CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY oi 072 In compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1996 THE BISCOURSES AND SAYINGS OF CONFUCIUS. nak Wee re My. ery, é : Mie xs 4 OD THE DISCOURSES AND SAYINGS OF CONFUCIUS. = A NEW SPECIAL TRANSLATION, ILLUSTRATED WITH QUOTATIONS FROM GOETHE AND OTHER WRITERS. BY KU HUNG-MING, MA., Edin. Was glanzt, ist fur den Augenblick geboren. Das Echte, bleibt der Nachwelt unverloren. GOETHE. SHANGHAIL: KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED, AND AT HONGKONG — YOKOHAMA — SINGAPORE. 1898 re & Fn Memory of H Dead Friend. T. S. WD. PREFACE. ., —- +> ——— _[T is now forty: years since Dr. Lecce began the publication of the first instalment of his translation of the ‘Chinese Classics.’ Any one ‘now, even without any acquaintance. with the Chinese language, who-will take. the trouble to turn over the pages of Dr. LeGGe’s translation, cannot-help feeling how-unsatis- factory the translation really is. -For Dr. Lecce, from -his raw literary training when she .began ‘his -work, and the utter want of critical insight and literary. perception she showed to the -end, ‘was really nothing more than.a -great-smologue, that is to say, -a- pundit with a- very learned: ibut dead knowledge of. Chinese books. i But-in justice to the memory of the-great sinologue who, we regret to-hear, -has just recently -died, it said that notwithstanding the extremely hard and narrow limits of his -mind, which was the result of temperament, he: was, as far as his insight allowed him, thoroughly ‘conscientious in :his. work. ‘To-an earnest student -who can bring