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PREPARED IN PURSUANCE OF CHAPTER 64, OF THE LAWS OF 1855, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1856.STATE OF NEW-YORK,) Secretary’s Office. ) Albany, January 3, 1856. To the Hon. Henry J. Raymond, President of the Senate. Sir:—I have the honor herewith to transmit a Preliminary Report upon the Census of 1855, prepared by my predecessor in office, which will be found to contain all the statistics neces- sary to enable the legislature to re-apportion the members of assembly among the several counties, and to reorganize the senatorial districts of the state. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. T. HEADLEY, Secretary of State.REPORT STATE OF NEW-YORK,) Secretary’s Office. ) Albany, December 31, 1855. In pursuance of the requirements of chapter 64 of the Laws of 1855, the Secretary of State forthwith proceeded to appoint one or more marshals in each town and ward in the state, and to distribute to the several county clerks the blanks necessary for taking the census, and collecting the other statistical infor- mation required by the said act. Returns have been received from each of the 1,744 marshals thus appointed, and the labor of condensing, classifying and preparing for publication the results, has been prosecuted with as much rapidity as the limited time and means, allowed for the purpose, would admit. The total population of each town and ward, with the increase or decrease since the census of 1845, upon which the present assembly and senatorial districts were formed; the number of voters, aliens and persons of color not taxed, with the number upon which representation in the legis- lature is based, are herewith presented, and will afford the infor- mation necessary to enable the legislature to re-apportion members of assembly in the several counties, and to reorganize the senatorial districts of the state. The population of villages, the number of males and females, distinguishing by white and colored, the number of single,6 married and widowed, the number of families, and owners of land, the number over twenty-one who cannot read and write and who can read but not write, together with the statistics of school-houses and churches, of newspapers and other periodicals, with the number of deaf and dumb, blind, insane and idiotic, have also been mostly prepared, and some progress has been made in condensing the agricultural and classifying the manu- facturing statistics, but it is deemed inexpedient to present these results until the whole be ready for publication. There remains to be done, the summary of ages (distinguishing by sex), professions and places of birth, and the completion of the statistics of agriculture and manufactures, the summary of marriages and deaths, and a general revision of the whole, with such comparative tables as may be deemed necessary for a full representation of the progress of the population, resources and progress of the state. From the accompanying tables, it will be seen that the present population of the state is 3,470,059, being an increase of 372,665 since 1850, and of 865,564 since 1845. It is dis- tributed among 910 towns and 13 cities, the latter being sub- divided into 116 wards. On each former occasion in which a census has been taken by this state, the names of the heads of families only were given, with columns for entering the number of males and females between certain ages, the number of aliens, colored persons and paupers, and those liable to military duty, the number of voters, of children attending school, &c., in each family; and the inquiries relating to manufactures were limited to some twenty different branches of industry, while all others were left unrepresented. In the present census, the name, age, sex and birth-place of each person was required, with the professions of those over fifteen years of age, civil condition, color, years resident in present locality, and columns were prepared to designate voters, aliens, owners of land, those over twenty-one unable to read and write, and the deaf and dumb, blind, insane and idiotic. The annual returns of the militia to the Adjutant-General, of paupers and criminals to the Secretary of State, of children7 attending schools, academies and colleges to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Regents of the University, were deemed sufficient to justify their omission in the census, while instead of the statistics of a select number of manufactures, full returns were required of every branch of productive industry, and schedules were provided for noting marriages, with the ages of the parties, and deaths, with age, time and cause of death. Articles of farm produce not before enumerated were included, and statistics of unincorporated literary and benevolent insti- tutions, of periodical literature, &c., were for the first time made a part of our state census. It will be remembered that the law directing the present census to be taken, required the entire labor of condensing and analyzing the returns of each marshal to be done under the direction of the Secretary of State, while on each former occasion the county clerks were required to prepare the summary of their respective counties, leaving only the general aggregates to be compiled in the secretary’s office. Experience has shown that the results of a census prepared by many different persons, not acting in concert, and often with conflicting views of the construction to be placed upon the varied inquiries of the schedules, can never possess that uniformity and correctness which constitutes their value, and which can only be obtained by a systematic and careful summary in a central office. The relative expense of the two methods is believed to be deci- dedly in favor of the latter, while in point of general accuracy they scarcely admit of comparison. The Federal census of 1850 cost, in this state, $114,474.95 for the collection of statistics, or three cents seven mills to each person. The expense of the present census is not yet ascertain- ed from all the counties ; but so far as obtained, it gives the cor- responding expense at about three cents three mills to each person, while the information obtained is more extensive and varied. The office work of the census of 1850, cost over $300,- 000, or about $45,000 for the proportion of the State of New- York. An appropriation of $2,000 was made by the last legisla- ture to defray the office expenses of the present census, which has been mostly expended, and a further appropriation of $8,0008 will be necessary to complete its preparation. As there are no funds at the disposal of the Secretary of State to pay the monthly wages of the clerks now employed upon this work, it is hoped the legislature will take immediate measures to supply this want. A change in the form in which the final results of this census are to be published is earnestly recommended. The huge, un- wieldy and expensive volumes, sparsely printed upon one side of the paper only, which contain the results of our former censuses, besides requiring a much larger expense for their publication, are far less convenient for reference or preservation than if con- cisely arranged and compactly printed in a smaller and neater volume. In this respect, the former censuses of this state afford a humiliating contrast with the elegant and convenient publica- tions of a similar kind of other countries. E. W. LEAVENWORTH.PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE CENSUS OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, For the Year 1855. ALBANY COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. j Naturalized. Albany City: 1st ward, 8,038 4,326 226 780 2,796 83 5,159 2d ward, <518 842 .... 417 412 937 20 3,561 3d ward, 4,667 386 524 381 883 20 3764 4th ward, 4,492 267 666 282 941 27 o, t Q 594 5 th ward, 3,016 113 328 152 804 17 9 1Q5 6th ward, 3,460 201 377 173 761 9 6QQ 7th ward, 6,006 2,474 476 607 1,310 “io Zi,Ui7i7 4,686 8th ward, 7,467 3,466 .... 562 733 1,257 52 6,158 9th ward, 7,343 2,139 .... 660 502 2,044 57 5,242 10th ward, 8,326 3,914 824 540 1,611 123 6,592 Total Albany City, 57,333 16,194 5,060 4,562 13,344 409 43,580 Berne, ,.... 3,206 461 687 42 60 3,146 3,909 Bethlehem, 5,151 1,836 683 161 1,160 * *82 Coeymans, 2,963 ‘is 631 31 227 57 9 A7Q Guilderland, 3,188 193 656 51 229 O 1 15 2,944 Knox, 1,888 273 461 7 25 1,863 3,202 New Scotland, 3,327 39 735 20 116 ‘‘*9 Bensselaerville, 3,088 501 752 21 5~ 2 Watervliet, 20,889 9,680 2,134 1,283 4,990 9 OjUoU 15,890 Westerlo, 2,648 279 635 4 76 4 2,568 Total, 103,681 26,413 12,434 6,182 20,284 586 82,811 210 ALLEGANY COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Alfred, 1,707 82 401 10 43 1,664 Allen, 1,026 120 212 14 37 989 Alma, 412 91 4 46 qga Almond, 1,952 217 452 18 49 "i3 ouu 1,890 Amitjr, 2,655 1,170 589 44 136 8 2,511 Andover, 1,775 705 322 30 161 1,614 Angelica, 1,832 503 346 49 187 "ii 1,634 Belfast, 2,130 713 406 41 122 i 2,007 Birdsall, 838 363 154 31 23 815 Bolivar, 985 468 223 7 18 967 Burns, 1,087 163 242 8 74 1,013 Caneadea, 2,400 1,233 482 34 162 "24 2,214 Centreville, 1,349 "87 293 31 69 1 280 Clarksville, 781 338 189 4 7 774 Cuba, 2,116 531 471 22 166 9 1,941 Friendship, 1,838 437 433 20 82 1,756 Genesee, 895 236 199 2 21 * 4 870 Granger, 1,218 40 239 54 19 1,199 Grove, 1,118 275 217 36 49 1,069 Hume, 2,094 114 466 20 72 4 2,018 Independence, 1,136 *543 260 7 19 1 117 New Hudson, 1,451 161 314 8 45 *"i 1,405 Ossian, 1,313 360 277 32 49 1,264 Bushford, 1,995 226 494 19 61 "io 1,924 Scio, 3,184 1,828 675 49 257 5 2,922 West Almond, 972 97 230 8 17 955 Willing, 1,127 219 9 36 1 091 Wirt, 1,524 219 375 2 5 — 1*519 Total, 42,910 11,508 9,271 613 2,032 90 40,798 BROOME COUNTY. Barker, 1,324 55 311 Q 07 1 OQ7 Chenango, 13,128 6,526 2,382 326 0 / 1,384 259 JLjZo/ 11,485 Colesville, .. 3,135 306 769 15 25 1 3,109 Conklin, 2,539 670 525 32 147 8 2,384 Lisle, 1,815 158 458 8 21 1,794 Maine, 1,979 446 28 or. q 1 QdA Nanticoke, 819 340 177 "8 juO 16 803 Sanford, 3,060 1,442 629 49 249 "43 2,768 Triangle, 1,784 35 428 3 43 4 1,737 Union, 2,463 i056 549 17 aq 42 9 Vestal, 1,967 350 420 11 9 Z,oDZ 1,958 Windsor, 2,637 147 666 16 31 — 2,606 Total, 36,650 10,843 7,760 522 2,056 366 34,22811 CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. Native. <3 O 1 ^ w Naturalized. .s < Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting1 aliens and colored 1 persons not taxed. Allegany, 1,583 962 314 26 206 1,377 Ashford, 1,913 537 372 32 188 "5 1,720 Bucktooth, 453 89 5 49 4-04. Carrolton, 511 318 84 22 27 tUt 484 Cold Spring, •664 62 136 7 18 646 Connewango, 1,345 121 .... 316 6 2 1,343 Dayton, 1,139 132 245 7 40 1,099 East Otto, 1,228 262 9 53 1 17^ Ellicottville, 1,838 617 275 73 198 "ii -L, _L 1 O 1,626 Farmersville, 1,443 19 306 14 87 I 366 Eranklinyille, 1,686 247 357 49 57 IjOdO 1,629 Freedom, 1,443 35 245 82 Great Valley, 1,198 442 226 30 ii-iV 119 JL,OZiO 1,079 Hinsdale, 2,129 219 330 18 480 1,649 Humphrey, 759 168 160 19 25 734 Ischua, 1,103 226 13 75 1 09S Leon, 1,330 136 302 4 25 1,305 Little Valley, _ 801 21 160 18 24 777 Lyndon, 1,123 304 201 48 34 1,089 Machias, _... 1,366 123 276 9 66 1,300 Mansfield, 1,125 163 253 15 43 1,082 Napoli, 1,222 103 297 6 1 916 New Albion, 1,562 363 338 15 51 Xji-ilU 1,511 Olean, 1,611 1,061 307 21 260 **i5 1,336 Otto, 1,094 idle 261 8 43 1 0^1 Perrysburgh, 1,456 186 330 2 70 1 1 385 Persia, 1,204 116 227 11 83 l’l21 Portville, 1,164 579 276 21 34 1,130 Randolph, 1,723 423 343 10 103 1,620 South Valley, 586 122 6 41 545 Yorkshire, 1,728 18 385 16 18 *27 1,683 Allegany Indian Reserv’n, 754 * Cattaraugus “ “ 1,179 Total, 41,463 11,294 8,021 616 2,645 62 36,823 * A part of this reservation is included in Erie county, but the number belonging in that county is not shown in the returns of the marshal.12 CAYUGA COUNTY. TOWNS. Auburn City: 1st ward,.... 2d ward,.... 3d ward,.... 4th ward,.. .. Total, Auburn City, Aurelius,.......... Brutus, ........... Cato, ................ Conquest, ......... Fleming, .......... Genoa,............. Ira,............... Ledyard,........... Locke,............. Mentz,............. Moravia, .......... Niles,............. Owasco,............ Scipio,............ Sempronius, ....... Sennett,........... Springport,........ Sterling,.......... Summer Hill,....... Venice,............ Victory,........... Total,........ Total population, 1855. i Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. YOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. 2,404 ] 339 92 370 24 2,010 1,922 319 68 347 30 1,545 1,985 8,305; 325 82 331 23 1,631 3,165 J j 326 127 413 11 2,741 9,476 1,309 369 1,461 88 7,927 2,574 70 476 79 360 14 2,200 2,807 544 . . 474 40 421 15 2,371 2,252 60 512 20 102 2,150 1,872 49 433 15 68 ”’l 1,803 1,164 23 257 16 143 1,021 2,352 74 568 15 119 ”4 2,229 2,133 12 491 10 92 2,041 1,976 *ii 9 384 29 246 *’25 1,705 1,293 235 300 8 12 1,281 5,058 770 .... 986 91 542 ”36 4,480 1,819 34 383 10 56 1 1,762 1,912 241 482 12 38 1,874 1,303 26 257 16 151 ”i2 1,140 1,895 *24i 403 24 130 2 1,763 1,269 45 317 7 18 1,251 2,082 49 .... 380 35 284 ”'7 1,791 2,171 339 .... 366 55 295 15 1,861 3,024 292 607 65 152 2,872 1,184 M0 292 10 1 1,183 1,939 61 443 28 131 1,808 2,016 245 436 16 41 1,975 53,571 3,908 10,556 970 4,863 220 48,488 CHAUTAUQUE COUNTY. Arkwright, ... Busti,........ Carroll, ........ Charlotte,.... Chautauque,... Cherry Creek,. Clymer,....... Ellery,....... Ellicott,..... Ellington, French Creek, . Gerry,........ Hanover,...... Harmony,...... 1,110 185 241 4 31 1,920 3 420 29 108 1,408 317 317 3 45 1,672 244 341 44 40 2,591 *2i8 564 51 152 1,226 126 308 4 26 1,164 185 213 28 128 1,865 *269 477 4 43 3,935 759 789 53 296 ’’is 1,930 98 473 5 7 766 119 171 6 28 1,258 ’*86 300 6 17 * * 4 4,101 383 832 61 303 6 3,443 12 820 17 117 1,079 1,812 1,363 1,632 2,439 1,200 1,036 1,822 3,624 1,923 738 1,237 3,792 3,32613 CHAUTAUQUE COUNTY—(Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Kiantone, 490 118 3 35 455 Mina, 1,036 154 189 36 70 966 Poland, 1^325 310 291 8 43 1,282 Pomfret, 9^157 4,871 1,545 207 2,353 **io 6,794 Portland, 1,936 30 426 18 146 1,790 Rinley l'703 235 314 37 133 1,570 Sheridan, 1^591 1 338 25 122 1,469 Sherman, 1,314 183 260 28 57 1,257 Stockton, 1,688 *92 410 5 45 1,643 Yillenova, 1,413 118 339 5 31 1,382 Westfield, 3,338 452 642 87 419 *‘io 2,909 Total, 53,380 6,832 11,138 774 4,795 45 48,540 CHEMUNG COUNTY. Big Flats, 1,853 432 380 23 102 1,751 Gatlin, 1,518 271 301 9 25 .... 1,493 Chemung, 2,785 210 572 20 56 1 2,728 Elmira, 8,486 2,588 1,546 236 1,211 217 7,058 Erin, 1,190 * 391 272 6 1 1,189 Horseheads, 2,648 534 35 144 "n 2,492 Southport, 4,479 1,940 849 59 404 47 4,028 Van Etten, 1,522 342 21 4 1,518 Veteran, 2,807 326 636 37 44 "is 2,745 Total, 27,288 9,546 5,432 427 1,991 295 25,002 CHENANGO COUNTY. Bainbridge, 3,377 296 843 11 38 6 3,333 Columbus, 1,331 130 353 10 17 1,314 Coventry, 1,684 111 431 7 20 ”’l 1,663 German, 806 141 176 10 6 800 Greene, 3,717 248 859 45 69 **23 3,625 Guilford, 2,552 > 235 620 9 65 4 2,483 Lincklaen, 1,131 41 243 13 14 1,117 Macdonough, 1,417 97 336 7 20 1,397 New Berlin, 2,507 197 591 20 61 *’*2 2,444 North Norwich, 1,126 264 2 ! 34 1 1,091 Norwich, 4,109 i 160 890 54 197 53 3,859 Otselic, 1,721 238 409 10 • 4 1,717 Oxford, 3,116 i 57 715 35 102 : * *9 3,005 Pharsalia, 1,152 > ”57 263 7 11 1,141 Pitcher, 1,281 220 1 319 ' 6 4 1,277 Plymouth, 1,541 15 > 379 1 10 1 12 ; * * *7 1,522 Preston, 1,044 i 65 253 11 26 1,018 Sherburne, . 2,776 > 96 613 i 47 131 *5 2,640 Smithville, 1,661 ' ’ 32 1 318 l 50 i 111 1,550 Smyrna, . 1,866 78 S 447 14 35 ”’i 1,830 Total, > 15 1 9,322 ! 378 ! 977 112 38,82614 CLINTON COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTEKS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed, j Native. Naturalized 3,803 173 357 191 732 6 3,065 2,933 145 352 163 400 25 2.508 3,025 1,427 232 98 793 2,232 6,197 2,147 517 205 1,714 '' *5 4,478 4,462 891 568 176 586 17 3,859 1,371 538 .... 38 138 336 1,035 723 79 22 146 *25 552 1,751 849 278 65 174 1 1,576 3,622 1,415 340 201 823 2 2,797 3,520 247 482 132 478 9 3,033 6,080 15 664 245 1,421 4,659 3,058 1,363 291 185 574 2 2,482 1,937 266 89 227 1 1,709 42,482 11,204 4,464 1,910 8,404 93 33,985 IOLUMBIA COUNTY. 1,801 96 407 10 99 1 1,701 1,618 *i94 368 7 85 65 1,468 1,946 27 414 30 196 37 1,713 4,023 453 809 65 456 145 3,422 3,363 429 729 59 220 23 3,120 1,058 "73 242 3 47 7 1,004 1,620 13 338 14 101 14 1,505 1,517 1.59 349 6 14 4 1,499 1,131 140 225 4 70 16 1,045 2,537 120 462 68 307 117 2,113 1,383 201 243 40 141 9 1,233 2,194 *iso 511 11 72 11 2,111 1,460 224 34 258 12 1,190 1,675 135 60 300 65 1,310 1,764 348 35 132 14 1,618 1,821 256 79 151 95 1,575 6,720 1,063 963 208 841 186 5,693 3,864 185 696 82 360 158 3,346 2,064 **i9 459 23 78 15 1,971 2,329 47 493 29 245 4 2,080 1,621 '*40 240 63 211 41 1,369 1,937 219 342 33 238 151 1,548 1,665 141 357 10 19 4 1,642 44,391 2,415 .... 8,647 765 3,800 1,008 39,583 Au Sable,...... Beekmantown,.. Black Brook, ... Champlain,..... Chazy,......... Clinton,....... Dannemora, Ellenburgh, Mooers,........ Peru,.......... Plattsburgh, Saranac,....... Schuyler’s Falls,. Ancram,........ Austerlitz, Caanan,........ Chatham,....... Claverack,..... Clement,....... Copake,........ Gallatin,...... Germantown,.. Ghent,......... Greenport, Hillsdale,..... Hudson City: 1st ward,. 2d ward,. 3d ward,. 4th ward,. Total Hudson City,.. Kinderhook,............... Livingston,............... New Lebanon,.............. Stockport,................ Stuy vesant,.............. Taghkanick,............... Total,..............15 CORTLAND COUNTY. TOWNS. d IQ ftoo C T-l VOTERS. £ © © ttfTS . ss ©ts « 5* © ©5 x Sort -d ® ^ ®-o o ^ c rt *Trt ® © 05 S .O fl O g .© 2 |=3 P. Cincinnatus,.. Cortlandville,. Freetown, Harford, Homer,........ Lapeer,....... Marathon, Preble, ...... Scott,....... Solon,....... Taylor,...... Truxton,.... Yirgil, ...... Willet,...... 1,119 4,329 955 926 3,785 750 1,341 1,219 1,293 1,057 1,201 3,444 2,231 925 218 30 183 *26i 76 106 75 1369 143 2310 299 1,009 216 208 831 189 306 296 319 225 267 732 501 217 5 56 13 3 52 4 4 22 6 32 8 59 19 4 13 133 15 10 164 2 66 40 28 22 2 194 9 6 1,106 4,187 940 916 3,619 748 1,275 1,179 1,264 1,035 1,199 3,250 2,221 919 Total, 24.575 506 5.615 287 704 13 23,858 D ; ELAWARE : COUNTY. Andes, 2,536 96 395 169 144 5 2,387 Bovina, 1,224 2i2 194 81 89 1,135 Colchester, 2,360 502 518 41 96 *7 2,257 Davenport, 2,233 90 482 36 4 5 2,224 Delhi, 2,711 46 405 122 151 29 2,531 Franklin, 3,186 179 743 44 45 1 3,140 Hamden, 1,881 114 305 84 91 8 1,782 Hancock, 2,512 1,304 465 52 318 2 2,192 Harpersfield, 1,480 *89 351 25 36 6 1,438 Kortright, 2,013 198 381 63 81 1,932 Masonville, 1,543 160 361 6 17 *1 1,525 Meredith, 1,503 i.75 299 56 49 1,454 Middletown, 2,946 251 588 45 117 ’**3 2,826 Roxbury, 2,533 *588 541 36 60 12 2,461 Sidney, 1,797 38 427 12 24 1,773 Stamford, 1,597 ii8 345 31 51 9 1,537 Tompkins, 3,290 1,029 719 59 114 26 3,150 Walton, 2,404 330 — 558 26 45 37 2,322 Total, 39,749 2,759 8,077 987 1,532 151 38,06616 DUTCHESS COUNTY. TOWNS. Amenia,.................. Beekman,................. Clinton,................. Dover,................... East Fishkill,........... Fishkill,................ Hyde Park,............... La Grange,............... Milan,................... North East,.............. Pauling,................. Pine Plains,............. Pleasant Valley,......... Poughkeepsie,............ Poughkeepsie City: 1st ward,.......... 2d ward,........... 3d ward,........... 4th ward,.......... Total Poughkeepsie, . Redhook,................. Rhinebeck,............... Stanford,................ Union Vale,.............. Washington,.............. Total,.............. Total population, 1S55. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. Naturalized. 2,199 123 435 20 280 50 1,869 1,379 '*53 295 13 80 91 1,208 1,840 24 450 19 75 9 1,756 1,925 **19 432 25 175 14 1,736 2,619 > 732 521 22 203 87 2,329 8,764 1,382 246 1,251 346 7,167 2,480 3 443 37 382 60 2,038 1,852 18 .... 404 34 88 62 1,702 1,630 114 404 8 31 19 1,580 1,757 321 341 9 148 41 1,568 1,792 166 413 16 95 15 1,682 1,453 ’*46 364 9 77 23 1,353 1,853 289 423 42 60 36 1,757 3,110 471 105 528 58 2,524 4,099 422 291 834 32 3,233 2,663 f \JO£ 390 87 342 133 2,188 3,461 387 216 615 70 2,776 2,540 — 369 61 373 38 2,129 12,763 1,568 655 2,164 273 10 390 3,750 665 657 54 399 33 -LUjOZiU 3,318 3,065 76 658 47 330 55 2,680 2,201 *ioo 497 17 150 48 2,003 1,463 21 337 13 70 24 1,369 2,740 57 599 13 275 106 2,359 60,635 5,511 11,094 1,404 6,861 1450 52,32417 ERIE COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOT o & t*3 W Naturalized. 5° Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored personsTiot taxed. Alden, 2,404 217 340 115 501 1,903 Amherst, 5,118 1,985 321 421 1,368 ’”6 3,744 Aurora, 3,665 655 696 114 490 6 3,169 Boston, 1,769 "io 223 131 188 1 581 Brandt, 1^093 106 235 13 85 1*008 Buffalo City: 1st ward, 7,994 \ 343 805 3,272 10 4,712 2d ward, 5,882 \ 892 248 1,468 19 4,395 3d ward, 4,293 I 344 331 1,227 9 3,057 4th ward, 8,000 I 408 726 2,722 222 5,056 5th ward, 8,759 I 244 906 3,030 136 5,593 6th ward, 7,354 1 41 643 3,473 114 3,767 7th ward, 7,804 > 44,441 121 825 3,268 18 4,518 8th ward, 5,404 j 225 490 2,289 2 3,113 9th ward, 5,625 \ 839 300 1,243 17 4,365 10th ward, 5,238 1 512 317 1,378 8 3,852 11th ward, 3,314 1 248 267 988 2,326 12th ward, 3,729 / 190 321 1,392 *’*3 2,334 13th ward, 818 1 50 49 336 1 481 Total Buffalo City,... 74,214 4,457 6,228 26,086 559 47,569 Chictawauga, 2,526 497 115 229 812 1,714 Clarence, 3,253 756 431 139 746 2,507 C olden, 1,381 295 241 43 118 1,263 Collins, 2,025 1.944 438 16 104 1 921 Concord, 2,805 327 798 47 333 1 2 471 East Hamburgh, 1,946 348 41 431 l’515 Eden, 2,426 2i3 273 205 336 2,090 Evans, 2,252 393 439 35 276 1,976 Grand Island, 838 92 29 339 * *2 497 Hamburgh, 3,037 1215 310 117 874 3 2160 Holland, 1,321 34 274 15 58 1*263 Lancanster, 5,489 2,759 356 475 1,727 “i 3*761 Marilla, 1,377 268 24 126 1 251 Newstead, 2,987 377 544 68 305 2*682 North Collins, 1,859 283 96 218 1,641 Sardinia, 1,765 165 417 26 48 1*717 Tonawanda, 2,569 935 189 233 680 ’**6 1,883 Wales, 1,689 22i 327 41 106 1 583 West Seneca, 2,523 79 348 919 * * 3 1*601 Part of Tonawanda Res’n, 76 Total, 132,4071 53,696 12,494 9,249 37,274 587 94,lT0 318 ESSEX COUNTY. + TOWNS. Total population, 1855 Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native.. Naturalized Chesterfield, 3,327 305 336 148 470 2,857 Crown Point, 2,216 45 535 10 64 2 152 m Elizabethtown, 1,402 208 278 42 98 "is 1*291 Essex, 2,115 395 331 71 274 6 1,835 Jay, 2,850 419 459 84 288 2,562 Keene, 774 35 146 20 30 744 Lewis, 1,803 122 336 39 169 1,634 Minerva, 767 271 119 58 48 719 Moriah, 3,120 313 446 160 453 *"3 2,664 Newcomb, 226 100 40 11 34 192 North Elba, 301 72 9 5 3 293 North Hudson, 519 87 5 81 438 St. Armand, 289 160 63 1 13 "2 274 Schroon, 2,085 380 420 25 273 1,812 Ticonderoga, 2,125 *i84 415 43 212 1 913 Westport,. . • 2,041 53 331 33 251 17 1773 Willsboro’, 1,675 251 296 18 205 4 l5,466 Wilmington, 904 10 147 18 26 .... 878 Total, 28,539 3,437 4,857 795 2,994 48 25,497 FEANKLIN COUNTY. Bangor, 2,154 548 ....] 306 71 272 1,882 Belmont, Bombay, :.... 873 363 131 40 49 '"i 823 2,319 645 193 137 497 1,822 Brandon, 728 150 144 31 25 703 Burke, 1,900 611 279 97 153 1,747 Chateaugay, 2,676 724 302 130 303 2,373 Constable, 1,443 266 155 87 228 1,215 Dickinson, 1,255 181 256 24 59 1,196 Duane, 325 147 50 11 26 299 Fort Covington, 2,559 190 290 88 634 1,925 Franklin, 947 586 124 70 91 856 Harrietstown, 306 177 59 11 7 299 Malone, 5,186 1,552 647 211 1,054 "is 4,129 Moira 1,459 446 264 21 158 1,301 Westville, St. Kegis Reservation,.... 1,354 413 195 • * * • 185 48 190 — 1,164 Total, % 25,897 6,785 3,385 1,077 3,746 4 21,73419 FULTON COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. < olored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not 1 axed. Native. T3 _N *c5 S C3 !Z Bleecker, 904 637 83 58 251 3 650 Broadalbin, 2,646 288 .... 556 58 69 7 2,570 Caroga, 714 372 120 23 68 10 636 Ephrata, 2,183 98 478 15 77 5 2,101 Johnstown, 7,912 2,504 1,541 170 659 39 7,214 Mayfield, 2,393 4 467 38 95 21 2,277 Northampton, 1^943 566 413 12 104 5 1,834 Oppenheim, 2,412 24 541 28 31 15 2,366 Perth, 1,131 * 83 198 38 118 1,013 Stratford, 1,046 303 204 25 87 959 Total 23.284 4.705 4.601 465 1,559 105 21,620 GENESEE COUNTY Alabama, 2,194 394 420 45 229 1 1,964 Alexander, 1,798 “i96 403 21 235 1,563 Batavia, 5,304 920 672 151 710 ** *6 4*588 Bergen, 1,800 22 351 51 188 1,612 Bethany, 1,879 172 408 17 184 1,695 Bvron, 1,641 166 354 16 129 1,512 Darien, 2,176 36 476 35 291 1*885 Elba, 1,869 81 402 25 240 1*629 Le Boy, 4,206 854 787 103 740 'io 3,456 Oakfield, 1,510 150 276 32 245 1,265 Pavilion, 1,758 * *76 381 18 194 1,564 Pembroke, 2,844 704 583 53 216 2,628 Stafford, 2,055 * *84 322 75 506 1,549 Tonawanda Reservation,.. 498 Total, 31,532 2,189 5,835 642 4,107 17 26,910 GREENE COUNTY. Ashland, 1,139 256 15 18 1 1120 Athens, 2,870 277 577 157 159 76 2 635 Cairo, 2,557 255 588 21 50 18 2*489 Catskill, „ 5,710 252 1,070 90 552 171 4*987 Coxsackie, 3,682 ii7 724 42 224 192 3 266 Dunham, 2,540 73 604 14 48 11 2*481 Greenville, 2,173 88 493 5 91 12 2 070 Halcott, 474 105 1 6 *468 Hunter, 1,594 839 249 64 88 9 1 497 Jewett, 1,129 257 9 2 1*127 Lexington, 1,595 1307 349 14 17 * *3 1*575 New Baltimore, 2,402 55 496 20 166 41 2*195 Prattsville, 1,588 48i 284 18 70 11 1 507 Windham, 1,684 986 409 21 31 1*653 Total, 31,137 820 6,461 491 1,522 545 29,070HAMILTON COUNTY, TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. YOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Arietta, 149 35 43 3 149 Gilman, 90 5 24 2 5 85 Hope, 822 174 166 20 51 771 Lake Pleasant, 300 4 74 2 1 299 Long Lake, 139 67 28 3 136 Morehouse, 275 64 22 32 63 212 Wells, 768 322 165 18 45 ”4 719 Total, 2,543 661 .... 522 77 168 4 2,371 HERKIMER COUNTY. Columbia, 1,831 295 453 3 67 2 1,762 Danube, 1,791 98 334 42 265 1 1,525 Fairfield, 1,493 i.69 314 9 180 1,313 Frankfort, 3,217 135 557 83 345 2,872 German Flats, 3,855 618 775 107 337 "i 3,517 Herkimer, 2,866 487 542 56 339 8 2,519 Litchfield, 1,582 2662 307 50 188 5 1,389 Little Falls, 4,930 3,253 856 196 612 47 4,271 Manheim, 1,672 200 325 39 167 1,505 Newport, 2,015 97 405 37 196 12 1,807 Norway, 1,059 20 224 18 98 961 Ohio, 1,087 324 188 31 135 952 Russia, 2,288 'i&i 475 38 236 2,052 Salisbury, 2,306 446 457 44 246 2,060 Schuyler, 1,690 iu 328 58 217 1,473 Stark, 1,478 297 358 12 107 i 1,370 Warren, 1,741 211 465 11 69 3 1,669 Wilmurt, 268 179 41 9 71 197 Winfield, 1,397 i(32 307 24 80 — 1,317 Total, 38,566 1,142 7,711 867 3,955 80 34,531 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Adams, Alexandria, 3,105 3,353 Antwerp, 3,763 Brownville, 3,589 Cape Vincent, 3,375 Champion, 1,946 Clayton, 4,232 Ellisburgh, 5,339 Henderson, 2,139 Hounsfield, 3,221 50 763' 30 160 642 .... 576 88 320 9 383 . . . 754 77 430 1 791 689 69 248 15 432 209 479 1 200 474 19 42 14 350 699 86 485 22 192 1,260 17 215 206 489 20 93 *”i 696 597 106 220 15 2,945 3,024 3,332 3,326 2,895 1,890 3,725 5,124 2,045 2,98621 JEFFERSON COUNTY—(Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845.1 VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed, j Native. Naturalized. Le R(|y, 3,203 650 659 74 186 3 3,014 Lorraine, 1,470 170 281 20 44 3 1,423 Lyme, 2,563 3455 556 25 96 3 2,464 Orleans, 2,806 241 525 67 197 2,609 Pamelia, 2,511 257 442 55 265 '"*9 2,237 Philadelphia, 1,743 1.99 369 47 78 * 1,665 Rodman, 1,752 58 432 8 54 1,698 Rutland, 1,977 in 460 18 143 1,834 Theresa, 2,278 169 479 40 38 ’*‘i 2,239 Watertown, 7,557 2,124 1,117 236 1,376 40 6,141 Wilna, 3,024 310 602 113 196 2 2,826 Worth, 474 95 12 12 — 462 Total, 65,420 421 12,770 1,336 5,377 139 59,904 KINGS COUNTY. Brooklyn City: 1st ward, 2d ward, 3d ward, 4th ward, 5th ward, 6th ward, 6,441 8,383 8,900 12,282 16,352 18,490 12,523 5,318 9,133 21,749 22,213 6,990 14,044 12,414 6,559 15,350 5,508 2,601 1,819 1,480 2,964 3,463 6,933 579 584 1,356 1,519 1,107 1,468 1,003 369 459 1,832 2,360 162 1,828 814 473 358 652 220 347 713 271 595 1,496 1,029 1,034 436 781 1,410 1,417 634 583 1,072 469 1,163 344 209 2,445 2,640 2,583 3,047 4,612 7,464 2,710 1,605 2,801 6,919 5,151 3,082 2,943 3,323 1,649 7,318 1,176 637 36 96 71 394 195 47 63 58 370 122 607 6 96 99 115 559 5 1 3,960 5,647 6,246 8,841 11,545 10,979 9,750 3,655 5.962 14,708 16,455 3,902 11,005 8,992 4,795 7,473 4,327 1.963 7th ward,.. 8th ward, 9th ward, 10th ward, 7,236 11th ward, 12th ward, 12,255 13th ward, 14th ward, 15th ward, 16th ward, 17th ward, 18th ward, | 37,029 ^ 6,252 Total Brooklyn City,. 205,250 132,481 17,143 14,003 62,105 2,940 140,205 Flatbush, 3,280 1,055 217 68 1,264 199 1,824 Flatlands, 1,578 642 206 40 314 63 1,201 Gravesend, 1,256 358 189 22 253 144 859 New Lots, 2,261 229 134 719 44 1,498 New Utrecht, 2,730 867 293 83 881 136 1/713 Total, 216,355 137,664 .... 18,277 14,350 65,536 3,526 147,29322 LEWIS COUNTY. TOWNS. Croghan,...... Denmark, Diana,........ Greig,.......... Harrisburgh,.. High Market,. Lewis,........ Leyden,....... Lowville,..... Martinsburgh, Montague, New Bremen,. Osceola,...... Pinckney, Turin,........ Watson,....... West Turin, . . Total,.... Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845.; Decrease since 1845. VOTEKS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. 1,531 517 82 126 530 2 2,381 170 532 52 155 3 1,177 384 193 38 105 1,203 323 264 25 78 1,240 254 228 67 77 ’**5 1,125 47 161 144 1,157 80 85 359 1,856 85 347 85 107 2,144 23 458 37 207 **’9 2,489 81 .... • 471 68 154 5 571 100 12 85 1,647 120 138 356 513 300 58 51 29 1,039 43 253 9 25 1,748 1.34 372 44 96 930 1833 190 18 35 2,478 854 — 264 209 209 25,229 5,011 4,059 1,225 2,751 24 a o-s 'O «*? S'* § 999 2,223 1,072 1,125 1,158 981 798 1,749 1,928 2,330 486 1,291 484 1,014 1,652 895 2,269 22,454 LIVINGSTON COUNTY, Avon,............ Caledonia,....... Conesus,......... Geneseo,......... Groveland,....... Leicester,....... Lima,............ Livonia,......... Mount Morris,.. North Dansville, Nunda,........... Portage,......... Sparta,.......... Spring Water, . . West Sparta, ... York,............ Total,...... 2,694 244 483 1,991 233 266 1,413 *i(36 313 2,883 270 484 1,610 *i49 294 2,076 211 428 2,670 512 479 2,635 ”60 601 4,042 251 750 3,481 511 2,887 359 568 1,569 1,099 318 1,233 47il 295 2,481 280 581 1,496 308 2,782 114 496 37,943 5,849 7,175 72 429 29 2,236 103 532 1,459 7 102 1,311 92 453 ”32 2,398 24 149 1,461 30 222 22 1,832 83 396 25 2,249 31 236 1 2,398 79 400 10 3,632 170 405 3 3,073 59 181 9 2,697 43 149 1,420 19 63 1,170 18 48 i 2,432 32 56 1,440 99 508 2 2,272 961 4,329 134 33,48023 MADISON COUNTY. a o 00 iO 00 © YOTERS. o § feiw . s g-d © S. * TOWNS. "S . 10 PiOO O T-1. a H H © .s ’53 © © © e © .2 ’53 © <§ © u © © ft Native. Naturalized. Aliens. Colored persoi taxed. ■8-SS tT 02 sal s|b Brookfield, 3,770 147 935 14 135 25 3,610 Cazenovia, 4,495 'iso 933 81 296 18 4,181 De Ruyter, 1,921 92 427 10 39 1,882 Eaton, 4,061 617 814 45 526 "is 3,517 Fenner, 1,622 *2ii 353 12 60 27 1,535 Georgetown, 1,442 56 340 14 11 7 1,424 Hamilton, 3,737 1,661 7,800 'Hi 913 32 192 11 3,534 Lebanon, 205 371 17 51 4 1,606 6,973 Lenox, 1,869 1,541 212 778 49 Madison, 2,483 170 532 25 175 3 2,305 Nelson, 1,876 ioo 409 31 148 1 1,727 1,412 Smithfield, 1,514 115 318 18 47 55 Stockbridge, 2,052 5,253 101 163 419 21 172 8 1,872 Sullivan, Oneida Indians, 865 * * * • 1,011 136 602 12 4,639 Total, 43,788 2,701 .... 9,316 658 3,232 238 40,217 MONROE COUNTY. Brighton, 3,323 1,033 377 141 1,026 2 2,295 1,807 1,810 1,821 Chili, 2,203 160 335 91 395 1 Clarkson, 2,177 2030 414 53 367 Gates, 2,347 525 250 165 524 2 Greece, 4,487 669 946 191 1,009 8 3,470 1,737 Henrietta, 2,144 io5 381 58 406 1 Irondequoit, 3,234 3,015 3,080 2,783 3,031 1,773 196 260 1,036 413 1 2,197 2,601 Mendon, *228 599 64 1 Ogden, 520 512 108 638 2,442 Parma, 43 577 43 221 4 2,558 Penfield, 94 577 82 464 2,567 2,624 Perrinton, 3,175 2,133 2,025 ■539 575 • 77 549 *2 Pittsford, 273 314 80 549 1,584 1,545 Riga, 40 307 52 479 ’“i Rochester City: 1st ward, 2,225 777 309 129 539 1,686 2d ward, 3,656 888 493 175 1,059 * *6 2,591 3d ward, 4,386 656 487 259 1,015 117 3,254 4th ward, 3,323 495 442 207 822 10 2,491 5th ward, 4,376 1,955 353 201 1,348 2,225 1,194 3,028 6th ward, 5,391 1,407 2,758 312 328 3,166 3,402 2,908 5,022 7th ward, 4,619 * 437 312 * 23 8th ward, 3,951 1,976 251 358 1,012 31 9th ward, 7,218 4,732 4,522 350 574 2,178 18 10th ward, 391 362 1,309 3,423 Total Rochester City, 43,877 18,612 3,825 ! 2,905 12,701 2051 30,971 24 MONROE COUNTY—(Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Rush, 1,750 48 315 18 375 1,375 Sweden, 3,967 788 737 105 681 **i6 3,270 Union, 2,369 458 40 122 5 2,242 Webster, 2,388 337 521 31 218 13 2,157 Wheatland, 2,816 505 360 132 664 2,152 Total, 96,324 25,425 .... 12,576 4,696 22,837 262 73,225 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Amsterdam, 4,012 431 736 121 383 40 3,589 Canajoharie, 4,022 966 689 116 353 59 3,610 Charleston, 1^899 96 477 12 22 3 1,874 Florida, 3^154 18 639 81 481 28 2,645 Glen, 2^956 238 599 69 194 26 2,736 Minden, 4,671 1,349 918 102 406 37 4,228 Mohawk, 3,077 325 572 73 263 86 2,728 Palatine, 2,525 rio 530 54 187 9 2,329 Root, 2,748 56 561 25 264 13 2,471 St. Johnsville, 1,744 128 390 22 135 11 1,598 Total, 30,808 1,165 6,111 675 2,688 312 27,808 NEW-YORK COUNTY. New-York City: i 1st ward, 13,486 1,256 j 570 1,425 6,062 43 7,381 2d ward, 3,249 3713 500 290 1,384 64 1,801 3d ward, 7,909 3991 1 2,069 694 2,765 140 5,004 4th ward, 22,895 1,895 ! 922 2,459 10,785 80 12,030 5th ward, 21,617 1,281 1,962 1,471 7,462 1842 12,313 6th ward, 25,562 5,928 686 2,263 13,010 550 12,002 7th ward, 34,422 8,866 2,767 2,649 12,234 190 21,998 8th ward, 34,052 3,156 2,992 1,910 10,783 2444 20,825 9th ward, 39,982 9,075 5,133 1,976 9,346 378 30,258 10th ward, 26,378 5,436 2,160 1,476 10,218 255 15,905 11th ward, 52,979 25,270 2,763 3,612 21,237 285 31,457 12th ward, 17,656 4,265 957 787 7,864 147 9,645 13th ward, 26,597 4,186 ! 2,120 1,852 8,784 536 17,277 14th ward, 24,754 3,651 1 1,246 1,954 10,275 716 13,763 15th ward, 24,046 4,624 i 3,091 1,292 7,406 740 15,900 16th ward, 39,823 527 3,350 2,173 13,495 353 25,975 17th ward, 59,548 32,401 3,229 3,689 26,780 348 32,420 18th ward, 39,415 2,774 2,345 15,677 231 23,507 19th ward, 17,866 . - . . ! 1,022 1,460 6,507 646 10,713 20th ward, 47,055 • . • . I 2,437 3,045 14,441 519 32,095 21st ward, 27,914 ! 2,262 : 1,993 8,136 119 19,659 22d ward, 22,605 1 1,161 1,889 8,027 181 14,397 Total, 629,810 258,587 46,113; 42,704 232,678io,80T 386,32525 NIAGARA COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. YOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Cambria,; 2,216 8 361 27 298 1 1,917 Hartland, 3,033 359 590 75 332 5 2,696 Lewiston, 3,260 720 .... 290 90 975 20 2,265 Lockport, 13,386 4,072 .... 1,589 654 3,092 137 10,157 Newfane, 3,164 369 .... 611 62 188 .... 2,976 Niagara, 5,457 3,989 .... 527 89 2,220 128 3,109 Pendleton, 1,826 541 .... 237 119 303 .... 1,523 Porter, 2,643 340 .... 412 98 461 1 2,181 Royalton, 4,930 1,157 ... . 763 96 1,107 2 3,821 Somerset, 1,923 114 357 14 154 1,769 Wheatfield, 3jl52 1,359 196 305 886 "is 2,248 Wilson, 3,292 948 .... 621 74 311 5 2,976 Part of Tonawanda Res’n, 28 Tuscarora Reservation, .. 316 Total, 48,626 13,732 — 6,554 1,703 10,327 317 37,638 ONEIDA COUNTY. Annsville, 2,715 523 439 115 259 .... 2,456 Augusta, 2,383 266 .... 476 49 182 10 2,191 Ava 1,242 185 74 139 2 1,101 Booneville, 4,424 771 703 250 606 1 3,817 RrHrowatp.r, 1,203 *3.48 253 28 136 1,067 Camden, 2,900 466 590 98 152 *’i6 2,732 Jtpprfip.ld, jk . 2,257 ’*90 269 156 464 1 1,792 Florence, 2,812 818 280 219 336 7 2,469 Flovd, 1,443 *i49 210 87 158 . 1,285 Kirkland, 3,809 795 594 138 731 29 3,049 Lee, 3,020 57 600 60 197 1 2,822 Marry, -. 1,767 2 194 130 376 1,391 Marshall, 2,147 1 379 85 230 “is 1,902 New Hartford, 4,517 474 545 227 842 12 3,663 Paris, 3,695 598 .... 706 110 402 7 3,286 Remsen, 2,684 781 .... 342 242 388 2,296 Rome, 10,720 4,765 1,354 598 2,263 " 146 8,311 Sangerfield, 2,424 152 478 47 480 20 1,924 Steuben, -- - 1,592 *332 240 113 186 1,406 Trenton, 3,987 444 619 181 758 * 3 3,226 Utica City: 3 f?t- ward, 1,443 131 209 116 342 3 1,098 2d ward, 2,799 836 234 202 961 3 1,835 2d ward, 3,111 *379 389 170 653 18 2,440 4th ward, 4,827 336 583 315 1,101 81 3,645 ftth ward, 5,380 384 474 1,447 6 3,927 6th ward, 4,609 213 379 1,321 3,288 Total Utica City, 22,169 9,979 — 2,012 1,656 5,825 111 16,233 426 ONEIDA COUNTY—(Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxied. Native. Naturalized. Vernon, . 3,005 69 537 86 405 9 2,591 Verona, 6,923 1,981 1,011 314 1,286 17 5,620 Vienna, 3,248 381 .... 614 105 154 2 3,092 Western, 2,546 23 .... 504 97 184 15 2,347 Westmoreland, 3,279 207 547 147 458 3 2,818 Whitestown, 4,838 959 591 262 875 16 3,947 Oneida Indians, 60 Total, 107,809 22,973 .... 15,272 5,674 18,472 443 88,834 ONONDAGA COUNTY. Camillus, 2,740 236 527 54 351 2,389 Cicero, 3,388 737 734 57 311 6 3,071 3,052 2,428 4,081 2,086 Clay, 3,326 537 695 56 273 1 De Witt, 2,985 109 524 70 546 ii Elbridge, 4,561 2,256 732 853 90 449 31 Eabius, 273 512 4 170 Geddes, 2,066 256 128 445 " * *8 1,613 La Fayette, 2,340 187 487 10 167 1 2,172 Lysander, 5,060 554 1,013 76 427 40 4,593 5,438 Manlius, 6,228 626 754 176 779 11 Marcellus, 2,547 ’io2 485 53 275 2,272 4,459 Onondaga, 5,400 258 901 133 909 ”32 Otisco, 1,725 24 358 1 15 197 1,528 3,459 2,000 Pompey, 3,770 342 831 34 308 3 Salina, 2,580 1324 309 137 580 Skaneateles, 3,976 149 619 153 744 2 3,230 Spafford, 1,816 ‘iei 423 16 84 1,732 2,710 2,409 Syracuse City: 1st ward, 3,597 344 307 • ■ 871 16 2d ward, 3,437 2,260 91 377 1,006 22 3d ward, 327 179 575 4 1,681 2,936 1,460 2,611 3,233 1,740 4th ward, 4,167 2,063 394 260 1,182 49 5th ward, 185 137 603 6th ward, 3,256 620 121 645 7th ward, 4,165 396 214 919 13 8th ward, 2,162 276 82 391 31 * Total Syracuse City,. Tully, 25,107 2,633 1,677 6,192 135 18,780 1,619 2 343 25 92 1,527 2,835 Van Buren, 3,085 28 658 54 250 Onondaga Indians, 349 Total, 86,924 16,400 .... 13,915 3,018 13,549 281 72,745 *27 ONTARIO COUNTY. i 4 00 | YOTEES. on a fti "III TOWNS. Total populat .3 *53 © a © o £ © .3 © % 2 8 ft Native. Naturalized. j Aliens. Colored perso not taxed. S 3 M « & Bristol, 1,715 977 86 410 15 86 1,629 958 Canadice, 202 229 7 19 Canandaigua, 6,480 853 1,088 208 1,092 46 5,342 East Bloomfield, 2,168 153 417 42 321 12 1,835 Farmington, 1,950 *ii2 392 26 273 5 1,672 Gorham, 2,380 283 514 45 162 7 2,211 1,618 Hopewell, 1,783 285 370 35 151 14 Manchester, 3,009 352 621 43 280 12 2,717 Naples, 2,118 i52 459 6 20 6 2,092 4,784 Phelps, 5,293 82 1,115 56 485 24 B,ichmond, 1,493 239 317 15 200 13 1,280 6,958 1,152 1,947 Seneca, South Bristol, 8,298 1,179 2,208 1,621 387 * *32 1,314 271 261 10 1,134 27 206 Victor, 17 476 38 261 West Bloomfield, . 175 330 17 246 ”’i 1,374 Total, 142,672 80 .... 8,323 824 4,757 346 37,569 ORANGE COUNTY. Blooming Grove, 2,184 222 • • • . 385 44 254 97 1,833 Chester, 1,696 48 308 23 160 80 1,456 Cornwall, 4,578 724 737 141 874 58 3,646 Crawford, 2,000 ’ *72 415 22 147 50 1,803 Deerpark, 5,504 3,492 885 119 1,020 148 4,336 Goshen, 3,213 i9 511 48 379 195 2,639 Greenville, 1,218 242 8 16 2 1*200 Hamptonburgh, 1,303 96 246 7 122 109 1,072 Minisink, 1,295 3963 272 8 52 30 1*213 Monroe, 4,551 616 696 89 404 9 4,138 Montgomery, 3,792 *228 640 67 487 181 3,124 Mount Hope, 1,735 135 346 28 137 27 1,571 Newburgh, 12,773 3,772 1,502 498 2,641 341 9,791 New Windsor, 2,555 81 .... 376 103 419 82 2,054 Wallkill, 5,415 447 1,003 99 531 135 4,749 Warwick, 4,987 291 992 44 191 227 4,569 Wawayanda, 2,069 378 19 121 84 1,864 Total, 60,868 8,641 — 9,994 1,367 7,955 1855 51,05828 ORLEANS COUNTY. 'TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Bar re, 6,797 1,183 1,283 236 886 7 5,904 OlfiQ Carlton, 2,329 142 516 17 161 Clarendon, 1,749 144 360 16 101 k ijlOo Gaines, 2,532 53 490 41 381 o 7 2,144 Kendall, 1,884 * * 30 358 29 94 Murray,... * 2,876 380 485 85 405 i,/yu 2,470 Ridgeway, 5,226 1,283 683 81 1,244 23 3,959 Shelby, 3,046 383 .... 545 65 406 2,640 Yates, * 1,996 376 385 29 135 — 1,861 Total, 28,435 2,590 .... 5,105 599 3,813 43 24,579 OSWEGO COUNTY. Albion, Amboy, Boylston, Constantia, 2,212 1,172 815 3,355 3,747 3,028 3,069 4,022 2,012 1,258 2,760 4,143 2,839 4,254 4,580 568 184 277 1,650 1,006 494 956 254 305 242 .... 306 227 177 647 679 693 633 876 454 302 495 483 245 376 495 35 49 12 125 53 37 77 66 27 10 66 231 218 264 298 65 51 6 246 405 123 110 177 66 14 294 1,209 796 1,158 981 5 7 2 3 1 2 1 10 13 19 20 25 2,147 1,121 809 3,104 3,335 2,903 2,956 3,844 1,944 1,243 2,456 2,921 2,024 3,076 3,574 Granby, Hannibal, Hastings, Mexico, New Haven, Orwell, Oswego, 3288 Oswego City: 1st ward, 2d ward, 3d ward, 4th ward, Total Oswego City,.. 15,816 1,599 1,011 4,144 77 11,595 Palermo, 2,023 117 508 20 42 1,981 Parish, 1,675 219 .... 370 34 31 1,644 Redfield, 798 288 163 19 27 771 Richland, 4,012 254 .... 870 49 150 2 3,860 Sandy Creek, 2,273 16 .... 552 9 44 1 2,228 Schroeppel, 3,747 1,231 726 50 286 41 3,420 Scriba, 2,958 2537 580 ni 1 7 A Yolney, 6,476 2,581 1,261 t/X 131 809 *54 2,788 5,613 West Monroe, 1,217 227 242 43 73 9 1135 Williamstown, 953 171 — 216 19 39 914 Total, 69,398 20,957 — 12,576 2,033 7,372 215 61,81129 OTSEGO COUNTY. i H s y-t YOTEES. O a as a a © © ||l TOWNS. Total populat .2 "53 d> OS 03 1 H-l o .2 *53 © § 2 8 n Native. ■ Naturalized. Aliens. Colored perso taxed. O-g •§*§« £2§ •§ g 8 !« Burlington, 1,808 2,029 190 387 29 87 1,721 Butternuts, 2150 475 31 100 ***6 1,923 Cherry Valley, 2,540 913 1585 496 73 130 3 2,407 Decatur, 62 219 3 910 Edmeston, 1,783 37 461 6 24 *2 1,757 Exeter, 1,540 53 355 7 60 1 1,479 Hartwick, 2,220 2,106 2,177 3,071 *262 489 6 33 2,187 Laurens, 102 507 13 10 2,096 Maryland, 49 524 14 70 ’**4 2,103 Middlefield, ” 125 690 69 115 10 2,946 Milford, 2,329 56 580 15 15 10 2,304 Morris, 2,038 466 22 62 5 1,971 New Lisbon, 1,792 2,167 1,850 4,334 1,656 1,281 1,543 1,887 80 404 34 41 1,751 2,135 Oneonta, 239 527 5 23 *’*9 Otego **72 510 9 3 1,847 Otsego, 14 940 82 279 ‘*47 4,008 Pittsfield, *74 387 21 29 1,627 1,195 Plainfield, 177 323 11 81 *5 Richfield, 98 385 21 83 33 1,427 Roseboom, 444 16 16 1,871 Springfield, 2,463 107 514 41 220 ”*9 2,234 Unadilla, 2,722 1,371 2,115 ! 217 695 12 ! 89 11 2,622 Westford, *i29 • 357 6 16 1,355 1 2,061 Worcester, 179 ' 468 ; 31 51 * * *3 Total, 49,735 774| 11,603 ; 574 : 1,640 15£ J 47,937 PUTNAM COUNTY. Carmel, 2,406 17 554 9 162 28 2,216 Kent, 1,539 *i90 352 11 26 4 1,509 Patterson, 1,422 133 338 7 103 22 1,297 Phillipstown, 4,809 600 711 197 t6 4 4,159 Putnam Valley, 1,573 *25 356 158 1 1,534 South East, 2,185 141 495 7 240 54 1,891 Total, 13,934 676 — 2,806 231 1,215 113 12,606 QUEENS COUNTY. Flushing, 7,970 10,477 4,052 781 444 1,943 441 5,586 9,499 Hempstead, 2,208 2,000 243 686 292 Jamaica, 5,632 1,749 867 175 1,033 274 4,325 North Hempstead, 4,694 797 761 45 731 631 3,332 Newtown, 9,446 3,925 1,686 861 507 3,024 205 6,217 6,151 Oyster Bay, *... 8,047 1,344 159 1,201 695 Total, 46,266 14,417 • . • • 6,614 1,573 8,618 2538 35,11030 RENSSELAER COUNTY. TOWNS. Berlin, ................. Brunswick, .............. Clinton,................. Grafton,................. Greenbush, .............. Hoosick,................. Lansingburgh,............ Nassau,.................. North Greenbush,......... Petersburgh,............. Pittstown,............... Poestenkill,............. Sand Lake,............... Schaghticoke,.......,.... Schodack,................ Stephentown,............. Troy City: 1st ward,........... 2d ward,............ 3d ward,............ 4th ward,........... 5th ward,........... 6th ward,........... Tth ward,........... 8th ward,........... 9th ward,........... 10th ward,........... Total Troy City,____ Total,.............. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not 1 taxed. 1 Number, deducting II aliens and colored | persons not taxed. 11 Native. Naturalized. 2,167 322 407 47 260 1 1,906 3,101 246 . . . . 637 43 377 5 2,719 1,606 244 52 344 26 1,888 17 389 16 71 X^OU 1,817 3,303 879 422 236 619 ”28 2,656 4,120 544 .... 764 71 646 29 3,445 5,700 1,718 .... 655 311 1,066 111 4,523 3,000 104 332 37 283 8 2,709 1,812 650 30 164 5 1 fi43 1,663 213 370 13 106 7 X^UxO 1,550 3,602 26 717 72 366 29 3,207 1,878 355 32 226 1 652 2,588 703 485 51 350 * 6 2*232 3,303 212 .... 506 78 616 15 2,672 3,837 91 .... 760 62 606 38 3,193 2,397 151 536 21 85 6 2,306 4,232 827 422 308 1,167 172 2,893 4,257 369 ... i 512 225 1,049 112 3,096 2,394 307 429 90 512 63 1,819 4,122 402 .... 547 210 797 25 3,300 2,375 308 .... 232 188 403 2 1,970 2,599 618 .... 204 176 812 2 1,785 3,700 54 395 264 845 6 2,849 3,876 2,683 .... 233 248 1,419 12 2,445 3,339 110 306 1,246 1 2,092 2,375 309 124 486 8 1,881 33,269 11,623 — 3,393 2,139 8,736 403 24,130 79,234 16,896 .... 11,622 3,311 14,921 717 63,596 RICHMOND COUNTY, Castleton, 8,252 3,049 795 669 2,274 68 5,910 Northfield, 4,187 845 684 109 673 76 3,438 Southfield, 5,449 2,818 425 467 1,667 188 3,594 Westfield, 3,501 1,004 — 537 109 464 155 2,882 Total, 21,389 7,716 .... 2,441 1,354 5,078 487 15,824 ROCKLAND COUNTY. Clarkstown, 3,512 715 630 79 522 136 2,854 Haverstraw, 6,747 1,941 870 236 1,690 3 5,054 Orangetown, 5,838 2,611 929 151 993 209 4,636 Ramapo, 3,414 503 — 664, 21 252 55 3,107 Total, 19,511 5,770 .... 3,093 487 3,457 403 15,65131 ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. TOWNS. | 13 . P.iO o iO 3 o Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. L .. Brasher, 2,968 750 310 98 524 1 2,443 Canton, 4,995 960 889 112 525 4,470 Colton, 1,040 574 199 20 75 *”i 964 Be Kalb, 2,676 953 471 55 279 1 2,396 Be Peyster, 1,163 25 180 47 105 1,058 Edwards, 1,180 116 212 51 29 1,151 Pine, 316 73 58 1 19 297 Fowler, 1,620 '220 351 24 28 1 592 Gouverneur, 2^856 256 513 47 238 ’”7 2*611 Hammond, 1,875 ' *36 245 105 210 1 665 Hermon, 1,648 68 338 9 56 1*592 Hopkinton, 1,554 119 319 13 72 1,482 Lawrence, 2,365 310 469 53 154 2,211 Lisbon, 5,109 733 488 283 895 “32 4,182 Louisville, 2,120 150 268 95 312 12 1,796 Macomb, 1,466 353 176 57 186 1,280 Madrid, 4,862 486 456 330 678 4,184 Massena, 2,701 97 422 57 322 5 2 374 Morristown, 2,111 217 367 84 209 1*902 Norfolk, 1,804 260 338 35 210 ”*i 1*593 Oswegatchie, 10,060 3,646 875 407 3,165 25 6,870 Parishville, 2,114 24 479 31 102 2,012 Pierrepont, 1,834 384 384 27 94 1,740 Pitcairn, 531 ’*22 117 7 7 594. Potsdam, 6,631 1,775 1,308 156 835 ”’i 5,795 Rossie, 1,480 94 181 76 223 1,257 Russell, 2,108 609 392 43 103 2,005 Stockholm, 3,790 497 — 810 46 260 — 3,530 Total, 74,977 12,623 — 11,615 2,369 9,915 86 64,976 SARATOGA COUNTY. Ballston, 2,201 129 390 59 227 14 1,960 Charlton, 1,701 ”86 309 44 164 15 I 599 Clifton Park, 2,917 496 570 49 397 36 2,484 Corinth, 1,534 171 320 8 91 1 1,442 Day, 1,079 87 203 3 10 1,069 Edinburgh, 1,318 ”95 299 9 13 7 1 9Q8 Galway, 2,441 56 509 59 205 3 2,233 Greenfield, 2,842 98 684 38 177 18 2,647 Hadley, 1,172 330 176 22 198 974 Halfmoon, 3,315 984 507 57 538 ”’i 2,776 Malta, 1,236 ’ *88 299 9 100 6 1 1QO Milton, 4,669 1,062 847 143 491 127 IjlOG 4,051 Moreau, 2,166 465 439 28 225 14 1,927 Northumberland, 1,668, 69 — 380, 33 91 11 1,56632 SARATOGA COUNTY—(Continued.) TOWNS. P 362 ► 146 36 » 120 » 6 713 Fremont, 1,301 147 71 313 988 Highland, 865 146 1C ) 119 1.... 746 Liberty, . 2,866 > 977 558 » 88 ! 158 ! V *5 ■ 2,703 Lumberland, 902 > *706 > 121 35 » 155 747 Mamakating, . 4,084 l 576 ).... . 807 64 t 29 4 :“48 1 3,742 Neversink, . 2,186 ) 216 . 413 1 42 ! 88 2,092 Rockland, . 1,272 l 202 i!!!! . 259 i 22 5 47 1,225 Thompson, . 3,556 ) 726 . 632 5 82 5 281 .”20 > 3,249 Tusten, . 826 . 103 i . 24 L 20 4 l 621 Total, . 29,487 r 10,766 . 4,681 . 1,046 ; 3,606 i 94 k 25,78735 TIOGA COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. YOTEKS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Barton, 3,842 995 792 28 98 26 3,718 Berkshire, 1,068 190 265 2 47 1,021 Candor, 3,894 472 880 43 74 io 3,810 Newark, 1,945 217 467 29 88 1,857 Nichols, 1,871 *’53 377 17 21 "ii 1,839 Owego, 8'328 2,224 1,763 120 534 66 7,728 Richford, 1,182 89 274 1 25 13 1,144 Spencer, 1,805 123 435 9 14 2 1,789 Tioga, 3,027 249 — 633 46 78 5 2,944 Total, 26,962 4,506 5,886 295 979 133 25,850 TOMPKINS COUNTY. Caroline, 2,466 68 584] 23| 27 3 2,436 Danby, 2,331 163 593 9 23 3 2,305 Dry den, 5,003 227 1,193 50 70 4,933 Enfield, 1,912 371 442 8 53 1,859 Groton, 3,404 51 818 28 46 3,358 Ithaca, 7,153 1,098 1,404 135 602 ‘ii6 6,435 Lansing, 3,256 207 760 7 102 10 3,144 Newfield, 2,800 865 648 28 21 2,779 Ulysses, 3,191 4 702 24 216 “26 2,949 Total, 31.516 6652 7.144 312 1,160 158 30,198 3 ~ '3 ULSTER COUNTY. Denning, 692 152 9 42 4 646 Esopus, ' 4,287 1,631 626 137 926 21 3,340 Gardiner, 1,923 399 15 120 99 1,704 Hurley, J 2,115 628 347 33 300 69 1,746 Kingston, 13,974 7,466 .... 1,515 641 3,936 217 9,821 Lloyd, 2,192 157 .... 470 25 130 19 2,043 Marbletown, 3,727 584 754 29 172 161 3,394 Marlborough, 2,668 239 .... 530 32 197 72 2,399 New Paltz, 2,021 797 383 8 192 82 1,747 Olive, 2,924 699 611 34 163 34 2,727 Plattekill, 1,932 i.99 399 18 95 41 1,796 Rochester, 3,475 787 742 25 89 56 3,330 Rosendale, 2,572 770 378 87 485 31 2,056 Saugerties, 9,318 2,789 1,384 406 1,510 74 7,734 Shandaken, 2,452 471 463 67 156 2 2,294 Shawangunk, 2,631 1.380 589 24 72 72 2,487 Wawarsing, 7,227 2,305 1,109 253 850 44 6,333 Woodstock, 1,806 264 381 24 52 21 1,733 Total, 67,936 19,029 11,232 1,465 9,487 1119 57,33036 WARREN COUNTY. TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. ; Naturalized. Bolton, 1,167 57 285 5 2 1,165 Caldwell, 880 155 190 4 25 "i 854 Chester, 1,936 328 456 36 97 1,839 Hague, 615 2 117 9 15 Horicon, 1,246 406 252 16 68 1,178 J ohnsburgh, 1,983 686 368 35 143 1,840 Luzerne, 1,286 “94 291 16 QO 1 1QA Queensbury, 6,438 1,996 1,134 176 U\J 900 *’34 i-j-Lt/U 5,504 Stony Creek, 913 f £30 157 13 106 807 Thurman, 1,259 > ooU 212 11 118 1,141 Warrensburgh, 1,946 * 399 — 325 57 79 ”2 1,865 Total, 19,669 4,761 — 3,787 378 1,643 37 17,989 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Argyle, 3,244 3 600 113 366 8 2,870 Cambridge, 2,304 129 .... 444 43 235 2,069 Dresden, 735 61 .... 157 3 66 669 Easton, 3,012 187 623 47 311 "is 2,686 Fort Ann, 3,544 164 655 71 278 18 3,248 Fort Edward, 2,964 1,253 553 95 352 2,612 Granville, 3,363 137 637 38 535 2 828 Greenwich, 3,888 207 907 65 317 ”32 3^539 Hampton, 846 25 145 6 105 2 7qq Hartford, 2,196 102 44 58 200 i Oo 1,996 Hebron, 2,549 190 534 36 266 2,283 Jackson, 1,770 45 357 34 175 16 1 ^7Q Kingsbury, 3,364 568 654 139 334 29 J-,G / a 3,001 Putnam, 724 59 122 29 42 aqo Salem, 2,925 337 656 52 262 "i7 OOZi 2,646 White Creek, 2,439 332 510 39 243 14 2,182 Whitehall, 4,538 584 — 750 139 735 16 3,787 Total, 44,405 3,851 — 8,348 1,007 4,822 167 39,41637 WAYNE COUNTY. Towns. Total population, 1855. | Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. || VOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Native. Naturalized. Arcadia, 5,516 537 1,122 126 523 15 4,978 Butler, 2,225 * 33 503 6 51 2 2 172 Galen, 5,181 723 856 151 739 37 XJyJ- 1 JU 4,405 Huron, 1,881 * *28 413 41 49 19 1 813 Lyons, ... * 5,205 938 830 239 848 17 4,340 Macedon, 2,434 75 509 41 333 5 2,096 Marion, 1,937 68 450 32 163 1,774 Ontario, * 2,323 417 489 59 212 2,111 Palmyra, 4,115 573 757: 107 602 ’*33 3,480 Bose, 2,114 54 414 24 145 7 1,962 Savannah, 1,762 * 41 355 24 115 2 1 645 Sodus, 4,538 27 905 109 323 43 4 172 Walworth, 1,964 389 387 41 201 1*763 Williamson, 2,552 413 447 102 364 2,188 Wolcott, 3,013 187 — 646 20 99 — 2,914 Total, 46,760 4,245 — 9,083 1,122 4,767 180 41,813 WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Bedford, 3,464 739 699 13 316 106 3,042 Cortlandt, 8,468 1,730 1,260 198 1,769 93 6,606 East Chester, 4,715 3,346 399 330 1,461 83 3,171 Greenburgh, 6,435 3,230 899 208 1,563 58 4,814 Harrison, 1,271 232 205 7 160 162 949 Lewisboro, 1,775 234 440 6 95 2 1,678 Mamaroneck, 1,068 288 163 31 250 62 756 Mount Pleasant, 3,677 899 635 106 571 32 3,074 New Castle, 1,762 267 363 15 199 32 1,531 New Bochelle, 3,101 1,124 385 137 713 122 2,266 North Castle, 2,415 405 494 16 167 87 2,161 North Salem, 1,528 300 339 19 137 34 1,357 Ossining, 5,758 2,446 732 142 1,462 175 4,121 Pelham, 833 347 104 26 202 16 615 Poundridge, 1,439 12 324 7 34 5 1,400 Rye, 3,468 1,288 530 97 643 124 2,701 Scarsdale, 445 104 67 15 87 28 330 Somers, 1,744 ' 17 286 7 185 35 1 524 Westchester, 3,464 1588 295 251 913 68 2*483 West Farms, 12,436 985 1 067 3 012 45 9 379 White Plains, 1,512 357 225 * 44 246 34 1,232 Yonkers, 7,554 5,037 856 312 2,336 115 5,103 Yorktown, 2,346 68 493 13 220 62 2,064 Total, 80,678 33,284 11,178 3,067 16,741 1580 62,35738 WYOMING COUNTY. TOWNS. Attica,....... Bennington, . 1 Castile,...... China,........ Covington, ... Eagle,........ Gainesville, .. Genesee Falls, Java.......... Middlebury, .. Orangeville, .. Perry,........ Pike,......... Sheldon,...... Warsaw,....... Wethersfield,. Total, Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. YOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. 2,679 297 460 27 556 4 2,119 2,555 451 . . . 389 132 371 2,184 2,343 183 531 33 122 2,221 2,108 465 .... 353 99 126 1,982 1,330 97 246 30 161 1,169 1,390 76 .... 319 26 57 1,333 1,753 144 408 10 92 "ii 1,644 1,098 226 22 93 i 1 004- 2,295 36 345 156 95 ljWT 2,200 1,787 235 418 2 119 1,668 1,441 31 .... 263 50 132 1,309 2,560 392 588 43 142 3 2,415 1,887 285 434 15 80 1,807 2,666 231 .... 261 220 426 2,240 2,794 135 .... 578 39 198 * * 3 2,593 1,462 45 — 317 24 57 — 1,405 32,148 1,457 .... 6,136 928 2,827 28 29,293 YATES COUNTY. Barrington, Benton, _. Italy,----- Jerusalem, Middlesex, Milo,...... Potter, ... Starkey, .. Torrey,____ 1,504 279 361 4 2,500 1181 505 32 1,506 192 276 11 2,797 87 609 30 1,305 ’i28 295 1 4,304 255 940 66 2,148 226 420 25 2,428 111 583 12 1,320 296 8 19,812 965 4,285 189 7. ...' 1,497 160, 2,333 60. 1 1,446 142, 7, 2,648 40 . .. .1 1,265 242, 19 4,043 153 7j 1,988 72. ...! 2,356 66| 2 1,252 Total, 942! 42 18,82839 RECAPITULATION BY COUNTIES. COUNTIES. Total population. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. Native. £ 1 i Naturalized. > Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Total number, de- ducting aliens and colored persons, not taxed. Albany, 103,681 26,413 12,434 6,182 2.284 586 82,811 Allegany, 42,910 11,508 9,271 613 ^032 90 40,788 Broome, 36,650 10,842 7,760 522 2,056 366 34,228 Cattaraugus, . 41,463 11,294 . • • • 8,021 616 2,645 62 36,823 Cayuga, 53,571 3,908 10,556 970 4,863 220 48,488 Chautauque,.. 53,380 6,832 11,138 774 4,795 45 48,540 Chemung,.... 27,288 9,546 5,432 427 1,991 295 25,002 Chenango, 39,915 15 .... 9,322 378 977 112 38,826 Clinton, 42,482 11,204 4,464 1,910 8,404 93 33,985 Columbia, 44,391 2,415 8,647 765 3,800 1,008 39,583 Cortland, 24,575 506 5,615 287 704 OQ QKQ Delaware, 39,749 2,759 8,077 987 1,532 151 ZiOjOUO 38,066 Dutchess, 60,635 5,511 11,094 1,404 6,861 1,450 52,324 Erie, 132,407 53,696 12,494 9,249 37,274 587 94,470 Essex, 28,539 3,437 4,857 795 2,994 48 25,497 Franklin, 25,897 6,785 3,385 1,077 3,746 4 21,734 Fulton, 23,284 4,705 4,601 465 1,559 105 21,620 Genesee, 31,532 2,189 5,835 642 4,107 17 26,910 Greene, 31,137 *820 6,461 491 1 522 k4a oq 070 Hamilton, 2,543 661 522 77 *168 0*±0 4 AvfJk U 2,371 Herkimer, 38,566 1,142 7,711 867 3,955 80 34,531 Jefferson, 65,420 421 12,770 1,336 5,377 139 59,904 Kings, 216,355 137,664 18,277 14,350 65,536 3,526 147,293 Lewis, 25,229 5,011 4,059 1,225 2,751 24 22,454 Livingston, ... 37,943 5,849 .... 7,175 961 4,329 134 33,480 Madison, 43,788 2,701 9,316 658 3,232 238 40,217 Monroe, 96,324 25,425 12,576 4,696 22,837 262 73,225 Montgomery, . 30,808 1,165 6,111 675 2,688 312 27,808 New-York, ... 629,810 258,587 46,113 42,704 232,678 10,807 386,325 Niagara, 48,626 13,732 .... 6,554 1,703 10,327 317 37,638 Oneida, 107,809 22,973 15,272 5,674 18,472 443 88,834 Onondaga, 86,924 16,400 .... 13,915 3,018 13,549 281 72,745 Ontario, 42,672 80 8,323 824 4,757 346 37,569 Orange, 60,868 8,641 9,994 1,367 7,955 1,855 51,058 Orleans, 28,435 2,590 5,105 599 3,813 43 24,579 Oswego, 69,398 20,953 .... 12,576 2,033 7,372 215 61,811 Otsego, 49,735 774 11,603 574 1 640 158 47 937 Putnam, 13,934 676 2,806 231 1*215 113 12*606 Queens, 46,266 14,417 6,614 1,573 8,618 2,538 35,110 Rensselaer,... 79,234 16,896 11,622 3,311 14,921 717 63,59640 RECAPITULATION—( Continued.) | 4 CO 1 VOTEES. § § ©■2 g *S§ COUNTIES. 13 o' ft 3 o E-* © © .3 "So © 02 C3 © S PJ 1—1 © © .3 *55 © 05 C3 2 © © fi Native. Naturalized. Aliens. Colored persoi taxed. Total number ducting alien colored pei not taxed. Richmond, ... 21,389 7,716 2,441 1,354 5,078 487 15,824 Rockland, .... 19,511 5,770 3,093 487 3,457 403 15,651 St. Lawrence,. 74,977 12,623 11,615 2,369 9,915 86 64,976 Saratoga, 49,379 7,902 9,346 1,031 5,748 539 43,092 Schenectady, . 19,572 2,942 3,133 657 2,943 180 16,449 Schoharie, 33,519 1,031 7,153 4,190 223 874 391 32,254 Schuyler, .... 18,777 1,450 187 587 40 18,150 Seneca, 25,358 386 4,945 450 2,153 77 23,128 Steuben, 62,965 11,286 13,119 7,472 1,032 3,605 261 59,099 Suffolk, 41,066 6,327 467 3,083 1,765 36,218 Sullivan, 29,487 10,760 4,681 1,046 3,606 94 25,787 Tioga, 26,962 4,506 5,886 295 979 133 25,850 Tompkins, ... 31,516 6652 7,144 312 1,160 158 30,198 Ulster, 67,936 19,029 11,232 1,465 9,487 1,119 57,330 Warren, Washington,.. 19,669 4,761 3,787 378 1,643 37 17,989 44,405 3,851 .... 8,348 1,007 4,822 167 39,416 Wayne, 46,760 4,245 9,083 1,122 4,767 180 41,813 Westchester, . 80,678 33,284 11,178 3,067 16,741 1,580 62,357 Wyoming, ... 32,148 1,457 6,136 928 2,827 28 29,293 Yates, 19,812 965 4,285 189 942 42 18,828 Total, 3,470,059 865,564 516,745 135,076 632,753 36,123 2,797,416 *POPULATION OF SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. i 2j Decrease since 1845. j| VOTERS. © c to •111 TOWNS. • 1§ pT' 3 o H 8 .9 © 1 s Native. | Naturalized. Aliens. Colored persoi taxed. ■§8? 111 S** 1st District: Queens, 46,266 14,417 6,614 1,573 8,618 2538 35,110 Richmond, 21,389 7,716 .... 2,441 1,354 5,078 487 15,824 Suffolk, 41,066 6,327 — 7,472 467 3,083 1765 36,218 Total 1st District, ... 108,721 28,460 — 16,527 3,394 16,779 4790 87,152 2d District: Kings, 216,355 137,664 i 18,277 j 14,350 65,536 3526 147,293 3d District—New-York: 1st ward, 13,486 1,256 570 1,425 6,062 43 7,381 2d ward, 3d ward, 4th ward, 3,249 7,909 22,895 1,895 3713 3991 500 2,069 922 290 694 2,459 1,384 2,765 10,785 64 140 80 1,801 5,004 12,030 5th ward, 21,617 1,281 1,962 1,471 7,462 1842 12,313 6th ward, 25,562 5,928 — 686 2,263 13,010 550 12,002 Total 3d District, ... 94,718 2,656 .... 6,709 8,602 41,468 2719 50,531 4th District—New-York: 7th ward, 34,422 8,866 2,767 2,649 12,234 190 21,998 10th ward, 26,378 5,436 . . * • 2,160 1,476 10,218 255 15,905 13th ward 26,597 4,186 2,120 1,852 8,784 536 17,277 17th ward, 59,548 32,401 3,229 3,689 26,780 348 32,420 Total 4th District,... 146,945 50,889 — 10,276 9,666 58,016 1329 87,600 642 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS—( Continued.) d o 00 4) VOTERS. O a m rt sis TOWNS. c3 . 73 O go ftoo O T-1 ft o <3> d *53 s S3 03 o d CS d *(C <33 GQ 03 1 P Native. Naturalized. Aliens. Colored persoi taxed. •§ _. o 'd'g d^ *T 53 tn ® "ea ,6 © la "ca s .2 < ©_< O © _., B igg 6* * 10th District: Greene, 31,137 820 6,461 11,232 491 1,522 545 29,070 Ulster, 67,936 19,029 1,465 9,487 1119 57,330 Total 10th District,.. 99,073 18,209 17,693 1,956 11,009 1664 86,400 11th District: Albany, 103,681 26,413 12,434 6,182 20,284 586 82,811 Schenectady, 19,572 2,942 3,133 657 2,943 180 16,449 Total 11th District, .. 123,258 29,355 15,567 6,839 23,227 766 99,260 12th District: Eensselaer, 79,234 16,896 11,622 3,311 14,921 717 63,596 13th District: Saratoga, 49,379 7,902 9,346 8,348 1,031 5,748 539 43,092 39,416 Washington, 44,405 3,851 1,007 4,822 167 Total 13th District,.. 93,784 11,753 17,694 2,038 10,570 706 82,508 14th District: Clinton, 42,482 11,204 ... . 4,464 1,910 8,404 93 33,985 Essex, 28,539 3,437 4,857 795 2,994 48 25,497 Warren, 19,669 4,761 3,787 378 1,643 37 17,989 Total 14th District,.. 90,690 19,402 13,108 3,083 13,041 178 77,471 15th District: Franklin, 25,897 6,785 .... 3,385 1,077 3,746 4 21,734 St. Lawrence, 74,977 12,623 11,615 2,369 9,915 86 64,976 Total 15th District,.. 100,874 19,408 — 15,000 3,446 13,661 90 86,710 16th District: Fulton, Hamilton, 23,284 4,705 4,601 465 1,559 105 21,620 2,543 661 522 77 168 4 2,371 Herkimer, 38,566 1,142 7,711 867 3,955 80 34,531 Montgomery, 30,808 1,165 6,111 675 2,688 312 27,808 Total 16th District,.. 95,201 7,673 18,945 2,084 8,370 501 86,33044 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS—( Continued.) cT o 4 CO 4 00 YOTEES. © PS a Number, deducting 1 aliens and colored 1 persons, not taxed. 1 TOWNS. c3 ’go %'S, P.T-1 © .2 ‘S3 © 02 a 1 PS © .2 ‘55 © C3 2 8 A Native. Naturalized Aliens. Colored perso taxed. 17th District: Delaware, 39,749 2,759 8,077 987 1,532 151 38,066 Schoharie, 33,519 1,031 — 7,153 223 874 391 32,254 Total 17th District,.. 73,368 3,790 — 15,230 1,210 2,406 542 70,320 18th District: Chenango, 39,915 15 9,322 378 977 112 38,826 Otsego, 49,735 ’774 11,603 574 1,640 158 47,937 Total 18th District,.. 89,650 759 20,925 952 2,617 270 86,763 19th District: Oneida, .. 107,809 22,973 15,272 5,674 18,472 443 88,834 20th District: Madison, 43,788 2,701 9,316 658 3,232 238 40,217 Oswego, „ 69,398 20,953 12,576 2,033 7,372 215 61,811 Total 20th District,.. 113,186 23,654 21,892 2,691 10,604 453 102,028 21st District: Jefferson, 65,420 421 12,770 1,336 5,377 139 59,904 Lewis, 25,229 5,011 4,059 1,225 2,751 24 22,454 Total 21st District, .. 90,649 5,432 — 16,829 2,561 8,128 163 82,358 22d District: Onondaga, 86,924 16,400 i 13,915 3,018 13,549 281 72,745 23d District: Broome, 36,65C > 10,842 > > 7,760 » 522 ! 2,056 366 ■ 34,228 23,858 . 25,850 Cortland, . 24,575 . 26,962 ' *506 ; 5,615 287 704 13 Tioga, 5 4,506 5,886 » 295 ■ 979 133 Total 23d District,... 88,187 r 14,842 > 19,261 1,104 : 3,739 512 ! 83,93645 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS—( Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. 1 YOTEES. Aliens. Colored persons 1 not taxed. 1 Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native Naturalized. 24th District: Cayuga, 53,571 3,908 . • • . 10,556 970 4,863 220 48,488 Wayne, 46,760 4,245 — 9,083 1,122 4,767 180 41,813 Total 24th District,.. 100,831 8,153 — 19,639 2,092 9,630 400 90,301 25th District: Seneca, 25,358 386 4,945 450 2,153 77 23,128 Tompkins, 31,516 6652 7,144 312 1,160 158 30,198 Yates, 19^812 965 4,285 189 942 42 18,828 Total 25th District,.. 76,686 7231 16,374 951 4,255 277 72,154 26th District: Chemung, 27,288 9,546 5,432 427 1,991 295 25,002 Steuben, 62,965 11,286 13,119 1,032 3,605 261 59,099 Total 26th District,.. 90,253 20,832 18,551 1,459 5,596 556 84,101 27th District: Monroe, 96,324 25,425 — 12,576 4,696 22,837 262 73,225 28th District: Genesee, 31,532 2,189 5,835 642 4,107 17 26,910 Niagara, 48,626 13,732 6,554 1,703 10,327 317 37,638 Orleans, 28,435 2,590 i 5,105 599 3,813 43 24,579 Total 28th District,.. 108,593 l 18,511 17,494 2,944 18,247 377 89,127 29th District: Livingston, 37,943 4,750 i.... 7,175 961 4,329 134 : 33,480 Ontario, 42,672 ! 80 ) 8,323 824 : 4,757 346 i 37,569 Total 29th District,.. 80,615 > 4,830 ) , 15,498 ; 1,785 . 9,086 i 480 > 71,04946 SENATORIAL DISTRICTS—( Continued.) TOWNS. Total population, 1855. Increase since 1845. Decrease since 1845. VOTERS. Aliens. Colored persons not taxed. Number, deducting aliens and colored persons not taxed. Native. Naturalized. 30th District: Allegany, 42,910 11,508 .... 9,271 613 2,032 90 40,788 Wyoming, 32,148 1,457 — 6,136 928 2,827 28 29,293 Total 30th District,.. 75,058 12,965;.... 15,407 1,541 4,859 118 70,081 31st District: Erie, 132,407 53,696 12,494 9,249 37,274 587 94,470 32d District: Cattaraugus, 41,463 11,294 8,021 616 2,645 62 36,823 Chautauque, 53,380 6,832 — 11,138 774 4,795 45 48,540 Total 32d District,... 94,843 18,126 — 19,159 1,390 7,440 107 85,363