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ABRAHAM PAUL, PRINTER. 2A OCCASION OF RESIGNING HIS CHARGE OF HIS CONGREGATION BY JOHN Bf, MASON, IX !>♦ mil ■ »#« wtfb ^ j^rE^rnix. ■ »e« ■ PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. SfcelNitotfc: PUBLISHED At THE LITERARY ROOMS, CORNER OF BROADWAY AND PINE-STREET. ABRAHAM PAUL, PRINTER 1822. ...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SERMON. ACTS XX. 17—27. And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church. And zvhen they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye knozo, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears and temptations, which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jezvs; And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, Tes- tifying to the Jezvs, and also to the Greeks, repentance tozvard God, and jfaifA toward our Lord Jesus Christ. .dnd nozu, behold, /go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, noJ know- ing the things that shall befall me there : Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying, that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. And now, behold, 1 know that ye all, among zvhom I have gone preaching the king- dom of God, shall see my face no more. Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. . For 1 have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. NeXT to our Lord Jesus Christ, the name which figures most gloriously in the early stages of the Christian story, is that of the apostle Paul. The grandeur of his mind, his intellectual and moral mag- nanimity, his heroic devotion, his patience in suffer-4 ing; his powerful genius, his decision, his eloquence, his zeal, shine in every page of his writings, raise the admiration and awe the spirits of his readers, and make them feel that they enter into communion with a being of a superior order. But it is not that pecu- liar greatness which was inseparable from every act of the man, and excites our veneration while it forbids our rivalship, that creates our deepest inte- rest in his character. Our understandings may be penetrated with light which has no power of warm- ing our hearts. The most profound respect does not necessarily call forth our love. Our affections must be won ; they cannot be stormed. To this principle of our nature, God has been pleased to pay particular regard, in the first heralds of the cross. However diversified their qualities and attainments—whatever be the zeal of one, the potency of argument in ano- ther, the intrepid courage of a third, that which bears the sway in all, is their loveliness. Our hearts are captivated by the same3process which subdues our understandings. Nothing, for example, can be more fair and unanswerable, than when Paul closes in his argument with the subtle philosopher; nothing more terrible than when he deals out the thun- ders of God among the gainsayers: and nothing more exquisitely tender, than his carriage toward the timid and scrupulous disciple. If ever a man knew how to wind his way into the human soul—how to coil around him its most sacred affections—how to explore the secret place of tears, and to put in motion all its kindest sympathies, the apostle Paul was certainly that man. You know that this has always been withme a favourite theme; that my heart has enlarged, my imagination brightened; and my steps have trodden upon almost fairy ground, when they have been roused and quickened by the name of Paul. But on no oc- casion does he loom so high, and shine so gloriously, as in the context. All his powers are concentrated; his feelings are condensed into a point; the covering is shoved aside from his breast, and you see, without disguise, the workings of his ingenuous, his upright, his mighty mind. This parting address to the elders of Ephesus well deserved a place in the holy volume; and deserves it in our best regards, in our most reve- rential remembrance. I propose to give you, on this occasion, an analysis of part of the apostle’s discourse. You will find it to contain, an account of the manner in which he dis- charged his ministry among the Ephesians, ver. 18—21; his extreme devotedness to the cause in which he was embarked, ver. 22—24, and his presentiment of its be- ing the closing of his ministry, with an affectionate appeal to their Consciences, and the ground of that appeal, 25—27. I. An account of the manner in which he dis- charged his ministry among the Ephesians, ver. 18—21. 1. He served the Lord with all humility of mind. The apostles, unlike many of their pretended suc- cessours, aimed at no worldly honours, distinctions, nor titles. “ Rabbi,” is not to be met with in their6 whole vocabulary. The name of Lords bishops was ut- terly unknown to them, nor would they have thought it a meet appellation for the followers of a crucified master. Whatever be its origin or use, the spirit of the apostles disclaims it, and holds no fellowship with the temper which it is calculated to cherish. Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, was their highest earthly designation, and rank, and glory. Paul had talents, and powers, and proficiency, which might fairly entitle him to a pre-eminence among his brethren; but the on- ly pre-eminence which he courted Was a pre-eminence in dangerous service to the glory of his Master. Let little men sigh after their rattles; it suits their capa- cities, it is fit for their ambition; but neither an apos- tle, nor an apostolic man, wishes for any more digni- fied style, or holy occupation, than to be known in the church as “ serving the Lord.” There is a consideration which weighs much with every gracious heart, and is not, cannot be easily for- gotten—the immense distance between the Lord Je- sus, and his most faithful servants. He, the living God; they, creatures low in the scale of being, when compared with other creatures which “excel in strength, yet obey his commandments, hearkening to the voice of his word.” “ The treasure is in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power might be of God.” The angels who look, with studious anxiety, into the mysteries of redemption by Jesus Christ, would thankfully have accepted the appointment of “ ambassadours” of the cross. But God has seen fit to confer that honour upon men of like passions with7 others; and commanded the angels to be ministering spirits. When we add, that these heralds of his truth were sinners like other men, called by divine grace out of the common condemnation, and sent to tell their fellow-sinners that “ there is forgiveness with God,” how august the message! how humbling to the messenger! He cannot, or ought not, to forget one single moment, that “ by grace he is saved and the more profound and lively his sense of this truth, the more completely will he enter into the feelings of Paul, who served the Lord with all humility of mind. Could Paul need a monitor to remind him that he was once a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and inju- rious, that he obtained mercy because the “ grace of our Lord Jesus Christ was exceeding abundant,” and obtained it for this end, that in him, first, the Sa- viour “ might show forth all long-suffering to them who should believe on him to life everlasting ?” He could not open his lips to proclaim the riches of re- deeming love, without at the same time exhibiting himself as a monument of that love. No wonder that his service was so strongly tinged with humility. There is nothing, my brethren, which can so humble and elevate a man’s soul as a powerful experience of the love of Christ. Nor is any thing more unbecom- ing, more desolating to the holy character—more in- dicative of communion with the devil, than clerical superciliousness. Unassuming as were the apostle’s manners—inno- cent as was his conversation—useful as was his8 whole life, his course was nevertheless a course of trouble. For 2. His ministry was marked by “ many tears" and many “ temptations, which befell him by the lying in wait of the Jews." The “ tears” of an apostle have upon our minds a most melting influence. Our own are disposed to mingle with them upon the bare mention of his. But, after all, what called them forth ? You do not hear of his weeping before the Sanhedrim of Jerusalem— before the Roman governour, into whose presence he was brought in chains. No ! there was a proper scene for a spirit which neither the Sanhedrim, nor the Roman governour, in all his authority, could sub- due or bow. He appeared before them less as the criminal than as the judge. His mind rose, his spirit towered, till all before him seemed to be, what indeed they were, comparatively very little men. What then could bring tears, and many tears, from the eyes of a man who could make governours tremble on their bench of justice ? The overflowings of his own benevolent heart! When he saw how men slighted their own mercies—how they rejected, some with civil, some with contumelious air, as they do at this hour, the salvation of God, and “ put away from them the words of eternal life;” having before him the perils which they encountered, and a full view of the ruin which they could not escape, his whole soul was dissolved in tenderness, and he wept his tears of bit-9 terness over their infatuation. The terror of the Roman government could not extort from his firmness a single drop—the sight of an immortal soul, perish- ing in its iniquity, and pleased with its delusions, alto- gether unmanned him, and suffused his cheeks with tears, which in other cases, would have been the sign of weakness. Objections and oppositions were not the only im- pediments of the apostle’s career. Many trials befell him by the lying in wait of the Jews. That Paul was their countryman, in whom they had prided them- selves—that he was among the Pharisees, whom the nation almost idolized—that he had been their ring- leader in persecuting the new religion, all passed for nothing. He was now a follower of the crucified Nazarene, and nothing but his blood would assuage their wrath. All the world over, the disciples of the Lord Jesus have been singled out as objects of ulti- mate violence. It is not to be wondered at in a world under the influence of him who “ was a murderer from the beginning.” And if their condition is better now, it is because the Gospel has triumphed over hu- man madness, and hath put the devil to shame. No thanks to the progress of philosophy, nor to the thing, cantly styled rational Christianity, of which the abet- tors have, even now, just as much, and a little more, of the persecuting devil, than it is for their interest to avow. Paul trod continually, not amidst vipers and scor- pions, but, what is infinitely worse, the snares of hell- o10 ish men. Every sermon furnished materials for a a new conspiracy; every step a track for the blood- hounds. The cowards who shrunk from his eye, would yet venture to stab him from behind. It was only by lying in wait, that the Jews hoped for success. But all this was not to shake the resolution, nor alter the conduct, of Paul. Such as the grace of the Lord Jesus made him, both the church and her adversaries always found him. In the midst of these discouragements, nothing could arrest his zeal, nor silence his testimony : 44 he kept back nothing that was profitable to his Ephesian hearers.” Neither the love of fame, nor the hope of gaining a party, ever called forth Paul’s exertions. His anxiety was to be useful; popularity, at the ex- pense of duty, had no charms for him. Wo to that preacher who makes his office subservient to the ap- plause of his fellow-men. Whether his hearers ap- proved or disapproved—whether his doctrines coinci- ded with the popular prejudice, or were directly hos- tile to it, it was the same thing to this wise and gal- lant apostle. He had to do with 44 God, who searcheth the heartshuman opinions dwindled away into their native insignificance before him 44 whose judg- ment is according to truthand therefore he kept back nothing that was profitable to those who fre- quented his ministry. He showed them that truth which admits of no compromise; he had but one doctrine, which he 44 taught publicly, and from house to house.” Be he where he might, in the solemn assembly, or in the domestic circle, his instructions11 were the same. It is of the very nature of truth that it should be so. And it equally belongs to imposture to utter things unpleasant in public, and fritter them away in private; or to utter them in private, and suppress them in public. His discourses in the church he followed up with his explanations and ap- plications at home. “ From house to house,” the apostle might be tracked upon his line of life. This passage has been used as furnishing a divine warrant, and proving a divine obligation, to what is termed parochial visitation. Highly important it is no doubt; but men must be careful that they do not convert the sound of words into a divine warrant, and not to require bricks without straw. To prove that apostolic example establishes a precedent for imita- tation, we must be sure that the circumstances to which it is applied are similar. But this is far from being the case in the present instance. There are two things in which the state of the churches now differs materially from their state in primitive times. In the first place, they had inspired teachers; who could, therefore, spend the whole week in exhorting, confirming, consoling, their converts, without infrin- ging on their preparations for the Lord’s day. Our situation is quite different: close and habitual study are necessary for us. And if we cannot get time to attend to it, our ministrations grow uninteresting, and our congregations lean. As for those men who boast12 of working at the loom all the w eek, and then ac- quitting themselves well on the Lord’s day, I shall say nothing but that their performances are such as might be expected from the loom; but as far as can well be conceived from the labours of a “ workman who rightly divides the word of truth.” In the next place, the primitive churches never permitted themselves to suffer for want of labourers. Their spiritual advancement was, in their eyes, infi- nitely more valuable than all the pelf which the main- tenance of their ministers required. Look over the Acts of the Apostles, and be astonished at the abun- dance of help which the churches then enjoyed. Our economical plan is to make one pastor do the work which was anciently done by three or four, and the very natural consequence follows, the work is badly done, or the workman is sacrificed. In our own city, from the accumulation of inhabitants, and their very dispersed residences, if we were to visit as much, or any thing like it, as our people are good enough to wish, and unreasonable enough to expect, we should not have an hour left for our proper business; we could make no progress in the knowledge of the Scriptures; and not one would be able to preach a sermon worthy of a sensible man’s hearing. The conclusion is almost self-evident, if congregations will stint themselves in workmen, they must have their work spoiled ; and if the work be done at all, they must kill the mind or body of the workman; and13 sometimes both. Let them not deceive themselves. If they impose hardships which God never command- ed, they must expect to go without his blessing. The burden of Paul’s preaching, whether to the Jew or Gentile, was “ repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” That their conceptions and feelings toward God were radically wrong; that these must be altered and purified; and that all their views must centre in our Lord Jesus Christ, as “the way, the truth, and the life,” in order to human happiness, his word con- stantly declares, and the experience of men as con- stantly confirms. This great truth, “ Christ, the wis- dom of God and the power of God,” flowed alike from the tongue and from the pen of Paul, and was, in fact, “ the head and front of his offending,” with both Jews and Gentiles. This, however, must be the substance of his testimony. And so it must be still. All who hope to win sinners unto God, and to have them as “ crowns of rejoicing” in that day, must, like Paul, “ determine to know nothing save J esus Christ, and him crucified.” And cursed with all the curses which are written in this book, be that ministry of which Christ is not the all and all. Such is a very feeble outline of the nature of Paul’s ministry. Oh happy, thrice happy, the man who nearly imitates it! We have much reason to blush and be ashamed, when we compare ourselves with14 this prince of preachers; and have infinite need to address to you, my Christian friends, the request of this glorious man of God, “ Brethren, pray for us.” II. We are next called to witness Paul’s extreme de- votedness to the cause in which he was engaged. He was bound in the spirit to go to Jerusalem. The Holy Ghost put forth a constraining influence upon him to go to that city. He had often heard, and well knew, the voice—had often felt, and well understood, the impression which signified his duty to go to the me- tropolis of persecution. Of the general nature of the impulse he was well assured. He knew that it came from God, and could not lead him astray. This was sufficient to mark out the course of his obedience. What was to befall him at Jerusalem he could not tell; he only knew that no rest awaited him there. “ The Holy Ghost witnessed, that in every city, bonds and afflictions abode him.” Go where he would, he was sure that his fidelity would be put to the severest test—sure that whoever found the Christian cause a cause of ease and comfort, it was to be no ease nor comfort to him. Well, how does the prospect affect him ? He was not such a fanatic as to court pain when he might have avoided it. The school of Bec- caria and Voltaire, which teach that the severity of punishment multiplies the offence, was not then known ; or, had it been known, would hardly have caught the ear of Paul. He did not dream of fitting himself for the duties of an apostle, by proclaiming war upon the principle of common sense, and the15 common feelings of human nature. He knew, and never shrinked from the original condition of his Master’s service. “ Whosoever denieth not himself, and taketh not up his cross, and followeth not after me, cannot be my disciple.” Show me the cross, ex- claimed this magnanimous man; spread out before me all the self-denials I may be called to endure: be they what they may, I must be a disciple ! He did not doubt that his Lord would make all up to him in due season; “ for he had respect unto the recom- pense of the reward.” “ None of these things move me; neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testily the gospel of the grace of God.” One of the idlest of human efforts is, the at- tempt to frighten a man who has deliberately resol- ved to sacrifice his life, or to succeed in his under- taking. You have lost your hold of him. When you have threatened him with death, you have done your worst, and have no terrours left. It is then that the great commander steps on the scene, and says, “ Fear not them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do: but I will forewarn you whom you shall fear; fear him who, after he hath killed, hath power to destroy both soul and body in hell: yea, I say unto you, fear him.” Paul entered tho- roughly into this feeling : and therefore all appeals to human power and human pains,—to the axe, the gibbet, or the stake, were without effect upon him; for “ he endured as seeing him who is invisible.”16 And so, my friends, will it be with us, in proportion as our converse is with eternal realities. Reckon not, when the great trial comes, upon the strength, and courage, and nerves, which have commanded human applause, and secured human expectation. “ I cannot argue for Christ,” said a female martyr, “ but 1 can burn for him.” Her faith was of the same sort with the apostle’s: and therefore she did not even count her life dear unto herself, that she might finish her course with joy.” My brethren, how could you, the best, the most resolute of you all, abide this test of the apostolic or female martyr ? I do not say, that in a life of ease and comfort, which God has vouchsafed to you, you are called to exercise the grace of mar- tyrdom : but I do say, that if upon your deliberate choice, your preference lean to any thing else than our Lord Jesus Christ, you have nothing to expect but that he will cast you out ; u !!• 50 ! ti '-3