Production Note Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell1s replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials and the Xerox Corporation. Digital file copyright by Cornell University Library 1993.EXPLANATION A. Indian Villa , Esq., County Historian. PRESIDENT OF ALLEGANY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. *(I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient time” Psalm LXXVII—5. ALSO Histories of the Towns of the County. MHS. GEORGIA DKEW ME’R'RI LL, Editor. W. A. FERGUSSON & CO., ALFRED, N. Y„ 1896. VO /■ V.. ,* ^-3. P un Ah r\51 f /) V&T** Copyrighted, 1896, by W. A. Fergusson. University Press, Sun Publishing Association, Alfred, N. Y. JO D-_ t "OALLEGANY. THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME. Indian tradition attributes this Aboriginal name, which has so strongly fastened itself upon various places and geographical features of America, notably the Alleghany Mountains, Alle- gheny City, Allegheny River (Penn.), Allegany River and Allegany County (N. Y.), to an ancient race of Indians called Talegi, Talligewi, or Allegewi. This nation was a very warlike one and spread itself over the country east of the Mississipppi and Ohio rivers, but, after long and bloody wars, it was overpowered and driven south by a confederacy of tribes whose descend- ants are the Iroquois and Algonquin nations of to-day. This ancient people is conjectured by some to be the early Appalachian Indians, whom De Soto found in 1539 in Florida and the territory of the Gulf States. Schoolcraft says, “ They were numerous, fierce and valorous* They were clothed in skins of wild beasts. They used bows and arrows, clubs and spears. They did not poison their darts. They were temperate, drinking only water. They did not make wars on slight pretences, or for avarice, but to repress attacks, or remedy injustice. They treated their prisoners with humanity and like persons of their own households. They were long-lived, some reaching a hundred years. They worshipped the sun, to which they sang hymns morning and evening.” Washington Irving deemed the name Appalachia or Allegania as the fit name for this continent. Rev. P. J. Wilson of St. Bonaventure’s Seminary and College at Allegany, N. Y., kindly sends the following: “ The Indian name for Allegany is a compound word, Talegwi-henna or Talegwi-hanna. Let us see first what talegwi means. The chronicles of the Algonquins state that the Lenape migrated eastward from the far west. When they reached the Mississippi they found the country east of it inhabited by a people called Talegi, Talligewi or Alligewi. Therefore, to the Algonquins Talegi or Alligewi meant the country and people'east of the Mississippi, the country to which they emigratedfrom afar. The next part of the compound is Henna or Hanna. It means river. Hence Tallegwe-henna or Tellegwi-hanna, the Indian name for Allegany, means the river of the country of the Talegwi—the river of the country to which they immigrated. At first the name was given to the Ohio. After the Lenape reached it they called it Talegahonah. The Iroquois changed this to Ohio, a word from their own language. But the Ohio’s chief tributary still retains the name—Talegwi-hanna, Alligewi- hanna, Alleghany\ The Alleghany mountains for a similar reason were called Talega-chukangT The Publishers.CONTENTS Chapter. Page. I. ALLEGANY COUNTY. 17 Early Glimpses of Our Territory. II. Early Explorations, Etc. 19 Mary Jemison — The Great Water Route from the St. Lawrence to the South — Casconchiagon — Joncaire — Plate of Lead—First Mention of Oil Spring—Falls in the Genesee—Charle- voix’ Expedition. III. Our Predecessors—The Iro- quois. . . . . .22 The Seneca “ Trails ”—From Mt. Mor- ris to Olean—From Belvidere to Penn- sylvania—From Caneadea to Houghton, Rushford, Centreville, Freedom and Buffalo — From Caneadea to Allen, Birdsall and Arkport, the “ Canisteo Path”—The Agriculture of the Iro- quois. IV. The Senecas—Their Origin. 24 Hawenneyu, the Creator—Seneca Tra- ditions—Great Hill People—Snake Leg- ends—Funeral Rites—Eclipses, V. Indian Feasts, Dances, Etc. . 27 The Sugaring Feast — The Planting Feast—Green Corn Dance or Feast— Corn Harvest Feast—Winter Hunting Feast. VI. Life of the Senecas. . . 31 Diseases and Their Treatment — A Wonderful Medicine — The Medicine Feast—Old Silverheels' Story—Indian Women -Cooking-Customs and Amuse- ments—Ball Playing—Jellis Clute. VII. Caneadea and Oil Spring Res- ervations. . . . .34 The Western Door of The Long House — Gahneyadeo—“Open Door”— John Hudson—A Thrilling Pioneer Incident —Gahneesongo—Caneadea—Treaty of Buffalo Creek—.Survey by Joseph Jones —Origin of Cuba Oil Spring—Title of The Reservation. Chapter. Page. VIII. Early Skirmishes and Pion- eers.....................42 IX. Early Visitors — Extinction of the Indian Title. . . 45 Rev. Samuel Kirkland—Robert Mor- ris—Oliver Phelps and The Phelps and Gorham Purchase—Treaty of Big Tree. X. Early Survey and Surveyors. 54 Joseph and Benjamin Ellicott—Augus- tus Porter—Moses V an Campen—Elisha Johnson — His Description of The Country—Other Surveyors. XI. Robert Morris. 59 XII. Boundaries of Allegany Coun- ty.........................64 XIII. The Church Tract. . . 69 XIV. This Century’s First Decade. 70 Settlement of Various Towns— First Marriage—First Death—First Road^— First Capital Crime—First Sawmill— First Painted Dwelling—Dr. Ebenezer Hyde—The Town of Angelica—Lake Erie Turnpike—Formation of Allegany County — Early Settlers — Transit Bridge—Court House and Jail—First Census. XV. Second Decade—1811-1820. 78 First Supervisors—Pioneer Teachers— Improvements— Carding Mills — Cold Season—Hard Times of 1817—Genesee River a Public Highway—Other Settle- ments—The First Newspaper—Second Census. XVI. Third Decade—1821-1830. 84. More New Settlers — Inns Opened— Schools—Saw and Gristmills—Board of Supervisors—Sheriff’s Bill—First Mur- der—First Execution—State Census— New Towns Erected — Bounties on Wolves—First Justices of the Peace Elected-Governor Clinton Recommends Survey of Genesee Valley Canal — Action of Board of Supervisors on8 Contents. Chapter. Page. Poor House—Canal Route from Roch- ester to Olean Surveyed — Equalized Value of Land in Each Town. XVII. Fourth Decade—1831-1840. 91 Legislative Action on Bridges and Highways—Action of Board of Super- visors—Census Reports—School Mon- eys— County Superintendents of the Poor—Action on Genesee Valley Canal Continued—Many Churches Organized- Disastrous Floods—Angelica Academy —Allegany Mutual Insurance Com- pany—Windstorm—Work Commenced on Valley Canal—Erie Railroad—Valu- ation of Real and Personal Property. XVIII. Fifth Decade—1841-1850 98 Good Times — Thirty Towns—Com- mon School System Changed —Alle- gany County Agricultural Society— Hard Times — Propagation of Silk Worms — First Pupils Sent to State Normal School—More About Wolf and Other Bounties—Vote on State Con- stitutional Convention — War with Mexico— Public Works Resumed and Better Times Inaugurated. XIX. Sixth Decade—1851-1860. 102 Genesee Valley Canal Opened to Ora- mel—Erie Railroad Completed—Many Water and Steam Sawmills Built — Much Lumbering Done—Cleared Fields and Comfortable Homes—Many Cat- tle and Sheep Raised—First Republi- can Convention — Change of County Seat Agitated -Much Butter and Cheese Made—Woolen Factories — Extensive Census Statistics — First Republican Nomination — Angelica Regency — Belmont County Buildings Erected— Two Jury Districts—Abraham Lincoln Elected—Secession. XX. Seventh Decade—1861-1870. no Civil War — The Action of Allegany County—Her Patriotic Soldiers—Vol- unteer Bounty Fund —Bonding for Railroads. XXI. Later Developments — Pro- gress, etc. . . . .116 Projected, Narrow Gauge, and other Railroads—Oil Industry—Dairy Busi- ness—Iron Bridges — New County House — Later Schoolhouses — Some Distinguished Alleganians— Valuation of Real and Personal Estate from 1871 to 1895—Amount of Taxes—Banks and Banking—Allegany Politics—Centennial County Officers. Chapter. Page. XXII. Travel and Transporta- tion..............................121 Early Hard Roads to Travel—Descrip- tion of The Church Tract—Construc- tion of Early Roads—Bath and Olean Turnpike — Erie Canal — History of Genesee Valley Canal—Inception and Progress of the Erie Railroad—Address of Gen. Micah Brooks—Completion and Celebration of the Erie Railroad—Other Railroads. XXIII. Geology and Physical Ge- ography. . . . .132 By Charles Butts. XXIV. Natural History. . . 140 By Prof. F. S. Place, A. B., B. D. XXV. Oil and Gas in Allegany County..................144 By Lewis H. Thornton. XXVI. Our Agriculture. . .159 By A. W. Litchard, Esq. XXVII. Development and Progress of Our Public Schools. 163 By Samuel A. Earley, Esq. XXVIII. Alfred University. . 173 By Rev. Lewis A. Platts, D. D. Biographies of Pres. Wm. C. Kenyon and Pres. Jonathan Allen—The Faculty. XXIX, Bibliography of TUe Coun- ty Newspapers. . .193 By Rogers Stillman. XXX. Woman’s Christian Temper- ance Union. . . .199 By Miss Mary E. Bowler. Allegany County Sunday School As- sociation — Federation of Women’s Clubs—Political Equality Clubs. XXXI. Prominent Organizations. 205 Allegany Co. G. A. R. Association and , Posts — Woman’s Relief Corps — Farmer’s Alliance and Industrial Union—Allegany Co. Farmers’ Club— Allegany Co. Farmers’ Co-operative In- surance Company—Allegany Co. His- torical Society.Contents. 9 Chapter. Page. Chapter. Page. XXXII. Medical Societies and Physicians. . . . 210 Richard Charles, M. D.—William M. Smith, M. D.—John Bowen Collins, M. D.—John H. Saunders, M. D.—Charles M. Crandall, M. D.—Charles W. Saun- ders, M. D.—Gilbert M. Champlain, M. D.—Stephen Maxson, M. D.—-Seneca Allen, M. D.—H. H. Nye, M. D.—Hon. W. W. Crandall, M. D.—Sheffield W. Greene, M. D., etc. XXXIII. Courts and Lawyers. 246 Hon. William G. Angel—Hon. John G. Collins—Hon. Clarence A. Farnum— Hon. S. McArthur Norton—Hon. W. B. Rochester—Hon. Richard P. Marvin —Hon. Martin Grover— Hon. Henry Wells-- Hon. Charles Daniels— Hon. George Barker—Hon. Wm. H. Hender- son—Hon. Hamilton Ward—Hon. Ed- win W. Hatch—Hon. Alfred Spring— John Baldwin, Esq.—Gen. Alexander S. Diven — Samuel M. Russell, Esq. — Hon. Wilkes Angel—Hon. Marshall B. Champlain—William Pitt Angel, Esq. —Elias E. Harding, Esq.—James M. Curtiss, Esq.—Col. A. J. McNett—Hon. William Folwell Jones—Hon. Edward D. Loveridge—Edgar W. Chamberlain, Esq.—Hon, Henry M. Teller—Willard Teller, Esq—Hon. David P. Richard- son—Gen. Rufus Scott—Hon. Seymour Dexter—Capt. George H. Blackman— Frank Sullivan Smith — Hon. Oscar Fuller—Church & Church—Hon. Fred A. Robbins, and others. XXXIV. Civil List. . . . 293 Members of Congress—State Senators Members of Assembly—County Clerks —Sheriffs -County Treasurers. XXXV. Allegany’s Centennial Celebration. . . 296 At Wellsville, N. June 26 and 27, 1895. XXXVIII. Wellsville Postal His- tory— Manufactures— Societies, etc. . . 369 Something About Some of the People —Biographical Sketches. XXXIX. ANGELICA. . . .405 By John S. Minard, Esq. Early History — Churches — Angelica Academy—Wilson Academy. XL. The Village of Angelica. . 418 The D’Autremonts—Civil War—Angel- ica Lodge—Banking—Business Inter- ests, etc.—Something About Some of the People—Biographical Sketches. XLI. Amity.......................443 By John S. Minard, Esq. The Town of Amity—Old Stone Grist- mill, Belmont—Mills—Manufacturing— The County Seat—Cemetery—Banks— Business Interests—The Samuel Van Campen Family. XLII (1). Churches, Schools and Societies..............456 Churches—Belmont Union Free School and Academy—Belmont Literary and Historical Society — Societies — Some- thing of Some of the People—Biograph- ical Sketches. XLII (2). Scio. ..... 479 Description — Pioneers — Time-Worn Documents — Mills — Village — Cheese Factories—Churches—G. A. R. Post, etc.—Some of Scio’s People—Biograph- ical Sketches. XLIII. Allen. ..... 498 By John S. Minard, Esq. First and other settlers — Religion — Cheese Factories—Postoffices—About Some of the People. XLIV. Birdsall...................507 By Joseph K. Weaver. Pioneers — Manufactures — Religious W orship—Soldiers. TOWNS OF THE MORRIS RESERVE. XXXVI. WELLSVILLE. . . .325 By Lewis H. Thornton. Description—Advent of the White Man —Roger’s Survey of 1826, etc.—E^rly Prices— First Tavern —* First School- house, etc. XXXVII. Wellsville Village. . 346 Schools— Churches— Free Public Li- brary, etc. XLV. West Almond. . . .511 By George A. Morton. General Description—Early Settlers— Mills and Factories—Churches—Sol- diers—Later Settlers. XLVI. Granger.....................516 By John S. Minard, Esq. Name—Short Tract—First Settlers— School-meeting — Schoolhouse—“ Sol- diers’ Monument ”—Business Interests —From the Town Records—Civil War10 Contents. Chapter. Page. —Religion — Societies— Chronology of Some Citizens. XLVII. Ward.......................529 By Eldyn Reynolds, Esq. Description—First and Other Settlers— Pioneer Life — Manufacturing, etc. — Churches—Dairy Interests—Tornado. XLVIII. Grove. . . . .536 Incorporation. Name, etc.—Early Set- tlers—Soldiers — Churches—Village of Swains — Its Business—“ The Ossian Giant ”—Stockbreeding—Farmers, etc. XLIX. Willing.......................540 By O. T. Perkins, Esq. Topography — Shongo — Hallsport — Stanard—Stone Dam — Mapes — Set- tlers and Settlements—Church—G. A. R. Post — Societies — Cyclone—Some Personal Chronologies. L. Alma.............................548 Changes of Title to the Soil, etc—Al- lentown High School- Societies—G. A. R, Post—Some of the Townsmen— Biographical Sketch. Towns of the Phelps and Gorham Pur- chase. LI. Almond. . . . . . 559 By D. A. Stebbins, Esq. History of the Settlement—Cheese Fac- tories—Almond Village — Manufactur- ing Interests—Some Early and Other Settlers. LII. Andover........................579 By T. A. Burdick. Settlers — Churches—Oil and Gas — Cheese Factories-r-Andover Village— Union Graded School—Bank—The Lo- cal Press—Mills—Societies, etc.—Early and Later Settlers. LIII. Independence. . . .597 By S. S. White, Esq. History — Whitesville Village — Manu- factories — Societies — Spring Mills — Green’s Corners — Fulmer’s Valley — Early Settlers—Churches—Soldiers, etc. —Something About Some of the Peo- ple—Biographical Sketch. LIV. Burns. , . . . .615 By W. H. Barnum, Esq. Name—First Settlement — Canaseraga —Fires—Local Press—Creamery Com- pany — Water Works — F. & A. M. Lodge—Churches—Educational—Burns Chapter. Page. Village — Burns Station — Garwoods — War Veterans—“The Big Elm,” etc.— Personals. LV, Alfred. . 624. By Silas C. Burdick, Esq. Settlement and Settlers—Reminiscences by Ethan Lanphear—Developments and Products—Cheese Factories—Roll of Honor. LVI............................... 637 Alfred Churches — Schools—Temper- ance— Villages—Business Interests— Personal Chronology. Towns of the Holland Purchase. LVII. Caneadea. .... 657 By John S. Minard, Esq. History—Old Council House—The Ger- mans—Religion — Houghton Seminary — Societies—Of Caneadea Citizens. LVIII, Belfast....................677 By John S. Minard, Esq. Early Settlers — “ Bull Froggers ” — Wind Storm—Tanneries—Cheese Fac- tories— The Village—Genesee Valley Seminary—Churches—Societies—Of the Townsmen. LIX. Friendship...................699^ By L. C. Aldrich, Esq. Name—Settlement and Settlers—Or- ganization — Development — Civil War —Roll of Honor—Schools. LX. Friendship, Continued. . . 708 Friendship Village — Manufactures — Friendship Academy—Union School— Baxter University of Music—Fire De- partment—Banks—Press — Societies — Cemeteries — Churches — About Some of the People;—Biographical Sketehes. LXI. Hume.........................736 By John S. Minard, Esq. Boundaries—Description—Mills Mills— Early Settlers—Pioneering on the Gore —Hume Village—Wiscoy—Fillmore Vil- lage — First Canal Boats—“ Genesee Valley Express ”—The Caneadea Indi- ans—Early Settlers on the Reservation —The Village Tract—A Flood Incident —Brook’s Gore, or Dutch Hill—The Irish Pioneers—Early Roads—Church- es—Soldier Dead—Banking and Socie- ties, etc.—Of Hume’s Townsmen. LXII. Centreville. . . . 780* By John S. Minard, Esq. History — Churches — Societies—Some Residents.Contents. 11 Chapter. Page, LXIII. Rushford. . . . . 789 By John S. Minard, Esq. Settlers—Mills—Pine Apple Cheese and Other Cheese—Manufactories - Rush- ford Academy and Union School—Fire and Flood—East Rushford—Railroad —Cemeteries—The Press — Banking— Vickery’s Music School—Traders—Fire Department — Semi-Centennial — Sol- diers—Societies — Churches—Of Rush- ford’s Townsmen. LXIV. Cuba. . . . . .813 By John S. Minard, Esq. History—North Cuba—Cheese Market and Factories—The World’s Largest Milk Record—Cuba Temperance Camp Meeting—Churches, etc. LXV. Cuba, Continued. . . .825 Cuba Village—Cuba Union School and Academy—Water Works—Cuba Fair Association—Cemetery—Banks—Board of Trade—Business Enterprises—Soci- eties—Of Cuba’s Citizens—Biographi- cal Sketch. LXVI. Wirt........................853 By S. L. Stanton, Esq. Settlement—Richburg—An Oil Town— Soldier Dead—Cheese Factories—Relig- ious — Societies—Something of Some Citizens—Biographical Sketch. Chapter. Page. LXVII, New Hudson. . . . 868 By Hon. H. H. Wakely. First Settlers—Mills and Lumbering— Religion—Early Times and Homes— Times 70 Years Ago—Soldiers—Of the Town’s People. LXVIII. Genesee..................878 By Miss Mary A. Lackey. Description—Little Genesee—Ceres— First Settlements—Early Events and Industries — Early Experiences — Mills and Lumbering — Oil in Genesee — Churches—Physicians — Military List, etc.--Something of the People--Bio- graphical Sketch. LXIX. Bolivar....................902 T opography — Early Settlers — Early Mills and Manufactures—South Bolivar —Soldier Dead—Railroads—Cemetery- Bolivar Village—A Bit of Bolivar’s His- tory- Business Interests—Banks—Fire Companies — Physicians —Attorneys— Societies—Churches—Schools—Of Bol- ivar’s People. LXX. Clarksville. . . .931 By Victor Hammond. Of the Town—Some of the Pioneers— Industries— Schools—Societies — G. A. R.—Business Interests—Oil Producers —Oil and Gas — Railroads — Dairying and Dairymen—Merchants—Soldiers of the Civil War—Some of the Residents.Biographies and Illustrations. IB Biographies and Illustr'atioos. Guy Johnson Map, 1771, Frontispiece PAGE. Robert Morris, ‘ . . , . 59 Map of Proprietary Grants, .. 65 Map of Allegany County, 1806, . . 67 Map of Allegany County, 1810, . 77 Map of Allegany County, 1820, . . 83 Map of Allegany County, 1830, . . 89 Map of Allegany County, 1840, , . . 93 Map of Allegany County, 1850, . 103 Map of Allegany County, i860, . . . . 109 Samuel A. Earley, Portrait 162 Samuel A. Earley, . . . Biography 404a Memorial Hall, Alfred University, Illustration 175 The Steinheim, Alfred University, . . Illustration 180 President William Colgrove Kenyon, Portrait 182 President Jonathan Allen, Ph. D., D. D , LL.D., . . Portrait 184 Faculty of Alfred University, 1895-96 >. 187 Mrs. H. M. Barker, . Portrait 202 Mrs. B. C. Rude, Portrait 202 Mrs. E. J. Potter, . . Portrait 202 Mrs. M. L. Willard, Portrait 202 Mrs. N. S. Bradley, , Portrait 202 Richard Charles, M. D., 217 William M. Smith, M. D., . 219 John Bowen Collins. M. D., 221 John Hanford Saunders, M. D., . 225 Hon. Charles M. Crandall, M. D., 225 Charles W. Saunders, M. D„ . 226 Gilbert B. Champlain, M. D., 231 Stephen Maxson, M. D., . . 231 Seneca Allen, M. D., 232 John C. Young, M. D., . 232 Jonas Wellman, M. D., , 234 H. H. Lyman, M. D., . 236 Anthony Barney, M. D., 606 Horace H. Nye, M. D., . 242 Hon. W. W. Crandall, M. D., 242 Sheffield W. Greene, M. D., , 244 Hon. William G. Angel, 250 Hon. Harlan J. Swift, . 849 Hon. Clarence A. Farnum, 251 Hon. Sheridan McArthur Norton, , Portrait 252 Hon. William B. Rochester, 255 Hon. Richard P. Marvin, . . 25614 Biographies and Illustrations. Hon. Martin Grover, ..... Portrait 258 Hon, Martin Grover, ..... Biography 259 Hon. Charles Daniels, ..... . 260 Hon. George Barker, . . . . . 261 Hon. Hamilton Ward, ..... . 262 Hon. Edward W. Hatch, . . . 263 Gen. Alexander S. Diven, . . . 272 Hon. Wilkes Angel, ..... 273 Hon. Marshall B. Champlain, . . . . Portrait 273 Col. A. J. McNett, . . . . 275 Hon. William Folwell Jones, .... Portrait 276 Hon. Edward D. Loveridge, .... . 2 77 Hon. Henry M. Teller, . . . . . . 278 Hon. David P. Richardson, . . . . . 279 Gen. Rufus Scott, . . . . . . Portrait 281 Hon. Seymour Dexter, . . 282 Capt. George H. Blackman, . 284 Frank Sullivan Smith, Esq., . 285 Hon. Asahel N. Cole, . . . . . Portrait 384 Hon. Edward Judson Farnum, . 395 Enos W. Barnes, . . . . . • . Portrait 396 Orville P. Taylor, ..... Portrait 398 The McEwen Brothers, . 400 John McEwen, Portrait 400 William Duke, . . . Portrait 403 A. J. Applebee, ..... Portrait 494c D. C. Ackerman, Portrait 404c The d’Autremonts, ..... 420 Judge Philip Church, . 43° Maj. Moses Van Campen, 437 Vial Thomas. Portrait 440 Peter S. Norris, . . . . . 442 Samuel Van Campen, . . . 452 Belmont Free Public Library, . . . Illustration 462 Alvan Earle Parker, . , . . , Portrait 473 Isaac Willets, ..... Portrait 475 Leonard Frost Willets, .. 476 Hon. Wolcott Hatch, ..... 478 Archibald Morris, M. D., 478a George A. Green, , . 478c Maj. Peter Keenan, . . . . . 490 Benjamin M. Vincent, . . . . Portrait 495 Capt. John Emory Middaugh, .... Portrait 496 William Wilson, 506 Col. Thomas J. Thorp, ..... . 520 Riley Allen, ...... Portrait 555 Daniel Dexter, . ..... Portrait 612 Phineas A. Burdick, ..... . 647 Hon. Clark Crandall, .... . 648 Rev. Darwin E. Maxson, A, M., D. D., . 651 David Stillman, ...... . 652Biographies and Illustrations, 15 Major Alanson Burr, Stephen Wilson, Prof. Jeremiah Hatch, Prof. James Baxter, Hon. Asher Wetmore Miner, Hon. Abijah Joslyn Wellman, Stephen Welcome Cole Herman Rice, Herman Rice, William H. Pitt, A. M., M. D., Ph. D., William P. Brooks, Samuel A. Farman, A. W. Henry, Mills Family, . George Minard, John S. Minard, Charles Ricker, Mahlon L. Ross, P. C. Soule, M. D., Stephen H. Draper, . . Charles J. Elmer, J. B. Gordon, . R. B. Laning, Esq., O. T. Stacy, M. D., George H. Eldridge, William J. Glenn, David Kirkpatrick, Col. Samuel H. Morgan, Henry and William P. Stevens, Hon. Addison S. Thompson, Hon. Calvin T. Chamberlain, William Henry Bartholomew, Deacon Isaiah Jordan, LaFrone Merriman, Alvan Richardson, Hon. H. H. Wakely, The Childs Family, William Cranston, Richard L. Andrus, The Cowles Family, Nelson Hoyt, .? The Meads, . Stephen W. Thomas, Hon. Martin Butts, The Congdon Family,* 661 698 712 . 721 Portrait 729 Portrait 731 Portrait 7 32 Biography 733 Portrait 734 735 736 766 768 77© 771 772 774 774 776 779 805 806 808 809 842 843 845 847 849 850 . 851 852 86l 863 866 877 891 900 924 925 928 929 930 938 939Where the dark green pines and hemlocks grow, Where the fountains of light from rock sources flow, Where the Red Man’s foot had scarce ceased to roam, Our fathers established their pioneer home. 5Tis the ‘‘top of the world,” ’tis the land where we see The waters flow all ways to get to the sea; To the north, to the south, to the east, to the west, The crystal streams spring to the broad ocean’s breast. —W. A. Fergus son.Allegany and its People. Centennial Memorial J4i^tory. CHAPTER I. EARLY GLIMPSES OP OUR TERRITORY. “ Realm of the Senecas ! No more In shadow lies.the pleasant vale; Gone are the chiefs who ruled of yore, Like chaff before the rushing gale. * * * * * * * And hut and hall of council now Are changed to ashes cold.” IT may be well, perhaps, before entering upon the subject proper of the history of Allegany county, to consider briefly the scene of the ad- ventures, exploits, hardships and privations, which will necessarily, to some extent at least, be recounted in succeeding chapters. The territory included within the present limits of the county of Alle- gany, up to the very dawn of the nineteenth century, with some few exceptions of “ open flats ” along the winding course of the Genesee river, the Casconchagon of the early French Jesuit explorers, Shining—clear— opening,—Pleasant-open-valley, Clear-valley, or Beautiful-valley, as its name, somewhat differently rendered in the elastic Seneca language, implies, was covered with a. prodigious growth of timber of various kinds, the stately pine largely predominating, yet liberally interspersed with hemlock, oak, ash, elm, chestnut, cucumber and hickory. On the river flats, also on the bottom lands along some of its larger tributaries, sometimes quite close to the banks, were the beautiful butternuts, which annually shed their fruitage ' of toothsome nuts. Huge buttonwoods and large cottonwoods and poplars, were also found in abundance along the river; wild plum trees were also frequent, and graceful elms of mammoth proportions, with such a multi- plicity of branches as sometimes to defy successfully any attempt to count them, at intervals were found; while the trees which fringed the river bank were for most of the way serving the purpose of trellises for the thousands18 History of Allegany County, N. Y. of vines which attained a marvelous growth, and climbed in some instances to their very tops profusely laden with grapes; the beautiful bitter-sweet and ivy also contributed to the variety. The open flats were covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, reported by some enraptured explorers as attaining a prodigious growth and heigth, “tall enough,” it was claimed, “to easily obscure and hide from observation, not only the horse, but his rider.” In places this grass was burned off, ex- posing a soil, which, subjected to the manipulations of the rude husbandry of Indian women, laughed with a bountiful harvest of corn, beans, squashes and gourds, when only slightly tickled with their primitive farming im- plements. Fish of various kinds swarmed the waters, as yet suffering no hindrance from dams nor polluted with sawdust, and speckled beauties abounded in such profusion as would to day tempt from long distances the enthusiastic disciples of Izaak Walton. Not a tree had fallen a victim to, or even showed the scar of the white man’s axe. It was in very deed a virgin wilderness, peopled with a considerable population of bears, wolves, elk, deer, raccoons, otters, panthers and other beasts of prey. This territory was sparsely peopled with a tribe of Seneca Indians, who lived in small villages along the river, and at different times camped out upon the highlands for purposes of hunting, or catching pigeons wherever they might chance to roost and build their nests. A dark and dreary though betimes a beautiful and enchanting forest solitude it must have been, its awful and oppressive stillness broken only by the laughing streams bounding over the pebbly bottoms, the frightful screams of some wild beast of prey, or made to echo the war-whoop of the Senecas, or the wild songs they sang when celebrating their feasts and dances. It was and had been for ages the terrestrial paradise of the Senecas. This was substantially the condition of things as they existed 100 years ago in the territory now covered by the county of Allegany, and the atten- tion of the reader is called to this uninviting scene, and it is hoped he may be sufficiently interested to follow carefully the process of evolution which has resulted in the Allegany of to day, presenting to the eye almost every variety of scenery; beautiful fields, and lofty wood-crowned summits, wind- ing streams and lovely valleys, rock-bound gorges and extended plains, dotted with quiet hamlets and thriving villages, in one instance almost ap- proaching city-like proportions, and peopled with a class of citizens drawn from many nationalities, but intelligent, patriotic, industrious, contented and happy.19 Early Explorations, Etc. CHAPTER II. EARLY EXPLORATIONS, ETC. “ The distant top of the wooded hight Was edged with a rim of tender light, And thicket, fountain, rock and tree, From cloudless sun a radiance drank, While washed the rapid Genesee. * * , * * * * * The shambling elk shrill whistle gave, White breaking through the thicket green To plunge his muzzle in the wave.” LTHOUGH the first white person whose foot pressed the soil of Allegany, whose name can be given with any degree of certainty, was the captive, Mary Jemison, the De-he-wa-mis of the Senecas, so generally referred to as the 44 White woman of the Genesee. ’ ’ As with her Indian captors she made her advent into the 44 Genesee country,” about 1759, when the party halted for a day and a night at the upper Caneadea village (Gah-yah-o-de-o of the ancient Senecas), which was in the present town of Caneadea, on their way to Gardeau, it is nevertheless reasonably removed from the field of conject- ure that possibly La Salle, and perhaps some others of the early French Jesuits or their subalterns, had already a full half-century before passed over this route of travel, which afterward for a time served as the pathway from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. Remembering and ever keeping in mind this fact that in all the earlier explorations of our country, the natural water-ways were the medium through which the remote recesses of the vast forest solitudes were reached, and, glancing occasionally as you read at a map of Western New York, care- fully scan what follows. In his admirable address before the Livingston County Historical Society at Nunda in January, 1886, the late lamented Geo. H. Harris, Esq., of Rochester, asserted that 4 4 The great water route from the St. Lawrence to the south, sought by La Salle and other explorers, was by way of Lake Ontario, Irondequoit bay, and the Genesee river to Belvidere, the Oil and Ischua creeks to Olean, then down the Allegany, Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Gulf of Mexico. There were variations in this route between the Genesee and Ohio rivers, the discovery of which caused a vast expense of time, money and human blood. During the French dominion in Canada their voyageurs were frequently upon the Genesee and its connecting trails. The first description of the river ever published was that of the good Father Charlevoix, who passed along the south shore of Lake Ontario, in 1721, Writing from Fort Niagara, he says 4 There is a little river, which I would have visited if I had sooner been informed of its singularity, and of what I20 History of Allegany County, N. Y. have now learnt on my arrival. They call it Casconchiagon. It is very nar- row, and of but little depth at its entrance into the lake (Ontario). A little higher it is 140 yards wide, and'they say it is deep enough for the largest vessels. ’ Two leagues (six miles) from its mouth, we are stopped by a fall which appears to be 60 feet high, and 140 yards wide. A musket shot higher, we find a second, of the same width, but not so high by two-thirds. Half-a- league farther, a third fall 100 feet high good measure, and 200 yards wide; after Ibhis, we meet several torrents, and having sailed 50 leagues farther, we perceive a fourth fall every way equal to the third. The course of the river is 100 leagues, and when we have gone up it about 60 leagues, we have but ten to go by land, taking to the right to arrive at the Ohio, called La Belle Riviere. The place where we meet with it is called Ganos, where an officer worthy of credit, and the same from whom I learnt what I have just now mentioned, assured me that he had seen a fountain, the water of which is like oil and the taste like iron. He said that a little farther on, there is another fountain exactly like it, and the savages make use of its waters to appease all manner of pains. ” The officer to whom Charlevoix alluded was Joncaire, a Frenchman, who „ had been adopted by the Indians, and lived for some years at Lewiston, on the Niagara river. He was on the best of terms with the Indians, had two half-breed sons, Clanzonne and Chabert. The elder Joncaire made a number of journeys up the Genesee river, to Belvidere, over the divide to Oil creek, and so on, down the Allegany and Ohio rivers. One or both of the sons also made the same journeys. On these journeys they were sometimes provided by the French government with a number of lead plates, about eleven inches long, seven and one-half wide, and one-eighth of an inch in thickness, with inscriptions thereon, leaving blanks to be filled out with date and place of using them. They were to be buried at certain well defined places, like the confluence of important streams, or where some strongly marked geograph- ical feature existed. It was one of a class of ceremonies, which was con- sidered of importance in “ taking possession ” of the country in the name, and by the authority of the French sovereign. On one of these trips a plate, designed for such a purpose, was stolen from Joncaire while going through the Seneca country, and on the 29th of January, 1751, Gov. Clinton, into whose possession it is presumed to have fallen, sent a copy of the inscription to Gov. Hamilton of Pennsylvania. The inscription as translated is: “ In the year 1749, of the reign of Louis the 15th, King of France, we Celoron, commander of a detachment sent by Monsieur the Marquis de-la- Galissoniere, Governor General of New France, to re-establish tranquility in some Indian villages of these cantons, have buried this Plate of Lead, at the confluence of the Ohio and the Chautauqua, this 29th day of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Belle Riviere, as a monument of the renewal of the pos- session we have taken of the said river Ohio, and of all those which empty into it, and of all the lands on both sides, as far as the sources of said rivers,Early Explorations, Etc. 21 as enjoyed or ought to have been enjoyed, by the Kings of Prance preceding, and as they have there maintained themselves, by arms and by treaties, especially those of Ryswick, Utrecht and Aix la Chapelle.” “ This was the first reliable account of the Genesee given by the old writers, and errs only in the exaggerated distances. The fountains men- tioned were a petroleum oil spring near Cuba, N. Y., and another in Venango county, Pa. The wonder expressed by Charlevoix, over 170 years ago, is still felt by all who have a personal knowledge of the Genesee river. Prom its source in Pennsylvania to its entrance into Lake Ontario, its course is through some of the most magnificent scenery, and is marked with wondrous changes wrought by the hand of nature. ” The third fall mentioned in this description, is the one at Rochester, and the fourth at Portage, which should have been given as three. The exag- gerated distances given are not to be wondered at, as the river was very tortuous, and its course lying for the most part through such an entirely primitive wilderness, the way must necessarily have seemed much longer than it really was, and it was really much longer to travel with boats then than it is at the present time. It would of course be a satisfaction to know more of the officer of whom Charlevoix speaks and how he pursued his journey, and how many men accompanied him, their names, etc.; but as that is impossible, and from the fact of the Genesee river being the principal stream of the county, traversing its whole length from south to north, thus furnishing its most prominent and distinguishing geographical feature, the reader will, it is trusted, agree with the writer in considering the foregoing account, even though meagre, as appropriate in this connection. I will close this chapter by introducing an extract from an address which the writer delivered before the Allegany County Historical Society, January 8, 1890. This expedition of Charlevoix’s lieutenants had been briefly alluded to. “ I fancy that if our honored friend Major Richard Church, who is detained at home by illness this evening, would only provide himself with a sort of reversed horoscope of reasonably strong power, adjust its focus for about 1720, and train it so as to sweep for some distance the banks of the river along about opposite his beautiful homestead, he would be abl6 to descry, through the intervening mists and shadows of the ages, the well defined outlines of the particular officer spoken of by Charlevoix, accompanied by a few privates and an Indian guide or two, as they pulled and poled their "bateaux up the shallow waters, unloaded their store of trinkets, camp utensils and accoutrements, and prepared for the portage to Oil creek ! There is no reasonable doubt of it. ”22 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER III. OUR PREDECESSORS—THE SIX NATIONS. “ The red man boasts no herald-roll, But views with equal pride of soul The painted symbol on his skin, Allies to memory of sires Famed for their prowess, while within His bosom wakes heroic fires.” HEN the white man first entered this beautiful Seneca country, he found numerous deeply-trodden paths threading the forest in different directions. They led from one Indian village to another, and occasionally branched off to their favorite hunting and fishing grounds, and here and there marked their intercourse with neighboring aboriginal tribes. These were the “ trails,” and were the routes pursued by the French missionaries and traders and by the Dutch and English in their intercourse with the In- dians. They afterwards served to guide our early pioneers through the forest, enabling them to appreciate the value and beauty of the country. One of these trails, the one with which we are just now more interested than any other, passed from Mt. Morris up the river to Gardeau and Canea- dea, and still on to the Allegany river at Olean, leaving the valley of the Genesee in the neighborhood of the Church manor-house at Belvidere and following the valley of VanCampen’s creek to some point near Friendship village, from thence taking a feasible route to the oil spring in Cuba, and following the course of the water to the Allegany at Cornplanter’s town later Olean Point, afterward for a short time Hamilton and now plain Olean. An- other branch of this important trail led from Belvidere up the river, fol- lowing its course, in a good part of the way being identical, with our present “ river road,” and passing on to Pennsylvania. From the upper Caneadea village, located on the east side of the Genesee river in the town of Canea- dea, nearly opposite the village of Houghton, a lateral trail branched off to the west, following up the ravine just north of Houghton Seminary, thence striking almost exactly the line of the road to Rushford as at present located, and bearing from thence northwesterly through Centerville, Freedom and on to Buffalo. This was an important trail, and was much used during the French and Indian wars and in the Revolutionary times, communicating as it did so directly with the lake frontier. From the Caneadea village another trail passed easterly through Allen and Birdsall to the Canisteo river near Arkport, and was known by the early white explorers as the “Canisteo path.” This was also a very important trail. It was over this trail that the hordes of savages, led by* Mohawk, Shongo, and Hudson, passed when they set out upon their expedition againstOur Predecessors—The Six Nations. 23 Wyoming in 1778. Many a war party has passed along this aboriginal high- way of travel. These trails were in fact the “ highways ” of a once powerful nation of American Indians, the Senecas, one of the original Five Nations, the Iro- quois, and, later, after the adoption of the Tuscaroras, of the confederacy of Six Nations, our immediate predecessors in the occupation of this section of our country. The Iroquois have been called the “ Romans of the new world.” Their federal system of government, although a pure oligarchy, sedulously, and with great ingenuity, guarded against centralization and the aggression of power, always recognizing the principles of local self-govern- ment, in the admistration of which their women were allowed a potential voice and influence, and their rights were sacredly guarded and plainly de- fined. It has been claimed that the ultimate object of their federal policy was nothing less than a peaceful union of all the tribes of the continent, and is perhaps without a parallel in affording to its people more than 300 years of uninterrupted domestic unity and peace. Agriculture had to some extent begun to modify the life of the aborigi- nal hunters of New York when, in 1687, the Marquis De Nonville invaded the lower Genesee country. In his report to his government he claimed to have destroyed “ more than a million bushels of corn.” Said the late David Gray, of Buffalo, in a paper on “ The last Indian Council of the Genesee,” published in Scribner's Magazine, “ In the midst of their fields they built their villages, some of which contained more than a hundred houses. Three sis- ter divinities of their religion were the spirit of the maize, the bean and the squash. A fancy superior to that of the average of savage peoples stamped their unwritten legends and mythology. They had even a rude astronomy, and mapped the heavens, giving names to the principal constellations. Among them the art of eloquence was cultivated as assiduously as that of arms. Their parliament was an indigenous growth in the depths of the New York forests.” Of the annual councils of the sachems Gov. DeWitt Clinton wrote that “in eloquence, in dignity and in all the characteristics of per- sonal policy, they surpassed an assemblage of feudal barons, and were per- haps not far inferior to the great Amphictyonic council of Greece.”24 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER IV. THE SENECAS—THEIR ORIGIN, ETC. Lo ! the poor Indian, whose untutored mind Sees God in clouds, or hears Him in the wind ; His soul proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk or milky way ; Yet simple nature to his hope has given, Behind the cloud-topt hill a humbler heaven ; Some safer world in depth of woods embraced, Some happier island in the watery waste, Where slaves once more their native land behold, No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold ; To be content’s his natural desire ; He asks no angels’ wings, no seraph’s fire, But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company. —Pope. IT^is written in the life of Mary Jemison 4'Perhaps no people were more exact observers of religions duties than the Indians among the Senecas who were denominated 'pagans/ in contradistinction to those who, from hav- ing renounced their former superstitious notions, have obtained the name of Christians. They believed in a Great Good Spirit, whom they called in the Seneca language, Ha-wen-ne-yu, as the creator of the world and of every good thing; that he made man and all inoffensive animals; that he supplied them with the comforts of life, and that he was particularly partial to the Indians, who, they said, were his particular people. They also believed that he was pleased in giving them (the Indians) good gifts, and that he was highly gratified with their good conduct; that he abhorred their vices, and that he was willing to punish them for their bad conduct, not only in this - world, but in a future state of existence. His residence, they supposed, lay at a great distance from them in a country that was perfectly pleasant; where plenty abounded even to profusion; that the soil was completely fer- tile, and the seasons so mild that the corn never failed to be good; that the deer, elk, buffalo, turkey and other useful animals were numerous, and that the forests were well calculated to facilitate their hunting them with success; that the streams were pure and abounded with fish, and that nothing was wanted to render fruition complete. Over this territory they believed Ha- wen-ne-yu presided as an all-powerful king, and that without counsel he ad- mitted to his pleasure all whom he considered worthy of enjoying so great a state of blessedness. * * * According to the Indian mode of burial, the deceased is laid out in his best clothing, and put in a coffin of boards or bark, and with him is deposited in every instance, a small cup and a cake. Gen- erally two or three candles are put into the coffin, and in a few instances, at the burial of a great man, all the implements of war are buried by the sideThe Senecas—Their Origin, Etc. 25 of the body. The coffin is then closed and carried to the grave. On its be- ing let down, the person who takes the lead in the solemn transaction, or a chief, addresses the dead in a short speech in which he charges him not to be troubled about himself in his new situation nor on his journey, and not to trouble his friends, wife or children whom he has left; tells him that if he meets with strangers on the way, he must inform them what tribe he belongs to, who his relatives are, the situation in which he left them, and that hav- ing done this he must keep on till he arrives at the good fields in the country of Ha-wen-ne-yu; that when he arrives there he will see all his ancestors and personal friends that have gone before him, wh.6, together with all the chiefs of celebrity, will receive him joyfully, and furnish him with every article of perpetual happiness. The grave is now filled and left till evening, when some of the nearest relatives of the dead build a fire at the head of it, near which they sit till morning. In this way they continue nine successive nights, when, believing that their departed friend has arrived at the end of his journey, they discontinue their attention. During this time the relatives of the deceased are not allowed to dance. The tradition of the Senecas in regard to their origin is that they broke out of the earth from a large mountain at the head of Canandaigua lake, which they still venerate as the place of their birth. Thence they derive their name, Ge-nun-de-wah, or ‘ Great Hill,’ and were called 4 Great Hill Peo- ple,’ which is the true definition of the word Seneca. The great hill at the head of Canandaigua lake, from whence they sprung, is called Ge-nun-de- wah and has for a long time past been the place where the Indians of that nation have met in council, to hold great talks, and to offer up prayers to the Great Spirit, on account of its having been their birth-place; and also in consequence of the destruction of a serpent at that place in ancient times, in a most miraculous manner, which threatened the destruction of the whole of the Senecas, and barely spared enough to commence replenishing the earth. The Indians say that the foot of the big hill near the head of Canan- daigua lake was surrounded by a monstrous serpent, whose head and tail came together at the gate. A long time it lay there confounding the people with its breath. At length they attempted to make their escape, some with their hominy blocks, and others with different implements of household furniture, and in marching out of the foot walked down the throat of the serpent. Two orphan children, who had escaped this general destruction by being left on the side of the foot, were informed by an oracle of the means by which they could get rid of their formidable enemy, which was to take a small bow and a poisoned arrow, made of a kind of willow, and with that shoot 'the serpent under its scales. This they did and the arrow proved effectual, for, on its penetrating the skin, the serpent became sick, and ex- tending itself, rolled down the hill, destroying all the timber that was in its way, and disgorging itself. At every motion a human head was discharged and rolled down the hill into the lake, where they lie at this day in a petrified state having the hardness and appearance of stones; and the‘pagan Indians26 History of Allegany County, N. Y. of the Senecas believe that all the little snakes (of the land) were made of the blood of the great serpent after it rolled into the lake. To this day the Indians visit that sacred place to mourn the loss of their friends and to cele- brate some rites that are peculiar to themselves. To the knowledge of white people there has been no timber on the great hill since it was first discovered by them, though it lay apparently in a state of nature for a great number of years without cultivation. Stones in the shape of an Indian’s head may be seen lying in the lake in great plenty, which are said to be the same that were deposited there at the death of the serpent.” The Senecas were very superstitious in regard to snakes, and in con- firmation of this statement, I will relate a legend told me by Capt. John Buck, an aged Indian, who when a boy lived at the upper Caneadea village, and was familiar with the different localities along the river in Caneadea and Hume. In the autumn of 1890 the writer, this Capt. John Buck, Geo. H. Harris of Rochester and M. B. Turpin of Mt. Morris, went from Fillmore to visit the site of the old Indian village of Caneadea. When in the neighbor- hood of the Holy Cross Cemetery, near Long Beard’s Riff, Captain Buck, pointing over to a deep gorge or gully on the east side of the river, said (in substance, it would be impossible for me to give his exact words,) “ May be you never heard of it, and maybe after I tell you, too, you won’t believe it, but I am 'going to tell you, how a long, long time ago, a great while ago, a big snake lived up on that mountain,” pointing away off to the highlands in the east, “big snake took a notion, one day, to go to the river, and in going plowed out that deep gully or ravine. After this, snake frequently visited the river. One day just at or a little after sunset, an In- dian took a little drum and going to the mouth of the gorge where it empties into the river seated himself on a stone. He then commenced tapping on the drum. After beating drum awhile big snake came down and laid his head upon a stone near by the Indian. The Indian took a sharp little knife, and opening a vein just back of the snake’s jaw, drew some blood into a small cup and drank it. This made the snake and the Indian brothers, and the Indian was called a ‘ Witch Indian ’ ever afterward, and had supernatural powers and gifts. It was getting duskish at the time, and some of the blood being spilled upon the stones, it flashed up in a great blaze of fire, and lighted up whole country.” Capt. Buck told this with every manifestation of pro- found belief in the remarkable story. A notable instance showing another strange superstition of the Seneca Indians, was furnished upon the death of the noted chief, Little Beard, who lived at Cuylerville in one of their largest villages, called after him “ Little Beard’s Town.” He died in June, 1806, and June 16th occurred the “ great eclipse” which I suppose was total. The Indians, who had buried their chief with all the honors of his rank and were entirely unacquainted with astronomy as relating to such phenomena, believed that it was their old chief, who, on account of some old feeling of hatred he held toward them, had placed himself between them and the sun, to prevent the growing ofThe Senecas—Their Origin, Etc. 27 their corn and thus reducing them to starvation. They held a hurried con- sultation, the result of which was that in their opinion the only thing which would effectually remove it was the use of powder and ball, and every gun and rifle which could be procured were brought into use, and a continual firing kept up until the old fellow withdrew, and the obscurity was removed, which afforded great joy and relief to the ingenuous and fortunate Indians. CHAPTER Y. INDIAN FEASTS, DANCES, ETC. * “Where are your hoary magi-wrinkled seers, Clad in their dread appareling; who made Rude rocky altars, stained, and mossed with years, And held terrific orgies in the shade ? Gone, like the shapes that populate a dream, Or twinkling dew, drank up by moon’s effulgent beam.” TN each year they had six 44 feasts,” or stated times for assembling in their 1 tribes and giving thanks to Ha-ioen-ne-yu for the blessings they had re- ceived from his kind, liberal and provident hand, and to solicit a continuance of such favors. The first of these feasts occurred immediately after they had finished 44 sugaring.” At this feast they gave thanks for the favorable weather, the great quantity of sap they were enabled to gather, and for the large amount of sugar they had been allowed to make. On these occasions the chiefs by turns arose, and addressed the assemblage in a kind of exhor- tation, in which they not only expressed their own thankfulness, but urged the propriety and necessity of general gratitude, and pointed out the course which ought to be pursued by each individual in order that Nau-wah-ne-u might continue his blessings and the designs of the evil spirit might be thwarted. At the maple festival in olden times the leader made this speech: 4 4 Friends: The sun, the ruler of the day, is high in his path, and we must hasten to our duty. We are here to observe an ancient custom, handed down to us by our forefathers, and given to them by the Good Ruler Ea- wen-ne-yu. He requires us to give thanks for the blessings we receive. We will be faithful to this command. 4 4 Friends, the maple is yielding its sweet waters. We join in thanksgiving to the maple, and also to Ha-wen-ne-yu, who made this tree for the good of the red man.” The services of the day were closed with the 44great feather dance.” When they addressed the Good Ruler directly, they threw tobacco on the fire, that their words might ascend to him on the incense. They never used incense at any other time. The leader would say:28 History of Allegany County, N. Y. “ Ha-wen-ne-yu! Listen now to our words. The smoke of onr offering arises. Listen to onr words as they arise to thee in smoke. We thank thee for the sweet water of the maple. We thank thee for the return of the planting season. Let our corn and beans and squashes grow. Ha-wen-ne-yu! continue to listen, for the smoke yet arises (throwing on tobacco.) Preserve us from pestilential diseases, preserve our old men, and protect our young. Ha-iven-ne-yu\ Thou dost love thy people, and hate thine enemies. Thou hast given us the panther’s heart, the eagle’s eye, the moose’s foot, and the cun- ning of the fox; but to our enemies thou hast given the eye of the owl in day-light, the foot of the turtle, the heart of woman, and the stupid brains of the bear in winter. ’ ’ On these occasions, the chiefs would describe a perfectly straight line, perhaps ten miles long, turning neither to the right nor to the left, but push- ing their way over hills, through valleys, across gulfs, through swamps, or whatever else they might encounter, and direct their people to travel upon it by placing one foot before the other, with the heel of one foot to the toe of the other, and thus continuing until they arrive at the end. They took this method of impressing upon their people that they must not turn aside into the paths of vice, but keep straight ahead in the way of well-doing which would lead them at last to the paradise of Nau-ivah-ne-u. After planting another feast occurred, at which they returned thanks for the favorable time they had had for preparing the ground and planting the seed. When the green corn became fit for use, a third or “green corn feast ” was attended, at which a good portion of the time was spent in sing- ing, and dancing, and other ways of expressing their joy and manifesting their thankfulness for the addition to their diet of an article of food which is to day held in high estimation by the whole civilized world. The late Loren Houghton, of Caneadea, informed me that he once wit- nessed a “ green corn dance, ” or feast, which was participated in by several hundred Indians, delegations being present from Buffalo, Tonawanda, Cat- taraugus, and Big Tree reservations. This feast was held at the upper Caneadea village. Some idea of the multitude which attended may be in- ferred from the magnitude of the preparations made for their subsistence. Mr. Houghton said the succotash was made in six five-pail brass kettles, and all of them once full, only served for one meal. Twelve or fifteen deer were killed, and the venison, cut up in pieces of a pound or more in weight, was thrown in with the green corn and beans, and, without a particle of salt, all were boiled together. When sufficiently cooked the kettles were sur- rounded by the Indians, and each one helped him or herself, some eating out of the kettles with wooden spoons,-some with iron spoons, and some, pro- vided with bowls or other dished, would take their portion and retire, giving others not so well equipped a chance immediately around the kettles. This feast passed off without any" disturbance, no quarrel or unpleasantness marring the general good feeling or the high degree of enjoyment of all whoIndian Feasts, Dances, Etc. 29 participated. The next year the Caneadea Indians visited some of the other reservations to enjoy this feast, and thus it was passed around. A fourth feast was celebrated after corn harvest, and a fifth (at the close of their year) was always observed at the time of the old moon in the last of January or the first of February. This feast deserves particular description. The Indians having returned from hunting, and having brought in all the venison and skins they had taken, a committee of from ten to twenty active men was appointed to superintend the great sacrifice and thanksgiving to be immediately celebrated. Preparations were now made at the council-house, or place of meeting, for the reception and accommodation of the whole tribe, and then the ceremonies commenced. The whole was conducted with great order and harmony under the direction of the committee. Two white dogs, without spot or blemish, were selected, if such could be found; if not, the two that had the fewest spots were taken from those belonging to the tribe, and strangled near the door of the council-house. A wound on the animal, or an effusion of blood, would spoil the victim and render the sacrifice useless. The dogs were then painted red on their faces, on the edges of their ears, and on various parts of their bodies, and were curiously decorated with ribbons of different colors, and fine feathers, which were so tied and fastened as to make a most elegant appearance. They were then hung on a post near the door of the council-house, at the height of twenty feet from the ground. The frolic was then commenced by the assembled Indians, while the committee ran through the tribe and hurried the people to assemble by knocking on their houses. At this time the committee wore only breech- cloths, and each carried a paddle, with which he took up ashes, and scattered them in.every direction about the houses. In the course of the«ceremonies, all fire was extinguished in every hut throughout the tribe, and after removing the ashes, *old coals, etc., a new one struck from the flint on each hearth was kindled. Having done this and discharged one or two guns, they went on and repeated this ceremony at every house in the tribe. This finished the first day. On the second day, the committee danced and went through the town with bearskins on their legs, and at every time they started they fired a gun. They also begged through the tribe,, each carrying a basket in which to receive whatever might be bestowed. The alms consisted of Indian to- bacco, and articles used for incense or sacrifice. Each manager at this time carried a dried turtle-shell containing a few beans, which he frequently rubbed against the walls of the house inside and out. The committee continued these performances for two or three days, during which time the people at the council-house recreated themselves by dancing. On the fourth or fifth day, the committee made false faces of husks, in which they ran about, making a frightful and ludicrous appearance. In this dress they ran to the council-house smearing themselves with dirt, and daubing every one who refused to contribute toward filling the basket of incense, which they continued to carry for alms. During all this time they30 History of Allegany County, N. Y. collected the evil spirit, or drove it off entirely for the present, and also con- centrated within themselves all the sins of the tribe, however numerous or heinous. On the eighth or ninth day the committee, having received all their sins into their own bodies, took down the dogs, and, after having trans- ferred the whole of the sins into one of their own number, he, by a peculiar slight of hand or a kind of magic, worked them all out of himself into the dogs. The dogs, thus loaded with all the sins of the people, were placed up- on a pile of wood that was directly set on fire. Here they were burned, and with them the sins with which they were loaded, surrounded by the multi- tude who threw incense of tobacco or the like into the fire, the scent of which they say goes up to Nau-wah-ne-u, to whom it is pleasant and acceptable. This feast formerly continued nine days, but later was not usually con- tinued more than five or seven days, one dog was deemed sufficient. Dur- ing the continuance of this feast the chiefs reviewed the national affairs of the year just passed, agreed upon the best plan to be pursued through the next year, and attended to all internal regulations. On the last day the whole company partook of an elegant dinner of meat, corn, and beans boiled together in large kettles and stirred until the whole was completely mixed and soft. This mess was devoured without much ceremony. Some ate with a spoon by dipping out of the kettle, others served themselves in small dippers, some in one way and some in another, until the whole repast was consumed. They then performed the war-dance, the peace-dance, smoked the pipe of peace, and then, free from iniquity, each repaired to his place of abode, prepared to commence a new year. In this feast temperance was observed, and order prevailed to a greater degree than would naturally be expected. They were fond of the company of civil spectators and treated them politely in their way, but, having been frequently imposed upon by the whites, they generally treated them with indifference. The late Charles M. Mills, of Hume, informed the writer that he had attended this feast as observed at the lower Caneadea village, just a little south of Rossburgh. On this occasion, John Hudson, quite a noted Indian in these parts, and also very eloquent, addressed the Indians, with such remarkable effect as to leave scarce a dry eye in the audience. Other pioneers have related to me substantially the same thing. Hudson left a great fame as an orator. Capt. Shongo once said “ I know as much as Hud- son, but I can’t say it. ”The Life of the Senecas. 31 CHAPTER VI. THE LIFE OF THE SENECAS. HE diseases of the Indians were superstitiously treated by charlatans. Vapor baths were quite generally resorted to, and were in many cases successful in removing disease. These were administered by digging a hole in the ground (clay being preferred) in which the patient was placed. Then covered with blankets he would be steamed by dropping heated stones into a small quantity of water at the bottom. After continuing the process for a sufficient time the patient was taken out and plunged into cold water. Thoroughwort, spurge and Indian hemp were used for emetics, the inner barks of the butternut and horse chestnut for cathartics, and water-pepper and mayweed were much esteemed as rubefacients. The Indians were familiar with many poisons and sometimes used them for self-destruction or for purposes of revenge. I am permitted to quote from “ Our Life Among the Iroquois Indians,” by Mrs. Harriet S. Caswell. The authority is Old Silverheels, a pagan Cat- taraugus Indian. “ Listen,” said the old man, “ There is a wonderful medicine used by the Iroquois, which they believe will restore a man, even though shot through the body, if he can have it in season. They tell us that this medicine is composed of a little of the flesh and blood and fiber of every animal and every herb on this continent. It is prepared by special medicine men, and I will tell you its origin. Many, many years ago, a Seneca was killed by some southern Indians while upon the war-path. He was shot with an arrow through the body, and left in the woods near the trail. He had been a great hunter, but it was his habit to take only the skin of the animal, leaving the flesh for the wolves and bears to eat. As he lay dead upon the ground, there came along a wolf who looked upon the dead man with sorrow, and set up a wail which called all the wild animals about him. He then addressed them : * Can we not in our united wisdom bring this dead man to life, who has been our best friend by always killing the larger animals and leaving their flesh for us to eat ? * The eagle, vulture, bear and all flesh-eating animals said, • We will try.’ So they set to work to prepare a medicine. Each was to furnish the most potent remedy with which he was acquainted. An acorn cup contained the whole when fin- ished. This they poured down the throat of the dead man. Then they sang to him, each one with his peculiar note, while the birds fanned him with their wings. All night long they sur- rounded him, making their best efforts to restore him. In the morning they discovered some warmth about the heart, and the question was raised, ‘ Who will go after the scalp which the enemy has taken from him ? * After much discussion the chicken hawk offered to reclaim it. He flew with great speed, soon arriving at the enemy’s camping-ground. He saw the scalp of his friend stretched on a hoop with many others, suspended on a pole and painted red. The whole settlement was dancing about it, and rejoicing over their victory. He seized it with his beak, flew back, and found the man sitting up and almost well. They soaked the scalp until it was soft and then fitted it upon his head. They then taught this man how to make the most wonderful medicine which had restored him to life and which they named Ga-ne-gah-ah (a little liquid). And this is the origin of our famous medicine, which will restore the dead to life if taken in season. In our day this medicine is made into a very fine powder. Then some one32 History of Allegany County, N. Y. takes a cup, goes to the brook, fills it, dipping toward the way the water runs, and sets it near the fire. A prayer is offered while tobacco is thrown upon the fire, so that the words may ascend with the smoke. The medicine is placed upon a piece of skin near the cup, then taken up with a wooden spoon and dusted upon the water in spots in the form of a triangle. If the medicine spreads itself over the surface of the water and wheels about, it is a sign that the invalid will be healed. If it sinks directly, there is no hope—the sick person will die, and the whole is thrown away.” In the olden days the Indians celebrated the medicine feast. It was held at hunting time. “ As soon as it is dark on the night of the feast, all those permitted to attend shut themselves in one room without light or fire. The embers are covered, the medicine is placed near them, and the tobacco by its side. Then they begin to sing something which proclaims that the crow and other animals whose brains form the medicine are coming to the feast. At the end of the song, the caw of the crow, howl of the wolf, etc., are imitated. Three times in the course of the night prayer is offered while throwing tobacco upon the smothering flames. They pray that the medicine may heal the sick and wounded. Through the night the door has been locked, and no one allowed to enter the house or to sleep, as this would spoil the medicine. Just before dawn the leader takes a deer’s head, and, biting off a piece, passes the head to another, who does the same, until all have tasted. A little later the leader takes a duck’s bill, and dipping it full of the medicine gives it to each one present, who puts it in a bit of skin, and, wrap- ping it in several coverings, keeps it carefully until the next feast. The skin of the panther is preferred. Those who take part in these .ceremonies are medicine men. These medicine men add pulverized roots of corn and squashes and bean vines to the original powder.” “ Perhaps you have been told,” said old Silver heels, “that the Indian knows more about the healing herbs than any other race.” “How can it be?” I asked skeptically. “I will tell you,” said the Indian, “as my grandfather told me. An Indian hunter went forth to hunt. Suddenly he heard strains of beautiful music. He listened but could not tell whence it came. He knew it was not from any human voice. When he thought he was approaching the sound it ceased. Then came Ha-wen-ne-yu to him in a dream and said, ‘ Wash yourself until you are purified; then go forth and you will again hear the music. ’ So he purified himself and went into the thickest woods, and soon his ear caught the sweet strains, and as he drew near they became more beautiful. Then he saw that the wonderful music came from a plant with a tall green stem and tapering leaves. He cut the stalk, but it immediately healed and became as before. He cut it again, and again it healed. Then he knew it would heal diseases. He took it home, dried it by the fire, and pulverized it. When applied to a dangerous wound, it no sooner touched the flesh than the wound was made whole. Thus Ha^ wen-ne-yu taught the Indian the nature of medicinal plants, and from that time has directed him where they are to be found. ”The Life of the Senecas. 88 “ When we read that the Indian ornamented himself with the hnsks of his favorite maize, and went forth from house to house with a basket to gather offerings from the people, we call it heathenish and barbarous, while the story of Ceres, goddess of corn, whose head was surrounded with sheaves, and who holds in her hand a hoe and basket, is picturesque and beautiful! We listen to the Indian story of the woman in the moon, who is constantly employed in weaving a net, which a cat unravels whenever she sleeps, and that the world is to come to an end when the net is finished; and we say 4 ridiculous ! ’ But the story of Penelope, weaving her purple web by day to be raveled by night during the prolonged absence of her husband, Ulysses, is a conception worthy of being expanded into a poem of a thousand lines, and translated into all languages ! ” Very few Indians were found who were lame, crippled, crosseyed, blind, hunchbacked or limping; all were well-fashioned people, strong in constitu- tion, well-proportioned and without blemish. Their mode of living contrib- uted largely to these conditions. Their women were held in a degraded condition, did all the work, tilled the earth, and bore all the burdens except those of war and hunting, and even in hunting they were sometimes expected to haul in the game. Boys were schooled from early infancy in athletic feats, requiring skill and dexterity. The probation of the young warrior was attended with long fasts and extreme torture, and he was only given a name and a recognized position on his return from his first battle or expedi- tion. Those who fell in battle were scalped, and prisoners were either adopted or tortured. Fires were kindled by rubbing two sticks together, or by some device by which a stake was made to revolve and rub against a well- seasoned piece of wood until a blaze resulted. Their cooking was very simple, and, before the introduction of pails and kettles by the whites, the common way was roasting over a fire. They depended largely on parched corn, which they used on journeys, and often hid in holes or caches marked for recognition. Their amusements were quite numerous; running, leaping, paddling the canoe, games of small stones and ball. The ball game was the national pastime of the Senecas, in which many attained great proficiency. This was played very differently from modern baseball. 4‘Little David ’* has been spoken of by the early settlers in northern Allegany, as a champion player. He was quite small of stature, but he excelled by far, all in his tribe, as a ballplayer, and, in these days of “Bisons,” “Red Stockings,” 44 Alerts,” etc., he would no doubt be considered quite an acquisition to any aspiring company of players. I think that in the name of this Indian is seen the work of Kirkland or some other missionary, perhaps the Jesuits, as it would be quite natural for them to recount to their Indian auditors the story of little David and Goliath, and quite in keeping with Indian habits and customs to adopt and use the name whenever it had a proper application. The broad level flats along the Genesee river afforded excellent grounds for the game, and sometimes attracted considerable numbers to witness it. Many of our pioneers attended these games, and retained vivid recollections of the excite-34 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ment usually attendant upon them, and became quite familiar with the rules governing them. The Indian population of this region when compared with its present white population was never large, and immediately previous to the settle- ment of the county by the whites, was quite sma.ll. In 1819 an enumeration of all the Indians in the state was made under authority of the state govern- ment. From this it appears that the whole number on all the reservations of the Genesee river was only 456, and they never afterward numbered more. The Indians were generally well-disposed, quiet and orderly, and practiced to some extent, in a rude and primitive way, some of the arts of husbandry, some keeping a few horses, sheep, cattle and hogs. Jellis Clute of Moscow was regarded by the Indians with a good deal of veneration. They respected his opinions, always looked to him for the settlement of matters of dispute arising from their relations with the whites, and in all such cases accepted his verdict as conclusive and carrying all the weight of a judicial decision. It was at his suggestion that they raised the price of venison, which they bartered with the whites for bread. A loaf of bread had always been the price of a ham, two loaves that of a saddle of venison. He taught them to drive better bargains, and they were quite apt in learning. So venison “ went up,” and afterward it took two loaves for a ham and four for a saddle of venison. Whenever any difficulty arising out of their social or domestic relations could not be settled by the home or local authorities, a messenger or mes- sengers would be dispatched to O-Wis-e-o-we (Buffalo), the residence of Sa- go-ya-wat-ha (Red Jacket), burdened with the whole subject in controversy, which was laid before, the great chief. His decision was patiently awaited and generally faithfully carried out. CHAPTER VII. CANEADEA AND OIL SPRING INDIAN RESERVATIONS. “ Fair was the scene ! Before the gaze Lay verdant fields of twinkling maize Bared to the full bright blaze of day ; And meads to charm romantic eye, Whereon the grass was thick and high, Spread green their carpets far away.” IT was indeed most natural that at the treaty of Big Tree, when it was left to the Indians to decide as to the number, size and location of their re servations, that the territory about Caneadea, the chief Seneca town of the upper Genesee region, should be selected as one. Its upper village wasCaneadea and Oil Spring Indian Reservations. 35 the westermost town of that famous Iroquois Confederacy. It was the west- ern door of the “Long House,” at which “Do-ne-ho-ga-weh,” “open door,” was required to reside, and was distinguished for its political and strategic importance. And so its territory was made to correspond with its import- ance and dignity, being laid oif eight 'miles in length by two in width, the largest reservation on the Genesee. It is very pleasant in this connection to be permitted to make excerpts from the “Life History of Horatio Jones,” a work to which the lamented George H. Harris of Rochester devoted some fifteen years. It is still in manuscript, but, through the kindness of Mrs. Julia E. Harris, his widow, I am enabled to present them. It is expected that Mrs. Harris, an accom- plished lady, will soon complete and publish this work. Every reader will join the writer in thanking her for her kindness in allowing this advance publication. » “ The 4 door ’ of the Long House, or westernmost town of the Senecas, prior to the Revolution was located upon the present farm of A. O. Arnold, in Caneadea. The locative title of the place was Gah-ne-ya-de-o, ‘ where the heavens rest, (or lean) upon the earth, ’ now corrupted to Caneadea. In ac- cordance with national usage or law, Do-ne-ho-ga-weh, ‘ open door, ’ the hered- itary military sachem of the Iroquois league, had here his residence. The person bearing the title at the opening of the Revolution was an aged* man who had become distinguished for his feats of war. In his young manhood he had assumed the name of a white friend named Hutson, commonly pro- nounced Hudson. It was the custom of the whites who did not know the Indian name of a chief, to call him John,* and the Seneca sachem was better known by his white name John Hudson, than by his title, Do-ne-ho-ga-weh. As he advanced in reputation as a military leader, he was called Captain Hudson. Probably no Indian of his day was more familiar with the Iroquois domain, for both in peace and in war he made numberless excursions to all parts of the country. It is said that he had knowledge of every hill, valley, and stream of the territory termed, Un-ah-e (June-yah-e) 4 The interior, ’ the country lying between the Senecas on the Genesee and Allegany and the settlements of the whites on the Susquehanna and in Pennsylvania. “ Just prior to the French war Capt. Hudson took his eldest child to Pennsylvania and left him with a white family at Hah-nee-jo-ney, ‘Red Banks, ’ on the Allegany river, twenty miles above Pittsburgh. The boy was educated in the way of the whites, and the family treated him as one of themselves. One day in the early spring of 1756, when the men were absent, the door was suddenly opened, and the head of an Indian appeared, be- daubed with paint and crowned with feathers. For an instant he cast his * The knowledge of this fact has greatly assisted the writer in dispersing some of the shadows resting upon Indian genealogy. John Hudson, John Blacksmith, and John Luke each held the office of “ Open door,” and yet were almost totally unknown by the official name. In John Abeel (O’Bail) We find the great chieftain Cornplanter, and the latter-day Johnny John, was the distinguished “ Slump Foot.” Montour, Green Blanket, Tall Chief, Seneca, Mohawk, Gordon, Snow Banks, and a score of other Iroquois chiefs, were called - John to designate their rank, and in time lost their native designation.36 History of Allegany County, N. Y. glittering eyes from one to another of the silent, terrified group, then closed the door, and turned away. The mother burst into tears, and informed the children that the Indian was a spy from some western band, not a Seneca, and would soon return with his friends and kill them all. She called Hud- son’s little son and told him that all her family must die, but that he, being an Indian, might possibly escape. She dressed him in his best suit, and, after they had bade him goodbye with tears, covered him with some old rush mats in a corncrib. She bade him, no matter what happened them, not to make a noise or expose himself until after the departure of the Indi- ans; then to come out and watch for some one to rescue him. “From where he lay the boy witnessed the return of the spy with a large number of savages. He could hear the shrieks of the victims as the tomahawks and scalping-knives did their murderpus work; soon all was over. After plundering the premises the Indians set fire to the house. A strong wind drove sparks and smoke toward the corncrib, and cinders fell so close to its side as to ignite the grass. The lad thrust his hand through the slats and patted eut the flame. The savages suddenly departed without firing the crib. After a time the boy ventured out. What a sight met his gaze! The home he had learned to love was gone, and the bones of his friends lay among the ashes that marked the spot. He looked for food but found none. Running hither and thither about the place, a day or two later he heard voices, and looking across the river saw Indians in canoes. Hearing words in the Seneca tongue he went up the bank and shouted. Instantly every gun of the party was aimed at him; one of the Indians recognized him, they lowered the guns and took young Hudson with them to the Genesee. “ When Hudson heard his son’s story he swore to avenge the family, and, striking his war-post, enlisted a party to punish the guilty savages. Cross- ing from Ga-ne-ya-de-o to the nearest point on the Allegany, the party went down the river in canoes. On arriving at Red Banks, Hudson began sing- ing his war song, which w:as heard by a party encamping there that recog- nized and hailed the Genesee chieftain. On learning his mission, the chiefs of the party, who were friends of the guilty savages, invited Hudson ashore, and showed him two white men, naked and fastened to stakes, surrounded with bundles of wood ready for torture. To appease Hudson’s wrath they offered to give him the two men and one female prisoner to do with them as he wished. Hudson accepted the offer, placed the captives in his canoes, and paddling down the river camped on the opposite side. On questioning the captives he learned they had been captured in the interior of Pennsylvania. Supposing they were to be tortured, they begged this chief to spare their lives. The elder man, named Words* offered to give half he was worth at any time Hudson called on him, if he would save him from torture. Hudson, to test the truth of this statement, took two warriors, and, without revealing his purpose, conducted the prisoners up the Kissiminaritus river to where *Geo. Words, Mrs. Gray and others were captured in Tuscarora Valley, June 13, 1756, and released by Hudson in July.—Day’s Hist. Coll, of Pa. 384. Daniel E. Shongo, Salamanca.37 Caneadea and Oil Spring Indian Reservations. the whites were captured. Words recognized the place and convinced Hud- son of his sincerity. Hudson conducted them back to the Allegany, and delivered them unharmed to the French at Fort Du Quesne. After the war Hudson went to Bedford, where Words was prominent, and he gave the Indian the deed of a house and lot in Bedford, made him other valuable presents, and always welcomed him and his friends when they visited Bed- ford. 4 4 About 1770 Hudson’s son who had escaped the massacre died, and the second son, Hah-yen-de-seh, variously interpreted, 4 Dragging Wood ’ and ‘Hemlock Carrier,’ was now the eldest of the family. He had become a leading warrior, and in the first campaigns of the Revolution won rank as a chieftain of merit. It is now impossible to separate the deeds of the old sachem during the early years of the war from those of his son.* “The second chief at Caneadea in 1779 was Gah-nee-son-go, 4 Man fond of nannyberries. ’ He and Hah-yen-de-seh had been warm friends from boy- hood, inseparable companions in peace and war, won their honors together, and now ranked equally as chiefs. Gah-nee-son-go was a dignified man .of herculean frame and great strength. The British officers abbreviated his name to Shongo, and after the Revolution he was termed Col. Shongo.” Another extract from Mr. Harris’ book has reference to the expedition that captured Horatio Jones. 44 It would seem that Hah-yen-de-seh had changed his residence to a town afterwards known as Ah-wes-coy, on the west side of the Genesee some seven miles below Caneadea, but the latter name was usually applied to all the valley lying between the two villages. In later days Shongo told Barker that John Hudson and himself were the leaders of the expedition, and, as it was organized at the lower town, Hah- yen-de-seh was probably the one Shongo referred to, though old Capt. Hud- son accompanied and guided the party.” In 1791 Col. Thomas Proctor went from Philadelphia to Buffalo Creek to attend an Indian council. He thus makes note of Caneadea: The next day arrived at an Indian town called Canaseder situated on a high bluff of land overlooking the Genesee river. It consisted of about thirty houses, and some of them done in a way that showed some taste in the workmen. * * * In this place was erected a wooden statue (or deity) fashioned like a fierce-looking sage. This form they worship by dancing before it on festive occasions or new moons, looking on it as through a veil or assistant, whereby they pay admiration to the supreme Spirit, as knowing it hath a form but not a substance. Major Van Campen was at Caneadea early in 1782. He makes no men- tion of the statue of which Proctor speaks. As only nine years had passed it was undoubtedly there, but he had other matters which engaged his atten- tion. His gauntlet-running ordeal excluded minute observations or study of religious rites and ceremonies. While Van Campen was at Caneadea, having successfully run the guantlet and become somewhat of a 44lion,” he * Unquestionably the younger Hudson, Hah-yen-de-seh, was the Hudson so well known to many of our pioneers. To his military reputation was added great fame as an orator ; indeed he was regarded by many as next in eloquence to the renowned Red Jacket. It was said that he was educated by Dr. Wheelock President of Dartmouth College.38 History of Allegany County, N. Y. was made the guest of Capt. Nellis, whose son, Lieut. Nellis, headed the party which made him a prisoner. Capt. Nellis was a tory renegade from the Mohawk country,:who secured a commission, and came to Caneadea, where he spent his time in organizing bands of Indians and sending them put under command of his son to harass the border settlements of New York and Pennsylvania. His wife was a squaw, and he was probably the first white who ever lived at Caneadea. The spelling of Caneadea on the oldest map we have yet discovered upon which any place in Allegany is put down with any reasonable degree of cer- tainty is Kar-a-ghi-ya-dir-ha. It has, when spoken rapidly, a sound quite like Caneadea. The map referred to is the Guy Johnson map of 1771, and the town is indicated as a chief town. There was another town, said to have existed about 1765 near'Belvidere, named Kar-at-hy-a-di-ra. The place put down on the Johnson map as Gis-to-quat seems to me more likely to be the Belvidere town. Ga-o-ya-de-o, Gah-nee-ya-de-o and Gah-o-yah-de-o, were other of the early renderings. In the narrative of the Gilbert family, cap- tured in 1780, it is spelled Can-a-ca-de-ra, while Joseph Ellieott in 1797 wrote it Ka-oun-de-ou. Elisha Johnson (1807) made it Can-i-o-de-o. Capt. John Buck, who when a boy lived at the old village, pronounced the word much as we do, differing only in the decided accent he gave the third and fifth syllables, Can-e-ah-de-ah. The meaning was 4‘where the heavens rest or lean upon the earth.’9 This appears to be the case anywhere, but it is said there was a place in which this appearance was so decidedly emphasized that an Indian who had heard the name would, as he first approached it, recognize the place. Some early settlers claimed to have it direct from the Indians that its meaning was “the place where isinglass is found.” In support of this definition it may be stated that mica was found in considerable quantities in two places originally included in Caneadea, one near the O-wa-is-ki village and the other a mile or more above the upper Caneadea town. The territory to which this beautiful and now historic name originally applied extended from three miles above Portageville, Wyoming county, to Caneadea creek. When the treaty of Big Tree was consummated, and its boundaries defined, it was found to be considerably abbreviated in length, while in some instances it was made to extend farther back from the river than its original limits. Its boundaries were run by Augustus Porter in September, 1798. At that time it presented as perfect a primitive wilder- ness as Western New York could offer. The valley of the Genesee has been termed “ the terrestrial paradise of the Senecas, ” having in mind it is thought the lower part of the river, but if ever there was a region fitted by nature with all the conditions for an ideal home which a people like the Senecas could desire it was the rectangle laid by Porter in 1798. It completely filled all the requirements of such a race. The Senecas exercised undisputed dominion over the Caneadea Reser- vation until 1826, when negotiations were consummated, whereby the pur-39 Caneadea and Oil Spring Indian Reservations. chase of the whole territory by a syndicate of capitalists and land specula- tors was effected. The treaty at which the purchase was made, was held at Buffalo Creek on the last days of August, 1826. For a consideration of $48,216 the Senecas conveyed, with other parcels of land, the Caneadea Res- ervation. To. the deed of conveyance was appended the names of 47 sachems, chiefs and warriors. A few of them are here given. Sa-gu-ar-gar-luch-ta or Young King, Forh-ku-ga or Little Billy, John A. Beel (O’Bail) or Corn- planter, Ty-wan-e-ash or Black Snake, On-on-da-ka-i or Destroy Town, On-a- ju-ah-ka-i or Tall Peter, Kan-e-ac-go or Blue Eyes, Nat-wen-dy-ha or Green Blanket, Muk-ha-da-gen or White Boy, Ha-pan-guish or Henry Two Guns, Shi-can-a-du-ah-que or Little Beard, Sa-tu-gan-a-cre or Twenty Canoes, As- lan-a-sa-ish or Silver Heels, Kan-a-ja-u-a-ri or Big Kettle, Sa-way-doc or George Red Eye, Kan-ish-shon-go or Capt Shongo; Tal-a-gan-a-ta or Red Jacket, Sa-ga-in-a-shat-se-a or Stiff Knee. Robert Troup, Thomas L. Ogden and Benjamin W. Rogers, signed by their attorney, John Grieg. Readers acquainted with Indian history will observe the difference in some of the names, Red Jacket is here Tal-a-gan-a-ta, while he is universally known as Sa-go-ya-wat-ha, though on the 1797 treaty paper he is Soo-goo-ya- waw-taw, and still it is certain there was only one Red Jacket. The sale of the reservation having been made and Messrs. Wadsworth, Waddington, Depace, Campbell, Ogden, Bayard and Muncy taken in as pro- prietors, preparations for removal to Tonawanda, Allegany and Buffalo were soon commenced, and in the summer of 1827 Joseph Jones, the 4‘Quaker Surveyor,” appeared with compass, chain and jacobstaff, and a corps of assistants to subdivide the tract into lots. In his generahremarks descript- ive of the tract, and preliminary to the survey, Mr. Jones says: The bottomland is uniformly an alluvial soil of the first quality, and where it is not culti- vated, is covered with elm, butternut, sycamore, plum trees and a kind of timber which bears some resemblance to the balm-of-gilead, but is not the geniune. The table land is a sandy loam, and is timbered with large white pine, white oak, sugar maple and some birch, the high land with pine and oak, with some mixture of chestnut, white and soft maple, and the soil with few exceptions is a gravelly clay. The herbage on the first quality is May apple or mandrake, nettle, polypod balm, ginseng, leak, etc., that on the table land is fern, mandrake, spikenard and sarsaparilla, and on the highlands the sweet scomium, fern or brake, sarsaparilla, wintergreen, chequerberry, and prince of pine, in many places forms the principal shrubbery. Mr. Jones began work at the northern extremity of the tract, boarding first with Esau Rich, who lived just north of the Wiscoy. Opposite, and a little below the “ Lond Beard Riff,” a lot of about 170 acres was laid out into village and pasture lots, with streets, public squares, cemetery, water lots, etc. The cemetery • was laid out adjoining, and on the north side of Holy Cross Cemetery. In no other particular has the dream of Joseph Jones’s future metropolis of the upper Genesee been realized. Not even the splen- did waterpower, which was the controlling thing in his mind in locating this paper village, has been utilized, and the “ Village Tract ” is now the farm of Augustus H. Purdy. No mention is made in Mr. Jones’s notes of any whiteHistory of Allegany County, N. Y. 40 settlers or squatters occupying or improving any of the land he surveyed. During the survey of the tract the Indians gazed with awe (I don’t think we can say with admiration) upon the operations of the party, and sadly made preparations for leaving their old home, which they all did by 1830, some going to the Tonawanda, some to the Allegany, and others to the Buf- falo reservation. In the winter following the lands thus surveyed, subdivided and numbered, were properly delineated upon an engraved map, showing all the lots, numbered from 1 to 82 with the number of acres in each, copies of which were profusely scattered before the admiring eyes of land specu- lators and those in quest of homes, and thus was opened to the impatient forces of civilization the last reservation on the Gah-ah-yah-de-o of the older Indian tribes, the beautiful vale of the Senecas. The sales of land were quite rapid at first and the entire tract along the jriver was soon disposed of. Some of the least desirable lots were not sold raftil 1855; the prices however were all the time advancing, so they “ carried themselves ” so to speak, and became no burden upon their owners. Im- provements were noticeable immediately upon the whites taking possession, and have continued to the present. The Western New York and Pennsyl- vania railroad runs the whole length of the reservation, following the line of the old Genesee Valley canal, and along its line, beginning at the north or lower end, are the villages of Rossburg, Fillmore and Houghton. Its agri- cultural lands, on the hills as well as the river flats, have been reclaimed, and the territory to-day embraces many excellent farms and comfortable and attractive homes. Save a single Indian apple-tree which marks the site of the lower town, and three or four others on the place of the upper village, not a vestige of outward sign or token of Indian occupancy remains. Oil Spring Reservation.* The famous oil spring near Cuba has been known to the whites for 200 years; how long known to the Indians, it is im- possible to tell. It was a muddy, circular pool of water 30 feet in diameter, the ground low and marshy immediately surrounding it, and the pool with- out apparent outlet or bottom. A tradition of the Senecas -thus ascribes its origin. A very big, fat squaw was one day observing the pool, and becoming quite curious in her investigations, she ventured too near, fell in, and disappeared forever. Since this time, which, it is said, was many cent- uries ago, oil has risen from the spring. Curative properties of a high order have been ascribed to it, and the Indians made use of it “ to appease all man- ner of pains.” Under date of Albany, Sept. 3, 1700, Lord Belmont, in his letter of instructions to Col. Romer, “His Majesty’s Chief Engineer in America,” used these words, “You are to go and visit the well, or spring, which is eight miles beyond the Seneca’s further Castle, which it is said blazes up in a flame when a lighted coal is put into it. ” The Indians for years gathered * The author acknowledges indebtedness to the “ History of Chautauqua County, N. Y.,” published by W. A. Fergusson & Co., Wm. H. Samson of the Rochester Post-Express, and Hon. E. D. Loveridge of Cuba, for valuable information concerning the Oil Spring Reservation.Caneadea and Oil Spring Indian Reservations. 41 the oil by spreading blankets over the surface. These readily absorbed the oil, as it floated on the top of the water. It was wrung out of the blankets, caught in a vessel, put up in vials, labelled “ Seneca Oil,” and sold to the trade or dispensed to individuals. The writer hus seen it upon the drug- gist’s shelves, and it was once highly esteemed as a medicine. Wells have been drilled in the immediate vicinity, the “ surface indications ” showing that oil would be found in paying quantities, but no trade in petroleum has been the result, notwithstanding it is claimed by some that oil exists in quantity sufficient to warrant putting down more wells and fully developing the territory. The writer is informed that some years since some parties made quite thorough exploration of the spring, and found it walled up like a cistern, in shape quite like a caldron kettle. Considering the great fame of the spring, and the miraculous healing properties ascribed by the Indians to its waters or oil, it was naturally expected that they would at the treaty of Big Tree make a reservation including it, and this was so understood by the Indians. We can well imagine their surprise when upon having read to them the deed of conveyance drawn up on the ground, and to which is reasonably surmised the names of their sachems, chiefs and warriors had already been appended, it was discovered that no mention was made of the oil spring reservation. The attention of Thomas Morris, who acted for his father, Robert Morris, was called to this omission. The Indians were very much excited over it, and it has been said that a “ big drunk ” followed, during which they declared their intention to annul the whole transaction unless the Oil Spring reserva- tion was re-conveyed to them. The account says “ Thomas Morris with his own hand took a sheet of paper, and wrote thereon such a conveyance, signed and executed it, and then handed it to Handsome Lake, a leading Seneca chief, stating to him the purport of the instrument. Handsome Lake took the paper with him when he shortly afterward went to Onondaga, or some other place east, where he soon after died and the paper was never after seen. Having never been recorded, it had no validity, and the status was legally the same as when the discovery of the omission was made.” The paper title to the land being in the Holland Company, they sold it to Benjamin Chamberlain, Staley N. Clarke and Wm. Ghalliger, who held the lands adjoining it. It is claimed however, that they regarded it as Indian property, and treated it as such until some years after when Mr. Clarke was sent to Congress. While in Washington Mr. Clarke examined the books of treaties and made the discovery, much to his surprise (?) that the Oil Spring reservation was not named in the treaty papers, and that the legal title was in him and his two partners. The reader will probably find some trouble in suppressing the thought that these land buyers and speculators, had some correct intimation as to the existing conditions before they made the purchase. It certainly looks so to the writer. Immediately after making this important discovery, they took possession of the reservation, surveyed it into four equal parts, and one quarter was conveyed to Gov. Horatio Sey-42 History of Allegany County, N. Y. mour of Utica, but the quarter containing the oil spring was conveyed to one Philonius Pattison, who, about 1856, cleared and fenced 80 acres, erected a house and barn, and planted an orchard. About this time the Indians directed Daniel Sherman, their attorney, to bring an action of ejectment against Pattison. It was done, and, after con- siderable litigation, the Indians won the case, almost wholly on the testi- mony of Governor Blacksnake, who related substantially what has already been recited, with the addition that he “-had for years kept in a,chest under his bed, a map made by Joseph Ellicott of the Indian lands sold at the treaty of Big Tree, with the reservations marked in red ink.” . Blacksnake said that Ellicott presented the map to the Senecas in a gen- eral council of the chiefs and warriors at the Tonawanda reservation about 1801, when he stated that the map contained a correct description of the eleven reservations, reserved to the Senecas by the treaty of Big Tree; that the eleven places marked in red on the map belonged to the red men. Among the places so marked was the Oil Spring reservation. This map is on file with the testimony of Blacksnake concerning it, in the county clerk’s office at Little Valley. It is said that Mr. Seymour utterly refused to take any part in the defense of the suit. Since this action the title of the Indians has never been questioned, and they have continually exercised dominion over this land. The tract is nearly denuded of timber, and a large proportion of it has grown up to bushes; blackberries being the most notable product. It is controlled by the Indi- ans on the reservation at Salamanca, and until quite recently a single In- dian family has resided there, but now that has gone, and the territory is little else than a waste. ORD BELMONT in his letter of instructions to Col. Romer, under date of Albany, Sept. 3, 1700, used these words “ You are to go and visit the well or spring, which is eight miles beyond the Seneca’s further castle, which, it is said, blazes up in a flame when a lighted coal is put into it. ” Col. Romer was “ His Majesty’s Chief Engineer in America,” and, it is reason- able to suppose, carried out the instructions of his superior officer. M. De Joncaire, a French officer under or in conjunction with Charlevoix, was the next white man whom I have been able to learn traversed the territory of Allegany, though it is reasonably certain that Father Hennepin and perhaps CHAPTER VIII. SOME EARLY SKIRMISHERS AND PIONEERS.43 Some Early Skirmishers and Pioneers. LaSalle visited this region not far from the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury. Hennepin certainly visited Tonawanda, and probably also the upper Genesee. In 1759, Mary Jemison came from the Ohio town on her way to Gen-i- shu-a, and stopped for a day and a night at Caneadea, then a chief town, for rest. She was attended by the family into which she had been adopted, and perhaps other Indians, When Major Moses Van Campen in 1782, then a captive with the Indians, was compelled to run the gauntlet at Caneadea, he there found a Captain Nellis, who was living with a squaw wife. As Captain Nellis was a Tory rene- gade, who made his headquarters at Caneadea only to organize marauding bands of Indians, and prepare them for descents upon the frontier settle- ments, he could in no sense be considered a settler; in fact as soon as hostil- ities were concluded he left the country. The first half of the last decade of the last century found our territory absolutely uninhabited, save by a few Indians who had two or three villages near the northern limits of the county on the Genesee river, and the wild animals so prevalent in those days* in all this region. Here reigned an impressive, an ominous stillness, like the stillness which precedes the shock of battle, a stillness which was soon to be broken and to never again return, for plans were even then being laid which involved the opening of this dense wilderness to the fight of civilization, and the glorious arts of peace. In the spring of 1795, Nathanael Dike, a native of Connecticut, but who settled soon after the Revolutionary war was ended in the Mohawk valley somewhere near Canajoharie, where he lived for a few years and then made his way to Tioga Point, Pa., began settlement in the eastern part of present Wellsville, on what is yet called Dike’s Creek, and in a locality known as Elm Valley. Mr. Dike was a man of good parts, a devoted patriot during the war for independence, serving on the staff of Gen. Joseph Warren of Bunker Hill fame, and later for a time a member of Washington’s military family. It is said he was educated at Yale College, though it must be confessed that an examination of his account-book reveals no modern proficiency in scho- lastic acquirements. Beyond what has been above recited, but very little has been learned of Mr. Dike. No incidents attendant upon his advent into this new country have been handed down, and although many by the name, descendants and distant relatives, are to be found in our county, they seem utterly unable to afford any certain information concerning the pioneer settler of Allegany. This is much to be regretted, as there must have been some interesting occurrences and exciting incidents attending his journey from Tioga to Wells ville. From Hornells ville up the Whitney Valley creek to its summit, thence down Dike’s Creek, following substantially the route afterward adopted by the Erie Railway, the progress of the small party must have been laborious, slow, incurring hardships of every conceivable kind. His family consisted of himself, his wife, two sons and possibly other chil- dren, and it may be other persons helped make up the party.44 History of Allegany County, N. Y. From a critical examination of an acconnt-book which he kept we are led to conclude that Mr. Dike was a sort of “all-round-man,” and, as such, a very important person in a new country. He could turn his hand to almost ♦anything, and must have been very useful to his neighbors in the many and varying exigencies sure to have occurred in the settlement of a new country one hundred years ago. His name frequently and honorably appears in our early records, and, as if in some way atoning for the lack of specific knowl- edge concerning him, the stream upon which he constructed his cabin and made the first settlement in Allegany has been given his name, and so, in the long years to come, will the name, if not the memory, of Nathanael Dike be preserved. In the following year, 1796, Rev. Andrew Gray, Wm. Gray, Maj. Moses Van Campen, Matthew McHenry and Joseph Rathbun settled in what after- ward came to be Almond, some in Karr Valley, and some in McHenry Valley. These settlers had the advantage of the road (?) which Mr. Dike made the previous year, and travelled not nearly so far as he to get to their several locations. The first cabins they constructed must have been of the rudest kind, and they managed somehow to get along without any chimneys through the summer months, as Major Van Campen years after related “ In the fall they all united, and in one week built three chimneys and killed thirty-six deer.” Two brothers of Maj. Van Campen, Samuel and Benjamin, came from Pennsylvania, settling in Almond in 1797. Religious services, without doubt the first in the county, were conducted at Karr Valley by Rev. Andrew Gray, a clergyman of the Reformed Dutch Church, at his own house, May 1, 1797. Mr. Gray afterward ministered in the neighboring settlements. Judge Philip Church described him as “ a broad-shouldered man, of extra- ordinary muscular power, ” and said u I remember his getting so earnest, on one occasion while preaching in Angelica, in enforcing religious precepts upon his back-woods congregation, that in his gestures he knocked to pieces our store desk that we gave him for a pulpit. ” In 1798 John Cryder settled in Independence. Where he came from or went to is lost to history, but it is known that he built a house and sawmill, made a few other improvements, and suddenly left the country. The creek upon which he located is called Cryder’s Creek, and so his name is perpet- uated and passed down to remote generations. In the old cemetery at Elm Valley is a rude stone upon which is recorded the death on January 21, 1798, of “Zeriah Dike, daughter of James and Phebe Dike, aged 10 months and 5 days.” This was the first interment as far as can be ascertained of any white in Allegany county, and it is quite safe to assert that Zeriah Dike enjoys the distinction also of being the first white child born in the county. So, with the few settlers whose names have been recited, and possibly as many more scattered about in settlements commenced in Wellsville, Almond, and Independence, the last century closes. Closes with religious services inaugurated, but not a school within the present limits of the county, but itEarly Visitors—Extinction of the Indian Title. 45 also closes with ominous forebodings which meant much to its grand old forests, forebodings that the woodman’s axe is soon to ring continuously in its valleys and on its hilltops. And so, as the index on the dial of the centuries points to 1800, and the 19th century is dawning, the awful and oppressive stillness which has hitherto pervaded the primitive woods of Allegany is broken, for, in the language of Alfred B. Street, often quoted but none the less appropriate, Through the deep wilderness, where scarce the sun Can cast his darts along the winding path, The Pioneer is treading ; in his grasp Is his keen axe, that wondrous instrument, That, like the talisman, transforms Deserts into fields and cities. He has left The home in which his early years were past, And, led by hope, and full of restless strength, Has plunged within the forest, there to plant His destiny. Beside some rapid stream, He rears his log-built cabin. When the chains Of winter fetter nature, and no sound Disturbs the echoes of the dreary woods, Save when some stem cracks sharply with the frost, Then merrily rings his axe, and tree on tree Crashes to earth ; and when the long, keen night Mantles the wilderness in solemn gloom, He sits beside his ruddy hearth, and hears The fierce wolf snarling at the cabin door, Or through the lowly casement sees his eye Gleam like a burning coal. CHAPTER IX. EARLY VISITORS—EXTINCTION OF THE INDIAN TITLE. Up to the American Revolution (1775-1783) our immediate territory was known to only a very few venturesome explorers, whose restless natures and innate curiosity, coupled with a natural desire for speculation and love of adventure, with which they were highly endowed, impelled them to make the acquaintance of the country and its inhabitants. Jesuit missionaries, like LaSalle, and Hennepin, had also no doubt invaded its soli- tude, and the best of reasons exist for the supposition that the Rev. Samuel Kirkland had also visited the Caneadea villages, for he was a missionary among the Six Nations for a number of years previous to the Revolution, and “ on January 16, 1765, he left the mission station at Johnson Hall on the Mohawk, in company with two Seneca Indians on amission which embraced all the settlements of the Iroquois. They traveled - upon snow-shoes, carrying a pack containing his provisibhs, some books, and a few articles of46 History of Allegany County, N. Y. clothing, weighing in all about forty pounds.” There is no doubt but that he visited the Caneadea villages on this mission. He had numerous , ad- ventures with the Indians, but after a while “lived in great harmony, friendship and sociability” with them. Writing in March of one of those years when a sort of famine occurred (the corn had been short and the game was scarce), he said he had sold a shirt for four Indian cakes baked in the ashes which he could have devoured in one meal, but, on the score of pru- dence, he ate only one.” He lived four days on 44 white oak acorns fried in bear’s grease.” His sufferings and privations were as severe as any his Jesuit predecessors had endured. The discovery of a neatly-carved Jesuit cross on one of the timbers of the old Council House (which was more than twenty years ago removed from its site near the old Indian village of Can- eadea, by Hon. William P. Letchworth to his beautiful grounds at Glen Iris,) would seem to support the idea that it had either been done by a Jesuit, or by some Indians recently converted, or who had been made acquainted with the symbols of the 44 true faith.” The territory embraced in the Caneadea Indian reservation, so remotely situated upon the 44upper Genesee,” in contra-distinction to the 44lower Genesee country,” was considerably removed from the scene of the depreda- tions of De Nonville’s expedition, which invaded the lower Genesee country in 1689, but there is every reason to believe that it has been the scene of many a sanguinary conflict, not only long ago between aboriginal tribes, but also during the French and English controversy for the supremacy. The lower Genesee country was brought into very conspicuous notice by Sullivan’s expedition against the Indians in 1779, and its settlement and occupation by the whites was no doubt much accelerated by that event. Some idea of the extent of production of the famous lower Genesee country can be learned from General Sullivan’s report, wherein he says: 44 The quantity of corn destroyed, at a moderate computation, must amount to 160,000 bushels, with a vast quantity of vegetables of every kind, * * * and I am well persuaded that, except one town situated near the Allegany, about fifty-eight miles from the Chinesee (Genesee), there is not a single town left in the country of the Five Nations.” The town Sullivan refers to must have been the Caneadea village, and it is no tax upon our credulity to suppose that the Indian population of this immediate neighborhood was pro- portionally as thrifty, and had comparatively as large corn fields and as great a variety of vegetables. Soon after the Revolution Robert Morris, the financier of that memor- able struggle, and the most potent individual ally that Washington had in the prosecution of the war, hearing the glowing accounts of those who had seen the famous 44 Genesee country,” resolyed to. visit Western New York and see for himself if these accounts were true. He did so, and, after some- thing of an exploration, determined to make an extensive purchase. It is certain that he visited the site of Mt. Morris, and good authority says made the selection of what has since become famous as 44 Murray Hill,” as his47 Early Visitors—Extinction op the Indian Title. future country seat. Whether this journey was made through the upper Genesee valley, or byway of the Conhocton and Dansville, the writer has failed to learn, but inclines to the opinion that the latter route was the one employed.* Negotiations were at once opened with the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, in which the pre-emptive right to purchase of the Indians had be- come vested by cession from the state of New York. Oliver Phelps, of Connecticut, had, for himself and others, begun negotiations in 1787, with a view to purchase a portion of the lands con- tained in this grant of pre-emption right “ from New York, and Nathaniel Gorham, about the same time, made an offer to the legislature of Massa- chusetts, of one shilling and six pence per acre for 1,000,000 acres of those lands, to be paid for in the public paper of the Commonwealth.” This offer was not accepted, but had the effect of exciting public attention and to bring other competitors into the field, who as fast as they appeared were taken into the association much after the manner of the modern “trust,” “com- bine ” or “ syndicate,” Messrs. Phelps and Gorham, having already united their interests and efforts. In April, 1788, Phelps & Gorham, acting for their company, purchased all the land comprised in the cession to Massa- chusetts for $1,000,000, payable in three years in the public paper of the state, which had become greatly depreciated. Phelps at once began opera- tions looking to the extinguishment of the Indian title, and was immediately confronted by another complication. He found that what was in common parlance called the “Lessee Company,” had been formed, and had procured two leases from the Indians, covering a large portion of the territory just purchased by Phelps and his associates. Massachusetts promptly declared the leases void, and Governor Clinton commenced active operations against them, personally meeting the Indians in council, warning them of the in- validity of the leases, and taking evidence which established the fact that the leases had been procured by bribery and corrupt means.. The influence however of the leasers and their agents with the Indians and others was so strong, at one time threatening to form a new state from the disputed terri- tory, at another time stirring up enmity and dissatisfaction among the Indi- ans, that finally the purchasers of the pre-emption right were forced to com- promise, and granted the lessees an interest in the property. Mr. Phelps then soon perfected arrangements for a treaty with the Indians which was opened on the 14th of July, 1788, at Buffalo Creek, which resulted in the Indians selling for $5,000 and an annuity of $500, about 2,600,000 acres lying adjacent to the Massachusetts pre-emption line. Meantime the scrip with which|Phelps and Gorham and their associates had agreed to make pay- ment for the lands had so much appreciated in value, owing to the increased prospects of the state as a member of the Union, that they were unable to * l am aware that this may be questioned by some, and still I understand it is only claimed by the doubt- ers that he never set his foot upon the “ Holland Purghase.” Such a statement is easily reconciled with the fact of his visiting Mt. Morris, as that place is several miles east of the ‘‘ Holland Purchase.”48 History of Allegany County, N. Y. obtain it to meet their obligations, and suit was entered against them by Massachusetts. A compromise however was effected, by which they were allowed to retain the portion of the purchase to which they had extinguished the Indian title, re-conveying to Massachusetts the residue. This arrange- ment was the more easily perfected owing to the appearance of Mr. Morris with an offer to purchase these lands. On the 12th day of March, 1791, Massachusetts agreed to sell to Samuel Ogden, as agent for Robert Morris, all the lands before sold to Phelps and Gorham except the portion retained by them, and, on the 11th day of May, 1791, the state conveyed to Morris, for a consideration of $225,000, the whole of this land by five separate deeds; the first tract adjoining the Phelps & Gorham purchase and comprising 500,000 acres. Massachusetts reserved in this conveyance one-sixtieth of the whole tract to satisfy a claim of John Butler, who had entered into a contract for the purchase of the same from Phelps and Gorham prior to their surrender of the lands back to Massa- chusetts, which interest Morris afterward purchased from Butler, thereby acquiring the entire title. This tract of 500,000 acres was retained by Morris, and sold by him in different tracts, and was called the 44 Morris Reserve.” And so the reader can see how it came about that this tract so generally known as the “Morris Reserve ” and so commonly referred to, covered two ranges of towns immediately east of the eastern “transit meridian,” or eastern boundery of the Holland Land Company’s land. The land covered by the four other deeds, being 8,600,000 acres, was conveyed by as many separate conveyances, dated one December 4, 1792, one, February 27, 1798, and two on July 20, 1798, by Robert Morris to Herman Le Roy and others, as trustees for the Amsterdam capitalists, afterward so generally and favorably known as the Holland Land Company, of whom Wilhelm Willink, was the largest owner, and Rutger Jan Schim- melpenninck bore the most conspicuous name. These conveyances all contained a covenant on the part of Mr. Morris to extinguish the Indian titles, and he at once set about the business. It was an undertaking of considerable proportions, and its accomplishment brought into requisition a high degree of skill, tact and diplomacy. Upon his son, Thomas Morris, devolved the task of procuring the consent of the Indians to hold a treaty. He proved an able lieutenant. He went into the heart of their country, followed their trails from the wigwam of one chief to that of another, and, after much difficulty and the most lavish use of all his persuasive arts, the Indians finally agreed to hold a conference and desig- nated Big Tree, now Geneseo, as the place where the council should be held. President Washington nominated Jeremiah Wadsworth as commissioner on the part of the United States, and the interested parties met in August, 1797, and negotiations began, Gen. William Shepard representing Massachusetts. A large tent was provided by Mr. Morris under which daily conferences took place. (This was the fact notwithstanding the popular tradition goes to the effect that the treaty was held under the umbrageous shade of a largeEarly Visitors—Extinction of the Indian Title. 49 oak or elm.) William Bayard of New York represented the interests of the Holland Company, and Mr. Morris appeared through his agents, Thomas Morris and Colonel Williamson. Mr. Williamson’s engagements were such as to call him away, so the whole responsibility of conducting the treaty devolved upon Thomas Morris. Great preparations had been made by Mr. Morris. A large herd of fat cattle had been sent on to furnish meat. Great numbers of Indians were present, attracted as much, perhaps, by the prospect of good cheer, as by a desire to consider the business in hand. After duly opening the council the commissioners offered their credentials, and explained the reason of their appointment; after which Mr. Morris presented in a speech of some length the object for which they had been convened. Representing the desire of his father to obtain by purchase a part, or all of their lands, and how much better it would be for them to dispose of all, except what were actually needed for settlement, and place the money at interest, than to retain in their possession uncultivated wastes, whose only value to them could be such as were derived from the chase; and that this advantage would not be lost, for they could still use it for hunting the same as before, he concluded by offering them the sum of $100,000 for the entire tract which still remained to them in the state, allowing them such reservations as might be needed for actual use. After deliberating for some time the Indians returned an answer unfavorable to Mr. Morris, saying “ they did not wish to part with any more of their land. ” Mr. Morris urged them to reconsider their answer, telling them they ought not to decide hastily, setting before them in different ways the favorable terms he had proposed. They again deliberated, and again they returned the same answer as before. Meetings and speeches suc- ceeded: Corn Planter, Little Billy, Parmer’s Brother, Little Beard and Red Jacket, each taking a part in the discussion, Red Jacket assuming the chief burden of debate. Mr. Morris urged upon them the liberal sum he had offered for their lands. Red Jacket replied, “We. are not yet convinced that it is best for us to dispose of our lands at any price.” “ But,” replied Mr. Morris, “ what value can they be «to you as they now are, any farther than the consciousness that you own them ? ” “Yes,” said Red Jacket, “but this knowledge is everything to US. It RAISES US IN OUR OWN ESTIMATION. It CREATES IN OUR BOSOMS A proud feeling which elevates us as a nation. Observe the difference between the estimation in which a Seneca and an Oneida are held. We are courted, while the Oneidas are considered a degraded people, Jit only to maize brooms and baskets. Why this difference ? It is because the Senecas are known to be the proprietors of a broad domain, while the Oneidas are cooped up in a narrow space.” “ Ah,” said Mr. Morris, “ you presume too much in regard to the con- sequence of your nation. It is far from being as great as you suppose; and in proof of this let me refer you to the manner in which your deputation to50 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the Miamis was received in 1793. Though large, and composed of many of the first men of your nation, it had but little influence.” “ Very true,” replied Red Jacket, “and why? It was because we were in bad company. We went with the pale faces. Had we gone alone, we should have been treated with the dignity which belongs to the Senecas throughout the world.” While Red Jacket was still standing, some one interposed the remark, “He’s a coward.” Turning around with a look of contempt, and in a tone and manner expressing the deepest sarcasm, he said, “Yes, I AM A coward.” And then, waving Ms hand over the broad and beautiful lands that were spread out before them, added: “ Assure me that you can create lands like these, ivhich the Great Spirit has created for us, his red children, so that you can give us lands like them in return, and I will be brave; Until then I AM A COWARD,—I DARE NOT SELL THESE LANDS. ” The commissioners after listening to this talk began to consider the undertaking hopeless, and so urged Mr. Morris to use more decisive meas- ures with them and bring them to terms one way or the other. Mr. Morris yielded to their solicitations although contrary to his convictions, from his knowledge of the Indian character, as to its being the best method to pursue, and suggested to the Indians that they make Mm a proposition. After a brief consultation the Indians made him the offer of a single township on the line of Pennsylvania, at one dollar an acre, Red Jacket assuring him that he could sell this at a sufficient advance to pay for the trouble and expense of the treaty. To this Mr. Morris would not agree, and told them if that was all they could offer, they might as well return to their homes, as the sooner the conference was ended the better; upon which, Red Jacket sprang to Ms feet and said, “You have now come to the point to wMch I wished to bring you. You told us in your first address that even in the event of our not agreeing to sell our lands we would part friends. Here then is my hand.” Mr. Morris taMng his hand, he then added: “I now cover up the council fire.” To all present but Thomas Morris the prospect of accom- plishing anything after this seemed quite hopeless; yet his hopes of success were so sanguine that he with some difficulty persuaded the commissioners to remain and give him the opportumty of a new trial. The next day after the council was thus abruptly broken up Farmer’s Brother called on Mr. Morris, expressing much regret at what had trans- pired and the hope that it might not destroy his interest so obviously mani- fested for his nation. “ CertaiMy not,” said Mr. Morris, “ you had a right to refuse to sell your lands, but,” he added, “ the treatment he had received from his people at the close of the council, especially in allowing a drunken warrior to menace and insult him while they were yelling in approbation of his conduct, was uncalled for and ungenerous. He had not deserved tMs from them. For years they had had food at his house in Canandaigua, and liquor as much as was for their good, and whenever any of them had been at Philadelphia, his father had treated them with equal kindness and hospital- ity.” This was all acknowledged by Farmer’s Brother, who much regretted51 Early Visitors—Extinction of the Indian Title. that the council fire had been so hastily extinguished; Had this not been done, they might have had another meeting to smooth over these difficulties. With great tact Mr. Morris urged another ground of complaint. ‘'Red Jacket,” he said, “assumed the right of covering up the fire. This did not belong to him, for, according to your custom, he only who kindles the fire has a right to cover it up.” “That is so,” said Farmer’s Brother. “Then, as I did not cover up the council fire, it is still burning.” After thinking a moment Farmer’s Brother replied “ yes,” seemed pleased that it was so, and expressed a desire to have the council convene again. Mr. Morris intimated that he would like a delay of a few days to give him time to look over his accounts, pay for the provisions that had been con- sumed, collect his cattle that had not been slaughtered, and arrange matters preparatory to leaving the treaty ground. He had acquainted himself so well with Indian customs that he had resolved to resort to another expedi- ent, after failing in his negotiations with the sachems. Among the Indians a rule prevails that their sachems shall have a right to transact whatever business belongs to their nation, whether relating to their lands or anything else. But, in transactions pertaining to lands, if their course is not satis- factory to the women and warriors, they have a right to terminate the pro- ceedings and assume the management themselves. The reason they give for this rule is that the land belongs to the warriors because they are the defense and strength of the nation, and to the women, because they are the mothers of the warriors. They recognize, therefore, “head” or “chief” women, whose privilege it is to select a speaker to represent their views. So Mr. Morris determined to refer his proposition to the chief women and warriors, and accordingly sought and obtained such a meeting. Then he made known to them his business, told them what a liberal offer he had made to their sachems, portrayed in glowing terms the advantages which would accrue from the annuity so large a sum would bring—how much food and clothing it would furnish them, thus relieving them of anxiety and toil and many hardships they now had to endure—that the sachems who were unwilling to sell the land always had enough to supply their wants; that they could kill game and feast on the meat, and go to the settlements and sell the skins and buy them clothing, and so did not care to sell their land for money which would enable the women to obtain for themselves1" and children food and clothing, whereas they were now often compelled to go hungry and naked. By accepting his proposition they would have the means of supply- - ing their wants, and making themselves comfortable and happy. He dis- played before them a great .array of beads, blankets, silver brooches, and various other ornaments of which he knew them to be particularly fond, and said he had brought them with him with the design of making them presents in the event of a successful treaty, but he had made up his mind that, as the women were not to blame for the breaking off of the negotiations, they should have the presents just the same as though his offer had been accepted. He then proceeded to distribute among sparkling eyes and joy-52 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ful hearts the beautiful presents he had brought. These gifts proved a most powerful addition to his arguments, and were the means of a favorable turn to their counsels. For several days after this the chiefs, women and warriors could be seen scattered about here and there in small parties earnestly engaged in conversation which resulted in a renewal of negotiations. After a little Mr. Morris was informed that their council-fire was still burning, but after this would be conducted by the women and warriors. Cornplanter, being the principal war chief, appeared on this occasion in behalf of the warriors and women. In his opening speech he said, “ They had seen with regret the misconduct of the sachems, they also thought Mr. Morris was too hasty; but £till they were willing the negotiations should be renewed, and hoped they would be conducted with better temper on both sides.” Mr. Morris offered a few remarks of a conciliatory nature, and Farmer’s Brother spoke for the sachems, saying that these]proceedings were in accordance with the customs of the nation. And so negotiations were renewed and prosecuted to a successful termination. The Indians consented to selli.their lands for the sum proposed, $100,000, leaving their reservation to be settled as they could agree. It was agreed or provided that the $100,000 should be vested in stock of the Bank of the United States by Mr. Morris, and held by the President of the United States as a* trustee for the use and behoof of the said (Seneca) nation of Indians. This treaty, from the magnitude of its effect upon a large percentage of the territory of Allegany county, and in consideration of its importance in some other respects, really marks an epoch in Western New York and Allegany history, and for that reason we introduce the essential part of the conveyance by which the Indians parted with the title to that portion of New York embraced within the limits of the Holland Company’s Purchase, excepting of course the reservations. After the usual preliminaries, such as naming the parties and stating the consideration, it proceeds thus: “ Now this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the premises above recited, and for divers other good and valuable considerations, them thereunto moving, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released, enfeoffed, and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell alien, release, enfeoff and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns for- ever, all that certain tractof land, except as hereinafter excepted, lying within the county of Ontario, and state of New York, * * * bounded as follows : East by the land confirmed to Oliver Phelps and Nathan- iel Gorham, * * * southerly by the north boundary line of the state of Pennsylvania, westerly partly by a tract of land; part of the land ceded by the state of Massachusetts to the United States and by them sold to Pennsylvania, being a rightangled triangle, whose hypothenuse is in or along the shore of Lake Erie ; from the northern point of that triangle to the southernmost bounds of a tract of land one mile in width, lying on and along the east side of the strait of Niagara, and partly by the said tract to Lake Ontario ; and on the north by the boundary line between the United States and the King of Great Britain, excepting nevertheless, and always resierving out of this grant and conveyance, one piece or parcel of the aforesaid tract at Canawaugus, (Avon) of two square miles, * * * one at Big Tree, (Geneseo), of two square miles, to be Little Beards Town, * * * one other tract of two square miles at Squaky Hill, * * * one other parcel at Gardeau, * * * one other piece or parcel at Ka-oun-a-de-au (Caneadea reservation), extending in length eight miles along the river, and two miles in breadth, * * * one at Cattaraugus, also one of forty-two square milss, at or near the Alleghany river, also two hundred square Uiiles partly at the Tonawauk (Tonawanda) creek, also excepting and reserving to them the said parties of the first part and their heirs, the privilege of fishing-53 Early Visitors—Extinction of the Indian Title. and hunting on the said tract of land hereby intended to be conveyed. And it is hereby understood by and between the parties to these presents that all such parcels of land as are hereby reserved, * * * shall be laid off in such manner as shall be determined by the sachems and chiefs residing at, or near the respective villages where such reservations are.” There were present on the occasion of this treaty besides the commis- sioners already named, Nath. W. Howell, Joseph Ellicott, Israel Chapin, James Rees, Henry Aaron Hills, and Henry Abeel. Jasper Parish and Hora- tio Jones were present as interpreters. The names of fifty-two sachems, chiefs, and warriors were appended to the deed of conveyance. A few of them are here given. Koy-eng-gueh-tell, alias Young King; Kow-u-ta-no, alias Handsome Lake; Sat-ta-kan-gu-yase, alias Too Skies of a length; On-a- ya-was, alias Farmer’s Brother; Soo-goo-ya-waw-taw, alias Red Jacket; Gish- ka-ka, alias Little Billy; Ow-nea-shat-ai-kai, alias Tall Chief; On-nong-gaih- €-ko, alias Infant; Koe-en-twah-ka, alias Corn Planter; Co-sau-kaw-new-daw- ki, alias Destroy Town; Soor-oo-wan, alias Pond Nose; She-gum-daugh-gue, alias Little Beard; To-no-wan-i-ya, alias Capt. Bullett; Ah-gua-tie-ya, alias Hot Brand; ffaw-fua-nowe-wo-am, by Young King; Ka-on-ya-naugh-gu, alias John Jemison. Robert Morris signed by his attorney, Thomas Morris, and the entire transaction was certified by Jeremiah Wadsworth on the part of the United States and William Shepard on the part of Massachsetts, the preliminary papers having been approved by John Hancock, governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The simplicity of the Indian character had a fresh illustration in the eagerness with which they desired to know about a bank; the President hav- ing directed that the money they received for their lands, in case they were sold, should be invested for their benefit in stock of the “ United States Bank ” in the name of the President and his successors in office as trustees of the Indians, and they earnestly inquired “What is a bank?” It was explained to them so that they came to understand that the United States Bank at Philadelphia was a large place where their money would be planted, and where it would grow, like corn in the field. They were also made to understand that the dividends from it might be greater some years than others. This was explained by referring to planting, as they knew from experience that some years they would have from the same ground a better crop than others. After this when speaking to Mr. Morris about their money they would inquire “ What kind of a crop they were going to have that year?” They were also interested in ascertaining how large a pile the money they were to receive would make? This was explained by telling them how many kegs of a certain size it would take to hold it, and the num- ber of horses it would take to draw it. The agreement as to number and size of the several reservations was reached after a good deal of debate and controversy. Instead of moder- ate very exorbitant claims were presented, growing out of rivalry between different chiefs. Their comparative importance would be graduated by the size of their domain, and the number of people they would thus be enabled54 History of Allegany County, N. Y. to have about them; hence they were individually ambitious of not being* outdone in the size of their reservations. Red Jacket put in a claim to about one-fourth of the entire tract sold. Cornplanter wanted about the same amount, and other chiefs were ambitious of securing extensive reservations; and they wished them marked out by natural boundaries, such as rivers, hills, or the course of streams. Mr. Morris gave a resolute denial to these demands, requiring them to fix upon a certain number of square miles, which should not be far from 350 in the aggregate. The difficulty of settling upon the size of their respective allotments was a source of a great deal of per- plexity, and finally Mr. Morris was requested to assume the office of arbiter and decide for them, which he accomplished generally to their satisfaction. In this account of the treaty of Big Tree, 1797, I have drawn largely from J. Niles Hubbard’s “ Red Jacket and his People, ” and have been favored by Geo. W. Harding, Esq., with access to valuable papers, which he some years since procured and collected to use in an important suit involving the title to certain lands upon the Caneadea reservation. For various reasons the council at Big Tree was one of the most notable convocations of Indians ever held, and in point of numbers was largely attended, while the stand- ing and influence of such men as Red Jacket, Cornplanter, Farmer ’s Brother and Little Beard, assigned to it an importance second to none of the memo- rable conferences which have been held with the Indians of our state and immediate vicinity. And then the result, clearing the title to such a vast area of fertile and highly desirable land, of itself alone places it in the list of important treaties, and will, it is trusted, be ample reason for devoting so much space to it in this history. CHAPTER X. EARLY SURVEY AND SURVEYORS. AFTER the treaty of 1797 had been concluded, the first step, preparatory to bringing the lands into market, was the running of boundary lines, laying out the several reservations, surveying the township lines, and sub- dividing the several townships into lots, and the work was prosecuted in the order named. The Transit Meridian, or eastern boundary fine of the Holland Company’s purchase, was run in the summer of 1798 by Joseph and Ben- jamin Ellicott, with an instrument made expressly for-the purpose by Ben- jamin Ellicott and the famous German instrument maker, David Rittenhouse, of Philadelphia, to which place Benjamin repaired for that purpose. It was a large and cumbersome affair, and I believe was never afterward much employed. It, or rather such parts of it as are left, is now in the rooms ofEarly Survey and Surveyors. 55 the Buffalo Historical Society, where it was placed a few years ago by the late David E. E. Mix, of Batavia; a very wise and thoughtful disposition of an interesting historic ihstrument. The strange thing about it is that so many of the parts should disappear ! There must have been quite a number in this surveying party of the Ellicotts, for it was an enterprise which involved considerable work, and together with the surveyors and their assistants sent out upon the different township lines, must have been the cause of considerable astonishment on the part of the natives. Besides the Ellicotts, the names of thirteen other surveyors are given by Turner, which list includes Augustus Porter, but no mention is made of Wm. Peacock, who surveyed T. 6. *R. 1. (Hume) nor Alexander Rhea who surveyed T. 5. R. 1. (CaneadeaJy Some idea of the magnitude of these operations may be inferred from the fact that Mr. Ellicott 44 contracted with Thomas Morris, to deliver on the Genesee river, or the shore of Lake Ontario near the mouth of that river, 100 barrels of pork, 15 barrels of beef, and 270 barrels of flour, for the supply of the surveyors, and their assistants the ensuing season,” and at the request of the Agent General, made a list of articles to be provided for the next season’s campaign, consisting' of a diversity of articles, 44 from pack-horses to horse shoes, nails and gimlets, from tents to towels, barley and rice to chocolate, coffee and tea, and from camp kettles to teacups, esti- mated to amount to $7,213.83.” 44 This statement however did not include medicine or wine, spirits, loaf sugar, etc., for headquarters.” He also calculated the wages of surveyors and other hands for the next six months, at $19,830. Augustus Porter represented the interests of Mr. Morris in the survey and establishment of the boundary lines. Mr. Ellicott and his sur- veyors and assistants having arrived on the ground, the first work was to establish the southeast corner of the Purchase. The Pennsylvania line was accurately measured from the southwest corner of Phelps and Gorham’s purchase, or the 82d milestone; twelve miles west, and there they erected a stone monument for such corner. The whole company was then divided into parties to prosecute the undertaking to advantage. The principal surveyor, Joseph Ellicott, assisted by Benjamin Ellicott, one other surveyor, and the requisite number of hands, undertook the running of the eastern boundary line, while the other surveyors, each with his corps of assistants, were detailed to run the different township lines. Thus prepared with a suitable instrument, Mr. Ellicott and his brother, with their party, established a true meridian line north from the corner monument, by astronomical observations at different stations, to guard against accidental variations. The progress in running this line was slow; it could not be otherwise, as a great amount of labor was involved in clearing tjie vista, which was made three or four rods wide on all the prominent elevations, and great care was exercised in all the observations, which ren- dered ; anything like haste an experiment too hazardous to be permitted. June 12th the party on this line had advanced so far north that they estab- lished their store house at Williamsburg, about three miles south of Geneseo,History of Allegany County, N. Y. 56 to which place they had poled their supplies up the Genesee river in flat boats. On the 22d day of November following, eighty-one and one-half miles of the line was established, but the precise date of its completion I have not been able to ascertain. This line, which defined the west bounds of the Church Tract, passed through the Cottringer, Ogden and Cragie tracts about two miles from their west boundaries, as described in the conveyances from Robert Morris. However as their titles were of later date than the conveyance to the Holland Company, no deviation from the established meridian was made. The location of the Ogden and Cottringer tracts being moved two miles to the east, the other tracts were reduced in area by the amount lying west of this line. In the same year (1798) Augustus Porter came to survey the boundary lines of the reservations made by the Indians at the treaty of 1797. His notes of the survey of the Caneadea reservation bear date Sept. 8, 1798. George Burgess is reported to have been with the party establishing the Transit meridian, but could not have been with them all the time for his 44 Traverse of the Genesee river, beginning at an Elm on the Kananscraugas, and ending at the Pennsylvania line, ” is dated 1798 and must have taken considerable time. 44 September 7, 1810, On this instant commenced surveying the land belonging to John Barker Church, Esquire, situated in the county of Alle- gany, State of New York. Beginning at a pine stake standing on the Transit line, and marked on the south side with the letters John B. Church ” were the words with which the gallant Major Moses Van Campen began his notes of the subdivision of the Church Tract. The business was of course prose- cuted with dispatch but no mention is made of the date of completion. Probably it was finished in 1811. This was a very important work as it pre- pared for market 100,000 acres in the heart of Allegany. The most exhaus- tive inquiry has failed to reveal the names of his assistants. Tradition says that his fa vorite axeman was a half-breed Indian, but his name is lost. It is said however that he was a remarkable man for the business. Tall, strong, of quick motion and quick to perceive, he knew just what and how much to cut, and was a valuable helper. Major Van Campen’s notes are in possession of Major Richard Church, who some years ago offered them to the board of supervisors, if they would preserve them, or have them faithfully copied. An offer which the board for some reason (it can hardly’ be said reason for there is no reason in it) refused to accept. Major Church has withdrawn his offer, but it is hoped he may yet make some disposition which will make them available to the public, for they are very valuable, and, under a special act of the Legislature passed a few years ago, they may be authenticated and certified by a justice of the Supreme Court, so as to be conclusive evidence in court. Elisha Johnson’s Survey of the Cottringer Tract. In the spring of 1807 Elisha Johnson, then a young man, came with his party to subdivide the 44 Cottringer Tract,” then lately purchased by John Greig and others, and as all the northern part of Granger and the northeastern part of the town of57 Early Survey and Surveyors. Hume is included in that tract it is bnt fair to make mention of it. Prom Mr. Johnson’s report to “ JohnGreig and gentlemen concerned in the pur- chase of the Cottringer Tract ” it appears that his first work was to re-sur- vey, and establish the boundary lines, which for a part of the way were not sufficiently distinct, and for the purpose of settling the matter of an encroach- ment on the part of the Church Tract adjoining it on the south. In his preliminary remarks Mr. Johnson mentions a road from “Mt. Morris to Caniodea (another spelling for Caneadea) where wagons pass, but the road is very crooked and otherwise wants improvement.” Regarding the advan- tages offered for settlement, he says: “The last season (1806) there was a sawmill erected on the Wiscoy Creek, about three miles from its junction with the Genesee river, and is now in operation, and are there making pro- vision for putting a gristmill in operation next season, which will accommo- date the south part of the tract.” The strange thing about this is that no sawmill was built there until 1828, and the gristmill was put up in 1829. Was Mr. Johnson wrongly informed, or was this an advertising scheme to induce people to settle ? As to health, etc,, I will quote Mr. Johnson, verbatim et literatim et capitalatim (Mr. J. was profuse in the use of capitals): “As the altitude, Purity of the Air, Sweet Softness of the water, are the Governing influences as it Relates to Health, incline me to conclude that this tract is healthy ex- cept the Valley along the Genesee River, which is known and considered as producing many diseases, which must be attributed to the water of the river, and the Depth of the Valley, being such, that the Rays of the Sun, act very Powerful on the flats and water, which necessarily produce copious exhalations, and the Air becoming so rarified The dew coming on at an Hours Sun, so that Herbage on the flats is very wet with dew at Sunset, while on the Hills it remains dry, Fogs here are common in the warm season, at Night and Morning. Some Peculiar Property Exists in the Valley, that Causes many of the Natives and White inhabitants to have Swelled throats. I think However, when the land is more Cleared, which will cause a more free circulation of Air, some of the stagnant waters drained, and having the flats present fields of Grass in Place of the Present Luxuriant Growth of Natural Vegetation, these Complaints will not be so common.” Mr. Johnson makes mention of there being “ Seven Families of Indians, who Improved forty acres of the open Flats, and had enclosed the residue.” This was at the lower Caneadea village. He speaks of a number of squatters, who had preceded him, as N. Dixon on lot 108 and James Smith on lot 113, and says, “ It being requested of me to apprize their Betterments, I have considered their Value to a Purchaser, and not the Value of the Ex- pense. It will probably be your duty, if they are worth the sums apprized to as to purchasers, to cause the monies paid to the different Possessors, if they do not purchase themselves. But I should not think it a duty in- cumbent on you, to suffer many of these inhabitants, if any, to remain in their respective possessions, after the Lands are offered for sale, if they do58 History of AxAMiAitY'County, N. Y. not purchase, as it would naturally impede the settling of the^e lands by enterprising men; they very naturally not wishing to associate with such neighbors, *and the prospect of good society, schools,“etc., would wear an unfavorable aspect. Relating to his search of minerals, etc., he says: “ And also could not find any of the Lime, Granite, Free or Grit Rock, but was in- formed that there was an excellent quarry of Grit Stone on the * Caneodeo r (another rendering) Reservation, of which I saw ‘specimens’, and makes ex- cellent Grind Stories, and used by the inhabitants of this part of the country, ” which was somewhat erroneous; the quarry was without doubt on*' the Caneadea Creek quite a distance south of the reservation. - . - # The reader I am sure will pardon me for making just a little invasion of the town of Genesee Falls, which for years was a part of Allegany, to quote an interesting historical fact not very generally known. Quoting still from Mr. Johnson’s report, “It is known to you Probable, that this Tract is Nondon Tract; or so called by the Inhabitants Living in its Neighborhood. This was the ancient Indian Name for a Large Village of Indians that Lived during the last war (the Revolution) in lots 105 and 107, it being a place where many of the American Captives were Taken. On lot 107 is a Small Hill which presents an Ancient fortification, by whom or when done is not known to the Oldest Indians on the tract. ’ ’ This is what is known as “ Fort Hill ” on the Dunn and Mills plaee. No traverse of the river is found or even alluded to ifi Mr. Johnson’s notes. The allotment of Alfred was made in 1795 by one John Smith in the em- ploy it is presumed of Phelps and Gorham, and it is doubtfur if the sub- division of any other town in our county preceded it. Moses Van Campen subdivided Independence in 1815. The Patterson Tract, part of townships one and two, range two Morris Reserve, was surveyed by Van Campen in 1817. In 1818 he surveyed the Cazeriove Tract (West Almond). The Bond Tract (Ward), was subdivided in 1822 by Daniel McHenry, and the Willing and Francis Tract, comprising Willing, part of Wellsville and part of Ando- ver, was surveyed into lots by John M. Wilson in 1823. In 1825 L. G Shepard* subdivided the Dickey Tract in Grove. After the subdivisions were made and the lands came to be sold, the services of the surveyor were in frequent demand, and this was met by local talent in almost every neighborhood; indeed surveyors sprang up as if by magic, some good ones, others not so good, a few, perhaps, adventurers and charlatans. Their work, compared with that the surveyors of the present day have to perform, might be said, to use a modern (?) colloquialism to be a “pic-nic.” The lines they had to follow were freshly marked, the corners (or at least the “ corner trees ”), still standing, the facilities were good, and' the work was rapidly done. The pioneer surveyor’s equipment was generally very plain, a light open-sighted compass, in some instances with no levels upon the plate, in others with but one. In a few instances *An extended notice of the subdivision of the Caneadea Indian Reservation by Joseph Jones, the Quaker surveyor, is made in the history of Hume.Early Survey and Surveyors: 51 59 two levels were attached. I't is averred that one of the early Southern Alle- gany surveyors, used a compass the graduations of which were made on a circle described on a sole-leather face, and a surveyor in the northwestern part of the county, from his using a compass some part of which was made of wood, was commonly called ‘4 the wooden compass surveyor. ” In looking over the records in the different town clerks’ offices one frequently stumbles upon crude and elastic descriptions. “ Beginning at a pine stump from a quarter to a half mile distant from the red tavern,” is the way a certain road survey in Hume commences; an important road too! Many such descriptions are to be found. The compasses were all used upon a Jacob-staff, which made a good stout cane for the surveyor when going from one station to another, and the chains, (the best they had) were made of coarse iron wire. But the pioneer surveyor did his work as he must. He ran his lines, stuck his stakes, established, his corners, and—died; and while his body .returned to the dust from whence it came, and his spirit to God who gave it, his stakes rotted away, his corners disappeared, and, now, in most instances, the blazed trees which marked his lines are gone, and the surveyor of to-day is frequently called upon to retrace and restore those lines and re-establish those corners.: This, all things, considered, is the most difficult task in the whole practice of surveying. Here are the names of a few of the many surveyors of pioneer days. Joseph and Benjamin Ellicott, Augustus Porter, George - Burgess, Moses Van Campen, Elisha Johnson, William Peacock, Joseph Jones, John Smith, Daniel McHenry, John M. Wilson, and L. G. Shepard were all employed upon tract, township or subdivision work,; as were others whose names I do not know. Then came Nicholas Van Wickle, Samuel Van Wickle, Alvin Burr, James Reed, Jonathan Rogers, Samuel Jones, Samuel Livermore, Asa Morse, Simeon C apron,. Christopher Hurlbut, Samuel White, Russell Burlingame, Wait Arnold, Asa Lee Davidson, Henry W. Tracy, Hiram Draper, Wittel, Larabee, Charles Collins, James P. Rounsville', Henry C. Jones; Seth Wetmore, and—, but the list must close, with many more un- named than named. Peace to their ashes! CHAPTER XI. ROBERT MORRIS. ROBERT MORRIS, at one time the proprietor of all of Western New York . west of Phelps’ and Gorham’s Purchase, thus becoming.identified with the territory of Allegany county,- and the source of all its land titles, was a prominent figure, and potential character, during the Revolutionary period. He was born in Lancashire, England, January 20, 1734. In 1745 his father60 History of Allegany County, N. Y. emigrated to America, settling at Port Tobacco in Maryland, where he en- gaged quite extensively in the tobacco trade. He met his death in a very singular manner, while Robert was yet a youth. A ship from some foreign port was consigned to him. The custom then was to fire a gun when the consignee came on board. Mr. Morris had a presentiment that the cere- mony might prove fatal to him, and requested that it be dispensed with, and the captain so ordered, but a sailor, desiring to honor Mr. Morris and sup- posing the omission accidental, seized a match and fired the gun as Mr. Mor- ris was leaving the ship. A portion of the wadding fractured his arm, mortification ensued and death resulted. When Robert Morris was thirteen he was placed in the counting house of Charles Willing, a leading merchant of Philadelphia, and by 1754 showed so much proficiency in mercantile affairs as to recommend him to a partner- ship with a son of his employer. This firm continued in business until 1793, and at the beginning of the Revolution was the largest commercial house in Philadelphia, and when the first difficulties occurred between the colonies and the mother country, although he was to be seriously affecoed thereby, he was one of the patriotic merchants of Philadelphia who signed the non- importation agreement, which restricted commercial intercourse with Great Britain to the bare necessaries of life. He also opposed the stamp act. He was elected a delegate to the Congress of 1775, and served on the military and naval committees. On July 1, 1776, his vote was recorded against the Declaration of Independence, and on the 4th he declined to vote at all, assign- ing as a reason that it was premature and inappropriate but the measure having been adopted he signed it. When the news of the battle of Lexing- ton reached Philadelphia, it found him presiding at a dinner on the anniver- sary of St, George. He joined with a majority of the company in putting a sudden stop to the celebration in honor of an English saint, and helped to upset the tables that had been spread. A few days after the battle of Tren- ton it became a matter of great importance and no little concern to the com- mander-in-chief to obtain a sufficient sum of money in specie to use in keep- ing himself well advised as to the movements of the enemy. Applying to Mr. Morris for that purpose he received this answer: Philadelphia, Dec. 30, 1776. Sir,—I have just received your favor of to-day, and sent to Gen. Putnam to detain the express until I collected the hard money for you, which you may depend shall be sent in one specie or other, with this letter and a list thereof shall be enclosed herein. I had long since parted with considerable sums of hard money to Congress, and therefore must collect from others, and, as matters now stand, it is no very easy thing. I mean to borrow silver and prom- ise payment in gold, and then collect the gold the best way I can. Whilst on this subject, let me inform you that there is upwards of twenty thousand dollars of silver at Ticonderoga. They have no particular use for it, and I think you might as well send a party to bring it away, and lodge it in some safe place convenient for any purpose for which it may hereafter be wanted. Whatever I can do shall be done for the good of the cause. I am, Sir, yours, etc., Robert Morris.61 Robert Morris. When in December, 1777, Washington had for the second time recrossed the Delaware, the time of service of nearly all the eastern troops had expired. To induce them to engage for another six weeks he offered a bounty of ten dollars each and applied to Mr. Morris for the funds. The money was forthcoming, and accompanied with a letter in which he congratulated the commander-in-chief upon his success in retaining the men, and assured him that “ if farther occasional supplies of money are wanted, you may depend upon my exertions either in a public or private capacity.’’ With Benjamin Franklin and others Mr. Morris was in March, 1777, chosen to represent the assembly of Pennsylvania in Congress; and the next November was associated with Mr. Gerry and Mr. Jones as a commission to repair to the army for a confidential consultation with the commander-in- chief upon the best plan for the conduct of the winter campaign. In August, 1778, he was appointed a member of the standing committee on finance. The years 1778-79 were the most distressing time of the war, and in the attending emergencies, Mr. Morris not only advanced his money freely, but he also put in requisition an almost unlimited credit. During a period of nearly hopeless despair, Mr. Morris in addition to money and credit fur- nished several thousand barrels of flour to the famishing armies. This aid came very timely, as it was being seriously contemplated to authorize the seizure of provisions wherever found, a measure which would have been unpopular with all sections of the country and might have turned the tide of popular feeling, then flowing so strongly in favor of the Revolution. The public records show many transactions similar to those just related. Gen- erals of divisions as well as the commander-in-chief turned to Mr. Morris as a last resort when money and provisions were wanted. To his large pri- vate means and credit were added financial, abilities of the highest order, and when no other resource seemed available he would fairly compel others to use money and credit for the colonial cause. With him in financial negotiations to will a thing was to do it. So he was appointed by the Continental Congress “Financier,” or what we now term Secretary of the Treasury, and perhaps in no country was ever a finance minister placed in charge of a treasury whose condition was worse. Not a dollar in it, and a debt of $2,500,000 staring him in the face. To this duty of financiering for Congress and the country and its cause was Mr. Morris called in such a terrible serious crisis. When apprised of his appointment to this important office he said: “In accepting this office I sacrifice much of my interest, my ease, my domestic enjoyment, and inter- nal tranquillity. * If I know my own heart, I make these sacrifices with a dis- interested view to the service of my country. I am willing to go further. The United States may command anything I have except my integrity, and the loss of that would disable me from serving them more.” He began his official career by establishing confidence and restoring credit. Among the financial expedients to which he resorted was the estab- lishment of the Bank of North America. Bonds signed by wealthy individ-62 History of Allegany County, N. Y. uals were given as collateral security for the performance of the engage- ments of the institution, and he headed the list with a subscription of £10,- 000. At a time of the gloomiest , depression Mr. Morris interviewed Gen. Washington. The subject of an attack on New York was broached. To this Mr. Morris dissented, claiming that it would be too great a sacrifice of men and money, that its success was quite doubtful, that even if successful it would be barren of results as the enemy having command of the sea could again land fresh troops and retake it. Conceding these objections Washing- ton said: “ What am I to do? The country calls for action, and moreover the army cannot be kept together unless some bold enterprise is undertaken. ’ ’ Mr. Morris replied, “Why not lead your forces to Yorktown? there Corn- wallis may be hemmed in by the French fleet by sea, and the American and French armies by land, and will ultimately be compelled to surrender? ” “ Lead my troops to Yorktown ! ” said Washington, appearing surprised at the suggestion. ‘ ‘ And how am I to get them there? One of my difficulties about attacking New York arises from want of funds to transport them thither; how then can I muster the means required to enable them to march to Yorktown? ” “You must look to me for funds,” rejoined Mr. Morris. “And. how are you to provide for them?” s^id Washington. “That” said Mr. Morris “ I am unable at this time to tell you, but I will answer with my head that if you will put your army in motion I will supply the means of their reaching Yorktown.” After a few moments reflection Washington said: “On this assurance of yours, such is my confidence in your ability to per- form any engagement you make, I will adopt your suggestion.” The army soon arrived at Philadelphia, and Mr. Morris experienced considerable difficulty in furnishing the promised supplies. At last he hit upon the idea of borrowing twenty thousand crowns from Chevalier de Luzern, the French minister. The Chevalier objected that he had only funds enough to pay the French troops, and could not comply unless two expected vessels loaded with specie arrived from France. About the time the troops were at Elk, preparing to march on Yorktown, the ships arrived, the money was received and especial pains taken to parade the specie in open kegs before the army. The men were at once paid and cheerfully embarked on the expedition which resulted in the crowning triumph of the Revolution. John Hancock in one of his letters to Mr. Morris during a severe crisis says: “I know however you will put things in a proper way; all things depend upon you, and you have my hearty thanks for your unremitting labor.” Gen. Charles Lee, in a letter addressed to Mr.-Morris when he assumed the duties of secretary of an empty treasury, wrote “ It is an office I can not wish you joy of; the labor is more than*herculean; the filth of that Augean stable is in my opinion too great to be cleared away, even by your skill and industry. ” Paul Jones appointed Mr. Morris his executor, and as a token of his high esteem bequeathed to him the sword he ..had received from the king of France. Mr. Morris presented it to Commodore Barry,63 Robert Morris. ■with a request that it should fall successively into the hands , of the oldest commodore of the American navy. In a book of travels written by the Marquis de Chastellux, who was in the United States from 1780 to 1782, a major general of the French army serving under the Count de Rochambeau, he writes, of Mr. Morris, after visiting him at his home in Philadelphia, “He was a very rich merchant and consequently a man of every country, for commerce bears everywhere the same character. Under monarchies it is free; it is an egotist in republics; a stranger, or, if you will, a citizen of the universe it excludes alike the virtues and the prejudices that stand in the way of its interests. It is scarcely to be credited that amidst the disasters of America Mr. Morris, the inhabitant of a town just emancipated from the hands of the English, should possess a fortune of $8,000,000. It is however in the most critical times that the greatest fortunes are acquired. The fortunate return of several ships, the still more successful cruises of his privateers have increased his riches beyond his expectations if not beyond his wishes. He is in fact so accus- tomed to the success of his privateers that when he is observed on Sunday to be more serious than usual the conclusion is that no prize has arrived the preceding week. * * * Mr. Morris is a large man, very simple in his manners; his mind is subtle and acute, his head perfectly well-organized, and he is as well versed in public affairs as in his own. * * * He lives with- out ostentation but not without expense, for he spares nothing which can contribute to his happiness and that of Mrs. Morris to whom he is much attached.’’ Quite likely this account of the wealth of Mr. Morris, is not exaggerated. The translator of a London edition of the above work speaks of the great money-making facilities which Mr. Morris enjoyed, his relations being such as to enable him to obtain special permits to ship cargoes of flour, etc., in a time of general embargoes. At one period, says the translator, he circulated his private notes throughout the country as cash. So the close of the Revolution must have left him in the possession of wealth far exceeding that of any other citizen of the new republic. With the return of peace the energies of the people were directed into other channels. The somewhat congested population along the seaboard became restive and sought opportunities for expansion. This led to the appropriation of lands farther inland, and the development of the interior regions. Mr. Morris was quick to perceive the possibilities of the situation, and turned his attention to land { speculation and soon became the largest individual land holder in America. He had great credit, not in the least impaired by the business of the Revolution. He borrowed money to replace funds he had borrowed during the war, sometimes in large sums, and offer- ing and giving security on his city property and immense estates. A reac- tion soon followed this, what in our days would be called “ boom,” and when it came it found Mr. Morris possessed of an immense landed estate and largely in debt for the purchase money. Reverse followed reverse in quick succession, and Mr. Morris was swept from opulence to poverty, and64 History of Allegany County, N. Y. merciless creditors made him for a long time the tenant of a prison. It has been supposed by some that his reverses were owing in part at least to large advances he made the yonng republic. His son, Thomas, however is author- ity for this statement: “My father’s pecuniary losses were not owing to his public engagements in the war of Independence. Heavy as those engage- ments were, the last years of the war having been supported almost entirely by his advances and by his credits, he was eventually reimbursed by the public.” It was very saddening to those who were enjoying the fruitage of his labors, and sharing in the blessings they received as the direct result of his wonderful financiering, that his last years should be clouded with adver- sity, even to the darkness of abject penury, so plainly intimated in this extract from a letter to the late Benjamin Barton: You have now the clearest information I can give you. I have been frequently applied to about this affair, but hope there is an end of it. If however you should find it necessary to write again, be good enough to pay the postage of your letters for I have not a cent to spare from the means of subsistence. I am sir, Your very obt serv’t, Robert Morris. Mr. Morris died at Morrisania, N. J., Nov. 6,1806. His name and public services will be long and gratefully remembered. CHAPTER XII. BOUNDARIES OF ALLEGANY COUNTY. FOR ten or twelve years subsequent to 1772 the territory included within the present boundaries of Allegany county, formed a part of Try on county, which was that year erected out of Albany county, and was made to comprise all the country in the state of New York west of a north and south line extending from St. Regis to the west bounds of the township of Schenectady; thence running irregularly southwest, to the head of the Mo- hawk branch of the Delaware river, and along this stream to the southeast corner of the present county of Broome, thence in a northwesterly direction to Port Bull on Wood Creek, near the present city of Rome, all west of the last mentioned line being then Indian territory. In 1784 this same territory took the name of Montgomery, and five years later (1789) all of the state west of Phelps and Gorham’s pre-emption line was set ofi as Ontario. In 1796 Steuben was erected from Ontario, to consist of all of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase south of the parallel of latitude which now bounds most of that county on the north, including therefore the township which now form the eastern range of towns of Allegany county. Genesee county was formed from the portion of New York bounded on the east by the Genesee river from its mouth to the mouth of Canaseraga65 Boundaries op Allegany County.66 History of Allegany County, N. Y. creek, and from thence by a line running south to the Pennsylvania line. This last-mentioned line at the same time marked the western boundary of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase of Steuben county as originally defined, and today is the western boundary of the towns of Burns, Alfred, Almond, Andover and Independence. The act erecting the county of Genesee was passed March 30, 1802. Its name was singularly appropriate, comprising as it does so large a part of the widely and favorably known ‘4 Genesee County,” then “far west.” An immense tide of immigration about this time flowing hitherward from the east, it was not long before projects for other new counties were put on foot. In 1806 numerous petitions were presented to the Legislature asking for the formation of Allegany, Cattaraugus and Niagara counties from the southern and western parts of Genesee. These petitions were ex- tensively circulated, and received the signatures of some 750 citizens of the territory to be affected by the proposed legislation, including the Ellicotts and many other leading men of the western part of the state. It seems the Legislature heeded the prayer of the petitioners, for on the 7th of April, 1806, an act was passed creating the new county of Allegany, and James W. Stevens, Philip Church, and William Rumsey were named in conformity with the prayer of those petitioning as Commissioners to locate the site for the county buildings. The northern boundary of the county thus formed is the same parallel of latitude that now forms the north line of the greater part of Steuben county, and included the towns of Eagle, Pike, and Genesee Palls in the present Wyoming county, and Portage, Nunda and Ossian in Livingston county as now defined, the first five set off in 1846, and* Ossian in 1856. .To gratify the curiosity of close students of early local history, it is thought best to quote quite freely from the Act. CHAPTER CLXII. OF THE LAWS OF NEW YORK FOR 1806. An act to erect part of the county of Genesee into a separate county by the name of Alle- gany: Be it enacted by the people of the state of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, that all parts of the county of Genesee, beginning at the southeast corner of said county and running thence northerly forty-two miles along the western boundary of Steuben and Ontario counties, thence westerly thirty-eight miles, along the dividing lines of townships numbered seven and eight, to the northwest corner of township number seven in the fifth range of the Holland Land Company’s land, thence southerly forty-two miles along the western boun- dary of the 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3d, 2d, and 1st townships of the fifth range of the Holland Land Company’s land to the Pennsylvania line, thence easterly thirty-eight miles along the Pennsyl- vania line to the place of beginning, shall be, and hereby is erected into a separate county, and shall be called and known by the name of Allegany. The organization of the county government was deferred for one year, and it was provided that courts should be held at specified times (the first on the 2d of June in the next year). Continuing the Act says: And be it enacted that the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, be holden at any convenient house in the village of Angelica, which may be appointed by the Sheriff of Allegany for that purpose, and that the prisoners of the county of Allegany be con- fined in the gaol of the county of Genesee until further legislative aid in the premises. TheBoundaries of Allegany County. 6768 History of Allegany County, N. Y. inspectors of elections in the several towns in the county of Allegany, shall return the votes taken at any election for governor, lieutenant-governor, senators, members of assembly and representatives in Congress to the clerk of the county of Ontario, to be by him estimated as part of the aggregate number of votes given at such election in the county of Allegany ; and that all writings relating to real estate in Allegany should be recorded in the Genesee county clerk’s office until after the first courts were held, and that the new county should form part of the seventeenth Congressional district of the state. To more clearly comprehend the territorial extent of Allegany as origi- nally defined, the reader is referred to accompanying map. It was for only a brief time however that the boundaries fixed by the Act of April 7, 1806, were allowed to remain, as we find that important changes were made by an act or acts rather, which passed the Legislature on the 11th of March, 1808. One enacted that4 4 All that part of the county of Alle- gany west of the meridian line between the 2d and 3d ranges of townships of the Holland Land Company’s land be annexed to the county of Genesee.” The three ranges of townships thus cast off comprised the present towns of Allegany, Franklinville, Farmersville, Freedom, Hinsdale, Humphrey, Isch- ua, Lyndon, Machias, Portville, Olean and Yorkshire. These towns were soon after made a part of Cattaraugus county by the provisions of the act creating the counties of Cattaraugus, Niagara and Chautauqua. The other act referred to fixed the present eastern boundary line of Al- legany county. Parts essential to copy read as follows: “ Be it enacted * * * that all that part of the county of Steuben lying west of the division line between the 6th and 7th ranges of towns in the said county, and south of the division line between the 6th and 7th towns be annexed to the county of Allegany * * * that the supervisors in the county of Allegany * * * shall direct to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county, the sum of $1,500 for the building of a courthouse and a jail in and for said county, * * * that Moses Van Campen, John Gibson and William Higgins, or any two of them, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to superintend the building of the courthouse and jail in the county of Allegany, which said court- house and jail shall be erected on one of the public lots near the square of the village of Angel- ica, * * * that that part of Allegany comprehended within the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th towns of the 7th range of the county of Steuben hereby annexed to the county of Allegany be erected into a town by the name of Alfred, and that the first town meeting of the said town of Alfred be held at the dwelling house of Benjamin Van Campen (in Karr Valley, Almond, as the writer is informed), and that all that part of the county of Allegany comprehended within the 5th and 6th townships of the said 7th range aforesaid, be erected into a town by the name of Ossian, and that the first town meeting of the said town of Ossian be held at the dwelling house of David McCurdy; and that all that part of the county of Allegany bounded east by the east bounds of the said county, north by the north bounds of said county and south by the division lines between the 5th and 6th townships in said county, be erected into a town by the name of Nunda, and the first town meeting of the town of Nunda be held at the dwelling house of Peter Granger (in present Pike, Wyoming Co.), and that all that part of the county of Allegany bounded north by the south bounds of the said town of Nunda, on the west by the west bounds of the county of Allegany, south by the Pennsylvania line and east by the Transit Meridian line, * * * be erected into a town by the name of Caneadea, and that the first town meeting in said town of Caneadea be held at the dwelling house of Jedadiah Nobles; and that all the remaining part of the county of Allegany be and remain a separate town by the name of Angelica.”The Church Tract. 69 In 1846, the northwestern part of the territory assigned by the act just referred to to the town of Nunda was set off to Wyoming (a small county only a few years before formed from Genesee, embracing the territory now covered by the towns of Eagle, Pike and Genesee Palls, Wyoming county), and by the same act Portage and Nunda, as at present defined, were added to Livingston county. In 1856 the town of Ossian in the extreme northeast corner of the county, after being reduced from its original size by the erec- tion of the town of Burns, was also set off into Livingston county, leaving the county of Allegany with its present boundaries as appears by the last of the series of small maps accompanying this history. A separate map has been prepared showing the subdivision of the county in 1808. HIS tract, the largest in the county held by an individual proprietor, em- bracing all of Amity, Angelica and Allen, the north part of Scio and the south part of Granger, and a portion of some 150 acres in the town of Hume, in all 100,000 acres, was in round numbers twenty-six miles long, and six miles wide, and, quoting from the Sheriff’s deed to Philip Church, dated May 6, 1800, 44 admeasured according to the following bounds and lines, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of a certain tract of Fifty thousand acres granted by the said Robert Morris to Garrett Cottringer (this is now the northwest corner of Mr. Dwight Gillett’s farm in Hume), thence running east along the southern boundary of the said tract six miles, thence south with a breadth of six miles, between lines to be run from the two extreme points of the aforesaid line in a direction to form right lines with the east and west boundaries of the said tract of Fifty thousand acres so far as that a line from a point of termination of the said lines, so to be run and parallel to the first above mentioned line, will include within the said fines one hun- dred thousand acres of land; together with all woods, underwoods, waters, water courses, privileges and advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances whatever to the said tract of land and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainders, yearly and other rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, inter- est, use, trust, property, claim and demand whatsoever, both in law and in equity, of the said Robert Morris of in and to the same. ” Major Moses Van Campen subdivided this tract into lots of three-fourths of a mile square, beginning his work, Sept. 7, 1810, at the northwest corner of the tract. His notes besides giving the measurements gave the character CHAPTER XIII. THE CHURCH TRACT.70 History of Allegany County, N. Y. of the soil, its surface, timber and herbage, and located the points bn his lines where streams crossed them or gullies or high ridges, and furnished sufficient data upon which to fix the prices of the different lots. Probably every kind of timber found within the county was then standing upon this tract, and as for soil, it presented a great variety from the richest bottom lands on the Genesee river, to the thinnest clay and hardpan on the hills, not on all the hills however as some of the hill land is of the first quality. Many convenient mill sites were found, and a goodly number were utilized. Game and fish were found in great abundance. Settlement was begun at Angelica in 1801 by Judge Church, and in a number of instances land was sold and boundaries established in advance of the subdivision of the tract.* From about 1810 up to 1845 settlements were many and nearly the whole tract had been taken by 1850. The first sales were made at $2 and $2.50 per acre* in a few years advancing to $5 to $7.50 per acre, while some lots, covered with an extraordinary growth of pine and oak, brought very remunerative prices. Purchasers came from New Eng- land, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and ’as a rule were enterprising, self- reliant, sturdy men, who made good citizens and did wrell their part in reclaiming the desert places and transforming its forests into beautiful farms and thriving villages. It will not be necessary to pursue the treat- ment of the “ Church Tract ” here to further extent as the town histories of Scio, Amity, Angelica, Allen and Granger will take-up the progress of set- tlement and other events in their proper order. CHAPTER XIV. THIS CENTURY’S FIRST DECADE. THE year 1801 opened quite auspiciously. Capt. Philip Church appeared to make an exploration of the 100,000 acre tract purchased the year previous at the foreclosure sale at Canandaigua. He was met at Almond by Major Van Campen, John Gibson, John Lewis and Stephen Price. He had stopped a day at Geneva, to supply himself with provisions and camp equip- age. The party on their way to the tract, pursued almost identically the route afterward adopted by the Erie Railway, entering the territory near the southeast corner. A most thorough and exhaustive exploration was made, which proved of great service to Van Campen in the sub-division which he afterwards made, and to Capt. Church in establishing prices, and the location of roads, villages, mills, etc. The reconnoissance completed, Capt. Church and Van Campen deter- * Evart Van Wickle came in 1802, and in the capacity of surveyor and local agent was employed by Judge Church for several years. A small log land office was erected at Angelica in 1802.This Century’s First Decade. 71 mined on a “ trip to Niagara Falls ” while the others returned to Almond. This trip was the pioneer visit to this wonder from all this section. They encountered hunger, fatigue, hardship and exposure, and before reaching New Amsterdam (Buffalo), they were compelled to resort to whatever sus- tenance the native forest offered. Capt. Church soon returned to New York, where he assiduously devoted himself to preparations for actual and active settlement. It was during this year that the first marriage in Almond occurred, Peter Putman and Polly Waters being the contracting parties. The first death there that of Matthew McHenry also occurred this year. In 1802 Capt. Church sent Evart Van Wickle to select a site for a village, and begin settlement. The site was determined upon, and also the name for the embryotic village. With filial reverence and affection he named the place, the first village in Allegany county, for his mother, Angelica, the eldest daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler. , The same year a store was estab- lished, the first in the county, by Capt. Church, his friend John Gibson con- ducting it. Previous to this the nearest store was at Hornellsville. In 1802, at Angelica, was also erected by Capt. Church, the first sawmill. This year John Gibson bought 20 acres of land, bounded north by Main and west by Olean streets, at one dollar per acre, agreeing to put up within a year, a framed building twelve by sixteen feet “ square ! ” Silas Ferry and John Ayers cut a road from Angelica to Almond, and Joseph Taylor came and opened the first public house in the village and county. A log land-office was this year erected. Bath was the nearest postoffice, over 40 miles distant, and the few settlers had to arrange as best they could to get their mail. Any reliable settler who went to Bath, was commissioned with lots of errands, and to bring in the letters for the whole settlement. Postage was high, money very scarce, and so comparatively few letters were sent or received. Ephraim Sanford and Zephaniah Huff, from Wayne, Steuben county, put in an appearance in 1802. Striking the river at the “ Transit,” they fol- lowed down the stream as far as the falls at Portage, then crossed, and returned upon the west side to the place from whence they started, select- ing lands in the vicinity of Caneadea, where they soon after settled with their families. It was as early at least as 1801 or 1802 that the first road was constructed in the county. It followed the stream up from Hornellsville, entering the county at Almond, thence, following the Whitney valley creek to Alfred, it went on to Andover, where, striking the source of Dike’s creek, it passed down that stream to the Genesee river at Wellsville, thence by way of Marsh, Honeoye and Oswayo creeks to the Allegany river and on to Olean, then most likely balled Hamilton. This was done under the administration of Charles Williamson as agent of the Pulteney estate, and was considered to be greatly to the interest of that vast landed property as it furnished a way of communicating with the headwaters of the Ohio. Nathanael Dike’s old72 History of Allegany County, N. Y. line of blazed trees and scantily-cut-out sledroad was largely followed, in some cases improved in course as well as construction. In 1803 four brothers, Benjamin, Elisha, Calvin and David Chamber- lain, coming from Pennsylvania, located on the river near the “ Transit,” in Belfast. This made quite a little settlement, and a road was soon opened from the mouth of Dike’s creek (Wells ville) through Scio and Belmont, and very soon after, as far down as Caneadea. In 1803 also occurred the first capital crime in Allegany, the victim being one Stevens, who was killed in a quarrel over cards, and was the first one buried in the cemetery at Angelica. The man who killed him (name now unknown) was tried at Geneva and sent to states prison for life. Nathanael Dike built a sawmill this year, the site being just within the present limits of Wellsvilie adjoining Andover. A single timber of the dam remains to mark the spot. A road was opened from Angelica to Belvidere in 1803. In 1804 John T. Hyde, who had previously settled near Nathanael Dike’s place, and whose daughter Phebe he married, removed to what is now Amity, purchasing the place now owned by N. Bosworth. In this year Capt. Church erected for a temporary residence at Belvidere, a framed structure of liberal dimensions, which, from its being painted white, came to be known all over Western New York as “The White House.” This was said to be the first painted dwelling in New York west of Canandaigua. The building is still standing, and is now used as a hay-barn. The nails used in its construction were all wrought by hand. Betsy Sanford, daughter of Ezra Sanford, was born in April, 1804, being, it is claimed, the first child born in Caneadea. James Rice and Timothy Hitchcock came in 1804, from Bainbridge, Che- nango county, settling at Caneadea village, being the first ones there. Rice built the first house, a log one, no sawmill being near. The first religious service in Caneadea was held by Rev. Ephraim Sanford at his own house, where Oramel now is, in 1804. The first white male child born in Angelica was Moses Van Campen Chamberlain, who “ came to town ” March 31, 1804, and Widow S. Smith taught the first school in the same town that year. Among the more important events of 1805 was the settlement of Dr. Ebenezer Hyde, a brother of John T. Hyde. He was the first practicing physician in the county, and an acquisition of very much importance to the sparsely-settled population. He at once erected a very superior log struct- ure of quite ample dimensions, the logs all nicely hewn and carefully “ dove- tailed ” at the corners. It occupied the ground now covered by the resi- dence of Mr. S. H. Whitcomb, and later was opened as an inn. An upper room in this house was afterwards finished off as a hall for the use of the Masonic order. It was here the first meetings of that fraternity were held in the county. In his practice Dr. Hyde traveled sometimes 40 or 50 miles over the worst of roads, and sometimes with no roads at all, following paths and blazed trees, having in some instances an Indian as a guide. The Indians on the Caneadea Reservation patronized him, and some of them wereThis Century’s First Decade. 73 his best paying patients, for there was a period of a few years when the Indians had more money than the whites. February 25, 1805, the town of Angelica was formed from Leicester, in territorial extent being 12 miles wide and 34 miles long, and was represented on the board of supervisors on the first day of October by Benjamin Riggs; the session being at Batavia. The supervisors constituting this early board and towns they represented were: Angelica, Benjamin Riggs; Batavia, Isaac Southerland; Erie, Daniel Chapin; Leicester, John H. Jones; North- ampton, Gibbons Jewit; Southampton, Christopher Laybourn; Willink, Peter Yandeventer. As appears by the minutes, David McCracken was chosen clerk; no mention is made of any presiding officer. Joseph Ellicott was re-elected county treasurer, and a bounty was offered of $5 for “each wolf taken and killed in the county aforesaid the ensuing year. ” A previous board (1803) had “ Resolved unanimously, that twenty miles be considered a day’s journey, to be computed going and returning, and that each supervisor be entitled to $2 for 20 miles.” Reuben Riggs (was he a brother of the supervisor?) made out a bill for his services as constable in the case of Joseph Rhineberger, who was taken from Angelica to John Jones, Esq., at Leicester. It was in September, and, to quote literally: From Thursday the 22d to Wednesday the 28th myself and two Gards ; We have considered our Selves intitled to the Same Wages, as if We Were at our own imploy. Which is for myself 8s. per day, and the men 6s. each, and five Shillings per day for our Expenses, Which amounts, to, for myself at thirteen Shilling8 per Day, 11.37 for the two Gards at ns. per Day Each, 19.25 & the boarding of Rhineberger three & half Days 2.19 $32.81 The above accounts We Submit to your Superior judgments, after considering this our Wages here, & the hardships of laying in the Woods, & that We Were Volunteered to the Service. Reuben Riggs. Angelica, Oct. the 20th 1803. If Benjamin Riggs Supervisor, had as hard a time of it in getting to Batavia to meet with the board of supervisors, as Reuben did in getting to Leicester, he probably spent two nights in the woods ! The next year, so say the old Genesee county records, Luke Goodspead represented Angelica on the board. The name of the latter is at least sug- gestive of less time on the road (?), and greater expedition in traveling if nothing more. The session of the Genesee county board of supervisors for 1807 was the last one at which Angelica or any part of present Allegany was represented. By act of the Legislature, March 28, 1805, the Lake Erie Turnpike-road Company was organized. It was to extend from Bath to Lake Erie, and Fred. A. Dezeng, Philip Church, Henry A. Townsend, Adam Hoops, William Helm, Dugald Cameron, George Hornell and George McClure were named as corporators. Other events of importance in 1805 were the marriage of Capt. Church and Anna Matilda, eldest daughter of Gen. Walter Stewart of Philadelphia, and their commencing house-keeping in the “White House ” in June of that74 History of Allegany County, N. Y. year, the youthful couple finishing the journey thitherward by traveling from Bath (44 miles) on horseback, a part of the way following a bridle (why not bridal) path and marked trees. In 1805 Joseph Knight and son Silas, from Oneida county, located at the mouth of Knight's Creek in Scio. Mr. Knight cut the road most of the way from Belmont, and only a sled road at that. Prom this it might be inferred that the statement just made as to cutting a road from the mouth of Dike's creek to Belfast and farther down was incorrect. Such discrepancies in statements depending entirely upon the accounts of the old settlers will inevitably occur. Benjamin Van Cam- pen opened the first inn in Almond in 1805. He was a brother of the re- nowned Major Moses Van Campen. The inn was in Karr Valley. In 1805 also Moses and Jeremiah Gregory, John Gaddis and Samuel Rodman settled on Canaseraga creek in Burns. In August of 1805 occurred the birth of Deborah Reynolds, the first in Belfast. Prom the time of the first settlement to 1802, Allegany formed a part of Ontario with the county seat at Canandaigua. Then (1802) Genesee county was set off from Ontario, the shire-town being Batavia. As the settlements increased the people came to regard their necessary journeys to Canandai- gua and Batavia on legal business as burdensome and oppressive, and, in 1805, began the agitation for a new county, which resulted in the passage by the Legislature, of an act on the 7th of April, 1806, whereby the county of ALLEGANY was formed from territory embraced in Genesee county. How the new county came to be named Allegany, or who suggested it, the writer has never been able to learn. The act creating the county, which in territorial extent was seven townships east and west, and seven north and south, named Angelica as the county seat, and it was in fact the only town in the county. No courts were held until the fall of 1807, though the act provided for a court to be held in June, 1807. In 1806 it came about that the extreme northern part of the county was to receive attention from those seeking homes in this new country, and set- tlers began coming in from the north and east. Roger Mills from Canajo- harie came in the spring of this year, having passed a part of the previous season in Pike. After making an extended exploration, he made choice of lots 86 and 87 in Hume, where were the upper falls of the Wiscoy, and very favorable sites for dams and mills. In 1806 came also James Wilson, a native of Ireland, and began active operations in Allen, and Richard Friar, from Kingston, Ulster county, who was the first to settle in Friendship. In this year occurred the first birth in Scio, Polly, daughter of Silas Knight. The first religious services in Burns were conducted by Robert Parker, a Meth- odist, at the house of Moses Gregory in 1806. In 1807 Clark Crandall from Rensselaer county, and Nathan Green from Madison county purchased land, and began making improvements in Alfred, the former in the northeast part of the town near “ Baker’s Bridge. ” Cran- dall came to be very prominent in town and county affairs, was associate county judge, and a member of the Legislature. Roger Mills threw a damThis Century’s First Decade. 75 across the Wiscoy at “ Mill’s Mills ” in Hume, and erected a sawmill in 1807. John Harrison and Simeon and Zebnlon Gates settled in Friendship this year. Although 1807 marked the first settlement of only one town in the county, a constant stream of immigration was pouring into the towns where settle- ments had already been made, and the year closed with a considerable accession to the population. In November, was convened, in the inn kept by Evart Van Wickle, the first court ever held in the county. In the spring of 1808 Joseph Maxson from Otsego county, then only 18 years old, arrived in Pike with two cents in money and a few articles of pro- vision and clothing. Bartering the shoes on his feet for an axe, he pushed on, following the newdy-opened Allegany road to Centerville Center, and there made the first opening in that town. The location of the county seat at Angelica was one of the pet projects of Judge Church. [He has heretofore been called Capt. Church, but having on the 8th of June, 1807, been appointed by Gov. Morgan Lewis ‘4 First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Allegany county,” he will hereafter be referred to as judge.] It being, however, so far to one side of the geo- graphical center of the county, it began quite early to excite in his mind, and in the minds of others interested, serious apprehensions of an attempt to remove it to some point farther west, so as to better accommodate the people. Accordingly the aid of the Legislature was again invoked, and, on the 11th of March, 1808, an act was passed restoring the three western ranges of towns to Genesee, and adding the western range of towns from Steuben county, which made the county seat substantially in the center east and west as well as north and south. By other provisions of the act the county was divided into five towns—Angelica, Alfred, Caneadea, Nunda and Ossian. In 1808 Roger Mills put up a gristmill in Hume, and Judge Church erected one at Belmont. The first religious services in Andover were held by Rev. Silas Hubbard, at the house of Nathanael Dike in 1808. Eneas Garey from Vermont began improvements in 1808 in Rushford. He built the first framed barn in that town but in just what year cannot be told. The first birth in Friendship was that of Sherman Haskins, March 8, 1808, in a sugar camp. During all these years the Genesee river was crossed only by fording, by canoes, or on the ice, but, in 1809, a bridge was begun by Wilson Redfield, and finished by Jonathan Millett, at the “ Transit.” So at least say some authorities, and, being so particular in giving names of builders, it would seem conclusive. It still seems strange that a bridge should be built at any other point earlier than the one at Judge Church’s, which is said to have been put up in 1811. Whenever and wherever it was, the first bridge was an im- portent' event to the people. By the act of March 11, 1808, $1,500 was authorized to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants, for building a court house and76 History of Allegany County, N. Y. jail, and Moses Van Campen, John Gibson and William Higgins, were appointed commissioners to superintend the construction. It was provided that the county treasurer should have 1 per cent for receiving and paying out the money thus appropriated. Joshua Skiff an Otsego county man made his appearance in Hume in 1809. He became a man well and favorably known throughout the county. In 1809 David Sanford built a saw and gristmill in Belfast, the first in that town. The first marriage in Friendship was in 1809, James Sanford and Sally Harrison the contracting parties. Silas Bellamy and Betsy Knight were the first couple married in Scio, the year 1809. Edward Green this year erected the first framed house in Alfred. The first birth in Center- ville was that of Calvin P. Perry, in June 1809; and the first death, that of the same person, the same month. Dr. Ebenezer Hyde the same year opened the first public house in Amity. Silas Bellamy and Silas Palmer settled in Scio in 1809. The year 1810 was marked by an increasing number of actual settlers, and the inauguration of new enterprises and improvements. The first school in Amity was taught this year by Polly Baker. Joseph Baker, wife and seven children, and Joseph Woodruff, wife and three children settled in Andover in 1810. Major Alanson Burr was among the most prominent of the settlers this year, locating in Caneadea. Bethiah Belknap and Samuel Gordon were born in Rushford in 1810; the former in the spring, the latter June the 12th. They were the first births in that town. The first inn kept in Centerville by a Mr. Thatcher; the first in Caneadea by Lucretia Radley. The first gristmill in Friendship was built in 1810 by Aaron Axtell and Sylvanus Merriam. It was on the south branch about half way between Friendship village and Nile. The first religious services in Friendship were held in a barn by Samuel Vary in July, 1810, and first school by Pelatiah Morgan in the winter of 1810-11. The first birth in Allen, that of William Wilson, occurred Jan. 30, 1810. The first gristmill in Burns was built by Daniel Shull, and the first school was taught in that town by David Crooks in a log schoolhouse one-half mile west of Canaseraga in 1810. February 8, 1810, the Legislature passed an act incorporating the “ Angelica and Alle- gany Turnpike Company,’’ in which Philip Church, John Mullender and John T. Hyde were named as associates. An enumeration of the inhabitants was made and a census taken in 1810 by the United States, which gave a population of 1,942 to the five towns of the county shown in the accompanying map.This Century’s First Decade. 7778 ' History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER XV. SECOND DECADE.—1811-1820. PROMINENT among the settlers in the northern part of the county in 1811 was Benjamin Blanchard from Vermont, who located in Center- ville. John Gordon, Samuel Hardy, Tarbell and William Gordon settled in Rushf ord this year. The first marriage in Centerville occurred this year, William Foy and Ruth Morrill. The war of 1812 interrupted to some extent the progress of settlement. A sufficient number of inhabitants were found from which to secure quite a number of enlistments, and some were drafted. The board of supervisors constituted Robert Hoops a commissioner to attend an Indian council at Cold Spring, for the purpose it is supposed of entreating the Indians to side with the United States. The In- dians finally determined to espouse the cause of the United States, and no further anxiety was experienced in regard to them! Rockwell Hopper from Chenango county, and Harry Burns from Oneida county settled in Scio in 1812, staying there only a year they moved down to Belfast where they re- mained the rest of their lives. Eleazar Burbank and George P. Ketchum began improvements in Caneadea this year. The first school in Hume was taught by Caroline Russell in 1812. Settlement was commenced in Cuba in 1812, by Salmon Abbott, from Luzerne county, Pa., locating near the site of the reservoir. From the proceedings of the board of supervisors for this year, which is far back as the records have been preserved, we learn that the board consisted of six members, the town of Olean (then very large) in Cattaraugus county being by law required to be represented upon the Alle- gany board. The following are their names and the towns they represented; John T. Hyde, Angelica; Thaddeus Bennett, Caneadea; John Griffith, Nunda; Clark Crandall, Alfred; Richard W. Porter, Ossian; and Cornelius Brooks, Olean. The board met at the jail, and adjourned at night to meet at 6 o’clock the next morning. A resolution was passed appropriating $5 to pay Tim- othy H. Porter for “ Pleading for the People vs. Berry, ” acting in the capaci- ty of District Attorney. Eli Griffith and John Mullender were allowed pay for “ going to the lines,” and Robert Hoops, for attending Cold Spring coun- cil, was allowed $8.06. Cattaraugus county was charged one-half of the clerk’s fees $32.50. At the June term of the Court of General Sessions, in 1812, Jasper(?) Clark was indicted for intent to commit murder. Afterward tried and cleared, but was bound to keep the peace, especially toward James McHenry. In 1813 Mark Blanchard and Eber Hotchkiss.erected the. first sawmill in Centerville, and a Mr. Warren built the first gristmill in Rushford. It must have been quite a rude affair for it is said the bolt cloths were book79 Second Decade.—1811-1820. muslin, and the upper stone hung at the end of a shaft from a tub-wheel, with no intermediate gearing. A settlement was made between Alfred Station and Alfred Centre by David Satterlee from ^Rensselaer county, in 1813. The first birth in Wirt occurred in 1813, the new comer being Benjamin Crabtree. At the annual session of the board of supervisors in 1813, it was “ Resolved that in equal- izing the rolls the board establish the following rates: unimproved lands $1 per acre, and improved lands $2 per acre.” Prisoners were taken to the jail at Bath. The Alfred school fund this year was $28.70, and the town at that time comprised all south of Ossian in the eastern range of towns in Al- legany. The town, and a large one at that, of Ischua, Cattaraugus county, was represented on the board this year. Pliny Bannister was the pioneer teacher in Rushford conducting a school in the winter of 1813-14. The first school in what is now Wellsville was taught by Ithamar Brookings in 1814 near the east line in the Dike neighborhood. The first religious services in Amity were held at the house of Samuel Van Campen, by Rev. Robert Hubbard in 1814. This year Rich- ard Hull, Abel Burdick, Stephen Coon and Stephen Coon, Jr., Jesse Whit- ford and James C. Burdick, made beginnings in Alfred. Rev. Dr. N. V. Hull was a son of this Richard Hull. The first postofiice in Almond was established in 1813 qr ’14. Perkins B. Woodward taught the first school in Centerville in the winter of 1813-14. The first religious services in Hume were held at the house of Roger Mills during the war of 1812-14, being con- ducted by missionaries from Rushford and Caneadea. A decided improve- ment in roads now began to appear. The clearings were much enlarged, and fields which were stumpless rewarded the ardent labors of the pioneer with bounteous crops of grass, wheat, corn, oats-and rye. Large bounties were paid for the destruction of wolves, which made havoc among the sheep of the early settlers. Deer were very plenty, and venison constituted quite a percentage of the meat used. The trusty rifle was largely depended on to secure it. Every settler was more or less a hunter, some attaining to rare skill and achieving no little fame. Levi Benjamin from Vermont settled in Rushford in 1815, about a mile north of the village. He was the first postmaster. In 1815, Rodman Place from Rensselaer county settled in Alfred, and David Stillman from the same county, settled near Alfred Centre. The Peaveys settled in the west part of Allen this year, giving their name to the Peavey road. This year came, also, to Bqrns Horatio Tilden, from Avon, and Alvah Cruttenden from LeRoy. Samuel Hunt from Vermont came to Caneadea, and Samuel H. Morgan .to Cuba locating near the Reservoir, while Ebenezer Steenrod made his begin- ning in Friendship. 1816 was distinguished by the erection of carding mills at Friendship and Mills Mills, events of great importance. To each of these in time were added machinery for fulling, dyeing and pressing the home-spun and home- woven cloth made by the pioneer wives and daughters, and which did such80 History of Allegany County, N. Y. good service. “Shoddy” was a thing of the far distant future, and the wearing qualities of garments made from those cloths, were wonderful in- deed. Paris Green, Amos Burdick and Russell Davis from Madison county settled in Alfred this year. This was probably the first Paris Green ever seen in the county, and preceded by an ordinary lifetime the event of the potato-bug! The first house (a log one) where the village of Belfast is was put up in 1816 by Alex. V. P. Chamberlain, and William Miller from Avon settled in Burns, having to cut a road over a mile to reach his land. John Hoyt from Vermont settled in Caneadea immediately erecting the first saw- mill in that town at the mouth of Caneadea Creek. Settlement was com- menced this year in Granger by Reuben Smith, his sons Wilcox and Isaac, and sons-in-law Rufus Turnbull and James McCoon. In 1816 the woods of New Hudson were also made to ring with the axe of its first settler. John Spencer, Matthew P. Cady and others built the first sawmill in Rushford on Caneadea Creek, and Judge James McCall opened the first store in Rushford. Lucy Moore taught the first school in Scio in Silas Knight’s house. 1816 was and is known as “the cold season.” According to all accounts it was in very deed a very cold one; frosts occurring in every month in the year shortened the crops to a mere nothing, but the most pinching times came on the next year. The prospects were dreary when 1817 dawned. In addition to the hard times, which closely succeeded the war, was the general shortage of the limited area of crops. The condition of some of those settlers, who had no teams nor other means to get out to the older settlements for corn and wheat, became before harvest distressing if not alarming. With some leeks were a blessing being some degrees better than nothing as food. Ground- nuts and “putty root” also helped. In cases of dire necessity potatoes that had been planted were dug up and eaten. Ripening grain was eagerly watched, some of the earliest to ripen was harvested, cured as quickly as possible for threshing, placed in a large kettle over a fire and briskly stirred to get in a condition to grind, then hurried off to the nearest mill. Some of the old settlers used to claim in all sincerity that the sweetest cakes and best bread they ever tasted was made from flour thus prepared. In 1817 came Samuel Thatcher from Vermont, and Stephen Collins and Isaac Burdick from Madison county and settled in Alfred, Collins coming all the way on foot, and covering his first log-house with split hollow basswood logs. This year came also Chester Rotch,-----Otto, and------Lefever, and settled at Allen Centre, and a Mrs. Armstrong settled in the southern part of that town. Nathaniel Bennett from Vermont located in the north part of Burns in 1817, journeying all the way with horses and wagons. Luther Houghton, wife and family of five children, settled in the northwest part of Caneadea this year. A small creek in the neighborhood still bears his name as does also the village near where he located, the postoffice, and the Wesleyan seat of learning at that place. Cyrus H. Clement, also from Vermont, settled in Caneadea in 1817, as did Joshua Wilson and sons Simon, Freeman S. and81 Second Decade.—1811-1820. Lewis and Angus McIntosh. Russell Higgins and Packard Bruce built the first gristmill in Centerville this year, and Gen. Calvin T. Chamberlain built in 1817 the first sawmill in Cuba. Ira Hopper from Steuben county bought land and settled in Granger this year. Joel Stockwell, a Vermonter, “ took up” a large farm on the river flats in the extreme northeast corner of Hume in 1817, and Daniel Atherton opened the first public house in West Almond. At the January term of court Medad McKay was indicted for murder. About this time there seems to have been an epidemic of assault and battery cases. Indictment after indictment was found, very many of the parties being pronounced “not guilty” by the jury. In cases where they were held they were fined from $1 to $150; $1.50 to $2.50 being generally the amount imposed. In 1818 Amos Crandall and Samuel Lanphear and families came from Rhode Island and settled in the north part of Alfred, bringing their goods on an ox cart, a horse being hitched on ahead of the oxen. About this time was built the first framed house and barn in Elm Valley, by whom author- ities differ. The first framed house in the valley at Andover was built by Asa S. Allen about this time. Settlements were many this year. John Common from Northumberlandshire, Eng., came to Angelica, John T. Ford to Belfast, James Matthews to Birdsall Centre, Samuel Whipple and Ezra Whiting to Burns, Thos. Worden, Samuel Horton, Oliver Smith, Charles Abbott, James Osmond, and John Wheeler, afterward so well known as supervisor and member of assembly, came to Granger and began improve- ments. The settlement of Grove was commenced in 1818 by John White, from Herkimer county, moving his family in with an ox team; cutting his own road from Nunda. His house, a log structure, which he at once erected, was the first in town. Alexander Bailey came about the same time. Ros- well Gibbs came this year to the northwest part of Hume, and Oliver Austin to Wirt. By an act of the Legislature passed March 19, 1818, it was declared “ That so much of the Genesee river, from the confluence of the Canasaraga creek, up to the bridge near the house of Philip Church, Esquire, in the town of Angelica in the county of Allegany, except from the foot of the falls to the head of the rapids, in the town of Nunda, and so much of said river as is included from the Pennsylvania line down to Phillipburgh Mills, in the said town of Angelica, be, and is hereby declared a public highway: Provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to extend to or affect any mill, or dam for the use thereof, that may have been erected, or the building thereof commenced on either of the said streams of water before the passing of this act. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall hereafter cut or fell any tree or trees into said stream, or roll any log or logs therein, except for the purpose of rafting the same, or place any other obstruction therein and shall not remove the same out of said stream with- in 48 hours thereafter, every such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for every such offense, * * * Provided nevertheless, That if82 History oe Allegany County, N. Y. any person erecting any . mill or other works, on either of the above men- tioned streams, shall cut or dig a sufficient canal, or make a sufficient lock or locks, so that the navigation of the same be not injured by means of such dam or dams, mill or works, such persons shall not be liable to any penalties of this act.” April 10, 1818, an act was passed appointing Thomas Dole of Nunda, John Hoyt of Caneadea, and James McCall of Rushford, commissioners to lay out a road on the west side of the Genesee river through the Caneadea Indian Reservation, and to “ agree with and satisfy the Indians owning and possessing said land, for their reasonable damages for said roads passing through their improved lands,” and $1,000 was appropriated for the pur- pose. In 1819 Joseph Claire from Rensselaer county settled in Alfred and Luther Strong built the first saw-and-gr^st mill in Andover about f of a mile east of the village. Edmund Coats settled in Angelica in 1819. Angelica wras the largest place in the county. All roads were laid with direct refer- ence to reaching the county seat. Many people were called there during ‘ ‘ court week. ’ ’ It was on the line of the Lake Erie Turnpike, and had already become a place of considerable importance, attracting men of means and enterprise as well as the more distinguished in the legal profession. Lewis H. Ford came to Belfast this year (1819) and Stephen Mundy from New Jersey purchased 500 acres in the west part of Burns beginning active operation in clearing and making improvements. Daniel Ingersoll purchased land and began improvements in the north part of Caneadea this year, and Newman Crabtree began the first sawmill in Genesee on Little Genesee Creek. The first birth in Genesee was that of Francis K. Bell and his was the first death, he being born Nov. 25,1819, and dying Dec. 29, 1819. Darling Smith, Curtis Coe and John Bouton settled in the northeast part of Granger. Elijah White came to Grove this year, and “ White settlement” still retains his name. Dexter settled in the northeast part of Hume on the river flats. A burial place was enclosed adjoining his north fine and is still known as the “ Carpenter burying ground. ” Capt. Isaac Van Nostrand, who afterward became a very prominent man in town and county affairs, came to Granger in 1819, and built its first sawmill. In October, 1820, Franklin Cowdery started at Angelica the Angelica Republican, the first newspaper of Allegany. Previous to this the nearest printing-office was at Bath. This was a great convenience to the people and was an event second to no other in this decade. In 1820 the first store in Centerville was opened by Sparrow Smith, and Judge John Griffin located in Cuba, purchasing the lands upon which the village has grown up. The first framed dwelling in Independence was put up this year by John Teater, and the first religious services were held on New Year’s Day at the house of Samuel S. White, Rev. Daniel Babcock a Seventh-day Baptist conducting them. The settlement of Hume village was commenced this year by Sylvanus Hammond building the regulation log house, and Spencer Lyon83 Second Decade.—1811-1820.84 History of Allegany County, N. Y. located in the south part of New Hudson. Abel and Janies Tar bell and Nathan C. Kimball came to Rushford, and Hazard P. Clark settled in the south part of Andover. The first birth in Birdsall occurred this year, that of James E. Matthews, and Bolivar made her first attempt at population, other than by immigration, Almond W. Cowles being the recipient of especial attention upon his birth. Rachael Gilbert, for the extravagant compensation of seventy-five cents per week, taught the first school in Bolivar (in a log school house of course) and was followed the succeeding winter by Austin Cowles, who, in 1820, conducted the first religious services in that town. The first store and public house was opened in what is noV Ward about this time by Joseph Goodrich, who came in 1819. This decade, notwithstanding the existence during the first part of it of discouraging oonditions, >at its close showed a great improvement , over the preceding one. Important roads were opened, and the last years were marked by a large influx of population. More men of means were turning their attention to its inviting prospects; its wealth of pine forests was coining to be considered with reference to and in connection with improved facilities for transportation, and instead of being regarded with abhorrence, “ shied ” around and avoided as undesirable, became the subject for many close cal- culations on the part of capitalists. The older clearings were becoming in many cases well conducted farms showing thrifty husbandry, while new ones were continually being made. The appalling monotony of uninterrupted forest was broken, clearings in some cases connecting with clearings. Vil- lages and hamlets began to>appear. Centerville, Rushford, Pike and Friend- ship had been formed and their supervisors took their seats at the annual meeting of the board. The census taken that year revealed 9,330 inhabitants in the county, which was subdivided into nine towns as appears by the accompanying map. CHAPTER XVI., THIRD DECADE.—1821-1830. IN 1821. Joseph S. Raymond opened the first inn in Belfast, near present village. Henry Bennett settled on theStateroad, in the eastpart of Gran- ger. The first birth of a white child in Grove occurred, that of Laura Bai- ley. The first public house in Scio was opened by Alfred Johnson, in a small log house just south of the town line. The first school in New Hudson was taught this, summer by Mrs. Graham McKean. Philip Appleby from Onondaga county settled in Wirt. It is said that he caught 42 deer in one trap in the course of three or four years. The first marriage in Birdsall85 Third Decade—1821-1830. occurred, the parties being Samuel Van Wickle and Harriet Freeman. As the last decade closed with nine towns in the county, represented by as many supervisors, who annually met at the county seat to transact the county business we give the organization of the board at the commencement of this decade. This year the board of supervisors organized by electing Jesse Bullock chairman, and Amos Peabody clerk. 1822. Elijah Woolworth settled in Alfred, raising some grain on a farm in the west part of the town on which some improvements had already been made. Joseph Jennings settled in the south part of Allen, and Adelbert Root began improvements in Bolivar. An association of early settlers in Bolivar, Christopher Tyler, Luther Austin, Asa and Austin Cowles built the first sawmill in that town near the village. Settlement in Clarksville was commenced by John and Horatio Slayton, a little south of the center. It was then one unbroken woods from Cuba to their purchase and they had to cut a road the entire distance. Joseph Palmer also settled in Clarksville. The first birth in Clarksville that of \Toseph P. Slayton occurred this year. Hannah Scott taught the first school in Birdsall, and the Baptist Church in Friendship was organized with six -members. Jabez Burdick made a chop- ping and built a log house on lot 3 in Genesee, and Samuel Moses settled in the northeast part of Granger. Riley Parker began improvements in Grove, and Jonathan Parsons made the first beginning at Brewer’s Corners. Jacob Baldwin and Stephen Cady built the first gristmill in Cuba on Oil creek, about two miles from the village, and King and Graves opened the first store in Cuba in 1821 or 1822. Jesse and Philip Haseltine settled on lot 74 Independence, building a log house and cutting and logging three acres of an old windfall without the help of a team. “Pudding and milk ” was their chief article of food eaten from wooden troughs with legs. Cal- vin and Samuel Riggs also came, to Independence. The first marriage in New Hudson occurred, that of Earl Gould and Catharine Eastwood. Benj. Palmer built the first sawmill in Scio, and Jonah French made a beginning in Wirt. The town of Hume was erected. The board of supervisors con- sisted of 13 members, Jesse Bullock was made chairman and Amos Peabody clerk. 1823. The first religious services in Birdsall were held at the house of Wm. Dey, by Rev. Robert Hubbard, a Presbyterian. Samuel Davie came to Bolivar, bringing the first span of horses in town, and the only one be- tween “Notch Hill ” in Wirt and Ceres. Ebenezer Kellogg also settled here. In the spring Jabez Burdick was appointed pathmaster, his beat extend- ing nearly seven miles, and his was the only family on it. He and his son worked about 60 days, and used $10 of public money. Blakely and Drake built the first sawmill at Hume village. Abner Comstock settled in the northeast part of Granger, and Beriah Crandall started the first tannery in Independence. Prominent among the early settlers of this year were Jacob McElheny who settled at Black Creek, and C. H. Ingham, who opened a public house (a log one) at Hume.86 History of Allegany County, N. Y. The towns represented on and the members of the board of superr visors were, Angelica, Vial Thomas; Allen, James Wilson; Alfred, Jonathan Lanphere; Almond, Geo. Lockhart; Caneadea, Hiram Gray; Cen- terville, Alfred Forbes; Cuba,\C. T. Chamberlain; Eagle, Torrey Buckley; Friendship, Sylvanus Merriman; Hume, Joshua Skiff; Pike, George Barlow; Rushford, Matthew P. Cady; Nnnda, Geo. Williams; Scio, Nathan Wright; Ossian, Nathaniel Porter; Independence, Nathaniel Covil. Sylvanus Mer- riman was made president and Amos Peabody clerk. Some of the sessions were at Maj. Van Campen’s house, others at the Court House. Joseph Wil- son was sheriff and his bill including fuel was $600.94; $420 interest was. voted to be paid on the $6,000 loaned to *build the court house, clerk’s office and improve roads. $1,000 was parcelled out among the towns for bridges. On the morning of Dec. 30, occurred the first murder (outright) in the county, that of Othello Church of Friendship by David D. How of Angelica, 1824. This year Andover village consisted of one framed building and three log houses, and its first store was opened by Asa S. Allen, the first log school house had been built in 1823. James Adams came from Vermont, with wife and two small children in a lumber wagon drawn by oxen, being 24 days on the road. The first death in Birdsall occurred, that of Leah Riggs, and Wm. Lord erected the first sawmill in that town on Black Creek. Martin and Asher Miner settled in Allen; and Joseph Wells and Roswell Streeter in Genesee: Ira Parker and Daniel Moses began improvements in the northeast part of Granger; Nathanael Covil built the first gristmill in Whitesville, and James Maxwell one at Spring Mills, the first ones in Independence. Smith Dexter and Ebenezer Parker also settled in Inde- pendence. Micah Hall came to Rushford, and John, Joseph and Matthew Engle and Oliver and Daniel Dean settled in West Almond. Pliny Evans settled in Wirt and H. B. Newton made a beginning in Bolivar. On the “ third Friday in March ’’ occurred the first execution in the county, David D. How being hung. People came from great distances to witness it. The. gallows was erected on the north side of the square near the present Charles Hotel. Belfast and Andover were erected, the former taken from Canea^ dea, as Orrinsburgh, the latter from Alfred. 1825. Stanley Gleason settled in Belfast, and H. B. Newton and Asa> Cowles opened a store in u Root Hollow ” Bolivar. Theodore Halsted came to Cuba. The first Methodist Episcopal Church in Birdsall was formed by Rev. Eleazar Dewey. Ezekiel Crandall, Riverious Hooker, Jr. and John Loop settled in Genesee in December, and James D. McKean opened the first store in Hume village. Nathaniel E. Mills opened a store at Mill’s Mills, and started an ashery. The Indians would bring ashes in bags from the Reservation and exchange them for goods and trinkets. New Hudson was set off from Rushford as Haight, which name it carried until 1837, and Bolivar was taken from Friendship. The board of supervisors this year consisted of 20 members representing as many towns. The board met Nov. 15, and organized by choosing Sylvanus Merriman president and Edward RenwickThird Decade—1821-1830. 87 clerk. The next morning they met at the public house of Alexander DAu- tremont, and removed Mr. Renwick and elected Matthew P. Cady clerk. A state census was taken this year and the enumerators’ bills were audited by the board, calling them “marshals,” their accounts ran from $5.62 to $32.50. The amount of bridge money raised was $188.16. The bounty on wolves was raised from $5 to $10. John Ayers was appointed to superin- tend repairs to the court house. 1826. Burns was set off from Ossian. Alien received quite an acces- sion to its population by the settlement of James and Samuel Willison, James, John, Robert, George and William Burthwick. A postoffice was established at Hume village with C. G. Ingham P. M. and the first public house in Burns village was opened by Simeon D. Brown. A Methodist Episcopal Church at Short Tract was organized by Elder Buell, and Emily Page taught the first school in Grove in John White’s log cabin. Jared C. Hurd settled at Black Creek, New Hudson, and Simeon Brown in Ward. Ege Pierson made a beginning north of Allen Centre. Calvin T. Chamber- lain was elected president of the board of supervisors and Amos Peabody clerk. Alvin Burr was appointed treasurer. The enormous sum of $15 was voted to repair court house, jail and clerk’s .office. It was voted to appro- priate $25 for a stove and pipe for the court house, but it turned out to cost- forty. A resolution was passed directing Nicholas Van Wickle to make maps of the county and the several towns providing the cost shall not exceed $100. The county this year paid $285 bounty on 17 old and 28 young wolves, and the state paid $225. Allen paid ten dollars bounty to Aaron Hale for one fullgrown wolf, and* Cuba seemed to be especially infested with wild cats eight being killed, the killers receiving a bounty of one dollar. On August 31st at the council house on Buffalo Creek a treaty with the Seneca Indians was concluded, at which, for $48,216 they parted forever with their .title to the Caneadea Reservation, and the whites were allowed to purchase and occupy this desirable territory. This was one of the most important events of this decade. The Legislature April 12th passed an act authorizing Samuel King, Asa Lee Davidson and Martin Butts to erect a dam across the Genesee river at Belfast. 1827. The first death in Ward occurred, that of Luther Powell, and the first school in Clarksville was taught by Maria McDougal. Andrew Clark settled in Allen, John Coller in Cuba, D. P. Carnahan in Friendship and John Cook and Marmaduke Aldrich in Granger. The first Genesee Seventh-day Baptist Church at Little Genesee village was organized with 14 members, by Wm. B. Maxson and John Green. Grove was erected this year, and 23 towns were represented on the board of supervisors. C. T. Chamberlain was made president and Amos Peabody clerk. Some sessions were held at the house of Hugh Magee. Alvin Burr was re-elected treasurer. The county paid $156 bounty on eleven fullgrown and eight young wolves, and the state paid $102.50 as bounties. This was the first year in which justices of the peace were elected. Governor Clinton recommended “ the survey of88 History of Allegany County, N. Y. a route for a canal, to unite the Erie canal at Rochester with the Allegany river.” And so among the intelligent and discerning the hope of improved methods of transporting the products of farm and forest to the seaboard markets was kindled, and people began to take courage. 1828. Isaac N. Town opened the first store in Canaseraga, and the first inn in Clarksville was kept by Daniel S. Carpenter. Allen received quite a start in the settlement of Henry Burt, Thomas Cole, Robert K. King, Jared Atwater, Uriah Cook, Solomon Woodworth, Austin Mundy and Henry Laight. Elias Hull opened the first public house in Birdsail and Joseph B. Welch the first store. Elias Scott settled in Bolivar, David S. German in Cuba, Rowland Coon, Dea. George Potter, and Daniel and John Edwards began operations in Genesee. The first religious services in Clarksville were held at the house of Nelson Hoyt, by the Methodists. The first settle- ment at Wiscoy, in Hume, was made by Lawrence Wilkes, a blacksmith, and a sawmill was built by Ebenezer Mix of Batavia. This year came to Inde- pendence, Lewis B. Pitch, to New Hudson Benjamin Whipple, to Willing John Graves, and John Scott to Wirt. The board of supervisors was organ- ized by electing C. T. Chamberlain chairman and Nicholas Van Wickle clerk. Some of the sessions were held at Hugh Magee’s house. Alvin Burr was again elected treasurer. The president by vote was directed to sign a memorial for toll bridge across the Genesee at Belvidere. The court house debt still remained unpaid, and $420 was voted to be paid as interest thereon. $100 was voted to repair court house, clerk’s office and jail, and $10 appro- priated to pay for a county seal. 13 fullgrown wolves and one, whelp were reported, for which the county paid $67.50 and the istate $62.50. The need of a county almshouse began to be apparent and was shown by this resolu- tion passed by the board: “ Resolved that the president sign the petition in behalf of this board to the Legislature, praying for the passage of a law authorizing the supervisors of the county of Allegany to loan money and build a poorhouse, and that James Wilson, Jesse Bullock, William Hicks, Asa S. Allen and Lazarus S. Rathbon be a committee to superintend the same.” This year a survey was made of a canal route from Rochester to Olean. 1829. The First Baptist Church of Andover was organized with twelve members. Stephen Wilson settled in Belfast and Jeremiah Beebe in Cuba. Elliott Smith and Ebenezer D. Bliss began improvements in Genesee, and Abram Lampman and Salmon Remington came to Granger, and Henry Torry opened a public house at Mixville as Wiscoy had come to be called. NelsonP. Coats settled in Independence, Asa Parks in Willing, and John Scott in Wirt, and many improvements were observed in all sections. 1830. Amity and Genesee were erected, Amity from Angelica, and Genesee from Cuba. Orrin Kingsley and Isaac Wheeler opened a store at Mixville and Dr. Keyes settled there, its first physician. Nelson McCall established a store at Black Creek corners New Hudson. Jeremiah Burdick and Leonard Daniels settled in Bolivar, and Samuel S. Ayers in Cuba. 26History of Allegany County, N. Y. 90 ' towns were represented on the board of supervisors. Clark Crandall was elected chairman, and L. Rathbon clerk. Alvin Burr was again elected treasurer. Before this but five committees had been appointed and those mostly special. Now it was “ resolved that the chair appoint all committees considered necessary to transact the business of the board.” Among the rules adopted was this, ‘ ‘ Art. 3. No spirituous liquors shall be brought or drank in the room while the Board are in session, nor smoking (allowed) in the same during the session.” The committee on equalization reported as follows: Alfred and Allen $1.65, Almond $1.75, Amity and Birdsall $1.35, Ando vet and Scio $1.03, Angelica $2.50, Belfast $1.56, Bolivar, Genesee and Independ- ence $1.06, Burns and Friendship $1.55, Caneadea and Rushford $1.60, Cen- terville and Hume $1.70, Cuba and Grove $1.50, Eagle $1.45, Haight $1.40, Nunda$2.70, Ossian $1.70, Portage $2.85, Pike $3.45. Some dissatisfaction in regard to the report being expressed the subject was reopened and Amity, * Friendship and Hume were raised each 15c. on the acre, Centerville 10c. and Rushford 5c. A resolution was passed to raise $500 for a bridge near ’ Church’s, and $300 for one near the Transit, or, if committee considered it advisable, to appropriate the whole $800 to build a bridge between the two places. Richard Charles was appointed physician to the jail. Mr. Hull, of Birdsall, from the committee on poorhouse, suggested abol- ishing all distinction between town and county poor, recommended the ap- pointment of superintendents of the poor; that they be authorized and instructed to purchase a farm not exceeding 200 acres, and commence erect- ing buldings for the poor, and to loan money not to exceed $3,000. The report.was accepted, resolutions passed and Messrs. Van Nostrand, Hull, Lockhart, Gordon and Merrick were appointed to make nominations for superintendents. S. S. Haight, Angelica; Lorenzo Dana, Friendship; An- drew C. Hull, Birdsall; Stephen Major, Almond and Wm. P. Wilcox, Nunda, were nominated and elected the first county superintendents of the poor in Allegany. A new bell was ordered for the court house at $100; S. S. Haight was appointed to attend a meeting of the Bath and Lake Erie Turnpike Com- pany. The sheriff’s account for the year was $525. “ Expenses for county purposes, $1,475.75, Wolf Bounties $467.50, Bridge Money $1,000, Paid on Court House debt $2,315.” One panther, 23 wolves and 18 whelps were accounted for. This decade was distinguished for rapid increase in population, and the large number of new towns erected. The board of supervisors was fast assum- ing the proportions and dignity of a real legislative body. School-houses and churches were being erected, and a general appearance of thrift and enter- prise was plainly observable. An enumeration of the inhabitants was made by United States marshals and the population found to be 26,276. By an act of the Legislature passed April 17th, a “Survey of a canal route from Rochester to the Allegany river ” was directed. It is not learned that the survey was made.91 Fourth Decade.—1831-1840. CHAPTER XVII. FOURTH DECADE.—1831-1840. IN 1831 the first gristmill in Granger was erected by Luzon and Lewis Van Nostrand. By actof Legislature of February 19, a part of Can- eadea was annexed to Belfast, making the township lines of the Holland Land Company the town fine. April 21, a bill passed the Legislature making pro- vision for a bridge across the Genesee river near the mouth of Caneadea creek, and naming David Hitchcock, Timothy Rice, and Arad H. Franklin commissioners to superintend its building, their compensation to be “$1 per day.” April 26, a bill was passed appointing Nathan Rumsey, Henry C, Jones and James Sprague commissioners to lay “a public highway, or so alter the present ones as to make one continuous road from the village of Angelica in the county of Allegany, on the best and most practicable ground and shortest distance, to the village of Batavia in the county of Genesee.” The first Methodist Episcopal Church of Whitesville was organized with about 25 members by Rev. J. D. McKenney. Orlin Marsh settled in New Hudson, and Henry Hagadorn and Lot. Harris in Willing. The board of supervisors organized by electing Janies Wilson chairman and Nicholas Van Wickle clerk. In 1830 $200 was raised to purchase the right of Geo. Williams and Others, to a bridge at Portageville, and Geo. Williams and his associates re- fused to accept of any consideration, but were willing to give it to the public, so the $200 was directed “ to be laid out on such bridge, as might be directed by the town of Portage upon Williams and others assigning the right to the public.” $2,885.31 was raised to discharge the debt incurred for the con- struction of court house, clerk’s office and repair and improvement of roads. A resolution was passed appropriating $2,500 to defray expense of building poor house. $1,200 was appropriated for extraordinary expenses. James Wilson was directed to employ counsel to defend a suit brought by Philip Church against the county. It was ordered that the county treasurer give bonds in the sum of $10,000. We give the towns and their population in 1830, and the amount of school money assigned to it for this year. Alfred, 1,416 pop., $73.77; Allen, 898pop., $46.78; Almond, 1,804pop., $93.98; Amity, 872 pop., $45.43; Andover, 598 pop., $31.16; Angelica, 998 pop., $51.99; Belfast, 743 pop., $38.71; Birdsall, 543 pop., $28:29; Bolivar, 449 pop., $23.39; Burns, 702 pop., $36.57; Caneadea, 782 pop., $40.74; Centerville, 1,195 pop., $62.27; Cuba, 1,059 pop., $55.17; Eagle, 892 pop., $46.47; Friendship, 1,502 pop., $78.25; Genesee, 219 pop., $11.41; Grove, 1,388 pop., $72,31; Haight, 655 pop., $34.13; Hume, 951 pop., $49.55; Independence, 877 pop., $45.70; Nunda, 1,291 pop., $67.26; Ossian, 812 pop., $42.31; Pike, 2,016 pop., $105.03; Portage, 1,839 pop., $95.81; Rushford,92 History of Allegany County, N. Y. . ....................' 4 ' 1 : ....."" ‘ * 1,115 pop., $58.09; Scio, 602 pop., $31,37. Andrew C. Hull, Samuel S. Haight, Moses Smith, Amos Burdick, Jr., and James Wilson were elected superin- tendents of poor. $6 was appropriated to purchase a desk for the surrogate, and Peter Cherry was appointed to do the necessary printing. 1832. But little legislation directly affecting Allegany was passed. April 20, the Legislature passed an act authorizing Harvey H. May to erect a dam across the Genesee river in Amity. The old Lake Brie Turnpike hav- ing become an undesirable thing with its tollgates exacting fare from every passer-by, its demoralized management ignoring the conditions of its franchise, a bill was passed April 25th declaring thirty miles of the east end of it a public highway. Henry Winn settled in Willing and Benjamin Van Fleet in New Hudson. The first Baptist Church in Richburg was organized by Rev. Eliab Bowen, and the first store in West Almond was opened by Samuel M. Eddy. No new towns were formed this year, neither is it re- corded that any first settlement of towns were made. There was however quite an influx of immigration, and the old settlements were considerably en- larged.' The older farms were putting on the appearance of the eastern towns from whence our pioneers emigrated .and things began to look com- fortable and wear a home-like appearance. The board of supervisors met November 13th and organized by electing Wm. Welch chairman and Sam’l Van Wickle clerk. The first business done was to appoint John Simons, Tarbell Gordon and David Stillman a committee to make arrangements for board, etc. They soon reported that Daniel McHenry would board and lodge them at the rate of $2 per week, keep a horse for 62^c. per week, and would keep up fires and furnish candles in addition to board and lodging at 75c. per day all told. The board adopted the report and availed themselves of the terms offered. Under an act of the Legislature the board of supervisors and the judges of the county, five in number, elected by joint ballot the county superin- tendents of the poor. They elected James Wilson, Moses Smith, Jonas Wellman and Samuel S. Haight. Asa S. Allen was elected treasurer and Patrick Gregg physician to the poorhouse. On motion of Jesse Angel of Almond it was “ Resolved that the county of Allegany and the several towns interested in that part of the Bath and Lake Erie Turnpike lying between the western termination thereof and the house of Jesse B. Gibbs in Almond release and forever quit claim the same as a public highway.” And the old turnpike became a common road. A petition to the Legislature was signed asking for the passage of a law requiring the supervisors, town clerks and' justices of the peace to audit town accounts on the Friday next succeeding election. Benj. F. Smead’s bill for printing in 1831 was allowed at $19. Jesse Bullock’s account as sheriff was $765.22. The county paid for 14 grown wolves and ten whelps $190, and the state paid $95. First formal annual report from the county treasurer. Capitalists had begun to visit the county with an eye to investments, and some of our people had prospered to an extent which naturally calledFourth Decade.—1831-1840. 9394 History of Allegany County, N. Y. attention to the assessment rolls to learn if possible the extent of their accumulations. The tax rolls however gave but little intimation of aggrega- tions of wealth, and the matter came to be the subject of talk and discussion. So the board at this session resolved that the clerk and assistant clerk direct a circular letter to the several town clerks in regard to the assessment of personal property. Luther Couch a justice of the peace of Hume was allowed $4.75 on skunk certificates. Luther C. Peck and George Miles were retained by the county to defend a suit brought by Philip Church. 1833. April 15th West Almond was formed from parts of Angelica, Almond and Alfred, and the first sawmill was erected'there. Settlement was begun in Alma by Warren Hough and------Longcore. Albert B. Crandall commenced operations in Genesee, teaching a school the next winter and chopping by moonlight. Henry C. Champlin settled on Dodge Creek, Gene- see. The Erie canal had changed the direction of shipment of the surplus crops from the Susquehanna route to the seaboard via Bath and Hornellsville to the more feasible and shorter Genesee river route northward where the canal gave the settlers better markets at the new cities of Buffalo and Rochester, and they became anxious for a lateral canal connecting with the Erie to furnish easier transportation for their surplus grain and the wealth of their forests. A meeting at Geneseo in 1825, held under a call signed by Philip Church, Daniel H. Fitzhugh, Wm. H. Spencer, Ira West, Jonathan Child and Heman Norton, was the first step in an organization which secured favorable legislation for “a canal from Rochester along the valley of the Genesee and Canaseraga and of a canal from Genesee river to some point on the Allegany river. ” Only two or three bridges as yet spanned the Genesee. Canoes, skiffs and rafts were extensively used, while, in low water, the many shallows afforded good places for fording. 1834. The Third Seventh-day Baptist Church in Genesee was organized with 12 members, and in Independence the 1st Seventh-day Baptist Church was organized by Rev. Stillman Coon with 40 members. Charles Rogers and Enos Gifford settled in Willing, Heeding the importunities of the people along the Genesee Valley the Legislature passed an act authorizing a survey of a route for a canal to connect the Erie canal and the Allegany river, and the survey was made under the direction of J. C. Mills. Only the part relating to town and county audits can be found of the proceedings of the board of supervisors for this year. The poorhouse had been completed and was furnishing food and shelter for 92 inmates. 10 wolves and 27 whelps were paid for this year the sum being $235. The state also paid $89.50. This year James Pinkerton of Caneadea killed an old wolf and 11 young ones. April 30th an act passed the Legislature authorizing and directing the survey of a canal route from Rochester to Olean, and May 1st another directing the survey of a road from Hammondsport to Angelica. 1835. The Third Baptist Church of Cuba with 22 members was organ- ized by Rev. Mr. Tuttle, also the first Baptist Church in Hume with 22 members by Elders James Reed, J. C. Sangster and A. Miner. The Bap-95 Fourth JZm&ftim.—1831-1840. tists of West Almond also organized with 88 members, with Rev. J. P. Evans as first pastor. Jacob Truax settled in Willing. 27 towns were represented upon the board. Josiah Utter was chosen chairman and S. C. Wilson clerk. The state paid $67.50 for ten grown wolves and seven whelps. Lindsley Jos- lyn, Richard Charles, Matthew P. Cady, Jesse Angel and Ezra Smith were elected county superintendents of the poor. The board resolved to raise $500 toward a bridge at Buttsville (Belfast). The most disastrous flood in the Genesee river and some of its tributuaries occurred this year. Old settlers speak of it as the u great flood,” and it has since been used as a time marker. The water reached its greatest height October 19th it having rained hard for two or three days. Large quantities of corn were destroyed. Not a bridge was left upon the Genesee river from Rochester to Pennsylvania. Fences, houses, barns, mills and dams were taken away and much loss and great inconvenience followed. Calvin T. Chamb erlain was elected member of the Assembly. Clarksville was set off from Cuba, and an act was passed incorporating the village of Angelica. 1836. A select school started in Alfred by Bethuel Church, the begin- ning of Alfred University. The first white child born in Alma, Emeline Hurlbutt. John Whiting made the first settlement in Fillmore. Baptists’ first house of worship in Hume erected, and first school taught in Willing by Betsey Lovell. The board of supervisors consisted of 28 members and organized with Josiah Utter chairman and T. I. Lyon clerk. Richard Charles, Elias Hull and Ezra Smith, elected superintendents of the poor. Charles D. Robinson appointed physician to the jail. Asa S. Allen resigned the office of county treasurer, accepted. The judge and supervisors elected Andrew C. Hull county treasurer; Thomas Smith “ sealer.” State paid for seven wolves $35 and the county for six $30. The bill of George Miles dis- trict attorney was $466.08. Sheriff Moses Smith’s bill was $1,008.32 and the superintendents of the poor drew $2,256. The Church lawsuit was still on and a bill of $125 for fees of Azor Tabor and M. T. Reynolds was allowed, as assistant counsel. Allegany was entitled to elect two members of the As- sembly, and C. T. Chamberlain was re-elected and Azel Fitch elected. May 12th an act was passed to incorporate Angelica academy. May 13th a bill was passed authorizing the supervisors of the counties embracing the Hol- land Purchase to obtain from the Holland Company, and have the various county clerks record or file, “ such field-notes, maps, books and other statis- tical information” as they should decide to ask for and “ the local agents consent to furnish. ” A good move. Was ever anything down about it? 1837. First public house in Alma by Azor Hurlbutt, and first death in Willing, a young child of Austin Butler. By an act of the Legislature “ that part .of Little Genesee creek, extending from the sawmill now owned and occupied by Messrs. T. and M. Cowles, in Bolivar in the county of Allegany, to the Pennsylvania line is hereby declared a public highway.” April 4th the name of the town of Haight was changed to New Hudson. The Allegany Mutual InsuranceCompany was incorporated by act of the Legislature passed96 History of Allegany County, N. Y. April 13th. The bill provided that “Jesse Angel, Benedict Bagley, Ezra Smith, Edward H. Johnson, Richard Charles, Augustus A. Common, Gilbert B. Champlain, William A. Kirkpatric, OrletonN. Messenger, Milton McCall, Ransom Lloyd, Lawrence Hull, Hiram Wilson, John B. Church and Samuel King, and all other persons, who may hereafter associate with them in the manner hereinafter prescribed, shall be a corporation, by the name of 4 The Allegany Mutual Insurance Company/ for the purpose of insuring their respective dwelling-houses, stores, and other property against loss or dam- age by fire.” This company continued for ten years when it closed, assess- ments having become so frequent and oppressive as to make a member- ship in the company undesirable. The board of supervisors organized by electing Josiah Utter chairman and Thomas J. Dwyer clerk. Ezra Smith, Alanson Burr, John Brathwait, Samuel C. Wilson and Chauncey F. Clark were elected county superintendents of the poor. There were two newspa- pers published in the county, and the board resolved to print the official can- vass in each. The bounty on wolves was placed at $10, a resolution having been offered to fix it at $20 and lost. The judges’ seats in the court house having become worn it was resolved that $20 be raised for the purchase of five chairs for the judges, and that the judges be a committee to secure the same. $50 was voted for stoves and pipes and fixing fire-places in the county poor house. A bridge having been commenced at Burrville (Canea* dea) and more funds needed $200 was voted to complete it, and $78.05 appro- priated to purchase a set of weights and measures for the county. It was considered that $25 would pay for necessary repairs to the court house, and $20 was voted to build a fence around the back yard of the court house. Only $55 were paid in wolf bounties, this was for three old and five young ones. Alexander S. Diven presented a bill as district attorney for $301.30 and George Miles, for same service, $279.02. Seth H. Pratt, of Hume and Samuel Russell of Alfred were elected to the assembly. 1838. The first religious services in Alma were held by Rev. Reuben Kent. First public house in Fillmore opened on the hill west of the route of the canal, by Abner Leet. The First Baptist Church of Whitesville organ- ized with 11 members by Rev. John B. Chase. A Presbyterian Church organized by Revs. Lemuel Hull, Phineas Smith and A. S. Allen. Work on the Gene see ^Valley Canal was being prosecuted, and the construction of the Erie Railroad commenced, which stimulated the hopes and lightened the labors of our people. Both lines were to pass through the county. July 26th occurred one of the most fearful wind storms that ever visited the county. Its tract covered a width of three-fourths of a mile. Scarce a tree was left standing in its course. Houses, barns, wagons, all things in its way were hurled to the ground, and in some instances "moved quite a dis- tance. Wm. V. Ayers was living in the track, though not in the midst of its worst effects, with his wife and child he escaped injury by seeking the shelter of the milk-house. Stephen Wilson had a horse killed. The water in the river was swooped up leaving the channel for a few minutes dry. The mudFourth Decade.—1881-1840. 97 and water were scattered over everything in reach, and, near the Transit, the soil from a field was swept completely off plow-deep. The storm came from the west and passed in a southeast direction, crossing the Genesee a little below the Transit bridge. Its effects were seen for years. But one evidence of this storm remains, a pine stub lying in the stump fence north of the Transit school-house. The board of supervisors, 28 members, organ- ized by choosing Wm. Welch chairman, and Thos. J. T. Dryer clerk. James Matthews, Jason Hunt and J. B. Welch were appointed a committee to obtain board, etc. The board in joint action with the judges appointed Ezra Smith and Chauncey F. Clark, county superintendents of the poor, and CQuld agree upon no others so they dissolved the joint meeting. Nine wolves and 16 whelps were paid for, bounty allowed, $170. A. S. Diven was dis- trict attorney, his bill for services was $482.78. Considerable dissatisfac- tion being felt in regard to the non-assessment of personal property, this preamble and resolution was passed: “Whereas it is evident that the assessors in many of the towns have neglected to make a correct assessment of personal property in their several towns, which neglect operates unjustly on those towns which do assess the same, therefore, Resolved by this board that any assessor who shall hereafter neglect to ascertain and assess the personal property of his town according to the best information he can obtain, shall be presented to the Grand Jury, for indictment.’’ 44 Resolved that a copy of the foregoing preamble and- resolution, be taken by each supervisor, and read at the next town meeting in his town.” Seth H. Pratt of Hume and William Welch of De Witts Valley were this year elected to the Legislature. Granger was April 18th formed from Grove as West Grove. Wirt was erected from Friendship and Bolivar. 1839. Asgil S. Dudley opened the first store in Fillmore, and Zebina Dickinson and Oliver Ackerman settled in Willing. March 6th the name of the town of West Grove was changed to Granger. Work on the Genesee Valley Canal had been put under contract, and work was being actively pros- ecuted, furnishing opportunities for many to work with teams and other- wise, thus earning money to help them over the hard places. A great in- flux of foreigners, mostly Irish, occurred about this time, the inducement being the “public works.” The First M. E. Church of Andover organized with 11 members by Rev. Samuel Nichols. Benjamin Burlingame was chairman of the board of supervisors, Isaac G. Freeman clerk, Elias Hull, Ithamar Smith, Reuben Weed, Samuel C. Wilson and Abner Adams county superintendents of the poor. A motion to remove* the county treasurer, A. C. Hull, was carried by one majority. Ransom Lloyd was then appointed county treasurer and his bail fixed at $40,000. The stock of the county in the New York and Erie Turnpike was sold to Hon. P. Church, for $200. A panther bounty of $2.50 and on 9 wolves at $5 were paid for. First compli- mentary, resolution to chairman on record was passed by the board. 1840. This decade closes with increasing prosperity. Work had been commenced on the Erie Railroad and the Genesee Valley Canal. Mills were98 History of Allegany County, N. Y. being erected, and lumber manufactured in large quantities, which sought markets by way of Olean and the Allegany river, Hornellsville and the Cohocton, and Mt. Morris and the Genesee Valley and Erie canals. A better class of buildings of all kinds was observable, and people were becoming contented and happy. This year was distinguished by the great presidential campaign, in which “Tippecanoe and Tyler too ” and many other songs were sung and which actually wafted Gen. William Henry Harrison into the presi- dential chair on a tidal wave of campaign mqlody, over Martin Van Buren the Democratic candidate. This tabulated statement from the records of the board of supervisors, shows the valuation of the real and personal prop- erty of the several towns: Angelica, personal $12,866, real and personal $204,866; Almond, $5,825, $200,825; Allen, $800, $114,800; Alfred, $9,874, $179,874; Andover, $205, $116,205; Amity, $8,034, $221,034; Belfast, $720, $140,720; Birdsall, ——, $90,000; Bolivar, $1,813, $81,813; Burns, $11,230, $119,230; Caneadea, $2,330, $169,330; Centerville, $11,440, $171,440; Clarksville, $276, $72,276; Cuba, $2,235, $172,235; Eagle, $1,700, $131,700; Friendship, $6,910, $146,910; Genesee, $650, $82,650; Grove, $180, $88,180; Granger, $2,525, $134,525; Hume, $6,450, $251,450; Independence, $1,900, $166,900; New Hudson, $1,000, $128,000; Nunda, $33,134, $383,134; Ossian, $6,033, $126,033; Portage, $13,500, $383,500; Pike, $23,140, $345,140; Rushford, $19,784, $219,784; Scio, $389, $250,389; West Almond, $4,376, $101,376; Wirt, $3,175, $118,175. There were 30 towns represented on the board of supervisors. W. Hicks was elected chairman and Wm. P. Angel was chosen clerk. Alexander S. Diven’s bill as District Attorney was $371.72. Reuben Weed, Abner Adams, Jonathan Smith, Sam’l C. Wilson and Henry Stevens were elected county superintendents of the poor. H. W. Bullock attended the board and furnished fuel and lights for 119. The com- mittee to visit the poorhouse reported 57 inmates, number received during the year 84, and the average number of inmates 42. CHAPTER XVIII. FIFTH DECADE.—1841-1850. WHEN this decade opened the county presented a lively and prosperous spectacle. Work on the Genesee Valley canal and the Erie railroad was being pushed rapidly forward, the great number of common laborers, workmen and artisans employed made a good home-market for the surplus products of the farms, and, besides’, many farmers availed themselves of the opportunity to employ their teams upon the public works, for which they received a fair renumeration, thus helping them out in their payments uponFifth Decade—1841-1850. 99 their places. Money was reasonably plenty, and it was a time of quite general prosperity. 1841. Thirty towns were represented upon the board of supervisors this year. Samuel Russell was chosen chairman, and Samuel Van Wickle clerk. A change was made in the administration of the affairs of the com- mon schools. The old office of town inspector of common schools was abol- ished and deputy superintendents of common schools were elected, one for the northern and one for the southern district. Wm. C. Kenyon was chosen for the southern, and Abraham Burgess for the northern district. The superintendents of the poor elected this year were Joshua Vincent, Tarbell Gordon, John Powers, Nathaniel Olney, and Alvin Burr. The whole amount of taxes spread upon the county this year was $10,628.07. Lorenzo Dana and Horace Hunt were elected to the assembly. Alexander S. Diven was elected district attorney. The account of Wilkes Angel, the retiring district attorney, was audited at $816.68. On the 6th of October, 1841, a meeting was held at the court house at Angelica, at which the Allegany County Agricultural Society was organized with the following officers: President, Wm. G. Angel; vice-presidents, John Ayers, George Lockhart, Orra Stillman, James Wilson, Jr., Andrew Baker, Wm. Van Campen, Stephen Wilson, Jr., John Boles, Martin Butts, Stephen Mundy, Rodman Freeborn, Wm. A. Stacy, Edward H. Johnson, Peter Leroy, David T. Hamilton, Josiah Utter, Isaac Van Nostrand, John White, Jabez Burdick, Luther Couch, Samuel C. Clark, John Seaver, Asa K. Allen, Jacob Clendening, John Jones, James Perkins, James McCall, Abraham Middaugh, Jesse R. Gibbs, and Jonah French; recording secretary, A. S. Diven; corre- sponding secretary, Ransom Lloyd; treasurer, Alvin Burr; board of mana- gers, Vial Thomas, Stephen Woodruff, Charles Maxson, Brice Carr, Hiram Harmon, John Simons, William Brown, James Matthews, Eli Lasure, Noah Smith, Elias Smith, Levi Latham, Wm. Duncan, Moses Parsons, Stephen Wing, Hollis Scott, Samuel Jones, Reuben Weed, Hiram Wilson, Oliver M. Russel, Samuel S. White, Calvin B. Lawrence, Isaac Andrews, Joshua Rathbun, Moses Smith, A. F. Messenger, Abram J. Lyon, William Knight, John Lockhart, and Daniel Willard. The society thus formed still exists. It has had its seasons of prosperity and adversity, as with all such institu- tions, has grounds well adapted for its purposes, and holds a fair every year at Angelica. 1842. Work on the Genesee Valley canal and Erie railroad was sus- pended this year; on the former owing to a change in the state administra- tion, and policy regarding the prosecution of public works; and on the latter on account of “hard times ” to obtain money for its prosecution. This made our people feel sad, and though their hopes were not entirely blasted their hearts were made sick. Thirty towns were this year represented upon the board of supervisors; Wm. Hicks was made chairman, and Lewis D. Simons clerk. Abraham Burgess was allowed $827.50 for services as deputy superintendent of common schools, Wm. C. Kenyon $106, and L. H.100 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Maxson $72; the two latter for the southern district. The whole amount of taxes levied in the county this year was $15,317.98. The propagation of silk worms and the production of silk it would seem was receiving some atten- tion at this time, judging from this quotation from the proceedings of the board of supervisors: “ The certificate of Jonathan E. Parmalee and Ephraim Smith having been presented to the board by which it appears that Otis Ward has raised 9 15-16 pounds silk cocoons, and Arad French 25i pounds; on motion, resolved that the amount specified in said certificate be allowed, and that the treasurer of the county of Allegany pay to the bearer thereof 15 cents for each pound of cocoons above mentioned.” Samuel C. Wilson was elected county treasurer, and Hiram Wilson and Ralph C. Spencer were elected deputy superintendents of common schools. Bids for the county printing were received, that of E. C. Palmer for $25 and that of Purdy & Horton for $24.75, the latter was awarded the work. Number of paupers in the county poorhouse, 47; smallest number at any time during the year 33. The proceedings of the board of supervisors for 1843 are missing. Samuel C. Wilson was appointed first judge this year. 1844. The number of towns was still 30, and Robert Flint was made, chairman and Samuel Van Wickle clerk of the board of supervisors; Andrews A. Norton, Ephraim Smith, John Powers, Norman Howes and Ithamar Smith were elected superintendents of the poor. District attorneys Wilkes Angel and M. B. Champlain were allowed claims, the former $105.41, the latter $195.75. Alfred Lockhart was elected treasurer, Ralph C. Spencer and J. J. Rockafellow deputy superintendents of common schools, the former being allowed $483, and the latter $308, for services the past year. The number of paupers in the county poorhouse at time of visitation was 34. David Brown’s bill for wood, lights and attendance, during session .of the board was $15. Dennis B. Chapin from the southern and Samuel Blodgett from the northern district were chosen'pupils to attend the state normal school at Albany, the first in the county. Martin Grover of Angelica, then known to many as the “ ragged lawyer,” was elected to Congress, the dis- trict comprising the counties of Allegany and Steuben. Nathaniel Coe of Nunda and John G. Collins of Angelica were elected to the assembly. Sam- uel C. Wilson was appointed surrogate. 1845. In 1845 Horace Hunt was chosen chairman of the board of super- visors, and Samuel Van Wickle clerk. A claim for bounty on ten pounds of silk cocoons at $1.50 was allowed, the last appearance upon the records of that industry. Candles and sperm oil were still used for illuminating pur- poses, and Sheriff Brown was directed to purchase “ four pairs of snuffers, and shovel and tongs for use in the court house.” Postage was still very- high; in an account of A. Lockhart, an item* ‘4 Postage on letter from Utica, 19 cents ” appears. A bounty of $30 was allowed for two wolves killed, the state also paying $10. This is the last mention of wolves in the proceedings, of the board of supervisors. It is perhaps proper and is certainly interest-Fifth Decade.—1841-1850. 101 ing to note that in the 27 years of which we have the data, 1,255 wolves and panthers were reported and “ certified to ” as having been killed; for which bounties aggregating $19,496 were paid by the county and state, not includ- ing town bounties. From the organization of the county, or rather from 1808, the time of the first possible meeting of the board of supervisors, there are 10 years for which no data can be found. Now, if the ten years for which the accounts are missing, were up to the average of those accounted for, there must have been as many as 1,746 wolves and panthers killed, from 1808 to 1845 inclusive, at a cost to state and county of $26,679.70. The records reveal nothing as to bounties on bears, but panthers were included in and rated the same as wolves, only 3 however were reported. This of course indicates that panthers ^yere not frequently found, and that bears, if some- what numerous, were not aggressive or troublesome. Nathaniel Coe and John G. Collins were re-elected to the assembly. Marshall B. Champlain was appointed district attorney. 1846. At the general state election, Nov. 4, 1845, a convention was ordered for the purpose of framing a new Constitution. The vote stood “For a convention,” 213,257; “No convention,” 33,860. Accordingly the Legislature passed an act calling the convention to meet at Albany, June 1, 1846, when the convention met and performed its labor so as to adjourn on the 9th of October, submitting the new constitution to the people at the general election held Nov. 3, 1846, when it was adopted by the following vote: Amended constitution, “Yes,” 221,525; amended constitution, “No,” 92,436. Allegany county was represented in the convention by William G. Angel and Calvin T. Chamberlain. Mr. Angel was a leading and influential mem- ber, delivering a speech on “ the qualifications and duties of the executive ” which was not excelled by any speech made on that subject in the conven- tion. To quote L. B. Proctor in his “Lives of Eminent Lawyers of New York: ” “His speeches on the apportionment, on the election and tenure of office of the Legislature-—on the judiciary articles—on the canals and finan- ces, and on the rights of married women, were fertile with practical, use- ful and liberal suggestions, and furnished the convention with a fund of valuable information, which greatly aided the members in their delibera- tions.” Grover Leavins and Samuel Russell were elected to the assembly. Martin Butts was elected county clerk, and Joshua Rathbun sheriff. This year the towns of Eagle, Pike, Portage and Nunda were, against the strong remonstrance of the rest of the county, set off to Wyoming and Livingston counties. Early this year war with Mexico commenced, owing to the annexation of Texas by the United States. Volunteers were called for and all troops necessary for its prosecution were obtained by voluntary enlist- ment. A number went from Allegany, enlisting at Buffalo, the nearest recruiting station, but no company was organized here. The effect of the war, which lasted some two years, was hardly perceptible in this section. 1847. Ever since the abandonment of the public works in 1842 the peo- ple had been unceasing in their efforts to effect a resumption. Timber which102 History of Allegany County, N. Y. had. been gotten out for the structures, and in many cases the half finished bridges, waste-weirs, etc., were decaying, and along the line of the canal damages were paid to contractors, enough it was declared in some instan- ces to have completed the work; but in 1847 people began to think that work would soon be resumed; the conviction had good effect, and even the despair- ing indulged hope. Only 26 towns were represented on the board of super- visors. Anson Congdon of Clarksville was chosen chairman, and A. B. Hull clerk. At the first session on the second day Hull was removed and Joseph W. Stewart elected; a very strange procedure to say the least! John Wheeler of Granger and William Cobb of Independence were elected to the assembly. William G. Angel was elected county judge, andLucien P. Weth- erby district attorney. 1848. Work was resumed upon the Genesee Valley canal and about the same time upon the Erie railroad, and a general revival in all business lines soon followed. Orville Boardman of Rushford and Erastus H. Willard of Friendship were sent to the Legislature. 1849. Anthony T. Wood of Ossian and Joseph Corey were elected to the assembly, John J. Rockafellow county clerk, Joab B. Hughes sheriff. 1850. The population of the county was 87,808, some 8,000 less than that of 1840, but when the before mentioned loss of four towns is taken into account an actual gain in the 26 towns remaining is found. Emery E. Nor- ton and Anson Congdon were elected to the assembly, and Augustus L. Davidson elected district attorney. The decade closed with lively prosecu- tion of public works, and good prospects for the early completion of both canal and railroad. CHAPTER XIX. SIXTH DECADE.—1851-1860. IN 1851 two events of great importance to Allegany occurred: the opening for navigation of the Genesee Valley canal to Oramel, and the completion of the Erie railroad. Enterprises of all kinds were greatly stim- ulated, lumbering especially, and the woods rang as never before with the sound of the woodman's axe and the rallying cries of the noisy teamsters. Great numbers of sawmills were built, many of them driven by steam power. The forests disappeared rapidly, and were remarkably soon succeeded by cleared fields and comfortable homes. Industry in whatever channel di- rected was reasonably rewarded, cattle were raised quite extensively, sheep in large numbers covered our hills and the people were happy and contented*. John Wheeler of Granger and John R. Hartshorn of Alfred were elected toFifth Decade.—1841-1850. 108104 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the Assembly. Lucien P. Wether by was elected county judge. Robert Norton from Connecticut began the manufacture of pine-apple cheese at Rushford, April 1, 1851, the first made in the state. 1852. In the autumn of this year, Asahel N. Cole started a newspaper at Belfast, the Genesee Valley Free Press, its original purpose and design being to supply the Free Soil Democrats with an organ, turning out, however, to be the first Republican paper in the county, if not indeed of the state and nation. Its fearless and pronounced position in politics, its boldness in the proc- lamation of its doctrines, together with the fact of Mr. Cole's connection with, and being a ruling spirit in, the first Republican Convention ever held, which convened in the old court house at Angelica, October 17, 1854, gave to Mr. Cole the rightful claim in the minds of many to the paternity of the Republican party, and so the old court house is looked upon by ardent . partisans as the veritable birthplace of their party. 1852 was the last year in which the Whigs presented a candidate for the Presidency, Gen. Winfield Scott being their standard bearer, and Gen. Franklin Pierce of New Hamp- shire, the candidate of the Democrats. General Scott was badly beaten. It may be safely stated that 1852 marked the advent of the mowing machine, that wonderful invention which has wrought such a revolution in farmwork during “ haying time.” Marshall B. Champlain and Emulous Townsend were elected to the Legislature. About 1853 was inaugurated a crusade against the pine stumps coverings a large area of the newly cleared land, making the cultivation of such lands, which are nearly always rich and productive, very difficult and laborious, not to say provoking. Stump-pulling machines were largly employed, and miles and miles of stump fences (in their day considered very desirable, though now they are considered a nuisance) were made. The year 1854 was perhaps more distinguished in a political way than in any other, as it was the year in which the Republican party first placed a state and county ticket in the field. Lucien B. Johnson and Lucius S. May were elected to the Assembly. 1855. As early as 1855 the project of removing the county seat to some point on the line of the Erie railroad began to be talked of . The dilapidated condition of the old buildings, and the great change in routes and modes of travel, brought about by the railroad, were the reasons assigned by those who advocated the change. Dairying as an industry was receiving consider- able attention. Rushford, Centerville, Almond, Alfred and Independence were foremost in the manufacture of butter and cheese, which found a ready market, and were now shipped by rail and canal, instead of being hauled by teams to Rochester and Buffalo. Quite a variety as to quality was offered and some particular makes became famous and were eagerly sought for. Woolen factories at Rushford, Almond, Angelica, and Friendship turned out large quantities of cloth and yarn. '‘Shoddy” was as yet unknown, and the memory of those “ sheep’s grays ” and finer finished fabrics and flannels is still cherished by the older ones. Flax, which years before and for a longSixth Decade.—1851-1860. 105 time had been raised by almost every farmer, had become neglected and but little produced. Isaac Hampton of Ossian and Alexander H. Main were sent to the Assembly. Wm. B. Alley was elected county clerk, John G. Collins county judge, Samuel C. Cotton sheriff. A state census was taken this year, and, as it occurred so nearly a half century after the county was organized and active settlement began, we will draw quite freely from its figures and statements, and so enable the reader to institute comparisons, and study the growth and the decline of the various industries. In 1855 the six largest towns in the county, in order of population, were Scio 3,184, Amity 2,655, Caneadea 2,400, Belfast 2,130, Cuba 2,116, and Hume 2,094. There were 181 colored people in the county. The classification of the inhabitants by occupations showed 9 agents, 1 agri- cultural implement maker, 9 apothecaries and druggists, 1 artificial-flower maker, 1 axe-maker. 2 bakers, 4 bankers, 7 barbers, 2 basket-makers, 242 blacksmiths, 1 boarding-house keeper, 5 boat-builders, 27 boatmen and watermen, 4 boiler-makers, 1 brewer and distiller, 16 butchers, 59 cabinet- makers, 377 carpenters, 2 book-sellers and stationers, 1 drayman, 1 caulker, 4 civil engineers, 107 clerks, copyists and accountants, 80 clergymen, 1 clock- maker and repairer, 18 clothiers, 93 coach and wagon makers, 3 collectors? 12 contractors, 6 cooks, 52 coopers, 7,364 farmers, 1 fireman, 2 forwarders, 4 furnacemen, 1 gambler, 8 gardeners and florists, 5 gate-keepers, 49 grocers, 9 gunsmiths, 4 hardware dealers, 7 hat and cap makers, 66 hotel and inn keepers, 5 inspectors, 5 jewelers, 88 joiners, 892 laborers, 52 lawyers, 1 lecturer, 1 lime-burner, 9 livery-stable keepers, 326 lumbermen and dealers, 82 masons, plasterers and brick-layers, 28 machinists, 15 manufacturers, 184 merchants, 59 millers, 64 milliners, 47 millwrights, 6 moulders, 21 musi- cians, 9 music teachers, 1 nurseryman, 7 ostlers, 2 overseers and superin- tendents, 39 painters, glaziers and varnishers, 2 paper-makers, 3 pattern- makers, 19 peddlers, 4 photographers, 85 physicians, 1 pilot, 2 post-masters, 23 printers, 4 produce dealers, 1 professor, 3 sailors and mariners, 2 sale- ratus-makers,. 176 sawyers, 1 sculptor, 1 sexton, 22 shingle-makers, 3 specu- lators, 1 spinner, 2 stage proprietors, 11 stone and marble cutters, 61 stu- dents, 1 surveyor, 156 tailors, 74 tanners, curriers and leather dealers, 171 teachers, 43 teamsters, 4 telegraph operators, 20 tinsmiths, 24 weavers, 12 wheelwrights, 1 woodcutter and 1 wooldealer. 20 insane people were re- ported, 13 stone dwellings, 29 brick, 6,287 framed and 966 log houses, 806 of all other kinds of houses. Of improved lands there were 280,863 acres, and 304,209i acres of un- improved lands. Cash value of farms $12,352,363, and stock was valued at $2,081,738; tools and farming implements $575,936. The acreage of some of the leading crops was returned as follows: 71,276 acres of meadow, 6,594£ acres of spring wheat, 6,964^ acres of winter wheat, and 82,929 bushels harvested. Of oats there were 34,845 acres, 665,490 bushels. 6,800iacres of corn were planted and 189,588^ bushels harvested; potatoes 3,057^ acres yielding 206,258 bushels. Of maple sugar 332,260 pounds were made and106 History of Allegany County, N. Y. 3,490 gallons of maple syrnp, 103 gallons of wine; 68,998 pounds of honey and 3,321£ pounds of beeswax, one bushel of clover seed was raised valued at $7, neat cattle, not including oxen and cows, 24,931. There were 3,392 working oxen, and 19,009 cows were milked; while 2,550 cattle were killed for beef,- and 1,700,775 pounds of butter and 1,044,978 pounds of cheese were made, and 10,803 gallons of milk sold. There were 11,223 horses, 36 mules, 13,148 swine. Of sheep there were 104,799. 80,416 fleeces were shorn and 272,622-J- pounds of wool sold. The value of poultry sold was $7,819, and of eggs sold $11,218. 3,095^ yards of fullcloth was made, and 14,476 yards of flannel, 4,053^ yards of linen cloth, and 9,3371 yards of “ cotton-and-mixed ” cloth. Two pairs of gloves were reported valued at $1; 322 pairs of mittens valued at $174; 211 hats $61, and 2,746 pairs socks were made, worth $936. A rake factory was then in operation in Rushf or d, two asheries were re- ported, both in Centerville. Rushford also had a bakery, reporting an output of $24,000 in value. Matches were made at Belmont, the number of employees being 20, and saleratus was made in New Hudson. Angelica, Bel- fast and Rushford manufactured sash, doors and blinds. 23 gristmills were reported. The only planing-mills reported were at Scio and Amity. There were 183 sawmills, of which 19 were in Amity, 20 in Ossian, 24 in Scio and 8 in Genesee. 29 shingle factories, 23 boot and shoe manufactories, four of them in Hume, employing 13 men. 17 tanneries were reported, and a clothing manufactory at Almond employing 132 men. There were 21 churches with a total average attendance of 2,060. Schoolhouses were re- ported, 246 framed, 10 log, 1 plank and 1 stone, “ very poor ” 33, “ very good ” 4. Six newspapers were reported, one at Almond, two at Angelica, one at Oramel, one at Cuba and one at Wellsville. 1856. Save only the spirited presidential contest of this year, in which the Republicans placed their first national ticket in the field, no event of un- usual importance occurred. The town of Ward was this year erected from portions of Alfred and Amity, since then no new town has been formed. The board of supervisors organized by electing Martin Butts chairman and Charles Horton clerk. The assessed valuation of real estate was $8,951,669, of personal property $804,067. The total amount of taxes spread was $51, - 114.34. Wm. M. Smith and James T. Cameron were elected to the as" sembly. Hamilton Ward was chosen district attorney. 1857. The subject of the removal of the county seat was revived with increased and increasing interest, and the grand jury presented a condem- nation of the public buildings. A monetary panic during the later months of the year caused a general depression in business and Allegany suffered with the rest of the country. The board of supervisors again made choice of Martin Butts for chairman, and Charles Horton for clerk. The assessed valuation of real estate was $8,518,085, of personal property $861,869. Total amount of taxes $62,245.97. John M. Hammond of Hume and Wm. F. Jones ^ of Wellsville were elected to the assembly. . 1858. The fight on the removal of the county seat was now on in deadSixth Decade.—1851-1860. 107 earnest, being precipitated and intensified, by the alleged action of what was called the “ Angelica Regency ” in exacting of a certain aspirant for senato- rial honors certain promises or pledges which he deemed inconsistent with his sense of honor and propriety. His refusal to comply with their wishes, made political enemies of the so-called “ regency ” (in these days, ‘"ring” or “organization” would be the word,) who declared that he should never goto the senate and his nomination was defeated, but it aroused a feeling with his friends, which added to the desire from purely legitimate business reasons of those situated along the fine of the Erie railroad, succeeded in securing the passage of an act appointing three commissoners to designate some place on the line of the Erie railroad to which the county seat should be removed. In May, 1858, in accordance with the provisions of this act, the commissioners located the county seat at Belmont, and immediately the necessary proceedings were taken to secure the early erection of the new county buildings. The board of supervisors this year made choice of John M. Hammond for chairman and Asahel N. Cole clerk. The assessed valu- ation of real and personal property was $9,005,907, but the records do not reveal the amount of the taxes. Alfred Lockhart of Angelica and William Cobb of Spring Mills were elected to the legislature. John W. Eldridge was elected county clerk, and Henry Brown sheriff. 1859. This year was a busy one in Belmont. The new county build- ings were erected by Mr. C. S. Whitney and the contract required them to be ready for occupation, the court house at least, by the time of the annual meeting of the board of supervisors. $20,000 was appropriated for the buildings, and the money loaned on the credit of the county. As the annual election approached, it became apparent that Angelica was not going to give up the fight altogether, notwithstanding the new county buildings, and Dr. Wm. M. Smith and Darwin E. Maxson were elected to the assembly. Early in June occurred a very severe frost, and just one week later another. These were extremely disastrous to grass and grain, and the forests put on the appearance of autumn, many trees being killed. The board of supervisors again made choice of John Hammond for chairman and A. N. Cole for clerk. The total valuation of real and personal property as returned by the asses- sors was $8,588,045, and the amount of taxes raised in the county was $44,-- 855.05. This was the first session in the new court house, and Chairman Hammond made an appropriate speech on the subject and occasion which was printed in the proceedings. 1860. Soon after the organization of the Legislature of 1860, Wm. M. Smith, the member from the northern district, offered a bill entitled “An act to divide the county of Allegany into two jury districts, and provide for holding "Court in and for said county alternately in each of said districts, ” and, much to the surprise of large numbers of our people, it passed the assembly in due season. This was made the occasion for calling an extra session of the board of supervisors, which convened at Belmont on the 27th of March. On the eighth ballot John M. Hammond was again chosen chair-108 History of Allegany County, N. Y. man and on the fifth ballot J. F. Olney was chosen clerk. The board passed a preamble and several resolntions (vote 21 to 8) expressing surprise at the passage of the bill through the assembly (which it declared must have been deceived) and especially requested the senator from this district (Hon. David H. Abell) to oppose to the extent of his ability its passage through the senate. The bill however passed that body and became a law. This involved the repair and reconstruction of the old court house at Angelica, and the new jail at Belmont was in some way declared, to be unsafe for the detention of prisoners, which made more repairs necessary for the old jail at Angelica, which was fitted up in such a way as to serve the purpose very well until Jan. 1, 1895, when the new jail at Belmont was occupied. In conformity to the provisions of the law, the courts were held alternately at Belmont and Angelica until 1892. By law the courts are now held at Belmont; the old court house and jail at Angelica have been sold, a new jail at Belmont constructed, and, now, notwithstanding a case is in the courts to test the legality of late proceed- ings, it is quite generally conceded that the county-seat question is relegated to the rubbish pile of the past. It is hoped that it may be so. While it was unsettled it engendered discord, created ill-feeling, and, in various ways, contributed to a condition of unrest, apprehension and alarm. The old court house and jail at Angelica were sold, Jan. 5, 1895, for $855 to a syndicate who will hold the property until the town of Angelica purchases it. The year 1860 was also made ever memorable by the great historic presidential campaign which resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency. Great excitement prevailed, and Allegany was no excep- tion, for it was stirred to its remotest borders and shook, as never before, to its very center. The board of supervisors at their annual meeting continued the offices of the chairman, J. M. Hammond, and clerk, J. F. Olney, elected at the special session the previous March. The amount of taxes laid upon the county this year was $56,603.38, and the total amount of real and per- sonal property, as returned by the assessors, was $8,421,078. Wilkes Angel and Lucius S. May were elected to the Legislature. In territorial extent and division into towns Allegany is the same now as at the close of this dec- ade, so the map which accompanies these pages, is the last in the series used to illustrate the growth of the county. Immediately after the election, the people of the Southern states began to take steps towards putting into execution the threats of seces- sion which they had been making throughout the campaign, and, on the 20th of December, the Convention of South Carolina, called for the pur- pose, without a dissenting vote (Yeas 169) passed an “ Ordinance of Seces- sion/’ Other states soon followed its example. The die was cast stnd an ap- to arms was the inevitable result. The curtain of this decade is rung down amid the gloomiest of forebodings, those of “grim-visaged war.”Sixth Decade—i851-1860. 109110 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER XX. SEVENTH DECADE.—1861-1870. “ Ah ! then and there was hurrying to and fro. And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress, * * * * * * * * * And there was mounting in hot haste, the steed, The mustering squadron, and the clattering car, Went pouring forward with impetuous speed, And swiftly forming in the ranks of war.” HIS decade was ushered in with most intense excitement amidst the gloomiest of prospects. South Carolina had seceded on the 20th of December, 1860. From January 10th to 18th Florida, Alabama and Georgia passed ordinances of secession in rapid succession, some unanimously, others with but slight opposition. On the 4th of March Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated President of the United States, not, however without great apprehension for his safety. Events important, historic and exciting in the extreme, hurried on apace, and at 4.20 in the morning of April 12th fire was opened upon Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, occupied by Major Ander- son and a small detachment of Federal troops. With the rapidity of light- ning the news was flashed to the remotest borders of the land. Impromptu meetings were held, orators with impassioned eloquence appealed to the multitudes, the poet attuned his lyre to the new conditions, and the clergy gave expression of loyal sympathy for the cause of the Union. On Monday morning, April 15th, the public journals displayed, conspicuously, the proc- lamation of the President in which he called forth the militia of the several states to the number of 75,000, “in order to suppress said combinations, and cause the laws to be duly exercised.’’ An extra session of Congress was called by the same proclamation. New York was one of the first of the states to answer to the call of the President, and Allegany was one of the foremost of its counties in sending on men. Capt. C. C. Gardiner, of Angelica, was first to respond with Com- pany I of the 27th Regiment. The men were so impatient to be mustered into the service, that a special messenger was sent to Albany to get the company accepted for two years under the state auspices. In all there were two maximum regiments of men from Allegany who entered the army, and the state, answering to the several calls, before the war closed sent 464,156* men to the front. A good account is given in the history of Allegany county published in 1879 of the men sent from the county, of the regiments they formed and helped to form, and the part they bore in the field, but that account omitted entirely to speak of occurrences and events at home, of the part the “stay-at-homes” bore during those tragic years. It is well per-Seventh Decade.—1861-1870. Ill haps, to devote some space in these pages to that interesting subject, and, incidentally, to show something of the great contribution of money which the people at home laid upon the altar of their country, of the aid and com- fort they afforded to the soldiers in the field, and of the various sacrifices in many ways made for the preservation of the Union. The scene which our county presented after the breaking out of the Rebellion defies description. Middle-aged men “left plow in furrow,” young men their classes in college, seminary and academy, and, enrolling themselves, hastened quickly to the place of rendezvous, while mothers, wives and sisters busied themselves, tearfully and loyally, in making hurried preparations for their departure. Later, in every town and almost every hamlet, the ladies would gather to scrape lint, make bandages and in various ways arrange means for alleviating the sufferings of the sick and wounded, and contribute to their comfort in field and hospital. War meetings were held, patriotic and inflammatory speeches made, and under the excitement which they wrought many enlistments were made; in some cases all the able-bodied male members of a family of sufficient age being accepted. At first enlistments were made from purely patriotic motives and impulses, as nothing above regular soldiers’ pay was offered, and that was too meagre and insignificant to furnish any inducement for going into the ranks. After the bullet-riddled, mangled forms of dear ones were sent home in boxes after the battle of Bull Run and other early actions, or reported buried on the battle field, taken prisoner or missing, the awful and stern reality of war was made painfully obvious. The glamour, the poetry of war had vanished. Men paused and staggered under the almost bewildering conditions, and it became necessary, as call succeeded call, to offer “ bounties ” in order to stimulate enlistments and fill the quotas of the several towns. And so it came to pass that a strife arose between the towns as to which should offer the largest bounty. The avarice of the people was appealed to, and men as a rule enlisted for the largest bounties they could obtain, while those at home held themselves in readiness to raise the neces- sary money, temporarily advancing it, in many instances, and waiting for the towns to re-emburse them. To meet the exigency, the Government issued money, which, from the color of the paper used, was called “ Green- backs.” Currency was plenty and prices of all kinds of products, of farms and manufactories, rose to marvelous figures. Merchandise advanced so rapidly that it was said to take most of the time of the merchants to mark up their goods to keep pace with prices at the wholesaling stores, and during the years from 1861 to 1864 the more reckless a merchant was in buying the more money he would make. Gold went up to $2.97, wheat touched about $3 per bushel and wool reached one dollar per pound. Many were the trips fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters made “to the front ” to care for the sick and wounded, and many were the boxes of provisions, clothing and supplies of various kinds, and, especially during the days of Christmas time, sent to the “boys in blue” in field, camp and112 History of Allegany County, N. Y. hospital. It detracts not one iota from the glory of those who did service in the army, to concede that the ‘4 stay-at-homes ” had a part to play also, and that they played it well in the great drama being enacted, wherein the stage was the United States, the auditorium the world, the auditors all mankind. It is safe to say, and to the glory of Allegany be it said, that no county in the state sent more men in proportion to population, and no state was repre- sented by better soldiers in the field, or braver ones in action. It would require pages to indite the names of those who were distinguished for heroic deeds and actions, and the list could then only be closed with invidious dis- tinctions, so many did nobly and so few did not. The war record of Allegany is one to which her people can well “point with pride.” The Twenty-Third regiment, organized at Elmira, May 16, 1861, contained in Company B, recruited at Cuba by Capt. M. M. Loyden, the first installment of Allegany’s contribution to the army. Other parts of the regiment were three companies from Steuben, two each from Tioga and Chemung, and one each from Cortland and Schuyler counties. This regi- ment had an honorable career and ^yas in many distinguished engagements, among them Rappahannock Station, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, Manassas Plains, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and Fred- ericksburg. The Twenty-Seventh regiment was organized at Elmira, May 21, 1864, and made up mainly from companies recruited in Westchester, Wayne, Broome, Monroe, Livingston, Wyoming and Orleans counties. A company of about 75 men under Capt. Curtis C. Gardiner was recruited in this county and taken into this regiment, which did good service, and had an honorable record. The Ninety-Third regiment. Company E of this regiment was recruited mainly in Amity, Scio, Belfast, Caneadea, Wellsville and Independence, the recruiting being principally in charge of A. J. McNett, Esq., of Belmont, in September, 1861. McNett was soon after appointed captain. He proved a most gallant and patriotic officer, was severely wounded in service and was brevetted colonel before being mustered out. Allegany was represented in the Fifth New York Cavalry by 60 men in Company E and 16 men in Company F. The regiment was also known as the ‘ ‘ First Ira Harris Guard. ’ ’ This organization was in many engagements, and was noted for bravery in action. The Eighty-Fifth regiment was more than half made up by Alleganiansj the rest coming from Cattaraugus, Seneca, and Ontario counties. Among the many memorable battles in which this regiment took part were Fair Oaks, Mechanicsville, Game’s Mills, Malvern Hill, Goldsborough and Ply- mouth. The Eighty-Sixth regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, had about 40 men from Allegany in Companies H, B and D, while the Sixth-Fourth regiment, organ- ized in Cattaraugus county, contained two companies from Allegany, Com-Seventh Decade.—1861-1870. 113 pany D, with 83 men, under Capt. Philip Lake, and Company G under Capt. J. S. Pittinger, also with 83 men. The Sixth Cavalry, or Second Ira Harris Guard, contained 35 men from Allegany, forming part of Company I. A few men from Allegany were in the Twelfth Cavalry or Third Ir& Harris Guard, and a contingent of Alleganians (from 30 to 40 men) found a< place in the Second Mounted Rifles. In the First Veteran Cavalry, were found a few Alleganians; in the Fifth Artillery 27 men, and 81 men was its contribution to the Thirteenth Artillery. The One Hundred and Thirtieth regiment, better known as the First N. Y. Dragoons, whose record was exceptionally brilliant, was enlisted largely from Allegany. All of Companies C, E, F, G, H, and I, and still others in Companies A, D, and K were from this county. The One Hundred Thirty-sixth regiment. The war record of this organ- ization is one to be proud of. The regiment was with Sherman in his 44 March to the Sea; ” with Howard at Gettysburg, where it formed a part of the heroic host that held the stone wall at the crest of Cemetery Hill when Pickett made his tremendous onslaught through the wheatfield; it was among the intrepid and daring forces that stormed Lookout Mountain and fought the battle 44 Above the Clouds 99 and planted the Stars and Stripes above the mists, where the army in the valley below saw and cheered the flag; it was also at Atlanta, and it marched to the relief of Burnside at the siege of Knox- ville, many of the men walking in their bare feet over frozen ground. At the battle of Peach-tree Creek the regiment three times recaptured a battle- flag after fighting of the most desperate character. This flag is now among the war trophies at the Military Museum in Albany. ffVo companies from Allegany found places in the 189th, and Company C and E of the 194th were also composed of Alleganians, while Allegany con- tributed fragments of the 179th, 184th, 160th, 104th, 188th, 78th, 81st, 154th, and 161st regiments of N. Y. Infantry; 16th Pa. Cavalry, 67th Pa. Infantry, 12th and 13th Wisconsin regiments. The glorious part that Allegany took in the great War for the Union, was treated so exhaustively in the 4 4 History of Allegany County ” published in 1879, that we deem it best in this work to go but briefly over the ground so familiar to (or at least which should be so familiar to) all Alleganians. 1861. Wilkes Angel was chosen chairman and David R. Stillman clerk of the board of supervisors. The real estate in the county was assessed at $7,330,750, and the personal property at $754,257. .The amount of taxes spread upon the county was $50,835.72. Alvah E. Cruttenden and Edward D. Loveridge were elected to the assembly, Geo. W. Green was elected county clerk, and Edward S. Bruce sheriff. Gov. Morgan appointed Hon. Martin Grover, Wilkes Angel and Marshall B. Champlain 44 WarCommittee ” for Allegany county. 1862. S. L. Davidson was made chairman and D. R. Stillman clerk of the board of supervisors. The record of the annual session alludes to an114 History of Allegany County, N. Y. extra session on the 27th of August, but no account of the proceedings appear. It is strongly probable that it was called to provide means to pay for recruits; At this session there was a committee on the “ volunteer bounty fund,” which made a report showing that bounty orders to the amount of $26,823.27 had been issued. Real estate in the county was asses- sed at $7,217,741, and personal property at $832,881. The amount of taxes this year was $61,521.48. Edward D. Loveridge and Alvah E. Cruttenden were elected to the Legislature, and Hamilton Ward was elected district attorney. 1863. S. L. Davidson was chosen chairman, and Wm. T. Barnes clerk of the board of supervisors. The county judge and surrogate’s salary was advanced to $1,250. The real estate was assessed at $7,174,942, and personal property at $705,183; whole amount of taxes $71,387.58. Every town in the county had its “war committee,” to which was entrusted the business of making arrangement or provision for bounties, and the board of supervisors had a “ Committee on the Volunteer Bounty Fund,” which made a report, showing that the towns had taken bounty orders in amounts as follows: Alfred $450, Allen $750, Almond $1,400, Amity $950, Angelica $1,250, Alma $400, Andover $600, Belfast $1,250, Birdsall $50, Burns $2,500, Caneadea $2,700, Centerville $1,150, Clarksville $320, Cuba $884.50, Friendship $100 Granger $700, Grove $675, Hume $2,900, Independence $300, Rushford $1,350, Scio $300, Ward 1175, Wellsville $2,720, Willing $600, and Wirt $1,475. Boli- var, Genesee, New Hudson and West Almond had not as yet used a bounty *order. Interest had occurred on these orders to the amount of $873.73, making the total so far to be raised, $26,823.27. 1864. In July or August, Robert Morrow, Charles Benjamin and H. K. Stebbins, having completed the necessary building and equipments, put in operation the first cheese factory in Allegany county, selling out on the 4th of the next November to Charles J. Elmer, who still conducts the business in the old factory. The board of supervisors organized by again choosing S. L. Davidson chairman and Wm. T. Barnes clerk. The county treasurer was required to give bonds in the sum of $100,000. The board appointed Dr. John Norton a committee to investigate the condition of the county poor- house. He made a report showing a bad condition of things existing there. Amount of real estate this year was $7,389,066, and personal property $764,- 210. Charles M. Crandall of Belfast and Albon H. Lewis of Bolivar were elected to the assembly, and John T. Wright was elected sheriff. From a report of the “Committee on Military Bounty,” it is learned that there was to be collected in that year, $46,763.73 applicable to the payment of bounty orders, and that the “ whole amount to be collected, due March 1, 1864,” was $307,750.30. 1865. This year Silas Richardson was made chairman of the board of supervisors, and Wm. T. Barnes was again chosen clerk. The pay of the elerkandhis assistant was raised to $225, and $175 added for making out bounty orders. It appeared from the report of the county treasurer that &Seventh Decade—1861-1870. 115 the sum of $264,159.57 had been paid on bounty orders. Value of real estate this year was $7,485,809, and of personal property, $824,379. The amount of county and state tax was $71,156.66 and the amount to be spread upon the towns for bounty purposes was $170,251.88. Though these sums were enor- mous, the people probably never paid a tax with less difficulty, owing to the inflated price for everything which the farmer or manufacturer had for sale. Wm. Wilson and Albon H. Lewis were sent to the Legislature, and James S. Green was elected district attorney. 1866. Wm. E Hammond was made chairman of the board of supervis- ors and David R. Stillman clerk. The assessed valuation of real estate was $7,480,330 and of personal property $840,126. Allegany, by a new appor- tionment, was reduced to one member of assembly, and Charles M. Cran- dall of Belfast was returned. The amount received for bounty purposes, as appears by the report of the committee to settle with the county treas- urer, was $197,841.36, and the amount paid out was $201,558.30. The total amount of taxes to be raised was $68,982.36. Further than appears in the report of the committee to settle with the county treasurer, no mention is made in the proceedings of any matters concerning war expenses. 1867. The board of supervisors organized by electing C. W. Woodworth chairman, David R. Stillman clerk. This was the first year in which an “exhibit,” showing the supervisors, assessed and equalized valuations, number of acres, value per acre, ratio, tax, etc., of each town, was printed on separate sheets for distribution, and posting in public places. The assessed valuation of real estate was $7,507,914, and of personal property $930,559. The amount of tax spread was $88,665.99. Silas Richardson of Belmont was elected to the assembly and Wm. H. H. Russell chosen county clerk. 1868. Messrs. Woodworth and Stillman were again elected to the sev- eral positions of chairman and clerk of the board. Real estate in the county was assessed at $7,590,384, and personal $926,868, and the total tax was $114,- 341.38. Silas Richardson was re-elected to the assembly and Rufus Scott district attorney. 1869. Washington Moses of Granger was made chairman of the board of supervisors, and David R. Stillman clerk, with Geo. A. Green assistant clerk. The value of real estate was $7,677,912, and of personal property, $860,121.' The amount of taxes raised in the county was $102,790.40. Charles N. Flenagin was elected to the assembly. 1870. The board of supervisors made choice of A. J. Wellman for chair- man, and D. R. Stillman was again chosen clerk. The salary of the district attorney was advanced to $800, that of county judge and surrogate to $1,750. The amount of the assessed valuation of real estate was $7,719,894, that of personal, $839,673, and the amount of taxes spread upon the several rolls, was $131,001.49. Charles N. Flenagin was re elected to the Legislature, April 9th the “ Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company ” was116 History of Allegany County, N. Y. organized for the construction of a railway from Mt. Morris to Amity. In support of the project the town of Birdsall bonded for $20,000, and Angelica, for $60,000. The population of the county was 40,814. CHAPTER XXI. LATER DEVELOPMENTS, PROGRESS, ETC. HAVING, it is hoped, with a reasonable degree of minuteness of detail^ consecutively traced the history of Allegany from the time of its first settlement in 1795 to a period clearly within the memory of people of middle age, interest in a further relation in detail is materially lessened from the fact of the familiarity of our people with the events and incidents of so recent occurrence; and so, with a brief glance only at the leading events and occur- rences of the last twenty-five years, we will precede the special chapters by a tabulated statement, giving in a nutshell the progress of that material prosperity which has distinguished the county during the closing period of the first hundred years of its existence. Early in the seventies the prosecution of railroad projects, which had just commenced when our last chapter closed, was continued. The Belmont and Buffalo, with a projected route from Belmont, following down on the west side of the Genesee river through the towns of Angelica, Belfast, Can- eadea, Hume and Pike, and connecting with the Erie at or near Silver Springs, being among the first to be projected. Some of the towns along the route of this proposed road have reason to remember it, from having bonded in aid of the enterprise. It has never been completed, although some work was done along the line. A narrow-gauge road from Angelica through. Friendship, Wirt, Bolivar, Genesee, and on to Olean, was built, and run for a while, but at present for the most part of the way it has been abandoned. Angelica made a noble fight for a road and is now the southern terminus of the C. N. Y. & W. road, doing a moderate business, with connections with the Erie and other roads at Hornellsville. Rushford for a short time had the benefit of a narrow gauge road, which ran from Cuba to Attica, but this had to succumb to adverse conditions and lack of sufficient patronage. The Western New York and Philadelphia railway, constructed in 1882, along the abandoned Genesee Valley canal, is still running and doing a fair business, and is a great convenience to the people along and near its route. A road from Angelica to the last named road, at a point about one mile south of Belfast, was constructed and ran fora while during the eighties, but has. been abandoned. The river towns from Wellsville down are expectant of an early continuation of the Buffalo and Susquehanna system from Wells*Later Developments, Progress, Etc. 117 ville to connect the W. N. Y. & P. railway with the last named road at or Hear Belfast. The development of oil territory in Allegany has been accomplished during the last twenty-five years, adding largely to the business, wealth and population of the southwestern part of the county. Towns have arisen like magic and gone down as quickly; but during 1895 a revival of that industry is noticeable, owing to the advance in the price of oil. Even with the falling off of labor in the oil field, the population of the county has shown a steady increase. The census of 1880 showing 41,810 and that of 1890 48,240. Aside from the oil industry the dairy business and the raising of hay are the two leading industries of Allegany. The Cuba cheese market ranks third in the state of New York, and third in the United States. Early in the seventies iron bridges began to make their appearance, the first one put up being at Mills Mills, in Hume. So fast have they supplanted the wooden structures, that now they are in a decided majority. In a few years, proba- bly by 1900, not a wooden bridge of any pretension as to size will be found in the county. Nearly twenty good bridges now span the Genesee river, more than half of them being of iron. The old county poor house buildings, were at the commencement •of the period now under consideration in need of constant and extensive repairs and alterations to meet the requirements of proper classification and care of the inmates, and which were at the best illy planned to meet the demands of intelligent administration, or to comply with the exactions of this progressive age in treatment of the poor, so it was determined to re- place the old structures with new buildings, and in 1888 .they were con- structed. The new structures are built after plans approved by the state board of charities, and especially by Hon. Wm. P. Letchworth, the distin- guished philanthropist, whose interest in and labors for the improvement of 1 he condition of the unfortunate wards of the state and nation have given him a world wide fame, at that time president of the board. They are tasty, commodious, and comfortable. Heated by steam as they are, the tempera- ture is easily kept uniform, and at any desired degree. The grounds im- mediately about the buildings are pleasant and very tidily kept. The insti- tution is now one of which Allegany may justly feel proud, as it ranks second to none among counties of its population and class in the state. In numerous instances several small farms are merged in one large one, this being the case in all of the towns. The old structures put up in the days of early settlement are few and growing less in number. Occasionally in riding over the country one will observe the feature so impressed upon the mind of Mr. E. M. Wilson, of Belfast, when he so gracefully and truth- fully wrote: ‘ ‘ Hard by some aged apple tree, Or where the live-forever grows, A mound of earth and Stones we see, Where once the settler’s cabin rose.” But a few more years will pass and these, too, the last visible evidences, save the cleared fields, of early occupation, will have disappeared.118 History of Allegany County, N. Y. The log school-houses years ago disappeared, and have been replaced with the neat and tasty framed structures, now so common all over our county, and so, also, of the old log houses of the pioneer period, not more than half-a-dozen of them all told are left in .the county and tenanted. Among the many Alleganians who have become distinguished, may with propriety be mentioned the following: Jonathan Allen, D. D., Ph. D.> for many years president of Alfred University, and Prof. Wm. C. Kenyon, who preceded Dr. Allen as the head of that pioneer academic and collegiate institution, both teachers of a very high order of excellence. Hon. Martin Grover, the gifted lawyer, judge, and statesman, who served one term in Congress, was promoted to the supreme court bench, and made a member of the Court of Appeals of New York. Marshall B. Champlain, the eloquent advocate, state legislator, and attorney general. Prof. Wm. H. Pitt, the profound scholar and distinguished scientist, for many years connected with the public schools of Buffalo. Prof. James Baxter, the founder of the “Baxter Institute of Music” started in 1853, the pioneer of its class of schools in the United States; Dr. H. R. Palmer, the eminent musical director, composer and publisher; Senator Henry M. Teller of Colorado, who has also been U. S. Secretary of the Interior, and his brother Willard, a distin- guished lawyer and successful business man of Denver; Philip H. Welch, of Angelica, who became greatly distinguished in the world of letters as a brilliant humorist and master of sarcasm. Wm. G. Angel, the county’s first elected judge, fin able jurist and statesman, as noted for being the head of a family of lawyers, as was Dr. Lyman Beecher for furnishing so many pulpits with masterful brilliant preachers. Madame Alberti, a native of Alfred, and a daughter of President Allen, the celebrated elocutionist, now of New York City, who is almost peerless in her art. Dr. Daniel Lewis of New York, chairman of the state board of health; Dr. T. H. Norton of tha Cincinnati University, a Rushford boy, upon whom the University of Heidel- berg conferred the degree of Ph. D. “summa cum laude” (a “Doctor of Philosophy with highest praise”), the highest degree in the gift of the great universities of the world. But a short time since his alma mater, Hamilton College, bestowed upon him the degree of Sc. D. (Doctor of Science), the second time it had conferred the degree in its existence of eighty-three years. It is said that one of the nations of Europe having confidentially asked our cabinet at Washington to name the best man to become the head of the scientific department of a new government university, the late Secre- tary Gresham sent the name of Dr. T. H. Norton. Norvin Green and Wm. Orton, presidents of the Western Union Telegraph Company, must also be mentioned. As athletics is receiving more and more attention in our col- leges and universities, it may not be out of place to refer to William Muldoon of Belfast, in certain styles the champion wrestler of the world, and Ed. Atherton, his pupil, a probably successful aspirant for the middle-weightLater Developments, Progress, Etc. 119 wrestling championship of the world. In pioneer days the names of Judge Philip Church, Clark Crandall and Major Moses Van Campen, stand for the high qualities demanded in those times. Many more might with equal propriety be named, and then some equally worthy would be left unnoticed- Allegany may “ point with pride ” to such a list. Her representatives are in every state, and in foreign countries. Her sons adorn the bench* grace the pulpit, are successful in business, achieve distinction in scientific pursuits and ornament all the learned professions, as well as grace the humbler walks of life, and her daughters are found to be worthy, womanly sisters of such noble brothers, acquitting themselves with credit in the do- mesticity of the home, in the business office, on the lecture platform, in the pulpit and in the world of letters, and they are known and honored in many climes. Statement showing the assessed valuation of Real and Personal estate in Allegany county from 1871 to 1894 inclusive, also the amount of taxes collected in the county for the same time^ exclusive of school, road and municipal taxes. j YEARS. REAL ESTATE. PERSONAL PROPERTY. TAXES. 1871 $7,733,874 $ 795,ooi 821,683 $127,863.03 1872 7,836,234 161,113.31 1873 8,117,931 796,638 144,860. IO 1874 8,132,119 9,905,690 75o.96i 141,092.72 1875 751,367 148.071.17 1876 15,179,862 1,439,626 113,616.50 1877 14,151,749 1,273.958 121,979 45 1878 13,217,589 1,286,574 109,488.2s 1879 12,515,556 1,167,112 115,865.14. 1880 12,409,403 1,043,408 1,068,912 118,012.64. 1881 12,643,734 107,742.85 1882 14,093,750 1,439,876 120,113.97 ' 1883 14,891,442 1,417,546 154,288.76 1884 15,024 361 1,421,621 145,645.52 1885 14,476,295 1,319,953 163,572.55 . 1886 15,026,643 1,176,662 168,909.33 1887 14,180,456 1,204,628 1,165,275 i55,425-59 1888 14,270,167 149,867.60- 1889 14,167,363 1,211,393 1,264,593 187,979-52 1890 14,045,521 179,200.71 1891 13,884,692 1,227,981 1,286,074 141,692.36 1892 13,719,918 152,537.39 1893 13,432,175 1,482,667 149,355.65 1894 13,258,398 1,414,272 169,573.42 Making the handsome showing of $3,453,867.56 A glance at the tax column of this statement, may serve to impress upon our people an idea of their importance, financially considered, and the total amount of taxes paid, may prove indeed a surprise to many of the readers of this chapter, as much so, perhaps, as it was to the writer when he tabulated and footed them. Banks and Banking. Perhaps no other department of business is so much in touch with the financial condition of a section of country as that of banking, and here Allegany’s record is shown to be an eminently favorable one. Beyond a doubt the first bank in the county was a branch of the Erie County Bank of Buffalo which must have been established in the thirties. It was not long in existence, possibly the panic times of 1837 had something to do with the closing of its doors. For a long period from 1832, when it was founded, the lumbermen of Allegany had to rely on the Steuben County120 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Bank, of Bath, of which Gen. John Magee was the controlling spirit, for the necessary funds to carry on their operations until the annual rafting and sale of their products was consummated in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. The influence and assistance of this great monetary institution was felt not only in Steuben and Allegany, but largely in Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties. Fifty years ago there was not a banking institution of any conse- quence in the county. D’Autremont’s private bank at Angelica, with Green’s private bank at Cuba, and possibly one or two others, were all Alle- gany apparently needed at even a later day. The financial progress will be perhaps shown better by the banks now doing business than in any other way and we consequently give a list of them. The First National Bank of Friendship was the first to organize under the National Banking Law, bn February 1, 1864. The National Banks as given by the Bankers' Register of July, 1894, are: Cuba National Bank, $100,000 capital, $50,000 surplus, $5,700 undivided profits, $160,000 average deposits; First National Bank, Cuba, $50,000 capital, $50,000 surplus, $5,600 undivided profits, $100,000 deposits; First National Bank, Friendship, $75,000 capital, $50,000 surplus, $3,000 undivided profits, $170,000 deposits; Citizen’s National Bank, Friendship, $50,000 capital, $10,000 surplus, $9,000 undivided profits, $90,000 deposits; First National Bank, Wellsville, $100,000 capital, $30,000 surplus, $15,000 undivided profits, $280,000 deposits; Citizen’s National Bank, Wellsville, just organizing. The State Banks are: The University Bank, Alfred, $25,000 capital; Andover State Bank, $25,000 capital; Bank of Angelica, $25,000 capital, $4,000 surplus, $1,000 undivided profits, $50,000 deposits; State Bank of Belmont, $25,000 capital, $5,000 surplus, $3,200 undivided profits, $75,000 deposits; State Bank of Bolivar, $30,000 capital, $1,200 surplus, $66,000 deposits; State Bank of Fillmore, $25,000 capital, $8,000 surplus, $2,000 undivided profits, $100,000 deposits. Private banks as follows: A. M. Bur- rows, Andover; Bank of Belfast, $15,000 capital, $8,000 surplus, $1,900 undivided profits, $85,000 deposits; C. G. Anderson & Son, Belmont; Can- aseraga Banking Co., $15,000 capital, $2,000 surplus, $1,623 undivided profits, $40,000 deposits; M. C. Mulkin, Friendship; Wells Bros., Hume; Stacy & Kendall, Rushford; Elias Harris, Scio. In politics Allegany was, previous to the formation of the Republican party, one of the strongholds of the Whigs. Since 1854 it has been one of the strongest Republican counties in the state, roiling up such majorities for the candidates of that party, as led either Horace Greeley or A. N. Cole to name it “ Grand Old Allegany, ” a title which it has for a long time borne; and now claims as eminently applicable in other and broader senses. The centennial county officers are, S. McArthur Norton, County Judge; Geo. H. Swift, Sheriff; Jas. R. Hodnett, Under Sheriff; George A. Green, Clerk; T. S. Tefft, Deputy Clerk; Charles H. Brown, District Attorney; Charles Ricker, Treasurer; F. H. Bluestone, school commissioner 1st dis- trict; Stephen Pollard, school commissioner 2d district; Hon. Fred. A. Rob- bins, Member of Assembly.Travel and Transportation. 121 CHAPTER XXII. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION. “ Behold that clumsy careless craft, Upon this narrow highland stream, Fettered with rocks, and fallen trees That in its channel lie, And zigzag as the lightning’s track Athwart the midnight sky. With poles and ropes and dauntless hearts, From morn till evening gray, They force their tiny ship along its winding way, See ! now she’s fast upon some rift or tree 1 Hark ! hear the captain’s ‘ Altogether now, heo he! ’ And she rises as by magic power, And hastens on the long expected hour.” “Allegany’s pioneers were men of push and pluck Who came to win, but not by chance or luck; And when they sought but found no way, They carved out one without delay.” UR pioneers as they pressed their way into the primitive forests of Alle- gany found “ a hard road to travel/ ’ if indeed they found any road at all. Following the course in some instances of the larger streams, poling and pushing flatboats loaded with their effects, while the oxen and horses (if any) and perhaps a cow and a pig or two, were in some way driven along the banks, they made very slow progress; and when they came to the later- al stream up which they were to make their way the progress was still slower. Plunging through the stream here, stopping there to widen out the almost complete road which for a short distance bordered the creek on one side, while the other presented perhaps a perpendicular wall of rock; now resorting to the axe and oxen to clear the way, (which permits no de- viation there,) of the huge trunk of some prostrate tree, then again pausing their march to corduroy some brief distance of unavoidable swale, crossing again the stream, or following for a distance its stony bed, halting to pre- pare the midday meal of the plainest description, partaken of, however, with a relish sharpened by their toilsome march; then, when the day’s march is done, preparing the rude camp in the depths of the wilderness, the night made hideous perhaps by prowling wolves, who had scented, and were fol- lowing their tracks to disturb their slumbers by their howling chorusses. This is no exaggeration, only the story, only the experience of many of the early settlers in Allegany. And when the work of felling a few trees and preparing a rude cabin was accomplished, and they stopped for a moment to survey the situation, and consider the full scope of its meaning, of its possibilities, of the years of toil and hardship which lay before them,122 History of Allegany County, N. Y. they were confronted with a problem of immense importance, and which imperatively demanded a solution, and which, the sooner it was solved the better it would be for them. Looking behind them there was the long and tedious journey just accomplished, with hardships innumerable, and here they were so far from their old home and friends, with only a scanty invoice of the bare necessities of life; while around and about them the illimitable forest, covered with a wonderful growth of timber, must needs be felled and cleared away, and the ground prepared for crops. This process must con- sume long years, and involve a great amount of hard labor. It was a forecast well calculated to tax to their utmost the bravery and enterprise of the most resolute. No wonder that our pioneers should ad- dress themselves to the solution of the problem of transportation with energy and zeal. ‘-Necessity is the mother of invention ” and “ where there is a will there is a way. ’ ’ These adages were most beautifully illustrated in the efforts to open communications with the older settlements, and markets of the seaboard. Wagon roads were first thought of, and stages the most aristocratic conveyance the most sanguine allowed themselves to dream of. One of the first roads constructed was the one from Hornellsville to Olean described in another chapter. The most penetrating minds could see no other outlet to the seacoast and it was set forth in the advertisement which Capt. Church published when he placed his tract upon the market. This says: “ This Tract of Land contains 100,000 acres, and'is situated on the Genesee River, 22 miles south of Williamsburgh, 100 east of Presque Isle, 8 north of the Pennsylvania line, and 16 west of the navigable waters of the Susquehannah. * * * The proposed State Road from Catskill to Presque Isle and New Connecticut is now opened as far as this tract, upon which a settlement was made in October, 1802 (Angelica), since when a store has been estab- lished, ” etc. As early as 1803 some settlements had been made in Caneadea, and a road opened down the river from where the road before spoken of struck the river, to the settlements. It was from this road that the first road leading over to Friendship from the river to the Tucker place was made in 1806. At what we now call the Transit bridged road was opened from this river road to Franklinville in 1805, pursuing a very direct course to the Ischua, crossing White and Black and Oil creeks. It was known as the “Ischua road,” and has long since been abandoned. The Holland Land Company early opened a road from Leicester to Olean Point, which came to be called the “Allegany road.” This entered the county at the northeast corner of Centerville, passed through that town to Rushford, thence on the valley road to Oil creek and Olean, A branch left this road at the center of Cen- terville passing out of the county at Fairview. A road of the rudest possible character passed up the river from the extreme northern limits of the county substantially following the Indian trail to Caneadea. As early as 1809 a road of the simplest and roughest kind was opened from Angelica to Olean, but it was almost impassable except in winter. In 1819 a commis-Travel and Transportation. 123 sion consisting of Moses Van Campen, Joseph Ellicott, Robert Troup, Charles Carroll, Philip Church, Dugald Cameron, Seymour Bouton, Sylvanus Rus- sell and William Higgins was appointed to lay out a road from Angelica by way of Van Campen’s Creek to Hamilton (Olean). The ‘4 Bath and Olean Turnpike ” was soon after constructed substantially covering the road already referred to, and, with a small state appropriation, was speedily com- pleted and opened as a toll-road. Over this road passed a great amount of travel from the east and southeast to Olean. While these enterprises were being prosecuted, there were other forces at work destined to work a revolution in transportation. In 1807 Jesse Hawley discussed in the Ontario Messenger over the signature of Hercules, the feasibility, propriety and practical importance of a canal to connect Lake Erie with the Hudson. Public attention was drawn to the project, and meet- ings were held along the route of the proposed “ commercial artery.” The legislature was beseiged with petitions asking state aid for the enterprise; surveys were authorized, the work was put under contract, and in 1826 the completion of the Erie canal was celebrated with imposing ceremonies. This canal turned the tide of travel from Philadelphia and Baltimore to Roches- ter and York Landing, bringing the settlers of Allegany considerably nearer to the base of supplies, and affording a nearer and more stable market for their products. If a country so remote from the Erie canal could be bene- fited so much as Allegany seemed to be, the reasoning was conclusive that a canal through her territory, emptying into her lap the stores and supplies her people so much needed, and bearing upon its bosom to the seaboard her tall pines and sturdy oaks, would greatly enhance the value of her forests and promote the material interests of her people. And so the matter was talked up, and after a while meetings were held to discuss the possibility, feasibility, practicability and commercial and financial importance of a canal connecting the Erie canal and the waters of the Allegany. It is claimed that the first meeting where the project was publicly discussed was held at Cuba; that John Griffin, Daniel Raymond, Simeon C. Moore, Calvin T. Cham- berlain and Samuel Morgan, and others from Allegany and Cattaraugus counties attended. At what date the meeting was held I have been unable to ascertain. Judge Church doubtless was present, for he was one of the earliest promotors of the enterprise, although it should be mentioned that he favored the construction of a railroad instead of a canal. In this he was overruled, but the sequel proves his sagacity and wonderful foresight. As early as 1827 Governor Clinton recommended a survey of the Gene- see Valley to ascertain the difference of elevation, the structures necessary to build, and obstacles to be overcome in constructing a canal. In 1828 a survey was made under the direction of Judge Geddes, whose report demon- strated the feasibility of the scheme; but the public did not seem ready to embark the state in the enterprise. Revolutions do not go backward, neither do projects for internal improvements. What had already been done had enlisted public attention. Enterprising and speculative men were encour-124 History of Allegany County, N. Y. aged thereby to visit the region which the proposed canal was to traverse, and to view the prodigious growth of the vast forests on either side of the upper Genesee, survey the rich flats along its course, and.form opinions as to the importance of the canal to this region. And so, at last, after some had even despaired of success ever crowning their efforts, the work of years of toil in bringing the matter before the public brought forth good fruit in 1834 when an act was passed authorizing a more complete survey of the proposed route, which was made under the direction of J. C. Mills, and, in May, 1836, an act was passed authorizing the construction of the Genesee Valley canal. The work was at once put under contract, and in 1837 active operations commenced. Such scenes of activity as were soon presented along the line of the proposed canal, were never before witnessed in Alle- gany. Contractors, sub-contractors, foremen, bosses, engineers, put in their appearance. Hundreds of Irishmen fresh from the “old sod,” Ger- mans from “faderland,” and brawny laddies from the land of Burns and Ossian, were all seen along the line in quest of work. Shanties went up, blacksmith shops, public houses (generally of quite rude construction); quarries were opened to procure stone for aqueducts, locks and bridge abutments. Everywhere was life and activity, money was plenty, and a good market right at our doors was opened for all the farmer had to spare, making better times than have perhaps ever been experienced here before or since. Fifty-two miles were completed as early as 1840, bringing Dans- ville and Mt. Morris into close connection with Rochester and the Erie canal. In 1842, owing to a change in the state administration, work was sus- pended, and for a few years dull times followed. The half-completed bridges, locks and aqueducts, the partially-excavated ditches and lock-pits, and here and there a section substantially finished, caused the line of the abandoned works to present a strange appearance, and covered the faces of many of our people with dismay and apprehension. In 1847 or 8 however, work was resumed, after paying large amounts in damages to contractors, in some cases (it has been estimated) enough to have completed the work, and in 1851 the canal was finished to Oramel. The work was finished to Belfast in 1853, to Rockville in 1854, and to Olean in 1856. It passed through Hume, Caneadea. Belfast, New Hudson and Cuba, and was mainly used for the transportation of lumber and shingles from Allegany and Cattaraugus coun- ties. Soon after its opening to Oramel a packet-boat, the “Frances,” made regular trips from Mt. Morris and return; but it did not prove a paying investment, and was soon abandoned. Too much time had to be spent in passing the locks, and so the stages soon had it all their own way again. This canal was not a paying investment of itself, yet it contributed to largely swell the receipts of the Erie canal, and aided in converting the pine forests of Allegany into improved farms, and enriched its people. Considering the fact that the people of Allegany had been taxed for years for the construc- tion and support of the Erie canal, while the benefits received were in com-Travel and Transportation. 125 parison quite trifling, it was perhaps only evening up things to tax other portions of the state for the construction and maintenance of this lateral canal, which was, in the fall of 1878, abandoned to give way to the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia railroad. New York and Erie Railroad. About the time the practicability of railroads became an established fact, and even before, the visions of water communication with Baltimore, began to vanish like the cloud phantoms of a dream, the outlet to which the settlers of southern and central Allegany had looked for their surplus products began to close, for when compared with the great artificial waterway, “ Clinton's Ditch," as the Erie canal was called by some, it was soon relegated to the rear. The Erie canal had been completed, and put into successful operation. Its effect was soon felt and seen in the thriving villages and cities, which, magic-like, sprang into exist- ence along its line, in the beautifully improved farms, which spread for miles in either direction, the great impetus which was given to agricultural pursuits and industries, the building up of new enterprises and a generally improved condition of things social as well as material. Then came the con- struction of railways in the valleys of the Mohawk and Hudson, pushing on toward Buffalo, increasing the facilities and lessening the tedium of travel, infusing more ardor, more life and animation to the people. During all these long years the people of the southern tier of counties, taxed for the construction and maintenance of the Erie canal, from which they received no apparent benefit, were groaning under what they considered unjust bur- dens, a real load of oppression, and the illusions of former years, in the way of schemes for “ down river navigation," having been dissipated, had be- come restive and discouraged. Their immense pine forests were still standing, deer were still roaming its vast solitudes, and bears and wolves were yet undisturbed except by the enterprising hunter. Their eyes were strained with eagerness to discern some way of solving this great question which laid so near and affected so directly their material interests. It was a time for men of genius, of sagacity, of discernment and enterprise to come to the front. Nor did they long have to wait. Among the first in this part of the state to appreciate the importance of a . railroad were Judge Philip Church, of Belvidere, and P. S. Martin, of Olean. It was at the suggestion of Judge Church that the call for the first public meeting for the promotion of the enterprise was held. This met at the courthouse in Angelica on the 25th day of October, 1831. Judge Church presided at this meeting, and Asa Allen and Daniel Mc- Henry were the secretaries. Resolutions strongly favoring the enterprise were adopted, and a committee consisting of Hon. Philip Church, Gen. S. S. Haight, J. B. Cooley, Ransom Lloyd and John Collins was appointed, and instructed to enter into communication with the people of the other coun- ties interested, and a delegation was appointed to attend a railroad conven- tion, held at Owego in December. A committee of three from each town was appointed to confer with the committee on correspondence, circu-126 History of Allegany County, N. Y. late petitions, and do any other acts considered important to the furtherance of the enterprise. The town committees were: Angelica, Andrews A. Nor- ton, Charles Davenport, Ithamar Smith; Almond, Stephen Major, Jesse Angel, Hiram Palmer; Alfred, John B. Collins, Samuel Russell, Joseph Good- rich; Andover, Sidney Prisbee, Sheldon Brewster, Elijah Hunt; Amity, A. E. Parker, B. G. Crandall, John Simons; Allen, James Wilson, J. W. Stewart, Chester Roach; Burns, William Welch, H. Halliday, J. H. Boyland; Birdsall, J. B. Welch, J. Whitman, A. C. Hull; Belfast, S. Wilson, E. Reynolds, R. Renwick; Bolivar, L. Leonard, T. Richardson, L. Evans; Cuba, John Griffin, John Bell, H. Brasted; Centerville, O. Pell, B. Bryan, William Freeman; Caneadea, A. Burr, E. Burbank, James Caldwell; Eagle, J. Grover, J. Wart, J. Wing; Friendship, S. King, William Colwell, E. Griswold; Grove, J. S. Wright, E. Smith, J. Van Ostrand; Genesee, J. S. Crandall, B. Maxson, Hiram Wilson; Hume, S. H. Pratt, C. G. Ingham, C. Mather; Haight, T. Mc- Elhney, William Andrews, J. Westfall; Independence, Q. S. White, Samuel Maxwell, S. Leonard; Bushford, M. McCall, A. J. Lyon, Lyon J. Young; #cio, J. Middaugh, B. Palmer, Asa Parks. Quite a number of meetings were held at the larger places along the line of the proposed railroad, and public feeling in the southern counties was wrought up to a high pitch of excitement. The legislature was flooded with petitions from the people in the Southern Tier, and every inducement which could be brought to bear upon the members of both houses was resorted to, which resulted in the passage of an act of incorporation April 24, 1832 which was amended April 19, 1883. On the 9th of August, 1833, a board of directors was elected. A pre- liminary survey had been made in 1832 by DeWitt Clinton, Jr., under direc- tion of the state authorities. In 1834, by direction of the Governor, Benja- min Wright, assisted by James Seymour«and Charles Elliott, surveyed the route, beginning the work May 22d, and finishing it late in the fall. A re- organization of the company was effected in 1835, and the forty miles west from Piermont, N. J., opposite New York city, was placed under contract. The state was appealed to for aid, and in 1836 the comptroller was directed to issue $3,000,000 of state stock and take a lien on the road to that amount. It was indeed an immense undertaking. The difficulties encountered in its construction seemed at times almost insurmountable. The faint hearted despaired, the brave and determined summoned more courage, and put forth still greater efforts. The commercial revulsions and financial disturbances of 1837 had a depressing effect in retarding the prosecution of the work, if not entirely arresting it. A renewal however, of popular meetings or conventions along the line was inaugurated, at which the propriety and justice of the state assuming control and paying the expense of building the road was urged with no little show of reason and plausibility. One of the most notable of these was held at Cuba, Feb. 1, 1839. It was composed of delegates from Allegany, Living- ston and Cattaraugus counties. The late General Micah Brooks of Living-Travel and Transportation. 127 ston county, ever awake to the social and material improvements of the age, was early in his enlistment in the cause of the people of the Southern Tier, attended the Cuba convention and was called to preside. Judge Alson Leavenworth of Cattaraugus, Hon. John Griffin and Gen. C. T. Chamber- lain of Allegany, were vice-presidents, and John G. Collins of Allegany and F. §. Martin of Cattaraugus were secretaries, 105 delegates took seats in the convention. In addition to the remarks of General Brooks upon assum- ing the chair the convention was addressed by Hon. J. Griffin, C. T. Cham- berlain, F. S. Martin, D. C. Woodcock, S. M. Russell, A. Leavenworth, J. G. Collins, L. Brooks and D. C. Bryan. Of the entire number whose names occur in the printed proceedings of this important meeting, it is safe to say, after careful inquiry, that only one- survives, Hon. S. M. Russell of Cuba. The proceedings of this convention were published by the Olean Times of Feb. 9, 1839, and General Brooks’ address appeared in an “extra” of the Livingston county Republican of February 28th. For the purpose of conveying to the reader a correct impression of the condition of carrying trade at that time we give a few extracts from this address of Gen. Brooks. The growing demand for increased facilities for transportation is attracting attention The Erie canal, the pride of the state, is not sufficient to supply the margin of the upper lakes, and any attempt to increase its dimensions cannot satisfy the demands of the west. As evi- dence of this fact, I will call your attention to an extract from the Detroit Free Press of May 9, 1837. “ If the merchants of Baltimore and Philadelphia do not see the importance of mak- ing energetic efforts to establish a railroad communication between their own cities and Cleve- land, they must be blind and dull indeed to their own interests.” Thus we see the people of Michigan calling to the cities and states of the south to extend their railroads to the shores of the lakes, while we also see a rapid transit of goods and merchandise by way of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to Cleveland, from the nth of February, 1837, to the 27th of May, near three months before any departure from the Erie canal by way of Buffalo. * * * The amount of goods shipped from Philadelphia by Pittsburgh to Cleveland may be estimated in some degree by the tonnage of Cleveland in the navigation of the lakes being greater than that of Buffalo. The indifference of the state of New York to any other channel of communication seems to have attracted the notice of other states. The Baltimore Register in 1836, uses this language: “ The state of New York seems not to have profited by her own experience, and has made no effort to secure to herself the commerce of the valley of the Ohio, and when Baltimore and Philadelphia shall have extended their works to Pittsburgh, New York can never regain the trade of the western states.” Has the city of New York no interest in an easy access to the forests of this state ? Has the southern tier of counties no claim upon the distribution of justice of the state in extending to them the facilities of an intercourse with the city of New York, while our northern brethren are so highly favored ? To perfect our system of internal improve- ments, and to place the state of New York in that commanding attitude which she has the power to assume, it will be necessary to improve the Allegany river, which, connected with the Genesee Valley Canal and the New York and Erie Railroad, will open to us the boundless val- leys of the western states. Here we see the Allegany, a branch of the Western waters, far extended into the interior of our state, as a stretched-out arm, inviting the eastern states to its downward current, through the center of that extensive region which will soon hold the balance of power in the Union, and which the census of 1850 may transfer the seat of government from Washington to Cincinnati. Look at the valley of the Ohio, and what do we behold ? See128 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Pittsburgh with her 50,000 inhabitants, building in one year and navigating on the Ohio forty- six steamboats, a number greater than floats upon the upper lakes, while Cincinnati, in one one year built thirty-eight. The whole number built on the Ohio being eighty-five in one year, and in all other parts of the United States only forty-nine. The daily arrival of steamboats at Cincinnati being about ten in number during the most part of the summer. When we look at the merchandise of Cincinnati, we see her made a depository of the manufacturers of the east- ern states. Carriages, harness, shoes and fabrics of every description being sent from Boston and New York by way of the Atlantic, Florida Cape and the up-stream navigation of the Mis- sissippi, to the Ohio valley, while by this channel of the Allegany may be had more easy and safe access, with half the expense. Cotton may be obtained at Pittsburgh cheaper than at New York, and here may a greater reward be given to the laborer than can be given in the New England states, and when we have the assurance of the war department that the Allegany may be so improved for half a million of dollars, as to render it navigable to Olean for steamboats of 100 tons, have we no inducement to ask from Congress that appropriation? When the dis- tributive justice of the state shall be fully extended to us, then, placed as you are at the source of the principal streams, through their gentle current may descend to every part of the Union the products of your industry. Then will the depressed condition of this section be changed* and this territory become elevated to an equality with the most favored portions of the state* and never, until these objects can be affected, shall the duties we owe to ourselves and to pos- terity be fully discharged. In 1842, yielding to adverse circumstances and conditions, work was suspended, as was the case with most projects for internal improvements- In 1849 active operations were resumed with a maturity of judgment and engineering skill, and pushed with remarkable energy all along the line to its completion in 1851. New routes were in some places adopted, even after a large outlay of work, as in Almond, in the interest of better grades and easier and better operation. In the prosecution of the work a large quantity of rails were transported by wagons from Mt. Morris to Cuba and other points, a thing which in the light of modern railroad construction would not be entertained for a moment. As the completion of the great work drew near the excitement along the route was intense. The public mind was wrought up to such a degree that nothing short of a celebration commensu- rate to the importance of the event could be thought of. Most elaborate preparations were made. An excursion train left Pier- mont to make the entire length of the road. Among the invited guests were President Fillmore, Daniel Webster, John J. Crittenden and other national celebrities. The coaches were profusely decorated, and nearly every place, however obscure, or hamlet-like in its pretensions, was approached amid the roar of cannon, with flags flying and banners streaming, while bands of music gave expression to the people’s joy. Music and dancing, banquets and speeches, were the order of the day. And who can feel to blame them? They were really celebrating their liberation from a long bondage. That triumphal excursion train was the “proclamation of emancipation ” which conferred the freedom of the world upon the people of the Southern Tier, and well might they rejoice ! When the train arrived at Belvidere it was hailed with rapture by an immense throng. Judge Philip Church presented a large flag upon whichTravel and Transportation. 129 was represented on engine drawing a large cannon and sheaves of wheat in an open car; an Indian in ambush, with a look of surprise upon his features and his bow and arrows apparently falling from his grasp; also a startled deer running away. Beneath was this inscription: BELV1DERE STATION. ENERGY AND SKILL. Where the fierce redman trod his pathless way, In search precarious, daily food to slay ; Or hid in ambush, sprung upon his foe, Striking unseen the unexpected blow ; Now Steam, resistless, spreads his fiery wings ; Where want depresses, wished for plenty springs; Or ponderous weapons to our border draws ;' Or writes on ocean waves Columbia’s laws. Boast not, proud white man, in arts of peace and war, Look up to Heaven, and see how small you are ! ” At Cuba a great crowd cheered the train as it slowed up at the station. President Fillmore, after the applause had somewhat subsided, said, “ Much has lately been said about the annexation of Cuba. I should think from the great crowd of ladies and children present that Cuba had already been an- nexed.” John J. Crittenden then spoke a few words and the signal was given for starting, whereupon a number of railroad men, among whom I understand was David Kirkpatrick, threw a lot of ties across the track, thus protesting most emphatically against any further progress of the train un- til the great and only Daniel Webster had been heard from. Mr. Webster appeared and amid vociferous cheering “ assured the people of Cuba that this was peaceable invasion.” The embargo was then removed and the train again started on its triumphal march. (It has been claimed that Mr. Webster upon that occasion vras in a certain sense almost “ too full for utterance.”) During the building of the road great trouble was experienced from riotous demonstrations, especially in the vicinity of Cuba. A steam ex- cavator was put in operation. This excited the ire of the shovelers as it did the work of many men. Its destruction was threatened, and to save it from the mob a guard was placed over it. On one occasion the military were called out, and a cannon was loaded and placed to command the entire main street of the village, and by such means the disturbance was quelled. Buffalo could not rest satisfied without tapping this great western thoroughfare, and had for years been scheming for that purpose by encourag- ing the organization of the - Attica and Hornellsville Railroad Company, which was incorporated May 14, 1845, with a capital of $750,000. April 11, 1849, it procured an extension of time for completion and an act was passed April 19,1851, allowing other roads to take stock. The capital was increased, and the corporation was allowed to purchase the Buffalo and Rochester railroad from Attica to Buffalo, and to change its name to Buffalo and New York City railroad. The construction of this road involved a large outlay130 History of Allegany County, N. Y. in spanning the chasm of the Genesee at Portage, which was done by con- structing a wooden bridge 800 feet long and nearly 250 feet high.* This road, which forms a part of the Buffalo division of the Erie railway system, enters our county in Grove, and passing southeasterly leaves our borders a little south of the middle of the east line of Burns. In 1878 the Genesee Valley canal was abandoned by the state, and soon after a company was formed which purchased from the state authorities the banks, prism and structures of the canal. Work was commenced on a rail- road along its course and prosecuted with such dispatch as to enable the road to be soon opened for business. It has proved of great benefit to the people and places along its route, and is now a part of the Western New York and Pennsylvania system. Various other railroad projects have been started with as various suc- cesses, and surveys almost beyond number have been made to demonstrate the. practicability of different routes. The Rochester, Nunda and Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company was organized April 9,1870, the termini of the road designed to be constructed being Mt. Morris and Belmont, with connections which would reach the oil and coal fields of Pennsylvania. The towns along its proposed route were appealed to for help, and Birdsall bonded for $20,- 000 and Angelica for $65,000. In 1872 a corporation was organized to con- struct a road from the southern terminus of this road to a point upon the southern line of the state near Mill Grove in Cattaraugus county, and, two days later, another company, which took the name of “the Northern Ex- tension of the Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company,” was organized, with the object of constructing and operating a road from Mt. Morris to Rochester. On March 12,1872, these corporations were merged in one company under the corporate name of “ Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company.” In Pennsylvania “ The Northern Navigation and Rail- road Company was organized to build a road from Reynolds ville to Mill Grove. On the 6th of June, 1872, this company was absorbed by the Rochester, Nunda and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and the road was to be continued southerly to form one continuous road through Monroe, Livingston, Alle- gany and Cattaraugus counties, and McKean, Elk, Cameron, Jefferson and Clearfield counties in Pennsylvania to Brookville. This company, January 1, 1873, executed bonds bearing seven per cent interest to the amount of $4,- 050,000, and to secure the payments of the bonds and interest gave a mort- gage. The company had previously to this secured stock subscriptions to the amount of $1,085,000, $645,000 of which were town and city subscriptions, and $525,000 had been collected. Work had been commenced, and with material furnished had cost about $1,000,000, and payments to the amount of $925,000 had been made, $525,000 in cash from subscriptions and $400,000 in stock of the company taken at par by contractors for work done and ma- terial furnished. Owing to a depressed condition of business and finance * This was the largest structure of the kind in the world. It has since been burned and replaced by a gigantic iron bridge.Travel and Transportation. 131 the bonds did not meet with ready sale, and the company in order to insure traffic for the road, by Alfred Lockhart its president, on the 25th of Decem- ber, 1873, purchased about 5,000 acres of coal and timber land in Pennsylva- nia. The grading of the road from Mt. Morris to Belvidere had been mostly finished, when, under a decree of foreclosure of the mortgage held by the Union Trust Company on so much of the road as was located in this state, it was sold at Nunda, May 7, 1877, to Prank D. Lake of Nunda for $5,000. Since that time several re-organizations have been effected, and its history has been one of alternate prosperity and adversity, and to-day, as a result, a line of railroad is running from Angelica to Hornellsville, known as the Central New York and Western. For a while a connecting link from the line of this road at Angelica to the W. N. Y. & P. railway about a mile south of Belfast station, was operated, and a narrow-gauge road from Angelica, crossing the Genesee a little way above the Transit bridge, to Friendship, Nile, Bolivar, and on through Genesee to Olean, a part of this route being the same as was later covered by the Bolivar, Eldred and Cuba narrow- gauge railroad which was chartered, May 11, 1881, to run from Cuba to Lit- tle Genesee, and built its chief division from Wellsville, through Alma and Bolivar to Ceres, 24 miles. This company had 58.25 miles of track, and the road did good work for a few years, but trade languishing with the decline of oil, it was abandoned in 1893. The Wellsville, Coudersport and Pine Creek railroad, chartered Nov. 14, 1881, was capitalized at $100,000, and built about twelve miles of road south- easterly from Wellsville into Pennsylvania. It was sold for $110,000 in September, 1895, to F. H. and C. W. Goodyear, the great lumber operators, to form a link of their Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad system (see Wells- ville). The New York and Pennsylvania railroad chartered in 1895, is an east- ern extension of the Olean, Oswayo and Coudersport railroad, and crosses the southeastern corner of the county, from Genesee, Pa., through Cryder creek valley to Whitesville and Steuben county. The Tonawanda Valley and Cuba railroad, from Attica, through Arcade, Sandusky and Rushford to Cuba, was begun in May, 1881, and an excursion train was run, July 1, 1882, from Rushford to Cuba. The road was in oper- ation only a few years, and the portion traversing this county is entirely abandoned (see Rushford). Some other railroads are proposed and their construction seriously con- templated. One from Belmont to Belfast, following the route of the Bel- mont and Buffalo railroad which was graded for a part of the way through the towns of Amity, Angelica, Belfast, Caneadea and Hume, by a company which was organized in the winter of 1871, the work being suspended, and portions of the road sold to satisfy judgments. Several towns have reason to remember the B. & B. railroad company—having bonded to aid in its construction. At the present time Allegany is well supplied with railroad facilities,182 History of Allegany County, N. Y. and her public highways are being rapidly improved. The grand old town of Alfred, the seat of the first academic institution of the county, as well as its only University, has this year put in a macadamized road from the vil- lage to the station, a distance of nearly two miles. This is the first road of the kind in the county. 44 Good roads ” is now the watchword, and they are imperatively demanded not only by people who ride in fine carriages, or astride the bicycle visit with the speed of winged messengers every part of our county, but by the farmer as well, in order to facilitate the hauling of large and paying loads of produce to the nearest railroad station. Public attention is aroused and points to better roads, and the best minds of the age are at work on vehicles with electric or other motors; and possibly be* fore this book is delivered to its subscribers an enterprising Allegany car- riage maker will introduce one of the horseless carriages upon our roads. And so it goes ! The one continuous mud hole of the pioneers’ day has dried up and disappeared; 1795 has given way to 1895, the modern “ Conklin ” or 4 4 Milburn ” wagon has succeeded the drag; the stylish coupe the heavy old linchpin style of lumber wagon; the Portland cutter the oxsled, and the end is not yet! CHAPTER XXIII. GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY.* BY CHARLES BUTTS, ESQ. HOW were the hills and valleys of our county formed? Whence came the stones filled with casts of the animals and plants which lived in the ocean waters or along those ancient shores? How came they in their pres- ent places ? These are questions of the inquiring mind to which the geolo- gist seeks the answer. The rocks are written over with the fascinating tales of other days which tell the wonderful story of the earth and its inhabitants. Many, many ages ago, a vast thickness of rocks was formed. The most* ancient rocks known are crystalline, like granite. They are found over largo areas in Canada, but in smaller areas in other parts of the world, and are supposed to underlie the sedimentary rocks. Prom the Canadian area an- other large area once extended southwestward parallel to the Appalachian mountains and east of them. These rocks are known as the Archaean sys- tem and the time during which they were formed, as the Archaean era. Partially enclosed by the two areas of Archaean rocks mentioned and * The writer would hereby express his thanks to that eminent geologist, Prof. W. H. Pitts, for his careful revision of this chapter.138 Geology and Physical Geography. extending indefinitely southward and westward lay the great interior paleo- zoic sea. The filling up of this sea by sediment brought down by the rivers of the Archaean land now began. Living beings for the first time appear in abundance and with their appearance the Paleozoic era of geological time began. For an immensely long time during which the shoreline was pushed iar out into the interior sea, only invertebrates, the lowest division of the animal kingdom, existed. Brachiopods, trilobites, gigantic molluscs, and delicate corals swarmed in the waters. This time is known as the Silurian Age, or Age of Invertebrates and in it most of the rocks of the northern part of our state were deposited. With the appearance of fishes, belonging to the vertebrates, to which man also belongs, the Silurian Age ends and the Devonian Age begins. During this age, the ancient shoreline was pushed still farther south and west, and the rocks of our county were formed. G-igantic fishes reigned in the waters, and land plants, allied to the pines and other conifers, first appeared. The Carboniferous Age succeeded the Devo- nian. It was in this age that the coal of the eastern states was formed. The first land animals also appeared. This age with the Paleozoic era was ended by a great revolution in which the Appalachian mountains were thrown up and the eastern part of the United States raised into dry land. The Paleo- zoic Era was now followed by the Mesozoic Era, the era of middle life. It comprises one age, the Age of Reptiles. The largest animals thab ever ex- isted upon the earth lived in this age. Huge reptiles, 100 feet long and 20 feet high, lived upon the land and strange lizard-like monsters inhabited the waters. The bones of many of these strange creatures have been found in the rocks of Wyoming and Colorado and are now in the museum of Yale College. Birds and marsupials appeared, also modern land-plants. Many of the genera and even a few of the species of our common forest-trees are found. With the appearance of an entirely new class of animals, the mam- mal, the Mesozoic Era ends and theCenezoicEra, with its one age, the Age of Mammals, was introduced. All the genera of our familiar animals made their appearance, and many gigantic forms, now extinct, existed. Many of these left their bones in the morasses and lake mud, which, hardening into rock, preserved them for the investigator of the present day. In the Qua- ternary period of this age great glaciers, streams and sheets of flowing ice came creeping down from the Canadian highlands and covered a large part of the northern United States. With the close of the glacial epoch, man appears and the history of the earth is nearly complete. The sketch of historical geology has been given to show the age of the rock.formations of our county and their place in the general scheme of classi- fication of the formation of the earth’s crust. They belong mainly to the latter part of the Devonian Age but along the southern margin of the county some carboniferous rocks are found. The materials of which they are com- posed came, possibly, from the more ancient land to the north and east, being carried into the sea by rivers and gradually accumulating as sediment on the gently-sloping bottom. These subsequently hardened into rock, and,134 History of Allegany County, N. Y. by a series of movements which culminated in the great upheaval at the end of the Paleozoic Era, by which the Appalachian mountains were formed* were elevated to their present position. By this elevation the divides which traverse the county were formed, and the direction of the drainage, form- erly south and west, was completely reversed, being now mainly north and east. No sooner did the rocks appear above the waters than frosts and chemical forces of decomposition attacked the surface, disintegrating it into soil; the rains descended and the waters, laden with the finer elements of the soil, gathered into streams, which now hold their ancient courses, and have eroded their valleys out of the rocks, left the hills between, and borne away the eroded material. As the result of the combined action of these forces during the enormous lapse of time since this region became dry land* probably thousands of feet of solid rock have been removed from above our highest hill tops. The waters of the sea at the time of the depositing of our rocks, swarmed with life. Brachiopods were especially abundant. As these died their shells accumulated upon the bottom in immense numbers, were mixed with the sediment and the mass was afterward consolidated into a very hard impure sandstone. Many beds of this exist from a few inches to two or three feet thick and are composed almost entirely of the shells of spirifera disjuncta, a world-wide species, being found in England, France, and in the distant Himalaya mountains. This characteristic rock may be seen at almost any outcropping of strata in the county, and is the source of the shell rock so abundant on the surface. Thus for ages before the surface of Allegany county appeared as now, the work of erosion went on undisturbed, then, in comparative recent times, came the glacial epoch with its cold and ice. A vast sheet of ice descended from the north, and sweeping over this state gradually overspread large areas. Streams of ice first filled the valleys of this county and by their grinding action cut down the summits of the divide between the north and south flowing streams, thus forming the passes between Alfred and Andover, Friendship and Cuba, Cuba and Black Creek, the east and west notches near Richburg, etc. There is strong evidence that these passes were thus formed. Slowly the ice rose until it covered all but the highest hilltops in the southern part of the county, By its action the hills were smoothed and rounded off, the surface rocks were ground into clay, mud, sand and large fragments and the whole intermixed composed the tenacious, impervious 44 hard-pan,’’ which extends widely over the county except where it has been covered by later deposits. In many places the few inches of soil over- lying the hard-pan were formed by atmospheric agencies and by vegetation. The ice also brought from the far north immense quantities of sand, gravel* boulders of limestone, granite, gneiss, quartzite and other rocks. These, rounded and polished in their transportation, are often found in the county, but most of the material or 4 4 drift ” was deposited along the melting mar- gin of the ice-sheet. The mounds and conical hills at Alfred Station and135 Geology and Physical Geography. northward to Almond and westward through West Almond to Philips Creek are notable examples of glaciation. Smaller deposits exist at other locali- ties in the county, and probably all gravel and rounded boulder deposits at any considerable height above the streams are of glacial origin. Before the glacial epoch, the valleys were probably deeper and narrower than now. During that epoch and subsequently they were filled to their present high terrace levels by glacial detritus and material washed from the adjacent hills Thus were formed the broad valley flats which surpass in fertility the in- clined uplands and summits of the hills. Some of the valleys whose streams flow northward are partially filled by deep deposits of clay. The terra-cotta clay at Alfred, the clay in the valley of Knight’s Creek, and that said to exist in the valley of Van Campen’s Creek below Friendship, are examples. These clays were doubtless deposited in still waters, probably by lakes formed by ice-dams across the valleys. As the streams again began to flow after the ice disappeared from these valleys, they were in many places turned from their ancient courses and compelled to cut new channels out of solid rock. This is well shown by the Genesee at Portage. Its old channel . was completely filled in the glacial epoch, and it has since cut out of the rock a new one .several miles long and 300*feet deep. The same thing is shown on a smaller scale at Belmont where the river has cut a gorge of considerable depth and is still cutting it deeper in the rock. Vandermark’s Creek near Scio, Van Campen’s Creek near Belvidere, and Caneadea Creek near Rush- ford are other examples of such displacement. The strata of the county dip slightly toward the south and southwest, so that each formation overlaps the one below it as shingles overlap on a roof. The angle of dip averages hardly one degree. On the northern margin of the county is the Portage sandstone, so called because it is well shown in the gorge at Portage. The upper layers of these strata are also exposed at the falls of the Canaseraga in Burns, and the line of their northern out-crop is marked by other cascades and by escarpments. Near the southern limits of Centerville, Hume, Grove, and Burns, the Portage sandstone passes beneath the rocks of the Chemung group and underlies them throughout the rest of the county. It is probably in this rock that the oil sands of the county are found. The rest of the county, except the hilltops in the southern part, lies in the Chemung formation. This name is given to these rocks because they are extensively exposed along the Chemung river. Increasing in thickness from north to south with the dip they reach a thickness of 1,500 feet in southern Allegany. They consist mostly of thin-bedded sandstones, many of them highly argillaceous, alternating with layers of clay shale and are- naceous shale of all thicknesses, from less than an inch up to 30 or 40 feet. Two strata of sandstone from 10 to 20 feet thick«are pierced in drilling for oil. A thick stratum of very pure clay shale is exposed at Alfred Station. The shales are generally green but change to brown on exposure. The sand- stones contain mica also iron pyrites and oxide of manganese by which they136 History of Allegany County, N. Y. are often discolored. The general character of the Chemnng rocks may be seen at any of the many exposures in the county. Perhaps one of the best is in Caneadea Creek in Rushford and Caneadea. Others are at Rockville on Black Creek and on White Creek in Belfast, at Angelica, at Belmont, on Yandermark’s Creek near Scio, at “ the ledges ” in Almond, and at several points in Alfred and in Independence. Except in the southern part of the county the rocks of this group are highly fossiliferous. Besides spirifera disjunct a, there are many species of brachiopods, many species of lamelli branchs, a few species of orthoceratites and some sea-weeds. Some of the rocks contain scattered joints and frag- ments of crinoid stems with their radiating structure. But the rarest and most beautiful fossils found are the several species of dictyophyton, a genus of reticulated, fossil sponges allied to the glass sponges of the present day, of which the beautiful euplectella is an example. These are found only in the Chemung rocks, and are perhaps in greater abundance in Allegany county than elsewhere. They have been found in Alfred, Almond, Wellsville, Genesee, Clarksville, Friendship, Wirt, and probably in most other towns. It was largely through the discoveries and efforts of the late President Allen, of Professor Larkin, and of E. B. Hall, of Wellsville,. that these fossils were brought to the attention of the scientific world. The high hill-tops in southern Allegany are capped with a red soil, which entirely disappears lower down the side. The rocks from which this red soil is derived belong to a different formation from the Chemung rocks which underlie them. They belong to the Catskill Group, a name given because of their great development in the region of the Catskill mountains where they are 3,000 feet thick. They thin out westward and are not men- tioned as occurring west of this county. It is thought they are the equiva- lent in America of the Old Red Sandstone of England and Scotland. The northern limit of the red soil seems to be near a line drawn from the north- ern border of Cuba to the south of Andover village. Probably none of the rock now remains in situ as far north as this, its former extension being indicated by the red soil into which it has been disintegrated. The exact limits of the formation have not been determined. It is said that the rock may be seen in places at Spring Mills in Independence and near Wellsville on the Genesee. The Portage, Chemung and Catskill formations belong to the Devonian Age. At several points in the county are immense masses of coarse conglom- erate. These exist in great numbers and of large size at Rock City on the top of a high hill in Genesee, about three miles from the state line There is also a group near Petrolia in Scio. Many of those at Genesee are from 25 to 30 feet high, and their bases cover several square rods. Smaller fragments are found at other points. These interesting rocks are mainly composed of white quartzite pebbles (from the size of a goose-egg down to that of a pea) imbedded in a ground mass of coarse sand of the same mate- rial, the whole cemented together by iron or other cementing substance and #Geology and Physical Geography. 187 by pressure. A few black pebbles also occur. The rock was used for mill- stones in the early days of settlement. The formation to which these iso- lated masses belong, and of which they are fragments that have escaped de- struction in the general course of denudation, is probably of the Carbonifer- ous Age and is the last formed rock of the county. It outcrops, south of Olean as Olean Rock City, and this, as a solid stratum, once extended north- wardly over our county. Another outcropping is at Panama in Chautauqua county, where it is called the Panama Conglomerate. It extends south to West Virginia, west to the Mississippi, and underlies the coal fields of Penn- sylvania. It is known to the drillers of the southern Pennsylvania oil regions as the “ second mountain sand pebblerock ” and Sharon conglome- rate; to the drillers of the northern field as the Olean conglomerate. A similar rock underlies the coal fields of England and Scotland where it is called “pudding stone ” or “ millstone grit.” The material of this very ex- tensive formation was derived from an ancient stratum of quartzite of vast extent situated somewhere in the Archean^ area to the north or east. Into the swift-flowing rivers of that remote age fragments of the ancient rock were borne by the mountain streams, then rolled onward by their currents for all the many miles of their course, rounded into pebbles and ground into sand, and, at last, deposited along the shores of the vast sea that for untold ages rolled over the great central plain. So the geological and topographical features of Allegany county have been produced by the same slow-acting forces of nature that we may see in operation daily. Of the mineral wealth of the county little need be said. The production of oil and natural gas is a leading industry in the southwestern part, and an extensive field is being developed in Andover and Independence. The laminated sandstone makes a good quality of flagging where it can be found of sufficient uniformity of thickness, and is quarried to some extent at Scio, Friendship, and in Centerville. Building stones suitable for coarse mason- ry are plentiful, but their coarseness and liability to be stained by oxids of iron and manganese makes them unfit for ornamental use. The argillaceous sand stone, on account of its hardness, would make a good material‘for road- making. The clays already mentioned furnish abundant material for brick and tile. This has been used to some extent for roofing tile and ornamental terra-cotta by the Celadon Terra Cotta Works at Alfred, but its use has been abandoned for that of shale. The extensive deposits of aluminous shale are except the oil rock, probably the most valuable source of mineral wealth in the county on account of the superior quality of brick and tile made from them. The Celadon Terra Cotta Works are using shale entirely for their roofing tile, and these are pronounced by competent judges to be supe- rior in appearance and equal in quality to any American or imported make. It seems probable that the shale of other parts of the county may prove equally valuable and become a basis of extensive industries. Physical Geography. Allegany lies upon the backs of the dividing ridges between the St. Lawrence drainage basin on the north and that of the138 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Mississippi on the southwest and that of the Susquehanna on the east. These ridges are really northwestern outliers of the Appalachian mountains, and form a plateau, from 2,200 to 2,500 feet above the sea, deeply furrowed by the streams which traverse it. The surface is beautifully diversified by hill and valley, field and forest. Any of the higher hilltops commands a magnificent landscape; the wooded crests roll away in the distance like bil- lows of a mighty sea. Many a picturesque and charming vale nestles among the hills, a constant source of pleasure to the lover of landscape beauty. The highest points reach an altitude of 2,500 feet, the general level of the table land is about 2,200 feet. The altitude of the valleys is well shown by the height of the railroad stations as follows: Erie Railway: Almond 1,421 feet, Alfred 1,637, Tiptop Summit 1,783, Andover 1,653, Wellsville 1,511, Scio 1,462, Belmont 1,399, Belvidere 1,344, Friendship 1,539, Cuba Summit 1,699, Cuba 1,541. W. N. Y. & P. R. R.: Cuba 1,490, Black Creek 1,490, Rockville 1,421, Belfast 1,312.6, Oramel 1,264.5, Caneadea 1,238, Houghton 1,209, Fill- more 1,192, Rossburg 1,154.5. The eastern divide enters the southeastern part of Alfred, and, passing northeast, leaves the county in Burns; the western divide enters the county in Alma and, following a northwestern direction, passes out of Allegany in New Hudson. So all of Genesee and part of Cuba, Clarksville, Bolivar, Alma, New Hudson and Wirt are drained by the Allegany; Grove, Almond, and parts of Alfred, Allen, West Almond and Burns are drained by the Canisteo, and the rest of the county by the Genesee, which, rising in the northern part of Pennsylvania, near the source of the Allegany, flows northerly across the county through a broad and fertile valley which it has cut at about 1,000 feet below the crests of the divides. It collects the waters of the greater part of the county and carries them northward over its beau- tiful falls to turn the mill-wheels of Rochester and discharges them into lake Ontario at Charlotte. It is an anomaly among the rivers of this region in flowing northward while the others heading near it flow easterly and southwesterly. It drains a wedge- shaped area of the St. Lawrence basin which is thrust deeply in between those of the Mississippi and Susquehanna. The Genesee is now cutting into the detritus that fills its old channel, as is shown by the gorge and terraces at Belmont, the terraces marking a former higher level. The preceding list of altitudes indicates that the fall from Wellsville to Rossburg is 356 feet, hence the river has a torrential current. Along its course once passed the Genesee Valley canal, fed by the waters of Allegany from the reservoir at Cuba. The Rochester Chamber of Commerce has made strenuous efforts to obtain legislation to control the Cuba reservoir in the interests of their city so that the flow of the water northward may be at their command, so important to the business interests of Rochester are regarded the waters of “ Old Allegany’s ” hills. Another noticeable feature in the topography is the general parallelism of the secondary streams. A glance at a county map will show this. It is particularly the case with those flowing into the Genesee. Their generalGeology and Physical Geography. 139 courses are invariably northeast and southwest. This fact is due to the relations of the streams to the divides, the streams assuming a direction at right angles to the directions of their crests. The passes through the divides become striking features when com- pared with the high summits that separate the headwaters of streams adjacent to those that rise in the passes. The way that they are cut down is shown by the remarkable fact that in times of freshets fish can pass from one drainage basin to another through the streams that head in some of them. Thus trout can pass back and forth between the headwaters of Oil and Can- eadea creeks in New Hudson, and so pass to and from the Mississippi and St. Lawrence basins. The same is true of Yandermark and McHenry Valley creeks at Five Corners summit in Alfred, between the St. Lawrence and Susquehanna basins. These passes are of the utmost utility in the construction of railroads, saving them hundreds of feet of rise and a very high grade. The county is abundantly watered by rains and snows that supply co- pious springs that issue from the hills along the outcropping of some imper- vious stratum of rock or clay that prevents the further descent of the water into the earth. The springs contain a considerable amount of mineral matter in solution. Carbonate of lime, dissolved from the shells in the rocks and giving the water its hardness, is almost universally present. Sulphur' springs are found in Alfred, Almond and Angelica. Other springs and wells at Alfred show the presence of sulphates of iron and magnesium. The celebrated oil Cuba has been known to whites since 1629. As in the study of human society the past is the key to the present so it is in the study of physical geography. The dominant physical features of the earth have originated in movements that occurred in distant periods of the past, and the minor features have been carved out by the unceasing action of Nature’s forces throughout unnumbered ages. And these silent, unobserved, yet resistless forces are still at work. The continents are being carried, particle by particle, into the seas. Nothing terrestrial is perma- nent; all is transitory, and the physical geography of the present will not be the physical geography of the future. “ Since first the sunlight spread itself o’er earth, Since chaos gave ,a thousand systems birth, Since first the morning stars together sung, Since first this globe was on its axis swung, Untiring change, with ever moving hand, Has waved o’er earth its more than magic wand.”140 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER XXIV. NATURAL HISTORY.* BY PROF. F. S. PLACE, A. B., B. D. TOPOGRAPHY. The topographical features of the county are varied. The valley flats, deep valleys, and, in many parts, the broad level uplands, all unite to form a diversified and pleasing landscape. The princi- pal topographical feature of the county is the divide between the St. Law- rence, Atlantic and Mississippi river-systems. The northeastern part belongs to the Atlantic system, the southwestern part to the Mississippi, and the central to the St. Lawrence system. The highest summit on the Erie railroad, at Tiptop in Alfred is 1,783 feet above tide water, and the gen- eral level of the divide is 800 feet higher. The county thus lies in the line of greatest elevation between the Appalachian mountains and the Mississippi river. This fact probably accounts for the large precipitation of moisture which it enjoys, and which makes it so well adapted to grazing and dairying. To this fact is also due in great measure the copious and abundant springs with which the county is blessed. Another interesting feature connected with the divide is the deep notches, or passes, through it in various places. Among the notable ones are those on the line of the Erie railroad at Tiptop in Alfred, and the summit between Friendship and Cuba. Others are the East and West notches near Richburg, the summit between Oil and Black Creeks, and the notch through the local divide between Haskell Creek and the branch of Oil Creek flowing north. Climate. The annual rain-fall, including melted snow, as observed at Alfred was in 1890, 46.26 inches; 1891, 33.18; 1892, 34.73; 1893, 43.37; 1894, 42.76. The average yearly temperature was at Alfred in 1890, 44.5 degrees; 1891, 45.5; 1892, 43.0; 1893, 42.6; 1894, 46.0. At Angelica the average of the annual mean temperatures for eleven years was 44.2 degrees and the average annual precipitation for seven years 38.21 inches. This yearly average is obtained in this manner: The temperature at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and twice the temperature at 9 p. m. are added; this sum divided by four gives the daily average; the sum of the daily averages for the month divided by the number of days in the month gives the monthly average; the sum of the monthly averages divided by twelve gives the yearly average, which, it will be observed, is nearly the same from year to year. The opening of spring as indicated by the arrival of the bluebird, cliff swallow (eaves swallow) and Baltimore oriole was at Alfred as follows: Bluebird, 1885, Mar. 30; 1886, Mar. 15; 1887, Mar. 14; 1889, Mar. 14; 1891, Mar. 12; 1892, Feb. 25; 1893, Mar. 14; 1894, Mar. 5; Cliff Swallow, 1885, May *Many thanks are due to friends throughout the county for assistance and information.Natural History. 141 28; 1886, May 13; 1889, May 5; 1891, May 14; 1892, May 5; 1893, May 8; 1894, May 1; Baltimore Oriole, 1885, May 5; 1886, Apr. 28; 1887, May 2; 1889, May 6; 1891, May 3; 1892, May 3; 1893, May 2. Animals. No authentic list of the mammals of the county has ever been made, so far as can be ascertained; neither of the reptiles, fishes nor insects. The large game animals were killed or driven out many years ago. Accord- ing to the best information which could be obtained the following are the dates on which some of them were last seen in the county: panther, 1850, reported from Granger; wolf, 1856, in the south part of the county; bear, 1885, killed on Knight’s Creek, Scio, by David Allen; deer, 1881, Independ- ence; wildcat, 1894, in Willing. Foxes have held their own remarkably well through all the settling and clearing up of the country; most sportsmen think them as abundant now as ever. The hare or white rabbit has nearly disappeared, a few still remain- ing in various parts of the county, while the gray rabbit, which came in from the west or south about 1875 or 1880, has become plentiful, often appearing about the farmhouses and in village gardens. In the winter of 1892-93 a Virginia opossum was caught in Elm Valley; it was brought to Alfred and after a few months’ confinement escaped. There are still a few otter in the southern part of the county. Ravens which were once common here are now rarely seen, the last reported was from Elm Valley in 1893. Another bird familiar to our fathers was the pileated woodpecker, or as it was frequently called logcock or wood- cock, the largest of the woodpecker family excepting only the ivory bill of Florida. It is now rare even in the moase heavily-timbered sections. Quail have almost disappeared. Ruffed grouse, better known as partridge, still breed freely wherever timber and underbrush are found. Wild pigeons (passenger pigeon) which in the early history of the country were said to darken the sky with their flight, and were shot and netted by dozens and scores as late as the early seventies, are now found occasionally, usually a few pairs together. Most observers believe that our common birds are decreasing in numbers while crows are on the increase. This is not a coin- cidence^ Crows are well known to be most cunning and persistent in rob- bing birds’ nests of both eggs and young. This bad habit, together with the mischief which they do to crops, especially corn, and to flocks of young turkeys and chickens, brings upon the black rascals the just condemnation of every lover of our feathered songsters. Our hawks and owls, though preying occasionally upon poultry and game, undoubtedly do more good than harm, for they destroy mice, moles, and insects in large numbers. Even our largest hawks feed extensively on beetles and grasshoppers. The . sharpshinned hawk however is an exception, preferring small birds, such as warblers and sparrows, which it captures with much adroitness. The English sparrow appeared in the county in 1874, and, though in some parts of the United States it does much damage to grain and small fruits, it does142 History of Allegany County, N. Y. little harm here, acting rather as a scavenger, picking up the waste grain and crumbs about the streets. The following is a list of our birds observed, with few exceptions, in the vicinity of Alfred. The numbers preceding the names correspond to the American Ornithologists’ Union’s Check-list of North American Birds, revised (1895). The names of birds known to nest in the county are followed by the letter n. 3 Horned Grebe, 6 Pied-billed Grebe, 7 Loon, 6o Bonaparte’s Gull, 131 Hooded Mergan- ser, 133 Black Duck, 135 Gadwall, 143 Pintail, 144 Wood Duck, i53Buffle-head, 154 Old-squaw, 190 American Bittern, 194 Great Blue Heron, 200 Little Blue Heron, 201 Green Heron, 202 Black-crowned Night Heron, 206 Sandhill Crane, 212 Virginia Rail, 219 Florida Gallinule, 221 American Coot, 228 American Woodcock n, 230 Wilson’s Snipe, 256 Solitary Sandpiper, 263 Spot- ted Sandpiper n,271 Golden Plover, 273 Killdeer, 289 Bob-white, 300 Ruffed Grouse n> 315 Passen- ger Pigeon, 316 Mourning Dove, 331 Marsh Hawk, 332 Sharp-shinned Hawk n, 333 Cooper’s Hawk n, 337 Red-tailed Hawk n,339 Red-shouldered Hawk #,347 American Rough-legged Hawk, 352 Bald Eagle, 357 Pigeon Hawk, 360 American Sparrow Hawk^, 364 American Osprey, 366 American Long-eared Owl, 367 Short-eared Owl, 368 Barred Owl n> 375 Saw-whet Owl, 373 Screech Owl n, 375 Great Horned Owl n, 376 Snowy Owl, 387 Yellow-billed Cuckoo n, 388 Black-billed Cuckoo n, 390 Belted Kingfisher n, 393 Hairy Woodpecker n, 394 Downy Wood- pecker n, 402 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 405 Pileated Woodpecker, 406 Red-headed Wood- pecker n, 409 Red-bellied Woodpecker, 412 Flickers, 417 Whip-poor-will, 420 Night Hawk, 423 Chimney Swift n, 428 Ruby-throated Hummingbird n, 444 Kingbird n, 452 Crested Fly- catcher n, 456 Phebe n, 461 Woodpewee^, 463 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 467 Least Flycatcher n, 474 Horned Lark n, 477 Blue Jay, 486 American Raven, 488 American Crow n% 494 Bobo- link n, 495 Cowbird n, 498 Red-winged Blackbird n, 501 Meadow Lark n> 507 Baltimore Oriole. n, 511 Purple Grackle n. 515 Pine Grosbeak, 517 Purple Finch n, 521 American Crossbill, 529 American Goldfinch n, 534 Snowflake, 540 Vesper Sparrow n, 542a Savanna Sparrow n, 554 White-crowned Sparrow, 558 White-throated Sparrow, 559 Tree Sparrow, 560 Chipping Spar- row n, 563 Field Sparrow n, 567 Slate-colored Junco n, $73 Black-throated Sparrow, 581 Song Sparrow n, 583 Lincoln’s Sparrow, 584 Swamp Sparrow, 585 Fox Sparrow, 587 Towhee n, 593 Cardinal, 595 Rose-breasted Grosbeak n, 598 Indigo Bunting #, 608 Scarlet Tanager n, 612 Cliff Swallow «, 613 Barn Swallow «, 616 Bank Swallow n, 617 Rough-winged Swallow, 619 Cedar Waxwing n, 621 Northern Shrike, 624 Red-eyed Vireo n, 626 Philadelphia Vireo, 627 Warbling Vireo, 628 Yellow-throated Vireo, 629 Blue-headed Vireo, 636 Black and White Warb- ler n, 645 Nashville Warbler, 648 Parula Warbler, 652 Yellow Warbler n, 654 Black-throated Blue Warbler, 655 Myrtle Warbler, 657 Magnolia Warbler, 659 Chestnut-sided Warbler n, 660 Bay-breasted Warbler, 661 Black-poll Warbler, 667 Black-throated Green Warblgj ri, 671 Pine Warbler, 672 Palm Warbler, 674 Oven-bird n, 675 Water Thrush, 679 Mourning Warbler, 681 Maryland Yellowthroat n, 686 Canadian Warbler, 687 American Redstart n, 704 Catbird n, 705 Brown Thrasher n, 721 House Wren n, 722 Winter Wren, 726 Brown Creeper, 727 White- breasted Nuthatch n, 728 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 735 Chickadee n, 748 Golden-crowned Kinglet, 749 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 755 Wood Thrush, 756 Wilson’s Thrush n, 758a Olive- backed Thrush, 759b Hermit Thrush n, 761 American Robin n, 766 Bluebird nt-English Sparrows. Brook-trout in small numbers are still found in most of tbe streams which do not dry up during the summer; but all our brooks have failed very much in twenty years. No fish will be found equal to the speckled beauty, either for sport or in flavor, though such a fish as the carp is easily bred andNatural History. 143 furnishes more food with little care. The carp were introduced into Ando- ver pond a few years ago and appear to have done very well there. The rattlesnakes, of which our grandmothers used to tell us, have practically disappeared; the only place from which any are reported is the town of Grove. The Colorado potato-beetle, which filled our hearts with dismay on its arrival in 1871, though promptly met with fatal doses of Paris green, steadily increased for many years. There is good evidence that it has reached a maximum and begun to feline. One of its natural enemies, the lady-bug, which in both adult and larval stages feeds on potato-beetles’ eggs, was unusually abundant in the potato fields during the summer of 1894. Our fields are commonly infested with five species of grasshopper, three of crickets, and, in sandy, or gravelly localities, two species of locusts. These grass-eating insects rarely become so numerous as to do much dam- age; but in the summer of 1894 the reverse was true. The summer of 1893 was dry and the following winter warm; this, together with the early drouth of 1894, furnished favorable conditions for grasshopper development. Past- ures were much injured; many fields of oats were cut before fruiting to save them for fodder; the border rows in the potato fields were reduced to bare stalks; and many gardens were stripped of cabbages, turnips, beans, and other vegetables. Turkeys and other poultry were no match for the rustling hordes that rose in clouds before them; and, being soon gorged with their favorite food, were of little service in checking the insects. The diversity of our topography is the source of a varied plant life. More than 500 species of native plants have been classified at Alfred, and the same locality furnishes many more. The list could be largely increased by a study of other parts of the county, especially the river fiats. Since the introduction of white daisies no plant so hurtful to agricultural interests has appeared as the orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) also called “ paint-brush. ” It is said to have been first planted as a garden flower in Independence in 1861. It has now completely overspread many fields in that town, and most of the farmers, after a constant and tiresome fight with salt, hoes and other means, have given up the struggle. It ran wild from a flower garden in Alfred at a somewhat later date and has a firm foothold in some parts of the town. It is said to have first appeared in Scio in 1893. Ragweed, (Ambrosia artemisiaefolia) which appeared only a few years ago, will probably give no particular trouble, since it is confined mostly to waste ground and unseeded stubble, and is, moreover, of much smaller growth here than elsewhere in the United States. In closing this brief and hurried review of our natural history permit the statement that, incomplete as it is, considerable care has been taken to make it reliable as far as it goes. Would it not be well for all lovers of the natural sciences to co-operate in collecting and recording present knowledge which shall be the history of the future?144 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER XXV. OIL AND GAS IN ALLEGANY COUNTY. BY LEWIS H. THORNTON. The writer is indebted for valuable information used in this chapter to “ The Mineral Resources of the United States,” “ Report on New York State Mining Exhibit at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892,” the files of the Oil City Derrick, The Petroleum Agef and The Wellsville Reporter, to an exhaustive paper, “ Petroleum in New York State,” read by Prof, Charles A. Ashburner before the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1887, to Mr. W. F. Thomas of Bolivar, Mr. Riley Allen of Allentown, Col. Rufus Scott of Wellsville, and other authorities. To Prof. James G. Hall, State Geologist, especial acknowledgement is due. HE oil-bearing rock beneath the surface of this county has produced $30,000,000 worth of petroleum since the completion of the famous Trian- gle Well No. 1 in June, 1879. It is not probable that the sum total of all Alle- gany’s other productions during the past 15 years more than equal in value this one remarkable mineral resource. Its discovery within our borders has been the cause of the circulation of a fabulous amount of wealth and the realization of an immense profit. The industry Jaas added also to the fame of the county, for the Allegany oil field has the distinction of being the richest, and, with one exception, the only one in the great Empire State. The palmy and exciting days of the field’s history have now long since passed away. The wells, however, have such a remarkable longevity, that, although the amount of new production is small, the pool pours out 2,000 barrels daily, worth now $1,000,000 a year, and will produce in paying quantities for a decade or more to come. Up to Dec. 1, 1895, there have been 5,500 wells drilled, 3,500 of which are now producing a daily average of 55-100 barrels each. Old Triangle No. 1, the first good well struck in the field, now sixteen years old, is doing a good one-third of a barrel. It is owned by Macken & Breckenridge. New wells in the Waugh and Porter and Alma pools are proving to be from 3 to 8 barrel producers. In 1882 there were many wells doing a hundred barrels daily. In July of that year the field’s daily average pipe line runs were 24,000 barrels and the year's daily average was 17,000 barrels. In 1883 the average daily production fell to about 13,000 barrels; in 1884 to about 9,500, in 1885 to 7,000, in 1886 to 5,600, and so on in decreasing ratio until the pres- ent average of 2,000 barrels was reached. This will undoubtedly be main- tained for some time for the recent advance in the market price of petroleum to $1.25 and over has stimulated drilling, and led to an increased production from old wells, which are being overhauled and more carefully handled. Producers who have made a careful study of the decline in production from old wells maintain that on the average it is hardly over 1-16 yearly. ThereOil and Gas. 145 are many wells in the field that have each produced 10,000 barrels of oil, and are still valuable property. Though the richest parts of the field, lying in the towns of Bolivar, Wirt, Alma, Scio, Clarksville and Genesee, has been more or less thoroughly developed, there remains much valuable undrilled territory in South Alma, South Bolivar and other sections. It is worthy to note in connection with the history of the Allegany oil field that the first discovery of petroleum in America was that of the Seneca oil spring, at Cuba in this county, by Roche-d’Allion, a French Jesuit, July 18, 1627. The location of the spring was noted on a map published fifty years later, being designated by the words Fontaine de Mtume. Vanuxem, in his Report of 1837 refers to this spring, and Dr. Beck, in his “Report on the Mineralogy of New York,” published in 1842, describes it. Geology and Geography of the Field.—The richest oil rocks have always been found in the Devonian strata, which produces our Allegany oil. Whenever rocks have been found to contain oil in commercial quantity, they are more or less porous, and lie in a comparatively horizontal position, seldom having a large dip. Ample facts have been gathered to prove that petroleum is a product of a slow destructive distillation of organic remains, both animal and vegetable, which were buried in the sediment at the time that the rock-making materials were deposited in water basins. The sand and limestone beds in which the oil is now found, contained some of the organic remains from which the oil has been formed, but probably the bulk of the oilhas come from theorganic remains buried in associated strata, and the porous beds in which the oil is found act merely as reservoirs to hold the oil. These porous beds are found to exist in restricted areas; this fact gave rise to the areas in which oil is found being designated as pools. In some districts these pools are very small and numerous. This field might be described as consisting of five minor, and one large dumbbell-shaped pool which extends northeast and southwest a distance of 10 miles, and varies in width from 3 to 5 miles. In this pool the sand differs more or less, and some large and some small wells are obtained. About the borders of this pool proper, and extending in some directions a considerable distance, the producing district has been quite peculiarly developed. The field may be divided into: 1. Large pool; 2. Alma; 3. Alma P. O.; 4. Clarksville and Nile; 5. Andover; 6. Waugh and Porter in South Bolivar. 1. Large Pool.—This oldest and richest portion of the field lies in Bolivar, Richburg, Wirt, Alma, Allentown, Scio, Genesee, and Clarksville. The first successful drilling in the county was done on lot 4 Scio, and on the adjoining lots iii Alma in the far northeastern edge of this district. The wells between Richburg and Bolivar lie in the center, and those at Rock City in Genesee at the southwest edge of the pool. The depth of drilling ranges from 1,200 to 1,800 feet with from 25 to 60 feet of oil rock. 2. Alma.—Turning northeast and southwest, this pool covers perhaps 30 lots in Alma. It is directly connected by light territory to the large pool No. 1. It is known to producers as the 106 or South Alma district, though146 History of Allegany County, N. Y. this lot lies in its northern edge. The drilling varies in depth from 1,100 to 1,300 feet. From 15 to 30fee£of sand are found. It has been estimated that the pool now produces about 150 barrels of oil daily. Good gas territory has been developed to the southwest. 3. Alma Post Office.—The few small wells in this district are separated by a dry streak from the Alma pool proper. Only from 10 to 20 feet of sand is found at a depth of from 800 to 1,500 feet. 4. Clarksville and Nile.—These pools have been described by Mr. D. A. Van Ingen as follows: 44 Clarksville and Nile pools are only about one- half a mile apart and can almost be considered as one, in spite of the dry streak between. The former covers 15 lots in the towns of Clarksville and Wirt, and the latter 6 lots in the northern part of Wirt. Clarksville was first drilled in 1883, while Nile dates one year earlier. The wells are from 1,000 to 1,500 feet deep, and yielded when first 4 shot’ from 5 to 25 barrels a day, but are now producing only about half a barrel. The oil sand is thicker in Clarksville than in Nile. Gas pressure is light. ” 5. Andover.—The Mutual Gas Company of Andover, in its search for natural gas in 1889, discovered oil in paying quantities in this district, which lies in Greenwood, Steuben county, as well as in Andover. It is abetter gas than oil field, though the pool is now producing 50 barrels of petroleum daily. The depth of wells varies from 800 to 1,300 feet. 6. Waugh and Porter.—This district now covers seven lots in South Bolivar, and is particularly interesting because of the character of the oil and oil-bearing rock there found. The first well was the old Waugh and Porter, from which the pool and its characteristic sand is named. This was completed June 27, 1881, on lot 34. Gas was found from 1,300 to 1,318 feet deep; slate from 1,318 to 1,330; oil rock, mixed, 1,330 to 1,345; rich oil rock, 1,350 to 1,375. The oil-bearing rock and the oil discovered were of an entirely different nature than the sand and oil found in all other parts of the field, and known as the 44 Richburg.” The rock was also discovered below where the 4 4 Richburg’ ’ should have been. This gave rise to much inter esting discussion and to a hope (entertained to this day) of finding in other parts of the field a sand similar to the Waugh and Porter, beneath the Rich- burg. Scientific theorists, members of the U. S. Geological Survey, ardently combatted this conclusion, and proved to their own satisfaction that the 44 Waugh and Porter ” was the same as the 4 4 Richburg ’ ’ sand, which all agree is like the Bradford, Pa., sand. Practical experience, how- ever, has demonstrated differently. In the Transit Oil Company’s No. 7, as well as in other wells on lot 26, two distinctly different oil sands have been found, averaging a distance of 185 feet apart. The upper one is the 44 Rich- burg” sand, producing the dark-green petroleum. The lower one is the Waugh and Porter, producing the characteristic amber oil, so transparent that print may be read through it. Colonel Rufus Scott has kindly furnished the following record of the Transit Oil Co. ’s last well on lot 26, South Bolivar: “ Top of the Richburg sand 1,307 feet from surface; bottom of RichburgOil and Gas. 147 sand 1,318; gas from 1,426 to 1,475; top of Waugh and Porter sand 1,475, bottom of first strata 1,485, slate to 1,493, mixed sand and shell to 1,520; lower strata Waugh and Porter rich oil sand 1,520 to 1,537; well finished at 1,555. Completed Sept. 3, 1895, and produced naturally to Nov. 11, when it was torpedoed. ’ ’ The Transit Company have 4 ‘ shot ” several wells in both the Richburg and Waugh and Porter sands. The Waugh and Porter sand bears a striking resemblance to the Ormsby, Pa., oil-bearing rock, which is like that of the Kane, Pa., region. It may be that the South Bolivar pool is a northeasterly outcrop of the Ormsby rock. The hard, homogenous character of the Allegany, called also Richburg sand, gives rise to the remarkable longevity of production already noted. Thirty wells on the Reed farm in Bolivar have already produced $1,000,000 worth of oil and will no doubt continue to produce for ten years to come. Riley Allen has 8 wells at Allentown, drilled 12 years ago, that produced 2,000 barrels of oil last year. The old Waugh and Porter well, 14 years old, now the property of the Transit Oil Co., is a valuable producing well to-day. A representative section of the rocks of the field is afforded by the fol- lowing accurate record of O. P. Taylor’s Triangle Well, No. 1, lot 4, Scio: Well mouth above ocean in feet................................................................. 1825 1. Clay, sand and gravel......................................................... 100 to 100=1725 2. Dark gray shale............................................................... 30 to 130=1695 3. White sandstone and shale..................................................... 40 to 170=1655 4. Red shale and sandstone.......................................................... 15 to 185—1640 5. Chocolate shale............................................................. 5 to 190=1635 6. Red sandstone and shale.......................................................... 16 to 206=1619 7. Chocolate shale and sandstone............ .................................... 4 to 210=1615 8. Gray sandstone containing water............................................... 8 to 218=1607 9. Gray sandstone............................................................... 12 to 230=1595 10. Red sandstone............................................................... 6 to 236=1589 11. Gray slate...................................................................... 30 to 266=1559 12. Gray shale.................................................................... 14 to 28©= 1545 13. White shale and sandstone*................................................... 3 to 283= 1542 14. Gray shale................................................................... 4 to 287=1538 15. Gray sandstone............................................................... 4 to 291=1534 16. Dark gray sandstone.......................................................... 7 to 298=1527 17. Gray slate................................................................... 30 to 328=1497 18. Light gray shale............................................................. 20 to 348= 1477 19. Gray slate containing sand shales............................................... 21 to 369= 1456 20. Light gray slate............................................................. 79 to 448=1377 21. Gray shale, containing fragments of fossils.................................. 4 to 452=1373 22. Soft gray slate.............................................................. 31 to 483= 1342 23. Argillaceous sandstone............................................................ 22 to 505=1320 24. Gray shale....................................................................... 30 to 535=1290 25. Gray shale containing fragments of fossils.......................................... 4 to 539=1286 26. Red shale.................................................................... 1 to 540=1285 27. Gray slate......................................................................... 52 to 592=1233 28. Gray shale containing fossil remains............................................... 4 to 596=1229 29! Gray slate....................................................................... 21 to 617=1208 30. Gray shale, containing fossil remains........................................ 1 to 618=1207 31. Soft gray shale.................................................................... 47 to 665=1160 32. Gray sandstone............................................................. 40 to 705=1120 33. Dark gray shale and slate......................................................... 80 to 785=1040 34. Gray slate, containing fragments of foissils.................................... 61 to 846= 979 35. Gray sandy shale, containing fragments of fossils.................................. 9 to 855== 970 36. Gray shale................................................................. 120 to 975= 850 37. Gray sandstone containing oil and salt water....................................... 20 to 995= 830 38. Gray shale................................................................... 114 to 1109= 716 39. Soft gray sandstone, top of oil sand............................................. 17 to 1126= 699 40. Harder gray sandstone........................................................... 17 to 1143= 682 41. Soft gray sandstone, bottom of oil sand.......................................... 10 to 1153== 672 42. Gray shale and slate........................*................................ 24 to 1177= 648 Total depth of well.................................................................. 1177 feet.148 History of Allegany County, N. Y. The top of this well is 625 feet below the bottom of the Olean conglome- rate, making the distance between the top of the Allegany oil-sand in this, well and the Olean conglomerate 1784 feet. The lower 525 feet of this inter- val of 625 feet is occupied by gray shale and slate and sandstone; above this occurs the sub-Olean conglomerate, which is the middle member of the Pocono sandstone, ranges from 80 to 40 feet thick, and occurs immediately below the gray shale representing the upper part of the Pocono sandstone, and the red shale representing the Mauch Chunk red shale. (An outcrop of the sub-Olean conglomerate may be seen facing the Genesee river a mile and a half north of Wellsville; and another outcrop, also facing the Genesee, exists 6 miles south of Wellsville). Refining Petroleum.—The preparation of refined products from petroleum may be thus briefly described: The crude oil as it comes from the wells is subjected first to a process of distillation in large iron stills. The most volatile products of the oil pass off first in the form of vapor, which condenses by passing through coils of iron pipe surrounded by cold water; from these pipes are collected the naptha, benzine and other products. After these lighter products come from the still, the burning oil or kerosene next passes off; this illuminating oil is subsequently followed by the heavier lubricating oils containing paraffine; there remains in the iron still, finally, a small residuum composed principally of tar and coke. The special distillate known as kerosene, which is designed for illuminating oil, is then subjected to the action of sulphuric acid, which removes the odor and color which it> possesses and also destroys the smell of the small amount of tar which it sometimes contains. The oil is then treated with caustic soda in order to neutralize the last traces of the acid; it is then frequently subjected to a higher temperature in order to expel a small percentage of benzine which it often contains, the removal of which makes the kerosene a safer iUuminant. Thus prepared it is known as the kerosene oil of commerce. The details of the process of refining vary, not only on account of the composition of the crude oil which is treated, but also from the character of the special product which it is desired to manufacture. Although the ordinary kerosene oil of commerce is the principal product which is manufactured out of petroleum, yet the multitude of similar products which are used in the industrial arts, require that the details of the general process of refining shall be modified to meet special wants of the consumer. Development of the Field.—No active search was made for oil until after Colonel Drake’s discovery of it in paying quantites at Titusville, Pa., in 1859. In 1862 a well was drilled at Bradford, Pa., but a few miles south of the state line. Subsequently several wells were drilled in this state north of Bradford. Explorations were then made in an unsystematic way in this county. The first well of which we have any record was drilled at Independ- ence in 1865 by a stock company, and a slight showing of oil and gas was. obtained in a thin sandstone about 800 feet above what afterwards proved to be the Allegany oil rock. The next well was drilled a year or two later byOil and Gas. 149 Tadder & Co., with similar results. In 1878 two other wells were put down in Independence. The discovery of oil in commercial quantities in the Brad- ford district in 1874, and its active development, which commenced in the latter part of 1875, stimulated drilling in the entire surrounding region. In September, 1877, the Honeoye or Alma well, on lot No. 26, South Alma town- ship, familiarly known as the “old wildcat,” because of the stuffed animal of that species that adorned the top of its derrick, was commenced by the Wellsville and Alma Oil Company. It was finished in November by the pioneer contractor and driller Ben Thomas, to whose activity and faith in the eventual discovery of “paying” oil in Allegany is due much credit. This well was drilled 1,800 feet deep, cost $4,000, and proved a failure. At a depth of 500 feet considerable gas was found, which ultimately took fire and burned the derrick. At 1,000 feet a small amount of oil was obtained. A “shot ” failed to increase the yield, and the well was finally abandoned. This well demonstrated the existence of an oil-bearing rock, and encouraged the immediate drilling of another well, on lot 118, South Alma, known as “ Pikeville No. 1,” which was completed in November, 1878. This, like the Honeoye well, was drilled by Ben Thomas. It was located by James Thorn- ton, A. A. Howard, T. F. Fisher, Ed. Gale, and George Howard, all of Wells- ville. James Thornton paid for building the derrick and contracted the drill- ing with Thomas. Before the well was completed stock was sold in the venture by the organization of the “ Bottom Dollar Oil Company.” Mr. O. P. Taylor “ bought in ” at this time. The oil rock was struck at a depth of 1,028 feet. It consisted of two beds 18 feet thick, separated by 7 feet of slate. By proper pumping the well would have been good for from 8 to 5 barrels a day. This yield was not then considered enough to pay, and the well was abandoned. On three sides of this old location wells are now being pumped daily. In January, 1879, O. P. Taylor completed the Wycoff well, northeast of “ Pikeville No. 1. ” It was situated on the north middle of lot 36, Alma. It had a showing of oil sand, but no oil, and was thought to demonstrate that oil would be found between the Honeoye and Pikeville wells. The next ven- ture was Taylor’s celebrated “Triangle No. 1,” completed June 12,1879, on the Crandall farm, lot No. 4, Scio. 27 feet of superior oil rock was found, and, after being shot, the well filled up in an hour with 700 feet of oil, and proved to be the first flowing well struck in the county. The Elmira Gazette of June 21, 1879, published this news item from Wellsville: “There is no disguising the fact that oil has been found here and that in paying quantities. w Triangle Well ’ is located four and a half miles southwest from Wellsville. It was put down and is owned by O. P. Taylor. The well was commenced April 17th. At 985 feet a small salt water vein was found. At 1,109 feet the oil-bearing sand was reached, and passed at 1,153 feet. The drill stopped at 1,177. Thursday, June 12th, the well was ‘ torpedoed ’ with a twenty-quart shot of glycerine, when the oil was sent from thirty to fifty feet over the derrick; later with an eight-quart shot, when the hole filled with 800 feet of150 History of Allegany County, N. Y. oil. Saturday came the flow, since which time there has flowed between eight and ten barrels per day. The well is certainly a ‘ gusher, ’ and as I stood in the derrick yesterday watching the flow it came with force enough to make things tremble. Sunday brought a crowd. The place was named ‘ Triangle City. ’ Four lager beer stands were started, and the population numbered several hundred. Of course Wellsville is excited, and every man sees a fortune ‘staring him in the face.’ The town is filling up with strangers. Letters, telegrams and inquiries are pouring in. Look out for a great big city at Wellsville ! ” Ah exhaustive and accurate record of the geologic strata through which this well was drilled may be found in this chapter under the heading “ Geology of Petroleum. ” In the fall of 1879 the Longabaugh “ dry hole ’’ was completed, 400 rods north of “Triangle No. 1.” The Brimmer Brook well, put down about the same time, by James Thornton, Hiram Coats, O. P. Taylor and A. S. Brown, was also a “duster.” These failures stopped further drilling toward the north . In the winter of 1879-80 Mr. Taylor completed a well on the Williams lot 200 rods east of “Triangle No. 1.”.' It was considered a failure. Early in 1880 the well known “ Shofl ” well south of Pikeville was completed by the veteran Ben. Thomas, and proved a good producer. Taylor’s “Triangle No. 2, ” on lot 4, Scio, was 800 feet south of No. 1, and 320 feet west of a fine from Shofl: to No. 1. It showed a good depth of oil rock and proved to be a tern barrel well. Mr. Taylor, who up to this time had experienced the greatest of difficulty in obtaining financial aid, now easily obtained the funds neces- sary to drill “ Triangle No. 3. ” This he located 2,500 feet south of No. 1. It was finished July 4, 1880, and produced 301 barrels the first month. That Allegany had a rich field was now no longer doubted by the Bradford oil men, who had been .making all sorts of fun of the bold “ wildcatters. ” Oil scouts and producers literally poured into Wellsville; which was then the oil country’s base of supplies. The discovery, however, of the extension of the field to the south by the completion of the old “ Richburg gusher ” in 1881, made oil towns of Rich- burg and Bolivar. This well was drilled by Riley Allen, O. P. "Taylor, Crandall Lester, A. B. Cottrell and several others. It was located on the Reading farm, lot 33, Wirt, and was completed April 28, 1881. At a depth of 1,280 feet 20 feet of sand was found, and the well produced 80 barrels the first day. It was the key to the field. In a few weeks Taylor became a* rich man, but lost the most of his means in speculations on the market. Before his death however he had again amassed considerable property. In January, 1881, before the Richburg strike, the McBride well came in on lot 18, Alma. Sixty feet of superior sand was found, and surrounding property sold immediately for from $100 to $200 an acre. Leases were taken at one-quarter royalty. The Duke and Norton wells on lots 22 and 23, Alma, completed about this time,were good producers. The develop- ment of the Campbell well on lot 16 and other wells in Bolivar was followed by the rapid drilling of hundreds of holes over Alma, Bolivar, Wirt and Scio.Oil and Gas. 151 Many ventures were dry, but the heart of the field was soon found and a* feverish excitement ensued. Thousands of dollars were made and lost in a. day. A year before the Standard Oil Company had definitely decided it prof- itable to pipe-line the Allegany field, a careful estimate placed the crude oil already produecd at 10,000 barrels. Much of this had gone to waste, but at least 6,000 barrels was in storage in wooden tanks. At this time there was a decided vividness about the oil country life. The element of uncertainty attending the production of oil led to the keenest competition imaginable. This gave rise to the occupation of “ oil scouting, ” and in this vocation was the ceaseless energy, sharp competition, nervous haste, acute perception, and bold daring execution of the whole industry typified. During these palmy days of scouting, when every important well was made a mystery, there were many exciting adventures encountered by the scouts in their midnight work. Guards were sometimes lonely in the still watches of the night and amused themselves by firing their rifles, muskets or revolvers in a promiscu- ous manner, not calculated to encourage scouts prowling in the vicinity. In the summer of 1880 a settlement, near the then famous Triangle wells, began to rapidly build up and was named Triangle City. The Wells- ville Reporter of March 17, 1881, had the following relative to changing the name of this lively oil town: “ Triangle City is no more, The soft greasy, good-natured name of Petrolia has been sub- stituted for the merry, jingling musical name of Triangle. ‘ Triangle City,’ though yet young, was famous. It had already worn metropolitan airs and made positive record. The rousing cheer, the turkey raffles, the duel, the battle of the soiled doves, these and many other incidents, rich and rare, must be laid in one common grave. They formed the sharp points in the angles of ‘Triangle ’ history, and ‘Triangle ’ is dead. All this trouble comes of the necessity of a post office, and that there is already a ‘Triangle’ in the state. Goodbye, ‘Triangle;’ Welcome Petrolia.” Allentown, in Alma, built up more rapidly and substantially than Pe- trolia. For five years it was a typical oil town, rough and ready. Its natur- ally beautiful situation in a fine farming country, and the staying qualities of the oil production bringing wealth to its citizens, will leave a nice com- munity at Allentown after the oil is gone. Richburg typifies all the “ups and «downs of oildom.” Its rise and fall have been thus well described by an Allegany county journalist in The Buffalo Express: “On April 26, 1881, Richburg was a quiet little village of perhaps 150 people, and was connected with the outside world by a stage line. Within a few months it was one of the liveliest oil towns in the country, and boasted of a population of nearly 8,000, recruited from the four points of the compass. Stores, hotels, machine shops, saloons, bagnios, dance-houses and gambling dens sprung up as if by magic. For several weeks after the tide set in, sleeping apartments indoors could not be secured at any price, and many a night several hundred of Richburg’s floating population slept on benches under the maple trees in the village park, in many cases on the bare ground.152 History of Allegany County, N. Y. One old oil man remembers paying a dollar for the privilege of sleeping on a billiard table over night, and another paid half as much for the privilege of sleeping in a bar-room chair. At this time Richburg boasted of two banks, and a morning and evening newspaper. The Oil Echo, a morning paper edited by P. C. Boyle, now editor of the Oil City Derrick, was printed on a three-revolution Hoe press and possessed a valuable news franchise. The first month’s freight receipts when the Allegany Central railroad was- com- pleted as far as Richburg, amounted to $12,000, and a box-car served as ft depot for some time. The Bradford, Eldred & Cuba railroad* built a spur from Bolivar up the valley to Richburg and ran trains both ways every half hour. For along time the spur averaged 700 passengers daily. Rent for building lots quickly jumped up and $500 a year rent for a 20-foot front lot on Main street was not regarded as extortionate. In fact, the lot owner could name his own price. Everybody was ‘oil crazy.’ Oil wells were drilled in village gardens and in door-yards. Even the church people became afflicted with the popular craze. One of the leading ministers speculated in oil on week days and preached powerful sermons on Sunday, and no one chided him. A well was finally drilled on a parsonage lot, and oil was struck, but the venture was not a profitable one and the trustees decided that it was not best to invest church funds in that kind of a gamble. Richburg had a fine system of water works, an electric fire-alarm system, an elegant brick church, a fine opera house, and at one time a street-car line was strongly talked of. Liquor was sold at 100 different places, and prostitutes occupied over 40 buildings. In one instance the village gristmill was purchased and converted into a bagnio. The finest attractions were nightly seen at the opera house and money flowed like water. But the boom was not to last forever. In May, 1882, the news of the big gusher at Cherry Grove carried the floating population away with a rush and few of them ever returned. This was the beginning of the end of Richburg’s greatness. Bolivar, a little hamlet a mile further down the valley, began to boom in earnest early in 1882, and gradually superseded Richburg as the metropolis of the Allegany field. Fires swept away some of Richburg’s noted buildings, and many others were torn down and moved to adjacent villages. Fine buildings that cost thousands of dollars went for a mere song. To-day Richburg is deso- late and almost deserted, and in a few years it will appear very much as it did before the oil boom came. The population at present is less than 400. An elegant church and a fine academy building are the only noted relics of its former greatness. The opera house in which operatic stars once shone so brightly is now used as a cheese factory, and the railroads have given way to a stage line.” In 1882 Bolivar was booming. It however had a more solid foundation *The Bradford, Eldred and Cuba railroad company built a narrow gauge system through the oil regions in 1882. The road extended from Wellsville, through Petrolia and Allentown to Bolivar and thence to Eldred where it connected with the Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua railroad. A branch connected Cuba with Bolivar. The road was used just ten years and in 1892 the iron was taken up.Oil and Gas. 153 than Richburg, and is to-day a prosperous community. In the days of the “gushers ” 5,000 people called Bolivar their temporary home. * In January, 1882, it had no bank. Within four months an institution, established by Olean capitalists, had deposits exceeding $250,000. Like Richburg the town had its “ decidedly tough ” element. There are hundreds of wells in this oil field whose name and fame were once on every tongue. It will be sufficient in this sketch to say that after the first dozen wells already mentioned were completed that the large pool was developed within a very short time. The Boyle well, struck in June, 1881, in Bolivar, started off at 200 barrels a day. In 1882 the field produced 6,519,000 barrels of petroleum. Two wells on the Reed and Garthwait farms in Bolivar started off at 400 barrels each a day. These were the largest producers ever drilled in the field. They are both still being pumped. From the summer of 1882 the field’s production steadily declined. Its first big “ set back ” was the striking of the Cherry Grove, Pa., gusher in May, 1882, which dropped the market to 49 cents a barrel. Many Allegany producers “went to the wall.” The Cherry Grove wells, however, lasted but a short time, and within a year' the market went back to $1. The follow- ing tables of daily average pipe line runs, yearly runs and number of wells completed each year up to 1889 will be found decidedly interesting: DAILY AVERAGE RUNS ALLEGANY FIELD. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. January 14,106 11,018 7,442 6.235 4.920 2,620 3,254 February 13,154 12,025 7,696 6,361 4 949 3,4i3 2.830 March 12,619 n,777 7,342 6,545 4,964 3,214 3 485 April 13,742 12,261 7,738 6.895 5,055 3.306 3,294 May.... 13,793 12,193 7,467 6,535 5,224 3.595 3,385 June..... . 13,499 11,672 7,680 6,981 5,034 3,703 3.520 July 12,381 11,114 7,363 6,802 4,843 3r252 3,474 August 12,743 10,384 7,102 6,333 4,629 3,360 3,525 September 12,358 9.989 6,647 6,035 4,45i 2,935 3,056 October. 12,757 8,802 7,081 5,885 4,494 2,688 3,!7i November 16,993 12,232 8,642 6,667 5,260 2,803 3,226 3.3*9 December n,752 8,193 6,738 5,072 3,305 3,329 3,309 The estimated production of the Allegany field since its inception is shown in the appended table. The pipe line runs have been expanded to some extent to make allowances for oil that does not appear on the books of the pipe line companies. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 5,000 600,000 6.450.000 4.800.000 4,000,000 2.800.000 2.300.000 1.700.000 1.200.000 1.250.000 Total........................................................................... 25,105,000 The number of wells drilled in the Allegany field as shown by the pub- lished records has been as follows: Wells completed to close of 1880, “ “ in 1881 .... “ “ 1882....... 8 618 1,605154 History of Allegany County, N Y. Wells completed in 1883. “ “ 1884. “ “ ' *1885. “ “ 1886. “ “ 1887. “ “ 1888. 1889. Total 1,270 501 386 299 55 41 260 5>046 The market price per 42-gallon barrel of crude oil has always varied considerable from month to month and from year to year. The following table affords an interesting study: Monthly and yearly average prices of pipe-line certificates of crude petroleum at wells. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. | May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Yearly. ’6o: $19.25 $18.00 $12.62% $11.00 $10.00 $9-50 $8,623* $7.50 $6,623* $5.50 $3-75 $2.75 $9.59 O zlO »6i 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.623*3 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 ’62 0.10 0.15 0.223* 0.50 0.85 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1-75 2.00 2.25 I.05 2.25 2.50 2.62>| 2.87% 2.873* 3.00 3.25 3-373* 3.50 3-75 3.85 3.95 3>J5 8.06 ’64 4.00 4-373* 5-5° 6.56 6.87 3* 9 50 12.123* 10.123* 8.873* 7*75 10.00 1 *,| 5-70 4.22K 4.01 3-52^ 2.30 4- 50 2- 35 3- 75 5- 35 4.40 4.60 3.80 2.473* 3.873* 1.90 4.5o 4-95 4-173* 3.853* 3*85i/ 2.223* 3.00 2.623* 5.123* 5-373* 3-773* 4.79 3.80 2.00 3-75 3.i5 4.573* 5-573* 3 15 4.66 3.583* 1.423* 4-50 3 40 4.00 5.50 3.25 4.65 3.25 i.i5 3.39 3- 55 4- 123* 5 50 3.273* 4.823* 3-i5 1.20 3.IO 2.50 3.75 5.80 3.223* 4.25 3.833* 1.25 2.123* 1.8734 4.35 5.123* 3.40 4.00 3.323* 1.00 3.74 2.41 3.623* 5.635! 386 4.34 3.64 1.83 ’74 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 1.623* 1.323* 1.023* 0-95 0.95 0.85 0.55 0 6l3* I-I7 ’75 ’76 1.03 1.80 t.52>^ 2.60 i.75 2.01 1.363* 2.02}* 1.40 i-9°% 1.263* 2.015* 1.09 2.243* !.!3 , 2.71% i-33 3.81 i.323* 3.373* 1.44 311 1.55 3-73 !»35 2.563* ’77 3-53% 2.70 2.67X 2.58 2.24 1.945* 2.073* 2.51 2.38 2.565* 1.91 1.80 T , a 2.42 !78 ’79 ’80 ’81 1-43 1.03 1.10^ 0.953* i-653^ 0.98 1-03% 0.90% T*59 , 0.86}* 0.88% 0.83% 1-373* 0.783J 0.78 0.863*" 1.35/* 0.76 0.80 0.81% 1.14 0.68% 1.00 0.813* 0.983* 0.69% 1.063* 0.763* I.OI 0.673* O.9I 0.7 sy8 0.863* 0.693* 0.96 0.973* 0.821* 0.883* 0.963* o.9i3* 0.893* r-°5g 0.91% 0.853* 1.10 1.183* 0.91% 0.84% 1.19 0.85K 0.943* 0.85% ’82 ’83 0.83^ 0.933* °.84% 1.01 o.8i|| 0.975* 0.78% 0.94% 0.71 3* i.oo3* o.54% 1.16M o.57K 1.053* 0.583* 1.08 0.723* 1.123* 0.935* 1.14 i.i43* 0.00 1.145* 0"75Z8 1.055* ’84 >85 1.11 0.70% I-°4$ 0.723* 0-98 3* 0.80% 0.94 0.783* 0.85% 0.79 0.683! 0.82 0633* °-923* 0.813* 1.003* 0.78 1.00*3* °-7i3* i.o53* .0723* 1.043* O 74% 0.895* 0.833* 0.873* ,86 » 0.88% 0.79% 0.77 3* 0.74% 0.70 0.663* 0.66 0.623* 0.63% 0.653* °.7>M °-7°% 0.713* ,87 0.70 0.64% 0.63% 0.64% 0.643* 0.623! 0-593* 0.603* 0.67 0.70% o-13/e. 0.00% 0.00% ,88 ,89 ; °-9tM 1 0.86** 0.91% : 0.893* 0.903* 0.82% 0.88 0.86% 0.833* 0-75% 0.83% 0.80% O.Q53* 0.903* 0.993* o.93% 0.993* 0.905* 1.015* O.853* 1.083* 0 893* 1043* 0.875* 0-943* _ Q/r a/ ,90 ' *.05% 1.053* [ 0 9° 0.82% o88J* 0 893* 0.893* 0.893* 0813* 0.803* 0.723* 0.673* 0.8054 >9* 0.743* 0.78% 0.74% 0.71)* 0.693* 0.683* : 0.663* 0.64 0.583* 0.603* 0.585* 0.593* 0.67 ,92 ! 0.62^3 ; 0.60% ' 0.57 H i 0.57% 0.57% 0-543* ; 0.523* °- 55 0 5 4% o.5i5* 0.52 0.533* 0.55% >93 1 0 533* i 0.57% 0.653* i 0.68% 0.58** 0.603* 0-37% ■ 0.58% 0.64% o.7o5i| 0.73X8 0.783* 0.04 It will be noted that the average price of petroleum in 1898 was in excess of the average price of i892, which, with the exception of 1861, was the low- est in the history of the trade. The nearest approaches, with the exception noted, to the price in 1891, were in 1892, when the average price was 67 cents a barrel, and in 1887, when the average price was 66f cents a barrel. The low average in 1898 was due to the low price of the early part of the year and the prices from May to September. The last three months of the year show a material increase in prices, the average for December being78i cents a barrel. This increase continued in 1894, the average for the year being about 85 cents. Early in 1895 the market began to boom, reaching in the spring the highest point touched in over 20 years. The price at $2.60 a bar- rel was not long maintained, however, and by summer time the StandardOil and Gas. 155 bought at $1.25 which remained the quotation for six months. In Novem- ber however, the price went up again to $1.33 and over. Early in 1895 the Standard Oil Company made a revolutionary change in it's method of buying oil at the speculative prices of the exchanges. There are now two markets for our oil, the price which the Standard offers pro- ducers, and the quotations on the floors of the speculative exchanges. These markets do not differ a great deal, for the speculators dare not go far in ad- vance of the Standard’s price. This trust has such a monopoly of the oil business that it absolutely controls the price irrespective of the law of sup- ply and demand which would send oil booming to $3 a barrel at least. At present (November, 1895,) the Standard offers $1.33 and the exchanges $1.42 a barrel. Among the representative producers of oil in this field have been: Asher W. Miner, George Y. Forman, McCalmont Oil Company, Hazelwood Oil Com- pany, Willett’s Oil Company, Duke and Norton Company, Sawyer Bros, of Allentown, who own the only refinery in the county; Schofield Company, Anchor Oil Company, Hochsteter and Shirley, Scott and Fuller, Macken and Breckenridge of the East End Company, Thornton and Brown, Johnson and Pittenger, William McBride, John Haymaker, Charles Conroy, Franchot Company, Duke and Raydure, Anderson Bros., L. S. Anderson and others. At present E. C. and J. B. Bradley, the officers of the Empire Gas and Fuel Company, are the largest producers in the field. The East End Company, the Norton Company, Hochsteter and Shirley and Riley Allen are also large producers. Mrs. O. P. Taylor and Wm. O. and Charles, sons of the pioneer, possess valuable oil properties. To- the indefatigable efforts of O. P. Taylor, a biographical sketch of whom appears elsewhere, was due the discovery of oil in Allegany in commercial quantities. He was, in the early days, a large producer. Leasing,—The owners of the soil possess the oil right as well as the surface of their lands. Producers have two methods of dealing with these owners. One is to buy the property outright, surface and all. Sometimes, however, owners are loth to part with their land, and the producer leases the privilege of operating for oil by contracting to give the owner a certain per- centage of the production. This royalty runs from 1-16 to i of the produc- tion. There are original owners, now in the field, who have amassed fortunes from their royalties. Methods of Production.—Petroleum has been produced in America exclusively by artesian wells. In Japan the practice, even up to the present time, has been to dig vertical shafts from four to six feet wide to depths as great as 1,000 feet. The operation of drilling was once very expensive; now a well can be drilled at one-tenth the cost and in one-tenth the time that was required in the early days at Titusville. Drilling.—The present process of drilling in this field may be thus briefly described: Over the point where the well is to be drilled a derrick or rig 72 feet high is erected, forming a square at the base, 20 feet on the sides,156 History of Allegany County, N. Y. and verging toward the top to a square, having an inside dimension along the sides of 2 feet 10 inches. On the top of the derrick is placed a crown pulley, over which the cable or drill rope plays. The end of the rope inside the derrick is attached to a string of tools which measure about 55 feet in length and which weigh about 1,900 pounds. The other end of the rope is attached to a horizontal shaft, upon which it is wound and unwound at will. The power is supplied by a 15 to 25 H. P. engine and a 20 H. P. boiler through a rubber belt which passes over the large “bull wheel,” which is itself attached to the end of the horizontal shaft. Directly over the hole to be drilled is placed one end of the “ walking-beam,” generally 26 feet in length. This rests near its center on a heavy post 13 feet high, known as the “ Samp- son post. ” Before drilling the upper part of the hole is dug by a spade, then the process known as “ spudding ” is followed for a short distance, by mak- ing fast the rope to which the tools are attached to one end of the walking- beam. This beam is so operated by steam power as to successively raise and drop the tools, which pound the rock into fine fragments. After every five feet of drilling the tools are raised out of the hole and the broken debris with the water are taken out by a bailer or sand pump, an iron tube about 20 feet long, at the bottom of which is a valve so made that it opens when the bailer touches the bottom of the hole and closes when it is lifted off. The cost of drilling a well in this field is now about $1,500. Ten years ago it cost $2,000 or over. The depth of wells depends upon the relative position of the surface of the earth to the oil sand. In this, county it averages perhaps 1,300 feet. When a well first strikes the oil rock its depth is accurately measured. It is measured again when it has been drilled to the bottom of the oil-bearing rock, the depth of which will average in this field about 20 feet. Beneath this a “ pocket ” 10 to 15 feet deep is usually drilled. Some operators however do not follow this custom, but drill only through the sand. Torpedoing or Shooting.—The exploding of nitroglycerine in a well, popularly known as “shooting,” has always been an interesting process. From 40 to 100 quarts are used, costing as many dollars. In 1882 a 40 quart “ shot ” cost $140. Glycerine handling is a hazardous occupation. In this field alone many “ shooters ” have lost their lives, and hair breadth escapes from frightful deaths are related by all veterans in the business. Wells are “ shot ” in order to break or crack the oil bearing rock so that it may pro- duce petroleum the more readily. The usual process of “ shooting ” is to pour the glycerine into long tin tubes, which are lowered into the hole and exploded by dropping into the well a triangularly-flanged piece of iron weighing about 10 pounds, known as the “ go-devil, ” which strikes a percussion cap on the top of the upper glycerine shell. The glycerine shells are placed in the well only through the oil rock, that is if the wells have 25 feet of oil rock and a 12 foot pocket, an empty tin tube 12 feet long is attached to the bottom of the first glycerine shells in order to raise it to a level with the oil sand. The few producersOil and Gas. 157 who do not drill below the oil sand use a “ dump shot, ” lowering the ex- plosive into the hole by the bailer. Col. W. A. Meyers of Bolivar is the pioneer glycerine man of the Allegany field. He claims the honor of mak- ing the first pound ever exploded in a well. In 1869 he had a factory at Titusville where at first he mixed the explosive in earthen crocks. After- wards he invented a machine which turned out 400 cans a day. In 1882 he was manufacturing 5,000 pounds of glycerine daily at Bolivar. Glycerine is generally transported to the well in gallon cans in a specially arranged spring wagon, over rough roads, and, quite likely, drawn by a team of fractious horses driven by the careless “ shooters.” With quantities to suit the de- mand of the well owners these wagons are driven into every corner of the country where oil is produced or wells drilled. It is not unusual for an order for a “shot” to be received from a distance of 100 miles, and often the “ fiend ” will start and travel night and day over rough and smooth high- ways, and will arrive on time or kill a team in the attempt. Within two years two Allegany men have lost their lives in this labor. Their places were easily and immediately filled. Pumping and Disposing of the Oil.—In the early days of this field’s history, a large number of Wells, after being “ shot ” produced oil naturally, that is they flowed periodically. This was caused by the gas pressure, which soon diminished. It was found necessary then to pump the wells. This is done by a lift pump working by means of “sucker rods ” through the 2 inch iron tubing which is put into the hole from top to bottom. The 5f inch casing is outside the tubing, and reaches only deep enough (300 feet on the average) to shut off the water, which naturally flows into the wells from the upper walls of the hole. Every lease is furnished with one or more wooden receiving tanks of 100 or 250 barrels capacity. Into these the oil is pumped from the wells. When these tanks are fihedjke “pumper ” sends for the United Pipe Line Company’s “gauger,” who measures the number of feet and inches of oil in the tanks, and “ runs ” it into the Stand- ard Oil Company ’s pipe lines, which are connected with all tanks in the field. There is no choice in the disposition of the oil, nor but one way to dispose of it. The Standard Oil Company has the only pipe lines in the county. As soon as the gauger “runs ” a tank of oil, he reports to the pipe-line office, and the owner is credited with the oil “run.” He may keep the oil any length of time he desires by paying storage to the pipe-line company. He may sell at any time to any buyer or to the Standard Oil Company, which always stands ready to pay cash at the “market” price, which means its own figures. In this field the Standard has several minor storage and pump stations, from which the oil is forced to the large station 3 miles east of Wellsville, where there are seventy 35,000 barrel oil tanks, affording a stor- age capacity of 2,450,000 barrels. From here the oil is forced through a 6 inch line, of which the company has two running side by side, to Cameron Mills, and thence, through several stations, to refineries at Bayoune, N. J. The process of pumping one well has been briefly noticed. After a158 History of Allegany County, N. Y. lease or oil farm has been thoroughly drilled, with a well on perhaps every 5 acres, the wells may be rigged together for pumping in different ways. The old method was by an engine at each well and one steam boiler for from 6 to 20 wells. Steam lines ran from the boiler, which was centrally located, to each engine. This method, with a combination of make-shifts, in still much in use. Riley Allen, the veteran producer, has among his employees one man who pumps 40 wells. In one instance he uses one boiler for 30 wells. When an engine is not used for each well, surface rods, arranged to pull back and forth, are employed. Natural Gas.—Gas in greater or less quantity is always found with petroleum, but petroleum does not always occur with gas. For the early field operations for oil sufficient gas was found to flow the wells and.also to furnish fuel for the drilling of additional wells. The oil wells in the vicinity of Allentown produced such a quantity of gas that, in 1882, the Empire Gas Company laid lines from them to furnish Wellsville with fuel and light. The villages of Allentown, Richburg and Bolivar were also supplied by this company. These Allentown gas wells supplied 200 boilers at drilling wells in 1882, and, being otherwise improvidently handled, showed signs of ex- hustion in 1888. In 1889 the Empire Gas and Fuel Company laid fines to the strong gas wells which the firm had developed in Oswayo and Sharon town- ships, Potter county, Pa. These wells, now 23 in number, fie just across the state fine, 12 to 14 miles from Wellsville. They produce no oil, but adequately meet all the present gas demands of Wellsville and the other, villages supplied. The company owns a large amount of undrilled territory in the vicinity of the wells now producing, and will be able to supply fuel and illuminating gas to its consumers for 25 years to come. The drilling in this gas region varies from 1,400 to 1,600 feet. From 30 to 90 feet of sand is found. The rock pressure is 250 pounds. The richest gas territory in Allegany county lies in Clarksville and Wirt where there are now 80 producing gas wells. The Cuba Gas Company, or- ganized in. 1884, obtains its supply from these towns. The Allegany Gas Company, supplying Friendship and Belmont, also has its wells in Clarks- ville and Wirt. The Mutual Gas Company supplies Andover, Greenwood and Whitesville. Its gas comes from the Andover oil and gas pool. In all nine Allegany villages burn natural gas including the three largest towns. In winter probably 8,000 stoves in Allegany flush with the glow of the most luxurious fuel which Providence has provided. In Wellsville, with its 800 to 1,000 consumers, only 15 meters are used. In Cuba one-third the con- sumers use meters. The Empire Gas and Fuel Company’s rates are: Cook stoves by the year................................................... $33.90 “ “ month in summer............................................... 2.50 “ “ “ winter............................................. 3.50 Heating stoves by the month in summer....................................... 1.00 “ “ .*• winter.............................................. 3.50 Lights “ “ dwellings............................................ 25 “ “ “ stores.............................................. 30Agriculture. 159 Rates are arranged according to size of rooms heated, and yearly rates on heating stores may be thus obtained. When metered the company charge 22 cents per thousand cubic feet. To estimate the worth of the gas produced in the Allegany field is im- possible. That it aggregates a great sum all agree. In drilling the 5,500 wells scattered over the field as well as in pumping them, the gas supply has saved an immense outlay for fuel. Gas has been carelessly wasted and in enormous quantities. Wells have been left open, and gas lines from pumping wells are usually very heedlessly looked after. In the years to come producers and other consumers of natural gas will realize that every foot taken from a well just so much diminishes the supply. It is by no means inexhaustible. CHAPTER XXVI. OUR AGRICULTURE.* BY A. W. LITCHARD, ESQ. IT is not only a fitting thing but a high privilege that we enjoy to-day as farm- ers interested in the cultivation of the soil and the development of the agricultural resources, to be permitted to stand on this elevation and over- look and briefly review the progress made, the privations endured, the vic- tories won during a century of time by those who by their sturdy manhood and womanhood made our county what it is in an agricultural point of view, one of the most prosperous in the Empire State. Born in poverty with a cold and frosty climate, with the land covered with heavy timber, with no near market for their limited products, the pioneers had a cheerless outlook. Yet despite all discouragements our county has steadily grown from a small clearing on Dike’s creek in WeUsville in 1795, to a county covered over with productive farms and such comfortable homes as are seldom seen in any country. It is a fact that should not be overlooked or forgotten, that the first farmer who located in this county was a person of culture and of prac- tical ability, He could build a mill, tan leather, make shoes for his children, do his own blacksmithing, and, at the same time, establish that which was more valuable than all the rest, a good character. Such a man was Nathan- ael Dike. Very little progress was made by the settlers in the way of farming for the first quarter of the century. Sparse settlements were made here and there in different sections. The year 1816 was a trying one for the pioneers. s * Paper read at Wellsville Centennial, 1895.160 History of Allegany County, N. Y. It was known for many years as the ‘ ‘ Allegany county famine, ’ ’ and if it had not been for the liberality of Gen. William A. Mills, of Mt. Morris, who fur- nished the settlers with wheat and corn (in many instances without compen- sation), many would have suffered severely if they had not perished with hunger. The chief sources of revenue to the settlers were lumber, shingles and maple sugar. The lumber in order to find a market had to be drawn to Cuylerville, Canisteo, Dansville, and often as far as Rochester. One source of revenue to the people was going north each year to assist the farmers in the lower Genesee Valley to harvest the wheat. Large companies of men could be seen every year carrying rakes and cradles on their shoulders, migrating to that better country to earn something to carry their families through the winter up in this poor county. Among these yearly travelers was a young man, good-looking and ambitious, who has since made a repu- tation and built up for himself a character which commands the respect and admiration, not only of the people of Allegany but of the entire nation, H. M. Teller, United States Senator. To say that the early settlers of Allegany county were poor is putting the facts mildly. Many were of New England stock, intelligent, industrious and possessed of those qualities of character which always overcome opposi- tion and win success. No county in the state was regarded so unfavorable and uninviting as this one we to-day call our own. Well do I remember when my father and mother bade good-bye to their well-to-do friends in Livingston county where plenty abounded, and took their four children and came up into poor Allegany to build up a home where only $400 was required to buy a farm. In 1841 the Genesee Valley canal was completed to Mt. Morris, and in 1851 the Erie railroad was completed from Hornellsville to Dunkirk. With these permanent advantages in the way of better markets new hopes dawned upon the people, and agricultural development took on new life. The ad- vancement made during the next 25 years was marked and permanent The farmers paid less attention to lumbering and more to the clearing of the land, raising better stock and making their homes more comfortable in every way. As the years sped on changes came. Carding mills took the place of hand carding and home weaving. Little was had by the rural people that the farm did not furnish. They had oxen for work, cows for the dairy, sheep for clothing. Threshing grain by flails was abandoned. The old wooden plow was laid aside and a better one put in its place. The sun-dial and horn announcing the time of day or warning the settlers against danger that their stock might be protected became a thing of the past. The town clock and the whistle of the locomotive spoke surely of better markets and better times. So did the mowing machine in the field, the sewing machine in the house. The ox team for farm work and church going on Sunday was super- seded by well-bred horses and comfortable conveyances. Development of intelligence through agricultural progress, the improvement of the farmAgriculture. 161 home, and a higher social position of the farmer 's family marked a new era in agricultural development. Agricultural Resources.—Butter and cheese have been in the past, and will, I doubt not, be in the future our farmer’s chief sources of revenue. In an early day the dairy interest was neglected. Up to 1844 our cheese and butter product was small. There were no cheese or butter factories, the work was all done on the farm. In 1845 the whole number of milch cows in the county was 16,517. The number of pounds of butter manufac- tured was 1,268,960; pounds of cheese manufactured same year 806,014. Alfred made 204,600; Independence 108,530; Rushford 106,755; Centerville 57,910. All the other towns fell below 50,000 pounds. Four leading farmers that year in Rushford, Talcott, McKinney, Slocum and Kendall, sold and delivered to Cuylerville (then the head of the Genesee canal) four tons of cheese for which they received 4& and 5 cents per pound. The first pine apple cheese made in this state was made in Rushford. The patent was issued in .1808 and bears the signature of James Madison. Now after fifty years we note the advancement made. In 1892 we had 80 cheese factories, and the total amount made was 8,538,800 pounds. The increase in the but- ter product was less by far than cheese. Among the extensive dealers in cheese we mention only two of the leading firms: Ackerly & Sill of Cuba and Wm. C. Burdick & Co. of Alfred. These firms alone do a business of over $800,000 a year. No county in the state sustains a better reputation for fine butter and cheese than Allegany. We have a home market that ranks with the best and in point of value stands third in the United States. Dairy Cattle.—Well may the people of our county feel proud of* the advancement made along the line of breeding fine dairy cattle. And I here desire to mention some who by energy and means have contributed to this result. Judge Philip Church of Belvidere was the pioneer in good breeding, both in cattle and sheep, and the value of his example upon the people in an early day in this direction was of great value. His favorite breed was the Durhams or Short Horns. Among others we find William Simpson of the New York Stock Farm of New Hudson, L. D. Stowell of Black Creek, D. B. Whipple of Cuba, Amsden Brothers of Cuba, Jerry Clark of Andover, William G. Tucker of Elm Valley, the late Daniel Gardner of Angelica, Joel Carr of Almond, Joseph Lockhart of Almond, Richard Charles of Angelica, David Norton of Friendship, H. Vanderhoof of Belmont, L. C. Drew of Cuba, J. E. Middaugh of Scio, Cobb Brothers of Independ- ence and S. S. Carr of Almond. The principal breeds bred by them were the Jerseys, Holsteins, Short Horns, Ayr shires and Guernseys, and among these herds in this county are as fine dairy cattle as can be found anywhere. Horses.—While the advancement along the line of breeding fine horses, especially for draft and farm purposes, has not been what we might wish or expect, yet among those who have taken an interest in this direction and have done what they could toward bettering our condition, I will mention a few: Judson Clark of Elmira, formerly of Scio, William Simpson of New162 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Hudson, the late* Daniel Bennett of Canaseraga, Elliott & Kingsbury of Friendship, E. A. Cottrell of Andover and Cobb Brothers of Independence. Sheep.—Allegany county has never been so distinctively devoted to sheep husbandry as the counties north of us. Yet our farmers have by no means been indifferent to this branch of farming. But it is a fact to be re- gretted that while we are making progress in every other line of practical husbandry, the sheep, one of the noblest of animals, is being sorely neglect- ed. Much of our land is rough and better adapted to sheep raising than lor any other purpose. Yet for various reasons, known or unknown, some legitimate and some foolish and unbusiness like, our resources in this direction have been largely cut off, and this valuable industry well nigh ruined. Hay.—One source of revenue to our farmers has been the selling of hay. "Whether this practice will be so much continued in the future as in the past we are not able to say. It certainly will not be during 1895. Selling hay ME ARE BORN GREAT, SOME ATTAIN GREATNESS, AND SOME HAVE greatness thrust upon them. ” The first two members of this aphorism strikingly describe the manner by which the great institutions of learning in this country have become what they are. A few among the newer ones, like Cornell in New York, Leland Stanford in California, and the Chicago University, are constituted great; the vast gifts of money by which they are founded giving them buildings, appliances and faculties which enable them to organize departments and open classes at full size and strength, at the very beginning. They are born great. Others, like Yale, Harvard, Columbia, etc., were content to begin in a humbler way, and multi- ply facilities and strengthen faculties as the demands of patrons made these things necessary and funds in the hands of trustees made them possible. They have attained greatness. But the majority of men, even of those filling important places and doing honorable work in the world, are in no sense great. In like manner the hosts of institutions which bless our state and nation are in no sense great, save as, in spite of the poverty of their resources, they have trained, inspired and fitted for honorable and useful work multitudes of men and women. It is cause for congratulation that, comparatively early in the century which has marked the settlement and growth of Allegany county, one of these humbler institutions of higher learning found its home in the primeval forests that covered our hills and valleys. Alfred University was the off- spring of that sturdy valor which made homes out of wild wastes, and which, while felling forests and building homes, longed for that mastery of mind and heart which makes men and women. Many of the people who settled in and about Alfred came directly, and others by only one or two removes, from homes of culture in New England, and they were not content to rear their children with no better opportunities for an education than were afforded by the meager common schools of that early day. One of the first efforts in the direction of a better training was the organizing in 1834 or 5 of an even- ing school for the purpose of teaching the rudiments of vocal music. The organizer and teacher of this school was Maxson Stillman, who still lives in Alfred, having reached his 96th year. A little later, when the academy was organized, and, later still, when the university organization was effected, Mr. Stillman was made a trustee, in which capacity he served until the annual meeting in 1893. In 1836, Bethuel C. Church, a young man who had enjoyed better educa- tional advantages than most young men of his time, organized and taught, in174 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the chamber of a dwelling-house, a select school. Among the pupils in this school, and the youngest of the number, was Jonathan Allen, a man since become famous in the annals of Alfred University. During the next two or three years, this school began to be called an academy; of which James R. Irish, a student from Union College at Schenectady, N. Y., was principal. Mr. Irish was also a minister of the gospel, and the pastor of the church in the village. Finding the work of both school and church too great for him, and preferring to continue in the latter, he wrote to a fellow student at Union College, and besought him to come to Alfred and take charge of the young and promising academy. In the summer of 1839 he came, making the journey to Dansville by canal packet, and the remainder of the distance on foot, much of the way through unbroken forests. Thus was introduced to the scenes of his future life work, Prof. William C. Kenyon. He was a man of slight, nervous body, bright, keen intellect, and an indomitable will. For the student of honest endeavor, however dull, he had large patience and helpfulness. But he hated shams and pretences; and woe betide the student who tried to shirk his duties. Prof. Kenyon began at once to call in students. He gave lectures about the county on the subject of education, showing its importance in the various walks of life, awakening in the minds and hearts of young people a desire for learning and urging parents to give their children an education as the best outfit for life’s work. Wherever he went there was an educational revival. With his profound convictions, ardent nature and unbounded 44 genius for hard work,” it could not have been otherwise. He visited families for similar purposes and with similar results. Students came to the academy, came fired with noble ambitions, came from homes meagerly furnished with even the comforts of life. In some cases the boys and girls were sorely needed at home to help develop the farm and support the family. In many cases all that the parents could do was to let the children go. If they gave them their time, and perhaps a change of clothing, the boys and girls must do the rest. A young man in New England wrote to Professor Kenyon, asking if there were any way at Alfred by which a boy not afraid of hard work, fired with an ambition for an education, but almost penniless, could take a course of .study. Professor Kenyon replied by return mail: “ Come on, young man. There is room here for lots of just such boys as you. ” He came and worked his way through the entire course. That young man was Darwin E. Maxson, subsequently well known as a working factor in Alfred, and throughout the county. That quick, warm sympathy of Professor Kenyon with poor, but ambitious young people, has been a char- acteristic feature of this institution. Hundreds of ‘young people have, through this, been helped in gaining an education, and through it have gained power for usefulness in the world, who would never have arisen above the common level but for such timely sympathy and aid. Though thus begun in 1836, the formal act of incorporation and organi- zation as an academy did not take place until Jan. 31, 1843. In June, 1844,sfcLEKE© KNIVTEFCSITYT. Dedicated October, 1882. Cost $28,000. Containing University Library Reading Room, Lecture Room, Art Room, Departments of Natural History and Industrial Mechanics.176 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the academy graduated its first class, consisting of 20—eleven gentlemen and nine ladies. At the head of this list we again find the name of Jonathan Allen. In the same list, also, are the names of three other men who have since been professors in the school: Ira Sayles, Daniel D. Pickett, and Gurdon Evans. Among the ladies are those who are best known as the wives of Professors Kenyon, Allen and Sayles. During the second year of the select school it moved out of the chamber - room into a small frame building erected by the people of Alfred in the cen- tral part of the village for its better accommodation. Between 1840 and 1850 the grounds were procured on the western slope of the hill in the south- eastern part of the village, which now constitute the upper part of the Uni- versity campus, and three commodious buildings were erected. These were the Middle Building, which furnished homes for the families of several of the professors, and contained the general boarding hall, in the later years the home of President Allen. The second was the North Hall, used chiefly as a dormitory for the gentlemen; since sold to the trustees of the village public-school, and, after some years of service in that capacity, sold to a private party and fitted up for a hotel. Near the original site of this building now stands the Steinheim. The third of these buildings was the South Hall, used mainly as a dormitory for ladies. This building was burned in 1858, and upon its site has since been erected the astronomical observatory now in use. A fourth building, the Chapel, was erected near these in 1852. This still stands, containing Chapel Hall, the office, reci- tation rooms, and the young men’s lyceum rooms. To acquire these grounds, erect and equip these buildings, while pro- viding instruction for all the various departments of such a school, pay teachers’ salaries, current expenses, etc., with no wealthy patrons, no endowments, and tuitions adjusted to the possibilities of students largely dependent upon their own resources for their education, was a task which would have appalled hearts less brave and determined than those who had given themselves to this noble work. $10,000 had been borrowed to pur- chase the grounds and to begin the work of building, and the citizens of Alfred and vicinity and other friends of the work had done what they could, some in “ day’s works,” some in material, and some in money to aid in the erection of the buildings. It was, however, still a work of self-sacrifice on the part of those engaged in the management and instructional work of the school to keep the machinery running and avoid further debt. It was during this rapidly growing period that the seven professors, then engaged in the school, entered into a voluntary contract with each other that they would remain with the institution for a period of seven years, and that no one of them should receive from the institution as compensation for his labor anything more than barely enough to meet the actual necessities of himself and family for food, clothing and shelter. It was further agreed that each one should keep a strict account of all that he received, and at the end of the seven years, if there should be any “ surplus ” it should be divided177 Alfred University. among them in an inverse proportion to the amount which each should have already received. One of the seven gave up the contract at the end of the fifth year, another at the end of the sixth, the other five completed it. One of the seven distinctly remembers that his receipts for some years were less than $300, and it is safe to estimate that the average income of the several parties to the contract for the entire period was not much, if any, above that amount. Whether any of them were made rich by the final distribution of the “surplus’’the records fail to show. During this period they gave a mighty impetus to the school, and sent out as graduates more than 100 young men and women well trained for life’s work, besides giving help and inspiration to a much larger number, who, for various causes, could not complete the full course. It will be worth while to pass the names of this unique covenant-band down to future generations. They are Principal William* C. Kenyon, and Professors Jonathan Allen, Darwin E. Maxson, Darius R. Ford, Daniel D. Pickett, James Marvin and Ira Sayles. In the catalogues of this time, after the name of Professor Kenyon as principal, the names of all the others appear as “associate principals; ” showing that, not only in the matter of compensation, but in the matter of work and respon- sibility, they were disposed, as far as possible, to share equally the burdens. About the time of the building of the chapel there began to be a strong feeling among the friends £Cud patrons of the school, as well as on the part of those having the work in charge, that the institution must assume the powers and responsibilities of a college if it would fill successfully ;the place in the educational system of the state which the good work already done had made for it. Almost simultaneously with the growth of this feeling, the Sev- enth-day Baptists, under whose labors and management, largely, the school had been established and maintained, were coming to the conviction that they must found and maintain, at some convenient and suitable place, a seminary for theological instruction and training. After due deliberation, Alfred was chosen as the place at which to locate the seminary. Thus it was that the applications for a college charter and for a seminary organization were presented to the Legislature at Albany by the same parties and at the same time. Under these circumstances, and by advice of the state officials, a uni- versity charter was drawn up, by the provisions of which, under the same board of management, the academic work could be continued, the work of the college could be assumed, and the seminary privileges could be enjoyed. The bill granting such a charter passed both branches of the Legislature and received the signature of Governor King, March 28, 1858, and, on the 14th of April the University was organized by the appointment of the re- quired board of trustees. William C. Kenyon, principal of the academy, was unanimously chosen president, and the faculty of the academy were also made professors in the college department with several “adjunct profes- sors” and teachers. The old academic organization was kept up until its property and general business matters could be transferred to the new178 History of Allegany County, N. Y. organization, when it expired, having finished its work as a separate organ- ization. The Theological Department was organized a little later, and com- plete courses in Music, Art, Industrial Mechanics and Business have since been established, the last having been discontinued. Professor Kenyon continued in the active work of the presidency until 1865, when failing health compelled him to ask for a vacation in the hope of regaining strength for the work he so much loved. In the mean time his first wife, Melissa Ward, “ Mother Kenyon,” as the students affectionately called her, had died, and President Kenyon had married Mrs. Ida P. Sallan Long. After passing some months traveling in Missouri and other parts of this country they went to England and the Continent; but, failing to find relief from his increasing malady, started homeward. Reaching Paris and London, he arranged to spend a few weeks with friends in the latter city. Here he grew rapidly worse, and, in June, 1867, his work being finished, he entered into rest, in the 56th year of his age. His body was brought home and buried beside the remains of his first wife in Schenectady. His second wife, who survives him, his faithful attendant in all his later labors, and in this anxious quest for health, most lovingly carried out. his last wishes re- specting the disposition of his mortal remains. Mrs. Kenyon returned to Alfred where she became Professor of the ]V[pdern Languages, in which capacity she labored most earnestly and successfully until the close of the school year of 1894. Professor Jonathan Allen was, in the minds of the trustees, almost the only possible candidate for the vacant presidency. His profound and ver- satile scholarship, his lofty ideals, his catholic spirit, his sympathy with am- bitious and struggling youth, and his long familiarity with the peculiar mis- sion and work of the University, together with his self-sacrificing spirit in its behalf, combined to qualify him in an eminent degree for the position. He was accordingly unanimously called to it. Greatly as he longed for re- lease from responsibility and care in order that he might devote himself to uninterrupted study, he accepted the greater responsibility and care. For twenty-five years he performed the duties of his holy office with such fidelity and success as proved that the trustees made no mistake when they threw the mantle which fell from the ascending Kenyon upon his broad and manly shoulders. During several years before the end came, it was manifest that President Allen was failing in health, but he finished the work of the school year ending June, 1892. At the opening of the fall term he was not able to resume his duties, and September 21st of that year he died, at 70 years of age. In accordance with his well-known wish his body was cremated and his ashes were placed in an old Greek vase, a choice relic in the Steinheim, and so laid away among the classic remains of the long ages agone, among which he had found so great delight. After prolonged deliberation, the trustees gave a unanimous call to the Rev. A. E. Main of Asha way, R. I., to the vacant presidency. Mr. Main was a graduate of Rochester University and Theological Seminary, had been aAlfred University. 179 successful pastor, and was the able secretary and general manager of the Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Society—home and foreign. He accepted the call and entered upon his work at the opening of the spring term of 1893. Meanwhile the affairs of the University were most acceptably administered by Professor A. B. Kenyon as President ad interim. Through a failure on the part of the trustees and President Main to mutually understand each others’ spirit, aims and methods, this choice did not prove so fortunate as all had hoped, and after nearly two years, it was deemed best by both parties to dissolve the contract. Accordingly, President Main’s resignation was presented and accepted, and he closed his labors with the school year end- ing June 20,1895. At the annual meeting of the trustees, June 18, 1895, the Rev. Boothe Colwell Davis was unanimously chosen president. He accepted the position and entered upon the duties of the office at the opening of the school year beginning September 10, 1895. Thus far his work is most satisfactory, and gives promise of continued success and prosperity. Mr. Davis is still a young man, having large sympathies with young people, entering, with the spirit of youth, into their hopes and plans in a way to encourage and help those who need encouragement and help, and to inspire all with noble aims and lofty ambitions. He graduated from Alfred University with the class of 1890, and after spending three years at Yale University, partly in the divinity school and partly in other work, became the pastor of the First Alfred Church, in which capacity he continued to serve until chosen presi- dent of Alfred University, as before mentioned. The limits of this article forbid further details respecting the personal history and work of those who have toiled and sacrificed for the establish- ment and upbuilding of the school with devotion equal to those who have been its chosen leaders, though their ability and efficiency have been less conspicuous. The list, including both men and women, is too long to admit of even the mention of their names. Not fewer than eighty persons, during the fifty-nine years of the institution’s history, besides those, who, from time to time, have been employed as tutors, have been on the faculty’s lists. Doctor Thomas R. Williams, who for 21 years devoted himself to the build- ing up of the Theological Department, deserves to be ranked by the side of the noble presidents who toiled so long and sacrificed so freely for the inter- ests of the University. He was seconded in this department by other able and devoted men. The present faculty numbers eighteen members, of whom six are ladies and twelve are gentlemen. Among these, four have been on the staff for more than 20 years each, the time of service of the others varying from one to ten years. Of the large number who have been professors in the University, many are now filling similar positions in other institutions. Among these are Professor William A. Rogers, for ten years assistant in the Cambridge Observatory, now professor of Physics and Astronomy in Colby University, Waterville, Me.; Miss Elvira E. Kenyon, principal of180 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Young Ladies’ Seminary, Plainfield, N. J.; Professor R. A. Waterbury, of the State Normal School at Geneseo; Professor Geo. Scott, professor of Latin in Otterbein University, Ohio; Professor Alfred A. Titsworth, pro- fessor of Graphics and Mathematics, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., and others who are equally honored in the institutions where they now labor. The graduates and old students of the University are to be found in every state in the Union, and some are in foreign countries. They are to be found in all honorable callings. They are members of legislatures, state and national, supreme court judges, lawyers, ministers, missionaries to for- eign countries, physicians, teachers, merchants, farmers, mechanics, etc. The whole number of graduates is over 500, while the number of students receiving instruction for less than a full course is not less than 10,000. The present facilities for the work of the University, besides the grounds and buildings mentioned in this article under the account of the academy, are a Ladies’ Boarding-hall, with accommodations-for one hundred students, built in 1859; the Kenyon Memorial Hall, erected to the memory of President Kenyon and dedicated in 1882; a small frame building popularly known as the “ Gothic/’ bought about 1885, used for recitation rooms, and the Stein- heim. In the Kenyon Memorial Hall are rooms and equipments for the department of Industrial Mechanics and of the Fine Arts—lecture rooms, museums and work rooms for the department of Natural History—the Library, numbering 10,000 volumes, and a reading room furnished with current periodical literature, including the great dailies, weeklies, and monthly and quarterly magazines of literature, science and religion. The Steinheim is an unique building of native rocks and woods. Of the rocks there are in the walls of the building between seven and eight thou- sand different specimens, gathered chiefly from the hills and brooks in the immediate vicinity; of the woods there are in the finish of the interior sev- eral hundred varieties, both foreign and native. The collections within number about 30,000 specimens, gathered from all over the world and rang- ing through almost every subject of interest to the student of nature and history. The endowments of which Alfred University is now the beneficiary amount to about $180,000. These funds are held and managed in part only by the trustees, more than two-thirds of the sum being in the hands of cer- tain organizations of the nature of trust companies, the income only being paid by them to the University. Recent donations will bring the aggregate up to about $265,000; of these later gifts the school does not yet receive the= income. Among those who have generously come to the assistance of thu University in this substantial way are its Alumni, who, through an associa- tion organized in 1886, have undertaken to endow the chair of the president. This endowment has been named, in honor of the first and second presidents, the Kenyon-Allen Endowment Fund. To afford all old students an oppor- tunity to share in this labor of love, subscriptions have been received from.THE STEINHEIM, ALFRED UNIVERSITY.181 Alfred University. one dollar upwards, the entire sum being now about $7,000. The value of the grounds, buildings, apparatus, laboratories, museums, libraries and other property, together with the total endowment, may be safely estimated at $400,000. While these figures are small when compared with those of the great universities, they give assurance of permanence and increase of power. It, perhaps, does not need to be said that the chief factor in the working force of Alfred University is the class-room, with all that it implies of effi- ciency and zeal on the part of those who shape its work, aided by all the facili- ties which the institution possesses. This work carries the student, in steady day-by-day and year-by-year drill, through full courses in Literature ancient and modern—English and foreign, Mathematics, the Sciences, Phi- losophy, the Arts, etc. From its earliest work onward the institution has exercised scrupulous care for the bodily health as well as for the intellect- ual training of its students, while in the routine of daily study and recita- tion the students have been acquiring knowledge and with it discipline of mind. The four Lyceums, which were early formed among the students, have afforded excellent training in the art of imparting to others what has been acquired by their weekly sessions for extemporaneous debates, the reading of original essays and other literary exercises. Any sketch of Alfred University would be incomplete without at least a brief mention of the influences and forces which help to shape the life and character of students outside of classroom and kindred work. While it has always been the aim of the institution to keep its courses of study up to the normal standards of such courses in all first class institutions, and, while it has always striven to make its instruction of the highest value to the stu- dent, it has also sought to give them high ideals of life and to inspire them with the laudable ambition to reach the highest degree of personal excellence. To this end, religious instruction, which, while it respects the rights of in- dividual opinions and conscience, gives dignity, worth and power to per- sonal character, has been imparted in daily chapel exercises, in religious services for and by the students, and by the general religious atmosphere of the community. The voluntary Christian associations among the students have contributed largely to the creation of such a religious atmosphere in the school, and has put the students in touch with the religious life of stu- dents in other schools throughout the state. Alfred University has filled an unique place in the educational work of the state. She numbers among her sons and daughters not only the hun- dreds who have won her diplomas, but also the thousands who have entered her halls and taken so much of the instruction she had to impart, of the inspiration she could give during such lengths of time as the necessities of other labor or the pinchings of poverty would permit them to stay. Her blessings have followed them to the ends of the earth. Such an institution could not be other than a blessing to the county, state and nation in which it is located. Glorying in her past, strong in her present and confident in182 History of Allegany County, N. Y. her future, she takes her place among the factors which, during the century now closing, have wrought mightily for the development, intellectually, socially and religiously, as well as materially, of Allegany county; and she takes a just pride in the good work which Allegany’s sons have been doing throughout the world, for Allegany’s sons, are, in very large measure, sons of Alfred. William Colgrove Kenyon.*—It has been given to no man to exert, directly and indirectly, a greater, or more far-reaching influence for good upon the character of the population of Allegany county and of Western New York, than to William Colgrove Kenyon, founder of Alfred Academy and Alfred University. A history of Allegany county which should fail to give a record of his work and to convey to future generations the lessons and the inspiration of his life and his work would be conspicuously defective. The citizen who develops the material resources, who organizes the commerce, or makes, or administers wisely, the laws of his country is worthy of honor; but he who, as a teacher, conveys to his fellowmen the torch of truth and by his own pure life inspires those with whom he comes in contact with the love of truth, kindles a fire, the effects of which are beyond calculation, and deserves the homage of all men as the instrument of divine power. It was. from the most humble source, and mainly amid the most simple surround- ings, that William C. Kenyon came and wrought. He was born in poverty, of almost unknown parentage, on the barren plains of Richmondtown, Rhode Island, October 23, 1812. At the age of five years he was bound to a guar- dian and experienced the severity and ungraciousness then attaching to the life of a ward. When he became old enough he was 44 hired out ” summers to neighboring farmers, and in winter he was put out to board and got such schooling as he might, doing 44 chores” night and morning, and working one day in a week for his board while attending the district school. One who knew him when thirteen, wrote: 44 His form was slender, slightly clothed, and his countenance careworn. No one made of him a companion or thought of doing so; he appeared melancholy and heart-stricken, said little to any one and exhibited no anxiety to engage in the sports that delighted other children. He was not a scholar. Books had no charm for him. He could read only the easiest lessons, and utterly failed in spelling.” At this age he fortunately found a temporary home in a Christian family, and fell under the care of a teacher wdio treated him with kindness and inspired him with confidence that he might become a scholar. With new hope came new life; latent abilities and energies were developed, and he became possessed of a determination to acquire an education. If his intellectual powers were only moderate, his habits of labor and his relentless will supplied the deficit, * By Silas C. Burdick, Esq.Alfred University. 188 and the vigorous use of his faculties resulted in growth and strength. When at work on the farm he kept a book handy that all odd spells might be improved. When about nineteen he bought his time of his guardian giving his note which was paid by funds earned by teaching. He became a machinist and prepared for college while working at this trade. In 1886 he entered Union College and paid his way by working at his trade and by teaching. Leaving college in his junior year, he came to Alfred in 1839 to become the principal of the infant Alfred Academy, where, while teaching, he carried his college studies to completion and received the degree of Master of Arts. His was only a temporary engagement at Alfred as he had planned to give his life to foreign mission work; but, devoting himself to his present work, and surrounding himself with able assistants, he soon found the little school planted in an obscure country community, becoming one of the chief educational institutions of Western New York. The plans of his life were changed, and to found an academy, a college, an university, became his ambition. To this work he gave his life and strength without reserve. A most rare combination of qualities made up the mature char- acter of President Kenyon, and assured his success. Chief among these were honesty, sincerity and love for his fellowmen. While always, at heart, as gentle and playful as a child, he was most intensely in earnest, and his personal magnetism made him a natural master. Prompt and energetic in all his ways, he set things astir and awakened new life, often sharp opposi- tion, wherever he went. To dullness and laziness and all dishonesty and shiftlessness he was a bitter foe. No delinquent failed to receive a prompt and stinging rebuke; but the shaft always lodged in the fault; the unmis- takable honesty and faithfulness of the motive carried healing to the wounded spirit, and the sufferer was sure to be greeted with a polite touch of the hat and a cordial recognition at the next meeting. Though radical and uncompromising in his own views, the fullest freedom of opinion was accorded to others. Though polished and urbane in his bearing, the uncouth rustic was always put at ease in his presence and made to feel himself a peer. No one could live near him and retain a sense of inherent degradation in labor, for to work early and late to the full limit of his ability was the law of his life. • Alfred was always the school of the poor. Its doors have stood wide open to any and all who had the ability and disposition to work their way. So President Kenyon, from beginning to end, waged a fierce battle with financial difficulties. His own necessities were always the last to be provided for. He desired and expected to spend his days and to die in the harness. Though often invited to other fields of labor affording larger financial remuneration, he chose to hold to the work he had undertaken, and seemed to take no thought of the needs of declining years. He lived, expended his energies for others, and, having crowded the labors of many ordinary lives into one short one, he died June, 1867, in his 56th year. His beloved University was then so far established that its perpetual existence and usefulness were assured. His enduring monument is in its existence184 History of Allegany County, N Y. and in the thousands of lives that have been made purer, stronger, brighter, and in every way better by the intense glow of his life. President Jonathan Allen, Ph.D., D.D., LLJD.,* was born in Al- fred, N. Y., January 26, 1823. In this rugged region, where unremitting toil was the birth-right of every boy, he grew to six feet, erect, broad-shoul- dered, a perfect specimen of physical manhood. Prom his New England parents he inherited a love of knowledge for its own sake. His father, a stern, upright man, was a teacher and leader in the community. His moth- er, possessing abundant common-sense, was also endowed with quick' perceptive faculties and a fine poetic temperament. These parents thus gave to their son an inheritance rich in all that goes to make the true wealth of a great character. Being naturally religious, he became a member of the church at the age of twelve. At thirteen he. was one of the number to make up the first select school in the town of Alfred. (This was taught by B. C. Church.) At seventeen he began teaching, taking charge of his first district school. This was in a neighborhood where it was the pride of the “ toughs” to have two or three successive teachers each winter. They had but one that winter. In 1842, when Jonathan was nineteen, his parents re- moved to the then western wilderness of Wisconsin. Here for two years he spent his summers either in surveying 6r in working on his father’s farm. He taught school during the winters and became known at that early age as the best teacher in Rock county. At twenty-one he found himself in possession of enough money (which he had accumulated) to either “ take up ” a quarter-section of land near his parents, or to return to Alfred to go on with his education. Knowing that it was the earnest wish of his parents to have their children settle near them, it was no small struggle for a duti- ful young man to decide to obtain a higher education. This he did, however, and took the first boat that came down the lakes in the spring. His former teachers, B. C. Church and James R. Irish, had given him a thirst for ad- vancement, but it was Prof. Wm. C. Kenyon who stirred his young soul to its core, and gave him confidence in himself and in his future. Mr. Allen early became a tutor in the Academy at Alfred, and was enabled by this means to pay most of his expenses while pursuing his studies. Sometimes, when his funds were low, he would teach a term in some near district for the winter. Having finished his academic course of study in 1844, Mr. Allen did not wait long before deciding to enter Oberlin College. One of the principal reasons for this choice was the strong religious influences centering there. During the busy years of his college life, he never lost his interest in Alfred. A close correspondence was kept up with Professor Kenyon regarding plans for the future development of the incipient Uni- versity. Indeed, Mr. Allen fully pledged himself to help work out these plans, and received from Prof. Kenyon a letter of gratitude, which was a most fitting exponent of that earnest, true man. While in Oberlin Mr. Alien was asked to take charge of a new academy in Milton, Wis., (his home), * Contributed by Mrs. A. A. Allen.185 Alfred University. but this he was not tempted to accept, as his pledge to work for Alfred had not been taken without much serious thought. When he returned to Alfred he remained faithful to his post there, never heeding positions of honor or highly-paid service that were so. many times offered him. In 1849 a syndi- cate of five, besides Professors Kenyon and Sayles, was formed with this strange pledge from each, to work five years at a salary of $400, and to give their entire time and all the surplus funds to the growth of the school. This action gave a marked impulse which was felt in all the departments. The special work of Alfred Academy then was the training of teachers for the district schools, and more than 150 young men and women went out each year as teachers for district schools in Allegany and surrounding counties. Many also became teachers in the higher schools and academies that were then being formed. (We are not now writing the history of Alfred Univer- sity. We are simply following one man as a factor in its development.) President Allen was a-born radical. In the societies, in the church, and in secular work he was a leader in all the reform questions of the day. Dr. D. R. Ford has said that the secret of his power in directing the varied inter- ests for the general growth of the University, lay in his tact and originality as an organizer. In Alfred, July 12, 1849, Mr. Allen was married to Miss Abigail A. Maxson, the preceptress, and through the rest of his life they were co-workers in the busy lives they were called upon to lead. In 1854 he was appointed general agent for the Educational Society to secure funds for the endowment of a theological department in the school. Though spending only his vacations in this work, more than $20,000 were secured during the first year. The winter of 1856-7 Mr. Allen spent in Albany in the interests of the University charter. During this interval he continued the study of law in the Albany Law School, was examined and admitted to the bar of the state. In 1864 he was ordained by the general conference to the Gospel ministry. This was done with especial reference to his being at the head of the theological department of the Institution. His sermons, lectures, and chapel talks bore the mark of research into many new7 fields of thought, and were most carefully prepared, though he seldom wrote them out fully, preferring to speak directly to his audience as he would teach a class. During his more than fifty years of teaching his work embraced most of the studies in the college curriculum. He taught at different times, mathematics, history, civics, the natural sciences, literature, rhetoric, elo- cution, Latin, Hebrew, metaphysics, and theology. To him teaching never became a humdrum business. Each pupil seemed a sacred trust, one to be helped in developing the very best that was in his nature. Mr. Allen was called to fill the president’s place in the University in 1866, after the death of President Kenyon. In 1869 he received from the Regents of the State of New York the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in 1874 from the University of Kansas the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1886 from Alfred Uni- versity the degree of Doctor of Laws. As Doctor Platts has said, “All these honors came to him entirely unsolicited and unexpected. They were186 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the spontaneous expression of the high regard that these institutions held for him as a profound scholar, as an experienced educator, as a Christian gentleman.” As the head of the University, no detail of the work was too insignificant to receive personal attention, The grounds, buildings, and the health, as well as the moral and intellectual development of each student received his special care. The co-educational system was considered of great value in giving home-like surroundings to the students and in remov- ing false views of the relations of men and women in their after lives. Be- lieving that the influence of delightful surroundings had great power in forming the tastes, manners and morals, indeed the whole character of the young, Mr. Allen spared no pains and gave much time and means to make the grounds the finest possible exponent of nature and art, so that they might impart life, health and strength to all. He was specially fond of the natural sciences, and, in order to make a home for his private cabinet and a place in which he might study in his old age, he bnilt Steinheim. The walls of this building make, of themselves, a rare geological cabinet of over 7,000 kinds of rock. The interior is a collection of native and foreign woods of many hundred varieties, while the various coins, implements, and other things make up more than 25,000 specimens. These have been collected from all parts of the wTorld and many of them cannot be duplicated. As the years wore on, Mr. Alienas arduous labors as president and trustee of the University began to tell seriously upon his health. His friends, seeing this, persuaded him to accept (in the spring of 1882) the generous offer of Mr. Charles Potter, of Plainfield, N. J., to be his guest on a European tour. A most congenial company of four fast friends was formed for this journey. These were besides himself, Mr. Charles Potter, Mr. Geo. H. Babcock, and Rev. A. H. Lewis. In early autumn they returned, refreshed and in- vigorated in body and mind. Mr. Allen’s friends think that this trip abroad added years to his life. He brought many interesting specimens to Stein- heim, and entered with more enthusiasm than ever into his home work. Every department of the University continued to advance, though there was much need of more funds to carry out the many new plans to success- ful completion, and the constant strain for years of making one dollar do the work of ten, the continued effort to /‘ make 'bricks without straw,” again began to tell upon his vigor. In 1891 Judge N. M. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, made us his guests, taking us to the Pacific coast, through the National Park and many more of the “ wonder lands ” of uur country. It was a delightful trip, and we both returned with renewed life, Mr. Allen, though then nearly seventy years of age, felt that he was doing his best work. He gave up no part of it, but added much that seemed to re- quire his special care. He often quoted, when advised to give the labor into other hands, the remark of John Quincy Adams, “ An old man has no time to rest.” He prayed to die in the harness, and his prayer was answered. His will-power seemed to conquer most of the weaknesses of the flesh, and his mind was never more clear than on September 1st, 1892.Alfred University. 187 When our old family physician, Dr. E. G. Green, told him he ought not to go to the chapel to begin the year’s work, he seemed to know the end was near. He continued, however, busy in correcting the proofs of his last sermon, and in directing the work for the one who had taken his classes. On the morning of the 21st of September, 1892, those who stood near him showed upon their faces their deep sympathy with his suffering. “I am happy,” he said, 44 why cannot you be so?” These were his last wTords. In a few moments he had passed beyond mortal ken, and when those who stood by looked at the dear face for the sign of 44 peace,” they saw, instead, a glorious joy. Judge Hubbard writes: 44 President Allen, during his fifty years as professor and teacher, came into personal acquaintance with 10,- 000 young men and women of more than ordinary intellect. He made as profound an impression upon them as did Plato or Aristotle upon their pupils. These 10,000 have gone into all the earth, and other tens of thou- sands follow, and all bear the impress, to some extent at least, of the intel- lect, the goodness, the greatness of this great teacher. And thus it is that his influence goes on in an ever-widening and never-ending path to bless, to cheer, to purify, to elevate. His immortality is like himself when with us here, modest, charitable, unselfish, sweet, all-pervading and altogether blessed. May we all live as he lived, teach as he taught, and die as he died. ” faculty—1895-6. Rev. Boothe Colwell Davis, M.A., B.D., was born near Jane Lew, W. Va., July 12, 1863. He is the eldest son of -Rev. Samuel D. and Elizabeth Randolph Davis, still living at Jane Lew. His district school education was supplemented by one year in the Fairmont (W. Va.) State Normal School. He then taught four years in the public schools of West Virginia. In September, 1885, he became a student at Alfred University. In 1890 he graduated in the classical course, and in the fall entered Yale University to pursue a course in divinity. In June, 1892, he received a call to the pastorate of the First Alfred Church. The call was accepted to begin his labors Sept. 1, 1892, with leave of absence to complete his course in divinity in Yale University, where he was graduated, May 17, 1893. May 18, 1893, he married Miss Estelle W., daughter .of John B. and Josephine Crandall Hoffman of Shiloh, N. J., and June 1st they came to Alfred. They have one child, Stanton Hoffman, born Aug. 31, 1894. In June, 1895, Mr. Davis was unanimously elected president of Alfred University. Edward M. Tomlinson.—The Greek department of Alfred University is most satisfactorily conducted by Professor Edward M. Tomlinson, whose thorough preparation for and complete devotion to his work, afford the student a rare opportunity for acquiring proficiency in. Greek scholarship. Mr. Tomlinson, son of Dr. George and Phebe (Mulford) Tomlinson, was born at Roadstown, Cumberland county, N. J,, October 22, 1842. After attending for a short time the public school of his native village, he entered Union188 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Academy at Shiloh, N. J., and was a student in that institution during the principalship of Wm. C. Whitford, C. R. Burdick, Wm. A. Rogers, Chas. H. Thompson, and George E. Tomlinson. He was graduated at Bucknell Uni- versity, Lewisburg, Pa., in 1867. The same year he was called to the pro- fessorship of Greek in Alfred University, and occupied this position for four years. During the year 1870-71 he served also as professor of Latin. Early in 1872 he went abroad, where he remained about two years and a half, the most of this time being devoted to study at the Universities of Berlin "and. Leipsic. After his return he taught for a time in Germantown Academy, Philadelphia. In 1881 he returned to Alfred University as professor of Greek and this position he still holds. Mr. Tomlinson married, M^rch 12, 1884, Miss Mary E., daughter of Rev. Thomas B. Brown, of Little Genesee, N. Y. Their home on Terrace Avenue is notable for its cozy appointments, its well stocked and well chosen libraries and its genuine hospitality. Henry Clarke Coon, M D., Professor of Physics and Chemistry in Alfred University, was born in West Edmeston, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1828. His Scotch ancestors came to New England, from thereto Otsego county amongits first settlers. His father, a farmer, gave him a good common school educa- tion. He attended DeRuyter Institute and Alfred University, was gradu- ated inthe Classical Course in 1868. He received the degree of A. M. in 1871 and of Ph. D. in 1891. He graduated in medicine at the New York Homeo- pathic Medical College in 1872, and the same year, was elected professor of Physical Science in Alfred University. He married L. Elvira Stillman of Alfred, Nov. 21, 1851. She died April 21, 1879. He was again mar- ried to Mary E. Hill, Dec. 6, 1880. While he has practiced medicine consid- erably, yet his life work has been mostly teaching, and he has helped many young men to commence their studies in medicine and also in other profes- sions. He was ordained deacon of the First Alfred Seventh-day Baptist Church, Aug. 80, 1879. He is a member of the American Institute of Homeo- pathy, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The American Chemical and Microcospical Societies, and the Institute of Civics, which help to keep him in touch with the advanced thought of the day in these lines of work. Lewis A. Platts, D.D.—Doctor Platts is a native of the state of Ohio, having been born at Chapman’s Creek in that state. His ancestry, partic- ularly in the maternal line, has been especially prolific of ministers of the gospel. Dr. Platts in early youth entered Milton Academy and literally worked his way through, earning every dollar of his expenses. Entering Alfred University in the Junior Class, he was graduated two years later, after which he studied three years inthe Union Theological Seminary of New York, receiving with its diploma special commendation for proficiency- in scholarship. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1866, and has served as pastor of the Seventh-day Baptist churches at Nile, N. Y., New Market, N. J., and Westerly, R. I. In 1882 he became editor of the SdbbaiA Recorder, the denominational paper of the Seventh-day Baptists, publishedAlfred Universit y . 189 at Alfred, which position he ably filled for ten years. In 1892 he was elected to the professorship of Church History and Homiletics in the Theological Department of Alfred University, where he still labors. In the fall of 1898, upon the reorganization of the Department of English Literature, he was made professor of that department'also. In addition to his regular work, Doctor Platts has done much preaching service during a large part of the time and has frequently responded to calls for funeral services and public addresses. He was married at the age of twenty-four to Miss Emma Tefft, of Almond, N. Y., who has continued throughout to be his sympathetic and devoted co-laborer. Lester C. Rogers, A.M.—Professor of the Charles Potter Professor- ship of History and Civics. This department was endowed in 1888 by Charles Potter, Esq., of Plainfield, N. J., who has always been a staunch friend of and liberal donor to Alfred University, as well as to other benev- olent institutions and enterprises. Professor Rogers was born in Water- ford, Conn., in 1829, and is a descendant in the tenth generation of the martyr John Rogers. He prepared for college at DeRuyter Institute and Alfred Academy, entered the Sophomore class of Williams College in 1853, where he was a classmate of President Garfield, graduated with honor in 1856, and received the degree of A. M. in 1859; entered Rutgers Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J., September, 1859, and graduated in 1860. He was married to Miss Josephine Wilcox, preceptress of DeRuyter Acad- emy in 1857; was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1858 and has been pastor of the churches at New Market, N. J., Brookfield, N. Y., Milton, Wis., Harts- ville and Alfred Station, N. Y. He also served the Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Society from 1875 to 1877. In the war of the rebellion he was chaplain of the 29th N. Y. Regt. U. S. Volunteers. Alpheus B. Kenyon, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, was born at Potter Hill, R. I., Aug. 2, 1850, and spent his boyhood at Mystic, Conn. He received his early education in the public schools of Mystic and Hope Valley, R. I.; spent three summers working in the shipyard, and later learned the trade of house carpenter. In the fall of 1868 he entered the Academic De- partment of Alfred University; taught school three winters in Smethport, Pa., and Little Genesee, N. Y., and was graduated from the University in 1874, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science. Having taken special work in draughting, mechanics and kindred subjects, he received the degree of Master of Science in 1877. Professor Kenyon was elected to the chair of Industrial Mechanics in 1872, but did not begin his work until the fall of 1874, when he was also called to the chair of Mathematics. He continued in charge of both departments on the salary of one for ten years, when Profes- sor A. A. Titsworth was elected to the chair of Industrial Mechanics, which he held for two years. After that time Professor Kenyon was again in charge of both departments for two years. In the winter of 1887 he received a furlough from Alfred University, and did post-graduate work in Cornell University, studying mathematics and methods. Professor Kenyon has190 History of Allegany County, N. Y. served during several years as secretary of the faculty and has held the office of registrar since 1891; served as acting president of the University after the death of President Allen until the duties of the office was assumed by President Main in April, 1898. He married Miss M. Viola, daughter of Martin W. Babcock, in 1873. Amelia E. Stillman, A.M., Professor of Art, was born in-Alfred, March 20, 1834, and was educated in the district school and in Alfred Academy, receiving the degree Laureate of Arts in 1853. She received her earliest instruction in art of Mrs. A. A. Allen. In 1869 she studied art in Chicago, 111., and in 1870-71 taught painting in the public schools of Hor- nellsville, N. Y., also in the select school of Miss Kingsley. In February, 1872, she became associated with Mrs. Allen in the Art Department of Alfred University, in which she has continued until the present time. Miss Stillman spent the fall and winter of 1886-7 in study at the Corcoran Art Gallery at Washington, D. C., and the spring and summer of 1883 at the Metropolitan Museum in Boston, Mass. In 1881 she studied With L. W. and R. Wiles at Leroy, N. Y. ' Charles M. Post, A.M., M.D.,Ph.D., Professor of Natural History, is second son of Doctor George Post and Mary, daughter of Judge Clark Crandall, the first, settler of the town of Alfred. He was born in Chicago, 111., in 1864, and educated in Milton College, Wis., and Alfred University, having graduated from the latter in 1886. He received the degree of A. M. in 1887, that of Ph. D. in 1889, and the degree of M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Chicago, 111., in 1892. He assumed the chair of Natural History in Alfred University in 1892, and was elected University physician in 1893. He married, in 1888, Dolly, second daughter of Dr. D. E. Maxson. F. S. Place, A.B., B.D., Professor of Industrial Mechanics, son of Rev. Alvin A. and Ruth (Sherman) Place, was born in Wirt, N. Y., Aug, 15, 1858, and lived from infancy until he was seventeen at Nile. He entered Alfred University in 1875, where, with interruptions, he studied for ten years. He received the degree of A. B. in 1882, and that of B. D. in 1885. In 1888 he was called to the chair of Industrial Mechanics in Alfred University, having served as tutor for two years. He is now in charge of Mechanics and Astronomy. Prof. Place married Martha Burdick of Ward in 1882. Earl P. Saunders, A.M.; Professor in Preparatory and Normal De- partment, a native of Genesee county, N. Y., born in 1856, worked his way through Alfred University, from which he graduated in the classical course in 1880. After taking one year of Theology in Alfred he spent two years in Union Theological Seminary in New York city. He has been pastor of the Seventh-day Baptist churches of New Market, N. J. , and New York city, has been principal of the graded school at Ashaway, R. I., and of the Pleas- ant Street grammar school at Westerly. He served the American Sabbath Tract Society as business manager of its publishing house at Alfred for. four years. He has ably performed the duties of his present position sinceAlfred University. 191 the fall of 1893. He was married to Miss Carrie Briggs of Ashaway, R. I., in 1882. Inez R. Maxson, A.M., Professor in Preparatory and Normal Depart- ment, is a native of Rodman, Jefferson county, N. Y. She received the rudi- ments of her education in district schools and entered Alfred University in 1870, from which she was graduated four years later. Since her graduation she taught in Berlin, N. Y., one year, and from 1878 to 1883 in New Rochelle, N. Y. In 1885 she began teaching in the preparatory and normal depart- ment of Alfred University. In 1891 Miss Maxson received a furlough of one year which she spent in the State Normal School at Albany, N. Y., grad- uating at the end of the year and receiving the degree of Bachelor of Peda- gogy. She then returned to Alfred and resumed her work in the Prepara- tory and Normal Department. Martha B. Saunders, Professor of Modern Languages, is a native of Providence, R. I. She spent a year and a half in school at Alfred at a very early age, but while yet a child accompanied her parents, who were sent as missionaries, to Palestine, where they remained six or seven years, residing mainly in-Jaffa. This cosmopolitan city, the seaport of Jerusalem, made a knowledge of many languages. a necessity. Miss Saunders received here the best instruction from native teachers. Her father becoming connected with the consular service, Doctor John W. Gorham, who was then United States Consul at Jerusalem, became a member of the family. Dr. Gorham, who was an American, a graduate of Harvard College, and who had spent many years in study and the practice of medicine in Paris and Rome, was a most accomplished linguist. Owing to failing health he became a perma- nent attache of this family, and Miss Saunders’s constant tutor. Here- turned with them to their former home in Westerly, R. I., where he gave private and public instruction in the modern languages. Miss Saunders spent a year in the Seward Institute at Florida, N. Y., and later three years in the private school of Miss Brace, where she enjoyed many of the privileges of Yale University, and from which school she was graduated. Returning to Westerly she took up the labors which Dr. Gorham had been compelled to relinquish, and after his death went to Germany in the fall of 1893, to perfect her knowledge of the German and French languages. She located in Berlin where she took private lessons of Frau Hempel, and attended her lectures on history and literature, living in a “pension,” where only German was spoken. Leaving Germany in the spring of 1894 she traveled for five months through Europe, spending some time in Paris and London, and arriving in America in time to commence her work at Alfred at the be- ginning of the school year of 1894-5. William C. Whitford, A.M., Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature, is a native of Madison county, N. Y., and was born Jan. 31, 1865. He received his early education and prepared for college in Brookfield Academy. In 1882 he entered Colgate University, from which he was grad- uated with honor in 1886, after which he served three years as cashier of192 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the Banking House of Calvin Whitford, his father, in Brookfield. Feeling it to be his duty to enter the gospel ministry he entered Union Theological Seminary, from which he was graduated in 1892. He accepted at once a call from the Seventh-day Baptist Church of Berlin, N. Y., to become its pastor, having served that church as supply during part of the time spent in the Theological Seminary. He was married, in 1892, to Miss Jessie Briggs, of Asha way, R. I., a graduate of Alfred University, and in the fall of the same year accepted a call to the chair of Biblical Languages and Literaturp in Alfred University. . / F. A. J. Waldron, A.M., Professor of Latin, was born in Springfield, 111., Sept. 17, 1862, and educated in the public schools of that city, graduat- ing from the Springfield High School in 1879. He removed to Philadelphia and later to Chester, Pa., and for a time engaged in mission work in New York city. He graduated from the University of Rochester in 1886 and from the Rochester Theological Seminary in 1893. One year during his studies in Rochester he taught in Jackson College, Miss., and was called to his present position in 1893. George Wesley Hill, Professor of Elocution and Physical Culture, was born in Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y., in December, 1866. He secured his early education at the Victor public school and at Genesee Wesleyan SemL nary, Lima, N. Y., graduating from the latter institution in 1888. He then attended the School of Oratory at Boston, Mass., from which he graduated in 1890. Mr. Hill adopted teaching as a profession and accepted a position as instructor in the Conservatory of Music at Lincoln, Neb., where he re- mained two years. Wishing to live in the East he was admitted as instruc- tor in Elocution and the English branches at the Military Academy atPeeks- kill-on-the-Hudson, teaching at said academy until he was called to the Pro- fessorship of Elocution and Physical Culture in Alfred University. Mrs. Mary E. B. Main, Professor of Music, was born in Painesville, Ohio, and moved to Adams, N. Y., when a child. She received her early musical training in Adams from local teachers, and at the Adams Centre Institute; graduated at Bellville Nofmal M/usic School under Prof. A. N. Johnson and studied music later with L. O. Emerson and Carl Zerhan. She took a course at Utica Conservatory and studied voice culture with Prof. Tower of Towers College of Music, New York, and Prof. Howard, author of the Howard Voice Method; graduated in Vocal Normal Music with Prof. J. T. Roberts, of Utica, and taught musicin Oswego, Schenectady, Watertown and Adams, N. Y.Bibliography of the County Newspapers. 193 CHAPTER XXIX. ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS. BY ROGER STILLMAN. __ • THE history of the press of Allegany county would, if it could be accurately followed from the first paper printed within its boundaries to the pres- ent time, giving the changes in ownership and editorial management, form one of the most interesting chapters in the county’s history; but data at hand is too meager to enable us to give more than a mere outline of the more noted of them. Many have come into existence, flourished for a short time, died and been forgotten, while others have become household companions from one generation to another, giving their readers a complete history, not only of the happenings in the towns where they were printed, but also of the county, state and nation. In preparing this chapter it is impossible to trace all the changes made in the names of publications, or their migrations from town to town or the merging of one into another. We have however followed them as closely as possible, though in many cases the exact dates of these changes have been lost in the dust of years. This chapter is appropriately opened by an account of the first paper printed in its territory. The Allegany Republican, which first went to press in Angelica in Octo- ber, 1820, and was owned and edited by Franklin Cowdery, who continued it for two years when he suspended its publication. In 1827 The Angelica Republican took its place, and was conducted by Samuel P. Hall until 1882, when it passed into the hands of B. F. Smead with the name changed to The Angelica Republican and Farmer's and Mechanic's Press. During 1882 it was sold to Peter Cherry, who changed its name to The Allegany Republi- can and Internal Improvement Advocate. Mr. Cherry continued its publica- tion for a trifle over four years, again changing its name in 1836 to The An- gelica Republican and Allegany Whig, soon after this selling it to Wm. P. Angel, when its title was changed to The Angelica Reporter and Allegany Re- publican under which name it had run but a short time when it was pur- chased by Samuel C. Wilson who issued it as The Angelica Reporter until 1856. Mr. Wilson sold the paper to Horace E. Purdy and Charles Horton in 1841, and, in 1844, Mr. Purdy retired, leaving Mr. Horton sole proprietor. In 1856 Mr. Horton purchased The Advocate and Whig (a paper started at Cuba as The Advocate in 1842 by Erastus S. Palmer who sold it to Elray & Churchill, who, in turn, sold to Peter S. Norris, who transferred it to W. H. & C. M. Beecher. It was consolidated with the Cuba Whig in 1852 forming The Advo- cate and Whig) and consolidated it with The Angelica Reporter under the name of The Angelica Reporter and Angelica Advocate and Whig. Some years later Geo. W. Dickinson purchased the paper and soon after moved the plant to194 History of Allegany County, N. ,Y. Belmont where the paper was published until 1874 when it was purchased and moved to Wellsville and united with The Wellsville Times by the stock com- pany owning the latter, under the name of The Allegany County Reporter. In 1876, Enos W. Barnes purchased a controlling interest in the stock, and took entire charge of the paper until his death in 1888, when it was continued by Mrs. Enos W. Barnes, assisted by her sons E. Willard and Charles H., who now publish it as a semi-weekly, and also publish The Wellsvile Daily Reporter, founded by E. W. Barnes in 1880, the only daily paper in the county. After the removal of the original Angelica Republican from Angelica in 1870, there was a time when that village was without a paper, but, in Decem- ber, 1871, Mr. P. S. Norris revived, the name of the Angelica Republican in a new paper established there, of which he issued the first, Dec. 22, 1871. He continued the publication until August, 1875, when A. W. Phillips & Co. became owners. They, after a few months, sold to Clark & McLaughlin, who were burned out and soon thereafter gave up its publication. Early in 1876, H. C. Scott, who started The Canaseraga Times at Canaseraga in 1878, moved the plant to Angelica and started a paper, adopting for its title the old established name of Angelica Republican. This journal was sold to L. G. Raymond in 1879, and still continues to be published by him. The Republican Aegis and Allegany Democrat was the second paper pub- lished at Angelica and in the county, having come into existence in 1830. The Genesee Valley Free Press first appears as an occasional publication at Belfast in 1852, where it was printed and edited by A. N. Cole until early in 1853, when he moved it to Wellsville and issued it from that place regularly each week until 1865 when he sold it to Fisk & Fish and its name was changed to The Wellsville Free Press. In 1870 Charles M. Beecher purchased the busi- ness and conducted it until 1875. The Genesee Valley Free Press was revived by its founder at Belmont in 1877, in an office purchased from The Alleganian by his son, A. P. Cole, who became the publisher of The Free Press and The Genesee Valley Farmer, (which formed a part of the weekly publication occu- pying one page under the above head). This paper was discontinued and the plant sold in 1881. The Cuba Patriot was first published at Cuba in 1862 by Stebbins & Bur- dick as a Republican paper. Burdick soon sold his interest to W. J. Carrier, who, after one year, withdrew from the firm, and F. G. Stebbins continued sole owner until 1865 when Mr. Carrier again became a partner, but only for a brief period, for, in November, 1865, Mr. Stebbins was again its sole proprietor, and a month later the firm was changed to Stebbins & Pratt. In August, 1866, Mr. Pratt retired and Mr. Stebbins continued alone until 1869 when he sold one-half interest to C. F. Meloy. In March following Meloy sold his interest to C. L. Shepard. In October, 1872, The Patriot was sold to The Cuba Herald Association, its name changed to The Cuba Herald, which was placed under the editorial management of James A. M’Kibbin. About Jan. 1, 1875, it was sold to E. S. Barnard, who associated Mr. Stebbins with him as associate editor and changed the name back to The Patriot Mr.Bibliography op the County Newspapers. 195 Barnard died in March, 1875, and Mr. Stebbins again bought the paper and conducted it until 1880 when he sold to Miles A* Davis, who edited it one year when it again came into possession of its founder, who published it until his death. In 1888 W. J. Beecher and W. J. Glenn became proprietors. In January, 1887, Mr. Beecher retired, leaving the firm name W. J. Glenn & Co. Stanley C. Swift purchased the Patriot in April, 1891, and sold it to H. Moulton*& Co., in July, 1892. W. J. Glenn & Co., its present proprietors, took possession again in April, 1898. The Allegany Democrat was founded at Wellsville in 1876 as an exponent of Democracy by Myron E. Eddy and Charles F. White. In December, 1872, Mr. Eddy retired, and Mr. White continued alone until August, 1874, when he sold the property to W. W. Nichols. A. E. Cowles purchased a one-half interest, June 11, 1882, and the firm of Nichols & Cowles appeared as pub- lishers until Feb. 2, 1887, when A. E. Cowles purchased the entire business and continues to publish the Democrat. The Friendship Register was first printed in Friendship by J. J. Barker Dec. 30, 1869, and was sold by him to R. R. Helme in 1871, in 1888 Mr. Helme sold to Geo. W. Fries, the present propretor. The Genesee Valley Post was first issued in 1881 as a Prohibition paper by James E. Norton, who purchased the printing material formerly used by the Free Press, and soon after secured the services of V. A. Willard as editor. Later the plant was sold to The Post Publishing Co., V. A. Willard continu- ing the editorial management until 1895, when the paper was moved to Cuba and is now edited by John F. Coad. The Belmont Weekly Dispatch, a Republican paper, was established at Belmont in 1889 by R. R. and F. B. Helme. In November, 1892, it was sold to W. M. Barnum. In March, 1893, Wm. E. Smith bought out Mr. Barnum and two weeks later Roger Stillman took a one-half interset. In January, 1895, Mr. Smith retired, and the firm became C. L. Stillman & Co,, who now publish it. The Angelica Every Week was started in Angelica as the organ of the Angelica and county organizations of the W. C. T. U., in 1884 by Mrs. M. L. Rumpff, and has been successfully continued by her as an independent newspaper. The Andover News was first printed in 1887 by H. S. Norris and Geo. L. Tucker, Jr. Mr. Tucker retired at the end of the first year and Mr. Norris has since conducted the paper alone. ' The Bushford Spectator was founded in 1878. In 1883 it was edited by Frank B. Smith and later passed into the hands of W. F. Benjamin, its pres- ent editor and proprietor. The Northern Allegany Observer was started in 1880, and is now owned by Judson Howden. The Spirit of Reform was started in Belmont a few years ago, in the in- terest of the Peoples’ party by Scott & Osencup. In 1893 Geo. A. Scott purchased his partner’s interest and published the paper until 1894 when he196 History of Allegany County, N. Y. sold to Victor AHen who soon after, in 1895, moved the paper to Richburg, and later disposed of it to M. C. Wescott who now conducts it. The Hume Enterprise was first printed in 1885 at Hume village. It has changed hands several times and is now owned and edited by E. W. O’Hara. j The Almond Era was started in 1887 by S. H. Jennings at Almond; it is Populistic in politics. Mr. Jennings changed its name in 1894 to The True Issue. The Whitesville News was founded, April 3, 1895, by L. J. Fortner and La Burt Davis as an independent (non-partisan) newspaper. Among the papers which have been published in the county in time past but have suspended publication and left no successors, are: ^ The Almond Herald founded in 1853 and published one year by R. Denton. The Allegany Sentinel, published in Almond by Melvin Hyde and Isaac Bush from 1854 to 1856. The American Banner, printed at Cuba from 1855 to 1857, by Hatch & Pratt, was sold in 1857 to Cyrus Pratt and M. B. Champlain, and its name changed to The Southern Tier. It lived only a few years. The Allegany County Advocate, founded at Angelica in 1868 by P. S. Nor- ris, lived one year. The Republican Aegis and Allegany Democrat, published in Angelica in / 1830, continued but a short time. The Allegany Gazette, printed at Angelica in 1840. The Andover Advertiser, founded at Andover by E. S, Barnard in 1868, existed about 2 years. The Friendship Chronicle, printed at Friendship in 1881 by J. W. Hen- drick, was soon discontinued. The New Democratic Era, started at Cuba by W. J. Carrier in 1865, was consolidated with The Patriot the same year. The Wellsville Times was established at Wellsville in 1872 by Geo. Howe, Benton C. Rude being its editor. It was merged in the Reporter in 1874. The Almond Chronicle was suspended in 1895, having been published about one year. The Bolivar Sunday Leader* was launched in November in 1881, by Well- ington, Nash & Anderson. It was a sprightly 6-column quarto and for a time prospered, but it never outgrew a Washington hand press. When the oil boom began to decline Wellington became sole proprietor and continued its publication until 1890, when it was sold to a Populist stock company, who installed C. M. Mason as editor. The name was changed to Alliance Leader. Mason was a theorist, not a practical newspaper man, and from the day of change the paper steadily “lost money.” In 1891 the plant was moved ta Belmont where publication continued a few months. When the stock holders ceased to “ loosen,” the paper suspended. F. R. Wellington is now * We are indebted to Brother J. P. Herrick of the Bolivar Breeze for the following bibliography of the- papers of the southern towns.197 Bibliography of the County Newspapers. in business in Tacoma. E. A. Anderson is a Methodist minister, and Nash has gone from the oil regions. , The first issue of The Oil EchS appeared at Richburg on the morning of January 18, 1882. It was a seven-column folio, published by a stock com- pany, with P. C. Boyle, now of the Oil City Derrick, as editor and manager. It was printed on a two-revolution Hoe press, and enjoyed a news franchise. The Echo was conducted in a fearless manner and had a good circulation. The office was burned in May, 1882, shortly after the Cherry Grove “boom ” began to depopulate Richburg and no further issues were made. The Richburg Weekly Era was launched in November, 1881, by S. H. Jennifigs, at present publisher of the The Almond New Era. It was soon made a daily with S. J. Small business manager. The Era was continued several months but it never proved a success financially. Mr. Small finally bought the plant and issued The Sunday Racquet, which lived but a short time, v The initial number of the Bolivar Breeze appeared on Saturday, August 29,1891. The Alliance Leader had been moved to Belmont and Bolivar needed a newspaper. The editor and proprietor was J. P. Herrick, of the Geres Mail. The Breeze at once struck the popular fancy and proved remunerative from the start. It has one of the most completely equipped plants in the county, and enjoys a very liberal patronage. The paper does not dabble in politics, is independent, and aims to excel as a local and county newspaper. The first printing office in Alfred was established in 1859 by J. E. B. and fWm. P. Maxson, who published The New Era, a weekly local newspaper. In 1872, the Sabbath Recorder, the organ of the Seventh-day Baptist denomination, was issued in Alfred in July of that year. It was the prop- erty of the American Sabbath Tract Society, and was in the 28th year of its existence. The plant, during its stay here, until the close of 1894, grew to immense proportions, the office issuing very many other publications, weekly, monthly and quarterly, among them the Outlook, Peculiar People, Helping Hand, etc., sending through the mail, yearly, tons upon tons of read- ing matter. They also printed for Alfred University The Alfred Student and The Alfred University, both of which have ceased to exist. During these years the editors were, Rev. N. V. Hull, Rev. Stephen Burdick, Rev. L. A. Platts and Rev. L. E. Livermore, and the business managers, David R. Still- man, Rev. L. A. Platts, Rev. Earl P. Saunders and John P. Mosher. At the close of 1894, the Publishing House was transferred to Plainfield, N. J. In 1883 it was planned by F. A. Crumb, Bert Sherman, L. W. Niles, John P. Mosher and John M. Mosher, employed in the Publishing House at Alfred, to start a weekly local newspaper, non-partisan in politics, and Jan- uary 1, 1884, the first number of the Alfred Sun was issued, with John M. Mosher editor, and John P. Mosher business manager, without remunera- tion. The composition and press work were done at the Publishing House at the actual cost. It was run under this management one year, when three oi the stockholders retired, leaving it in the hands of F. A. Crumb and L. W.198 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Niles, the latter soon buying out the former. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Crumb purchased the entire plant of Mr. Niles, and carried it alone until the close of the year, when he sold out to Rev. L. E. Livermore, who purchased material, and, with the help of one or two others, issued the paper for two years, when he, being called to a pastorate of a church in New Jersey, sold to his son-in-law, W. H. Satterlee, who carried on the business for two years more, when several of the young men in town thought best to have a Repub- lican paper in our midst, and they, forming a stock company, purchased the plant, and issued their first number under the new regime Jan. 1, 1890, with John M. Mosher editor and business manager, and Jno. J. Merrill assistant editor. On the first of January, 1895, the stockholders of the Sun Associa- tion purchased material for a job office and moved into the building known as the Publishing House, enlarging the Sun, and appointing John M. Mosher and Prank A. Crumb editors and managers. At the beginning of 1896, Prank A. Crumb and Prank S. Whitford, having purchased a controlling interest in the stock of the Association, assumed the management thereof. The Alfred Sun to-day is recognized as one of the leading Republican papers of Allegany county. Our Sabbath Visitor is a weekly Sabbath-school paper, and is published byE. S. Bliss. It is now in its fourteenth year. The University Bulletin, a paper published quarterly by Alfred Univer- sity, was commenced in 1895. The printing is being done at the office of the Alfred Sun. The Arena, a paper devoted to the interests of the Farmers’Alliance, was issued from the office of E. S. Bliss, Alfred, in 1889. On account of the lack of patronage but a few numbers were printed. Mr. Prank S. Miller, proprietor of the Ganaseraga Times, sends us this concerning his paper: “ In 1872 H. C. Scott established the Times, and con- ducted it until 1877. He was succeeded as owner and publisher by W. H* Barnum, who continued in the business until April 1,1885, when I purchased the entire plant and have since been publisher.”199 The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, CHAPTER XXX. THE WOMAN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. BY MISS MARY E; BOWLER. 3ME sayings haunt ns, and since we have undertaken to choose out and set in order those things concerning this great organization which shall be just and adequate as history, there are three: 4‘Histories are strange things,” “Whoever writes history writes himself a liar,” and “The begin- nings of all things are small,” which we feel sure we shall be able to verify. The “Woman’s Crusade,” inaugurated in our neighboring county of Chautauqua at Fredonia, Dec. 15, 1873, and of which the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was the outgrowth (the first one being organized there one week from that day, Dec. 22, 1873), did not, to our knowledge, take root in our county. At the convention called in Syracuse, Oct. 14, 1874, where the state organization was effected, Allegany county was represented by Mrs. B. C. Rude of Wellsville, her name appearing as chairman of a com- mittee to draft a memorial to President Grant and Governor Dix. Whether any efforts were made in the meantime to organize the county Union, we do not know, but not till nearly five years later, at Friendship, in July, 1879, was it accomplished. At a temperance convention (they were held by men in those days) held in the old academy at Friendship, July, 1879, Mrs. B. C. Rude asked all women who were interested to meet her at a stated time in one of the. recitation rooms. 25 or 30 responded. After explaining the object and methods of the organization, and urging its benefits as she could so well do, remarks were made by others, and a motion to organize prevailed. A paper was circulated for names of those who would become members, but it was not preserved, and the minutes of the meeting were not entered in the secretary’s book. Mrs. Helen M. Barker of Friend- ship was chosen president, and Mrs. V. A. Willard of Belmont secretary, neither of whom were present. Four women paid the fee of fifty cents and their names are on the book in the treasurer’s account. They are Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. John Briggs, Mrs. John McKee and Mrs. D. C. Willard to whom we are indebted for the account of the organization. The first meeting was called in connection with a temperance convention held at Andover, January 28, 1880. 15 names were added to the member- ship. Articles of constitution were presented by Mrs. B. C. Rude, and adopted with the amendment to Art. 1, “that the payment of fifty cents should not be requisite for membership,” which was reconsidered at the next meeting, and the constitution adopted as it now stands. It was known as the Allegany County Woman’s Temperance Union. The officers were to be as follows: President, vice president, secretary and executive committee200 History of Allegany County, N. Y. of five, and one honorary vice president from each town in the county, who should act as corresponding secretary of that town, solicit members from their several towns and at once take steps for the formation of unions to act in co-operation with and subordinate to the county union. The first ex- ecutive committee was Mrs. H. M. Barker of Friendship, Mrs. B. C. Rude of Wellsville, Mrs. N. V. Hull of Alfred Centre, Mrs. A. Coitof Wellsville and Mrs. V. A. Wijlard of Belmont. The organization was now fully accom- plished and the next meeting was called at Friendship, July 20, 1880, where eleven towns were represented by delegates though as yet there were no local organizations. In the light of the sixteen years that have since passed with their evolutions on the temperance question, it is interesting to read some of the first resolutions adopted by them, especially as we are so often told that we have turned aside from the work we were organized to do: “Resolved, That we as women must ever use our utmost efforts and influence to induce our husbands, sons and brothers to enforce more* rigorously the laws already made, and to enact laws still more stringent to protect society against the terrible evils of intemperance.” “Whereas, the license law already in ex- istence sends forth a desolating scourge into the land to waste and destroy; therefore, Resolved, That we use our utmost endeavors to introduce in its stead a prohibitory law, which shall strike at the root of this great evil and seek to exterminate it at once and forever from our fair land. We earnestly recommend that young men band themselves together in the formation of anti-treat-societies.” “ We recommend the use of unfermented wines for sacramental purposes, and, further, that in all total abstinence pledges cider be included.” “We renew our entreaties that our husbands and brothers abandon the use of tobacco, and unite their influence with ours against it.” These declarations show women intelligent, moral, broad and brave, who fearlessly took their stand and have steadfastly held their place in the extreme advance line of this unpopular cause. We may not even tell their names; the great majority are unknown to the world, but we know that because of them the work prospered, and, because of the work, they were made better. But to return, Mrs. N. Y. Hull and Mrs. H. M. Barker were appointed organizers, later, Mrs. J. B. Bradley, and when the young women’s work was taken up, Miss Emma A. Ross was superintendent and organizer. Through their efforts, aided by lecturers who have visited the county from time to time, every town of the county but three has had an organization. Some unions were established that only had a name to live, and other unions (be- cause the members were now at school, now teaching, or called from home for other reasons) have disbanded, still the interest has never languished. The first “local ” was organized in Cuba, October 26, 1880, and from that time organization went steadily forward. Since 1886 an excess of 500 mem- bers has entitled us to a representation in the National conventions. FewThe Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. 201 counties in the nation were as little affected as ours by the sifting process the organization passed through in 1889. 85 conventions have been held where different phases and plans of work were discussed, reports made and a mass meeting, addressed by some speaker of note, has inspired the workers with added interest and zeal, and given to the public the broad principles and outlook of the W. C. T. U., and what they deemed to be the urgent need of the hour. , Departments taken up by the county, are Evangelistic; Prison and Jail; Social Purity and Mothers’ meetings; Juvenile; Sabbath School; Soldiers and Sailors; Scientific Temperance Instruction; Narcotics; Franchise; Health and Non-Alcoholics; Literature; Press Work; Young Women’s Work; Fair Work. Effective labor has been done along all of these lines. .The organization became auxiliary to the state at the annual meeting held in Wellsville in 1882, took the name W. C. T. U., and, since that time, the money raised for all purposes by local unions, as reported, amounts to $16,- 514, but reports are never complete, and it is safe to say a much larger amount than that has been used in the work. In this sketch little can be said of the workers. We append tabulated statistics, names of officers, superintendents, etc., for reference in con- densed and convenient form, and we would gladly add the name of every woman who has kept warm in her heart an interest in this work for human- ity. They are the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. They have traveled innumerable miles through heat and cold with petitions, be- seiged assembly and senate with letters, pleaded with school boards and teachers for more thorough teaching of the effects of alcohol and narcotics, put literature on ship board* (Allegany has 4 libraries out), held services continuously in jails, and alms houses, and in every way made possible the accomplished work of the W. C. T. U. To them be all honor. But a word is due the five women who have stood as our leaders. In having such leaders we have been signally favored. The readers of the future will look with interest on the features of those who in time of stress bore heavy burdens to advance this good cause. Mrs. Barker is now treas- urer of the National organization at Chicago. Mrs. Rude is now of Duluth, Minn., and Mrs. Potter of Oakland, Cal. Mrs. J. B. Bradley of Bolivar, has been a standard bearer ever since she came into the county in 1882. Liv- ing in an ‘‘ oil town,” where conditions are peculiar, the population continu- ally changing, the union, under her leadership has bravely held its numbers in members, and no less than five women who have gone out from there are now presidents of unions in different parts of the county. Mrs. Willard’s work speaks for her. For fifteen of the sixteen years of the organization she has been a member of the executive committee and for twelve years of that time its president. To her efforts is largely due the uncompromising attitude on all essential points, the unity of purpose and harmony of effort that has made this one of the strongest county organizations in the state. Whatever work the state has accomplished in legislation or other effort, Al-202 History of Allegany County* N. Y. legany has given her full share. The greatest work we have done may not be written in history, it is on the hearts of the workers and on the lives of those they'have influenced; for ‘‘Wherever there is a wrong to right, an evil to attack or a hand to help, there will you find a woman with a white ribbon on her breast.” Officers of Allegany County W. C. T. U. from 1879 to 1895. Presidents: Mrs. H. M. Barker, 1879-1880; Mrs. B. C. Rude, 1880-1881; Mrs. E. J. Potter, 1881-1882; Mrs. Mary L. Willard, 1882-1884; Mrs. J. B. Bradley, 1884-1885; Mrs. Mary L. Willard, 1885-1895. Vice Presidents: Mrs. H. M. Barker, 1880-1881; Mrs. W. Wesler, 1881-1882; Mrs. L. A. Huh, 1882-1884; Mrs. E. M. Steele, 1884-1885; Mrs. J. B. Bradley, 1885-1887; Miss Emma A. Ross, 1887-1892; Mrs. G. W. Fries, 1892-1894; Mrs. A. M. Taylor, 1894-1895. Corresponding Secretaries, and Treasurers: Mrs. Mary L! Willard, 1879- 1882; Miss Emma A. Ross, 1882-1885; Miss Mary E. Bowler, 1885-1886; Mrs. L. A. Hull, 1886-resigned; Mrs. Chas. Stillman, Feb., 1887-1889; Cor- responding Secretaries, Mrs. J. Hendricks, 1889-resigned; Miss Mary E. Bowler, Aug., 1889-1895. Recording Secretaries, Mrs. J. R. Freeland, 1882-1884; Mrs. D. V. Scott, 1884-1885; Mrs. S. M. Bliss, 1885-1888; Miss Mary. E. Bowler, 1888-1889; Mrs. A. M. Taylor, 1889-1894; Miss Emma A. Ross, 1894-1895. Treasurer, Mrs. Helen A. Richardson, 1889-1895. County officers, 1895: President, Mrs. Mary L. Willard, Belmont; Vice President, Mrs. A. M. Taylor, Rushford; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mary E. Bowler, Little Genesee; Recording Secretary, Miss Emma Ross, Wellsville; Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Richardson, Belmont. Department superintendents, Soldiers and Sailors, Mrs. Mary A. Allen, Friendship; Social Purity and Mothers’ Meetings, Mrs. A. A. Allen, Alfred; Narcotics, Miss Mary E. Bowler, Little Genesee; Scientific Temperance, Mrs. J. B. Bradley, Boli- var; Evangelistic, Mrs. A. M. Taylor, Rushford; Franchise, Mrs. Mary B. Miller, Andover; Prison and Jail, Mrs. J. W. Bartlett, Belmont; Health and Non-Alcoholics, Mrs. M. B. Burdick, Alfred; Juvenile, Mrs. K. M, Kavert, Belfast; Literature, Mrs. L. E. Clark, Houghton; Press Work, Mrs. Mary A. Minard, Fillmore; Cuba Camp Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Barnes, Cuba. List of Unions with date of organization: Cuba, Oct. 26, 1880; Little Genesee, Nov. 18, 1880; Nile, Feb. 8, 1881; Friendship, Jan., 1882; Scio, Feb. 15, 1882; Belmont, Feb., 1882; Alfred Centre, Feb. 20, 1882; Andover, March 1, 1882; Richburg, March 2,1882; Independence, July, 1882; Rushford, Nov. 30, 1882—Oct. 27, 1887; Almond, March, 1883—Jan. 24, 1895; Angelica, April 28, 1883; Belfast, Oct., 1883; Bolivar, Dec. 6, 1883; Ceres, April 19, 1884; West Almond, July 2, 1884; Whitesville, Nov., 1884; Canaseraga, June, 1885; Allentown, June 15, 1885; Stannard’s Corners, 1885; Birdsall, No. 1, 1885; Birdsall, No. 2, *1885; Caneadea, 1885; West Clarksville, 1886; Honeoye, 1887; Shongo, 1887; Houghton, May 17, 1887; Fillmore, June 8, 1888; Black Creek, Aug. 8, 1888; Hume, Nov. 16, 1889. Y Unions have been established at Bolivar, 1886; Cuba, 1887; Ceres, Scio, Wellsville and Allentown, 1888; Belfast, 1889. -208 The Allegany Gounty Sunday-School Association. Conventions held and speakers: Andover, Jan. 28, 1880; Friendship, July, 20, 1880, Mrs. B. C. Rude; Cuba, Feb. 2, 1881, Mrs. Letitia Yeomans; Andover, Nov. 15, 1881, Mrs. Lillie Devereaux Blake; Scio, Feb. 15, 1882, Mrs. Mary T. Burt; Wellsville, July 12, 1882, Mrs. Letitia Yeomans; Rich- burg, Oct. 18, 1882, Mrs. Louise Rounds; Alfred Centre, Feb. 21, 1883, Miss NarcissaE. White; Nile, July 11, 1883, Mrs. L. M. Stoddard; Rushford, Oct. 3, 1883, Miss Narcissa E. White; Almond, Feb. 6, 1884, Mrs. D. V. Scott; Angelica, July 9, 1884, Rev. Mr, Coit; Little Genesee, Oct. 8, 1884, Miss Narcissa E. White; Alfred, Feb. 11, 1885, Mrs. Mary T. Burt; Bolivar, July 30, 1885, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop; Scio, Feb. 17, 1886. Mrs. Emily McLaugh- lin; Belmont, July 28, 1886, Mrs. R, A. Emmons; Allentown, Feb. 1, 1887, Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge; Andover, July 13, 1887, Miss Narcissa E. White; Belfast, Feb. 1, 1888, Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge; Ceres, July 10, 1888, Mrs. Helen L. Bullock; Wellsville, Jan. 30, 1889, Mrs. Ella A. Boole; Fillmore, July 24, 1889, Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman; Friendship, Jan. 29, 1890, Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge; Angelica, July 23, 1890, Mrs. Louise Rounds; Almond, Jan. 28, 1891, Mrs. Ella A. Boole; Bolivar, July 29, 1891, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop; Alfred Centre, Jan. 27, 1892, Rev. AnnaH. Shaw; Rushford, July 26, 1892, Mrs. Marion Baxter; Scio, Jan. 25, 1893, Mrs. LytieP. Davies; Belfast, July 26, 1893, Carrie Lane Chapman; Richburg, Jan. 24, 1894, Mrs. Mary J. Weaver; Fillmore, July 17, 1894, Rev. Henrietta Moore; Belmont, Jan. 23, 1895, Mrs. Ella A. Boole; Alffiond, July 24, 1895, Mrs. H. M. Barker. The Allegany County Sunday-School Association.—No records showing how long the Association has been in existence or of its earlier work are in the hands of the present officers. The object of the association as set forth in its constitution is “by union and concert of action to improve the character and efficiency of the Sunday-school work, and extend its influ- ence to every part of the county.’’ The 21st annual convention of the asso- ciation in its present form was held in the M. E. church at Wellsville on the 14th and 15th of May, 1895. At this meeting the county secretary’s report of work for 1894 showed that 73 schools in the county had made reports of their work, showing* these totals: number of officers and teachers 957, pupils 7,661, average attendance 3,815, number of conversions 342, amount of con- tributions $3,276.18. The present officers of the Association are: Rev. James A. Miller, Ph.D., Angelica, president; R. D. Bebee, Spring Mills, Fred R. Pratt, Short Tract, R. L. Andrus, Bolivar, Rev. B. C. Davis, Alfred, Charles E. Davis, Wellsville, Charles Cochran, Andover, Charles Ingham, Hume, vice presidents; Clinton H. Miner, Cuba, corresponding secretary; W. J. Richardson, Belmont, treasurer; Miss Mary E. Fuller, Cuba, recording secretary; Miss Estella Cole, Friendship, women’s mission secretary.204 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Federation of Women’s Clubs.—The first meeting of the Executive Board of the Allegany County Federation of Women’s Literary Clubs and Societies occurred at the library building in Belmont, Sept. 11, 1895. The members of the board present were: President, Mrs. Hamilton Ward, Bel“ mont; 1st vice president, Mrs. F. B. Church, Wellsville; 2d vice president, Mrs. F. B. Keeney, Belvidere; secretary, Mrs. F.L.Charles, Cuba; treasurer, Mrs. S. M. Norton, Friendship; alternates, Mrs, Rice, Friendship and Mrs. L. A. Platts of Alfred. The invitation to hold the annual meeting in Wells- ville, as guests of the Monday Club, was accepted, and a program arranged for that occasion. The preparatory sessions to this annual meeting of the Federation were enthusiastically attended and great interest was manifested. Allegany may be proud of this organization since she has the first County Federation of Literary Clubs and Societies organized in the state, and it was the first one received into the State Federation and also the General Federa- tion. All women’s clubs in the county that have been organized at least one year, and are existing for the purposes of culture and intelligence, are eligi- ble. Application for membership shall be made to the president or secre- tary at least two weeks before the annual meeting, and shall be accompanied by a copy of its constitution and by-laws, a sketch of the work of the club, its membership, etc. The first annual meeting was held at Wellsville, Oct. 23, 1895. It was largely attended. Mrs. Hamilton Ward of Belmont, Mrs. F. L. Charles of Cuba, Mrs. Frank B. Church and Mrs. Nora E. Darling of Wellsville, represented the Allegany Federation at the first annual meeting of the New York State Federation held at Brooklyn, Nov. 20, 1895. Here Mrs. Hamilton Ward, the honored president of our County Federation was elected a vice president of the State Federation. A Political Equality county organization was effected at Belmont, Jan. 23, 1895, with Mrs. Ida K. Church of Wellsville, president; Mrs. Eliza B. Fries of Friendship, -1st • vice president; Miss MaryE. Bowler of Lit- tle Genesee, 2d vice president; Mrs. Sara W. .Freeland of Wellsville, secre- ary; Mrs. Mary B. Miller of Andover, treasurer. The first annual meeting (suffrage convention) was held at Andover, Dec. 5,1895, where these officers were-elected: President, Mrs. Ida K. Church, Wellsville; vice president, Mrs. Eliza B. Fries, Friendship; recording secretary, Mrs.. Sara W. Free- land, Wellsville; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Abigail A. Allen, Alfred; treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Burrows, Andover; auditors, Miss Fannie Lewis, Wellsville, Mrs. Hendricks, Andover; honorary vice presidents, Mrs. Brad* ley, Andover, and Mrs. Allen, Alfred.Prominent Organizations. 205 CHAPTER XXXI. PROMINENT ORGANIZATIONS. THE Allegany County G. A. R. Association.—At the state capital at Springfield, 111., July 12, 1866, was organized the Grand Army of the Republic. The objects of the organization, which is composed of those who were officers and private soldiers in the late civil war, are the fostering of fraternal relations, and the keeping alive the zeal of patriotism, and devotion to our country, mutual support and assistance, clothing the naked and feed- ing the hungry, furnishing employment to destitute sick and wounded com- rades and caring for the widows and orphans of the gallant dead. While it wisely claims to abstain from political and partisan action, it has, as an organization, taken an active part in public matters affecting their general interests, notably, to secure increased pensions for many deserving classes, and to remove conceded obstacles to a fair construction of the application of pension legislation. The organization is National, Departmental and by Posts. In the department of New York in 1894, there were 670 posts, with a membership of 39,909. January 15th, 1891, 33 delegates, from the different posts in the county, assembled at Cuba, and organized the Allegany County G. A. R. Asso- ciation, with the following officers: President, P. G. Mayhew, Angelica; 1st vice president, A. M. Boyd, Wellsville; 2d vice president, L. A. Krusen, Stannards Corners; secretary, C. H. Miner, Cuba; treasurer,W. Kelly, Bel- fast; O. D., P. C. Soule, M. D., Wiscoy. The objects of the association are in accord with the national organization, and also to effect unity of purpose and action by the posts of the county. Twelve posts were represented at this first meeting. The next meeting was held in Wellsville, May 14th, 1891, and the same year the association met at Cuba, on the grounds of the Temperance Camp Meeting, and the meeting was called the “ campfire ’’ of the Association. The attendance was large. The second annual meeting was held at the court house in Angelica, December 31st, 1891. 13 posts were represented with 31 delegates, and the officers elected were, President P. G. Mayhew, Angelica; 1st vice president, A. M. Boyd, Wellsville; 2d vice president,A. B. Cottrell, Bolivar; secretary, R. H. Grady, Cuba; treasurer, E. O’Malley, Cuba; O. D., J. E. Middaugh, Scio. The Association met next at Alfred, February 25th, 1892, 10 posts being represented by 33 delegates. The next annual meeting was held at. Belmont, December 30th, 1892, 36 delegates being present from 14 posts, and choice of officers was made as follows: President, A. M. Boyd, Wells- ville; 1st vice president, J. W. Marsh, Alfred; 2d vice president, L. Burdick,. Nile; secretary, R. H. Grady, Cuba; treasurer, E. O’Malley, Cuba; O. D., Robert R. Seely, Belfast; chaplain, W. B. Wagoner, Cuba. Aug. 11th, 1893,206 History of Allegany County, N. Y. a campfire was enjoyed at Friendship. The third annual meeting was held at Belmont, December 28th, 1893, at which were elected: President, J. W. Marsh, Alfred; 1st vice president, L. Burdick, Nile; 2d vice president, Geo. A. Green, Belmont; secretary, R. H. Grady, Cuba; treasurer, E. O’Malley, Cuba; chaplain, T. C. Carrier; O. D., A. H. Waters, Belmont. 9 posts were represented with 26 delegates. At the spring meeting at Andover, April 26th, 1894, 11 posts were represented with 25 delegates. A campfire was held Aug. 17th, 1894, at Belfast. The fourth annual meeting was held at Belmont, December 13th, 1894, at which 11 posts were represented, 27 delegates being present. These offi- cers were elected: President, J. W. Marsh; 1st vice president, L. Burdick; 2d vice president, R. R. Seeley; secretary, R. H. Grady; treasurer, E. O’Malley; chaplain, A. L. Halbert; O. D., A. H. Waters. The campfire held at Belmont, Oct. 3, 1895, was a very pleasant meeting. Hon. Seymour Dex- ter of Elmira, addressed the large gathering with a most pertinent, able and patriotic speech. At the fifth annual meeting held at Belmont, December 19th, 1895, the following officers were elected; President, Captain R. R. Seeley, Belfast; 1st vice president, E. O’Malley, Cuba; 2d vice president, R. Tremain, Wells- ville; secretary, R. H. Grady, Cuba; treasurer, Thos. S. Tefit, Belmont; O. D., A. H. Waters, Belmont; chaplain, A. L. Halbert, Belmont. At present there are 16 posts in the county, and their numbers, names and locations are as follows: No. 86, A. K. Thorp Post, Belfast; 183, Stephen T. Bartle Post, Cuba; 195, Revere Post, Belmont; 237, Burnside Post, Wiscoy; 241, Hatch Post, Friendship; 247, H. C. Gardner Post, Bolivar; 249, Cassius Maxson Post, Richburg; 261, Hakes Post, Scio; 296, S. H. Weed Post, Canaseraga; 332, Wesley Rolfe Post, Stannards Corners; 333, Sawyer Post, Whitesville; 336, Dexter Post, Wellsville; 428, B. Frank Maxson Post, Alfred; 481, Edward Seaman Post, Andover; 502, Wilbur Haver Post, An- gelica; 603, A. & I. Yan Nostrand Post, Short Tract. Woman’s Relief Corps.—An auxiliary to the Grand Army of the. Re- public, Woman’s Relief Corps have been organized in many if not all of the counties of the state. The county of Allegany is not backward in this move- ment, as by the following list of names and presidents of corps, it appears that 12 out of the 16 posts of the county have their auxiliary organizations. No. 19, Dexter, Wellsville, RosellaH. Boyd; 49, Stephen T. Bartle, Cuba, Eunice Thompson; 54, H. C. Gardner, Bolivar, Etta Dunning; 67, Sawyer, Whitesville, Augusta Forsyth; 68, Cassius Maxson, Richburg, Mary R. King; 69, Wesley Rolfe, Stannards Corners, Vina L. Krusen; 90, Hatch, Friendship, Eliza Benjamin; 95, Wilbur Haver, Angelica, Mary O. Blanch- ard; 155, Ed. Seaman, Andover, Frances Boyd; 161, B. Frank Maxson, Alfred, DeEtte Place; 169, O. & I. Yan Nostrand, Short Tract, Hattie E. Hall; 173, A. K. Thorp, Belfast, Jennie A. Babcock.Prominent Organizations. 207 Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial Union.—The first organiza- tion of this character in the state was organized at Richburg, April 3, 1890. The next was formed at Inavale, also in Wirt, April 17, 1890, by D. Frank Allen the state organizer. June 3, 1890, a temporary organization of the county was formed at Friendship with 13 Sub-Alliances. July 8, 1890, the permanent organization of the county was perfected with these officers: S. L. Stanton, president; J. D. Rogers, vice president; George A. Scott, secretary; D. 0. Millis, treasurer; Dennis Barnes, lecturer. Through the efforts of Mr. Allen, assisted by secretary Scott, the order was established in every town of the county by the spring of 1891, when there were 80 Sub- Alliances, with more than 5,000 members. The county has ever since re- tained its place as the banner county of the state in Alliance work. Several co-operative stores have been established by the order, which has been the means of saving thousands of dollars to its members. Several halls have been built, notably Sherman Alliance, No. 2, Hall, at Inavale, which, together with the sheds and other property, is valued at upwards of $1,000. Much benefit has been derived from the social and educational features of this order, as no other organization has ever attained so great a membership or reached the same class of people. Present officers of the County Alliance are: John C. Powers, president; S. L. Stanton, vice president; M. C. West- cott, secretary and treasurer; D. F. Allen, lecturer. The Allegany County Farmers’ Club.—Owing to the loss of the records of this club up to two years ago, this account can not be given as much in detail and particulars, as might be desired. From information gained from Mr. A. W. Litchard and one or two others, we learn this: It was organized in February, 1883, at the court house in Angelica. The attendance was not large, but energetic, wide-awake, enterprising elements were present and well represented. Mr. Hiram Karr of West Almond was elected its first president, and Joseph H. Rutherford of Angelica its first sec- retary. Meetings were held during the year at different places, and con- siderable interest awakened. In 1884, William Weaver of Angelica was made president, and the membership of the club considerably increased. Mrs. M. L. Rumpff of Angelica was this year, or the hext, made secretary, and published the proceedings regularly in her paper, Every Week, which became an organ of the society, and continued as such for six or seven years, during her incumbency of the office. She was succeeded by J. F. Coad of Cuba, and Mr. Charles Stillman of Alfred, the present secretary, succeeded Mr. Coad about 1893. In 1885 David H. Norton of Friendship, was elected president, and the interest in the meetings kept on increasing. In 1886, W. D. Renwick of Friendship was president, and in 1887, Wm. McClumpha, also of Friendship. In 1888 Almanzo W. Litchard of Rushford was elected president, and has been re-elected every year since. Meetings are held every month, most of the towns in the county being visited. Great interest had been worked up, and the meetings are well attended. The membership208 History of Allegany County, N. Y. is now over 1,000. A number of farmers’ institutes have been held, which have been well attended, instruction being given by lectures, illustrated and otherwise, by expert scientists employed by the state. The information imparted has been of a practical nature, and of great advantage. It would be difficult to properly estimate the value the club has been to the agricul- turists of the county. Its president, Mr. A. W. Litchard, has lately been designated as an instructor at the institutes, and in point of intelligence and solid worth the membership of this club is excelled by none in the state.' During the presidency of Mr. Norton, the late A. N. Cole extended a formal invitation to this club and the Elmira Farmers’ Club, to visit him at his Home on the Hillside at Wellsville, during the strawberry season. The invitation was accepted and the two clubs visited Mr. Cole, feasted on strawberries and cream, and experienced a royal good time generally. This was a great advertisement for the club and helped largely to direct public attention to its proceedings. At the present time the discussions are published in full, regularly in many of our county papers, and are very instructive and use- ful. The club has been a grand success. “ May its shadow never grow less! ” The Allegany County Farmers’ Co-operative Insurance Com- pany was organized in April, 1887, with A. W. Miner, of Friendship, presi- dent, L. M. Wait, of Friendship, treasurer, and J. H. Rutherford, of Angelica, secretary. Mr. Rutherford has been the secretary from organization* President Miner was succeeded in turn by Herman Rice, and A. W. Litchard,. the present incumbent, and Mr. Wait has been continued treasurer. The-, company is now insuring the property of its members to the extent of $5,000,000. The directors are A. W. Litchard, Rushford; Charles F. Moul- ton, Cuba; Lorenzo M. Wait, Friendship; James L. Crittenden, Whitesville; John E. Middaugh, Scio; R. Emmet Middaugh, Friendship; Walter L. Rew, Friendship; Alonzo H. Hooker, Angelica; R. J. Brockett, Angelica; E. D. Barry, Almond; Wm. E. Pierson, Fillmore; Ebenezer S. Bartlett, Belfast; J. B. Sayres, Black Creek; Will H. Langworthy, Alfred; Joseph H. Ruther- ford, Angelica. The Allegany County Historical Society.—Pursuant to notice published in the county papers, these gentlemen assembled at the office of (then) Judge-elect S. M. Norton in Friendship, December 6, 1889, for the purpose of organizing a county historical society: Richard Church, J. S.. Minard, W. D. Renwick, Evander E. Hyde, Stephen Pollard, J. F. Rice, Prof.. John P. Slocum, L. M. Wait, Herman Rice, Elmer E. Peterson, W. N. Ren- wick, S. M. Norton and Geo. W. Fries. S. M. Norton was made temporary chairman, and W. N. Renwick temporary secretary. J. S. Minard moved that the secretary read the constitution and by-laws of the Buffalo Historical Society, for information and suggestions sought for. It was carried. A motion made by Herman Rice, that J. S. Minard be made president of the.Prominent Organizations. 209 permanent organization, was seconded by W. D. Renwick and carried. Mr. Minard took the chair, thanking the meeting for the honor conferred upon him. A motion of Major Church that George W. Fries be made permanent corresponding and recording secretary was carried. Mr. Herman Rice was elected treasurer and Richard Church first vice-president. President Minard then appointed a committee of three, JohnP. Slocum of Angelica, Stephen Polland of WellsviUe, and W. D. Renwick of Friendship, to draft and report a constitution and by-laws. The committee on constitution and by-laws were instructed to make the call and name the time and place of the next meeting for some time in January, 1890, and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting was held on the 8th of January, 1890, at the office of D. P. Richardson in Angelica. The committee reported a constitution and by-laws which were adopted, and a general discussion of objects to be sought and methods to be pursued, was had, much interest being manifested. In the evening a public meeting was held at the courthouse, and the Hon. Nor- man Seymour of Mt. Morris, delivered an address appropriate to the occa- sion, and president Jno. S. Minard delivered his inaugural address. These were published in the Friendship Register, and the latter one in the Northern Allegany Observer at Fillmore. The meeting was regarded as a success though it was not largely attended. No more meetings of the society were held until the near approach of the centennial of the settlement of Allegany county infused zeal into some of its members. It was thought by many that the Centennial, if celebrated, would stimulate to life and activity the Historical Society, while others holding to the same views, also considered that the celebration should be conducted under the auspices of the society. And so, a call being published in the county papers to that effect, a meeting was held at the courthouse in Belmont, in October, 1894, at which the matter was brought up. This meeting was well attended. A delegation of the ladies of the Belmont Literary and Historical Society was present, and, . through Mrs. Hamilton Ward, its president, very graciously offered the Historical Society the use of its hall for meetings and a room in which to keep relics, curios, etc. This offer was as thankfully accepted, as it was graciously made. The celebration of the centennial of Allegany’s settlement was taken up, and the idea being generally entertained that such a celebra- tion should be held under the auspices of the society, the president was directed to appoint a committee of five to name the time and place for such celebration. This meeting was very pleasantly entertained by the reading of interesting papers written by Dr. E. E. Hyde, on “ Early Times in and aroundBelmonV’andby Mr. H. D. Kingsbury, ex-president of the Livings- ton County Historical Society, on Historical Societies. In January, 1895, the annual meeting of the society was held at Ward Hall, Belmont, when the old officers were re-elected except treasurer, and W. J. Richardson of Belmont, elected treasurer in place of Herman Rice, deceased. At the evening session, a public meeting, the secretary read a paper written by S. A. Earley, Esq., of Wellsville, on “Our Early Schools,”210 History of Allegany County, N. Y. and the president read a paper on “ The Caneadea Reservation and some Indians of the Upper Genesee.” No meetings have since been held. Quite a number of presents have been made to the society in the way of historical relics, and a good nucleus of a valuable museum has been made. The present officers are Jno. S. Minard, Fillmore, president; Richard Church, New York City, vice presi- dent; Geo. W. Pries, Friendship, corresponding and recording secretary; W. J. Richardson, Belmont, treasurer, and Stephen Holland, Belmont, custodian. CHAPTER XXXII. MEDICAL SOCIETIES AND PHYSICIANS FROM the days of Hippocrates the practice of medicine has been consid- ered useful and honorable, and classed with the learned professions. To be a successful practitioner of the “ healing art ” calls into exercise the keenest faculties and most commendable attributes of human nature. Especially is this true of the doctor in a new country. Remote from the centers of civilization and of civilizing influences, his neighbors in some in- stances the rude Indians who lingered in the reservations, in others the venturesome, though as a rule shiftless, squatters, who, in many cases, preceded the advent of the earliest permanent settler, his nearest contem- porary in the profession dwelling quite likely 75 to 100 miles away, and that distance mostly covered by unbroken wilderness, depending upon malarial conditions, and diseases peculiar to new countries to furnish him with patients from families widely scattered and homes which could boast of nothing over and above the absolute necessities of life, the pioneer physician of Allegany had certainly a hard time of it. That man, according to all accounts, was Dr. Ebenezer Hyde, who, born in 1777, studied medicine with his cousin, Zenas Hyde, at New Marlboro, Mass., graduating about 1795. He came here in 1804, and settled with his family at Belvidere in 1805. He had an extended practice for 40 years, and was, until 1881, the only physician in Amity. He died in 1858, his wife in 1854. His commodious log house was the first hotel of the town, and was the home of the pioneers. He has many descendants in this county. Some of the Indians on the Caneadea Reserva- tion were his best paying patrons, for it is a fact that for some years the Indians had more money than the whites. It is perhaps proper to state right here that the Senecas had their “ medicine men.” Shongo (Gah-nee-son-go) was one and Mohawk another, and while, after the doming and settlement of the first white physician, theMe3mgad Societies and Physicians. 211 Indians in some instances sought medical advice and treatment of the pale- faced doctor, it is equally true that some of the whites consulted “ Dr. ” Shongo and “Dr.” Mohawk. Persons are living who have known of Mo- hawk’s visit to Friendship to see a sick man, he going twenty miles from his residence in Hume. To give a slight idea of the rude and primitive methods of treatment of these “ Indian doctors ” this incident is related. A settler received an injury on his back which resulted in a bad sore. Some friends persuaded him to go to Shongo for help. He did so. Shongo was found. A number of people were present. Assuming a profoundly wise look Shongo ordered the clothing removed from the back of the patient and closely ex- amined the sore. Quickly gathering some dry punk-wood, he ordered the man to lie face down on the ground. Then, rubbing the punk-wood in his hands directly over the sore, he soon covered it with the dry powder. Or- dering a strong man to each hand and foot, and telling them to “ hold him strong,” with steel and flint he ignited the punk which immediately took fire and made it extremely uncomfortable for the patient. He yelled and screamed in a frightful manner, trying his best to wrench himself from the relentless grasp of the men who, obeying Shongo’s orders to “hold him! hold him! ” uttered in tones of thunder, did indeed hold him as in a vise. When the punk was consumed the man was allowed to rise, then Shongo blew away the fine ashes from the sore, re-examined it, and with an air of triumph said, in effect, “ I can cure BURNS. ” He then gave something to apply to the sore and it was soon healed. On some visits to distant patients Dr. Hyde was accompanied by an In- dian guide. At other times he carried an axe with which to “browse ” his horse and “ spot ” trees to guide his way back, and often, detained by storms and swollen streams, he was forced to spend the night in the woods on beds improvised from hemlock boughs. The Genesee and its tributaries were great hindrances to the early physicians. No bridges had been constructed and “fording” and the canoe in summer, and the ice in winter were the only means of crossing the streams. The usual mode of travel was bn horse- back, with saddlebags containing a small stock of medicine thrown over the doctor’s saddle. These remedies were few in number. Rhubarb, jalap, calomel, salts, were the staples and were greatly depended upon. Emetics were frequently given, and bloodletting often resorted to. The inevitable turnkey was always at hand, and the lance for bleeding in the vest pocket, and it has been truly said that ‘ ‘ the instruments used in surgical operations, were often obtained from the chest of a carpenter or manufactured by the nearest blacksmith.” “The distance from the centers of medical knowl- edge and their infrequent opportunities for consultation compelled them to rely almost wholly upon their own resources,” and so, of necessity, they were men of great self reliance, and apt in emergencies. Eor some years Dr. Hydehadthe entire ride of a large extent of country, his visits extending as far north as Wyoming county and south into Pehn* sydvahiar In 1809 he opened his large log house (on the site of the residence212 History of Allegany County, N. Y. of S. H. Whitcomb, Esq.) as a public house, it being on the line of travel to the great West, the route of the famous turnpike. Dr. E. E. Hyde is authority for the statement that over 100 horses, and a corresponding num- ber of men, women, children, wagons and carts loaded with household goods, etc., have been entertained at once. About 1812 or 13 Dr. Hyde was informed that Dr. Dyer Strong had settled in Rushford, (then Caneadea) and, not far from the same time, that: Dr. and Rev. Jabez Spicer had “hung out his shingle ” in Andover, (then Alfred). In 1822 Dr. Gilbert B. Champlain settled in Cuba, and in 1823 Dr. Joseph Balcom established himself at Hume, and a little later Dr. SethH. Pratt, in Hume also. As early as this, too, had Dr. Charles D. Robinson begun practice in Almond, and in 1825 Drs. Anthony Barney, Jonas Well- man and Richard Charles had located respectively in Independence, Bolivar and Angelica. And thus it came to pass that Dr. Hyde at last had profess- ional neighbors. When great emergencies are to be met and great questions solved God sends the men fitted to meet and solve them. And so when a new country is being settled a hardy robust stalwart class of doctors are required, and in our case the requisition was promptly honored by the appearance of the stalwart pioneers just named. It is doubtful if everja> new country was supplied with better physicians than was Allegany county. They were an honor to their profession, a boon to the afflicted, and their posterity point with just pride to their records and careers. The diseases peculiar to the new country were largely fevers caused by the malaria evolved in “clearing” of land and consequent exposure of swales and marshes to evaporation. Along the Genesee river fever and ague were quite prevalent. Many cases of goitre were found along the river. Indeed Elisha Johnson, a very observing man, who in 1807 was employed to subdivide the Cottringer Tract, speaks of the Indians and some of the few white squatters as being afflicted with “ swelled necks, ” which he ascribes to the “atmospherical conditions.” Very much shade and but little exposure to sunlight, a very crooked stream with a proportionately large expanse of water surface, made heavy and lasting fogs. Under such conditions sickness prevailed and many found a grave. By the time the Genesee Valley canal was completed, say from 1840 to 1845; ague and its accompanying fever had measurably disappeared, but, upon the completion and opening of the canal, this disease re-appeared, and for a while was again quite prevalent for some time. It again appeared in quite a number of cases when the canal was “bottomed out ” about 1850. A case of fever and ague is now seldom met with. During the last half century the medical profession of Allegany has been represented by a multitude of practitioners, many of whom will only be remembered by name, while others have been so thoroughly identified with the growth and progress of our county, and been so devoted to the successful practice of their chosen profession as to become a part and parcel of its history. Among these, Drs. Stephen Maxson, Calvin Allen, H. H,213 Medical Societies and Physicians. Nye, John R. Hartshorn, Wm. M. Smith, H. H. Lyman, Wm. A. Stacy, Archibald Morris, John Hr and Chas. W. Saunders, C. M. Crandall, A. E. Willard.; It is presumed that other names should be added; the reader may supply them. The profession of medicine in Allegany still has “ bright and shining lights’’ who rank in point of ability and proficiency fully up to the attainments of those of our sister counties. Allegany County Medical Society.—It is a matter of regret that the records of the original Allegany County Medical Society have not been preserved. If fire has not consumed them they may yet be found in some dusty old attic among the cobwebs and accumulated dust of three-fourths of a century, long after this work has gone to press and all chance of profit- ing by the lights theiy would doubtless reveal has gone forever. Dr. A. E. Willard, the secretary of the present organization, has none of its records nor is he able to afford any information concerning it, and so the personal recollections of the late Dr. Stephen Maxson of Cuba, which were relied upon by the historians of 1879, afford the only glimpse we are able to get of the old society. He says that an Allegany County Medical Society existed as early as 1827, and Dr. Richard Charles was then its president, and Dr. Jonas Wellman of Friendship secretary. On its membership list were found the names of Drs. Lorenzo Dana, Jonas Wellman and Asa Lu Davidson of Frienship, Dr. G. B. Champlain of Cuba, Dr. John T. Hyde of Amity, Dr. Wm. A. Stacy of Centerville, Dr. S. H. Pratt of Hume, Drs. Collins and Cady of Alfred, Dr. Horatio Smith of Rushford, Dr. Gilmore of Nunda, Drs. Minard and Capron of Pike. Drs, Gregg and Faucet of Angelica, Dr. Wm. Smith of Rushford, Dr. Bell of Alfred and Dr. Stephen Maxson of Cuba were later members. Among those who served as president were, Dr. Richard Charles, Dr. Enoch K. Maxson, Dr. G. B. Champlain, Dr. Lorenzo Dana and Dr. Stephen Maxson. The organization of the present society occurred at a meeting held at the Charles Hotel in Angelica, June 15, 1854, and attended by Richard Charles, Archibald Morris, H. H. Nye, Brayton Babcock, Charles D. Robin- son, Norman N. Smith, W. Byrns, E. M. Alba, H. H. Lyman, Matthias Bur- ton, John H.,Saunders, C. M. Crandall, G. N. King, William B. Alley, A. B. Stewart, J. W. Black, William M. McCall. Dr. McCall presided and Dr. Alley was secretary. Drs. Richard Charles and E. M. Alba were appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws and the meeting adjourned to the l 1th of July, 1854, when the constitution and by-laws were reported and adopted, and Dr. Richard Charles elected president, Dr. E. M. Alba, secretary, Dr. C. M, Crandall, treasurer, and Dr. W. Byrns, librarian. Hon. Lucien P. Wether by was elected attorney and Drs. A. Morris, H. H. Nye, C. D. Robin- son, and N. M. Smith named as censors. Drs. William B. Alley, B. Bab- cock, G. N, King, J. H. Saunders and E. M. Alba, were appointed to prepare a “ fee bill.At the next meeting (at Phillipsville, in September, 1854,) the following was adopted:V 214 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Whereas all kinds of produce and property necessary for the use of our families and prose- cution of our business have advanced very much in price during the last few years, and where- as, a corresponding advancement has taken, place in all kinds of labor, it is deemed just and proper for this society to make a corresponding advance in the price of their services; more especially as the present prices are far below those of adjoining counties; therefore, Resolved\ That this society adopt the following fee bill to take effect immediately: Day visits in village, 50 to 75 cents; day visits over 1 and under 2 miles, $1; travel fees every additional mile, 25 cents, (night visits add 100 per cent.); Consultation visits, (travel fees extra) $2 to $5; Detention per hour, 25 to 50 cents; Prescription and medicine in office common case, 50 cents; Obstetric fees, natural labor not over twelve hours duration, $5, (over 3 miles from home travel fees extra);- When arriving after.birth of child and before expulsion of placenta, $4; When arriving after delivery complete, $2.50; Instrumental labpr and turning, $10; Consultation, $5 to $10. Surgical Fees.—Reducing fracture of thigh bone, $10 to $20; All other fractures or dislocations, $5 to $10; Subsequent dressings, $1 to $3; Amputation of thigh or leg, $25 to $100; Amputation of arm or fore- , arm., $20 to $25, All other amputations, $5 to $10,, Ligation of arteries, $5 to $50; Trephining, $10 to $25; Operation for strabismus, $5 to $15; Excising both tonsils, $5; Paracentesis abdomen, $5; Paracentesis,thoracis, $10; Operation for cure of hydrocele, $5; Reducing strangulated hernia by toxis, $2 to $5; Reducing strangu- lated hernia by cutting, $25; Larynxotomy and traUcheotomy, $15; Amputation of breast, $25; Castration, $15; Extirpating tumors, $2 to $25; Removing hemorrhoids, $5 to $10; Rhinoplastic operation, $5 to $50; Lithotomy, $50; Clubfoot, $5 to $50; Consulting surgical cases, (traveling fees extra} $3. to $10; Assisting in surgical operation, $5 to 15: Introducing catheter, $1 to $2; Dressing wound in office, 50 cents to $5; Cupping 50 cents to $ 1; Leeching, $1 to $2; Venesection, 25 cents; Extracting tooth, 25 cents; Opening abscess, 25 . cents to $2; Prescription and medicine in venereal cases (always in advance) $2 to $5. “ At the March (1855) meeting held at the Charles Hotel Angelica, Dr* William B. Alley delivered an address on the ‘Prosperity and position of the medical profession in Allegany county,’ Dr. Crandall related an interest- ing case of rupture of the uterus, Dr . Alba spoke of a case of monstrosity, and Pres. Charles delivered"his annual address, subject, 4 Quackery.’ The June meeting in 1858 seems to have been a veritable 4 red-letter ’ day. It was held at the residence of Dr. Wm. B. Alley in Angelica, Dr's. Alba, Alley, Burton, Crandall, Davidson, Nye, Morris, Pearse, Parker, Purple, Smith, Sabin and Wylie with their wives were present. The president read an address, and after dinner a variety of toasts and speeches were offered and made by Drs. Crandall, Morris, Nye, Smith, Burr and others. Dr. Smith exhibited a very interesting pathological specimen of diseased stomach. ” These extracts from the “proceedings ” have been made to give an idea of its purpose and work. Meetings of the society were held quite regularly. Belmont,, Belvidere, Friendship and Wellsville, besides Angelica, being visited. From June* 1859, to March, 1864, there appears no record of meetings. At the latter time a special meeting was held at Belvidere, steps taken towards a revision of the fee bill; and from that time (March, 1864,) a sort of Rip VanWinkle sleep seems to have come over the society and its members, which lasted until Jan. 15, 1873, when a special meeting was held at Belmont. The record of this meeting speaks of “President O. T. Stacy in the chair.” Evidently some records have been lost. From 1873 the organization has been kept up* and, judging from the records, a. good degree of interest excited and main- tained. Delegates are chosen to represent the society at the meetings qf the State Medical Society held in Albany every winter.215 Medical, Societies: and* Physicians, The presidents have been: Dm Richard Charles, 1854-4; C. M. Crandall, 1856-^-7; Archibald Morris, 1858-9; O. T. Stacy, 1872; Wm. M. Smith, 1873* Stephen Maxson, 1874; H. P. Saunders, 1875; J. H. Saunders, 1876; E. H. Willard, 1877; C. W. Saunders, 1878; W. W. Crandall, 1879; J. L. Cutler, 1880; H. H. Nye, 1881; Otis Allen, 1882; G. C. McNett, 1888; W. W. Crandall, 1884; M. B. Titus, 1885; M. E. VanDuzen, 1886; G. H. Witter, 1887; H. A. Place; 1888; F. C. Davie, 1889; Mark Shepard, 1890; C. C. Doming,- 1891; H. A. Barney, 1892; J. W. Coller, 1893; Geo. E. Burdick, 1894; H. E. Cooley, 1895. The secretaries have been: Drs. E.*M. Alba, 1854-59; C. W. Saun- ders, 1873; F, J. Baker, 1874-76; O. L. Barney, 1877-79; A. E, Willard, 1880- 95. The treasurers have been: Drs. C. M. Crandall, 1854-5; Archibald Morris, 1856—7; Wm. B. Alley, 1858-9; H. P. Saunders, 1873; F. J. Baker, 1874-6. From 1876 the offices of treasurer and secretary have been held by the same person. The attorneys have been: Lucien P Wether by, 1854-5; Green & Kendall, 1856-7; Z. A. Kendall, 1858; D. P. Richardson, 1873-79; S. M. Norton, 1880-1; C. A. Farnam, 1882; F. A. Robbins, 1883; F. B. Church, 1884—88; S. M. Norton, 1889; Joseph F. Rice, 1890-95. The society at present, as it has in the past, includes in its membership the wide-awake, enterprising, up-to-date practioners of the county. The members are: Otis Allen Cuba, H. A. Barney Belmont, C. R. Bowen Almond, George E. Burdick Alfred Station, J. W. Coller Wellsville, F. E. Comstock Andover, Mrs. A. M. Congdon Cuba, H. E. Cooley Angelica, W. W. Crandall Wells ville, A. J. Remington Whitesville, Dorr Cutler Bolivar, J. L. Cutler Bolivar, F. C. Davie Oneonta, C. C. Deming Friendship, H. F. Gillette Cuba, S. W. Green Richburg, W. I. Hewitt Olean, O. N. Latham Bolivar, G. C. Mc- Nett Bath, Charles W. O’Donnell Andover, H. A. Place Ceres, H. P. Saun- ders Alfred, Mark Sheppard Alfred, F. N. Smith Allentown, William M. Smith (Angelica) New York, C. R. Spencer Angelica, O. T. Stacy Rochester, T. S. Thomas Cuba, MB. Titus Whitesville, W. F. Wells Rushford, J. P. Bixby Rushford, A. E. Willard Friendship, G. H. Witter Wellsville, C. N. Hammond Angelica, W. G. Mortimer Cuba, Fred T. Koyle Wellsville, E. W. Ayers Richburg, O. E. Burdick Little Genesee. Amity.—Dr. Ebenezer Hyde was the first physician. Succeeding him came Drs. Gorham, E. A. Potter, Andrews, Erastus Willard, Randall Reed (who had many students and doubtless a large practice), A. B. Case, Ben- jamin and John Norton, E. E. Hyde, Archibald Morris, C. G. Anderson, Andrew Stout, Francis N. Smith, Charles H. Sharp, A. L. Simons and wife, Dr. Brooks, James Hewitt, H. A. Barney, George McNett and others. E. E. Crandall (physio medico), I. P. Truman, W. K. Paul, W. J. Hardy have practiced homeopathic and C. B. Newton has used botanic remedies.* Benjamin Norton, M. D., was born in 1819, at Easton, N. Y., was graduabted from Castleton, Yt., Medical College, and practiced medicine over 40 years in Belmo&t . He held various offices, was county physician 15 * For above list we are indebted to D*. E. E. Hyde.216 History of Allegany County, N. Y. years, supervisor and postmaster at Belmont from 1890 till his death, Oct. 8, 1893. John Norton, M. D., son of Francis, was born in Sandy Hill, Washington Co., Sept.8,1827. In 1832 his father moved to Allegany county, and settled at Amity. John Norton, after attendance at common schools, received the advantages of Alfred University, then studied medicine with Dr. Randall Reed of Amity. He was graduated at Cleveland (Ohio) Medical College in 1851 and settled first at Hinsdale, Catt. Co. In 1854 he located at Belmont where he died in 1887. He married Caroline, daughter of William Van Campen, who survives him. Ebenezer E. Hyde, M. D., youngest son of Dr. Ebenezer the pioneer, was born May 7, 1814, in Amity. He read medicine with Dr. Richard Charles and Dr. James D. Norton, attended lectures at Castleton, Vt., and in 1850 located as a physician in Scio. For 20 years he enjoyed a large practice, then failing health induced him to return to Amity where he gave little attention to medical practice. He married a daughter of Ebenezer Norton. Among his children are James M., clerk of the surrogate's court since 1890. Archibald Morris, M. D., son of Archibald Morris; Esq., was born in Scipio, Cayuga Co., May 7, 1819. His attention was attracted when but a youth to the brilliant private school conducted at Howard, Steuben Co., from 1833 by that distinguished surgeon Abijah B. Case, M. D., and he became a student there, concluding his studies, however, and graduating as M. D. at Castleton, Yt. In 1843 he commenced medical practice in Burns in connec- tion with Dr. Robinson, still diligently pursuing his studies. About 1844 he located in Belmont and became known as an able and most successful physi- cian, acquiring an extended practice. He was connected with various medi- cal organizations, and was at one time president of the Allegany County Medical Society. He married a daughter of Alvan E. Parker, of Belmont, and is survived by his widow, her children and grandchildren. He died in Belmont, January 26, 1866. Charles G. Anderson, M. D., was born at Newfield, Tompkins Co., April 5, 1834. Educated at Ithaca Academy and Alfred University, he was grad- uated from Geneva Medical College in 1860, and located in Granger. He was in practice there and at Wellsville until 1879 when he established him- self in Belmont, his present residence. In 1860 Dr. Anderson married Alzina M. Haskins of Granger . Their son, James H., born 1863, is a druggist in Belmont in company with his father. Dr. Anderson is a member of the Allegany Co. Medical Society. Edward E. Crandall, M. D., born in Chenango Co., N. Y., in 1829. (His father Asa settled in Ward in 1833.) He enlisted in Co. I, 85th Regt., and served 11 months as a soldier in the civil war. He. graduated from Cincin- nati Medical College June 21, 1875, and located at Belmont in 1882.Medical Societies and Physicians. 217 Lorenzo E. Norton was born in Belmont in 1848, a graduate from Belle- vue College in 1873, practiced a short time in Belmont, and removed to Michigan. Herbert A. Barney, M. D., son of Alvin C. Barney, was born in West Union, N. Y., December 1, 1865. He was educated at Alfred University and at the University of Michigan, and received his degree of M. D. from the Long Island College Hospital, March 9, 1888. After spending some time in the hospitals of Brooklyn and New York, he located in Belmont where he has since practiced his profession. He is a member of the Allegany County Medical Society and has twice been elected to the office of Coroner . In 1888 he married Susie Evelyn, daughter of Daniel Ayers of Syracuse. William Hardy, M. D., born October 22, 1861, in New Germantown, N. J., graduated at N. Y. Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital in April, 1889, and located in Belmont, June 10, 1889. Angelica.—When Capt. Philip Church made his settlement at Angelica the nearest physician was Doctor Niles away off in Steuben county, probably at Bath. So he brought along a medicine chest, and a copy of “ Buchan’s Family Medicine, ” and, occasionally after special reading, he would deal out remedies to his afflicted neighbors. But the settlement of Dr. Ebenezer Hyde at Belvidere in 1804 knocked out the captain’s medicine chest. He of course was the first doctor who visited patients in the town. It is said that Dr. Ellis, whoever he may have been, was the first physician who made a permanent settlement here. Quite likely there were others who practiced in Angelica from the time of Dr. Ellis until the coming of Dr. Charles, but it has not been revealed to the writer who they were, except that one was Dr. Southwick, the son-in-law of Major Van Campen. The settlement of Dr. Richard Charles in Angelica in 1825 marked an era in the history of the medical profession in the county. He was so long, so generally and so favorably known by the many Alleganians to whom he became endeared by numberless acts of kindness, professionally and other- wise, that an extended sketch will be given. It is said that in hundreds of cases he made long journeys to visit families of poor pioneers, without the hope of fee or reward. His ears were never deaf to the appeals of the suffer- ing, nor his eyes closed to the visible wants of his fellow men. For nearly half a century he was a successful practitioner, and an ornament to the pro- fession. Had he been less liberal and kind hearted he might have amassed great wealth. His generous impulses prompted him to extend his aid and influence in support of those whom he deemed his friends, and twice he was .compelled to commence the world anew, his means becoming exhausted in the payment of demands not his own, for which he had become holden. It was a satisfaction to his friends to know that, notwithstanding these reverses, his, declining years were blessed with a competence. He was one of the founders, always a communicant, and for a long time a vestryman and warden of St. Paul’s Church at Angelica. His death left a great void in the218 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ranks of the profession. “ Dr. Richard Charles, M. D.* was a native of Bel- fast, Ireland, born May 24, 1800. He received his professional education at the medical departments of Dublin, Glasgow and New York City universities he took the degree of Doctor of Medicine at Glasgow, and his attendance at lectures in New York city was for the purpose of studying the idiom of diseases in this country, as well as to acquire the practice adapted to their treatment. He had experience in hospital practice before coming to this country. He was surgeon of the vessel that brought him to Quebec in 1821. From Quebec he came to Buffalo where he was taken sick with a protracted and dangerous fever, and, upon his recovery, he settled in Almond, and practiced in company with Dr. Burnham and afterwards with Dr. Asal E. Davidson. After three years passed in these co-partnerships, Jae removed to Angelica in 1825, and took the practice of Dr. South wick. He remained in Angelica until his death in 1863 at 63 years of age. From the superiority of his professional acquirements he gained a large and extended practice, often being called to Buffalo to treat difficult cases of disease, and as far east as Elmira and Bath and to other neighboring and distant places in Western New York. His superior education and professional skill was a generally acknowledged fact. In his addresses and manners he was a typical gentle- man of the old school. He was a courageous and truthful practitioner, and had the admiration and confidence of his patients, as well as of the general public. He was a strong adherent of the code of ethics governing the moral conduct of his confreres to each other and to their patients, thereby main- taining a high standard for the scientific and philanthropic profession. He was a member of New York State Medical Society. He experienced the trials common to the near pioneer period of Western New York, but, with a strong physique and determined purpose, he was equal to the hard labor and dangers besetting men in that period of primitive forests, when the road- ways admitted of transportation on horseback only. He lived to see his adopted county of Allegany one of the foremost grazing counties in the state and an influential power in state and general politics, with several academies and a university of learning, dying at Angelica, April 24, 1863.” Dr. Charles D. Robinson practiced for a while in Angelica removing to Almond about 1847. He was an accomplished physician, afterward settling in Hornellsville, where he died. Drs. Wallace and Bell were early physicians. Dr. Wm. S, Todd, home- opathist, was in practice here many years, and held in high esteem by many people. Drs. N. M. Smith, John Charles and Dr. Bemus later came, and Drs. Wm. B. Alley and E. M. Alba were here as long ago as 1854-5. Dr. Alley was elected county clerk in 1855, and he died in Nunda a few years ago, where he had later been in practice. Dr. Alba was a bright, energetic young man, who removed to Pennsylvania. Soon after the death of Dr Charles, Dr, Wm. M. Smith came to Angelica. * By J. S. Jamison, M. D.Medical Societies and Physicians. 219 William M. Smith, M. D., was born in Paterson, N. J., July 18, 1825. His father removed to Granger in 1830 and William, after graduating at the peoples college ’ ’ attended the old Middlebury Academy and the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y. He taught school several terms, read medicine in Massachusetts and graduated at Castleton, Vt., Med- ical College in 1846. He began practice at Short Tract, but in five years re- moved to Cayuga county, remaining two years, then returned to Short Tract. He was chosen supervisor of Granger in 1856, and in November, 1856, was elected to the Assembly and was again elected in 1859. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1860, and in 1861 he recruited a company which became Company B. of the 85th N. Y. He was commis- sioned surgeon of the 85th, with rank from Oct. 1, 1861, served with the Army of thePotomac during McClellan’s campaign, and May 2,1863, was ap- pointed by the president to the regular army service. Imperative duties at home however compelled him to decline the appointment and resign his commission. Upon his return he removed to Angelica where he engaged in an extensive practice. January 1, 1873, he was commissioned surgeon gen- eral, with the rank of brigadier general, on the staff of Gov. Dix. March 24, 1880, he was appointed by Gov. A. B. Cornell, health officer of the port of New York, which position he filled with great credit and for a longer term than any other incumbent, holding the office for 12 years. He is now resid- ing in Brooklyn. Dr. A. W. Smith a brother of Dr. Wm. M., was one of his immediate successors. A Dr. Van Dusen soon after practiced for a while, and a Dr. Mitchell, homeopathist, also Dr. W. K. Paul of the same school. Dr. William S. Todd was born in Hyde Park, Dutchess county, July 12, 1819. He studied medicine with Drs. Coan and • Bolton of Ovid. He was graduated at Hobart Medical College, Geneva, N. Y. , in 1849. He practiced his profession in Angelica and died July 26, 1887. Myron A. Todd, M. D., son of Dr. William and Prances M. Todd, was born in Ovid, Feb. 11, 1847. He studied medicine with his father, was graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital College at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1876. He married Annie Ackerland, of Titusville, Pa., and now practices, at Bradford, Pa. Benjamin C. Wakely, M. D., son of H. H. Wakely, was born March 7, 1854. He was educated at Genesee Valley Seminary, Belfast, and Ten Broeck Academy, Franklin ville, and at Buffalo University Medical College, where he was graduated in 1876, and located that year in Angelica, where he was in practice until 1891, when he removed to Hornells ville.» About 1878-80 camQ; Dr. Frank C. Davie, who was born in Bolivar in 1856, and graduated June 22, 1876, from the Long Island Medical College Hospital,, previously studying and graduating in medicine at the University Qf Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Davie had a good practice, but two or three jear« ago renioved to Oneonta,220 History of Allegany County, N. Y. The three resident physicians of Angelica at present are comparatively young men, well equipped for their professional work, they are: C. R. Spencer, M. D., who was born in Yates county, in 1861, re- ceived his education at the common schools and Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima. He attended lectures at the medical department of the University at Buffalo, from which he graduated in 1891, and soon after located at An- gelica, where he has been physician to the county almshouse. C. N. Hammond, M. D., w;as born at Leroy, Pa., August 17, 1848, of Eng- lish and Scotch-Irish extraction. The celebrated Dr. Wm. A. Hammond is a member of the same large family. Educated at the village school, he be- gan teaching at 18 and taught for 13 terms. He studied medicine later while he was a travelling salesman, attended the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Baltimore, finishing at the University of New York in 1887. He is now vice president of the Allegany County Medical Society. Halsey E. Cooley, M. D., was born in East Payette, Seneca county, June 3, 1867. He took an academic course and read medicine at Geneva, and with Dr. P. D. Pierce at Union Springs, and graduated from the med- ical department of the University of Buffalo, March 24, 1891. He began practice in Belfast and settled in Angelica in 1894. Andover.—It is said that Rev. Jabez Spicer who was also a physician, was the first to practice medicine here. The exact date of his settlement is not known, but it must have been very early. This is related of him: Receiving an urgent call to visit a patient, just as he was beginning his usual Sunday sermon he announced that the meeting would stand adjourned' for two hours, and “straddling” his horse he went several miles, visited his patient, returned and resumed the services where they had been dropped. Succeeding Dr. Spicer came Dr. Joel French, and Thaddeus Baker, M. D., was the third. Thaddeus Baker, M. D. (son of Thaddeus Baker,) was born in Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt., 1806, and came with his father to Andover in 1807. Mr. Baker, Sen., located 400 acres of land where the village of Andover now stands, and resided till his death, in 1845, where Dr. Baker always lived. Dr. Baker was justice of the peace sixteen years and several years school inspector and town clerk. In 1835 he married Miss Sarah Spicer, of Ando- ver. He was a physician for 50 years. Dr. John J. Harmon was the next. John J. Harmon, M. D., was born May 6, 1817, in Almond. He attended Alfred University and studied medi- cine with Drs. Hartshorn *and Rider. He was graduated from the Geneva Medical College in 1844, and located in Andover. He married Eliza A. Clark of Geneseo. He practised fifteen years and then relinquished practice. He was supervisor of Andover for several terms. He died June 18, 1884. Of their 7 children, all but 2, Alice (Mrs. C. N. Dolson of Hornellsville) and Miles of Andover, died in infancy. Mrs. Harmon«died in the spring of 1895. Dr. Harmon was succeeded by Dr. W. W. Crandall, who, after a few years of extensive and successful practice, removed to Wellsville. In 1872-3,Medical Societies and Physicians. 221 Dr. Daniel Lewis, now of New York, and president of the State Board of Health, was associated with Dr. Crandall. Next was Edwin M. Stillman, M. D., son of Daniel P., who was born in Almond, Dec. 12, 1841. He attended school at Alfred University, studied medicine with Dr. C. D. Robinson and Dr. W. W. Crandall in Andover and was graduated from the Buffalo Medical College in 1865. He practiced his profession 6 months in his native town* then came to Andover and was with Dr. W. W. Crandall 4 years, then practiced 6 years and a half in Alfred. In the fall of 1874, he'returned to Andover where he has been in practice, and since 1879 has been in the drug business. He is a member of the County Medical Society, and is licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy. Dr. Stillman was postmaster of Andover 8 years, and town clerk two terms. He married Elisa, daughter of Menzo Bundy, and has one child, Ada M., the wife of A. B. Richardson. Albert Durand, M. D., located at Andover in 1855. He was surgeon of 141st N, Y. S. Y. He died in 1871. Norton P. Brainard, M. D., son of Smith Brainard, was born June 14, 1850, attended Richburg Academy, studied medicine with Dr. W. W. Cran- dall, was graduated from the medical department of the University of New York city in 1877, and commenced practice at Andover, where he is now located, in 1877. Francis E. Comstock, M. D., son of Martin L. Comstock, was born in Andover, Sept. 3, 1860. He studied with Dr. N. P. Brainard and was grad- uated from the University of New York and practiced 3 years in Andover. He passed the year 1886 in the London (Eng.) Hospital, then returned to Andover and in 1891 took a post-graduate course at Philadelphia, and has since practiced in Andover. In 1885, Dr. Comstock received a diploma from the State Pharmaceutical Association. He is a member of the County Medical Society, and Hornellsville Medical and Surgical Association, and of the lodge of F. & A. M., No. 558. Dr. Comstock married in 1883, Olive A., a danghter of Smith Brown of Wirt. Their children were, RockL. and Mildred. Dr. Comstock married second, Miss Sarah E., daughter of Samuel F. Hanks of Wellsville, Nov. 27, 1895. C. W. O’Donnell, M. D., was born in Andover, Nov. 18, 1860. Heat- tended Andover Union School, Alfred University, and in 1884 was graduated from the University of New York, and took a post graduate course at the New York Polytechnic Institute in 1890. He is a member of the County Medical Society, and Hornellsville Medical Association. In 1884 he formed a partnership with Dr. W. W. Crandall and was 3 years a student with him, and practiced nearly 3 years as Ips partner. Dr. O’Donnell is a member of the lodge of F. A. M,, No. 558. Alfred.—John Bowen Collins was the third son of Stephen and Edith (Whaley) Collins, and grandson of John and Mehitabel Bowen Collins, Rhode Island Quakers. He was born in Brookfield, Madison county, July 30, 1794. With money earned by teaching, at an early age he entered the near-222 History of AliIjEGany County, -N. Y. est academy, where he acquired the rudiments of Latin, algebra, natural philosophy, and astromony. He studied medicine with Dr. Eli S. Bailey of Brookfield, married Catharine Burdick in 1816, and removed to Alfred in 1820, settling at Alfred Station. Dr. Collins was the first to acquire a med- ical practice in the town, and as long as he lived he was the leading physi- cian of the section; his practice extending over a large territory. Although his work was done among the earliest settlers, all of whom were poor, he was prompt to respond to every call; the question of remuneration being the last one considered; yet, besides rearing and educating a large family, he acquired a fair competence. Dr. Collins was not only the chief physician but a leader in the affairs of the town and county. A promoter of the first district schools of the town, and, for many years, school inspector. In 1881 he, with Judge Clark Crandall and Joseph Goodrich, represented the town of Alfred in a movement which originated in Allegany county for the build- ing of the Erie Railway. In the years 1882 and 1888 he represented his county in the state legislature. He was one of the organizers of Alfred Academy and a member of its first board of trustees. He was the first to deliver a temperance lecture in Alfred, and organized its first temperance society. A man of large frame, rugged features, stern of mien, yet gentle in spirit, he had a passionf or literature and all learning, and was a good writer not only of prose but also of verse. He died suddenly, August 27, 1851, universally respected and deeply mourned. His sons are Prof. John Collins of Dalton, Ga., AmosB., Esq., and Lorenzo D. of Alfred, and Williaiffof Missouri. His eldest daughter, Amorilla, became the wife of Dr. Daniel Babcock, and the youngest, Theresa, married Dr. Henry Oviatt, both of Wisconsin. - Dr. JohnR. Hartshorn was born in Lebanon, Madison county, in Au- gust, 1818, and was graduated from Fairfield Medical College in 1884. In 1885 he came here and formed a partnership with Dr. John B. Collins. After the death of Dr. Collins he was for many years the leading physician of the town, with an extensive and lucrative practice. He was a member of the legislature in 1852, and supervisor of Alfred in 1855. He was a trustee of Alfred Academy and University from 1841 until 1871. In later fife he en- gaged successfully in real estate speculations. He married, first, Sophia, daughter of Samuel White of Whitesville, and second, Mrs. Lura A. Spencer Van Buskirk of Alfred. He died in Alfred June 12, 1871. William M. Truman, M. D., was born in Preston, Chenango county, May 21, 1818. He began the study of medicine when sixteen, and received his diploma from the Fairfield Medical College on his 21st birthday. In the same year he married Miss Huldah L. Babcock of Scott. He practiced first at Otselic, afterwards at Scott, and in 1840 removed to Richburg, and from there in 1862 to Alfred. Dr. Truman at first was a partner of Dr. Hartshorn, but for many years earned on his practice alone;, In his later years he divided the business of the town chiefly with Dr. H. P. Saunders. For nine years he was coroner. He died in 1885.223 Medical Societies and Physicians, Dr. Elisha C. Green was born in Lebanon, Conn., in 1817. His parents removed to Friendship in 1832. He received his education in the common schools, and passed four years in the study of medicine with Dr. Jonas Wellman, and in 1838 attended the Berkshire Medical Institution. He re- ceived a diploma from the Allegany County Medical Association in 1839, and then practiced with Dr. Wellman a short time. After about 12 years prac- tice out of the state, he located at Alfred Station in 1851 and has been in successful practice since. During the 44 years in Alfred he has not lost a day by reason of ill health, or failed to respond to a professional call. Henry P. Saunders, M. D., son of Clark Saunders, was born in Wester- ly, R. I., November 24, 1821. He was educated at the common schools, then studied medicine with Dr. W. H. Wilbur, of North Providence, and was graduated from the University of New York City in 1852. In 1853 he locat- ed at Little Genesee, and after a residence there of 3 years he settled at Al- fred Centre, where he has since practiced his profession. He married Mary A. Crandall, and has 4 children. Mark Sheppard, M. D., the son of William T. and Abigail Davis Shep- pard, was born at Shiloh, N. J., March 14, 1838. He was educated at Shiloh, DeRuyter, and Alfred Academy. He went to Kansas in 1856 to engage in the struggle against the “ Border Ruffians,’- and later returned to Alfred. In 1861 he enlisted in the 23d Regiment, and served one year. Resuming his studies in the University, he was graduated in 1863. He then taught some years, and engaged in the book and stationary business at Alfred. In 1878 he graduated from the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York, and has since practiced medicine in Alfred. During several years he was a trustee of Alfred University, and part of the time secretary of the board. He married, first, Mary E. Coon, second, Edna L. Crandall. Henry Clark Coon, A. M., M. D., (see Alfred University.) Dr. Irving Truman, nephew of W. M. Truman, was in practice for a while. He is now located at Hornellsville. George E. Burdick, M. D., son of Rev. Stephen Burdick, was born Nov. 23, 1863, in Leonardsville. He was educated at Alfred University, where he was graduated, Ph. B. and C. E., in 1886. He studied medicine with Dr. Sheppard of Alfred and Dr. S. Carr Maxson of Utica, and was graduated from the University of New York in 1887, and in 1888 he located ait Lawn Ridge, 111. In 1892 he came to Alfred Station. Dr. Burdick carries the honor of president of the County Medical Society, He was elected coroner in 1895. He married Nora J. Brown. Alma was one of the last towns to be settled, and its proximity to Wells- ville, which has always been well supplied with physicians, has evidently discouraged the settlement of resident physicians. A. W. Kahle, M. D., now of Lima, Ohio, was located here about six years.224 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Frank N. Smith, M. D., son of Orlin Smith, was born in Belmont, April 23, 1829. He attended school at Alfred University and in 1852 went to Keokuk, Iowa, where he read medicine, and in 1856 was graduated from the Iowa Medical College and commenced practice at Fort Madison, where he received the appointment of physician to the Iowa Penitentiary. He served in the Civil War as surgeon in the 148th Illinois regiment with rank of major, and was honorably mustered out at the close of the war. He was then located for a short time at Peoria, then returned to Belmont where he prac: ticed several years, and established himself in Allentown about 1884. In 1856 he married Lucy W. Peck of Lowell, Mass. Of their 6 children, 4 sur- vive. Dr. Smith is a member of the Allegany County Medical Society and has been a contributor to medical publications. He is a Free Mason, an Odd Fellow, belongs to the A. O. U. W.. has been twice a representative of its Grand Lodge, and is a member of the Knights of Labor. Almond.—A. L. Dawson was said to be the first physician who lived in Almond, although Dr. Pease, who lived between Almond and Karr Valley, was one of the first. He afterwards moved to Friendship. Asa Lee David- son was one of the next physicians, and was a very prominent man. He was elected the seventh supervisor of the town and he was also member of assembly for Allegany county. Dr. Davidson sold out to Dr. Charles and also moved to Friendship. Dr. Charles moved to Angelica and died there eminent in his profession. Dr. Reed succeeded Dr. Charles and then came Dr. A. L. Cady, a graduate of Yale College and a most prominent physician. He built the house now occupied by Sylvanus Young, was nominated for Congress in 1844, on the Whig (Burney) ticket, ran against Martin Grover and was defeated by a small majority. He was an eminent advocate of tem- perance at an early day and a strong anti-slavery man. He died in 1846.; Dr. Charles D. Robinson came from the eastern part of the state, settled in Angelica first, moved to Burns, and on the death of Dr. Cady, came to Al- mond in 1847, and in 1849 was elected stater senator from Allegany and Wyoming counties. Dr. Robinson moved to Hornellsville and died about 1874. Dr. William B. Alley lived and practiced here about the same time with Dr. Robinson. Dr. J. W. Black next practiced in Almond. He was supervisor several terms, moved to Bath and died a few years ago. Dr. Hagadorn married the daughter of J. M. Wether by, practiced medicine here a few years and now is practicing near Buffalo. Dr. Zachariah Dildine was borh at Hornellsville and came to Almond about 1878. About 1883 he sold to Dr. Bowen, moved West and died a few years ago. He was a surgeon in the army. Dr. T. H. Lamonte was here for a number of years. He sold his practice to Dr. William C. Benjamin and now lives near Dansville. Dr. L,. D. Farnum, born in West Almond about 1831, graduated at the Castleton, Vermont Medical College. He practiced medicine in West Almond and Bel- mont, and has lived and practiced medicine in Almond for the last twenty years. Dr. William C. Benjamin, born in Almond in 1859, graduated from the University Medical College of New York city, March 8, 1887, has prac-225 Medical Societies and Physicians. ticed medicine in Almond about eight years. He has been supervisor of the town two terms. Chauncey R. Bowen, M. D., son of Thomas Bowen, was born in South Dansville, Steuben Co., March 4, 1858. He was educated at the common schools and Rogersville Union Seminary. He studied medicine with Dr. C. M. Ackley, attended the University of Buffalo, and was graduated from the medical department in 1882, when he estabhshed himself as a physician at Fremont Centre. He settled at Almond in 1884, and has since been in prac- tice there. Dr. Bowen is a-member of the Medical and Surgical Association at Hornellsville, was president of the society in 1893 and 1894, and is a mem- ber of the Board of Pension Examiners which meets at Wellsville. In 1884 he married Ella, daughter of Darius White of Hornellsville, and has three children, Cecil, Byron W. and Lucile M. Belfast.—Early physicians here were Drs. Davis and James D. Norton. Dr. E. E. Hyde was at Belfast for a time. In 1848 Dr. JohnH. Saunders, who had been two years at Burrville in Caneadea located in Belfast, and was in practice there the rest of his life. Since his settlement in town the sub- ject will be completely covered by the following sketches: Dr. John Hanford Saunders was born in Norwalk, Conn., Nov. 6, 1820. His father removed to Franklinville, N. Y., in 1821. John H. attended Springville Academy, read medicine there with Dr. Emmons, and later with his uncle Dr. William Smith of Rushford, attended Geneva Medical College, later graduating from the Medical Department of the University of New York. Soon after receiving his degree he located in Burrville in 1846. In 1848 he removed to Belfast and made there his permanent home. About 1865 he married Miss Annie Westbrook of Caneadea, who died in April, 1873, leaving two daughters, Mrs. Edwin E. Grady of Elmira, and Mrs. Charles A. Ackerly of Cuba. He married, second, Mrs Robert Smith of Cuba, a daughter of William W, Windsor. Dr. John H. Saunders was skillful, intel- ligent, exercised a sound judgment and was full of care for his patients. He was in touch with all improvements in practice, in remedies, and methods. If in fact he was not “ the first by whom the new was tried,’’ he certainly “ was not the last to throw the old aside. ” He was greatly interested in the State Medical Society, and it was while in Albany as a Allegany delegate to the annual meeting of that society that he contracted the cold which ended fatally in typhoid pneumonia, Feb. 24, 1883. Charles M. Crandall, M. D., was son of Benjamin G. Crandall and grand- son of Samuel Van Campen of Amity. He was reared by the latter, and by his own exertions acquired a medical education and was graduated from Castleton (Vt.) Medical College in 1850. He began practice at once in Bel- fast, and in 1854 married a daughter of Alvah Wood of Independence. He soon attained prominence as a physician, and, after being treasurer and president of the County Medical Society, he was frequently a delegate to the State Medical Society, and in 1859 was elected a permanent member of that body. He was chosen supervisor of Belfast in 1859 and 1860, and was226 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ardently in favor of the cause of the Union, giving his services as a surgeon for some months in the Army of the Potomac. In October, 1862, he was made examining surgeon for Allegany county. Through resolutions of his introduced to the State Medical Society the state legislature passed special laws and made liberal appropriations for the care of sick and wounded sol- diers 44 at the front.” In 1864 he was for some time in attendance in Louis- ville and Nashville hospitals, and was 44 unanimously ” chosen surgeon of the 141st N. Y., but as he was then representing the First District of his county in the assembly, and had been re-nominated, he declined this honor. He was re-elected to the assembly in 1865, and in 1866 chosen to represent the whole county of Allegany. He was an influential legislator and import- ant enactments owed existence to him. In 1865 he was 44 military agent ” of the state and 4 4 visiting agent of military hospitals. ’ ’ Among other offices filled by him were trustee of the Binghamton Inebriate Asylum, and State Commissioner of Public Charities. His death, which occurred Oct. 4, 1867, was felt as a public calamity. His son, Floyd M., is a physician of New York city. Charles W. Saunders, M. D., son of Harvey and Sallie (Hanford) Saun- ders, was born in Franklinville, N. Y., June 27, 1838. He was educated at Rushford Academy and Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, his medical edu- cation being at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1857, the 4 4 honor man ” of his class. He located at Belfast, acquired a large and lucrative practice, was a life-long member of the County Medical Society, a leading physician of Western New York, and a member of the board of curators of the University of Buffalo for many years. He was one of the promoters of the Genesee Valley Seminary and for years an active member of the board of trustees. With his brother he was owner of a large mercan- tile establishment, and a stockholder and vice president of the Bank of Bel- fast. Republican in politics he was 14 years supervisor of Belfast. He was one of the first appointed pension examiners, which post he filled with credit from the close of the Rebellion until his death, Jan. 7, 1891. He married, first, Nettie, daughter of Col. John Renwick, of .Warsaw, who died in 1865; second, in October, 1870, Eliza Armstrong of Oramel. Their children are: Catharine, preceptress of Park Place School, Elmira, and Frederic Charles. William S. Todd, M. D., son of Dr. W. S. Todd, was born April 12, 1851, in Angelica, studied medicine with his father, in 1876 was graduated from the Cleveland, Ohio, Homeopathic Hospital College and located in Belfast, where he is now in practice. He married Julia, daughter of James and Polly Hooker, of Angelica. Children, Nellie A. and George H. Joseph H. Chamberlain, M. D., son of Calvin Tibbetts Chamberlain, 2d, was born in 1858. He was graduated from the New York Homeopathic Col- lege^ in 1878, and from the University of New York in 1879. He has prac- ticed in Belfast since 1884, and in 1893 was made pension examiner. Eugene E. Caswell, M. D., son of Charles Caswell, was born Aug.227 Medical Societies and Physicians. 1870, in Ischua. His father was a farmer and Eugene lived on a farm until he was,17 years of age. In 1890 he was graduated from Cuba Union School and taught school one year. In 1894 he was graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo and established himself as a physi- cian here. He is a member of Cuba Lodge, No. 306, F. & A. M., of K. O. T. M. Tent, No. 47, of Belfast, is its medical examiner, also medical examiner for the New York Life Insurance Co., and for the Massachusetts Mutual, is health officer of the village of Belfast, and a member of the Allegany County Medical Society. Clark M. Ford, M. D., was born in Belfast in 1862, studied medicine With Dr. Willis E. Hunt of Utica, in 1888 was graduated from the University of New York City, and has since been in practice in thatcity Bolivar.—Dr. William Thomas, the first physician of Bolivar, early located at Richburg when that place was in Bolivar. He moved to Mt. Morris, and by an accidental discharge of his gun while hunting lost the sight of both eyes, but kept up his practice when totally blind. The first physician of the present town of Bolivar was a Dr. Lyman who came about 1831 and practiced some years. Dr. Warren Wellman came about 1836, was here some years. Dr. E. C. Poole was here in the thirties. In 1840 he built a house on Main St. A Dr. Burdick was here for a year. Dr. Samuel Sturges was here in practice for several years. Joseph L. Cutler, M. D., was born February 15, 1829, at Moravia, N. Y. He studied medicine with Dr. Cyrus Powers and was graduated from the University of New York City in 1850, and located in Bolivar the same year, where he has since practiced. In March, 1863, he was commissioned assist- ant surgeon of the 134th Regiment, was with the regiment 10 months, and acted as surgeon most of the time. He was pension examiner 8 years, resigning in 1894. He has made a specialty of surgery, and was in the drug business for 8 years. Dr. Cutler has been thrice elected supervisor of Boli- var, and twice town superintendent of schools. In 1849, he married Janet, daughter of Jeremiah Mellen of Moravia. Their children were Mary A. (Mrs. George Parker) and Fannie (Mrs. J. E. Partridge) . The doctor married for his second wife, Harriet Cleveland, of Borodino. They had a daughter, Janet, who died in« very early life. Dr. Cutler is a member of Macedonia Lodge, F. & A. M. No. 258. Dr. Dorr Cutler was born at Moravia, Aug. 29, 1836. He studied medi- cine with his brother Joseph L., was graduated from the University of New York in 1869. In 1870 he located at Ceres where he practiced four years and a half when he returned to Bolivar where he has since practiced. Ora N. Latham, M. D., son of Rev. Joseph Latham, was born Aug. 6, 1855, at Porter. He attended school at Ten Broeck Academy of Franklin- ville, studied medicine with Dr. H. D. Walker, and March, 1882, was grad- uated from the Maryland University and School of Medicine, and located at Bolivar, where he has pursued his profession. In 1887 he married Lizzie Weiier of Bolivar. They have 2 children, Joseph and Karl Henry. Dr*228 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Latham has been appointed health officer several times, is a member of Allegany County Medical Society, of Franklin ville Lodge, No. 626 F. & A. M., also of Bolivar Chapter, and St. Johns Commandery of Olean. Charles F. Hoffman, M. D. James Hoffman was born in Peterboro in 1826. He was a second cousin of Gerritt Smith. He married Mary Curtis of Cazenovia. About 1850 he settled in Belmont and engaged in farming. Of his 4 children, 2 are living, Carrie A. and Charles F. James Hoffman died Feb. 8, 1888, his wife, March 15, 1891. Charles F. Hoffman, M. D., son of James and Mary (Curtis) Hoffman, was born in Belmont, July 31, 1860. He was educated at Alfred University, and was graduated from the Univer- sity of New York in 1884, and in 1885 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He then passed 4 years professionally at the New York City Insane Asylum and 9 months at the^Charity Hospital. In 1891 he located at Bolivar, where he has since practised. In 1891 he married Mira Green of Wellsville. They have two sons, Charles Curtis and James Percy. Burns.—Doubtless the local historian of Burns has been able to deter- mine who was the pioneer physician of this town, but as yet it is not revealed to the writer by any printed record or facts gathered during the recent in- quiry for data for this chapter who should be awarded that distinguished honor. The few accompaning sketches are all that we have concerning the doctors of the town. William H. Harris, M. D., was born June 15, 1832, in Sparta, N. Y. He studied medicine with Drs. Prior and Dominick, and in 1879, was graduated from the American Medical College of Cincinnati. Aug. 27, 1862, he enlisted in Co. B. 136th New York, and May 28, 1863, he joined the regular army as hospital steward, and was discharged May 3, 1866. He was five years com- mander of Seth H. Weed Post, No. 296, G. A. R. He established the Cana- saraga Advertiser and published it several years. He has been justice of the peace for four years, and a pension attorney since 1887. James G. A. Davies, M. D., of Canaseraga, born April 16, 1838, at Blaen- porth, Co. Cardigan, Great Britain, landed in the United States, March 1, 1870. His academic record published in 1866 in the British directories is: “ Educated at Glynarthen School and Adpar Academy, up to 1857; Lampeter Grammar School, 1857—8; Examiner’s Prize (second class), June, 1857; Head Master’s Prize (first class), Easter, 1858; the Bishop of St. David’s Prize (first class), June, 1858; St. David’s College, October, 1858—June, 1861; Simonburn Scholar, October, igs8; Phillips Scholar, February, 1859; Senior Scholar, February, i860: History Prize, June, 1860- B. A., June, 186s.” His record in the United States Medical and Surgical Register of 1893, is: “ A. B. St. David’s College, 1865; A. M. Hobart College, 1873; M. D. of various institutions in the United States, 1876—7—1882—3; M. D. British, 1878. Indorsed in New York, 1883; Phar. D., British, 1878; Phar. Licence, New York, 1888; Author of works on Archaeology, Music and the Antiquities of Med- icine. Dr. Davies commenced the study of medicine at the age of 15, and has continued in his devotion to that science to the present time. He was Sec- ond Master of Lampeter Grammar School during his stay there; Classical229 Medical Societies and Physicians. Master of Hoddesdon Grammar School near London, in 1866; Vice-Principal of West Kent College, London, 1873-4; Professor of Chemistry at the Medi- cal College, Lewiston, Me., 1882-3; Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at the Medical and Surgical College of New Jersey, 1888-9. In the medical curriculum he studied three years under a preceptor, and four terms under a faculty. In 1871 was conferred on him the title (nom-de-plume) of Ap-Ke- dora, according to the ancient custom of the Druids. This was superseded in 1871 by the title of Goravar, which in 1877 became Goravar Amerig. From the latter date, the latter title has been incorporated in his name by the initials G. A. Oscar S. Pratt born in Burdette, N. Y., in 1836, studied medicine in Onondaga county, was graduated from the University of Buffalo in 1871. He located in Canaseraga in 1875. He was twice coroner of Livingston county, and 2 terms in this county. Albert T. Bacon, M. D., son of Theodore S. and Lucinda (Dunning) Ba- con, was born in the town of Burns, Jan. 22, 1855. He was educated at the common schools, Rogersville Seminary and the University of Buffalo, from the medical department of which he was graduated, and soon opened an office in Canaseraga and has also kept a drug store. He has been supervi- sor of Burns three times and three times elected coroner. He married Elizabeth Francis Love of Rochester in 1880; childred: living, Lloyd, Lester Faulkner, Bessie;.dead, Clifford, aged 2 years and 6 months. CaneAdea.—On the authority of Amos R. Smith, Esq., it is stated that the first physician to practice here was Dr. Ebenezer Hyde, and that he boarded with Major Burr at Burryille. This was in 1838-39. Mr. Smith says he was succeeded by Dr. Gilmore about 1840, who did not stay long, and in all probability was the same one who for awhile was located in Ellicott- ville, where he was known as “ the almanac maker,’’ from his making cal- culations for almanacs. He was of a scientific turn of mind, and was at one time at Warsaw. In 1841 Dr. Porter settled in town. He once performed ,an operation, removing a goitre from the neck of a daughter of Rev. Ziba Huff, from the effects of which she died. Dr. Porter was indicted and tried for malpractice. It was proven that the patient removed the bandage in the absence of the doctor and bled to death, so he was acquitted. Dr. John H. Saunders located at Burrville in 1846. He soon removed to Belfast. Dr. Pulling, a brother of lawyer David J,, was at Oramel for a while about 1850. He was a brother-in-law of A. P. Laning. After he left the town had no physician for several years. Dr. J. B. Miller from Alexander, Genesee Co., came about 1874 or 5, remaining some ten or twelve years, and was suc- ceeded by Dr. A. H. Lyman, about 1886 or 7, who remained until 1892. J. C. Earle, M. D., graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of Buffalo in 1883, soon after was in practice at Oramel, later at Rochester, then at Olean, and is now at Belmont. In 1891 Dr. Erly H. Madison from New Hudson, located in Oramel, where lie is in practice. He was born in New Hudson, Oct. 29, 1869, educated in230 History Allegany County, N. Y. the common schools and Houghton Seminary, and graduated from the medi- cal department of the University of Buffalo in 1891. Centerv±lle.—The precise time at which Dr. Calvin Cass came to Centerville cannot be determined. He however preceded Dr. Wm. A. Stacy who came in 1828. The fact of his being the first resident physician is thought to be undisputed. Nothing is told of him by which he has been remembered by our immediate predecessors, yet all the same he was the pioneer physi- cian of Centerville. Dr. Weld succeeded Dr. Cass. Dr. Wm. A. Stacy, a native of Rochester, Vermont, settled here about 1828, and his practice covered thirty years. He received his diploma from Castleton Medical College, Vermont, and settled in Boston, Brie county, but soon removed to Centerville, where he practiced until 1856, when he removed to Rushford, where he died. 1 He had an extensive practice, was a man of ability, successful in practice, and possessed high social qualities. A Dr. Stewart was here from 1840 to 1845. Dr. John Stacy succeeded Wm. A. So far it is believed the physicians of Centerville were all “ regu- lar s.n Then came one Kibbe, a “botanical” or “ eclectic,” andonOHaskins, William Ware and Crang. Some of whom, if not all, were regarded as irregular ” by the profession. Dr. Porter Hanks, who read medicine with Dr. H. H. Lyman of Hume and graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo, practiced here for a few years, then removed to Wellsville and from thence to Florida. He married Maria, daughter of E. B. Harding, Esq., of Hume. Of Dr. Wm. Boddy who succeeded Dr. Hanks no particulars have been gathered. Dr. Elbert I. Fish came next. He was born in Hume in 1853; educated at the district schools in Centerville, Olean academy and Pike seminary. In 1875 he commenced medical study with Dr. A. B. Stewart of Hume, attended lectures at the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, and soon after began practice in Centerville. In 1879 he removed to West Valley, Cattaraugus county. Dr. Lucius G. Waterman, the only physician here at present, was born in China (now Arcade) in 1849; educated at the University of Suffield, Conn., read medicine with Dr. Lusk of Eagle, and was graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1883. He has been in Centerville since 1878. Cuba.—Dr. Gilbert B. Champlain was the first physician of any note who located permanently, and practiced in Cuba. This was in 1822. A Dr. Sprague came not long after. Dr. Enos Palmer settled in 1830, followed by Dr. Stephen Maxson in 1833. Dr. Hollenbeck from Albany appeared soon after, remaining only a short time. A Dr. Thomas came about 1834, and Dr. C. J. Reynolds began practice in 1836. The old doctors, Champlain, Max- son and Reynolds, held on pretty well, and judging from the record Cuba was not the best place in the world for a young practitioner to locate. Pre- vious to 1868 Drs. J. J. Ashley, Forbes, and Alfred Griffin had secured a foothold in this stronghold of strong doctors. Dr. Seneca Allen settled heroMedical Societies and Physicians. 231 in 1868, Dr. Otis Allen in 1872., and Dr. John C. Young in 1873. In 1879 there were also reported in Chiba, Drs. Learned and J. B. Hatch. In 1881, Dr. H. F. Gillette made his appearance, and then for a while there was no importation of medical talent. In 1890 began another influx of medical men, with Dr. H. M, Champney, followed by Drs. W. T. Mortimer and T. S. Thomas in 1894, and Dr. William O. Congdon in 1895. Cuba has always had a high order of professional talent among her physicians. The fame of Drs. Champlain and Maxson extended over a good part of Western New York. In 1845 Dr. Gilbert B. Champlain erected a wooden building of consid- erable size near a mineral spring east of his residence, which he intended rather as a resort for pleasure-seekers than a sanitarium. R. B. Gleason, M. D., of the Elmira water-cure, conducted this as a water-cure for two years. He was followed in succession by one Hayes, a Dr. Perry, who took as a partner a Dr. Acorn. Two years after they assumed management the building burned. Perry soon went away, but Acorn remained and “hung out his shingle” as an “ eclectic ” physician. After four or five years he removed to the oil country. Gilbert B. Champlain, M. D., was a lineal descendant of the discoverer of Lake Champlain. He was born at New London, Conn., Jan. 27, 1792. At the age of 20 he received a diploma as physician and surgeon, and two years later was appointed surgeon’s mate in the 25th regiment of the first brigade of infantry of the United States army. He was in active service upon the frontier in the war of 1812, and was present at the battles of Chippewa and Lundy’s Lane, and the sortie of Fort Erie. He settled in Cuba in 1822, and had an extensive practice, gaining a wide reputation as a skillful physician. He was an earnest temperance advocate, and was an active member of the Sons of Temperance. He died in Cuba of cholera, Sept. 1, 1852. Dr. Enos Palmer was born in Bennington, Vt., March 18, 1805, studied medicine at Auburn, N. Y., came to Cuba in 1830, soon established a drug Store and practiced till nearly up to the time of his death, March 1, 1860. Stephen Maxson, M. D., was born in Hopkinton, R. I., in 1810. He came to this county when seventeen, and the next year became a student of Dr. Champlain. He later studied with Dr. Valentine Mott in New York city and was graduated in 1832. He was resident physician at the Chambers street cholera hospital during the fearful scourge of cholera which visited that city. In 1832-3 he returned to Cuba, became a partner of Dr. Cham- plain and soon married his daughter. In 1853 he was made inspector of med ■ icine in the New York custom house. He entered the army as surgeon in 1862, and was in service during the war. He was a successful practictioner and skillful surgeon and was long the oldest member of the County Medical Society, and filled all its offices. He was killed by a railroad train at Cuba. Dr. C. J. Reynolds was born July 6,1806. In 1826 he moved to Granger, iand soon after to Cuba. He attended the Castleton Medical College, Ver- mont, in 1834-35, and was practicing in Cuba as late as 1878. J. J. Ashley, M. D., was born in Richmond, Ohio, May 6, 1830. He was232 History of Allegany County, N. Y. a wellknown physician and surgeon, and was in 1863 appointed examining surgeon in his district for the enrollment and draft of soldiers. Seneca Allen, M. D., was born in Black Creek, New Hudson, April 23, 1840. His father, Dr. Calvin L., came to that place in 1835 and died June 9, 1872. Dr. Seneca Allen was graduated from the Buffalo Medical College in 1868. In 1861 he enlisted, was commissioned captain of Co. F, 85th N. Y. Vols., and served until March 26, 1865, when he was paroled from Libby Prison. April 20, 1864 he was taken prisoner at Plymouth, N. C., and con- fined at Andersonville, Macon, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Augusta, Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Raleigh, N. C., and in Libby Prison. Imme- diately after graduating Dr. Allen came to Cuba, where he practiced until his death Nov. 14, 1893, conducting also a drug business with his brother, Dr. Otis Allen. Dr. Allen was commissioned lieutenant colonel when in service but as he was a prisoner he was never mustered in command. He was a member of St. Johns Commandery, No. 24, K. T., of Olean. March 14, 1866, he married Hannah M., daughter of Rev. C. D. Swift of Belfast. Otis Allen, M. D., son of Dr. Calvin L. and Minerva (Rogers) Allen, was born in New Hudson, Oct. 13, 1838. He studied medicine with his father and attended the Buffalo Medical College, and was graduated in February, 1871. He practiced in New Hudson a year and in 1872 came to Cuba. He has been county coroner. John C. Young, M. D., (Buffalo, 1871), M. R. C. S. (England, 1892), L. R. C.P. and L. M. (Edinburgh, 1893), now of Elmira, was born in Little Genesee in 1845, studied medicine with Dr. C. H. Bartlett of Olean, and received the degree of M. D. from the University of Buffalo in 1871. He married in 1873 Miss Comstock of Portville. They have two living children. Dr, Young in 18731ocated in Cubawherehe practiced until the autumn of 1894. He was coro- ner of this county for two terms. Since 1878 he has passed three and a half years in Europe, where for three years he was connected with The Children’s Hospital and Hospital for Diseases of the Skin in London. He received a degree in “Science, Letters and Art,” and subsequently the diploma of Member of the (England) Royal College of Surgeons, England. He was then made senior assistant surgeon , to the Hospital for Diseases of Women, and for six months was connected with the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. While there he received two diplomas from the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, one a special diploma for proficiency and merit in midwifery, the first ever granted by that institution to an American. He has been a member of Cattaraugus County Medical Society, Allegany County Medical Society, now a member of the Chemung County Medical Society and the Elmira .Academy of Medicine. At the trial of Henry Hendricks in this county for the murder of his wife, Dr. Young pointed out by diagrams and casts that the wounds on the prisoner must have been self-inflicted. That very important fact was the connecting link in the chain of evidence. The honors conferred upon Dr. Young fall to the lot of very few, and so far as, known he is the only physician born in Allegany that ever received them.Medical Societies and Physicians. 233 Dr. Young was a ruling elder of the Presbyterian church of Cuba for twenty years. Dr. Herbert Fremont Gillette, son of Theodore D. and Emily J. (Jud- son) Gillette, was born March 18, 1856,"at Prattsburgh, Steuben county. After attending Franklin Academy and teaching school 3 years he com- menced studying medicine in 1875 with Dr. W. G. Wixon of Italy, and in 1880 began practice at West Bloomfield under county license. In February, 1881, he graduated at Buffalo. In October, 1881, he located in Cuba and has built up a fine practice. Dr. Gillette has been an active worker in the Re- publican party, was ^county coroner two terms, health officer of Cuba vil- lage, is a member (and was secretary several years) of Cuba Lodge, No. 306, F. & A. M., and is an active member of the County Medical Society. He married June 14, 1883, Mary S., daughter of Emmett Taylor of Dundee, N. Y, They had one child, Arthur Taylor Gillette. Mrs. Gillette died July 25, 1885, and Sept. 2, 1886, the doctor married Alice C. daughter of Levi Robie of Bath. Dr. Gillette was appointed, Aug. 26, 1892, a member of the first board of pension examiners appointed in Allegany county, and he was made secretary. In 1894 he took a post-graduate course at the Polyclinic Hospital in New York city. Horace M. Champney, M. D., son of Horace A. and Emily (Marion) Champney, was born at Minerva, N. Y., March 10, 1864. He was graduated from Long Island College Hospital in June, 1885, and after a few years’ practice came to Cuba in 1890, remaining but a few years. W. G. Mortimer, M. D., was born in New York city where he was grad- uated from the University of New York city in 1883. He is a specialist in surgery. He located in Cuba in June, 1894. T. S. Thomas, M. D., studied with Dr. A. E. Willard and was graduated from the Buffalo University of Medicine in 1882. After remaining at Black Creek, until 1892, in 1894 he came to Cuba, and formed a partnership with Dr. Otis Allen as Allen & Thomas in the drug store and practice of medicine. He has been coroner six years. William O. Congdon, M. D., son of Anson, was born in Clarksville, April l0, 1849. He was educated at Friendship Academy, studied medicine at the University of Buffalo, and was graduated from the American Eclectic Medi- cal College of Cincinnati, Ohio, June 5, 1895, and is now in practice in Cuba. In 1870 he married Amanda M. McDougal and has one child, Roscoe. Mrs. Congdon was graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1892 and has since practiced in Cuba. Friendship.—The old, tried and reliable medical practitioner wins our esteem and love, and it is well that the memory of such men should be cherished in the history of the county where their laborious lives were passed. Timothy Pease, M. D., one of this class was born in revolutionary days in Bristol, R. I., in 1774, and died in Friendship in the fifties. He was a graduate of Yale College, and made a specialty of surgery. He was the first physician of this town, coming here when the country was a wilder-&34 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ness, and had a large practice extending many miles. His daughters, Mrs. Francis Graves, and Mrs. Rev. Nathaniel Hammond, widows, reside in Friendship. (See history of town.) Dr. Dana was another of the old-time physicians. Dr. Jonas Wellman was born Oct. 29, 1799, at Brookline, Vt., was gradu- ated as M. D. at Berkshire (Mass.) Medical College in 1826, and married Keziah Joslyn, Feb. 27, 1827, at Bolivar. He soon thereafter located at Friendship as a physician and surgeon, and won an extensive practice which he retained until failing health caused him to retire from the profession.. For a time he was in mercantile trade at Friendship with his brothers, Warren and Arba. During the last years of his life he suffered greatly from disease brought on by his extensive rides and arduous labors ih his profession. He died 'March 31,. 1844. His children were Mary J. (Mrs. I. G. LeSeur), Washington I., Minerva (Mrs. David Wentworth), Warren W., Abijah J., Jonas G., Laura M. (Mrs. David Barber). Dr. Braytoh Babcock was born at Leyden, Mass., Oct. 31, 1814. He came to Friendship about 1840 and practiced here and was one of the leading physicians in Allegany county many years. He married first Eunice Smith, second Julia D. Major of Horhellsville. Dr. Babcock died in Friend- ship in 1887. ' , . - E. H. Willard, M. D., was born in Brattleboro, Vt., in 1808, graduated from the Medical College at Castleton, Vt., about 1835, his studies being pursued with Dr. Dana of Friendship. He begafi his practice in Philipsville (Belmont) and removed to Friendship in 1841-2, continuing his practice there until his death ih July, 1886. He was member of assembly in 1849. A. E. Willard, M. D., son of the preceding, was born in Cuba in 1831, received a common school and academic education, read medicine with his father, and graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1864. He practiced a year in Friendship with his father, then removed to Hinsdale, where he remained until 1872; since then he has prac- ticed in Friendship. W. I. Hewitt, M. D., oldest son of John W. and Adaline (Paine) Hewitt, was born in Sherman, Aug. 21, 1848. In 1877 he went to the American Health College of Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduated therefrom in 1889. He also graduated from the Medical Department of Niagara University of Buf- falo. With the exception of 5 years practice in South Dakota previous to 1884, he practiced his profession in Friendship until 1894 when he removed to Olean, where he still resides. Dr. Hewitt is a successful physician giv- ing special attention to chronic diseases and employs electricity from a medical standpoint in the treatment of such. He was elected coroner for McPherson county, Dakota, when residing there. He is a member of the Allegany County Medical Society and was appointed physician to the board of health in 1893. The doctor married Frances V. Clarke of Friendship, July 1, 1869. She died ih Olean in 1894. Their only son bears the name of Irving Paine Hewitt. The doctor is a Universalist.285 Medical Societies and Physicians. John W. Hewitt, son of Lott and Mary (Levant) Hewitt, was born April 80, 1820, in Connecticut. In 1826 his parents came to Sherman, Chautauqua county. In 1846 John W. married Adeline, daughter of Rev. Linus Paine of Sherman. In 1865 they came to Friendship where they still reside. Bemsley Williamson, M. D., son of John D. and .Betsey M. (Smith) Williamson, was born at Bath, June 21, 1851. He was educated at the pub- lic schools of Bath and Haverling Academy. He studied medicine 4 years with Dr. B. F. Grant, and was graduated from Cleveland Homeopathic Hos- pital College (now Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery) in 1876, and also took a special course there in. 1878, and. attended medical lectures in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. In 1876 he commenced practice in Prattsburgh, remained there until July, 1881, when he came to Friendship where he is now in practice as physician and surgeon. He was one of the organizers of the Allegany County Homeopathic Medical Society, and was the first secretary and treasurer, was once vice president and treasurer of Steuben County Homeopathic Medical Society, and is a member of the New York State Homeopathic Society, the Homeopathic Medical Society of Western New York and the Southern Tier Homeopathic Medical Asso ciation. Dr. Williamson married in 1881, Catharine, daughter of Aaron and Sophronia Pinney. They have one son, William Hann. The family are members of the First Baptist Church of Friendship. Charles C. Deming, M. D., son of Lyman and Cynthia Deming, was born in Andover in 1844. In 1863 he enlisted and served 2 years. In 1869 he was graduated from the University of New York and has practiced here since. He is a member of the Allegany County Medical Society. Genesee.—Evidently the people of this town have been supplied with medical treatment by the physicians of neighboring towns. It is easily reached by the doctors of Bolivar, Portville, Cuba and Olean, and few physi- cians have ever located here. H. A. Place, M. D., was born in Alfred in 1850, attended Alfred Univer- sity and was graduated from the University of New York in 1878 and com- menced practice at Ceres, Pa. He is a member of the Allegany Medical Society and has been president of the society. Ormond E. Burdick, M. D., son of Benjamin F., was born October 21, 1850, in Genesee. He attended school at Alfred University afid studied medicine with Dr. H. A. Place of Ceres. In 1892 he was graduated from the tJniversity of New York and has since practiced his profession at Ceres and at Little Genesee where he now resides. Dr. W. S. Hamilton came to Genesee in 1883, and established an opium cure and carried oh the business until his death in 1886, when his son, Dr. Eugene Hamilton, conducted it until 1891, then removed to Baltimore. Hume.—Joseph Balcom born in Providence, R. I., was the pioneer phy- sician of Hume, settling here in 1823. He came from New Berlin, Chenango Co., where he had secured an enviable reputation in the practice of the236 History of Allegany County, N. Y. “ healing art.” Dr. Simeon Cajun, who came to Pike in 1817, was then the nearest physician. Dr. Balcom had for many years an extensive practice and died in 1851 aged 81. He was considered a man of more than ordinary ability, of sound judgment and a well-read physician. Dr. SethH. Pratt came after Dr. Balcom. He was born in Northampton, Mass., in 1796, was a graduate of Hamilton College and died in 1846. He married a daughter of Dr. Balcom, and from 1830 to 1845 was very promi- nent not only as a physician, but in town, county and public affairs. He was supervisor of Hume from 1833 to 1837 inclusive, and in 1838 and 1839 was member of assembly. He was a good speaker. His children were: VaDelia Ette Yan Bergen, Eleximina McCleen, Harden DeValson, Augusta Ann, Lycurgus DeCoster, Abigail Alcidena, Marie Antoinette. Before Dr* Pratt left Hume a Dr. Randall was a while in practice, and a Dr. Morse came from somewhere east and removed to Bath. Dr. Emerson. early in the forties was here for a short time, perhaps identical with Isaac B. Emerson early in Pranklinville. About 1847 or 8 Dr. Isaac Minard left Pike, where he had settled in 1831, and located in Hume village. He was for a while at Fillmore. He was appointed postmaster while at Hume. He was a graduate of Castleton Med- ical College, Vermont. He soon returned to Pike, where he died in 1875. He was a successful physician and had an extensive practice. He was a mem- ber of the first County Medical Society. Dr. Morse was in Hume for a while, removing to Bath. Dr. L. B. Johnson was in Hume as late as 1850, after- ward went west. Dr. Baker also for a short time early in the fifties after- wards in Bradford. Dr. E. A. Finn was located at Fillmore for a short time about 1850. Dr. H. H. Lyman of Puritan ancestry, was born in Hume Feb. 17, 1827. His grandfather was a physician in Wilbraham, Mass., whence his father, Henry D. Lyman, came in 1820 to Rochester, and worked on the first Erie canal acqueduct over the Genesee river wdiich was built of brick. In 1824 he came to Portage, then Nunda, where he married in 1825 Sophia, daughter of Capt. Ira Buckman, a Revolutionary soldier. Children: Phebe A., Henry H., Charles P., Ira, Edwin, George and Martin Van Buren. Henry H. attended Alfred Academy from 1845 to 1848, and attended lectures in the medical department of the University of New York in 1850 and 1851. (His work in New York was interrupted by the death of a brother.) That institu- tion gave him a license to practice. He settled at once in Hume, and in 1860 received his M. D. at Buffalo University. Now, in his 45th year of profess- ional work, no other physician in the county has so long a record. He mar- ried, in 1852, Cornelia C., daughter of Warren Cowing of Hume. Children: Jennie M. (Mrs. George W. Harding of Hume), Almon H., Valentine Mott, a commercial traveler, and Mary E., a teacher in Illinois. Dr. Lyman belongs to the County Medical Society, and is surgeon for the W. N. Y. & P. railroad. He was master of Pike Lodge F. & A. M. 11 years, and High Priest of Wyoming Chapter 12 years.287 Medical Societies and Physicians. When Dr. Lyman settled in Huine he found there Dr. A. B. Stewart, then a young man possessed of many qualifications necessary to a success- ful physician, but who had received no diploma. His natural adaptation and tact however in the minds of many more than made up for lack of certificate from medical school, and he had for twenty-five or thirty years quite an extensive practice, and some years before his death, which occurred early in the eighties, obtained the degree of M. D. “ BlancheStewart,” as he was familiarly called, will long be remembered. He and Dr. Lyman if not associated in business practiced together for many years. Dr. Nathan Haskins was located at Fillmore about 1850, and practiced for a few years. He was a kind of botanical physician, not a “regular.” About 1859 or 60 Dr. David L. Barrows located at Fillmore coming directly from Rochester. He was a well-read and well-qualified physician and remained ten or twelve years. Charles M. Stewart, M. D., son of Dr. A. B. Stewart, was born in Hume April 19, 1850. . He read medicine with Dr. H. H. Lyman and with his father, and was graduated from the medical department of the Univer- sity of Buffalo* in the spring of 1871. With the exception of two years at Belfast, and a year or two in Buffalo, in a “Eeeley sanitarium,” he has prac- ticed in Hume. Charles J. Tucker, M. D., born in Caneadea in 1859, graduated at Buffalo in 1888, soon settled in Fillmore. In a short time removed to Batavia, and a year or two later returned to Fillmore. He is now in Topeka, Kan. Arthur B. Harding, M. D., was born at Hume June 7, 1859, educated in the village school and at the medical department of the University of Buffalo, from which he graduated Feb, 26, 1884. After practicing a while in Hume he removed to Castile, where he now has an extensive ride. His brother, Dr. John Harding, the writer thinks practiced a short time in Hume before removing to Perry where he is now. Almond H. Lyman, M. D., son of Dr.H.H. and Cornelia (Cowing) Lyman, was born in Hume April 9, 1861. He attended the village school at Hume, and the Geneseo Normal School. He read medicine with his father, and was graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1884. Soon after he was resident physician to the Erie county jail, and was elected by the Erie county board of supervisors physician to the penitentiary in the fall of 1884. He has practiced in Hume, Caneadea and in Fillmore, where he is now located. He passed the fall and winter of 1894 and 5 in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving there the degree of M. D. In 1893 he was elected supervisor of Hume on the Democratic ticket. He was two years master of Lodge 359 F. & A. M. and belongs to Genesee River Chapter No. 152, R. A. M, and DeMolay commandery No. 22 K. T. He mar- ried Miss Josie Whalen of Caneadea. Perrie C . Soule, M. D., has been in practice in Rossburg since 1880. See extended sketch in town history of Hume.238 History of Allegany County, N.lY. Ralph White, son of Alexander, read medicine with Dr. Gish, was grad- uated from the Cleveland Homeopathic College, practiced at Hume a short time, and died there in 1884. Francis J. Redmond, M. D., of Fillmore, was born in Mt. Morris Jan 1, 1866, son of Peter and Catharine (Van Middles worth) Redmond, whose chil- dren were: Edney, Harriet, Francis J. and Alida. Francis attended Geneseo Normal School, and was a graduate of the Nunda union graded school. He read medicine with Drs. Preston of Dansville-, Hill of Dalton, and Harding of Nunda, and attended lectures at the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, where he received his degree of M. D. in 1891. After a few month’s prac- tice at Dalton with Dr. Hill, he settled in Fillmore in 1892. April .25, 1892, he married Mrs. Marian (Lyon) Spring, daughter of P. D. Lyon of Nunda. Mrs. Redmond has one child, Myra Blanch, by her first husband Lee T. Spring of Franklinville. Granger.—With occasional visits from Dr. Parmalee of Hunts Hollow (then called Hog Hollow) and Dr. Charles of Angelica, the pioneers of Granger succeeded in getting along tolerably well. If afflicted with toothache, they usually resorted to Capt. Isaac Van Nostrand, who had a pair of turnkeys and in pulling teeth was considered “expert.” He also had a lancet and practiced venesection, many of the people believing in being bled regularly once a year and attended to that as regularly as in taking the customary dose of “picra” on Sunday morning. It is positively asserted that given the age of a person when first bled, one could tell to a year the age of many people by inspecting the arm and counting the scars. Dr. Reuben H. Smith was the first practicing physician. He was a native of Massachusetts and came to Granger about 1830. In connection with his practice he did some surveying. He was a man of a hardy constitution, well fitted for the arduous duties of the pioneer country doctor, and is still pleasantly remembered by the older inhabitants. Succeeding Dr. Reuben H. Smith came Dr. Gray, who settled on the state road. Dr. Wm. M. Smith was the next, He was a son of Dr. Reuben H. He began practice at Short Tract, about 1826, and later removed to Angelica. Dr. Matthew Burton came about the same time as Dr. W. M. Smith. Opinion is divided as to which settled first. .Dr. Wm. H. DeCamp began, practice on the state road not far from 1850. Dr. Daniels also settled on the state road. Dr. Wallace Byrns practiced for a while in this town, and then Dr. Wm. Fenno., Dr. Charles G. Anderson was at Short Tract for a while. Dr. Myron Miller practiced for several years at Short Tract, and after him came Drs.# E. H. Hungerford, Peck and Hamilton. Andrew W. Smith, a brother of Dr. Wm. M,, after practicing at Angelica settled here about 1882-3, and practiced nearly ten years. He died abroad some time in 1884. Dr. Cyrus Haskins at one time practiced in Granger and Dr. C. A. Doolittle, for a short time only, in 1895. Dr. George St. John is the only resident physician at this time. He was born in Middletown, N. Y., in 1841. He read medicine in 1863 with Dr. ,C,239 Medical, Societies and Physicians. G. Anderson and was graduated at the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1866. He first settled in Yorkshire, Cattaraugus Co., practiced in Canasaraga from 1871 to 1890, and since then in Granger. Independence.—The writer has discovered no record of the settlement of any physician prior to Dr. Anthony Barney who was born in Bristol Co., Mass., in 1801. He studied medicine at Fairfield Medical College, and, in March, 1825, located at Green’s Corners, where for over fifty years he was a successful practitioner . He was two years supervisor of his town and was brigade surgeon under the old state militia laws. . JohnH. Clark, M.D., son of Peleg, was born March 30, 1827, and in 1856 became a student of Dr. Q. Barnesof Wells ville and was also with Dr. Purple. He attended Buffalo Medical College, and in 1859 commenced medical prac- tice at Westfield, Pa., and in Dec., 1860, located at Hallsport. In 1862 he en- listed in Co. I. 160th New York Vols., and was discharged in 1864 for disa- bility. He was graduated from Buffalo Medical College in 1875. From 1871 to 1876 he was at Canaseraga, Allegany Co., and Wyoming, Wyoming Co., as a practicing physician. Since then he has been in practice in Fulmer Valley. August 14, 1853, he married Zeruviah Fulmer. Children, Manfred, Herbert G., Clarence E. Is a member of Rolph Post, G. A. R. J. G. Horton, M. D., was born in Herkimer county in 1837; came to • Whites ville in 1843; in 1846 graduated from the Castleton, Vt., Medical Col- lege and began^practice at his home in Whites ville. From 1854 to 1862 he was in California. He served one year as surgeon in the 189th N. Y., and has acted as pension examiner for several years. Dr. George H. Bennett, born in Bath in 1818, began practice at Whites- ville in 1860. ^ Asher J. Remington, M. D., born Nov. 27,1853, at Ashford, Cattaraugus Co., studied with Dr. J. L. Cutler of Bolivar, in 1882 was graduated from the Buffalo University of Medicine, commenced practice at Shingle House, Pa., and in, 1886 located at Whites ville. Eugene B. Burdick, M. D., was born in Wirt Aug. 30, 1856, graduated at Friendship Academy June 17, 1880, and received his, diploma from the Medical Department of the University of New York, March 8, 1886, and be- gan practice at Whites ville. In J uly, 1887, he removed to Olean. Milton B. Titus, M. D., son of Dr.. Lew-is F. and Lois R. (Smith) Titus, was born April 9, 1858, in Croton, Delaware Co. He graduated at Corning Free Academy in 1876, studied medicine with Dr. John Mitchell at Addison, was graduated from the University of the City of New York in 1881, and lo- cated for practice at Allentown. In 1888 he removed to Whites ville, where he is in practice. He married in 1882, Jessie, daughter of George and Han- nah Palmer Weed Sheffield, has one son George B. Dr. Titus was coroner in 1884 and 1885, and in 1885 president of the Allegany Co. Medical Society. RtrSHFORp.—In all probability Dr. Dyer Strong, who was elected super- visor upon the organization of the town in 1816, was the first practicing physician in town. That he was there some years before 1816, follows from240 History of Allegany County, N. Y. his election. Nothing more is learned of him. In succession, as near as the oldest inhabitants can remember and place them, came Drs. Horatio Smith, Wm. M. Smith about 1840, whose practice in Caneadea was quite extensive. Wm. McCall, H. H. Smith, Dr. Stewart, Wm. J. Burr, L. B. Johnson, John Pitts and James M. Ward, Jesse P. Bixby came in 1853. He was born in Mt. Holly Vt., in 1822, graduated at Castleton Medical College, Vt., in 1852 and the next year settled in Rushford where he is still in practice. Dr. Wm. A. Stacy settled in Rushford in 1856 or 7. Dr. Orrin T. Stacy is next on the list. He was a son of Dr. Wm. A. and was born in Centerville in 1835. He was a student at Rushford Academy, taught school, read medicine, receiving his diploma from the Buffalo Medi- cal College in 1860 and settled in Rushford, where he was a physician until 1885, when he removed to Rochester. He represented Allegany in the As- sembly for two terms. (See sketch in Rushford.) Dr. John P. Colegrove practiced in Rushford along in the sixties for four or five years. He was born in Hornellsville, April 19, 1833, and educated at Alfred University. He pursued his medical studies under his uncle, Dr. James Pitts, and at the College of Medicine and Surgery at Cincinnati and practiced in Ohio. In 1866 removed to Clearwater, Minn. In 1874 he took lectures at Buffalo, graduating there Feb. 23, 1875. He has since practiced at Salamanca. Dr. James Pitts, was in Rushford for a while. Dr. Wm. B. Alley was settled in Rushford about 1847. He was afterward county clerk, practiced in Angelica and later at Nunda, where he died a few years ago* Dr. Robert Y. Charles practiced in Rushford for a few years. Dr. Burt Grover was here also for a time. Wm. Fletcher Wells came to Rushford about 1880-81; read medicine witli Dr. O. T, Stacy and was graduated from the medical department of the Uni- versity of Buffalo in 1883, and immediately commenced practice in Rush- ford where he is now. (See sketch in Rushford.) Charles Oakley Sayres, the youngest physician and last to locate in town, was born in New Hudson in 1869. He was brought up on a farm, edm catedatthe common schools, and Geneseo Normal School, read medicine with Dr. E B. Burdick of Olean and graduated at Buffalo in 1892, and soon after settled in Rushford his present residence. ■ New Hudson.—This town was especially favored in' having had for many years as one of its residents the able and distinguished physician, Calvin L. Allen, M. D., who, except a few years residence in Hume during the forties, made his home here from an early date until his death sometime in the seventies. He stood high in medical circles and societies, had many stu- dents who became leading physicians, among them his sons, Seneca and Otis of Cuba. Dr. Allen had an extensive practice and was of prominence in civil as well as in medical affairs. No one has since filled his place as an 4‘all around ” man, physician and legislator. Was the first physician locating at Black Creek Corners, it is thought early in the thirties. He was born in, Surrey, Mass., and was graduated from the Casteleton Medical College, Yt.,Medical Societies and Physicians. 241 but information as to the date of either events, is wanting. Practicing a few years in New Hudson, he went to Hume where he remained 5 years, and then returned to New Hudson, resuming his practice there and continu- ing until his death in June, 1875. He held the office of supervisor of New Hudson. He married Minerva Rogers, and had two children, Hr. Otis Allen of Cuba and Hr. Seneca Allen, deceased, of same place. He had an extensive practice, which covered a large territory, and is well, and favor- ably remembered by all the older long resident people of that part of the county. Hr. Austin Taylor, on the authority of Mr. H. P. Ricker, was the next, but particulars as to him are lacking, as also of Hr. Harry Taylor. Hr. Ens- worth is another of whom also no sketch has been received, and Hr. Thomas, who practiced at Black Creek a short time, will be found under head of Cuba, where he is associated in business and practice with Hr. Otis Allen. Scio.—The early settlers resorted to roots and herbs for the relief of diseases common to all households, sometimes seeking aid of a wandering Indian or squaw, in more severe or surgical cases trusting to Angelica and Belmont physicians. In 1850 Hr. Ebenezer E. Hyde located here (see Amity) and in 1854 Hr. J. A. Stephenson. James A. Stephenson, M. H., was born in London, England, in 1828. His father, Hr. John Stephenson, was surgeon in the British army. James studied with his father, passed 4 years at the Madras Medical College and was graduated therefrom in 1850. He then went board ship as a surgeon and remained 4 years. In 1854 he settled at Scio where he has since prac- ticed his profession. He is a member of the County Medical Society, an Original Fellow of the State Medical Association, and has held the office of supervisor. He married Emma L. Luther in 1860, and has 3 children, Mrs. Fred Howe, Mrs. Bert Wilkins and James A. Thomas F. Major, M. B., was born in Hornellsville in 1851. He attended school at Almond Academy and Alfred University, and was graduated from the medical department of the University of Buffalo in 1874. After 1 year’s practice in Hornellsville with Hr. N. Sweet, he located in Scio in 1875, and has continued there as a physician with the exception of 4 years in Michi- gan. The doctor makes a specialty of surgery and was pension examiner for 2 years. He married Ina White, who died May 19, 1893. He has one son, Charlie. Hec. 12, 1894, Hr. Major married Miss Laura J. Barnard of Buffalo. ABemocrat he was elected supervisor in Scio in 1885, overcoming a normal Republican majority of 90. West Almond.—Sandwiched in between Angelica and old Almond, which places have been well supplied with physicians, this town has not held out many inducements for physicians to settle. Hr. Orange Sabin came here a gpod many years ago, and still remains, though an aged man. He was born in Stephentown, Rensselaer county, in 1808. He began the study of medicine in Pitts town, N. Y., with Hr. L. H. T. Maxson. After242 History of Allegany County, N. Y. graduating he attended lectures at Pittsfield, Mass., and then came to West Almond. Grove.—Grove has not been much of a town for doctors, the medical business being done principally by Nunda and Short Tract physicians. W. D. Clark, M. D., settled at Swains in 1878. He came from Castile, his native place being Leicester, Livingston county. He was engaged in mercantile business in Grove and had a good practice. Clarksville is so located that the physicians of Cuba and Olean have attended to the need of its people. I cannot learn of any physician ever being a resident of Allen or Birdsall. Wellsville.—Dr. George B. Jones is said to be the first to practice medicine in this town, locating in 1832. He was followed by Doctors Bab- cock, Purple, Whitney (first homeopathist), M. Macken, Pelton, Merriam, Allen, Doty, Truman, Gena, Randall Reed, Arvis A. Elliott, L. A. Penny, Gish, H. H. Nye, Van Antwerp, Witter, Hanks, Coller, Crandall and Koyle, in the order named as near as those who are acquainted with the succession can give it. . ■ Horace H. Nye, M. D., born in 1820, came with his father, Benjamin B. Nye, to Genesee in 1830. In 1840 he attended Alfred University where he was graduated in 1844. He there first met Elizabeth, daughter of George King, Esq., of Bath, whom he married in 1856. Commencing the study of medicine with Dr. Hartshorn of Alfred, he was graduated as M. D. at the Cleveland Medical College, Ohio, in 1849. He practiced in Alfred and Al- mond until 1855, when he located in Wellsville, and until his death, Aug. 28, 1892, was a leading practitioner and successful business man. He was prominent in medical councils and societies, in local matters and in his (Republican) political party. He was at one time president of Wellsville village. “ Under a cold exterior he carried a warm heart for his patients and friends, and a sympathizing nature for those deserving sympathy.’’ He was an active, bold and'indefatigable worker in all the fields he entered. He had an adopted son, George Marion Nye, now a practicing physician of Buffalo. Hon. William Wells Crandall, M. D., youngest son of Ezekiel was born in Genesee, March 23, 1828, educated at Alfred and Brown Uni- versities and was a teacher in the public schools of Rhode* Island for several years. He read medicine with Dr. H. P. Saunders of Alfred, and was grad- uated from the University of New York in 1858, and also from the New York Opthalmic Hospital. He -practiced 28 years in Andover and came to Wellsville in 1886. He has been member of the Elmira and the Hornells- ville Academies of Medicine, is member of Allegany County Medical Society, and of the New York State Medical Society, of which he was made a perma- nent member in 1881, and vice president in 1891. He was elected member of assembly in 1872 and 1873. Dr. Crandall married Euphemia Potter, daughter of Elisha. Their only child Susie M. is married to Stetson A. Sherman of Eau Claire, Wis. Dr. Crandall’s father, Major Ezekiel Crandall,Medical Societies and Physicians. 243 was a native of Rhode office of major in the war of 1812, and in 1825 came to GeneseeHb&hght^fiQ1 acres of wild land where he built a log house, cleared a farm and was also a lumberman. His wife was Susan Wells. They had 7 children. ^ v joa ^ Porter Hanks, M. D., was born in Centerville, in 1834, studied medicine at Rushford. He was graduated from the University of Buffalo in 1860. He has practiced in Centerville, and various places, and is now located in Wells ville. Merritt H.Macken, M. D., born in Ontario county in 1840, came to Wells- ville in 1853. In 1858 he entered the drug store of E. B. Hall as a clerk and studied medicine with Dr. H. H. Nye. He attended lectures at Bellevue New York City, and was graduatedt here in March, 1865, and soon began practice in Wellsville where he is now located. George H. Witter, M. D., is a son of Daniel P. and Betsey (Foster) Witter, and was born at Willing. He acquired his medical education at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., and received his degree of M. 1885, when he established himself at Wellsville, where he has a success- ful practice. He is a member of the Allegany County Medical Society of which he is an ex-president, of Hornellsville Medical and Surgical Associa- tion, and of the New York State Medical Society. Dr. Witter married Maud Bingham in July, 1889, and has a daughter Grace. He has represented Wellsville for several years on the board of supervisors. Jasper W. Coller, M. D., was born in Cuba Sept. 24, 1852. He descends from Reuben Coller, an Englishman, whose son John was born in 1775 in New Jersey. John came to Cuba in June, 1829, with wife Hannah Rynearson, born in 1780 in New Jersey, articled 150 acres in the s. w. corner of lot 9 Holland Purchase, made a permanent home, and died February, 1860, aged 85, on the two acre lot first cleared by him where he built his log house. His wife died about 1850. They were Free-will Baptists. Their children were Isaac R., Rachel (Mrs. John Belcher), Hannah (Mrs. U. McKinster), James Van N. and William. The latter, born in Susquehanna county, Pa., Oct. 25, 1816, died in Cuba in 1888, married Angeline German, born at Ovid, N. Y., May 16, 1821, died in Cuba in January, 1881. Their children were George W. (deceased) and Jasper W. Jasper W. Coller graduated at the head of his class at Friendship academy in June, 1875, married Aug. 26,1875, Ardo Ette, daughter of William and Almira Gardiner of Nile, passed some years teach- ing schools in Wirt, Belvidere, Richburg and Angelica. In 1877 he began to study medicine with C. C. Deming, M. D., of Friendship and was graduated from Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, June 23, 1880, and located as a physician in Wellsville, Sept. 6, 1880. He bought a house and lot on Mill St. in 1888 which has since been his residence and office. Mrs. Coller was educated at Alfred University and Milton, Wis., College and was a success- ful teacher. Frederick T. Koyle, M. D., was born in Athens, Ont., Jan. 12, 1860. He received his medical degree at Kingston, Ont., in 1882, and practiced 13244 History of Allegany County, N. Y. years in Minnesota. He establi^l^ We^elf^tMaMville in May, 1895. He belongs to the State Medical e4^oo^ijQ^j^dMto0^g©@i, and the Allegany County Medical Associatigiied mnl b cals zsw baa mial i Charles E. Wilcox, M. D., son of Clark Wilcox, read medicine with Dr. C. L. Gish. He was graduated from the New York Homeopathic College in 1889 and located at Scottsville where he practiced for a year and died. Dr. John M. Gena, botanic physician, was born in Germany Sept. 29, 1808, studied and practiced medicine in the German schools before he came to this country in 1839. In 1866 he located in Wellsville. Charles L. Gish, M. D:, born in Pennsylvania in 1852, was graduated in 1874 from the Bennett Medical College of Chicago. Practiced 4 years in Wis- consin, located in Wellsville in 1878. He is a homeopathist. Wirt.—Wedged in between Friendship on the north, and Bolivar on the south, with Wellsville on the east, this town has not been sought by young physicians in quest of places to locate. It has managed to get along very well however. We give a sketch of the physician most identified with the town. Sheffield W. Greene, M. D., son of Rev. John Greene, was born in Hopkinton, R. I., July 15,1814. In 1825 his father, a minister of the Sev- enth Day Baptist faith, brought his family to Friendship where he preached some years. Dr. Greene read medicine with Dr. J. C. Sibley, attended Geneva Medical College in 1845 and 6, and, after being a partner of Dr. K Whitney at Olean for a year, he came to Little Genesee and soon to Richburg where he lived seven years, then after ashort residence inPennsylvaniahe en- listed, in 1863, inCo. D. 15th N. Y. Cav., and January 1,1864, was commissioned assistant surgeon of the 147th N. Y. Inft. He was acting surgeon of the reg- iment during the Appomattox campaign. After the war he came to Frank- lin ville but soon made his home in Wellsville where he lived until 1893, the time of his coming to Richburg his present home. He married in 1837 Keziah Noble. They have had five children. The doctor for 40 years has given arduous and unspared labors for the relief of human suffering, and can look back along an honest and diligent life with a consciousness of doing well all duties falling to his lot. Willing.—Quite distinctively a rural township Willing has not encour- aged to any great extent the settlement of the disciples of Galen and Hippoc- rates. It is a ‘‘healthy ” town, and then Wellsville is conveniently access- able. We can only mention Drs. Barney and Elliott. Orville L. Barney, M. D., son of Dr. Anthony Barney, born in Independ- ence, March 28, 1843, after two years’ attendance at Alfred University, en- listed in 1861 in Co. C. 85th N. Y. Vols., and served until July 26, 1862. He then studied medicine with his father, was a student of the medical depart- ment of the University of the City of New York in 1873, 4 and 5, was gradu- ated there in 1865 and located in Shongo. Arvis A. Elliott, M. D., son of Lumah B. and Eliza (Adams). Elliott, was born June 17, 1846 in West Almond. He attended Alfred University*245 Medical Societies and Physicians. studied medicine with Dr. C. G. Anderson of Belmont, was graduated from Cleveland Medical College, Ohio, in the class of 1879 and located in Shongo in October, 1879, where he has since resided. Homeopathy in Allegany* has had a constantly increasing patronage since about 1850, and each of the larger towns have generally had from one to three regularly qualified practitioners, each of whom have a good share of the voluntary compliment from the people as well as the appointments to offices of trust at the hands of local authorities. In 1883 a society was formed regularly incorporated under the laws of the state, known as the 4‘Homeo- pathic Medical Society of Allegany County.” The first meeting was called at the ofice of Dr. B. Williamson in Friendship, where committees were ap- pointed to frame a constitution and by laws. A second meeting was held at the court house in Belmont to effect a permanent 'organization, at which time Dr. I. P. Truman was elected president and Dr. B. Williamson secretary and treasurer,—also a vice president, “ Board of Censors,” and delegates to the state and other meetings were chosen. With eleven members quarterly meetings were held alternately at towns in the county for three or four years when, without apparent cause, the meetings not being well attended, the society ceased to be known and no meeting has been held for at least five years. The records and all papers (of which there were many) were burned together with the office and contents, including library of the secretary. The record of organization is in the county clerk’s office. It is expected that the society will soon revive. Among the earliest homeopaths to attain prominence were Dr. Pelton of Wellsville, about 1850 to 60, and also Dr. W. S. Todd of Angelica, who was graduated from Hobart College, Geneva, in 1849, and located in Angelica the same year. After a few years of practice, he made public announcement by a hand-bill, that he should thereafter follow the homeopathic methods in his practice, which he did do until his death, July, 26, 1887. A remarkable in- cident occurred at his death bed, he being aware of his condition announced his own dissolution. With his finger on his pulse, when the heart ceased to beat, he clearly said, “ It has ceased to beat,” and was dead. Dr. Hilon Doty located in Wellsville some time in the seventies, well ad- vanced in years. He had attained some prominence with the physicians throughout the state, having conducted a hospital for mental invalids on homeopathy principles at Margaretville, N. Y. He died in Wellsville after two or three years’ residence there. Some have said, with some degree of probability, that out of his suggestion grew the great Middletown hospital for the insane. There is evidence of the work of homeopathic practitioners in nearly every town of the county before 1860. Most of whom were not known to the writer. We give a partial list of those known to have practiced homeopathy in the county. Angelica, Drs. Wm. S. Todd, M. A. Todd, Wm. S. Todd, Jr , * Contributed by Bemsley Williamson, M. D.246 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Harvey, W. K. Paul, E. C. Cutler, E. B. Guile; Alfred, H. C. Coon; Belmontr I. P. Truman, L. A. Simons, F. C. Hardy; Belfast, W. S. Todd, Chamberlain; Cuba, Learned, Acomb; Friendship, Stillman Potter, Washington Irving Wellman. Bemsley Williamson; Richburg, Cheesman; Wellsville, Pelton, Whit- ney and partner, C. L. Gish, Hilon Doty. There have been many more in the county whose names are not at hand at this writing. The Allegany County Dental Society.—October 15, 1894, Drs. G. Whipple, Cuba; F. W. Warner, Angelica; W. L. Smith, Friendship; B. W- Alexander, Cuba; E. V. Sheerar, Percy Green, and F. H. Ellsworth, Wells- ville, and W. W. Coon of Alfred, met at Dr. Whipple’s office to organize The Allegany County Dental Society, for the purpose, as is set forth in the by- laws adopted, 4‘of scientific, professional, business and social betterment.” These officers were elected for the first year: President, Dr. G. Whipple; Vice President, Dr. F. W. Warner; Secretary, Dr. W. W. Coon; Treasurer, Dr. W. L. ’Smith. The by-laws provide a business committee appointed by the president to look after all matters pertaining to the success of the soci- ety’s meetings which occur quarterly. This committee for the first year consisted of Drs. E. V. Sheerar (chairman), F. H. Ellsworth, and V. W. Alexander, HE first “ court of general sessions of the peace,” which was held at the house of Evart Van Wickle in Angelica, was an event of much import- ance to the people of the new county. By the act of April 7, 1806, forming the county of Allegany, it was provided that “ a court should be held on the 2d day of June, 1807, at such place in the village of Angelica as should be designated by the sheriff.” For some reason, however, probably owing to delay in perfecting the organization or in securing the appointment of the officers and judges of the court, the session was deferred until November 10th. The following constituted this pioneer court: Moses Van Campen and Evart Van Wickle “ Esqrs.” judges, and Joseph Taylor and William Higgins. ‘•Esqrs.” assistant justices. They were all appointed by Gov. Morgan Lewis. The institution of this court was hailed with great delight and satis- faction by the sparse population, as it obviated the necessity of long journeys to Batavia over bad roads, as had been the case since 1802. Before that time the pioneers were compelled to go to Canandaigua, to sit as jurors, as wit- nesses, or to conduct all litigation, however trivial, to which they might be subjected. CHAPTER XXXIII. COURTS AND LAWYERS.Courts and Lawyers. 247 The composition of that first court of our county was in some respects remarkable. The leading figure was Major Moses Van Campen, a noted border man of the revolution, a famous scout and Indian fighter of New York and Pennsylvania, and a surveyor of no mean attainments. Evart Van Wickle, the agent of Philip Church in the transaction of his extensive land sales, a fine scholar and a competent surveyor, was probably next in import- ance. Of Joseph Taylor and William Higgins the writer has been able to learn but little, but their names so frequently occur in the record of early business and legal transactions, that they must have been men considerably above the average Allegany citizen in judgment and intelligence. Van Cam- pen and Van Wickle were certainly men of much more than ordinary ability, possessing extensive acquaintance and great experience in affairs, and so brought to the discharge of their duties some, at least, of the qualities so essential in a judge. Another feature of this primitive court, which perhaps is worthy of notice, is the fact that two of its members were keepers of public houses and dispensers of ardent spirits, something which would hardly conform to the exacting requirements of modern ethics. The record says “ court opened by usual proclamation. Grand Jurors sworn. James Whiting foreman. Reuben Riggs, George Otto, William Barney, Timothy Hyde, John Irwin, Wm. L. Heydon, Elice Pierce, William Wilson, Elisha Strong, Benjamin V. Pelt, John Higgins, Moses Johnson, Ransom Higgins, Benj. Chambers, Christian Burns, Elish Chamberlain, Philo Ingraham, Nathaniel Reynolds, Ezra Bacon, Asahel Franklin, Sanders Rogers, John Freeman, Augustus D’Autremont. Grand Jury charged by his honor Judge Van Campen and retired. Court adjourned until 1 o’clock P. M.” As no charges were preferred the jurors were the next day dis- charged by the court. The only business transacted at this term of court was to order a seal in the following words: “ The Court further orders that the Clerk, as soon as convenient, and before the next session of this court, cause to be made a plain Coper or Brass seal, with the County round the edges, and on the face an Anchor engraved.” The quotation is literal, both as to spelling and capitals. We are left in doubt as to who the clerk of this court was, the records not revealing his name, though it was probably Jacob S. Holt, the first county clerk. This court “adjourned to the second Tues- day of June next.” At the next session, in June 1808, was tried the first case in the county. “ The People vs. Abraham Baker.” For what offense this man Baker was tried, does not by the record appear. The records for the first year or two are sadly deficient in detail, in many cases not giving even the offense for which parties were indicted. At this term “Daniel Abbit and Frederick Cavort, grand jurors who did not answer nor give sufficient excuse, were fined $2.50 each. ” At the January term, 1809, it appears that “ Mr. Clark ” was district attorney, the first mention of that important official in the records. Up to 1809 the records fail to show for what offenses indictments were found.248 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Court of Common Pleas.—These courts were composed of judges and assistant judges, the number in the various counties differing widely. By an act passed March 27,1818, the office of assistant judge was abolished, and the number of judges was limited to five, including the “ first judge. ” The court of common pleas was continued from 1817 to July, 1847, when, by the adoption of the constitu- tion of 1846, it was abolished and the county court took its place. The court of common pleas was evidently a popular court with the people; indeed it was, so to speak, “the people's court,” its members being selected from the body of the people. Its jurisdiction in original and appellate cases was ample. The terms were limited by statute to five days, and judgments could not be entered in vacation. All the parties, witnesses and attorneys were thus required to remain until their business was done, and so “going to court ” attained the magnitude of an event, as well as an important matter of business. The court of general sessions of the peace had jurisdiction in criminal cases, but not in capital crimes. It had a grand jury, and when indictments were found for the graver offences, they were sent to the Oyer and Terminer for trial. The composition of these two courts was the same, and usually a session or sessions of both courts was held at the same term. Following are the names of those who from time to time down to 1847, helped to constitute these two courts, with the year of their first appearance as a member of the court: Moses Van Gampen, Evart Van Wickle, Joseph Taylor, and William Higgins, 1808; Thaddeus Bennett, Alexander V. P. Mills, Tarbell Whitney, John T. Hyde, and George Renwick, 1808; Benjamin Riggs, Jedadiah Nobles, Philip Church, and Thatcher Hyde, 1809; John Higgins, Matthew McHenry, Elisha Mills, Loring Francis, and Thomas Bole, 1810; Eli Griffith and Richard W. Porter, 1811; William Brown and Thaddeus Baker, 1812; Sylva- nus Merriman, 1813; Clark Crandall and Jacob Griffith, 1815; Samuel Van Campen and Crandall Burnett, 1816; James McCall and Alexander B’Autre- mont, 1817; Philip Langdon, Cromwell Bennett and Asa Coon, 1818; L. L. Littlejohn, 1819; Isaac Sanford and Benjamin Blanchard, 1820; John Griffin, 1821; Roswell W. Knight, 1822; Vial Thomas, 1823; Anson Hinman, 1825; Amos Thatcher, 1826; Zephaniah Z. Caswell and George Williams, 1828; Samuel S. Haight, 1829; Josiah Utter, 1830; Asa S. Allen, 1831; A. C. Hull, B. L. Gilman and Alvin Burr, 1833; Jeremiah B. Willard, Horace Abbott and Calvin T. Chamberlain, 1834; John Collins, Wittel Larrabee, B. L. Gibson and Elijah Horton, 1835; Samuel C. Wilson, 1837; Ransom Lloyd and Wm. Hicks, 1838; Abram J. Lyon, 1840. The “first judges” covering this period of time (with the date of their appointment) were: Philip Church, June 8, 1807; John Griffin, January 24, 1823; Andrew C. Holt, April 26, 1838; Ransom Lloyd, April 18, 1838; Samuel C. Wilson, April 18, 1843. The members of these courts held their offices by appointment. Surrogate's Court.—When Allegany county was organized, and from that time down to the adoption of the constitution of 1846, surrogates wereCourts and Lawyers. 249 appointed, at first and until 1822 by the council of appointment, and from 1822 to 1847 by the governor and senate. During the first period the appointments were for such a term as suited the pleasure of the appointing power, but during the latter for a term of four years. An appeal lay from their decisions during the first period to the judge of the court of probates of the state, during the second period to the chancellor. Luke Goodspeed was the first surrogate of the county, his appointment bearing date April 7, 1807. He resided at Angelica and had, during the time Angelica (and for that matter all Allegany) formed a part of Genesee county, represented the town on the Genesee county board of supervisors. Further than that the writer can say nothing of him save that he held the office for over five years, when Alexander D’Autremoiit was appointed, June 6, 1812. Mr. D’Autre- mont was a Frenchman who came to Angelica in 1806. He was soon engaged in business, at one time keeping a public house. He was also an early mer- chant. His term was short, as his successor Daniel Lawrence was appointed March 23, 1813. Mr. Lawrence, of whom the most the writer has been able to learn is that he was an early lawyer, held the office for two years, and stepped aside for Ebenezer Hyde, who was appointed April 8, 1815. Dr. Hyde probably found that the duties of surrogate did not exactly comport with the practice of medicine, or it may be that some political “ pull ” soon excused him from the discharge of the surrogate’s duties, for the record shows Samuel South worth to have taken the oath as surrogate June 13,1815, and Zephaniah Z. Caswell was 4‘ appointed ” on the 27th of June of the same year. Mr. Caswell’s term was a long one, holding the office nearly 16 years. He was one of the pioneer lawyers, and his name occurs quite frequently on the court records. He was also clerk of the board of supervisors for one or more terms. SamuelC. Wilson was appointed April 12,1831, and held the office till his successor, John G. Collins, was appointed January 24,1840.* Mr. Col- lins was succeeded February 14,1844, by Mr. Wilson who was again appointed and continued to discharge its duties until, under the constitution of 1846, William G. Angel was elected county judge in June, 1847, and, by the pro- visions of the new constitution, assumed also the duties of the surrogate. No need exists for tracing the history of the surrogate’s court further, as from the administration of Judge Angel the duties of the two offices have been discharged by the same person. County and Surrogates’ Court and Judges.—The constitution of 1846 made provision for the election in each of the counties of one county judge “ who shall hold his office for four years.” In addition to holding the county courts he was required to discharge the duties of the office of surro- gate, except in counties whose population exceeded 40,000. With two justices of the peace to be elected as the legislature should prescribe, he was auth- * Samuel C. Wilson was born in Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Penn., April io, 1803. From 1836-7 to 1841 he was editor of the Angelica Reporter and Allegany Republican. He was surrogate from 1831 to 1840, and from 1844 to 1847, and was judge of the court of common pleas for several years ending with the second Constitution. Belfast was his residence for many years and he died there about ten years ago.250 History of Allegany County, N. Y. orized to hold courts of sessions. The justices of the peace elected for this office were called justices of sessions. The legislature was also authorized to confer upon the county judge equity jurisdiction in special cases. In 1869 the term of the office of county judge was extended to six years by an amend- ment of the constitution, and the jurisdiction of the court in all actions where the defendant was a resident of the county was limited to cases wherein the damages claimed did not exceed $1,000 (since made $2,000). The civil busi- ness of the county court is principally confined to cases on appeal from jus- tices’ courts, quite a share of the criminal business being transacted at the oyer and terminer. By the constitution of 1846 county judges, as well as all other judges, were made elective by the people. The first man to be invested with that office by the voice of the people of Allegany was William G. Angel, elected in June, 1847. He was for years a leading and especially marked character in Allegany. Hon. William G. Angel was born on Block Island, July 17, 1790. His ancestry emigrated from Warwick, England. They belonged to the Society of Friends, and accompanied Roger Williams to Rhode Island. When he was two years of age his father removed to Richfield, Otsego county. His eldest sister taught him the alphabet. At an early age he paid in work on a farm for a $2 share in a circulating library, and, book in pocket, pursued his study of the classics seated on the plowbeam, while the team was resting. In 1807 and 8, by dint of the strictest economy, he was enabled to attend a grammar school taught by Dr. Buckingham, a Yale College graduate. In 1809 he entered the employ, and very soon after the office of William Dowse, Esq., of Cooperstown. In 1817 he was admitted to the bar, in 1821 elected surrogate of Otsego county, in 1824 elected to congress as a Democrat, and was continued in congress, his last election being in 1830. In 1833 he removed to Hammondsport. Martin Grover, who had been his student at Cooperstown, came with him to Hammondsport, was admitted to the bar, and located in Angelica. In 1835 Grover succeeded in persuading his pre- ceptor to remove to Angelica, where the law office of Angel and Grover was at once opened, which partnership continued until 1843, when he took as partner his son Wilkes. In 1846 Mr. Angel was elected to the constitutional convention, in which he bore a conspicuous and very useful part, and in 1847 became the first elected county judge of Allegany. He held the office until January 1, 1852. His death occurred August 13, 1858, at his home in Angelica. He was a well-read man of extensive information, thoroughly honest in the discharge of all his duties. During his active prof essional and official life he was more generally known throughout the county than any other man, and none was held in higher esteem. LucienP. Wether by was the successor of Judge Angel, being elected in November, 1851. Judge Wether by read law with Angel and Grover be- ginning about 1842. After his admission to the bar he was for a while a partner with Emery E. Norton, and when Gen. Diven left for Elmira he succeeded to his business. He was the first district attorney elected afterCourts and Lawyers. 251 the adoption of the constitution of 1846, being chosen in June, 1847. Mr. Wetherbyhada good practice, but removed to Hudson, Wis., in 1856, and the people of that state elected him justice of the Supreme Court. The next county judge was Hon. John G. Collins, who was of English descent and born at Geneva, April 24, 1809. He was educated at Hobart College, a classmate of Horatio Seymour and Silas Wright. He came with his father to Angelica in 1825. Reading law with Judge Welles of Penn Yan, he was admitted to the bar and at once commenced practice. He dis- charged the office of surrogate of Allegany from 1840 to 1844, and in 1845 and 1846, was elected member of the assembly. He was elected county judge in November, 1855, serving one term of four years* He died April 20, 1877. Succeeding John G. Collins came Hon. Wolcott Hatch who was elected in November, 1859. Judge Hatch was born in Norwich, Vt., in 1811, and came to Cuba in this county in 1884, where he engaged in the practice of law, soon being elected justice of the peace, which office he held for a long time. He was elected county judge and surrogate in 1859, and was three times re-elected, to say which is better than a page of fulsome flattery. He died at his residence in Belmont October 6, 1878. Hon. James S. Green succeeded Judge Hatch, being elected in 1870. He was twice re-elected. He was born in Jerusalem, Yates county, December 3, 1823. He settled in Angelica in 1846, and was soon after elected justice of the peace. He was also school commissioner for the northern district. His death occurred at Angelica September 20, 1882. This occasioned a vacancy in the office which was supplied by the Governor appointing Harlan J. Swift of Cuba to fill out the term until the next January.* Hon. Clarence A. Parnum of Wellsville was born in the village of Wells- ville, N. Y., October 7, 1850. In April, 1862, he moved with his parents to Michigan, and lived with them upon a farm until October, 1870. October 7, 1870, he returned to Wellsville, where his residence has since been. His school days were passed in the district schools except a short period while at the Michigan State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich., in 1869-70. From October 10, 1870, to January 15, 1872, he was a clerk and book-keeper in the store of W. E. Stewart & Co. (clothiers) of Wellsville. In January, 1872, he entered the law office of Wm. F. Jones, Esq., of Wellsville, as clerk and stu- dent, and was admitted to practice in all the courts of the state at the Roch- ester General Term held in April, 1875. He at once commenced practice as a lawyer at Wellsville and remained alone until February, 1876, when he formed a partnership with Henry L. Jones. January, 1881, this partnership was dissolved, and Judge Farnum has since had no partner. January 24, i883, he was appointed county judge and surrogate of Allegany county by Govern- or Cleveland to fill a vacancy. In the fall of 1883 he received the nomina- tion from the Democratic party for the same office and was elected in Novem- * Mr. Swift took the oath of office October 12,1882.252 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ber for a term of 6 years commencing January 1, 1884. The vote was for Swift, Republican, 3,062; Jones, Prohibition, 1,147; Farnum, Democrat, 5,049. He performed the duties of his office as surrogate and county judge until January 1, 1890. Hon. Sheridan McArthur Norton succeeded Judge Farnum. He was born in Belmont, May 1, 1848. His father, Joseph B. Norton, was a native of this state, born in 1800, settled in Belmont in 1831, and died in Friend- ship in 1882. His mother, Prudence A. Hall, was born in New Hampshire in 1807, of good old Puritan stock, and is still living. Sheridan McArthur was the fifth child in a family of six children, all of whom are living. His first seventeen years were passed on a farm. He then began varying his work and disciplining his mind by judicious study, reading and teaching school, and before he was twenty-one he was made president of the Allegany County Teachers’ Association, an event over which he was probably more elated than any other circumstance of his deservedly successful career. In 1871 he made choice of the law as his profession and commenced his studies with Judge James S. Green and Hon. D. P. Richardson at Angelica. Com- pleting his legal education with Hon. Hamilton Ward and General Rufus Scott at Belmont, he was admitted to the bar in January, 1874. He immedi- ately began practice in Friendship and soon acquired a valuable clientage, ob- taining an extended reputation for advising settlement of disputes and keep- ing his clients from litigation, but winning their cases when necessary to be tried. He was popular as a referee, and from the time of his admission to the bar until the present has had an extensive business in hearing references. In 1879-80 and 81 he was supervisor of Friendship, and for the last two years was chairman of the board. He has been president of the Citizens National Bank of Friendship from Its organization in 1882, was for a number years member and president of the board of education, has always taken great interest in town and county affairs, although the practice of his pro- fession claims his principal attention. He owns and personally superin- tends a fine farm in Friendship, to which he turns for relief from the ex- hausting labors of his law business. He was interested in the first Rich- burg oil well, and during the period of the oil development in Richburg and vicinity he paid much attention to it, being interested in many of the large operations, and he showed rare good judgment in withdrawing at the right time. He also evinced a commendable spirit of enterprise in active work toward the building of the railroad from Friendship to Bolivar during that period, being one of the directors and active managers, and again showed sound judgment in stepping out of that enterprise at the right time. In 1880 Mr. Norton married Mae, youngest daughter of the late Gen. George W. Robinson. They have one son, George Robinson Norton. In 1889 Mr. Norton was elected county judge, and since that time he has faithfully dis- charged the duties of that office, and of the surrogate’s court of the county. His decisions are characterized by strict integrity and judicial fairness. His thorough knowledge of the law enables him to determine correctly those253 Courts and Lawyers. intricate questions which challenge the abilities of the most learned judges, as instanced in his decision in the notable Miner will case, which, under the advice of some of our most able lawyers and ex-judges, was carried to the Court of Appeals, which sustained Judge Norton’s decision. In the fall of 1895 he presided for Judge Nash at Geneseo during the protracted and fiercely-contested Father Flaherty case, winning many expressions of ap- proval and admiration for his judicial capacity and acquirements. Judge Norton is a pleasant, forcible and entertaining speaker, and is in great de- mand to address societies of various kinds, for Fourth of July and Decora- tion Day efforts, etc. In November, 1895, he was re-elected county judge. District Attorneys.—The office of district attorney was erected by act of April 4, 1801, and the state was divided into seven districts. What is now Allegany was in the seventh district. On the 21st of April, 1818, a law was passed making each county a separate district. Under the law and ap- portionment of 1801, William Stuart, 1802, Daniel W. Lewis, 1810, Vincent Matthews, 1813, and Daniel Cruger, 1815, appeared as district attorneys in the courts in this county. It would also seem from the record that these offices had power to appoint a substitute as a 44 Mr. Clark” appeared as that officer at the June term, 1809, and, at the January term, 1813, of General Sessions of the Peace, 44 Mr. Clark appeared in behalf of Mr. Stuart, district attorney.” It seems also that the court had the power to appoint a district attorney in certain cases, as, at the October term, 1818, 44 T. H. Porter was appointed by the court ” and in February, 1819, Henry Wells “for the time being was the district,attorney.” Under the law of 1818, and up to the adop- tion of the constitution of 1846, these persons were appointed to this office: James Cochran April 17, 1820, Samuel S. Haight November 13, 1820, John Cook 1827, George Miles 1836, Alexander S. Diven, 1841, though by the records he appears to have acted in that capacity as early as June, 1837, Wilkes Angel, 1843, Marshall B. Champlain, 1845. Since the office became elective the succession has been: Lucien P. Wetherby elected in June, 1847; Augustus L. Davison elected in November, 1850; William A. Stewart 1853; Hamilton Ward 1856; Milo H. Wygant 1859; Hamilton Ward 1862; James S. Green 1868; Rufus Scott 1871; C. N. Flenagin 1874; O. A. Fuller 1883; C. H. Brown (present incumbent) 1889, The Circuit and Supreme Court Judges who have from time to time held court in this country, form a list of names of which any state, nation, or government might well be proud. In general they have been men of great legal acquirements, possessing minds of a superior order, as well as of great integrity of character and wisdom of judgment, and so have adorned the bench by their ability and added luster to the judicial urmine by their decisions. In some instances they have been promoted to higher po- sitions by the franchises of their fellow citizens. Judge Joseph C. Yates appears by the record of the Oyer and Terminer to have been the first holding court at Angelica, the session being opened254 History of Allegany County, N. Y. June 13, 1815. Associated with him in constituting this court were Moses Van Campen and Thomas Dale. It was the only court at which Judge Yates presided in this county. He was born in Schenectady in 1768 and died there in 1837. He gained great eminence as a lawyer, and was a judge of the supreme court from 1803 till 1822. He helped to found Union College in 1795; was mayor of Schenectady in 1798; state senator in 1806-7, and gover- nor of the state in 1823-24, then retired to private life. From 1815 to 1819 the records do not show any courts of oyer and terminer or circuit courts to have been held. In June of the latter year Hon. John Woodworth presided at oyer and terminer, associated with Philip Church, Moses Van Campen and Clark Crandall. Judge Woodworth was a leading Albany lawyer and was appointed supreme court justice in 1819. L. B. Proctor, in his “ Lives of Eminent Lawyers of New York”, says of him, that “ distinguished for his profundity of learning and judicial ac- complishments he was one of those who gave to the old supreme court that eminence which commanded the respect of the nation.” June 12,1820, “ Hon. Ambrose Spencer Chief Justice, with Philip Church, Moses Van Campen, Thomas Dole and Clark Crandall, Judges” (quoted from the record) held a court of oyer and terminer. At this court the celebrated case of The People ve. Medad McKay was tried. Daniel Cruger was ap- pointed district attorney, but some how the case was brought on “ on motion of John A. Collier, Esq., who prosecuted for the people. A protracted trial followed during which 23 witnesses for the people and 4 for the prisoner were sworn. In the usual order of things the jury “ returned into court and say they find the prisoner guilty. ” McKay was charged with murder, pois- oning his wife. Immediately after this trial which ended with sentence “ to be hanged ” being pronounced by the court, it was discovered that the venire which the officer used in summoning the jury was minus the seal of the court. Stay of execution was secured, the matter was carried to a higher court, to which meantime Judge Spencer had been appointed, and that court, by its opinion given by Judge Spencer in which all concurred, ordered a new trial which was had at the June term, 1821, Wm. W. VanNess being the circuit judge, Philip Church first judge and Moses Van Campen and Thomas Dole judges.”* On this trial, which was also quite protracted, the jury re- turned a verdict of “ not guilty.” Judge Ambrose Spencer was born in Salisbury, Conn., December 13, 1765, and died at Lyons, N. Y., March 13, 1848. He was a graduate of Har- vard, studied law and commenced practice in Hudson, N. Y. In 1793 he was a member of the state assembly and from 1795 for seven years was a state senator. In 1802 he was appointed attorney general, in 1804 made a justice of the supreme court and in 1819 chief justice. He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1821. Resigning the office of chief justice he re- * This was the only court Judge Van Ness held in this county* -Courts and Lawyers. 255 sumed his law practice at Albany in 1823. He was mayor of Albany for some years, and represented the Albany district in congress. Of Judge Wm. W. VanNess the writer has been able to learn but little. He was a contemporary of Daniel Cady, Thomas Addis Emmett and D. C. Colden, all eminent judges and lawyers, and his name used in connection with them by Mr. Proctor is a good guarantee of his ability and prominence. The next judge to hold circuit or oyer and terminer court at Angelica was Wm. B. Rochester, who presided at the July term, 1823. Judge Rochester had lately taken up his residence at Angelica. He presided at all the circuits and oyer and terminer terms held at Angelica in 1823, 1824 and 1825, and presided at the February term 1824, with John Griffin, Thomas Dole, Clark Crandall, Vial Thomas and Sylvanus Merriman as associates. At this term occurred the trial of David D. How for murder. Judge Wm. B. Rochester was born at Hagerstown, Md!, January 29, 1789, the eldest child of Col. Nathaniel Rochester, the founder of the city of Rochester. In 1808 he with his father’s family located at Dansville, Livings- ton county. He was graduated at Charlotte Hall, Md., and studied law with his uncle Judge Adam Beatty in Marysville. Ky., and with Henry Clay at Lexington, Ky. In 1818 he was elected to the legislature from Steuben county, was presidential elector for James Monroe in 1821, and a member of the XVII. congress. In 1823, possibly in 1822, he made his home in Angelica, and in 1823 was appointed judge of the 8th circuit. He made the welcoming speech at Rochester on the occasion of La Fayette’s visit in 1825. In 1826 he was the “ Bucktail ” candidate for governor, but was defeated by DeWitt Clinton, the vote standing Clinton 99,785, Rochester 96,135. Pres. John Adams appointed him secretary of legation to the congress of the North and South American States proposed to be held at Panama, and in 1827 was appointed charge’ d’ affaires to the Federation of Central America. In 1828 a branch of the Bank of the United States was established at Buffalo, and Judge Rochester was appointed its president and held the position until the bank was abolished. In 1837 he went to Pensacola, Fla., where he became president of the Bank of Pensacola, and director of the Alabama, Georgia and Florida railroad. In June, 1838, he embarked on the steamer Pulaski to return north. When off the North Carolina coast one of her boilers exploded and the vessel was lost. The boat in which Judge Rochester sought the shore was capsized and he was drowned only a few rods from land. At the January term, 1826, Judge John Birdsall made his first appear- ance as presiding judge, the other judges being Anson Hinman, Vial Thomas and Sylvanus Merriman. From this time until, and including the May term, 1828, no other circuit judge held court in the country. The writer has been able to get but little information of Judge Birdsall but concludes, from the fact that one of our towns is named after him, that he was fully up to the average, in popularity with the people at least. Addison Gardiner was the next circuit judge who visited Allegany to hold court, appearing first at the October terin 1829, and holding all the courts256 History of Allegany County, N. Y. with one exception till and including the March term, 1836. At his first term S. S. Haight and Anson Hinman were the associates. Judge Gardi- ner began law practice in Rochester in 1822, and was the first justice of the peace there. He was twice elected lieutenant governor, was district attor- ney for Monroe county, and ex-officio vice chancellor. On the organization of the court of appeals in 1847 he was elected one of the judges, served one term of eight years and declined a re-nomination. He died in Rochester in 1883. He was regarded as an able and impartial judge who was greatly re- spected by bar and clientage, and the older members of the bar remember with what delight the lawyers, who were old when they were young, spoke his name and recalled his memory. From the October term, 1831, to the March term, 1833, there appears no record of courts of oyer terminer, which must be taken as evidence either of a paucity of crime highly creditable to our people, or of carelessness on the part of the county clerk. Hon. Charles H. Ruggles presided at the September term, 1836. Of him the writer has been unable to inform him- self. It was his only appearance as a judge in Allegany county. Hon. Daniel Mosely presided at the September term 1836. The local judges were Andrew C. Hull, John Collins and Calvin T. Chamberlain. The writer has not learned anything about Judge Mosely only, that he was ap- pointed a special prosecuting officer in the case of the abduction of Morgan in 1826, and held the position until 1829, when he was .promoted to be circuit judge. He presided at only one term in Allegany. The next in order comes Robert Monell, who held the July term, 1837. The local or county judges at this term were Andrew C. Hull, John Collins and Josiah Utter. Judge Monell held all the courts (circuit and oyer and terminer) down to 1844 He was a Chenango county man, for a part of his life at least having represented that county in the state legislature, was a man of great legal attainments, distinguished for fairness of judgment and impartial decisions, also a man of high social qualities, enjoying immensely a good story or a joke on occasions of relaxation from business. The circuit court records say that Bowen Whiting held the October, 1844, circuit court, and Monell appears by the records to have presided at the oyer and termi- ner at the same term. This is the only appearance of Judge Whiting in Allegany courts as justice. Philo Gridley was the next circuit judge who appeared, holding a term October, 1845, and also presiding at the oyer and terminer. At the June, 1846, Judge Hiram Gray appeared, presided at oyer and terminer, with S. C. Wilson, William Hicks, Jazaniah Emerson and George B. Jones, associates. He held courts through 1846-7. He was an Elmira man, but more than this the writer has not learned. Hon. Richard P. Marvin appeared at the January term, 1848, being the first of the circuit judges elected under the new constitution to hold court here. Up to this time the judges ihad all been appointed by the governor and senate. From this time down to the November term, 1870, Judge Mar-Courts and Lawyers. 257 vin frequently held courts here. At the oyer and terminer in 1848 his associates were Wm, G. Angel, Wolcott Hatch, Robert H. Renwick, and during the long time in which he administered justice in Allegany he became quite familiar with our people. He was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, December 23, 1803. He worked on a farm until he was 19 years old, he taught a district school to obtain the means to complete his legal studies, which he for a while pursued under the renowned Mark H. Sibley, was ad- mitted to the bar of the supreme court in 1829, and ten years later, on mo- tion of Daniel Webster, was admitted as attorney and counsellor in the su- preme court of the United States. He was one of the early promoters of the Erie railroad, addressing in 1831 the first public meeting held in its be half. In 1835 he was elected to the legislature, and in 1836 to congress and re-elected in 1838. He was a warm friend and supporter of Henry Clay in 1844. In 1846 was a member of the constitutional convention, and in 1847 was the first one nominated at the judicial convention at Buffalo for justice of the supreme court, for the Eighth Judicial District, under the new order. Horace Greeley who was opposed to the elective system for judges said, “It was no wonder that the Eighth District favored it, when it had such pure and able judges as Marvin, and his associates,’’ and “that the Eighth Judicial District had the ablest judges in the state.” Mr. Marvin held the position 24 years, and was regarded by the public and by suitors at law as one of the ablest and best equipped of judges in a district especially noted for the high character of its judiciary. He died January 11, 1892. Hon. James Mullett’s first appearance to hold court in Allegany was in August, 1848. At the oyer and terminer Wm. G. Angel as county judge and John Wheeler and W. H. King as justices of sessions were associated with him. Judge Mullett continued for five years to visit Allegany as a circuit judge. He had few advantages of schools, and late in life began to study law. But his industry and ability were more than an offset for his lack of early opportunity. By persistent study he acquired the power of express- ing himself in strong, original and well-chosen language. He was also celebrated for his great fund of wit, and his skill at repartee. He was re- garded as one of the soundest judges of the Eighth Judicial District. He removed to Buffalo in 1843. He represented Chautauqua county in the assembly, 1823-4, and was appointed district attorney of that county in 1826. The record says that in December, 1848, a “General term of supreme court, and special term of supreme court and supreme court in equity,” was held at the court house in Angelica by Samuel L. Selden, one of the justices of the supreme court. A court of oyer and terminer was also then held, Wolcott Hatch and John Wheeler being the justices of sessions, at which John Allen was tried for stealing horses from the Seneca Indians on their reservation near Buffalo. Allen was sent to state prison for four years, and thus was broken up a confederacy of horse thieves and gamblers which had for some years infested northwestern Allegany. It was a nota-258 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ble trial, Lrucien P. Wetherby was the district attorney, and M. B. Champ- lain and Martin Grover defended Allen. This was the only time Judge Selden held court here. He was a remarkable man, 44his own architect.” He-resided in Rochester, was elected first judge of the court of common pleas of Monroe county in 1831, was clerk of the Eighth Chancery Circuit, elected justice of the supreme court in 1847, and in 1856 of the court of appeals. It is said of him 44 that he was elected to both of the latter offices before he had appeared at the bar of either courts.” Hon. Moses Taggart of Batavia was the next in order of appearance, at the January term, 1849. The record omits stating who were associated with him as justices of sessions. Mr. Taggart, though perhaps not as brilliant as some of the other judges, was a man of good knowledge of law, and his decisions were sound and very seldom disturbed by appeals. Hon. Seth E. Sill came next to Angelica, holding the September, 1849, term. He was born in Saratoga county in 1809, finished his legal education in the office of Thomas T. Sherwood, Buffalo, and was admitted in 1836. He was one of the many judges elected in 1847, and died in 1851. He was known and esteemed throughout the state as a learned and able jurist, and distin- guished for his unblemished and unbending integrity. The December term, 1850, was held by Hon. James G. Hoyt. At the oyer and terminer Wm. G. Angel county judge and Henry Stevens and A. A. Norton justices of sessions, were associated with him. Judge Hoyt was in every sense a self-made man, winning his way step by step from one position to another with great professional learning and eminent ability. He was particularly distinguished for his uniform courtesy, his purity of life, and entire conscientiousness in the discharge of official duties. He died in Buffalo in 1863. Hon. Levi P. Bowen presided at the December term, 1853. Wm. H. King and Hiram Boorn were associated in the oyer and terminer. Bowen held courts here until 1856. At the March term, 1854, Hon. Richard F. Green presided, Wm. H. King and Levi Foster being the justices of sessions. This and the July term, 1854, were the only courts at which he presided in the county. Hon. Benjamin F. Green presided at the July term of 1855. Reuben Weed and Chas. W. Woodworth were his associates in the oyer and termi- ner. Mr. Green held courts here until and including the July term, 1858. He lived at Fredonia, was elected justice of the supreme court in 1853, and died in 1860. He was a man of eminent ability as a lawyer, and a high order of excellence as a judge. Hon. Noah Davis first appeared at the Allegany courts at the March term, 1858. E. E. Harding and J. W. Deuel were his associates in the oyer and terminer. His last appearance was at the September term, 1867. He was one of the ablest judges who ever held court in Allegany, and for that matter in the state. He later removed to New York City and his abilities as a judge have been properly recognized in the American metropolis.Courts and Lawyers. 259 Hon. Martin Grover was the next in order, holding his first term in December, 1858. He continued to hold courts in Allegany until about 1870. He was born in Hartwick, Otsego county, in 1811. His father was a farmer of limited means, but possessed of great energy of character and a man of the strictest integrity, traits which the son inherited in a marked degree. He had advantage only of an academic course of study, not having the means required to take a college course. He had however qualities which greatly compensated for his lack of scholastic acquirements, and forcibly illustrated the saying of Gibbon, that a liberal education was but little avail, except to him who did not need it. While engaged in teaching he pursued the study of law with the Hon. Wm. G. Angel, and he accompanied him toHammonds- port, there completed his studies and was admitted to the bar. Locating in Angelica, he soon induced-Mr. Angel to come thither and the well-remem- bered law firm of Angel & Grover was established. Mr. Grover’s rare qualities of mind, his wonderful perceptive faculties, blended with a marvel- lous memory and untiring industry, soon gave him a commanding position at the bar of Western New York. As a public speaker he was earnest, im- pressive, singularly apt in his presentation, and strong in his statements of facts or propositions. His language was plain, it might be said blunt, and his peculiar voice, tuned to a high key, which once heard was never forgot- ten, penetrated to the remotest parts of his audience on occasions of political meetings, and, combined with rare ingenuity, was sure to make an abiding impression on a jury. His careless habits of dress, which it has been said was more from lack of means over and above his expenses and the sum he felt constrained to put into books than from slovenly propensities, gained for him in the early years of his practice the sobriquet of “ the ragged law- yer,” or 44 the ragged lawyer from Allegany,” and it has also been claimed that this appellation actually contributed to his fame as a lawyer, as an ad- vocate and as a political speaker. Mr. Grover was a Democrat until 1848, when he took part in the famous Buffalo convention. He was elected to con- gress in 1844, and took an active part in discussing the questions relating to slavery extension, supporting Hon. David Wilmot in his advocacy of the “Wilmot proviso.” In 1852 he supported Franklin Pierce for the presi- dency, was found in the Republican party upon its formation in 1854, where he continued until about 1863, when he allied himself again with the Demo- crats, and remained with them thereafter. In 1857 a vacancy occurring on the bench of the supreme court, occasioned by the death of Judge Sill, he was appointed to the place, and, in 1859, was elected to the same office. In 1870 he was elected one of the justices of the court of appeals, and was con- tinued in that position until his death in 1875. He was one of the ablest jurists of the court, and discharged the duties of the position with dignity, dispatch, fidelity and honor. In 1845 he married Miss Emily Whitmore, a niece of Hon. Wm. G. Angel, who survived him eighteen years. They had no children. In this connection we introduce the following from Hon. Wm. F. Jones:260 History of Allegany County, N. Y. “ When I came to Allegany in 1852 I think the lawyers who frequented the bar at Angelica were perhaps the ablest, taken as a whole, of any in its his- tory . Martin Grover was then in his prime, and it was before he went npon the bench. A. P. Laning and Marshall B. Champlain were among the younger, but shining lights, and then the circuits were regularly attended by Luther C. Peck of Nunda, William Barnes of Bath, and Diven, Hathaway and Woods of Elmira; a strong array for untried aspirants like Hamilton Ward and myself to meet. By the way I was a delegate to the judicial con- vention held at Buffalo which gave Martin Grover his nomination for supreme court judge, and we had a lively time of it. The Erie county dele- gation was solid against him, objecting to his want of dignity in demeanor and careless habits of dress, and made some hot speeches on the subject, saying that Grover’s ‘ slouch hat, calf boots and homespun pants ’ were not compatible with judicial dignity. I had to talk for Allegany. I said that the plain people up our way cared more about the quality of a man’s brains than they did about the style of his hat or cut of his pants, and if they would give us Martin Grover for judge, we should all know that we had one man with a judicial capacity and we would take the risk of dress reform, and even if reform did not follow, whenever they saw the judge enter the Erie county court house under his old slouch hat they might console themselves with the comforting reflection that it covered more brains than any 4 shining silk ’ in Buffalo. Grover was nominated and my prediction was, I think,, fully verified. ” In the order of first appearance Hon. Henry Wells was next, holding the October term, 1862. Wolcott Hatch county judge, and Freeman Atwood and John F. Olney were the associates in the oyer and terminer. Judge Henry Wells was born at Kinderhook, October 13,1794. He studied law with Gen. Vincent Matthews at Bath, and was admitted to the bar in the same class with the late Hon. John B. Skinner. In October, 1824, he was appointed district attorney for Steuben county, in 1847 was elected justice of the supreme court for the Seventh District, the duties of which he discharged for nearly 21 years. His decisions were distinguished by clearness, steadi- ness, justice and right, deriving their strength from that fairness, rectitude and simplicity which entered so largely into his personality. He died at Penn Yan, March 7,1868. Hon. Charles Daniels. In answer to a request for a sketch, or data for one, Judge Daniels wrote a long and exceedingly interesting letter, which will be placed in the archives of the Allegany County Historical Society. From this letter the following sketch is drawn, which covers his occupation of the bench of the supreme court. He was first elected in November, 1863, and Governor Seymour appointed him to fill out the term of the Hon. James G. Hoyt, deceased. The last year of his first term he was in the court of appeals. In 1869 he was elected for another term of eight years, and then he was elected without a contestant for a term of fourteen years. During the last year of this term the objection was made that his age would not per-Courts and Lawyers. 261 mit him to hold the office for another full term, and he might after that, if again elected, be entitled to draw the salary without rendering any service. This resulted in a contest for the office, and he declined to be a candidate. He served as judge over 28 years. In 1892 he was elected to congress for the Thirty-third District, receiving a plurality of about 5,000 votes, and in T894 was re-elected by a plurality of about 12,000 votes. During his judicial career he never failed to hold all courts assigned to him, except when he was appointed to hold extraordinary courts in other parts of the state. That was the case in the trial of Greenfield in Syracuse for killing his wife, which consumed more than six weeks’ time. He also presided in New York City in the celebrated trial of Senator Genet, one of the Tweed Ring, for obtain- ing money on false vouchers for materials for the Harlem court house. Genet was convicted, but was permitted to escape. After being a wanderer for over a year Genet gave himself up, and his case was taken to the supreme court and court of appeals, aiid the verdict affirmed. He was then sentenced to the penitentiary for nearly a year, and to pay a fine of $10,000, being the amount he had obtained, with interest. He suffered the imprisonment and paid the fine, which it is believed was the only money refunded on the con- viction of the members of the infamous 44 Tweed Ring. ’ ’ Judge Daniels also wrote the decision affirming the order to hold Tweed to bail, in a suit brought to recover money appropriated by him. That decision was affirmed by the court of appeals, and resulted in the detention of Tweed in prison until his death. Judge Daniels was by assignments of the different governors a member of the appellate division of the supreme court in New York City for 20 years, holding at least four terms of that court each year. The period covered by his judicial career was one of constant labor and responsibility, and gained for him great eminence as a judge and placed him on the list of distinguished self-made men. Judge Daniels says: 44 It has been my lot from boyhood to employ my time in unremitting labor, and the present forms no exception in my favor. My schooling was less than a year, and what was afterwards acquired resulted from persistent study, during short intervals devoted to manual labor on farms and in mechanical pur- suits.” Hon. George Barker was next, holding the October term, 1868, Anson C. Hall and Merritt B. Dake were justices of sessions. He was born in Venice, Cayuga Co., November 6, 1823, studied law with David Wright, Esq., of Auburn, and located in Predonia in January, 1848, just after his admission to the bar. In 1853 he was elected district attorney for Chautauqua county, serving one term. Again elected in 1862, he soon resigned on account of his large practice. In 1867 he was a member of the constitutional convention and was the same year elected justice of the supreme court for the Eighth Judicial District, without opposition. In 1875 he was again elected for a term of 14 years, a large part of this term he was a member of the general term for the Fourth Judicial Department and for the last years was its presiding judge. He was a member of the constitutional commission to propose262 History of Allegany County, N. Y. amendments to the judicial article of the constitution. He is now enjoying- a well-earned and happy retirement. His long service on the bench has made him known as one of our most able and distinguished jurists. Hon. George D. Lamont held his first term in Allegany in February, 1869. Washington Moses and Merritt B. Dake were the justices of sessions. For five or six years Judge Lamont as often as any other of the judges held circuits in Allegany. The records show Hon. David Rumsey as holding court in February, 1875, the only term which it appears he held here. He had previously been a member of congress, and was a man very highly esteemed, not only as a lawyer and judge but as a citizen. As he was a resident of Bath, in another judicial district, he was no doubt sent to hold this term in some emergency. Hon. Wm. H. Henderson was the next judge in order of appearance, holding the June term, 1876. John T. Wright and Stephen Thomas were justices of sessions. The records show no other term held by Judge Hender- son. He is still living at Randolph, Cattaraugus county. He was admitted to the bar in 1852, having studied with Alexander Sheldon and Joseph E. Weeden, of Randolph. He was appointed by Governor Tilden to serve in place of Hon. George D. Lamont, deceased, in 1876, and the same year was nominated by the Democrats for a full term, but was defeated by Albert Haight. His legal ability and general worth as a citizen are fully recognized by the people of Western New York. As it is thought all other judges who have held courts in this county are (with one exception) now living, their names only will (as a general thing) be given and the time of their first appearance. Our people meet them from time to time in various capacities and have their own opinions in regard to them. It is safe however to say that the reputation of the judges of the Eighth Judicial District is fully up to the average of other districts of the state in learning and ability, and in possession of all the necessary qualities for an exalted judiciary. Hon. Albert Haight of Buffalo held his first term in Allegany in June, 1877. Hon. Loran L. Lewis, another Buffalo man, first appeared in October, 1883. Hon. Henry A. Childs held the June term, 1884. He is a resident of Albion, Orleans county. Hon. Thomas Corlett, (deceased) held his first court here in January, 1885. He had formerly lived in Attica, but was re- siding in Buffalo when he died. Hon. John S. Lambert, a Chautauqua man, held his first court in Allegany in January, 1890. Hon. Hamilton Ward appeared first in June, 1892. Judge Hamilton Ward was born in Salisbury, Herkimer county, July 3, 1829. In 1849 he entered the law office of A. & W. P. Konkle, of Elmira, as a student and applied himself with such assiduity that he was admitted to the bar in 1851. In September, 1851, he settled in Belmont and soon took a prom- inent position in the Allegany bar. In 1856 he was elected district attorney and again elected in 1862. In 1864 he was elected to congress, and was twice re-elected, serving six years continuously, during a very importantCourts and Lawyers. 263 period in the administration of the government. In congress he was a member of the committee on claims, of the committee on reconstruction and of the committee appointed to impeach President Johnson. For a few years subsequent to 1871 he devoted himself entirely to the practice of law and was considered as one of the most successful lawyers of the state. In 1879 he was elected attorney general of the state, and May, 1891, he was appointed to fill the vacancy on the bench of the supreme court made by the death of Judge Thomas Corlett. In the fall of 1891 he was elected justice of the supreme court, which high office he now holds, discharging its duties with ability of a high order. While in practice he was connected with many of the important cases in Western New York, among them that of The People vs. Hendryx for the murder of his wife. He was the successful attorney in the Angelica and Caneadea railroad bond cases, in the great Whitney divorce case and in other hotly contested causes. Wliile attorney general he was as- signed by the governor to prosecute Barney Hughes for the murder of W. J. Hadley, a distinguished criminal lawyer of Albany. The case attracted state-wide attention, and Mr. Ward’s summing up was very highly com- mended. As a member of the capitol commission he caused to be abrogated a contract for the purchase of granite at a saving to the state of $200,000. He was appointed by Gov. Hill a member of the commission to revise the con- stitution, and was one of those who opposed the final action of the commis- sion, which resulted in its rejection by the legislature. Although Judge Hatch has not held any terms of court in Allegany as yet, he is one of our own sons, and as we expect that he will visit us in his judicial capacity, we take pleasure in giving a sketch of him here. Hon. Edward W. Hatch, one of the justices of the supreme court of this state, was born in Friendship, November 26, 1852. His father, Jeremiah Hatch, a de- scendant of Capt. Jeremiah Hatch who served in the Revolutionary War, was educated at Middlebury College, Vt., became a tutor inNewberne, N. C., and subsequently was principal of Friendship Academy. In 1856 Judge Hatch’s father became canal collector on the Genesee Valley Canal, and read law in the office of A. P. Laning. At the breaking out of the war he raised a com- pany and went out as captain in the 130th N. Y., and died of disease at Suf- folk, Va., in December, 1862. Judge Hatch’s mother was a daughter of Sid- ney Rigdon. After the death of Captain Hatch the family removed to Friendship, where Judge Hatch attended the Academy in the autumn and winter months, until he was sixteen years old. He then learned the black- smith trade, working at it in this county, and in the lumber woods of Penn- sylvania, and at Attica, Wyoming county, until December, 1872. During all these years, however, he had a latent ambition to become a lawyer. An op- portunity came in 1872, when he began to read law in the office of Hon. Andrew J. Lorish, the present county judge of Wyoming county, then post- master at Attica, and at the same time he was made a clerk in the postoffice. In 1874 he came to Buffalo, and entered the law office of Corlett & Tabor, the former of whom afterwards became a justice of the supreme court and264 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the latter attorney general of the state. This firm dissolved in 1875, Judge Hatch remaining with Judge Corlett until admitted to the bar in June, 1876. He then practiced law alone until 1878, when he formed a partnership with his former preceptor, Judge Corlett, which continued until the latter went upon the bench in 1883. In 1880 and 1883 Judge Hatch was nominated by acclamation by the Republican party for the office of district attorney of Erie county, and was elected each time by a large vote. In January, 1884, he entered the firm thereafter known as Box, Hatch & Norton and there contin- ued until January, 1887, when he was elected one of the judges of the superior court of Buffalo, a court having equal jurisdiction with the supreme court of the state. The superior court of Buffalo was abolished on December 31, 1895, and its judges were transferred into the supreme court for the re- mainder of their terms. Judge Hatch had still five years to serve, but in the autumn of 1894 he was unanimously nominated as a supreme court justice in the Eighth Judicial District embracing the counties of Western New York, for the full fourteen year term, and elected by a large and flatter- ing vote, whereupon he formally resigned as judge of the superior court for the unexpired term. All of bis promotions have been the result of increas- ing majorities. As a lawyer in private practice, as district attorney and on the bench, Judge Hatch has been conspicuous for his ability, industry, per- sistence, courage, sound judgment and high sense of honor. He has also, at all times, taken an active interest in public affairs and reforms, is at present a member of the faculty of the Buffalo Law School, and lectures frequently in Buffalo and elsewhere on social, ethical and economic subjects.' Though still comparatively a young man his progress has been rapid, but based on unflagging energy, honest endeavor and substantial merit. By appointment of Governor Morton he is now a member of the appellate court of the sec- ond division, Hon. Manley C. Green held the June term, 1894, and the June term, 1895, was held by Hon. Alfred Spring. Judge Spring was born at Franklinville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1851, son of ‘ Hon. Samuel S. Spring. He was educated at Ten Broeck Free Academy, graduating in June, 1870. Reading law with his father, he was admitted to practice in October, 1875, and in 1879 was elected surrogate of Cattaraugus county, holding by re-election the office 12 years and with decided ability. He has since been in practice in Franklin ville with his brother George C., until in the beginning of 1895 he was appointed justice of the supreme court to fill the existing vacancy, and in November following was elected to the same position. Quaint Records and Notable Trials.—The first indictment by a grand jury in Allegany county was found at the June term, 1809, and David Sanford, presumably of Caneadea, was the party indicted. The offense charged was assault and battery, but the record does not show upon whom. He w^as tried at that term and “ found not guilty. ” Another and similar in-Courts and Lawyers. 265 dictment was found against him, upon which he was tried, found guilty and fined $5. Stephen Waterman for a like offense was fined $10. By scanning the records it would seem that from 1809 to 1825 assault and battery was epidemic with our population, the instances of indictments for that offense being almost innumerable. Many when tried were found not guilty, and where convicted the fines ran from $1 to $25, the latter sum of course im- posed in aggravated cases. The first trial for grand larceny was at the October term, 1809,. Ebenezer Slawson being tried and found not guilty, the jury not leaving their seats. At the October term, 1810, Daniel Graham was tried and found ‘‘guilty of the felony whereof he stands indicted, and so say they all.” He was “ committed to states prison for four years.” For what crime he was punished does not appear, but Mr. Graham enjoys the distinc- tion of being the first representative of Allegany county in the state prison. At the June term, 1811, Jasher Clark was indicted for “intent to murder,’ Ammi Holt for forgery and Ebenezer Griffith for libel. Mr. G. was tried at the next term, found guilty and fined $20, At the June term, 1814, the record reveals this. The People Agt. Sherman Manville Indicted for felony Pleads guilty tried and “ the jury return to the bar and find him not guilty.” At the October term, 1818, John Radley and Jotham Campbell were in- dicted for horse-racing. At the October term, 1819, Medad McKay was in- dicted for murder in poisoning his wife. This was the first of its kind in the county. But as the years pass the catalogue of crime increases. At the February term, 1824, David D. How was indicted for the murder of Othello Church on December 30, 1823, by a grand jury which consisted of Moses Van Campen, foreman, William Bennett, Elijah Osgood, Wm. Gray, Hiram Gray, Eleazar Burbank, Freeman S. Wilson, Charles Swift, Horatio Smith, Levi Benjamin, Matthew P. Cady, Daniel Woods, Solomon Chamber- lain, Nathaniel H. Fordice, Walter Bennett, Azel Fitch, Ebenezer Pettis, Stephen Merrils, John Hammond and Jeremiah Fuller. On the 4th and 5th of February How was tried by a jury consisting of Daniel Scott, Isaac Smith, Amasa Hall, Peter Bacon, William Rose, Luke Maxon, George G. Patterson, Joseph Haynes, Ephraim Rowley, Joseph H. Root, Simon Williams and Horace Whitney. The court was held in a room over the first jail which stood on the site of the present Catholic church in Angelica. Samuel S. Haight was the district attorney. He was assisted by John C. Spencer, son of Judge Ambrose Spencer, (to whom the court ordered the payment of $100 or his services), and Daniel Cruger. For the prisoner appeared Fletcher M. Haight, Alvin Burr and Felix Tracy. Forty-one witnesses were sworn on the part of the people, and fifteen for the defense. William B. Rochester was the circuit judge and associated with him were John Griffin, Thos. Dole, Clark Crandall, Vial Thomas and Sylvanus Merriman, judges. Great interest was manifested in the case, and during266 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the trial, which was ably conducted on both sides, a military guard was stationed around the jail. Public sympathy was largely in favor of the pris- oner. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty and How immediately confessed his guilt. He was sentenced to be hung on the third Friday of the following March. So much sympathy for How was expressed by the people that the authorities placed a guard about the jail and the house of Sheriff Wilson for several days previous to the execution, fearing that an attempt might be made to rescue him. How was publicly executed as the sentence directed, and people came to witness the execution from Cayuga, Steuben, Livingston, Genesee and Cattaraugus counties and from Potter county, Pa. Half a hundred Indians from the reservation at Caneadea were present. The gal- lows stood just west of where the Charles Hotel now stands. No other exe- cution in this county has excited anything like the degree of interest that prevailed on this memorable occasion. At the May term, 1827, Henry W. Tracy was indicted for “ Blasphema.” He was tried and the court imposed a fine of $25, defendant to stand committed until paid. There must have been some violent and extravagant language used in those days, for at the May term of oyer and terminer, 1830, Gilbert B. Champlain was indicted for blasphemy. The record-maker for the September term, 1834, opens his account thus: “ At a court of oyer and terminer * * * Present Adison Great Judge ” etc. Judge Addison Gardiner presided. As late as October, 1838, “ court adjourned to house kept by Warner Hastings, in Angelica,” for what reason is not stated; perhaps some repairs to the court house were in progress. At the June term, 1840, Robert Monell circuit judge, presiding, Patrick Brien was indicted for murder, arraigned, pleaded not guilty and demanded trial and was released on $500 bail, but nothing further appears concerning the case. At the same term William Casey was indicted for murder, pleaded not guilty, was tried, convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years in state prison. James Welch and Michael Linch were the same year indicted for killing Patrick Linch, but the records do not show a trial. Patrick Kelly was indicted in October, 1841, for the murder of his wife at Andover. He was tried at the next June term, Hon. Robert Monell presid- ing. Hon. Wilkes Angel appeared for the people, and William G. Angel and Martin Grover for the defendant. The case was submitted, and, after the jury had been out a short time, the judge sent for them, and asked them if they had agreed upon a verdict. They answered ‘.‘no,” and he promptly discharged them. The case had been made much stronger against the pris- oner than was expected, and the judge took this way of forewarning the counsel for the prisoner. Another trial was had, a more vigorous defense was interposed and a verdict of acquittal resulted. Henry Sheffield was tried in June, 1842, before Judge Monell for killing Wm. Boyle of Amity, convicted of manslaughter in the third degree, and sent to state prison for two years. The years during which the construction of the Erie railroad and theCourts and Lawyers. 267 Genesee Valley canal was prosecuted afforded more than the average num- ber of cases of homicide, though but one conviction was secured, that of Matthew Carrigan for shooting David Romer. He was indicted in April, 1851, and tried before Hon. Richard P. Marvin the June following, and was executed in due time. Lewis Stanch in July, 1854, was indicted for poison- ing Samuel Lentz, tried in March, 1855, and acquitted. Erastus Smith was indicted for the murder of Martin Van Buren, and was tried in December of the same year, and acquitted. At the October term, 1861, Charles W. Brooks and Arnold W. Hazzard were indicted for murdering Matthew Seeley in March, 1862, a plea of manslaughter in the first degree was entered, and they were sent to states prison, Brooks for eight years and one month, and Hazzard seven years and one month. Thomas Burns and Mark Costello were indicted in July, 1862, for murder. Costello was tried in October and convicted of manslaughter in the third degree, and Burns plead guilty to the same and both were sentenced to two years in state prison. Jane Brooks was indicted for the murder of Mary Lacelle by poisoning, at the July term, 1863, and was tried the next October before Hon. Martin Grover. Hon. Hamilton Ward was the prosecuting attorney and Hon. Wilkes Angel and Col. A. J. McNett defended. The case from its nature and cir- cumstances was invested with unusual interest; the trial resulting in con- viction, and sentence to be hanged on the 18th of December, 1863, but the Governor interposed and commuted her sentence to imprisonment for life. Jerome Curtis of Granger was indicted in 1865 for murdering his wife by poisoning. The case was tried in 1866 and resulted in a verdict of acquittal. A notable trial was that of David H. Carpenter in February, 1869, for the murder of his brother. Hon. M. B. Champlain assisted the district attorney Gen. Rufus Scott, and Hon. Wilkes Angel and A. P. Laning defended the prisoner. No motive for the crime could be shown. The son of the prisoner was instrumental in securing his conviction, and he was executed in April, 1869. Probably the most notable trial for murder in this county was that of Henry C. Hendryx for the murder of his wife by shooting on July 7, 1876. He was tried in October before Judge Barker at Belmont, and the jury, fail- ing to agree, was discharged. The following June at Angelica he was again tried, and the jury returned a verdict of murder in the second degree, and he was sentenced to imprisonment in the state prison for life. At the January term, 1882, Edwin Whipple was indicted for murder, tried, found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to states prison for 19 years. John McCarthy was at the same term tried for murder, found guilty and was hung the 24th of the next March. In January, 1886, Isaac Griffin was indicted for murder, afterward convicted of manslaughter and sent to state prison for life. Charles Gilbert and Henry Smith have each been sent to prison for life, each being indicted for murder. •268 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Attorneys and Counsellors.—It is to be regretted that more can- not be learned of the lawyers who attended our very earliest courts. The record of their oaths as attorneys and counsellors affords, in many cases, even of prominent lawyers, the only thing we can give concerning them. By the list it appears that at the opening of the first court five attorneys were sworn in. Of that five a sketch of Daniel Cruger only appears. Three more were sworn at the next term. S. S. Haight and Zephania Z. Caswell being two, and of them, though very prominent, but little is known. John Mastick, an early lawyer of Rochester, was sworn in at the January term, 1809, though then of course from some other place. Timothy H. Porter took the oath in June, 1809. He resided in this county for a while, probably at Angelica, was senator from Allegany and Steuben 1816-1829, inclusive, and then removing to Olean was the first presiding judge of the court of common pleas in Cattaraugus county. He died in Olean about 1840, after a very busy and useful life. Wm. B. Rochester appeared in our courts as early as 1811. Henry Wells afterward Judge Wells appeared first in June, 1818, and Charles H. Carroll in February, 1820. Luther C. Peck took the oath in June, 1826. He was then living in Pike, where he was supervisor six years and justice of the peace ten years. He was elected to congress in 1836 and re-elected in 1838. For nearly 50 years he attended the Allegany courts. He was a very able man, a great master of sarcasm, and an eloquent advocate. Ransom Lloyd afterward county judge first appeared in our courts in February, 1827. At the same court John Young of Geneseo also appeared. Mr. Young was for years frequent in his attendance at our courts. He was an able lawyer, a powerful advocate and successful attorney, and afterward governor. John C. Spencer’s name does not appear, though it is well known?that he was engaged oil the How trial in 1824. So it seems there must have been some exceptions. Nor does the name of Dudley Marvin appear, though for years he attended our courts. He was a great criminal lawyer and one of the most remarkable men of the state. He was formerly of Canandaigua, New York and Brooklyn, and later became a resident of Chautauqua county. He “ rode the circuit ” in his earlier and more active days. John G. Collins took the oath as an attorney June 23, 1830. The first appearance of Alexander S. Diven was February 12, 1834. The late Samuel M. Russell put in his first appearance at the June term, 1830. William G. Angel and Martin Grover appeared and took the oath June 23, 1835. The late Benjamin F. Angell of Geneseo was sworn February 11, 1836, and Miles Moffatt of Portageville October 6, 1836. Wilkes Angel and his brother William P., Dec. 10, 1836 Wm. A. Stewart afterward district attorney for Allegany, was sworn as attorney and counsellor October 5, 1837. Wolcott Hatch, afterward county judge, October 2,1838, and Marshall B. Champlain February 8,1839. Samuel C. Wilson took the oath June 2, 1840, and I. N. Stoddard June 7, 1841. Mr. Stoddard was quite a prominent lawyer from Genesee county. Gideon L. Walker first appeared at the February term, 1843, and David J. Pulling and Lucien P. Wether by at the June term same year. Albert P. Laning wasCourts and Lawyers. 269 sworn as attorney and counsellor June 6, 1844, and James R. Doolittle Feb- ruary 8, 1845. Mr. Doolittle was one of the bright and shining stars in the legal firmament of those days. Weathersfield, Wyoming Co., was his native place. About 1850 he removed to Wisconsin and soon after became United States senator from that state. E. E. Harding first appeared at our courts June 8, 1845, and so has rounded out over half a century of successful prac- tice, being now the oldest attorney and counsellor, both in age and practice, in the county. Scott Lord appeared February 2, 1846. Mr. Lord has since achieved great eminence as a lawyer in New York City. This list has been “ sifted over ” down to fifty years ago. The absence of some distinguished names is no more noticeable than the appearance of others. John B. Skinner was an almost constant attendant upon the Alle- gany courts for a great many years, and was one of the leading lawyers of Western New York, yet we fail to find his name; while the names of Reuben Weed, Jazaniah Emerson, Peter S. Norris and others, who were never known as lawyers do appear. The list discontinues with February, 1847. Quite likely new provisions were made under the new constitution for the admis- sion of lawyers to practice. That historic old court house at Angelica has been the scene of many a legal encounter, many a battle of intellectual giants, and, on occasion, has been crowded to the doorways to listen to the forensic efforts of John B. Skinner, George Barker, Luther C. Peck, James R. Doolittle, Alexander S. Diven, Martin Grover, Dudley Marvin, John Young, Marshall B. Champlain and others, not to speak of those of the present day. Intense was the excitement of the crowd, and more especially of the clients, when, after the case was “summed up” and the judge “charged” the jury, the latter retired, and with what suspense and breathless anxiety was awaited their return with a verdict, which the late Luther C. Peck said was “ out of, and beyond all human calculation, and would challenge the omniscience of Deity to forecast.” And those displays of eloquence, those engagements of the lighter arms and the heavy artillery of the bar of Western New York were given for a mere pittance compared with the fees of successful practitioners of to-day. One of the older members of the Allegany bar told the Writer he had known Martin Grover in his early years of practice to drive over from Angelica to Cuba and ‘ ‘ pettifog ’ ’ a case before a justice for the insignificant sum of two dollars, and, repeating this to an old resident of Hume, this man declared that he had known him to come to Hume on a like errand for A dollar and A half! Of course the pay of the lawyers of those days when engaged in the higher courts was only proportionately larger, but would the merest tyro in the profession to-day travel twenty miles and back, and “foggasuit” before a justice for the pay that Martin Grover received? Reminiscences, anecdotes, jokes and peculiar episodes without number of Allegany’s early courts and lawyers might be recited did time and space permit, and it is to be hoped that some competent member of the profession may deem it a labor of love to rescue them from oblivion and preserve them270 History of Allegany County, N. Y. in a volume entirely devoted to this subject. We will now present the “ oath list ” of early lawyers, and follow it with personal sketches. “OATH LIST” OF ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS. 1807. C. T. Harrison, Daniel Cruger, Horatio Waterhouse, J. Clark, Phineas L. Ely, Nov. 10. 1808. S. S. Haight, Jan. 28, Z. Z. Caswell, John S. Daly, Oct. 25. 1809. John Mastick, Jan. 18, William Wiesman, Daniel W. Lewis, Timothy H. Porter, June 27. 1810. Reuben Smith 2d, Oct. 23. 1811. William B. Rochester, J. J. Haight, June 25, Josiah Robinson, Oct. 27. 1814. William Woods, June 28, R. Bunner, Oct. 25. 1815. David Hudson, David Woods, David Higgins, Jr., Oct. 21. 1817. Alvin Burr, Jan. 21, John Collins, Jan 22, Mayhew Safford, June 24, Felix Tracy, Oct. 28. 1818. Henry Wells, Jacob R. Everstow, Lewis L. Littlejohn, June 24. 1819. James Cochrane, Oct. 26, James Crocker, Edward Howell, Oct. 27. 1820. Charles H. Carroll, Feb. 8, Anson Gibbs, June 27. 1821. George H. Green, Fletcher M. Haight, Feb. 13, George Miles, Oct. 6. 1822. Ziba A. Leland, Oct. 21. 1823. Russell Day, Oct, 23, William Hyslop, Oct. 24. 1824. John D. Safford, Feb. 11. 1825. Mr. Cook, Feb. 8. 1826. John G. Hallett, Arthur Herrick, June 7, Luther C. Peck, C. H. Beyong, June 28. 1827. Ransom Lloyd, L. Waldron, John Young, Feb. 15, Levi Warner Ruggles, Ambrose Bennett, June 26, Henry W. Rogers, Oct. 23, Joseph Wilson, Oct. 25. 1828. Elijah Griswold, Feb. 12. 1830. Henry Bryan, Dudley C. Bryan, June 22, John G. Collins, June 23. 1831. James Smith, Benjamin C. Cook, John B. Cooley, June 28, Frederick Carter, Bronson Owen, Oct. 25. 1832. Francis Storms, Feb. 15, James Proudfit, Feb. 14, Anthony S. Chew, Robert Haight, June 27, Lyman Sherwood, June 25, Robert S. Wilson, June 28. 1834. A. C. Chipman, Alexander S. Diven, Samuel M. Russell, Feb. 12, William R. Smith, June 30, William M. Hawley, Oct. 31, Wittel Larabee, Nov. 8. 1835. William G. Angel, John E. Niles, Martin Grover, B. Bagley, June 23, J. B. Goodwin, June 26, Isaac L. Endress, June 28. 1836. Benjamin F. Angell, Andrew Mead, Feb. n, Miles Moffat, Oct. 6, C. T. Chamberlain, Wilkes Angel, Charles Collins, William P. Angel, Dec. 10. 1837. Addison M. Crane, June 6, Nathan Osborne, Dexter Straight, Oct. 4, William A. Stewart, J. K. Hale, Oct. 5. 1838. Alvan Peck, James L. Loop, Feb. 7, Marvin Trail, June 6, Wolcott Hatch, Oct. 2. 1839. Marshall B. Champlain, Feb. 8. 1840. Reuben P. Wisner, Feb. 5, David B. Johnson, E. B. Pottle, June 2, Samuel C. Wilson, June 6, Harvey F. Smith, Oct. 6. 1841. Roderick White, Feb. 10, Laurens B. Hull, I. N. Stoddard, J. B. Hamilton, O. C. Pratt, June 7, O. W. Hewitt, L. D. Simons, William Hicks, A. J. Lyon, Josiah Utter, Andrew C. Hull, Oct. 12. 1842. R. L. Brundage, Feb. 10, Samuel J. Mills, Feb. 19, Robert Flint, June 7, C. R. Monell, Emery E. Norton, June 8, A. S. Nye, Hiram Bennett, Oct. 5. 1843. Thomas I. Reynolds, Feb. 9, Gideon L. Walker, Feb. 10, George W. Elmer, Thomas H. Gibbs, Feb. 14, Kimball H. Dimmick, June 7, David J. Pulling, June 9, L. P. Wetherby, June 13, E. Horton, Oct. 20. 1844. A. L. W. Dougall, Feb. 7, James Burt, Feb. 9, Nelson Cobb, Feb. 17, A. P. Laning, June 6, Elias Hull, June 12, Thomas C. Rogers, Oct. 8. 1845. James R. Doolittle, Feb. 3, Grover Leavens, Feb. 5, W. L. Storke, Feb. 7, John Wilkinson, M. H. Wygant, Floyd Kelly, J. H. Windsor, Feb. 11, E. E. Harding, June 3, Alexander Storrs, June to, Buel Town, W. A. Bly, Oct. 7. 1846. H. Chalker, Linus Jones Peck, Scott Lord, Eldad O’Brian, Feb. 2, I. T. Walker, Truman Hub- bard, Feb. 10, George Bishop, May 22, William M. Crozier, Warren B. Cutler, May 26, M. H. Hann, Oct. 14, Z. H. Jones, Richard C. Bushnell, R. W. Scott, Oct. 15. 1847. William H. H. Griffin, L. L. Strong, Feb. 6, Lewis Foster, William Windsor, Reuben Weed, John Wheeler, Feb. 10, Jazaniah Emerson, Feb. 12, George B. Jones, R. H. Renwick, Feb. 13, Morris S. Chase, Anson G. Chase, May 20, James L. Common, May 21, B. C. Brundage, J. S. Green, Peter S. Norris May 22.Courts and Lawyers. 271 February 3,1841, one Cyrus M. Harmon’s name appears as having taken the oath, but a line is drawn over the name and opposite appears “ Thrown over the Bar.” Just what that means perhaps some of the older members of the bar may know. Whatever it may have been however, the record shows no other such instance. Vincent Matthews, born in Orange county, June 29, 1766, was sent to school at Middletown, N. Y., at an early age, but instead of entering college, he finished his classical studies under the instruction of Noah Webster. In 1786 he began reading law in the office of Robert Troup in New York, and in 1790 was admitted to practice. He w^as chosen to represent the western senatorial district in 1796. In 1809 he was elected to congress. In 1816 he removed to Bath, Steuben county, thence in 1821 to Rochester. He was one of the great lawyers of his day, and was in frequent attendance at the courts at Angelica. He practiced law for over half a century. Daniel Cruger was born in Sunbury, Pa., December 22, 1780. At the age of thirteen was apprenticed to learn the printer’s trade. He afterward studied law with S. S. Haight at Bath, and was admitted to the bar and be- came his partner in 1806. He was elected member of assembly from Alle- gany and Steuben in 1813-14 and 15, was district attorney for the counties of Tioga, Steuben and Allegany as early as 1809, and was elected to the as- sembly again in 1825. He died in Wheeling, Va. , in 1843. Judge John Collins, son of John, was born in Litchfield, Conn. In 1825 he came to Angelica and was engaged with others in the sale of land in Alle- gany. He was admitted to the bar in 1807, and died in 1863. John C. Spencer, who assisted district attorney Haight in the trial of D. D. How in 1824, is worthy of more than passing notice. He was the son of Ambrose, and was born in Hudson, N. Y., January 8, 1788, and died in Al- bany, May 18, 1855. He was graduated from Union College in 1806, and in 1807 was private secretary to Gov. Tompkins. He was admitted to the bar in 1809, was master in chancery and district attorney, member of congress 1817-19, and served several terms in state assembly and senate. In 1827 he was one of the revisers of the statutes of the state, and in 1839, secre- tary of state of New York. He was United States Secretary of War, and then Secretary of the Treasury in Mr. Tyler’s cabinet, 1841-43. John Baldwin was a native of Lebanon, Conn., and when young located in Geneseo for a permanent residence. However he soon after determined to prepare himself for the law, and entered the office of Samuel M. Hopkins at Moscow, Livingston county, remaining with his preceptor until admitted to the bar, when he commenced practice in Moscow, and after a year or two he located at Dansville. In 1835 he formed a copartnership with the late Wm. M. Hawley of Hornellsville, and removed to that place. The firm soon became distinguished for ability and fidelity to its clients, and was very successful and while it continued had the entire confidence of the public. Mr. Baldwin remained in Hornellsville until 1842, and then removed to Ab mond, where he resided until his death in 1843. Mr. Baldwin possessed272 History of Allegany County, N. Y. rare faculties of mind, and a remarkable memory. He had an exalted taste for literature, reading the most eminent of ancient and modern authors, had a great fund of wit, which at times was irrepressible, was an eloquent advo- cate, but on many an occasion invoked the displeasure of the court by his blunt expressions; at heart however he was honest and true as steel to his clients. He will long be remembered for his quaint sayings and extrava- gant expressions. L. B. Proctor says of him, 44 He was one whose faults lay on the exterior of his character, who never attempted to pass for anything better than he really was. ” An old resident of Almond informed the writer that when on his death bed a friend said to him 44 Baldwin, do you know you are dying? ” Baldwin said, 44 No, am I? ” 44 You are, ” said his friend. 44 Then ” —said Baldwin—441 suppose we shall have to let her flicker ,” an expres- sion much used at the time. These were his last words. Gen. Alexander S. Diven was born in Watkins, February 10, 1809, edu- cated at Penn Yan and Ovid academies, taught school and at 21 years of age he began the study of law in the office of Judge Hiram Gray at Elmira. He was for a time also in the office of Fletcher M. Haight at Rochester; after- ward was in the county clerk’s office at Owego, then became a resident of Angelica, where he was admitted to the bar of the court of common pleas. At the court of oyer and terminer held in Angelica in July, 1837, he became district attorney, in which capacity he served 5 or 6 years. He practiced law in Angelica 11 years, li years being a partner of Geo. Miles. In 1845 he remoyed to Elmira where he has since resided. He was state senator in 1858-9, and a member of the 37th congress. He was a gallant soldier during the Civil War, attained the rank of major and was afterward brevetted brigadier general. A sound lawyer of extensive practice, he was eloquent and persuasive, and is ranked among the foremost in the profession in the state. William M. Hawley was born in Delaware county, February 13,1802, and came to Almond in 1828. He studied law with George Miles; could not de- vote all his time to study, so took books home with him, and when relieved of other duties, applied himself industriously to them, and in due time was admitted and established an office in Almond, where he had a good practice, removing to Hornellsville in 1837. He died some years ago. Samuel M. Russell was born in Canajoharie, N. Y., February 14, 1808. In 1810 the family removed to Hume. He attended the first school in Hume (his sister Caroline the teacher), during the war of 1812. The common school, and about 3 years at the Middlebury academy, were his only educa- tional advantages. He taught school a few years, then entered the law office of Timothy H. Porter at Olean, but Mr. Porter soon being elected to con- gress, Mr. Russell resumed his studies with George Miles of Angelica. January 13, 1837, he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court by Chief Justice Nelson. October 29, 1841, he was admitted as counsellor at law by Judge Nelson. January 14, 1837, he was examined and admitted as solicitor in chancery by R. Hyde Walworth, chancellor of the state. On the 27thCourts and Lawyers. 273 of September, 1867, he was admitted and licensed in the United States courts. He held by appointments by the Governor, several offices, supreme court commissioner and master and examiner in chancery. He was post- master at Cuba eight years. He was a life-long Democrat, and for years the oldest member of the Allegany bar. Wilkes Angel, of English and Society of Friends’ ancestry, son of Wm. G. Angel, was born February 26, 1815, in Exeter, Otsego county. The com- mon schools of his day and Hartwick academy, wrere his only educational advantages. With the family he removed to Hammondsport in Steuben county in 1833, thence to Angelica in 1835. Prosecuting his lawT studies with Angel & Grover he was admitted to the bar in 1837, commencing prac- tice in Cuba in 1838. In 1844 he removed to Angelica and from thence to Belmont in 1866. In 1841 he was appointed district attorney of Allegany county, and Gov. Silas Wright made him master in chancery in 1844. He was supervisor of Angelica and of Amity, and was chairman of the board of supervisors. In 1860 he was elected to the assembly and 1861 and 1863 to the senate. A lawyer of large and successful practice, he was also a leg- islator of marked ability. Marshall B. Champlain was born in Stafford, Genesee county, Decem- ber 22, 1820. His father was Gilbert B. Champlain, M.D., a lineal descend- ant of the eminent French navigator, and first governor of New France, or Lower Canada. His mother’s family wTere of Irish extraction, and the blend- ing of the two nationalities may accouiit for the ease and affability, the ardor and ready wit for which Mr. Champlain was distinguished. The family in Marshall’s early years removed to Cuba, where he ever afterward resided. With the exception of a short period at the Middlebury academy, Mr. Cham- plain’s education so far as institutions of learning had to do wdth it, was con- fined to the common schools. Whatever he may have lacked in academic and collegiate advantagesJ he made up by determination and persistence in the pursuit of knowledge. Making choice of the law as his profession, he entered the office of S. M. Bussell, Esq., at Cuba, and began his studies, finishing with Janies A. Guernsey of Pittsford, Monroe county, and was ad- mitted to the bar at twenty-two years of age. Establishing himself at Cuba he soon secured a lucrative practice, wdiich extended throughout his own and adjoining counties. In January, 1845, he was appointed by the court of common pleas of Allegany to the position of district attorney. In 1852 Mr. Champlain was elected member of assembly by a large majority, and wTas distinguished, owing largely to personal popularity, by being the last Demo- cratic member sent from Allegany. He at once took a leading position in the assembly where he was noted for coolness, skill and superior ability. In April, 1867, he was elected delegate at large to the constitutional convention. In the fall of 1867 he was elected attorney-general, and in 1869 was re-elected by an increased vote. After the expiration of his term of office he retired from public life. Satisfied with the high honors which had been bestowed upon him, he sought the quiet of home life, and rest from active work, with274 History of Allegany County, N. Y. only labor enough in his profession and otherwise, to make him contented and an occasional help to his friends. Mr. Champlain was buried at Cuba on the 10th of March, 1878. Wm. Pitt Angel studied law with his father, Wm. G. Angel, was admitted about 1840, opening an office in Cuba, afterward removing to Ellicottville, where he was elected district attorney, holding the office some ten years. He afterward removed to New York and was for a time in partnership with James W. Nye. He soon returned to Cattaraugus and located in Olean and in 1866 removed to Westchester county where he died February 11, 1869. David J. Pulling was a practicing attorney as early as 1848, for a while in Hume, after at Angelica associated with Ransom Lloyd under firm name of Lloyd & Pulling. He removed to some western state not far from 1850. Albert P. Laning was admitted to practice in the common j)leas of Catta- raugus county in 1844. In 1847 he was located at Rushford, and in Oramel as late as 1858. He became distinguished as a lawTyer, his fame reaching far beyond the limits of the county. He removed to Buffalo where he secured a lucrative practice and was attorney for the New York Central for some years before his death which occured in the eighties. Bonum Laning a brother of A. P., was engaged with him and J. W. Deuel in practice at Oramel. He died many years ago. Elias E. Harding was born January 11, 1817, in Lyme, Conn., brought up on a farm, at 18 years of age attended the old Middlebury Academy one year, then one year at Alexander Classical School, after at the academy at Bethany. Taught school several terms and was for some time a teacher in Clarence Academy. In 1840 began reading law with Skinner & Smith at Leroy; finished with W. Riley Smith at Attica. He was admitted to the bar in 1844 at Rochester in class with James O. Putnam of Buffalo. Chief Jus- tice Nelson was a member of the examining board. Mr. Harding began practice in Hume in May, 1845, and has always remained there. He is the oldest lawyer and has been longest in practice of any in the Allegany bar. Benjamin C. Brundage was born in Vernon, Sussex county, September 27, 1820; read law with Reynolds & Brundage, Hornellsville, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1848; the next year settled in Andover where he resided and engaged in active practice. Has been justice of the peace and notary public. Mr. Brundage died December 9, 1895. Amos G. Chase, son of Rev. John B. Chase, was born September 12, 1824, in Milo, Yates county. He attended the common schools at Whites- ville, studied law with A. G. Chatfield of Addison, was admitted to the bar at Angelica in June, 1845, and settled at Whitesville, where he practiced law. He was considered one of the best of counselors. He died March 24, 1877. Hon. Morris S. Chase, born in 1822, was a son of Rev. John B. Chase, studied law with Hon. A. G. Chatfield of Addison and was admitted to the bar, but soon engaged in merchandising at Whitesville. (See Independ- ence.) James M. Curtiss wTas born in Edmeston, N. Y., in December, 1825. HeCourts and Lawyers. 275 studied in Gilbertviile Academy, and read law at Mt. Upton with Upton & Fenlo and in 1847 was admitted to the bar, and located at Deposit and prac- ticed law. In 1850 he located at Bolivar where he has since resided. He has been president of the State Bank of Bolivar. He has been engaged in dairying and farming. Mr. Curtiss ran for assembly and for district attor- ney, but his party being in the minority was defeated, running ahead of his ticket. He was one of the charter members of Macedonia Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 258, is member of Clean Chapter, also Knight Templar of the Com- mandery of Clean. Supervisor of Bolivar 12 or 15 terms. He married Huldah J., daughter of David C. Root. Milo H. Wygant was a leading lawyer of the county for several years, was elected district attorney in 1859. Afterward he moved west. Col. A. J. McNett w^as born Feb. 3,1822, in Henderson, Jefferson county. He passed four years at Union Academy at Bellville, with the intention of entering Union College, but was prevented by ill health. In the fall of 1843 he entered the law office of Hon. Augustus Ford at Sacketts Harbor, and was admitted to the bar in 1847. In the winter of 1847-8 he removed to Buf- falo, and in partnership with Hon. Hiram Benton began the practice of la w. In Buffalo he served two terms as alderman and one as city attorney, and in the winter of 1858 represented the second district of the city in the legis- lature. In 1859 he removed to Belmont, and became a member of the Alle- gany bar. In September, 1861, he raised a company and entered the serv- ice as captain in the 93d New York infantry, serving through the Pennisular campaigns and with the Army of the Potomac till the fall of 1863, when he was promoted to the lieutenant colonelcy of the 141st infantry. He was com- missioned colonel Aug. 12, 1864. During the campaign against Atlanta, he was wounded three times, losing his right arm. He was brevetted brigadier gen- eral for distinguished service in battle. After the war closed he served in different positions in the regular army, at one time as acting judge advocate general of the department of Washington. He frequently said he was a lawyer by profession, a soldier by inclination, and a farmer from necessity. He died in Belmont in March, 1895. Hon. Cyrenius P. Black, son of Allen D., and Lucinda (Wilber) Black, was born April 16, 1843, in Ward, then Alfred. Dougald Black, his paternal grandfather, born in Islay, Scotland, was half-brother of Alexander Black of Ward, and of pure Highland Scotch lineage. His paternal grandmother was Vila Livermore, of the noted Massachusetts family of-that name, whose father served in the Revolution. Mrs. Lucinda Black was daghter of Zeph- aniah Jr., and Elizabeth (Tucker) Wilber who came earlyinthe settlement of this county to Alfred from Rhode Island. Cyrenius passed his early years on his father’s farm on Vandermark Creek with few advantages of school. He earned money however to attend Alfred University in 1862-3, then taught school several terms and was a clerk in Whitesville, Wellsville and Angelica. At Angelica he began to study law with Hon. Martin Grover, continued it with Hon. M. B. Champlain at Cuba until 1866, when he located in the new276 History of Allegany County, N. Y. county of Tuscola, Mich. The next winter he was admitted to the bar and has since been in extensive practice. He has been prosecuting attorney of Marquette county, law counsellor of the city of Marquette, twice a member of the Michigan legislature and for live years United States district attorney of the Eastern District of Michigan with offices at Detroit. After this last service he located at Lansing, where he devotes himself entirely to law, and is ranked among the leaders of his profession in Michigan. J. W. Deuel was in Oramel a while about 1852 or 3. He had been in Gowanda previously. He was the middle member of the firm, Laning, Deuel and Laning, A. P. and R. B. Laning being the others. He afterward re- moved to Rochester where he was a judge of the municipal court, and when last heard from was living in Wemple near Albany. Hon. William Pol well Jones began the practice of law at Wellsville in July, 1852, in the 26th year of his age. He was born in Middlesex, Yates county, Sept. 9, 1826, and was the third son of Samuel Jones, Esq., an enterprising and successful farmer, and an influential citizen of that place. His early life until 21 years old was passed at home upon the farm, where he was reared in habits of industry and economy. His opportunities for education during his minority were confined to three months each year in the district school until he was 17, and, after that, to three winter months each year in the village academy. On attaining his majority his endowment was $1,000, a sum which the father bestowed on each of his children at that interesting age. With this sum he decided to endow himself with a more liberal educa- tion with a view to some professional pursuit. In 1849 he entered the sec- ond term of the junior year and class at Union College, Schenectady, taking the full classical course, and was graduated therefrom in June, 1851, with the highest honor, being the valedictorian of his class. Soon after entering college he took a seat as law student in the office of Paige & Thompson at Schenectady and read elementary law in addition to his collegiate course. In the fall of 1851 he entered the first term of the Albany Law School, which was founded that year, where he remained until after his admission to the bar in March, 1852. In July following he came to Wellsville and entered upon his career as a lawyer. He soon won the best class of cli- entage and rapidly acquired a successful and lucrative practice, which he retained for 23 years and until failing health compelled rest and retire- ment. During this period he ranked among the successful lawyers of Allegany county. His practice was chiefly in the supreme court. His char- acteristics as a lawyer were: (a.) Fidelity to clients—careful preparation of cases and zeal in their prosecution. (A) Conscientious in giving advice—always refusing a retainer in cases which he did not believe would win. Ambitious of professional success, rather than anxious to win large fees. (c.) In speech he aimed to be analytical and logical, rather than florid. His conception of legal points was quick and lucid and he seldom erred in conclusions. In 1857 Mr. Jones was elected member of assembly from the second assembly district of Allegany county. It was during his legislative term Courts and Lawyers. 277 that the bill removing the county seat from Angelica “ to some point on the Erie railway to be determined by commissioners named in the bill” was introduced and passed, and of which he was the advocate and leader in the assembly. One year’s experience in public life was sufficient to satisfy him that the feeble and ephemeral honor to be acquired from a membership in the New York legislature was no adequate compensation for the sacrifice and loss of a good law practice, and which he felt he was still too poor to aban- don, hence his decision to withdraw resolutely from active politics and pub- lic life and return to the more congenial duties of his profession. From that time he has neither sought nor desired public office. During the war of the Rebellion, which soon followed, there was a general suspension of law business throughout the country, and it was during this period that Mr. Jones began to turn his attention to the field of finance. With a moderate accumulation of money he had saved he made judicious and timely invest- ments in pine lands in Pennsylvania and Michigan, all of which proved highly profitable. In later years the development of oil fields in McKean county, Pa., followed by like surprises in Allegany near his home, opened up a new enterprise from which he reaped a liberal harvest. After retiring from the active practice of his profession, he traveled extensively in his own coun- try, traversing nearly every state and territory. In 1883 he became inter- ested in banking, being one of the organizers and a large shareholder of the First National Bank of Wellsville. He was its vice president until 1891, wThen he assumed and has since retained the presidency and chief financial management of that institution. Mr. Jones married Sept. 1, 1858, Miss Gertrude Fassett, a lady of culture and refinement, and settled down upon the site of the pleasant homestead in Wells ville where they have since resided. Hon. Edward D. Loveridge was born in New Milford, Conn., Dec. 11. 1824. He was educated at Trinity College, Conn., afterward taught school in Virginia a few years. He commenced studying law in 1851, was ad- mitted to the bar at Rochester in 1853 and the same year opened a law office in Castile, Wyoming county, where he remained until he came to Cuba in May, 1856, when he formed a law partnership with his brother, Noah P., which continued for ten years. In Wyoming county Mr. Loveridge was town superintendent of schools. He was supervisor of Cuba for several terms. In 1861 and 2 he was elected to the legislature; was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1864, when Abraham Lincoln was re-nominated for president. January 12, 1869, he was elected president of the Cuba National Bank; which honorable and responsible posi- tion he has since most creditably filled. He is the senior member of the law firm of Loveridge & Leggett, so well and favorably known, and doing an ex- tensive business. Amos B. Collins was born in Alfred in 1826. He was admitted to the bar in 1853; has held the office of justice of the peace for several terms. Marcus L. Butler, born in Cherry Valley, Otsego county, Sept. 2, 1824, read law there at J. W. Fowler’s law school, and was admitted to the bar at278 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Owego in 1851, and located at Whitesville where he has since practiced. In 1855 he was admitted to practice in theU. S. supreme court. Charles W. Woodworth, born in Rushford in 1822, educated at the com- mon schools and Springville Academy; read law with A. P. Laning and w^as admitted in 1856, practiced law in Rushford until his death in 1891, part of the time in company with W. A. Stewart, under’ the firm name of Stewart & Woodworth, and for the last few years with Ralph B. Laning, as Wood- worth & Laning. He was post-master from 1860 to 1884, justice of the peace from 1882, was supervisor continuously from 1865 to 1875 inclusive and later in the eighties, was chairman of the board in 1882 and 1887. Edgar W. Chamberlain was born in Waterloo,' Seneca county, brought up on a farm and educated at the Waterloo Academy. He studied law in part with Hamilton Ward, was admitted in 1857 and entered into partner- ship with Mr. Ward. He has been justice of the peace two terms and presi- dent of Belmont a number of times. In the winter of 1876-7 Gov. Tilden appointed him one of a commission to report on the condition of the lateral canals. The other members of the commission were Hons. Warner Miller of Herkimer, A. B. Waldo of Essex, and William Poster of Oswego county. The lateral canals were abandoned in accordance with the recommenda- tions of the commission. Upon the failure of the First National Bank of Angelica, in 1886, President Cleveland appointed Mr. Chamberlain receiver of the bank, the duties of which office he discharged to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, paying all the depositors and creditors of the bank in full. He is now postmaster at Belmont. Hon. Henry M. Teller, LL.D., U. S. Senator from Colorado, was born in Granger, May 23,1830. His father, John Teller, was born in Schenectady, of Holland stock, in Feb., 1800, and came to Allegany county in 1814. He married Charlotte, daughter of Willard Moore, an early settler on the Short Tract road. She was born in Vermont, Aug. 8, 1808, and came to Allegany in 1820. John Teller resided on a small farm west of the Short Tract road from 1827 to 1852, when he moved to Pennsylvania and from there in 1863 to Illinois where he died in 1879. Three of his four sons are lawyers. Henry M. Teller attended the district schools and Alfred University (which in 1866 conferred on him the degree of LL. D. ), and Rushford Academy for several years and taught school in Grove. Allen, Oramel. Cuba. Angelica and Catta- raugus county. In 1856 he became a law student of Martin Grover and L. A. Kendall in Angelica, was admitted to practice at Binghamton in January, 1858. and soon located at Morrison. 111. In 1861 he removed to Colorado and was in active practice of law until elected to the U. S. Senate, Nov. 14, 1876, on the admission of Colorado as one of the United States, from 1864 being in partnership with his brother Willard in the firm of H. M. & W. Teller. Sen- ator Teller cast his first vote for president for Franklin Pierce in 1852, but assisted in forming the Republican party, taking part in the campaign of 1856 in New York and in that of 1860 in Illinois. He has always been active in politics, but the demands of an extensive and lucrative law practice for-Courts and Lawyers. 279 bade his acceptance of office until he was chosen to represent the new state in the U. S. Senate. At the opening of congress, Dec. 4, 1876, he drew the term ending March 3, 1877, and the Colorado legislature elected him, Dec. 9, 1876, for a six years’ term. He served in the senate untill 1882, when he was appointed secretary of the Department of the Interior by President Arthur. He held this office until March 3, 1885, when he again took a seat in the U. S. Senate, having been elected in January, 1885. He was re-elected senator in 1891, his present term expiring March 3, 1897. He has been a leading member of various important senatorial committees, and in 1879 was chair- man of the Teller committee appointed to investigate the elections in South Carolina aud Louisiana. He is a close student of economics, is one of the national leaders of bimetalism, is not in full accord with the Republican party on the financial question and is a moderate protectionist. He has been Grand Master of the Free Masons of Colorado for seven years and has been Grand Commander of Knights Templar. He received the 33d degree in Scottish Rite Masonry in 1856. 4 4 Studious, reflecting, laborious and faith- ful as a lawyer, he has acquired a position at the bar second to no one in the west. He is original, and his opinions are based on mature thought. His perseverance is proverbial. Before a jury he is irresistible, while as a jurist his profound knowledge of legal principles and precedents are everywhere recognized.” Mr. Teller married in June, 1862, Harriet M., daughter of Packard Bruce of Cuba, N. Y. They have three children now living. Willard Teller, a brother of Henry M., was born in Granger in 1834. Staying on the farm until 1852 he entered Alfred University for a time, was graduated at Rushford Academy in 1856, and took a classical course atOber- in College, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1858. He studded law at Angel- ica and was admitted to practice at Buffalo in November, 1859. He located at Glean until 1861, then practiced at Morrison, 111., until 1864, where he re- moved to Central City, Colorado, and with his brother, Henry M.. formed what soon became a leading law firm of the territory. He removed to Den- ver in 1878, and, with Henry M., has offices at Denver and. Central City, and enjoys a large practice. He is one of the leading Rexvublicans of Colorado, but has never held office. Hon. David P. Richardson was born at Macedon. Wayne county. He was a student at the academy at Macedon Centre, and later at Yale, where he was graduated. Soon after he left college, in connection with Rev. Samuel Cen- ter, who was principal, he acted as first assistant during the first year of Angelica Academ y. He succeeded Mr. Center as principal. He was ad- mitted to the bar in 1859, having pursued his studies with Judge Grover. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he raised a company of volunteers and joined the 6th New York Cavalry, with which regiment he served over three years on the staffs of Gens. Stoneman, Pleasanton and Deven. After the war he returned to Angelica where he has since resided. He wras three years supervisor of his town, the last year being chairman of the board. He was in the 46th and 47th congresses and served with distinction. He was for280 History of Allegany County, N. Y. years the senior member of the leading law firm of Richardson, Flenagin & Smith, his partners being the late Hon. C. N. Flenagin and Frank S. Smith. He is now of the firm Richardson & Robbins, his partner being Hon. F. A. Robbins, the present member of assembly from Allegany, and the firm is doing a large business. Robert S. Armstrong was born in Fulton county, June 29, 1835. He re- moved to Cuba in 1841, and in 1857 in the office of the late Hon. M. B. Cham- plain commenced the study of law, and while attending the Albany Law School in 1859 was admitted to the bar upon examination at general term. He soon after entered into partnership with Mr. Champlain at Cuba. The partnership continued until Mr. Champlain’s death in 1879. At one time the firm was known as Champlain, Armstrong & Russell (the late Samuel M. Russell), and did an extensive business. After Mr. Champlain’s death, Mr. Armstrong was for a while associated with Wilkes Angel. He still practices and is now associated with F. M. Todd, the firm being known as Armstrong & Todd. Omer Olney was born in Scipio, Cayuga county, Jan. 25, 1821. He was educated in the common schools, removed to Granger in 1853; in 1861 read law in the office of Peter Carter at Nunda, and was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in Nov., 1861, at the general term of the supreme court, Richard P. Marvin presiding, Martin Grover, Noah Davis, justices. He is now liv- ing in Topeka, Kansas, having practiced a number of years in Allegany and Livingston counties. Daniel H. Holliday was born in Burns, Dec. 6, 1837, and was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1861, and has since practiced law at Cana- seraga. Virgil A. Willard was born at Cuba in this county, Oct. 20, 1838, of New England parentage, but passed part of his early life at Sandisfield, Berkshire Co., Mass. When 13 he commenced work in a mill at Belmont (then Philips- ville), and earned money to enable him to attend school several terms at Rushford Academy, and at Friendship and Alfred. After reading law two years with Col. A. J. McNett he attended law school in Albany in 1861 and 2, and was admitted to the bar on examination by the general term of the supreme court in May, 1862. He was a clerk in the quarter master’s de- partment of the provost-marshal’s office at Elmira in 1863 and 4, and after the war formed a law partnership with Col. McNett at Belmont. This did not long continue, and from its expiration Mr. Willard has been engaged alone in acti ve practice at Belmont. He has been supervisor of Belmont, justice of the peace, and was, from 1887 to 1894, the editor of the Genesee Valley Post, of which he is part owner. He has been master of Belmont Lodge, No. 474 F. & A. M., and master of the A. O. U. W., a fraternal insur- ance association. He was married in 1872 to Miss Mary J. Lanphear, of Alfred, and resides at Belmont. B. C. Rude was born in Livingston county in 1836, was graduated from Genesee College at Lima in 1858, then for three years taught school. HeCourts and Lawyers. 281 read law from 1859 to 1862, and in 1863 began practice at Almond, remaining there four years, then settling in Wellsville. From 1873 to 1875, in addition to his professional duties he edited .the Wells ville Reporter. He removed to Florida. W. F. Bement was born Oct. 23, 1837, in Dryden, Tompkins county. He was a graduate of Rushford Academy. He studied law with N. P. and E. D. Loveridge at Cuba, was graduated from Albany Law University and ad- mitted to practice in May, 1863. He is located at Cuba. Seth H. Tracy was born Aug. 19, 1835, at Canandaigua. In 1840 his father, Ira Tracy, moved, to “ Phillips ville ” now Belmont, where Seth at- tended the district school in the winter and worked on his father’s farm in the summer. He completed his education at Alfred Academy in the spring of 1860 and then read law with Col. A. J. McNett at Belmont. In May, 1863, he was admitted to the bar at Albany. In 1865 he commenced the practice of law at Belmont which he continues. He has been notary public. Charles N. Flenagin was born Sept. 30, 1839. He received his education at the Genesee Conference Seminary at Pike, Wyoming county, and entered the law office of E. E. Harding at Hume as a student in 1860, and began prac- tice there in 1864. He removed to Angelica in 1874. He was elected to the assembly in 1869, and re-elected in 1870. In 1874 he was elected district attorney, and re-elected in 1877. When in Hume he was on the board of supervisors. For years he was one of the well-known law firm of Richardson, Flenagin and Smith of Angelica,. He died at Angelica, April 30, 1881. Gen. Rufus Scott, son of Alfred and Anna (Harrison) Scott and grand- son of Rufus, the early settler of Friendship, was born in that town Oct. 8, 1838. His love of education was stimulated by the scant supply afforded by the primitive district schools he attended, and, by the cultivation of close economy, he succeeded in obtaining the advantages of Friendship Academy and Alfred University, and taught district school when 16 and was also a teacher in the academy. A good talker and a ready and a logical debater, in 1860 he “stumped” the county for Abraham Lincoln, and cast his first presidential vote for his electors. He enlisted May 1, 1861, as a private in Co. B. of the 23d New York, shortly after commencing the study of law, served several months in the field, and was sent home on recruiting service for the 85th New York. He secured many enlistments for three companies of that organization, but, finding that probably amicable relations could not be maintained, he declined the offered commission of captain, and in Decem- ber, 1861, returned to his place in the ranks of the 23d, and served there until the spring of 1862, when he was conveyed to Fortress Monroe while on a visit to his friends of the 85th on a two-days’ furlough. As he could not return to his regiment, he accompanied the 85th in the historic Peninsular campaign, taking part in nearly every engagement. He was arrested as a deserter May 24, 1862, but, released by order of the brigade commander, continued to follow the active service of the 85th, was severely wounded at282 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Fair Oaks and sent to hospital. In August, 1862, he rejoined his regiment and returned to Allegany on detached recruiting service, and August 27th was commissioned major of the 180th New York (1st N. Y. Dragoons). From this time until its muster-out at the close of the Avar he was prominently con- nected Avith the extremely brilliant career of this heroic regiment. He was commissioned lieutenant-colonel Dec. 24, 1864, and Mar. 13, 1865, Avas brevetted brigadier-general ;‘for gallant and meritorious seiwices.” (He had been in actions where he Avas wounded live times—four severely.) Jan. 10, 1866, President Johnson complimented his bravery and ability by an appointment as captain in the regular army, which he declined to accept. After the war he continued his legal studies, was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in May, 1866, and engaged in practice at Belmont as a member of the law firm of Ward & Scott. He was super-visor of Amity several terms, and served as district attorney for tAATo terms from 1868, when he Avas first elected. His services as speaker in political campaigns were numerous and effective until the weight of private business compelled him to desist. He was prominently connected with the G. A. R. and active in its service until forced to deny himself this pleasure by the reason just assigned. In 1881 on account of failing health largely induced by too much confinement he engaged in oil operations, and in order to be more centrally located for this purpose he made his home in Wellsville in 1883. He is now a large operator in the Allegany oil field, and has been retained in and conducted several important cases of litigation in connection with oil development. He Avas the NeAv York member of. the executiAre committee that conducted the “ Shut-in movement” against the Standard Oil Co. in 1887 by shutting in oil wells and stopping 40 per cent, of the output of the Allegany and Pennsylvania oil fields for a year, during which time the committee dreAV $6,000,000 from the Standard Oil Co. for the producers. General Scott has been connected since 1885 Avith the Peer]ess Carbon-black Co., of Pittsburgh, whose Avorks are located in McKean Co., Pa. Their product is largely used in the manufac- ture of the finer grades of printing ink. He married Now 12, 1864, Mary M. Axtell, adopted daughter of John and Mary A. Axtell of Friendship. Claude R. Scott is their only child. As a citizen, as an attorney, as a business man and as an oil operator General Scott, is in the front rank of Allegany’s peo- ple. His beautiful residence erected in 1886 is one of the elegant homes of Western New York. Hon. Seymour Dexter, Ph.B., son of Daniel and Angeline (Briggs) Dexter (see Independence) was born in Independence, Mar. 20, 1841. His education at Alfred University was interrupted in 1861, when he enlisted, April 26th. in Co. K. 23d New York. He faithfully served the two years of his enlistment and then completed his college course at Alfred where he was graduated in 1864. He studied law in Elmira and in May, 1866, was admitted to the bar in Binghamton, and located at Elmira. Associated with various partners he rapidly acquired a large practice, in the spring of 1872 was appointed city attorney, and in the fall was elected member of assemblyCourts and Lawyers. 283 from Chemung Co., the only Republican elected to this position from 1866 to 1883. He declined a unanimous tender of a second nomination as member of assembly. His professional standing had before this been conceded to be in the front rank of his profession in the Southern Tier, and in 1877 he was elected county judge. He held this office by re-election until August, 1889, wThen he resigned it to accept the presidency and active management of the Second National Bank of Elmira, one of the strongest banks of this strong financial city, which he now occupies. In this position of trust Judge Dexter has shown unusual financial ability and rare business acumen. In 1875 he was made president of the new Chemung Valley Building and Loan Associa- tion. He still holds that office, and the Association has accomplished great good under his management and possesses assets of 8310,000. He has taken great interest in co-operative movements, was made vice-president of the New York State League of Co-operative Savings and Building Loan Associations at its organization in 1890, and elected its president in 1890 and 1891. He has acquired fame from his writings on this subject, and in 1889 D. Appleton & Co. of New York City, published his work on Co-operative Associations, which is now an universal authority. He has proven himself an able lecturer and writer on political economy, social science, and other subjects, and is a highly esteemed member of the American Social Science Association. He has been long prominently identified with the G. A. R., has been judge advocate of the State Department, and his name has been con- spicuously mentioned in connection with the highest official place of the national organization. He has been for years a member of the Park St. (Congregational) Church of Elmira, an active worker in its Sunday-school, and an intimate friend of Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, its distinguished pastor. June 17, 1868, he married Eleanor E., daughter of Ebenezer Weaver, of Leonardsville, Madison Co., who graduated from Alfred University in the same class with her husband. They have two sons and two daughters. Rev. Henry L. Jones, son of Lewis, born in Alfred, Nov. 13, 1828, was prepared for college at Alfred Academy, and, in 1852, was graduated from Union College, and in 1866 was admitted to the bar. For 6 years he was a teacher at DeRuyter Institute, later principal of Richburg Academy one year, from 1860 to 1863 he was school commissioner, then practiced law at Wellsville until April 7, 1891. August, 1891, he was ordained a Seventh-day Baptist clergyman and has since preached at various places. Zenas H. Jones was born in Coventry, Chenango county, May 12. 1810. In 1832 he came to Scio, later Wellsville. and in 1840 to Wellsville village, where he resided until his death Sept. 14, 1884. About 1841 he commenced reading law “by himself,” and shortly after, advised by Judge Martin Grover, he presented himself for examination, and was admitted to the bar. March 26, 1866, he was admitted to practice in the northern district of this state. Mr. Jones was twice elected supervisor, served 32 years as justice of the peace, and was in 1879 elected police justice of Wellsville. John H. Rumpff was son of Rev. A. Rumpff, and was born Nov. 21, 1838,284 History of Allegany County, N. Y. in Saugerties, educated at the public schools of Boston, Mass., and Canajo- harie Academy, read law at Dansville with L. B. Proctor, was admitted to practice June, 1867, at Rochester, and has practiced at Dansville, and at Wellsville since 1879. William Spargur was born in Eaton in 1836. He attended Hamilton College and in 1862 was admitted to the bar. In 1867 he located in Weils- ville, where he still is in practice. Frank Brundage, son of Matthew, born in Allen, Jan. 4, 1846, was edu- cated at Friendship Academy, read law in Angelica with Green & Richard- son, was admitted to the bar in December, 1868, opened an office at Angel- ica in 1872, went to Lockport, opened an office, in 1874 was elected district attorney, re-nominated by acclamation and declined, was elected county judge.of Niagara county in 1878, served 4 years, then resigned and estab- lished himself for the practice of law in Buffalo. Henry H. Relya was born in Lee, Oneida county, June 6, 1840. He re- ceived only a common school education, read law with Emulous Townsend at Portageville, and with C. N. Flenagin at Hume, and was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in 1871. In December, 1874, he opened an office in Hume vil- lage, in the spring of 1895 removing his office to Fillmore, where he is now in practice. William H. Scott, son of Alfred and Anna (Harrison) Scott, was born in Wirt in 1849. He studied law at Belmont with Ward & Scott, was admitted to practice in 1872, located in Friendship where he died in 1883. Bascom P. Mapes was born in Angelica in 1840. He practiced law for some years at Belmont where he is now engaged in the mercantile business. Has also been school commissioner for the southern district. Capt. Geo. H. Blackman was born in Plymouth, Chenango county, April 23, 1841. He studied law in the office of B. C. Rude, Esq., in Wellsville, and wTas admitted to the bar in 1873 at Rochester. During the Civil War he enlisted as a private in Co. E. 93d New York, and served with the company until the fall of 1863, when he re-enlisted and was made orderly sergeant. Wounded in five places at the battle of the Wilderness, he walked eighteen miles to Fredericksburg, when, after waiting eight days, his right arm was amputated. After a furlough of forty days, he went back to the front, and took command of Co. E. of the 93d, and served until the close of the war, partici- pating in the grand review. He was then a member of the law firm of Rude & Blackman until in 1876 he was elected county clerk. He was re-elected in 1879, and has served for nine years as trustee of the New York State Soldiers’ Home at Bath. He was United States deputy internal revenue collector for many years from 1869. Capt. Blackman married Alice Rawson. Their children are John W., David R. and Sara L. G. W. Harding was born in Hume Oct. 1, 1850, received his education at the Hume Union School, Rushford Academy and Cornell University, read law in the office of his father, E. E. Harding, in Hume, was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in June, 1873. Judges Huntington of Oswego and H. L. Com-Courts and Lawyers. 285 stock of Canandaigua were of the examiners and abandoned the examination after a few questions. He has ever since practiced at Hume in company with his father under the firm name of E. E. & C. W. Harding. Caleb S. Hall, son of Anson C. and Hannah Hall, was born in Ward in August, 1849, received his education at Alfred University, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester in October, 1874. In 1876 established an office at Wellsville where he still practices, Frank Sullivan Smith, son of Dr. Wm. M. and Adaline (Weeks) Smith, was born at Short Tract, in the town of Granger, Oct. 14, 1851. Although a child of but ten years of age, he had the opportunity to see something of the war, by reason of passing the latter part of 1861 and the early part of 1862 with the 85th Reg. N. Y, Vols., of which his father was surgeon. From 1865 to 1868 he attended the Angelica Academy where he prepared for col- lege. He entered Yale University in 1868, and graduated in 1872. The same year he was elected school commissioner of the first district of Allegany county, and served for one term, until Jan. 1, 1876. Admitted to the bar at Rochester, April 7, 1876, he at once became a member of the law firm of Richardson, Flenagin & Smith at Angelica, and during the four years next succeeding took active part in the work of the district attorney’s office, his partner, C. N. Flenagin, being district attorney. He was especially active in the cases of the People vs. Babcock and People vs. Hendricks. He took en- tire charge of the second trial of the first-mentioned case and secured a con- viction, and, in the second, he had charge of the surgical work of the case. He also assisted in the defense of the indictments for murder in Livingston county, in the cases of Pierson and Withey. He married, Oct. 17, 1877, Miss Clara A. H. Higgins, daughter of O. T. Higgins, Esq., of Rushford. He was attorney for the Genesee Valley Canal railroad company, during the construction of the road between Olean and Rochester, and for its lessee, The Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia railroad company, and its successor company, from 1881 until 1887. He was president and general counsel of The Allegany Central railroad company from its formation in 1881 until its consolidation with The Lackawanna & Pittsburgh railroad company in 1883, and was vice president and general counsel of the latter until December, 1884. In the spring of 1887 the trustees of Cornell University invited him to take charge of the law school of theUniversity as its Dean. He declined the offer preferring to remain in the active practice of his profession. He was delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1884, secretary of the Re- publican State Committee 1887 to 1891, general counsel of the Scioto Valley and New England railroad company from its formation until its absorption by the Norfolk & Western railroad company in 1890, attorney for the receiv- ers of the Richmond and Danville railroad company 1893 and 1894, and vice- president and general counsel of the Central New York and Western railroad company since its formation. He has been successively a member of the law firms at Angelica, of Richardson, Flenagin & Smith; Richardson & Smith, Richardson, Smith & Robbins, and Smith, Rockwell & Dickson. In286 History of Allegany County, N. Y. the fall of 1887 he opened an office for the practice of law at No. 48 Wall street in the city of New York, and now has an office at No. 54 Wall street. Since opening his New York office he has had charge of much important litigation, notably in relation to the East and West Railroad of Alabama, the Schuyler Electric Company of Connecticut, the Pittsburgh, Shenango & Lake Erie rail- road company, the Michigan Gas Company and the Allegany & Kinzua rail- road company, in all of which he has been successful. He is a member of the State Bar Association, the Bar Association of the City of New York, and of the Society of Medical Jurisprudence, of which he is a trustee. Alfred J. Hibbard was born in Butler, Wayne county, Jan. 27, 1853. He was educated at Union College, was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1876, in 1877 located in Angelica where he practiced until 1892, when he removed to Buffalo, where he continues the practice of his profession. His wife is a daughter of the late Judge James S. Green of our county. Adelbert Moot, son of Charles, was born in Allen, Nov. 22, 1854. Heat- tended school at Belmont, Nunda and Geneseo. He was graduated from the Albany Law School Nov. 26, 1876. He practiced law at Nunda from 1877 until September, 1879. He then removed to Buffalo and has been in con- stant and increasing practice since. In 1882 he married Carrie Van Ness of Cuba, and has three children. Levi C. VanEleet, son of Benjamin, was born in New Hudson, Nov. 22, 1849. He was educated at Alfred Uuiversity, read law with Luddington & DeCamp of Syracuse, Allentown & Mills of Port Jervis and Rufus Scott, now of Wellsville. He was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in 1877, located first in Andover, then went to Michigan, returned in 1879 and is now in practice in Andover. Hon. Oscar A. Fuller, son of Daniel and Clarissa (Cooper) Fuller, was born in Alfred, Jan. 17, 1844. In 1859 he was graduated from Wilson Academy in Angelica. He then assisted on the farm until he enlisted Sept. 9, 1861, in Co. I. 85th Reg’t, N. Y. V. and served until 1864. After his re- turn home he continued farm life until 1868 when he moved to Belmont, purchased a drug store and was established there 7 years. He then read law with Col. Rufus Scott and was admitted to the bar in 1877, and opened his legal office in that of Col. Scott, and remained in Belmont until 1884. His next and present location is at Wells ville. He was elected district attorney in 1883, held office 6 years and was a member of the constitutional convention in 1894. Mr. Fuller married Harriet Crosby of Angelica in 1866, and has 2 daughters, Clara and Hattie. William Armstrong was born in Ireland in 1848, in 1877 was admitted to the bar at Randolph. In 1881 he opened an office in Bolivar, where he re< mained until 1885. Since then he has been in Buffalo. Aaron L. Elliott was born in Cherry Flats, Tioga county, Pa., in 1858, was educated at Alfred University, and admitted to the bar at Buffalo in June, 1878, and has ever since practiced at Friendship.Courts and Lawyers. 287 Frank Harding was born December 10, 1856, in Hume, received a com- mon school education, read law with his father E. E. Harding, and was admitted at Buffalo June 8, 1878. He commenced practice in Hume, but in 1881 went to Friendship, where he remained until 1884, part of the time being associated with A. L. Elliott. Returning to Hume he resumed prac- tice there, and in June, 1892, removed to Buffalo, where he now resides and practices. John Cooley practiced law a few years in Almond leaving that place from 1878-80. He is now dead. Edward F. Bishop, son of Cushman, was born in Cuba, read law with Loveridge & Swift, admitted to the bar in 1879 and practiced in Cuba. He was appointed reporter of the superior court at Buffalo. When the board of public works was organized he was secretary. Later he was made consul to Bradford, Canada. John S. Rockwell was born April 20, 1854, in Pike, Wyoming county, was educated at the Pike Seminary and the University of Rochester. He taught school at Pike, and Silver Springs and at other places, and began the study of law at Warsaw in 1876, reading with Augustus Harrington, Esq.; was admitted to the bar in 1879, and after two years passed as acting editor of the Western New Yorker, and a year in practicing law in Warsaw as part- ner of Byron & Healy, he moved to Allegany county. He was for a short time at Little Genesee, doing special work for speculators in oil x>roperty. He then went to Angelica as clerk for Frank S. Smith, Esq., until 1886, when the firm of Smith, Rockwell & Dickson was formed, which continued until October, 1895, when Mr. Rockwell moved to Buffalo to become a mem- ber of the firm of Simons & Rockwell. He married Dec. 7, 1882, Helen, youngest daughter of Hon. Harlow L. Comstock, of Canandaigua. They have two sons. In 1886 he became attorney for the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts- burgh railway company, which position he still retains. Hon. Frank B. Church, son of Smith Church, was born in Friendship Dec. 17, 1852, He read law with Hon. S. M. Norton. From 1880, when he was admitted to the bar, until 1888 he was partner of Judge Norton. Janu- ary, 1888, he and his brother Frederic H. Church formed the law firm of Church & Church of Wellsville. He was elected delegate to the state consti- tutional convention of 1894. He married in December, 1875, Ida, daughter of Rufus Kinne of Cuba. Frederic H. Church, son of Smith Church, born at Friendship, June 23, 1858, read law with the firm of Angel & Jones of Belmont, and with Hon. S. M. Norton of Friendship. He was graduated from Union University, Al- bany Law School in 1879, and admitted to the bar Nov. 25, 1879. He prac- ticed in Rochester until 1882, then removed toWellsville and |)racticed alone until January, 1888, when he and his brother Frank B. Church formed the law firm of Church & Church. He married in February, 1892, Eleanor, daughter of Col. Stephen Moore of Wells ville. Edgar A. Hewitt, son of John W. and Adaline (Paine) Hewitt, was born288 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1855, attended Friendship Academy, read law with R. & W. H. Scott, was admitted to the bar in 1879 and has since been in practice at Friendship. In 1883 he was elected justice of the peace and now holds that office. He has been member of the board of education several years. William E. Smith was born in Willing in 1844. He served in the 1st New York Dragoons for three years; was clerk of Allegany county six years; and was for a while one of the editors and proprietors of the Belmont Dis- patch. He was admitted to the bar in 1880, belongs to the G. A. R.,isa “ chapter Mason,” an oil producer and dealer in real estate. Hon. Fred. A Robbins was born in Bainbridge, Chenango county, Oct. 16, 1858. Received a common school education and read law with Richard- son, Flenagin and Smith at Angelica; was admitted to the bar at Rochester in April, 1880. He first opened an office in Belfast, but soon removed to Angelica and associated himself with Hon. D. P. Richardson with whom he continues in business. He was elected supervisor of Angelica from 1889 to 1893 inclusive, and was chairman of the board from 1890 to 1892 inclusive. He was elected to the assembly in 1893, again in 1894 and also 1895. In legislative councils he holds a prominent position, and is a leading member of the house. William J. Whitwood, son of Luther B. and Huldah (Carpenter) Whit- wood, was born in Friendship in 1851. He studied law with Hon. C. A. Farnum. Admitted to the bar in 1880 he has since been in practice in Wells- ville, and has been justice of the peace eight years and police justice one term. He married Frankie Carman, and has two sons, Louis and Carl. In 1875 Mr. Whitwood was census enumerator of Friendship. The same year * with A. J. Carman as Carman & Whitwood he engaged in the wholesale bakery and confectionery business which they made the largest enterprise of the kind ever in the county. Mr. Whitwood closed out his interest in 1880. Ralph B. Laning was born in 1857, educated at Rushford Academy, read law with C. W. Woodworth of Rushford and A. P. Laning of Buffalo, and was admitted in 1880, and has practiced since in Rushford; confined mostly to office work and surrogate business. Albert L. Purdy, born in Harmony, Chautauqua Co., July 9,1853, began studying lawT in the office of Hon. H. O. Lakin of Jamestown in 1876, and finished in the office of M. T. Jenkins then of that city. He was admitted to the bar at Buffalo in 1880 and commenced practice in Richburg, later was in Allentown and came to Wells ville in 1884. Horace E. Dudley, son of Elon and Fanny S. Dudley, was born in West Almond in 1840 of New England x>arents who settled therein 1831 and moved to Angelica in 1848. He wras educated in common schools and Angelica Academy. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. G. 130th Regt. N. Y. Inf. (1st. N. Y. Dragoons), and served to the close of the war. He has resided in Angelica since 1868. He was elected justice of the peace in 1871 and is now holding his 7th term of 4 years each. He read lav/ with Richardson, Flenagin andCourts and Lawyers. 289 Smith, was admitted to the bar in 1880 and has since practiced law in Angelica. He wTas elected justice of sessions of the county in 1894, and was the last to hold that position. He has been village clerk for the last 10 years, and has been secretary of the Allegany County Agricultural Society for five years. Mr. Dudley married, first, Harriet A. McGibeny, who died in 1888, leaving two daughters; his second wife was S. DeFrancie Thompson. Stanley Calvin Swift, son of Calvin Swift, was born in Cuba, Jan. 1, 1851. He pursued a classical course at Ann Arbor, Mich., and for three years attended Michigan University. In 1876 he commenced studying law with Loveridge & Swift of Cuba, and was admitted at Rochester, Oct. 10, 1879, and immediately began practicing law in Cuba. Charles H. Brown was born in Winfield, Herkimer county, July 20, 1858. He attended the district school and the academy at West Winfield, and when 12 years of age he began an apprenticeship in the printing office at West Winfield, and continued at that trade until the fall of 1875, when he entered the Hungerford Collegiate Institute at Adams and was graduated in 1877. He taught school one term and began the study of law in the spring of 1878, in the office of Mills, Palmer & Morgan at Little Palls, and was ad- mitted to the bar at Rochester in October, 1880. In May, 1881, he opened an office in Richburg, and has since enjoyed a substantial law practice. He represented Bolivar on the board of supervisors in 1888-9, was elected dis- trict attorney in 1889, re-elected in 1892, and again in 1895, and now lives in Belmont. Mr. Brown is a good lawyer, a popular public speaker and has rare tact in addressing a jury. William C. Windsor, a native of New York City, graduated from Albany Law School in 1881, and has since practiced at Canaseraga. Frank Miles Todd, son of Miles Dan and Deborah (Leonard) Todd, was born Nov. 28, 1849, in Friendship. Graduating from Friendship Academy in June, 1869, he began to read law with Champlain & Armstrong at Cuba in 1879, and in 1882 was admitted to the bar at Rochester. He then with Chas. Older formed a law partnership in Cuba, which continued until the death of Mr. Older, two years later. Then the firm of Armstrong & Todd was organ- ized. Mr. Todd has been a justice of the peace 8 years, supervisor one term, president of the village one term, member of the board of education one year and was Democratic candidate for county judge in 1889. In May, 1878, he married Ella, daughter of Heman Clark of Portageville, Wyoming county. Their children are Lena and Grace. Walter D. Ormiston was born in Hammond, St. Lawrence county, May 21, 1865. He was educated at the Wesleyan Seminary, Governeur. He studied law with Loveridge & Swift and was admitted to the bar at Roches- ter in October, 1882, and established himself for practice at Cuba the same year. Charles S. Hatch, son of Jeremiah, was born in Friendship, July 17, 1854. He was educated at Tufts College, Mass., read law with Corlett & Hatch of Buffalo, was admitted to the bar in 1884, was clerk in the district290 History of Allegany County, N. Y. attorney’s office at Buffalo for 5 years and for nearly 2 years has been chief clerk. In 1891 he was appointed clerk of the superior court. Charles Fremont Vincent was born in Almond, Sept. 3,1856. His father Benjamin M., son of David and Freegift Vincent, was a native of Almond and now resides in Scio. He married Sarah Ferrin of Almond. David Vin- cent and wife were early pioneers of that town and lived and died there. Charles F. Vincent attended Friendship Academy, and was graduated there- from in 1879. In 1881 he began studying law with Hon. S. M. Norton in Friendship and was admitted to the bar at Rochester in October, 1884. Jan. 1, 1886, he opened a law office in Wellsville where he has since practiced. In 1886 he was elected police justice and served 3 years. He was clerk of the surrogate’s court under Judge Farnum for 3 years. In politics he is Republican. Mr. Vincent married Miss Lora Early, daughter of Z. B. Early now of Scio. Delwin A. Stebbins was born in Cussewago township, Crawford Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1854. He received his education at Mosiertown, at Edinboro State Normal School, and at Alfred University, and was graduated from the Al- bany Law School, May 22, 1884, and was admitted to the bar the same month. In August, 1884, he opened a law office in Almond, where he has since practiced his profession. For a while he engaged in teaching, in Little Gen- esee, Alfred and Pennsylvania. Edward Rutherford, son of Joseph H., was born in Allen, June 26, 1860, was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1886, admitted to the bar at Binghamton in 1886, was clerk of the surrogate’s court of Allegany county two years, practiced law for a while in Angelica and Belmont, and is now in Buffalo, forming in May, 1895, a partnership with Hon. David J. Wilcox under the firm name of Wilcox & Rutherford. He has held the office of sec- retary of the Buffalo North Main Street and Tonawanda Electric railroad. Arthur P. McIntosh was born in Caneadea, July 6, 1858, was educated at the Genesee Valley Seminary, read law with Richardson & Smith of Angelica, was admitted to the bar June 5, 1885, and in January, 1886, located at Belfast where he has since practiced. He was supervisor 3 years, and is presiding officer of Western Union Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M., and Genesee Chapter, No. 156. Dawson D. Dickson, a native of the north of Ireland, came to this county in 1874. In June, 1882, he graduated from the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, and the next August commenced the study of law with Richardson & Smith at Angelica. During his law studies he taught school several terms. He was admitted at Rochester in October, 1885, was elected school commissioner for the northern district of Allegany in 1887 and re-elected in 1890. Resides in Angelica, of which town he was elected supervisor in 1894, and now holds that office. He is one of the well-known firm of lawyers, Smith, Rockwell & Dickson. John Cullen Leggett, son of Rev. Otis M. and Rosette (Litchfield) Leg- gett, was born at Oswego, Dec. 25, 1858. Rev. Otis M. Leggett was a Meth-Courts and Lawyers. 291 odist minister and preached in various towns in Allegany county. He died March 1, 1889. John C. Leggett came to Cuba in December, 1870. In June, 1883, he was graduated from the University of the State of Missouri, and then began studying law with Hon. E. D. Loveridge of Cuba. He was ad- mitted to the bar at Rochester in October, 1885, and Jan. 1, 1886, formed the present law partnership of Loveridge & Leggett. Edward T. Durand, son of Dr. Albert Durand, was born in Andover, Dec. 1, 1863, was graduated from the Andover public schools, and Canisteo Academy, then attended Alfred University. He was graduated from the Albany Law School in 1885, was admitted to the bar the same year, and has since practiced in Buffalo. Elba Reynolds was born in Ward, then a part of Alfred, June 20,1853. He was educated in the common schools of the county and at Alfred University. He was raised on a farm, taught school in the country districts for several years, and was principal 3 years in one of the Belmont schools. He com- menced the study of law with Hon. Hamilton Ward in Belmont in 1875, and after he was admitted to the bar continued with Mr. Ward until 1891, when Mr. Ward was elected to the supreme court bench. Mr. Reynolds then formed a copartnership with Charles H. Brown at Belmont and is now the senior member of the lawT firm of Reynolds, Brown & Reynolds at Bel- mont. Mr. Reynolds in politics is a Democrat, he has represented his town for three years on the board of supervisors, and from 1888 to 1891 was county school commissioner of the southern district. He made a splendid run for county judge in 1895, being beaten by only about 600 votes, running some 2,400 ahead of his ticket. Joseph F. Rice, son of Herman, was born at Manheim, Herkimer county, March 17, 1865. His education was acquired at Friendship and at Riverview Academy, Poughkeepsie, where he took a year’s course in engineering. He read law with Judge S. M. Norton, was admitted to the bar Nov. 4, 1889, and has practiced at Friendship since that time. He married June 27, 1889, Belle, daughter of A. B. Bradley, has one son Herman. Mr. Rice is a mem- ber of Allegany Lodge, F. & A. M. Charles M. Marvin, son of the late Charles M. Marvin of Belmont, was born at Peekskill, May 22, 1864. He was educated at Alfred University and at Harvard College. He wras graduated from the former in 1882, from the latter in 1884. He took a post-graduate course in 1885. He read law with J. Stanchfield and Jacob Swartz of Elmira and was admitted to the bar in 1890. After passing several months abroad he opened an office in the Rob- inson Building, Elmira, where he has since practiced his profession. Walter T. Bliss was born Nov. 6, 1860. He was graduated from Alfred in 1886. After one year at Ann Arbor, and one year of study with Bruce & Bruce of Olean he was admitted to the bar, January, 1890. He opened an office at Olean for 2 years, and in 1892 came to Bolivar and is now in the firm of Curtis & Bliss. Walter Norton Renwick was born in Belmont, Dec. 20, 1865, son of292 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Walter D. and Abagail (Norton) Renwick. He was graduated from Friend- ship Academy, and studied law in the office of S. McArthur Norton in Friendship. He was admitted to the bar in Buffalo in June, 1891. He formed a partnership with A. L. Elliott of Friendship, June 1, 1892, which was broken on account of illness and injuries received from a fall. He estab- lished himself in Friendship, Feb. 1, 1894. Eldyn E. Reynolds was born in the town of Ward, Oct. 19,1868. He was educated at Belmont village school and Alfred University, and admitted to the bar at Rochester Oct. 4,1892, and immediately settled in practice at Bel- mont, where he still remains, and at present is the junior member of the law firm of Reynolds, Brown and Reynolds. Hamilton Ward, Jr., son of Hon. Hamilton and Mary (Chamberlain) Ward, was born in Washington, D. C., Jan. 20, 1871. Educated in Belmont, St. Paul’s Hall, Salem, N. Y., and Vermont Episcopal Institute, Burlington, Vt., he studied law with his father and Elba Reynolds at Belmont, was ad- mitted to the bar at Rochester, Oct. 16, 1892, and in May, 1892, began prac- tice at Belmont. He was later appointed collateral inheritance clerk of Erie county (connected with the district attorney’s office), and made his home in Buffalo, where he is now in successful practice as well as assistant dis- trict attorney. John Emory Middaugh, Jr., born in 1868, and Henry G. Middaugh, born in 1871, are sons of Captain J. E. Middaugh of Scio, and both are promising young lawyers. Henry G. was admitted to the bar in 1892 and is now in practice in Buffalo. John E. was graduated from Alfred University, was two years court stenographer of Allegany county, was admitted to the bar in 1893 and located in Buffalo in 1894 for the practice of his profession. Crayton L. Earley, son of Stout, was born in Scio, Sept. 10, 1867. He was educated at Andover and Alfred University, read law with C. A. Farnum, Esq., of Wellsville, was admitted to the bar in October, 1892, and located in Andover where he has since practiced. Willett Lyon Ward was born at Lewisville, Pa., received his education at Wellsville High School and Cornell University, 86-90, was admitted to the bar at Rochester in March, 1893, and has since practiced in Wellsville. He was elected justice of the peace for term 1895-99. Claude Rufus Scott, son of Rufus and Mary M. Scott, was born in Bel- mont in June, 1867. He was educated at Cornell University and was admitted to the bar at Rochester, March 30, 1893, and immediately estab- lished himself at Wellsville for the practice of law. Jesse S. Phillips, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Snyder) Phillips, was born May 4, 1871, in Independence, was graduated from the Andover Union School in 1891, and read law with L. C. VanFleet. He was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1893, admitted to the bar at Rochester in 1894, and located in Andover. He is a partner in the VanFleet & Phillips law firm. Ransom L. Richardson, son of Hon. David P. Richardson, was born atCivil List. 293 Angelica, Jan. 25, 1873. He was educated at the village school at home, and attended the public schools in Washington, D. C., while his father was in congress, the Newton Collegiate Institute, Newton, N. J., Wilson Academy, Angelica, from which he was graduated in 1891, and was graduated from the Cornell Law School in 1895 with the degree of LL.B. He was admitted to the bar at Rochester in March, 1894, and Aug. 1, 1895, opened a law office in Fillmore where he is now engaged in practice. Herbert V. McMullen was born in Salem, Pa., June 2, 1872. In 1881 his parents settled in Bolivar. He graduated from the public schools of Bolivar in 1891, read law with Becker & Farnham of Buffalo, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1895. Clarence Durand, son of Dr. Albert Durand, was born in Andover, Nov- ember, 1867. He received his education at Andover public schools, Canisteo Academy, and the Ann Arbor Law School, and is now a member of the law firm of Chase & Durand, Chicago. We have endeavored to give something of value concerning the lawyers who have either practiced law in Allegany or were born within its limits, but it is a difficult task to gather all that we would like to procure. Of some lawyers we can learn nothing, many letters remain unanswered, while there are no doubt practitioners who worthily deserve place here whom we have unintentionally passed by. CHAPTER XXXIV. CIVIL LIST. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.—The residents of Allegany who have repre- sented the district of which it forms a part, are as follows: William B. Rochester, Angelica, 1821 to 1823, when he resigned to take the office of cir- cuit judge; Luther C. Peck, of Pike, 1837-38-39-40-41; Martin Grover, 1845-47; Judson W. Sherman, of Angelica, 1857-59; Hamilton Ward, 1865—71; David P. Richardson, 1879-83. When Allegany was organized as a county it was placed with Cayuga, Genesee, Ontario and Steuben in the 17th. Con- gressional District. In 1808 Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Genesee, Niagara and Ontario counties were constituted the 15th district. June 10, 1812, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Genesee, Niagara, Ontario and, after 1821, Erie, Livingston and Monroe, the 21st. Allegany, Cattaraugus and Steuben were made the 28th district, April 17, 1822, and June 29, 1832, Allegany and Livingston; Sep. 6, 1842, Allegany and Steuben; July 9, 1851, Allegany, Genesee and Wyoming constituted the 30th district; April 23,1862, ' Allegany, Steuben and Chemung were made the 27th district, and June 18,294 History of Allegany County, N. Y. 1873, the number was changed to the 29th. Since then Allegany has been grouped with Cattaraugus and Chautauqua and the district is now the 29th. State Senators.—-When the county of Allegany was organized it formed a part of what was called the ‘‘ Western Senatorial District,” and was allowed nine members; from 1808 to 1815 it was entitled to twelve mem- bers. By act of April 17, 1815, Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauqua, Cortland, Genesee, Madison, Niagara, Onondaga, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga and Oswego constituted the Western District. April 17, 1817, Tompkins was added and the district was awarded nine members, and, during that condition which existed till the adoption of the constitution of 1821, Allegany never had a representative from her own territory in the senate. When the constitution of 1821 was adoj)ted, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara and Steuben were made the 8th Senatorial District and so continued till Nov. 12, 1824, when Orleans was added. April 18, 1826, Steuben was taken off. May 23, 1836, Allegany, Cattaraugus and Livingston were made one district, entitled to one member, and, in 1841, Wyoming was added. Under the constitution of 1846 the state was again re-districted and Allegany and Wyoming formed the 30th District with one member. By the act of April 13, 1857, Allegany, Livingston and Wyoming constituted the 13th District. Since that time Allegany has for some years formed part of a district with Steuben and Chemung counties, and at present is grouped with its old associates Liviugston and Wyoming. The names of the state senators resident in Allegany have been James Mc- Call, who represented the district in the legislature 1825-26-27-28; John Griffin, 1833-34-35-36; Laurens Hull, 1837-38-39-40; Calvin T. Chamberlain, 1843-44-45-46; Charles D. Robinson 1851-52; Martin Butts, 1855-56; Wilkes Angel, 1863-64-65-66; Abijah J. Wellman, 1875—76—77—78; Sumner Baldwin 1882-83. Members of Assembly.—Session of 1807 (Allegany, Genesee and On- tario counties composing the assembly, district), Alexander Rhea, Philetus Swift, Asahel Warner. 1808 (same district), William Rumsey, Philetus Swift, Asahel Warner, Jr. 1809 (Steuben and Allegany, until 1823), Henry A. Townsend; 1810-11, John Knox; 1812-13, Jacob Teeple; 1814-15, Daniel Cruger; 1816, Timothy H. Porter; 1817, Timothy H. Porter, Wm. B. Roch- ester; 1818, Wm. B. Rochester, James McCall; 1819, John Dow, James McCall; 1820-21, Clark Crandall, John Dow; 1822, Amos Peabody, Grattan H. Wheeler. Since 1823 Allegany has been a district by itself, and some of the time entitled to one and some of the time to two. In 1823 James McCall was the member; 1824-5, Lazarus S. Rathbun; 1826, George Williams; 1827, Asa Lee Davidson; 1828-9, Azel Fitch; 1830-1, Daniel Ashley; 1832-3, John B. Collins; 1834, Lewis Wood; 1835, Alvin Burr; 1836, Calvin T. Chamberlain; 1837, Calvin T. Chamberlain, Azel Fitch; 1838, Seth H. Pratt, Samuel Rus-Civil List. 295 sell; 1839, Seth H. Pratt, William Welch; 1840, Lorenzo Dana, William Welch; 1841, Lorenzo Dana, Horace Hunt; 1842, Robert Flint, Samuel Russell, 1844, Nathaniel Coe, Horatio R. Riddle; 1845-6, Nathaniel Coe, John G. Collins; 1847, Grover Leavens, Samuel Russell; 1848, John Wheeler, William Cobb; 1849, Orville Boardman, Erastus H. Willard; 1850, Anthony T. Wood, Joseph Corey; 1851, Emery E. Norton, Anson Congdon; 1852, John Wheeler, John R. Hartshorn; 1853, Emulus Townsend, Marshall B. Champlain; 1854, Gid- eon H. Jenkins, Lucius S. May; 1855, Lucien B. Johnson, Lucius S. May; 1856, Isaac Hampton, Alexander H. Main; 1857, William M. Smith, James T. Cameron; 1858, John M. Hammond, William F. Jones; 1859, Alfred Lockhart, William Cobb; 1860, William M. Smith, Darwin E. Maxson; 1861, Wilkes Angel, Lucius S. May; 1862-3, Alvah E. Cruttenden, Edward D. Loveridge; 1864, Charles M. Crandall, Morris S. Chase; 1865, Charles M. Crandall, Al- bon A. Lewis; 1866, Wm. Wilson, Albon A. Lewis; 1867, Charles M. Cran- dall; 1868-9, Silas Richardson; 1870-1, Charles N. Flenagin; 1872—3, Wm. W. Crandall; 1874-5, Orin T. Stacy; 1876-7, Sumner Baldwin; 1878-9, H. H. Wakely; 1880-81, Samuel J. Morgan; 1882, Washington Moses; 1883-4, Charles S. Hall; 1885-6, Wm. R. McEwen; 1887, Washington Moses; 1888-9, A. B. Cottrell; 1890-1, Addison S. Thompson; 1892-3, M. M. Congdon; 1894- 5-6, Frederick A. Robbins. The only assemblyman ever elected from the Allegany district for “ speaker ” was Daniel Cruger of Steuben, in 1816. County Clerks.—From the organization of the county down to the adoption of the constitution of 1821, the county clerks were appointed by the Council of Appointment, which was composed of one senator from each dis- trict openly nominated and appointed each year by the assembly, no senator being eligible two years in succession. The governor was the presiding officer of the council, and had only a casting vote. The names of those who held the office by appointment and the dates of their appointment were: Jacob S. Holt, April 7, 1807; Victor Du Pont, Nov. 9, 1808; Richard M. Law- rence, Feb. 2, 1810; Joseph A. Rathbun, Feb. 24, 1811; Evart Van Wickle, Jan. 27, 1813; Amos Peabody, July 8, 1816. After this they were elected at the November elections and followed each other in this succession: Amos Peabody, 1822; Judson W. Sherman, 1831; Samuel Van Wickle, 1837; Wm. Windsor, 1840-41-42-43; Martin Butts, 1846; John J. Rockafellow, 1849; James M. Mott, 1852; Wm. B. Alley, 1855; John W. Eldridge, 1858; George W. Green, 1861-64; Wm H. H. Russell, 1867-70-73; George H. Blackman, 1876-79; Wm. E. Smith, 1882-85; George A. Green, 1888-91-94. Sheriffs.—These officers were also appointed down to the adoption of the constitution of 1821. The appointees were, with date of appointment: John Gibson, Apr. 7, 1807; John Hawley, Feb. 28,1810; Ebenezer Hyde, Feb. 21, 1811; John Mullinder, Mar. 23, 1813; John Gibson, Mar. 2, 1814; Jedediah Nobles, Mar. 25, 1816; Asa Lee Davidson, Apr. 24,1818; Joseph Wilson, Feb. 12, 1821. After this time they have been elected and the succession has been: Joseph Wilson, 1822; Hugh Magee, 1825; Daniel McHenry, 1828; Jesse296 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Bullock, 1831; John T. Wright, 1840; David Brown, 1843; Joshua Rathbun, 1846; Joab B. Hughes, 1849; Gamaliel Benjamin, 1852; Samuel C. Cotton, 1855; Henry Brown, 1858; Edward S. Bruce, 1861; John T. Wright, 1864; Uriah L. Davis, 1867; Joseph Gillies, 1870; Stephen N. Bennett, 1873; Wm. H. Withey, 1876; Joseph Gillies, 1879; Ittai J. Elliott, 1882; A. B. Bradley, 1885; Wm. J. Garwood, 1888; N. B. Sherman, 1891; Geo. H. Swift, 1894. County Treasurers.—Previous to the adoption of the constitution of 1846 the treasurer was appointed by the board of supervisors, and held office until his successor was appointed. The county treasurers’ books afford the means of ascertaining the succession which is as follows, with their years of service: Benjamin Riggs, 1808; John Mullinder, 1809 to 1812, inclusive; Moses Van Campen, 1813 to 1824; Alvin Burr, 1825 to 1831; Asa S. Allen, 1832 to 1835; Andrew C. Hull, 1836 to 1839; Ransom Lloyd, 1840-41; Samuel C. Wilson, 1843 and 1848; Smith Davis, 1844-49-50-51-52-53; Emory E. Norton, 1847; Daniel D. Gardiner was elected in the fall of 1854, and took the office Jan. 1,1855. His predecessor, Smith Davis, also held the office during 1854. Mr. Gardiner’s length of service is unprecedented in the county, and quite likely in the state, as he was continually re-elected and held the office until his death in March, 1893, when Charles Ricker, of Fill- more, the present incumbent, was appointed by Judge Norton, and elected at the succeeding election. CHAPTER XXXV. ALLEGANY’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT WELLSVILLE, N. Y. June 26th and 27th, 1895. CENTENNIAL celebrations of important events in the history of nations, states, counties, towns, cities, villages and institutions, have come to be regarded as essential parts of our civilization and eminently calculated to inculcate love, veneration and respect for our ancestors, to cultivate devo- tion to country, and to inspire in the hearts of a people earnest patriotism. The writer, having had occasion to acquaint himself somewhat with the history of Allegany county, in the spring of 1894 conceived the thought that Nathanael Dike’s settlement at Elm Valley in 1795 should be made the occasion for a Centennial Celebration of the first settlement of Allegany, and the more he thought of it the more strongly impressed he became of the value of such a celebration; indeed he finally considered that it would be in a sense almost criminal for Allegany to allow 1895 to pass without a fittingCentennial Celebration. 297 and proper demonstration in honor of such an historic event. Not long after, meeting Roger Stillman, editor of the Belmont Dispatch, he impressed upon him the importance of losing no time in calling the attention of the people to the subject through the press. The following appeared in the next issue of the Dispatch: “ In the year 1795 Nathanael Dike hewed out the first clearing in Allegany forests, and established the first home ever made for a white man within its borders, upon the creek which still bears his name. Next year will complete the first century of Allegany’s settlement, and the Dispatch suggests that on some appropriate date a celebration of that event be held at the county capitol, with ‘ fitting pomp and circumstance,’ and that the historians of the county present papers upon the subsequent events down to our time. We would be pleased to receive suggestions and recommendations from all citizens interested in the project.” This was the first public expression ever given to the idea of a Centen- nial Celebration for Allegany. The Northern Allegany Observer at Fillmore endorsed the movement with hearty approval. Newspaper after newspaper fell .into line with the enterprise and neighboring city and county journals took up the subject and voiced opinions favorable to the project, until public opinion was settled in the conviction that Allegany should celebrate the cen- tennial of her first settlement. At a meeting of the Allegany County Farmer’s Club at Hume, resolutions were passed appropriately endorsing the movement. It was thought best to call a meeting of the Allegany County Historical Society, and one was accordingly held at Belmont on the 16th day of October, 1894, during court week, when a representative gathering of citizens from the different parts of the county were present. The matter was called up, and it was at once voted unanimously “ that the chair appoint a committee of five to whom the time and place for holding a centennial celebration of the first settlement of Allegany county should be left.” This committee was appointed: Judges Hamilton Ward of Belmont, S. M. Norton of Friendship, and C. A. Farnum of Wellsville, and Hons. E. D. Loveridge of Cuba and D. P. Richardson of Angelica. The veteran teacher Prof. S. A. Earley of Wells ville attended this meeting, and in behalf of his people, a number of whom he had consulted, offered to raise $500 at least toward defraying the expenses, should such a demonstration be held at his town. The committee (with the exception of Mr. Loveridge who was unable to be present) met at Belmont on the 21st day of December, and after thoroughly canvassing the subject, settled upon Wells ville as the place, and June 19, 1895, as the time, for such demonstra- tion. Saturday evening, Jan. 5, 1895, a meeting to forward the centennial celebration was held in Wells ville. Hon. C. A. Farnum presided, and L. H. Thornton was secretary, and this committee was appointed to meet and co-operate with the Historical Society at Belmont on the next Tuesday: Capt. Geo. H. Blackman, Prof. S. A. Earley, Dr. H. M. Sheerar, G. B. Gordon and A. E. Cowles. Tuesday, January 8th, the County Historical Society held its annual meeting at Ward Hall in Belmont, re-electing Jno. S. Minard president, Geo.298 History of Allegany County, N. Y. W. Fries secretary and Stephen Pollard custodian, and electing W. J. Rich ardson of Belmont treasurer. The Wellsville committee was in attendance and its report on time and place for holding the Centennial Celebration was accepted and adopted. It was also arranged that the officers of the society should be a committee to meet with the citizen’s general committee of Wells- ville to prepare a program of exercises for the celebration. The members of the general committee were: Hon. C. A. Farnum, Hon. O. A. Fuller, Hon. W. F. Jones, Hon. F. B. Church, Gen. Rufus Scott, Capt. Geo. H. Blackman, Dr. G. H. Witter, Dr. H. M. Sheerar, E. W. Barnes, John McEwen, W. C. Ross, Samuel Hanks, A. E. Cowles, Samuel A. Earley, J. H. Brown, D. C. Ackerman, W. B. Coats, George E. Brown, Libbeus Sweet, Dickinson Clark, C. H. Fisher, Wm. Beever, G. B. Gordon, T. P. Otis, Sidney Frisbey, James Macken, E. B. Hall, L. H. Thornton, Wm. Miller, Levi Frank, Ed. Hanraham, Wm. Duke, Sr., F. H. Furman and A. S. Brown. Hon. F. B. Church was made permanent chairman, and Lewis H. Thornton permanent secretary. At a joint meeting of the Historical Society and this committee held at Wells- ville, Jan. 17, 1895, the committee said that Wellsville could be depended upon to raise $1,000 for the celebration. Pres. Minard of the Historical Society then appointed a committee of one member from each town except Wellsville, to solicit subscriptions to an expense fund. This committee was composed of these gentlemen: Silas C. Burdick, Alfred; S. S. Karr, Almond; T. N. Boyd, Andover; D. P. Richardson, Angelica; Riley Allen, Alma; George A. Green, Amity; Fred R.Piatt, Allen;E. W. Cowles, Bolivar; L. N. Brainard, Belfast; J. C. Craig, Burns; W. T. Elliott, Centerville; D. W. Chamberlain, Caneadea; M. M. Congdon, Clarksville; E. D. Loveridge, Cuba; A. Miner Wellman, Friendship; John S. Pitt, Granger; Charles K. Bacon, Grove; J. P. Mills, Hume; Theodore Cobb, Independence; J. E. Middaugh, Scio; Clar- ence Ricker, New Hudson; L. H. Ackerman, Willing; Geo. Watson, West Almond; Murray Farwell, Ward; Crandall Lester, Wirt; A. L. Litchard, Rushford The following were made soliciting committee to work in Wells- ville: F. H. Furman, James McEwen, P. L. O’Connor, Geo. Isenhauer and Louis Dornow. An executive committee of nine was created, and it was voted to invite the ladies to participate. The county convention of the W. C. T. U. at Belmont in January received and accepted an invitation to attend and take part, and a committee consist- ing of Mrs. Geo. W. Fries of Friendship, Mrs. J. S. Minard of Fillmore and Mrs. Sidney Frisbey of Wellsville, was appointed to co-operate with the gen- eral committee. At a meeting of the general committee on Feb. 18, 1895, Chairman F. B. Church thus announced the executive committee: Clarence A. Farnum, Oscar A. Fuller, A. E. Cowles, John McEwen, E. W. Barnes, W C. Ross and W. B. Coats; with F. B. Church chairman and L. H. Thornton secretary. As the time passed public attention was aroused, and Prof. Stephen Pollard, school commissioner for the southern district, suggested the idea of prize essays upon some appropriate subject connected with the centen-Centennial Celebration. 299 nial, so when the Teacher’s Association for the southern district convened at Belmont in February, a committee consisting of Profs. Craig of Wells- ville, Crissey of Belmont, Cannon of Andover, and Commissioner Pollard, was appointed to report a plan of procedure. The “ General Citizen Committee of Wellsville approved the reported plan and made the announcement through the press ’’that the essays should be upon “Our County,”* that the competition should be open to all pupils over twelve years old of all schools in the county, that the teachers of the several schools should select the best of these offered up to as many as one for each teacher employed; that they should be numbered so as to be identified, the names of the writers not to be known to the committee, etc. Rev. B. C. Davis, Miss Inez R. Maxson and Prof. W. C. Whitford all of Alfred University, were named as the committee to whom the essays were to be submitted, and to award the prizes. April 24, 1895, the date for holding the celebration was changed to the 26th and 27th of June on account of the Commencement exercises at Alfred University. The ladies of Wells ville organized to prepare a historical museum. They appointed town committees and invited people to send in historic treasures, relics and “ curios,” and the village trustees donated the use of the required, portion of the new city building for storing and exhibiting the relics, pic- tures, works of art, etc., constituting the museum. As the time for the celebration approached the work increased, and as the people of Wells ville became aware of the proportions of the undertaking, which from day to day developed beyond anything the most sanguine had expected, they only put forth the more effort and met the responsibility with great credit. The citizen’s general committee held meetings every week, and oftener. These sub-committees were appointed: General Executive Committee, Hon. F. B. Church, chairman; Hon. O. A. Fuller, E. W. Barnes, A. E. Cowles, Hon. C. A. Farnum, John McEwen, W. B. Coats, W. C. Ross, F. H. Furman, treasurer; L. H. Thornton, secretary. Reception and Entertainment, Frederic H. Church, Charles A. Ball, Gen. Rufus Scott, James Thornton, Wm. F. Jones, H. K. Opp, James Macken, Grant Duke, C. A. Farnum and F. H. Furman. Grand Procession, Historical Pageant, (a) Modern Section and Trades Display, H. K. Opp, J. M. Rath- bun, I. N. Fassett, Rev. A. R. Miller, Dr. F. H. Ellsworth, (b)Old Section, W. E. Fisher, G. B. Gordon, Wm. Bruce, W. M. Lee, Willett Ward and Luman Leonard. Fireman’s Parade, J. J. O’Connor, T. H. Sweney, Wayne Scott, Dana Richards, James Sullivan, Percy Green, Wm. L. Rogers. Grand Army Division, Commander A. M. Boyd. Civic Societies, Ed. Williams. Organiza- tion of Procession, Capt. George H. Blackman, grand marshal; Willie Duke, marshal’s orderly; aides, Dr. G. H. Witter, Wm. Bruce, Wm. E. Smith, Russell Tremaine, M. D. Palmer, A. M. Boyd, Wm. Opp, Wm. Duke, Jr. Sports, Oak S. Duke, Burt Danks, Harry Teeple, Charles Clark, Thos. H. Sweney, Frank Chamberlain, Claude R. Scott, Chas. M. Barnes. Decorat- * This subject was suggested by Mrs. Georgia Drew Merrill, the editor of this history.300 History of Allegany County, N. Y. ing Village, ‘"Mayor” Grant Duke, Wm. L. Rogers, W. C. Kendall, E. D. Clark, Martin Morgan, Eugene Allen, Stephen Moore, J. J. O’Connor. Music and Bands, M. D. Haskins, Paul B. Hanks, Charles Kendall. School Chil- dren’s Parade, Profs. Craig, Bryant, Reed and Laewen and Prank Higgins. Stereopticon Exhibition, Prof. Charles Bryant. Soldier’s Reunion, A. M. Boyd, O. A. Puller, Capt. Geo. H. Blackman, James Thornton. Railroad Rates and Excursions, John McEwen, W. B. Coats. Historical Museum, Mrs. John Cot- ton Smith, Mrs. A. S. Brown, Mrs. E. W. Barnes, Mrs. Chas. Kendall, Miss Fannie Lewis, Mrs. George Rosa, Mrs. W. C. Ross, Mrs. F. V. R. Stillman, Miss Miriam Thornton. The Sunday before the celebration many of the clergy throughout the county preached discourses appropriate to the time and calculated to in- spire feelings in consonance with the centennial idea. The week previous to the celebration was a busy one for the peopleof Wellsville. All was bustle and hurry. The city hall under the direction of the ladies was decorated most beautifully, and conveniently and tastefully arranged for the exhibition of historic relics. Two beautiful arches trimmed wuth evergreens spanned Main street and by the coming of the 25th of June, Wellsville had put on gala attire, all public and business places and many residences being deco- rated with a profusion of “ red, white and blue. ” Many former Alleganians were registered at the hotels or taken care of by old friends and acquaint- ances in town, and all was ready for the celebration. The Celebration.*—Wellsville, June 26, 1895. At sunrise the people were reminded that the long looked for centennial had arrived in good earn- est, when Captain Miller raised his thumb from the vent of the brass 12- pounder, and the report of the gun proclaimed to the inhabitants far and near that the memory of Nathanael Dike still lives, and that the grand- children, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren of Allegany’s first settlers are meeting to celebrate the event of the first settlement. All day yesterday and early this morning, every man, woman and child was busy decorating the business places and residences in the most lavish manner. Every train is loaded down with human freight, and before sunrise the teams commenced rolling into town and it is believed they wull continue until 20,000 people are on the ground. The new city hall is occupied on the first and third floors by the Historical Museum. This feature is in charge of the ladies and contains over 2,000 valuable and curious reminders of olden times. Each exhibit has its interesting history, and many open a train of events that would take a volume to describe. The exhibits from each town occupy separate booths. First Day.—At 11:10 the excursion train on the Erie started for the old home of Nathanael Dike at Elm Valley. A switch has been put in at the *The writer will depend upon the local papers for an account of the exercises, etc., sifting from each the best of its report, not stopping to give credit further than to say that the Cuba Patriot, the Wellsville Re- porter and the Belmont Dispatch have been impressed into service.Centennial Celebration. 301 place and it is known by railroad men as Dike. A band accompanied the ex- cursionists, arriving on the ground shortly before 12 ‘o’clock. Two thous- and people, many coming in carriages, gathered about the old cellar, the only thing left of the pioneer’s buildings except one stick of -timber of the old milldam. near by. In the pioneer burying-ground, just a little distance away on a gentle elevation, repose the remains of the pioneers Dike and Cole and their families, the graves marked by rude rough stones show the beginning of settlement a century ago. After a prayer by the Rev. Dr. E. A. Leeper, Hon. O. A. Puller made this address: Ladies and Gentlemen:—The committee having in charge our Centennial Celebration, have thought it right and proper that we should meet here on the very spot where the first white settler carved out for himself and family a home, and where the first step was taken to- wards that purer, higher and grander civilization that has made our county such that every per- son dwelling within her borders is proud of her civilization, proud of the record she has made during the one hundred years past and gone, and proud to meet together in her first Centennial Celebration, and celebrate that record. We meet here to-day to pay our tribute to the memory of the first white settler, Nathanael Dike. I want to say to each and every one of you, that we are commemorating the memory of no ordinary man. Nathanael Dike was a patriot from boy- hood until his death. He loved freedom and hated oppression ; he loved liberty and was op- posed to serfdom with his whole soul, and it was no wonder that, although a student of Yale College at the time when the little band of colonies declared was against old England on account of her cruel oppressions, he then threw off his studentship, buckled on his sword and left the halls of Yale College. He enlisted in the Union cause and fought for liberty; and as we follow him through these seven long, cruel, bitter years, we find him being promoted for gallant conduct on the battle field until he was an officer on Gen. Warren’s staff; remaining there until that brave general fell mortally wounded at Bunker Hill, and was then transferred to the staff of Gen. Washington, and remained with that brave and noble General until peace had been declared and our independence won. It seemed strange to me at first as it will no doubt to you, that one occupying the high position in society that he occupied ; one that had endeared himself to every person in the then young nation, and could have had and held al- most any political position in the gift of the people, should have left that which was most near and dear to him, and sought a home in the wilderness of Western New York; yet when we remember the spirit that Nathanael Dike was made of; when we remember that nothing but patriotism beat within his breast ; when were member that it had been the dream of his life to see a great nation builded up with a Government for the People, of the People and by the Peo- ple, and remembering that he knew that in no way could such a nation and government be builded but by advancing civilization,and so when we remember that none but the brave and heroic could or would have been our first pioneersthen, we can account for Nathanael Dike leav- ing his home which was in Connecticut and first settling in the Mohawk Valley. Staying there until he saw the seed of a purer civilization taking root, he left and went to Turtle Point, Pa. Next we find him coming up through the Canisteo Valley; past where the city of Hornellsville now stands, on over into what is now Karr Valley, and then over the mountainous hills from Karr Valley until he struck Elm Valley coming down through that valley until he reached this spot where the valleys come together reaching here in the spring of 1795, and saying: “ Here I will make a home for myself and family.” Could he have found a more lovely spot? I leave the answer to you. Nathanael Dike was a great man in more than one way. He was a genius. He was a great mechanic and builded himself the first saw and grist mill built within the bor- ders of our county, and in a few years built the first tannery. Go to yonder cemetery and you wiil there find and learn the genial, sympathetic and loving nature of the man. You will see302 History of Allegany County, N. Y. there gravestones made by him from the common flat stones of our fields and the inscriptions thereon made by him with rude implements and yet works of art, and those inscriptions are plain, although almost ioo years have gone, as they were the day they were inscribed thereon. All done by him as I am told without pay, for the early settlers who were less fortunate than himself. That reminds me how much more friendly toward one another and how much more they stood ready to help and assist each other in those days than we are to-day. We, stand- ing here, can hardly realize what it meant to be the first settlers of our country. The pri- vations, the sufferings and the dangers that they passed through can only be told to us in story. The nearest white settlement to this place at the time he located in this spot was nearly 30 miles, being near where Canisteo stands to-day and an unbroken wilderness on every side. The wild beasts of the forest had not then been subdued, and what was worse the savages were roaming up and down our valleys burning, plundering, murdering at the midnight hour, sparing neither women or children. Such scenes were of frequent occurrence, and it needed just such brave and noble men as Nathanael Dike, Moses Van Campen, Patterson Coe and others to settle such a wilderness as this county was at that time, and when I think over and study the characters of those noble pioneers it seems to me that God in his infinite mercy raised up those grand men to lead us to a purer, nobler and grander civilization, just as he raised them up in olden times to lead the children of Israel out of bondage to the promised land. We owe a debt of gratitude to the memory of the first settlers of our county which we can never repay. It was their patriotism, loyalty and love of country that enabled your county and mine in the dark spring time of 1861 to send as brave and noble men as ever went forth to battle and to die as was sent from any county within our great Empire State or within the county of any state in our great nation, and more of them according to her population than any other county, and it is one of the brightest and noblest pages in our county’s history, and one that will grow brighter and brighter as the years roll around. And we also owe to them the grand educational system that we now have where the poor can be educated without cost or price. And as we go from this spot sacred to Alleganians let each and every one cherish more fondly the memory of those brave men and noble women who were the first settlers of our county. And let us here and now firmly resolve to emulate the noble examples of their lives by being kinder to each other. Ever ready to assist, to lift up rather than pull down. Willing that oth- ers should succeed as well as ourselves. Ever ready to stretch forth a ready hand to a needy brother. Willing, eager to help and assist those less fortunate than ourselves. If we will but do this, how much better society will be, and the future generation that is soon to follow in your and my place will cherish our memory as we cherish the memory of those whose lives we this day commemorate. Gen. Alexander S. Divenof Elmira, 86 years old, formerly an Alleganian and a lawyer of great eminence, district attorney of Allegany county from 1836 to 1841, was introduced and made a short speech. The exercises at Elm Valley were concluded by the introduction to the assemblage of four of the direct descendants of Nathanael Dike. They were Dr. J. M. Dike, of York, Livingston county, great-great-grandson, his two little daughters, Lulu and Mabel, and R. A. Dike, his brother. At Wellsville the childrens’ parade formed at the Union School grounds Main St., at 1:45 P. M., but made but a short march on account of an approaching thunderstorm, and was discontinued at Baldwin’s theater. Hardly were the people seated when down came the rain in a drenching shower accompanied by heavy thunder and vivid lightning. The storm soon ceased and the afternoons exercises began with a chorus, “ America,” by the school children. Gen. A. S. Diven wTas then called to preside over the centennial exercises. This he did in aCentennial Celebration. 303 very felicitous manner. Rev. E. A. Rice invoked the divine blessing and was followed by this eloquent address of welcome by Hon. Wm. F. Jones: Citizens of Allegany :—It has been the practice of people, in all ages, to signalize important or decisive events in some enduring and impressive manner. We immortalize the valor and the deeds of men in busts of marble or statues of bronze. In monuments of granite we commemorate the conquests of armies and the majesty of empires ; but the achievements of Industry, the conquests of Science and the majesty of Labor we embalm and immortalize in History. In oriental lands are temples, obelisks and pyramids, so ancient that the events they once commemorated have passed into oblivion. They stand there in their majestic grandeur, solitary and forsaken. On this new continent our monuments are new, and the lessons they p erpetuate are the stories of yesterday. Bunker Hill has only passed its one hundred and twentieth anniversary, the Washington Monument was but recently completed, and the jewelled crowns that blaze on Gettysburg are but the creations of our own generation. All these may pass into decay, but History endures. While language lasts her light illuminates the world. Then let us do homage to History. We bring to her this tribute of our county. We gather the gems of a century, gleaned from the path of our progress, and cast them at her feet. With speech and parade, with joy and ceremonial display we commit them to her care. We cele- brate an interesting event. We celebrate the achievements of a century, and these are the con- tributions we bring to History. When it was first decided that we should hold this celebration, the question arose as to the locality where it should occur, and there were many claimants for the honor. Important settlements were made in various parts of the county during the first decade of the century, and many of the early settlers were men of social distinction, men of culture, of refined charac- ter, representing both wealth and enterprise. They embraced an array of names of which the county has always been proud. Among them were men whose lives and acts were honorably identified with its early developement and civic history. They represented the highest type of social and political citizenship. It was felt by many that some locality should be selected which best represented these early influences. But. as is usual in such instances, there was vigorous competition when placed on that basis. At this juncture Wellsville came forward, with her usual modesty (a merit which has always been conspicuous in her), and offered her solution. She pointed to the historic fact, and made the undisputed claim, that it was within the limits of her township that Nathanael Dike, pioneer of all our settlers, on one bright day in June, 1795, pitched his tent upon the bank of the little stream that now bears his name, and there built his home and his family altar; that there he opened up the first settlement within the territory since erected into our county; that it was he, who, with axe of steel and arm of iron, smote the first tree that fell in this wooded wilderness ; that his sturdy blows, echoing through the forests, were heard within the confines of civilization. These blows rang out over the lake country ; they echoed down the valley of the Mohawk ; they were heard on the banks of the Hudson; they thundered among the rocks of New England ; they were reechoed from the land of Penn, They aroused the spirit of adventure, and migration from all those regions followed so rapidly in the track of the first settler that, in less than eleven years from the time when th<^ first smoke rose from Dike’s humble cabin, a new county was born to the Empire State. What place then more fit for these memorial rites than the banks of that same historic stream, and the place where its waters join the Genesee ? This solution seemed very satisfactory, and to Wellsville was accorded the honor of holding this first centennial. The place is ap- propriate, the day auspicious, and you are here, invited guests, a happy concourse, to join in these festivities. Wellsville accepts the honor with pride and pleasure. She has kindly dele- gated me to extend to you her cordial greeting. She welcomes you with open arms. She re- joices with you over the wonderful achievements of the county during the century just closed. She shares with you the patriotic pride which every citizen feels who contemplates the progress304 History of Allegany County, N. Y. she has made, and the high position she has attained, in the grand family of counties. She is your co-worker in this enterprise. She co-operates with her sister townships and with sister villages in spreading this banquet. She gives her service to distribute the feast. She tenders to you the freedom of her town. She opens her heart to you as well as her homes and in her name I bid you a Cordial Welcome. We have much to celebrate, Allegany is fortunate in the period covering her communal existence, It has been coequal and contemporary with the most glorious era of the world’s history. She has become an hon- ored part of the grandest state in this grand republic. She has participated in its proud developement. She has borne her burden and shared the glory of the commonwealth in its victorious march. What stirring memories move us as we run backward through these years ! How imagination riots among these fields of her romantic history ! On themes so grand and so instructive I would gladly dwell, but the place assigned me here forbids. The occasion in- vites other thoughts also. It recalls the perils and the trials of the early settler. It excites our sympathy for his privations, and arouses our admiration for his heroic endurance. See the obstacles that opposed him. Take with me one look, a single backward glance. Let your eyes run to the remotest margin of the century just closed. Along that distant horizon you see a trackless wilderness. It covers all the ten hundred and thirty-three square miles of our territory. Wave on wave of wooded height stretch to the utmost line of vision. Not a high- way, not a home, not a habitation of civilized man ! Forests illimitable, dark and dense, shut the sunlight from brook and glen. They mantle all the heights. They darken all the vales. Great pines stand ward and sentinel upon the rugged hills, and over stream and river wave their giant arms. Through what ages unknown to us have they not stood there, challenging the encroachment of man ! What human heroism can conquer this wilderness ? A century is gone! One hundred years ! How brief the period compared with all the ages preceding, a mote upon a boundless sea, a single sand upon its shore ! And yet in this brief period what marvelous transformations appear! The wilderness is changed to wealth. A county is developed, rich in people, rich in every resource. How changed the land appears ! What scenes of pastoral beauty greet your eyes ! How the fertile fields stretch away on every view! What peaceful, prosperous homes abound! Here indeed is a young empire. See what thriving villages dot the land ! How the towering church spires glow ! Religion has joined her hand with honest enterprise. God and Happiness reign here. See her magnificent schools, her Academic halls, her grand University, a seat of learning, fit to grace the richest state. See the multitude of ardent youth who crowd their portals. Surely cultured life is here. Behold her industries! Visit her marts of trade, inventory every enterprise, sum up the grand accumulations of her wealth, and then take account of those greater riches, those which exist in the quality of her people. How many have attained distinction ! What shining lights grace Bench and Bar, Pulpit and Profession, Learning and Art, Trade and Commerce ! And then what hosts her records bear, who, in dreary camp, on weary march, on fiery battle-fields have shed renown and glory on her name. Here indeed are men, men fit to constitute a state, ‘ Men who their duties know, and knowing, dare maintain.” Here also “ Sovereign Law sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill.” I love the Great Grand County. I love her bright green fields. I love the music of her streams. I love her grand old hills. Sfte gave me welcome in my youth, I give her blessings in my age. This day the Mother County meets her family m happy reunion. To her side she calls her faithful children, and, lo, they come, a happy multitude. Here are her cultured daughters, here her stalwart sons. Here is farmer, laborer, artisan. Here are teachers of schools, pro- fessors of colleges, merchants, doctors, lawyers, legislators, priests and judges ; all have come to lay their tribute at the feet of the foster mother. Some come bearing garnered wealth, some honor-crowned, some laurel-wreathed, but all with loyal hands and loyal hearts. HereCentennial Celebration. 305 also is the remnant of her veterans ! Pride of the maternal heart ! Best beloved of all her sons ! Once more they come with martial tread, With form erect but silvered head ; With face of bronze and heart of steel, As when the mother made appeal. Beneath the banner they unfold, Their names, their deeds, are writ in gold. Citizens, soldiers, friends. In the name of the Mother County, in the name of our Civic Authorities, in the name of the Centennial Committee, once more I salute you, I bid you hail ! “all hail and welcome.” Mr. John S. Minard of Fillmore was then introduced and read the His- torical Sketch. As Mr. Minard has covered the same ground more fully in the chapters of this work containing the general history of the county, it is not necessary to introduce it here. It was listened to with interest and at- tention and was generously applauded. Mrs. L. A. Platts of Alfred next read a very finely-prepared paper upon “Woman’s Share in Our History.” Prof. D. A. Blakeslee, a former Alleganian, next followed with an address on “ Our Schools,” which was listened to with marked attention. The Cen- tennial Hymn, composed by an Alleganian, set to music by another Ailega- nian, wTas then sung by a double quartette: CENTENNIAL HYMN. From willing hearts, with willing tongue, We pour, to-day, our grateful praise ; A hundred circling years have flung Rich blessings o’er our lengthening ways. For Thou, who led’st Thy chosen race From bondage to the promised land, Didst lead our fathers to this place, And shield them with Thy potent hand. Through dangers, hardships, dire distress, They wrested triumph from their foes ; Till Allegany’s wilderness Rejoiced and blossomed as the rose. Each waving field and flock-crowned hill, Each peak and glen and forest dome, Each laughing stream and busy rill Shed blessings on our every home. For these the bidding of Thy words Our grateful tribute here we pay To Thee, Jehovah, sovereign Lord, On this a century’s birthday. We thank The**, Lord, for land made free, For homes of comfort, church and school, May this, our golden jubilee, Proclaim anew the golden rule. Bear them along, ye friendly gales— The hallelujahs that we sing ; Till Allegany’s hills and vales Shall with the echoing praises ring.306 History of Allegany County, N. Y. A. W. Litchard, president of the Allegany County Farmers’ Club, then read a paper on “Our Agricultural Resources.” This was a very able and appropriate paper, and appears as a separate chapter in this book. In the evening Chairman Church introduced I. W. Near of Hornellsville as presiding officer, and, after a few remarks from him on assuming the chair, the program was continued with an able address on the “ Bench and Bar,” by Frank S. Smith, Esq., of Angelica. It evinced much research and great care in arrangement, was exhaustive, comprehensive, entertaining and instructive. It should be published in pamphlet form. A stereopticon entertainment, regarded as one of the leading features, had been extensively advertised to be given during the evening, but the lateness of the hour at which the exercises were commenced, and the time devoted to the “ Bench and Bar ” ; “The Press,” by L. G. Raymond of the Allegany County Bepub- lican of Angelica; “Trade, Commerce and Manufactures,”by S. P. Morse of Friendship; the W. C. T. U. by Miss Mary E. Bowler of Little Genesee, so filled the time as to preclude anything like justice being done to this part of the entertainment. On account of the lateness of the hour Judge S. M. Norton refused to read his paper on “ Civic Societies,” and for this he was greatly applauded. A goodly number of the stereopticon views were how- ever rapidly shown, accompanied by very brief explanations from J. S. Minard. Prof. Place of Alfred University had prepared over 100 slides or views, many of them from photographs taken expressly by John S. Minard. to fully illustrate the progress of our county from the Seneca Indian occu- pation. Portraits of Red Jacket, Cornplanter, Joseph Brant, Blacksnake, pictures of the “ old council house ” atCaneadea, of the “ White House, ” (the Church mansion,) the Van Wickle (now J. S. Rockwell) house at Angelica wrhere the first courts in the county were held, present and former county buildings, prominent pioneers, etc., constituted the collection. Second Day.—Thursday morning at 10:30, Chairman F. B. Church called the people, who had filled Baldwin’s theater to overflowing, to order, and called upon Judge S. M. Norton to preside. Judge Norton made some happy remarks, eulogized the pioneer academies and spoke eloquently of the grand work Alfred University had accomplished, of its many graduates who had achieved success, of its honored instructors, particularly Presi- dents Kenyon and Allen, and stated that it gave him great pleasure to intro- duce Madame Alberti of New York City, a daughter of President Allen, who stood in the front rank of elocutionists, who would read the Centennial poem, written by a former Alleganian, Hon. Hanford L. Gordon of Los Angeles, Cal.Centennial Celebration. 307 CENTENNIAL POEM. Ho ! From the land of palms and orange-bloom, I greet you, rugged Allegany hills. Among your mumuring pines my life began. And there my childhood found a cabin home. Ho ! From the land of snow-capped mountain-peaks, And valleys green with fig and lemon tree ; Where the great ocean roars and beats and breaks, I greet you. gently gliding Genesee. One hundred years ! and what are these to thee ? Men come and go like bubbles on the sea ; Men come and go ; but what are they to thee ? One hundred years, one hundred years ago, Your rugged hills were clad in fir and pine ; Where graze the bleating lambs and lowing kine The savage chased the deer with bended bow. The wolf’s long howl, the panther’s piercing scream, Alone the silence of the forest broke. Where now the spires of town and village gleam, Up from the Indian’s wigwam curled the smoke ; Where puffing iron steeds by hill and dale Fly harnessed to their trains of palace cars, Crouching for game, or in his tribal wars, The stealthy savage trod the forest trail. One hundred years ! Behold, some magic hand Hath swept the forests from your rolling hills. Your babbling brooks have shrunk to murmuring rills, For ruthless axemen have laid bare the land. The frontier then was at Niagara’s brink, And all beyond was unpathed wilderness, Save where the Canadian in his Indian dress Pushed out to trade for beaver and for mink. Hardy the hands and stout the hearts of men Who clove a pathway through your forests then. Stout hearts and brawny arms of pioneers That hewed their cabins from the wilderness, Nor murmured at hard toil and sore distress While planting well the seeds of future years. From pomp and palace sweet* contentment flies, And seeks admission at the cabin door. Happy the pioneers—albeit poor ; They studied the ways of nature and were wise. He is the least in want who wants the least ; The sombre woods were stocked with noble game, So wild the browsing deer that they were tame, And woods and waters furnished forth a feast. Where now on gentle slope and grassy mead The whinnying colts and sleek, fat cattle feed. Where throng the busy, babbling multitude, The hardy settler’s rude log cabin stood. Little knew he of pomp and luxury ; His stumpy clearing, tilled with toil and care, Furnished his bare-foot cubs with wholesome fare. The frugal house-wife, busy as a bee, Spun flax and wool, and wove the homespun good That clothed her sturdy lord and numerous brood. Happy the monarch of that stumpy field !308 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Happy ihe house-wife at her spinning wheel ! Time hath no happier lot to man revealed : The mystic fates no happier lot conceal. Ah, sweet content, the blessing of the blest, Upon thy cheerful table, east or west, Corncakes and baked potatoes make a feast. Stout hearts were theirs and brown and brawny arms That from the wilderness hewed fields and farms. The patriot sons of these brave pioneers Marched at their country’s call in after years, And mid the thunderstorm of shot and shell, In the forefront of freedom’s battle fell. Ye sons and grandsons of the pioneers, Say, is your lot a happier lot than theirs ? We chase the jack o’lantern of wealth or fame ; We patch the cloak of truth with many a lie ; We hunt our fellow men, alas, as game ; We toil and moil and delve and drudge and die. We mount the steed of steel and ride amain ; We grasp the fiery thunderbolt for gain ; We scan the ocean depths ; we signal Mars, And read the reeling universe of stars. Alas, the more we learn the less we know ; Contentment is the wisdom of the wise : Tested by this our knowledge is but woe, And pride and pomp and wealth but gilded lies. Before one solemn truth I stand in awe, The highest law to man is Nature’s law. Ah, in the toil and moil of modern days Is there no higher aim than cent per cent ? Are all our nobler aspirations spent ? Even in God’s holy house of prayer and praise We ask ourselves, in secret, if it pays, We pluck our wealthy brother by the coat; We clutch our needy brother by the throat. And can it be in mother Nature’s plan, As we rise up above the beasts of prey Into the brilliant sunlight of to-day, Alas, that man’s worst enemy is man ? And shall we praise the laws and call them good, That enrich the few and beggar the multitude ! Ah, long and strong is the robber arm of greed, But longer, stronger, is the arm of need. Where the mad mob rules Liberty runs mad, And Justice dies. Heaven help the unhappy land Where the red monster lifts his bloody hand And hydra heads, defying man and God. O, was the blood of patriot fathers shed To found an empire governed by the mob— Where Freedom falls and Anarchy instead Teaches her hungry wolves to rape and rob? Say, was the blood of patriot brothers slain Under our starry flag in Freedom’s cause To save the nation and maintain the laws, Shed on a hundred battlefields in vain ? No ! For God rules the destinies of men, Even as he ruled the fate of battle then ; And out of toil and sweat since time began,Centennial Celebration. 309 Aye; out of darkness, storm and stress and mire, Yea, out of rape and rapine, blood and fire, Higher and holier hath God lifted man. Yes, sons and grandsons of the pioneers, Your lot is still a better lot than theirs, The teeth of time have harrowed up the soil ; Earth yields her goodlier fruits to lesser toil. Where lumbering wain and wagon toiled amain (Even when yon listening bald-head was a boy) Through marsh and mire and rut and rugged way— Over the stumps and stones and corduroy— Behold, by sunny slope and grassy plain, Hauling his precious freight in gilded train, The iron horse flies like the wind to-day. Science hath bridled nature’s wildest steeds, And bid them labor for our daily needs. The very thunderbolts are harnessed now To humming mills and swiftly flying cars; And we may sit and thank our happy stars, While fire and water drudge and delve and plow. Say, sons and grandsons of the pioneers, Is not your lot a better lot than theirs ? Capt. E. H. Pratt, the head of the Indian School at Carlisle, Pa., of great renown as an educator of Indians, and withal a former Alleganian. then de- livered the Centennial oration. It was an able effort, occupying nearly an hour. After some music, he was followed by Hon. E. W. Hatch of Buffalo, an Allegany boy. His theme was ‘‘Allegany in the late Rebellion.” The Judge came fully up to the requirements of the occasion, and satisfied the most extravagant expectations of his auditors. During the exercises a song, “ Allegany Hills,” written by an unknown Alleganian, and set to music by Joseph Gorton and arranged by Glenn Jones, was beautifully rendered: The following sonnet, composed by Prof. G. W. F. Buck, one of the first principals of Rushford Academy was sent by mail to President Minard, but not received in time to be read. SONNET. Land worthy fame, and yet to fame unknown ! No fairer glades Italian seas enfold, Not lovelier glens brave Tyrolese behold. Far-looking uplands, where are nobler shown ? Wood-crowned, rill-cleft, fondling in close embrace, Thy dear, one river, holiest of streams To him who views thee in an exile’s dreams, Once gazing daily on thy radiant grace. Proudly, O Allegan, as now obscure, Remain always, untrod by tourist throng ; v Thy charms, inviolate by alien eyes, Reserved for those who shall have loved thee long, And cherish thee with love that will endure, Whether the sunshine gleams or tempests pour. Letters of regret from Sidney A. Foster, of Des Moines, Iowa, Rev. F. W. Beecher, Hon. H. M. Teller, of Denver, Col., and others were then read. The weather was quite threatening in the morning of the second day and no310 History of Allegany County, N. Y. doubt kept some people at home, yet, by the time set for the pageant, there were 15,000 people in town, some estimates placing the number at 20,000. The Grand Parade.—Promptly at one o’clock the grand parade formed near the tannery, in charge of Capt George H. Blackman, with assistants Wm. Opp, Russell Tremaine, Wm. Bruce, G. H. Witter, M. D. Palmer and A. M. Boyd, and Willie Duke the marshal’s aid. It was the most magnificent pageant ever witnessed in Allegany county. Gorton’s Band of 14 pieces, Jas. Gorton, Jr., leader, headed the procession, followed by carriages con- taining the mayor and trustees, speakers, and guests of honor. The 47th Regiment Band, Geo. W. Sutton leader, preceded the 47th Separate Com- pany of Hornellsville, with 60 men in line, in charge of Capt. Avery Mc- Dougal. The “ boys in blue ” made a fine appearance and attracted much attention. The second division was in charge of Wm. Bruce, who led a squad of well-costumed Indians. Then came a float representing “ An Indian deer hunt, ” with three aborigines, a canoe and a deer among the trees. Another float portrayed a settler’s camp in the woods with preparations for a meal in progress; another float showed an Indian massacre, a vivid reminder of the troubles in the border settlements in time of war. A beautiful contrast to this was “ Going to church in 1795 and in 1895,” the first an old horse and Indian sled, the second, John McEwen’s elegant coupe and horse. Then came an Indian scout on horseback followed by a 4‘prairie schooner” and two seedy-looking settlers on foot. Ten old men in a wagon labelled “ old timers ” were followed by another lot of old timers, a wagon full of«clocks of ancient days. An old one-horse plow and a new sulky plow, with two horses weremext in line. An immense old-style loom and a spinning wheel with Mrs.Wm. Mason at work spinning while a little girl rocked the old wooden cradle was shown on another float. The “ First mill in Allegany county,’’was exhibited by two boys with boxing gloves in a rope ring, while the “Limited mail in 1795 ” was shown by Rufus Murray on horse- back in costume of “ye olden times,” with saddle-bags and accoutrements. Threshing machines in all styles, old, older, oldest, were represented with an “ old thresher, ” a boy and a flail, and a woman spanking a refractory child. The third division, A. M. Boyd in charge, was composed of nearly 300 veteran soldiers of the G. A. R., and two fife and drum corps, and was an impressive sight. The “ Short Tract military band,” headed by J. S. Pitt, won many praises. The fourth division was led by G. H. Witter, and the trades display which followed was finely designed and truly representative. The first float was arranged by the attaches of the dry goods store of S. F. Fisher. It showed a fine display of carpets in the form of a tent with a little “ occu- pant ” sitting in one end. Bullard & Co., grocers, made a handsome display of tea chests and other articles with pretty decorations. A very fine effect was made by Stillman & Co’s display of plants and flowers. The JohnstonCentennial Celebration. 311 Harvester Co., made a fine display with one of their complete machines, a “bonnie binder/’ Lake’s monumental works, represented by artistic spec- imens of their work on a heavy truck drawn by four horses, made a good display. Alger & Son had a miniature modern boot and shoe store on wheels with clerks and customers. There was also in contrast the old shop with John Frey “pegging away like all possessed,” while Lon Ross told him “yarns.” The Buckeye mowers and binders displayed fine machines. The carriagepole manufactory of Freeland and Bradley of Wellsville made a good showing, and the Empire Novelty Company had a young printing press on wheels and amused the people and delighted the small boys by the distribu- tion of fans with advertisements which were profusely scattered and eagerly sought. Mrs. G. Olivey’s millinery and dry goods house had a pretty and handsomely decorated wagon conveying several lively girls, which attracted much attention. Ostrander & Co., had the “ old woman who lived in a shoe ” on exhibition, with children and shoe. The idea was happily conceived and well carried out. Rockwell Bros., crapets and dry goods, made a display fully in accord with their “ up to date ” business. Otis; Day & Co., exhibited a complete bath room in excellent style, with Miss Mary Bruce in matronly attire superintending the bath of two little girls. The Coats Manufacturing Co., showed a mill full of machinery with employees at work. The Osborne mower, an old-time McCormick mower, and the Empire graindrill had prom- inent places. Levi Frank the clothier, had an advertising wagon and so did the Wells ville Tobacco Co. M. D. Palmer commanded the last division with the Wellsville Fire Department led by the Excelsior Band of Andover with 14 pieces. Chief J. J. O’Connor, and First Assistant Thos. H. Sweney, headed by the Emerald Hook and Ladder Co., in charge of Assistant Foreman Patrick Moran. Twenty men were in line and the Scotch bag-pipe furnished music. The Baldwin Hose followed with 24 men in new uniforms, Drum Major Smith attracting much attention. The Duke Hose with 20 men in “natty” blue uniforms made a fine appearance. The Genesee Hose Co., with a very hand- some parade cart and 20 of the best-looking boys in the state, were in charge of Foreman Percy Green. They also had a drum major in uniform. The display was highly creditable to all concerned, and will long be a pleasant memory to all who witnessed it. Immediately after the parade fully 10,000 people filled the grand stand and the race track to witness the races. The 47th Separate Company of Hornellsville gave a drill exhibition which was greatly enjoyed. This was followed by foot, bicycle and other races, in which the “ greased pig ” was not forgotten. Notes.—Richard Church, the only surviving son of Judge Philip Church, was present during the afternoon exercises of the first day and very properly occupied a seat on the platform. John Barker Church of Geneva, a grandson of Judge Church, was also present with his uncle Richard.312 History of Allegany County, N. Y. John B. “wore” a beautiful hickory cane, which the celebrated Indian chief Governor Blacksnake (the nephew) made and presented to Judge Church. Among the numerous bodies adding to the success of the occasion Gor- ton’s Band and the music it dispensed was one of the most enjoyable and conspicuous. The Grand Army men of the county held their annual “campfire” at Wellsville on the second day of the celebration. Their headquarters in the Beever block was a busy place, 600 of the veterans there enjoyed a compli- mentary dinner. Hon. Frank B. Church. F. H. Furman and L. H. Thornton, respectively chairman, treasurer and secretary of the Wellsville executive committee, had the most onerous and continuous tasks of the many hard worked citizens in connection with making a success of the celebration. Their arduous labors were highly appreciated. Mr. Church, as chairman of the committee, presided over the public meetings, except when relieved by Gen. Diven> Hon. I. W. Near and Judge Norton, and made an admirable presiding officer. A special “ Centennial Edition ” of the Wellsville Reporter was issued, which did great credit to the enterprising publishers. No drunkenness was seen upon the streets, nor were any arrests made, there being no occasion. The immense throng of people was good-natured, orderly and happy, every one on his best behavior to the lasting credit of Wellsville in particular, and Grand Old Allegany m general. The ladies in charge of the museum had the biggest job of all, and they did it as none but women can do when they set out to accomplish a great and glorious achievement. The museum was a leading element in the celebra- tion’s ultimate success. Under the auspices of the ladies three styles of centennial spoons were gotten up as souvenirs. In the bowl of each spoon was a very appropriate design, the old Seneca council house of Caneadea. Historical Museum.—We are indebted to the Wellsville Reporter for the following interesting description of some of the more than 10,000 antique and historical articles on exhibition in this attractive department. The commodious new City Hall was mostly taken up by this great exhibit and was constantly thronged with visitors. Angelica.—The Angelica collection was one of the most interesting. It contained the antiquities belonging to Major Moses Van Campen, the Indian fighter. The Major’s rifle, full set of surveying instruments, the tomahawk with which he killed several Indians, powder horn and other accoutrements all loaned by his grandson, Moses Burr, and a well executed oil painting of the pioneer loaned by the Wilson Academy, also the writing desk made and used by Van Campen, loaned by L. J. Palmer. Among the other interest- ing relics from Angelica were: portraits of Hon. Martin Grover, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. d’Autremont who came to Angelica in 1806, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hor-Centennial Celebration. 313 ton, editor of the Angelica Reporter in 1841, portrait of Hon. John Collins and military coat worn in War of 1812, curtains brought from England and pair of embroidered pictures made a century ago by Mrs. Collins, a sword used at Waterloo, a summons issued by Moses Van Campen J. P., in 1822, endorsed by John Moore, constable, the father of the Moore brothers living at Riverside. Mrs. Herdman sent bone soup spoons, knitting sticks and dishes, all over the century mark. A beautiful embroidered skirt made by Mrs. Alex. d’Autremont when 80 years old; innumerable old dishes, brass candle sticks, pewter plates, the old sign of the “ A. Richardson Inn 1824,” the Slocum family Bible, printed in 1715 in excellent condition, latin book printed in 1669 and bound in raw hide, and numerous other old books, an evening dress and mantel (R. S. Charles) used in 1850, portrait of Ransom Lloyd. Mrs. Frank S. Smith, Mrs. John S. Rockwell, Miss E. A. Whitmore and Mrs. Herdman contributed a case of old and foreign silverware, partic- ularly attractive. Miss Whitmore sent a large number of antiquities, dishes, embroidered clothing the work of Mrs. E. M. Grover and others. Cake doylies embroidered by a lady 83 years old were remarkable for the fine workmanship; a pair of silk slippers worn at the first dance in Angelica and over 100 years old. Not the least attractive were the shoes taken from a German tramp by Sheriff Garwood, and replaced by new ones. The old fel- low cried when parting with the mammoth coverings, each one big enough for an elephant to wear. They are now the property of John Gibson, Jr. An ancient neck yoke was labeled “Washington and his celebrities have ridden after this,” and 80 years old bear traps were loaned by L. J. Palmer. Amity.—From Belmont came the private collection of George and R. J. Tucker, an interesting lot of geological specimens found near Belmont and many fine Indian and war relics; punch bowl and cut glass decanters from the Church mansion. A suit of clothes made for and worn in 1790 at 4 years of age by Stephen Rogers, who came to Amity in 1804 and lived to the age of 102, exhibited by his son, C. D. Rogers; Queen Anne musket and Springfield pistol, flag and veil worn by Polly L. Gorton, now Hyde, at the Harrison election 1840; painting of the old council house by Mrs. M. G. Davis, Belfast, frame made from wood from the old chief house at Ah-Wis-Koy, the oldest and last of the Indian habitations on the Genesee; compass used by John T. Hyde in 1799, and later by David How, the first man hung in Alle- gany; pine shingle four feet long from log house, Cronk Hill, Caneadea, erected in 1831; pair mitts knitted by Percis Phebe Hyde, daughter of Na- thanael Dike, for her granddaughter, Mrs. Ella Crandall; Masonic apron 80 years old; tureen cover owned by Gen. Stewart, the grandfather of Maj. Church and used to serve George Washington many times; wooden water cask 100 years old; corded cloth hat used by James O. Jordan of Cuba, 80 years ago; rocking chair used by Wilkes Angel when a child; wooden chop- ping bowl carved by John T. Hyde in 1802 from a maple knot. His wife who used this bowl was Phebe Percis Dike, daughter of Nathanael Dike, married in 1798, and settled at Belvidere in 1802; a fine case of Indian arrow heads314 History of Allegany County, N. Y. from C. H. Whitcomb, Belvidere, found in Allegany county; leather fire bucket, owned by George Tucker, used by the old Bowery Fire Co., in New York City; bottle jack and brass candelabra used at Villa Belvidere. Alfred.—The collection sent by Alfred University was large and varied and deserves special mention, but space forbids extended notice. There was fine work from the Terra Cotta Works; views of the University and portraits of its faculty; first map of Alfred, 1821; old time portraits; flax brake and wheel; wedding dress Martha Mina Allen 1812; needles for weav- ing harness, etc., and many things of rare excellence and great value. Alma.—The Alma collection included Indian skull and other relics. An old collar and harness straps from first harness used in this county; rock- ing chair used by Daniel Cole, the first male white child born in Allegany county and first male born in the town of Wellsville, also his por- trait; rolling pin, 130 years old, brought from Vermont by Prosper Adams; iron plate; cow bell 110 years old; saw used during the Revolution- ary War by Samuel Merriman, a carpenter and bridge builder. Almond.—Looking glass loaned by Elizabeth Major, once the property of Mrs. Nathanael Dike; confederate uniform and haversack captured at Macon, Ga., in 1865; confederate artillery flag taken from Andersonville, in 1865, by S. S. Karr, 86th N. Y. Vol. The first deed and bond ever drawn in the county, Sept. 27, 1796, between Chas. Williamson of Bath and Joseph A. Rathbun, one of the first settlers of the town of Almond. First jury list drawn in Allegany county, 1808, which we copy: Jury List.—State of New York Allegany county to Jacob Holt, Esq., Clerk of said county. This sixth day of May, A. D., 1808. We hereby transmit to you a list of the names of Freeholders and Inhabitants resid- ing in the town of Alfred in said County Viz. Freeholders—Tarball Whitney, Joseph A. Rathbun, Matthew McHenry, Joseph Karr, William Gray, Walter Karr, Rosswell Haskins. Inhabitants—Alpheus Baker, Asa Clark, Ardon Cobb, Benaijah Hays, Benaijah I. Hays, Benjamin Van Campen, Clark Crandall, Charles W. Clark, David Haskin, Elihu Knight, Enos Seaward, Harvey McHenry, Jeremiah Oakley, Joseph Green, James Ayers, Joel Whiteg, John McIntosh, Joseph Coleman, John Van Campen, Milo Stephens, Miles Oakley Jr., Micah Haskin, Nathan Green, Oliver Miller, Orrin Hays, Peter Pottman, Philip Doddever, Reuben Jones, Rufus Lawrence Jun, Seth Baker, Solomon David, Samuel Karr, Silas Ferry, Stephen Major, Thaddeus Baker, Thomas Granger, Thos. Miles, Wheeler Hinman. J. K., Sup. J. A. R., T. Clk. Andover.—A shot gun owned by Wm. B. Clarke, made in 1761, used by the Clarke ancestors; flint lock rifle and flint lock musket from Newell.Baker; punch bowl used by George Washington, and old dishes from Mrs. Levi Rogers; server made by Benjamin Palmer, Sr., in 1810, also a boot jack made from a deer’s horn; candle holder used in husking time; wooden canteen carried by Nathaniel Perkins in the Revolution; old books and dishes; first official guide received at Andover post office in 1822, used by Andover’s first post-master, C. R. Spicer, (only three post offices in Allegany county at that time); homemade linens and embroideries in great variety and all ages; an arithmetic, entirely written with pen and ink by Thaddeus Baker in 1824. The following old school certificate was particularly interesting: School Certificate.—We, the Subscribers, Inspectors of common schools for the Town of Scio, County of Allegany, do certify that, at a meeting called for that purpose, we have examined Miss Louisa JonesCentennial Celebration. 315 and do believe that she is well qualified in respect to moral character, learning and ability to teach a common school in this town for one year from date, given under our hands at Scio, N. Y. Scio, December 21st, 1839. Geo. B. Jones, ) W. H. Coats, v Inspectors. Welcome H. Browning, ) Sunday School Report.—First report of Genesee Sabbath School Union held at the court house in the village of Rochester, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1827. The executive committee’s report says of Allegany: This county includes 22 towns and contains 18,000 inhabitants. Our agent visited all the towns except one, found 15 Sabbath Schools in operation, and succeeded in establishing a County Union under encouraging circum- stances. There was a desire expressed by the people generally upon whom he called to have schools established in their respective neighborhoods, and it is confidently expected that a considerable number will be commenced next spring in places hitherto not favored with these institutions. Officers for Allegany County Union were elected as follows: Hon. Philip Church, president; Hon. James McCall, Vial Thomas, Esq., Rev. Moses Hunter, Al. Win. Wilcox, Josiah Whitman, Al. Samuel King, Asa S. Allen, Esq., John C. McKeen, Esq., vice presidents ; John Collins, Esq., treasurer; Ranson Lloyd, Esq., Rec. secretary ; Gen. Samuel S. Haight, Cor. secretary. Bolivar.—A splint bottom rocking chair made in Richburg 74 years ago; an old plate and a gown 90 years old worn by Mercil Cowles were the only exhibits. Cuba.-—A small collection of Indian relics, gun used at Bunker Hill, powder horn made in 1777, and another used in 1759, in French and Indian war and carved with pictures of the old forts; iron spoon used by Seneca Indians at the oil spring in Cuba; wedding slippers, Campbell family, 4 gen- erations old. Friendship.—In Mrs. W. A. Hart’s private collection a greater part of which she has obtained in the town of Friendship and kindly exhibited, we find interesting curios: A map of the county made Aug. 1, 1804; case of Continental money well preserved; military hat worn at annual training which met in Angelica in 1836; cannon ball found on farm of Samuel Hess, Belvidere; ancient chandelier for oil and rag, this hung from ceiling in olden times by the light of which six young ladies spun every evening; first whale oil lamps, 1827; large iron shell picked up at Ogdensburg when her Majesty Queen Victoria’s subjects made an attempt to cross the river and gain a foot- hold on the border of our Empire State, but were driven back; a handsome brass lamp from Rome, saved from the ruins of convents after their destruc- tion by the French, which they assured Prof. W. H. Pitt was many centuries old; blue sugar bowl decorated with landing of Lafayette at Castle Garden, Aug. 16, 1824; punch bowl; plates; pewter plates; pewter porringer; the flow- ing blue ware of our grandmothers, the mulberry and pale blue of which Mrs. Hart has sets; china; glass decanters of 1763 and 1827; almanacs of 1804 and later dates; Bible nearly four hundred years old; Indian moccasins; Mexican shoe; gold epauletts of War of 1812; grain fan; foot stove; mortar 135 years old; Indian stone pestle; book of hymns, 1766; book of letters, 1712; pitcher from England used for beer at hunting dinners. The sightseers were much interested in the old fashioned tall bedstead of maple with blue and white linen curtains made in 1800 falling from teester frame, linen tick, sheets and cases made in 1817; a handsome carpet coverlet spun by Mrs. Hart’s mother, wove by Mrs. Pearse in Cuba in 1839; knapsack of linen worn316 History of Allegany County, N. Y. in Revolutionary War, also in the War of 1812; iron pipe made in 1810; tinder box in use previous to the invention of matches; bronze pitchers which brightened the shelves; with many pieces fancy china; a peculiar linen wheel and other articles too numerous to mention. We noticed a finely carved cane made of a piece of the stockade prison pen at Andersonville, done and owned by J. T. Burdick; a fine handstitched dress made by Miss Phebe Colburn 54 years ago for Mrs. Geo. Wells, Eutopia; other fine work done in Rhode Island some time in the 18th century; fancy rug sent by Mrs. G. W. Fries; a cherry table used by Major Moses Van Campen, when making plots or maps of the farms he surveyed, from Transit Bridge to Geneseo. Genesee.—White mitts worn 100 years ago; corset worn in 1740; specta- cles, commission of cavalry officer issued in 1808; andirons, oven and crane; snuff: box century old; hoe bought in 1810; family Bible 125 years old; doll 70 years old dressed in exactly the fashion of to-day, besides many other relics. Hume.—A portrait of Major Peter Keenan of the 8th Penn. Cavalry, with his uniform and sword occupy prominent place in this excellent collection, gathered by John S. Minard; portraits of Roger Mills and wife, Samuel Russell and wife; Geo. Minard and wife. Stephen B. Jacobs and wife, Jona- than Thatcher, an old hunter; R. W. Botsford and wife; Augustus d’Autre- mont, all old pioneers; wooden pitchers, 1790; almanacs of 1804-5; old books; wooden mortar and pestle 100 years old; account books of Roger Mills and A. d ’Autremont of 1776 and 1820; Indian ax; naturalization papers of Augus- tus d’Autremont; Indian ladles and other relics found at site of Indian vil- lage of Caneadea; cavalryman’s cap 1800; mahogany server used in serving LaFayette; Indian meal sieve; conch shell owned by Capt. Isaac Van Nos- trand at Short Tract, always blown at 4 A. M., 12 M., and 9 P. M., (as the captain had the only time piece in the settlement) has been heard 6 miles; wooden bread trough, shape and size of a wooden cradle; an old paper, the sale bill of a negress is particularly of interest. Bill of sale for Charlotte, to Atigustus D'Autremont .— Know all men by these presents that, I, Victor Du’Pont of the town of Angelica, County of Allegany, State of New York, for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars in hand, paid to me by Mr. d’Autre- mont for my black wench named Charlotte, which I have bought from Mordicai Hale, Esq.’ with her boy now four weeks old, said girl to serve Mr. d’Autremont for twenty years, faithfully and honestly, after which time I warrant her free if she behaves properly during the time she has to serve. The boy to serve Mr. d’Autremont till he is 28 years old as the law directs. And P do for myself, heirs, assigns, executors and administrators quit and renounce all claims to said wench and boy. Witness. my hand, Angelica, this 15th day of August 1809, V. Du’Pont. Signed and delivered in presence of Augustus D’Autremont, Ellis Pearce. Independence.—Portraits of Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Barney, Mary A. Coveil, Mary A. Wood, Alva Wood, “ a pioneer of Whites ville ”; sword used at Bunker Hill; fife used in war of 1812 by Nathan Babcock; the first clock used in Whitesville 1800; etc.Centennial Celebration. 317 Rushford.—Singing book 1797, old wooden square, handmade nail from the first frame house in Rushford, bread toaster, flat irons, skillets, apple parer, wooden bread tray, flint lock musket, wooden lantern made in 1810, before tin lanterns were known, cap quiller, old spectacles, old map of United States, assessment roll, old books and bed covers. Scio.—A great collection of old books, pottery, linen work, was very in- teresting. Rockingchair given to Esther B. Hale as a wedding present in 1790, and many years old then; flax and quill wheels and basket, 150 years old; wooden cradle in which seven generations had been rocked; trammel and kettles, andirons, tongs and shovels, hand fan 150 years old, lantern 100 years old, warming pans. Many of these were brought by Mrs. Hinkley, who took great interest in the exhibit, as did also Mrs. Geo. W. Smith, who was present with her flax wheel and delighted the people by showing them the old-fashioned way of spinning flax. The Scio corner represented an old fire-place and was fitted with all the utensils found in old well regulated grandfathers’ kitchens. Mrs. Edward Carr sent a family tea chest, 200 years old; bayonet and cartridge box war of 1812; a sword used when the artillery was called out in Alfred to subdue the rioters when the Erie road was built; rolling pin used by the Middaugh family several generations, and chair used by Wm. Middaugh 1845; old books from the Norton family and almanacs from 1824; piece calico owned by fifth generation; black earthen tea pot and pitcher saved from a fearful cyclone wreck of 60 years ago. The case sent by K. S. Black and Eugene T. Black contained an Oxford Bible printed in London in 1784 that belonged to Nathanael Dike, also the latter’s account book, and a fine collection of stamps and coins. Willing.—The old fashioned kitchen arranged for Willing attracted much attention, and Mrs. Warren Rice of Hallsport, over 80 years old, received her many friends there, and interested the hundreds of people who crowded around her by spinning flax in the good old way and explaining the various uses made of it in “ Ye Olden Times.” The Willing collection, gathered by Mrs. O. T. Perkins, Mrs. Lorenzo Witter, Mrs. Mapes and others was very complete. Among other things were: A sword captured from a captain of the 47th Va. Vols. in 1865 by Lieut. O. T, Perkins; a dictionary over 100 years old, now owned by Mrs. Supplina Riqe; Bible 102 years old, Mrs. Wood; a chair owned by Eld. Nathaniel Perkins over 100 years ago; cavalry sack worn by Mr. Rice in the Revolutionary war, owned by Leonard Panton; warming pan used in connection with the fire-place, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall; tin bake-oven, pewter pan, turn spit, cards for pre- paring wool for spinning, foot stove; dummy attired in dress worn by Mrs. C. D. Mills 60 years ago; bonnet made 100 years ago and now owned by Mrs. Daniel Peacock; shoulder shawl by Mrs. Mapes; embroidery done by Miss Thankful Hall 85 years ago, part of a bed quilt pieced by her nearly 100 years ago; woolen stockings spun, dyed and knit by Thankful Hall, and most beautifully done. The relics in the case of J. R. Hawkins were very old. A318 History of Allegany County, N. Y. lace cap worn by Jerusha Ellis, said to come over in the Mayflower; a cane and powder horn from the body of a British officer at Bunker Hill; rare books, Bible printed in 1793; the collection of spectacles, some over 300 years old, property of John Barney; a corset said to be 115 years old, much stiffer than those now worn; old silver and curios, and many other articles. Wellsville.—The Wellsville exhibit was large and varied, filling three sides of the large room on the third floor. Louis Dornow showed three cases of birds, all natives of Allegany, excellently mounted by taxidermist O. E. Yars of Andover. A case of Lincoln curios, photographs and autographs exhibited by J. M. Rathbun, attracted much attention. The signatures are all genuine and very interesting. A turquoise serpentine bracelet presented to Mrs. Rathbun’s mother by Mrs. Lincoln. Dr. H. M. Sheerar had a case of fossils, Indian relics and curios from all parts of the world. Not the least interesting was a will made in 1694, a Rojnan History of 1648, Columbian Reader of 1810, a fluid lamp in use between the era of candles and that of kerosene; sickle 80 years old, and a trilobite, very perfect, at least 6,000 years old. First account book of the first store in Wellsville kept by Silas Hills in 1832 and later years. Map of Allegany county loaned by D. C. Ackerman, made in 1829. A number of towns were included now a part of Livingston county. Padlock, that came over in the Mayflower. N. B. Grames had a large collection of antiquities including high clock, rifle, violin, knapsack, powder horn and half a hundred other curios. Mrs. A. A. Good- lif£ had a case of shells, spoons 200 years old with family crest, and curios, besides old chairs and other antiquities. Mrs. Chas. Smith exhibited a rare collection of old andirons, fenders, furniture, bedding, etc. Rev. Geo. Buch Indian relics of Allegany county, three volumes of an old Bible, lady’s gold watch 156 years old. Mrs. H. K. Opp’s case contained a china punch bowl used by Washington and his aides at Newburg; teapot 125 years old; lace veils 80 years old; china cups and saucers, very old, and other relics. Miss Mary Cowles exhibited a fine old pewter plate, London made and in the family 100 years; wooden salt cellar, 125 years old, belonging to her grand- mother; long beaded purse carried by a lady of fashion in 1830. Mrs. C. F. Kendall showed a remarkably finely executed pen-written music book by Wm. Kendall, a musician of ability, he came to this country from England in 1830, set of Tippecanoe glass dishes with scenes from the famous cam- paign of 1840; gold banded china teapot, 200 years old; chair, wedding present of her father and mother, and silhouettes of the latter. Miss Russell showed the first sewing machine of Wellsville, old side saddle and a fine collection of relics. Passport of O. P. Taylor, given by secretary of state in 1858, and one from Dom Pedro of Brazil in 1860. The collection of old china of all kinds, pewter jugs and plates, bottles, etc., filled several cases and ranged in age from fifty to over a hundred years. To mention them all would take columns of space. Poster of the first 4th of July cele- bration in Wellsville, 1841; Capt. Z. H. Jones, marshal; Lewis Foster, president. Looking glass 100 years old, Mrs. Caldicott. Pair shears 200Centennial Celebration. 319 years old, made in England, owned by Mrs. Rosina Briggs. Pitcher owned by Van Ambnrg, the lion tamer, 75 years ago, and given by him to Mrs. Sexton. Collection of Indian relics from Jas. Thornton. Mrs. Wm. Mason, spinning wheel at work. Mrs. J. R. Freeland exhibited a large number of articles, including beautiful old china and silver, old glass cup plates, coins, relics of war 1812, pieces of wood taken from frigate ‘‘New Orleans,” wed- ding bonnet and dress of her mother, old whiskey bottle, etc. An old dinner and tea set purchased by Mrs. L. D. Davis (mother of Mrs. W. B. Coats) in 1845. The remarkable part of it is that the set is complete after a service of fifty years. Mrs. Oak Duke, commission issued to her great-grandfather by Samuel Adams. Mrs. W. F. Jones loaned a fine collection of old silver and china. Portraits of early Wellsville pioneers, showing many generations. Henry L. Jones brass clock of 1734, fire carrier 1776;NathaniehDike’s home- made hammer and shears, and other relics. Mrs. Wm. Miller, tall clock; child’s chair 100 years old, property of Mrs. D. Clark attracted much atten- tion. A dress and shawl 150 years old, which belonged to Mrs. B. F. Perkins’ grandmother. Quilt presented in 1855 by the Ladies’ Anti-slavery Society of Friendship to Mr. and«Mrs. A. N. Cole, and the original “Editor’s Easy Chair ” of A. N. Cole. Pewter tea pot brought from England in 1805, Mrs. J. B. Goodlifi. Pewter sugar bowl, 150 years old, Mrs. L. S Anderson. Snuff jar, 150 years old, Mrs. A. M. Boyd. We must stop here, as it is simply impossible to enumerate the immense number of articles of interest. THE PRIZE ESSAYS. Our County.— The First Prize Essay, written and read by Miss Lizzie L. Grove of Friendship.—The history of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, is familiar to every student of history. Their privations and trials were something which the young people of to-day can scarcely realize. Yet not less severe were the trials and hardships endured by the Pilgrims who came through the great wilderness of Western New York, and found their way into that part of the state, the one hundredth anniversary of whose settlement is celebrated to-day. While riding from town to town in the many pleasant drives which Allegany county affords, it seems almost impossible to imagine the entire place a great wilderness. More especially do we notice this in driving from Friendship to Angelica. One place from all others attracts the attention of passersby, and that is the Church Farm. Not only is it noticed because of the beauty of the place and its surroundings, but because of the fact that it was the home of Judge Philip Church, the son of one of the first settlers of the county. In 1799 Mr. John B. Church purchased from the Morris Reserve 100.000 acres of land, covered with pines. Philip Church, with a small party guided by Moses Van Campen, started from what is now Almond, to explore the land recently purchased by his father. This was accomplished, and in 1804 a map of the Church Tract was made, and Angelica laid out near the center. Previous to the coming of the white settlers the county was inhabited by a tribe of Indians called Senecas, who lived near Caneadea, and in this town was situated the old “ council house ” of the Indians. One of their tribe bore a name renowned and familiar to the older inhabitants of the county, that of Mary Jemison, or as she is often called, “The white woman of the Genesee.” Captured by the Indians when about 12 years old, she spent the remainder of her life among the Senecas, by whom she was ever honored and respected. When the county was still a part of Genesee county, Nathan- ael Dike, a graduate of Yale College, and a soldier of the Revolution, first settled in what is now Allegany county. Mr. Dike was a native of Connecticut, from which state he moved into Penn- sylvania, and from there in 1795 within the borders of Wellsville. Therefore it is fitting that820 History of Allegany County, N. Y. this celebration should be held in this town. Another of the early settlers, who was known and respected throughout the county, was Hon. Martin Butts of Clarksville. Settling early in that town, he made for himself a home and a name remembered many years. Still another, is the Hon. John Hammond, or who was perhaps better known by the title of “Honest John Ham- mond.” In 1831 Mr. Hammond with his father moved to Allegany county, and from that time until his death in 1887, he was prominent in the affairs of the county. Soon after the settle- ment of Mr. Dike, by an act of the New York state legistature, Allegany county was formed from Genesee county April 7, 1806, but comparatively little was done towards settling it until near the close of the year. Slowly and tediously the great forests began to disappear, and new settlers joined those already here. Their small log houses gave place to larger and better ones. The settlements and the number of homes increased, and the manufacture of lumber formed the leading industry of the pioneers for many years, but as the forests disappeared this indus- try began to give way to agriculture. The various industries of the county are due, to a large extent, to the great diversity of soil and surface. While Allegany is fortunate in never having been visited by war, yet the inhabitants have suffered from it. To the wTar of 1812 it contribu- ted its portion, as afterward in the late war, when it is said no county in New York opposed slavery more strongly than Allegany. To Angelica is due the honor of being the first town in the county in which a newspaper was published. Here in 1820 the Angelica Republican was started, but continued only a few years. Angelica was made the first county seat, being then the most central place. During the time Angelica was the county seat, two railroads and the Genesee Valley canal were built, none of which passed through Angelica, and it was decided to move the county seat. Accordingly, in 1858 it was partially removed to Belmont, but court was held in both places until about one year ago when Belmont became the county seat. In our country, where all men are free and equal, the self-made men hold a high place in the esti- mation of our people. Judge Martin Grover ranked among the first of our county. From a poor boy working in the office of a lawyer, he became by his own efforts one of the best edu- cated men in the state, and finished his career as a judge of the court of appeals in New York state. As Allegany county grew and improved in other ways, so it did in its educational work. In the town of Alfred William C. Kenyon opened a school, to which came young men and women from all over the country. By his enthusiasm and earnestness Mr. Kenyon instilled into the hearts of his pupils worthy thoughts which appeared later in their lives. All over the United States these pupils, now teachers, statesmen and divines, have gone forth carrying with them praises for Allegany, until it has become renowned for its educational advantages. The four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the western continent by Columbus was celebrated at Chicago. May the celebration at Wellsville, of the one hundredth anniversary of the settle- ment of our dear old Allegany, be as long remembered, and may the history of the county be as familiar to every person in the county, as is the history of the discovery of America, Our County.—Second Prize Essay, written by Miss Ruth Mason, Rush ford,—Probably no county has ever been opened for settlement with greater difficulties to overcome than the territory which comprises Allegany county. The dense forests which covered the surface were the greatest hinderance, because of the great time taken by settlers to remove them. As late as 1809 or 10, settlements on the Holland Purchase were few, because of the density of the wood- land. After this time the prosperity of the county slowly advanced. The lumber produced found but little market at home, as the land lay far from the head waters of the Allegany. If this had been the only difficulty with which the county met, there would have been much greater prosperity. But it was not, the free use of whiskey in all the Genesee country was a curse which made the strong men weak, and carried sorrow into the log cabins of the wilderness. The actual settlement of the county was begun in 1795, in the spring of which year Nathanael Dike located in the present town of Wellsville on Dikes Creek. Nathanael Dike came from Tioga Point, Pa., but was a native of Connecticut. He received his education at Yale, and duringCentennial Celebration. 321 the Revolution was attached to Gen. Warren’s staff at Boston and later to Gen. Washington’s. In 1796 Rev. Andrew Gray, Wm. Gray, Joseph A. Rathbun and Benjamin Vandermark settled in the town of Almond. All of these were from the same locality in northern Pennsylvania, and brought their goods in flat-bottomed scows up the Susquehanna and its tributaries to the site of Hornellsville. The towns settled next after Wellsville and Almond, were Andover in 1796 at Elm Valley, Independence in 1798, and Genesee in 1799 at Ceres. Allegany county was formed from Genesee, April 7, 1806. The western tier of townships of Steuben county was annexed in 1808. A portion was re-annexed to Genesee in 1811, and Eagle, Pike, Genesee Falls, Portage, Nunda and Ossian were taken off in 1846. Another portion was added to Livingston in 1856, leaving the county as it now is. The eastern tier of towns was included in the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, the two western tiers in the Holland Purchase, and the two intermediate tiers in the Morris Reserve. The Holland Purchase was the territory ceded to the Holland Land Company by the Six Nations in 1797. The Morris Reserve was owned by Robert Morris, excepting 100,000 acres belonging to John B. Church. This tract was bidin for Mr. Church by his son Philip at the foreclosure of a mortgage to secure $80,000 lent by Church’s agent, Alexander Hamilton, to Morris. The surface of the county is mostly a hilly upland, divided into valleys by the streams, much of it presenting a rugged mountainous sur- face. The highest summits are 2,000 to 2,500 feet above tide, or 500 to 800 feet above the valley, many of whose slopes are too steep for profitable cultivation. The hills end abruptly on the Genesee which flows through a deep valley. The drainage of the county is sufficient to indicate its elevated character. There are two main ridges, which extend parallel with the Genesee river, and form watersheds to streams flowing into that river and the Canisteo, a tributary of the Susquehanna, on the east; and the Allegany river on the west. The Genesee flows in a northerly direction through the center of the county, The rocks of the county belong mostly to the shales and sandstones, the former being found mostly in the northern part, and the later in the southern part, though sandstones have been quarried in Rushford for grindstones. Before the county was occupied by the whites it was embraced in the do- main of the Senecas, who lived in large numbers on the Genesee flats. They raised corn and potatoes, and sometimes camped and hunted on the uplands, where they were accustomed to make maple sugar in the spring. The Indians gave up their lands in Phelps and Gorham’s Purchase, by a treaty at Buffalo Creek in 1788. The rest of the county, except the Caneadea Reservation, was given up in 1797, by a treaty at Big Tree or Geneseo. The Reservation was ceded to the whites in 1825, but the Indians remained upon it until 1830, their principal village being at Caneadea. The first court held the year after the county was formed, sat at Angelica June 2, 1807. By an act of the next legislature the county seat was permanently located at that place, a court house and jail being erected soon. The first county judge was Philip Church, owner of the large Church estate. In 1858 an act was passed, providing for the removal of the county seat to a point on the Erie railroad. Belmont was chosen and up to 1892 courts were held alternately at the two places. Although grains can be successfully grown, the county is best adapted to grazing. Dairying has become the most important business of the county. The lumbering business was once very important, many immense trees being found in the forests, but they have nearly disappeared. The principal improvements are the Erie railroad, which enters near the center of the eastern border, and extends through to the center of the western ; the Genesee Valley canal, which extended along the valley of the Genesee to Oramel at which place it turned and went southwest. Several well-known men have been born, or at some time have lived in our county, among whom are Senator Teller, United States senator from Colorado, who received his education at Rushford Academy. Dr. Wm. Smith, formerly from Granger, was health officer of port of New York for many years. He was removed by Gov. Flower. Senator Higgins, state senator for the 32d district, was born in Rushford, edu- cated at Pike Seminary. Judge Hatch, formerly from Oramel, now a judge of the superior court of Buffalo. Judge Hamilton Ward, judge of the supreme court, 8th district; his present home is Belmont. Robert J. Ingersoll born at Dresden, N. J., who lived at Hume when a boy, is now a prominent lawyer and lecturer in New York City. One university, several academies and many union schools have been established within its borders, gaining for Allegany a good educational standing among the counties of the state. We Hope that during the coming cent- ury*. our county may advance as much as in the past, and that 1995 will find her possessed of many noble sons and daughters.322 History of Allegany County, N. y. A LLECANY. S H 0 W TH £ 0 AT E or Cr/(?A/ o F T H E. S fV£R/IL 7"0 W A/S * /WS/D My4M£ OP F/R6T S £TTL£ /^s A /VP V£/l /^S or S £ TTL£/V? ehiT. Wyoming County in 2S2S. CENTEKVtLU J. MA*S<7M ZYJLt. RUSHFORD. £ Q&AR.Y 1*0%. 21Zf fi/£W Hudson j. J <826-27 im Cuba (J ABB0T7 mi. ine C U RKSVILUZ *7*™------ Si.-'tYTOS* 2**0 Cj_£W£S££. J. & E Ll. It 17 2VZZ. Hume. K MILLS. 2%06 L / V I NQ %ro a/ l2W“ Canbaoba. J.ScHtot/otgti It 09 2%Z4. Belfast. aT^b CHAM0SALA4 a v 03 Friendship R. Friak llroe 1SW W/ft-T 3. Ora L.A Dbott 292?- 1%ZS B Oc-IVAR.’ F Cowles 2929. Z frj t4 LhAOtjQ. D.Athprton. 2*26 I The Village in 1837, and the Brewster Survey.—Mrs. Joanna Coats, widow of Welcome H. Coats, remembers the village of 1836 and 1837. In Novem- ber, 1836, she came with her husband from Alfred. It was the proposed construction of the Erie railroad that brought them. In ’37 they built a frame house on the site of the present Coats homestead next to the city building. Mr. Coats was a cabinet maker and in 1838 established a small shop in his house. The turning-lathes were run by horse power. In 1852 the first steam engine used in the village was put in the shop, which had been moved from the dwelling, and occupied the site of the present brick store. W. H. Coats was the villages pioneer manufacturer. The present Coats Furniture Company, of which he was the founder, is our oldest man-Wellsville. 337 ufacturing concern. Other than the early settlers already mentioned Mrs Coates remembers that Stephen Taylor, E. A. Smith, Jno. F. Goddard, Sam- uel Shingler and A. E. Bronson were here in ’37. “ Eph.” Smith soon after his arrival in ’37 purchased the Mill street grist and saw mills and conducted them for a few years. He afterwards owned the greater portion of lot 3 as well as considerable property along Main street farther down the river. He built the homestead now remodeled and occupied byE. C. Bradley. The river road then ran directly by the house. The highway then was not as straight as Main street; for instance, the road took a sharp turn to the north near Furnace street and ran through about where the lane is in the rear of the business blocks. After passing around the deep gully which lay be- tween Furnace and Pearl, the street swung back toward the river again. The ravine was not “ filled in ” for years after the street was straightened. Ambrose Coats, who was born at Riverside in 1837, says, that as a boy he remembers a valley between two hills on Main street. The sides seemed steep and precipitous. To-day on either side of the street the gully remains unfilled. Where O’Connor Bros, store was erected it was not necessary to excavate for the cellar. Not till L. D. Davis became the first street com- missioner of the village was the road made really level. Mr. Davis’ efforts at that time (1867) were saluted with these verses from the pen of the versa- tile Dr. H. M. Sheerar; In ’37 and for many years afterwards the village extended down the river only to Furnace street. When in 1842 a school house was built upon the Academy site its location was said to be “out in the country in the woods,” though the site was in the village as surveyed by Sheldon Brewster in ’37. The Baptist church site was not then in the village. TheBrewster sur- vey plotted the settlement into village lots and located 15 streets. The village comprised about 75 acres and lay entirely within great lot 3 of the Willing and Francis Tract, Morris Reserve. The south line began at the junction of Dikes’ Creek with the river at State street bridge and crossed Main street and took in the Hanrahan blacksmith shop. The west boundary was the river. The east line was nearly parallel to Main street and about 56 rods distance therefrom. The present central business section lies within these boundaries. Main street extends from the south to the north line of lot 3. Broad, Harrison, and Washington streets were parallel to Main. Clinton and Lafayette were south of present State street and 10 degrees off from a right angle to Main. Franklin, Mineral, Jefferson, Genesee, Nelson and Pine were on the east side of Main. State and Mill crossed Main. Davis! spare our street, Touch not a single stone That old familiar street, Whose mud and pumplog down Btlow the surface neat, Take water through the town. Davis ! forbear thy stroke, Spoil not the rugged grade. I tell you ’tis no joke, Your army with a spade. Where oft our children’s feet Have trampled in mud alone. ’Twas our forefather’s hand That laid it near our lot, There, Davis, let it stand, Thy spade must harm it not.338 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Clementina Square of li acres was bounded north by Washington, east by Jefferson, south by Harrison and west by Genesee. Capt. Geo. H. Blackman’s residence is on this square. Old Residents and an early Wedding.—In the spring of 1839 Mr. John B. Clark stopped at the VanBuren tavern. He says: “ There were few build- ings on Main street then. Gardiner Wells, James Fosbury, H. VanBuren, A. M. Taylor and Nelson and Cornelius Seely I remember well. The night I reached Wellsville 16 couples attended a dance at the VanBurens’. The pretty girls at that dance had much to do with my settling here,” said the old man with a twinkle in his eye. “ In ’40 I purchased some timber land of Judge Bartlett and also the John F. Godard farm.” In 1848 Mr. Clark mar- ried Miss Anna L. Knight who, of all our residents, has had the longest con- tinuous residence here. She was born in 1832 in a log cabin which stood on Genesee street near the Clinton House. Their wedding on Nov. 22, 1848, was a great event. The ceremony took place in the Thompson “ Castle ” at Riverside, the finest mansion within a radius of many miles,* where Mr. Clark’s mother was living. The mansion this night presented a gay appear- ance. It was illuminated not only with hundreds of wax candles, but with lamps, in which whale oil at $1.00 a gallon was burned. One hundred guests were present. They came from the whole surrounding country. One room of the castle was set apart for the liquid refreshments which were furnished the guests. Costly wines and old liquors, such as a new country seldom tasted, were free as water, yet it is said there was no intoxication. Elder Hammond of the Congregational church performed the ceremony. The 4 4 castle ” was certainly not haunted with ghosts that night. The last bit of this interesting structure formed a part of the Riverside Sanatorium which burned a few years ago. The DePeyster house, built by a friend of Captain Thompson’s below the ‘4castle” is still standing, and owned by Dr. E. V. Sheerar. The Erie Railroad.—In 1839 the New York and Erie Railroad Co. began to build the road through this section. The original plan of construction was to raise the rails some distance above the ground. A few of the timbers used for this purpose are now in use as sills under the Z. H. Jones residence, built in 1840. Horace Riddle had the construction contract for this section. He boarded his men in a rough shanty on the corner of Genesee and Loder streets. From 1840 the growth of the town was remarkable. The railroad was coming and the canal had come to Dans ville. Pine lands now had a value. Settlers came in rapidly. A new era dawned. Sawmills sprang into existence and a spirit of activity and prosperity resulted. Wellsville * This was owned by Captain Thompson, a wealthy old seaman and an aristocrat. Just before its com- pletion the Captain, who was, superintending the construction, received word of the death of his wife in New York City. Painters were at work on the house and he ordered them to paint the sash and other woodwork black, and stopped all other work. This uncanny proceeding and the large unfinished rooms that echoed and re-echoed steps and voices gave rise to a story that the house was haunted. Captain Thompson went to New York and never returned to live in Wellsville. Edwin, his son, however, resided here many years and was long town clerk of old Scio.Wellsville. 889 began to feel sure of its future. It remained however a typical lumber-town for many years. In the summer its streets were piled full of lumber and in the sleighing season it was not at all unusual for 100 teams to start in a day for Dansville. The decades preceding and following the completion of the Erie, in ’52, saw this town outstrip its neighbors in population; there were a great many new comers. Civil History of Township.—The importance and rapid growth of Wells- ville, the extent of territory of the township of Scio, and the great incon- venience caused our residents thereby led to the formation of Wells ville township, Nov. 22, 1855. It was set off partially from Willing and Andover, but mostly from old Scio, and is bounded north by Scio and Andover, east by Andover and Independence, south by Willing and Alma and west by Scio, with an area of 22,647 acres.* At the first town meeting, held at the house of Harmon VanBuren, March 4, 1856, were elected: Supervisor, J. Milton Mott; town clerk, Jonathan Wyatt; justices of the peace, Zenas H. Jones, Samuel Sturgess, Levi S. Thomas and Alanson Holt; assessors, E. W. Wells and W. H. H. Wyllys; collector, Hiram Parish; constables, Hiram Parish, David G. Sterling, Geo. A. Farnum, Clark C. Abbott and E. E. Enos overseers of the poor, Harmon VanBuren and Elijah Stowell; commissioners of highways, C. L. Farnum, S. O. Thomas and David Jones. In 1855, before * The story of how and why we of present Wellsville hold right and title to the soil on which we live is of great interest. It demonstrates how indissolubly the history of all places on the earth’s surface is connected. It shows conclusively that to appreciate local history one must read it in the light of broader knowledge. The story, not considering at all the early claims of the Dutch, carries us back to the early part of the 17th century, when, by alleged right of discovery, King James I. of England, on Nov. 3, 1620, granted the Plymouth Com- pany all that vast and unexplored tract of land extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans between the 40th and 48th parallels of latitude. By force of arms the English maintained possession of the eastern part of this grant against the claims of France. By the success of the American armies against the British in the Revolutionary War the title of the soil passed to the several states and a serious dispute arose between Mas- sachusetts and New York regarding the lands in what is now Western New York. Massachusetts claimed the title by virtue of the Royal Charter to the Plymouth Company whose preemptive right had been passed to that state. New York claimed title by virtue of the grant of Charles I. to the Duke of York, dated March 12, 1664, and the voluntary submission to the crown of the Iroquois Confederacy of Indians in 1684. There was justice in the claim of each state, for the grants had been carelessly made and unquestionably conflicted. Hap- pily the historic dispute was amicably adjusted and by a compact made Dec. 16, 1786, New York secured the sovereignty and jurisdiction which meant the right to govern, and Massachusetts the title to the soil on condition of purchasing from the native Indians. On April 1, 1788, Massachusetts agreed to convey to Phelps and Gorham, who were acting for themselves and others, all its right and title to 6,000,000 acres of land for $1,000,000, if the purchasers would buy of the Indians. Phelps and Gorham, at the treaty of Buffalo Creek, July, 1788. purchased the natives’ title to about 2j£ million acres of the eastern portion of their purchase. This tract is what is known as the Phelps & Gorham purchase and included Independence and a part of An- dover, the eastern boundaries of Wellsville. Phelps and Gorham were unable to fulfill their contract with Massachusetts, and on the 10th of March, 1791, induced that state to resume its right to that portion of West- ern New York to which the Indians still held title. This tract included all the land that is now comprised in the town of Wellsville. On May 11, 1791, Robert Morris, the illustrious financier whose services were of such vital importance to the nation during the Revolution, bought this land of Massachusetts for $333,000, 3,750,- 000 acres in all. Phelps and Gorham retained the property to which the Indian title had been extinguished at Buffalo Creek. In 1792 and 1793 Morris sold this land excepting the eastern portion, which became the Mor- ris Reserve, to the Holland Land Company, agreeing to extinguish the Indian title by purchasing of the Seneca Nation of Indians their native right. This was done at the Treaty of Big Tree at Geneseo in September, 1797. The “ Morris Reserve ” was a strip of land, six miles in width, extending through the state from north to south. It included two ranges of Allegany county townships beginning with Alma and Willing on the south. Wellsville was entirely within its confines. The present village is mostly included in the Willing and Francis tract and the Morris Reserve, though on the northwest the Church estate owned some of its acres and a part of lot 24 of the Schermerhorn tract embraced a bit of it. The business portion of the village is all in the Willing and Francis tract. Let us follow (not considering the early Dutch claims) the title to the soil on which the Union School building on Main street stands : 1. Indians, Seneca Nation of Iroquois ; 2. English Royal Charter to Plymouth Company; 3. English Royal Charter to Duke of York, claims conflicted ; 4. New York and Massachusetts, claims conflicted ; 5. Massachusetts ; 6. Phelps and Gorham; 7. Massachusetts; 8. Robert Morris, purchased the native Indian right as well as Massachusetts title; 9. Willing and Francis ; 10. Gardiner Wells; n. E. A. Smith; 12. School Trustees.340 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Wellsville was erected, Scio had a population of 3,184; in 1860 it had but 1,631. In 1860 Wellsville had 2,432 inhabitants; in 1865, 3,070; in 1870, 3,781; in_ 1875, 4,243; in 1880, 4,259; in 1890, 4,765. The state enumeration of 1892 record- ed 5,000 residents. It was said at the time that it was not growth as much as inaccuracy in the federal census of 1890 accounted for the difference. The town has had a steady and prosperous growth during every decade. From 1865 to 1875 there was a considerable boom, in the first 5 years after the war 711 people were added to our population. From 1870 to 1875 there was little growth but no backward tendency, from 1869 to 1875 was our era of build- ing and substantial improvement. The census of 1890 gives the assessed valuation of real and personal property of the town as total, $1,277,472; per capita $268.09; total tax levy $27,478, rate per $100, $2.15, per capita $5.77, true value of real estate $1,928,582, assessed value of real estate taxed $1,- 142,722. The state, county and town tax laid upon the town in 1895 is $13,- 296.13. With the return and non-resident taxes, the total amount to be col- lected is $13,929.70. The assessed value of real estate is $1,266,755; of per- sonal property $322,500. Total equalized value $1,426,746. Amount assessed to corporations $410,670. Business Men.—Between ’50 and ’60 there came to Wellsville scores of men the effect of whose lives are indelibly impressed on the character of our town. Julius Hoyt and Henry N. Lewis succeeded Conklin & Lee in the dry goods and grocery business. E. B. Tuller, Frank and George Russell, H. G. White, Samuel and John Carpenter,* Alexander Smith, Libbeus Sweet* Daniel Dobbins, Dickenson Clark, H. M. Sheerar, R. & J. Doty, O. L. Mather* A. A. Howard, H. G. Taylor, A. S. French, Harvey Alger, Alfred S. Brown, James Swift,L. D. Davis, I. W. Fassett, A. A. Goodliff, Duncan McEwen, A.N. Cole, Thomas L. Smith, Wm. F. Jones, Henry L. Jones, Dr. H. H. Nye, W. H. Stoddard, Joseph Macken, and later his sons, and many who came before the war expended their energies in establishing prosperous professions or branches of trade, which, though perhaps not now conducted under the original firm names, will continue so long as the village exists. War Times.—Fron ’60 to ’65 local events were overshadowed by the awful War of the Rebellion. The intense excitement of the presidential campaign of ’60 was followed by the firing on Fort Sumter in the spring of ’61 and the defeat at Bull Run in July. Within Wellsville were felt and enacted the tragedies of the times. Men went wild and there were many volunteers, boys and men, rich and poor; Capt. J. A. Brown raised the first Wellsville company which joined the 85th N. Y. The gallant Capt. Hiram A. Coats went out as a lieutenant and Charles Farnum was one of the non-commissioned officers, f President Lincoln’s call in ’62 for 300,000 men * Samuel Carpenter was born in 1828 in Orange county. In 1855 he came to Wellsville, and with his brother John formed the mercantile house of J. & S. Carpenter. He continued in trade until November, 1893 and was justice for many years. t Company G of the 64th New York was organized in Wellsville in the fall of 1861, with Joshua Pettin- ger, captain ; I. W. Fassett, 1st lieutenant; George Rowley, 2d lieutenant; and James Meservey, orderly sergant. It saw active service first at Fair Oaks in the summer of 1862.Wellsville. 341 was handsomely responded to. Companies of the 27th and 64th N. Y.; the 130th N. Y. or 1st Dragoons, 93d N. Y., 5th N. Y. cavalry, and the 13th artillery were in part composed of our people. Public meetings were held, the news of battle was received with bated breath, wounded, dying and dead men were brought home, fathers, brothers and lovers languished at Libby, An- dersonville or Belle Isle. One night a “ copperhead ” was carried through the streets on a rail. The windows of another were painted black. Enlist- ments were made in the Baptist church, where the Deity was implored to favor the armies of the North against slavery and secession. In ’61 and ’62 General McClellan was cursed for his inactivity. In ’63 and ’64 Sheridan was applauded and blessed for devastating the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. Such was war. It purged us of the National disgrace of slavery and main- tained our Union, but it awoke the beast in man. America will never again see such a struggle. The news of the final surrender of Lee, though antici- pated, came like an electric shock of joy to the North. Bells were rung, guns fired, parades organized, meetings held, speeches made, and, most de- lightful and enjoyable of all, the ‘4Boys in Blue” were welcomed home. Welcomed, however, with decimated ranks, ruined in health, and blasted fortunes, and yet to-day there lives a class of unpatriotic agitators who be- grudge the volunteers of 35 years ago a pension from the richest, most pros- perous and most powerful government on earth, which owes its life to the heroes of the Rebellion. The 10 years succeeding the war period witnessed a very great change locally. Values shot rapidly upward. Many business men of energy, in- telligence and honesty became citizens. Among them was C. H. Simmons, who came in April, 1864, from Oswayo, Pa., where he had been in business. His goods came via. the Erie to Wellsville and thence by the old plank road to Oswayo. For 15 years this road had been in use, extending down the present Plank-road street (better called West Main) and up the river. It was of immense benefit to Wellsville. In ’64, however, it was getting out of repair and Simmons, who always acted on impulse, decided one day that there was no use carting goods over a bad road when he could do more busi- ness by moving to Wellsville. He came and conquered. The volume of his trade became remarkable. Tke first day’s business aggregated $400, and it was not long before he had made a $3,000 sale in one day. In April, 1874, the month’s business was $25,000, and in the year $200,000 worth of goods were sold by him. Charlie ” Simmons, as he was familiarly known, did more for the town than any other man who has ever lived here. Though his career was short, only 10 years in length, for he died in April, 1875, his business influence and his name will live forever. As public-spirited as he was shrewd and sharp in business, he made the interests of the municipality his own. After the great fires of ’67,* which swept away at least 40 build- ings, in fact almost the entire Main street, Simmons was the first to begin to build. He erected Pioneer block, a two-story brick building. This was not completed however so soon as the York and Barnes block (the Beever342' History of Allegany County, N. Y. meat market), which was the first brick store finished in the village. Sim- mons built the 3-story Opera House block in 1871, and several other brick buildings about the same time. He purchased considerable property at Riverside and began a systematic “boom’’ of that locality, erecting a splendid residence and other dwellings, and contemplated building a street railway to Riverside from Wellsville. He was the founder of Riverside Col- legiate Institute, which had a prosperous and useful existence for many years. Simmons was certainly a man of extraordinary business ability. He amassed a large fortune, which after his death disappeared as rapidly as he had made it. But the marks his career left in this community will never disappear. His energetic life erected his monument. In 1870 the Howard tannery employed 75 men and was our principal in- dustry. Hill’s tannery employed about 40 men and the Baldwin tannery 15 hands. Hatch’s tannery was the smallest, though the oldest in the village. In ’70 the principal industry was lumbering, though the forests were rap idly disappearing. In 1854 Carlton Farnum noted in his diary that the yearly shipment of pine was 50,000,000 feet. E. J. Farnum, I. W. Fassett and A. A. Goodlifi were extensive lumber dealers. L. D. Davis, E. J. Walker/ Clark & Easton ran planing mills. Coats Bros, cabinet shop employed 13 hands. The McEwen machine shops and Swift’s grist mill did a good busi- ness. James Thornton, who had come to Wellsville directly after being mustered out of the service at the close of the war, employed 10 men in the manufacture of harness. R. & J. Doty kept a wagon shop which employed several men and the L. Sweet machine shop did a large business. In 1868 the amount of freight forwarded from here via. Erie railroad was 12,553 tons against 7,478 received. An article published in the Free Press, April 29> 1868, says: Wellsville, though one of the youngest towns in this section, is already the largest town in the county, and to-day contains more inhabitants than any village between Hornellsville and Dunkirk. There are more goods sold here than at any other point on the Erie between Elmira and Dunkirk. It is not likely that trade will ever be diverted from this point. It is peculiarly adapted to manufacturers, and should a railroad ever open to the cheap fuel lying south of us* we should become a large manufacturing town. We now have one of the best markets for all kinds of farm produce. The town has suffered severely from fire and presents a ragged and rather outre appearance, but we soon shall have sidewalks, shade trees and graded streets. We now have churches, a good school, two daily mails each way, and daily lines of stage to the country south of us. The Free Press had good reasons to thus wax eloquent, for Wellsville was at the time growing more rapidly than ever before or since. In 1871, 12 brick stores and the Fassett House were erected and 150 buildings put up in various parts of town. From ’66 to ’71 inclusivethe town added 1,000 inhabi- tants, and enumerated 4,000 people. It has taken near five times as long since ’71 to gain another thousand. The growth, however, has been sure and steady with never a backward step.* The decade from 70 to ’80 was both ushered * Some might think this history incomplete with no mention of the earthquake shock which frightened the school pupils (and others) in the summer of 1870. It was so slight as to merit nothing more than a mere mention.Wellsville. 343 in and concluded with, a boom. Business activity, lumbering and farming made things hum until the panic of 73 which quieted, though it did not seriously affect, our business. In June, 1879, petroleum was discovered in paying quantities in Scio, 4i miles away. Great things were predicted and there began an era of excitement and speculation. In the production of oil much money was made, but in the speculative exchange hundreds of thou- sands of dollars were lost by our business men. There was a considerable influx of monied men, and, though we were only on the border of the oil field, the oil business did much for us in many ways. The era of substantial improvement, the decade from ’80 to ’90, was one of the most remarkable in the history of Wellsville, characterized as it was by the erection of a number of brick blocks, the purchase of our beautiful park, the construction of water-works, the introduction of natural gas, the building of a fine theatre, a new church and two new railroads. Railroad Boom.—The location of Wellsville on the direct line of the New York & Erie railroad, which was in its early days the greatest railroad in the world, gave a wonderful impetus to the growth of the town. The com- ing of the railroad had been heralded since the early thirties, but bankruptcy and misfortune had overtaken it so many times that the people had despaired of its final completion, and, so when in 1851 the line was formally opened with a jubilee at Dunkirk at which the great Daniel Webster was the orator, all the Erie towns in Southern New York went suddenly wild with ideas of their importance. The boom, however, had a substantial foundation. Wells- ville became the shipping point and general market for the country south of here and has so remained. Carlton Farnum wrote in his diary in 1850, that “ Our village, under the expectation of the early completion of the New York & Erie, is growing rapidly. The census for ’49 gives us a population of 400. Village lots are selling briskly and many cheap buildings are being erected. ” In March, 1851, he wrote, “Pine lands are changing hands and Eastern lumbermen are erecting mills and building roads, etc., in order to manu- facture the pine. Tradesmen are rushing in and stores and wooden blocks are springing up like mushrooms in all parts of the village.” The Wellsville, Coudersport & Pine Creek R. R. was chartered Nov. 14, 1881. The company was capitalized at $100,000, and stock to the amount of $68,554 in actual cash, was sold in and about Wellsville. The road was con- structed along the west bank of the Genesee, 10.45 miles to Genesee Forks, Pa., and later to Perryville. The road began immediately to do a paying business. In 1894, 25,512 passengers were carried, earning the road $5,809. Freight receipts amounted to $19,899, making the total net income, $10,234. Six per cent, annual dividends were declared. The officers were John Mc- Ewen, president and general manager; W. B. Coats, vice president; E. C. Bradley, secretary; Oak S. Duke, treasurer; Chas. E. Davis, auditor and general freight agent; C. A. Farnum, attorney. In September, 1895, F. H. and C. W. Goodyear of Buffalo purchased the road for $110,000. It makes a northern extension of their Buffalo & Susquehanna system and affords a344 History of Allegany County, N. Y. direct connection with the Erie at this place. In the fall of 1895 25 miles of road were constructed, connecting Galeton with Perryville, and Jan. 1, 1896, the new system was opened to the public. Wellsville was thus made the northern terminus and Erie connection of a line of railroad tapping the rich forest lands and mines of Potter county, and connecting Gold, Austin, Gaines, Galeton,etc., and Ulysses and Coudersport by an intersecting line. This road may ultimately run to Buffalo. The Buffalo & Susquehanna affords the best connections for all points south via. Williamsport, and the shortest, though not the quickest, route to New York City, and restores the old supremacy of Wellsville as the business supply point for Potter county. The Bolivar, Eldred & Cuba narrow-guage railroad, chartered May 11, 1881, connecting Wellsville with the oil field became a source of considerable profit to the merchants in bringing trade this way. The main line was originally from Cuba to Little Genesee. The line from Wellsville to Petro- lia, Allentown, Bolivar and Ceres (24 miles) came at length to be the main division. The company owned 58J miles of road, including branches and sid- ings, costing $600,000. In 1883 the road was abandoned and the iron removed. United Pipe Line Station.—Three miles from the village, on the Andover road, the Standard Oil Company, as the National Transit Company, in 1883, erected a station of the United Pipe Lines. Hundreds of men were employed that summer in putting up the 35,000 barrel iron tanks. The 70 tanks now standing have a storage capacity of 2,500,000 barrels. Oil from the Allegany field and from the main pipe line is received. The Duke Lumber Company’s mill, a mile and a half up the river, man- ufactures great quantities of hemlock timber. This firm employs 22 men in this mill, and many more in their other plants, doing one of the largest hemlock lumber businesses in the Empire State. Wm. Duke of this place and Charles Duke of Duke Centre, Pa., comprise the company. A mill on the site of this mill and the Hull & Morse plant at Riverside were very early sawmills. Of the score or more of these mills once doing a thriving busi- ness but one other than the Duke remains, the Matthew Mess plant on Brimmer Brook, where several hands are employed. The days of remuner- ative lumber manufacturing here are about ended, as the hemlock, like the pine of long ago, has been pretty thoroughly cut from our forests. Hakes & Williams’ mill on Dike’s Creek; Mead’s mill 3 miles east of the village; Lewis’ mill and the Johnson mill, all established at quite early dates, cut at least 5,000,000 feet annually in the seventies. Crowner Cheese Factory, situated on Dike’s Creek, was built in 1892 by Samuel Cornelius. It is owned by William Wahl. The milk of 250 cows is used. Riverside.—Our beautiful residence suburb, appropriately called River- side, ” is an ideal place for a home. Located on high ground above the river, hills rise yet hundreds of feet above and beyond giving a grand view. Riverside extends practically from the western boundary of the village cor- poration to and beyond Scio line. Central Riverside is one and a half milesWellsville. 345 from the postoffice. It lies along the river road, comprises rich farms, many comfortable homes, and several elegant residences. The Robertson man- sion, valued at $30,000, one of the finest houses in the county, the Barnes’ home with its well-tilled acres and^pleasant house and grounds, the Baldwin, Wilcox, Coats, King, Woodward, Sheerar and Burt places and scores of other houses make up the settlement. Prosperity began when the energetic Charles H. Simmons purchased the district, erected a house and began to systematically ‘"boom” the neighborhood. In 1873 he built and endowed the Riverside Collegiate Institute. Rev. J. S. Bingham, the first president, was succeeded by Prof. A. G. Slocum. In 1877 Rev. A. W. Cummings pur- chased the institution and successfully conducted it for several years. The buildings burned in 1888 and were not rebuilt. At intervals there has been a sanitarium at Riverside. Dr. Dargitz conducted one with a goodly number of patients for some years. Destroyed by fire in ’92 it was not rebuilt. We have had three great and many lesser floods. Sept. 20, 1861, the river and tributaries rising rapidly tore out dams and bridges. Half Brook- lyn was under water. Cattl6 and horses were drowned, Dike’s Creek bridge carried away and water filled the road from Hanrahan’s shop to the Advent church. The water cut a channel 93 feet in width beyond the State street bridge. The awful flood of 1865 occurred March 17th. A warm rain melted the four feet of snow. The State street and lower bridges and several dams were swept away. Jacob Weaver lost his life while trying to cross the rope and one-plank footbridge temporarily strung across where the lower bridge had been. In June, 1889, the storm that produced the Johnstown, Pa., disaster caused the most disastrous flood in our history. Both our railroads were greatly damaged, crops and many cattle were destroyed, numerous buildings carried away or injured and dams swept down the river. The water covered the fairground and park, marking 14 feet above the stream’s bed. Edmond Fitterer was drowned in the rear of his residence opposite “Brooklyn” schoolhouse. Supervisors.—J. Milton Mott, 1856; Zenas H. Jones, 1857; C. L. Farnum, 1858; Wm. S. Johnson, 1859-1861; 1. W. Fassett, 1862 ; Hiram York, 1863 ; Adolphus Howard, 1864-5-6; Sumner Baldwin, 1867-8 ; Tie vote, 1868; Sumner Baldwin, 1869-70-1-2 ; John Carpenter, 1873 *> Sumner Baldwin, 1874; Wheeler Hakes, 1875-6; Dickinson Clark, 1877-8-9; Wm. R. McEwen, 1880-1; Hiram A. Coats, 1882 ; Thomas O’Connor, 1883; A. A. Almy, 1884-5; Wm. Duke, Jr., 1886; E. A. Osborn, 1887-8; Harry W. Brecken- ridge, 1889: O. D. Browning, 1890-1-2 ; G. H. Witter, M. D., 1893-4-5.346 History of Allegany County, N. Y. CHAPTER XXXVII. WELLSYILLE VILLAGE. THE TOWN had existed but a short time when the question of village incorporation was agitated, and in October, 1857, application was made to the state for power to submit the question to the people for decision. It was made in the names of James V. Brown, Mason M. Hill, Geo. W. Russell, C. L. Farnum, and Isaac W. Fassett. An election held at the public house of J. C. Stannard, Nov. 26, 1857, decided to incorporate by a vote of 142 to 8. Upon the filing of the necessary certificates, Mar. 20,1858, the incorporation took effect, and Feb. 23d, at Stannard’s Hotel, these officers were elected: Trustees, C. L. Farnum, Hiram York, I. N. Stoddard, Henry Taylor, Julius Hoyt, Angus Williams; Clerk,'G. W. Russell; Assessors, Jesse C. Easton, Wm. E. Armstrong, Samuel Carpenter; Pound Master, Eli Potter. The proceedings of the village trustees contain much matter of general interest. In 1858 an appropriation of $100 was voted to the owner of “ the small fire engine called ‘ Union ’ which has been for several years at the service of this village.” This was the first fire engine used. The records, by showing the number of votes cast at the different elections, demonstrate how greatly from year to year interest varied in village affairs. In ’58, Stoddard received 164 votes. For the next ten years the vote averaged about half of that. In ’63, but 23 ballots were counted. In ’65, 13; in ’66, 12; in ’68, 246; in ’72, 237; in ’73, 444; in ’85,1,275. The first bylaw of the village adopted by the trustees was: “No person shall at any time allow any of his cattle, horses, sheep, or swine (except milch cows) to run or be at large in any of the roads, highways, or streets of this village; nor shall any person allow any such cow to run or be at large in any such road, highway or street except in the day time between the first day of May and the first day of November in each year. Whoever shall offend against this provision shall forfeit for each and every offense one dollar.” Another of the early bylaws read: “ Each owner of an occupied building shall procure a wooden or leather fire bucket for each fire kept in such building, with the initials of owner on bucket, which shall be kept in some place of easy access. Also a ladder of sufficient capacity to reach roof shall be kept on premises.” The early bylaws granted a rigid power of quarantine to the Board of Health. This was a wise provision, for in March, 1861, small pox visited the village. There were 23 cases and one death. A second epidemic broke out in Nov- ember, 1862. By prompt action of the board of health the scourge was con- fined to about a dozen cases and one death. During these visitations the town was panic stricken and business paralyzed.Wellsville. 347 The village in 18^1 and in 18J/.5.—Mrs. Harriet Hills came here in 1841 with her father David June. She says: A man named Gibbs lived where Gardiner Wells had resided. James Fosbury’s was across the road. The father of Henry Gordon lived where Dr. Macken’s house now is, next the Ackley House. Sam’l Shingler’s tavern stood on the same side near State street. The dwelling of Dan’l Tuttle was opposite the hotel. Norman Perry had a store on the corner of State and Main. The store of Thos. Conklin and Hezekiah Lee stood about where McEwen’s office now is. Speaking of Conklin, it was he, who with Johnson in 1840 built the first mill where the Duke sawmill now stands. Trees had been felled on the land between State and Mill, along Main street, but the lots had a sorry appearance. The VanBuren tavern, Henry Gordon’s store and Myron Fuller’s house were on the corners of Mill and Main. The Taylor house was not far from Fuller’s on the same side. Dr. G. B. Jones lived in a frame house opposite the Thornton Block. W. H. Coats’ dwelling was just opposite the present site of the 1st Nat’l Bank. Jonathan Seeley lived near the present Johnson (Genesee St.) cemetery. There were three painted houses; VanBuren’s and Shingler’s taverns had white fronts, and Taylor’s house had the front and one side painted white. W. D. Spicer lived quite a distance up State St. David June had a dwelling where Opp’s residence is. Lewis Foster lived where I. N. Fassett’s house stands. There was a bridge across the river on State St., built by Silas Hills and others in 1833, and was carried off by a flood in 1842. The river had previously been crossed by rafts and boats. For many years, Joe Crowner, Justus Brimmer, Billy Weed and Mr. Dunham were the only residents south of the Genesee. About a mile down the river there was a bridge near the Hull and Morse gang sawmill. Our Main street then was a rough country road and the settlement was of little account. In 1845 Mr. G. B. Gordon came with his father Groves Gordon. He says: At that time E. A. Smith had a store near where Scoville, Brown & Co.’s is now. Stumps and trees, heaps of rubbish and refuse on partly cleared land lay between State and Mill streets. Across Mill from VanBuren’s stood the Gordon store. This remains today about as when erected, one of the few relics of early Wellsville. The Taylor, afterwards the England House, erected in 1835, stood east of the gas company’s office. Enlarged and remodeled it is now the oldest structure in town. It is now in the rear of the gas company’s office. For years it was the only tenement house and all newcomers between 1840 and 1870 lived in it. Samuel Palmer’s house and blacksmith shop stood just above the present Baldwin Block. A. E. Bron- son’s wagon shop was near it. The Bronson residence was near the site of the First National Bank. There was no Madison street. The frame schoolhouse of ’42 was near the site of the Academy. General Training.—Where the race track of the Wellsville Fair Associa- tion is now situated, militia encampments or “ general trainings ” were once periodically held. Samnel A. Earley tells of his visit to one in 1835. He was but a mere stripling of a boy, but can remember the affair well, for it was an episode in his career. Boys and girls, men and women, everybody was there. It was more than a circus, better than a Fourth of July. There were bands of martial music, to the strains of which the proud civilian sol- diery marched and maneuvered. Peddlers and auctioneers were numerous. Gingerbread, peanuts, cider, honey, and yankee notions found a ready sale. Captain Wm. Cowles of Bolivar, Capt. Jonathan B. Potter, the “old Indian ” of Almond, Capt. Thos. Applebee of Friendship, and Col. Knight of Scio, who had command of the “ training ” were among the officers present.348 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Fourth of July Dance.—The dance in 1849, at McClane’s tavern, situated on Main directly across State street from the present McEwen site, was an affair typical of the lumber country. Rustic swains with their sweethearts walked or rode in from the surrounding country. Sam and Ed. Wilkins, the best fiddlers in all Allegany, played their way into the hearts of the dancers. Sam’s quaint calling of the ‘‘French Four” and the 44 Monie Musk” was an entertainment in itself. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon the dance began, and some of those present never missed a step till 10:30 the next forenoon. An elaborate spread, a regular dinner, was served at mid- night, after which those of the ladies who were “in style ” made anew toilet with a change of gown and came on the floor sweeter and prettier than ever. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burchell, Mr. Ephraim Proctor and Miss Mary Ann Jones, now Mrs. Tallman, were at the party. Railroad Times.—Edward J. Farnum of Bath, a railroad surveyor, set- tled here in 1847, He became an extensive lumber dealer and one of our leading business men. Carlton, his brother, came in June, 1848, from Pennsylvania. In 1849 the Farnum store, still standing opposite the home- stead, was erected. Carlton, who had been keeping the postoffice in a store on the McEwen corner of State and Main streets, moved his goods and the postoffice across the river into the new building where he remained till 1851. This location of the postoffice out of the business section gave rise to con- siderable fault finding. Until the railroad had actually been completed, however, there was a question about its crossing the river. When it became evident that it would remain on the east side, Mr. Farnum moved the post- office into the Empire Hall block which he built on the Opera House corner of State and Main streets. This building now stands on Main street near the Dike’s Creek bridge. March 11,1851, marked an epoch in our history, for then the first railroad train ran through here, bringing prosperity to the pretty hamlet which had sent each winter loads of ‘4 clear stuff ” pine or shingles to Dansville in exchange for pork and flour.* Wellsville itself, thenceforth became the active, bustling market for a large section of sur- rounding country. New industries resulted from the energizing influence of the new business men who infused the village with a spirit of vital activ- ity and substantial prosperity. Lumbering, however, remained the princi- pal business of the community for some time. It was the basis for the making of many fortunes. For some months after the completion of the railroad the station was on Mill street. It is claimed by old residents that E. A. Smith and Nathaniel Johnson put such a price on lands along the road that the Erie hesitated long before purchasing real estate sufficient for * In 1851 there was not a church edifice in the village. Wm. Pooler tells an interesting incident relative to this religious backwardness. Early in ’51 the Erie brought a stranger here who put up at the tavern for a few days to look the village over and decide upon the wisdom of making it his permanent home. He became well satisfied, it is said, with everything until he realized that the settlement had existed 19 years without a church. This turned him against the place and Wellsville lost a wealthy and influential settler. At this time both the Methodists and Baptists were holding meetings, but it was not till ’52 that the M. E. church was erected.Wellsville. 349 switch yards, station, etc. There is a tradition (which the writer has found impossible to verify) that, had it not been for the exorbitant demands of our property holders, Wellsville instead of Hornellsville would have been made the division terminus. However, the same tradition honors Nathaniel John- son by ascribing to him the making of a most excellent contract with the Erie, requiring it to stop every passenger train here. Change of Name.,—In 1852 the Erie railroad officials named the station at this place’ Genesee, because here the Erie first touched the Genesee river. The citizens, however, preferred Wellsville, and when in ’55 a township was set olf from Scio, Andover and Willing, it was by common consent called Wellsville like the village which for twelve years had been known by that name. There were those, however, who preferred the melodious and in many ways appropriate “Genesee,” and on April 4, 1871, a few influential ones succeeded in getting through the legislature an act changing the name of the village to “Genesee.” This was very quietly, if not-secretly, done and considerably surprised the good people of Wellsville, the majority of whom favored the old name. April 11, 1871, the electors voted to reincor- porate under the law of 1870. The certificate as filed reincorporated the village as “Wellsville.” Here was confusion indeed; our legislative name was Genesee; the corporate name, Wellsville; and the Erie station, Genesee; while the people called the place Wellsville. June 14, 1873, a special act of the legislature, which had been petitioned for and urged by citizens, changed the name from Genesee to Wellsville, to be so designated in all courts and places. Section 2 of this act changed the name of the Erie station to Wells- ville, and instructed the officials to recognize and adopt such name on and after Jan. 1, 1874. The Erie very reluctantly did so, changing baggage checks, tickets, printed matter, etc., from Genesee to Wellsville. Thus the largest southern settlement on the far-famed and beautiful Genesee river lost a melodious name. It was not that our citizens failed to appreciate the beauty of the word Genesee. There was already a Geneseo in the state, a Genesee township and a Little Genesee postoffice in the county, and a Gen- esee Forks, but eleven miles distant. And thus it was that to avoid confu- sion Wellsville retained its first name in honor of its pioneer land owner Gardiner Wells. Wellsville village was reincorporated in April 1871, H. H. Nye, presi- dent. It then covered 590 and 61-100 acres. It was enlarged Nov. 16, 1883, and reincorporated in 1884.; the survey being made by R. H. Lee. It has 1,297 acres of land and 16£ miles of streets. The assessed valuation in 1894 was $1,100,000. The boundaries in 1895 are: Beginning on the northwesterly line of the residence of Ambrose G. Coats on Main street the corpora- tion line passes to the rear of the home of the late John Crowner on High St., includes in the village the resi- dence of Mr. W. C. Ross, above High St., thence to Niles Hill road taking in W. H. Dawson’s property, crossing King St., at the junction of King with Clark St., cutting West Main St., at the Serena place, on through the Genesee river taking most of the Fair Ground, thence through Main St. at the north line of Thos. Morrison’s lot (south line of Great lot 5 which runs to the south east corner of said lot) thence north, taking in Morris Wilson’s and the N c rsery lot, crossing Rauber St. on the west line of the Rauber farm, onward north350 History of Allegany County, N. Y. to the northeast corner of lot No. 4. Easterly crossing the land of W. H. Miller, taking in all of the village lot on Dike St. at the point of junction of Trapping Brook road with Dike St. thence due west cutting Dike’s Creek and State street, so as to pass through the dwelling of Mr. Lewis Johnson, west to the southeast corner of lot 28, onward North including the lots of R. H Lee, Dr. Gena and Wm. Stevens, crossing Madison St. through the residence of Geo. Cross, to the northeast corner of lot No. 27, to a point about 40 rods east of Briggs St., thence north parallell with Briggs St. taking in the residences on Briggs St. to a point north of the junction of Briggs and Farnum Sts., and then south westerly to the place of beginning; comprising an area of 1,297 acres. The corporation is composed of these lots and parts of lots. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 27, parts of lots 31, 34, of Willing and Francis Tract, in Range 1, and parts of lots 2, 5, 40, 41, of the Robt. Morris Reserve in Range 2, and part of lot 24 Schermerhorn Tract, Range 1, and contains 46 streets which have a length of 16^ miles. Beginning on the “ Brooklyn ” side of the Genesee River the streets are: King, Fassett, Clark, Pine, Pleasant, High, Factory, Earley, Stevens, Howard, Chamberlain, Seneca. On the east side of the Genesee: Main, Rauber, Hanover, Osborne, Dike, West Dike, State, Jefferson, Mill, Broad, Harrison, River, Madison, Second, Third, Furnace, Jefferson, Pearl, Lee Ave., Genesee, Depot, Loder, Elm, Martin, Grove, Lombard, Chestnut, Briggs, Furnace, Farnum, O’Connor, Coats, West Main, and Lewis Ave. State, West Main, and West Dike Sts., cross the Genesee river. State, Mill and Genesee streets cross Main St. Loder, a private street, belongs to the Erie Railway. The village presidents have been: I. N. Stoddard, ’58; W. H. Coats, ’59; Nathaniel Johnson, ’60; Austin Dunton, ’61; Wm. Bartlett, ’62, ’63; L. D. Davis, ’64, ’65, ’66;D.L. Vaughan, ’67,’68;Dr. H. H. Nye, ’69, ’70; JohnFoland, ’71; E. J. Farnum, ’72; Hiram A. Coats, ’73; James Macken, ’74; A. A. Howard, ’75, ’76, ’77; James Thornton was elected to fill unexpired term caused by Howard’s death, but did not accept, and, failing to qualify, W. B. Coats was elected, ’78; George Howe, ’79; S. F. Hanks, ’80; O. P. Taylor, ’81; Henry L. Jones, ’82; D. C. Ackerman, ’83, ’84; Joseph Doty, ’85; A. S. Brown, ’86, ’87; D. C. Ackerman, ’88, ’89; A. J. Applebee, ’90; W. C. Kendall, ’91, ’92; A. S. Brown, ’93; Grant Duke, ’94, ’95. The present trustees (1895) are: Grant Duke pres.; W, C. Kendall, E. D. Clark, Martin Moogan and Wm. L. Rogers. E. J. Farnum, elected in 1872, was the first president chosen by the people. Under the incorporation of ’58 the trustees chose their own presiding officer, the reincorporation in ’71 empowered the electors to chose a president and granted him new powers of administration. It is decidedly doubtful if ever again in the history of Wellsville any decade will see over 20 new business places equipped in substantial new brick blocks. Such was the case in the years ’80 to ’90. During this decade as many old stores were thoroughly repaired and furnished with plate-glass fronts. Beginning at Pearl street the new blocks on the west side of Main street were: The Reporter; Thurston, now Cummings; Thornton and Bald- win blocks. On the east side: the Wm. Duke; O’Connor; 1st Nat’l Bank; block adjoining bank; Lewis Bank & Gas Co’s, and the Grant Duke block. In ’88 there was erected in the rear and connected with Baldwin block a fine and large ground-floor theater. It has seats for 500 and can accommodateWellsville. 351 1,200 by using the very deep stage. The history of this wonderful ’80-’90 decade would be incomplete with no mention of the remarkable roller- skating craze. We had a great rink at the foot of River street with the finest hardwood floor ever built in the county. During the winter of ’84 a band of music was in attendance every evening and gay crowds were skating away for dear life. The craze passed away as suddenly as it came and the rink was transformed into a theatre by Thornton & Dobbins. It was totally destroyed by fire a few days before it was to have been opened. It was in this decade that the village saw its wickedest as well as liveliest days. With the oil excitement came scores of reckless men and dissolute women. In ’84 we had 55 places where liquor was sold and a half-dozen houses of ill- fame. A law and order league was organized and finally succeeded in driv- ing out the greater part of the most depraved element and closing many of the saloons. Prominent in this league were Samuel Hanks, L. S. Anderson, A. O. Very, T. P. Otis, James Thornton, A. R. Hill and others. Following this decade came reaction. The town had “ boomed ” on the basis of the oil business, which saw its palmiest days in ’82 and was to find its dreariest period just ten years later. In ’92 the oil market touched the lowest point in the history of this field’s development, averaging but 55 cents a barrel. Sharply following this came the financial panic of ’93 spreading disaster from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A year saw two banks and a num- ber of business firms forced to make assignments. Real-estate values and rents, which had been steadily going down for several years, reached the lowest point. The Lewis bank failure, Aug. 14, 1893, and the Baldwin bank failure, Jan. 9, 1894, tied up the currency at the very time depositors were most in need, and disastrous results to all our people were narrowly averted. That the town has recovered so remarkably is characteristic of its stability. In the year ’93, the very worst of the depression, an electric light company was franchised. The plant is now owned by the water company, whose pumps and machinery, with the electric dynamos, etc., are located in a brick structure on the “ Brooklyn ” side of State street. In the spring of ’95 the sudden rise in the value of oil wonderfully brightened the outlook for local business. This advance in price has stimulated drilling and put considera- ble money in circulation. The absorption of the W. C. & P. C. R. R. by the Buffalo & Susquehanna system brought another element of prosperity. The Citizens National Bank was organized and began business early in ’95, while the prospect in all departments of trade brightened materially. Though the past five years saw the greatest depression in our business affairs, they also marked the construction of our most costly buildings. The theater had just been completed; the Methodist church, corner of Broadway and Mad- ison streets, was erected in ’93; the Union School building at a cost of $28,- 000, in ’92; an $18,000 City Hall in ’94. The new station of the B. & S. R. R. on State street, and several fine residences, including those of W. C. Ross, A. S. Brown and Sidney Frisbey, and the Baptist and Congregational par- sonages were all built within five years. The Stillman & Ross greenhouses352 History of Allegany County, N. Y. were recently built. The church of The Immaculate Conception to cost $50,000 is under construction on Harrison street. '‘The village has always been considered an important point on the Erie railroad and all through passenger and mail trains on the western division stop here. The Erie’s pay-roll in Wellsville approximates $2,500 a month and its local cash receipts aggregate $25,000 a month. These figures tell a business story which needs no comment. The transactions at the postoffice repeat the tale. From 1888 to 1890 the receipts more than doubled, and, despite the financial depression, have increased $1,000 in five years, gaining pretty nearly half that amount in the past 18 months. The First National Bank has deposits of $350,000 and transacts a conservative loan, discount and collection business of great volume. The Citizens’ National, recently chartered, already holds deposits of $125,000 and publishes an excellent report of its condition.” Schools.—The first public school was kept in 1832. As the town grew other district schools were founded and the one of ’32 was moved succes- sively from the cor nor of State and Main to Broad and Mill in ’37, and in ’42 to the present Union School property, where is now, after being twice de- stroyed by fire, a substantial brick structure. There are now 10 whole districts, 5 joint districts and 12 schoolhouses in the township. The lives of the district schools, with the exception of those which have united with Union Free School District No. 1, have been decidedly uneventful. Progress, however, has been yearly made, the schoolhouses are more convenient, the methods of instruction improved and the teachers much better qualified to impart instruction. District No. 2 (Brooklyn) employs 4 teachers. In 1858 the Main street schoolhouse was a small building with a single room. April 12, 1859, it was voted to erect a new house which was completed by Jan. 1, 1860, and cost $1,868.50. Nov. 16, 1859, it was resolved by a two-thirds vote to create a Union Free School District. The members of the first board of education were: Charles Collins, Hiram York, H. M. Sheerar, G. W. Russell, Win. Peebles, W. H. Coats, Edmond Baldwin. W. S. Johnson and I. W. Fas- sett. tn 1860 the average attendance was 209. The teachers were: Prof. A. C. Spicer, principal; Mrs. A. C. Spicer, assistant; Mrs. T. L. Smith, in- termediate; Miss L. A. Wildman, primary. The principals have been A. C* Spicer, F. A. Williams, A. H. Lewis, G. S. Hicks, M. B. Rankin, D. A. Blakeslee, D. L. Freeborn, Prof, de la Rochette, C. B. Macken, J. L. Burritt, C. M. Harding and L. W. Craig. Mrs. Addie Elwellhas had the longest serv- ice in the school, having taught there 25 years. April 1,1865, the legislature ratified all the acts of the trustees and incorporated the school. Feb. 27, 1876, the schoolhouse was burned. A new one costing $7,000 was immedi- ately erected on the old site. Until this was completed school was held in the Keystone block, and five teachers were employed. The Regents System.—In February, 1882, the board of education was made up of A. O. Very, James Thornton, J. H. Preasall, G. W. Pierce, M. Macken, Mrs. B. C. Rude, L. S. Anderson, Mrs. T. P. Otis and W. W. Nichols. The faculty consisted of C. B. Macken, principal; Mrs. Bingham, 1st assistant;Wellsville. 358 Miss Flora Parish, A intermediate; Miss Ida Ross, B intermediate; Miss Bridget Shaughnessy, primary. April 3, 1882, by a vote of 7 to 2 the trus- tees voted to establish an academic department under the government of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, to take effect July I, 1882. Considerable opposition was manifested. June 3, 1882, the board elected a new principal and added one teacher to the faculty which was now: J. L. Burritt, principal; Miss Carrie Coats, 1st assistant; Mrs. Bingham, Grammar department; Mrs. Elweil, A intermediate; Miss Sarah Yorke, B intermediate; Miss B. Shaughnessy, primary. Prof. Burritt thoroughly reorganized the school, and the entire course of instruction was revolution- ized. He was aided and encouraged by the board, whose faithful endeavor to care for the best interests of education among us, has been crowned by lasting success. At the annual election of trustees following the introduction of the Regents’ system, 200 votes were cast, a very unusual number, and James Thornton, A. O. Very, T. Frank Fisher were re-elected by a good majority, though not without a heated opposition. Prof. Burritt’s salary of $1,000 was increased May 7, 1883, to $1,250, and July 1, 1884, to $1,500. Dec. 1, 1884, C. M. Harding of Canton, Pa., was engaged as vice principal at a salary of $600. In 1885 a large addition was made to the building and a new system of heating and ventilation costing $5,575 was put in. Dec. 18, 1885, Prof. J. L. Burritt resigned. Prof. Harding became principal at a salary of $1,000 (increased in March, 1887, to $1,250). Mrs. Hallock became vice principal, she was succeeded by E. M. Lake in 1886, who was followed by Prof. Noll. The school building and contents was destroyed by fire in the spring of 1891. The insurance covered the loss and the building now occupied was immedi- ately commenced. In 1893 Prof. L. W. Craig became principal, at a salary of $1,250. The faculty now is, Lewis W. Craig, A.M., principal, Greek and Latin; Chas. E. Bryant, vice principal, Science and Mathematics; Louie J. Sackett, Training Class and History; Mary E. Fassett, Language and Litera- ture; Ella lone Foster, eighth grade; M. Adell Fuller, seventh grade; Mary S. Wilcox, sixth grade; Mrs. A. T. Elweil, fifth grade; Sarah Plain, fifth grade extra; Charlotte R. Boothe, fourth grade; Nellie E. Devore, third grade; B. T. Shaughnessy, second grade; Kate Day, first grade. Wellsville Union and High School has now a building which in beauty, conveniences, and sanitary conditions is not surpassed by any in Western New York. Completed in 1892, it is built of brick and stone, and contains ample grade and recitation rooms, a large laboratory, a well-arranged library room, and a hall, for literary and other exercises, with a seating capacity for 650 people. The chemical laboratory is furnished with desks, gas and water for individual experimental work. Four 60 count,two 70-count, one 80- count, one 90-count and 21 academic diplomas were granted in 1894-5. A teachers training class is maintained. 559 students were in attendance in 1894- 5; 127 in the High School. There are 111 non-resident pupils. Since the first class graduated in 1885, 86 have received Regents’ diplomas. The board of354 History of Allegany County, N. Y. education is A. G. Coats, president; Geo. E. Brown, A. S. Brown, O. L. Mather, Rev. Geo. Buch, O. A. Fuller, Geo. Rosa, Mrs. Mary L. Bruce, Mrs. L. A. Marvin. O. D. Browning is clerk and F. H. Furman treasurer. Churches. First Seventh-day Baptist Church.—The Seventh-day Baptists have been long represented in Wellsville. On March 4, 1830, Deacon Jesse Rowley made his home in the dense forest then occupying the site of Wells- ville village, when only a few families were scattered from Stannard’s Corners to Amity. The deacon, a godly man, sought religious associations and held meetings. A council held at his residence, May 16,1834, organized a church with these members: Jesse, Charles, Nathan and Mary Rowley, Amos L. Maxson, William Davis, Joseph and Elizabeth Flint, Justus Seeley, Jonathan and AchsahFisk, Stephen Tanner, Joseph Flint, John D. Green, Sally Straite and Lydia Ammadown. This body was weak in numbers and in funds and affiliated with the Amity church, and was in the course of years merged with the Scio organization. No other organization of this faith ex- isted here until 1885, when the church named above was formed, September 9th, with these members: Dr. Jasper W. Coller, Mrs. Ardoette G., his wife, Mrs. Prudence Smith, Hosea B. Marion, Mrs. Esther A. Miller, Mrs. Eliza Rowley, Mrs. Ida M. Irish, Ira S. Crandall, Mrs. Mary E. Almy, Mrs. Hattie E. Goodliff, Mrs. Waity A. Witter, Simeon B. Smith, Minerva E. his wife, Abram W. Sullivan, Della M. his wife, Joshua Green, Sarah C. his wife, Lorenzo Witter, Mattie A. his wife. Three of the constituent mem- bers, Hosea B. Marion, Mrs. Eliza Rowley and Mrs. MinervaE. Smith, have died. The additions since organization have been, 44; the dismissions by letter have been, 10; the exclusions, 2; the deaths, 6; present membership (34 resident, 11 non-resident) 45. The succession of pastors is: Rev. Leander E. Livermore, Sept. 9, 1885, to June 1, 1888, Rev. Joshua Clarke from June I, 1888, to Aug. 13,1892, Rev. Henry L. Jones from Nov. 16,1893, to the present. The deacons have been, Ira S. Crandall since September, 1885, Henry L. Jones from Dec. 12, 1888, until his removal April 1, 1892, to Verona, N. Y., where he was ordained. He returned and became pastor in November, 1893. J. W. Coller, M. D., has been church clerk from the beginning. Services are held at 11 A. M. in the Disciples’ church on Mill street east of the rail- road. Sabbath school immediately follows the morning service. Mrs. E. E. Crandall is superintendent. First Congregational Church *—In 1841 Angelica Presbytery appointed Revs. A. S. Allen of Andover, Benjamin Russell of Belmont and Elder Perry a committee charged with the special duty of organizing a Presbyterian church in Wellsville. This committee met 17 professing Christians of Wellsville, July 6, 1841, in the schoolhouse standing on the corner of Mill and Broad streets where is now the residence of Miss Anah Baldwin. These persons related their experience and became members: Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham, Mrs. Perces Y. Johnson, Mrs. Lucinda Gowdy, Mrs. Betsey Ann Lee, Mrs. * By H. M. Sheerar.Wellsville. 855 Polly Shingler, Mrs. Louisa Harmon, Misses Betsey, Sally and Catherine Bellamy, Miss Mary Dunham (Mrs. Dwight Goodrich), Miss Louisa Dun- ham and Miss Charlotte Finn. The confession of faith of Phillipsville (Bel- mont) church was adopted. Prayer was offered by Rev. B. Russell. The “ charge ” was by Rev. A. S. Allen, and then “ A resolution made them the first Presbyterian church of Wellsville.” James Dunham and Norman Perry were chosen elders, and Thomas Conklin clerk. These persons united by letter: (Those with a * annexed and Mrs. Dwight Goodrich were mem- bers in March, 1895.) JohnF. Godard and wife, Josph Shaut and wife, Geo. F. Ely, Mrs. Hannah Purple, Mrs. Emaline Hills, Mrs. Phoebe Taylor, Miss Anna Reynolds, Miss Margarette Pratt, Miss Nancy Cole, Mrs. Silas Hills, Mrs. John Carpenter,* Mrs. John Dayton, Mrs. Sarah Johnston, Julius Hoyt,* Henry Lewis* and Myron Fuller. The first communion service was in December, 1842, Rev. Mr. Reynolds officiating, when John F. Godard and wife united by letter. The first infant baptism was administered by Rev. Mr. Reynolds to JohnL., son of JohnF. Godard. The first addition by profession of faith was Myron Fuller. The first death was that of Polly Shingler. The first preparatory lecture was by Nathaniel Hammond in 1847, when he became pastor. He continued in this relation until Feb. 26, 1853, when he delivered his last preparatory lecture, and, on the Sunday follow- ing, administered the holy sacrament for the last time to this church. After the close of Mr. Hammond’s labors only 14 members could be found. May 18, 1856, this small church invited Rev. Stewart Sheldon to preach in the Baptist church, and he became pastor May 25, 1856. July 1, 1856, a meeting was held in Metropolitan Hall (corner of Pearl and Loder streets) to re-organize as a Congregational church. Rev. Stewart Sheldon was chosen chairman, and H. M. Sheerar secretary. Of the members were present, James Dunham, Julius Hoyt, Joseph Shaut and Myron Fuller. A resolution was passed bringing into existence the First Congregational Church, and a constitution, articles of faith and covenant were adopted. The church then consisted of these charter members: Julius Hoyt, Myron Fuller and wife, Mrs. John Dayton, Mrs. Silas Hills, Miss Nancy Cole, Joseph Shaut and wife, Mrs. John Carpenter, Mrs. Sally Johnston, H. N. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham, Mrs. Dwight Goodrich. The first services were held in Metropolitan Hall. The store under this hall was used as a whole- sale liquor store, and the church members could not enter their place of worship without being forcibly reminded that man had a depraved spirituous as well as a spiritual nature, and sometimes their devotion were disturbed by the devotees of Bacchus beneath them. The Free Press, edited and pub- lished by A. N. Cole, gave this small but vigorous church a compliment in one of hi& bright editorials thus: The spirit above is the spirit of love, The spirit below is the spirit of woe ; The spirit above is truly divine, The spirit below—adulterated wine.856 History of Allegany County, N. Y. Services were held from April 28, 1856, until Nov. 7, 1857, in this hall. The new church went to work with faith and zeal. A lot w&s purchased of John Carpenter on the left bank of the Genesee river; the contract for build- ing the church let to Wm. Gifford; ground broken in May, 1857, and the church was finished and dedicated Nov. 10th of the same year. The dedi- cation sermon was preached by the pastor, Mr. Sheldon; text, “ And the glory of the Lord filled the house.” Mr. Sheldon remained pastor four years, preaching his farewell sermon May 6, 1860. Rev. Eusebius Hale, the next pastor, entered upon his duties Nov. 18, 1860, and remained three and one-half years. Rev. Charles Livingston succeeded him May 22, 1864. Aug. 10, 1866, Mr. Livingston was ordained an evangelist by the Genesee Valley Presbytery, then in session in this church. Nov. 14, 1867, Mr. Livingston resigned, preaching his farewell sermon Nov. 18, 1867. Rev. T. H. Quigley was the next settled pastor, serving from May 30, 1868, to April 30, 1870. Rev. E. W. Brown became pastor Aug. 20, 1870, and resigned May 7, 1873. With the growth of the village the Congregationalists began to think they ought to have a larger, a more central and a more commodious house of worship, and October 17, 1870, a special meeting was called and this, building committee appointed: Julius Hoyt, E. J. Parnum, A. Howard and Thomas Pullar. Dec. 20, 1870, a contract for the lot now occupied was made for $4,000, and the first payment of $1,000 on it was made by the ladies. In the autumn of 1871, $12,000 was subscribed, and in the spring of 1872 a con- tract was made with a Mr. Henry for the brick work. The first blow to- ward the new church was struck by workmen June 10, 1872, in demolishing an old woodshead in the rear of the Stevens’ dwelling which stood where the church now stands. Excavation was commenced on the cellar June 3, 1872. The corner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies Aug. 12, 1872,. Rev. E. W. Brown, the pastor, read a poem, and Dr. Niles of Corning, preached the sermon in the Baptist church. There was placed in the cor- nerstone a box containing one copy each of these papers, pamphlets and magazines: New York Independent, Evangelist, Christian Union, American Messenger, Sunday School World, Ad- vocate and Guardian, Golden Censer, Child at Home, Good Words, Good Cheer, Old and Young, Sunday School Times, The Nation, Harper’s Weekly, Frank Leslie’s Ladies’ Journal, New York Times, Tribune, and World, Illustrated Zeitung, Albany Argus and Evening Times, Rochester Union and Advertiser, Buffalo Daily Courier, Elmira Daily Advertiser, and Gazette, Corning Democrat, Bath Courier. Hornellsville Times, and Tribune, Springfield Republican, Canaseraga Advertiser, Andover Advertiser, Cuba Patriot, Allegany Coun- ty Reporter, Wellsville Free Press and Democrat, Friendship Register, Scio Express, Baxter’s Record (Friend- ship), Godey’s Ladies’ Book, Our Young Folks, Golden Rule, Golden Hours, Family Christian Almanac (1872),. Report of the 7th Annual Convention New York State Teachers’Association, Home Missionary, Presbyterian Monthly Record, S. S. Paper for August 18, 1872, Foreign Missionary, Bistoury, Wood's Household Magazine, Scribner’s Monthly, American Educational Monthly, Bookseller’s Guide, Bible Society Record, College Advo- cate, North Pacific Railroad Business Routes, etc., 7th Annual Announcement of the Phila. College of Dentis- try, Farmers’ Almanac, 1872, Illustrated Catalogue of Estey Organs, Program of S. S. Teachers’ Institute held at Rushford in 1872, Dental Cosmos, American Agriculturist, 48th Annual Report of American Sunday School Union, Sunday School Journal, 1872, Sunday School Teacher, 1872, Copy of Articles of Faith and Covenant of this church, History of this church and list of members, pewholders, officers and members of Sunday School, A copy of the subscription list for the church ; also a complete set of postage stamps, fur- nished by L. D. Davis, P. M., with a characteristic letter ; Complete set of revenue stamps given by York &Wellsville. 357 Chamberlain, Coins contributed by Hoyt & Lewis, (silver) half-dollar, quarter-dollar, dime and half-dime ^