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THIS INDENTURE Wittnesseth that I, William Mathews, son of Marrat of the City of New York, Widdow, hath put him- self and by these Presents doth voluntarily and of his own free Will and Accord and by the Consent of his said Mother put him- self Apprentice to Thomas Windover of the City aforesaid Cord- winer with him to live and (after the Manner of an Apprentice) to serve from the fifteenth day of August last Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and Eighteen untill the full Term of seven years be Compleat and Ended. During all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master Thomas Windover faithfully shall serve his secrets keep, his lawfull Commands gladly every where Obey, he shall do no damage to his said Master nor see to be done by Others without letting or giving Notice to his said Master, he shall not waste his said Masters Goods, nor lend them unlawfully to any, he shall not Committ fornication nor Contract Matrimony within the said Term. At Cards, Dice or any Other unlawfull Game he shall not play whereby his said Master may have Damage with his Own Goods or the Goods of those during the said Term without Lycense from his said Master he shall neither buy or sell. He shall not absent himself day or night from his Masters service without his leave, nor haunt Alehouses, Taverns or Playhouses, but in all things as a faithfull apprentice he shall behave himself towards his said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said Master during the said Term shall, by the best means or Method that he can Teach or Cause the said Apprentice to be taught the Art or Mystery of a Cordwiner, and shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging a;nd washing fitting for an Apprentice, and shall during the said Term every winter at Nights give him one Quarters schooling, and at the Expiration of the said Term to provide for the said Apprentice a sufficient New Suit of Ap- parell four shirts and two Necletts, for the true Performance of114 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 all and every the said Covenants and agreements Either of the said parties bind themselves unto the Other by these Presents. In witness whereof they have hereunto Interchangeably put their hands and seals this twenty fifth day of September in the fifth year of his Majesties Reign, Annoq Domini One thousand seven hundred and Eighteen. The Marke of William Mathews [seal] sealed and delivered in the Presence of John Rushton, H. D. Meyer, New York Sept 26th A° 1718 then appeared before me Jacobus Kip one of his Majties Justis of the Peace for the City and County of New York the within Named Apprentice and ac- knowledge the signing and sealing of this Indenture to be his Voluntary Act and Deed. Jacobus Kip, Justice of the Peace Registered for Aron Boagard, Truner, the third day of October Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Allexander Mackcaselton, with the consent of his Mother to Aron Bogart, Turner, for ten years from October 1st, 1718. Usual form. Signed October 1st, 1718 by Allexander Mack- caselton and Sarah N. Mackcaselton. Including “Shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Every winter Dureing the Said time three Months Evening School and att the End of the Said time a New Suite of Apparrell and four New Shirts and three Neck Cloths” In the presence of Robt Crannell, Jum*, Acknowledged Sept 29th, 1718 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman Registerd for Joshua Delaplaine, Joyner, the fourth day of October Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Francis Warne with the consent of his Mother Sarah Warne, to Joshua Delaplaine, Joyner, for eight years from February 27th, 1718. Usual Form including “Shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Wash- ing fitting for an apprentice, and att the Expiration of Said Term the said Master is to find Said Apprentice a New Suite of WoolenINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I*J2J II5 and Linen and to Maintaine him in reading writing and Arith- metick” Signed September 9th, 1718 by Francis Warne. In the presence of Samuel Shahan, Theophilus Pells. Acknowledged February 24th, 1718 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Register d for Jacobus Quick, Cordwinder, the Sixth day of October, Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of John Davis with the consent of his Mother to Jacobus Quick, Cordwinder, for seven years from September 1st, 1718. Usual form including “And shall also find and provide unto the said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of Said Term the Said Master shall give unto the said Apprentice A New Suit of Clothes of Cloth,. Druget and Six New Shirts and four New Cravatts Shoes and Stockings and hatt all to be new besides his Other wareing Clothes and the said Master shall give to the Said Apprentice three Months Schooling Every Year after Christ- mas to learn to Read and Write att Night Schooling at the Charge of the said Master” .... Signed September 22nd, 1718 by John Davis. In the presence of And: Maerschalck, Johannis Roome. Acknowledged September 23rd, 1718 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registerd for William Gilbert, Baker, the sixth day of October 1718. Indenture of Johannes Fine to William Gilbert, Baker, for Seven years from October 15th, 1718. Usual form including “Shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Wash- ing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of his Term the said Master shall give unto the Apprentice one Suite of New Clothing from head to toe and four new Shirts, four New Neck- cloths and all the Other apparell then belonging to the Appren- tice And the Apprentice is to go in the Evening School all the Winter dureing his Term at the Charge of his Master .... .” Signed October 3rd, 1718 by John Fine. In the presence of J. VanZand, Peter Stoutenburgh. Acknowledged October 3rd, 1718 before Jacobus Kip.Il6 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registred for Mr. John Harperding, Shoemaker, ye 12th of December, Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of David Noble, son of Tho. Noble & Catharyna Noble to John Harperding, Shoemaker, for Seven years from November 5th, 1718. Usual form including “Shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Wash- ing fitting for an Apprentice, and the said Master Shall give the apprentice when his time of Service is Expired, Six Shirts, four Neckcloths a Good Beaver hatt, two pair of Shoes, One Coat, Wast Coat & pair of Breeches as usuall, And the Said Master must give the Apprentice Every Year three Months Schooling & Stockings & his Wearing Clothes .... .” Signed November 19th, 1718 by David Noble, Jan Harbardink. In the presence of John Cassell, Charles Barre. Acknowledged November 28th, 1718, before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Johannes Harperdinck, Shoomaker, the twelvth day of December Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Marten Crankheyt, son of Sophia Palding, to Johannes Harperdinck, Shoomaker, for seven years from No- vember 13th, 1718. Usual form including “Shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Wash- ing fitting for an Apprentice, And the Said Master Shall give the said Apprentice a good Suit of Clothes when his time of Servitude is Compleat & Ended” .... Signed November 13th, 1718 by Marten Crankheyt, Johannes Harberdinck. In the presence of Jacob Goelet, Junr, Charles Barre. Acknowledged November 13th, 1718 before John Cruger, Alderman. Registred for Theophilus Elsworth, the second day of January Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Elizabeth Jones with the consent of her father in law to Theophilus Elsworth, Shipwright, for Eleven years from December 27th, 1718. Usual form including “And the said Master during the said Term shall find and provide unto the said Apprentice SufficientINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 117 Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Ap- prentice” ..... Signed December 27th, 1718 by Elizabeth Jones. In the presence of Joh: Jansen, Catharina Johnson. Acknowledged December 27th, 1718 before Join Jansien, Jus- tice of the Peace. Registred for James Gautier, the 9th day of January, Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of James Davy son of Joshua Davy, Shipwright, to James Gautier, Joyner, for seven years from December 7th, 1718. Usual form including “the said Apprentice to be taught the Art or Mystery of a Joyner and shall also find and provide unto the said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice excepting two Years and a half v from the day of the Date hereof dureing which Term of Two Years & a half his said father engage to provide him Cloaths and said Master shall put Said Apprentice to the Night School three Months in Every year dureing Said Term, his father to pay one halfe of Said Schooling and his Master the other halfe and at the Expiration of Said Term shall give to said Apprentice One New Suit of Apparell (both Linnen & Woolen) besides his Common Wearing Cloaths Signed December 7th, 1718 by James Davy, Joshua Davy. In the presence of Andrew Forrester, Will'Bradford. Acknowledged December 7th, 1718 before John Johnston, Mayor. Registerd for Edward Burling the 9th day of January Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Mary Mariot, aged about eleven years, with the consent of her Mother to Edward Burling, Joyner, for seven years from December 1st, 1718. Usual form including “and the said Master dureing the Said Term Shall find and provide unto the Said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Ap- prentice, and at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall give unto her a New Suit of Apparrell both Woolen and Linen, besides her Common Wearing Apparell, and a New Cubboard worth three / pounds and a Chest worth fifteen Shillings and also three pounds in Money........” Signed January 8th, 1718 by Mary Mariot. In the presence of Simon Breeste, John Tillou. Acknowledged January 5th, 1719 before John Cruger, Aider- man.Il8 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Registerd for James You the ioth day of February, Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of John Noble son of Thomas Noble to James You Barber, for seven years from October 14th, 1718. Usual form including “and shall also find and provide unto the Said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Appareell, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice. ” Signed October 14th, 1718 by John Noble. In the presence of Barne Bount, Elias Pelletreau. Acknowledged October 14th, 1718 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Cornelius Thienoven the 6th day of March Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of James York with the consent of his Father & Mother to Cornelius Thienoven, Cordwainer & Tanner, for nine years from December 4th, 1717. Usual form including “and shall also find and provide unto the Said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for and Apprentice And dureing the Said Term the Said Master Shall put the Said Apprentice to the Night School one Quarter in Each Year of his Apprentis, and at the end of the Said Term give him one New Suit of Apparell . . .” Signed December 5th, 1717 by James York. In the presence of Johannis Degraf, Joseph Waldron. Acknowledged December 3rd, 1717 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. . Registerd for Cornelius Bridgeman the 9th day of March, Anno Dom 1718. Indenture of Andrew Norwood Son of Cornelia Norwood, Widdow to Cornelius Bridgeman, Barber and Wigmaker for seven years from March 28th, 1718. Usual form including “and shall also find and provide unto the Said Apprentice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging, and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the End of the Said Term he the said Master Shall give unto the Said Apprentice One New Suit of Wareing Apparell Consisting of a Coat, Wast- coat and Breeches, a New hatt, Two New Neckclothes, Six New Shirts, One New pair of stockings and one New pair of shoes,INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-IJ2.J II9 also a Block a vrie and two New Razors and winters schooling dureing Said Time . . .” Signed March 28th, 1718 by Andrew Norwood In the presence of Richard Norwood, Edward Pennant. Acknowledged March 28th, 1718 before John Cruger, Justice of the Peace Registerd for Mr. Gerardus Stuyvezandt the 23rd of April Anno Dorn 1719. Indenture of Peter Jacobson a free Negro to Gerardus Stuyve- zandt, Gent, for six and a half years from May 5th, 1718. Usual form including “finding unto his said Apprentice Meat, Drink, Washing, Lodging and Apparrell befitting Such an Ap- prentice Dureing the Said Term and at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall Deliver & pay or cause to be delivered and paid to the Said Apprentice One New Suite of Cloaths and Six Shirts and a young Mare of three Years old and two Ewes of six or eight months Old . . . .” Signed May 5th, 1718 by Peter Jacobson, Jacob Solomons. In the presence of Hendrick Koerdus, E. Blagge. Acknowledged May 6th, 1718 before Isaac De Riemer, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for George Aston the 23rd of April Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of John Chasy, late of the Parish of Butleidge in the County of Someset in Great Brittain to George Aston, Tanner & Currier, for seven years from June 1st, 1718. Usual form including “and shall also find and provide unto the said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the end of the Said an Apprentice to allow his Said Apprentice a good New Sute of Ap- parrell.” Signed June 1st, 1718 by John Chasy. In the prsence of John Smith, William Jackson, Christo Hop- kins. Acknowledged June 1st, 1718 before John Cruger, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Jasper Bush the 7th day of May Anno Dom 1719- Indenture of Mary Presher with the consent of her Mother to120 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Jasper Bush and Jean his wife for eight years from March 16th, 1718. Usual form including “shall find and provide into the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the last year the said Master or Mistriss shall teach or cause to be taught the Art of a Woolen Semstriss and is to give her One New Suite of Apparell through- out . ” Signed March 16th, 1718 by Cathrine Presher, Mary Presher. In the presence of Antho. Ham, Petrus Kip. Acknowledged March 16th, 1718/9 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. William Dugdale and Mr. John Searle the 29th day of June Anno Dom 1719. THE INDENTURE wittnesseth that the within mentioned Peter Colvell for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds of lawfull Money of the Province of New York to him in hand paid by William Dugdale and John Searle of the City of New York Reapers the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowl- edge by and with the Consent and good liking of John Gallaway the apprentice within named hath assigned and sett Over and by these Presents doth assign and sett over unto the said William Dugdale and John Searle and the survivor of them all and Every the Term of years Service and Term of Apprenticeship of the said John Gallaway now to come and unexpired of the said Term of Eleven years and three Months for which he hath bound him- self apprentice unto the said Peter Colvell as within Mentioned. And also and every the Right Title and Interest of him the said Peter Colvell and Right of service which he now hath or Ought to have or Can or may Claim or demand to have by Vertue of the within Indenture of Apprenticeship or Otherwise however of in or to the said John Gallaway the Apprentice within Named or in or to his service during all the time now to come of the said Eleven years and three Months and also all his Superiority Power and Government of and Over the said John Gallaway the Appren- tice within mentioned AND the said John Gallaway the Ap- prentice within Mentioned doth hereby Covenant Grant and Agree and is well Contented and doth Give his full Consent to serve out all the Rest of his said Term of Apprenticeship of Eleven years and three Months with the said William Dugdale and John Searle and the Survivor of them According to the Purport of these Pres-INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 121 ents, and doth hereby Covenant, Grant and Agree and binds him- self to the said William Dugdale and John Searle and the Sur- vivor of them to serve and Obey the said William Dugdale and John Searle and the Survivor of them as an apprentice and to do and perform all Other things whatsoever during the New Resi- due of the said Term of Eleven years and three Months towards the said William Dugdale and John Searle and the Survivor of them which he by the within Indenture hath Covenanted to per- form towards the said Peter Colvell. AND the said Peter. Col- vell doth hereby Covenant, promise and Grant not to do, permitt or suffer any Act Matter or thing whereby to prejudice or hinder the said William Dugdale and John Searle or the Survivor of them or to do, permitt or suffer any Act, Matter or thing whereby to prejudice or hinder the said John Gallaway in or from the said performance of his said service to the said William Dugdale and John Searle or Either of them or the Survivor of them or the said William Dugdale and John Searle or the Survivor of them in or from the Enjoyment of the same During the said Remainder to Come of the said Eleven years and three Months or any part thereof, AND the said William Dugdale and John Searle or the Survivor of them do hereby Covenant, Promise and Grant to teach and Instruct or Cause to be taught and Instructed the said John Gallaway the Apprentice the Art or Mystery of A Reaper which they now use after the best Manner that they now know or hereafter shall know during the Residue of the said Term of Eleven years and three Months yett to Come and unexpired and also shall find and Provide unto the said John Gallaway the Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing, Learning to Read write and Cypher and all Other Necessaries whatsoever fitt for such an Apprentice According to the form and Covenants of the within Indenture. • In WITTNESS whereof to one part of these Indentures Re- maining with the said William Dugdale and John Searle the said Peter Colvell and John Gallaway the apprentice have sett their hands and seals and to the Other part of these Presents Remain- ing with the said John Gallaway the said William Dugdale and John Searle have sett their hands and seals the twenty Ninth day of June Anno Dom 1719 Annoq Reg Regis Georgii Mag Brit- taniee &c quinto. Peter Colvell [seal] John [mark] Gallaway [seal] sealed and delivered In the Presence of Wm. Huddleston, Henry Brugman. New York, the 29th June 1719 Acknowledged before me Phillip Cortlandt. MEMORANDUM the Original Indenture of Apprenticeship whereon this assignment is Endorsed is Registered in this Office of Town Clerk lib 27 page 184 the 13th day of March 1715.122 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registred for Mr. Alexander Mills, Perriwigmaker, the 29th of June Anno Dorn 1719 Indenture of James Smith formerly an apprentice to Nehemiah Partridge, Limner, with his consent to Alexander Mills, Wig- maker, for seven years from January 16th, 1717. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the said Term shall give to said Apprentice One New Spit of Apparell according to the Custom of said Citty of New York, also the sum of ten pounds Currt Money of the Colony of New York.” Signed January 16th, 1717 by James Smith. In the presence of Nehemiah Partridge, William Jackson, Will Bradford. Acknowledged January 22nd, 1717 before John Johnston, Mayor. Registred for Mr. Charles LeRoux the 23rd day of July Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Jacob TenEyck, aged about fifteen years, son of Coenraat TenEyck to Charles LeRoux, Goldsmith, for seven years from July 15th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, and Washing in winter time fitting for an Apprentice, and his said father to find him Apparell Lodging and washing in Summer time and his said Master to suffer his said Apprentice to go to the winter Evening School at the Charge of his father .....” Signed July 15th, 1719 by Jacob TenEick, Koenraet TenEyck. In the presence of Rip Van Dam, Jum, Abrah. Gouverneur. Acknowledged July 15th, 1719 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mr. William Weblin, Butcher, the 8th day of August Anno Dom 1719 Indenture of Richard Williams, son of Robert Williams, Mar- riner, Deceased, and Jamime Haley his Mother, to William Web- lin, Butcher, for seven years from August 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and shall Cause his said Apprentice at his the said Masters cost and Charge to be Taught to write and Cypher123 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 and at the End or Expiration of the Said Term of Seven Years Shall give unto his Said Apprentice One Entire New Suit of Wareing Apparell from head to foot for inside and outside uses. And lastly that at the End of the Said Term of Seven Years he the Said William Weblin his Executors. Administrators or As- signs Shall and will pay unto the said Richard Williams or his Assigns the Sum of Tenn pounds Currt Money of the Province of New York Signed August 1st, 1719 by Richard Williams. In the presence of Sarah Gara, Teleman Cruger. Acknowledged August 6th, 1719, before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mr. John Kinder the 8th day of August Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of John Brasier, Son of Abraham Brasier, deceased and with the consent of his Mother Elizabeth Brasier to John Kinder, Joyner, for seven years from August 6th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for a Apprentice and shall Teach or Cause his Said Appren- tice to be Taught to write & Cypher at the usual times in the winter season and at the End of the Said Term shall give unto his said Apprentice One New hatt, four New Neckcloths, Two Speckled Handkerchiefs, Six New Shirts, A New Coat, Wastcoat, and Breeches four pair of Stockings, two pair of shoes all New. Signed August 6th, 1719 by John Brasier. In the presence of Larans Garaner, Edward Pennant. Acknowledged August 6th, 1719 before Phillip , Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Andrew Hay, Barber and Wigmaker the 15th day of August, Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of William Crannell son of Robert Crannell to Andrew Hay, Barber and Wigmaker for seven years from August 1st, 1717. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall at his own Charge put his said Apprentice to School to Learn Writing and Cyphering at the usuall winter Seasons for and Dureing the Term of three winters124 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 at the usuall times, and at the End of the said Term of seven Years, shall give unto him two Suits of wareing Apparell consist- ing of Coats, Wastcoats & breeches, four New Shirts, four Neck- cloths, a New Hatt Two pair of Stockings and two pair of Shoes . ; . ” Signed August 1st, 1718 by William Crannell. In the presence of James Johnston, Edward Pennant. Acknowledged January 19th, 1718/9 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registerd for John Johnston, Esqr the 15th day of August Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Sam: Norton by Trade a Butcher, to John John- ston, Esqr Mayor of the City of New York for eight years from May 20th 1719. Usual form, including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an apprentice in his Circumstance ...” Signed May 20th, 1719 by Sam: Norton. In the presence of Leonard Lewis, Robt Crannell, Will Brad- ford. Acknowledged May 30th, 1719 before Joh : Jansen, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Henry Bresteds, Hatter the 20th day of August Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Peter Moss, son of Joshua Moss of Rawway, de- ceased and with the consent of his Mother, to Henry Bresteds, Hatter for seven years from March 1st, 1718. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and his said Master shall give him every winter in each year One Quarters Night Schooling and also at the Expiration of his time shall give him One New Suite of Apparell sufficient for such an Apprentice also three shirts and three Neck- cloths .......” Signed March 1st, 1718 by Peter Moss, Elizabeth Brookfield. In the presence of James Brenan, Andries Breested. Acknowledged March 22nd, 1717/8 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registred for Mr. Simeon Soumaine, the 26th day of August Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of William Anderson, Junr with the consent of hisINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I25 Father, to Simeon Soumaine, Goldsmith, for seven years from February 17th, 1717. ■Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, and Washing fitting for. an Apprentice . . . ” [apparel, Lodging] being put out before ensealing & de- livery. Signed April 15th, 1718 by Will Anderson, Jr. In the presence of Ebenezer Willson, Richard Willett, Benjamin D’hariette. Acknowledged August 18th, 1719 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mr. Thomas Kearny the 9th day of September Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Henry Holland aged fifteen years or thereabouts with the consent of his parents, to Thomas Kearny, Merchant, for Seven years from September 4th, 1719. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice,” Signed September 4th, 1719 by Hen. Holland. In the presence of Henry Holland, Jane Edwards. Acknowledged September 4th, 1719 before John Johnston, Justice. Registerd for Nicholas Anthony the 15th day of September Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Robert Provoost with the consent of his Father and Mother to Nicholas Anthony, Cordwainer, for seven years and eight months from May 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And at the Expiration of Said Term shall give to Said Apprentice two Suits of Apparell one of them to be a New Suit and to learn the Said Apprentice to read and to write three Months Each winter . . . ” Signed April 23rd, 1719 by Robert Provoost, Daniel Curtis, Elizabeth Curtis. In the presence of Arnout Schermerhorne, Peter DeGrove. Acknowledged April 24th, 1719 before Joh: Jansen, Justice.126 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registerd for Nicholas Anthony the 15th day of September Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of John Adams to Nicholas Anthony, Cordwainer, for Seven years, from May 4th, 1719. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, And shall give him three Months Night School- ing in Each Year, also at the Expiration of his time Shall give him One Suite of Apparell Sufficient for Such an Apprentice, Six New Shirts & Six Neckcloths . . . ” Signed June 1st, 1719 by John Adams. In the presence of S. Johnson, Joh Jansen. Acknowledged June 16th, 1719 before Joh: Jansen, Justice. Registred for Harmanis Bensingh the nth of November 1719. Indenture of John Tandy with the consent of his Gardian to Harmanis Bensingh, house Carpenter, for seven years from November 12th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And after the Expiration of; the Said time above Mentioned the Said Master shall find and provide the said Apprentice with One Coat, One Vest one pair of Breeches, two pair of Stockings, One pair of Shoos, two Shirts, two Neckcloths, One hatt all New and fitting for his body besides the Clothes then belonging to his body for the true performance of all and Every the Said Covenants and Agreements ...” Signed November 12th, 1719 by Harmanis Bensingh, Jan Tandie. In the presence of Egbert Van Borssom, John Roosevelt. Acknowledged November 13th, 1718 before Harmanus Van Gelder, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Joshua Delaplaine the 12th day of November Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Benjamin Lawrence, son of Elizabeth Lawrence of Flushing on Nassau Island to Joshua Delaplaine, Joiner, for seven years from October 15th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fittingINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 127 for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of the Said Term he is to find him a New Sute of Aparel . . . ” Signed October 15th, 1719 by Benjamin Lawrence. In the presence of Jno Stevenson, John Faxbary. Acknowledged November 5th, 1719 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registerd for John Yerworth the fourth day of February Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Samuell Sparepoint to John Yerworth, Ship- wright and Martha his wife for seven years from 28th day of December 1719. Usual form including “finding and allowing unto his Said Apprentice Meat, Drink, Washing, Lodging, Apparell and all Other things Necessary and Convenient for his Said Apprentice Dureing the Said Term ...” Signed January 26th, 1719 by Samuell Sparpint. In the presence of John Cruger, Richard Nicholls. Acknowledged January 26th, 1719 before John Cruger, Justice of the Peace and Alderman. Recorded for St George Talbot, Carpenter the eighth day of February Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of John Thew late Covenant servant of Richard Thomas of the City of New York, Vintner, to St George Talbot, Carpenter for seven years from February 9th, 1718. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of the said Term to have the Sum of fifteen pounds. Signed February 9th, 1718 by John Thew, Rich. Thomas, St George Talbot. In the presence of T. Noxon, J. Balm. Acknowledged February 9th, 1718/9 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. William Jackson, Cordwainer the 20th day of February Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of Hugh Stevenson, son of Widdow Stevenson in New York to William Jackson, Cordwainer for eight years from February 20th, 1718/9. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren-128 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And keep him a Quarter in each year at the Evening School and a sute of New Cloathes for all parts of his body at the Ende of the Terme besides his wearing Cloaths__” Signed February 20th, 1718/9 by Hugh Stevenson. In the presence of Robert Nickols, Nicholas Tamler, John McNeall. Acknowledged February 20th, 1718/9 before John Cruger, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Nicholas Anthony, Cordwainer the 25th day of February Anno Dorn 1719. Indenture of John Allen aged fifteen years or thereabouts, son of John Allen, feltmaker, to Nicholas Anthony, Cordwainer for seven years from 24th day of February 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the said Term, and put him to School three Months in Every year during the said Apprenticeship Imme- diately after Christmas in Every year to the Evening school to learn to Read and Write, and at the Expiration of the Said Term shall give unto the said Apprentice One good New Suite of Apparell from head to foot besides his usual wearing Apparell . . .” Signed February 24th, 1719 by John Allen, Jr. In the presence of John Allen, Sem*, Will Sharpas,' Richd Nicholls. Acknowledged February 24th, 1719 before Jacobus Van Cort- landt, Mayor. Registerd for Mr. Thomas Roberts the 7th day of March, Anno Dom 1719. THIS INDENTURE Witnesseth that David Wyatt aged Six- teen Years or thereabout by and with the consent*and good like- ing of Stephen Bouxin of the City of New York Merchant unto whose care he was Committed by his Father James Wyatt of Kingston in the Island of Jamaica, Barber Surgeon, Testified by his being a party hereto and by his sealing and delivering these Presents before me Jacobus Van Cortlandt Esqr Mayor of the Said City of New York of his own free and Voluntary Will hath put himself Apprentice to Thomas Roberts of New York afore- said Cooper to Learn the Art Trade or Mistery of a Cooper and of a Wine Cooper According to the best of his skill which he now useth and with him to dwell and serve after the Manner of an Apprentice from the first day of this Instant February untilk the129 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 full end and term of seven years from thence Next Ensueing and fully to be Compleat and Ended by all which Terme of years the said Apprenticeship the said David Wyatt well & truly Shall Serve his Master Secretts Shall keep, his Commandments Law- fully and honest Every where he shall Gladly do, hurt to his Master he shall not do, or Suffer to be done the goods of his Said Master he shall not purloyn, wast or Destroy or them to any per- son lend with his own Goods or the Goods of Others he shall not Trade or Merchandize Dureing the Said Term without Lycense from his Said Master, at Cards, Dice, or any Other unlawfull Game he shall not play whereby his said Master may Incurr any hurt, Fornication he shall not Committ, Matrimony he shall not Contract. Taverns he shall not frequent from the Service of his Said Master he shall not absent himselfe but in all things as a good and faithfull Apprentice shall bear and behave himself to- wards his said Master and all his Dureing the Term aforesaid And The said Thomas Roberts doth hereby Covenant the Art, Trade or Mistery of a Cooper which he now useth to the Said Apprentice Shall Teach and Instructed after the best Manner and way that he may or Can, and also Shall find to his said Appren- tice Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging sufficient for an Appren- tice for and Dureing the Term aforesaid AND for the true per- formance of all and Every the said Covenants and Agreements either of the Said parties bind themselves unto the Other firmly by these Presents. IN WITNESS whereof the parties to these Indentures have Inter-Changeably sett their hands and Seal the first day of Feb- ruary Anno Dom 1719. Annoqz Regid Reg Georgii Magis Britt &c: Sexto David Wyatt [seal] Sealed and delivered in the pres- ence of the words [and of a Wine Cooper According to the best of his Skill] being first Interlined on the Other Side Stephen Bouexin, Will Sharpas, Richd Nicholls. MEMORANDUM That on the day of the date of the within Indenture the within Named Apprentice David Wyatt was bound before me Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Esqr Mayor of the City of New York, And at the same time Acknowledged That he Exe- cuted-the same Indenture as his Voluntary Act .and Deed to the use therein Mentioned Bound and Acknowledged the Day and Year within written before me. Jacobus Van Cortlandt, Mayor. Registerd for Mr. Thomas Wendover, Cordwainer the 9th day of March Anno Dom 1719. Indenture of John Jones, son of Daniell Jones, Deceased and130 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES/I718-1727 with the consent of his Mother, to Thomas Wendover, Cord- wainer, for seven years from February 9th, 1719* Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And at the End of the Term the said Master Shall give unto the Said Apprentice One New Suite of Apparell Consisting of Coat, Vest and Britches, four New Shirts, two Neckcloths, One New Hatt, one pair of Hoes and Shooes and Shall Cause the said Apprentice to go three Months to School to Learn to write and Read for the . . ” Signed February 9th, 1719 by Mary Gandy, John Jones. In the presence of Jonas Gandy, Charles Sleigh. Acknowledged March 3rd, 1719 before Jacobus Kip. Registerd for Mr. John Goelet, Feltmaker the 19th day of March Anno Dorn 1719. Indenture of Abraham Cannon of the County of Richmond with the consent of his Father to John Goelet, Feltmaker for seven years from April 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice dureing Said Term and at the Expiration Give unto the Said Apprentice One New Suite of Cloaths from Top to toe and four New Shirts, two New Neckcloths, also all the Cloaths and Apparell which he hath at that time, and Said John Goelet must allow and find the. Said Apprentice Every Winter to go in the Evening School Dureing Said Term for . . . ” Signed April 29th, 1719 by Abraham Cannon. In the presence of Simon Johnson, Joh: Jansen Acknowledged April 29th, 1719 before Joh: Jansen Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mr. Thomas Inglis, Painter the 2nd day of April Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Ellecksander Gillon (or Gillou) of the City of New York, Sempster with the consent of her Father and Mother, to Thomas Inglis, Painter for eight years from August nth, 1719. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice or servant, and it is hereby provided & Agreed that at the End and Expiration of the Said Eight years the Ap- prentice aforesaid Shall Receive One whole New Suite of Cloths together with what She had before, And also One Years Meat,INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 131 Drink, Lodging & Washing Dureing the Time that She is Learn- ing a Trade . . . ” Signed April 30th, 1719 by Elecksanders Gillon (or Gillou). In the presence of Jos. Budd, Gregory Crouch, S. Gerrettse, Ralph Thurman. Acknowledged May 13th, 1719 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Benjamin Peck, Glover the 27th day of April Anno Dom 1720. ' Indenture of William Kelly son of Dorothy Parvisol wife to Peter Parvisol Schoolmaster with the consent of his Mother to Benjamin Peck, Glover for seven years from March nth, 1719/20. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . ” Signed March nth, 1719/20 by William Kelly. In the presence of Peter Parvisol, Thomas Moore. Acknowledged April 8th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice. Registerd for Mrs. Ann Prichard the 4th day of May Anfio Dom 1720. Indenture of Elizabeth Weldin Daughter of Margaret now the wife of Peter Arkell with the consent of her Mother to Ann Prichard, for eight years from May 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, And at the Expiration of the Said Term ye Said Mistress Shall give unto and deliver to the Said Apprentice two Sutes of Apparel from head to foot........N. B. ye words Master being first razed & ye words Mistress Interlined. Signed May 5th, 1719 by Elizabeth Weldin, Peter Arkill. In the presence of Jeremiah Burroughs, E. Blagge. Acknowledged May 7th, 1719 before E. Blagge. Alderman .and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Daniel David, Cooper the 16th day of June Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of John Blackhead of Piscadua In New Jersey, son of Mary Blackhead and with her consent to Daniel David, Cooper for seven years from April nth, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-132 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, And at the Expiration of the Said Term the Said Master is to give or to provide unto the Said Apprentice One New Suit of Apparell of Druggett and a Second Suit of Wearing Cloaths a half dozen Shirts and three Neck Cloths and to keep him to the Practice of his Learning & a Sett of Tools sufficient to make a Barrell .... ” Signed June 15th, 1720, by John Blackhead. In the presence of Edward Man, Peter Stoutenburgh. Acknowledged June 15th, 1720 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registerd for Mr. Daniell Pattreau the 18th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Peter Smith Son of John Smith, Curryer, and with the consent of his Father to Daniell Pattreau, Perwiggmaker for seven years from June 17th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, and Lodging fitting for an Apprentice Dureing the Said Term and at the Expiration thereof to provide for the Said Apprentice A New Suit of Apparrell and two Winter Nights Schooling within the Said Term . . . . ” Signed June 17th, 1719 by Peter Smith. In the presence of John Thomson, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged June 19th, 1719 before John Cruger, Justice of the Peace and Alderman. Registerd for Mr. Cornelius Johnson, Weaver the 5th day of July Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of John Read, Son of Abigail Parker to Cornelius Johnson, Weaver for Seventeen years from December 9th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice And during Said Term Shall put Said Apppren- tice to School at Suitable times so as to Learn him to Read and write And at the End of said Term of Seventeen Years Shall give to Said Apprentice Such Cloathing as Shall be adjudged and Awarded by four Indifferent Men Chosen and Nominated by Said Master his heirs Executors or Administrators and the Said Apprentice viz John Read . . . . ” Signed December 9th, 1719 by John Read, Abigail Parker. In the presence of James Rich, Will Bradford. Acknowledged July 2nd, 1720 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I33 Registerd for Mr. Simon Cregier the 29th day of July Anno Dom 1720 Indenture of William Warner Aged fourteen Years with the consent of his Father Richard Warner to Simon Cregier Mason for Seven years from August 10th, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and, Washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the Said Term of Seven Years the Said Simon Cregier Shall find and provide the Said Apprentice with One New Suit of Apparell beside his Wear- ing Cloaths and, also the Said Apprentice Shall have three Months Schooling Every Year.” Signed August 10th, 1719 by William Warner. In the presence of James Welch, Samuell Doddrell. Acknowledged January 5th, 1719/20 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mrs. Hannah Butler the 5th day of August Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Elizabeth Hamsted Daughter of Ben Hamsted, aged thirteen Years to Mrs. Hannah Butler .for Five Years from June 24th, 1720. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of the Said Term of five years to allow unto the said Apprentice A Sufficient Suit of New Apparell and all Other things Suitable 4s also to Teach the Said Apprentice to read and to write to the best of her Capacity . . . . ” Signed March 12th, 1719/20 by Elizab: Hampsted. In the presence of Geo. Willson, Mary Ossry, Sarah Rushton. Acknowledged June 16th, 1720 before J. V. Cortlandt. Registerd for Mr. Ide Meyer, Cordwainer ye 13th of Septem- ber Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Johannis Ackerman Son of Lodewyck Ackerman to Ide Meyer, Cordwainer for eight years from November 18th, I7IS. Usual form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice at the End of the Said Term his Said134 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Master Shall give him One New Sute of Apparell three New Shirts and Learning Read and writing . . . ” Signed November r8th, 1715 by Johannis Ackerman. In the presence of Isaac DeRiemer, Gerret Van Gelder. Acknowledged November 18th, 1715 before Jacobus Kip. Registerd for Mr. Henry Swift the 12th day of October Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Elizabeth Heas, Daughter of Mary Heas of Pis- caddaway in the County of Middlesex and Providence of East New Jersey to Henry Swift, Gent, for Ten Years from October 12 th, 1720. Usual form including "find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Washing, lodging and Apparell AND at the Expiration of Said Term the Said Master Shall give or Cause to be given the Said Apprentice Two Entire New Suits of Cloaths and One Cow . . . ” Signed October 27th, 1719 by Elizabeth Heas, Mary Heas, Henry Swift. In the presence of Richard Pullen, Edwd Joyce. • Acknowledged October 6th, 1720, before Jacobus Van Cort- landt. Registred for Joshua Delaplaine the 24th day of November Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Nicholas Bellanger son of Ive Belanger, late of little Egg Harbour in West Jersey with the consent of his Mother to Joshua Delaplaine, Joiner, for seven years from May 2nd, 1720. Usual Form including "find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Instruct him in Reading, Writing, Arithmetick and Making of Mathematical Instruments and at the Expiration of the Said Term he is to give him a New Suite of Cloaths of Linnen & Woollen.” Signed August 4th, 1720 by Nicholas Belanger. In the presence of Arnold Cassell, Benjamin Lawrence. Acknowledged October 25th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I35 Registerd for Roger Wallice the 3rd day of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Nathaniell Divait Son of Joseph Divait’late of the City of New York, Joyner, Deceased, aged about Twelve Years to Roger Wallice, Taylor, for Nine years from Aprill 16th, 1718. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparrell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall also send him to the Evening School in the Winter Season to learn to write & Cypher and at the End of the Said Term of Nine Years shall give unto his Said Apprentice One Entire New Suite of Apparell Consisting of Coat, Wastcoat, Breechees, Hatt, Two Neckcloths Two Shirts, One pair of Stockings and One pair of Shooes all New . . . ” Signed Aprill 16th, 1718 by Nathaniel Divait. In the presence of Edward Pennant, Mary Foucet. Acknowledged April 16th, 1718 before John Johnston, Mayor. Registerd for John Simontze [Symentz], Cordwainer Jan. 5th, 1720. Indenture of Aron Rollinson A Minor under the Age of Twenty One Years by and with the consent of Anne Jennings of Piscat- away in New Jersey, Widow his Next friend to John Simontz Cordwainer for Nine years from August 1st, 1720. Usual Form including “Find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Shall at the End of the Said Term find his Said Apprentice one good and sufficient Suit of Cloaths both Linnen and Wollen agreeable to his Said Trade and also shall and will During the said Term Send his Apprentice One Quarter of a year in each year of the said Term to a good Evening School in Order to be well Instructed in reading writing, Accounting and the like . . . ” , ’ _ Signed December 29th, 1720 by Aron Rollinson, Anne Jennings. In the presence of H. Vernon, Lydia Vernon. Acknowledged January 2nd, 1720/1 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registerd for Allexander Mills, Barber ye 6th of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Allexander Craiggs with the consent of his Brother James Craiggs to Allexander Mills, Barber and Periwigmaker for seven years from January 6th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide his Said ApprenticeI36 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 During that time sufficient Meat, Drink, Cloaths, Washing and Lodging fitting for Such an Apprentice and allow him in that time four Quarters of a Year in winter Evening School to be in- structed in Reading writing and Arithmetick and at the End of the Said Seven Years give unto his said Apprentice the full and Just Sum of Five pounds Lawfull Money of New York and he the said Allexander Mills his Executors and Administrators shall nor will not Assign any part of the said Seven Years Apprentice- ship to any person or persons whatsoever unless it be to a Barber & Periwigmaker living and residing in this City of New York nor suffer the Said Apprentice to be transported out of the same . . . ” Signed November 8th, 1720 by Allexander Craiggs. In the presence of Abrah 1 Gouverneur, Henry Gillaim. Acknowledged November 8th, 1720 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Oliver Earle the 6th day of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of William Grout who was lately Imported from Barbados & now resident of New York to Oliver Earle, Leather Dresser for Seven Years from Aprill 26th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And at the Expiration of Said Term Shall provide for Said Apprentice Sutable Apparell According to the Custom of the Country and to give him Schooling to Read & write . . . . ” Signed Aprill 26th, 1720 by William Grout. In the presence of Will Bradford, Junr, Tho. Walton. Acknowledged April 26th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for his Excellency Wm Burnett Esqr the nth day of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of George Higginson with the consent and approba- tion of his Uncle James Du Pre of the City of London to Wm Burnett, Esqr Governour of the Province of New York in America, for seven years from January nth, 1720. Usual form including “And the said Master in consideration hereof shall keep him in sufficient Meat, Washing, Apparell or Cloaths during the said Term . . . ” Signed June 20th, 1720 by George Higginson. In the presence of Wm. Cunningham, Geo. Burnett. Acknowledged January 10th, 1720 before Robert Walter, Mayor.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 137 Registerd for Cornelius Stephens, Cordwainer the 19th day of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of John Hitchcock son of John Hitchcock, Carpenter to Cornelius Stephens, Cordwainer for seven years from January 1st 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, And after the Expiration of the Said Term the Said Master Shall fitt out the Said Apprentice besides the Cloaths then belonging to his Body with One Hatt, One Coat, Vest One Pair of Breeches, One pair of Stockings, four Shirts two Neckcloths, One pair of Shooes all New fitting for his Body, Three Months in Every Winter Schooling And to Tann Six Hides and Six Calfs Skins in the last Year of his Apprentice- ship . . . ” Signed January 21st, 1719 by John Hitchcock. In the presence of Anna Groendyck, Teleman Cruger. Acknowledged January 25th, 1719 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Andrew Brested, Joyner, the 21st day of January Anno Dom 1720. Indenture of Edward Anderson son of Edward Anderson late Deceased with the consent of his Mother Mary Anderson, to Andrew Brested, Joyner, for eleven Years, from July 4th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice also at the Expiration of his time his Master shall give him One New Suit of Apparell sufficient for an Appren- tice and his Every days Cloaths likewise he shall give him One Quarter Nights Schooling in Each Year During the Said Term . . . ” Signed July 4th, 1720 by Edward Anderson, Mary Anderson. In the presence of Patrick Jackson, James Brenan. Acknowledged July 4th, 1720 before Fred Philipse, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Hendrick Van Dewater, Gunsmith the 29th day of March Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Samuell Waldron the son of Rutgert Waldron, Blockmaker to Hendrick Van Dewater, Gunsmith for Seven Years from May 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-138 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and also shall give unto his said Apprentice at his the Said Masters Charge three Months Schooling in the Even- ings of Every Winter during the said term and at the end of the said Term shall give unto his said Apprentice One New Suit of Apparell consisting of Coat, Wastcoat and Breeches to be made of Druggett at five Shillings per yard. Six White Shirts four Neckcloths, a hatt of fifteen shillings .value, one pair of Worsted Stockings and one pair of Shoes all these to be New.” Signed April 2nd, 1720 by S. Waldron. In the presence of Edward Pennant, Peter Brested. Acknowledged April 2nd, 1720 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Agnes May, Widow the 4th day of Apr ill Anno Dom 1721 Indenture of Richard Gerret, son of Frances Gerret a free Negro woman to Agnes May for fourteen Years from January 24th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Servant and at the End of the Said Term Shall again Release and Discharge her said Servant from his said Service and if his Said Mistriss before the Said Term shall be Ended Shall go from this Province to England then this Inden- ture to be Void and of none effect ...” Signed January 24th, 1720 by Richard Geret. In the presence of Jno Smith, Frances Gerets, Edward, Pen- nant. Acknowledged January 24th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Allart Anthony, Shoemaker, the 5th of .Aprill Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of John Debough, Aged thirteen years or there- abouts with the consent of his Father Garrett Debough, to Allart Anthony, Shoemaker for Seven years from May 1st, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And also shall give to his said Apprentice a Quarter or three months Schooling in Every Winter During the Said Term of Seven Years. And also shall' give unto his Said139 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Apprentice at the End and Expiration of this Indenture a New Suite of Cloaths and all Attire Suitable thereunto.” Signed January 20th, 1720 by John DeBogh. In the presence of John Walter, Barent Cornelus. Acknowledged January 23rd, 1720 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for John Hocum (or Slocum) the 25th day of April Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Joyce Trell, Daughter of Ester Bate, Widow with her free consent to John Hocum, Shipwright for Eight years from November 1st, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . . ” Signed October 28th, 1720 by Joyce Trell. In the presence of Esther Bate, Joshua Delaplaine. Acknowledged March 5th, 1720/21. before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman. Registerd for Thomas Dobson, Glover, ye 8th day of May Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of George Elliot son of William Elliot, Gardener, with the consent of his Father to Thomas Dobson, Glover, for Nine years from May 9th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And shall also within the Said Term (at the Discretion of his said Master) Cause his Said Apprentice to be learnt writing & cyphering so farr as addition, substraction and Multiplication ■' Signed May 9th, 1720 by George Elliot. In the presence of Thos Scurlock, Jonathan Hunter, Edward Pennant. Acknowledged May 9th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Thomas Dobson, Glover the 9th day of May Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of, John Clarke son of John Clarke, Weaver with his consent to Thomas Dobson, Glover for eight & halfe Years from December 30th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-140 INDENTURES 0E APPRENTICES, I718-I727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, And at the End or Expiration of the Said Term of Eight Years and a half shall give unto his Said Appren- tice One New Suit of Cloaths Consisting of Coat, Wastcoat & Breeches, and also shall then well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto his Said Apprentice or to his Assigns the full and just Sum of Ten pounds Current Money of the Province of New York ...” Signed December 30th, 1720 by John Clark. In the presence of William Elliot, John Clark the father, Ed- ward Pennant. Acknowledged December 31st, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for William Lake, Gardener the tenth day of May Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Emanuell Gray, Aged Sixteen Years or there- abouts to William Lake, Gardener, and Jane his wife for Seven , years from July 9th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And at the End or Expiration of the Said Term Shall give unto the Said Apprentice two Suits of Apparell fitting for Such an Apprentice ...” Signed July 9th, 1720 by Emanuell Gray. In the presence of Isaac Goodeacker, Mary Tuder. Acknowledged Aprill 20th, 1721 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registerd for Herman Stout, Saylmaker, the 16th of May 1721. Indenture of John Cooper, son of John Cooper late of the City of New York, Marriner, Deceased, by and with the consent of his father in law John Sibley, Joyner, to Herman Stout, Sail- maker for Seven Years from May 1st, 1720. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And shall also at his Said Masters own Charge put the Said Apprentice to School Three Months in Every .Winter at the usuall times in the Evenings to Learn Writ- ing and Cyphering during the Said Term and the End or Expira- tion of the Said Term Shall give unto the Said Apprentice OneINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I4I Entire New Suit of Cloaths to the Value of Seven pounds two New Shirts,, two Neckcloths, A New Hatt, a New pair of Stock- ings and a New pair of Shoes . . . ” Signed May 20th, 1720 by John Cooper. In the presence of John Sibley, Joseph Latham, Edward Pen- nant. Acknowledged May 15th, 1721 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registerd for John Rushton, Glover the Toth day of June Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Jno Hamstead son of Ben Hamstead of the City of New York, Carman, being eight years of age, with the consent of his Farther to John Rushton and Sarah his wife for Thirteen years from November 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And that the Said Master and Mistress shall during the Said Term Shall Instruct or Cause to be In- structed unto the Said Jno Hamstead to learn to read and write fitting for such an Apprentice as likewise at the Expiration of his Apprenticeship to give him One New Suite of Apparell, besides his Other Apparell . ” Signed November 1st, 1719 by John Hampstead, Ben Hamp- stead.. In the presence of Dennis Van Gelder, John Van Gelder. Acknowledged June 1st, 1720 before Harmanus Van Gelder, Alderman. Registerd for Ann Many, Widow the 13th day of June Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Ann Cooper Daughter of John and Hannah Cooper late of the City of New York, Deceased to Ann Many, Widow for five years from June 6th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice or Servant and During the Last of the Said five Years at the Cost and Charge of the Said Mistress She the Said Mistress doth Promise to put the Said Apprentice to Learn to Sowe And at the End of the said Term of five years142 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1 will give unto her Said Apprentice One Entire New Suite of Cloaths from head to foot for inside and outside use,. . . ” Signed June 6th, 1720 by Ann Cooper. In the presence of James Tellett, James Bussey, Edward Pen- nant. Acknowledged June 7th, 1721 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registerd for Capt Thomas Smith the Twenty Seventh day of June Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of George Duncan son of late George Duncan, Merchant to Capt Thomas Smith, Master of the Ship Beaver for Six Years from June 26th, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. Signed June 26th, 1721 by Geo. Duncan. In the presence of John LeRoux, M. Duncan, also Adolph Phillipse and Peter Barberie Executors to his father deceased. Acknowledged June 26th, 1721 before David Jamison, Re- corder. Registerd for Isaac Kip, Cooper the Seventh day of July Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Daniell Hennion with the consent of his Mother Maragrita Hennion to Isaac Kip, Cooper for seven years from June 9th, 1721. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Every Winter During the Said Term let the Said Apprentice have a quarters Evening Schooling. And at the Expiration of the Said Term give to the Said Apprentice Six Shirts, Six Neckcloths and Six pocket Hankerchiefs and a New Creditable Suite of Cloaths with his wearing Apparell . . . “ Signed June 9th, 1721 by Daniel Henion, Margarita Hennion. In the presence of El. Burly, Leonard Lewis. Acknowledged June 10th, 1721 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registerd for Isaac Kip, Cooper the 7th day of July Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of John Corsten, son of Gideon Carsteng and with143 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 his Fathers consent to Isaac Kip, Cooper for Seven years from June 21st, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. And Every Winter During the Said Term give the Said Apprentice three Months Evening Schooling/ And at the Expiration of said Term give the said Apprentice a New Suite of Cloaths, Six Shirts Six Neckcloths and Six pocket Hankerchiefs besides his wearing Apparell . . ” Signed June 28th, 1721 by John Carsteng, Gidion Carsteng. In the’presence of Benja Hildreth, Leonard Lewis. Acknowledged June 30th, 1721 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registerd for Territ Lester, Marriner the 19th day of August Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Thomas Chollwell son of John Chollwell late of the City of New York, Merchant, Deceased, with the consent of his Guardian Isabella Davis Widow to Territt Lester, Marriner for seven years from August 17th, 1721. . Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing meat and convenient for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the Said Term the Said Master Shall give to his Apprentice A New Duroys Suit of Cloaths Signed August 17th, 1721 by Thomas Cholwell. In the presence of Agnis Janeway, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged August 17th, 1721 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Jacob Miller the 21st day of August Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Stephen Basset by & with the consent of Robt Lurting Executor to the last Will of Capt Michall Bassett, De- ceased to Jacob Miller, Sadler for Seven years from September 10th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice & mending his cloaths . . . ” Signed March 2nd, 1720 by Stephen Bassett. In the presence of Cornells Kiersted, James Brenan. Acknowledged August 17th, 1721 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace.144 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES;, 1718-1727 Registerd for Joshua Quereau the 22nd Day of August Anno Dom 1721 Indenture of William Dobs to Joshua Quereau, Black Smith for Seven years from February 1st, 1720/21 Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice and at Expiration and end of the Above Men- tioned for the, term of seven years and then fit and give him such Decent Cloaths apparel and all other newpary things above usually given & allowed at the end of his time with a small parcel of tools and shall also allow him fit and Covening Schooling so that he may Learn to Read and write English for the true Performance of all and every the said Covenants . . ” Signed February 1st, 1720/21 by William Dobs, Walter Dobs In the presence of Thomas Kilmaster, Junr, John Hoglandt, Juner, Paul Pinaud. Acknowledged June 23rd, 1721 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registered for Theunis Montaine of the Said City Weaver the 25th Day of August Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Anthony Presler with the consent of his Father Valentine Presler to Theunis Montaine, Wever, for Seven Years from November 18th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Apprem tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice and att ye Expiration of ye said Term ye said Master or his Assignes to ye said Apprentice shall give and De- liver One New Suite of Cloaths or Apparell from head to foot and three New Shirts and shall Every winter during ye said Term putt ye said Apprentice, to ye Evening School three months to Learn to Read and write if their shall be such a School kept in harlem.” Signed November 18th, 1720 by Anthony Presler, Valentine Presler. In the presence of Hendrick Koerdis Edw. Blagge Acknowledged November 18th, 1720 before E. Blagge, Aider- man. Registerd for Joseph Kingston the 13th Day of September Anno Domini 1721. Indenture of Abraham Bertrand, son of Isaac Bertrand Late of ye City of London, Deceased, with the consent of his Mother Jane145 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Bertain to Joseph Kingston, Joyner and Hannah, his wife for seven years from September 15th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Shoes, Stockings, Lodging and Wash- ing fiting for an Apprentice ...” Signed September 15th, 1720 by Abraham Bertrand. In the presence of Daniel Lamoureux, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged October 26th, 1720 before John Cruger. Registerd for James Creighton, Barber the 7th of October 1721. Indenture of John Henry Shutze, son of Johan Michael Shutze with his concent to James Creighton, Barber & Perrukemaker for seven years from October 9th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice And at the End or Expiration of the Said Term Shall give unto the Said Apprentice the same quantity of Apparel of all sorts and as good in all respects as he bringeth with him. And the said Master shall put the said Apprentice to Even- ing School one Quarter in Every Year During the said Term.” Signed October 9th, 1720 by John Henry Schutze. In the presence of Johan Michael Schutze, John Bernard Vodi- rens, Richd Nicholls. Acknowledged January 5th, 17:20/21 before Fred. Phillipse, Justice of the Peace. Registerd for Mary Robinson widow the 10th Day of Novem- ber Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of Sarah Cooper, Aged about nine years of Age, Daughter in Law to John Sibly, Joyner, with his consent to Mary Robinson for Nine years from March 17th, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient, Meat, Drink, Lodging, Apparel and Washing fiting for an Apprentice . . ” Signed March 17th, 1720 by Sarah Cooper. In the presence of Benj. Rivers, John Sellwood. Acknowledged November 8th, 1721 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for George Aston, Tanner & Currier the 18th day of November Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of John Shereman, son of Thomas Sherman, late ofI46 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Elizabeth town in East New Jersey, Millwright, Deceased, with the consent of his Mother Eve Price, now the wife of Jacob Price of New York, Marriner to George Aston, Tanner & Currier for seven years & nine month from November 24th 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice. And shall also cause him to be taught to read and write for Three Quarters in three Several Winters at Even- ing School, and at the end or Expiration of the Said Term of Seven Years and nine months Shall give unto his said Apprentice One New Suit of Cloaths, consisting of Coat, westcoat and breeches, a hatt, two Neckcloths, two Shirts a pair of Stockings and a pair of Shoes all to be new. And a new shaving knife and a Bible . . . ” . Signed November 24th, 1720 by John Sherman. In the presence of Edwd Pennant, David Davis. Acknowledged November 24th, 1720 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registerd for John Demire, Cordwinder the 9th day of Decem- ber Anno Dom 1721. • . , Indenture of Jacob Bowman, son of George Mosener, Mer- chant with his consent to John Demire, Cordwinder for seven years from November 1st, 1720. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and his Master Shall give him Every year one Quarter Schooling in the Night and also at the Expiration of his time shall give him one New Sute of Apparell sufficient for such an Apprentice as also six Shurts, Six Neckcloths & one hat . . ” Signed November 21st, 1720 by Jacob Bowman. In the presence of John Kipp, Jacob Phenix. Acknowledged December 5th, 1721 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registerd for Richard Talbot, Pully Maker the 4th day of Jan- uary Anno Dom 1721/2 Indenture of Jacob Gerverro Bufflree son of Jacob Bufflree late of the City of New York Currier Now Deceased to Richard Talbot, Pully Maker for seven years from January 1st, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the Said Term of SevenINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I47 years shall give to said Apprentice one new Suit of Apparel from head to foot. Signed January 3rd, 1721 by Jacob Gerverrow Buffiree In the presence of Nicholas Anthony, Will Bradford. Acknowledged January 3rd, 1721/2 before John Cruger, Alder- man. Registerd for Mr. Thomas Parmiter the 21st February Anno Dom 1721. Indenture of John Price aged Eleven Years by ye consent of his Mother Marsey Norris of Elizabeth town in Ye province of New Jersey to Thomas Parmiter of flushing in Queens County on Nassau Island, Inginnear until twenty one years ,of his age from March 13th, 1720.. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, & Apparell, Lodging & Washing fiting for an Apprentice & at ye Expiration of ye said Term of one & twenty years of his Age ye Said Tho. Parmiter or his Assignes shall find provide & give to ye Said Apprentice two good new Seuts of Apparell for ye true Signed March 13th, 1720 by Marsy Norris. In the presence of Elizabeth Hutchins, Susana Parmijter. Acknowledged March 13th, 1720/21 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. . Registerd for Mrs. Hannah Buttler the 2nd day of May Anno .Dom 1722. Indenture of Katterne Wattson Daughter of Jacob Wattson with the consent of her Father and Mother to Hannah Buttler, for eight years from February 14th, 1721/22. Usual form including “find and provide unto the Said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice and also Learn the said Katterne Wattson to Read and Wright and to make Boath Men & Womans Gloves and the End of the said Term will give unto the said Apprentice a Good Suit of New Cloaths.” Signed February 14th, 1721/22 by Katterne Wattson. In the presence of John Hames, William Baldwin. Acknowledged March 6th, 1721/22 before Hermanus Van Gelder, Alderman and Justice of the Peace.148 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registerd for Mr. Nicholas Matysen the 2nd day of May Anno Dom 1722. Indenture of Nicholas Maes son of Arnout Hendericksen of the City of New York Carman with his consent to Nicholas Matysen, Black Smith, for seven years from January 18th, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fiting for an Apprentice. And at the end of the Term he the said Master shall give unto his Apprentice One Durois Coat, One Westcoat, one New Drugget Coat, one Westcoat half worne one pare of Indian Dress breeches, one old Ledder Breeches, six New Shirts three New musseling neckcloths two pare New Shoes three pare of new stockings two new hatts one Checkard Linnen breches and Schooling in Winter Evening from Christmas . . . ” Signed January 18th, 1721 by Nicholas Maes In the presence of Jno Schuyler, John Cregier. Acknowledged February 15th, 1722 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Thomas Gleaves, Joyner, the 5th day of May Anno Domini 1722. Indenture of Thomas Neely, Junior with the consent of his Father Thomas Neely late of the Kingdom of Ireland to Thomas Gleaves, Joyner for eight years from January 1st, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, also the said Thomas Gleaves shall teach or Cause to be taught his said Apprentice both to write and Cypher and likewise at the End of said Term of Eight years shall give said Apprentice a suite of Cloths . . . ” Signed May 8th, 1721 by Thps. Neely. In the presence of John Carhart, Jonathan Gleaves. Acknowledged May 8th, 1721 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registerd for Mr. Simon Semine [Soumaine], Silversmith the 6th of June 1722. Indenture of Elias Boudinot son of Mary Catherine Boudinot, Widdow, to Simon Semine, Silver Smiths for seven years from June 4th, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink . . Signed June 24th, 1721 by Elias Boudinot. In the presence of Louis Carre, Louis Carre, Jr. Acknowledged June 24th, 1721 before John Cruger, Alderman.149 / INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registered for Mr. George Brownell, Schoolmaster ye 18th day of July 1722. .Indenture of John Campbel, son of Robert Campbell with the consent of his Father and Mother , to George Brownell, School- master for tenn years and three months from May 29th, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitt for an Apprentice during the Said Term; and at the Expiration there- of to give unto the Said Apprentice one suit of Cloth new consist- ing of coat, westcoat & Breeches also one New Hatt, Six new Shirts, three pair of Stockings one pair of New Shoes suitable for his said Apprentice.” Signed August 3rd, 1721 by John Campbel. In the presence of Mary Smith, Cornelius Kiersted. Acknowledged April! 9th, 1722 before John Cruger, Alderman, and Justice of the Peace. Registered for Mr. Henry Rick, Black Smith ye 19th* Day of July 1722. Indenture of Adam Dobbs, son of Mr. Wm Dobbs and with his consent to Henry Rick, Blacksmith for Seven years from Aprill 1st, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & att the End of the Said Term of seven Years his said Master shall give unto the said Apprentice one New Suit of Apparell Consisting of Coat, Vest & briches, Stockings, Shoes & hatt four New Shirts & three New Neckcloths & shall Put the sd Apprentice to school on Winter Evenings to Learn to write & Cypher.” Signed Aprill 8th, 1722 by William Dobbs. In the presence of Charles Sleigh, John Doddrige. Acknowledged July 16th, 1722. Philip Cortlandt Registered for Mr. Phillip Schuyler, Merchant ye 25th Day of July 1722. Indenture of Jora Van Genei, Spinster to Phillip Schuyler, Mer- chant for Seven Years from June 8th, 1722. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-150 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . . ” Signed June 8th, 1722 by Jora Van Gene In the presence of G. Onckelbag, Gornelius Folleman. Acknowledged June 16th, 1722 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registered for Mr. Daniel Bennett, Cordwiner ye 25th Day of July 1722. Indenture of Peter Hennejou son of John Hennejou Late of the City of New York with the consent of his Mother to Daniel Bennett, Cordwiner, for seven years from August 17th, 1721. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and the said Master shall give unto his Said Apprentice Peter Hannejou one new Sute of Apparel both of Linen and Woolen from the head to the feet besides his Working Apparel and Allowance arid Charges for three Years of Schooling Every Winter three Months.” Signed August 17th, 1721 by Peter Hennejou, Margaret Henne- jou. In the presence of Poulas Burger, E. Baily. Acknowledged August 6th, 1722. Philip Cortlandt. Registered for Mr. John Roll Mariner ye 2nd of November 1722. Indenture of Tunis Van Pelt son of Tunis Van Pelt, botman to John Roll, Mariner for seven years from November 2nd, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Teach or cause him to be taught to Write Cypher and the Art of Navigation According as he may be Cap- able and at the End or Expiration of the said Term shall give unto his Apprentice one suit of new close and six sherts a Quand- rant Compass Seal and a Callander at the End of the above Term . . . ” Signed November 2nd, 1722 by Tunis Van Pelt. In the presence of W. Maetteyson, Elishea Tebree. Acknowledged November 2nd, 1722 before Phillip Cortlandt.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 151 Registered for Jonathan Gleaves Joyner the ioth of Novem- ber Anno Dom 1722. Indenture of Walter Dobs Junr with consent of his father Walter Dobs, to Jonathan Gleaves of the Island called L Island in the province of New York Joyner for seven years from No- vember 11 1721. Usual form including “find and Provide unto the said appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall teach him Writing & Cyphering, and a sufficient suit of Cloths at the End of the above Term . . . ” Signed November nth 1721 by Walter Dobbs In the Presence of Thos Gleaves, John St. bury. Acknowledged November nth 1721 before John Cruger. Registred for Thomas Windover, Cordwiner ye 4th of Jan- uary Anno Dom 1722/23 Indenture of William Pool son of William Pool to Thomas Windover Cordwiner for seven years from October 26th, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fiting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of said Term to give to his Said Apprentice a New Druggett Suitt of Cloats four New Shirsts, two Neckletts & one Quarter Schooling in the Winter Evening School.” Signed October 26th, 1772 by William Pool. In the presence of Wmt Balerem H. Demeyer. Acknowledged November 6th, 1722 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registered for Elias Manbrut, Cordwiner ye 15th day of Feb- ruary Anno Dom 1722. Indenture of Thomas Huritt with the consent of his Mother to Elias Manbrut, Cordwiner for fourteen years from February 7th, 1722 Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and its further agreed upon that the said Apprentice Shall be allowed the Benefitt of Three Months Schoole in Each Year during the Said Term at the Cost of his Master and152 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 at the Expiration of the said Term give him a New and Compleat Suit of Apparill & a Sett of Towles ...” Signed February 7th, 1722 by Thomas Hunt, Elie Manbrut, Anne Hunt. In the presence of John Everson, Robert Richardson. Acknowledged February nth, 1722 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for John Jackson, Cooper ye 12th Day of March Anno Dom 1722. Indenture of William Jackson to John Jackson, Tobacconist for Seven years for November 1st, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto he said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice for the first four Years of the within Mentioned Indenture.” Signed November 1st, 1722 by William Jackson In the presence of George Nicholls, Henry Evans. Acknowledged February 28th, 1722 before Robert Walter. Mayor. Registred for John Jackson Cooper ye 12th day of March Anno Dom 1722. Indenture of Thomas Pope, son of Mary Pope Widow, to John Jackson Cooper for Seven years from February nth, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the above said Term and when he comes out of his Apprenticeship to give him a sett of Coopers Tooles and sufficient Close.” Signed February nth, 1722 by Thomas Pope. In the presence of Teleman Cruger, Henry Cruger. Acknowledged February nth, 1722/3 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. John Mitchell ye 1st of April Anno Dom I723 Indenture of Richard Knight lately belonging unto his Majes- ties Ship Greyhound to John Mitchell, Shipwright for Seven years from December 20th, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 153 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . . . ” Signed December 20th 1722 by Richard Knight. In the presence of James Maurice, William Wendover, James Weeks. Acknowledged December 20th, 1722 before John Cruger, Aider- man. * Registred for Mr. Andrew Bisset the 22nd Day of Aprill Anno Domi 1723. Indenture of James Standley with the consent of his Mother Mary Standley to ^Andrew Bissett, Marriner for Tenn Years from Aprill 4th 1723. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the Said Term of Tenn Years and at the End of the Said Term his said Master shall give the Said Apprentice a good Suit of Cloaths and a seett of Instruments fitt for a Marriner.” Signed Aprill 4th, 1723 by James Standley, Mary Standley. In the presence of Hen: Pratt, Elizabeth Tingley. Acknowledged Aprill 4th, 1723 before Harmanus Vangelder, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Jacob Blom the 18th Day of May Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Walter Dobs, son of William Dobs Mariner to Jacob Blom, Turner for Seven Years from Aprill 1st, 1723. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Every winter three Months to be In- structed in the Evening School and after the Expiration of the .said term of Seven Years the said Master shall furnish the said Apprentice with a New Suit of Cloaths, containing in out Coat, Vest & briches & a hatt, one pair New Stockings, One pair of Shoes, four Linnen Shirts & four Necklatts all New fitting for his body.” Signed April 1st, 1723 by Jacob Blom, Walter Dobs. In the presence of William Dobs, John Doddruge, Roelif Van Vleck Acknowledged Aprill 4th, 1723 before Phillip Cortlandt.154 * INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registred for Mr. Alexander De Bonrepos, Saylemaker the thirteenth day of June Anno Domini 1723. Indenture of Benjamin Moore with the consent of his Father, to Alexander De Bone Repose, Saylemaker, for ten months and thirteen Years from August 18th, Anno Dom 1714- Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice. And also the Said Master shall teach *the said Apprentice to Read, Right & Accompt to the best of his Judgmt and at the Expiration of the Sd prentices time his said Master shall give him one New Sute of Desent Apparele and one peece of Eight for to furnish himself with Tools. . . . ” Signed August 18th, 1714 by Benjamin Moore. In the presence of John Moore, John Hyatt. Acknowledged August 18th, 1714 before Abraham Wendell, Alderman. Recorded for Mr. Johannes Lesser, Cordwinder the fourteen Day of June Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Hans Yure Bloom with the consent of his Father Andrew Blom Pallentine to Johannes Lesser, Cordwinder for Seven & half years from December 3rd, 1722. ' Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & Every Winter to be three Months Enstructed in the Evening School & after the Expiration of the Said Term the said Master shall furnish the said Apprentice wth a New Sute of Cloaths containing in a Coat, West & Briches, a hatt & a Pair Shoos & Stockings four Sherts & four Necklats all New besides the Old Aparle then belonging to his body.” Signed December 3rd, 1722 by Johan Yure Blom, Johannes Lesser. In the presence of J. Goelet. Acknowledged December 3rd, 1722 before Hermanus Van Gelder, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. William Conihane the eight day of July Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Hannah Lafever with the consent of her Mother Febey Moore, wife of William Moore, Yoeman, to William Conihane, Taylor for Seven Years from July 9th, 1722., Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel* Lodging and Washing fittingINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 155 for an Apprentice & a New Suit of Apparel at the Expiration of said Term & to learn the Said Apprentice to Read English. Signed July 9th, 1722 by Hannah Lafever. In the presence of Jacob Janeway, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged July 9th, 1722 before John Cruger, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Isaac Kipp the 13th of July Anno Domin 1723. Indenture of Daniel Robinson with the consent of Mrs. Mathew Watson, his mother, to Isaac Kipp, Cooper for Nine years from July 27th, 1722. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & washing fitting for an Apprentice & the Said Master Isaac Kip is to give his said Apprentice One New Suit of Cloaths Besides his Dayly Wearing Apparel at the Expiration of S<* Term &ySix New Shirts Six New Neck Cloath & Six New handkerchiefs & to teach or Cause to be Taught the Said Apprentice to Read write and Cipher.” Signed July 27th, 1722 by Daniel Robinson, Mathew Watson. In the presence of Jno Gara, Samll D’Honneur. Acknowledged July 20th, 1722 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registered for Mr. John Vanloo ye 24th day of July Anno Dom 1723 Indenture of Margret Perry, Spinster and Mother of John Hames her Natural Sonn by One John Hames late of the Same City of New York Marriner, Deceased hath by these presents doth put her said Sonn John Hames aged four years an Appren- tice & Servant unto John Vanloo, Gent, with him to live & after the Manner of an Apprentice and Servant to Serve him the said John Vanloo in any place or Places whatsoever he the Said John Vanloo Shall think fitt to Reside or Inhabitt from the Twelfth Day of July Anno Dom 1721 fill the Said Child Shall arrive at the Age Of Eighteen Years fully to be compleat ended During all which Term the Said Mother doth Promise Covenant & agree to & with the said John Vanloo & his Assigns that he the Said John Hames Shall Dwell with & faithfully Serve the Said John Vanloo or his Assigns. ’ That he shall keep his .Secrets & in Every Place at all times Obey his Lawful! Commands that he shall not Wast his Said'Masters Goods nor lend them Unlawfully to any. That156 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 he shall not -Play at any unlawfull Games where by his Said Master may have Damage nor Buy Sell or Trade Either with his own goods or the Goods of Others During the Said Term without his Masters Lycense that he shall not Absent himself Day or Night from his Said Masters Service without his Leave nor Con- tract Matrimony. That he shall at the age of Tenn Years if he so long live by an Indenture^ under his Own Hand & Seal Bind him- self to his Said Master for & during all the residue of the said time which shall be then unexpired if his Said Master Or His Assigns shall so require AND the Said Master During the said Term shall by the best means or Method that he Can Teach or Cause the Said Servant to be taught the Art which he now useth, & shall find & provide unto the Said Apprentice or Servant suffi- cient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for such an Apprentice & Servant & Shall also teach or Cause the Said Servant to be taught to read & to write for the true Performance of all & Every these Covenants & Agreements the Said Margaret Perry & the said John Vanloo do bind themselves either of them to the Other of them firmly by these Presents in the Penal Sum of One hundred pounds Current Money of the Providence of New York. IN WITNESS whereof they have hereunto intercharigably sett their hands & Seal the Twelfth day of July in the Seventh Year of his Majesties Reign Annoq Dom 1721 the mark of Margaret Perry. Sealed and delivered in the Presence of Edward Pennant, An- thony Byvanck. MEMORANDUM Appeared before me John Cruger Esq* Alderman & One of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for this City & County Margaret Perry Mother of John Hames and Ac- knowledged this Indenture to be her Volluntary Ackt & Deed. New York ye 3rd August 1721 John Cruger. Registered for Mr. John Breasted ye 25th day of July Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Gabriel VanLaer with the consent of his Father Garret Van Laer, Baker, to John Breedsteed, Block Maker & Turner for seven years from February 1st, 1719. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & At the Expiration of Said Apprentices time his Said Master shall give & provide him with a suit of Druggeti57 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 with Other usual Necessarys also every Winter his Sd Master shall give one Quarter Schooling at Nights.” Signed February ist, 1719 by Gabriel Van Laer. In the presence of Isaac Bratt, John Sellwood. Acknowledged July 24th, 1723 Phillip Cortlandt. Registered for Mr. Andrew Barkit ye 12th day of August Anno Dorn 1723. Indenture of John Barcker son of Susana Gooden of Phila- delphia with her consent to Andrew Barkit, Cordwiner for Seven years from August 13th, 1722. , Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel- Lodging and Washing fitting the said Apprentice & at the end of the Said Term Shall give unto the said Apprentice One New Suit of Apparel, Two Shirts & one Quarter Schooling in Each Year of his Apprenticeship during the said Term ...” Signed August 13th, 1722 by John Barcker* In the presence of Corns, Tenovan, John Wessell. Acknowledged August 21st, 1722 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registered for'Mr. Joseph Latham the 21st of August Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Michael Plower to Joseph Latham, Shipwright from the 23rd of August 1722 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and at the End or Expiration of the Said Term Shall give unto his said Apprentice one Intire Suit Apparell for Inside and out Side and sett of Tooles as is usuall in Like Cases . . . ” Signed August 3rd, 1722 by Michael Plower. In the presence of Wm. Clarke, Elias Chardavoyne Junr. Acknowledged August 23rd, 1722 before E. Blagge, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. » Registered for Mr. Bartholomew Miller ye 10th day of Septem- ber Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of George Eckling with the consent of his Mother Hannah Carter to Bartholomew Miller, Cordwiner from Novem- ber 3rd, 1722 for Eleven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging & Washing fitting158 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall find the said Apprentice two suitts of Cloaths or Apparel One for Sunday & one for Every Day, six good shirts & three Neck Cloaths & Yearly one Quarter Schooling . . . ” Signed November 3rd, 1722 by George Eckling. In the presence of Vaughan Davies, Peter Eldertree, Peter Zenger. Acknowledged November 12th, 1722 before John Cruger, Jus- tice of the Peace. Registred for Mrs. Elizabeth Sharpas ye 10th day of Septem- ber Anno Dom 1723. THIS INDENTURE made the Second day of September Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty three BE- TWEEN John Fortune a Free Negro Man of the City of New York, Cooper & Maria his wife a Free Negro woman of the One Part & Elizabeth Sharpas of the Said City Spinster of the Other part WITNESSETH that the Said John Fortune & Maria his wife have by these Presents put, placed & Bound their Daughter Elizabeth Fortune aged Nine Years the first day of March last Past as an Apprentice with the Said Elizabeth Sharpas to Dwell from the day of the Date of these presents for & during the Term of Nine Years from thence Next Ensuejng & fully to be Compleat & Ended by & During all which Time & Term the Said Elizabeth Fortune the said Elizabeth Sharpas her Mistress shall well truly & faithfully shall serve in all such lawfull Employ &. business as the Said Elizabeth Sharpas Shall put her the Said Elizabeth For- tune unto According to her power witt & Ability & honestly & Obediently in all things shall behave herself towards her Said Mistress & all hers & shall Not Contract Matrimony during the Said Term AND the Said Elizabeth Sharpas for her Part Promiseth Covenanteth & Agreeth that She the Said Elizabeth Sharpas [shall teach] the Said Apprentice Elizabeth Fortune in the Art & Skill of Housewifery the Best Manner that she May or Can, Shall teach & inform or Cause to be taught & Informed & well to read the English Tongue & also during all the Said Term Shall and will find for her Said Apprentice sufficient Apparel, Meat, Drink, Washing & Lodging & all Other things Necessary & Convenient for Such an Apprentice for & During the Term afore- said & at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall & will giye unto her Said Apprentice one Good New Suit of Apparel both Linnen & Woolen Over & above her usual wearing Cloaths. IN WITNESS whereof the Parties to these Presents haveINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 159 Interchangably sett their hands & Seals the Day & Year first above Written John Fortune, Maria Fortune. Sealed and delivered In the Presence of Peter Porter, Paroculus Parmyter, Will Sharpas. MEMORANDUM that on the Second Day of September Anno Domin 1723 Personally appeared before me David Jamison Esqr Recorder of the City of New York & one of his Majesties Jus- tices of the peace of the Said City & County the within Named John Fortune & Maria his wife and ACKNOWLEDGED the within Indenture of Apprenticeship to be their Voluntary Act1 and Deed to the Use therein Mentioned & at the same time the Said Apprentice Acknowledged & Declared her free Consent thereunto. David Jamison. Recorded for Mr. Benjamin Hildreth ye 10th November Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Cornelius Bulsinck son of Cornelius Bulsinck of the City of New York Shipwrite to Benjamin Hildreth, Taylor from November 6th, 1722 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the Above Said Term & at the Expira- tion thereof his Said Master shall Give unto his Said Apprentice one New Good Drogget Sutte and four Good New Linnen Shurts and also shall give him Schooling to Learn to Read Write and Arithmetick Sometime during the said Term . . . ” Signed November 12th, 1722 by Cornelius Bulsinck. In the presence of William Beekman, Henry Beekman. Acknowledged November nth, 1723 before John Cruger, Jus- tice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. William Bradford the 21st day of Novem- ber Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Matthias Van Bells of the City of New York to William Bradford, Printer from March 1st, 1722 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and During Said Term shall Teach him to read and write & at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall give to said Apprentice two suits of Apparel one of them to be New . . . ” Signed March 2nd, 1722 by Matthias Van Bells. In the presence of Jean Haywood, William Wiblin. Acknowledged June 18th, 1723 before John Cruger, Alderman.l6o INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Registred for Mr. John Taylor the 13th day of December Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of John Parker son of Samuel Parker of Woodbridge in the Province of New Jersey and with the consent of his Father and also his Mother Janna Parker to John Taylor, Brasier from September 1st, 1723 for Nine years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice AND during the first five Years of the above Said Term Shall put the said Apprentice to the Night School to perfect him in his writing & Arethmetick & at the Expiration of Said Term Shall give to his said Apprentice two Very good New Suits of Apparel besides his Common Apparel & also Six good New Shirts with Neckcloths & Handkerchiefs Suitable & propor- tionable to the Same . , . ” Signed August 30th, 1723 by John Parker. In the presence of Thomas Englis, Jana Parker, William Brad- ford. Acknowledged August 31st, 1723 before John Cruger. Memorandum I promise to give my son John Parker bed and Bed Cloaths for him to Lie on during his Apprenticeship & one suit of apparel & to make up the Shirts that he has to the Number of Six. Jana Parker. Registred for Mr. James Brown the 17th Day of December Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of.Vander Clife Baretel, son of John Baretel late of the City of New York Chyrurgeon, Deceased and with the con- sent of his Mother Margaret Bartel to James Brown, Barber & Wiggmaker from 23rd of February 1722 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & a Quarters Schooling in Every year for four years in the Winter Evenings sometime after Christmass & at the End of the Said Term of Seven years shall give unto his said Ap- prentice one Intire new Suit of Apparel from head to foot & four New Shirtts & shall give him a hone two Razors A pair Cards and A pair Scissors and a Block.” Signed March nth, 1722 by Vander Clife Baretel. In the presence of David Davis, Beverley Latham. Acknowledged March 12th, 1722 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 - l6l Registred for Mr. Johannes Vanvorst ye 17th Day of December Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of John Thorne, son of John Thorne, Deceased with the consent of his Mother Mary Thorne to Johannes Vanvorst, Juniour, Baker from August 1st, 1723 for Seven years & Seven Months. , Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of the said Term of Seven Years & Seven Months the Said Master shall give unto the Said Apprentice one whole New Suit of Apparel Six New Shirts & Neckloths & new Shoes & Stockings & hatt and Shall keep the Said Apprentice att School Six Months on Winter Evenings Dur- ing the said Terme to Read write and Cypher.” Signed August 1st, 1723 by Jno Thorne. In the presence of Charles Sleigh, Jacob Rick. Acknowledged August 10th, 1723 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Daniel 'Bonnet ye 18th Day of December Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Henry Hardman, son of Christian Hardman of the City of New York, Carman, to Daniel Bonnet, Cordwinder from December 20th, 1722 for Eight Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of the Said Term Shall give unto the Said Apprentice a New Suit of Apparel with four Shirts & Yearly one QUARTERS night Schooling & over & above three Neckcloths.” Signed February 20th, 1722/3 by Henry Hartman. In the presence of Hendrick VandeWater, Peter Zenger. Acknowledged December 16th, 1723 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman. Registred for Mr. John Yerworth ye 29th day of January Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Bassett Hughes of the City of New York aged about Nineteen Years to John Yerworth, Shipwright from Feb- ruary 1st, 1722 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the End or Expiration of the Said Term162 indentures of apprentices, 1718-1727 shall give unto his Said Apprentice a sett of working Tools & Ap- parell in as Good condition as those the said Apprentice' now hath.” Signed February 1st, 1722 by Bassett Hughes. In the presence of John Walter, Vaughan Davis. Acknowledged January 26th, 1722 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for Mr. John Yerworth the 29th day of January Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Richard Eckles now of the city of New York Aged about Eighteen years to John Yerworth, Shipwright from January 29th, 1723 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide into the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the said Term aforesaid.” Signed January 29th, 1723 by Richard Eckles. In the presence of Robert Leonard, John Hames. Acknowledged January 29th, 1723 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for Mr. Samuel Payton ye 29th Day of January Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Anna Deleiea Wieller Daughter of Marton Wiel- ler, planter, with his consent, to Samuel Payton, Mariner from January 29th, 1723 for Eight Years. ; Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing befitting such an Apprentice & also Provide that she shall be taught to read & at the Expiration of the said Term of Eight Years shall give unto the said Apprentice an Entire Suit of Apparel both Linnen & Wollen Befitting such an apprentice ...” Signed January 28th, 1722/3 by Anna Deleiea Wieller. In the presence of Thomas Clarke, Bartholom Skaats. Acknowledged January 29th, 1723/4 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Charles Crooke ye 3rd day of March Anno Dom 1723. Indenture of Daniel France of the city of New York to Charles Crooke from October 20th, 1721 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging & Washing fittingINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 163 for an Apprentice & that the Said Charles Crooke is to Lett the said Apprentice Learn to read & Write & at the Expiration of the Said Apprenticeship the Said Master shall find & Provide for the Said Apprentice one New Suit of Apparel threw out . . . ” Signed October 20th, 1721 by Daniel France. In the presence of Andw Marchalk, Sarah Kip. Acknowledged May 8th, 1722 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. John Cure ye 7th day of March Anno Dom 1723- Indenture of Effe Tincklebagh, Daughter of Paulus Tinckle- hagh Labourer, Aged about eight years with his consent to John Cure, Vintuer from May 1st, 1723 for, Tenn Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice or Servant as is usual and customary within this province of New York.” Signed December 6th, 1722 by Effe Tincklebagh, Paulus Tincklebagh, In the presence of Edward Pennant, Michel Peffer. Acknowledged April 6th, 1723 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Henry Hassall ye 28th Day of March Anno Dom 1724. THIS INDENTURE Wittnesseth that the 26th Day of March in 1724 in the tenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George King of Great Brittain Annoqz Dom Between John Spicer •of Bristol Husbanman of the one part and Henry Hassall of the City of- New York of the Other part and Wittness that the Said John Spicer hath Put himself and by these presents doth Volun- tarily and of his Own free will and Accord put himself Appren- tice to Henry Hassall for the Term of four Years Next Ensueing with him to Live and after the Manner of an Apprentice to Serve from the date hereof the Day of March Anno Domin One thou- sand Seven hundred and twenty four till the full term of four Years be compleat and ended during all which Term the said Ap- prentice his Said Master faithfully. shall Serve his secrets keep, his lawfull commands Gladly Every where Obey, he shall do no Damage to his Said Master nor see to be Done by Others without letting or giving Notice to his said Master he shall not Wast his Said Masters Goods nor Lend them unlawfully to any he shall not Commit fornication nor Contract Matrimony within the Said. 164 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Term at Cards, dice or any other unlawfull Game he shall not play ' whereby his Said Master may have Damage with his own goods ' nor the Goods of others during the said Term without Lisence from his Said Master he shall Neither buy nor Sell, he shall not Absent himself day nor Night from his Masters Service without his Leave nor haunt Ale houses Taverns or play houses but in all things as a faithfull Apprentice he shall behave himself to- wards his Said Master & all his during the Said Term & the Said Master during the Said Term shall by the best means or Method that he can teach or Cause the Said Apprentice to be taught the Art or Mystery of a hasbentry & shall also find & provide unto the said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & further with a Proviser that John Spicer doth Serve the full Term of four years he is to have two new Suts of Apparel and three pounds in Money for the true Performance of all & every the Said Covenants & agreements each of the Said Parties bind themselves unto the Other by these presents. IN WITNESS whereof they have hereunto Interchangably put their hands and seals this twenty six day of March in the Tenth Year of his Majestys Reign Annoq Dom One thousand Seven hundred and twenty four the Mark of John Spicer. Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Gandy, Robert Crannel. New York, the 20th of March 1724 Then Personally appeared before me Robert Walter Esqr Mayor of the City of New York the within Named John Spicer and Acknowledged the > within Indenture to be his Own Voluntary Act and Deed. R. Walter. Registred for Mr. Adrian Bogard the 14th day of Aprill Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Louis Boumie with the consent of his Father Francis Boumie to Adrian Bogard, Turner from Aprill 13th 1724. for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging.” Signed Aprill 13th, 1724 by Louis Boumie. In the presence of Abm Van Vleck, William Gilbert. Acknowledged April 13th, 1724, before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mrs. Annacha House the 1st of June Anno Dom J724- Indenture of Henry Millbagh son of Jacob Millbagh late of Germany, Labourer deceased, Aged about Eleven years with theINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 , 165 consent of his Kinsman Caspar Hartroick, Gardner to John House, boatman & to Annachas his wife from July ioth, 1722 for Eleven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodgeing and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall Cause him to be taught to Read and write English at the -usual times in the winter Evenings and at the End or Expiration of the Said Term of Eleven Years shall give unto the said Apprentice A good Coat, Wastcoat, A pair Breeches, One hatt, Two Neckcloths, two shirts, two pair of stock- ings and two Pair of Shoes all New and over and besides his daily working or wearing Cloaths.” Signed July ioth, 1722 by Henry Millbagh. In the presence of Edward Pennant, John Dum, Casper Heart- wig. Acknowledged July nth, 1722 before Fredrick Phillips, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Joseph Kingston the ioth day of June Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Thomas Kyerck with the consent of Isaac Cantine of the Mannor of Pelham in the County of West Chester Yeoman Executor of the Last Will & Testament of William Kyerk, father of the Said Thomas Kyerck to Joseph Kingston, Joyner and Han- nah his wife from June 13th, 1723 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging Washing fitting for an Apprentice at the End of the Said Term give unto his Said Apprentice One New Suit of Cloths Linnen & Woolen with Stock- ings Shoes & Hatt . . ” Signed June 13th, 1723 by Thomas Kyerck, Isaac Contine. In the presence of Abraham Bertrand, James Weeks. Acknowledged June 13th 1723 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for Mr. Hercules Wendover the 24th day of June Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Cornelius Van Gelder the son of Abraham Van Gelder house Carpenter, Aged about seventeen years and nine months with the consent of his Father to Hercules Wendover, Blacksmith from June 17th 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, fitting for an Apprentice And shall give unto the said Apprentice Three Months Schooling at thei66 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 usuall Times in every Year during the said Term to Learn to Read write and Cypher and also to find him the said Apprentice in sufficient Shoes during all the said Term.” Signed June 17th, 1724 by Cornelius Van Gelder. In the presence of Peter Demilt, Hen Pratt. Acknowledged June 23rd, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registered for Mr Abraham Boeke the 28th Day of August I724- Indenture of Elizabeth Hartamann daughter of Christian Hartamann and Sarah his wife and with their consent to Abra- ham Boeke, Cooper from June nth, 1724 for Nine years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice. Also give unto the said Apprentice School- ing to Learn to read and at the Expiration of her time, shall give her one new sute of cloaths for Sabbath Day, Six new Shifts of Capps, Handkerchiefs and Aprons one half dozin of Each all which are to be over and above the Cloths she shall be possessed with before the Expiration of said Apprentices time . . . . ” Signed June nth, 1724 by Elizabeth Hartamann. In the presence of John Dyre, John Sell wood. Acknowledged June 29th, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. John Reupel the 1st day of September 1724. Indenture of Davis Larvrier or Lanrier son of Willhelmus Larvrier or Lanrier late of the city of New York, Mariner and with consent of his Mother Elizabeth Wright to John Reupel, Baker from September 6th, 1723 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the End and. Expiration of said Term shall give unto the said Apprentice two suits of Apparrel one thereof to be new according to the Custom of the Country and yearly one quarters Night Schooling.” Signed September 6th, 1723 by Davis Larvrier or Lanrier, Elizabeth Wright. In the presence of Phillip Cortlandt, Peter Zenger. Acknowledged September 7th, 1723 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Peter Quintard the 3rd day of October Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Peter David an infant of about fifteen years ofINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 167 agge and an orten [Orphan] by and with the Consent of John David and John Dupuy Cherurgien to Peter Quintard, GoldSmith from June 12th, 1722 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . . .” Signed June 12th, 1722 by Peter David, Jean David, J. Dupuy. In the presence of Elias Chardavoyne Jum*, George Muirson. Acknowledged June 5th, 1723 before Phillip Cortlandt. Reigistred for Mr. James Brown the 12th Day of October Anno Dom 1724. THIS INDENTURE made the twenty third day of July Anno Dom one thousand Seven hundred twenty and four Witt- nesseth that Sarah Wignal of the City of New York Widow and Relict of Robert Wignall late of the same place Mariner De- ceased having a Daughter Named Sarah Cracraft Aged about Eight Years by and with the free will and consent of the said Sarah Cracraft her Daughter hath put and by these doth place and put her said Daughter or Child Named Sarah Cracraft an Apprentice to James Brown of the City of New York Vinter and Wiggmaker with him to live and after the manner of an Appren- tice to serve from the twenty third day of July Anno Dom 1724 till the full term of ten years by compleat and ended. During all which term the said Sarah Wignal doth hereby Covenant and Agree that the said Apprentice her said Master and Mistress or their Assigns faithfully shall serve his secrets keep, his Lawfull Commands Gladly every where obey. She shall do no Damage to h£r said Master nor see to be done by others without letting or giving Notice to her said Master. She shall not waste her said Masters Goods nor lend them unlawfully to any She shall not Committ Fornication nor Contract Matrimony within the said term, at Cards, Dice or any other unlawful! Game she shall not play whereby her . Said Master may have Damage with her own goods nor the goods of others during the said term without Lisence from her said Master. She shall neither buy nor sell she shall not absent herself day nor night from her Masters ser- vice without his leave nor haunt Ale houses Taverns or play houses but in all things as a faithfull Apprentice. She shall behave herself towards her Said Master and all his during the said term and the said Master during the said term shall by the best means or Method that he can teach or cause the said Ap- prentice to be taught the Art or Mystery of a Housewife Andl68 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 shall also find and provide unto the Said Apprentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice And at the end or Expiration of the Said Term shall give unto the Said Apprentice A new Suit of Apparel for the true performance of all and every the Said Covenants and Agreements each of the said parties bind themselves unto the other by these Presents IN WITNESS whereof they have hereunto interchangeably put their hand and seals this twenty third day of July in the tenth Year of his Majesties Reign Annoq Domini one thousand Seven hundred and twenty four the mark of Sarah Wignal the mark of Sarah Cracraf. ' ' Sealed and delivered in the presence of David Davis, Edward Pennant. MEMORANDUM this 24th day of July 1724 then personally came before me Phillip Cortlandt Esqr Alderman and one of his Majesties Justics of the Peace for the City and County of New York the within named Sarah Wignal and her Daughter Sarah Cracraft and Acknowledged the within Indenture to be their Vol- untary Act and Deed wittness my hand the day and Year above written Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. James Brown the 13th Day of October Anno Domini 1724. Indenture of William Mahon Aged about eight years with the consent of Capt Ebenezer Willson and Catherine Nix Widow, to James Brown, Barber & Wiggmaker from July 26th, 1724 for Thirteen years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and also put the said Apprentice to School at the usual times in the Winter Seasons to learn to Reade write and Cypher and at the end of the Said term or time Shall give unto him one entire New Suit of Apparel.” Signed July 31st, 1724 by William Mahon. In the presence of Ebenezer Willson, Catherine Nix. Ph. Pipon. Acknowledged August 7th, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Ahasueras Ellsworth the 15th Day of Oc- tober Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Daniel Clifford sonn of Daniel Clifford late of the City of New York private Centenal with the consent of hisINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 169 Mother Hannah to Ahasueras Ellsworth, Turner from April •25th, 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and that he at his own Cost and Charges Shall Give unto his Said Apprentice One Quarter of a Year Schooling in the Winter Season at Eevens.” Signed April 4th, 1724 by Daniel Clifford, Hannah Patrick. In the presence of G. Stuyvesant, John Margeson. Acknowledged April 25th, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt, Aider- man, and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Edward Jones the 26th Day of October Anno Domini 1724. Indenture of Robert Kelly sonn of Henry Kelly late of Boston in New England Mariner, Deceased Aged about Twelve years with the consent of his Mother Elizabeth Hawkings to Edward Jones, Barber and Wiggmaker from October 26th, 1724, until he reaches the age of Twenty one. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice for and During all the Said term and also at the usual times in the winter season shall put him to school Learn to Read write and Cypher . . Signed October 26th, 1724 by Robert Kelly. In the presence of Edward Pennant, Elizabeth Hawkins. Acknowledged October 26th, 1724, before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Robert Richardson the 27th day of October Anno Dohi 1724. Indenture of Alexander Holmes son of Thomas Ware and Jane Weare his wife, to Robert Richardson, Cooper, from January 16th, 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice, also three Winters Schooling of his Said Ap- prenticeship and one Suit of New Drugett Cloath Six Shirts a pair of Shoes Stockings hatt and two Neckcloath fitting for an Apprentice.” Signed January 16th, 1724 by Alexander Holmes. • In the presence of Simon Pasco, Elie Manbrut. Acknowledged October 26th, 1724. before Phillip Cortlandt.ryo INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Registred for Mr. James Quick the 24th Day November 1724. Indenture of Alexander Danielson the son of Elizabeth Burres [Burrows] to James Quick, Cordwaner from 17th of September 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel. Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and after the Expiration of the Said Term the said Master or Mistress shall fit out the said Aprintice with one heat one Coot with one pair of Britches one pair of Stockings three surths, tow Nekelets one pair of shoos all new fitting for his body and three Munths in Every Wenter Schooling . . . ” Signed September 18th, 1724. by Alexander Daniels, Elizabeth Burres [Burrows]. In the presence of Jeremie Chardavoyne, Samh D* Honneur. Acknowledged September 22nd, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Charles Crooke the 25th day of November Anno 1724. Indenture of Francis Franciscow of the Outh Ward of the City of New York to Charles Crooke from 25th day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 1724. for seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat,' Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and that the said Charles Crooke is to lett the Said Apprentice Learn to Read and write and at the Experation of the Said Apprentiship the said Master shall find and provide for the Said Apprentice one New Sute of Apparill throughout and three pounds in Mony . . . ” Signed November 25th, 1724 by Francis Franciscow. In the presence of Johannis Man, Adre Bogart. Acknowledged November 24th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Samuel Pell the 4th Day of January Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Isac Van Galder son of Abraham Van Galder, house Carpenter by his fathers consent to, Samuel Pell, Ship- wright from February 26th, 1723 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging, fitting for an Apprentice andINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 171 to let him goe the two Last Winters Nites of his time to School at my one Cost and Charge and to find him Shoues.” Signed February 26th, 1723 by Isaac Van Gealder. In the presence of Charles Butler, Joseph Latham. Acknowledged March 6th, 1723/4 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Samuel Pell & Joseph Latham the 5th Day of January Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of James Norris from Phillep Dalpah, Ship Carpen- ter to Samuell Pell and Joseph Latham, both Ship wrights from 28th day of November 1724 for seven years. Us,ual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice during the said Term of Seven Years.” Signed November 8th, 1724 by James Norris. In the presence of Robert Crannell Junr, Moses Tonnard. Acknowledged November 30th, 1724 before before Robert Walter, Mayor. Recorded for Mr. Samuel Aske the 5th Day of January Anno Domini 1724. Indenture of Yakem Van Mepla with the consent of his Mother to Samuel Aske, Skinner and Glover from the 19th day of Feb- ruary 1723/4 for Eight Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and att the End of the Said term the said Mas- ter is to alow unto the Said Apprentice a shifishent Shut of New Aparill and all things sutable thearunto during the Said term alowing the said aprentis three months shooling by nights and three new shorts. Signed February 19th, .1723/4 by Yakem Van Mepla. In the presence of John Rushton, William Toppin. Acknowledged January 4th, 1724/5 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Andries Barheight the 21st day of January Anno Domini 1724. Indenture of Robert Jacblen with the consent of his Mother Catherine Jacblen, Widow, to Andries Barheight, Cordwiner, from January 31st, 1723 for thirteen Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit-172 INDENTURES, OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 ting for an Apprentice, one Quarter Schooling every Winter in the Evening Schooling to Learn to Read write and Cypher and at the Expiration of said term to Give the Said Apprentice a New Cloath Drugget Suit of Apparel consisting of Coat Westcoat and Britches four New Shirts four Neckletts two pair of hoes and two pair of Shoes . . . ” Signed January 31st, 1723 by Robert Jackblen, Catherine Jek- lin. In the presence of Cornel Tenouan, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged January 8th. 1724/5 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Thomas Dobson the 22nd Day of January Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Samuel Moore with the consent of his Uncle Rich- ard Berry, Joyner to Thomas Dobson, Glover, from October 1st, 1724 for four years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the said term Shall give unto his Said Apprentice a suit of New Cloths and all things necessary thereunto belonging and also shall give his Said Apprentice three Months Schooling Every Winter During the said term for the true performance of all and every the said Cove- nants and Agreements Either of the said parties bind themselves unto the other in the Sum of Twenty pounds Current money of New York.” Signed November 7th, 1724 by Samuel Moore. In the presence of John Kelly, George Hiell, Richard Berry. Acknowledged November 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Samuel Loveridge the 2nd day of February Anno Domini 1724/5. Indenture of John Post son of Catharine Post, Inkeeper with her consent to Samuel Loveridge, Shipwright from September 20th, 1724 for seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing firing for an apprentice & during the said Term one Quarters Schooling at Night Yearly and at the Expiration of the Said Term shallINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I73 give unto the Said Apprentice two suits of apparel one thereof to be New also Six New Shirts & six Stocks & two pair of Shooes & one New Hat.” Signed September 20th, 1724/5 by John Post. In the presence of Peter Zenger, John Labach. Acknowledged January 29th, 1724/5 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Richard Eckles the Twelfth Day of February Anno Domini 1724. KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that I the within Named John Yerworth for Divers Good Causes and Considerations me thereunto Moving have Remised Released and Quitt Clamed and by these Presents do forme my Heirs, Executors and Adminis- trators for ever Quitt Claim unto the within Bounden Appren- tice Richard Eckles all the Right, Titles and Pretentions that I have to the Said-Apprentice by Virtue of the Within Indenture as Witness ,my hand and Seale this twenty first day of August Annoq Dom one Thousand Seven hundred and twenty four Jn« Yer worth [Seal]. Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us Ja Stear, Ed Blagge. City of New York: SS: MEMORANDUM that on the 25th of August 1724/5 Personally appeared before me Phillip Cortlandt Esqr one of the Aldermen of the Said City and one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the City and County of New York John Yerworth of the Said City Shipwright and Acknowl- edged the above Release to be his free Act and Deed, Phillip Cortlandt. Memorandum this Release is Endorsed on the back Side of the Original Indenture which Indenture is Registred in this Booke fol 203-204. Registred for Mr. James Coden the Twelfth day of February Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Richard Russell aged about Seventeen Years, be- ing the son of Rebecke Eckles and with her consent to James Coden, Mariner to serve from the 21st day of August, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration * of the Said Term Shall174 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Diliver unto the said Apprentice one Suite of New Cloaths from head to foot. Signed August 21st, 1724 by Richard Rusel. In the presence of Jno Yerworth, E. Blagge. Acknowledged August 21st, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Cornellius Stephens the Seventeenth day of March Anno Dom 1724. Indenture of Alexander Knowels, son of Elizabeth Knowels and with her consent to Cornelius Stephens, Cordwainer from 25th day of March, 1724 for Nine years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Washing and Lodging fitting for an Apprentice and after the Expiration of the Said Term the Said Master or Mistress shall fith out the said Apprentice Besids the Cloos then Beloning to his body with one hatt one Coat, vest, one pair of Britchis one pair of Stokins two Shurths two Necklets one pair of Shoes all new fitting for his body and six Quarters Scholling in his Apprenticeship and a set of working tools . . . ” Signed March 27th, 1724 by Allexander Knowles, Eliza* Knowles. In the presence of John Hitchcock, Phillip Cortlandt. Acknowledged March 17th, 1724 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Gerard Beekman the thirty first Day of March Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of John Berrian with the consent of his Father Peter Berrian of Newtown In Queens County, Surveyor, to Gerard Beekman, Merchant to serve from April 13th, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice . . ” Signed April 13th, 1724 by John Berrien, Peter Berrien. In the presence of Benjamin Fish, Sofia Grau. Acknowledged March 31st, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt, Jus- tice of the Peace.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I7.18-I727 I75 Registred for Capt Robert Leonard the 12th of Aprill Anno Dom 1725. . ■ _ Indenture of William Shakerly. Junr with the consent of his Father William Shakerly, to Capt Robert Leonard to serve from 14th day of October, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice & the aforesaid Capt Robert Leonard doth promise for himself his Execrs Administrators that at the Expiration of the said term of Seven years or other Determination of the Appren- tiship he will provide & furnish the said William Shakely Jum* with a good suit of Cloths suitable to his condition.” Signed October 14th, 1724 by William Shakerly. In the presence of Jno Yerworth, Rob* Livingston, Jr. Acknowledged April 7th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt, Jus- tice of the Peace. Registred for Mr John Bell the Twelvth day of April Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Robert Troup with the consent of his Father, Jno Troup to John Bell, Carpenter, to serve from June 1st, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual Form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat,'Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice, and at the Expiration of said Term shall give to said Apprentice two suits of Apparell one of them to be New and compleat . . ” Signed June 1st, 1724 by Robert Troup. In the presence of John Troup. James Blythe, John Young, William Bradford. Acknowledged December 30th, 1724 before John Cruger, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Cornelius Brookman the 14th day of May Anno, Dom 1725. Indenture of Thomas Horner with the consent of his Father Thomas Horner to Cornelius Brookman, Barber & perrywigg maker to serve from April 14th, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and the said Cornelius Brookman shall teach or Cause to be taught the said Apprentice to Read write and Cypher as is usual in this said City of New York and at the Expiration176 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 of the Said Seven Years Shall Provide the said Apprentice with a Good Suit of Cloaths two Shirts two Neckecloths one Pair of Stockings one Pair of Shoes and Hatt.” Signed April 14th, 1725 by Thomas Horner, Thomas Horner Sr. In the presence of John Burtel, Hen. Pratt. Acknowledged April 21st, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Joshua Delaplaine the fourteen day of May Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of William Jones, son of Margaret Jones, Widow, to Joshua Delapliane, Joyner to serve from March 1st, 1724/5 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice Signed March 26th, 1725 by William Jones. In the presence of John Sellwood, Sem, Francis Warne. Acknowledged May 12th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt, Jus- tice of the Peace. Registred for Thomas Elde the first day of June Anno Dom I72S* Indenture of Folkerk Van Housen with the consent of his Father to Thomas Elde, Black Smith, to serve from July 1st, 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice, and the said Master shall Instruct or Cause to be Instructed to Read in the Bible & at the Expiration of the above Said Seaven Years the said Master or Mistress shall pro- vide for the above said Apprentice one New Sute of Apparel threwout worth ten pounds . . . . ” Signed August 26th, 1724 by Folkert Van Housen. In the Presence of Thomas Wendover, Hen. Pratt. Acknowledged November 19th, 1724 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Martinus Eght the third day of June Anno Domini 1725. Indenture of Martinus Meyer, son of Harman Meyer late of the City of New York, Deceased with the consent of his Mother,INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 177 to Martinus Eght, Smith to serve from May 24th, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice two Suits of Apparel one whereof to be new, Six New Shirts & one Smiths Bellows and also one Quarter Schooling during the said term and no more . . ... . ” Signed May 24th, 1724 by Martinus Meyer. In the presence of Anthony Kip, John Kip. Acknowledged June 5th, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for John Bassett the 10th day of June Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Elizabeth Van Vlecq with the consent of her father Roeloff Van Vlecq, Weaver to John Bassett, Pewterer to serve from May 3rd, 1725 for Nine Years and Seven Months. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & to learn the said apprentice the art or mys- tery of a linen & woolen seamstress, & at the Expiration of the Said term to provide for the said Apprentice A Good New Suite of Apparel . . . ” Signed May 3rd, 1725 by Elizabeth. Van Vlecq, Roeloff Van Vlecq. In the presence of Henry Filkin, John Manbreut. Acknowledged June 8th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Henry Labagh the 19th day of July Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Joseph North with the consent of his Mother Mary Jones to Henry Labagh, Cooper, to serve from May 10th, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and during the said Term shall allow unto the said Apprentice Yearly one quarters schooling and at the Ex- piration of the Said Term shall give unto the said Apprentice two suits of Apparel one whereof to be new according to the Custom of the Country also four New Shirts four Neckcloths a New hatt and New Shoes & Stockings Signed June 6th, 1725 by Joseph North. In the presence of Isaac Kip, Abraham Kip. Acknowledged July 7th, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, AldermanI78 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Registred for Thomas Thamson the tenth day of August Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of William Brown son of Ellenor Cannor of Salis- bury in the County of Essex to Thomas Thamson, Coordwynder to serve from 25th day of December, 1723 for Nine years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Washing & Lodging fitting for an Apprentice during Said term and at the Expuration give unto the said Apprentice one new Suite of Close from top to toe & Six New Shirts, Six New Nacklotts, two New Peukitt hen- cithers also all the Close & Apparel which he hath at that time & teach or Cause to be teacht every winter one Quarter of Engelis Scoll during said term to Learn to Reed writ and cyffer . . . . ” Signed March 8th, 1723 by William Brown. In the presence of Peter Wessells. Acknowledged March 25th, 1724 before Frederick Philipse, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Henry Schleydorn the nth day of August Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Andrew Larong son of Mary Larong, Widdow, to Henry Schleydon, Taylor, and his wife Elizabeth to serve from May 4th, 1724 for Eight Years and a half. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the said term he the said Henry Schleydorn shall give unto his Apprentice aforesaid one New Suite of Cloaths befitting a Person of his Degree & two Quarters Schooling in the winter Evenings Each Year the two first years of the term aforesaid . . . ” Signed May 4th, 1724 by Andrew Larong. In the presence of Hannah Bassett, Will*** Lane. Acknowledged May 6th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman Registred for Mr. John Hastier the 23rd day of August Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Christopher Robert, son of Susannah LaRoche to John Hastier; Sylversmyth to serve from May 8th, 1723 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and his said Master shall give him the Liberty of a Quarter Schooling Every Year During the date here of and shallINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I79 also give him the Liberty to go and sleep at his Mothers House Every Night . . . ” Signed May 8th, 1723 by Christopher Robert. In the presence of Edward Burling, Ellias Pelltreau, Junr Acknowledged May 8th 1723 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Joost Sooy the 14th day of September Anno Dorn 1725. THIS INDENTURE Wittnesseth that Mary Vander Ripe of the City of New York Spinster in Consideration of her being Justly indebted unto Jost Sooy of the Same place Cooper in the Sume of fifteen pounds lawfull money of New York and having noe other way to pay or Satisfy the same than by Servitude HATH put herself and by those Presents Doth put herself a Servant to the said Jost Sooy to serve him and his assigns from the day.of the date hereof for and during the full End and term of four years next Ensueing during which term the said Mary Vander Ripe the said Jost Sooy & his Assigns faithfully Serve in every respect as a Dutiful & Obedient Servant Ought to do without absenting herself day or Night without leave first had & Obtained and the said Jost Sooy during the said term shall find & Provide the said Mary Vander Ripe with good & Sufficient Meat, Drink, Washing, Lodging & Apparel for the true performance of .all & Every the said Covenants & agreements each of the said Parties bind themselves to the other by these Presents. IN WITTNESS whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto Interchangeably sett their hands & Seals this Eleventh -day of May in the tenth Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord ‘George by the grace of God of Great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith Annoq Dom 1724, the mark of Mary Vander Ripe. Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of Abraham Watson, H. Demeyer New York December 18th, 1724 then personally ap- peared before me Phillip Cortlandt Esqr one of his Majestys Jus- tices of the Peace for the City & County of New York Henry De- meyer one of the Witnesses to the within Instrument made Oath upon the holy Evangelist of Almighty God that he saw Mary Vander Ripe Sign Seal & Deliver the within Instrument as her Voluntary Act & Deed Coram. Phillip Cortlandt. Registerd for Mr. Jost Sooy the 15th day of September Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Elizabeth Brown at Present of City of New YorkISO INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 but late of Philadelphia, Province of Pennsilvania this 26th day of January, 1723, having an Infant Child of two Years and two months old hath put & by these presents doth place & put her said Infant Child Arjetta Davis an apprentice to Joost Sooye of the said City of New York Innholder for the term of Sixteen Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice Sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and also during said term shall teach said Ap- prentice to read write & Sew and at the Expiration of said term shall give to said Apprentice two suits of apparel one of them to be New.” Signed January 26th, 1723 by Elizabeth Brown. In the presence of Elizth Bradford, Willm Bradford. Acknowledged June 22nd, 1724 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for John Schultze the twenty third day of Septem- ber Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of William Lewis aged fourteen Years or there- abouts with the consent of his Mother and Father in law Robert Bevon to John Schutze, Wigmaker to serve from September 14th, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “and at the Expiration of the Said term shall give unto the said Apprentice one entire suit from head to foot and Every Winters Evenings one Quarters Schooling.” Signed September 14th, 1725 by William Lewis, Robert Be- iVons, Mary Bevons. • In the presence of Susannah Van Bomble, Par. Parmyter. Acknowledged September 21st, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, .Alderman. Registred for Mr. John Giveen the 24th day of September Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Thomas Moore son to James Moore late from Ireland, Deceased to John Giveen, Cordwainer to serve from Feb- ruary 1st, 1722 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodgeing & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and to learn him to read the bible & write & Cypher so as to keeps his own Accounts with a full suit of Ap-INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 l8l parel for all parts of his body at the End of the term According to the Custom besides his wearing Cloaths ...” Signed January 13th, 1723 by Thomas Moore. In the presence of James J. Mactosh, John Mackneal. Acknowledged February 1st, 1723 before Robert Walter, Mayor. Registred for Thomas Grigg of the City of New York Joyner the Seventh day of October Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Joseph Smith son of Lawrence Smith, Marriner to Thomas Grigg, Joyner to serve from October 5th, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and at the End and Expiration of the* Said term the said Master shall find the Said Apprentice with a whole New Suite of Apparel from head to foot & besides that two shirts one pair of stockings one Neckloth and also the said Master is to send the said Apprentice four winters to school to learn to Read, write and cypher.” Signed October 5th, 1724 by Joseph Smith. In the presence of Wm Walling, John Raynolds, Wm Hopkins. Acknowledged October 5th, 1724 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Bartel Miller the 19th day of October 1725. Indenture of Johan Phillip Leunenbecker to Bartel Miller, Cordwainer to serve from June 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice & the said Bartel Miller shall send the said Apprentice to an Evening School one Quarter Every Year so long as the said Apprentice shall Remain in his Service and there to be taught Reading writing and Cyphering at the Cost and Charge of the Said Master & at the Expiration of Said term shall furnish and give the said Apprentice one New and Compleat Suite of Apparel besides his old Cloathing . . . . ” Signed June 1st, 1725 by Johan Phillip Leunenbecker. In the presence of Theod. Van Wyck, George Brunkerhoff. Acknowledged October 18th, 1725 before John Cruger, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace.182 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registred for Benjamin Bates the 26th day of October Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Isaac Gardner son of Elizabeth Gardner, Wid- dow, with her consent to Benjamin Bates, Cordwainer, to serve from December 7th, 1724 for Eight Years and Eight Months. Usual form including “Find and -provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging & Washing fitting for an apprentice & before the Expiration of the Said Term of Eight Years and Eight Months shall teach Said Apprentice to Read write & Cypher so far as will be sufficient to Mannage his Trade & at the Expiration of Said Term shall give to him two Suits of Apparel one of them to be New according to Custom for the true Performance of all & Every the Said Covenants and agreements either of the said Parties . . . . ” Signed December 16th, 1724 by Isaac Gardner. In the presence of Elizabeth Gardner, Adolph Brass. Acknowledged December 22nd, 1724 before John Cruger, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Abraham Abrams ye 1st day of November Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Albertus Ackerman, son of the Widow Hillegunt Ackerman to Abraham Abrams, Cordwainer to serve from Janu- ary 10th 1724 for Eight and a half years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & Every Winter to have one quarter Schooling during the term & at the Expiration of the said term the said Ap- prentice is to have Six New Shirts a New Suit of Cloaths & hatt Stockings, Shoes & the rest Equivolent.” Signed January 10th, 1724 by Albertus Ackerman, Hillegunt Ackerman. In the presence of Jacob Rick, Chirstopher Codwise. Acknowledged November 1st, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registred for Mr. Nicholas Anthony ye 1st day of November Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Thomas Pool, son of William Poole of the City of New York, Sawyer and with his consent to Nicholas Anthony, Cordwainer to serve from November 6th, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit-INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 . 183 ting for an Apprentice three quarter Schooling in Every Winter Evening School & at the Expiration of said term to give to said Apprentice one New Suit of Cloth Drugget Cloaths, four shirts,, two Neckletts one New Hatt one pair of Shoes and one pair of Hoes.” Signed November 6th, 1724 by Thomas Pool. In the presence of William Buldwin, H. Demeyer. Acknowledged November 6th, 1724 before Harmanus Van- gelder. Registred for Mr. Thomas Hall ye 9th day of November Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Thomas Bowil late of the Island of Barbados, but now residing in the City of New York and with the consent of his next friend Henry Becket to Thomas Hall, Cordwainer to serve from January 1st, 1721 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of the Said Term he the said Masters his heirs or Assigns shall give unto the said Appren- tice all the Cloaths his said Apprentice shall then have by him and over & above to give unto the said Apprentice one suit of Cloths to the Value of ten pounds Current Money or Soe much Money at the Election of the said Apprentice . . . ” Signed February 13th, 1724 by Thomas Bowell. In the presence of Thos Wildman, John Bend. Acknowledged February 13th, 1724/5 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. John Raynolds the nth day of November Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of John Jackson a youth of about twenty years of age to John Raynolds to serve from January 28th, 1724 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the end of Seven years to give him a New Suit of Cloaths ...” Signed January 28th, 1724/5 by John Jackson, John. Raynolds. In the presence of Robert Bevans William Jackson. Acknowledged January 28th 1724/5 before Robert Walter, Mayor.184 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Registred for Mr. Jacobus Kiersted this nth day of December Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of John Ellit of the Island of Antiegua to Jacobus Kiersted, Marriner to serve from October 1st, 1725 for Six Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice . . .” Signed December 9th, 1725 by John Ellit. In the presence of Jacobus Kip, Abraham Van Vleck. Acknowledged December 10th, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Benjamin Bate, Cordwainer the 30th day of December Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Margett Anderson with her Mother’s Mary An- derson’s consent to Benjamin Bate, Cordwainer to serve from November 4th, 1725 for ten years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing suf- ficient for an Apprentice & shall teach the said Apprentice to read and at the Expiration of the said term the said Master shall give to the said Apprentice Six Smoth & two Suites of apparel compleat they being new as the Custom of the said place & the said Apprentice shall Serve the Said Master in New York or in New England .....” Signed November 24th, 1725 by Margeret Anderson, Mary Anderson. In the presence of Phillip Cortlandt, Stephen Cortlandt. Acknowledged Xber 16th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Thomas Thong the 15th day of January Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Henry Rutgers with the consent of his Father Harmanus Rutgers; Brewer, to Thomas Thong, Merchant, to serve from October 5th, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging fitting for an Apprentice during the said term & that the said Thomas Thong after the apprenticeship his Said Master will if he be able and no Misfor-INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 185 tune happen will Send the said Apprentice with a Cargo to the west Ingors.” Signed October 5th, 1725 by Henry Rutgers. In the presence of Barthow Noxon, Henry Inman. Acknowledged January 13th, 1725/6 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Daniel Miller the eighth day of February Anno Domi 1725. Indenture of Roger Corbet son of Hannah Kingston and with her consent to Daniel Miller, Saddler, to serve from February 5th, 1724 for Eight years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and during the said term shall teach Said Apprentice to read & write sufficient to keep his own Accounts & at the Expiration of said Term shall give to him two suits of Apparell one of them to be New according to Custom.” Signed February 5th, 1724 by Roger Corbet. In the presence of Hannah Kingston, Wilkn Bradford. Acknowledged February 6th, 1724 before John Cruger, Aider- man. Registred for Mr. Samuel Pell the 16 day of February Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Joseph Waldron to Samuel Pell, Cordwainer to serve from June 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and to teach or cause him to be taught to read and to write in the Dutch Evening School Every Quarter after Christmas till that Breaks up and to lett him Syfer two Quarters in the said term and after the Said Master shall give to the said Apprentice his out sett one New Suit of Apparell from Top to toy and Six New Shirts two new Neckcloaths and three pair of Stockings.” Signed June 12th, 1725 by Joseph Waldron. In the presence of Fred Phillipse, Coenret ten Eyck. Acknowledged December 19th, 1723 before Frd. Phillipse. Registred for Peter Rutgers the twenty third day of February Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of Hunter Scott son to the Widow Lena Scott tol86 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 Peter Rutgers, Merchant to serve from the date of the date hereof for Seven Years. Usual form including “procure and provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging Hatts, Shoes and Stockings fitt for an Apprentice during the said Term as also at the Expiration of the said Term provide and procure for the Said Apprentice a Decent Suit of Broade Cloath Cloths together with sufficient Linnen and other necessarys . . . ” Signed December ist, 1725 by Hunter Scott. In the presence of Gerrit Roos, David Schuyler. Acknowledged February 3rd, 1725/6 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Daniel Gautier, Joyner ye nth day of March Anno Dom 1725. ? Indenture of Jacobus DeHart son of Balthazar DeHart, Glas- sier, to Daniel Gautier, Joyner, to serve from January 4th, 1725/6 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Drink, Lodging fitting for an Apprentice/’ Signed February 17th. 1725 by Jacobus DeHart. In the presence of Jno Peter Zanger, Ja. Wilmot. Acknowledged March 10th, 1725/6 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Registred for James Browne the Nineteenth day of March Anno Dom 1725. Indenture of John Eccles son of Lawrence Eccles, Blacksmith deceased, aged fourteen Years with the consent of his Mother to James Browne, Wiggmaker & Barber to serve from September 12th, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice for & during the Terme of Six Years from the twelfth day of September which will be in the Year of our Lord' one thousand seven hundred & twenty six and only Meat Drink, Lodging & Washing for the first Year of the Said Term of Seven Years and to give him two quarters schooling within the said Term of Seven Years and at the end of-the said Term of Seven Years shall also give unto the said Apprentice one entire New Suit of apparel from head to foot for Inside & outside use. Signed September 12th, 1725 by John Eckles. In the presence of Beverley Latham, Edward Pennant. Acknowledged March ist, 1725/6 before Phillip Cortlandt, Justice of the Peace.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-1727 187 Registered for Mr. Johannes Burger the 21st day of April Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Johannes Hanion the son of Johannes Hanion, Deceased, Coopper to Johannes Burger, Baker, to serve from January 30th, 1725/6 for Twelve Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging, Washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the said Term the said Master shall furnish the said Apprentice with a New Suite of Cloaths [besides the Cloaths then Belonging to his Body] Con- taining in a Coat, Vest & Briches Six New Shirts fore Neckcoths two handshifts a New Hatt one pare New Shoos & one pare Stockings and the Said Master Shall find the Said Apprentice Learning Containing in Writing, Reeding & Aritmitick.” Signed April 18th, 1726 by Johannes Burger, Margreta Hen- nion, Johannes Hanion. In the presence of Jan Blom, Jacobus Goelet. Acknowledged April 18th, 1726 before Hermanus Vangelder, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Thomas Wendover the 26th of April 1726. Indenture of John DeNyke aged about 15 years or thereabouts with the consent of his Mother Wentie DeNyke, Widdow, to Thomas Wendover, Shoemaker to serve from May 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “and it is agreed that the Said Master is not to find him the said Apprentice in any thing during the Said term But Provided the Said Thomas Wendover shall Remove and live at some other Place after this Year then he shall find the Said Apprentice in Victualls and drink But the said Apprentice to serve him one year more.” Signed May 1st, 1725 by John De Nyke, Wentie DeNyke. In the presence of Arent Van Hoek, Hen. Pratt. Acknowledged June 1st, 1725 before Jacobus Kip, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Richard Talbott the 19th day of May Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Benjamin Gordon son of Mr. George Gordon, Merchant of Aberdeen in North Brittain to Richard Talbott, pooly maker, to serve from May 18th, 1726 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fittingl88 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the above said term he the Said Richard Talbott aforesaid shall Equip his said Ap- prentice with one Suit of Cloths to the Value of twelve pounds Current money of the Province of New York or twelve pounds in Money. Signed May 18th, 1726 by Benjm Gordon. In the presence of Henry Teaver, John Dunk. Acknowledged May 19th, 1726 before Fred Philipse. Registred for Mr. Peter Smith the 8th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of John Walters son of Jacob Walters, Mariner, aged about Eight Years with the consent of his Mother Margaret Walters to Peter Smith, Currier to serve from June 9th, 1725 for thirteen Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and Cause him to be taught to read write and cypher and at the end or Expiration of the Said term shall give unto his Said Apprentice one good new Suit of Cloath Con- sisting of Coat, Wastcoat and Breeches also a Hatt two Neck- cloaths, two Shirts, two Pair Stockings and two pair Shoes all these to be new and good.” Signed June 9th, 1725 by John Walters. In the presence of Margaret Waters, Edward Pennant, John Smith. Acknowledged June 10th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt, Aider- man and Justice of the Peace. Registered for Mr. Martinus Eght the 8th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Samuel Goodness with the consent of his Mother Christian Owen, to Martinus Eght, Blacksmith to serve from May 20th, 1726 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and yearly One Quarter Schooling and at the Expiration of the said Term shall give unto the said Ap- prentice two suits of Apparel One thereof to be New According to the Custom of the Country.” . Signed July 6th, 1726 by Samuel Goodness, Christian Owen. In the presence of Samll Snowden, Joseph Waitte; Acknowledged June 8th, 1726 before Phillip Cortlandt.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 189 Registred for John Goelet, Feltmaker the 14th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Bernal Brown with the consent of his Mother to John Goelet, hither to serve from January 4th, 1724 for ten years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice during said Term, and at the Expiration give unto the said Apprentice One New Suit of Close from top to toe and three New Shirts two New Neckcloths and all the Close and apparel which he hath at that time and teach or cause to be teacht Every Winter One Quarter of Engles Evenen Skool during said Term to larn to Read, Write en sypher to the best of my skill.” ' Signed March 9th, 1723/4 by Barnal Brown. In the presence of Claes Andrys, Peter Wessells. Acknowledged March 25th, 1724 before Frederick Philipse. Alderman. Registred for Mr. Raphael Goelett, Limner & Glazier the 14th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of John Van Husen sun of John Van Husen, Mar- riner, to Raphael Goelet, Limner and Glazier to serve from Jan- uary 7th, 1724/5 for Ten Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient, Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fit- ting for an Apprentice & after the Expiration of the Said Term the said Master shall fitt out the said Apprentice or furnish him [besides the Cloaths then belonging to his Boddy] with one Coat, One Vest, one pair of Brithes one pare of Stokins one pare of Shoos, four Shirts, two Neckliths, One New hatt all together New fitting for his Boddy ... 99 Signed January 7th, 1724/5 by John Vanhoesen, Raphael Goe- let. In the presence of Jacob Goelet, Henry Fuller. Acknowledged January nth, 1724/5 before John Cruger, Alderman and Justice of the Peace. Registred for Samh Loveridge Shipwright, the twenty third day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Leonard Barton, son of Rebecca Barton of Island of Jamaica, Widdow, to Samuel Loveridge, Shipwright to serve from 29th day of June 1726 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren-190 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall further allow the said Apprentice to go to school during the time that it is customary here to keep Night school his friends paying for the same.” Signed June 23rd, 1726 by Leonard Barton. In the presence of James Browne, Jno Peter Zenger. Acknowledged June 23rd, 1726 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Allard Anthony, Cordwainer the 25th day of June Anno Domini 1726. Indenture of Frederick Fyne, son of Jane Coe, late Jane Fyne Widdow, with the consent of Jane Coe and John Coe, her hus- band to Allart Anthony, Cordwainer to serve from February 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and shall some time within the said Term find, provide and allow him three months Night Schooling Every Winter and at the Expiration of the Term Give him One New Suit of Cloathes four New Shirts and other Nessessaries.” Signed June 18th, 1726 by Frederick Fyne. In the presence of John Coe, Arent Gilbert. Acknowledged June 20th, 1726 before Frederick Philipse, Alderman. Registred for James Murphy the Twenty Eighth day of June 1726. Indenture of Hester Crudge late of Plymoth in the Kingdom of Great Brittain but now of the City of New York to James Murphy, Victualler to serve from May 14th, 1726 for five years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice, and also at the Expiration of the said term of five years to give her the said Apprentice a Gown and Petticoat & a good Garlix Shift.” Signed May 14th, 1726 by Hester Crudge. In the presence of William Simes, Hen. Pratt. Acknowledged June 27th, 1726 before Johannes Jansen, Mayor. Registred for Mr. John Peter Zenger the 30th day of June Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Henry De Forest with the consent of his FatherINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 191 Barent De Forest to John Peter Zenger, Printer to serve from August 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the Said Term shall give unto the said Apprentice two Suits of apparel one thereof to be New according to the custom of the Country as also four New Shirts one New Hatt one pair of New Shoes and Stock- ings.” Signed August 23rd, 1725 by Henry De Forest. In the presence of Davit Tioning, Barent deForest. Acknowledged September 20th, 1725 before Frederick Philipse, Alderman. > Registred for Henry Bredstede, Hatter the tenth day of August Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of John Clement with the consent of his Mother Catherine Howard to Henry Bredstede, Hatter, to serve from March 12th, 1725-6 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fiting for an Apprentice and yearly one quarters schooling and shall also give into the said Apprentice at the Expiration of the said Term two. suits of Apparel one thereof to be New according to the Custom of the Country.” Signed October 1st, 1725 by John Clements. In the presence of Jno Peter Zenger, Will Bradford. Acknowledged October 2nd, 1725 before Frederick Philipse, Alderman. Registred for John Roome the 31st day of August Anno Domini 1726. Indenture of Jogim Van Meple with the consent of his Mother Janetie Van Meple and his onckle Roilif Van Meple to John Roome, Carpenter to serve from November 1st, 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and the Said Master shall at his own Cost and Cherge suffer the said Apprentice to go one Quarter School- ing in the Evening skool Every year and at the Expiration of the Seven Year the said shall geave to the Said Apprentes one New Suite of Apparell and six shirts New and twoo Neckletts192 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 for the true performance of all and Every the said Covenants and agreements . . ” Signed September ist, 1726 by Jogim Van Meple, Janetie Van Meple, Roiliff Van Mepell. In the presence of Will Roome, Androw Girow. Acknowledged August 31st, 1726 before Johannes Jansen, Mayor. Registred for Johannes Symentje the twenty first day of No- vember Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Elizabeth Gouwin daughter of William Gouwin, < Deceased and with the consent of her Mother Marguess Symense of Richmond County to Johannes Symentse, Cordwainer to serve from November 10th, 1726 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparell, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and to be Instructed in Reading and writ- ing and after the Expiration of the Said term to furnish the said Apprentice with a New Sute of Cloaths, Linnen and Wooleng from top to tea fitting for her Body Besides the Cloaths she has then . . . ” Signed November 10th, 1725 by Elizabeth Gouwin, Marguess Semense Johannes Symensz. In the presence of Isaack Van hook, Jan Blom. Acknowledged September 28th, 1726 before Hermanus Van- gelder, Alderman. Registred for Mr. Roger Groves, Feltmaker the 21st day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Peter Plowman, son of Giles Plowman to Roger Groves Feltmaker to serve from December 12th, 1722 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and during or within the said Term of his Comeing to the age of one and twenty years the said Master shall teach the said apprentice to Read, Write and Cast Account and at the Expiration of said Term of Nine years or at the time of his Comeing to the age of said one and twenty years shall give him two suits of apparel, one of them to be New with a dis- charge/' Signed December nth, 1722 by Peter Plowman. In the presence of J. Reynolds, Thos Garland. Acknowledged July 8th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Justice of the Peace.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I93 Registred for Mr. Roger Groves feltmaker the twenty fourth day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Nicholas Elsworth son of Theophilas Elsworth, vintner to Roger Groves, Feltmaker to serve from January 28th, 1723 for seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of said term to give to said apprentice two sufficient suits of apparel the one to be New and one Quarter Schooling in Every Winter Evening School During the said term.” Signed January 28th, 1723 by Nicholas Elsworth. In the presence of G. Elsworth, Junr., H. DeMeyer. Acknowledged July 8th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Roger Groves Feltmaker the twenty fifth day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of John Maxwell, to Roger Groves to serve from the seventeenth day of February 1723/4 for four years and three months. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice during the time of his said apprenticeship «& at the Expiration thereof shall also give unto him two New Suits of Apparel Compleat made of Drugget . . . ” Signed February 17th, 1723/4 by John Maxwell. In the presence of Thomas Sandiforth, James Hardinge. Acknowledged July 8th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Roger Groves feltmaker the twenty fifth day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of George Parker son of George Parker, Marriner, Deceased and with the consent of his Mother Margrett Dunk to Roger Groves, Hatmaker to serve from May 21st, 1724 for Seven years and Nine Months. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice & at the Expiration of the above said term He the said Roger Groves aforesaid shall Equippe his said Appren- tice with two New Suits'of apparel with Shirts Shoes & Hose and the aforesaid Margrett Dunk shall likewise Equippe her son194 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 George Parker aforesaid with two New Suits of sufficient Ap- parel at his Entrance into the aforesaid Roger Groves service & Meme that Roger Groves shall cause his said apprentice George Parker to Read, write & Cast accompts . . . . ” Signed May 21st, 1724 by George Parker. In the presence of Thos. Nickson, Will Lane. Acknowledged July 8th, 1724 before Jacobus Kip, Justice of the Peace. Registred for Mr. Roger Groves, feltmaker the twenty fifth day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Samuel Macisleton son of Sarah Wheeler and with her consent to Roger Groves, feltmaker to serve from the July 7th, 1724 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of the said term shall give to the said Apprentice two suits of apparel one of them to* be New According to Custom.” Signed July 7th, 1724 by Samuel Macisleton. In the presence of Jacob Swan, John Lyndon. Acknowledged Jarny 21st, 1726 before Phillip CortlandL Alderman. Registred for Mr. Thomas Dobson the 26th day of January Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of John Grimes now of New York late of Maryland aged about Eighteen years to Thomas Dobson, Glover, to serve from the 13th day of December 1725 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and it is agreed that the Said Master shall at the Expiration of the said term give him the said Apprentice a New Suit of Cloaths two shirts of Good Garlick with Shoes and Stockings as also a Hat.” Signed December 13th, 1725 by John Grimes. In the presence of James Murphy, Hen. Pratts. Acknowledged December 14th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt,. Justice of the Paece. Registered for Mr. Phillip Minthorn the twenty eighth day of February Anno Dom 1726. Indenture of Mary Waters aged about eight years with the consent of her unkle Simon Grigeer. Bricklayer to Phillip Min^INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I95 thorn, yeoman to serve from the 23rd day of August 1726 for Eighteen years & a half. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and to Learn the said Apprentice to Read and at the Expiration of said Term to give to said Apprentice a New Suit of Apparel . . . . ” Signed August 23rd, 1726 by Simon Cregier, Mary Waters. In the presence of Johannes Man, Samuel Man, Samuel Pell. Acknowledged August 23rd, 1726 before Jacobus Kip, Aider- man. Recorded for Ichabod Loutitt the thirteenth day of April Anno Dorn 1727. Indenture of Nazareth Cornelius son of John Cornelius late of New York Marriner to Ichabod Louitt, Marriner to serve from April 8th, 1725 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an apprentice.” Signed April 8th, 1725 by Nazareth Corneles. In the presence of John Dyer, Christian Dyer. Acknowledged April 7th, 1725 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Henry Vandewater the 20th day of April Anno 1727- Indenture of George Brewington son of Mary Brewington to Henry Vandewater. Gunsmith to serve from May 1st, 1726 for Ten Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice and yearly one quarters Night Schooling and at the Expiration of the said Term shall give unto the said Ap- prentice two Suits of Apparel one thereof to be New According to the Custom of the Country and four New Shirts and four Neckcloaths.” Signed July 7th, 1726 by George Bruwerton. In the presence of Jno Peter Zanger, Daniel Bonnet, Maria Bruwerton. Acknowledged November 9th, 1726, before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for‘Mr. Andries Maerschalck the 25th day of April Anno Domini 1727. Indenture of John Peaterson with the consent of his MotherI96 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 Antye Peaterson to Andries Maerschalck, Bacar to serve from May 1st, 1726 for Seven Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Maet, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an apprentice and at the Expiration of the said Term of seven years the said Master shall give unto the said Appren- tice a New Shutt of apparell from had. to tow and all his daly apparell and give him Eavening Scholling from Gristemis Eavery year of said term . . . ” Signed May 12th, 1726 by Antie Pietersse, John Peterson. In the presence of Marte Beeckman, Tobyas Ryckman. Acknowledged April 19th, 1727 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Ichabod Louttit the eighth day of May Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of Elizabeth Burger aged about nine Years with the consent of Thomas Richardson & Gertruy his wife to Ichabod Louttit, Marriner to serve from May 8th, 1727 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an apprentice and after the Expiration of the above men- tioned time to give the said apprentice one week and one Sabath days Suit of Cloaths of all sorts & Six Shefts & one years board to Learn a Trade, Washing & Scrubing days Excepted . . . ” Signed May 4th, 1727 by Eliz Burger, Thos. Richardson. In the presence of Gerrit Wendell, Stephen Cortlandt. Acknowledged May 4th, 1727 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Nichols; Anthony the first day of June Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of Thomas Guinel son of Hannah Mitchell and with her consent to Nicholas Anthony, Cordwaner to serve, from June xst, 1726 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice During the said Term and put him three Months Shoullin Every winter during the said Term at Evening Shouling and at Expiration of his therm the said Master shall give unto said Aprentis one new Shuet of Apparel and his warn Cloose Signed June 1st, 1727 by Thomas Guinel. In the presence of Allart Anthony,' Robert Richardson. Acknowledged June 1st, 1772 before John Cruger, Alderman arid Justice of the Peace'.INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, 1718-1727 I97 Registred for Mr. Abraham Poutrau, Goldsmith the Sixth day of June Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of Robert Lyell Aged about thirteen years with the consent of his Mother and Brother David Lyell to Abraham Poutrau, Goldsmith to serve from July 12th, 1726 for Seven years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodging and Washing fitting for an Apprentice.” Signed July 23rd, 1727 by Robert Lyell. In the presence of Beverley Latham, James Browne. Acknowledged July 23rd, 1726 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Isaac Bockee the twenty Second day of June Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of Calvin Putt sun of Dianna Putt widow of Joshua Putt, Shipwright to Isaack Bockee, Cooper to serve from Sep- tember 5th, 1726 for Sixteen years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and shall teach the said Apprentice or Cause him to be taught by the best means to Read, & Write and at the End of the said term the said Master is to Dismiss the said ap- prentice with one New Suit of Apparel . . . ” Signed September 5th, 1726 by Calvin Putt, Dianna Putt. In the presence of Matthew Bell, Phillip Cortlandt. Acknowledged September 4th, 1726 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Peter Bond of Perth Amboy Cooper the twenty Second day of June Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of Ephrim Brown son of Ellinor & Adam Smith to Peter Bond, Cooper to serve from April 15th, 1727 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find arid provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an apprentice During the said term & at the Expira- tion give unto the Said Apprentice one New Suit of New Close from top to toe & Six New Shirts & Six new Neckletts & a Sett of Tools new & also the Close Belonging to his Body & teach or Cause to be taught Every winter one Quarter EveningI98 INDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 School English During the Said term to Learn to Read, Write & Cupher . . . ” Signed April 26th, 1727 by Ellinor Smith, Ephraim Brown. In the presence of Phillip Cortlandt, Thos. Hunt. Acknowledged April 26th, 1727 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. Charles Crook the 13th day of June Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of John Jacob Trumper son of John Jacob Trumper of Jarmene [Germany?] to Charles Crook, [Baker] to serve from September 14th, 1726 for Nine Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging & Washing fitting for an Apprentice and Six Months in the Winter Nights Schilling & at the Expiration of the Said Apprentiship the said Master shall give the said Apprentice a suit of apparel through out ... ” Signed September 14th, 1726 by Johann Jacob Tremper, Johan Jacob Trempier. In the presence of Johannes Lessen, John Riceball. Acknowledged September 14th, 1726 before Hermanius Van- gelder, Alderman. Registred for Mr. John Stephens, Cordwainer the second day of August Anno Domini 1727. Indenture of Garret Barsho the son of Geertie Barsho of the Township of Newark, Widow, to John Stephens, Cordwiner to serve from August 1st, 1726 for Nine years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Ap- prentice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and washing fitting for an Apprentice and after the Expiration the said shall give unto the said Apprentice besides the Cloos then belonging to his body One heatt One Coat one Vest One pair of britchis one pair of Stockings four Shurts and four Necklets and one pair of Shoes all New fitting for his body and One Quarter Nights Schooling in Every Winter . . . . ” Signed June 21st, 1727 by Gerrt Barsho, Geertye Barsho. In the presence of Phillip Cortlandt, Stephen Van Cortlandt. Acknowledged June 20th, 1727 before Phillip Cortlandt. Registred for Mr. William Bradford, Printer the Seventh day of August Anno Dom 1727. Indenture of James Parker the son of Samuel Parker late ofINDENTURES OF APPRENTICES, I718-I727 I99 Woodbridge in the County of Middlesex and Province of New Jersey, deceased to William Bradford, Printer to serve from January ist, 1726 for Eight Years. Usual form including “find and provide unto the said Appren- tice sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fit- ting for an Apprentice and at the Expiration of said Term of Eight years shall give to said Apprentice two suits of Apparel one of them to be New.” Signed January ist, 1726 by James Parker. In the presence of Elizabeth Denne, Jana Bayne, Samuel Parker. Acknowledged June 24th, 1727 before John Cruger, Aider- man. FINIS.INDEX. Abrams, Abraham, 182. Ackerman, Albertiis, 182. Ackerman, Hillegunt, 182. Ackerman, Johannis, 133, 134. Ackerman, Lodewyck, 133. Adams, John, 126. Adolph, Peter, 12, 17, 22, 28. Adolph, Mrs., 63. Allen, John, 128. Allen, John, Jr., 128. Allen, William, 85, 91. Anderson, Edward, 137. Anderson, Edward, Jr., 137. Anderson, Margaret, 184. Anderson, Mary, 137, 184. Anderson, William, Jr., 124, 125. Andrys, Claes, 189. Anthony, Allard, 138, 190, 196. Anthony, Nicholas, 125, 126, 128, 147, 182, 196. Arientsen, John, ferryman, 8, 11, 16, 17, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 37, 40, 47, 48, 5i, 56, 59, 64, 67, 69> 72, 73, 75, 80, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 93, 96, 97, 100, 106, 108. Arkell, Margaret, 131. Arkell, Peter, 131. Aske, Samuel, 171. Aston, George, 119, 145, 146* Attorney, fees, 28, 76, 101. Baily, E., 150. Baker, Roger, 31, 33, 39, 48, 5^, 5$. Bakers, 115, 118, 156, 166, 187, 196, 198. Baldwin, William, 147. Balerem, Wm., 151. Balm, J., 127. Bancker, Mrs., 4. Barber Surgeons, 128. Barberie, Peter, 142. Barbers, 118, 128, 123, 135, I3^, 145, 160, 168, 169, 175, 186. Barheit, Andries, 157, 171* Barker, John, 157. Barker, Susanna, 157. Barre, Charles, 116. Barsho, Garret, 198. Barsho, Geertie, 198. Bartel, John, 160. Bartel, Margaret, 160. Bartel, Vander Clife, 160. Barton, Leonard, 189, 190. Barton, Rebecca, 189. Bassett, Hannah, 178. Bassett, John, 177. Bassett, Capt. Michall, 143. Bassett, Stephen, 143. Bate, Benjamin, 184. Bate, Esther, 139. Bates, Benjamin, 182. Bayard, Balthazar, 8, 9, 17, 25, 32, 37, 48, 51, 59, 62, 69, 74, 75, 82, 87, 93, 94, 105, 107. Bayard, Nicholas, 2, 6, 17, 18, 26, 27, 33, 34, 48, 49, 59, 60, 63, 70, 73. Bayne, Jana, 199. Becket, Henry, 183. Beekman, Gerard, 174. Beekman, Henry, 159. Beekman, Marte, 196. Beekman, William, 159. Beer, price of, 84, 91. Bell, John, 175. Bell, Matthew, 197. Bell, price of, 99. Bellanger, Ive, 134. Bellanger, Nicholas, 134. Bend, John, 183. Bennett, Daniel, 150. Benson, Harmanus, 126. Berrian, John, 174. Berrian, Peter, 174. Berry, Jacob, 84, 90, 98, 101. Berry, Richard, 172. Bertain, Jane, 145. Bertrand, Abraham, 144, 145, 165. Bertrand, Isaac, 144. Bertrand, Jane, 145. Bevan, Robert, 180, 183. Bevan, Mary, 180. Bisset, Andrew, 153. Blackhead, John, 131, 132. Blackhead, Mary, 131. > Blacksmiths, 144, 148, 149, 165, 176, 177, 186, 188. Blagge, Edward, 119, 131, 144, 157, 173, 174- 201INDEX. 202 Blockmakers, 137, 156. Blom, Jacob, 153. Blom, Jan, 187, 192. Bloom, Andrew, 154* Bloom, Hans Y., 154* Blythe, James, 175. Boatmen, 150, 165. Bockee, Isaac, 197. Boeke, Abraham, 166. Bogard, Aaron, 114. Bogard, Adrian, 164. Bogart, Arie, 170. Bond, Peter, 197. Bonfires, 99. Bonnet, Daniel, 161, 195. Boudinot, Elias, 148. Boudinot, Mary C., 148. Boumie, Francis, 164. Boumie, Louis, 164. Bount, Barne, 118. Bouxin, Stephen, 128, 129. Bowell, Thomas, 183. Bowman, Jacob, 146. Bradford, Elizabeth, 180. Bradford, William, 63, 76, 117, 122, 124, 132, 147, 159) l6o> *75, I8o, 185,-191, *98. Bradford, William, Jr., 136. Brasier, Abraham, 123. Brasier, Elizabeth, 123. Brasier, John, 123. Brasiers, 160. Brass, Adolph, 182. Bratt, Isaac, 157. Breasted, Andrew, 137. Breasted, Henry, 124, 191. Breasted* John, 156.. Breasted, Peter, 138. Breasted, Simon, 117. Breested, Andries, 124. Brenan, James, 124, 137, 143, Brested, Andrew, 137. Brested, John, 156. Brested, Peter, 138. Brestede, Henry, 124, 191. Brewer, 184. Brewer, John, 28. Brewerton, George, 195. Brewerton, Maria, 195. Brewington, George, 195. Brewington, Mary, 195. Bricklayers, 194. Bridgeman, Cornelius, 118. Brinckerhoff, George, 181. Brookfield, Elizabeth, 124. Brookman, Cornelius, 175. Brown, Barnal, 189. Brown, Bernal, 189. Brown, Elizabeth, 179, 180. Brown, Ellenor, 178. Brown, Ephrim, 197, 198. Brown, James, 160, 167, 168. Brown, William, 178. Browne, George, 38, 42. Browne, James, 186, 190, 197. Browne, Robert, 63. Brownell, George, 149. Brugman, Henry, 121. Buckmaster, Edward, 4, 17, 18, 33, 48, 49, 59, 60, 70, 74, 77. Budd, Joseph, 131. Bufflree, Jacob, 146. Bufflree, Jacob G., Jr., 146, 147. Buldwin, William, 183. Bulsinck, Cornelius, 159. Bulsinck, Cornelius, Jr., 159. Burger, Claes, 38. Burger, Elizabeth, 196. Burger, Johannes, 187. Burger, Poulas, 150. Burling, Edward, 117. Burling, Edward, 179. Burly, EL, 142. Burnett, George,- 136. Burnett, Wm., 136. Burres, Elizabeth, 170. Burroughs, Jeremiah, 131. Burrows, Elizabeth, 170. Burtel, John, 176. Bush, Jasper, 119, 120. Bush, Jean, 120. Bussey, James, 142. Butchers, 122, 124. Butler, Charles, 171. Butler, Hannah, 133. Buttler, Hannah, 147. . * Byvanck, Anthony, 156. Byvanck, Evert, 85, 87, 90, 102, 105, 106. Cage and ducking stool erected, 3. Campbell, John, 149. Campbell, Robert, 149. Candles for guard, 27. Cannon, Abraham, 130. Cannor, Ellenor, 178. Cantine, Isaac, 165. Carhart, John, 148. Carmen, 141, 148, 161. Carpenters, 127, 137, i75> I9I* Carre, Louis, 148. Carre, Louis, Jr., 148. Carsteng, Gideon, 142, 143* Carsteng, John, 143.INDEX. 203 Carter, Hannah, 157. Cassell, Arnold, 134. Cassell, John, 116.. Chappell, Mrs., 85, 91. Chappell, Francis, 84, 89, 98, 99, 101, 102. Chardavoyne, Elias, Jr., 157, 167. Chardavoyne, Jeremie, 170. Chasy, John, 119. Cholwell, John, 143. Cholwell, Thomas, 143. Churchill, William, 86, 92, 103, 104. City Hall, Pearl street, sale of, 104. City Hall, Wall street, 101, 102, 103, 106, no. Clapp, John, 3. Clarke, John, 139, 140. Clarke, John, Jr., 139, 140. Clarke, Thomas, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 21, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 81, 82, 87, 93, 95, 100, 106, 107, 162. Clarke, William, 157. Clarkson, Mathew, 3. Clement, Catherine, 191. Clement, John, 191. Clifford, Daniel, Jr., 168, 169. Clifford, Hannah, 169. Cocker, Thomas, 52, 57. Coden, James, 173. Codwise, Christopher, 182. Coe, Jane, 190. Coe, John, 190. Collins, John, 91. Colvell, Peter, 120, 121. Comlast, John, 43. Conihane, William, 154. Cooley, John, 12, 17, 22, 33, 36, 4r> 63- Cooper, Ann, 141, 142. Cooper, Hannah, 141. Cooper, John, 140, 141. Cooper, John, Jr., 140, X41- Cooper, Sarah, 145. Coopers, 128, 129, 131, X42, r43> x52> 155, 158, 166, 169, 177. *79. l87> 197. Corbet, Hannah, 185. Corbet, Roger, 185. Cordwainers, 113, n5> I25> 12°> 127, 128, 129, 130, i33> *35> I37> 146, 150, 151, 154. J57> I*I> H°’ 171, 174, I78, 180, l8l, 182, 183, I84, 185, 190, 192, 196, *98- Corneles, Nazareth, 195- Cornelises, Metje, 46, 47> 48, 55> 5°- Cornelius, Nazareth, 195. Cornelus, Barent, 139. Corsten, John, 142. Cortlandt, Phillip, 171, 172, 173. Cracraft, Sarah, 167, 168. Craiggs, Alexander, 135, 136. Craiggs, James, 135. Crankheyt, Marten, 116. Crankheyt, Sophia, 116. Crannell, Robert, 123, 124, 164. Crannell, Robt., Jr., 114, 171. Crannell, William, 123, 124. Cregier, John, 148. Cregier, Simon, 133, 195. Creighton, James, 145. Crook, Charles, 198. Crooke, Charles, 162, 163, 170, 198. Crossley, Henry, 78, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 90, 93, 96, 102, 106, 108. Crouch, Gregory, 131. Crudge, Hester, 190. Cruger, Henry, 152. Cruger, John, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 175, 176, 181, 182, 185, 186, 189, 196, 199. Cruger, Teleman, 123, 137, 152. Cunningham, Wm., 136. Cure, John, 163. Curriers, 119, 132, 145, 146, 188. Curtis, Daniel, 125. Curtis, Elizabeth, 125. Cuyler, Johannes, 28. Dalpah, Phillip, 171. Daniels, Alexander, 170. Danielson, Alexander, 170. Danielson, Elizabeth, 170. Darkins, Robert, 57, 67. David, Daniel, 131. David, Jean, 167. David, John, 167. David, Peter, 166, 167. Davies, Vaughan, 158. Davis, Arjetta, 180. Davis, David, 146, 160, 168. Davis, Isabella, 143. Davis, John, 115. Davis, Joseph, 84, 90, 98, 101. Davis, Vaughan, 162. Davy, James, 117. Davy, Joshua, 117. De Bogh, John, 139. De Bonrepos, Alexander, 154. Debough, Garrett, 138.204 INDEX. Debough, John, 138. De Bruyn, Johannes, 45, 48, 54, 60, 65, 70, 73, 74- De Forest, Barent, 191. De Forest, Henry, 190, 191. Degraf, Johannis, 118. De Grove, Peter, 125. De Hart, Balthazar, 186. De Hart, Jacobus, 186. DeKey, Tennis, 2, 3, 7, 17, 19, 27, 3i, 33, 34, 4i, 76, 79, 81, 84, 91, 99, 101. DeKey, Thomas, 17, 26. De Lancey, Stephen, 32. Delanoy, Peter, 38. Delaplaine, Joshua, 114, 126, 134, 139, 176. Demeyer, H., 114, 132, 143, 145, 151, 155, 172, 179, 183, 193. Demilt, Peter, 166. Demire, John, 146. Denne, Elizabeth, 199. De Nyke, John, 187. De Nyke, Wentie, 187. De Peyster, Abraham, 46, 48, 55, 60, 66, 70, 74, 82, 83, 94, 97, 106, 108. De Peyster, Cornelia, 85, 91. De Peyster, Isaac, 28. De Peyster, Johannes, 46, 48, 54, 85, 87, 90, 91, 99, 102. De Riemer, Isaac, 67, 119, 134* De Riemer, Peter, 3. D’hariette, Benjamin, 125. D’Honneur, John, 63. D’Honneur, Samuel, 155, 170. Divait, Joseph, 135. Divait, Nathaniel, 135. Dobbs, Adam, 149. Dobbs, Walter, 144, 151, 153* Dobbs, Walter, Jr., 151. Dobbs, William, 144, 149, T53* Dobson, Thomas, 139, 172, 194* Dock rent, 85. Doddrell, Samuel, 133. Dodrige, John, 149. Dodruge, John, 153. Dowe, John,, 38. Ducking stool erected, 3. Dugdale, William, 120, 121. Dum, John, 165. Duncan, George, 142. Duncan, George, Jr., 142. Duncan, M., 142. Dunk, John, 188. Dunk, Margrett, 193. Du Pre, James, 136. Dupuy, John, 167. Duyckinck, Garret, 78, 79, 81, 82, 87, 93, 95, 106, 107. Dyer, Christian, 195. Dyer, John, 195. Dyre, John, 166. Earle, Oliver, 136. Eccles, John, 186. Eccles, Lawrence, 186. Eckles, John, 186. Eckles, Lawrence, 186. Eckles, Rebecke, 173* Eckles, Richard, 161, 173* Eckling, George, 157, *58. Eckling, Hannah, 157- Edwards, Jane, 125. Eght, Martinus, 176, 177, 188. Elde, Thomas, 176. Eldertree, Peter, 158. Elliot, George, 139. Elliot, William, 139, 14°* Ellison, John, 3, 8, 9, 10, 16, 26, 27, 28, 30, 38,' 39, 40, 44, 47, 52, 56, 57* 59, 63, 66, 67, 69, 72, 77, 78, 82, 85, 87, 89, 94, 95, 99, Io6, Io8- Ellit, John, 184. Ellsworth, Ahasueras, 168, 169. Elsworth, G., Jr., 193. Elsworth, Nicholas, 193. Elsworth, Theophilus, 116, 193. Emot, James, 13, 17, 23, 26, 39, 41* 44, 63, 76. Engineers, 147. Englis, Thomas, 160. Evans, Henry, 152. Everson, John, 152. Everts, Wessell, 84, 89, 97, 101, 102, Evetts, James, 52, 57, 59, 66, 67, 69, 73, 73, 78, 8i, 82, 85, 87, 89, 90, 93- Ewouts, John, 81, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 94, 95, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104^ 106, 107, 108. Faxbary, John, 127. Feltmakers, 128, 130, 189, 192, 193- Feney, John, 26, 28. Ferry lease, 6, 99, 104. Filkin, Henry, 177. Fine, Johannes, 115. Fine, John, 115. Fines, 26, 28. Firewood, 27, 77. Fish, Benjamin, 174. Folleman, Cornelius, 150. Forrester, Andrew, 117. Fortifications, 40, 41, 47, 48, 54, 57* 60, 65, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 94, 97* 106, 108.INDEX. 205 Fortune, Elizabeth, 158. Fortune, John, 158, 159. Fortune, Maria, 158, 159. Foucet, Mary, 135. France, Daniel, 162, 163. Franciscow, Francis, 170. Freeman of N. Y. fees, 4, 8. Fuller, Henry, 189. Fyne, Frederick, 190. Fyne, Jane, 190. Gadis, John, n, 76. Gallaway, John, 120, 121. G^ndy, John, 164. Gandy, Jonas, 130. Gandy, Mary, 130. Gara, Jno., 155. Gara, Sarah, 123. Garaner, Larans, 123. Gardeners, 139, 140, 165. Gardner, Elizabeth, 182. Gardner, Isaac, 182. Garland, Thomas, 192. Gautier, Daniel, 186. Gautier, James, 117. Gerard, James, 3. Geret, Richard, 138. Gerets, Frances, .138. Gerret, Frances, 138. Gerret, Richard, 138. Gerrettse, S., 131. Gilbert, Arent, 190. Gilbert, William, 115, 164. Gillaim, Henry, 136. Gillon, Ellecksander, 130, 131. Gillou, Ellecksander, 130, 131. Girow, Androw, 192. Giveen, John, 180. Glaziers, r86, 189. Gleaves, Jonathan, 148, 151. Gleaves, Thomas, 148, 151. Glovers, 131, 139, 141, 147, 171, *72> 194. Goderus, Francis, 78, 80, 81, 82, 88, 93, 95, 106, 108. Goelet, J., 154. Goelet, Jacob, 189. Goelet, Jacob, Jr., 116. Goelet, Jacobus, 187. Goelet, John, 130, 189. Goelet, Raphael, 189. Goldsmiths, 122, 125, 167, 197. Goodeacker,- Isaac, 140. Gooden, Susana, 157. Goodness, Christian, 188; Goodness, Samuel, 188. Gordon, Benjamin, 187, 188. Gordon, George, 187. Gouverneur, Abraham, 122, 136. Gouwin, Elizabeth, 192. Gouwin, Marguess, 192. Gouwin, William, 192. Graham, Augustin, 28. Graham, Edward, 4, 14, i5> I7> 24> 26, 27, 31- Graham, James, 2, 3, 7, 17, *9> 27> 3i, 33, 34, 41, 48, 49, 59, 60, 68, 70, 73, 77, 86, 91,-99, ?°2- Grau, Sofia, 174. Gray, Emanuel, 140. Gray, Jane, 140. Grigeer, Simon, 194. Grigg, Thomas, 181. Grimes, John, 194. Groendyck, Anna, 137. Gronendicke, John, 45. Grout, William, 136. Groves, Andrew, 45. Groves, Roger, 192, 193, 194. Guijiel, Hannah, 196. Guinel, Thomas, 196. Gunsmith, 137, ,195. Haley, Jamime, 122. Hall, Thomas, 1:83. Hallis, John, 86, 92. Ham, Antho., 120. Hames, John, 147, 155, 156, 162. Hames, John, Jr., 155. Hames, Margaret, 156. Hampstead, Ben, 133, 141. Hampstead, John, 141. Hampsted, Elizabeth, 133. Hamstead, Ben, 133, 141. Hamstead, Jno., 141. Hamsted, Elizabeth, 133. Hancock, Stanley, 41, 42, 48, 53, 57. Hanion, Johannes, 187. Hanion, Johannes, Jr., 187. Hanion, Margreta, 187. Harbardink, Jan., 116. Hardinge, James, 193. Hardman, Christian, 161. Hardman, Henry, 161* Harperdinck, Johannes, 116. Harperdinck, John, 116. Harperding, John, 116. . Hartamann, Christian, 166. Hartamann, Elizabeth, 166. Hartamann, Sarah, 166. Hartman,.Henry, 161. Hartroick, Gaspar, 165. Hassall, Henry, 163. .. . Hastier, John, 178.206 INDEX. Jackson, William, 119, 12a, 127, i52r 183. Jacobson, Peter, 119. Jamison, David, 3, 85, 91, i42, I59* Jamison, Mr., 52. Jane way, Agnis, 143. Janeway, Jacob, 155. Jansen, Joh., 117, 124, 125, 126, I3°* 94> 98, Jansen, Johannes, 190, 192. Jeklin, Catharine, 172. Jennings, Anne, 135. Jewett, Barbary, 5. Johnson, Catharina, 117. Johnson, Cornelius, 132. Johnson, Mangle, 63. Johnson, S., 126. Johnson, Simon, 130. Johnston, James, 124. Johnston, John, 117, 122, 124, 125, 135- Joiners, 72, 73, 114, 117, 123, 126, 134, *35, 137, 140) *45, r48, i5i) 99, 165, 172, 176, 181, 186. Jones, Daniel, 129. Jones, Edward, 169. Jones, Elizabeth, 116, 117. Jones, John, 129, 130. Jones, Margaret, 17& Jones, Mary, 177. Jones, Richard, 19. Jones, William, 176. Joyce, Edward, 134. Hatters, 124, 191, 193. Hawkings, Elizabeth, 169. Hawkins, Elizabeth, 169. Hay, Andrew, 123. Haywood, Jean, 159. Heartwig, Caspar, 165. Heas, Elizabeth, 134. Heas, Mary, 134. Hebon, John, 2, 84, 86, 93, 101. Hendericksen, Arnout, 148. Hendricks, David, 38, 45. Henion, Daniel, 142. Henion, Margreta, 187. Hennejou, John, 150. Hennejou, Margaret, 150. Hennejou, Peter, 150. Hennion, Daniel, 142. Hennion, Maragrita, 142. Hiell, George, 172. . Higginson, George, 136. Hildreth, Benjamin, 143, 159. Hill, Enoch, 84, 86, 89, 91, 97, 101, 102. Hitchcock, John, 137, 174. Hitchcock, John, Jr., 137. Hocum, John, 139. Hoglandt, John, Jr., 144. Holland, Henry, 125. Holland, Henry, Jr., 125. Holmes, Alexander, 169. Hooglandt, John, 144. Hopkins, Christo., 119. Hopkins, William, 181. Horner, Thomas, 175, 176. Horner, Thomas, Jr., 175, 176. Hous, Annachas, 164, 165. Hous, John, 165. House, Annacha, 164, 165. House Carpenters, 126, 165, 170. Howard, Catherine, 191. Huddleston, William, 121. Hughes, Bassett, 161, 162. Hunt, Anne, 152. Hunt, Thomas, 151, 152, 198. Hunter, Jonathan, 139. Hutchins, Elizabeth, 147. Hyatt, John, 154. Inglis, Thomas, 130. Inman, Henry, 185. Innkeepers, 172, r8o. Jacblen, Catherine, 171, 172. Jacblen, Robert, 171, 172. Jackson, John, 152, 183. Jackson, Patrick, 137. Kearney, Thomas, 125. Kelly, Elizabeth, 169. Kelly, Henry, 169. Kelly, John, 172. Kelly, Robert, 169. Kelly, William, 131. Kerboyle, Dr. Johannes, 12, 17, 22, 33, 36, 48, 50, 59, 61, 70, 71, 82, 83, 94, 97, 101. Kerboyle, Mrs., 84, 90. Kiersted, Cornelis, 143. Kiersted, Cornelius, 149. Kiersted, Jacobus, 184. Kilmaster, Thomas, Jr., 144. Kimball, Henry, 39, 40, 43, 52, 57, 59, 66, 67, 69, 78, 82, 87, 93, 95, 106, 107. Kinder, John, 123. King, Gustavus, 4. Kingston, Hannah, 145, 165, 185. Kingston, Joseph, 144, 145, 165. Kip, Abraham, 177. Kip, Anthony, 177. Kip, Isaac, 142, 143, 155, 177.INDEX. 207 Kip, Jacobus, 114, 115, 118, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 142, 143, 146, 151, 163, 164, 170, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, I94» 195- Kip, Johannes, 2, 7, 17, 19, 33, 34, 48, 50, 59, 61, 70, 73- Kip, John, 146, 177. Kip, Petrus, 120. Kip, Sarah, 163. Knight, Richard, 152, 153. Knowels, Alexander, 174. Knowels, Elizabeth, 174. Koerdis, Hendrick, 144. Koerdus, Hendrick, 119. Kyerck, Thomas, 165* Kyerck, William, 165. Labach, John, 173. Labagh, Henry, 177. Laborers, 163, 164. Lafever, Febey, 154. Lafever, Hannah, 154, 155. Lake, Jane, 140. Lake, William, 140. Lamoureux, Daniel, 145. Lance, Otto, 3. Land, price of, 28, 30, 39, 40, 47, 52, 72, 77, 78. Lane, William, 178, 194. La Roche, Susannah, 178. Larong, Andrew, 178. Larong, Mary, 178. Larvrier, Davis, 166. Larvrier, Elizabeth, 166. Larvrier, Willhelmus, 166. Latham, Beverley, 160, 186, 197. Latham, Joseph, 141, 157, 171. Latourette, Jean, carpenter, 45. Lauvier, Davis, 166. Lauvier, Elizabeth, 166. Lauvier, Willhelmus, 166. Lawrence, Benjamin, 126, 127, 134. Lawrence, Elizabeth, 126. Lawrence, Major John, 4; men- tioned 5, 15, 16, 17, 25, 32, 37, 48, 51, 59, 62, 67. Leather Dresser, 136. Leonard* Robert, 162. Leonard, Capt. Robert, 175- Le Roux, Charles, 122.. Le Roux, Jean, 38. Le Roux, John, 142. Lessen, Johannes, 198. Lesser, Johannes, 154. Lester, Territ, 143. Leunenbecker, Johan P., 181. Lewis, Captain, 84. Lewis, Leonard, 67, 81, 90, 124, 142, *43- Lewis, William, 180. License fees, 4, 38, 99, 102. Liewe, John, 84, 85, 89, 90, 100, 104, 106, 108. Lime, price of, 85, 91, 101, 1 oz} i°3, 104. Limners, 122, 189. Livingston, Robert, Jr., 175. Lodivik, Col. Charles, 63. Loutitt, Ichabod, 195, 196- Loveridge, Samuel, 172, 189. Lumber, price of, 1:03. Lurting, Robert, 143. Lyell, David, 197. Lyell, Robert, 197. Lyndall, Deborah, 45, 48, 54. Lyndon, John, 194. Macisleton, Samuel, 194. Macisleton, Sarah, 194. Mackeaselton, Alexander, 114. Mackcaselton, Sarah N., 114. Mackneal, John, 181. McNeal, John, 128, 181. Mactosh, James J., 181. Maerschalck, Andries, 195, 196. Maes, Nicholas, 148. Maetteyson, W., 150. Mahon, William, 168. Man, Edward, 132. Man, Johannes, 170, 195. Man, Samuel, 195. Manbreut, John, 177. Manbrut, Elias, 151, 152. Manbrut, Elie, 152, 169. Manbrut, John, 177. Mangel, Mr., boatman, n. Many, Ann, 141. Marchalk, Andrew, 163. Margseon, John, 169. Mariners, 122, 140, 143, 146, *5°> 153, 155, 162, 166, 167, 169, i73> 181, 184, 188, 189, 193, 195, 196* Mariot, Mary, 117. Marius, Jacob, 28, Marius, Peter J., 38, 41, 44, 47. Market house, rent of, 89. Marschalck, Andrew, 115. Marshall, Jarvis, 1, 5, 8, 16, 17, 33, 39, 40, 48, 49, 52, 59, 60. Mason§, 133. Mathews, Marrat, 113. Mathews, William, 113, 114. Matysen, Nicholas, 148.208 INDEX. Maxwell, John, 193. Maurice, James, 153* May, Agnes, 138. Melot, John P., 14, r7> 24> 33, 36, 47. Merchants, 125, 128, 142, I43, 146, 149,174,184,186,187. Merrett, Capt. John, 46, 47. Merrett, William, 13, 17, 23> 26, 29, 33, 36, 47, 63. Meyer, H. D., 114. Meyer, Harman, 176. Meyer, Ide, 133. Meyer, Martinus, 176, 177. Millbagh, Henry, 164, 165. Millbagh, Jacob, 164. Miller, Bartel, 181. Miller, Bartholomew, 157* Miller, Daniel, 185. Miller, Jacob, 143. Mills, Alexander, 122, 135, 136. Millwrights, 146. Minthorn, Phillip, 194. Minviele, Gabriel, 29. 'Mitchell, Hannah, 196. Mitchell, John, 152. Moll, Abraham, 71. Montaine, Theunis, 144. Moore, Benjamin, 154. Moore, Febey, 154. Moore, James, 180. Moore, John, 154. Moore, Samuel* 172. Moore, Thomas, 131, 180, 181. Moore, William, 154. Morris, William, 6, 8, 18, 33, 47, 63. Mortier, John, constable, 43. Mosener, George, 146. Moss, Joshua, 124. Moss, Peter, 124. Muir son, George, 167. Murphy, James, 190, 194. Nails, price of, 85, 92, 99, 105. Neely, Thomas, 148. Neely, Thomas, Jr., 148. Negroes, whipped by bellman of the city, 3, 27 ; fined, 4, 8. Nevill, William, funeral expenses, 5. Nicholls, George, 152. Nicholls, Richard, 127, 128, 129, 145. Nichols, James, alias Petit Bois, 26, 29> 33, 39, 48, 51, 59, 64, 70, 7h 82, 83, 94, 97, 106, 108. Nichols, Joseph, 3, 4, 8, 17, 21, 33, 35, 38, 39, 47- Nichols, Robert, 128. Nichols, William, 35. Nickson, Thomas, 194. Nix, Catherine, 168. Noble, Catharyna, 116. Noble, David, 116. Noble, John, 118. Noble, Thomas, 116, 118. Norris, James, 171. Norris, Marsey, 147. North, Joseph, 177. North, Mary, 177. Norton, Sam, 124. Norwood, Andrew, 118, 119. Norwood, Cornelia, 118. Norwood, Richard, 119. Noxon, Bartholomew, 185. Noxon, T., 127. Onckelbag, G., 150. Onclebagh, Gerret, 106. Ossry, Mary, 133. Owen, Christian, 188. Painters, 130. Palding, Sophia, 116. . Palentines, 154. Papin, Mr., 3. Parker, Abigail, 132. Parker, George, 193. Parker, George, Jr., 193, 194. Parker, James, 198, 199. Parker, Janna, 160. Parker, John, 160. Parker, Margrett, 193. Parker, Samuel, 160, 198, 199. Parmiter, Thomas; 147. Parmyter, Par* 180. Parmyter, Paroculus, 159. Parmyter, Susana, 147. Partridge, Nehemiah, 122. Parvisol, Dorothy, 131. Parvisol, Peter, 131. Pasco, Simon, 169. Patrick, Hannah, 169. Pattreau, Daniell, 132. Payton, Samuel, 162. Peaterson, Antye, 196. Peaterson, John, 195. Peck, Benjamin, 131. Peffer, Michel, 163. Pell, Samuel, 170, 171, 185, 195. Pelletreau, Elias, 118. Pells, Theophilus, 115. Pelltreau, Ellias, Jr., 179. Pennant, Edward, 119, 123, 124, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, 156, 163, 165, 168, 169, 186, 188. Perry, Margaret, 155, .156.INDEX. 209 Peterson, John, 196. Pewterers, 177. Phenix, Jacob, 146. Philipse, Adolph, 21, 142. Philipse, Frederick, 137, I45, I^5> 178, 185, 188, 189, 190, I91* Pietersse, Antie, 196. Pinaud, Paul, 144. Pinhorne, William, 14, 17, 23- Pipon, Ph., 168. Pittman, Nathaniel, 4. Planters, 162. Plower, Michael, 157. Plowman, Giles, 192. Plowman, Peter, 192. Pool, Thomas, 182, 183. Pool, William, 151, 182. Pool, William, Jr., 151. Poole, Thomas, 182. Poole, WJlliam, 182. Poor Fund, 2, 5, 9, 15, 26, 27, 29, 31, 40, 41, 43* 48, 53, 56, 59, 65, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77- Pope, Mary, 152. Pope, Thomas, 152. Porter, Porter, 159. Post, Catharine, 172. Post, John, 172, 173. Poutrau, Abraham, 197. Pratt, Hen., 153, 166, 176, 187, 19°, 194- Presher, Cathrine, 120. Presher, Mary, 119, 120. Presler, Anthony, 144. Presler, Valentine, 144. Price, Eye, 146. Price, Jacob, 146. Price, John, 147. Price, Marsey, 147. Prichard, Ann, 131. Printers, 159, 191, 198, 199- Provoost, Robert, 125. Provost, David, Jr., 84, 86, 89, 9°, 92, 94, 97, 99, m3, io5, Io6> Io8* Pullen, Richard, 134. Pulley makers, 146, 187. Putt, Calvin, 197. Putt, Dianna, 197. Putt, Joshua, 197. Quereau, Joshua, 144. Quick, Jacobus, 115. Quick, James, 170. Quintard, Peter, 166, 167. Raynolds, John, 181, 183. Read, John, 132. Reade, Lawrence, 63, 69, 7°, 75, Reapers, 120, 121. Rentels, 10, 11, 26, 28, 30, 37, 39, 4°, 43, 52, 66, 67, 78, 79, 85, 89, 98, IOO. Reupel, John, 166. Reynolds, J., 192. Riceball, John, 198. Rich, James, 132. Richardson, Gertruy, 196. Richardson, Robert, 152, 169, 196. Richardson, Thomas, 196. Rick, Henry, 149. Rick, Jacob, 161, 182. Rivers, Benja, 145. Robert, Christopher, 178, 179. Robert, Spsannah, 178. Roberts, Thomas, 128, 129. Robinson, Daniel, 155. Robinson, Mary, 145. Rodman, John, 85, 89, 90, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108. 'Roll, John, 150. Rollinson, Aron, 135. Roome, see Willemse, Peter. Roome, John, 191. Roome, Johannis, 115. Roome, Will, 192. Roos, Gerrit, 186. Roosevelt, John, 126. Roosevelt, Nicholas, 106. Rushton, John, 114, 141, I71- Rushton, Sarah, 133, 141. Russell, Richard, 173, 174- Rutgers, Harmanus, 184. Rutgers, Henry, 184, 185. Rutgers, Peter, 185, 186. Ryckman, Toby as, 196. Saddlers, 143, 185. Sailmakers, 140, 154. St. bury,-John, 151. Saisler, Captain, 3. Salaries, 9, 15, 20, 27, 28, 29, 31, 38, 43, 63, 68, 77, 84, 86. Sandiforth, Thomas, 193- Sawyer, 182. Scabanck, Mr., 5. Schermerhorn, Arnout, 125. Schleydorn, Elizabeth, 178* Schleydorn, Henry, 178., Schoolmasters, 131, 149. Schultze, John, 180. Schutze, Johan M., 145* Schutze, John H., 145. Schuyler, Brandt, 11, i7» 22» 28, 31, 32, 38, 42, 47, 63, 69, 7°, 74, 76, 77, 81.210 INDEX. Schuyler, David, 186. Schuyler, Jno., 148. Schuyler, Margaret, 45. Schuyler, Phillip, 149. Scott, Hunter, 185, 186. Scott, Lena, 185. Scurlock, Thos., 139. Searle, John, 120, 121. Sellwood, John, 145, 157, 166, 176. Selyns, Rev. Henricus, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25- Semense, Marguess, 192. Semine, Simone, 148. Sempster, 130. Shahan, Samuel, 115. Shakerly, William, 175. Shakerly, William, Jr., 175. Sharpas, Elizabeth, 158. Sharpas, William, 27, 28, 20, 31, 32, 39, 4L 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 76, 84, 90, 99, 101, 128, 129, 159. Shereman, John, 145. Sherman, Eve, 146. Sherman, John, 146. Sherman, Thomas, 145. Ship Carpenters,>.171. Shipwrights, 116, 117, 127, 139, 152, 157, 159, 161, 162, 170, 171, 172, 173, 189, 197. Shoemakers, 116.-138, 187, 189. Shutze, Johan M., 145. Shutze, John H., 145. Sibley, John, 140,-141, 145. Sickles, Zacharias, 91. Siew, John, see Liewe, John. Silversmiths, 148, 178. Simes, William, 190. Simontze, John, 135. Skaats, Bartholomew, 162. Skinners, 171. Sleigh, Charles, 130, 149, 161V Slocum, John, 139. Smith, Adam, 197. Smith, Ellinor, 197^198. Smith, English, 3, 8, 9, 17, 20, 26, 27, 28, 38, 4L 43, 47, 52, 56, 63. Smith, James, 122. Smith, John, 119, 132, 138, 188. Smith, Joseph, 181. Smith, Lawrence, 181. Smith, Mary, 149. Smith, Peter, 132, 188. Smith, Capt. Thomas, 142. Snowden, Samuel, 188. Soldiers’ pay, 63, 85, 86, 92. Solomons, Jacob, 119. Sooy, Joost, 179, 180. Soumaine, Simeon, 124, 125, 148* Sparepoint, Martha, 127. Sparepoint, Samuel, 127. Sparpint, Samuel, 127. Spencer, James, 14, 17, 24, 33, 3*>> 48* 5L 59, -62, 70, 7L 73- Spicer, John, 163, 164. Spratt, John, 28, 38. Staats, Samuel, 63. Standley, James, 153. Standley, Mary, 153. Stapleton, Robert, 3. Stear, J. A., 173. Stephens, Cornelius, 137, 174. Stephens, John, 198. Stevenson, Hugh, 127, 128. Stevenson, John, 127. Stevenson (Mrs.), 127. Stout, Herman, 140. Stoutenburgh, Peter, 115, 132. Strangwich, Arthur, 5. Stuyvesandt, Gerardus, 119. ( Stuyvesant, G., 169. Surgeons, 160, 167. Surveyors, 174. Swan, Jacob, 194. Swift, Henry, 134. Symense, Marguess, 192. Symensz, Johannes, 192. Symentje, Johannes, 192. Symentse, Johannes, 192. Symentz, John, 135. Tailors, 135, 154, 159, 178. Talbot, St. George, 127. Talbot, Richard, 146, 187, 188. Tamler, Nicholas, 128. Tandie, Jan., 126. Tandy, John, 126. Tanners, 118, 119, 145, 146. Tar, price of, 99. Taxes, 1, 2, 4, 8. Taylor, John, 160. Teaver, Henry, 188. Tebree, Elishea, 150. Tellett, James, 142. Ten Eyck, Coenraat, 122, 185. Ten Eyck, Jacob, 122. Tenouan, Cornel, 172. Tenovans, Cornelius, 157. Thamson, Thomas, 178. Theobald, John, 85, 91. Thew, John, 127. - Thienhoven, Cornelius, 118. Thomas, Richard, 127. Thompson, Gabriel, 84, 90. Thomson, John, 132.INDEX. 211 Thong, Thomas, 184. Thorne, John, 161. Thorne, John, Jr., 161. Thorne, Mary, 161. Thornewell, Dr., see Thornhill, Thomas. Thornhill, Dr. Thomas, 43. Thurman, Ralph, 131. Tienhoven, Cornel, 172. Tillou, John, 117. Timber, price of, 99. Tincklebagh, Effe, 163. Tincklebagh, Paulus, 163. Tingley, Elizabeth, 153. Tioning, Davit, 191. Tobacconist, 152. Tonnard, Moses, 171. Toppin, William, 171. Tothill, Jeremiah, 67. Trell, Ester, 139. Trell, Joyce, 139. Tremper, Johann J., 198. Trempier, Johann J., 198. Troup, John, 175. Troup, Robert, 175. Trumper, John J., 198. Trumper, John J., Jr., 198. Tuder, John, 39, 40, 42, 48, 53, 59, 63, 64, 69, 76, 78, 82, 87, 93, 95, 105, 107. Tuder, Mary, 140. Turners, 114, 153, 156, 164, 169. Van Bells, Matthias, 159. Van Bomble, Susannah, 180. Van Borsom, Egbert, 126. Van Cortland, Jacobus, 11, 17, 21, 33, 35, 48, 50, 57, 59, 70, 71, 78, 81, 82, 87, 93, 94, 105, 107, 128, 129, 133, 134. Van Cortlandt, Johannes, 61. Van Cortlandt, Phillip, 115, 121, 123, 124, 127, 131, 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 157, 160, 161, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 175, *76, 177, 179, i83, 184, 186, 188, 190, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198. Van Cortlandt, Stephen, 8, 9, 17, 20, 31, 33, 35, 48, 50, 59, 61, 70, 82, 83, 94, 96, 106, 108, 184, 196, 198. Van Dam, Rip, 57. Van Dam, Rip, Jr., 122. Vanderburgh, Dirck, 13, 17, 18, 22, 32, 47, 48, 55, 60, 66, 70, 74, 82, 83, 94, 97, 106, 108. Vander Ripe, Mary, 179. Vanderspiegel, Johannes, 63, 69, 70, 73, 74- Van Dewater, Hendrick, 137, 161. Vandewater, Henry, 195. Van Galder, Abraham, 170., Van Galder, Isaac, 170. Van Gelder, Abraham, 165, 170. Van Gelder, Cornelius, 165, 166. Van Gelder, Dennis, 141. Van Gelder, Gerret, 134. Van Gelder, Harmanus, 126, 141, 147, 153, 154, 183, 187, 192, 198. Van Gelder, Isaac, 170, 171. Van Gelder, John, 141. Van Gene, Jora, 149, 150. Van Hoek, Arent, 187. Vanhoesen, John, 189. Van Hook, Isaack, 192. Van Housen, Folkerk, 176. Van Husen, John, 189. Van Husen, John, Jr., 189. Van Laer, Gabriel, 156, 157. Van Laer, Garret, 156. Vanloo, John, 155, 156. Van Mepell, Roiliff, 192. Van Mapla, Yakem, 171. Van Meple, Roilif, 191, 192. Van Meple, Janetie, 191, 192. Van Meple, Jogim, 191, 192. Van Pelt, Tunis, 150. Van Pelt, Tunis, Jr., 150. Van Vleck, Abraham, 164, 184. Van Vleck, Roelif, 153. Van Vlecq, Elizabeth, 177. Van Vlecq, Capt. Isaac, 46, 48, 55, 60, 65, 70, 74, 82, 83, 94, 97, 106, ro8. Van Vlecq, Roeloff, 177. Vanvorst, Johannes, Jr., 161. Van Wyck, Theodore, 181. Van Zandt, J., 115. Veenvos, Daniel, 77. Vernon, H., 135. Vernon, Lydia, 135. Verplanck, Mr., 103. Verplanck, Mrs., 104. Vesey, Rev. William, 86, 91, 99, 102. Victuallers, 190. Vinter, 167, 193. Vintners, 127. Vodirens, John B., 145. Waitte, Joseph, 188. Waldron, Joseph, 118, 185. Waldron, Rutgert, 137. Waldron, Samuell, 137, 138. Wallice, Roger, 135.212 INDEX. Walling, William, 181. Walter, John, 139, 162. Walter, Robert, 136, 139, 140, 142, 144, 152, 16-1, 164, 165, 171, 180, 181, 183. Walters, Jacob, 188. Walters, John, 188. Walters, Margaret, 188. Walton, Tho., 136. Ware, Jane, 169. Ware, Thomas, 169. Warne, Francis, 114, 115, 176. Warne, Sarah, 114. Warner, Richard, 133. Warner, William, 133. Watchmen, 168. Waters, Margaret, 188. Waters, Mary, 194, 195. Watson, Abraham, 179. Watson, Mathew, 155. Watson, Mrs. Mathew, 155. Wattson, Jacob, 147. Wattson, Katterne, 147. Weare, Jane, 169. Weavers, 132, 139, 144, 177. Weblin, William, 122, 123. Weeks, James, 153, 165. Welch, James, 133. Weldin, Elizabeth, 131. Weldin, Margaret, 131. Welsh, William, 10, 28. Wendell, Abraham, 154. Wendell, Gerrit, 196. Wendover, Hercules, 165. Wendover, Thomas, 129, 130, 176, 187. Wendover, William, 153. Wessell, John, 157. Wessells, Peter, 178, 189. Wheeler, Sarah, 194. Wiblin, William, 159. Wieller, Anna D., 162. Wieller, Marton, 162. Wigmakers, 118,-122, 123, 132, 135, 136, 145, 160, 167, 168, 169, 175, 180, 186. Wignal, Robert, 167. Wignal, Sarah, 167, 168. Wildman, Thomas, 183. Willemse, Peter, 84, 89, 90, 93, 96, 97) 98) 99, 101, io2,- 105, 106. Willett, Richard, 125. • , Williams, Jamime, 122. Williams, Peter, see Willemse, Peter. Williams, Richard, 122, 123. Willson, Ebenezer, 125. Willson, Captain Ebenezer, 168. Willson, George, 133. Wilmot, Ja., r86. Wilson,'Ebenezer, treasurer, 1; men- tioned 8, 13, 14, I7, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 47, 48, 5°> 52, 55, 58, 59) 60, 62, 63, 67, 69, 72> 74, 75, 78, 82, 85, 87, 89, 93, 94, 100, 105, 107. Windover, Thomas, 113, I51* Wine Coopers, 129. Winne, Francis, 86* 92. Woolen Semstrisses, 120. Wright, Elizabeth, 166. Wyatt, David, 128, 129. Wyatt, James, 128. Yeomen, 154, 165. Yerworth, John, 127, 161, 162, *73> 174, *75- York, James, 118. You, James, 118. Young, John, 175. Zenger, John P., 186, 19°. *95' Zenger, Peter, 158, 161, 173.