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In that list Jonathan is always changed to John. When the N. Y. pension roll of 1835 was procured over eighty new names were added. Others came from other sources, but many will never be known. All names are given alphabetically, even if uncertain, but the latter are designated. Some before suggested as pos- sible are now certain. Some are repeated for needed addi- tion or corrections. The list of 1835 gives service but not town residence. That of 1840 reverses this. Reference here to a town is for the account in preceding volume, but a mere mention is only for locality. The pension list of 1835 is perplexing, intervals of years often separating applications for and granting of pensions, nor do these agree with local records. In petitions it was customary to state the age, but there seems no rule in this list, yet it is thought best to give recorded ages with a caution as to use. In the list at large hundreds of appli- cations are said to have been made March 4, 1831, a very unlikely thing. In this county alone 130 are credited to that day. This list also throws light on the movements of veterans. Some went to other counties; some came here from them. A few of these will be noticed. Careful examinations have been made in the Surrogate’s office, but only highly probable names have been retained, passing over some tempting records. It was hoped that the files of Mr. Redfield’s early papers might be examined with good results, but while this could not easily be done, other journals have yielded much. Thus there will be future work for younger hands, for this supplement ends this line of research by the present compiler, now m his 85th year, a pleasant task, with all its vast amount of work. Incidentally it should be said that pensioners were but a small fraction of those who served. William Abbe.— (See Onon.) This pensioner died Aug. 6, 1833. He applied for a pension in 1818, and his age is given as 75 years. In the 1835 list, however, ages are quiteONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 189 uncertain, and dates of application by no means agree with county records. In 1820 he was called 52 years of age. Ahijah Adams.—(See DeWitt.) This pioneer’s name has been misspelled by writers. The prostrate stone is broken through the name, but it is Ahijah, not Abijah, and his story briefly follows: He was born in Killingly, Ct., Nov. 1758, dying in DeWitt Feb. 3, 1841, in his 83d year. He settled there in 1794, on a soldier’s claim 4 miles east of Syracuse. When drafted for service he engaged a substi- tute, who lost his leg and afterward lived on and with him. He married (1) Lydia Cosgrove; (2)--; (3) Mrs. Lydia (Hill) Granger in 1806; (4) Mrs. Hawks, April, 1840, and had thirteen children. John Adams.— (See Onon.) There seems no doubt that both father and son were veterans. Major James H. Dur- ham, of Cape Vincent, whose grandfather was a very early settler here, and whose wife was a descendant of both veterans, visited the son in 1825, being then five years old. '“I remember that my father said that Deacon Adams was an old soldier. My father was an army officer himself and naturally would know about such matters.” Abiel Allen.:—Camillas. Susannah Allen, adm., Jan. 18, 1808. Name in Mass., in Lexington alarm and later. One from Worcester account in ’78, was then 22 years old. Of course in these letters of administration age can only be conjectured, and so the list has been carefully condensed. Levi Allen.—Application made March 4, 1831. his ser- vice being in the Conn. Militia. His home was in Salisbury, and he was on an expedition against Ticonderoga in April- May,’75. Aged 77. Gideon Alling.—This veteran was born in Milford, Conn., March 16, 1764, served there and went to Marcellus in 1819, where he died Aug. 16, 1830. He married Sarah Russel, July 11, ’82, who died Sept. 25, 1833. Record in the family history. Powell J. Amerman.—Some of the Amermans were buried in the Owasco cemetery, Skaneateles, as this veteran was, and others at Moravia, so that a reference to these and the Austins is conjectural. They are classed as Cayuga pensioners in 1835, but quite probably were buried in Onon- daga county. Application made March 4, 1831, aged 70. Served in N. J. Militia.190 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Josiah Andrews.—See Fabius. Application 1831, age 81 Sergeant in Conn. Militia. Samuel Austin.—Cayuga pensioner, applied 1831, aged 84. Served in Mass. Militia. May have been buried in Owasco cemetery, town of Skaneateles, but this is con- jectural. Zephaniah Austin.—Cayuga pensioner, applied 1831, aged 71. Served in N. Y. Militia. See preceding regarding burial. Joy Babbitt.—He applied for a pension April 13, 1818, from Lysander and again in 1820 in Ontario county, having enlisted in August, 1782, in Capt. Williams’ company, Col. Sprout’s regiment, Mass. Line, and went to the Hudson at once. In June, ’83, he was transferred to Capt. Haskell’s Co., and sent to Philadelphia. Discharged in June, ’84, he had left discharge in Vermont. He was a fifer, aged 50 in 1818, and then living in Lysander. Born in Dartmouth, Mass., Sept. 26, ’67, he died in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1849. He married Esther Cook, Sept. 16, '86, who was bom Oct. 6, '65, and died July 17, 1813. A second wife deserted him. Not in rolls. William Bacon.— (See Onon.) This pensioner applied in 1818, age 67, and served in N. Y. Line. Enoch Bailey.— (See Tully) Application in 1831, age 74. Served in Conn. Militia. Casprus Bain.—Applied 1831, age 74. Albany 10th regi- ment. In Argyle, N. Y., in ’90. James Baker.—(See Mar.) Applied April 11, 1818, age 68. Private in Mass. Line. Lewis Baker.—(See Mar.) Served in N. Y. Continentals. Jonathan Baker.—(See Mar.) Applied 1819, age 59. In Mass. Line, and came here from Rutland, Vermont. Nathan Baker.—Applied in Monroe county, Sept. 27, 1832, age 78, and had been a Baptist elder. Enlisted under Capt. Thaddeus Lacey, Woodbury, Ct., in Col. Heman Swift’s regiment, June 1-Dec. 1, '76, serving mostly on Lake Champlain. In ’78 substituted for Phineas Baker for eight months, and was in the militia in ’79. In ’80 he was drafted, and in ’81 enlisted under Capt. Leavenworth. He was bom in Woodbury, April 14, ’60, went to Vermont, then to Wash- ington county, N. Y., then was a year in Manlius and 32 in Pompey, leaving there in 1828, and had been 4 years in|| ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 191 ' Riga. He does not appear in list of 1840. Reported age placed birth in 1754. . Benoni Ballard.—Applied 1818, age 76. Died Aug. 10, 1827. In 1st N. Y. Line and Harper’s Levies. Andrew Balsley.— (See DeWitt.) Applied 1831, age 76. In N. Y. Militia. Heartwell Barnes.—(See Fab.) He died Sept. 11,1820. Thomas Barnum.—Applied 1831, age 81. Sergt. in 12th Albany regiment. Nicholas Barth.—He was a lieutenant in 1st Tryon Co. regiment, Lieut. Col. Clyde, and was pensioned Oct. 7, 1786, a very early date. Nicholas Bartlett.—(See Pomp.) Applied 1831, age 85. Served in Mass. Militia. Lemuel Bates.—He was born in Brinfield, Mass., March 4, 1747, going to Ohio after the war. On his return he spent a short time in Syracuse, but died in Homer. He was a sergeant in Capt. Stoddard’s Hampshire Militia in ’82, and married Farezinah Thompson, who died in Homer, Aug. 3, 1852, aged 98 years. Zachariah Beers.—Applied 1831, age 76. Sergeant in Capt. Nathan Hince’s Militia company, Woodbury, Ct., for 1 month in ’76. Jonathan Belding.— (See Onon.) Applied 1831, age 73. Mass. Continentals. Silas Bellows.—Salina. Elizabeth Bellows, adm., May 11, 1809. In Mass. Lexington alarm and Saratoga. Probable. Jonathan Benedict.—(See Pom.) Applied 1831, age 88. Sergt. in N. Y. Militia. David Bennet.— (See V. B.) Thus in 1835, but Daniel in that of 1840. The former is right. Applied 1831, age 70. In Capt. Prentice’s company, Norwalk, Ct., in ’82. Peter Berian, Sr.—Tully. Will made June 16, 1806; proved Feb. 23, 1807. Wife, Abigail. He left four sons and a married daughter. Name in 4th regiment, Orange county. In ’90, Goshen, N. Y. Probable. Samuel Berry.—Marcellus. Spencer Berry, admr., June 8, 1809. The latter died in 1811. Served in Mass, and N. Y. In ’90 Albany and Dutchess counties. Probable. Jacob I. Bevier.— (Skan.) Cayuga pensioner, applied 1831, age 67. N. Y. State troops. Joseph Billings.—(See Skan.) The wife’s inscription192 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION at Mottville is “Sarah, |wife of | Joseph Billings] died Aug. 4,11836, | aged 77 years.” Hooper Bishop.—This Pompey pioneer and pensioner was under Capt. John Carpenter, June 25-Sept. 25, ’79; Capt. Caleb Keep, Oct. 18-Nov. 29, ’79; and in ’80 served from South Brimfield, Mass. Age then 18, stature 5 ft. 5 in. Dark complexion. July-Dee., ’80, he was with Capt. George Webb at West Point. Applied 1831, age 71. He went to Michigan, where he died over a century old. John Bishop.—Applied 1818, aged 79. Died Aug. 17, 1828. In N. Y. Line. Zenas Bliss.—Applied 1831, age 66. In Capt. Love- well’s company, Yt. Militia, July 1-Nov. 24, ’81. John Boom.—Lysander. Sally Boom and Joseph Cody, adm., June 11, 1813. Under Col. Wynkoop and in 1st N. Y. Line, ’81. At Coxsackie in ’90. Probable. John Briggs.—(See Skan.) Applied 1831, age 76. Age incorrect. In Conn. Militia. Capt. Ellsworth, ’75; Capt. Dixon, ’76. Served from Sharon in ’81. Gideon Brockway.—In Camillus in 1807. Applied 1831, age 79. Served in Harper’s N. Y. Levies. In ’90 in. Cats- kill. Died June 8, 1833. John Brooks.—Applied 1831, age 74. N. Y. Continentals. Daniel Bunce.— (See Pompey.) Died Dec. 10, 1823, age 74. John Burroughs.— (See Skan.) Buronough in 1835. Applied 1831, age 75. N. Y. Militia. At first buried on his farm; removed to Shepard Settlement in 1878. Jeremiah Burroughs.—MareeJlus. Will, Sept. 30, 1803- March 30, ’04. Wife Mary. Adult sons and married daughter. Name in 3d N. Y. Line. Probable. David Burton.—Applied 1831, age 88. In Capt. Abel’s company, Conn. Militia, 6 months in ’76. Prisoner at Fort Washington in that year. Ebenezer Butler, Sen.— (See Pompey.) In the records of Branford, Ct., Mrs. Minnie L. Kellogg found that this veteran was born there Dec. 1, 1734, and married Miss Desire Barns there, March 30, 1757. Two of their children were born in that place, but Ebenezer, Jr., was born in Harwinton, Ct., June 29, 1760. No previous record has been published with these dates, which correct some errors. Ebenezer Calkins.— (See Manlius.) In Lenox Rural cemetery, near Canastota, are two stones, reading:ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONABY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 193 “Ebenezer | Calking, | Died | July 1, 1847, | in the 83, year | of his age. | Sally | Wife of | Ebenezer | Calking | Died | Sept. 30, 1847, | Aged 66 years.” This would be a second wife. Nathan Campbell.—Postoffice list. Capt. Ephraim Warren’s company, Conn. Militia. In ’90, Stephentown, N. Y., and Montgomery county. In 1807, Camillus. Jacob Carhart.—Applied 1831, age 73. Weissenfels’ N. Y. Levies. Isaac Carpenter.—Pompey. Will, Sept. 23,1807-May 27, ’09. Wife Jeane, with 5 sons and 3 daughters. Name in 14 Albany L.B. R. and Orange 3 L. B. R. In ’90, Goshen, N. Y. Probable. Rufus Carter.— (See Fab.) Applied 1831, age 69. Artificer in Conn. Militia. Giles Case.— (See Onon.) Applied 1831, age 76. Cor- poral in N. Y. Militia. Calvin Chamberlin.—Onondaga. Simon Crandall, Paris, N. Y., adm., Dec. 12, 1806. Albany, 9th regiment, L. B. R. Ephraim Clark.— (See Pompey.) In abandoned ceme- tery iy2 miles north of Pompey Center, are three inscrip- tions : “In | memory of | Ephraim Clark, | who died Nov. 13th | 1825, | aged 72 years. | Sarah | Wife of | Ephraim Clark | Died | Apr. 3, 1847, | Age 87 years, &| 7 months.” Probable. Jabesh Hall | Died | Apr. 21, 1826, | Aged 69 years. | Lydia Hall | wife of | Jabesh Clark, | Died | June 24,1843, j Aged | 86 years. | Lafayette cemetery. Westchester Co., 4th regiment. In ’90, Pawling, Dutchess county. Two of the name served in Massachusetts. Probable. James Clark.—Applied 1831, age 78. Mass. Continentals. This pensioner differed greatly in age from one suggested as a probable soldier in Syracuse, but pension ages are not reliable. Two veterans seem probable. Lamberton Clark.—Applied 1818, age 73. In Conn. Line under Capt. Warner, ’77, and a drummer under Col. Durkee in ’81. In Middletown in ’90, but came here from Vermont. Samuel Clark.—See Manlius. Applied 1831, age 76. In R. I. Continentals. Seth Clark.—See Otisco. Second epitaph should read194 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION “Hannah | wife of | Seth Clark | Died May 17, 1843, | in the 83rd year | of her age.” Benjamin Coats.—(See Pompey.) Applied 1831, age 83. In N. Y. Militia. Aaron Coe.—Pompey. Brother of Ithamar. He was a captain in Col. John Moseley’s 3rd Hampshire regiment, Mass, ’76 and ’77. His brother was in the same regiment. Ithamar Coe.—He was born in Durham, Ct., Sept. 10, ’55, and removed to Granville, Mass., in ’75. He served Sept. 23-Nov. 16, ’76, and July 9-Aug. 12, '77, in Hamp- shire Co. Militia. He was an ensign, and enlisted in the Conn. Line, July 10, ’80, being then 24, stature 5 ft. 7 inches, and of light complexion. He went to Ballston, N. Y., in 1783, to Paris ’95, to Pompey 1801, to Volney in 1816, and died in LeRoy, Aug. 26, 1826. His wife was Sarah Ball, of Granville, born Nov. 25, 1763. Daniel Cole.— (See Lafayette.) Applied 1831, age 76. He served in R. I. Continentals. JOHN Cole.— (See Manlius). Applied 1831, age 72. N. Y. Continentals. Jonathan Conklin.— (See Onon.) Applied 1831, age 73. N. Y. Continentals. Samuel Conklin.— (See Mar.) Applied 1831, age 66. N. Y. Militia. Daniel Conner.— (See Fa.) Died May 28, 1831. LEMUEL cook.—Applied 1818, age 58. Conn. Line, from Watertown, ’81-’83, in Sheldon’s Dragoons, a farmer, 5 feet, 5 inches high and dark. Lemuel Cook.—Served in Canada expedition under Capt. Isaac Cook of Wallingford, Ct., being discharged Nov. 20, ’75. Both pensioners were here at the same time. The former applied for a pension a week before the latter and was five years younger. Selah Cook.—Pompey pioneer and probable veteran, but with no date of death. Possible service in Capt. Smith’s company, enlisting April 15, ’75, and going to German Flats, N. Y. Then he was in Col. Sheldon’s Conn. Dragoons, March 22, ’82, enlisting for 3 years. He was from Water- town, Ct., a farmer, 5 feet, 7% inches high, with dark eyes and brown hair. In ’90 he was in Whitesboro, N. Y., which embraced a vast territory. He may have been Serad Cook, pensioner in Madison county close by, who applied in 1831, age 71, and who served in Connecticut.ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 195 Trueworthy Cook.—Pompey pioneer and brother of the last. In Whitestown in ’90. They were among the founders of the Congregational Church in Pompey in 1796, and Lucy and Freelove Cook were their wives. Both men were over- seers of highways, but Selah owned no land there and True- worthy sold his in 1817. The former is not mentioned there after 1802. The latter went to Oswego county, where he died July 29, 1822. He applied for a pension in 1818, age 63, having served in Capt. Smith’s company, Conn. Line, for three years from March 31, ’77. William Cook.—See Pompey. Applied 1819. Served in Conn. Continentals. Aaron Cooley.—Pompey. Sarah Cooley, adm. Feb. 13, 1808. Served in various ways from Petersham, Mass., ’77-80. In Hampshire county in ’90. David Cornell.—See Van Buren, where, by an error, it is Daniel. Applied 1818, age 66, having served in N. Y. Line. Thomas Cory.—Camillus. Hannah Cory and Jacob Bacon, adm., Nov. 6, 1804. Served from Weston, Middle- sex county, Mass., where he still lived in ’90. Ebenezer Coston, born Franceston, 1765, enlisted there May, ’82, in Capt. Isaac Frye’s company. Transferred to Washington’s Life Guard, June 16, ’83. This was made up of tall men. He was discharged Dec. 20, ’83, and died in Lysander, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1814. His wife, Sarah J. Hale, was born in Beverly, N. H., June 1, ’63, and died in Sher- burne, N. Y., March 26, 1857. Ebenezer Coville.—See Onondaga. Served in Conn. Continentals. Amos C. Cowles.—(See Otisco.) Younger than the vet- eran, whose age is unknown, but he presided at the organi- zation of the Washington Religious Society, Otisco, Oct. 1, 1804, and was one of the original trustees. Benjamin Cowles.—(See Ot.) The wife’s epitaph fol- • lows: “In | memory of ) Luvina | wife of | Benjamin Cowles | who died | Jan. 27,1834, | Aged 68 years. | So Jesus slept, God’s dying son | Pass’d thro’ the grave and bless’d the bed | Rest here blest soul till from his throne | The morning breaks and frees the dead.” Vine Coy.— (See Salina.) Applied 1831, age 67. In196 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Capt. Durkee’s company, Ct., Aug. 19, ’82-’83. Pensioner in Madison county in 1835. John Cross.— (See Fabius.) Applied 1831, age 69. In Mass. Militia. Peter Cuddeback.—Skaneateles. Jacobus De Puy and Moses Cuddeback, adm., April 5, 1803. In Mamakating, N. Y., in ’90. Enrolled in Pawling’s Levies and in 2d Ulster regiment. Phillip Cummings.—An old cemetery south of Tully vil- lage has this: “In | Memory of | Phillip Cummings | who died March 26, | 1826, aged | 80 years.” The name is in the 4th Albany regiment, and another enlisted from Hollis, Mass., May 1, ’75, under Capt. Reuben Dow. This veteran was born in Groton, Mass., Nov. 26, 1745, and served from Hollis, where he married Mary Carter, bom Nov. 15, ’51, died Oct. 2, 1815. John Cunningham.—Manlius. Will, May 16, 1814- July 10, ’15. He had several grandchildren, and the name is frequent in N. E. and N. Y. rolls. Probable. Ellis Curtis.—Onondaga. Alanson Parsons, adm., June 11, 1806. Stratford, Ct., Col. Canfield’s regiment, ’81, with service at West Point. Zacharia Curtis.—Camillus. Will, July 25, 1822-Oct. 28, ’23. Wife, Zuba. Many children and grandchildren. The name is in several Mass, regiments, ’79-’83. Probable. Peres Cushman.—Applied 1831, age 74. Various ser- vices in Mass. Militia, Middleborough, ’77-’79. JEREMIAH Daly.—Fabius. Sarah Daly and James Pettit, adm., Aug. 29, 1815. Name in Col. John Glover’s regiment, Mass., ’75-’76. Probable. MARKS [Marx] Damuth. Manlius. Alvin Marsh, adm., March 11, 1813. Tryon county, 4th regiment, and still in Montgomery in ’90. Samuel Davenport.—Marcellus. Will, Oct. 18, 1809- Sept. 24, ’ll. Three sons and three married daughters. Name in Col. Lemuel Robinson’s regiment, Lexington alarm, and various services till ’79. Probable. Nathan Davis.—A Revolutionary pensioner of 1792. Several in Mass, rolls. Elisha Dean.—Tully. Anson Dean, Cazenovia, adm., Sept. 14, 1816. Col. Daggett’s regiment, Easton, Mass., ’76 and’78. William Dean.—Pompey. Will, July 29, 1835-April 7,ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 197 ’36. Died Feb. 1, 1836, “an old man.” Wife, Anna. Chil- dren, Sally, wife of David Husted of Onondaga, Rial and others. Name in Conn, rolls and Dutchess county, N. Y. Probable. John De Graft.—Applied 1831, age 72. First Albany regiment. Reuben Delano.—Skaneateles. Will, Jan. 25, 1830- June 19. His wife, Joanna, and several children survived him. She died there Oct. 3, 1843, aged 86 years, 7 months. All the heirs lived in New York, and he seems the one enrolled in 4th Albany L. B. R. regiment. A minute man, born in Duxbury, Mass., June 6, ’61, seems younger. Indi- cations are that our subject was born in Sharon, Ct., in 1755, but lived and served in New York. Davis Demming.—Applied 1831, age 71. Served in Conn. Line. He was inspector of elections in Marcellus, 1801-’06. Absalom Denny.—|See Manlius.) Applied 1831, age 70. In Conn. Continentals. Benjamin De Puy.—See Lysander and Van Buren. Ap- plied 1831, age 68, differing widely from the stone. Service in N. Y. State troops. John De Puy.—Applied 1831, age 70. N. Y. Militia. Thomas Dodge.—Fifer in N. H. Line. Applied 1818, age 57. Elijah Drake.— (See Skaneateles.) Ensign, N. Y. Militia. Applied 1831, age 77. Samuel Draper.—Applied 1831, age 72. Mass. Militia. James Dunham.— (See Van Buren.) N. J. Line. Ap- plied 1818, age 62. Jeremiah Dunham.—See Cam.) Mass. Line. Ap- plied 1831, age 61. Cyril Eaton.—Applied 1831, age 66. Conn. Militia. No record found. Eleazer Eaton.—Applied 1831, age 68. Willett’s N. Y. Levies. Stephen Eaton.—(See Pom.) Applied 1831, age 72. SaMuel Edwards.—See Manlius, but may not be the same. Conn. Continentals. Applied 1833, age 76. Robert Elliott.—Onondaga. Will, Nov. 7, 1811-July 23, ’17. Wife, Prudence and two adult children. Name in 2d and 3d Westchester regiment. Also in Mass. Continen- tals, ’80. In ’90, Bedford, Westchester county. Probable.198 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Alexander Enos.—Applied 1831, age 79. Mass. Militia. No record. William Etz.—Applied 1831, age 69. First Tryon county L. B. R. regiment. This inscription appears in Preble vil- lage cemetery: “Mrs. | Elizabeth | wife of | Capt. Wil- liam | Etz, I died Jan. 31, 1836, | Ae. 62 y. |” Isaac Farnam.—Onondaga Hill. Died Oct. 3, 1813, age 49. His wife, Mehitabel, died at Pine Ridge, near Navarino, April 22,1854, aged 89. Several of the name served in N. Y. troops. Probable. REUBEN Farnham.— (See Skan.) This pensioner died Aug. 25, 1826. Paul Fay.—Postoffice tablet. No record found. William Fay.— (See Onon.) Applied 1818, age 67. In Conn Line. Capt. John Fitch.— (See Syracuse.) Great grand- father of Hon. Charles E. Fitch, who says: “Capt. John Fitch, the fifth in descent from the Rev. James Fitch of Norwich, Conn., was born in Lisbon, Ct., July 2, 1749; married March. 5, 1772, Irene, daughter of Timothy Warner of Windham. He was a farmer, removing to the town of Kirkland, Oneida county, early in the 19th century. He died there Aug. 8, 1840. His wife died Nov. 1, 1817. He was Deputy Commissary General in Revolutionary war. Vide, pages 143 and 430 in ‘Connecticut in the Revolution- ary War.’ Many years ago my father, Thomas B. Fitch, had the remains of Capt. Fitch and wife brought to his lot in Oakwood, where they remain.” Pensioner in Kirkland, N. Y., 1840, aged 90 years. James Fletcher.—Applied 1818, no age given. Service in 1st and 3rd N. Y. Line. George Folts.—Applied 1833, age 80. In 3rd Regiment of Tryon county. In ’90 in Herkimer. . Elkanah Fuller.—Applied 1818, age 69. In Col. Ashley’s regiment, Mass., from New Marlborough in ’80, for 3 years, and then aged 18, dark, and 5 feet 1 inch high, not agreeing with pension age. Joseph Gannett.—On Post Office tablet and said to be of Syracuse. Applied 1831, age 73. In Capt. David King- man’s company, Mass. Militia, for 11 days in ’80. In ’90 in Bridgewater, Mass. Samuel Gilbert.— (See Cam.) Applied 1831, age 73. He served in Conn. Continentals.ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 199 William Gillchriss.—Onondaga. Timothy Gillchriss and Chauncey Rust, adm., Oct. 27, 1803. Fourth N. Y. Line. He came to Salina in 1798 and kept a tavern there, a favorite life for old soldiers. Nathan Goodall.— (See Fab.) Applied 1818, age 70. Died Aug. 29, 1831. Joseph Goodell.—-(See Tully.) In the same ruined cemetery is his wife’s name: “Elizabeth Goodell | Died | May 22, 1856 | in the 85th year of her age.”| Probable. Jacob Goodrich.— (See Fab.) He applied for pension from Fabius, Sept. 11, 1832, and was then 78. The claim was allowed. April, ’75, he enlisted for nine months in Capt. Dibble’s company, Col. Patterson’s regiment, Mass., and for one month, ’77, in Capt. Oliver Belden’s company, being called out on several alarms. He then lived in Lenox, Mass. Winthrop GrahaM.—Will made in Marcellus, March 2, 1803. His wife, Rebekah, and his mother, Elizabeth Child, survived him, with ten children. Three of his daughters were married. Winthrop Graham served in Capt. Parmelee Allen’s company, Vt., for three weeks in ’81, and after- ward in the same year, for two weeks in Capt. Asaph Cook’s company. In 1790 he was in Washington Co., N. Y. David Green.—| Died | July 22, 1848 | in the 87th year of his age. | I have fought a good fight, I have finished | my course. I have kept the faith henceforth | there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. | Hannah | wife of | David Green, | died Apr. | 22, 1838. | In the 82, yr. | of her age. | Blessed are the dead which j die in the Lord. | Pompey Center. A family record said he was born in Connecticut in 1769. He married Hannah Pease in ’96 and canie to Green’s Corners from New Milford the same year. The name is in many rolls. In some ways the best identi- fication is in Falmouth, Mass., under Capt. Palmer, ’78, and Capt. Clark, ’80. Age then 19, height 5 feet, 6 inches, complexion light. The place is an objection. One was a lieutenant in Capt. Averill’s company, New Milford, ’82. Probably the last, if a veteran. Enos Greenfield.— (See Pom.) Pensioner, died Nov. 23, 1824. David Groom.—Marcellus. Hannah Groom and others,200 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION adm., Feb. 4, 1801. The name is in 12th Albany regiment, and in Halfmoon in ’90. Probable. Ezekiel Goves.—Applied 1831, age 85. In Conn. Mili- tia, but lacking record. Stephen Hager.—(See Marcellus.) Applied 1818, age 62. In Mass. Line. Died Nov. 22, 1822. Ephraim Hall.—See Onondaga. This pensioner served in Mass. Militia. Jabesh Hall.—Marcellus. Delila Hall, adm. Feb. 22, 1813. Name in Mass. Continentals, ’82, for 9 months. Probable. George Hansel.—In Klock’s N. Y. regiment. Pensioned Sept. 22, 1786, and probably served at Oriskany. Gaius M. Harmon.— (See Elbridge). Mary, his wife, was appointed administrator, June 27, 1807. Solomon Hatch.—Manlius. Lois Hatch and Samuel Messenger, Jr., adm., July 17, 1804. Four of the name served in Mass., but none were there in ’90. In Weissenfels’ N. Y. Levies, and in ’90 in Albany county. Probable. Robert Hebbard.—Pompey. Will, Sept. 27,1817-Nov. 12. Wife, Leah, with three sons and three married daughters. Name in Dutchess county 6 L. B. R. regiment. In ’90, Amenia, N. Y. Probable. Ephraim Hewitt.—Applied 1831, age 71. In Berkshire Militia, Mass., ’77 and ’80. Leonard Hoar.—Aaron C. Hoar, adm., May 12, 1814. Two of this name served in the Mass .troops, and were still there in ’90. Probable. John Hollister.—Salina. Phebe Hollister, adm., Dec. 11,1813. In Conn, troops in ’76, under Capt. Hale and Capt. Mills. Hendrick Hoos.—Applied 1818. From Addison, Vt. In Mass. Line, ’77-’83. In Sheffield, described as aged 38 in ’83, and 5 feet 8 inches high. Eli Hopkins.—Fabius. Abner Hopkins, adm., Feb. 28, 1805. Fourth N. Y. Line. In ’90, Washington county, N. Y. David Horton.—Fabius. Will, April 6, 1807-Aug. 7, ’13. Wife, Willibee. Also children and grandchilden. Frequent in N. Y. troops and in ’90. Probable. Deacon in First Con- gregational Society at organization in 1808. To the Memory of | Phineas Howell, who died | June 15th, 1809 | in the | 67th year of his Age | after eight days’ severe illness | in Tully, N. Y.ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 201 Phebe widow of | Phineas Howell | Died Sept. 2, 1836 | in the 93 year of her | Age. | Tully village cemetery. Will,-June 7, 1809-July 6. Beside wife, 5 sons and 3 daughters survived him. His son Floyd was born in ’77. He served in the 4th Orange Co. regiment, and was still there in 1790. Prominent citizen. Ezekiel Hoyt.—Applied 1831, age 73. Died Aug. 19, 1832. Served in Conn. Militia, but no record appears. The simple epitaph in the LaFayette cemetery reads: “Ezekiel Hoyt | 1753, 1834 | Mary, his wife | 1764, 1834.” David Hunter.—Applied 1818, age 71. Served in Mass. Line. Several of the name. Solomon Huntley.—See Camillus. His first wife, Re- becca, left children. Col. Jeremiah Jackson.—(See Pompey.) He died on lot 61, near Onativia. Jacob T. Johnson.—Tully. Will, Feb. 17, 1817-May 3. His wife, Esther, and eight children survived him. A fre- quent name in N. Y. and N. E. rolls. Probable. Samuel Jones.— (See Pompey.) Applied in 1831. Served in Conn. Militia. Jonathan P. Judd.—Onondaga. Dorcas Judd, adm., Jan. 29, 1813. Jonathan Judd served from Guilford, Ct., in the Lexington alarm, and was still there in ’90. Probable. Benjamin June.— (See LaFayette.) This pensioner served in Mass. Militia. David Keeler.—Applied 1818, age 60. Served in Conn. Line and died March 11, 1822. Elijah Keeler.—Onondaga. March 16, 1802. Isaac Keeler, Nathan Brown, adm. With Capt. Asa Barns, June 30, ’75, and sergeant under Capt. David Wheeler, Mass., Oct., ’80. Thomas Keeney.—Fabius, and in previous list. He ap- plied in 1831, age 81, and served in Conn. Militia. The First Baptist Society of Fabius was organized in his house, Nov. 21, 1806. In memory of | Barak Keith, | who died March | 26, 1833, | aged 70 years | & 7 months. | Beneath this stone till Christ, | shall bid him rise | A much loved Husband, Father, | Brother lies, | In vain were tears, death came at | heaven’s command | Cease then each murmur at the | sovreign hand. |202 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In | Memory of | Matilda | wife of | B. Keith, | who died Jan. 31, 1836 | aged 64 years. | Applied 1831, age 71, not as on stone. Served in Conn. Militia, but not found on rolls. In ’90 in Thompson, Ct. Interred in Oran cemetery. Paul King.—Pompey. Will, Dec. 31, ’08-Jan. 29, ’09. Wife, Mary. Of his three sons, Apollos and Orange were soldiers, and Paul, the eldest, was probably one. The name is in Col. Dickerson’s Mass, regiment, ’77, and as First Lieutenant under Col. Chapin, ’79. Both father and son were in Chesterfield, Mass., ’90. No tombstones have been found, but they did not live in what is now Pompey. Paul King, Jr., died in Pompey, Feb., 1810, leaving wife, Hannah and six children. Moses Knapp.—Applied 1831, age 68. Served in N. Y. Militia. John Ladlow.—See Otisco. This pensioner died Dec. 25, 1822. Benjamin Lamson.— (See Onondaga.) Applied 1831. Service in Conn. Militia. Ariel Lawrence.— (See Marcellus.) The one who died in 1807 was Ariel, Jr., his will being witnessed by Ariel, Sen. In 1824 the latter was still a member of Morning Star Lodge, Marcellus, F. & A. M., but no record of his death is available. Elijah Lawrence.—Onondaga. Roxe Lawrence and Medad Curtis, adm., Oct. 16, 1800. Enlisted from Canaan, Ct., March 1, ’80, and also in Capt. Chapman’s company, Jan. 1, ’81-Dec. 31. Henry Lansing.—Applied 1831, age 70, and died Jan. 28, 1833. Served in N. Y. Continentals. Christopher Leach.—Lysander. Sheldon Logan of On- ondaga, adm., May 20, 1801. Served in Lieut. Col. Stevens’ N. Y. Artillery, from Lynne, Ct., and also in ’75 in Con- necticut. He drew lot 51, Lysander. Joseph Leavitt.— (See DeWitt.) This pensioner applied in 1831, and was sergeant and ensign in Conn. Militia. John Lefevre.—Skaneateles. Will, June 21, 1814-Feb. 20, 1815. He left a wife, not named, three sons and four daughters. The youngest son was born in 1787. The father lived on lot 85. His name is in the 4th regiment of Orange county, and in one of Ulster, where he still lived in ’90. James Leonard.—Pompey. Will, Oct. 2, 1815-Oct. 10.ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 203 His wife, Eunice, survived him, with 3 sons, 4 married daughters and many grandchildren. Many of the name in N. Y. and N. E. rolls. Probable. Ezra Loomis.—In Camillus in 1807. Applied 1831, age 80. Conn. Militia. Enos Ludden.—Applied 1831, age 73. Various services in Mass. Militia, ’79-’83. “Hannah | Wife of | Luther Manley, | died | Oct. 7, 1835, | aged 78 years.” Thorn Hill cemetery. See Marcellus. Elijah Mann | Died Mar. 15, 1836, | Aged 85 years. | Ruby, His Wife | Died Oct. 15, 1828, j Aged 75 years. | Onondaga Hill. The name is in Capt. Amidon’s company, Col. Dean’s Mass, regiment, March 4, ’81, for 14 days. Also in Champion, Ct., Nov. 24, ’76, for the war, and as corporal in Capt. John H. Buell’s company, ’81. In ’90 only in Barre, Mass. Probable. William Mapes.—Applied 1831, age 78. Sergeant in Orange and Ulster Militia, N. Y. Gurdon Marchant.—Cayuga Co. pensioner in 1835, and may not have lived here, but his wife’s stone in Chase’s cemetery, Lysander, reads: “Hannah, | wife of | Gordon Merchant | Died | Aug. 28,1847, | Aged 85 years, 3 mo. | and 8-days.” (Verse). Applied 1831, age 74. He served in the Conn. Continentals. Patrick McGee.— (See Clay.) He is in the list of *835, applying in 1818, age 57. Service in Penn. Line. This adds much to our knowledge of this early pioneer. Town meeting was held at his tavern in 1805. Joseph McMillan.—See Pompey. He died May 15, 1826. John Meeker | Died | July 3d, | 1840, | In his 73 year. | This Monument is | Erected by His Widow & | Children. | Theodotia, |Wife of | John Meeker | Died | April 23d, 1834, | In her 67 year. | This Monument is | Erected by Her Children. | f ■ Family lot on Meeker Hill, Tully. See Tully, but his age makes service doubtful. Newspaper accounts madtH him older. His widow, Eliza, whom he married soon after his wife’s death, had children buried there, but little could be gained from the broken stones, and less from the field sto res marking other graves. Charles Merriman.—See Otisco. His wife’s stone read^: “In | memory of | Rachel | wife of | Charles | Merrima^ 1 who died Sept.. | 10, 1826; aged | 69 years.”204 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION John Middlebrook | Died | Aug. 25, 1836 | Age 71 Yrs. | Our Mother | Abigail Middlebrook | Died | Aug. 30, 1852. | Ae. 84 Yrs. | Farewell, Mother, here rests thy head | Beneath kind nature’s lowly bed; | Sweetly sings thy spirit blest | Crowned in Heaven thy long sought rest. With his wife this pensioner rests in the old cemetery, Fabius village. He applied in 1831, age 68, differing from stone. Conn. Militia, but not in rolls. Peter Miller.— (See Salina.) Applied 1831, age 76. In N. Y. Militia, but if the dates supplied are correct this would require two of the name, as seems likely. In memory of | Solomon Morey, | who died Nov. 20th | 1815 | Aged 53 years & 8 | months, 28 days. Adieu my friends | Dry up your tears, | I must lie here | Till Christ appears. | Prostrate and broken stone, the only engraved one in the small burial lot on the farm once owned by him, on lot 38, Pompey, between Jamesville and Pompey Hill. Part of the name is gone, but his will is in the Surrogate’s office and was proved April 29, 1816. Israel Sloan had been named as executor, but Morey’s wife, Jerusha, took his place. He then had married children. The name is in Vermont rolls of ’Si, in Capt. Smith’s company of Fairlee, for short ser- vice, and he was still there in ’90. Charles Morgan.—P. 0. tablet. Some promised notes did not come. Early engaged in making salt, he is said to have been buried on his farm near the Morgan church in Clay. The name is in Conn, rolls from Hartford. Ebenj^zer Morley.—See Van Buren. The 1835 list gives name,of Maley, application in ’18, age 76, while his appli- cation in 1820 made him but 64. His wife’s stone in Warner cemetery reads: “In | Memory of | Prudence | Wife of | Eben©zer Morley | who died June 26. | 1838. Ae 77 Yr’s.” A$k Morrill.—Applied 1818, age 72. Col. John Ashley, Mass. Line, July 22-Aug. 13, ’77. J ohn Moss.—Onondaga. Mary Clarina Moss, adm., Nov. 13 1816. A frequent name in N. Y. and N, E. rolls. Appar- ently the one who was elected warden of St. John’s church, lf|03, and of Zion church, 1816, Onondaga Hill. Probable. •'Moses Moultroup | Died | Mar. —, 1848 | Aged | 84 3’^ars. | kONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 205 Ann | Wife of | Moses Moultroup | Died | June 24, 1831, | Aged | 63 years. | See Pompey. A pensioner. These stones were overlooked in a former hasty visit to the Pompey Center cemetery. Jesse Newell.—Camillus. Levi Clark, adm., Aug. 28, 1819. Private in Col. Brooks’ regiment, Mass., Nov. 5, ’77- April 3, ’78. John Newell.—Applied 1831, age 88. Mass. Continen- tals. Christopher Norton.—Same year, age 72. Albany county, 6th regiment. James Olcott.—Pompey. Noadiah and Lebbeus Olcott, adm. March 21, 1815. In Lieut. Bidwell’s company, Ct., in ’76 ,in N. Y. campaign. Timothy Olcott.—Pompey. Hezekiah Olcott, adm. Sept. 23, 1797. In Capt. David Smith’s company, Waterbury, Ct., May 23, ’76, and went to German Flats, N. Y., with his company. James Olmstead.—Applied 1831, age 78. Died Feb. 16, 1834. Lieutenant in Conn. Continentals, Capt. Dorrance, from East Hartford, Dec. 24, ’78-Nov. 20, ’82. Col. David Olmsted.—See DeWitt. The inference from the tombstone that he had a second wife is erroneous. In his will he gives to his daughter Abigail certain bedding “after her mamma has made her selection.” His wife Abigail, four> sons and three daughters survived him . Peter Olney.—He enlisted in Sept., '75, and Aug., ’77, being at first under Col. Samuel Stafford. In ’77 he enlisted at Killingly, Ct., and in ’81 in Adams, Mass. In La Fayette, N. Y., Sept. 8,1832, he applied for a pension, the claim being allowed. He was born in Smithfield, R. I., Nov. 21, 1750, and lived in Providence till ’60, marrying Tabitha Clark in Killingly, Ct., Dec. 23, ’73, and died Feb. 16, 1834. His widow secured a pension March 7, 1837, being then 84 years old and living in LaFayette. He was in the battle of Bennington. No stones observed. Daniel Owen.—See Spafford. This pensioner died May 22, 1826. John Paddock.—Applied 1831, age 68. Willett’s Levies and 1st N. Y. Line. Probably of Camillus. David Palmer.—Camillus. Dameras Palmer, adm., Mar. 27, 1817. In N. Y. and N. E. rolls. Probable.206 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Charles Pardee.—See Skaneateles. Applied 1881, age 72. Served in Conn. Militia. John Parke.—See Manlius. Applied 1818 and died the following year. Sergeant in Conn. Line. Elias Parker.—Pompey, July 25,1815. Elidiey (Lydia) Parker became adm. He was a lieutenant in Col. Crane’s Artillery, etc., ’77-’80, in Massachusetts. Lieut. Eli Parsons.—This veteran was born near Spring- field, Mass., Jan. 29, ’48, and married Persis Graves, June 5, ’77, who was born in ’55. He was lieutenant in Col. John Crane’s Art., through most of the war. He shared in Shay’s rebellion, afterward living in Cherry Valley and Canajo- harie, where he was in ’90. He then went to Manlius, and thence to Oswego, before 1812, where he died Sept. 25, 1830. Pensioner. In | Memory of | Silas Pease, i A Revolutionary Soldier, | who departed this life | on the 21st of March, 1836, | in the 77th year | of his age. | Here rests the man that dared be free ; | He periled his life for liberty; | At Bunker Hill he took the field, | And at Yorktown saw the Britan yield. j Dorcas Curtis, | wife of | Silas Pease, | Born | June 2, 1776, | Died | April 28, 1854. | Fleming cemetery, Cayuga county. See Skaneateles. The stone makes him older than the obscure family history. Ebenezer Pearce.—See Fabius. He was born in Rhode Island, Feb. 17, ’31, and in ’90 was in Hancock, Mass. Wife, Elizabeth. Joseph Peck.—(See Onondaga.) His wife’s epitaph is here added from the Valley cemetery: “In memory of | Mrs. Hannah | wife of j Capt. Joseph Peck | who died Sept. 5th, 1839, | Aged 83 years. | The Lord my Righteousness.” | Simon PharIs.— (See Onondaga.) Andrew became his administrator, May 14, 1817, antedating common records nearly three years. Accurate dates are often thus slowly evolved. John Phelps.—Applied 1819, age 61. Mass. Line. Noah Phelps.—-Fabius. Oliver Phelps, adm., June 27, 1804. Several of this name served in Conn, troops. Probable. PETER Pinney;—Onondaga. Will, April 8, 1813-AprilONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 207 16. Wife, Olive, but no children. Name in Capt. Willes’ company, Tolland, Ct., May 7-Dec. 17, ’77. No record as head of family in ’90. Probable. Charles Pitts.—Postoffice tablet. No record in acces- sible rolls. Ira Pomeroy.— (See Otisco.) Applied 1831, age 74. In Conn. Militia. Caleb Potter.— (See Onondaga.) This pensioner first applied in 1831, age 69. Served in R. I. Militia. Nathaniel Potter.—Fabius. Allen Potter of Argyle, N. Y., adm., Sept. 11, 1801. Albany county, 13th regiment. This seems a good identification, but the name was frequent, with and without service. Caleb Pratt.—Applied in ’31, age 72, and served in Vermont Militia. He came to Manlius in 1793. Noah Pratt—This Onondaga Co. veteran was in Col. Sprout’s regiment for 4 years, and well remembered Joy Babbitt there till his own discharge in June, ’83. Samuel Price. Pompey. Darkes [Dorcas] Price, adm., Sept. 29, 1800. Several in Ct. and N. Y. Probable. David Quackenbush.—Applied 1831, age 73, Corporal in N. Y. Continentals, Tryon county. James Quigley.—Applied 1828, age 75. Served under Col. Greaton, Mass. Line, ’77-’80. Abraham Raymond.—Pompey. Will, Jan. 14, 1813- April 9. Wife, Isabella, with 3 sons and 3 minor grand- children. Name in Capt. Eli Reed’s company, Conn. Line, from Norwalk. There and Kinderhook, N. Y., in ’90. Probable. Ebenezer REDfield.—Camillus. Tamer Redfield, adm., March 25, 1819. Deerfield, Mass., Col. John Moseley. Probable. Henry Rees.—Manlius. Jacob Rees, adm., Aug. 8, 1820. Albany Co. 8th regiment. Probable. Daniel Reed.-—Camillus. Mary and William Reed, adm., Dec. 6, 1802. A frequent name in rolls, and thus possible. Thomas Rewey.—See Van Buren. Applied 1831, age 81, and reported service in N. Y. Militia. Charles Richards.—Marcellus. Will, Feb. 12, 1817— June 23, 1820. Eight children and some grandchildren. Name in Vermont rolls, in Col. Williams’ regiment, ’77 and Capt. Jonathan Hatton’s company, ’80. Only in Conn., in ’90. Probable.208 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Daniel Richardson.—P. 0. tablet. The name occurs in Lexington alarm, Attleborough, Mass., and in Col. Daggett’s regiment, ’76. One also served from Woburn in the Lex- ington alarm in Capt. Jonathan Fox’s company. In ’90 in Attleborough and elsewhere. Josiah Richmond.—See Salina. He was born in Digh- ton, Mass., May, 1747, and died in Salina, May 28, .1821. As a prisoner in the Revolution he was taken to Bermuda. He married Betsey Hathaway, born 1750, died 1835. Henry Richtmyer.—Applied 1831, age 70, and was then in Madison county. In N. Y. rolls it is Rightmire. He also had a pension in 1815. Mrs. Van Antwerp, a descendant, sends notes, saying he was on staff of W. G. Fuller as aide- de-camp, settled in Kirkville or Mycenae, married—Shaver, and was buried on his farm. She thinks there is a stone. His name appears as a private in Col. Willett’s Levies. The only W. Fuller reported in N. Y. troops was also a private. Benjamin Rider.—Manlius. Asahel Hawley, adm., Aug. 26, 1811. In N. Y. and. Mass, rolls. Possible, which might be said of many others, the appointment of adminis- trators having but slight indications of age. Pelham Ripley.—See DeWitt. Applied in 1831, and served in Mass. Militia. Issachar Robinson.— (See Otisco.) Applied same year and served in N. Y. Continentals. Nathan Robinson.—Applied 1831, age 74. Served in Mass. Militia. Thomas Robinson.—P. O. tablet. Many in rolls. Admin- istrators for two here in 1816 and ’17. Moses Rogers.—Applied 1831, age 71. Dubois’ N. Y. Levies and 2d Ulster regiment. Inspector of elections in Camillus, 1804-5. Edward Ross.— (See Otisco.) Applied 1831, age 76. Musician in R. I. Militia. Thomas Rouse.—Same year, age 91. Died Nov. 25, 1832. In Col. Simonds’ Berkshire Militia, Mass., 27 days in '77. David Rowland.—(See Fabius.) Same year, age 70, but assigned to Conn. Militia. James Sackett.—Same year, age 72, died Sept. 1, 1833. Westchester and Dutchess Co. regiments. Silas Scofield.— (See Lysander.) Applied ’31, age 74. SelaH Scofield.—Pensioner, Dec. 8, 1788. Webb’s Conn. Continentals.ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 209 John Scott, 3d.—(See Camillus.) Applied 1818, age 71. Died Sept. 1, 1831. Served in Conn. Line. David Scoville.—(See Pompey.) His second wife, Esther, survived him, and he left many married children. Daniel Scoville.—He was accidentally given as a pen- sioner of 1840, which is an error. James Secor,—Applied 1831, age 88. Died Feb. 14, 1834. In 3rd Orange regiment. Ebenezer Seeley.—Marcellus. Winston Day, adm., May 9, 1798. Several in N. Y. and Conn, rolls. In ’90, Norwalk, Ct. In a Skaneateles paper is a notice of the death of Mrs. Seeley, mother of Anson S., who died March 14, 1845, age 85, and who seems the widow. Samuel Sherman.—See Manlius. Applied '31, age 76. John Shields.—See Pompey. Error. According to family history he came from Ireland after the war. George Shults | Died | Sept. 7, 1840. | Ae. 83 y’rs & 3 mo. | The Lord is good, a strong | hold in the day of trouble | and he knoweth them that, | trust in him .| In | Memory of | Catharine, | wife of | George Shuts | who died Sept. 12th, | 1830, | Aged 70 years. | Manlius Center. Applied 1831, age 74. N. Y. Militia, but no record appears. Received pension in 1833. Samuel Simpson.—Camillus. Benjamin Simpson, adm., Sept. 24, 1806. Name in Newcastle, Mass., ’76-’77; various services. Probable. Joseph Siver.—P. O. tablet. Not found in rolls, but a Joseph Sevey in N. H. rolls and census of ’90 may be this veteran. In one of the Cicero cemeteries is a Joseph Siver, who died May 10, 1869, age 88'years, and probably a son. AMOS Skeel.—This pensioner is in the Cortland list of 1835, having applied in 1831, age 67. He served in Mass. Militia, and was inspector of elections in Fabius in 1804-5, and in Tully in ’06. He died Oct. 4, 1841, age 75, and his wife, Bethiah, Oct. 2, 1853, age 88 years. Both rest in Preble Village cemetery. Simeon Skeels.—(See Skaneateles.) Applied 1819, age 64. Died Jan. 14, 1823. Beriah Skinner.—Applied 1818, age 58. Captain in Conn. Line, April 7, ’77-April 7, ’80, and July-Dee. ’80. Jonathan Skinner.-—Pompey, Jerusha and Jonathan210 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Skinner, adm., Dec. 27, ’08. Willett’s N. Y. Levies, and in Connecticut. ' Ithamar Smith.—Applied 1831, age 77. Mass. Militia. Reuben Sniffen,—See LaFayette. Applied ’31, age 85. David Sowl.—Same year, age 75. In Conn. Militia, but no record found. Pensioner. John Sparling.—See Manlius. Died July 14,1827. Pen- sioner. Jeremiah Spencer.—Marcellus. Son Ebenezer, adm., Sept. 29, 1796. Two records in Mass., '77 and '80, may mean one man. Andrew Snrague.—Applied in 1831, age 80, Sergeant in 2d Ulster regiment. Andrew Sprague.—Applied in 1831, aged 80, Sergeant Mass. Line. ' Jonathan Stanley.—Fabius. Will, Mar. 19, 1805-Jan., 1814. Wife, Jerusha. Three sons and three married daugh- ters. He was Member of Assembly in 1812. One of the name had frequent service in Mass. Probable. Asa Starkweather.—Pompey. Will, Dec. 8, 1809-April 16, ’10. Wife, Adah, and four children. He bought 100 acres On lot 12, in ’94. Name under Capt. Morgan in ’76, and Capt. Belcher in Stonington, Ct., in ’77. Probable. George Statenger.—Applied 1818, age 68. Died May 6, 1819. Stoutenger in N. Y. Line, and record of death. Man- lius. Mary Elizabeth, his widow, survived him. Israel Strong.—Same year, age 76. Lieut, in Conn. Line. East Windsor, ’77-’81. Solomon Sutherland.—Pompey. Will, Nov. 30, 1807- Jan. 11, ’08. Wife, Lois, and four children. Name in 6th Dutchess regiment. Not head of family in’90. Probable. William Swain.—Phylura Swain, adm., Dec. 3, 1812. 'Name in 13 Albany L. B. R. regiment, and also in Mass. Probable. In Albany Co. in ’90. Lewis Sweeting, Sen.—The Lineage Book says he died in Manlius, but family records say his wife was a widow when she came there with her son John. JOHN Sweeting.—See Manlius. Family records state that this pensioner came to Manlius with his mother, then a widow, in 1793, settling on lot 76. She died before 1809, and he then sold out and went to Westmoreland, being over 50 years old. There is a nice story of his meeting Mary Sessions there, a teacher from Vermont, and of their mar-ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT *11 riage. He was living in Clinton, N. Y., in 1835, where he died, aged over 90 years. John Swift.—(See Fa.) This pensioner applied in 1831, age 81, having served in Mass. Militia. Esek Taber.— (See Cam.) This pioneer, who died in 1814, left children and grandchildren. Peter Tallman.—(See Shan.) The pensioner who ap- plied in 1831, age 73, does not agree in age with either of those before recorded, but is the Skaneateles veteran. His application gives service in Conn. Militia. John D. Taylor.—P. 0. tablet John Taylor is frequent on rolls. Russel Taylor | died March 17,1839, | aged 79 years | 9 Mo. & 3 Ds. | Asenath, | wife of | Russel Taylor | died April [ 13,1843 j aged 84 years. | A Marcellus pioneer and apparently Roswell in the Conn. Militia, in which he served. This appears in Lieut. Sey- mour’s company. His application was in 1831, and age 73. Old cemetery, Marcellus. Stephen Thompson.—(See Cam.) This pensioner ap- plied in 1818, age 60, having served in Conn. Line. Moses Thorp.—Fabius. Will, Dec. 19,1811-Dec. 26, ’12. Wife, Sarah. Son Daniel and three married daughters. Name in Col. Brown’s Berkshire regiment, Mass., serving on the Mohawk. Also in W. Springfield and New Marl- borough, Mass., in’90. Probable. Richard Townsend.— (See Pom.) Applied 1831, age 74. In N. Y. Continentals. Isaac Trowbridge.—(See Skan.) Applied 1818, age 80. Mass Line. In list of 1835 in Cayuga county. Samuel Tully.—Born in 1750 and died in Tully in 1827. He enlisted in ’77, in N. Y., and served through the war. His wife was his cousin, Sarah Tully, according to the D. A. R. Lineage Book, and he served in Col. Van Schaick’s 1st N. Y. Line, ’77-’81. No stone. Woodhull Turneur.—Probably Skaneateles. Applied 1831, age 78. In N. J. Militia, but company not mentioned. Edward Tylee.—(See Lys.) Same year, age 76. N. Y. Continentals. John Van Patten.—Tully. Will, Oct. 16,1824-Sept. 10, ’25. Wife, Margaret. Four sons and three married daugh- ters. His wife died there, Oct. 8, 1851, aged 100 years.318 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The only one in the census of '90 was in Watervliet, N. Y., apparently Capt. John V. P., of the 2d Albany regiment. It seems a dear identification. Thomas Vickery.—Pompey. Abigail Vickery and Ozias Burr, adm., Feb. 28, 1808. Name in 3d Dutchess Co. regi- ment, N. Y., and Capt. Iehabod Doolittle’s company, ”75, which may be the same. Probable. In ’90 in Montgomery Co., N. Y. COLOGUS Vinal.—Pompey. Will, Aug. 4, 1823-Oct. 22. Wife, Martha, with five sons and five daughters. In Lexing- ton alarm, Scituate, Mass., Capt. Wm. Turner. In ’90 in Chesterfield, Mass. Probable. Thomas Wait.—(See Skan.) Naomi, his wife, lies beside him in the Mottville cemetery, but the dates are deeply buried. Cornelius Wallace.—Applied 1831, age 68. In N. Y. Militia, but with no record. Adam Walter.— (See Man.) This pensioner applied in 1831, age 80, and served in N. Y. Militia. Ebenezer Ward.—Same year. Served in Conn. Militia. No record. Charles Warner.—Same year. See Syracuse. David Watkins.—Applied 1818, age 65. (See Pom.) Died July 24, 1827. In Mass. Line. James | Watson | died | Nov. 27,1820; | in the 67 year | of his age. | Mary | Wife of | James Watson | Died | April 21, 1848, | Aged 87 Y’rs. | Mottville cemetery in Skaneateles. 13th Albany regi- ment and another. In 1790 Westchester Co. Probable. Benjamin Webb.—(See L. F.) Applied 1831, age 75. Corp. in Conn. Continentals. Samuel Webster.—Same year, age 78. (See Fab.) Sergt. in Conn. Continentals. Peter Wells.—Same year, age 85, in R. I. Continentals. John West.— (See Skan.) Same year, age 72. Corporal in N. Y. Militia. Nathaniel | Weston | died | March 11,1822, | in the 85 year of his | age. | Mary | Wife of | Nathaniel Weston | died Jan. 10, 1820 | in the 79 year of | her age. | See Pompey. Two small stones overlooked In the James-ONONDAGA’S REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS—SUPPLEMENT 2l3 ville cemetery. Name in Mass, rolls. Probable. He was an inspector of elections in Pompey, 1799-’01. Samuel Wheadon, an early settler in Marcellus, was a member of the Presbyterian church there in 1801, but went to Michigan and died there in 1835. The name is in Capt. Douglass’s company, Conn., ’75-’76, which shared in the Canada campaign. Quite probable. David White.—(See LaFayette.) Applied 1831, age 74. In Conn. Militia. Jabez Whitmore | Died | Dec. 5, 1843. | Ae. 77 Y’rs 3 Mo. | 18 D’s. | .He sleeps the sleep that knows no waking, | His last long dreamless sleep, | While hearts in anguish deep are breaking, | And friends in sorrow weep. | Sally, | Wife of | Jabez Whitmore, | Died | Mar. 2, 1862 j Aged 89 y’rs 2 m’s & 13 days.* | Blessed are the pure in heart | for they shall see God. | See Pompey for record, but they are buried in the West Otisco cemetery. Isaac Wetherbee.—See P. O. tablet. In ’80 served in Lunenburgh, Mass. Several of the name later. David Williams.—(See Manlius.) On good authority I am told he was buried in the tabular tomb in the ruined cemetery, lot 9, Pompey, on or near the David Williams farm. Eben Williams.—P. O. tablet. Applied 1818, age 78. Lieut, in Mass. Line. In rolls it is always Ebenezer. James Williams,—Applied 1831, age 77. In N. J. Militia. Godfrey Williston.—(See Pompey.) Same year, age 70. Col. Asa Whitcomb’s regiment, Mass. Militia, in ’76. Samuel Winchester.—Marcellus. Will, Jan. 20, 1820- Feb. 17, 1823. His first wife was Rebeka, and there were five sons and two daughters. His second wife, Hannah, also had children. The name appears in the Lexington alarm from Brookline, Mass. Probable. Reuben Woodward.—Applied 1831, age 68. In Conn. Continentals, but no record appears. Enos Wright.—Pompey. Will, Nov. 4,1805-Nov. 6, ’06. Wife, Sarah, four sons and two daughters; one of the latter a minor. Son Ezekiel, born in 1766. Name in Mass. 2d Line. Two in Connecticut in ’90. Probable.214 THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION VETERANS IN MILITARY LODGE, MANLIUS. Those reported by Mr. Lakin have already appeared. A few are now added. Ephraim Barrett.—The lodge had “an elegant enter- tainment” at this brother’s house, Dec. 27, 1810, but his name is not in Lakin’s list of members unless as Erastus. He served under Capt. Allen in a Conn, company in '76, at Forts Dayton and Stanwix,, N. Y., and was in Windham, Conn., in '90. Daniel Chase.—This may be one already mentioned in Lysander. Robert Carskadden.—He was in the Ulster 4th L. B. R. regiment. Lemuel Johnson.—He served in Capt. Timothy Page’s company of Mass., in ’77, and was at Bennington, with later service in ’80. In ’90 he was in Berkshire, Mass. Moses Lilley.—In Capt. Pettibpne’s company, Simsbury, Conn., in ’77, and still there in '90. Oliver W. Miller.—Various services in Berkshire, Mass. Daniel Olds.—In Capt. Noble’s company, Berkshire, Mass., and various to ’80. Caleb Pratt.—Pension, already mentioned. Andrew Pharis.—Already recorded and living in Salina. Some members were farther away. John Rapalyea.—In 2d Dutchess regiment. Timothy Teall.—Already recorded, but without date of death. June 15, 1820, there was a special lodge meeting to attend his funeral. Smith Weed.—This early physician was Commissary in Gen. Waterbury’s Staff, Conn., in ’81 and in Norwalk in ’90. After some years in Manlius, he went to the northeast part of New York, where he died. Isaac Wetherbee.—Already recorded. Mrs. Mary Wetherby, buried at Oran, may have been his wife. She died Oct. 2, 1817, aged 46 years. Possible veterans in this lodge were Thomas Bancroft, John Bowers, Thomas Church, Samuel Foster, John Hig- gins, Benjamin Hutchins, Elijah Kent, Lew Ward and Sam- uel Woodworth.General Index Editor's Life ....................... Notes of Other Days ................... . Old Trail and Visitors.............. Barrow on Early Settlers ____ Visit in 1829 ....................... Coming to Skaneateles .................. Early Churches ...................... Newspapers ...................... Steamboats .......................... Pioneers ............................ Glen Haven .......................... St. James’s Church .................. Capt. Benjamin Lee .................. Methodist Church .................... James Cummings Fuller .............. Charles L. Elliott .................. Weather Notes ....................... Fourth of July ...................... Mechanics’ Association .............. Bishop Burnett ....................... Quakers ............................. Taverns ............................. Great Fire .......................... Deep Snow ........................... . Skaneateles Railroad .............. Rev. Joseph Cross ................... Old Stages .......................... Menagerie and Circus ................... Patriot War ......................... Ocean Steamships .................... Anti-Slavery ........................ Agricultural Fairs .................. The Jeromes ......................... Presbyterian Church .................... Brass Band .......................... Tippecanoe Times .................... Military Companies and Training Days Baptist Church ...................... Congregational Church ............... Daguerrotypes ....................... Sailboats ........................... Canal Water ......................... Washingtonian Reform ................ Fire in ’42 ......................... Panther Hunt ......................... Skaneateles Community ............... Public Schools ...................... Temperance Affairs .................. Politics in 1844 .................... Carriage Making ................... General Training .................... Farmers’ Meetings and Club ...... Odd Fellows .................—....... Sons of Temperance .................. Skaneateles Lyceum .................. Masonic Lodge ....................... Bloomers ............................ Toll Gates .......................... Lectures .,.......................... President Fillmore .................. Free Soil ............... *..........,. ............................ 3 .......................... 5 ............................. 5 ............................. 5 ......................... 8 ......................... 8 ........................... 9 8, 10, 14, 23, 30, 37, 4;3, 60 ...................... 9, 39 ......................... 10 ...10, 19, 23, 37, 40, 45, 66 ............11, 31, 38, 40,67 ......................... 12 .........................12, 52 ....................13,- 38, 64 13 32 13,' 14*, * is,’ *21, * 28," 44 ................13, 23, 27, 31 .........................14, 28 ............................ 15 .........................15, 78 ....................15, 25, 56 ............................ 15 ......................... 16 ....................17, 37, 39 ............................ 17 ....................... 18, 23 ....................19, 41, 77 ......................... 20 ......................... 21 ........................20, 21 ................20, 22, 44, 47 ......................... 21 ................20, 30, 42, 49 ........................ 23, 26 ........................23, 25 .................. 23, 31, 65 ................24, 28, 32, 42 ............................. 25 ............................ 25 ...........25, 28, 29, 38, 73 ......................... 26 ............................ 27 .......... • •........... 27 ........................... 27 7.7.’.’.7.7.29, 30,' 35,’.43! 65 ................29, 30, 36, 37 .........................30, 77 ....................31, 45, 71 ........................... 32 ....34, 44 . .. .36, 38 ....36, 49 ....38, 42 40, 41, 66 ... .40, 45 .... 41 . .. .42, 44 .... 44 ....45, 64GENERAL INDEX-Continued Hall Family and Twins ..................................... Village Topography .....................................— • Teasels ............................—........................ Indian Stories ............................................... Indian Teacher ............................................... Log Riafts ................................................ Fish and Fishermen ........................................ Water Fowl and Other Game.................................. Ice Sports ................................................ Revolutionary Soldiers .................................... Wide Awakes .................................................. Old Sol Foster ......................................... Funerals ......................................v........... Heating and Cooking ....................................... Coins and Postage ......................................... Camping .................................................... Saw-mills ................................................. School Exhibitions ...................................--... Cattle Droves ............................................. Millerites and Comet ...................................... Quaker Customs and People...................................... CHENEY’S REMINISCENCES—83. Pr6ft3iC6 •• ...................................... Sketch of T. C. Cheney’s Life ............................. Sketch of P. B. Johnson.................................... Cheney’s Reminiscences ..............................*---.- Early Life ................................................ Asa Danforth ..................'............ —............. Indians ............................................... 89, Moves to Syracuse ......................................... Old Red Mill .......................................... 91, Indian Relics ............................................. Nukerck and Webster ....................................... Washington and Grain Elevator ............................. Early School .............................................. Independence Day .......................................... Revolutionary Soldiers .................................. Mansion House .......................................... 102, Empire Block and House .................................... La Fayette’s Visit ........................................ James Street .............................................. Circus .................................................... Gunpowder Explosion ....................................... South Side of Canal ....................................... Onondaga or Syracuse Gazette .............................. Great Fire ................................................... Canal Basin ... ................... ....................... Lodi and the Swamp ........................................ Oliver Teall .............................................. Taverns .............................................122, 124, First Y/hite Child ..................................... St. Paul’s Church ......................................... Syracuse House ............................................ Stage Lines ............................................... First Presbyterian Church ........................... Yellow Brook ................................................ Cinder Road .......................... ....................• Wieting Block ............................................ Judge Forman and Col. Stone ............................... Early Cemeteries .......................................... John Wilkinson ............................................. 47 51 53] 54 56 57 57 58 60 61 65 63 68 68 70 72 72 75 76 76 78 84 85 87 88 88 89 143 90 132 92 93 96 97 99 100 108 102 104 106 109 109 116 116 120 121 121 122 135 123 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133GENERAL INDEX—Continued Salina Street ............................................. 135 Town of Salina .............................................. • 136 Major Forman .............................................. 138 Mrs. O’Blenen’s .. ......................................... 141 Salt Works .............................................142, 146 Blockhouse ............................................. 144 Onondaga Hill ............................................ 148 Onondaga Hollow ........................................... 149 County Buildings .......................................... 150 Court House ............................................... 154 Solar Salt ............................................... 158 Mickles’ Furnace ............................................. 160 James Siackett ............................................ 161 Beauchamp’s Notes on Cheney’s Reminiscences.................. 163 Indians ...........).......................................... 163j Advertisements of 1857 .................................... 164 Early Citizens ............................................ 165 Centennial Notes ......................................... 179 Onondaga Valley Houses ...................................... 180 La Fayette’s Visit .................................••...... 181 Thurlow Weed ............................................. 182 Lotteries ..................’...........................• •.. 183 Mrs. Dillaye’s Reminiscences ................................ 183 Mrs. Hargin’s Reminiscences ............................... 184 Mrs. Ives’ Reminiscences ................................... 185 T. G. Alvord on Salina..................................... 186 Slaves .......................... • •...................... 184 Revolutionary Soldiers .................................... 188 Soldiers of Military Lodge .................................. 214