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THE JOHN WATTS DePEYSTER PUBLICATION FUND SERIES NEW YORK: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY MDCCCCXIVOfficers of the Society, 19 PRESIDENT, JOHN ABEEL WEEKES. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE. * SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, WALTER LISPENARD SUYDAM. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT, GERARD BEEKMAN, FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT, FRANCIS ROBERT SCHELL. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, ARCHER MILTON HUNTINGTON. DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, JAMES BENEDICT. RECORDING SECRETARY, FANCHER NICOLL. TREASURER, CLARENCE STORM. LIBRARIAN, ROBERT HENDRE KELBY.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FIRST CLASS—FOR ONE YEAR, ENDING 1915. CHARLES EUSTIS ORVIS, J. ARCHIBALD MURRAY, BENJAMIN W. B. BROWN. SECOND CLASS—FOR TWO YEARS, ENDING 1916. ACOSTA NICHOLS, STANLEY W. DEXTER, JOHN WATSON CARY. THIRD CLASS—FOR THREE YEARS, ENDING 1917. FREDERIC DELANO WEEKES, PAUL R. TOWNE, R. HORACE GALLATIN. FOURTH CLASS—FOR FOUR YEARS, ENDING 1918. DANIEL PARISH, Jr. JAMES BENEDICT, ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON. DANIEL PARISH, Jr., Chairman. ROBERT H. KELBY, Secretary. [The President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian are members of the Executive Committee.]ORIGINAL BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS JANUARY 1st 167* to OCTOBER 19th 1675INTRODUCTION THIS volume of Collections of the Society for 1913, the forty-sixth of the series, contains copies from original manuscripts in the Archives of the Society, consisting of: I. Original Book of New York Deeds, January 1,1673, to October 19,1675. These deeds are not recorded in the Register’s office of this County. II. Miscellaneous Documents relating to the City of New York and Long Island, 1642 to 1696. III. The Melyn Papers, 1640-1699. A small collection of original manuscripts and contem- porary copies mainly relating to Staten Island. A list of the Subscribers to the Publication Fund and Shareholders by Transfers to Septem- ber 1st 1914, has been added to this volume.CONTENTS PAGES I. Original Book of New York Deeds, Jan. 1, 1673, to Oct. 19, 1675 . . . . 3 to 62 II. Miscellaneous Documents, as follows: Deed. Gov. Kieft’s grant of land to Jan Mainje, Sept. 11, 1642 ........ 65 Deed. Gov. Kieft’s grant of land to Jan Stevensen, July 3, 1643 .... 66 Deed. Gov. Kieft’s grant of land to Jan Jansen Damen, March 15, 1646 . . 68 Deed for house and lot, Wilhelm Beeck- man, Harmen Smeeman and Michiel Jansz to Jan Eversz Bout, Oct. 10, 1655 ........ 69 Deed for land, Abraham Verplanck to Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Jan. 21, 1656 ........ 71 Deed. Gov. Stuyvesant’s grant of land to Rutger Joosten [Van Brunt], Jan. 18, 1662 . ............. 72 Deed for land, Rev. Johannes Megapolen- sis to Cornelius Van Ruyven, March 10, 1663 ............................ 74 Deed. Gov. Stuyvesant’s grant of land to Frans Jansen Van Hooghten, Aug. 1664 .............................. . 76 Deed for land, Tomas Fredericks to Abraham Lubbersz, Feb. 12, 1664 . 77 Grant. Gov. Richard Nicolls to Oloff Stevens, July 8, 1667 . . . . 78 Grant. Gov. Richard Nicolls to Burger Joris, Dec. 3, 1667 ..... 80CONTENTS PAGES Deed for a house from James, Duke of York, to Richard Nicholls, July 5, 1669, and transfer of the same by Richard Nicholls to Thomas Delavall, July 6, 1669 . . . . . . 81 Thanksgiving Proclamation, June 30, 1674 ... . . . . . 83 Extract from the Act of Partition and Division between the heirs of deceased Oloff Stevensz, dated June 27, 1684 . 84 Deed. Corporation of the City of New York to White Timmer, June 1,1687 . 85 Deed for house and lot, Jacobus Van Cortlandt to Anthony Lispenard, Dec. 27,1689 . . . . . . . 86 Deed. Miles Forster to Christina Veen- vos, Nov. 23, 1696 ............... 89 III. Melyn Papers, 1640-1699 . . . . 97 to 138 IY. Subscribers to the Publication Fund and Shareholders by Transfers . .. . 141 to 172 V. Index . ..................... . . . . . 173 to 179BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS JANUARY 1st 167$ to OCTOBER 19th 1675 [Original Endorsed] “No. A. Records of Transport Begin in (1672) and End in 1675.” [New] Yorke the first of Jannry 1672/73 Did: Simon Jansz Romeyn of this [Citty of] New Yorke by Vertue of a Transport from the Worshippll Mayor and Aldermen of this Citty baring Date the 16th Day of Aprill ao. 1667, and for & in concideration of Certaine sume of monny to him in hand paid by Maria Tayne Widdow & Relict of Philip Cassier deceased; Transport and make over unto the said Maria Tayne a Certaine house and Lott of ground sctiuate Lying and being wthin this Citty, on the southside of the markevelt street abutting wth the north- side uppon the said Street w:th the Eastside uppon the ground of Jan Evertse Bout, wth the Southside upon the ground of Jacob Teunisz and wth the Westside uppon the house and land of Jacob Leendertz; Containing on the northside six Rod foure and a halfe Rods foot on the East- side foure rod & one foot and there Running out w:th a squire of six and one quarter foot; and Running from the said squire uppon the same Course twoo Rods three & a Halfe foote, and on the westside five rod three foot and nine Inches all hollands Land measure; as more at Large doth appeare by the said Transport Signed by the said Simon Jansz in the presens of the alderm: Johannes De Pyster and Secrety Nicolaes Bayard. - ■ - 34 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS The 20th of Jann[ry]. ----- Did Jacob Hendriksz Varrevanger Executor of the Estate of Maria Poulet deceased and atturnie of John Gerrardy, for and in Concideration of Certaine Sume of monny—To him the sd. Varrevanger in hand paid by Hendrik obe of New Yorke, Transport & make over unto the said Hendrik obe a Certaine peece or tract of Land Lying and being neare unto helgate uppon Long Island, betwixt the Land of Jan Van Leyden & the Land of Theunis Kray, Containing in breadth to the north by the River Syde Seventie fyve Rod, behinde the Like, In Lenght on each Syde twoo hundred Rod; amounting in all to about fifty acres or twentie fyve morgen; w:ch said transport was Signed by him the said Jacob Varrevanger in the prsenceof the aldermen Johannis De Pyster & Nicolaes Bayard, Secrett: On The First day of February 1672 /73 was the The above mentioned peece of Land and promisses, wth all & Singuler the appurtenances, thereunto belonging Trans- ported & made over unto Mr. Thomas Lawrence of Long Island his heirs & assignes; wch: said transport was signed by him the said obe in the prsence of the alderm: Johannes De Pyster & Mee N. Bayard Secretry: -------- Ao. 167f february the 2d------- on the 4th day of Jannry Did Thomas [Wandell] of mespath Kills on Long Island; for a Vallu[able] Concider- ation to him the said Wandell in hand paid Transport and make over unto Coenraet Ten Eyck of this Citty, Shoe- maker a Certaine house & Lott of ground scituate Lying and being wth in this Citty, to the north of the higstreet haveing on the East the house & Ground of Dirck Jansz Van deventer on the south the said Higstreet, on the west the house & ground of Johannes Witthart, and on the northBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 5 the brewhouse of michill Johnson; Containing on the north- syde one & thrity foot & Eight Enches on the East & West sids seven Rod, seven foot & fyve Inches, and on the south- syde Twentie Six foot & foure Inches hollands wood meas- urre, wch said house & ground was by the said Wandel sould unto Wessel Ten Broek and sence by the said Wessel sould unto the above sd: Counraet Ten Eyck; as more at Large doth appeare by the sd: Transport signed by him the sd: Wandel in the prsence of alderm: Johannes DPyster, & Nicolaes Bayard, Secretary, --- 167|; 25 febru’y Did Jan Yingie of this Citty for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid by Dirck Siecken of this Citty husband- man Transport and make over unto the said Dirck Siecken; a Certaine parcell of Land Lying & being on this Island manhatans, without this Citty Land Gate, on the westside of the highway, haveing on the northside his Royal Hignesses farme, and on the southside the Land of Olof Stevensz, Con- tain: in breadth before & behind Eighteene Rod & 7/10 part of a Rod, In lenght from the highway to the waterside; as more at Large doth appeare by the prcipal deed of sale Signed by the sd: Jan Vingie in the prsence of the alderm: Olof Stevensz & the Secretary N: Bayard------- [Ao] 167|; ---- On the 25th day of Jannfry] 167§—: Did Geertie hoppen Late widdow of Andries Hoppen deceased, Simon Jansz Romeyn and Lammert huybertse moll, Tutors & Gardians of the Children of the said Andries hoppen deceased; For and in Concideration of Certaine Sume of monney to them in hand paid by Giourt olphertse of the Citty New Yorke meason. Transport and make over unto the said Giourt olphertse his heirs and assignes, a Certaine house or Tennement wth: a Lott of Ground, scituate Lying6 BOOK OF NEW YOBK DEEDS & being wth: in this Citty in the broadway betwene the Lott of David Provoost and that of Gerrit Vullevever, Containing in breadth before towards the Street twoo Rod seven foot, and behinde twoo Rod three foott. In Lenght on the south- side fourtheene Rod and twoo foot, and on the northside thirteene Rod nine foot; as more at Large doth appeare by the sd: deed of sale Signed & Sealed by the sd: Widdow & Guardians in the prsence of the aldermenn olof Stevensz Cortlant & Nicolaes Bayard Secretary —— february 26th 167f:----- Did Samuell Edsall of the province of New Yarsie, for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid by Gelyn Yerplank of this Citty New Yorke, Transport & make over unto the sd: Gelyn Verplanck his heirs and assignes, a Certaine house and Lott of ground Scituate Lying and being wth: in this Citty at the watersyde on the Eastside of another house & ground of Samuell Edsall aforementioned on the southsyde of the Street Called the Bridge Streete and on the westside of the house & Ground Heretofore belonging unto Frans van Hoghten decesed Itt being the hou[se] & Lott Sould in publicq outcry on the 22 of September 1670 by Nicolaes Jansz Backer unto the sd: Edsall as by the Trans- port from the said Backer more at Large doth appeare Con- taining In Lenght & breadth, as in the pattent off Confirma- tion baring date the 25th Day of Octobr: 1667; more plainely doth appeare. Wch sd: Transport was Signed by the sd: Samuel Edsall in the prsence of aldermn: Johannis De Pyster & the Secretary Nicholaes Bayard. March the first Ao: 167f; —— Did Comelis Clopper attumie of Willem abramse vander Borden Jacob Kip and Peter Nys, Curatuers of the EstateBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 7 of Bartelmaen & Geertie Broeders; for a Valluable Con- cideration, to them in hand paid by Poulus Turck of this Citty New Yorke, Transport and make over unto the said Poulus Turck his heirs and assignes a Certaine house and Lott of ground belonging to the sd: Wm Abramsz and Geertie Broeders Scituated Lying and being wth: in this Citty to the East of the moate or Ditch, comonly called the prince Graght, abutting or adjoyning on the noth to the Ground of willem Jansz, on the East that of albert Trompetter, on the South, to the ground heretofore belonging unto dowe Harmense, and on the west the said moate or Graght, Containing on the westside in breadth Twentie fyve foot and on the East Twentie fyve ffoote foure Inches and a halfe; In Lenght on the northside foure Rod nine footte and one Inch, and on the south fyve Rod; w:ch said house & appurtenances was at a publicq outcry held New Yorke on ye 9th of Xbr 1669; Exposed to sale by ye sd: Attumie and Curat:rs & Likewise then Sould unto Stoffel Van Laer and Sence againe by ye sd Van Laer to John Garland, and by ye Garland on the 2d: of Septembr 1671 Sould unto the sd: Poulus Turck as by the original Transport hereof signed by them the sd: Clopper & Curat :rs in ye prsence of ye alderm: Johannes De Pyster & Secretary Nicolaes Bayard—more att Large doth & may appeare: ---- March the 2d: Ao: 167§: ----- Did Poulus Turck of New Yorke for a valluable Con- cideration, to him in hand paid by Willem Waldron alsoo of this Citty Cooper, Transport and make over unto the said Willem Waldron—his heirs and assignes, all his the sd: Turcks Right Tytle Clayme & Intrest to the house & Lott of ground above mentioned, In such manner & forme as the Same was Transported unto him the sd: Poulus Turck on the first of this Instant month of march, by the Comelis Clopper atturnie of willem Abramsz as more at Large doth appeare by ye: sd: Transport signed by the sd:8 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS Poulus Turck In the prsence of ye alderm: Johannis De Pyster & Nicol Bayard Secrety. ----- March the 25th Ao: 1673:------ Did Hendrick Obe of this Citty if or and in Concidera- tion of Certaine sume of monny to him the said Obe in hand paid by Luykas van Thienhoven also of this Citty Trans- port and make over unto, the said Luyckas van Thienhoven his heirs and assignes, a Certaine house and Lott of Ground, Scituate Lying and being wthin this Citty, to the north of the Pearle Streete betwixt the housing of Claes Bording and Joris Rapalye Conteyning in Lenght and breath as in the pattent of Confirmation, from Governr: Richard Nicolls bareing date the 23th of July ao: 1667; more plainely is Exprest and as the same is Encompassed in itts ffences; w:ch said Transport was signed by the said Hendrick Obe- in the prsence of the Alderm: Johannes De Pyster and the Secretary Nicolaes Bayard----- Ditto [March the 25th Ao: 1673:] On the ffirst day of february Last past Did Mr: William Darvall, of this Citty for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid by Willem Isacqse Van Vredenburg also of this Citty; Transport and make over unto the sd: Van Vreden- burgh; a Certaine house & Lott of ground, scituate Lying and being wthin this Citty, to ye west of the street Com- monly Called the heere Street or bredewegh haveing to the north the house and ground heretofore belonging unto Cor- nelis Pluvier w:ch is now the Lutheran Church, and to the south the garden, heretofore belonging to ye westindia Com- pany; Containing in breadth before to the Street on the EastBOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 9 Syde foure Rod & seven Inches, and on the westside Seven Rod, In Lenght on the north & southsyds Seven Rod, Six ffoote and foure Inches; as by the sd: Transport Signed by the sd: William darvall in the prsence of the alderm: Cor- nelis Van & the Secretary Nicolaes Bayard more at Large doth appeare; —- April the 30th Ao: 1673; On this day Hendrik Jansz Van.Beest living on this island Manhatans has conveyed and ceded to and in behalf of Hendry Peers, also living on this island Manhatans cer- tain parcel of land situated on this aforesaid island about the farm of the Heer [Mr.] Petrus Stuyvesant between the land of Jan Pietersz, Eastward and Jan Thomassen, West- ward. Is long, South & North ninety four rods, broad in the middle eleven rods. And such by virtue of a convey- ance by Hans Jacob, dated Feb. 12, 1668/9 executed in behalf of the aforesaid Hendrik Jansz, as is more explicitly shown in the conveyance signed and sealed by the afore- said Hendrik Jansz Van Beest in presence of the Secretary Nicolaes Bayard and Ephraim Herman. [Translated from the Dutch.] Ditto:— [April the 30th Ao: 1673:] On the first day of July ao: 1671; Did Peter Stoutenburg & Jan Vingie Executrs: of the Estate of Rachell van Thien- hoven deceased and Luyckas van Thienhoven heir of the said Tienhoven, Transport and make over unto John Smedes of this Citty Carman, a Certaine farm or Bowry of the sd: Tienhoven deceased, together w:th a dwelling house, Bame, oarcherd, Cornefield & pasture ground and other the ap-10 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS purtenances, as by the Condition] of sale bearing date the 13th of October Last past at Large is set forth; Scituate Lying and being uppon this Island manhatans abutting wth the north syde uppon the Land of willem Beeckman wth the East Syde uppon the houses & Lotts in Smiths valley wch Lotts heretofore are sould and Transported out of the Gennerall ground brief wth ye southsyde uppon the pasture of oloff stevense, & ye Lane Called the maegdepaetie and wth ye westsyde uppon the highway, & accordingly now is En- compassed & Comprehendd in itts fences, being all the Land in ye said Pattent Seth forth; that is to say soo much as of the sd: Land remains untransportd as by the Transport signed by the sd: Executrs: & heir in the prsence of Wm Darval. Apprill the 30th Ao: 1673: —- Did Jan Smedes of this Citty, Transport and make over unto Coenraet Ten Eyck, Jacob Abramse, Carsten Leursen and Jan herberding of the Citty aforesaid, a Certai[ne] peece of Land Lying and being on this Island manhatans, on this syde of the ffresh water, beginning at the Corner of the Lane Called’t maegde paetie, and Running ffrom thence allong the said Lane; uppon a southeast Lyne, to the Corner of Mr: olof Stevense Cortlants pasture, and further allongst the sd: Pasture to the orchard of the said Smedes, (: w:ch orcherd, together w:th the slip of ground thereunto annex is excluded out of this Sale:) and from thence, alongst the fence of the sd: orcherd uppon a Straight Lyne, to the Land of Mr: William Beeckman, Uppon a post marked Jr and from the said marked post, alongst the Land of ye said Beekman uppon a westerly Lyne to the Comer of the highway, before the house, where dirck Sieken now Lives in, and further from the said Comer alongst the said highway to ye Comer of’t maegde Paetie aforementioned; Itt being part of the LandBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 11 w:ch was heretofore by the Curat :rs and heirs of Rachell van Thienhoven Transported unto the sd: Smedes; Con- taining] in Lenght & breath as the same now is limited & Encompassed in itts fences; and the said John Smedes Like- wise aknowledged to have received full satisfaction: for the same prmisses w:ch said Transport was Signed by the sd: Jan Smedes; In the prsence of Johannis d’ Pyster alderm: & Nicolaes Bayard, Secretary. May the first Ao: 1673; ----- Did John Reay of this Citty pypmakr: for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid by Richard Tincker alsoo of this Citty, Transport and make over unto the said Richard Tincker his heirs and assignes his Right Tytle and intrest in a Certaine Lott of ground, Lying and being wth in this Citty to the south of the street called the prince Street, to ye west of Susanna the Negro, and to ye East of Jan Hendrikse van Bommel, containing as more at Large may appeare by the former Transport and deed of sale from Gerrit Janse van arnhem to Nicolaes Du Pui of date the 26th day of appril 1667 w:ch Transport was Signed by the sd: John Reay In the prsence of Johannes De Pyster, & Secretary Nicolaes Bayard —— May the 5th Ao: 1673; ------ Did Marten Janse Myer of this Citty, Blacksmith, for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid by Abell Hardenbrook also of this Citty Shoemaker; Transport and make over unto the said Abell Hardenbrook his heirs and assignes, a Certaine house and Lott of ground Scituate Lying & being wth in this Citty, to the East of the Smiths Streete,12 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS haveing to the South the ground heretofore belonging unto burger Joris to the East the ground of Govert Loockerman deceased, and to the west the said Street Containing on the Eastsyde nine and twenty foote, on the westsyde along the streete nine & thirty foote & eight Inches; In Length on the Southsyde Sixty Eight foote three Inches and on the north syde, sixty fyve foot; wch transport was Signed by the sd- Marten Myer In the prsence of aldermen olof Stevense Cort: lant Johannes De Pyster & Nicolaes Bayard Secretary Ao: 1673;------20th: of May; ----- Did adriaen van Laer of this Citty Shoemaker (for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid By Bay Croes- velt of this Citty aforesd Hatter:) Transport & make over unto ye: said Bay Croesvelt his heirs & assignes, a Certaine house and Lott of ground Cituate Lying & being wthin this Citty, to ye north of ye high street haveing to ye west the housing & ground of Jacob Abramse to ye north ye Slyck- streete to ye East the house of John Cooly Smith & to ye South ye Streete aforementioned: Containing in Breadth on ye Southsyde, Eighteene foote wood measure on the northsyde the Lyke In Lenght on ye Eastsyde Seven rod nine foote Six Inches and on the westsyde Seven Rod Eight foote Seven Inches allwood measure as by the sd: transport Signed by the sd: May the 20th—Ao: 1673;------ Did Carsten Leurse of this Citty Shoemaker (for a val- luable Concideration, to him In hand paid by Coenraet Ten Eyck, Jacob Abramse Sandford & Jan Herberding;) Transport & make over unto the said Coenraet Ten Eyk Jacob Abramsz & Jan Herberding their heirs & assigns, and unto each of them; one Equall quarter part of a Certaine Lot, of ground wch was on the 20th of Septemb 1672; Trans-BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 13 ported unto ye sd Carsten Leursz by Adriaen Van Laer, Lying wthin this Citty; together wth a house, Barkemill and other ye buildings thereuppon, or in any wyse thereunto belonging or appurtaining, wch sd; Transport was signed by the sd Carsten Leursz in the presence of Nicholas Bayard Secretary & Ephraim Herman;---------- New Yorke Ao: 1673; May the 24th Did Eghbert Wouterse of this Citty for a valluable Con- cideration, to him in hand paid, Transport and make over unto Jacob Abramse also of this Citty—Schoemaker his heirs and assignes, The one halfe part of a Lott of ground, to wit the west syde thereof; together wth an old tennement thereuppon, scituate Lying & being wthin this Citty to the North of the Bevers graght. and to the east of the house and Lott of hendrik Janse Vander Vin. The'whole Lott Con- taining as appears by the former Transport of John Snediker, On the Southsyde Eight Rod six foote, on the eastsyde fourteene Rod Ten foote and on ye westsyde seven Rod and nine foote, wich said Transport was signed by the said Egbert Wouterse, In the presence of Aldermn; Olof Stevense & Secretary Nicholas Bayard; —— Ao; 1673; The 26th of May; --- Did Assur Levy of this Citty Merchant for a valluable Concideration to him in hand paid By Jan Herberding also of this Citty—Transport & make over unto the sd Jan Herberding his heirs & assigns a Certaine house and Lott of ground, wthin this Citty, scituate Lying and being on the northsyde of the highstreete, abutting or ajoyning on the east to the house & ground of david Jochemse, on the south to ye said Streete—on the west to the house and ground of wessell Evertse Bout, and on the north to a Cer-14 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS taine Lane or Streete Commonly Called the Slycke Streete, Containing on the southsyde Twenty one foote and thre Enches. on the North Twenty one foote & six Inches, on the Eastsyde seven Rod & foure foote and six Inches—and on the westsyde seven Rod Eight foote and seven Inches; as more at Large is set forth In the said Transport—signed by the Sd Assur Levy In the Presence of Aldermn; Johannes De Pyster, & Nicholas Bayard Secrets; —— Primo June Ao: Domm: 1673;--------- Did Carsten Leurse of this Citty Shoemaker for a val- luable concideration to him in hand payd, by Jacob DeHaert also of this Citty; Transport & make over unto the said Jacob De Haert his heirs & assignes a Certaine stone dwelling house and Lott of ground, scituate Lying and being wth in this Citty on the Strand of the East River, haveing to the East the Lott of Go vert Loocquermans deceased, and to the west the house & ground of Mr Johannes Van Brugh, Containing according to the Surveig of the Survr Jacques Corteljou In breadth on the southsyde, before towards the streete four Rod and seven Inches, behind on the north End the Lyke, In Lenght on the Eastsyde, beginning from the Comer of the sd house and Running to the Gutter or ditch twelve Rods and on the westsyde 12 Rods & 2 foote wch sd transprt; was signed in ye presence of Aldermn; Olof Stev- ensz, Johann: D Peyster & N Bayard Secretary, —— New Yorke Ao Dom; 1673; -------- June the first Did Jacob Hendriksz Varrevanger of this Citty Chirurgeon, (for a valluable concideration to his full satisfaction and Content, to him In hand paid by Gerrit; Janse Stavast of Nova Albany;) Transport & make over unto15 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS the sd Gerrit Janse Stavast his heirs and assignes a Certaine, house and Lott of ground, scituate Lying & being wthin this Citty New Yorke to the East of the Streete called the Smiths Streete, haveing to the north and Eastsyds the house and ground heretofore belonging to the aforesaid Jacob Yarrevanger, now belonging to Mr Wm Patterson to the South the ground of Mettie Juriaens and to the West the said Smiths Streete,—containing according to the Surveigh of the Swome Surveigr Jacques Corteljou on the southsyde thereof three Rod and one foote on the northsyde twoo Rod twelve foote on the Eastsyde Six Rod, and one foote, and on the westsyde thereof Six Rod and three tenth parts of of a Rod all wood measure wch sd Transport was signed by the sd Jacob Hendrik Varrevanger In the presence of Aldermn; Johannes DePyster & the Secretry Nicolaes Bayard;---- On the 2d day of July Ao; 1673; was the house & ground above mentioned, By Gerrit Janse Stavast Transported & made over unto John Reay of this Citty Pypmaker, together wth al the appuertenances as by the sd transport signed by the sd Gerrit Janse In the presence of Olof Stevense & Nicolas Bayard Secretary more at Large doth appeare; ---- New York Ao 1673;-------- July the 10th did Jacob Strycker of Flat-Bush on Long Island for a Certaine sume of monny to him in hand Paid by Nicholas Bayard Secretary of the Mayrs Court in New Yorke, Transport and make over unto Tymon Van Borsum of the Citty aforesd shoemaker, a Certaine Lott of ground Lying and being, wthin this Citty, to the West of the Streete called the Smiths Streete, Haveing to the South the Lott of Gosen Vinge To the North the Lott heretofore belonging to daniell Gabrie, To the west the Lott or garden of Isacq Foreest, and to the East the Streete aforementioned, Contain-16 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS ing on the East and westsydes twenty five foote, In lenght from the sd Smits Streete to the Garden of Isacq Deforeest; wich said Lot by the aforesd—Nicolas Bayard is Changed, against an other Lott of the sd Van Borsums; wch said Transprt was signed By the sd Jacob Strycker In the presence of Appeared before me Nicolaes Bayard, Secretary of the City of New Orange the worthy Albert Pietersz Trompetter, burgher and inhabitant of this City, who in the presence of the subscribed Messrs Schepens (by virtue of certain deed of Mr Petrus Stuyvesant, dated July 1, 1652 & confirmation of the same by Col Richard Nicolls under date of Feb 14,1667) declared to cede, transfer and convey in a right true and free ownership to and in behalf of Mr Gabriel Minvielle, Merchant within this City, a certain his house & lot with everything on and in the same fixed to the earth and fastened by nail, with such passive & active services and rights as the said Albert Pietersz has possessed and owned the same, as the said house and lot is fenced in, erected and confined, standing and situated within this city in the Sheep Meadow, now named the Prince’s Street broad on the South side of the Street three Rods one foot in the rear broad on the North side two rods and seven feet; long on the East side Nine rods seven feet and on the West side ten rods; all free and unencumbered without any charge neither resting on nor emanating from the same, excepting the Lords right, For which said house and lot said Albert Trompetter acknowledged and declared to be well and thankfully satisfied and paid. Consequently said Albert Trompetter in behalf of the said Gabriel Minvielle declares to cede and convey all property right, claims and pretensions he has possessed in said house and lot, promising not to proceed nor cause to be proceeded against the same either in law or otherwise, pledging his person and goods,BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 17 real and personal none excepted. In testimony of the truth the present has been subscribed to by the grantor besides the Messrs Schepens at New Orange on the island Manhatans, September 30, 1673. Guilain Verplanck. In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. This is made by Pietersz [alias] himself. [Translated from the Dutch] the mark Albert Swart Trompetter The 30th of September 1673. On the 10th day of July Last past did Stephanus Van Cortlant Attorney of Teunis Templier of Albany, (now called willemstadt) for the sume of fourteene hundered Gilders, to him in hand paid Transport & make over unto Henry Bresier of this Citty a Certaine house & Lott of ground scituate lying & being wthin this Citty to the west of the Cingell, Containing in breadth before towards the said Cingell or Streete, and behinde where itt adjoynes uppon the ground of Govert Loockermans, Thirty foot wood measure In length to the south where it adjoynes uppon the ground of Rynier Rycken, Eight Rod & one foot, and to the north, where itt adjoynes to ye house & Lott of Jacob Janse Moesman, nine Rod & three foot wood measure wich said Transport was Signed & Sealed by the said Stephanus van Cortlant in the presence of alderman; Olof Stevensz, Johannes De Pyster & Ephraim Hermans, Clerq. ——18 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 16 September On the 10th day of June Last past did Marrettie Jans widdow of Govert Loockermans deceased, Balthasr Bayard- Hans Kiersteede & Jacob Loockermans by his Gardian Johannes De Peyster, Lawfull heirs of the sd Govert Loock- ermans, for a valluable Concideration to them in hand paid, by Johannes Van Brugh; of this Citty Merchant, Transport & make over unto the sd Johannes Van Brugh, his heirs & assignes a Certaine house & lott of ground, scituate & being within this Citty, to the East of the Smiths Street, to the north of Marten Myer Smith, and to the south of Mettie Juriaens Conteining on ye westsyde seventy three foot on the East syde fourthy six foot and a half on the north syde, fifty four foot & eight Inches and on the southsyde seventy eight foot and a half wood measure, the widdow Reserves out of the said Lot, on the Southsyde thereof, a Strocke of 6 foot in bread for a water course, as more at Large may appeare by the original Transport Signed & Sealed by the widdow & heirs & Olof Stevensz Cortland, Aldermn ----- Appeared before me Nicolaes Bayard Secretary of this City of New Orange the worthy Mr Simon Jansz Romeyn in his quality of attorney for Hans Dreper living at Willem- stad, as per power of attorney passed before the Notary Willem Bogardus and witnesses, dated May 5, 1670, and also shown to me Secretary on this date. Said Romyn (in his aforesaid quality, by virtue of certain deed by Governor Stuyvesant and the confirmation of the same by Govr Richard Nicolls dated May 13, 1667), declared to cede, transfer and Convey in right true and free owner- ship, to and in behalf of James Mathews, inhabitant of this City of New Orange certain the said Hans Dreper’s house & lot standing and situated within this city on the Strand,BOOK OF NEW YORK DEED 19 about the New Bridge, opposite the house and lot of Hen- drik Willemse Backer, wide on the Street or Northside two rods seven feet eight inches, on the South side two rods five feet; long on the Westside three rods, and on the East side two rods three feet and three inches, and further in the same condition as said house and appurtenances of the same has been possessed and occupied till this date by the said James Matheuws, [sic]; he the grantor declaring to convey said house and lot to said James Mathews with such passive and active services and rights as the same has been possessed and owned by the said Hans Dreper, free and unencumbered, without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. He grantor in his said quality and as having been specially and perfectly empowered for this purpose by said Dreper, de- sisting from all claims and pretences of ownership which said Dreper or any one by his order might have or advance, further promising to hold observe and execute this convey- ance firmly and irrevocably and to secure the same against all ulterior claims, binding his person and goods, real and personal, submitting the same to all courts and jurisdic- tions. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed to by the grantor besides the undersigned Messrs Schepens, with their own hands, at New Orange, February 14, 1674. Johannes Depeyster Simon J. Romeyn Johannes Van Brugh In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Cathalyna Rappalje, widow, of the deceased Joris Rapalje, living in the Waele Boght [Wallabout] on Long Island who acknowledged20 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS and declared by virtue of certain deed from Governor Fran: Lovelace dated May 13, 1671, to cede, Convey and transfer in a right true and free ownership to and in behalf of Jeremias Jansz Westerhout, burgher and inhabitant of this City, certain her house and lot, standing and situated within this city in the Pearl Street between the house and lot of Isacq Grevenraet and Hendrik Obe, size; on the South side on the Street one rod four feet and a half; on the Northside one rod and one half foot, on the Westside three rods and two feet, and on the East side three rods and two feet; besides further by virtue of said deed a certain slip or portion of a lot, wide on the southside twenty one feet three inches in the rear on the Northside Nineteen feet and a half, on the Eastside one hundred and eight feet and on the Westside one hundred and eleven feet, and further with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the said Cattalyne Rapalje has possessed and occupied the same free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot in regard to purchase, conveyance and transfer said Cattalyna Rapalje acknowledged and declared to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by said Jeremias Jansen. Therefore she the grantor, in behalf as stated before, declares to convey and cede all property right, claims and pretences which she the grantor or anybody in her behalf might or should advance on the said house and appurtenances of the same, promising neither to proceed nor cause to be proceeded against this present either in law nor otherwise, binding her person and goods, real and personal none excepted submitting to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth the grantor besides the Messrs Schepens have subscribed to the present in New Orange, February 19, 1674. Johannes Van Brugh This is 1/ the mark Guilain Verplanck |\ made by Catlaine Rappalje Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch]BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 21 Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of N. Orange in New Netherland Marretie Jans widow of the deceased Govert Loockermans, Balthazr Bayard, Hans Kierstede & Jacob Loocquerm: being altogether the lawful heirs of the deceased Govert Loocquerman aforesaid who acknowledged and declared by virtue of a certain deed of the Governor Dated to cede transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership, as they are doing by these presents to Cornelis Dirckse Van Westveen, burgher and inhabitant of this city certain their stone house and lot with everything fixed in the earth and fastened by nail on the same, standing and situated within this city of New Orange to the North the Strand of the East River to the West the house and lot of Carsten Leursz Shoemaker and to the East the lots of the abovenamed widow Loockermans, wide on the South or streetside sixty feet, on the Northside forty feet and ten inches; long on the Eastside fourteen rods ten feet and on the Westside fifteen rods and eleven feet, altogether woodfeet, and further with such passive and active servitudes and rights as said widow and heirs have possessed and owned said house and lot free and unencumbered without any charges resting or depending on the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot by purchase, transfer and conveyance said widow and heirs acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by the said Cornelis Dircksz. Consequently they the grantors declare in behalf as above to desist & cede all ownership right, claim and pretensions which they the grantors or any one in their name might or should bring forward against the said house and lot and its appurtenances. Promising neither to act nor cause to be proceeded against the same whether in law or in any other manner, and further to steadfastly and irrevocably keep, maintain and carry out this conveyance and to secure the same against all posterior claims, binding their persons and goods, real and personal subject to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this has been sub-22 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS scribed to with their own hands by the grantors, besides Messrs-------—— in New Orange, April 18, 1674. Johannes Van Brugh Marretie Yans Laurens Van de Spighel Hans Kierstede Jacob Loockerman B. Bayard In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us the undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Adriaen Van Laer, burgher and Inhabitant of this City, who declared by vir- tue of a power of Attorney granted to him by his brother Stoffell Van Laer to cede, transfer and grant in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of David Provoost, likewise a burgher of said city, certain his the aforesaid Stoffel Van Laer’s lot and tannery with the vats and other appurtenances standing and situated within this city east of the Prince Graght, south of the house and garden of de- ceased domine Samuel Drisius, west of the garden which has belonged to said Stoffel Van Laer North of the Tan Mill. Wide on the Westside facing the street forty feet in the rear on the Eastside the same, Length on both sides fifty two feet, altogether woodfeet; the whole free and un- encumbered, without any charge resting or originating; from the same excepting the Lord’s right. For which aforesaid lot, on account of purchase, transfer and conveyance the said Adriaen Van Laer in behalf of his said brother acknowl- edged to have been fully and thankfully satisfied and paid by the said David Provoost. Therefore he desists, in his above quality from all claims, rights and pretensions whichBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 23 he Stoffel Van Laer or any one on his behalf should or might advance against the same; he, Adriaen Van Laer promising to maintain, observe and perform this Conveyance firmly and irrevocably, and further to secure the same against all posterior claims, and to free said Provoost from the same. In witness of the truth this present has been subscribed to with their own hand by the grantor besides the Messrs Burgomasters, Johannes Van Brugh, in New Orange, June 20, 1674. Adryaen Van Laer Johannes Van Brugh In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland, Marettie Jans Widow of the deceased Govert Loocquermans, Hans Kierstede, Jacob Loockerman being together the lawful heirs of deceased Govert Loockermans, mentioned before, who declared to cede transfer and convey, as they are doing by these pres- ents, in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Balthazar Bayard, burgher and inhabitant of this city certain parcel of land numbered No. 1, having been sold at public auction on June 10, 1671 to said Bayard Said parcel of land being situated East of the land of Willem Beeckman, butting with the Southwest side on the land of said Beeckman with the Northwest and Westnorthwest side on the Cripplebush and on lot No. 2, the boundary line between both running from the Cripplebush to the fence. Southsoutheast, rather more east, with the Southsoutheast & Southeastside on the public road,* with the Northeast side on the fence. Large (according to the measurement24 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS of the sworn surveyor Jacq. Corteljou) three morgens and forty five rods—all free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said parcel of land by purchase, conveyance and transfer the said widow and heirs acknowl- edged and declared to have been full and thankfully satis- fied and paid by the said Balthazar Bayard. Therefore said widow and heirs in behalf of the said Balthazar de- clared to desist from and to cede all ownership, rights, claims and pretensions they the said widow and heirs have possessed in the said parcel of land; promising neither to proceed nor to have proceeded against this either in law or otherwise in any manner, binding their respective persons and goods real and personal none excepted, submitting to all courts & jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed to with their own hand by the grantors besides the Messrs. --- at New Orange, June 20, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Marretie Yans Lawrens VandeSpighel Hans Kierstede , Jacob Loockerman. In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] *heerewegh means public road or highway heeretraet means public street—any public street— not Broadway as it has often been translated. Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the city of New Orange in New Netherland the Worthy Marrettie Jans, Widow of Govert Loockerman, deceased, BalthazarBOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 25 Bayard, Hans Kiersteede & Jacob Loocquermans being all together the lawful heirs of said Govert Loockermans who declared to cede, convey and grant in right, true and free ownership as they are doing by these presents to and in behalf of Jacob Leyslaer merchant and inhabitant of this city certain parcel of land numbered No 2 having been sold at public auction on June 10, 1671, to said Leyslaer, with such passive and active servitudes and rights as they the grantors have possessed and occupied the same. Said parcel of land is situated on the island Manhattans, east of the lot No 1, transferred on June 20 last to B. Bayard, the said parcel of land with the South & Southwestside butting on the Cripplebush with the Northwest and northside on the fence With the East and Southeastside on the lot No 1, the boundary line between both running from Cripplebush to the fence, Southsoutheast, rather more east and the boundary line between No. 3 Southeast, rather more east, Ex- tent (according to the measurement of the Sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou) four Morgens two hundred seventy eight rods, all free and unencumbered without any charges rest- ing on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said parcel of land on account of purchase conveyance and transfer said widow and heirs acknowledged before subscribing to and delivering the present to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by said Leyslaer. Therefore they the grantors, in behalf of aforesaid, declared to desist from all claims, ownership right and pretensions they the grantors, or any one on their behalf, should or might advance. Further promising firmly and irrevocably to maintain, carry out & perform this conveyance and to secure said Jacob Leyslaer from all ulterior claims, binding their persons and goods real and personal none excepted, submitting them to all Courts and Jurisdictions. In testi- mony of the truth the present has been signed by the grant- ors besides Messrs -------with their own hands in New Orange, June 21, 1674.26 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS Marrtie Yans Hans Kierstede Jacob Loockerman B. Bayard In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. Johannes Vanbrugh Laurens VandeSpighel [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Marretie Jans Widow of the deceased Govert Loockermans, Balthazar Bayard, Hans Kierstede, Jacob Loockerm, being altogether the lawful heirs of the deceased Govert Loockermans, named before, who declared to cede, convey and transfer in right true and free ownership to & in behalf of the Mister Schepen Willem Beeckman, certain parcel or piece of meadowland numbered No 3 having been sold on June 10, 1671 at public vendue to the said Mr Beeckman, as said parcel of land is situated on this Island Manhatans on this side of the Fresh Water, butting with the Southwest side on the land of the heirs of the deed Rachell Van Tienhoven, with the Southeast [side] on the land of Mr. Beeckman, having prior to this belonged to Thomas Haal, with the Northwest- side on the fence and with the Northeastside on lot No 2 sold to Jacob Leyslaer, the division line between both run- ning Southeast, rather more Southward, thro’ a little valley [leeghie] from the fence to the Cripplebush, stopping there at a convenient watering place. Large according to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou four morgens three hundred and three rods; with such passive & active servitudes and rights as the same has been owned and occupied to this date by the grantors, all free and un-BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 27 encumbered without any charges resting on or originating from the same (excepting the Lord’s rights) For which said parcel of land through purchase, transfer and conveyance said widow and heirs, before signing & delivering the present, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid. Therefore they the grantors in behalf as stated above declared to desist and refrain from all claims, owner- ship, right and pretentions they the grantors or any one on their behalf could or might advance about the said parcel of land. Further promising to maintain fulfill and perform this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to free said Mr Beeckman from all ulterior claims. Pledging their persons and goods, none excepted, submitting them to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed with their own hand in the presence of the undersigned gentlemen, at New Orange, June 21, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Marretie Yans Lawrens Vande Spighel Hans Kierstede Jacob Loockerman B. Bayard In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mr Cornelis Van Ruyven who by virtue of certain patent of confirmation obtained from Gov Richard Nicols, dated Jan 19, 1667 declared to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Mr Gabriel Minvielle, merchant, in this city, certain his large stone dwelling and lot standing and28 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS situated within this city: to the West the Marketfield, to the South the house and lot of the widow of the deceased Domine Megapolensis and to the North the house and lot of Mr Gerrit Van Tright. Long on both sides facing the street till the strand of the North River in the rear,* Wide in front on the east or street side fifty nine feet, in the rear on the West or strand side seventy feet, altogether wood feet, all free and unencumbered, without any charge resting or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which aforesaid house and lot for purchase, conveyance and trans- fer said Mr Van Ruyven, before signing and delivering the present declared to have received full satisfaction and pay- ment. Therefore declaring to transfer and convey his afore- said house and lot and appurtenance of the same to the afore- said Mr Gabriel Minville, his heirs and successors with such right & ownership as he the grantor has owned and possessed the same, desisting by these presents from all claims or preten- sions which he or any one on his behalf could or might ad- vance, Further promising to keep perform and carry out this transfer firmly and irrevocably and to free it from all ulterior claims. All under pledge of his persons and goods real and personal none excepted, submitting the same to the jurisdiction of all courts and judges. In testimony of the truth the present has been subscribed to by the grantor besides Mr Johannes Vanbrugh with their own hand in New Orange, June 22,1674. Johannes Vanbrugh C. V. Ruyven Guilian Verplanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch] * Measurement not given.BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 29 Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mr Cornelius Van Ruyven who declared by virtue of the patent of Confirmation ob- tained from the Mr Governor Richard Nicols under date of January 16, 1667, to cede, convey and transfer in a right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Teunis Idusse, agriculturist [Bouwman] his heirs and successors, certain the grantor’s farm with the house and barn, situated on this Island of Manhatans in the district of Noortwyck otherwise named Saphackenican, at present in the possession and use of said Teunis Idusse. Situated one parcel of land of the said farm South of the highway [Heerewegh] running eastward, along the land of Poulus Leendersz and Allard Anthony into the woods. To the North Jacob Pietersz De Groot; as the same is at present surrounded by its fences, in extent accord- ing to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou Twenty five Morgen. Further yet a parcel of valley, being one just quarter in the valleys situated on the Westside of the North River known, by the name of Moerice Davis and Jacob Slang’s valley of the same extent as is shown by the deed from the Hon. Stuyvesand, dated Nov 2,1663. Further yet one sixth (1/6) share in the meadowland situated on this island Manhattans between Clabbord’s Valley and the Great Kill, of the same extent as expressed in the grant by Govr Nicolls, dated Aug 1, 1668; all free and unencum- bered without any charge resting on or originating from the same excepting the Lord’s right. For which said farm and lands with the appurtenances of the same the said Mr Van Ruyven acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid, therefore declaring to transfer and con- vey the aforesaid to the said Teunis Idusse with such right and ownership as he the grantor or any one in his behalf has possessed and occupied the same. Desisting by these pre-30 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS sents from all claims, ownership, rights and pretentions which he the grantor or any one in his behalf could or might advance. Promising further to firmly and irrevocably keep, carry out and perform this conveyance and to free it from all ulterior claims, all under pledge as per law. In testimony this has been subscribed to by the Mr Grantor, besides Mr Johannes Van Brag in New Orange, June 22, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh C. V. Ruyven Guilain Verplanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mr Cornelis Van Ruyven who declared, by virtue of the confirmation of Governor Nicolls, Dated Jan 16, 1667 to cede, transfer and convey in right true and free ownership to and in behalf of Johannis Van Couwenhoven, brewer, living on this island Manhatans certain his, grantor’s brewery, mill and Malthouse with the house and other dependencies of the same, besides certain lot and parcel of land situated on this island Manhatans at Saphackenican, enclosed by the land of Teunis Idusse and Jacob Pietersz De Groot as the same at present is sur- rounded by its fence and has been occupied and used until this date by the said Van Couwenhoven. Extent, accord- ing to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jacques Cor- teljou, fully two morgens, all free and unencumbered with- out any charge resting on or originating from the same, ex- cepting the Lord’s right. For which said parcel of land with the buildings and appurtenances of the same for pur-BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 31 chase, transfer and conveyance the said Mr Van Ruyven, before signing and delivering the present declared to have been well and gratefully satisfied and paid. Therefore he the grantor, in behalf as above, declares to desist from and renounce all claims, property rights or pretensions which he, the grantor, or any one on his behalf could or might advance. Promising further to hold, carry out and per- form firmly and irrevocably this conveyance and to free said Johannis Couwenhoven from all ulterior claims, All under pledge of his person and goods, real and personal none excepted, submitting them to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth the present has been subscribed by the grantor besides Mr Johannis Van Brugh and G. Verplanck with their own hands in New Orange June 22, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh C. V. Ruyven Guilain Verplanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mr Comelis Van Ruyven, inhabitant of this City who declared, by virtue of a Patent of Confirmation dated Jan 16,1667, issued to him, to convey, transfer and cede in right, true and free ownerhip to and in behalf of Jacob Pietersz De Groot, fanner living on this island Manhatans at Saphackenican certain portion, or the balance of grantor’s land situated at the said Saphackenican to the South of Teunis Idusse, as the same is at present sur- rounded by its fence, extent fully twenty morgens; further one quarter in the valley known by the name of Mortie32 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS Davids and Jacob Slangh’s Valleys, according to the deed of Mr Petrus Stuyvesand, dated Nov 2, 1663; further one sixth part in the meadow situated on this island Manhatans between Clabbord’s valley and the Great Kill of the same extent as per deed obtained on August 1, 1668 of Govr Nicols, all free and unencumbered without any charges resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said parcel of land with the valley for purchase, conveyance and transfer the said Mr Van Ruyven before signing & delivering these presents acknowl- edged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid therefore he grantor, in behalf of aforesaid, declares to de- sist and refrain from all claims, ownershipright and preten- sions which he the grantor or any one on his behalf could or might advance. Further promising to keep perform and carry out this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to free said Jacob Pietersz from all ulterior claims. Binding his person and goods, none excepted, submitting them to all Courts & Jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed to by the grantor with his own hand besides the undersigned Gentlemen J. V. Brugh and G. Verplanck at New Orange, June 22, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh C. V. Ruyven Guilain Verplanck Known to me Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Mistress Maghtell Steentgens, widow of the deceased Dom: Johannes Megapolensis who, be virtue of a Patent of Confirmation by Mr Govr Nicolls under date of Jan 9, 1667, declared toBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 33 cede, convey & transfer in right, true and free ownership to and on behalf of Mr Balthazaer Bayard, burgher and in- habitant of this city certain her house and lot standing and situated within this city of New Orange; to the West the Marketfield or great broadway, to the South the lot having prior to this belonged to Jannettie Sabyns, to the North the house and lot of Mr Gabrieli Minvielle, having before be- longed to Mr Corn. Van Ruyven and to the East the North River. Wide on the East or Street side seventy three wood feet and eight inches, in the rear on the strand or Westside fifty eight wood feet; in length from the front on the street to the rear on the strand,* and further with such passive and active services & rights as she, the grantor, has owned and possessed the same and as the said house and lot are sur- rounded by their fence, all free & unencumbered without any charges resting on originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s rights. For which aforesaid house and appurten- ances of the same, through purchase, transfer and convey- ance the said widow acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by said B. Bayard There- fore she, the grantor, in behalf as above declares to desist from and renounce all claims ownerships and pretensions she, the grantor, or anyone on her behalf could or might advance promising to hold, perform and carry out this con- veyance firmly and irrevocably; and to free said Balthazaer Bayard from all ulterior claims; pledging her person & goods, personal and real, none excepted submitting the same to all Courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been signed by the grantor with her own hand besides Mr [left blank] at New Orange, June 24, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Machtelt Steens Guilain Verplanck widow of Johans Megapolens Known to me Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] *Measurement not given.34 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Jeremias Jansz Wester- hout, Simon Jansz Romeyn and Ariaen Jansz Westerhout, being the lawful heirs of the deceased Jan Jansz Haegenaer who declared by virtue of------ [Not completed.] [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Roelof Jansz Van Mep- pelen, butcher, living within this City of New Orange who, by virtue of conveyance by the heirs of the deceased Jan Jansz Hagenaer in behalf of the Grantor, dated June 10, 1672, declared to cede, convey & transfer in right, true and free ownership, to and in behalf of Dirck Evertsen Fluyd, Bargeman, certain his house and lot situated within this City of New Orange to the North the Marketfield alley, to the East the house & lot of Andries Claesz to the South the Beavergraght and to the West the lot of Willem Douckles, wide on the Southside twenty one feet three inches, on the Northside twenty four feet and a half long five rods and a half, with such passive and active services and rights as the same has been owned and occupied by the grantor to the present date, and as the same has now been received by said Dirck Everts, and is enclosed within its fence, all free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or origin- ating from the same, excepting the Lord’s rights. For which said house through purchase, transfer and conveyance the said Roelof Jansz acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid. Therefore he the appearer, in behalf as above declares to desist from and renounce all claims, ownership, rights and pretensions which he theBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 35 grantor or any one on his behalf could or might advance on the same, further promising to keep perform and carry out this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to free the same against all ulterior claims. In testimony of the truth this present has been signed by the grantor besides the Mr Schepen G. Verplanck with their own hand at New Orange June 26, 1674. ’ Guilain Verplanck This is the "TA//j -/" mark of Roelof rl< Jr~ Jansz Butcher. ^1 Known to me Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch.] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Pieter Schaefbanck, Court- messenger of this City of New Orange who declared, by virtue of conveyance by Teunis Cray, made to him the Grantor on March 2, 1656, to cede, convey and transfer to and in behalf of Ariaen Jansz Cooninck, inhabitant of this City certain his house and lot standing and situate within this City of New Orange on the Eastside of the High or Broadway having to the North the house and lot of Harmen Smeman to the South the lot of the grantor, butting with the eastern extremety against the garden of Dom Samuel Drisius, de- ceased. Extent according to the measurement certificate of the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou: on the Westside twenty five wood feet and seven inches, on the Eastside the same, long on the South and Northside eighteen rods five and a half (5*$) feet; with such passive and active servitudes and36 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS rights as the same has been owned and possessed by the grantor, all free and unencumbered without any charge rest- ing on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house for purchase conveyance and transfer the said Pieter Schaefbanck, before delivering this present, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied. Therefore he, grantor, in behalf of above, declares to desist from & renounce all claims ownershiprights and pretensions which he grantor, or any one on his behalf could or might advance against the same. Further promising to hold perform and carry out this conveyance, firmly and irrevocably and to secure the same against all ulterior claims. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed to with his own hand by the grantor besides Mr Johannes Vanbrugh in New Orange, June 28, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Pyeter Schafbanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Mrs Elizabeth Coustrie, having power of attorney from her husband Mr Hendrik Coustrie, who acknowledged and declared (by virtue of a power of attorney containing the clause about convey- ance) to cede, convey and transfer in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Hendrick Wessels Ten Broeck, resident of this City of New Orange, certain her house and lot standing and situated within this city of New Orange, on the Highstreet between the house and lot of Evert Duycking andBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 37 the lot belonging to the widow of Burger Joris having before this belonged to Jan Hendrik Steelman. Wide in front on the North or Streetside thirty four feet, wood feet, on the Southside the same; length on the Eastside forty feet and on the Westside the same. The furthest part of the Southside stretches to the middle of the waterwell, as is more amply shown by the conveyance of Jan Hendricksz Steelman, dated December 9, 1669, made to Mr Hendrik Coustrie; with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been possessed and owned by the grantor, all free and unencum- bered, without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot for purchase, transfer and conveyance said Mrs. Coustrie before signing and delivering this present, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully paid and satisfied* Therefore she, grantor in behalf as before declares to desist from and renounce all claims, ownershiprights, and pretensions which said Mr Hendrick Coustrie or any one on his behalf could or might advance. Further promising firmly and irrevocably to keep perform and carry out this conveyance and to free the same from all ulterior claims, under pledge as required by law. In testimony this present has been subscribed with her own hand by the grantor besides Messrs Johannes De Peyster. at New Orange, June 30, 1674. Elisabet Coutririer Johannes DePeyster Guilain Verplanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netheralnd the Rev Messrs Church-38 BOOK OF NEW TOBK DEEDS masters of this City who declared with the consent and approval of the Messrs Burgomasters to cede, transfer and convey in a right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Maghdaleentie, widow of deceased Jacob Van Couwenhoven, her heirs and successors certain portion of a lot situated to the West of the Broadway having been prior to this time the Church yard (cemetery), the said portion of a lot bounding with the southern side on the lot of Pieter Simkam, tailor, long on both sides one hundred eight feet, wide front and rear twenty four wood feet, with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been owned and occupied until this date by the said grantors or their predecessors, free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot the grantors, before signing and delivering the present acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid; therefore they, grantors, in their aforesaid quality de- clared to desist from and renounce all claims and pretensions they the grantors or any of their successors could or might advance against the said lot, further promising to keep, per- form and carry out this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to secure said widow against all ulterior claims; pledging as per law. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed with their own hand by the grantors. In New Orange, July 2, 1674. Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mrs Elizabeth De Potter Johannes Vanbrugh Wilh Beeckman Known to me O, Stevens V. Cortlant Adolf Pietersz Jacob Kip Ephraim Herman, Clerk. [Translated from the Dutch]BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 39 widow and administratrix (or executrix) of the deceased Isacq Bedloo who declared (by virtue of conveyance by Mr Nicolaes Bayard as attorney for Augustine Herman, and on June 17, 1669, granted to Mr Isacq Bedloo) to cede, transfer and convey in right true and free ownership to and in behalf of Cristiaen Laurier certain her lot, situated within this City of New Grange in the Smee Street to the South the lot of the grantor sold to Jan Pietersz, to the East the lot of Ambrosius Dewaerhem and to the North the Prince Street. Extent, according to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jac Corteljou, on the Westside two rods, on the Eastside one rod twelve feet two inches, on the Northside five rods one foot six inches, on the south side four rods eight feet eight inches, with an additional oblique strip or hoock on the street on the Eastside which has been granted to said Cristiaen by the Messrs Burgomasters, commencing at the lot of Jan Pietersz Bos, where it is 83^ inches wide, running obliquely from thence to the comer of the Prince Street where said strip is three and a half feet wide. With such passive and active services and rights as the same has been possessed and occu- pied by the grantor to this date, free and unencumbered, without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot for purchase conveyance and transfer the said Mrs Bedloo acknowledges to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by the hands of said Cristiaen Laurier. Therefore she, grantor in behalf as above, declares to desist from and renounce all claims ownership rights and pretensions which she the grantor or any one on her behalf should or might advance against the same. Further promising to hold perform and carry out this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to secure the same against all ulterior claims. Pledging her person & goods, none excepted, submitting them to all Courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been personally subscribed to by the grantor in40 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS the presence of the undersigned Gentlemen, at New Orange, August 14, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Elizabeth DePotter Guilain Verplanck Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mrs Elizabeth De Pot- ter, widow and executrix of the deceased Isacq Bedloo who declared (by virtue of conveyance by Mr Nicolaes Bayard as attorney for Augustine Herman, granted on June 17, 1669 to said Mr Isacq Bedloo) to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Jan Pietersen Bos, shoemaker within this City, certain her lot with the appurtenances of the same, situated within this city, to the West the Smee Street to the North the house and lot of Cristiaen Laurier, having prior to this belonged to the above grantor, to the South the lot of the said grantor. Extent according to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou, on the Westside two rods, on the East- side one rod twelve feet two inches, on the Southside five rods one foot six inches and on the Northside five rods, eight feet and five inches, with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been owned and possessed by the grantor to this day, all free and unencum- bered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, besides the Lord’s right. For which said lot for pur- chase, transfer and conveyance said Mrs Bedloo declared to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid from the hands of said Jan Pietersz; therefore she, grantor, in behalf ofBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 41 above declares to desist from and renounce all claims, owner- ship right and pretnsions which she grantor, or any one on her behalf could or might advance, further promising to keep, perform and execute this conveyance firmly and irrevo- cably and to free the same from all ulterior claims, under pledges as per law. In testimony of the truth this has been subscribed to by the grantor at New Orange, September 20, 1674. Johannes Van Brugh Elizabeth De Potter. Guilain Verplanck Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Mrs Elizabeth De Potter widow & executrix of deceased Isacq Bedloo who declared (by virtue of conveyance by Mr Nicolaes Bayard, as attorney of Mr Augustine Herman, granted on June 17,1669 in behalf of said Mr Isacq Bedloo) to cede, convey and transfer in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Ambrosius De Weerhem, inhabitant of this City, certain her house and lot standing and situate within this city of New Orange to the North the Street named the Prince Street between the lot of Cristiaen Laurier and that of Master [surgeon] Hans Kierstede, Extent according to the measurement of the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou, on the South or Street side two rods 2 feet and nine inches on the Westside seven rods and nine feet on the Northside three rods and one foot and on the Eastside eight rods twelve feet and further with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has42 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS been, to this date possessed and owned by the grantor, all free and unencumbered without any charges resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot for purchase conveyance and transfer said Mrs Bedloos before signing and delivering this present declares to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid from the hands of said De Weerhem. Therefore she the grantor, in behalf as above, declares to desist from and re- nounce all claims, ownership rights and pretensions which she, the grantor, & any one on her behalf could or might advance; further promising to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance firmly and irrevocably and to secure said Ambrosius against all ulterior claims, pledging her person and goods, personal and real, none excepted, submitting them to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony this has been subscribed to by the grantor, at New Orange in pres- ence of the undersigned gentlemen this September 24, 1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Elizabeth De Potter Guilain Verplanck Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Mrs Judith Stuyvesand widow & executrix of deceased Mr Petrus Stuyve- sand, who declared to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Frans Bastiaensz free Negro, certain parcel or piece of land situated across the Fresh Water about the Bowery [farm] past the section or neighborhood called Crommessie along the public road run-BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 43 ning into the wood commencing at the Northend of the lots of Crommessie and then running along said road northward thirty two and a half rods, thence towards the East fifty six and a half rods thence southward straight across to the land of Henry Peers eighteen rods and thence westerly again back to the public road forty six and one half rods, with such pas- sive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been possessed and occupied by grantor to this date, free and unen- cumbered, without any charge resting on or originating from the same excepting the Lord’s right (with this proviso, how- ever, that said Francisco is bound, with his neighbors to keep in repairs the fence of said land) For which said piece of land said Mrs Stuyvesand for conveyance and transfer acknowledged to have been satisfied and paid therefore she, grantor, desisting from any claims, ownershiprights and pretensions she or any one on her behalf should or might advance. Promising to firmly and irrevocably keep perform and carry out this conveyance. In Testimony of the truth this has been personally subscribed to by the grantor besides the undersigned Schepens, at New Orange, September 24, 1674. Francois Rombouts Judith Stuyvesant Guilain Verplanck. Known to me, Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Andries Juriaensz & Nicolaes Jansz Backer, testamentary heirs of the estate left by de- ceased Jan Eversz Bout who (by virtue of certain disposition44 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS and apostil by Gov General Anthony Colve dated December 24, 1673) declared to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of the widow & heirs of deceased Isacq De Forest, Burgher and inhabitant of this city certain house and lot standing and situated within this City of New Orange; to the South the Marketfield alley, between the houses and lots formerly having belonged to Nicolaes Boot and Johannes Mons de La Montagne Jr. Extent (as per conveyance by Mr Willem Beeckman, Harmen Smeman and Machiel Jansen dated October 10, 1655 to the said Jan Eversz Bout) on the street or Northside fifty two feet; on the Eastside one hundred and thirty seven feet, on the South side seventy nine and a half feet and on the West side of the Street fifty four feet, where there jut out seven feet; from there fifty seven and a half feet, where there again jut out in width seventeen feet, and from thence again to the fence of Mr. Jeronimus Ebbing, twenty wood feet as is more plain from the little map and drawing here annexed. In such a manner as said house and lot are at present surrounded and confined in their fence. For which said house and lot for purchase, transfer and conveyance said heirs acknowl- edged and declared before signing and delivering the present, to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid. There- fore they the grantors, in behalf of the said widow and heirs declared to desist from and renounce all claims ownership rights and pretensions which they the grantors or any one on their behalf should or might advance against the said house and lot with all the appurtenances of the same, conveying the same free and unencumbered without any charges resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. They the grantors promising firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance and to free said widow from all ulterior claims, pledging their persons and goods, real and personal, none excepted, submitting the same to all Lords, Courts & Jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this present has been subscribed to by the grantors with theirBOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 45 own hands besides the undersigned gentlemen, in New Orange September 25,1674. Claes Jansen Backer Andries Juriansen Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary Guilain Verplanck Francois Rombouts H -naSSnig *f raoij s^fBARq; ap •(JOI 8(2mqqa; ViQl q'JpiM. * S5 ■3 W) tj S3 5 S «« 6 a ° If, 5*1 i § a « © ® ^ 3 S §| 41 North I s ^aaj n Width on the Street, 52 feet The Marketfield Alley. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Hendrik Bosch and Juriaen Blanck Sr., in their quality as guardians and tutors of the46 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS children left by deceased Michiell Tadens who, (by virtue of certain patent of confirmation by the Hon Gov Richard Nicols granted April 25, 1668, to Tryntie Waelings, and the bill of sale and other proofs delivered by said Tryntie Wael- ings to said Machiel Tadens) declared to cede, transfer and convey in a right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Jan Evertsen Keteltas burgher and inhabitant of this city certain house and lot standing and situated within this city on certain corner of land, named the Schryers Hook, to the West of Machiel Jansen. Extent, according to the certificate of measurements by the surveyor on the Southwestside thirty two feet, on the Northwestside three rods two feet and six inches on the Northeastside twenty nine feet and on the Southeast side four rods and five feet, altogether wood feet. With such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been owned and possessed by grantors all free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which afore- said house and lot for purchase conveyance and transfer said guardians before signing and delivering the present declared to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid. There- fore they the grantors in behalf as above declared to desist from and renounce all claims, ownershipright or pretensions which they the grantors in their aforesaid quality or any body on this account, should or might advance. Further promis- ing firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform, and carry out this conveyance, and to secure said Jan Keteltas against all ulterior claims, all under pledge as per law. In testimony of the truth this has been personally subscribed to by the grantors besides the undersigned gentlemen at New Orange* September 26, 1674. Guilain Verplanck Hendrick Bosch Johannes Vanbrugh Juryan Blanck In my presence Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch]BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 47 Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Grange in New Netherland the undersigned administra- tors of the estate left by deceased Jan Hendriksz Steelman, alias Coopall [buy all] who (by virtue of certain patent of confirmation dated February 17, 1667, granted by the Hon Gov. Richard Nicolls) declared to cede Convey and transfer in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of the widow and heirs of the deceased Burger Joris certain lot situated within this city to the North of the Wall, bounded westward the house and lot of Thomas Wandell, to the North the High- street to the East the house and lot of the said Jan Steelman and to the South the aforesaid wall. Extent according to the survey of the Sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou, on the Southside twenty eight wood feet, the Northside twenty eight feet and five inches, the length on either side seventy eight feet, said lot on February 7, 1670, having been publicly sold to John Sharpe, and by said Sharpe Conveyed to Thom: Wandel of Mespat who in his turn sold the same to said widow and heirs. All free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot, for purchase transfer and conveyance said administrators before signing and delivering the present declared to have been well and thank- fully satisfied and paid therefore they the grantors, desisting from and renouncing in their above quality in behalf of as above all further claims ownershiprights and pretensions which they the grantors or any one on their behalf should or might advance. Promising further firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and cany out this conveyance and to free the same from all ulterior claims, under pledges as per law. In testimony [of the truth] this has been personally subscribed by the grantors besides the undersigned gentlemen Schepens at New Orange this September 28,1674. Johannes Vanbrugh Jacob Kip Francois Rombouts Asser Levy. Known to me Ephraim Herman [Translated from the Dutch] Secretary.48 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the undersigned administra- tors of the estate left by the deceased Jan Hendriksz Steel- man (alias Coopall) who, by virtue of the confirmatory patent by the Hon. Gov. R. Nicolls dated Feb 17, 1667 to the said Steelman declared to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of the Mr Schepen Guilaine Verplanck certain brick dwelling and lot standing and situated within this City; to the North the Wallf or shore [strand] of the East River, having on the Eastside the lot of Everd Duyking on the Northside the lot of Hendrik Coustrie, having prior to this belonged to said Jan Steelman, to the West the lot also having belonged to the said Steelman and to the South the Wall [Waal] or bank. Extent from the street or gable of the house to the centre fence of the house of Hend Coustrie and in width on the South and Northside thirty four woodfeet; with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been possessed and occupied by the said Jan Steelman, all free and unen- cumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot for purchase transfer and conveyance said administra- tors, before signing and delivering the present, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid. There- fore, the grantors, in their above capacity, in behalf of the said Verplanck, desisting from all further claims, ownership- rights and pretensions which they the grantors, or any one on account of the same should or might advance against said house and lot. Further promising firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance and to free the same from all ulterior claims, all under pledge as per law. In testimony this has been personally subscribed by the grant- f This should be Waal. A waal is a small inner water or bay and often applied to the Shore enclosing it.BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 49 ors, besides the undersigned Schepens at New Orange, Sep- tember 28, 1674. Francois Rombouts Jacob Kip Johannes Vanbrugh Asser Levy. Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland Pieter Jansen Mesier, ship- carpenter and inhabitant of this city, who, by virtue of purchase conveyance and transfer of Lysbet Tyssen dated March 7, 1665/6. declared to cede transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Lyntie Dircx Servaes, certain house and lot standing and situate outside the fortifications of this city in the Smith’s valley, on the Northeastside of the land of the said Lysbet Tyssen. Extent as per computation: One hundred and twenty seven feet in length five and twenty feet wide, with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been pos- sessed and occupied by the said Pieter Jansen, all free and un- encumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot for purchase conveyance and transfer said Pieter Jansen Mesier, before signing and delivering this pre- sent, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid from the hands of said Lyntie Dircx Servaes, therefore he, grantor, in behalf of said Lyntie Dircx [desisting from and renouncing] all claims ownershiprights and preten- sions, which he, the grantor, or any one on his behalf should50 BOOK OB NEW YORK DEEDS or might advance; further promising firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance and to free it from all ulterior claims. Pledging his person and goods personal and real, submitting them to all courts and jurisdic- tions. In testimony hereof the present has been personally signed by the grantor besides the Messrs [Schepens] at New Orange, September 30, 1674. Guilain Verplanck This is of Pieter . , made by /\ the mark Jansz Mesier himself. Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secret. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange in New Netherland the worthy Maghdal- leentie Herlyn wid. of the deceased Tielman Van Vlecq who (by virtue of certain confirmatory patent of Mr Govr Richard Nicols, dated May 6, 1668.) declared to cede, transfer and convey in right, true and free ownership to and in behalf of Guiljam de Honeur burgher and resident of this City, certain house and lot standing and situate within this City North of the Highstreet, bounded to the East by the house and lot of Aries Otto, to the South by the Highstreet aforesaid, to the West by the house and lot of Nicolaes DeMeyer to the North by the Mudalley, and measured by the present surveyor J. Corteljou on October 10, 1658 and found [to measure as follows] the Southside51 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS twenty three wood feet two inches; the Northside equal width, the Eastside, long Eight rods nine feet, the Westside Nine rods two feet, all free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said house and lot for pur- chase transfer and conveyance said Widow, acknowledged to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by said Guiljam De Honeur. Therefore she the grantor, in behalf as above, declares to desist from and renounce all claims propertyrights or pretensions she, the grantor, or any one in her behalf should or might advance. Promising firmly and irrevocably to keep perform and carry out this con- veyance and secure the same against all ulterior claims, pledging as per law. In testimony this has been personally subscribed to by the grantor, in the presence of the under signed Gentlemen at New Orange September 29, 1674. Guilain Verplanck Maddalena Y. Vleck. Known to me, Ephraim Herman, Sec. [Translated from the Dutch] Whereas certain house and lot standing and situated within this City to the North the Brouwer Street between the house and lot of Jeronimus Ebbinck and Frederick Philipsz of the same extent as per the conveyances, deeds and the confirmation of Mr Govr Richard Nicols of the same, and as the same is comprehended within and surrounded by its fence; which said house and lot on December 9, 1671, at public auction by Jacob Hendriksz Varrevanger, executor for the deceased Maria Paulet, was sold to Capt. Thomas DeLaval, and by said Lavall again transferred to John Ryder, former Clerk here. Which said house and lot ac-52 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS cording to the tenor of the conditions of sale remained mortgaged till the payment of the sale price. And whereas Vendue Master Nicolaes Bayard, on the 16th inst. obtained sentence and execution against and concerning the com- missaries of the Estate of John Ryder, the same by virtue of said sentence, has likewise on the 20th inst. been sold at public auction by the officer of this City by execution to Nicolaes Bayard for the amount of four thousand seven hundred seventy five guilders seewant’s value, as is further shown by said conditions. Therefore we Schout, Burgo- master and Schepens of the City of New Orange have con- firmed, transferred and conveyed as we do confirm transfer and convey by these presents to and in behalf of the said Nicolaes Bayard, his heirs and successors, the above named house and lot, with everything on and in the same being fastened by nail and fixed to the ground and further with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the said house and lot has been possessed and occupied prior to this by said John Ryder or any one else, free and unencumbered, without any charge resting or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. In testimony this present has been personally signed by the Gentlemen of the Court at New Orange, October 23, 1674. Wilm Knyffe, Schout Johannes Vanbrugh Wilh; Beeckman Guilain Verplanck By order of the Hon Court of the City of N. Orange, Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of New Orange, Lyntie Dircx Servaes, assisted by her husbandBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 53 Albert Hendricksz, residing in this City who by virtue of conveyance to her by Pieter Jansz Mesier, dated September 30, declared to cede, transfer and convey to and in behalf of Everdt Evertsz Pels, shipcarpenter and inhabitant of this city certain house and lot standing and situated without this City’s fortifications in the Snuth’sValley on the Northeastside of the land of said Lysbet Tyssen. Extent as per computa- tion; length one hundred and twenty seven feet wide in front facing the street twenty four and in the rear twenty five feet (said house and lot having been sold by Lyntie Servaes to Lysbet Tyssen, and by said Lysbet Tyssen again sold to said Everdt Pels) with such passive and active servitudes and rights as the same has been possessed and occupied by the grantor, all free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same excepting the Lord’s rights. For which said lot for purchase transfer and convey- ance said Lyntie Dircx and her husband, before signing and delivering the present declared to have been well and thank- fully satisfied and paid. Therefore they the grantors in behalf of said Everd Pels, declared to desist from and re- nounce all claims, ownershiprights and pretensions which they the grantors or any one on their behalf should or might advance, further promising firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance, and to free said Everd Pels from all ulterior claims, all under pledge as per law. In testimony this has been personally signed by grantors, besides the undersigned Gentlemen, at New Orange October 23, 1674. Guilain Verplanck Albert Hendricksen Linte Servaes. Known to me Ephraim Herman, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch]54 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS Whereas Isack Deforeest of this Citty deceased did in his life tyme bargaine and sell unto frederick Arentsen Turner, a Certaine erve or parcell of land, lyeing and being on the Northsyde of Thomas Verdon, and on the Eastsyde of Abraham Carmer, on the West syde Isack de Foreest, and on the Southsyde 56 English foote one Inch,—On the West syde one hundred and one foote six Inches. On the North syde 24 foote 8 Inches—as by a bill of agreement and sale thereof* undr the hands of the said Isack Foreest and Frederick Aamtson bearing date the 18th of May Anno 1674. more plainly will appeare, and the above named purchaser and seller Ommitting to record the same in the said Isack Forest his life tyme. Now for more Strengthening and making a Sure tytle thereof, unto the said Frederick Arentson his heyres Execu- tors administrators or assignes. Know yee by these Presents that I Sarah de Yooreest Rellict or widdow of the said Isack de Voreest, deceased, doe absoulutly bargaine sell & confirme the former sale of my said husband deceased assigning trans- porting allienating and making over ye said erve or parcell of land as is above mentioned unto the said Frederick Arnson his heyres and assignes. As also the privelidges of a Passage or Entry of eight foote in breadth for the Conveniensye of goeing into the hindermost erve between Thomas Verdon & Barnard the Taylor To Ha\e And To Hold, all the before mentioned Erve or parcell of Land, unto the said Frederick Arentson his heyres and assignes, to the proper use and be- hoofe of him the said Frederick Arentson his heyres and assignes for ever. In such manner and forme as aforesaid, wholy relingquishing all manner of clayme, right, tytle and Intrest unto the same or any part or parcell thereof, but absolutely allienate the same from mee my heyres & Execut- ors for ever, & doe Covenant, promise and grant that the said Erve or Parcell of land is free and cleare of all manner of Dowryes, Judgments, Mortgages, Extents, Sales, bargaines, or incumbrances whatsoever and from ye Claymes of allBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 55 persons; mee my heyres and Executors, shall and will warrant and for ever defend, by virtue of these Presents. In Witness whereof, I have hereto sett my hand in New Yorke the Six- teenth day of July 1675. New York, 2d July, 1675. Did Abell Hardenbrooke for a valuable Consideration and certaine summe of money to him in hand paid by Geurt Gerritz and Elizabeth his wife, transport and make over unto the said Giourt Gerritz a Certain house or Tenement, lyeing on the Eastsyde of the Heere Wegh with a Lott of ground thereunto belonging and appertaining between the house and land of John Hendrixon Van Gunst and Suert Woolnertz; [Oelferts?] found to bee on the Westsyde, Twenty five foote wood-Measure, & eight inches; on the East side Twenty six foote, two Inches Long according to Ground breife as more perticulerly doth appeare by the land- meeters bill bearing date the 28th June 1675, wch Trans- port was signed by ye said Abell Hardenbrooke, with his seale the 3d day of Julye 1675 In the presence of Frederick Phillipps, Alderman & John Sharpe Testes Simon J. Romeyn The Marke of Henry Hedger De foreest. and John Sharpe Towne Clearke. Towne Clearke.56 BOOK OF NEW TOBK DEEDS New Yorke, July 13, 1675. Did Mathew forne for ye summe of six hundred Guilders wampoms value, the one halfe in hand the other halfe pay- able ye Primo July next ensuing this date, sell transport, allienate and make over unto Daniell Carfoe the one halfe or Moyety of the land wch hee the said Mathew Forne did latly purchase from Allard Anthony and his wife lying and being in the street called the broadway of this"Citty, to say ye Westermost part or ye halfe lyeing next to Hudsons River, as it lyes ground and nayle fast, be it more or less; as by the bill of sayle or transport from ye said Allard Anthony more plainly appears; which transport of the said Mathew Forne unto the said Daniell Carfoe was signed and sealed in Pres- ence of Henry Hedger and mee, John Sharpe Towne Clearke. July the 16, 1675. Did Sarah de Foreest widdow of Isack de Foreest deceased for a valuable Consideration in hand paid, absolutly bar- gaine, sell allienate and Confirme unto Thomas Verdon of this Citty, Marriner a Certain tract or parcel of land, lyeing in this Citty—On the West the erve of Mr Hanns Keer- steede of equall length of Mr Hans his Erve, and Just the halfe or equall breadth of my Erve next the Street, (Except) the going or passage of Eight foote wch going is to bee cut off between both Erves. The true length & breadth thereof as in Jaques Corteleau’s middle breefe is specified viz;— On the south side Two rodds 8 wood foote, 3 inches, On the North side Two rodds 3 foote On the East side Eight Rodd seaven foote on the west side eight rodd seaven foote, To have and to hold unto the said Thomas Yerdon, the said erve to the Proper use and beehoofe of the said ThomasBOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS 57 Verdon his heyres and assignes, for Ever, Covenanting and engaging that ye said Erve is wholy & absolutly free and cleare of all incumbrances whatsoever. And will the same, from the Claymes of all persons for ever warrant & defend by virtue of these Presents in Witness whereof thee have hereunto set her marke in New Yorke this 16 July 1675. Memorandum that Sarah de Foreest engageth to make up the halfe of the fence in good and orderly maimer as it ought to bee and to maintaine or cause the same to bee soe maintained for ever, at the proper costs & charge of her, her heyres or assignes . August the, 24th 1675 --- Did Elizabeth Bedloo Widdow and rellict of Isack Bedloo. of this Citty, Merchant, deceased for a valluable Considera- tion to her in hand paid, before the signing of these presents, bargain, sell, allienate and confirme unto John Harperding of this Citty, Shoemaker a certaine tract plott or Parcell of land or ground lyeing within this Citty lately purchased of Nicolas Bayard, Attorney of Augustinus Hermans. Scituate lyeing and being on the west side of the Smiths Street, and on the North side of the Princes Street, Being two thirds of the whole purchase of the said tract or thereabouts as it stands in the land Meeters breefe, bearing date the pmo June 1674. The marke of Testes. Simon Romeyn Henry Hedger As testifies John Sharpe Towne Clearke.58 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS The other third part thereof being transported unto Christian Lowrier, To Have And To Hold, all the said two thirds of land as aforesaid unto the said John Harperding and to the. propper use and behoofe of the said John Harpending his heyres and assignes for ever. The said Elizabeth Bedloo. for her selfe her heyres, Executors and Administrators to and with the said John Harperding his heyres, Executors and assignes that the said tract or parcel of land is wholy and absolutely free and cleare of all incumbrances whatsoever, and that hee or they or any of them shall and may have hold, use, occupie, possess and enjoy all the premisses above demissed, without the demand clayme sett hinderance, molestation or eviction of all or any person or persons what- soever clayming for, from, by or under the said Elizabeth Bedloo, her heyres, Executors or any other by, from or with their Lycense order or Procurement. In Wittness whereof, the said Elizabeth Bedloo hath here unto sett her hand In Presence of the Aldermen hereunder subscribed the day and year within written. Elizabeth Bedloo Wm. Darvall, G. Minviele And in Presents of mee John Sharpe Towne Clearke. New Yorke, 19th October 1675. This day did Mr William Darvall of this Citty for a valu- able consideration in hand paid, to his full content and satis- faction, before the recording of these Presents doth Bargaine, Sell, allienate, transport and make over unto Elias Pudding- ton of the same Plase, Shippcarpenter, all his right tytle and interest in a Certaine Parcell of land lyeing and being in this Citty, neare the strand Gate, on the Northside abbutting onBOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 59 the land latly belonging to Tunis Templar on the Southside of that which belongs to the widdow Anna Litscoe, having in breadth on the East and West side 30 foote in length on the North side Eight rodd and a halfe and on the South side, Seaven rodd wanting five inches. To have and to hold unto the said Elias Puddington his heyres and assignes to ye only proper use and behoofe of him the said Elias Puddington, his heyres and assignes for ever. In witness and confirmation whereof the said Mr William Darvall hath hereunto sett his hand the day and yeare above written. Wm Darvall. Witness Edward Dyer, Cousseau John Sharpe. The. 14th of October 1675. This day did Allexander Glynn of Schonectide for a valu- able consideration of a valuable summe to him in [hand] paid to his full content and satisfaction before the recording of these Presents, Bargaine, sell allienate, transport and make over unto Abraham Lambertson Moll his heyres, Executors and assignes one parcell of Land, lyeing and being in the Smiths Valey Broad to the South East, or next the Strand, 53 foote and 7 inches, wood measure, and One hundred & sixty eight foote seaven inches, ye same measure, on the West side of the house of sd Allexander Glinn, and is Broad behind to the North West, Twenty One foote nine Inches, with the use and benefitt of ye well being between him and the said Glinns house; To have and to hold &c as in forme accus-60 BOOK OP NEW YORK DEEDS tomary—Dated ut Supra and the said Allexander Glynn signed & sealed and delivered the Principle conveyance or transport at ye speciall instant and request of the said Moll in Presents of us witnesses thereunto called. Testes was signed & sealled by Allexander Glinn. % Richard Charlton John Sharpe. 17, October, 1675. This day did Allexander Glynn for a valuable consider- ation &c Bargaine, sell, alienate, transport and make over unto Hendrick Vande Water a Certaine house and land thereunto belonging and appertaining lyeing & being in the Smiths Valey, betweene the house of Cornelius Clopper, Smith and Abraham Lambertson Moll, as it now lyeth in and between the fence of the before mentioned neighbours. To have and to hold to the said Hendrik Yandewater his heyres and assignes to the only propper use and behoofe of him the said Hendrick Vandewater his heyres and assignes. IN WITNESS and confirmation whereof the said Allexander Glynn hath sett his hand and seale to ye Principle instru- ment or conveyance and delivered the same to ye said Hendrick Yandewater in Presents of us Was signed and sealed by Allexander Glynn Jacob Lokerman Ludovicus Cobes John Sharpe.BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS 61 October 17, 1675. This day did Allexander Glinn of Schonectide, for a val- uable consideration before the signing and sealing in hand paid, Bargaine, sell, allienate, transport and confirmed unto Hendrick Vandewater of New Yorke Marriner, a Certaine Lott of ground or parcell of Land, lyeing and being in the Towne of Gravesend, on the West End of Long Island, Commonly called or known by the name of the Nine and Thirtieth Lott with all my right, title, interest & Priviledges in the same, as now doth, or hereafter shall belong thereunto, to all intents construccons and purposes without any Pro- visons restrictions, exception or reservation whatsoever. To HAVE AND TO HOLD, all my right in the said Lott of Land, and premises with all the Privilledges proffitts and immuityes thereunto belonging, or any wise apper- taining unto the said Hendrick Vandewater and to the only and propper use and behoofe of him the said Hendrick Van- dewater his heyres, Executors, Administrators and assignee for ever. I the said Allexander Glynn for my selfe my heyres, executors and administrators doe covenant, promise and Grant, to and with the said Hendrick Vandewater his heyres, Executors, Administrators and assignes that the said Land, Premisses and Priviledges thereunto belonging is wholy & absolutely free and Cleare, of all maimer of former bargainee, sales, Mortgages, Judgments, Executions, Extents Joyntures, Dowries, or other incumbrances whatso- ever and that hee the said Hendrick Vandewater his heyres, Executors, administrators and assignes, shall and may quietly and Peaceably have hold, use, occupy possess and enjoy, the premisses within mentioned and demised without the sett hinderance or molestation of all or any person or persons whatsoever, Clayming by from or under mee or any for, from or by mee, or by my or their lysense order or procurement.62 BOOK OF NEW YORK DEEDS IN WITNESS and confirmation whereof the said Alex- ander Glynn hath to the Principle Instrument or Convey- ance for the said Land and premisse sett his his hand and seale and delivered ye same in Presents of us wittnesses thereunto Especially desired. Was signed & sealed by Allexander Glinn. Jacob Lockerman Ludovicus Cobes John Sharpe.