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Digital file copyright by Cornell University Library 1993.MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 1642-1696MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATINO TO THE CITY OP NEW YORK AND LONO ISLAND 1642-1696 Grant to Jan Mainje September 11, 1642 We Willem Kieft Director General and Councillors; appointed by the High Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, His Highness of Orange and the Hon Lords Directors of the privileged West India Company; residing in New Netherland, make known and declare by these presents that we, on this underwritten date [have granted] to Jan Mainje, a parcel of land twenty morgens in extent, stretching about South East one hundred & ninety rods toward the woods to Sascian’s maizeland, along the edge of the said maizeland fifty rods, again toward the strand two hundred and twenty rods about North North west rather more northerly, and along the strand seventy rods. Which said land is situated on the Long Island, between Andries Hudden and Claes Jansen Ruyter. With express condition and stipulation, that he Jan Mainje, or those who by virtue of the present should acquire his rights, shall acknowledge as his Lords and Patroons the said Lords Directors, under the sovereignty of the High Mighty Lords States General; and here to obey their Director and Councillors in everything as good inhabitants are obliged to do. Provided further that said Jan Mainje submit himself to all such taxes and burdens as have already been imposed or shall still be imposed by said Hon. Lords. Therefore granting to said Jan Mainje, or those 6566 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS DELATING TO THE entering upon his rights, in our stead real and actual posses- sion of the said parcel of land, conferring upon him by these presents perfect power, authority and special order to take up, cultivate, inhabit and use said parcel of land, as he is entitled to do with his other patrimonial lands and effects, without we, the grantors, in our above quality, having re- reserving or preserving any share, claim or authority in the same, but in behalf as above, from now on and forever, de- sisting from everything. Promising further, firmly and rrevocably to carry out and to observe this conveyance, all under pledge as required by law. This present has been sub- scribed to by us without guile or craft, and confirmed with our seal, September 11, 1642, in Fort Amsterdam, New Netherland. Willem Kieft By authority of the Hon Lord Director General Council of New Netherland. Cornelis Van Tienhoven, Secretary. Endorsed. Anno 1652 January 29, the land mentioned in the deed on the other side has been conveyed and transferred by Pieter Linde (having married the widow of Jan Manyee) to Baarent Jansen, as is shown by the Register under the above date. C. V. Ruyven Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Grant to Jan Stevensen, Schoolmaster July 3, 1643. We*Willem Kieft Director General and Council, by ap- pointment of the High Mighty Lords States General of theCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 67 United Netherlands, his highness of Orange and the Hon. Gentlemen of the privileged West India Company, residing in New Netherland make known and declare by these presents that on this underwritten date we have allowed and granted to Jan Stevensen, Schoolmaster, a lot for a house and garden situated North of the Fort Amsterdam extending lengthwise twelve rods eight feet, four inches, five grains; wide in front of the house [sic] ten rods, nine feet one inch, five grains, in the rear wide, nine rods five feet, two grains; amounting in oblique surface to one hun- dred thirty three rods, nine inches two grains. With ex- press conditions that he, Jan Stevensen, or those who by virtue of the present might acquire his right, do acknowledge as his Lords and patroons the said Hon Lords Managers, under the Sovereignty of the High Mighty Lords States General and here their Director and Council to obey in everything as good inhabitants are bound to do; further stipulating that he Jan Stevensen, shall submit to all such charges and duties as have already been imposed or shall still be imposed by the Hon. Lords Managers; therefore granting to said Jan Stevensen or those afterward acquiring his rights in our stead real and actual possession of said lot and garden, conferring upon him perfect and irrevocable power, authority and special order to inhabit, build upon and use the before described parcel of land, as he might do with his other patrimonial lands and effects, without we the grantors, in our aforesaid quality have retained, reserved or kept any the least property right, claim or authority in the same, but in behalf as before desisting from everything now and forever. Further promising to carry out and per- form this conveyance firmly and irrevocably, all under pledge as required by law. This present has been sub- scribed to by us without guile or design, and confirmed with our seal in red wax, pending here below. Executed in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland July 3, 1643 Willem Kieft68 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE By authority of the Hon Lords Director General and Council of New Netherland. Cornelius Van Tienhoven, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Grant to Jan Jansen Damen, March 15, 1646 We Willem Kieft Director General, and Councillors by appointment of the High Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, His Highness of Orange and the Hon. Lords Managers of the Privileged West India Company, residing in New Netherland, testify and declare by these presents that on this underwritten date we have allowed and granted to Jan Jansen Damen a parcel of land, situated on the Island of Manhattan named the “Kalckhoeck”* (in use by said Jan Damen for ten years prior to this date). Extent, according to the surveyor’s map twenty morgens three hundred eighty six rods, under express con- dition that said Jan Damen, or his successors, shall acknowl- edge the said Lords Managers as his Lords and patroons under the sovereignty of their High Mightinesses, and here to obey in everything their Director and Councillors, as good inhabitants are bound to do, besides further submit- ting to all such charges and duties, as have been already imposed or are still to be imposed by the Hon. Lords. Therefore granting to said Jan Damen, or those acquiring his interests, in our stead real and actual possession of said “Kalckhoeck,” conferring upon him by these presents per- fect power, authority and special order to inhabit, use and *“Kalckhoeck” means “Lime Comer.” Site of the Tombs and the City Court building.69 CITY OP NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND build on [or cultivate] the before described parcel of land, in the same manner as he might do with other, his patri- monial lands and effects, without we, the grantors in our above quality, reserving or holding any the least share, claim or authority in the same, but in behalf as above de- sisting from everything now and forever. Further promis- ing firmly and irrevocably to hold, perform and carry out this conveyance, all under pledges as per law. This present has been subscribed to by us, without guile or craft, and confirmed by our seal in red wax, affixed here below. Exe- cuted in Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, March 15, 1646- Willem Kieft. By authority of the Hon Lord Director General and Councillors of New Netherland, Cornells Van Tienhoven, Secretary Endorsed: Jan Jansen Damen Pieter Stoutenburg. [Translated from the Dutch] Deed, Wilhelm Beeckman, Harmen Smeeman and Michiel Jansz to Jan Eversz Bout, Oct. 10, 1655 We undersigned Schepens of this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland declare by these presents that before us there appeared Mr Wilhelm Beeckman, Harmen Smeeman and Michiel Jansz who declared each of them as far as concerns his right and claim of ownership, to transfer and convey to and in behalf of Jan Eversz Bout a certain house and lot standing and situate within this aforesaid city between the house and lot on the West side Nicolaes Boodt and on the East side Johannes Monseer DelaMontagne, Junior, at pres-70 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE ent inhabitanted by Jan J. De Jongh, wide, in front on the street or North side three rods eight and one half foot, and in the rear on the Southside five rods and seven feet; length on the Westside ten rods and two feet and on the East side an equal ten rods and two feet, as the same at present is built up and fenced in, and has been measured by the Court messenger. By virtue of ground brief conveyance and letters patent which the said grantors possess of the same in accord- ance with their purchase and exchange, and now with this present, are delivered to said Jan Eversz Bout. Which said house and lot they, the grantors declare to convey and transfer in true and right ownership to said Jan Eversz Bout, with all such claim, right and ownership as they have managed and possessed the same, according to the said deeds of ownership. Therefore desisting from all further claims, title and pretensions which might be advanced either by themselves or any one on their behalf against the said house and lot, with promise (each for as much as concerns him or might be claimed on his account) to free said house and lot from all further claims or pretensions, to be advanced by any one in the world against the same (however excepting the Lord’s rights.) Further promising to hold, perform and cany- out this their transfer and conveyance firmly and irrevoc- ably; under pledge of submission to all jurisdictions. In testimony the original of the present has been subscribed to by the respective grantors besides the Hon. Messrs Schepens Jacob Strycker and Johannes Van Brugge, in the record book at the Secretary’s office in this City this October 10, 1655, at Amsterdam in New Netherland, and confirmed with the City seal impressed here below. Agrees with the said Register, Jacob Kip, Secretary. Endorsed in English, Patent for the hows behind Mr Winder. 10th October, 1655. Jan Evertse. [Translated from the Dutch]CITY OP NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 71 Deed, Abraham Verplanck to Rev. Johannes Megapolensis, Jan. 21, 1656 We the undersigned Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland declare by these presents that before us has appeared Abraham Verplanck burgher and inhabitant of this place, who declared to convey and cede to and in behalf of the Reverend Johannes Megapolensis, minister of the holy Gospel here, a certain lot situated within this aforesaid city on the North side of Fort Amsterdam, on the West side of the great Highway bounds: on the South side the lot by the said grantor sold and conveyed to Dirck Bensich and by the same to said Dom. Johannes Megapolensis, on the East side the Common highway, on the North side the lot of Jannetie Sabyns and on the West side the river. Is wide; in front on the road four rods three feet one and a half inch and in the rear on the West side four rods ten and a half feet; length on the North side twelve rods and four feet, and on the south side nine rods and five feet, according to the measurement made by the Court messenger on August 13 last past; by virtue of a conveyance dated August 13,1649 to said Abraham Verplanck by Jacob Jacobsz Rooy, as per patent granted July 3, 1643. Which said lot he Abraham Verplanck declared to convey and transfer in true and right ownership to said Dom. Johannes Megapolensis with all such claims, rights and ownership as he the grantor, has possessed and used the same, and has belonged to him. Desisting therefore from all claims, rights, and pretensions of ownership, which by him, the grantor, or. any one on his behalf could be advanced acknowledging to be fully satisfied and paid for the same. With promise to free said lot from any challenge which any one might bring for- ward against the same (excepting however the Lord’s right). Declaring further to keep, hold and carry out this his con- veyance and transfer firmly and irrevocably under pledges as per law. In testimony whereof the original of this present has been subscribed to by the grantor Abraham Verplanck beside the hon Heeren Sehepenen Jacob Strycker and Jan72 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE Vigne, in the register in the office of the Secretary of this City, this 21 January 1656, at Amsterdam in New Nether- land, and this present confirmed with the City seal, impressed here below. Agrees with the aforesaid Register, Jacob Kip, Secretary. [Translated from the Dutch] Grant to Rutger Joosten [Van Brunt], Jan. 18, 1662 Petrus Stuyvesant for the High Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands, and the Hon. Lord’s Directors of the priviledged West India Company, Director General of New Netherland, Curacao, Bonayro, Aruba and dependencies of the same, besides the Hon. Lord’s Council- lors, make known and declare that on this underwritten date we have allowed and granted to Rutger Joosten a parcel of land being a double lot, situated about the village of New Utrecht, toward the East of Tomas Jansen’s, toward the West of Jan Gerrits’s wide forty eight rods; Division line on either side running North East toward the East, length six hundred rods, extent forty-eight acres; a double lot in the village West of Comelis Beeckman’s, East of Nicasius De Sille wide twenty rods, long thirty rods. Further two lots in the valley, the one No 17 the other No 20, Extent four acres three hun- dred and twenty rods, with express conditions and proviso, that he Rutger Joosten, or those who subsequently may obtain his rights do acknowledge the Hon. Lords Directors men- tioned before, as his Lords and patroons, under the Sovereignty of the High Mighty Lords States General, of the United Netherlands, and here their Director General and Council, to obey the same in everything as good inhabitants are in duty bound to do; besides submitting after the expiration of ten years after this present date, to the payment of the tenthsCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 73 in behalf of the Hon. Lords Patroons, and such other charges as shall be found proper to be imposed on all inhabitants according to the country’s need and situation. Therefore granting to said Rutger Joosten, in our stead, real and actual ownership of the aforesaid parcel of land, conferring upon him by these presents perfect power, authority, and special order, to cultivate, inhabit and use said parcel of land as he is entitled to do with other his patrimonial lands and effects; without we, the grantors, in our above named quality retain- ing in the same ownership or claim, but in behalf of the afore- said desisting from everything from this day on and forever. Further promising, firmly and irrevocably to keep, perform and carry out this conveyance, all under pledge as prescribed by law. The present has been subscribed to by us, without guile or deceit, and confirmed with our seal imprinted hereon in red wax, at Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland, January 18, Anno 1662. p. Stuyvesant. By authority of said Lords Director General and Council- lors of New Netherland. Com. Van Ruyven, Seer. [Endorsed:] New Utrecht on the Long Island New Netherland. The High Mighty Lords, the States General of the United Netherlands to Rutger Josten Grant for certain parcels of Land about the village of New Utrecht on the Long Island, January 18, 1662. Corns Van Ruyven Secretary P. Stuyvesant, Governor.74 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE Ground brief or conveyance for certain parcels of land about the village of New Utrecht on the Long Island. [Translated from the Dutch] Deed, Rev. Joannes Megapolensis to C. Van Ruyven, March 10, 1663 Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland the Rev Domine Joannes Megapolensius Minister of the Word of God within this City who declares, by virtue of a conveyance dated August 3, 1655, to cede, transfer and convey in a right, true and free ownership to Mr Comelis Van Ruyven, Secretary and Re- ceiver for the Hon. West India Company of this Province of New Netherland, certain his lot with such passive and active servitudes and rights as he the grantor has possessed the same. Said lot is situated West of the Marketfield in this City bounded to the South by the house and lot of Mr Jacob DeLange Merchant'at Amsterdam in Europe to the North the house and lot of him the grantor; measured by the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou measurement the East and West side thirty eight Wood feet seven inches; long on either side of the street to the strand of the North River. All free and unencumbered without any charge resting on or originating from the same excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot for purchase, conveyance and transfer said Do. Magapolensius acknowledges and declares to have been thankfully satisfied and paid by the said Mr Van Ruyven. Therefore said Do. Joannes Megapolensius in behalf of the said Mr Comelis Van Ruyven declares to desist from and renounce all ownership right, claims andCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 75 pretensions which he has had in the said lot, acknowledging not to act nor to have proceeded against the same either at law nor outside of the same in what manner soever, pledging his person and goods, real and personal none excepted, sub- mitting the same to all [Courts] and jurisdictions. In tes- timony of the truth he the grantor, has subscribed to the present besides the Messrs Schepens Jacob Strycker and Jacques Cousseau, in the register, March 10, 1663 at Am- sterdam in New Netherland and this has been confirmed with the City seal pending here below. Agrees with the aforesaid Register, Joannes Nevius, Secretary The Deed of Rev Megapolensis to C. Van Ruyvbn, has the Following Endorsements: The lot mentioned on the other side I have sold to Hon. Com. Van Ruyven for the amount of nine hundred and fifty guilders, which have been fully and thankfully paid to me by said Corn. Van Ruyven. In testimony of the truth I have signed this present August 13, 1664 at Amsterdam in New Netherland. Joannes Megapolensis Eccls. Further I have granted to said Van Ruyven or those happening to acquire his rights, as I do grant by this present A pathway on the North side of his lot from in front on the street to the rear on the street, wide throughout six feet. In testimony have subscribed to this present at New York, April 16/26, 1667. Joannes Megapolensis.76 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE On the eighth day of May 1672 Mrs Megapolensis, widow of the deceased Dom. Megapolensis, declared that for reasons inducing her to the same, she has transferred to Mr Comelis Van Ruyven a little strip of a lot on the North side of his lot, length from the street to the strand, wide on the street 14 feet 4 inches; wide on the strand 25 feet, 4 inches. In testimony this has been subscribed to at New York, date as above. Witnesses Machtelt Megapolens N. Bayard, Secretary J. Van de Water. [Translated from the Dutch] Grant to Frans Jansen Van Hooghten, August 1664 Petrus Stuyvesant by commission of the High Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands and the Hon. Lords Managers of the privileged West India Company at the Chamber of Amsterdam, Director General of New Netherland, Curacao, Bonairo, Aruba and Dependencies of the same, besides the Lords Councillors Testify and declare that on this underwritten date we have allowed and granted to Frans Jansen Van Hooghten a lot for a house situated within this City West of Hans Dreper East of Nicolaes Jansen Backer, stretching from the strand to the street, wide on the North side twenty seven wood feet, four inches, South side twenty seven feet one inch upon express condition that he Frans Jansen, or those acquiring his right after him, shall acknowledge the said Hon. Lords Managers as their Lords and patroons under the Sovereignty of the High Mighty Lords States General, and to obey in everything their Director General and Council, as good inhabitants are bound to do,CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 77 further submitting to such charges and duties as [half a line out] and occasion shall be found to be required. Therefore granting to said Frans Jansen in our stead real and actual possession of the said lot conferring upon him by this present perfect power, authority and special order to build on and use said lot as he might do with other his patrimonial lands and effects, without we, the grantors, in our above quality, retaining any ownership or claim in the same, but in behalf as above, desisting from everything now and forever. There- fore promising firmly and irrevocably to hold, observe and carry out this conveyance. All under pledge as per law. Without guile or craft this has been subscribed by us, and confirmed by our seal affixed hereon in red wax. In Fort Amsterdam in New Netherland the [out] August, 1664. P. Stuyvesant By authority of the same C. V. Ruyven, Secretary [Translated from the Dutch] Deed, Tomas Fredricks to Abraham Lubbersz, February 12, 1664 Appeared before us undersigned Schepens of the City Amsterdam in New Netherland Tomas Fredricksz living in the village Bergen, who declares by virtue of conveyance dated June 29,1656, to cede, convey and transfer to Abraham Lubbersz in right, true, free ownership certain his lot, with such passive and active servitudes and rights as he grantor has possessed the same, as the said lot is enclosed built upon and confined, situated West of the Prince graft bounding to the South on the house and lot of Nicholaas DelaPlaine and to the North the tannery of Coenraet Ten Eyck. Wide in front on the street or West side twenty six feet, in the rear78 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE twenty seven feet, length on the South as well as the North- side fifty nine feet, all free and unencumbered, without any charge resting on or originating from the same, excepting the Lord’s right. For which said lot for purchase, transfer and conveyance said Tomas Fredricks acknowledges and declares to have been well and thankfully satisfied and paid by said Abraham Lubbersz. Therefore said Tomas Fredricks in behalf of the said Abraham Lubbersz, declares desist from and renounce all ownershipright, claims and pretensions which he may have had on the said lot, promising not to proceed nor to have proceeded against the same neither at law nor outside the same, in what manner soever. Pledging his person and goods real and personal none excepted, sub- mitting the same to all courts and jurisdictions. In testimony of the truth this has been subscribed to by the grantor, besides the Messrs Schepens Tymotheus Gabry and Nicolaas De Meyer, in the register, this February 12, 1664, at Amsterdam in New Netherland, and confirmed by the President by impressing the city seal. Agrees with the said register, Joannes Nevius, Secretary. Endorsed: Conveyance of a lot recorded in this.— [Translated from the Dutch] Grant, Gov. Richard Nicolls to Oloff Stevens, July 8th, 1667. Richard Nicolls, Esqr. Governor Gen?u undr. his Royall Highnesse, James Duke of York and Albany, &c, of all his Territoryes in America; To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeth Greeting. Whereas there was a Patent or Groundbriefe, heretofore graunted by the Dutch Govemour, William Kieft, unto Jan Comelisen van Hoome, for a certaine Lott of Ground, lying and being wth in this City; ffenc’t inCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 79 between the Lotts, which hee the said Jan Comelissen, sold unto Albert Trompetter, William Beekman and Burger Joris, and the Lott belonging unto him, by the Horse Mill; Conteining in breadth before to the Streete, on the North side, two Rod and eight ffoote, and on the South side the like; In length on the East side, nine rod nine ffoote, and on the west side, nine Rod six ffoote, which said Patent or Groundbriefe, so graunted as aforesaid, bearing date the 23d day of June 1645 was upon the 8th day of Augst 1650 Transported and made over by the said Jan Comelissen unto Mr. Oloffe Stevens van Cortlant, now one of the Aldermen of this City, and ye same Allowed of, and Confirmed, on the 12th day of Sept, following, by the Dutch Governour Petrus Stuyvesant; Now for a further Confirmation unto him the said Mr. Oloffe Stevens, in his Possession and Enjoyment of the premisses, Know yee, That by vertue of the Commis- sion and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highnesse, I have Ratifyed, Confirmed and graunted, and by these prsents, do Ratify, Confirme and graunt, unto Mr. Oloffe Stevens, his heires and Assignes, the above recited Lott of Ground and premisses, with all and Singular the Appurte- nances : To have and to hold, the said Lott of Ground and premisses, unto the said Mr. Oloffe Stevens, his heires and Assignes, unto the proper use and behoofe, of the said Mr. Oloffe Stevens, his heires and Assignes for ever. Rendring and Paying, such Dutyes and Acknowledgin'18, as now are, or hereafter shall bee, Constituted and Establish’t, by the Lawes of this Govemm*. under the obedience of his Royall Highnesse, his heires and Successor Given under my hand and Seale, at ffort James in New Yorke, the 8th day of July, in the 19th yeare of his Maties, Reigne, Annoq Domini 1667. Richard Nicolls. Recorded by Ordr. of the Governor. the day and yeare above written. Matthias Nicolls, Seer.80 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE Grant, Gov. Richard Nicolls to Burger Joris, December 3, 1667. Richard Nicolls Esq. Govemo'. Gena11., undr. his Royall Highnesse, James Duke of Yorke and Albany &c., of all his Territoryes in America; To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeth Greeting. Whereas there was a patent or Groundbriefe, heretofore graunted by the Dutch Govemo1. William Kieft, unto Hendrick Jansen, for a certaine Lott of Ground & two Houses within this City, lying and being towards the East River, next unto the Lott heretofore be- longing to Tymen Jansen; Conteining in breadth before, ten Rod six ffoote and one Graine; Behinde foureteen Rod, one ffoote, foure Inches; on the East side in Length, nine Rod one ffoote and foure Inches, and on the west side, ffifteene Rod two ffoote; Amounting in all to one hundred, fififty six Rod three ffoote seven Inches and five Graines; Which said Patent or Groundbriefe, so graunted as aforesaid, bearing date the 20th day of January 1664 was, upon the 16th day of September following, transported and made over unto Burger Jorisen, by the said Hendrick Jansen, wth. all his Right and Interest therein, by the name of the Housing Brew House, Lott and Garden there unto appertaining, as in the said Transport more at large is sett forth; Now for a Confirmation unto him the said Burger Joris, in his Posses- sion and Enjoym* of so much of the premisses, as remaines untransported. Know yee, that by vertue of the Commis- sion and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highnesse, I have Ratifyed, Confirmed and graunted, And by these presents, do Ratify, Confirme and graunt, unto Burger Joris, his heires and Assignes, the afore recited Lott of Ground, two Houses, Garden and premisses, with all and singular their Appurtenances: To have and to hold, the said Lott of Ground, Houses, Garden and premisses, unto the said Burger Joris, his heires and Assignes, unto the proper use and behoofe of the said Burger Joris, his Heires andCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 81 Assignes for ever; Rendring and Paying, such Dutyes and Acknowledgements, as now are, or hereafter shall bee, Con- stituted and Establisht, by the Lawes of this Government, under the Obedience of his Royal Highnesse, his heires and Successors: Given under my hand and Seale at ffort James in New Yorke, the 3d, day of Decembr, in ye. 19th yeare of his Maties. Reigne, Annoq Domini 1667. Richard Nicolls Recorded by Ord. of the Govemor. the day and yeare above written. Matthias Nicolls, Seer7. Endorsed: On the 2d. day of July A° 1668 did Burger Joris by Vertue of the Within Mentioned Pattents assigne to Thomas Lewis a Lot of Ground & a dwelling house with a Still House, as more at Large appeares uppon theRecords of this Citty. Entred by me N. Bayard, Secy. Deed, Duke of York to Richard Nicholls, July 5, 1669 Know all men by these presents, That I James Duke of york and Albany, Earle of Ulster, Ld High Admirall of England and Ireld Constable of Dover Castle Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Govemor of Portsmouth &c for and in consideracon of the sume of five hundred Pounds to me in hand paid Have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do fully cleerely and absolutely bargaine and sell unto Richard Nicholls Esqr. That my house late be- longing to Gillis Peterson Van Brough scitueate in the Brewers or Stonestreet in New York in America. To have and to hold the said house wth the appurtenances unto him82 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE the said Richard Nicholls his heirs and assignes to his and their proper uses and behoofes for ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale of New York at St. James’s this 5th of July 1669 James Sealed and delivered in presence of M. Wren Tho: Heywood Know all men by these presents That I the above said Richard Nichols Esqr for ye said Consideracon of five hun- dred Pounds to Me in hand paid by Mr. Thomas Delavall, the Rect whereof I do hereby acknowledge, Have granted bargained sold assigned & set over, and do hereby grant bargaine, sell assigne and set over unto the said Thomas Delaval, All my Right title, Interest, Clayme and demande whatsoever wch I now have or may prtend to have in the house above mentioned, To have and to hold the said house with the appes: to the said Thomas Delavall his heires and assignes to his and their proper uses for ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale this 6th of July 1669. R : Nicolls Sealed & Delivered in presence of Tho Billopp Abraham Horton. Recorded in the office of Records for the Province of New Yorke in Lib B. fol. (315) the 27th day of Sept. 1681 John West. Cl.CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 83 [Endorsed]: R. Hs Transport of two houses in New Yorke 1669. 6th July. Thanksgiving Proclamation, June 30, 1674 Worthy, Dear, Faithful Whereas it has graciously pleased the only good and kind God again to favor the State, our fatherland, in general and this province in particular, not only with peaceful times and renewal of a previous union and alliance with the crown of England, but that which is to be esteemed above everything else, the continuance of the pure religion; There- fore the Hon. Lord Governor General and Councillors of New Netherland have deemed it necessary by these presents to order the observance of a general day of thanksgiving which (with the cessation of the ordinary day of fasting and prayer) shall be generally observed within this province in the forenoon, on the second Wednesday of the next en- suing month of July, being the 11th day of the said month; And that everything may be the better and more properly practiced and observed at the religious services on the said day of thanksgiving it is by these presents forbidden to transact any business or carry on trade, or play any games or the like exercises, and all innkeepers are forbidden from selling drinks upon the penalty prior to this enacted for the same. And all magistrates and officers in the province to whom this present shall be sent are required and ordered that this missive shall be made known to their communities by publication, and to proceed against those contravening as is meet. Trusting in this, we remain, Worthy, dear, faithful, Your affectionate friends the Governor General and Councillors of New Netherland84 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE By order of the same N. Bayard, Secretary Fort William Henry in New Netherland, June 30, 1674. [Translated from the Dutch] Extract from the Act of Partition and Division Between the Heirs of Oloff Stevensz, Dated June 27, 1684 That Jacobus Van Cortlant besides the new house granted him as his marriage portion, shall likewise have and retain as a free property the lot situated in the rear of the said new house, in length to the South side of the Cow pen; and in breadth from the Northwest comer of the New house to one half of the length of the South East comer of the brewhouse; further from the half length with a bend to the beginning of the path which is reserved at the brewhouse, which path must remain open alongside the said brewhouse, fit to serve as a wagon road nine wood feet in width to the utmost length of the said lot. Further the present alley between the said new house and the old house of deceased Cortlant shall for ever remain in Common, between the said two houses besides a free entrance and door at the end of the new house in the said lot of Jacobus Van Cortlant. And whereas the well having belonged to the brewery has now happened to fall in the lot of said Jacobus, therefore the same shall be bound to allow and permit to the Brewery a free access and unmolested use of the said well till the month of September of the next year, 1685, and no longer. Extracted from the original Act of partition and division between the heirs of deceased Oloff Stevensz, executed JuneCITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 85 be, 1684, and has been found to agree with the same December 27,1689. At New Yorke, by me, W. Bogardus, Not. Pub. [Translated from the Dutch] Deed, Corporation of the City of new york to white Timmer, June 1, 1687. To All Christian People To whom this present writeing Shall Come The Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty of the Citty of New York Send Greeting. Know Yee That the said Mayor Aldermen & Comonalty ffor Divers good Causes & Valuable Considerations them moveing have Remised Released & for Ever quitt Claimed And by these prsents for them and their successors do fully Clearly & absolutely Remise Release, and for Ever quitt Claime unto White Timmer of the Citty aforesd Gunnsmith in his ffull & peace- able possession & seizin & to his heires & assignes for Ever All such Right Estate title Interest and Demand whatsoever as they the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty now have had or ought to have of in or to all that certaine peece of Ground Scituate Lyeing and being in the Smiths Street within the sd. Citty next to y* houses and Grounds of Low- rence Hendrix & the Houses & Grounds Gertie Dye being in Length to y® East side fifty eight ffoot English measure and the west side towards the Street y® Like quantity and in breadth to y® north side fifteen & one half fott [sic] and to y® south side fforty one foot English measure together with all and singular y® houses and buildings thereuppon ways passages Comodiditys heriditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to y® same belonging or apperteining by any ways or means whatsover. To have and to hold The said peece of Ground with y® houses buildings ways passages86 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE Comoditys & heriditaments and appurtenances aforesd Unto the said White Timer his heires and assignes for ever so that neither the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty nor their successors nor any other person or psons for them or in their names or in the name Right or stead of any of them shall or will by any way or meanes hereafter have claime challenge or Demand any Estate Right title or Interest of in or to y® premisses or any parte or parcell thereof but from all and every exaction Right Estate Title Interest & demand of in or to y® prmisses or any parte or parcell thereof they the said Mayor Aldermen and comonalty and their successor shall be Utterly Excluded & barred for ever he y® sd White Timmer his heires and assignes Yeilding and Paying therefore yearly and every year unto the said Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty and their successors on Evry five & twentyeth day of March the Rent of one Shilling-----if the same be lawfully demanded . In Wittnesse Whereof the said Mayor Aldermen & Comonalty of the sd Citty of New Yorke have caused the common seal of y® said Citty To be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by the Mayor of the said Citty this first day of June in the third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord James the second king over England &c and in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and eighty seaven. N. Bayard, Mayor. [Endorsed] Entered in the Records of the Citty of New York the third day of June 1687 by John Knight, Clk. Deed, Jacobus Van Cortlant to Anthony Lispenard, December 27, 1689 In manner and on conditions explained hereafter Mr Jacobus Van Cortlant sold to Anthony Liepenaer [Lispenard],CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 87 who by this present accepts the purchase, a certain his house and lot where he the grantor is living at present, standing and situated within this City of New Yorcke in the Brewer Street, between the house and lot of Mr Stephanus Van Cort- lant and Mr James Bery, extent in length and width and fences as he the grantor has possessed and occupied the same to this date, according to the act of partition and division of the estate, entered into and agreed on June 27,1684, with the other and co-heirs, read to the purchaser in the presence of the undersigned Witnesses; an extract from said act of parti- tion and division, as far as regards him shall be delivered to him, in order to regulate himself according to the same; be- sides everything being further therein or thereon fixed in the ground and fastened by nail, nothing reserved, excepting the door locks of two upper rooms, shown to the purchaser and which he the grantor retains to. himself without charge and is at liberty to remove; and further free and unencumbered except the Lord’s right. For the purchase of which said house and lot, in manner as aforesaid, the purchaser agrees and promises to pay or cause to be paid to the grantor Mr Jacobus Van Cortlant or to order and those entering upon his rights the amount of three hundred and fifty pounds of money current in this Country or in seawan or silver money to be delivered in this city, viz; One hundred pounds at the first day of May next, when the vacating, and delivery of said house and lot in manner as aforesaid to the purchaser, shall be accomplished; One hundred pounds the first of May 1691, being the second pay; the third installment also one hundred pound the first of May 1692; and the last installment being fifty pounds the first of May 1693. Transfer and convey- ance in due form shall be executed either by the grantor himself or his lawful heirs, administrators, executors or assigns, at the full and final payment. Meanwhile the pur- chaser shall bear and enjoy the profits, charges and benefits of the said house and lot in manner as aforesaid, after the delivery on May 1, as has been stipulated before. It has88 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE been agreed that the Notary’s salary, the expenses of the Conveyance shall be borne and paid for half by the purchaser and half by the grantor. For the observance and satisfac- tion of this present we the undersigned pledge our respective persons and goods none excepted, subjecting them to all courts and judges. Thus executed and signed by us, and sealed at New York, December 27,1689. J. Y. Cortlandt Anthoine Lespnard [Lispenard] Signed, delivered and sealed in our presence as witnesses Brandt Schuyler Paul Richard. To which testifies W. Bogardus, Not. Pub. Receipts. New Yorcke, April 2, 1690. Then received of Anthony Liepenaer the amount of one hundred pounds, being the first in stallment £100 of|the house, Received by me, J. Y. Cortlandt. N. Yorcke, May 13, 1691. Received of Anthony Liepenaer the amount of one hundred pound being the second installment £100 on the house. J. V. Cortlandt.CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 89 N. Yorcke, July 18, 1692. Then received of Anthony Lispenaer the amount of fifty three pound and an order on Jan Libertee for the amount of forty seven pound, amounting together to one hundred pound, which I acknowl- edge having received for the third installment on £100 the house. J. V. Cortlandt The 4th installment is not recorded on the docu- ment from which the above is a translation from [the Dutch.] Deed, Miles Forster to Christina Veenvos, November 23, 1696. This Indenture made the Twenty third day of November, in the Yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety Six, and in the Eight Yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third over England &c. King—Between Miles Forster of the Citty of New Yorke Marchant and Rebecca his wife of the one part, And Christina Veenvos widdow and Relict of Danyell Veenvos late of the Citty of New Yorke Deceased of the other Part;— Whereas the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the Citty of New Yorke have in & by a Certaine Indenture or writing under the Commen Seal of the said Citty and Signed by the Mayor of the Said Citty Graunted Bargained, Sold, Released and Confirmed unto the said Miles fforster his heires & assignes for ever; all that certaine peece or Par cell of Ground Scituatt90 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE lying and being neare the Street or place Commenly called called Queene Street within the Citty of New Yorke afore- said; Containing in Length on the East & West Sides there of one hundred and Sixteene foot or the Low water marke, and in breadth in front and in the Reare forty two foot all English measure as the same is Layd out & Survayed by the Swome Survayors of the said Citty. Bounded Easterly by the Ground of Danyell Veenvos, Southerly by the River or harbour of the Said Citty at Low Water Marke Westerly by the Ground of Samuell States, and northerly by the Said Street or highway, together wth all the Easments Profitts, Commoditties, hereditements appurtenances and other the advantages to the said peece or Parcell of Ground & premises belonging or in any wise appertaining, or of, in, or unto every or any part thereof, together w* all & Singuler the uses Profitts, Benefitts advantages and Emolumentes Growing, arising or accruing, by or from the werfe erected & Built thereupon; as by the said Indenture Relation thereunto being had more fully and at Large doth & may appeare; Now This Indenture wittnesseth that the said Miles fforster by and with the consent of Rebecca his wife Testified by her being a Partie to these Presents and Signing and Sealing the same, as well for & in Consideration of a Competent Sume of monny to him in hand Payd by the Said Christina Veenvos at and Before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents; the Receipt whereof hee the Said Miles fforster doth hereby acknowledge and himselfe therewith fully Satisfyed and Contented; as allsoo for Divers other Good Causes & Con- siderations him hereunto Especially moving; Hath Graunted Bargained & Sold and by these Presents doth Graunt Bargaine and Sell unto the said Christina Veenvos her heires & assignes forever all that the before Recited peece or Parcell of Ground Scituatt lying & being Butted & Bounded & Containing as aforesaid; together with all and Singuler the Easments, Profits advantages, Commoditties, hereditements and appurtenances to the said peece or Parcell of ground andCITY OP NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 91 Premises Belonging or in any wise appurtaining and the Reversion & Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, of all and Singuler the premises with the appurtenances, and all the Estate, Right, Title, use, Possession, C[l]aime & Demand whatsoever of him ye said Miles Forster of, in, or unto every or any part thereof; To have and to hold the said peece or Parcell of Ground beforementioned or Intended to bee hereby Bargained & Sold with their & every of theire ap- purtenances unto her the Said Christina Veenvos her heires and assignes for ever; to and for the only Proper use and Behoofe of her the Said Christina Veenvos her heirs and assignes for ever; Yeilding and Paying therfor yearly and every yeare hereafter unto the Mayor Aldermen and Com- monaly of the City of New Yorke and theire Successors the Yearly Rent of one Pepper Corne at or upon the five and twetheth [sic] day of March, if the Same Shall Lawfully bee demanded; And the said Christina Veenvos for her selfe her heires and assignes doth Covenant Promise Graunt and agree to and with the Said Miles fforster his heires and assignes doth Covenant Promise Graunt and agree, to and with the Said Miles fforster his heires Exec” and Admi” in manner and fforme following, (that is to Say) That the Said Christina Veenvos her heires and assignes or Some or one of them shall and will at her or theire owne proper Charge & Expence henceforward and from time to time, uphold; mainetaine Sustaine, keep and Repaire in good and Sufficiant mannor plight and Condition all that the Said Wharfe or [Street] Belonging to the Said Lott or [Tuft] of Ground, being thirty foot English Measure in Breadth; As allsoo that the Street aforesaid shall for ever hereafter Remaine Continue & bee for the free & Commen Passage and a Publicq Street and way for the Inhabitants of the Said Citty of New Yorke and all others Passing and Returning through or by the Same in Like mannor as the other Publicq Streets of the Said Citty now are or Lawfully ought to bee; And the Said Miles fforster for himselfe his heires Executors and adminis-92 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE trators doth hereby Covenant Promise Graunt and agree to and with the Said Christina Veenvos her heires and assignes by these presents; That the abovesaid Peece or Parcell of Ground and other y® Premisses herein beforementioned to be Bargained and Sold and every part and parcell thereof at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof, are and soo at all times hereafter for ever, shall bee and Remaine and Continue unto the Said Christina Veenvos her heires and assignes, Cleerly acquitted and Discharged or otherwise Sufficiantly saved and kept harmelesse of and from all and all mannor of fformer and other Bargaines Sayles, Gifts Graunts, Leasus, Joyntures, Dowers uses, wills Intayles Rents, Charges arrerages of Rents, Statutes, Recognizances, Judgements, Executions, Sesures, Intrusions, Extents and of and and from all and Singuler other Charges, Titles, Troubles, Incombrances and Demands whatsoever, had made acknowledged Consented unto Committeed Procured donor Suffered by the Said Miles Forster or by any other Person or Persons whatsoever by his consent [or] Procure- ment; And that the Said Christina Veenvos her heirs & assignes shall from time to time and at all times for ever here- after Peaceably and Quietly have hold Posses and Enjoy all and Singuler the herein before mentioned to bee Bargained Premisses with theire and Every of theire appurtenances according to the true Intent & meaning of these presents, without any Lett hindrence or Molestation of him the Said Miles Forster his heires and assignes or any of them, or of any other Person or Persons whatsoever Clayming any Right Title or Interest in or to the Same or Any Part thereof; and the Same Shall and will warrent and Defend for ever against all Persons whatsoever by these Presents; In Witt- nesse whereof the said parties to these Present Indentures have hereunto Interchangeably Sett theire hands & Seales the day and Yeare first above written; Christina Veen Vos.CITY OF NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND 93 Sealed and Delivered in the Presence off The Interlining of the words (and in the) above the Tenth Line in the first Page, were [word out] before Sealing— Sami. Bayard. Richd Ashfield.