Production Note Cornell University Library pro- duced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox soft- ware and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and com- pressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell's replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Stand- ard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the Commission on Pres- ervation and Access and the Xerox Corporation. Digital file copy- right by Cornell University Library 1991.'J' HE ^OPP J_,IBF\ARY. COLLECTED BY FMNZ EOPP, Professor of* Comparative IPhilology in the University of* Berlin. Purchased by Cornell University, 1868•HITOPADESA.HITOPADESA. THE SANSKRIT TEXT, WITH A GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. BY FRANCIS JOHNSON, Professor. LONDON: Wm. H. ALLEN AND CO., BOOKSELLERS TO THE HONOURABLE EAST-INDIA COMPANY, I.EADENHALL STREET. HERTFORD: STEPHEN AUSTIN, BOOKSELLER, PRINTER, AND STATIONER, TO THE EAST-INDIA COLLEGE. MDCCCXLVII. &STEPHEN AUSTIN, PRINTER^ HERTFORD;TO THE STUDENTS OF THE EAST-INDIA COLLEGE, HAILEYBURY, THE PRESENT EDITION OF THE HITOPADESA, IS DEDICATED, AS A PUBLIC ASSURANCE OF THE EDITOR S EARNEST DESIRE TO PROMOTE AND FACILITATE THEIR ACQUIREMENT OF THE SANSKRIT LANGUAGE.PREFACE. The collection of Fables and Stories termed Hitopadesa was brought early to the knowledge of Sanskrit scholars by the translations of it which were published by Mr. Wilkins and Sir William Jones. The text was printed at Serampore in 1804 ; and another edition of it was printed in London in 1810. An edition has been subsequently printed at Bonn by Professors Schlegel and Lassen, in which the text is illustrated by copious Latin notes. A translation in the same language was also promised by the former of these distinguished critics and scholars; but his death has prevented the fulfilment of his design. The pains which have been bestowed upon the Hitopadesa have been justified by the interest which attaches, on various grounds, to this work ; and especially, on account of the history of its literary adventures. These have engaged the attention of different eminent writers; and have been investigated with singular success, especially by Mr. Colebrooke, in the Preface to the Serampore edition of the Hitopadesa, and by M. Sylvestre de Sacy, in the Introduction to his edition of Calila et Himna. FromVlll PREFACE. their investigations it is established, that a work which is to be considered as the original form of the Hitopadesa was translated from Sanskrit into Persic in the sixth century of our sera, by order of Nushiravan ;— that it was translated from ancient Persic into Arabic in the ninth century ; —that it was presently afterwards rendered into Hebrew and Greek ;— and that, from these versions, successive translations were made into all the languages of Modern Europe, until it became familiar, even to youth, under the designation of Pilpay’s Fables. In Hindustan, it has continued to retain its popularity to the present day; where it has served as the substance of the Anvdri Sohaili, and Khirad Afroz; and exists, in the form of translation, in all the spoken dialects. The value of the Hitopadesa to the history of narrative fiction is not, however, its only recommendation. Its popularity through so many ages, amidst such various nations, is evidence of intrinsic merit: and the pictures of domestic manners and human nature which it presents, however tinctured by national peculiarities, must have been recognised as universally true, as well as diverting; or they would not have been naturalized in the West as well as in the East. In the maxims also which the tales serve to illustrate, there must have been much that secured the accjuiescence of all mankind, or the remarks would have been left to enlighten the moralists of India alone. These qualities admitted of transfusion into other tongues; but the intrinsic merits of the work as a composition have chiefly recommended its preservation by the press, and its circulation amongst the cultivators of Sanskrit literature. The moral verses with which the Hitopadesa abounds are, in many cases, perhaps in all, quotations from different writers. They consequentlyPREFACE. ix form a sort of anthology,—a collection of passages, not only remarkable for striking thoughts, but offering examples of various styles. In general, they are not of difficult construction ; and those passages which are most elaborate, are necessarily short; and, as the thoughts which they express are compressed within a few words, they become, from their sententiousness, impediments of no protracted duration. The narratives are, in general, written in very simple and unpretending prose; and it may be doubted if any book exist in the Sanskrit language that is better adapted to introduce a Student to its acquirement. In no single work is there to be met with a more comprehensive assemblage of serviceable words and phrases. The want of copies of an English edition of the Hitopadesa induced the Editor of the present publication to prepare, a few years since, for the press, the first selection of the four books into which the work is divided,— the Mitra-labha, or Acquisition of Friends ; and to furnish it with such facilities as might assist the Student to make himself master of the sense, with no greater degree of application than might be expected at an early period of study. With this view, the introductory section was printed in English as well as in Deva-nagari characters ;—a nearly literal translation of the same portion was subjoined; and a Glossary was added in which all the words were alphabetically arranged, with an explanation of their meaning, and an indication of their grammatical structure. The advantages which have been found to result from this arrangement have encouraged the Editor to extend his plan to the entire work ; and to print the whole of the text of the Hitopadesa, with a Glossary of all the words which it contains. An English Index of Words has also beenX PREFACE. subjoined, with references to the passages in which their Sanskrit equivalents occur, so as to answer in some respects the purposes of a reversed Dictionary. The text has been carefully collated not only with that of the earlier editions, and especially with that of Bonn, the accuracy of which, notwithstanding some exceptions, is to be highly commended; but with two excellent manuscript copies belonging to the valuable library of the Honourable East-India Company. East-India College, Herts. January 19, 1847.CONTENTS. LINE Introduction...................................................... 1 CHAPTER I. THE ACQUISITION OF FRIENDS. Fable I. The Story of the Crow* the Tortoise* the Deer* and the Mouse. 119 Story of the Pigeons................................... 133 II. The Old Tiger and the Traveller .......................... 140 III. The Deer* the Jackall* and the Crow....................... 315 IV. The Blind Vulture* the Cat* and the Birds................. 331 V. Story of the Mouse Hiranyaka............................ 539 VI. The Old Man and his Young Wife.......................... 555 VII. The Huntsman* the Deer, the Boar* the Serpent* and the Jackall................................................ 716 VIII. The King’s Son and the Merchant’s Wife.................... 822 IX. The Jackall and the Elephant.............................. 850 CHAPTER II. THE SEPARATION OF FRIENDS. Fable I. The Story of the Bull, the two Jackalls* and the Lion..... 938 II. The Ape and the Wedge..................................... 1020 III. The Thief* the Ass* and the Dog........................... 1032 IV. The Lion* the Mouse* and the Cat.......................... 1211 V. The Poor Woman and the Bell............................... 1248 VI. The Adventures of Kandarpa-ketu*—comprising the Story of the Cowkeeper* the Barber* and their Wives; also* the History of the Merchant whose avarice occasioned the loss of all his wealth...................................... 1325 VII. The Farmer’s Wife and her two Gallants.................... 1384 VIII. The Crow* the Golden Chain* and the Black Serpent......... 1410 IX. The Lion and the Rabbit.................................. 1421 X. The Bird called Tittibha and the Sea...................... 1521CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. WAR. LINE Fable I. The Story of the Geese and the Peacocks................. 1661 II. The Birds and the Monkeys............................... 1684 III. The Ass in a Tiger’s Skin............................... 1704 IV. The Elephants and the Rabbits........................... 1727 V. The Goose and the Crow.................................. 1783 VI. The Quail and the Crow.................................. 1795 VII. The Wheelwright and his Wife............................ 1809 VIII. The blue Jackall........................................ 1929 IX. The Soldier who sacrificed his own Son.................. 2066 X. The Barber who killed a Beggar.......................... 2133 CHAPTER IV. PEACE. Fable I. Continuation of the Story of the Geese and the Peacocks. 2303 II. The Turtle and the Two Geese............................ 2314 III. The three Fishes ....................................... 2322 IV. The Merchant and his artful Wife........................ 2329 V. The Boobies and the Weasel.............................. 2356 VI. The Mouse and the Hermit................................ 2390 VII. The Booby and the Crab.................................. 2404 VIII. The Brahman who broke the Pots and Pans................. 2433 IX. The two Giants.......................................... 2461 X. The Brahman and his Goat................................ 2562 XI. The Camels the Crow^ the Tiger^ and the Jackall......... 2572 XII. The old Serpent and the Frogs........................... 2616 XIII. The Brahman and his Weasel.............................. 2713GRAMMATICAL REFERENCES. For the coalition and permutation of the Vowels and Consonants, a few Refer- ences to the Rules of Professor Wilson’s Sanskrit Grammar, Second Edition, may be of service to the early Student:— IN LINE 2 ihsTT TZ ...... — ................ 3 .......... — fwttT'ai: .... — ^............. — WWT 5 ......... 6 -....... 7 faVT — 'Wisi ........ 8 .... — ^^TrTv........ 11 frraT?,....... 14 f% *f i Tt^m rK^TW^mw ^rr^rgfarr: i ^tt: i ■arRr^rRwwrfw wr^fW^ *r wrfa i ttt^wt^t fT^wgnirwt^nwfW^ 130 ttot *rftw*rov i qrww <5 WT^I ^T: w I ■s^rnlw wttt: tff^»: * wr *r*nr ll # h 140 gnfrm i i ^nfmTra: ^i^fw i ^f%WTT^ i xr^r -s^rre: wri: pw: 1? ' ^T ^T: t?r^ Tt ^Nr^sr w?n^Ts i ?nfr ^frmsriN *«ifa• ggrgtgi i ggggt gfag: ggn Tf^gTgigggg: i Trwg: g^rgt gTrgf ggg gg gggTg^ H gg fgT^RTT ^prr fgggtg ggrg i grgggr ftg: i 220 gg: i grggigTgggngt fggr sgigifg gggig, i gr¥WT f% ggrgi greftggfg gmg ii V « ggg i g mggf fgggigigTg^i’Tggg: i g 75 gtggfrgTwg^gTgrg?gf%g: fggrSRrg g fggrg: gigggggwg^ i g^g ~ 225 gm. i gg: i fggf^- tb$ggpgg*f w g^fg gigg^gT gfg fgg»g: i ggfg grfggfgggg ^gr gufgfg'^fgg fg ggimgr*^ ii ^ ggfg gg g ggf fggfr fggigr g *nggg, i g vggggfggg gggfg gggt ^g fg7^rgs ii ^ ii 230 g^g I gg^rgr: ggggg gTggT gfgfg^gi i u ^ II inftgrcfagg*ii 11 rf^T ^ II ^8 H f^mn^ i ^ftwirv i *T7T: I ^gTT*ITTTfif «t^TT <*1^ (fV3fT I n^fKf^Rt II ^ ll 235 ¥^: gwr ’•sl^T^Tfa I thrift ^ftsPRT 5T irfWf% w*rr: II ^4 » Tfw faf^par qf%w: ^mwr^mrqfrmr: i w?n: w ^ttv: %x~ 11ti flnraw: 11 V* unrr^ i qrrvmi. \ g^nwi\ ^t: grr^r Tf%7r: « ^ • wr^ret s'sfcft*^ i i 3i5 ^rf% -^"rcnnft ’TTTiTTwr^t i wf f^rnrw ^grr^t fipum: i * ^ w Te^^Tlf: 35*TT^nwrf%7i: I * T^T ^rrwY sf^rPT^ I ^Tt ««|5*WW ^rf%rr i w<5 famtf nn^wn^ifa i wnsri^fr^- Tpqr^^H > t^nr ippsr ^ i ^rwV^?N i ^ 1 320 ^ft^TVT 1 WW fa**T- f% 1 ttt^T ^ *t ftnruTwrct yi: 5% • ^5TT TRTT rTTT^fT^ ^TJT *Tf%rT^faf?T I I I rm-^T^I ^ * 11 330 rTT=U^fi* I V^nTTTf^. 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I WTOqf^qqwf qjqj 1 -gqrwr I nqr qn4 TO3^nrrvs i ttto*Y *?t i qrfrr tott: *raftqt ^qfsfr i T$rr q^fir i q»*jqifa i arornTs i ^hrorfH^qs^ ^qV STOqfqfro i ^nro IP^tw: qrrqrqTTOis u \\° ■ qrqrqr *sqw: ii iiTft TRlR TfTSl ^fer ^ferf^RWT: || ^3 || w^refsrff'iN: irw i W^"RT^fa ^ ^tp^TT: * II U« H WR^ferffir^rr ^f^^ropfsr: i ^frr: *rfr**Hti|«ir ^^rf«T' H w* i ^T^Rr^^TTW^ ^ITRT^TT^r^: 1 W^rrft TT f^^TTt 3T ^TT%^T ^ f^T^R II II ^frr: ITST^Tr^ ^^fTN I rRT s^: ^tt^t: * ^T’frr: 11 w® H (5 ^f^'sn froi *r: i ¥ ^wre^}Ti#^reiR ^T’frr: it 11 jRRfrusifT ^4 *Rra? i Tfa w- ^fet: TT yasya na prathitam yasah: Vidyayam artha-labhe cha> matur uchcbara eva sab.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 115 ELEVENTH VERSE. Youth, abundance of riches, authority, inconsiderateness ; each singly (tends) to disadvantage: how much more so, where all four ‘combine*! Having heard this, the king, distressed in mind by the disregard of learning of his sons, who were unread in learned writings and ever following improper courses, reflected: TWELFTH VERSE. What benefit ‘accrues* by a son ‘being* born, who is neither learned nor virtuous? What ‘is the use of* "an eye that is sightless? Such an eye is trouble merely. THIRTEENTH VERSE. Of ‘a son* unborn, or dead, or a fool; better the two first, and not the last. The two first inflict sorrow once: the last, perpetually. FOURTEENTH VERSE. For: He is born, by whom, when born, the family attaineth exaltation. In the revolving world, who that dies is not born ‘ again* ? FIFTEENTH VERSE. Again: In beginning to enumerate a company of persons of merit, if the chalk does not fall with haste (in the person who makes out the list to inscribe the name) of a man; then, if the mother ‘who bore him * is made the mother of a son by him—say, what woman is barren ? SIXTEENTH VERSE. Verily: He, whose fame is not widely extended for liberality, piety, heroism, knowledge, or acquiring wealth; he, verily, is but his mother*s excrement.116 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. SAPTADASAH SLOKAH. Aparancha: Varam eko gum putro, na cha murkha-satair api: Ekas chandras tamo hanti, na cha tara-ganair api. ASHTADASAH SLOKAH. Punya-tirthe kritam yena, tapah kwapi sudushkaram: Tasya putro bhaved vasyah, samriddho dharmmikah sudhih. EKONAVINSAH SLOKAH. Tatha choktam: Arthagamo nityam arogita cha, priya cha bharyya priya-vadim cha : Vasyas cha putro ’rtha-kari cha vidya, shad jiva-lokasya sukhani rajan. VINSAH SLOKAH, Ko dhanyo bahubhih putraih, kusula-puran-adliakaih: Varam ekah kulalambi, yatra visruyate pita. EKAVINSAH SLOKAH. Rina-kartta pita satrur, mata cha vyabhicharini: Bharyya rupavati satruh, putrah satrur apahditah. DWAVINSAH SLOKAH. Anabhyase visham vidya, ajirne bhojanam visham: Vishan sabha daridrasya, vriddhasya taruin visham.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 117 SEVENTEENTH VERSE. Moreover: A talented son is a blessing. ‘There is no benefit* by hundreds of fools. One moon disperses the darkness. ‘It is not dispersed* even by hosts of stars. EIGHTEENTH VERSE. The son of him by whom very arduous devotion has been per- formed at some holy place of pilgrimage, will be submissive, affluent, virtuous, and wise. NINETEENTH VERSE. So also it is said : Accession of wealth, constant freedom from sickness, a beloved wife, a sweet-spoken wife, an obedient son, and wealth-acquiring knowledge, are six ‘sources of* happiness, in the world of living beings, O King! TWENTIETH VERSE. Who is made fortunate by many sons—‘ mere empty * measures filling up a granary ? Better is one who supports his family, by whom his father is renowned. TWENTY-FIRST VERSE. A father who incurs debt is an enemy: and so is a mother who is of loose conduct. A wife possessed of beauty is an enemy. An enemy is an unlearned son. TWENTY-SECOND VERSE. Knowledge, if neglected, is poison. Food, if indigested, is poison. A court is the poison of a poor man. The poison of an old man is a young wife. 2 G118 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. TRAY0 VINSAH SLOKAH. Yasya tasya prasuto *pi gunavan pujyate narah : Dhanur vansa-visuddho *pi? nirgunah king karishyati. CHATURVINSAH SLOKAH. Haha putraka nadhita^ sugataitasu ratrishu: Tena twam vidusham madhye, pangke gaur iva sidasi. Tat katham idamm ete mama putra gunavantah kriyantam. PANCHAVINSAH SLOKAH. Ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunan cha* samanyam etat pasubhir naranam : Dharmmo hi tesham adhiko visesho* dharmena hinah pasubhih samanah. SHAD VINSAH SLOKAH. Yatah : Dharmmartha-kama-mokshanam, yasyaiko *pi na vidyate : Aja-gala-stanasyeva^ tasya janma nirarthakam. S APT AVI N S AH SLOKAH. Yachchochyate: Ayuh karmma cha vittan cha, vidya nidhanam eva cha: Panchaitanyapi srijyante, garbhasthasyaiva dehinah. Kincha: ASHTAVINSAH SLOKAH. Avasyam bhavino bhava, bhavanti mahatam api: Nagnatwan mlakanthasya, mahahi-sayanang hareh.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 119 TWENTY-THIRD VERSE. That man is honoured, of whom a son ‘has been born * possessed of ‘excellent ’ qualities. What can a bow-—though faultless as to the cane—if it be stringless, effect ? TWENTY-FOURTH VERSE Alas, O son ! who hast passed these nights unstudying and care- less. Therefore in the midst of the wise thou despondest, like a cow in a quagmire. How, then, may these my sons be now made ‘persons* of merit ? TWENTY-FIFTH VERSE. Food, sleep, fear, sexual intercourse—each is the common property of men and brutes. Virtue, verily, is their additional distinction; and void of virtue, they are ‘ but * equal with brutes. TWENTY-SIXTH VERSE. Wherefore: Virtue, wealth, desire, liberation—he, of whom not one of them is known, his birth is fruitless, like the excrescences on the neck of a goat. TWENTY-SEVENTH VERSE. And as to what is said: ‘Life, function, wealth, knowledge, and death—these five are ‘ created for the embodied soul, even whilst staying in the embryo ‘ form.* TWENTY-EIGHTH VERSE. For: ‘ Inevitably, the conditions that are to be, are—even of the great— ‘the nakedness of Nttakantha (Siva), the sleep of Hari on the great ‘ serpent (Sesha).’120 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. EKONATRINSAH SLOKAH. Apicha : Yad abhavi na tad bhavi^ bhavi cben na tad anyatha: Iti chinta-vishaghno ^yam,, agadah kin na piyate. Etat karyyakshamanang keshanchid alasya-nibandhanam vachanam. TRINSAH SLOKAH. Na daivam api sanchintya, tyajed udyogam atmanah: Anudyogena tailani^ tilebhyo n* aptum arhati. EKATRINSAH SLOKAH. Anyachcha : Udyoginam purusha-singham upaiti lakshmir: daivena deyam iti kapurusha vadanti. Daivan nihatya kuru paurusham atma-saktya : yatne krite yadi na sidhyati ko 5tra doshah. DWATRINSAH SLOKAH. Yatha hyekena chakrena, na rathasya gatir bhavet: Evam purusha-karena^ vina daivan na sidhyati. TRAYASTRINSAH SLOKAH. Tathacha : Purvva-janma-kritang karmma, tad daivam iti kathyate : Tasmat purusha-karena, yatnang kuryad atandritah.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 121 TWENTY-NINTH VERSE. ‘ And indeed: ‘ What will not be, that will not be: but, if it will be, it will not ‘be* otherwise. Such ‘being the case,* wherefore is this antidote, destructive of the poison of care, not imbibed*? This is a speech proceeding from indolence, ‘uttered* by some unable to do what should be done. THIRTIETH VERSE. Let not a man thinking of destiny relinquish his own exertion. Without exertion, he is not able to obtain oil from sesamum-‘ seeds * (which contain it in abundance). THIRTY-FIRST VERSE. Again: Fortune goes ‘of herself* to the chief of men who displays energy. Abject men say: “It must be given ‘us* by destiny.** Having resisted destiny, put forth manliness with all your strength. And if, when ‘every* effort has been made, the object is not accomplished, what blame is there in such a case ? THIRTY-SECOND VERSE. In like manner, as the motion of a chariot is not ‘produced* by only one wheel: so, without manly actions, destiny is not fulfilled. THIRTY-THIRD VERSE. So also: The acts done in a former birth, that verily is called Fate. Therefore unwearied, let him make exertion with manly effort. 2 g 2122 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. CHATUSTRINSAH SLOKAH. Yatha mrit-pinclatah kartta, kurute yad yad ichchhati: Evam atma-kritang karmma, manavah pratipadyate. PANCHATRINSAH SLOKAH. Aparancha: Kaka-taliyavat praptan, drishtwa *pi nidhim agratah : Na swayan daivam adatte, purushartham apekshate. SHAT TRINSAH SLOKAH. Udyamena hi sidhyanti, karyyani na manorathaih: Na hi suptasya singhasya, pravisanti mukhe mrigah. SAPTATRINSAH SLOKAH. Matri-pitri-kritabhyaso gunitam eti balakah : Na garbha-chyuti-matrena, putro bhavati paiiditah. ASHTATRINSAH SLOKAH. Tathacha: Mata satruh pita vain, balo yeha na pathitah : Na sobhate sabha-madhye, hangsa-madhye vako yatha. EKONACHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Rupa-yauvana-sampanna, visala-kula-sambhavahr: Yidya-hina na sobhante, nirgandha iva kinsukah.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 123 THIRTY-FOURTH VERSE. As a maker (a potter) makes from a ball of clay whatever he wishes: so a man reaps the c fruit of5 actions done by himself. THIRTY-FIFTH VERSE. Moreover: Though beholding a treasure before him on a sudden (or as the fruit of the palm fell and was broken in pieces for the crow unexpectedly), yet fate itself does not take it (does not pick it up); it waits for man. THIRTY-SIXTH VERSE. Objects are effected by exertion, not by wishes. Truly, into the mouth of a sleeping lion the deer do not enter. THIRTY-SEVENTH VERSE. The child obtains excellence who is well trained by his father and mother. A boy is not learned merely by being born. THIRTY EIGHTH VERSE. So also : The mother is an enemy, the father is a foe, by whom a child is not instructed. He shines not in a company. He is as a crane amongst swans. THIRTY-NINTH VERSE. Those possessed of beauty and youth, and born in an exalted family, who are destitute of knowledge, shine not (attract no admi- ration). They are like the scentless kinsuka flowers (held worthless, though beautiful).124 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. CHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Murkho *pi sobhate tavat, sabhayam vastra-veshtitah : Tavach cha sobhate murkho, yavat kinchin na bhashate. Etach chintayitwa sa raja panciita-sabham karitavan. Rajovacha. Bho, bhoh panditah sruyatam. Asti kaschid evam-bhuto vidwan, yo mama putranan nityam unmarga-gaminam anadhigata-sastranam idamn mti-sastropadesena punar janma karavitum samarthah. EKACHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Yatah : Kachah kanchana-sansargad, dhatte marakatm dyutim: Tatha sat-sannidhanena, murkho yati pravmatam. Uktancha: DWICHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Hiyate hi matis tata, hmaih saha samagamat: Samais cha samatam eti, visishlais cha visishtatam. Atrantare Vishnu Sarma nama brahmaiio, maha-panditah, sakala-mti-sastra- tattwagyo, Vrihaspatir iva ’bravit. Deva, maha-kula-sambhuta ete raja-putra, may a niting grahayitum sakyante. TRICHATWARINSAH SLOKA.H. Yatah : Nadravye nihita kachit, kriya phalavati bhavet: Na vyapara-satena *pi, sukavat palhyate vakah.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 125 FORTIETH VERSE. A blockhead shines in an assembly only in so much as he is covered with clothes (as he is well dressed). So long shineth a fool, as he speaketh not any thing. Having thus reflected, that king caused an assembly of Pandits to be held. The king said: “O Pandits! let it be heard. Is there any learned man who is now able to effect the new birth of my sons, who have ever been following wrong courses, and have not studied the learned writings ?” FORTY-FIRST VERSE. As: Glass, from the contiguity of gold, acquires an emerald lustre. So, by the proximity of the excellent, a fool attains to cleverness. FORTY-SECOND VERSE. So it is said : The understanding is lowered, O son! from association with inferiors. With equals, it attains equality: but with superiors, supe- riority. Thereupon, a Brahman, Vishnu Sarma by name, a great Pandit, acquainted with the principles of all the writings upon Polity like Vrihaspati, said: “ O king! these princes, sprung from a great family, are capable of being put in possession of the knowledge of Polity by me.” FORTY-THIRD VERSE. For: Any labour bestowed upon a worthless thing cannot be productive of fruit. A crane cannot be taught like a parrotc to speak/ even by a hundred efforts. 2 H126 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. CHATUSCHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Anyachcha : Asmins tu nirgunang gotre^ napatyam upajayate: Akare padmaraganan, janma kacha-maheh kutah. Ato^ham shan-masabhyantare bhavat-putran mti-sastrabhigyan karishyami. Raja savinayam punar uvacha : PANCHA CHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Kito *pi sumanah-sanggad, arohati satan sir ah : Asma ’pi yati devatwam^ mahadbhih supratishthitah. SHAT CHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Anyachcha : Yathodaya-girau dravyan, sannikarshena dipyate: Tatha sat-sannidhanena* hma-varno *pi dipyate. SAPTA CHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Gunagunagya guhino bhavanti^ te nirgunam prapya bhavanti doshah : Aswadya-toyah prabhavanti nadyah, samudram asadya bhavanty *apeyah. Tad etesharn asmat-putranan, mti - sastropadesaya bhavantah pramaiam. Ityuktwa, tasya Vishnu Sarmano bahumana-purahsaram putran samarpitavan. Atha prasada-prishthe sukhopavishtanam,, rajaputranam purastat, prastava-kramena sa pandito *bravit. Bho rajaputrah srinuta :TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 127 FORTY-FOURTH VERSE. Moreover: In this family, no offspring without good qualities is ever born. In a mine of rubies, whence could arise the production of crystal ? “ In the period of six months, therefore, I will make your Majesty’s sons versed in the works of Polity.” The king replied with respect: FORTY-FIFTH VERSE. A worm, by connexion with a flower, ascends the head of the vir- tuous. A stone even attains divinity when consecrated by the illus- trious. FORTY-SIXTH VERSE. Further: As on the eastern mountain a thing is illuminated by the con- tiguity of the sun ’: so, by association with the good, the outcast even is enlightened (made respectable). FORTY-SEVENTH VERSE. Persons of excellent qualities c themselves ’ are judges of the merits and demerits of others. If they attach themselves to what is bad, they become themselves vitiated. Rivers, as they rise, have their waters sweet; but having reached the sea, they are no longer drinkable. “ You therefore are authority for (are capable of) communicating the works of Polity to these my sons.”—Thus having spoken, the king, with much deference, delivered his sons to Vishnu Sarma. Then, by way of introduction, the Pandit said, in the presence of the princes, as they sat at ease on the terrace of the palace : Hear, O Princes—128 TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. ASHTACHATWARINSAH SLOKAH. Kavya-sastra-vinodena^ kalo gachchhati dhimatam : Vyasanena cha murkhanan, nidraya kalahena va. Tad bhavatam vinodaya kaka-kurmadinam vichitrang kathang kathayami. Raja-putrair uktam Aryya* kathyatam. Vishnu Sarmovacha. Srihuta samprati^ Mitra-labhah prastuyate, yasyayam adyah slokah.TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE. 129 FORTY-EIGHTH VERSE. In the enjoyment of poetical writings, the time of the sensible passes away. But ‘the time* of fools ‘is wasted* in dissipation, slumber, or strife. Therefore, for the amusement of your Highnesses, I repeat the wonderful story of the Crow, the Tortoise, and the rest. The princes replied: “Sir, let it be narrated.** Vishnu Sarmd answered: “Hear; now the Acquisition of Friends is recited, of which this is the first verse.**VOCABULARY NSKRIT AND ENGLISH) OF THE WORDS WHICH OCCUR IN THE FOREGOING PAGES.AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS VOCABULARY. 110711. .. nominative, or 1st case. acc. . accusative, or 2nd case. ins. . instrumental, or 3rd case. dat. ,. dative, or 4th case. abl. ablative, or 5th case. gen. .. genitive, or 6th case. loc. .. locative, or 7th case. voc. .. vocative, or 8th case. sin. .. singular number. du. . dual. Pi- .. plural. rn. .. masculine. /• .. feminine. n. .. neuter. cr. .. crude or uninflected state. s. .. substantive. adj. .. adjective. pron. ,. pronoun. pers. pron. personal pronoun. rel. pron. ., relative pronoun. dem. pron. . .. demonstrative pronoun. interr.pron., .. interrogative pronoun. pronoun. .. pronominal. vb. ,. verb. par. . parasmai-pada. dtm. . atmane-pada. cl. . class or conjugation. caus. . causal form. pers. . person. pres. . present. pot. . potential. imp. . imperative. pret. . preterite. fut. .. future. inf. . infinitive. pass. .. passive. part. . participle. agt. . agent, noun of agency, or verbal adjective. prep. .. . preposition. comp. .. . compounded. ind. . indeclinable. abs. . abstract. obs. . observe. compar.. . comparative. superl. .. . superlative. irreg. .. . irregular.VOCABULARY, SANSKRIT, AND ENGLISH. ^ ind. No, not. A privative, prohibitive, and diminutive particle, prefixed to words beginning with consonants. s. m. A share, a portion, ins. sin. 3d sira. o/Vfo vb. 3TR 10th cl. par. Tell, relate, narrate. 1st per. sin. 1st pret. ofthevb. ^5 8th cl. par. Do, make. ^cfT^Vr^ 3d pers. sin. nom. sin. f. bahuv. Without a steersman, destitute of a helmsman. ^5f^TW 10^ cl. par. Strike* beat* cudgel. prep. Over* beyond* exceedingly* much* very, beyond measure. m. A violation* or transgres- sion. an adverbial form in the sense of the ins. or abl. case. ^frHRT^T pass. part, (of the vb. UnR Step, with Passed beyond* far gone* transgressed. Extended* prolix* diffuse. loc. sin. m. loc. pi. m. a^St s'f' Extreme old age. -rT^TT ins. sin. Tgfhfvt: nom. sin. of s. m. A guest* one entitled to the rites of hospitality. acc. m. A great or excessive bur- den. -*TPC! nom. sin. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. Flow. When conjugated in the pass, with ^f?T it means* Exceed* become excessive; be of more worth* or greater importance and value. ^fFRr?7T 3c?pers. sin. pres, [of the vb. ^rf 1st cl. atm. Be,with ^t?f) Passes* elapses* rolls on. m. Lavish expenditure* profusion* prodigality* extravagance. nom. sin. adj. Over or much at- tached. -TTT«Ts nom. sin. m. nom. sin. s. m. Excessive accu- mulation* a vast hoard. ’STfftrf pass. part, {of the vb. ^ Go* with ^frT Beyond) Passed* gone over or by. ind. pret. part, {of the vb. \ Go* with ’SfffT Over) Surpass* go over* get beyond. ■^Trffa ind. Excessively* much* very much* beyond measure. s. f. Dissatisfaction* displeasure* discontent. ^5tfrT 3c? pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 2d cl. par. Eat.VOCABULARY. 5 ■SRZpfT or ^raprPRx ind. Much, very, ex- cessive, excessively. s. m. A passing away, a going by. Escape, loss. loc. pi. ^<41 adj. Very small. nom. sin. n. Wrf%7T «• n. A desperate, daring, or portentous action. acc. sin. n. of adj. Ex- treme, excessive, great. ind. Here. In this world. Hither. •s. Thereupon, meanwhile. ^5I^cf ind. On this very spot. An inceptive particle, After. Then. Now. And. But. *nd. Or. Moreover. But. ^SRpfT 3c? pers. sira. 1st pret. of the vb. 3c? cl. atm. Give. inc?. jore/. (o/* the vb. Give, with ^5f J9ni\) Not having given. 3c? j9er$. sin. 1$/ o/* (caws. o/* the vb. See) He made to appear, he shewed. abs. s. f. Despatch, the re- verse of dilatoriness. acc. sin. m. adj. Not dilatory, prompt. ^5f^T! nom. sin. m. bahuv. Having no fortress, without a fortress. n°m. sin. m. karm. An un- fortified country. fat* * puss. part, {of the vb. See, with ^5f priv.) Invisible. £ WT nom. sin.f. pass. part, {of the vb. See, with ^ priv.) Unseen. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Not seen practice. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Not witnessed an enemy’s power. nom. sin. m. {or *^| bahuv. A form of treaty, in which the parties treat direct without any mediator or surety. nom. sin. n. bahuv. compounded of Unseen (not ex- perienced), Separation, and «eJ1S|T s. f. Pain, pang. agt. An absentee, one absent from his country. \ nom. sin. m. ind. Now, to-day. md. Till now,unto thepresent day. iwrf. Commencing to-day, this day forwards. loc. sin. of 8. n. A thing of nought, a worthless object. s. m. A mountain. pass. part. Thrown or put down, gen. sin. m. acc. sin. m. of adj. Poor, indigent. ^0Ct m' gen. pi. of adj. Low, vile, despicable. b6 VOCABULARY. ind. Unrighteously, iniquitously. ind. Down, downwards, below, be- neath, under. ind. Beneath,below, at the bottom. prep. Over, above, upon (in place, rank, quality, or quantity.) nom. sin. m. of adj. Ex- ceeding, extraordinary, superior, more, over, additional, more than. Paramount. nom. sin. n. abl. sin. n. ind. Exceedingly, very much. ’SlfwiT 5. m. Superintendance, manage- ment, authority, controul. An office, or post. ins. sin. loc. nom. sin. m. tatp. Invested with authority. s. m. A superintendant, di- rector, comptroller, commandant. nom. sin. -fxwr nom. du. pass. part, (of the vb. 15 Make, with Over) Set over. A super- intendant in general. - cf\ nom. sin. m. 2dpers. sin. pres, of the vb. f%Cf 6th cl. par. Cast, with Reproach, taunt, asperse, treat with disrespect. 3dpers. sin. ^dpers. sin. pres, (of the vb. ?T?T 1st cl. par. substituting in the four conjugational tenses9 Go, with Goes over; reads, learns; gains, acquires. 3 d pers. sin. pres, (of the vb. '8T cl. par. Stand, with Over) Governs. offerer57T s.f. Land on the upper part of a mountain. loc- sin’ ^jfVTHTT.T Pres- part, of the vb. cl- atm. Lie down, with Inhabit. gen. sin. m. ^f^fETcT pass. part, (of the vb. ’8TT Stand, with Over) Stood over, presided over, supervised, overlooked. Governed, influenced. ^rfvf%7T: nom- sin‘ m' ins. sin. m. -f^T^ nom. sin. n. ^5lf%}fgrRrfv indef. pass. part. He mounted or sat upon. -^T^nom. sin.m. ^tfT: nom. sin. m. of pass. part, (of the verb \ Go, with Over) Read, perused, studied. Instructed. ^rsft?T voc. sin. nom sin. n. -rfTf^T nom. pi. n. ind. pret. part, (of the vb. ^ Go, with ^5[fw) Having read or studied. adj. Unsteadfast, not staunch, timid, nom. sin. m. ^5f^T«TT ind. Now, at present. \5 ind. repeated) Down, downwards, below. Always down. Deep. nom. sin. of s. n. Study; a reading, especially of the sacred books, one of the six duties of a Brahman. s. m. Effort, exertion, deter- mined application. ^5P2ra*JTf^T7T^Ts nom‘ s^n*n* adJ* (from -iTP9f s. m. with affix ^rf called ) Under- taken, attempted as a difficult task. ^r5prrf% nom. or acc. pi. of adj. Uncertain.VOCABULARY. 7 ind. No, not. A privative, prohibitive, or diminutive particle, prefixed to words commencing with a vowel. nom. sin. m. of adj. Sinless, innocent. s. m. A name of Kama, the Hindu Deity of love (from ^5R priv. and a body;) in allusion to his having been reduced to ashes by the eye of siva, for having disturbed his devotions, and ren- dered him enamoured of parvati. future passive particip. (of the verb Step, with Beyond, and priv.) Not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable, unavoidable. Not to be broken, transgressed, infringed, or dis- obeyed ; inviolable, nom. sin. m. -75RJ gen. sin. m. ffen- PL m- bahuv. compounded of cr. Un- read, and *• n. A book, or science. *• n. Want of superin tendance, absence of presiding care. nom. sin. ^S*Tfni7T pa**' Part• {of the vb. ^ Be, with prep• ^«T and *35Rj Unperceived. *• M. Non-observance, non-per- formance, neglect, inattention. - «T loc. sin. ind. Immediately, presently, by and by. Afterwards. ^cpsnrf^rfiirst: nom. sin. m. bahuv. In- capable of making further resistance. ^5[«1xNjT *' f Carelessness, indifference, disregard. ^fVTSi adj. Ignorant, unacquainted, un- skilled. nom. sin. m. ^5RfiR7Rs acc' s*to. n. pass. part, (of the verb 7T«T Desire, with and ^5fcf priv.) Disliked, disagreeable, un- pleasant. ^f«rwrnr loc. sin. of S. m. The want or absence of practice, or exercise; disuse, neglect. ins. sin.f. ofX^H^pron. This. gen. du. m. abl. sin. of abst. s. n. Absence of price or value, invaluableness. is the fut. pass. part, of the vb. ^psf Cost) To be rated, or appraised, with the privative particle agt. Unprofitable, useless. -efT^t nom. sin. m. acc. sin. of ^R^ s. m. A mis- fortune ; disadvantage, poverty, ruin. dat. ^FP$T: ^frRf t nom. sin. of ^R<5T *• ni. Fire. ^5f*R^TR s. n. Inattention, inadvertency, neglect, negligence. -cRJ gen. sin. adj. Unseasonable, inopportune. ^jcf^f%crf%TTccr abs. s. n. Unsteady- mindedness. -T^Tr^ abl. sin. ^fcfT^TrT pass. part. Not come, not arrived; future. (See ^TRfT) ^RT*trRfTs indef past part. Not come to pass, unaccom- plished. acc• sin-f •8 VOCABULARY. bahuv. (Future-fate) Name of a certain fish. -VTrfT worn. sin. m. adj. Destitute of a friend or pro- tector; fatherless, orphan. nom. sin. m. ^Spfnsrr nom- Sin.f. #• »». Disrespect, disregard, slight. nom- s*n- ^R*fT$nT a4?- Independent, uncontrolled. «•»». Non-commencement. nom. sin. ind. pret. part, (of the vb. Mount, with and priv.) Not having surmounted, or overcome. ^S«fn4 °dj‘ Disreputable. i *4 ’ nom. . _________^ sin. m. win ms. sm. m. a^s* s* f Unworthy conduct, dis- gracefulness. -rTT?TN acc. sin. ^•TT^T^ET ind. pret. part, {of the vb. See, with ^51T and ^5pF^) Not having seen, considered or regarded. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Destitute of asylum or place of refuge, defenceless. ^•Tnuf^rTT pass. part, {of the vb. Go, with ^5fT and Not encountered, met, found, or obtained. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Unused to war. ins. sin. of ^•TTirnC s% m% Abstinence, fasting, starvation. passive part, of the vb. ^ Call, with ^5fT To, and Uncalled, not summoned. - ; nom. sin. m. adj. Transient, not lasting, of short duration. Inconstant, variable, uncertain. ^5ff%oEU nom. sin. m. nom. sin. n. ins. sin. n. ^f^’rfJrTT abs. s. f. Transient or limited existence. The present transient, fleeting state of being, compared by kapila to a nurse, or foster-mother. ’SrfWTTWT nom. sin. m. bahuv. com- pounded of Unsubdued and '^TfJT'T s. Soul, self. nom. sin. s. m. Absence of re- straint, indecorous or improper conduct. ^fcT^rT adj. Unhappy, ill at ease. -cj?j nom. sin. n. ^rf?^ ind. pret. part, {of caus. of the vb. Know, with fif and ^5f) Not having announced, told, or informed. e. ni. Wind, nom. sin. ind. pret. part, {of the vb. Gather, with Out, and ^5f priv.) Not having ascertained. pass. part, {of the vb. *5^ Wish, with priv.) Unwished, undesired; bad, unlucky, inauspicious. abl. sin. m. or n. adj. Not contumelious. nom. sin. m. $. m> or n. An army, forces, host. -3T^J gen. sin. s'f ®a(^ policy, imprudence. ^pflf^rar ImP°litic> indiscreet, silly. loc. sin. m.VOCABULARY. 9 wf prep. After. Along with. According to. sj ■gjcfcjTHn- S.f. Pity, compassion. nom• sin* s• n• A proclaiming, vj s publishing, or blazing abroad. pass. part, (of the vb. ^ Speak, sf with ^5R priv.) Not spoken, not uttered. -W*TS nom. sin. n. nom. sin. n. bahuv, compounded of Not spoken, Vain, and eF unfit, unsuitable. 3d pers. pi. 2d pret. par. {of Mte vb. Go, with ’SPjT After) They followed. 2d pers. sin. imp. of the vb. . 9th cl. par. Know, with ^I«T> Permit. ^SR^tf^ s. m. A follower. -|h ins. pi. ^SRsfflfiR^ agt. Following; a follower, attendant, dependant, servant. -fiRT ins. sin.m.-foiff[J{ nom. or acc. sin. n. of ^5RtR adj. Best, having nothing better. pass. part, {of the verb \ Go, with and ^5R^) Not risen, unrisen, -if loc. sin. m. ^FT^^R ins. sin. of ^5R^fjR s. m. In- activity, absence of exertion. ^5RVT«R nom• s^n* m> pres. part, {of the \i s verb ^TR 1st cl. par. Run, with ^R After) Running after, pursuing. ^35RcR s.m. Civility,respect,courtesy. -«Rt nom. sin. -«T?R ins. sin. ^5RTRlf^% dat. sin. m. of agt. (from the vb. Do, with and ^>Rn) Not assisting; not a benefactor; helpless. ^gvfq^oETTW pres. part, (of the vb. 8th cl. atm. Do, with and ^Rs) Not assisting. -TO*! nom. sin. m. pass. part, {of the vb. *q<(* Go, with T&q and ^Rj Unproved, unde- monstrated, unsubstantiated. Unexpected, unaccomplished, -IRRN nom. sin. m. ^«TXR53RT*T pres, passive participle Xofthe verb Eat, with and ^Rj Not being enjoyed. -RT«U nom. sin. m. adj. Unserviceable, useless. nom. sin. m. c10 VOCABULARY. '?l»niT^r£f«Tv nom. sin. m. pres. part, {of the verb tfT lOfA cl. par. with Keeping, maintaining. ind- pret. part, (of the vb. Ttjt Enter, with TT and Having entered. •^jSfTfT'jr passive particle (of the verb ^STR Obtain, with TJ and fS*f) Reached, arrived, found. -TTTTT* nom•sin*m• -ITTH l°c*m•or n* ^SRTWf^rl 3d pers. /;/. (0/ vb. 9/^ £/. jo«r. Bind, wiM ^J«T) Follow, adhere, are fixed or attached to. ^R^f^rT 3d pers. pi. pres, of the vb. vj Is/ cl. par. Be, become, with Enjoy, experience. ,35[«T*Rf$ 3d pers. sin. imp. -*R*TS nom. sin. m. pres, part. ms. /?/. m. pass. part, (of ^ with ^R) Ex- perienced, felt. Resulted, followed as a consequence, ensued, ensuing. ^B«pScRN nom. sin. n. 3d pers. sin. pres, passive (of the vb. Be, with ^5R) Is perceived or felt; results. -^TTTPR 3d pers. sin. imp. pass. Let be enjoyed. s• n. Consent. ^5RIJ^ loc. sin. (in \J nJ the sense of -*nsn) With the consent. s. n. Dying with, or following in sj death: the term usually denotes the cre- mation of a Hindu widow, whose husband’s corpse is not on the spot, and with part of whose dress, she therefore ascends the pile. It is synonimous with ^pR«f (postcremation); whilst JURTR denotes a woman’s burning herself on the funeral pile with her deceased husband (concre- mation). nom. sin. ^ipTT^r ins. sin. of*%R^TR s. n. Infer- ence ; a conclusion drawn from given premises. nmfa fat. pass. part, (of the verb JfJ Measure with *35R\ To be inferred or proved. -'^TT: nom• pl.f. 3 d pers. sin. pres, {of the vb. Go, 2d cl. par. with ^5f«J After) Goes after, follows, attends, accompanies. nom. sin. m. pass. part, (of the verb Be attached, with Loving, liking, fond of, attached. gen. sin. m. nom. sin. s. f. Affection, love, attachment. ^5f«nCT*T: nom. sin. s. m. Attachment, love, affection. -TT*ms acc.sin. abl. sin. ^SRTPTWPT nom- si71' m- °f N S. VJ > adjective, Fond, in love with, doting. nom-sin- /• s. n. Conformity. ^ns- sin. (According to), adj. Fit, suitable, like, resembling, according to. -XRT^ ace. sm. n. ■^•TTYv s- m' Kindness, partiality. -VTrT abl. sin. ’SRfhR s. n. Compliance, sance. nom. sm. complai- ins. sin. m. pass. part, (of the verb Anoint, smear, with ^5R) Anointed, smeared. nom. pi. n.VOCABULARY. 11 s. n. Obedience. -«TT«rTrr pass. part, (of the vb. 5J*T ®e born, with Well-born. Wise. ~rf‘ nom. sin. m. ^jfifSfTrfrTT abs. s.f. High birth, nobility. acc. pi. m. of aSL from the verb ’sJT Know, with Knowing, understanding; skilful, clever. '^RfipJT s.f. A name, appellation. -^TT^T^ loc. sin. s. n. Name, appellation, much used as the last member of Bahuvrihi compounds. ind. pret. part, {of the vb. VT Hold, with ^f^T) Having said, called or cried out. 3d pers. sin. pres, pass. Is called, is held. 3d pers. sin. imp. Let be told. 3 c? pers. singular pres, {of the verb Is/ cl. par. Rejoice, with ’sfa) Likes, relishes, heeds, regards, accepts, wishes for. ^R^PR adj. New. Young. ^Rfiifa^EffaR bahuv. Youthful. -«TTf*i: ins. pl*f ^RfWI cT pass. part, of the {vb. \ Go, with if and ^f*r) Meant, wished, intended. pass. part, {of the vb. ^ Swim, with ^Rfa)Overwhelmed. - rfl?facc.sin.n. ^RfWTcf s. m. Defeat, subjugation, humilia- tion, mortification, disgrace. -cfT^f dat. sin.VOCABULARY. 17 nom. sin. m. pass. part, (of the verb ?T*T Desire, with '*f*0 Wished, j desired; agreed, accepted, approved; ad- • mitted, reputed, nom. sin. n. 'Srfwnj adj. Present. ind. Towards, facing, fronting. si S pass. part, {of the vb. Join, with Attacked, assaulted, assail- ed. Defeated, -ifi: nom. sin. m. agt. An assailant. A plaintiff, claimant, pretender; a stronger party. -■^5T nom. sin. m. -tR*. gen. sin. m. nom. sin. m. fut. pass. part. (of the verb with Assailable. nom. sin. of s.f. De- light, taste, relish. Ambition. 3d pers. singular pres, of the verb 1^ cl. par. Like, with Long for, aspire after. nom- or acc- °f s. n. Wish, will, desire, pleasure. s- rn- Lust, desire. 1st pers. sin. pres.of the vb. ^ (T;) Is/ cl. atm. with Salute. ■<55jf^^T35^f5rf 3d person plural pres, of the verb '<4f^ (t) 1 it cl. par. with Long, hanker after. ^fH3T Eight-fold. num• Eight. nom. loc. ^5r§ff%V: nom. sin. m. of adj. Eight-fold, of eight kinds. n. Eight parts of the body; the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat, and middle of the back: or four first, with the knees and feet: or these six, with the words and mind. s. m. Prostration, as in rever- ence (A falling on the eight members). nom. sin. m. dwigu, Furnished with eight weapons. nom. sin. s. m. Absence of check, a want of restraint, especially of the senses. ^SPnHRT ind. Doubtless, unquestionably. pass. part, [of the vb. ’gTT Stand, with and ^ priv.) Not standing together. -rR?s nom. sin. n. ind. Not once; frequently, repeat- edly. pass. part, {of the vb. Stick, xoith ^R priv.) Indifferent, unattached. Detached from worldly feelings and pas- sions. -,SWs a€C- sin• m- pass. part, {of the verb Go, with and Priv0 Unbecoming, un- seemly. Rude, ill-mannered, unpolished, clownish. - c| ♦fs acc. sin. m. *• m. A wicked person, a bad man. nom. sin. nom. sin. n. ofjpff pres. part, {of 2d cl. par. Be, with priv.) Non-ex- isting, non-existed, unreal. Bad, wicked. l°c- Sln- m' i°c- pi'm- nom. sin. m. adj. Untrue. nom. sin. of s. n. Untruth, falsehood. ftj acc. sin. m. of adj. False, treacherous, base, wicked. agt. Behaving, or who behaves improperly. nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. ofpass. part, {of the vb. Be satisfied, with ^31Tn and ^5f) Discontented. ^RUJ of. nom. sin. m. sf ^5I¥T^r«TT: n(m- Pl m- of WW adj. Destitute of means, resources, materials, instruments, or implements. no?n. sin. m. of "WnTHCW adj. Special, specific. Uncommon, incom- parable. oibs. s• n* Dishonesty. -’3TcT abl. v» s sin. WTPSI fut. pass. part, (of the vb. iJTSf Accomplish, with Impracticable; un- tractable, unmanageable, -’SJ! nom. sin. m. ind. Unsuitably, improperly. acc• m* °f adj• Sapless, insipid, flat, stale, unprofitable, unsound, •y weak, flimsy. loc. sin. n. 2d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 2d cl. par. Be. ^5[f% s. m. A sword. adj. Plain, ugly. nom. sin. n. nom. sin. n. adj. Not easy of at- tainment. s. n. Blood, gore. nom. sin. n. bahuy. compounded of Not waited, A grandee, and s. n. A gate or door. nom.sin.m.f.of'^^^pron. He,she, that. nom- s*n- m- RAhuv. Not stumbling in his march, with unfaltering step. pass. part, (of the verb Go, added to ^pgpfj Gone to its setting, set. -cfT* nom. pi. f. abs. s. n. Unsteadiness, a being confused or confounded; the want of self- possession. -7^77^ nom. sin. ’55^1*1 acc. sin. of s. m. The western mountain, behind which the sun is sup- posed to set. Sunset, ind. Disappear- ance, setting, vanishing. s. m. The western mountain. 3d pers. sin. pres, (of the vb. 2d cl. par. Be) There is, it is. ■=5f7jf 3d pers. sin. imp. (of the vb. ^77 2d cl. par. Be) Let there be. s. n. A missile weapon discharged from any instrument. A shot, a shot-wound. ^WWPFTS gen. pi <3^^ apt. Skilled in arms. -fJ77x acc. sin. Be it so, granted. ■=5ffrgf nom. or acc. sin. of ^|f^| s. n. A bone. nom. pi. s. n. A little or a contemptible bone. acc. sin. adf Unsteady. nom. sin. m. 'mifat nom. sin. s. n. Non-contact, the avoiding the contact of any thing or per- son, especially of one who is impure. nom. sin. m. of pres. part.vocabulary; 27 of the vb. 6th cl. par. Touch, with ^g priv. tatp. comp, of cr- Of me, my, and TT^TTSTT*^ gen- Pl- *f 3^ s, m. A son. cr. form of the pers. pron. I, used only in composition, implying, My, mine, our. adj. My, our. nom. sin. s. n. tatp. Our ally. ^5j-gjTrfs abl. sin. n. of pron. This. acc. pl. of personal pro- noun, i. ^rerrfw ms.pi.^wr^nj1™- pi. ^tnu ioc. pi. ^gf%T 1st pers. sin. pres, {of the vb. 2c? cl. par. Be) I am. loc. sin. m. or n. of pron. This, ■^pfl dat. sin. m. ^ST^f gen. sin. m. or n. W nom. sin. of ^!f^«Tv s. n. A day. s. to. Pride. -^Trfv abl. sin. nom. sin. pers. pron. I. ind. Day by day, daily. ind. Day and night. interj. Aha. ^nrn^nrf^ abl. sin. of abs. s. n. Security, incapability of being stolen, safety from seizure. is tfie fat- Pass- part, {of the vb. If Seize, carry off) To be seized, with the privative particle ^g. nom. sin. of *• m. A serpent. °dj* Ill-disposed, unfriendly, malign- ant. Hurtful, prejudicial. -7ft nom. sin. m. bahuv. Whose intellect is incapable of discriminating between good and evil. 'srfrsT nom. sin. s. f. Harmlessness, a doing injury to nothing; one of the cardinal virtues of most Hindu sects, but par- ticularly of the Bauddhas and Jainas. interj. Ah! oh! Alas! ind. Day and night. prep. To, at, as far as, until, when pre- fixed to a noun, governing the ablative or accusative case. Prefixed to verbs de- noting Giving and Going, it imparts to them the sense of Taking and Coming. ^5fTt interj. Alas! ah! oh! ^X^TT l°c* s^n' °f s• m• A mine. ^rx^T^ ind. pret. part, {of the vb. Hear, listen, with preposition ^5rr) Having heard or listened to/^^fijfrr passive participle, Heard, overheard. -eft nom. sin. m. nom. sin. of ^JX^TPC 5• m• Form, appearance. Any outward indication of inward feeling, as perspiration, horripila- tion, &c. acc. sin. ins. pl. ^ITWnpniH, s. n. tatp. The atmosphere, firmament, air, &c. -cfX ins. sin. ^X^fT^ loc. sin. o/^X«RT3I 8• m• or n• Air, sky, atmosphere, aether.28 VOCABULARY. pass. part, (of the vb. ® Scatter, with TIT) Scattered. Overstrewed -vNts acc. sin.f -^Tf^ n. nom• m* a(ti* Affected, filled, full; distressed. ^(T^iNT iris. sin. rn. ^T^f%rT Pass- Part- (°f the verb with TIT) Agitated, disturbed, flurried, distressed, incommoded, tormented. nom* s*n'm* ins. sin. m. vn&E pass. part, (of the vb. Draw, with ^$IT) Drawn, dragged, pulled ; lured, attracted. ^TlTg: nom. sin. m. ins. Tmrg' locative ^rra^iT«fs nom. sin. m.indef. past part. He drew. s-f Attraction. A pulling, draw- ing, or carrying away. -'SSJT ins. sin. iwrf. pret. part, (of the vb. ^fpgf Draw, with ^5fT) Having drawn, extracted, pulled or dragged. 3d pers. sin. pres, (of the vb. 1st cl. par. Step, with Invades, ad- vances towards. iwd. pret. part, (of the vb. 'Zfm Step, with ^fr) Having attacked, invaded, seized upon, overrun, or encroached. nom. sin. n. of ^tT^rprT pass, part, (of the vb. ^raflf Step, with ^5TT) Beset, accompanied, attended, overspread, overrun. TITWrflpT pass. part, [of the vb. gfjj; Cry out, with ^5fTy Cursed, abused, -rft nom. sin. m. nom. sm. of ^TRsT m* A rat or a mouse. TITWr s.f Name, appellation, designation. TlHsHT(ffiN inf a. of the verb ^EIT Tell, relate, with TIT* ^IT^EiT($Vrn: nom. sin. m. Longing to tell. TTTW?1 s‘ n' ^ story* "*HTN nom. sin. TJHs^?H7 nom. sin. n. fut. pass. part, (of the verb TflT Tell, with TIT) To be told. TIlJl^TfiT 1** pers. singular pres, [of the verb 7T7T 1st class par. Go, with TIT) I come. TIT*T^RV He came. 2d pers. sin. imp. Come. 2d pers. pi. Come ye. ^5H nom. sin. m. pres. part. Coming. ^5fPTri: nom. sin. m. o/^fT^nT pass. part, of the verb Go, with ^5IT) Come, arrived, near at hand. Returned, I acc. sin. m. or n. sin'm• or n# loc. sin. m. or n. ^5TT^TrTT nom- sin.f. nom. sin. n. fut. pass. part. To be come. ^5f[ *IcEJ ind. pret* participle, Having come. ^JT^T^IrTT^ 3d pers. sin. imp. pass. Let there be come. m. A stranger, a new comer. -^rT ** nom. sin. J5fTifT ins. sin. -«rPT acc. pi• «5fT7T«fTcR‘ s. m. A stranger, a new comer. -3T* nom. sin. -^tt: nom. pi. T!T*TOs .m. Arrival, approach. Income. - WFX acc. sin. -if loc. s* n* A coming, arrival. -«THs acc. sin. ••n7Ts obi. loc. ^rnrfTr^f% 2d pers. singular 2d fut. (ofVOCABULARY. 29 the vb. 7TO G°, ***** ^T) Thou wilt come. m* A. blow. A slaughter-house. - 7T* worn. siw. acc. 3d pers. sim. imp. 0/ the vb. Is/ cZ. par. Go, with prep. ^T, Practice, observe, follow, as a rite or usage; also, inflict. 3d pers. singular pat. nom. sin. m. of ^T^^ff^pres. participle. nom. sin. n. of ^rgftfT pass. part. pass. part. (of the vb. Cover, with ^51T) Covered. accusative singular n. ^ l ^ 1 'CJ ind. pret. part. Having covered or protected. s. f. An order, command, man- date. ^T^TTTs acc. sin. ^TT^T ins- T5jTUlM*lf?r 3d pers. sin. pres, of (caus. of the vb. Know, with prepos. ^IT) Commandeth. As your Majesty commands: S. m. A woodman, a pioneer. acc. pi. s. m. Pride, haughtiness. iHligH adj. usually in comp. Opulent, rich. Abounding. Having, possessed of. -<£Qli nom. sin. m. s. m. Heat, sunshine. nom. or acc. sin. of ’STTfW39 abs. s. n. (from s. m. A guest) Hospitality, guest-rite. A hospitable re- ception. ^fWs9WS|nT*TN acc' ^n• *• m% TATP# The rites of hospitality. worn. sin. m. of a$* Sick, diseased. gen. pi. m. is use^ for when it occurs as the first member of a compound. nom. sin. of s. w* One’s own act. 3T3>rT! nom. sin. m. of 1 oh tatp. Done by self. acc. sin. n. loc. sin. m. d/^TWSI Bom of one’s self; a son. nom. sin. m. of 'Sll CH sO^*^ agt. Self-tormented, fretful, miserable. ■?rn?rxifT^n^t5r ins. sin. o/^nipifwPT s. m. tatp. Self-sacrifice. nom. sin. m. agt. Selfish, greedy; who feeds himself. cTTf ind. As one’s self, like one’s self. s-f • tatp. Self-advantage.-^^ dat. sin. TXT7ICFfrr*{ m> tatp. Own story, ac- count of one’s self, auto-biography. •rPRv acc. sin. ^TTW^TMT ins- sin. of s- /• tatp. Inherent or own power. loc- sin. of s.m- tatp. Internal doubt. ^jTW^TrIs ind. One’s own. VTW^TTBfT passive participle, Made one’s own. - with ^JT) Happy, re- joiced, gladdened, delighted. Pass- Part' (°f the vb. ^ Bring, lead, with ^TT) Brought, fetched. -7f: nom. sin. m. ins. singular m. -f'pnrt nom. sin.f. indef. past part. She brought. ind. pret. part. Having brought. abs. s. n. Acquittance of debt or obligation. acc. sin. ^5TP?: s.f. Water. gen. pi. f. of WTV pres, part, of the vb. XfTT 1st cl. par. Fall, im- pend, befall, happen, with nom. or acc. sin. n. pass. part. ^TpjfcRT^ toe. sin. of r^T^f s. m. tatp. A season of distress. toe. pi. of s. f Misfortune, calamity. acc. sin. o/^TPJ^T s. f. Misfor- tune, calamity, disaster. locative ^rrTJ^:^jTj^T^ ffen. tnd* For, or against adversity. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 4th cl. atm. Go, step, with ^fT Gain, attain, receive. ^TP-Rf! nom. singular m. pass. part, of the verb XRf Go, with ^5H) Gotten, gained, obtained, acquired. ^TPJ^IT nom. sin. f ^TPRf: n. Regained, recovered. Unfortunate. m. The instant, the current moment. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, {of the verb Fill, with ^5fT) Is filled, or plenteously supplied. ^5[XR1?s inf. of the vb. ^5TP? Obtain.32 VOCABULARY. 3d pers. sin. pres. o/* the vb. ^STPJ 5th cl. par. Obtain, gain) He obtains. He incurs. ^TTpRTcTs 3d pers. sin. pot. 'STTWlfsirn nom. singular m. pass. part, {of the verb TR Increase, fatten, with "SIT) Enlarged, amplified, dilated. Refreshed, invigorated, satisfied. substantive n. An ornament, decoration. nom. pi. adj. Crude, unbaked. ^rrTT^T s. m. Sickness. m. bahuv. Lasting for life, terminating at death. nom. or acc. sin. of ^RTf^TW s- n* Food, flesh. *• m• Income, revenue. acc. sin. acc. sin. of^TVr^fs.n. Abode, house, home, quarters. An altar; also a shed for sacrifices. ^rrefTT s.f. Future time. Length.^fFRgjT^ loc. sin. (In the long run). a(^' Dependant, subject. -^TrTt nom. sin. m. -*JtTT*Ts acc. sin.f. HlT^Ttw pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ^TT 2d cl. par. Go, until Come, approach, arise, flock to, assail; consent, yield. 3d pers. dual. 3d pers. pi. acc. sin.m. pres. part. nom. sin. m. pass. part. nom. or acc. sin. of ^RTIRTT^ s. n. Age, life-time. The destined age, term, or duration of life. s. m. tatp. The residue of life; the remnant of one*s days. -TfRT ins. sin. s. m. A weapon in general, -fj: >» ins. pi. adj. Forest, wild, grown in the forest. nom. sin. n. Pass- Part* (°f the vb' BeSirb with -35TT) Commenced, begun, nom. sin. m. ^S5TR^T 3 d pers. pi. pres, of the verb 15/ cl. atm. Begin, commence, usually with prep. ^RT prefixed. "SIT V*3TcTWs 3d pers. sin. imp.pass. 'RJT^^tl ind. pret. part. nom. sin. of 1STPPW s• m' Com- mencement, beginning. "STT^T loc- s• m‘ An enemY- pass.part, (of thevb.l^T^f Com- plete, with ’Sd) Served, worshipped, con- ciliated, propitiated, -rf J nom. singular m. nominative du. m. They both propitiated. t nom. sin. m.fut. pass. par/.-^7PST?T 3d pers. sin. pres. pass. Is conciliated. ^T^P2PFTR: nom.sin.m. pres. pass. part. | *•A garden, a grove, -if loc. sin. ind. pret. part, of the vb. Mount, with ^RT, Ascend, climb, mount, sur- mount, rise above,; also go on board, embark. ^RTR^t nominative singular m. passive participle. ^ 3dpers. sm. pres. 1$/ cl. nom. sin. s.m. A siege, a blockade.VOCABULARY. 33 3d pers. sin. pres, of ^YftT (cans, of the verb Ascend, with prep. ’*T) Place, fix. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass. Is made to ascend; is lifted, raised, heaved up or elevated. £ abs. s. n> (from adj. Straight) Straightforwardness, sincerity, -SR ins. sin. pass. part, {of the vb. or Pained, afflicted. Disturbed, confounded, ^rrrf: nom. sin. m. Obs. This word often occurs as the last member of a compound. ^ttNk m. tatp. The cry of one in pain. acc. sin. ^jjjTeRcft nom. sin. m. bahuv. Moist- eyed. nom. sin. m. of adj. Respect- able, venerable, worthy. ’^TRZT voc. sin. s. m. A master. A friend. nom. sin. of ^5TPsR s. m. A house, dwelling, receptacle, asylum. nom' sin- n- BAHUV. Originating in indolence. nom• sin- °f a^s- s* n• (from adjective, Idle) Idleness, sloth, laziness. ins. sin. ^T^nq: nom. sin. s. m. A speaking to, an ad- dressing, conversation. ms. pi. acc. sin. s. n. Embracing: an embrace. nom. sin.f. indef. past part, (of the verb f%*T ^ with RT) She em- braced. ^rrf^TST ind. pret. part. Having embraced. 3d pers. sin. pres, {of the vb. 15/ cl. atm. Look, with Rl) Looks at. 3 d pers. singular 2d pret. of the verb 10th cl. par. See, look, with preposition RT. 'srPsfrf%rT: nom. sin. m. pass. part. Seen, looked at. nom. du. m. ^T^rrf%?fT nom. sin. f. ^T^TT^f ind. pret.participle, Having seen. nom. sin. n. of ^Tpjrlf^ passive part, {of the verb See, with ■^T) (It was) considered, seen fit, planned or agreed. ’^n«*Tl ind. pret. participle, Having considered, or considering. gen. du. {of ^(^pers.pron.) Of us two. 'SIRTRT^ ins. du. By us two. nom. du. We two. nom• sin* s-f A row, a line, a string. RRR s. m. Residence. -IJt nom. sin. pass. part, {of the vb. ^ Become, with' ^5|Tf%^ Apparent) Appeared, mani- fest, become visible. 3d pers. pi. pres, of the vb. fifR 6th cl. par. Enter, with RD Engross, occupy,possess,fill.Rrf^RJ^s nom. sin. n. pass. part. R-Rrf pass. part, {of the vb. Surround, with RT) Surrounded, encircled. Covered over, overspread, overcast. ins. sin. m. loc. sin. n. ^ revolving, a going round. Worldly existence, the revolution of births. ^Tgf^7T passive part, of Sff^T {caus. of i34 VOCABULARY. the verb ft* Know, with ^5IT) Made known, told, announced* Vrei* part* °f the vb. 'SpR' (x) with ^ST? Fear, apprehend, doubt, suspect. ^5rnP3T s- m• Meaning, intention. of ^HIT s.f. Desire, hope, dependence, expectance.^T^T^fTO^^-j^* ^rraXT^rTT^ gen- pi- m- °f ^ni'Rrr^ adj. Hoping, having hope. ^njTftfwn nom, pi. m. tatp. Disap- pointed in expectation. t35fj^ ind. Quickly, speedily. s. n. A wonder, a marvel. -^^Tn nom. sin. ^5TP5W s- m- A hermitage, a cell. A religi- ous order, of which there are four kinds, referrible to the different periods of life: 1st, that of the student, or Brahmachart; 2nd, that of the householder, or Grihastha; 3rd, that of the anchorite, or Vanaprastha; and 4th, that of the beggar, or Bhikshu. nom. sin. of ^5TP5pST s. m. A dwell- ing, asylum, place of refuge: patronage, protection. A recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is in- herent, retained, or received. A patron, protector. The betaking one’s self to a protector or asylum. Contiguity, vicinity. ins. sin. s- n- A refuge, shelter, protec- tion. nom. sin. nom. sin. m.fut.pass. part, (of the verb ftr Serve, with To be had recourse to, or followed. 3 d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ftr 1st cl. atm. Serve, with ^?JT, Resort, repair. vnrvjjrrr: nom. plural m. of karm. Who protects, supports, or is be- come the refuge of another. 9. m. A name of fire. pass. part, (of the vb. ftr Serve, with ^t) Resorted to, occupied, infested, tenanted. nom. sin. n. also s. m. A dependant, follower, adherent, retainer, hanger on. accusative pi. '^nrf^TSr ind. pret. part, (of the verb Serve, with ^511) Having had recourse to, or gained; occupying. Having sought shelter. 3 d pers. sin. pres. pass. He is resorted to. Let (him) be sought or preferred. nominative singular m. present part, of ^jf% (causal of the verb Breathe, with ^t) Encouraging, anima- ting. -^PtTT^Ts 3d pers. pi. imp. pass. Let them be comforted, consoled, cheered or encouraged. ind. pret. part. Having cheered, encouraged, or re-assured. nom. singular m. pass. part, (of the verb Adhere, stick, with Ut) At- tached, fixed, intent upon, engrossed by. ^TT^^nr: nom. pi. m. *35nUcf s. n. A stool, a seat. Halting, sitting still (one of the six modes of military policy). nom. sin.VOCABULARY. 35 compar. (of ’SrPGTi5[ Near) Nearer. ^SrURpTUTT abstract substantive f. Greater nearness. -rfTTTs acc. sin. nom.sin.fem. bahuv. Near parturition; about to lay eggs. acc. sin. m. (pass. part, of the verb Go, with ^5nr) Near, adjacent, proximate. l°c'sin*m•or n* lstf pers» sin. 1st pret. of the vb. 2d cl. par. Be. ind. pret. part. of the verb Go, with ^5fT, Meet, encounter, reach, obtain, find. ^5d^rfv 3dpers. sin. 1st pret. of the vb. 2d cl. par. Be. Sd pers. sin. pot. of the vb. ^5fT^ 2d cl. atm. Sit. nom. sin. m. pres.part. ^IHScTT^ 3d pers. sin. imp. pass. Let there be sat. ^Tn?f 3d pers. sin. imp. of the vb. 2d class atm. Sit. Be present. Be, exist, continue. 3d pers. sin. pres. H e is now coming.^^T^T He continues eating. acc'sin- ofTfmrr *•/• Pains, care, consideration, regard. ind. pret. part, of the vb. ITT Stand, with Having betaken one’s self, or had recourse to. ^Tf%rrn nominative pi m. pass. part, (of the verb ET Stand, with J) Stayed, dwelt, abided. nom. sin. of s.n. employed chiefly in composition, A place, site, seat, object. ^5TPJf^ loc. sin. *• n• The mouth* nom. sin. of ^ $. m. Taste, flavour, enjoyment* s. n. A tasting, an eating. ^S5rn^T?T rn. A strata- gem, device, scheme, contrivance, means, remedy, resource. A means of success against an enemy; four are usually enu- merated : as, sowing dissension, chastise- ment, conciliation and gifts. acc. •V _ s ms. t -Jfl ms. ^fT^rf%«rfT s. f tatp. A devising of an expedient, a thought of, or a care for a re- source or expedient. NjTTPSnET adj. Skilled in expedients, fertile in resources, nom. sin. m. ^tn^FT s* n* ^ present, a complimentary or respectful gift. -«T?TX acc. sin. ^qif^frT passive participle {of the verb Acquire, with Acquired, gained. gen. pi. s. m. Abuse, reviling, blame, cen- ______*\ sure. ^XTPsPJR ms. stn. pres. pass. part, {of the vb. ^5TRT Sit, with Being served, waited upon, attended. -«fT nom. sin.f. s. n. Endurance, connivance, suffer- ance, the overlooking (of an offence). nom. sin. s.f. An abandoning, leaving. Neg- ligence, neglect. Contempt, disdain. 3d person sin. pres, passive {of the verb See, with He is neglected. nom. sin. m. of passive part, {of the verb \ Go, with \jq) Endued, possessed of, having; approached, ins. pi. m. nom. sin. f. 3d pers. sin. pres, {of the vb. \ 2d cl. par. Go, with vJTf Near) Goes near, comes; aids, assists, favours; also, re- ceives, experiences: also, overtakes, befals, finds (one) out. vycpte passive part, {of the verb cj^ Carry, with \5TTf) Married. -^T nom. sin.f. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Possessed of both qualities. TgrafV nom. du. m. of^V{ pronom. Both, ffen- or loc- du> m-f- n‘ nom. sin. s.f. A torch, a firebrand. A meteor. ins. pi. Pass’ Part‘ (°f tfie v^‘ Shine, with Wei^) Uplifted, brandishing. -7T nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. of passive part, of ^rrt% causal {of the verb Shine, with ’SrQ Delighted, overjoyed, rejoicing. passive part, {of the verb Write, with ^Tf^Scraped, scratched. m46 VOCABULARY. T&WF9 3 d pers. sin. 2d pret. of the verb par. Speak, say. worn. irregular of &• 7)1 • A name of surra, regent of the planet Venus. ^f%rl pass. joar£. (o/ t;£. ^ Dwell) Dwelt, resided, worn, singular m. nom. singular n. iwrf. participle, Having stayed, tarried or lodged. m. A camel. ?Jom. sm. nom. si/i. m. o/* Hot. ^HTiTx nom. sin. n. ^^HjcKT^ /oo. sira. m. karm. In hot weather, in summer. m$. sin. 5. m. Heat, warmth, 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, of the vb. Carry. 3d pers. du. 2d pret. of the vb. ^r( par. Speak, say. 3d pers. pi. ^3PCt?R2r ind. pret. part, (of vb.Make, with the particle denoting, Assent) Having promised, agreed, or assented to. adj. Mighty, great, excellent. -rTTt nom. pi. f. ind. Up, above. m. or f. A wave. A current. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 1 st cl. par. Infer, apprehend, deduce by reasoning. 3d pers. pi. nom. sin. m. of -H agt. A maker of debts. See Wrfr- nom. sin. m. of -^T^* agt. A payer of debts. See ^TrTT* nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. A debt, a loan. -Tjr loc. •s ind. Without, besides, governing the abl. case. s.f. Fortune, prosperity, -fq^t nom. singular. V T£c|r: nom. sin. m. of TJ[^T pronom. One, a. Sole, alone. acc. sin. m. or n., also, nom. singular n. THfirf ins. sin. m. or n. TT^I gen. sin. m. or n. nominative sin.f. TTcRT^ acc. T^rf^Tit nom. singular f. of T^rf^rT «#• bahuv. Thinking of one thing only, in- tent upon, absorbed in. Of one mind, agreeing, concurring. CHWI Of TI^f^TT Unani- mous, and ind. pret. part, {of the vb. Having become. pronom. One of two. acc. sin. m. TJjnr ind. In one place, together. On the one hand. V^TT ind. One day, on a certain time. At once, simultaneously, at the same time. nom. sin. s. m. karm. One part.VOCABULARY. 47 l(3>^flrqr adj. Influenced by one feeling, relishing solely. -^T3f ins. sin. m. TTHirwT^: nom. sin. m. of bahuv. Of one house, of the same residence. adj. Alone^solitary. -^[nom.sin.m. U^TT5fr adjective, Solitary, lonely, retired, sole. Excessive, extreme. Aside, apart. W^ffNrfrw: nom. pi. m. Solitary wanderers. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Ex- tremely compassionate. T^TPrlfT^ iwrf. Much, exceedingly. TJ[ch\±r( ind. Apart, aside. ipirn5Tifs acc. sin.f. bahuv. Having one object. adj. Singly, one by one. acc. sm. m. -3TT«Ts acc. jo/, T^cRlT^ mm?. One by one, singly. ind. One by one. T£7T^ nom. or acc. sin. n. of T£r!^ pronoun, This. TTrPSf gen sin. m. or n. TJcff%r?Ts loc. singular m. nominative dw. m. TTff^V: gen. TT^ nominative pi. m. T£?n*Ts acc. instru. TfdNl +1N genitive. TnTT: nom.pi.f. T^TT^ Native. T^Trfsf nom. pi. n. TtfJT nom. sin. m. of ^<11 £ 11 adj. Such, suchlike. T^fTTC^T* nom' PIura^ nom. sin.f TJrUqrf^ ind. Thus, so far, so much. Xr?TT^T*ix nom. sin. m. of T£rTT^rTv adj. So much, so many, so far, so great. T^rTT^frfv nom. sin. n. XCf^T Pers* sin* pres, (of the vb. \ 2d cl. par.) Goes, attains. 3d pers. du. pres. of the vb. T^J 1*? cl. atm. Grow, thrive, prosper, flourish. acc. singular m. of pronoun, This. 1£«TT*TX acc. sin.f. nom. sin. s. m* The castor- oil plant (Palma Christi, or Ricinus com- munis). ind. Also. Indeed, truly, yes, verily, surely. Even. Very, self-same, itself. Al- ready. As, in like manner. Accordingly. adjective, So hard to bear. acc. sin. n. adj. Such-like, of such and such a manner, form, or kind. loc. pi. m. nom. sin.f. -V l°c* n% T^¥TS ind. Thus, so, in this manner, in like manner. ind. Even so, exactly so, true. T£cPijfn nom. sin. m. of adj. So, in such a manner, such as this. nom. pi. m. accusative sin. n. UTr; nominative sin. m. of Tfj^pronoun, This. Tjtft- I myself. -^T nom. sin. f. gen. pi. m. or n. of pronoun, This. 3rrf pers. plural 2d fut. par. of the verb ^ Go.48 VOCABULARY. 2d pers. sin. iwi/?. o/* vcri 5^ 2c? c/. joar. Go, reversing the action, Come. * nom. sin. of abs. s. n. (from Tjgr^fTT adjective, Unanimous) Unanimity. abs. s. n. Power, might, dominion. s.f. An annual plant or herb, one that dies after becoming ripe. ins. singular of abs. s. n. (from vSJTIIT adj. Like) Likeness, resem- blance, analogy. nom. sin. n. ofadj. Legiti- mate (son) i. e. by a wife of the same tribe. worn. s. n. A me- dicament, drug, medicine; any herb or mineral. 4Yi?§: ins. pi. 3T nom. sin. m. of interr. pron. Who ? which? what? nom* or acc‘ ^n. of s. n. A bracelet. Sen* s. m. The bank of a river. acc. sin. acc. sin. of cR^tf s. vn. A tortoise. A turtle. acc. sin. m. o/f%f^. tatp. Deceitful talk, -ifif ins. sin. s. m. A small shell used as a coin, a cowrie. -3fT«Ts acc.pi. -qu ins.pi. gnTP?T s* A treaty of peace on equal terms. -<«n nom. sin. ^■fq^T s. m. Name of a celebrated Muni, or saint, -^r: nom. sin. nom. sin. m. tatp. A king of pigeons. qpjYffn nominative pi. of qpiffrT $• m• A pigeon. qpftrTRs acc. plural. -rfRUT^ gen. pi. qrtff s. m. Phlegm, one of the three humours of the body. 3P*i»rnr^ a9** Antiphlegmatic; a phlegma- gogue. -«T^IS nom. sin. n. acc. sin. m. of pronoun, Who? what? 8» nfi. or n. An earthen or wooden >9 water-pot with a wide mouth and narrow spout, used by the ascetic or religious student. acc. sin. s. n. A lotus. ^rwrf% nom. pi. n50 VOCABULARY. pres. part, of the vb. cf\T| \ 1st cl. atm. Tremble, shake, quake, didder. -«TT«fv acc. pi. m. s. m. A blanket. s. m. A shell. s. m. (Shell-neck) Name of a turtle. VJ ^nc: nom. singular s. m. The hand. acc. loc. s. m. The name of a jackall. I nominative or acc. sin. ^TRE^SI genitive. 3TR2T l°c* nom. or ctfRiJ'3 locative. S. n. tatp. Cause of a special or incidental kind, originating in some act or occasion. ind. Incidentally, from some special cause. ^RZI^rpsr s. m. tatp. A time for action. An appointed or fitting time, season, or opportunity. cfTR?rTOs ind. From practical experience. 3TR2NfTv ind. As what ought to be done. grRzN*^? s. m. tatp. Embarrassment, difficulty. loc. sin. o54 VOCABULARY. qfpgJWPTT s. m. tatp. Business, heavy business, weighty business, an ocean of business. loc. sin. g5T5§f%f^r: nom.sin.s.f. tatp. The suc- cess of an object. grr^r^TTWT^ gen. pi. of adj. tatp. Incapable of business. s* m# TATP# An ocean of busi- ness. -aft loc. sin. nom. sin. of cffT^T s. m. Time. A seasonable opportunity. A name, or rather form of siva, in his character of the destroying deity, being then repre- sented of a black colour, and an aspect more or less terrific. 3fT<«r3TN acc. 3iT^T*f ins. loc. T3SJWWZ *• n. The poison produced from the ocean on the churning of it by the gods and demons. It was swallowed by siva, and occasioned him his blue neck and his name Venom, gen. sin. .m. tatp. The wandof death,death. «KT^mnrnTv all.sin.of -XTTJI tatp. Snare of death. jjn^rsrnr s- m. tatp. Procrastination, delay, a passing away or wasting of time. -Tf: nom. sin. tatp. Procrastination, a putting off of time; a whiling away or gaining of time. nom. sin. ««T^rt1v*rs agt. tatp. Fighting or who fights in season, or at the proper time. -«TT ins. sin. m. nom. pi. n. tatp. Good and evil things (occurring) in the revolutions of time. 3TTf%*TSTv abs. s. m. Blackness. A stain, sully, blur, blot. -3JT nom. sin. ^TT^T»f ins. sin. of grr^T s. m. Time. 3TT^T loc. sin. <*bs. s. n. (from s. m. A poet) Poetry; a poem. *• «• The country called Cash- mere. acc. sin. s. n. Wood. A stick. A piece of drift wood, nom. singular. ^TBTWfT^I^ instrumental du. ^rTB‘T^mT m• BAHUV* Of what profession or vocation cUTTITT and ^.) a$' Who, which, or what like? nom. sin. m. nom. sin.f. of ^Vf"scs adj. Who, which, or what like ? s. f Fame, glory, renown. nom. sin. acc. nom. sin. f. of agt. A maker of fame. ^fvfrr pass. part, {of the verb ^rf) De- clared. -eft nom. sin. m. acc. sin. m. tatp. Attended with fame, majesty, and power. sfitf^brrr tatp. Renowned, celebrated, pos- sessed of fame. -rT^ acc. sin. m. s. m. A wedge. s. m. A wedge, -gf: nom. sin. acc. sin. W ind. A prefix, denoting, Bad, vile, &c. s. n. Wickedness, evil-doing. loc. sin, m* A cock. ins. sin. m- A dog. nom. sin. -^T?T abl. -^5 yen. s- m. The flank. acc. sin. nom.sin. of^^^Rs.n. Afamily. acc. sin. s.f. A procuress. WtW nom. sin. s. /. A bawd, ^ff^qx ins. gen.56 VOCABULARY. W^PsT *. m. or n. An opening bud. ind. From some, or from a certain. ind. Whence ? Wherefore ? ind. From, through, or on account of some, or a certain. Somewhere or other. *. ii. Eagerness, joy, amusement. Curiosity. ^7^1p?nRs nom. sin. ind. Where. pass. part, (of the vb. Reprove) Low, vile, contemptible, reprehensible. s. f. The wife of Pandu and mother of the three elder Pandava princes by as many gods. »• m. A heap of mud, filth, or ordure. ! ins. pi. adj. Unwholesome, improper (as diet, &c)* gen. pi. n. pass. part, (of the vb. Be angry) Enraged, offended, angry, irate, -eft nom. sin. m. -fTT nom. sin.f. •\ 3d pers. sin. pot. of the vb. 4th cl. par. Be angry. ^s. n. The white esculent water-lily. s. f. A multitude of water-lilies, or a place abounding in them. TATP. comp, of The lotus, and cfX^l^r locative singular of •TT^RT S’ m- Lover; the white esculent lotus, expanding its petals during the night, and closing them in the day-time. nom. singular of s. m. A pot, a jar. acc. s. m. A potter. -^TJT ins. sin. 2d pers. sin. imp. of the vb. ^ 8th cl. par. Do, make, practice, 2d pers. pl’ 'Ij'fj'VJ 2d pers. pi. pres. 3d pers. sin. imp. of the vb. § 8 th cl. atm. Do, make, act. 3d person sin. pres. Sen- PL °f adj. Ill- favoured, plain, ugly, deformed. ^=*f: 15/ pers. pl. pres, of the vb. Sth cl. par. Do. 3d pers. sin. pot. of the vb. ?} 8th cl. par. Do, make, act, practice, exercise, commit. 3d person plural pres. nom. sin. m.pres. part, 3d pers. sin. pot. atm. nom. sin. m. •s pres. part. -TQcf instrumental. -TjTft nom. pl. m. or/. nom• s™- St /• tatp. A woman of good family. nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. A family. gen. ins. pl. nom. sin. s. f. tatp. Family honour or respectability. n0m' Sm' St TATP* ^ respectable woman, one of good family. cfj s• /• TATP* A woman of good family, a respectable woman. s. m. tatp. The proper duty or practice of a caste or family. loc. sin. nom. singular m. from AVOCABULARY. 57 family, and agt. (from the vb. (x^ with prep. ^5fT Sustain) Sup- porting; a supporter. adj. Well born, of a good family, of noble birth. -ifT! nom. pi. m. -«fHRTN acc. sin.f. s. m. A crab, nom. sin. ins. sin. WV s- m. A species of grass used in many solemn and religious observances, hence called sacrificial grass (Poa cynosuroides). adj. Expert, skilful, clever, -<5T; nom. sin. m. -’fh ins. pi. m. ^3H5PT§n ins. pi. s. m. tatp. By saluta- tions, greetings, friendly inquiries respect- ing a personas health. nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. Well-being, happiness, health, welfare. nom. sin. m. bahuv. comp. °fw% cr. Kusa grass, and s. Hand or paw. s. m. tatp. The point of a blade of Kusa grass, -xpp ins. sin. s. m. A granary, a cupboard, store- room, or a place in which rice or other grain is kept. -<5TTcTs abl. sin. -^T loc. ♦ m. bahuvri'hi, compounded of s. m. A granary, store-room, or cupboard, in which rice or grain is kept, adj. Filling, and s. A measure of grain equal to four Prasthas, or containing 7 lbs. 11 oz. avoir- dupois. In Bengal, an Air aka is equal to two mans, or 164 avds. nom. pi. of ^f<7TN *. /. A shallow stream, a brook, rivulet, or rill. s. n. A flower. gen. sin. of s. m. tatp. A collection of flowers, a garland, a nosegay. ^37 s. m. Roguery, juggling, deception. s. m. n. The peak or summit of a moun- tain. Fraud, deceit. A roguish scheme or plot. acc. sin. s. m. A well, qrqqj gen. sin. nom. sin. s. m. tatp. A frog in a well (applied to one of confined ideas and ignorant of the world). nom. sin. s. n. tatp. Well-water. nom. sin. of s. m. A tortoise. A turtle. nom. sin. m. tatp. Reduced to distress. ins. sin. of 1T^ s.m.n. Difficulty, labour, trouble. Bodily pain. Reluctance. Torture. loc. U sin. n* °f ?5?T passive paid, (of the verb Do) Done or made. ind. For, on account of. ’®^nr ind.pret. part, (of the vb. Having made or done. 2d pers. sin. 3A pret. of the verb ^ atm, after prohib. particle JfJ, Do not. Uqqrt nom. sin. m. o/^tpjT adj. Poor, low, feeble, pitiable, miserable. Miserly, avari- cious. s. m. A miser. gen. sin. mm ins. sin. of s- f Pity, tender- ness. lifa s. m. A worm. agt. Vermifuge. sin. n. acc. sin. m. irreg. pass. part, (of the verb Emaciated, thin, spare, weak, feeble. lift s.f. A ploughing of the soil, husbandry, agriculture. 15*5 voc. ofm^l s. Krishna, the most celebrated form of Vishnu, or rather Vishnu himself: he is distinct from theVOCABULARY. 59 ten Avatars, or rather incarnations, being identified with the deity, adj. Black, or dark blue. s• /• The fourteenth day in the dark half of a month; the day prece- ding the new moon. l°c* s*nm s. m. harm. A black serpent. -TFRt nom. sin. acc. sm. -^JXfl!T ms. sm. fpGQjTCTT Bdpers. sin. pres, atm. a nominal vb. signifying Blacken, colly, derived from the adjective ^5x15 Black. s. m. A banner, a flag. ins. sin. m. or n. of interr. pron. Who ? which ? wherefore ? nom. pi. rn. qfrrfa7TN ins. sin. m. or n. {of f%fspfviwo«. indef. Somebody, something) By a certain. ins. sin. m. or n. (of pron. indef.) By or with some or a certain, or any-soever (person or thing). m.f. Play, sport, amusement -f*n?v acc. sin. ifccpsr^ ind. Only, alone, merely. m. A lion’s mane. s. m. The maned one, a name for a lion. ^om. sin. s. m. Anameof Krishna or Vishnu, as the handsome-haired god. nom. sin. *Nt: nom. pi. of s. m. Hair of the head. ircxg loc. gen. pi. m. Of pronoun, Some, certain. fit ins. pi. m. pron. Who or what ? fNr? s. m. A fisherman, ; ins. pi. ^Tf%^fT*TT?Tx gen. pi. o/^Tf^T s. m. The Koily the black or Indian cuckoo. acc. sin. of substantive m. n. The hollow of a tree. abl. loc. s.f. A crore or ten millions. loc. pi. s.f. A crore or ten millions, 5 m* n' A bow. m. Anger, wrath. A revolt. Dis- turbance, insurrection. -Xf?^ acc. sin. -XfTrTN abl. -Xfi: nom. pi. SITfXlT^tjiTt nom. sin. m. tatp. Furious, enraged. WT nom. sin. m. of pron. Some, any. One. A certain person. nom. pi. m. o/^TTM adj. Soft. ^ttw: nom-sin- o/^T^rrf^r «• »*. a loud and confused noise, an uproar; a great and indistinctnoise. 3rf^n‘Tp5n;TN«cr. s. m. Accumulated wealth, treasure. -Eft* nom. sin. acc. — , abl. pi. adj> Rich, wealthy, 9en- s^n- r>i. s. m. Name of a Muni or divine sage, n. Sport, pastime, fun, amusement. Curiosity. -3iT C\ A crest, and locative sin. m. of agt. Reclining. pass. part, [of the vh. Crushed, squeezed, pounded, ground to powder, smashed to pieces, -rft nom. sin. m. -rfn m. %arsr 5. m. A servant, a slave. ^TrTs ind. If. Although. •v ins. sin. of xTcRj s. n. The mind, intellect, faculty of reasoning or under- standing. gen. -<=rf% loc. s. m. The name of a country, perhaps the modern Chandail. s. m. (King of Chedi) A name of sisupala, the foe of Krishna, and slain by him. In one birth he appears as Hiranyakasipu, in another as Havana ; but always as the implacable enemy of Vishnu. See Vishnu Purana, Page 437. dat. si?i. xfgT s. f. Any bodily motion or gesture. An action. -ggT ins. sin. WfWTO s-ra- tatp. The observing of a personas actions. pers. sin. pot. of the vb. lstf cl. atm. Strive, pursue as an avocation. ^ffgrT pass.part. Done. s. n. Action. -rrcfa nom. plural, 3d person pot. (of %fg cans.) He should make or persuade to strive, he should induce to exertion. s. m. A thief, a robber. nom. sin. acc. ind. (for From robbers. pass. part, (of the vb. Fallen. s.f. A fall. s. n. A parasol, an umbrella, the Indian chhattah. s. n. Wish, desire. s. n. Humouring, indulgence, compliance with one’s wishes.-4t«T ins.sin. s. n. Device, artifice, disguise. 'gjJl s.m. A goat. gTT*TOs acc. sin. ind. (In the matter of the goat.) 5T3T norn, sin. of s.f. A shade, a shadow. A reflected image. ^T5|TiTx acc. WT^T^T^Ts loc. acc. sin. of s. n. A hole. A fault, defect, flaw, blemish, infirmity (moral or physical). loc. pi. 1st pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 7th cl. par. Cut; gnaw or nibble: also, quench, slake, allay. 3d person. fwfr* 2d pers. sin. imp. nom. sin. m. karm. A riven tree. nom.sin.m. bahuv. His bonds cut. nom. sin. f. of pass. part, (of the vb. Cut) Cut, severed, gnawed asunder. loc. sin. n. t74 vocabulary. gen. sin. m. of 3pr| agt. (from the verb Cut) Cutting, hewing; solving: a hewer, or feller of wood. A resolver (of difficulties), one who dissipates doubts. nom. pi. m. inf. [of the verb Cut) To cut. wwrfa Is/ pers. sin. 2d fut. ofvb. f^c par. Cut. 2d pers. 3 dpers. fat. pass. part, {of the vb. To be cut, to be cut off. nom. sin. m. (from Be born) as the last member of a compound wordy is a verbal adjective or noun of agency denoting, Arising, springing, born or produced. acc• sin.f. s. n. The world. People, man- kind. toe* sin- Sen- s- m- tatp. A king (lord of the world.) voc. sin. ^Rrftqrer s. m. tatp. A king (protector of the world). W orld-destroy ing. -f^*rTOs ins. du. ^PTTVI Sdpers. sin. 2dpret. (of the vb. TR par. Go) He went. ^RT«T 3d pers. sin. 2d pret. par. ofvb. 1R Slay. adj. Moving, locomotive. nom. sin. m. nom. sin. of ^nFT s.f. The leg. s. m. or n. The belly. acc. sm. ms. l nom. sin. of 3R s. m. A man, a per- son. People, folk. Wacc* gen. srt: nom. pi. nom. sin. o/*R^t A mother. 5Rv|^*£j gen. sin. of s. m- An m*- habited country. Man, mankind. ♦ ^Rtf^ ins. SRTRT^ s.m. tatp. Rumour, report. nom. sin. 3dpers. sin.pres. caus. (of the verb *R Be born) Produces, brings forth, gives birth to, creates, engenders, excites. ^R^ff^rT 3d pers. plural. *R<3R$ 3d pers. sin. imp. 3d pers. sin. pot. *R^R 3d pers. sin. pres. atm. im- Pl- °f*RT^TT m' TATP- Propriety, decorum, good conduct. Social duty.^pr{s.m. An animal, a living being. ^RTYt genitive. «R?V l°c- nom. plural. gen. N nom. sin. of ?RR s. n. Birth, pro- duction, life, state of being. loc. s-f- tatp. Native soil, birth-place. nom. pl. $. n. Different births. ^R^f^ *• m• Name of a Muni or saint, and father of Parasurama, the sixth Avatar or descent of the deity Vishnu. -7?n gen. sin.VOCABULARY. 75 m. Jambu Dwipa, said to be so named from the Jambu-tree abounding in it, and implying, according to the Puranas, the central division of the world, or the known world; according to the Bauddhas, it is confined to India. nominative singular o/ap^ s.m. A jackalL ins. m. One of the divisions of the world. -HT7Is abl. sin. -Xf loc. it». 0/ Victory, con- quest. ^rij loc. S. m. TATP. A shout or song of victory, a huzza, a poean. ins. sin. agt. Victorious. gen. sin. m. ; nom. sin. s. m. A proper name. ^7 nom. sin. of 7pfT *• /• Old age, de- crepitude; the debility of old age. 5J7VT instru. srft nom. sin. m. of adj. Old, in- firm, decayed, decrepit. 3T53f7 or adj. Old, split, broken. Wounded, pierced. gt^ffteirr chwi, Wounded, ins. sin. m. affL Water-going, aquatic. ins. pL m. of*s. m. tatp. An aquatic animal. m. A cloud (Water-giver). s• m• tatp. The approach of clouds, the rainy season. -T{ loc. sin. s. m. A cloud (Water-holder). s. m. The sea, the ocean. -\fV loc. sin. nominative or acc. sin. of s. n. Water. loc. ins. plural. -^TT| loc. s-m* TATP* A drop of water. adj. Watery, marshy. acc. sin. n. ^FsTTC^TR acc. sm. o/al^rraj^ls. w. tatp. S> A pool, lake, tank, reservoir. loc. nom• or acc• singuto* 5* n* Another lake. 5pgT3T€HTs acc• s^n* °f “^T^I s*m- A lake. nom. sin. s. m. A prater, prattler, idle talker. 3dpers. sin. pres, of the vb.*I^Cf 1st cl. par. Speak out boldly and plainly. 3dpers. sin. pres, of the vb. 3d cl.par. Quit, leave, forsake, give the slip. 3d pers. sin.pres, of the vb. WTll 2d cl. par. Awake. 2d pers. sin. pres, of WPrfT caus. Waken, arouse from sleep. ^fTTf: nom. sin. m. of pass.part, {of the vb. Be born) Born, produced, caused, arisen, come into being. ^JTcW acc. m. • *\ s nom. or acc. sm. n. 3fTrR ms. singular rn. ^TrTT^T^s 8en' PL n- nom. sin. m. bahuv. Having his confidence raised. gjTTffipSjnij; nom. sin. m. bahuv. Having his confidence excited.76 VOCABULARY. ^TrTTW?: m. bahuv. Having their anger roused, put in a passion. s.f. Birth, production. Class, caste. ins. sin. of -Tn~3 s. n. Caste only, not the performance of its especial duties. ^!T*fTf*T 1 stpers. sin. pres, of the vb. YU 9/^ cl. par. Know, think, consider, perceive ; acknowledge, admit, recognize. wr«rrf% 2 dpers. WRTf?I 3dpers.-«ffcf: Is* 2 d pers. -STfsrT 3 d pers. WP^faTcTs 3(lpers. sin. pot. {of the vb. 'ffT 9th cl. par. Know) One may know. STPT 1st pers. sin. pres, [of the verb >JT 9/A cl. atm. Know) I know. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 4 th cl. atm. substituting in the conjuga- tional tenses, Be born, come into existence, ^U^fT 3dpers. pi. 3fTT’ mm. sin. of s- m- A paramour, a gallant, acc. ins. acc- £*n- s- n- TATP- A couple of gallants. gjT^nrr^ *• ni. (Web-foot) Name of a frog, gen. sin. ^rr^ir: m. of TATP. comp. o/^TPST and ^ pass. part, {of the vb. Bind) Confined in a net. SfPsT*^ worn, or acc. sin. of s. n. A net. ins. -^»l 17fv abl. ■SlTCFtt *•/• Ganga, or the Ganges, per- sonified as the daughter of Raja Jahnu. The river in its course disturbed the devotions of the saint Jahnu, upon which he drank up its waters: having released them at the intercession of Bhagiratha, he is thus considered as the parent of the stream. Vishnu Purah a, Page 398. TATP. comp, of cr. The Ganges, xpif cr. Foam, and nom. sin. s.f A streak. nom. sin. m. agt. Desirous of con- quest, ambitious of victory, victorious. f^rerra: nom. sin. m. agt. Desirous of killing, wishing to slay; murderously disposed, hostile, inimical. f^rgf^f 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 1 st cl. par. substituting fwa in the conjuga- tional tenses, Smell. nom. sin. m. pres. part. fwr^rr nom. singular of fwgiwT /. Inquiry, search. f^lrf pass. part, {of the vb. Conquered, subdued, vanquished.-rf: nom. sin. m. fw7T^nrov acc. sin. n. bahuv. Inured to fatigue. nom. singular m. bahuvrihi, {comp, of f^rfrf Subdued, and An organ of sense) One who has subdued his senses; calm, unmoved. ins. sin. o/f^n- «• f. The tongue. s. m. A cloud. m. Name ofakingof Ceylon.-cftl gen. sin. pass. part, {of the vb. sg Decay) Old, decayed; neglected.VOCABULARY. 77 karm. A neglected garden. loc. sin. n. jp«r. (of the verb 1^ 6‘Z.) Living; a living being, a live creature. A dependant; live stock. loc. sin. m. m. 3d person sin. pres, (of the verb 1st cl. par. Live) He lives. 3 dpers. pi ^nr 3d per8. sin. imp. vj nom. sin. q^ 5. ft. Life, ex- istence, livelihood, support. A living. dat. 2d pers. sin. imp. of (causal of the vb. Live) Cause thou to live, pre- serve alive. sft t nom. sin. s. m. The world, the habitation of living beings. Mankind. acc. gen. 1st pers. sin. pres. of the verb 1 st cl. par. Live. nom. or acc. sin. of Wtf%rT 5. n. Life. ins. loc. nom. sin. m. tatp. A sacrifice of life. nom. sin. m. tatp. A chance of life. nom. sin. n. of future pass.part, (of the vb. Live) To be lived, to be kept alive. ^tf^frrsrr nom. singular s.f. tatp. Love of life. Wtf^cTn^T ins. sin. ^Stf^PSUfiT 1 st pers. sin. 2d fut. (of vb. 1^/ cl. par.) I shall live. ^Pr<3??: nom. sin. s. m. tatp. Abandon- donment of life, death. 3d person singular pres. pass, (of the verb sffa) There is lived, i. e. One may or does live. ^r: nom. sin. m. of agt. used only as the last member of a compound (from the verb Know) Knowing, acquainted, con- versant with. acc. sin. m. ^JT s^n‘ °f 's*Tt 1 s'f’ Moonlight. 13 j nom. sin. s. m. A jump, a leap. s. m. A certain kind of little bird, which builds on the sea-shore (a wagtail ?). worn, sin.f. ▼ *• m• A. musical instrument, a kind of small drum or tabour. nom. sin. ?r Tf^ir 5. m. One of the principal Ndgas or serpents of Patala. ins. sin. ?T55rc: + ^P5f) wow. sm. tw. tatp. The victory over it or them, the conquest thereof. Trssft^rre + drtaro) dat. sin. n. tatp. For his support. rP^JT: nom. pi. m. agt. Knowing that, ac- quainted with that (matter). e\Z s. m. or n. A bank, a shore. rf^RT s. m. or 7i. A pool, a pond, reservoir, tank. -*TTf% QCC. pi. acc* pi* °f m* TATP. A grain of rice.-TSTT^rn^ 9™. P^ nom. pi. of rP^^T *•m• Grain after threshing, especially rice. 7TrTs Therefore, so. Then. rra:TP£f?T inrf. Thenceforth, thenceforward. rfTT^ «7irf. (equivalent to cPJTRT^) Thence, from that. Afterwards. Then; therefore. Than him, than that person. TTrP^flW^ ind. And what next ? Proceed, continue. nom. pi. m. adj. Vanishing immediately, transient. or riwwTfrs ind. Immediately, instantly, instantaneously, at that instant, forthwith. rfief abs. s. n. (from 7f^ dem.pron. That) Truth, reality. A first principle, an axiom. cTW nom. sin. m. of agt. Ac- quainted with the principles. (See nom. sin. s. m. tatp. The touchstone of principle. Ora> XfT5Rs.) rffCT^ adjective, Diligent, anxiously atten- tive. nom. sin. m. ind. There, in that place, thither. rT^(ZT adj' Produced there, or belonging to that place. agt. There-standing, dwelling there ; a by-stander. nom. pi. m. rT% ind. Even there, on the spot.VOCABULARY. 79 m(l’ Thus, so, likewise, in the same or in like manner. fTOTfa ind. Still, yet, nevertheless, notwith- standing. worn. sin. m. o/rT^Tf^I adj. Of such a sort or kind, in such a state, plight, or condition. acc. sin. m. or n. acc. sin.f. rrtfa ind. Even so, just so, exactly so, so also, in the same manner, in like manner. cfSI adj. True, real. nom. or acc. sin. n. of demon, pron. He, she, it, that. ind. Afterwards, forthwith, next to that. ____ ins. sm. n. tatp. By way, or in the course of following him. rFprPR, ind. To that end, just so far. ind. At any other than that. rp^is. m. tatp. A half of that. ins. sin. ind. Then. adj. Of or belonging to him or that. nom. sin. n. The same thing. acc. sin. s. m. tatp. The spirit thereof. mvnnfai: nom. sin. m. tatp. Believing his words. ind. Inlikemanner, of the samefashion. adj. Of that kind. -’Sj: nom. sin. m. fT^TSrnn nom. sin. m. bahuv. Niggardly, sparing, letting little go or be spent. 7T*T^TW s*n* Armour, mail, a protection for the body. s. m. Fire. gen. sin. rTSrfcr: 0/rf«flr s. m. A thread. WT nom. sm. of fp^J s.f. Slothfulness. nom. sin. s. m. tatp. His destruction. rT«jn=5T?TN aW* s^n’ tatp. From the midst of them, from amongst them. fftj; nom. sin. of s. n. Religious austerity, mortification, penance, piety. rPrf% loc. sin. rlWVT ind. pret. part. Having done penance. TRtTWR s- tatp. The efficacy of de- votion. -^TTcfTTT^ abl. sin. rnrf%reT*N gen. pi. of s. m. An ascetic, a religious man engaged in the practice of rigorous and devout penance. ?pfr«R s. n. tatpurusha, A forest of penance. nom. sin. Tfjft nom. sin. m. ofjfjf pass. part, {of the vb. rfCf Be or make hot) Heated, inflamed, •y _ burnt. Distressed. cTST*f 7T5RTS nom. sin. n. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. cfTf 4th cl. atm. Become sorry, repent, regret. acc. sin. m. {of cf^T demon.pron.) Him, that. acc. sin. o/TTTIW s.n. Darkness. locative. ^psn* ins. sin. f. {of 7^ demon, pron. He, she, it, that) By or with that, or her. gen. du. m. or n.80 VOCABULARY. rlTW n. A crossing over, a passing, a going across. loc. sin. rpcf^rf 3dpers. pi. pres, of the vh. 7g* Is/ cl. par. Cross over, surmount. nom. sin. s. m. A tree. gen. loc. acc. pi. rf^T| loc. nom. sin. ofitms. m. A young man. nom. sin. of s- f • A young woman. acc. f^urn*84 VOCABULARY. gen. sin. n. karmadh. Burned, and Be%) Appetite, an empty or craving stomach. s. m. Force of arms. s.f. The peninsula of India, from between the Nermada and Goddveri rivers to the south, the whole of which, in the days of Rama, was a large forest. loc. stn. of ^^ I ^St n. The peninsula, the peninsular forest. ^”^5acc- sin» s• n• tatp. A taking of the (pilgrim’s) staff. s. m. TATP. A magistrate or •s head police-officer. ins. sin. ^Uvg^ftgTT ins. sin. s. f. tatp. Through dread of the rod. ncc. sin. of^ls. m. A stick, rod, staff. Punishment, castigation, amerce- ment, imprisonment, or putting to death. ms. ^t!^rr*TTrTN obi. sin. of *• m. tatp. The infliction of punishment. nom. singular m. pass. part, {of the verb Punish) Punished, chastised. Amerced, fined, mulcted. -rfT nom. sin.f. Ttt: nom. singular m. pass. part, (of the vb. Give) Given, presented. Extended, stretched forth. ^tTT nom. sin.f. nominative sin. n. instru. pi. n. indef. past part. -^pFfs nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Shewing respect, respectful. karmadh. A given seat. -is. m. A robber, a bandit, an outcast. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. Is/ cl.par. Burn. 3dpers. sin.pres.pass. nom. sin. of abs. s. n. (from adj. Clever) Cleverness, talent. Concord, harmony. Honesty, sincerity, Candour. qTf%^§[*T i™8- nom. sin. n. of qTrf5J fut. pass, part, {ofthevb. Give) To be given. ^TcfT nom. sin. m. of ^T<| agt. (from the vb* q'T Give) Giving; a giver, generous. <*T7J*Tx inf. {of the vb. Give) To give. ^To[ s. m. A giver. qTTJt gen. sin. acc. sin. o/TTWff S. m. TATP. Almsgiving, charity. ^T«nTs nom. sin. of substantive n. A giving. A gift. Liberality. lns' - «rnrs &en* tr Ioc* y86 VOCABULARY. ^H«RT>«TT*?V «**• du. n. dwan. By a gift and honour. 4'MW^: With gifts and compliments. tatp. Deprived of gifts. tn. ^ s. m. An heir. A candidate, pre- tender. acc. sin. ids obi. sin. ^T^r: nom. pi. m. fused only in this gender and number, from the vb. ^ Tear) A wife. TTTT^ acc. TTt: instru. loc. ^Tf^TT s.f. A daughter. ^if^TT^r *• n• tatpurusha, The gift of a daughter in marriage. nom. sin. of s^TfTs^ ^s. St n• (from adjective, Poor) Poverty. -3[T*S abl- abs' s* n• Poverty. -5fTrf^abl. sin. 5. m. Wood, timber. A lever ? -T$TT ins. «in. a#. Dreadful, shocking,- dire, atroci- ous. -w: nom. sin. m. ^TWt8! obs. s. n. Servitude, slavery. -H*TV acc. sin. TT^S nom. sin. abs. s. n. (from <^T^J s. A slave) Servitude, slavery. TV\S. m. A burning, combustion, conflagra- tion, -t£; nom. sin. -^Ts occ. sin. f^T^XTfT dwandwa, of the 2d species, comp, of cr. A quarter or region of the sky, and ^![TfTx abl. sin. of s. m. A country. (From quarters and countries.) ». m. tatp. The subjugation of a country. pen. pi. s. m. tatp. Of the roads of the country. f^HTs acc. sin. Of f^T S. n. A day. W loc. ins. plural. loc. acc. sin. o/f^WS- m. A day. loc. sin. irctf. Day by day, daily. f^T ind. By day. ind. Day and night. acc. sin. m. tatp. Asleep by day. f^T s. n. An oath. nom. pi. o/f^ars s.f. A region, space, quarter, part. m. A lamp, nom. sin. 3dpers. sin. pres, {of the vb. ftn 4th cl. atm) Shines. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, {of the vb. Give) Is given, afforded, extended, placed. adj. Long. i»rf. Deeply. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Named Long-ear. («ft^ ind. pret. part. (ofthevb. "sgtj Breathe, with Long, and preposition Out) Sighing deeply, having fetched a long drawn breath. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Making a long-continued noise, yelling, howling. ^rfYf*res adj. Long sick. nom. sin. m.vocabulary. 87 nom. sin. of abs. s*f (from adj. Prolix) Dilatori- ness, tediousness, nom. sin. m. bahuv. Long sick, afflicted with a chronical disease. nominative dual m. of from Pain, and ^ agt. of the verb ^5 Make) Causing pain, afflicting, causing sorrow or trouble. tatp. To be conquered with difficulty, nom. sin. m. ^ nom. pi. m. of bahuv. Having trouble for one’s portion. nom. or acc. sin. of%mr s. n. Pain, sorrow, affliction, distress, misery. Diffi- culty, trouble. ^^ «T instrumental. ^ \ tatp. Afflicted with pain, pained, distressed. -tTt nom. sin. m. -tNt gen. adj. Pained, suffering pain. Dis- tressed, poor, indigent. m. riom. sin. m. adj. grieved. Pained, 3d pers. sin. pres, a nominal vb. He suffers pain. nominative sin. m. (from Vk Hard, and pres. part, of ^JT Hold, with preposition ) Not coherent, difficult to be united or joined. nom. sin. n. adj. Intolerable, hard to bear. 'Zg^prep. Ill, bad, hard, difficult, ^t, and ^Tsj are forms which this pre- position assumes, according to the class of the consonant to which it happens to be prefixed. adj- Hard to overcome, difficult to be suppressed, unsurmountable, uncon- querable. nom. sin. m. ^rn?TT nom. sin. m. of adj. Vile, wicked. A scoundrel, a villain. <^T¥H«Tt gen. ^T7JT»fT^Ts m. acc. sin. of s. n. Sin. adj. Difficult of access or approach; difficult to pass, impassable, impervious, impermeable; s. 7i. A fort, a stronghold, castle, a Droog, or hill-fort. A difficulty. nom. or acc. sin. 5*N< gen. V1 locative, acc. pi. nom. sin. m. of T*l (pass. part, of the vb. l\j{ Go, with prep. 111) Dis* tressed, afflicted, poor, indigent. agt. An inhabitant of, or any one quartered in, a fort. -«Tt m. nom. sin. n. tatp. A defect, fault, or weakness in a citadel. * nom. sin. of s. m. A bad man, a wicked person; adj. Bad, wicked, vile, malicious, mischief-making. acc. ins. PTBTS s- n- A bow. ^JT instrumental singular of s. n. i°c* ^:qrm?iTs acc. sin. n. dwan. Bow and arrow. o . 0 V«T*TWt nom. sm. of s• m. tatp. A bowstring. s. m. A bowman, an archer, nom. sin. nom. sin. m. adj. Happy, for- tunate. nom. sin. n. m. Dhanwantari, the phy- sician of the gods. Name of a celebrated physician, -f^* nom. sin. s.f. The earth. 2d pers. sin 2d fut. of the verb ^ par. Put, place. 2d pers. pi. nom. sin. ofT$l§ s. m. Religion, duty, law. Virtue, moral and religious merit according to the law and the Vedas. Any thing right, proper, and just; and con- formable to the law and reason. Any peculiar or prescribed practice or duty; thus, giving alms, &c. is the dherma of a householder ; administering justice, the dherma of a king; piety, that of a Brahman ; courage, that of a Kshetriya, &c. A name of yama. The fifteenth of the twenty-four Jaina pontiffs of the pre- sent age. The bull of siva, a personifica- tion or type of virtue. acc. sin. instru. dative. ablative. genitive. V^T l°c. yTifcFTTW*^ nom. singular, tatpurusha, Cause of virtue. Cucullus non facit monachum. 2 a94 VOCABTJLABY. ^^srr: nom- P1' °f adj. Know- ing one’s duty, conversant with virtue. gen. pi. m. *• n* tatp. Knowledge of moral, legal, and religious duty* kwip, Duty-knowing, endued with a sense of justice. nom. sin. »om. or acc. singular q/’-’JTT^T s, n. The body or code of Hindu law. Any work on the subject. N^itTWrf^ mm. pi. gen. s. m. A magistrate, a chief officer of justice, an administrator of the law. -TJTJ ins. sin. ^lypirT s. n. Vice, injustice. - fTRs acc* s* n* ^ f°res^ which DHABMA once retired. dwandwa of the 1st species, comp, of cr. Virtue, crude, Wealth, ^TTH crude, Desire, and gen. pi. m. of s. m. Liberation. The four ends or objects of the existence of man are said to be, the acquisition of merit by pious and virtuous acts; the pursuit of fame, riches, &c.; the enjoyment of the pleasures of sense; and the seeking and working out of final emancipation.] indecl. For religious purposes. See V^frsfcniTf% n. dwandwa, Virtue, profit, and fame. adj. White. nominative sin. of ^TTS" «• m. The Creator. VT^T ins. s.f. A nurse, a foster-mother. s. n. Grain, corn. VT**TRT*TS gen. pi. s. n. A supporting, sustaining, up- holding. nom.pi. m. of pres.part, (of the vb. U \Oth cl. par. Hold) Possess- ing, holding; acquainted with, versed in. Believing, maintaining. VTTT s‘f- f^ie s^arP e^ge of a sword, or any other cutting instrument. VTTT*TPC e. m. tatp. A heavy fall of rain; a large drop or shower. ins. pi. VTfT^T *ns' sin- m- o/^ITfT^ ayt- (from thevb. V’ Hold) Possessing,having,wearing. nom. sin. m. o/^nf^Nr adj. Virtu- ous, religious, pious, just, righteous. ins. sin. m. 3d pers. singular pres. pass, of {cans, of the vb. ’g*) Is worn. 3d pers. pi. pres, of the vb. 1st class par. Run, proceed quickly, advance. nom. sin. m. pres. part. ^rrWcTT intellectual. yjftXl nom. sin. m. of Wise, sensible. Firm, steady—^; nom. pi. m. used adverbially, Gravely, steadily.VOCABULARY. 95 nom. or acc. sin. of^^abs.s.n. (from adj. Firm) Firmness, fortitude. s. m. A fisherman. J -^J| loc. s.f. The pole of a carriage or cart. loc. sm. nom. pl- m' (from s- m. A burden, and agt.from the vb. TjT Hold) Bearing a burden. VOWC n°m. s*n' m% °f °dj* Bearing, charged, abounding with (qualities); s. m. A beast of burden. gen. sin. of s. m. A name of siva, as bearing the burden of the three worlds. T* s. m. A rogue, cheat, swindler. Vt?: nom. sin. ins. nom. plural. vw: es ms. s• n• tatp. Three rogues, a trio of swindlers. -ifTJT ins. sin. adj. Gray, of a gray colour. Mcfl nom. sin. m. of yr?f pass.part, [of the vb. ■§* Hold) Held, seized, griped, grasped, kept, retained, detained. Carried. Weighed. ^grT?T^ nom. sin. n. UrR7Ts indef. past part, nominative sin. m. He placed, he laid. \J15fT ind. pret. participle, Having seized, grasped, or held. Having placed or secreted. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Wear- ing a golden collar (or wreath). ^Trf, 3Tifc|r, ^TWT. sfit: nom. sin. of *• /• Steadfastness. Firmness, fortitude. \?f?ffirTs adj- Steady. -?TRS worn. sift. »i. kwip, Fortitude-stealing; who or what robs one of one’s steadfastness. nom. pi. m. pass. part, (of the verb Bold, for- ward, saucy. VIT* nom. sin. m. *NNn nom. or acc. sin. of abs. s. ft. (from adj. Firm) Firmness, fortitude, steadiness, consistency. Wisdom. bahuvrihi, Of steady conduct, steadily-behaved. nom. sin. m. pres. part. par. (of the verb t|j^) Thinking, considering, reflecting. f^ram 3d pel's, singular imp. passive (of the verb 'g1) Let (him) be detained. ind. Certainly, assuredly. acc. pi. n> of Ifcf adj. Sure, certain. VJ J 'fcepfj s. m. Destruction, demolition. TW s. m. A flag, a banner. chwi, Having made a standard. s. m. A sound. ^acc. sin. if ind. No, not, nor, neither. •ft acc. dat. or gen. pi. of pers.pron. I. if^T s*m. An ichneumon or mungoose. -^T«f ins.'sin.-^fTrf^abl.-^rf:^t: ins. if^f s. m. An alligator, ifIf: nom. sin. of if^f s. m. A nail, claw, talon. The spur of a cock.96 VOCABULARY. •ff*$RT*Tv gen. pi- m. o/3ff%?Tv adj. Nailed, clawed, having nails, or talons. *r?rc^rcs. m. tatpurusha, Townsfolk; a citizen, ins. pi. •nr T^TKs-n. tatp. A city-gate. -s5J\TrTv abl. sin. ^nR^rN nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. A city. 5prf^TrTs abl.1°Cm nom. sin. m. agt. City-dwelling; a resident in a city, a townsman. nom. sin. t «•/• A city. 5Rf}*Iv acc. sin. - sprsf Appoint. sub. n. An example, illustration. Injunction, precept, authority, text. Ordi- nance, scriptural authority. nom. sin. f^T3~R sub. neuter, A primary or remote cause. nom. sin. acCt Sln9u^ar °f s- /• Sleep, sleepiness. ins. f%j£"Rni adj. Fast asleep. nom. sin./. fa'fcRTTT nom. sin. abs. s. f. (from f*rsR adj. Poor) Poverty, indigence. nom. or acc. sin. of f^f «• n. Death. loc. ind. pret. part, [of the vb. VT Hold, have, with Having put, placed, or laid down, or deposited. Having fixed. accusative singular of s. m. A treasure. gen. f»T«rf*Nrs agt. Treasure-seeking. -if nom. sin. m. agt. Despising, contemning; a des- piser, scorner. -'ZRl nom. sin. m. 3dpers. pi. pres, of the vb. 1st cl. par. Blame, censure. f%«^T subs. f. Contempt, censure, abuse, blame. acc. sin. %d person sin. pres, {of the verb Tjfj 1st class par. Fall, with He falls. 3dpers. sin. 2dfut. Will fall, befal, or alight. 3d pers. pi. nom. sin. m. pass. part. Fallen down or in. ind. pret. part. fWrf «. m. A fall. -Tfcf ins. sin. f%^TrnT(ft^TT: nom. sin. s. m. tatp. The repelling of assaults. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, of *TTf?T cans, of the vb. TJrf Fall, with Is made to fall, is hurled down or precipitated. f^ITf^rT: nom. sin. m. pass. part. Made to fall or descend. Killed. acc. sin. of f^xjT«T s. n. A well, trench, ditch, or trough. fw?r: ins. pi. m. of fry* adj. Expert, clever. flRWR s.«. A binding. A cause, motive, origin. f^nfTT adj. Secret, -ff; nom. sin. m. md. Privately, secretly, apart. Out of sight, concealed. nom. sin. m. of pass. part, [ofthevb.jpz*I Plunge, dive, with prep. In) Immersed, sunk, plunged. gen. sin. m. 3d pers. sin. pres, [of the vb. 6th cl. par. with In) Sinks, becomes immersed. nom. sin. of subs. n. A bathing, immersion.100 VOCABULARY. nom. or acc. singular o/WTtT s. n. Cause, motive, occasion. Instinct. fafWRTs abl. loc. 3d pers. sin. pres, also loc. sin. m. pres. part. ofvb. 1st cl. par. with Close, slumber; fade away, die. adj. Depressed, hollow, concave. fWT^rT dwan. Depressed and elevated, sunk and raised. -?n1% acc. pi. n. Pass• part, {of the verb Restrain, with fcf In) Restrained. Fixed, decreed; positive, definite; certain, inevitable. At- tentive, intent upon. loc. sin. m. ind. Always, constantly. Assuredly. nom. sin. m. One steadily abiding in his appointed sphere. See Trff. fir^Trrr^ fut. passive part, {of the vb. Restrain, with fcf) To be suppressed, or restrained.nom. sin.m. pass, participle {of the vb. ^ with prep. f?f) Restrained. - TII nom. sin. m. f^mT7Tx abl. sin. m. Agreement, contract, promise. A religious vow or promise. A bounden duty. pass, participle {of the vb. Join, with fif) Attached. Appointed, set over, engaged, employed. A public functionary or government-officer. nom. sin. m. -'ifi’Hj: m. 3d pers. sin. imp. passive {of the verb Join, with Let (him) be appointed or set over. 3d pers. pi. fut. pass. part, {of the vb. ’SJBf Join, with To be employed, fit to be appointed. -«Ej; nom. sin. m. s. m. An appointed duty. -J\l nom. sin. -vpgf gen. sin. s. m. Any one appointed, autho- rized or entrusted with authority, an officer, or public functionary. A minister, deputy, agent. -*rt nom. sin. -frfcf *. gen. gen. pi. nom. sin. s. m. tatp. The resource of confiscating the property of men in office. fif^jY^ff^ 3d pers. sin. pot. of the vb. iEpf 10M class par. Bind, tie, connect, with fa Entrust with, appoint to, employ or set over; also, Set or lay (as a snare); fix or place. fspETlHsq^ fajifYfarT Pass• Par*• nom• s^n*m% m. f^Rrr^ ind. pret. participle, Having yoked. prep. Out, outside, without, fij;, , and are forms which it as- sumes, according to the character of the consonant to which it is prefixed. adj. Free from apprehension, or solicitude; easy, careless, independent of. nom. sin. m. acc. sin. m. adp Self-willed, unchecked, in- dependent, uncontrolled. nom. singular s. n. of adjective, Useless, vain, unprofitable, unmeaning.VOCABULARY. 101 passive part, {of the vb. *TO Throw, with Expelled, rooted out; de- stroyed, gone. f%TT^?T adj. Unperplexed, unconfused, calm, steady. -^TTt m. subs. m. Indifference, adjective, Indifferent. nom. sin. agt. Causing, or who causes no pleasure, undelighting. -«| sin. m. adj. Free from adversity, m. nominative sin. m. of Without, Flesh, ^Tf3pTs agt. (from the verb xj(II Eat) Eating. (Not eating flesh, not carnivorous. nom. sin. n. o/fsrrreni adj. Not involving trouble, ready, easily attained. nom. sin. m. adj. Hope- less, despairing, disappointed. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ls£ cl. atm. See, look, with ft* Out, denoting much. ftfftn ind. pret. part. Eyeing, viewing narrowly. ftflftlW nom. sin. s. f. Indifference, absence of effort or wish to get any thing. adj. Indolent, spiritless, destitute of energy. ace. sin. m. nom. singular m. pres. part, {of the verb 7th class dtm. Obstruct, oppose, with Hindering, obstructing. s. n. A looking into, a narrowly watching. -%5f ins. sin. 1** F1* ***' Pres- of the vb. Xpl 10/A cl. par. with f%, Look, see into, investigate, examine, search, pry, watch, discover, find, ascertain. pers. sin. ftwrf%: m.pres.part. nominative singular m. pass. participle. nominative sin. n. fat- pass. part. To be investi- gated or ascertained. To be described, narrated, told. nom. sin. n. ind. pret. participle. 3d pers. sin. imp. pass.-TZfJlJTQ present pass. part. Being discovered. -XU1; nom. sin. m. f%»b*rr: nom. pi. m. of adjective, Inodorous, scentless. nom.sin.m.of^^J^ adj. Worthless, bad, destitute of good qualities. Stringless (bow). nom. or acc. sin. n. loc. sin. m. or n. fSHHsfg loc. pi. m. nom. sin. abs. s. n. (from fxprfaf adj. Worthless) Worthlessness. agt. Who or what rubs, a rubber, or dentrifice. ins. sin. m. or n. 3d pers. sin. 2d pret. of the vb. xpq par. Go, with Out. adj. Without, and ^frf People) Lonely, unpeopled, unfrequented. loc. sin. n. f%^«TTO*T acc- sin. n. karm. A lonely, unfrequented forest. s. m. Certainty, complete ascertain- ment, undeniable proof; determination, settlement, conclusion, decision. -XU nom. singular.102 VOCABULABY. 3d pers. singular pres. pass, {of the verb Bring, with Out) Is ascer- tained, educed, or elicited. *»/• avyayibhava, Unmercifully, ex- cessively,much.^fir^ Without,Pity). nom. sin. m. of adjective, Toothless. 3d pers. sin. pres, {of the vb. frv 6 th class par. Shew, with f%^) Points out, suggests. pass, participle, Pointed out, specified. -’STt m. adj. Poor, indigent, -ifj nom. sera. w. Wffrnr orf/. Causeless, groundless. worn. sew. of ad/. Out of one’s wits, stupid, senseless. gen. sin. avyayi. Fearlessly, without danger. ind. Much, excessively. Soundly. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, [of the verb far Break, with prep. Out) Is subverted, spoiled, or ruined. pass.part. Ruined, spoiled, gen. sin. m. fiflf adj. Destitute of frogs. acc. sin. n. nom. or acc. sin. n. °/f*nfcr adj. Unsullied, pure, clear, limpid. fVRffTij adj. Fleshless. acc. sin. n. loc. sin. m. or n. of passive part, {ofthevb. ?TT Measure, with Meted out, formed, fashioned, built, con- . structed, manufactured, made. f%fw: nom. pi. m. f^f^TTT nom. sin./. f%^'35f adj, Immodest, shameless. nom♦sin.f. f^br adj. Childless, without offspring. nom. sin. m. 3d pers. sin. pres, {of the verb 1st cl. atm. Be, with Draws back, recedes, desists. f^I^TTST pass. part, {of the vb. 'GfJ Blow, with prep. far Out) Extinguished; subs, n. Extinction. acc. sin. f%^TrT adj. Free from wind, sheltered; s. m. A calm, -if loc. sin. nom. sin. m. pass. part. (ofvb. for Find, with Desponding, self-dis- paraged. adj* Same, like, having no differ- ence. acc. singular m. also, indecl. Indiscriminately. foffipN ins. sin. of s. m. The absence of distinction. Used adverbially, Indifferently, equally, without distinction. adj. Tame, feeble, spiritless. acc. sin. m. adj. Happy, secure, at ease, free from anxiety and trouble. -Tit nom. dn. m. nom. sin. of s.f. A ceasing, an abstaining from; rest, repose, tranquillity. Assurance, coolness, liberty, freedom. acc. singular of s.m. Self- disparagement, shame, self-displacency. sin. of s. m. A house, abode. loc.■VOCABULARY. 103 forrfrl 3d pers. sin, pres, {of the vb. 1st cl. atm. Be, with Ceases, refrains, abstains, desists, stops, retreats. 3d pers. pi. ind.pret.paft. Having resisted or refrained. nom. sin. of *• /. An abiding; abode, residence. 1st pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 1st cl. par. Dwell, inhabit, lodge, with In. fi^refTT 3d pers. sin. f%^wrr: 3c? person dual, 3c? pers. pi. f*!3l 3c? pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ^ 10thcl.par. Screen, with f%. 3c? per. sin.pres.pass. Ttr causal form, Is prohibited, hindered, prevented. sub. m. Residence, dwelling. acc. sin. adj. Thick, impervious, impene- trable, dense. -^t nom. sin. m. f%^rr: nom. sin. m. of passive part. (of the vb. Be, with ft 1°) Ceased, stopped, turned back. Abstained, refrained from. ft£rTHs acc. singular m. ft^rTT: nom. pi. m. ftwrnrer gen. sin. mas. bahuvrihi, Of subdued passions or appetites. ft^lft 3d pers. singular pres, of causal of the verb Know, with ft- ft^Tft<5*»s infinitive. nom. sin t n. pass, participle. (Word was brought or sent.) f?F3P3j ind. pret. participle (of the vb. ’JflJ with Having heard. fvnrr«./. Night, -■anra ioc.pi. ftjffa s‘ n- Night. -Yj loc. sin, ftg^i s. m. Determination, resolve, settled purpose, nom. sin. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Steady- minded,of unshaken mind.(f%^^fi9 ’flfW) ind. pret. participle [of the verb Gather, with Out) Having concluded, ascertained, or made out for certainty, having settled and come to a final decision; feeling assured and convinced. ftf%* passive participle, Ascertained; certain. nom. sin. n. adj. Motionless. -*5^ acc. sin. m. 3d pers. sin. pres. (ofthevbSfft 1st cl. atm. Serve, with fif) Attends, heeds, pursues. fSpzfi s. m. or n. A JVtshka, name of a certain gold weight. adj. Pitiless, merciless, cruel. -WTI nom. pi. m. adjective, Causeless, needless, unnecessary. Free from motive, -lift nom. sin. m. nom. singular n. passive part, {of the verb Go, with fSp£) Completed, concluded, effected, accomplished, done. Fixed, settled. ft*pi adj. Childless, sonless. f% V*srf <51 *1 Useless, needless, -«ft nom. singular m. -*f Jf nom. sin. n. f*RPCf?T 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. (J ls£104 VOCABULARY, cl. par. Pass, with Pass through, get out of, escape, get clear of. fWT s. m. Acquittance, requital. -^t nom. sin. adj. Dull, spiritless. -*fTt nom. sin. m. f*rs?r: nom. sin. m. pass. part, {of the vb. ^[*f Slay, with Stricken, smitten, slain, or overcome. ind. pret. part. gen. du. m. bahuv. Having their armies slain, or greatly cut up. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ^5f 2d cl. par. Kill, slay, with f%. 3d per. sin. jores. part, {of the vb. VT Hold, with prep. f% In) Placed, applied, bestowed. Inserted, infixed. nom. 5m, w. worn. w. frorposs. part, {of the vb. ^ 2d cl. Deny, with \9fj Concealed, -rft nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. of adj. Low, vile, base. Deep. acc.sin. loc. pi. nom. sin.f. of adj. (from Low, and l[ agent q. v. Going) Low; descending. ind. Low. s. m. A nest. -tt: nom. pi. pass, participle (of the vb. Lead) Brought, led, conducted. -7J; nom. sin. m. nom. sin. s.f. Polity, political wisdom or science, treating especially of thef administration of government, inclu- ding the practice of morality in private life, both by the sovereign and his subjects. Prudence. Guidance, direction. acc. loc. nom. sin. m. tatp. Politic, conversant with government and human affairs. agent, Prudent, politic, s. m. A politician, a prudent statesman or soldier, -^ft nom. sin. m. tatp. Error of conduct, -qrt nom. pi. ^tf7WTv adj. Prudent, politic. -iTT«TN nom. sin. m. kwip, A politician. gen. pi. acc. sin. of tatp. Political science. 4tfW^TTiix gen. pi. m. of agt. (from, the vb. Know) Knowing policy, a politician. sftfwTrr^r s. n. tatp. The science of political ethics, or any work treating of it. ^tcSfT ind- pret. part, {of the vb. Lead) Having conducted, or taken. Having passed (as time). 3d person singular imp. pass, {of the verb iff) Let be passed (as time) or led (as life). pres, passive part, {of the verb Lead) Being led, conducted, conveyed or brought, -•ft nom. sin. m. gen. sin. m. acc. m. or n.VOCABULARY. 105 $Ks.n. Water, acc, sin. gen. sin. m. or f. off)&*r, or nom. sin. m. of adj. Convalescent, well in health (from Without, and Sickness, the \ being dropped, and the vowel lengthened by rule 36). adj* Black or dark blue. s. n. Indigo, the dye. genitive singular of ' sub. mas. A name of Mahadeva, (from Blue and The throat. The neck of siva, was stained blue by the acrimony of the poison, which, upon its production at the churning of the ocean, he swallowed.) ** To soften human ills, dread siva drank The poisonous flood that stained his azure neck.” ^tenr^rnr. nominative pi. m. bahuvrihi, comp, of Black, and s. n. An eye-lash) Feathered with black eye- lashes {epithet of cj mi \ \ Eye-shafts). sin.m. bahuv. Blue-coloured. ind. Like the blue jackal. The indigo-plant. s•m' cultivation. Rice growing wild without •f ind. A particle of interrogation. SffTcf adj. New. ind. Surely, assuredly. TF s. m. An ornament for the toes or feet; an anklet. nom. sin. iJUTTO^ gen. pi. of^s.m. A man. Tm. A king (man-protector), iftj; nom. sin. «fipFTs accusative, instru. genitive. gen. pi. nom. sin. of m. Aking.^Tffit gen. voc. s.f. tatp. Kingly policy, king-* craft, nom. sin. s. m. tatp. A royal favourite. -^n7Ts abl. sin. s.f, tatp. The royal pleasure. ins. sin. ins. sin. m. of agt. Malicious, noxious, hurtful, mischievous, injurious to mankind. abl. pi. m. fut. pass. part, {of the vb. xff) To be carried. -rp^H nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. of agt. A leader, guide, conductor. nom. pi. ^s.n. The eye. •RT adj. Not one, many, various. ^NOTR-Rpg adjective, Changeable, fickle, unsteady. gen. pi. m, (from Not,n^» One or a,^TT=( State, nom. sin. abs, s. n. (from fornt adjec. Hopeless) Hopelessness, despair; the absence of wish or expectation, non- expectance. nominative sin. of abs. s. n. VI >1 (from adj. Severe,harsh) Harshness, severity, cruelty. *farf*Nr adj. Natural, innate, -qr; nominative sm, m. 2 d106 VOCABULARY, ind. Not. *fr If not. Otherwise, else, unless. nominative sin. of s.f. A boat. A ship. ^Yf*r: ins. pi, -3j^p|pq s. m. The Indian fig-tree. passive part, (of the verb Throw, fq) Inserted, put in, placed, applied, worn. sin. w. nom, sin, n, sub, mas. Logic, logical philosophy, doctrine. Justice, right, equity, law. -q; nom, sin. tfifi frrgg. jt)ar£. (0/ the vb, qq Cook, ripen) Matured, ripe, q^fiT ircrf. part. Having cooked. tpg: raom. sin. of qq s. m. A wing. A par- tisan. A fortnight. A side, a party. loc. sin. acc. du. ins. pi. qqqqf s. n. tatp. Strength of wing, -qq ins, sin. nominal pi, of subs, mas. A bird. instru. du. instrumental plural, *?fw*rs genitive, IOC. mT^kt^i s, m, tatp. King of birds. -^5C nom. sin, qfqqT^q s, n, tatp. The sovereignty of the feathered tribes. loc. sin. Trfwnm: nominative plural 0/qfqqT*Rr sub, mas. tatpubusha, A young bird. acc. qf%qTqf>: ins, qfa^TfiRs statp. Lord of birds, -q; gen. sin. qqp*RqTqr*Ts genitive plural of qqfqiq tatp. comp, tf qqf, and ^«| pass. part, (of the vb. qqq Sink) Sunk in the mire. ins. sin. of'qqfcHJTq^ s. u. tatp. A miry road. q^qi gen. singular of qq* s. Mire. A slough, qqj loc. ./. A line, a row. qf[ nom. m.f. n. of pi. only, Five, qqffq: ins. qqppqTrT^ dbl. sin. of qqjppq *• »• The Pancha Tantra (the title of a work, con- taining, as its name imports, five chapters or treatises.) qqpqq^ acc. singular of q^<3 abs. s. n. (from qqyq^ Five) Death, i. e. the separation of the five elements, of whose aggregate the body consists. qq|q; nom. sin. m. of ordin. num. Fifth. qqpyq dwigu, Five-hundred. qiJTjf bahuv. Five-membered. -q5; nom. sin. m. q^qy s. n. A heap, a multitude. A coating, or covering. -qh Tfg adj. Clever, dexterous. qjj nom. sin. m. Vi NJ TO'eoRT nominative sin. of qjqf abs. s. n. si s _____ M (from qg: adjective, Clever) Cleverness, eloquence. q^fq 3 d person singular pres, of the vb. q?.VOCABULARY. 107 1st cl. par. Read, recite, repeat, rehearse. acc. sin. n. part. pres, passive, Being recited. tfljf s. m. An agreement, stipulation, contract. A fine. acc. sin. tpsN ins. TTfri^rT: nom. sin. ofvfen s. m. A scholar, a teacher, a Pandit, a learned Brahman, or one read in sacred science, and teaching it to his disciples. A wise or clever man, an adept. acc. sin. nom- p1' m- °f bahuv. Philosophic-minded. r(^4TnT acc. singular s. f. tatp. An assembly of Pandits or literati. /. karmadh. A whore, a harlot. (from TfTjgf Vendible, and A woman). tjfjfa 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. Tfff Is* cl. par. Fall. TfrffaT 2d pers. singular imperative. TJTTr^ present part& WTt abl. or gen. sin. m. tfrTfasf^ s. m. A bird. Vrffafa* ins- P^ IfrRTT^ nom. sin. s. n. A falling, a fall. XlfrT: nom. sin. of Ufa s. m. A husband. A lord, master, owner, proprietor. acc. XRU*: genitive. tjfflRT sin. wtaw forming the last member of a compound term nom. siw. m. pass. part, {of the verb Fall) Fallen, dropped, lighted. trf?rrms accusat™e- nom. pi. m. ^fddT nominative singular f. XjffffSTT ind.pret. part. Having flung one’s self, or lain down 5 squatting, crouching. Tlf^rnWr worn. sin. s.f. bahuv. A faithful and devoted wife, one whose husband is her life. nom. sin. s. n. tatp* Fidelity to a husband. TjfTTSTTT nom. sin. s.f. bahuv. A good and virtuous wife. 2d pers. sin. 2dfut. of the vb. Tiff 1st cl. par. Fall. vwt loc. sin. of VfrT 5. m. A husband. tprT*f s. n• A town, a city. acc. vfvr s. m. A foot-soldier. Tff%fa: ins. pi. ffen- *•n’ TATP- The business of the infantry. acc. sin. nom. sin. of «•/• A wife. ins. loc. pi. XjgjT ins. sin. of A husband. tRJj: gen. xjf^T^Tt nom. sin. of s. m. A traveller. s• m* A. road, a way. instru. sin. Ufa loc. nom. sin. n. of tpzfl adj. Proper, fit, suitable, agreeing with, wholesome, salu- tary, (applied chiefly, though not exclu- sively, with respect to diet, regimen, &c.) gen. sin. m. or n. XJ’SjJlfif n. TjYmfl[«Ts aS*- Eating, or an eater, of whole- some diet. nom. sin. m. jf^R nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. The foot. Place, site, spot, station. A degree, step. Post, rank.108 VOCABULARY. *•m' A footman, a foot-soldier. - m- TATP- Another’s ofiice or post. s-f- tatp. Officiousness, an interference with another’s concerns. acc. sin. iTCnJt^r^rr a^s- s- /• Subjection, depend- ance upon another. - TTPR^ acc. sin. Tf^TSsftif^ nom. sin. n. adj. Dependent, subject, subservient, (from xp^ Another, and nom. pi. f. ^RTT^RTt^t nominative sin. m. (from xp^ Another’s, Food, and agt. of vb. Eat) Living, or one who lives, at VI another’s cost. s' m* Disgrace. Overthrow, de- struction, ruin. acc. sin. or THTTW For another’s sake or good. nom. singular m. (from Xf^ Another’s, House, >. of the vb. Sleep) Sleeping in another’s house. m. tatp. A dependant. -rfTt nom. pi. Xff^ prep. Round, around, about; entirely. m. Redemption, purchasing back. A giving up part of a treasure to preserve the rest. -Zft nom. sin. xjf^^xy pass. part, [of the vb. ^ Waste, with prep. Wasted, emaciated. -T5H nom. sin. m. ^fwr s.f. A ditch, trench, fosse. nom. pi. nom. sin. m. pass. part. ( denoting Completeness. sub. mas. Exchange, barter. -Trf: nom. sin. pers. sin. pres, of the verb 1^/ cl. atm. Be, with Revolve, turn round. 3d pers. pi. yf^yfyffy loc. singular m. of -yfyfy^ agt. (of verb Be, with yf^) Revolving. yfwr s. m. Retinue, train, domestics, attendants. yf<«U acc. sin. pass. part, {of the vb. XL Surround, with xfK) Surrounded, attended. nom. sin. m. yftvai ind. pret. participle, Having returned, or turned back. 3d pres, of irfg {cans, of the vb. Surround, with prep, They twine around, pass, part. Encompassed. Beset, beleagued. Bound around, swathed, -cf; nom. sin. m. qf^4|3|gr The man of the fourth or last religious order, the mendicant devotee. nom. sin. ins. Pass* part, {of the vb. Be weary, with Overcome with fatigue, exhausted, tired, wearied, worn out. -^TPtT* nom.sin.m.^fT«rf«f ins.-^y «H *| Xff^G^TT pass. part, {of the vb. Xi Make, with Tjf^) Embellished, adorned, beauti- fied, highly finished or perfected. nom. sin. n. yft^rf *• m. Embracing; an embrace.-^f^ acc. sm. Tff^tysy ind. pret. part, (of the vb. with prep, yf^) Having embraced. yf^yty^ 3d pers. sin. pres, passive (of the vb. yy Kill, with yf^) Is destroyed. 2d pers. sin. imp. {of the vb.'*% cl. par. Seize, with Tff^) Drive away. yfrfrN: nom. sin. m. of yfryrNrM passive part, {of the vb. Seize, with prep• Tff^) To be shunned, avoided, or removed. 3d pers. sin. pres, passive (of the vb. yy Quit, with prep, yf^) Is left, abandoned, discontinued, deprived, de- barred, ejected, excluded. yf^fty P^s. part. Deprived, wholly destitute. Wasted, reduced, -afjf acc. sin. m. s. n. Examination, investigation, inquiry, testing, proving.nom. or acc.112 VOCABULARY. 3d pers. pi. pres. pass, of vb. 1st cl. atm. See, with prep. lift Try, test, assay, prove, nom. sin. s. m. A drain or channel made to carry off water from a pond that overflows. adj. Harsh, severe, abusive. nom. sin.f. also, s. n. Harsh and contumelious speech, abuse. -XpIT ins. n. karm. Harsh or contume- lious speech. acc. sin. nom. pi. f. BAHUVRlHI, Fruitful in the discovery of another’s hints. ^Tn ind. Next day. On the morrow. ins. plural m. of Xf^ pronom. Other, another. ffen- Pl-m' BAHUV- Acting out of sight. Xp^^J'HNl KARMADH. COmp. of Xp^Y^J cr- Invisible, secret, and *35PEP5I 9en* s^n* °f s. m. An object. toe. sin. n. of adj. Invisible. ind. Out of sight, behind one’s back. loc. sin. m. tatp. In instructing others. Tplhf} s.f. The waved-leaf fig-tree. nom. sin. of *• A cloud. loc. sin. ofx&fe s. m. Abed, a couch. ins. sin. m. of ytqi^part. pres, {of the verb Travel, ls£. cl. par. with tjf^) Prowling about. i|^4s. n. Far, limitative, To, unto, as far as. fafc How far? T^rTTcT, abl. sin. s. m. A mountain, a hill. loc. S. n. Flight, escape. nom. sin. 3d pers. pl. pres, of the verb 1st class par. atm. Go, with Back, ^ being changed to Escape, flee, run away, scamper, make off. XpsrrfirSJTfr 3rf pers. singular 2d fut. Will drop, sink into oblivion, die away. 2d pers. sin. 2d fut.par. pres. part. atm. nominative sin. m. -rf. nominative singular m. -TfTl nom. pl. m. WTfariR, inf. loc. pl. «. n. Gray hair. W* s. m. A sprout, a shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves. xnPP5ITf% nom. sin. n. o/xppf and agt. (from the vb. Take) Twig-picking, straw-gathering, superficial (knowledge). s. m. Wind, air. A tempest, a gale, gust. -Ift tatp. Tempest-tossed. nom. singular of XfS^ s. m. A beast, a brute. accusative. XJS5«TT instru. Wl: genitive. TT3pfs acc- PL tTCifa: ins. gen. TT^TWS in^' After, afterwards. Subsequently, soon after. Behind. In the rear. 5^1vTTM s. m. Repentance, remorse.■VOCABULARY. 113 *»<*• pret. participle, Having returned. W^nrnfm^ acc.sin.m. Coining behind, following. See 'STHTTwHIv he. sin. n. adj. Last, latter, hinder, final. THOrfiT pers. sin. pres. of ls£ cZ. par, substituting T(1$ in the conju- gational tenses, See, observe, behold, look. XflsfH 3d pers. tp^f 2d pers. singular imp. 3d jpcrs. «;?. ~'S§fiT - 3d person sin. potential. lJ^JVfv part, tp^rf : gew. sin.m. -qj: nom. pi. m. m. Dust. TSOm. s/w. n. BAHUV. compounded of cr* A city supposed to be the ancient Palibothra and the modem Patna, ands subs. A name. qT?c|7T acc. sin. of -^cf afo. s. w. (from ^ NJ adjective, Eloquent. Clever) Eloquence. Cleverness, skill. ^rrfarrr: nom. sin. m. pass. part, of vnfz (cam. of the vb»X(TS Read, recite) Made to talk, read or recite, taught. lfTW n* tatp. A noose, snare, halter, net. TTTSnnin^ acc• sin* m» bahuv. Snare-in- hand. ifniTW s. m. A stone. loc. sin. adj. Tawny, yellowish; hence the name of a lion. fijllg s. m. A lump, ball, or cake. ind. (eqwiv. to From a ball. ftp^ s. m. The giver of a mouthful. A master, gen. sin. fwr nom. sin. of fira- s. m. A father. fa^CT ins. ftfj: gen. locative sin. s. n. tatp. In the paternal mansion. fHHim f Thirst, a desire to drink. fqxtRT $. ni. The holy fig-tree. fljclf^ 3d pers. sin. pres, of the verb XfT cl. par. Drink, drink up. fwi s. m. A spy, informer, tale-bearer. adj. Slanderous, calumnious. Wicked, vile. ®ns• s^n* $• n. karmadh. Evil speech, detraction, slander. -*fXrTx obi. stn> acc. sin. s. n. A pressing, squeezing, or paining. nom. sin. o/’tfl^JX s*f Pain, annoyance. nom. singular m. pass. part, {of the verb Pressed; pained, squeezed, griped, wrung, tormented. Distressed, harrassed. loc. sin. m. nom. or acc. sin. n. 'TlST ind. pret. part, {of the verb xf) or qj Drink) Having drunk. tft’STTT 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, of the verb TJJ Drink) Is drunk or imbibed. ins. pi. s.f. A harlot, an unchaste woman, a frequenter of men. gen. sin. of s. m. irreg. in its declension, A man, a male. gen. pi. s'm' ^ bull > mostly used as the final member of a compound term, denoting, Excellent, pre-eminent. s• m' A. tail. ; nom. sin. tj^?j nom. sin. s. n. 5^FX^ loc. sin. of s. n. tatp. Tip of the tail. ^116 VOCABULARY. adj. Virtuous, pure, righteous, holy. Beautiful, pleasing, s. n. Virtue, moral or religious merit, a good action. Good fortune, as the results of virtuous acts in a former life. acc. sin. ysmr* *s abl. gen. plural n. of karm. A virtuous action. karm. comp. of qi|gf Pure, holy, and loc. singular of - acc.sin.of n* A second birth, regeneration. nom. sin.qf-'qft s.m. A man, a male, q^ s.f. A city. loc. sin. ind. By or with, i. e. preceded by, attended with. ind. Before, in the presence. yc*v ind. Before, in front, in the van. nom. pi. m. fut. pass. part. * (of the vb. ^ Make, with To be honoured,respected, or put before. nom. sin. m. To be prepared or fitted out. nom. sin. m. pass. part. Placed in front, advanced to the foremost rank, honoured, ind. pret. participle, Having placed before, setting before.vocabulary. 117 3d pers. pi. imp. passive, Let them be honoured or distinguished. ind. Before, in front. TCT ind. Formerly. Old, past. Long past. s. m. A Karsha, or measure of silver equal to sixteen Panas of Cowries. -TJ* ins. pi. St n* Any old or legendary event. s. f. tatp. An old story, a story of the olden time. tatp. A telling of old stories. s.f. A town, a city. loc. sin. s. n. Excrement, ordure. nom. sin. of s. m. A man. -XfW ins. genitive. -XTH nom. pi. *m- s*n* °f *• m• tatp. A manly act or effort. T nom. sin. s.f. tatpurusha, M ' ^ 7 Abundance of men and materials. s• m• tatp. A beast of a man, a human brute. -Wf: gen. sin. acc' Aguiar m. (comp, ofx|^T Man, and A lion) A lion of a man, i. e. a brave man. hw*r;: nom. singular s. m. A mode of alliance; that which is made by proxy (literally, Another man). ind. For man. (See .) Wf%cf: nom. sin. m. of adjective, (from Erection of the hairs of the body) Having the down of the body erect (a symptom of exquisite delight)* "ERW: nom. sin. m. (U$* Plenteous. ijg passive participle (of the verb xpf Feed) Nourished, fed. THT s. n. A flower. V s. m. Betel-nut. ^5|ihT Sd pers. sin. pot. of the vb. ^S[ 10th cl. atm. Honour. passive participle Honoured, treated with marks of dis- tinction. -nom.sin.’m. He asked or questioned. TgB s> n- The back. The surface. The flat roof of a house. acc. sin. 1* loc. wwf. Behind the back. On the back, with the back. nom. sin. m. (rfg“ The back, TTPT Flesh, and agt. Eating) A backbiter. TfU*?f adj. Skilful, dexterous, clever. abs. s. n. Tale-bearing, reporting evil of others, espionage. -•3H?Ts abl. sin. tr *. m. A vessel, ship, boat, bark. -Tf* nom. sin. acc. sin. TtrRfW^Ts *•m' A voyaging merchant. acc. sin. T^T s. m. A citizen. ^en' no?n. or acc. sin. of abs. s. n. (from s. m. A man) Manliness, vigour, courage, valour. loc. If prep. Forth, forward, before, away, pro, pre. Very much, exceeding. TfeffRnrR pres. part. atm. {of the vb. qnf 7J* 1st cl. atm. with if) Trembling, quivering, quaking. acc. sin. m. WIT s. m. Kind, sort. -Tt: nom. pi. TfcRTJJif s. n. Illumination. nom. sin. WT3PTn ind. (In dramatic language) Aloud. 3d pers. sin. pres. (iearn. of the vb. grrif Shine, with Tf Forth) Irra- diates, illumines, makes manifest, displays; publishes, reveals, blazons abroad, dis- closes. 3d pers. sin. pot.VOCABULARY. 119 passive part. (of the vb. Scatter, with if) Agitated, excited, wild, gen. sin. m. TfcgTqf^r 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 4th cl. par. Be angry. nom. sin.m. pass, part. ind.pret.part. Being enraged. 3d pers. sin. pot. of the vb. ^ 8th cl. dtm. Do, with If. s. f. Nature, the natural state or condition of a thing. Constitution, dis- position, temper, whether of body or mind. Nature; in philosophy, the passive or material cause of the world, as opposed to the active or spiritual; ari in mytho- logy, a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation, identified with Maya or allusion; hence it is the same with the Sakti, or personified energy or bride of a deity, as Lakshmi Durga, &c. A requisite of regal administration, of which seven are enumerated: the king, the minister, an ally, treasure, territory, for- tress, and an army : the corporations or companies of citizens are sometimes added, making an eighth class, nom. sin. acc- ■JraSTT instrum. TO7TV: nominative plural. ins. abs. sub. n. Transcendent excel- lence. - t^TrT^ sin. ■jrarta s.m. Irritation,provocation, enraging, exasperation; a rage. An attack. Insur- rection. -Tf; nom.sin.-TftTfdat.-Tfffiftbl. $. n. Irritating, provoking. nom. sin. WffacRJ gen. sin. m. of WffarT pass: part. of caus. (of the verb Be angry, with Tj) Much incensed, greatly provoked. abl- singular of s. n. A washing, a cleansing. pass. part, (of the vb. f%TJ Throw, with Thrown, flung, cast. indef. past part. nom. sin. m. He threw. •jpTtrVf adjective, Bold, confident, resolute, energetic. Prompt, ready. nom. sin. m. 3d pers. pi. pres, of the vb. 2d cl. dtm. Speak, say, with yfj They call. passive part, (of the vb. Go, with yfj Moved forwards, proceeded, set out, departed, went, -cfj nom. singular m. -ttt: nom. pi. m. adjective, Plenteous, plentiful, much, many. nom. sin. m. nom. sin. f. bahuv. Having a large income of gems and money. pass. part, (of the vb. ^ Fall, with Tf) vl M t 7 Fallen from, strayed, -rf J nom. sin. m. nom. sin. m. of J\ passive part, (of the vb. Cover, with if) Covered, concealed, hidden. ind.pret.part. Having covered. s* f* People, subjects. acc* sin. wr: acc. pi. in which number it is chiefly used. Tmptt s. m. Watching, waking.120 VOCABULARY. HOT3RT Sdpers. sin. pres, (of the verb '3ft 4th cl. dim. substituting ^fT in the conju- tional tenses). Is bom or produced* TOTOtt nom. sin.f. of -^rf^ adj. Possessing children. A mother, a matron. ■jpjjT sub. feminine, Understanding, wisdom, knowledge. adj' Wise, knowing, intelligent, shrewd. gen. pi. m. lUSTOffiT Sdpers. sin. pres, {of the verb tin? 1st cl. par. Bow, with Tf) Stoops, bows down, makes obeisance. %d pers. sin. imp. Do homage, make obeisance. -Tjrig ind. pret. part. -TJTrf passive part. Bent forward, stooped, stooping. -rrrf% acc. pi. n. -Tf^cRcJs indefinite past part. nom. sin. m. HWTfTs obi. sin. o/’HIjnsi sub. mas. Friend- ship, friendly regard. -X^nsm nom. pi. 3d person sin. pres, of the verb 4th cl. par. Perish, with If. m Obeisance. acc. sin. TPSTHT s• m• Loss, destruction. nom. sin. -if loc. sin. 3d pers. sin. pot. of •TTfSl {cans, of the vb. Tiraj Perish, with If) He should suffer to be lost, he should allow to perish. JTfofV mas. A spy, a secret agent or emissary, -fv* nom. sin. ■fw instru. voc. 3d pers. sin. pres, pass. of vb. VT Hold, with Tf) Is set or inlaid* ■jffjTtl s.m. Majesty, dignity. Vigour, power, energy. TTfTPT«T ins. sin. -q| abl. nom. sin. m. of -X| a war dour. nom. sin. acc. nom. sin. m. of TfGJ^ adj. Perceptible to the eye, visible, present; evident, clear, plain. Trarirw ins- ain. loc. sin. m. or n. pass. part. {ofvb. ^ with Manifested, become visible. -TT^T instru. sin.f. Trar^t® singular f. worn, or acc. sin. w. ^oc* KARM- At first sight. TO1TO In the first place. l|fa?PRv nom. sin. n. of Tfam pass. part, {of the verb T^f Be famous) Famed, noted, renowned, celebrated, spread abroad. agt. Yielding, giving. nom. $in* n. U^rT jww*. par*. (of the vb. ^J Give, with Tf) Given. -TTTf% n. ind. pret. part, {of cans, of the verb ^"3$ See, with Having exhibited or shewn. ins. singular of s-n- A gift, donation. nominative sin. of $, m. A lamp. -mHn acc* gen. •jj^5T P™^ Part% (°f the v^m Shine, with 3f) Kindled, blazing, burning. -^pF^ acc. sin. m. fut. pass, part. (of the vb. Give, with Tf) To be given. gen. sin. n. •JIT*!*! acc. sin. of s. m. A spot, place, district, part. H^hBpBTW toe. sin. of -^fPST s* nt. tatp. Evening-tide. UVT^T °4}* Chief, principal. -«n?s acc.sin.rn. TrVT^TflT s- /• Excellence, supremacy, superiority. The premiership.-ffT^I^acc.^. TWT«TOf^r*Ts m. karmadharaya, Prime minister. -wt nom. sin. WRTlf*Ts nom. sin. n. karm. The chief member of the body; the chief person of the state. UVT^f?T 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. ^TT’Sf Is* cl. par. Run, with Tf. nominative sin. s. m. Error, illusion. Prolixity, copiousness. IfCFsf pass. part, (of the vb. Go, with *) Reached, arrived, attained, obtained. 3d pers. sin. pres. pass. (ofvb. Fill, with Jf) Is thoroughly filled, or satiated; is filled to the brim. ins. sin. of s. m. A connected discussion or narrative. A train. TPCTOT 3d pers. sin. pres, (of the vb. «TTVVOCABULARY. 123 1 st cl. &tm. Oppose, with if) Devastates, desolates, ravages, wastes, strips. nom. singular m. of pass, part• of the vb. Understand, awake, with If) Awake, wide awake, awakened (as from a sleep or trance). inrha ind. pret. part. of *rrfv causal (of the vb. «nr Understand, with If) Having instructed, called the attention, explained, hinted or suggested. -«frf*ra pass. part. Aroused, awakened. sub. mas. A tempest, a tornado, a hurricane, -if; nom. sin. 3d pers. singular pres, of the vb. ^ ls£ cl. par. Be; with If, Become manifest, appear, arise, proceed, come forth: pre- vail, take effect, wax powerful, attain the mastery: rule, controul. -srf% 3 d pers. pi. ■jfjfTW l°c- sin. of -3fTrf s. m. Morning, day-break, dawn. obi- sin. of inTTW «• m- Power. s. m. A lord, a master. TRTt nominative sin. acc. -lit: gen. ■JTWIkT tatp. Conferred by a master. -ffTrfs abl. sin. n. TW<3W nom. singular of a^s* s* n- sJ s J (from Tf^f s.m. Lord, master) Supremacy, vl sovereignty, dominion, lordship, high rank, power. ■JTHTr odj. Much, abundant. -7J loc. sin. n. ind. following a noun frequently in the ablative case, From, forward, com- mencing at. J(Wf( P0*8' Vart• (°f ®ej°tce, with if) Careless, negligent, remiss, off one’s guard. -^TtH nom. sin. m. acc. sin. n. WrTWfgW gen. sin. m. bahuv. Having a careless minister. substantive f. A woman, a handsome woman. nom. pi. sub. mas. Womankind, the female sex. nom. singular s. m. tatp. An umpire, arbitrator, judge, referee. nom. singular of -?TP3F s• An authority, a guide, that or who, in which or in whom, implicit trust is to be placed. Any authorized or qualified person. Proof, certainty, evidence. 3d pel's, sin. pres. (a nominal vb. derived from IT9TTW Authority) Receives, admits, obeys or proposes, as authority, Tmrw^TW8-n. tatp. Scripture, any work of sacred authority. -!HWPirPRs adj. Heedless, indifferent, careless, off one’s guard. nom. sin. m. gen. sin. m. adj. Chief, principal, nom. sin. m. m. Joy, delight, nom. sin. If'€|pers. sin. imp. of the vb. cl. par. substituting in the conjuga- tional tenses, Give, bestow, grant; give up, surrender, with if. Tf^fTTrf 3d pers. sin. pot. {of the vb. TEfff ls£ cl. dtm. Strive, with if) He should earnestly endeavour.124 Vocabulary. 'jmgr s. m. Pains, care, effort, exertion. Continued, persevering, or excessive effort, exertion, or pains. -’STSfJ nom• s*n* instru. -^TrTs ablative. -WTJ nom> H^ITW s• n• A march. TT^ItOtT 3d Pers• pl* Pres• °f ^ ^ cl. par. Go, with If Away ; also. Go to, receive, experience. 3d person sin. imp. -lar m• bahuvrihi, Seasonable. ■JTTfH s*f • Acquisition. TITTH gen. sin. 1st pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 5th cl. par. Obtain, with Tf, Gain, obtain, acquire, procure, find, get, reach, meet with, fall into, incur. 3d pers. sin. ■JTTSJcT 2d person plural imp. 3d pers. sin. pot. TTl^I iwd. pret. participle. In line 1169, this may be rendered, According to.128 VOCABULARY. IfTlj; nom. sin. of adj. used in [com- position, Like, resembling. ind. Usually, commonly, for the . most part. Exceedingly, TTT^f^rr s. n. Expiation, penance, atone- ment. -tT*Tn nom. sin. ind. For the most part, frequently, generally, ordinarily, almost, largely, well nigh. Abundantly. ins. sin- n• i°f JTT9 adjective, Like, resembling) used adverbially, In like manner. For the most part. TTPEJ^f agt. A suitor. 3d pers. pi. pres, of the verb 10th cl. par. with J( Ask, beg, pray, seek, solicit. HTf^JTU nom. sin. m. pass. part. irrvifsriTr nom. sin. m. of agent, A wooer. •s s. m. A palace. A temple. -^TT^ loc. sin. nom. sin. n. Accompanied by kind words. T(T% 3d pers. sin. 2d pret. {of the vb. ^ 2d cl. defective, Say, with jQ He said. UTS?! 3d pers. pi. fjfcr adjective, Beloved, dear, liked, agree- able. firm nom. sin. m. -^TT»fN acc' -mr nom. singular f. accus. vocative. locative pl> frr^ifw n. s. n. Kindness, love, favour. acc. sin. -ifaf ^nSt agt. Sweetly speaking; aflatterer.-^T.' nom. pi. m. ind- Sweetly, kindly. karmadh. A favorite subject or topic. loc. pi. nom. sin. m. of tatp. compounded of frrg Sweet, pleasant, and agent from the verb c| Speak: Speaking, a speaker) Sweetly or kindly spoken; flattering, a flatterer. acc. sin. m. -^Tf^4T*Is Pl- m' nom. sin.f. firmiWr? s. m. tatp. The society of those loved, -m nom. sin. nom.sin.m. karm. A dear friend. fwfSp^ acc• 8in. n. of dwan. Agreeable and disagreeable: like and dislike. -^Tf^ loc. nom. singular s.f. tatp. The society of a friend. TTfa pass. part, {of the vb. Beloved, dear. - ?PRS acc. sin. m. nom. sin. of s.f. Pleasure, joy, gratification. Affection, love, harmony, kindness. A liking, a fondness for, a delighting in. Conciliation. acc. sin. or dat. Tftf?rf^reTOT^re nom. sin. n. tatp. A repository of joy and confidence. f^TOT, W3R.) s.f. tatp. An object of love and confidence. nom. pi. substantive, f. A sending. Order, direction. ^ns*VOCABULARY. 129 passive part, {of the verb kx Send, with ■$Q Sent, directed, -eft nom. sin. m. ^f^PTt nom. sin. m. Sent, despatched on an errand. is the passive part. cans. of the vb. Go, with Jf. This is an exception to the general rule of Sandhi. See Grammar, Rule 3, d.) $farniT*fs nom. sin. m. of iff%rRrTN indsf. past part. s. m. A servant, a menial. nom. sin. TTfS passive part. (o/' £Ae t’erft Speak, with If) Said, declared, laid down as a rule. -HOT nom. sin. n. *s ■ *V* the vb- R Escape, avoid, shun. VtWTftfT passive part, of ^rfT (caus- of the verb ^ Go, with and If) Relin- quished, given up. ifY^ pass. part, {of the vb. Bear, with Tf) Full grown. See Grammar, Rule 3, c d. acc. sin. f. bahuv. In the prime of youth. s. m. A monkey, an ape. -3rff i ITTHITT 3d jiers. sin. present passive causal of the verb Swim) Is deluged or inundated. HI s. n. tatp. A disappointing, a breaking or destroying of fruit or reward. -*OTS nom. sin. HtHrfH 3d person sin. pres, of the verb TRHT 1st class par. Produce, yield, or bear fruit. 3^m. Pl- HP5OTN nom. or acc. sin. of Tfi^j s. n. Fruit, produce. Result,consequence,effect; reward, benefit. instr. nom. du. -^rrf% nom. or accusative plural. Xff%; ins. W5T«nft nom- sin./, of adj. Fruitful, productive. t nom. sin. m. of -f%?f adj. Fruitful, successful. HfHOT adj. Weak, feeble. nom. sin. n. S* Vi T§735rf passive part, {of the verb Make, with Hpfs an imitative sound in puffing) Blown upon, breathed in.-^jrOT^ acc. sin. n. pass. part, {of the vb. igTff) Blown, open, expanded (as a flower). s. m. Froth, foam. nom. sin. nom. sin. s.m. A merchant, a trader. WfWt gen• nominative singular s. m. tatp. A merchants son. -WTHW ins. HpIRflpft nom. sin. s.f. tatp. A merchants daughter. nom. sin. m. pass. part, {of the vb. Bind) Bound, tied, fastened, caught, held. ind- pret. part. Having bound, nom. sin. m. bahuv. With joined palms, with closed hands. acc. singular of HTO s> m. Slaughter, killing, murder.-VTHN ^n. 2 k130 VOCABULARY. ^lifciT(Tx 3dpers. sin. pot. of the verb 9th cl. par. Bind; also, punish, chastise. nom. sin. m. of ’QfiSQfut. pass. part, (of the verb Kill) To be killed, deserving of death, s. m. An animal destined for slaughter. gen* I 3d pers. sin. pres. pass, of the vb* Kill. 3d person plural pres, passive of the vb. Bind, or of the vb. Kill. s. f. tatpurusha, A place of execution. -fan, acc. sin. : nom. sin. of 1&ts. m. A tie, a knot. sub. fem. An unchaste woman, a wanton, acc. sin. ^ns* nom. or acc. sin. of s. n. A binding, tying, or confining; captivity, bondage, confinement. A bond, a cord. abi. -'xfc ioc. -«rrf% nom• pi> nom. sin. of'SFXf sub. mas. A relation, kinsman, friend, connexion. ^sT«Tn dat. -’arg loc. nom. sin. m. tatp. Friendless, relationless. nom. sin. s.f. A childless woman. ^ 3d person sin. 2d pret. of the verb ^ par. Be or become. 3d pers. pi. 3d pers. singular 2d pret. par. of the verb UflT Roam, make a tour. s. m. A blockhead, fool, low fellow, wretch, usually in the vocative case. m. tatp. Pride of strength. -^fr sin./, nom. sin. m. bahuv. One who vj sf has many enemies. tod. Abundantly, numerously, in countless numbers. nom. pi. m. of BAHUV. Well-taught, learned, acquainted with the Vedas. nom. sin.f. of adj. Numerous. s.m. A merchant, a trader. nom. sin. ^rfrjreil abs. sub. neu. Trade. A trading expedition. ins. sin. 3d pers. sin. pres. of the vb. 1st cl. atm. Resist, oppose; annoy, afflict, vex, harass, torment. nom. sin. of "SfTXm subs. mas. A friend, relation, kinsman, acc. *rra: nom. sin. of s. m. An infant, a child; it usually means the young child, under five years old, but is equally appli- cable till sixteen years of age; a minor. gen. -^TTifTH^ also, adj. Young. nom. sin, of -<5fc|r s. m. A child, a boy, an infant. ^rremrar *• «• karmadh. Young or infant offspring or progeny. -wrft acc. pi. adj. Young, inexperienced. nom. sin. m. ^TW^TT s.j. band. -qrPS loc. pL v» *fTl[ s. m. The arm. nom. du. -ITHTT^ ins. du. abs. s. n. (from adj. Abundant) Plenty, abundance, quantity. nom. sin. ins. ^T^WTris obi. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. if 3d cl. par. Feed, nourish, cherish. 3d pers. sin. pres, of the vb. if^ 3d cl. par. Fear, be afraid of. nom. sin. of s.f. The intellect, understanding, wits, senses. Advice, ad- monition. Idea, notion. ins. ^ loc. nom. pi. nom. sin. m. of adj Wise, intelligent, genitive sin nom. pi. m. m.132 VOCABULARY. a^s- «•n' Senselessness, stupidity. ind. fret. part, {of the vb. Having supposed. ■*ni: nom. sin. of s. m. A wise man, sj 8^ Nj a sage, ins. k 3f/ pers. $j«. pres. pass, o/’ the vb. af'y Understand, perceive. loc.sin. ofmsx s.f. A desire to eat, appetite, hunger (from the desiderative form of the verb Eat). N> nom. sin. m. (pass, part. o/* W* desid. form of the vb, Vfof Eat, or aw arf?. derived from $./. Hunger, by affixing X7{ technically called ) Hungry, pinched with hunger. nom. sin. n. fut. pass. part, (of the vb. V* Understand) Necessary to be understood, to be considered. Spf'HSf Jut. pass. part, (of the vb. To be considered or understood. To be taught or awakened. m. 1st pers. sin. pres, of the vb. 2tf cl. O' par. irregular and defective, Say, speak. 2 d pers. ■srftfa 3 d pers. ’9111"'*] *3 8• n‘ The 01*der, condition or rules of the Brahmachdri or religious student. ________. -IfSqTST ms. sm. nom. sin. s. m. The Brahmachdri or religious student; the young Brahman, from the time of his investiture with the cord, to the period of his becoming a householder: it is also applied to a person who continues with his spiritual teacher, through life, studying the Vedas, and observing the duties of the student; it is also given as a title to Pandits learned in the Vedas; to a class of ascetics; by the Tantras, it is assigned to persons whose chief virtue is the observance of continence; and it is assumed by many religious vagabonds (from the Veda, and to go or follow). WftV*: s. n. Name of a certain town or city (Theopolis). nom. sin. n. bahuv. Named Brahmapura. sHIprSJT St /• tatp. Brahmanicide, the killing or murder of a Brahman. oigt. The murderer or slayer of a Brahman. -1[T nom. sin. WmU nom. sin. of s. m. brahma, the first deity of the Hindu triad, and the operative creator of the world. he. sin. of st’^TTW »• tatp. A forest in which the Vedas are read and explained. ■STTtITW: nom. sin. of sfTSfW *• m* A man of the first Hindu tribe, a Brahman. acc. ins. gen. dat. pi. -TpiJ loc. s. f The wife of a Brahman. nom. sin. m. pres. part, of the verb 2d cl. par. Speak. gp: 1st pers. du.pres. of the vb.m^2d cl. par. Say, speak, declare. WrTJ 3dpers.du.-^^ 2d pers. sin. imp. -JJTT 2d Person plural. 3d pers. sin. pot. s|c( 3 d pers. sin. pres, atm.VOCABULARY. 133 passive part. (of the verb Serve) Attached, devoted, loyal, faithful. nom. sin. m. ctccus. r ins. also, s. n. Boiled rice, food.^fifi^g gen. sin. Mfa: nom. singular of **f% s.f. Service, worship, attachment, devotion. Loyalty, dutifulness. agt. (from the vb. Eat) An eater. nom. sin. of s. n. An eating. 1 st pers. sin. pres, of the verb 10th class par. Eat, devour. 3d pers. sin. 2d person singular imp. nom. sin. m. pres. part, ind. pret. part. Having devoured. passive part, of the verb Eat, devour. -7TJ nom. sin.m. ins.sin.m. m. s. n. Food. fut. pass. part. -rf3j: nom. singular m. -rRT*^ nom. sin. n. inf s. m. tatp. Orts, leavings. nom. sin. s. m. tatp. A meal of orts. fut. pass. part. (ofthevb. Eat) To be eaten; eatable, edible; meat, food. nom. sin. m. w: nom. pi. m. 3d person sin. present passive {of the verb *rg) Is eaten. DWANDWA, comp, of Food, and gen. or loc. du. m. of agt. An eater, or feeder. substantive n. karm. Eatables, victuals. gen. pi. nom. singular m. of odj. Respectable, worshipful, adorable; hence the common appellation of a prince or a deity. His reverence, worship, holiness. *T*T^*rPRrs accusative. -Tf^rTT ins* genitive. loc. sin. m. and voc. sin. of feminine. ^T^TcTSfT instrum, singular f. gen. pass. part, {of the verb Broken, shattered, shivered, knocked to pieces, demolished, destroyed. nom. sin. m. nominative sin. n. nom. pi. n. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Broken- vj kneed. nom. sin. m. bahuvrihi, Who broke the pots (and pans). nom. sin. m. of -7*fnx bahuv. Disappointed. Broken, and ^5Tn^T Hope.) nom. sin. m. bahuv. Foiled, baffled in his endeavours. ind. pret. participle {of the verb Having broken into. s.m. A breaking, a fracture, demolition, destruction. Defeat, rout. VTJp; nom. sin. acc. loc. VTffXi; agent, Breaking; a breaker, an infringer. acc. pi. m. nom' s*n* n* °f a4f* Fragile, brittle, evanescent; transient, of short duration. loc. sin. m. 2 l134 VOCABULARY. 2c? pers. sin. imp. of the vb. Is* cl. par. Worship, court, cherish, seek. 3d pers. sin. jores. a*m. Favour, esteem, court, regard with kindness, love, embrace, caress. *TTT^ s. m. The sun. A deity, a god. worn. sin. loc. singular of s. n. tatp. (from 'HTTT^ The sun> and 3TT A day of the week) Sunday. *3C*T compare \pf adj% Good) Better. Happier, more prosperous. *T^RS nom. or acc. sin. n. of ^5^" adjective, Lucky, auspicious, well, good. Excellent, best. Pure, virtuous, pious. Happy. voc. sin. m. O good fellow, O worthy sir, O honest friend, s. Happiness, pros- perity, fortune, ind. Well, right, happy. acc. pi. n. nom. sin. m. of a9^ear“ inspiring, formidable, terrible. ■»T'^rTr ’3t?f-) VpET%rS: nom. sin. of -•*nh5 subs. mas. tatp. A cause of alarm. -V<5*x acc- % nom. singular m. tatp. Alarmed, terrified. V^hrPCiT^ nom' w* BAHUV# Attended with or succeeded by fear. (TO ^tTT-) St m• TATP* The allaying of fear. 2d pers. sin. imp. of the vb. Tg 1st cl. par. Support, cherish, feed, nourish. s- nu A load, burden, weight. gen. sin. nom• sin- m- Pres- part. Resting {lit. making) his weight. s. n. A nourishing, a pampering. ^frfl nom. sin. of h4[ agt. m. (from If) A husband. A lord, a master. A mate. -t?TT*Ts acc- 9en- tatp. Devoted to one’s lord. m. s. m. A bear, ins. pi. s. m. A state of being. The world. (a form of address more respectful than r^r »». A beggar, nom. sin. Vj vl fwm 3dpers. sin. pres. pass, {of vb. far Break) Is broken or burst; is divulged. 3d pers. sin. pot. f^srf^r 3d pers. sin. pres. of the vb. fwr 1th cl. par. Break, split, pierce, break down. -•mTfTN 3c?pers. sin. pot. nom. sin. m. of pass. part, {of the vb. for Pierce, break) Pierced, burst, broken, split, divided, nom. sin. n. fW3fN s. m. A physician. - gen. pi. pass. part, {of the vb. irt Fear) Afraid, alarmed, placed in jeopardy. nom.sin.m. tatp. Skilful in finding fault with the means of preserving (him or those) placed in danger. *fteTT ins. sin. of s.f. Fear, alarm, apprehension, dread. nom. sin. m. of adj. Timid, afraid. m' A snake, a serpent. - \ nom. pi. ins. ffon. 3c?pers. sin. pres. pass, of the vb. Enjoy. s. n. The world. nom. singular of 'JJ s.f. The earth, the ground. Land.^ff^ loc. s* VIs ! nom. sin. m. o/^rf pass. part, {of the verbid Become) Become,been. WTH nom. pi. m. m. harm. A recent victory. ^fT^n* nom. sin. s.f. tatp. Compassion or tenderness to all creatures. acc• sin* °f -cf<*T n. tatp. The earth, the face of the earth, the surface of the ground, loc. gen. plural of *&s.n. A living being, a creature. loc. pi. acc. sin. of s. f. Prosperity, success, wealth. Power, dignity. ind. pret. part, {of the verb Having become. ^rfn: nom. singular of subs. mas. tatp. A king, a monarch. -TTf^PRs acc. gen. loc. voc.VOCABULARY. 137 m. A king, a sovereign, ; nom. sin. -W^fgen. genitive du. worn. pi. HVTTH s. n. tatp. The gift of land. -«WS acc. sin. worn. sin. 5../*. The earth, soil. Place, scite, ground. Territory. acc. loc. a’m. YgfflTf 5. A king. -Tj: nom. sin. m. A king. -f^[J nom. s. wi. tatpurusha, A portion of territory. ins. sin. 3d pers. singular bened. par. of the verb Be. adj- Many, much. s. /. karm. Excessive rain. **• n. An ornament. -I|FYfs nom. sin. TSjt ins. pi. nom. sin. m. of pass. part, (of the vb. YTO Adorn) Adorned, ornamented, ^ - decorated. -f^rrTT nom. sin.f. sub. mas. A large black bee, a humble bee. ins. pi. sub. fern. Wages, hire. Nourishment, maintenance. wr loc. sin. 5. m. A servant. A minister. nom. sin. genitive. YT3T locative. -Wt: nom. plural. ms. -cy H|TIN genitive. ^jar^r abs. sub. n. A servile condition, servitude. -colY^ nom. sin. ind. Much, exceedingly. Yfau nom. sin. o/YTSR s. m. A frog. YT7p8Y?s nom. sin. n. ofjut. pass. part, (of the vb. YJ^ Fear) To be dreaded, or apprehended. One ought to he afraid. Fear is to be entertained. s. m. A breaking. A breach, rupture, separation. Disunion, disagreement. A sowing of dissensions. Defeat. nom. sin. -^YT^ acc. ins. Yf^YRX a&t* Separating, disuniting, causing a dissension or split. nom. sin. m. inf. of ^ cans, of the vb. far Break, in the sense of the simple verb, to be rendered passively by reason of IXW? nom. sin. m. of ifeffut. pass. part. (of the vb. fYfY[ Break) To be broken, frangible. £faf5JYTs nom. sin. s. n. A drug, medicine, physic. nom.sin.m.of%J(^adj. Formidable, horrible, terrific, s. m. A name of siva. acc. sin. s. n. A drug, a medicine. IHt: 2d pers. sin. Sdpret. par. of the Yft Fear, after YTT* as Fear not. ■jfftjiT nom. sin. m. of agt. (from the verb Eat) An eater. inf. (of the vb. ipi) To suffer, to endure. Yft^T s.m. Enjoyment, pleasure. YtYyTI nom. sin. -Yf^f gen. loc. Yffaif«TYTN nom. sin. of Yffaf«f *• n• victuals. A meal, a dinner. The act of eating, -aft loc. nom. pi 2 m138 VOCABULARY. ins. plural m. tatp. With choicest food, dainties or delicacies. iftapraran acc. sin. n. tatp. Straitened for food. sub. mas. tatpurusha, Superintendance of the provisions, the •s. commissariat. loc. sin. 1 st pers. sin. pres. (caus. of the vb. Eat) I feed, I cause to eat, I feast. worn. sin. n. fat. pass. part, {of the verb Eat) To be eaten. Food; a feast, a store of provisions, eatables. interj. Ho! hark ye! ind. A vocative particle of respect. Ho! s.m. A mistake. acc. sin. isHTW s. n> A roaming, a travelling, a tour. nom. singular mas. pres. part. par. 1st cl. Roaming, roving, prowling, wander- ing, sauntering about. ins. pi. m. W5 pass. part, {of the vb. Fall) Fallen, strayed, lost. nom. sin. m. IsfTrlT nom. sin. of -g* s. m. A brother, -rfl vocative. nom. sin. m. pres.part, {of vb. ijfif 4th cl. par. lengthening its vowel in the conjugational tenses) Roaming, rambling, sauntering, or strolling about. \s-f* An eye-brow. : nom. pi. m. Drawn and discharged from the bow of the eyebrow {an epithet o/* WTI) *1 <3Tl acc. sin. *PHTOT s. n. TATP. Fruit, effect, or con- sequence of counsel. - t«n?N acc. sin. s. m. tatp. Breach of counsel. A betraying or divulging of secret counsel. _ loc. sin. TJi|5p5Jrt^pre$. participle of the verb ^ 10th cl. par. Consult, discourse privately together. *T*?T*prf^RN acc. sin.f. 3dpers. sin. pot. of the verb ^ 10tt class. Atm. Consult together, hold a council. inf- ind. pret. part. abs. s. n. The ministership, the office of prime-minister. nom. sin. s. m. A counsellor, or adviser; a king’s counsellor or minister. nom. singular. accusative. -WT instru. -Tjr; genitive. locative. voc. ins. pi. genitive. a(^' Slow, tardy. n°m• sin. m. bahuvrihi, Named Manthara. (^n: and s. n. A name). adj. Slow, sluggish, dull. Ill, bad. Slow, slowly, i. e. very slowly, softly, or feebly. *T3^rf?T: nom. sin. m. bahuv. Of slow motion, sluggish. nom. sin. m. bahuv. Ill-fated, unfortunate, hapless, luckless, wretched, unhappy. bahuv. Ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. An ill-fated wretch. -1T(1 nom. sin. m. - gen. bahuvrihi, Dull-minded, slow- witted. -f^r: nom. sin. m. -rft^TT^ s. m. Name of a celebrated mountain. nom. sin. s. m. bahuv. (Slow- glide) Name of a serpent. bahuv. Remiss, slack, neglectful, inattentive. nom. sin. -XT* nom' subs. mas. A house. A temple. A town. loc. sin. nom. sin. m. agt. Waiting for my flesh. (Wfs ^f*K)TOCABULABY. 141 *iaPRT»l pres, part. {of the vb. Tf*f 4/A cl. dim.) Thinking, considering, meditating, -•ft nom. sin. w. 1st pers. «». q/* Me ?T«T 4/A c/. d