 1859 Report of surrogate of........................A 1 50 1859 Report of treasurer of............. ..........A 2 65 Banks in, see Banks — Chautauqua county. CHAZY RIVER, BIG. 1851 Report of railroad committee respecting draw-bridge over........................................A 5 145 1852 Report on pétitions to improve navigation of.A 2 57 CHEESBRO AND OTHERS, see Baker and Cheesbro. CHEESMAN, JOSEPH. 1835 Report on pétition to erect a dock adjoining his land in North Hempstead.....................A 4 308 CHEEVER, SAMUEL. 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of..A 5 130 CHEMUNG AND SU SQUEH ANN A RIVERS. 1830 Report of select committee relative to the survey of, and the connection of the Otsego lake with the Erie canal, by canal or railroad........A 1 63 1831 Survey of, report of Canal Commissioners in rela- tion to the.................................A 3 278 CHEMUNG COUNTY. 1837 County buildings, majority report relative to the removal of..................................A 3. 240 1837 County buildings, minority report relative to the removal of..................................A 3 241 1837 Poor-house, report on pétition for a loan to build.. A 3 164 1840 Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolish the, A 6 267 30234 1845 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1859 1859 1833 1837 1845 1845 1837 1837 1839 1833 1840 1834 1840 1837 1834 1835 1836 1837 CHEMUNG COUNTY —Continued. Report of tlie Canal Commissioners on reference of the pétition of citizens of, relative to Seneca and Cayuga canal................................A Report of committee on canals on pétition for a canal in....................................A Report of committee on the érection and division of towns and counties on pétition for a new county from parts of Otsego, Delaware and...A Report of minority of committee on same........A Report on pétition of citizens of, and Steuben, Tompkins and Yates counties, for érection of a new county..................................A Minority report on same........................A Report of treasurer of......................... A Report of surrogate............................A CHEMUNG RIYER. Report on pétition to prevent fishing with seines in the......................................... Dam across, report on pétition for a, at or near “Upper Narrows.”............. .................A CHENANGO BRIDGE. Report of judiciary committee on...............A Report on the..................................A 6 239 CHENANGO COUNTY. County buildings, report relative to the removal, and on pétition to raise money to build a new court-house.................................A Minority report on the same....................A Report on pétition for a loan to complété the..A Report on pétition of commissioners for loaning money......‘................................A Road in, report on pétition to repeal an act to lay out a, passed May 25, 1836 .................A Road from the valley of the, report on pétition for a, to the Hudson river......................A New county from parts of, Otsego and Delaware, with the county seat at Unadilla, report on péti- tion for.................... ..................A New county from Madison and Otsego, report on pétition for....... ........................A Inspéctor of sole-leather, annual report of George P. Hudson...................................... S Inspéctor of sole-leather, annual report of George P. Hudson......................................A Inspéctor of sole-leather, annual report of George P. Hudson...................................... S Inspéctor of sole-leather, annual report of George P. Hudson......................................A Doc. Vol. E No. i A 7 246 t A L 4 112 A 4 97 A ► 4 105 L A 2 62 A 2 81 A 1 48 A 2 74 A 4 310 A 2 158 A 6 229 A 6 239 A 2 70 A 2 71 A 3 92 A 3 187 A 4 145 A 6 363 A 6 242 A 2 131 S 2 93 A 4 328 S 1 50 A 3 269235 CHENANGO COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on pétition of Oneida and Onondaga Indians relative to land in Broome and.......................A 7 215 1859 Report of treasurer of........................A 3 96 1859 Report of surrogate of........................A 3 111 CHENANGO FORES. 1835 Report on pétition from, for a lock from the Che- nango canal into the Chenango river.........A 2 93 CHENANGO RIVER. 1831 Dam across, report on pétition of Charles Sprague to maintain a...............................A 3 232 CHENANGO, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for the division of the . . S 2 86 CHENEY, REUBEN. 1838 Report on pétition to confirm his official acts as a justice of the peace........................A 5 285 CHERRY VALLEY. 1840 Road from, to Manheim Bridge, report on pétition to repeal law to lay out a..................A 5 357 CHESEBRO, THOMAS W., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 3 54 CHESEBROUGH, AND OTHERS, see Brayton and Chesebrough. CHESTER, TOWN OF. 1856 Report on pétition of inhabitants^of, and Potters- ville.......................................A 3 64 CHIEF JUSTICE, see Suprême Court. CHILD, JONATHAN, see Harvey, Ely and others. CHILD, JONATHAN, AND JNO. T. TALLMAN. 1841 Report on pétition for interest on damages awarded to them.....................................A 6 216 1841 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 6 246 CHILDREN OF VOLUNTEERS. 1863 Annual report of Union Home, for éducation of- S 5 76 CHILI, TOWN OF. 1840 Bridge across Genesee river in, report on pétition for a loan from the State to build a........A 6 248 CHINA, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition for the division of the....A 2 191 1836 First Congregational Society in, report on pétition to sell real estate..... ...................A 3 111236 CHIPMAN, JEFFEEY. D 1833 Report on pétition relative to the élection of justices of the peace............................... A 1 35 1833 Report of Attorney-General.....................A 2 99 CHITTENANGO AND OTHER CREEES. 1836 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the waters of.................................. S 2 80 CHITTENANGO, VILLAGE OF. 1830 Literarv institution, memorial of J. B. Yates in rela- tion to............................................ S 1 39 1830 Report of committee on literature on memorial of J. B. Yates................................ S 2 124 CHITTENDEN, ELI. 1859 Memorial of, asking for execution of contract with Commissioners of the Land Office, April 10,1856.. S 2 53 CHOATE, BENJAMIN L. 1856 Report on pétition for relief.............. A 4 176 CHOLERA, ASIATIC. 1832 Message from the Governor in relation to the.A 4 320 1832 Report on the subject of....................A 4 331 1832 do ........................ S 2 115 1850 Communication from Governor................ S 1 36 1850 Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges concerning................................. S 3 92 CHOLERA. 1867 Communication from New York Homœopathic Medi- cal Society as to treatment of................... S 2 76 CHRISTY, R. 1861 Report on claim of..........................A 2 58 CHURCH, CALEB C., AND HARVEY NORTON. 1842 Report on pétition of...................... A 2 44 CHURCH, PHILIP. 1833 Report on pétition of, to suspend the sale of certain land for non-payment of taxes.............A 4 289 1836 Report on pétition to be relieved from liability as security for Moses Van Campen, a commissioner of loans for Allegany county.................... A 4 293 CHURCH, PHILIP, AND OTHERS, see New York and Erie Railway Company. CHURCH, SARAH. 1849 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition pray- ing for appointment of spécial guardian for, with authority to sell certain real estate............A 3 1271838 1876 1836 1846 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1882 1832 1832 1833 1835 1835 1835 1835 237 CHURCHES, ETC. Doc. Vol. No. Exemption of, from taxation, report concerning-A 5 262 do do do .... A 7 131 CICERO, TOWN OF. Great marsh in, report relative to draining--A 1 19 CIRCUIT CLERKS, see Chancery, etc. CIRCUIT COURTS, SEVENTH DISTRICT. Report of Comptroller relative to expenses of. S 1 35 CIRCUIT JUDGE. First Circuit: Ogden Edwards, report of amount of fees received by him...........................................A 2 163 Second Circuit: C. H. Ruggles, report of amount of fees received by him.................................................A 3 193 Third Circuit: J. Yanderpoel, report of amount of fees received by him.................................................A 2 122 Fourth Circuit: Esek Cowen, report of amount of fees received by him...............................................A 2 147 Fifth Circuit: Nathan Williams, report of amount of fees received by him ..........................................A 2 139 Sixth Circuit: Robert Monell, report of amount of fees received by by him..............................................A 2 135 Seventh Circuit: Daniel Mosely, report of amount of fees received by him.................... ......... ................A 2 134 Eighth Circuit: Addison Gardner, report of amount of fees received byhim...............................................A 2 132 CIRCUIT JUDGES. Report of Attorney-General relative to the power of the Législature to increase the jurisdiction of-A 4 293 Résolution to abolish the office of................A 3 193 do do .................A 4 337 do do .................A 4 338 Report of select committee on the same............A 4 370238 CIRCUIT JUDGES— Continuée!. D0C y0i. No. 1835 Resolution to abolish the office of.............. S 1 27 1837 do do Al 24 1838 do do .................A 5 267 1839 do do ................. S 2 50 1839 do do Al 15 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same, A3 93 1840 Resolution to abolish, etc.......................A 6 270 CITIES. 1855 Report of select committee relative to passage of bill to amend act respecting railroads in.....A 5 136 1857 Report of standing committee on banks relative to financial condition of............... ........ S 2 54 1859 Report of committee on révision of charter of the city of Syracuse (majority)...................A 3 106 1859 Report of committee on révision of charter of the city of Syracuse (minority)...................A 3 107 1859 Report of committee on révision of New York city charter antendments (minority)................A 3 169 1859 Report relative to New York city railroads.......A 3 128 1860 Report of committee in relation to city railroads. .. A 4 106 1864 Report of minority of committee, relative to increased compensation of metropolitan police... A 6 99 1864 Report of minority of committee, relative to increased compensation of tax commissioners in New York city................................. S 3 48 1875 Spécial message of the Governor on...............A 10 159 1875 Committee on, minority report of, relative to Fifth Avenue pavement. ... .........................A 6 72 1877 Government of, report of commission on the.......A 6 68 CITIES, MAYORS OF. 1836 Resolution to amend the Constitution so as to make them elective...............................A 2 75 1837 Resolution to amend the Constitution so as to make them elective.................................A 2 148 1838 Communication from the Secretary of State, relative to the publication of a proposed amendment____A 2 28 1838 Report of the committee on the judiciary on the report of the Secretary of State .............A 3 110 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary on the said amendment.....................................A 3 96 1845 Civil officers, report of Secretary of State, of. S 1 4 CITIZENS, EMINENT, DECEASED. 1873 Message from Governor relative to statues of..... S 3 41 CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1877 Committee on, see Nassau . . ....................A CIVIL PROCEDURE, see Code of Civil Procedure.239 CIVIL SUITS. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Imprisonment in, report to amend law in relation to, A 1 132 CLAIMANTS ON CANAL FUND. 1859 Money paid to...............................A 3 97 CLAIMS. 1834 Report on bill in relation to, adverse......A 4 300 1844 Digest of...................................A 6 140 1845 do .............................. .......A 7 252 1846 do .................................... .. A 6 210 1850 Report of committee on, on improper présentation of........................................... SI 27 1850 Appendix to report of committee on..........A 4 61 1851 Digest of, presented to the Législature since 1843 ..SI 5 1851 Digest of, presented to the Canal Board, from its organization to March 1,1851.............. S 2 50 1853 Digest of, communication from the compiler.. S 1 6 1853 Communication from Auditor in relation to, for the allowance of which there is no authority of law ..A3 56 1853 Report of committee on, on general bill for the final settlement of................. ...........A 4 87 1854 Digest of................................... S 1 51 1854 Communication from canal department relative to certain.................... ... .......... S 2 85 1855 Digest of, by W. H. Bogart.................. S 1 11 1856 do do .................... S 3 109 1856 Digest of, by H. C. Paige...................A 1 14 1862 Digest of, by Auditor, for 1860 and 1861.... S 1 7 1862 Claims and awards by Canal Appraisers from 1851 to 1862 ..........................■....... S 1 24 BAKER, ABNER, AND BYRN, JOHN. 1872 Report on committee on pétition of..........A 7 86 BEEKMAN, SAMUEL. 1872 Report of committee in case of................. A 10 157 HEWÎT, D. G. 1872 Report of committee on pétition of..........A 10 142 PERINTON. 1872 Report of committee on pétition of town of..A 7 74 PHILBRICK, JOSEPH, AND SPICER, MILO M. 1872 Report of committee on pétition of..........A. 7 85 PRATT A CO. 1872 Report of committee on pétition of..........A 8 111 SCHAUB, NICHOLAS, AND OTHERS. 1872 Report of committee on bill relative to.....A 7 73240 STEONG, THOMAS J. Doc.Voi. No 1872 Report of committee on pétition of..............A 10 149 TYRRELL, JOHN AND JAMES. 1872 Pétition of, for relief for loss of canal boat.A 2 35 CLANCY, DAVID. 1833 Report on pétition relative to, for the payment of certain surplus money received on the sale of cer- tain land for taxes..............................A 2 40 1833 Report on pétition relative to, for the payment of certain surplus money received on the sale of cer- tain land for taxes.................... .... A 2 67 CLAPP, BENJAMIN B. 1861 Report on claim of.. .......................A 5 124 1862 do do ,................................... A 4 55 CLAPP, HAWLEY D. 1864 Communication from Gen. Dix relative to arrest of, S 3 93 CLARENCE, TOWN OF. 1841 Burying-ground in, report concerning........A 4 291 CLARK, AMBROSE, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 5 173 CLARK, BENONI, see Sally L. Duval. CLARK, BRACKETT H. 1865 Report upon claim of........................A 3 46 ( 2 60 1866 Report of daims, committee on pétition of_..-JS ^ g2 1868 do do ______ ... A 9 117 CLARK, CHESTER. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 3 78 CLARK, CHRISTOPHER (Colonel). 1834 Report on claim for services during the last war... S 1 39 CLARK, ERSKINE G., AND OTHERS. 1868 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 9 118 1869 Report on daims, committee on pétition of.A 10 172 1870 do do do ...........A 95 CLARK, GEORGE. 1831 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the Erie canal..............A 4 334 1831 Report of committee on daims................A 4 352 1832 Report of committee on canals...............A 3 226 1833 Report of committee on daims................A 4 264241 CLARK, GUSTAYUS. Doc.Yoï. No. 1854 Report on pétition of.... .................. S 1 58 CLARK, JABEZ. 1858 Report on claim of................................A 4 136 1859 do ................................A 3 112 CLARK, JAS. R. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 2 80 CLARK, JANSON, AND OTHERS. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief........... S 1 43 CLARK, JOHN (an alien). 1830 Report on pétition to hold real estate.......A 2 108 CLARK, LEWIS R. 1869 Report of daims, committee on daim of.............A 10 196 CLARK, LOT. 1831 Memorial of, relative to surplus waters at Lockport, A 2 91 CLARK, MERRITT. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 3 90 CLARK, MERRITT, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on their pétition---A 5 173 1846 Report of committee on daims on bills for relief of, S 4 124 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 3 71 CLARK, PETER W. 1865 Report on claim of...........................A 3 46 CLARK, RANSOM, AND DANIEL CORNELL. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 2 87 1849 do do do ...........A3 158 1850 Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties on bill for relief of............. S 3 110 1850 Report of select committee on bill for relief of.A 3 26 1852 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 14 CLARK, REED, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 5 173 CLARK, SAMUEL. 1830 Report on pétition of the heirs of................A 4 424 CLARK, STROYER AND SUMNER. 1839 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Glen’s Falls feeder.....................A 2 69 CLARK, SYLYESTER. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 2 21 31242 CLARK, WILLIAM. Doc. y0]. No. 1838 Report on pétition to change his name........A 5 294 CLARK, WILLIAM AND DE WITT. 1839 Contractors on the Chenango canal, report on péti- tion for further compensation..............A 4 246 CLARK AND SKINNER, SLIP. 18§3 Communication from Auditor relative to....... S 1 16 CLARY, JOSEPH. 1834 Report on pétition to pay for services as attorney in an ejectment suit, etc.....................A 3 189 CLAXTON, RICHARD. 1862. Report on pétition of........................A 6 115 CLAY, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition to change the name of the.A 3 248 CLEYELAND, CATHERINE. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 8 195 1867 Coal monopoly, testimony relative to.........A 7 160 CLEYELAND, E., AND J. WHIPPLE. 1833 Commissioners of loans for Madison county, report on pétition of.............................A 3 156 CLEYELAND, MOSES. 1831 Report on pétition to compel the town of Salem to remunerate him for certain expenses incurred as a commissioner of highways................ A 4 313 CLEVELAND, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable, on pétition of, for damages by water from culvert.......A 2 82 CLEMENS, JOSHUA W. 1852 Report on pétition of....................... A 2 54 CLEMENS, S. W., AND J. LAFOY. 1845 Report of the Canal Commissioners on pétition of.. A 4 132 1850 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 31 1855 Report of committee on ways and means on pétition of.........................................A 1 21 CLERGYMEN. 1830 Report on pétition to vacate the seat of the Hon. N. Fox, a member of the Assembly, on accountof his being a....................................A 4 376 1838 Exemption of, from taxation, report on pétition to repeal the law relative to.................A 5 262243 CLERGYMEN— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Exemption of, from taxation, report on pétition to repeal the law relative to..................A 4 180 1840 Exemption of, from taxation, report on pétition to repeal the law relative to...................A 5 182 1831 Exemption of, from taxation, report on pétition to repeal the law relative to...................A 6 226 1838 Report on pétition to prohibit them from acting as inspectors of common schools, etc............A 5 262 CLERKS IN CHANCERY, see Chancery. CLERK OF COURT OF APPEALS, see Court of Appeals. CLERKS IN STATE OFFICES. 1859 Replies of State officers, relative to those employed in the departments...........................A 3 132 133, 136, 139, 141, 147, 151, 152 1862 Report of Comptroller as to those employed in his office, being interested in tax sales........A 4 77 1865 Report of finance committee on bill to pay extra compensation to............................. S 3 62 CLERKS OF THE SUPREME COURT, see Suprême Court. CLEYELAND, PALMER. 1843 Memorial of, in relation to the employment of State prison convicts...............................A 5 159 CLINTON COUNTY. 1832 Academy, report on pétition of, relative to the distri- bution of the Literature Fund.................A 2 59 1833 Common pleas, report on pétition to abolish the January term................................. A 2 83 1833 Health law, report on pétition that the amount expended under the, by said county, be refunded out of the State treasury.....................A 1 33 1832 Rédemption of land sold for taxes, report on péti- tion from, to amend the law relative to the.........A 1 27 1849 Road in, from Plattsburgh west through the town of Saranac, report of pétition for aid to im- prove a......................................... ... A 3 267 1831 Report on the same....................... ... A 3 267 1832 do ............................ S 1 62 1833 Road from Whitehall to the north bounds of, report on pétition for aid to open and im- prove a................................. ... A 3 253 1831 Report on the same............................ A 3 110 1830 Franklin military road, report on pétition to appoint commissioners to inspect the accounts of tolls received on the, etc..................................A 3 282244 CLINTON COUNT Y — Continued. Doc. VoL No. 1843 Report of committee on roads and bridges, on the pétition of inhabitants of St. Lawrence, and for a wagon road....................................A 4 84 1849 Report of committee on roads and bridges, on péti- tion of sundry citizens of, and Essex and Wash- ington counties relative to ro&d from Whitehall to Plattsburgh..................................... A 3 186 1854 Report of committee on judiciarv on pétition of supervisors of................................A 3 122 1859 Report of surrogate of........................... A 3 91 1859 Report on pétition for relief for certain towns in, and the county of Essex..........................A 3 149 CLINTON, DE WITT. 1839 Governor’s message recommending the érection of a monument to................................. S 1 1 1839 Report of select committee on the same.............A 4 215 CLINTON, GEORGE. 1839 Report on the expediency of erecting a monument to..................................‘.........A 6 392 CLINTON, WILLIS L. 1865 Report of committee on claim of................. A 7 153 CLINTON PRISON, see State Prison, Clinton. CLINTON, TOWN OF. 1846 Report on bill to confirm the élection and official acts of the officers of the .................... S 3 75 CLOUGH, PERCY ANN. 1862 Report on pétition of...........................A 6 139 1863 do ..............................A 5 74 CO AL. 1830 Report on pétition of Matthew Cadwell and others for a premium, provided they discover a coal mine within ten miles of the Erie canal.............. ...A 2 175 1840 Report relative to reducing the canal tolls on .A 8 343 1865 Communication from Canal Board relative to tolls on............................................ S 1 16 1865 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on same. .. S 3 71 COAN, CLAUDIUS C. 1843 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 3 68 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..... S 1 35 COASTING LAWS. 1866 Communication of Canal Board relative to........ S 1 36 COIN. 1866 Report of Senate finance committee relative to pay- ing interest on State debt in. ................. S 2 59245 COBB, E. B. doc. Vol. No. 1834 Communication from, relative to a State prison for female convicts. ... .................... S 2 103 COBB, ED WIN H. 1852 Beport on bill for relief of............A 1 IG COBLESKILL, TOWN OF. 1845 Report of select committee relative to turnpike road in........................................A 4 103 COBURN, EDMUND. 1850 Report of committee on daims on claim of....A 5 113 COCHRAN, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS, see New York Trinity Church. COCKET, S. 1831 Report on pétition to be restored to the rights of citizenship.................................A 3 273 COCKETT, JOHN. 1835 Report on pétition to continue a dam across the Sus- qu ehanna.................................. S 1 17 COCKMAN, G. W., AND ELIZA. 1832 Report on pétition to change the name of......A 2 123 COCKS & HARMON. 1864 Report on pétition of....................... A G 111 CODD, MATTHEW. 1833 Report on pétition to change his name.........A 2 70 CODE, COMMISSIONERS OF. 1847 Report of.................................... S 4 14G 1848 Report of, under resolution...................A 2 31 1848 do do ............ ........A G 211 1848 Communication from John A. Collin, resigning office of..........................................A 2 28 1849 Report of, relative to highways, ferries, etc.A 1 12 1846 Report of Comptroller in relation to moneys drawn by A. L. Robertson, one of................. A 2 42 1849 Communication from A. L. Robertson............A 2 4G 1849 Report of Comptroller under resolution of Assembly respecting expenses incurred under act appointing commissioners of practice and pleadings.....A 2 G9 1849 Communication from A. L. Robentson resigning his commission................................ A 5 223 1849 Communication from A. L. Robertson resigning his commission .... .......................... S 1 5 1850 Amount paid them.............................A 3 44 1850 Communication from, in answer to resolution..A 5 9G 1850 Report of.....................................A G 149 1864 do ........................................... S 4 97246 1864 1865 1850 1850 1850 1850 1855 1848 1847 1847 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1848 1849 1849 1850 1838 1838 1839 1830 1847 1838 CODE, COMMISSIONEKS OF—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of, animal.....................A 7 180 do .........................S 2 49 CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. Report of commissioners........................A 2 16 Report of Mr. Graham, dissenting.... ...........A 2 17 CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Report of commissioners on practice and pleadings relative to.................................. A 2 18 Report of commissioners on practice and pleadings final.........................................A 3 19 Report of select committee on....................A 7 150 CODE OF PRACTICE AND PLEADINGS. Report as to révision of........................A 5 183 Commissioners of: Report from, as to progress, etc.............. A 7 202 Report from, in answer to a resolution..........A 8 235 Report of, under resolution of 12th January....A 2 17 Report of.................................A 2, 31 6 211 Report of committee on judiciary on bill to continue in office.....................................A 2 47 Report of minority of, on same bill.............A 2 51 Minority report respecting......................A 3 167 Report of Comptroller respecting expenses incurred under act appointing..........................A 2 69 Committee from............................... S 1 6 Report of judiciary committee on............... S 2 67 Communication from Comptroller on cost of print- ing and binding reports of................... S 1 33 CODY, BEAUMONT & HECOX. Contractors on the Erie canal, report on pétition for relief.........................................A 3 121 Contractors on the Erie canal, report on pétition for relief ........................................A 5 215 Contractors on the Erie canal, report on pétition for relief ..........................................A 4 239 COFFIE, ELEANOR. Report on pétition for the release of certain land said to be escheated......................A 4 337 COFFIN, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for rémunération for loss sustained on stock issued for Chemung canal loan of 1841 ........... A 2 54 COGSWELL, JEREMIAH. Report on pétition for the relief of the family of, late a superintendent on the Erie canal......A 5 258247 COGGSWELL, THEODORE J. doc. Voi. No. 1873 Testimony taken before cominitteeon privilèges and élections, in contesting seat of James M. Oakley, A4 51 COHOCTON, TOWN OF. 1833 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in.............................A 2 127 1834 Report on pétition to annex part of, to the town of Dansville......................................A 2 85 COHOES COMPANY. 1833 Report on pétition for damages by the canal.....A 4 243 1834 Report on pétition to construct a tunnel under the Erie canal, etc........................ .... A 3 227 1834 Report on bill for the relief of . .............. S 2 95 1835 Tow-path bridge across the Mohawk, constructed by the, report concerning.........................A 4 364 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal, and for a grant of portion of the Erie canal.................................. S 2 60 1841 Report on pétition to be relieved from the further care and protection of the tow-path bridge con- nected with their bridge across the Mohawk.........A 7 257 COHOES, VILLAGE OF. 1836 Inspector of wood and stone at, report on pétition for an.........................................A 4 307 COIN. 1 13 1863 Communications and reports relative to payment , q 2 34 of interest of State debt in.............. ' 5 82 5 9 L COLBURN, EDW. S. 1857 Report of minority of judiciary committee....A 3 62 COLDEN, R., AND MARIA BLAKELY. 1847 Devisees of Maria H. Williamson, report on pétition of.........................................A 2 94 COLD SPRING HARBOR. 1840 Report on pétition of John H. Jones to erect a wharf at.........................................A 7 283 COLE, AMOS. 1842 Report on pétition of. ......................A 4 71 COLE AND CALKINS. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 2 44 COLE, ENOS. 1856 Report on claim of.......................... S 1 36248 COLE, GEORGE. d0c. Vol. No. 1853 Canal department, report of Auditor in relation to mileage of................................A 5 122 COLE, ISAAC J. 1830 Report on pétition to confîrm his official acte as commissioner of deeds........................A 4 363 COLE, MOSES, see William L. Crossett and otkers. COLEMAN, WILLIAM. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 9 128 1870 do do do .............A 11 184 COLE, SAMUEL J. 1865 Report on pétition of.......................A 4 87 COLE, WILLIAM AND OTHERS. 1839 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal..........................A 2 25 COLESYILLE, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition to require the commissioners of common schools in to give bonds, etc.......S 2 46 COLLUMER, CHARLES. 1867 Report daims committee on pétition of..... 1867 Report daims committee on bill for relief of 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of..... COLLEGES, etc., see Medical colleges. 1837 Report of amount of appropriations made to....... S 1 32 1838 Report on pétition to prohibit praying, etc., in_A 2 55 1838 Report recommendingan appropriation for alimited time to....................................... 5 236 1846 Report of committee on, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to....................... A 4 133 1850 Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges, see Governor’s message relatin g to colleges, S 3 92 1851 Report on memorial from academies and........... S 2 49 1851 Report of committee on finance and appropriations to, and academies........................... S 2 49 1856 Report of Comptroller as to aid to...................... Si 32 1857 Report of Comptroller in reply to resolution rela- tive to loans to academies and..... ........ A 3 155 1858 Report of Attorney-General respecting the constitu- tionality of an act to incorporate, etc.......A 1 41 1859 Report of committee of colleges, academies and common schools, relative to appropriation to Madison University............................A 4 175 1875 Report of Regents of University relative to, and academies.....................................A 7 119 Agricultural, see Agricultural College, State. A i ^ 24 (7 139 S 2 71 S 5 55249 COLLEGES — Continuée!. Columbia. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report of trustées of..............................A 3 286 J 838 Report recommending an appropriation to...........A 5 236 1839 Report on pétition for aid to.......... ........A 4 248 1841 Communication from the president of............... SI 2 1841 Report on pétition for aid to......................A 4 124 1843 Report of committee on pétition of trustées of..A 2 30 1855 Report of select committee appointed to examine into afïairs of................................. S 2 67 De Veaux: 1858 Annual report of the, for orphans and destitute children........................................ S 3 118 Genesee : 1850 Memorial of...................................... A 5 86 1860 Report of committee on pétition for aid to........ S 1 32 COLLEGES. Genesee : 1869 Report of minority of Assembly committee on pub- lic éducation as to removal of................. A 6 99 Geneva: 1832 Report on pétition for aid.............................A 4 329 1835 Report on pétition for power to confer the degree of “ Doctor of Medicine ”............................. A 3 182 1836 Message from the Governor returning a bill in relation to. ..................................... S 2 110 1838 Report recommending an annual appropriation to.. A 5 236 1841 Medical department of, report on pétition for aid to.. A 3 62 1848 Report of committee on literature on pétition of. .. S 2 23 Hamilton: 1830 Report of regents of the University relative to the affairs, etc., of the.............................. A 4 373 1834 Report on pétition for aid................... .. S 2 60 1837 Memorial of the trustées of, for aid................. S 1 15 1837 Memorial of the trustées of, in relation to a pétition from the students of................................A 3 268 1837 Communication from C. O. Shepard relative to the memorial of trustées of,............................A 4 311 1838 Report recommending an annual appropriation to.. A 5 230 1848 Report of committee on literature on pétition of. .. S 2 23 Hobart Free: 1856 Memorial of the trustées of..,.........................A 3 94 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for unpaid appropriation ...... ................A 1 54 1863 Memorial of, relative to lands bestowed upon this State by the United States....................... S 4 662 32250 COLLEGES — Continuée!. Literary and Theological Institution, Hamilton. doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition to incorporate...................A 7 309 Madison University: 1847 Report of committee on, on an act for relief of...A 6 158 1848 Report of committee on literature on pétition of ... S 2 23 1843 Report relative to..................................A 3 111 ^ 1849 Memorial in relation to............................ S 2 37 1849 Remonstrance against the repeal of an act relative to, S 2 52 1859 Report of committee relative to appropriation to... A 4 175 1859 do do do ... S 2 116 Metropolitan : 1852 Minority report against a charter for...............A 2 87 N. Y. University : 1831 Memorial for the incorporation of the...............A 3 197 1838 Report recommending an annual appropriation to.. A 5 236 1838 Report on pétition to be relieved from a judgment obtained by the agent of the State prison against the................................................A 6 335 1839 Report on pétition to be relieved from a judgment obtained by the agent of the State prison against the.........................................................A 4 254 1839 Investigation of the, pétition of George Zabriskie and others for an................................ S 3 92 1839 Investigation of the, pétition of Henry Tappan and others for an................................... S 3 93 1839 Investigation of the, memorial of a committee of the council of the............................. S 3 94 1840 Brief history of the origin and progress of the.... S 1 2 1840 Report of the Regents of the University relative to the............................................. S 1 10 1842 Report of committee on pétition of medical faculty of............................................. A 5 125 1849 Report of committee on colleges, academies, etc., in relation to......................................A 3 164 People’s : 1853 Report of minority of committee on agriculture in relation to incorporatin g...................... A 2 38 1853 Report of majority on same subject................ A 2 42 1865 Communication from Regents of University relative to.............................................. S 2 45 Rochester University : 1851 Memorial of trustées of............................A 3 68 1857 Report of committee on ways and means on bill making appropriation to the......................A 3 148 St. Lawrence University : 1857 Report of committee on ways and means on pétition for an appropriation to the......................A 2 143251 COLLEGES — Continued. St. Pàül’s : Doc. Yol. No. 1840 Report on pétition to incorporate.................A 6 247 Union : 1830 Annual report of the trustées of................. A 4 306 1831 do do A 4 357 1832 do do A 3 271 1833 do do .................. SI 43 1834 do do A 3 7 198 1835 do do A 2 219 1836 do do A 4 238 1837 do do S 2 50 1838 do do A 5 247 1839 do do S 3 102 1840 do do S 3 96 1841 do do S 3 66 1842 do do S 3 56 1843 Report of the trustées of, for the collegiate year ending July, 1842 ............................ A 4 77 1844 Annual report of trustées of...................... A 3 80 1845 Annual report of................................. A 5 188 1846 Annual report of trustées of.......................A 4 129 1847 do do S 3 56 1849 Report of trustées of, in answer to resolution of Assembly......................................A 5 213 1849 Annual report of trustées of...................... A 5 232 1850 Report of majority of select committee.............A 6 146 1850 Report of committee on colleges (Mr. Pruyn) on affaire of... . ................. ............A 6 147 1851 Annual report of trustées of ......................A 5 145 1850 do do ...................... A 8 190 1851 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution relative to.................................. S 2 26 1851 Report on the condition of........................ S 3 71 1852 Report of the commission on....................... S 2 58 1853 Report of a majority of the commissioners to ex- amine the affaire of.......................... S 2 41 1853 Memorial of trustées of (at end of report)..........S 2 41 1853 Memorial of president of (at end of report)---- ... S 2 41 1863 Résolution of Mr. Beekman on pétition of Levinus Yanderheyden andothers........................ S 2 68 1853 Annual report of.......*..........................A 5 134 1851 Report of majority of committee of investigation into affaire of. ............................. S 1 5 1854 Annual report of trustées of.......................A 4 142 1855 do do ...........................A 5 139 1858 Annual report of...................................A 4 128 1859 do A 1 6 1861 do A 5 130 1862 do A 6 184 1863 do A 221252 COLLEGES — Continuée!. Union — Continued : Doc. Yol. No. 1864 Annual report of.............................A 7 182 1865 do ...............A 179 1866 do ...............A 6 124 1867 do ...............A 4 76 1868 do ............... A 8 51 1869 ' do ...............................A 10 181 1870 do ...............................Ail 204 1877 Communication from Regents of University rela- tive to............................................A 3 27 College Point: 1872 Report of Poppenhusen Institute at............A 8 110 College Land Scrip: 1874 Majority report of committee on....... S 4 92 1874 Minority report of committee on............... S 4 93 COLLINS AND HITCHCOCK. 1851 Report of Canal Board on claim for damages... S 1 18 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition of. S 2 21 COLLINS, CHARLES, AND OTHERS. 1868 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 9 104 COLLINS, DAVID, AND OTHERS. 1856 On pétition of................................A 4 115 COLLINS, ISAAC. 1865 Report on pétition of........................A 7 138 COLLINS, TOWN OF. 1831 State roads in, report on pétition to discontinue a part of the................................A 4 284 COLLINS, WOOLSTON AND HUGHES. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 5 174 COLMAN, WILLIAM, see John Carr and others. COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE STATE. 1839 Memorial of the New York Historical Society, for the appointment of an agent to transcribe documents in Europe relative to the..................A 3 153 1839 Report of select committee on the same.......A 4 231 1842 Committee from the Governor relative to..... S 4 85 1842 Mr. Brodhead’s report on.....................A 1 2 1842 List of documents relative to................A 7 195 1844 Report of select committee relative to....... S 1 42 1845 Governor’s message, transmitting the final report of the agent appointed to procure documents in Europe relative to......................... S 1 47253 COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE STATE —Con- tinued. Doc. y0i. n0. 1845 Report of Mr. Folsom, from the select committee, on same subject................................. S 3 ,111 1849 Communication from Secretary of State relative to manuscript documents in his possession, concern- ing and recommending their publication......A 3 188 1851 Communication from Governor and Secretary of State, respecting..................... .....A 3 66 1853 Report of Comptroller relative to expenses of, etc. .SI 24 1853 Report of Secretary of State respecting.......... S 2 43 1857 Report of Comptroller relative to cost of, and Doc- umentary History.................. .........A 1 10 1857 Report of Secretary of State to resolution relative to, A 2 70 1857 Report of the Comptroller in reply to resolution relative to cost of.........................A 2 81 1857 Report of Secretary of State in reply to resolution relative to printing, etc...................A 2 134 1851 Communication of Governor and Secretary of State, respecting..................................A 3 66 1860 Communication from the Secretary of the Regents of the University respecting................ SI 76 COLONIZATION. 1852 Report in relation to..........................A 2 44 COLONIZATION SOCIETY, AMERICAN. 1830 Resolutions of the législatures of Georgia and of Missouri relative to the constitutional power of Congress to appropriate money to aid the............A 1 13 1830 Memorial of the................................ S 4 333 1831 Resolution of the Législature of Ohio relative to the constitutional power of Congress to appro- priate money to aid the.....................A 3 233 COLONIZATION SOCIETY, STATE. 1830 Memorial of the, presenting the pétition of the American Colonization Society............... S 4 333 1832 Memorial of the, for àid.......... ............ S 2 89 1851 Report of the committee on charitable and religious societies on the memorial of................A 3 71 1855 Memorial of, relative to colored émigrants..... S 2 55 1856 Minority report on bill to promote the objects of .. A 3 70 1856 Majority report on same subject ...............A 3 74 COLORED PERSONS. 1843 Resolution of Georgia législature respecting citizen- ship of.....................................A 3 51 COLORED PERSONS, FREE. 1840 Report on pétition to prevent kidnapping of....A 8 341 1831 Report on pétition to ex tend the riglit of suffrage to..........................................A 5 183254 COLORED PERSONS, FREE—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report on the resolution proposed by Mr. Duer to extend the right of suffrage to............A 5 181 1842 Report of committee on pétition to extend elective franchise to............................. A 7 155 COLTON, CLINTON S. 1864 Report on pétition of........................A 3 74 COLTON, GEORGE H., see William Gibbs and others. COTON, JOHN. 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 3 71 COLTON, P. C. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages by falling of a bridge across the Cham- plain canal......................... ........A 2 102 COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1831 Court of common pleas, report on pétition to change the time of holding..........................A 1 35 1834 Court-house and jail, report on bill to provide for the érection of..............................A 4 377 1836 Report on pétition to amend the law for the érection of...........................................A 4 270 1836 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to convert the, into a city hall .............................A 4 287 1832 Bridges, report on pétition to make certain bridges in, a county charge............................. S 2 108 1840 Assessment roll, report on pétition to extend the time for delivering the, to collectors, etc..A 6 253 1837 Dog-tax, report on pétition to amend the law.. .. A 1 47 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the same...........A 4 257 1831 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of E. Hay- ward.........................................A 2 156 1831 Inspector of beef and pork, annual j-eport of Ichabod Rodgers......................................A 2 142 1833 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of Ichabod Rodgers......................................A 3 167 1847 Report of Comptroller relative to expenditures of money in.....................................A 2 99 1858 Report relative to reimbursements of money to .... A 3 67 1859 Report of surrogate of............................ A 2 66 COLUMBUS, IRVING’S LIFE OF. 1833 Report relative to the introduction of, into the com- mon schools.......................................... A 4 333 COMBS, SARAH. 1845 Report of committee on aliens on the pétition of . .. A 3 47255 1854 1864 1865 1870 1870 1870 1871 1830 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1834 1834 1835 1838 1838 1840 1841 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. Doc. Vol. No. Report relative to Law of 1801............. S 2 99 Report of committee on Niagara ship canal bill- S 3 21 Report of committee on bill to regulate the use of wharves and ships by the New York Mail Steam- ship Company................................A 7 136 Report of Assembly committee on, relative to sale of Marine Hospital grounds, Staten Island....A 11 208 Report of Assembly committee relative to riots at Ward’s Island ..............................A 11 198 Report of Assembly committee relative to manage- ment of Weehawken ferry.....................A 11 205 COMMERCIAL UNION. Resolutions of convention of............... S 4 64 COMMISSARY-GENERAL. Annual report.....,...........................A do ...................................... A do ... .................................A Report relative to using the arsenal at Malone for a school-house..................................A Report relative to the arsenal lot in New York.A do do do do .........A Report on pétition for the sale of the arsenal at Canandaigua............................... A Annual report................................. A do .......................................A do .......................................A do .......................................A do .......................................A do ...................................... A Report relative to the attack on the arsenal in New York........................................ A Communication from, relative to the Middlebury academy........................ ... ........A Spécial report relative to the issue of arms and stores to the troops called out to suppress riots in New York.................................. A Report in relation to arms and ordinance unlawfully taken from the arsenals of this State.........A Report of, to the Governor, in relation to the ordi- nance on Navy island........................ A Annual report.................................. A do ..................................... A Report of, on pétition for an arsenal at Buffalo .... A Report of, relative to the construction of an arsenal in New York................................. A Annual report of................................A do A do A Communication from Governor transmitting report of............................................ 2 200 2 122 2 58 3 231 3 275 4 275 4 238 2 79 1 28 1 17 1 32 2 48 2 40 4 389 4 368 3 200 6 308 5 217 1 25 1 8 6 251 1 18 5 80 2 40 3 50 A 3 511845 1845 1846 1847 1848 1848 1849 1849 1850 1851 1853 1854 1855 1856 1858 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 256 COMMISSARY-GENERAL - Continued. Doc< Voi. No. Report of, relative to the expense of the tfoops at Hudson........................................A 4 87 Annual report of................................ A 4 99 do .................................A 2 59 Report of.......................................A 4 110 Annual report of........,.......................A 3 75 Report of arsenals .............................A 3 75 Annual report of................................A 3 120 Report of, respecting the arsenals of the State.A 5 238 Annual report of................................A 5 105 do .................................A 1 20 do .................................A 1 26 do .................................A 5 147 do .................................A 7 148 do .................................A 4 140 do ................................. A 6 165 do .................................A 1 14 do .................................A 8 248 do .................................A 5 66 do .................................A 7 142 do .................................A 2 21 do .................. ..............A 3 48 do .................................A 11 238 do .................................A 9 112 do .................................A 2 33 do .................................A 3 62 do .................................A 7 89 do .................................A 8 113 do .................................A 4 42 COMMISSIONERS OF CANAL FUND, see Canal Fund, Commissioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF CODE, see Code, Commis- sioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, see Deeds, Commis- sioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION, see Emigra- tion, Commissioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH, see New York. COMMISSIONERS OF LAND OFFICE, see Land Office, Commissioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF LOANS, see Loans, Com- missioners of. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS, see New York. COMMISSIONERS OF PRACTICE AND PLEAD- INGS, see Code of Practice and Pleadings.257 COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE THE STATUTES. Doc. Vol. No. 1872 Majority report of............................ S 1 8 1872 Minority report of........................ S 3 35 1872 Relative to taxation, report of............... S 2 26 1872 Majority report of, relative to différences in the commission.................................. S 3 47 Report of commissioners....................... S 2 30 1874 Communication from............................ S 3 57 1875 Report of..................................... S 1 8 COMMISSIONERS FOR BUILDING COURT- HOUSE IN THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 1872 Reply of, to the Résolution of Assembly........A 9 125 COMMISSION APPOINTED BY CHAPTER 868, LAWS OF 1871. 1872 An act to foster and develop the internai commerce of the State, report of......................A 3 61 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. 1875 Report of committee of, relative to Albany and Greenbush Bridge Company.....................A 10 130 1875 Report of committee on, relative to Commissioners of Emigration................................A 10 124 JUDICIARY. 1872 Report of, on Governor’s message recommending the removal of Prindle, Judge of Chenango county.................................... S 4 80 1872 Investigation in case of Senator James Wood, report of.......................................... S 3 54 RAILROADS. 1872 Report of, on bill to regulate railroad freights. S 4 65 1872 Select, appointed to investigate charges against James Terwilliger, report of.............. S 3 37 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY. 1872 Report of, transmitting opinion of General Term relative to powers of supervisors, etc...... S 3 34 ON FINANCE. 1873 Report of, relative to payment of officers of Assembly of 1872..................................... S 1 16 ON INSURANCE. 1873 Report of, on concurrent resolution relative to report of Geo. W. Miller, late Superintendent of Insurance................................... S 4 95 1872 Minority report of committee, on Senate bill. An act to repeal chapter 321 of the Laws of 1870... A 7 107 1872 Select, of nine resolutions for appointmept of... S 4 64 33258 COMMON CARRIERS. Doc.Voi. No. 1847 Report on pétition of............................. S 4 142 COMMON SCHOOLS. 1830 Improvement of, pétition of citizens of Rochester for the........................................ A 4 387 1833 Irving’s Columbus, report in relation to the intro- troduction of, into the. .......................A 4 333 1834 Under charge of the Regents, report relative to the purchase of books for.......................... S 1 44 1836 Barrett’s Grammar, report on pétition to supply each school with a copy of................... S 2 105 1838 Praying, etc., in, report on pétition to prohibit ... A 2 55 1839 Report of superintendent of, relative to disturb- ances in...................................... A 5 315 1845 School fund, report of committee on colleges, etc., on the bill to increase.........................A 5 177 1845 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on so much of Governor’s message as relates to common schools, etc................................ A 6 206 1846 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on so much of Governor’s message as relates to common schools, etc....................................A 4 133 1846 Common school System, report of select committee relative to.....................................A 5 146 1850 Majority of report of the committee on literature on bill to provide for support of common schools. .. S 3 111 1851 Webster’sUnabridged Dictionary, report of commit- tee on furnishing to.......................... S 3 81 1851 Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, report of commit- tee on furnishing to.................................... S 3 89 1859 Report of spécial commission on, in the city of New York............................................A 1 29 1860 Communication from Superintendent of Public Instruction relative to amount of taxes raised for support of......................................A 4 155 Bills of Indigent Peesons: 1835 Report relative to the pavment of.................A 4 281 1835 Report of superintendent of common schools on the same........... .............................. A 4 317 1835 Report of superintendent of common schools on the same..........................................A 4 163 Commission ers of: 1830 Appeals to, communication from the superintendent of common schools relative to the imufficiency of the law in relation to..........................A 4 377 1835 Reports of, report relative to altering the time for making........................................A 2 110 1838 Election of, for three vears, report on pétition for the...............r...........................A 6 357259 m COMMON SCHOOLS — Continued. Commissioners of — Continued : D0C# y0i. No. 1839 Election of, for three years, report on pétition for the..............................................A 3 79 1840 To give bonds, report on pétition to require them.. S 2 46 CoüNTY SüPERINTEN DENTS: 1847 Committee on colleges, etc., report relative to sala- ries of................................................. A 8 242 1847 Report as to salaries due...........................A 8 245 1856 Select committee on memorial of................... S 2 71 Deputy Superintendents of: 1842 Report of committee on pétition to abolish the office...........................................A 7 168 1843 Committee on colleges, etc., report on pétitions for, and remonstrances against the repeal of so much of the act relative to common schools as directs the appointment of...............................A 4 100 District Libraries: 1839 Préservation of, report of superintendent of com- mon schools relative to..........................A 2 285 1840 Eeturns of..........................................A 8 321 1841 Harper’s catalogue of............................. S 1 2 1857 Report of committee on agriculture, favorable on pétition and bill to furnish a library of agricul- tural books to each..............................A 3 173 Districts : 1831 Report on bill concerning school-houses in..........A 1 43 1834 Report on pétition that the law regulating the mode of settling disputes in, may be restored to its original provisions......................................S 1 43 1839 Report on bill providing that the trustées of, resid- ing m two or more towns may assess the taxable property tbferein................................A 5 291 1845 Report of Regents of the University on bill to con- solidate certain, with Avon Academy, and for other*purposes.................................. S 3 105 Education : 1837 Majority report on bill to improve..................A 3 222 1837 Minority report on bill to improve..................A 3 223 1840 Report on bill to provide for the éducation of child- ren of persons employed on the public works.... A 3 317 1846 Memorial of citizens of Rochester relative to....A 4 101 1852 See memorial of E. Willard and others on female . . A 2 74 1852 do do do .. A 5 117 1853 Instruction of Roman Catholic children, report relative to the................................ A 4 97260 COMMON SCHOOLS — Continued. Free School Law: j)OC y oh No. 1850 Report of Attorney-General.........................A 5 107 1850 Report of select committee.........................A 6 150 1850 Pétition of inhabitants of Onondaga for repeal...A 6 166 . 1851 Report of majority of committee on colleges and schools on......................................A 2 41 1851 Report of minority on same subject ................A 2 42 Free Schools: 1846 Report of committee on colleges, academies and common schools relative to................ -.. A 6 222 1849 Memorial of Onondaga County Institute respecting, A 3 115 1850 Report on pétition in regard to................... S 1 38 Infant Schools: 1832 Report on pétition for a general act to incorporate, A 4 327 Inspectors of: 1832 Report on pétition to abolish the office of. .....A 2 131 1838 Report on pétition to prohibit clergymen from acting as................................... A 5 262 1838 Election of, for three years, report on pétition for the........................................... A 6 357 Laws of: ^ 1848 Report as to.......................................A 3 115 1852 Report of the commissioners for codifying..........A 1 21 Manu al for: 1830 Bartlett’s pétition of citizens of Utica for a law directing the purchase of one copy of, for each school district ................................A 1 65 1830 Report on the same.................................A 4 431 1840 Resolution directing the superintendent of common schools to offer a premium for..................A 4 116 Moneys, Apportionment of: 1830 Report of superintendent of, relative to...........A 4 377 1831 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on bill to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to the... A 2 81 1839 In Rockland, Kings, Oswego and Seneca, report of superintendent of, in relation to... ...........A 4 184 1840 Report on pétition for a portion of the, for the édu- cation of children on the public works......... A 8 317 1849 Report of superintendent in answer to a resolution relative to.....................................A 1 14 Normal School: 1844 Report of committee on colleges, etc., in regard to establishment of................................A 5 135 1845 Report of executive committee of.................. S 1 24 1846 do do .............. SI 32261 COMMON SCHOOLS — Continuel Normal School — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of executive committee in answer to a reso- lution ...................... ................ A 5 168 1847 Annual report of,. .............................. S 1 31 1848 Report of........................................ S 1 18 1849 Annual report of................................. S 1 8 1850 do ...............................S 2 56 1851 Annual report of the executive committee.........A 1 12 1852 Report of executive committee of................. S 1 34 1852 Report as to cause of panic at public exercises of............................................A 5 119 1853 Annual report of executive committee of..........A 2 20 1854 do do SI 30 1855 do do .......... S 1 20 1856 Report of............... ........... ............ S 1 40 1856 Annual report of................................. S 3 40 1857 Annual report of executive committee of..........A 1 26 1858 do do Al 25 1866 do do ..........A 6 131 1867 do do ..........A 4 56 1868 do do ..........A 8 63 1869 do do A4 43 1870 do do SI 18 1870 Spécial report relative to....................... S 3 82 1871 Annual report of executive committee........... A 5 75 Brockport : 1868 Report of local board of.........................A 8 81 Oswego : 1867 Report of local board of.........................A 2 25 1868 do .........................A 8 82 Public Instruction: 1835 Report and bill for the organization of a depart- ment of.......................................A 5 382 1838 Report recommending the appointment of a presi- dent of, etc..........................................A 5 236 1847 Report of committee on colleges, etc., relative to... A 8 254 Teachers: 1840 Report on pétition of trustées of Hamilton Academy for the establishment of a department for the éducation oî . ....................................... S 2 58 1851 Report of committee on literature, relative to academies instructing......................... S 2 58 Teachers’ Institütes : 1847 Report relative to...............»................A 2 71 1852 Report for a union............................... S 2 82262 COMMON SCHOOLS—Continuée!. Teaching: Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Improved manner of, pétition of John Preston rela- tive to an.......................................... A 1 34 1835 Report on the same.............................A 1 63 Town Superintendents : 1849 Report of superin tendent of common schools rela- tive to amount paid during the year to... ..........A 5 202 Yisitors of: 1840 Report of the.. ............................. A 7 307 1841 * do ....................................A 5 153 COMMON SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. A. C. Flagg: 1830 Annual report of the....................A 1 31 1831 do A 1 15 1832 do A 1 11 1833 do A 1 17 1831 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.........................................A 2 95 1832 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.........................................A 2 101 1833 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.............. ........................A 3 201 1830 Annual report in relation to the deaf and dumb ... S 3 235 1832 do do do .. S 1 106 1830 Report of the, relative to apportioning the school moneys.......................................A 4 387 1831 Report of the, on pétition of the trustées of school district No. 11, in Farmington...............A 4 302 John A. Dix: 1834 Annual report of the.................. A 1 9 1835 do S 2 66 1836 do A 1 6 1837 do A 1 6 1838 do ..............t..........A 1 13 1839 do A 1 17 1839 Communication in relation to the...............A 3 152 1834 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb...................................A 3 108 1835 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.....................................A 4 288 1836 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.....................................A 3 125263 COMMON SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENT OF — Continued. John A. Dix—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb..................................A 4 291 1838 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.............................. ...A 2 31 1839 Communication from, transmitting the annual re- port of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb ........................................A 4 201 1834 Annual report in relation to the deaf and dumb s 1 41 1836 do do do s 1 47 1838 do do do s 1 25 1839 do do do s 2 31 1834 Report of the, on pétition of the trustées of school district No. 3, in the town of Gates, Monroe county.............................................A 2 52 1835 Report of the, relative to the payment of school bills of indigent persons................................A 4 317 1836 Report of the, on the pétition of Solomon Barrett, Jr., to supply each school with a copy of his grammar........................................... S 2 105 1837 Report of the, in relation to a digest of decisions made by his predecessors and himself in matters of appeal........................................ A 1 5 1839 Report of the, in relation to common schools........ S 3 98 1839 Report of the, relative to school moneys in certain counties...........................................A 4 184 1839 Report of the, relative to the préservation of district school libraries...................................A 5 285 1839 Report of the, relative to the powers of trustées of school districts.................................. A 5 291 1839 Report of the, relative to lhe prévention of disturb- ances in common schools......................................A 5 315 John C. Spencer: 1840 Annual report of the..........................A 4 120 1841 do ............................ A 4 100 1840 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.............................................. A 5 179 1841 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. ............................................ A 5 157 1840 Annual report in relation to the deaf and dumb.... A 5 172 1840 Report in relation to the instruction of the blind. .. A 5 172 1841 Report transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Blind......................A 6 213 1840 Report of the, on pétition of James L. Yoorhees, relative to school district No. 22, in the town of Lysander.............................................. S 3 89264 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 COMMON schools, superintendent of — Continuée!. John C. Spencer — Continuée!: Doc. Yol. No* Report of the, on pétition of T. Mowers and others, relative to school district No. 1 in Gorham......A 4 123 Report of the, transmitting reports of visitors of common schools...................................A 7 307 Report of the, transmitting returns of district libraries........................................A 8 321 Report of the, transmitting reports of visitors of common schools...................................A 5 153 Report of the pétition of the trustées of school dis- trict No. 16 in New Berlin.......................A 5 188 Report of the, respecting the distribution of school moneys in the city of New York................... S 3 86 Report of the, giving copies of certain reports respecting the schools of the Public School Society, and other schools................................... S 3 90 Samuel Young: Annual report of.............................. A 1 12 Communication from, transmitting annual report of New York Deaf and Dumb Institution........A 4 57 Communication from, transmitting annual report of New York Institution for the Blind...........A 4 77 Report of, on pétition of Squire Campbell and others, A 5 116 Report of committee on pétition to abolish office of deputy.......................................A 7 168 Annual report of, with accompanying documents ..Al 14 Communication from, transmitting the annual report relative to the Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb............................A 4 74 Communication from, transmitting annual report relative to the New York Institution for the Blind....................................... A 4 88 Communication from, transmitting annual report relative to the Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.......................... A 1 26 Annual report of, and documents.................A 2 34 Nàthàniel S. Benton: Annual report of, with accompanying documents... A 2 30 Communication from, transmitting annual report relative to the Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb........................... 4 3 70 Annual report of................................A 2 30 Report of printing committee on printing annual report of....................................A 1 28 Report of committee on colleges, etc., relative to printing annual report of....................A 1 9 Annual report of................................A 1 10265 COMMON SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENT OF — Continuée!. Christopher Morgan: Doc. Vol. No 1848 Annual report of..................................A 5 5 1848 do do .................................. S 3 79 1849 Report of, relative to distribution of school moneys in certain cases...............................A 1 14 1849 Annual report of..................................A 1 20 1849 Report relative to amount paid during the past year to town superintendents of.....................A 5 202 1850 Annual report of..................................A 4 50 1851 do do ...................................A 1 21 Henry S. Randall: 1852 Annual report of..................................A 1 25 1853 do do A 1 4 1853 Report relative to school moneys due from city and county of New York.............................A 3 63 1853 Communication from, relative to certain unpaid school moneys................................. A 5 127 Elias W. Leavenworth : 1854 Annual report of..................................A 1 7 1854 Report relative to office of...... S 1 39 Victor M. Rice:* 1854 Communication from, under resolution of 24th March......................................... S 1 29 1855 Annual report of..................................A 1 7 1856 do do A 3 65 Henry H. Van Dyck:* 1857 Annual report of..................................A 2 95 1858 do do A 1 6 1859 do do A 2 82 1859 Report relative to clerks in his department.A 3 132 1860 Annual report of................................. A 2 50 T David R. Floyd Jones: 1860 Report of, relative to taxes for support of schools.. A 4 155 1861 Annual report of................................. A 2 45 Horatio Ballard : 1862 Annual report of..................................A 1 5 1862 Report of committee on judiciary, relative to élec- tion of....................................... S 1 13 1863 Annual report of..................................A 2 20 * This office is now termed Superintendent of Public Instruction. 341864 1865 1866 1867 1867 1868 1868 1868 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1861 1861 1859 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 266 COMMON SCHOOLS, SUPER ENTENDENT OF- Continuée!. % Chaüncey M. Depew: do do do Abuam B. Weaver: Annual report of, relative to State Normal Schools Report relative to persons educated at State Normal School who hâve failed to keep their pledge to COMMUTATIONS, PARDONS AND REPRIEYES. Report on.................................... COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS OF SENATE. Report on.................................. COMPTON, JAMES W. Report of finance committee against pétition of... . COMPTROLLER. Silas Wright, Jr. : Annual report of........................... Report of expenditures on the canals....... Report relative to George McClure’s loan and B. S. Bundage’s mortgage.......................... Report on pétition of supervisors of Washington county to raise certain money by tax..... Report on pétition of Delaware and Hudson Canal Company to sell certain land............. Report on pétition of Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, relative to transfer of stock issued to the...................................... Report on pétition of Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, relative to stock issued to the. Report giving a stateraent of the Amsterdam Bridge Company.................................. Report relative to amount of compensation paid to Doc. Yol. No. A 6 95 A 75 A 5 90 A 4 79 A 11 237 A 8 80 A i 8 69 L A 8 58 A 6 92 A 12 207 A 5 84 A 11 201 A 5 76 S 1 4 S 1 5 S 2 51 A 1 48 A 3 208 S 1 19 A 1 20 S 1 21 S 2 198 s 4 317 s 1 25 A 1 28267 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Silas Wright, Jr.— Continuée!: Doc. Vol. Report of amount of taxes paid by banks, insurance and other incorporated companies, in 1826 and 1827 ..........................................A 1 Report relative to balances due from county treas- urers..........................................A 1 Report on pétition of tke administrator of Huet Hills ...................................... S 1 Report relative to the loan of the Neversink Naviga- tion Company.................................... A 1 Report relative to the amount of compensation and expenses paid the commissioners for building the Mount Pleasant prison........................ A 1 Report relative to clerks and clerk hire in his office, A 1 Report giving the list of the banks which hâve filed their assent to the provisions of the act renewing their charters .............................. A 2 Report on pétition for an investigation of expendi- tures and accounts of the commissioners to drain the Cayuga marshes.............................A 2 Report on pétition of W. Young for compensation for surveying a route for a railroad from Boston to Hudson river..................................A 2 Report giving the résidence of stockholders in the ( New York banks, with amount of stock held A 3 by them....................................... ( Report on bill concerning the sale of land for taxes, A 3 Report relative to hospital moneys............... A 3 Report of amount paid spécial counsel in the Mor- gan trials......................................S 3 Report of amount paid for defending the titles of certain persons to lands against the claim of John Jacob Astor.....................................A 4 Report relative to the returns of the Washington and Warren Bank.................................A 4 Report on a resolution of the Assembly relative to the public moneys deposited in banks..........A 4 Annual report of ..................................A 1 Report on pétition of John H. Johnson relative to the sale of certain lands for taxes...........A 1 Report on pétition of the supervisors of Washing- ton county to crédit the treasurer of said county with certain compound interest charged against him in the Comptroller’s office.................A 1 Report on the Cayuga marshes and swamp lands... A 2 Report relative to the health department in New York .........................................A 2 Annual report of expenditures on the canals......A 3 Report on pétition of the settlers on the Cowasse- lon tract of land...............................A 3 No. 32 37 42 49 52 59 71 178 181 232 277 239 252 254 380 370 382 37 46 51 70 127 206. 2601831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 268 COMPTROLLER — Continuée!. Silas Wright, Jr.— Continuée!: Doc. Vol» Ko. Report relative to the amount of the expenses of the last sale of land for taxes.................A 3 264 Report relative to the Port Kent and Hopkinton road..............................................A 4 283 Report on the Oldenbarneveld Manufacturing Com- pany .............................................A 4 290 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in regard to the payment of certain sums of money........................................... A 4 339 Report relative to clerk hire in his office........ S 1 11 Report relative to lot No. 75 in the township of Lysander........... ............................ S 1 46 Annual report of............................. ... A 1 4 Report of expenditures on the canals................A 1 9 Report of amount of bank capital in each county, etc............................................. A 1 15 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the rédemption of lands sold for taxes................A 1 37 Report relative to the issue of stock to John Jacob Astor............ ... ................ .........A 3 205 Report relative to the liability of the State for costs under the excise law..... ........................A 3 210 Report relative to an appropriation for clerk hire in his office, etc................................A 3 236 Report relative to the disposition of the bank fund etc...............................................A 3 248 Report relative to clerk hire in his office........ S 1 10 Report relative to the disposition of the bank fund .SI 23 Report on pétition of John and Matthew Pratt for the payment to them of certain surplus moneys obtained on the sale of certain land............. S 1 15 Report on bill respecting auctioneers in the city of New York........................................ S 1 44 Report relative to the accounts of the late clerk of the Auburn prison............................ S 1 51 Report on pétition of George Deming for the pay- ment to him of certain surplus money received upon the resale of certain land.................. S 1 53 Report of amount outstanding of the loans of 1786, 1792, and 1808, etc............................ S 1 25 Annual report of........ .................... .... A 1 5 Report of expenditures on the canals................A 1 16 Report relative to clerk hire in his office. ...... S 1 5 Report on pétition of John Denny for his portion of the money due first Christian party of Oneida Indians, etc..................................... S 1 37 Report relative to the bank fund................... S 2 62 Arnnual report of...................................A 1 5 Report of expenditures on the canals................A 3 216 Report relative to clerk hire in his office........ S 1 15269 COMPTROLLER — Continuée!. Silas Wright, Jr,— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Report on pétition of Maria Weaver and Henry Truax for rémunération for the sale of their land, SI 23 1835 Report on pétition of Jacob I. Zimmerman......... S 2 39 1835 Report giving the taxable value of real and personal estate, a return of the capital stock of ail corpora- tions liable to taxation, the amount paid out of the general funds for the construction of the Erie and Champlain canals, and amount toward the bank fund............................... ... S 2 48 1835 Report of amount paid for printing for the Législa- ture for 1831,1832, 1833 and 1834 .................... S 2 67 1835 Report on pétition of Nehemiah Tower to be in- demnified for costs and damages in conséquence of the sale of his lands..................... S 2 57 1835 Report on pétition of Jabez Burrows, a canal con- • tractor, to be released from a balance of errors charged against him ......................... S 2 63 1835 Report relative to the steam dredging machine belonging to the State... .................... S 2 60 1835 Report on pétition of the supervisors of Herkimer county for a loan from the school fund.........A 1 33 1835 Report on pétition of John B. Herrishoff and others to be relieved from the payment of interest on the taxes on their lands.......................A 2 90 1835 Report in relation to the payments, to the court of errors.........................................A 2 125 1835 Report on pétition of John Hill, Jenny Hill and Anthony Otsequette, relative to their annuities. .. A 4 151 1835 Report of amount of tolls paid on certain articles on the Chemung canal..............................A 2 159 1835 Report on memorial of the St. Regis Indians rela- tive to the payment of their annuities..................A 4 318 1835 Report of, giving a statement of ail the sales of lands for taxes (not heretofore reported), and the sales of lands for arrears of quit-rents in 1826... A 5 380 1835 Report relative to the stock issued for the construc- tion of the Chenango canal.....................A 5 38 1836 Annual report of... ........................... A 1 1836 Report of expenditures on the canals..............A 4 21 1836 Report of, relative to clerk hire in his office...A 2 6 1836 Report of, relative to an execution issued by the Attorney-General against Augustus Porter and Benjamin Barton........................... S 1 17 1834 Report on pétition of John Denny for his portion of the money due first Christian party of Oneida Indians, etc........................................... S 1 57 1834 Report relative to the bank fund................. S 2 62 1835 Annual report of................................ A 1 5 1835 Report of expenditures on the canals..............A 3 216 1835 Report relative to clerk hire in his office...... S 1 15270 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Silas Wright, Jr.— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Report on pétition of Maria Weaver and Henry Truax for rémunération for the sale of their land.................................... S 1 23 1835 Report on pétition of Jacob I. Zimmerman... S 2 38 1835 Report giving the taxable value of real and personal estate, a return of the capital stock of ail corpora- tions liable to taxation, the amount paid out of the general funds for the construction of theErie and Champlain canals, and amount toward the bank fund........................................ S 2 48 1835 Report of amount paid for printing for the Législa- ture for 1881, 1832, 1833 and 1834....................... .S 2 67 1835 Report on pétition of Nehemiah Tower to be indem- nified for costs and damages in conséquence of the sale of his lands......................... S 2 57 1835 Report on pétition of Jabez Burrows, a canal con- tractor, to be released from a balance of errors charged against him............................ S 2 63 1835 Report relative to the steam dredging machine belonging to the State............................. S 2 60 1835 Report on pétition of the supervisors of Herkimer county for a loan from the school fund.... .....A 1 33 1835 Report on pétition of John B. Herrishofï and others to be relieved from the payment of interest on the taxes on their lands ... .................... A 2 90 1835 Report in relation to the pavments in the court of errors............................................. A 2 125 1835 Report on pétition of John Hill, Jenny Hill and Anthony Otsequette, relative to their annuities .. A 4 151 1835 Report of amount of tolls paid on certain articles on the Chemung canal . ,............................ A 2 159 1835 Report on memorial of the St. Régis Indians rela- tive to the payment of their annuities.....................A 4 318 1835 Report of, giving a statement of ail the sales of lands for taxes (not heretofore reported), and the sales of lands for arrears of quit-rents in 1826. .. A 5 380 1835 Report relative to the stock issued for the construc- tion of the Chenango canal..........................A 5 38 1836 Annual report of.....................................A 1 1836 Report of expenditures on the canals..................A 4 21 1836 Report of, relative to clerk hire in his office.......A 2 6 1836 Report of, relative to an execution issued by the Attorney-General against Augustus Porter and Benjamin Barton.................................... S 1 17 1836 Report of, on pétition for the extension of Spring Street in the village of Sing Sing................. S 1 51 1836 Report of, relative to the revenues of the latéral canals............................................. S 1 58 1836 Report of amount of taxes paid by each county, from 1816 to 1826.................................. S 2 67271 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 73 48 2 102 3 152 3 172 COMPTROLLER — Continuée!. Silas Wright, Jr.— Continued: Doc. Yol. No. Report of sales of land near the Oswego canal, and the contributions to and diversion from the Erie canal bj the latéral canals............ ...... S Report on pétition of Isaac Packard, for a law authorizing the Commissioners of Canal Fund to redeem his canal stock, as proof that the certifi- cate has been lost............... -. .........A Report giving statement of the incorporated bank capital in 1800, 1805, 1810, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830 and 1835 ..................................... A Report in relation to moneys paid by mariners and others, and the amount expended for the support of sick and disabled seamen...................A Report of amount expended by the State for the benefit of the deaf and dumb..................A Report on pétition of Zebulon Douglass for a deed of certain land...............................A Annual report of.................................A Report of expenditures on the canals.............A Report relative to clerk hire in his office...... A Report of amount of appropriations made to acade- mies and colleges................................ S Report of money loaned under the act of 1808, the amount now outstanding, and the amount sup- posed to be not collectible................... S Report on application of the clerk of Assembly for an advance of money to purchase copies of the Revised Statutes for the members of the Législa- ture .............................................A Report in relation to the steam dredging machine belonging to State...............................A Annual report of..................................A Report of expenditures on the canals..............A Report relative to the clerk hire in his office.. S Report of amount of moneys received, disbursed or invested by the commissioners of health, from 1834 to 1837 .................................. S Report giving abstracts of ail returns in his office in relation to incorporated companies, for the year 1837 ............................................A Annual report of . . .............................A Report of amount of expenditures on the canals... A Report relative to clerk hire in his office...... S Bâtes Cook: Report of amount of sait and auction duties received since the year 1812............................. S Report in relation to paying sheriff for conveying convicts to the Auburn prison.... ............... S 295 4 159 159 32 34 2 74 3 155 4 5 76 17 146 4 16 33 3 76 3 1001838 1839 1839 1839 1839 1831 1838 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 272 COMPTROLLER — Continuée!. Bâtes Cook — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report relative to the interest on stock issued to railroads.......... ............................. S 3 109 Report relative to the interest on stock issued to the Ithaca and Oswego railroad.................. S 3 111 Report in relation to the bank fund...............A 4 161 Communication from, relative to the appointment of a committee to examine the accounts of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund and the accounts of the Comptroller, in relation to the funds in his hands for the rédemption of bank notes......................... .................A 4 169 Report relative to the stock issued to the Catskill and Canajoharie Railroad Company................A 5 314 Report on bill relative to the sale of land for arrears of taxes..........................................A 6 340 Report in relation to persons claiming pensions under acts of Congress..........................A 6 395 Report in relation to the application of certain moneys received for interest on the moneys received from the United States, etc............A 9 403 Annual report of..................................A 1 10 Report relative to expenditures on the canals.....A 4 131 Report relative to clerk hire in his office....... S 2 47 Report in relation to the valuation of real and Per- sonal estate...................................... S 1 11 Resolution relative to the payment of certain money by the, to canal contractors......................A 3 66 Report relative to paying the militia called out to assist the sheriff of Albany county.............. S 3 67 Report relative to the investment of certain moneys received on account of the United States Deposit Fund............................................. S 4 122 Report relative to the contract for State printing.. A 2 47 Report relative to the issue of State stock to the New York and Erie Railroad Company................A 4 127 Report relative to the fees of clerks of the Suprême Court, and of the register, assistant register and clerks in Chancery............................... A 3 77 Report transmitting reports relative to the investi- gation of the Seamen’s Fund and Retreat, Marine Hospital, City Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, A 5 214 Report on pétition of Sarah Herrishoff and others, to be relieved from certain taxes................ A 6 254 Report on pétition of W. Hogan for same.............A 6 256 Annual report of.................................. A 1 13 Report relative to expenditures on the canals.....A 3 51 Report relative to clerk hire in his office....... Report giving the names of banking associations and individual bankers who hâve failed to redeem their notes on dernand............................ S 2 53273 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Bâtes Cook — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report transmitting a report of the commissioners for building the State Lunatic Asylum.........A 2 26 1841 Report on pétition of the Caughnawaga Indians relative to their annuity.....................A 2 29 1841 Report relative to stock issued to railroad companies.....................................A 3 70 1841 Report on pétition of Maria Weaver and Henry Truax for remumeration for sale of their lande ..A3 79 1841 Communication from, in relation to an amendment to the general banking law....................A 4 105 1841 Report in relation to the issue of certificates of stock to the New York and Erie Railroad Company.... A 4 113 1841 Report relative to the Loan Commissioners of the United States Deposit Fund....................A 5 148 1841 Report in relation to foreign insurance companies.. A 5 177 1841 Report on bill relative to roads and bridges in the Buffalo creek réservation..........,..........A 6 198 1841 Report relative to the amount of stock issued to railroad companies............................A 7 273 Azariàh C. Flagg: 1842 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to the canal revenue............................. S 1 16 1842 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to the fees of the clerks of the Suprême Court and Court of Chancery............................. S 2 30 1842 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to premiums paid on the stock of 1845 and loans of canal fund moneys to the banks................ S 3 62 1842 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to the amount of premiums received on Chenango and Chemung canal stocks..................... S 4 87 1842 Report of, on a resolution of the Senate relative to the names of persons to whom interest was paid on the lst of April, and also the names of the persons to whom interest was due, but not paid.. S 4 98 1242 Annual report of........... ....................A 1 15 1842 Mr. Hoffman’s resolution calling on, for statemenfc of debt.....................................A 2 23 1842 Report (with Commissioners of Canal Fund, etc.) in compliance with Mr. Hoffman’s resolution... A 4 64 1842 Communication from, in relation to the finances of the State........................... .......A 4 61 1842 Communication from, in relation to the new State hall........................................A 7 134 1842 Report of, transmitting correspondence of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company and New York and Erie Railroad Company...................A 7 162 1843 Report showing the sums paid for State printing, 1835 to 1842................................... SI 3 351843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 274 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Azariah C. Flagg—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of the amount paid the State printer from 1823 to 1839..................................... S 1 12 Report of the amount due on account of non-resi- dent taxes............................ ........ S 1 13 Report in relation to contracte on the enlarged Erie canal between Albany and Troy.................. S 1 15 Report of, in relation to the State debt......... S 1 18 Report of the amount of tolls on passengers on the Erie canal..................................... S 1 21 Report relative to the judge-advocate of the third division of infantry........................... S 1 29 Report relative to David Hamilton’s connection with canal contracte, while acting as superintendent ..SI 39 Report of the payment for services of non-acting Canal Commissioners............................... SI 45 Report relative to the services of non-acting Canal Commissioners and pay therefor................. S 3 80 Annual report of.................................A 1 10 Annual report of, relative to expenditures on the canals for 1842 ...............................A 3 56 Annual report of, relative to expenditures on the canals for 1841................................A 3 63 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly respecting the amount of appropriation for internai improvements and amount of stock issued, etc....................................A 3 65 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly respecting the pledges of the proceeds of the mill tax............................................A 3 66 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in relation to a call of twenty-five per cent of the United States DepositFund......................A 4 83 Report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of the 17th of February, 1843................ ... A 5 157 Report of, of the amount of printing due for his department..................................... S 3 94 Annual report of.................................A 1 4 Report on the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary..........A 3 38 Report showing the real estate, capital, stock and taxes paid by incorporated companies...........A 3 98 Annual report of, relative to expenditures on the canals.........................................A 5 105 Report on reference from the Assembly on the pétition of Isaac Rowland............. ........A 5 110 Report on concurrent resolution directing the, to suspend the sale of the road on the Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining and Manufacturing Company.........A 6 152 Report of, on reference from the Assembly of the pétition of A. Seymour and others..............A 7 2051845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 275 COMPTKOLLER — Continued. Azariah C. Flagg— Continued: Doc. Yoi. No. Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate in relation to the mariner’s fund.................. S 1 29 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate in relation to clerks in the Comptroller’s office and canal department................................. S 1 45 Report of, in answer to a résolution of the Senate relative to the amount paid into the treasury; also amount charged and not paid in, for fees by the register, assistant register, etc., since Septem- ber 30, 1844..................................... S 2 48 Report of, in relation to the pay, etc., of Canal Appraisers....................................... S 2 74 Annual report of....................................A 1 25 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A3 64 Report of, relative to $84,000 received from U. S. government........................................A 3 75 Report of, relative to the expense of the geological aurvey............................................A 5 153 Report of, relative to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company.......................................A 5 155 Report of, in answej* to a resolution of the Assembly relative to the issue of registered notes to banks, A 5 161 Annual report on the expenditures on the canals.. A 5 162 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to the issue and rédemption of canal stock.............................................A 5 175 Report of, relative to auction duties...............A 6 208 Report of, relative to taxing, quarter sales, etc.A 6 228 Report of, relative to moneys paid to the Adjutant- General and Attorney-General..................... S 1 28 Report of, relative to the expenses of an extra ses- sion of the Senate................................. S 3 53 Report of, relative to extra allowances made to the Attorney-General................................ S 2 63 Report of, in answer to a resolution relating to pay- ments to Attorney-Generals for extra services... S 3 102 Annual report of....................................A 1 25 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 2 31 Report of, relative to printing for executive depart- ments.............................................A 3 75 Report of, on the claim of P. Dunham............... A 3 82 Annual report on canal expenditures.................A 4 90 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to the public printing...................................A 4 91 Annual report on canal expenditures, report of majority printing committee on....................A 4 94 Annual report on canal expenditures, report of minority printing committee on....................A 4 95 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to tolls on Erie canal, etc..............A 4 113276 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Azàriah C. Flagg—Continued: Doc.Vol. No. 1846 Report of, relative to expenses of Canal Commis- sioners..........................................A 4 118 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to pur- chasing assets of City Bank of Buffalo.........A 4 120 1846 Report of, on reference of pétition of citizens of Erie county relative to Grand Island...........A 5 156 1846 Report of, relative to appropriations from the gen- eral fund.................................................A 5 178 1846 Report of, in answer to resolution..................A 5 186 1846 Report of, relative to general fund.................A 5 193 1846 Report of, relative to State stock in trust for banks, A 6 202 1847 Report of, relative to legal notices............... S 1 13 1847 Report of, on pétition of George Murray............ S 1 17 1848 Report of, and Governor relative to examination of Clinton prison.................................. S 1 18 1847 Report of, respecting commissioners of loans, of United States Deposit Fund...................... S 1 32 1847 Report of, on pétition of Amos S. Tyron............ S 1 35 1847 Report of, as to amount of tolls and amounts paid superintendents on canals....................... S 1 40 1847 Report of, as to expenses of canals................ S 2 43 1847 Report of, relative to available and unavailable canal funds..................................... S 2 66 1847 Report of, relative to tolls of Palatine Bridge Com- pany .................................................... S 3 91 1847 Report of, on pétition of Francis J. Stratton..... S 3 79 1847 Report of, as to claim of Isaac Denniston ......... S 3 110 1847 Report of, relative to expenditures of sait works.. . S 4 118 1847 Report of, relative to banks asking issues of bills .. S 4 123 1847 Report of, relative to sinking and general fund debt, S 4 130 1847 Report of, relative to business of canal fund..... S 4 132 1847 Report of, on pétition of Central Bank for issue of bills........................................... S 4 141 1847 Report of, as to payments of banks to bank fund.. . S 4 145 1847 Annual report of....................................A 1 5 1847 Report of, relative to expenditures on the canals. ..Al 15 1847 Report of, in relation to expenditure of money in Columbia and Delaware counties...................A 2 99 1847 Report of, in answer to resolution relative to mur- der trials, etc..................................A 2 47 1847 Report of, giving list of newspapers that hâve pub- lished the new Constitution and receive payment therefor........................................ A 4 126 1847 Report of, as to expense of canals for 1844, 1845, 1846, etc........................................A 4 129 1847 Report of, as to expense of public printing.........A 4 130 1847 Report of, as to payments made certain newspapers for publishing new constitution..................A 6 157 1847 Report of, relative to number and location of new banks............................................A 7 1991847 1847 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1848 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 277 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Azariah C. Flagg-— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of, relative to removal of intruders on Indian lands.................................A 7 207 Report of, as to salaries due county superintendents of common schools............................A 8 245 Millàrd Fillmore: Report of, on pétition of Elizabeth Gilchrist.. S 2 40 Report of, on returns of insurance companies... S 2 41 Report of, in relation to the bank fund........ S 2 44 Annual report of................................A 1 4 Report of, as to expenses of government..........A 1 14 Report of, as to expenditures on canals..........A 3 60 Report of, on bill for lands, sale of, for taxes.A 3 63 Report of, relative to issues of banks............A 3 91 Report of expenses of transportation of convicts ... A 3 124 Report of, as to taxes unpaid in Cortland county... A 5 136 Report of, as to application of surplus revenues of the canals......................................A 5 137 Report of, as to funds in deposit banks.........A 5 182 Report of, in relation to expenses incurred in remov- ing wrecks in Albany basin..................... S 1 18 Report of the amount of State stocks held by citi- zen s of this country, and by citizens of foreign countries.................................... S 1 29 Report of, of moneys paid by agents of foreign insurance companies............................ S 2 36 Report of, transmitting letter from Commissioners of Emigration.................................. S 2 39 Report of, in relation to stocks issued to the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company.................. S 2 41 Report of, of the amount on loan, etc., in charge of commissioners of loans......................... S 2 47 Report of, on the introduction of disease and pau- perism......................................... S 3 76 Annual report of...................................A 1 5 Report of, in answer to resolution for printing statement of land sold for taxes, etc...........A 1 8 Report of, relative to extinguishing canal and gen- eral fund debts, etc., in answer to resolution of Assembly.......................................A 1 13,33 Communication from Governor and, relative to funds for the support of fever and small-pox hospitals at quarantine.................................. A 1 39 Report of, in relation to money drawn by A. L. Rob- ertson ...........................................A 2 42 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly rela- tive to expenses incurred under law appointing % commissioners on practice and pleadings, and commissioners on the Code.........................A 2 69278 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Millard Fillmore—Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1849 Report of, relative to drafts paid by agents at Sing Sing prison to William Radford...............À 2 92 1849 Report of, in answer to resolutions of Assembly relative to bill to remunerate Jonathan W. Davis for losses from failure to title to certain lands........................................A 2 98 1849 Report of ail moneys drawn from State treasury by Chauncey Smith, late agent of the Sing Sing prison................... ...................A 2 99 1849 Report of, in answer to résolutions of Assembly respecting certain balances due United States Deposit Fund.................................A 3 111 1849 Communication from, respecting funds for support of Marine hospital on Staten Island..........A 3 140 1849 Communication from, respecting expiration of time for payment of loans of 1792 and 1808......A 3 176 1849 Communication from, and Attorney-General rela- tive to Marine hospital......................A 5 206 Washington Hünt: 1850 Communication transmitting annual report of New York health officer.... ..................... S 1 11 1850 Communication from, on cost of printing and bind- ing reports of commissioners on practice and pleadings.................................... S 1 33 1850 Communication from, in regard to public printing, S 2 47 1850 Communication from, relative to Hudson and Berk- shire railroad....................................A 1 6 1859 Annual report of................................A 1 8 1850 Report on non-resident lands....................A 3 39 1850 Communication from, as to amount paid commis- sioners of the Code...............................A 3 44 1850 Communication from, in answer to a resolution in regard to annual report.......................A 4 60 1850 Report in relation to expenses of banking department, A 5 85 1850 Report in relation to erroneous payment of taxes... A 5 120 1850 Report relative to finance......................A 5 132 1850 Majority report in answer to report of..........A 8 189 1850 Minority report in answer to report of..........A 8 196 Philo C. Fuller: 1851 Report in answer to a resolution relative to Union College..................... ................S 2 26 1851 Report relative to counsel fees paid by the State... S 2 33 1851 Report in relation to the general fund......... S 2 48 1851 Report on expenses for printing, binding, engrav- ing, etc..................................... S 2 56 1851 Communication from.. .......................... S 3 83 1861 Report in relation to the State finances....... S 3 91 1851 Annual report...................................A 1 91851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 279 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Philo C. Fuller— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication from, as to additional appropriation for certain expenses of govemment............ A 1 17 Report in relation to incorporated banks and other corporations...................................A 3 87 Report in relation to destruction of bank notes.... A 5 136 John C. Wright : Report of, relative to printing documentary history, SI 5 Report of, relative to expenses of government.. S 1 31 Compensation paid clerks and other officers of Lég- islature of 1851................................. S 1 42 Report in relation to General Fund State Debt .... S 2 68 Minority report relative to tlie................. S 2 77 Report in regard to amount of State debt lst of June, 1846 ................................... S 2 87 Annual report of..................................A 1 10 Report respecting receipts into the General Fund and time of holding tax sale................. A 5 103 Report respecting unsold lands ...................A 5 105 Report in answer to resolution respecting his refus- in g to refund to the clerk amount advanced by him for postage stamps, etc................... A 5 124 Report of commissioners appointed by, to inquire into and ascertain amount of unclaimed deposits and dividende..................................A 7 127 Reply of, in answer to resolution of Senate, January 17, 1853, in relation to the expenses of the Colo- nial History, etc................................ S 1 24 Reply of, in answer to resolution of Senate in rela- tion to clerks in his office..................... S 2 36 Report of, in relation to unpaid taxes from certain counties.......................................S 2 49 Report of, on the resolution of the Senate in relation to pay, etc., of officers and soldiers of the war of 1812, S 2 52 Reply of, in answer to a resolution as to the expenses of State government, etc............. ...... S 2 76 Report of, relative to expenses of government.. S 3 76 Report of, in relation to unpaid taxes from certain counties...................................... S 3 78 Annual report of..................................A 1 5 Report of, showing the State indebtedness from 1835 to 1852, and the number and amount of warrants, etc .. ........................................A 2 24 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly in relation to the amount of taxes due the treasury on land sold in December, 1852........A 2 25 Report of, in reply to a resolution of W. W. Bur- roughs in relation to the time when the State tax would be available for the improvement of the canals . ....................................... A 3 611853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 280 COMPTROLLER — Continued. John C. Wright — Continued: doc. Report of, in reply to a resolution of W. W. Bur- roughts in relation to the time when the State tax would be available for the improvement of the canals.......................................A Communication from, in relation to the exhaustion of the annual appropriation of $75,000 for pay of members and officers of Législature..........A James M. Cook: Communication from, relative to moneys paid Lieu- tenant-Governor............................... S Communication relative to mileage ............. S Communication under resolution..................... S Annual report of................................A Communication from, relative to stationery......A Communication from, relative to fire insurance companies................................... A Communication from, relative to non-resident lands, A Annual report of............................... A Report of condition of insurance companies......A Lorenzo Burrows: Report of, relative to aid to colleges since 1840 _ S Report of, relative to Western House of Refuge ... S Report of, in answer to a resolution............... S Report in answer to resolutions relative to cost of printing.......................................A Annual report of................................A Report of, relative to moneys paid soldiers of 1812, S Annual report of the............................A Report of, in reply to resolution relative to sales of Indian lands...................................A Report of, in reply to resolution relative to cost of Colonial and Documentary Historiés.............A Annual report of, on the condition of the several fire insurance companies doing business in this State....................................... A Sanford E. Church: Communication from, in reference to money paid judges in addition to their salaries......... S Communication from, and Attorney-General, rela- tive to suit of Munson I. Lockwood........... S Report of, relative to assessment laws......... S Communication from, relative to assessment and taxation..................................... S Report of, relative to the condition of the life in- surance comjmnies in this State............ S Annual report of................................A Communication from, relative to unpaid taxes due to the State from treasurer of Livingston county, A Vol. 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 No. 114 128 81 93 103 5 19 95 101 4 115 32 54 84 33 7 81 10 12 81 135 51 85 95 103 131 5 53281 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Sanford E. Church — Continued : Doc. Yol. No. 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 Report of, relative to the unpaid appropriations of last year.....................................A Report of, relative to insurance companies........A Annual report of..................................A Report on escheated lands.........................A Report on arrears of taxes...................... A Report on construction of roads by use of non-resi- dent highway taxes..............................A Report of, on insurance companies.................A Report of, on salaries, etc., of certain officers.A Report of, on lands claimed by Lake Ontario and Hudson River railroads as exempt from taxation, A Report of, relative to appropriations unpaid, Sep- tember 30th, 1858 ..............................A Report of, on number of persons employed about Capitol and State Hall..........................A Report of, relative to moneys due Onondaga county, A Report of, relative to clerks in bis department...A Report of, relative to lands on sait réservation..A Communication from, relative to amount paid Inspector-General ............................. S Communication from, relative to amount paid for binding legislative documents.................. S Communication from, relative to cost of State print- ing, 1856, 1857 and 1858...................... S Communication from, relative to amounts paid Lieutenant-Governors, etc..................... S Communication from, relative to compensation paid railroad commissioners under cbapter 633, Laws of 1857........................................ S Report of, relative to legislative manuals....... S Robert Denniston: Annual report of..............................A Communication from, relative to taxes, etc....A Communication from, relative to transportation of convicts to tbe State prisons...............A Communication from, relative to cost of publishing State canvass, etc........................... S Communication from, relative to revenue of Onon- daga sait springs............................ S Annual report of...............................A Report of, on claim of Joël Wheaton.......... A Lucius Robinson: 1862 Annual report of..................................... A 1862 Report of, relative to cost of printing..............A 1862 Report of, relative to unpaid balance of State tax................................................A 4 91 4 100 1 4 1 44 1 46 1 49 2 62 2 68 2 69 2 73 2 76 2 77 3 151 3 155 1 16 1 22 1 24 1 29 1 43 2 66 1 6 4 154 2 36 1 60 1 62 1 4 1 12 1 7 2 17 3 41 361862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1867 1867 282 COMPTROLLER — Continuée!. Lucius Robinson — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. Report of, relative to payment of State tax in Ontario county.................................A 3 42 Report of, relative to clerks in his office, having interest in tax sales..........................A 4 79 Report of, relative to payments to Institution for Instruction to deaf and dumb...................A 4 87 Report of, relative to Onondaga sait springs......A 4 91 Report of, relative to bills paid for advertising.... S 4 64 Annual report of................................. S 1 4 Communication from, relative to paying interest q ji 13 on State debt in coin........................ { 82 Communication from, relative to moneys received from auction duties........................... S 80 Communication from, relative to monthly balances in bank of Manhattan Co....................... S 95 Communication from, relative to payment of State tax to certain bank in city of New York. A 2 35 Communication from, relative to reports made by gas companies..................................A 4 63 Communication from, relative to Susquehanna Seminary...................................... A 4 64 Communication from, relative to interest upon State debt.....................................A 5 108 Annual report of..................................A 1 5 do do .......................................A 1 4 Communication from, relative to payment of boun- ties to volunteers........................... S 3 39 Annual report of..................................A 1 6 Communication from, relative to fees retained by comptroller of the city of New York, from the State tax...................................... A 167 Communication from, relative to fund for relief of sick and wounded soldiers..................... S 12 Communication from, relative to sales of land granted by Congress........................... S 29 Communication from, relative to State Agricultural College....................................... S 39 Communication from, relative to ferries running to and from eastern district of Brooklyn......... S 67 Thomas Hillhouse: Annual report of...............................A 1 5 Communication from, relative to expenses of staff departments............................. S 2 94 Communication from, relative to local indebtedness of the several counties.................... A 6 89 Communication from, relative to public printing.. SI 15 Receipts and expenditures in State prisons... A 2 37 Annual report of...............................A 1 3 Communication from, relative to public printing... A 1 131868 1868 1868 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 283 COMPTROLLER — Continued. William F. Allen: Doc. Vol. Annual report of.................................A 1 Report as to amount of money deposited with him arising from sale of baggage................. S 3 Report as to expenses of national guard and military departments of State...........................A 9 Report of returns made by corporations......... S 7 Annual report of............................... A 1 Communication from, relative to claim of Munson J. Lockwood............................. .......A 10 Reply to Senate resolution inquiring as to daims for printing documents ordered by Senate ........ S 3 Reply to Senate resolution relative to daims of soldiers of 1812.............................. S 3 Annual report of........... ...................A 6 Asher P. Nichols: Annual report of...... ............................A 1 Nelson K. Hopkins: Annual report of...................................A 1 Communication from, relative to per diem allow- ance to members after expiration of one hundred days........................................... A 10 Reply of, to resolution relative to deficiencies in the general fund.....................................A 10 Reply of, to resolution relative to valuation of real and personal property in the several counties.... A 7 Reply of, to resolution of Senate relative to officers and attendants of Senate, for session of 1871.... S 2 Annu al report of..................................A 1 Reply of, to resolution of the Assembly relative to military record fund.. . ........................A 5 Communication from, relative to moneys expended for State Natural History........................A 6 Annual report of...................................A 1 Report relative to Sinking Funds ... ............. S 2 Communication from, relative to printing contract, S 3 Communication relative to loans under section 10, article 1, of the Constitution.................. S 3 Report of, relative to Sinking Funds...............A 2 Reply of, to resolution relative to lands adjoining sait lands.......................................A 2 Reply of, to resolution relative to water from Loom Lake.............................................A 2 Reply of, to resolution relative to State funds in hands of county treasurers.......................A 2 Reply of, to resolution relative to original cost of the Black River Réservoir....... ................A 6 Reply of, to resolution in relation to taxes due the State .............................................A 10 No. 3 17 92 91 3 205 42 35 3 3 3 180 144 102 30 3 80 91 3 29 35 47 31 38 39 43 93 135284 COMPTROLLER — Continued. Nelson K. Hopkins — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1875 Annual report of............................A 1 3 1876 do ...............................A 1 3 1876 Commuication from, relative to publication of State canvass...................................A 4 37 1876 Communication from, relative to repair and cleaning capitol.................................. A 6 63 1876 Reply of, in relation to military commutation..A 7 107 1877 Annual report of the........................A 1 3 1877 Communication from, relative to certain expendi- tures.....................................A 3 38 1877 Communication from, relative to geographical sur- vey and natural history of the State......... S 2 42 COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE, BANKING DEPART- MENT OF, aee Banking Department. COMSTOCK, GEORGE F. 1850 Answer to resolution of Assembly...............A 5 96 COMSTOCK, RUSSELL. 1850 Agricultural discoveries of.................A 3 23 CONANT, SAMUEL H., AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of. ... -A 7 137 CONCERT SALOONS. 1862 Presentment against, by grand jury in the city of New York................................. S 1 2 CONCILIATION COURTS. 1847 Memorial of Steen Bille relative to........ S 3 98 1862 Report of judiciary committee on pétitions for.A 4 72 CONCORD, TOWN OF. 1831 First Congregational Society, report on pétition to sell real estate..........................A 4 343 1833 Report on pétition to change the manner of voting for town ofïicers in......................A 4 251 CONESUS LAKE. 1850 Report of Canal Board relative to ......... S 1 40 CONESUS OUTLET. 1838 Feeder from, to the Genesee Valley canal, report in relation to...............................A 2 30 CONEWANGO CANAL, Canals.285 1842 1849 1849 1832 1836 1840 1840 1841 1842 1842 1839 1839 1839 1845 1832 1832 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1851 1851 1861 1843 1845 CONGRESS. Doc. VoL No* Resolutions of Georgia relative to provision of 27th, at the extra session.......................A 4 58 Members of Législature eleoted to: Report of majority of judiciary committee on the subject of.................................... S Report of minority on same....................... S REPRESENTATIVES IN: Report relative to altering the time for electing.... S Report relative to spécial élections for.........A Appointment to office of, resolution relative to the.. S Appointaient to office of, report on the subject. S Appointment to office of, resolution relative to the, S [Ex. Sess.] Act of, for the apportionment of repré- sentatives, etc...................................A [Ex. Sess.] Resolution protesting against action of Congress on the subject of apportioning repré- sentatives, etc......................*........A Senatob in: Report on bill and resolution of the Assembly rela- tive to the appointment of..................... S Report on the resolution of the Senate relative to, A Report on bill to provide for the élection of....A Communication from Governor relative to...........A CONGRES SIONAL DISTRICTS, see Apportionment. Arrangement of, message from the Governor rela- tive to the.......................................... A Arrangement of, report of select committee.........A Report on the organization of..................... S Report of the committee on conférence on bill rela- tive to............................................... S [Ex. Sess.] Act to divide the State into congres- sional districts, report by the majority of select committee of sixteen............................A [Ex. Sess.] Act for the same, report by the minority, A [Ex. Sess.] Report on Senate bill to divide the State into........................................... A Report of select committee on..................... A Minority report....................................A Report on division of State into.................. S CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. Report of committee on colleges, academies and common schools, on a communication from Secre- tary of State relative to.................A Report of Secretary of State relative to certain, in his office, etc............................. S 2 48 2 49 2 105 2 77 1 3 1 29 1 5 7 195 7 196 3 77 5 272 6 404 1 8 4 330 4 336 4 107 4 109 7 196 7 197 7 198 6 151 fi J152 6 |153 2 69 2 31 2 711873 1875 1877 1834 1834 1835 1866 1831 1832 1834 1839 1839 1841 1841 1834 1834 1842 1842 1843 1844 1844 1851 1858 286 CONGRESS HALL. D Reply of Commissioners of Land Office relative to rental of.......................................A 5 Reply of commissioners relative to............. S 6 Communication relative to.......................A 5 CONHOCTON RIVER. Dam acrose, report on pétition of John Cooper, Jr., to build a.................................... A 4 CONLIN, VINCENT. Report on pétition of, for a lease of surplus water of the Chemung canal............,........... S 2 Report on pétition of, for a lease of surplus water of the Chemung canal...............................A 2 CONLEY, JOHN W. Report of daims committee on pétition of...... A 5 CONNECTICUT, STATE OF. Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president, etc ................. A 1 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the United States judicial department, etc........A 1 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tariff laws.................................. A 1 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands..................................A 2 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the increase of the executive patronage of the general government....................................A 2 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the pro- tection of domestic industry....................A 1 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the dis- tribution of the proceeds of the public lands.... A 2 School fund, report relative to taxing debts due the, A 3 School fund, report of committee on the judiciary. . A 3 Resolution of General Assembly of, relative to tariff, A 2 Resolution of General Assembly of, relative to presi- dential term.....................................A 2 Resolution relative to the public lands, tariff, West Point Academy, transmitted by Governor.......... A 1 Communication from the Governor transmitting resolution of Législature of, in relation to French spoliations, the military academy and the tariff .. A 1 Communication from the Governor transferring resolution of Législature of, in relation to the franking privilège, etc......................... A 1 Report relative to boundary between, and New York, S 4 Report of spécial committee on communication of commissioners to ascertain the boundary line between New York and...............................A 4 No. 68 90 45 286 78 91 96 4 3 11 18 24 14 24 137 148 26 28 11 7 14 165 132287 CONNECTICUT, STATE OF — Continued. Doc.Voi. No. 1859 Message of Governor relative to boundary...A 2 54 1859 Report of commissioners to ascertain the boundary between this State and...................A 2 89 1877 Secretary of State of, communication from..A 8 77 CONNOLLY, MICHAEL. 1867 Communication from, as to charge of Metropolitan Police.................................. S 2 80 1867 Communication from superintendent Metropolitan Police relative to suspension of business before.. A 6 91 CONRAD, I, AND I. MOORE. 1832 Commissioners of highways of the town of Lansing, report on pétition of........................A 3 191 CONRO AND GREEN. 1857 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of, for payment for castings furnished Clinton State Prison...............................A 3 169 CONROY, CHARLES. 1870 Report of daims committee.................A 3 46 CONSIGNEES, AGENTS AND FACTORS. 1830 Memorial of merchants of New York for a law to prevent abuses in the disposition of goods in the hands of..................................... S 1 46 1830 Report of committee on the judiciary............ S 1 55 1830 Remonstrance of merchants of Albany against the bill concerning.............................. S 2 105 CONSTABLES’ FEES. 1836 Report relative to, for serving subpœnas in crimnal cases ............. .........................A 3 181 1838 Report on pétition to inôrease the.............A 5 220 CONSTITUTION OF 1821. Amendments: 1842 Report on proposed, in 1841....................A 5 120 1844 Resolutions proposing.......................... S 1 11 1844 do .......................... SI 13 1844 do .......................... S 1 15 1844 do .......................... S 1 16 1844 do .......................... S 1 17 1844 do .......................... SI 22 1844 do .......................... S 1 29 1844 Proposed, when in committee of the whole... S 2 63 1844 Proposed, by the committee on the judiciary.S 2 90 1844 Proposed, by Mr. Lester .................. S 3 104 1844 Report of the select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to.............A 6 150 1844 Report of committees of conférence on the proposed, A 7 166288 CONSTITUTION OF 1821 — Continued. Amendments— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1844 Report of commises of conférence on the proposed, A 7 178 1845 Report of Secretary of State relative to proposed. .Al 7 1845 Resolution of Mr. Worden relative to............A 1 24 1845 Report of select committee on...................A 3 43 Canal Revenues: 1832 Resolution to amend the law relating to........ S 2 70 1832 do do S 2 100 1834 do do A 3 131 1835 do do S 2 35 1836 do do ......... SI 48 Courts : 1844 Amendments proposed by Le Grande Marvin rela- tive to.............................................. S 1 36 Electors : 1837 Resolution to amend, so as to allow them to vote for president and vice-president,'and for governor and lieutenant-goveror, in any town or ward, provided such elector is prevented by business from voting where he résides....................A 2 120 Governor: 1842 Resolutions proposing to amend, as to qualifications for.............................................A 1 5 Mayor of New York: 1830 Resolution to amend, so as to make him elective--A 2 96 1833 Report of Secretary of State relative to the publica- tion of the amendments to, relating to................. S 1 14 1833 Report of judiciary committee, on the report of the Secretary of State......................... S 1 45 Mayors : 1836 Resolution to amend, so as to make them elective.. A 2 75 1837 do do do .. A 2 148 1838 Communication from the Secretary of State relative to the publication of said amendments...........A 2 28 1838 Report of the committee on the judiciary on the report of the Secretary of State................A 3 J10 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary on the amend- ment.......................................... A 3 96 1835 Meeting of the Législature, resolution to amend, relative to the time of. .......................A 1 61 Salt and Auction Duties: 1832 To be applied to defraying the expenses of the government, resolution for the same............ S 2 70 1832 To be applied for defraying the expenses of the gov- ernment, resolution for the same............... S 3 100 1833 Report of Secretary of State relative to the publica- tion of said amendments.........'............. S 1 14289 1831 1831 1833 1833 1834 1835 1835 1835 1843 1843 1843 1844 1848 1849 1858 1847 1853 1853 1853 1853 1857 1853 1847 1847 1853 1847 1847 1862 1862 1865 CONSTITUTION OF 1821 — Continued. Salt Düties: Doc. Vol. No. Résolution for the réduction of the.. .......... S 1 67 do do do ...................A 4 294 Report of Secretary of State relative to the publica- tion of said amendments......................... S 1 14 Report of committee on judiciary on the same.... S 2 45 Resolution to restore the, to the general fund...A 3 131 Report of the Secretary of State relative to the pub- lication of said amendments......................A 1 42 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.*. Al 49 Resolution and récital on the same............. A 1 59 State Debt and Liability: Memorial of Herkimer county delegates asking for an amendment relative to the création of.......A 4 90 Report of majority of select committee on same---A 5 152 Minority report on same .........................A 5 153 Report on so much of Governor’s message as relates to amendments to, etc............................A 6 150 CONSTITUTION OF 1846. Document containing.................................A 1 7 Document containing, with index..................A 1 7 Opinion of Attorney-General respecting a certain provision of...................................A 1 22 Article three, section fifteen, report relative to. S 1 15 Article seven, section three, report of select com- mittee, relative to............................. B 2 42 Minority report on same subject................. S 2 46 Canals, majority and minority report of committee on, an amendment of, relative to completing.... A 4 98 Canals, majority and minority report of committee on, on the amendment of, relative to completing, A4 99 Court of Appeals, report of committee on the judiciary, on amending, relative to............A 4 45 Elective franchise, report of the judiciary committee on the reference of the resolutions to amend, rela- tive to......................................... A 3 60 Index to......................................... S 1 16 Manufacturing corporations, report on so much as relates to.................................... S 2 53 New York Chamber of Commerce, memorial of.......A 4 100 Publishing, report of money paid for, by Comptroller, A 6 157 Publishing report of list of papers...............A 4 126 Report of committee, relative to amendment of, respecting liquor as a beverage................A 6 163 Report of committee, relative to amendment of, respecting liquor as a beverage (majority).....A 6 168 Communication from Secretary of State, transmitting resuit of spécial élection to amend, so as to appoint commissioners of appeals.............. S 3 81 37290 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1846. Doc. Yol. No. 1845 Report of select committee on tbe bill from the Assembly recommending........................ S 3 107 1845 Minority report of the same committee.......... S 3 108 1845 Report of select committee on the bill for.....A 6 211 1845 Report of Mr. Comstock and others, on bill for. ... A 6 231 1846 Report of Attorney-General in reply to a resolution relative to apportionment of members of......A 4 122 1846 Opinion of Suprême Court on apportionment of members of....................... ...........A 5 181 CON STITUTION AL CONVENTION OF 1867-1868. 1867 Communication from Secretary of State as to votes cast for.....................................A 2 34 1867 Report of resolutions in relation to ..........A 2 36 1868 Report of Comptroller as to expenses of........A 8 67 1868 Report of Secretary of State as to expenses of. S 5 52 1870 Judiciary article of...........................A 6 101 CONSTITUTION AL REFORM. 1846 Communication from Governor transmitting pro- ceedings of a public meeting in relation to..A 1 32 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States Constitution. CON STITUTION AL COMMISSION. 1873 Amendment proposed by, to Constitution .... S 3 70 CONSTITUTION. 1873 Amendment to, relative to canal tolls.......A 2 20 1873 Relative to elective franchise..............A 7 114 1873 Report of joint committee relative to considération of........................................A 7 144 1874 Proposed amendments to................... S 2 15 1875 Report of Secretary of State relative to canvass of votes on amendments.......................A 2 15 CONSUL OF THE UNITED STATES AT PARIS. 1843 Communication from, transmitted by Governor_A 4 119 CONTESTED SEATS. Cràwford, James F. : 1866 Evidence taken by committee in case of contested seat of........................................A 4 66 1866 Report of majority committee in case of contested seat of.......................................A 7 164 1866 Report of minority committee in case of contested seat of.......................................A 7 167 Weed, Smith M. : 1866 Report of committee in case of contested seat of. .. A 5 126291 CONTESTED SEATS — Continued. Williams, William : D0C. Vol. No. 1866 Pétition in case of contested seat of..........A 2 31 1866 Evidence taken before committee................A 1 12 1866 Report of majority and minority of committee...A 6 127 Gregory, L. H. : 1867 Report of committee in case of contested seat of... A 1 12 Ransom, Frank A. : 1867 Testimony in case of contested seat of.........A 4 65 1867 Report of committee................................ A 10 233 Sherman, William C. H. : 1868 Memorial relative to contested seat of.........A 10 125 Van Brunt, George B. : 1868 Report of committee in case of contested seat of. .. A 10 128 Worth, Jacob: 1868 Report of committee in case of contested seat of. .. A 8 83 Decker, John: 1869 Report of majority committee in case of contested seat of............................................A 7 103 1869 Report of minority committee in case of contested seat of......................................A 10 144 Halpin, William: 1869 Report of majority committee in case of contested seat of............................................A 9 139 1869 Report of minority committee in case of contested seat of............................................A 10 185 Whalen, Charles H. : 1869 Report of committee in case of contested seat of... A 9 122 Jones, William C.: 1870 Report of committee in case of contested seat of. .. A 11 209 Lawrence, Edward D.: 1870 Testimony and papers in case of contested seat of.. A 5 82 1870 Evidence taken before committee......................A 3 70 Murphy, William C. : 1870 Testimony in case of contested seat of...............A 3 54 1870 Report in case of contested seat of..................A 10 170 Wood, Anson P.: 1870 Report of committee in case of contested seat of... A 10 171 Cavanaugh, James: 1876 Claim of, for seat of John C. Jacobs in Senate. S 2 38292 CONTRACT, see Debts on. Doc yol No# 1842 Report of the judiciary committee on the pétition for repeal of laws for compulsory enforcement of, A 7 178 CONTRACTS ON PERSONAL SECURITY. 1850 Report on act in relation to......................... S 1 30 CONTRIBUTIONS. 1833 Of forwarding merchants on the Erie canal, report on pétition of farmera and others of western New York, in relation to.................................A 4 320 CONVENTION OF THE STATES. 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Georgia for a call for.................................................A 2 39 1833 Resolution of the Législature of South Carolina for a call for........................................ A 2 39 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Delaware against, A 2 135 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Ohio against.A 3 139 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts against.............................................A 4 291 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Mississippi against, A 4 129 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Alabama against.. A 4 244 CONVENTION, STATE. 1833 At Poughkeepsie, in 1798, for the purpose of adopt- ing the Constitution of United States, proceed- ings of.................................A 1 11 CONVENTS, NUNNERIES, ETC. 1838 Report concerning..........................A 6 362 CONVICTIONS FOR CRIMINAL OFFENSES, æe Criminal offenses. CONVICT LABOR. 1859 Report of agent and warden of Sing Sing prison, relative to contracts for.................A 4 172 1862 Report of select committee relative to contracts for, A 6 130 1870 Report of committee on....................... S 3 92 CONVICTS, see State Prisons. COOK, ALLEN. 1858 Report on claim of........................... S 2 65 COOK, C. 1854 Report on pétition of........................A 3 116 COOK, J. J. AND J. T. 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of..A 3 99 COOKS, PITTS AND OTHERS. 1869 Pétition of, for committee to investigate élection frauds....................................A 10 173293 COOK, EE6ECCA. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition, for certain relief........ S 1 49 COOK, BATES AND OTHERS. Report on pétition relative to certain land in Lewis- ton........................................ A 1 28 1834 Report on pétition relative to certain land in Lewis- ton..........................................A 1 49 1834 Report on pétition relative to certain land in Lewis- ton .....................................A 4 281 1835 Report on pétition relative to certain land in Lewis- ton .........................................A 3 288 COOK, TIMOTHY. 1865 Report on claim of.........A 2 53 COOL, KEYES P., AND HYMEN J. 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for damages on account of the loss of a boat on the Glen’s Falls feeder........................................... A 2 111 COOLEY, FITCH AND HUNT. 1855 Memorial of....................................A 2 44 1855 Report of select committee on bill for payment of g ^ j 52 judgment in favor of............................ (54 COONEY, NICHOLAS. 1865 Report on claim of.............................A 7 135 COOPER, JOHN, Jr. 1834 Report on pétition to build a dam across Conhocton river........................................A 4 286 1875 Cooperstown, pétition of freeholders of village of, S 4 55 COPELAND, CAMPBELL AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of..........................A 4 67 COPELAND, CUYLER. 1864 Report on claim of.........................A 7 159 COPELAND, JOHN. 1849 Report of committee on daims on petion of.A 3 105 1862 Report on claim of.............................A 4 76 CORKINS, PHILIP. 1865 Report on claim of.............................A 6 103 CORNELIUS, RACHEL, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on Indian affaire on claim of, for relief...............................A 3 80 CORNELL, CHARLES G. 1867 Report of Senate committee on charges against... S 1 10294 CORNELL, DANIEL, AND RANSON CLARK. Doc. Vol. No. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of .. A 287 3 158 • 1850 Report on daim of................................ S 3 110 1850 Report of select committee on bill for relief of.A 3 26 1852 Report on pétition of.............................. SI 14 CORNELL, NATHAN. 1831 Report on pétition for interest on certain money .. A 3 228 CORNELL, PERRY. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to property on his boat while passing one of the locks . on the Êrie canal............................ A 4 135 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 1869 Concurrent resolutions authorizing the issuing of arms and ordinance to........................ S 3 37 CORNEY, PATRICK. 1846 Report of committee on pétition for relief of.. S 2 45 CORNING. 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to improvement of Chemung canal at..... S 4 65 CORNWALL, AUGUSTUS. 1852 Report on pétition for relief...................A 5 113 CORPORATIONS. 1832 Assessment of taxes on, report of Attorney-General relative to the.............................. S 2 103 1839 Assessment of taxes on, report of Attorney-General relative to the.............................. S 1 9 1833 Exemption of real estate of, from taxation, report relative to the............................ S 1 33 1833 Charters, Attorney-General’s report on the subject repealing by a two-thirds or a majority vote. S 1 8 1862 Power of the Législature over, report of the Attor- ney-General relative to the......................... S 1 8 1835 Création of, report of Attorney-General on several questions relative to the.................... S 1 4 1838 Abstract of returns of, in the Comptroller's office for 1837 .........................................A 1 146 1835 Capital stock of ail the, liable to taxation, report of the.......................................... S 2 40 1837 Power of Législature to create or authorize, by one law, more than one corporation, report of Attor- ney-General..........................................A 4 303 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.. A 5 277 1840 Remonstrance against intrusting the taxes collected from the people to the custody of.............A 8 362 1844 Report of Comptroller showing real estate, capital stock, etc., of...............................A 3 98295 1857 1876 1836 1835 1838 1838 1837 1835 1837 1835 1836 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1847 1847 1858 1862 1868 1870 1839 CORPORATIONS —Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Standing committee on finance, report relative to taxes on incorporated companies............... S 2 55 Report of Clerk of Assembly relative to taxes paid by.............................................A 6 72 Charitable and Religious: Report on bill concerning ........................A 3 111 Manufacturing : Report of Attorney-General on the bill to extend the provisions of the act of 1817, to the counties of Orange and Sullivan........................... S 1 4 Report of the committee on trade and manufactures on the bill to amend an act relative to.......A Report of the majority of the committee on the judiciary on the same..........................A Révision of the laws relative to, report of the com- mittee on manufactures recommending a....... S Taxation of, report on pétition to amend the law relative to....................................A Taxation of, exemption from, and from individual responsibility to their creditors, report on pétition to repeal the laws........................... A Oppressive practices of, report on pétition for relief from certain................................. .A Education of children in, report on the expediency of providing by law for the proper éducation and government of..................................A Report of Attorney-General on the Assembly bill to amend the act relative to, passed March 22,1811.. S Report of committee on manufactures on pétition for incorporation of......................... S Report of the committee on manufactures on péti- tion of Seth C. Jones and others, for the same... S Report relative to............................... S do S Report of committee of conférence on bill for....A 5 275 5 277 29 3 212 3 182 3 205 4 233 59 1 13 2 65 2 53 4 116 8 240 Mechanical : Report on bill incorporating.................. S 4 143 CORRUPTION. Report of committee to investigate charges of.A 4 114 Report of committee on legislative... ..... .. A 8 239 Report of committee to investigate charges of.A 7 145 do do ....A 7 141 CORSS, GENERAL, AND OTHERS. Report on claim pf, for services of certain field offi- cers, called out to defend the noithern frontier, etc...........................................A 6 394296 CORTLAND COUNTY. Doc. Voi. No. 1837 Court of, report on pétition to alter the time for holding........................................A 1 14 1837 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build a, A 1 49 1838 Report on pétition for a loan to complété the__A 3 83 1839 Report on pétition for a loan to complété the__A 2 52 1836 Grand and petit jurors of, report on pétition to authorize them to make their own certificates of attendance.................................A 4 239 1848 Report of Comptroller as to taxes unpaid in..A 5 136 1859 Report of treasurer of........................A 2 65 1859 Report of surrogate of........................A 2 66 CORTLAND VILLAGE. 1831 Suprême Court commissioner, report on bill to authorize the appointment of a..............A 1 44 CORWIN, GERSHAM. 1835 Report on pétition to sell certain lands, etc..A 4 346 CORYELL, C. & W. 1842 Report on pétition of.........................A 5 83 CORYWELL, GEORGE. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Chemung canal...........................A 2 89 COST, ELIAS. 1847 Report as to claim of........................ S 2 57 COSTS. 1832 Liability of the State for certain, under the excise law........................................ S 2 82 1840 In cases of assault and battery, report on pétition for a law requiring security for........... A 4 129 For the foreclosure of mortgages, see Mortgages. COTTON, GEORGE H., see W. Gibbs and others. COTTON, HENRY G. 1837 Report on pétition to confirm his official acts as a Suprême Court Commissioner..............A 2 141 COÜLSON, NICHOLAS L. 1857 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of, for an appropriation.......A 2 86 COUNSEL FEES. 1851 Report of Comptroller relative to, paid by the State, S 2 33 COUNTIES, NEW. 1839 Report of Attorney-General in relation to the érec- tion of, from contiguous territory in different Senate districts...................................A 4 227297 COUNTIES, NEW — Continued. Doc. Vol. No* 1843 Report of the committee on, relative to amending title 5, part 1, of the Revised Statutes, etc.A 5 146 1843 Minority report on same.........................A 5 164 1850 Report of Attorney-General on the division, altera- tion and érection of towns and counties.......A 5 82 COÜNTRYMAN, THOMAS. 1851 Report on pétition for canal damages........... S 2 46 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.............. S 1 12 1856 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief....................................... S 1 34 COUNTY ACCOUNTS AND ABUSES. 1846 Report of Mr. Barlow, from a select committee, on a communication in relation to................. S 3 76 COUNTY CHARGES. 1839 Report of Secretary of State in relation to......A 4 183 COUNTY CLERKS. 1845 Report of Secretary of State of the names of, who hâve not filed in his office a statement of their fees, etc., according to law................. S 2 76 1847 Report relative to fees of....................... S 2 58 1847 Report of, in answer to a resolution............. S 2 80 1847 Pétition of members of the New York ba» for reform in mode of payment of fees to................A 7 102 1849 Report of Secretary of State of the amount of fees of, S 2 77 1850 List of, who hâve reported........................A 6 152 1852 Report of Secretary of State respecting fees of-A 5 118 COUNTY COURTS. 1849 Pétition of E. F. Bullard and others for restoration of jurisdiction of.............................A 3 142 COUNTY EXPENSES. 1847 Report on pétitions relative to town and......... S 3 103 COUNTY JUDGES. 1833 Report on pétition to confer equity powers on, in causes upon sums less than $100................A 4 323 1837 Report on bill authorizing them to inspect turn- pikes, and to fix the location of gates on.... S 2 67 1848 Report of committee on roads and bridges as to powers of, to locate gates.................. A 5 134 COUNTY OFFICERS. 1837 Report on pétition to repeal the law associating county judges with supervisors in the appoint- ment of................................................A 2 47 38298 COXJNTY POOR-HOUSES. Doc. Vol. No 1838 Abuses in, report concerning.................... A 6 310 1838 do do A G 265 1840 Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolisli the, A 6 267 1841 do do do A 7 265 1831 Poor-house System, report on the subject (Mr. Pot- ter)...........................................A 4 305 1839 Poor, report on pétition to revive the distinction between town and county poor.................. A 5 299 1832 Report relative to the accounts of certain officers for supporting.....................................A 1 12 1832 Report relative to the accounts of certain officers for supporting.....................................A 3 118 COUNTY PRISONS. 1835 Report of select committee on altering the law rela- tive to. .............................................. A 5 390 1847 Report of committee on State prisons for régulation of State and...................................A 8 241 COUNTY TREASURERS. 1830 Balances due from Comptroller’s report relative to, Al 37 1838 Compensation of, report relative to altering the law relative to....................................A 3 130 1849 Report of Clerk of court of appeals relative to funds deposited with................................ S 3 85 . fl 35 1 48 2 59 2 65 1859 Reports of, on funds and securities in their hands... A \ 3 92 3 96 3 100 3 110 3 120 COURT OF APPEALS. 1849 Report of clerk of, relative to progress made in exe- cution of the provisions of the acts respecting funds and securities in possession of, etc.......A 3 110 1849 Report of clerk of, in relation to funds and securi- ties in his possession................................... S 2 43 1849 Report of clerk of, as to paying into State Treasury the sum of $35,18Ï.50........................... S 2 44 1849 Report of clerk relative to funds deposited with county treasurers............................... S 3 85 1850 Report of.......................................... A 5 96 1855 Report of clerk of, in answer to a resolution...... S 1 13 1857 Report of judiciary committee on amending the Constitution relative to.........................A 1 45 1857 Communication from thejudges of, etc.........A 1 45 1858 Report of clerk of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate.......................................... S 2 36299 COURT OF APPEALS — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. 1859 Report of clerk of, as to moneys transferred to county treasurers...........................A 3 98 1859 Report of clerk of, as to clerks in his office.A 3 141 1862 Report of clerk of, as to causes pending in....A 3 36 1863 Report of clerk of, as to funds in his custody.... A 7 218 1866 Report of clerk of, as to funds remaining, winch hâve passed through his hands...............A 6 124 1867 Communication of Secretary of State and Comp- troller relative to reports of .............A 4 78 1873 Reply of clerk of, relative to Chancery and Library fund........................................A 5 81 COURT OF CHANCERY, src Chancery. COURT OF ERRORS. 1835 Report as to certain expenses of the....... ... A 2 125 1849 Report of select committee on................... SI 4 1847 Report of select committee as to continuance of.... S 1 8 1847 Report on continuance of....................... S 1 9 1847 Opinion of Lieutenant-Governor as to continuance of.......................................... S 1 20 COURTS, ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. 1858 Report on bill to establish....................A 4 110 COURTS OF JUSTICE. 1858 Report of committee as to causes of delays in, of this State..................................A 1 45 COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States Courts. COURTS-MARTIAL. 1839 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to..., A 6 398 1840 In New York, report of amount of moneys received, etc................................. .... S 3 88 1840 Report on pétition to amend the law, etc.... S 4 108 1843 Report of committee on the militia relative to abol- ishing brigade........................... S 3 74 COYELL, LYMAN, see John Arnott. COWAN, NELSON, AND PETER REESE. 1863 Report on claim of... ........................A 5 138 COWASSELON AND NEW STOCKBRIDGE LANDS. 1830 Report on pétition of settlerson, for relief. S 2 163 COWASSELON TRACT OF LAND. 1831 Report of Comptroller on pétition of settlers on.... A 3 260 1831 Report of committee on public lands, same.. A 4 336300 1832 1844 1830 1840 1842 1842 1833 1835 1834 1866 1840 1857 1864 1865 1847 1850 1852 COWEN, ESEK. E Eeport of amount of fees received by him as circuit judge....................................A 2 COWEN, JUDGE. Arrangements at funeral of............... S 2 No. 157 54 COXE’S PATENT AT OSWEGO. Eeport relative to the claim of the State to a portion of....................................... S 3 245 COX, J. & T. Eeport on pétition for compensation for damages to their mills by the érection of an aqueduct on the Genesee Valley canal.......................A 3 100 COX, JAMES ISAAC. Tupper, Mrs., report on pétition of...........A 5 125 Eeport of committee on daims on portion of..A 5 128 CEABB, ALANSING. Eeport on pétition to change his name.........A 3 230 CEABB, ISAAC. Eeport on pétition to change his name.........A 1 32 CEABTEEE, W. Memorial of, in relation to a State prison for female convicts.................................. S 2 86 CEAIN, A. W., AND OTHEES. Eeport of daims committeq on pétition of..A 4 82 CEAIN, PHILLIP. Eeport on pétition for a compensation for damages to his lands by the construction of the Chenango canal......................................A 6 222 CEAMEE, GEOEGE, AND JAMES T. HAMILTON. Eeport of committee on daims, favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by diversion of water.A 3 153 CEAMEE, GEOEGE W. Eeport on claim of.........................A 6 117 do ..........................A 3 78 CEAMEE, WILLIAM. Eeport on pétition of.......................A 1 45 CEANDALL, CLAEK. Eeport on pétition of........*..............A 6 148 Eeport on pétition of, for relief...........A 5 106301 CRANDALL, HENRY. Doc. Vol. No 1849 Report of committee on canals, on pétition of.....A 3 150 CRANDALL, JUSTIN AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of......................... A 2 92 CRANDALL, LOUISA. 1836 Report on pétition for a divorce...............A 4 328 CRANE, SIMEON AND OTHERS. 1833 Report on pétition for a loan to aid them in the discovery of sait in Delaware county............A 4 276 1834 Report of committee on the manufacture of sait... A 1 45 1834 Report of Comptroller on the manufacture of ^ait.. A 2 104 1834 Report of select committee on the manufacture of sait.........................................A 3 146 CRAYATH, EZEKIEL. 1831 Report on pétition for damages by the construction of a road in Genesee county..................A 1 25 CRAYEN, A. W. 1866 Report of, relative to railroads under Broadway, New York.................................... S 1 28 CRAWFORD, FRANCIS. 1862 Report on claim of.............................A 6 132 CRAWFORD, HON. JAMES T., see Contested Seats. CREDITORS OF THE STATE. 1858 Report on bill for the relief of.............. S 2 33 CREDIT MOBILIER. 1873 Concurrent resolutions relative to.............A 4 54 CRIMINAL CASES. 1848 Report as to fees of witnesses in.................A3 95 CRIMINAL COURT BILL. 1842 Message from the Governor returning the....... S 4 90 CRIMINAL LAW. 1838 Digest of, report on pétition of Dominick T. Blake for the purchase by the State of copies of his__A 5 206 CRIMINAL OFFENSES, CONVICTIONS FOR. 1838 Report of Secretary of State givin g abstracts of- S 2 65 1839 do do do S 2 35 1840 do do do S 3 120 1841 do do do S 3 67 1842 Report of Secretary of State relative to, etc. S 3 51302 CRIMINAL OFFENSES, CONVICTIONS FOR — Continued. doc. Voi. No. 1843 Annual report of Secretary of State of abstracts of, and of return of sheriff’s reports of persons convicted. A 4 110 1844 Report of Secretary of State of abstracts of... S 2 92 1845 Report of abstracts of, etc.................... S 2 54 1846 do do ....................... S 3 98 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, see Code of Criminal Procedure. CRIMINALS, APPREHENSION OF. 1831 Comptroller’s report of items of charges for the, for the last two years....................A 4 339 CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 1847 Report as to...................................A 7 180 1848 Report of Secretary of State concerning......A 6 193 1849 Report of Secretary of State respecting......A 5 242 1850 Annual report of, by Secretary of State.........A 8 195 1851 Annual report of Secretary of State on..........A 5 140 1852 Report of Secretary of State relative to. ... S 3 97 1853 Report of Secretary of State on.............. S 3 77 1855 Report of, by Secretary of State. ............. S 3 79 1857 Report relative to............................. S 4 130 1858 Annual report of Secretary of State on......... A 6 168 1859 do do ...........A4 181 1860 do do ...........A 6 190 1861 do do ...........A 2 54 1862 do do ........... S 6 117 1863 do do ...........A 229 1864 do do ...........A 8 195 1865 do do ...........A 8 174 1866 do do ...........A 5 114 1867 do do ...........A 14 270 1868 do do ...........A 2 16 1869 do do ...........A 7 106 1870 do do ...........A 6 108 1871 do do ...........A4 56 1873 Report of Secretary of State on...............A 2 10 1875 Annual report of Secretary of State on........A 5 56 1877 do do ...........A 9 145 1876 do do ...........A 6 64 1876 Crime in the city of New York, increase of, report on the.....................................A 6 106 CRIPPEN, ALONZO. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 7 115 CROOKED LAKE. 1835 Outlet of, report on pétition of owners of hydraulic works on the...............................A 4 369 1855 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor respecting improvement of................................ A 5 117303 CROOKED LAKE CANAL, see Canale. CROSBY, EPENETUS. Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of majority of committee on privilèges and élections, relative to his claim to seat occupied by G. T. Pierce, from Dutchess county...........A 2 45 1846 Report of minority committee on the same.A 2 46 CROSS, JOSEPH R. 1847 Report on pétition of............................ A 7 224 CROSSIT, W. L. 1836 Canal contractors on the Chenango canal, report on pétition for relief of........................A 4 317 1837 Report of select committee on pétition for relief of, A 4 315 1837 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition for relief of.....................................A 4 317 1838 Report of committee on daims on pétition for relief of............................................A 4 177 CROSSITT, W. L., see John I. De Graff and others. CROTON AQUEDUCT, see New York. CROUSE, HENRY. 1851 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, A 2 38 CROUSE, HENRY J. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 7 129 1869 do do .....A 10 162 CROW, T. J. 1832 Report on pétition to change his name. ....A 2 129 CROWS, BOUNTY ON. 1830 Report on pétition for a.....................A 5 222 CRUM, NATHAN. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of ... ... A 7 136 CUBA. 1870 Resolutions in relation to.................A 1 11,12 1870 Report of majority committee on fédéral relations on resolution relative to..................A 6 116 1870 Minority report on same......................A 6 CULYER, OLIVER. 1836 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.......... .................. ... A 4 268 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.............................A 4 163 117 118304 CUNNINGHAM, JAMES, AND OTHERS. Doc.Voi. No. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 45 CUNNINGHAM, SAMUEL P. 1864 Report on daim of............................A 2 31 CURRAN, JOHN W. 1851 Report on pétition of, for damages sustained in conséquence of falling through canal bridge....................................... S 2 31 CURRENCY. 1843 Communication from Governor transmitting memor- ial of inhabitants of Oswego county on the sub- ject of.........................................A 5 174 CURTIS, HORATIO N. 1863 Report on daim of..........................A 5 151 1865 do A 7 116 CURTIS, JOHN F. 1865 Report on daim of.........................A 3 59 CURTIS, JUNIA. 1830 Report on pétition for pay for building new pump- works at Salina........................ A 3 271 1831 Report on pétition for pay for building new pump- works at Salina..........................A 4 320 CUTLER, STILLMAN. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 5 92 CUYLER, WILLIAM H. 1865 Report on daim of.........................A 3 41 CÜYLER, WILLIAM T. 1858 Report on daim of.........................A 1 19 CUYLERYILLE, CITIZENS OF. 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 31 CYPRESS HILL AND WILLIAMSBURGH PLANK-ROAD COMPANY. 1854 Pétition for increase of stock........... S 1 14 CYPRESS HILL CEMETERY. 1850 Report on pétition of . ................. S 1 25 1850 do do ............................... S 1 31 CANAL APPRAISERS. 1878 Annual report of......................... S 1 31878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 305 CANAL, ERIE. Doc. Vol. Report relative to locks of the ..,....... S 2 CENSUS. Report relative to distributing the State. S 2 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. Annual report of.......................... S 1 COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. Annual report of.......................... S 2 COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE THE STATUTES. Report of................................. S 1 COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. Report of, relative to distributing the State census, S 2 COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS. Report of, in relation to the elevated railroad in New York city...................................... S 2 COMMIT rEES. List of standing................................. S 1 COMPTROLLER. Report of, relative to stocks sold on account of the State...................................... S 2 CANAL APPRAISERS. Claims for canal damages, reply of, relative to num- ber of......................................A 5 CANAL COMMISSIONERS. Annual report of............................A 2 CANALS. Comptroller’s reply relative to taxation for the.A 5 CANAL DAMAGES. Canal Appraisers’ reply relative to number of claims for....................................... A 5 CANALS. Expenditures on the, annual report of the Auditor of the Canal Department on the......v.....A 3 State Engineer and Surveyor on, annual report of.. A 2 Trespassers on the, report of Auditor on....A 7 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FORDEAF- MUTES. Annual report of............................A 2 39306 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Doc. Voi. No. 1878 Resolution of.....................................A 5 54 CHRONIC INSANE OF CLINTON COUNTY. 1878 State Board of Charities, communication from, rela- tive to........................................... A 4 44 CIVIL LIST. 1878 Committee on printing, report of, relative to extra copies of the.............................. A 3 42 CLARK, JOHN. 1878 Committee on privilèges and élections, report of, on claim of Charles H. Duell, to seat held by.....A 7 91 1878 Committee on privilèges and élections, minority report on claim of Charles H. Duell to seat held by ................................................A 7 98 CLINTON COUNTY. 1878 Chronic insane of, State Board of Charities, commu- nication from, relative to....................... A 4 44 COMPTROLLER. 1878 Annual report of...............................A 1 3 1878 Auction duties, annual report on...............A 5 63 1878 Canals, taxation for, reply of, relative to....A 5 65 1878 Hall of Military Record, reply of, relative to a.A 4 50 1878 Hudson river, communication relative to improve- ment of the navigation of.................. .A 6 79 1878 Insurance Department, reply of, relative to the ... A 5 63 1878 Legislative and department printing, reply of, rela- tive to............................................A 3 40 1878 Natural History of the State, reply of, relative to the..........................................A 5 59 COOPER UNION FOR THE AD V AN CEMENT OF SCIENCE. 1878 Annual report of...............................A 3 39 CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 1878 Secretary of State’s annual report on..........A 5 75 CANAL APPRAISERS. 1879 Report of.................................... .. S 2 9 CHARITIES IN EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 1879 Report of .................................... S 4 50 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1879 Memorial of.................................. S 2 31 1879 Pétition of, relative to tunneling the North river... ’S 2 66 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1879 Report of..................................... S 1 4307 COMMITTEE ON BANKS. Doc. Voi. No. 1879 Relative to savings banks in hands of receivers, report of.......................................... S 2 39 1879 Relative to savings banks in hands of receivers supplementary report of.... .............. S 2 41 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH. 1879 Relative to lunatic asylums, report of........ S 2 64 COMMITTEES. 1879 List of standing.............................. S 1 25 COMMUNICATIONS. 1879 From Superintendent of Bank Department........ S 1 19 1879 From Superintendent of Bank Department in reply to resolution of January 23, 1879........... S 1 21 1879 From the Governor relative to charges against J. F. Smyth..................................... S 2 35 1879 From Superintendent of Insurance Department relative to Universal Life................. S 2 53 1879 From Superintendent of Public Works relative to opening Chenango canal.................... S 2 32 COOPER UNION. 1879 Annual report of.............................. S 1 15 CANAL DEPARTMENT. 1879 Auditor’s report........................... Al 4 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF- MUTES. 1879 Report......................................A 2 7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1879 Resolution relative to the canals of the State.A 4 61 COMMERCIAL. 1879 Relations" between the United States and other countries.................................A 6 105 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE. 1879 Navigation, report relative to New York and Brook- lyn bridge.......................................A 7 155 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC EDUCATION. 1879 Report relative to geographical survey and natural history of State..........................A 4 79 COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. 1879 Report relative to contested seat, Carman v. Duryea, A 2 36 1879 Report relative to contested* seat,, Brodsky v. Patterson.................................A 6 134 COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND ME ANS. 1879 Report relative to salaries, State officers.A 4 78308 COMMISSIONERS. Doc. y0i. No. 1879 Emigration, report of.....................A 2 29 COMMISSARY-GENERAL AND CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. 1879 Report....................................A 2 31 COMMUNICATIONS FROM. 1879 Acting Chief Engineer of United States, relative to pier and bulk-head lines of New York Harbor. ..A 6 138 1879 Attorney-General, in answer to resolution relative to distribution of proceeds of securities deposited with State, now in hands of receiver...........A 6 131 1879 Comptroller as to legal fees in suit of Whitman v. Thompson.......................................A 2 47 1879 Comptroller in reference to question of title between New Jersey and New York........................A 4 52 1879 Comptroller of city of New York, relative to réduc- tion, salaries in New York city...................... A 6 96 1879 Comptroller of city of New York, relative to resolu- tion calling for amount judgments, interest and cost against the city......................... A 6 124 1879 Comptroller of city of New York, relative to Murray Hill réservoir.................................A 7 148 1879 Governor, transmitting statement of pardons, etc.. A 2 24 1879 Light-house Engineer, third district.............A 7 154 1879 Receiver of Atlantic Mutual Life.................A 6 90 1879 May or of city of New York, relative to salaries of officers and employées of said city............A 6 106 1879 State Medical Society..........................A 4 58 1879 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to Ger- mania Bank................................... A 4 66 1879 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to Third Avenue Savings Bank............................A 4 75 1879 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to People’s Savings Bank, Syracuse................A 4 57 1879 Superintendent Insurance Department..............A 2 40 1879 Superintendent Insurance Department, relative to copies of letters received by him from different insurance companies, in answer to circulars rela- tive to abolishment Insurance Department..............A 4 54 1879 Superintendent Insurance Department relative to Holland Purchase Insurance Company.............A 4 68 1879 Superintendent Insurance Department relative to companies in hands of receivers ...............A 6 107 1879 Superintendent Public Works, relative to canals ... A 4 55 1879 Superintendent State Prisons, relative to contract System in State prisons....................... A 4 56 1879 State Medical Society............................A 4 58 1879 State Board Charities............................A 6 83 COMMUNICATION. 1879 Relative to pleuro-pneumonia in cattle.......... A 7 1501879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 309 COMPTROLLER’S. Report......................... CONTINENTAL LIFE. Receiver’s report.............. CORRECTED STATEMENT. New York Institution for Blind, Batavia CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS. Relative to toll-sheet......... CANAL APPRAISERS. Annual report.................. Doc. .. A Vol. 1 No. 3 .. A 6 108 .. A 2 27 .. A G 86 .. s 1 10 CANALS. Communication from Comptroller, relative to inves- tigation of fraud on .................. S 2 61 CVTHOLIC PROTECTORY OF NEW YORK. Annual report.......................... S 1 21 CHARITIES. Report of State board.................... S 1 25 COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO SETTLE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT. Report.................................. S 1 27 COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. Annual report . ........................ S 2 35 COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE MANAGEMENT OF COUNTY JAILS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Report of............................... S 2 36 COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE. Report of, relative to Assembly bill to prohibit con- struction of elevated railways in Brooklyn. S 2 59 COMMITTEE STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Report of, relative to charges against Society for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents, Randall’s island.................................. S 2 58 COMMITTEE see Spécial Committee. COMMITTEES. List of standing.......... ... S 1 20310 COMMUNICATIONS FEOM. Doc. y0i. No. 1880 CommissionerB of taxes and assessments, New York city.......................................... S 2 48 1880 Comptroller, relative to contract with Perry & Co. for contract labor........................... S 2 53 1880 Comptroller, relative to investigation of fraud on canals....................................... S 2 61 1880 Department of docks, New York city.............. S 2 56 1880 Department of docks, New York city, relative to Senate bill 259 ............................. S 2 46 1880 Long Island Eailroad Company.................... S 2 56 1880 Superintendent of the Insurance Department, rela- tive to certain correspondence with insurance companies.................................... S 2 49 1880 Superintendent of the Insurance Department, rela- tive to certain telegrams between the department and insurance companies.............................. S 2 51 COMPTBOLLER. 1880 Communication from, relative to contract with Perry & Co. for convict labor................... S 2 53 1880 Communication from, relative to investigation of fraud on canals.............................. S 2 61 CONNECTICUT AND NEW YORK. 1880 Report relative to disputed boundary lines... S 1 27 1880 Contract for printing copy of................... S 1 16 CONVICT LABOR. 1880 Contract for, with Perry & Co., relative to.S 2 53 COUNTY JAILS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS. 1880 Report of committee appointed to investigate. S 2 36 COOPER UNION. 1880 Report of trustées.............................. S 1 19 CANAL DEPARTMENT. 1880 Annual financial report of.......................A 1 4 1880 Canal from Peconic to Shinnecock bay, report con- cerning........................... .......A 7 108 CANALS. 1880 Annual report on................................ A 6 88 1880 Expenditures on, for 1879 .......................A 3 37 1880 Repair of, State Engineer and Surveyor’s report on, A4 71 1880 Tolls on, resolution of the Canal Board relative to.. A 6 76 1880 Trade, tolls and tonnage on, report of...........A 7 90 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1880 Annual report of.................................A 1 8 CATTLE COMMISSIONERS. 1880 Report of.............. A 3 31311 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DE AF—MUTES. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Report of.................................A 2 17 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1880 Resolutions of..............................A 8, 52 138 CHENANGO CANAL. 1880 Communication concerning, from superintendent of public works............................A 3 59 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1880 Report of................................ A 3 33 COMMISSIO NERS OF EMIGRATION. 1880 Annual report of..........................A 2 14 COMMITTEES OF ASSEMBLY. 1880 Listof....................................A 3 34 COMMUNICATIONS IN REPLY TO RESOLU- TIONS. 1880 From the Attorney-General...................A 8 79, 145 1880 From the Auditor..........................A 3 49 1880 From the clerk of the board of éducation of New York city.............................. A 4 64 1880 From the clerk of New York city and county.A 3 54 1880 From the Cpmptroller........................A 6 45, 81 1880 From the superintendent of public works...A 3 59 1880 From the superintendent of the insurance départ- ment................... .................A 8 127 COMPTROLLER. 1880 Annual report of...........................A 1 3 1880 Communication from..........................A 6 45, 81 CONNECTICUT ASSEMBLY. 1880 Resolution and memorial of, concerning Hell Gâte pilotage.................................A 6 80 CONNECTICUT BOUNDARY. 1880 Report on..................................A 3 53 CONTESTED SE ATS, REPORTS ON: 1880 Liddle v. Hines............................A 6 78 CONYICT LABOR, CONTRACT SYSTEM OF. 1880 Report on......... ...... .................A 7 96 COOPER UNION. 1880 Report of..................................A3 43 CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 1880 Report on..................................A 3 47312 CANAL APPRAISERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1881 Anmial report of......................... S 1 6 CANAL TOLLS. 1881 Schedule of, adopted by Canal Board..... S 2 51 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1881 Annual report of........................ S 1 16 CHEMUNG CANAL. 1881 Communication from Governor in relation to. S 2 71 COMPTROLLER. 1881 Report of, in answer to a resolution........ S 2 18, 58 COMMISSIONER IN LUNACY. 1881 Annual report of......................... S 1 10 CORRECT ARMS OF THE STATE. 1881 Report of the Governor, Secretary of State and Comptroller relative to............... S 2 61 CANAL DEPARTMENT, AUDITOR OF, see Auditor. CANALS. 1881 Expenditures of, report on...............A 6 86 1881 Report on............................... A 2 28 1881 Tolls, trade and tonnage of, report on....A 6 87 CATHOLIC PROTECTORY AT BUFFALO. 1881 Report of................................A 3 40 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1881 Report of.................................A 2 18 CHARGES. 1881 Terminal, report on..................... A 8 114 CHARITIES, BOARD OF, see State Board of Charities. COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1881 Report of.................................A 3 33 1881 On military code, report of..........A 6 80 COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS, BOARD OF, Board. 1881 Of quarantine, report.....................A 3 43 COMMITTEES. 1881 List of...................................A 2 21313 COMMUNICATIONS. Doc. Vol. No. 1881 Fisher’s Island, relative to..................A 2 23 1881 From Attorney-General........................ A 8 126 1881 From commission on tax laws...................A 8 124 1881 From Comptroller...........................A 6 71 1881 From New York city common council.............A 8 131 1881 From New York City Neurological Society (in rela- tion to streetsj..................................A 8 107 1881 From New York City Tax Payers’ Association (in relation to streets).,...................A 8 109 1881 From State reporter.... ......................A 4 51 1881 From Suprême Court reporter...................A 4 55 1881 Muséum of Natural History, relative to........A 3 39 1881 New York city, water supply of, bill for increase of, against.....................................A 6 76 tfee, also, Eeports, spécial. COMPANIES NAVIGATING LAKES AND RIVEES. 1881 Report on.....................................A 3 48 COMPTROLLER. 1881 Annual report of..............................A 1 3 1881 Communication from in response to resolution .... A 6 71 CONRAD POPPENHEUSEN ASSOCIATION. 1881 Report of.....................................A 3 44 COOPER UNION. 1881 Report of.....................................A 3 31 CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 1881 Report on.................................... A 4 65 CYPRESS HILLS CEMETERY. 1881 Report of committee to investigate affaire of.A 2 14 CANAL APPRAISERS. 1882 Report...................................... S 5 41 1882 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor........ S 5 54 1882 Report of Spécial Committee in relation to manage- ment of............. ....................... ... S 3 24 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1882 Report....................................... S 5 42 CATHOLIC PROTECTORY, NEW YORK. 1882 Report....................................... S 5 57 CHARITIES. 1882 Board of, annual report...................... S 4 39 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1882 Twenty-ninth annual report.................. S 2 16 40314 COMPTROLLER. D0C yol n0. 1882 Report in response to resolution passed March 8, 1882.................................... S 6 69 CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT. 1882 Report of the Attorney-General as to whether a concurrent resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution after its passage through the first Législature can be legally amended by a sub- séquent Législature and then submitted to the people......................................... S 6 81 CONTRACTS MADE BY STATE. 1882 End its liability thereunder, communication of Attorney-General in reply to resolution relative to, S 6 85 CO-OPERATIYE BENEFICIER Y ORGANIZA- TION. 1882 Remonstrance of........................... S 6 87 COOPER UNION. 1882 Report of receipts and expenditures....... S 5 53 CORPORATIONS. 1882 Chartered by other States subject to taxes under chapter 542, Laws 1880, report of Attorney- General in reply to resolution.................. S 6 79 CAN ALS. 1882 Auditor’s report, relative to, in response to a resolu- tion ................................. .........A 4 86 1882 State Engineer and Surveyor’s report, in response to a resolution............................A 4 85 CANAL TOLLS. 1882 Resolution relating to....................A 3 56 1882 Abolition of, report of State Engineer on, in answer to a resolution.. ......................A 3 63 CENTRAL NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1882 Report of.................................A 2 25 CLINTON MANUSCRIPTS. 1882 Report of State Library on the............A 2 22 COMPTROLLER. 1882 Annual report of..........................A 1 3 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND NAVIGA- TION. 1882 Report of, on docks, etc., in the city of New York, see New York................................Al 8315 CONVICT LABOR. Doc. Vol. No. 1882 Resolutions relative to.....................A 3 45 CRIMINAL STATISTICS. 1882 Annual report of Secretary of State on......A 3 40 CANAL APPRAISERS. 1883 Report.................................... S 1 6 CANALS. 1883 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor. ... S 1 9 1883 Committee on, report of......................... S 5 48 CAPITOL COMMISSION ERS. 1883 Report of, relative to cost of New Capitol. S 3 42 CAPITOL, see New Capitol. CHARITIES, STATE BOARD OF. 1883 Annual report................................... S 1 14 CITIES, see Committee on Cities. COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1883 Annual report of........................... S 2 23,31 See Committe on Finance. COMMISSIONERS OF NEW CAPITOL. 1883 Annual report.............................. S 1 13 COMMISSIONERS, see New Capitol. COMMISSIONERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. 1883 In reply to resolution of the Senate, report of. S 2 30 COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS IN CITY OF NEW YORK. 1883 In reply to resolution of the Senate, report of. S 2 29 COMMISSIONERS, see Railroad Commissioners. COMMITTEE. 1883 On canals....................................... S 5 48 COMMITTEE ON CITIES. 1883 Report of, relative to resolution of March 15, 1882.. S 5 49 COMMITTEE ON CORNERS AND FUTURES. 1883 Report of, relative to investigation of......... S 5 45 COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. 1883 On order of the Senate to investigate affaire of Commissioners of Emigration, report of........ S 2 31 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. 1883 Report of, relative to State Normal School building, S 3 43316 COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE, see Insurance; Receiverships. COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY RELATIVE TO WATER SUPPLY. Doc. Vol. No. 1883 Eeport of...................................... S 2 34 COMMITTEE RELATIVE TO CORPORATIONS IN NEW YORK CITY. 1883 Report of...................................... S 5 50 COMMITTEE OF SENATE. 1883 Report of spécial, relative to receivership investiga- tion ........................................ S 2 38 COMMITTEE OF SENATE TO INVESTIGATE THE AFFAIRS OF THE ALBANY COUNTY PENITE N Tl AR Y. 1883 Report of spécial...................... S 5 51 COMMITTEE ON VILLAGES. 1883 Report of, relative to the town of Gravesend. S 3 39 COMMUNICATION. 1883 From trustées State Muséum of Natural History. ..SI 20 COMPTROLLER AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 1883 Report of, relative to New York Elevated Railroad Company............................... S 2 36 COMPTROLLER. 1883 Report of, relative to State lands..... S 5 52 1883 Statement from, in response to resolution of Senate, relative to amount expended upon New Capitol ..SI 18 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS, see State Muséum of Natural History. CORNERS AND FUTURES. 1883 Reports of committee appointed to investigate. S 6 45 CANALS, TOLLS, TRADE AND TONNAGE, STATISTICS. 1883 Report of................................. A 5 136 CANAL DEPARTMENT. 1883 Auditor’s report............................A 1 4 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1883 Report of, in reply to resolution of January 17,1883, A 3 38 CAPTAIN OF THE PORT. 1883 Annual report of.......................A 2 11 CENTRAL LABOR UNION. 1883 Communication from.....................A 4 86317 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES, AT ROME. Doo. Vol. No. 1883 Animal report of.............................A 2 17 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NEW YORK. 1883 Memorial of....................................A 4 90 COMMISSIONERS ON BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY. 1883 Report of..................................... A 7 161 COMMISSIONERS OF LAND OFFICE. 1883 Resolutions of.................................A 3 53 1883 Memorial of....................................A 4 89 COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY. 1883 Report of......................................A 7 172 COMMISSIONERS TO REVISE LAWS RELA- TIVE TO CITY OF NEW YORK. 1883 Communication from.............................A 4 87 COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. 1883 Annual report of............................. A 4 81 COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. 1883 Report of......................................A 5 130 COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE. 1883 Report of.....\..............................A 7 166 COMMITTEE ON PRISONS. 1883 Majority report............................... A 5 121 1883 Minority report................................A 5 122 COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES AND ELECHONS. 1883 Report of, in matter Van Voast v. Derrick..... A 5 116 1883 Report of, in matter Greenwood v. Hotchkiss.A 5 117 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC EDUCATION. 1883 Report of.................................... A 7 165 COMMUNICATIONS FROM. 1883 Adjutant-General, relative to appropriations for national guard...............................A 3 63 1883 Attorney-General, relative to commissioners of émigration...................................A 3 31 1883 Attorney-General, in reply to resolution of January 23, 1883, relative to expenses of his office.A 3 43 1883 Attorney-General,relative toinsurance receiverships, A 5 126 1883 Board of aldermen of city of New York......... A 3 68 1883 Capitol Commissioners m reply to resolution, Jan- uary 17,1883....................................A 3 38318 COMMUNICATIONS FROM — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1883 Central Labor Union................ ...........A 4 36 1883 Commissioners of Land Office, transmitting a reso- lution of board of.....................................A 3 53 1883 Commissioners to revise laws relative to city of New York................................................A 4 87 1883 Comptroller, relative to legislative printing.........A 4 74 1883 Comptroller, relative to common school funds ... A 4 88 1883 Comptroller, relative to use of canal lands by New York and West Shore railroad.................A 5 125 1883 Comptroller, relative to expenses of legislative committees......................................A 7 164 1883 Comptroller of city of New York, relative to expen- ditures for pipe line and water supply.......A 7 154 1883 Counsel of corporation of city of New York, relative to Battery park encroachment...................... A 3 39 1883 Counsel to corporation city of New York, relative to Hudson River railroad..........................A 4 97 1883 Counsel to corporation city of New York in reply to resolution of March 27, 1883....................A 7 153 1883 Land Commissioners, relative to grants of land under water in New York and Kings county________A 4 82 1883 Mayor of city of New York, in reply to resolution of January 10,1883.................................A 4 82 1883 Onondaga Sait Springs Company, in reply to reso- lution of Assembly...................................A 4 80 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor relative to encroach- ments by New York and West Shore railroad_______A 4 101 1883 State Treasurer, relative to expenses of his office. ..A3 50 1883 Superintendent Bank Department, in reply to resolu- tion of January 23, 1883...............................A 3 41 1883 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to Market Savings Bank............................A 4 109 1883 Superintendent Erie County Penitentiary, in reply to resolution of Assembly.......................A 4 83 1883 Superintendent Insurance Department, relative to expenses of his office..........................A 3 46 1883 Superintendent State Prisons, in reply to resolution of January 11, 1883............................A 3 29 1883 Superintendent State Prisons, in reply to resolution of January 18, 1883...................... ... A 3 36 1883 Superintendent Public Instruction, relative to expenses of his office............................ A 3 45 COMPTROLLER. 1883 Annual report of.................................A 1 3 1883 Report of, relative to legislative and department printing.......................................... A 4 74 1883 Communication relative to Common School Fund. .. A 4 88 1883 Report of, relative to collectors of canal tolls.A 5 142 1883 Statement by, relative to lands except from taxation, A 5 135 1883 Report of, as to State funds, number and désignation, A 6 1471883 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 319 COOPER UNION. Animal report............................ CANALS. Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on_ CAPITOL APPROPRIATION BILL. Memorial of stonecutters relative to..... CAPITOL COMMISSIONER. Communication from, relative to......... S 3 CAPITOL INVESTIGATION. Report of the committee on finance upon. S 3 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. Thirty-first annual report of........... S 3 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. Annual report of........................ S 3 COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED. To rnake a treaty with the Onondaga tribe of Indians, report of.............................. S 3 COMMISSIONERS OF THE LAND OFFICE. Communication from, relative to sale of lands in Franklin county........................ S 1 COMMITTEES. Standing, of the Senate................. S 2 COMMISSIONERS TO SELECT AND LOCATE LANDS. For public parks in the twenty-third and twenty- fourth wards of the city of New York, report of.................................. S 3 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND NAVIGA- TION. Report of, with reference to the duties of captain of the port and harbor-masters of the port of New York ....................................... S 3 Minority report on same....................... S 3 COMMITTEE ON CITIES. Report of, relative to investigation of the depart- ment of public works in the city of New York- S 4 COMPTROLLER. Reply of, to resolution of the Senate, relative to amount paid for Adirondack survey..... S 3 CAPITOL COMMISSIONER PERRY. Report of...............................A 11 Doc. Vol. . A 3 . S 1 . S 3 No. 40 9 38 56 39 29 34 43 7 16 26 48 52 57 35 166320 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. Doc.Voi. No. 1884 Report of, transmitting communication from E. A. Boyd & Sons..........................................A 8 114 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1884 Annual report of.......................................A 2 23 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 1884 Report of, in response to resolution......... ..... A 6 66 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF STATE OF NEW YORK. 1884 First Annual report of.................................A 5 54 COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE REPAIES TO ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. 1884 Preliminary report of..................................A 11 168 COMMITTEE ON STATE PRISONS. 1884 Roport of..............................................A 11 170 COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE LOCAL GOV- ERNMENT OF CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK. 1884 Report of....................................A 11 125,153,172 COMMITTEE, SPECIAL. 1884 To investigate lunatic asylum at Utica, report of . .. A 11 164 COMMISSIONERS TO NEGOTIATE WITH ONONDAGA INDIANS. 1884 Report of...............................A 1 8 COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERIES. 1884 Report of.......................................... A 5 58 COMMISSIONERS OF QU ARANTINE, BOARD OF. 1884 Report of...............................A 7 109 COMPTROLLER. 1884 Annual report of........................A 1 3 1884 Report of, on finances of the canal.....A 1 4 1884 Report of, in response to resolution relative to trespassers on public lands.•..........À 8 142 1884 Annual report of, on expenditures on the canals ... A 2 14 1884 Report of, in response to resolution....A 6 62 1884 Report of, in response to resolution of January twenty-fifth....................................... A 5 53 COMMUNICATIONS FROM. 1884 Adjutant-General in response to resolution relative to certificates issued to soldiers of the war of 1812, A 7 97 1884 Brooklyn park commissioners in reply to resolution, A 8 128 1884 Comptroller transmitting statement of facts...........A 6 69321 COMMUNICATIONS FROM — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1884 Department of Docks, New York city, in response to resolution ...........................A 6 70 1884 Governor, relative to certain armories and arsenals, A 7 105 1884 Grovernor, transmitting papers from B. T. Lincoln, Secretary of War.... .................A 6 75 1884 Superintendent of Public Works.........A 5 49 1884 Superintendent of Public Works, in reply to resolu- tion of January 25, 1884................ .....A 5 50 CONRAD POPPENHAUSEN ASSOCIATION. 1884 Report of..............................A 5 45 COOPER UNION FOR ADYANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. 1884 Report of............*“................A 5 52 CAPITOL. 1885 Report of work on................. .... S 2 11 CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1885 Report of.............................. S 2 19 CENSUS. 1885 Communication from Secretary of State relative to, S 5 44 1885 Messages of Governor relative to........ S 5 26, 43 CHARITIES, see State Board of. CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1885 Report of.............................. S 4 15 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. 1885 Reply of, to Senate resolution......... S 5 42 COMMISSIONER OF CAPITOL. 1885 Recommendations of, relative to ventilation of Senate chamber........................ S 5 38 COMMISSIONER IN LUNACY. 1885 Report of.............................. S 6 52 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1885 Report of.............................. S 5 31 COMMISSIONERS FOR STORING HEAD- WATERS OF THE HUDSON RIVER. 1885 Report of.............................. S 5 22 COMMISSIONERS OF LAND TRANSFER. 1885 Report of.............................. S 6 50 COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS. 1885 Report of, board of..................... SI 7 41322 COMMISSIONERSOF STATE RESERVATION AT NIAGARA. doc. voi. No. 1885 Report of...................................... S 5 35 COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. 1885 Report on, subject to forests............... S 5 40 COMMITTEE OF SENATE. 1885 Report of gas companies..................... S 5 41 COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE MATTERS RELATIVE TO GREENWOOD CEMETERY. 1885 Report of................................... S 6 51 COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS. 1885 Report relative to pétition of Charles T. Harvey... S 5 45 COMMUNICATION FROM. 1885 Comptroller relative to taxation........... S 6 49 1885 Governor calling extraordinary session see extra session.................................. S 1 1 1885 Seeretary of State relative to census....... S 5 44 1885 Comptroller.................................... S 6 37, 49 1885 Spécial report on school fund and taxation and revenues ................................... S ô 37, 49 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1885 Report of....................................A 2 17 CIVIL SERVICE 'COMMISSION. 1885 Report of....................................A 4 42 COMMUNICATIONS FROM. 1885 Board of Estimate and Apportionment..........A 7 145 1885 Bureau of Statistics of Labor, in response to resolu- tion ............................................ A 4 47 1885 Commissioner to report a new System of manage- ment of State charitable institutions..............A 6 68 1885 Comptroller, relative to printing of State institutions...............................A 6 97 1885 Comptroller of city of New York, in response to resolution................................ A 6 107 1885 Comptroller, relative to maps................A 6 74 1885 Comptroller, relative to money paid for legislative printing.................................. A 5 61 1885 Comptroller, relative to expenses of investigating committees............................... A 5 62 1885 Comptroller, relative to lapse in United States Deposit Fund..................... ..........A 7 160 1885 Dairy Commissioner, in response to resolution.A 5 48 1885 Fire department, city of Brooklyn, in response to resolution.................................A 5 57323 COMMUNICATIONS FROM —Continuée!. Doc.Voi. No. 1885 Police and excise commissioners, city of Brooklyn, in response to resolution.....................A 5 58 1885 Police department, city of New York, in response to resolution....................................A 5 54 1885 President of fire department, city of New York, in response to resolution........................A 5 53 1885 Railroad Commissioners, in response to resolution, A 5 64 1885 Railroad Commissioners, transmitting communica- tion, from attorney-General............................A 5 65 1885 Railroad Commissioners, transmitting a bill.....A 5 66 1885 Railroad Commissioners, in response to a resolution, A 6 105 1885 State Engineer and Surveyor, in response to resolu- tion ................................................. A 7 124 1885 State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to maps .... A 6 73 1885 State Entomoiogist, in response to resolution..A 6 77 1885 Superintendent Adirondack Survey................A 7 59,158 1885 Superintendent Banking Department, in response to resolution....................................A 5 52 1885 Superintendent of Insurance, in response to reso- lution ................................................A 5 50 1885 Superintendent Public Works, in response to a reso- lution ................................................A 7 147 1885 Superintendent Public Works, relative to legislative printing......................................A 5 46 1885 Superintendent Public Works, relative to Cayuga and Seneca Lake canal.........................A 7 159 1885 Superintendent of Public Instruction, in response to a resolution................................. A 5 51 1885 Superintendent of State Prisons.................A 7 151 1885 Supervisorv board of commissioners of New York city in response to a resolution..............A 6 108 1885 Youûg Men’s Independent Club, Brooklyn..........A 7 150 COMPTROLLER. 1885 Report of.......................................A 1 3 1885 Reply of, relative to legislative printing......A 5 61 1885 Reply of, relative to investigating committees.A 5 62 1885 Report of, on finances of the canal.............A 1 4 COOPER UNION. 1885 Financial report of.............................A 4 40 CABLE RAILROAD COMPANY. 1886 Pétition of.....................................S 4 54 CANAL, see Erie Canal. CAPITAL STOCK, see Western Union Telegraph Company. CAPITOL, see Comptroller. CAPITOL COMMISSIONER, s*? New Capitol.324 CATHOLIC PROTECTORY, see New York. CENSUS BILL. doc. y0i. No. 1886 Report of finance committee on.............. S 5 91 CHARITY ORGANIZATION OF BUFFALO. 1886 Report of................................... S 1 6 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1886 Report of.................................. S 1 12 COAST DEFENSES. 1886 Relative to...........................S 3 21 COHOES, see Superin tendent of Public Works. COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS. 1886 Reply of. ............................ S 4 60 COMMISSIONER OF FISHERIES. 1886 Report of................................... S 5 84 COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS. 1886 Report of .................................. S 4 49 COMMISSIONER, see New Capitol. COMMISSIONERS ON BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN NEW YORK AND PENN- SYLVANIA. 1886 Report of................................... S 5 71 COMMISSIONERS OF ELECTRICAL SUB- WAYS, BROOKLYN. 1886 Report of... ............................. S 5 74 COMMISSIONERS OF ELECTRICAL SUB- WAYS, NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Communication from......................... S 5 76 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1886 Annual report............................... S 3 43 COMMISSIONERS OF LAND OFFICE. 1886 Report of, in reply to resolution of Senate. S 5 86 COMMISSIONERS STATE RESERVATION Aï NIAGARA. 1886 Report of................................... S 3 32 COMMISSIONERS STATE SURVEY. 1886 Report of............................... S 3 39 COMMISSIONERS, see Railroad.1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 325 COMMUNICATION FROM. Doc. Vol. No. Attorney-General................................. S 3 37 Board of Health, relative to new aqueduct ... S 5 73 Commissioners of electrical subways, New York city, S 5 76 Comptroller, in reply to resolution relative to New Capitol......................................... S 3 46 Comptroller, city of New York, relative to horse railroads........................................ S 3 40 Comptroller, relative to unpaid taxes of Western Union Telegraph Company.......................... S 4 65 New Capitol Commissioner, in reply to resolution of Senate........................................... S 4 48 Railroad Commissioners .......................S 4 56, 57 Railroad Commissioners, relative to Albany Railway, S 5 72 Railroad Commissioners, in reply to resolution of Senate, relative to Third Avenue Railroad Com- pany......................................... S 5 82 Superintendent of Public Works, relative to bridge at Cohoes........................................ S 5 81 Superintendent of Public Parks, relative to Owasco outlet........................................... S 5 78 Western Union Telegraph Company, relative to tax on capital stock . .............................. S 3 42 COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES AND ELEC- TIONS. Report of, in matter of charges of New York Times, against Senator Raines.................. S 5 90 Report of, in matter of contested seat, Yates v. Wemple.................................. S 5 89 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC EXPENDITURES. Report of, relative to expenses and employées on the New Capitol............................... S 1 5 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Report of, relative to aqueduct laborers.. S 4 53 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH, see Dairy Commissioner. COMMITTEE ON RAILROADS. Report of, relative to Broadway Surface Railroad Company................................. S 5 52, 79 COMMITTEE ON TAXATION AND RETRENCH- MENT. Report of............................... S 5 88 COMMITTEES, s*? Senate. COMMON CARRIERS, see Grievances. COMPANIES, see lighting companies; téléphoné.326 COMPTROLLER. doc. voi, n0 1886 Communication from, in reply to resolution relative to New Capitol........................... S 3 46 1886 Communication from, relative to unpaid taxes of Western Union Telegraph Company ....... S 4 05 COMPTKOLLER, CITY OF NEW YORK. 1886 Communication from, relative to horse railroads ... S 3 40 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. 1886 Relative to coast defenses................ S 2 21 1886 Relating to Erie canal..................... S 3 36 1886 Relative to legislative printing........... S 2 20 CONDUCTORS, see Bureau. CONTESTED SEATS, see Committee on Privilèges and Elections. CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1886 Rome, N. Y,.................................A 2 22 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. 1886 Report of...................................A 5 49 CONRAD POPPENHUSEN ASSOCIATION. 1886 Report of.................................. A 5 37 COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERIES. 1886 Report of...................................A 5 39 COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW CAPITOL. 1886 Report of...................................A 1 14 COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. 1886 Report of...................................A 7 81 COMMITTEE ON RULES. 1886 Report of...................................A 5 32 COMMUNICATIONS. 1886 From Argus Company, relative to printing....A 5 35 1886 State Board of Health.......................A 5 38 1886 Bureau of Labor Statistics, in response to a resolu- tion ...........................................A 6 62 COMPTROLLER. 1886 Annual report of........................... A 1 3 1886 Expenditures on canals, 1885 ...............A 7 76 1886 Spécial, on salaries, taxation and revenue. A 8 89 COOPER UNION. 1886 Annual financial report.....................A 6 54 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM. 1886 Report of.... ..............................A 5 47327 CANALS. doc. Vol. No. 1886 Resolution in regard to lengthening locks on....A 5 47,54 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. 1886 Report of commission on..................A 5 28 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1886 Report of................................A 5 31 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1886 Report of.......................................A 5 39 COMMISSIONERS OF F1SHERIES. 1886 Report of......... ................ ............A 6 55 COMMITTEES. 1886 List of................................ A 6 58 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1886 Communication from relative to water tax.A 5 46 COMPTROLLER. 1886 Communication from, relative to officers created in past fifteen years................... A 6 57 1886 Communication from relative to moneys collected under chapter 483, Laws 1885, by comptroller of cityof New York...............................A 6 69 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 1886 Statement and certificate of votes cast, relative to.. A 1 13 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Report of............................... S 4 71 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1887 Report of... .......................... S 2 26 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 1887 Report of............................. S 2 34 COMMITTEE ON COAL INVESTIGATION. 1877 Report of ............................. S 4 69,73 COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Relative to bridge across East river, report of. S 4 56 COMMISSIONERS TO LOCATE TROOPS AT GETTYSBURGH. 1887 Report of................................A 7 65 COMMISSIONERS OF STATE RESERVATION. 1887 Niagara................................ A 7 50 COMMITTEES. 1887 List of................................. A 7 # 39328 COMPTROLLER. Doc. Vol. No. 1887 Animal report of..........................A 1 3 1887 Annual financial report of................A 9 4,76 CONRAD POPPENHUSEN ASSOCIATION. 1887 Report of.............................. A 10 90 CONSTITUTION AL CONVENTION. 1887 Votes, 1886 ..............................A 2 9 COOPER UNION. 1877 Annual report of..........................A 7 49 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM FOR FEEBLE-MINDED WOMEN. 1887 Report of.................................A 6 30 CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Report of.................................A 10 71 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1887 Report of...................................A 5 26 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 1887 Report of.................................A 6 34 COMMITTEE ON COAL INVESTIGATION. 1887 Report of.................................A 9 69,73 COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Relative to bridge across East river, report of. ... A 7 56 CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. 1888 Annual report of......................... S 4 23 COMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION. 1888 Annual report of.......................... . S 5 48 COMMISSION TO REPORT METHOD OF DEATH PENALTY. 1888 Report of................................ S 3 17 COMMUNICATION. 1888 From the Superintendent of State Prisons, relative to funds on the State account industries_ ... S 5 40 1888 From the Common Council of New York city in favor of a constitutional convention.... S 5 46 1888 From the Superintendent of Public Instruction relative to Normal schools, in reply to a resolu- tion of the Senate........................ ... S 5 56 1888 From the Comptroller relative to the maintenance of Normal schools, asylums, armories and canals, in reply to a resolution of the Senate......... S 5 581888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 329 COMMUNICATION — Continuée!. doc y0i. No. From the Comptroller relative to the condition of a certain bond and mortgage held in trust for the United States deposit fund............. S 5 59 COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. Relative to elevated railwav percentages, report of, S 5 60 COMMITTEE ON TAXATION. In the matter of the Morningside Park Association and Bloomingdale Asylum, report of....... S 5 61 Supplementary report of.................... S 5 62 COMMITTEES. List of standing......................... S 4 21 COMMUNICATIONS. From the Superintendent of Public Buildings in reply to a resolution of the Senate...... S 4 28 From the Superintendent of State Prison relative to manufacture and sale of goods, in reply to resolution of the Senate................. S 4 33 From the Comptroller relative to the cash accounts with the State prisons, in reply to resolution of the Senate............................. S 5 35 From the Regents of the Üniversity relative to the condition of the State Library........... S 5 36 From the State Treasurer, relative to the disburse- ments of the State prisons, in reply to a resolu- tion of the Senate......................... S 5 39 CENTRAL NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. Report of...................................A 4 26 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Report of...................................A 7 63 COMMISSION ON ASSEMBLY CHAMBER CEILING. Report of.................................A 10 61,89 COMMISSION ON NEW ASYLUM FOR INSANE CRIMINALS. Report of...................................A 6 48 COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERIES. Report of.............................. ... A 5 31 Oyster investigation and shell-fish... .....A 6 37 COMMISSIONERS TO LOCATE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. Report of...................................A 5 35 42330 COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS, BOARD OF. ^ vol. No. 1888 Report of...................................A 7 56 COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. 1888 Annual report of......................... A 3 15 COMMISSIONERS OF STATE RESERVATION AT NIAGARA. 1888 Report of...................................A 3 19 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY. 1888 Report as to charges made in the New York World touching the legislative integrity of certain members...........................................A 10 90 COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS. 1888 Report of, as to investigation of C. B. Andrews, Superintendent of Publis Buildings ......A 10 81 1888 Minority report of, as to investigation of C. B. Andrews, Superintendent of Public Buildings ... A 10 82 COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE “TELEPHONE CHARGES.” 1888 Report of...................................A 7 60 COMPTROLLER. 1888 Annual report.............................. A 1 3 1888 Financial, relating to canals...............A 4 4, 22 1888 Communications from, in response to resolution relative to legislative and department printing . . A 7 62 COOPER UNION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. 1888 Report of.................................. A 5 32 COMMUNICATIONS FROM. 1888 German-American Bank as to balances.........A 5 30 1888 Governor, as to Assembly Chamber ceiling, trans- mitting papers from Eidlitz, Richardson & Co. .. A 6 46 1888 James B. Lyon, State Printer, relative to Legislative Record....................................A 10 92 1888 Railroad Commissioners, in response to a resolution as to cheap transportation in and near New York city.................................... A 9 72 1888 State Board of Health, in response to resolution relative to sale of compounds containing poison- ous ingrédients...................................A 10 79 DAGGETT, HOLLIS. 1861 Report on petitition of.....................A 5 128 1862 do ........................A 6 113 DAILY, ABSALOM, AND HENRY FULLER. 1830 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands.......................... A 4 357331 DANA, AMASA AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. Ko. 1833 Report on pétition to construct and maintain a dam across Tioga river..........................A 2 82 DANA, J., AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on grievances, on pétition of.. A 3 77 DANSVILLE. 1839 Report relative to a branch canal or side-cut from, to the Genesee Valley canal.................A 5 296 1834 Report on pétition for the division of ... *..A 2 35 DARBY, PLYNN. 1835 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Champlain canal, and for relief on account of the loss of his eyesight while blasting rocks................................................A 2 118 1835 Report of committee on grievances.............A 3 227 1837 Report of committee on daims................ A 4 214 1838 Report of Canal Board ........................A 4 193 1839 Report of committee ongr ievances.............A 5 293 DARIEN AND PEMBROKE. 1838 Report on pétition for a classical school in..A 1 118 D’AUTREMONT, LOUIS PAUL. 1833 Report on pétition to build a dam across the Gene- see river................................. S 2 58 DAYENPORT, TOWN OF. 1836 Report on pétition from, relative to taking fish in the Charlotte river.........................A 6 340 1840 Report of Surveyor-General relative to the bound- aries of, and Oneonta.......................A 4 107 1840 Report of Surveyor-General relative to the bound- aries of, and Oneonta.......................A 4 124 1840 Report of committee on towns and counties relative to the boundaries of, and Oneonta...........A 5 184 DAVIDSON, G. M., see Chancery, Clerks in. DAVIDSON, J. M., see Chancery, Register in. DAVIS, GUY. 1870 Report of daims on pétition of............A 6 121 DAVIS, JONATHAN. 1849 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A 2 41 1849 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution of Assembly on bill to remunerate for losses from failure of title to certain lands..............A 2 98 DAVIS, SOLOMON. 1835 Report on pétition for the convevance to him of lot No. 31 in the “ Two-mile tract ”.......A 2 1331870 1849 1858 1845 1845 1845 1836 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1838 1839 1840 1834 1836 1836 1838 1839 1845 332 DAY, MARGARET. doc. vol. No. Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 10 161 DAY, TOWN OF. Report of Attorney*General relative to bridge in... A 3 181 DAYTON, JOHN A. Report of committee appointed to investigate charges made by.................................A 4 115 DAYTON, JOHN H. Report of committee on privilèges, etc., on the case of............................................. A 1 12 Report of majority of committee on the judiciary... A 1 19 Report of minority of committee on the judiciary. ..Al 20 DEAD, REMAINS OF THE. Report on pétition for a law to prevent the removal of, except in certain cases.................... S 2 97 DEAF AND DUMB. Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to.................................... S 2 106 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to.................................... A 3 210 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to................................... S 1 41 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to................................... S 2 66 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to................................... S 1 47 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to................................... S 1 25 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to.................................... S 2 31 Annual report of superintendent of common schools relative to.................................... A 5 172 Report of select committee (Mr. Herttell), relative to the..........................................A 3 163 Expenditures for the, report of Comptroller giving the amount of, etc............................. A 3 172 Establishment of an institution for, in the western part of the State, report of select committee on pétition for..... ..............................A 3 199 Report on pétition of Levi S. Backus to furnish each educated deaf-mute with a copy of his newspaper at the expense of the State.....................A 5 263 Report on pétition of Levi S. Backus to furnish each educated deaf-mute with a copy of his newspaper at the expense of the State.....................A 3 160 Report of Comptroller in relation to sums paid from treasury for................................... S 2 52333 DEAF AND DUMB — Continued. Central Asylum, Canajoharie: Doc. Yol. No. 1830 Annual report of s 1 56 1831 do A. 1 69 1832 do S 2 67 1833 do S 2 71 1833 Report on pétition for aid to ... S 2 62 1834 do do A 4 392 1834 Annual report of A 4 278 1835 do A 4 289 1835 Report on pétition for aid to . A 4 302 1836 do do A 3 199 1836 Annual report of S 1 49 1836 Report of the amount of money paid by the State to, A 3 172 1830 Annual report of Superintendent Schools relative to of Common S 3 235 1832 Annual report of Superintendent Schools relative to of Common S 2 106 1834 Annual report of Superintendent Schools relative to of Common S 1 41 1835 Annual report of Superintendent Schools relative to of Common S 2 66 1836 Annual report of Superintendent Schools relative to of Common S 1 47 New York Institution: 1830 Annual report of the directors of...................... S 2 131 1831 Annual report of the directors of, and communica- tion from the Secretary of State..................A 2 95 1832 Annual report of the directors of.....................A 2 101 1833 Annual report of the directors of, and communica- tion from the Secretary of State...................A 3 210 1834 Annual report of the directors of.....................A 3 108 1835 do do A 4 288 1836 do do A 3 125 1837 do do A 4 291 1838 do do A 2 31 1839 do do A 4 201 1840 do do A 5 179 1841 Annual report of the directors of, and communica- tion from the Secretary of State... ...............A 5 157 1830 Report on pétition of the directors to increase the number of State pupils, etc....................... S 5 192 1833 Memorial of the directors of, for aid................ S 2 61 1834 Memorial of the directors of, for an annual appro- priation of $5,000............................... A 3 165 1834 Memorial of the directors of, report of select com- mittee on the same...................... .........A 3 163 1836 Report on pétition to renew the charter, of, etc___A 3 199 1836 Comptroller’s report of amount paid by the State to, A 3 172 1838 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the term of instruction...............................A 2 52334 1840 1841 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1838 1839 1840 1841 1832 1835 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1646 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 DE AF AND DTJMB — Continuée!. New Yokk Institution — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition to continue the appropriation of 1834.............................................A 6 264 Communication from the principal of, to the Gover- nor.......................................,.... S 1 2 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to............................ S 3 235 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to..............................A 2 95 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to........................... S 2 106 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to...........................A 3 210 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to............................. S 1 41 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to.......................... S 2 66 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to............................. S 1 47 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to............................. S 1 25 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to............................. S 2 31 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to..............................A 5 172 Annual report of Superintendent of Common Schools relative to ........................... Report on pétition of Erasmus Hall and other academies, to repeal the law authorizing the, to receive a share of the Literature Fund.........A 2 59 Report on pétition relative to their share of the income of the Literature Fund....................A 3 263 Annual report of..................................A 4 57 Annual report relative to, transmitted by Superin- tendent of Common Schools ..........................A 4 14 Annual report relative to, transmitted by Superin- tendent of Common Schoools..........................A 1 26 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, pétition of.......................... A 3 60 Report on printing committee, recommending the printing of extra numbers of annual report.....A 4 114 Annual report of....................................A 5 140 do do ......................................A 2 51 do do ..................................... A 2 49 Pétition of the directors of, for an appropriation to extinguish their debt............................A 1 38 Thirteenth annual report and documents of.........A 2 89 Annual report of................................ A 4 67 do do ......................................A 2 22 Annual report and documents of......................A 5 112 Annual report of....................................A 4 931854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1861 1862 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1875 335 DE AF AND DUMB —Continued. New York Institution — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. Annual report of .............................. A 4 125 Communication of board of directors of...........A 4 127 Memorial of board of directors of................A 2 57 Annual report of.................................A 3 80 Thirty-seventh annual report of................. A 4 166 Memorial of, asking for aid, etc............... A 3 190 Annual report and documents of...................A 3 199 Reports of commissioners to examine the accounts and affairs of................................ S 2 107 Annual report of.................................A 3 77 do do ....................................A 3 121 Report of commissioners to examine public accounts relative to..... ..............................A 3 154 Communication from Superintendent of Public Instruction relative to....................... S 2 89 Annual report of.................................A 4 109 Pétition of board of directors of................A 4 153 Annual report of.................................A 5 120 do do ................................... A 8 246 Report of Comptroller as to payments to..........A 4 87 Annual report of............................... A 6 211 do do ....................................A 8 190 do do ....................................A 6 108 do do ....................................A 5 91 do do ....................................A 6 87 do do ....................................A 6 44 do do ................................... A 4 49 do do ....................................A 3 72 do do ....................................A 2 14 Report of managers for the improved instruction of, A 7 98 DEAF-MUTE. Institution for improved instruction of, fifth annual report of......................................A 3 60 New York Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb.......................................... A 2 23 Annual report of New York Institution for Instruc- tion of..........................................A 3 26 DEAF-MUTES. Reply of trustées of Institute for, to Senate resolu- tion ........................................... S 4 87 Annual report of Institution for Instruction of.A 2 12 DEAF AND DUMB. Report of Institution for instruction of.........A 1 9 Report for improved instruction of............. A 1 11 DEAF-MUTES. Eightb annual report of New York Institution....A 6 76336 DE AF AND DUMB. doc. Vol. No. 1875 Fifty-sixth annual report of New York Institution for instruction of................................A 3 25 1876 Of the New York Institution for improved instruc- tion of deaf-mutes................................A 3 19 1876 Fifty-seventh annual report of New York Institution for instruction of................................A 2 13 1877 Annual report of New York State Institute for...... 2 9 DEAF-MUTES. 1876 Eighth annual report of New York Institution for improved instruction for......................... A 1 8 1874 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute of Buffalo, report of.............................................. A 2 30 1875 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute of Buffalo, report of................................................A 2 25 1877 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute of Buffalo, report of................................................A 2 10 1877 Central New York Institution for, second annual report of.........................................A 3 20 DEAN T., AND SAMUEL DABAN. 1830 Commissioners to settle the estate of Doxstader, an Indian woman, report on pétition to confirm the conveyance on certain lands...................A 4 DEAN, THOMAS. 1840 Beport on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the construction of the Chenango canal............................. ...........A 4 125 DEATH PENALTY, see Capital Punishment. DEATHS, REGISTRY OF, see Births, etc. DEBATE. 1874 Upon the question of the adoption of the report of the Committee on Privilèges and Elections in the matter of Edward M. Madden contesting the seat of Frank Abbott.......................... S 4 97 DEBT, IMPRISONMENT FOR, see Imprisonment for debt. DEBT OF THE STATE, see Finances, etc. DEBTORS, ABSONDING, CONCEALED AND NON-RESIDENT. 1834 Report concerning attachments against............A 4 391 1839 do do do ............ A 5 302 1835 Déclaration, service of, by other than executive ofiBcers, report relative to...................A 2 146 1842 Report of the judiciary committee relative to.. S 2 42337 1849 1842 1833 1859 1832 1838 1840 1839 1833 1840 1830 1833 1832 1839 1840 1852 1833 1834 DEBTORS, JOINT. Doc. Vol. No. Report on bill to amend an act for relief of partners and........ ........ ....................A 3 112 DEBTS AND CONTRACT. Report of judiciary committee on pétition for repeal of laws for the compulsory collection of. .A DE CASTERS, PIERRE, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, to hold real estate, etc.A DECLARATION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. Message of Governor relative to monument to com- memorate .. .................................. A DEEDS, COMMISSIONERS OF. Report on pétition for a law authorizing the élection of...........................; :........A Report on pétition for a law authorizing the élection of...............................................A Report on Governor’s message relative to the élec- tion of..........................................A Report on the propriety of abolishing the office of.. A DEEDS FOR LAND SOLD FOR TAXES. Report relative to granting new ones when the cer- tificate is lost............................A DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE, ETC. Letter from the United States consul at Paris, rela- tive to, in foreign countries, touching property in this State..................................... A Report on the subject of hunting deer in Sufifolk county.......................................... S Report on the subject of hunting deer in Schoharie county.......................................... A DEERFIELD, TOWN OF. Report on bill to divide the................ S Macadamized road from, to Utica, report on pétition for a................................ ....... A Macadamized road from, to Utica, report on pétition to raise money to complété........................A DEFENDORF, CHARLES AND DAVID. Report on the pétition of....................A DE FERRIERE, POLLY. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to her lands bv the Erie canal.......................A Report on pétition for compensation for damages to her lands by the Erie canal.......................A 7 178 3 212 3 *131 1 35 5 226 2 46 2 47 4 299 4 132 4 394 3 176 1 46 5 300 5 216 2 68 3 217 2 87338 DE GRAFF, JOHN I. poc> vol. No. 1840 Report relative to his right to a seat as a Member of Assembly from Schenectady county............A 7 291 DE GRAFF, JOHN L, AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition for a law to settle daims for erecting bridges across the canals...........A 3 220 DE GRAFF, J. N. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for building a bridge over the Erie canal.................A 3 179 1837 Report of committee on daims...................A 3 204 DE GRAW, CHARLES J. 1866 Report of daims, committee on pétition of...... S 1 34 1866 Report of daims, committee on Senate bill for the relief of................ ...................A 7 195 1869 Report of committee on daim of..................A4 53 DE GROVE, EDWARD W., AND QUINCEY. 1834 Report on pétition for certain escheated land in the city of New York.............................A 3 177 1835 Report of the commissioners of the Land office.A 4 342 1835 Report of committee on the judiciary...........A 4 371 DEHOMINE REPLEGIANDO. 1843 Report of the minority of the judiciary committee on the subject of repealing ail laws relative to the writ of, etc.............................A 5 141 DEKALB, TOWN OF. 1835 Report relative to the school fund of the...A 3 173 DE KAY, JAMES E., AND DANIEL FLEET. 1835 Report on pétition to erect a wharf, etc., in Oyster Bay, Queens county.......................A 4 320 DELAMATER AND SHISLER. 1855 Report of committee on ways and means on pétition of.......................................A 2 39 DELAMATER, IRA W. 1847 Report of commissioners of land office on pétition of ..................................... S 2 78 DELAVAN, DANIEL, 1830 Report on pétition for bounty lands for révolution- ary services.............................A 2 90 DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL COMPANY, see Canals.339 DELAWARE, COUNTY OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Bank in, report on pétition to incorporate. ... A 2 126 1833 Sait in, report on pétition of S. Crâne and others for aid from the State to aid them in the discovery of, A 4 276 1834 Report of committee on the manufacture of sait-A 1 45 1834 Report of select committee....................A 3 146 1840 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Chenango, Otsego and with the county seat at Unadilla.....................................A 6 242 1841 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Greene, Schoharie and........................A 7 281 1846 Report of Comptroller relative to amount paid for men and horses used in enforcing the laws, etc., in............................................ S 1 37 1846 Report of committee on division of counties, etc., relative to new county from parts of Greene, Schoharie and................................. S 2 49 1846 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties relative to new county from parts of Chemung, Otsego and............... ............A 4 97 1846 Report of minority committee on érection and division of towns and counties relative to new county from parts of Chemung, Otsego and......A 4 105 1847 Comptroller’s report of expenditures of money in, and Columbia counties.......................... A 2 99 1849 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on pétitions and remonstrances relative to new county from parts of Greene, Schoharie and...................................A 3 135 1850 Report on pétition of supervisors for expenses for public disturbance..............................A 5 111 1862 Report of judiciary committee, relative to court of conciliation in.................................A 4 72 DELAWARE RIVER. 1832 Toll bridge across at Deposit, report on pétition for a, Ai 1 46 1832 Dam across at Deposit, report on pétition of Henry Peters and Newel Evans for a...............A 4 322 1838 Fishing in, report relative to................A 4 164 DELAWARE, STATE OF. 1830 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tariff.................................... S 4 366 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tariff and internai imprôvements...........A 1 3 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the sur- viving officers and soldiers of the révolution..... A 1 3 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands...............................A 1 3 1832 Résolution of the Législature of, relative to the mode of electing president of the United States. .Al 3 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, for the reorganiza- tion of the militia........................A 3 211340 DELAWARE, STATE OF—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation ................................................A 2 135 1841 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands..................................A 4 132 1841 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the re-eligibility of the president...............A 5 149 1842 Resolution of the General Assembly of, relative to fugitives from justice........................A 2 27 !l 875 Joint resolution of General Assembly of State of, relative to Louisiana.........................A 6 66 DELHI, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Bank at, report on pétition to incorporate........A 2 126 1841 Charter of, report on pétition to amend the, relative to roads and bridges.......................... S 3 99 DELTA, VILLAGE OF. 1838 Side-cut from the Black River canal to the, report relative to...................................A 3 91 1839 Side-cut from the Black River canal to the, report relative to...................................A 2 68 DELURGEE, IRA. 1837 Report on pétition to change his name..........A 3 275 DEM1NG, COL. ERTE. 1834 Report on pétition for payment of costs in defend- ing a suit brought against him for destroying a gambling table on parade ground...........A 4 364 DEMING, GEORGE. 1831 Report on pétition of, for the surplus moneys received on the re-sale of certain land. S 1 53 DEMISED PREMISES. 1840 Report on bill declaratory of the provisions of law relative to summary proceedings to recover pos- session of..................................... S 3 65 DEMONT, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. 1854 Report of Canal Appraisers on pétition of..A 3 46 DENISON, H. D. 1871 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 49 DENISON, W. T. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 3 51 DENNISTON, ISAAC. 1847 Report as to daim of...................... S 3 110 DENINSON, HENRY D. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 120341 DENNY, JOHN. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition for his share of the moneys due the first Christian party of Oneida Indians. S 1 37 1834 Report on pétition for his shares of the moneys due the first Christian party of Oneida Indians..S 2 51 DENNY, MARTIN, AND OTHERS. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the annuities due the Oneida Indians...........................A 4 432 DENSMORE, OBADIAH, see John Carr and others. DENTAL SOCIETY, STATE. 1871 Report of................................... S 3 34 1873 Annual report of............................ S 4 103 1875 do ............................. S 3 45 1877 do ............................. S 60 DENTAL SURGERY, NEW YORK COLLEGE OF. 1854 Report relative to............................ A 4 39 DEPARTMENTS OF STATE, see Executive Departments. DE PEYSTER, TOWN OF. 1831 State road between the, and the Ogdensburgh turn- pike, report relative to improving the...A 4 321 DEPOSIT BRIDGE COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate...........A 1 46 DEPOSIT FUND OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States Deposit Fund. DEPOSITS UNCLAIMED, see Banks. DEPOSIT, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Dam across the Delaware river at, report on pétition for.........................................A 4 322 1832 Toll-bridge across the Delaware river at, report on pétition for................................A 1 46 1855 Memorial of citizens of, relative to bounds of. S 2 36 DE RUYTER INSTITUTE, see Academies, etc. DE ST. CROIX, B. 1832 Report on pétition to change his name.....A 3 209 DESEAMUS, I. I. 1833 Report on pétition of, for a divorce..........A 3 185 DE VEAUX COLLEGE. 1961 Annual report of..............................A 5 103 1862 do A 8 211 1863 do S 119 1864 do S 4 92342 DE VEAUX COLLEGE—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Annual report of............................ S 3 88 1866 do A 7 156 1868 do S 7 85 1869 do S 3 29 1870 do S 4 95 1871 do A 4 62 1872 do A 7 97 1875 Annual report of trustées of..................A 5 55 1877 do do ...................A3 26 DE VEAUX, SAMUEL. 1839 Report on pétition to be repaid for provisions, etc., furnished the militia called out to defend the northern frontier...........................A 4 170 DEVENDORFF, SOLOMON. 1830 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in certain land........................... S 3 256 DEVOE, GILBERT. 1838 Report on pétition of the executor of the estate of.. S 1 13 DEWEY, CHARLES. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............ S 2 52 DE WOLF, JOHN, Jr., AND OTHERS. 1844 Heirs-at-law and legal représentatives of Samuel Merry, Jr., report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of.............................A 3 71 DEXTER COMPANY. 1837 Report of pétition of, relative to diverting the waters of Black river to supply the Black River canal and Erie canal feeder.........................A 3 205 DEXTER, H. S. 1840 Communication from, relative to hydraulic cernent, S 4 123 DEXTER, S. NEWTON. 1835 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in certain land.............................A 2 134 1835 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in certain land........................... A 4 287 DEXTER, S. NEWTON, AND JAMES MERRIMAN. 1856 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief......................................A 4 128 DE ZENG, W., AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition for relief on account of injuries to their land by the Erie canal............ S 2 62343 DE ZENG, WM. S. Doc.Voi. No. 1843 Report of committee on daims on bis pétition. S 1 50 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 100 DICKERSON & OSBORNE. 1861 Report on pétition of.....................A 5 89 DICKERSON, H., AND SAMUEL ALEXANDER. 1843 Report on Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of.......................................... S 3 106 DICTIONARY, WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGEU. 1851 Report relative to....................... S 3 81 1851 do do ......................................... S 3 89 DIEFENDORF, ADAM K. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 9 97 DIEFENDORF, M. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 8 177 DIGEST OF CLAIMS, see Claims. DIGEST OF PATENTS, see United States. DILLON, GILBERT. 1830 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty...................................... S 4 305 1831 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty...................................... S 1 69 1832 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty.......................................A 78 1833 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty...................................... S 65 1833 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty...................................... S 101 1834 Report on pétition for relief in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty...................................... S 24 1835 Report on pétition for relief, in conséquence of wounds received while in performance of military duty.......................................A 127 DINSMORE, GEORGE. 1871 Report of claims committee on pétition of....A 7 87 DISBROW, JOHN Q. A. 1842 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of..A 2 38344 DISPENSAMES, see Brooklyn, Buffalo, New York. DISTILLATION OF GRAIN, see Grain, etc. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Doc. Voi. No. 1840 Report of Secretary of State respecting copies of bills and fees of, filed in his office...... S 4 106 1841 Report of Secretary of State respecting copies of bills and fees of, filed in his office.......A 6 244 1842 Report of Secretary of State respecting copies of fee bills of, for 1841.......................A 5 89 DISTRICTING THE STATE, see Apportionment Congressional Districts. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1837 Slavery in, resolution of the Législature of Ver- mont, relative to........................... S 1 33 1841 Remonstrance of citizens of, rela tive to the législa- tion of Congress over said district....................A 1 7 1841 Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Georgetown relative to the rétrocession of that of the, to the State of Maryland.............................A 2 25 1842 Proceedings of municipal council of Alexandria in favor of rétrocession of Alexandria to Virginia .. A 4 53 DISTRICT SCHOOLS, LIBRARIES, etc., see Com- mon Schools. DIVORCE. 1833 Report on pétition of Mary Seymour, for. S 2 80 1833 Report on pétition of John Case, for,....A 2 49 1833 Report on pétition of J. J Dereamus, for.A 3 185 1833 Report on pétition of Levi Longwood, for...................................A 2 47 1833 Report on pétition of M. Obrigon, for....................................A 4 332 1833 Report on pétition of N. Winslow, for....................................A 2 97 1836 Report on pétition of Sally Goff, for................................... S 2 68 1836 Report on pétition of Louisa Crandall, for...............................A 4 328 1838 Report on pétition of Daniel and Nancy Ellis, for.. A 2 41 1838 Report on pétition of Elias Hubbard, for..... ... A 4 176 1839 do do do do ............A3 78 1840 do do do do A 8 224 1841 do do do do A 5 189 1841 do do do do A 6 202 1839* Report of the Chancellor, on pétition of H. Smiffon and wife, for......................................................... A 5 304 1840 Report on pétition of Jerome B. Ferrill .. -.............................A 8 323 1841 Report on pétition of Orcella Minerva Gardner_____ S 3 85 1841 Report on peition of Amanlis Lindsley...................................A 4 143 1842 Report relative to the pétition of Nancy B. Thayer for................................................................... S 2 103 1844 Report on memorial of Thomas Harttell, for a law making habituai drunkenness a good cause for.. A 6 156345 DIVORCE — Continuecl. Doc. Vol. No. 1844 Report on the pétition of Jacob Scramling and others, for.................................A 7 199 L845 Report on the pétition of Jacob Scramling, for.A 4 189 1849 Report of committee on judiciary, on pétition of John Black and W. H. Pillow, for, etc...... A 2 66 1850 Report of select committee on..................A 4 72 1852 Report on the subject of.......................A 2 73 1855 Report of committee on the judiciary in relation to, A 5 119 1855 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of George Powsland, for...................................... A 4 83 1855 Report of judiciary committee on bill in reference to, A 4 119 1856 Report of judiciary committee on bill relative to... S 2 49 1859 Report of committee against bill relative to.. S 1 36 tDIX, MAJOR-GENERAL. 4 Communication from, relative to arrest of Hawley D. Clapp........................................... S 4 93 DIXON, HENRY M. 1867 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on contested seatof....................................A 10 234 DIXON, THOMAS H. 1851 Report of the judiciary committee on petion of--A4 91 DOBBIN, JAMES. 1846 Copy of last will and testament of.....................A 3 80 DOCXJMENTARY HISTORY. 1852 Report of Comptroller respecting expenses of printing.......................................... S 1 5 1845 Report of Secretary of State relative to the general index to, and laws of the State, etc., in his office, S 2 75 1854 Communication from Secretary of State respecting, A 4 136 1857 Report of Comptroller relative to cost of..............A 1 10 1857 Report of Comptroller, in reply to resolution relative to cost of Colonial and.................. ... A 2 81 1857 Report of Secretary of State, in reply to resolution relative to printing of Colonial and................A 2 134 DOCUMENTS. 1833 Report of committee appointed to inquire as to the security from ûre of public papers and, in the State offices.......................................A 2 115 1847 Report in regard to public, of the year 1845....A 6 165 1849 Report of committee on public printing respecting cause of delay in printing public...................A 5 228 1855 Index to legislative, by W. H. Bogart................. S 1 33 1857 Report of clerk of Assembly in reply to resolution relative to printing and distribution of............A 2 115 44346 DOCUMENTS—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1857 Report of Secretary of State in reply to résolution relative to contract for binding of legislative.A 3 176 1858 Report of library committee relative to books and, in the departments undisposed of... ....... S 2 52 1863 Report of committee relative to printing..... S 2 54 1864 Communication from Secretary of State, relative to sending to officers and reporters.......... S 4 58 DOCUMENTS, CONGRESSIONAL, see Congres- sional Documents. DODD, ZACHARIAH. 1833 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition for bounty lands................................A 2 102 DODGE, HORACE, AND OTHERS. $ 1846 Report of committee on canals on the pétition of. .. A 4 123 1850 Report on claim of............................A 5 108 DODGE, JOHN A. 1856 Report on pétition of.................. ... A 4 154 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on peti- tition of, as attorney of Silas Bail, for payment of interest on protested draft .................... .A 2 128 DODGE, ORRIN. 1848 Report of committee on canals on pétition of......A 3 147 DODGE, REUBEN D. 1834 Letter from, relative to the Seventh Ward Bank, in New York................................... S 2 80 DODGE’S CREEE. 1831 Report relative to declaring it a public highway ... A 4 326 DOE, GERTRUDE. 1857 Standing committee on expiring laws, report on an act for relief of........... ................... S 2 65 1860 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to claim of................................... S 1 65 1861 Communication relative to same............... S 2 53 DOE, NICHOLAS B. 1843 Report of the Commisssioners of the Land Office on his pétition................................A 5 158 1848 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of......................................... S 2 32 DOGS. 1854 Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties on.............................A 1 4347 DOGS, TAX ON. Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Report on pétition to amend the law in Columbia county....................................A 1 47 1837 Report on pétition from Yates, Wayne and Onon- daga, to amend the law....................A 3 238 1839 Report on pétition from Dutchess and Columbia to repeal the law................ ...........A 4 257 DOLAN, JAMES A. 1858 Report of majority of committee on contested élec- tion on pétition of, claiming seat of John G. Seeley....................................A 4 95 1858 Report of minority of committee on contested élec- tion on pétition of, claiming seat of John G. Seeley....................................A 4 97 1858 Testimony taken on the same................A 4 101 DOMESTIC DISTILLED SPIRITS, INSPECTION OF, see New York. DOMESTIC INDUSTRY, see Tariff. 1841 Resolution of the Législature of Connecticut relative to the protection of......................A 1 14 1844 Resolution of the Législature of Alabama relative to to the protection of......................A 3 57 DONALDSON, CHARLES A. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 4 60 1870 do do ........A 6 114 DONALDSON, SAMUEL. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.... S 2 53 DONALDSON, SAMUEL, AND HIRAM REY- NOLDS. 1862 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 59 DONNELLY, JOHN. / 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 89 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 99 DOOLITTLE, URI, see Samuel Badger and Uri Doolittle. DORR, THOMAS W. 1845 Report on pétition of two hundred démocratie citi- zens of Madison county relative to........A 7 248 DOTY, JOHN. 1856 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 93 DOUGHTY, TIMOTHY. 1843 Committee on daims, report on pétition of... S 2 54348 DOUGLAS, WILLIAM. Doc VoL No# 1871 Report of daims, committee on pétition of..A 5 69 DOUGLASS, ZEBULON. 1834 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal......................... A 4 369 1835 Report of committee on daims............... A 2 142 1835 Report of Canal Board...................... A 4 354 1846 Report on pétition for a law authorizing a deed for certain land to be executed and delivered to him. A 4 295 1836 Report of a select committee...............A 4 298 DOVER AND UNION V ALE TURNPIKE RO AD COMPANY. 1830 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the A 3 288 DOWER, RIGHT OF. 1841 Report on bill to extend the, to widows....A 4 89 DOWNEY, JOHN AND RICHARD, see Elizabeth Idley. DOWNING, MARY E. 1856 Report on pétition of, in relation to escheated lands A 4 136 1858 Report on pétition of, for release of escheated lands, Al 32 DOWNS, ABEL, AND SEABURY S. GOULD. 1860 Report on pétition of......................... S 1 41 DOXSTADER, MARY, 1830 Report on pétition of the commissioners to settle the estate of............................A 4 356 DOXTATER, ROBERT H. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 10 174 DRAKE, JEREMIAH, AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition for the pre-emptive right to cer- tain lands on condition that they construct a rail- road from the Erie canal to Piseco lake............A 3 267 1837 Report of select committee...................A 3 279 1838 Report on pétition for the conveyance to them of certain lands..............................A 3 87 1838 Report on pétition for the conveyance to them of certain lands..............................A 5 203 DRAKE, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1831 Report on pétition of, relative to the oyster beds in Richmond connty........................... S 1 14 DRAKE, MOSES. 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his land by the Erie canal.................A 6 368349 DRED SCOTT. Doc. Vol. No. 1857 Report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly on the decision of the Suprême Court of the United States, in the case of ................A 3 201 DRESDEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 1837 Report on pétition to incorporate........ S 1 22 DRESSER, ERASTUS. 1847 Report on pétition of.....................A 4 142 DRUM, JOHN, AND B. GLEASON. 1834 Report on pétition to be credited with certain money paid for land...........................A 4 254 DRUM, JOHN Z. AND JOHN W., ses Aaron Park- hurst and others. DRUNKENNESS, HAB1TUAL. 1844 Report on the memorial of Thomas Harttell for a law making a good cause for divorce.....A 6 156 DRUNKENNESS, SEWALL’S PATHOLOGY OF, see Pathology of Drunkenness. DRYDEN, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition for the division of the.A 3 258 DRY DOCK, EAST BROADWAY AND BATTERY RAILROAD. 1865 Message of Governor vetoing bill to extend track of, S 3 96 DU ANE, STEEL ORE AT. 1841 Report of Prof essor Emmons, relative to....A 5 182 DUANESBURGH, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in the..............................A 3 63 DUBOIS AND HUNT. 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of....................................... S 3 103 DUCKENFIELD, GEORGE (an alien). 1831 Report on pétition to take, hold and convey real estate . . ............................. S 1 59 DUCKMAN, ABRAHAM. 1830 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of the heirs of, for bounty lands................A 4 418 DUDLEY, ABRAHAM. 1805 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on pétition of........ A 2 30350 DUDLEY, BLANDIN A. DOC.Vol. No. 1847 Report on pétition of............................S 2 56 DUDLEY, E. E., see S. H. Addington. DUELING. 1838 Resolution requesting the members of Congress from this State to use their exertions for the passage of a law to expel from Congress ail mem- bers engaged in.............................A 5 230 1838 Resolution requesting the members of Congress from this State to use their exertions for the passage of a law to expel from Congress ail mem- bers engaged in...................................A 5 229 BUELL, ABRAHAM. 1855 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of, and others................................... S 2 37 DU MM Y ENGINES. 1863 Report of railroad committee on use of, on Brooklyn Central and Jamaica railroad............. S 5 78 DUNCAN, WM BUTLER. 1875 Pétition of, relative to Fifth avenue pavement.A 6 75 DUNDEE SALT SPRINGS, see Sait, etc. DUNHAM, ALBERT T., see Martlett & Dunham. DUNHAM, CYRUS P., AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on daims in relation to the pétition of, for relief...... ..... ..... S 2 55 1860 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 147 1862 do do ......A 4 70 DUNHAM, JEREMIAH. 1839 Report on bill for the relief of............A 6 385 DUNHAM, P. 1846 Report of Comptroller relative to daim of..A 3 82 DUNHAM, SAGE AND WALRATH, see Sage, Walrath and Dunham. DUNHAM, WATSON. 1834 Report on pétition for extra allowance for making desks for the Assembly Chamber............A 3 203 DUNKIRK. 1865 Report of Commissary-General, relative to condi- tion of State arsenal at...................A 8 180 DUNLAP, ELIZA W. 1864 Report of committee on daim of.............. A 6 138 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 7 143 1869 do do do do ............A 4 47351 DUNLAP, J. Doc. Vol. No. 1854 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of Francis Smith and heirs of............... .A 2 67 DUNLAP, JANET. 1834 Report on pétition for escheated lands....... S 2 121 DUNLOP, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A 4 141 DUNN, WILLIAM. 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on péti- tion of next of kin to, deceased................A 3 42 DUNNING, JONATHAN O. 1852 Report on pétition of........................A 2 59 DUNPHY, JAMES. 1872 Report of committee on claim of Henry G. Lask, to seat in Assembly held by...................A 9 129 DURFEE & OGDEN. 1846 Report on bill for the relief of.. ................. S 4 136 DURHAM AND WINDHAM TURNPIKE COM- PANY. 1831 Report on pétition to abandon part of their road. .. A 2 113 DURHAM, CYRUS P., ROBERT L. MOORE, AND OTHERS. 1839 Report on pétition relative to the lease of certain surplus waters of the Erie canal...................A 3 51 DURHAMYILLE AND WOOD CREEE PLANK- ROAD CO. 1856 Report on claim of...................................A 4 152 DURLAND, DANIEL T., AND DANIEL FULLER- TON. 1850 Report of committee on élections on contested seat of, A4 67 DURYEA, H. B., AND J. LOVERIDGE. 1855 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of.A 2 40 DUTCHESS COUNTY. 1830 Game in, report on pétition to prohibit the killing (A 4 422 of certain kinds of.............................. (A 3 204 1834 Court-house, report on pétition to sell the présent and to erect a new one.............................A 4 325 1835 Dis trie c-attorney, report on pétition relative to the compensation of the............................. A 2 114 1839 Dogs in, report on pétition to repeal the law requir- ing a tax on.......................................A 4 257 1834 Fish, report on pétition for a law for the protection of, in certain waters in...........................A 2 58352 DUTCHESS COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. 1831 Poor-house, report on pétition to raise money by tax to erect a....................................A 3 204 1839 Poor, superintendents of the, report on pétition to require them to give them security, etc.......A 6 384 1834 Turnpike company, report on bill granting further powers to..................................... S 2 119 1834 Turnpike company, report of committee of confér- ence on the same.......................................A 4 400 1836 Road from the village of Fishkill to Croton river, and the bridge over said river, report on pétition for aid to improve............................A 4 277 1831 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of N. Concklin......................................A 2 143 1842 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to a bridge across Wappinger’s creek in....... S 3 79 1846 Report of majority of committee on privilèges and élections, on contested seat from.............A 2 45 1846 Report of minority of committee on the same.......A 2 46 1850 Report on act to pay expenses for quelling riot .... A 6 170 Banks in, see Banks, Dutchess county. Lands in, claimed by John Jacob Astor, see J. J. Astor. DUTCH RECORDS. 1840 In the office of the Secretary of State, communica- tion relative to the translation of the...........A 8 350 DUTTON, JOHN E. 1847 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. A 2 72 DUVAL, SALLY L. 1834 Report on pétition of, to change the name of her child......................................A 1 47 DWIGHT, FRANCIS. 1843 Report on a communication from.............. S 1 34 DYGERT, HENRY. 1854 Report on pétition of........................A 1 26 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 26 DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS, NEW YORK CITY. 1880 Communication from......................... S 2 56 1880 Communication from, relative to Senate bill 259 ... S 2 46 DEAF AND DUMB. 1880 Institution for, report of...................A 2 27 DEAF-MÜTES. 1880 Central New York Institute for, report of....A 2 17 1880 Institution for Improved Instruction of......A 2 29 1880 St. Joseph’s Institute for, report of........A 2 29 1880 Western New York Institution for.............A 2 30353 DOCKS. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Erection of, communication of Secretary of State concerning................................A 6 83 DËAF AND DUMB. 1882 New York Institution for, annual report.... S 3 32 DEAF-MUIES. 1882 Central New York Institution, annual report.... S 3 35 1882 Western New York Institution, annual report.... S 3 34 1882 Institution oflmproved, New York city, annual report, S 3 30 1882 Le Couteulx, St. Mary’s Institution, annual report.. S 3 28 1882 St. Joseph’s Institute, Fordham, annual report. S 3 27 DE VEAUX COLLEGE. 1882 Annual report of............................A 2 27 DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS, NEW YORK CITY. 1883 Communication from, in response to resolution__A 4 70 DAIRY PRODUCTS. 1848 Report of committee on public health, investigating the adultération of...................... S 3 44 DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 1885 Report of................................. S 5 27 1885 Communications from........................ A 5 48 1886 Report of.................................. S 2 24 1886 Resolution relative to.................... S 4 68 1886 Report relative to investigation of........ S 5 83 (see New York.) DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS, NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Report of....................................... S 4 49, 64 DIRECTORS BROOKLYN INSTITUTE. 1886 Report of..........................\........... S 4 63 DRIVERS, see Bureau. DAIRY COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Annual report of............................A 7 48 DEAF-MÜTES. 1887 Inproved instruction of, report of... ......A 4 16 DAIRY COMMISSIONERS. 1888 Report of..................................A. 3 17 DYGERT, HENRY. 1857 Report of committee on daims, adverse on pétition of, for damages by burning of canal boat..A 3 151 DYGERT, WARNER. 1840 Report on pétition for furtker allowance for work done on the Erie canal....................A 6 269 45354 DYGERT, WILLIAM, AND D. F. Doc. Vo]. n . 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 2 29 DYGERT, WILLIAM W. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages in conséquence of a breach in the Erie canal....A 5 175 DYSON, T. J. 1874 Report of spécial committee to investigate charges against........... .......................... S 4 78 EARLL, D. & CO., see William Gibbs and others. EARL, DANIEL, see Dorastus Kellogg and others. EARL JONAS, Jr. 1844 Statement of, relative to the claim of Amos B. and James H. King..................................A 6 154 EAST HAMPTON. 1836 Report on pétition to levy a bounty on foxee in .... A 3 139 EASTKILL, AND CAIRO TURNPIKE CO. 1830 Report on pétition to renew the charter of ....A 2 134 EAST OSWEGO, see Oswego. EAST RIVER. 1838 Oysters in, report on pétition to protect persons planting, etc..... ...................... A 3 157 1857 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on pétition for a bridge over................ S 4 167 Grants of land under water, see Brooklyn and Williamsburgh. 1875 Concurrent resolutions, relative to improvement of, S 3 44 EATON, AMOS. 1836 Message from the Governor on the memorial of.... A 4 327 EATON, E., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of.......................... S 2 54 EATON, LEWIS H. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of. .....A 6 80 EATON, SAMUEL. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal................................ A 3 212 ECKER, JOHN. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 5 77 EDDY, HARRIET. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........... S 1 43 EDDY, HARRIET AND OTIS. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..... S 3 109355 EDDY, HIRAM. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Report on pétition for pay for timber sold to Wil- liam Yan Lortwicke, former superintendent of repairs on the Champlain canal.................. S 3 71 1839 Report of the committee on daims............A 4 252 EDDY, HIRAM AND ASA. 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for the dam- ages to their boat and cargo....................A 5 297 EDDY, OTIS. 1834 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 43 EDDY, OTIS, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on their pétition.... S 2 58 EDDY, TIMOTHY. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the érection of Fort Edward dam and feeder..................................A 3 235 1844 Report of the Canal Commissioners on pétition of.. S 1 48 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 2 56 1845 Report of Canal Board in relation to the daim of .. S 1 34 1845 Report of committee on finance in relation to the daim of........................................... S 1 41 EDDYYILLE BRIDGE COMPANY. 1835 Report on pétition to revive an act to incorporate.. A 3 261 1840 Report on the pétition to amend the charter of .... A 6 261 1841 do do do .... A 4 142 EDDYYILLE, YILLAGE OF. 1834 Bridge over Rondout creek, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a...............A 3 217 EDGARTON, LEONARD I., see James M. Willard and L. I. Edgarton. EDMONDS, JOHN W. 1836 Report relative to his official conduct in the matter of the Commercial Bank.................. S 2 104 EDMONDS, JOHN W., AND OTHERS. 1846 Memorial of, relative to Aboriginal History of the State .................................. S 2 55 EDMONDS, J. W. 1858 Communication of, relative to the sword of General Worth................................... S 1 5 EDUCATION, see Common Schools, Colleges, Academies.356 1860 1865 1833 1833 1834 1868 1848 1849 1850 1850 1832 1869 1844 1846 1846 1831 1846 1847 1847 1849 1850 1851 1851 1852 EDWARDS, EDWARD H. poc y0i. no. Communication from the contracting board relative to an award to.............................A 4 131 Report of committee on pétition of......... A 2 52 EDWARDS, HIRAM K. Report of committee on pétition of...........A 7 123 EDWARDS, HARVEY, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition to authorize the Canal Commis- sioners to take a grant of a canal constructed by them from the Limestone creek feeder to the Seneca turnpike... ....................... S Report of committee on canals............... S Report of Canal Commissioners............... S EDWARDS, JOHN. Report of daims committee on pétition of..... S EDWARDS, MARY E. Report on pétition of....................... A Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of............................ ............ Report on pétition of...................... A Appendix to report of........................A EDWARDS, OGDEN. Report of amount of fees received by him as a cir- cuit judge................................ A EFNER, GEORGE B. Report of daims committee on pétition of..... S EGGLESTON AND SANFORD. Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A Report of Canal Board on pétition............A Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A EGGLESTON, DARIUS. Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal.......................A EGGLESTON, SILAS. Report of Canal Board on pétition of.... EHLE, CHARLES. Report on pétition of....................... S Report of Canal Commissioner on pétition of.. S Report of committee on canals on pétition of.. A Report on daim for canal damages............. S Report on daim of............................A Report of Comptroller on daim of.............. S Report on pétition of, for relief............ S S 2 73 s 2 83 s 2 74 s 5 64 A 5 176 A 2 64 A 3 46 A 4 61 A 2 168 S 5 54 A 3 69 A 3 78 A 4 99 A 4 306 A 5 147 S 2 73 S 2 76 A 3 161 S 2 42 A 3 48 S 3 94 S 1 44357 EHLE, JOHN A., AND JOHN SPENCER. Doc. v0i. No. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal......................... S 1 36 1838 Report of committee on daims on the same...............A 5 279 EHLE JOHN A, AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal............................ A 6 342 EIFORT, HENRY. 1862 Report on pétition of..................................A 9 199 EINSTEIN, ELIZABETH. 1842 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the pétition and bill of, to convey certain lands to her, S 2 22 ELBA, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for a new town from part of the, A 2 57 ELDRED, RUFUS. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.............. S 2 86 ELECTION LAW OF 1842. 1847 Report relative to.................................... S 2 55 ELECTION LAWS. 1856 Report relative to publication of, etc................ S 1 34 1860 Communication from Secretary of State relative to élection laws of 1856....................... S 1 51 ELECTIONS. 1832 For members of Congress, report relative to alter- ing the time for............................. S 2 105 1836 Spécial, for members of Congress, report relative to, A 2 77 1839 For Senators in Congress, report on bill to provide for the.......................................A 6 404 1839 Betting on, report relative to....................A 5 286 1838 Purity of, report on bill to preserve the (Mr. Ogden), A 6 323 1841 For élection of President and Vice-President to be held on the same day throughout the Union, reso- lution to amend the Constitution...............A 1 9 And see President of the United States. 1842 Report of committee on privilèges and élections, on nu mérous pétitions in relation to general.....A 2 36 1857 Report of committee on grievances, favorable on an act to prevent frauds at ......................A 3 197 1858 Majority report on act to prevent illégal voting at, A 4 109 1869 Frauds, pétition of Pitt Cook and others for com- mittee to investigate...............................A 10 173 1871 Communication from Governor relative to use of money at.......................................... A 3 28 Registry Law, General, see Registry Law. Registry Law in New York, see New York.358 ELECTIONS, ONE DAY. Doc. Vol> No> 1831 Report on pétition for (Mr. Van Buren)........A 4 359 1838 do (Mr. Ogden)..............A 6 314 1840 do (Mr. Scott)..............A 5 192 ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. 1840 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Verona for a law more effectually to sec are the free exercise of, A 5 185 1835 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Avon for the same.............................................A 2 119 1841 Report on pétition to extend to colored persons.... A 5 183 1841 Report on the resolution proposed by Mr. Duer for the same....................................... A 5 181 1842 Report on the pétition for extending to colored citizens........................................ A 7 155 1853 Report of the committee on the judiciary, on the reference of the resolutions to amend the Consti- tution relative to ...................................... A 3 60 1873 Concurrent resolutions proposing amendment to Constitution, relative to........................A 7 114 ELECTORS, QUALIFICATIONS OF. 1837 Resolution to amend the Constitution so as to allow electors to vote for President and Vice-President, and Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, in any town or ward, ^rovided such elector is prevented by business from voting where he résides...A 2 120 1841 Report on a resolution to amend the Constitution relative to the..................................A 5 181 ELEVENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. 1859 Report on select committee relative to vacancy in.. S 2 63 1850 Report of Attorney-General relative to vacancy in.. S 1 18 ELGAR, JAMES, (an alien). 1835 Report on pétition to hold real estate, etc.........A 3 170 ELIZABETHTOWN. 1838 Arsenal at, report relative to breaking open the.... A 5 217 ELLENBURGH, TOWN OF. 1846 Report on bill to confirm the élection and official* acts of the officers of, etc............... . S 2 72 ELLICE, E. 1831 Report relative to certain lands at Little Falls claimed by him... ......................... S 1 35 ELLICOTT, AND TONAWANDA CREEES. 1830 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to lands overflowed with water on the...............A 3 124359 ELLICOTT CEEEK. Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Dam across, report on pétition of Benjamin Herskey to build.................................... A 3 208 1847 Report on pétition for draining lands at.........A 7 198 ELLICOTT, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for the division of...........A 3 232 1839 Report on pétition to raise money to lease or pur- chase a town house.................. .......A 5 312 ELLIS, DANIEL AND NANCY. 1838 Report on pétition for a divorce................A 2 31 ELLIS, JOHN. 1846 Report of committee on daims on contract of...A 3 81 1847 Report on pétition of........................A 2 53 ELLIS’ REPEATING RIFLES. 1832 Report on bill authorizing the Commissary-General to receive, in lieu of the quota of arms, etc., due the State.................................A 4 303 ELLSWORTH, SAMUEL S. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 7 147 ELMENDORF, LUCAS. 1833 Report on pétition for the conveyance to him of certain land.................................... A 1 27 1833 Report of Attorney-General on the same.......A 3 131 1833 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 3 201 1834 do do .......Al 30 1835 Report on pétition for a law authorizing the Comp- troller to execute deeds to him for two lots of land sold for taxes.......................A 2 124 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for work done on the Neversink Turnpike Company, etc....A 3 213 1835 Report of majority of select committee on the same, A 4 357 1835 Report of minority of select committee on the same* A 4 358 1843 Report of committe on daims on pétition of... S 2 61 ELMIRA. 1835 Report on pétition of trustées of, relative to dam- ages by the Chemung canal.............:....... .A 4 324 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 4 355 1835 Survey of a route for a railroad from, to Williams- port, Pennsylvania............................. A 4 351 1847 Report on pétition for bridge at. ..................A 6 152 1859 Report on pétition for aid to Female College at.... S 2 116 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to bridge over Chemung canal at.......................... S 5 88 1863 Report of committee adverse to bill to discontinue lock and bridge over the Chemung canal at. S 5 123 1865 Report of Dr. Peters on longitude of.........A 9 197 1870 State Reformatory at, report of..............A 3 44360 ELMIRA — Continued. D0C y0jt ^0# 1873 Reply of building committee of, to resolution of the Senate................................ S 4 74 1873 Report of finance committee on the financial man- agement of........................................ S 4 106 1844 Report of commissioner appointed to investigate... S 2 22 1877 Report and testimony taken before Prison Commis- sion appointed to investi gâte State prisons and the............................................... S 3 49 ELMORE, A. L. 1831 Report on pétition for compensation for damages • by the Erie canal.........................A 4 337 ELMORE, JOB G. 1852 Report on pétition of, claiming seat held by Jacob Westbrook, Jr.............................A 2 28 1852 Report on resolution to pay him while contesting seat of J. Westbrook, Jr..................A 2 65 ELSWORTH, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition to drain Flint creek and Nettle Valley swamp.......................... .... A 4 253 ELSWORTH, SAMUEL S., AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for the loss of a timber raft by a breach in the canal near Frank- fort .....................................A 6 197 ELSWORTH, S. S., AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 147 ELWOOD, REUBEN, AND OTHERS. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 49 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 3 42 EL Y, HERVEY, AND OTHERS. 1839 Report relative to the appraisal of their property taken for the enlarged Erie canal at Rochester... A 5 283 1839 Report of committee on canals............... S 3 108 1840 do do do ...................A4 140 1841 Report cf committee on daims................ S 2 46 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........ S 2 65 ELY, WILLIAM C. 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. A 3 71 EMIGRANT PASSENGERS. 1843 Memorial of the mayor, etc., of New York, praying for the passage of an act for the relief of, with draft of an act therefor .................A 5 139 EMIGRANT PAUPERS. 1859 Report of committee relative to relief of A 4 171361 EMIGRANTS. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Report of committee of investigation relative to frauds on................................... .A 8 250 1848 Report of committee of investigation of frauds on.. A 2 46 1851 Report of select committee relative to, and the pub- lic health.........................................A 6 155 EMIGRANT SOCIETY, IRISH. 1854 Remonstrance against certain bill............A 1 31 EMIGRATION. 1871 Report of delegates to Indianapolis convention of, A 3 25 EMIGRATION AND AGRICULTURAL ASSO- CIATION. 1852 Memorial of the New York and Liberia, for an ap- priation............................................S 1 19 EMIGRATION, COMMISSIONERS OF. 1847 Report of........................................... S 4 119 1848 Memorial of, in relation to hospital fund............. S 2 46 1848 Annual report of ..................................... S 2 47 1849 Report of Comptroller, transmitting letter from, S 2 39 1849 Annual report of..................................... A 2 50 1849 Letter from, relative toquarantine establishment, etc. A 2 58 1849 Communication from Comptroller relative to letter of, etc.............................................A 3 140 1849 Report of, in answer to a resolution of Assembly .. A 5 214 1850 Annual report.... .....................................A 4 52 1850 Communication from, in relation to amendment of law.................................................A 5 99 1850 Communication from, in regard to alien passengers, S 2 71 1851 Annual report..........................................A 2 37 1851 Report of select committee on annual report.....A 4 92 1852 Report of select committee to examine into the con- dition, etc., of the trusts under charge of .A 2 34 1852 Report of..... ...................................... S 2 59 1853 Annual report of. . .................................. S 2 37 1853 Communication from, asking for legislative aid-- S 3 79 1854 Annual report of.......................................A 3 97 1855 Report of, in answer to resolution of Senate.......... S 1 32 1855 Communication from, in answer to resolution of Senate............................................. S 2 46 1856 Report of, in answer to resolution.................... S 2 62 1855 Report of, as to embarrassments....................... S 2 78 1856 Report of, in answer to resolution as to sale of tick- ets, etc........................................... S 2 87 1856 Report of committee on finance on bill to pay money to........................................... S 2 94 1856 Report of select committee to examine affairs of. .. . S 3 105 1856 Report of committee on quarantine and..................A 4 109 1856 Report relative to embarrassments and necessities of commission.......................................A 4 143 46362 EMIGRATION, COMMISSIONERS OF — Con- tinued. Do<\ Yol No 1857 Preliminary report of.......................... S 2 59 1857 Animal report of............................... S 2 80 1858 do A 3 83 1859 do A 5 187 1859 Report of, relative to title of Castle Garden...A 3 130 1859 Report of majority of committee relative to charges against..................................... A 3 53 1859 Report of minority of committee relative to charges against..................................... A 2 52 1861 Annual report of............................... S 2 54 1862 do S 5 105 1863 Report of relative to damages at quarantine.... S 5 105 1864 Annual report of.............................. S 4 65 1865 do S 2 54 1866 do A 5 104 1867 do A 9 228 1868 do A 9 111 1869 do A 6 81 1870 do A 3 68 1871 do A 4 55 1871 Communication from, relative to commutation money.................................... S 3 31 1872 Annual report of................................A 7 83 1873 do S 2 37 1873 Memorial of, asking for reimbursement of certain expenditures ................................A 7 112 1873 Reply of, to Senate resolution................. S 4 94 1873 Quarantine, testimony taken by finance committee, relative to............................... S 4 82 1874 Annual report of.............................. S 2 27 1874 Report of........................................A 2 25 1874 Reply of, to resolution of January 29, 1874.....A 4 50 1875 Report of...................................... S 2 22 1875 Memorial of...................................A 7 82 1875 Of émigration, report of investigation of. . A 10 124 1875 Annual report of..... ..........................A 3 32 1876 Annual report of commissioners of.............. S 3 32 1876 Communication from Governor relative to Commis- sioners of........................................... S 6 69 1876 Annual report of................................A 4 38 1876 Report of in vestigating committee relative to.A4 33 1877 Annual report of, for 1876................... S 1 21 1877 Communication from, relative to Channel between Wards and Randalls islands...................A 6 66 EMIGRATION LAWS. 1849 Report of select committee respecting...........A 5 219 EMERSON, WILLIAM M. 1873 Adverse report of committee on daims on act for relief of....................................A 7 123363 EMMONS, EBENEZER. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report in relation to the Duane steel ore...A 5 182 1843 Communication from.................. S 2 60 1847 do do ..................A 7 211 EMPEY, RICHARD. 1851 Report of committee on claim for canal damages... A 3 84 EMPLOYES AT CAPITOL AND STATE HALL. 1859 Report of Comptroller in relation to......A 2 76 ENDERS, JOHN. 1834 Report on pétition relative to the surplus waters of Schoharie creek.............................A 3 237 ENDERS, PETER J. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the dam across Schoharie creek .... A 4 328 1835 Pétition of...................................A 4 328 1835 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of..A 4 325 1836 do do ........A 4 229 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. A 7 152 ENDRESS, ISAAC I. 1843 Report of finance committee on the pétition of- S 2 55 EN GINEER -IN-CHIEF. 1862 Annual report of................A 3 27 ENGLISHBEE, JAMES. 1841 Report on pétition for a release of escheated lands........................................... S 3 74 ENGLISHBEE, JAMES, AND FRANCIS. 1841 Report on pétition for a release of escheated lands, S 2 58 ENGLISH, STEPHEN. 1873 Pétition of, relative to N. Y. Mutual Life Insurance Company..........................................A 7 105 ENGRAYING, see Printing. ENGRAYINGS. 1849 Catalogue of, presented by Pope Pius IX............A 3 117 ENGS, P. W. 1864 Report of, in response to resolution of Assembly... A 7 141 ENN1S, ELI J AH. 1852 Claim reported on................................. S 2 55 ENOS, J. B., AND OTHERS, see Erie Canal.364 ENTERPRISE FERRY COMPANY Doc. vol. No. 1857 Report on bill to incorporate .... .......... S 4 168 ENTOMOLOGY. 1855 Report of select committee on report of State Agri- cultural Society in reference to ..........A 5 137 1855 Report of Asa Fitch relative to..............A 5 151 1855 Report of Asa Fitch respecting...............A 7 151 1856 Communication from State Agricultural Society concerning............................... A 5 207 1856 Report of Asa Fitch M. D., on the noxious and bénéficiai, and other insects of the State of New York................................................A 6 215 EPHRATAH AND PALATINE. 1848 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to, etc................................. S 2 67 1848 Minority report on same..................... S 2 70 EQUALIZATION OF STATE TAX. 1859 Report of select committee on................A 1 47 EQUITY AND JUDICIAL SYSTEM. 1838 Report of commissioners appointed to digest and report on..................................A 1 3 1838 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.. A 5 283 EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. 1877 Relative to................................. S 2 25 ERASMUS HALL ACADEMY, see Academies, etc. ERIE CANAL, see Canals. ERIE COUNTY. 1836 Bridge over Cattaraugus creek at Zoar, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a . .... A 4 221 1837 Bridge over Buffalo creek, report on pétition for a law directing the money raised to build a, to be expended in improving certain roads...............A 3 170 1831 Jail in, report on pétition to sell the old, and to raise money to build a new one....................A 1 45 1831 Jail in, report on pétition to sell the old, and to raise money to build a new one..................A 2 106 1833 Jail in, report relative to the assessment of a tax for a......................................... A 2 44 1834 Jail in, report on pétition of the treasurer to raise money to pay for building.........................A 3 120 1835 Jail in, report on pétition of the treasurer to raise money to pay for building.........................A 2 136 1834 Clerk’s office, report on pétition for a loan to build a, A 3 120 1835 do do do A 2 136 1832 Medical society, report on pétition of, for a law con- firming the organization of the...................A 3 192365 1836 1835 1834 1831 1832 1839 1840 1831 1832 1831 1842 1842 1844 1845 1846 1847 1850 1853 1831 1838 1857 1857 1857 1859 1859 ERIE COTJNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Poor-house, farm and lot, report on pétition to sell the.............................................A 2 85 Road from, to Abbott’s Corners, report on pétition to raise money by tax to improve a..............A 4 313 Road across the Indian réservation, report on pétition to raise money by tax to improve a.............A 3 218 Inspector of beef and pork, S. Russell, report of... A 1 47 do do do .... A 2 153 Inspector of flour and meal, Foster Young, report of, A3 88 Inspector of flour and meal, Foster Young, report of, Al 11 Inspector of leather, John Dobson, report of.... — A 1 7 Inspector of leather, N. Randall, report of...... A 2 117 Inspector of staves and heading, Sylvanus Russell, report of......................................A 1 74 New county, report relative to the érection of, from parts of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and........... S 4 23 Excise, report on application of supervisors of, rela- tive to...........................................A 2 46 Agricultural society of, report of committee on agri- culture on pétition of.............................A 7 198 New county, report of the committee on the division of towns and counties in relation to, to be formed from parts of Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and...... S 1 30 Grand Island, report of Comptroller on pétition of citizens of, relative to.......................A 5 155 Public lands, report relative to bill authorizing supervisors of, to take stone from.............A 1 44 Money, report on resolution of board of supervisors of, to refund..................................A 5 93 New county, report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on the érection of, from the counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and, A3 75 ERIE, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to change the name of the......A 3 207 ERROR, WRITS OF, see Writs of Error. ERWIN, ARTHUR. Report on pétition of, to build a dam across the Canisteo river.................................A 6 327 ESCHEATED LANDS. Report of committee on pétitions of aliens, relative to cases of..................................A 2 62 Report of committee on pétitions of aliens, relative to cases of..................................A 2 83 Report of committee on pétitions of aliens, relative to cases of..................................A 3 146 Report of Comptroller on........................A 1 44 Report of Comptroller on case of Robert Arnold and others.......................................A 2 84366 ESCHE ATED L ANDS — Continued. poc. vol. No. 1859 Report of Comptroller on case of Alexander Lawson, A 2 86 1859 Report of Comptroller on case of Philo L. Mills ... A 2 86 ESCHEATS. 1833 Bill concerning, proposed by the Commissioners of the Land Office..............................A 2 54 1833 Report of select committee on the same..........A 4 326 1834 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning.................................. S 1 34 1835 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning...................................A 1 67 1836 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning...................................A 1 16 1837 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning.................................. S 2 72 1838 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning.................................. S 2 75 1839 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning.................................. S 1 16 1841 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, giving a statement of ail releases granted under the act concerning...................................A 2 38 1844 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office con- cerning ........................................... S 1 12 ESOPUS CREEE. 1831 Bridge over, report on pétition of Henry Barclay to build a..................................... A 2 159 1832 Bridge over, report on pétition of Henry Barclay to build a................................... A 1 25 1834 Bridge over, report on pétition of inhabitants of Marbletown to raise money by tax to build a.A 3 215 1840 Bridge over, report on pétitions of inhabitants of Saugerties to raise money to build a........ A 2 53 1832 Channel of the, report on pétition to incorporate a company for the purpose of improving the....A 1 16 1834 Pier at the mouth of, report on pétition to incorpo- rate a company to build a............................ A 4 277 ESQUIROL, PETER, AND OTHERS. 1843 Memorial of, remonstrance against any alteration in the inspection laws..........................A 3 69 ESSEX COUNTY. 1838 Academy, report on pétition for aid..............A 5 269 1832 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to levy a tax to build a, A 3 243367 1840 1841 1832 1849 1851 1859 1865 1832 1869 1876 1843 1867 1861 1838 1839 1840 1834 1842 1832 1834 1834 ESSEX COIJNTY — Continuée!. D00. Vol. No. Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolish the, A 6 267 do do do A 7 265 Road from Cedar Point westward, report of the Comptroller and Surveyor-General relative to the situation and progress of the...............A 3 225 Report on pétition of sundry citizens of Clinton, Washington and, relative to road from Whitehall to Plattsburgh ... .........................A 3 186 Report of select committee on pétition of inhabi- tants of Franklin, Warren and.................A 4 94 Report of surrogate of........................A 3 12 Banks, see Banks, Essex County. EVANS, EVAN. Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 7 121 EVANS, NEWAL. Report on pétition to erect a dam across the Dela- ware river at Deposit.......................A 4 322 EVARTS, W. A. Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 4 55 EVARTS, WILLIAM M. Report of, on plans for government of cities. S 6 71 EVERETT, SAMUEL. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 1 40 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 2 21 EVERSON, SARAH D. Report on pétition of..........................A 4 113 EWERS, HENRY W. Report on pétition for extra allowànce for work done on the Chenango canal..................A 4 187 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 3 114 do do .......A 1 124 EXCHANGES, INTERNATIONAL, see Inter- national Exchanges. EXCISE, COMMISSIONERS OF. Report on bill to amend the law relative to.....A 3 122 Report of the application of the supervisors of Erie county relative to, of the city of Buffalo....A 2 46 EXCISE LAW, see Intoxicating Liquors. Liability of the State for costs under the..... S 2 82 License to tempérance taverns, report relative to granting without charge......................A 3 250 Report on pétition from Seneca county to prevent tavern-keepers from retailing ardent spirits.A 7 372368 EXCISE LAW — Continued. D0C. Vol. ^o. 1835 Report on pétition from Franklin county to pro- hibât the sale of ardent spirits on Sundays...........A 3 191 1837 Report on pétition to amend the, for Monroe county, Al 40 1837 Report on pétition to amend the, for the city of Hudson........................................A 4 308 1837 Report on bill relative to licensing retailers of ardent spirits in Monroe county...............A 4 307 1837 Report on pétition to amend or repeal (C. O. Shepard) .....................................A 4 333 1838 Report on pétition to amend or repeal (Mr. Garret- son)..........................................A 6 304 1839 Report on pétition to amend or repeal (Mr. Hub- bard).........................................A 4 249 1840 Report on pétition to amend or repeal (Mr. Young), S 3 73 1841 Report relative to granting licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors (Mr. Taylor) ............ S 2 41 1851 Majority report on bill relative to licensing retailers of intoxicating liquors.......................A 5 167 1841 Minority report on the same......................A 7 294 1844 Report of. committee on internai affaire of towns and counties, on pétitions on the subject of licenses......................................A 3 83 1845 Report of select committee on....................A 3 50 1850 Report of majority of select committee...........A 5 119 1847 Report of committee on poor laws relative to repeal of............................................ S 3 107 1847 Report as to votes on............................A 1 40 1847 Majority report on pétition relative to repeal of law of 1845.......................................A 4 139 1847 Minority report on pétition relative to repeal of law of 1845 .............. .......................A 4 140 1851 Report of select committee on..... ..............A 3 46 1851 Report of the select committee...................A 4 110 1851 Report of the minority committee on the same sub- ject .................................................A 4 111 1851 Report of the select committee...................A 4 118 1857 Report of the majority of the select committee on the ..........................................A 2 113 1860 Report of minority of committee relative to certain modifications of..............................A 3 89 1861 Report relative to amendment of..................A 5 109 1862 do do ..................A4 94 EXCISE LAWS. 1869 Report of majority committee of Senate on internai affaire of towns and counties as to repeal of. S 6 74 1869 Report of minority of Senate committee........... S 6 75 EXECUTION, OR DISTRESS FOR RENT. 1841 Report on pétition to extend the exemption of Per- sonal property from sale on........................... S 3 81369 1850 1842 1846 1846 1858 1866 1835 1836 1838 1838 1857 1857 1857 1838 1842 1847 1850 1842 1843 1869 1869 EXECUTIONS. Doc. Yol. No. Eeport on the return of............ ........ A 4 62 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Report of committee on expenditures of the, in relation to................................. A 7 184 Report of Comptroller relative to printing for.A 3 75 Report of committee on expenses of............ A 5 143 Report of committee 6n judiciary relative to the powers and duties of the Governor, and to fix compensation of officers in the............. S 2 72 Report as to clérical force in office of Secretary of State, A 4 83 EXECUTIVE MANSION. Report of a committee relative to purchasing...A 4 332 do do do ........A 4 324 Report of trustées of the State hall relative to the purchase of..................................A 3 144 Report of select committee in relation to the pur- chase of. .................................... A 6 363 Report relative to............................ S 3 83 Report of standing committee on incorporation of cities and villages relative to............. S 3 89 Report of standing committee on finances relative to purchase of................................. S 4 159 EXECUTORS OF WILLS. Suits brought by, report in relation to.......A 5 261 EXEMPTION OF PROPERTY. Report of judiciary committee relative to, from levy on sale.................................... S 3 76 EXEMPTION, HOMESTEAD. Majority report on memorials for limitation of land and.....................................A 7 203 Report on select committee on a...........A 5 123 EXEMPTION, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS, ETC. i Report on the bill for, from levy and sale on execution, A 7 145 Report of committee on judiciary relative to the law exempting............. .. .............. S 1 43 EXPENDITURES ON THE CANALS, see Canals. EXPENSES O F STATE, see Government, State. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Merchant’s Union: Report of majority of committee appomted to investi- gate alïairs of.................................A 10 182 Report of minority of committee appointed to inves- tigate affairs of........................... ... A 10 199 47370 EXPUNGING RESOLUTIONS. Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Résolution offered by Mr. Young instructing the senators from this State to use their efforts to cause to be expunged from the journal of the Senatethe resolution of the 28th March, 1834____ S 1 5 ERIE CANAL. 1878 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to lengthening locks of the. ............. S 2 37 ELECTRIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1878 Annual report of.......................... A 3 43 ELMIRA. 1878 State Reformatory, annual report of, at ...A 3 20 ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. 1878 Boards of, Attorney-GeneraFs report on.....A 7 95 EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE. 1878 Commissioners to purchase, report of the... A 4 47 EXTENDING TIME. 1879 For completion of New York and Long Island bridge, pétition by Mr. Ecclesine...... S 2 54 ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1879 Report of..................................A 7 154 ELEVATED RAILROADS. 1880 Reports of Manhattan, Metropolitan, and New York elevated.............................. S 2 39 ELEVATED R AIL WA YS, see Brooklyn. ELMIRA REFORMATORY. 1880 Report of................................ A 2 28 EMIGRATION. 1880 Commissioners of, report of................A 2 14 ELMIRA STATE REFORMATORY. 1881 Annual report of board of managers of.... S 1 21 ELMIRA REFORMATORY. 1881 Affairs of, report on......................A 8 98 EMIGRATION COMMISSIONERS, see Commis- sioners. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, REPORTS OF, see Reports. ELEVATED, AND OTHER RAILROADS IN NEW YORK CITY. 1882 Report of Comptroller of the city of New York relative to taxes due for State or local. S 6 76371 ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Doc. Vol. No. 1882 Aunual report on railroads................ S 1 12 ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1882 State, annual report of....................A 2 10 ELECTIONS, PRIMARY. 1882 Report of select committee on............ A 5 96 ELMIRA REFORMATORY. 1882 Treatment of inmates of, report of committee on. . . A 5 116 1882 Testimony taken before committee on manage- ment of........................................ A 5 130 EMIGRATION, COMMISSIONERS OF. 1882 Communication from secretary of board of...A 5 127 1882 Annual report of...........................A 2 26 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, see Prison Associationn. ELEVATED RAILROAD, see New York Elevated Railway or Railroad. ELMIRA. 1883 Report of State Reformatory............... S 1 8 EMIGRATION, see Commissioners. ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1883 Report of transactions of..................A 7 176 1884 Report of..................................A 5 46 ELMIRA REFORMATORY. 1885 Report of managers........................ S 4 13 EMIGRATION. 1885 Report of Commissioners.................. S 5 31 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1885 Prison Association, report of........... S 6 48 EXTRA SESSION, see Close of Regular Session. EXTRAORDINARY SESSION. 1885 Communication from Governor, calling see Extra Session.................................. S 1 1 ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1885 Report of................................ A 5 44 ELECTRIC AL SUBWAYS, see Commissioners. ELMIRA, see Annual Reports. EMPLOYES, see Committee on Public Expenditures; Grievances.372 ERIE CANAL. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Concurrent resolution relative to.......... S 3 36 ERIE AND OSWEGO CANALS. 1886 Resolutions relative to.................... S 5 87 ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1886 Annual report of........................... A 6 55 EIGHT-HOUR LAW. 1887 Resolution relative to..................... S 3 37 ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1887 Report of...................................A 7 52 1888 Twenty-seventh annual meetipg, report of....A 6 49 EXPÜNGING RESOLUTION. 1836 Resolution offered by Mr. Judd for the same.A 2 74 1839 Resolution of the Législature of North Carolina relative to the...........................A 4 202 EXTRA COMPENSATION. 1865 Report of finance committee on, to clerks and employés in State departments............ S 3 62 EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, NEW YORK, see New York. EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, WESTERN, see Syracuse. FAAS, JOSEPH. 1863 Report of committee on pétition of.......A 6 184 FACTORS, see Consignées, Agents and Factors. FAILING JACOB H. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal..............................A 2 99 FAILING, JACOB H., AND JAMES AVERILL. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal..............................A 2 94 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same_A 4 365 FAILING, PETER, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition for extra compensation for work done on the Oswego canal................... S 1 26 FAIRBANK, DEXTER, AND OTHERS. 1852 Report of Commissioners of Land Office respecting land under water at Westfield...............A 5 121 FAIRFIELD ACADEMY, see Academies, etc.373 FAIRFIELD, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report on pétition relative to tke acts of inspectors of élection in said town.................. A 7 304 FAIRPORT, VILLAGE OF. 1840 Report on pétition to change the name of, to Horse- heads..................................... A 8 326 FAIRSERVICE, M. H. 1835 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal...........................A 4 331 FALLEY, GEORGE F., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on claims on pétition of, for relief, A 2 72 FANCHER, RICHARD. 1847 Report of committee on claims favorable on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal.A 2 61 1862 Report on pétition of....................A 8 231 FARLAND, DUDLEY, AND OTHERS, see Lake George. FARMINGTON, TOWN OF. 1831 Report concerning the town house of......A 3 255 1831 School district No. 11, report of superintendent of common schools on pétition for a law authorizing a tax on, to indemnify the trustées for certain expenses incurred in a number of lawsuits, etc... A 4 302 1831 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on the same, A 4 310 1832 Report of select committee on the same......A 2 103 1834 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.. A 3 314 FARNHAM AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of.......................A 8 219 FARRELL, ADDISON D. 1871 Communication from, relative to towage on canals, SI 9 FARWELL, GUSTAVUS, AND E. 1831 Report on pétition to be released from a certain judgment ................................A 2 168 FARWELL, SAMUEL. 1836 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal.................... S 2 86 1835 Report of Canal Board on the same..........A 2 86 1835 Report of committee on claims on the same..A 2 122 FARWELL, SAMUEL, AND OTHERS. 1839 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chemung canal...................A 3 110 1840 Report of Canal Board for the same........ S 4 100 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for building bridges over the Erie canal at Utica....A 5 194374 1835 1847 1861 1861 1861 1861 1864 1864 1864 1857 1838 1856 1842 1867 FAVIE, ELIZABETH, AND OTHEKS (ALIENS). Doc. Vol. Report on pétition for the release of the right of the State to certain lands........... ......A 2 FAY, JOHN D. Memorial of................................... S 3 FAY, JOHN, WILLIAM AND OTHERS, see New York Trinity Church. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, see General Govern- ment. FEDERAL RELATIONS. Communications from common council of New York on............................................. S 1 Resolutions on....................................A 1 Report of select committee...................... A 1 Report of minority of same on.................. A 1 Roport of committee on, relative to volunteers..A 2 Report of committee on, relative to errors in quota, A 7 Report of committee on, relative to resolutions ] asking Congress for an amendment to the Con- stitution, indorsing the Présidents proclama- tion ............... ................... FELLOWS, J., see Pultney estate. FELT, NORMAN. Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages by falling of bridge over the Chenango canal............................A 3 FEMALE SEMINAR1ES, see Academies, etc. FEME CO VERT, see Women, Married. FENCES, see Canal Fences. Report on the subject of damages for not keeping up, A 5 FERDON, JOHN W. Report relative to seat of................ S 2 FERGUSON, JAMES G., see Thomas Geary and others. -A 7 j No. 100 93 8 9 19 25 j 36 1 39 181 185 186 150 277 89 FERGUSON, J. G. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 137 FERGUSON, MARY A. Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 8 169375 FERO, ROBERT. Doc. Vol. No, 1844 Report of Canal Board in answer to a resolution of the Assembly calling for testimony in the case of, A 6 153 FERRELL, JOHN A. 1833 Report on pétition to be released from a certain judgment and for a reappraisal of certain land,etc. A 3 184 1835 Report of committee on public lands on the same.. A 5 392 FERRIES, see New York Ferries. 1834 Report of Attorney-General relative to the power of the Législature to authorize and regulate...A 2 61 1849 Report of Commission ers of Code concernin g.-- Al 12 1854 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to régulation of, A 4 131 1855 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to life-saving gates at............ S 2 41 1857 Report of committee on judiciary on bill to incor- parate Enterprise Ferry Company............. S 4 168 1857 Report on committee of judiciary on bill to incor- porate People’s Steam Ferry Company......... S 4 169 1857 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to Staten Island Railroad Company, to hâve, own and run ferry boats, etc..........A 2 64 1860 Report of majority of committee relative to the, between New York and Brooklyn............... A 4 156 1860 Report of minority of committee relative to the, between New York and Brooklyn...............A 4 157 FERRILL, TIMOTHY N. 1839 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal....................S 3 84 1839 Report of the Canal Commissioners on the same.... A 3 142 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same....... A 4 163 1844 do do do ............A 1 29 FERRISS, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS. 1864 Report of committee on pétition of.............A3 58 FERRISS, JOHN. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 57 FEUDAL TENURES, see Landlord and Tenant. FIELD, D. D. 1842 Proposed acts to simplify administration of justice. A 5 81 1861 Reply to, by certain commissioners to peace convention................................... S 2 65 1861 Reply to, by certain commissioners to peace convention................................... S 2 69 FIERO & ANTHONY. 1850 Report of Canal Board in relation to daim of..A 3 33376 FINANCES STATE, see, the respective funds; Government, State; Loans; Retrenchment. doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on the subject of (Mr. Todd)..............A 3 205 1831 do do (Mr. Selden).............A 3 224 1832 do do (Mr. Bronson)........... S 1 61 1833 do do (Mr. Van Duzen)......... A 4 245 1833 do do (Mr. Bronson)........... S 2 55 1834 do do (Mr. Wheeler)............A 3 131 1835 do do (Mr. Van Schaack)....... S 2 38 1836 do do (Mr. Van Schaack)........A 1 35 1835 do do (Mr. Ruggles)............A 5 242 1839 do do (Mr. Verplank).......... S 3 96 1839 do do (Mr. Paige)............. S 3 101 1839 do do (Mr. Young)..............A 3 103 1839 do do (Mr. Davis)..............A 6 388 1841 do do (Mr. Verplank).......... S 2 51 1841 do do (Mr. Holley).............A 7 266 1841 do do (Mr. Loomis).............A 7 278 1842 Communication from Comptroller relative to..A 4 61 1842 Report of committee on ways and means on....A 5 88 1842 Report of minority on same.................... A 7 166 1843 Report of committee on finance on the subject of. .. S 2 69 1844 Report of Mr. Hoffman on so much of the Gover- nor’e message as relates to..................A 7 185 1844 Report of Mr. Davis on same subject .... .......A 7 186 1844 Report of Mr. Bosworth on same subject..........A 7 188 1850 Report of Comptroller relative to...............A 5 132 1851 Report of Comptroller on ..................... S 3 91 1851 Report of Treasurer on......................... S 3 93 1856 Report on.......................................A 5 181 1859 Report of committee on finance relative to canal debt....................................... S 2 115 1859 Report of minority of committee on finance relative to canal debt............................... S 2 119 1863 Report of minority of committee, relative to cancel- ing bonds against Richmond county .......... S 5 93 1863 Report of majority of committee on finance, relative to duties on sait........................ S 5 121 1864 Report of committee on finance, relative to soldiers’ monument at Gettysburg...................... S 4 88 1865 Report of committee on finance, relative to extra compensation to clerks in State departments.. S 3 62 FINEUR, JOHN. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 6 95 FINE, MARIETTA. 1864 Report of committee on pétition of... ..........A 3 73 FINN, WILLIAM. 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands and fences.........................A 6 358 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A 5 100377 FINNEY, JONATHAN. Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition of, to be restored to the rights of citizenship................................ S 2 55 FIRST CHRISTIAN PARTY ONEIDA INDIANS, see Indians, Oneida. FIRST GREAT SOUTH-WESTERN TÜRNPIKE COMPANY. FIRST GREAT WESTERN TÜRNPIKE COM- PANY. 1831 Report relative to a tax assessed on, in the citj of 1855 Report of committee on agriculture in relation to FISH, PAUL J., AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition to erect docks, etc., adjacent to their lands on the East river, in the village of Williamsburgh........................................A 4 287 FISHER, ALFRED, AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 3 73 1844 do do ...... S 1 41 FISHER, HANNAH. 1830 Report relative to the proof of her will, etc. S 2 158 FISHERIES. 1869 Annual report of Commissioners of............. S 5 51 1870 do do S 2 69 1871 do do S 4 44 1872 do do S 4 57 1873 Fifth annual report of commissioners of....... S 2 35 1874 Annual report of commissioners of............. S 3 41 1875 do do A 5 46 1876 do do A 6 67 1877 do do S 2 35 FISH. FISHERIES, SALMON. 1857 Report of standing committee on agriculture, on pétition relative to........................ S 4 146 FISHKILL AND POUGHKEEPSIE, TOWNS OF. 1832 Report on pétition for a new town from parts of.... A 4 284 1832 Report of committee on towns and counties (Mr. Tilford)................................... A 4 299 1840 Report of committee on towns and counties (Mr. Hull)..................................... S 3 91 1841 Report of committee on towns and counties (Mr. Hull)....................................... S 1 36 48378 FISHKILL EDUCATION SOCIETY. Doc. VoL No. 1835 Report on pétition to incorporate...............A 4 282 FISHKILL, TOWN OF. 1839 Matteawan Company in the, report on pétition to increase the capital of....................... S 1 29 1839 Rocky Glen Company in the, report on pétition to increase the capital of... ................... S 1 29 1846 Report on bill to authorize officers of, to appropriate certain moneys................................ S 1 33 FISHKILL VILLAGE. 1836 Road from, to the Croton river, report on pétition for aid to improve............................A 4 277 FISK, THOMAS W. 1836 Report on pétition for compensation for the loss of a boat load of sait on the Erie canal.........A 4 244 FITCH, ABIJAH, AND OTHERS. 1851 Report of judiciary committee on bill for relief of.. A 3 76 1851 Report o f committee on daims...................A4 96 1855 Report of commissioners appointed to investigate affairs of State prisons relative to claim of. S 1 22 FITCH, AS A, M. D., see Entomology. FITCH, CHARLES P. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of........ S 2 66 FITCH, HUNT AND COOLEY. 1855 Memorial of................................ A 2 44 1855 Report of select committee On bill for payment of judgment in favor of.......................... S 2 52 1855 Report of select committee on bill for payment of judgment in favor of.......................... S 2 54 FITZBURGH, W., see Hervey Ely, and others. FITZGERALD, DAVID. 1836 Report on pétition to be indemnified against a judgment for obstructing the waters of Mud creek while repairing the Erie canal aqueduct.........A 3 122 1836 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition to be idemnified against a judgment for obstructing the waters of Mud creek, while repairing the Erie canal aqueduct. ............................... S 2 98 1836 Report of committee on daims on pétition to be indemnified against a judgment for obstructing the waters of Mud creek, while repairing the Erie canal aqueduct. ................................A 2 109 1838 Report of committee on daims on pétition to be indemnified against a judgment for obstructing the waters of Mud creek, while ïepairing the Erie canal aqueduct..........................................A 3 138379 FITZGERALD, DAVID—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition to be indemnified against a judgment for obstructing the waters of Mud creek, while repairing the Erie canal aqueduct............................A 5 173 FITZHUGH, HENRY. 1853 Communication from, in reply to the preamble and resolution offered in the Assembly........ A 2 27 1853 Report of select committee in the case of...A 4 90 FITZPATRICK, THOMAS. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 6 107 FITZSIM MON S, PATRICK AND JAMES BRADY. 1841 Report on pétition for the payment of monev due them on a contract for work on the Erie canal... A 6 248 1842 Report of canal Board on pétition of........S 4 86 1843 Report of the Comptroller on the pétition of....... SI 16 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 3 56 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 29 1847 Report on pétition of . . ..................A 1 23 1850 do ........................ S 3 77 1851 Report of committee on pétition of, for canal dam- ages ...................................... S 2 47 FLEET, DANIEL, see James E. De Kay. FLEMING, JOSEPH, AND PETER LARKIN. 1864 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 114 FLEMING, ROBERT. 1830 Report on pétition relative to certain land pur- chased of the State.........................A 2 119 FLEMING, WILLIAM. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 11 186 FLETCHER, NOAH T., AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages............................ S 2 39 FLINT, ASHER. 1840 Report on pétition to authorize him to take the oath of office of commissioner of deeds.....A 8 328 FLINT CREEK AND NETTLE VALLEY SW AMP. 1834 Report on pétition to drain................. A 4 253 FLOOD, JEREMIAH. 1868 Report on daims committee on daim of......... S 5 63 1869 do do .........A4 56 1870 do do .........A 5 96 FLOUR INSPECTOR IN NEW YORK, see New York.380 FLORENCE, TOWN OF. Doc.Voh No. 1834 Report on pétition for a bounty on bears......A 4 316 1835 do do ...........Al 43 FLORIDA BRIDGE. 1846 Report of Canal Board relative to.............A 4 127 FLORIDA BRIDGE COMPANY. 1830 Report on pétition to collect toll on the tow-path bridge across Schoharie creek...............A 4 340 1850 Report of committee on....................... S 1 34 FLORIDA, STATE OF. 1851 Resolutions of Législature of.................A 4 126 FLOYD, JOHN, see Leonard Hildreth and others. FLUSHING. 1832 Fire company, report on pétition to increase the number of members of........................A 6 318 1857 Report of committee on roads, etc., on pétition for road from Hunter’s Point to Newton and..... S 4 119 FLUSHING CREEK. 1841 Report on pétition of Benjamin W. Strong to rebuild a bridge over...............................A 4 23 FLYNN, JOHN. 1854 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 74 FOGARTY, DENNIS. 1848 Report on pétition of.........................A 5 187 FOLGER, HON. CHAS. J. 1865 Report of, in contested élection case, Ninth district, SI 3 FOLTS, GEORGE. 1852 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 37 1854 do ............................A 2 53 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 69 1855 Communication from Canal Appraisers in reference to claim of.................................A 4 84 1856 Report on pétition of........................A 3 29 FOLTS, JAMES. 1847 Report on pétition of....................... A 7 200 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 119 FOLTS, JAMES, AND OTHERS. 1850 Report on claim............................. S 2 51 FONDA, JACOB. 1859 Report on pétition of.........................A 3 165 1861 do ............................A 2 46381 FONDA, STAATS Y. F. Doc.Voi. No. 1850 Report on claim....... ..................A 4 65 FOOT, STILMAN. 1834 Report on pétition to be released from a certain judgment.... .........................A 4 354 FORBES, ISA AC J., see John Amphlett. FORBUS, ALEXANDER, see Chancery, Clerks in. FORD, ASHER, Jr. 1832 Report on pétition for bounty lands for révolution- ary services...................... ...A 4 289 FORECLOSURES ON MORTGAGES, s^mortgages. FOREIGN BANKS, NOTES OF, see Banks. FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES, see Insurance. FOREIGN POOR, see Poor. FOREIGN PRACTITIONERS, see Medicine. FOREIGNERS. 1845 Report of committee onthe judiciary on the pétition of inhabitants of Sullivan county, in reference to the naturalization of...................A 7 245 FOREMAN, WINFIELD S. 1852 Report on pétition of, for damages........A 2 80 FORNCROOK, P., see D. NEFF. FORT ANN, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to raise money for the support of roads and bridges...........................A 5 264 1841 Report on pétition to raise money to cancel a certain debt for building bridges..................A 7 283 FORT BREWERTON BRIDGE COMPANY. 1847 Report of, in aSbswer to a resolution........A 2 68 1857 Report relative to charter of................ S 2 70 FORT COYINGTON, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for the division of the...A 4 315 1832 Academy in, report on pétition for a grant of land to build an................................A 1 18 1832 Report of committee on public lands..........A 2 92 1833 do do Al 29 1833 Report of Attorney-General...................A 2 41 1833 Report of Commissioners of Land Office...A 3 197382 FORT EDWARD. Doc. Yol. No 1837 Report on pétition to construct a dam at, between the State dam and the upper end of Roger’s island......................................A 3 165 1835 Surplus water, report on pétition for a grant of, at, S 2 74 FORT EDWARD WATER-WORKS COMPANY. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 10 166 FORT HUNTER SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 1852 Report in reference to the.................... S 2 86 FOR| LAFAYETTE. 1868 Report of committee to examine charges as to use of, during the late civil war... ...........A 8 86 FORT MILLER DAM. 1830 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the.A 2 86 1830 Report of committee on canals relative to the.A 3 226 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition for, and remon- strance against removal of.........................A 5 114 1849 Report of Canal Board respecting..............A 3 125 1850 Report on pétition of John Davis and others . S 2 66 1851 Letters of Secretary of War and Brevet Colonel G. Wright, relative to granting lands near.... S 3 82 FORT PLAIN. 1832 Road from, to German Flats, report on pétition to repeal the law to lay ont a............. ...A 2 156 1833 Report of committee on roads and bridges on the same.......................................A 3 165 1834 Report of committee on roads and bridges on the same....................................... S 1 19 FORT SCHLOSSER, see Northern Frontier. FORTIFICATIONS ON STATEN ISLAND. 1830 Report relative to the sale of the, to the general government................................. S 4 434 FOSTER AND FRASEE, see Frazee and Foster. FOSTER, HENRY A. 1845 Memorial of, relative to the report of committee on daims of March 24, 1845, in regard to him as a former member of the Senate....................... S 3 90 FOSTER, JOHN C., AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable on péti- tion of, for additional compensation...............A 2 122 1860 Report on pétition of.........................A 4 152 FOSTER, OSCAR S. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 9 117383 FOWLER, DANIEL (a Stockbridge Indian). doc. y0i. No. 1835 Report on pétition to sell certain lands.....A 4 299 FOWLER, J. 1845 Report of the Secretary of State on the pétition of, A 5 183 FOX, JACOB. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of_;. A 5 115 1864 do do do .....A 7 156 FOX, LEANDER, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 121 FOX, NORMAN. 1830 Report on pétition to vacate his seat as a member of Assembly on account of his being a minister of the gospel.......................................... A 4 376 FOXES, BOUNTY ON. 1836 Report on pétition for a bounty on, in East Hamp- ton.............................................. A 3 139 1838 Report on pétition for a bounty on, in Smithtown.. A 5 222 FRANCE. 1836 Demand of, for an apology for certain language used by the president, joint resolution relative to....A 2 73 1838 Indemnity of citizens of the United States against losses by the illégal conduct of, joint resolution relative to.......................................A 5 216 1844 Resolutions of Connecticut relative to spoliations by, Al 7 1844 Report of select committee on same subject..........A 3 67 1850 Letter of A. Yattemare relative to donations from.. A 8 192 FRANCHER, RICHARD. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal;.......A 2 61 FRANCIS, JOHN BROWN, see John B. Herrishoff and others. FRANCISCO, MICHAEL. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for revolution- ary services.................................. A 6 241 1842 Report of committee on militia and public defense, on pétition of.................................A 2 16 1842 Report of committee on militia, on pétition ôf.A 2 19 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 5 124 1845 Report of committee on the militia and public defense, on the pétition of....................A 3 40 FRANKFORT, TOWN OF. 1844 Report of Canal Appraisers on memorial of land owners in, on the subject of canal damages..A 5 101 1847 Report of Canal Board on pétition of James Folts for a bridge at................................A 7 200384 FRANKING PRIVILEGE. D 1837 Resolution of the Législature of Maryland to extend the, to Governors of States and members and offi- cers of the Législature of the several States .... A 2 146 1842 Report of select committee on, and letter postage.. A 7 165 1843 Résolution of the Législature of Vermont relative to, and postage................................ A 2 15 1844 Resolution of Connecticut relative to..............A 1 14 FRANKLIN COUNTY. 1831 Claim of, to certain moneys of Çlinton county, report relative to .......................................A 2 119 1835 Arsenal lot, report on bill to provide for the rédemp- tion of a part of the...........................A 4 366 1832 Academy, report on pétition to record the mort- gages belonging to, in a separate book......... A 3 212 1840 Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolish the, A 6 267 1841 do do do do A 7 265 1841 Spirituous liquors, report on pétition to prohibit the sale of, in said county on Sundays.............A 3 191 1836 Wolves, bounty on, report on pétition for a........A 1 39 1851 Report of select committee on pétition of inhabit- ants of Essex, Warren and............................A 4 94 Military roads in, see Clinton county. FRANKLIN, H. S., see Amos S. Tryon. FRANKLINVILLE, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in..........................A 1 47 1836 Fire company, report on pétition to incorporate_A 4 271 FRAZEE AND FOSTER. 1845 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of, for relief................................, S 2 77 1846 Report of committee on daims in the case of.....A 1 20 1847 Report on pétition of.......................... S 2 74 FRAZEE, BENJAMIN. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief...................................... A 3 72 1854 Report on pétition of...........................A 2 64 FRAZER, CHARLES E., AND ANOTHER. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 6 115 FRAZEE, JAMES. 1858 Report of majority of committee on contested seat occupied by..................................A 3 71 1858 Report of the minority of committee on the same. .A3 70 FRAZER, DONALD. 1832 Report on pétition for an extension of the lease of the Black Rock ferry.........................A 3 3401830 1833 1872 1872 1831 1860 1867 1838 1871 1852 1837 1837 1832 385 FRAZER, W. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition to be restored to the rights of citizenship................................A 3 250 FRAZIER, JOHN. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the construction of the Erie canal.. A 4 258 FREAR, ALEXANDER. Papers and testimony in the matter of contesting seat of, in the Assembly, by Frederick Kilian-A 3 50 Minority report in.............................A 4 70 FREE ACADEMY OF NEW YORK, see Academies, etc. FREEHOLD, VILLAGE OF. Report on pétition to incorporate a turnpike com- pany from, to Leeds......................A 4 345 FREEMAN, JEHIAL, AND E. R. HAMMATT. Report on claim of.......................A 4 152 FREEMAN, PATTERSON. Report of daims committee on pétition of. S 2 83 FREEMAN, SAMUEL. Report on pétition of, relative to the practice of granting to high judicial officers passage on rail- roads free of charge...................A 6 337 FREE MASONS, see W. Morgan. FREE MASONS' PATENT, see Lands, Free Masons’ Patent. FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION, see New York. FRENCH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, see New York. FRENCH, E. H. Report on daims committee on pétition of .A 7 96 FRENCH, LEMUEL., AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, for relief......... S 1 25 FRENCH SPOLIATION, see France. FRIDLEY, CATHERINE. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to lier lands by the construction of the Chemung canal...................................... A 2 99 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 3 217 FRIENDSHIP. Road from, to Olean, report on pétition to appoint commissioners to lay out a... .................A 4 312 49386 FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF. Doc. Voi. No. 1832 Report on pétition to allow their ministère to be taxed as other citizens..................... S 1 20 1841 Report on pétition to repeal the law subjecting them to fine and imprisonment for the non-per- formance of militia duty........................ .... A 5 170 1847 Report of majority of committee on ways and means on memorial of....................,.........A 7 190 1850 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on memorial of Genesee yearly meeting of, A 5 117 FRITCHER AND WILES, see Wiles and Fritcher. FROST, DAVID, AND EVELINE WILLIS. 1839 Report on pétition for a divorce...................A 2 21 1839 Report of committee on grievances on the same... A 3 78 1840 do do do .... A 8 324 1841 do do do .... A 5 189 1841 Report of select committee on the same.............A 6 202 FROST, E., AND P. HARMAN. 1833 Report on pétition of, to erect a wharf at Williams- burgh.......................................... A 4 311 FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE, see Alabama, Vir- ginia, Maine and Georgia. 1842 Resolution of Delaware relative to.................A 2 27 1843 Communication from the Governor in relation to... A 5 140 FUGITIVES FROM LABOR OR SERVICE. 1843 Report of committee on the judiciary respecting... A 5 128 FUGITIVE SLAVES, see Slaves. FULLER, ABIEL. 1835 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal...................A 5 388 FULLER AND MANNING. 1869 Report of daims committee on claim of.....A 6 77 1870 do do ........A 5 94 FULLER, HENRY, see A. Dailey and H. Fuller. FULLER, JANE. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 4 52 FULLERTON, DANIEL, AND DANIEL T. DURLAND. 1850 Report of committee on élections on contested seat of......................................A 4 67 FULTON AND BLENHEIM, TOWNS OF. 1833 Report on pétition from, to prevent hunting deer with dogs...............................A 3 176387 1840 1856 1849 1856 1859 1859 1871 1849 1844 1850 1831 1857 1861 1878 1878 FULTON COUNTY. Doc.Voi. Report on pétition from, for a division of the debts and assets of Montgomery county................A 4 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for appro- priation.........................................A 3 Report of committee on roads and bridges on pétition of inhabitants of, and Montgomery county respecting bridge over the Mohawk at Fultonville, A 2 Pétition of inhabitants of, for appropriation.....A 3 Report of treasurer of............................A 1 Report of surrogate of........................... A 1 FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 5 FULTONVILLE. Report of committee on roads and bridges on the pétition of inhabitants of Fulton and Montgomery counties relative to érection of bridge over the Mohawk at................................A 2 FUND, BANK, s*? Banks. FUND, CANAL, see Canal Fund. FUND, COMMON SCHOOL, see Common Schools. FUND, GENERAL, see General Fund. FUND, LITERATURE, see Literature Fund. FUND, SAFETY, see Banks. FUNDS INVESTED IN CHANCERY, see Chancery. FUNDS OF THE STATE, see Finances; Govern- ment; State; Loans; Retrenchment. Report of Mr. Denniston on the subject of canals and, S 3 Report on Governor’s message relating to certain.. S 2 FURLONG, PATRICK (an alien). Report on pétition concerning the estate of.A 2 FURMAN, JAMES, AND MED AD ROGERS. Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages by withdrawal of water from mill, A 1 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 FERRIS, JAMES J. Remonstrance of, as Commissioner for licensing sailors’ hôtels.............................. S 1 FISH, HAMILTON, Jr. Committee on privilèges and élections, on question of privilège of, on statement in the New York Times, report of..............................A 7 No. 136 78 73 78 48 50 70 73 98 70 86 29 143 22 138388 F ARMEES’ CLUB. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Report of..................................A 8 115 FISHERIES, COMMISSIONERS. 1880 Report of..................................A 7 102 FISH AND GAME PROTECTORS. 1881 Report of, in answer to a resolution...... S 2 60 FISHER’S ISLAND. 1881 Resolutions of Connecticut Assembly concerning... A 2 23 FOURTH AVENUE HORSE CAR RAILROAD. 1882 Report of Engineer and Surveyor in reply to reso- lution relative to...................... S 6 84 FISHERIES, COMMISSIONER OF. 1882 Report of..................................A 5 89 1883 FINANCE, see Committee on Finance.... .... S 1883 FISH AND GAME PROTECTORS, see Game and Fish Protectors.............................. S 1883 FRANCHISE, RIGHTS, see New York City...... S 1883 FUTURES, see Corners...................... S FORESTS. 1885 Report of committee on agriculture relative to. S 5 40 1886 FINAL REPORT, see Report.................. S FINANCE COMMITTEE. 1886 Report of, on Census bill................. S 5 91 FINANCE DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Report of................................. S 4 50 FOREIGN TRADE, see Merchant Marine. FOREST COMMISSIONERS. 1886 Report of................................ A 6 50,69 FORESTRY COMMISSION. 1887 Report of committee on finance in regard to investigation of........................ S 4 73 FOREST COMMISSION. 1887 Report of..................................A 10 104 FACTORY INSPECTORS. 1888 Second annual report.......................A 3 14389 FOREST COMMISSION. Doc. Vol. No. 1888 Spécial report of........................... A 6 39 GAGE, CHARLES H. 1869 Report of committee on claim of..............A 9 127 GAGE, SARAH, AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands in Freemasons’ patent. ... ...................A 4 130 GAGE, S. G. 1848 Report of Attorney-General as to claim of....A 3 118 GAGE, THOMAS, see Samuel Rider and others. GALEN, TOWN OF. 1841 Report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a bridge.....................................A 5 165 GALLAGHER, JAMES. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 21 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 9 102 GALL, WILLIAM. 1847 Report of committee on public lands, on pétition of heirs of deceased.........................A 4 146 1849 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of heirs of.........................................A 1 25 GALE, THOMAS. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of . .. A 10, 10 176, 177 GAMAGE, GILBERT A. 1830 Report on pétition for the settlement of a claim held by him against I. M’Lean, late a captain in the service of the State.............................. S 4 389 GAME. 1837 Préservation of, in certain counties, report relative to the.....................................A 3 196 1861 Préservation of, on Long Island..............A 5 97 1861 Préservation of, in Suffolk and Queens counties.... A 5 102 GARDNER, ADDISON. 1832 Report of amounts of fees received by him as a cir- cuit judge.........................................A 2 132 GARDNER, CHARLES. 1832 Report on pétition to change his name........A 3 237 GARDNER, GEORGE. 1844 Report of the minority of the committee on daims on the pétition of.........................A 3 62 1847 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 33390 GAEDNEE, OECELIA MINEEVA. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Eeport on pétition of, for a divorce........... S 3 85 GAEEISON, BEVEELY. 1833 Eeport on pétition for a law vesting in him the title to certain land.............................A 4 279 GASKILL, AND OTHEES. 1862 Eeport on pétition of..........................A 8 219 GAS-LIGHT COMPANIES. Eeports of, in answer to a resolution relative to capital, price, value, dividends, etc. 1866 Brooklyn Company of Brooklyn ................. A 7 180 1866 Citizens* Company of Brooklyn..................A 7 166 1866 Harlem Company of New York.....................A 7 186 1866 Manhattan Company of New York................. A 7 183 1866 Metropolitan Company of New York...............A 7 184 1866 Eeport of spécial committee to investigate affaira in New York, Brooklyn and Buffalo...............A 5 113 GASMETEES. 1861 Eeport of inspector of........................ A 2 61 GASTON, IEA. 1863 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of ...... A 5 105 GASTON, SCHUYLEE M. 1864 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of ..... A 6 109 GATES. 1837 Eeport on bill authorizing county judges to locate, on turnpikes................................ S 2 67 1848 Eeport as to power of county judges to locate.A 5 134 GATES, JOHN. 1831 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of the heirs of, for bounty lands...................A 4 338 1835 Gertrude, widow of, report on pétition for bounty lands........................................A 3 178 GATES, TOWN OF. 1834 School district No. 3 in, report relative to...A 2 52 1835 Town meeting, report on pétition for a law fixing the time and place for holding the next......A 2 123 GATES, W., AND OTHEES. 1841 Eeport on pétition for relief on a contract on the enlarged Erie canal .........................A 3 84 GAY, JÜSTÜS. 1833 Eeport on pétition of, in behalf of Mercy Shaw for bounty lands.................................A 4 306 1834 Eeport on pétition of, in behalf of Mercy Shaw for bounty lands................................ A 4 393391 GAY, W., Je. Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition of, for compensation for a mill site at Mount Morris ...............................A 1 30 1840 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same.....A 2 37 1840 Report of select committee on the same................A 4 154 1841 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 4 123 GAZYNSKI, CAPT. TITUS FELIX. 1848 Reports on pétition of..................A 5 177 1848 do ...................A 5 178 1850 do ...................A 5 94 GEARY, THOMAS, AND OTHERS. 1840 Reports on pétition for compensation for services, and for material furnished to Robert M’Bride, superintendent of repairs on the Erie canal.........A 3 95 1841 Report of committee on daims on the same....... A 2 40 GEAUTEAU, A., AND OTHERS. 1846 Committee on manufacture of sait, report on péti- tion of a............................................A 2 57 GEAUTEAU, C. 1846 Report of committee on manufacture of sait, on pétition of...........................................A 2 57 GEDDES, JAMES, see Cayuga Marshes. GEDDES, VILLAGE OF. 1831 Report on pétition to incorporate the.................A 3 198 1833 Report on pétition relative to the streets in the.... S 2 74 1850 Report of Canal Board in relation to canal at.A 5 103 1855 Communication from Canal Commissioners respect- ing canal at..........................................A 5 133 1856 Report on the pétition of owners of basin lots Nos. 9, 10 and 11, in village of....................... A 3 28 GEER & WEAVER. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the reference from the Assembly of the pétition of.....................A 1 23 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of. .. A 5 118 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...........A 3 32 GEER, D. S., AND SAMUEL P. 1847 Report on pétition of.................................A 1 32 GEER, KASSON & BREED. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......... S 4 133 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... A 5 116 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the reference from the Assembly of the pétition of.....................A 3 58 GEERY, JAMES, see New York Second Associate Church. GENERAL BANKING LAW, see Banks.392 GENERAL FUND. Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of Comptroller relative to apportionments from..........................................A 5 178 1846 Report of majority committee on ways and means on, canal and.................................A 5 189 1846 Minority report on same..........................A 5 190 1846 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution relative to.......................................A 5 193 1847 Report as to, and sinking....................... S 4 130 1849 Report of Comptroller as to time of extinguishing certain debts of canal and....................A 1 13 1849 Report of Comptroller as to time of extinguishing certain debts of canal and....................A 1 33 1851 Report of Comptroller relative to tbe receipts of. .. S 2 48 1852 Report of Comptroller respecting debt of........ S 2 68 1852 Minority report relative to debt of............. S 2 77 1852 Report of Comptroller relative to receipts into......A 5 103 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, see Government General GENERAL TERM. 1859 Report relative to place of hearing appeals to. S 1 39 GENESEE AND ALLEGANY. 1831 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of.. A 2 105 1839 do do do .. A 6 393 1840 Division of, report on pétition for the........A 7 292 1841 Division of, report on pétition for the, and for the location of the county buildings.............A 6 210 GENESEE COLLEGE. 1860 Report of committee on pétition for aid to.... S 1 32 1869 Report of minority of Assembly committee on public éducation, as to the removal of..............A 6 99 GENESEE COUNTY. 1840 Assessment rolls of the several towns in, report on pétition to review and correct the equalization of, A 3 178 1833 Botanical Society, First Union, report on pétition to incorporate.....................................A 3 174 1834 Botanical Society, First Union, report on pétition to incorporate ....................................A 3 236 1831 Bridge over Tonawanda creek, report on pétition to raise money to build............................A 4 358 1831 High school, report on pétition to incorporate...A 4 319 1830 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build.. A 4 427 1831 Jail in, report of select committee on same........A 1 67 1831 Jail in, report of committee on towns and counties on the same................................... 1835 Lands in Batavia, report on pétition for a law authorizing said company to relinquish certain lands to the Holland Land Company...............A 1 14393 GENESEE COUNTY — Continued. Doc.Voi. No. 1838 Poor-house, abuses in, report relative to...........A 6 310 1839 Poor, town and county, report on pétition to revive the distinction between, in said county..........A 5 299 1830 Road in, report on pétition to raise money by tax to improve......................................... A 4 311 1830 Sheriff of, report on pétition of, for payment of board of persons imprisoned for non-payment of militia fines .................................. A 4 423 1834 Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, members of the Gen- esee conférence to incorporate...................A 1 50 1834 Wesleyan Seminary, remonstrance against incorpor- ating........................................... A 1 51 1834 Seminary, Wesleyan memorial on citizens of Lima relative to......................................A 2 96 1839 Wesleyan Seminary, report on pétition for aid to... A 4 179 1832 Report of E. Higgins, inspector of sole leather .... A 2 140 1833 Report of N. Bodwell, inspector of sole leather...A 2 66 1834 Report of H. G. Rice, inspector of sole leather...A 1 38 1859 Report of surrogate of..............................A 3 91 Banks in, see Banks, Genesee County. GENESEE RIVER. 1831 Bridge across, report on pétition of citizens of Allegany to raise money to build...................A 4 285 1832 Bridge across, in the town of Hume, report on péti- tion for.....................................• • • * A 4 256 1835 Bridge across, report on pétition to authorize the supervisors of Livingston county to raise money to build... .............................................. A 3 242 1840 Bridge across, report on pétition to loan money to the town of Chili to build........................A 6 248 1839 Bridge across, near the junction of the Honeoye creek, report on pétition for.....................A 6 346 1841 Canal feeder dam, report on pétition for the removal of............................................... A 6 250 1841 Canal feeder dam, report of canal commissioners relative to.......................................A 7 274 1833 Dam across, report on pétition of Ira Bacon to build........................................... A 1 31 1833 Dam across, report on pétition of Louis Paul D’Autremont to build............................. S 2 58 1832 Dam across, report on pétition of H. H. May to build.............................................A 3 219 1832 Dam across, report on pétition of Gardner Wells to to build..........................................A 4 288 1835 Dam across, report on pétition of W. A. Spencer to build.............................................A 3 194 1835 Dam and boat lock, report on pétition of Félix Tracy to build . .......................................A 4 295 1833 Boat lock, report on pétition of Erastus Bailey to build.............................................A 2 88 50394 GENESEE RIVER—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No* 1832 Ferry across, report on pétition for..........A 2 151 1830 Report on pétition of E. Bailey to erect mille, etc., on....................................A 4 375 1834 Steamboat Company, report on pétition to incor- porate......................................A 3 115 1846 Report of committee on canals respecting water from........................................A 6 204 1847 Dam across, report on pétition for............A 7 182 1848 Report relative to division of waters of......A 5 172 1852 Occupancy of waters of, at Rochester..........A 5 102 1853 Report of committee on daims on memorial of owners of water of, at Rochester............A 4 86 1856 Report of committee on roads and bridges on péti- tion and remonstrance for bridge over...............S 2 53 1866 Report of canal committee on pétition for removal of dam across...............................A 7 160 1868 Report of canal committee on pétition for removal of dam across...............................A 12 160 GENESEE SUSPENSION BRIDGE COMPANY. 1852 Report on the bill entitled the...............A 2 45 GENESEE VALLEY CANAL, see Canals. GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY, s*? Acad- emies, etc. GENESEE YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS. 1850 Report on memorial of.........................A 5 117 GENESEO RIVER. 1839 Side-cut from the Genesee Valley canal to the, report on pétition for.............................A 4 264 GENESEO, TOWN OF. 1835 Bridge across the Genesee between York and, report on pétition to build.................... ... A 3 194 1835 Bridge across the Genesee river between York, and report on pétition of supervisors of Livingston county to raise money by tax to build a.............A 3 242 GENET, EDMUND C. 1830 Report on pétition of, against usurped corporate privilèges, etc............................. S 4 336 1831 Memorial of, relative to the Astor claim...... S 1 29 1831 do do ........... SI 77 1832 do do ........... SI 59 1833 And others, pétition for a ship canal from Albany to New Baltimore. ............................. S 1 24 1833 Report on the same............................ S 2 280 GENET, HENRY W. 1873 Communication from, relative to Ninth District court-house, New York....................... S 4 881830 1840 1852 1877 1845 1857 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1840 1840 1842 1843 1843 1843 1845 1850 1851 1841 395 GKENEVA, Suprême Court Clerk at, see Suprême Court. GENEYA AND C AN AND AIGU A RAILROAD, Railroads. GENEVA COLLEGE, see Colleges. GENEYA, WESTERN HOSPITAL AT. D Report on pétition to be incorporated, and for aid to the....................................... A 4 255 Report on pétition for aid to the............. S 4 104 GEOGRAPHICAL SURYEY OF THE STATE. Communication of Governor respecting......... S 1 41 GEOGRAPHICAL SURYEY. And natural history of State.................. S 2 42 GEOLOGICAL CONTRACT. Message from Governor transmitting Carroll & Cook’s..................................... A 3 78 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AMERICAN. Memorial of, relative to improvement of Hudson river....................................... S 1 14 GEOLOGICAL SURYEY OF THE STATE. Memorial of the American Institute for a......A 4 374 Report of Secretary of State in relation to a.A 1 9 Report of a select committee on the subject...A 2 77 Report of committee on colleges and academies on, A 3 268 First report of the...........................A 2 161 Second report of the..........................A 4 200 Third report of the.......................... A 6 406 Fourth report of the........................ A 2 50 Fifth report of the...........................A 5 150 Report on pétition for a law giving to each district school a copy of the........................A 7 290 Report on the continuation of the (Mr. Denniston).. A 8 338 Communication from the Governor relative to the progress of................................ S 3 68 Communications from Secretary of State in refer- ence to act relative to.................... S 2 67 Communication supplémentai to the above...... S 3 72 Resolution relative to Samuel Young, and his com- munication respecting....................... S 3 91 Report of Comptroller relative to expenses of.A 5 153 Report on................................... A 8 186 Report of James Hall on ..................... S 2 32 GEORGETOWN, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of, relative to the rétrocession of said town to the State of Mary- land....................................... A 2 25396 GEORGIA AND MAINE. Doc. Vol. No. Controversy between, on account of the refusai of Maine to deliver certain fugitives from justice. 1839 Resolution of the Législature of Georgia relative to, A 2 45 1840 Resolution of the Législature of South Carolina relative to.................................. A 5 167 1841 Resolution of the Législature of Alabama relative to, A 4 125 GEORGIA, STATE OF. 1830 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the American Colonization Society................A 1 13 1830 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the élection of President of the United States...A 2 123 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to grant- ing aid for works of internai improvement by the United States................................A 2 39 1834 Communication from the Executive in relation to the above resolution.........................A 1 11 1834 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands.................................A 1 34 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the abolitionists................................A 3 109 1842 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to pro- ceedings of 27th Congress at extra session...A 4 58 1842 Governor of, correspondance with Governor of New York.........................................A 1 2 1842 Report of judiciary committee on correspondence of Governor with Executive of................A 7 185 1843 Resolution of the Législature of................A 3 51 1843 do do do .................A3 52 1844 do do do .................A 7 195 1850 Resolution of the Législature of, on slavery....A 8 176 1861 Resolution from.................................. SI 20 1875 Georgia, resolution of the Législature of, relative to Louisiana question...........................A 5 49 GERE, NELSON, AND CHARLES W. STEYENS. 1852 Report relative to.............................. S 1 49 GERE, N. S. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 6 79 GERMAIN, JAMES. 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for work on the Erie canal...................................A 8 327 1841 Report of Canal Board on the same............... S 3 77 1841 Report of committee on daims on the same........A 2 20 GERMAN FLATS, Road from, to Fort Plain, see Fort Plain. 1844 Report of Canal Appraisers on memorial of land owners in, relative to canal damages......A 5 101397 GERMAN, JAMES. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for the Iobb of a saw-mill at the foot of Black Rock harbor..A 6 371 1840 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 8 315 1841 do do do ..... A 2 34 GERRY, TOWN OF. 1830 Town officers, report on pétition to confirm the élection of.................................A 4 369 GETTYSBURG. 1864 Report relative to monument at............... S 4 88 1865 Message from Governor relative to burial-ground at, SI 36 GETTYSBURG CEMETERY. 1869 Report of Commissioner of National, at..........A 10 208 GIBBONS, J A Y. 1861 Report of committee relative to charges against-A 5 104 GIBBONSVILLE. 1831 Report relative to that portion of the Erie canal which passes through the lands ceded to the United States at, and West Troy.............A 4 361 1831 Report relative to the inspection of lumber at..A 2 114 GIBBS, W., AND D. EARLL. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal..............................A 4 353 GIBBS, W., ISAAC LEWIS, AND G. H. COTTON. 1836 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal...........................A 4 220 1838 Report of committee on daims on the same..A 2 60 GIBSON, JOHN. 1847 Report on pétition of..............A 7 195 GIBSON, WILLIAM H. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......A 5 102 GIHON, JOHN. 1857 Report of committee on State prisons, on pétition of, for damages..............................A 2 74 GILBERT & SPRAGUE. 1837 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal............... A 1 44 GILBERT, JASPER W. 1844 Report of Attorney-General on the pétition of... S 1 40 1844 Report on pétition of............. S 2 71398 GILBERT, THOMAS J. D 1841 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal...................A 3 77 1841 Report of committee on canals on the same.A 7 298 GILBERT, THOMAS J. 1845 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. S 2 64 GILBERT, WILLIAM J. 1851 Report on claim of, to seat in Senate..... S 3 84 GILBOA. 1845 Report of minority of committee on bill to erect the town of..................................A 6 234 1845 Report of majority of committee on bill to erect the town of..................................A 7 241 GILCHRIST, A., see C. Baker and others. GILCHRIST & CASE. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 7 146 GILCHRIST, ARCHIBALD. 1843 Report of the committee on daims on his pétition.. A 4 120 GILCHRIST, ELIZABETH. 1841 Heirs of, report of Commissioners of the Land Office on pétition of the..................A 3 74 1842 Report of committee on pétition of legal repré- sentatives of................................A 4 68 1848 Report of Comptroller on pétition of.......... S 2 40 GILCHRIST, ISABELLA. 1849 Report on bill to authorize her to hold and convey real estate................................. S 2 58 GILCHRIST, JAMES. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of.......A 6 74 GILES, JOHN, AND SAMUEL. 1843 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the pétition of..............................A 1 7 GILLET, JEREMIAH. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Crooked Lake canal.......................A 4 351 GILLET, Z. P. 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for the failure of the title to certain land bought of the State.... A 4 312 1838 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the same ....................................A 3 150 1840 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 6 226399 GILLETT, Z. P. Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 124 GILLETT, ZACARIAH P. 1847 Report on pétition of........................A 1 22 GILLETT, ZACHETJS P. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 91 GILLILAND, W. 1834 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for costs and expenses incurred in the prosecution of an action of ejectment to recover possession of a lot of land bought of the State...........................A 4 285 1838 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 6 345 GILLILAND, WILLIAM. 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of ........................................A 5 117 GILLITT, Z. P. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 4 124 GILMAN, E. P. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 87 1857 Report on pétition of................ ........ S 2 61 GILMAN, G. P. 1844 Report on pétition of....... .......1..........A 3 87 GILMAN, R. G., AND I. MYERS. 1833 Report on pétition of, to build a dam across the Canisteo river.............................A 2 50 GILMORE, JAMES. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable on pétition of, for damages by overflow of the Genesee Valley canal .............................................A 3 158 GLASS BALLOT-BOXES. 1857 Report of committee on grievances, in favor of-A 3 197 GLEASON, B., AND JOHN DRUM. 1836 Report on pétition of, to be credited with certain moneys paid for land.......................A 4 254 GLEN COVE. 1838 Fire engine company, report on pétition to incor- porate a....... ...........................A 5 257 GLEN’S FALLS, Improvement of the Hudson above, seè Hudson river.400 1830 1835 1837 1840 1841 1834 1862 1836 1866 1863 1862 1831 1851 1856 1851 1852 1845 1851 1843 GLEN’S FALLS BRIDGE COMPANY. Doc. Voi. No. Report on pétition to renew the charter of ...A 3 258 GLEN’S FALLS FEEDER DAM. Surplus waters, report on a pétition of B. J. Swart- wout for a lease of........................A 4 341 Surplus waters, report on a pétition of Hiram Bar- ber for a lease of............................A 3 259 Surplus waters, report of Canal Commissioners rela- tive to leasing the.......................... S 4 114 GLEN’S FALLS FEEDER. Improvement of, report on pétition for the....A 4 166 GLENVILLE, TOWN OF. Quitrents of, report on pétition for a law authoriz- ing the trustées of said town to receive commuta- tion for......................................A 4 332 GO DWIN, JAMES H. Report of committee on militia and public defense, on pétition of.............................A 4 84 GOFF, SALLY. Report on pétition of, for a divorce....... S 2 68 GOFF, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. Report of daims committee on pétition of.... A 5 109 GOLD. Report on resolutions relative to operation in. S 5 84 GOLDSMITH, ALLEN T. Report on pétition of........................A 6 134 GOODMAN, DAVID. A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition for bounty lands............................... S 1 54 GOODMAN, SAMUEL A., see Chancery, Clerks in. GOODRICH, CALEB. Report on claim for canal damages........... S 3 66 Report on pétition for relief of.............A 4 108 GOODSELL, THOMAS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages.............................A 4 122 Report on pétition of........................A 2 51 Report of committee on pétition of.............Al 19 GOODSELL, THOMAS P. Report on committee on daims for canal damages, A 4 122 GOODWIN, S. A. Clerk in chancery, memorial of............. S 2 51401 ^jWGOBDON, ACKLIN.86^® " Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report on pétition of, for the sale to him of a lot of land in Lewiston...........................A 2 102 GORDON, JOHN. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of...... S 1 135 1867 do do do ...............SI 17 GORDON, THOMAS F. 1836 Report on pétition for the patronage of the State to a “ Historical View and Gazette of the State ”.... S 1 28 GORHAM, TOWN OF. 1840 School district No. 1, in report on pétition for cer- tain modifications in the district library ‘régula- tions for the............. .. .............A 4 123 GORTON, D. AND R. 1833 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Chemung canal....................... A 4 321 GOSHEN, TOWN OF. 1836 Suprême Court, commissioner at, report on pétition to enlarge the powers of the...............A 2 54 1837 Bridge over the Wallkill, report on pétition to raise money to build a...........................A 2 127 GOSKOFF, FREDERICK. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..S 1 21 GOSLIN, J. E. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 137 GOSSMAN, ANDREW. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 107 GOULD, IRA AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 4 84 GOULD, PHAREZ. 1841 Report on pétition for a release of such portion of the Nine Mile Creek feeder as will not be wanted for the public use......................... S 2 60 GOUVERNEUR, E. P. 1830 Report on pétition to change his name........A 3 247 GOUVERNEUR HIGH SCHOOL. 1839 Report on pétition for a loan to the.........A 4 196 1839 do do do ...................A 4 253 GOVERNMENT, GENERAL. 1839 Executive patronage of the, resolution of the Légis- lature of Connecticut relative to the...........A 2 24 51402 GOVERNMENT, GENERAL — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Policj of the, resolution of the Législature of North Carolina disapproving of the................A 4 202 1832 Aid to works of internai improvement by the, reso- lution of the Législature of Maine and Delaware relative to........... ..............................A 1 3 1832 Aid to works of internai improvement by the, reso- lution of the Législature of Tennessee relative to, A 3 183 1833 Aid to works of internai improvement by the, reso- * lution of the Législature of Georgia relative to .. A 2 39 1838 Administration of the, resolution of the Législature of Kentucky relative to the................ S 2 58 1840 Hostility of the, to the State institutions (Mr. Sim- mons), report relative to...................A 8 344 1843 Resolution of the State of Georgia in relation to the assumption of State debts by the............A 3 52 GOVERNMENT, STATE, see Finances, etc. 1842 Amendments offered by Mr. Root to Mr. Sherwood’s proposition relative to public faith and crédit of the State.................................. S 2 23 1842 Resolution of Mr. Hoffman calling for statement of debt, etc...................................A 2 23 1842 Report of Comptroller in compliance with above resolution................................. A 4 64 1843 Report of Comptroller relative to debt of...... SI 18 1843 Resolution by Mr. Foster relative to faith of, in the discharge of its debts..................... S 3 76 1843 Substitute, by Mr. Rhodes, on the same subject ... S 3 76 1844 Report relative to the debt and resources of the ... S 4 126 1844 Act to provide for paying the debt and preserving the crédit of the State, passed March 29,1842 ... A 5 103 1844 Communication from the Governor transmitting resolution of the Législature of Georgia in rela- tion to the répudiation of the State debts..........A 7 195 1846 Report of minority of committeeon waysand means, A 6 212 1848 Report as to expenses of government............A 1 14 1851 Communication from Comptroller as to additional appropriation for expenses of government... A 1 17 1852 Report of Comptroller relative to expenses of. S 1 31 1852 Report in reference to that part of the debt falling due July 1, 1852........................... S 2 69 1852 Report of Comptroller in regard to debt of June 1, 1846 ....................................... S 2 87 1853 Report of Comptroller in relation to expenses of . .. S 3 76 1853 Report of Comptroller in relation to the indebted- ness of, from 1835 to 1852 ............ A 2 24 1853 Report of committee on wavs and means on bill to provide means to pay présent daims upon the treasury, to carry on the public works and to support the.................................A 2 48 1853 Report of minority on same subject.............A 2 54403 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1842 1845 1847 1847 1858 1859 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 GOVERNMENT, STATE — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on ways and means on bill for support of......................................A 5 118 Report of committee on finance on act to renew appropriation.................................. S 1 11 Report of commissioners to supervise certain expen- ditures for.................................... S 3 114 Report of standing committee on finance on bill to pay for certain services for.................. S 4 148 Report of committee on ways and means relative to bills making appropriations for expenses of, prior to the year 1857 .............................A 3 100 Report of committee on finance on bill for relief of creditors of................................... S 2 33 Report of Comptroller on unpaid appropriations of last year.......................................A 4 91 Report of Comptroller on certain expenses of.......A 2 68 GOVERNOR, see Executive Mansion. Resolution proposing to amend Constitution as to qualifications for..............................A 1 5 Report of Secretary of State pursuant to resolu- tion of Senate of May 7, 1844, in relation to civil officers whose appointments are vested in, with the consent of the Senate...................... S 1 4 Majority report on power of, to appoint certain officers....................................... S 2 61 Minority report on same........................... S 2 62 Report relative to powers and duties of, and to fix compensation of officers in the executive depart- ment.............................................. S 2 72 Opinion of Attorney-General, as to validity of acts signed by the, after adjournment of législature.. A 3 129 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES. Enos T. Throop (acting Governor): Annual message of............................. A 1 2 Documents accompanying communication from the Attorney-General relative to the Astor trials and the New Jersey boundary line................. S 1 4 Documents accompanying communication from the Attorney-General relative to the Astor trials, and the New Jersey boundary line................. S 1 5 Message transmitting resolutions to the Législature of Missouri relative to the mode of electing Pres- ident, and a report in relation to the American Colonization Society, and resolutions from Miss- issippi relative to the tariff..................A 1 13 Communication from the, relative to the cession of jurisdiction of certain lands at Watervliet to the LTnited States..................................A 1 531830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 404 GOYERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. Enos T. Throop — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. Message transmitting the report of the spécial coun- sel on the subject of the Morgan trials........A 1 67 Message transmitting resolutions of Pennsylvania relative to the tariff ........................A 2 120 Message transmitting resolutions of Georgia rela- tive to the élection of President......... .......A 2 123 Message transmitting resolutions of Yermont rela- tive to the tariff, and the élection of President.. A 2 123 Message transmitting the annual report of the Gov- ernors of the New York Hospital................A 2 145 Message relative to the conditions of the State prisons........................................A 3 220 Message transmitting a report of the Attorney-Gen- eral relative to the trial of one of the causes on the Astor daims................................ S 4 347 Message transmitting resolutions of Delaware and Ohio relative to the tariff.................... S 4 366 Message transmitting resolutions of Yermont rela- tive to fortifications on the northein frontier...S 4 366 Annual message of................................A 1 2 Message transmitting resolutions of Yermont, Miss- issippi and Connecticut relative to the élection of President, etc.................................A 1 4 Message transmitting resolutions of Louisiana rela- tive to» the tariff...............................A 1 4 Message transmitting the report of the Inspector- General of staves and heading for the city of New York........................ ..................A 1 9 Message transmitting the Adjutant-General’s annual report.........................................A 1 16 Message transmitting a communication from the spécial counsel in the Morgan trials...........A 1 3 Message transmitting a communication from the spécial counsel in the Morgan trials........... A 4 353 Message transmitting the Commissary-General’s annual report..................................A 2 122 Message transmitting a communication from Major Talcott relative to the surplus water of the canal at Watervliet..................................A 3 207 Message transmitting resolutions of Ohio relative to the American Colonization Society .. ..........A 3 233 Message transmitting resolutions of Massachusetts relative to the reorganization of the militia..A 3 281 Message transmitting a letter from the Attorney- General relative to the boundary line between this State and New Jersey......................Al 39 Message relative to the boundary line between this State and New Jersey........ ..................A 3 268 Message transmitting a communication from Smith Thompson relative to the Astor trials.......... S 1 24405 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 IQO/f 1o34 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continuel Enos T. Throop— Continued: Doc. Vol. Message transmitting résolutions of Massachusetts relative to certain proceedings in Georgia.-- S Annual message of...............................A Documents accompanying resolutions of Connecti- cut, Maine, New Hampshire and Delaware on various subjects ... ........................ A Message of the second meeting of the Législature.. A Message transmitting the Commissary-Generars annual report..................................A Message transmitting the Adjutant-General’s annual report........................................ A Message transmitting a communication from the Attorney-General relative to the Astor trials .... A Message transmitting the report of the governors of the New York Hospital.......................A Message transmitting the resolutions of Massachu- setts, Tennessee and Indiana on various subjects, A Message relative to the adultération of potash..A Message transmitting the report of the Secretary of State relative to maps and Revised Statutes sent to the different States......................A William L. Marc y : Annual message of................................. S Documents accompanying proceedings of South Carolina relative to nullification............. S Message transmitting resolutions of Illinois on the subject of the militia........................ S Message transmitting résolutions of Pennsyl- vania, Georgia and South Carolina on various subjects...................................... A Message transmitting resolutions of Delaware in relation to nullification.......................A Message transmitting resolutions of Indiana, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Massachusetts on various subjects................................A Message transmitting the Adjutant-General’s annual report.......................................... A Message returning a bill relative to cullers of staves and heading in the county of Rensselaer, with objections......................................A Annual message of................................ A Documents accompanying letter from the commis- sioners appointed to settle the boundary line between New York and New Jersey..................A Message transmitting resolutions of New Hampshire, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Connecticut, on various subjects........................... .A Message transmitting resolutions of Georgia relative to the public lands.............................A 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 No. 64 2 3 330 58 60 149 180 183 260 305 1 2 34 39 135 115 84 329 2 3 11 34406 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 . 1836 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. William L. Marcy — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Message transmitting a communication from the executive of Massachusetts relative to lotteries .. A 2 77 ♦ Message transmitting the Commissary-Generars annual report......................................A 2 79 Message transmitting the Adjutant-General’s annual report.............................................A 3 172 Message transmitting resolutions of North Carolina on the militia and public defense..................A 4 109 Message recommending a State loan.....................A 4 326 Annual message of.......................-........ S 1 1 Message transmitting resolutions of Maryland rela- tive to the organization of the militia............ A 1 22 Message transmitting the Commissary-Generars annual report.................................. A 1 28 Message transmitting the Commissary-Generars spécial report............. .............. ... A 4 300 Message transmitting the Adjutant-Generars annual report .........................................A 3 211 Message transmitting a survey of a route for a rail- road from Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to Elmira, New York...........................................A 4 351 Message returning a bill to regulate the weighing of merchandise in New York, with objections___ S 2 82 Annual message oi.................................... S 1 1 Spécial message relative to the great lire in New York............................................. S 1 2 Message transmitting resolutions of Michigan rela- tive to slavery.................................... S 2 77 Message transmitting resolutions of Kentucky..... S 2 79 Message transmitting resolutions of Maine............ S 2 85 Message transmitting resolutions of Ohio............. S 2 87 Message transmitting resolutions of Pennsylvania, relative to public lands........................ S 2 83 Message returning a bill relative to Geneva college, S 2 110 Message transmitting the annual report of the Commissary-General.................................A 1 17 Message transmitting the annual report of the Adjutant-General...................................A 3 200 Message transmitting resolutions of North Carolina relative to the abolitionists...................A 1 22 Message transmitting resolutions of Georgia rela- tive to the abolitionists...........................A 3 109 Message transmitting resolutions of Alabama rela- tive to the abolitionists...........................A 3 209 Message transmitting resolutions of Virginia rela- tive to slavery.....................................A 4 246 Message transmitting resolutions of Mississippi relative to the abolitionists...................A 4 301 Message transmitting resolutions of Maine relative to the élection of President....................A 4 310407 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. William L. Marcy — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Message transmitting resolutions of Ohio relative to the élection of President.................A 4 288 1836 Message relative to the memorial of Amos Eaton... A 4 327 1836 Message returning the bill requiring railroad com- panies to carry the United States mail.......A 4 326 1837 Annual message of................................. SI 1 1837 Document accompanying, letter from the commis- sioners for the removal of the New York Indians, SI 1 1837 Message transmitting resolutions of Yermont rela- tive to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, etc.................................. S 1 33 1837 Message returning the bill authorizing the suspen- sion of specie payments by the banks................... S 2 71 1837 Message transmitting the annual report of the Ad- jutant-General..................................A 1 12 1837 Message transmitting the annual report of the Com- missary-General.................................A 1 32 1837 Message transmitting the annual report of the geo- logical survey..................................A 2 161 1837 Message transmitting resolutions of Maryland, to extend the franking privilège.................A 2 146 1838 Annual message of................................ S I 1 1838 Documents accompanying, report of commissioners appointed to digest and report a judicial and equity System.................................. S 1 2 1838 Message transmitting resolutions of Kentucky rela- tive to the currency and the administration of the general government......................... S 2 58 1838 Message transmitting resolutions of Ohio against the annexation of Texas to the Union........... S 2 58 1838 Message transmitting the Commissary-GeneraTs annual report................................. A 2 48 1838 Message transmitting the Adjutant-General’s an- nual report..............................................A 2 50 1838 Message transmitting the report of the geological survey..........................................A 4 200 1838 Message in relation to the destruction of the steam- boat Caroline.................................. S 1 4 1838 Message transmitting information relative to the unlawful seizure and removal of ordinance, etc., A 5 217 1838 Message in relation to the expenses attending the calling out of the militia for the defense of the frontier............................. ...........A 6 315 1838 Message transmitting preamble and resolutions of Alabama relative to the annexation of Texas to the Union............................... .......A 5 218 1836 Message transmitting resolutions of Arkansas rela- tive to the public lands.................................A 6 365 1838 Message in relation to the resumption of specie pay- ments and recommending the issue of State stocks, S 2 70408 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 1839 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. W. H. Seward : Doc. Vol. No. Animal message of............................... S 1 1 Documents accompanying communication from the commissioners for building the State Lunatic Asylum....................................... A 1 3 Message relative to the recent events on the north- eastern frontier.............................. S 2 60 Message transmitting a communication from a com- mittee of the Senate of Pennsylvania relative to connecting the north branch division of the Penn- sylvania canals with the Chemung and Chenango canal............. ............................ S 3 86 Message transmitting resolutions of Connecticut relative to the public lands....................A 2 18 Message transmitting resolutions of Connecticut relative to the increase of the executive patron- age of the general government. ..................A 2 24 Message transmitting the annual report of the Adjutant-General................................A 2 27 Message transmitting the annual report of Commis- sary-General................... ...............A 2 40 Message transmitting a report of the Attorney- General relative to the reward for the arrest of Thomas Hector...................................A 2 38 Message transmitting resolutions of Georgia rela- tive to the demand on the executive of Maine for the delivery of certain fugitives from justice.A 2 45 Message transmitting a circular from the American Antiquarian Society of Massachusetts...........A 3 118 Message transmitting a memorial from the New York Historical Society for the appointment of an agent to transcribe certain documents.......A 3 153 Message transmitting resolutions of North Carolina relative to the policy of the general government, A 4 202 Message transmitting the annual report of the Gov- ernors of the New York Hospital.................A 4 207 Message transmitting resolutions of New Jersey relative to the public lands....................A 4 211 Message transmitting resolutions of Indiana in rela- tion to slavery...... .............................A 5 282 Message transmitting resolutions of Missouri rela- tive to the public lands......................... A 6 238 Message transmitting the report of the geological survey..........................................A 5 275 Message transmitting the report of the geological survey....................................... A 6 406 Communication from, in relation to the title papers of the Holland Land Company.....................A 5 317 Message transmitting certain communications in relation to the recent events on the frontier of this State...................................... A 6 3751839 1839 1840 1840 1840 1849 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 409 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. W. H. Sewakd — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Message transmitting documents relative to the dis- turbances on the northern frontier......... ... A 6 412 Message transmitting resolutions of Ohio relative to the northeastern boundary.....................A 6 389 Annual message................................. S 1 1 Documents accompanying correspondence between the Governor of New York and the Lieutenant- Governor of Virginia......................... S 1 1 History of the origin and progress of the New York University, etc................................ S 1 2 Message in relation of the difficultés in the manor of Rensselaerwick.............................. S 3 70 Message transmitting the proceedings of a public meeting in New York relative to a national bank- rupt law................................... S 3 78 Message returning, with objections, the bill for the protection of minors........................... S 3 85 Message returning the bill to prevent illégal voting in the city of New York...................... S 4 98 Message transmitting a communication from the executive of Virginia.......................... S 4 110 Message transmitting the Commissary-Generars annual report...................................A 1 25 Message transmitting the Adjutant-GeneraFs report, A 3 80 Message transmitting report of the geological survey, A 2 50 Message transmitting resolutions of New Jersey relative to their members of Congress...........A 3 70 Message transmitting resolution of Vermont relative to the public lands.............................A 3 73 Message transmitting communications from the United States counsel at Paris relative to acknowl- edgment of conveyances of real estate...........A 4 132 Message transmitting communication from the American Institute relative to the culture of silk and the manufacture of sugar from the beet-root, A 4 134 Message transmitting résolutions of Maine relative to the public lands... ..........................A 4 139 Message transmitting resolutions of South Carolina relative to certain fugitives from justice........A 5 167 Message transmitting resolutions of Missouri rela- tive to slavery..................................A 4 143 Message transmitting a communication from the Secretary of .War in relation to a wharf at Platts- burgh.......................................... A 5 174 Message transmitting a communication from Hon. J. C. Kemble relative to the fort at Black Rock .. A 6 268 Message transmitting resolutions of Kentucky rela- tive to the public lands............................A 7 285 Message transmitting resolutions of Maine relative to the northeastern boundary......................A 7 305 521840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 410 GOVEENORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. W. H. Seward—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Message transmitting resolutions of Indiana rela- tive to same.................................A 7 308 Message transmitting a communication from the Governor of Virginia.......................A 8 310 Annual message............................... S 1 1 Message transmitting resolutions of Mississippi and other papers relative to the Virginia controversy, S 2 56 Message transmitting report of Commissioners of the Land Office concerning the Onondagalndians, S 2 63 Message transmitting a communication from the Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia, with a copy of his reply thereto.............................. S 3 71 Message announcing the death of the President of the United States............................... S 3 70 Message transmitting the proceedings on a com- plaint against the Madison county judges....... S 3 80 Message transmitting resolutions of Maryland rela- tive to delivering up fugitives from justice...... S 3 88 Message transmitting resolution of Massachusetts relative to the public lands, revenue laws, etc ... S 3 89 Message transmitting a memorial relative to mechan- ical labor in State prisons..................... S 3 91 Message transmitting a communication from the Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia..................A 3 94 Message transmitting the remonstrance of citizens of the District of Columbia relative to the légis- lation of Congress over said District...............A 1 7 Message transmitting the annual report of the Com- missary-General................................. A 1 8 Message transmitting the annual report of the Adjutant-General.................................A 2 50 Message transmitting resolution of Connecticut rela- tive to the protection of domestic industry.......A 1 14 Message transmitting resolution of Michigan rela- tive to a ship canal around the falls of St. Marie.. A 1 15 Message transmitting résolution of Connecticut relative to the public lands.....................A 2 24 Message transmitting resolution of Vermont rela- tive to amending the Constitution in relation to the élection of President........................A 2 27 Message transmitting proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Georgetown, District of Columbia, relative to the rétrocession of, to the State of Maryland.........................................A 2 25 Message transmitting a letter from N. Garrow, United States marshal, relative to the census .... A 2 31 Message transmitting resolution of Alabama rela- tive to the protection of domestic industry.......A 3 57 Message transmitting resolution of Indiana relative to the élection of President of the United States, A3 78411 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 GOYEENOES’ MESSAGES — Continuée!. W. H. Seward — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Message transmitting resolution of Pennsylvania relative to tbe public lands....................A 4 109 Message transmitting résolution of Indiana relative to the élection of President and Yice-President.. A 4 120 Message transmitting resolutions of Alabama rela- tive to the controversy between Maine and Georgia, A 4 125 Message transmitting resolution of Delaware rela- tive to the public lands........................A 4 132 Message transmitting a commu. ication from the Secretary of State of Alabama...................A 4 138 Message transmitting a communication from Nathan Burchard concerning his salary as attorney for the Oneida Indians..............................A 4 139 Message transmitting resolution of Delaware and Kentucky relative to the eligibility of the President........................ .............A 5 149 Message transmitting the annual report of the geo- logical survey..................................A 5 150 Message transmitting resolutions of Ehode Island relative to the public lands, subtreasury and national bank...................................A 4 158 Message transmitting resolution of Indiana relative to the public lands.......................... A 5 168 Message transmitting the résignation of Francis Granger as représentative in Congress...........A 6 207 Message transmitting resolution of Maryland in relation to the northeastern boundary...........A 6 215 Message transmitting resolution of Mississippi in relation to the controversy between Yirginia and New York....................................... A 6 230 Message transmitting resolution of Mississippi relative to the tariff..........................A 6 235 Message transmitting a communication relative to the érection of the lunatic asylum..............A 7 280 Message transmitting correspondence relative to Alexander McLeod................................A 7 292 William C. Bouck: Annual message.................................. S 1 1 Documents accompanying the same................. S 1 2 Message transmitting resolution of Secretary of State....................................... S 1 11 Message transmitting resolution of the General Assembly of Alabama relative to the national domain...................................... S 1 19 Eesolution of Mr. Eoot relative to message of twenty- third of January............................. S 2 21 Message transmitting resolution of General Assem- bly of Alabama in favor of admitting the republic of Texas into the Union......................... S 2 25412 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continue d. William C. Bouck—Continued: Doc. Yol. Message transmitting resolution of Kentucky rela- tive to the soldiers of the révolution....... S 2 Message in relation to arms and other military stores, S 2 Message transmitting a law, a report and resolution of the Législature of South Carolina relative to the Virginia controversy..................... S 2 Communication relative to the Prison Discipline Society............ .. ...................... S 2 Communication transmitting resolution of the Légis- lature of South Carolina relative to the public lands........................................ S 3 Communication transmitting resolution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island relative to the élection of president and vice-president..... S 3 Communication transmitting resolution of the Council and General Assembly of New Jersey relative to the tariff....................... S 3 Communication relative to the progress of the geo- logical survey................... .......... S 3 Message returning the bill appointing bank com- missioners................................... S 4 Communication relative to the Colonial History of the State.................................... S 4 Communication transmitting correspondence from John B. Brodhead.............................. S 4 Message returning the criminal court bill..... S 4 Message relative to certain documents of the Suprême Court of United States............... S 4 Message dissenting from the resolution of Législa- ture relative to Virginia...................... S 4 Message at extra session......... ............ S 4 Message transmitting correspondence from Holland relative to the annual reports of the Regents of the University............................... S 4 Annual message to the Législature............. A 1 Documents accompanying the same.................A 1 Letter to Secretary of War......................A 1 Communication transmitting resolution of Vermont relative to time of holding élection of President of United States..............................A 1 Communication transmitting resolution of Connecti- cut in relation to the tariff...................A 2 Communication transmitting resolution relative to fugitives from justice........................A 2 Communication transmitting resolution of Connec- ticut and Maine relative to one presidential term, A 2 Message transmitting annual report of Adjutant- General.......................................A 2 Communication transmitting resolution of Alabama in relation to national domain..................A 2 No. 26 27 41 50 52 54 53 68 83 83 88 90 96 102 106 108 1 2 2 14 26 27 28 41 43413 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 GOVERNORS’ MESS AGES — Continued. William C. Bouck — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication transmitting resolution of Alabama relative to admitting Texas into the Union..A Communication transmitting resolution of Kentucky relative to State debts........................ A Communication transmitting proceedings of muni- cipal council of Alexandria in favor of rétrogres- sion to Virginia............................A Communication transmitting resolution of Georgia relative to proceedings of 27th congress at the extra session.................................A Message transmitting a law and report and resolu- tion of South Carolina in relation to controversy between Virginia and New York.................A Message transmitting report of Mr. Casey relative to Ogdensburg and Champlain railroad..........A Communication transmitting annual report of Com- missary-General...............................A Message in relation to New York registry law...A Communication transmitting resolution of General Assembly of Kentucky concerning the soldiers of the révolution................................A Communication transmitting letter from New York and Erie Railroad Company.....................A Communication transmitting resolution of General Assembly of Maryland concerning abolition of slavery..................................... A Communication transmitting report from Adjutant- General relative to appointment of ojB&cers in 29th division and 49th brigade.....................A Message returning the bill to provide for the public printing......................................A [Ex. Sess.] Message on opening of extra session... A [Ex. Sess.] Communication transmitting resolution of Mississippi relative to annexation of Texas to the United States.............................A Annual message to the Législature............... S Documents accompanying the annual message to the Législature.............................. S Message transmitting joint resolution of the Légis- lature of New Jersey........................ S Message transmitting joint resolution of the State of Maine..................................... S Message transmitting joint resolution of the Légis- lature of the State of Alabama.............. S Message relating to the Auburn State prison.... S Letter in relation to proceeds of sale of public lands of the United States ................. S Annual message.................................. A Documents accompanying the annual message......A 48 51 53 58 62 70 80 87 96 5 113 7 149 7 157 172 195 199 1 86 87 88 97 120 2 31843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 414 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. William C. Bouck — Continued: D Communication transmitting resolution of Connecti- cut relative to the public lands, tariffs, West Point Academy, etc.................................A 1 11 Communication transmitting resolution of the Lég- islature of Vermont relative to the franking privi- lège and postage.............................. A 2 15 Message inclosing resolution from New Hampshire respecting po3tage...........................A 2 19 Message inclosing a memorial from Free Trade Association of New York city........... .... A 2 22 Communication transmitting the annual report of the Adjutant-General.........................A 2 24 Communication transmitting resolution of the Lég- islature of Georgia.... ........................A 3 51 Communication transmitting resolution of the Lég- islature of Georgia.............................A 3 52 Communication transmitting a memorial and resolu- tion of Législature of State of Michigan........A 4 103 Message transmitting communication from the Secretary of War.............................A 4 107 Communication transmitting résolution from Légis- lature of State of Maine........................A 4 115 Message transmitting communication from charge d’affaires and consul of the United States at Paris, A 4 119 Letter transmitting a communication from the New York State Mechanic Association in relation to a muséum.......................................A 5 137 Communication from, transmitting a resolution of the annual town meeting in Bainbridge, Chenango county, in relation to the United States Deposit Fund........................................ A 5 138 Communication from, in relation to fugitives from justice......................................A 5 140 Communication from, transmitting a memorial of inhabitants of Oswego county on the subject of the currency....................................A 5 174 Silas Wright: Annual message............................... S 1 2 Annual message ................................A 1 2 Communication transmitting resolution of Législa- ture of Connecticut in relation to French spolia- tions, the military academy and tariff..........A 1 7 Communication transmitting resolution of the State of Connecticut in relation to the franking privi- lège, etc..................................... A 1 14 Communication transmitting resolution of the Lég- islature of South Carolina......................A 1 15 Communication transmitting proceedings of a pub- lic meeting in relation to constituticnal reform. ..Al 32415 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. Suas Wright— Continued: Doc. Vol. No* 1844 Communication transmitting annual report of the Commissary-General...................... • A 3 5U 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Légis- lature of Massachusetts in relation to an amend- ment of the Constitution of the United States.... A 3 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts relative to Virginia, A 7 170 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts relative to Texas.. A 7 175 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts, etc.............A 7 184 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the General Assembly of Virginia in reply to reso- lution of the State of Massachusetts..........A 7 190 1844 Communication transmitting résolution of the Législature of New Hampshire on the subject of Gen. Jackson’s fine...........................A 7 191 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Maryland relative to slavery..A 7 193 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of the State of Kentucky..........A 7 194 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Georgia in relation to the répudia- tion of State debts...........................A 7 195 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island..............A 7 196 • 1844 Communication transmitting resolution of the Législature of Mississippi relative to Texas.A 7 202 1845 Message transmitting a memorial from the New York pilots................................... S 1 25 1845 Message transmitting the final report of the agent appointed “ to procure and transcribe documents in Europe relative to the Colonial History of the State ”...................................... S 1 47 1845 Annual message..................................A 1 2 1845 Communication relative to United States Senators.. Al 8 1845 Resolution of Mr. T. R. Lee referring message .... A 1 14 1845 Communication transmitting annual report of Com- missary-General ......................................A 3 51 1845 Message transmitting Carroll & Cook’s geological contract..................................... A 3 78 1845 Message in answer to a resolution of the Assembly whether $10,000 has been set apart from the United States Land Fund...............................A 4 88 1845 Message returning bills in relation to canals, with his objections................................A 7 251 John Young : 1846 Message relating to the Indians on the Allegany and Cattaraugus réservations................. S 2 57416 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. John Young — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Annual message............................ A 1 3 1846 Resolutions of Mr. Baily referring message....A 1 8 1846 Communication relative to geology of the State .... A 2 41 1846 Communication transmitting certain documents.... A 5 164 1846 Communication transmitting memorial of Seneca Indians......................................A 5 197 1846 Communication relative to pétition of M. Aylesworth, A 6 208 1847 Report as to Clinton prison.................. S 1 18 1847 Communication as to donations................ S 4 128 1847 Annual message................................A 1 3 1847 Resolution offered by Mr. Wright as to reference of message. ................................... A 1 12 1847 Message transmitting communication from Secre- tary of the Navy of the United States...... .A 2 96 1847 Communications transmitting annual report of Commissary-General.......................... A 4 110 1847 Communication transmitting sundry resolutions of General Assembly of Virginia................ A 4 111 1847 Communication transmitting a remonstrance from a portion of the chiefs of the Onondaga Indians.. A 4 124 1847 Communication transmitting joint resolutions of the Législature of Missouri relative to army of the United States ...............................A 6 164 1847 Communication transmitting letter from Secretary of State as to districting Niagara county....A 6 170 1847 Communication relative to international exchanges, A 8 244 Hamilton Fish: 1848 Communication transmitting letter of General Zacharv Taylor.............................. A 6 212 1848 Annual message................................ A 1 3 1849 do ...............................A 1 2 1849 Communication relative to the funds for the support of the fever and small-pox hospital at quarantine, Al 39 1849 Communication transmitting letter of Commissioners of Emigration................................A 2 58 1849 Communication transmitting certain proceedings of Seneca tribe of Indians......................A 3 108 1849 Communication inclosing letter from Bishop Hughes relative to interchange of donations between this State and the government of the Roman States, with catalogue of engravingspresented by Pope IX, A 3 117 1849 Communication relative to completing the publica- tion of Natural History of this State...........A 3 154 1849 Message transmitting a report on the subject of international exchange, by Mons. Alexander Vattemare........................................A 5 201 1849 Message transmitting certain resolutions of the General Assembly of Missouri on the subject of slavery..................................................A 5 2291849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 417 GOYERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. Hamilton Fish—Continued: Doc.Vol. No. Message transmitting annual report of Sailor’s Snug Harbor .....................................A 5 233 Message transmitting communication from Secre- tary of the Navy of the United States relative to purchase of land adjoining the navy yard in Brooklyn....................................A 5 237 Message transmitting message of Governor of Ehode Island relative to manuscript volume in secre- tary’s office relative to boundaries of colony of, etc...........................................A 5 239 Washington Hunt: Message transmitting letter from clerk of Seneca Indians......................................... S 1 21 Answer in regard to Asiatic choiera.............. S 1 36 Reply to resolution in relation to convictions for vagrancy........................................ S 2 43 Message transmitting papers in relation to Seneca Indians......................................... S 2 59 Annual message.....................................A 1 1 Message transmitting second annual report of A. Yattemare ...................................... A 5 127 Message transmitting report of physicians to Marine Hospital, New York......................A 6 154 Message transmitting report of Secretary of the Navy.............................................A 6 171 Message transmitting resolutions of State of Geor- gia on slavery.................................. A 8 176 Message transmitting correspondence in regard to London exhibition of Works of industry......'... A 8 177 Message transmitting resolutions of State of Missis- sippi on slavery....................................A 8 179 Message transmitting resolutions of State of Ehode Island on agriculture............................A 8 180 Message transmitting resolutions of Ehode Island.. A 8 182 Message transmitting resolutions of State of Yer- mont on slavery..................................A 8 181 Message transmitting letter of Governor of Missis- sippi in relation to volunteers in the Mexican war, A 8 188 Message transmitting letter of A. Vattemare in rela- tion to donations from France.......................A 8 192 Message transmitting resolutions of State of Texas on slavery.......................................A 8 193 Message transmitting resolutions of the State of Maryland on slavery..............................A 8 194 Communication transmitting letter of Secretary of the Interior relating to the census............. S 2 63 Message, extra session........................... S 3 75 53418 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES— Continued. Washington Hunt — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication from, transmitting letters of Secre- tary of War and Brevet Colonel G. Wright relat- ing to granting lande near Fort Ontario..... S 3 82 Ànnual message.................................A 1 2 Communication in relation to the Colonial History, A3 66 Communication transmitting resolutions of the Canadian Parliament..........................A 3 69 Communication transmitting resolutions of the Florida Législature..........................A 4 126 Communication transmitting correspondence rela- tive to the Washington Monument Association .. A 5 144 Communication relative to seventh census.......A 6 157 Horatio Seymour: Communication transmitting memorial of Ameri- can Association for the advancement of science respecting the geographical survey of the State ..SI 41 Communication transmitting correspondence with Kossuth....................................... S 2 84 Communication transmitting resolution of Législa- ture of Indiana................................. S 2 91 Annual message................................. A 1 1 Message relative to making appropriations for the improvement of the Erie and Oswego canals.... S 2 67 Annual message....................................A 1 1 Report relative to reprieves, pardons, commutations and restorations for 1852 ... .................A 2 44 Message transmitting proceedings of a convention on the subject of erecting a monument in Inde- pendence square, Philadelphia .................A 4 89 Message relative to making appropriations for im- proving the Erie and Oswego canals........... .A 4 91 Message, with objections tô a bill in relation to banking privilèges.............................A 5 113 Communication in answer to resolution of Assem- bly of J une 1,1853, relative to résistance of process, A 5 119 Myron H. Clark: Communication relative to harbor of New York. ... S 1 8 Communication relative to industrial exhibition in London ... .................................... S 2 88 Spécial message relative to northern rivers... S 2 91 Annual message................................ ...A 1 3 do A 1 3 Message relative to resolution of New Jersey Légis- lature on New York harbor........................ S 2 60 Annual message... ;............................. A 1 3 Spécial message relative to imposing canal tolls on raiiroads.....................................A4 97 Message transmitting resolutions of New Jersey.. . A 5 104419 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1846 1857 1857 1857 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 ♦ 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 GOVERNORS’ MESS AGES — Continued. John A. King: Doc. Vol, Annual message ............................... S 1 do A 1 Communication accompanying a communication from Governor Robinson, at Kansas....... ... S 3 Communication transmitting certain resolutions from State of Alabama .......................A 4 Communication transmitting certain resolutions from State of Yermont........................A 4 Communication transmitting annual report of Com- missarv-General............................. A 4 Communication transmitting annual report of Ad jutant- General...........................A 4 Communication transmitting communication from Governor of New Jersey relative to quarantine .. S 1 Annual message.................................A 1 Reply to resolution relative to abduction or enslave- ment of citizens of this State.................A 1 E. D. Morgan: Annual message.................................. S 1 do A 1 Message transmitting memorial from the secretary of the New York State Inebriate Asylum...... A 1 Message transmitting report on physical survey of the harbor of New York.........................A 1 Message transmitting report on Harbor Commis- sioner’s map of the harbor of New York.........A 1 Message transmitting documents relative to quaran- tine at the port of New York.....................A 1 Message transmitting second report of spécial com- mission in relation to common schools in the city of New York....................................A 1 Message transmitting communication from Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of the United States.........................................A 1 Message relating to Connecticut boundary line---A 2 Message transmitting report of Metropolitan police commissioners .................................A 2 Message transmitting resolutions of Michigan Législature................................ A 2 Message relative to monument to commemorate American Independence..........................A 3 Annual message...................................A 1 Communication from, relative to the appointment of commissioners to take proof and acknowledgment of deeds in Great Britain and France...........A 4 Report of, on pardons, commutations and reprieves granted during the year 1859................. S 1 Message relative to New York city railroads......A 6 Annual message...................................A 1 No. 2 3 52 117 124 141 155 16 1 47 3 2 16 18 18 19 29 37 54 63 71 131 2 123 23 189 2420 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1862 1863 1863 1863 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. E. D. Morgan — Continued : doc . Vol. Message, with resolutions of Congress to amend the Constitution of the United States.......... ....A 5 Message, with resolution from Ohio................A 1 Message, with resolution from Virginia.............A 2 Message, with communication from Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Wisconsin, etc. A Message, with resolutions from Maine.............A Message, with resolutions from Kentucky and Min- nesota ...................................... A Message, with ordinance from Louisiana...........A Message, with resolution from Michigan...........A Message, with résolution from New Jersey.........A Message, with resolution from Indiana, Texas, Illi- nois and Michigan... ......................... A Message, with resolution from Wisconsin..........A Message, with resolution from Indiana............A Annual message................................ S Communication from, as to his acts under chapter 292, Laws of 1861........................... S Communication from, relative to his visit to the State prisons................................. S Communication from, transmitting report of Judge- Advocate-General................................A Communication from, as to action under act of April 17,1861, for arming the militia.....*---A Communication from, transmitting annual report of the Engineer-in-chief......................... A Communication from, relative to payment of volun- teers..........................................A Communication from, with report of quarantine commissioners............................... A Communication from, relative to provision for pay- ment of représentatives of volanteers......... A Communication from, relative to compensation for certain volunteers discharged for inability . . '.. A Communication from, with resolutions of the State of Maine relative to duty on wool..............A Communication from, with resolutions relative to national victories............................ A Communication from, with report of commission relative to defense, etc., of New York....... A. Horatio Seymour: Annual message.................................. S 1 Communication from, relative to appropriation for expenses of transportation and supplies of hospi- tals for sick and wounded soldiers .......... S 5 Communication from, relative to interest on State debt............................................A 5 No. 106 24 32 42 48 56 67 70 47 79 110 18 3 25 68 10 21 27 33 43 93 108 124 189 240 2 101 152421 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 GOVERNORS* MESSAGES — Continued. Horatio Seymour—Continued: Doc. Vol. No* Communication from, transmitting resolutions on fédéral relations from Kentucky..... .......A 5 163 Communication from, transmitting memorial of General Assembly of Indiana relative to transit of produce and merchandise on canals and railroads of this State............................... A 5 169 Communication from, relative to bill allowing sol- diers to vote by proxy........................A 6 197 Communicaton from, transmitting report of metro- politan police commissioners..................A 7 226 Annual message.................................. S 1 2 do A 1 2 Message from, in reply to Senate resolution asking for correspondence relative to returning volunteers.. S 3 16 Message from, asking additional force in Adjutant- General’s office............................. S 4 51 Message transmitting report of auditing board under Laws of 1862........................... S 4 69 Message with report of pardons granted in 1863. .. A 2 38 Communication from, transmitting report of com- missioners appointed by the President to ascer- tain quota of troops from this State, under calls therefor.................................... A 6 96 Communication from, transmitting report of Pay- master-General................................A 7 183 Communication from, transmitting report of Sur- geon-General....................................A 6 110 Communication from, transmitting report of Quar- termaster-General.............................A 6 127 Communication from, transmitting report of Com- missary-General............................ A 7 142 Communication from, transmitting report of metro- politan police commissioners..................A 2 28 Reuben E. Fenton: Annual message................................ S 1 2 Message relative to burial-ground for soldiers at the battle of Gettysburg and Antietam............ S 1 36 Message vetoing bill to extend tracks of Dry Dock, East Broadway and Battery railroad........... S 3 96 Message vetoing bill relatin g to repairs of certain streets in the city of Albany................ S 3 97 Message vetoing bill allowing plank and turnpike roads to collect additional tolls............ S 3 100 Message in reply to resolutions of Assembly relative ^ j 2 16 to quotas ... ........................... ... 13 50 Communication from, with statement of Provost- Marshal-General Fry, relative to quotas.......A 3 39 Communication from, relative to proposed amend- ment to the Constitution abolishing slavery..A 3 55422 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. Reuben E. Fenton— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Communication from, transmitting letter of Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State, relative to statues for the old hall for the House of Repré- sentatives..................................A 1865 Communication from, transmitting annual report of Quartermaster-General......................A 1865 Communication from, transmitting annual report of Surgeon-General............................A 1865 Communication from, transmitting annual report of Sailor’s Snug Harbor.......................A 1865 Communication from, transmitting annual report of Cooper Union...............................A 1866 Annual message................................A 1866 Communication from, transmitting papers and docu- ments relative to Antietam cemetery .................A 1866 Communication from, transmitting pétition relative to survey of ancient mounds and earthworks of State ..................................... 1866 Communication from, transmitting proceedings of common council of Albany relative to site for a Capitol.............. .....................A 1866 Communication from, transmitting report of quar- antine commissioners and health officer of port of New York....................................A 1866 Communication from, transmitting charges against George W. Smith, Oneida county judge....... S 1866 Communication from, relative to use of warehouses for quarantine............................. A 1866 Message vetoing bill, for aid to Whitehall and Platts- burgh and Albany and Susquehanna railroads.... 1867 Annual message.................................A 1867 Communication transmitting papers from Secretary of the Navy.................................A 1867 Communication transmitting report of commission- ers on rinderpest .................................. .A 1867 Communication, statement of reprieves, commuta- tions and pardons...........................A John T. Hoffman: 1868 Annual message.................................A 1868 Communication from, transmitting communication from General Grant for cession to U. S. lands in N. Y. Harbor............................... S 1868 Communication from, transmitting communication from Secretary of the Navy asking jurisdiction for U. S. over lands near Brooklyn navy yard... S 1868 Communication from, transmitting report of John Fay as manager for New York State in board of managers of Antietam cemetery.............. S 1868 Yetoes of (see Senate Journal). A t 3 68 L A e 3 53 L A 7 113 A 8 178 A 3 69 A 1 2 A i 7 169 A 4 68 'a 5 86 A 3 55 ' S 2 48 A 3 49 A 3 57 A 1 2 A 6 94 A 2 18 A 4 69 A 1 2 S 1 9 S 3 22 S 7 82423 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. John T. Hoffman — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual message...................................A 1 2 Communication from, relative to Soldier’s Home at Albany................................. A 10 169 Communication from, relative to State prisons..A 10 147 Veto of bill to enable town of Sodus to vote by dis- trict for town officers ....................... A 10 148 Annual message.......................... ......A 1 2 Communication from, transmitting list of pardons, . commutations and reprieves granted by, for the year 1869 ..................................A 5 81 Message relative to paying interest on State debt in coin........................................ S 4 96 Message vetoing act for construction of Adirondack railroad......................................A 11 207 Message vetoing act authorizing appointment of assistant district attorney for Washington county, A 5 99 Annual message................................ A 2 Communication from, relative to pardons, etc...A 29 Communication from, relative to use of money at élections................................... S 2 20 Annual message of ............................. S 1 2 Message from, transmitting letter from Governor of Connecticut, relative to New York and New Haven Railroad Company....................... S 4 87 Communication from, in reply to a resolution rela- tive to bills passed the Législature from which he withheld his signature........................A 2 34 Report of pardons, commutations and reprieves granted by. ................................ A 2 37 Communication from, transmitting résignation of O. Ottendorfer as Regent of the University... S 4 92 Message from, vetoing bill relative to salary of assistant clerk of Third Police Judicial Court, New York city................................ S 4 93 John A. Dix: Annual message of.............................. SI 2 Pardons, etc., granted by, for 1872 ............ S 1 10 Message from, relative to statues of eminent deceased citizens........................ ... S 3 41 Message transmitting report of Comptroller, rela- tive to sinking fund............................ S 2 29 Governor, annual message of..................... S 1 2 Communication transmitting report as to Elmira Reformatory................................ S 2 22 Report of pardons and commutations.............. S 3 52 Samuel J. Tilden: Governor, annual message of..................... S 1 2 Pardon, commutation, and reprieve by............ S 1 9424 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1872 1857 1835 1837 GOVERNORS’ MESSAGES — Continued. Samuel J. Tilden — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication from, on report of W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War........................... S 1 10 Communication from, relative to State of Louisiana, SI 12 Communication from, relative to boundary line between New York and New Jersey............ S 1 17 Message of, relative to tbe canals............ S 4 64 Message relative to cities................... S 6 90 Communication from, transmitting resolutions of Législature of West Virginia on Louisiana..A 5 59 Communication from, transmitting joint resolution of General Assembly of Delaware............A 6 66 Communication from, transmitting letter of Secre- tary of War relative to lands at West Point...A 7 97 Spécial message of, on canals.................A 7 102 Spécial message of, on cities.................A 10 157 Annual message of.............................A 1 2 Annual list of pardons by.....................A 2 12 Communication from, relative to Assembly bill 301, A 7 130 Communication from, relative to payment of claim of Superintendent of U. S. CoastSurvey..... S 6 61 Communication from, relative to Commissioners of Emigration ................................ S 6 69 Message from, relative to improvement in canals... S 6 60 Communication from, relative to Pennsylvania boats navigating waters of tbis State........ S 6 51 Communication from, relative to appointment of James P. Sinnott........................... S 6 55 Lucius Robinson: Annual message of..............................A 1 2 Veto message (43)..............................A 8 88 Communication from see Emigration. Communication from, transmitting letter from Gov- ernor of Michigan........................ A 8 100 Communication from, transmitting report of Di- rector General of Centennial Commission.....A 8 101 List of pardons granted by.....................A 8 83 Gracie, Edward, report and testimony in the mat- ter of charges contained in affidavit of, against James Terwilliger............................. S 4 68 GOWANUS BAY. Report of harbor commissioners relative to. S 4 126 GRAHAM, JOHN LORIMER, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for a law granting them, respect- ively, lands and lands covered with water in the East river, etc............................A 4 350 GRAIN, DISTILLATION OF, INTO ALCOHOL. Report on the propriety of prohibiting the.A 3 194425 GRAIN, MEASTJRER-GENEKAL OF, see New York. GRAND CHAPTER OF FREE MASONS, see Wm. Morgan. GRAND ISLAND. Doc. Yol. No. 1846 Report of Comptroller on pétition of citizens of Erie county relative to....................A 5 155 GRANGER, ELIZABETH S., AND WILLIAM CHAPIN. 1833 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal. .. ......... ........... S 2 78 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.......................... S 1 27 GRANGER, ELIZABETH, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 196 1850 do do do ........... S 2 44 1850 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........ S 3 101 GRANGER, FRANCIS. 1841 Résignation of, as a représentative in Congress.... A 6 207 GRANGER, OSCAR AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 76 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 5 127 1849 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 2 93 1850 Report on pétition of . ... ................ S 2 73 GRANGER, WARREN. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.A 1 27 1863 Report of Auditor relative to relief of..... S 1 12 GRANT, ABRAHAM P., AND OTHERS. 1850 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office...A 4 53 GRANT, RYAN AND TURNER. 1847 Report as to moneys due......................A 7 212 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 2 42 1851 Report of committee on canals............... A 3 78 GRANVILLE, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition of commissioners of highways to raise money to repair bridges, etc......A 3 242 1835 Report of select committee on the same.......A 7 41 1835 do do ..........A 4 290 1836 do do ..........A 4 217 GRAVE, see Cemeteries, etc. 1842 Report of judiciary committee on pétitions for law to protect the sanctity of.................A 7 186 54426 GRAVES, GEORGE W., AND OTHERS. doc. y0i. No. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by break in the Erie canal. .A 2 119 GRAVES, JACOB. 1854 Report of select committee relative to daims of.... A 3 104 GRAVES, JACOB, AND OTHERS. 1852 Report on memorial relative to occupancy of waters of Genesee river at Rochester.........A 5 102 GRAVESEND BRIDGE COMPANY. 1848 Report of............................ ...A 5 180 GRAY, ISAAC, see Amos Dean and others. GRAY, JEAN, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition for certain escheated lands. S 2 121 GRAY, MARY, alias Lupin. 1840 Report on pétition for a grant of a lot of land at Fort Covington..............................A 8 319 GRE&T BRITAIN. 1848 Resolution relative to grants of ]and........ S 1 29 1848 do do ............... S 2 31 1860 Communication from the Governor relative to an act to authorize the appointment of commissioners to take proof and acknowledgment of deeds in Great Britain and France.................................A 4 123 GREAT VALLEY, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to déclaré Wright’s creek a public highway ....................................A 1 27 1835 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in............................A 2 105 GREAT WESTERN TÜRNPIKE, FIRST COM- PANY OF THE. 1831 Report relative to a tax assessed on said company in the city of Albany .........................A 2 120 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter........A 3 188 GREECE, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition of the boardof health, relative to certain moneys expended by them in 1832......A 4 319 GREELEY, HORACE. 1869 Resolutions recommending, as minister to the court of St. James............................... S 3 43 GREEN AND CONRO. 1857 * Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of, for payment for castings furnished Clinton State prison.................................A 3 169427 GREEN, BENJAMIN F. Doc Yol. No. 1857 Report on pétition of...................... S 2 44 GREEN, CHARLES H. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 5 86 GREEN, D. S. & S. B. 1847 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 3 96 1847 Report on pétition of...................... S 3 99 GREEN, FRED., AND THEO. CATLIN. 1847 Report of committee on canals on daims of...A 4 108 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 114 GREEN, JOHN R. 1847 Report on pétition of...................... S 3 87 GREEN, TERRY B., AND WIFE. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 45 1849 do do do ............A3 155 GREEN, TOWN OF. 1840 Report relative to setting off part of the, to the town of Barker............................A 6 272 GREENBORO. 1847 Report on pétitions for annexation of, to Redfield.. A 8 262 1848 Report on pétition for annexation of, to Redfield. ..A3 94 GREENBUSH, VILLAGE OF. 1841 Report on pétition to amend the charter of. S 3 98 GREENE COUNTY, Banks in, see Banks, Greene county. 1831 Highway labor in, report on pétition of citizens of, to the exemption from...........................A 4 332 1842 Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolish the, A 6 267 1840 Costs in criminal cases, report on pétition of citizens of, for a law requiring security for............A 4 129 1834 Surrogate of, report on bill in relation to the.S 2 117 1831 Inspector of beef and pork, reports of N. Wilson... A 1 56 1832 do do do do ... A 3 531 1833 do do do do ... A 3 147 1834 do do do do ... A 3 196 1834 Inspector of beef and pork, amended report of...A 4 358 1835 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of ...A 3 210 1836 do do do ......A4 219 1839 do do do ......A3 148 1840 Inspector of sole leather, report of William Edwards ....................................... S 1 34 1841 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Delaware, Schoharie and........................ A 7 281 1846 Report on pétition for a new county from parts of Delaware, Schoharie and........................ S 2 49428 GREENE COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1849 Report on pétitions and remonstrances for a new county from parts of Delaware, Schoharie and. .. A 3 135 1819 Remonstrance of inhabitants of, against the érection of the new county of Harrison, etc...........A 3 172 1859 Report of surrogate of.........................A 2 74 1859 Report of treasurer of.........................A 3 100 GREENFIELD TURNPIKE ROAD. 1837 Report on pétition to abandon their road.......A 3 261 GREENSBURGH, TOWN OF. 1837 Highway in the, report on pétition to amend the law regulating...............................A 3 215 GREENWOOD, OLIYER, Jr. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for the loss of a horse on the canal......................... S 1 35 GREGG, JOHN. 1831 Report on bill directing the sale to him of certain lands, SI 10 1833 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on bill directing the sale to him of certain lands...A 2 125 1836 Report on pétition for a grant of surplus waters at Elmira.......................................A 3 108 1837 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition for a grant of surplus water at Elmira.............A 2 77 GREGORY, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, to amend séduction laws......................A 2 51 1853 Report on pétition of, concerning same subject .... A 3 61 GRIER, MARY ANN. 1856 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 184 GRIFFIN, HORATIO A. 1857 Report of committee on pétitions of aliens favorable on pétition of heirs of, for escheated lands. A 3 146 GRIFFIN, JONATHAN, see Joseph Russell and J. Griffin. GRIFFIN, THOMAS, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of.................... ... S 1 14 GRIFFIN, W., AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition to prohibit praying, etc., in academies and schools........................A 2 55 GRIFFITH, GRIFFITH D. 1864 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 58 GRIFFITHS, JOHN M, 1856 Report on pétition for relief..................A 3 64429 GRIMES W., HENEY. Doc.Voi. No. 1839 Report on pétition to change his name....... A 2 42 GROAT, JACOB. 1860 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...........A 4 132 GROSS, DANIEL, AND P. RICHARDSON. 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 154 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 124 GROSS, FRANCIS. 1855 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A 5 126 GROSS, JOHN J. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 120 GROTON, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition for a division of........A 2 166 GROÜND RENT, QUARTER SALES, ETC., see Rensselaerwyck. 1835 Report on pétition of citizens of Albany and Rens- selaer on the subject of................. A 2 83 GROYE, TOWN OF. 1839 Town meeting in, report on pétition to fix the time and place for holding.......................A 2 58 GROYER, L. C., AND B. H. MILLS. 1857 Report on committee on daims, favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by embankment and wall in front of building...................................A 3 159 GRUNTHER, GEORGE. 1857 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 42 1858 Report relative to payment of moneys to.......A 1 42 GUILFORD, TOWN OF. 1842 Memorial of inhabitants of, for abolishing capital punishment . —..............................A 7 146 1844 Report of committee on grievances on the pétition of inhabitants of, for the removal of a turnpike gâte, A 5 106 GUINNIP, GEORGE B. 1851 Report on daim of, to seat in Senate..... S 3 84 GUION, J. MARSHAL. 1877 Yeto of bill for relief of............ .... A 5 43 GÜMAER, ELIAS. 1838 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal.................A 3 158430 GUTHRIE, ABEL, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Heirs of Christian Guthrie, a soldier in the révolu- tion, report on pétition of, for bounty lands..A 1 13 1831 Report of committee on two-third bills on bill for the relief of........................... A 2 145 1831 Report of committee on daims on bill for the relief of...................................... A 2 146 GYPSUM. 1836 Toll on, report of Canal Board relative to.A 4 294 GOYERNOR. 1878 Communication from the, transmitting charges against the Superintendent of the Insurance Department.............................. S 2 26 1878 Message of............................... S 1 2 GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. 1878 Unclaimed balances in, relative to.........A 2 33 GOYERNOR. 1878 Annual message of........................ A 1 2 1878 Pardons, commutations and reprieves granted by, annual report of........................A 1 17 GOYERNOR. 1879 Annual message of........................ S 1 2 GOYERNOR. 1879 Communication from, relative to charges J. F. Smyth................................... S 2 35 GUARDIAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION RECEIVER. 1879 Report of................................ SI 23 GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. 1879 Statement of unclaimed balances in. ......A 2 23 GOYERNOR. 1879 Statement of pardons, etc.................A 2 24 GOVERNMENT BONDS. 1880 Premiums on, report of Superintendent of Bank Department, relative to................. S 2 33 GOYERNOR. 1880 Message of............................... S 1 2 1880 Message from, relative to trustées of Binghamton Asylum for Insane....................... S 2 50 GENESEE YALLEY CANAL FEEDERS. 1880 Rétention of, report relating to..........A 2 137 GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. 1880 Balances remaining in....................A3 35431 GOVERNOR. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Annual message of..........................A 1 2 1880 Pardons, commutations and reprieves granted by, report of .............................. A 2 13 1881 Message of..................................... S 1 ” 1881 Message from, in relation to items in Senate bill No. 314 S 2 72 1881 Annual message of..........................A 1 2 1881 Pardons and reprieves granted by, statement of-A 2 16 GEOLOGIST. 1882 Memorial of Prof. James Hall.............. S 6 80 GOVERNOR. 1882 Message of.............................. S 1 2 GRAIN AND OTHER ARTICLES. 1882 Preamble and resolutions relating to...... S 6 73 GOVERNOR. 1882 Annual message of........... ..................A 1 2 GRIFFITH CREEE FEEDER. 1882 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on...A 2 17 GAME AND FISH PROTECTORS. 1883 Report of, in reply to a resolution of the Senate ... S 2 22 GENERAL ORDERS. 1883 List of........................................ S 1 11 GOVERNOR. 1883 Message of..................................... SI 2 GRAVESEND, TOWN OF. 1883 Report of committee on villages, relative to... S 3 39 GOVERNOR. 1883 Annual message of.............................. A 1 2 1883 Report of reprieves, commutations of sentences and pardons......................................A 2 14 1884 Annual message of.............................. S 1 2 1884 Communication from, relative to captain of port and harbor-masters of New York................... S 3 33 1884 Communication from, transmitting documents from the Commissioner of Agriculture at Washington, S 3 41 GAME AND FISH PROTECTOR, 1884 Dist. No. 10, report of..... ..................A 7 79 1884 Dist. No. 3, report of.........................A 7 80 GOVERNOR. 1884 Message of....... ........ ....................A 1 2 1884 Report of reprieves, commutations and pardons... A 5 42 1884 Veto message of................................A 5 47432 GAS-LIGHTING COMPANIES, NEW YORK CITY. Doc. Vol. No. 1885 Report of spécial committee on............ S 5 41 GOVERNOR. 1885 Communication from, calling Extraordinary Ses- sion, see Extra Session ........................ S 1 1 1885 Annual message of....................... S 1 2 1885 Message of, relative to census................. S 5 26, 43 GREENWOOD CEMETERY. 1885 Report of committee to investigate......... S 6 51 GOVERNOR. 1885 Message of.....................................Al 2 1885 Report of, relative to pardons............. A 4 34 GOVERNMENT OF NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Report of spécial committee.............. S 3 29 GOVERNOR. 1886 Annual message of... ...................... S 1 2 1886 Message of............................. ... S 5 85 1886 Message of, relative to nominations for office. S 5 77 1886 Message of, relative to Street railroads... S 4 61 GRIEVANCES AND DISPUTES. 1886 Between carriers and employés, communication from Railroad Commissioners relative to....... S 4 57 GOVERNOR. 1886 Message of................................. S 1 2 1886 Veto message on Capitol Appropriation Bill..... S 8 98 1887 Annual message of...................... S 1 2 1887 Message from, relative to spécial législation.. S 4 65 1887 Veto message of bill relative to Young Women’s Association of Troy...................... S 3 51 1887 Report of, relative to proceedings under chapter 478, Laws of 1886, relative to Executive Mansion. S 4 61 1887 Message from, relative to spécial législation.. 1887 Annual message of...........................A 1 2 1887 On pardons, report of.......................A 10 114 GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK. 1888 Communication from, as to balances..........A 5 30 GOVERNOR. 1888 Annual message of...........................A 1 2 1888 Communication from, relative to Assembly Chamber ceiling, transmitting papers from Eidlitz, Richard- son & Co. ....................................... A 6 46 1888 Report of, as to commutations and pardons . A 10 87 1888 Report of Sailors’ Snug Harbor..............A 10 85433 HACKNEY, JOSEPH. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of, for bounty lands......... ....................A 3 264 1830 Report of committee on daims on the same....A 4 309 1831 do do do ......... A 2 79 HADCOCK, DANIEL. 1832 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for improve- ments on certain lands in the Oneida réservation, A 3 242 1833 Report of committee on daims.... A 3 178 1834 do do A 2 64 1837 do do A 3 168 1838 do do A 3 119 HADCOCK, JOHN. 1834 Report on pétition for a grant of land...... S 2 106 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the Erie canal...............A 5 308 1841 Report on the same.......................... S 2 40 HAGAN, H. 1852 Report of trustées of Sing Sing prison respecting an assault and battery on ................... S 3 95 HAGGERT Y, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 124 HAGGERTY, JOHN. 1872 Report of committee on canals on charges against, A 10 159 HAHN, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1860 Report of committee on daim of...............A 7 147 HAIGHT, BLOOD AND CADY. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 107 HAIGHT, SARAH. 1865 Report on daim of............................A 4 85 HAINES, DAVID. 1832 Report on pétition for the conveyance to him of certain land...............................A 3 200 1832 Report of committee on public lands on the same.. A 3 263 1833 Report on the same...........................A 3 166 HALE, ELIZABETH, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report on daim of........................... A 2 34 HALL, DANIEL, AND OTHERS, .see Henry Price and others. HALL, E. A., AND C. L. LILLIE. 1846 Report on bill for the relief of............ S 4 125 55434 1854 1843 1843 1869 1874 1861 1835 1836 1837 1845 1867 1859 1860 1860 1860 1861 1873 HALL, HARRY. Doc. Vol. No. Communication from Auditor relative to claim of.. S 1 41 HALL, JAMES. Communication from............................... S 2 59 do S 2 60 HALL, PROF. JAMES. Communication from Regents of University rela- tive to purchasing scientific collection of. S 6 77 Estimate of cost of completion of the Paleontology of the State............................ S 5 101 HALL, JOHN H. Report on claim of................................A 6 132 HALL, MARIA S. Report on pétition of, for a law vesting in her the right and title of the State to a lot of land in Schenectady................................ A 4 286 Report on the same................................A 2 87 HALL, NATHAN. Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands by the construction of the Chemung canal........................................A 2 147 HALLETT, DEBüRAH ANN. Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of.................................. S 1 21 HALLETT, W. P., see Suprême Court Clerks. HALLOWAY, ISAAC. Report of claim committee on pétition of.A 2 31 HAMBURGH AND BUFFALO TURNPIKE, see Buffalo. HAMILTON ACADEMY, see Academies. HAMILTON COUNTY. Report of surrogate of...........................A 1 50 Pétitions of supervisors relative to improvements in, A 2 35 Report of committee relative to the alteration of certain town boundaries in ... ...............A 2 56 Report of committee on the pétition of supervisors of....................................... ...A 3 94 Communication of supervisors of, relative to im- provements in................................... A 1 10 Report of Adjutant-General relative to attaching part of, to any other oounty..................A 5 50 HAMILTON COLLEGE, see Colleges.435 HAMILTON, DAVID. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Report of the Comptroller relative to.......... S 1 39 HAMILTON, ELI, AND PETER D. 1847 Report on pétition of...........................A 1 36 HAMILTON, GLOUDY, AND JAMES QÜIGG. 1837 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal....................A 2 88 1837 Minutes of the Canal Board in the case of.......A 3 252 HAMILTON, JAMES T. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of George Cramer, and for damage b y division of water....................................A 3 153 HAMILTON, JAMES W. 1858 Statement of, relative to his refusai to testify before investigation committee.................... A 3 73 HAMILTON, ORRIS. 1844 Report of Attorney-General on a bill for the relief of........................................... S 1 14 HAMILTON SQUARE. 1861 Communication from the Comptroller of New York relative to . ... ....................... S 2 62 HAMILTON, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Water-Works Company, report on pétition to incor- porate........................................A 3 215 1840 Literary and Theological Institute, report on péti- tion to incorporate...............................A 7 209 Màdison University, see Colleges, etc. HAMILTON, W. 1840 Report on pétition of, relative to a lot of land claimed to be escheated.............................. S 2 60 HAMPTONBURGH, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition for the érection of the.A 2 113 HAND, HELENA. 1842 Report of committee on aliens on pétition of....A 5 105 HAND, JOHN. 1871 Report of claim committee relative to claim of. ... A 3 35 HARBORS. 1848 Résolutions relating to........................ S 1 4 1848 Report on resolutions relating to rivers and....A 3 70 1848 Report on resolutions relative to improvement of rivers and....................................A 3 71436 HARBORS— Continued. Doc. Vox fl 1859 T Report in relation to the harbor of New York ..... A 1 18 1860 Communication from the Governor, with reports on, of the harbor of New York..................A 1 16 1864 Annual report of commissioners upon harbor defenses.................................... A 4 83 HARBOR COMMISSIONERS. 1857 Report relative to Gowanus bay................ S 4 126 1857 Report of expenses of..........................S 4 149 HARBOR MASTERS. 1857 Report of standing committee on commerce and navigation relative to................... ... A 3 100 1861 Report of select committee on charges against the, in New York.......... ..................... S 2 38 1862 Report of select committee on charges against the, in New York .... ........................... S 3 38 1862 Report of select committee on charges against the, in New York.............................. Supplémentai................................ S 5 82 1872 Report of committee on commerce and navigation, relative to..................................A 10 164 HARDEN, LYDIA. 1847 Report relative to her rights..................A 7 189 1849 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 66 HARLEM BRIDGE. 1861 Report of commissioners on.....................A 5 117 1864 do do ....................... A 7 175 1865 Communication from supervisors of New York on.. SI 24 1865 Communication from commissioners for building ..SI 25 1866 Annual report of commissioners of............. S 1 10 1867 do do S 2 55 1868 do do A 8 62 1869 do do S 6 68 HARLEM RAILROAD. 1861 Bill to regulate milk freight on...............A 5 99 HARLEM RIVER. 1838 Report in relation to Crossing the, with the Croton aqueduct.....................................A 6 319 1839 Report in relation to the same.................A 4 190 HARMAN E., AND OTHERS. 1848 Report on pétition of......................... A 2 18 HARMON, P., see E. Frost. HARNED, SAMUEL W. 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 21437 ÏÏARON, J. W. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of Doc. Vol. No. . A 2 79 HAROUN, C. 1854 Report on pétition of A 2 60 HARPER, CHARLES CARROLL. 1839 Report on pétition of the trustées for the children of, to sell real estate........................A 2 64 HARPER, JOHN W. 1841 Report on pétition to extend an act authorizing him to erect a dam across the Susquehanna river .... A 7 287 HARRINGTON, JAMES. 1850 Report on daims of.....................*..........A 5 96 HARRIS, CAMPBELL. 1849 Report on pétition of............................ S 2 68 HARRIS, DAVID, AND OTHERS. 1837 Sub-contractors on the Chenango canal, report on pétition for extra allowance ..................A 3 236 HARRIS, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1850 Report of Canal Board on pétition of, in relation to Fort Miller dam................................ S 2 66 HARRIS, W., DANIEL BURT, AND GEORGE M. BURT. 1830 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the érection of the Saratoga dam, A 3 211 1831 Report of committee on canals on the same.A 2 187 1832 do do do ...........A 5 148 1838 do do do ...........A 3 64 HARRISON COUNTY. 1849 Remonstrance of the inhabitants of Greene county against the érection of.........................A 3 172 1849 Report of majority of select committee on bill, etc., for érection of.................................A 3 174 1849 Report of minority of select committee on bill, etc., for érection of.............................. .A 3 177 HARRISON, DENNIS. 1832 Report on pétition to authorize the Commissioners of the Land Office to sell to him certain land in Lewiston......................................... S 1 29 HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY, President. HARRISON, WILLIAM S., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for rémunération for loss sustained on stock issued for Chemung canal loan of 1841..........................A 2 54438 HARTER, PETER, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 7 168 HART, M., AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 4 78 1846 do do do .............. S 1 19 HART, MARTIN, see Thomas Geary and others. HART, SAMUEL, AND WILLIAM CANDE. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 104 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......A 3 55 HART, SAMUEL G., AND OTHERS. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of......A 5 98 HARTER, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1856 Report on pétition for relief............. A 3 73 HARTMAN, JOHN. 1852 Report on pétition of......................A 5 94 HARTNETT, DANIEL. 1856 Report on pétition for relief..............A 3 79 HARTLETT, THOMAS. 1844 Report on the memorial of, for a law making habituai drunkenness a good cause for divorce. .... .A 6 156 HARTSTEIN, COMMANDER. 1858 Communication from Governor transmitting cor- respondence with, relative to gold medal ordered by the Législature............................ A 4 139 HARVEY, DAVID. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of......A 4 69 HARVEY, JOHN. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 2 32 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of.. .. S 2 64 1869 Report of daims committee on daim of ..... A 10 164 HARWOOD, EMERSON B. 1848 Report on pétition of......................A 3 82 HASBROUCK, I. Jr., AND I. I. SCHOONMAKER, see Ulster County. HASBROUCK, ISAAC L. 1847 Report of committee on privilèges and élection on pétition of, to be admitted to seat occupied by John D. L. Montange........................ A 1 16439 HASBROUCK, PETER. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Report of Commissioners to Land Office on bis pétition....................................... S 3 79 HASCALL, HIRAM, AND CHARLES B. THOMP- SON. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.......A 3 154 HASKINS, AMOS. 1831 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in a lot of land bougbt of this State...........A 3 253 1831 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in a lot of land bougbt of this State ..........A 4 312 HASKINS AND ROSEBROOK. 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, to be released from contract................A 3 181 HASTINGS, TOWN OF. 1847 Report on pétition of inhabitants of............. S 2 49 HATCH, J. M., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of................. S 1 11 HATCH, JAMES. 1867 Report on committee on daims on pétition of.......A 6 103 1867 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of, S 2 63 HAVANA. 1848 Report on pétition of inbabitants of............. A 3 64 Canal from Seneca lake, see Cbemung canal. HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS. 1834 Report of amount received for licenses to........ A 2 66 1837 Report on pétition to amend tbe law relative to-A 3 260 HAWKES, RUTH. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to ber lands by tbe enlargement of tbe Erie canal.............................................A 3 68 HAWKINS, GEORGE. 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages.. A 4 117 HAWKINS, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1852 Report on pétition of............................ S 2 52 HAWKINS, M. N. 1846 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of..............................................A 5 183 HAWKINS, MALCOLM N. 1847 Report on pétition of. A 2 89440 HAWLEY, ALPHEÜS. Doc. Vüi. No. 1832 Report on pétition to allow W. W. Hodges, of Penn- sylvania, to take the acknowledgment of deeds and conveyances on the sale of certain land in Cattaraugus county. .............................. S 2 83 HAWLEY, JESSE. 1840 Memorial of, againsfc ceding to the United States the right to construct a ship canal around Niag- ara Falls.................................. S 4 108 HAWLEY, SETH C. 1850 Answer to resolution of Législature...........A 5 137 HAYDEN, E., AND T. J. STRONG. 1860 Communication from Auditor relative to claim of .. A 4 150 HAY, JAMES. 1850 Report on pétition of.........................A 5 87 1851 Report of select committee on pétition of.....A 4 101 1854 Report on pétition of....................... A 3 93 1855 Report of select committee on claim of........A 2 31 1857 Report on pétition of....................... S 2 67 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. A 4 131 1859 Report of committee on pétition of............A 2 51 1861 do do .............. A 5 94 1866 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of.A 5 107 HAY, JANET, OR McANDREW, AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition of, for certain lands escheated to the State...................................A 7 268 HAY, PRESSED. 1832 Report on pétition for a law to regulate the inspec- tion of.............................................A 4 280 1835 Report on pétition to repeal the law requiring the inspection of.............................. A 4 265 HAYDEN, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report on pétition of....................... A 5 159 HAYES, PERKINS G. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 77 HAYS, JOHN. 1840 Report on pétition for compensation on account of a wound received while in the service of the State on the Niagara frontier..................A 6 228 HAYWARD, JOHN R. 1847 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on pétition that, of Westchester, be admitted to seat occupied by James E. Beers.......................Al 29441 HEADDING, HARLEY. Doc. Yol. No. 1839 Report on pétition of, to confirm his title to certain land.......................................A 2 30 1875 Head-money, report of committee of Chamber of Commerce on.............................. S 2 32 HEALTH COMMISSIONERS, see New York. HEALTH, PUBLIC. 1846 Report of select committee on bill to preserve.A 1 19 1850 Report of Attorney-General on law for the préser- vation of.........................................A 5 126 HEATH, GEORGE. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A 3 91 HEATH, HENRY. 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to bis hydraulic Works at Little Falls..........A 6 229 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A 7 150 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 62 HEATH AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 8 216 HECKER, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1842 Memorial of..................................A 5 85 HECOX, SAMUEL, see Cady, Beaumont and Hecox. HEISRADT, MARTIN, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal.A 2 119 HELLGATE PILOTS. 1831 Report on pétition to repeal the law allowing them to receive half-pilotage in certain cases..A 2 193 1832 Report on the same.......................... A 2 138 HELM, LAWRENCE. 1865 Report on pétition of........................A 9 199 HELMER, JOSEPH, AND R. ELWOOD. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of........A 2 49 HEMP, CULTURE OF. 1830 Report of committee on agriculture giving informa- tion relative to the..............................A 3 234 HEMPSTEAD, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to sell certain portions of the common lands belonging to the..............A 4 169 1877 Hempstead, town of (see Nassau). 56442 HENDRICK, SUSA. Doc. Voi. No. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of................ S 4 127 HENDRICKS, JOËL. 1831 Report on pétition of, to convey to him a certain lot of land..............................................A 2 117 HENNESSY, MARY. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of...............A 2 28 1866 do do do ............... S1 HERKIMER COUNTY. 1833 Jail in, report on pétition for a new..................A 2 100 1834 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build a, A 2 59 1835 Jail in, report on pétition for a loan to pay for build- ing.............................................. A 1 20 1835 Report in relation to the same.........................A 1 33 1833 Report on memorial from, in relation to leaks in the canal and the condition of fences and bridges_A 4 272 1839 Poor-house and farm, report on pétition for author- ity to sell the......................................A 6 337 1840 Report on the same.....................................A 5 163 1843 Memorial of démocratie delegates asking for an amendment to the Constitution relative to the création of a State debt, etc.................A 4 90 1843 Report of majority of the select committee on the memorial.............................................A 5 152 1843 Report of minority on same.............................A 5 153 1844 Report of Canal Appraisers on memorial of land owners in, respecting canal damages..................A 5 101 1859 Report of surrogate of.................................A 2 66 Banks in, see Banks, Herkimer county. HERKIMER, GENERAL JOHN. 1839 Report relative to the érection of a monument to .. A 6 392 HERKIMER, JOHN. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his lands bv the Erie canal..........................A 2 116 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 4 356 HERKIMER, STERNBURG. 1859 Report of committee on medical colleges and socie- ties, on pétition of.................................A 1 15 HERMANCE, WILLIAM J. 1847 Report of majority of committee on colleges, etc., on the bills for relief of...........................A 7 201 1847 Report of minority on same.............................A 7 214 HERMANS, HENRY. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 6 194443 HERRESHOFF, JOHN B., AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No* 1835 Report on pétition to be relieved from the payment of interest on the taxes on their lands...A 2 90 1835 Report of committee on elaims on the same....A 2 154 1840 Report on pétition of, to be relieved from the pay- ment of certain taxes.............................A 6 254 HERSKEY, BENJAMIN. 1836 Report on pétition to build a dam across Ellicott creek.....................................A 3 208 HERTELL, THOMAS. 1844 Report of judiciary committee on the memorial of, praying for a law making habituai drunkenness a good cause for divorce......... ..................A 6 156 HESS, MARIAH. 1842 Report of select committee on pétition of...A 7 174 HESS, SOLOMON. 1867 Report of elaims committee on pétition of...A 7 121 1870 do do .......... S 2 53 HETFIELD, SAMUEL A., AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on elaims favorable on pétition of, for additional compensation...........A 2 122 HEWETT & BEACH. 1847 Report relative to damages of.............. S 4 150 HEWETT AND BUSH. 1847 Report on pétition of...................... A 8 230 HEWIT, D. G. 1872 Report of committee on elaims on pétition of.A 10 342 HEWETT, JOSEPH P., AND JNO. M. BUTTERLY. 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of....A 5 134 HIBERNIAN PROYIDENT SOCIETY, see New York. HICKOX, L., AND M. SEYMOUR. 1831 Report on pétition of, to erect a wing dam on the Ôneida river............................A 3 274 HICKS, CORNELIUS D. 1866 Report of elaims committee on pétition of.A 5 101 1866 do do do ..........S j \ HICKS, JNO. G., JNO. SCHENCK, AND JANE B. SMITH. 1835 Report on pétition of, for a grant of certain land under water, in front of the city of Brooklyn-A 3 252444 HICKS, J. L., AND OTHERS. Doc< Voi. No. .835 Report on pétition for the use of surplus waters of the Oswego canal, to raise sait water at Liverpool, A 4 347 HIGBY, CHAS. G. 851 Communication from, relating to contested seat in 26th Senate district.................... S 3 92 HIGBY, CURTIS. 867 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 83 HIGG1NBOTTOM, JOHN. 837 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office rela- tive to the property escheated to the State on the death of........................................ S 1 21 HIGGINSVILLE. 864 Report of committee on canals upon pétition for culvert under canal at................... A 6 101 HIGHLAND COUNTY. 855 Report of committee on érection of........ S 3 70 858 Report of a minority of the committee on the érec- tion and division of towns and counties relative to the érection of............................... S 2 73 858 Report of a majority of the committee relative to.. S 2 80 HIGHLAND GROYE GYMNASIUM ASSOCIA- TION. 332 Report on pétition to incorporate...................A 3 199 HIGHLAND TURNPIKE COMPANY. 331 Report on pétition for a law directing the re-pay- ment of certain taxes assessed on, in Westchester county.......................................... A 1 23 332 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Dutchess and Westchester counties to repeal certain sections of the laws relative to the..........................A 3 179 333 Report on pétition to repeal the charter............ S 2 54 333 Report of committee on two-third bills on bill to repeal the charter ...............................A 4 287 HIGHLANDS. ►35 Road through the, report on pétition for aid to improve a.........................................A 5 391 HIGHWAYS. 30 Assessment of taxes for making and repairing, report on pétition to amend the law...............A 4 329 33 Report on the same.................................. S 2 84 34 Régulation of, report on pétition to amend the laws in relation to the............................... S 1 22445 HIGHWAYS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. Ne 1834 Régulation of, report on pétition to amend the laws in relation to the...........................A 4 38! 1834 Laying out, report on pétition to amend the law in relation to.................................. S 2 12î 1841 Laying out, report on pétition to amend the law in relation to..................................A 5 171 1849 Eeport of commissioners of Code concerning, and ferries, etc,................................A 1 1! 1851 Report of committee on roads and bridges concern- ing, and work assessed thereon.................... . . S 2 & 1851 Report on bill for the enrollment of the militia, to abolish fines and exempt uniform companies from highway tax and jury duty..............................A 4 11: 1855 Report of minority of select committee on bill to authorize addition al sums to be raised for, and bridges.................................. ...A 2 4 1858 Report of Attorney-General relative to the constitu- tionality of laws making streams public highways, A 4 11 1832 Report on bill to extend the power of....................A 3 18 1834 Report on pétition for the élection of, for three years, A 4 38 1838 do do do do ... A 6 33 1839 do do do do ... A 3 7 HILDRETH, GEO. W. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.....................A 6 20 1846 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.............A 6 21 HILDRETH, LEONARD, AND OTHERS. 1842 Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands escheated to the State on the death of John G. Leake.... .......................................... A 3 1S HILL, ANTHONY JOHN. 1842 Report on pétition of....................................A 4 'i 1842 Report of committee on pétition of aliens of.............A 4 'î HILL, C. J. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.............A 6 2( HILL, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report of Canal Board relative to work done on the Oswego canal by..................................... S 2 li HILL, JOHN AND JENNY, AND ANTHONY OTSEQUETTE. 1835 Report on pétition for the payment of the principal sum for which annuities are now paid them by the State ................. ........................A 2 1. 1835 Report on pétition for the payment for the princi- pal sum for which annuities are now paid them by the State.................................... .. A 3 2<446 HILL, NICHOLALS, Jk. Doc.Voi. No. 1847 Communication from...........................A 7 197 HILL, WILLIAM S., AND OTHERS. 1852 See report of Commissioners of Land Office respect- ing land under water at Westfield..........A 5 121 HILLS, ALLEN. 1830 Report of on pétition of, that the money paid by his father on certain lots in Oneida Castle may be credited to him, etc.......................A 2 76 1830 Report of Comptroller on same............... S 1 42 1830 Report of committee on finance on same.. ... S 2 162 HILLS, HUETT, see Allen Hills. HILLS, ZIMRI. 1833 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated land.............................A 1 25 1833 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same...................................... A 2 54 HILTON, CLARK. 1830 Report on pétition of, to build a dam and lock on the Tonawanda creek.......................A 4 293 HINDS, JACOB. 1850 Charges againsfc, as Canal Commissioner......A 5 84 1850 Communication from...........................A 5 106 1850 Communication from, in regard to alleged frauds .. A 5 102 HINE, ALLEN. 1874 Report of, relative to représentative self-government of the Onondaga Jndians................... S 4 88 HINMAN, ELI. 1849 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, Al 23 HINMAN, J. E., AND H. W. SCHROEPPEL. 1830 Report on pétition of, to build a dam across Oneida river at Oak Orchard reef................. S 2 37 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their lands by the érection of a dam across Oswego river..............................................A 3 185 HINMAN, JOHN E., AND A ARON BARNES. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..A 5 119 1845 do do do ............A3 73 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 79 HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN COLLEC- TIONS, see Natural History, Regents of the University.447 HISTORICAL SOCIETY, see New York. Doc. Voi. No. HISTORIES. 1857 Report of Secretary of State in reply to resolution relative to printing of..................A 2 134 HISTORY, ABORIGINAL, see Aboriginal History. HISTORY, COLONIAL, see Colonial History. HISTORY, DOCUMENTARY, see Documentary History. HISTORY, NATURAL, see Natural History. HITCHCOCK AND COLLINS. 1851 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of..... S 1 18 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition of. S 2 21 HITCHCOCK, LUTHER, see Granger, Oscar, and others. HITCHINS, FRANCIS, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of...................... A 4 143 HOAG, ESAIAS. 1858 Report on claim of...........................A 4 127 HOAG, PETER, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal.........A 2 119 HOAG, PETER. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 8 223 HOAG, RANSOM, AND OTHERS. 1863 Report on pétition of....................... A 5 141 HOAR, DIX. 1835 Report on pétition to change the name of.....A 4 359 HOAR, LEONARD, AND OTHERS. 1833 Report on pétition to change the names of....A 2 76 HOAR, MARTIN, AND OTHERS. 1832 Report on pétition to change the names of....A 2 56 HOBBY, ANNE SOPHIA. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 6 149 HODGMAN, LEONARD. 1856 Report on pétition of........................A 4 118 1861 do .........................A 2 31 HOGAN, W. 1840 Report on pétition of, to be relieved from a tax unlawfully assessed.......................A 6 256448 HOLBROOK & SHERRILL. Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Report of coinmittee on daims on pétition of.A 3 56 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of........ S 1 37 HOLDEN, G. H., AND OTHERS, Greece, town of. HOLDEN, SAMUEL C. 1860 Report of committee on daim of...............A 4 152 HOLLAND. 1842 Message of Governor transmitting correspondence from, relative to the annual reports of the Regents of the University................................ S 4 108 HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. 1830 Report on pétition of the agent of the, to allow them to purchase certain real estate. .... A 2 69 1831 Memorial of the agent of the, in relation to the taxation of land contracte, etc............A 4 282 1831 Memorial of Adam Hoops, for relief, relative to cer- tain contracts for land bought of the, see Adam Hoops. 1832 Memorial of the agent of, relative to the taxation of land contracts, etc........................... A 3 235 1839 Title papers of, Governor’s message relative to the préservation of the............................A 5 317 1839 Report of select committee on the same.............A 5 318 1840 Communication from the Secretary of State rela- tive to........................................A 3 350 1835 Report on pétition of supervisors of Genesee county to relinquish certain lands in Batavia to the.A 1 14 1837 Title of the, majority report concerning the......A 3 224 1837 Title of the, minority report concerning the......A 3 222 HOLLAND, MARY. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages to house, etc., by enlarge- ment of the Erie canal.... ...........A 1 42 HOLLAND, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition of the supervisor of the, rela- tive to certain moneys.......................A 3 249 HOLLISTER AND FAY. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 10 161 HOLLISTER BANK AT BUFFALO. 1860 Report of the receiver of the, relative to deposits in, A 4 146 1866 Communication from Robert H. Sherman, in answer to a resolution, relative to..................A 4 177449 HOLLISTER, I. & S. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the construction of the Erie canal... S 1 58 1833 Report of committee on daims on the same...A 3 202 1834 do do do ..........A 4 303 HOLLISTER, JESSIE. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 2 62 HOLLISTER, JOHN. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......A 5 152 ---- HOLLISTER, NATHAN S. 1840 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his house and lands by the enlargement of the Erie canal...............................A 3 35 1841 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his house and lands by the enlargement of the Erie canal...............................A 3 67 HOLLISTER, N. S. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 178 1846 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 1 15 1846 Report on pétition for relief of.......... S 4 128 HOLLISTER, WM. H, AND ANOTHER. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 8 182 HOLLOWAY, ISAAC. 1865 Report on pétition of......................A 8 163 HOLMAN, HENRY. 1861 Report on pétition of..................... A 5 91 1862 do ............................A 4 66 HOLWAY, ELLEN. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 10 173 HOME FOR OUTCAST WOMEN. 1862 Report of committee on State charitable institu- tions, on pétition for..... ..................A 6 188 HOMŒOPATHY, ETC. 1846 Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges concerning ..........................A 4 125 HOMŒOPATHIC COLLEGE. 1846 Report relative to........................ S 4 108 HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1872 Transactions of........................... S 5 94 1875 Transaction.............................. A 8 106 57450 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE. Doc. Vol. No. 1874 Report of trustées......................... S 4 84 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM AT MLDDLETO WN. 1875 Annual report of.......................... A 3 21 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM. 1877 Annual report of............................A 3 25 1877 Medical society, transactions of............A 9 143 1876 Annual report of the Homœopathic Asylum for Insane at Middletown.................... A 2 18 HOMEE, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition to repeal an act for the division of the................................... A 4 315 HOMEE, VILLAGE OF. 1837 Report on pétition relative to the charter of.A 4 283 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION, see Exemption. HONEOYE, LAKE. 1850 Report of Canal Board in relation to....... S 1 40 HONYOST, SALLY, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on Indian affairs on claim of, for relief............................... A 3 80 HOOD, JACOB. 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition cf, for extra compensation................A 2 65 HOOKER, JAMES H. « * 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 152 1849 do do ............................... S 2 32 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 16 1850 Report on canal claim.......................A 5 118 HOOKER, J. H., AND T. P. WATERS. 1857 Report on pétition of...................... S 2 57 HOOSICK FALLS, VILLAGE OF. 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the charter of... A 4 208 HOOSICK, TOWN OF. 1837 Report of pétition to raise money by tax on, to build a bridge over Hoosick Falls...............A 4 334 HOOP, ANN, AND OTHERS (aliens). 1835 Report on pétition of, to hold real estate. A 1 45 HOOPER, SANFORD A. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 125 1843 Report of committee on daims on a bill for his relief................................... S 3 111 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 39451 HOOPER, SANFORD A., AND OTHERS. Doc. Voi. No. 1853 Report of Attorney-General in relation to a certain note................. ......................A 4 85 HOOPS, ADAM. 1832 Memorial of, for relief in relation to injuries sus- tained under certain contracta for lands pur- chased of the Holland Land Company........ S 2 110 1833 Report of select committee on the same...... S 2 118 1835 do do ........... S 2 86 1837 Report of committee on daims................ S 1 25 HOPE, ANTHONY S. 1863 Report on pétition of....................... A 5 173 1864 do ............................A 6 87 HOPE, JAMES, AND N. JOHNSON. 1842 Report of committee on militia on pétition of.A 2 39 HOPE, TOWN OF. 1838 Report relative to tax-list of non-resident lands in the........................................A 5 208 HOP LAW. 1846 Report of committee on trade and manufactures relative to................................A 4 92 HOPS, INSPECTOR OF, see Albany, New York. HOPKINS, GILBERT. 1850 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 39 1850 do ............................ S 3 39 HOPKINS, S. M., see State prison at Mount Pleasant. HOPKINTON AND PORT KENT ROAD, see Port Kent and Hopkinton. HOPKINTON, TOWN OF. 1841 Report on pétition to raise money by tax to repair the town-house........................... A 6 227 HOPPS. ( 71 1861 Report on petitionof (contested seat).......A 3 J ^ HORAN, PATRICK. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of.......A 3 54 1866 do do do ......... S 2 74 HORNBY ESTATE. 1848 Report of finance committee relative to.... S 2 60 HORNELLSYILLE, TOWN OF. 1838 Report relative to taxes on non-resident lands in... A 0 361452 HORSE ARTILLERY, FIRST REGIMENT OF. Doc. Yoi. No. 1835 Report on pétition to exempt them from jury duty after serving seven years..................A 2 112 HORSE RACING. 1831 Report relative to extending the privilège of, throughout the State........................ A 4 351 1830 Report on pétition to extend the law relative to, to Cayuga county................................A 3 236 1830 Report on pétition to extend to law relative to, to Saratoga county..............................A 4 294 1838 Report on pétition to extend the law relative to, to Livingston county............................A 4 198 1845 Report on the bill to prevent, on Albany and Troy road, etc................................... S 3 88 HORSE-SHOE DAM. 1842 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to......A 7 167 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting the removal of...................................A 4 93 HORTON, ALLEN W. 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 4 31 1845 do do ........................................A 1 28 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 2 38 HORTON, GEORGE W. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A3 68 HOSCH, JOHN F. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of......... S 2 63 HOSICK AND WHITE CREEE BRIDGE COMPANY. 1833 Report on pétition to amend the charter of.....A 3 164 HOSMER, W. H. C. 1850 Report on daim of............................. A 5 89 HOSPITAL, ALBANY, see Albany. HOSPITAL, MARINE, see New York, Sandy Hook, HOSPITAL, NEW YORK, see New York. HOSPITAL, STATE, see New York. HOTCHKISS AND SMITH. 1849 Pétition of, for appointment of commissioners to examine and liquidate daims of, against agent of State prison at Sing Sing...............A 2 85 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of Abijah Fitch relative to daim of...............A 4 96453 1834 1832 1865 1860 1860 1861 1854 1875 1875 1836 1830 1844 1852 1851 1840 1841 HOTCHKISS, CALVIN. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of, for a reappraisement of cer- tain land in Lewiston..................... S 2 68 HOTCHKISS, W., & CALVIN. Report on pétition of, to authorize the Commission- ers of the Land Office to sell to them certain land in Lewiston................................ S 1 29 HOTCHKISS, WHEELER. Report on pétition of......................A 4 86 HOUCK, GEORGE. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 113 HOUCK, JACOB. Report on pétition of......................A 4 126 do do ..............................A 2 23 HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. Report on pétition of......................A 3 111 Report of ways and means committee on memorial of..........................................A 5 53 Relative to timber supply................. S 6 82 HOUNSFIELD AND BROWNSVILLE, TOWNS OF. Report concerning highways in the..........A 4 276 HOUNSFIELD, TOWN OF. Report relative to certain notes held by the over- seers of the poor of said town...........A 4 372 HOUSE, A., see M. Hart and others. HOUSE, ALANSON, see Thomas Geary and others. HOUSE, F., AND OTHERS. Report of committee on canals respecting applica- tion of, to connect a slip and basin with the Dans- ville branch of the Genesee Valley canal .A 7 164 HOUSEAUR, MICHAEL. Report on pétition for relief.............A 5 98 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, EXEMPTION OF, see Exemption. HOUSE OF REFUGE, see Juvénile Delinquents. HOWARD, DEAN S. Report of committee on daims for canal damages.. A 4 115 HOWARD, NATHANIEL S. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his mills, etc., by the construction of the Che- nango canal................................A 4 128 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 3 82454 HOWE, ELIJAH. Doc. Vol. No. 1866 Report on pétition for relief..................A 4 164 HOWE, JOSHUA. 1830 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the érection of the Minden dam...............A 2 109 HOWELL, GILBERT* 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the construction of certain feeders to the Erie canal ..................,. .................A 6 559 1841 Report of committee on daims on the same.......A 3 65 HOWELL, HEZEKIAH, see S. Barnum. HOWES, SARAH M. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 22 HOWLAND, HUMPHREY. 1842 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. A 2 17 HOYLE, HENRY (an alien). 1836 Report on pétition of, to hold real estate..A 2 100 HOYT, E. P. 1862 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 142 HOYT, JANE M. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 87 HOYT, JOHN C., see James Nichols and J. C. Hoyt. HUBBARD, ALEXANDER. 1850 Report on pétition of...................... S 2 52 HUBBARD, ELIAS. 1838 Report on pétition for a divorce............A 4 176 HUBBARD, I. H., see Suprême Court Clerks. HUBBARD, MARY. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of.......A 7 152 HUBBARD, JOSEPH. 1830 A soldier of the révolution, report on bill for the relief of the heir of.....................A 2 126 1830 Report in relation to the same..............A 1 145 1831 Report on the same......................... A 2 171 HUBBARD, WILLIAM O. 1864 Report of the committee on daims on pétition of. .. A 3 78 1866 do do ... A 5 118 1871 do do ... A 4 65455 1836 1837 1837 1836 1837 1837 1838 1839 1837 1839 1831 1838 1845 1835 1835 1830 1830 1845 1845 1845 1840 HUDSON AND BERKSHIRE RAILROAD, see Railroads. HUDSON AND DELAWARE CANAL, see Dela- ware and Hudson. HUDSON, CITY OF. Doc. Vol. No. Aqueduct company, report on pétition to increase the capital stock of the.......................A Report relative to the same.......................A Academy in, report on pétition to be relieved from a mortgage held by the State...................A City hall in, report on pétition to raise money to convert the présent jail into a ...............A City hall in, report on pétition to raise money to build a........................................A Corporation of, roport on pétition of, to borrow money to aid in the construction of the Hudson and Berkshire railroad.........................A Corporation of, report on bill to vest in, the title to certain lands under water...................A Corporation of, report on the same................A Excise law, report on pétition to amend the, for the city of........................................ A Fires by steamboats, report on pétition for the pré- vention of................................. .....A Fires in...........................................A Highways, report on pétition for a law sentencing convicts to labor on the .......................A Jail, report of committee on the militia on the bill entitled “An act to pay the guard of 100 en- listed men for protection of ”............... S Lancaster school, report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of the...................A Public square, report on pétition for a ...........A Towboat Company, report on pétition to résumé and continue their limited partnership..........A Towboat Company, report of committee on two- thirds bills on the bill relative to the........A Troops at, communication from Adjutant-General relative to.....................................A Report of committee on the militia, etc., on bill to pay......................................... A Report of Commissary-General relative to expenses of......................................... A Whaling Company, report on bill to repeal the charter of...................................... S 4 248 1 19 5 260 4 287 3 186 3 264 4 318 6 373 4 308 5 301 2 76 6 330 1 42 5 384 4 378 1 57 2 177 1 16 4 86 4 87 3 93 Banks in, see Banks, Columbia County. Inspectées' Reports, see Columbia County. Lunatic Asylum, see Samuel White.456 HUDSON ORPHAN AND RELIEF ASSOCIA- TION. Doc. yol. No. 1870 Report of......................................... S 2 30 HUDSON, RICHARD. 1848 Report on pétition of..... ........................A 5 128 HUDSON RIVER. 1850 Aqueduct across, report of committee on canals on, A 6 144 1855 Beacon lights on, statement of United States Attor- ney-general relative to......................... S 1 6 1831 Bridge across at Troy, report on pétition to con- struct...........................................A 1 29 1841 Bridge across at Troy, report on pétition for the removal of.......................................A 7 299 1841 Bridge across at Troy, report on pétition for the removal of.......................................A 7 300 1841 Bridge across, see Athol and Warrensburgh. 1830 Bridge across, report on pétition of citizens of Johns- burgh for aid to build...........................A 3 268 1837 Bridge across at Schuylerville, report on pétition for ............................................ S 1 12 1854 Bridge over, report of committee on............... S 2 97 1856 Bridge over, report of committee on roads and bridges relative to ... S 2 70 1858 Channel of, near West Troy, report in relation to .. S 2 82 1837 Dam across at Fort Edward, report on pétition for, A 3 165 1835 Ferry across, between Caldwells and Peekskill, report on pétition for...........................A 4 313 Ship canal from, see Ship Canal. 1834 State road from, to Owego and Cherry Valley, report on pétition for...............................A 4 363 1845 Steamboat Swallow, report of the select committee of the Senate appointed to investigate “the cause of the late disaster to”........................ S 3 102 1834 Surplus waters of the, report of Canal Commission- ers relative to................................. A 4 359 1831 Report on bill to provide for the survey of the mid- dle branch of .................................. A 3 248 1840 Survey of the several branches, report of the Canal Board in relation to..................... .... S 2 61 1840 Continuation of the survey of the northern branches of the, report of the Canal Board relative to.A 7 275 And see Sacandaga canal. HUDSON RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY. 1871 Report of canal committee on management of.A 11 123 Bridge across at Albany: 1835 Report on pétition for............................A 4 363 1841 Majority report (Mr. Strong)......................A 6 200 1841 Minority report (Mr. Brodhead)....................A 6 253 1845 Memorial of corporation of Troy concerning.......A 3 72457 1845 1845 1848 1852 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1830 1833 1838 1839 1840 1849 1853 1854 1855 1857 1857 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 1867 1874 HUDSON RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY —Con- tinued. Bridge Across at Albany — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of majority of committee on roads and bridges against.............................. A 6 198 Minority report in favor of......................A 6 199 Report of committee on roads and bridges on bill to authorize.....................................A 5 149 Report on....................................... A 5 114 Testimony relative to............................A 5 196 do do ...................................A 5 206 Report relative to........ ..................... S 2 56 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to, A 3 203 Testimony relative to............................A 3 203 Improvement or: Report relative to the use of the steam dredging machine for............................. ... A 4 305 Report of amount of appropriations and expendi- tures for the..................................A 4 302 Report on pétition for, above Glens* Falls, for the survey of a canal route from the head waters of, to the Champlain canal feeder..................A 5 238 Report on pétition for, of the several branches of... A 3 117 Letter from George E. Hoffman relative to........ S 1 2 Report of select committee on bill to provide for improving upper waters of......................A 5 203 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor in relation to removing obstructions of channel of........ S 1 23 Communication relative to........................ S 1 31 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on resolution relative to........................ S 1 23 Memorial of American Geological Society, relative to, SI 14 Report of standing committee on finance on pétition to improve west branch of..................... S 4 118 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to removal of obstruction from................... S 5 86 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to same.............................. A 5 77 Report of commissioners for, between Troy and New Baltimore..................................A 2 22 Report of commissioners for, between Troy and New Baltimore................................. S 3 18 Report of commissioners for, between Troy and New Baltimore.................................. A 2 26 HUDSON RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Report of commissioners for ..................... S 1 12 do do ..................... S 1 8 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to survey of, to Fort Edward..................... S 1 37 Report of commissioner for........................A 5 74 58458 HUDSON RIVER INSANE ASYLUM. Doc Vol Na 1867 Report of commissioners, to locate convicts at Auburn, annual report of............... ..........A 6 89 HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. 1865 Communication from Attorney-General in relation to Street cars run by....................... S 1 31 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1868 Annual report of managers of.................A 3 26 1869 do do .................... A 2 12 1870 do do .................... S 2 33 1871 do .................... S 4 56 1872 Annual report of managers of, for the year 1871... S 4 63 1873 Annual report of managers.................... S 3 54 1873 Testimony taken by finance committee on the finan- cial management of.......................... S 4 107 1877 Replv of managers of, to Senate resolution of March 20,1873........'............................ SI 20 1874 Report of managers................................. A 2 10 1875 Eighth annual report of.............................A 3 27 1876 Annual report of. .............................. A 3 24 Il 877 Report of managers of..............................A 3 17 HUGHES, COLLINS AND WOOLSTON. 1848 Report on pétition............................... A 5 174 HUGHES, FREEMAN. 1855 Report of committee on ways and means on pétition of................................................A 3 79 1856 Report on claim of................................ S 1 22 HUGHES, RICHARD. 1850 Report on pétition................................. S 1 18 HUGHES, RT. REV. BISHOP. 1849 Letters from, relative to interchange of donations with Roman states, etc............................A 3 117 HUGHES, VOLNEY, AND C. W. WOOLSTON. 1851 Report of committee on daims...................... A 3 47 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.................. S 1 38 HUGHSTON, JQNAS A. 1846 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. A 2 50 1847 Report on pétition of .............................A 2 52 HULBERT AND VROOMAN. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.........S 1 19 1855 Communication from Auditor respecting award to.. A 5 138 1856 Report of judiciarv committee on bill to pay. S 1 30459 HtJLBERT GURDON. Doc. Vol. No. 1856 Report on pétition of......................A 4 101 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for payment of balance of an award...A 2 69 1860 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of, for payment of balance of an award....A 2 54 HÜLBERT, HORACE, AND D. PORTER. 1834 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chemung canal.................A 4 315 HULBURT, LEYI. 1852 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 58 HTJLETT, CHAS. 1847 Report on pétition of.......................A 1 18 HULL & SHIPMAN. 1857 Report on pétition of..................... S 2 91 1857 Report on pétition of standing committee on judi- ciary................................... S 3 91 HULSE, DAVID. 1852 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 59 HULSER, DIVEN. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of... A 7 142 1867 do do ........A 8 201 HULSOVER, ANN. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of... A 7 116 HUME, TOWN OF. 1833 Bridge over the Genesee at, report on pétition for a, A 4 256 HUMPHREY, EBENEZER. 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages.. A 1 19 HUMPHRIES, ELLEN, see Laura Jones and others. HUNGERFORD, HON. O. M. 1865 Report of committee on privilèges and élections, relative to contested seat................... A 7 132 1865 Report of minority of committee on privilèges and élections, relative to contested seat..........A 9 186 HUNT, ABIJAH. 1831 Report on pétition of, for the release of the title of the State to certain lands.....................A 4 300 1831 Report of committee on daims on the same...........A 4 346 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to certain funds deposited in the court of chancery ........... S 1 33460 HUNT & DUBOIS. 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on péti- tion of........ .................... .... S 3 103 HÜNTER, THOMAS T. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 10 139 1869 do do .......A 4 63 HUNT, FITCH AND COOLEY. 1855 Memorial of.................................A 2 44 1855 Report of select committee on bill for payment of q q J 52 judgment in favor of..................... ^ (54 HÜNT, GEORGE W. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 9 104 HUNT, RUSSELL, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal........A 2 119 1862 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages by break in the Erie canal........A 8 220 HÜNT, SETH. 1854 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 90 HUNT, WARD. 1860 Communication from the Canal Appraisers in answer to a resolution relative to daim of.......A 4 166 HUNIER, J. MORRISON. 1862 Memorial of, relative to defense of New York harbor, A4 51 HUNTER’S POINT. 1857 Report relative toroad from Newtown and Flushing, S 4 110 HÜNTER, WARD. 1835 Report on pétition of, to maintain a ferry across the Hudson between Peekskill and Caldwell's Landing, A 4 313 HUNTINGTON, MATTHEW. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 65 1850 Report on canal daim of...................A 3 34 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief........ S 1 47 HUNTINGTON, TOWN OF. 1830 Report of Attorney-General on the bill to divide the, A 4 392 HUNTLEY, W., AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition to construct a tunnel under the Erie canal for the purpose of draining a certain swamp............................. .................. S 2 59 HURD, DAYIS. 1837 Report on pétition of, to be admitted to a seat as a member of Assembly in place of Reuben H. Boughton....................................A 2 61461 1863 1862 1872 1832 1832 1832 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1841 1847 1857 1858 1862 1864 1865 HURLBURT, JOHN. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of....................A 5 106 HUSTED AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of........................A 8 216 HUSTED, JAMES W. Testimony on investigation of charges against..A 7 77 HUTCHINSON, HOLMES, see Jacob Trumpbour. Report of Canal Board on memorial of, relative to a survey of the canals........................A 3 188 Report of the select committee on the same.....A 4 334 Documents accompanying.......................A 4 335 Report on pétition for compensation for services in examining the inclined planes of the Morris canal, etc................................A 2 62 Resolution offered by Mr. Bagley in relation to the memorials of Jacob Trumpbour and Holmes Hutchinson................................A 4 268 Report on pétition of, for compensation for making a survey of the canals......................A 2 140 Report of committee on canals on the same.....A 3 197 do do do .. #...A 2 61 Report on pétition of, to be repaid certain moneys advanced by him to Jacob Trumpbour..........A 2 33 Memorial of, as to report of select committee for investigating canal frauds..................A 7 218 HUTCHINSON, J. Report on pétition of...................... S 3 106 HUTCHINSON, JOHN. Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 3 119 HUXLEY, BINGHAM AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of.... ....................A 7 206 HUXLEY, JONAS B. Report on pétition of.........................A 2 20 do do ..............................A3 42 HYAT, JOHN C., see Robert Land and others. HYDE, JAMES. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 7 195 HYDE, WILKES, AND OTHERS. 1831 Report on pétition to be exempted from highway labor, HYDRAULIC CEMENT. 1840 Company at Laurensville, report on pétition to incorporate.................................A 3 94 1840 Communication from H. S. Dexter, civil engineer, relative to............................... S 4 123 1840 Report on pétition of E. C. Warner relative to his.. A 7 297462 HYDEOSTATIC SCALE, AMSDEN’S, see Canals. HYNEY, JOHN, AND OTHERS. E 1839 Report on pétition to build a dam, etc., on Fiat brook..................................A 5 289 HALL OF MILITARY RECORD. 1878 Comptroller, relative to, reply of...... A 4 50 HUDSON RIVER. 1878 Comptroller, communication from the, relative to improvement of the navigation of the...A 5 79 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1878 Managers of the, annual report of the....A 3 21 HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1879 Transactions of..........................A 7 142 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY • OF NEW YORK. 1880 Report of.............................. S 1 18 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1880 Annual report........................... S 1 9 HEBREW GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1880 Report of.............................. A 3 44 HELL GATE PILOTAGE. 1880 Memorial of Connecticut assembly concerning.A 6 80 HINES v. LIDDLE. 1880 Case of, report on.......................A 6 78 HOMŒOPATHIC INSANE ASYLUM. 1880 Report of............................... A 2 20 1880 Medical society, report of...............A 4 72 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1881 Annual report of, managers of............S 1 23 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL AT POUGH- KEEPSIE. 1881 Annual report of board of managers of... S 1 22 HEALTH, BOARD OF, see Board of Health. HELL GATE PILOT LAWS. 1881 Resolutions of New Jersey assembly concerning. .. A 3 46 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1881 Report of............................... A 2 17 HARLEM RIVER IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION. 1882 Report of.......................... S 6 71463 HEALTH OFFICE, NEW YORK. Doc. Voi. No. 1882 Report of Attorney-General relative to fees.. S 6 66 1882 Report of spécial committee of 1881, to ascertain the émoluments of Health Officer, with a view of making the quarantine department self-sustaining, S 6 92 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1882 Report of..................................... S 5 45 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM, MIDDLETOWN. 1882 Eleventh annual report of..................... S 1 10 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1882 Managers’ fifteenth annual report of.......... S 1 7 HEALTH, STATE BOARD OF. 1882 Annual report of.......................... .... A 1 9 HARVEY, C. S. 1883 Memorial of, relative to rapid transit législation.... S 3 41 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1883 Report of..................................... S 2 32 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1883 Annual report of managers.................t............ SI 10 HARVEY, CHARLES T., AND OTHERS. 1884 Report of committee on grievances relative to. S 5 59 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1884 Annual report of managers of....................... S 2 20 HARVEY, CHARLES T. 1885 Report on pétition of.............................. S 5 45 HEALTH, see State Board of Health. HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1885 Report of......................................... S 5 24 HUDSON RIVER. 1885 Report of commissioners for storing head waters of.............................................. S 5 22 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1885 Report of.......................................... S 2 19 HARVEY, CHARLES T. 1886 Memorial of....................................... S 4 62 HEALTH OFFICER. 1886 Report of, in reply to resolution of Senate. S 4 51 HORSE RAILROADS, see Comptroller; City of New York.464 HUDSON HIVER STATE HOSPITAL. doc. Vol. No. 1886 Report of.................................... S 3 25 HAMILTON’S RESOLUTION AND TAPPAN’S SUBSTITUTE. 1886 Silver coinage............................... A 6 57 HARLEM RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY. 1886 Report of.....................................A 6 70 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1886 Report of.............,...................A 5 45 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1886 Fifteenth animal report.......................A 1 15 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1887 Report of.................................... S 1 11 HEALTH OFFICER, PORT OF NEW YORK. 1887 Report of................................ . A 10 85 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1887 Report of.....................................A 7 51 HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM AT MIDDLETOWN. 1887 Report of.....................................A 4 23 HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. 1888 Report of................................ S 4 20 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN. 1888 Report of.................................... S 5 53 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1888 Report of.................................... S 4 25 IDIOTS. 1846 Report on that portion of the census relating to . .. S 1 23 IDIOT ASYLUM, STATE. 1847 Report on bill for........................... S 2 44 1852 Report of trustées of.................... Si 30 1853 Report of committee on State charitable institutions in favor of an appropriation for............A 2 68 1853 Report of the committee on State charitable institu- tions in favor of an appropriation for......A 3 68 1854 Annual report of..............................A 2 54 1855 do do .............................. ... A 2 33 1855 Report of committee on State charitable institutions on completion of buildings for............. A 2 36 1856 Report of the trustées of... ................ A 3 99 1857 Sixth annual report of the trustées of. . .. .A 2 90465 IDIOT ASYLUM, STATE — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1858 Annual report of.............................A 1 33 1859 do A 3 115 1860 do A 2 41 1861 do A 2 30 1862 do .............................. * A 5 106 1863 do A 7 212 1864 do A 8 194 1865 do A 3 54 1866 do A 4 79 1867 do S 1 14 1868 do A 8 68 1869 do S 3 14 1870 do A 2 26 1871 do A 2 16 1872 Annual report of New York Asylum for Idiots..A 2 15 1874 Eeport of trustées of..........................A 2 13 1875 Eeport of the New York State Asylum for Idiots. ..A3 22 1876 Eeport of the New York Asylum for Idiots.......A 3 22 1877 For idiots, report of the trustées for the.....A 3 16 IDLEY, ELIZABETH. 1832 Eeport on bill vesting the title to certain lands in, Al 57 ILION VILLAGE. 1866 Eeport of minority of committee on villages on amending charter of.........................A 3 112 ILLEGAL VOTING. 1858 Eeport of majority on act to prevent...........A 4 109 ILLINOIS, STATE OF. 1833 Eesolution of the Législature of, relative to the reorganization of the militia...............A 1 34 1861 Eesolutions from.............................. S 2 47 IMPEACHMENT. 1853 See State officers, report of judiciary committee rela- tive to power of.....................................A 5 123 IMPLEMENTS, EXEMPTION OF, see Exemption. IMPEISONMENT FOE DEBT. 1830 Eesolution offered by Mr. Stillwell, to amend the law in relation to..........................A 2 132 1830 Abolishment of, report of a select committee in relation to ................................A 4 409 1830 Abolishment of, in certain cases, report on pétition of Elihu Clark and others, to amend the law for the..................................................A 4 425 1830 Exemption of officers and soldiers of the révolution from, report on the subject.................A 4 388 1831 Abolishment of, report on pétition for the (Mr. Stillwell)................................. A 2 190 591831 1833 1834 1835 1836 1859 1853 1861 1840 1842 1838 1839 1840 1841 1832 1833 1839 1841 1841 466 IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Abolishment of, report on pétition for the (Mr. Stillwell) .............................A 4 284 Abolishment of, report on pétition to repeal the law (Mr. Herttell)..........................A 3 216 Abolishment of, report on pétition to repeal the law (Mr. Grinnell)..........................A 3 222 Abolishment of, report on pétition to repeal the law (Mr. Wilkinson) ... ....................A 3 183 Abolishment of, report on pétition to repeal the law (Mr. Eno)............................... A 3 119 IMPRISONMENT OF JEWISH CHILD. Report of select committee, relative to the Jewish child Mortara, imprisoned in the Papal dominions, Al 17 INCORPORATIONS, see Corporations. INDEPENDENCE, AMERICAN, see American Independence. INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings of a convention on the subject of erecting a monument in.......................A 4 89 Report relative to monument in. ............... S 2 57 INDEPENDENT TREASURY, STATE. Report on pétition for (Mr. Roosevelt)......... A 2 58 Memorial for adopting..........................A 5 86 INDEPENDENT TREASURY SYSTEM. Report and resolution offered by Mr. Holly in rela- tion to the....................................A 3 95 Resolution of the Législature of North Carolina protesting against...........................A 4 202 Resolution offered by Mr. King protesting against, Al 27 Resolution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, for the repeal of......................A 5 158 INDIANA, STATE OF. Resolution of the Législature of, relative to revolu- tionary pensioners and militia..........,,., A 3 183 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina.......................A 2 116 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to slavery, A 5 282 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the northeastern boundary........................A 7 308 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the re-eligibility of the President..............A 3 78 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to holding élections for electors of President and Vice- President on the same day, throughout the United States.........................................A 4 120467 1841 1852 1861 1834 1838 1842 1842 1850 1846 1850 1845 1846 1854 1846 1845 1847 1847 1847 1854 1857 1855 1842 1859 1859 1864 1864 1875 INDIANA, STATE OF — Continuée!. Doc.Voi. No. Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands................................... A 5 168 Resolution of the Législature of, respecting the slave trade.................................... S 2 91 Resolutions from.................................. S 2 47 INDIAN AGENT. John Sergeant, report on pétition of, for compensa- tion for services as...............................A 3 182 John Sergeant, report on pétition of, for compensa- tion for services as...............................A 4 162 INDIANS. Affairs of, report on so much of Governor’s message as relates to.................................. S Affairs of, report of committee on, on so much of the Governor’s message as relates to that subject.... S Affairs of, report from Commissioners of Land Office, A Affairs of, on Allegany and Cattaraugus réserva- tions, Governor’s message relative to............. S Boarding-schools, report of select committee on. .. A Census, report of committee on Indian affairs, on resolution of Senate relative to............... S Census of, Schoolcraft’s report relative to....... S Claims, majority and minority report relative to cer- tain .............................................A Collins, Mr., resolution offered by relative to...A Lands purchased by Wm. Smith, Jr., report of Sec- retary of State relative to....................A Lands, report as to intruders on..................A Lands in Broome and Chenango counties, report on pétition of Indians relative to................A Lands, report of Jacob Powless and others relative to, at Wood creek............................ A Lands, report of committee on, on claims to certain, A Lands, report of Comptroller in reply to resolution relative to sales of...........................A Schools and asylums on réservations, report of com- mittee on Indian affairs, on pétitions for........A Tribes of, report of committee on Indian affairs, relative to certain............................ S Report of committee on Indian affairs, relative to a bridge across the Allegany river ................A Report of committee on Indian affairs, relative to a bridge across the Cattaraugus creek .............A Report of committee on Indian affairs, relative to unpaid taxes on réservations.................... S Report of committee on Indian affairs, as to general matters before them .............................A Concurrent resolution relative to.................. A 4 95 5 95 5 130 2 57 5 136 2 84 1 24 3 106 3 63 6 212 7 207 7 215 7 216 2 49 1 12 2 43 4 92 3 108 3 118 4 67 7 153 3 30468 1830 1835 1841 1848 1849 1849 1850 1851 1853 1853 1853 1853 1842 1847 1842 1834 1841 1841 1830 1848 1852 1857 1865 INDIANS — Continuée!. Brothertown: Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of inhabitants of the towns of Marshall and Kirkland, relative to the survey of lands set apart for the......................A 4 367 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the, A 4 301 Caughnawagas : Report of Comptroller in relation to their annuity.. A 2 29 Cayugas Report as to treaties with......................A 3 61 Report on pétition of Peter Wilson, chief of.... S 2 64 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to distri- bution of annuities of.......................... A 3 165 Memorial of Peter Wilson, chief of..............A 7 164 Pétition of, in relation to annuities...........A 3 83 Report of committee on Indian affaire, on pétition to pay an annuity to............................A 2 26 Memorial of Peter Wilson, chief of................. S 2 56 Report of committee on Indian affaire, on pétition of Peter Wilson, chief of.................... S 3 81 Report of committee on Indian affaire, on pétition of Peter Wilson for adjustment of daims of........ S 4 81 Iroquois, or Six Nations: Pétition of.......................................A 1 2 Report of committee on Indian affaire, relative to .. S 2 70 Mohawks: Report of select committee on pétition of the Stock- bridge Indians and part of the branch of Mohawks......................................... A 3 79 OCHQUAGAS : Report on the claim of the, to certain lands.... S 2 126 Oneidas : Report of Commissioners of the Land Office re- specting their proceedings and the act relating to the............................................ S 1 14 Attorney for the, communication from Nathan Bur- chard concerning his salary....................A 4 139 Annuities of the, report on pétition of Martin Denny in relation to the.............................A 4 432 Report of Attorney-General in relation to............ S 2 35 Report on daims of purchasers of lands from.....A 2 61 Report of committee on public lands favorable on pétition of purchasers of certain land from..A 3 211 Report on the pétition of Daniel Bread and others, in behalf of...................................A 9 198469 1866 1874 1873 1873 1873 1873 1874 1830 1831 1833 1834 1834 1834 1835 1838 1832 1849 1835 1834 1835 1838 1838 INDIANS — Continuée!. Oneida: Doc. Yol. No. Reply of Commissioners of the Land Office in answer to a resolution relative to. .. ....... S 2 90 Report of committee to examine daims of... ,......S 4 79 Oneida Indians: Communication from the Commissioners of Land Office, relative to lands released to State by.A 4 44 Relative to treaty of 1795 with...................A 4 59 Reply of Commissioners of the Land Office to reso- lution of Assembly relative to................... A 5 66 Adverse report of committee on Indian affaire rela- tive to treaties with.............................A 6 101 Oneida, Nation of Indians: Report of spécial committee on daims of............ S 4 79 Oneida, First Christian Party of: Report on pétition of Baptist Paulus and others, chief of the, relative to the sale of their lands to the State........................................A 4 296 Comptroller’s report of items constituting the pay- ment of moneys for the lands of the.............A 4 339 Residing at Green Bay, report on pétition of the chiefs of the, for an investigation of their accounts with the State...................................A 4 315 Report on pétition of John Denny for his portion of the money due the.............................. S 1 37 Report of committee on Indian affairs on the same, S 2 51 Report on pétition of the remnant of the, desirous to remain in the State ......................... S 2 79 Report on pétition of the, for additional compensa- tion for their lands...............................A 3 260 Residing at Duck Creek, Wisconsin, report on péti- tion of the chiefs of the, relative to their annuities....................................... S 2 51 Report on pétition of Peter Augustine to sell real estate ... ......................................A 2 150 Report on pétition of chiefs, etc., of............. S 2 46 Oneidas, Orchard Party, of: Report on pétition for compensation for improve- ments on their lands............................ S 2 88 Report of committee on Indian affairs on the same, S 2 98 Report on pétition of W. Page in relation to a con- tract between him and the. .. ................ S 2 29 Residing at Green Bay, majority report on pétition of Henry Jourdon, in behalf of the, for additional compensation for their lands.....................A 5 287 Minority report on the same....................... A 5 289470 1838 1849 1841 1835 1847 1874 1833 1835 1838 1841 1842 1843 1850 1851 1853 1853 1855 1856 1856 1870 1834 1836 1836 1841 1843 1855 1845 INDIANS — Continued. Oneidas, Orcetard Part y of — Continued: doc yol( Report of committee on Indian affaire on the same, A 6 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to lands ceded to State by . ...,....................A 3 Onondagas : Annuities, report of Commissioners of the Land Office relative to their......,.............. S 2 Lands, road through the, report on pétition for a grant from the State of $2,000 to improve....A 3 Remonstrance of chiefs of........................A 4 Report relative to self-government of........... S 4 St. Régis: Report on pétition of the, to amend the law to pre- vent trespasses on their lands.. ............. A 4 Report of Comptroller on pétition of the, relative to the payment of their annuities..............A 4 Report of W. Quaw, to lease certain lands of the .. A 5 Lands of the, report of Surveyor-General on péti- tion relative to the.............................A 4 Communication to the Governor....................A 1 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the pétition of the trustées of, in relation to cer- tain lands in the river St. Lawrence............ A 5 Communication from Secretary of State relative to, A 3 Communication from the Commissioners of the Land Office relative to........................A 2 Report of committee in relation to compensation for certain islands in the St. Lawrence river.A 2 Report on pétition of............................A 1 Memorial relative to............................ S 2 Report on pétition of........................... A 3 do A 3 Report of Assembly committee relative to annui- ties of..........................................A 11 Senecas: Report on pétition to prevent the sale of ardent spirits to.....................................A 4 Report on bill for the extinguishment of the claim of ............................................A 2 Report on pétition of Governor Blackmake, and other chiefs of, to confirm certain contracts.A 3 Treaty with the United States, report on a resolu- tion of the Assembly relative to.................A 4 Report of committee on Indian affairs relative to .. S 3 Report of committee on Indian * affairs on bill from Assembly in relation to....................... S 3 Remonstrance from R. L. Tillotson against the last mentioned bill.................................. S 3 No, 350 103 63 222 124 88 281 318 280 131 2 136 27 32 39 27 43 34 34 202 365 82 168 88 84 93 94471 INDIANS — Continned. Senecas — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Remonstrance of Governor Jennison and others against the same............................ S 3 104 1836 Message from Governor transmitting memorial of.. A 5 197 1849 Communication from Governor transmitting certain proceedings of...... ..........................A 3 108 1849 Report of minority of committee on Indian affaire on.............................................A 3 189 1849 Report of majority of committee on Indian affaire on........................................... A 3 190 1849 Letter from Secretary of War relative to payment of annuities of................................. A 5 205 1850 Message from Governor transmitting letter from clerk of..................................... S 1 21 1850 Governor’s message and papers.................... S 2 59 1850 Report of committee on Indian affaire on memorial of........................................... S 3 108 1850 Report on memorial of warriors of................ S 5 108 1857 Report of committee on judiciary on memorial of, for relief............................... ... S 1 23 1857 Report on memorial for relief.................... SI 28 1857 Communication from Governor relative to sale of lands belonging to...........................Al 17 1865 Report of committee relative to troubles among arising from question of government..........A 3 63 1865 Report relative to genuineness of signature of Saul Logan and other Senecas......................A 2 12 Seneca and Onondagas : 1868 Remonstrance against authorizing allotment of lands of................................... S 3 24 Six Nations, see Iroquois. Stockbridge: 1834 Report on pétition for the payment of the principal sum due the....................................A 4 343 1838 Report on pétition relative to the annuities due the, A 3 173 1846 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on pétition of...................................A 5 158 1848 Pétition for relief...............................A 3 81 1848 Report as to lands sold by, to the State..A 2 53 1853 Report of select committee on pétitions of, and a branch of the Mohawks... ..................A 3 79 1855 Report of committee on Indian affairs on bill for relief of..................................... S 2 66 1855 Report of majority and minority of committee on same subject.......*..........................A 4 103 1856 Minority report on pétition of.................. A 5 205 1857 Report of committee on Indian affairs on pétition and papers of..................................A 1 46472 INDIANS — Continuée!. Stockbridge— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1857 Report of committee on Indian affaira on pétition of Stockbridge Indians, for distribution of their funds..................................... S 2 72 1866 Communication from Commissioners of Land Office relative to................................. S 1 30 Tuscaroras : 1850 Memorial of chiefs of.......................... S 2 65 INDIAN RESERVATION. 1873 Report of majority of commissioners to investigate subject of illégal taxation on.............. S 3 59 1874 Minority report on............................. S 3 60 INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS. 1844 Report of judiciary committee on pétition for pro- tection of...........................................A 6 162 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, LONDON. 1850 Correspondence in regard to................... A 8 177 1854 Spécial message relative to.................... S 2 88 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 1873 Concurrent resolution relative to.............. S 3 47 1874 Relative to.................................. A 10 151 INEBRIATE ASYLUM, STATE. 1856 Memorial of residents of Geneva, for an.........A 3 55 1856 Report on pétition for an.......................A 4 135 1857 Report of directors of......................... S 1 33 1857 Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges favorable to the establishment of a “ home for inebriates ”............................ A 2 78 1858 Memorial of trustées of........................ S 2 58 1859 Memorial of the secretary of....................A 1 16 1864 Report of trustées of.......................... S 3 48 1865 do do ................................ S 3 64 1866 Annual report of............................... S 2 98 1867 Communication from, in answer to resolution.....A 2 26 1867 Statement of trustées as to number of patients under treatment.................................. S 1 19 1868 Annual report of................................A 2 16 1868 Affidavits relative to management of............A 12 153 1868 Report as to amount of money received from excise fund..... ................................ A 8 59 1868 Treasurer’s report in answer to a resolution of the Assembly.................................... A 8 53 1870 Annual report of.............................. S 2 43 1871 Report of committee of Commissioners of Land Office as to management of.................. S 4 71473 INEBRIATE ASYLUM. Doc. Vol. No. 1874 Animal report of inspectors of............. S 1 6 1876 New York State Inebriate Asylum............. S 2 20 INEBRIATE ASYLUM, KINGS COUNTY. 1872 Annnal report of............................ S 2 23 1873 do S 2 27 1874 do A 2 41 1875 do S 2 35 1876 do S 2 30 1877 do A 3 36 INFANTRY, THIRD DIVISION. 1848 Report of Comptroller relative to the judge-advo- cate of................................... S 1 28 INFANT SCHOOLS. 1832 Report on pétition for a general law to incorporate, A 4 327 INGALLS, AARON. 1863 Report on pétition of...................... A 2 39 INGERSOLL, FREDERICK W. 1848 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 2 51 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 161 INGLIS, WILLIAM. 1840 Report on pétition of John A. Barry for the impeach- ment of...................................A 8 348 INGRAHAM, J. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 6 218 INGRAHAM, JONAS. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 47 1848 Report relating to......................... S 1 13 1850 Charge against Canal Commissioner Hinds.....A 5 84 1860 Communication from Canal Commissioners relative to claim of..................................A 2 66 INGRAHAM, JONAS, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 1 11 1843 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of. S 1 19 INGRAHAM, SILAS, AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of the Canal Commissioners on pétition ôf.. S 2 74 INGRAIN CARPETING. 1844 Report of Attorney-General in reply to a résolution of the Assembly of February 10, relative to the manufacture of....................................A 3 75 INS ANE ASYLUM, see Lunatic Asylum. 60474 ÎNSANË ASYLUM, EIGHTH JÜDICIAL DISTRICT. Doc. y0i. No. 1870 Report of commissioners to locate............ S 1 8 INSECTS, NOXIOUS, BENEFICIAI Etc., see Entomologj. INSANE CONYICTS. 1862 Annual report of asylum for................ S 5 76 1863 do S 2 42 1864 do A 8 196 1865 do S 3 59 1866 do A 5 106 1867 do A 6 89 INSANE POOR. 1865 Report of Dr. Willard upon condition of ....A 2 19 INSOLYENT NOTICES IN NEW YORK. 1830 Report relative to the publication of, in one news- paper.................................... A 1 17 INSPECTION LAWS. 1841 Memorial of New York Chamber of Commerce, relative to the.......................... S 3 78 1843 Memorial of Peter Esquirol and others against any alteration in.............................A 3 69 1843 Report of select committee relative to..... A 5 142 INSPECTOR-GENERAL. 1866 Annual report of ...................... A 3 45 1867 do ............................A 3 50 1868 do ............................A 8 72 INSPECTORS. 1845 Report of committee on manufactures on bill con- cerning................................. S 2 69 INSPECTORS OF COMMON SCHOOLS, see Com- mon Schools. INSPECTORS OF PROVISION, MERCHANDISE, Etc, 1834 Report of committee appointed to examine the reports of...................................... A 3 162 1834 Report relative to the same........................A 4 297 1837 Report of Secretary of State giving a list of.....A 3 226 1841 Abstracts of returns of, report of Secretary of State transmitting.....................................A 7 259 1842 Abstracts of returns from...........................A 7 139 1843 Abstracts of the returns of, for 1842, transmitted by the Secretary of State...........................A 5 131 1844 Report of, by Secretary of State.................. S 2 81 1845 Abstracts of returns of, for 1844................ S 2 56 1846 Abstracts of returns of, for 1845............... S 3 82475 INSPECTOR-GENERAL. boc. Vol. No. 1852 Annual report of.......4... 4.4 4.............A 1 8 1853 do A 2 19 1854 do A 2 55 1855 do A 1 16 1856 do A 3 63 1857 do ..........................:....A 2 140 1858 Annual report of................................A 3 56 1862 do A 2 13 1863 do A 2 47 1864 do S 3 28 1864 Communication from, relative to arma and equipments................................... S 3 33 1864 Communication from, relative to bounties to volun- teers........................................ S 4 67 INSTITUTES, see Academies, etc. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1830 Amount of taxes paid by, on their capital stock in the years 1826 and 1827.......................A l 32 1834 Report of unclaimed dividende in................A 1 42 1834 do do A 2 103 1834 do do A 3 207 1845 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies relative to... ....................... S 3 97 1848 Report of committee on, in relation to Governor’s message relating to.......................... S 1 27 1848 Report of Comptroller on.........«............. S 2 41 1850 Report of committee on......................... S 1 25 1850 Report of majority on.......................... S 2 53 1850 Report of minority on. ....................... S 2 54 1854 Communication from Secretary of State relative to, SI 23 1854 Communication from Comptroller relative to.... S 1 19 1855 Report of committee on report of, by Comptroller, in relation to.............................. A 4 93 1855 Report of Comptroller in reference to condition of, A 4 115 Fire: 1854 Communication from Comptroller relative to....A 3 95 1856 Annual report of Comptroller on.................A 5 208 1857 Annual report of Comptroller relative to condition of, doing business in tins State..............A 2 135 1858 Report of Comptroller relative to.............. A 4' 100 1859 do do A 2 62 Foreign : 1837 Report on bill to reduce the taxes on...........A 3 177 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the Law of 1837 rela- tive to............................................... A 6 380 1841 Report of Comptroller of returns made to him by the agents of, etc............................A 5 177 1841 Report on pétition for a further tax on.........A 6 221476 INSURANCE COMPANIES — Continued. Foreign — Continued : D0C# y0i. 1845 Report of minority of committee on banks, etc., relative to......................................A 4 105 1847 Report relative to taxing ........................ A 8 251 1849 Report of moneys paid by agents of............. S 2 36 Life: 1852 Report on pétitions and memorials in reference to business of......................................A 5 111 1853 Pétition of Edmund Blunt relative to...............A 5 121 1857 Report of Secretary of State concernin g.......... S 4 166 1858 Report of Comptroller on condition of, in this State, S 3 131 1877 Replies of, in response to resolution of tke Senate.. S 2 34 1877 Testimony relative to............................A 8 93 1877 Additional, relative to............................A 8 103 Mutual: 1836 Report on pétition for a general law for.......... S 1 25 New York and Brooklyn: 1839 Report on pétition of receivers of certain, for further time to close up their affaire...................A 3 99 1841 Report on memorial of the, for a further tax on foreign insurance companies......................A 6 221 1845 Report of committee on banks, etc., on memorial of, A3 80 1857 Report of commissioners on........................ S 4 172 Ætna Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to resolution.................A 4 124 American Life Insurance and Trust Company: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate................A 3 209 1834 do do .................Al 40 Assurance: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate the............A 2 133 Bowery Fire: 1845 Report of the, in answer to a resolution ........A 4 82 Brooklyn Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution.............A 4 142 Buffalo Fire and Marine: 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate................ S 2 161 Chaütauqua Company, Mutual: 1854 Report of committee on pétition of................ S 1 20 City Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 115477 INSURANCE COMPANIES — Continuée!. Columbia Life Insurance and Trust Company: Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition to incorporate........ ..........A 1 40 CONTRIBUTIONSHIP : 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 98 Eagle: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly................. .........................A 4 120 East River Mutual: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assem- bly ................................................... A 4 123 Farmers* Fire Insurance and Loan Company: 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter of....A 1 40 1836 Report of Attorney-General on bill to alter the name of, etc..........................A 4 311 Farmers* Fire Mutual, Utica: 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate ............... S 1 41 Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 127 Firemen’s: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution ofthe Assembly, A 4 111 Fulton : 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate................A 2 39 Good Hope: 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate................A 1 32 Greenwich : 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 106 Guardian : 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 119 1845 Second report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly.......................................A 4 128 Howard : 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 112 Income: 1858 Report on bill to incorporate the..................A 3 84 Jefferson: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 100478 INSURANCE COMPANIES —Continued. Long Island: doc. To1> No< 1845 Report of.......................................A 4 144 Manhattan Fire: 1845 Report of......................................A 4 116 Merchant’s Fire: 1845 Report of...................................... A 4 143 Mutual Safety: 1849 Answer of...................................... S 1 25 National Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 137 Naütilus: 1849 Report of committee on banks and insurance com- panies on the subject of.................... S 2 53 New York Life Insurance and Trust Company: 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate.............. A 2 84 1831 Report of the bank committee on a resolution of the Assembly relative to the.................A 4 321 1832 Communication from the chancellor relative to the, S 2 112 1833 Report of a select committee on a bill to restrain the powers of the............................A 4 285 1834 Names of agents and stockholders of the.........A 4 279 1834 Memorial of persons having, as trustées or agents, placed within the, various sums of money, etc., against an alteration of the charter of said com- pany......................................... S 2 66 1834 Memorial of the trustée of, against proposed altera- tion in their charter................................ S 2 67 1834 Communication from the chancellor relative to the, S 2 59 1835 do do do ..A 4 284 1836 do do do ..A3 143 1837 do do do ..A 3 257 1838 do do do .. A 6 353 1839 do do do .. S 3 70 1840 do do do .. A 8 253 1843 do do do .. A 2 37 1843 Annual report of, to the chancellor............A 3 53 North American Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 138 1846 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of... S 1 21 North River: 1845 Report of..........................................A 4 108 Océan: 1839 Report on pétition to amend the charter of A 3 104479 INSURANCE COMPANIES —Continued. Protection Eire: D0C. y0i. No. 1832 Memorial for a dissolution of said company......A 3 264 Saratoga Mutual: 1840 Report on pétition to amend the charter of.....A 6 265 Trust Fire : 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 4 114 United States Fire: 1845 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A4 89 1.845 Report of, relative to premiums and taxes........A 4 89 Washington : 1838 Report on pétition of receiver of, to extend the time for making a final dividend of the assets of said company ...............................................A 2 44 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1856 Act to regulate business of insurance.......... S 1 38 1857 Report of committee on insurance companies on bill relative to............................. S 3 94 1860 Annual report of Superintendent of...............A 3 90 1861 do do ..............A4 80 1862 do do ..............A4 75 1863 do do ..............A4 50 1864 do do ..............À 5 84 1855 do do ......... .... A 5 99 1866 Annual report of............... ...............A 10 200 1866 Communication from Superintendent of, relative to fees and perquisites received by him..........A 7 187 1867 Annual report of.................................A 5 85 1868 do ...............................A 7 50 1869 do ...............................A 5 70 1870 do A 10 180 1871 do A 7 85 1872 do A 13 192 1872 Reply of Superintendent of, to resolutions of Senate dated January 18th and 22d, 1872 ............ S 2 33 1873 Resolution relative to report of................ S 9 29 1874 Report of Superintendent of.....................A3 44 1875 Annual report of.................................A 4 44 1876 do A 5 49 1877 do A 4 39 1877 Communication from Superintendent of............. S 2 25 INSURANCE LAW, GENERAL. 1852 Report on the act to amend the, of 1849 .........A 5 99480 1872 1874 1877 1877 1877 1870 1831 1832 1833 1833 1851 1863 1836 1850 1850 1859 1859 1859 1862 1832 1832 1833 1834 INSURANCE INVESTIGATION. Doc. Voi. No. Minority report of committee on................A 10 160 Report of Senate committee on investigation of Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company...........S 4 81 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Replies of, to resolution of the Assembly......A 5 42 Testimony relative to life.....................A 8 93 Additional, relative to life...................A 8 103 INTEMPERANCE. Memorial and pétition of Henry W. Taylor for pas- sage of a law to suppress....:.............A 3 INTEREST, RATE OF, see Usury. Report of committee on finance on bill to reduce the, S 1 do do do S 2 do do do S 2 Remonstrance of citizens of Albany against the bill to return the............................ S 2 Report of select committee on the laws regulating, A 3 INTEREST, PAYMENT OF. On certain canal drafts and final accounts Reports relative to, in coin A 65 78 109 106 76 86 178 13 34 82 91 INTERMURAL INTERMENTS. Report of committee on cities and villages in rela- tion to....................................... S 3 81 INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Report of committee on........................ S 1 19 Report of committee on, relative to prohibitory liquor law.................................. A 3 140 Report relative to relief of certain towns in Clinton and Essex counties............................A 3 49 Report relative to removal of county site of Allegany county........................................A 3 150 Report on New York health bill.................. S 6 112 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Aid to works of, bv the United States, resolution of the Législature of Maine relative to..........A 1 3 Aid to works of, by the United States, resolution of the Législature of Tennessee relative to......A 3 183 Aid to works of, by the United States, resolution of the Législature of Georgia relative to........A 2 39 Aid to works of, communication from the executive of Georgia relative to a resolution of the Législa- ture in relation to..............................A 1 11481 INTERNAL IMPROYEMENTS OF THIS STATE. Doc. y0i. No. 1831 Reports on the subjects of (N. P. Tallmadge).... S 1 32 1833 do do (S. M. Stillwell).............A 4 268 1834 do do (Mr. Hubbard)............... S 2 55 1840 do do (Mr. Lay)....................A 7 227 1838 do do (Mr. Ruggles)................A 5 242 1841 Report of committee on railroads on the bill to pro- vide means for the construction of works of...A 7 289 1843 Report of the Comptroller in answer to a resolution of the Assembly respecting the amount of appro- priations for, and amount of stocks issued, etc... A 3 65 1846 Report of committee on ways and means on prosecu- tion of.............................................A 5 187 INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE COMPANY. 1857 Report on bill to incorporate........................ S 3 99 1857 Report of committee on roads and bridges on bill to incorporate....................................... S 4 124 1857 Testimony relative to.................................A 3 200 1866 Report of minority of Assembly committee on roads and bridges upon Senate bill to amend charter of, A 7 193 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES. 1845 Communication from A. Yattemare relative to ..... A 5 185 1847 Report of trustées of State library relative to. S 4 129 1847 Report relative to....................................A 7 226 1847 Communication from Governor relative to...............A 8 244 1849 Message from Governor transmitting a report on, by Mons. Alexander Vattemare........................A 5 201 1849 Communication from same respecting....................A 5 208 1850 Second annual report of A. Yattemare..................A 5 127 1850 Letter of same relative to donations from France... A 8 192 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 1875 Communication from the Director-General of...... S 2 38 INTOXICATING LIQUORS, see Excise Law. 1848 Remonstrance against legalizing sale of...............A 5 169 1849 Report of select committee on pétition for a law prohibiting the sale of.............................A 5 230 1849 Report on pétition for a law prohibiting sale of.... A 5 220 1850 Report of select committee on pétition for a law prohibiting sale of.................................A 5 121 1852 Report on pétition to prohibit the traffic in........ S 1 26 1852 Report relative to the adoption of stringent meas- ures for the suppression of intemperate use of... . A 2 88 1853 Report of minority on pétition for a law prohibiting the sale of, as a beverage..........................A 3 GG 1854 Reports of majority and minority of select committee on message relative to intempérance...........Al 20 1854 Reports of majority and minority of select com- , ^2 mittee on Senate bill for the suppression of, A 3 -J intempérance............................. . . ' 61482 INTOXICATING LIQUORS — Continued. r 1854 Report of committee of conférence on Senate bill for the suppression of intempérance.........A 4 126 1854 Report of select committee on.................. S 1 37 1855 Reports of majority and minority of select committee on intempérance, accompanied by bill to suppress, Al 13 1856 Reports of majority and minority committee relative to the repeal of the act on intempérance, pauper- ism and crime.............................A 4 137 1857 Report of select committee on memorial in relation to bill to regulate sale of................ S 4 138 1857 Answer of ' Attorney-General to resolution inquir- ing what statutes are in force regulating the sale^ of..................................................A 1 39 1859 Report of minority of committee in regard to the régulation and sale of................... S 2 93 1860 Report of majority of committee on pétitions for an amendment of the Constitution relative to. S 1 81 1861 Report of majority of committee on pétitions for an amendment of the Constitution relative to.A 5 92 INVESTIGATION OF THE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT. 1876 Of the city and county of New York...... .... S 7 79 INVOLÜNTARY SERVITUDE. 1861 Report relative to........................... A 2 43 1862 do ............................A 8 237 IRISH EMIGRANT SOCIETY, see New York. IRON, see State Prison, Clinton. IRON ORE. 1866 Resolutions of Canal Board on réduction of canal tolls on............................... S 2 80 IROQUOIS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1862 Report of secretafy of.................... S 5 97 IRVIN, RICHARD. 1840 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain lands escheated to the State........... S 2 54 IRVING AND WEED. 1871 Report of spécial committee to investigate conduct of Messrs .. ............................A 11 116 IRVING, WASHINGTON. 1833 Life of Columbus, report relative to the introduc- tion of, into the common schools.................A 4 333 IRWIN, WILLIAM M., AND ASA A. LYMAN. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of...A 4 88483 ITHACA AND OWEGO RAILROAD, see Rail- roads. ITHACA INLET, see Cayuga Inlet. ITHACA, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition to increase the number of con- stables in ....................................A 4 340 IYANS, AUGUSTUS H. 1855 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on contested seat of.......... ..............A 2 46 IYES, JOHN B. (a canal contractor). 1839 Report on pétition for extra allowance.....A 3 95 1839 Report of Canal Board on the same..........A 6 352 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...... A 3 85 1845 Report on pétition of......................A 3 119 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1878 Communication from the Governor transmitting charges against the Superintendent of the. S 26 INSANE ASYLUM, AT MIDDLETOWN, STATE HOMŒOPATHIC. 1878 Annual report of...........................A 2 8 INEBRIATES, HOME FOR KINGS COUNTY. 1878 Annual report of.......................... A 4 46 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTEND- ENT OF THE. 1878 Annual report of...........................A 4 53 1878 Comptroller’s reply, relative to...........A 5 63 INTERNAL COMMERCE OF THE COUNTRY. 1878 Resolution relative to....N.................A 7 129 INEBRIATES’ HOME, KINGS COUNTY. 1879 Report of................................. S 1 24 INSTITUTION FOR IMPROYED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1879 Report of..................................A 2 26 INEBRIATES’ HOME OF KINGS COUNTY. 1880 Annual report of president................ S 1 23 INFANT ASYLUM OF NEW YORK. 1880 Report of................................. S 1 17 JNSURANCE COMPANIES, see Superintendent of Insurance Department.484 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, see Superintendent of Insurance Department. IDIOTS, ASYLUM FOR. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Report of................................A 2 26 INSANE, HOMŒOPATH1C ASYLUM FOR. 1880 Report of................................A 2 20 INSTITUTION FOR THE IMPROVED INSTRUC- TION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1880 Report of................................A 2 23 INSTRUCTION, PUBLIC, SUPERINTENDENT. OF. 1880 Report of................................A 2 11 INSURANCE. 1880 Committee on, communication from.........A 8 134 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1880 Communication from, relative to Universal Life In- surance Company...............................A 8 113 1880 Report of................................A 4 63 1880 Superintendent of, communication from....A 8 127 IDIOTS, INSTITUTIONS FOR, see name of Institu- tion. INEBRIATES’ HOME. 1881 Report of................................A 3 37 INSANE ASYLUMS, REPORTS OF, see Reports. INSTRUCTION, SUPERINTENDENT OF, see Superintendent. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, SUPERINTEND- ENT OF, see Superintendent. IDIOTS, NEW YORK ASYLUM. 1882 Annual report of............................. S 3 23 INEBRIATES’ HOME, KINGS COUNTY. 1882 Report of.................................... S 5 51 INFANT ASYLUM, NEW YORK. 1882 Report of.................................... S 5 46 INSANE ASYLUMS. 1882 Report of select committee appointed by Senate, 1880 and 1881, to investigate condition of. S 6 68 1882 Buffalo asylum, report....................... S 1 11 1882 National Association, for protection and prévention of insanity, communication from council.... S 6 90485 INSECTS, INJURIOUS AND OTHER. Doc. Yoi. No. 1882 Annual report by State Entomologist......... S 6 93 INSURANCE COMPANIES AND SAVINGS BANKS. 1882 Report of Attorney-General relative to members of, in process of liquidation................. S 6 89 1882 Department, report in response to resolution of Senate, January 30, relative to examinations. S 5 62 INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSOLYENT. 1882 Receivers of, report of insurance committee on.... A 5 121 INDIANS, see Onondaga Indians. INSANE, see Buffalo; Hudson River; Utica. INSURANCE. 1883 Report of committee on receiverships. S 3 38, 41 INVESTIGATION, see Receivership. INEBRIATE HOME FOR KINGS COUNTY. 1853 Annual report of.......................... A 3 44 INSTITUTION FOR THE IMPROYED INSTRUC- TION OF DEAF-MUTES, NEW YORK. 1883 Annual report of.......................... A 2 26 INSURANCE. 1883 Report of committee on.....................A 7 166 INEBRIATES* HOME FOR KINGS COUNTY. 1884 Report of..................................A 5 51 INSTITUTION FOR IMPROYED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1884 Report of................................ A 2 22 INEBRIATES* HOME. 1886 Annual report of...........................A 6 53 INSTITUTION FOR IMPROYED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES, NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Report of.. ...............................A 2 21 INEBRIATE HOME FOR KINGS COUNTY. 1887 Annual report of, for 1886................ S 2 27 INSANE ASYLUM. 1887 To locate, report of commissioners.........A 1 11 INSANE CRIMII?ALS. 1887 Commissioners, relative to, report of......A 7 52486 INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION, DEAF-MUTES. , Doc. Vol. No. 1887 Report of...................................A 4 16 INEBRIATES’ HOME FOR KINGS COUNTY. 1888 Annual report of........................... S 4 30 JACKSON, ANDREW, see President of the United States. 1843 Report of committee on the subject of the fine imposed on him ,.......................... S 2 56 1843 Report of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to fine upon...........A 5 171 1844 Report of a select committee on the subject of the fine of................................... S 1 9 1844 Communication from Governor transmitting resolu- tion of the Législature of New Hampshire on the subject of fine imposed on....................A 7 191 JACKSON, ISAAC. 1833 Sheriff of Montgomery county, report on pétition of, for pay for transporting convicts to the Mount Pleasant prison............................ S 1 31 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 69 1846 Report of Canal Commissioners on the bill for the relief of................................ S 4 133 JACKSON, JAMES. 1854 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 42 JACKSON, NOBLE, AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 6 130 JACKSON, OBADIAH. 1835 Report on pétition of, for a grant of certain lands for the purpose of docking in the East river at Brooklyn....................................A 3 235 1836 Report of select committee on the same........A 1 29 JACKSON, TRUEMAN. 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................ A 2 149 1839 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same...A 4 263 JACKSON, W. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal..............................A 4 271 JACKWAY, W. 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................. S 1 26487 JACOBS, OZIAS. Doc. Yol. No. 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 4 107 1847 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A 4 141 JACOBS, URIAH. 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for revolu- tionary services .......................... A 3 224 J AILS. 1855 Report relative to commission to examine, and work-house, etc............................ S 1 27 1857 Report of visitation of, and poor-houses, etc... S 1 8 JAMAICA AND MYRTLE AVENUE PLANE ROAD. 1853 Report of committee in relation to increase of capi- tal of the.........................................A 4 96 JAMES, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to their lands by the sloop dock dam at Troy-A 4 247 JAMESPORT, SUFFOLK COUNTY. 1834 Wharf and Ways Company, report on pétition to incorporate ...............................A 3 231 JAMES, WM., AND JOHN. 1847 Report on pétition of.,............. S 4 140 JAMESON, DAVID. 1847 Report on pétition of....«...................A 8 257 JAQUES, MOSES AND LEVI D. SLAMM. 1837 Report of a select committee on the pétition of.... A 3 198 1837 do do do A 3 225 1837 Rept>rt of a select committee on the same......A 4 325 1837 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition relative to the proceedings of the Assembly in case of.................. ........................A 4 327 JAQÜET, HECTOR. 1843 A silk manufacturer, pétition of.......... S 3 82 JARDINE, COL. EDWARD. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 111 1866 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of- S 2 73 JAY, JOHN. 1868 Report as spécial commissioner in Board of Mana- gers Antietam Cemetery............................ S 7 82488 1842 1851 1839 1836 1838 1830 1831 1835 1830 1837 1833 1844 1849 1859 1860 1870 1830 1834 1836 J A Y, PETER* A., AND OTHERS. r Report of select comraittee on memorial of, con- cerning assessments in New York, with accom- panying documents....................... S 4 100 JAYNE, SAMUEL. Report of committee on contested seat.....A3 55 JEFFERSON ACADEMY, SCHOHARIE COUNTY, see Academies, etc. JEFFERSON AND ONEIDA TURNPIKE COM- PANY. Report on pétition to incorporate the, and for aid from tlie State.........................A 4 232 JEFFERSON AND ST. LAWRENCE. Road in, report on pétition of the commissioners to lay out a...................................A 3 203 Report on the same................................A. 4 195 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Carlton island, report on pétition of settlers on, for relief.........................................A 2 92 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.................................A 1 19 Fish, inspection of, report on pétition to repeal the law relative to tlie...... .................... A 2 92 Race-course, report on pétition for the establish- ment of...........................................A 4 308 Poor, report on pétition for a loan for the support of, A 4 295 Poor-house, report on pétition to sell and convey the............................................A 2 104 Report of Attorney-General on a pétition to sell “ Centre lot ” in............................... S 3 115 Report of superintendent of poor of.................A 5 240 Report of treasurer of......................... . *A 2 65 Report relative to fishing in Lake Ontario, within the bounds of.................................. S 1 10 JEFFERSON COUNTY ORPHAN ASYLUM. Annual report of........................... S 2 28 JEFFERSON, ONEIDA AND OSWEGO. Road through, report on pétition for aid to improve a...... ....................................A 4 350 JENKINS, HERMAN. Report on pétition for the payment of certain sur- plus money received on the sale of his land.A 3 174 Report in relation to the same..............A 4 201 JENNINGS, PHILIP, aee David Barnes.489 JEROME, W., Engineer on the Oswego canal. doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition of, to be repaid costs and expenses in certain suite brought against him by James Lyon, and by Ichabod Bracket.................A 5 209 JEROME, WILLIAM. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.... S 3 59 JEWELL, GCJSTAVUS. 1830 Report on pétition of, for compensation for the destruction of a dam at the Caughenay reef..... S 2 137 JIMMERSON, ROBERT, Jr., AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of............................ A 6 164 JOHNSBURGH, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition from, for aid to build a bridge across the Hudson river....................A 3 263 1861 Report relative to road from, to Raquette lake.A 2 51 JOHNSON, A. B., AND OTHER CITIZENS OF UTICA. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 6 135 JOHNSON, A. B., AND OTHERS. 1866 Report of daims of committee on pétition of....A 5 122 JOHNSON & LEONARD. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......... ...A 5 154 JOHNSON, ED WIN F. 1835 Report of, relative to a steamboat or ship canal from Lake Ontario to the Hudson river...........A 3 195 1838 Report of, on railroads...........................A 4 171 1840 Report on pétition of, for pay for services for sur- veying a route for a railroad from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain................................. S 1 27 JOHNSON, EVAN M., AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to unpaid taxes in Brooklyn........................................A 4 375 JOHNSON, HEZEKIAH. 1847 Report on pétition of.............................A 4 112 JOHNSON, JOHN. 1852 Report on pétition of............................ S 2 80 JOHNSON, JOHN J. 1831 Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of certain lands...........................................A 1 46 1831 Report of committee on ways and means on the same............................................A 2 130 62490 JOHNSON, MARTAH, AND OTHERS. Doc. Voi. No. 1842 Heirs of Wm. Gall, report on pétition of......A 4 66 1849 Heirs of Wm. Gall, report of committee on daims on pétition of..............................A 1 26 JOHNSON, MORGAN. 1846 Report on pétition of, for seat in Assembly...A 5 147 JOHNSON, N., AND JAMES HOPE. 1842 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 39 JOHNSON, STEPHEN H. 1851 Senator, report in relation to charges....... S 2 60 JOHNSON, STILES, AND NORMAN BUTLER. 1850 Report on claim of........................... S 3 109 1850 Report of committee on daims on claim of......A 5 101 1851 Majority report of committee on grievances on claim of, for canal damages................ S 2 61 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages.. A 2 24 JOHNSON, W. 1838 Report on pétition of, to legalize the acknowledg- ment of a certain deed........................A 2 37 JOHNSON, WALTER. 1863 Report on claim of...............................A 5 72 JOHNSON, WILLIAM. 1860 Report on claim of ..............................A 3 85 JOHNSON, MARY (an alien)....................... 1835 Report on pétition of, for the release of the right of the State to certain lands....................A 2 99 JOHNSTOWN. 1833 Suprême Court Commissioner, report on pétition for, S 1 40 1836 Taxes in, report on pétition to ex tend the time for collection of.................................A 3 137 1837 Taxes in, report on pétition to extend the time for collection of.................................A 2 55 1838 Taxes in, report on pétition to extend the time for collection of.................................A 3 67 1842 Report of the judiciary committee relative to reduc- ing the number of assessors in............... S 2 44 1842 Report relative to reducing the number of assessors in......................................... S 2 45 JOINT LIBRARY. 1875 Report of committee relative to transfer of military relies to Newburgh.......................... S 6 94491 JONES, ABIGAIL AND W. D., see Jones’ Fund. doc. y0i. No. 1838 Jones’ fund for the support of the poor in Oyster Bay and North Hempstead, report on pétition for the appointaient of trustées of the. ........A 5 228 JONES, CHAS. A. 1852 Report on pétition of........................... S 2 72 1852 Report on recommittal of the pétition of........ S 2 73 JONES, DAVID. 1853 Report of Attorney-General in reference to claim of, A 5 118 JONES, DAVID S., AND GERRIT SMITH. 1825 Report on pétition of, for a grant of land for a basin in the village of Oswego .....................S 2 69 1836 Report on the pétition of the trustées of the village of Oswego relative to said basin ............A 3 153 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to the extension of said basin.....................................A 4 266 JONES, H. F. 1830 Report on pétition of, to be admitted to a seat as member of Assembly from. Queens countv in the place of T. Tredwell....................................A 1 51 JONES, JOHN H. 1840 Report on pétition of, to erect a wharf at Cold Spring Harbor..................................A 7 283 JONES, JOHN H., AND OTHERS. 1864 Report on claim of...............................A 7 149 1865 do ..............................A 2 31 JONES, JOHN M. 1844 Report of canal commissioners on pétition of.... S 3 99 JONES, LAURA (an alien). 1840 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated lands................................A 2 51 1840 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated lands................................A 7 296 JONES, SETH C., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee on manufactures, on pétition of, for incorporation of manufacturing companies .. S 2 65 JONES, THOMAS P., AND OTHERS. 1864 Report on claim of.........................A 4 81 1855 do A 3 46 JONES’ WOOD PARK ACT. 1854 Report of select committee on bill repealing.A 1 18492 JONES, WM. C. Doc. Vol. No. 1870 Report on contested seat of...........A 11 209 JOSLIN, JOSIAH E. 1855 Keport of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 111 1860 do do .....A 4 152 JOSLYN, J. E. 1854 Report on pétition of................A 4 137 JOURDAN, HENRY, see Oneida Indians. JUDD, BETHEL. 1854 Report on pétition of............. S 1 33 JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL. 1834 Report of amount of his official business....A 4 272 1862 Report of, relative to législation necessary to pro- mote efficiency of militia.................A 2 10 1862 Annual report of.............................A 2 11 1863 do .......................A 5 82 JÜDGES. 1858 Report of Comptroller relative to money paid in addition to salaries...................... S 2 51 JUDGES, CIRCUIT, see Circuit Judges. JUDGES, COUNTY, see County Judges. JUDGMENTS, PLAINTIFFS IN (in United States Courts). 1839 Resolution relative to.......................A 1 10 1834 Report concerning the canceling and discharging of, A 3 248 1840 Number of, docketed in the offices of the Suprême Court clerks, see Suprême Court Clerks. JUDICIAL AND EQÜITY SYSTEM. 1838 Report of commissioners appointed to digest and report a..:....................................A 1 3 1838 Report of committee on the judiciary thereon..... A 5 283 JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. 1847 Committees, select, report of conférées, on the part of the Senate on the act to divide the State into, S 2 71 1847 Report of conférées on same subject............. S 3 86 1847 do do .............. S 3 99 1847 Report relative to bill on....................... S 3 106 1857 Report of committee of conférence on bill to divide the State into...............................A 4 117 1847 Report of committee of conférence on bill to divide the State into...............................A 4 138 1856 Report of committee on........................... S 2 92493 JUDICIAL DISTRICT, THIRD. Doc. Voi. No. 1849 Report on certain matters touching the official integrity of one or more judicial officers of.A 5 221 1857 Report of committee on the judiciary on failure to hold courts in................................A 3 188 JUDICIAL OFFICERS. 1838 Report relative to granting free tickets on railroads to............................................A 6 337 1856 Minority report relative to change of mode of choice of............................................A 4 158 JUDICIAL SYSTEM. 1834 Report of committee on the judiciary relative to reorganizing the court of chancery and the Suprême Court................................ S 2 107 1835 Resolution offered by Mr. Livingston to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, for the abolishment of the office of circuit judge, and the création of a Suprême Court, etc..........A 3 193 1835 Resolution to abolish the office of circuit judge, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court and for the création of a* superior court of common pleas, etc.............................A 4 337 1835 Resolution to abolish the office of circuit judge, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, and for the création of a superior court of common pleas, etc......................................A 4 338 1835 Report of a select committee on the same.........A 4 370 1836 Resolution offered by Mr. Gansevoort to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, and for the création of a superior court......... S 1 22 1836 Resolution offered by Mr. Powers to reorganize the court of chancery, to increase the number of jus- tices of the Suprême Court, to abolish the office of circuit judge, and for the création of a,supe- rior court...................................... S 1 26 1836 Report and resolution offered by Mr. Edwards to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, and to organize a superior court................... S 2 66 1836 Resolution reported by the committee on judiciary to reorganize the court of chancery, to appoint two additional justices of the Suprême Court, and to organize a superior court of common pleas.... A 4 265 1837 Resolution offered by Mr. Bradish, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, to reor- ganize the court of chancery, etc.................A 3 173 1837 Resolution offered by Mr. Edwards for the same ... S 1 13 1838 Resolution offered by Mr. Patterson, to reorganize the court of chancery, to organize a superior court of common pleas, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, and to abolish the office of circuit judge, etc...................A 1 24494 JUDICIAL SYSTEM — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Résolution proposed by Mr. Ogden, to organize a superior court of common pleas, to reorganize the court of chancery, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, and to abolish the office of circuit judge............................A 6 267 1839 Report and resolution by Mr. Edwai ds, to reorgan- ize the court of chancery, and to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court............ S 1 28 1839 Resolution proposed by Mr. Yerplanck, to reorgan- ize the court of chancery, to abolish the office of cii cuit judge, to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court, to organize a superior court of common pleas, and to erect a court of probates, etc................................. S 2 50 1839 Resolution offered by Mr. Taylor, to reorganize the court of chancery, to abolish the office of circuit judge, to organize a superior court of common pleas, and to increase the number of justices of the Suprême Court.....................................A 1 15 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same. .A3 93 1840 Resolution offered by Mr. Yerplanck, to vest the judicial power in the court for the correction of errors, and in such subordinate courts of law and equity as the Législature shall from time to time create and establish, etc..................... S 1 13 1840 Memorial of the New York bar for a reform in the, Si 16 1840 Resolution offered by Mr. Taylor to reorganize the court of chancery, to vest equity courts in any of the courts of common law, etc...........................A 3 61 1840 Resolution offered by Mr. Taylor, to increase the number of the justices of the suprême court, to organize a superior court of common pleas, to abolish the office of circuit judge, etc.......A 6 270 1841 Report and resolution of Mr. Simmons on so much of the Governor’s message as relates to the...A 4 136 1841 Report of select committee (Mr. Simmons) on the same...........................................A 7 288 1847 Memorial on legal reform..........................A 2 48 1842 Letter of D. D. Field, on law reform....... .... A 5 81 1845 Report on lawyer’s fees...........................A 6 227 1861 Report of select committee on bill toHstay proceed- ings in certain cases......................... S 1 9 1842 Report, in part, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to the administration of justice... ... A 5 81 1842 Further report on same subject ...................A 5 94 1852 Report on the administration of justice...........A 5 97 JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. 1859 Report of, on pétition of Niagara county judges. ..Al 14 1859 Report of, on act for apportionment of members of Assembly in 1857..............................Al 12495 JUDICIARY COMMITTEE —Continued. Doc. Vol. Ne. 1860 Report of majority of, relative to proposed amend- ments to the Constitution...................... S 1860 Report of minority of, relative to proposed amend- ments to the Constitution...................... S 1862 Report of, relative to abuses in inpaneling jurors... S 1863 Report of, relative to appointment of Receiver- General....................................... S 1863 Report of, relative to recording marriage certificates, S 1863 Report of minority of, relative to soldiers voting... S 1864 Report of minority of, relative to elective franchise to voters in the army and navy..................À 1864 Report of, relative to equalizing compensation of certain judges in courts of this State..........A 1864 Report of minority of, relative to legalizing the action of supervisors of Richmond county in pay- ing commutation money......................... A 1864 Report of minority of, relative to the préservation of the public peace.............................A 1866 Report on message of Governor relative to charges against Judge Smith............................ S 1867 Report of, on memorial relating to Hon. Charles G. Cornell, late Street commissioner of New York city........................................... S 1868 Report of local bills............................. S 1868 Report as to élection of Superintendent of Public Instruction.................................... S 1869 Report of majority of committee on two-thirds and three-fifths bills.............................A 10 153 1869 Report of minority of committee on two-thirds and three-fifths bills.............................A 10 154 1869 Report of minority of committee relative to publica- tion of legal advertisements.............................A 6 87 1869 Report of minority on bill amending act author- izing towns or cities in Jefferson and Lewis coun- ties to bond for and take stock in certain rail- roads....................................................A 9 137 1872 Report of, on certain resolutions referred to......A 9 130 1873 Report of, as to whether provision of a certain law of 1868 hâve been complied with................. A 3 33 1874 Report relative to marsh drainage act.............. S 4 96 1875 Report of, on change in supply bill of 1874....... A 10 165 1872 Judges Cardozo, McCunn and Barnard, testimony taken before judiciary committee in the investiga- tion of........................................A 5&6 171 1872 Judges in New York city, report of committee on judiciary relative to charges against..........A 10 173 JUNCTION CANAL, see Canals. JURORS, FEES OF. 1833 Report relative to increasing the compensation of.. A 3 180 1836 do do do ..A 4 263 1 33 1 34 6 154 2 28 5 100 5 122 2 23 3 71 6 131 7 168 1 39 1 10 5 56 5 69496 1862 1851 1834 1843 1843 1834 1833 1830 1830 1833 1833 1833 1838 1832 1833 1830 1833 1833 1835 JURY DISTRICTS. Doc. Vo Report of committee, relative to dividing Madison county into two.............................A 3 No. 34 JURY DUTY. Report on bill for enrollment of the militia, to abolish fines and exempt uniformed companies from highway tax and........................A4 13 JURY, TRIALS BY. Report on bill providing that on the trial of ail civil causes, if three-fourths of the jury agréé upon a verdict, the court shall render a judgment upon said verdict accordingly...................A 4 376 Remonstrance of numerous citizens of the village of Salina, in the county of Onondaga, against the repeal of the law for the extension of..........A 3 60 Report of the minority of the judiciary committee on the subject of repealing the law extending the right of, passed May 6, 1840, etc.................A 5 141 JUSTICES’ COURTS. Certiorari ^nd appeals from, report of a select com- mittee on a resolution to in quire whether any alterations are required in the law relative to_A 4 273 Witnesses and jurors in, report relative to increas- ing the pay of ...............................A 3 180 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. , Elections of, report on the constitutionality of the law of 1829 relative to the.....................A 2 70 Elections of, to fill vacancies occasioned by death or otherwise, etc., report on bill relative to the. ... A 3 270 Election and classification of, report of Attorney- General relative to the......................... SI 10 Elections of, report on pétition of Jeffrey Chipman for an act explanatory of the act of 1832, relative to the..........................................A 1 35 Report of Attorney-General on the same.............A 2 99 Fees of, report on pétition to increase the........A 5 220 Oath of office of, report on bill relative to the..A 4 287 Official acts of, in certain cases, report on bill to con- firm the........................................A 2 62 Report on pétition to prohibit, from being keepers of the jails....................................A 6 384 Report on bill to allow those who hâve removed from the places for which they were elected to issue executions................................A 3 179 Vacancies in the office of, report of Attorney- General concerning the power of the Législature in providing for................... ............A 4 300 Vacancies in the office of, report of committee on privilèges and élection on the same....... .....A 1 39497 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. # Hoüse or Refuge for, New York: D0C. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition to repeal part of an act to create a fund in aid of the, etc.....................A 3 273 1830 Report of amount of moneys paid to the, from 1826 to 1829.......................................A 3 252 1831 Report on pétition against appropriating the moneys received from seamen and passengers to the sup- port of the...................................A 2 204 1838 Report on pétition to amend the law to create a fund in aid of................................A 6 300 1838 Report on pétition to amend the law to create a fund in aid of................................A 6 314 1840 Report of president of, giving certain information relative to . ... ........................... S 1 2 House of Refuge for, Western: 1838 Report on pétition for..........................A 4 181 1839 do A 5 323 1840 do A 8 360 1842 do ....A 7 182 1846 Report of select committee relative to..........A 4 93 1846 Report of select committee on...................A 5 160 1850 First annual report of managers.................A 3 42 1850 Memorial respecting.............................A 5 115 v 1851 Annual report of managers...................... S 1 8 1852 Annual report of............................... S 1 45 1853 Annual report of managers of.................. A 2 31 1853 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies in relation to the introduction of water and building of a kitchen.....................A 2 49 1853 Report in relation to appropriation for.........A 2 50 1854 Report on...................................... S 2 107 1855 Annual report of................................A 2 25 1856 do ............. ............... SI 10 1856 Report of committee on finance on management of, SI 38 1856 Report of Comptroller relative to.............. S 2 54 1856 Report of, as to appropriation of certain moneys .. S 2 73 1857 Report of managers............................. S 1 9 1858 Annual report of managers of................... SI 10 1859 do do S 1 8 1860 do do S 1 7 1861 do do S 1 2 1862 do do SI 11 1863 do do SI 11 1864 do do S 1 5 1865 do do SI 18 1866 do do S 1 2 1867 do do S 1 3 1868 do do S 3 16 1869 do do S 1 8 1870 do do SI 12 631871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1847 1848 1849 1850 1850 1855 1858 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1871 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1880 1881 1881 1882 1882 1883 498 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS--Continued. House of Refuge for, Western — Continued. p0c. Vol. No. Annual report of managers of.................. S 2 24 do do A3 44 do do .................. S 2 34 do do ............:..... s 3 48 do do .................. S 1 do do .................. S 2 23 do do SI 17 SoOIETY FOR THE REFORMATION OF, New YORK: Report of......................................A 4 120 do ..........................................A 5 190 Twenty-fourth annual report of.................A 5 224 Memorial of................................... S 1 17 Annual report of managers......................A 6 172 Memorial of................................... A 3 77 Annual report of managers of...................A 5 156 do do .................. S 2 55 do do .................. S 3 54 do do .................. S 4 54 do do .................. S 3 40 do do .............. S 3 58 do . do ........................A 5 99 do do . ................A 4 51 do do ..................A 6 48 do do ............ .... A 2 30 do do ..................A 3 76 do do ..................A 7 90 Memorial relative to report of commissioners on prison labor................................ S 4 60 Protest of Workingmen’s Assembly, New York city against appropriation for................... S 4 55 Annual report of managers of...................A 3 53 do do .................. S 2 34 do do ..................A 2 19 do do ....*.............A3 23 do do SI 15 do do SI 9 do do A3 23 do do .................. A 2 19 do ' do .................. SI 9 JOINT ASSEMBLY. Resolutions of.........................‘.....A 8 129 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. Managers of Society for Reformation of, reports ... S 5 22, 50 Western House of Refuge, Rochester, annual report, S 3 31 JOINT RULES. * Senate and Assembly...................... S 1 5499 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. Doc. y0i. No. 1883 Annual report of managers of Society for Reforma- tion of............................... S 1 JOINT RULES. 1885 Senate and Assembly..................... S 1 6 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1885 Report of Society for Reformation of.....S 4 18 JOINT RULES. 1885 Senate and Assembly..................... A 1 7 1886 Senate and Assembly......................A 1 7 JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1887 Report of managers of the Society for Reformation of, S 2 17 JUDICIARY COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICA- TION FROM GOVERNOR, RELATIVE TO SOLDIERS VOTING. 1888 Report of....................................A 7 53 1888 Minority report................... ..........A 7 54 KELLOGG, JOSIAH S. 1850 Report on canal damages................... A 5 97 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages. .Al 11 1851 Report of minority of committee on daims for canal damages.................................. S 2 23 KELLOGG, S. 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 33 KELLY, JOHN. 1840 Report on pétition of, for relief.......... S 1 20 KELLY, SAMUEL, AND OTHERS. 1835 Défendants in the suit brought by J. J. Astor, re- port on pétition of, for pay as witnesses.A 3 234 KELSEY, E. N., & H. TUPPER. 1855 Report of committee on daims in reference to pé- tition of................................ A 3 62 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 3 68 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 32 KEMBLE, JOHN C. 1836 Report relative to the official conduct of, in the matter of the Commercial Bank at Albany... S 2 94 KEMPSHALL, THOMAS, see Hervey Ely, and others. KENDALL, DAVID, AND OTHERS, see New Stockbridge school lot.500 KENNEDY, JOHN. Doc.Vol. No. 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief..... .....A 3 50 KENNEY, ELLEN. 1854 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 84 KENT COÜNTY. 1856 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties as to érection of...... S 2 76 KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA. 1833 Resolutions of the Législatures of, on the alien and sédition laws............................. S 2 41 KEISLER & BABCOCK. 1851 Report on claim for canal damages........... S 3 65 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 75 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of.....A 3 75 KELLOGG à OSGOOD. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........ S 2 59 KELLOGG, DORASTUS, DANIEL EARL, AND JOHN KELLOGG. 1840 Report on pétition for damages on account of the drawing off the waters of the Skaneateles lake to supply the Erie canal............................A 5 202 KENTUCKY, STATE OF. 1836 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery, S 2 79 1838 Resolutions of the Législature of relative to the currency and administration of the general government......................;............ S 2 58 1840 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the public lands.................................A 7 285 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the re-eligibility of the president..............A 5 149 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of, relative to State debts........................................A 3 51 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of, relative to soldiers of the révolution...................A 6 96 1842 Message of Governor transmitting resolution of General Assembly of, relative to the soldiers of the révolution............................... S 2 26 1844 Resolution of the Législature of................A 7 194 1861 do do .................. SI 28 KETCHUM, JARED. 1832 Report on pétition to erect a dam across the Canis- tota river...................................A 2 87 KETCHUM, JOSHUA W. 1864 Report on daims of..............................A 6 140501 KETCHUM, JOSHUA. Doc. Vol. No. 1872 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 7 106 KETCHUM, ZEBULON. 1839 Report on pétition for allowance for a deficiency in the quality of certain lands....... .... S 3 75 KEYSER, ABRAHAM, see Treasurer. KIDDER, LEYI. 1834 Letter from, in relation to the Seventh Ward Bank investigation.................. ........... S 2 89 KIDNAPPING. 1840 Of free colored persons, report on pétition to prevent ...................................A 8 341 1857 Citizens of this State, reply of the Governor to resolutions relative to....................A 1 47 KILIAN, FREDERICK. 1872 Papers and testimony in the matter of contesting the seat of Alexander Frear, in the Assembly .... A 3 50 1872 Minority report in............................A 4 70 KIMBALL, ERASTUS. 1864 Report on daims of...........................A 1 51 KIMBALL, WOODMAN, AND J. C. SHIPPEY. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............. S 1 40 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 2 60 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 5 151 KINCAID, ALEXANDER, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report on daims of...........................A 7 120 KINDERHOOK CREEK, BRIDGE OYER. 1841 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Stuyvesant, to be relieved from paying one-half the expense of maintaining the............................ S 2 64 KING, ALBERT H. 1861 Report on daim of............................A 2 40 KING, AMOS B. & JAMES H. 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of.....A 1 28 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. A 6 141 1844 Statement of Jonas Earll, Jr., in relation to the daim of....................................A 6 154 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 3 112 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 75 KING, DAYID (an alien). 1833 Report on pétition to hold real estate.......A 2 55502 KING, DAVID B., AND FRANKLIN LIVING- STON. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Report on pétition for compensation for the viola- tion of their patent right to a wicket and paddle gâte...................................... A 2 45 1841 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same.A 6 221 1841 Report of the Commissioners of the Canal Fund on the same....................................A 6 288 KING, DEXTER S., AND OTHERS. 1852 Report of Commissioners of Land Office respecting the granting land underwater at Westfield...A 5 121 KING, JOHN. 1848 Report on pétition of.........................A 5 166 KING, HON. JOHN A., AND OTHERS. 1861 Reply of, to David Dudley Field.............. S 2 65 KING, JOHN F. 1831 Report on pétition of, for the use of the water of the Champlain canal........................ S 1 53 KING, SAMUEL. 1833 Report on pétition of, to be relieved from a certain judgment.................................. S 2 90 KING, SAMUEL (an alien). 1835 Report on pétition to hold real estate........A 4 300 KINGSBURY, JOHN. 1839 Report on pétition of, for damages to his saw-mill, by the change of the site of a lock on the Che- mung canal...................................... A 4 286 1840 Report on the same.................................A 4 122 KINGS, COUNTY OF. 1833 Assessors, board of, report on pétition for a....A 2 124 1835 Clerk’s office in, report on pétition to raise money to build a..........................................A 1 13 1838 Cemetery, Greenwood, report on pétition to incor- porate...........................................A 6 334 1833 Court-house, report on bill for the érection of a_ S 2 86 1831 Jail limits, report on pétition to extend the......A 2 173 1835 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build a, A 1 13 1837 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to com- plété the..... ..................................A 4 289 1838 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to com- plété the.......................................A 2 38 1837 Game, préservation of, report on pétition to amend the law for the................... .............A 3 196 1838 Highways and bridges, report on bill to amend the law of 1830, relating to.........................A 3 80503 RINGS, COUNTY OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Mechanics and Manufacturera’ Society, report on pétition to amend their charter...................A 4 319 1834 Memorial from several towns in, relative to incor- porating the city of Brooklyn, etc................A 3 183 1830 Poor, foreign, report on pétition to be released from the support of... .............................. A 2 112 1838 Poor, superintendents and overseers of the, report on bill relative to...............................A 4 179 1831 Race-course, report on pétition for a law to regulate the...............................................A 2 87 1838 Taxes unpaid, report on pétition of the board of sùpervisors relative to...........................A 6 326 1832 Taxes, report on bill to extend the time for the col- lection of...................................... A 4 279 1834 Wharf at the N arrows in, report on pétition to rebuild, A 3 179 1834 Wharf at the Narrows in,report on pétition to rebuild, A 3 238 1830 Inspector of lumber, report of E. Smith...............A 2 146 1839 Inspector of lumber, report of Benjamin Meeker. .. A 4 212 1840 do do .... A 5 210 1853 Report of committee on roads and bridges on péti- tion of sundry inhabitants of, relative to toll on plank-roads.............................................. A 4 88 1858 Pétition of board of sùpervisors of, for the repeal of the Metropolitan Police law...................... S 2 66 1859 Report of treasurer of A 3 120 1861 Report relative to the public health of Inebriate’s Home: A 2 59 1869 Annual report of S 3 25 1870 do S 2 39 1871 do A 3 33 Banks in, see Banks — Kings county. Inspector of Floue, see New York inspector of flour. Police, see Metropolitan Police. KINGSLAND, J. D. & CO. 1859 Report on pétition of.....................A 3 149 KINGSLAND, N. B., AND LEWIS BASTIDO. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of......... S 4 129 KINGSLEY, A., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....... A 7 201 KINGSLEY, AYERY L. 1849 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 1 17 KINGSLEY AND KNAPP. 1863 Report on daims of...................................A 5 164504 KINGSTON AND MIDDLETOWN PLANK- ROAD. Doe. Vol. No. 1850 Report of................................... S 1 20 KINGSTON, TOWN OF. 1839 Report on pétition from the, to borrow money to rebuild a bridge over Esopus creek.........A 6 386 KINGSTON, VILLAGE OF. 1845 Report on bill from the Assembly providing for the appointment of a police justice in the.... S 3 117 KINNE, PHINEAS. 1864 Report on pétition of........................A 7 154 KINNE, PHINEAS Z. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 100 KINNEY, ELLEN. 1854 Committee on grievances, report on pétition of .... A 3 84 KINSELLA, GEORGE. 1831 Report on pétition for compensation for his lands taken for the Erie canal......................... S 1 52 1832 Report of committee on daims on the same...... S 1 88 1834 Report by same committee on the same...........A 3 144 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 3 223 1836 Report by same committee on the same.......... A 4 251 1837 Report of committee on canals on the same ......... S 1 7 1838 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 3 81 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 158 1852 Report on daim of............................. S 2 56 KIRCHNER, HANNAH. 1862 Report on pétition of......................A 5 107 KIRK, WM. R. 1854 Report on pétition of.......... ...........A 2 60 KIRKLAND AND MARSHALL, TOWNS OF. 1840 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, relative to the survey of a tract of land set apart for theBrother- town Indians.......................... ...A 4 367 KIRKPATRICK, THOMAS. 1875 Report of, as inspector of State prisons ............A 3 93 KISSAM, A., AND SON. 1869 Report of daims committee on daim of......A 4 45 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of. S 2 64 KLAGES, FREDERICK W. 1864 Report of the committee on daims on pétition of. .. A 2 42 1865 do do do ... A 3 72505 KLINE, JOHN B. Doc. Yol. No. 1864 Report on pétition of........................A 6 112 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 7 139 KNAPP, AARON. 1847 Report on pétition of...................... A 8 260 1849 Report of committee on claitas on pétition of. S 3 72 1849 Report by same committee on same.............A 2 68 1852 Reappraisement of damages to................ S 2 76 1852 Report on pétition of ..... .................A 2 32 KNAPP, ABRAHAM. 1831 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal........................... S 1 38 KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1874 Report of Senate committee on charges against Charles Stanton, president of............... S 4 81 KNIGHT, DANIEL. 1846 Report on pétition, for relief.............. S 4 132 1846 Report of committee on pétitions of aliens on péti- tion of. ...................................A 2 56 KNIGHT, JAMES. 1842 Report on pétition of........................A 5 82 KNIGHT, JAMES, Jr. 1810 Report on petitton of, for compensation for damages to his lands by the Erie canal..............A 6 221 KNOWER, EDWARD. 1838 Report on pétition of, for a grant of land under water adjoining his land in West Oswego.....A 4 183 1838 Report on the same...........................A 5 214 KOHLER, DAVID AND CHARLES. 1863 Report on pétition of........................A 5 165 KOHLER, DAVID AND OTHERS. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 8 163 1868 do do do ...............A 8 84 KOSSUTH. 1852 Communication from the Governor transmitting correspondence with...................... S 2 84 KRAICK, GOTLEIB. 1830 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of, for bounty lands...........................A 3 269 KINGS COUNTY, INEBRIATES’ HOME FOR. 1878 Annual report of.............................A 4 46506 KNICKERBOCKER LIFE. Doc. Vol. No. 1879 Report in response to resolution..............A 2 39 KINGS COUNTY INEBRTATES’ HOME. 1880 Annual report of president................... S 1 23 KINGS COUNTY AND QUEENS. 1881 Boundary between, report on.................. A 8 104 1881 Asylums and hospitals of, report on...........A 3 36 1881 Inebriate home, report of.....................A 3 37 KINGS COUNTY SUPERYISORS. 1882 Report of.................................... S 5 48 KENNEDY, MATTHEW. 1886 Game and fish protector, report of............A 6 67 LACY, WILLIAM. 1835 Report on pétition to build a bridge across Niagara river at Black Rock........................ A 4 333 LADD, BRADLEY. 1834 Report on pétition to change his name.. .....A 1 17 LADD, SOHN AND NANCY, see Cameron. LAFAYETTE, COUNTY OF. 1846 Report of committee adverse to the proposed...A 4 109 LA FOY AND CLEMENS. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of..A 4 132 1850 Report on canal claim........................ A 3 31 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 1 21 LA FOY, JOHN. 1852 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 54 LAING, HUGH. 1832 Report on pétition of, to erect a dock in Westchester county..................................... A 2 130 LAING, PAISLEY. 1830 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the érection of the Saratoga dam............A 3 280 1831 Report of committee on canals on the same.....A 1 50 1834 Report of committee on daims on pétition of____ A 3 127 1835 Report relative to same.......................A 2 141 1836 Report of committee on grievance on the same_A 2 101 LAKES. 1862 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to companies navigating........................A 6 171507 LAKES AND RIVERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1875 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, on com- panies navigating..............................A 6 73 1877 Companies navigating, report of State Engineer and Surveyor on..............................A 8 83 LAKE CHAMPLAIN. 1831 Ferry across, report on pétition of Nicholas Allen relative to.............................. .. A 3 220 1846 Communication from Surveyor-General relative to road from Clinton prison to................... A 2 55 1848 Report on bill to allow the Northern railroad to construct a draw-bridge across (majority)..... S 1 24 1849 Committee, select, report on same (majority).... S 2 56 1849 Report of select committee on bill to allow the con- struction of a draw-bridge by the Northern rail- road across the outlet of, at Rouse’s Point....A 1 24 1850 Testimony relative to bridging.................. S 3 87 1851 Report on subject of bridging at Rouse’s Point.... SI 20 1855 Report of select committee in relation to obstruc- tions to navigation in ............................... A 4 84 1871 Reply of Canal Board to resolution of the Assembly inquiring the effect of présent structure now being placed across at Ticonderoga upon com- merce of State........................................ A 7 94 LAKE CHAMPLAIN AND OGDEN SBURGH RAILROAD, see Railroads. LAKE ERIE AND BATH TURNPIKE, see Bath, etc. LAKE GEORGE. 1830 Road from, to Warrensburgh, report on pétition of Dudley Fairchild and others for aid to improve a, A 3 283 LAKE ONTARIO. 1838 Steamboat Company, report on pétition to incorpo- rate the................ ..................A 5 235 Ship canal from, to Hudson river, see Ship Canal. LAKE ONTARIO, AUBURN AND NEW YORK RAILROAD. 1861 Report on pétition for aid to.................A 6 133 1863 Report on bill to facilitate construction of .A 5 68 LAKE ONTARIO AND HUDSON RIVER RAIL- ROAD. 1859 Lands of, exempt from taxation................A 2 69 LAMB, DAVID T. 1865 Report on pétition of...................... A 2 17508 1831 1832 1846 LAMB, JOSEPH. . Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition for bounty lands.........A 3 216 Report on same..............................A 1 43 LANDHOLDERS. Report relative to the tax of the interests of. S 4 135 LANDLORD AND TENANT, see Albany county— Manor of Rensselaerwyck. 1844 Report on the pétition of sundry inhabitants of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck praying for certain modifications of the law respecting the rights of, etc ............................................A 7 183 1844 Report of select committee on above pétition......A 7 189 1845 Report of majority of select committee on.........A 6 222 1845 Report of minority of select committee on.........A 7 247 1846 Report of Mr. Spencer, from the select committee, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to leasehold estâtes, etc.......................... S 3 92 1846 Report relative to tax of leasehold estâtes.......S 4 107 1846 Report on so much of Governor’s me ssage as relates to taxation of leasehold estâtes.............. S 4 115 1846 Resolutions of Mr. Perkins relative to leases.....A 1 12 1846 Report relative to anti-rent pétitions, etc......A 5 156 1846 Concurrent resolutions concerning anti-rent prisoners........................................A 5 159 1847 Report on leasehold estâtes, and difficulties between.......................................A 6 162 1847 Report respecting................................A 8 261 1847 Report on a bill relative to.....................A 8 263 1848 Report of majority of, on pétitions relative to..A 4 125 1848 Report of minority of, on the same................A 5 126 1851 Report of minority of judiciary committee on feudal tenures....................................... S 3 96 1851 Report of majority of select committee on pétition to stay proceedings against...............^...A 5 139 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF. 1830 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes............................ ... S 4 413 1832 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes................................ S 2 107 1835 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes___I............................ S 2 125 1835 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes................................ S 2 89 1836 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes................................ S 6 109 1837 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes.............................. S 2 72 1838 Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes....... ....................... S 2 74509 1840 1841 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1841 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF — Con- tinuée!. Doc. Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes................................ S Report of the payment, in certain cases, of moneys paid for taxes.................................A Report giving a statement of ail releases granted under the “Act concerning escheats”........... S Report on the same................................A do A do S do S do S do ........................... • A Report on pétition of the heirs of Joseph Hubbard, for bounty lands...............................A Report on pétition of Justus Burt to be repaid cer- tain money paid for land...................... S Report of the quantity of land belonging to each fund which has been sold within the last five years, and the aggregate of such sales, etc .S Report relative to the reappraisement of lot No. 14, Oneida creek tract in New Stockbridge..........A Report on pétition of T. Dean and S. Dakin (com- missioners to settle the estate of Mary Doxstader, an Indian woman), to confirm certain conveyances of land........................................A Communication from, relative to certain property in Albany mortgaged to the State by John Yan Ness Yates, etc.................................... A Report on pétition of settlers on the school lot in New Stockbridge for relief.....................A Report on bill directing the sale to John Gregg of 250 acres of land in the New Stockbridge réser- vation ....................................... S Report on pétition of Polly Risley for pay for cer- tain improvements on lands in New Stockbridge, S Report on pétition of John C. McLean, to be repaid certain moneys paid for land. ............... A Report on pétition of Esther Chase, for rémunéra- tion for a lot of land sold by mistake.........A Report on pétition of John McCrea, for the pre- emptive right to a lot of land.................A Report on pétition of John Moore and Catharine McLaughlin, for an extension of their lease for a lot of land....................................A Report relative to an opening in the Albany pier... A Report on pétition of Amos Haskens for compensa- tion for deficiency in a lot of land bought of the State ........................................ A Report on pétition of John Shaw and others, for the remission of interest due on certain land..A Yol. No. 4 126 7 305 1 34 1 67 1 16 2 72 2 75 1 16 2 38 2 126 2 156 3 279 4 249 4 356 4 368 1 11 1 10 1 5 2 72 2 78 2 150 2 150 2 94 2 353 3 265510 1831 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1834 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF — Con- tinued. Doc Report on pétition of the trustées of the village of Oswego for land to erect a marine railway....A Report on claim of Gideon Castle to certain land... A Report on pétition of the trustées of Fort Coving- ton Academy for liberty to erect a building on the public square in Fort Covington..............A Report on pétition of David Haines relative to the title of lands in the Minisink and Hardenburgh patents......................................A Report on pétition of inhabitants of Oswego for the sale or lease of certain land described “Fish Market lot.”..... .............................A Report on bill for a reappraisement of certain lands in Oneida Castle.... ......................... A Report on pétition of William Long for damages in conséquence of being kept out of possession of certain land...........,..................... S Report on pétition of the heirs, devisees and gran- tees of John Thurman.......................... S Report on pétition of John J. Campbell relative to the sale of his land by the Surveyor-General.... S Report on pétition of JohnC. McLean for indemniky in conséquence of the sale of his land........ S Report relative to improved lands belonging to the State, showing which are rented, their location, quantity, etc................................. S Report relative to unpatented lots in township No. 3, Old Military tract, Clinton county............ S Report on bill authorizing them to sell the mission- ary lot in Westmoreland........................A Report on pétition of Zimri Hills for escheated lands, A Report on pétition of John Gregg for a grant of certain land... ...............................A Report on pétition of trustées of Fort Covington Academy for a grant of land....................A Report on pétition of James Wickham for rémunér- ation for a deficiency in certain land........A Report on bill to vest in the city of Hudson certain lands under water..............................A Report relative to the survey of lots in Lewiston.... A Report relative to lands in Salina set apart for the manufacture of coarse sait.....................A Report on pétition of Richard Pennell for a grant of land under water...............................A Report of pétition of Anthony Rhodes and others for rémunération for improvements on lots 28 and 64, Free Masons’ patent........................A Report on pétition of John Dunn and Barnes Glea- son to be credited with certain moneys paid for land......................................... A Vol. . No. 4 289 4 303 1 18 3 200 3 227 3 238 1 37 1 48 2 97 2 98 2 102 2 98 2 42 2 54 2 125 3 197 3 236 4 318 4 308 4 292 3 179 3 139 4 254511 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF — Con- tinued. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition of Phineas Waller and others relative to certain land in Garnsey’s tract....A 4 264 1834 Report on pétition of Joseph Carter and others to be released from a certain mortgage...............A 4 386 1834 Report on pétition of Justus Gay, in behalf of Mary Shaw, for rémunération of certain land escheated to the State..................................... A 4 313 1834 Report on pétition of Franklin Rose for rémunéra- tion for deficiency in certain land...................... A 4 394 1834 Report on pétition of T. W. & Daniel Newcomb, relative to the location of certain land..........A 4 397 1834 Report on pétition of John H. Lathrop for a grant of a gore of land in the village of Lodi......... S 2 95 1834 Report on pétition of John Hadcock for a grant of land ............................................ S 2 196 1835 Report on pétition of David S. Jones and Gerritt Smith for a grant of land in the village of Oswego, S 2 69 1835 Report on pétition of Samuel L. Lush for rémunéra- tion for deficiency in certain land..................... A 1 26 1835 Report on pétition of Curtis Peck for a grant of land under water................................. A 1 51 1835 Report on pétition of S. Newton Dexter for rémun- ération for deficiency in the quantity of certain land..............................................A 2 134 1835 Report on pétition of Charles McLain to be released from further payments on a lot of land..... ... A 2 152 1835 Report on pétition of John S. Quackenboss and others for bounty land or an équivalent in money, A 3 236 1835 Report on pétition of John Ridden, and Catharine his wife, in relation to certain escheated land in New York....................................... A 4 349 1835 Report on pétition of Edward W. DeGrove for cer- tain escheated land in New York ......................... A 4 342 1835 Report on pétition of the bill to provide for the ré- demption of a part of arsenal lot in Franklin county............................................A 4 366 1836 Report relative to the estate of the late Dennis McCarthy ........................................ S 1 16 1836 Report relative to lands now owned by the State... S 1 29 1836 Report on pétition of Jesse Porter and others for a grant of land.................................... S 2 82 1836 Report relative to lands escheated to the State on the death of John G. Leake....................... S 2 86 1836 Report in relation to the Freemasons* patent..... S 2 91 1836 Report in relation to lots 28 and 64 in Freemasons’ patent........................................... S 2 92 1836 Report on pétition of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company for a grant of land on which to terminate their road............................. S 2 103 1836 Report relative to a grant of land made to D. S. Jones and Gerrit Smith, in Oswego.................A 3 153512 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF —Con- tinued. Doo. Voi No. 1836 Report on pétition of Leonard Hildreth and others for escheated lands......................... A 3 193 1836 Report on the claim of Abraham Yan Horne and Jane, his wife . .............................A 4 262 1836 Report on pétition of Gerrit Smith and D. S. Jones relative to a grant of land made to them.....A 4 266 1836 Report relative to the school lots in East Oswego... A 4 267 1836 Report on pétition of Aaron B. Mack to be refunded the amount of principal and interest paid for a lot of land...........................................A 4 292 1836 Report on pétition of the common council of Buffalo, relative to certain lands sold to the trustées of the Buffalo Marine Hospital.............. ... A 4 319 1836 Report on pétition of W. Cochran and others relative to the title of the Trinity Church to certain lands, etc...............................................A 4 321 1837 Report on pétition of John I. Palmer relative to certain escheated lands..................... . S 2 57 1837 Report on pétition of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company for a grant of land at Syracuse, S 2 56 1837 Report relative to certain property escheated to the State on the death of John Higginbottom.......... S 1 21 1837 Report on pétition of W. Russell ..................A 2 79 1837 Report on pétition of John I. Campbell relative to the sale of his land by the Surveyor-General----A 2 156 1837 Report on pétition of the trustées of the First Presbyterian society of Lewiston for certain land, A 3 210 1837 Report on pétition of C. J. Burckle for a conveyance to him of certain land............................A 3 216 1837 Report on pétition of I. Drake and others for the pre-emptive right to certain land.................A 3 267 1837 Report on pétition of Z. P. Gillett for compensation for failure to a title to a lot of land...........A 4 312 1837 Report relative to the cemetery at East Oswego_____A 3 239 1837 do do do ... A 3 277 1838 Report on pétition of Samuel Rider relative to certain lands in the Freemasons’ patent.......... S 2 61 1838 Report on pétition of Z. P. Gillett for compensation for failure of the title to a lot of land ........A 3 150 1838 Report on pétition of John H. Minse and others for grant of land under water.........................A 6 322 1838 Report on pétition of John R. Stephens and others relative to the assessment-roll of the town of Hornellsville.................................... A 6 36 1838 Report on pétition of Edward Knower for a grant of land under water..................................A 4 183 1838 Report in relation to the lands escheated to the State on the death of John G. Leake...............A 2 55 1839 Communication from, in relation to their duties .... S 3 78 1839 Report on pétition of John Purmort and others to be released from a certain mortgage ............. S 3 104513 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF — Con- tinued. Doc. y0i. nc. 1839 Report on pétition of Franklin Rose for a rémunéra- tion for deficiency in a lot of land...................A 3 75 1839 Report relative to the Lewiston cemetery...........A 6 332 1839 Report relative to the grant of certain lands under water to the city of Hudson.....................A 6 373 1840 Report on daims of Samuel Rider to certain lands in the Freemasons* patent.......................S 2 41 1840 Report on claim of Anson Rider for same........... S 2 42 1840 Report on pétition of Richard Irvin for lands escheated to the State......................... S 2 54 1840 Report on pétition to S. A. Rich and wife for lands escheated to the State ........................ S 2 57 1840 Report on pétition of W. Hamilton relative to cer- tain lands claim ed to be escheated to the State .. S 2 60 1840 Report on pétition of Archibald Campbell relative to certain lands claimed to be escheated to the State.......................................... S 4 69 1840 Report on pétition of Elijah Burmingham and others to confirm their title to certain land.. S 3 66 1840 Report on pétition of Elijah Burmingham and others to confirm their title to certain land.. S 4 124 1840 Report on pétition of Harman W. Van Buren to purchase a portion of the sait lands ...........A 7 284 1840 Report on pétition of Mary Gray alias Lupon for a grant of land...................................A 8 319 1840 Report relative to granting lands in Syracuse for a cemetery ..................................... S 2 59 1840 Report relative to removing the coarse sait vats in Syracuse........................................A 8 351 1841 Report relative to the sait lands in Salina....... S 2 45 1841 Report of proceedings under the act relative to the Oneida Indians................................. S 1 14 1841 Report concerning the Onondaga Indians.............S 2 63 1841 Report on bill relative to the Onondaga sait springs, A3 83 1841 Report on pétition of Thomas Plumer Smith, I. & F. Englishbee, S. A. Rich and wife, and John Miller, relative to escheated lands............ S 2 58 1841 Report on pétition of Stephen S. Wilson............A 4 134 1841 Report on pétition of James Englishbee, relative to escheated lands................................ S 3 74 1841 Report on pétition of Theron Roblee and others, and the heirs of Elizabeth Gilchrist............A 3 74 1842 Report of, on bill to convey certain lands to Eliza- beth Einstein in obedience to resolution of Senate May 25,1841 ................................. S 2 22 1842 Report on pétition of représentatives of E. Gilchrist and C. West and others......................... A 4 68 1842 Report on bill for relief of children of David Roberts.........................................A 7 180 65514 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF— Con- tinuée!. Doc yol Report relative to the repayment of money paid for taxes...........................................A 7 Communication in relation to overpayment of money for taxes.............................. ...... S 1 Communication in relation to the claim of Manuel Myers......................................... S 3 Report on pétition of Peter Hasbrouck............ S 3 Report on the bill for the relief of Samuel Alexander and H. Dickinson.............................. S 3 Report on the pétition of John Giles and Samuel Giles..........................................A 1 Communication from, relative to the Onondaga sait springs réservation............................A 2 Report of, on the resolution of the Assembly rela- tive to the Oneida creek feeder.................A 2 Report on the pétition of the trustées of the St. Regis Indians, in relation to certain islands in the River St. Lawrence..................... ... A 5 Report in relation to the bill entitled “ An act to extend the manufacture of coarse sait in town of Salina,” and the remonstrance of the Syracuse C Sait Company..................................A 5 Report on the pétition of Nicholas B. Doe.........A 5 Report in obedience to a resolution of the Assembly in relation to the north gore, lying between town- ships Nos. 12 and 14, in Totten and Crossfield’s purchase.......................................A 5 Report on the documents referred to them by the Assembly in relation to ceding certain lands at the village of Black Rock, to the United States for military works . ............................. A 5 Report on the pétition of the associated mechanics in the county of Ontario.......................A 5 Report of, concerning escheats................... S 1 Report on the pétition of James Wrigglesworth and others, next of kin to Wm. Dunn, deceased.....A 3 Report of, on pétition of owners of Old Fortifica- tion Block No. 2, West Oswego................... A 3 Report of, on pétition of John De Wolfe, Jr., and others, heirs-at-law and legal représentatives of Samuel Merry, Jr., deceased....................A 3 Report of, on the pétition of Alvin Bronson and others, relative to Old Fort Fortification Block No. 2, West Oswego.............................A 5 Report of, on the pétition of Thomas Bail and Mary his wife, and their infant son Wm. Bail........A 5 Report on the bill relative to the exchange of cer- tain lands set apart for the manufacture of sait in the county of Onondaga........................ A 6 No. 183 78 8 79 106 7 39 45 136 150 158 161 162 163 12 42 59 71 111 112 155515 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF —Con- tinued. doc. y0i. No. 1845 Report of, on the pétition of Eleazer Williams, a St. Regis Indian.................................. S 1 7 1845 Report of, on the pétition of Deborah Ann Hallett. .SI 21 1845 Report of, in relation to recording patents for lands in certain cases.................................. S 1 22 1845 . Report of, on the pétition of Peter Bain and others, Al 18 1846 Report of, on the pétition of John H. Yedder and others, for relief................................ S 1 7 1846 Report of, on the bill for the relief cf certain pur- chasers of land in the Oneida Réservation, in 1840 and 1841.......................................... S 1 9 1846 Report of, relative to certain Oneida purchasers.... A 2 34 1846 Report of, on pétition of Asa Baxter.............A 3 85 1846 Report of, on reference of the pétition of Stock- bridge Indians................................A 4 158 1846 Report of, relative to Sing Sing guard.................A 5 163 1846 Report of, on reference of the pétition of M. N. Hawkins................................... .... A 5 183 1846 Report of, on reference of pétition of S. Ableman .. A 5 191 1847 Report of, in answer to a resolution of February 17, 1847 S 2 48 1847 Report on pétition of E. Eaton and others........ S 2 54 1847 Communication from, as to Elias Cdst ................ S 2 57 1847 Report of, on pétition of David A. Leighton and Ira W. Delamater.............................. S 2 78 1847 Report on pétition of John H. Green.............. S 3 87 1847 Report relative to land contiguous to sait springs.. S 3 108 1847 Report relative to Asa Baxter’s claim............ S 4 117 1847 Report relative to Montezuma sait springs ........... S 4 121 1847 Report of, in answer to a resolution.............A 7 191 1847 Report of, on pétition of John L. Stevenson for relief........................................A 2 65 1847 Report of, on pétition of Ozias Jacobs for relief.... A 4 107 1847 Report of, on pétitions of purchasers of land in Oneida, purchase of 1834 ..........................A 1 43 1847 Report of, on pétition of Wm. Cramer and others for relief........................................A 1 45 1847 Report of, on pétition of James F. Whitney.......A 7 186 1847 Report of, on pétition of Zachariah P. Gillett, under resolution of the Assembly................ ... A 1 22 1847 Report of, to permit board of supervisors of Erie county to take stone from public lands in Black Rock..........................................A 1 44 1847 Report of, on pétition of Samuel Poole and Wm. Poole. .......................................A 2 70 1847 Report of, on pétition of Malcolm N. Hawkins.....A 2 89 1847* Report of, on pétition of Oneida and Oaondaga Indians, relative to land in Broome and Ckenango, A 7 215 1847 Report of, on pétition of Jacob Powless and others (Indians).....................................A 7 216516 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF —Con- tinued. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Communication from, as to Lydia Harden’s right . . A 7 189 1848 Report of, on pétition of N. B. Doe........... S 2 32 1848 Report of, on bill to cede lands to village of Oswego, S 2 37 1848 Report of, as to cost of completing New York arsenal ....................................... S 2 54 1848 Report of, in answer to resolutions relating to.. S 2 55 1848 Report of, on pétition of E. Harman and others.... A 1 18 1848 Report of, on pétition of Asa Baxter............A 2 41 1848 Report of, on pétition of A. Bronson and others. ... A 3 12 1848 Report of, on pétition of John Cammerdon .......A 5 143 1848 Report of, relative to land ceded to State by the Orchard party of Oneida Indians............ A 3 103 1849 Communication from, transmitting report of com- missioners to superintend the érection of the new State arsenal.................. ...............A 1 29 1849 Report of, on pétition of Mary E. Edwards.......A 2 64 1849 Report of, on pétition of HarrietR. Burt........A 3 102 3849 Report of Secretary of State relative to resolution on pétition of Ben Bursdell and others......A 3 162 1849 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly rela- tive to the distribution of the annuities of the Cayuga Indians.................................A 3 165 1850 Report on escheated lands of J. G. Leake.......A 3 22 1850 Report on pétition of Abraham P. Grand and others, A4 53 1850 Report on Indian affaire.......................A 5 130 1851 Communication in relation to the St. Regis Indians, A 2 32 1851 Report on pétition of W. E. and Morgan L. Worden, A3 53 1852 Report relative to hospital at Sandy Hook......... S 3 96 1852 Report respecting an act granting land and water in the town of Westfield..........................A 5 121 1853 Report of the, relative to the marine hospital at Sandy Hook..................................... S 2 57 1853 Report of, on resolution referring the matter of Jacob Barnhart and others to...................A 2 34 1854 Communication from................................ S 1 46 1854 Communication from, under resolution ............. A 2 59 1853 Communication from, on old State Hall.............A 3 89 1855 Report of, relative to lands conveyed to Sackett’s Harbor and Saratoga Railroad Company...........A 4 96 1855 Report in relation to lands grantedto John Thurman, A 5 140 1857 Report of, in reply to resolution relative to claim of Submit Baxter and the children and heirs-at-law of Asa Baxter, deceased........................A 3 182 1859 Report of, relative to the title of lands in front of Washington market in New York.................. S 1 17 1861 Report of, relative to claim of Gertrude C. Doe .... S 1 53 1862 Report of, relative to New York harbor encroach- ments.......................................... S 1 10 1862 Report of, relative to reclaimed land in New York harbor......................................... S 4 73517 LAND OFFICE, COMMISSIONERS OF —Con- tinued. Doc. Yol. No. 1862 Report of, relative to amendments to chapter 282, Laws 1861..................................... S 3 39 1864 Report of, relative to sale of school lands..... S 1 12 1864 Report of, relative to sale of marine hospital grounds, S 3 22 1864 Report of, relative to docks in Brooklyn....... S 4 63 1866 Report of, relative to Oneida Indians........... S 2 50 1866 Report of, relative to Stockbridge Indians ..... S 1 30 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolutions relative to Oneida Indian daims..................... ...........S 4 75 1873 Communication from, relative to lands released to State by the Oneida Indians....................A 4 44 1873 Communication from, in answer to resolution of Assembly relative to treaty of 1795 with Oneida Indians................................. .... A 4 59 1873 Reply to resolution of Assembly relative to Oneida Indians...................................... A 5 66 1873 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly relative to Con- gressHall.....................................A 5 68 1873 Resolution calling upon, for a copy of contract for résidence etc., of Health Officer at Quarantine. .. A 5 76 1873 Communication from, in reply to resolution of Assembly.................................. A 7 111 1877 Communication from, relative to Congress Hall .... A 5 41 1877 Report of, in response to resolution of Senate.. S 1 4 LAND, ROBERT, AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition of, for a reassessment for dam- ages to their mil] s, etc..............................A 4 141 1841 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same........A 5 191 LANDS. 1838 Overflowed by water on the Tonawanda and Elli- cott creeks, report of survey of the..........A 3 124 1841 Ceded to the United States, report of Attorney- General relative to assessing................ A 5 145 1845 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in relation to recording patents for lands in certain cases. .. SI 22 1847 Report of Commissioners of Land Office, respecting, contiguous to sait springs................... S 3 108 1848 Mon tauk, report on pétitions of owners of......Al 12 1852 Unsold, report of Comptroller relative to........A 5 105 In Cowasselon and New Stockbridge, see Cowasse- lon and New Stockbridge. In Oneida Castle, see Oneida Castle. 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to, made in the city of New York..........................A 3 163 1863 Report of Attorney-General relative to lands donated to this State by the United States... S 5 77 1865 Communication from Comptroller relative to sales of land granted by Land Grant Act............ S 1 29518 LANDS — Continuée!. Limitation of : Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Minority report as to, etc.........................A 8 238 1848 Report relative to pétitions for...................A 3 78 1851 Report of committee on public lands............... A 4 130 1858 Report relative to.................................A 3 78 Non-resident : 1834 Report on bill to amend the law relative to the sur- vey of, by supervisors, etc.....................A 2 86 1838 In Hornellsville, report relative to taxes on......A 6 361 1843 Report of the Comptroller of the amount due on account of taxes on............................ S 1 13 1850 Report of Attorney-General and Comptroller rela- tive to..................................................A 3 39 1854 Communication from Comptroller relative to.........A 3 101 Sale of, for Taxes. 1830 Report of the Comptroller on the bill concerning .. A 3 239 1831 Report of the Comptroller giving the expenses of the last sale of................................A 3 264 1835 Report of the Comptroller relative to, and quit rents in obedience to a resolution of Assembly....... A 5 380 1839 Report of the Comptroller on bill relative to......A 6 340 1849 Report of the select committee on so much of Gov- ernor’s message as relates to, in counties where such lands lie................................ A 3 107 1856 Report of the committee on ways and means rela- tive to..................................................A 3 93 Sold for Taxes: 1830 Report of committee on the judiciary relative to the rédemption of...............................A 3 237 1832 Report of Comptroller on pétition to amend the law relative to the rédemption of...................A 1 137 1833 Report relative to giving deeds for, when the certi- ficate is lost ................................ A 4 299 1848 Report of Comptroller on bill relative to. ......A 3 63 1849 Report of Comptroller relative to printing certain statements of.................................. A 1 8 1849 Report relative to execution of deeds of, sold in the name of the people..............................A 3 160 1853 Report of Comptroller relative to the amount of taxes due the treasury on lands sold in Decem- ber, 1852 ...............................................A 2 225 Freemason’s Patent: 1836 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in relation to............................................ S 2 91 1836 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in relation to............................................. S 2 92519 LANDS—Continued. Freemason’s Patent — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Application for rémunération for improvements on, see Moses Brockway, Samuel Rider, Anthony Rhodes and others, Nathan Bumpus and others, Sarah Gage and others, Anson Rider and Nathan Underwood. Old Military Tract: 1831 Report on pétition of owners of township No. 11 for a new survey of said township................... S 1 31 1833 Report relative to patents for reserved and escheated lots in the..................................... S 2 87 1833 Report relative to unpatented lots in township No. 3, Clinton county............................... S 2 98 LANDS, INDIAN, see Indians. LANDS, MILITARY BOUNTY. 1830 Report of Surveyor-General on a resolution to report whether any lands remain unappropriated, and if none remain unsold, then the price for which the last were sold............................... S 2 82 Reports on application for, see Henry Becker, David Carman, Joseph Carley, Daniel Delavan, Z. Dodd, A. Dyckman, Asher Ford, Michael Francisco, John Gates, L. Rackney, Christian Guthrie, Joseph Hubbard, John Kane, Gotlieb Kraick, Joseph Lamb, Jacob Lawson, Tousant Levernway, Francis Mayotte, Joseph Minard, Thomas Mott, Basil Nadeau, John Odell, Isaac Satterly, David Schauber, Jacob Shew, Henry Smith, Aaron Smith, Orson Smith, Trueman Spencer, Ashbel W. Treat, Solomon IJtter, B. E. Yrooman, Major Watson, John Watson. LANDS, PUBLIC, OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States. LANDS, PUBLIC, OF THIS STATE. 1830 Quantity of land belonging to each fund sold within the last five years, and the product in the aggre- gate of such sales, etc...................... S 3 279 1836 Report of amount of lands now owned by the State, designating the quantity in each county, with the estimated value, and designating also those belonging to the different funds............. S 1 29 1838 Statement of unimproved lands, the number of acres of said lands, with the counties in which they are located............................................ S 2 63520 1837 1840 1832 1848 1849 1850 1851 1870 1831 1832 1832 1831 1832 1832 1836 1841 1832 1838 1854 LANDS, PUBLIC, OF THE STATE — Continued. Doc. Voi. No, Quantity of land now owned by the State in Hamil- ton, Ëssex, Clinton, Franklin and St. Lawrence counties, distinguishing in each county the lands that may hâve heretofore been sold, and the right thereof again reverted to the State, etc.......A 6 382 Quantity of lands now owned by the State in Essex and Hamilton...................................A 4 153 Statement showing the improved lands, which hâve been leased, and on which leases there are rents in arrears.................................... S 2 102 Report of State Engineer of amount of.............A 3 104 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on......... S 1 27 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor respecting, A 5 88 Report by same officers relative to.............. S 1 19 LANDS, PUBLIC. Report of committee on............................A 11 200 In the village of Oswego, see Oswego, village of. Wood Creek Tract: Surveyor-General, report relative to............. S 1 19 do do do ................. SI 12 Report of committee on finance relative to the same, SI 27 St. Régis Réservation : Communication from the Surveyor-General relative to the...................................... S 1 19 Communication from the same source relative to the, SI 12 Report of committee on finance on the same...... S 1 27 Near the Oswego canal, report of Comptroller rela- tive to sales of, etc........................... S 2 73 Report of committee on public lands on amending the Revised Statutes relative to...............A 3 60 LAND UNDER WATER, GRANTS OF. Report of Attorney-General relative to........... S 1 45 Direction to applicants for.......................A 4 322 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to...........A 3 105 At Hudson, see Hudson. At Brooklyn, see Brooklyn. At Williamsburgh, see Williamsburgh. At Shelter Island, see S. B. Nicoll. At the Narrows, Kings county, see R. Pennell. At West Oswego, see E. Knower. At Oyster Bay, see James DeKay and others At Rye, Westchester county, see John H. Minuse, and others. At Rye, Westchester county, see Curtis Peck. At Sag Harbor, see Marcus B. Osburn. At New York, see New York.521 LANE, CHAUNCEY. Doc. Vol No. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 9 95 LANGLEY, MARGARET AND OTHERS. 1833 Report on pétition of, to enlarge the power of the executors of the last will, etc., of James Langley, deceased..................................... S 2 94 LANNIER, D., AND J. LOCKENTELLY. 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. A 1 33 LANSING, ABRAHAM Y. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for reheaiing of daim by Canal Board... A 3 164 LANSING, ABRAHAM. 1874 Report of, on daims of Oneida Indians....... S 4 39 LANSING, SANDERS. 1861 Report on pétition of........................A 5 91 LANSING, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition of commissioners of highways of, for the payment of costs in a certain suit-A 3 191 1835 Report on pétition for a spécial law for the élection of a justice of the peace to fill a vacancy....A 1 39 LAN SINGBURGH AND TROY MACADAM ROAD. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate ..'........A 1 34 LANSINGBURGH, VILLAGE OF. 1852 Report on pétition of corporate authorities of. for a toll bridge. ..............................A 2 77 LAPHAM, JOHN. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of...... . A 4 109 1855 Report of same committee on pétition of......A 5 109 1856 Report on pétition of........................A 4 139 LARABEE, MAJOR CHARLES. 1841 Report on pétition of........................A 3 86 LARKING & FLEMING. 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 4 84 LARZELERE, HARVEY W. 1856 Report for relief............................A 5 198 LASHER, G. J. E. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............ S 2 51 66522 LATHAM, E. & E. Doc y0i. No. 1856 Report on claim of........................... S 2 57 LATHAM, E. S. & O. 1857 Report on pétition of........................ S 1 22 LATHAM, O. B. 1868 Memorial of, relative to New Capitol . ...... S 3 27 1869 do do ............A 10 165 LATHROP, BENJAMIN C. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 37 LATHROP, JEDEDIAH H., AND OTHERS. 1841 Report on pétition of, for an investigation into their acte and proceedings as directors of the City Bank of Buffalo.........................................A 7 290 LATHROP, JOHN N. 1834 Report on pétition of, for a grant of land in the vil- lage of Lodi.................................... S 2 65 1834 Report of select committee on the same....... S 2 81 LATERAL CANALS. 1877 Report of commissioners to investigate the....... A 3 30 LAWRENCE, EDWARD D. 1870 Papers and testimony in case of contested seat of.. A 5 82 LAWRENCEYILLE, VILLAGE OF. 1840 Report on pétition to incorporate a Hydraulic Cernent Company at..........................A 3 94 LAW REPORTS, Exchange of, with the different States, see Suprême Court Decisions. LAWS OF THE STATE. 1845 Report of the Secretary of State respecting general index to, and documents in his office...... S 2 71 1848 Report of select committee on codification of. S 2 69 LAWSON, ALEXANDER. 1859 Report relative to escheat of lands belonging to estate of...................................A 2 86 LAWSON, JACOB. 1841 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of, for bounty lands........................... A 6 242 1843 Report of committee on the militia and public defense on pétition of..............«.....A 4 114 1843 Report of a committee on daims on a bill for his relief................................... S 3 115 1844 Report of committee on the militia and public defense on the pétition of................ A 3 35623 1843 1845 1840 1830 1831 1833 1834 1835 1836 1836 1838 1838 1839 1840 1841 1844 1844 LAWSON, JAMES. toc. Voi. No. Report of committee on daims on bill for tbe felief of..................................... S 3 115 LAWYERS’ FEES. Report of select committee on...................A LEAD. Report relative to reducing the canal tools on..A 8 LEAKE AND WATTS ORPHAN HOUSE, see New York. LEAKE, JO AN G. Report on pétition of Z. Barker and others, in rela- tain to certain lands escheated to the State on the death of.......................... ............ A Report on pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan House to vest in them the right and title of the State to said lands......... S Report on pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan House to vest in them the right and title of the State to said lands......... S Report on pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan House, and the pétition of Jean Gray, Genet Dunlop and others for the same--- Report on memorial of the Leake and Watts Orphan House, and also of the next of kin of J. G. Leake for the same................................. S Report of Commissioners of the Land Office rela- tive to the sale of the lands escheated to the State, on the death of....................... S Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on pétition of Leonard Hildreth and others in rela- tion to the same.................................A Report of Commissioners of the Land Office rela- tive to the sale of saifclands...................A Report on pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan House, for the releaes to them of the said lands................................A Report on pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan House, for the release to them of said lands.................................. A Report of committee on finance on the memorial of Janet McAndrew and the pétition of the trustées of the Leake and Watts Orphan Home........... S Report of the Attorney-General on pétition of Janet Hay, or McAndrew, Alexander Leck and James Thompson relative to the same ..........«....A Report of select committee on the escheated lands of deceased................................ A Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on same................................A 6 227 343 2 73 s 2 71 s 2 100 s 2 121 s 2 80 s 2 86 A 3 193 A 2 54 A 2 24 A 2 28 i S 4 117 i A 7 268 i A 3 74 ' A 5 126524 LEAKE, JOHN O.— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Report of committee on aliéna concerning the Leake and Watts estate................................A 6 210 1845 Minority report of committee on aliéna concerning the Leake and Watts estate......................A 6 215 1845 Minority report on the Leake and Watts estate______A 6 233 1850 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on es- cheated lands of................................A 3 22 1850 Report of select committee on pétition of James Hay, relative to escheated lands of.............A 5 87 1851 Report on pétition of James Hay in relation to_____A 4 101 LEARNED AND JOHNSON. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...............A 5 156 LEASES, .‘eeLandlord and Tenant. LEASK, HENRY G. 1872 Claim of, to seat in Assembly held by James Dun- phy, report of committee on..............A 9 129 LEAYENWORTH, E. W. 1848 Report on memorial of......................A 5 160 1848 Report of Canal Board on memorial of.......A 5 171 LEAYITT, JOSHÜA. 1841 Memorial of, relative to the importance of an équit- able and adéquate market for American wheat.. . A 7 295 LEBANON SPRINGS RAILROAD. 1861 Report on pétition of......................A 5 111 LEBANON, TOWN OF. 1838 First Congregational Society of, report on pétition to confirm the acts of the trustées of...A 6 266 LECK, ALEXANDER, see Jançl Hay or McAndrew and others. LEDYARD, ISAAC, AND JOHN P. MATTHEWS. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 6 201 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 . 226 1847 Report on pétition of........................ A 6 159 1848 do .........................A 3 110 LEE, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS, see Henry Price and others. LEE, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 9 152 LEEDS, YILLAGE OF. 1831 Turnpike from, to Freehold, report on pétition to incorporate...............................A 4 346525 LEGAL NOTICES. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report of State printer of amount received for 14 bankrupt and ... S 1 1846 Report relative to publication of ... S 4 113 1847 Report relative to . LEGGETT, ABRAHAM. ... S 1 13 1857 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of, for payment for goods furnished Sing Sing State prison...................................A 3 168 LEGISLATIVE CORRUPTION. 1862 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on, A 2 23 LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS, see Documents. LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 1859 Report of Comptroller in relation to........... S 2 66 1859 Communication from Weed, Parsons & Co., relative to price of..................................A 3 103 1865 Report of committee on révision of............. S 1 17 LEGISLATIVE PRINTING. 1859 Report of Attorney-General, relative to amount paid for...... ............................. S 2 80 1868 Copy contract for...... ....................... S 1 8 1869 do .............................. S 3 36 LEGISLATIVE STATIONERY. 1860 Report of committee on tbe bill entitled “An act in relation to”............................. SI 75 LEGISLATURE, see Assembly; Senate. 1832 Cbaplains, report on tbe subject of dispensing witb tbe ........................................A 4 298 1833 Report relative to tbe payment of tbe.......... S 1 28 1838 Communication from tbe clergy of Albany accepting tbe invitation to officiate as.............. S 1 6 1833 Members of tbe, report relative to tbe eligibility of, as senators in congress..................... S 1 18 1834 Report relative to tbe payment of postage on letters received by.................................A 3 164 1835 Compensation of, report relative to tbe........A 1 54 1835 Annual meeting of, report relative to cbanging tbe time for tbe ........................ ......A 1 61 1835 Printing for tbe, amount paid for, in tbe years 1831, 1832, 1833 and 1834......................... S 2 67 1836 Printing for tbe, of bills, report recommending tbe, A 4 289 1838 Printing for tbe, report of select committee on tbe subject of..................... . ..........A 6 346 1838 Printing for tbe, communication from tbe State printer (E. Croswell), relative to tbe above report, A 6 348526 LEGISLATURE — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Printing for the, report of the Comptroller and Secretary of State relative to the contract with Thurlow Weed for the.................................A 2 47 1840 Printing for the, communication from Thurlow Weed, State printer, in answer to a resolution of Assembly requesting him to report the expense of, during the présent session................. S 4 125 1841 Printing for the, communication from Thurlow Weed, State printer, in answer to a resolution of Assembly requesting him to report the expense of, during the présent session.......................A 7 276 1845 Titles of acts.............................A 7 250 1847 do ..................................A 8 264 1858 Titles of acts passed 1848....................... A 5 189 1849 Titles of acts passed 1849....................... A 5 215 1849 Majority report on resolution relative to members of, elected to congress...................... S 2 48 1849 Minority report on resolution relative to members of, elected to congress...................... S 2 49 1850 Joint rules of................................... S 1 32 1850 do ................................... A 3 38 1851 Report of committee of conférence on joint rules of, S 2 36 1852 Joint rules and orders of........ ............. S 1 4 1852 Joint rules, report relative to...................... SI 10 1852 Joint rules of........................... .......A 2 36 1853 Report of committee on public expenditures on contingent expenses of....................... S 1 26 1853 Joint rules of, as amended by the Senate.........A 2 17 1853 Joint rules, adopted January 25, 1853 ........... S 1 15 1853 Communication from the Comptroller, relative to the exhaustion of the annual appropriation of $75,000, for pay of members and officers of...........A 5 128 1854 Joint rules proposed.............................A 1 11 1855 Joint rules of...................................... SI 26 1856 Report of committee respecting the printing of journals.....................................A 1 10 1856 Report of committee on révision of joint rules .... A 1 11 1856 Joint rules of................ ..................A 3 24 1857 do ......................................... S 1 35 1857 Joint rules and orders of........................A 1 34 1858 Joint rules, as adopted February 17, 1858........A 1 35 1859 Joint rules...........................................Al 30 1860 do ......................................... S 1 4 1861 do ......................................... SI 16 1862 do .........................................A 4 46 1863 do .........................................A 2 42 1864 do .........................................A 1 10 1865 do .........................................A 3 48 1866 do .........................................A 1 8 1867 do .........................................A 1 9 1868 do .........................................A 2 8527 • 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1876 1832 1835 1870 1847 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1846 1847 1838 1840 LEGISLATURE — Continued. Doc Voi. no. Communication from Comptroller relative to legis- lative documents.............................. S 3 42 Communication from Secretary of State relative to « j 3 23 non-receipt of documents . ................. (3 46 Joint rules of ...............................A 1 9 Communication to, from St. Louis capitol committee, S 2 56 Joint rules of............................... A 1 9 Déclaration of, relative to acts passed by congress for purpose of subjecting State élections to fédéral dictation ....................................A 11 124 Joint rules of................................A 2 9 Power of the, over corporations, etc., see Corpora- tions. Joint rules...................................A 5 2 do ...................................... S 14 4 do ...................................... S 1 4 do ......................................A 6 65 do ...................................... S 1 4 Legislative printing, communications relative to. .. S j g ^ LEICESTER, TOWN OF. Boundary line of, report relative to............A 2 172 Dam and boat-lock on the Genesee river, report on pétition of Félix Tracy to build a............A 4 295 LEICHT, HENRY. Report of daims committee on pétition of ...... A 10 167 LEIGHTON, DAVID, AND IRA W. DELAMATER. Report on pétition of.......................... S 2 78 LENOX LIBRARY. Report of trustées of...........................A 2 15 Annual report of............................. A 2 21 do ............................. SI 6 Annual report of trustées of................... S 3 31 do do .................... S 2 34 Annual report of.............................. S 2 21 Annual report of trustées of.................. S 8 LENOX, TOWN OF. Report of committee on canals on pétition of....A 4 130 Report on pétition of, relative to surplus water on Rome level....................................A 4 109 LENOX AND SULLIVAN, TOWNS OF. Swamp lands in, report relative to an amendaient of the law for draining the...............(r'/ S 1 15 Report on pétition to change the place of meeting of the proprietors of the...................A 5 203528 LENT, DE HURON. Doc. Vol. No. 1853 Report of committee on claitns on pétition of. S 2 48 LEONARD, AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on daims of.............................A 7 200 LEONARD, GEORGE B. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of.......A 7 99 LE RAY, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition for a loan to build bridges across Black river..................................A 8 336 LE ROY, HERMAN, Jr. 1834 Report on pétition of, to construct a dam across a creek in the town of Pelham..................A 3 157 LE ROY, TOWN OF. 1844 Report on the pétition of inhabitants of. .. S 4 122 LESTER, FRANKLIN. 1857 Report on award to............................ S 4 111 LESTER, M. W. 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A 1 30 LETTER POSTAGE, see Postage. LE VALLEY AND MORRELL. 1852 Report on their pétition................. ... S 2 53 LE VALLEY, F. J. 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 100 LE VALLEY, FRANKLIN. 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 1 18 LEVERIDGE, J., AND H. B. DURYEA. 1855 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of_A 2 40 LEVERNWAY, TOUSANT. 1833 Heir-at-law of Francis Levernway, a Canadian refu- gee, report on pétition for bounty lands......A 4 296 LEVY, HARMAN AND CATHARINE B. 1835 Report on pétition to change the names of......A 1 24 LEWIS COIJNTY. 1831 Road in, report on pétition to raise money by tax to construct a........................... .......A 3 212 1832 Roa4 district, through the towns of Leyden, West Turin, Turin and Martinsburgh, report on pétition for a....................................... S 2 79 1838 Boutfty on wolves, report on pétition to raise the... A 6 325 1859 Report of treasurer of.........................A 2 65529 LEWIS COUNTY BANK. Doc. Vol. No. 1866 Reply of Attorney-General to receiver for.. S 2 77 LEWIS, ISA AC, see W. Gibbs and others. LEWIS, ISAIAH. 1846 Report relative to certain costs, etc., of scbool dis- trict No. 11, Otselic, Chenango county, in suit with.............................................. S 4 110 LEWIS, JOHN L. 1871 Acceptance of office of Regent of University. S 4 45 LEWIS, LEONARD. 1854 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 41 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 3 41 LEWIS, MORGAN. 1863 Report on pétition of....................... A 5 155 LEWIS, NATHAN. 1863 Report on pétition of.........................A 3 56 LEWIS, WILLIAM B., AND A. W. SCRIVEN. 1860 Report on claim of............................A 4 116 LEWISTON AND PORTER, TOWNS OF. 1833 Baptist church and society of the, report on the pétition of the trustées of, to sell their real estate, A 2 101 LEWISTON, VILLAGE OF. 1834 Report on a pétition for a resurvey of the plot of the...................................... A 4 308 1837 First Presbyterian Society, report on pétition for the conveyance of certain land..............A 3 210 1839 Cemetery, etc., report in relation to.........A 6 332 LIBBY, JAS. S., AND OTHERS. 1852 Report of Commissioners of Land Office respecting the granting of land under water at Westfield ... A 5 121 LIBERIA EMIGRATION AND AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. 1852 Memorial of, for an appropriation............ S 1 19 LIBERTY, PERSONAL. 1848 Report of judiciary committee on bill for the pro- tection of ...................................... S 1 14 LIBRARIES, DISTRICT, see Common Schools. LIBRARY, ASSEMBLY, see Assembly. LIBRARY, ASTOR, see New York. LIBRARY, OSWEGO CITY, see Oswego City. 67530 LIBRARY, SENATE, see Senate. LIBRARY, STATE, see State Library. LICENSE LAW, see Excise. LICENTIOUSNESS. Doc. Vol. No. 1842 Report of committee on pétition for laws to publish, A 7 159 1844 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition for the suppression of....................A 3 63 1845 Report of select committee on...............A 1 23 LIEN LAW. 1830 Report on pétition for a law giving mechanics a lien upon buildings erected by them for labor and materials furnished.... .........................A 1 24 1830 Report of select committee on the same..... S 3 231 1831 do do ...............A 4 286 1841 do do ...............A 5 161 LIEUTENANT-GOYERNOR. 1847 Opinion of, as to the court of errors...... S 1 20 1847 Report on élection of...................... S 4 115 1851 Communication in relation to the Commission ers of the Canal Fund............................A 2 30 1854 Communication from Comptroller relative to moneys paid, etc..................... ..............*. S 2 81 1854 Communication from Comptroller relative to moneys paid, etc................................ S 2 93 LIFE-BOAT ASSOCIATION, see Rockaway. LIFE CONYICTS. 1861 Report of State Prison Inspectors, relative to.A 2 68 LILLIE, C. L., & E. A. HALL. 1846 Report on bill for relief of................S 4 125 LIMA, TOWN OF. 1830 Fire engine company in, report on pétition for a... A 3 290 Seminary in, see Genesee and Wesleyan Seminary. LIMESTONE CREEE. 1836 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the waters of................................ S 2 80 LIMESTONE CREEE FEEDER. Canal from the, to the Seneca road, see H. Edwards and others. LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS. 1837 Report of Attorney-General on bill.. ..........A 4 304531 LINCOLN MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. r 1867 Communication from Governor of Illinois, relative to.........................................A 6 96 LINDSLEY, AMANLIS. 1841 Report on pétition of, for a divorce.........A 4 143 LIQUOR. 1862 Report of select committee on pétition for an amendment of the Constitution, relative to, as a beverage...........................................A 6 163 1862 Report of majority of select committee on amend- ment of Constitution, as to........................A 6 168 LIQUOR LAW, PROHIBITORY. 1859 Report of committee, relative to.............A 3 140 LISLE PLANK-ROAD COMPANY. 1862 Report relative to expenditure of appropriation for prosecution of.............................A 6 182 LITERATURE FUND. 1830 Distribution of the income of, report of Regents of the University relative to the best method for the, S 4 400 1830 Distribution of the income of, report on pétition of trustées of Hamilton Academy for an equal....... S 4 304 1830 Distribution of the income of, report of Regents of the University relative to the exclusion of Red Hook and Union Hall Academies, and the Union Literary Society, from the ......................... ... A 4 320 1830 And canal funds, report of Regents of the Univer- sity on bill relative to......................... S 4 371 1831 Increase of the, report of the Regents on bill to provide for the application of the............... S 1 74 1832 Income of the, report on pétition of Erasmus Hall, Oyster Bay, Clinton and Union Hall Academies, to repeal the law authorizing the New York In- stitution for the Deaf and Dumb to receive a dis- tributive share of the........................ A 2 59 1830 Income of the, report of Regents of amount dis- tributed by them from 1832 to 1830.............. S 3 218 1835 Distribution of the income of the, report on the propriety of amending the law relative to........A 3 263 1839 Distribution of the income of the, report on péti- tion to change the présent mode...........................A 3 76 1841 Distribution of the income of the, report on pétition to change the présent mode.......................A 6 256 1839 Distribution of the income of the, report of Regents of the University relative to altering the présent mode.........................................»..........A. 3 141 1836 Income of the, report on pétition of Greenbush and Schodack Academy for a portion of the............A 4 218 1844 Report of committee on colleges, etc., in regard to distribution of.................................A. 5 135532 1831 1837 1839 1839 1839 1843 1844 1845 1848 1861 1839 1835 1837 1845 1835 1836 1838 1832 1838 1835 1839 1857 1858 1859 LITTLEFALLS. Doc.Voi. Bank at, report on pétition to incorporate....... S 1 School district No. 1.............................A 2 Road district from, to Salisbury, report on pétition for a....................... ................A 2 Road district from, to Salisbury, report on pétition to amend the law relative to a.................A 6 Market, etc., report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.................................A 6 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to bridges lying between Utiea and....................... S 3 Report of Canal Board on pétition of citizens of, for finishing a bridge............................ A 6 Report on bill to authorize inhabitants of, to borrow money....................................... S 3 Report on changing name of....................... S 3 LITTLE, WEARE C. Report on claim of................................A 5 - LITTLEFIELD, LYMAN, see I. Campbell. LITTLE VALLEY, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in the.......................A 1 LIVERPOOL, VILLAGE OF. Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition for the use of the surplus waters of the Oswego canal to raise sait water at........................A 4 Report by same committee relative to the same ... A 2 Report of Canal Board relative to side-cut canals in, S 3 LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Bridge over Genesee river, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a..................A 3 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.................................A 4 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a................................ A 1 Commissioners of deeds, report on pétition to authorize the élection of.................... A 1 Race-course, report on pétition for a law to estab- lish a ....................................... A 4 Surrogate of, report on pétition to confirm his official acts..................................A 1 Treasurer of, report relative to the appointment of, A 2 Minority report on ann6xation of Ossian to....... S 4 Communication relative to unpaid taxes due the State from the Treasurer of....................A 3 Banks in, see Banks, Livingston County. LIVINGSTON AND BROOME COÜNTIES. Report relative to apportionment of members to.... A 3 No. 16 113 49 342 350 105 157 114 74 126 127 9 347 93 99 242 213 19 35 198 47 43 116 53 140533 LIVINGSTON, FRANKLIN, see D. B. King and F. Livingston. LIVINGSTON, R. M., see Daniel Stevenson. LIVINGSTON, THOMAS. Doc.Voi. No. 1834 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to his boat on the canal.......................A 3 125 LLOYD, JOHN. 1832 Report on pétition of, for the appointment of com- missioners to settle his accounts for building the Allegany county poor-house..........................A 3 241 LO AN, STATE. 1834 Message from the Governor recommending a (W. L. Marcy).................. ................A 4 320 1834 Report of joint committee on the Governor’s message.....................................A 4 350 1835 Report of eommissioners underthe act authorizing a, S 1 25 1835 Report on the same. ..........................A 2 144 1838 Message from the Governor recommending a...... S 2 70 LO ANS BY THE STATE. 1832 Loans of 1786, 1792, and 1808, report of Comp- troller of amount outstanding, etc.......... S 1 25 1832 Report of committee on finance on the report of the Comptroller............................. S 2 69 1833 Loans of 1792 and 1808, report of Comptroller of amount now on loan in the several counties..A 4 241 1839 Report on the propriety of extending the time for the payment of..............................A 5 270 1849 Communication from Comptroller relative to expira- tion of time for payment of.................A. 3 176 1837 Loans of 1808, report of Comptroller of amount outstanding, and the amount supposed to be not collectible......................................... S 1 34 1850 Loans of 1849, report of committee on ways and means on Governor’s message relative to pre- miums on....................................A 5 133 1830 Loan of the principal of the school and literature funds, resolution ofïered by Mr. McMartin rela- tive to a........................................... S 4 398 1850 Report on Governor’s message relating to pre- miums on............... .................... S 2 68 1856 Report of committee on finances on act to authorize loan of certain moneys...................... S 1 12 LOANS, COMMISSIONERS OF. 1847 Report as to, of United States deposit fund... S 1 32 1849 Amount of money on loan, etc., in charge of... S 2 49 1857 Communication from the Attorney-General relative to suits against............................Al 19 1858 Report of proceedings of supervisors of county of New York relative to........................A3 721838 1854 1839 1841 1843 1844 1844 1846 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1859 1834 1870 1858 534 LO AN S, COMMISSIONERS OF, AND SUPER- VISOR. Doc. Yol. No. Report on resolution to inquire whether the offices of, ought to be vested in one person..........A 3 75 LOB AN, DAVID, see Martin Bettinger. LOCKENTELLY, JOHN AND DAVID LEMONNIER. Report on pétition of...........................A 1 33 LOCKPORT, VILLAGE OF. Canal bridge at, report on pétition for ,.... S 3 88 Fiiemen in, report on pétition to amend the act rela- tive to the.................................... S 3 79 Locks at, report of Canal Commissioners relative to combined..................................... S 3 98 Locks at, report of Canal Board relative to the five combined..................................... S 4 130 Locks at, report of Canal Commissioners having charge of western division of Erie canal in rela- tion to combined................................A 5 131 Materials at, report of committee on canals rela- tive to.........................................A 5 185 Surplus waters of the canal at, memorial of Lyman A. Spalding relative to the...................A 1 55 Surplus waters of the canal at, memorial of inhabi- tants of Niagara county relative to the.........A 1 61 Surplus waters of the canal at, remonstrance of Lot Clark against the memorial of L. A. Spalding relative to the...............................A 2 91 Surplus waters of the canal at, communication from Henry Seymour requesting the appointment of a committee to investigate tlie charges against him, A 2 121 Surplus waters of the canal at, report of committee on canals relative to the.......................A 4 280 Surplus waters of the canals at, report of amount paid for investigating the charges against the Canal Commissioners relative to the.............A 4 339 Report of contracting board relative to canal at . .. A 3 156 Bank, see Banks — Niagara county. Raceway around the locks at, see W. Buel. LOCKPORT AND NIAGARA FALLS RAIL- ROAD, see Railroads. LOCKVILLE, VILLAGE OF. Surplus canal water at, report concerning.A 4 287 LOCKWOOD, JOHN L. Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 11 191 LOCKWOOD, MUNSON I. Communication from Comptroller and Attorney- General relative to suit of............. S 2 85535 1858 1859 1865 1850 1849 1833 1831 1835 1836 1836 1840 1834 1832 1833 1832 1830 1838 1870 1841 1853 1853 LOCKWOOD, MUNSON I — Continuée!. Doc. Yol. No. Late agent of Sing Sing prison, report of referees in case of................................. S 2 106 Communication of Comptroller, Secretary of State and Attorney-General relative to claim of.A 10 205 LOGAN, A. SIM. Memorial of, relative to form of government of Seneca nation of Indians.......................A 3 61 LOGAN, WM., & CO. Report on pétition of......................... S 2 67 LOGAN, WM., AND OTHERS. Report of select committee on pétition of......A 3 133 LONGBY, LYMAN. Report on pétition to confirm his title to certain lands.................................. ... A 2 60 LONG ISLAND. Canal company, report on pétition to confer banking powers on the........... .................... S 1 60 Ferries between New York and, report on pétition for tbe establishment of additional..........A 2 138 Ferries between New York and, report on bill to establish and regulate..... .................A 4 258 Ferries between New York and, minority report... A 4 259 Game, préservation of, report on pétition to repeal the law for the, so far as relates to Huntington, Islip and Brookhaven..........................A 3 83 Life Insurance and Trust Company, report on péti- tion to incorporate..............................A 1 40 Trout, préservation of, in certain waters of....... A 4 337 do do .......A 2 65 Wreck masters, report on pétition to amend the law relative to...................................A 4 276 Sound Harbor Company, report on pétition to incor- porate ......................................... S 3 265 Sound oysters, report relative to planting.......A 3 157 LONG ISLAND RA1LROAD, sec Railroads. LONG, JOHN, HEIRS OF. Report of daims committee on pétition of........ A 10 162 LONG, JOSEPH. Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the construction of the Chenango canal.....A 6 254 LONGSTREET, C. P., AND OTHERS. Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, to amend séduction laws.......................A 3 57 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, to amend séduction laws..........................A 3 61536 LONG, W. Poe. Vol. No. 1832 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for damages in conséquence of his being kept out of posses- sion of certain land bought of the State... S 1 37 1834 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for damages in conséquence of his being kept out of possession of certain lands bought of the State............A 4 374 LONGWOOD, LEYI. 1833 Report on pétition for a divorce..............A 2 47 LORD & BAKER. 1863 Report on daims of............................A 5 147 LORD, JARVIS, Assignée of James Bellows. 1866 Report of daims committee on Senate bill for relief of......................................... A 7 192 LOSS, LEWIS M. 1871 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 3 48 LOTTERIES. 1832 Report of Attorney-General relative to........A 4 292 1833 Pétition of Palmer Canfield, relative to .... S 2 108 1833 Pétition of Yates and Mclntyre, relative to.. S 2 119 1833 Report of Attorney-General, relative to.......A 1 13 1833 Report of select committee (Mr. Herttell) relative to, A 2 98 1834 Resolutions of the Législature of Pennsylvania in relation to............................... A 1 11 1834 Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts in relation to................................ A 2 76 1834 Foreign tickets of, report relative to the sale of ... S 2 62 LOUISIANA, STATE OF. 1831 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tariff law of 1828 ........................ 1 A 4 1851 Ordinance of sécession of.... ............... S 2 39 LOYELL, JOSEPH D., AND OTHER. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 6 111 LOYELL, REUBEN, AND OTHERS. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of. ......A 5 91 LOYERIDGE, J., AND H. B. DURYEA. 1855 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of.A 2 40 LOWELL, WILLIAM. 1833 Report on pétition of D. Neff and P. Fancrook, rela- tive to the last will, etc , of.................... S 2 92 LOWER RED HOOK LANDING. 1840 Report on pétition for a law to protect, from dam- ages by ère from steamboats........................A 5 164537 LOWERRE, CHARLES H. d0c. y0i. No. 1865 Report on pétition of.......................A4 79 LOWRIE, JAMES, AND OTHERS, see Northern Turnpike. LOWYILLE ACADEMY. 1862 Memorial of trustées of, for aid..................... S 1 18 LOZIER, JAMES, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report on the pétition of James Lozier and others, for a réduction of fees of county clerk of New York.............................................. S 3 126 LUBY, PATRICK AND OTHERS. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 9 151 LUCE, HERVEY. 1841 Report on pétition of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Chemun g canal........................ S 3 84 LUDDINGTON, M. E. 1862 Report on pétition of................................A 8 238 LUDDINGTON, PHILIP. 1832 Report on pétition of, for a bridge across the Erie canal..............................................S 2 75 LUMBARD, JAMES, AND OTHERS. 1849 Report on pétition of................................S 2 70 LUMBERLAND TURNPIKE, see Mount Hope. LUNATIC ASYLUMS. 1855 Report relative to commission to examine into, and work-houses, jails, etc........................... S 1 27 Hudson, see White, Samuel. New York, see New York Bloomingdale Asylum. LUNATIC ASYLUM, STATE. 1830 Report the subject of building a.....................A 4 408 1831 Report on the same (Mr. Potter)..................... S 2 84 1831 Report of a select committee on the same ..A 2 263 1832 Report on the same (Mr. Kemble) .....................A 2 174 1834 Report on the same (A. J. Parker)....................A 4 347 1835 Report on the same (Mr. Herttell)....................A 3 167 1836 Memorial of New York State Medical Society for the érection of a..................................... S 1 38 1837 Report of commissioners appointed to locate the... SI 39 1839 Statement of the commissioners to the Governor ... S 1 2 1839 Annual report of commissioners to build............. S 1 22 1839 Report of select committee relative to the (Mr. Page)............................................. S 2 39 1839 Communication from F. E. Spinner relative to. ... S 2 57 1840 Annual report of commissioners...................... S 1 2 68538 LUNATIC ASYLUM, STATE — Continuée!. Doc. Yol. No. 1840 Report of select committee relative to the (Mr. Herttell).....................................A 5 105 1841 Letter from the commissioners to the Governor ... S 1 2 1841 Communication from the commissioners.............. S 2 52 1841 Annual report of commissioners.....................A 2 26 1841 Report of select committee relative to the........ A 3 61 1841 Report of select committee relative to the (Mr. Pierpont)...................................... A 7 262 1841 Message from the Governor transmitting a commu- nication from one of the commissioners..........A 7 280 1842 Report of the commissioners of, to the Governor ..Al 2 1841 Report of the trustées of, and documents accom- panying same.................................. S 1 20 1843 Report of the managers of..........................A 3 50 1844 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., on the bill relative to the...................... S 4 127 1844 Report of committee on medical societies, etc, on the bili relative to the...................... S 4 128 1844 Annual report of managers of.......................A 1 21 1844 Report of majority of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to.............A 3 95 1844 Report of minority of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to...........A 3 94 1845 Annual report of managers of.......................A 1 29 1846 Report of managers of............................. S 1 25 1846 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., rela- tive to............................................... S 1 12 1846 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., rela- tive to............................................... S 2 58 1846 Report of Comptroller, relative to payments from treasury on account of the ................... S 2 61 1847 Annual report of superintendent of................ S 1 30 1848 Report of......................................... S 1 20 1849 Report, sixth annual, of managers of State Lunatic Asylum......................................... A 2 90 1850 Annual report of managers......................... S 2 57 1851 Managers* annual report........................... S 2 42 1852 Managers* report.................................. S 1 46 1853 Report of managers of............................. S 1 27 1854 Annual report of managers..........................A 3 76 1854 Report on part of message relative to............. S 2 84 1855 Annual report of.................................. S 1 14 1855 Report of committee on medical societies relative to commission to examine into, etc................ S 1 27 1855 Report of committee on State charitable institutions in reference to bill to establish a second......A 4 91 1859 Thirteenth annual report of trustées of............A 4 120 1856 Report on locating................................A3 71 1857 Fourieenth annual report of managers of...........Al 15 1858 Report on so much of Governor’s message as relates to the......................................... S 2 26539 LUNATIC ASYLUM, STATE — Continuée!* Doc. Vol. No. 1858 Fifteenth animal report of managers of......... S 2 52 1859 Annual report of managers of .................. S 1 41 1860 do do SI 38 1861 do do SI 13 1862 do do ................... S 3 51 1863 do do ................... S 2 48 1864 do do ................... S 3 35 1865 do do SI 32 1866 do do ................... S 2 52 1867 do do ................... S 2 30 1868 do do ................... S 4 46 1869 do do ................... S 3 21 1869 Report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly relative to................................. S 6 80 1869 Report relative to supply of water for....... S 6 65 1870 Annual report of managers of................. S 2 34 1871 do do ................... S 4 53 1872 do do ................... S 3 46 1874 Annual report of managers.................... S 2 19 1875 Annual report of............................. S 1 16 1876 do .............................. S 1 17 1877 do .............................. S 1 13 Lunacy. 1874 Report of the State Commissioners on codification of laws relating to............................ S 4 86 1874 Annual report of State Commissioners of...... S 3 43 1875 Annual report of the State Commissioner in... S 1 7 1876 Annual report of Commissioners in............ SI 2 1877 Annual report of............................. S 1 12 LUNATICS IN STATE PRISON, see State Prison. LUPIN, MARY, see Mary Gray. LUSH, MICHAEL. 1833 Report on pétition for bounty lands..........A 4 278 LUSH, SAMUEL S. 1835 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for deficiency in the quantity of certain lands..........A 1 26 1835 Report of committee on daims on the same..... S 2 33 LYMAN, ASA A., AND WILLIAM M. IRWIN. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 88 LYME, TOWN OF. 1832 Election of justices of the peace in, report relative to the.......................................A 4 291 LYNCH, JAMES. 1864 Report on pétition of............................A3 76540 LYNCH, MARGARET. Doc>Vol. Ko> 1857 Report of committee on daims, adverse on pétition of, for damages by overflow of Cornélius creek... A 2 108 LYNDS, ELAM, see State Prison at Mount Pleasant. 1844 Members of, relative to his removal, etc...... S 2 91 1844 Report of select committee thereon............ S 5 135 1844 Report of select committee on the pétition of. S 4 135 LYON, JAMES. 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for stone taken from his quarry for the Oswego canal and for the payment of certain costs, etc......................A 5 209 LYON, REUBEN. 1851 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, A 2 35 LYSANDER, TOWN OF. 1839 School district No. 25 in, report concerning...A 6 385 1832 do do do ....... S 3 89 1831 Lot No. 75 in the township of, report relative to the sale of, for non-payment of taxes............. S 1 46 LENOX LIBRARY. 1878 Annual report of trustées of.................. S 1 15 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION FOR THE IMPROYED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF- MUTES. 1878 Annual report of...............................A 3 14 LEGISLATIVE AND DEPARTMENT PRINTING. 1878 Comptroller’s reply to a resolution transmitting contracte for................................A 3 40 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1879 Report of......................................A 2 16 LENOX LIBRARY. 1879 Report of......................................A 2 34 LIGHT-HOUSE ENGINEER, THIRD DISTRICT. 1879 Communication from.............................A 7 153 LIST OF MEMBERS. 1879 Officers and reporters....................... A 4 65 LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report of trustées of Astor............ S 1 8 1880 Annual report of trustées of Lenox............ S 1 14 1880 Annual report of trustées of New York State. S 2 31541 LONG ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Communication from.......... .............. S 2 55 1880 Thomas R. Sharpe, receiver, report of, in response to Senate resolutions.................... S 2 45 LUNACY. 1880 Annual report of State Commissioner in. ... S 1 13 LUNATIC. 1880 State Asylum at Utica, annual report of managers.. SI 12 LE COÜTEÜLX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTE. 1880 Report of.......................... .......A 2 15 LEGISLATIVE PRINTING, see Printing. LIDDLE u. HINES. 1880 Case of, report on.........................A 6 78 LENOX LIBRARY. 1881 Annual report of trustées of .. ...........S 1 24 LARD CHEESE, see Oleomargarine. LE COÜTEÜLX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION. 1881 Report of.....-............................A 1 9 LIST OF. 1881 Assembly committees........................A 2 21 1881 General order, see General Orders. 1881 Members..................................... A 1 1 1881 Officers and reporters (with address) .....A 3 42 1881 Spécial general orders, see General Orders, spécial. LANDS. 1882 Report of Comptroller on, owned by State... S 5 60 LIBRARIES. 1882 Astor, report.............................. S 5 47 1882 Lenox, report.............................. S 5 56 1882 State, trustées annual report.............. S 3 36 LUNACY. 1882 Commissioner in ninth annual report........ S 1 8 LUNATIC ASYLUM. 1882 Utica, thirty-ninth annual report.......... S 2 21 LAKES AND RIVERS. 1882 Companies navigating the, annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor on.................À 2 21 LANDS, see State Lands.542 LENOX LIBRARY. Doc. vol. No. 1883 Annual report of trustées.................. S 2 19 LIBRARY, see Astor Library. LIST OF. 1883 General Orders ............................ S 1 11 1883 Of Senators................................ S 1 1 1883 Of Senators, members, officers and reporters, with boarding-houses.......................... S 2 28 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MÜTES. 1883 Report.................................... A 2 19 1883 List of members........................ ... A 1 1 1883 List of standing committees................ A 3 37 1883 List of members, officers and reporters.....A 4 77 LEGISLATIVE PRINTING. 1884 Contract for............................... S 3 28 LENOX LIBRARY. 1884 Annual report of trustées.................. S 3 31 LIBERTY, JOHN. 1884 Report of, as game and fisb protector...... S 3 36 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY S INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1884 Annual report of............................A 5 27 LIST O F. 1884 Aesembly committees........................ .A 2 20 1884 Members.................................... A 1 1 1884 Members with boarding-house.................A 5 41 LAND TRANSFER. 1885 Report of commissioners.................... S 6 50 LEGISLATURE. 1885 Boarding-house list ....................... S 5 34 1885 Joint rules .............................. S 1 5 LENOX LIBRARY. 1885 Report of trustées......................... S 5 30 LIGHTING COMPANIES. 1885 Report of committee on..................... S 5 41 STANDING COMMITTEE. 1885 List of Senate............................. S 4 14543 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION. Doc. Voi. No. 1885 Annual report of...........................A 2 13 LABOR STATISTICS. 1886 Report of Bureau.......................... S 3 28 LABORERS, see Aqueduct. LEGISLATIVE PRINTING. 1886 Relative to............................... S 2 20 LENOX LIBRARY. 1886 Report of trustées........................... S 3 33 LIGHTING COMPANIES. 1886 Report of spécial committee to investigate. S 4 47 LIST OF. 1886 Senate committees.......................... S 2 19 1886 Senators ................................ S 1 1 1886 Officers and reporters with boarding-houses.. S 3 41 LUNATIC ASYLUM, see Utica. LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1886 Report of...................................A 5 28 LIST OF. 1886 Members................................... A 1 1 1886 Standing committees.........................A 1 9 LENOX LIBRARY. 1887 Annual report of trustées of............... S 1 32 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1887 Report of the Comptroller in regard to taxation of, S 3 48 1887 Resolution of Mr. Cullen, relative to..... S 2 21 LIST OF. 1887 Members................................... A 1 1 LE COUrEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTION. 1887 Report of................................. A 6 31 LENOX LIBRARY. 1888 Annual report of........................... S 4 26 LE COUTEULX ST. MARY’S INSTITUTE FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1888 Report of...................................A 4 28 LIST OF. 1888 Members of Assembly...................... A 1 1 1888 Standing committees.........................A 5 154 4 MABEE, POLLY AND MARCUS. Doc. v0i. No. 1862 Report on pétition of.....................A 8 243 1863 do do ............................A 5 97 MADDEN, E. M. 1874 Answer of Frank Abbott’s majority report of Com- mittee on privilèges and élections...... S 2 28 1874 Debate on adoption of report.............. S 4 97 MAJORITY REPORT. 1873 Of commissioners to investigate subject of illégal taxation on Indian réservations......... S 3 59 MANAGERS OF THE BUFFALO STATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1875 Fourth annual report of board of.. .......A 3 24 MANAGERS OF THE HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL. 1875 Eighth annual report of.......................A3 27 MANAGERS OF THE NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. 1875 Thirty-ninth annual report of............. A 2 14 MONEYS OF STATE IN SEVERAL DEPOSIT BANKS. 1875 Report of ways and means committee relative to. .. A 10 122 MANHATTAN COMMITTEE. 1873 Statement of balances and dividends remaining unbalanced in bank of...................A 2 16 MARBLE LAND COMPANY. 1875 Repoyt of Attorney-General relative to.... S 2 37 MARSH DRAINAGE ACT. 1874 Report of judiciary committee............. S 4 96 McANDREW, JANET. 1840 Report on pétition for certain lands escheated to the State on rhe death of John G. Leake....... S 4 117 1841 Report on the same........................A 7 268 McANARY, MARY ANN. 1862 Report on pétition of.....................A 4 60 McANARY, THOMAS AND MARY ANN. 1862 Report on pétition of.....................A 4 54 McARTHUR, WILLIAM. 1864 Report on pétition of..................... A 6 94545 McBRIDE, JAMES, Je. b Doc. Vol. No. 1856 Report on pétition of... .....................A 4 105 McBRIDE, JAMES, Je., AND AARON VAN DER- POOL, Executors. 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for reappraisment of canal damages to lot.... A 1 44 McBRIDE, R., late Superintendent on the Erie canal, see S. Mattison, Asa Campbell, J. Rodgers. McBRIDE, ROBERT. 1848 Report on pétition of.............. .........A 6 215 1849 Report of select committee on pétition, etc., of ..... A 3 193 1850 Report on claim....................................... A 4 64 McCABE, JAMES. 1850 Report on pétition.................................... S 2 60 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages .. A 1 15 McCarthy, dennis. 1836 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office, on pétition of Eliza McCarthy and Joanna Bant, for the release of the right of the State to the lands of, SI 16 1836 Report of majority of committee on the judiciary on the same..............................A 3 154 1836 Report of minority ...............A 3 155 McCARTY, JEREMIAH. 1864 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 118 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 9 103 McCARTY, M., AND J. 1862 Report on pétition of..............A 8 214 McCLARY, WILLIAM. 1865 Report on pétition of.......................A 7 122 McCLENAHAN, WM. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages to house by water from the Erie canal.......................................A 1 36 McCLURE, GEORGE, see B. S. Brundage. 1830 Report of Comptroller on the pétition of, relative to a mortgage executed to the people of the State by Benjamin S. Brundage.................... S 1 19 1830 Report of committee on finance on the same.. S 1 33 McCOMB, WILLIAM (an alien). 1839 Report on pétition to confirm the last will of Wil- liam Boy es....................................... A 3 81 69546 McCONNELL AND WESTLAKE. Doc. Toi. No. 1836 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work donc on the Chemung canal ..............A 4 280 McCRACKEN, WILLIAM. 1850 Report on pétition......................... S 2 62 McCREA., JAMES, see John Purmortfand others. McCREA, JOHN. 1831 Report on pétition of, for the pre-emptive right to a lot of land in Fort Covington...........A 2 150 1831 Report on the same.......................... . A 3 235 McCREA, W. B. 1863 Report on pétition of.................................... A 5 88 McCULLOCK, WILLIAM. 1834 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain es- cheated land........................................... S 1 16 McDonald, a. p., and others. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.......... S 1 36 1852 Report on pétition of...................... S 2 51 McDonald, Merrill and barnum. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 111 McDONOUGH, TOWN OF. 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate a company to buy and sell articles of merchandise........................A 6 345 MACEDON, TOWN OF. 1831 Road in, report on pétition for the appointment of commissioners to lay out a............................. S 1 34 1834 First Baptist Society of, report on pétition to sell certain real estate.....................................A 3 176 McGHEE, ALEXANDER. 1852 Report on pétition for relief............................ S 1 22 McGUIRE, P. H. 1854 Report on pétition of.....................................A 2 51 McGUIRE, THOMAS. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of..................A 7 135 1870 do do do ..........A 5 93 McHUGH, PETER TYLER. 1836 Report on pétition to change his name.....................A 4 283547 McINEOY, DANIEL. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Champlain canal......................A 2 104 1840 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 6 220 1840 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same.....A 8 279 1840 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 7 295 McINTOSH, ANN. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 7 149 1867 do do do ...............A 6 113 McINTOSH, A. J. 1863 Report on pétition of .......................A 5 146 McINTYRE, JOHN. 1858 Report on bill directing payment of moneys to- S 3 137 McINTYRE, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition for a grant of surplus water in the Fort Edward feeder...................... S 2 74 McINTYRE, JOHN J., see Charles Baker and others. MACK, A ARON B. 1836 Report on pétition for a law to refund to him the amount of principal and interest paid for certain land........................................A 4 392 McKEEYER, MARY. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 10 168 McKINSTRE, SARAH, AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of. .. A 3 45 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 155 McINSTRY, JOHN. 1838 Report on pétition for the repayment of certain money paid for taxes.......................A 2 36 McINSTRY, SAMUEL. 1837 Report on pétition to change his name ...... A 3 229 McKITTUCK & McKINNY. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 10 160 McKNIGHT, CHAS., deceased. 1845 Report of Attorney-General on pétition of, heirs of for relief.................................. S 2 63 1845 Report of committee on daims on same........ S 2 79 McLACHLIN, THOMAS. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of . ......A 5 109548 McLACHLIN, WM. Doc y0], no. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of..A 5 109 1845 Report of committee on daims relative to claim for relief of...................................... S 1 12 1845 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of. .. S 1 26 McLAIN, CHARLES 1835 Report on pétition of, to be released from further payments on a lot of land......................... A 2 152 1835 Report of committee on public lands on the same.. A 3 239 McLEAN, JOHN C. 1830 Report on pétition of, for relief in conséquence of the sale of his land by mistake.... .......S 2 77 1831 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same............................................ S 2 72 1832 Report of the committee on daims on the same.... S 1 47 1832 .do do do .... S 2 73 1832 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the same........................................ S 2 98 MoLENAHAN, WM. 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief..................A 3 83 McLEOD, ALEXANDER. 1841 Correspondence between the authorities of this State and of the United States, concerning.A 7 292 1842 Correspondence of the Governor on the subject of.. A 1 2 McLOUGHLIN, CATHARINE. 1831 Report on pétition for an extension of a lease of certain land.....................................A 2 150 McLOUTH, WILLIAM W., AND C. OSGOOD, see Farmington school district. MoMAHAN, JAMES. 1830 Report on pétition for compensation for services, etc., in the last war......................A 4 393 1831 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 2 71 McMAHON, WILLIAM. 1872 Claim of, to seat in Assembly held by John J. Blair, report of, committee on....................A 9 128 McMaster and merritt. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 1 46 1853 do do do ............ S 2 45 1854 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of. S 1 15 1854 Report of same on appeal from judgment of.... S 1 42 McNAIR, H. AND H. T. 1861 Report on pétition of..................... A 6 134549 McNAIE, H. T. Doc. Vol. po. 1854 Eeport on pétition of............................A 3 107 McNAIE, JAMES. 1847 Eeport on pétition of............................A 8 253 MADISON COUNTY. 1833 Commissioners of loans of, report on pétition of_A 3 156 1833 First judge of, report on pétition to confer on the equity powers upon sums less than $100.........A 4 323 1841 Judges, Governor’s message in relation to proceed- ings on a complaint against the... ...............S 3 80 1837 New county from part of, report on pétition for a.. A 2 131 1833 Sheriff of, report on pétition for pay for transport- ing convicts.................................... A 2 85 1845 Eeport of select committee on pétition of two hun- dred democrats of, relative to Thos. W. Dorr_A 7 248 1859 Eeport of surrogate of..............................A 2 74 1859 Eeport of treasurer of..............................A 3 92 1862 Eeport of committee relative to dividing into two jury districts.................................. A 3 34 Eeports of Inspectors of Beef and Pore : 18^0 Annual report of J. Ingersoll.......................A 2 142 1831 do do A 2 138 1832 do do A 2 100 1833 do do A 2 71 1834 do do A 3 195 1835 do do A 2 72 1836 do do .......................*. A 2 94 1838 Annual report of Henry Shapley......................A 3 116 1839 do do .................A 3 122 1840 do do .................A 4 111 MADISON UN1YEESITY. 1859 Eeport of committee relative to appropriations to.. A 4 175 MADISON, VILLAGE OF. 1831 Eeport relative to highway labor in.................A 3 157 MAIL STE AMSHIP COMPANY UNITED STATES. 1850 Majority and minority reports concerning........... S 3 79 MAILS, PUBLIC. 1870 Eesolution relative to the transportation and deliv- ery of.......................................... A 3 33 MAINE, LAW, see Intoxicating liquors. MAINE, PAUL P. 1843 Eeport of Attorney-General on the pétition of..A 3 58550 * MAINE, STATE OF. Doc. Yol. No. 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tarifï and internai improvements..............A 1 3 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina......................A 4 277 1836 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery, S 3 85 1836 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president, etc....................A 4 3d0 1840 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the public lands..................................A 4 139 1840 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the northeastern boundary.........................A 7 305 1839 Controversy between Maine and Georgia, resolution of the Législature of Georgia relative to the.A 2 45 1840 Resolution of the Législature of South Carolina relative to the...............................A 5 167 1841 Resolution of the Législature of Alabama relative to the....... ................................A 4 125 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of, relative to one presidential term.............................A 2 28 1843 Joint resolution of Législature of.............. S 3 87 1843 Resolution of the Législature of..... .... .... A 4 115 Boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick, see northeastern boundary. 1862 Message of Governor transmitting resolutions from, relative to national victories................A 6 189 MALLETT, DANIEL. 1864 Report on pétition of...........................A 4 82 MALLORY, JAMES H., AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the enlarged Erie canal...............A 3 87 MALLORY, OGDEN. 1833 Report on pétition for extra allowance for building locks on the Oswego canal..................... SI 25 1833 Report of committee on canals on the saine...... S 1 35 1833 do do do ............. S 2 84 1834 do do do ............. S 1 25 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same........A 5 292 MALONE, TOWN OF. 1831 Arsenal at, report as to its occupation as a school- house.........................................A 3 231 1832 Fire company, report on pétition to incorporate.... A 3 204 1851 Report on sale of arsenal lot................... S 1 14 MANCHESTER, GEO. W. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.... A 2 52 MANDEVILLE, JANE. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 187551 MANG, JOHN JAUOB. Doc. Voi No. 1851 Report of committee on bill for relief.......A 2 28 MANHATTAN BANKING COMPANY. 1859 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits...A 1 34 t 92 1863 Report of State moneys in....................S 5 -j ^ 1864 Report of unclaimed dividends and deposits...A 2 14 MANHATTAN COMPANY. 1869 Statement of unclaimed balances and dividends ... A 9 115 MANHEIM, TOWN OF. 1837 Report on pétition relative to the support of the poor in the....................................A 3 271 1839 Road district, report on pétition for a......A 2 49 1840 Road from, to Cherry Valley, report on pétition to repeal the law to lay out a............... A 8 357 MANLIUS, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition for a law to drain a swamp in the, S 3 59 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of cer- tain citizens of............................A 5 160 MANLY, JAMES R. 1833 Memorial of, in relation to the public health. S 2 121 MANN, G. 1854 Report on pétition of.......................A 4 140 MANN, GERRITT. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 113 MANN, MICHAEL. 1869 Report of daims committee on daim of. ... ....A 10 158 MANOR OF RENSSELAERWYCK, see Albany County. MANUFACTURING. 1848 General law in relation to............... S 1 28 MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS, see Corpo- rations. MAP AND ATLAS OF THE STATE. 1830 Report of Surveyor-General relative to the publica- tion of a. .?..................................A 2 189 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution relative to the.............A 2 114 MAPES, WM. 1854 Report on pétition of. ...................A 2 66552 MAPS AND REVISED STATÜTES. r 1832 Sent to the Governors of the several States, report of Secretary of State relative to..........A 4 305 1833 Sent to the Governors of the several States, report of Secretary of State relative to...........A 1 19 MARBLE, NATHAN. 1859 Report of Attorney-General on claim of.........A 2 60 1860 Report of committee on claim of . ............ A 4 147 1861 do do ................ A 5 89 MARBLETOWN, TOWN OF. 1834 Bridge over Esopus creek at, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a...............A 3 215 1840 Bridge over Rondout creek report on pétition to raise money to complété................ A 4 137 MARCELLUS, ALBERT. 1848 Report on pétition of......................... A 3 123 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. A 5 153 1856 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 83* 1856 do ...........................A 3 27 MARCY, HENRY. 1848 Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A 5 179 MARCY, W. L., see Governor. 1841 Receiver of the City Bank of Buffalo, communica- tion from, in answer to a resolution of Assembly, A 4 144 1841 Receiver of the City Bank of Buffalo, communica- tion from, in answer to a resolution of Assembly, A 5 159 MARINE HOSPITAL, see New York, Sandy Hook, etc. MARKHAM, CHAUNCEY W., AND WIFE. 1839 Report on pétition for compensation for a house destroyed during the last war ..............A 4 204 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for a house destroyed during the last war...............A 2 48 MARKS, SILAS H. 1848 Report on pétition of......................... A 5 156 MARKS, SILAS H., AND OTHERS. ‘ 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 157 1847 Report on pétition of. .. ................... A 7 181 MARLETT AND DUNHAM. 1839 Contractors for buildiug certain locks on the Erie canal, report on pétition of, for relief... S 3 73 1839 Report of Canal Board on the same..............A 2 31553 MARLETT AND DUNHAM — Continued. doc. Vol. No. .1839 Report of committee on. daims on the same.......A 2 63 1839 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same....... A3 72 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. A 3 97 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of........A 3 56 MARRIAGE. 1830 Report of the committee on the judiciary on the law concerning and the solemnization thereof......A 4 361 1863 Report relative to recording certifiâtes of...... S 5 100 MARRIAGE CONTRACT, see Divorce. MARRIAGES, REGISTRY OF, see Births, etc. MARRIED WOMEN, see Women, Married. MARSELES, CORNELIA. 1833 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal ............................... S 2 92 MARSH, C. C., AND C. L. MORGAN, see W. L. Morgan. MARSH, WILLIAM. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 8 178 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of- S 2 87 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 43 1868 Report of daims committee on daim of............ S 5 62 MARSHALL AND KIRKLA.ND, TOWNS OF. 1830 Report on pétition from, relative to the survey of the tract set apart for the Brothertown Indians .. A 4 367 MARSHALL, JOHN. 1833 Report on pétition for compensation for the loss of liis canal boat on the Mohawk river...........A 4 295 MARSHAL OF THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. 1841 Communication from, relative to the census of the State.........................................A 2 31 MARTIN, AGNES. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of ....A 5 172 MARTIN, MOSES L. 1850 Report on bill for relief of....................A 5 124 MARTIN, RUSSELL. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 7 137 MARVIN, LE GRAND. 1844 Pétition of, proposing amendments to the Constitution.................................. S 1 36 7018Ô0 1834 1835 1841 1837 1841 1842 1814 1850 1838 1840 1864 1837 1831 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1833 554 MARVIN, THOMAS. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of....................... S 2 58 MARYLAND, STATE OF. Résolutions of the Législature of, relative to the tarifï and the South Carolina ordinance....... .A 1 11 Resolutions of the Législature of, for a reorganiza- tion of the militia...........................A 1 22 Resolutions of the Législature of, and report on the subject of surrendering fugitives from justice. .. S 3 88 Resolutions of the Législature of, to extend the frankiog privilège............................ A 2 146 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the northeastern boundary...........................A 6 215 Resolutions of the Législature of, concerning abol- ishing slavery..................................A 7 140 Resolutions of the Législature of, respecting slavery, A 7 193 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery, A 8 194 MARYLAND, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in..........................A 3 159 Road from Benedict’s mills in the, to the Erie canal, report concerning......................... S 3 77 MASON, AMOS, AND OTHERS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 69 MASON, ANTHONY. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 158 MASON, ARNOLD, AND FREDERICK PRATT. Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal......................A 3 219 MASQUERADES, see New York. MASSACHUSETTS, STATE OF. Resolution of the Législature of, relative to certain late proceedings in Georgia.................... S 1 64 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the northeastern boundary...........................A 3 183 Resolution of the Législature of, for a reorganiza- tion of the militia............................ A 3 281 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina ..........................A 4 259 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the tariff, etc................................... A 2 115 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands.................................. A 4 327 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to a call for a convention of the States..................A 4 291555 MASSACHUSETTS, STATE OF —Continuée!. Doc.Yoï. no. 1834 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to lotteries, A 2 77 1841 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands, the revenue laws, the re-eligibility of the President, and the northeastern boundary, S 3 89 1844 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to an amendment of the United States Constitution.... A 3 52 1844 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to Virginia, A 7 170 1844 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to Texas. .A 7 175 1844 Resolution of the Législature of, etc............ A 7 184 1844 Resolution of the General Assembly of Virginia in reply to a resolution of Législature of.........A 7 190 1845 Concurrent resolution, ofïered by Mr. Van Schoon- heften, relative to South Carolina and................A 1 *26 1849 Communication from Secratary of State transmitting pétition of inhabitants of the district of Boston Corner in, to be annexed to State of New York .. A 2 54 1849 Report on annexation of Boston Corner in, to State of New York...........................................A 3 194 1861 Resolutions from........................ .... S 1 20 MASSACHUSETTS ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 1839 Circular from......................................... A 3 118 MASSENA, TOWN OF. 1837 Report on pétition to raise money by tax on the, to build a bridge across Grass river.....................A 3 274 MASTERS, N., AND I. WEBB. 1832 Report on pétition for rémunération for deficiency in the quantity of certain land bought of the State................................................A 3 177 . MATHER, ELIHU. 1830 Report of judge of the 8th circuit relative to the trial of, for the abduction of W. Morgan............. S 2 186 MATHER, JOHN C. 1853 Communication from, and answer to a report and résolution of impeachment of the select committee of the Assembly......................................A 4 11 MATTEAWAN, COMPANY, see FishkilJ. MATTEMERE, JOHN, AND WM. H. GIBSON. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of ...................A 5 102 MATTHEWS, JOHN P., AND ISAAC LEDYARD. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of....................A 6 201 1847 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 6 159 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 6 226 1848 Report on pétition of................................. A 3 110556 MATTHEWS, SAMUEL R. Doc.VoL ^ 1835 Report on pétition for relief for damages sustained b y the seizure of his horse, sleigh, etc., for an évasion of the sait duties......................A 4 3G7 MATTISON, SIMON. 1835 Report on pétition for pay for lumber furnished by him for the Erie canal.......................A 2 101 1835 Report of committee on daims on the same.......A 3 221 1836 Report of majority of committee on the same....A 3 131 1836 Report of minority of committee on the same....A 3 132 1837 Report by same committee on the same........... S 2 65 MATTISON, SIMON, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 5 127 1849 Report of Canal Appraisers on pétition of......A 3 145 MATTOON, ABNER C. 1863 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 4 55 1864 do do .........A 2 24 MAY, HARVEY H., AND OTHERS. 1832 Report on pétition to erect a dam across Genesee river........................................A 3 219 MAY, W., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............... S 1 20 MAYFIELD, TOWN OF. 1849 Report on pétition to annex part of the, to the town of Perth.....................................A 6 246 MAYORS OF CITIES, see Cities, Mayors of. MAYOTTE, FRANCIS, AND OTHERS. 1833 Report on pétition for bounty lands............A 4 334 MEAD, JOHN. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 2 83 MEARS, JAS. R., AND WM. 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 1 24 MEASÜRES AND WEIGHTS, see Weights and Measures. MEASÜRES, STANDARD, for Bran and Shorts. 1839 Report on pétition to repeal a law requiring a.A 6 366 MECHANICAL CORPORATIONS, see Corporations. MECHANICS’ ASSOCIATION, STATE. 1843 Communication from, relative to a muséum.......A 5 137557 MECHANICS’ LIEN LAW, see Lien Law. MEDBURY, ALFRED, AND BYRON POOL. Doc. vol No. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief ...................................... S 1 33. MEDICAL COLLEGES. Albany: 1833 Report of Regents of the University on pétition to incorporate..................................A 4 288 1837 Minority report on pétition to incorporate......A 3 172 1838 Majority report on pétition to incorporate......A 3 149 1838 Minority report on pétition to incorporate......A 5 253 1839 Mr. Hull’s report on pétition to incorporate.. S 1 19 1839 Mr. Pratt’s report on pétition to incorporate ..A 2 29 1840 Majority report (Mr. Hull), on pétition for aid. S 4 118 1840 Minority report (Mr. Peck), on pétition for aid... .*. S 4 119 1840 Report on bill to aid (Mr. King)................A 3 91 1840 Report on bill to aid (Mr. Trowbridge)..........A 4 155 1841 Report on pétition for aid (Mr. Emmons).........A 3 56 1844 Report of the committee on colleges, academies and common schools, on the pétition of the trustées of, A 5 136 Buffalo : 1850 Report of committee on medical societies..........A 4 94 Dispensaries, see Brooklyn, Buffalo, New York. Electric, Central New York: 1852 Report on pétition and bill to incorporate the..A 5 108 Geneva Medical Department of: 1835 Report on pétition for power to confer the degree of doctor of medicine......................... A 3 182 1841 Report on pétition for aid to.....................A 3 62 Homœopatbic: 1846 Report relative to the establishment of.......... S 4 108 Manhattan : 1830 Memorial of Rutgers’ Medical Faculty to incorpo- rate the............................................... S 2 74 1830 Memorial of the students of Rutgers’ Medical Faculty for the same...........................A 2 75 1830 Memorial of the trustées of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons against the said corporation, S 3 241 1830 Memorial of Rutgers’ Medical Faculty against the memorial of the College of Physicians and Surgeons............................................. S 4 297 Metropolitan : 1856 Report of committee on medical colleges, etc., rela- tive to.............................................. S 2 82558 MEDICAL COLLEGES — Continued. New York Uniyersity, Medical Faculty of: doc# Yo1 No> 1842 Report of committee on medical colleges, etc., on pétition of..................................... A 6 125 Pharmacy : 1838 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the....A 3 101 1842 Committee on medical colleges and societies, report on the pétition of... ........................ S 3 71 1845 Report of committee on medical societies and medi- cal colleges on the pétition of......................... S 1 32 1852 Appropriation to................ ................. S 2 67 Physicians and Surgeons, National: 1853 Report of committee on medical societies against incorporating the.............................A 3 65 Physicians and Surgeons, New York: 1830 Remonstrance of, against the establishment of a second medical school m the city of New York. .. A 3 124 1830 Memorial of, against the establishment of another medical college in New York................... S 3 241 1839 Report on pétition for aid to..................... S 3 89 1845 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., on aid to........................................A 3 76 1846 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., rela- tive to.......................................A 2 44 Rctgers’ Medical Faculty: 1830 Memorial of, for an act of incorporation by the name of “ Manhattan College”.................. S 2 74 1830 Memorial cf students of, for the same...... ...... S 2 75 1830 Memorial of professors of, in réfutation of anattack on them by the Colleges of Physicians and Sur- geons .................................................. S 4 297 MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. 1864 Annual report of.................... ............. S 4 52 1865 do ................................ S 3 89 MEDICAL EDUCATION. 1832 General report of the committee on medical societies and colleges on the subject of (Mr. Milledoler) . . A 2 171 1832 Memorial of the medical society of New York for an alteration of the law regulating........... A 3 249 MEDICAL PRACTICE. 1843 Report of select committee on pétition praying for the repeal of laws restricting................A 3 62 1844 Report of committee on public printing on the sub- ject of printing the report of the select commit- tee on repealing the laws restricting......... S 1 30559 MEDICAL PRACTICE — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1844 Report of select committee for a repeal of the laws restricting..................................... S 1 31 1844 Report of select committee on pétitions, praying for the repeal of laws restricting..................A 3 60 1846 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., of homœopathy, etc ................................A 4 125 1851 Report of committee on medical societies and col- leges, on pétition of Dr. William Turner, for penal enaetment against bleeding........................A 5 148 MEDICAL SCHOOLS. 1831 Report on pétition for legal provision for employing, with subjects for the study of practical anatomy, A 3 246 1830 Remonstrance of the State Medical Society against increasing the number of.................... A 2 182 New York: 1840 Report on pétition of S. W. Frisbee and others, to incorporate a................................ S 4 113 MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 1842 Report of committee of ... ..................... S 4 105 1843 Report of committee on, etc., relative to a society for the relief of widows and orphans of medical men......................................... S 2 53 1844 Report of committee on, etc., on the pétition of physicians of Tompkins county.................A 3 76 1846 Report of committee on...........................A 6 217 1850 Report on...................................... A 8 188 1859 Report of committee on, on pétition of Herkimer Sternburgh....................................A 1 15 1859 Report of committee on, relative to registration of births, marriages and deaths..................A 3 157 County: 1839 Report relative to the right of, to impose a tax upon the admission of members, etc............A 2 199 New York: 1831 Report on pétition of the, for a law authorizing the said society to appoint a board of examinera, to be styled “ The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery,” with power to confer the degree of doctor of medicine and surgery....................................A 3 223 1831 Remonstrance of the, against said report..........à 4 292 1832 Report of Mr. Miledoler, introduciug a bill author- izing the New York Medical Society to appoint a board of examinera to examine candidates for the degree of doctor of medicine, etc............. A 2 171 1832 Remonstrance of the State Medical Society against said bill......................................A 3 185560 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1830 1832 1832 1836 1844 1850 1850 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 MEDICAL SOCIETIES — Continued. New Yokk — Continued: Doc. Vol. Memorial of the Medical Society of New York rela- tive to said bill...............................A 3 Eemonstrance of 76 practitioners against the same, A 3 Eemonstrance of I. A. Smith and others, against the same......................................A 3 Memorial of the college of physicians and surgeons in favor of the same .........................A 3 Eemonstrance of I. M. Smith and others, against the same..........................................A 3 Eemonstrance of T. E. Beck and J. McNaughton against the same .............................A 3 Eeport of committee on medical societies against the same.................................... A 3 Memorial of, to amend the law regulating medical éducation..................................... A 3 State: Memorial of, against increasing the number of medical schools and relative to the botanic practice............................................A 2 Eemonstrance of, against the passage of the bill to regulate the practice of physic and surgery..A 3 Memorial of the New York Medical society against said remonstrance...................................A 3 Memorial of the, recommending the érection of an asylum for the insane........................ S 1 Memorial of..................................... S 2 do ..........................................A 8 Transactions of..................................A 8 Communication in regard to vital statistics..... S 3 Annual report of transactions....................A 4 Transactions of..................................A 2 do A 3 do A 4 Annual report of..................................A 5 Transactions of.................................. A 4 Annual report of................................ S 2 Transactions of..................................A 3 do A 3 do A 4 do A 6 do S 5 Annual report of (Allopathie).....................A 7 do ( Homœopathic)............. ... A 8 do (Allopathie) ................... A 9 do (Homœopathic)....................A 10 do (Allopathie).....................A 0 do (Homœopathic)................... A 7 Annual report of (Allopathie)....................A 6 do de ... ....................A 9 No. 244 246 250 261 262 372 251 249 182 185 244 38 55 173 174 80 125 85 67 133 135 138 77 85 170 111 137 106 * 225 232 200 201 100 161 133 2301868 1868 1869 1870 1871 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1866 1867 1867 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1830 1842 1840 1841 1840 561 MEDICAL SOCIETIES — Continued. State — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of (Allopathie)..............- -.. A 8 76 Communication from, on System of registration of births, marriages and deaths................. S 2 38 Annual report......*..........................A 11 210 do .......................................A 7 142 do .......................................A 11 125 Eclectic : Annual report of................................A 10 196 do A 6 100 do ..........,...................A 3 25 do A 5 71 do A 4 80 do A 6 84 Eesolutionof.................................. S 2 25 Annual report of.............................. A 9 21 do A 7 102 Annual report of............................... A 3 26 do A 5 39 do A 5 46 Homœopathic : Annual report of................................A 7 190 do A 10 231 Communication relative to treatment of choiera .. S 2 76 Resolution of...................................A 190 Annual report of............................... S 6 77 do S 7 88 do S 4 93 do A 12 126 MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Report on pétition to repeal the laws regulating the practice of............................ A 3 217 MEDICINE, PRACTITIONERS OF. Report of committee on medical colleges and socie- ties on bill from Assembly, to enable certain, to recover pay for their services................. S 4 105 Foreign: Report on pétition to repeal the law requiring them to undergo an examination before the censors of the State Medical Society ............... .. A 6 266 Report on pétition of the Monroe County Medical Society to repeal or modify the law of 1836 rela- tive to.................................... .. A 2 47 Unlicensed: Report on pétition for a law more effectually restraining................................. A 8 346 71562 MEDICINES AND MEDICAL COMPOUNDS. Doc. Vol. No. 1848 Report relative to sale of........A 2 20 1849 Keport of committee on medical societies and college^ on bill to prevent frauds in the manufac- ture and sale of patent medicines, nostrums, etc. .A 3 184 MEEKER, LEWIS, AND ANOTHER. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 6 91 MELICK, JOHN. 1834 Report an pétition to refund to him certain money paid for a peddler’s license...........A 4 312 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY, see Assembly. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, see Congress. MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE, see Législature. MEMBERS OF SENATE, see Senate. MENTZ, TOWN OF. 1830 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, relative to the Cayuga marshes.......................A 2 178 MERCHANDISE. 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate a company to buy andsell..............................A 6 345 MERCHANDISE, INSPECTION OF, see Inspectors, etc. MERCHANDISE, WEIGHING OF, see New York. MERCHANT, HORATIO, late Clerk of the As- sembly. 1838 Report on pétition for certain relief........A 5 284 1841 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 4 91 MERRIHAM, ELA, AND JAMES WARD. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by leakage of the Black River canal, etc................................A 2 96 MERRIAM, ELA N. 1857 Report of committee on ways and means favorable on pétition of, for payment of a canal draft.A 1 50 MERRIAM, J., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of.......A 5 138 MERRIAM, JOHN. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 3 74563 MERRIAM, JOHN, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work on the Champlain canal..... ...............A 3 79 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same.A 3 87 1841 do do do ........A3 75 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 2 38 MERRIAM, W. S. 1841 Report on pétition of, for indemnification for lia- bilities and expenses incurred in protecting the State arsenal at Elizabethtown.............A 7 291 MERRIL, F. 1861 Report on pétition of........................A 5 91 MERRIL, JOHN. 1852 Report on pétition of........................A 2 68 1853 Report of committee on daims against further allowance to, for erroneous sale of lot....A 2 53 MERRILL, MCDONALD and barnum. 1842 Report of 'committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 111 MERRIMAN, JAMES. 1856 Report on pétition of........................A 4 128 1860 do do ..............................A 4 134 MERRITT, ANDREW, AND ELIAS STONE. 1832 Report on pétition of, for a ferry across the Alle- gany river ........................ .......A 2 151 MERRITT & McMASTER. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... SI 46 1853 do do do ....... S 2 45 1854 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of. S 1 15 1854 Report of same committee on appeal from judg- ment.............................. ........ S 1 42 MERRY, SAMUEL, Jr. 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of John De Wolf, Jr., and others, heirs-at-law and legal représentatives of..........................A 3 71 MESEREAU, DAVID. 1834 Report on pétition of, to maintain a dam across the Susquehanna river..........................A 2 97 MESSAGES OF GOVERNOR, TRANSMITTING COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHER STATES. 1859 Michigan, improvement of St. Clair flats...A 2 71 1861 Ohio, resolutions from....................... A 1 24 1861 Virginia, resolutions from .........A 2 32564 MESSAGES OF GOVERNOR, TRANSMITTING COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHER STATES — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1861 Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia, Àlabama, Geor- gia, Wisconsin, etc., resolutions from........A 2 42 1861 Kentucky and Minnesota, resolutions from.........A 2 56 1861 Louisiana, ordinance of sécession of.............A 2 67 1861 Michigan, resolutions from.......................A 3 70 1861 Resolution of Congress to amend Constitution of United States............................... A 5 106 1861 New Jersey, resolutions from....................A 2 47 1861 Indiana, Texas, Illinois and Michigan, resolutions from ... .....................................A 3 79 1861 Wisconsin, resolutions from.....................A 5 110 1861 Indiana, resolutions from.......................A 5 118 1861 Massachusetts, resolutions from................... SI 20 1861 Kentucky, etc., resolutions from ................. SI 28 1862 Maine, resolutions relative to duty on wool.....A 6 124 1862 Maine, resolutions relative to national victories .... A 6 189 1863 Kentucky, resolution from.......................A 5 163 1863 Indiana, transit of property through this State .... A 5 169 1864 Western Virginia, navigation of the Ohio........A 2 43 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 1854 Reports of Regents of the University relative to_A 2 72 METHODIST STATE CONVENTION. 1870 Memorial of.................................... S 2 67 METOXEN, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1848 Pétition of, for relief.........................A 3 81 1849 Report on pétition of.......................... S 2 45 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF EXCISE. 1867 Annual report of................................A 8 225 1867 Communication from..............................A 6 95 1868 Annual report... ........................ ... A 2 17 1868 Report of attorney of, as to number of suits pend- ing, and fees collected..*....................A 8 56 1868 Second report of attorney of, as to penalties, etc... A 8 69 1868 Report of moneys collected for penalties, etc...A 6 49 1869 Annual report of................................A 2 16 1870 do .................................A 3 29 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF HEALTH. 1867 Communication from, relative to détention of pas- sengers at quarantine. . ....................A 6 90 1867 Communication from, on danger of épidémie choiera, A 240 1867 Communication from, relative to prostitution in * j 4 67 New York city................................. (6 92 1868 Report as to moneys collected for penalties, etc ... 6 40 1869 Annual report of................................A 4 37565 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Doc. Vol. No. 1867 Report of committee on commerce and navigation as to ferries in.........................A 8 175 METROPOLITAN EXCISE LAWS. 1867 Minority report of Assembly committee relative to. . A 8 188 1868 Report of committee on bill for repeal of..A 8 52 1862 Reports of majority and minority committees of internai affaire of towns and counties of Senate, S 6 -j ^ relative to repeal of.................... ( METROPOLITAN FIRE DEPARTMENT. 1865 Annual report of commissioners.................A 1 13 1867 do do A 8 222 1868 do do A 2 15 1868 Communication from commissioners of, relative to increase of pay of officers and men of...... S 7 81 1860 Annual report of commissioners of..............A 2 20 1870 do do A 2 28 METROPOLITAN FIRE DISTRICT. 1865 Report of minority of committee on cities upon tbebill creating.............................A 8 168 1865 Report of select committee to investigate charges of corruption in the passage of the bill creating.. A 9 200 METROPOLITAN HEALTH BILL. 1862 Report of minority of select committee on...A 7 203 METROPOLITAN POLICE. 1858 Communication from attorney, relative to appoint- ment of..................................... S 2 41 1859 Report of Mr. Diven, on the bill repealing the act creating the................................ S 2 55 1859 Report of Mr. Halstead on the same.......... S 2 58 1859 Report of select committee to investigate afifairs of, S 2 113 1861 Communication from board of, relative to arrest and détention of persons by................... S 2 71 1864 Report relative to increase of pay.............A 6 99 METROPOLITAN POLICE COMMISSIONERS. 1858 Report of the..................................A 3 80 1859 do A 2 63 1860 do A 3 80 1861 Report of the president of, relative to fines .A 1 11 1861 Annual report of...............................A 1 27 1862 do A 2 14 1862 Communication from, in answer to resolution of the Assembly........... ..... :...............A 6 153 1862 Report of, as to police force in New York......A 6 158 1862 Report of, as to fines imposed.................A 9 249 1864 Annual report of.... ..........................A 2 28566 METROPOLITAN POLICE COMMISSIONERS — Continuée! Doc. Vol. No. 1864 Report of, in reply to resolution of Assembly relative to evils of prostitution, crimes, etc., in the city of New York.......................................A 6 92 1865 Annual report of.................................A 3 36 METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT. 1857 Report of the majority of the committee on incorpo- ration of cities and villages relative to the........A 2 117 1857 Report of minority of committee on same subject.. A 3 149 1864 Report of minority of committee on cities, relative to increase of pay of police force...............A 6 99 1866 Annual report of.................... ...........A 1 12 1867 do A 8 280 1867 Reply of, relative to General Order 489......... S 2 58 1868 Annual report of ... A 2 20 1869 do A 4 38 1870 do A 2 17 1870 Report in answer to resolution of January 11..A 3 54 1870 Report in answer to resolution of January 22..A 3 57 1867 Millard, David G., report of daims committee on pétition of................................... A 8 193 METROPOLITAN POLICE LAW. 1858 Report relative to the...........................A 1 40 1858 Report of majority of committee on bill to repeal.. S 2 48 1858 Report of minority of committee on same....... S 2 46 1858 Pétition for repeal of, by board of supervisors of Kings county.................................. S 2 66 1858 Memorial of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York for the repeal of the. S 2 74 MEXICAN WAR. 1848 Resolution relating to................................... SI 3 1848 Majority and minority reports on................ S 1 19 New York Yolunteers in: 1847 Report on outfit of, in the service of the United States, Al 13 1847 Report of Adjutant-General as to organisation of.. A 2 80 1847 Report of Adjutant-General relative to vacancies in office of volunteer régiments in Mexico.......A 6 151 1847 Report relative to removal of remains of.........A 8 238 1848 do do ...........A3 93 1850 Letter of Governor of Mississippi relative to....A 4 74 1850 Report of select committee on....................A 6 163 1851 Report of select committee on bill for relief of sur- vivors of first régiment of....................A 3 58 1852 Report of, the act relative to........................... SI 48 1855 Pétition of, for relief..........................A 1 14 1857 Report of committee on militia and public defense in reply to resolution relative to, who were in actual service in ............................ A 2 133567 MEXICO ACADEMY, see Academies, etc. MICHIGAN, STATE OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Résolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery, S 2 77 1841 Resolutions of same relative to a ship canal around the falls of St. Marie...*..................A 1 15 1843 Communication from the Governor transmitting a memorial, etc., of the Législature of.......A 4 103 1859 Resolutions from, relative to improvement of St. Clair flats.................................A 2 71 1861 Resolutions from............................... S 2 47 1877 Governor of, communication from................A 8 100 MIDDLEBURGH BRIDGE COMPANY. 1831 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the.... S 1 39 MIDDLEBURY ACADEMY, see Academies. MIDDLETOWN AND KINGSTON TURNPIKE ROAD. 1850 Report relative to........................ S 1 20 MIDLER, COLUMBÜS C. 1858 Report on claim of, for relief............ S 2 86 MILLER, GEORGE W. 1872 Report of committee on insurance on charges against . . ...... ..................... A 4 65 1873 Report of committee on insurance on concurrent resolution relative to report of..*..... S 4 95 1873 Resolution relative to report of.......... S 4 90 MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST POINT. 1832 Report on pétition to prohibit the sale of wine and liquors to the students and soldiers at the .... A 3 228 1843 Resolution of Connecticut relative to.....Al 11 1844 do do ............Al 7 MILITARY ASSOCIATIONS. 1839 Report on pétition of eeveral, for acts of incorpora- tion ............................................ A 6 409 1861 Remonstrance of, of New York ............ S 1 19 1866 Report of committee to investigate daims of Colonel Young’s school for sons of deceased soldiers.A3 51 MILITARY CONVENTION, PROCEEDINGS OF. 1843 Held 25th day of January 1843... ..............A 3 46 1843 Report of the joint committee on their communi- cation ............................................. S 3 114 MILITARY DEPARTMENT, STATE. 1868 Comptroller’s report as to expense of....A 9 92 MILITARY FORCES OF THE STATE. 1861 Report on condition of................... S 1 111864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1842 1831 1832 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 1836 1837 1837 1862 1862 1873 1839 1843 1832 1832 568 MILITARY STATISTICS. Doc. Voi. No. Annual report of chief of bureau of...........A 3 56 do do ..............A 3 64 do do ..............A4 71 Report relative to men furnished for suppression of rébellion................................... S 2 55 Annual report of chief of bureau..... ........A 10 235 Report as to contribution to..................A 7 151 Annual report of chief of bureau..............A 11 148 MILITARY STORES. Message of Governor relative to arms and other. . . S 2 27 MILITARY SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES. Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts for a .. .................... A 3 281 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of Indiana for a...............................A 3 183 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of Illinois for a..............................A 1 34 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of Delaware for a..............................A 3 211 Reorganization of the, report of committee on the militia on the same........................... A 2 80 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of New Hampshire for a........................y. Al 11 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of North Carolina for a...........• * * *.....A 3 109 Reorganization of the, resolutions of the Législature of Maryland for a..............................A 1 22 Reorganization of the, resolutions offered by Mr. Yiele for the..................................A 4 240 Resolutions offered by Mr. Willis to amend the law so as to exempt ail persons under 21 and over 40 years of âge................................. A 3 246 Report on the same.............................. A 4 288 MILITARY TACTICS. Report relative to introducing instruction in, in colleges...................................... S 6 118 Report of regents on the same subject............A 6 135 MILITARY RECORD FUND. Reply of Comptroller relative to.................A 5 80 MILITIA. Courts-martial, report on pétition of officers of the 43d régiment to amend the law relative to.....A 6 398 Report of the committee on the, relative to brigade courts-martial ............................... S 3 74 Officers of, report on the subject of electing or appointing to office...........................A 3 222 Officers of, minority report on the same.........A 3 223569 1832 1830 1830 1831 1832 1842 1846 1846 1846 1846 1846 1848 1849 1851 1838 1838 1840 1838 1859 1861 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1865 MILITIA-------Continued. Doc. Officers of, rendezvous by brigades of the, report on bill to provide for a, etc...................A Parades of, report on pétition to reduce the number of. .......................................... A Parades of, report on pétition to reduce the number of............................................. S Parades of, memorial against reducing the number of............................................. S Parades of, report of Adjutant-General on bill to reduce the number of........................... S Beport of committee on militia and public defense in relation to the improvement of...............A Memorial of Major D. S. Holcomb and others, rela- tive to......................................... S Concurrent resolution offered by Mr. Sherwood rela- tive to. .. .....................................A Bill, report of minority of select committee on. ... A Beport of committee on, respecting pétition of inhabitants of Bensselaer county................A Minority report on bills relative to...............A Beport of committee on, in relation to the organiza- tion of the 12th régiment of the lst division of New York militia............................... S Beport of Adjutant-General in answer to resolution of Assembly relative to non-commissioned officers and privâtes of uniform companies in lst division of, etc....................................... A Beport of committee on, and public defense on the Governor’s message.... .........................A Governor’s message in relation to the expenses of the, called out to defend the frontier..........A Beport of committee of ways and means on the same, A Beport on bill for the payment of the, called into the service of the State in December, 1839 ...A Organization of, to suppress insurrection, etc., report relative to the..........................A Beport of commutation moneys, fines and disburse- ments in lst division of........................A Beport of commissioners on daims of, in 1812.....A Beport of committee on pétition of James H. Good- win.............................................A Beport of committee relative to defenses of New York harbor.....................................A Beport of select committee relative to irrégularités in passage of militia bill of 1862............. S Beport, relative to number of men enlisted from this State...................... . ........... S Beport on pétition of soldiers, of war of 1812... S Boster of officers of............................. S Communication from Adjutant-General, as to amount of money necessary to arm and equip........ S 72 Vol. No. 4 370 2 179 3 206 1 40 1 4 5 97 2 67 1 13 6 211 4 108 6 211 2 52 2 45 3 54 6 315 6 348 5 175 6 324 3 167 2 41 4 84 6 183 83 2 46 5 120 3 50 1 20570 MlLÎÎTA FINES. i)oc. Vol. 1830 Report on pétition of P. Adams, sheriff of Genesee county, for the payment for board for persons imprisoned for the non-payment of.............A 4 1841 Report on pétition of the Society of Friends to be relieved from the payment of.....■..........A 5 1830 Report on pétition to abolish imprisonment for non- payment of .... ..............; ............A 2 1834 Report on bill to exempt persons employed in nail factories, etc,, from........................ A 3 1847 Report as to..................................... A 7 1851 Report on bill for enrollment of the militia, to abol- ish fines and exempt uniform companies from highway tax and jury duty.....................A 4 1853 Report of Major-General Charles W. Sandford rela- tive to moneys collected for, in New York..............A 2 MILITIA LAWS. 1843 Report of committee on militia and public defense on pétitions praying for amendments to........A 3 1843 Report of the minority of committee on same....A 3 1843 Report of the select committee on pétitions for the repeal of. .. . A 5 1845 Report of majority of committee en public defense on a modification of..........................A 4 1845 Report of minority of committee on public defense on a modification of..........................A 4 1853 Report of commissioners and Adjutant-General in relation to codifying ...................... S 2 1860 Report of committee on Senate bill amending laws of 1854 ..................................... A 6 1862 Militia law..................................... S 3 1862 Report of committee on, and public defense...... S 5 1865 Communication from Major-General Burnside rela- tive to amendments of..................................A 4 MILITIA SYSTEM. 1839 Report on pétition of several conventions of militia officers for a reform of the présent (I. Armstrong), A 6 1841 Report of pétition for a reform in the présent (Mr. Hubbell)......................................A 6 1840 Report on same (Mr. Lasak)...................... A 5 1844 Report of committee on militia, etc., on the bill to improve the.................................. A 3 1851 Report of Adjutant-General as to its cost........ S 2 1862 Report of military board relative to embodiment and equipment of the militia..................A 2 1862 Report of select committee on transaction of mili- tary board............................................ A 7 1862 Report of minority of select committee on Gover- nor’s message relative to.....................A 8 1862 Message from Governor relative to action under act of April 17,1861..............................A 2 No. 423 170 179 190 219 113 30 42 54 172 110 109 66 186 56 107 89 410 223 200 64 28 15 194 233 211862 1861 1861 1861 1842 1843 1841 1864 1865 1866 1863 1862 1841 1852 1851 1858 1834 571 MILITIA SYSTEM — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Eeport of Judge-Advocate-General upon législation necessary to promote the efficiency of the militia, A 2 10 Law for the organization of the militia......A 5 109 MILE. Eeport of minority of committee on agriculture on bill relative to sale of impure............ S 2 67 Eeport on bill relative to freight on........ S 2 31 do do ............A 5 90 MILLAED, C., AND C. Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of..A 5 112 MILL, CEEEK. Eeport of Canal Commissioners relative to the plan to construct a réservoir on................ S 2 75 MILLEE, ABSALOM C. Eeport relative to the right of, to a seat as member of Assembly from the city of New York......A 2 17 MILLEE, EMANUEL, AND OTHEES. Eeport on pétition of............... ........A 6 137 do .........................A 7 131 MILLEE, EZEA. Eeport of daims committee on pétition of.....A 4 77 MILLEE, 1SAAC, AND L. ELY. Eeport on pétition of........................A 5 148 MILLEE, JACOB. Eeport on pétition of........................A 4 89 MILLEE, JOHN. Eeport on pétition of, to confirm his title to certain land ...................................... S 2 58 MILLEE, JULIUS F. H. Eeport on pétition of, to change his name.... SI 24 MILLEE, MAEIAH. Eeport of committee on daims.................A 4 95 MILLEE, EUTGEE B. Memorial of, relative to the régulation of the cur- rency...................................... S 2 71 MILLEE, S., Jb. Eeport on pétition of, relative to the mode of set- tliu g disputes in school districts........ SI 43572 MILLIGAN, FREDERICK, (a slave sold by the commissioners of séquestration). Doc# Vol. No. 1832 Report on pétition of, for the payment to him of the amount for which he was sold...........A 3 213 MILLIKEN, W. R. 1861 Report on pétition of........................A 2 58 MILLINER, J. D. 1854 Report on pétition of..........................A3 81 1858 Report on claim of...........................A 4 87 MILLINER, JOHN D. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by sinkingof a canal boat. ..Al 23 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages by sinking of a canal boat.A 2 98 M1LLIS, MARY ANN. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 9 134 MILLS, B. H., AND L. C. GROYER. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for damages by construction of embank- ment and wall in front of their building..A 3 159 MILLS, F. M. 1871 Report of daims committee on claim of........A 3 37 MILLS, COL. JOHN. 1843 Report on the pétition of the officers and members of the Albany Republican Artillery Company for leave to erect a monument in Capitol Park to the memory of the late....................................A 5 145 MILLS, DAVID S. 1855 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on pétition of...................................A 2 46 MILLS, EDWARD A. 1864 Report on pétition of...........................A 3 65 MILLS, JOHN T. 1864 Report of committee on railroads upon bill to authorize use of cars in lieu of stages on Bull’s ^ „ (177 Head stage route, in New York............ ( 178 MILLS, PHILO L. 1859 Report on pétition of......................... A 2 86 MILLS, WARREN. 1847 Report on pétition of A 7 204573 MILLS, WARREN, AND OTHERS. Doc. Voi. No. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 150 1849 do do .......A 2 59 1850 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of... S 2 45 MILLS, WM. A. 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 4 112 MILTON, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of bridges in......................A 4 290 MINA, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition for tbe division of tbe.... S 2 91 1832 Report on pétition of J. R. Keeler & Co. relative to the assessment of personal property in the.A 2 142 MINARD, JOSEPH. 1831 Son of a Canadian refugee, report on pétition for bounty lands...............................A 2 181 1833 Report of committee on daims on the same............A 3 182 1835 do do .......A 3 231 MINDEN, TOWN OF. 1848 Report of annexation of Canajoharie to..............A 3 96 1848 Report on pétition of.............................. A 3 100 MINIER, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report on pétition of.......... ..............A 7 124 MINIER, SAMUEL. 1864 Report on pétition of...............................A 6 136 1865 do ..........................A 4 83 MINING COMPANY, NORTH AMERICAN. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate...................A 1 40 1832 do do ................A 2 72 MINISINK, TOWN OF. 1839 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in the...............................A 5 288 1837 Report on pétition to raise money to build a bridge over the Wallkill................................A 2 127 MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL. 1830 Report on pétition to vacate the seat of Hon. W. Fox, a member of Assembly, on account of his being a, A 4 376 1838 Report on pétition to repea! the laws exempting them from taxation, to prohibit them from acting as inspectors of common schools, etc.......A 5 262 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the laws exempting them from taxation.......................... A 4 180574 MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL — Continued. Doc.Voi. No. 1840 Report of committee on ways and means on the same.......................................A 5 182 1841 Report of committee on judiciary on the same.A 6 226 1850 Report on exemption from taxation............A 5 117 MINORS. 1840 Message from the Governor returning, with objec- tions, the bill for the protection of............. S 3 85 MINUSE, JOHN. 1838 Report on pétition of, for a water grant to build a wharf in the town of Rye...................A 1838 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same.......................................A MISSIONARY CONVENTION, STATE BAPTIST, see Baptist Missionary Convention. MISSIONARY LOT IN WESTMORELAND, see Westmoreland. MISSISSIPPI, STATE OF. 1838 Resolutions of the Législature of, for a révision of the tarif! laws.................................. A 1 13 1831 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president............................ A 1 4 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the nullification in South Carolina...................A 4 259 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, on the call for a convention of the States..........................A 4 291 1836 Resolutiocs of the Législature of, relative to the aboli tionists....................................A 4 301 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the controversy between Virginia and New York_______ S 2 56 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the policy of a protective tarif! ....................A 6 235 1842 Resolution of, relative to the annexation of Texas to the United States..............................A 7 199 1844 Resolution of the Législature of....................A 7 2Q2 1850 Letter of Governor ofrespecting Mexican volunteers, A 4 74 1850 Resolutions of, on slavery........................ A 8 179 1850 Letter of Governor of, relative to volunteers in Mexican war ......................................A 8 188 MISSOURI, STATE OF. 1830 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president and vice-president, and rela- tive to the power of congress to appropriate money to aid the colonization society..................A 1839 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the public lands .....................«...........A 1840 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery, A 1 13 6 328 4 143 6 312 6 322575 MISSOURI, STATE OF — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Resolutions of Législature respecting the fédéral army........................................A 6 164 1849 Resolutions of General Assembly of, respecting slavery.....................................A 5 229 1875 Resolutions of General Assembly of State of, on Louisiana question..........................A 5 49 MITCHELL, AGNES. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 2 21 1842 do do do ...........A 2 22 1843 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of.......................................... S 1 26 MITCHELL, JAMES. 1835 Report on pétition for relief, on account of loss of his eyesignt by the blasting of rocks at Lockport, A 1 153 MITCHELL, T., & T. J. BROWN. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 51 MOBS. 1838 Property destroyed by, report relative to...A 5 240 MOFFIT, STEPHEN. 1877 Report of committee on State prisons relative to.. . S 3 50 MOGER, HULDAH, see Joseph Hubbard. MOHAWK AND HUDSON RAILROAD, see Railroads. MOHAWK AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD, see Railroads. MOHAWK BRIDGE COMPANY. 1835 Report on memorial of, relative to the location of the eastern section of the Utica and Schenectady railroad, etc.....................................A 4 303 1835 Report on pétition for a law requiring the, to remove certain obstructions or reduce the rate of toll.............................................A 5 396 1836 Report on pétition of the, to prevent the Utica and Schenectady Railroad Company from building a bridge over the Mohawk at Schenectady ...........A 4 232 1837 Report on pétition of, for legislative construction of the act incorporating, etc................... S 2 54 MOHAWK INDIANS, see Indians Mohawk. MOHAWK RIVER. 1830 Report on pétition to annex two certain islands lying in the north forks of the, to Rensselaer county......................................A 4 346576 MOHAWK RIVER — Continued. Doc.Yoï. No. 1834 Surplus waters of, report of Canal Commissioners relative to the.............................A 4 359 1835 Towing-path bridge on the, report of Canal Board relative to the.............................A 4 364 1841 Bridge over, near the lower aqueduct, report of Canal Board relative to. . .................A 6 233 1846 Pétition for extension of Troy and Schenectady railroad on south side of...................A 2 36 1848 Bridge over, at Fultonville, report of committee on pétition of inhabitants of Fulton and Montgomery counties respecting érection of.............A 2 73 1859 Report of majority of committee relative to a free bridge over, at Amsterdam...................A 3 138 1859 Report of minority of committee relative to a free bridge over, at Amsterdam...................A 3 137 1869 Memorial of J. B. Enos and others relative to divert- ing waters of, for Erie canal...............A 10 140 MONAGHAN, JAMES. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 9 130 1870 do do .................A 11 185 MONELL, JOSEPH D, AND OTHERS. 1853 Resolution of Mr. Beekman on pétition of...... S 2 68 MONELL, ROBERT. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as circuit judge.......................................A 2 135 MONGIN, F. A. 1845 Report of committee on aliéna for relief of...A 5 169 MONROE COUNTY. 1840 Bridge across the Genesee, in the town of Chili, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a, A 6 248 1833 Clerk s office, report on pétition to raise money to build a.......................................... A 1 20 1836 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money to build a................................ .........A 4 286 1840 Clerk of, report on pétition to require him to per- form certain duties without compensation..........A 1 21 1847 Dam across Genesee river, report of committee on canals on pétition of citizens of, relative to...A 7 182 1840 District Attorney, report on pétition to make the office of, a salary office........................A 1 21 1831 Excise laws, report on pétition relative to licensing retailers of ardent spirits.......................A 1 40 1837 Report of committee on two-third bills on bill rela- tive to the same..................................A 4 807 1831 Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace ... ........................................A 2 1541832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1832 1833 1830 1830 1831 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1839 1840 1831 1840 1831 1832 1841 1837 577 MONROE COUNTY — Continuée!. Doc. Inspectera of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace...........................................A Inspectera of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace.......................................... A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace.......................................... A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace...........................................A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace.......................................... A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of John Brace......................................... A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of M. G. Woodbury.....................................A Inspectors of beef and pork, annual report of M. G. Woodbury.....................................A Inspector of flour, annual report of John Brace ... A Inspecter of lumber, annual report of A. Hubbard, A do do do A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard........................................ A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard.........................................A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard . .................................... A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard........................................ A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard.................................. ... A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard.........................................A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard...................................... A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard.........................................A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard.........................................A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Isaac Leonard....................................... A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of E. Hig- gins............................................A Inspectors of sole leather, annual report of Water- man Davis . . ................................ A Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build a, A do do do A Medical society of, report on pétition to repeal or modify the law of 1836 relative to foreign prac- titioners .....................................A Poor-house and farm,. report on pétition to sell the...................? .......................A Yol. No. 2 111 3 172 3 184 3 207 3 123 2 106 2 105 3 234 2 103 1 29 4 341 2 117 2 125 2 152 2 91 3 138 3 184 3 179 2 144 4 230 3 86 2 163 4 157 1 18 1 13 2 47 2 76 73578 MONROE COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Report on pétition of the board of health, in the town of Greece, for the payment of certain moneys expended in 1832.................................. A 4 319 1859 Report of surrogate of.................................A 3 91 1859 Report of treasurer of.................................A 3 110 Banks in, see Banks — Monroe County. Canal Feeder Dam, see Genesee River. MONTANTE, ISAAC L. 1847 Report on pétition of Isaac L. Hasbrouck to be admitted to .seat occupied by........................A 1 16 MGNTAUK LANDS. 1848 Report of select committee relative to...... Al 12 MONTEZUMA SALT SPRINGS, see Sait. MONTEZUMA TURNPIKE AND BRIDGE COM- PANY. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of...............A 10 160 MONTEZUMA, VILLAGE OF. 1834 Turnpike and Bridge Company, report of Attor- ney-General on pétition to repeal the charter of, A 4 342 1850 Report of Canal Commissioners as to supply of water between Tonawanda and......................... S 2 41 MONTGOMERY AND NEW YORK MINING COMPANY. 1831 Report respecting.............................A 3 79 MONTGOMERY, COUNTY OF. 1833 Criminal expenditures of, report on bill in relation to..........................................A 4 246 1833 Sherifï of, report on pétition of, for payment for transporting convicts....................... S 1 31 1833 Suprême Court commissioner at Johnstown, report on pétition for a... .............................. S 1 40 1837 Poor-house, report in relation to the sale of the. . . A 2 121 1838 Poor-house, abuses in the, report relative to.A 6 360 1840 Debts and assets of, report on pétition for a division of the...............................................A 4 136 1849 Report of committee on roads and bridges on péti- tion of citizens of Fulton and, relative to the érection of a bridge over the Mohawk at Fulton- ville.......................................A 2 73 1859 Report of treasurer of.................................A 1 48 County Buildings: 1836 Report on bill to remove the, to the village of Fonda, A 2 93 1836 Majority report on the same............................A 2 104579 MONTGOMERY, COUNTY OF — Continued. County Buildings — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Minority report on the same................... A 3 123 1837 Report on bill to authorize the sale of the....A 1 37 1837 Report on pétition to raise money to complété the. .Al 48 1838 Report on pétition for a loan to complété the..A 4 180 Deaf and Dumb Institution in, see Deaf and Dumb. MONTGOMERY, VILLAGE OF, ORANGE COUNTY. 1840 Report on bill erecting a road district in.... S 3 93 MONUMENT. 1830 To De Witt Clinton, report relative to the érection of a.........................................A 4 215 1839 To George Clinton, D. D. Tompkins and General Herkimer, report relative to the érection of.A 6 392 1839 Report on pétition for the appropriation of certain funds for the same......................... A 5 321 1840 Report in relation to the same.................A 3 101 1839 Over the remains of the crew and passengers of the ships Bristol and Mexico, report on bill for the érection of a................................A 6 341 1839 Minority report on the same....................A 6 349 1843 To Colonel John Mills, report on pétition of the Albany Republican Artillery Company for leave to erect, in the Capitol park...................A 5 145 1843 To David Williams, report on bill to erect.A 3 76 1852 To Independent Square, Philadelphia, resolutions of common council of Philadelphia relative to erecting.................................... S 1 6 1853 Proceedings of a convention respecting same....A 4 89 1853 Report of select committee on Governor’s message respecting the same..........................A 4 102 1853 Message of Governor relative to a monument to commemorate American Independence......... A 3 131 MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, see Newburgh. MOODY, SIMEON D. 18~>7 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of, for payment for goods furnished to Sing Sing State prison...............................A 2 99 MOOERS, BENJAMIN. 1838 Report on pétition of, for the payment of certain moneys paid into the treasury by mistake. ...A 2 73 MOOERS, TOWN OF. 1830 Report concerping the poor moneys of the.......A 4 313580 MOON, ISA AC. ‘ Doc. Vol. No. 1860 Communication from Canal Appraisers in answer to a resolution relative to claim of ............A 4 167 MOON, JOHN. 1831 Report on pétition of, for an extension of his lease of certain land...............................A 3 254 MOORE, JOHN. 1831 Report on pétition of, for an extension of his lease of certain land...............................A 3 150 MOORE, JONAH, see J. Conrad. MOORE, ROBERT L., see Cyrus P. Dunham and others. MOORE, ZEBULON. 1849 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 12 1850 do do ...............................A 4 73 MOORE, HUGH H. 1875 Report of committee on contested seat of.... S 3 47 MOOSE AND RAQUETTE RIYERS. 1850 Report of select committee on.............. A 4 68 MOOT, JOHN. 1846 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of* for relief ............................... S 1 8 MORAN, PATRICK. 1856 Report on pétition for relief.................A 3 51 1864 do do .............................A 2 26 MOREY, MICHAEL. 1862 Report on pétition of................ A 6 137 MORGAN, C. M., AND C. H. 1860 Report on pétition of...................... A 4 105 1862 do do A 6 138 MORGAN, JONATHAN, S. Stillman. MORGAN, L. 1861 Report on pétition of........................A 5 91 MORGAN, SAMUEL. 1860 Report on pétition of................«...........A 4 128 1862 do do A 6 126 MORGAN, WILLIAM. 1830 Abduction of, report of spécial counsel (J. C. Spen- cer), on the subject of the............ .......... S 1 67 1830 Abduction of, report of judge* of the eighth circuit relative to the trial of Elihu Mather for the. S 2 185581 1830 1830 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1834 1845 1845 1852 1839 1864 1868 1869 1862 - 1859 1838 1838 MOEGAN, WILLIAM — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Abduction of, report of Attorney-General relative to the charges against the Grand Chapter of Free- masons relative to the......................A 4 417 Abduction of, report of amount paid to the spécial counsel..................................... S 3 254 Abduction of, a letter from the spécial counsel (Y. Birdseye), to the Governor, relative to the trials for the..................................... A 1 3 Abduction of, letter from the same concerning the spécial circuit court and court of oyer and ter- miner in Niagara county.........................A 1 39 Abduction of, letter from the same............ A 1 39 Abduction of, report of select committee on the same.........................................A 1 54 Abduction of, report of select counsel in relation to the trials for the.......................... A 4 353 MOEGAN, WILLIAM L. Eeport on pétition of the executor and executrix of the last will, etc., of..................... S 2 75 MOEIN, JOHN, AND OTHEES. Eeport of Attorney-General on pétition of, heirs of C. McKnight................................. S 2 63 Eeport of committee on daims on same.......... S 2 79 MOEEELL & LE YALLEY. Eeport on pétition of......................... S 2 53 MOEEIS MINING COMPANY. Eeport on pétition to incorporate............. A 6 338 MOEEISON, JAMES, AND OTHEES. Communication from the Attorney-General relative to bill for relief of....................... S 4 82 MOEEISON, NANCY. Eeport daims committee on pétition of..........A 9 120 do do ..........A 10 197 MOESE, ELIS HA, AND GEOEGE S. WEAYEE. Eeport on pétition of.........................A 6 120 MOETAEA (a Jewish child). Eeport of select committee on imprisonment of, in the Papal dominions.........................A 1 17 MOETGAGES. Of personal property, report on bill requiring them to be filed in town clerk’s and other offices.A 3 193 Of personal property, report on a resolution relative to (Mr. Ogden) .............................A 3 111582 MORTGAGES — Continuée!. D0C. Vol. No. 1852 Report on taxation of real estate and........ S 1 28 1855 Report of committee on banks in reference to, as a basis for banking......................... A3 70 1871 Pétition of chamber of commerce to exempt from taxation.................................. S 3 33 MORTGAGES.. FORECLOSURE OF. 1834 By advertisements, report on bill to amend the Re- vised Statutes relative to the.. .........A 3 247 1839 Report concerning the (Mr. Edwards).......... SI 28 1839 Report concerning the (Mr. Healy)............A 6 407 1840 Report of the number of bills filed for the, see Chancery clerks in. 1843 Report of committee on judiciary on the subject of........................................A 4 89 MOSELEY, DANIEL. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as a cir- cuit judge................................A 2 134 MOSHER & YAN ALSTYNE. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 98 MOSHER, DIGHTON. 1849 Report on pétition of................... .....A 6 166 MOSHER, DAVIDSON. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 113 MOSS, J. B. 1847 Report on pétition of........................A 7 185 MOSS, JARED B. 1850 Report on pétition........................... S 3 86 MOSS, SOLOMON. 1848 Report as to daim of seat in Assembly........A 5 147 MOTT, CATHARINE, AND OTHERS. 1869 Report committee of daims on pétition of.....A 9 129 MOTT, S. M. 1833 Sheriff: of Oneida county, report on pétition for pay for transporting convicts.............A 2 85 MOTT, THOMAS. 1841 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of the heirs of, for bountv lands............A 6 240 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 79 1843 Report cf same committee on a bill for the relief of his lieirs................................ S 3 107583 MOTT, THOMAS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of the heirs of ............. ................... S 3 117 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of children of...................................A 3 79 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of John M. Still and wife for relief to heirs of......A 1 33 1848 Report reiating to daim of..................,. S 2 38 MOTT, TIMOTHY. 1849 Report on pétition of.......................... S 1 1 MOUNT HOPE AND LUMRERLAND TURN- PIKE COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition of the, to sell certain lands. ... A 3 214 1844 Report on pétition to levy a tax on the présent stock of said company, to pay a certain debt.... A 4 316 1845 Report on pétition to amend the charter of.....A 3 219 MOUNT MORRIS DAM. 1839 Report on pétition of the proprietors of, to hâve a certain bond canceled. ....................... S 3 95 1840 Report on pétition of the proprietors of, to hâve a certain bond canceled......................... S 3 81 MOUNT PLEASANT ACADEMIES, see Academies. MOUNT PLEASANT PRISON, see State Prisons. MOUNT PROSPECT SQUARE. 1861 Report of minority of committee on bill for relief of owners of land taken for ............ S 2 66 MOWREY, WASHINGTON JEFFERSON. 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of.. A 3 49 MUGGLEWORTH, JANE. 1844 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the pétition of............................. A 3 42 MULBERRY TREE. 1832 Report on bill to encourage the propagation of the, S 2 101 1832 Report relative to giving a bounty upon the cultiva- tion of the.....................................A 3 176 MUMFORD, JOHN I. 1836 Communication from, relative to Commercial Bank investigation........................... S 2 107 MUNSON, A. & CO., see Thomas Geary and others. MUNSON, ALFRED. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.S 1 24584 MUNSON & HART, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... A 3 78 1846 Report on pétition for the relief of......... S 1 19 MUNSON, MERRITT. 1838 Report on pétition of, to confirm his official acts as a justice of the peace..................... S 1 16 MURDER. 1847 Trials for, report relative to............... A 2 47 Punishment by death for, see Capital Punishment. MURDOCK, E. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of............. S 3 77 MURDOCK, EBENEZER. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief......................................S 2 62 MURPHY, JACOB, AND PETER. 1834 Report on pétition of, to allow them to repair a mill- dam across the Schoharie creek....... .... A 4 321 MURPHY, WM. D. 1870 Testimony in case of contested seat of........A 3 64 1870 Report in case of contested seat of...........A 10 170 MURRAY, DAUPHIN. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 2 65 MURRAY, DAVID. 1843 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of. S 1 28 1843 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of......................................... S 2 64 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 4 67 MURRAY, EDWARD. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief..................................... S 1 32 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief..................................... S 2 35 1854 Communication from Auditor of Canal Department relative to.................................A 2 70 MURRAY, GEORGE. 1847 Report of Comptroller on pétition of...... S 1 17 MURRAY, GEORGE W. 1846 Report on pétition for relief of.............. SI 22 1847 Report on pétition of........................ S 3 88 1848 Report in relation to pétition of............ S 1 26 1849 Report on pétition of........................ S 1 13 MURRAY, MARY, see Susan Ogden.585 MURRAY, MARY, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vcl. No. 1844 ÎReport of the Canal Board on the pétition of..A 1 22 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... A 3 51 1845 do do do do ... A 4 147 1849 do do do do ... A 3 128 , 1855 Report of committee on ways and means on the pétition of........ .......................A 1 22 1855 Report of committee on ways and means on the pétition of..................................A 3 67 MURRELL, ROBERT. 1865 Report on pétition of..................................A 7 149 MUSKETS. 1869 Adjutant-General’s reply to Senate resolution rela- tive to contract for changing...^.......... S 3 22 MUTUAL INSURANCE, see Insurance. MUZZY, AMOS W. 1847 Report on pétition of............................... S I 36 1848 do .............................A 3 62 MYERS, I., see R. G. Gilman. MYERS, JOHN. 1842 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 7 179 1843 Report of the committee on daims on the pétitions of, SI 27 1864 do do do do .. A 90 MYERS, MANUEL. 1842 Report of committee on pétition of représentatives of, A 5 115 1842 Report on pétition of représentatives of...............A 5 117 1843 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to his daim................................... S 3 78 MYERS, M. S. 1848 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of------- S 1 25 MYERS, R. S. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of...............A 3 45 MYGATT, AUSTIN. 1840 Report on bill for the relief of...................... S 3 82 MYNDERSE, EDWARD, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of Canal Appraisers on pétition of..............A 3 46 MYNDEERS, EDWARD. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.............. S 2 66 MYRTLE AVENUE AND JAMAICA PLANKROAD. 1853 Report in relation to increase of capital..............A 4 96 74586 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. doc. VoL No. 1878 List of...................................... A 1 1 MIDDLETOWN, STATE HOMŒOPATHIC IN- SANE ASYLUM AT. 1878 Annual report of............................. A 2 8 MAJOR1TY AND MINORITY REPORT. 1879 Of spécial commitfcee relative to removal of agent and warden of Auburn prison................ S 2 51 MEMBERS OF SENATE. 1879 List of...................................... S 1 1 MEMORIAL OF. 1879 Cbamber of Commerce.......................... S 2 31 1879 State Board of Charities relative to the insane poor of the State.............................. S 2 44 1879 S. B. Ruggles relative to movement of property on State canals, and on Central and Erie railroads.. S 2 58 MESSAGE OF THE GOYERNOR. 1879 Annual....................................... S 1 2 MINORITY REPORT. 1879 Of committee on railroads relative to compensation to be paid roads for transportation of milk. S 2 62 MAJORITY REPORT. 1879 Spécial committee on expenditures of house....A 2 38 MANAGERS. 1879 New York State Reformatory....................A 1 9 1879 Society Reformation Juvénile Delinquents...... A 2 19 MINORITY REPORT. 1879 Of committee on privilèges and élections on con- tested seat, Carman v. Duryea...............A 2 44 1879 Spécial committee on expenditures of house....A 2 37 MEMORIAL OF. 1879 H. A. Gumbleton.............................. A 6 104 1879 State Board Charities relative to iusaue poor.A 6 119 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1879 Report of judiciary committee on..............A 6 84 MANAGERS HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL 1880 Annual report................................ S 1 9 MANAGERS STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. 1880 Annual report................................ S 1 12587 MANAGERS WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. Dqc. vol. No. 1880 Animal report........................ .. S 1 15 MANHATTAN ELEYATED RAILROAD COM- PANY. 1880 Report of............................... S 2 52 MESSAGE. 1880 Annual, of Governor...................... S 1 2 1880 From Governor, relative to trustées of Binghamton Asylum for insane...................... S 2 50 METROPOLITAN ELEVATED RAILROAD COM- PANY. 1880 Report of................................ S 2 39 MEMBERS. 1880 Listof................................... A 1 Officers and Reporters: 1880 List of, with boarding houses. ...........A 56 MESSAGE. 1880 Annual, of the Governor...................A 2 MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1880 Report of...................... ........A 120 MEMBERS. 1881 List of...................................A 1 1 Officers and Reporters: 1881 List of (with address)............... ... A 3 42 MEMORIALS, see Communications. MIDDLETOWN ASYLUM. 1881 Report of................................ A 2 17 MILITARY CODE. 1881 Commissioners to revise, report of........A 6 80 MUSEUM O F NATURAL HISTORY. 1881 Report of............................... A 8 127 MANHATTAN COMPANY. 1882 Balances unclaimed in the, report of......A 2 18 MECHANICS’ AND TRADERS’ EXCHANGE. 1882 Resolutions of.......................... A 5 99 MEMBERS. 1882 Listof................................... A 1 11883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 588 MANAGERS OF HUDSON RIVER HOSPITAL. Annual report.................... STATE Doc. Vol. ......S 1 MANAGERS. Of the Society for the Reformation of Juvénile Delin- quents, annual report..................... S 1 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, annual report. ... S 1 Of the Western House of Refuge, annual report... S 1 MAYOR, see New York City. MEMBERS, see Senators. MEMORIAL. C. S. Harvey, relating to certain rapid transit légis- lation .................................. S 3 MESSAGE. Of Governor............................. S 1 MAJORITY AND MINORITY REPORT. Of testimony taken by the committee appointed to investigate puts and corners................ S 5 MEMBERS. List of.....................................A 1 MEMORIAL FROM PRISON ASSOCIATION. Relative to contract labor.................A 2 MEMBERS. List of.............. . ........ ......A 1 MEMORIAL FROM PRISON ASSOCIATION. Relative to contract labor......... .......A 2 MANAGERS ELMIRA REFORMATORY. Report of................................ S 4 MANAGERS. Of Society for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents, report of.............................. S 4 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, report of. S 4 Western House of Refuge, report of....... S 5 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. List of............................ S 1 No. 10 16 7 17 40 2 45 1 21 1 21 13 18 9 23 1 MESSAGE OF GOVERNOR. Annual................................ S 1 2 MESSAGES OF GOVERNOR. Relative to census..................... S 5 26,43589 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. Doc.Voi. No. 1885 Listof. .......................................A 1 1 MEMORIAL LADIES’ HEALTH PROTECTIYE ASSOCIATION. 1885 Report of......................................A 7 123 MANAGERS, see Board. MANAGERS HUDSON RIVER STATE HOS- PITAL. 1886 Report of.............................. S 3 25 MEMORIAL. 1886 Of Charles T. Harvey.................... S 4 62 MERCHANT MARINE ENGAGED IN FOREIGN TRADE. 1886 Resolution of Senate relative to........ S 5 80 MESSAGES. 1886 Of Governor........................ S 5 2, 61, 77, 85 MESSAGE. 1886 Of Governor relative to nominations for office. S 5 77 1886 Relative to Street railroads............ S 4 61 MEMBERS, BOARDING-HOUSE. 1886 List of..................................A 5 43 MEMBERS. 1886 List of..................................A 1 1 1887 List of..................................A 1 7, 55 MEMORIAL. 1887 Relating to “ Storm King ” bridge........A 4 19 MESSAGE. 1887 Of Governor..............................A 1 2 MIDDLETOWN HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM. 1887 Report of................................A 4 23 MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1887 Report of.............................. A 4 15 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. 1888 Listof...................................A 1 1 1888 Seatsof..................................A 1 6 MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. 1888 Annual...................................A 1 2590 NABEAU, BASIL, a Oanadian refugee. Doc< Vol. No. 1833 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands...A 2 52 NATIONAL BANK, see United States bank. NACHTMAN, MARTIN. 1874 Supplémentai brief relative to claim of, to seat in the Assembly..........................A 10 137 NATIONAL DIFFICULTES. 1861 Report on............................... S 1 10 NATIONAL DOMAIN, see United States Public Lands, etc. NATIONAL GUARD, see Militia. NATIONAL GUARD. 1866 Fifty-fifth régiment, report of committee on daims on bill for relief of.....................A 7 179 1869 Report of majority on bill to provide sites for armories for Seventh and Seventy-first régiments, A 10 189 1869 Report of minority on bill to provide sites for armories for Seventh and Seventy-first régiments, A 10 190 1870 Communication from Attorney General relative to amount of exemption members are entitled to . .. A 3 49 NATIONAL REVENUE, see United States. NATIONAL VICTORIES. 1862 Communication from the Governor transmitting resolutions of State of Maine, relative to....A 6 189 NATURAL HISTORY, STATE. 1843 Report of the select committee on an act in relation to the..........................................A 4 82 1844 Report of Secretary of State in relation to. ....A 3 87 1845 Report of Secretary of State in relation to the bill respecting, passed May 3d, 1844................ S 1 6 1845 Report of Secretary of State in relation to the books of........................................... S 1 43 1845 Report of select committee in relation to......... S 3 123 1845 Report of minority of same select committee...... S 3 124 1845 Report of judiciary committee in relation to..... S 3 125 1846 Report of Regents of the University on the condi- tion of the cabinets of..................... S 3 91 1846 Report of Governor and Secretary of State relative to............................................•. A 2 41 1846 Report of select committee on......................A 5 172 1849 Communication from Governor in relation to com- pleting publication of......... ... ..........A 3 154 1849 Report of select committee on so much of Gover- nor’s message as relates to the publication of. ... A 3 179591 NATURAL HISTORY, STATE — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. 1850 Report of select committee on.....................A 1 9 1851 Geologic'al report of committee appointed to take charge of publication of....................... A 4 124 1852 Report of commissioners to superintend the com- pletion of the printing of the..................A l 23 1853 Report of the commissioners appointed to superin- tend the publication of.........................A 3 74 1854 Report of commissioners of publication of....... A 2 71 1855 Report of commissioners to superintend publication of..............................................A 2 53 1856 Report of commissioners appointed to superintend the completion of ............................ A 4 150 1856 Report of select committee........................A 5 211 1857 Annual report of the commissioners appointed to superintend the publication of, in reply to reso- lution relative to cost of......................A 2 117 1857 Annual report of commissioners appointed to super- intend the publication of the.................. A 2 120 1858 Report of commissioners to complété the...........A 4 120 1859 Annual report of commissioners of publication of.. A 3 127 NATURAL HISTORY, STATE CABINET OF. 1849 Annual report of the Regents of the University on the condition of . S 1 20 1850 Report of the Regents of the University respecting, S 2 75 1851 Annual report of the Regents of the University on S 2 30 1852 Annual report of the Regents of the University con- cerning A 5 122 1853 Sixth annual report of the Regents on the condition of, and the historical and antiquarian collections annexed thereto S 1 16 1854 Report of Regents relative to S 1 50 1855 Annual report of Regents on S 2 40 1856 Report of Regents relative to s 3 112 1857 Annual report of Regents on s 3 109 1858 Report of Regents relative to A 6 163 1859 Annual report of Regents on A 5 186 1860 do do S 1 89 1861 do do s 6 136 1862 do do s 6 116 1863 do do s 5 115 1864 do do A 8 189 1865 do do S 3 90 1866 do do s 29 89 1867 do do A 12 239 1868 do do S 7 93 1869 do do s 6 87 1870 do do A 7 133 1871 do do S 4 68592 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE STATE. Doc. Voi. No. 1873 Communication from Comptroller relative to moneys paid on account of..................A 6 91 NATURALTZATION OF FOREIGNERS. 1845 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition of inhabitants of Sullivan county in reference to, A 7 245 NAVIGATION COMPANIES. 1861 Report of, within the State...............A 5 83 NAVY, SECRETARY OF, see United States. NAVY YARD, see Brooklyn. NEBRASKA AND KANSAS TERRITORIES. 1856 Report of select committee on message relative to.. S 2 91 NEELYTOWN. 1832 Associate Reformed Congrégation in, report on pétition to chaoge the name of..........A 4 282 NEFF, DERICK, AND B. FORNCROOK, see W. Lowell. NELLIS, ABRAHAM, AND OTHERS. 1857 Report on pétition of..................... S 3 88 NELSON & PHILLIPS, see Phillips & Nelson. NEVERSINK NAVIGATION COMPANY. 1830 Loan to the, report of Comptroller relative to the ..Al 49 1830 Loan to the, report on memorial of the president for a further loan............................. S 4 358 1833 Loan to the, report of Attorney-General on pétition to be released from the payment of the....... A 4 262 1836 Loan to the, report on bill to provide for the liqui- dation of the stock loaned to the.................... S 1 60 NEVERSINK RIVER. 1847 Report relative to bridge over, and bill for same. .. A 2 67 NEWARK, TOWN O F. 1836 School district No. 7, report of same..........A 4 216 NEWARK, VILLAGE OF. 1853 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, prayingfor the removal of the county buildings to Newark..... A 2 53 NEW BERLIN. 1841 School district No. 16 in, report on pétition of the trustées of.................................. A 5 188 1841 School district No. 16 in, report on pétition of the trustées of................................. A 7 275593 NEWBURGH. Doc. Yoi. No 1833 North River Whaling Company, report on bill to incorporate................................... A 4 313 1838 Washington Monument Association, report on péti- tion to incorporate the........................A 6 320 1839 Washington Monument Association, report on péti- tion to incorporate the........................A 6 356 1840 Report on pétition to extend the time to organize the same .»....................................A 8 349 1851 Correspondence concerning same...................A 5 144 1850 Washington^ headquarters, report of select com- mittee concerning.............. ...........A 5 122 1851 Washington’s headquarters, report respecting.....A 3 57 Banks see Banks — Orange county. NEWBURY AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of............................A 8 219 NEWCOMB, THOMAS W. & D. 1833 Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands.A 4 307 1835 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the same.......................................A 4 397 1835 Report of the Surveyor-General on the same.......A 3 257 NEWCOMB, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition to increase the fees of collectors in the.... ....................................A 1 63 NEWELL, GEORGE W. 1833 Report of Commissioners of the Canal Fund in rela- tion to certain moneys paid to him...................A 4 271 1855 Communication from Attorney-General in relation to suit against ................................. A 5 122 NEWELL, ISAÆC. 1840 Report on pétition to be restored to the rights of citizenship................................... A 4 130 NEWELL, SAMUEL H. 1835 Report on pétition to change his name............A 1 23 NEWFIELD, TOWN OF. 1833 Highway labor in, report concerning . ---------- A 4 254 NEW GRENADA. 1855 Report relative to improvement of roads in...... S 2 64 NEW GRENADA CANAL AND STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY. 1855 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on bill relative to.......................... S 2 49 75594 NEW HAMBÜRGH AND BUFFALO TURNPIKE RO AD COMPANY. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate............... S 1 16 1832 Report on the same...............................A 3 216 NEW HAMBÜRGH. 1871 Testimony before railroad committee relative to accident at...................................A 4 53 NEW HAMBÜRGH TURNPIKE. 1830 Report on bill declaring it a public highway.....A 4 313 NEW HAMPSHIRE, STATE OF. 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, for a reorganization of the militia................................A 1 3 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, against recharter- ing the United States Bank....................A 2 115 1834 Resolution of the Législature of, for a reorganiza- tion of the militia...........................A 1 11 1843 Message of the Governor transmitting resolution of the Législature of............................A 2 19 1844 Resolution of the Législature of, on the subject of Gen. Jackson’s fine...........................A 7 191 NEW JERSEY, STATE OF. 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina...............................A 3 211 1839 Resolutions by the same relative to the public lands, A 3 211 1840 Members of Congress of, resolutions of the Législa- ture of, relative to the......................A 3 70 1840 Members of Congress of, preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. Taylor relative to the........ A 5 171 1840 Members of Congress of, report of the committee of the judiciary on the same.....................A 5 173 1842 Resolution of the Council and General Assembly of, respecting the tarifï........................ S 3 53 1843 Joint resolution of the Législature of.......... S 3 86 1855 Resolutions by the same..........................A 4 104 1855 Resolutions of, relative to New York Harbor....A 5 104 1855 Governor’s message on same...................... S 2 60 1857 Communication from Governor of, relative to quarantine................................... S 1 16 Boundary Line Between, and New York: 1830 Communication from the Attorne3r-General in rela- tion to the suit brought before the suprême court of the United States by New Jersey against the State of New York......................... S 1 4 1831 Communication from same relative to same ______A 1 3 1831 Communication from the Governor, and a report from the Attorney-General on the same.........A 3 268 1831 Report of majority of a select committee relative to the...........................................A 3 314595 NEW JEESEY, STATE OF — Continued. Boundary Line Between, and New York — Con- tinued: Doc. Yol. No. 1831 Eeport of minority of select committee relative to the........................................... A 3 316 1833 Eeport of joint committee in relation to the..... S 1 17 1834 Eeport of commissioners appointed to settle the... S 1 2 NEW JEESEY. 1875 Communication from Governor of, relative to quar- antine jurisdiction adjacent to the port of New York........................................A 4 38 1875 Eelative to boundary line of................ . S 1 17 1875 Eesolution relative to channel between, and Staten Island..................................... S 1 19 1877 Boundary monuments, report relative to....... A 6 62 NEWLAND, EPHEAIM, AND T. WOODWOETH. 1856 Eeport on pétition of, for relief............A 4 177 1857 Eeport of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages by falling of bridge over the Champlain canal.............................A 2 105 NEW MEXICO AND CALIFOENIA. 1848 Eeport of select committee on so much of Governor’s message as relates to the introduction of slavery into .............................................. A 3 139 NEW PALTZ, TOWN OF. 1852 Eeport on pétition of inhabitants of, for the érection of a new town...............................A 5 107 NEW STOCKBEIDGE LANDS, see John Gregg. 1830 Eeport on pétition of settlers on the, for a reap- praisal of said lands, etc................. S 2 163 1831 School lot, report on pétition of settlers on the, for relief.................................. A 1 11 NEWTON, WILLIAM. 1830 Eeport on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal................ A 3 242 1838 Eeport of committee on daims on the same .....A 5 286 1839 do do do A 3 102 1840 do do do A 3 92 1841 do do do A 2 44 1841 Eeport of Canal Board on the same.............A 7 270 1841 Eeport of Canal Commissioners on the same.....A 3 81 NEWTON. 1857 Eeport of standing committee on roads fftid bridges on pétition for road from Hunter’s Point to, and Flushing.......................................... S 4 1191875 1870 1838 1845 1851 1851 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 596 NEWTON, JOHN. Doc. y0i. No. Communication from, relative to pier and bulkhead lines.......................................... S 6 75 NEWTOWN CREEE. Report relative to exterior lines for piers, wharves and bulkheads in............................A 2 21 NEW WINDSOR, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to raise money to build a bridge across Murderer’s creek. ...................A 6 231 NEW YORK. Report of committee on privilèges and élections on pétition of citizens of.....................A 3 71 Report on union with Brooklyn and Williamsburgh, S 3 74 Report of select committee of the members from, on bills to raise money in..................... A 4 123 Memorial from the mayor, aldermen and common- alty of.....................................A 4 141 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office rela- tive to title to lands in front of Washington mar- ket............................................ S 1 17 Report relative to changes in municipal govern- mentin...................................... S 2 121 Report of minority of committee relative to amend- ment of charter............................. A 3 169 Report of commissioners of records, relative to the amount of money paid out by them............A 2 67 Report of commissioners of records, relative to ex- penses of ................................... A 3 102 Communication from Comptroller, in reply to resolution..................................A 1 10 Report of surrogate of........................A 1 50 Opinion of Attorney-General as to made lands in .. A 3 160 Report relative to ferries between Brooklyn and.... A 4 | Message of the Governor relative to railroads in... A 6 189 Report of the commissioners of excise......... S 1 42 Communication from John Kerr, a commissioner of excise...................................... S 1 55 Communication from common council relative to fédéral relations........................... S 1 8 Call of mayor for convention on state of the Union. .Si 14 Remonstrance of military association of....... S 1 19 Report relative to opening streets in......... S 2 34 Report of fees received by sheriff of.........A 2 49 Message of Governor relative to defense of ...... A 8 240 Memorial of J. Morrison Hunter relative to harbor defenses................................ ... A 4 51 Pétition of Comptroller of,for act to raise money in, A 6 165 Report of committee relative to opening streets in.. A 8 247697 NEW YORK—Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1862 Report of licenses granted by commissioners of ^ ^ j 79 1862 Report of Commissioners c f Land Office relative to reclaimed land in harbor of................... S 1 14 1863 Report of Blind Mechanics’ Association in...... S 2 29 1863 * do do do .............A 2 31 1863 Communication from comr^on council relative to terms of office of heads of departments in.... S 5 102 1864 Report of Blind Mechanics, Association in.......A 2 34 1864 Communication from Commissioners of Land Office relative to sale of Marine Hospital grounds... S 3 22 1864 Annual report of Medical College for women in-- S 4 52 1864 Report of minority of committee on cities on tax commissioners’ bill........................... S 3 48 1864 Communication from pilot commissioners relative to exclusive use of wharves and ships by steamboat lines......................................... S 4 75 1864 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to repayment of moneys claimed to hâve been illegally collected by health commissioner of, S 4 100 1864 Communication from Citizen’ Association relative to tax levy :................................. S 4 102 1865 Report of committee to investigate various depart- ments in............................................... S 2 38 1865 Communication from county clerk, relative to bonds and bail forfeited recognizances .......... S 3 70 1865 Communication from supervisors relative to Harlem bridge. ...................................... S 1 24 1865 Report of commissioners to build Harlem bridge ..SI 24 1865 Report from chief engineer of Croton department relative to sewerage in .................... S 1 35 1865 Resolutions of supervisors ofïering site for new Capitol.................................... S 2 44 1865 Report of committee on municipal, in favor of paid fire department.............................. S 2 47 1865 Report of comptroller of, as to amount of money paid into treasury by district attorney since 1845, S 3 60 1865 Communication from General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen in ... ........................ S 3 68 1865 Communication from excise commissioners of....... S 3 94 1865 Report of Metropolitan police commissioners, as to number of retail liquor dealers in their district.. S 3 98 1865 Communication from attorney of excise commis- sioners ............................................... S 3 99 1865 Report of comptroller of, in response to resolution of tke Assembly relative to salaries, etc., paid in, A 9 183 1865 Annual report of medical college for women in .... S 3 89 1865 Communication from mayor relative to public market in.................................... S 1 14 Academy of Inventions and Arts: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate (2 64 (3 228598 NEW YORK— Continued. AgRICULTURAL ScHOOL : j)0Ct y0l. No. 1833 Report on pétition for the establishment of an. .... S 2 79 Alien Passengers : 1845 Report of select committee on memorial of citizens of, relative to. ..............................A 6 216 Alms-house : 1845 Memorial of the commissioners of, for amendments of the law relating to........................ S 2 57 1853 Report of board of ten governors of, relative to cor- ruption, etc.......................................... A 2 35 1855 Communication from governors of, transmitting resolution.................................... S 2 63 1856 Report of governors of.......................... S 2 77 1856 Communication^from governors of................ S 2 79 1857 Memorial of governors of . ...................... S 2 60 Alms-house Farm : 1832 In Queens county, report on pétition of the com- mon council relative to the....................A 4 304 Alms-house School : 1835 Report on pétition for a portion of the school moneys.........................................A 3 174 American Art Union : 1853 Report of select committee on the affaire of the ... A 5 115 American Association for the Advancement of Science : 1852 Communication from Governor transmitting memo- rial of, respecting geographical survey............... S 1 41 American Geographical and Statistical Society: 1854 Memorial of...................................... A 3 96 1872 Annual report of the years 1870, 1871 ........... S 7 96 1873 Annual report of..................................A 9 168 1874 do S 5 99 1875 do S 4 48 1876 do S 6 r<6 1877 do S 5 62 American Institute: 1835 Report on memorial of the, relative to a geological survey of the State............................A 4 374 1838 Report on memorial of, for aid....................A 6 309 1839 do do .................. SI 8 1840 do do .................. S 3 90 1841 Report of a committee on a communication from, on the subject of agriculture.....................A 6 218 1842 Report of, on agriculture........................ S 4 101 1843 Secoud annual report...... ...................... S 3 108 1844 Annual report of................................. S 4 124 1846 do S 4 105599 NEW YORK — Continued. American Institute — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of committee on agriculture recommending the printing of annual report of..............A 6 200 1847 Annual report of........................... .....A 6 151 1848 do ..............................A 7 216 1849 Annual report of managers of.....................A 7 244 1850 do ........ ...........A 9 199 1851 Transactions of..................................A 5 149 1852 do A 7 129 1853 do A 5 133 1854 Annual report of ................................A 5 150 1855 do A 5 144 1856 Transactions of.................................. A» 6 216 1857 Annual report of................................. A 4 171 1858 Transactions of..................................A 6 164 1859 do A 5 188 1860 do A 6 191 1861 do A 7 138 1862 do A 9 251 1863 do A 9 233 1864 do A 10 202 1865 do A 9 202 1866 Annual report of.................................A 8 198 1867 do A 18 244 1868 do A 8 62 1869 do A 12 211 1870 do A 13 212 1871 do A 9 111 1872 Transactions of the..............................A 12 190 1874 Transactions of..................................A 11 153 1875 Annual report of................................. S 10 119 1876 do A 8 135 American Seaman’s Friend Society: 1840 Report on pétition of, for a loan out of the “pas- sengers’ fund ”..................................A 7 300 Arsenal in, see Arsenal, State. Artillery, Horse: 1835 Report on pétition to be exempt from jury duty.... A 2 112 1839 Ninth brigade, report on pétition to be exempt from certain taxes and to reduce the number of parades................................................. A 2 182 Assessors, Board of: 1854 Report of select committee on... .................A 3 117 Assessments: 1830 Report pétition of common council to postpone the sale of lands advertised to be sold for..........A 4 295600 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Assessments — Continued : D0C. y0i. No. 1830 Report on pétition of common council for a law to equalize.....................................A 4 364 1839 For laying out streets, etc., report on pétition for a révision and amendment of the laws relative to .. A 5 313 1842 Report of a select committee on the memorial of Peter A. Jay and others, relative to, and accom- panying documents............................ S 4 100 1850 Report of select committee on....................A 5 100 1869 Report of Assembly committee on cities on Senate bill relative to.............................A 10 202 Associate Church, Second: 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the___ S 2 112 Astor Library: 1849 Report on pétition to incorporate................A 1 10 1850 Annual report of trustées of.....................A 3 43 1851 do do ...........................A 2 36 1852 do do ........................... S 1 20 1854 do do ...........................A 2 56 1855 do do ...........................A 5 130 1856 do do ........................... S 2 41 1857 do do ...........................Al 57 1858 do do ...........................A 1 12 1859 do do ...........................A 2 57 1860 do do ...........................A 2 44 1861 do do ............................. A 3 77 1862 do do ........................... S 3 33 1863 do do ...........................A *2 41 1864 do do ........................... S 3 38 1865 do do ........................... SI 27 1866 do do ........................... SI 22 1867 do do ............................ S 2 89 1868 do do ........................... S 3 23 1869 do do ........................... S 3 24 1870 do do ........................... S 2 23 1871 do do ........................... S 1 6 1872 do do ........................... S 1 19 1873 do do ........................... SI 12 1874 do do . ......................... S 3 34 1875 do do ........................... S 2 21 1876 do do ........................... S 2 31 1877 do do ........................... SI 18 Astronomical Observatory: 1847 Report on........... ............... ............. S 2 45 Auctioneers : 1830 Report on bill respecting sales by................A 4 381 1832 Report of Comptroller on a bill respecting........601 NEW YOBK—Continuée!. Auctions : Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Bétail, report on pétition foi* a law to pïevent frauda and abuses arising from sales at.....................A 1 53 Avenue C: 1835 Beport on pétition of the common council to widen ...............................................A 3 163 Banks, see Banks. Baptist Church, First: 1835 Beport on pétition to sell certain real estate.. S 2 75 Bar: 1839 Memorial of members of the, for the appointment of commissioners for the dispatch of the arreas of • equity business............:.................. S 2 36 1840 Memorial of, for a reform in the judicial System.... S 1 16 1847 Memorial of members of, relative to legal reform... A 2 48 1847 Pétition of members of, for reform in mode of pay- ment of fees to country clerks.....................A 7 192 Bar Association and Others: 1872 Memorial relative to certain judges..................A 3 40 Bay: 1870 Beport of commissioners charged with erecting building on west bank of...........................A 6 102 Beef and Pork, Inspectors of: 1830 Ann ual report of H. Howard..........................A 2 73 1831 do do A 2 97 1832 do do A 2 65 1833 do do A 3 139 1834 do do A 3 230 1830 Annual report of Philo Lewis.........................A 2 169 1831 do do A 2 101 1832 do do A 2 99 1833 do do A 3 161 1834 do do A 3 213 1835 do do A 2 155 1836 do do A 3 176 1837 do do A 2 137 1838 do do A 3 120 1839 do do A 3 138 1840 do do A 4 114 1830 Annual report of J. Lowerre..........................A 2 95 1831 do do A 2 135 1832 do do A 2 61 1833 do do A 3 146 1835 do do ................... SI 19 761836 1837 1838 1839 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1839 1840 1833 1840 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1835 1836 1837 1831 1832 1833 1834 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1830 1831 1830 1830 1831 602 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Beef and Pore, Inspectors of—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of J. Lowerre................A do do A do do A do do 4 Annual report of Thomas Gardner............ S do do A do do A do do A do do A do do A Annual report of James Gardner.............A do do A Annual report of T. Moor...................A Annual report of Columbus Seguine..........A Annual report of J. Shumway................A Annual report of R. Usher...................A do do .........................A do do .........................A Annual report of A. Wilson.................A do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 3 2 3 4 2 4 2 4 5 4 5 4 3 2 2 do do A 2 do do A 2 do do A 2 do do A 3 do do A 3 do do A 3 do do A 2 Annual report of A. W. Youle...............A do do ..................A 189 118 108 173 51 227 57 167 310 113 309 112 190 57 122 126 97 132 142 181 175 136 188 257 233 183 158 188 223 355 165 174 81 48 229 197 159 Beneyolent Society: Report on pétition of, to admit members of said society as witnesses in certain suits.............A 4 391 Blind, Institution for, see Blind. Bloomingdale Asylum, see New York Hospital. Report concerning a resolution to appoint a com- mittee to investigate the affairs of the..........A 4 308 Report of committee appointed to investigate, etc., the affairs of the..................................A 3 263603 NEW YORK — Continued. Bloomingdale Asylum—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report of amount paid commissioners to investigate, etc.............................................A 4 339 1840 Report of committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the..................................A 5 214 Bloomingdale Road: 1849 Answer of comptroller of New York city to resolu- tion of Assembly relative to opening of..............A 5 216 Board of Assessors: 1854 Report of select committee relative to, etc., in city of............................................A 3 117 Board of Brokers : 1834 Report of a select committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of a law to regulate the sale of stocks and bills of exchange by..............A 4 339 1836 Memorial of the, against the bill to regulate the sale of stocks and bills of exchange...............A 4 291 Board of Education, see N. Y. Common Schools. Board of Révision and Control : 1866 Report of minority committee of Assembly on bill tocreate a......................................A 7 148 Board of Supervisors: 1857 Report of committee on incorporation of cities and villages, relative to the.......................A 2 132 Board of Trade, Grocers and Importers: 1873 Resolution of, relative to warehouse and railway bill........................................ S 4 97 1877 Communication from president of, relative to proxy in any corporation chartered by the laws of this State................................................... S 4 54 Board of Aldermen of: 1875 Preamble and resolution relative to pavement in. .. A 6 79 1875 Resolutions relative to bone boiling..............A 10 134 1875 Resolutions relative to bone boiling..............A 10 134 Board of Commissioners of Pilots : 1875 Annual report of............................... A 2 12 1875 Report of, in reply to Assembly resolution in regard to fines........................................A 7 85 Board of Health of New York : 1875 Statement of, relative to costs, disbursements and penalties collected duriüg 1874, by.............A 7 90604 NEW ŸOEK — Continued. Broadway : Doc VoL No. 1856 Report of majority and minority of committee on railroads in relation to one in................A 4 165 1861 Repart of committee relative to railroad in.....A 5 108 1863 do do do ....... S 5 87 1863 Report of committee in relation to names of corpo- ^ ~ j 108 rators of..................................... b b j109 1866 Communication of chief engineer Croton aqueduct department relative to construction of railroad under.................................................. S 1 28 1866 Report of committee on railroads relative to under- ground railroad in.............................A 7 141 1869 Report of minority of Senate committee for railroad in............................................ S 6 72 Building Associations : 1856 Report of legislative committee on .... ;.....A 3 46 Bütchers’ Benevolent Society : 1831 Report on pétition to renew the charter of......A 4 298 Cemetery, Greenwood : 1838 Report on pétition to incorporate the proprietors of the............................................A 6 334 Cemetery, Marble : 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate the proprietors of the........................................... A 3 184 Census Marshals : 1856 Report of committee on pétition of................A 3 21 Central Pare : 1857 Report of committee of incorporation of cities and villages, relative to........................ A 2 131 1860 Report of the commissioners of....................A 2 63 1861 Report of committee to in quire into affairs of. S 1 18 1867 Report of commissioners of, as to west side improve- ment.......................................... S 2 79 1870 Commissioners* report............................ S 3 76 Centre Market : 1835 Report relative to the enlargement of.............A 2 145 Chambkr of Commerce: 1835 Memorial of, relative to the weighing of merchan- dise.......................................... S 2 65 1837 Memorial of, against the bill to prevent usury .... S 2 62 1841 Memorial of, relative to the inspection laws..... S 3 78 1845 Memorial of, in opposition to increase of tolls on Oswego canal.................................. S 2 61 1849 Resolution of, against change of quarantine estab- lishment ............................................ S 2 40605 NEW YORK — Continued. Chamber or Commerce — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1853 Memorial of, relative to the enlargement of Erie canal....................................... A 4 100 1857 Memorial of, relative to quarantine........... S 2 68 1862 Memorial of, relative to widening Erie canal. S 6 110 1863 Memorial of, relative to harbor of............ S 2 47 1863 Memorial of, relative to harbor defenses of....A 4 58 1866 Communication from, relative to piers and wharves in........................................... S 2 47 1867 Communication from, relative to proposed commis- sion on wharves and piers, and also relative to usury laws................................... S 2 78 1867 Memorial relative to usury laws................A 8 203 1868 Communication from, relative to freight on rail- roads.......................................A 10 143 1870 Memorial of, relative to exempting bonds and mort- gages from taxation...........................A 7 135 1870 Memorial of, relative to granting State aid to N. Y. O M. K R.................................... A 7 136 1871 Remonstrance against passage of bills 624 and 625, relative to insurance companies...............A 11 118 1871 Memorial from, relative to canals............... S 4 49 1871 Pétition of, to exempt bonds and mortgages from taxation..................................... S 3 33 1872 Communication from, relative to usury laws..... S 3 55 1872 Memorial of, relative to exemption of, from taxa- tion................................................ S 3 51 1872 Memorial of, relative to harbor................. S 2 27 1873 Pétition of, and resolution relative to a nautical school..................................... S 1 21 1873 Memorial of, to release bonds and mortgages from taxation..................................... S 2 32 1873 For repeal of usury laws........................ S 2 31 1873 Resolution of, relative to canals............... S 3 76 1873 Resolutions of, relative to canal tolls..........A 2 19 1864 Resolution of, relative to exemption of bonds and mortgages from taxation...................... S 3 46 1874 Preamble and resolutions relative to the prcposed amendment to the Constitution to fund the canal debt......................................... S 4 68 1874 Report of, relative to head-money............... S 4 67 1874 Communication from...............................A 5 61 1874 Memorial from.................................. A 5 63 1874 Resolution of, relative to funding amendments to State Constitution......................... A 6 86 1875 Résolutions of, relative to head-money.......... S 2 32 1875 Résolutions of, relative to State canals........ S 2 41 1875 Resolutions of, relative to canals.............. S 6 77 1875 Résolutions of, relative to the canals...........A 5 54 1876 Memorial of, relative to canals of the State... SI 11606 NEW YORK — Continued. Charitable Institutions: Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report of commissioners on the condition of tbe... A 1 4 1848 Report as to expenses, etc., of.........................A 5 139 1850 Report of commissioners on..............................A 5 138 1851 Report of commissioners to supervise expenditures of, A 4 121 1852 Report relative to certain............................ S 2 89 1855 Report of commissioners to supervise expenditures of, A 4 112 1858 Report ; of commissioners appointed to supervise receipts and expenditures of certain.........A 5 162 Charter or: 1830 Report of select committee on a bill to amend the.. A 4 322 1853 Report of select committee on reference of bills and pétition in regard to amendment of...............A 4 82 1857 Report of committee on incorporation of cities and villages relative to, and municipal affairs of ..... A 2 125 1857 Minority report on same.............................A 2 126 1859 Minority report relative to amendments of...........A 3 169 1860 do do .......A 4 160 1861 Report of committee on amendment of.....................A 3 74 Chemical Manufacturing Company, see Banks. Castle Garden: 1872 Testimony taken by committee on commerce and navigation relative to affairs of................A 10 148 Children’s Aid Society: 1870 Annual report of........................................A 11 206 1871 do S 2 22 1872 Nineteenth annual report of............................ S 1 6 1873 Twentieth annual report of.......,.............. S 1 11 1874 Annual report of....................................... S 1 13 1876 do A 3 23 City Coal and Transportation Company: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate...................... A 2 37 City Coal Association: 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate.......................A 2 155 City Hall: 1831 Report relative to the judicial extension of the .... A 3 257 City Hall, New: 1857 Majority report of committee on incorporation of cities and villages relative to the .... ............A 2 130 1857 Minority report on same................................A 3 163 Clerk and Register: 1849 Report of, in answer to résolution of Assembly respecting amount of fees............................À 2 86607 NEW YORK —Continued. Clerk and Register— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1872 Clerk of the city and county of New York, report of judiciary ccmmittee relative to office of.....A 1 186 1874 Reply of clerk of county of, in answer to resolution, A 5 69 Reply of clerk of Oyer and Terminer and General Sessions to resolution of Senate.............. S 3 50 1876 Clerk, report of, relative to taxes paid by corpora- tion ................................................. A 6 72 Coal Company: 1832 Report on pétition to renew the charter of the..A 3 203 COLLECTORS OF TAXES: 1831 Report relative to the appointment of............A 1 40 1838 Bonds of, report concerning......................A 4 168 College of Pharmacy, see Medical Colleges. College of Physicians and Surgeons, see Medical Colleges. College of Dental Surgery: 1854 Report relative to................................ A 4 139 Colored Home : 1845 Report on the memorial of................... S 3 112 Colored Orphan’s Asylum, New York: 1851 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies relative to..........................A 2 43 Commercial Affairs: 1842 Proceedings of a public meeting relative to..... S 3 82 Commercial Union: 1871 Resolutions adopted by, March 31, 1871...........A 9 109 CoMMISSIONERS OF EMIGRATION*. 1859 Annual report of.................................A 5 187 1859 Report of, in regard to title to Castle Garden..A 3 130 1859 Report of majority of committee on charges against the............................................A 2 53 1859 Report of minority of committee on charges against the............................................A 2' 52 1861 Annual report of..................... .......... S 2 54 1862 do S 4 61 1864 H0 S 4 65 1865 do S 4 54 Commissioners of Health, see Health Department.608 1857 1858 1858 1860 1870 1830 1831 1834 1836 1835 1839 1840 1840 1841 1835 1861 1863 1866 1872 1875 1875 1875 1831 1831 1835 NEW YORK — Continued. Commissioners of Records: Doc. Vol. No. Report of, in reply to resolution...............A 3 147 Report of....................................... S 3 121 do .......................................... S 4 121 do .......................................... S 1 21 Commissioners of Sinking Fund: Report relative to leasing slips to Union Ferry Com- pany .............................................A 3 53 Common Council: Memorial of the, relative to the support of foreign poor........................................... A 3 260 Memorial of the, relative to the tax on the seamen ..SI 72 Remonstrance against incorporating the city of Brooklyn .......................................A 3 175 Memorial of, to authorize them to raise moneys on loan, and for other purposes....................A 1 8 Report on pétition of the, tovest in them the title to certain land................................... A 3 251 Resolutions of, relative to the New York and Albany railroad....................................... S 1 20 Resolutions of the, relative to the reorganization of the criminal courts..................... .... S 1 35 Communication from, relative to the sale of the water stock.....................................A 7 304 Preamble and resolutions of, relative to the defense of the coast, harbor and frontier.............. S 2 44 Ordinances of the, report on pétition to repeal the law limiting the duration of the................A 3 258 Communication from, relative to fédéral relations ..SI 8 Communication from, relative to terme of office of heads of departments.......................... S 5 102 Communication from clerk of, relative to appropria- tions for city purposes, etc..................... S 2 69 Communication from president of, relative to repeal of, for purchase of new water lands in Putnam county . /. .................................. S 4 71 Resolution of...... .......................... S 6 83 Resolution of, relative to certain Senate bills. S 6 87 Common Pleas: Report relative to the docket book of judgments for the court of....................................A 2 77 Common Schools: Report on pétition for an additional tax for the sup- port of......................................A 3 244 Report on bill for the same ...................A 4 288 Moneys, report on pétition of the alms-house school for a portion of the............................ A 3 174609 1841 1851 1841 1841 1832 1842 1851 1853 1853 1876 1858 1859 1874 1866 1866 1866 1867 1867 1867 1872 1872 NEW YORK—Continuée!. Common Schools — Continued : Doç. Vol. Moneys, report of Secretary of 'State relative to the distribution of, of the........................ S 3 Education, report on bill to extend the benefits of (Mr. O’Sullivan)................................A 8 Public School Society, report of Secretary of State giving copies of certain reports relative to the schools of the, and other schools.............. S 3 Public School Society, memorial and remonstrance of the trustées of............................. S 3 Corporate rights of, report of the committee on the judiciary relative to the.................. S 2 Report on so much of Governor’s message as relates to......................................A 4 Report on memorial of Board of Education ......... S 2 Board of Education, see annual report of State Superintendent of common schools................A 1 Report of State Superintendent of Common Schools in relation to moneys due from..................A 3 Board of Education, communication from Presi- dent of........................................... S 6 Common School System: Report in relation to..............................A 2 do do ......................................A 2 Report of Commissioner on......................... S 4 Comptroller: Communication from, relative to judgments against q j 2 city........................................ 1 2 Communication from, transmitting returns of fines imposed by court of spécial sessions in city of.... A 7 Communication from, transmitting statement of unexpended appropriation....... ............A 3 Answer of, whv certain information as to amount for printing had not been sooner sent....... S 2 Communication from, transmitting amount due from unpaid rents of wharves, piers and markets, and amount paid for printing in 1864, 1865 and 1866 .......................................... S 2 Comptroller, New York City: Communication from, transmitting amount of unexpended appropriation.................... S 2 Report of, to resolution of the Législature relative to transactions of the new court-house commis- sion . —....................................... • • S 4 Communication from, in reply to Senate resolution relative to court-house in Ninth district...... S 2 77 No. 86 296 90 97 93 60 53 4 63 57 50 29 70 71 92 157 52 52 66 60 92 28610 NEW YORK — Continued. Comptroller, New York City — Continued: Doc. Yol. 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to value of Eighteenth ward market building............... S 4 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to value of real estate in city and county of New York.... S 3 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution relative to value of lots for court-house, Ninth judicial district. S 4 1872 Reply of, to resolution relative to illégal assess- ments..........................................A 4 1872 Memorial of, relative to taxes in city and county of New York...................................... S 3 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution, relative to ail sums paid for new county court-house............... S 4 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution, relative to ail dona- tions made by said city and county to various institutions .......................................... S 3 1872 Reply of, to Senate resolution, relative to market in Eighteenth ward.............................. S 4 1873 Reply of, to résolution, relative to costs and fees on judgments..................................... S 3 1873 Paving certain streets and avenues with wooden pavement...................................... S 3 1873 Markets........................................... S 3 1873 Costs and fees.................................... S 3 1873 Amounts paid newspapers......................... S 3 1873 Opening streets................................... S 4 1873 Relative to assessments........................... S 4 1873 Reply of, in answer to resolution of Assembly.....A 4 1873 Report of frauds, relative to Ninth District court- house New York city report of................. S 2 1873 Communication from mayor, comptroller and cor- poration counsel of, relative to new charter.. S 3 1874 Mayor and comptroller, communication from, rela- tive to the local government of the city (59). S 5 1875 Memorial î....................................... S 4 1875 Memorial of, relative to Riverside park......... S 6 1876 Communication from, relative to contract for State printing...................................... S 6 1877 Communication from, relative to the government of cities.........................................A 3 1877 Report of, relative to bonded indebtedness of said city........................................ S 2 1877 Reply of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, relative to expenses of the sherifFs office for ten years prior to January 1,1877............ ... S 2 1877 Communication from, transmitting statement show- ing the real estate of said city which is not in use for public purposes........................... S 2 1877 Report of, in regard to ring suits................ A 8 J877 City and county of, reply of, to Assembly resolution, A 6 No. 93 38 59 69 44 61 53 77 56 69 61 56 78 98 105 34 25 80 100 65 85 52 38 31 48 28 99 59611 NEW YORK —Continued. Cooper Union: Doc. Vol. No. 1860 Annual report of.................................A 2 42 1861 do .................................A 2 36 1862 do ................................. S 3 43 1863 do ................................. S 2 36 1864 do .................................A 2 45 1865 do .................................A 3 69 1866 do SI 24 1867 do .................................A 4 55 1868 do ................................. A 5 37 1869 do .................................A 2 26 1870 do ................................. S 2 37 1871 do .................................A 3 30 1872 do ... ............................. S 2 25 1873 do .................................A 4 45 1874 Report of trustées of............................ S 3 38 1875 For advancement of science, annual report of.....A 5 48 1876 Annual report, trustées of....................... S 6 53 1876 For advancement of science, annual report of..... S 3 25 1877 do do do ..... S 2 30 Corporation Attornet: 1870 Report in answer to resolution of Assembly........A 3 52 1872 do do ........A 10 147 Reply of co-operative council of the city of, to resolu- tion of Assembly, March 31, 1874............ 7 125 1874 Relative to meeting of German American citizens of city of.....................................A 9 126 Counsel : 1854 Pétition of tax-payers against allowance of costs to city........................................ S 1 18 Coroners : 1848 Statement of fees received by.....................A 2 36 Courts-Martial : 1840 Report of amount received by the president of, for fines, etc................................ S 3 88 1840 Report on pétition to substitute regimental courts- martial in the place of brigade courts-martial for the lst and 6th brigades............................... S 4 103 Criminal Courts: 1840 Report and resolution of the common council rela- tive to the reorganization of.......................... S 1 35 1840 Report of committee on the judiciary on the bill for same...........................................A 3 98 1842 Message from Governor returning bill relative to.. S 4 90 1842 Report on memorial and bill respecting............A 2 30612 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Croton Aqueduct: Doc. Vol. No. 1842 [Ex. Sess.] Scientific description of.............A 7 195 Croton Aqueduct Department: 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for payment for water furnished the State prison in 1857 ..............................;...................A 3 66 County Clerk: 1845 Report on pétition for a réduction of the fees of... S 3 126 Deàf and Dumb Institution, see Deaf and Dumb. Dental Surgery, College of: 1854 Report of committee on colleges, academies and common schools, on pétition of...................A 4 139 Dispensaries: 1845 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., on pétition of citizens for aid of..................A 4 140 Dispensary: 1831 Report on pétition for aid.........................A 2 153 1837 Report on pétition for a release of a lot of ground in the sixth ward to the.........................A 3 249 1842 Annual report of trustées of..................... S 3 64 1842 do do A 5 99 1844 do do A 7 169 1846 do do A 6 207 1848 do do S 3 76 1850 Report of trustées............................ S 3 103 1850 Annual report of trustées........................ S 3 107 1853 Annual report..................................... S 2 65 1854 Report of......................................... S 2 105 1857 do ..................................... S 2 64 1858 Pétition of president of......................... S 1 6 1858 Report on pétition of, and annual report of the__A 3 68 1859 Annual report of trustées of.......................A 3 105 1861 do do S 1 15 1862 do do A 2 21 1863 do do .........................A4 57 Dispensary, Demilt: 1853 Annual report. ............................ S 1 6 1853 First annual report of the....................... S 2 60 1858 Pétition of president of......................... S 1 6 1870 Annual report of............................. S 2 47 Dispensary, Eastern; 1842 Annual report of the ........................... S 3 80 1843 Report of......................................... S 1 47 1844 Annual report of ............................ A 7 174613 NEW YORK — Continued. Dispensary, Eastern — Continuée!; Doc. Vol. No, 1847 Report of.................... .........* ... . * *. A 4 113 1848 do .............................................A 6 197 1849 Annual report of.................................A 5 234 1851 do ................................A 4 119 1858 Pétition of president of....................... S 1 6 Dispensary, Northern: 1842 Annual report of the trustées of the............. S 3 61 1843 Report of........................................ S 1 33 1843 Annual report of................................. A 3 61 1844 do ................................ A 6 163 1844 Annual report of trustées of..................... A 7 169 1845 Report of........................................ S 1 37 1845 Annual report of..................................A 5 160 1846 Report of........................................ S 4 145 1847 do .................................... S 1 29 1849 Annual report of...................... S 3 82 1851 Annual report of trustées of...................... S 2 51 1851 Annual report of...................... S 2 52 1851 Report of...................... S 2 52 1851 Report of trustées of, for 1851............. .... S 1 11 1855 Annual report of............................ S 1 19 1858 Pétition of president of........................ S 1 6 1858 Report of.........................................A 1 7 1859 Report of trustées of, for 1858 ................. S 1 44 1861 Report of trustées of............................ SI 21 1862 do A 8 210 1863 do A 4 57 1868 Annual report of...................... S 4 40 Dispensary, Northwestern: 1858 Pétition of president of......................... SI 6 Dispensary and Hospital Society of the Women’s Institute of New York: 1872 Report of board.................................. District Attorney: 1872 Report of judiciary committee relative to...........A 10 183 District Courts: 1855 Minority report of committee on bill relative to clerks in. ...................................... S 2 68 Domestic Distilled Spirits: 1831 Inspection of, report on pétition of distillera and others, of the counties of Oneida, Yates and Che- nango, to amend the law relative to the........A 1 33 1832 Inspector-General, report on pétition to abolish the office of.........................................A 2 114614 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Domestic Distilled Spirits— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1830 A. Dalley, annual report of....................... S 1 41 1831 do do A 2 99 1832 do do .............*.........A 2 11 1832 do do A 2 102 1833 do do A 2 100 1834 do do A 2 94 1835 do do A 3 204 1838 John Cooper, annual report of.....................A 3 125 1839 do do A 3 129 1840 do do S 2 53 Dry Dock Company : 1875 Department of docks, of New York city, communi- cation from..............................................A 8 113 1875 Department of docks, in preamble and resolution of............................................A 10 133 Dyeing and Printing Establishment: 1843 Report of committee on manufactures, on pétition of..............................................S 2 62 East River: 1857 Bridge over...................................... S 4 167 Economical School: 1833 Comptroller’s report of amount of moneys paid to the, etc........................................A 3 232 Education, Board of, see New York Common Schools. Electors: 1831 Qnalifications of, report on memorial of the common council relative to the.........................A 3 243 And see Registry Law. Eleventh Ward: 1833 Public square in; report concerning the...........A 2 990 1833 Fire limits in the, report on pétition to extend the.. A 1 324 Essex Market: 1835 Report relative to the enlargement of.............A 3 251 Emigrant Pasrengers: 1843 Memorial of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of, praying for the passage of an act for the relief of, with draft of an act therefor........................A 5 139 See Commissioners of Emigration. Excavations: 1855 Report on pétition relative to................... S 2 50615 1845 1870 1830 1832 1834 1836 1837 1839 1842 1846 1849 1853 1854 1855 1857 1854 1830 1868 1835 1836 1836 1837 1858 1858 1872 1875 1875 1873 1849 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Eye and Ear Infirmary : Doc Vol. No. Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, on pétition for the relief of.......A 4 146 Annnal report of.............................. S 3 75 Eye Infirmary: Annual report of, and memorial for aid.......... S 2 184 Report and memorial for aid ...................A 1 19 Memorial of, for aid.............................A 1 29 Annual report of................................ S 2 100 Memorial of, for aid..............................A 2 87 Annual report of..................................A 6 396 Report of committee on medical colleges, etc., on pétition of................ .................A 5 98 Annual report of..................................A 5 180 Annual report of the surgeon of..................A 5 236 Report of commissioners to inquire as to condition of.............................................A 4 92 Report of....................................... S 2 104 Annual re port of............................... S 2 56 Annual report of directors of.................. S 2 47 Family Industrial Society, Mariners. Memorial of...................................... S 2 73 Female Association: Memorial of, for aid............................ A 4 206 Ferries: Report of committee relative to management and condition of, in vicinity of...................A 12 149 Ferries Between, and Long Island : Report on pétition for additional ones...........A 2 138 Majority report on bill to establish and regulate... A 4 258 Minority report on same subject..................A 4 259 Report of committee on commerce and navigation adverse to an act in relation to...............A 3 210 Report on pétitions, and an act in relation to...A 4 102 Minority report on, and rates of ferriage between New York and Long Island........ ..............A 4 130 New York and Brooklyn Ferry Company, reply to resolution of Assembly relative to.............A 3 41 Fifth Avenue Pavement. Pétition of August Belmont and others, relative to.. A 6 75 Minority report of committee on, cities on.......A 6 72 Fire Department: Reply of, to resolution of Assembly, relative to relief and mutual aid funds....................A 5 74 Memorial of...................................... SI 91836 1836 1836 1831 1832 1833 1831 1840 1867 1830 1831 1832 1833 1835 1836 1837 1837 1831 1832 1831 1832 1835 1831 1832 1836 1830 1831 1832 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1840 616 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Fire, Greàt, in Deeember, 1835, see Insurance Com- panies. Doc. y0i. Message from the Governor relative to the........ S 1 2 Report of joint committee on the same............ S 1 4 Memorial of mayor, etc., of, to raise money on loans, etc.............................................A 1 8 Fire Limits: Report on pétition for the extension of the.......A 3 250 do do ........A 4 317 do do ........A 4 324 Firemen : Report on bill to abridge the term of service of, etc., Al 62 Memorial of, for reorganization of the fire depart- ment............................................. S 3 68 Fires: Report relative to increase of destruction of property by................................................A 7 147 Fish, Inspector of: Annual report of Hiram Scofield...................A 2 197 do A 2 96 do A 2 96 do A 3 189 do A 2 157 do A 1 55 do A 3 212 do A 4 301 Annual report of John Betts.......................A 3 239 do do ......................A 2 144 Annual report of Thomas Moore...................A 3 240 do do .......................A 2 143 do do .......................A 3 201 Annual report of D. B. Young..................... S 1 23 do do SI 34 do do ...................A 4 260 Flax Seed, Inspector of: Annual report of I. K. Townsend...................A 2 143 do do '................A 2 89 do do .................A 2 146 Annual report of R. B. Fosdick....................A 2 64 do do A 2 123 do do A 4 261 do do Al 57 do do A 4 253 do do A 2 51 do do SI 21 do do A 4 103617 NEW YORK —Continued. Floue, Inspector of : Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on the expediency of dividiüg the duties of the inspector of.............................A 3 289 1831 Majority report on pétition to amend the law rela- tive to......................................A 2 188 1831 Minority report on same subject.................A 2 194 1832 Majority report on bill to amend the law relative to the.......................................A 3 197 1832 Minority report on same subject.................A 3 198 1830 Report on pétition to increase the number of.... S 4 341 1830 Remonstrance of millers and others against increas- in g the number of........................... S 4 342 1831 Report of committee appointed to examine the report of the................................A 2 187 1830 Annual report of Richard McCarty................ S 2 79 1831 do do ...............A3 88 1831 do do ...............A 3 211 1832 do do ...............A 2 83 1833 do do ...............A 3 138 1834 do do ...............A 3 111 1835 do do ...............A 2 156 1835 Annual report of John Lane......................A 2 128 1835 Annual report of C. P. Tappan...................A 2 129 1836 do do ....................A 3 161 1838 do do ....................A 3 114 1839 do do ....................A 3 119 1840 Annual report of John Gray......................Al 13 1836 Annual report of Frederick Tarr.................A 3 180 1837 do do .................A 2 123 Foreclosüre of Mortgages : 1849 Report of Sheriff of, in answer to resolution of • Assembly, relative to amount of sales under, made by him, amount of money received, etc........A 2 56 Foreign Poor: 1830 Memorial of common council relative to the support of...................................A 3 260 1842 Report of committee on internai affairs of towns, etc., on support of..........................A 5 129 Free Academy : 1850 Report of the board of éducation relative to....A 3 113 See Academies. Free Trade Association : 1843 Memorial from...................................A 2 22 French Benevolent Society: 1843 Report of Mr. Daly on the memorial of...........A 6 181 78618 NEW YORK — Continued. Gab Companies: Doc. Vol. No. 1869 Report of committee appointed to investigate affaira of, in, and Brooklyn and Buffalo..............A 9 113 Gas-Light Company, Manhattan: 1855 Communication from, in answer to resolution of Assembly................................... .. A 5 123 Gas-Light Company, Metropolitan: 1856 Report on pétition to repeal act. ............A 4 145 Game in: 1837 Report relative to the préservation of...........A 3 196 German Society: 1848 Memorial of......................... ............A 5 165 1875 Pétition of...................................... S 4 58 German Apothecaries: 1874 Report of Scientific Society of..................A 7 100 German Property Owners in City of: 1874 Resolution of....................................A 7 118 German Society: 1874 Pétition of...................................... A 5 70 Grain, Measurer-General of: 1831 Report on the pétition for the appointment for... a A 3 252 1832 do do do .... S 1 30 1832 .do do do .... S 2 93 1833 Annual report of Samuel Satterlee, Jr............A 3 149 1834 do do .......... A 3 181 1835 do do .............A 3 238 1836 do do .............A 3 163 1837 do do .............A 2 110 1837 Report of committee appointed to examine the annual report of..............................A 3 183 1837 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 3 221 1838 Annual report of.................................A 3 142 1839 do .............................. S 1 41 1840 do ..............................A 5 198 Grand Jury: 1837 Presentment of, relative to the pilot System.....A 2 160 1862 Presentment by................................... S 1 2 Green Hides and Seins: 1832 Annual report of Robert Dingee...................A 2 79 1833 do do #......................A 2 87 1834 do do .......................A 2 90619 NEW YORK—Continued. Green Hides and Seins — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Annual report of Robert Dingee....................A 1 52 1836 do do ..................A 3 117 1837 do do ..................Al 25 1838 do do ..................A 2 43 1839 do do ..................A 2 60 1840 do do ... ....................A 2 33 Harbor, see Port Wardens: 1854 Communication relative to......................... S 1 8 1854 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to.................................... S 1 49 ( 12 1854 Report relative to grants of land under water in ... S 1 *< ^ 1854 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to.................................... S 1 49 1855 New Jersey resolutions respecting................. A 5 104 1855 Governor’s message on the same................... S 2 60 1856 Report in reference to payment of expenses con- nected with.....................................A 3 61 1856 Report of commissioners relative to encroachments on............................................. S 1 3 1856 Report second..................................... S 1 25 1856 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on water lines of...... ....................... S 2 85 1856 Report of commissioners relative to encroachments and préservation of..........*................A 1 8 1856 Report on payment of expenses connected with-----A 3 61 1857 Report of commissioners relative to encroachments in........................................ ... S 1 40 1857 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to encroachments on....................A 3 206 1859 Governor’s message with report on the physical sur- vey of..........................................A 1 18 1859 Governor’s message with report on harbor commis- sioner’s map of.................................A 1 18 1862 Report of Commissioners relative to encroachments, SI 10 1862 Report of commissioners of Land Office relative to unclaimed land in.............................. S 1 14 Harbor Masters: 1872 Report of committee relative to..................A 10 164 1873 Report of board of officers appcinted by president to examine lines of Brooklyn side of......... S 3 77 1877 Bulk-head and pier lines of harbor of, on Staten Island, report of officers appointed to examine... S 4 55 1862 Governor’s message with report of commission rela- tive to defense of....................................A 8 240 1862 Memorial of J. Morrison Hunter relative to defense of.......................................... A 4 51620 NEW YORK —Continued. Harbor Masters-----Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1863 Memorial of chamber of commerce relative to defenses of....................................A 4 58 1863 Memorial of chamber of commerce relative to defenses of.................................... S 2 47 1864 Report of commissioners relative to defenses of.... A 4 83 1868 Communication from General Grant, secretary of war ad intérim, relative to ceding to United States jurisdiction over land in...................... S 1 9 Harbor Coast Sürvey : 1858 Report of Professor A. D. Bâche, relative to. S 2 16 Harbor Masters: 1857 Report relative to................................ S 3 100 1861 Report on charges against......................... S 2 38 1862 d° ....................... S {5 82 Hay Pressed : 1832 Inspection of, report on pétition for a law requiring the......... ..................................A 4 280 1854 Report on pétition to repeal the law requiring the.. A 4 265 Health Department, see Marine Hospital. 1830 Comptroller’s report of amount of receipts and expenditures of the, with a statement of balances in the hands of the commissioners annually from 1823 to 1829, etc.../..........................A 3 252 1831 Comptroller’s report of amount of receipts and expenditures for 1830..........................A 2 127 1838 Comptroller’s report relative to same for 1835, 1836 and 1837........................................ S 1 17 1840 Board of commissioners of health, report of investi- gation of the affaire of the...........................A 5 214 1843 Report of committee on executive expenditures on the bili entitled “An act to reduce the fees of the health officer and the amount of hospital moneys, and for other purposes ”.......................A 4 104 1847 Memorial of commissioners of health...............A 7 196 1850 Annual report of health officer................... SI 11 1855 Report of fees received by health officer.........A 5 121 1857 Report of select committee relative to health and sanitary police................................ S 4 115 1858 Report of health officer relative to the ventilating of vessels undergoing quarantine .............. S 3 127 1859 Report of select committee to investigate the..... S 2 49 1861 Report on bill relative to........................A 2 59 1862 Report as to fees, compensation and expenses of health officer................................. S 78 1864 Report as to money alleged to hâve been illegally collected by health commissioner............... S 4 100621 1864 1867 1868 1868 1869 1870 1872 1873 1874 1874 1875 1833 1860 1869 1831 1832 1836 1837 1839 1839 1849 1850 1875 1877 NEW YORK — Continued. Health Department — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of health officer....................A 2 37 Annual report of Board of..........................A 15 241 do do ............................A 10 123 Report of committee appointed to investigate health office..........................................A 9 106 Communication from, relative to transferring pas- sengers from the ship James Foster to Ward’s Island....................................... A 9 116 Annual report of . ................................A 2 16 Health, Board of: Reply to resolution of the Assembly, relative to cer- tain nuisances................-.................A 7 91 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly---A 4 * 35 Report of sanitary committee and.................. S 2 17 Resolutions from...................................A 2 20 Report of sanitary committee of....................A 2 23 Statement of, relative to costs, disbursements and penalties collected in 1874, by....................A 7 90 Health, Public: Memorial of I. K. Manley, résident physician, rela- tive to the..................................... S 2 121 Report of committee relative to, in the counties of New York, Kings and Richmond ................... A 4 129 Hebrew Benevolent Society: Pétition of, for change of name................... S 3 34 Hell Gâte Pilots: Report on pétition to repeal the law authorizing them to receive half pilotage in certain cases-A 2 193 Report relative to the same.......................A 2 138 Hibernian Provident Society: Report on pétition to incorporate................ S 1 14 Report on bill to incorporate.....................A 3 111 Historical Society: Memorial of, for an agent to transcribe documents relative to the Colonial History of the State. - A 3 153 Report of select committee on the same...........A 4 231 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on applica- tion of, for an appropriation for the érection of a fire-proof building..........................A 2 95 Memorial of.......................................SI 15 Memorial of.......................................A 10 117 Invitation to one-hundredth anniversary of........A 8 127622 NEW YORK— Continued. ïïops: Doc. Yol. No. 1830 Annual report of Robert Barnes, as inspector of... S 1 18 1831 do do do ... S 1 17 1832 do do do ... S 1 35 1833 do do do ... S 1 37 1834 do do do ... S 1 46 1835 do do do ... A 1 10 1836 Annual report of Cornélius Higgins, an inspector of, S 1 13 1837 do do do A 2 85 1838 do do do A 2 51 1839 do do do A3 113 1840 Annual report of John F. Raymond, an inspector of, A 4 110 Hospital, State, see Bloomingdale Asylum. 1868 Annual report of................................... S 4 43 1830 Annual report of the governors of the..............A 2 145 1831 do do do ............A 3 200 1832 do do do ............A 3 180 1833 do do do ............A 3 181 1834 do do do ............A 3 239 1835 do do do ............A 4 291 1836 do do do ............A 4 275 1837 do do do ............A 3 266 1838 do do do ............A 5 250 1839 do do do ............A 4 207 1840 do do do ............ S 2 52 1841 do do do .............. SI 35 1830 Report of the governors of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly giving the dénomination and amount of pay of the officers attached to the institution, etc.... ..........................A 4 324 1830 Report of a select committee relative to the, with a resolution to appoint a committee to investigate the affaire of the.............................A 4 408 1831 Report of committee appointed to investigate the affaire of the.................................A 3 263 1831 Report of the committee on the report of the com- mittee to investigate, etc..............................A 4 305 1831 Report of amount paid the committee appointed to investigate, etc...............................A 4 339 1840 Report of committee appointed to investigate, etc.. A 5 214 1840 Report of committee on pétition to amend the charter of the, and for aid to............. ... A 6 223 1842 Annual report of governors of the........... S 3 60 1842 Report of governors of...........................A 5 95 1843 do do ................................. SI 41 1843 Annual report of governors of....................A 5 147 1844 Report of governors of ... ................. .... S 2 86 1844 Annual report of governors of....................A 3 81 1845 do do ........................... SI 44 1845 Report on the memorials, etc., relative to....... S 3 1121845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1853 1853 1857 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 1864 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1875 1831 1873 1866 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 623 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Hospital, State — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of governors of.....................A 5 176 Report of governors of............................A 2 62 Annual report of governors of.....................A 4 121 Report of.........................................A 1 13 Report of governors of............................A 2 73 Annual report of....................... .,...... S 3 77 Report of governors of........................... A 6 194 Annual report of governors of...................S 3 80 do do ........................A 5 226 Report of officers............................... S 3 106 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on....................................A 1 15 Report of president, secretary and governors......A 8 178 Annual report of governors of.......... S 2 58 Report of commissioners to examine condition of .. A 4 92 Report of governors of........................... S 4 128 Annual report of governors of.....................A 5 159 Report of commissioners to examine accounts of... A 154 Annual report of................................. S 56 do S 77 do S 69 do S 70 do S 2 69 do S 3 18 do A 7 109 do S 3 79 do A 4 57 do S 4 66 do S 3 65 Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, report of....A 5 67 Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, annual report of society of.................................. A 7 96 Report of the New York Hospital and Blooming- dale Asylum.......................................A 7 96 Hospital Moneys, see Marine Hospital. House of Refuge, see Juvénile Delinquents. Hydrostatio Dock Company: Report on pétition to incorporate the............A 3 276 Industrial Exhibition: Concurrent resolution relative to............... S 3 47 Infant Asylum: Report of........................................A 3 40 Report of....................................... S 1 19 Report of....................................... S 3 32 Annual report of.................................S 3 33 Report of........................................S 2 26 Report of........................................A 3 33624 NEW YORK — Continued. Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children: Doc. Vol. No. 1858 Report on pétition of.............................A 3 65 Insolyent Notices: 1830 Report relative to the publication of, in one or more papers............................................A 1 17 Institution for the Blind: 1859 Annual report of................................A 3 119 1859 Report of commissioners to examine accounts of... A 3 154 1860 Annual report of................................ A 4 176 1860 Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction relative to.......................................A 2 79 1861 Annual report of..................................A 2 55 1861 Report of, in reply to resolution.................A 5 88 1862 Report of committee on charge of mismanagement, etc............................................A 8 241 1864 Annual report of..................................A 8 192 1864 Report of committee to investigate affaire of.... S 4 89 1865 Annual report of ................................ S 3 65 1866 do A 5 115 1867 do A 8 223 1867 Annual report of Mechanics’ Association...........A 4 57 1868 Annual report................................... A 9 113 1869 do S 3 28 1870 do A 6 131 1871 do A 7 92 1872 T wenty-sixth annual report of....................A 4 68 1873 On report of..................................... A 4 63 1875 Annual report.....................................A 2 14 1876 do ........................................ S 1 14 1877 Annual report of manager of.......................A 9 144 Institution for the Deaf and Dümb: 1859 Annual report of... ........................... A 3 121 1860 do A 4 109 1860 Pétition of directors of..........................A 4 153 1861 Annual report of..................................A 5 120 1862 Report of Comptroller as to payments to...........A 4 87 1862 Annual report of..................................A 8 246 1863 do A 6 211 1864 do A 8 190 1865 do A 6 108 1866 do A 5 91 1867 do A 6 87 1868 do A 6 44 1869 do A 4 49 1870 do A 3 72 1871 do A 2 14 1871 Report of managers for improved instruction of___A 7 981836 1836 1836 1836 1854 1833 1830 1831 1848 1830 1832 1836 1837 1837 1839 1867 1832 1835 1852 1850 1858 1867 625 NEW YORK — Continuée!. See Deaf and Dumb. Insurance Companies, see Insurance Companies. Insurance Companies, affected by tbe great fire: Doc. Vol. No. Memorial of the mayor, etc., of, for a law to author- ize the mayor, etc., to purchase certain bonds belonging to the.................................A 1 8 Communications from the, in answer to a resolution of Assembly calling for certain information....A 2 103 Communications from the, in answer to a resolution of Assembly calling for certain information....A 3 113 Communications from the, in answer to a resolution of Assembly calling for certain information....A 4 236 Irish Emigrant Society: Remonstrance of, against certain bill..............A 1 31 Italian Opéra Association : Report on pétition to incorporate..................A 4 263 Jail Limits: Report on pétition for an extension of the.........A 2 138 Jewish Charitable Society: Report on pétition to incorporate..................A 3 201 Jurors: Statement of fees for summoning, by sheriff......A 2 35 JüDGES, PER DIEM, COMPENSATION TO: Report on pétition for a...........................A 2 135 do do ...................... ... A 1 64 do do A 4 263 Majority report on the same........................A 3 234 Minority report on the same....................... A 3 251 Report on the same.................................A 6 399 Justices of Sessions: Statement of number of persons discharged after conviction...................................... S 1 26 Justices, Spécial or Police: Report on pétition for an additional one...........A 4 326 do do do ..........A 3 167 Justice: Report on the administration of....................A 5 97 Juvénile Asylum: Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on incorporation of.... A 5 78 Annual report of................................. A 5 160 Report of .........................................A 9 227 79626 NEW YORK — Continued. 1868 1854 1831 1833 1834 1835 1838 1839 1840 1842 1842 1845 1845 1865 Juvénile Guardian Society: Doc. Voi. No. Report of........................................A 9 114 Juvénile Delinquents, Society for the Reformation of, see Juvénile Delinquents. Lands: Report of committee on judiciary relative to certain, S 2 67 Leake and Watts* Orphan House: Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake................. SI 71 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated, on the death of John G. Leake................. S 2 100 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake.................. S 2 121 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake.................. S 2 80 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake...................A 2 24 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake...................A 2 28 Report on pétition of the trustées of, to vest in them the right of the State to certain lands, escheated on the death of John G. Leake.................. S 4 117 Report of committee on pétition of aliens respecting, A 2 37 Bill for relief of............................ A 2 37 Report of minority of committee on................A 6 23 do do .................A 7 233 Memorial of...................................... S 2 65 Lien Law: 1830 Report on pétition of mechanics and others for a.. A 1 24 1830 do do ..A 3 231 1831 do do ..A 4 286 Liver Oïl, Inspector of: 1831 Annual report of Robert C. Theall A 2 100 1832 do do A 2 95 1833 do do A 2 119 1834 do do A 2 91 1834 do do A 4 280 1835 do do A 1 46 1837 do do A 1 30 1838 do do A 3 143 1839 do do A 2 66 1840 do do A 2 401836 1840 1858 1873 1873 1839 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1837 1838 1839 1840 1838 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1840 627 NEW YORK —Continued. Loan: Doc. Vol. No. Memorial of the mayor, etc., for a law authorizing a, to purchase bonds of insurance companies affected by the great fire.................................A 1 3 Loan Commissioners : Report on pétition of citizens for an extension of the, for the payment of the interest due the....A 3 82 Report of proceedings of supervisors relative to--A 3 72 Loan, Water, see Water. Local Government: Minority report of committee on affairs of cities, on bill to reorganize the, of city of................A 4 49 Ludlow Street Jail : Pétition of persons confined in, on civil process-A 6 93 Lumber, Inspeotors of: Annual report of Samuel Bowelle................A 3 127 Annual report of Peter Conroy..................A 2 94 do do ..................A 2 84 do do ..................A 2 80 do do ..................A 2 92 do do ..................A 3 194 do do ..................Al 70 do do ..................A 3 204 do do ..................A 2 80 do do ..................A 3 74 do do ..................A 3 136 Annual report of Alexander Denniston...........A 2 110 do do ...........A 2 88 do do ...........A 2 122 do do ...........A3 119 do do ...........A 3 171 do do ...........A 3 188 do do ...........A 2 140 do do ...........A 2 57 do do ...........A 4 228 do do ...........A 5 188 Annual report of William Green ................A 2 84 do do .................. S 2 57 do do .................. A 4 245 do do ..................A 2 43 Annual report of Smith Hicks ..................A 6 343 Annual report of S. Howell.....................A 2 98 do * do ..........................A 2 109 do do ..........................A 4 307 do do ..........................A 4 274 do do ..........................A 4 250 do do ..........................A 2 135 do do ..........................Al 15628 NEW YORK — Continued. Lxjmbeb, Inspectors of — Continued: d0c. Vol. No. ^■831 Annual report of Edward G. Fuller.................A 2 75 ^830 Annnal report of Jeffrey Hand.....................A 2 128 1831 do do .................A 2 137 1832 do do .................A 2 109 1833 do do ... .............A 2 106 1834 do do .................A 3 218 1835 do do .................A 4 268 1836 do do .................A 4 309 1830 Annual report of Jacob Lockman....................A 2 91 1831 do do .................Al 68 1832 do do Al 49 1833 do do .................A 2 77 1834 do do .................A 3 170 1835 do do .................Al 40 1836 do do .................A 2 106 1837 do do .................A 2 66 1838 do do A3 97 1839 do do .................A 3 112 1840 do do .................A3 67 1832 Annual report of John J. Morris... ...............A 2 63 1833 do do .................A 2 112 1834 do do .................A 3 197 1835 do do .................Al 69 1836 do do ............. ... A 3 186 1837 do do .................A 2 97 1838 do do A3 85 1839 do do ...........•.....A 3 191 1840 do do .................A 2 38 1830 Annual report of J. M. Nelson.....................A 2 116 1831 do do .................A 2 83 1832 do do .................A 2 62 1833 do do .................A 2 116 1834 do do .................A 3 234 1835 do do .................A 3 187 1836 do do .................A 3 205 1837 do do .................A 2 72 1838 do do .................A 4 166 1839 do do .................A 4 214 1836 Annual report of George W. Noble................. A 3 185 1831 Annual report of N. Roberts.......................A 1 36 1832 do do .................A 2 90 1833 do do .................A 2 86 1834 do do .................A 3 124 1835 do do Al 56 1836 do do .................A 3 118 1838 do do Al 17 1839 do do .................A 4 174 1840 do do Al 26 1838 Annual report of W. M. Shepard....................A 3 133 1839 do do ................. A 4 221629 NEW YORK—Continued. Lümber, Inspectons of — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Annual report of W. M. Shepard...................A 5 192 1831 Annual report of A. A. Stover....................A 2 82 1832 do do A 2 164 1833 do do A 2 95 1834 do do A 3 224 1835 do do A 1 27 1836 do do A 3 187 1837 do • do A 2 133 1838 do do A 3 76 1839 do do A 4 172 1830 Annual report of Caleb Smith.....................A 2 125 1831 do do A 2 96 1832 do do A 2 67 1833 do do A 2 81 1834 do do A 3 221 1835 do do A 3 172 Lunàtio Asylum, see Bloomingdale Asylum. Manhattan Médical College, see Medical Colleges. Map and Plan of the City: 1832 Report of pétition to alter the, by laying out a new Street in the 12th ward.........................A 3 239 1832 Enlargement of Union Place, report relative to the, A 2 115 1835 Between Thirteenth and Twenty-third streets, the First avenue and the East river, report on péti- tion to alter, etc........................................A 4 376 Marble Cemetery: 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate the proprietors of, A 3 184 Marine Court: 1849 Report of clerk of, in reply to resolution of the Assembly.......................................A 3 183 Marine Dry Dock Company: 1834 Report on pétition to incorporate................ A 4 275 Mariners’ Family Industrial Society : 1854 Memorial of...................................... S 2 73 Marine Hospital: 1839 Investigation of the, report of committee appointed for an....................................... A 6 408 1840 Investigation of the, report of committee appointed for an.........................................A 5 214 1841 Communication from A. S. Doane in relation to the........................................... S 1 2 1831 Expenditure of the, report on bill relative to the ..SI 68 1850 Message of governor and report of physician.....A 6 154 1850 Remonstrance of physicians........................A 6 168630 NEW YOEK— Continued. Marine Hospital — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1853 Eeport of commissioners.......................... A 4 92 1856 Eeport of physician of........................... S 3 104 1857 Annual report of................................. S 3 105 1859 do ................................ S 2 99 1860 do SI 24 1861 do ................................ S 2 35 1862 do ................................A 6 173 1863 do .......................:........ S 4 69 1864 Memorial of governors of, for an appropriation.... S 4 70 1864 Communication from Commissioners of Land Office, relative to sale of lands belongingto......... S 3 22 1870 Eeport of committee on commerce and navigation relative to sale of grounds of... ............A 11 208 Marine Hospital Moneys: 1830 Eeport of balance of, in the hands of the healtk commissioners from 1823 to 1829, etc..........A 3 252 1831 Eeport of amount received in 1830................A 2 127 1834 Eeport on pétition relative to the payment of, for passengers on steamboats plying between New York and Charleston........................... S 2 96 1836 Eeport on pétition of American seamen to be relieved from the payment of..................A 4 247 1839 Eeport on pétition of American seamen to be relieved from the payment of..................A 6 387 1843 Eeport of committee on executive expenditure on act to reduce fees of health officer and the amount of, and for other purposes....................A 4 104 1849 Communication from commissioner of émigration respecting....................................A 3 140 1849 Communication from Comptroller and Attorney- General concerning............................A 5 206 Mariners’ Fund: 1845 Eeport of Comptroller in answer to a resolution of the Senate relative to........................ S 1 29 Markets: 1835 Centre, report relative to the enlargement of....A 2 145 1835 Essex, report relative to the enlargement of.....A 3 251 1839 In the 12th ward, report on pétition to vest in the corporation the title to certain lands for a._A 4 203 1868 Eeport of commissioners to build in 18th ward....A 8 70 Marriages: 1854 Communication from city inspector relative to registry of.......................... ........A 5 123 Marshals : 1833 Eepoit on pétition to increase the number of.....A 2 118631 NEW YORK —Continued. Masonio Hall Association: Doc. Vol. Nô. 1835 Report on pétition to authorize tlie dissolution of.. A 4 377 Masquerades: 1830 Report on pétition for a law to prevent..........A 4 354 Mayor of: 1830 Proposition to amend the constitution so as to make him elective..................................A 2 96 1833 Report of Secretary of State relative to the publies^ tion of said amendment ........................ S 1 14 1833 Report of committee on the judiciary on ^he same. S 2 45 1875 Communication from, relative to rapid transit .... A 10 161 1875 Memorial of mayor and Chamberlain of...........S 2 30 Mechanics: 1830 Memorial of, against the bill to repeal the bill imposing a tax on bank stock..................A 3 272 1840 Report of a committee appointed at a public meet- ing of, in relation to teaching trades to State prison convicts.......................................A 7 276 Mechanics* Institute: 1854 Petiton of..................................... S 2 94 Medical School, see Medical Schools. Medical Society, see Medical Societies. Merchandise, Weigher-General of: 1836 Annual report of John I. Bedinet.................A 3 129 1837 do do ................ S 2 63 1838 Annual report of George R. Hebberd.............. S 1 24 - 1839 do do ............. SI 42 1840 Annual report of D. D. Crâne.....................A 2 54 Merchandise, Weighing of: 1835 Report on pétition for a law to regulate the.... S 2 54 1835 Memorial of the chamber of commerce against the bill to regulate the.......................... S 2 65 1835 Objections of Governor to the bill to regulate the.. S 2 82 1836 Report on pétition to amend the law to regulate the, A 2 81 1838 Report on bill to repeal the law regulatiog the- S 2 56 1844 Report of committee on trade and manufactures on the subject of................................ A 3 36 Methodist Episcopal Church: 1836 Report on bill to increase the number of trustées of the, of the East circuit in....................A 3 111 Metropolitan Medical College, see Medical Colleges:1858 1853 1854 1854 1832 1832 1836 1848 1839 1873 1830 1837 1851 1854 1832 1872 1873 1873 632 NEW YORK — Continued. Metropolitan Police Law, see Metropolitan Police. t)oc. Vol. Memorial of mayor, etc., for the repeal of..... S 2 Military Fines : Report of Major-General Chas. W. Sanford, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, of the 13th January, 1853, in relation to moneys collected for, A 2 Mile: Report relative to sale of........................ S 2 Report relative to sale of impure................. S 2 Mining Company: Report on pétition to incorporate.............,.. A 2 Mining Company, North American: Report on pétition to incorporate.................A 1 Moral and Equitable Association : Report on pétition of the, relative to the removal of the remains of the dead, etc ....................... S 2 Mortgages, Foreclosure of: Report of sheriff in answer to resolution of Assembly relative to the amount of sales, etc., under, etc... A 2 Muséum : Report on pétition of Reuben Peale and others to incorporate a................................A 3 Mutual Life Insurance Company: Communication from board of trustées of........A 7 New York and Boston Steamboat Company: Report on pétition to amend the charter of the.... A 4 New York and Brooklyn Coal Company: Report on pétition to incorporate..............A 3 New York and Montgomery Mining Company: Report of committee.................,..........A 3 Nineteenth Ward : Report of select committee relative to park in.A 1 Ninth Ward: Report on pétition to divide the...............A 4 Ninth Judicial District Court-House: Reply to resolution of Senate, relative to value of lots for..................................... S 4 Communication from Henry W. Genet, relative to.. S 4 Report of committee of investigation........ S 2 No. 74 30 100 102 72 40 97 56 71 132 345 174 79 21 296 59 88 25633 NEW YOEK — Continued. North American Mining Company: poc. vol. No. 1832 Keport on pétition to incorporate the.. * *. *....A 1 40 Notariés Public: 1838 Eeport on pétition to increase the fees of.......A 2 34 OrDINANCES OF THE COMMON CoüNCIL : 1835 Report on pétition to repeal the law limiting the duration of the.................................A 3 258 Orphan Asylum: 1834 Prince Street, report on pétition for aid to the--A 2 105 1847 Report relative to................................A 7 217 1847 do ................................A 8 259 1847 do ................................A 8 234 See Leake and Watts. Ophthalmic Dispensary: 1838 Report on pétition for aid to the.................A 5 274 Ophthalmic Hospital: 1858 Report on pétition of the........................ A 3 62 Pares : 1875 Parade ground in, report of commissioners of pub- lic parks, relative to...................................A 6 68 1872 Report of commissioners cf.................. ... S 4 72 1872 City communication from commissioners of, rela- tive to supply of water........................ S 4 58 1873 Annual report of department of....................A 6 90 1874 Report of...................................... A 6 101 1875 Report of public parks in relation to parade grounds................................... .. A 6 68 1876 Department of parks, relative to aquarium in Cen- tral Park in................................... S 6 73 Paüpers and Vagrants: 1831 Report on pétition of the common council for a law relative to................................... A 3 259 Pharmacy, College of, see Medical Colleges. Physicians and Surgeons, College of, see Medical Colleges. Pier and Warehouse Company: 1872 Report on pétition of.............................. S 4 84 Pilots: 1831 Hell Gâte, report on pétition to repeal the law authorizing them to receive half pilotage in cer- tain cases...............................................A 2 193 80634 NEW ŸÔRK — Continued. Pilots — Continued : D0C# y0i. ÿo. 1832 Hell Gâte, report on pétition to repeal tbe law authorizing tbem to receive balf pilotage in cer- tain cases.............................................A 2 138 1836 Sandy Hook, report on pétition to increase tbe number of deputy pilots........................A 4 237 1836 Sandy Hook, report of the wardens of tbe port rela- tive to increasing tbe number of...................... A 4 272 1838 Sandy Hook, report on memorial of tbe commis- sioners of pilots to amend tbe law relative to tbe, A 4 174 1845 Governor’s message transmitting a memorial from, SI 25 1845 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on tbe message from tbe Governor and tbe memorial of tbe.............................. S 1 40 1845 Report of committee on judiciary on tbe laws respecting...................................A 5 186 1846 Report of select committee on..................A 4 104 1848 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on resolutions relative to pilots............ A 2 27 1858 Report of commissioners of............................ SI 13 1859 Report of commissioners of, relative to the expenses of........................................... S 2 98 1859 Annual report of............................... S 1 31 1872 Commissioners of pilots........................A 2 16 1873 Commissioners of pilots, reply of, to resolution of Assembly relative to site for building station .... A 7 125 Pilots, Board of: 1874 Commissioners* reports......................... S 2 16 1875 Report of tbe board of commissioners of pilots_A 2 12 1876 Board of commissioners of pilots . ............ S 1 7 1877 do do ............... SI 6 Pilot Commissioners: 1872 Testimony taken by committee on commerce and navigation, relative to abuses under board of... A 10 151 1860 Communication from commissioners relative to Law of 1857......................................... SI 78 1861 Report of commissioners........................A 1 29 1864 Communication from commissioners of, relative to exclusive use of wbarves and slips, by steamboat lines........................................ S 4 75 1864 Communication from commissioners of, relative to exclusive use of wbarves and slips, by steamboat lines................................................A 7 145 1866 Annual report of commissioners of..............A 4 65 1867 do do ...............A 2 31 1868 do do ...............A 2 12 1868 Commissioners report, relative to fees collected by, A. 9 88 1869 Annual report..................................A 1 10 1869 Report relative to moneys received............. A 4 41635 NEW YORK —Continued. Pilot Commissioners — Continued: Doc. Voi. No. 1870 Annual report........................... A 3 30 1871 do ........................................A 3 23 Pilotage: 1877 Memorial of General Assembly of Connecticut rela- tive to.................................................A 8 77 Pilot System: 1837 Presentment of the, by the grand jury... ..........A 2 160 Plan of map of the City, see Map, etc. Police Court: 1855 Minority report of committee on bill relative to clerks.........................................S 2 68 1873 Third police court of, veto message from Governor relative to salary of assistant clerk...........S 4 93 Police Department: 1833 Report on pétition of the common council for a law relative to the................................A 1 24 1846 Report of minority of select committee on police bill...........................................A 5 174 1846 Report of majority of select committee on police bill...........................................A 5 174 1856 Report relative to................................ S 2 97 1858 Memorial of mayor, etc., for the repeal of the metro- politan police law.............................S 2 74 1860 Communication from supervisors, remonstrating against passage of the “ act in relation to ”.. S 1 80 See Metropolitan Police. Police, Board of: 1873 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly relative to amounts expended in cleaning city..............A 5 65 Police Justice: 1832 Report on pétition for an additional one...........A 4 326 1835 do do ............A 3 176 Port Captain of: 1869 Annual report of...................................A 2 17 1871 do ................................A 2 13 1874 Report of......................................... S 2 18 1875 Report of captain of ............................. A 2 8 1877 Report of acting captain of........................A 2 13 Port Wardens: 1836 Report of the, relative to increasing the number of pilots by the way of Sandy Hook.................A 4 272 1844 Pétition of master and............................ S 2 64 1847 Report of master.................................. S 1 381856 1857 1870 1873 1873 1830 1830 1839 1831 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1838 1839 1845 1839 1834 1845 1847 1847 1847 1849 1850 1851 1852 1854 1855 1857 1859 1861 1862 1863 1863 636 NËW YORK—Continuée!. Port Wabdens — Continued: i)oc. Vol. Nr» Report on reorganization of office of.............A 5 182 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to bill to reorganize the office of.. .A 2 67 Annual report of..................................A 3 32 Reply of, to Senate resolution................... S 3 58 Reply of the Senate, resolution relative to pilots... S 3 58 Pot and Pearl Ashes, Inspeotors of: Annual report of J. J. Bogart.....................A 1 47 Annual report of S. Cooper........................A 1 54 Annual report of R. Snow..........................A 2 88 do do ..............................A 2 136 Annual report of George Seaman....................A 2 111 do do ..................A 2 75 do do SI 39 do do ..................A 2 65 do do .................. S 2 44 Annual report of William Dumont.................. S 1 16 do do SI 34 do do ..................A 2 69 do do SI 22 do do SI 18 Annual report of Nathan H. Jewett................ S 1 21 do do .................. S 2 39 Report of inspectors of.......................... S 2 65 PüUDRETTE COMPANY: Report on pétition to incorporate.................A 5 279 Prince Street Orphan Asylum: Report on pétition for aid to.....................A 2 105 Prison Association: Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on pétition of........................A 4 96 Report of committee on State prisons on pétition of, A 7 222 Report of........................................ A 8 255 Memorial of..................................... A 8 256 Report of........................................ A 6 243 Annual report of................................. A 8 198 do A 4 120 do A 5 123 do A 4 143 do A 7 149 do S 4 145 Thirteenth and fourteenth annual reports of.......A 5 185 Annual report of..................................A 5 131 do A 6 180 do A 2 26 Memorial of.......................................A 2 10637 NEW YORK — Continued. Prison Association — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1864 Annual report of.................................A 3 65 1865 do A 3 62 1866 do .....;............................A 3 50 1866 Report of printing committee relative to printing of, S 1 20 1867 Annual report....................................A 3 38 1867 Protest against modification of excise law.......A 4 77 1867 Report on prisons of United States and Canada-A 2 35 1868 Annual report................................... S 3 18 1869 do S 2 10 1870 do S 1 21 1870 Report of discipline committee of............... A 3 31 1871 Annual report.................................. S 1 5 1871 Communication from discipline committee..........A 2 18 1872 Annual report of.................................A 8 108 1873 do A 5 89 1874 do A 10 150 1875 do S 6 78 1876 do S 6 54 1877 do S 2 41 Produce Exchange : 1874 Resolution adopted by............................A 5 64 1873 Communication from, relative to the canals........A 7 135 Prostitution : 1867 Communication from Metropolitan Board of Health, relative to....................... ............A 4 67 Protestant Episcopal Public School : 1845 Report of committee on charitable and religious societies on the pétition of the trustées of. S 1 46 Public Pare : 1853 Report of select committee on bill relative to.... S 3 82 1853 Report of minority.............................. S 3 83 1871 Report of board of commissioners of department of, A 7 88 Public School Society, see New York Common Schools. Public Square : 1833 In the llth ward, report on pétition for a law to establish a.....................................A 2 90 1833 In the 12th ward, report on pétition for a law to establish a, etc................................A 4 297 1833 In the 12th ward, report on pétition to repeal part of an act relative to the.....................,. A 4 205 Quarantine Establishment, see Marine Hospital and Health Department. 1831 Report on bill relative to the expenditures of the, and the compensation of the officers thereof... S 1 68 1849 Letter from commissioners of émigration relative to, A 2 581849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1861 1862 1863 1863 1863 1864 1865 1866 1855 638 NEW YORK —Continued. Quakantine Establishment — Continued: Doc. Voi No. Report of select committee relative to removal of.. A 2 60 Remonstrance of William B. Townsend respecting, A 3 144 Communication from Dr. A. H. Stevens relative to removal of................................A 3 146 Memorial of A. B. Whiting relative to difficulty of enforcing the health laWs at, and asking an amendment of thelaw. ...........................A 3 191 Resolution of the New York Chamber of Commerce against changing location of............. S 2 40 Report of committee on grievances on pétition rela- tive to, and to the bill on that subject (1848 majority report).............................. S 2 51 Report on pétition relative to same (1848 minority report)....................................... S 2 57 Report relative to wharves, etc., at............. S 3 100 Report of committee on............................A 4 109 Communication from Governor of New Jersey relative to................................... S 1 16 Report and memorial of chamber of commerce rela- tive to......................................... S 2 68 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to pétitions for the removal of.......A 2 72 Report of health officer relative to ventilating vessels at.... ..................................... S 3 127 Report of commissioners for the removal of......A 1 30 do do do do ........A3 69 do do do do ........ SI 10 Annual report of commissioners for removal of.... A 1 11 Documents relative to...........................A 1 19 Report of loss, damage, etc., arising from destruc- tion of property.................................A 4 104 Report of commissioners for removal of, relative to moneys received and disbursed................ S 1 46 Message of Governor, with report of commissioners for removal of............................... S 1 13 Report of commissioners for removal of..........A 1 16 do do S 43 Memorial of supervisors of Richmond county, for cancellation of bonds taken by the State for destruction of quarantine property.......... S 32 Report of Secretary of State relative to same.. S 45 Report of commissioners of Emigration relative to same........................................ S 105 Communication from Commissioners of Land Office relative to sale of grounds belonging to .... S 22 Report of commissioners for removal of...., .... A 6 101 Annual report of commissioners of...............A 3 55 Communication from commissioners relative to con- structing docks, wharves and hospitals on West Bank, in bay of New York........................ A 5 88639 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1870 1871 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1858 1869 1830 1845 1845 1845 1846 1835 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1861 NEW YORK — Continued. Quarantine Establishment — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. Communication from Governor relative to ware- houses, etc., for use of.................... A 3 49 Annual report of commissioners of................A 3 46 Communication relative to detaining passengers at, A 6 90 Annual report of commissioners of................A 3 28 do do .............A 2 24 Report of committee appointed to confer with New Jersey relative to jurisdiction of............A 7 105 Annual report of commissioners of................A 2 20 do do .............A 3 38 Quarantine Hospitals: Report of majority of committee on grievances in relation to..... ............................ S 2 61 Minority report on same......................... S £ 62 Communication from Governor and Comptroller relative to tlie funds for the support of the fever and small-pox.................................A 1 39 Communication from Governor and Comptroller relative to the funds for the support of fever and small-pox.....................................A 2 39 Letter from Commissioner of Emigration relative to, A 2 58 Annual report of physicians of marine........... S 2 94 Report of commissioners for construction of....A 2 18 Quarantine Régulations: Report on pétition of the common council to amend the law...........................................A 4 351 Report relative to .... .............................A 7 243 Report of judiciary committee on.....................A 7 242 Report of committee on the judiciary.................A 7 243 Report of select committee appointed at last session of the Législature, relative to...................A 3 60 Railroads : Report of Attorney-General, relative to granting the privilège of collecting tolls on railroads in the public streets, etc.............................A 4 329 New York and Harlem Railroad, see Railroads. New York and Erie Railroad, see Railroads. New York and Albany Railroad, see Railroads. Report of committee on cities and villages, relative to............................................ A 3 128 Report of committee in relation to bill authorizing the construction of, in the city................ S 2 69 Report of minority of committee relative to...... S 1 87 Report of committee relative to city...............A 4 106 Report of committee relative to construction of, in certain streets .................................A 4 145 Report in relation to, in streets................. A 5 96640 1861 1862 1863 1865 1866 1866 1867 1868 1869 1873 1874 1875 1875 1849 1874 1838 1839 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 NEW YOEK — Continuée!. Eailroads — Continued : D0C # Report in relation to, in Broadway.............A Report of minority of committee against, in Spring street . ...................................A Report of committee on bill to authorize the con- struction of, in certain street s (Broadway). S Message of Governor vetoing bill to extend the track of the Dry-Dock, East Broadway and Battery railroad..................................... S Report of committee on railroads relative to under- ground railroad in Broadway................. A Report of chief engineer of Croton aqueduct rela- tive to underground railroad in Broadway..... S Report of select committee as to most feasible routes for railways in.............................. S Report of Senate committee on arcade underground, S Report of minority of Senate committee on bill for Broadway........................................ S Gilbert Elevated, R. R. : Report of commissioners to locate route of...... S Broadway Underground Railway : Communication of Alfred E. Beach relative to... S Rapid Transit: Communication of the mayor of New York on......A Report of Secretary of State on corporations formed for...........................................A Register and Clerk: Report of, in answer to resolution of the Assembly, respecting fees..................................A Reply of registrar of city of, to resolution.....A Registry Law: Report on pétition of the Native American Associa- tion for a..................................... S Report on pétition for a (Mr. Powers) ........... S Report of the judiciary committee on the bill to provide for a................................... A Report of select committee on the same...........A Message from the Governor returning the bill to provide for a................................ S Report of majority of select committee on pétition to repeal the...................................A Report of minority on same subject.................A Report of select committee on..................... A Message of Governor in relation to.................A Retreat, see Seamen’s Fund and Retreat. Vol. 5 6 5 3 7 1 1 7 6 4 4 10 7 2 6 2 3 6 6 4 6 6 1 5 No. 105 140 87 96 141 28 28 87 72 84 76 161 99 86 79 62 107 262 273 98 243 237 13 87641 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Riots of 1834: Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Spécial report of the Commissary-General relative to the issue of arms for the use of the troops called out to suppress the...........................A 2 200 Roads and Lanes: 1833 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to closing of, etc.................................A 3 151 Roman Catholic Benevolent Society: 1833 Report on pétition for aid to the..........A 3 225 1835 Report on pétition for aid to the, and to change the name and renew the charter of...................A 4 353 Roman Catholics: 1853 Report of committee on colleges, etc., on pétition of certain, relative to instruction of their children ..A4 97 Society for the Protection of Destitute Children: 1867 Annual report of...................................A3 39 1868 do ..................................A 8 64 1871 do .................................. S 4 66 RAtger’s Medical Faculty, see Medical Colleges. Sacred Music Society: 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the .. A 1 21 Sailors’ Snug Harbor: 1830 Annual report of the trustée of the....»........... » S 2 81 1831 . do do SI 30 1832 do do SI 26 1833 do do ................ S 2 52 1834 do do ................ S 2 58 1835 do do ................ S 2 53 1836 do do SI 52 1837 do do SI 19 1838 do do ................ S 2 72 1839 do do ................ S 3 85 1840 do do ................ S 3 83 1841 do do SI 31 1842 Annual report of treasurer of the.................. S 2 32 1844 Report of trustées of.............................. S 1 47 1845 Annual report of...................................A 4 91 1847 Report of.......................................... S 1 39 1848 Report of treasurer of .... ............A 6 195 1849 Annual report of trustées of.......................A 5 233 1850 Report of trustées..................... ...........S 3 104 1851 Annual report of treasurer......................... S 3 67 1858 Annual report of trustées of.......................A 5 157 1861 Report of trustées of..............................A 5 116 1862 do ,,,...........,,,,............A 8 212 81642 NEW YORK — Continued. Sailors’ Snug Harbor— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1863 Report of trustées of...............................A 7 216 1865 do A 8 178 1866 Annual report of............................... A 7 188 1868 do A 10 140 1869 do A 10 168 1870 do A 10 178 1871 do A 9 106 1872 Annual report of treasurer of....................A 7 76 1873 Annual report of................................ S 3 52 1875 do S 4 50 1876 Annual report of trustées of................... S 3 45 1877 do do .......................... S 2 38 Sayings Banks : 1866 Communication from Superintendent of Banking Department relative to cbartering more in...... S 2 85 1870 Report of, in city.................................A 11 210 St. George’s Society: 1851 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on pétition of................................. S 2 24 Schools and School Moneys, see Common Schools. Scott Life Guard: 1858 Report on bill to organize the................... S 2 53 Seamen, Asylum for Destitute Children of: 1855 Memorial of........................................A 2 56 1858 Report on the pétition of.................... .... A 4 99 Seamen’s Fund and Retreat: 1831 Report on bill to provide for the érection of a .... S 1 68 1832 Report on pétition of the trustées of the, for aid ... A 3 199 1833 do do do ... S 2 77 1836 Report on pétition of the trustées of the, to borrow money to complété the new hospital............. S 1 20 1837 Report on pétition of the trustées of the, to borrow money to complété the new hospital............. S 1 23 1836 Statement of amount of receipts and expenditures from 1831 to 1835...............................A 3 152 1839 Report of committee appointed to examine the reports, vouchers and affairs of the............A 6 408 1840 Memorial and remonstrance of the trustées of the, against any alteration in the law in relation to said institution............................ S 4 111 1840 Report of investigation of the affairs of the....A 5 214 1845 Report of, for 1844 ........................... S 1 28 1846 Annual report of trustées of.....................A 5 182 1847 Report of physician of.......................... S 1 34* 1853 Report of commissioners to investigate affairs of. . . A 4 92 1868 Report of........................................A 12 151643 NEW YORK—Continuée!. Second Associate Church: Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter of...... S 2 112 Secürity and Warehouse Company: 1868 Report of president and secretary of............A 9 110 Sewerage : 1869 Report of committee on public kealth relative to. .. A 10 152 Sheriff : 1848 Statement of fees received by, for summoning jurors.......................................A 2 35 1849 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly respecting amount of sales under foreclosure of mortgages, amount of money received, etc.....A 2 56 1873 Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly..A 7 106 1874 do do do do ........A 5 73 Sooiety for the Reformation of Juvénile Delin- quents, see Juvénile Delinquents. Sole-leather : 1840 Report on bill to increase the number of inspect- ors of......................... ............. S 2 56 Sole-leather, Inspectors of: 1839 Annual report of Benjamin Brady.................A 3 109 1840 do do Al 22 1834 Annual report of Benjamin Cooper.----... .......A 3 145 1835 do do ..............A 2 76 1836 do do ..............A 3 156 1837 do do ..............A 2 105 1838 do do ..............A 3 151 1839 do do ..............A 3 140 1840 do do ..............A 5 194 1834 Annual report of Daniel Dietrich........ .......A 3 226 1835 do do ..............A 2 81 1836 do do ..............A 3 195 1834 Annual report of Daniel Gordon..................A 3 214 1835 do do ..............A 4 273 1836 do do ..............A 3 165 1837 do cio ..............A 2 154 1838 do do ..............A 3 117 1839 do do A3 90 1840 do do ..............A 5 218 1830 Annual report of J. P. Haff.....................A 2 130 1831 do do ........................A 2 123 1832 do do ........................A 2 163 1833 do do ......................... A 2 108 1834 do do ........................A 3 145 1835 do do ........................A 2 76 1836 do do ........................A 3 156644 NEW YORK — Continuée!. Sole-leather, Inspectors of — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Annual report of J. P. Haff...................A 2 105 1838 do do ......................A 3 151 1830 Annual report of H. Leek...................... A 2 130 1831 do do ......................A 2 132 1832 do do ......................A 2 163 1832 do do ......................A 2 108 1837 Annual report of Evert Marsh..................A 2 134 1838 do do ...................A 3 140 1839 do do ...................A 3 130 1840 do do ...................A 2 55 1830 Annual report of Othameir Osborn..............A 2 130 1832 do do ................... A 2 110 1839 Annual report of James Robinson .............A 3 90 1831 Annual report of Isaac Sherwood..............A 2 147 1832 do do ...............A 2 163 1833 do do ...............A 2 108 1834 do do ...............A 3 141 1835 do do ...............A 2 79 1836 do do ...............A 3 178 1837 do do ...............A 2 98 1838 do do ...............A 3 141 1839 do do ...............A3 121 1840 do do ...............A 4 108 1831 Annual report of Howard A. Simons............... A 3 214 1832 do do ...............A 2 110 1834 do do A3 214 1835 do do ...............A 4 273 1836 do do ...............A 3 165 1837 do do ...............A 2 154 1838 do do ...............A 3 117 1839 do do A3 90 1840 do do ...............A 5 218 1835 Annual report of Oliver H. Tavlor.............A 4 319 1836 do do * ...............A 4 224 1837 do do ...............A 2 86 1838 do do ...............A 3 152 1840 Annual report of Zenas Wheeler.............. A 4 151 Stàves and Heading : 1830 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral........................................A 1 66 1831 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral........................................A 1 9 1832 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral...............................*. ......A 1 52 1833 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral........................................A 1 30 1833 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral................... ....................A 2 931834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1839 1840 1831 1832 1830 1833 1833 1839 1838 1861 1861 1862 1867 1867 1868 1845 1843 645 NEW YORK — Continued. Stayes and Heading — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral...........................................A 4 276 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspecfcor-Gen- eral...........................................A 1 36 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral..............................................\ 3 147 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral........................................ .. A 2 52 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral...........................................A 3 102 Annual report of Francis Peckwell, Inspector-Gen- eral...........................................A 3 83 Annual report of John Hunt, Inspector-General ... A 3 77 Annual report of Francis O’Brien, an inspector of.. A 4 115 Communication from F. Peckwell, recommending certain modification in the law relative to the inspection of.....................................A 1 9 Steamboat Companï : Report on pétition of Daniel Richards and others, to incorporate a.................................... S 1 58 Streets : Stuyvesant Street, report on pétition to hâve the same declared a public Street.....................A 4 298 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the closing of roads and lanes........................A 8 151 Report on pétition to extend Amos street, and to discontinue part of Ninth and Tenth streets.....A 3 136 Report on pétition to amend the laws by which the mayor, etc., are authorized to lay out streets, etc., A 5 313 Report on pétition to lay out a new street in the twelfth ward......................................A 4 164 Report relative to openin g........................ S 2 34 do do ..............................A 2 44 do do ..............................A 8 247 Report of majorit.y of commissioners to contract for cleaning........................... ............A 7 154 Report on minority of commissioners to contract for cleaning..........................................A 7 153 Report of senate committee on street cleaning contract........................................... S 7 86 Suffrage: Report of select committee on right of..............A 3 69 Superior Court of Law: Report of committee on judiciary on the bill to amend an act to establish a.......................A 5 130646 1857 1858 1872 1830 1831 1838 * 1839 1831 1831 1868 1870 1830 1835 1840 1831 1838 1839 1842 1854 1856 1862 1864 1869 1873 1856 1857 1867 NEW YORK — Continued. SüPERVISORS : t)oc. Vol Report of commitee on act relatin g to the.......A 2 Report of proceedings of, relative to commissioners ofloans.........................................A 3 SüRROGATE OF: Reply to resolution relative to clerk’s office and .... A 3 Tax Annual: Report on pétition to levy.......................A 4 do do ............ ..........A 3 do do ............. .........A 4 do do .......................A 3 For the support of common schools, report on péti- tion for an additional tax of three-eighths of a mill..........................................A 3 Report on bill for the same......................A 4 Report of commissioners relative to city tax levy... A 12 Report of Assembly committee on public éducation, adverse to repeal of section 10, chapter 876, Laws of 1869 .........................................A 10 Taxes : Report on pétition of the common council to equal- ize the assessment of..........................A 4 Unpaid, report relative to adding a percentage to.. A 3 Remonstrance of citizens against intrusting the custody of the, to incorporations, etc........A 8 Collectors of, report relative to the appointment of, A 1 Collectors, bonds of, report concerning the.......A 4 Collection of, report on pétition to amend the law for the........................................A 6 Collection of, report on the memorial of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty relative to........... S 3 Receiver of, communication from...................A 3 Majority and minority report on tax bill relative to, A 5 Pétition of Comptroller of the city, for act to raise, A 6 Communication from citizens’ association relative to levy.......................................... S 4 Report of Senate committee on municipal affaire on bill appointing commissioners of taxes and assessments..................................... S 5 Tax Payers’ Association, Tenth, Eleventh and Seventeenth Wards: Pétition of.......................................... S 1 Tenement Houses: Report on..................................... A 5 Report of select committee to examine..........A 3 Report on condition of, in, and Brooklyn.......A 7 No. 132 72 64 343 242 170 149 244 288 156 169 364 208 362 40 168 347 77 103 193 165 102 50 23 199 205 156647 NEW YORK — Continued. Tobacco, Inspection of: Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Communication from the State of Ohio relative to the...........................................A 1 46 1839 Remonstrance against repealing the law for the ... S 3 63 1841 Memorial of Chamber of Commerce relative to the, S 3 78 .1841 Remonstrance of Egbert Benson against anj altera- tion in the law for the............................... S 3 82 1841 Remonstrance of sundry merchants against any alteration in the law for the................ S 3 83 1841 Memorial of merchants and dealers in tobacco for a repeal of ail compulsory inspection, etc..... S 3 87 Tobacco, Inspector of: 1835 Annual report of J. D. Stevenson................ S 2 43 1836 do do A 2 84 1837 do do A 3 247 1837 do do A 3 278 1838 do do ................ SI 12 1839 do do S 2 55 1840 do do ................ SI 14 Transportation Association, Cheap: 1874 Resolution of, relative to canal funding amend- ments.........................................A 2 92 1874 Resolution of, on funding canal debt............ S 4 71 Trinity Church: 1836 Report on memorial of W. Cockran and others rela- tive to............................................... A 4 321 1846 Report of rector, wardens and vestrymen of, answer to a resolution relative to their real and personal property.................................... S 3 86 1846 Report of Mr. Clarke relative to................. S 4 117 1846 Report of Mr. Emmons from a majority of committee on same subject............................... S 4 118 1847 Report on pétition for change of title of corpora- tion of........................................A 4 114 1853 Memorial of rector, etc., of..................... S 2 63 1854 Communication from vestry, etc., under resolution, A 4 130 1856 Report of vestry of, to resolution.............. S 2 45 1857 Report of select committee relative to report of- S 2 46 1857 Report and testimony relative to report of....... S 3 95 1857 Report of select committee on memorial of G. M. Ogden......................................... S 4 134 1857 Memorial and protest of rector, etc., of......... S 4 136 1857 Memorial of J. C. Ray and others relative to, and law of 1814. ................................. S 4 143 Twelfth Ward: 1833 Public place in the, report on pétition for a law to establish a....................................A 4 297648 NEW YOEK — Continuée!. Twelfth Ward—Continued: Doc yol ^o. 1838 New Street in the, report on pétition to lay out a. .. A 4 164 1839 Public square in the, report on pétition to repeal part of an act to establish a..................A 4 205 1839 Public market, report on pétition to vest in the common council certain lands for a ............A 4 203, Union Place : 1831 Eeport relative to opening.......................A 4 296 Union Riflemen : 1842 Report of committee on pétition of.............. A 7 169 University, see Colleges, etc. Volunteers, see Mexican War. Washington Monument Association: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate the............A 3 144 Water: 1831 Boring for, report on pétition for a law to author- ize the expense of, to be assessed on the inhabi- tants ........................................... A 3 247 1832 Report on the pétition of the common council to procure a supply of pure and wholesome.........A 2 166 1834 Report of the commissioners under the act relative to supply in g the city with..................A 1 15 1840 Report of the commissioners in pursuance of a resolution of the Assembly....................A 7 289 1841 Report of the commissioners relative to theprogress of the work, etc............................. S 2 44 1838 Report relative to Crossing the Harlem river with the Croton aqueduct.............................. A 6 319 1839 Report relative to the same......................A 4 190 1838 Loan, report on pétition to raise money by loan ... A 6 299 1840 Stock, report on pétition to raise money by loan by the création of a fund to be denominated the ... A 2 52 1840 Stock, communication from the common council relative to the sale of the...................A 7 304 1877 Pure and wholesome, memorial for.................A 8 86 Weigher-General, see Merchandise, etc. Westchester County, Roads in: 1837 Report relative to the alteration of such roads as may be necessary by the plan adopted for supply- ing the city with..................................... A 3 175 Wharfage: 1850 Report on........... .............................A 6 162 1851 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on the subject of.... ................... ... A 4 112649 NEW YOBK —Continued. Wharyes, Piers and Slips: Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition for the better régulation of the, A 4 314 1867 Report of spécial committee on, in ................. S 2 46 1867 Communication from chamber of commerce rela- tive to................... ...................... ... S 2 78 Witnesses: 1836 Report relative to granting additional compensa- tion to.............................................. A 4 263 Woman’s College: 1866 Report of minority of Assembly committee on bill to incorporate.................................. A 7 173 Woman's Hospital: 1856 Report on memorial of trustées of................ S 2 52 Wooster Street: 1833 Report relative to the extension of, to Union Place, A 2 56 NIAGARA COUNTY. 1833 Poor-house, report on pétition for a loan to build.. A 2 59 1842 Memorial of citizens of, asking the incorporation of a company to complété canals..................A 7 160 1842 Report on proceedings of a meeting of citizens of, on subject of letter postage and the franking privilège.................................... A 7 165 1847 Communication relative to districting...........A 6 170 1859 Report of committee on pétition of judges of..A 1 14 1859 Report of treasurer of..........................A 1 48 1859 Report of surrôgate of..........................A 1 50 1864 Report on pétition of certain inhabitants of, and the county of Orléans (daims).................... A 7 161 NIAGARA FALLS. 1850 Report of committee on canals against mill race around........................................A 6 157 NIAGARA FALLS BRIDGE COMPANY. 1862 Report of committee, on amendment of chapter of, S 4 63 NIAGARA FALLS MANÜFACTURING COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate the.........A 2 113 NIAGARA FRONTIER POLICE. 1866 Annual report of commissioners of............ 1867 do do A3 42 1868 do do ......•........A3 29 1869 do do ...............A 2 15 1870 do do ...............A 2 18 1871 do do ...............A 2 11 82650 NIAGARA RIVER. Doc. Voi. No 1836 Ferry across at Youngstown, majority report on pétition for..................................A 2 62 1836 Ferry across at Youngstown, minority report on pétition fur..................................A 2 63 1831 Ferry at Squaw Island, report relative to tke...A 2 192 NIAGARA RIVER HYDRAULIC COMPANY. 1846 Report relative to............................. S 1 30 NIAGARA SHIP CANAL. 1866 Communication from Canal Board as to effect of construction of, upon the canal System of this State........................................ A 7 172 1867 Answer of Canal Board as to tbeir power to employ and send counsel to Washington in behalf of State.........................................S 2 35 NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE COMPANY. 1837 Report concerning the...........................A 4 331 1855 Pétition of.................................... S 2 59 NIAGARA SHIP CANAL. 1834 Preamble and resolution relative to the construc- tion of a.............................................A 3 166 1839 Report on bill to authorize the United States to construct a.................................. S 1 23 1840 Memorial of Jesse Hawley against the construction of the, by the United States................. S 4 108 1853 Minority report of committee on canals on péti- tion for..................................... ...... A 3 76 1853 Minority report.................................A 3 77 1864 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on bill to incorporate company for construction of.........................'................ S 3 21 1865 Resolutions adopted by Canal Board, relative to. .. S 3 41 1865 do do do ... A | g j 1865 Report of minority of committee on canals, rela- tive to the construction of, by general govern- ment..................................................A 3 66 NICHOLS, SAMUEL B. 1836 Report on pétition of, for a grant of land under water in the town of Shelter Island.......... S 1 44 NICHOLS, JAMES. 1856 Report on claim of............................. S 2 61 1857 Report on pétition of.......................... Si 15 1865 do do .............................A 9 192651 NICHOLS, JAMES, AND JOHN C. HOYT. Doc. Vci. No. 1840 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their mills on the Chemung river ........A 7 298 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages to their mills on the Chemung river .........A 6 208 1848 Report on pétition of......................... A 5 170 1854 do do .............................. S 2 78 1855 do do .............................. S 1 29 NICHOLS, PERK1NS. 1833 Report on pétition of, relative to the rédemption of his land sold for taxes.................. A 4 269 NICHOLS, SAMUEL. 1833 Report on pétition of, to erect a wharf in the town of Flushing.................................A 4 257 NICHOLSON, NICHOLAS. 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.. S 3 71 NICKERSON, N. 1846 Report on pétition for the relief of.......... S 3 94 NICKLES, WILEY. 1834 Report on pétition of, for a single horse peddler’s license................................... A 2 60 1834 Report on pétition of, for a single horse peddler’s license.................................... S 2 90 NILES, JOHN. 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 1 31 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 1 36 NILES, RICHARD. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief ......................................A 5 124 1854 Report on pétition of......................... S 1 22 NILES, W. WT. 1848 Report relative to pétition of ................A 2 19 1848 do do A 5 161 1848 do do A 5 164 1848 do do A 5 186 1849 Report on daim of............................. S 2 31 1850 Report of Attorney-General on daim for destruc- tion of property............................ S 2 61 1850 Report of select committee.................... S 3 82 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief............. S 1 32 1854 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 86 NINDE, MRS. SOPHRONIA F. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of......... S 1 25652 NINTH SENATE DISTRICT. Doo. VoL No. 1864 Testimony in contested élection case in........ S 2 14 ( 1 4 1865 Reports of committee on same m................. S-j g 5 NIXON, J. D., R. J. JIMMERSON AND T. STUY- YESANT. 1862 Report on pétition of.............................A 6 164 NON-RESIDENT DEBTORS. 1839 Remonstrance against repealing the law for the imprisonment of................................ S 3 65 1839 Attachment against, report concerning.............A 5 302 NON-RESIDENTS. 1834 Lands of, report on pétition to amend the law rela- tive to the survey of, etc......................A 2 87 1838 Lands in Hornellsville, report relative to taxes on.. A 6 361 1850 Lands, report of Attorney-General and Comptroller respecting......................................A 3 39 1854 Lands, communication from Comptroller relative to, A 3 101 1831 Tax on debts due, pétition for a law requiring a ... A 3 208 1831 Tax on debts due, memorial of the agents of the Holland Land Company against the same...........A 4 282 1833 Tax on debts due, report on pétition for a law requiring a.....................................A 3 162 1833 Tax on debts due, memorial of the agent of the Holland Land Company against the same...........A 3 235 1835 Tax on debts due, report on pétition to amend the law.........................................A 2 87 1836 Tax on debts due, memorial of a committee of citi- zens of New York for the repealof the law...A 1 8 1836 Tax on debts due, report on pétition to repeal the law......................................... S 1 30 1834 Taxation of debts owing to the Connecticut School Fund, report relative to the................A 3 148 1834 Taxation of debts owing to the Connecticut School Fund, report of Attorney-General on the same .. A 3 137 1843 Report of the Comptroller of the amount due on account of taxes............................ S 1 13 1846 Report of committee on finance, relative to tax of Personal property of........................ S 4 109 NOON, DUKE. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 9 98 NOON, LUKE, AND F. FITZGERALD. 1860 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 183 1861 do ..........................A 5 100 1833 do ..........................A 5 162 NORDMAN, JULIUS G. 1860 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 38653 NORMAN, HENRY H. Doc> VoL No. 1856 Report on pétition for relief................... A 4 161 1863 do do :.........................A 5 120 NORMAN, I. E., AND I. RUSSELL. 1834 Report on pétition of, to construct a dam across Schroon river.................................A 4 373 NORMAL SCHOOL. 1859 Report of executive committee.................A 2 70 1860 do do Al 19 1861 Report of State superintendent................ A 1 13 1863 Report of executive committee................. S 2 41 1864 do do .................... S 3 20 See Common Schools and Superintendent of Public Instruction. NORTH AMERICAN MINING COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to incorporate ... ...........A 1 40 1832 do do ................A 2 72 NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF. 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina....................A 1 115 1834 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the militia and the public defense..............A 3 109 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the abolitionists...............................A 1 22 1839 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the policy of the general government............A 4 202 NORTH-EASTERN BOUNDARY LINE. 1833 Resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts, con- cerning the.................................A 3 183 * 1839 Resolution of the Législature of Ohio, relative to the course of the general government in relation to the......................................A 6 389 1839 Message from the Governor, relative to the recent events on the frontier...................... S 2 60 1839 Report of select committee on the same..........S 3 68 1839 do do ......... S 5 324 1839 Communication from M. Yan Buren, President of the United States, acknowledging the receipt of cer- tain resolutions of the Législature of New York.. S 3 79 1840 Resolution of the Législature of Maine, relative to the.........................................A 7 305 1840 Resolution of the Législature of Indiana, relative to the....:.................................A 7 308 1811 Resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts, relative to the............................. S 3 89 1841 Resolution of the Législature of Maryland, relative to the......................................A 6 215654 NORTHERN FRONTIER. Doc. vol. No. 1830 Résolution of the Législature of Vermont, relative to fortifications on the.................... S 4 366 1838 Message from the Governor in relation to the destruction of the steamboat Caroline....... S 1 4 1838 Report of joint committee on the same......... S 1 7 1838 Message of the Governor relative to the seizure of State ordnance, etc..........................A 5 217 1838 Report on the same............................. A 5 241 1838 Report of the Commissary-General relative to the arms and ordnance taken from the State arsenals, A 6 308 1838 Message from the Governor relative to the expense of calling out the militia for the defense of the. . A 6 315 1838 Report on the same.............................A 6 348 1839 Message from the Governor transmitting certain communications in relation to the recent events on the ........................................ A 6 375 1839 Message from the Governor transmitting documents relative to the disturbances on the..........A 6 412 1839 Report on pétition of General Corss and others for compensation for services, etc., in the defense of the................... * * .......................A 6 394 NORTHERN NEW YORK. 1843 Remonstrance of inhabitants of.................A 5 129 NORTHERN RIYERS. 1854 Report relative to improvement of............. S 2 91 NORTHERN TÜRNPIKE ROAD. 1830 Report on pétition of James Lowrie and others con- cerning the................................. A 2 154 NORTH GORE. 1843 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office in relation to, lying between townships Nos. 10 and 12 in Totten and Crossfield’s purchase...............A 5 161 NORTH HEMPSTEAD, TOWN OF. 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of R. Udall and J. B. Cheeseman to build a.........................A 4 305 1838 Jones' fund for the support of the poor of, report on pétition for the appointment of trustées of the, A 5 228 NORTHRUP, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of...........A 9 119 1869 do do do .................A 9 126 NORTHROP, NORMAN. 1850 Report on daims for canal damages.................. A 5 91 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on pétition of, for damages to clay bed, and by overflow of the Erie canal................................ A 2 106655 NORTON, CHARLES B. Doc.voi. No. 1868 Report of, as commissioner to Paris exposition. S 3 39 NORTON, HARVEY, AND C. C. CHURCH. 1842 Report on pétition of.................................A 2 44 NORTON, J. A. 1833 Report on pétition for compensation for services in apprehending certain fugitives from justice.A 2 126 1835 Report on the same....................................A 2 66 NORTON, LUTHER T. 1864 Report on pétition of............................... A 3 67 1865 do do ?....................................A 3 45 NORTON, P., AND J. G. FERGUSON. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 7 137 NORTON, PATRICK, see Thomas Geary and others. NORTON, WARREN. 1852 Claim of, and J. C. Smith............................ S 2 57 NOTARIES PUBLIC. 1838 In New York, report on pétition to increase the fees of........................................ A 2 34 1840 Report on bill in relation to.............. S 2 51 NOTTER, GEORGE H., AND OTHERS. 1863 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 69 NUGENT, JANE, see C. STRONG. NULLIFICATION. 1833 Proceedings of South Carolina in relation to... S 1 2 1833 Proclamation of President Jackson relative to . . . . S 1 4 1833 Message of the President to Congress........... S 1 23 1833 Report of joint committee relative to.......... S 1 34 1833 Resolutions offered by Mr. Hubbard, relative to.... S 2 48 1833 Concurrent resolutions in relation to..........A 3 163 1833 Resolution of Penns}rlvania in relation to.....A 2 31 1833 Resolution of Indiana, North Carolina and Massa- chusetts relative to...............................A 2 115 1833 Resolution of Delaware relative to.............A 2 135 1833 Resolution of Virginia and New Jersey relative to, A 3 211 1833 Resolution of Ohio relative to................. A 4 239 1833 Resolution of Massachusetts and Mississippi rela- tive to............................................A 4 259 1833 Resolution of Alabama relative to..............A 4 274 1833 Resolution of Maine relative to....... ... ... A 4 277 1833 Resolution of Maryland relative to..............Al 11 See Convention of the States.656 NUNNERIES, CONVENTS, Etc. Doc. VoL No. 1833 Report on pétition concerning..............A 6 362 NEW YORK AND BLOOMÏNGDALE ASYLUM. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 1 4 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 1 10 NEW YORK CITY. 1878 Of bonded indebtedness bill, resolution of common council relative to the................. S 3 38 1878 Elevated railroad, report of committee on railroads in relation to the...................... S 2 30 1878 Report of board of police relative to the police life insurance fund.......................... S 2 34 1878 Sailors’ hôtels in, remonstrance of James J. Ferris relating to..............;............. S 1 22 NEW YORK FISHERY COMMISSION. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 2 32 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. 1878 Report of................................. S 1 14 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND AT BATAVIA. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 1 6 NEW YORK STATE INEBRIATE ASYLUM AT BINGHAMTON. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 1 17 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE STATE. 1878 Comptroller, reply of the, relative to.....A 5 59 NEW CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1878 Annual report of......................... A 3 16 1878 Relative to the communication from the.....A 3 31 NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA BOUNDARY MONUMENTS. 1878 Regents of the University, relative to report of the, A4 49 NEW YORK ASYLUM FOR‘IDIOTS. 1878 Trustées of the, annual report of the.... .... A 3 28 NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1878 Report of.....................................A 5 74 1878 Truant ofl&cers, report relative to...........A 7 92657 NEW YORK CITY. Doc. Vol. No. 1878 Bonded indebtedness of, relative to.....A 5 77 1878 Bonded indebtedness of, mayor of, relative to, reply of the........................................A 7 132 1878 Comptroller of, reply of, relative to finances of-A 7 100 1878 Corporation counsel of, reply, relative to suits against the city.................;..............A 7 115 1878 District Attorney, reply relative to untried indict- ments in.....*..................................A 7 122 1878 Elevated railroad in, report of committee on rail- roads relative to...............................A 7 105,135 1878 Indebtedness of, reply of comptroller of, relative to, A 7 131 1878 Indebtedness of, message of the Governor on bill relative to . ................................A 7 125 1878 Police department appropriations, report on.....A 7 90 1878 Squares in, memorial of Samuel B. Ruggles, relative to opening....................................A 7 99 1878 Streets in, reply of the mayor and comptroller of, relative to cleaning the......................A 5 67 NEW YORK HARBOR. 1878 Attorney-General’s reply relative to speed of foreign and coast-wise steamers in....................A 7 82 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. 1878 Managers of the, annual report of the..........A 3 22 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUC- TION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1878 Annual report of................................A 3 18 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE IMPROYED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1878 Annual report of................................A 3 41 NEW YORK. 1878 Port of, captain of the, annual report of the acting, A3 27 1878 Surrogate of, reply of, relative to fees of appraisers appointed by him..............................A 7 104 NORMAL SCHOOL AT ALBANY. 1878 Superintendent of Public Instruction and Regents of the University, relative to, annual report.A 5 70 NORMAL SCHOOLS. 1878 Superintendent of Public Instruction on, annual report of,....................:...............A 5 76 NEW CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. 1879 Annual report of................................. S 1 20 83658 NEW YORK HOSPITAL. Doe. Voi. No. 1879 Eeport of................................ S 2 47 1879 Report of, relative to duty in caring for New York city insane poor....................... S 2 46 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. 1879 Report of.................................A 1 22 NEW YORK STATE INSTITUTION FOR BLIND. 1879 Report of................................ S 1 5 NEW YORK STATE INEBRIATE ASYLUM. 1879 Report of................................ S 1 12 NEW YORK ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. 1879 Report............. .....................A 1 2 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1879 Report..... ............................. A 2 33 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. 1879 Report.................................. A 2 32 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR BLIND. 1879 Report....................................A 2 20 1879 Batavia, corrected statement of...........A 2 27 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DE AF AND DUMB. 1879 Report....................................A 2 13 1879 Statement, executive committee....... .... A 7 151 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1879 Report................................... A 7 156 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1880 Annual report............................ S 1 21 NEW YORK CITY. 1880 Commissioners of taxes and assessments, communi- cation from ......................... S 2 48 1880 Department of docks, communication from.. S 2 56 1880 Department of docks, communication from, relative to Senate bill 259. .................. S 2 46 1880 Statement of board of police commissioners relative to police pension fund................. S 2 54 NEW YORK ELEYATED RAILROAD COMPANY. 1880 Report................................... S 2 39 NEW YORK HEBREW SHELTERING GUAR- DIAN SOCIETY. 1880 Report................................... S 1 18659 NEW YOEK INFANT ASYLUM. Doc. Voi. No. 1880 Eeport..................................... S 1 17 NEW YORK STATE SOLDIEES AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1880 Annual report.............................. S 1 7 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report of trustées.................. S 2 31 NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT. 1880 Report relative to disputed boundary lines. S 1 27 NEW YORK AND MANHATTAN BEACH R AIL- RO AD COMPANY. 1880 Answer of, to resolution of Senate......... S 2 52 NATURAL HISTORY, MUSEUM OF. 1880 Report of...................................A 8 120 NAVIGATION COMPANIES. 1880 Report on...................................A 3 55 NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND BRIDGE COMPANY. 1880 Report of...................................A 4 67 NEW YORK CITY. 1880 Board of underwriters, remonstrance of......A 8 126 1880 Clerk of board of éducation of, statement from .... A 4 64 1880 Clerk of, communication from................A 3 54 1880 Port of, captain’s report...................A3 42 1880 Street cleaning in, report relating to.A 8 68, 112, 139 NEW YORK. 1880 Infant asylum............................. A 3 41 1880 Institution for the Blind, report of........A 2 16 1880 State Institution for the Blind, report of..A 2 18 NEW CAPITOL. 1881 Report of Commissioners and Superintendent of, in answer to a resolution.................. S 2 64 NEW YORK. 1881 Annual report of captain of the port of.... S 1 19 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1881 Annual report of........................... S 1 27 NEW YORK STATE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND AT BATAVIA. 1881 Annual report of trustées and officers of.. S 1 121881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 660 NEW YORK CITY. Doc. Yol. No. Communication from mayor and comptroller of, in relation to Senate bill No. 344................... S 2 67 Commissioners of taxes and assessment, report of.. A 1 44 Government of, report of spécial committee on .... S 1 25 Law department, detailed account of expenditures of................................................. S 1 26 Minority report of committee appointed to investi- gate government of.............. ................ S 1 31, 36 Report of comptroller of, in answer to a resolution, SI 34 Report of clerk of Suprême Court of.................. S 1 30 Report of clerk of Court of Common Pleas of........ S 1 29 Report of county clerk in answer to a resolution. ..SI 28 Sanitary condition of, resolution adopted by ten physicians.......................................... S 2 63 Street railroad bill, communication from mayor and comptroller relative to............................ S 2 68 Stench nuisance, report of spécial committee of State Board of Health on........................... S 2 65 First judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 2 55 Second judicial district, report of clerk of......... S 1 45 Third judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 1 41 Fourth judicial district, report of clerk of......... S 1 50 Fifth judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 1 42 Sixth judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 2 54 Seventh judicial district, report of clerk of........ S 1 46 Eighth judicial district, report of clerk of......... S 1 47 Ninth judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 1 48 Tenth judicial district, report of clerk of.......... S 2 52 NATÜRAL HISTORY MUSEUM. Report of............................A 8 127 NEW JERSEY ASSEMBLY. Concurrent resolution of................. A 3 46 NEW YORK. Asylum for Idiots, report of......................A 2 19 Infant Asylum, report of..........................A 3 32 Institution for the Blind, report of..............A 2 15 Institution for Deaf and Dumb at Washington Heights, report of .............................A 2 20 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, report of.......................................A 2 22 NEW YORK CITY. Affairs of, communications and reports relating to, (see Communications, Reports.) Common council, clerk of, communication from.... A 8 1311881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 661 NEW YORK CITY — Continuée! Doc. Yol. No. Neurological Society, communication from relative to streets of New York........................A 8 107 Sinking fund, report on.........................A 8 110 Taxpayers* Association, communication from rela- tive to streets of New York.....................A 8 109 NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of comptroller, in response to resolution of Senate, relative to taxes paid by......... S 5 44 Assessments, etc., stock of, report of Attorney- General relative to......................... S 5 25,59 NEW YORK CENTRAL SLEEPING CAR COM- PANY. Report of, in answer to a resolution........ S 6 72 NEW YORK CITY AND COUNTY. Presentment of grand jury................... S 1 9 NEW CAPITOL. Report of Spécial committee on...............A 5 108 NEW CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS. Answer of, to resolution relative to amount neces- sary to complété tbe building February 15, 1882. . A 2 29 NEW YORK CITY. Docks in, report of committee on commerce and navigation on......................................A 1 8 Life and property in, protection of, answers of com- missioners of the fire department of, to resolution relative to... 1.......................... .... A 2 30 Public park in twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards of, report of commission on........................A 3 67 NEW CAPITOL. Amount expended upon, statement of Comptroller relative to....................................... S 1 18 Report Capitol commissioners relative to cost of. .. S 3 42 Commissioners, annual report................ .. S 1 13 NEW YORK CITY. Report of committee appointed under resolution of Senate by mayor of, relative to increased water supply............................................ S 2 34 Report of committee relative to corporations having franchise rights to use the streets and avenues. .. S 5 50 Commissioners of public charities and corrections, in reply to resolution of the Senate, report of.. .. S 2 29 New York city, see Commissioners, Department of Docks; Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1881 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 662 NEW YORK ELEYATED RAILROAD, Doc. Vol. No. Report of Comptroller and Attorney-General rela- tive to.................................. S 2 36 NEW YORK ELEYATED R AIL WA Y. Report of State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution of Senate, relative to.. ... S 2 37 NEW YORK PRISON ASSOCIATION. Report of executive committee............ S 6 46 NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Annual report of treasurer of................A 4 71 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. Annual report of.............................A 3 34 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. Annual report of managers of................A 2 18 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR INSTRUCTION OF DE AF AND DUMB. Annual report of.............................A 3 32 NEW YORK STATE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND AT SYRACUSE. Annual report of.............................A 2 24 NIAGARA FALLS. Pétition of citizens of New York relative to.A 3 47 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. Annual report of board of managers of....... S 3 30 NEW YORK PRISON ASSOCIATION. Annual report of executive committee of..... S 5 51 NEW YORK STATE INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. Report of................................... S 3 32 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY. Annual report of managers of................ S 2 15 NEW YORK STATE SURYEY FOR 1883. Report of................................. S 3 40 NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. Report of commissioners on the boundary line between................................... S 3 46663 NEW YORK AGRIOULTÜRAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Doe. Vol. No. 1884 Report of board of control of............A 5 33 NEW YORK HOSPITAL AND BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. 1884 A onual report of........................A 8 119 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. 1884 Animal report of managers of.............A 2 17 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF AND DUMB. 1884 Annual report of.........................A 2 19 NEW YORK SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1884 Report of................................A 5 38 NEW YORK STATE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. 1884 Annual report of.........................A 5 26 NEW CAPITOL. 1885 Report of work on...................... S 2 11 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. 1885 Report of............................. S 4 19 NEW YORK CITY. 1885 Report of spécial committee, relative to gas compa- nies................................... S 5 41 NEW YORK HEBREW SHELTERING GUARDIAN SOCIETY. 1885 Report of ............................. S 5 24 NEW YORK PRISON ASSOCIATION. 1885 Report of committee..................... S 6 48 NEW YORK REFORMATORY AT ELMIRA. 1885 Report of............................... S 4 13 NEW YORK STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 1885 Report of............................... S 5 27 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1885 Report of............................... S 4 20 NIAGARA. 1885 Report of Commissioners of State Réservation. S 5 35 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF AND DUMB. 1885 Report of................................A 2 22664 NEW YORK STATE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. Doc. Vol. No. 1885 Report of...................................A 2 19 NEW YORK STATE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1885 Report of...................................A 4 41 NEW AQUEDUCT, see Board of Health. NEW CAPITOL, see Committee; Comptroller. NEW CAPITOL COMMISSIONER. 1886 Communication from, in reply to resolution of Senate................................... S 4 48 NEW YORK, CITY OF. 1886 Comptroller of, communication relative to horse railroads............................. S 1886 Department of docks, report of............. S 1886 Government of, report of spécial committee relative to ...................................... S 1886 Report of finance department............... S NEW YORK, CITY OF, see Bureau of Labor Statistics; Cable Railroad Company; Commis- sion ers of Accounts; Commissioners of Electrical Subways; Commissioner Department of Docks; Harvey, Charles T.; Lighting Companies; Street Railroads; Thirù Avenue Railroad Company. NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. 1886 Report of................................. S 2 30 NEW YORK STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 1886 Report of................................ S 2 24 1886 Reply of, to resolution of Senate....... S 4 58 See Dairy Commissioner. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1886 Report of.................................. SI 8 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY AT ELMIRA. 1886 Report of.................................. SI 9 NEW YORK, STATE OF, see Commissioners. * NEW YORK TIMES, see Committee on Privilèges and Elections. 3 40 i 64 3 29 4 50 NEW YORK ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. 1886 Report of...................... S 2 27665 NEW YORK CATHOLIC PROTECTORY. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Report of..................................... S 1 16 NEW YORK, PORT OF. 1886 Report of Health Officer...................... S 4 51 NEW YORK PRISON ASSOCIATION. 1876 Report of.................................. S 4 67 NEW YORK STATE INSTITUTION FOR BLIND AT BATAVIA. 1886 Report of... ............................. S 1 15 NIAGARA, see Commissioners. NOMINATIONS, see Governor. NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. 1886 Report of.................................. A 5 40 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE DE AF AND DUMB. 1886 Report of.....................................A 2 18 NEW YORK SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1886 Report of................................. A 5 36 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCI- ETY. 1886 Forty-fiftb annual report of............... A 8 97 NORTHERN INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1886 Report of...................................A 1 16 NEW YORK. 1887 Catholic protectory........................ S 2 34 188*7 Board of commissioners of electrical subways. S 3 41 1887 Board of Police Justices................... S 3 43 1887 Juvénile Asylum......................... S 3 44 1887 District Attorney of, reply of, relatin g to carrying arms..................................... S 3 50 1867 Chamberlain of, resolution of Mr. Plunkitt, relative to....................................... S 4 64 1887 Christian work, annual report of Mission and Tract Society ................................. S 3 42 1887 Police Justices, annual report of board of. S 3 43 1887 State Reformatory, tenth annual report of. S 2 18 NIAGARA RESERVATION. 1887 Report of the commissioners of............. S 4 60 NEW YORK HOSPITAL AND BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. 1887 Report of...................................A 10 99 841887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 666 NEW YORK INFANT ASYLUM. doc. vol. No. Report of......................................A 7 44 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOU BLIND AT NEW YORK CITY. Report of.........»............................A 7 42 NEW YORK INSTITUTION, DEAF-MUTES. Report of......................................... A 2 10 NEW YORK SOCIETY, PREVENTION CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. Report of...........................................A 7 63 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of......................................... A 10 116 NEW YORK STATE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS. Report of..... .....................................A 7 66 NORTHERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. Report of...........................................A 5 25 NEW YORK. Catholic Proteetory, annual report of.............. S 1 7 Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, annual report of.,............................................. S 5 47 Juvénile Asylum, annual report of.................. S 5 43 Prison Association, annual report of............... S 4 24 State Asylum for Idiots, annual report of.......... S 4 27 State Library, annual report of ................... S 3 15 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, annual report of. .. S 4 29 Tenement-house Commission, annual report of .... S 3 16 NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. Report of committee of, relative to quarantine.A 10 80 NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Report of board of control..........................A 6 36 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of...........................................A 10 83 NEW YORK CUSTODIAL ASYLUM FOR FEE- BLE-MINDED WOMEN. Report of trustées of...................A 6 41 NEW YORK STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. Report of...............................A 3 17667 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. Doc. Voi. n0. 1888 Animal report of..........................A 3 13 1888 Report of trustées and officers of........ A 6 47 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1888 Twenty first annual report of.............A 3 18 NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION OF DE A P AND DUMB. 1888 Sixty-ninth annual report..................A 4 20 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY AT ELMIRA. 1888 Report of board of managers of.............A 4 29 NORTHERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1888 Report of................................. A 3 16 O AK ORCHARD CREEK. 1833 Dam across, report on pétition of Alexis Ward, to build a................................. A 4 253 OAKLEY, JAMES M. 1873 Testimony on pétition of T. J. Coggswell, contest- ing seat of.............................A 4 61 O’BRIEN, JAMES. 1862 Report on pétition of......................A 6 116 1865 do do ............................A3 43 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of...A 6 76 1870 do do do ........A 10 164 O’BRIEN, JEREMIAH. 1856 Report on pétition of......................A 4 122 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for additional compensation.... A 1 28 O’BRIEN, JERRY. 1857 Report of standing committee on daims on pétition of................................... S 3 113 1857 Report on pétition of................... S 4 113 O’BRIEN, JOHN. ( 1 39 1854 Report on pétition of. . .. ...............^12 44 OBRIGON, MARGARETTA. 1833 Report on pétition for a divorce...........A 4 332 OCEAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 1861 Memorial of............................... S 2 44 OCHQUAGA INDIANS, see Indians — Ocli- quagas.668 ODELL, JOHN. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition of, for bountj lands....A 4 418 OGDEN, AMBROSE W. 1862 Report on pétition of......................A 6 152 OGDEN, DAVID. 1864 Report of committee on bill for relief of... S 4 100 OGDEN AND DURFEE. 1846 Report on bill for the relief of...... S 4 136 OGDEN, G. M. 1857 Report of select committee on memorial of, relative to Trinity church........................ S 4 134 OGDEN, SUSAN, AND MARY MURRAY. 1839 Proprie tors of the dam at Mount Morris, report on pétition of, to hâve a certain bond canceled. S 3 95 1840 Report of the Canal Commissioner on the same ... S 3 81 OGDENSBURGH. 1831 Memorial from, for a law to re^ulate auction sales, Al 12 1865 Report of Dr. Peters on latitude and longitude of.. A 4 77 OGDENSBURGH ACADEMY, see Academies, etc. OGDENSBURGH AND CANTON ROAD. 1850 Report on bill authorizing it to borrow money. S I 13 OGDENSBURGH AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN RAIL- RO AD, see Railroads. OGDEN, TOWN OF. 1836 First Baptist Society in the, report on pétition to sell certain land.......................... A 3 184 OHIO, STATE OF. 1830 Resolution of the Législature of. relative to the tariff.....................*................ S 4 336 1831 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the American Colonization Society...............A 3 233 1833 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina...........................A 3 239 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the abolition of slavery........................ S 2 87 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the élection of President, etc..................A 4 288 1838 Resolution of the Législature of, against the ânnexa- tion of Texas to the Union.................. S 2 58 1839 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the course of the general government in relation to the northeastern frontier...................A 6 389 1861 Resolutions from..............................A 1 24669 OHIO, STATE OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1875 Resolution of Législature of, in reference to Louisiana................................... A 5 49 OHLL, GEORGE. 1834 Report on pétition to change the name of himself and family................................. A 4 384 1835 Report on pétition to change the name of himself and family...................................A 2 102 OIL CREEE RESERVOIR. 1863 Communication from Canal Board relative to... S 4 67 OILS. 1849 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on an act to repeal an act for the prévention of frauds in the sale of............................... S 2 34 OIL, SPERM. 1838 Report on pétition for the repeal of the law making the oleometer a test of......................A 6 364 OLDENBARNEVELD MANUFACTURING COM- PANY. 1831 Report of the Comptroller relative to the loan to the..........................................A 4 290 OLD MILITARY TRACT, see Lands. OLEAN. 1832 Road from, to Friendship, report on pétition for a. . A 4 312 1836 Bridges in the town of, report on pétition to raise money to build...............................A 4 274 Canal from, to Rochester, see Canals. OLEOMETERS. 1837 Distribution of, to the several counties, report of Secretary of State relative to the...........A 1 7 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the law making oleome- ters a test of sperm oil.....................A 6 365 OLIVER, JANE. 1844 Report of committee on the pétition of aliens on the pétition of............................ A 3 47 OLIVER, WILLIAM M. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as clerk of the Suprême Court.........................A 3 270 ONEIDA CASTLETON, VILLAGE OF. 1830 Report on pétition for a reappraisal of certain lands in.....................................A 4 339 1832 Report on pétition for a reappraisal of certain lands in.................................... A 1 21670 ONEIDA CASTLETON, VILLAGE OF — Con- tinued. Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Report on lands in pétition for a reappraisal of certain A 3 238 1833 Report on lands in. pétition for a reappraisal of certain S 2 82 1836 Report on lands in. pétition for a reappraisal of certain A 3 138 ONEIDA, COUNTY OF. 1830 Beef and pork, inspector of, report of Wm. Barber.. A 2 148 1831 do do do .. A 2 133 1833 do do do .. A 2 111 1834 do do do ..A 3 229 1835 do do do ..A3 198 1836 do do do .. A 1 56 1837 do do do ..A3 171 1838 do do do ..A4 199 1839 do do do ..A4 193 1832 Beef and pork, inspector of, report of E. Bobbins.. A 2 106 1833 do do do .. A 2 105 1834 do do do ..A 3 233 1835 do do do ..A 4 323 1836 do do do ..A3 198 1837 do do do .. A 2 48 1833 Common Pleas, report on pétition for an additional term .............................................A 1 14 1837 County courts and jails in, report on bill relative to the...............................................A 4 314 1838 County courts and jails in, report on pétition of the board of tfupervisors relative to the............ A 3 98 1839 County courts and jails in, report on bill relative to the...............................................A 6 348 Lumber inspectors of, annual report of W. Sheffield, A 2 147 1837 Memorial from, against the enlargement of the Erie canal and for the construction of a ship canal from Oswego to Utica...................................... A 2 132 1840 Division of, report on pétition for..................A 3 76 1835 Manufacturing corporations in, report relative to oppressive practices of...........................A 3 205 1833 Sheriff of, report on pétition of, for pay for trans- porting convicts..................................A 2 85 1832 Salmon trout in certain waters of, report on pétition for a law for the protection of...........,..... A 2 116 1839 Oneida and Jefferson Turnpike Company, report on pétition to incorporate, and for aid to...........A 4 232 Oneida, road through, see Jefferson county. 1859 Keport of, surrogate of.............................. A 3 109 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of citizens of................................................A 6 88671 ONEIDA, COUNTY OF— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Judge: 1866 Communication from Governor transmitting charges against ................................... S 2 48 1866 Report of judiciarj committee of Grovernor’s mes- sage relative to removal of......................... S 1 39 ONEIDA CREEE FEEDER. 1843 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the resolution of the Assembly in relation to..... A 2 45 ONEIDA INDIANS, see Indians— Oneidas. ONEIDA LIEE. 1830 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to lowering the waters of................................A 1 68 1830 Report of committee on canals on the same.......A 3 235 1858 Communication of State engineer in reference to pétition of inhabitants living in vicinity of.A 4 121 ONEIDA LAEE AND RIYER. 1838 Steam navigation of, report concerning..........A 5 202 ONEIDA LAEE CANAL, see Canals. 1867 Report of Canal Appraisers as to awards for dam- ages on shores of.....................................A 4 60 ONEIDA, PURCHASE OR RESERVATION. 1845 Report on bill from the Assembly for relief of pur- chasers of land in, in 1840 and 1841........ S 2 58 1846 Report on bill for relief of purchasers in the, in 1840 and 1841.................................. Si 9 1846 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to purchasers iu.............................. A 2 34 1847 Report on pétitions of purchasers of land in....A 1 43 1847 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of purchasers in, purchase of 1830..............A 4 144 1849 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of certain purchasers of land on............... A 2 37 1850 Report of committee on public lands ............A 3 62 ONEIDA RIVER. 1830 Dam across, at Oak Orchard reef, report on pétition for a.................................... S 2 137 1831 Wing dam, report on pétition to erect a.........A 3 274 1836 Navigation of, report on pétition for the improve- ment of the............................... A 4 264 1837 Survey of the, report of canal commissioners rela- tive to the..................................A 2 90 1838 Navigation of, by steam power, report in relation to the..,.......................................A 5 202 1838 Navigation of, by steam power, report in relation to the.........*...................................A 5 232(572 ONEIDA RIVER —Continued. E 1839 Navigation of, by steam power, report in relation to the..........................................A 4 182 1839 Report of the engineer appointed to survey the.... A 2 59 1850 Report on draw-bridge............................A3 49 O’NEIL, MARY E. (Executrix). 1842 Report of the judiciary committee upon the pétition of, and Andrew Parsons and John G. Blauvelt, executors of the last will and testament of John O’Neil, deceased........... .................. S 3 72 ONEONTA AND DAVENPORT, TOWNS OF. 1840 Report of Survey or-General relative to the bounda- ries of the...................................A 4 107 1840 Report of Surveyor-General relative to the bounda- rvies of the.................................A 4 124 1840 Report of committee on towns and counties relative to the boundaries of the..................A 5 184 ONONDAGA COUNTY. 1834 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of S. E. Maltby.......................................A 3 244 1835 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of S. E. Maltby.......................................A 3 207 1836 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of S. E. Maltby....................................!... A 3 194 1838 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of S. E. Maltby........................................A 4 190 1831 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr....................................A 3 241 1832 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr....................................A 4 311 1833 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr.....................................A 3 129 1834 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr....................................A 3 223 1835 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr....................................A 4 276 1836 Beef and pork, inspector of, annual report of Israël Sloan, Jr... ...................................... A 4 249 1836 Jails in, report on pétition to raise money for removing and improving the....................Al 11 1836 Jail in, report on pétition to raise money to build a wall aroundthe........... ......................... A 3 192 1836 Accounts, report relative to auditing town accounts, A 4 160 1837 Dogs, tax on, report on pétition to amend the law.. A 3 238 1831 Common pleas, report on pétition for an additional term.........................................A 3 272 1834 First judge, report relative to the salary of the. ... A 4 301 1836 Stone quarries in, report relative to the quality of the stone in the..............................A 4 2611836 1841 1836 1840 1830 1840 1844 1850 1850 1851 1851 1859 1859 1859 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1823 1833 673 ONONDAGA COUNTY— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Taxes in, report on pétition to extend the time for the collection of................................A 3 142 Tax, report on condition to raise money by tax to build a bridge over Seneca river at Jack’s Reefs. . A 5 180 Tax, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a bridge over Seneca river at Baldwinsville, A 3 149 Overseers of the poor and commissioners of schools, report on pétition for a law requiring them to give security for the public money s in their hands, etc........................................A 2 41 Public buildings, report on pétition of Zebulon Rust for compensation for loss sustained by him by the change of the location of the..............A 1 34 Treasurer of, report on pétition of Daniel Reynolds for a law requiring the, to refund certain money. A 6 241 Report of Canal Board on pétition of a number of residents of......................................A 5 114 Report of committee on canals on pétition of inhabi- tants of Otsego and.................................A 3 49 Pétition of inhabitants of, for repeal of free school law............................... .............A 6 166 Minority report on pétition to discharge sureties of C. M. Brosnan, treasurer of....................A 3 51 Majority report on same subject.....................A 3 51 Report of comptroller on moneys due to..............A 2 77 Report of treasurer of..............................A 1 35 Report of surrogate of..............................A 3 111 Banks in, see Banks. ONONDAGA COUNTY INSTITUTE, see Acade- mies, etc. ONONDAGA INDIANS, see Indians — Onondagas. ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS, see Sait. ONTARIO AND HUDSON STEAMBOAT OR SHIP CANAL. Pétition for a survey of a........................A 4 367 Report of select committee on the same............A 4 380 Report of E. F. Johnson relative to a.............A 3 195 Report of Canal Board relative to a...............A 4 334 Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Utica rela- tive to............................................A 2 158 ONTARIO, COUNTY OF. Jail, report on pétition to raise money by tax to repair the......................................A 1 11 Justices of the peace, report relative to the élection of the..........................................A 1 35 Justices of the peace, report relative to the élection of the..... .................................. A 2 99 85674 ONTARIO, COUNTY OF — Continued. Doc. Voi. No. 1832 Race-course, report on pétition for a...........A 4 285 1832 do do .............A 4 304 1831 Surrogate’s office, report on pétition for the érection of a.........................................A 4 327 1830 New county from part of, report on pétition for a.. A 4 378 1843 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the pétition of the Associated Mechanics of......A 5 163 1859 Report of surrogate of.........................A 2 74 1859 Report of treasurer of.. ........... ..........A 3 110 1862 Report of Comptroller as to payment of State tax in, A3 42 Banks in, see Banks. ONTARIO ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1870 Annual report of............................... A 3 39 1877 At Canandaigua................................. S 1 10 OPPENHEIM, TOWN OF. 1849 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of inhab- itants of, for annexation of part of, to St. Johns- ville, etc...........................................A 3 138 OPP, HENRY B. 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 48 OPHTHALMIC DISPENSARY, see New York. ORANGE COUNTY. 1831 Bridges, report on pétition to make certain bridges by a county tax.............................. S 1 37 1832 Game, report on pétition for the préservation of. .. A 2 73 1838 do do do ... A 4 192 1830 Marsh lands in, report relative to draining certain, A 4 430 1830 Poor-house, report on pétition to raise money to complété.................. .................. A 3 215 1840 New county from part of, report on pétition for a .. A 8 312 1830 New town from parts of Wallkill, Goshen and others, report on pétition for a ....................A 2 113 1842 Report of the committee on railroads on the remon- strance of Sullivan, Ulster and, relative to tbe New York and Erie railroad........................... S 3 74 1859 Report of treasurer of.........................A 3 96 1860 Report of committee relative to érection of new county from parts of, and Ulster county. ....A 2 57 Banks in, see Banks. Milk Association: 1871 Resolution of, relative to transportation of milk on railroads ...................................A 5 73 ORCHARD PARTY ONEIDA INDIANS, see Indians — Oneidas.675 OREGON TERRITORY. Doc. Yol. No. 1844 Joint resolution on tke occupation of.......... S 1 39 1846 Concurrent resolutions relative to..........Al 24 ORISKANY. 1838 Erie canal at, report on pétition against changing tke route of tke ... ..........A 5 225 1839 Erie canal at, report on pétition against ckanging tke route of tke.............................A 4 261 ORISKANY FALLS, VILLAGE OF. 1842 Report of committee on canals, on pétition of inkabi- tants of...................................... A 4 69 1843 Report of committee on canals, on tke pétition of inkabitants of, and vicinity, in relation to moneys paid by tliem on account of locating tke Ckenango canal tkrougk said village.....................A 4 105 1844 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of tke inkabitants of.................................A 3 77 1844 Report of tke minority of committee on daims, on pétition of tke inkabitants of.................A 3 82 ORLEANS, COUNTY OF. 1832 Bridge over Oak Orckard creek, report on pétition for an appropriation to build a. .. ...........A 1 30 1836 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money to build a...................................... A 3 207 1834 Hydraulic company, report on pétition to incorpo- rate....... .............................. ... S 2 111 1839 Jail in, report on pétition for a loan to complété the, Al 13 1839 do do do A 2 35 1833 Sole-leatker, inspector of, annual report of I. Bagley, A 3 145 1831 Sole-leatker, inspector of, annual report of Lewis Warner........................................ S 1 13 1832 Sole-leatker, inspector of, annual report of Lewis Warner.........................................A 1 41 1859 Report of treasurer of.........................A 3 96 1859 Report of surrogate of...........................A 3 109 1860 Report of committee on pétition of citizens of.A 2 67 1864 do do do .... A 7 161 ORLEANS COUNTY. 1870 Report of superintendent of poor of............. S 2 32 1871 do do .............A3 24 1872 do do .............A 2 19 ORPHAN ASYLUMS, see Albany, New York, etc. 1847 Report of majority of committee on colleges, etc., on bill to provide for instruction in.............A 8 234 ORWAN, CHARLES. 1836 Report on pétition of, for tke use of tke surplus water at Elmira......................................A 2 107676 OSBORNE, ABIJAH. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Report of canal board relative to bill for relief of... A 7 209 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for compensation for building locks on Erie canal enlargement................................ A 2 64 1851 Report of committee on daims for canal damages. .A 4 108 1851 Report on pétition of, for relief ........... S 1 16 1856 Report on pétition of.........................A 3 35 OSBORNE, MARCUS B. 1835 Report on pétition of, to construct a wharf at Sag Harbor.................................... A 3 180 OSGOOD & KELLOGG. 1844 Report of canal board on pétition of......... S 2 59 OSGOOD, CALVIN, see W. W. McLouth and others. OSGOOD, J. C. 1844 Report of canal board on pétition of......... S 2 58 OSSIAN, TOWN OF. 1857 Report of minority of standing committee on érec- tion and division of towns and counties on annexa- tion of, to Livingston county.............. S 4 116 OSSINING, TOWN OF. 1846 Report on bill to confirm the érection and official acts of the officers of, etc............... S 3 80 OSTRANDER, WILHELMUS A. 1837 Report on pétition to change his name....... A 3 188 OSTRANDER, WILLIAM. 1834 Report on pétition for bounty lands for revolution- ary services ...............................A 2 57 OSWEGATCHIE NAVIGATION COMPANY. 1836 Report on pétition to revive an act to incorporate the...................................... A 4 314 1837 Report on pétition to increase the capital stock of the.........................................A 3 228 OSWEGATCHIE RIVER. 1852 Report on bill for an appropriation to improve the, A 5 93 OSWEGATCHIE, TOWN OF. 1836 Roads and bridges in, report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of.............A 4 304 1837 Roads and bridges in, report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of.............A 4 321 1837 Roads and bridges in, report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of............ A 4 323 1833 Town-house, report on pétition for a...........A 4 249677 OSWEGO AND UTICA RAILROAD, see Railroads. OSWEGO BRIDGE. Doc. Vol. No. 1848 Report of committee on roads and bridges in relation to..................................... S 2 36 OSWEGO, CITY OF. 1848 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to to pétition to cede lands to................ S 2 39 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. 1857 Report of trustées of.............................. A 2 85 1858 Annual report of............................... S 2 27 1859 do A 2 56 1860 do A 2 39 1862 do A 4 80 1864 do A 2 49 1865 do A 3 74 1866 Report of trustées of................................A 3 58 1867 do A 6 86 1868 do .......................\ ... S 3 25 1869 do A 2 27 1870 do A 3 56 1871 do A 3 32 1873 do A 4 47 1874 do A 2 36 OSWEGO, COUNTY OF. 1837 County courts of the, report on pétition to change the time of holding ..............................A 3 227 1833 Sole-leather, report of L. Warner, an inspector of.. S 2 50 1833 Fishing in the, report on pétition for the repeal of the act relative to the..................... A 4 242 1830 Road through, report on pétition for aid to improve a...... ................................. A 4 350 1842. Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of inhabitants of, relative to dam at Oswego Falls.. A 7 167 1843 Communication from Governor transmit tin g a memorial of inhabitants of, on the subject of the currency....................................A 5 174 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of a number of residents of................................A 5 114 1859 Report of treasurer of.........................A 1 48 OSWEGO FALLS. 1842 Dam at, report of canal committee relative to..A 7 167 1843 Report of the Canal Commissioners in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in relation to the removal of, and Horse Shoe dam..............A 4 93 OSWEGO, VILLAGE OF. 1839 Oswego Guards, report on pétition to incorporate the.........................................A 6 4091837 1836 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1834 1837 1831 1831 1831 1843 1845 1846 1830 1830 1835 1836 1836 1836 1837 1837 1832 1831 1831 678 OSWEGO, VILLAGE OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Weigh-lock at, report of Canal Board on pétition for a............................................A 3 231 Wet dock and bridge company, report on pétition to incorporate..................................... A 4 290 Ship canal from, to Albany, pétition for a survey of a.............................................A 4 367 Ship canal from, to Albanjr, report on the same ... A 4 380 Ship canal from, to Albany, proceedings of a meet- ing of citizens of Utica in relation to a..........A 2 158 Ship canal from, to Albany, report of a survey of a route for a......................................A 3 195 Ship canal from,. to Albany, report of Canal Board relative to a....................................A 4 334 Ship canal from, to Utica, memorial of inhabitants of Utica for a.............................. .. S 2 104 Ship canal from, to Utica, memorial of inhabitants of Oneida for a..................................A 2 132 Canal company, report on pétition of the, for extra allowance....................................... A 4 309 Canal company, memorial of Al vin Bronson, presi- dent of the.............• • * • ... .............A 4 348 Canal company, report of committee on canals on the same.........................................A 4 362 Property shipped and left at, report of Canal Board relative to......................................A 5 148 Remonstrance of inhabitants of, against proposed discriminating duties on Erie canal..............A 4 85 Police justice, report relative to................ S 3 93 OSWEGO, EAST. Public lands in, report on pétition relative to certain......................................... S 2 78 Public lands in, report of committee on two-thirds bills on the bill relative to....................A 3 278 Public lands in, report on pétition of Jones & Smith for a grant of a portion of the................. S 2 69 Public lands in, report on the pétition of the presi- dent, etc., of Oswego, relative to a grant of land made to Jones & Smith............................A 3 153 Public lands in, report on pétition of Jones & Smith relative to the same............................ A 4 266 School lots in, report concerning the..............A 4 267 Cemetery in, report cbncerning the.................A 3 239 do do ...............A 3 277 OSWEGO, WEST. Fish market lot, report on pétition to authorize the sale of the......................................A 3 227 Marine railway, report on pétition for land to erect a, A 4 289 Marine railway, report of select committee on the same.............................................A 4 329679 1834 1838 1838 1843 1844 1844 1848 1862 1868 1833 1841 1841 1834 1838 1837 1840 1846 1846 1850 1830 1846 OSWEGO, WEST — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Marine railway, report on pétition of A. Yarick and others concerning the...........................A 4 181 Old Fortification Block, No. 2. Report concerning...............................A 4 183 do A 5 214 Report of the committee on ways and means on the pétition of the owner of, for relief.......A 4 101 Report of Commission ers of Land Office on the péti- tion of the owners of, for relief............. A 3 59 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of Al vin Bronson and others relative to.....A 5 111 Report of committee on daims on pétition of pur- chasers of.............................. ... A 3 107 OSWALD AND YAN YALKENBURGH. Communication from Canal Commissioners relative to contract of..................................A 6 123 OTISCO LAKE. Report of State Engineer and Surveyor for a new réservoir at ............................... S 5 74 OTIS, O. G. Oration of, delivered on the centennial anniversary of Washington’s birthday.....................A 4 306 OTSEGO AND SCHOHARIE RAJLROADS, see Railroads. OTSEGO, COUNTY OF. County buildings, report on bill to provide for the location and érection of the................. S 3 69 County buildings, minority report on the same .. A 5 164 Jail, report on pétition to erect a............. A 3 200 Jail limits, report on pétition to enlarge the.A 3 131 New county from part of, report on pétition for a .. A 2 131 do do do .. A 6 242 Report of committee on erecting a new county from Delaware, Chemung and.........................A 4 97 Report of minority of committee on same. ........A 4 105 Report of committee on lands on pétition of inhabit- ants of Onondaga and.............................A 3 49 OTSEGO LAKE. Report relative to connecting Otsego lake with the Erie canal, by canal and railroad.............A 1 63 OTSELIC, TOWN OF. Report relative to certain costs, etc., of school dis- trict No. 11, in a suit with Isaiah Lewis....... S 4 110 OSEQÜETTE, ANTHONY, see John and Jenny Hill.680 OTSQUAGO CREEE. r 1841 Report of Canal Board on pétition for a bridge over.......................................A 8 225 OTT, JAS. C. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.........A 5 151 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 169 OTTENDORFER, OSWALD. 1873 Communication from Governor, transmitting résig- nation of, as Regent of the University............ S 4 92 OVID, TOWN OF. 1831 Wharf and harbor near Sheldrake Point, report on pétition to construct a....................A 4 324 OYID, VILLAGE OF. 1841 Report on pétition for a new act of incorporation ..SI 37 OWASCO LAKE. 1830 Report relative to the érection of a gâte at the foot of ........................................A 4 399 OWASCO LAKE IMPROVEMENT. 1855 Report of commissioners of............. .... A 2 35 'OWASCO OUTLET. 1847 Report of committee on State prisons on a bill to improve....................................A 8 231 OWEGO AND ÜTICA RAILROAD, see Railroads. OWEGO, VILLAGE OF. 1830 Cox’s patent at, report relative to the claim of the State to a portion of..................... S 3 245 1834 State road from, to Hudson’s river, report on pétition for a.....................................A 4 363 1835 Macadam road from, to Albany, report on pétition for a.....................................A 5 387 OWEN, EPHRAIM. 1861 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 91 1862 do ..........................A 8 222 1864 do ..........................A 2 40 OWENS, MARIA, AND OTHERS. 1867 Report daims committee on pétition of.......A 8 161 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. 1878 Superintendent of the, annual report of the.A 3 29 ORDNANCE. 1878 Chief of, annual report of..................A 7 83 OFFICERS OF SENATE. 1879 List of.................................... S 2 301879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1883 1883 1884 1884 1885 1885 1886 1886 681 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Doc. Toi. No, Report of superintendent.................A 2 25 ORDERS. Senate rules and........................ S 1 4 And rules of senate as amended.......... S 1 28 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Superintendent’s report..................A 3 40 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Report of............................... A 2 24 OLEMOARGARINE AND LARD CHEESE. Report concerning.................. ... A 8 105,128 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of superintendent of... A 2 27 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Report of............................... A 3 30 ONONDAGA TRIBE OF INDIANS. Report of Attorney-General in reply to resolution, S 6 77 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Annual report of........................A 2 20 OFFICERS, see Senators. ONONDAGA INDIANS. Report concerning condition of........ .. S 2 35 ORDERS, see General Orders; Rules. ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS COMPANY. Report of, in reply to resolution.........A 4 80 ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS. Pétition of...............................A 6 63 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Report of.................................A 5 30 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Superintendent of, report of............. A 3 32 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Report of............................... A 2 14 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of superintendent..................A 5 27 OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Annual report of......................... A 1 10 86682 ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Doc.Voi. No. 1887 Superintendent, report of....... ..............A 7 41 OSWEGO CITY LIBRAKY. 1887 Report of......................................A 9 83 1888 Annual report of...............................A 3 11 OWNERSHIP OF MADE LAND IN NEW YORK CITY. 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General in relation to.....A 3 163 OXFORD, VILLAGE OF. 1835 Report on pétition for a lock to connect the canal with the river at.... ............ .......... S 2 64 OYSTER BAY. 1832 Academy, report on pétition of, relative to the dis- tribution of the Literature Fund..................A 2 59 1838 Poor of, report on pétition to appoint trustées of the “Jones fund” for the support of the poor_A 5 228 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of J. E. De Kay and Daniel Pleet to erect a......................A 4 320 1877 OYSTER BAY, TOWN OF, see Nassau. OYSTER BEDS. 1830 In Staten Island Sound, report concerning......A 3 242 1831 On the shores of Westfield and Southfield, report relative to.................................. S 1 14 OYSTER POND, VILLAGE OF. 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of Joseph Terry to erect a......................... ............A 4 352 OYSTERS. 1838 In East river, report on pétition to protect persons planting.....................................A 3 157 PACAMA, FLY AND BEAVERKILL SWAMPS. 1848 Report as to draining..........................A 2 34 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1867 Report of committee to investigate affaire of..A 8 210 1873 Reply of, in answer to resolution of Assembly.. A 5 67 PACKARD, ISAAC. 1873 Report on pétition of, for rédemption of the canal stock held by him on proof that the certificate is lost..............................................A 2 48 PACKARD, JOHN F. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 4 110 1856 Report on pétition of..........................683 PACKARD, S. S. Doc. Vol. No. 1856 Report on pétition of, with others...........A 3 40 PACKET BOATS, see Canals. PADDOCK, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to their lands by the Oswego canal.........A 4 158 PADDOCK, JOHN. 1864 Report on pétition of............................. A 54 PADDOCK, NATHAN. 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................... A 4 344 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 5 389 1836 Report of committee on canals relative to same.... A 4 296 1839 Report of committee on daims relative to same... A 3 80 PAGE, DORCAS. 1851 Report of committee on daims of..............A 3 60 PAGE, KELLOG, SAGE & CO. 1838 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Glen’s Falls feeder...................... A 3 99 1838 Report of select committee on the same... ... A 5 215 1839 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same..........A 2 69 1839 Report of committee on daims.......................A 4 165 PAGE, WILLIAM. 1835 Report on pétition of, to confirm a contract between him and the Orchard party of the Oneida Indians, S 2 29 1835 Report in relation to the same.....................A 4 280 PAIGE, H. C., see Claims, Digest of. PAIGE, JOHN KEYS, see Suprême Court clerks. PAIGE, WM. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...............A 7 164 1843 Report of committee on claims on a bill for the relief of....................................... S 3 121 1843 Report by same committee on pétition of ...........A 5 123 1844 do do do ......... SI 25 PAINE, ABIAL. 1843 Report of committee on claims on pétition of.A 4 99 1843 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 5 160 1844 Report of committee on claims on pétition of.A 3 37 PALATINE AND EPHRATAH, Etc. 1848 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to.............................................. S 2 67 1848 Minority report on same........................... S 2 70684 PALATINE BEIDGE COMPANY. Doe. Vol No. 1847 Eeport of Comptroller relative to tolls of...... S 3 91 PALMEE, DOEOTHEA. 1868 Eeport of daims committee on pétition of.........A 9 105 PALMEE HEATH, PECK, HÜESTED AND HUESTED. 1862 Eeport of committee on pétition of..............A 8 216 PALMEE, I. L., see S. M. Mott. PALMEE, JOHN J. 1837 Eeport on pétition of, relative to certain land. S 2 57 PALMEE, NOAH. 1854 Eeport on pétition of...........................A 2 57 1856 do ............................. S 2 66 PALMYEA, TOWN OF. 1849 Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of, relative to Eochester and Syracuse railroad, etc..........A 3 122 PAMELIA, TOWN OF. 1834 Eeport on pétition to borrow money to rebuild bridges over Black river...................... A 2 63 1840 Eeport on pétition for a loan to build bridges across Black river...................................A 8 336 PAPEE MONEY, see Banks. 1837 Eeport relative to reducing tlie amount of, in circu- lation, and increasing the proportion of metallic currency..........................................A 4 302 PAPINEAU, LOUIS JOSEPH AMEDEE. 1841 Eeport on pétition to allow him to practice as an attorney-at-law ... .. .......................A 2 22 PAEDEE, LUTHEE AND OTHEES. 1833 Eeport on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the dam across East Canada creek...........A 4 322 1835 Eeport of canal commissioners on the same ......A 4 361 1835 Eeport of committee on grievances on the same... A 5 393 1836 Eeport of Canal Commissioners relative to same.... S 1 93 1841 do do do _______A 5 155 1842 Eeport of Canal Commissioners on pétition of....A 5 101 1843 Eeport of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 5 123 1843 Eeport by same committee on pétition of... .. A 5 132 PAEDONS, EEPEIEYES, Etc., see Governor, Secre- tary of State.685 PARIS, CITY OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Communication from charge d’affaires and consul of the United States at... ............. .... A 4 119 PARIS EXPOSITION. 1867 Report of New York State Commissioner to....A 2 17 1868 do do ..... S 3 39 PARIS, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition to authorize Asher Flint to take the oath of commissioner of deeds.........A 8 328 PARISH, WM. 1841 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the construction of a lock at Fort Ann.A 4 133 PARK, ED WIN W., ASSIGNEES OF. 1868 Report of daims committee <*n pétition of....A 8 74 PARK, JONES’ WOOD. 1854 Report relative to................A 1 18 PARKER, R. L., AND OTHERS, see Daniel Cameron. PARKHURST, AARON. 1834 A subcontractor on the Erie canal, report on péti- tion of, for pay for labor, etc............A 4 329 PARKHURST, AARON, AND JOHN Z. DUNN. 1838 Report on pétition of, for a grant of surplus water of the Erie canal...........................A 4 197 1840 Report relative to same.......................A 3 99 PARKHURST, THOMPSON. 1841 Report on pétition for pay for certain lands taken for the enlarged Erie canal.................A 6 220 PERKINS, JOSEPH W. (analien.) 1831 Report on pétition of, to hold real estate....A 2 168 PARMA, TOWN OF. 1830 First Methodist church in, report relative to the incorporation of the... ....................A 4 390 PARMALEE, SOLOMON, AND OTHERS. 1851 Report of committee on pétition for damages for sait lands................................ S 2 43 PARMELEE, HORACE. 1844 Report of canal board on pétition of..........A 3 44 PARSONS, ANDREW, see Mary O’Neil.686 1840 1841 1841 1859 1849 1843 1843 1844 1842 1852 1851 1854 1834 1853 1849 1849 PARSONS, DANIEL B. Doc> Voi. No. Report on pétition of, for pay for damages to his lands by the Ckemung canal................. S 3 36 Report on pétition of, for pay for damages to his lands by the Chemung canal...................A 4 115 PARSONS, HIRAM AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands bought of the State..........................A 7 263 PARTIES TO BE WITNESSES. Remonstrance against the repeal of the law allowing, Al 32 PARTNERS AND JOINT DEBTORS. Report of select committee on bill to amend act for relief of............................... A 3 112 PATHOLOGY OF DRUNKENNESS, DR. SEW- ALL’S (with plates). Report on the, on the subject of distributing. S 3 116 Report of select committee on the pétition of citi- zens of New York relative to................A 2 33 Report of select committee, to whom was referred a bill for the distribution of plates. ......A 5 102 PATENTS, DIGEST OF. Communication from Secretary of State relative to, issued by the United States..................A 5 123 PATENT, WOODWORTITS. Extension of.................................A 2 64 PATENT, A. & F. G. Report of committee on canal damages........ A 4 100 PATTEN, ALBERT & CO. Report on pétition of........................S 2 76 PATTEN, HENRY N. Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal............................A 4 267 PATTEN, JAMES W., AND RICHARD NILES. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief.......................................A 5 124 PATTERSON, COUNTY OF. Report of Attorney-General on the constitutionality of erecting, from parts of different Senate and Assembly districts............................A 3 123 Report of committee on érection and division of towns, etc., on pétition for érection of......A 3 152687 1859 1876 1877 1830 1863 1864 1866 1867 1868 1830 1831 1846 1847 1834 1861 1848 1845 1836 1837 1838 1841 PAUPERS, EMIGRANT. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on ways and means relative to relief and maintenance of.......... ...A 4 171 See Poor. PAUPERISM AND CRIME. Report of Secretary of State on............ S 2 46 Report of Secretary of State on............A 9 142 PAWLING AND BEEKMAN TÜRNPIKE COM- PANY. Report on pétition to amend the charter of the_A 4 416 PAYMASTER-GENERAL. Annual report of ...................... A 6 187 Report of, relative to payment of State bounties to volunteers...............................A 7 183 Annual report of...........................A 3 39 do A 11 236 do A 5 34 PAYNE, BENJAMIN H. Report on pétition of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Champlain canal................ A 4 328 Report on pétition of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Champlain canal.................A 2 80 PAYNE, ABIAL. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A, 1 26 do do do ....A 1 14 PAY, THOMAS. A résident alien, report on pétition of, to hold real estate.................................... A 4 382 PEACE CONVENTION. ( 59 Report of commissioners to.................. S 1 < qq PEAKE, JOHN L. Report on pétition of .................... A 2 40 PEALE, RUBENS, AND OTHERS, see New York Muséum. PEARSONS, IRA. Report of the committee on daims on the act for the relief of, etc............................A 3 52 PEARSON, SAMUEL. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his lands by the Champlain canal...........A 3 110 Report of committee on daims on the same........A 3 230 Report of committee on grievances on the same .... A 3 78 do do do .... A 4 110688 PECK, CURTISS. Doc. Vol. No 1834 Report on pétition of, to c^nstruct a wharf in the town of Rye.......................................A 3 210 1835 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same...................................... A 1 51 1835 Report of select committee on the same..............A 2 103 PECK, IRA, AND ANOTHER. 1867 Report on daims committee on pétition of............A 8 162 1867 do do do ....... S 2 32 1868 do do do .......A 9 101 PECK, ISAAC AND ELI J AH. 1835 Report on pétition of, to erect a dock at Flushing.. A 2 111 PECK, JAMES L. 1856 Report on pétition of...............................A 4 167 PECKHAM, LUCIEN T. 1853 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of....... S 2 50 PEEBLES, GERR1T, AND R. YANDEKAR. 1830 Report on pétition of, to annex two islands in the Mohawk river to the county of Rensselaer..........A 4 346 PEEKSKILL VILLAGE. 1835 Ferries between, and CaldweU’s, report concerning, A 4 313 1839 Report on pétition for a new act of incorporation .. A 4 162 PEIRCE, J., AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on manufactures, on the péti- tion of............................................ S 3 75 PEKIN, VILLAGE OF. 1841 Arsenal at, report on pétition for an...............A 6 196 PELHAM, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition to authorize George Rapelje to build a bridge across East Chester creek..........S 2 116 PELL, R. L. 1857 Report on pétition of, relative to salmon fisheries... S 4 146 PEMBROKE, TOWN OF. 1834 Bridges in, report on pétition relative to the sup- port of............................................ S 1 18 1831 Division of the, report on pétition for the.........A 2 107 1832 do do .......A 2 54 1838 Classical school, report on pétition for a..........A 1 18 PENFIELD, HENRY F. 1831 Report on pétition of, relative to the ferry at Squaw Island, Niagara riv^r.............................A 2 192689 PÉNFIELD, WILLIAM W'. Doc. Vol. No. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 8 166 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of.... S 2 81 PENITENTIARY, ALBANY, see Albany City. PENNELL, RICHARD. 1834 Report on pétition of, to rebuild a wharf at the Narrows, in Kings county....*...............A 3 179 1834 Report on pétition of, to rebuild a wharf at the Narrows, in Kings county....................A 3 238 PENNSYLVANIA, STATE OF. 1871 Report of daims committee n pétition of many citizens of ..................................A 6 82 1830 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the tarifé........................................A 1 120 183 J Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina..............................A 2 39 1834 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to lotteries................................... A 1 11 1836 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative tô the public lands................................. S 2 83 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the public lands... ..............................A 4 109 1839 North Branch canal, Governor’s message relative to the connection of the, with the Chemung or Chenango canals ........................... S 3 86 1839 Report of a joint select committee on the same ... S 3 112 1839 Report on pétition to connect the Chenango canal with the......................................A 4 195 1875 Résolution of Assembly of, relative to Louisiana question......................................A 5 49 1877 Boundary monuments, report on....................A 6 62 MORRISON, WM. 1845 Resolution of, authorizing the New York and Erie railroad to run into..........................A 4 133 1846 Act relative to the New York and Erie railroad ... A 5 170 PENSIONS, see Révolution. 1839 Report of Comptroller relative to persons claiming pensions under acts of Congress...............A 6 395 PEOPLE’S COLLEGE. 1865 Communication from Regents of University rela- tive to............................................. S 2 45 PEOPLE’S SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. 1869 Communication from Superintendent ôf Bank Department relative to....................... S 3 39 87690 PEOPLE’S STEAM FERRY COMPANY. Doc. Vol. No> 1857 Report on bill to incorporate................ S 4 169 PERCE, W. L. 1830. A debtor imprisoned in Cayuga county jail, report of Attorney-General concerning.............A 2 193 PERCH RIVER. 1830 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Jefferson county, to remove obstructions in..................A 4 379 PERKINS, JAMES. 1834 Communication from, relative to the Seventh Ward Bank....................................... S 2 94 PERRINE, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 5 156 PERRY, A. H. 1832 Report on pétition to change his name........A 4 294 PERRY, GEORGE T., AND HENRY. 1835 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.............................A 3 226 1841 Report on pétition for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.............................A 6 238 PERRY, TOWN OF. 1832 Boundary line of,'report concerning the......A 2 172 1856 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of. SI 21 PERRTNTON. 1872 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of town of, for canal damages......................A 7 74 PERSONAL ESTATE, VALUATION OF, nee Real and Personal Estate. PERSONAL LIBERTY. 1848 Report of committee on judiciary on bill for the protection of.............................. S 1 14 1859 Report of majority of committee on bill toprotect. .S 2 117 1859 Report of minority of committee on bill to protect.. S 2 120 1859 Report of Mr. Lamont of committee on bill to pro- tect ....................................... S 2 122 1860 Report of minority of committee on bill to protect, A 3 100 PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1841 Report on pétition to extend the exemption of, from sale on execution or distress for rent..... S 3 81 1837 Mortgages of, report on bill requiring them to be filed in the town clerk’s and other offices........A 3 193 1838 Mortgages of, report concerning......................A 3 111G91 PERSONS. - Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Tliat abandoned their families; report relative to amending the Revised Statutes, so as to give relief to the wives and children of.............A 3 214 PERSONS, CHAUNCEY. 1835 One of the guard of the Auburn prison, wounded in the discharge of his duty, report on pétition of, for relief.......................................A 2 104 PERTH, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition to annex parts of Mayfield and Broadalbin to the...... ........................A 6 246 1842 Report of the committee on towns, etc., relative to enlargement of the.............................. S 2 34 PETERS, DR. 1864 Report of, on longitude of Elmira.................. A 8 197 PETERS, HENRY. 1832 Report on pétition of, to erect a dam at Deposit._A 4 322 PETERS, HENRY T. 1850 Report on pétition............................. S 1 18 PETERS, T. C. 1864 Reply of, as State Assessor..................... S 4 53 1864 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly.............A 7 141 PETERSBURGH, TOWN OF. 1832 First and Seventh Day Baptist, societies of, report on pétition of, to alter their charters........A 4 324 PETITION, RIGHT OF. 1838 Resolution protesting against a resolution of the House of Représentatives, in relation to the .... A 5 270 1839 Report of Mr. Young, on the resolutions from the Assembly, relative to the same................ S 2 53 1839 Resolution protesting against the Atherton resolu- tions ........................................ A 3 91 1840 Resolution protesting against the Atherton resolu- tions .........................................A 3 86 PETRIE, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of ... S 2 67 PHARES, ANDREW. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the sait land at Geddes.................................. S 3 219 PHELPS, GEORGE W., AND OTHERS. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 10 158 PHELPS, HORACE G., see Robert Land and others.692 1830 1831 1846 1856 1852 1853 1853 1872 1873 1863 1852 1842 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1851 1851 1851 1836 1836 PHELPS, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. Leather manufacturing company in the, report on pétition to incorporât©................... A 4 403 Bridges in the, report on pétition to raise money for the support of.......................... A 4 301 Report of committee on colleges, on pétition of the inhabitants of..................................A 5 176 PHELPS, WALTER, Jr. Report on pétition of...........................A 3 53 PHILADELPHIA. Resolutions of common council in, in relation to the érection of a monument in............... S Message from Governor, transmitting proceedings of a convention on the subject of erecting a monument in Independence square...............A Select committee, report of, on reference of Gov- nor’s message in relation to monument in Inde- pendence square.........................................A PHILBRICK, JOSEPH, AND MILO M. SPICER. Report of committee on daims, on pétition of....A 7 85 Report of committee of daims, on bill relative to daim of.......................................A 5 87 PHILIPS, IRA E., AND WM. J. NELSON. Report on pétition of...........................A 5 93 PHILIPS, JOHN C. Report on pétition of.......................... A 2 47 PHILIPS AND NELSON. Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A do do do ................A Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S Report of the committee on finance on the pétition of........................................... S Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... A do do do ... A Report of committee on canal damages.......... S Report on pétition of, for canal damages .. .. S Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, for canal damages.................................... A PHILIPS, JOHN, AND JOHN BEACH. Majority report on pétition of, for a grant of the ferry across the Niagara river at Youngstown ... A 2 63 Minority report on the same.....................A 2 62 5 107 1 17 i I26 1 127 1 44 3 86 5 107 6 14=2 2 55 2 37 4 103 1 6 4 89 4 102693 PHILIPS, PETER. Doc. Vol. Ko. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 6 83 PHOENIX DAM. 1862 Report of State Engineef and Surveyor relative to, A 6 131 PICKARD, LUC Y, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report on pétition of........................A 7 140 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of .......A 6 72 PIERCE, C. S., AND P. A. COOK. 1861 Report on pétition of........................A 5 108 PIERCE, G. T. 1846 Majority report relative to daim of Epenetus Crosby to seat occupied by ... .................. A 2 45 1846 Minority report on same subject..............A 2 46 P1ERSON, EDWARD. 1847 Report on pétition of........................A 2 63 PIRE, SAMUEL. 1846 Report on bill for the relief of the widow and heirs of........................................ S 1 25 PILLMORE, WILLIAM AND OTHERS 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 3 43 PILLOW, WM. H., AND JOHN BLACK. 1849 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of, for divorce, etc ..............................A 2 66 PILOT AND PILOT SYSTEM, see New York. PILLSBURY, AMOS. 1862 Report of visit to State Prisons............ S 4 68 1862 Answer to report of........................ S 5 91 PICKNEY, L. R., AND OTHERS. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 4 73 PICKNEY, WALTER S. 1874 Memorial claiming seat of Hon. Hugh H. Moore. .. S 3 40 1874 Pétition in matter of, against Moore........ S 4 82 1875 Report of committee on contested seat of.... S 3 47 PINE, C. M. 1833 Report on pétition of, for the repayment of money paid by him for a peddler’s license....... S 2 96 1833 Report on the same...........................A 2 152 PINE PLAINS. 1836 Road from to Poughkeepsie, report on pétition to repeal the law to lay out à................A 2 97694 PINK, JAMES. Doc. Vol. No. 186U Report on pétition of........................A 4 168 1861 do do .........................A 5 107 PITCHER, MATTHEW C. 1847 Report on pétition of...................... S 4 124 PITCHER, MATTHEW L. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 70 PITTSFORD, TOWN OF. 1835 Surplus canal water at, report concerning.....A 2 83 PITTSFORD, VILLAGE OF. 1856 Report on pétition of inhabitants of .........A 4- 163 PITTSTOWN, TOWN OF. 1834 Memorial of inhabitants of, relative to the Troy Turnpike*and Railroad Company...............A 3 204 Plus IX, POPE. 1849 Catalogue of engravings presented by, etc.....A 3 117 PLANK-ROADS. 1844 Report of committee on roads and bridges relative to..........................................A 7 197 1847 Report on general law for.................... S 2 50 1848 Report on pétition of, for alterations in law relative to..........................................A 5 163 1850 Report of Secretary of State.... ........ S 2 74 1853 Report of committee on roads and bridges on péti- tion of inhabitants of Kings county relative to toll on.....................................A 4 88 PLANK AND TURNPIKE ROADS. 1865 Message of Governor, vetoing bill authorizing the collection of additional tolls on......... S 3 100 PLANTOU, A. 1835 Report on pétition of relative to an improvement in steam navigation............................A 5 385 1837 Report on pétition for an appropriation for building a canal steamboat...........................A 2 100 PLATO, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to change the name of the.A 3 201 PLATTSBURGH. 1840 Wharf at, communication from the secretary of war in relation to a.......................... A 5 174 1843 Résolution of public meeting in, recommending the employment of convicts in mining and manufac- turing of iron..............................A 5 157 1859 Remonstrance against the bill in relation to the construction of docks at..................* A 3 135695 PLATTSBURGH AND WHITEHALL ROAD. D 1849 Report of committee on roads, etc., on pétition of sundry citizens of Washington, Essex and Clinton in relation to............................A 3 168 PLUMB, OVID, AND OTHERS. 1869 Report of claim committee on bill for relief of. S 3 33 POLITICAL REFORM. 1870 Memorial of State Methodist Convention for...... S 2 67 POLLEY, JONATHAN. 1856 Report on pétition for relief............... A 3 85 POMEROY, MEDAD. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..... S 3 89 1843 Report of the Canal Board on pétition of......S 3 90 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief............ S 1 29 POMFRET, TOWN OF. 1839 Report on pétition relative to the school moneys of the........................................ A 5 305 POOLE, BYRON, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief..................................... S 1 33 POOLE, LEORA A. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 119 POOLE, OLIVER. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 2 84 POOLE, SAMUEL AND WILLIAM. 1847 Report on pétitions of........................A 2 70 POOR, COUNTY. 1832 Accounts of certain officers for the support of, report relative to..........................A 1 12 1832 Accounts of certain officers for the support of, report relative to..........................A 2 118 POOR, COUNTY AND TOWN. 1839 Report on pétition to revive the distinction between, A 5 299 POOR, FOREIGN. 1850 Memorial of the New York common cour cil against the bill for the relief of the several counties in this State from the support of................. A 3 260 1830 Report on pétition of supervisors of Washington county for a révision of the law relative to the importation of..........................................A 4 330696 POOR, FOREIGN— Continued. Doc. Yoi. No. 1830 Report on pétition of supervisors of Kings county to be relieved from the support of..............A 2 112 . 1838 Funeral, inquests andexpenses of, report on pétition of Queens county relative to the................A 5 282 1842 Report of committee relative to support, in New York............................................A 5 129 1849 Communication from Attorney-General recommend- ing measures respecting the introduction of dis- ease and....................................... S 3 76 1855 Report of select committee on resolution of Légis- lature of Rhode Island in relation to...................A 5 134 1859 Report of committee on ways and means, relative to relief and maintenance of émigrant paupers .... A 4 171 POOR-HOUSE SYSTEM. 1831 Report in relation to the.....*.................. A 4 305 1840 Report on pétition to abolish the, in certain counties, A 6 267 1831 do do do A 7 265 POOR-HOUSES, COUNTY. 1838 Abuses in, report in relation to..................A 6 310 1838 do do ..................A 6 360 1857 Report of select committee relative to visitation of jails, etc..................................... S 1 8 POOR LAWS. 1832 Report as to publishing them in pamphlet form___A 3 189 1837 Report on pétition to amend the law granting tem- porary relief...................................A 1 41 1853 Communication from Secretary of State in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to...A l 14 1863 Communication from the Secretary of State, relative to new édition of poor laws................... S 5 103 POOR STATISTICS. 1846 Annual report of Secretary of State relative to_A 5 199 1847 Annual report of................................ S 3 100 1849 Report of Secretary of State respecting.......... S 3 83 1850 Report of Secretary of State......................A 6 166 1851 Report of Secretary of State concerning...........A 5 147 1853 Report of Secretary of State of, for 1851 and 1852, A 5 120 1854 Report relative to ...............................A 4 144 1855 Report of Secretary of State of.................. S 3 72 1856 Annual report of, by Secretary of State...........A 5 214 1857 Report of........................................ S 4 131 1858 Annual report on.... .............................A 1 10 1859 Annual report of the Secretary of State on........A 3 101 1860 do do A 2 71 1861 do do A 2 60 1862 do do S 4 65 1863 do do A 9 230697 POOR STATISTICS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1864 Animal report of the Secretary of State on.......... A 8 198 1865 do do A 7 147 1866 do do A 7 165 1867 do do A 7 145 1868 do do A 9 88 1869 do do A 6 79 1870 do do A 6 124 1871 do do A 7 46 POOR, SÜPERINTENDENTS OF. 1831 Abstract of reports of.........................A 1 é6 1832 do .......................................A 1 33 1833 do .......................................A 2 38 1834 do .......................................A 3 173 1835 do .......................................À 3 185 1836 do ............. .........................A 2 72 1837 do .......................................A 3 270 1838 do .......................................A 6 311 1839 do .......................................A 3 146 1840 do .......................................A 3 332 1841 Abstract of reports of....................... A 7 277 1838 To make additional returns, resolution for the same, A 6 360 1839 Report on pétition to require them to give security, etc ........................................ A 6 384 1842 Abstract of returns of..............................A 5 121 1823 Annual report of Secretary of State transmitting abstracts of the returns for the year 1842...A 2 38 1844 Report of Secretary of State ’with abstract from reports of.................................. S 2 73 1856 Memorial of relative to pauperism and crime. S 1 17 POPE PIUS IX. „ 1846 Catalogue of engravings presented by, etc..A 3 117 POPPENHUSEN ASSOCIATION FOR ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. 1869 Annual report of.............................. S 3 32 1870 do ........................... S 2 24 1871 do ...........................A 11 120 POPPENHUSEN INSTITUTE OF COLLEGE POINT. 1872 Report of......................................A 8 110 1873 Annual report of...............................A 7 110 1874 Report of..........................................A 5 68 1875 Annual report of ............................. A 6 70 1876 do .................................... 6 75 1877 do ........................... S 2 45 PORT BAY, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition to change the name of the. S 1 40 88698 PORT, BYRON. Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Communication from Canal Board in relation to line of canal at..............................A 3 74 1857 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution relative to enlargement of the Erie canal at.......................................... A 2 88 PORT CHESTER, VILLAGE OF. 1838 Report on pétition to change the name of, to Saw- pit.........................................A 5 221 1841 Report relative to same...................... S 1 23 PORTER, AUGUSTUS, AND OTHERS. 1832 Report on pétition of, to incorporate the Niagara Manufacturing Company, and to construct a canal from Niagara Falls to the Erie canal....A 2 113 1833 Report on pétition of, relative to the said canal... SI 29 PORTER, AUGUSTUS, AND BENJAMIN BAR- TON. 1836 Report relative fco an execution issued against. S 1 17 PORTER, DAVID, see H. Hulbert. PORTER, JAMES, see Chancery, Registér in. PORTER, JESSIE, AND OTHERS. 1836 Report on pétition for a grant of certain lands at their appraised value...................... S 2 82 PORTER, RICHARD W. 1847 Pétition of. . ...............................A 2 79 - PORTER, TOWN OF. < 1831 Report on pétition to legalize a town meeting of the.........................................A 3 219 PORT HENRY, VILLAGE OF. 835 Report of commissioners appointed to survey a road from, to Whitehall......................... S 1 14 PORT KENT, VILLAGE OF. 1831 Road from, to Hopkinton, communication from the Comptroller in relation to the............. S 1 62 1835 Road from, to Hopkinton, report on pétition to erect two half toll gates in lieu of the one now estab- lished by law...................................... S 1 12 1846 Report of the Surveyor-General answering a resolu- tion relative to State lands lying near the proposed railroad and slack-water navigation from, to Boonville.......................................... S 3 88699 PORT SCHUYLER, RO AD THROUGH, see Watervliet. Doc! Vol. No, 1843 Resolution of Mr. Dickinson, for the appointaient of a select committee to inquire relative to the village lots of, etc................................ S 1 24 POSTAGE. 1834 Report relative to paying the, on letters of the mem- bers of the Législature out of the Contingent Fund..................................................A 3 163 1842 Report on proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Niagara county on subject of, and the franking privilège.....................................A 7 165 1843 Resolution of the Législature of Yermont relative to the franking privilège and....................A 2 15 1843 Message from the Governor, inclosing resolutions from New Hampshire relative to.................A 2 19 1844 Joint resolution in relation to the réduction of. SI 3 1850 Report of literature committee................... S 2 55 1872 Legislative, report and testimony taken by spécial committee on subject of........................ S 4 69 POSTAGE STAMPS. 1852 Reports of Comptroller in answer to resolution of Assembly in regard to the amount advanced by the clerk for.........................................A 5 124 POST NOTES. 1837 Pétition from Albany to allow banks to issue.....A 4 294 1837 Pétition from Troy relative to same.............A 3 293 1837 Report on the same..............................A 4 303 POTASH. 1832 Adultération of, Governor’s message in relation to the......................................... A 3 260 1832 Adultération of, repor|^of committee on the subject, A 4 307 1833 Inspection of, report in relation to the........A 4 298 1834 Improvement in the manufacture of, report of the Secretary of State relative to an.............A 2 54 POTSDAM, VILLAGE OF. 1881 Report on pétition to incorporate the...........A 1 26 POTTER, CLARK S. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.... S 1 18 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of ........A 3 73 POTTER, DAVID H. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of...........A 4 61 POTTER, GEORGE R. 1873 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of.. A 7 109700 POTTER, JOHN T. r 1839 Report on pétition of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Erie canal.........................A 5 283 POTTERSY1LLE AND CHESTER. 1856 Report on pétition of inhabitants of.............A 3 64 POUGHKEEPSIE, VILLAGE OF. 1836 Clock Manufacturing Company, report on pétition to incorporate............................... S 2 88 1839 Firemen, report on pétition of the, for certain exemptions....................................A 4 259 18â9 Fires by steamboats, report on pétition for a law for the prévention of.............................A 5 301 1839 Guards, report on pétition to incorporate the...A 6 409 1836 Mechanics’ Association, report on pétition to incor- porate ............................................. S 1 37 1839 New town from parts of, and Fishkill, report on pétition for a............................... A 4 299 1840 Report relative to same....................... S 3 91 1841 do do ..............................S 1 36 1836 Road from, to Pine Plains, report on pétition to repeal the act to lay out a...................A 2 97 Banks in, see Banks — Dutchess county. POUNDRIDGE, VILLAGE OF. 1834 Presbyterian church at, report on pétition of, to sell real estate...............................A 3 147 POWELL, ABNER. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 10 177 POWELL, W. R., AND OTHERS. 1858 Report on claim for relief of.............. S 2 62 POWERS AND TRUSTS. 1836 Report relative to amending Revised Statutes in relation to . ........................... S 2 89 POWERS, LAWRENCE. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 7 130 POWLES, HENRY, AND OTHERS, see Oneida Indians. ^ POWLESS, JACOB, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on péti- tion of.........................................A 7 215 POWSLAND, GEO. 1855 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of, for divorce..................................A 4 83701 1844 1832 1832 1833 1834 1837 1872 1861 1852 1854 1855 1831 1831 1831 1832 1832 1840 1840 1841 1841 PRACTICE AND PLEADINGS, see Code of Prac- tice and Pleadings. PRATT, FREDERICK, see Arnold Mason. PRATT, ÏÏIRAM, see Erie county, Treasurer of. PRATT, JOHN. Doc. Vol. No. Report of Commissioners of Land Office on péti- tion of......................................... S 3 105 PRATT, JOHN AND MATTHEW. Report on pétition of, for certain moneys in the treasury obtained on the sale of their lands. S 1 24 Report on pétition of, for certain moneys in the treasury obtained on the sale of their lands. S 1 15 Report on pétition of, for certain moneys in the treasury obtained on th^ sale of their lands. S 2 59 Report on pétition of, for certain moneys in the treasury obtained on the sale of their lands. S 2 113 PRATT, WATSON & CO. Canal contracts, report on memorial of......... S 2 47 PRATT & CO. Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 8 111 PRAY, S., AND OTHERS, see Cowasselon Tract. PREFERRED CAUSES IN COURT OF APPEALS. Report of, by clerk of court of appeals......... S 2 63 PRESCOTT, EBENEZER. Report on pétition of............................A 2 39 do do ....................................A 1 36 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 1 23 PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. Election of, without the intervention of electors, resolutions of Missouri to provide for the....A 1 13 Resolutions of Georgia and Connecticut on the same........................................ A 2 123 Resolutions of Connecticut, Vermont and Mississippi on the same...................................A 1 4 Resolutions of Delaware on the same..............A 1 3 Resolutions to extend the term of office to six years and to make the president inéligible..........A 1 3 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Root for the same.... S 1 3 Report of joint committee on the same........... S 1 29 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Root for the same.... S 1 5 Resolutions of the Législature of Vermont to re- strict the eligibility of the President to a single term........ .. .......... ....................A 2 27702 PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT — Con- tinued. Doc. Voi. No. 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Indiana for the same...........................................A 3 78 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Delaware and Kentucky for the same........................A 5 149 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts for the same................................. S 3 89 1841 Election of, to be held on the same day throughout the Union, resolutions of Indiana for the same .. A 4 120 1841 Résolutions proposed by Mr. Swackhamer for the same.........................................A 1 9 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts for the same................................. S 3 89 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of Rhode Island respecting electors of........................ S 3 54 1842 Resolution of Yermont relative to time of holding élection of....................................A 1 14 1842 Resolutions of Connecticut and Maine relative to one term.......................................A 2 28 PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. 1873 Resolutions relative to salaries of............... S 3 49 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Andrew Jackson: 1833 Proclamation of, in relation to nullification... SI 4 1833 Message to Congress on the same... ........ S 1 23 1834 Communication made by him to his cabinet in rela- tion to the removal of the public deposits.... S 1 7 1834 Message of, returning the bill for distribution of the proceeds of the public lands......... S 2 109 Fine upon, see Andrew Jackson. Martin Yan Büren : 1839 Communication from, acknowledging the receipt of certain resolutions relative to the northeastern boundary.............................................. S 3 79 William Henry Harrison: 1841 Message from the Governor announcing the death of, S 3 70 1841 Report of joint committee on the same....... ... S 3 68 1841 do do .......... S 3 75 PRESTON, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1835 Pétition of, relative to an improved manner of teach- ingschools....................................A 1 34 1835 Report on the same...............................A 1 63 PRICE, HENRY, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land in the Oneida réservation............................A 2 76 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land in the Oneida réservation........................... A 3 112703 1868 1863 1860 1860 1859 1861 1862 1863 1866 1866 1867 1872 1874 1876 1877 1842 1871 1867 1874 1875 1875 1877 1877 PRICE, SAMUEL. Report of daims committee on pétition of PRINGLE & CLAFFY. Reports of committee upon pétition of... PRINGLE ................ S 3 91 1845 Memorial of, companies from Albany to Attica....A 5 194 1846 Report of committee on, on sundry pétitions, etc... A 2 51 1846 Report of Secretary of State, in answer to a resolu- tion relative to....................................... A 3 66 1846 Report of Secretary of State, transmitting annual reports of..................................... A 3 80 1846 Report of committee on, on resolutions referred to to them..........................................A 4 89 1849 Report of State Engineer and Survey or concerning, S 3 84 1849 Proceedings of citizens of Palmyra relative to bills for, etc.........................................A 3 122 1850 Annual report relative to......................... A 5 92 1851 Annual report of State Engineer and Survey or .. S 1 12 1851 Report of committee on, relative to a draw-bridge over the Big Chazy river..... ...»............A 5 145 1852 Annual report of State Engineer and Surveyor.....A 1 27 1853 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor respecting turnouts, switches, etc., on.................... S 1 31716 1854 1855 1855 1858 1858 1859 1859 1860 1860 1861 1861 1862 1863 1866 1867 1867 1869 1870 1870 1870 1871 1871 1852 1853 1853 1853 1868 RAILROADS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Report of committee on, relative to subscriptions to certain ....................................... A 3 80 Report of committee on, on subject of canal revenues, S 3 74 Report of select committee in relation to passage of bill in reference to, in cities.................A 5 136 Report of railroad companies relative to the assess- ment laws..................................... S 2 68 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on...........A 4 89 Report of committee on incorporation of cities and villages, relative to, in New York city.........A 3 128 Report of committee in relation to the bill author- izing the construction of, in New York city...... S 2 69 Report of minority of committee on certain bills relating to the construction of, in New York city. .SI 87 Report of committee relative to city...............A 4 106 Report relative to, in streets in New York city..... A 5 96 Report relative to milk freights on certain. ......A 5 90 Report of minority of committee against, in Spring Street, in New York city........................A 6 140 Report in relation to construction of, in certain streets in the city of New York................ S 5 87 Communication of Attorney-General as to right to manufacture articles save for their own use... S 2 54 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor as to num- ber of miles built in last five years.......... S 2 59 Report of select committee as to best routes for, in New York city............... ................. S 1 28 Report of select committee appointed in 1868 to investigate charges of fraud and corruption in passage of certain railroad bills.............. S 5 52 Report of minority of Assembly committee on......A 183 Testimony taken before Senate committee on...... S 2 40 Report of Senate committee on..................... S 3 90 Resolutions of Mr. Hardenburgh, as to uses of____ S 4 67 Resolutions of Orange County Milk Association relative to transportation of milk on.............A 5 73 Accidents: Report relative to.................................A 2 82 Report of the select committee appointed by the ’ Senate, April 15, 1852, to examine and report the causes of, the means of preventing their occur- rence, etc.................................... S 1 13 Report of committee to inquire into the causes of . . A 5 117 Testimony as to, at New Hamburgh...................A 4 53 Baggage: Statement of Comptroller as to money deposited with him on sale of unclaimed.................. S 3 17717 1870 1870 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1871 1845 1849 1851 1838 1851 1858 1839 1845 1846 1876 1846 1850 1850 1851 1851 1853 1853 1855 1855 RAILROADS — Continued. Cars, Drawing-room and Sleeping: Testimony taken relative to . Doc. Vol. No. 40 91 Report of railroad committee of Senate on ... -- S COMMISSIONERSI Report of committee on bill relative to......... S 2 96 Annual report of................................A 2 12 Report on pétition of State Engineer and Surveyor to repeal the act creating office of...........A 4 123 Annual report of................................. A 4 212 Report of, in answer to resolution.............. S 4 156 Communication of State Engineer relative to..... S 1 9 Directors : Report of railroad committee of Assembly on bill to amend law relative to.......................A 7 102 Fare, Réduction of: Report of committee on, relative to...............A 6 224 do do ................. A 3 166 Report of committee on, on pétition for...........A 3 88 Free Tickets: Report relative to granting, to judicial officers. ... A 6 337 Report on bill to prohibit........................A 4 98 Report of majority of committee on bill to prevent public officers from accepting or using.. ... A 4 149 Freight : Report relative to allowing companies parallel with the Erie canal to transport passengers, furniture, etc., free of toll............................ A 6 355 Report of committee on canals on the pétitions for the repeal of act allowing companies to carry.... A 6 236 Report of Commissioners of Canal Fund answering a resolution relative to, carried by.......... S 3 78 Report of the Commissioners of Canal Fund on the omission of certain, to pay, etc.............. S 4 106 Report of committee in regard to tolls on........A 5 192 Report in regard to tolls on.....................A 5 131 Report of committee on finance on tolls on ..... S 3 95 Report of select committee respecting canal tolls on, S 2 38 Report on tolls on............................... S 3 86 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to a resolution of the Senate, January 10, 1853, relating to................................ S 2 59 Report relative to............................... S 3 59 Spécial message of Governor in relation to imposi- tion of canal tolls on.......................... A 4 97 Report of majority of committee on ways and means on imposing tolls on...........................A 4 1071855 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1867 1868 1869 1869 1872 1847 1848 1848 1848 1849 1840 1844 1845 1847 1848 1848 1849 1849 1853 1854 1855 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 718 RAILROADS — Continuée!. Freight — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Report of minority on same.....................A 5 143 Report of committee relative to......................A 3 166 Report of majority of committee relative to..........A 4 178 Report of minority committee relative to........ 4 180 Report of minority committee relative to imposing tolls on certain.................................. S 1 35 Report of Senate conférence committee on bill imposing tolls on certain........................ 8 1 90 Report of majority of committee in relation to ..... A 2 47 Report of minority of committoe in relation to .... A 4 119 Remonstrance against bill in relation to.............A 2 59 Testimony relative to interruption of transmission of, and passengers............................... A 2 iq Communication in reference to rates of, in State... A 10 14.0 Report of majority of Assembly committee on pro * rata bill .............. .....................A 10 i a q Report of minority of Assembly committee on pro ^ rata bill..........................................A lo ]t;ft Report of railroad committee on bill to regulate ... S 4 * o5 General Law: Report of committee on railroads relative to.... S 2 Report of railroad committee relative to, etc....... S 2 00 Minority report by Mr. Geddes....................... S 2 Report of select committee on .......................A 3 1 Report of select committee on bill to repeal section 30 of the act authorizing the formation of rail- road companies ...................................A 5 297 Passes, see Free Tickets. Statistics : Report of receipts and expenses of, for the last year, A Report of Secretary of State relative to.........A do do do ................A Annual report of Secretary of State relative to.. .. A Report of, by Secretary of State.................A Annual report of Secretary of State, of........ A Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to, S Report of Secretary of State respecting...........A Report of State Engineer and Surveyor on..........A Report of..........................................A do ....................................... S Annual report of State Engineer and Surve}Tor.... A do do do .... A do do do ---A do do do ... A do do do ... A 8 5 3 4 5 6 3 3 1 3 2 3 5 6 6 8 314 123 129 102 132 193 84 182 10 120 35 75 100 175 125 176719 RAILROADS — Continued. Stocks: Doc. Vol. No. 1869 Report of select committee appointed to investigate increase of, by certain companies...............A 10 142 Tolls, see Freight. Adirondack: 1870 Governor’s veto message on act to facilitate con- struction of..................... .....................A 12 211 Albany and Cohoes : 1848 Report of committee on, in relation to pétition for, SI 15 1848 is Report of committee on, in relation to a law for incorporating companies, and on............... S 2 33 1848 Minority report of Mr. Geddes.................... S 2 34 Albany and Goshen: 1842 Report of engineer relative to....................A 5 108 Albany and Schenectady : 1847 Report of........................................ S 4 138 1848 Report of, as to agreement for use of cars for trans- portation .....................................A 3 68 1849 Report of, in answer to a re solution of Assembly respecting the transportation of émigrant pas- sengers over road of...........................A 3 143 1849 Report of committee on railroads on bill to preserve fair compétition between, and Troy and Schenec- tady Railroad Company.................................. A 3 159 Albany and Susquehanna: 1858 Report of majority of committee on railroads on pétition to extend the time for completing, and authorizing subscriptions to capital stock of. S 2 87 1858 Report of minority of committee on same subject.. S 2 88 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to...........A 3 144 1862 Report on pétitions for aid to....................S 1 20 1862 Report of minority of committee relative to same.. A 6 147 Albany and West Stockbridge: 1837 Report on pétition of the common council of Albany to borrow money to aid in the construction of. .. A 3 256 1837 Report on pétition of the common council of Albany to borrow money to aid in the construction of . . . A 3 155 1839 Report on pétition of the common council of Albany to borrow money to aid in the construction of . .. A 4 189 1838 Report on pétition for aid to....................A 6 367 1841 Abstract from the contract between the Western Railroad Corporation and the Albany and West Stockbridgerailroad............................. A 5 169 1841 Copy of agreement with the Western Railroad Company.......... ................................A 5 171720 1841 1842 1847 1836 1839 1841 1841 1842 1843 1847 1850 1842 1835 1838 1838 1839 1839 1842 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848 1849 1850 1850 1836 1837 RATLROADS — Continuée!. Albany and West Stockbridge—Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. Report relative to the contracta between the Hud- son and Berkshire Railroad Company and the Albany and West Stockbridge Company.............A 6 212 Report of.........................................A 5 86 Report on an investigation of.....................A 4 103 Attica and Buffalo: Bill to incorporate the .......................... A 4 318 Report on pétition for aid to the..................A 4 243 Report of a committee appointed to inquire if the réquisitions of the law to provide for the con- struction of the, etc., hâve been complied with. .. S 3 92 Report on pétition for aid to......................A 7 303 Report of committee on bill relative to organization of..............................................A 4 67 Remonstrance of the common council of the city of Buffalo against granting further powers to.....A 3 44 Report of......................................... S 4 135 Report on..........................................A 4 58 Auburn and Binghamton: Majority report on a bill to déclaré the public util- ityof............................................. S 2 54 Auburn and Canandaigua: Memorial of the Seneca Turnpike Company rela- tive to the........................................A 2 148 Auburn and Rochester: Report on pétition to modify the charter of the__A 4 178 Report on pétition for aid to......................A 6 367 do do ..........................A 3 144 Report on pétition of Titus Goodman, and others, to amend the charter of the........................A 2 34 Reports of.........................................A 7 i 1194 Report of names of stockholders of, etc........... S 2 64 Report of......................................... S 4 147 do ........................................... S 4 136 Report of committee of last Senate relative to... S 2 42 Report as to use of cars, etc................. .. A 3 73 Report of, in answer to resolution of the Assembly, A 3 149 Memorial of.......................................A 1 13 Report concerning..................................A 3 37 Auburn and Syracuse: Report on pétition for a grant of land on which to terminate their road........................... S 2 103 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same............................................. S 2 56721 RAILROADS — Continued. Auburn and Syracuse — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1838 Report on pétition for a loan of the crédit of the State ........................................A 5 239 1847 Report of............................................ S 4 139 1848 Report of, as to use of cars .. . .....................A 3 79 1849 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 3 118 1849 Report on the saine..................................A 3 149 1850 Memorial of.......................................... A 1 13 1850 Report respecting............................ ... A 3 37 Bath and Crooked Lake: 1831 Report on pétition to incorporate the.............. S 1 33 Black Rock and Niagara Falls: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate the................. A 3 132 Broadway, New York: 1856 Report of one for......................................A 4 168 1861 Report relative to........... .......A 5 105 1863 do do .............................. S 5 87 1863 do do .............................. A 6 204 Brooklyn and Jamaica: 1831 Report on pétition to incorporate the............. SI 63 1864 Report of minority of committee relative to use of dummy engines.......................................A 7 146 Buffalo and Batavia: 1833 Report on pétition to incorporate the..................A 3 132 1841 Resolution offered by Mr. Scott, in relation to the application of the said company for an act of incorporation..................................... A 7 293 1842 Report of Mr. Lot on pétition to incorporate.....A 7 156 Buffalo and Black Rock: 1834 Report on pétition of the, to construct part of their road on lands belonging to the State................A 2 84 1834 Report on pétition of the, to construct part of their road on lands belonging to the State................A 3 134 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition of Buf- falo and Black Rock Railroad Company................A 3 59 Buffalo and Hornellsville : 1849 Report of committee on, on pétitions for, etc..........A 3 101 Buffalo and Niagara Falls: 1834 Report on pétition to incorporate the...............A 3 132 1837 Report on pétition to increase the capital stock of the ................................................A 2 56 Canada : 1850 Report on pétition of..............-.............* A 5 98 91722 RAILROADS — Continued. Canajoharie and Catskill : poc> y0it N0t 1830 Report on pétition to incorporate ,................ S 2 180 1837 Report on pétition for a loan of $400,000...........S 2 59 1838 Report on pétition for aid..........................A 4 165 1839 do do .... .........................A 4 199 1839 Investigation of the, report of.................... S 3 106 1839 Report on pétition to amend the act of 1838 relative to the...........................................A 3 147 1839 Report of Comptroller relative to the stock issued to the...........................................A 5 314 1840 Report on pétition for the construction of the, by the State....................................... S 2 48 1842 Report of...........................................A 5 118 Canandaigua and Corning: 1850 Report on.......................................... S 1 37 Canandaigua and Geneva: 1831 Report on pétition to increase the capital stock of the..............................................A 4 325 Cayuga and Susquehanna: 1847 Report of...........................................A 2 86 Central : 1847 Report of committee on railroads to consolidation of, between Albany and Buffalo.................. S 4 149 1847 Report of committee on railroads as to union be- tween Albany and Buffalo................................ S 3 104 1856 Report of committee of investigation appertaining to the consolidation of..........................A 5 210 4858 Report of minority of committee on an act in rela- tion to the payment of fare on.......................... S 3 111 Division Avenue, Kings County: 1853 Report of railroad committee with reference to .... A 3 62 Empire City: 1869 Report of railroad committee on bill to incorporate, A 10 208 Erie: 1868 Report of majority and minority of committee on railroads relative to........................... S 5 67 1869 Communication of president as to amount of stock issued......................................... A 7 107 1869 Report of railroad committee as to increase of stock of............................................ S 5 58 1869 Report of select committee to examine charges of fraud and corruption in passage of bills relating to............................................ S 5 52 1871 Classification bill, majority report of railroad com- mittee on................................................ A 7 102723 RAILROADS — Continuée!. Erie—Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. 1871 Classification bill, miuority report of railroad com- rnittee on . . . ..............................A 9 107 1871 Présidents report relative to charging extra tare to passengers who neglf et to procure tickets.....A 9 105 1871 Statement relative to freight and passenger busi- ness of...................................................A 3 41 Hudson and Berkshire: 1837 Report on pétition to authorize the common council of Hudson to borrow money to aid in the construc- tion of the........................................A 3 264 1839 Report on pétition for aid...........................A 4 243 1839 Report relative to granting certain lands under water to the...................................... A 6 373 1840 Report on pétition for aid ......................... S 1 33 1841 Remonstrance of the, against increasing the capital stock of the Albany and West Stockbridge Company.................................... .... A 6 212 1842 Company, report of...................................A 5 109 1847 Report on pétition of.............................. A 4 116 1850 Communication from Comptroller relative to....... A 1 6 Hudson River: 1843 Report of committee on, on the bill to incorporate.. S 3 104 1846 Report of minority committee on, on pétitions for. A 2 53 1848 Communication from Attorney-G-eneral relative to location of, through State lands at Sing Sing .... S 2 64 1850 Report of pétitions..................................A 1 11 1854 Communication under resolution..................... SI 27 Ithaca and Owego: 1832 Report on pétition to extend the time for the com- pletion of.........................................A 1 45 1838 Report on pétition for a loan of the crédit of the State..............................................A 5 237 1839 Report of Comptroller relative to the interest on the stock issued to the.............................. S 3 111 1842 Report of............................................A 7 138 1842 do ................................................A 7 114 Lake Ontario, Auburn and New York: 1861 Report on pétition for aid to........................A 6 133 1862 do do ......................A 6 159 1863 do do ...................... S 4 68 Lebanon Springs: 1861 Report on pétition of.............................. A 5 111 Lockport and Niagara Falls: 1834 Report ou pétition to incorporate....................A 3 118 1850 Report relative to.................................. A 3 48724 1838 1839 1839 1840 1841 1842 1845 1845 1847 1859 1861 1834 1832 1832 1834 1835 1835 1835 1839 1841 1842 1847 1839 1833 1834 1839 1839 RAILROADS — Continued. Long Island: Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition for aid to the...................A 6 367 Pétition of the common council of Brooklyn for aid to the...................................... S 3 67 Report on pétition for aid..........................A 4 243 do do .............................. S 4 99 Communication from the president of the, in rela- tion to the affaire, etc., of the.................. S 1 2 Committee, report of. ............................. A 7 163 Report of minority committee on two-thirds bills, relative to..................................... A 7 242 Answer of, in reply to certain interrogatories......A 6 203 Report on pétition of E. H. Wells, asking relief against oppression of ...........................A 4 123 Report of minority of committee relative to closing the tunnel of the.................................A 4 174 Report relative to charter of...................... A 2 50 Maysville and Portland: Report on pétition to amend the charter of the.... A 3 126 Mohawk and Hudson: Report on pétition of the, for authority to construct a branch road to the Albany basin.................A 1 36 Report of the president of the, in answer to a resolu- tion of the Assembly................................A 2 78 Report on pétition of the, for an explanatory act. .. S 2 99 Report on pétition to build a basin between the Erie canal and their road in Schenectady......... S 2 31 Report of superintendent, of amount received for the transportation of produce, etc............... S 2 56 Report of the secretary of, of the qaantity of land purchased for the, the amount of money received for the transportation of passengers and property, etc............................................. S 2 73 Report on pétition for aid..........................A 5 274 Report of secretary of the, of the number of pas- sengers transported over said road, from 1832 to 1840..............................................A 7 285 Report of...........................................A 7 192 do .............................................. S 3 82 Mohawk and St. Lawrence: Report on pétition for a survey of a route ..........A 4 262 New York and Albany: Report on bill to amend the charter of the.......... S 2 95 Report on pétition to extend the time for the com- pletion of the................................... S 2 115 Resolutions of the common council of New York, for aid to..................................... S 1 20 Report on pétition for aid to (Mr. Scoles)...........A 4 171725 RAILROADS — Continued. New York and Albany — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report on pétition for aid to (Mr. Furman)........S 4 99 1842 Annual report of................................. S 2 35 1842 Report of the president of, in pursuance of a resolu- tion of Senate ............................... S 2 28 1843 Resolution by Mr. Dennis ton relative to......... S 3 73 1843 Report of........................................ S 3 110 1843 Memorial of the president of, transmitting the statement of E. F. Johnson, relative to the com- parative merits of their route and the river route, A4 89 New York Central, Hudson River and Harlem: 1869 Report of railroad committee as to increase of stock of..............................................S 5 58 1869 Report of spécial committee on memorial of Nathan- iel Gallup relative to cattle yards of New York Central..................................................A 10 200 1871 Statement of freight and passenger business.....A 4 54 New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company : 1872 Reply of president of, to Senate resolution of Feb- ruary 12, 1872................................. S 3 41 New York and New Haven Railroad: 1872 Reply of president of, to Senate resolution relative to running trains in New York city............. S 3 40 1872 Report of committee on bill to extend line of... S 4 86 New York and Harlem Railroad Company: . 1872 Reply of president of, to Senate resolution of Feb- ruary 12,1872 ................................. S 3 42 New York and New Haven Railroad Company: 1872 Message from Governor transmitting letter from Governor of Connecticut relative to............ S 4 87 New York and Erie: 1833 Memorial for a subscription to the stock of said company by the State, of $5,500,000 ........... S 2 107 1833 Report on pétition for aid to the................. S 2 110 1834 Pétition and memorial for aid to...................A 1 11 1834 Pétition for a survey of the, by the State.........A 3 113 1834 Report on bill to authorize the survey of the......A 4 387 1834 Majority report on pétition for aid................A 4 336 1834 do do ......................A 4 337 1835 Pétition from the Southern tier of counties, for aid to............................................. S 2 30 1835 Communication from the president of the, to the Governor....................................... S 1 1 1835 Communication from the Secretary of State, trans- mitting report of a survey of the........................A 2 107726 RAILROADS — Continuée!. New York and Erie — Continuée!: Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Report of bill authorizing a loan of the crédit of the State to the .................................. S 1 62 1836 Names of the stockholders, etc.................... S 3 71 1837 Report on pétition to amend the act to expedite the construction of the............................ S 2 69 1837 Annual report of the, for 1836 ...................A 3 190 1838 Annual report of the, for 1837 ...................A 2 27 1838 Report on pétition for aid, with Mr. E. F. Johnson’s report on railroads............................ A 4 171 1839 Memorial of the, for aid.......................... S 2 37 1839 Report on pétition for the immédiate construction of the said road by the State.................. S 2 38 1839 Report on pétition for aid to the (Mr. Scoles).... A 2 67 1839 Resolutions and memorial of the board of directors for aid........................................A 4 200 1839 Names of the stockholders, etc.................... A 5 271 1839 Report on bill in relation to the loan to the.....A 6 405 1840 Report on pétition for the construction of, by the State.......................................... S 2 45 1840 Comptroller’s report in relation to the issue of stock to the......................................... A 4 127 1840 Report of Secretary of State, transmitting copies of ail reports in his office, of the proceedings and expenditures ofthe, for 1835, ’36, ’37, and’38-A 4 159 1840 Report on the same for 1839.......................A 5 176 1840 Resolution requiring the, to report the names of stockholders, their résidence, the number of shares heldby each, etc........................A 5 190 1840 Report in answer to the above. ... ...............A 6 260 1840 Report on pétition for the construction of the, by the State......................................A 5 215 1841 Communication from the President to the Governor, SI 2 1841 Comptroller’s report in relation to the issue of stock to the............................. ...........A 4 113 1841 Report of Secretary of State, on a resolution call- ing for a copy of the annual report of the.....A 4 116 1841 Report of the Secretary of State, transmitting the annual report.................................. A 4 128 1841 Report of committee appointed to investigate the affaire and condition of the................... A 7 284 1841 Report on pétition for the speedy completion of the, A 7 397 1842 Pétition of, for aid.............................. S 1 19 1842 Pétition of, relative to the survey in Broome and Sullivan counties for location of roads........ S 3 58 1842 Report of committee on, on remonstrance of above counties relative to........................... S 3 74 1842 Report to the Governor............................A 1 2 1842 Report of committee to investigate affairs of..... A 2 44 1842 Report of select committee appointed by the Assem- bly in 1840, to investigate the affairs of.....A 3 50727 RAILROADS — Continued. New York and Erte — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1842 Pétition of, relative to different routes surveyed---A 5 92 1842 Letter from president of, to Governor, Mardi 12th, stating that the means of the company were exhausted...................................................A 5 113 1842 Report of, complying with resolution of February 3, A 7 141 1842 Letter of president of, to Comptroller, relative to payment of interest on State stocks loaned to it, A 7 162 1842 Letter of president of, to Comptroller relative to payment of interest on State loan..............A 7 169 1843 Report of........................................ S 1 38 1843 Pétition of directors of, praying for aid from the State in the construction of... ...............A 1 12 1843 Report of, in answer to a résolution of the Assem- bly of January 27,1843................................A4 76 1844 Report of railroad commissioners relative to............Al 6 1844 Resolution of the directors of.....................A 1 31 1845 Report in relation to the construction of......... S 3 109 1845 Report of committee on railroads relative to.......A 3 31 1845 Report of committee to whom was referred the reso- lution in regard to.......................................A 3 58 1845 Annual report of railroad commissioners relative to, A 3 63 1845 Joint resolution authorizing change of route of.... A 4 122 1845 do do do do ... A 4 123 1845 do do do do .... A 4 149 1845 Resolution by Mr. Morrison, authorizing to run into Pennsylvania................................A 4 133 1845 Memorial against altering charter of...............A 5 182 1845 Report of Attorney-General concerning..............A 6 204 1846 Report of committee concerning.....................A 5 142 1846 Report of the minority of committee on, respecting, A 5 157 1846 Pennsylvania act, relative to......................A 5 170 1847 Majority report of commissioners to détermine loca- tion of..........................................A 1 25 1847 Minority report on same............................A 2 46 1847 Report of majority in relation to the location of the..............................................A 4 118 1847 Minority report on same............................A 4 119 1847 Majority report on bill relative to location and con- struction of........................................... A 4 122 1851 Report relative to................................ A 4 131 1853 Report in answer to a resolution of the 5th of March............................................A 4 83 1872 Erie railroad classification bill, minority report of committee on.....................................A 7 84 1872 Erie railroad classification bill, majority report on, A 7 94 1873 Erie Railway Company, concurrent resolutions rela- tive to fraudulent issue of stock by.............A 4 53 1873 Erie, resolution calling for information from officers of.............................................. S 2 36728 1873 1873 1835 1835 1835 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1842 1845 1854 1861 1865 1855 1856 1857 1866 1871 1834 1842 1833 1834 1838 1839 1840 1841 1847 RAILROADS — Continuée!. New York and Erie — Continued: Doe Report of testimony taken before select committee to investigate mismanagement on part of........A Opinion of Attorney-General relative to issue of frandulent stock by. ... ......................A New York and Harlem: Report on pétition to extend the time for the com- pletion of, and to increase the capital stock..A Report of Attorney-General relative to the power of the Législature to grant the privilège of collect- Report of the names of the stockholders, thç Report on pétition to extend their road, and to increase their capital stock.................. Report on pétition for aid....................... Report on pétition to connect with the New York do do ............. Report of committee on roads and bridges on peti tion of............... ........... ......... Report of committee on ways and means favorable on pétition of, to release lands from taxation . New York and Oswego Midland: Report of minority of committee on bill to facili- Memorial of Chamber of Commerce relative to Saratoga and Schenectady: Remonstrance of, against incorporating the Sara- toga and Washington Railroad Company............ Report of....................................... Saratoga and Washington: Remonstrance of the Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad Company against incorporating the .... do do do do do do Vol. No. 6 98 9 164 3 162 A 4 329 f A 4 360 A 4 243 » S 1 28 S 4 99 S 1 2 s 2 46 * s 2 59 A 7 193 A 3 44 S 1 26 A 5 99 S 1 31 S 2 53 s 2 93 A 1 53 A 2 26 A 12 126 A 4 331 A 5 130 S 2 123 A 4 337 A 6 361 A 4 166 A 8 311 A 5 185 S 4 152729 RAILROADS — Continuée!. Saratoga and Whitehall: Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report on bill to incorporate tlie............... S 2 91 1833 Report relative to same.......................... S 2 123 SCHENECTADY AND TrOY : 1837 Report on pétition of tbe corporation of Troy to borrow money to aid in the construction of tbe. . A 2 75* 1838 Report on pétition for aid to. .., ..............A 6 367 1839 Report relative to same................... ......A 4 258 1841 Communication from, to tbe Governor, relative to tbe affairs, etc., of tbe..................... S 1 2 1846 Report of committee on finance relative to stock in............................................ S 3 74 1846 Report of Mr. Williams, from committee on rail- roads, on bill to allow tbe, to extend tbeir road to Utica......................................... S 4 122 1846 Report of Mr. Beekman from same committee..... S 4 123 1846 Pétition for tbe extension of, on soutb side of tbe Mobawk........................................A 2 36 1847 Report of .................. .................... S 3 84 1849 Report of committee on railroads on bill to preserve a fair compétition between, and Albany and Scbenectady Railroad Company..................A 3 159 1850 Report of committee on...........................A 8 191 Soüthside : 1861 Report on bill relative to.......................A 2 64 Staten Island: 1857 Report of committee on commerce and navigation favorable on an act to enable tbe, to bave, own and run ferry boats, etc...... .............. A 2 64 1858 Report on an act to enable tbe county of Ricbmond to make a loan to aid in tbe completion of....A 4 123 Syracuse and Rochester: * 1849 Report of committee respecting...................A 2 81 1849 Report of committee on bill for, etc............. A 2 82 1850 Memorial relative to, direct.....................Al 14 Tonawanda: 1840 Report on pétition for a loan of tbe crédit of tbe State.........................................A 7 288 1841 Resolutions offered by Mr. Scott concerning tbe. .. A 7 293 1841 Report of........................................A 7 152 1842 do ...........................................A 7 161 1846 Report of committee on railroads concerning réduc- tion of freigbt on............................A 2 58 1847 Report of ....................................... S 4 133 1848 Report as to use of cars, etc.................... A 3 77 92730 RAILROADS — Continuée!. New York and New Haven: D0e. Yol No. 1858 Report on pétition of citizens of Westcbester county living on line of..............................A 5 158 Northern: 1847 Report as to change of location.............. .... S 4 144 1849 Majority report on allowing the, to construct a bridge across Lake Champlain.......................... S 1 24 1849 Minority report on same........................... S 2 56 1849 Report on bill to allow, to construct a draw-bridge, etc... ........................................A 1 24 1849 Report on pétitions to authorize the, to construct a draw-bridge, etc...............................A 2 94 1850 Testimony relative to bridging Lake Champlain. .. S 3 87 1851 Report on subject of bridging Lake Champlain at Rouse’s Point.................................. S 1 20 1851 Report on allowing the, to extend its pier at Rouse’s Point.......................................... S 3 90 Ogdensburgh and Canton: 1850 Report on committee on finance on................ S 1 13 Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain: 1839 Report of a survey of a route.....................A 3 133 1839 Report on pétition for the construction of the, by State..........................................A 4 233 1840 Report on pétition for the construction of the, by the State...................................... 1840 Report on a pétition for a survey of a Southern route..........................................A 6 240 1841 Report of the commissioners appointed under the act to provide for a survey of the several routes ..Si 2 1841 Report on the same................................ A 2 43 1841 do ...............................A 7 279 1841 Memorial adopted by a convention of citizens of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton counties, for the construction of said road as a State work......A 2 32 1841 Report on pétition for the construction of the, by the State......................................A 4 107 1842 Report of committee on railroads on pétition for. . . A 5 127 1842 Report of engineer in relation to.................A 4 70 1871 Report of select committee to investigate lease of. . S 4 63 Oswego and Utica: 1838 Report on petilion to amend the charter of the....A 2 25 1838 Report on pétition for aid to the.................A 6 367 1839 do do ...................A 6 351 Otsego and Schoharie: 1832 Report of Ephraim Beack as to practicability of a railroad from the Canajoharie and Catskill road to the Susquehanna river................... ............... A 2 102731 RAILROADS — Continuée!. Panama: Doc. Vol. No. 1849 Report of committee on bill to incorporate....... A 1 35 1855 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on, SI 9 POTSDAM AND WaTERTOWN: 1852 Report on pétition of citizens of St. Lawrence county respecting............................* S 2 G3 Rensselaer and Saratoga: 1842 Report of......................... ..............A 5 117 1846 Report of, answering a resolution relative to naines and résidences of their stockholders........... S 2 43 Sackett’s Harbor and Saratoga: 1848 Report of committee on............................ S 2 39 1851 Report of committee ...............................A 4 93 1854 Report on the memorial of..........................A 3 88 1855 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in relation to lands conveyed...............................A 4 96 1855 Report relative to improvement of rivers in nortb- ern New York................................... S 1 8 SCHENECTADY AND OGDENSBÜRGH: 1868 Report of survey of............................... A 8 61 Toronto, Simcoe and Huron : 1820 Report of judiciary committee on.................. A 5 98 Troy and Greenbush Association: 1845 Report of, in answer to Mr. Harris’ resolution...A 3 68 1845 Testimony before railroad committee in the rnatter of........................................... .. A 4 118 1845 Report of committee on bill to incorporate........ S 3 86 Troy and Rutland: 1849 Memorial of citizens of Washington and Rensselaer counties relative to............................A 3 151 Utica and Schenectady: 1833 Report on bill to incorporate the................A 2 53 1836 Report on pétition of the Mohawk Bridge Company to prohibit the Utica and Schenectady Railroad Company from building a bridge across the Mo- hawk at Schenectady......................................A 4 232 1838 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Montgomery county in relation to the...................... S 2 73 1841 Report of cost of road, amount of capital stock paid in, amount of dividends, amount received for car- rying passengers, number of passengers, etc.......A 5 147 1841 Report of receipts and expenditures..............A 6 219 1842 Report of........................................A 4 76 1847 do ............................................... S 3 83 1847 do ........................................... S 4 134732 RAILROADS — Continued. ScHENECTADY AND UtICA RaILROAD COMPANY! Doc. Ycl. No. 1848 Answer of, as to acte of George R. Baker.......A 3 74 1848 As to use of cars for transportation...........A 3 80 1848 Report of in answer to resolution of Assembly rela- tive to transportation of émigrant passengers over road of...............................................A 3 143 Unadilla and Schoharie: 1838 Report on pétition for aid to................ A 6 367 Utica and Syracuse: 1835 Memorial of the Seneca Turnpike Company in rela- tion to the.........................................A 2 140 1841 Report on pétition to increase the capital stock of the ....................................... A 2 39 1842 Report of.......................... .. .......A 4 78 1846 Report of John Wilkinson, president of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate............... S 3 103 1847 Report of................................... S 4 137 1847 Report of in answer to a resolution........ S 4 154 1848 Report of expense of road.....................A 5 144 1848 Remonstrance against reducing f are...........A3 69 1849 Report of, as to use of cars.................. A 3 92 Railroad, Gilbert Elevated: 1873 Report of commissioners to locate route of.... S 4 84 Railroads : 1874 Majority report of committee relative to...... S 4 74 RANDALL, HULDAH. 1833 Report on pétition for relief..................A 3 183 RANDALL, JOHN. 1848 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of..A 5 181 RANDEL, JOHN, Jr. 1848 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, on pétition of.......................................... A 5 209 RANSAM, FRANK A. 1867 Testimony in case of contested seat of ........A 4 65 1867 Report of committee of contested seat of ......A 10 233 RANSOM, JEROME R. 1850 Report of committee on pétition............... S 2 46 RANSOM, LEWIS. 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 47 RANSON, PRTNTICE, see Tioga County Sheriff.733 RAI? ET J JE, GrEORGrE. Doc. Vol. No 1834 Report on pétition of, to build a bridge across East Chester creek, in the town of Pelham...... S 2 116 1841 Report on pétition of devisees of...........A 6 224 RATHBONE, JAMES H. 1834 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.........................A 4 294 RATHBUN, SOLOMON, AND OTHERS. 1858 Report on claim of....................... A 3 60 RAQUETTE RIVER. 1850 Report of select committee on...............A 4 68 RATZ, MARY JANE. 1865 Report on pétition of.......................A 7 150 RAUB, HARMON C. 1839 Report on pétition of, to be refunded interest over- paid on a mortgage executed to the loan commis- sioners of New York.......................A 6 331 1840 Report on pétition of, to be refunded interest over- paid on a mortgage executed to the loan commis- sioners of New York.......................A 3 84 1841 Report on pétition of, to be refunded interest over- paid on a mortgage executed to the loan commis- sioners of New York.......................A 4 119 RAWSON, JOSIAH AND ROBERT TOAN. 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands bought by them of the Oneida Indians............. A 3 218 RAY, HON. HENRY. 1870 Testimony taken in the matter of his privilège as member....................................A 3 70 1870 Report of committee.........................A 3 67 RAY, JAMES. 1861 Report on pétition of.............. ........A 5 113 1862 do do ..........................A 4 73 1863 do do ..........................A 5 r101 1865 do do ........................... A 2 17 RAY, J. E., AND OTHERS. 1857 Memorial of, relative to Trinity church and law of 1814...................................... S 4 143 RAYMOND, EDMUND. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.......A 10 165 READ, JERRY. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of... ... A 9 124736 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY — Continued. Doc. Vol No. 1830 Report of, on bill concerning the Literature Fund and the Oswego Canal Fund, and the Erie and Champlain Canal Fund........................... S 4 371 1830 Report of, concerning Hamilton College.............A 4 373 1830 Report of, relative to the best mode of distributing the income of the Literature Fund.............. S 4 400 1831 Report of, on the “Act to provide for the applica- tion of the income of the Literature Fund ”.... S 1 74 1831 Report transmitting the reports of the Columbia and Hamilton Colleges, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons................................. S 1 73 1833 Report of, on bill to incorporâte the Albany Medical College....................................... A 4 288 1834 Report of, relative to the purchaâe of books, etc., for the use of academies and schools under their charge....................................... S 1 44 1839 Report relative to the distribution of the income of the Literature Fund.............................A 3 141 1840 Report of, relative to the New York University .... S 1 10 1840 Report of, on pétition of the trustées of Hamilton Academy........................................ S 2 58 1842 Report of the, and accompanying documents........ S 3 55 1842 Report relative to the centigrade thermometer..... S 4 94 1843 Report of......................................... S 2 57 1844 do ........................................... S 2 78 1844 Report of secretary of............................ S 3 13 1844 Report of......................................... S 4 131 1845 Annual report of.................................. S 2 51 1845 Report of, concerning St. Lawrence Academy.........A 5 158 1845 Communication from Martin Yan Buren declining the appointment of....................... .... A 5 196 1846 Annual report of................................. S 2 71 1846 Report of, on the condition of the cabinets of natural history........................................ S 3 91 1846 Report of, relative to Union Hall Academy..........A 5 L41 1847 Report of on pétition of George Wood.............. S 3 89 1847 Annual report of.................................. S 3 101 1847 Communication from............................... A 1 35 1848 Annual report of.................................. S 3 71 1848 Report on the State cabinet of curiosities........ S 3 72 1841) Report of, on the condition of the State cabinet of natural history................................ S 1 20 1849 Annual report of.................... . ........ S 3 78 1849 Report of, on the historical and other papers and parchments received from secretary’s office for deposit in the State Library....................A 3 148 1850 Report of, on State cabinet of natural history... S 2 75 1851 Report on the State cabinet of natural history... S 2 30 1851 Annual report of . . ............................. S 3 72 1852 do ................................ S 2 92 1852 Annual report of, respecting natural history..... A 5 1221853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1860 1861 1862 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1866 1886 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 737 REGENTS OF THE UNIYERSITY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No< Sixth animal report of the Regents of the University on condition of State cabinet of natural history, etc........................................... S 1 16 Sixth annual report of........................... S 2 70 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly of March 27, 1852 .............................A 2 22 Report of, relative to cabinet of natural history.... S 1 50 Annual report of................................. S 2 77 Report relative to meteorological observations..A 2 72 Annual report of, on State cabinet of natural history, S 2 40 Annual report of................................ S 3 78 do S 1 20 Report of, relative to State Cabinet of Natural His- tory............................................. S 3 112 Annual report of................................. S 2 81 Report relative to Cabinet of Natural History... S 3 109' Report relative to certain papers................ S 4 156 Annual report of................................. S 3 130 Report of, on State Cabinet of Natural History.... A 6 163 Annual report of................................. S 1 26 Report of, in answer to a resolution.............A 1 45 Report of, on State Cabinet of Natural History .... A 5 186 Annual report of................................ S 1 28 do S 1 15 do S 4 70 Report of, relative to military instruction in col- leges, etc, in this State.........................A 6 135 Annual report of................................. S 5 74 do A 5 136 Communication from, relative to lectures upon physiology and hygiene.........................A 3 77 Annual report on Cabinet of Natural History.....A 8 189 Communication from, with Dr. Peters’ report on the longitude of Elmira............................A 8 197 Annual report of.................................A 9 199 Communication from, on the death of Dr. Campbell, S 4 86 Annual report of................................. S 3 55 Report on State Cabinet of Natural History....... S 3 90 Communication from, relative to People’s College.. S 2 45 Communication from, relative to the death of Gen- eral James S. Wadsworth.......................... A 2 24 Spécial report on colleges and academies.........A 7 119 Annual report of.............................. S 1 46 Report of longitude of western boundary of State.. A 7 191 Annual report of................................. S 3 90 Report relative to western boundary of State.... S 1 18 Annual report of................................. S 4 49 do S 4 49 Reply to Senate resolution relative to purchase of HalFs scientific collections................... S 6 77 93738 REGENTS OF THE UN1VERSITY—Continued. Doc. Voi. No. ---------------------- -----------” . V Ul. mu. 1870 Annual report of.................................A 6 110 1871 do S 3 37 1872 do S 2 32 1872 Aunual report of, relative to State Muséum of Natural History ...... ...................... S 4 83 1873 Annual report of................................ S 3 28 1873 Twenty-ninth annual report of, relative to normal school...................................... S 3 44 1874 Annual report of................................ A 4 59 1875 do S 2 43 1875 Report relative to State and to academie and union schools...................................... S 4 56 1875 Report of, on the normal school at Albany........A 4 41 1876 Report of, on State Muséum of Natural History.... S 6 77 1876 Report on the normal school at Albany............A 6 68 1876 Communication from, relative to Centennial anni- versary of battle of Saratoga................ S 1 9 1877 Annual report of................................. S 59 1877 Annual report of, on Muséum of Natural History.. S 5 63 1877 Muséum of Natural History to the Regents of the University (1876)............................ S 5 64 1877 Communication from, relative to the Sprague manu- scripts .................................... S 2 40 1877 Second annual report of, on the boundaries of the State........................................ S 5 61 1877 Communication from, relating to college..........A 3 27 1877 Report on Albany Normal School.................. A 8 89 REGISTER IN CHANCERY, see Chancery. REGISTRY LAW IN NEW YORK, see New York. REGISTRY LAW, GENERAL. 1841 Report on pétition for a (Mr. Scott)..............A 5 192 1841 do do do ..................A 6 243 1841 Minority report on the same.......................A 6 237 1857 Report of standing committee on incorporation of cities and villages relative to............... S 2 69 1858 Report of minority of select committee on.........S 3 126 1859 Reports on bills relative to..................... S 2 l ^ REGISTRY OF BIRTBS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, see Births, etc. REID, Jane (an alien). 1839 Report on pétition to confirm the title of her son for certain land.............................A 3 74 RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS, see Corporations. REMINGTON, E., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.A 5 132739 1841 1830 1832 1838 1833 1832 1833 1834 1834 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1831 1832 1833 1834 1831 1832 1833 1834 REMOVAL OF THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, see Capitol. REMSEN, VILLAGE OF. Doc. Report on pétition to incorporate the........ ... A RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF. Bridge company, report on pétition to renew the charter of the .......................... • ---A Court-house, report on pétition for an additional tax to complété the.............................A District attorney, report in relation to the fees of the........................................... A Glass Manufacturing Company, report on pétition to incorporate..................................A Infant schools, report on pétition for a general act to incorporate..................................A Staves and heading, message from the Governor returning a bill relative to the inspection of, with objections................................... .A Society for the appréhension of horse thieves, re- port on pétition to incorporate.................A Society for the appréhension of horse thieves, re- port on pétition to incorporate................ S Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- tor of..........................................A Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- tor of..........................................A Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- tor of....................................... A Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- ter of..........................................A Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- ter of........................................ A Beef and pork, annual report of H. Turner, inspec- ter of..........................................A Beef and pork, annual report of Dennis Belding, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of Dennis Belding, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of Dennis Belding, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of Dennis Belding, inspector of.................................. A Beef and pork, annual report of E. L. Boynton, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of E. L. Boynton, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of E. L. Boynton, inspector of....................................A Beef and pork, annual report of E. L. Boynton, inspector of................................ A Vol. No. 4 269 1 106 2 127 1 22 3 204 4 327 4 329 4 269 2 120 1 65 2 91 3 205 3 153 3 206 3 157 2 160 3 257 3 194 3 228 2 164 2 157 3 193 3 2431835 1836 1834 1838 1839 1837 1838 1839 1840 1830 1831 1832 1837 1831 1833 1834 1836 1837 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 183*2 1833 1835 1836 1838 1832 1833 1834 1834 740 RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF — Continuée!. Doc.Vol. No. Beef and pork, annual report of E. L. Bojnton, inspector of.............. ......................A 4 270 Beef and pork, annual report cf E. L. Boynton, inspector of.....................................A 4 216 Beef and pork, annual report of B. Heartt, inspec- tor of............................................A 3 128 Beef and pork, annual report of Underhill Boynton, inspector of.....................................A 3 77 Beef and pork, annual report of Underhill Boynton, inspector of..................................... S 2 59 Beef and pork, annual report of William Gray, inspector of.....................................A 1 38 Beef and pork, annual report of William Gray, inspector of........... ................. .......A 3 104 Beef and pork, annual report of William Gray, inspector of.....................................A 5 268 Beef and pork, annual report of William Gray, inspector of..................................... S 2 40 Beef and pork, annual report of George Smith, inspector of ....................................A 2 165 Beef and pork, annual report of George Smith, inspector of.....................................A 2 165 Beef and pork, annual report of George Smith, inspector of.....................................A 3 256 Beef and pork, annual report of Charles H. Turner, inspector of.....................................A 3 273 Flour, annual report of J. Greenman, inspector of, A 4 360 Green hides and skins, annual report of E. Platt, inspector of.....................................A 3 142 Green hides and skins, annual report of E. Platt, inspector of............................. .... A 2 269 Green hides and skins, annual report of E. Wil- marth, inspector of............................ .A 3 171 Green hides and skins, annual report of E. Wil- marth, inspector of...............................A 3 272 Leather, annual report of E. Platt, inspector of .. .. A 3 142 do do do do ... A 2 80 Leather, annual report of Jas. Halliday, inspector of, S 2 49 do do do do A3 169 do do do do A 2 83 do do do do A3 126 do do do do A4 213 Leather, annual report of B. Heartt, inspector of. .. A 2 82 do do do do ... A 3 140 do do do do ... A 2 88 do do do do ... A 3 151 Lumber, annual report of E. S. Fuller, inspector of, Al 30 do do do do Al 48 do do do do Al 21 do do do do A 2 7J. Lumber, amended report of E. Fuller, inspector of.. A 4 256741 RENSSELAER, COU NT Y OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Lumber, annual report of E. Fuller, inspector of.. S 1836 do do do do . . A 1838 do do do do . . A 1839 do do do do .. S 1840 do do do do .. S 1 1 2 1 1 47 13 59 12 36 1835 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector of.................................................. A 1 35 1836 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector of..................................................... A 2 52 1837 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector of.................................................... A 2 17 1838 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector of.................................................... A 3 88 1839 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector of.................................................... A 2 55 1840 Lumber, annual report of Robert Christie, inspector S 3 75 1830 UI Lumber, annual report of N. Challes, inspector of.. A 2 127 1831 do do do do .. A 2 144 1832 do do do do ..A 2 53 1833 do do do do ..A 3 158 1834 do do do do .. A 1 14 1834 do do do do ..A 4 257 1835 do do do do .. S 1 45 1836 do do do do .. S 1 26 1837 do do do do .. A 2 137 1838 do do do do . . A 3 103 1839 do do do do .. A 4 192 1840 do do do do . . A 2 42 1837 Lumber, annual report of John Burlison, inspector of A 2 107 1837 Lumber, annual report of John Burlison, inspector of .... A 2 58 1839 Lumber, annual report of John C. Bostwick, inspec- tor of. A 3 105 1831 Lumber, annual report of Elias Disbrow, inspector of .... A 2 90 1832 Lumber, annual report of Elias Disbrow, inspector of A 2 81 1833 Lumber, annual report of D. H. Fuller, inpector of.. A 1 21 1834 do do do do .. A 2 68 1834 do do do do .. A 4 255 1835 do do do do ..S 1 28 1836 do do do do .. A 1 41 1837 do do do do .. A 2 115 1833 Lumber, annual report of T. L. Ostrom, inspector of, A 1 32 1834 do do do do A 2 78 1834 Lumber, amended report of T. L. Ostrom, inspector of, A 4 260 1835 Lumber, annual report of T. L. Ostrom, inspector of, S 1 41 1836 do do do do A 1 14 1837 do do do do A 2 1081835 1837 1838 1839 1830 1839 1846 1849 1853 1859 1859 1842 1846 1851 1851 1855 1830 1844 1848 742 BENSSELAER, COUNTY OF — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Lumber, annual report of Moses J. Winne, inspector of.......................................... S 2 46 Lumber, annual report of Moses J. Winne, inspector of..........................................A 2 116 Lumber, annual report of Moses J. Winne, inspector of..........................................A 3 115 Lumber, annual report of Moses J. Winne, inspector of..........................................A 3 94 Lumber, annual report of Charles Lemon, inspector of..........................................A 2 153 Lumber, annual report of Jacob Heermance, inspec- tor of........................................ S 3 72 Report of committee on militia, etc., on pétition of citizens of.................................A 4 108 Memorial of citizens of Washington and, on the Troy and Rutland railroad...................A 3 151 Report of agricultural committee authorizing the agricultural society to hold and convey real estate, Si 4 Report of surrogate of........................A 2 74 Report of treasurer of........................A 3 100 Banks in, see Banks. BENSSELAER INSTITUTE, see Academies, etc. BENSSELAERWYCK, see Albany County. RENT. Report relative to exemption of property from levy or sale on execution or distress for.......... S 3 76 Report of select committee on a bill in regard to rent charges.....................................A 6 223 Majority report of select committee on pétitions praying for a stay of the collection of........A 5 132 Minority report on the same......................A 5 133 Report of judiciary committee on bill to repeal act to abolish distress for........................A 4 87 RENWAY, PETER (a Canadian refugee). Report on pétition of, for bounty lands......... A 3 285 RENWICK, ROBERT, Jr. Report of committee on daims on the pétition of .. A 6 160 RENWICK, ROBERT, Jr., AND HENRY TRAY. Report on pétition of............................A 5 179 REPORTS OF INSPECTORS OF MERCHANDISE, Etc., see Inspectors, etc. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, seeCongress.743 Doc. Yol. No. . s 1 10 . s 2 42 . s 2 68 . A 3 122 . A 4 113 of . S 3 79 . A 6 205 . A 6 206 . A 4 134 22 68 15 RESTRAINING LAWS. 1837 Report on pétition to repeal the................. S 1838 Report on pétition to repeal the (Mr. Young)..... S 1838 do do do 1838 Report on pétition to repeal the (Mr. Pattison).A RETRENCHMENT. 1843 Report of committee on...........................A 1846 Report of committee on, on bill to reduce salaries of officers of State....... .................... S 1846 Report of committee on...... ....................A 1846 do ................... 1846 do ................... REVENUE LAWS, see United States. REVENUES, NATIONAL, see United States. REVISED STATUTES. 1831 Report of Secretary of State relative to the sale and distribution of the.......................... S 1 1832 Report of Secretary of State relative to the sale and distribution of the.......................... S 2 1833 Report of the Secretary of State relative to same.. S 1 1833 Report of Secretary of State relative to the distribu- tion of the..........................................A 3 158 1839 Report of Secretary of State relative to the sale and distribution of the..........................A 3 158 1837 Report of select committee on bill to furnish the Législature with the..........................A 2 129 1837 Report of Comptroller relative to drawing money from the treasury on a resolution of the Assembly for the purchase of copies of the, for members of the Législature...............................A 2 74 1833 Report on pétition from Westchester county relative to the........................................A 2 48 1842 Report of committee on the judiciary relative to amending, concerning absconding, concealed and non-resident debtors....................... S 2 42 1843 Report of committee on the érection and division of towns and counties on the bill to amend title five, part one of, etc..............................A 5 1843 Report of the minority on same................. A 5 1846 Report of committee on the judiciary on bill to amend, relative to judges and their law partners, S 1 1851 Report of committee on expenditures in relation to, A 1 1856 Report on bill to amend......................... A 3 1857 Report of librarian of Assembly library in reply to resolution relative to copies of, in library..A 1 REVISED STATUTES AND MAPS. 1832 Sent to the Governors of the different States, report of Secretary of State relative to the.........A 4 305 1833 Report of Secretary of State relative to the.....A 1 19 146 164 17 16 77 33744 REVISEES OF THE LAWS. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report of the, in obedience to a joint resolution_ S 4 404 REVOLUTION. 1832 Officers and soldiers of the, resolutions of the Légis- lature of Delaware relative to compensating them, Al 3 1832 Officers and soldiers of the, resolutions from In- diana..............................................A 3 183 1832 Officers and soldiers of the, report on the same.... A 1 44 1830 Officers and soldiers of the, report relative to exempting them from imprisonment for debt ... A 4 388 1835 Officers and soldiers of the, report relative to grant- ing relief to.................................... A 5 386 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of Kentucky con- cerning soldiers of............................... S 2 26 1842 Resolutions of Kentucky concerning the soldiers of, A 5 96 1856 Resolution relative to martyrs who died in Walla- bout bay...........................................A 5 111 REXFORD, JEMIMA. 1840 Report on pétition for a portion of the bed of the Erie canal........................................ S 8 87 REXFORD, JEMIMA, AND CYRUS W. 1843 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of... S 1 17 REYNOLDS, DANIEL. 1840 Report on pétition of, for a law requiring the treas- urer of Onondaga county to refund certain money.............. ..........................A 6 241 REYNOLDS, ELISHA AND ROBERT. 1836 Report on pétition of, to be repaid certain money s, A 4 313 REYNOLDS, HIRAM, AND SAMUEL DONALD- SON. 1862 Report on pétition of...................... A 4 59 REYNOLDS, JAMES G. 1866 Report of claim committee on pétition of. ... S 2 63 1869 do do do .........A 9 136 1870 do do do .........A 10 172 REYNOLDS, JOHN. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 126 1846 do do do ....A 4 96 1846 do do do ....A4 103 1847 Report on pétition of.......................A 1 24 REYNOLDS, NATHAN. 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 7 175 1866 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of, SI 41745 REYNOLDS, YALENTINE, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 6 22 RHINELANDER AND DE KAY, DOCTORS. 1832 Communication from, relative to deceased émi- grants..........................................A 4 388 RHOADES, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1831 Report on pétition of, in relation to lot No. 75, in the township of Lysander ................. S 1 40 RHOADES, RICHARD D. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 175 RHODE ISLAND, STATE OF. 1841 Resolutions of the General Assembly of, in relation to the public domain, the sub-treasury and a national bank................................A 5 158 1842 Communication from Governor transmitting resolu- tion of General Assembly of, relative to electors of president and vice-president............... S 3 54 1844 Resolution of the General Assembly of............A 7 196 1849 Message of Governor of, relative to manuscript volumes in Secretary’s office respecting boundaries of colony of, etc............ ........................ A 5 239 1849 Report and resolution of joint library committee relative to application from, for a volume of manu- A 3 132 script records.................................A 3 132 1850 Resolutions of, on agriculture...................A 8 180 1850 Resolutions of, on book presented................A 8 182 1855 Resolution of Législature of, in relation to foreign papers.........................................A 5 134 RHODES, ANTHONY, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for improve- ments on certain lands in Free Mason’s patent... A 3 199 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to same..........A 4 302 RHODES, ELIAKIM, Jr. 1836 Report on pétition to change his name............A 3 182 RHODES, R. D. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of...A 3 175 RICE, DAVID. 1851 Report of committee on grievances................A 3 61 RICE, HENRY, AND OTHERS, see Henry Price and others. 94746 RICE, JAMES J. Doc. Vol. No 1838 Report on pétition of, for compensation for the use of a gravel pump at the sait Works .......A 5 290 1839 Report on pétition of the administratrix of, for the same................................... A 4 187 RICE, R. 1845 Report of committee on canals on pétition of....A 5 152 RICH, J. B. 1850 Report on memorial of...................... S 3 99 RICH, LYMAN. 1850 Report of committee on canals on pétition of ___A 3 25 RICHARDS, THOMAS D. 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...... S 1 38 RICHARDSON & GROSS. 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 154 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 124 RICHARDSON, BENJ., Jr. 1851 Report on pétition for canal damages....... S 1 16 RICHARDSON, CALVIN P., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.. .... A 4 103 1847 Report on pétition of..................... A 2 74 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 134 RICHARDSON, D. H. 1834 Report on pétition of, for a lease of the surplus waters of the Erie canal at Macedon...........A 4 298 RICHARDSON, RICHARD. 1853 Report of committee on daims of. for canal damages, A 4 101 RICH, MARVIN. 1866 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 5 96 1869 do do do .....A 10 159 RICHMOND, ALVAN, AND LEVI CASLER. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of to be released as sureties for John Uhle ..Al 49 RICHMOND, BARZILLA. 1839 Report on pétition of, for a bridge over the canal on his farm............................A 3 137 RICHMOND, COUNTY OF. 1837 County buildings, report on pétition to raise money to build............................... A 2 119747 1837 1832 1833 1830 1831 1832 1837 1832 1834 1831 1831 1843 1851 1858 1859 1863 1863 1864 1841 1834 1840 1841 RICHMOND, COUNTY OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Game, report on pétition for the préservation of.... A 3 196 Grant of lands under water around, opinion of the Attorney-General relative to..................... S 1 45 Highway laws, report on pétition to amend the .... S 2 53 Oyster beds in Staten Island Sound, report relative to the rights of the citizens of Richmond to the same............................................ A 2 242 Oyster beds in the towns of Southfield and West- field, report concerning the..................... S 1 14 Poor of, report on pétition of the superintendents of the........................................... S 2 66 Road in, from the village of Richmond to Mesereau’s ferry, report concerning..........................A 2 128 St. Andrew’s church in, report on pétition of, to apply certain money toward the érection of an academy......................................... S 2 87 St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s churches in, report on pétition of, to apply certain money toward the érec- tion of a church in the village of Tompkinsville ..SI 20 Act concerning, report as to the operation of....A 3 225 do do do do .........A 3 261 Memorial of the ship-masters, owners and others of, in relation to the Virginia suspension law........A 2 26 Report of committee on roads and bridges on the memorial of inhabitants of........................A 4 99 Report on an act to enable the, to make a loan to aid in the completion of the Staten Island railroad... A 4 123 Report of surrogate of...............................A 2 74 Memorial of supervisors of, asking that the bonds of, taken by State, for destruction of quarantine property, be canceled and surrendered to that county...... .................................. S 2 32 Report of minority of finance committee in relation to canceling bonds against....................... S 5 93 Report relative to legalizing acts of, in paying com- mutation money.............................A 6 131 Police, see Metropolitan Police. RICHMOND GRANITE COMPANY. Report on pétition to incorporate the........A 4 106 RICHMOND, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to annex a part of the town of Canadice to the............................A 4 334 RICH, STEPHEN A., AND JANE. Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated lands............................ S 2 57 Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated lands.............................. S 2 58748 1835 1843 1844 1845 1845 1840 1837 1838 1839 1839 1840 1860 1842 1832 1836 1844 1838 RIDDEN, JOHN AND CATHARINE. DoCt VüJ Report on pétition of, relative to certain escheated lands in New York........................A 4 RIDDLE SAMUEL. Report of the committee on daims on Lis pétition. . S 3 RIDDLE, S. S., AND OTHERS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 3 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 2 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 2 RIDER, ANSON. Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the daim of, to certain land in Free Masons’ patent, S 2 RIDER, SAMUEL. Report on pétition of, to be repaid certain moneys paid to the State for land in Free Masons’ patent, A 3 Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same....................................... S 2 Majority report on the same..................A 3 Minority report on the same..................A 3 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the same.................................... S 2 RIDGEWAY AND SHELBY, TOWNS OF. Pétition of trustées and inhabitants of school dis- trict number twelve in the.....!.............A 1 RIFLEMEN. Reports of S. E. Church on pétition to incorporate a company of........ .........................A 7 RIFLES, ELLIS’S REPEATING. Report on bill authorizing the Commissary-General to receive from the ordnance department a certain number of.................................A 4 RIGGS, LEWIS. Report on pétition of, to be admitted to a seat in the House of Assembly in place of Chauncey Keep.. A 1 RIGHTS OF WOMEN, see Woman’s Rights. RILEY, WM. S. Report of committee on daims on the pétition of.. A 3 RINDERPEST, see Cattle Plague. RIOTS AND MOBS. Report in relation to the destruction of property by, A 5 No. 349 109 95 49 67 42 244 61 124 125 141 13 169 303 15 72 240749 RISLEY, POLLY. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for improve- ments on certain land in New Stockbridge... S 1 5 RIVERS, see Harbors. ROACH, AARON. 1864 Report on pétition of...........................A 3 57 ROADS, see Highwavs. ROBINSON, J., AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 7 147 ROBB, JAMES. 1857 Report of committee on pétition of aliéna favorable on pétition of, for power to hold land........A 2 84 ROBBINS, WILLIAM. 1859 Report on claim of..............................A 3 112 ROBERTS, BENJAMIN S. 1843 Report of the committeee on daims on the pétition of............................................A 5 122 ROBERTS, DANIEL. 1842 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on bill for relief of children of.........................A 7 180 ROBERTSON, A. L. 1849 Report of Comptroller relative to moneys drawn by, as one of the Commissioners of the Code.......A 2 42 1849 Communication from, respecting, etc.. ..........A 2 46 1849 Communication from, resigning his office as one of the Commissioners of the Code.................A 5 223 ROBINSON, B. 1848 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of . .. S 2 53 ROBINSON, CHAS. D. 1851 Senator, report in relation to charges......... S 2 60 ROBINSON, JABEZ. 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 5 124 1842 Report on pétition of ..........................A 5 127 ROBINSON, PETER. 1847 Report on pétition of...........................A 2 57 ROBLEE, THERON, AND OTHERS, Heirs of Elizabeth G-ilchrist. 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land.A 3 74 ROCHESTER AND AUBURN RAILROD, see Railroads.750 ROCHESTER, CITY OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Auctions, retail, report concerning.............A 2 151 1834 Aqueduct at, report as to rebuilding the........A 2 88 1839 And Buffalo Packet Boat Company, report on péti- tion of the, to be refunded certain moneys paid for canal tolls................................A 3 132 1830 And Buffalo Boat Packet Company, report on péti- tion of the, to be refunded certain moneys paid for canal tolls........................................A 4 210 1840 Corporation of, report on pétition of F. Stanley to authorize the, to pay him certain money........A 3 71 1839 Canal at, report relative to the location of the.A 5 287 Appraisal of property taken for the, see Harvey Ely, and others. 1839 Child’s slip, report on pétition of the proprie tors of, for relief from a resolution of the Canal Commis- sioners closing said slip................. .......A 3 120 1830 Common schools, memorial of citizens relative to. .. A 4 387 1831 Firemen of, report on pétition to increase the num- ber of............................................A 3 209 1830 Incorporation of, report on pétition for the .A 4 414 1832 Incorporation of, report of committee on conférence on bill for the........‘.......................... S 2 113 1832 School for people of color, report in relation to a..............................................A 2 77 1835 School district No. 2, report relative to the bounda- ries of...........................................A 2 117 1835 School district No. 10, report on pétition to sell part of the school lot............................A 4 327 1835 Water Works Company, report on pétition to incor- porate the........................................A 3 233 1832 Wood measurer, report on pétition for the appoint- ment of a.........................................A 1 23 1838 Suprême court commissioner, report on pétition for a............................................ A 5 295 1839 “ Williams’ Light Infantry,” report on pétition to incorporate.......................................A 6 409 1846 Memorial of citizens of, relative to éducation.......A 4 101 1847 Memorial of citizens of, relative to Erie canal......A 7 183 1847 Report of Canal Commissioners on petitioc of H. B. Smith and others, for bridge in................A 7 221 1852 Report on pétition of citizens of, in relation to canal feeder............................................A 5 109 1853 Report of committee on daims in relation to recon- struction of Platt Street sewer in................A 2 43 1853 Report of committee on daims in relation to the Platt Street sewer................................A 2 33 1853 Report of committee on daims on the memorial of owners of the waters of the Genesee river at.... A 4 86 1854 Report relative to daims of mill owners at...........A 2 3 1856 Report of committee on bill relative to daims of mill owners..................................... S 3 103751 ROCHESTER, CITY OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1857 Communication from Canal Board relative to mill owners at.............................. ..... S 1 12 1857 Report of committee on finance relative to Roches- ter inill owners’ daims...................... S 2 79 1865 Report of committee on daims on pétitions of citi- zens and city government, for relief (great flood of 1865)................................. S 3 92 1866 Report of commissioners appointed to investigate cause of inundation of city March, 1865.......A 5 117 1868 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of- S 5 55 Banks, see Banks — Monroe County. Eclectic Medical College, see Medical Colleges. Inspectors’ Reports, see Monroe County. ROCHESTER, TOWN OF. 1850 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for the érection tion of a new town.......................... A 5 107 ROCKAWAY, VILLAGE OF. 1840 Marine Pavillion and Life Boat Association, report on pétition to incorporate the.............. A 8 337 ROCKLAND, COUNTY OF. 1830 Commissioner of deeds report on pétition of I. I. Cole to confirm his official acts as a........A 4 363 1835 Ferries between, and Westchester county, report in relation to...................................A 4 313 1834 Highways, régulation of, to report on pétition to amend the law relative to the................ S 1 22 1839 School moneys, report concerning the.............A 4 184 1840 Road from Rockland lake to Slaughter’s Landing, report on pétition for a toll-gate on a.......A 5 205 1835 Report on pétition to inclose a tract of woodland in, A 4 294 1859 Report of surrogate of...........................A 3 91 1859 Report of treasurer of...........................A 3 96 ROCKWELL, A. 1846 Report in relation to daim of................... S 4 134 ROCKWELL, ANDREW. 1847 Report on pétition of..................... ....A 2 55 1848 do do ................................A 2 38 1851 Report of committee on grievances................A 3 70 ROCKWELL, ANDREW & CO. 1852 Report on pétition of, for a law authorizing the Canal Board to hear and détermine their daim... A 2 72 ROCKY GLEN COMPANY. 1839 Report on pétition toincrease the capital stock of the, SI 29752 RODGERS, PATRICK. Doc. Voi. No. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 9 89 ROGERS, DAVID. 1852 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 13 1855 Report of committee on wavs and means on pétition of.........................................A 2 41 ROGERS, ISAIAH. 1837 Report on pétition for compensation for the loss of two horses, drowned in the Erie canal......A 3 254 ROGERS, JAMES H., AND MAURICE STARKS. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 7 201 ROGERS, J. A J., AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of, for compensation for loss, bj the giving away of the dam across the Ausable river...........A 3 167 ROGERS, J. B. R, 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the pétition of executors of.................. S 1 49 ROGERS, JUNIUS. 1835 Report on pétition for payaient for work done on the Erie canal under the superintendence of Robert McBride.............................A 2 121 1836 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 3 132 1839 do do do .........A3 145 ROGERS, MED AD, AND JAMES FURMAN. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on péti- tion of.................................. A 1 29 ROGERS, PATRICK. 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages............................. A 3 52 ROGERS, NELSON. 1873 Report of committee on daims of..............A 5 86 ROGERS, S. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. A 1 27 ROGERS, SIMEON. 1842 Report of the committee on daims on pétition of . . S 3 66 ROGGEN, EDWARD. 1858 Report relative to daim of...................A 4 152 ROLLO, MORRISON, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 90753 1853 1849 1841 1844 1845 1866 1845 1845 1846 % 1835 1843 1868 1869 1870 1843 1857 EOMAN CATHOLTCS. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition of certain, relative to the instruc- tion of their children......................A 4 97 ROMAN STATES. Communication from Governor, inclosing letter from Bishop Hughes relative to interchange of donations between this State and the government of, with catalogue of engravings presented by Pope Pius IX...............................A 3 119 ROME, VILLAGE OF. State road from, to Sackett’s Harbor, report on péti- tion of the towns of Rome, Annsville, Florence and Redfield, for a loan on the crédit of said towns to improve the..........................A 4 97 Report of committee on canals on the pétitions rela- tive to new line of canal at....................A 5 125 Report of Canal Commissioners in answer to a reso- lution of the Senate relative to a new line of canal through, etc .................................. S 2 70 Canal from, to the High Falls on Black river, see Black River Canal. ROOD, DANIEL B. Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 7 176 ROOF, JOHN. Report of committee on grievances on the pétition of..............................................A 6 239 Report of Attorney-General in reply to a resolution referring pétition of...........................A 7 240 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of heirs of........................................A 6 21 ROONEY, PATRICK (an alien). Report on pétition of, for the release of the right of the State to certain land....................A 2 130 ROOT, O. P., AND OTHERS. Report of committee on ways and means on the péti- tion of...................................A 4 81 ROOT, O. P. Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 10 131 do do do ........A4 50 do do do ........A 6 113 ROOT, TOWN OF. Report of committee on canals on the pétition of inhabitants of.............................. S 3 103 ROSEBROOK & HASKINS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of. A 3 181 95751 1834 1839 1839 1844 1852 1837 1847 1847 1848 1831 1852 1854 1855 1864 1862 1831 1832 1832 1831 1849 1851 ROSE, FRANKLIN. Doc. Vo] Report on pétition of, for compensation for a defi- ciency in the quantity of a lot of land......A 4 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the same.....................................A 3 Report of committee on public lands on the same.. A 2 ROSE, THOS., AND JOHN FLINT. Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of.A 3 ROSS, GEORGE P., AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, for aid in testing the value and availability of the Dundee sait springs..A 5 ROSSIE, TOWN OF. Lead and Galena companies in, report on pétition to incorporate the...........................A 3 ROSS, JOHN J. Report on pétition of........................... S 4 do A 6 do A 3 ROSS, JOSEPH (an alien). Report on pétition of, to hold and convey real estate................................................... S 1 ROSS, MAHLON L. Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 5 Report on pétition of.........................A 3 do S 1 ROSTER. Of national guard............................ S 3 ROTH, JACOB. Report on pétition of....................... A 8 ROTTERDAM, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to loan out the town moneys of the......................................' A 4 Town property of the, report concerning.......A 2 Report on pétition to require applicants for private roads to pay the expenses of such applications... A 3 RONDOUT RIVER. Bridge over, report on pétition to incorporate a company to build a............................A 4 ROUSE’S POINT. Report of select committee on bill to allow the con- struction of a draw-bridge, by Northern railroad across the outlet of Lake Champlain at.....A 1 Report on subject of bridging Lake Champlain at.. S 1 No. 394 75 241 93 91 263 148 163 120 59 101 77 34 50 226 324 167 234 205 24 20755 ROUSE’S POINT — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1851 Report on allowing the Northern railroad to extend its pier at................................... S 3 90 1851 Report of select committee on bridge at.........A 5 134 ROWE, MATTHEW. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 3 166 ROWLAND, CHARLOTTE, AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of committee on the pétitions of aliens on the pétition of...............................A 1 33 ROWLA.ND, ISA AC. 1844 Report of Comptroller on the pétition of........A 5 110 ROWLAND, JOHN. 1844 Report on bill to confirm lands in the heirs of. S 2 85 ROYALTON CENTRE. 1839 Academy at, report on pétition to incorporate, and for a loan to.................................A 3 115 RTJDO, ELIAS. 1830 Report on pétition for the reappraisement of certain lands......................................... S 4 349 RUGGLES, C. H. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as circuit judge.........................................A 3 193 RUGGLES, SAMUEL B. 1863 Report of, as commissioner appointed by the Gov- ernor to lay before the general government the views of the Législature, relative to the enlarge- ment of the canals, for national purposes .A 5 174 RUSH, M. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 37 RUSSELL, DAVID. 1834 Communication from, relative to Seventh Ward Bank investigation ...................... S 2 64 RUSSELL, JAMES, Jr. (an alien). 1834 Report on pétition of, to hold real estate....A 4 295 RUSSELL, JOSEPH, AND J. GRIFFIN. 1840 Report on pétition to construct a dam across the Schroon river............................. A 5 180 RUSSELL, JOSEPH, AND JOHN E. NORMAN. 1834 Report on pétition of, to construct a dam across the Schroon river.............................. A 4 373756 RUSSELL, WILLIAM. E 1837 Report on pétition of, for compensation for a defect- ive title to a lot of land bought of the State.A 2 79 1837 Report on the same............................A 3 166 1838 do ..........................A 3 147 1839 do ..........................A 2 36 RUST, ZEBULON. 1830 Report on pétition of, for the loss sustained by him in conséquence of the change of the location of the public buildings in Onondaga county..........A 1 34 RUTGERS' FEMALE INSTITUTE, see Academies, etc. RUTGERS' MEDICAL FACÜLTY, sec Medical Colleges. RUTHERFORD, JOHN, see Virginia. RYAN, GRANT & TURNER. 1847 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting moneys due..........................................A 7 212 1848 Report of committee oh daims on pétition of.A 2 42 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 78 RYAN, JOHN. 1862 Report on bill for relief of.................... S 2 90 1865 Report on pétition of............................A 4 96 RYAN, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....... S 1 37 1855 do do do .............A 1 18 RYAN, MICHAEL. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.......A 3 55 RYAN, WILLIAM H. 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to the cure of the insane....................................... S 2 49 RYE, TOWN OF. 1834 Wharf at, report on pétition of Curtiss Peck to erect a...................................... A 3 210 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of Curtiss Peck to erect a..................................... A 1 51 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of Curtiss Peck to erect a...................................... A 2 103 1838 Wharf at, report on pétition of John Minuse and others for a grant of land to build a.........A 6 312 1838 Report on the same............................. A 6 322 1834 Public lands in, report on pétition of the trustées of the........................................A 4 309757 RAILROAD. Doc. Vol. No. 1878 Report of committee in relation to the elevated.... S 2 30 REMONSTRANCE OF. 1878 James J. Ferris, commissioner for licensing sailors* hôtels..................................... S 1 22 REPORTS OF. 1878 Board of police of New York city relative to police life insurance fund........................ S 2 34 1878 Commissioners to revise the statutes......... S 1 16 1878 Committee on banks in relation to receivers of savings banks............................... S 2 43 1878 Committee on printing relative to the State census, S 2 41 1878 Committee on railroads relative to the elevated rail- roads in New York city...................... S 2 30 1878 Comptroller relative to stocks sold on account of the State................................... S 2 39 1878 New York Infant Asylum........................ S 2 41 1878 Secretary of State on pauperism... ........... S 2 28 1878 State Engineer and Surveyor relative to locks of Erie canal ................................. S 2 37 1878 State Normal School at Fredonia............... SI 8 1878 State survey.................................. S 2 24 1878 Resolution of common council of New York relative to the Bonded Indebtedness bill............. S 2 38 RAILROADS. 1878 Committee on, report on New York Elevated rail- road..................................A 7 105, 135 1878 State Engineer and Surveyor’s annual report on. ... A 6 81 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY.. 1878 Annual report of...............................A 5 58 NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA BOUND- ARY MONUMENTS. 1878 Report on......................................A 4 49 REPORTS OF. 1879 American Geographical Society................. S 2 61 1879 Attorney-General, relative to New York hospital.... S 2 46 1879 Canal Appraisers.............................. S 1 9 1879 Charities in eighth judicial district..........S 2 50 1879 Children’s Aid Society. ..................... S 1 4 1879 Committee on banks as to suggestions in Gov- ernor’s message............................. S 2 65 1879 Committee on Banks relative to savings banks in receivers* hands............................ S 2 39 1879 Committee to investigate manner of making minority report of spécial committee relative to change of the warden and agent of Auburn prison............... S 2 561879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 3879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 758 EEPOETS OF — Continued. Doc. Yol. No. Committee on public health relative to lunatic asylums........................................ S 2 64 Committee State Board Charities relative to insane asylum of Onondaga county poor-house.......... S 2 60 Cooper Union................................... S 1 15 Commissioners of State Survey................... S 1 27 Commissioners of Quarantine................... S 1 26 Guardian Life, receiver of...................... S 1 23 Hudson Eiver State Hospital..................... S 1 6 Inebriates’ Home, Kings county.................. S 1 24 Majority and minority spécial committee relative to removal agent and warden Auburn prison....... S 2 51 Minority of committee relative to compensation to be paid railroads for transporting milk....... S ^ 62 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum...... S 2 47 New York Infant Asylum.......................... S 1 22 New York State Institution for Blind............ S 1 5 New York State Inebriate Asylum................. S 1 12 New York State Soldiers and Sailors* Home, Bath. .SI 10 Eegents of University........................... S 2 37 State Assessors................................ S 2 28 State Board Charities........................... S 1 13 State Commissioner in Lunacy.................... S 1 17 State Lunatic Asylum, Utica..................... S 1 7 Superintendent Insurance Department relative to value of real estate.. ....................... S 2 63 Superintendent of State Prisons relative to convict labor......................................... S 2 52 Superintendent of Bank Department relative to sala- ries paid officers of savings banks............. S 2 57 Secretary of State on statistics of pauperism... S 2 34 Trustées Astor Library......................... SI 11 Trustées State Library.......................... S 1 14 Treasurer....................................... S 1 3 Western House of Eefuge for Juvénile Delinquents, SI 8 Willard Asylum for Insane....................... S 1 16 EEPOETEES. List of Senate.................................. S 2 30 EEPLY OF. J. F. Smyth to Senate resolutions, January 17, 1879, SI 18 J. F. Smyth to charges made by Governor......... S 2 36 EEPOETS OF. Board Commissioners of Pilots....................A 1 8 Board commissioners city of New York on réduction of pay of police force....................... A 2 46 Committee on commerce and navigation, relative to New York and Brooklyn bridge.....................A 7 155759 REPORTS OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1879 Committee on militia on annual message of Gov- ernor on that subject...........................A 6 99 1879 Committee on privilèges and élections in matter of contested seat, Carman v. Duryea................A 2 36 1879 Committee on privilèges and élections in matter of contested seat, Brodsky v. Patterson :..........A 6 134 1879 Committee on public éducation, relative to geologi- cal survey and natural history of State.......A 4 79 1879 Committee on ways and means, relative to salaries of State officers................................ A 4 78 1879 Commissioners Education on Exhibits at Paris Exposition of 1878............................ A 4 71 1879 Judiciary committee on Mutual Life Insurance Company.........................................A 6 84 1879 Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company, in answer to resolution........................ ........A 2 39 1879 Majority spécial committee on expenditures, bouse, A 2 38 1879 Minority spécial committee on expenditures of house, A 2 37 1879 Minority committee privilèges and élections, in case of contested seats Carman and Duryea............A 2 44 1879 Printing committee, as to printing bills on introduction........... ......................A 2 42 1879 Poppenhusen Institute.............................A 6 82 1879 Receipts and expenditures Brooklyn Institute....A 6 81 1879 Receiver Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, communication.................................A 4 67 1879 Regents on New York and Pennsylvania boundary line.......................................... A 6 91 1879 Secretary State relative to publication of certain historical records ........................... A 2 17 1879 State Board Audit............................. A 2 30 1879 State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to obstruction in outlet Cayuga lake...........................A C 6 92 1879 State Muséum of Natural History...................A 6 89 1879 Spécial committee relative to élection beld in town of Kingston................................... A 6 114 1879 Spécial committee on State normal scbools ......A 7 152 1879 Subcommittee of whole.............................A 7 102 109, 113, 117, 121, 126, 128, 132, 133, 140, 143, 145,146, 149 1879 United States Life, in response to resolution... A. 6 88 1879 Trustées Wadsworth Library........................A 4 62 REPLY. 1879 Comptroller city of New York to resolution calling for amount judgments, interest and cost against said city..................................A 6 124 1879 Superintendent Insurance Department relative to Holland Purcbase Insurance Company.........A 4 51 1879 Secretary of State relative to population of State. ..A4 50 REMONSTRANCE. 1879 Against passage Assembly bill 401............A 6 135760 RESOLUTIONS. Doc.Voi. No. 1879 Chamber Commerce relative to canals of State.A 4 61 RAILROAD COMPANY. 1880 Atlantic Avenue, report of............... S 2 45 1880 Long Island, communication from.......... S 2 55 1880 Manhattan, Metropolitan and New York, report of, S 2 39 1880 New York and Manhattan Beach, answer of, to reso- lution of Senate.............................. S 2 52 RAILROAD, LONG ISLAND. 1880 Report of............................... S 2 45 RAILROADS, see Elevated Railroads. RAILWAYS, ELEVATED, see Brooklyn. RECEIVER. 1880 Thomas R. Sharpe, report of..................... S 2 45 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1880 Annual report................................... S 2 41 REPORTS OF. 1880 Astor library................................... S 1 8 1880 Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company of Brooklyn, the Long Island railroad and Thomas R. Sharpe, receiver.................................; .... S 2 45 1880 Attorney-General, in pursuance of resolution of Senate of May 21, 1880........................ S 2 62 1880 Brooklyn park commissioners, in response to resolu- tion of Senate.. ...................................... S 2 43 1880 Canal appraisers................................ S 1 10 1880 Commissioners appointed to settle boundary line between New York and Connecticut.............. S 1 27 1880 Commissioners of quarantine..................... S 2 35 1880 Committee appointed under resolution of Senate of May 20, 1870, relative to management of county jails and other institutions................ S 2 36 1880 Committee of conférence, relative to Assembly bill entitled “An act to prohibit the érection of elevated railways in Brooklyn.”........................ S 2 59 1880 Committee State Board of Charities, appointed to investigate charges against the Society for Re- formation of Juvénile Delinquents, Randall’s Island........................................ S 2 58 1880 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, S 1 18 1880 Inebriates’ Home of Kings county................ S 1 23 1880 Lenox library................................... S 1 14 1880 Managers Hudson River State Hospital............ S 1 9 1880 Manhattan Railroad Company (elevated), Metro- politan Railroad Company (elevated), and New York Elevated Railroad Company......................... S 2 39761 REPORTS OF — Continuée!. doc. Vol. No. 1880 New York Catholic Protectory................. SI 21 1880 New York Infant Asylum....................... SI 17 1880 Prison Association........................... S 2 34 1880 Regents of the University.................... S 2 41 1880 Spécial committee to investigate trustées Bingham- ton Asylum for Insane....................... S 2 60 1880 State Assessors.............................. S 1 26 1880 State Board of Charities..................... S 1 25 1880 State Commissioner in Lunacy................. S 1 13 1880 Spécial Engineer and Surveyer relative to improve- ments of Wallkill river..................... S 2 42 1880 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica.................. SI 12 1880 State Survey................................. S 2 37 1880 State Treasurer.............................. S 1 3 1880 Superintendent of Bank Department, in relation to expenses of savings banks................... S 1 30 1880 Superintendent of Bank Department, in relation to amount charged for premiums on government bonds during last ten years................. S 2 33 1880 Trustées Bingham ton Asylum for Insane....... SI 11 1880 Trustées Cooper Union........................ SI 19 1880 Trustées New York State Library.............. S 2 31 1880 Trustées New York State Soldiers and Sailors’ Home, SI 7 1880 Trustées Willard Asylum...................... S 1 6 1880 Western House of Refuge...................... S 1 15 1880 Wyoming Benovolent Institute.................S 1 24 See Annual Reports RESOLUTIONS OF SENATE, see Senate. RULES. 1880 Joint, Senate and Assembly................... S 1 5 1880 And orders of Senate......................... S 1 4 1880 And orders of Senate as amended.............. S 1 28 RAILROADS. 1880 Annual report on.............................A 5 75 1880 Elevated, supplémentai report on.............A 4 66 1880 Spécial committee on, report of..............A 3 38 1880 Spécial committee on, minority report of.....A 3 61 REPORTS, see also below. 1880 Assembly chamber, acoustics of, relating to..A 1 9 1880 Board of Audit...............................A 1 10 1880 Cattle Commissioners.........................A 3 31 1880 Canals, repair of, State Engineer on.........A4 71 18^0 Connecticut boundary.........................A 3 53 1880 Convict labor, contract System of Superintendent of Prisons on..................................A 7 96 1880 Legislative printing, Comptroller on.........A3 36 1880 New York, Street cleaning in...............A 8, 68,112,139 96762 REPORTS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. Ko. 1880 Peconic bay canal, State Engineer on.............A 7 108 1880 Pennsylvania boundary line, Regents of the Uni- versityon....................................A 7 100 1880 Plattsburgh and Dannemora railroad lease, spécial committee on.................................A 8 105, 123 1880 Poor-houses and relief of the poor, concerning.... A 3 57 1880 Railroads, elevated, in New York city, (supplé- mentai) ..............................................A 4 66 1880 Spécial committee on...........................A 3 38 1880 Spécial committee on (minority)................A 3 61 REPORTS, ANNTJAL, see} also, above. 1880 Adirondack survey, Superin tendent of..........A 6 77 1880 Adjutant-General........................ ......A 2 22 1880 Agricultural Society...........................A 6 85 1880 Albany Normal School...........................A 6 84 1880 Bank Department............... ................A 1 5 1880 Blind, New York Institute for..................A 2 16 1880 State Institute for.................„............A 2 18 1880 Bloomingdale Asylum and New York Hospital......A 7 107 1880 Brooklyn Institute. . ...........................A4 65 1880 Canal Department, Auditor of, financial........A 1 4 1880 Canals, annual expenditures on.................A 3 37 1880 State Engineer on..............................A 6 88 1880 Trade, tolls and tonnage of....................A 7 90 1880 Capitol Commissioners..........................A 1 8 1880 Children’s Aid Society.........................A 3 33 1880 Commissioners of Emigration....................A 2 14 1880 Comptroller....................................A 1 3 1880 Cooper Union...................................A 3 43 1880 Criminal statistics............................A 3 47 1880 Deaf and Dumb, Institution for.................A 2 27 1880 Deaf-Mutes, Central New York Institute for.....A 2 17 1880 Deaf-Mutes, Institution for Improved Instruction of, A 2 23 1880 Deaf-Mutes, St. Joseph’s Institute for.. ......A 2 29 1880 Deaf-Mutes, Western New York Institution for---A 2 30 1880 Eclectic Medical Society.......................A 3 48 1880 Elmira Reformatory.............................A 2 28 1880 Farmers* Club..................................A 8 115 1880 Fisheries, Commissioners of....................A 7 102 1880 Hebrew Guardian Society........................A 3 44 1880 Homœopathic Medical Society....................A 4 72 1880 Idiots, Asylum for.............................A 2 26 1880 Insane, Homœopathic Asylum for.................A 2 20 1880 Insurance Department...........................A 4 63 1880 Juvénile Delinquents, Society for Reformation of .. A 2 19 1880 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute............... A 2 15 1880 Natural History, Muséum of.....................A 8 120 1880 Navigation companies...........................A 3 55 1880 New York and Long Island Bridge Company........A 4 67 1880 New York Infant Asylum.........................A 3 41763 REPORTS, ANNUAL— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 New York, port of, captain of..................A 3 42 1880 Onondaga Sait Springs, superintendent of.......A 3 40 1880 Oswego city library............................A 2 24 1880 Pardons, commutations and reprieves............A 2 13 1880 Pauperism, Statistics of, Secretary of State on .... A 3 62 1880 Pilots, Commissioners of.......................A 3 32 1880 Poppenhusen Institute......................... A 7 99 1880 Prisons, Superintendent of.....................A 2 21 1880 Public Instruction, Superintendent of..........A 2 11 1880 Public Works, Superintendent of................A 4 69 1880 Railroads, State Engineer on...................A 5 75 1880 Sailors* Snug Harbor...........................A 6 89 1880 Savings banks... ..............................A 7 109 1880 Savings banks, expenditures of.................A 7 95 1880 State Engineer and Surveyor on canals..........A 6 88 1880 State navigation companies................... A 3 55 1880 State railroads................................A 5 75 1880 State survey................................. A 6 86 1880 Thomas* Asylum for Orphans.....................A 2 25 1880 Wadsworth library..............................A 3 39 RESOLUTIONS, COMMUNICATIONS IN RE- SPONSE TO, see Communications. RULES. 1880 Joint..........................................A 1 7 1880 Of the Assembly................................A 1 6 1880 Of the Assembly adopted January 7,1880 . ......A 2 12 RAILROADS. 1881 Report of committee on, relative to Assembly bill No. 466...................................... S 2 73 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1881 Ninety-fourth annual report of................. S 2 69 1881 Communication from................. ........... S 1 17 RAILROADS. 1881 Report of State engineer on....................A 7 92 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1881 Communication from.................................... A3 39 REPORTER, STATE, see State Reporter. REPORTS, ANNUAL. 1881 Of Adjutant-General............................A 3 35 1881 Of Auditor, annual financial...................A 4 4 1881 Of Auditor on the expenditures of the canals.__A 6 86 1881 Of Auditor on tolls, trade and tonnage of the canals, A 6 87 1881 Of boardof audit...............................A 1 8h 764 EEPOKTS, ANNUAL— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1881 Of board of commissioners of pilots......... .... A 2 24 1881 Of board of health..............................A 3 29 1881 Of board of managers of Catholic Protectory.....A 3 40 1881 Of board of managers of New York Infant Asylum, A3 32 1881 Of Brooklyn Institute........................... A 8 108 1881 Of Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes .. A 2 18 1881 Of commissioners of émigration..................A 3 33 1881 Of commissioners of quarantine..................A 3 43 1881 Of Comptroller........................ .........A 1 3 1881 Of Comptroller of Sailors’ Snug Harbor..........A 8 96 1881 Of Conrad Poppenhusen Association...............A 3 44 1881 Of Governor, annual message.....................A 1 2 1881 Of Governor of pardons, commutations, reprieves, A 2 16 1881 Of Homœopathic Asylum for Insane at Middletown, A 2 17 1881 Of Kings County Inebriates’ Home................A 3 37 1881 Of Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution........... A 1 9 1881 Of Managers of New York Institution for Blind. ... A 2 15 1881 Of Muséum of Natural History ................... A 8 127 1881 Of New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb, at Washington Heights........... ................A 2 20 1881 Of New York Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes.................................A 2 22 1881 Of St. Joseph’s Institution for Deaf-Mutes......A 2 26 1881 Of Secretary of State on statistics of crime....A 4 65 1881 Of Secretary of State on statistics of pauperism... A 4 64 1881 Of State Agricultural Society...................A 8 111 1881 Of State Engineer on canals.....................A 2 28 1881 Of State Engineer on companies navigating lakes and rivers....................................A 3 48 1881 Of State Engineer on railroads..................A 7 92 1881 Of Superintendent of Adirondack survey..........A 4 61 1881 Of Superintendent of Bank Department............A 1 5 1881 Of Superintendent on savings banks..............A 4 50 1881 01 Superintendent of Insurance Department ..... A 5 66 1881 Of Superintendent of Onondaga Sait Springs .... A 2 27 1881 Of Superintendent of Public Instruction.........A 1 11 1881 Of Superintendent of Public Works...............A 3 38 1881 Of Superintendent of State prisons..............A 2 13 1881 Of Thomas Asylum for Children...................A 2 12 1881 Of trustées of Cooper Union.....................A 3 31 1881 Of trustées of New York Asylum for Idiots...... A 2 19 1881 Of trustées of Oswego Library...................A 3 30 1881 Of trustées of Wadsworth Library..................A3 34 1881 Of trustées of Willard Asylum.....................Al 10 1881 Of trustées Western New York Institution for Deaf- Mutes ........................................A 2 25 EEPOKTS, SPECIAL. 1881 Bribery, charges of.............................A 8 130 1881 Cypress Hills Cemetery Association, relative to-A 2 14 1881 Elmira Eeformatory, affairs of..................A 8 98765 REPORTS, SPECIAL — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1881 Flower, George W„ & Co., claim of...........A 6 84 1881 Kings county, asylums and hospitals of......A 3 36 1881 Military Code, révision of................. A 6 80 REPORTS, SPECIAL, NEW YORK CITY. 1881 Charitable institutions of, contributions to... A 3 41 1881 District courts fees in....... 4, 6, 52, 53 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68 70 1881 Piers, leasing and building of..............A 8 103 1881 Police Pension Fund, distribution of..........A 6 74, 79 1881 Sinking Fund of ............................A 8 110 REPORTS, SPECIAL. 1881 Oleomargarine and lard cheese.................A 8 105, 128 1881 Ports of the State, charges at..............A 8 114 1881 Terminal charges, relative to...............A 8 114 See, also, Communications. RULES. 1881 Joint.......................................A 1 7 1881 Of the Assembly.............................A 1 6 1881 Of spécial joint committee on taxation......A 3 45 RAILROAD ACCIDENTS. 1882 Communication from Governor relative to ........ S 5 40 REFORMATORY AT ELMIRA. 1882 Annual report.............................. S 3 26 REGENTS OF THE ÜNIYERSITY. 1882 Annual report.............................. S 4 39 1882 Annual report on natural history........... S 4 38 REPRIEYES AND COMMUTATIONS. 1882 Communication from Governor................ S 3 19 RULES AND ORDERS. 1882 Report of.................................... S 5 4 67 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 1883 Report of................................. S 3 47 1883 Report of, relative to Utica and Black River railroad bill..................................... S 2 33 RAILROAD, see Utica and Black River Railroad. RAILROADS, see State Engineer and Surveyor. RAPID TRANSIT LEGISLATION. 1883 Memorial of C. S. Harvey................... S 3 41 RECEIYERSHIP INVESTIGATION. 1883 Report of spécial Senate committee......... S 3 38766 RECEIVERSHIPS. E 1883 Report of subcommittee on insurance to investi- gate......................................... S 3 41 REFORMATION, see Society. REPORT. 1883 Of Astor library............................... S 1 15 1883 Of Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane.......... SI 12 1883 Of Canal Appraisers............................ S 1 6 1883 Of Capitol Commissioners of estimated cost of com- pletion of New Capitol....................... S 3 42 1883 Concerning condition of Onondaga Indians...... S 2 35 1883 Commissioners of the Department of Docks in reply to resolution of the Senate.................. S 2 30 1883 Of Comptroller and Attorney-General, relative to New York Elevated Railroad Company........... S 2 36 1883 Comptroller, in relation to State lands........ S 5 52 1883 Of committee appointed under resolution of Senate by the mayor of New York city, relative to water supply....................................... S 2 34 1883 Of committee on canals......................... S 5 48 1883 Of committee on cities, relative to resolution of March 15th, 1882............................. S 5 49 1883 Of committee relative to corporations in New York having franchise rights to use the streets and avenues...................................... S 5 50 1883 Of Commissioners of Emigration................. S 2 23 1883 Of committee on finance on order of the Senate to investigate affaire of Commissioners of Emigra- tion.................................................. S 2 31 1883 Of Commissioners of Public Charities and Cor- rections in the city of New York, in reply to reso- lution of the Senate.................................. S 2 29 1883 Of directors and trustées Brooklyn Institute.. S 2 27 1883 Of finance committee, relative to State Normal School at Albany............................. S 3 43 1883 Of Executive Committee of Prison Association of New York..................................... S 5 46 1883 Of Game and Fish Protectors in reply to resolution of Senate.................................... S 2 22 1883 Annual, of Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York..................................... S 2 32 1883 Majority and minority, of committee appointed to investigate puts and corners................. S 5 45 1883 Of managers of the Society for the Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents.............. ......... SI 16 1883 Of managers Hudson River State Hospital........ S 1 10 1883 Of managers State Lunatic Asylum at Utica... S 1 7 1883 Of managers Western House of Refuge............. SI 17 1883 Of New Capitol Commissioners.................... SI 13 1883 Of Railroad Commissioners ..................... S 5 47767 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 REPORT — Continuée!. Doc. Of Railroad Commissioners relative to Utica and Black River railroad bill..................... S Of spécial committee of Senate to investigate the affairs of the Albany County Penitentiary.....S Of State Board Charities.......................... S Of State Engineer and Surveyor on canals.......... S Of State Engineer and Surveyor on the railroads of the State...................................... S Of State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolu- tion relative to New York Elevated railway .... S Of Secretary of State m relation to statistics of the poor.......................................... S Of Secretary of State in reply to resolution of Senate, S Of spécial Senate committee relative to receivership investigation.................................. S State Assessors................................... S Of State Reformatory at Elmira.................... S Of State Treasurer................................ S Of subcommittee on insurance to investigate receiverships................................. S Of trustées of Lenox Library...................... S Of the trustées of the State Muséum of Natural History........................................ S Of Thomas Orphan Asylum, Buffalo.................. S Of testimony of committee on villages relative to the town of Gravesend.......................... S REPORTERS, see Senators. RESOLUTION, see Concurrent Resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE, see Committee on Cities; Commissioners of the Department of Docks; Commissioners of Public Charities and Corrections; Comptroller; Game and Fish Pro- tectors; New York City; New York Elevated rail- ways; Secretary of State. # RULES, see Joint Rules. RULES. And orders of the Senate.................. S RAILROAD COMMISSION. Report of, relative to Manhattan railroad.A RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Report of, in reply to resolution of March 17, 1883, A REPORTS. Attorney-General, in reply to resolution of inquiry as to certain insurance receiverships............A Auditor Canal Department, relative to expenditures on canals..........................................A Yol. No. 2 33 5 51 1 U 1 9 4 44 2 37 2 25 2 26 2 38 2 21 1 8 1 3 3 41 1 19 6 53 2 24 3 39 4 4 96 7 162 6 126 4 107768 REPORTS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1883 Blackwell’s Island penitentiary, warden............A 3 58 1883 Board of Control, New York Experiment Station ... A 4 98 1883 Board of Regents, as to vacancy in,.. ........... A 2 15 1883 Canal, statistics of...............................A 5 136 1883 Capitol Commissioners in reply to resolution of Jan- uaryl7, 1883....................................A 3 38 1883 Commissioners on boundary line between New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.....................A 7 161 1883 Commissioners in Lunacy.......................... A 7 172 1883 Committee on agriculture, in reply to resolution ... A 5 130 1883 Committee on insurance.............................A 7 166 1883 Committee on privilèges and élections, majority and minoritv, in matter of contested seat, Sprague v. Bliss...........................................A 4 78 1883 Committee on privilèges and élections, in the matter of contested seat, Yan Yoast v. Derrick..........A 5 116 1883 Committee on privilèges and élections, in the matter of contested seat, Greenwood v. Hotchkiss........A 5 117 1883 Committee on public éducation........................A 7 165 1883 Committee, spécial, relative to Senate bill, Int. No. 100..........................................A 7 168 1883 Committee, spécial, relative to Senate bill, Int. No. 100..........................................A 7 169 1883 Committee on State charitable institutions in matter of asylum investigation.........................A 4 75 1883 Comptroller, in reply to resolution, February 5,1883, A4 74 1883 Comptroller, relative to collectors of canal tolls.... A 5 124 1883 Comptroller, relative to alleged occupation of canal lands by New York and West Shore road...........A 5 125 1883 Comptroller of lands exempt from taxation..........A 5 135 1883 Comptroller in reply to résolution.................A 6 147 1883 Comptroller in reply to resolution.................A 6 154 1883 Conrad Poppenhusen Association for the advance- ment of knowledge.............................. A 3 52 1883 Counsel to the corporation of city of New York ... A 3 67 1883 Counsel to the corporation of. the city of New York in reply to resolution, March 27, 1883..........A 6 153 1883 Eclectic Medical Society........................ ... A 7 176 1883 Erie county penitentiary, superin tendent..........A 4 83 1883 Kings county penitentiary, warden..................A 3 62 1883 Land Commissioners, im reply to resolution.........A 4 100 1883 Majority committee on prisons......................A 5 121 1883 Mayor of city of New York, in reply to resolution of January 10,1883................................ A 4 82 1883 Minority committee on prisons.................... A 5 122 1883 Monroe county penitentiary, superintendent...... A 3 57 1883 Onondaga Sait Springs Company, in reply to resolu- tion of February 15, 1883 ............................. A 4 80 1883 Railroad Commission relative to Manhattan railroad, A 5 96 1883 Railroad Commission, in reply to resolution of March 17, 1883 ..................................... A 7 162769 REPORTS — Continued. Doc. Vol. 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor on lands sold and owned by the State............................A 4 1883 State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution, A 4 1883 State survey ................................... A 6 1883 Superintendent Bank Department in reply to reso- lution of Assembly, January 23, 1883................. .A 3 1883 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to sav- ings banks...................................A. 4 1883 Superintendent Insurance Department in reply to resolution................................ A 1883 Superintendent of Public Works, in reply to resolu- tion relative to canal lands for railroad purposes, A 1883 Superintendent of State Prisons in reply to resolu- tion of January 11, 1883...............................A 1883 Superintendent of State Prisons in reply to resolu- tion January 18, 1883 .................................A 1883 Trustées Wadsworth library.......................A 1883 Tolls, trade and tonnage.........................A No. 91 101 148 41 70 5 114 4 106 1883 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1881 1884 1884 1884 1884 RESOLUTIONS. Relative to the océan carrying trade 29 36 54 142 A 3 66 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Reply of, in answer to resolution of the Senate, relative to................................... S 3 54 Report of, upon transporation of freight........ S 3 53 REGENTS OF THE UNIYERSITY. Annual report of................................ S 1 10 REPORT OF. Adirondack région, spécial committee on lands in. . S 2 23 Astor library, trustées of, annual.............. S 2 22 Bureau of Labor Statistics...................... S 2 13 Children’s Aid Society, annual.................. S 3 29 Commissioners of émigration, annual............. S 3 34 Committee on finance upon Capitol investigation .. S 3 39 Committee on cities, relative to investigation of department of public works in the city of New York....................................... S 4 57 Committee on commerce and navigation, with re- ference to duties of captain of the port and har- bor-masters of the port of New York . . ...... S 3 48 Commissioners appointed to make a treaty with the Onondaga tribe of Indians . .................. S 3 43 Commissioners on the boundary line between New York and New Jersey........................... S 3 46 Committee on public health in investigation of the adultération of dairy products........... .... S 3 44 Liberty, John, game and fish protector.......... S 3 36 Lenox library, annual........................... S 3 31 97770 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1888 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 REPORT OF— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. New York Infant Asylum, annual................... S 3 30 New York Prison Association, annual.............. S 3 51 New York State Institution for the Blind, annual .. S 3 32 New York State Reformatory, annual, of trustées of, S 2 15 New York State Survey, annual, for 1883.......... S 3 40 New York, commission to select and locate lands for parks in twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards.. S 3 26 Railroad Commissioners, upon transportation of freight.......................................... S 3 53 Regents of the University........................... S 1 10 State Assessors, board of, annual................... S 2 24 State Board of Charities, annual.................... S 2 25 State Board of Charities relative to care of the feeble- minded and idiotie pauper women.................. S 3 45 State Board of Charities, relative to indigent blind, SI 6 State Commissioner in Lunacy........................ S 2 11 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Board of, report of, pursuant to resolution, February 20, 1884 .........................................A 7 110 REPORTS. Adirondack and State Land Survey, Superin- tendent of....................................A 8 126 Attorney-General in response to resolution February 7,1884 .......................................A 7 83 Board of Control, New York Agricultural Experi- ment Station................................. A 5 33 Board of Commissioners of Quarantine.............A 7 109 Board of Railroad Commissioners, pursuant to reso- lution February 20, 1884 .......................A 7 110 Capitol Commissioner Perry.......................A 11 166 Capitol Commissioner’s, transmitting communication from E. A. Boyd & Sons....................... A 8 114 Civil Service Commission in reply to resolution .... A 6 66 Commissioners of Fisheries.......................A 5 58 Commissioners appointed to negotiate treaty with Onondaga Indians............................. A 1 8 Committee on commerce and navigation.............A 5 56 Committee to investigate local government of city and county of New York..............A 11 125, 153, 172 Committee to investigate repairs to armories and arsenals .... .............................. A 11 168 Committee on State prisons...................... A 11 170 Comptroller in response to resolution............A 6 62 Comptroller in response to resolution January 25th, A 5 53 Comptroller in response to resolution relative to trespassers on public lands...................A 8 142 Comptroller on finances of the canal............ A 1 4 Conrad Poppenhusen Association...................A 5 45771 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 EEPOETS— Continuée!. Doc. Yol. No. Department of public works, New York city, in answer to a resolution. .......................A 5 39 Eclectic Medical Society..........................A 5 46 Game and Fish Protector, district No. 10..........A 7 79 Game and Fish Protector, district No. 3........... A 7 80 Inebriate Home for Kings county...................A 5 51 New York Soldiers and Sailors’ Home...............A 5 38 Oswego City library...............................A 5 30 Prison Labor Association, preliminary.............A 7 85 Eailroad Commissioners, supplementary.............A 3 24 Eailroad Commissioners, annual.................... A 4 25 Secretary of State on Statistics of Crime.........A 5 37 Society for Protection of Destitute Eoman Catholic Children of Buffalo............................A 7 86 Spécial committee to inquire into delay in printing Journal and other matters......................A 7 90 Spécial committee to investigate Western House of Eefuge.........................................A 9 91, 156 Spécial committee to investigate Lunatic Asylum at Utica..........................................A 10 164 State Agricultural Society........................A 8 146 State Engineer and Surveyor in reply to resolution January 15,1884................................A 6 65 State Board of Health in response to resolution.... A 8 124 State Game Protector, district No. 1..............A 6 76 State Geologist...................................A 7 111 Statistics of pauperism...........................A 5 59 Superintendent Public Works, relative to trade and tonnage of canals.................. ...........-.. A 6 77 Trustées of Public Buildings......................A 5 57 EESOLUTION. Of the Medical Society of the county of New York.. A 6 60 EESOLUTION S. Eelative to préservation of forests ....A 8 152 EULES AND OEDEES. Eeport of...............................A 1 6 EAILEOAD COMMISSIONEES. Eeports of............................ S 5 8, 29, 46 EAILEOADS. Eeport of committee in matter of Charles T. Harvey, S 5 45 EECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMISSIONEE. Eelative to ventilation of Senate chamber. . S 5 38 EEGENTS OF THE UNIYEESITY. Eeport of.................................... S 4 21772 EEPOET OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1885 The Adjutant-General............................ S 1 6 1885 Astor library................................... S 5 25 1885 Board of Claims................................ ... S 4 12 1885 Board of Commissioners of Pilots................ S 1 7 1885 Board of Managers New York Eeformatory at El- mira......................................... S 4 13 1885 Board of Managers Western House of Eefuge.......... S 5 23 1885 Children’s Aid Society............................. S 4 15 1885 Civil Service Commissioners..................... S 5 42 1885 Commissioner of Capitol...........‘........ ........ S 5 38 1885 Commissioner in Lunacy.......................... S 6 52 1885 Commissioners of Emigration..................... S 5 31 1885 Commissioners for storing head waters of the Hud- son river .•........................................ S 5 22 1885 Commissioners of Land Transfer.................. S 6 50 1885 Commissioners of the State Eeservation at Niagara, S 5 35 1885 Committee on agriculture on subject of forests.... S 5 40 1885 Committee appointed to investigate relative to Green- wood Cemetery........................................ S 6 51 1885 Committee on railroads relative to pétition of Charles T. Harvey.................................... S 5 45 1885 Executive Committee of Prison Association of New York......................................... S 6 48 1885 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.............. S 5 24 1885 Hudson Eiver State Hospital................;... S 4 10 1885 Managers of Society for Eeformatfon of Juvénile Delinquents..................................... S 4 18 1885 Managers of State Lunatic Asylum at Utica.......... S 4 9 1885 New Capitol, work on............................ S 4 11 1885 New York Catholic Protectory....................... S 4 19 1885 Nq^v York State Dairy Commissioner................. S 5 27 1885 New York State Library......................... S 4 20 1885 Eailroad Commissioners ...... .... :......... S 5 8, 29, 46 1885 Eegents of the University....................... S 4 21 1885 Secretary of State.............................. S 5 44 1885 Of select committee of Senate to investigate gas- lighting companies of New York city.......... S 5 41 1885 Spécial, of Comptroller on school fund and taxation and revenue................................ S 6 37, 49 1885 State Assessors................................. S 5 33 1885 State Board of Charities........................ S 5 28 1885 State Board of Health........................... S 6 32,47 1885 State Treasurer................................. S 1 3 1885 Superintendent of Prisons....................... S 5 39 1885 Tenement House Commission....................... S 5 39 1885 Thomas Orphan Asylum............................ S 4 17 1885 Trustées of Lenox Library....................... S 5 30 1885 Wyoming Benevolent Institute.................... S 4 16 BEPLY OF. 1885 Board of Eailroad Commissioners to resolution of Senate..................................... S 5 46773 KEPLY OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1885 Civil Service Commissioners to Senate resolution .. S 5 42 1885 Superintendent of Prisons to Senate resolution___ S 5 39 RESOLUTION OF SENATE. 1885 Reply of Civil Service Commissioners to........... S 5 42 1885 Reply of Railroad Commissioners to................ S 5 46 1885 Reply of Secretary of State to.................... S 5 44 1885 Reply of Superintendent of Prisons to............. S 5 39 RESOLUTION OF. 1885 State Board of Health............................ S 5 32 REVENUE. 1885 Report of Comptroller............................ S 5 37 RULES. 1885 Joint.......................................... S 1 5 RULES AND ORDERS. 1885 Of Senate.......................................... S 1 4 REPORTS. 1885 Board of Central New York Agricultural Experi- ment Station.....................................A 4 33 1885 Bureau of Labor Statistics..........................A 3 26 1885 Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes....A 2 17 1885 Civil Service Commission............................A 4 42 1885 Commissioner of Fisheries, oyster investigation.... A 6 85 1885 Committee on grievances, in relation to standing committee........................................A 5 49 1885 Committee on privilèges and élections ... ..........A 6 87 1885 Committee of ways and means, relative to soldiers of 1812..........................................A 7 146 1885 Comptroller....................................... A 1 3 1885 Comptroller, on finances of the canals .............A 1 4 1885 Comptroller, on expenditures of the canals..........A 6 100 1885 Conrad Poppenhusen Association......................A 4 35 1885 Cooper Union........................................A 4 40 1885 Directors Brooklyn Institute........................A 6 93 1885 D wight H. Olmstead, Commissioner of Land Transfer, A 7 140 1885 Eclectic Medical Society............................A 4 44 1885 Executive Committee of State Normal School.....A 2 20 1885 Forestry Commission...... ......................... A 4 36 1885 Game and Fish Protector, District No. 1........... A 6 88 1885 Game and Fish Protector. District No. 3.............A 6 80 1885 Game and Fish Protector, District No. 6.............A 6 89 1885 Game and Fish Protector, District No. 9.............A 6 75 1885 Inebriates* Home, Kings county......................A 4 39 1885 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, A3 25774 REPORTS — Continued. D0C# y0i. ^o. 1885 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution...............A 2 13 ^ 1885 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum......A 7 117 1885 New York Infant Asylum...........................A 5 43 1885 New York Institution for the Blind...............A 3 27 1885 New York Institution for Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, A 2 22 1885 New York State Asylum for Idiots.................A 2 19 1885 New York State Soldiers and Sailors’ Home......A 4 41 1885 New York State Survey............................A 4 30 1885 Pardons from the Governor... ....................A 4 34 1885 Quarantine Commissioner .........................A 6 81 1885 Railroad Commissioners, spécial.............A 7 115, 149 1885 Railroad Commissioners, communication from, rela- tive to printing.......................................A 5 64 1885 Railroad Commissioners, transmitting communica- tion from Attorney-General ............................A 5 65 1885 Railroad Commissioners, transmitting a bill......A 5 66 1885 Secretary of State on pauperism................. A 5 45 1885 Secretary of State onstatistics of crime. . .....A 3 29 1885 Society for Protection of Destitute Catholic Child- ren, Buffalo.................................. A 6 92 1885 Spécial committee to investigate the State survey... A 7 137 1885 Spécial committee to investigate tontine insurance. . A 7 155 1885 State Agricultural Society...................... A 7 130 1885 State Engineer and Survey or on canals...........A 4 38 1885 State Engineer and Survey or, low lands on Flint creek......................................... A 3 31 1885 State Engineer and Surveyor on Navigation and Bridge Companys................................A 6 86 1885 State Geologist..................................A 7 161 1885 State Homœopathic Asylum for Insane..............A 2 15 1885 St. Joseph’s Institute for Deaf-Mutes............A 3 28 1885 State Muséum of Natural History..................A 2 23 1885 Superintendent of Adirondack Survey............. A 6 79 1885 Superintendent of Banking Department............Al 5 1885 Superintendent of Banking Department, relative to Savings Banks................................. A 6 82 1885 Superintendent of Insurance......................A 5 67 1885 Superintendent of Onondaga Sait Springs..........A 3 32 1885 Superintendent of Public Buildings...............A 6 72 1885 Superintendent of Public Instruction, annual...A 1 8 1885 Superintendent of Public Works, annual...........A 2 9 1885 Superintendent of Public Works on Trade and Ton- nage of Canals........................................ A 5 60 1885 Superintendent of State Prisons, aitfiual........A 2 11 1885 Tenement-House Commission........................A 3 24 1885 Trustées of Binghamton Asylum................... A 2 18 1885 Trustées of Buffalo Insane Asylum................A 2 21 1885 Trustées of Oswego City Library............. ... A 2 14 1885 Trustées of Wadsworth Library, annual............A 2 12 1885 Trustées of Willard Asylum...................... A 2 15775 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. Doc.YoL No. 1886 Communication from......................... S 4 56,57 1886 Communication from, relative to Albany railway... S 5 72 1886 Communication from, relative to Tbird Avenue Railroad Company ........................ S 5 82 1886 Report of.............................. S 3 26 RAILROAD COMPANIES. 1886 Street, relative to....................... S 3 38 RAILROAD COMPANY, see Broadway Surface; Cable. RAILROAD COMPANY, see Third Avenue. RAILROADS, see Committee; Harvey, Charles T.; Horse Railroads; Street Railroads. RAILROADS, STREET, see Bureau. RAILWAY, see Albany Railway. RAINES, SENATOR, see Committee on Privilèges and Elections. REGENTS OF THE UNIYERSITY. 1886 Report of........................................ S 2 18 REPLY OF. 1886 Commissioner of accounts, to resolution of Senate, S 4 60 1886 New York State Dairy Commissioner, to resolution of Senate.................................... S 4 58 REPORT OF. 1886 Commissioners of electrical subways, city of Brooklyn..................................... S 5 74 1886 Bureau of statistics of labor, relative to conductors and drivers on Street railroads.............. S 4 55 1886 Commissioners on boundary lines between New York and Pennsylvania..............*......... S 5 71 1886 Commissioners of the Land Office, in reply to reso- lution of Senate...................................... S 5 86 1886 Committee on privilèges and élections, in matter of charges of New York Times against Senator Raines....................................... S 5 90 1886 Committee on privilèges and élections, in matter of contested seat, Yates v. Wemple.............. S 5 89 1886 Committee on public expenditures, in reply to reso- lution of Senate....................................... S 4 59 1886 Committee on public health, in reply to resolution of Senate, relative to aqueduct laborers..... S 4 53 1886 Committee on railroads, relative to Broadway Sur- face Railroad Company.................. ......... S 5 52, 79776 REPORT OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Committee on taxation and retrenchment........... S 5 88 1886 Relative to investigation of dairy commissioner ... S 5 83 1886 Finance committee on census bill................. S 5 91 1886 Health officer, in reply to resolution of Senate. S 4 51 1886 Spécial committee. appointed May 13,1885, to investi- gate the government of the city of New York, its officers, bureaus and departments.............. S 3 29 1886 Department of Docks, New York city......... S 4 49, 64 1886 Finance department, New York city................ S 4 50 REPORT, see Annual Report. 1886 Report and testimony of spécial committee to in- vestigate lighting companies................... S 4 47 REPORTS, see Communications. REPORTERS, see Senators. RESOLUTION. 1886 Relative to Broadway Surface Railway Company... S 4 44 1886 Relative to maintenance and support of prisons of State.......................................... S 3 34 1886 In relation to Street railroads................ S 4 70 1886 In relation to trade dollars... ............... S 4 69 1886 Of Senate, relative to dairy commissioner. .... S 4 68 1886 Of Senate, relative to Erie and Oswego canals.... S 5 87 1886 Of Senate, relative to rèvival of merchant marine engaged in foreign trade....................... S 5 80 1886 Of Senate, relative to Street railroad companies. S 3 ,38 1886 Of Senate, relative to téléphoné companies..... S 4 66 1886 Of Senate, relative to Third Avenue Railroad Com- pany............................................. S 5 75, 82 RESOLUTION, see Aqueduct Laborers; Commis- sioners of Land Office; Comptroller; Concurrent Resolutions; Health Officer; New Capitol; Rail- road Commissioners; Senate; Superintendent of Public Works.* RULES AND ORDERS OF THE SENATE. REPORT OF. 1886 Adjutant-General........................... A 2 23 1886 Bank Department, annual......................A 1 5 1886 Binghamton Asylum for Chronic Insane.........A 2 19 1886 Board of Commissioners of Pilots.............A 3 24 1886 Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rome, N. Y..................................A 2 22 1886 Civil Service Commissioners..................A 5 49 1886 Commissioners of Fisheries..................A 5 39 1886 Commissioners of the New Capitol.............A 1 14 1886 Commissioners of Quarantine................ A 7 81777 REPORT OF — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Comptroller, showing amount expended on the canals, year ending September 30, 1885..........A 7 76 1886 Committee on privilèges and élections in the matter of Anderson v. Shea......................A 6 73 1886 Committee on Rules................................A 5 32 1886 Comptroller.......................................A 1 3 1886 Comptroller, spécial, on taxation, salaries and revenue...................................... :.. A 8 89 1886 Comptroller, on finance of the canals............ A 1 4 1886 Conrad Poppenhusen Association.................. A 5 37 1886 Cooper Union, annual financial....................A 6 54 1886 Eclectic Medical Society, State of New York.....A 6 55 1886 Forest Commissioners..............................A 6 50,69 1886 George W. Whittaker, game and fish protector....A 6 72 1886 Harlem River Bridge Company.......................A 6 70 1886 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society............... A 5 45 1886 Homœopathic Asylum for the Insane.................A 1 15 1886 Inebriates* Home................................. A 6 53 1886 Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, New York city.................................. A 2 21 1886 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution for Deaf-Mutes, A 5 28 1886 Matthew Kennedy, game and fish protector..........A 6 67 1886 New York State Agricultural Society, forty-fifth annual..........................................A 8 97 1886 New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Board of Control of.................................. A 5 41 1886 New York State Custodial Asylum...................A 5 47 1886 New York Institution for the Blind................A 5 40 1886 New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb........A 2 18 1886 New York Soldiers and Sailors’ Home...............A 5 36 1886 Northern Institution for Deaf-Mutes...............A 1 16 1886 Oswego City Library, annual.................... ... A 1 10 1886 Pardons and commutations during 1885..............A 5 48 1886 Railroad Commissioners........................... A 4 26 1886 Sailors’ Snug Harbor, annual financial............A 7 86 1886 Secretary of State on statistics of crime. .......A 7 84 1886 Society for Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children........................................A 6 68 1886 State Board of Health, sixth annual...............A 7 83 1886 State Commissioner in Lunacy......................A 8 103 1886 State Engineer and Surveyor relative to Albany basin...........................................A 8 95 1886 State Engineer and Surveyor on canals.............A 5 44 1886 State Engineer and Surveyor on companies navigat- ing lakes and rivers, and bridge companies....A 7 79 1886 State Geologist...................................A 9 105 1886 State Muséum of Natural History ..................A 9 104 1886 St. Joseph’s Institution for Deaf-Mutes...........A 5 29 1886 Subcommittee on the whole, A 8,82, 87,91,92, 94,96,100,101,102 1886 Superintendent Bank Department, relative to eavings banks...................................A 8 75 98778 REPORT OF — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Superintendent of Insurance Department........A 8 98 1886 Superintendent of Onondaga Sait Springs.......A 5 27 1886 Superintendent of Public Buildings............A 6 59 1886 Superintendent of Public Instruction. .......... A 1 17 1886 Superintendent of Public Works................A 5 31 1886 Superintendent of Public Works on trade and tonnage on canals..........................A 6 65 1886 Superintendent of State Land Survey...........A 7 80 1886 Superintendent of State Prisons...............A 2 20 1886 Tax Commissioners, New York city, showing real estate exempt from taxation................ A 6 60 1886 Wadswortk Library, report of trustées of...... A 1 11 1886 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes...A 5 30 1886 Willard Asylum for the Insane.................A 3 25 RESOLUTIONS. 1886 Relative to death of Gen U. S. Grant..........A 1 13 1886 Relative to domestic, Havana and seed leaf tobacco, (Tappan)...................................A 6 61 1886 Relative to Pensions..........................A 1 12 1886 Relative to Silver coinage....................A 6 57 1886 Relative to Tax Commissioners, New York city, to show amount of property exempt from taxation.. A 6 60 RULES. 1886 Joint, of Senate and Assembly.................A 1 7 1886 And orders as adopted in 1882 ................ A 1 6 1886 Proposed January 6,1886 ......................A 1 8 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Report of, on heating and lighting cars....... S 3 52 REAL ESTATE. 1887 Resolution upon the subject of taxation of.... S 2 25 REGENTS OF THE UNIYERSITY. 1887 Report of...... .............................. S 1 14 1887 Report of, as trustées of New York State Library .. S 2 15 REPORTS. 1887 Astor Library................................. S 2 20 1887 Board of Claims................................ S 2 16 1887 Board of Police Justices of the city of New York.. S 3 43 1887 Buffalo State Asylum ......................... S 1 8 1887 Charity Organization Society, Buffalo......... Si 12 1887 Children’s Aid Society............... ........ S 2 31 1887 Commission on Capital Punishment.............. S 2 28 1887 Commissioner of Electrical Subway of New York.. S 3 41 1887 Commissioners of Emigration................... S 3 39 1887 Commissioners of Fisheries.................... S 3 55 1887 Commissioner of Niagara Réservation........... S 4 60779 REPORTS— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1887 Commissioner of State Survey................... S 7 62 1887 Committee on public buildings.................. S 1 10 1887 Committee on finance, relative to Forestry Commis- sion............................................... S 4 73 1887 Committee on taxation and retrenchment............. S 4 72 1887 Hudson River State Hospital...................... S 1 11 1887 Inebriates Home of Kings county.................... S 2 27 1887 New York Catbolic Protectory. ...... .............. S 2 34 1887 New York Juvénile Asylum........................... S 3 44 1887 New York State Reformatory......................... S 2 18 1887 Prison Labor Reform Commission..................... S 3 36 1887 Prison Association of New York..................... S 4 74 1887 Railroad Commissioners, on heating cars ........... S 3 52 1887 Regents of the University........................ S 1 14 1887 Regents of the University, as trustées of State Library......................................... S 2 15 1887 Society for Prévention of Cruelty to Animais.. S 3 40 1887 Society for the Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents, S 2 17 1887 State Assessors.................................. S 2 24 1887 State Board of Charities........................... S 1 9 1887 State Commissioner of Lunacy....................... S 3 49 1887 State Industrial School at Rochester............... S 2 22 1887 State Lunatic Asylum at Utica...................... S 2 23 1887 State Treasurer.................................. S 1 3 1887 Thomas Orphan Asylum............................... S 1 6 1887 Trustées of Lenox Library......................* S 2 32 1887 Woodlawn Cemetery................................. S 4 68 1887 Wyoming Benevolent Asylum.......................... S 1 7 RESOLUTIONS OF. 1887 Mr. Yedder, relative to taxation on liquor. ..S 3 53 1887 Mr. Low, in regard to the canals......... .... S 3 54 1887 Mr. Plunkitt, relative to the Chamberlain of the city of New York....... ............................. S 4 64 RESOLUTION OF. 1887 Mr. Low, relative to Insurance companies...... S 4 66 1887 Mr. Wemple, relative to State commerce........ S 4 71 1887 Mr. Comstock, relative to per diem clerks. ....... S 3 35 RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 1887 Report of...................................A 7,11, 79, 43 REPORTS. 1887 Adjutant-General............................A 10, 18, 101 1887 Attorney-General and others, relative to dam at Waterloo....................................A 10 103 1887 Attorney-General, relative to bridge across Hudson, A 10 89 1887 Binghamton Asylum...................................A 6 29 1887 Board of Control, New York Agricultural Experi- mental Station...................................A 6 36780 REPORTS — Continued : D0C. y0i. No. 1887 Brooklyn Investigation................. ...A 10, 82, 110, 111 1887 Buffalo Asylum..................................A 4 22 1887 Bureau Labor Statistics.........................A 5 27 1887 Burnham Industrial Farm.........................A 6 33 1887 Central New York Institution, Deaf-Mutes........A 4 26 1887 Civil Service Commission........................A 6 34 1887 Comptroller, annual.............................A 1 3 1887 Comptroller, annual financial...................A 1 4 1887 Comptroller, annual canals......................A 9 76 1887 Comptroller, Sailors’Snug Harbor................A 10 96 1887 Commissioners, bridge, across East river........A 7 56 1887 Commissioner of Fisheries......................... 1887 “ Oyster Investigation,” 1885 and 1886..........A 6 28 1887 Commissioner, better provision for insane criminals, A 7 62 1887 Commissioners to designate troops at Gettysburgh, A 7 65 1887 Committee to investigate Brooklyn..........A 10, 82, 110, 111 1887 Committee coal investigation ...................A 9, 69, 73 1887 Committee to locate insane asylum........ ......A 2 11 1887 Committee relative to language, Crosby and Ives.. A 10 88 1887 Conrad Poppenhusen Association..................A 10 90 1887 Cooper Union....................................A 7 49 1887 Custodial Asylum, Feeble-Minded Women...........A 6 30 1887 Dairy Commissioners.............................A 7 48 1887 Eclectic Medical Society........................A 7 52 1887 Forest Commissioners............................A 10 104 1887 Governor on Pardons. ...........................A 10 114 1887 Health Ofîicer, Port of New York................A 10 85 1887 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society..............A 7 51 1887 Homœopathic Asylum, Middletown..................A4 23 1887 Institution for blind at Batavia................A 7 40 1887 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution..............A 6 31 1887 New Capitol Commissioner........................A 9 71 1887 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum.....A 10 99 1887 New York Infant Asylum........................A 7 44 1887 New York Institution for Blind..................A 7 42 1887 New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes. ...........A 4 10,16 1887 New York State Agricultural Society........... A 10 116 1887 New York State Asylum for Idiots..............A 7 66 1887 Northern New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes____A 5 25 1887 Pilot Commissioners.............................. A4 14 1887 Railroad Commissioners.........................A 9 12,43,79 1887 Regents of the University.......................A 4 15 1887 Secretary of State, pauperism...................A 7 46 1887 Slingerland, Wm. H., measurements New Capitol. .. A 10 93 1887 Society for Prévention of Cruelty to Children...A 7 53 1887 Society for Protection of Roman Catholic Children, A 7 58 1887 State Board of Arbitration. ......A 4 17 1887 State Board of Charities, in response to resolution, A 9 78 1887 State Board of Health...........................A 7 37 1887 State Geologist.................................A 9 72 1887 State Engineer and Surveyor, canals.............A 7 38781 EEPOETS — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1887 State Engineer and Surveyor, companies navigating lakes and rivers............................ A 10 94 1887 St. Joseph’s Institute...........................A 6 32 1887 State Eeservation, Niagara.......................A 7 50 EAILEOAD COMMISSIONEES. 1888 Annual report of................................ S 1 8 1888 Supplémentai report of.......................... S 3 9 EEGENTS OF THE UN1YEESITY. 1888 Annual report of................................ S 3 18 EESOLUTIONS. 1888 Adopted by the common council of the city of New York, relative to sergeantsof police.... .....S 5 52 1888 Offered by Mr. Low, relative to trusts.......... S 5 54 1888 Eelative to appropriations for deepening and enlarg- ing the canals.............................. S 5 55 1888 Eelative to corruption in public offices in the city of New York..................................... S 5 57 1888 Offered by Mr. Low, relative to taxation........ S 1 4 1888 Offered by Mr. Eussell, for the appointment of a committee to investigate the State prisons....S 5 38 1888 Adopted by the citizens of New York, at a mass meeting held February sixth.................. S 5 42 1888 Eelative to counsel employed by the committee on general laws................................. S 5 49 EEPOETS. 1888 State Treasurer................................ S 1 3 1888 Trustées of the Charity Organization Society of Buffalo...... ............................. S 1 5 1888 New York Catholic Protectory.................... S 1 7 1888 Board of Eailroad Commissioners................. S 1 8 1888 Managers of the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane....................................... S 3 10 1888 Board of Claims............................... S 3 11 1888 Astor Library................................... S 3 12 1888 Thomas Asylum................................... S 3 13 1888 Society for the Eeformation of Juvénile Delinquents, S 3 14 1888 New York State Library.......................... S 3 15 1888 New York Tenement-House Commission............ S 3 16 1888 Commission to investigate and report the most humane and practical method of carrying into effect the sentence of death in capital cases. S 3 17 1888 The Eegents of the University................... S 3 18 1888 State Muséum of Natural History................. S 4 19 1888 Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York, S 4 20 1888 State Assessors................................. S 4 22 1888 Childrens’ Aid Society ....................... S 4 23 1888 Prison Association of New York................. S 4 241888 1888 1888 1888 1»88 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1898 1888 1888 782 REPORTS — Continued: Doc. Vol No. Hudson River State Hospital................. ,.. S 4 25 Lenox Library................................... S 4 26 New York State Asylum for Idiots................. S 4 27 New York State Lunatic Asylum at Utica........... S 4 29 Inebriates Home for Kings county................. S 4 30 State Board of Charities......................... S 4 31 Wyoming Benevolent Institute ................... S 5 34 State Industrial School at Rochester........ ... S 5 41 New York Juvénile Asylum......................... S 5 43 Secretary of State on pauperism . ............... S 5 44 New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum....... S 5 47 Commissioners of Emigration.................... S 5 48 Senate committee on general laws relative to trusts......................................... S 5 50 House of Refuge for Women ....................... S 5 53 Committee on daims relative to elevated railway percentage.................................... S 5 60 Committee on taxation in the matter of the Morn- ingâide Park Assodation and Bloomingdale Asylum......................................... S 5 61 Ad jutant-General, annual.........................A 5 33 Biûghamton Asylum for Chronic Insane..............A 6 52 Eugene G. Blackford, Commissioner of Fisheries, oyster investigation............................A 6 37 Board of Commissioners of Pilots..................A 7 56 Board of Control, New York Agricultural Experi- ment Station................................. A 5 36 Board of Electrical Control, New York dty........ A 6 38 Board of Managers New York State Reformatory, at Elmira..........................................A 4 29 Brooklyn Institute................................A 7 57 Bureau of Labor Statistics........................A 9 74 Central New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes.....A 4 26 Civil Service Commissioners.......................A 7 63 Commissioners of Fisheries........................A 5 31 Commissioners State Réservation at Niagara......A 3 19 Commission on “ Assembly Chamber Ceiling ”......A 10 61,89 Commission ou boundary line between New York and New Jersey................................. A 5 35 Commission on New Asylums for Insane Criminals, A 6 48 Committee to investigate criminal charges....... A 7 60 Comptroller, annual...............................A 1 3 Comptroller, financial, relating to canals .......A 4 4, 22 Cooper Union, for the Advancement of Science and Art ........................................... A 5 32 Dairy Commissioner, annual........................A 3 17 Eclectic Medical Society..........................A 6 49 Factory Inspectors, second annual.................A 3 14 Forestry Commission, spécial......................A 6 39 German-American Bank, as to balances..............A 5 30 Governor on commutations and pardons..............A 10 87783 REPORTS — Continued : D0C. Yol. No. 1888 Judiciary committee, on message from Governor, relative to voting of soldiers at State Soldiers and Sailors’ Home at Bath........................... A 7 53 1888 Minority of judiciary committee, State Soldiers and Sailors* Home at Bath............................A 7 54 1888 Judiciary committee, as to investigation of certain charges made in the New York World touching the legislative integrit.y of members.........A 10 90 1888 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institute for Deaf-Mutes. ..A4 28 1888 Managers New York Institution for the blind, New York city .......................................A 3 13 1888 New York Academy of Medicine, committee of, rela- tive to quarantine in New York city.......................A 10 80 1888 New York State Agricultural Society.................A 10 83 1888 New York Custodial Asylum for feeble-minded women.......................................... A 6 41 1888 New York State Institution for the blind at Batavia, A 6 47 1888 New York Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf and Dumb....................................A 4 20 1888 New York Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes ......................................A 3 18 1888 Northern New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, annual...........................................A 3 16 1888 Oswego city library, annual.........................A 3 11 1888 Quarantine Commissioners, annual....................A 3 15 1888 Railroad commissioners, in response to resolution relative to cheap transportation in and near New York city........................................A 9 72 1888 Secretary of State on statistics of crime...........A 6 43 1888 Society for protection of Roman Catholic Children at Buffalo......................................... A 6 50 1888 State Board of Health...............................A 7 55 1888 State Bcard of Health, in response to resolution of the Assembly, relative to the sale of compounds containing poisonous ingrédients.................A 10 79 1888 State Board of Médiation and Arbitràtion............A 2 10 1888 State Homœopathic Asylum for the Insane.............A 4 23 1888 State Commissioners in Lunacy..................... A 6 42 1888 State Engineer and Surveyor on Canals ..............A 4 25 1888 State Engineer and Surveyor on navigation and bridge companies................................ A 7 65 1888 St. Joseph’s Institution for Instruction of Deaf- Mutes ...........................................A 4 21 1888 St. Lawrence State Asylum, managers of..............A 6 40 1888 State Soldiers and Sailors* Home....................A 6 44 1888 Superintendent Banking Department, annual........ A 2 8 1888 Superintendent Banking Department, in relation to savings banks....................................A 7 59 1888 Superintendent Insurance Department ................A 8 67 1888 Superintendent Onondaga Sait Springs................A 5 34 1888 Superintendent Public Instruction, annual........A 1 7784 REPORTS — Continuée!. Doc< Vol. No. 1888 Surveys of Public Lands in Clinton, Essex, Franklin and other counties...........................A 7 58 1888 Superintendent Public Works.. ..................A 4 24 1888 Superintendent Public Works, on trades and tonnage of the canals................................A 9 68 1888 Superintendent State Prisons, annual............ A 2 9 1888 Superintendent State Prisons, in response to resolu- tion of the Assembly, March 5. . ....................A 9 70 1888 Trustées of Wadsworth Library ..................A 3 12 1888 Ways and Means committee, investigation of Charles B. Andrews, Superintendent of Public Buildings....................................A 10 81 1888 Ways and Means committee, minority report, investi- gation of Charles B. Andrews, Superintendent Public Buildings............................... A 10 82 1888 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes_____A 6 45 1888 Willard Asylum for the Insane. ... .............A 4 27 SABBATH. 1838 Report on pétition to repeal the laws for the observ- ance of..............................................S 5 262 1844 Report of committee on canals on the subject of closing the locks on, etc.................... S 4 119 1845 Report of committee on canals relative to closing locks on.....................................A 4 148 1847 Report relative to observance of................ S 4 131 1849 Report on subject of closing locks on the canals of this State on................................ S 2 61 1858 Report of committee on canals relative to closing locks on..................................... S 2 77 1858 Report of minority of the committee on the same.. S 2 91 1858 Majority report on closing locks on the canals on.. A 4 134 1858 Minority report on the same.....................A 4 137 SACANDAGA BRIDGE. 1859 Report relative to the préservation of.......... S 2 117 1859 Report relative to..............................A 2 83 1859 Report of committee of two-thirds and three-fifths bills relative to appropriations for.........A 4 177 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General on same.............A 3 162 1860 Report of committee on the pétition of the commis- sioners of the...............................A 3 84 1861 Report relative to.............................. S 2 46 SACANDAGA CANAL, see Canals. SACANDAGA RIVER, 1831 Report on bill to provide for the survey of the-A 3 248 1867 Report of committee on roads and bridges, favorable on pétition for an appropriation to repair the State bridge over the................................A 3 1611836 1838 1833 1834 1837 1843 1847 1859 1859 1843 1853 1830 1831 1832 1832 1845 1856 1831 785 SACKETT, GARY Y., see Suprême Court Clerks. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Doc. Vol. No. Roads in, report on pétition to lay out and open certain........................................A 3 203 Roads in, report on pétition to extend an act to lay out .............. ............................ A4 195 Sole-leather, annual report of N. Parmenter, an inspector of.......................... ........A 3 168 Sole-leather, annual report of N. Parmenter, an inspector of...................................A 4 258 Sole-leather, annual report of N. Parmenter, an inspector of.. , .............................. S 1 46 Report of the committee on roads and bridges on the pétition of the inhabitants of, and Clinton, for a wagon road.......................... ........A 4 84 Report of majority committee on grievances, rela- tive to rivers in. ..............................A 7 223 Report of surrogate of..........................A 2 65 Report of treasurer of...........................A 3 110 Banks, see Banks — St. Lawrence county. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. Report of Commissioners of the Land Office on péti- tion of trustées of St. Regis Indians, relative to certain islands..........................A 5 136 Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties, in relation to compensating the St. Regis Indians for certain lands in.......A 2 39 ST. REGIS INDIANS, see Indians, St. Regis. ST. REGIS RESERVATION. Road through, report on pétition for aid to con- struct a........................ * * * *.... A 3 223 Public lands in the, report of the Surveyor-General relative to the.............................. S 1 19 Public lands in the, report of the Surveyor-General relative to the............................ S 1 12 Public lands in the, report of the committee on finance, on the report of the Surveyor-General... S 1 27 Report of committee on public lands, on bill to lease lots......................................... A 5 168 ST. REGIS RIVER. Report on improvements of.......................A 4 112 SALEM, TOWN OF. Report on pétition of, to the supervisors of, to crédit the treasurer of Washington county for certain compound interest.........................A 1 51 99786 SALEM, TOWN OF — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on the same. ... .........................A 2 129 1831 Report on pétition of Moses Cleveland, to compel the town of, to remunerate him for expeLses incurred as commissioner of highways............ .... A 4 313 SALINA, TOWN OF. 1836 Census of the, report of Secretary of State relative to the.........................................A 3 162 1836 Census of the, report of the select committee on the same.......................................... A 3 166 1833 School district No. 4, report on pétition of trustées of............................................ S 2 103 1833 School district No. 4, report of Surveyor-General on pétition of trustées of....................... S 2 97 1842 Remonstrance of inhabitants of, against abolishing capital punishment.............................A 7 133 1843 Remonstrance of numerous citizens of the village of, against the repeal of “ the extension of the trial by jury law ”............................A 3 60 1843 Pétition of manufacturers of sait, and of inhabitants of, for increasing the revenue of State by extend- ing the market for sait................................A 5 133 Bank, see Banks, Onondaga county. Salt, see Sait Springs, Salina. SALISBURY CENTRE, VILLAGE OF. 1840 Road from, to Racket lake, report of Surveyor- General relative to a.....................A 4 153 SACKETT’S HARBOR, VILLAGE OF. 1841 Road from, to Rome, report on a pétition for a loan from the school fund to improve a.........A 4 97 Banks, see Banks —Jefferson county. Canal fkom, to Carthage, see Black River canal. SADGEBURY, Joseph. 1866 Report of daims committee on^petition of....A 4 62 SAFETY FUNDS, see Banks. SAGE, ALBERT G. 1865 Report on pétition of.......................A 7 117 SAGE, BENJAMIN H. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 5 121 SAGE, CASLER & CO. 1840 Report on pétition of, for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal.............A 8 320787 SAGE, CASLER & CO.— Continued. D0C ^o. 1842 Report of committee on canals pétition of......A 7 176 1843 Report of the committee on canals on the pétition of............................................A 4 80 SAGE, HEZEKIAH. 1851 Report of committe.e on grievances................. A3 77 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 69 SAGE, WALRATH & DUNHAM. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........... S 2 52 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.... S 3 84 1845 Report of committee on daims on claim of.......A 4 126 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to...... A 4 135 1847 Report of, on pétition of......................A 8 237 1848 do do ...............................A3 88 1850 Report of claim................................A 6 155 1851 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, S 2 64 SAG HARBOR, VILLAGE OF. 1831 State pier at, report on pétition to repair the. S 1 44 1835 Wharf at, report on pétition of M. B. Osborne to construct a................................... A 3 180 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR, see New York. SAILORS’ RETREAT AT STATEN ISLAND. 1872 Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to................................A 10 153 ST. CLAIR, C. N., AND JAMES. 1847 Report on pétition of....................... S 2 75 ST. CLAIR FLATS. 1859 Resolutions of the Michigan Législature in relation to improvement of........................ A 2 71 ST. JOHN, MILTON H. 1873 Report of commissioners on daims of..........A 6 100 ST. JOHNSVILLE, TOWN OF. 1849 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of inhabi- tants of town of Oppenheim, for the annexation of a part of that town to..............................A 3 138 ST. LAWRENCE ACADEMY, see Academies, Etc. ST. LAWRENCE AND MOHAWK RAILROAD, see Railroads. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. 1832 Literary association, report on pétition to incor- porate......................................A 4 313788 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Turnpike, report on pétition for a tax to improve the..........................................A 2 94 1832 Turnpike, report on pétition for a tax to improve the.......................................... S 2 85 1836 Records, report in relation to the..............A 2 70 1835 Poor laws, report on pétition for an alteration of the...........................................A 4 285 SALISBURY, VILLAGE OF. 1839 Road district from, to Little Falls, report in rela- tion to a..............................................A 2 49 1839 Road district from, to Little Falls, report on péti- tion to amend an act in relation to a............A 6 343 1839 Road from, to Boonville, report on pétition for a. .. A 5 325 SALMON FISHERIES. 1857 Report on pétition relative to................. S 4 146 SALMON, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committeeon daims on pétition of.....A 2 72 SALMON RIVER. 1857 Report of select committee, favorable on pétition for the improvement of........................A 1 37 SALT. 1833 Report on pétition of Simeon Crâne, and others, for a loan to aid them in the discovery of sait in Herkimer county.......................... .. A 4 276 1834 Report on the same..............................A 1 45 1834 do do ..........................................A 3 146 1843 Report of the committee on the manufacture of--A 4 111 1843 Pétition of manufacturers of, and inhabitants of town of Salina, for increasing the revenue of the State by extending the market for.............A 5 133 1846 Report on bill to repeal the act giving bounty on, etc.......................................... S 2 47 1847 Report on expenditures of works................ S 4 118 1849 Report of committee on finance on bill to sell cer- tain lands in Syracuse................................ S 3 81 1849 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to sale of certain lands covered with coarse sait vats in Syracuse...................................A 3 130 1854 Report of committee on, relative to certain laws concerning manufacture of.....................A 4 132 1859 Report of Comptroller relative to lands sold on the réservation.................................. A 3 155 1861 Report of committee on manufacture of..........A 5 129 1861 do do do do ............................. S 2 42 1863 Report of committee on manufacture of, at Syra- cuse and Montezuma................................... S 5 89789 SALT — Continued. D0C> yol< ^o. 1863 Report of committee on manufacture of, relative to distribution of Brine and Sait Company of Onon- daga...........................................A 7 222 1863 Report of committee on manufacture of, on inspec- tion of sait barrels...................................A 7 223 1870 Report of committee on manufacture of.............A 11 194 SALT COMPANY, SYRACUSE. 1850 Report of committee on daims on bill in relation to, S 3 76 SALT DUTIES. 1830 Report of Attorney-General as to the constitution- ality of increasing .......................... S 4 344 1831 Réduction of the, memorial of manufacturers for the......................................... S 1 25 1831 Réduction of the, report on the same..............S 1 56 1831 Réduction of the, resolution for the same........ S 1 67 1831 do do do do ........A 4 294 1832 To be applied to defraying the expenses of the gov- ernment, resolution for..................... S 2 70 1832 Report on the same............................... S 2 100 1833 Report of Secretary f State relative to the publi- cation of amendments to the Constitution rela- tive to the same..... ........................ S 1 14 1833 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same.. S 2 45 1834 To be restored to the general fund, resolution for the........................................... A 3 131 1835 Report of Secretary of State, relative to the publica- tion of amendments to the Constitution relative thereto...................................... A 1 42 1835 Report of committee on the judiciary on the same ..Al 49 1835 Resolution and récital relative to the same.....A 1 59 1834 Report on pétition for the réduction of the.....A 1 23 1834 do do do do ............... SI 31 1833 Duty of two mills per bushel for pumping sait water, report on pétition to repeal said law.A 3 231 1835 Report on the same..............................A 3 164 1839 do do .................................A 6 327 1840 do do .................................A 6 255 1839 Amount of, received from 1812 to 1838, with the number of bushels manufactured in each year ... S 3 76 1831 Revenue at Salina, report relative to frauds on the, S 1 18 1850 Report on.......................................A 6 165 1850 Report of committee on manufacture of sait, on pétition to reduce duty on foreign sait..... A 8 148 1860 Report of committee on bill to increase the.....A 4 140 1863 do do ds do ........ S 5 121 1864 Communication from Buffalo board of trade on.... S 6 85 1864 Report of committee on ways and means, relative to increase of duties on........................A 8 1871847 1852 1838 1839 1839 1842 1846 1847 1847 1861 1841 1842 1842 1844 1845 1846 1838 1839 1839 1839 1841 1831 1831 1838 1841 1844 1843 790 SALT SPRINGS. Doc. Voi. No. Report relative to land near................... S 3 108 SALT SPRINGS, DUNDEE. Report on pétition of G. P. Ross ond others in rela- tion to testing the............................A 5 91 SALT SPRINGS, MONTEZUMA. Report on pétition for the construction of sait wells, etc............................................A 4 172 Report on pétition for the construction of sait wells, etc................ * * *....................A 6 327 Report on pétition for the construction of sait wells, etc........................................... S 2 58 Report of committee on manufactures relative to.. . S 4 91 Report in relation to........................... S 2 70 Report relative to.............................. S 4 121 Report of committee on manufacture of sait, on péti- tion of inhabitants of Montezuma, for appropria- tion to rebuild sait réservoir...................A 2 56 Report relative to.............................. S 2 31 SUPERINTENDENT OF: Report of Solomon P. Jacobs..................... S 1 18 Report of...................................... S 2 49 Extra session, communication to Governor from... A 7 195 Report of superintendent of..................... S 1 19 Report of................................. S 1 11 Report of....................................... S 2 41 SALT SPRINGS, ONONDAGA. Diving or gravel pump, used at the, report on péti- tion for compensation for the....................A 5 290 Diving or gravel pump, used at the, report on péti- tion compensation for the........................A 4 187 Report of the superintendent and inspector relative to the cost of réservoirs, etc., to carry out the plan of freeing the brine from impurities, etc......A 3 108 Report on pétition for the construction of réservoirs, etc.......................................... A 6 327 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office on the bill relative to the...................... A 3 83 Memorial of manufacturers in relation to the sait duties.................................... S 1 25 Report of the select committee on the same...... S 1 56 Report of the committee on the manufacture of sait (Mr. Lawrence)................................ A 6 306 Memorial of manufacturers of sait in Salina relative to the bill in relation to the.................A 4 127 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on bill rela- tive to the exchange of certain lands set apart for the manufacture of sait in the county of Onondaga, A 6 155 Réservation, communication from the Commissioners of the Land Office relative to.................A 2 39791 SALT SPRINGS, ONOND AGA — Continued. SUPEBINTENDENT OP: Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Annual report of........................ ......A 2 144 1831 do ...............................A 2 118 1832 do ...............................A 1 24 1833 do ............................... S 1 16 1834 do ...............................A 1 22 1834 Report of, relative to their compensation, etc.A 4 290 1834 do do .......A 4 293 1835 Annual report of............................... S 1 6 1836 do ............................... S 1 10 1837 do ...............................A 1 36 1838 do ............................... S 1 14 1838 Monthly account of.............................A 5 209 1839 Annual report of............................... S 1 9 1840 do ............................... S 1 12 1841 do ............................... S 1 19 1842 Report of the.................................. S 1 8 1842 Communication to the Governor...................A 1 2 1842 Annual report of................................. Al 11 1842 do ...............................A 5 130 1843 do ............................... S 1 7 1843 do ...............................A 1 6 1844 do ...............................A 1 13 1845 Report of...................................... S 1 39 1845 Annual report of................. .............A 1 10 1846 do ................................ • A 1 9 1846 Report of committee on manufacture of sale relative to..........................................A 3 79 1847 Annual report of............................... A 1 11 1848 Report of......................................A 2 23 1849 Annual report of...............................A 1 19 1850 Report of......................................A 3 36 1851 Annual report of............................... A 2 25 1852 do ...*...........................A 2 43 1853 do ...............................A 3 78 1854 do ...............................A 2 50 1855 do ............ ..................A 1 20 1856 do ...............................A 3 75 1857 do ............................... A 1 30 1858 do ...............................A 3 55 1859 do ...............................A 1 26 1860 do ...............................A 2 33 1861 do ...............................A 1 26 1862 do ...............................A 4 45 1863 do ...............................A 5 70 1864 do ...............................A 2 29 1865 do ...............................A 2 35 1866 Annual report of superintendent of...........A 1 19 1867 do do. A4 75 1868 do do ..............A 2 19 1869 do do ..............A 2 13792 SALT SPRINGS, ONONDAGA — Continued. Superintendent OF — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1870 Annual report of superintendent of................A 2 22 1871 do do ...............A3 21 1871 Report of superintendent relative to amount sold and inspected since 1860................. ....A 4 63 1872 Annual report of................................... A 2 17 1873 do .................................A 2 15 1874 do .................................A 2 22 1874 Communication from superintendent of............. A 6 96 1875 Annual report of.................................A 3 28 1876 do .................................A 3 26 1877 do .................................A 3 29 SALT SPRINGS, SALINA. 1830 Pump works at, report on pétition of Junia Curtiss, for pay for building.......................... A 3 271 1831 Pump works at, report on pétition of Junia Curtiss, for pay for building..........................A 4 320 1833 Rock sait at, report on pétition of B. Bjington for a loan to aid him in the discovery of.........A 4 314 1831 Sait revenues, report relative to frauds on the.. S 1 18 1834 Lands set apart for the manufacture of coarse sait, report of the Commissioners of the Land Office concerning....................................A 4 292 1836 Report on pétition for the sale of a part of the.A 4 329 1840 Report on pétition of H. W. Van Buren to purchase a portion of the..............................A 7 284 1840 Report on pétition and bill relating to the......A 8 351 1841 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office giving the names of individuals and companies to whom land has been set apart, etc............. S 2 45 1883 Report on pétition of manufacturers of sait in, to repeal the law imposing a tax for pumping brine, A 3 231 1840 Report on pétition of citizens of, to abolish the office of inspector of sait, and that one be appointed for each village, and for the repeal of the tax for raisin g the water, etc.....................A 6 255 1841 Memorial of manufacturers of sait for amendments to the bill in relation to theOnondaga sait springs A 4 127 1843 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the act to extend the manufacture of sait at......... A 5 150 SAMSONDALE, VILLAGE OF. 1835 Fire company, report on pétition to incorporate_A 4 336 SANDERS, THEODORE W. 1849 Report on pétition to vacate his seat as a member of Assembly from Schenectady county...:..... A 7 291 SANFORD, LEVI, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 92793 SAND LAKE, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1836 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in the............................A 2 102 SANDY HILL, VILLAGE OF. 1833 Firemen, report on pétition to incorporate the.... A 2 113 SANDY HOOK. 1852 Report of Commissioners of Land Office relative to a hospital at................................. S 3 96 1853 Report of Commissioners of Land in relation to marine hospital at......................... S 2 57 SANDY HOOK PILOTS. 1836 Report on pétition to increase the number of..A 4 237 1836 Report of wardens of the port of New York ralative to increasing the number of..................A 4 272 1838 Report on pétition of commissioners of pilots to amend the law in relation to th©.............A 4 174 SANFORD A EGLESTON. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of.A 3 69 1846 do do do .....A 3 78 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 4 99 SANFORD, CHARLES W. 1853 Major-General, report of, in answer to a resolution in relation to moneys collected for military fines in the city of New York..............................A 2 30 SANFORD, MALACHI AND LUCIUS SOUTH- W1CK. 1864 Report on pétition for damages to the property of the Shakers at Mount Morris by Genesee Valley, A 2 42 SANFORD, ROLLO AND WIBERT. 1848 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 90 S AN GERSFIELD, TOWN OF. 1833 Justice of the peace in, report on pétition to legalize the acts ...................................A 2 114 1844 Report of the committee on charitable and religious societies on the pétition of the Presbyterian church in........................................ S 1 38 SARATOGA AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD, see Railroads. SARATOGA COUNTY. 1830 Beef and pork, annual report of J. Bliven, an inspector of...........;......................A 2 100 100794 SARATOGA COUNTY — Continued. Doc yo]# No 1832 Highway labor in, report in relation to..........A 3 258 1834 Courts of Oyer and Terminer, report on memorial of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for a law declaratory of the manner of proceedings in, A 4 399 1840 Report on pétition for indemnity for expenses in- curred on the trial of Thomas Rector..........A 4 121 1830 Race course in, report on pétition for the establish- ment of a.............................................A 4 294 1836 Suit against the treasurer of, report concerning a.. A 4 223 1833 Turnpike company, report on pétition to incorporate, A 3 219 1840 Lumber inspector, annual report of Thomas McGin- ess......................................... S 2 50 1838 Wood and timber, report of J. Bliven, a measurer of, S 2 36 1839 do do do SI 30 1840 do do do A4 109 1830 Wood and timber, report on pétition for an addi- tional inspector of...........................A 6 303 1859 Report of surrogate of....A 1 50 Banks, see Banks — Saratoga county. SARATOGA SPRINGS, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Report on pétition to amend the charter of........A 2 159 1834 Report on pétition to raise money to repair roads and bridges...................................A 3 187 SARGEANT, NATHANIEL M. 1862 Report on pétition of............................A 4 78 SARGEANT, SMITH, AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétitions of...........................A 4 67 SATTERLEY, ISAAC (heir of Henry Satterley). 1834 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands..........A 3 111 1835 do do do ...........................A 3 253 SATTERLEY, ISAAC. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.................A 1 15 1854 Report on pétition of............................A 3 116 1856 do do ................................................A 3 86 SAUGERTIES, TOWN OF. 1831 Ferry between, and Red Hook, report in relation to the...........................................A 3 217 1840 Bridge over Esopus creek, report on pétition of citizens to raise money by tax to build a.....A 2 53 SAUNDERS, GEORGE P. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of........ S 2 93 SAUQUOIT, VILLAGE OF. 1836 Fire company, report on pétition to incorporate a.. A 4 242795 SAVINGS BANKS. Doc. Vol. No. 1870 Reports of the several, of the State, relative to un- claimed deposits...........................A 11 210 1872 Savings bank charter, communication of superin- tendent of bank department submitted with.. S 1 11 1875 Superintendent of banking department, reply to resolution of senate, relative to unclaimed balances in savings banks.......................... S 4 62 1875 Relative to the business of savings banks..... S 4 68 1875 Annual report of superintendent of banking de- partment on........................................A 8 108 1875 Annual report of superintendent of banking depart- ment ..............................................A 1 5 1877 Annual report of, on savings banks............A 9 140 1877 Annual report of superintendent of savings banks.. A 1 5 SAYRE, WILLIS B. 1857 Report of committee on daims, adverse on pétition of, for damages by the overflow of the Chemung canal and feeder......................................A 2 107 SAYRE, WILLIS B., AND OTHERS. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.......A 7 128 1868 do do do A 9 90 1869 do do do S 3 40 1870 do do do A 11 189 SAXTON & CO., C. M. 1857 Re p of committee on agriculture favorable on pétition of, to furnish a library of agricultural books to each school district.........................A 3 173 SAYRE, L. A. 1862 Memorial of, relative to small-pox.........A 6 128 SAYRE & HOUSE, AND OTHERS. 1846 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 19 SAYRE, JAMES, see M. Hart and others. SAYRE, JOHN. 1830 A commissioner for loaning money for the county of Seneca, report on pétition of............... S 1 23 SAYRE, M. 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 103 SAYRE, MATTHEW. 1844 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of...........................................A 3 66 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 1 26 SAYRE, MATTHEW, HEIRS OF. 1864 Report on pétition of........................A 7 166796 SCADDEN, JOHN. r 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages b y the Erie canal.....................A 3 169 SCAJOCKETY CREEE. 1840 Report in relation to lands overflowed adjacent to.. S 3 92 SCHAUBER, DAVID. 1841 Report on pétition of, forbounty lands.........A 6 209 SCHAUB, JACOB. 1863 Report on claim (Bassett lock).................A 5 68 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.... A 7 156 1871 do do do ........A 4 66 SCHAUB, NICHOLAS, AND OTHERS. 1872 Report of committee on daims, on bill relative to.. A 7 73 SCHAUB & ROHOBACKER. 1864 Report on pétition of..........................A 6 121 SCHENANDO COTTON MANUFACTORY. 1830 Report on pétition to sell their real estate.. S 4 327 SCHENCK, JAMES W. 1856 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 53 SCHENCK, JOHN, see John G. Hicks and others. SCHENECTADY AND ALBANY TURN- PIKE COMPANY, see Albany and Schenec- tady Turnpike Company. SCHENECTADY AND TROY RAILROAD, see JElailroads. SCHENECTADY AND UTICA RAILROAD, see Railroads. SCHENECTADY, CITY OF. 1835 Bridge across the Mohawk at, report in relation to a, A 5 396 1839 Report on pétition to borrow money to aid in the construction of the Coxsackie and Schenectady railroad.... ... ..........................A 5 322 1840 Alleged élection frauds in, report and documents concerning the.............................A 7 291 1830 Jail limite, report on pétition for an extension of the.........*..............................A 4 419 1833 Canal bridges at, report on pétition for repairs to the........................................A 4 317 1832 Water, report relative to supplying the city with. .. A 4 301 1835 do do do do A 4 345 1865 Reports relative to boundary line of.........A jg Banks, see Banks — Schenectady County.797 1834 1838 1859 1859 1834 1835 1851 1833 1834 1841 1842 1842 1846 1846 1849 1859 1859 SCHENECTADY, COUNTY OP. Doc. Vol. No Court-house, report on pétition to raise money to build a........................................ A 4 356 Taxes in, report on pétition to extend the time for collecting.................................. A 3 109 Report of surrogate of............................A 3 91 Report of treasurer of.......................... A 3 100 Quitrents in, see Glenville. SCHERMERHORN, LAWRENCE. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal. ..................A 3 296 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal......................A 3 175 SCHLOSSER, Attack at, see Northern Frontier. SCHMIDT & BALCHER. Report of committee on daims.............A4 97 SCHOHARIE AND OTSEGO RATLROAD, see Railroads. SCHOHARIE AND UNADILLA RAILROAD, •ee Railroads. SCHOHARIE, COUNTY OF. ♦ Jefferson, Academy in, report on pétition for aid to, A 3 260 Fishing in certain waters of, report on pétition relative to..................................A 4 317 New county from part of, report on pétition for a.. A 7 281 Report of miaority in relation to titles to certain lands in Albany and............................A 7 177 Report of majority on same subject...............A 7 181 Report of the committee on division of towns and counties, relative to new county from parts of Delaware, Green and........................... S 2 49 Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties relative to court-house...........A 3 65 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on pétitions and remonstrances relative to a new county from parts of Greene, Delaware and...................................A 3 135 Report of surrogate of...........................A 1 150 Report of treasurer of. ... .....................A 3 100 SCHOHARIE CREEE. 1838 Report relative to obstructing, by throwing tan bark in.......................................A 4 191 1832 Ferry across, report on pétition of I. Bradway to continue a ................................ A 4 277 1834 Mill-dam across, report on pétition of I. and P. Murphy to repair a............................A 4 321798 SCHOHARJE CREEK— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1843 Report relative to the aqueduet across.............. S 1 44 1843 Report of Cmal Commitîsioners relative to aqueduet across, etc................................... S 3 94 SCHOHARIE TURNPIKE. 1843 Report of the select committee in relation to western branch of the ................................ S 2 65 1846 Report of select committee to examine gates on.... A 2 37 1848 Report as to gates ..................................A 3 106 1848 Western branch, report of treasurer..................A 3 58 1848 Western branch, report of treasurer as to penalties, A 3 113 SCHOLEFIELD, CHAS. M. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable on pétition of, for damages by leakage of the Erie canal, etc.. A 2 109 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. 1859 Report of committe relative to abolishing office of.. A 4 176 See Common Schools. SCHOOLS, SCHOOL MONEYS, SCHOOL DIS- TRICTS, Etc., see Common Schools. SCHOONMAKER, I. I., see J. Hasbrook, Jr. SCHOONMAKER, J. W. 1864 Report of committe on roads and bridges on péti- tion of....................................A 3 70 SCHOONMAKER, MARIUS. 1851 Report of Secretary of State in relation to. S 2 62 SCHROEPPEL, HENRY W., see John E. Hinman. SCHROON RIVER. 1831 Survey of, report on bill to provide for the.A 3 248 1834 Dam across, report on pétition of I. Russell and I. E. Norman to build a.......................A 4 373 1840 Dam across, report on pétition of I. Russell and I. Griffin to build a.........................A 5 180 SCHUYLER, AARON. 1857 Report of committee on daims, favorable on péti- tion of, for the release of his bail...............A 2 66 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 4 65 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of bill for relief.................................... S 6 86 SCHUYLER, AARON, AND OTHERS. 1860 Report relative to the daims of..............A 2 37 1860 Report of committee on pétition of. .........A 2 621845 1856 1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1846 1846 1849 1835 1836 1836 1836 1832 1857 1834 1870 1841 1864 1844 1845 799 SCHUYLER, COUNTY OF. Doc. Report of Attorney-General on bill entitled an act to erect, etc.............................. S Communication from county judge...............A Report of the majority committee on the location of the site of....................... . ...........A Report of the minority on same subject............A Report of committee on internai affairs of towns and counties, relative to location of buildings-A Report of minority of committee on pétition and papers relating to county buildings in...... A Report of surrogate of........................A Report of committee relative to courts in.........A SCHUYLER, LIVINGSTON. Report on bill for the relief of.................. S SCHUYLER, NICHOLAS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of...... A do do do . -------- A SCHUYLER, PHILIP, AND OTHERSA Report on pétition of, for rémunération of expenses in maintaining fences along the Champlain canal, S Report of Canal Board on the same..........A Report of the committee on grievances on the same. A Report on pétition of, to erect a toll bridge across Hudson river at Schuy 1er ville.......... S SCHUYLERVILLE, VILLAGE OF. Report relative to highway labor in........A SCOTT, DRED. Report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly, on the decision of the Suprême Court of the United States, in case of........................A SCOTT, ELIZABETH. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the érection of the Troy dam...........A SCOTT, MARTIN B. AND OTHERS. Report daims committee on pétition of.. ... A SCOTTSVILLE CANAL ASSOCIATION. Report on bill for the relief of the....... S SCOVILLE, ALLEN. Report on pétition of......................A SCRAMBLING, J. Report on pétition of, for divorce.........A Report of committee on the judiciary on the péti- tion of, for a divorce....................A Yol. No. 2 66 4 175 4 110 4 104 2 76 4 86 1 50 3 99 4 130 4 98 3 168 2 55 4 234 4 252 1 12 3 258 3 201 3 180 3 51 3 72 2 25 7 199 4 139800 SCRIBNER, HENRY. Doc. Vol. No. 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.... S 3 24 SCRIVEN, AMOS W. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of............A 1 29 SEAMEN. 1831 Tax on, resolution of the common council of New York in relation to the..................... S 1 72 1836 Report of amount of moneys received from, from 1831 to 1835.................................A 3 152 1836 American, report on pétition to be released from the payment of hospital moneys. ... .............A 4 247 1839 American, report on pétition to be released from the payment of hospital moneys ..............A 6 387 SEAMEN’S FRIEND SOCIETY, AMERICAN. 1840 Report on pétition of the, for a loan from the pas- sengers’ fund................................A 7 300 SEAMEN’S FUND AND RETREAT, see New York. SEARS, ELIPHALET, AND HORACE ADAMS. 1852 Report on the pétition of....................A 2 29 1853 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of, for relief.................................... S 2 44 1857 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 2 112 SEAYERSON, JOHN A. 1835 Report on pétition of, to erect a dam across the Sus- quehanna river.............................A 3 159 SECRETARY OF N AV Y, see United States. SECRETARY OF STATE, see Coïnmon Schools, Superintendents of; Poor, Superintendents of. Azabiah C. Flagg: 1830 Report of, relative to furnishing counties with stand- ard weights and measures.........................A 2 188 1831 Report on the same................................Al 5 1831 Report of the, relative to the distribution and sale of the Revised Statutes............................ S 1 22 1832 Report of the same............................... S 2 68 1839 Report on the same..................................A 3 158 1832 Report of the, in relation to the archives of the Assembly chamber.................................A 4 302 1832 Report of the, giving the census of the several congressional districts, etc.................... S 1 65 1833 Report of the, relative to the distribution of the Revised Statutes.................................A 4 304 1833 Report of the, relative to the distribution of the Revised Statutes................................ S 1 15801 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Azariah C. Flagg— Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report of the, relative to the maps and Revised Statutes sent to the governors of the several States........................................A 4 305 1833 Report on the same..........................S 1 19 1833 Report of the, relative to the publication of certain amendaient» to the Constitution.......... S 1 14 1835 Report on the same.............................. S 1 42 1838 do .......................... ...A 2 18 1834 Report of the, relative to an improvement in the manufacture of potash.....................A 2 54 1835 Report of the, transmitting the report of a survey of a route for the New York and Erie Railroad.. A 2 107 1835 Report of the, in relation to the census of the State, A 3 114 1835 Report of the, on pétition of inhabitants of the town of Salina, relative to the census of said town.A 3 162 John A. Dix: 1836 Report of the, relative to the geological survey of the State......................................A 1 9 1837 Report of the, relative to the distribution of oleome- ters to the several counties...................A 1 7 1837 Report of the, transmitting a list of inspectors of provisions, produce, etc.......................A 3 226 1837 Report of the, transmitting the report of New York and Erie Railroad Company, for 1836............A 3 190 1838 Report of the, transmitting the report of New York and Erie Railroad Company, for 1837............ A 2 27 1840 Report of the, transmitting the report of New York and Erie Railroad Company, for 1835, ’36, *37 and *38........................................A 4 159 1840 Report of the, transmitting the report of New York and Erie Railroad Company, for 1839............A 5 176 1838 Report of the, transmitting abstracts of convictions for criminal offenses.......................... S 2 65 1839 Report of the, etc., concerning the same.......... S 2 35 1840 do do ........... S 4 120 1841 do do ........... S 3 67 John C. Spencer: 1839 Communication transmitting the report of a survey of the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain rail- road ...................................................A 3 133 1839 Communication from the, as State sealer of weights and measures...................................A 9 151 1839 Report of the, in relation to town and county charges........................................A 4 183 1840 Report relative to the contract for the State printing, Al 47 1840 Communication in relation to the title papers of the Holland Land Company, and the translation of certain Dutch records.................... *....A 8 350 101802 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. John C. Spencer — Continued: r 1840 Report of the, respecting copies of bills and fees of district attorneys, filed in bis office.........S 4 106 1841 Report on the same...............................A 6 244 1841 Report of the, in answer to a resolution calling for the annual report of the New York and Erie Rail- road Company.................................. A 4 116 1841 Report of the, transmitting said annual report..A 4 128 1841 Report of the, transmitting abstracts of returns of inspectors of provisions, produce and merchandise, A 7 269 Samuel Young: 1842 Report of the acting, relative to the printed laws of the State in pamphlet form................... S 1 9 1842 Resolution of (John C. Spencer), transmitted by Governor...................................... S 1 11 # 1842 Report of, relative to convictions for criminal offenses and of returns of sheriffs respecting persons con- victed in 1841................................ S 3 51 1842 Communication from, relative to publishing Session Laws.................. ......................\ S 3 81 1842 Report respecting copies of fee bills of district attor- neys for 1841..........................................A 5 87 1842 Report transmitting abstracts of returns of superin- tendents of the poor......................... A 5 121 1842 Communication relative to digest of patents issued by the United States.......................... A 6 123 1842 Communication transmitting transactions of New York State Agricultural Society................A 6 131 1842 Report transmitting abstracts of returns of insp* ct- ors and measurers of merchandise, produce, etc.. À 7 139 1843 Communication from, relative to the act in relation to the geological survey of the State, passed April 9, 1842....................................... S 2 67 1843 Supplémentai communication from, on the same subject....................................... S 3 72 1843 Resolution of Mr. Foster relative to............. S 3 76 1843 Resolution of Mr. Rhodes relative to............. S 3 76 1843 Resolution of, relative to.. .................... S 3 91 1843 Annual report of, transmitting abstracts of returns of superintendents of the poor.................A 2 38 1843 Communication from, transmitting the annual report of the New York Institution for the Blind.....A 4 88 1843 Report of, transmitting abstracts of convictions for criminal offenses, and returns of sheriffs respect- ing the persons convicted...............................A 4 110 1843 Report of, transmitting correspondence in relation to public lands................................A 4 116 1843 Report of, of abstracts of returns of inspectors and measurers of merchandise, provisions and produce for the year 1842..................................... A 6 131803 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1844 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 1846 1846 1846 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Samuel YoüxNg — Continued: Doc. Vol. Report of, concerning paupers...................... S 2 Report of, of the printing done for his office...... S 2 Report of, with abstracts from returns of inspectors, weighers and measurers of merchandise, etc....... S 2 Communication from, transmitting annual report of New York Blind Institute..........................A 3 Report of, in relation to the natural history of the State.............................................A 3 Report of, relative to railroad statistics...........A 5 Nathaniel S. Benton : Report of, in relation to bill entitled “An act in rela- tion to the natural history of New York,” passed May 3, 1844..................................... S 1 Report of, in relation to clerk hire............... S 1 Report of, in relation to books of the natural history of the State.................................... S 1 Report of, relative to the peport of inspectors of certain cities and counties..................... S 2 Report of, of abstracts of convictions for criminal offenses, and of returns of sheriffs respecting the persons convicted................................ S 2 Report of, of abstracts of the returns of the inspect- ors, measurers and weighers of merchandise, etc., for 1844...................................... S 2 Report of, in relation to certain congressional docu- ments, and the general index to the documents and laws of the State in his office.............. S 2 Report of, of the names of county clerks who hâve not, as required by law, filed in his office a state- ment of their fees, etc......................... S 2 Report of, of the names of surrogates who hâve not made reports of their fees and disbursements, as required by law.................................. S 2 Report of, relative to proposed amendments to the Constitution.................................... A 1 Report of, relative to weights and measures..........A 1 Annual report of, of railroad statistics.............A 4 Annual report of, relative to the poor...............A 3 Report of, relative to lands of Indians purchased by William Smith, Jr............ .......... .... A 6 Report of, transmitting report of Mr. Schoolcraft relative to census of the Indians................ S 1 Report of, and Chancellor of University transmit- ting report of the executive committee of the State Normal School ............................. S 1 Report of, of abstracts of returns of inspectors weights and measures of merchandise, etc., for 1845 ........................................... S 3 No. 73 79 81 57 87 123 6 33 43 53 54 56 71 76 78 7 22 129 197 212 24 32 82804 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Nathaniel S. Benton—Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1846 Report of, of abstracts of convictions for criminal offenses, and of the returns of sheriffs respecting persons convicted...... ................... .... S 3 98 1846 Report of, transmitting New York State census .... A 1 5 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, Al 23 1846 Report of, and Governor, relative to natural history of New York.......................................A 2 41 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution in relation to railroads.........................................A 3 66 1846 Report of, transmitting annual railroad reports___A 3 80 1846 Communication from, relative to claim of Conrad Brown and others..................................A 4 132 1846 Report of, transmitting annual report of New York Institution for the Blind.........................A 5 140 1846 Report of„ relative to lands purchased by William Smith.............................................A 6 149 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, A 5 188 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution respecting prisoners pardoned................................A 5 198 1846 Report of, transmitting annual report of pauper statistics...................................... A 5 199 1847 Report of, relative to fees and county clerks..... S 2 58 1847 Report of, relative to statistics of the poor...... S 3 100 1847 Report of, relative to élections on the subject of licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors (in answer to resolution).............................A 1 40 1847 Letter from, as to districting Niagara county.....A 6 170 Christopher Morgan: 1848 Report of, in relation to pardons granted since 1825 S 2 66 1848 Report of, in relation to births, marriages and deaths.......................................... S 3 73 1848 Statement by, of lands sold Stockbridge Indians... A 2 53 1848 Report of, as to surrogates reporting fees received by them......................................... A 3 57 1848 Report of, as to treaties between State of New York and Cayuga Indians................................A 3 61 1848 Report of, on pétition of Francis Seger...........A 3 98 1848 Report of, as to school laws, under resolution....A 3 118 1848 Report of, as to railroad statistics............... A 5 132 1848 Report of, as to criminal statistics ...............A 6 193 1849 Communication from, transmitting the contracte for the public printing.......................... S 1 15 1849 Report of, the amount of fees of county clerks.... S 3 77 1849 Report relative to the poor........................ S 3 53 1849 Report relative to births, marriages and deaths___ S 3 86 1849 Communication from, transmitting pétition of inhabitants of Boston Corners, Massachusetts, to be annexed to the State of New York .......................A 2 64805 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Christopher Morgan — Continued : Doc. Vol. Report of, in answer to resolution of Assembly, respecting appointment of trustées for New York Institution for the Blind...............A 3 Communication from, transmitting report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to sale of certain sait lots in Syracuse........................A 3 Report of Regents of the University on the histor- ical and other papers and parchments received from office of, for deposit in State Library.A 3 Report of, respecting resolution on the pétition of Ben Burdsall and others........................A 3 Report of, relative to railroad statistics.......A 3 Communication from, relative to manuscript docu- ments concerning colonial history of the State, and recommending their publication.............A 3 Communication from, transmitting report of weights and measures, by W. H. Clark, of the State Normal School............................A 5 Annual report of, respecting criminal statistics .... A 5 Report of, on plank-roads........................ S 2 Communication from, in relation to St. Regis Indians....................................... A 3 Report of, on non-resident lands.................A 3 Report of, in answer to resolution relative to chapter 438, Laws of 1849 .....................A 4 Report of, in relation to county clerks..........A 6 Annual report of pauperism.......................A 6 Annual report of criminal statistics.............A 8 Communication from, in relation to the colonial history........................................A 3 Report of, on criminal statistics ...............A 6 Report of, on the poor............................A 5 Report of, in relation to Marius Schoonmaker.... S 2 Henry S. Randall: Report about births, marriages and deaths............S 1 Annual report of criminal statistics................ S 3 Report of, in reference to session laws..............A 1 Report of, respecting fees of county clerks..........A 5 Report of, respecting books purchased by the Attor- ney General..........................................A 5 Report of, in answer to resolution in relation to the colonial history.................................. S 2 Report of, respecting clérical force in his office .... S 2 Annual report of, on criminal statistics of the State for 1852.......................................... S 3 Communication from, in answer to resolutions rela- tive to the poor laws................................A 1 Report of, of the statistics relative to the poor, for 1851 and 1852........................................A 5 No. 109 130 148 162 182 188 241 . 242 74 27 39 59 152 169 195 66 140 147 62 50 97 11 118 120 43 53 78 14 120 1853806 SÉCRETARY OF STATE — Continuée!. Elias W. Leavenworth: Doc. Vol. No. 1854 Communication from, relative to insurance corn- panies............................................ S 1 23 1854 Report of, relative to State prisons................ S 1 54 1854 Report of criminal statistics......................... S 2 111 1854 Communication from, transmitting certificate of State canvassers....................................A 3 85 1854 Communication from, relative to documentary his- tory..............................................A 4 136 1854 Report of statistics of poor........................A 4 144 1855 do do do .......................... S 3 72 1855 Annual report of criminal statistics................ S 3 79 Joël T. Headley: 1856 Report of, relative to printing élection laws........ S 1 34 1856 Report of, answering resolution in reference to sav- ings banks......................................... A 3 60 1856 Annual report relative to the poor..................A 5 214 1857 Report of criminal statistics...................... S 4 130 1857 Report of poor statistics.......................... S 4 131 1857 Report of life insurance companies.................. S 4 166 1857 Report of, in reply to resolutions relative to colonial history ............................................A 2 70 1857 Report of, in reply to resolutions relative to print- ing colonial and documentary historiés................A 2 134 1857 Report of, in reply to resolution relative to the con- tract for binding documents........................ A 3 176 Gideon J. Tucker: 1858 Reply of, relative to census report.................. S 2 45 1858 Annual report of, on statistics of the poor...........A 1 10 1858 Annual report of, on criminal statistics......... A 6 168 1859 Report of, in answer to resolution relative to pardons, and the sentences which hâve been abridged or commuted in conséquence, in the years 1857 and 1858........................................... S 1 42 1859 Annual report of, on statistics of pauperism........A 3 101 1859 Annual report of, on statistics of crime..............A 4 181 David R. Floyd-Jones: ’ 1860 Communication from, relative to number of copies of pamphlet édition of élection laws of 1856 remaining in his office....................................... S 1 51 1860 Annual report, statistics of pauperism............... A 2 71 1860 Annual report, statistics of crime....................A 6 190 1860 do do do ......................A 2 54 1861 Annual report, statistics of pauperism................A 2 60 Hobatio Ballard : 1862 Annual report on statistics of pauperism............. S 4 65 1862 Annual report on statistics of crime................. S 6 117807 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Horatio Ballard — Continued : Doc. Vol. No. 1863 Communication from, relative to destruction of quarantine property............................ S 2 45 1863 Communication from, relative to books in his office ......................................... S 4 70 1863 Communication from, relative to new édition of poor laws , S 5 103 1863 Communication from, relative to sword procured for Lieutenant John L. Worden........................A 2 18 1863 Communication from, relative to new édition of poor laws...................................... A 5 154 1863 Annual report on statistics of pauperism...........A 8 230 1863 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 8 229 Ohauncey M. Depew. 1864 Communication from, relative to historical manu- scripts in his office........................... S 3 46 1864 Communication from, in regard to forwarding documents ...................................... S 4 58 1864 Communication from, transmitting resuit of spécial élection held March eighth, to perfect amendment to the Constitution relative to the right of suffrage to persons in the army and navy..................A 7 158 1864 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 8 195 1864 Annual report on statistics of pauperism...........A 8 198 1865 Communication from, relative to State census ..... S 1 6 1865 Communication from, transmitting resuit of spécial élection to amend the Constitution.............. S 3 81 1865 Annual report on statistics of pauperism...........A 7 147 1865 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 8 174 1865 Report of pardons and commutations in 1864.......A 7 134 Francis C. Barlow: 1866 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 1 14 1866 Annual report on statistics of the poor............A 7 165 1866 Report relative to names, résidences and expiration of terms of justices of the Suprême Court......A 1 16 1866 Report relative to State census................... S 1 16 1867 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 13 240 1867 Annual report on statistics of poor................A 7 145 1867 Communication from, relative to number of votes cast for constitution convention.................A 2 34 1867 Communication from, relative to reports of Courts of Appeals.......................................A 4 78 Homer A. Nelson: 1868 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 2 16 1868 Annual report on statistics of poor................A 9 88 1869 Annual report on statistics of crime...............A 7 106 1869 Annual report on statistics of poor................A 6 791869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1867 1840 1840 1842 1843 808 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued. Homer A. Nelson—Continued: Doc. Vol. No. Communication from, as to amount of fees received by.............................................. S 5 63 Communication from, as to documents ordered in 1868 ........................................... S 3 46 Communication from, relative to delay in printing legislative documents........................... S 3 23 Annual report on statistics of crime..............A 6 108 Annual report on statistics of poor...............A 6 124 Annual report on statistics of crime..............A 4 56 Annual report on statistics of poor............... A3 46 Annual report of, on criminal statistics..........A 2 28 Report of, relative to statistics of the poor.....A 3 48 Report of, on criminal statistics.................A 2 10 Annual report of, on poor statistics..............A 3 32 Communication from................................A 2 21 Report of, on criminal statistics.................A 5 75 Report of, relative to statistics of the poor..... S 4 63 Report of, relative to the publication of proposed constitutional amendments....................... S 2 20 Report of, in answer to resolution of Senate...... S 4 51 Report on statistics of pauperism................. S 4 62 Annual report of, on statistics of crimes.........A 5 56 Report of, relative to canvass of votes on constitu- tional amendments...................... ...........A 2 15 Report of, relative to corporations formed for rapid transit.........................................A 7 99 Report on preliminary census ..................... S 1 6 ( 2 40 Relative to legislative printing.................. S j 3 ^ Relative to pauperism and crime in 1865........... S 2 46 Communication from, relative to census............A 3 23 do do Congress Hall_____A 5 41 Transmitting report of State Board of Audit.......A 8 97 Relative to printing and binding census......!----A 8 113 Transmitting report on pauper statistics..........A 9 142 Report of, on criminal statistics............ ....A 9 145 SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Communication from, transmitting papers, etc......A 6 94 SECRETARY OF WAR, see United States. SEDGWICK, C. F., see Richard Swan. SEDUCTION AND ADULTERY. Report on pétition for a law for the punishment of. A do do do A Report of committee on pétitions for law to punish. A Report of select committee on pétitions for a law more effectually to punish..............A 3 68 8 333 7 159 5 134809 SEDUCTION AND ADULTERY — Continued. Doc.Voi. No. 1844 Report of committee on the judiciary on the pétition for the suppression of.....................A 3 63 1847 Reports on pétition relative to............... S 2 68 SEDUCTION LAWS. 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of Oliver Teal and others to amend............A 2 51 . 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition to amend...... ...............................A 3 57 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition to amend..........................................A 3 61 SEEBER, JOHN A. (a commissioner of deeds). 1837 Report on pétition to confirm his official acts.A 1 5 SEELEY, EBENEZER. 1858 Report on claim of..............................A 1 3 SEELEY, JOHN G. 1858 Report of majority of committee on contested élections on pétition of James A. Dolan claiming seat of.............................................A 4 95 1858 Minority report on same subject.................A 4 97 1858 Testimony taken in same case....................A 4 101 SEGER, DAVID G. 1835 Report on pétition of, to take his seat as Member of Assembly in the place of Henry G. Wheton... A 1 11 SEGER, FRANCIS. 1848 Report of Secretary of State on pétition of.....A 3 98 SELDEN, JACOB S. 1855 Report of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat of.......................................... A 2 37 1855 Report of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat of............................................ A 2 47 1855 Report of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat of.............................................A 2 59 SELDEN, SAMUEL L., see Chancery clerks in. SELYE, LEWIS. 1814 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 6 116 SELYE, LEWIS, ASSIGNEE OF » BYRON M. HANKS. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 1 22 SEMINARIES, see Academies, etc. 102810 SEMPRONIUS, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1840 First Congregational Church, report on pétition to change the name of, to increase the number of trustées, etc.................................. ........A 8 334 SENATE. 1835 Report of committee appointed to révisé the rules and orders.................................... S 1 9 1835 Rules and orders of the................. ....... S 1 11 1837 Additional rule................................. S 1 20 1840 Journal of the report of the committee appointed to inquire into the correctness of the, relative to the passage of the resolutions for a general bankrupt law........................................... S 4 127 1842 List of senators with nearest office, etc....... S 1 3 1842 List of senators and place of résidence in Albany. .81 4 1842 List of standing committees of, and on Governor's message....................................... S 1 6 1842 Report of the sergeant-at-arms in pursuance of reso- lutions of 1841......................................... S 2 24 1842 General orders.................................. S 4 89 1843 List of standing committees..:......................... SI 4 1843 List of senators with classes and nearest post-office. .SI 6 1843 Liste of senators with classes, district and résidence, SI 5 1843 General orders of............................... S 2 68 1843 do ............................... S 3 93 1844 List of standing committees..................... S 1 6 1844 List of senators, with résidences, etc.......... S 1 t 1844 List of senators and officers, with résidence in Albany................................,....... S 1 7 1844 General orders of............................... S 4 120 1845 List of senators with résidences, etc........... S 1 1 1855 Callendar of business of........................ S 1 17 1855 do ......................... S 1 26 1855 do ......................... S 1 30 1855 do ......................... S 2 39 1855 do ......................... S 2 42 1855 do ......................... 8 2 44 1865 do ......................... S 2 48 1855 do ......................... S 2 51 1855 do ......................... S 2 62 1845 List of general orders and unfinished business-- S 2 80 1845 do do do do .... S 3 95 1846 List of senators, etc........................... S 1 1 1846 List of standing committees..................... S 1 6 1846 List of senators, etc........................... S 1 1 1846 do do ............................................ S 1 3 1846 Report of Ccmptiioller relative to expense of an extra session of.............................. S 2 53 1847 Official list of senators....................... S 1 1 1847 Official list of senators, with résidences, etc. S 1 6 1847 Rules and orders of............................. S 1 25811 SENATE — Continued. X)oc. Vol. No. 1847 Bules and orders of, as corrected s 1 26 1847 General orders s 2 69 1847 do s 4 111 1848 Bules and orders of s 1 1 1848 Standing committees of s 1 7 1848 Members, officers, etc s 1 8 1848 do do s 1 9 1848 Amendments to rules and orders of, offered by Mr. Cornwell s 1 10 1848 General orders of unfinisbed business s 2 68 1849 Bules and orders of s 1 1 1849 Members and officers of s 1 3 1849 Committees of s 1 4 1848 Beport of joint select committee on library... A 3 131 1850 Standing committees s 1 5 1850 Members of, etc s 1 1 1850 Members of, with place of birth, etc - s 2 72 1851 Members and officers of, etc s 1 1 1851 Bules and orders of last s 1 3 1851 Bules and orders of, adopted s 1 6 1851 Bules of, report of the minority of tlie committee... s 1 7 1851 Members and officers of, with post-office address, etc., s 1 10 1851 Standing committees of s 1 11 1851 Official list of members s 3 76 1851 Calendar of business at regular session s 3 77 1851 Standing committees of s 3 78 1851 Bules and orders of, adopted s 3 79 1851 Members and officers, etc s 3 80 1851 Standing committees of A 1 11 1852 do do s 1 3 1852 Beport relative to adopting the rules.. s 1 7 1852 Members and officers of s 1 9 1853 Stauding committees of s 1 3 1853 Bules and orders of the, adopted January 11, 1853, s 1 2 1853 Beport of select committee to revise rules of s 1 5 1853 Cierk of, see Digest of Claims s 1 6 1853 Members and officers of, with post-office, residence: etc » s 1 8 1854 Bules and orders of s { 2 ] i11 1854 Members and officers of s 1 6 1854 Standing committees of s 1 7 1855 List of senators s 1 1 1855 Bules and orders of T s 1 2 1855 Standing committees of s {l\ \ 7 1855 Beport of select committee on rules and orders of.. s 1 10 1855 Bules and orders of s 1 12 1855 Members and officers of s 1 24 1856 List of senators s 1 1 1856 Standing committees of . s 1 6812 1856 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1857 1857 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 SENATE — Continuée!. Rules and orders of, as adopted February 9, 1858. 1859 1859. Report of select committee on rules and orders of.. Doc. Vol. No. . s 1 7 . s 1 18 . s 1 28 . s 2 (75 186 . 8 {a} 6 . s 1 4 . s 1 I11 (21 . s 1 18 . s 1 2 . s 2 (21 142 . s 2 25 . s 2 22 . s 2 60 . s 1 1 . s 1 5 . s 1 3 =» s i 1 11 . s 1 19 . s 1 1 . s 1 4 . s 1 5 s 1 9 , s 1 12 s 1 1 s 1 3 s 1 7 s 1 9 s 1 12 s 1 16 s 1 1 s 3 53 s 1 (4 18 s 1 5 s 1 6 s 1 17 s 3 42 1 ;h 1 S1 i 10 i h 33 S1 1 10 2 35 s 1 5 s{ 1 4 9 57813 SENATE — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1863 Statistical list of the.......................... S 2 35 1864 List of senators............. .................... S 1 1 (1 6 1864 Rules and orders of............................... S -j ^ 17 1864 Standing committees of............................ S 1 10 1864 Members, officers and reporters of............. S j ^ ^ 1864 Statistical list of................................ S 3 41 1864 Report of select committee of nine, of the........ S 4 94 96, 98, 99, 193 1865 List of senators................................... S 1 1 1865 Rules and orders of............................... S 1 7 1865 Officers, members and reporters of................. S 1 15 1865 Standing committees of............................. S 1 21 1865 Statistical list of................... ........... S 1 35 1865 Report of select committee of nine, of the........ S 3 72 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 93 1866 List of senators............. .................... S 1 1 1866 Members, officers and reporters of.. ............. S 1 4 1866 Rules and orders of. .......................... S 1 3 1866 Standing committees ............................... S 1 6 1866 Statistical list of.............................. S 1 42 1867 List of senators................................. S I 1 1867 Members, officers and reporters of................ S 1 11 1867 Rules and orders of.............................. S 1 4 1867 Standing committees.............:................. S 1 7 1867 Statistical list of................................ S 1 25 1868 List of senators................................... S 1 1 1868 Members. officers and reporters of................. S 1 11 1868 Rules and orders of............................... SI 5 1868 Standing committees................................ S 1 4 1868 Statistical list of.. S 3 21 1869 List of senators ................................ S 1 1 1869 Members, officers and reporters of................. S 3 18 (1 3 1869 Rules and orders of................................ ^ ) 3 12 1869 Standing committees................................ S 3 13 1869 Statistical list of................................ S 3 27 1869 Select committee of nine, resolution for........... S 5 62 1870 List of senators ................................. S 1 1 1870 Members, officers and reporters of................. S 2 28 1870 Rules and orders of................................ S 2 44 1870 Standing committees of............................. S 1 6 1870 Statistical list of............................ • • S 1 19 1870 Select committee of nine, formation and defining powers of..... ............................... S 2 37 1870 Select committee of nine, formation and powers of, S 3 86 1870 Report of select committee on rules................ S 2 41 1871 List of senators.................................. S 1 1 1871 Members, officers and .reporters of............... S 2 18 1871 Rules and orders of.....*......................... S 1 31871 3871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1878 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1872 1872 1872 1872 814 SENATE — Continued. Doc Standing committees of............................ S Statistical list of............................... S Senators, officers and reporters of............... S Statistical list of............................... S Senate and Assembly, joint rules of................A Joint rules of, and rules and orders of the Assembly................................... .... A Report of the judiciary committee, transmitting opinions of general term, relative to powers of supervisors................................... S Report of the judiciary committee on Governor’s message, recommending removal of Judge Prindle of Chenango county............................. Testimony taken by spécial committee appointed to investigate the subject of legislative postage for last ten years.............................. S List of........................................... S Statistical list of, 1873 ........................ S Standing committee of....... ..................... S Senate and Assembly, joint rules of................A And orders of the Senate.......................... S Report of judiciary committee as to whether pro- visions of certain laws of 1868 hâve been complied with.............................................A Select committee of nine, resolution to appoint twenty-one...................................... S Rules and orders of................................S List of........................................... S List of, with boarding places..................... S Statistical list of............................... S List of committees....... ........................ S • Rules and orders of............................. S - List of senators.................... ........... S Standing committees of the Assembly, list of....A List of members of............................... S Senators, officers and reporters with résidence and post-office address............................ S Rules and orders of adopted February 1876 ...... S List of standing committees of, for 1877 ....... S Of the Senate, appointing a select committee of nine, S Of the Législature, reply of the Comptroller of New York city to, relative to the transactions of the New Court House Commission..................... S Of Canal Board, relative to the management of the canals......................................... S Resolution of the Senate, reply of Auaitor of Canal Department to, relative to expenditures for ordi- nary repairs on the canals . . .................. S Vol. 4 2 1 2 3 S 4 No. 41 28 16 29 42 68 34 80 69 1 28 9 9 3 33 53 3 1 45 55 12 22 3 35 42 1 29 21 1 23 3 14 64 92 36 45815 SENATE — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1872 Of Senate, reply of Auditor of Canal Department to, relative to daims and damages incurred by break in North Lake réservoir........................... S 4 78 1872 Of Senate, reply of Auditor of Canal Department to, relative to bills in the Black river daims.... S 4 89 1872 Of Senate, reply of Commissioners of the Land Office to, relative to Oneida Indian daims........ S 4 75 1872 Of Senate, February 12, 1872, reply of president of New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, to.................................. S 3 41 1872 Of Senate, February 12, 1872, reply of president of New York and Harlem Railroad Company to .... S 3 42 1872 Resolution of the Senate, reply of Comptroller of New York city to, relative to value of 18th ward market building.............................. S 4 93 1872 Resolution of the Senate, reply of Comptroller of New York city to, relative to donations made by said city and county to various institutions ..... S 3 53 1872 Resolution of the Senate, reply of Comptroller of New York city to, relative to ail sums paid on account of new court house................... S 4 61 1872 Resolution of Senate, reply of Comptroller of New York city to, relative to market in the 18th ward, S 4 77 1872 Resolution of the Senate, January 18 and 22, 1872, reply of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department................................... S 2 33 1872 Resolution of the Senate, reply to, relative to the value of lots for ninth district court house, New York city.................................... S 4 59 1872 Resolution of Senate, reply to, relative to the aggre- gate population of each of the counties of the State, June 1, 1871.......................... S 1 18 1872 Resolution of Senate, reply of State Comptroller to, relative to officers and attendants of Senate for session of 1871.............................. S 2 30 1872 Resolution of Senate, reply of Comptroller of New York city to, relative to value of real estate in city and county of New York................................ S 3 38 Senate Apportionment : 1866 Report of minority of Assembly committee on apportionment................................. A 7 162 For Joint Rules of, and Assembly, see Législature. SENATE DISTRICTS. 1856 And représentation, report relative to........ S 3 102 SENATORS, UNITED STATES. 1839 Report on bill and resolutions from the Assembly for the appointment of a................... S 3 77816 SENATORS, UNITED STATES — Continued. doc. Vol. No. 1839 Report on the resolutions of the Senate for the appointment of a............................ A 5 272 1839 Report on bill to provide for the élection of....A 6 404 1845 Communication from the Governor relative to......A 1 8 SENECA, COUNTY OF. 1833 Beef and pork, annual report of H. Halsey, an inspector of................................... S 2 68 1834 Beef and pork, annual report of H. Halsey, an inspector of................................... S 2 63 1830 Commissioner of loans, report on pétition of John Sayre, a..................................... S 1 23 1834 Ardent spirits, report on pétition to prevent tavern- keepers from retailing..........................A 4 372 1830 New county from part of, report on pétition for a.. A 4 378 1832 Race-course in, report on pétition for a...........A 4 385 1835 Tax to repair the free bridge over Genesee river, report on pétition for a....................... A 5 383 1834 Road company, memorial of, relative to the appli- cation of the Utica and Schenectady railroad.... A 1 48 1835 Road company, memorial of, relative to same......A 2 148 1839 Road company, report on pétition to abandon their road............................................A 2 48 1830 Division of, report on pétition for the............A 4 378 1859 Report of surrogate of.............................A 2 74 Banks, see Banks—Seneca county. SENECA FALLS, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Report on bill to revive an act to incorporate the.. S 2 90 SENECA INDIANS, see Indians—Seneca. SENECA LAKE. 1830 Report relative to the discharge of water at the foot of.....................................A 4 743 1831 Wharf and harbor on, near Sheldrake Point, report on pétition to construct a..................A 4 342 1841 Canal from, to Havana, report relative to the cost of a....................................... S 2 90 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to the outlet of..................................... A 4 102 1846 Report ofOanal Board in regard to weirs at.....A 5 166 1846 Report of committee on canals respecting outlet of, A 5 179 1856 Remonstrance relative to bill for damming..... S 2 90 1856 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to, S 2 81 1866 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor as to con- dition of canal harbor at head of.................. S I 45 1871 Communication from Canal Commissioner Wright relative to removal of obstructions in ....... A 7 93817 SENECA RIVER. Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Free bridge across, report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of the.................A 5 383 1836 Bridge across, at Baldwins ville, report on pétition to raise money to build..........................A 3 149 1836 Wing dam, report on pétition of Porter Wethey to build a*......................................A 1 31 1841 Bridge over, at Jack’s reef, report on pétition to raise money on the towns cf Elbridge, Lysander and Van Buren to build a..............................A 5 180 1836 Towing path on the, report on pétition for a....A 3 127 1837 do do do .......A 2 114 1841 Towing-path on the, report of Canal Board concern- ing the....................................... S 3 76 1839 Towing-path on the, report on pétition for a fence along the.....................................A 4 242 1836 And Oneida river, report on bill to improve the navigation of.................................A , 4 264 1837 And Oneida river, report of Canal Commissioners relative to the survey of the.................A 2 90 1837 Report on pétition to amend the act to improve the, A 4 306 1846 Report of Canal Board relative to water power along.... ....................................A 5 144 1850 Report of Canal Board in relation to improvement of, at Baldwinsville............... .......... S 5 94 1864 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor, in reply to resolution of the Senate relative to aqueduct across................................................ S 4 101 SERGEANT, AARON. 1833 Report on pétition of, for new certificates on the sale of certain land for taxes, in lieu of the original ones, which are lost..................................A 3 214 SERGEANT, JOHN—INDIAN AGENT. 1832 Report on pétition of, for compensation for services, SI 17 1835 do do do do A 3 182 1838 do do do do A 1 162 SERLES, JACOB, see John Carr and others. SESSION LAWS. 1842 Report of Secretary of State relative to the printed laws of this State in pamphlet form........ S 1 9 1842 Communication from Secretary of State relative to publishing................................. S 3 81 1844 Report of committee on public printing on pétition in relation to publishing ... A 5 124 1852 Report of Secretary of State in relation to.. A 1 11 SEVERANCE, HUGH M. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of. --- A 6 81 103818 SEVENTH DAY BAPTISTS. Doc. Yo]. No. 1839 Report on pétition of, for certain exemptions...A 6 333 SEWALL’S (Dr.) PATHOLOGY OF DRUNK- ENNESS. 1843 Report of finance committee on the subject of the distribution of, with plates, etc..... .... S 3 116 1843 Report on pétition of citizens of New York relative to ...........................................A 2 33 1844 Report on a bill for the distribution of plates.A 5 102 SEWARD, TOWN OF. 1849 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, relative to place of holding their next annual town meeting, A 2 40 SEXTON, HENRY, AND ANSON GIBBS. 1832 Report on pétition for a ferry across the Allegany * river.........................................A 2 151 SEYMOUR, A., & CO. 1852 Report on the pétition of.......................A 2 41 SEYMOUR, A., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Comptroller on the pétition of........A 7 205 SEYMOUR, ASAPH, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on canals on the pétition of. .. A 4 121 1846 Minority report of committee on daims on pétition of, A 4 126 1847 Report on pétitions of..........................A 2 54 SEYMOUR, DANIEL L. 1840 Report on pétition of, for the lease or sale of a lot of land in Fort Covington........................A 3 64 SEYMOUR, HENRY (a Canal Commissioner). 1831 Communication from, in relation to the memorial of Lyman Spalding, relative to the surplus waters at Lockport ........ ............................A 2 121 1831 Memorial of Gerrit Smith, specifying his charges against, and praying for his removal from office.. A 3 236 1831 Communication from, relative to the memorial of Gerrit Smith..................................A 3 234 1831 Report of committee on canals on pétition for the removal of....................................A 3 237 1831 Report of committee on canals on pétition for the removal of....................... ............A 4 356 1831 Testimony taken before the committee............A 4 354 SEYMOUR, JAMES. 1843 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of, A 2 21819 SEYMOUR, JOHN F. Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Report of, as State agent for relief of sick and wounded soldiers........................... S 5 83 SEYMOUR, LAUREN. 1854 Report on pétition of........................ S 1 38 SEYMOUR, LAUREN, AND MOREHOUSE HICKOX. 1831 Report on pétition of, to erect a wing dam on the Oneida river................................A 3 274 SEYMOUR, LAWRENCE, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief......................................A 2 40 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief......................................A 2 49 SEYMOUR, LORENZO. 1857 Report of standing committee on finance on péti- tion of......................................... S 4 117 SEYMOUR, MARY. 1830 Report on pétition for a divorce........... S 2 80 1834 do do ............ A 3 215 SEYMOUR, MoNEIL, AND C. AMELIA YERNAM. 1862 Report on pétition of......................A4 71 SHAFER, IRA, HON. 1865 Report of, on contested élection case, ninth district, SI 4 SHAKERS. 1830 Remonstrance of the society called, against the pas- sage of a certain law.......................... A 4 300 1849 Report of select committee relative to certain trusts held by, etc.............................. A 3 198 1850 Report of trustées of society at New Lebanon. S 3 89 SHANNON & ROSEBROOK. 1860 Report of Canal Board relative to daim of.....A 3 93 1860 Report of committee on same...................A 4 152 SHANNON, MARGARET. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 8 168 SHAWANGUNK COMPANY. 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate the.........A 4 218 SHAWANGUNK, TOWN OF. 1852 Report on pétition of inhabitants for a new town... A 5 107 SHAW, DANIEL A. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 191820 SHAW, JOHN, AND OTHERS. D 1831 Report on pétition of, for the remission of interest due on certain land.......................A 3 265 SHAW, MERCY, see J. Gay. SHAW, WILLIAM. 1864 Report on pétition of.............................A 6 134 1865 do .........................A 7 137 SHEARER, URIAH. 1833 Report on the daims of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Saratoga dam........................A 3 238 1834 Report on the same................................A 3 58 1839 do .........................A 3 150 SHEARMAN, JANE. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of......... S 2 54 SHELL, GILES, AND OTHERS. 1865 Report on pétition of...........................A 8 164 SHEPARD, JOHN D. 1857 Report of majority of committee, favorable on bill entitled “An act for the relief of ”....... A 3 179 1857 Report of minoritv of committee on same subject.. A 3 186 SHEPHERD, CHARLES, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of committee on canals on the pétition of, relative to Dansville side-cut.........A 4 117 SHEPHERD, FITCH, see Z. Hills. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM. 1842 Report on pétition of...........................A 7 171 SHEPPARD, C. O., see Hamilton College. SHEPPARD, MORRIS F. 1836 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Crooked Lake canal.......................A 4 299 SHEPPARD, WILLIAM. 1841 Report on pétition of, to purchase a part of the bed of the Erie canal............................. A 5 187 SHERBURNE, TOWN OF. 1830 Town-house, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build...................................... A 4 321 1835 Room for the transaction of town business, report relative to a..................................A 4 379 1838 Room for the transaction of town business, report on pétition to raise money to pay for finishing a.... A 5 254 1837 Liabilities of the, to the State, report on pétition to be released from............... . ........ .A 3 211821 SHERBURNE, TOWN OF —Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1839 Liabilities of the, to the State, report on pétition to be released from.................................A 3 139 1839 Liabilities of the, to the State, report on pétition to be released from...........................A 4 217 SHERBURNE UNION ACADEMY, see Acad- emies, etc. SHERBURNE, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the-A 4 266 1830 Road from, to Utica, report on pétition to appoint commissioners to lay out a........... S 3 263 1831 Road from, to Utica, report on pétition to repeal the same.................................... S 1 41 SHERIFFS. 1831 Fees of, report of Comptroller relative to the pay- ment of..................................... A 4 339 1832 Fees of, and the manner of serving process, report in relation to ............................. A 3 259 1833 Fees of, for the transportation of convicts, report in relation to the ........................... A 2 84 1833 Fees of, for the transportation of convicts, report in relation to the............................. S 1 31 1339 Fees of, for the transportation of convicts, report in relation to the..............................A 5 319 1839 Report of Comptroller on the same.............. S 3 100 1840 do do do ...............A3 75 1850 Report of select committee on pétition in relation to fees of, and return of executions............A 4 62 SHERMAN, GEORGE W., AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims adverse on péti- tion of........................................ - - * A 2 103 1860 Report on claim of..............................A 4 117 SHERMAN, WASHINGTON, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 5 150 1849 do do do do .........A 2 59 1850 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. S 2 45 SHERMAN, WILLIAM, AND URIAL. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.....A 1 22 1850 Report on pétition of......................... A 6 142 SHERMAN, WM. C. H. 1868 Memorial relative to contested seat of..........A 2 125 SHERRILL, CHARLES H. 3859 Communication from, recommending the publica- tion of reports of State officers in State paper ... A 2 54 1859 Communication from, in answer to resolution rela- tive to canal bridges..............................A 3 94822 SHERRILL & D0T5?. poc> vol. No. 1861 Report on pétition of.....................A 6 121 SHERRILL, JAMES H. 1847 Report on pétition of.................... S 2 72 1856 do do .............................A 3 93 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.............A 6 109 SHERWIN, JOSHUA. 1830 Report on pétition for a grant of certain land at its appraised value.............................. S 1 58 SHEW, JACOB. 1833 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands for revolu- tionary services............................. S 2 49 1833 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands for revolu- tionary services............................ S 1 26 SHILAND, JOHN. 1830 Report on pétition of, to be reimbursed for a lot of land sold for taxes.........................A 2 165 1831 Report of committee on daims for the same.......A 2 170 1832 do do do A 3 181 1834 do do do A 4 362 1835 do do do A 3 214 1838 Report of Attorney-General on the same..........A 5 272 1841 Report of committee on grievances on the same__A 4 111 SHIP CANAL AROUND NIAGARA FALLS. 1834 Preamble and resolution relative to the construction of the...................................... A 3 166 1839 Report on bill to authorize the United States to construct a................................. S 1 23 1840 Memorial of Jesse Hawley against ceding to the United States the right to construct a...... S 4 108 1853 Minority report of committee on canals in relation to a........................................ A 3 76 1853 Majorifcy report on same subject................A 3 77 1865 Report of minority of committee on canals relative to construction of, by general government...A 3 66 1865 Preamble and resolutions by Canal Board relative A J 4 91 to ..........................................A ( 6 102 SHIP CANAL AROUND THE FALLS OF ST. MARIE. 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Michigan relative to a.........................................A 1 15 SHIP CANAL FROM ALBANY TO NEW BALTIMORE. 1833 Pétition for the construction of a............. S 1 24 1833 Report of committee on canals on pétition for a_ S 2 80823 SHIP CANAL FROM OSWEGO TO TJTICA. doc.YoL No. 1834 Memorial of inhabitants of XJtica for the construc- tion of a.......................................... S 2 104 1837 Pétition from Oneida county for the construction # of a.......................................A 2 132 SHIPMAN & HULL. 1857 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 91 1857 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of.. S 3 91 SHIP PE Y, J. C., AND W. KIMBALL. 1846 Reports on pétition for the relief of......... SI 40 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 2 60 1848 do do do ......A 5 151 SHIPS AND YESSELS. 1847 Report as to collection of demande against....À 2 77 SHIP STEAMBOAT CANAL FROM LAKE ONTARIO TO ALBANY. 1834 Pétition for a survey of a route for a........A 4 367 1834 Report of select committee on the same........A 4 380 1835 Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Utica in relation to a...... .......................A 2 158 1835 Report of a survey of a route for a...........A 3 195 1835 Report of Canal Board relative to the construction of a.......................................A 4 334 SHOEMAKER, ANDREW. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 144 SHOOK, HON. JOSEPH. {7 132 1865 Reports of committee relative to seat contested by..A j g ^gg SHOOP, ARBA. 1866 Report daims commil.tee on pétition of........A 5 121 1&67 do do do .................A4 52 1867 Report daims committee on bill for relief.... S 2 70 SHOWDY, HENRY. 1852 Report on pétition of, for payment of interest.A 2 86 SHTJLER, WM. S., & A. H. DELAMATER. 1855 Report of committee of ways and means on pétition of..........................................A 2 39 SIBERAD, LEWIS, AND OTHERS. 1846 Report on pétition of, relative to taxation of personal property of non-residents.................. S 4 109 SICKLES, D. E. 1857 Report on contested seat of.................. S 1 25824 SILK. Doc. Yol. No. 1832 Report on the propriety of introducing the manu- facture of............................................A 3 176 1832^ Report on bill to encourage the culture of, etc. S 2 101 183s Report on pétition to encourage the growth and manufacture of...............................A 3 135 1839 Pétition and bill for the same................ A 6 329 1840 Communication from the American Institute relative to the culture of............................A 4 134 1841 Report on bill to encourage the growth and manu- facture of...................................A 4 140 1842 Report to the Governor respecting the manufacture of, in Auburn prison.........................A 1 2 1843 Report of the Inspectors of Auburn State prison relative to manufacture..................... S 1 23 SIMMONS, GEO. A., AND OTHERS. 1846 Memorial of................................... S 3 73 SIMPSON, EDWARD. 1830 Remonstrance ofa against the payment of the annual tax of $500 on each theater in the city of New York.........................................A 3 263 1831 Remonstrance of, against the payment of the annual tax of $500 on each theater in the city of New York.........................................A 2 85 SIMSON, JOHN. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of....A 6 151 SING S ING, VILLAGE OF. 1836 Report on pétition for the extension of Spring street, SI 51 1840 St. Paul’s church at, report on pétition of the trus- tées of, to be released from a debt due the State prison.....................................A 5 183 1846 Report of Commissioners of Land office concerning guards.................................... A 5 163 1848 Report of Attorney-General in relation to Hudson river railroad et......................... S 2 64 SINKING FUND, see General Fund. SINNOT, JAMES. 1876 Relative to appointment of, as judge........ S 6 55 SINSHEIMER, MAX. 1863 Report on claim of...........................A 5 168 SIVER, DAVID H. 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of_ S 2 84 SKAJAQUADA CREEE. 1847 Report relative to..............................A 1 271835 1836 1836 1853 1857 1841 1868 1871 1860 1860 1863 1841 1862 1836 1836 1836 1836 1836 825 SKANEATELES, TOWN OF. Doc.VoJ. No. School district No. 7, report on pétition to sell the school-house and lot........................A 2 113 Report relative to a resurvey and recording of roads « in..........................................A 1 34 SKANEATELES, VILLAGE OF. Bank at, report on a pétition for a.........A 3 136 SKENANDOAH, CHRISTINE, AND OTHERS. Report of committee on Indian affaire, on claim of, for relief................................A 3 80 Report of committee on pétition of..........A 3 198 SKINNER, BENJAMIN, AND SARAH. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to their property by the construction of the Chen- ango canal................................A 6 251 SKINNER, BENJAMIN R. Report on pétition of.........................A 5 28 SKINNER, CHARLES. Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 3 36 SKINNER, SAMUEL. Report relative to claim of. . .•.............A 2 40 Report of committee on claim of...............A 4 135 SKINNER, WILLIAM I. Communication from, as Canal Commissioner. S j g SLACK, WILLARD. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the construction of the Chenango canal.A 3 69 SL AM, LEVI D., see Moses Jaques. SLATER, CONWAY & SHERIDAN. Report on pétition of.............................. S 5 84 SL AVER Y, see Aboli tionists’ Pétition. Abolition of, resolutions of the Législature of of Michigan relative to the.................... S 2 77 Abolition of, resolutions of the Législature of Ken- tucky relative to the............................. S 2 79 Abolition of, resolutions of the Législature of Maine relative to the.................................. S 2 85 Abolition of, resolutions of the Législature of Ohio relative to the.................................. S 2 87 Report of a joint committee on the subject of the. .S 2 106 1041838 1839 1840 1840 1842 1843 1844 1846 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1862 1842 1841 1832 1847 1860 1852 826 SLAVERY— Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. And the slave trade, report of a majority of the committee on the judiciary on the subject of...A 6 359 Resolutions of the Législature of Indiana on the subject of.....................................A 5 282 Resolutions of the Législature of Missouri on the subject of.....................................A 4 143 Report on pétition for a law for the rescue of free colored persons reduced to.....................A 8 341 Resolutions of Maryland, concerning abolition of.. A 7 149 Report of the minority of the judiciary committee on the subject of repealing the law extending the right of trial by jury, passed May 6,1840, and also upon the subject of repealing ail laws relative to the writ de homine replegiando...............A 5 141 Communication from the governor transmitting resolutions of the Législature of the General Assembly of Maryland relative to................A 7 193 Concurrent resolutions offered by Mr. Worden rela- tive to...........................................A 5 162 Resolution relative to the extension of.......... S 1 5 Report of select committee on so much of Gover- nor’s message as relates to the introduction of, into New Mexico and California..................A 3 139 Message from the Governor transmitting resolutions of General Assembly of Missouri respecting.....A 5 229 Report of minority of select committee relative to.. A 3 29 Resolutions of Georgia concerning.................A 8 176 Resolutions of Mississippi in respeet to..........A 8 179 Resolutions of Vermont respecting.................A 8 181 Resolutions of Texas concerning . . ........ ... A 8 193 Resolutions of Maryland relative to...............A 8 194 Report of select committee on Governor’s message concerning................................... S 1 8 Report of judiciary committee on involuntary servitude.........................................A 8 237 SLAVES. Report on pétition to repeal the law allowing them to be held in this State.......................A Report on pétition to repeal the law allowing them to be held in this State.......................A Report on pétition of F. Milligan, a slave, sold by the commissioners of Séquestration, for the pay- ment of the amount for which he was sold.........A SLAYES, FUGITIVE, see Georgia, Virginia. Report on subject of arrest of.................. A 6 168 Report of committee relative to slave hunting in this State........................................A 2 72 SLAVE TRADE. Resolutions of Législature of Indiana............ S 2 91 5 183 0 239 3 213827 SLEEPER, J AS. Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Report on canal damages.....................A 5 95 SLOCUM, PELEG, AND OTHERS. 1851 Report on pétition for canal damages........ S 2 55 SMALL BILLS, see Banks. SMALLDEN, ANN, AND MARY THOMAS. 1850 Report on pétition of....................... S 1 23 SMALLEY, DAVID P. 1846 Report on pétition of....................... S 3 97 SMALL POX. 1833 Report on pétition for a law for the prévention of the.......................................A 2 68 1839 Report on pétition for a law for the prévention of the....................................... S 3 80 1862 Memorial of L. A. Sayer relative to. .......A 6 128 1865 Report of committee on public health relative to... A 4 76 SMEDLEY, ELISHA. 1860 Report on claim of...........................A 4 152 1862 do ..................A 8 229 1863 do ..................A 5 94 SMITH, ADAM W. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 9 123 SMITH & CO. (of Canajoharie). 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 5 104 SMITH, CHARLES B. 1869 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 10 178 SMITH, CHARLES C. 1870 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 6 126 SMITH, D. C., AND OTHERS. 1860 Report on claim of............................A 3 86 1861 do ..................A 2 58 SMITH, GEORGE. 1868 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 10 135 SMITH, GEORGE R. 1868 Memorial relative to contested seat of Wm. C. H. Serman.....................................A 10 125 SMITH, GEORGE W. 1866 Report of judiciary committee on message of Gov- ernor, relative to removal of............. S 1 39 1866 Message of Governor transmitting charges against, S 2 48828 SMITH, GERRIT, 4ND OTHERS. Doc. Voi. No. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 7 126 1867 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of_ S 2 88 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 4 46 SMITH & HOTCHKISS. 1849 Pétition of, for appointment of commissioners to examine and iiquidate daims of, àgainst agent of State prison at Sing Sing...................A 2 85 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of Abijah Fitch, in relation to daim of...............A 4 96 SMITH & STILLWELL. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief..................................... S 1 22 SMITH, A. J. 1847 Report of committee of five Smiths on pétition of .. A 8 252 SMITH, ASA P. 2846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..... S 3 83 SMITH, ASA T. 1840 Report on pétition of, for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal..................A 4 156 1841 Report on pétition of, for extra compensation for work done on the Erie canal..................A 4 241 1842 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of....... S 2 31 1842 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... S 3 70 1843 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of...A 4 108 1843 Report of committee on canals on the pétition of... A 4 118 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of... S 1 128 1845 do do do ... A 4 95 1846 Report on pétition of.......................... S 3 83 1847 Report of Canal Board on pétition of...........A 2 49 1847 Report on pétition of..........................A 2 69 SMITH, BENJAMIN. 1856 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 26 SMITH, CHAUNCEY. 1849 Report of Comptroller of ail moneys drawn from State treasury by, late agent of Sing Sing State prison..................... ........ ........A 2 99 1851 Remonstrance of inspectors of Sing Sing prison against releasing............................ S 2 57 1851 Agent Sing Sing, report of committee on daims on pétition of..................................A 4 105 SMITH, DAVID. 1830 Report on pétition of the heirs of, for bounty lands, SI 43 1831 do do do do A 1 21 1833 do do do do A 3 224829 ♦ SMITH, DAVID, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1847 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 2 92 SMITH, DAVID W. 1836 Report on pétition of, for a loan to aid the Hudson River Scientific and Agricultural Seminary.. S 1 I9 SMITH, E. G. R. 1846 Report on bill of............................ S 4 114 SMITH, FRANCIS. 1854 Report on pétition of, and heirs of J. Dunlap.A 2 67 SMITH, HENRY. 1841 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands.......A 7 282 SMITH, HORACE W. 1865 Report on pétition of........................ A 4 80 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 5 120 1867 do do do ..............A 4 54 SMITH, HORACE, AND LOIS. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 9 138 SMITH, GERRIT, see D. S. Jones and G. Smith. 1831 Memorial of, specifying his charges against Henry Seymour, and praying for his removal........A 3 236 1831 Report of committee on canals on the same.....A 3 237 1831 do do do ..............A 4 356 1831 Testimony taken before said committee.........A 4 354 1831 Memorial of Henry Seymour in relation to the me- morial of........................................... A 3 234 1850 Report on granting Assembly chamber to........A 5 112 SMITH, H. B., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétitions of.....A 8 221 SMITH, JAMES. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 63 1858 Report on daim of.............................A 4 94 1860 do .............................A 3 86 SMITH, JANE B., see John G. Hicks and others. SMITH, JOHN B., AND OTHERS. 1827 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal..................A 3 202 1839 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same.....A 3 72 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 4 247 SMITH, JOHN C. 1852 Claim of, report on.......................... S 2 57 1864^ Report on claim of............................A 6 113 SMITH, JOHN H. 1839 Report on pétition of, to change his name.....A 5 306830 SMITH, JOHN, H. T. Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Report of the Attorney-General on the pétition of, S 1 20 SMITH, JOHN P. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief............. S 1 18 SMITH, JOSEPH E., & CO. 1834 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Oswego canal.....................A 3 209 1834 Report of the committee on daims on the same.... A 4 363 1835 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same. ....A 2 109 1835 Report of committee on grievances on the same ... A 3 177 1836 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same......A 3 128 1836 Report of committee on daims on^the same.......A 4 322 SMITH, JUSTIN. 1832 Report on pétition of, relative to supplying White- hall with water..............................A 1 17 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to supplying White- hall with water............................. A 2 74 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to supplying White- hall with water..............................A 1 16 SMITH, LUA. 1865 Report on pétition of..........................A 4 80 SMITH, LYMAN B., AND OTHERS. 1858 Report on daim of............. ................A 4 122 SMITH, NATHANIEL. 1834 Report on pétition of, to change his name......A 2 100 SMITH, NOAH. 1850 Majority report on daim....................... S 2 50 SMITH, OTIS. 1854 Report on pétition of... .....................A 1 35 1855 Report of committee on c}aims on pétition of.A 4 86 1856 Report on pétition of. .......................A 3 59 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 73 1862 Report on pétition of . ... ..................A 6 118 SMITH, PETER. 1861 Report on pétition of..........................A 5 87 1862 do do ...........................A 4 83 SMITH, RUSSELL. 1852 Minority report in relation to his seat........A 2 46 SMITH, SAMUEL C.1 1864 Report on pétition of..........................A 6* 107 SMITH, THOMAS, see Jacob Bergen.831 SMITH, THOMAS PLUMER. Doc. Vol. No. 1841 Report on pétition of, to confirm his title to certain land.......................................... S 2 58 SMITHTOWN, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition for a bounty on foxes and crows in the........................................A 5 222 SMITH, WILLIAM. 1840 Report on pétition to change his name...........A 1 4 1845 Report of committee on grievances on the pétition of............................................A 7 244 1846 Report of Secretary of State relative to lands pur- chased by...... ...............................A 5 149 1848 Report on pétition of............................A 3 85 SMITH, WM., Jr. 1845 Report of Secretary of State respectinglndian lands purchased by...................................A 6 212 SNIFFIN, H., AND WIFE. 1839 Report on pétition for a divorce.................A 5 304 SNOOK AND BEEBE. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of.... .. A 7 145 SOAP, JOHN. 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land.A 4 285 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 1872 Pétition of, against the death penalty...........A 8 118 SNOOK, CLARK. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of............A 11 188 SNOW, LORENZO E. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of........... S 2 96 SODUS BAY BRIDGE COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to extend the charter of the_ S 1 11 SODUS CANAL. 1866 Communication from canal board relative to______ S 1 43 1868 do do do .......... S 5 57 SODUS CANAL COMPANY. 1864 Repart of committee on canals on pétition of.... S 4 62 1865 Communication from canal commissioners, in rela- tion to........................................S 2 43 See canals.832 SODÜS, TOWN OF. Doc.Voi. No. 1830 Report relative to the sale of a lot of land in, by the trustées of the First Presbyterian Society.... S 1 60 1838 Report on pétition to extend the time for the col- lection of taxes in............... ......................A 6 329 1850 Report of canal board respecting canal at..........A 6 151 SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1861-5. 1863 Annual report of relief association................A 6 188 1863 Communication from the governor relative to hos- pital supplies, and transportation of sick and wounded ....................................... S 5 101 1863 Communication from Attorney-General, constitution- ality of soldiers’ voting law...... S 5 114 1863 Report of majority of committee on privilèges and élections, on message of governor relative to allowing soldiers to vote.......................S 5 117 1863 Report of minority on same........................ S 5 124 1863 Report of minority of judiciary committee on con- current resolutions, to amend constitution so as to allow soldiers to vote..................... S 5 122 1864 Message of governor relative to returning communi- cation from State canvassers, transmitting votes for allowing soldiers to vote.................. S 4 78 1865 Annual report of board of managers of State sol- diers’ depot................................... A 9 194 1865 Communication from comptrollhr relative to appro- priation for relief of sick and wounded................. S 1 12 1865 Communication from governor relative to burial ground at Gettysburg........................... S 1 36 1865 Annual report of State agent for relief of sick and wounded ... ................................... S 3 83 SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS OF THE REVOLU- TION, see Révolution. SOLDIERS OF 1812. 1872 Communication from Ad jutant-General relative to. . A 2 18 1872 Memorial of, for an appropriation............A 7 101 SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS OF THE WAR OF 1812, see War of 1812. SOMERSET, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition from the, relative to fishing in Golden Hill creek........................A 2 173 SONS OF TEMPERANCE. 1852 Report on pétition of the................. A 2 50 SOULE, NATHAN, AND OTHERS. 1838 Report on pétition for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal...................... A 5 2191858 1831 1832 1832 1833 1833 1840 1842 1842 1842 1842 1844 1844 1845 1852 1846 1833 1860 1832 1850 833 SOUTH BAY. Doc. Vol. No. Report of commissioners relative to bridge across, in Washington county......................... A 6 167 SOUTH BAY TRACT. Report on pétition of E. Chapman and others, relative to the....................................... A 3 230 Report on pétition of D. Allen and others, relative to the....................................... A 3 195 Report on pétition of D. Allen and others, relative to the........................................A 3 235 SOUTH CAROLINA, STATE OF, see Nullification. Ordinance of, to nullify certain acts of Congress.... S 1 2 Resolutions of the Législature of, recommending a convention of the States......................A 2 39 Report and resolutions of the Législature of, rela- tive to the controversy. between Maine and Georria...................................... A 5 167 Message from Governor, transmitting a law, a report and resolution of the Législature of, relative to the Virginia controversy..................... S 2 41 Message from the Governor, transmitting resolution of the Législature of, relative to the public lands.. S 3 52 Law and resolution of, in relation to controversy between New York and Virginia................A 4 62 Report of judiciary committee on the correspondence of Governor with executive of................ A 7 185 Resolution of the Législature of, in relation to State debts and the annexation of Texas to the Union. .Al 5 Communication from Governor, transmitting resolu- tion of the Législature of.....................Al 15 Concurrent resolution by Mr. Van Schoonhoven, relative to South Carolina and Massachusetts-A 1 26 SOUTHEAST. Report on pétition of Sons of Tempérance in....A 2 51 SOUTHF1EED, TOWN OF. Report relative to town élection, etc., in..... S 4 112 SOUTHAMPTON, TOWN OF. Report on pétition of, for a law to inclose the com- mon lands of................................. S 2 113 Report of minority of committee relative to building a bridge across the west branch of the Hudson river in that town..............................A 2 69 SOUTH MIDDLETOWN. Fire engine company, report on pétition to incorpo- rate..........................................A 3 275 SOUTHPORT. Report on pétition of inhabitants....,......... A 6 161 105834 SOUTHSIDE RAILROAD, see Railroads. SOUTHWICK, LUCIUS AND MALACHI SAN- FORD, TRUSTEES, etc. Dot, Voi. No. 1864 Report of committee on pétition of............A 2 48 SPAFFORD, TILLOTSON, AND OTHERS. 1858 Report of committee on pétition of, for the repay- aient of moneys illegally collected........ S 3 115 SPAFFORD, TOWN OF. 1834 Report on pétition for the division of the..........A 4 282 1843 Report of the committee on grievances, on the péti- tion of the town auditors and overseers of the poor of...........................................A 5 165 SPALDING, EMERY D. 1833 Report on pétition of, for a pension, on account of injuries received while in the discharge of military duty..............................................A 3 200 SPALDING, F. A., AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of......... S 3 85 SPALDING, LYMAN A. 1860 Report on claim of ..........A 4 125 1861 do do ........ A 2 35 See Lockport surplus water. SPARK, ISAAC. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of............A 4 78 1866 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of.... S 2 65 1867 do do do .... S 2 73 SPEAKER. 1873 Charges and spécifications preferred against.A 4 62 1863 Report of majority of select committee thereon .... A 6 202 1863 Report of minority of select committee thereon.... A 6 205 SPECIAL CALENDAR. 1859 Of the Senate...................................... S 2 91 SPAULDING, ANDREW. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of............A 6 90 1870 do do do ...........A 6 127 SPAULDING, LYMAN A., AND OTHERS. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of........... S 2 90 SPAULDING, HARRISON. 1853 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 4 84 SPENCER, AMBROSE. 1848 Report relative to obsequies of.....................A 5 131835 SPENCER, JOHN, AND JOHN A. EHLE. Doc. Vol. No. 1837 Report on petibion of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal................ S 1 36 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.................A 5 279 SPENCER, JOHN, AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Genesee Valley canal...........A 6 258 1840 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Genesee Valley canal. .........A 7 278 SPENCER, JOHN, AND L. SPRAKER. 1834 Report on pétition of, for compensation for the loss of a lot of timber by the breaking away of a dam on the Mohawk river.......................A 4 345 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal....................A 6 342 SPENCER, JOHN C., see W. Morgan. SPENCERPORT. 1850 Report relative to nuisance,................A 5 139 SPENCER, SAMUEL W., see Livingston county Surrogate. SPENCER, THOMAS, see Huet Hills. SPENCER, TRUMAN. 1833 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands.....A 3 186 SPENCER, WILLIAM H. 1835 Report on pétition of, to build a bridge over Genesee river.....................................A 3 194 SPERRY, JAMES. 1859 Report on pétition of....................... S 2 50 SPINNER, F. E. 1839 Communication from, in relation to State Lunatic Asylum.................. ................. S 2 57 SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, see Excise, Intoxicating Liquors. SPOONER, E. B. 1862 Report on pétition of.......................A 3 31 SPOOR, ROBERT. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 5 128 SPRAGUE, CHARLES. 1831 Report on pétition of, to maintain a dam across a branch of the Chenango river............... A 3 2321868 1877 1867 1845 1852 1834 1838 1839 1834 1848 1866 1848 1855 1856 1857 1830 1830 1863 836 SPRAGUE, JONATHAN S. Doc. Vol. No. Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 9 94 SPRAGUE MANUSCRIPTS. Communication from Board of Regents relative to.. S 2 40 SPRAKER, GEORGE L. Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 2 22 SPRAKER, JAMES. Report of Canal Commissioners, on the pétition of.. A 3 42 SPRAKER, JOSEPH AND JAMES. Report on daims of....................... S 2 65 SPRAKER, LIVINGSTON, AND JOHN SPENCER. Report on pétition of, for compensation for the loss of a lot of timber by the breaking away of a dam on the Mohawk............................... A 4 345 SPRAKER, LIVINGSTON, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition for extra allowance for blasting rocks at Little Falls. ......................A 8 342 Report on bills for the same................ S 3 91 SPRINGSTEEN, JOHN AND ELIZABETH. Report on pétition of, for the release of certain escheated lands............................A 3 177 SQUAW ISLAND. Report of Canal Board, relative to improvements at, S 3 57 SQUAW ISLAND FERRY, see H. F Penfield. STAFF DEPARTMENT. Communication from Comptroller transmitting ex- ^ j 2 94 penses of................................. & ( 2 97 STAFFORD, MARY. Report on peütion of....................... A 2 32 STAHL, WILLIAM. Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 2 52 Report on pétition of........................A 3 82 Report of committee on daims, favorable on pétition of......................................... A 3 183 STANLEY, FREDERICK. Report on pétition of, to purchase a lot of land in West Oswego................................A 2 99 Report on pétition of, to purchase a lot of land in West Oswego ... .......................... S 2 115 STANLEY, JÜLIA A. Report on pétition of....................... A 2 30837 STANTON, G. W., AND OTHERS. D 1845 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of, in relation to excavating Albany basin...... S 4 83 STANTON, HENRY B. 1851 Report as to right of, to seat in the Senate. S 3 85 STANTON, WM. B. 1851 Report on tbe right of, to seat in the Senate. S 3 85 STANTON, CHARLES. 1874 Report on charges against ................... S 4 81 STARKS, MAURICE, AND JAMES H. ROGERS. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 7 201 STARKWEATHER, AYERY M. 1856 Report on pétition of.........................A 4 129 STARR, FREDERICK. 1840 Report on pétition of, to grant power to the corpora- tion of Rochester to pay him certain money.......A 3 71 1842 Report of Mr. D. R. F. Jones, on pétition of..A 2 47 1842 Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties, on pétition of....................A 4 77 STARR, HENRY M., AND IRWIN, M. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 4 76 STARRING, L. T. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 129 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, sec Agricul- tural College, State. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, sec Agricul- tural Society, State. STATE CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY, see Natural History. STATE COLONIZATION SOCIETY, sec Colonization Society, State. STATE CONVENTION AT POUGHKEEPSIE, for the purposes of adopting the Constitution of the United States. 1833 Proceedings of..........................A 1 111 STATE DEBT, 1863 Communications and reports relative to paying S interest of, in coin,......................... 1865 Communication from Attorney-General relative to, SI 10 1870 Report of Senate finance committee relative to paying interest on, in coin.................. S 2 59 2 34 j 82 5 191838 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1849 1846 1850 1850 1851 1851 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR. Charles B. Stuart: D0C. Vol. No. Communication from, in relation to his duties, etc., S 2 63 Report of, as to amount of public lands,............A 3 104 Report of, on pétition of Mary E. Edwards...........A 5 176 Report of, on the public lands.................... S 1 27 Report of, on railroads............................ S 3 84 Report of, relative to sale of certain sait lands at Syracuse.........................................A 3 130 Report of, on pétition of John Randel, Jr.......... A *5 209 Hezekiah C. Seymour: Report on lands owned by tbe State .................A 5 88 Report on ventilation...............................A 4 63 Annual report on railroads......................... S 1 12 Report on the public lands of the State............ S 1 19 Annual report...................................... A 3 45 Report in relation to lengthening locks.............A 3 67 William J. Mo Alpine: Annual report of, on railroads... ............ A 1 27 Report of, on railroads.......................... A 1 27 Report of in answer to a resolution in relation to clerk hire..................................... SI 18 Report of, in relation to removing obstructions from channel of Hudson river.................. S 1 23 Report of, in relation to turnouts, switches, etc., on railroads...................................... S 1 31 Report of, in relation to freigl\t on railroads.... S 3 59 Report of, relative to the cost of linishing the canals........................................ S 3 64 Annual report of, on the railroad statistics of the State.............................................A 1 10 Annual report of, on the canals for ] 852.........A 2 28 Report of, under chapter 309, Laws of 1852, in rela- tion to plans and maps in reference to carrying out the objectsof the act appropria tin g money s to the Auburn prison...... ....................... A 2 37 Report of, in answer to a resolution in relation to persons employed in the engineer s department.. A3 70 John T. Clark: Report of, relative to grants of land under water near New York................................. Annual report of, on canals..................... Communication from, under resolution............ Communication from, relative to en largement of canals....................................... Annual report of, on railroad statistics ....... Annual report of, relative to railroad statistics_ Communication from, in reply to resolution of Senate.......................................... « * & S 1 60 S 2 61 S 2 109 A 3 120 S 2 35 S 2 38839 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued. John T. Clark — Continued: Doc. Vol No. 1855 Annual report on canal».......................... A 2 50 1855 Report of, in reference to certain canals.........A 2 58 1855 Report of, in reference to Crooked lake improve- ment...........................................A 5 117 1855 Report from, in relation to new feeder for Genesee Valley canal...................................A 7 146 Silas Seymour: 1856 Report as to Seneca lake......................... S 2 81 1856 Communication from, relative to locks on Chemung canal..........................................A 4 113 1856 Report on pétition of, to repeal the act to establish a board of railroad commissioners..............A 4 123 1856 Annual report of................................. A 5 180 1857 Report of, relative to Chemung canal............. S 3 87 1857 Report of, relative to Genesee Valley canal..... S 3 103 1857 Report of, relative to the same.................. S 4 114 1857 Report of, relative to enlargement of Genesee Yalley canal and Canal Commissionere.........Al 35 1857 Annual report of..................................A 1 60 1857 Report of, in reply to resolution relative to enlarge- ment of Erie canal at Port Byron........................A 2 88 1857 Report on map of the State, in reply to resolution relative to....................................A 2 114 1857 Report of, and Canal Commissioner Sherrill in re- ply to resolution relative to the condition of the Champlain canal................................A 2 116 Van R. Richmond: 1858 Communication from, in relation to Railroad Commissioner................................. S 1 9 1858 Annual report on canals.......................... S 1 15 1858 Report of, relative to channel of Hudson river near West Troy..................................... S 2 82 1858 Report of, relative to locks on Chemung canal...S 2 124 1858 Report of, relative to enlargement of locks on Che- mung canal............................................. S 3 133 1858 Report of, relative to incorporated navigation com- panies........................................ A 1 44 1858 Report of, on railroads.......................... A 4 89 1858 Report of, relative to amount necessary to complété the unfinished canals..........................A 4 116 1858 Communication from, on pétition of inhabitants residing in vicinity of Oneida lake............A 4 121 1859 Annual report of, on canals.......................A 1 28 1859 Report of, on Black river improvement.............A 1 31 1859 Report of, on companies navigating lakes and ri vers, A 5 183 1859 Report of, on dam, etc., at Otter creek...........A 2 75 1859 Report of, relative to clerks in his department..... A 3 151840 1859 1850 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1862 1862 1862 1862 1862 1863 1863 1863 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1866 1866 1866 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVÉYOR — Continuée!. Van R. Richmond — Continued: Doc. Vol. Report of, relative to filin g reports of railroad com- panies........................................... S 1 Report of, relative to cost of giving five feet of water in Champlain canal............................ S 1 Reporfc of, relative to cost of enlarging locks on the canals........................................... S 1 Report of, relative to extension of the Chenango canal............................................ S 1 Report of, relative to depth of water in the Glens Falls feeder, etc............................... A 1 Report of, relative to Erie canal at Tonawanda...A 2 Annual report of, on canals..........................A 1 Annual report of companies navigating lakes and rivers............................................A 4 Annual report of, on canals..........................A 1 Annual report of, on navigation companies............A 5 Annual report of, on railroads.......................A 3 Annual report of, on canals..........................A 1 Annual report of, on railroads.......................A 5 Annual report of, on navigation companiesA 6 Report of, relative to Phœnix dam....................A 6 Report of, relative to enlargement of locks on Champlain canal for gunboats......................A 6 Annual report of, on canals..........................A 1 Annual report of, on railroad statistics.............A 6 Annual report of, on navigation companies............A 8 Report relative to Black River canal, etc .......... S 2 Report relative to removal of obstructions in the Hudson river..................................... S 5 Report relative to extension of Chenango canal___ S 4 Report relative to aqueduct across Seneca river ... S 4 Report relative to survey of the Allegany river__A 2 Annual report of, on canals..........................A 7 Annual report of, on navigation companies ...........A 7 Annual report of, on railroad statistics.............A 6 Report of, on the construction of locks on the Erie and Oswego canals.................................A 3 Communication from, transmitting spécial report on coal.......................................... S 3 Communication from, in answer to resolution rela- tive to filing reports by railroad companies.....A 2 Annual report of, on canals........................ A 2 Annual report of, on railroads.......................A 8 Annual report of, on navigation companies............A 6 J. Goodsell: Annual report on canals ............................A 3 Annual report on navigation companies...............A 5 Annual report on railroads..........................A 6 No. 13 21 28 6 12 77 15 127 28 83 75 8 100 171 131 174 8 175 228 44 86 84 101 12 179 170 125 60 71 12 20 176 109 38 110 12584 L STATE ENGINEER AND SIJRVEYOR — Continued. J. Platt Goodsell — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1866 Communication from, relative to bridge abutments in channel of canal at Lockport....... ........A 6 132 1866 Communication from, relative to water in canal réservoir ............... ..................... 34 1856 Communication from, transmitting names of canal contractors.................................... >3 1 14 1867 Annual report on canals......................... A 2 27 1867 Annual report on navigation companies............A 6 99 1867 Annual report on railroads......................A 7 114 1867 Report of estimated expense enlarging Chenango canal at Utica........................ ........A 8 171 1867 Report of number miles railroad built in State for last five years................................ S 2 59 1867 Report of survey for Oneida Lake canal.............A 4 73 Van R. Richmond: 1868 Annual report on canals............................A 3 23 1868 Annual report on navigation companies..............A 9 87 1868 Annual report on railroads.........................A 13 161 1868 Report as to increase amount of water at Otisco Lake réservoir...........’............ ........ S 5 74 1868 Report as to condition of canal liarbor at head of Seneca lake.................................... S 4 45 1869 Annual report on canals............................A 2 11 1869 Annual report on navigation companies. ...........A 9 120 1869 Annual report on railroads........................ A 8 111 1869 Report as to enlarging prism Ckamplain canal......A 4 69 1869 Report as to swing-bridge at Rochester............ S 3 30 1870 Annual report on canals............................A 2 25 1870 Annual report on navigation companies..............A 11 192 1870 Annual report on railroads.........................A 9 154 1870 Report relative to Oneida Lake canal............. S 2 25 1870 Report relative to turn-table bridges on canals ... S 2 27 1871 Annual report on canals............................A 3 19 1871 Annual report on navigation companies..............A 10 112 1871 Annual report on railroads.........................A 10 115 1872 Annual report of, on companies navigating lakes and rivers......................................A 10 154 1872 Annual report on canals............................A 1 11 1872 Annual report on railroads.........................A 11 189 1872 Annual report of, on railroads.....................A 11 189 1872 Preamble and resolutions relative to, offered by Mr. McKay...........................................A 3 51 1873 Report of, relative to a survey and estimate of Quar- antine islandNo. 2............................ A 7 149 1873 Report on railroads, annual........................A 8 160 1873 Companies navigating lakes and rivers..............A 4 37 1873 Canals........................................... A 2 17 1873 Reply of, to resolution of Assembly relative to a proposed new site for boarding station..........A 7 125 106842 STATE ENGINEER AND SÜRYEYOR — Continued. Silvanüs S. Sweet : Doc. Vol. No. 1874 Annual report of, on canals......................A 2 24 1874 Reply to resolution of Assembly................ A 2 27 1875 Report of, relative to doubling locks on the western division of the canal ...................... S 6 93 1875 Annual report of, relative to canals.............A 6 80 1875 Annual report of, relative to companies navigating lakes and rivers. ............................A 6 73 1875 Report on railroads............................. A 9 114 1875 Report of, on canals.............................A 6 80 1875 Communication from, relative to steam power on canals..............................................A 4 62 John D. Van Bueen, Je. : 1876 Report on the canals........................... A 3 27 1876 Report on companies navigating lakes and rivers .. A 6 65 1876 Report on railroads..............................A 7 132 1876 Report of, on Chenango and other canals......... S 3 44 1877 Report of, on companies navigating lakes and rivers, A 8 83 1877 Report on railroads. ............................A 7 69 1877 Reply of, relative to engineer department........A 5 40 1877 Annual report of, on canals......................A 6 50 STATE HALL, NEW. 1834 Report of the trustées of the....................A 4 323 1835 do do .......................... S 1 21 1836 do do .......................... S 1 6 1837 do do ............................... SI 28 1838 do do ............................... SI 26 1839 do do ............................... SI 15 1840 do do ...........................A 1 286 1841 do do ...........................A 3 66 1842 Communication from Comptroller in relation to___A 7 134 1843 Report of trustées of_*......................... S 1 20 STATE HALL, OLD. 1853 Report of committee on expenditures of the House relative to the.....................................A 3 69 1854 Communication from Commissioners of Land Office relative to.........................................A 3 89 STATE INSTITUTIONS. 1840 Report relative to the hostility of the general govern- ment to.............................................A 8 344 STATE LIBRARIAN. * 1830 Report on bill fixing the salary of the......... S 4 401 STATE L1BRARY. 1830 Annual report of the trustées of the.............A 2 190 1831 do do ............... SI 7 1832 do do ............... SI 3843 STATE LIBRARY— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Animal report of the trustées of the............ S 1 3 1834 do do Al 3 1835 do do SI 3 1836 do do SI 3 1837 do do ............... S 1 2 1838 do do SI 3 1839 do do SI 3 1840 do do SI 6 1840 Report of select joint committee on the state of the, S 4 115 1841 do do do......... S 1 4 1841 Report by same committee on same.................. S 3 100 1842 Report of trustées of the......................... S 1 6 1842 Report of joint committee on the.................. S 4 104 1844 Report of trustées of the......................... S 1 50 1844 do do ............................ S 3 114 1844 Report of the minority of the library committee on an act relative to.............................A 1 176 1845 Report of trustées of............................ S 1 10 1845 Report of trustées of, relative to the purchase of Mr. Worden’s library...............................A 1 11 1846 Report of trustées of............................... SI 4 1847 do do ..................................... S 1 21 1847 Report of trustées of, relative to exchanges..... S 4 128 1847 Report of trustées of, donations.................A 8 227 1848 Annual report of trustées of....................... SI 21 1849 do do ............................Al 21 1849 Report of select committee on......................A 2 67 1849 Report of joint committee on.......................A 3 131 1849 Report of Regents of University on the historical and other papers, etc., received from secretary’s office for deposit in.................................A 3 148 1850 Report of trustées of.............................. SI 29 1851 Annual report of trustées of...................... S 2 25 1852 Annual report of same............................. S 3 93 1852 Report of trustées of building.....................A 2 42 1853 Annual report of trustées of...................... S 1 25 1854 Report of joint committee on State cabinet........ S 1 48 1854 Report of trustées of building.....................A 3 92 1854 Annual report of trustées of.....................A 4 138 1855 Report of trustées of........................... S 3 77 1856 do do .................................. S 1 29 1857 Report of............................. .......... S 1 37 1858 Annual report of trustées of...................... S 3 139 1859 do * do ...................... S 2 123 1860 Annual report of trustées of (forty-second) ...... S 1 88 1860 Report of joint library committee, in answer to resolution..................................... S 1 67 1861 Annual report of trustées of..................... S 2 64 1862 do do A 7 200 1863 do do S 5 126 1864 do do S 4 105 1865 do do A 7 131844 STATE LIBRARY — Continuée!. doc. vol. No. 1866 Annual report of.................................A 7 194 1867 do A 18 245 1868 do S 7 83 1869 do A 3 35 1870 do A 1 27 1871 do A 3 40 1872 Fifty-fourtb, of trustées of the................ S 1 12 1873 Fifty-fifth annual report of trustées of........ S 1 14 1874 Annual report as to condition................... S 3 36 1875 Annual report of................................ S 2 40 1876 do S 2 36 STATE LO AN, see State Stock. 1834 Message from the Governor recommending a.......A 4 326 1834 Report of the joint committee on the same........A 4 350 1835 Report of commissioners under the act authoriz- ing a........................................ S 1 25 1835 Report on the report of said commissioners..... A 2 144 1838 Message from the Governor recommending, to aid the banks in the resumption of specie payments, A 6 341 1838 Report of select committee on same...............A 6 352 1838 Bill from the Senate, with the amendments of the Assembly .................................... A 6 354 1838 Report of committee of conférence on said bill.A 6 358 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, see Asylum, State Lunatic. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY, see Medical Society, State. STATEN ISLAND. 1830 Report relative to the sale of the fortifications on, to the general government..................... S 4 434 1859 Report of minority committee on ways and means relative to troops on..........................A 3 116 Charitable Institutions, see New York. Marine Hospital at, see New York. Seaman’s Fünd and Retreat, see New York. Quarantine at, see New York. STATEN ISLAND SOUND. 1830 Report on pétition for a law declaratory of the rights of the citizens of this State as it respects the taking of oysters in...............................A 3 242 STATE OFFICES. 1833 Report as to security of the documents of the, from fire............................................ S 2 115845 1846 1853 1853 1853 1862 1869 1846 1846 1873 1843 1844 1845 1846 1874 1877 1835 1838 1838 1840 1840 1841 1843 1843 1842 1843 1845 STATE OFFICERS. Doc. Vol. No. Report on the bill to reduce salaries of certain .... S 3 79 Report of select committee to examine into the official conduct of certain................. A 4 103 Report of majority of committee on the subject of impeachment of........................... ... A 5 130 Report of the minority on same ..................A 5 131 Report of, to Governor relative to arming volunteers, S 2 29 List of......................................... S 3 43 STATE PAPER. Report of Chancellor answering a resolution in rela- tion to notices required to be published in.... S 3 96 Report of committee on the judiciary relative to same......................................... A 3 77 STATE PARK. Annual report of commissioners of........... S STATE PRINTER. Report of, relative to amount received for publish- ing legal and bankrupt notices.............. S Report of................................... S Annual report of...............................A do S Correspondence with State Board of Charities. S Reply of, to resolution of Assembly........... A STATE PRINTING. Report of amount paid for the, in 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834...................................... S Report of select committee on the subject of the. . A Communication from the State printer (E. Cross- well) in relation to said report............... A Report relative to the contract with Thurlow Weed for the.........................................A Communication from Thurlow Weed in answer to a resolution requesting him to report the expense of printing for the Législature during the présent session...... ................................. S Report of State printer (Thurlow Weed) relative to the amount of printing done by him under his contract, and showing the amount which would hâve been paid under the old contract...........A Report of the Comptroller showing the sums paid for, from 1835 to 1842...... . .............. S Report of the Comptroller showing the sums paid for, from 1823 to 1829......................... S Message of Governor returning bill to provide ... A Report of committee on, on the resolution of inquiry relative to.............................A Report of committee on public expenditures answer- ing a resolution of the Senate in relation to.. S 4 102 1 14 1 37 3 34 2 68 4 95 3 32 2 67 6 343 6 348 2 47 4 125 7 276 1 3 1 12 7 172 2 28 1 31846 STATE PRINTING-—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1846 Report of Comptroller relative to............... S 2 56 1846 Report of committee on, relative to engrossed bill from Senate concerning.........................A 3 86 1846 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution relative to.................................. A 4 91 1847 Report of select committee, of 1846, to investigate frauds.........................................A 2 84 1847 Report of expenses of...........................A 4 130 1848 Report of committee on, on subjects therein referred to............................................ A 5 162 1849 Communication from Secretary of State transmit- ting 1 he contracte for....................... S 1 15 1850 Comptroller’s return of cost............... ..... S 2 47 1851 Report of Comptroller on expenses for printing, binding, engraving, etc....................... S 2 46 1854 Report of committee on, on resolution relative to Jones’wood park................................A 2 56 1854 Report of committee on, on memorial of Regents of University.....................................A 2 69 1856 Report of the committee on, respecting the jour- nals...........................................A 1 10 1856 Report of Comptroller relative to cost of.........A 3 33 1856 Report of committee on grievances in relation to.. A 5 188 1858 Extracts from contract to perform.................A 1 23 1859 Communication from Comptroller, in answer to a resolution, as to cost of, for 1856, 1857 and 1858. .S 1 24 1861 Report relative to contract for...................A 2 66 STATE PRISON INSPECTORS. 1848 Report of, under a resolution................... S 1 22 1849 Communication from.............................. S 1 23 1849 Annual report of................................ S 1 30 1850 Report of....................................... S 1 16 1851 Annual report of.................. ............. S 1 13 1852 Communication from....... .................... S 1 33 1852 Annual report of............................... SI 35 1853 Report of committee on daims, on the application of the, for relief.......................... SI 17 1853 Annual report of................................ S 1 30 1854 do ...............................A 2 40 1854 do . r............................A 2 55 1855 do ...............................A 4 85 1856 Report of....................................... S 3 99 1857 Report of, relative to insubordination.......... S 2 49 1857 Annual report of................................ S 3 110 1858 Tenth annual report of...................... .... S 1 4 1858 Report of committee to which was referred annual report of....................................A 4 129 1858 Report of, relative to lime contract....... S 2 34 1858 Report of, in answer to a resolution relative to Averill ore bed.............................. S 2 92847 1859 1860 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1873 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1832 1833 1833 1831 1834 1834 1835 1835 1835 1837 1840 1841 STATE PRISON INSPECTORS — Continued. Doc Yoi. No. Annual report of............................... S 1 40 do ..............................A 1 21 Report of, in relation to convict labor........A 3 83 Annual report of............................... S 1 25 do .............................. S 1 9 do .............................. S 1 8 do ..............................A 2 11 Report of settlements made with contractors, pur- suant to joint resolution of 1863...........A 6 100 Annual report of............................... S 1 30 do S 1 11 do S 1 9 Annual report of.............................. S 3 30 Communication from, transmitting copy of printing contract.................................... A 12 155 Annual report of................................ S 3 16 do S 3 71 do S 2 21 do S 1 22 do S 2 30 Commission to penitentiary, congress.............A 2 11 Report of Inspectors, relative to escaped convicts.. S 4 91 Annual report of................................ S 1 5 do A 2 18 Report of Thomas Kirkpatrick, as inspector of..A 7 93 Annual report....................................A 2 11 do .......................................A 2 14 STATE PRISONS. General report of the committee on............. S 2 74 do do do ............... . .. S 2 118 Convicts in, report on the propriety of providing for the discharge of certain.............. ......A 3 203 Convict labor in the, report on pétition for the abol- ishment of (Mr. Bogert).................• • A 3 279 Convict labor in the, report on pétition for the abol- ishment of (Mr. Humphrey)............... ... A 4 352 Convict labor in the, report on pétition for the abol- ishment of (Mr. McDonald).................... S 2 114 Convict labor in the, majority and minority reports on the same..... . .. . ... .................A 4 330 Convict labor in the, report of Attorney-General in relation to contracte for.....................A 2 106 Convict labor in the, report of commissioner under the act concerning State prisons for the abolish- ment of ......................................A 2 135 Convict labor in the, minority report (Mr. Roose- velt) ..........................................A 3 169 Convict labor in the, report on the same (Mr. Sib- ley)........................................ A 8 339 Convict labor in the, report on the same (Mr. Peck). S 2 54848 1841 1841 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1843 1844 1845 1846 1846 1847 1848 1850 1850 1852 1852 1852 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 STATE PRISONS — Continued. Doc. Convict labor in thé, majority report on the same (Mr. Van Schoonhoven)..........................A Convict labor in the, minority report on the same (Mr. Hotchkiss) ... ....................... A Report of committee on, on numerous pétitions for abolishing mechanieal labor in.................A Report of Ransom Cook, commissioner appointed under the act relative to, passed April, 1842 .A Report of the committee on .......................A Report of the committee on, with bill attached____A Resolutions on the subject of labor in, adopted at a meeting of the mechanics of the city of Albany .. A Resolutions of a public meeting at Plaktsburgh, county of Clinton, recommending the employ- ment of convicts in mining and manufacturing iron...........................................A Reply of R. Cook, Esq., to the Ausable memorial in relation to convict labor, etc..............A Report of the Attorney* General in relation to con- tracte ....................................... A Report of the committee on, in relation to the em- ployment of convicts.......................... S Report of the committee on, on an act in relation to.............................................A Report of the agent of the new............ .... S Report of Mr. Backus, relative to discipline in... S Report of Mr. A. C. Hand on the same.............. S Report of committe on, for régulation of county and............................................A Report of expenses for transportation of convicts .. A Report of committee on, in relation to lunatics in. . A Communication from A. H. Wells................... A Communication from Inspectors of, respecting ex- amination of prisons.......................... S Report of committee to examine....................A Report on reference of a resolution relating to...A Report of Secretary of State respecting.......... S Report of Inspector Clark relative to daims against, S Communication from H. Storms relative to......... S Communications relative to judgments against agent of................. . ....... ........... S Report of T. Kirkpatrick relative to indebtedness of S Report of committee on, relative to Western House of Refuge.............................. ..... S Opinion of Attorney-General relative to judgments against agents.................................A Report of commissioners to investigate affairs of, relative to certain minutes and affidavits.... S Report of committee on trades and manufactures on pétitions relative to labor and compétition... S Vol, No. 186 286 65 32 72 72 156 156 155 169 99 41 16 120 121 241 124 41 134 33 20 114 54 66 70 92 98 ( 107 121 28 71849 STATE PRISONS — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Opinion of Attorney-General as to judgments against agents.......................................A 2 28 1855 Report of commissioners appointed to examine affairs of........................................ A 3 60 1855 Report of committee in reference to debts of....A 4 105 1858 Report of inspectors of, relative to lime contract... S 2 34 1869 Message of Governor relative to..................S 6 73 1870 Report of Senate committee relative to convici labor.................................*...... S 3 92 1871 Report of State Commissioner on prison labor ...A 2 18 Auburn : 1830 Annual report of the inspectors of the...........A 1 38 1831 do do SI 15 1832 do do SI 31 1833 do do SI 20 1834 do do SI 39 1835 do do SI 13 1836 do do ............A 3 133 1837 do do Al 31 1838 do do ............A3 86 1839 do do SI H 1840 do do Al 18 1841 do do ............A 2 28 1830 Message from the Governor relative to altering the south wing of the.............................. S 3 220 1830 Report on the same. ......................A 4 407 1832 Report of inspectors relative to altering the south wing of said prison............................ S 1 33 1834 Agent of the, report of, relative to the terms of con- tracta for the labor of convicts, etc...........A i 289 1834 Agent of the, report of, relative to the terms of con- tracts for the labor of convicts, etc..........A 4 341 1833 Investigation of the, report of an. ... ........A 3 199 1838 do do .................A 5 276 1840 Majority report on same.......................... S 2 37 1840 Minority report on same.......................... S 2 38 1840 Testimony taken before said committee on same. .. S 2 48 1834 Officers of the, pétition of, for an increase of salary. .Al 20 1834 Report on same...................................A 3 161 1836 do .................................A 4 226 1832 Clerk of the, report relative to the accounts of the late..................................................... SI 51 1840 Dam across the Owasco outlet adjacent to the, report relative to removing it ...............A 7 301 1832 Health, report relative to the préservation of, in the.............................. ............ S 2 118 1836 Manufacture of silk at the, report relative to the... A 4 226 1842 Report relative to the manufacture of silk in....Al 2 1842 Annual report of.................................A 2 31 1843 Annual report of Inspector of................... S 1 9 107850 1843 1843 1844 1844 1846 1846 1845 1846 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1853 1858 1846 1846 1857 1846 1847 1848 1847 1847 1847 1852 1855 1857 1865 STATE PRISONS — Continuée!. Auburn — Continued : D0C Report of the Inspectors of, relative to silk manu- facture ...................................... S Communication from Governor relative to. ....... S Report of the Inspectors of...................... S Report of committee on State prisons relative to. .. S Annual report of Inspector of.................... S Report of the agent of, answering a resolution rela- tive to amount of earntngs of convict labor, etc.. S Report of the Inspectors of...................... S Report of Inspector of, in answer to a resolution.. A do do do .. A Report of agent.................................. S Report of Inspectors............................. S Report as to examination of..................... S Report of Luman Sherwood relative to............ S Annual report of................................. S Report of State Engineer in relation to plans and surveys in reference to appropriating moneys to the............................................A Report of committee relative to the affaire of....A Sheriffs* fees for transporter g convicts to, see Sheriffs. Clinton : Report of agent of............................... S Communication from Surveyor-General relative to road from, to Lake Champlain...................A Report of committee on roads and bridges on an act for the laying out of, and constructing road from, to the town of Bellmont, etc...................A Report of agent of, in answer to a resolution...A Report of....................................... S Report of, as to examination of................ S Communication from keeper of.................... A Report of joint committee appointed to visit......A Report of Mr. Butrick, one of seleet committee to visit........................................ A Report relative to iron works at..................A Report of committee in reference to daims against, A Report of committee on State prisons, favorable, on pétition of Green and Conro, for payment for cast- ings furnished.................................A Report of committee as to resuit of their examina- tion of........................................A Vol. No. 1 23 3 97 1 18 2 57 2 46 3 87 1 8 3 83 4 137 3 87 2 46 1 11 1 12 1 30 2 37 4 143 1 14 2 55 2 129 4 138 1 10 1 18 4 105 8 228 8 236 2 62 4 98 3 169 3 38 Femàle Convict: 1830 Report on the subject of erecting a............... S 3 238 1832 do do do .............. S 2 74 1833 do do do SI 32 1836 do do do SI 14 1835 do do do .............. S 2 68851 STATE PRISONS — Continued. Female Convict — Continued: . Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Proposition from A. S. Blackman, and others, to build a, and employ the convicts, etc.......... S 2 84 1834 Proposition from W. Crabtree, to build a, and to employ the convicts, etc....................... S 2 86 1834 Communication from E. R. Cobb relative to a..... S 2 103 Mount Pleasant: 1834 Agent of the, report of the, relative to contracte for the labor of the convicts, etc..................A 4 288 1834 Report of, of amount of pay received by the agents of, of the contractors, etc.....................A 4 333 1834 Agent of the, report of, relative to the government and discipline of the prison................... S 2 92 1834 Accounts of the late agent of, report concerning the........................................... S 2 63 1836 Manufacturer of silk at the, report relative to the.. A 4 266 1830 Inspectors of the, annual report of the........... S 1 8 1830 Supplementary report of the....................... S 2 136 1831 Annual report of the inspectors of the ........... S 1 3 1832 do do SI 14 1833 do do SI 27 1834 do do SI 14 1835 do do SI 8 1836 do do SI 23 1837 do do SI 5 1838 do do SI 7 1839 do do SI 13 1840 do do SI 17 1841 do do ............ A 2 42 1830 Report of the, on pétition of the Mount Pleasant Academy.........................................A 3 204 1833 Report and resolution recommending to the inspec- tors to contract for the labor of the convicts at a per diem compensation...........................A 4 330 1830 Commissioners of the, report of amount paid the ..Al 52 1830 Report on bill to repeal the law authorizing the commissioners to act as inspectors............. S 3 255 1832 Préservation of health in the, report relative to the, S 2 118 1830 Guard of the, report on bill to increase the number of the...................................,.... A 3 276 1836 Guard of the, report on bill to increase the salary of the......................................... A 4 226 1834 Land adjoining, report relative to purchasing, etc., S 2 63 1830 Keeper of the, Elam Lynds, communication from S. M. Hopkins preferred charges against the.... S 2 118 1830 Report of a select committee on the............... S 4 112 1831 do do ............. SI 60 J830 Solitary cells, message from the Governor relative to increasing the number of...................... S 3 220852 STATE PRISONS—Continued. Mount Pleasant—Continued: Dec, Vol. No. 1830 Solitary cells, report of committee on State prisons on the same....................................A 4 407 1831 Solitary cells, appropriation for building, etc., report relative to an.................................A 1 32 1831 Solitary cells, appropriation for building, etc., report relative to an....................... .........A 3 215 1833 Investigation of the, report of an...... .........A 3 199 1834 Investigation of the, pétition of Levi S. Burr for an, A 3 211 1838 Investigation of the, report of an................A 6 332 1839 do do .................A 6 335 1839 Investigation of the, pétition of the inspectors and agent for an................................... S 3 99 1840 Investigation of the, majority report of an....... S 2 37 1840 Investigation of the, minority report of an....... S 2 38 1840 Investigation of the, testimony taken before said committee....... .............................. S 2 48 1742 Annual report of inspectors of, and accompanying documents...................................... S 2 39 1843 Annual report of the inspectors of................ S I 10 1843 Report of finance committee on the payment of a judgment against the agent of.................. S 3 83 1844 Report of the inspectors of............................ SI 20 1844 Communication from inspectors of, in regard to the contract for laborin that prison...............A 5 113 1845 Report of the inspectors of.................. ... S 1 9 1846 Report of inspector of................................. SI 16 1846 Report of committee on State prisons, on so much of Governor’s message as relates to the financial concerns of.................................... S 4 111 1846 Report of board of inspectors of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly.....................A 4 139 1847 Report of......................................... S 1 5 1847 Report on affairs of.............................. S 4 153 1847 Report of inspectors of........................... A 8 258 1847 Report as to punishment at........................A 6 160 1847 Report on bill relative to........................A 8 243 1848 Report of minority of inspectors at............... S 1 17 1848 Annual report of..................................A 1 10 Sing Sing: 1843 Memorial of the financial condition of.. .........A 5 176 1846 Report of inspectors of, in answer to a resolution.. A 4 139 1848 Report of commissioners appointed to investigate the condition of............................... S 2 51 1849 Report on the affairs of. ... ..........S 2 69 1Ç49 Pétition of Messrs. Hotchkiss and Smith for the appointment of commissioners to examine and liquidate their daims against agents of........A 2 85 1849 Report of Comptroller relative to draft paid by agents of? to Wm. Radford, ............. A 2 92853 1849 1850 1851 1851 1851 1852 1854 1855 1857 1857 1858 1859 1859 1860 1862 1862 1863 1863 1668 1869 1877 1877 1877 1870 1873 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 STATE PRISONS — Continued. Sing Sing— Continued: Doc. Yol. Report of Comptroller of moneys drawn from treas- ury by Chauncey Smith, late agent of.........A 2 Report of inspectors in relation to lire at.....A 5 Report of inspectors against releasing Chauncey Smith............. .......................... S 2 Report of committee on construction of wall, etc... A 3 Report of committee on daims on pétition of Chauncey Smith, late agent of................A 4 Report of trustées, respecting assault and battery on H. Hagan................................... S 3 Report of committee on judiciary relative to judg- ments against the agent....................... S 2 Memorial of Fitch, Hunt and Cooley, relative to judgment, etc., against the agent of......... S 1 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of Simeon D. Moody for payment for goods furnished to.............................A 2 Report of committee on State prisons favorable on pétition of Abraham Leggett for payment of goods furnished to.............................A 3 Pétition of Croton acqueduct department for pay- ment for water furnished to......................A 3 Report of agent and warden of Sing Sing prison as to contracts............................ .... A 4 Report of minority of committee on, relative to.. .. A 3 Communication from Comptroller relative to the transportation of convicts to the..............A 2 Report of A. Pilsbury of visit to............... S 4 Answer to same.................................. S 5 Report of committee relative to increasing the com- pensation of guard and keepers of...............A 5 Report of committee relative to the condition of the, A 7 Copy of printing contract of.....................A 12 Report of committee on, relative to outbreaks in... A 10 Report of committee on, in the matter of Stephen Moffit........................................ S 3 Report and testimony taken before the commission appointed to investigate....................... S 3 Clinton : Resolution relative to removal of................A 8 State Reformatory, Elmira : Report of Commissioners of............ .......A 3 Relative to financial management of........... S 4 Report of commissioners for érection of.........A 2 Annual report of commissioners for érection of ... A 2 Report of superintending builder of.............A 2 Report of the superintending builder of.........A 3 Report of commissioner of..................... A 3 No. 99 116 57 89 105 95 75 4 99 168 66 172 146 36 68 91 123 223 155 187 50 49 128 44 106 18 11 19 25 21854 STATE PRISONS —Continued. State Refokmatory, Elmira—Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1877 Report of managers of........................... A3 15 1877 Report of superintendent of....................A 3 19 1877 Supplémentai report of commissioners of the....A 3 18 1877 Pétition for the reorganization of............. S 2 37 STATE REPORTER. 1841 Report of the, in answer to a resolution of Assembly, A 2 36 STATE STOCKS. 1834 Message from the Governor recommending the issue of....................................A 4 326 1834 Report of joint committee on same.............A 4 350 1835 Report of the commissioners under the act author- izing the issue of........................... S 1 25 1836 Report on the report of the commissioners.....A 2 144 1838 Message from the Governor recommending the issue of, to aid the banks in resumption of specie payments ....................................A 6 341 1838 Report of a select committee on same..........A 6 352 1838 Bill from the Senate to provide for the issue of, and amendments of the Assembly to same...........A 6 354 1838 Report of committee of conférence on said bill .... A 6 358 1839 Report on bill to allow banks to deal in..... S 3 8? 1839 Canal stock, report of unclaimed items of interest on, in the Manhattan Bank.......................A 3 134 1839 Railroads, report of amount of stock issued in aid of, A 6 388 1841 Railroads, report of amount of stock issued in aid of, A 7 273 1841 Railroads, report of amount of stock issued in aid of, A3 70 1840 Railroads, report of amount issued to the New York and Erie Railroad Company...................A 4 127 1841 Report on the same............................A 5 113 1841 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Hoffman to require every law authorizing the borrowing money and the issuing of State stocks to be submitted to the people at the next élection, etc............A 4 102 1842 Report of the Comptroller relative to interest paid on....................................... .... S 4 98 1843 Report of Comptroller in answer io a resolution of the Assembly respecting the amount of appropria- tions for internai improvement, and amount of, issued, etc.................................A 3 65 1846 Report of Comptroller relative to banks holding, in trust...................................... A 6 202 1849 Report of Comptroller of the amount held by citi- zens of this country and of foreign countries .... S 1 29 1851 Report on unclaimed interest on.............. S 2 54 1870 List of holders of. ..,. ...................... S 2 70 STATE SURVEY. 1877 Report of the Board of Commissioners of...... S 1 19855 STATE TAX, see Tax, State. STATIONERY. Doc. y0l. No. 1854 Report of Comptroller, relative to............. A 1 9 1860 Report of committee relative to, for use of Législa- ture and State officers, in answer to a resolution ..SI 73 STATISTICAL LIST, ASSEMBLY. 1859 Members and officers............................A 3 145 1860 do do ................................A 4 120 1861 do do ................................A 3 69 1862 do do ................................A 6 129 1863 do do ................................A 5 81 1864 do do ................................A 6 116 1865 do do ................................A 7 150 STATISTICS OF SENATE, see Senate. STATISTICS OF THE STATE, see Census. STATÜTES. 1871 Report of majority of committee to simplify and revise..................................A 2 17 1871 Report of minority of committee to simplify and revise..................................A 11 122 STAÜNARD, ANN E. 1858 Report on pétition of...........................A 4 153 STEAMBOATS. 1835 Canal, report on pétition of A. Plantou for an appro- priation for building a........................A 5 385 1837 Report on same..................................A 2 100 1831 Report on pétition to provide by law for the safety of passengers in........................... A 3 271 1834 Report on bill for the same.....................A 2 70 1839 Report on bill for the prévention of fires from.A 5 301 1840 Report on bill relative to the same.......... A 5 164 1840 Report in relation to a new plan for propelling, through the ice............................. S 4 116 1834 Plying between New York and Charleston, report on pétition to place them on the same footing with steamboats from New Jersey, Connecticut, etc., in relation to the payment of hospital moneys........... S 2 96 STEAM BOILERS. 1861 Report on acts for inspectors of............. A 3 73 1869 Annual report of inspectors of................. A 2 14 STEAM HEATERS. 1860 Report relative to use of, in asylum for insane con- victs in Auburn prison.......................A 4 130856 STEAM DREDGING MACHINE (belonging to the State). Doc. yo]> No 1830 Report relative to the improveinent of the Hudson river with the.............................A 4 335 1835 Report of Comptroller in relation to the....... S 2 60 1837 do do do .........A 2 155 STEBBINS, AMAZIAH. 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal. ................ S 1 17 STEEL, ENOS. 1849 Report on pétition of..... .................... S 1 19 STEEL ORE (at Duane). 1841 Report of Professor Emmons in relation to the.... A 5 182 STEPHENS, DE WITT C. 1863 Report on pétition of...........................A 5 90 STEPHENS, JOHN, Jr., AND STEPHEN. 1830 Executors, etc., of John Stephens, report on péti- tion of........................'.................... A 1 35 STERNBURGH, HERKIMER. 1840 Report on pétition of, relative to certain funds in the court of chancery...................... S 4 102 1859 Report of committee on medical colleges and socie- ties on pétition of..................... ... A 1 15 STERNBURGH, WILLIAM. 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal.......................A 5 223 1839 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 3 97 1840 Report by same committee on the same............A 4 133 1841 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same.....A 5 190 1842 Report of committee on daims on resolution of Canal Board on testimony taken before that board in the matter of............................ S 3 75 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of..A 3 55 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 4 106 1848 Report on pétition of...........................A 2 43 1850 do ...........................A 4 71 1851 Report on pétition for relief. ... .............A 1 10 1852 Report on pétition of...........................A 2 30 STEUBEN COUNTY. 1839 Courts, report on pétition for an additional term of the..........................................A 4 240 1840 Poor-house System, report on pétition to abolish the, A 6 267 1836 Bounty on wolves, panthers and foxes in, report relative to the......................................A 2 89857 STEUBEN COUNTY — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Inspection of leather, report on pétition to repeal the law requiring the........................ A 4 309 1830 Keport on pétition to raise money for the improve- ment of the navigable waters in..,................A 4 302 1831 New county from part of, report on pétition for a. . A 3 277 1832 do do do . . A 2 169 1840 Pulteney estate, report on pétition for an investiga- tion of the title of the..................................A 6 232 1840 Report of Attorney-General on the same...............A 8 342 1847 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Chemung, Tompkins, Yates, and for érection of a new county........................................... A 2 62 1847 Minority report on pétitions for érection of a new county from parts of above counties...............A 2 81 1847 Report on pétition of citizens of, relative to the Pulteney estate...................................A 4 121 1849 Report relative to new county from parts of Alle- gany and......................................... A 3 136 1855 Report of select committee on pétitions to divide .. A 5 141 1856 Report of select committee relative to the poor of.. A 3 15 1857 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties, county from parts of Alle- gany and ................................... A 3 157 1859 Report of treasurer of............................A 2 65 1859 Report of surrogate of............................A 3 91 Banks in, see Banks — Steuben county. 1833 Town house, report on pétition to raise money to build a........................................A 4 301 1834 Town house, report on pétition to raise money to build a ... ................................. A 1 18 STEYENS, A. H. (Dr.) 1849 Communication from, relative to removal of quaran- tine establishment........................... A 3 146 STEYENS, ALDEN S. (the late sergeant-at-arms of the Assembly). 1839 Report on pétition of, for entra pay for services in arresting Messrs. Jaques and Slam...........A 4 206 STEYENS, CLINTON. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of..........A 4 51 STEYENS, C. W., AND R. NELSON GERE. 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief......... .... S 1 49 STEYENS, GEORGE, AND ERASTUS WHISTON. 1836 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the sinking of their boat on thô Erie canal... A 4 220 108858 STEVENS, GERSHOM. r 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to a lot of land bought of the State...............................A 1 1830 Report on pétition of. relative to a lot of land bought of the State................................A 3 STEVENS, JAMES, & GEORGE TIBBITTS. 1843 . Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 STEVENSON, DANIEL, AND OTHERS. 1830 Sureties for R. M. Livingston and Thomas Wright, report on pétition of, for^ relief.........A 1 STEVENSON, JOHN L. 1847 Report on pétition of .. ................... A 2 1847 Report of (Jommissioners of Land Office on pétition of, for relief..............................A 4 STEVENSON, WILLIAM. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land in the township of Lysander................... 8 4 STEVES, CHARLES W., AND OTHERS. 1852 Report relative to........................... S 1 STEWARD, DANIEL. 1831 Report on pétition of, relative to the will of his lather.................'................... S 1 STEWART & CO. 1850 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 5 STEWART AND BARTLETT. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 STEWART, J. 1816 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 5 STEWART, J., & CO. 1850 Report on daim............................. S 2 STEWART, JAMES. 1839 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance..A 3 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 4 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 1855 Report of committee of ways and means on pétition of........................................A 2 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 STEWART, JAMES, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 4 STEWART, JOHN & CO. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 No 157 209 143 60 65 107 396 49 90 48 165 64 72 125 173 42 101 125 180859 STEWART, JOHN & CO., AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance....A 3 120 1838 do do do ..................A 5 215 STEWART, NIEL, AND OTHERS. 1863 Report on pétition of.........................A 5 104 STEWARD, WILLIAM. 1849 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 3 133 STICKNEY, WASHINGTON. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.... S 1 31 STILL, ELIZABETH, AND OTHERS. 1844 Children of Thomas Mott, report of committee on daims on pétition of.........................A 3 79 STILLMAN, SOUTHMAYD. 1837 Report on pétition of, relative to the property of Jonathan Morgan..............................A 4 310 STILLMAN, TIMOTHY. 1849 Report on the memorial of...................... S 2 * 61 STILLWATER. 1841 Side-cut from the Champlain canal at, report on pétition for.................................A 6 232 STILLWATER AND SCHAGHTICOKE BRIDGE COMPANY. 1832 Report on pétition to renew the charter of the.A 1 22 STILLWATER AND BALDWIN. 1844 Report on a bill to confirm the acts of......... S 2 83 STILLWELL AND SMITH. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief....................................... S 1 22 STILLWELL, SILAS M. 1872 Memorial of, for an act to abolish imprisonment for debt...........,.............................A 10 161 STILLWELL, ELIAS, AND BENJ. SMITH. 1856 Report on pétition of..........................A3 26 STITT, J. M. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 4 134 STITT, J. M., AND WIFE. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 4 100 STITT, JOHN M., AND WIFE. 1847 Report on pétitions of.........................A 1 33860 STOCKBRIDGE INDIANS, see Indians — Stock- bridge. Doc. Yol. No. 1861 Memorial of.......... ..........................A 5 82 1861 Report on act for relief of.................. A 5 122 STOCK JOBBING, see New York Board of Brokers. STOCKS, see State Stocks. STOCKWELL, AUGU8TUS. 1850 Report on pétition........................... S 2 49 STODDARD, S. W. 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of.........A 6 94 STONE AND CLIRK’S ATLAS. 1839 Report on pétition for aid to.................A 4 168 STONE, ASHAEL C. 1851 Report of select committee in relation to charges... S 2 60 , STONE, ENOS, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition of, to be released from the pay- ment of a bond given to the State as security for C. Yan Slyck, a collector for canal tolls...A 3 116 1834 Minority report on same.......................A 3 121 1834 Report of Attorney-General on the same........A 4 381 1835 Report of committee on daims................ S 2 37 1836 Report of committee on grievances.............A 4 243 1838 Report of select committee....................A 5 204 1839 Report of committee on daims..................A 3 111 1841 Report of committee on grievances.............A 2 37 STONE, HENRY C. 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to a contract for work on the Erie canal.............. ' “ \.........^ ^ 245 STONE, HIRAM. 1851 Report of committee on pétition for canal damages, SI 15 STONE, R. J., AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 8 216 STONE, SAMUEL H., AND OTHERS. 1849 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of_A 3 104 STONE, WILLIAM A. 1831 Report on pétition of, for certain lands belonging to the Oneida Indians..........................A 4 350 1836 Report on pétition of, for certain lands belonging to the Oneida Indians......................... A 4 225 1846 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of, for relief............................. S 1 6861 STONEY CEEEK. Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Report of select committee on bill to build a bridge over.......................................A 4 106 STORER, MICHAEL. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 90 STORING, ADAM. 1854 Pétition of, claiming seat in Senate..... S 1 9 STORMS, CATHARINE. 1860 Report on pétition of....................... A 4 114 1861 do do .....................A 2 46 STORMS, H. 1854 Communication from, respecting State prisons. S 2 70 STORMS, HENRY. 1847 Report on bill relative to. .................A 8 249 STORY, AMOS, see W. L. Crossitt, and others. STRANGE, ED WIN B. 1846 Report on pétition of....................... S 3 100 STRATFORD, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to authorize tke Comptroller to receive the original tax list of non-resident lands in said town, and crédit the treasurer of Mont- gomery county with the same........................A 5 208 1831 Manufacturiog company, report on pétition to incor- porate the................................ A 3 251 STRATTON, ABRAM. 1865 Report on pétition of........................A 7 155 STRATTONS, FRANCIS J. 1847 Report of Comptroller on pétition of........ S 3 97 STREET CHILDREN. 1853 Report of select committee on reference of the pétitions concerning.......................A 3 95 STREETY, B. R. 1862 Report on pétition of........................A 4 81 STRONG, BENJAMIN W. 1841 Report on pétition to allow him to rebuild a bridge over Flushing creek........................A 2 23 STRONG, CATHARINE, AND JANE NUGENT. 1834 Report on bill for relief of.................A 1 26 STRONG, GEORGE W. 1844 Pétition on behalf of Madame Berthemy and chil- dren................................... S 2 72862 STROSG, JOSEPH AND MALTBY, see Hervey Ely and others. STRONG, NATHANIEL T., AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1865 Memorial of, in behalf of Seneca nation of Indians, A 2 32 STRONG, THOMAS J. 1851 Report of committee on ways and means.......A 1 18 1872 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 10 149 STROUD, CHARLES, see Oscar Granger and others. STROUD, CHARLES AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of committee on daims on the pétition of. . . A 6 144 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 1 18 STUART, JOSEPH (an alien). 1831 Report on pétition of, to hold and convey real estate..................................... S 1 59 STUYVESANT. 1841 Report on pétition of inhabitants of, to be relieved from the payment of one-half of the expense of maintaining a bridge on Kinderhook creek......... S 2 64 STUYVESANT, N. W. 1834 Report on pétition of the executors and heirs of . .. S 1 36 STUYVESANT, T. R. J. JIMMERSON, AND J. D. NIXON. 1862 Report on pétition of .............................. A 6 164 SUB-TREASURY, see Independent Treasury. SUFFOLK COUNTY. 1838 Highways and bridges in, report on pétition rela- tive to.......................................... A 3 80 1833 Loan officers, report on pétition for a law to direct the collection of moneys secured by certain loan office mortgages................................. A 1 18 1830 Deer, report on pétition relative to the huntingof. . S 4 394 1832 Fish in, report on pétition for a law for the préser- vation of..................................................A 4 337 1859 Report of surrogate of..............................A 2 74 1859 Report of treasurer of..............................A 3 110 SUFFRAGE, see Elective Franchise. SUGAR. 1840 Communication from the American Institute respect- ing manufacture of, from beet root............A 4 134 SUITS. 1838 Brought by executors, etc., report in relation to . .. A 5 261863 SULLIVAN COUNTY. Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Records of, report in relation to the..............A 3 224 1888 And Lenox, great swamp in, report on pétition to amend the law for draining the................ S 1 15 1840 Report on pétition to change the place of meeting of the proprietors of the..................... A 5 203 1842 Pétition of the New York and Erie Railroad Com- pany relative to the different lines surveyed in Broome, and for the location of their road ...... S 3 58 1842 Report on the remonstrance of Orange, Ulster, and relative to the New York and Erie railroad... S 3 74 1845 Report of committee on the judiciary on the pétition of the inhabitants of, in reference to the natural- ization of foreigners..........................A 7 245 1859 Report of treasurer of ...........................A 1 48 SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS. 1840 To recover possession of land in certain cases, report on bill to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to..................................................... S 3 65 SUNDAY, see Sabbath. SUNDAY LIQUOR LAW. 1861 Report relative to repeal of.................... A 5 114 SÜPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS, see Common Schools. SÜPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, 1872 Annual report on State Normal School at Albany.. A 2 24 1872 Report of......................................... S 3 52 1873 Annual Report of...................................A 9 166 1875 Report of............................ ....... A 5 60 1875 Report of, relative to Normal School at Albany.... A 4 41 1876 Report of..........................................A 2 15 1876 Report of, relative to Normal School at Albany.... A 6 68 1877 Report of, on Albany Normal School.................A 8 89 1877 Annual report of.................................. A 2 11 SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR, see Poor, Super- intendents of. SÜPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR OF THE SEYERAL COUNTIES OF THE STATE. 1872 Abstracts of, reports of................ A 2 36 SÜPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1877 Act relative to, veto of................A 8 58 SÜPERINTENDENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEAS- ÜRES, see Weights and measures. SUPERIOR COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Résolution for the création of a, see Judicial System.864 SUPERVISORS. Doc. Vol. No. 1834 Report on bill to amend the law relative to the sur- vey of non-resident lands by. .....................A 2 86 1839 Report on pétition to repeal the laws associating them with county judges in the appointaient of county officers . . ...............................A 2 47 1839 Boards of, report on pétition to require them to publish their proceedings.....................A 4 185 1839 Report on pétition to amend the law so that ail officers connected with county poor-houses mav be appointed by them..........................A 6 384 1838 And commissioners of loans, report on a resolution to inquire whether the officers of, ought to be vested in one person..........................A 3 75 1847 Reports of clerks of.............................. S 2 65 1849 Memorial of inhabitants of Westchester county for a law on equalizing représentation in.........A 2 74 1865 Resolutions adopted by a convention of............ S 1 11 SUPREME COURT. 1844 Report of committee on the judiciary on an act in relation to the terms of......................A 3 89 1845 Report on bill from the Assembly entitled an act to provide for the removal of cases decided by Canal Board to, by certiorari....................... S 3 103 1845 Report of committee on canals, on the bill to pro- vide for the removal of cases from Canal Board to, A 5 195 1846 Opinion of, in reference to convention apportion- ment..................... ............... ... A 5 181 1846 Report of committee on judiciary, on pétition of R. Balcom, relatin# to.............................. A 3 64 1849 Opinions of Mr. Justice McLean, Mr. Justice Grier and Mr. Justice Daniel........................ S 3 74 1853 Report of finance committee relative to compensa- tion to constables attending the terms of the. . S 1 14 1858 Communication from Attorney-General in relation to payment of expenses of judges and justices of, S 2 38 CmEF Justice of : 1836 Communication from the, relative to reorganizing the Suprême Court...........................A 4 278 1838 Communication from the, relative to reorganizing the Suprême Court...........................A 1 58 1838 Report of the, relative to the business of the court, the delay and the cause thereof, and the proper remedy .....................................A 1 58 1846 Report of, relative to a resolution in relation to notices required to be published in the State paper, S 3 85 Clerk of, at Albany: John Keyes Paige, report of amount of fees l’eceived h7..............»................................... 1832 A 2 267865 SUPREME COURT —Continued. Clerk of, at Albany — Continued: Doc. Yol. No. 1835 Report of amount of fees received by..............A 3 241 1835 do do . .........A 4 315 1836 do do ............A 3 145 1840 Report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office........................................ A 7 80 1843 Report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office......................................... A 4 98 1846 Report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office.......................................... S 1 34 Clerk of, at Geneva: 1832 William N. Oliver, report of amount of fees received by...............................................A 3 270 1835 Report of amount of fees received by Nathan Wil- liams ........................................ A 4 311 1836 Report of amount of fees received by Jacob Suth- erland ......................................... A 1 123 1840 Report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office...... .................................. A 6 235 1846 Report of......................................... S 2 50 Clerk of, at New York: 1835 W. P. Hallett, report of amount of fees received by.. A 4 310 1835 do do do .. A 4 310 1836 Report of amount of fees received by..............A 3 146 t 1840 Report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office...........................................A 7 274 1843 Report of..........................................A 5 121 1843 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to fees for searches of dockets of judg- ments in that court.......................................A 5 149 1846 Report of......................................... S 2 42 Clerk of, at Utioa: 1882 T. H. Hubbard, report of amount of fees received by him.......................................... A 3 269 1835 Report of amount of fees received by him......... A 4 312 1836 do do do .........A 2 83 1840 I. Savage, report of, relative to judgments docketed in his office.................................. A 3 97 1843 Denio, Hiram, report of, in answer to a resolution of Assembly....................................... A 4 92 1846 Report of......................................... S 2 34 Clerk s Fees, see Clerks : 1832 Report concerning, and statement showing the amount received in 1831..........................A 4 309 1833 Report of Comptroller relative to sums received for fees and the amount paid for salaries, etc., from 1810 to 1832................................. A 4 303 109866 SUPREME COURT — Continued. Clerk’s Fees — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Report on pétition of Gary Y. Sackett to fix by law the........*..................................A 6 273 1838 Resolution to ascertain the amount received for, in 1837 A 5 273 1838 Report of amount of, received in 1837...............A 6 351 1839 Report of select cominittee relative to.............A 4 186 1840 Report of amount of, paid into the treasury for the six months ending 31st December, 1839...... ... A 3 77 1842 Report of Comptroller relative to the, and Court of Chancery........................................ S 2 30 1846 Report of Comptroller in answer to a resolution respecting the, and salaries of, and others..... S 1 10 1847 Report of Robert Monell, as to................... SI 19 1847 Report of James L. Beardsley, as to................ S 1 22 1847 Report of W. P. Hallett, as to..................... S 1 23 1847 Report of Charles Humphrey, as to.................. S 1 24 Clerks : 1843 Report of......................................... S 1 j Clerk’s Office at Canandaigua: 1830 Report on pétition for the removal of...............A 2 176 Clerk’s Office at Geneva: • 1830 Report on pétition for the removal of the clerk’s office from Canandaigua to Geneva............... A 2 176 1834 Report on pétition for the removal of the, to Rochester........................................A 1 33 1834 Report relative to the business of the office at.A 3 143 1835 Report on pétition for an appropriation to complété the..............................................A 1 15 1843 Sutherland, Jacob, clerk of the Suprême Court at Geneva, report of................................A 4 96 Clerk’s Office at Utica: 1838 Report on pétition to rebuild the.................. S 1 32 Clerk’s Offices: 1843 Report of the select committee on pétitions for the abolishing certain, etc..........................A 4 112 Criers’ Fees: 1839 Report on pétition to abolish, etc..................A 4 186 Decisions upon Writs of Error: 1834 Report on bill in relation to.......................A 4 395 Justices of the: 1836 Report of the, relative to the business before them. . SI 31 1839 do do do ..Si 31867 SUPREME COURT — Continued. Justices of the — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Opinion of the, relative to the constitutionality of the general bankiug law.........................A 3 65 1872 Report of judiciary committee on charges against. . A 10 182 Reorganization of the: 1834 Report of the committee on the judiciary on increas- ing the number of justices of the............ S 2 107 1835 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Livingston to increase the number of justices of the.................... A 3 193 1835 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Livingston to increase the number of justices of the.....................A 4 337 1835 Resolution for the same..............................A 4 338 1835 Report of the select committee on the same.......A 4 370 1836 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Gansevoort on the same............................................. S 1 22 1836 Résolutions proposed by Mr. Powers on the same. .SI 27 1836 Report and resolutions by Mr. Edwards on the same, S 2 66 1836 Resolution proposed by the committee on the judic- iary on the same.........................................A 4 265 1836 Communication from the chief justice relative to the...............................................A 4 278 1837 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Bradish relative to the, A 3 173 1837 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Edwards relative to the.............................................. S 1 13 1837 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Patterson relative to the...............................................A 1 24 1838 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Ogden relative to the A 5 267 1838 Communication from the chief justice relative to the ............................................A 1 58 1839 Report and resolution of Mr. Edwards relative to the...............................................S 1 28 1839 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Verplank relative to the.............................................. S 2 50 1839 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Taylor relative to the ..Al 15 1839 Report on committee on the judiciary relative tothe, A 3 93 1840 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Taylor relative to the, A 6 273 SUPREME COURT DECISIONS, exchange of copies of. 1834 Communication transmitting a set of suprême court decisions from Maryland.........................A 1 11 1834 Resolution of the Législature of New Hampshire relative to the exchange of law reports.........A 1 11 1841 Résolutions of the Législature of Alabama relative to the exchange of lawT reports.................A 4 138 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, see United States Suprême Court.8G8 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1875 1875 1877 1831 1834 1839 1844 1844 1845 1845 1847 1859 1834 1830 1830 1830 SURGEON-GENERAL. Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of............................A 2 12 do .....................................A 2 44 do .....................................A 6 110 do .....................................A 7 113 do .....................................A 6 129 SUPPLY BILL OF 1874. Report of committee of investigation....... S 6 79 Relative to improper insertion in........ S 6 80 Veto message of, report of committee of ways and means on..................................A 8 139 SURPLUS CANAL WATER, see Canals. SURPLUS REVENUES OF THE UNITED STATES. Report relative to the distribution of the, among the several States........ .................. S 1 70 Deposited with this State, see United States deposit fund» SURROGATES. Courts, report relative to the proof of wills, execu- tors and administrators, guardians and wards in.. S Fees of, report in relation to the................A Report of Mr. Porter on the subject of their fees .. S Report of a select committee on the subject of their fees............................................ S Report of the Secretary of State of the names of, who hâve not reported their fees and disburse- ments........................................... S Report of the select committee on the report of . . . S Report as to, reporting fees received..............A Reports of, as to unclaimed dividende, in reply to * ! resolution............................... SURVEY OF NON-RESIDENT LANDS. 2 118 6 407 3 9 3 100 2 78 3 106 3 57 1 50 66 74 91 109 111 122 159 2 \ 3 -f Report on bill to amend the law relative to the .... A 2 86 SURVEYOR-GENERAL. Simeon De Witt: Report of the, on pétition of I. Sherwin for a grant of land.......................... . ...... S 1 58 Report on pétition of John C. McLean, relative to certain land................................ S 2 77 Report on pétition of Robert Fleming relative to certain land ..............................A 2 119869 SURVEYOR-GENERAL — Continued. Simeon De Witt — Continued: Doc.Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition of Gershom Stevens, relative to certain land....................................A 3 167 1830 Report on bill for the relief of F. Stanley.......A 116 1830 Report relative to the publication of a map and atlas of the State..............................A 2 189 1830 Report on pétition of Andrew Phares, relative to the sait ^nds at GeddeB......................... S 3 219 1830 Report in relation to the military bounty lands .... S 2 82 1831 Report in relation to the public lands............ S 1 19 1831 Report on pétition of the owners of lands in the old military tract.................................. S 1 31 1832 Report in relation to the public lands............ S 1 12 1832 Report on pétition of Daty Allen relative to certain land............................................A 3 235 1832 Report on pétition of W. Hotchkiss, and others, relative to certain land........................ S 1 29 1833 Report on pétition of Daty Allen for certain land. .. A 2 46 1833 Report on pétition of Jacob Shew for bounty lands, SI 26 1833 Report on pétition of school district No. 4 in Salina, S 2 97 1833 Report on pétition of T. W. & D. Newcomb, rela- tive to certain land............................A 4 307 1834 Report on pétition of Benjamin Barton, and others, relative to certain land in Lewiston............A 1 28 1834 Report on pétition of Henry Rice, and others, rela- tive to certain land in the Oneida réservation------------A 2 76 1834 Report on pétition of Bâtes Cooke relative to certain land in Lewiston................................A 4 281 1834 Report on pétition of the directors of the Buffalo and Black Rock Harbor Company, to construct a part of their road on land belonging to the State, Al 41 1834 Report on pétition of the Orchard party of Oneida Indians, relative to the sale of their lands...... S 2 88 1834 Report on pétition of Simeon Yeeder, relative to certain land...................................... S 2 101 W. Campbell : 1835 Report on pétition of D. T. & T. Newcomb relative to certain land ...................................A 3 257 1836 Report on pétition of owners of lots at Oneida Castleton .........................................A 3 138 O. L. Holley: 1838 Report relative to the public lands............ S 2 63 1839 Report of the, on bill for the relief of Marlett & Dunham ......................................... S 3 73 1839 Report of the, on pétition of Zebulon Ketchum------- S 3 75 1839 Report of the, relative to the public lands in Hamil- ton, Essex, Clinton, Franklin and St. Lawrence counties............................... .........A 6 382 1840 Report on the same................................. S 2 61 1840 Report of the, on pétition of David L. Seymour------A 3 64870 SURYEYOR-GENERAL — Continued. O. L. Holley — Continued: Doc. Vol. No. 1840 Report of the, relative to the boundaries of the towns of Davenport and Oneonta..................A 4 107 1840 Report on the same............................... A 4 124 1840 Report of the, relative to the proposed road from Salisbury Center to Racket lake, and the sale and settlement of the public lands..................A 4 153 1841 Report relative to the lands of the St. Regis Indians, A 4 131 1841 Report of the, on pétition of Hiram Parsons and others.........................................A 7 263 1841 Report of the, on the pétition of Nathan Burchard, A 4 139 Nàthaniel Jones: 1844 Report of Surveyor-General, of the amount of print- in g done for his office....................... S 2 75 1844 Report of, relative to lands in Totten and Crossfield’s purchase....................................... S 2 77 Hugh Halsey: 1845 Report of, relative to lands purchased by William Smith, Jr..................................... A 6 212 1846 Communication from, relative to road from Clinton prison to Lake Champlain........................A 2 55 SÜRYEYS OF CANALS, see the different canals. SURYEYS OF RAILROADS, see the different rail- roads. SÜSQUEHANNA AND CHEMUNG RIYERS. 1830 Survey of the, report of select committee, relative to the, etc.............................A 1 63 1831 Survey of the, report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the..........................A 3 278 SÜSQUEHANNA AND ALBANY RAILROAD, see Railroads, Albany and Susquehanna. SÜSQUEHANNA RIYER. 1831 Dam across in the town of Chenango, report on péti- tion to repeal the law authorizing the érection of a.............................................. S 1 65 1834 Dam across, report on pétition of Samuel Badger, to construct a................ ................. A 1 60 1834 Dam across, report on pétition of David Mersereau, to construct a.....................................A 2 97 1834 Dam across, report on petiton of John A. Seaverson, and others.........................................A 3 159 1841 Dam across, report on pétition to extend an act authorizing Samuel Badger and others to build a, A 7 287 1841 Dam across, report on pétition to extend an act authorizing John W. Harper to build a............A 7 287 1835 Dam across, report on pétition of John Crockett to continue a........................................ S 1 171835 1863 1845 1838 1835 1834 1835 1835 1844 1839 1834 1847 1847 1847 1847 1874 871 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM NAVIGATION COM- PANY. Doc. yoL No> Report on pétition to incorporate the...A 4 339 SUTHERLAND, JACOB, see Suprême Court Clerks. SUTTON, WILLIAM A. Report on pétition of...................A 5 157 SWALLOW, STEAMER. Report of select committee appointed to investigate the cause of the disaster to, on the Hudson river, S 3 102 SWAN, RACHEL, AND C. F. SEDGWICK. Représentative of Cyrus Swan, report on pétition of, to sell real estate........................A 3 118 SWARTWOUT, BERNARDUS J. Report on pétition, for lease of the surplus canal water.......................................A 4 341 SWEDEN, TOWN OF. Report on pétition for the sale of a school-house lot........................................A 3 213 SWEET, E. SMITH. Report on pétition of, for the payment of certain counsel fees.................................A 3 262 Report on pétition of, for the payment of certain counsel fees...............................A 4 307 SWEET, GERRETT C. Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of.A 5 137 SWEET, WATERMAN (a natural bone setter.) Report on pétition to allow him to collect pay for his services.............................. S 3 82 SWEETING, JOHN. Report on pétition of, for compensation for dam- ages by the Ene canal....................... S 2 70 SWIFT, H. C. Report oh pétition of....................... S 3 105 do do ...........................A 2 58 SWIFT, JOHN. Report on pétition of....................... S 2 67 SWIFT, JOHN C. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief.....................................A 2 58 SWINBURNE, JOHN. Memorial relative to disbursements as health officer, S 4 90872 SWOBE, JACOB. Doc Vol No# 1864 Report on pétition of...........................A 6 129 1865 do do ..........................A 2 28 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of..........A 3 59 1867 do do ...........A3 47 1867 Report daims committee on bill for relief of.. S 2 38 SYKES, M. L., Je. 1870 Résignation of, as commissioner of old White Plains road......................................... S 1 5 SYRACUSE, CITY OF. 1849 Bill to sell certain sait lands................ S 3 81 1849 Report on abatement of a nuisance on lands in.... S 1 11 1859 Report of majority of committee, on proposai to amend charter of..............................A 3 106 1859 Report of minority of committee, on propospl to amend charter of..............................A 3 107 1865 Resolutions adopted by common council of, relative to removal of State capitol.................. A 9 197 1836 Eye and ear infirmary, report on pétition for aid to, A 4 303 1838 Eye and ear infirmary, report of the trustées of.... SI 30 1840 Cemetery, report relative to granting land for a.... S 2 59 1832 School district No. 4, report relative to. ... A 3 268 1838 Suprême Court commissioner, report on bill for the appointment of................................A 4 196 1839 Unitarian Congregational church, report on pétition of the, for a grant of land...................A 6 326 1842 Report of committee on public lands on pétition of, A 5 106 1848 Report on memorial of president of..............A 5 171 Sait Lands, see Salina. SAILORS’ HOTELS. 1878 Remonstrance of James J. Ferris, commissioner for licensing................................ S 1 22 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1878 Report on pauperism by..................... S 2 28 SENATE. 1878 List of members of......................... S 1 1 1878 List of standing committees of, for 1878. S 1 7 1878 Resolution of, relative to stocks on account of State by Comptroller........................... S 2 39 STATE ASSESSORS. 1878 Annual report of........................... S 1 20 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. 1878 Annual report of........................... S 1 19 STATE CENSUS. 1878 Report relative to distributing the........ S 1 14873 STATE COMMISSIONER IN LÜNACY. Doc. Voi. No. 1878 Annual report of........................... S 1 12 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR. 1878 Report of, relative to locks of tke Erie canal. S 2 37 STATE LIBRARY. 1878 Annual report of the trustées of........... S 2 29 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. 1878 Annual report of........................... S 1 9 STATE NORMAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL AT FREDONIA. 1878 Report of.................................. S 1 8 STATE SURYEY. 1878 Second report of........................... S 2 24 STATUTES. 1878 Report of commissioner to revise the....S 1 16 STOCKS. 1878 Report of Comptroller relative to, sold on account of the State................ ................t S 2 39 SUPERINTENDENT OF THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1878 Communication from the Governor transmitting charges against the...................... S 2 26 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR. 1878 Trustées of, report of..................... S 7 93 SAYINGS BANKS. 1878 Attorney-General’s reply relative to protection of depositors in............................ S 5 69 1878 Banking department, annual report relative to.. S 7 89 1878 Embarrassed, reply of Superintendent of the Bank Department relative to................. S 7 126 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1878 Criminal statistics, annual report of, on.. S 5 75 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ASSEMBLY. 1878 List of................................. S 3 30 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR. 1878 Railroads, annual report on................ S 6 81 1878 Canals, annual report of, on............... S 2 9 1878 Companies navigating the lakes and rivers, annual report of, on............................ S 5 57 1878 Engineer’s department, reply, relative to expenses of the................................... S 7 123 1101878 1878 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 874 STATE HOMŒPATHIC INSANE ASYLUM, AT MIDDLETOWN. Annual report of......................... S STATE PRISONS. Superintendent of, annual report of...... S Superin tendent of, report on prison contracte. S STATE REFORMATORY, AT ELMIRA. Annual report of......................... S SENATE, 1878-79. List of members of....................... S SENATORS. List of, and post-office address......... S SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH. Report of................................ S SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ASSESSMENTS AND COLLECTIONS OF TAXES. Report of................................ S STANDING COMMITTEES. Of Senate................................ S STATE ASSESSORS. Report of................................ S STATE BOARD CHARITIES. Report of................................ S Memorial relative to insane poor of the State.. Report regarding the insane asylum of Onondaga county poor-house........................ S STATE COMMISSIONER IN LUNACY. Report of................................ S STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM, UTICA. Report of................................ S STATE LIBRARY. Report of................................ S STATE SURYEY. Report of commissioners of............... S STATE PRISON SUPERINTENDENT. Relative to convict labor................ S STATISTICS OF PAUPERISM. Report on............................ Doc. Vol. No. . S 2 8 . s 2 10 . s 7 108 . s 3 20 . s 1 1 . s 2 30 . s D 1 10 . s 2 42 s 1 25 . s 2 28 . s 1 13 . s a 2 44 . S 2 60 . s 1 17 . s 1 7 s 1 24 s 1 27 s 2 52 s 2 34875 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS OF COMMITTEE ON BANKS. Doc. Vol. No. 1879 Relative to savings banks in receivers’ hands. S 2 41 SUPERINTENDENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. 1879 Report of, relative to value of real estate... S 2 63 SMYTH, J. F. 1879 Reply to Senate resolutions, January 17, 1879. SI 18 1879 Reply to charges made by Governor......... S 2 36 SAILORS’ SNÜG HARBOR. 1879 Report of.....................................A 6 95 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1879 On criminal statistics.........................Al 11 1879 Report relative to publication of certain historical records..................................... A 2 17 1879 Reply to resolution showing population of State.. . A4 50 SMYTH, J. F. 1879 Answer to resolution relative to the Knickerbocker Life........................................A 4 49 SPECIAL COMMITTEE. 1879 Report relative to town élection in town of Kingston, A 6 114 STATE AGENT FOR DISCHARGED CONYICTS. 1879 Report of.....................................A 2 43 STATE BOARD AUDIT. 1879 Report of.....................................A 2 30 STATE BOARD CHARITIES. 1879 Memorial relative to insane poor of State.....A 6 119 1879 Communication from............................A 6 83 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 1879 Report of, on canals..........................A 2 41 1879 Onrailroads...................................A 5 80 1879 Report relative to obstruction in outlet Cayuga lake, A 6 92 1879 Report relative to companies navigating lakes and ri vers.....................................A 4 70 STATE HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1879 Report of.....................................A 2 21 STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1879 Communication from............................A 4 58 STATE MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY. 1879 Report of.....................................A 6 89 STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS. 1879 Report spécial committee..... ................A 7 152876 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 STATEMENTS. Doe.VoL No. Standing committees of Assembly.............A 2 36 Balances unclaimed in German American Bank--A 2 23 Executive committee of Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb............................A 7 151 ST. JOSEPH’S INSTITUTE FOR DEAF AND DUMB. Report of...................................A 2 15 SUPERINTENDENT BANK DEPARTMENT. Report of................................... A 7 5 Communication from, relative to People’s Savings Bank, Syracuse...........................A 4 57 Annual report of, relative to savings banks.A 4 69 Communication from, relative to Third Avenue Savings Bank.............................A 4 75 Relative to Germania Bank...................A 4 76 SUPERINTENDENT INSURANCE DEPART- MENT. Relative to insurance companies in hands of receivers, A 6 107 Communication from........................A 2 40 Communication from, relative to abolishment Insur- ance Department. ................;........A 4 54 Communication from, relative to Holland Purchase Insurance Company.......................A 4 68 Report of, relative to Holland Purchase Insurance Company................................ A 4 51 Report of..................................A 3 48 SUPERINTENDENT ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of............................... A 2 25 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Report of..................................A 1 6 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC WORKS. Report of..................................A 1 12 Communication from, relative to canals.....A 4 55 SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRISONS. Report of..................................A 1 10 Report of, relative to contract System in State prisons, A4 56 SAYINGS BANKS. Expenses of, report of superintendent of bank department, relative to................ S 1 30 SENATE. Amended rules and orders ................. S 1 28 Report of committee appointed to investigate county jails and other institutions........... S 2 36 And Assembly joint rules ................ S 1 5877 SENATE, RESOLUTIONS OF. Doc. vol, No. 1880 Atlantic Avenue Bailroad Company, Long Island Bailroad Company, and Thomas R. Sharpe, receiver, report of, in response to........... S 2 45 1880 Attorney-General, report of, in response to..... S 2 62 1880 Brooklyn park commissioners, response to........ S 2 43 1880 Commissioners of taxes and assessments, New York city, communication from, in response to...... S 2 48 1880 Committe to investigate management of county jails and other institutions, report of, in réponse to.. . S 2 36 1880 Comptroller, communication from, relative to con- vict labor, in response to.................... S 2 53 1880 Comptroller, communication from, relative to fraud on canals, in respose to..................... S 2 61 1880 Department of docks, New York city, communication from, in response to.......................... S 2 56 1880 Long Island Bailroad Company, communication from, in response to.......................... S 2 55 1880 Manhattan Elevated Bailroad Company, Metropoli- tan Elevated Bailroad Company, and New York Elevated Bailroad Company, report of, in response to.................................. S 2 39 1880 New York and Manhattan Beach Bailroad Com- pany, answer of........................................ S 2 52 1880 Police commissioners of New York city, statement from, relative to police pension fund, in response to............................................ S 2 54 1880 Printing contract, relative to.................... S 1 16 1880 State board of charities, report of committee to investigate charges against Society for Reforma- tion of Juvénile Delinquents, Bandall’s Island, in respose to.................................... S 2 58 1880 Report of State engineer and surveyor, relative to Wallkill river, in response to................ S 2 42 1880 Superintendent of Bank Department, report of, rela- tive to expenses of savings banks, in response to, SI 30 1880 Superintendent of Bank Department, report of, rela- tive to amount charged for premiums on govern- ment bonds, in response to........... ..... S 2 33 1880 Superintendent Insurance Department, communica- tion from, in response to. . . ........... S 2 49, 51 SENATE. 1880 Bules and orders............................. S 1 4 SENATORS. 1880 List of ..................................... SA 1 SHARPE, THOMAS B. (receiver). 1880 Report of.................................... S 2 45 SOCIETY FOR REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS, BANDALL’S ISLAND. 1880 Report of committee relative to charges against.... S 2 58878 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. Doc Vol. No. 1880 Animal report................. ......... S 1 7 SPECIAL COMMITTEE. 1880 Report of, relative to trustées of Binghamton Asylum forlnsane............................. S 2 60 STANDING COMMITTEES. 1880 Listof.................................. S 1 20 STATE ASSESSORS. 1880 Annual report.............................. SI 26 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. 1880 Report.................................. S 1 25 1880 Report of committee, relative to charges against Society for Reformation of Juvénile Delinquents, Randall’s Island...................... S 2 58 STATE COMMISSIONER IN LUN AC Y. 1880 Annual report............................ SI 13 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR. 1880 Report of, relative to improvements of Wallkill river, S 2 42 STATE LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report of trustées................ S 2 31 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. 1880 Annual report........................... S 1 12 STATE PRINTERS. 1880 Contract for printing................... S 1 16 STATE SURYEY. 1880 Report..... ............................. S 2 37 STATE TREASURER. 1880 Annual report............................ S 1 3 STATEMENT OF BOARD OF POLICE COMMIS- SIONERS, NEW YORK CITY. 1880 Relative to police pension fund.......... S 2 54 STATES OF NEW YORK AND CONNECTICUT. 1880 Report of commissioners, relative to boundary lines, SI 27 SUPERINTENDENT OF BANK DEPARTMENT. 1880 Report of, relative to amount charged for premiums on government bonds during last ten years.... S 2 33 1880 Report of, in relation to savings banks.......... S 1 30879 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Doc. Vol. No. 1880 Communication from, relative to certain correspond- ence with insurance companies................ S 2 49 1880 Communication from, relative to certain telegrams between the department and insurance companies, S 2 51 SURYEY. 1880 Report of State.......................... S 2 37 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR. 1880 Report of.................................A 6 89 SAYINGS BANKS. 1880 Annual report on..........................A 7 109 1880 Expenditures of, report on................A 7 95 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1880 Communication from........................A 6 83 SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. 1880 Joint rules of............................A 1 7 SOCIETY FOR THE REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1880 Report of.................................A 2 19 STATE PRISONS. 1880 Superintendent of, report of..............A 2 21 STATE SURVEY. 1880 Roport of.................................A 6 86 STREET CLEANING. r 68 1880 Reports relating to...................... A 8 -< 112 ( 139 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 1880 Report of.................................A 2 11 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1881 Communication from, in answer to a resolution.S 1 37 SENATORS. 1881 List of.................................. S 1 1 SENATE. 1881 Rules and orders of...................... S 1 4 1881 Joint rules of Senate and Assembly....... S 1 5 1881 List of standing committees of........... S 1 39 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1881 Annual report of trustées of............. S 1 7 STATE ASSESSORS. 1881 Annual report of......................... S 1 401881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 880 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Doc.Voi. No. Animal report of........................ S 1 14 STATE LIBRARY. Annual report of trustées of............ S 2 56 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. Annual report of board of managers of... S 1 15 STATE SURYEY. Fifth annual report of.................. S 2 66 STATE TREASURER. Annual report of........................ S 1 3 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR Report of comptroller of.................A 8 96 ST. JOSEPH’S INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. Reports of...............................A 2 26 SAYINGS BANKS. Report on............................... A 4 50 STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of.............................. A 8 111 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Communication from in response to resolution of 1880...................................A 3 41 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, REPORTS OF, see Reports. * STATE REFORMATORY AT ELMIRA. Affaire of, spécial report on...........A 98 STATE REPORTER. Communication from.......................A 4 51 SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, REPORTS OF, see Reports, spécial. SUPERINTENDENT OF BANK DEPARTMENT, REPORTS OF, see Reports. SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION. Report of.............................A 1 11 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE DEPART- MENT. Report of.............................A 5 66 SUPERINTENDENT OF ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of. . ,. ................... A 2 27881 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Doc. y0i. No. 1881 Report of.................................... A 3 38 SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE PRISONS. 1881 Report of...................................A 2 13 SUPREME COURT REPORTER. 1881 Communication from..........................A4 55 SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. 1882 Joint rules.................................. S 1 5 1882 Standing committees, list of................ S 5 65 SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1882 Annual report................................. SI 6 SPUYTEN DUYYIL ACCIDENT ON HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. 1882 Report of investigating committee........... S 6 91 STATE PRISONS. 1882 Report of superintendent as to prison labor. S 5 63 1882 Resolution of Mr. Boyd for a commission to investi- gate System of prison labor............... S 6 75 1883 Superintendent’s report..................... S 2 15 STATE TREASURER. 1882 Annual report............................... S 1 3 SAILORS’ SNÜG HARBOR. 1882 Comptroller’s report on.....................A 3 53 SALT SPRINGS. 1882 Annual report of superintendent of..........A 2 16 SENECA LAKE. 1882 Waters of, report of certain State officers in relation to the....................................A 3 36, 44 SING SING PRISON. 1882 Management of, report of committee on.......A 5 120 1882 Testimony taken before committee on management of........................................A 5 131 SPEAKERS NAME. 1882 Erasure of, from an Assembly bill, report of spécial committee to inquire into.................A 5 123 STATE GEOLOGIST. 1882 Report on condition of work. ...............A 2 32 STATE SURVEY. 1882 Annual report of commissioner of .... ......A 5 94 111882 SECRETER Y OF STATE. Doe Vol 1883 Report of, in reply to resolution of Senate..... S 2 1883 Report relative to statistics of the poor....... S 3 SENATE. Resolutions of, see Comptroller. Resolutions, see Game and Fish Protectors. Resolution, see Secretary of State. 1883 Rules and orders......................... S 1 See Committee on Finance; Resolution of the Senate, Committee, see Committee. 1883 And Assembly, joint rules................ S 1 SENATORS. 1883 List of. ............................... S 1 1883 Members, officers and reporters with boarding- houses, list of........................ S 2 SOCIETY FOR THE REFORMATION OF JUVE- NILE DELINQUENTS. 1883 Annual report of managers................ S 1 SPECIAL COMMITTEE, see Committee. SENATE COMMITTEE, see Committee. STATEMENT OF COMPTROLLER 1883 Relative to amount expended upon the New Capitol, S 1 STATE ASSESSORS. 1883 Annual report......................... S 2 4 STATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE AT BUFFALO. 1883 Annual report.......................... S 1 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. 1883 Annual report........................... S 1 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR ON CANALS. 1883 Annual report........................... S 1 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR ON RAILROADS. 1883 Annual report of........................ S 4 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 1883 Report of, in reply to resolution relative to New York Elevated railway................... S 2 STATE LANDS. 1883 Report of Comptroller relative to No. 26 26 4 5 1 28 16 18 21 12 14 9 44 37 S 5 521883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 883 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTIOA. Doc. Vol. No. Annual report of managers............... S 1 7 STATE MUSEUM OF NATUEAL HISTOEY. Annual report of trustées...................... S 5 53 STATE MUSEUM OF NATUEAL HISTOEY. Communication from trustées in answer to Concur- rent resolutions......................... S 1 20 STATE NOEMAL SCHOOL AT ALBANY. Eeport of finance committee relative to . ..... S 3 43 STATE EEFOEMATOEY AT ELMIEA. Annual report.................................. S 1 8 STATE TEEASUEEE. Annual report................................ S 1 3 STATISTICS OF THE POOE. Eeport of Secretary of State relative to....... S 2 25 Streets and avenues, see New York City. Sub-committee on insurance, see Eeceiverships. SAILOES’ SNUG HAEBOE. Annual report of.........................A 5 132 STATE AGEICULTUEAL SOCIETY. Annual report of.........................A 5 143 STATE BOAED OF AUDIT. Annual report of.........................A 1 8 STATE BOAED OF HEALTH. Annual report of.................... ........ A 5 110 STATE CHAEITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Eeport of, committee on..................A 7 175 STATE ENGINEEE AND SUEVEYOE. Annual report of, on companies navigating lakes and rivers.................................A 6 75 Eeport of, on lands sold and owned by State.A 4 91 Eeport of, relative, to encroachments by New York and West Shore Eailroad Company........A 4 101 STATE HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOE THE INSANE, AT MIDDLETOWN. Annual report of.........................A 2 20 ST. JOSEPH S INSTITUTE FOE IMPEOYEMENT OF DEAF-MUTES, FOEDHAM. Annual report of..............,.............A 3 33884 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 STATE SURVEY. Report of............................ STATE TREASURER. Communication from, relative to expenses of his office................................. A SUPERINTENDENT BANK DEPARTMENT. Annual report of...........................A Report of, in reply to resolution of January 23,1883, A. Report of, relative to savings banks.......A Communication relative to Market savings bank.... A Doc. Vol. No. . A 6 148 50 5 41 70 109 SUPERINTENDENT ERIE COUNTY PENITEN- TIARY. Report of, in reply to resolution.......A 3 38 SUPERINTENDENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Communication from, relative to expenses of his office................................... A 3 46 Report of, relative to payments to policy holders of certain companies.........................A 5 114 Annual report of........................ ... A 6 157 SUPERINTENDENT MONROE COUNTY PENI- TENTIARY. Report of............................. A 3 57 SUPERINTENDENT ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Annual report of . ... .................A 3 25 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Annual report of........................A 3 35 Communication from, relative to expenses of his office................................A 3 45 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION AND REGENTS OF UNIYERSITY ON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT ALBANY. Annual report of........................A 3 27 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC WORKS. Report of...............................A 2 9 Report of, relative to canal lands for railroad pur- poses.................................A 4 106 SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRISONS. Annual report of.......................... A 2 12 Report of, in reply to resolution of January 11, 1883, A 3 29 Report of, in reply to résolution of January 18, 1883, A 3 36885 SENATE. Doc. Yol. No. 1884 List of members of . ... ................. S 1 1 1884 Bules and orders of......................... S 2 4,17 1884 Joint rules of Assembly and................ SI 5 1884 Standing committees of ... ................. S 2 16 1884 Statistical list of members and officers of. S 3 27 STATE ASSESSOKS. 1884 Keport of board of.......................... S 2 24 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. 1884 Annual report of............................ S 2 25 1884 Relative to care of the feeble-minded and idiotie pauper women.............................. S 3 45 1884 Report of, relative to indigent blind....... S 1 6 STATE COMMISSIONER IN LUNACY. 1884 Eleventh annual report of................... S 2 11 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR ON CANALS. 1884 Report of................................... S 1 9 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 1884 Reply of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate in relation to fish-ways in the Hudson river. S 5 58 STATE LIBRARY. 1884 Annual report of trustées of................ S 2 14 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. 1884 Annual report of............................ S 2 12 STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1884 Thirty-seventh annual report of............. S 6 60 STATE TREASURER. 1884 Annual report of............................ S 1 3 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION AND REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY ON THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT ALBANY. 1884 Annual report of............................ S 1 8 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 1884 Relative to encroachments on canal lands... .S 3 47 SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE PRISONS. 1884 Reply of, to resolution of the Senate relative to con- vict labor................................ S 3 50886 i SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR. Doc. Voi. No. 1884 Annual report of.........................A 7 100 SECRETARY OF STATE ON STATISTICS OF CRIME. 1884 Report of...............................A 5 37 SOCIETY FOR REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1884 Annual report of managers of.............A 2 18 SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF DESTITUTE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN OF BUFFALO. 1884 Report of..:-........................... A 7 86 STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1884 Report of................................A 8 146 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. 1884 Report of, in response to resolution ....A 8 124 1884 Fourth annual report of..................A 7 89 STATE BOARD OF AUDIT. 1884 Final report of..........................A 2 15 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 1884 Report of, in response to resolution January 15,1884, A 6 65 1884 On companies navigating lakes and rivers, annual report of..............................A 7 81 STATE GAME PROTECTOR. 1884 Report of, district No. 1................A 6 76 STATE GEOLOGIST. 1884 Report of................................A 7 111 STATE HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE, 1884 Annual report of........................ A 2 16 STATISTICS OF PAUPERISM. 1884 Report upon..............................A 5 59 ST. JOSEPHS INSTITUTION FOR IMPROVED INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1884 Annual report of.........................A 5 32 SUPERINTENDENT OF ADIRONDACK AND STATE LAND SURVEY. 1884 Report of................................A 8 126 SUPERINTENDENT OF BANK DEPARTMENT. 1884 Annual report of, relative to savings banks.. .... A 7 101887 SUPERINTENDENT ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Doc. Vol. No. 1884 Report of.................................A 5 34 SUPERINTENDENT INSURANCE DEPART- MENT. 1884 Annual report of..........................A 6 67 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 1884 Annual report of..........................A 2 12 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC WORKS. 1884 Annual report of..........................A 1 3 1884 Report of, relative to trade and tonnage of canals.. A 6 77 1884 Communication from........................A 5 49 1884 Communication in reply to resolution, January 25, 1884 .................................A 5 50 SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRISONS. 1884 Annual report of..........................A 2 11 SCHOOL FUND. 1885 Report of Comptroller ................... S 5 37 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1885 Communication from, relative to census... S 5 44 SELECT COMMITTEE OF SENATE RELATIVE TO GAS-LIGHTING COMPANIES. 1885 Report of................................ S 5 41 SENATE 1885 List of members.......................... S 1 1 1885 Reply of Railroad Commissioners to resolution of.. S 5 46 1885 Resolution of, reply of Civil Service Commissioners to.................................... S 5 42 1885 Reply of Secretary of State.............. S 5 44 1885 Reply of Superintendent of Prisons....... S 5 39 1885 Rules and orders of...................... S 1 4 SENATE COMMITTEE. 1885 Report of spécial, on gas companies...... S 5 41 SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES. 1885 List of................................. S 4 14 SENATE CHAMBER. 1885 Relative to ventilation of............... S 5 38 SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. 1885 Boarding-house list...................... S 5 34 SESSION, see extra session.1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 888 SOCIETY FOR REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. Doc. Vol. No. Report of.............................. S 4 18 SPECIAL REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER. On the school fund and upon taxation and revenue, S 5 37 STANDING COMMITTEES. Senate, list of......................... S 4 15 STATE ASSESSORS. Report of.............................. S 5 34 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Report of............................... S 5 28 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Report of............................... S 6 47 Resolution of........................... S 5 32 STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. Report of............................... S 5 27 STATE LIBRâRY. Report of............................. S 4 20 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM. Report of managers...................... S 2 9 STATE RESERVATION AT NIAGARA. Report of Commissioners................. S 5 35 STATE TREASURER. Report.................................. S 1 3 SUPERINTE NDENT OF PRISONS. Reply to Senate resolution.............. S 5 39 SUPPLEMENTAL Report of Railroad Commissioners........ S 5 29, 46 SECRETARY OF STATE. Report of, on Statistics of Crime........A 3 29 Report of, on pauperism..................A 5 45 SPECIAL COMMITTEETO INVESTIGATE STATE SURVEY. Report of................................A 7 137 SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE TONTINE INSURANCE. Report of............................. A 7 155 STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report of............................... A 7 130889 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Doc.Voi. No. 1885 Report of, on canals................... A 4 38 1885 Response of, relative to maps..........A 6 73 1885 Report of, on navigation................. A 6 86 STATE GEOLOGIST. 1885 Report of.................................A 7 161 STATE HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1885 Report of.................................A 2 16 ST. JOSEPH’S INSTITUEE. 1885 Report o f............................ A 3 28 STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1885 Report of.................................A 2 23 SUPERINTENDENT OF ADIRONDACK SURVEY. 1885 Communication from........................A 7 158 1885 Report of.................................A 6 79 SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKING DEPART- MENT. 1885 Report of, relative to Savings Bank.......A 6 82 1885 Report of............................... A 1 5 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE. 1885 Report of.................................A 5 67 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1885 Report of...........................,.. A 6 72 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 1885 Annual report of..........................A 1 8 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1885 Annual report of......................... S 2 9 1885 Communication from... ................... A 5 46 1885 Communication from, relative to Cayuga and Seneca lake canal..............................A 7 159 1885 Report of, on trade and tonnage of canals.A 5 60 SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE PRISONS. 1885 Annual report of..........................A 2 11 1885 Communication from........................A 7 151 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1886 Report on pauperism...................... S 3 45 . SENATE. see aqueduct laborers; commissioner of accounts; committee on public expenditures; health officers; new capitol; New York State Dairy Commissioner; re solution. 1886 Committees, list of............................... S 2 19 112890 SENATE — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Resolution of, relative to Street railroad companies, S 3 38 1886 Rules and orders............................ S 1 4 SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CON- GRESS. see Erie and Oswego eanals; merchant marine; resolution relative to trade dollars. SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. I889 Joint rules................................. S 1 5 SENATORS. 1886 List of..................................... S 1 1 1886 Officers and reporters, boarding-house list. S 3 41 SOCIETY FOR REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1886 Report of................................ S 1 14 SPEdAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE LIGHTING COMPANIES. 1886 Report of................................... S 4 47 SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE GOVERNMENT OF NEW YORK CITY. 1886 Report of............... ................... S 3 29 SPECIAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT, see Report. STATE ASSESSORS. 1886 Annual report of............................ S 3 35 STATE BOA RD OF CHAR1TIES. 1886 Report of................................... S 3 31 STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. 1887 Report of................................ S 2 24 see Dairy Commissioner; New York. STATE PRISONS. 1886 Relative to................................. S 3 34 STATE RESERVATION, see Commissioners. STATE SURVEY. 1886 Report of commissioners..................... S 3 39 STATE TREASURER. 1886 Report of................................... S 1 3 STATEMENT. 1886 Relative to Street railroad companies....... S 3 38 STATISTICS OF LABOR, see Bureau.891 STREET RAILROAD COMPANIES. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Relative to................................ S 3 38 STREET RAILROADS. 1886 Message of Governor relative to............ S 4 61 1886 Resolution relative to..................... S 4 70 see Bureau. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1886 Communication from, relative to bridge at Cohoes.. S 5 81 1886 Communication from, relative to Owasco outlet.... S 5 78 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. 1886 Board of Railroad Commissioners....... S 3 26 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR. 1886 Annual financial report....................A 7 86 SECRETARY OF STATE ON STATISTICS OF CRIME. 1886 Report of..................................A 7 84 SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF DESTITUTE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN. 1886 Report of................................ A 6 68 STANDING COMMIT 1EES. 1886 Listof.....................................A 1 9 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. 1886 Sixth annual report of.....................A 7 83 1886 Communication from.........................A 5 38 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR. 1886 Report of, relative to Albany basin........A 8 95 1886 Report on canals...........................A 5 44 1886 Report on companies navigating lakes and rivers, and bridge companies.....................A 7 79 STATE COMMISSIONER IN LUNACY. 1886 Report of..................................A 8 103 STATE GEOLOGIST. 1886 Report of.............................. .. A 9 105 STATE LAND SURYEY. 1886 Report of Superintendent of................A 7 80 STATE PRISONS. 1886 Annual report of Superintendent of.........A 2 20 ST. JOSEPHS INSTITUTION FOR INSTRUC- TION OF DEAF-MUTES. 1886. Report of..................................A 5 29892 SUPERINTENDENT OF BANK DEPARTMENT. doc. y0i. No. 1886 Annual report of, relative to savings banks...A 6 75 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE DEPART- MENT. 1886 Report of......................... ..........A 8 86 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Report of.....................................A 6 59 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION. 1886 Report of....................................A 1 17 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 1886 Report of......................... ..........A 5 31 1886 Report on trade and tonnage of canals........A 6 65 SAYINGS BANKS. 1887 Resolutions of Mr. McCullen relative to....... S 3 45 SECRETARY OF STATE. 1887 Report of, on statistics of crime. S 2 19 SENATE. 1887 Standing committees of....................... S 1 58 1887 Rules and orders of.......................... S 1 4 1887 Joint rules of............................... S 1 5 1887 Statistical list of members and officers of.. S 2 33 SENATORS. 1887 Listof........................................ SI 1 SOCIETY FOR REFORMATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. 1887 Annual report of............................. S 2 17 STATE ASSESSORS. 1887 Annual report of............................. S 2 24 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. 1887 Report of.................................... S 1 9 STATE COMMISSION IN LUNACY. 1887 Annual report of............................. S 3 49 STATE GEOLOGIST. 1887 Resolution in regard to.......... S 4 70 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL AT ROCHESTER. 1887 Annual report of............................. S 2 22 STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM AT UTICA. 1887 Annual report of............................. S 2 231887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 893 STATE SURVEY. Doc.Voi. No. Report of the commiasioners of........... S 4 62 STATE TREASURER. Report of.............................. S 1 3 SUPERINTENDENT OF THE INSURANCE DE- PARTMENT. Communication from, relative to insurance policies on farms, etc....................... S 4 67 SAILOR’S SNUG HARBOR. Report of Comptroller on...............A 10 96 SECRETARY OF STATE. Pauperism, report of.....................A 7 46 SLINGERLAND, W. H. Report of................................A 10 93 STANDING COMMITTEES. List of..................................A 7 39 STATE BOARD OF ARBITRATION. Report of.............................. A 4 17 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Communication from.......................A 9 78 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Report of................................A 7 37 STATE ENGINEER AND SURYEYOR ON CANALS. Report of................................A 10 38,94 STATE GEOLOGIST. Report of................................A 9 72 ST. JOSEPHS INSTITUTE. Report of................................A 6 32 “ STORM KING BRIDGE.” Memorial relative to.....................A 4 19 SUPERINTENDENT BANK DEPARTMENT. Report of................................A 9 8, 80 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSURANCE. Report of................................A 8 67 SUPERINTENDENT OF ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of............................... A 7 411887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 .1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 894 SUPERINTENDENT OF PRISONS. Doc.Voi. No. Report of.............................. A 4 21 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Report of............................. A 7 64 SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Report of...............................A 1 7 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Report of...............................A 5 24 SUPERINTENDENT STATE LAND SURVEY. Report of .. ...........................A 9 74 SECRETARY OF STATE ON PAUPERISM. Report of.............................. S 5 44 SENATE COMMITTEE ON GENERAL LAWS. Relative to trusts, report of.......... S 5 50 SENATORS. List of seats of....................... S 1 6 SOCIErY FOR THE REFORMATION OF JUVE- NILE DELINQUENTS. Animal report of....................... S 3 14 STATE ASSESSORS. Annual report of....................... S 4 22 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES. Annual report of....................... S 4 31 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL AT ROCHESTER. Annual report of....................... S 5 41 STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Annual report of . ................... S 4 19 STATE TREASURER. Annual report of....................... S 1 3 SAILORS’ SNUG HARBOR. Report of...............................A 10 85 SEATS. Of Members of Assembly..................A 1 6 SECRETARY OF STATE. On statistics of crime, report of.......A 6 43895 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN AT BUFFALO. Doc.Voi. Kc. Report of.............................. A 6 50 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ASSEMBLY. List of.................................A 1 5 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Report of...............................A 7 55 STATE BOARD OF MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION. First annual report.....................A 2 10 STATE COMMISSIONERS IN LUNACY. Report of...............................A 6 42 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Annual report of, on canals.............A 4 25 Report of, on navigation and bridge companies ... A 7 65 STATE HOMŒOPATHIC ASYLUM FOR INSANE. Report of...............................A 4 23 ST. JOSEPH’S INSTITUTION FOR INSTRUCTION OF DEAF-MUTES. Annual report of......................A 4 21 ST. LAWRENCE STATE ASYLUM. Report of managers of...................A 6 40 STATE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. Report of...............................A 6 44 SUPERINTENDENT BANKING DEPARTMENT. Annual report of........................A 2 8 Annual report of, relative to savings banks and trust companies..............................A 7 59 SUPERINTENDENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Report of...............................A 8 67 SUPERINTENDENT ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. Report of...............................A 5 34 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Annual report of........................A 1 7 SURVEYS OF PUBLIC LANDS IN COUNTIES IN “ FOREST PRESERVE.” Report of...............................A 7 58896 1888 1888 1888 1888 1856 1862 1844 1847 1841 1841 1842 1860 1842 1844 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1870 1870 1830 1830 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Doc.Voi. No. Annual report of....................................A 4 24 Annual report of, on trade and tonnage of the canals, A 9 68 SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRISONS. Annual report of....................................A 2 9 Report of, in response to a resolution of March fîve, A 9 70 TAFT, THOMAS. Report on pétition of, for damages..................A 3 44 TALCOTT, WALTER O. Report on pétition of.......................A 6 125 TALLMAN AND NOYES. Report of Canal Board on the pétition of....„ A 3 146 TALLMAN, DARIUS, AND HENRY WILKINS. Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 49 TALLMAN, JOHN T., AND JONATHAN CHILD. Report on pétition of, for the payment of interest on the amount of damages awarded to them.....A 6 216 Report on the same..........................A 6 249 TAMBLIN, JONATHAN, see David Harris and others. TAPPAN, ARTHUR AND OTHERS. Report of committee on canals on pétition of ..... A 5 110 TARBELL, NORRIS. Report of committee, on memorial of Dr. Saunders and others respecting the death of, at the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica ......................A 2 43 TARIFF. Communication from the Governor transmitting resolutions of Council and General Assembly of New Jersey, relative to a....................... S 3 53 Resolution relative to.......................... S 3 93 Resolutions of Connecticut in relation to...... A 2 26 Resolution of Mr. D. S. Wright, relative to.......A 7 143 Resolution of Connecticut respecting............A 1 11 Resolution relative to a protective............ S 3 93 Resolution of Connecticut concerning............A 1 7 Resolutions relative to admission of certain articles A j 3 36 free.... ..................................... A ( 1 10 Report of minority committee on said resolutions ..A3 35 TARIFF LAWS. Resolutions of the Législature of Mississippi, rela- tive to the . ..................................A 1 13 Resolutions of the Législature of Pennsylvania, relative to the ..................................A 2 120897 TA.RIFF LA.WS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Resolutions of the Législature of Connecticut, rela- tive to the..............................................A 2 123 1830 Resolutions of the Législature of Delavvare and Ohio, relative to the ......................... S 4 366 1831 Resolutions of the Législature of Louisiana, rela- tive to the......................................A 1 4 1832 Resolution of the Législature of Maine and Dela- ware, relative to the............................A 1 3 1832 Resolutions of the Législature of Alabama, relative to. -....................................... ...A 4 274 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of North Carolina and Massachusetts, relative to the...............A 2 115 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of New York, rela- tive to the.....................................-A 3 163 1834 Resolutions of the Législatures of Connecticut and Maryland, relative to the ...................... A 1 11 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Mississippi, rela- tive to the................................................A 6 235* 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Connecticut, rela- tive to the................................................A 1 14 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Alabama, relative to the...........................................A 3 57 TARIFF AND TRANSPORTATION OF FREIGHT ON RAILROADS, see Railroads. TAYERN LICENSES, see Excise. TAXATION, see Assessment. 1835 Of ground rents, quarter sales, etc., report on péti- tion for the........................................... S 2 83 1835 To pay school bills of indigent persons, report rela- tive to.................................................A 4 281 1835 To pay school bills of indigent persons, report rela- tive to.................................................A 4 317 1845 Report of Comptroller relative to taxing quarter sales, etc., of................................A 6 228 1846 Of interest of landholders, report relative to.. S 4 135 1846 Of leasehold estâtes, report of Mr. Spencer on so much of the Governor’s message as relates to, etc. S 3 92 1846 Of leasehold estâtes, report relative to......... S 4 107 1846 Of leasehold estâtes, report on so much of Govern- or’s message as relates to.................... S 4 115 1847 Memorial of Stephen Yan Rensselaer respecting ... S 2 47 1847 Report on law for equalization of... .......... S 2 56 1852 Report on law relative to taxing real estate, mort- gages, etc.................................... S 1 28 1852 Report of committee on internai affairs of towns and counties, respecting.......................... S 1 28 1857 Report of committee on ways and means favorable on pétition of Sacketts Harbor and Saratoga Railroad Company to be released from, on its lands...................................................A 1 53 1131858 1858 1862 1843 1830 1836 1840 1840 1840 1848 1848 1848 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1853 1853 1853 1858 1859 1860 1861 898 TAXATION — Continuer Doc. Vol. Ko. Report of majority of select committee on commu- and Communication from Comptroller relative to assess- Exemption of Ministers, etc., from, see Ministère. TAXES. Communication from Commissioners of Land Office Statement of amount paid by corporation in 1826 and 1827........................................ Statement of amount paid by each county from 1816 to 1826 ........................................ Bill to extend the time for the collection of, for Remonstrance against intrusting taxes to the cus- Report of Comptroller on bill relative to lands sold for......................................... do do ........ Report of committee on internai affaire of towns and counties on pétition from Ulster county to be Report of Comptroller relative to printing certain Report in answer to resolution of Assembly relative to execution of deeds of lands sold for, in the Comptroller’s report, in relation to erroneous pay Report of the Comptroller in answer to a resolution in relation to the amount of, due the State treasury Report of Comptroller relative to uupaid taxes from Report of Comptroller relative to unpaid, from counties....... ............................. Communication from Comptroller respecting unpaid, due the State from treasurer of Livicgston Communication from Comptroller, in answer to a s 2 95 s 3 103 , A 2 10 > S 1 8 1 A 1 32 1 s 2 67 l s 1 18 s 1 21 A 8 362 L A 3 63 A 5 126 A 5 136 i A 5 175 A 1 8 i A 3 160 A 5 120 S 1 19 A 2 25 S 2 49 S 3 78 A 3 53 A 1 46 A 4 154 A 2 40899 1862 1862 1830 1830 1832 1830 1832 1833 1835 1836 1837 1838 1840 1841 1842 1871 1830 1831 1835 1839 1848 1849 1851 1856 TAXES — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. Report of Comptroller as to unpaid balance of......A 3 41 Report of Comptroller as to payment of, in Ontario county........................................... A 3 42 For Making and Repairing Hightyays: Report on pétition to amend tlie law relative to the assessment of......... ............................ A Rédemption of Land sold for: Report of committee on the jndiciary, relative to the..........................................A Report of the Comptroller relative to the.......A Repayment in Certain Cases of Moneys Paid for: Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to ............................................ S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to...................................... S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................. S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................ S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................. S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to.......................................... S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................. S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................. S Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to..............................................A Report of Commissioners of Land Office in rela- tion to............................................. A Report of commissioners to revise laws for assess- ment and collection of...............................A Sale of Land for Arrears of: Report of Comptroller, on bill concerning the...A Report of expenses of the last sale.............. A Statement of ail the sales (not heretofore reported), also the sales of land for the arrears of quit rent, etc.............................................A Report of Comptroller, on bill relative to the sale, etc.............................................A Report on bill for................................ A Report on so much of Governor’s message as relates to, in the counties where suchlandslie..........A See report of Comptroller relative to time of holding, A Report in relation to..............................A 4 329 3 237 1 37 4 413 2 107 2 125 2 89 2 109 2 73 2 74 4 126 7 305 7 183 3 39 3 239 3 264 5 380 6 340 3 63 3 107 5 103 3 921830 1831 1836 1838 1843 1852 1853 1853 1872 1873 1834 1849 1870 1848 900 TAXATION — Continuée!. Non-resident, see Non-residents. On Banks, see Banks. On Corporations, see Corporations. On Foreign Insurance Companies, see Insurance. On Salt, see Sait. On Seamen, see Seamen. TAX, STATE. Doc.Voi. No. Report of the committee on finance recommending.. A 3 205 do do do do .. A 3 234 do do do do .. S 1 35 Report of Mr. Ruggles on the recommendation of the Comptroller to levy a direct............A 5 242 Report of the Comptroller in answer to a resolution of the Assembly respecting the pledges of the proceeds of the mill.... ...................A 3 66 Report on proposition to reduce the half-mill. S 2 83 Report of Comptroller in relation to the time when the, would be available for the improvement of the canals............... ......................A 3 61 Report of Comptroller in relation to the time when the, would be available for the improvement of the canals........................................A 5 114 TAXATION. Report of commissioners to revise the statutes, rela- tive to....................................... S 2 26 TAXPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION OF TENTH, ELEYENTH AND SEVENTEENTH WARDS, NEW YORK CITY. Pétition and memorial of.................. ... S 1 23 TAYLOR, GEORGE L. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the canal................................ S 2 69 TAYLOR, H. W. Memorial of, on capital punishment............ S 1 10 TAYLOR, HENRY W. Memorial and pétition for passage of a law to sup- press intempérance......... ..................A 3 65 TAYLOR, GEN. Z. » Communication from Governor, transmitting letter from............................. ............ A 6 212901 TE AL, NATHAN, AND OTHERS. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of, rela- tive to the waters of Seneca lake...................A 3 284 TEAL O. 1854 Report on pétition of........................A 3 94 TEAL, OLIVER, AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, to amend the séduction laws................A 2 51 1853 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of, to amend the séduction laws............... A 3 61 TEFFT, A. C., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of canal committee on pétition of.... S 3 106 TEMPERANCE, see Excise, Intoxicating Liquors. 1850 Appeal of Charles J. Warner..................A 6 145 TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, STATE. 1848 Remonstrance against bill legalizing sale of intoxi- cating drinks.......................................A 5 169 1850 Memorial of................................. S 1 10 1854 do ..................................... S 1 4 TEMPERANCE TAVERNS. 1834 Report on pétition to license, without paying excise, A 3 250 TENANT, see Landlord and Tenant. TE N BROECK, HENRY H. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of... S 2 59 TEN BROECK, MARIA. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of... S 2 58 TEN BROECK, PETER B. 1837 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Chemung canal......................A 3 206 1837 Report of committee on daims................A 3 235 1838 Report of committee on grievances...........A 3 89 TEN BROCK, WESSEL. 1832 Report on pétition of, for pay for work done on a road in the town of Edmeston..............A 4 281 1833 Report of committee on daims................A 3 175 1834 do do A 3 192 1835 Report of committee on grievances...........A 3 166 TEN EYCK, JACOB H., AND OTHERS. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 7 177902 TENNESSEE, STATE OF. Doc. Voi. No. 1832 Resolution of the Législature of, relative to the exercise of certain powers of the general govern- ment, and relative to the public lands.............A 3 183 TERRILL, JEROME B. 1840 Report on pétition of, for a divorce.........A 8 323 TERRY, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition of to erect a wharf at Oyster Pond village...............................A 4 352 TERWILLIGER, HARMAN. 1843 Report of committee on daims on his pétition. S 3 101 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 3 97 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 3 83 TERWILLIGER, JAMES. 1872 Report of select committee to investigate charges against................................. S 3 37 TESTIMONY (taken in foreign countries). 1836 Report of committee on the judiciary in relation to, A 3 135 TESTIMONY (in particular cases). 1862 Of John H. Brady, before committee of privilèges and élections......................................A4 95 1862 Taken before grand jury of Albany county. . .........A 2 24 TEXAS, REPUBLIC OF. 1838 Resolutions of the Législature of Ohio against the annexation of, to the Union................... S 2 58 1838 Resolutions of the Législature of Alabama in favor of the annexation of...........................A 5 218 1838 Report on the annexation of......................A 5 271 1842 Resolution of General Assembly of Alabama in favor of admitting into the Union................... S 2 26 1842 Resolution of Alabama in favor of admitting into the Union......................................A 2 48 1842 Resolution of Mississippi relative to the annexation of, to the United States.......................A 7 199 1844 Resolution relative to.......................... S 3 107 1844 Resolution of the Législature of South Carolina relative to the annexation of, to the Union.A 1 5 1844 Résolution of the Massachusetts Législature con- cerning........................................A 7 175 1844 Communication from Governor transmitting resolu- tion of the Législature of Mississippi relative to. . A 7 202 1845 Report of majority of select committee on the annexation of......................................A 4 83 1845 Report of minority of select committee relative to same......................................... A 4 84903 TEXAS, STATE OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1850 Resolution of, concerning slavery..................A 8 193 1861 Resolutions from................................... S 2 47 THALIMER, PETER AND HENRY. 1832 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Champlain canal... ....................A 2 179 1832 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same............A 1 56 1833 do do do S 2 109 1834 Report of the Canal Board on the same..............A 4 338 1834 Repoit of committee on daims on the same.A 4 396 1837 Report of committee on canals on the same. S 1 44 THAWATT, J. R, 1860 Report on pétition of................................. A 4 147 THAYER, NANCY BLACK WOOD. 1842 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of, for a divorce......................................... S 2 45 1842 Report on pétition of, for a divorce............... S 2 103 THERMOMETER, CENTIGRADE. 1842 Report of Regents of University relative to the.... S 4 94 THOMAS & WORDEN. * 1846 Report on pétition of............................... S 1 31 1847 Report of the estimate in the case of................A 1 34 THOMAS ASYLUM. 1874 For orphans and destitute Indian children............A 2 15 1876 For orphan and destitute children..................Al 7 1877 For orphan and destitute Indian children, report of the.............................................. A 3 24 THOMAS BRIGGS. 1851 Report on claim for canal damages................... S 2 29 THOMAS, MARY AND ANN SMALLDEN. 1850 Report on pétition of............................... S 1 23 THOMPSON, ANSON. 1834 Report on pétition of, for pay for a horse lost in a ditch near the canal............................. A 4 398 1835 Report relative to the same..........................A 3 161 1842 Report of committee on daims on pétition of......... S 3 67 THOMPSON, CHARLES B., AND HIRAM W. HASCALL. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..........A 3 154 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of.............A 10 175904 THOMPSON, GEORGE. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for a lot of land sold for taxes..........................A 1 22 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to the same.A 4 293 THOMPSON, ISAAC, AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee on daims in relation to claim of.......................................... S 2 66 1846 Report of Canal Commissioners in relation to daim of............................... ....... S 1 26 THOMPSON, JAMES, see Janet Hay, or McAndrew. THOMPSON, W., AND M., see Daniel Cameron. THOMPSON, WILLIAM, see Lewis Bebee and Wil- liam Thompson. THOMPSON, JAMES G. 1875 Report on contested seat of................... S j g ^ THOMSONIAN MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1842 Report of Mr. Taylor on pétition for relief of.A 7 142 TOMSONIAN PHYSICIAN», see Botanic Physicians. 1840 Report on pétition to allow them to collect pay for services.................................... S 4 107 1840 Report of majority of select committee on the same, A 8 340 1840 Report of minority of select committee on the same, A 8 354 1841 Report of Mr. Hull.............................A 4 94 1842 Report of select committee on numerous pétitions for relief of................................A 2 42 1842 Report of committee on medical colleges and socie- ties on pétition for relief of....... .... A 7 142 THORP, EZRA. 1830 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition for relief.......................................A 4 310 THROOP, ENOS T., see Governor. THROOP AND MENTZ, TOWNS OF. . 1860 Report of committee relative to................A 4 107 THURBER, FREDERICK C. 1868 Report of daims committee on pétition of.......A 8 85 THURMAN, JOHN. 1832 Report on pétition of the heirs, devisees and gran- teesof................................... S 1 4g 1855 Report of Commissioners of Land Office in relation to lands granted to......................... A 5 140 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of...... S 3 47905 THURMAN, W., AND OTHEES. Doc.Voi. No. 1852 Report on pétition of........................ S 2 54 1854 do do .............................A 3 82 THURMAN, WASHINGTON. 1852 Report on pétition of, and others for relief. S 2 54 THURMAN, WASHINGTON, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 150 1849 do do do ...........A 2 59 1850 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. S 2 45 TIBBITTS, GEORGE. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 106 TIBBITTS, GEORGE, AND JAMES STEYENS. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 143 TIBBITTS, GEORGE M. 1862 Report on pétition of.................... A 4 82 TICE, JOHN AND OTHERS. 1848 Report concerning.......................... A 3 102 TILLEY, JOHN. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.... 2 62 1868 do do do A 10 130 1869 do do do A 10 171 1870 do do do A 10 159 TILLISTON, SPAFFORD, AND OTHERS. 1858 Report of committee on finance on the pétition of, for the repayment of moneys illegally coilected.. S 3 115 TILLMAN, ANDREW P. 1830 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for build- ing locks on the Cayuga and Seneca canal.\ . A 3 240 1830 Report of committee on canals on the same....A 4 325 1831 do do do ..........A 1 52 1841 Report of Canal Board on the same........... S 2 42 i841 Report of daims on the same ... ........... A 7 267 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of.......................................A 3 174 TIMBER SUPPLY. 1875 Report of Dr. Hough, on..................... S 6 82 TIMMERMAN, JACOB J. 1834 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for a lot of land sold by mistake for quit rent....... A 3 123 1835 Report on the same. . . .....................A 1 37 1835 do ........................... S 2 39 114906 TIOGA COAL, IKON, MINING AND MANUFAC- TÜKING COMPANY. Doc.Voi. No. 1838 Report on pétition for a loan of the crédit of the State ....................................... S 2 45 1844 Report of committee on the judiciary on a concur- rent resolution directing the Comptroller to suspend the sale of the road of.......................A 6 152 TIOGA COUNTY. 1833 Commissioners of deeds, report on bill confirming the appointment of............... ...........A 3 208 1839 County courts, report on pétition to alter the time of holding the...............................A 5 281 1833 Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions, report on pétition for an additional term of the .. A 2 63 1834 Race course in, report on pétition for a........ S 2 82 1833 Suprême Court commissioner, report in relation to the.............................. ...........A 4 325 1840 Sheriff of, Prentice Ransom, report on pétition of, relative to the transportation of convicts...A 3 75 1831 New county from part of, Tompkins and Steuben, report on pétition for a.....................A 3 277 1832 Report on the same..............................A 2 169 1859 Report of surrogate of..........................A 3 91 1859 Report of treasurer of..........................A 3 100 TIOGA RIVER. 1833 Dam acro^s, report on pétition of Isaac Gray and others, to construct and maintain a..........A 2 82 1833 Report on pétition to prevent fishing with seines in the..........................................A 4 310 TITUS, W. R., AND CATHARINE BESSEL. 1864 Report on pétition of...........................A 6 108 TOAN, ROBERT, see Josiah Rawson. TOBACCO, INSPECTION OF, see New York. TODD AND GRANGER, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report on pétition of.................A 5 127 TODD, WALTER S. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on the pétition of.. S 1 13 TOLLS, TRADE AND TONNAGE OF THE C AN ALS, see Canals. TOLL SHEET 1873. 1874 Proceedings of Canal Board on............... S 2 33 TOLLS ON CANALS. 1875 Majority report of committee on canals relative to.. A 10 136 1875 Minority report of committee on canals on....A 10 137 1875 Proceedings of Canal Board, relative to......A 7 103907 TOLLS, TRADE AND TONNAGE ON CANALS. Doc. v0i. No 1875 Annual report of Auditor relative to......... A 7 92 TOLL-SHEET. 1875 Adopted by Canal Board for 1875 ............. S 6 73 TOLLS ON CERTAIN ARTICLES. 1877 Communication from Auditor relative to......A 8 120 TOLL-SHEET. 1877 Communication from Canal Board relative to...A 8 105 TOLL RATES OF. 1877 Resolution relative to......................A 8 109 TOLLS ON RAILROADS, see Railroads. TOLTS, GEORGE. 1855 Report of committee on daims, in case of....A 3 69 TOMLINSON, DAVID. 1855 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of.A 5 131 1856 Report on pétition for relief...... .. _ .... A 4 102 TOMLINSON, DAVID, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to tlie condition of the canal near Schenectady................ ...A 4 327 1849 Report of committee on canals, on bill for relief of.. A 2 63 TOMPKINS COUNTY. 1832 Common pleas, report on pétition to alter the terms of, A 4 333 1833 Leather manufactory, report on pétition, to incor- porate the...................................A 2 120 1831 New county from parts of Tioga and Steuben, report on pétition for a..................................A 3 277 1832 New county from parts of Tioga and Steuben, report on pétition for a..................................A 2 196 1831 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of E. Warren.............................................A 2 98 1832 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of E. Warren............................................ S 1 36 1833 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of E. Warren...................................».... A 3 160 1834 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of E. Warren......................... .. ..........A 3 169 1830 Inspector of beef and pork, annual report of J. Botter........................................... A 2 11 1830 Inspector of leather, annual report of E. Thayer. . . A 2 121 1831 do do do ... A 2 140 1832 do do do ... A 2 84 1833 do do do ... A 3 159 1833 Inspector of leather, annual report of P. French*.. A 3 195 1834 do do do ... A 2 73 1835 do do do ... A 1 71834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1836 1837 1838 1844 1847 1847 1859 1859 1839 1834 1846 1850 1870 1831 1833 1838 1856 908 TOMPKINS COUNTY — Continued. D Inspector of leather, annual report of H. F. Ran- dolph.........................................A 1 72 Inspector of leather, annual report of H. F. Ran- dolph........................... ..............A 1 9 Inspector of leather, annual report of, H. F. Ran- dolph..........................................A 3 148 Inspector of leather, annual report of H. F. Ran- dolph..........................................A 2 95 Inspector of leather, annual report of H. F. Randolph, A3 98 do do do A 4 191 do do do A 2 49 Inspector of leather, annual report of John Yan Houghten......................................... A 3 177 Inspector of leather, annual report of John Yan Houghten....................................... S 1 12 Inspector of leather, annual report of John Yan Houghten.......................................A 3 93 Report of committee on medical societies, etc., on pétition of physicians of......................A 3 76 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Chenango, Steuben, Yates and, for érection of a new county, A 2 62 Minority reports on pétitions for the érection of a new county from parts of above counties .......A 2 81 Report of surrogate of...........................A 1 50 Report of treasurer of...........................A 1 48 TOMPKINS, DANIEL D. Report relative to the érection of a monument to. .. A 6 392 TOMPKINSYILLE, YILLAGE OF. Church in, report on pétition of St. Andrew and St. Paul’s Church, to apply certain moneys toward the érection of a....................... S 1 20 TONAWANDA. Report of Canal Commissioners relative to lock at.. A 4 117 Report of Canal Commissioners as to supply of water between, and Montezuma...... ............. S 2 41 TONAWANDA CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 87 TONAWANDA CREEE. Bridge over, report on pétition to raise money to build a.................................. A 4 358 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Erie and Niagara, relative to damages caused by damming, S 2 89 Lands overflowed by water on the, report of Canal Commissioners in relation to the...........A 3 124 Bridge across................................A 4 159909 TONAWANDA CREEK— Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1870 Communication from Canal Board relative to over- flow of..................................... S 2 36 1871 Communication from Canal Board relative to dam across...................................... S 4 46 TONAWANDA INDIAN RESERVATION. 1831 Road through, report on pétition for power to lay out and open a.............................. A 4 318 TONAWANDA RAILROAD, see Railroad. TONAWANDA SW AMP. 1855 Report of select committee on bill to drain . .A 5 120 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. 1853 Report of committee on colleges, academies and common schools, in relation to the.......... A 2 32 1853 Report of the committee on agriculture, in relation to the.......................................A 2 33 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE ADIRON- DACK WILDERNESS. 1874 Report on .................................... S 5 98 TORREY, JESSE, Je. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to the manner of heating and ventilating the Assembly chamber .. A 4 338 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to the matter of heating and ventilating the Assembly chamber .. A 5 399 TORREY, ROYAL, AND OTHERS. 1863 Report on pétition of......................A 5 102 TOTTEN AND CROSSFIELD’S PURCHASE. 1843 Report of Commissioners of Land Office respecting the north gore, lying between townships Nos. 10 and 12 in .. ............................A 5 161 1844 Report of Surveyor-General relative to land in .... S 2 77 TOWER, NATHANIEL, see E. Beebe. TOWER, NEHEMIAH. 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to the sale of his land for taxes .................................. S 2 57 TOWNS AND COUNTIES. 1850 Report of Attorney-General on division, alteration and érection of. ..........................A 5 82 TOWN AUDITORS. 1830 Report on pétition for the création of boards of.... A 1 30 1831 do do do .... A 3 222 1838 do do do .... A 4 160 1839 do do do .... A 2 23910 TOWN CHARGES. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Statement of the charges levied on towns and counties............................... A 4 183 TOWN EXPENSES. 1847 Report on pétitions relative to county and. S 3 103 TOWN MEETINGS. 1839 Report relative to changing the time for holding .. A 2 41 TOWN OFFICERS. 1838 Report relative to the élection of, for three years.. A 6 357 1839 do do do .. A 3 79 TOWN INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1873 Report of insurance committee on spécial acts organizing ................................A 6 94 TOWNER, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 5 150 1849 do do do ..........A 2 59 1850 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. S 2 45 TOWNSEND & BRITTON. 1858 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 4 90 TOWNSEND, E. M., AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.................A 3 184 1837 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal.................A 3 220 TOWNSEND, JACOB. 1840 ’ Report on pétition of, relative to a new plan of pro- pelling steamboats through the ice........ S 4 116 TOWNSEND, WILLIAM. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 153 TOWNSEND, WILLIAM B. 1849 Remonstrance of, relative to removal of quarantine, etc .....................................A 3 144 TRACY, FELIX. 1835 Report on pétition of, to build a dam and boat lock on the Genesee river in the town of Leicester. ..A 4 295 TRACY, HENRY, AND ROBERT RENWICK, Jr. 1848 Report on pétition of... .......................A 5 179 TRAYIS AND BLOUNT. 1854 Report on pétition of........................... S 2 106911 TRE ASSURER, STATE. Abraham Keyser: Dec. Vol. No. 1830 Annual report of the.......... A 1 61 1831 do ............A 1 34 1832 do ............A 1 8 1833 do ............A 1 12 1834 do ............A 1 6 1835 do ............A 1 6 1836 do ............A 1 18 1837 do ............A 1 9 1838 do ............A 1 10 1833 Report of the, on pétition of Garret Quackenbush.. A 4 294 G. H. Barstow: 1839 Annual report of the............A 2 46 Jacob Haight: 1840 Annual report of the............A 1 17 1841 do ............................A l 6 1836 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for clerk hire...............................................A 6 374 Thomas Farrington: 1842 Report of........................................A 2 32 1843 Annual report of.................................A 1 4 1843 Communication from, relative to moneys received from the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the public lands...........................A 2 16 1843 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Assembly relative to the moneys received on account of the sales of public lands........................ A 2 17 1844 Report of, of the printing done for his department, S 2 82 1844 Annual report of ................................A 1 12 Benjamin Enos: 1845 Annual report of.................................A 1 6 Thomas Farrington: 1846 Annual report of.................................A 1 10 1847 do A 1 26 Alvah Hunt: 1848 Annual report of.................................A 2 22 1849 do A 1 6 1850 do A 3 20 1851 Report of, on State finances................... S 3 93 1851 Annual report....................................A 1 6 James M. Cook: 1852 Annual report of................................ A 1 6912 TREA.SURER, STATE — Continued. Benjamin Welch: D0C. Yol. No. 1853 Communication from the, in answer to a resolution of the Senate in relation to clerk hire in his office, S 1 7 1853 Annual report of A 1 13 1853 Report of, in answer to resolution in relation to fees paid into the treasury by the Attorney-General since lst Jauuary, 1848 A 2 16 1854 Elbridge G. Spaulding: Report of, relative to fees paid by Attorney-General, S 1 60 1854 Communication from, on same subject S 1 28 1854 Annual report of A 1 14 1856 Stephen Clark: Annual report of A 3 38 1857 do A 1 18 1858 Isaac V. Vanderpoel: Annual report of „ A 1 34 1859 * do A 1 24 1859 Report relative to clerks in his department. , A 3 139 1860 Philip Dorsheimer: Annual report of A 2 22 1861 do A 1 9 1862 William B. Lewis: Annual report of A 2 18 1863 do S 1 18 1864 George W. Schuyler: Annual report of A 8 191 1865 do A 1 11 1866 Joseph Howland: Annual report of A 1 14 1867 do A 8 221 1868 Wheeler H. Bristol: Annual report of A 12 158 1869 do S 1 7 1870 do S 1 7 1871 do S 1 7 1872 Thomas Raines: Annual report of s 1 7 1873 . do s 1 7 1874 do s 1 7 1875 Charles Ross: Annual report of s 1 5 1876 do s 1 5913 TREASURER, STATE — Coptinued. Charles Ross — Continued. Doc. Vol. 1876 Report of, relative to warrants drawn by persons as- suming to act as auditor................. S 3 1877 Annual report of........................... S 1 TREASURER’S ACCOUNTS. 1842 Report of tlie joint committee relative to tbe late . . S 3 1842 Report of joint committee relative to the late. S 3 1842 Report of joint select committee relative to, and of Commissioner of Canal Fund, etc.............A 1 1842 Report of joint select committee appointed to exam- ine, and of Commissioners of the Canal Fund. . . A 7 1843 Report of joint committee appointed to examine, etc...........................................A 1 1843 Report relative to the condition of the banking department, the canal department and ...... A 2 1844 Report of joint committee in relation to, and the banking and canal department..................A 1844 Report of joint committee in relation to, and the banking department............................A 1845 Report of joint committee on.................... S 1845 Report of the joint committee on.................A 1846 Report of joint committee to examine, and the bank- ing and canal departments.....................A 1846 Report of joint committee to examine, etc........A 1846 Report of joint committee to examine late........A 1847 Report of committee appointed to examine accounts of............................................A 1 1848 Report of committee on.........................A 3 1849 Report of joint committee to examine.............A 2 1850 Report of committee to examine...................A 1 1851 Report of committee on...........................A 2 1852 Report of committee to examine...................A 1 1853 Annual report of committee to examine, and the canal and banking departments.................A 1 115 No. 39 5 1830 Report of the committee appointed to examine the, S 1 14 1831 do do do do S 1 6 1832 do do do do S 2 ■77 1833 do do do do s 1 12 1834 do do do do s 1 30 1835 do do do do s 2 32 1836 do do do do s 1 8 1837 do do do do s 1 4 1838 do do do do A 1 8 1838 Report of committee appointed to examine the late treasurer’s accounts .... ....A 6 347 1839 Report of committee appointed to examine the ..A 8 1839 Report of committee appointed to examine the late treasurer’s accounts A 4 265 1840 Report of committee appointed to ■ examine the. . .. A 1 14 1841 do do do ....A 5 151 65 71 13 18 10 36 4 7 7 116 21 65 83 7 23 14914 1855 1856 1858 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1859 1837 1849 1849 1853 1853 TREASURER’S ACCOUNTS— Continuée!. Doc.Voi. No. Report of committee appointed to examine......A 1 11 Report of committee to examine................A 4 173 Report of commissioners to examine for 185G and 1857 ...................................... S 1 14 Report of commissioners to examine, and those of auditor, etc............................... S 2 79 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department ................................ S 2 104 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.................................A 1 38 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department................................. A 2 32 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.................................A 1 23 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.................................A 3 29 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.................................A 8 227 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.................................A 8 193 Report of commissioners appointed to examine, and those of the auditor, and securities in the bank department.......................... ..........A 6 112 TREASURERS, COUNTY. Report of, relative to funds and securities in their hands................. ................................ See County Treasurer. TREASURY. 3-1 35 48 59 65 92 96 100 110 120 Report of Comptroller relative to drawing money from the, on a resolution of the Assembly......A 2 74 Report of clerk of Court of Appeals as to paying into, the sum of $35,181.50................ S 2 44 Report of Comptroller of ail moneys drawn from, by Chauncey Smith, the late agent of Sing Sing State prison.................................. A 2 99 Report of committee on ways and means on bill to provide means to pay présent daims upon....... A 2 48 Report of minority of committee in relation to..A 2 54915 THE AT, ASHBEL W. r 1839 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition for bounty lands...............................A 3 501 TREAT, JAMES D., AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 7 132 1844 Report of committee on daims on an act for the relief of... ..............................A 1 19 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on bill from the Assembly for the relief of................ S 3 87 TREDWELL, F. C. 1838 Memorial of, for an investigation of the affaire, etc., of the Brooklyn Bank.........•........... S 3 83 TREDWELL, THOMAS, see H. F. Jones. TRIALS BY JURY. 1834 Report on bill in relation to...............A 4 376 TRINITY CHURCH, see New York. TROOPS ON STATEN ISLAND, see Staten Island. TROUP ROBERT, seePulteney, Estate, agent of the. TROWBRIDGE, SAMUEL. 1835 Report on pétition of, relative to a tax paid by mistake................................. A 3 230 TROY AND SCHENECTADY RAILROAD, ses Railroads. TROY, CITY OF. 1837 Pétition to allow banks to issue post notes.........A 4 293 1831 Bridge over the Hudson at, report on pétition of a.. A 1 29 1841 Bridge at, majority report on pétition for the removal of the......................................... A 7 299 1841 Bridge at, minority report on pétition for the removal of the...........................................A 7 300 1830 College at, report on pétition of the common council to raise money to establish a....................A 2 227 1837 Corporation of, report on pétition of the, to borrow mone v to aid in the construction of the Schenectady and Troy Railroad Company.................................A 2 75 1831 Macadam Turnpike and Railroad Company, report on pétition to incorporate the...................A 2 186 1834 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the ... A 3 191 1834 Memorial of inhabitants of Pittstown relative to the, A 3 204 1832 And Lansingburgh macadam road, report on pétition to incorporate the...............................A 1 34 1833 And Lansingburgh macadam road, report on pétition to incorporate the............................. A 3 219 1833 Water-works Company, report on pétition of the common council to purchase the works, etc., of the, Al 29916 TROY, CITY GF — Continuecl. Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Report of committee on charitable and religions societies, on bill entitled “An act to prevent racing and trotting horses on Albany and Troy road,” etc., S 3 88 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners relative to side-cut in Erie canal at Troy........................A 3 57 1845 Memorial of corporation of, on the Albany bridge question................................... A 3 72 1846 Report of Attorney-General on pétition of citizens of, A 5 167 1850 Report of committee on judiciary relative to Troy Art Union....................................A 5 125 Càtholio Male Orphan Asylum. 1870 Annual report of.............................. A 3 75 1875 do A 6 78 1876 do A 5 43 Day Home: 1870 Annual report of.............................. A 6 106 Vincent Orphan Asylum: 1870 Annual report of................................A 3 74 Banks in, see Banks. Dam, see Amsden, Manley and others. Report of Inspectors of Lumber, Etc., see Rensselaer county. Sloop Lock Dam, see Henry James and others. TROY FEMALE SE MIN AR Y, see Academies, etc. TROY UNIVERSITY. 1859 Report on pétition for aid to........... S 2 116 1861 do do ......................A 5 86 TROY AND LANSINGBURGH RAILROAD. 1861 Report on bill relative to..............A 2 37 TRUAX, HENRY, see Maria Weaver. TRUMPBOUR, JACOB. 1831 Memorial of, for compensation for services rendered the State..................................A 4 299 1832 Report of Canal Board on the same............A 3 188 1832 Report of select committee on the same.......A 4 334 1832 Documents accompanying the same..............A 4 335 1833 Report of select committee on the same.......A 2 51 1834 Report of committee on daims on the same... A 1 37 1834 Preamble and resolution on the same......... A 4 268 1835 Report of committee on daims on the same.....A 4 266 1837 Report of select committee on the same.......A 1 45 1837 do do A 2 142 1837 Report of Canal Board on the same.... ........A 3 181917 TRUMPBOUR, JACOB — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1838 Report of committee on canals on the same.... S 2 66 1838 Report of committee on daims on the same......A 4 182 TRUST COMPANIES, see Banks. TRUSTS, see Powers and Trusts. TRYON, AMOS S. 1847 Report of Comptroller on pétition of......... S 1 35 TRYON, AMOS S., AND H. S. FRANKLIN. 1830 Report on pétition of, for a grant of land in Lewiston............T.....................A 3 222 TUCKER AND OTHERS. 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A 4 67 TUELL, AMASA. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 3 61 TUPPER, HARVEY N. 1856 Report on pétition for relief.................A 3 68 TUPPER, HARVEY N., AND C. L. KELSEY. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of.....A 3 62 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 32 TURNER, AGNES C. 1856 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of. S 2 67 1857 Report of committee on pétitions of aliens, favorable on pétition of..............................A 2 62 TURNER, BENJAMIN. 1852 Report on Assembly bill for relief of........ S 2 74 TURNER, BENJAMIN, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 150 1849 do do do do .........A 2 59 1850 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. S 2 45 TURNER, CAPT. DANIEL. 1836 Report on the resolution relative to the naval ser- vices of..........................................A 4 325 TURNER, EDWARD J. 1868 Affidavits of, as to management of State Inebriate Asylum......................................A 12 153 TURNER, GRANT & RYAN. 1847 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting moneys due.........................................A 7 212 1848 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 42 1851 Report of committee on canals on pétition of..A 3 78 TURNER, WILLIAM. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 3 153918 TURNPIKES. Doc. Yol. NOi 1834 Report on pétition to amend the law relative to the laying out of.......................... S 2 122 1837 Report on bill authorizing eounty judges to inspeet, and to locate tlie gates thereon ... .. S 2 47 TUSCARORA INDIANS, see Indians — Tuscaroras. TUTTLE, SALMON, AND WILLIAM CLEAVE- LAND. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 2 82 TUTTLE, STEPHEN, AND OTHERS. 1835 Report on pétition of, for rémunération for damages by the Chemung canal.................. A 4 355 TUTTLE, WHITING. 1850 Report on claim of........................A 3 40 TWEED, WILLIAM M. 1873 Resolutions relative to.................. S 3 46 TYLER, ORRIN. 1845 Report of Canal Appraisers on the pétition of. A 3 46 TREASURER OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1878 Annual report of......................... S 1 5 THOMAS ASYLUM FOR ORPHAN AND DESTI- TUTE CHILDREN. 1878 Annual report of..........................A 3 26 TOLLS, TRADE AND TONNAGE OF CANALS. 1878 Auditor on, annual report of the.......... 5 56 TOLLS ON THE ERIE, CHAMPLAIN AND OSWEGO CANALS. 1878 Auditor, replying to a resolution relative to aban- doning of, from the.....................A 3 32 TOLL ON THE ERIE, OSWEGO, CHAMPLAIN, CAYUGA AND SENECA CANALS. 1878 Auditor, relative to rate of, communication from the, A3 34 TREASURER. 1879 Annual report of......................... S 1 3 TABLES AND STATEMENTS IN REGARD TO APPORTIONMENT. 1879 Report of ... ........................... A 4 59 THOMAS ASYLUM FOR ORPHANS AND DES- TITUTE CHILDREN. 1879 Report of ................................A 2 22 TOLLS, TRADES AND TONNAGE. 1879 Report, Auditor Canals on.................A 4 72919 TOLL SHEET. Doc. Yol. No. 1879 Communicated by Auditor..................A 4 74 1679 Concurrent resolution relative to........A 6 86 TRANSACTIONS HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1879 Report of ...............................A 7 142 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. 1880 Commuoication from commissioners of, relative to New York city......................... S 2 48 TESTIMONY IN RELATION TO REMOYAL OF TRUSTEES OF BINGHAMTON INSANE ASYLUM. 1880 Report of.............................. S 2 57 TREASURER, STATE. 1880 Annual report........................... S 1 3 TRUSTEES ASTOR LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report........................... S 1 8 TRUSTEES BINGHAMTON ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1880 Annual report........................... S 1 11 1880 Message from Governor relative to....... S 2 50 1880 Testimony in relation to removal........ S 2 57 1880 Report of spécial committee relative to. S 2 60 TRUSTEES COOPER UNION. 1880 Report of............................... S 1 19 TRUSTEES LENOX LIBRARY. 1880 Report of............................... SI 14 TRUSTEES NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. 1880 Annual report of....................... S 2 31 TRUSTEES NEW YORK STATE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS’ HOME. 1880 Annual report of........................ S 1 7 TRUSTEES OF WILLARD ASYLUM. 1880 Annual report of........................ S 1 6 THOMAS ASYLUM. 1880 Report of................................A 2 25 TOLLS ON THE CANALS. 1880 Resolution of Canal Board concerning. .... A 6 76 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. 1881 Report of commissioners of, in answer to a resolution............................. S 2 69920 TRADE DOLLAR r 1881 Resolution of Assembly as amended by Senate, rela- tive.................................... S 1 49 TAXATION, COMMITTEE ON, sce Assessment. TAX LAWS. 1881 Révision of, communication relative to. ... A 8 124 TERMINAL CHARGES. 1881 Report of..................................A 8 114 THOMAS ASYLUM. 1881 Report of..................................A 2 12 TAXATION, LOCAL. 1882 Report of clerk of Senate in answer to resolution of the Senate, passed March 16, 1882, in relation to separate réductions of real and personal property for local taxation in cities of otlier States since 1860 .................................. S 6 95 1882 Report of Comptroller in answer to resolution show- ing amount of town, county, scbool and State taxes, and rate of each dollar of valuation since 1860 .......................................... S 6 78 TELEGRAPH. 1882 Underground investigation, report of sub- committee.............................. S 82 THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM, BUFFALO. 1883 Annual report............................ S 2 24 TREASURER OF STATE. 1883 Annual report........................... S 1 3 TRUSTEES, see Directors. TRUSTEES OF LENOX LIBRARY. 1883 Annual report............................ S 1 19 TRUSTEES OF STATE MUSEUM OF NATÜRAL HISTORY. 1883 Communication from....................... S 1 20 1883 Report of................................ S 6 53 TOLLS, TRADE AND TONNAGE. 1883 Report, auditor of canals on..............A 5 142 TRUSTEES OF THE CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY OF BUFFALO. 1883 Annual report of..........................A 2 16 TRUSTEES OF NEW YORK ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS, SYRACUSE. 1883 Annual report of..........................A 2 23921 TRUSTEES OE NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. Doc. Voi. No. 1883 Annual report of.......................A 3 28 TRUSTEES OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. 1883 Annual report of........................A 3 48 TRUSTEES WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1883 Report of.........................-....A 3 54 TRUSTEES WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1883 Annual report of........................A 2 21 THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1884 Annual report of........................A 5 40 TRUSTEES CHARITY ORGANIZATION OF BUFFALO. 1884 Report of...............................A 6 71 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1884 Report of............................. A 5 57 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS RELATIVE TO PROPERTY IN CHARGE OF SUPERIN- TENDENT. 1884 Report of...............................A 5 36 TRUSTEES WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1884 Report of...............................A 5 35 TRUSTEES WHLLARD ASYLUM. 1884 Annual report of........................A 2 13 TAXATION. 1885 Report of Comptroller. ................ S 6 37,49 TENEMENT-HOUSE COMMISSION. 1885 Report of............................. S 5 36 THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1885 Report of............................. S 4 17 TREASURER. 1885 Report................................. S 1 3 TRUSTEES OF LENOX LIBRARY. 1885 Report of............................. S 5 30 TENEMENT-HOUSE COMMISSION. 1885 Report of...............................A 5 24 TAX, see Western Union Telegraph Company. TAXATION, see Committee. TAXES, see Comptroller. 116922 TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Doc. Vol. No. 1886 Resolution of Senate relative to......... S 1 6 TESTIMONY, see Report. THIRD AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY. 1886 Resolution relative to................... S 6 76, 82 See Railroad Commissioners. THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1886 Report of................................ S 1 13 TRADE DOLLARS. 1886 Resolution relative to................... S 4 69 TREASURER, see State Treasurer. TRUSTEES LENOX LIBRARY. 1886 Report of................................ S 3 33 TOBACCO. 1886 Tappan’s resolution relative to...........A 6 61 TRUSTEES STATE MUSEUM NATURAL HIS- TORY. 1886 Thirty-ninth annual report of.............A 9 104 TARIFF. 1887 Resolution requesting members of Congress to vote for..................................... S 2 26 1887 Substitute ofïered by Mr. Daly........... S 2 30 TAXATION. 1887 Resolution of Mr. Marvin, relative to.... S 3 38 TAXATION AND RETRENCHMENT. 1887 Report of the committee ................. S 4 72 THOMAS ORPHAN ASYLUM. 1887 Report of.............................. S 1 6 TRUST COMPANIES. 1887 Communication from Superintendent of Banking Department relative to.................. S 4 69 TABULAR. 1887 Statement of votes cast in 1886 ..........A 2 9 THOMAS ASYLUM. 1888 Annual report of......................... S 3 13 TRUSTEES OF CHARITY ORGANIZATION SOCIETY AT BUFFALO. 1888 Annual report of......................... S 1 6 TELEPHONE CHARGES. 1888 Committee to investigate, report of.......A 7 60923 TYRE, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting lot 63 in, SI 25 TYRRELL, JOHN, AND JAMES. 1872 Pétition of, for relief for loss of canal boat Bonny Bird..........................................A 2 35 UDALL, RICHARD. 1835 Report on pétition of, to erect a wharf in North Hempstead, Qûeens county......................A 4 305 IJHLE, JOHN. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of sureties of, to be released............................A 1 49 ULSTER COUNTY. 1840 Bridge over Esopus creek, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.......................A 2 53 1834 Bridge over Rondout creek, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a.................A 3 217 1832 Superintendents of the poor, I. I. Schoonmaker and Joseph Hasbrouck, report on pétition to confirm the appointment of............................A 2 76 1840 New county from parts of, and Orange, report on pétition for the érection of a................A 8 312 1842 Report of the committee on railroads on the remon- strance of Sullivan, Orange and, relative to the New York and Erie Railroad Company........... S 3 74 1847 Report on contested élection in..................A 1 16 1847 Report of committee on privilèges and élections on contested élection in...................... - A 1 17 1848 Report on pétition from, to drain Pacama Fly, etc.. A 2 34 1848 Report on pétition to be relieved from taxes under a certain law................................. A 5 175 1852 Erection of a new town in.........................A 5 107 1856 Report of committee on pétition for a law to tax dogs in..................................... A 4 131 1859 Report of clerk of, relative to trust moneys.... S 1 9 UMBACK, DANIEL, AND CALEB. 1865 Report on pétition of............................A 6 105 1868 Report of claims committee on pétition of........A 8 75 UNADILLA AND SCHOHARIE RAILROAD, see Railroads. UNADILLA, COUNTY OF. 1845 Report of minority of committee on érection of towns and villages, relative to........................A 4 107 1846 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties, respecting proposed new----A 4 97 1846 Report of minority committee on the same..........A 4 105924 UNADILLA, COIJNTY OF — Continued. doc. y0i. No. 1849 Report of Attorney-General on the constitutionality of erecting Patterson and, from parts of different Senate and Assembly districts...............A 3 123 1856 Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties as to érection of........ S 2 88 1837 Report on pétition for tlie érection of the.....A 2 131 UNADILLA, VILLAGE OF. 1836 Suprême Court commissioner at, report on pétition for the appointment of a....................A 2 54 1840 Report on a pétition for a new country from parts of Otsego, Delaware and Chenango, with the county seat at............................ ............... fA 6 242 UNDERHILL, ABRAM S. 1845 Report of committee on the judiciary on the péti- tion of................ .............................A 3 61 UNDERHILL, R M., AND OTHERS. 1863 Report of pétition of......................A 5 83 ÜNDERWOOD, JOHN. 1851 Report of committee on contested seat......A 3 55 1851 Report of select committee on same.........A 4 128 ÜNDERWOOD, NATHAN. 1830 Report on the claim of, to certain land in Free Masons’ patent.......................... S 4 395 1837 Report on the claim of, to certain land in Free Masons’ patent...........................A 3 192 UNION ACADEMY, see Academies, etc. UNION COLLEGE, see Colleges. UNIONDALE AND DOVER TURNPIKE COM- PANY. 1830 Report on pétition to amend the charter of the.A 3 288 UNION FERRY COMPANY. 1861 Report of......•................................A 2 63 1870 Report of commissioners of sinking fund of New York city relative to leasing slips to.... .A 3 53 UNION HALL ACADEMY, see Academies, etc. UNION HOME FOR CHILDREN OF VOLUN- TEERS. 1863 Report of managers of..................... S 6 76925 UNION RESOLUTIONS. Doc.Voi. No. 1861 Of New Jersey..................................... S 1 26 1861 Of Kentucky and Minnesota......................... S 1 28 1861 Of Indiana, Illinois and Texas.................... S 2 47 1861 Call of New York common council to consider the state of the union............................. S 1 14 UNITED STATES. 1839 Courts, resolutions relative to plaintiffs in judgments in......................................................A 1 10 1830 Accounts with the, for aid furnislied during the late war, report relative to........................ S 4 315 1832 Judicial department, resolutions of Connecticut rel- ative to the.............................................A 1 3 1830 Cession of certain land at Watervliet to the, Gov- ernor’s message relative to the.........................A 1 53 1841 Land ceded to the, report relative to assessing the.....................................................A 5 145 1836 Mail, report on the subject of requiring railroads to convey the................................. A 4 302 1836 Mail, message from the Governor returning a bill requiring railroads to convey the.............. A 4 326 1839 Ship canal around the Niagara Falls, report on bill authorizing the United States to construct a.. S 1 23 1840 Memorial of Jesse Hawley against ceding to the United States the riglit to construct.......... S 4 108 1834 Public deposits, resolution approving of the removal of......................................................A 1 8 1834 Public deposits, the president and secretary’s rea- sons for the removal of the............................ S 1 7 1839 Senator, report on bill and resolutions from the Assembly for the appointment of a...................... S 3 77 1839 Report on the resolutions of the Senate relative to the appointment of a....................................A 5 272 1839 Senators, report on bill to provide for the élection of, A 6 404 1842 Governor’s letter to Secreiary of War..............A 1 2 1842 Communication from Secretary of State relative to digest of patents iesued by.....................A 5 123 1843 Communication from Secretary of War................A 4 107 1843 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the doc- uments referred to them by the Assembly, rela- tive to ceding certain lands at the village of Black Rock to, for military works.....................A 5 662 1844 Joint resolution relative to the expenses of...... S 1 4 1845 Report of Comptroller relative to $84,000 received from government of..............................A 3 75 1847 Communication from Secretary of Navy..........A 2 96 1847 do do do ...........A 6 156 1847 Joint resolution of Missouri Législature respecting army of.........................................A 6 164 1849 Letter from Secretary of War relative to annuities due from, to the Seneca Indians.................A 5 205926 1849 1850 1850 1850 1851 1851 1857 1861 1863 1863 1868 1866 1869 1870 1870 1832 1838 1840 1833 1834 1834 1834 UNITED STATES — Continued. Doc. Voi. Communication from Secretary of Navy respecting the purchase of certain land adjoining the navy yard in Brooklyn...............................A 5 Letter from Secretary of Navy in regard to certain lande m Brooklyn.............................. A 4 Letter from Secretary of Navy in regard to certain lande in Brooklyn..............................A 6 Report of eelect committee in relation to ceding land in Brooklyn to............................A 8 Letter of Secretary of the Interior reepecting the censue........................................ S 2 Lettere of Secretary of War and Brevet Col. G. Wright relative to granting lande near Fort Ontario....................................... S 3 Communication from the United Statee commis- eioners of Indian affiaire relative to ealee of land belonging to the Seneca Indiane................A 1 Aid government of, to obtain loane............... S 2 Communication from Superintendent of Banking Department, relative to banking lawe of....... S 5 Communication from Attorney-General relative to disposition of lande donated by............... S 5 Communication from Secretary of War ad intérim relative to ceding juriediction to lande in New York harbor to................................ S 1 Aleo relative to ceding juriediction to lande adjoin- ing Brooklyn navy yard.......................... S 3 Report of committee on fédéral relations relative to amendment of conetitution of...................A 6 Reeolutione in favor of speedy réduction of national debt...........................................A 3 Reeolutione relative to apportioning taxée of..A 1 Président of the, see Preeident. UNITED STATES BANK. Reeolutione against rechartering................ S 1 Résolutions against rechartering, offered by Mr. Mann..........................................A 3 Résolutions against rechartering, offered by D. S. Dickinson ................................... S 1 Resolutions of the Législature of New Hampshire approving of the veto of the..................A 2 Resolution approving the removal of the public deposits from the........................... A 1 Résolution approving the removal of the public de- posits from the................................. S 1 Communication made by President Jackson to his cabinet, and the reasons given by the Secretary of the Treasury relative to the removal of the pub- lic deposits from the........................... S 1 No. 237 54 171 183 63 82 17 33 97 77 9 22 85 40 13 28 94 30 115 8 6 7927 1834 1841 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1844 1839 1867 1837 1838 UNITED STATES BANK — Continuée!. Doc.Voi. No. Resolutions disapproving of the conduct of the.... S 1 10 Resolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Is- land for the establishment of a................. S 5 158 UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Convention of States to Amend: Resolution of the Législature of Georgia for a call for..............................................A 2 39 Resolution of the Législature of South Carolina for a call for...................................... A 2 39 Resolution of the Législature of Delaware against, A 2 135 Resolution of the Législature of Ohio against.....A 3 139 Resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts against..........................................A 4 291 Resolution of the Législature of Mississippi against, A 4 291 Resolution of the Législature of Alabama against. .A 4 274 Resolution offered by Mr. Stilwell to inquire into the expediency of establishing a Suprême Court of Appeals.....................................A 2 107 Resolution to amend, relative to the appointment of members of Congress to office, etc............ S 1 3 Report of the joint committee on the same...... S 1 29 Resolution to amend relative to the appointment of members of Congress to office, etc............ S 1 5 State stocks, resolution to amend the Constitution so as to require every law for the issue of stock to be submitted to the people at the next élection.. A 4 102 Right of suffrage, resolution to extend the, to colored persons.......................................A 5 183 Right of suffrage, resolution to amend, relative to the........................................... A 5 181 Amendment proposed by Connecticut.............A 2 28 Amendment proposed by Maine...................A 2 28 Resolution of the Législature of Massachusetts rel- ative to an amendment of......................A 3 52 Resolutions of different States to amend, relative to the élection of president and vice-president, see President. Amendments to, relative to the judiciary, etc., see Chancery, Suprême Court and Judicial System. UNITED STATES COURTS. Plaintiffs in judgment in, resolution relative to.... A 1 10 Report of joint select committee relative to a certain decision of.................................. S 4 158 UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND. Report of joint committee relative to tLe investment and distribution of the...................... S 1 29 Report of Mr. Ruggles relative to the...........A 5 242928 UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND — Continued. Doc. vol. No. 1839 Report of Comptroller relative to ttie application of the interest of the, while it remained in the banks, etc.....................................................A 6 403 1839 Report of select committee relative to the fourth installment of the............................A .6 411 1840 Report of Comptroller relative to the investment of the........................................... S 4 122 1840 Report of commissioners for loaning, on pétition of citizens of New York to extend the time for the payment of the interest due the..........A 3 82 1841 Report of Comptroller relative to the commissioners for loaning the................................A 5 148 1841 Report of select committee (Mr. Worden), relative to the............................................A 4 104 1843 Report of the Comptroller in answer to a resolution of the Assembly in relation to a call of twenty-five per cent of.................................. A 4 83 1843 Resolution of town meeting in Bainbridge, Chenango county, relative to......................... A 5 138 1847 Report of Comptroller respecting commissioners of loans of.................................... S 1 32 1849 Report of Comptroller in answer to resolution of Assembly respecting certain balances due......A 3 111 1861 Resolution relative to.............................A 2 53 UNITED STATES LAND FUND. 1845 Message from Governor in answer to résolution as to whether $10,000 has been set apart from....A 4 88 UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1850 Majority and minority reports on.............-.. S 3 79 UNITED STATES PUBLIC LANDS. 1832 Resolutions of the Législature of Delaware relative to the.........................................A 1 3 1832 Resolutions of the Législature of Tennessee relative to the.........................................A 3 183 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts relative to the.............................. A 4 327 1834 Résolutions of the Législature of Georgia relative to the.........................................A 1 34 1834 Mr. McKeon’s report on the resolutions relative to the........ ..................................A 4 320 1834 Message of President Jackson returning the bill relative to the distribution of the proceeds of the, S 2 109 1836 Résolutions of the Législature of Pennsylvania rela- tive to the . ................................. S 2 83 1838 Resolutions of the Législature of Arkansas relative to the..... .................................. A 6 365 1839 Résolutions of the Législature of Connecticut rela- tive to the....................<..............A 2 18929 1839 1839 1838 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1842 1843 1843 1843 1843 UNITED STATES PUBLIC LANDS — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. Résolutions of the Législature of New Jersey rela- tive to the.................................... A Resolutions of the Législature of Missouri relative tothe............................................A Mr. C. E. Clarke’s report relative to the distribution ofthe............................................A Mr. C. E. Clarke’s report relative to the distribution ofthe............................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Yermont in rela- tion to the......................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Maine in relation to the..........................................A Résolutions of the Législature of Kentucky in rela- tion to the......................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts in relation to the................................. S Resolutions of the Législature of Connecticut in relation to the..................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Pennsylvania in relation to the..................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Delaware in rela- tion to the......................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Rhode Island in relation to the..................................A Resolutions of the Législature of Indiana in relation to the......................................... A Resolutions proposed by Mr. Root relative to the.. S Resolutions proposed by Mr. Worden protesting against the surrender of the, to the particular States in which said lands are situated.........A Report of select committee (Mr. Worden) relative to the............................................ A Message of the Governor transmitting resolution of General Assembly of Alabama relative to......... S Resolutions of South Carolina Législature concerning ..................................... S Resolutions of Alabama relative to................A Resolutions of Georgia relative to disposai of pro- ceeds of ........................................A Report of select committee on so much of the Governor’s message as relates to the share of this State in the proceeds of.........................A Report of minority committee on same..............A Report of select committee relative to the distribu- tion of the proceeds of, by the general government.................................... S Letter from Governor relative to proceeds of sale of, S Resolution of Connecticut relative to.............A Communication from Treasurer relative to moneys received from, from the proceeds of the sales of. . A 4 211 6 328 6 397 6 234 3 73 4 139 7 285 3 89 2 24 4 109 4 132 5 158 5 168. 1 32 4 98 4 104 1 19 3 52 2 43 4 58 5 122 5 126 3 117 3 120 1 11 117 2 16930 UNITED STATES PUBLIC LANDS — Continued. Doc. vol. No. 1843 Report of Secretary of State transmitting corre- spondence in relation to.....................A 4 116 1843 Report of the committee on ways and means in rela- tion to the sum of $84,358.50, now deposited in the Commercial Bank of the city of Albany, part of the proceeds of the sales of................ A 5 144 1854 Resolution of Canal Board relative to grants of. ... SI 13 UNITED STATES REVENUE LAWS. 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Massachusetts relative to the................................ S 3 89 UNITED STATES REVENUES. 1831 Surplus revenues, report relative to the distribution of the, among the several States............... S 1 70 1838 Resolution protesting against the collection of, in specie..........................................A 3 95 1838 And of this State, resolution to collect them in notes of specie payin g banks.........................A 6 328 UNITED STATES SEIJATORS, see Congress. UNITED STATES STOCKS. 1849 Report of committee on banks, etc., respecting the propriety of amending the general banking law so as to admit the deposits of, as a basis of circula- tion ...................................... S 1 22 UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. 1842 Message of the Governor relative to certain decision of........................................ S 4 96 1857 Report of joint committee of Senate and Assembly on decision of, in case of Dred Scott......A 3 201 UNION LEAGUE CLUB. 1873 Resolution of, relative to bonds and mortgages.... S 3 57 UNIVERSITIES, see Colleges, etc. UNIVERSITY, REGENTS OF, see Regents of the University. URBANA, TOWN OF. 1858 Report of Canal Board as to propriety of Législa- ture granting the pétition of citizens of. .A 4 135 USHER, ROBERTS. 1832 Report on pétition of, to be allowed to pack beef and pork for exportation according to his own method........................................A 1 28931 1837 1837 1837 1841 1847 1847 1850 1855 1850 1855 1858 1867 1870 1872 1873 1873 1883 1830 1839 1841 1832 1839 1834 1830 1833 1834 1835 1830 USURY. Doc. Vol. No. Jeremy Beritham’s defense of.................... S 1 7 Memorial of the chamber of commerce against the passage of tbe bill to prevent............... S 2 62 Report of the committee on the judiciary on bill to prevent............ ......................... S 2 64 Report on pétition for the modification of the laws, A 7 . 302 Report on act relative to. ... *......... ......S 2 42 do do .......................... S 2 44 Report on bill prohibiting corporations from plead- ing........................................... S 3 112 Report of committee on judiciary in reference to. .. A 3 78 XJSURY LAWS. Report of committee respecting....................A 4 66 Report of committee on commerce and navigation on bill relative to........................... S 2 58 Report of a minority on pétition for [repeal or modi- fication of......................................A 4 118 Memorial of chamber of commerce relative to.....A 8 203 Report of committee on resolutions relative to..A 5 93 Communication from chamber of commerce relative to.............................#............. S 3 55 Report of grand jury concerning.................. S 4 86 Memorial of chamber of commerce, for report of... S 2 31 2 72 3 274 6 409 52 5 300 UT1CA, CITY OF. Banks, memorial against incorporating more....... S Bridge over the canal at, report of Canal Commis- sioners on pétition for......................... S Citizens’ Corps, report on pétition to incorporate... A Cotton Manufacturing Company, report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the obstruc- tion of the water of Sauquit creek, etc..........A Mechanics* Society, report on pétition to incor- porate............................................ A 4 325 Macadam road from, to Deerfield, report on pétition for............................................ A Macadam road from, to New Berlin, pétition of inhabitants of New Bridgewater relative to the construction of................................. A Memorial of inhabitants of, relative to Bartlett’s School Manual....................................A Memorial of iuhabitants of, against incorporating more banks.................................... S Memorial of iuhabitants of, for a ship canal from Utica to Oswego................................. S Memorial of inhabitants of, for a ship canal from Ontario to Albany................................A Road from, to Sherburne, report on pétition to lay out................................................... S 3 253 98 65 2 72 2 104 2 158932 UTICA, CITY OF—Continuée!. Doc, Vol. No. 1831 Road from, to Sherburne, report on pétition to repeal act to lay out.......................... S 1 41 1835 Termination of the Chenango canal at, report on pétition to raise money by tax to defray the expense of, etc........................ .......A 4 368 1836 Report on pétition to be relieved from the expense of............................................. A 2 88 1838 Report on pétition to be relieved from the expense of.............................................A 2 33 1838 Report on pétition to be relieved from the expense of.............................................A 4 194 1843 Report of Canal Commissioners respecting bridges between Little Falls and....................... S 3 105 1844 Report of the Canal Board on the pétition of com- mon council of.................................A 1 30 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of common coun- cil of.................................................. A 7 204 Banks, see Banks — Oneida county. Suprême Court Clerk’s Office at, see Suprême Court. UTICA, CITIZENS OF. 1864 Report on daims of certain................A 6 91 1864 do do ...................A 6 135 UTICA COTTON COMPANY. 1870 Report of daims committee on pétition of. S 2 54 UTICA STEAM WOOLEN MILLS. 1864 Report on.daim of, for canal damages......A 6 86 UTTER, SOLOMON. 1831 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands...A 4 295 UNIVERSAL LIFE. 1879 Communication from Superintendent Insurance Department in relation to.............. S 2 53 1879 Report in response to resolution..........A 6 88 ÜNIVERSITY. 1880 Annual report of regents................. S 2 41 UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1880 Communication relating to.................A 8 113 UNDERWRITERS. 1880 New York board of, remonstrance of. .....A 8 126 UNITED STATES SENATORS. 1881 Communication from Governor notifying Législa- ture of vacancies in office of......... S 2 70933 UNION LEAGUE CLUB. Doc Voi. No. 1881 Report of, on sinking fund of New York citj.A 8 110 UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND. 1881 Communication from Comptroller in relation to_A 6 71 UNIVERSLTY, REGENTS OF, see Regents. UTICA. 1883 Report of managers of State Lunatic Asylum.....SI 7 1883 And Black river railroad, report of railroad commis- sioners relative to.............................. S 2 33 UTICA ASYLUM. 1885 Report of managers................................. S 4 9 VAN ALSTYNE, JOHN C. 1854 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 1 23 1854 do do do .........A 1 29 VAN ALSTYNE, JOHN C., AND OTHERS. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages.................................... S 2 39 VAN ALSTYNE, JOHN T. 1856 Report on pétition for relief of....................A 3 39 VAN ALSTYNE, STEPHEN. 1861 Report on pétition of.............................. A 2 46 VAN BECK, G. F. 1844 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition of.... S 2 62 VAN BRUNT, GEORGE B. 1868 Report of committee on contested seat of......A 10 128 VAN BUREN, HARMAN W. 1840 Report on pétition of, to authorize the Commission- ers of the Land Office to sell him a portion of the sait lands......................................A 7 284 VAN BUREN, JEREMIAH. 1860 Report on pétition of.........................A 6 185 1871 do do ................................A 1 21 VAN BUREN, MARTIN. 1845 Communication from, declining office of Regent of University..................................A 5 196 VANDEBOGART AND YATES. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 6 108 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 129 1845 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. A 3 65934 VANDEMARK, JACOB. Doc. Yol. No. 1843 Report of committee on daims on his pétition. S 3 95 VANDEMARK, JACOB, AND OTHERS. 1845 Report of Canal Commissioners on pétition of. S 1 15 1847 Report on pétitions of...................A 2 33 VANDENBURGH, MATTHEW, AND ANOTHER. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of.A 8 176 VAN DEN HUEVEL, J. 1832 Report on pétition to change his name....A 2 55 VANDERBOSH, J. W., AND T. W. SMITH. 1860 Report on pétition of....................A 6 188 1861 do do ..............................A 2 58 VANDERHEYDEN, ABRAHAM, 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land in the city of Troy...............................A 4 428 VANDERHEYDEN, JACOB. 1840 Report on pétition of, for payment of a judgment recovered by him against Asa T. Smith for an in jury by means of blasting frozen earth on the Erie canal...............................A 3 88 1840 Report of Attorney-General on the same..A 4 145 1841 Report of committee on grievances on the same. ..A3 55 VANDERHEYDEN, LEVINUS, AND OTHERS. 1853 Resolution of Mr. Beekman on pétition of ....... S 3 68 VANDERKAR, LEONARD. 1860 Report on pétition of...................A 3 102 1861 do .........................A 2 38 1862 A{6 133 VAN DEKAR, RICHARD, see Gerritt Peebles. VAN DERKEMP, JOHN J., see Holland Land Company Agent. VANDERLIN, HENRY, AND EPÀPHULA.S MILLER. 1860 Report on pétition of.......................A 2 76 VANDERLIP, JOHN A. 1864 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 133 1865 do ........................A 3 57 VANDEMARK, JACOB. 1841 Report on pétition of, for compensation for building culverts on the Black River canal........ A 4 96935 VANDERMARK, JOHN. Doc.Vol, No. 1856 Report on pétition for relief...............A 3 81 VANDERPOEL, J. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as circuit judge.....................................A 2 122 YANDERPOOL, AARON, AND JAMES MoBRIDE, Jr. 1856 Report on pétition of, exeeutors, etc.......A 4 105 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 44 VANDERWORKEN, JOHN, see Oscar Granger and others. YAN DUSEN, E. B. 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of.. A 3 50 YAN DEUSE N, JOHN B., AND FRANCIS BATES. 1849 Report of committee on pétition of..........A 1 18 VAN DORN, JACOB. 1834 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.........................A 4 299 1837 Report of committee on daims on the same....A 3 255 1840 do do do ........A 5 217 YAN EPPS, J. E. 1846 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of .. A 2 43 1848 Report relative to pétition of..............A 2 45 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief.......... S 1 39 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief................................... S 1 12 YAN ETTEN, ROBERT H. 1863 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 192 YAN EYERA, NICHOLAS C. 1864 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 85 YAN HORNE, ABRAHAM A., AND JANE. 1836 Report on daim of......................... . A 4 262 1836 do ........................... A 4 323 VAN HORNE, DANIEL. 1834 Report on pétition of, for a law authorizing the under sheriff of Niagara county to convey to him a certain lot of land.............................A 3 193 YAN INWAGEN, ANTHONY. 1852 Report on bill for relief of............... S 2 79936 VAN PATTEN, H. N. Doc.Vol. No. 1832 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal ........................A 3 254 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.........................A 3 248 VAN NEST, T. V. 1836 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Chenango canal................ A 4 269 VAN NORTWICKE, WILLIAM. 1839 Report of Attorney-General in relation to the bail of, A 3 123 VAN RENSSELAER, STEPHEN. 1847 Memorial of, relative to taxation...........S 2 47 VAN RIPEN, MARY ANN. 1845 Report of committee on the judiciary on pétition of, A 6 237 1851 Report of committee on daims................A 4 108 VAN SCHOONHOVEN, J., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee on banks, etc., on pétition of, on par rédemptions........................A 4 131 1846 Report of minority of committee on banks, etc., on pétition of, on par rédemptions...........A 5 145 VAN SLYCK, CORNELIUS A., se* Enos Stone, Matthew Brown. VAN SLYKE, ANTHONY H. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 1 31 VAN STAPHORST, N., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report relative to perpetuating evidence of the death of.................................. S 1 18 VAN TUYL, O. W., see Neversink Navigation Com- pany. VAN VALKENBURGH, RANSOM. 1864 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 133 VAN VALKENBURGH, RYNIER AND OTHERS. 1832 Owners of lots in Albany assessed for constructing a canal bridge, report on pétition of.....A 3 190 VAN VORST, JAS. B. 1852 Report on daim of........................... S 2 62 VAN VRANKEN, C. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of A 5 157937 VAN VRANKEN, CORNELIUS C. D0C. Vol. No. 1843 Report of the committee on grievances on pétition of. A 5 151 VAN WAGGONER. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of............ S 1 32 VAN WIE, HENRY A. 1856 Report on pétition of..... ..................... A 4 119 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages........................................ A 2 80 1859 Report on pétition of............................ S 1 32 VAN WYCK, P. G. 1863 Report on pétition of.............................A 5 117 VARICE, ABRAHAM, see S. H. Addington. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to the marine railway at Oswego.......................................A 3 201 1839 Report on pétition of, relative to the same.......A 4 181 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to certain lands in Free Masons* patent............................ S 2 91 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to the same ...._ S 2 92 VATTEMARE, ALEXANDER, see International Exchanges. 1846 Communication from, relative to international exchanges...................................A 5 185 1847 Report relative to donations through......... S 4 128 1847 Report of donations from .....................A 8 227 1849 Message from Governor transmitting report of, on the subject of internai exchanges.......... A 6 201 1849 Communication from.......................... A 5 208 1850 Second annual report of.......................A 5 127 1850 In relation to donations from France..........A 8 192 1856 Report of, as commissioner, etc.............. S 3 108 VEDDER, JOHN H., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report on pétition of........................ S 1 7, 29 VEDDER, JOHN M., AND OTHERS. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 1 29 VEDDER, J. P. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 4 135 VEEDER, SIMON. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land on the Mohawk river........................... S 2 101 118938 1830 1830 1831 1837 1840 1841 1842 1843 1850 1856 1862 1866 1840 1845 1856 1845 1859 1859 1859 1862 1864 1864 1865 1865 VERMONT, STATE OF. Doc.Voi. No. Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president, and in relation to the tariff law............................................A 2 123 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to fortifi- cations on northern frontier...................... S 4 366 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the élection of president, etc.....................A 1 4 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to slavery in the District of Columbia, etc............... S 1 33 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the public lands...................................A 3 73 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the re-eligibility of the president................A 2 27 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to time of holding élection of president of the United States, Al 14 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to the franking privilège and postage, transmitted by the Governor................................. A 2 15 Resolutions of the Législature of, on slavery...A 8 181 Resolutions of.................................. A 4 124 VERNAM, C., AMELIA AND MoNEIL SEY- MOUR. # Report on pétition of.....................A 4 71 YERNAM, ABRAM, HEIRS OF. Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 7 151 YERONA, TOWN OF. Report on pétition of inhabitants of, for a law more effectually to secure the elective franchise. ...... A 5 185 Report of Canal Board on pétition of inhabitants of, A 5 193 YETERAN AND CATLIN, TOWNS OF. Report of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on bill to alter lines of. S 2 44 Minority report on same subject................. S 2 59 VETERANS OF THE WAR OF 1812. Report of committee on militia and public defense on............................................A 1 39 Report of John S. Yan Rensselaer on..............A 2 58 Report of commissioners to adjudicate daims of . .. A 2 61 Report of committee on grievances on pétition for payment of certificates issued to............ A 8 235 Report of committee on grievances on pétition for payment of certificates issued to.............A 6 88 Memorial of, in answer to report.................A 7 152 Resolution asking certain information from Attor- ney-General relative to certificates issued to and heid by.......................................A 6 104 Report of committee on grievances on daims of____A 8 162939 VETERANS OF THE WAR OF 1812— Continuée!, doc. Vol. No. 1866 Memorial of...................................A 2 25 VICE-CHANCELLOR, see Chancellor. VICKERMAN, JAMES. 1864 Report on pétition of.........................A 7 157 VICTOR, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition of the Northeast Congregational Society of Bloomfield in the town of, to change its name..............................................A 4 328 VIENNA, TOWN OF. 1836 Report on pétition to raise money by tax for the support of roads and bridges in the.........A 4 281 VIRGIL, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition to divide the..............A 2 128 VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY. 1833 Resolutions of the Législatures of, of 1798 relative to the alien and sédition laws............... S 2 41 VIRGINIA STATE OF. 1833 Resolutions of the Législature of, relative to nullifi- cation in South Carolina............................. A 3 211 1836 Resolution of the Législature of, in relation to slavery.......................................A 4 246 1840 Fugitives from justice, controversy between New York and, in relatiou to certain correspondence between the Governor of New York and the Lieutanant-Governor of Virginia relative to .... SI 1 1840 Communication form the Governor of, and the pro- ceedings of the Législature on the same ..... S 4 110 1840 Report on the Governor’s message in relation to the same........................................ A 8 861 1841 Correspondence between the Governor of New York and........................................ S 1 1 1841 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Paige.............. S 2 47 1841 Resolutions proposed by Mr. Lawrence............A 2 30 1841 Resolutions of the Législature of Mississippi. S 2 66 1841 Communication from the Lieutenant-Governor of.. S 3 71 1841 Report and resolutions of the house of delegates of Maryland..................................... S 3 88 1841 Communication from the Lieutenant-Governor of.. S 3 94 1841 Message from the Governor relative to the réquisi- tion of the executive of, for the surrender of Robert F. Curry.............................. S 2 56 1842 Message from the Governor transmitting a law, a report and resolution of Législature of South Carolina relative to the controversy between, and New York..................................... S 2 41940 VIRGINIA, STATE OE — Continuée!. d00. Vol. No. 1842 Message from the Governor of, dissenting from the resolution of the Législature relative to the same, S 4 102 1842 Lieutenant-Governor of, correspondence relative to fugitives from justice . .....................A 1 2 1842 Proceedings of municipal council of Alexandria in favor of rétrocession to......................A 4 53 1842 Resolutions of South Carolina relative to the con- troversy between New York and.................A 4 62 1842 Report of judiciary committee on correspondence of the Governor with executive of................A 7 185 1842 [Ex. Sess. ] Communication relative to inspection laws .........................................A 7 195 1843 Memorial of ship masters, etc., of Richmond county, in relation to the suspension law of..........A 2 26 1843 Report of committee on judiciary on the matters of différence between the States of New York and, A 2 49 1844 Communication from Governor transmitting resolu- tion of the Législature of Massachusetts relative to.............................................A 7 170 1844 Resolution of the General Assembly of, in relation to the resolution of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, proposing to amend the Constitu- tion of the United States...............................A 7 190 1847 Resolution of Assembly of........................A 4 111 1861 Report of majority of committee on resolutions from...........................................A 2 38 1860 Report of minority of committee on resolutions from...........................................A 2 39 1861 Report of minority of committee on resolutions from.......................................... S 1 24 1861 Report of majority of committee on resolutions from.......................................... S 1 23 1861 Resolutions from General Assembly of ........... S 1 29 VISSCHER, GERRIT. 1841 Report on pétition of, for such portion of the bed of the Erie canal as may be abandoned.............A 5 187 VOLUNTEERS, MEXICAN, see Mexican War. VOLUNTEERS IN THE WAR OE THE REBELLION. 1862 Communication from Governor relative to payment of ............................................A 3 33 1862 Communication from Governor relative to provision for payment of représentatives of.............A 4 93 1862 Communication from Governor relative to compen- sation of certain, discharged for inability...A 5 108 1863 Report as to number enlisted from this State.... S 2 46 1863 Report of managers of Home for Children of...... S 5 76 1863 Message from Governor relative to returning..... S 3 16941 YOLUNTEERS IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION — Continued. Doc. Vol. No. 1864 Communication from Comptroller relative to boun- ties to..................................... S 3 39 1864 Communication from Inspector-General relative to bounties to................................. S 4 67 1864 Report of committee on Fédéral relations relative to, in the depots of this State.............A 2 36 1868 Report of auditing board relative to..........A 2 157 YOORHEES, JAMES L. 1839 Report on pétition of, relative to school district No. 25, in the town of Lysander.................A 6 385 1840 Report on pétition of, relative to the same... S 3 89 YOORHEES, PETER, AND JAMES L. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 7 138 1867 do do do ...............A 8 164 1868 do do do ...............A 8 78 YREELAND, JACOB. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the waters of Senecalake.................................A 3 284 YROMAN, CHARLES. 1852 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 58 1856 Report of committee on finance on pétition of. S 1 23 YROOMAN & HÜLBERT. 1853 Report of committee on daims on pétition of... S 1 19 1855 Communication from auditor respecting award to.. A 5 138 1856 Report of judiciary committee on bill to pay.. S 1 30 YROOMAN, ANN ALIDA AND OTHERS. 1830 Report on pétition of, for certain escheated lands.. A 1 36 YROOMAN, B. E. 1830 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands....A 2 93 1831 do do do .........A 2 77 YULCAN IRON WORKS. 1868 Report of daims committee on bill for relief of.... S 5 60 YAGRANCY. 1850 Reply of Governor to resolution and letters of judges relative to convictions for.................... S 2 43 YAIL, ISA AC. 1836 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Champlain canal.............A 4 230 YALIDITY OF ACTS SIGNED BY GOYERNOR AF TER ADJOURNMENT OF LEGISLATURE. 1859 Opinion of Attorney-General relative to....A 3 1291834 1835 1840 1836 1854 1848 1849 1849 1852 1852 1855 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1849 1830 1875 942 VALUATION ESTATE. Report of Com do do OF do do REAL AND PERSONAL Doc. Yol. No. giving the A 2 66 do S 2 40 do S 1 11 VAN ALLEN, DANIEL, AND ABRAHAM WAGNER. Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of, relative to certain land...................A 4 297 VAN ALSTINE, C., AND A. MOSHER. Report on pétition of..........................A 3 98 VAN ALSTINE, DAVID. Report relative to pétition of.................A 3 87 Report of committee on canals on pétition of .A 3 96 VAN ALSTINE, JOHN C. Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 2 43 VAN ALSTYNE, CHARITY. Report on pétition of, for relief................A 1 19 do do ...........................A 2 78 WADDINGTON. Report of committee on charitable and religious societies, on St. Paurs Church at, St. Lawrence county................................... S 2 47 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. Annual report of................................. S 1 17 do do ......................................... S 4 39 do do .......................................... SI 17 State, fifty-fourth annual report of trustées of. S 1 12 Annual report of................................. S 3 38 do do .........................................A 2 33 do do .........................................A 6 63 do do ........................ ................A 5 47 do do .........................................A 5 48 WADSWORTH, BENJAMIN. Report of committee on daims on pétition of......A 2 48 WAGGONER, ABRAHAM, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, for the érection of a bridge over the Mohawk river..... ....................A 4 332 WAGGONER, CHARLES. Report on pétition of, to allow him to take the oath of office of justice of the peace......... A 1 64943 WAGGONER, JOSEPH. r 1834 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by tke canal dam at Ofcsquago creek..........A 4 383 1835 Report of canal petitioners on same...........A 4 321 1835 Report of committee on grievances on same...A 4 362 WAGNER, PETER J. 1846 Report on pétition of........................ S 3 84 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 3 99 WAGONER, ABRAHAM. 1836 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his mills by the construction of the Crooked Lake canal............................. A 3 126 WAGONER, ABRAHAM, AND DAVID VAN ALLEN. 1836 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land ..... A 4 297 W AINE R, THOM AS. 1834 Report on pétition of, for indemnity for certain land sold by the State.........................A 3 241 WALBRIDGE, SILAS. 1854 Report on pétition of...................... S 1 59 WALKER, CALVIN. 1860 Report of committee for relief of...........A 1 20 WALLKILL. 1831 Bridge over the, near Hand’s mills, report on bill authorizing the building of a.............A 4 , 328 1831 Bridge over the, near Shawangunk kill, report on bill authorizing the building of a........A 4 328 WALLABOUT BAY. 1856 Report in reference to those revolutionary martyrs wko died in.............................. A 4 111 1859 Report relative to tomb and monument for Ameri- can prisoners who died at.........................A 2 80 WALLACE, SILAS, AND OTHERS. 1840 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the construction of the tow-path on the Seneca river.............................................A 6 201 1842 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 7 175 WALLER, PHINEAS, AND OTHERS. 1834 Report on the claim of, to certain land in the Garnsey patent............................A 4 371 WALLIS, JOHN, see L. Hildredth and others.944 WALL, MICHAEL. D0C. Vol. No. 1862 Report on pétition of.....................A 4 61,62 1863 do do .............................A 6 122 WALRATH, DANIEL. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of. S 1 21 WALRATH, JOHN I. 1843 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of. .........................................A 3 71 1844 Report of the committee on daims on the pétition of........................................S 1 21 1845 Report of the committee on daims on bill for relief of...................................... .S 3 92 1845 Report of majority of committee on daims on péti- tion of......................................... A 3 66 1845 Report of majority of committee on daims on péti- tion of..........................................A 3 67 1848 Report on pétition of..........................A 3 67 1851 Report of committee on canal damages.......... S 2 37 1860 Report on pétition of..........................A 4 147 1863 do do .............................A 2 36 WALRATH, SAGE & DUNHAM, see Sage, Wal- rath and Dunham. WALRATH, CHANCELLOR. 1847 Communication from, in answer to a resolution .... S 4 113 WALRATH, CLINTON. 1842 Report of committee on canals on pétition of, for réduction of tolls on lead and copper........A 7 158 WALRATH, JOHN, see Chauncey, Assistant Regis- ter in. WALRATH, R. H. 1847 Letter from................................... S 3 102 WALRATH, REUBEN H. 1856 Memorial of................................... S 1 37 WAPPINGER’S CREEE. 1842 Report of committee on roads, etc., relative to a bridge across............................... S 3 79 WAR. 1841 Resolutions proposed by Mr. O’Sullivan on the sub- ject of.................................... A 5 154 WAR, MEXICAN, see Mexican War.945 1853 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1866 1869 1869 1870 1873 1833 1853 1858 1869 1845 1857 1870 1842 WAR OF 1812. Doc. Vol. No. Report of Comptroller in relation to pay, etc., of the officers and soldiers of the............. S 2 52 Report of committee on militia, on pétition of sol- diers of........................................A 4 90 Report of committee on pétition of vétérans. S 2 50 Memorial of the convention of vétérans of......A 3 96 Report on memorial of soldiers of.............. S 1 36 Report of Comptroller relative to moneys paid sol- diers of....................................... S 2 81 Report of commissioners relative to soldiers of .... A 4 113 Memorial of vétérans of........................A 2 25 Report of Comptroller as lo certifiâtes issued to soldiers of.................................. S 3 35 Report of select committee on relies of Samuel G. Eddy............................................A 10 146 Report of Adj utant-General as to certificate of sol- diers of........................................A 5 100 WAR OF THE REVOLUTION, see Révolution. WAR, SECRETARY OF. Communication from, relative to cession of certain lands....................................... S 3 73 WARD, ALEXIS. Report on pétition of, to erect a dam across Oak Ôrckard creek ............................A 4 253 WARD, ALEXIS, AND THOMAS WILSON. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief ................................»... A 3 75 WARD, ALVAH, AND OTHERS. Report on claim for relief of.........A 3 58 WARD, ALVAH, AND ANOTHER. Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 4 68 WARDEN’S LIBRARY. Report cf trustées of State Library relative to purchane of...............................A 1 11 WARD, JAMES, AND ELA MERRIAM. Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for damages .................................. A 2 96 WARD’S ISLAND. Report of committee on commerce and navigation relative to...............................A il 198 WADSWORTH, E, AND OTHERS. Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of .......................................A 4 68 119946 WARNER, ANDREW. Doc. Vol. No. 1833 Report on pétition of, to change his na ne......A 3 154 WARNER & WEIAND. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of........A 10 15 WARNER, A. S. 1855 Reports of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat........................................ A 2 37 1855 Reports of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat...........................................A 2 47 1855 Reports of majority and minority of committee on privilèges and élections in reference to contested seat....................................................A 2 59 WARNER, CHAS. J. 1850 Appeal on tempérance............................A 6 145 ^WARREN COUNTY. 1835 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money to repair the.................................... A 3 256 1837 Poor law, report on pétition to amend the. ....A 1 41 1838 Poor-house farm, report on pétition to allow John B. Prosser to search for mines on the..........A 3 148 1841 Poor-house and farm, report on pétition to sell the, and to revive the distinction between town and county poor.................................. A. 7 265 1838 Report on pétition from, to encourage the growth of silk...........................................A 3 135 1844 Report on the pétition for aid to build a bridge in. S 2 70 1847 Report of committee on agriculture on bill to enable the Agricultural Society to draw their proportion of money from the State................ ... A 3 191 1857 Report of select committee on pétition of inhabitants of Essex, Franklin and .......................A 4 94 1859 Report of surrogate of...........................A 3 159 Bridge over the Hudson, see Warren sburgh. WARREN, LEMÜEL. 1831 Report on pétition for compensation for work done on a road through the St. Regis réservation. ... A 3 226 WARRENSBURGH AND ATHOL, TOWNS OF. 1833 Report on pétition for an appropriation to build a bridge over the Hudson in the................A 3 157 1833 Report of committee on finance on the saine.. S 2 117 1834 Report of the committee on roads and bridges on the same................................... A 3 168 1835 Report of the committee on roads and bridges on the same.....................................A 2 126 WARRENSBURGH, ROAD FROM, see Lake George.947 WARSAW, VILLAGE OF. Doc. Vol. No. 1831 Commissioner of deeds, report on pétition for the appointment of a.....................A 2 131 WASHINGTON AND SARATOGA RAILROAD, see Railroads. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1836 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money by tax to erect a...............................A 3 120 1840 Commissioners for loaning money, report on pétition relative to tbe place of meeting of the........A 7 299 1830 Foreign poor, report relative to the importation of, etc ..f................................... ..A 4 330 1831 Treasurer of, report on pétition to crédit the, with certain compound interest charged against him in the Comptroller’s office.......................A 1 51 1832 Northern turnpike road, report on pétition to aban- don part of the............................... A 3 252 1832 Accounts of officers for the support of the poor, etc., report on pétition to amend the law relative to the auditing of............................... A 1 12 1830 Report on pétition of the supervisors to raise on the county, and on the town of Kingsbury, a certain sum by tax.............................................A 4 362 1837 Woolen and cotton manufacturing company, report on pétition to incorporate.....................A 2 150 1849 Memorial of citizens of Rensselaer and, residing on the line of the Troy and Rutland railroad ...... A 3 151 1849 Report of the committee on roads and bridges on pétition of sundry citizens of Clinton, Essex and, relative to road from Whitehall to Plattsburgh .. A 3 186 1858 Report of commissioners relative to bridge across South bay in.................................. A 6 167 1859 Report of surrogate of............................A 1 50 1870 Veto of Governor on act authorizing appointment of assistant district attorney of .............A 5 99 Roads, see Clinton County. WASHINGTON MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, NEWBURGH. 1838 Report on pétition to incorporate the........A 6 320 1839 do do do .................A 6 356 1840 Report on pétition to extend the time to organize the........................................A 8 349 1851 Communication of Governor relative to........A 5 144 WASHINGTON MONUMENT, NEW YORK. 1838 Report on pétition to incorporate an association to erect a..... ......... ...................A 3 144948 WASHINGTON^ BIRTHDAY. Doc. Vol. No. 1832 Report of a select committee appointed to make arrangements for the célébration of.....A 2 137 1832 Report of a select committee appointed to make arrangements for the célébration of..... S 1 52 1832 Oration delivered by the Hon. O. G. Otis on the cen- tennial anniversary of..................A 4 306 WASHINGTON^ HEADQUARTERS. 1850 Report..................................... A 5 122 1851 Report of committee..........................A 3 57 1875 Relative to transfer of relies to........... S 6 94 WASHINGTON MARKET, NEW YORK CITY. 1859 Relative to title to lands in front of ..... S 1 17 WATERBURY, N. J. 1846 Communication from... .......................A 6 215 WATERFORD, VILLAGE OF. 1838 Canal fences from, to the Saratoga dam, report in relation to................................A 3 265 WATERHOUSE, M., AND OTHERS. 1858 Report on claim for relief...................A 3 52 WATERLOO, TOWN OF. 1853 Report of committee on grievances, on pétition of sundry inhabitants for dyking and draining of certain lands in.................................A 4 96 WATERS, THOMAS P. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 163 WATERS, THOMAS P., AND J. H. ROOKER. 1857 Report on claim of.......................... S 1 57 WATERTOWN. 1841 Academy, report on bill to repeal the charter of the, SI 20 1832 Water company, report on bill to incorporate the. .SI 80 1834 Report on pétition to raise money for the support of roads and bridges in.......................A 2 63 WATERVILLE. 1831 Fire company, report on pétition to amend the act incorporating the..........................A 1 31 WATERVLIET, TOWN OF. 1830 Turnpike road, report on pétition of farmers of Watervliet to be restored to the free use of said road.......................................A 3 229 1831 Ma jority report on the same.................A 2 92949 WATERVLIET, TOWN OF — Continued. Doc.Yoi. No. 1831 Minority report on the same...................A 2 93 1835 Report of committee on roads and bridges...... S 2 59 1838 do do .........A 5 234 1839 Report of committee on the judiciary........ S 3 66 1810 Report of committee on roads and bridges......A 4 141 1830 Cession of juiisdiction of certain lands in, to the United States, message from the Governor relative tothe........................................A 1 53 1832 Surplus waters of the canal at, communication from Major Talcott relative to the................ A 3 207 i 1832 Street or highway, report on pétition to open a ... A 1 20 1832 do do do ______A 1 31 1832 School district No. 2, report on pétition of the trus- tées of............................................A 2 69 1843 Report of committee on a pétition from.............. SI 30 1844 Report of Canal Commissioners on the pétition of the inhabitants of, for the construction of two bridges over the canal at West Troy.........A 6 149 WATKINS, JOHN. 1845 Report of Canal Appraisers on the pétition of.A 3 41 1850 Report of Canal Appraisers of testimonv....... S 3 63 WATSON, ELKANAH. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to the title of certain Tand......................................... S 2 91 WATSON, MAJOR. 1835 Report on pétition of, for bounty lands.......A 4 272 WATSON, MALBONE. 1857 Report of committee on judiciary relative to..A 3 188 WATSON, PLINY, see Livingston County Surrogate. WATTS, MARGARET. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 93 WAUMAKER, JOHN C. 1837 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Chemung canal.......................A 3 207 WAYNE, COUNTY OF. 1837 Clerk’s office, report on pétition to raise money by tax to build a... .........................A 3 262 1837 Tax on dogs, report on pétition to amend the law imposing a.................................A 3 238 1834 Beef and pork, annual report of E. Havens, an inspector of...............................A 3 150 1834 Beef and pork, amended report of E. Havens, an inspector of...............................A 4 360950 WAYNE, COUNTY OF — Continued. doc. y0i. No. 1835 Beef and pork, aunual report of E. Havens, an inspector of.................................A 2 78 1836 Beef and pork, annual report of E. Havens, an inspector of.................... ............ A 2 193 1838 Beef and pork, annual report of E. Havens, an inspector of.................................A 4 185 1839 Beef and pork, annual report of E. Havens, an inspector of.................................A 2 62 1851 Report of committee on division, majority....... A 4 127 1851 Report of committee on division, minority.......A 5 135 1852 Report relative to division of..................A 2 55 i 1852 Minority report, relative to division of........A 2 67 * 1853 Report of committee on internai affairs of towns and counties on pétition of inhabitants of, praying for the removal of county buildings to Newark....A 2 53 1859 Report of surrogate of..........................A 1 50 1859 Report of treasurer of..........................A 3 100 WAYS AND MEANS, COMMITTEE ON. 1859 Report of, relative to relief of émigrant paupers. .. A 4 171 1859 Report of minority of, moneys paid troops on Staten Island ......................................A 3 116 1862 Report of, as to direct tax by general government, S 4 66 1864 Report relative to duty on sait and sait manufacture, A 8 187 1875 Report of, on memorial of F. B. Hough, relative to Centennial history...........................A 53 1875 Report of, relative to moneys of State, in several banks of deposit.............................A 10 122 1877 Testimony taken by..............................A 8 138 1877 Report of, on veto message of supply bill.......A 8 139 WEATHERHEAD, JNO., see Lands, Free Masons’ Patent. WEAVER AND GEER. 1846 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..A 3 32 WEAVER, GEO. S., ELISHA MORSE. 1862 Report on pétition of.......................A 6 120 WEAVER, MARIA, AND HENRY TRUAX. 1836 Report on pétition for rémunération for certain land sold by the Attorney-General.............. S 1 23 1839 Report of committee on public lands on the same.. A 6 330 1841 Report of Oomptroller on same................A 3 79 h WEBB, ISAAC, see N. Masters. WEBBER, CHRISTIANA. 1853 Report of committee on daims in relation to the daim of, for relief.......................1 . ... S 1 11951 1842 1857 1867 1857 1848 1844 1851 1851 1888 1874 1859 1870 1839 1830 1831 1831 1839 WEBSTER, DANIEL. D0C. Yol. No [Ex. Sess.] Letter of, to the Governor, transmitting apportionment law.......................... A 7 195 WEBSTER, HOSEA. Report on bill relative to judgment in 4avor of- S 4 170 Report of majority of judiciary committee favorable on bill authorizing an appeal by the State from a judgment in favor of, against the State.....A 3 186 Report of minority of committee on same subject.. A 3 178 WEBSTER, JOSHUA. Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 141 WEBSTER, P. G. Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 7 200 WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. Report of committee on furnishing, to common echool8 ................................... S 3 81 Report of committee on furnishing, to common schools.................................... S 3 89 WEED, NORMAN. A subcontractor on the Chenango canal, report on pétition of, for relief......................A 2 20 WEED, HON. THURLOW. Letter from..................................A 4 51 WEED, PARSONS & Co. Communication from, relative to Red Book .. .A 3 103 WEED, HON. SMITH M., seeContested Seats. WEEHAWKEN FERRY. Report of committee on commerce and navigation as to management of......................A 11 205 WEEKS, GILBERT. Report on pétition of, to be indemnified for injuries received by falling from a wall constructed by the State................................... A 6 336 WEIGHTS AND ME A SURES, STANDARD. Report of Secretary of State relative to furnishing counties with............................. S 2 88 Report of Secretary of State relative to furnishing counties with .......................... A 1 5 Report on the same.......................... A 1 27 Communication from the Secretary of State as State sealer of ...................................A 3 151952 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, STANDARD — Continued. d0c. Voi. No. 1845 Report of Secretary of State relative to......A 1 22 1849 Report on, by W. H. Clark, of the State Normal School......................................A 5 241 1854 Memorial of superintendent of.................A 1 4 1856 Communication from State sealer of........... S 2 63 1856 Report relative to............................A 3 66 1857 Communication from the superintendent of......A 2 71 1864 Communication from superintendent of, relative to re-adjustment of national standard of.......A * 3 63 WELLS, A. H. 1850 Communication from............................A 5 134 WELLS, ALBERT. 1847 Report on pétition of, for relief.............S 1 27 WELLS, GARDNER. 1832 Report on pétition of, to build a dam across Gen- esee river..................................A 4 288 1871 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 4 60 WELLS, REUBEN. 1834 Report on pétition of, relative to certain escheated lands......... A 2 53 WEMPLE, E. 1830 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his lands by the Erie canal..............A 4 331 WENDELL, DANIEL T. 1837 Report on pétition of, for relief.............A 2 151 WENTWORTH, JOSEPH, AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of committee on daims, on pétition of. S 3 57 WESTBROOK, JACOB, Jr. 1852 Report to pay Job G. Elmore, Jr............. A 2 65 1852 See report of committee on pétition of Job G. Elmore claiming seat of.... ...................... A 2 28 WEST, ABIEL. 1860 Report on pétition of........................ A 4 147 WEST, C., AND OTHERS. 1842 Report of Commissioners of Land Office, on pétition of..........................................A 4 68 1862 Report on pétition of.........................A4 67953 1831 1832 1834 1835 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1837 1838 1839 1840 1830 1838 1838 1840 1841 1833 1835 1836 1832 1832 1837 1838 WESTCHESTER COUNTY. D0C. Vol. No. Beef and pork, annual report of Henry Strang, an inspector of..................................... A 2 175 Beef and pork, annual report of Henry Strang, an inspector of......................................A 4 314 Beef and pork, annual report of Henry Strang, an inspector of......................................A 3 186 Beef and pork, annual report of Henry Strang, an inspector of......................................A 4 279 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of......................................A 4 319 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of.... .................................A 9 146 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of......................................A 2 82 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of.................................... A 2 71 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of......................................A 3 194 Beef and pork, annual report of Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of......................................A 2 124 Beef and pork, annual report ôf Gilbert Oakley, an inspector of..................................... S 1 34 Beef and pork, annual report of Ebenezer Baldwin, an inspector of...................................A 2 125 Beef and pork, annual report of Ebenezer Baldwin, an inspector of...................................A 3 153 Beef and pork, annual report of Ebenezer Baldwin, an inspector of...................................A 4 244 Beef and pork, annual report of Ebenezer Baldwin, an inspector of...................................A 5 208 County buildings, report relative to the location of tbe...............................................A 4 402 Court of common pleas, report on pétition to try certain causes at the December term...............A 3 100 Croton aqueduct, report on pétition relative to Cross- ing the Harlem river with the........................A 6 319 Court-house, central, report on pétition for a.......A 6 231 do do .....A 6 255 Highway labor in, report on pétition to amend the law relative to...................................A 3 221 Ferries between, and Rockland, report in relation to, A 4 313 Highway from Fishkill to the Croton river, report on pétition for aid to improve a..................A 4 277 Superintendents of the poor, reports relative to granting additional powers to................... A 1 26 Surrogate’s office, report on pétition relative to the location of the............................... A 2 133 Game in, report on pétition for the préservation of, A 3 196 Oysters, report on pétition for a law to protect persons plan tin g them in the East river, Long Island sound, etc.................................A 3 157 120954 WESTCHESTER COUNTY — Continued. Doc.VoL No. 1840 Division of the, report on pétition to annex the four northern towns to Putnam county..............A 7 294 1833 Report on pétition from, relative to the Revised Statu tes..................... ..............A 2 48 1834 Society for the appréhension of hors© thieves, report on pétition to incorporât© a..........A 4 310 Roads, report relative to the alteration of, by the construction of the Croton water-Works.......A 3 175 1849 Memorial of citizens of, for a law to equalize repré- sentation in board of supervisors..................... A 2 74 1858 Report on pétition of citizens of, living on lin© of New York and New Haven railroad..............A 5 158 1859 Report of surrogate of .........................A 1 50 1859 Report of treasurer of ..... ...................A 2 65 Banks, see Banks — Westchester county. Police, see Metropolitan Police. WEST DELHI. 1860 Report relative to road in.................A 2 65 WESTERN EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, see Syracuse. WESTERN HOSPITAL, at Geneva.. 1839 Report on pétition to incorporate, and for aid to. .. A 4 255 1840 Report on pétition for aid..................... S 4 104 WESTERN HOÜSE OF REFUGE, see Juvénile Delinquents. 1859 Annual report of............................... SI 8 1860 do ................................ S 1 7 1861 do ................................ S 1 2 1862 do ............ ................... S 1 11 1863 do ................................ S 1 11 1864 do ................................ S 1 5 1865 do ................................ S 1 18 1866 do ................................ S 1 2 1867 do ................................ S 1 3 1868 do ................................ S 3 16 1869 do ................................ S 1 1870 do ................................ S 1 12 1871 do ................................ S 2 24 WEST FARMS. 1860 Report relative to school district No. 2 of.... S 1 84 WESTFIELD, TOWN OF. 1862 Report of Commissioners of Land Office respecting the granting of lands under water at...... A 5 1211838 1837 1837 1868 1838 1833 1833 1832 1875 1872 1835 1838 1838 1831 1844 1849 1849 955 WEST GROVE, TOWN OF. Doc. Vol. No. Report on pétition to change the name of..A 4 237 WESTLAKE AND McCONNELL. Report on pétition of, for extra allowance of work on the Chemung canal....................A 4 280 Report on the same........................A 2 63 WESTLUKE, JOHN E. Report of daims committee on pétition of..A 10 142 WEST MENDON, VILLAGE OF. Presbyterian congrégation of, report on pétition to legalize the acte of the trustées of the....A 3 70 WESTMORELAND, TOWN OF. Missionary lot in, report on pétition of settlers for the sale of the...........................A 1 28 Missionary lot in, report of Commissioners of the Land Office on the same.....................A 2 42 WEST POINT. Report on pétition to prohibit the sale of wine and liquors to the students and soldiers at...A 3 228 Communication of secretary of war, relative to lands at..........................................A 7 97 WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY, ses Military Academy, West Point. WEST STOCKBRIDGE AND ALBANY RAIL- RO AD, see Railroads. WEST SIDE AND YONKERS PATENT RAILWAY COMPANY. Reply of, to resolution of the Assembly...........A 8 78 WEST TROY. Caoutchouc manufactory, report on pétition to incoporate......................................A 2 149 Level of the Erie canal at, report of Canal Commis- sioners in relation to............................A 6 313 Level of the Erie canal at, report of committee on canals in relation to...........................A 6 333 Lumber, report on bill relative to the inspection of, at West Troy and Gibbonsville...................A 2 114 Report on pétition of inhabitants of Watervliet for two canal bridges at............................A 6 149 Report of Canal Commissioners on the feasibility of constructing a basin at, or between Albany and.. S 2 65 Report of committee on canals, on bill and pétition for constructing a basin at.....................A 3 171956 WEST TROT — Continuée!. Doc. Vol. No. 1867 Report of Canal Commissioners in reply to resolution relative to canal bridge in...............A 2 92 1858 Report relative to channel of Hudson river near ... S 2 82 Inspeotors’ Reports, see Albany. 1864 Communication from Auditor relative to side-cut lock at................................... S 4 52 WEST WASHINGTON MARKET PROPERTY IN NEW YORK CITY. 1860 Communication from the Secretary of State in answer to a resolution relative to........A 4 161 WEST, W. C., AND OTHERS. 1837 Report on pétition of, for pay for constructing a road from Cedar’s Point to Neweomb, Essex county ............... ............................A 3 176 WETHEY, PORTER. 1836 Report on pétition of, to construct a wing dam on the Seneca river..........................A 1 32 WETMORE, C. H. 1859 Report of Mr. Lamont relative topapers of... S 2 103 1859 Report of Mr. Laflin relative to papers of.. S 2 104 1859 Report of Mr. Scott relative to papers of... S 2 105 WHALING COMPANIES, see Newburgh, Hudson. WHARFAGE. 1859 Report on bill to regulate rates of.. ...... S 2 76 WHEAT, AMERICAN. 1841 Memorial of Joshua Leavitt, showing the importance of an équitable and adéquate market for, with statistical tables............................A 7 295 WHEATFIELD AND PENDLETON, TOWNS OF. 1871 Report of Canal Commissioner Fay as to draining lands in...............................A 11 119 WHEATLAND, TOWN OF. 1849 Report of committee on daims on pétition of inhabitants of............*............A 5 210 WHEATON, HENRY G., see David G. Seger. WHEATON, STEPHEN BRUSH. 1836 Report on pétition of, to change his name.A 3 167 WHEEDON, A. 1854 Report on pétition of.....................A 3 86957 WHEADON, ALVA A. Doc. Vol. No. 1855 Report of committee on daims in case of.A 3 71 WHEATON, JOËL. 1861 Report of Comptroller on claim of......A 1 12 1864 Report of committee on daims on pétition of ..A 7 150 WHEELER, GEORGE. 1846 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 4 102 WHEELER, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1847 Reports on pétitions of....................A 2 92 WHEELER, GEORGE P. 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of...A 5 173 WHEELER, THOMAS. 1849 Report of committee on the manufacture of sait on pétition of........................... A 2 72 1851 Administrator of John J. Mang, report of committee, A 2 28 WHEELER, THOMAS, AND HARVEY ALVORD. 1845 Report of committee on daims on bill for relief of, S 3 98 WHEELOCK, J. G. 1846 Report of committee on grievances on pétition of.. A 3 76 WHEELOCK, JOHN G. 1836 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal.........................A 4 284 WHEELOCK, JOHN G., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Canal Board on the pétition of...A 1 27 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of.......A 7 203 1847 Reports on pétitions of....................A 4 127 WHIPPLE, H. J. M. 1862 Report on pétition of.................... A 3 38 WHIPPLE, J., see E. Cleveland. WHIPPLE, SQUIRE. 1860 Report on claim of........................ S 1 39 1861 Communication relative to claim of......... S 1 22 WHIPPLE, S., AND J. M. 1861 Report on claim of.........................A 5 89 WHISTON, ERASTUS, see George Stevens. WHITCHER, BENJAMIN W. 1859 Report on claim of..................... ... A 3 112 1860 do ...........................A 4 147958 WHITE, AARON. D0C. Vol. No. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 10 156 1870 do do do ...........A 6 105 WHITE CREEE, see Cambridge. WHITEHALL, VILLAGE OF. 1832 Water report on pétition of Justin Smith to supply the village with..........................A 1 17 1834 Report on the same..........................A 1 74 1835 Report of select committee on the same......A 1 16 1832 Road from, to the north bounds of Clinton county, report on pétition for aid to open and improve... A 3 253 1834 Report on the same..........................A 3 110 1835 Road from, to Port Henry, report of commissioners appoiûted to survey a..................... S 1 14 1849 Report on pétitions for road from, to Plattsburgh. . A 3 186 Banks, see Banks — Washington County. WHITEHEAD, JOHN. 1845 Report of committee on militia, etc., on the pétition of..........................................A 4 93 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 1 30 WHITE, H., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.. S 1 23 WHITE, HENRY, AND JOHN WILLIAMS. 1841 Report on pétition of, for a reappraisement of damages.....................................A 3 76 1842 Report on pétition of.........................A 4 92 1843 Report of committee on daims on pétition of___ A 2 35 WHITE, H. H., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report on pétition of...........!........... S 1 34 WHITE, JOHN. 1860 Report of committee on pétition of............A 4 147 1861 do do ..............A 5 113 1862 do do A4 88 1865 do do A4 93 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 7 131 1868 do do do ...........A 10 132 WHITE, SAMUEL. 1830 Report on pétition of, for aid to establish a lunatic asylum at Hudson..........................A 4 316 1831 Memorial of, for aid..........................A 4 307 1832 do .......................... S 1 39 1834 do ..........................* S 1 42959 1841 1863 1832 1835 1832 1849 1841 1867 1847 1847 1848 1833 1833 1841 1854 1860 WHITE, STEPHEN, AND OTHERS. Doc.Voi. No. Report on pétition of, for an investigation into their acts and proceedings as directors of the City Bank of Buffalo...................................A 7 290 WHITE, W. B., AND D. HUTCHINSON. Report on pétition of..................... A 5 125 WHITESBOROUGH, VILLAGE OF. Report on pétition for a Suprême Court commissioner to résidé at .......................... S 1 63 Report on pétition for a master in ohancery at.A 2 97 WHITESTOWN, TOWN OF. Report on pétition to raise money to repair roads, etc., in.................................... SI 50 WHITING, ALEXANDER B. Memorial of, relative to difficulty of enforcing the health laws of the State at the quarantine station, and asking an amendment of présent law.....A 3 191 WHITING, LOWEN, AND OTHERS. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to their land by the Erie canal........... S 2 62 WHITMAN, JOHN. Report of Attorney-General relative to suit of.A 8 189 WHITNEY, JAMES F. Report on pétition of......................A 7 186 do A 8 239 WIBERT AND SANFORD. Report of committee on canals on pétition of.A 3 90 WICKHAM, JAMES. Report on pétition of, for compensation for a defi- ciency in a lot of land.................A 3 236 Report on the same.........................A 4 250 WICKWIRE, JARETT. Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his lands, by the construction of the Woodman réservoir......................................A 5 146 WILCOX, S. S. Report on pétition of........................ A 2 43 WILCOX, WILLIAM. Report on pétition of.........................A 3 87960 WILDS, OWEN. Doc. Vol. No. 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to his boat, while navigating theErie canal.A 5 395 WILES AND ERITCHER. 1840 Report on pétition of, for extra allowance for work done on the Erie canal.....................A 3 85 WILES, JOHN J. 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of....A 2 93 WHITE PLAINS POST ROAD. 1870 Résignation of Martin L. Sykes, Jr., as commissioner of........................................ S 1 5 WILBOUR, CHARLOTTE B., AND OTHERS. 1872 Report of judiciary committee on memorial of, for female suffrage............................. A 10 167 WILKES, SAMUEL. 1833 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the canal...............................A 4 273 WILKINS & TALLMAN. 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 ‘ 49 WILKINSON, JOHN. 1846 Report of, in answer to a resolution of the Senate.. S 3 103 WILKINSON, WILLIAM. 1876 Report on claim of........................... S 6 70 WILLARD ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1867 Report of trustées of........................ S 1 12 1868 Report of trustées of, for 1866 and 1867......A 8 66 1868 Report of trus ees of........................ S 4 47 1869 do ............................. S 3 20 1869 Annual report of commissioners for érection of_A 2 19 1870 Report of trustées of.........................A 2 23 1871 do .............................A 3 26 1872 Third, of trustées of........ ................. S 1 9 1873 Report of trustées of ......................... S 1 18 1875 do ............................. A3 20 1876 do ............................. S 2 18 1877 Annual report of trustées of................. S 1 ] 5 WILLARD, EMMA, AND OTHERS. (2 74 1852 Memorial of, relative to female éducation........ A j g WILLARD, ERASTUS. 1832 Report on the claim of...................... S 2 80961 WILLARD, G. W. Doc. Vol. No. 1854 Report on pétition of........ ...............A 3 91 WILLARD, JAMES M., AND LEONARD J. EDGARTON. 1840 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages to their mill dike, etc., by the Chenango canal. .. A 6 229 WILLARD, Dr. S. D. 1865 Report of, on condition of insane poor......A 2 19 WILLIAMS, A. G., AND OTHERS. 1860 Report of Canal Board on pétition of. ......A 2 73 1861 Report of committee on claim of.............A 2 58 WILLIAMS, A. K., AND OTHERS. 1844 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on the péti- tion of................................... S 3 102 WILLIAMS, C., W. HOSKINS, AND OTHERS. 1860 Report of Canal Board, in answer to a resolution, on pétition of...............................A 4 173 WILLIAMS, DAVID. 1848 Report on bill to erect a monument to.......A 3 76 1856 Report on erecting monument............ .... A 3 37 WILLIAMS, ED WIN. 1833 Report on pétition of, for aid to enable him to pub- iish an improved Gazetteer of the State... S 2 12 WILLIAMS, ELEAZER. 1845 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of, a St. Regis Indian.................... S 1 7 855 Memorial of, relative to St. Regis Indians....S 2 43 WILLIAMS, GEORGE, AND OTHERS. 1870 Report daims committee on pétition of. ... .A 8 147 WILLIAMS, JAMES. 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 155 WILLIAMS, JOHN, see Henry White. WILLIAMS, J. W., see Chancery, Clerk in. WILLIAMS, J. W., AND ANOTHER. 1867 Report daims committee on pétition of ......A 7 133 WILLIAMS, NATHAN. 1832 Report of amount of fees received by him as circuit judge.................................... A 2 139 1835 Report of amount of fees received by him as clerk of the Suprême Court.........................A 4 311 1836 Report on pétition of the executors of...... 121962 WILLIAMS, PLATT. E 1846 Report of Commissioners of Land Office on pétition of........................................... A 3 74 1847 Report on pétition of......................... S 2 46 1850 Report on canal claim..........................A 5 109 WILLIAMS, TOWN OF. 1848 Report relative to division of..................A 6 214 WILLIAMS, R. G. 1836 Correspondence between the Governors of Alabama and New York relative to the demand for the surrender of, a fugitive from justice......... S 1 1 WILLIAMS, HON. WILLIAM, see Contested Seats. WILLIAMS, WM. B., AND BENJAMIN H. SAGE. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of........A 5 121 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM H. 1850 Report on claim of........................ A 5 114 1852 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 2 81 WILLOYER AND HARLEY. 1869 Report of daims committee on pétition of....A 6 93 WILLTAMSBURGH AND CYPRESS HILL PLANK-ROAD CO. 1854 Pétition of, for increase of stock......... S 1 14 WILLIAMSBURGH, VILLAGE OF. 1833 Wharf at, report on pétition of E. Frost and P. Harmon to erect a........................ A 4 311 1835 Wharves at, report on pétition of John Lorimer Graham and others to erect, adjacent to their lands on the East river.................. A 4 350 1837 Wharves at, report on pétition of Paul J. Fish and others for the same...................... A 4 287 1851 Report of select committee on Union of New York, Brooklyn, and....................... .... S 3 74 WILLIAMSON, CLARK & CO. 1830 Report on pétition of, for pay for manufacturing munitions of war for the State............A 7 282 WILLIAMSON, MARIA H. 1847 Report on pétition of R. Colden and Maria Blakly, devisees of...............................A 2 94 WILLIAMSPORT & ELMIRA RAILROAD, see Railroads.963 WILLINK, WILHELM AND JAN, see Holland Land Co. WILLIS, EVELINE, see David Frost. WILLIS, JESSE E. Doc. Voi. No. 1854 Eeport on pétition of................... ..........A 2 47 WILLIS, JOSEPH. 1852 Report on Assembly bill for relief of............. S 2 75 WILLS. 1838 Executors of, report in relation to suite brought by, A 5 261 1833 Executors of, report on pétition to enlarge the power s of ..................................... S 2 94 1839 Of real estate, report on bill giving juri s diction to the court of chancery in cases of contested.....A 5 278 1830 Proof of, and the probate of the same, report on bill relative to the............................... . S 2 158 1834 Proof of, executors and administrators, etc., report of Attorney-General relative to the............. S 2 118 WILNA, TOWN OF. 1840 Report on pétition for a loan to build bridges across the Black river.................................A 8 336 WILSON, ALFRED, AND OTHERS. 1830 Report on pétition of, relative to the last will, etc., of William Wilson deceased......................A 2 194 WILSON, JOHN. 1834 A soldier of the révolution, report on pétition of, for bounty lands................................A 3 216 WILSON, JOHN A. 1864 Report on pétition of............................. A 6 139 WILSON, PETER, see Indians, Cayugas. 1861 Report on pétition of............................. S 2 49 1861 Memorial of, for relief.... ...................... S 2 50 % WILSON, ROBERT. 1849 Report of committee on canals on pétition of......A 3 199 1856 Report on memorial of............................. S 1 16 WILSON, STEPHEN S. 1841 Report on pétition of, relative to certain land bought of the State.............................A 4 134 WILSON, TOWN OF. 1832 Report on pétition of an additional bounty on wolves in..............................................A 4 321964 WILSON, WILLIAM. Doc.Voi. No. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 3 55 1869 Report daims committee on pétition of........A 10 163 1874 Report of committee on daims on daim of..... A 6 91 WILTSIE, THOMAS. 1856 Report of committee on pétition of...........A 3 23 WINDHAM AND DUNHAM TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1831 Report on pétition to abandon part of their road... A 2 113 WINDSOR, TOWN OF. 1831 Report on pétition for aid to improve a road in the, A 4 311 WING, D. W. 1845 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for relief ................................. S 2 81 WINSLOW NATHANIEL. 1833 Report on pétition of, for a divorce............A 2 97 WISNER, JEFREY. 1838 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages b y the Chemung canal............................A 3 82 WISNER, JOHN W. 1835 Report on pétition of, for compensation for work done on the Chemung canal...............A 2 120 1835 Report of committee on canals on the same.A 3 192 WISNER, WILLIAM. 1840 Report on pétition of, praying for relief as surety of Matthew Carpenter, deceased ......... A 4 104 v 1841 Report of committee on grievances on the same.... A 4 101 WITNESSES, IMPRISONMENT OF. 1855 Report of select committee in relation to.A3 68 WITNESSES IN CRIMINAL CASES. 1848 Report relative to fees to................A 3 95 WITNESSES IN JUSTICES* COURTS. 1833 Report relative to increasing the compensation of.. A 3 180 WIYES. 1830 Abandoned by their husbands, report relative to amending the Revised Statu tes so as to give relief to..........................................A 3 314 WOLYEN, GILBERT. 1856 Report on pétition of............ ....................A 4 140 1861 do ...............................A 2 58965 WOLVES (BOXJNTY ON). Doc. Voi. No. 1832 Report on pétition to increase the, in the town of Wilson......................................A 4 321 1834 Report on pétition to increase the, in the town of Redüeld....................................... A 4 378 1836 Report on pétition to increase the, in Franklin county........................ .............A 1 39 1838 Report on pétition to increase the, in Lewis county, A 6 325 WOMEN, MARRIED. 1842 Report on pétitions to extend and protect the rights of property of ............................. A 7 189 1842 Report of judiciary committee on pétitions to extend and protect tbe rights of property of.. ....A 7 180 1844 Report of committee on judiciary on pétition asking for a law for the protection of.............A 3 96 1846 Report of committee on judiciary on rights of.A 6 219 1847 Report on act to enable, to convey.... ....... S 1 37 1848 Pétition of, for a repeal of certain laws.... A 5 129 WOMEN, MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR. 1864 Annual report of.............................. S 4 52 1865 do do :.................................... S 3 89 WOMEN, OUTCAST. 1862 Report of committee on State charitable institutions on pétitions for home for.....................A 6 188 WOMEN’S RIGHTS. 1854 Report of select committee on the extension of..A 4 129 1854 Report of select committee relative to the same.... A 5 149 1854 Report of select committee relative to extension of certain.......................................A 4 129 1855 Report of select committee relative to the same.... A 5 149 1855 Report of select committee on pétitions for.....A 5 129 1856 Report of judiciary committee on pétition for...A 4 147 WOOD, HON. ANSON P. 1870 Report of committee on contested seat of . ...A 10 171 WOOD, ANSON S. 1874 Report on claim of Oneida nation of Indians.... S 4 79 WOOD, ASA D. 1851 Report of committee on pétition.................A 3 80 WOOD, ASA D., AND OTHERS. 1852 Report on pétition of.......................... S 1 21 1856 do do ..............................A 3 46 WOOD CREEE. 1830 Report of amount of damages awarded to owners of lands in the valley of, for injuries by the Cham- plain canal .......................................... S 4 360966 WOODICREEK AND DURHAMVILLE PLANE- ROADS. j)0C y0]( No. 1856 Report respectiüg............................A 4 162 WOOD CREEE TRACT OE LAND. 1831 Communication from the Surveyor- General relative to the.................................... S 1 19 1832 Communication from the Surveyor-General relative to the......... .............................. S 1 12 1832 Report of the committee on finance on the same, and on the pétition of settlers for the conveyance of their respective lots to them, or that they may hâve the pre-emptive right....................... S 1 27 WOOD, EDWARD, AND OTHERS. 1848 Report on pétition of........................... A 5 138 WOOD, EZRA. 1848 Report on pétition of........................A 2 49 WOOD, GEORGE. 1847 Report on pétition of........................... S 3 89 WOOD, HELEN A. 1856 Report on pétition of, for relief............A 3 49 WOOD, JAMES, SENATOR. 1872 Report of committee of investigation in case of_ S 3 54 1872 Argument of H. R. Selden in case of......... S 4 73 WOOD, PERSON. 1837 Report on pétition of, to change his name.......A 2 38 WOOD, SEYMOUR S. 1852 Report on pétition of........................A 2 35 WOODIN, JOHN H. 1866 Report of daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 119 WOODIN, SENATOR. 1877 Report of spécial committee appointed to investigate alleged charges against................... S 4 58 WOODRUFF, NORRIS M. 1837 Affidavit of, relative to Jefferson County Bank. ... A 4 299 WOODS, WILLIAM. 1835 Report on pétition of, to erect a dam across the Canisteo river.............................A 1 38 WOODS, I. L., see Chancery, clerks in.967 WOODWARD, JAMES. Doc.Voi. No. 1851 Report of committee on canal damages........A 1 19 1859 Report on pétition of.. ....................A 3 112 WOODWORTH PATENT. 1852 Minority report in relation to the extension of.A 2 64 WOODWORTH, THOMAS F. 1859 Report on pétition of...........................A 3 142 1860 do do ................ .................A 1 18 WOODWORTH, THOMAS, AND E. NEWLAND. 1850 Report on pétition of, for relief...........A 4 177 1857 Report of committee on claitns on pétition of...A 2 105 WOOLRIDGE, GEORGE B. 1856 Report for relief of........................A 4 174 WOOL. 1862 Resolution of the State of Maine relative to....A 6 124 WOOLSTEN, CHAS. W. 1851 Report of committee on daims................A 3 47 WOOLSTEN, CHARLES W., AND YOLNEY HUGHES. 1851 Report of committee on daims on pétition of, for canal damages......................... A 3 47 1852 Report in relation to...................... S 1 38 WOOLSTON, COLLINS AND HUGHES. 1848 Report on pétition of.......................A 5 174 WORCHESTER, TOWN OF. 1838 Report on pétition to extend the time for the collec- tion of taxes in the...........................A 3 159 WORDEN & THOMAS. 1846 Report on pétition of...................... S 1 31 1851 Report on daim for canal damages........... S 2 29 WORDEN, EBEN C., AND T. BRIGGS. 1847 Report of Canal Board relative to testimony taken in case of...............................A 1 34 WARDEN, WILLIAM E, AND MORGAN L. 1851 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office.... A 3 53 1857 Report of committee on daims on pétition of.A 2 139 WORK-HOÜSE, JAILS, ETC. 1855 Relative to commission to examine.......... S 1 27968 WORRELL, JOSHUA. Doc. VoL No. 1852 Report on pétition of..........................A 1 22 WORS, E. 1845 Report of committee on aliens on the pétition of... A 3 35 WORTH, JACOB. 1868 Report of committee on contested seat of.A 8 83 WORTH, WILLIAM J. 1835 Report on resolutions requesting the Governor to procure a suitable sword to be presented to.. S 2 85 1855 Pétition of Thurlow Weed and others, for procure- ment of sword for .........................A 3 65 1858 Communication from J. W. Edmonds relative to sword for................................ S 1 5 WRECKMASTERS IN QUEENS COUNTY, see Queens County. WRIGHT, COUNTY OF. 1845 Report of minority of committee on érection and division of towns and counties on proposed.A 5 174 WRIGHT, ELIHÜ C. 1851 Report of committee on canal damages......A 4 104 WRIGHT, GEORGE. 1852 Report on the pétition of................. S 2 61 WRIGHT, GEORGE A., AND OTHERS. 1857 Report of committee on daims favorable on pétition of .....................................A 2 68 WRIGHT, JOHN. 1841 Report on pétition of, for the construction of a ditch near the Champlain canal................A 5 156 WRIGHT, LUTHER, AND W. O. HUBBARD. 1860 Report on claim of................. ......A 1 17 WRIGHT, LUTHER, AND OTHERS. 1866 Report daims committee on pétition of.....A 5 102 1867 do do do .........A 8 184 1870 do do do .........A 8 149 1871 do do do A4 64 WRIGHT, WM. W. 1865 Communication from, in reply to charges made in the annual report of the auditor of the canal de- partment....................................... S 2 50 1872 Report of committee on canals on charges against.. A 10 159969 WRITS OF ERROR. Doc. Vol. Ko. 1834 Suprême Court decisions upon, report on bill rela- tive to.....................................A 4 396 WYOMING COUNTY. 1859 Report of Treasurer of.................A 2 65 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITUTS. 1873 Annual report of Trustées of.............. S 1 22 1874 do do A 2 36 1876 do do A 7 86 1876 do do S 2 34 1878 do do S 2 29 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR JUVE- NILE DELINQUENTS. 1878 Annual report of.......................... S 1 11 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1878 Annual report of...........................A 3 35 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DE AF-MUTES. 1878 Annual report of.......................... A 3 19 WILLARD ASYLUM. AT OVID. 1878 Annual report of trustées of tbe.A 3 24 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITUTE. 1878 Annual report of...........................A 5 73 WESTERN HOUSE OF REGUGE FOR JUVE- NILE DELINQUENTS. 1879 Report of................................. S 1 8 WILLARD ASYLUM FOR INSANE. 1879 Report of................................. S 1 16 WYOMING BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. 1879 Report of ................................ S 2 38 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1879 Report of..................................A 4 62 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1879 Report of..................................A 2 14 WALLKILL RIVER IMPROVEMENT. 1880 Report of State Engineer and Surveyor relative to.. S 2 42 1221880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 970 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. Doc.Voi. No. Annual report......................... SI 15 WILLARD ASYLUM. Annual report of trustées............. S 1 6 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITÜTE. Annual report......................... S 1 24 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. Report of.............................A 3 39 WYOMING BENEVOLENT INSTITÜTE. Annual report of......................S 1 43 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. Annual report of board of managers of. S 1 13 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. Report of.............................A 3 34 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITÜTE FOR DEAF- MUTES. Report of.............................A 2 21 WILLARD ASYLUM. Trustées’thirteenth annual report..... S 2 17 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITÜTE. Report................................ S 5 55 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. Annual report of......................A 2 14 WESTBROOK, JUDGE T. R. Report of judiciary committee on charges against.. A 5 129 WOMEN. Right of, to vote, report of Attorney-General on, in response to a resolution...............A 5 109 WATER SUPPLY, see New York city. WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. Annual report of managers............... S 1 17 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. Report of trustées of_................. A 3 54 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. Annual report of.........................A 3 30971 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. Doc. Vol. No. 1884 Annual report of.......................... S 2 21 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITUTE. 1884 Report of trustées of.................. S 2 18 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1884 Report of trustées of...................A 6 35 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. 1884 Report of spécial investigating committee.A 9 91,156 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MÜTES. ' 1884 Annual report of........................A 5 28 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. 1885 Report of managers.................... S 5 23 WYOMING BENEYOEENT INSTITUTE. 1885 Report of.............................. S 4 16 • WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1885 Report of trustées of...................A 2 12 WILLARD ASYLUM. 1885 v Report of...............................A 2 15 WEMPLE, see Yates y. Wemple. WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE. 1886 Report of managers..................... S 2 23 WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. 1886 Communication from, relative to tax on capital stock............................... S 3 42 1886 Communication from Comptroller relative to unpaid taxes................................ S 4 65 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITUTE. 1886 Report of.............................. S 2 22 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1886 Annual report of..................... A 1 11 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MÜTES. 1886 Report of...............................A 5 30972 WHITTAKER, GEORGE W. Doc. Voi. No. 1886 Report of, game and fish protector........A 6 72 WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1886 Report of.................................A 3 25 WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, BILLS OF LADING. 1887 To amtnd act in relation to advances of money upon .................................. S 2 28 WOODLAWN CEMETERY. 1887 Report of managers of.................... S 4 68 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1887 Report of.................................A 4 13 WATERLOO. 1887 State dam at, Attorney-General, report of.A 10 103 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MÜTES. 1887 Report of........*.........................A 6 35 WHITAKER, GEORGE W. 1887 Report of.................................A 7 63 WILLARD ASYLUM. 1887 Report of............................... A 4 20 WYOMING BENEYOLENT INSTITUTE. 1888 Annual report of......................... S 5 34 WADSWORTH LIBRARY. 1888 Report of trustées of.....................A 3 12 WAYS AND MEANS COMM1TTEE. 1888 Report of, as to Investigation of Charles B. Andrews, Superintendent Public Buildings..........A 10 81 1888 Minority report of, as to Investigation of Charles B. Andrews, Superintendent Public Buildings.A 10 82 WESTERN NEW YORK INSTITUTION FOR DEAF-MUTES. 1888 Report of................................ A 6 45 WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. 1888 Report of.................................A 4 27973 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of................A 5 191 . YATES AND McINTYRE. 1833 Communication from, in relation to lotteries. S 2 119 YATES, ANDREW, AND OTHERS. 1850 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of... S 1 28 YATES, ANDREW J. 1856 Report of judiciary committee on pétition of... S 1 7 1856 do do do .......... S 1 18 YATES AND VANDEBOGERT. 1844 Report of the Canal Board on pétition of........A 5 108 1844 Report of the committee on daims on pétition of. .. A 5 129 1845 Report of the committee on grievances on pétition of.........................................A 3 65 YATES COUNTY. 1835 Court-house and jail, report on pétition to increase the number of commissioners for building the, and to raise money to complété the same...........A 1 21 1835 Report of select committee on the same..............A 3 265 1831 Board of town auditors, report on pétition to create............................................A 3 222 1831 Domestic spirits, report relative to the inspec- tion of .............................................A 1 33 1837 Tax on dogs, report on pétition to amend the law imposing a................... .............A 3 238 1835 Sole-leather, annual report of I. B. Grant, inspector of................................................A 4 277 1836 Sole-leather, annual report of I. B. Grant, inspector of..................................................A 4 256 YATES, EYERT. 1844 Report of Canal Board on pétition of................A 3 73 YATES, EYERT L. 1855 Report of committee on daims on pétition of..........A 1 19 1856 Report on pétition of................................ S 2 65 1856 Report on daim of.................................... S 3 65 YATES, ISAAC I. 1845 Report of committee on canals on pétition of..........A 6 221 YATES, ISRAËL I. 1845 Report of committee on canals on pétition of..........A 6 221974 YATES, JOHN B. Doc.Voi. No. 1830 Memorial of, relative to the Chittenango Literary Institution................................ S 1 39 1830 Report on the same........................... S 2 124 YATES, J. P. 1845 Report of Canal Board on pétition of..........A 6 214 YATES, LORENZO. 1867 Report of daims committee on pétition of......A 2 33 YEAS AND NAYS. 1868 Report of committee on instrument for taking, in legislative bodies.....•..................A 10 126 YORK, TOWN OF. 1836 Report on pétition of trustées of school district No. 8, in the...............................A 1 20 YORKTOWN. 1850 Report on pétition in regard to a certain road.... S 3 100 YOUELLS, NEIL H. 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 8 229 1848 do do .............................A 3 101 YOWMANS, WILLIAM, Jr. 1874 Pétition of, for seat of Hon. James G. Thompson. .. S 2 24 YOUMANS, WILLIAM, Jr. 1875 Report on contest of seat in twenty-third district.. S j j? I^q YOUNGSTOWN, FERRY AT. 1836 Majority report on pétition of John Phillips for a grant of................................... A 2 63 1836 Majority report on the same...................A 2 62 YOUNG, WILLIAM. 1834 Report on pétition of, for compensation for damages by the Erie canal...........................A 3 208 1834 Report of Canal Commissioners on the same...A 4 330 YOUNG, WILLIAM, AND OTHERS. 1847 Report on pétition of.........................A 2 97975 YOUNG, WILLIAM C. Doc. Vol. No. 1830 Report on pétition of, for compensation for survey- ing a route for a railroad from Boston to Hudson river....................................... A 2 81 1831 Report on pétition of, for compensation for survey- ing a route for a railroad from Boston to Hudson river....................................... A 1 24 YOUNG, SAMUEL. 1837 Report of a select committee in relation to the sale of his stock in the Saratoga County Bank..... S 2 66 ZOAR. 1836 Bridge across Cattaraugus creek at, report in rela- tion to...............................................A 4 241