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RUGER. o Vice-President, HORACE K. WHITE. o Secretary, DANIEL W. FISKE. o Treasurer, JAMES H. HINMAN.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. '•■"■•O' ' ' Directors, GEORGE BARNES, J. HARVEY BENEDICT, STEPHEN D. D ILL A YE, BURNET FORBES, JOHN A. GREEN, Jr., GEORGE N. KENNEDY, Robert McCarthy, WILLIAM J. WALLACE, ANDREW D. WHITE.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 5 o Houfe Committee. STILES M. RUST, ANDREW D. WHITE, JOHN J. CROUSE. 0 Auditing Committee. WILLIAM J. WALLACE, BURNET FORBES, CHARLES ANDREWS. 0 Committee on the Reading Room. DANIEL W. FISKE, J. HARVEY BENEDICT, PATRICK CORBETT.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. o Committee on A d miff ions. STEPHEN D. DILL A YE, O. BALLARD, FRANK HISCOCK, GEORGE N. HURST, WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK, Robert McCarthy, DAVID J. MITCHELL, DANIEL PRATT, CARROLL E. SMITH, W. W. TEALL.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 7 ARTICLES OF IN CORPORATION. State of New York, County of Onondaga, City of Syracuse. WE, the underfigned Citizens of the City of Syracufe, State of New York, Do Hereby Certify, That we have affociated together, as an Affociation for focial, gymnastic and aefthetic Purpofes, to be known as The Onondaga Club : that the Number of Diredlors is thirteen, and that the following are the Names of the Perfons to manage and condudt the Bufiness of faid Club for the enfuing Year, to wit:—William C. Ruger, Prejldent; Horace K. White, Vice-Prefident ,• Daniel W. Fiske, Secretary ,• J. H. Hinman, Treafurer ,* and Andrew D. White, W. J. Wal- lace, John A. Green, Jr., G. N. Kennedy, Stephen D. Dillaye,8 THE ONONDAGA CLUB. George Barnes, Burnet Forbes, Benedict, Dire&ors. It is propofed that the Rooms located at the City of Syracufe, in WM. C. RUGER, J. H. BENEDICT, WM. JAS. WALLACE, GEO. N. KENNEDY, robt. McCarthy, Robert McCarthy, J. Harvey and Offices of the Club fhall be faid County and State. JAMES H. HINMAN, STEPHEN D. DILLAYE, DANIEL W. FISKE, BURNET FORBES, JNO. A. GREEN, Jr. 1 Hereby Certify, That I approve of the Objects of the Society hereby propofed to be incorporated, and confent that faid Certificate be filed. LEROY MORGAN, Juftice Supreme Court, Fifth Judicial Diftritt, New York. State of New York, Onondaga County, On this Nineteenth day of March, A. D., 1866, before me, the Subfcriber, perfonally appeared William C. Ruger, James H. Hin-THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 9 man, J. H. Benedict, Stephen D. Dillaye, William J. Wallace, Daniel W. Fifke, George N. Kennedy, Burnet Forbes, Robert McCarthy and John A. Green, Jr., to me known to be the fame Perfons defcribed in, and who executed the within Inftrument, and each acknowledged that they executed the fame. EDWIN S. JENNEY, Commiffioner of Deeds for Syracufe, New York. Filed April 19, 1866.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. CONS TITUTION. Article Firft. THE Title of this Affociation fliall be The Onondaga Club. o ■ Article Second. The Officers fliall be a Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Secretary, and Treafurer, performing the Duties ufually incident to their Offices, and Nine Dire&ors, three of whom fliall be chofen annually. o Article Third. The Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Secretary and Treafurer fliall be12 THE ONONDAGA CLUB. v ex officio Members of the Board of Dire&ors. The Duties of this Board fhall confift in the general Government of the Club. G Article Fourth. The Prefident fhall appoint annually a Houfe Committee, an Auditing Committee, and a Committee on the Reading Room, each confifting of three Members, and a Committee on Admiffions, to confift of ten Members. O ' Article Fifth. The .Treasurer fhall collett the Dues of the Members, fhall depofit the Funds thus collected, to the Credit of the Club, in fome Bank to be defignated by the Board of Directors, and fhall disburfe the fame by his Check, approved by the Prefident and Secretary, only in payment of Bills regularly audited. o Article Sixth. The Annual Meeting of the Club, and the General Ele&ion of Officers fhall take place on the firft Wednesday of May.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 13 Article Seventh. No Perfon fliall become a Member of the Club who is under the Age of twenty-one, or who is not of good focial Standing; and one black Ball in ten fliall be fufficient to exclude any Candidate. ° Article Eighth. Regular Meetings of the Club for the Transaction of Bulinefs, for the falling of Vacancies in the Lift of Officers, and for the Election of new Members, fliall be held on the firft Wednesday of each Month. 0 Article Ninth. Candidates for Memberlhip muft be propofed by one Member and : feconded by another; they muft receive the Endorfement of the Committee on Admiffions; and their Names muft be confpicuously polled in the Club Rooms, for at leaft two Weeks before they are to be voted upon. 0 Article Tenth. Members fliall pay an Admiffion Fee of Ten Dollars, and femi-14 THE ONONDAGA CLUB. annual Dues, on the firft'. Wednesday in January and the firft Wednesday in July, of Twelve Dollars and a Half. Clergymen and Members not refiding in the City of Syracufe, or County of Onon- daga, fhall pay half of the regular Admiffion Fee and Dues. 0 Article Eleventh. The Memberfhip of any Perfon failing to pay his Dues within lixty Days, lhall be deemed to have ceafed. 0 Article Twelfth. Any Member may be expelled for Caufe j but no Member lhall be expelled except upon the Recommendation of a Majority of the Board of Dire&ors and by a Vote of two-thirds of the Refident Members of the Club. ' 0 Article Thirteenth. No Betting on any Game of Hazard fhall be permitted in the Club Rooms j and it fhall be the Duty of the Board of Dire&ors to recommend for immediate Expulfion any Member violating or evading this Rule. THE ONONDAGA CLUB. *5 o Article Fourteenth. Each Member fhall have the Right to introduce a Friend, not refiding in the City of Syracufe, or County of Onondaga, to the Privileges of the Club, for the Space of two Weeks, upon recording the Name of fuch Friend in the Strangers’ Book. G Article Fifteenth. The Rooms of the Club fhall be open to Members daily from 8 A. M. to i A. M. G Article Sixteenth. No Refolution involving an Expenditure of over Two Hundred Dollars fhall be adopted by the Board of Directors without being firft fubmitted to a regular or fpecial Meeting of the Club, and receiving the Sandlion of a Majority of the Members prefent at fuch Meeting. 0 Article■ Seventeenth. Special Meetings of th.e Club may be called by the Prefident, but Notice thereof fent to each Refident Member.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 16 o Article Eighteenth, Thefe Articles lhall be figned by every Member $ and they fhall only be amended by a Vote of two-thirds of the Members prefent at two fucceffive regular Meetings. r THE ONONDAGA CLUB. RULES OF THE HOUSE. i. THE Club Rooms lhali be open every Day, for the Reception of Members, at Eight o’Clock in the Morning, and lhali be clofed at One o’Clock in the Morning. Such Members, however, as may be a&ually within the Rooms are not to be reftridled or in- fluenced with refpedl to their Departure by this Rule. o II. No Perfon other than Members, and Perfons made Guefts or Vifitors in Accordance with the Conftitution, lhali be admitted to the Club Rooms, with the Exception of Servants im Attendance upon Members.18 THE ONONDAGA CLUB. o III. The Prefence of Guefts or Vifitors at Bulinefs Meetings of the Club is ftri&ly prohibited. 0 . I V. Members are requefted, upon Entering the Club Rooms, to de- pofit their Hats, Overcoats, Umbrellas and Canes in the Cloak Roqm. O V. No Member fhall bring a Dog into the Club Rooms. 0 ' VI. The Billiard Room and Card Room lhall be clofed on Saturday Nights at Twelve o’Clock, and fhall remain unopened until Eight o’Clock on Monday Mornings. O VII. Refrefhments will not be ferved, nor Converfation permitted, in the Reading Room.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. *9 0 VIII. Under no Pretext whatever, except by Virtue of a fpecial Refo- lution of the Board of Directors, fhall any Book, Journal^ Paper or j Work of Art, the Property of the Club, be^removed from the j Rooms. ■ 0 IX. Members (hall not commence more than one Game of Billiards j while any other Members are waiting to occupy a Table. ;j 0'- X. j All Complaints- concerning Attendance, or in reference to the Management of the Rooms, (hall be made to the Houfe Committee within one Week after the Caufe has occurred. 0 j XI. j The Names of all Members failing to pay their Dues within j Thirty Days after the fame become payable, and who have been70 THE ONONDAGA CLUB. duly' notified of the fame, fhall be polled by the Treafurer on the Bulletin.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. JOURNALS AND PERIODICALS ALL the Year Round, (London.) Argofy, (London.) Argus, (Albany.) Atlantic Monthly, (Boston.) Blackwood’s Magazine, (Edinburgh.) Cornhill Magazine, (London.) Courier and Union, (Syracufe.) Courrier des Etats-Unis, (New Tork.) Dwight’s Journal of Mulic, (Boston.) Edinburgh Review, (Edinburgh.) Evening Journal, (Albany.)22 THE ONONDAGA CLUB: Evening Poft, (New York.) 9 Every Saturday, (Boston.) Fortnightly Review, (London.) Frank Leslie’s Illuftrated Newspaper, (New York.) Galaxy, (New York.) Gazette, (Cincinnati.) Harper’s Monthly Magazine, (New York.) Harper’s Weekly, (New York.) Herald, (New York.) Illuftrated News, (London.) Illuftration, (Paris.) Illuftrirte Zeitung, (Leipjic.) Journal, (Syracufe.) Miflouri Republican, (St. Louis.) Nation, (New York.) National Intelligencer, (JVaJhington.) North American Review, (Boston?) North Britilh Review, (London?) Punch, (London?)THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 23 Quarterly Review, {London.) Republic, {Richmond.) Republican, {Chicago.) Round Table, {New York.) Spectator, {London.) Standard, {Syracufe.) Times, .{New Orleans.) Times, {New York.) Tribune, {New York.) Weftminfter Review, {London?) Wilkes’s Spirit of the Times, {New York?) World, {New York.)THE ONONDAGA CLUB. RESIDENT MEMBERS. A GAN, PATRICK H. ANDREWS, CHARLES BALLARD, JOHN P. BALLARD, ORRIN BARKER, JOHN W. BARNES, GEORGE BARNUM, HENRY A. BEARDSLEE, HAMILTON W. BELDEN, JAMES J. BENEDICT, J. HARVEY BONTA, FRANK M. BRADLEY, CHRISTOPHER C., Jr.*6 THE ONONDAGA CLUE. BREWSTER, HENRY D. BREWSTER, SAMUEL C. BROWN, EDWARD H. BRUCE, DWIGHT H. BURT, J. OTIS BURT, OLIVER T. CHITTENDEN, HARLOW W. CLARK, JOHN SEYMOUR COMSTOCK, GEORGE F. CORBETT, PATRICK CROUSE, JOHN J. DAVIS, THOMAS T. DAWSON, EDWARD S. DEE, JOHN F. DIDAMA, HENRY D. DILLAYE, HENRY A. DILLAYE, STEPHEN D. DISSEL, THEODORE DRAKE, THOMAS H. EATON, JAMES H.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. £7 ESTES, STEPHEN A. FENTON, ELIJAH P. FERRY, WILLIAM B. FISKE, DANIEL W. FOOT, Z. CHARLES FORBES, BURNET GREEN, JOHN A., Jr. GREEN, THOMAS D. HALSTED, DANIEL J. HASKIN, JAMES P. HAWLEY, J. DEAN HINMAN, JAMES H. HISCOCK, FRANK HISCOCK, L. HARRIS HOLMES, JOHN B. HOWLETT, ALFRED A. HOYT, WILLIAM HENRY HURST, GEORGE N. JAYCOX, JOHN M. JENNEY, EDWIN S.>8 THE ONONDAGA CLUB, KENNEDY, GEORGE N. KIRKPATRICK, DONALD KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM KLOCK, FRANK B. LAPHAM, WILLIAM G. LEAVENWORTH, ELIAS W. LONGSTREET, EDWARD W. LOOMIS, HARVEY N. LYNCH, ANDREW J. LYNCH, PATRICK McCarthy, dennis McCarthy, Robert MANNING, EDWARD MITCHELL, DAVID J. MORGAN, LE ROY MUNROE, ALLEN & NORTHRUP, MILTON H, OSTRANDER, WELTON B. PIERCE, WILLIAM H.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 09 PINKERTON, JACOB PRATT, DANIEL PRICE, MILTON S. REDFIELD, CHARLES T. REDFIELD, LEWIS H. RUGER, WILLIAM C. RUST, STILES M. SANFORD, DAVID SANFORD, LEONARD G. SEDGWICK, CHARLES B. ;j SMITH, CARROLL E. SMITH, VIVUS W. STEWART, WILLIAM D. ' TEALL, WILLIAM W. ; TRACY, OSGOOD V. TRACY, WILLIAM G. WALLACE, WILLIAM JAMES WESTCOTT, EDWARD N. WHITE, ANDREW D. WHITE, HORACE K.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. WILKINSON, ALFRED WILLIAMS, DYER WILLIAMS, HOMER P, WILLIAMS, MATHER WINTON, WILLIAM WOOD, DANIEL P. YATES, ALONZO C.THE ONONDAGA CLUB. 31 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. BJ BALDWIN, HARVEY, New York. BOOKSTAVER, DANIEL, New York. BYRNE, JAMES, 'Albany. CLARY, O. WARE, Oswego. DAVIS, ALEXANDER H., Watkins. DOWS, EDWARD, Buffalo.3* THE ONONDAGA CLUB. HEERMANS, THOMAS B., Utica. MAGEE, JOHN, Jr., Watkins. SLOSSON, S. HARVEY, New York. WHEELER, HENRY H., New York.