[From Annals of Lyceum of Natural History of N. Y., Vol. V.]
Professor of Zoology, &e., (mn Amberst College, Massachusetts.
THE reader of the Introduction to this work, and of Dr. Gould’s
Introduction to his great work on the Shells of the United
States’ Exploring Expedition, may be struck with the coinci-
dence of opinions relating to the geographical distribution of
species, and to errors in the statement of their habitats and
distinctive characters. The coincidence is so exact, that it
might naturally be supposed that these opinions originated
in a single source. Such was their origin; but that source was.
the book of nature. It was not until after both Introductions
had been written, that opportunities occurred for a free inter-
change of views with Dr. Gould. It is therefore with the
liveliest satisfaction that we derive assurance of their correctness,
both from the extent and accuracy of Dr. Gould’s knowledge
and also from the coincidence of the results of independent
With much pleasure I acknowledge my great obligations to
Joun H. REpDFILLD, Esq., for his assistance in carrying this little
work through the press. The delay in printing the first three
or four sheets was so great, that it became necessary to employ
another printer and to work off the sheets without revision by
the author. Owing, however, to the accuracy of this printer,
and to the care of Mr. Redfield, very few, if any, errors worthy
of notice appear, which are not chargeable to the manuscript.
Some errors have been detected, and if many more should not
be discovered by others, we shall be agreeably disappointed.
We have, however, some confidence that they will not exceed
in magnitude those which we have endeavored to eliminate from
Conchological literature. All are liable to error: but it may
be reasonably expected, that, as in Astronomy rude approxima-
tions have been repeatedly corrected with successive advances
towards absolute accuracy, so in Zoology the errors respecting
geographical distribution and the characters of species will be
gradually eliminated. A real advance towards accuracy, how-
ever small, will be an ample reward for a labor which has been
performed con amore.
For other valuable assistance, especially in the preparation of
Indices, I have: been indebted to THomas BLAND, Esq.
Some of the sheets having been issued while the work was
in press, the dates at the bottorn of the first page of each sheet
may be taken for the dates of the publication of the new
species. «1
ta =
[In respect of works consisting of many volumes, of which only a few have been referred to, we
have cited these volumes and their dates only.)
‘Academy of Natural Solennea of Philadelphia: Proceedings. 1849.
< Journal; old series, vol. ii. 1821.
a cs 7 st new series, vol. i. 1849,
Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York; vol. i. 1824.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History ; vol. viii. 1851.
Annales des Sciences Naturelles; vol. xxvi. 1832; vol. for 1835.
Annales du Muséum; vols. xv., xvi. 1810; xvii. 1811.
Annales nouvelles du Muséum; vol. i. 1832.
Anton: Verzeichniss der Conchylien, &c. 1839.
Astrolabe, Voyage of: Mollusca. 1830-6,
Beechey’s Voyage, Zoology of. 1839,
Bligh Catalogue. 1822.
Blainville: Malacologie et Conchyliologie. 1825.
fe Fauna Frangaise; Mollusca.
Bonanni: Recreatio Mentis et Oculi, &c.; Latin edition. 1684,
Bonite, Voyage of: Mollusca. 1844?
Bom: Testacea Musei Cesarei Vindobonensis. 1780.
Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings. 1849, 1851.
British Museum, Catalogue of Anomiade in. 1850.
Brocchi: Fossiles Subappenines. 1814.
Brooke: Introduction to the Study of Conchology. 1825.
Buffon: Histoire des Mollusques; vol. v. by De Roissy. 1803.
Burrow: Elements of Conchology. 1825.
Chemnitz: Conchylien Cabinet; vol. iv. 1780; x. 1788,
Chenu: Illustrations Conchyliologiques. 1840, 1843, &c,
‘ Legons Elémentaires. 1847.
Children: Lamarck’s Genera. 1823,
Crouch: Introduction to Lamarck’s Conchology. 1826,
Cubiéres: Histoire des Coquilles.
Da Costa: Elements of Conchology. 1776.
D’Argenville: La Conchyliologie. 1742.
. hg 1757.
“ we 1772. ;
Davila: Catalogue Syst¢matique, &c. 1767.
Dekay: Report on the Zoology of New York. 1843.
Deshayes: Traité Elémentaire de Conchyliologie. 1838.
eb Hlistoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertébres, par J. B. P. A.
Lamarck ; 2e edit., vols. vi-xi. 1835-45,
“ Do.; edit. tert., Bruxelles. 18-44.
Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles; vols. x., xi. 1818.
Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturellu; vol. v. 1824.
Dillwyn: A Deseriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells. 1817.
D'Orbigny: Voyage dans ’Amérique Méridionale ; Mollusca. 1843-6.
Duclos: Histoire Naturelle, &c.; Genre Olive. 1835.
“ “ — Columbella.
Encyclopédie Méthodique; vol. ii, 182-4.
t Vers; vol. ii. 1830; iii, 1832.
Eschscholtz: Zoological Atlas, 1833.
“ “
Favanne: D’Argenville, La Conchyliologie. 1780.
Gould: Expedition Shells. 1846-51.
* Invertebrata of Massachusetts. 1840.
Gray, Mrs.. Mollusea. 1850.
Gray: Descriptive Catalogue. 1832.
“— Spicilegia Zoologica. 1828.
Griffith: Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom; Mollusca. 1834,
Gualtieri: Index Testarum Conchyliorum. 1742.
Guerin-Meneville: Magasin de Zoologie, &e.; vols. of 1833, 1835.
Hanley: Conchologist’s Book of Species. 1842.
s Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells. 1844, teste Jay.
Heck: Iconographie Encyclopedia; edited by Baird. 1851.
Humboldt: Recueil d’Observations, &c.; the Mollusca by Valenciennes in
vol. ii. 1833.
Jay: Catalogue of Shells; 4th edition. 1850.
Kiener: Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes. 1834-52.
Knorr: Vergnugen der Augen und des Gemuths; vol. i. 1757; iii. 1768.
Kister: Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet. 1837-51.
Lamarck: Histoire Naturelle des Ponnatie sans Vertébres; vols, v.-viii.
Lamarck: Systéme des Animaux sans Vertébres. 1801.
Linneus: Museum Ludovice Ulrice Suecia Regina. 1764.
« Bysiann Natirey edit. 10th, vol. i. 1758.
a another 10th edit. 1760.
ss se se another LOth edit. 1767.
s sf cc edit. 12th. 1767.
fe a . edit. 13th, by Gmelin. 1788,
i ss i Turton edition. 1806.
Lister: Historia Conchyliorum. 1678.
a s Dillwyn’s edit. 1688,
Martini: Conchylien Cabinet; vol. ii. 1773; iii, 1777.
Menke: Synopsis Methodica Molluscorum, &e. 1830.
Montfort: Conchyliologie Systematique, &c. 1810.
Miiller: Synopsis Novorum Testaceorum, &c. 1836.
Penny Cyclopedia; vol. viii. 1837; xxii 1842.
Perry: Conchology. 1811.
Potiez et Michaud: Galérie des Mollusques, &c., du Museum Douai. 1838.
Philippi: Abbildungen und Beschreibungen, &c. 1842-50.
Petit: Journal de Conchyliologie. 1850-1.
Reeve: Conchologia Iconica, 1842-52.
s Conchologia Systematica. 1841-2.
« Elements of Conchology. 1846-52.
Revue Zoologique; vols. for 1838, 1840-2.
Roux: Jeonographin Conchologien, 1828.
Say: Amcriean Conchology. 1830.
Schroeter: Einleitung in die Conchylien-Kenntniss, &c. 1783.
Schubert et Wagner: Supplement to Martini and Chemnitz. 1829.
Schumacher: Nouveau Systéme des Vers Testacés. 1817.
Boweshy, G. B.: Species Conehyliorum. 1830.
“Catalogue of Shells in the Collection of the Earl of Tanker-
ville. 1825.
“ G. B., Jr.: Conchologieal Illustrations. 1841.
a . Conchological Manual. 1839.
ac Thesaurus Conchyliorum. 1842-52.
« James: The Gencra of Recent and Fossil Shells, 1824.
Stark: Elements of Natural History; vol. i. 1828.
Sulphur, Voyage of. 1844.
Venus, Voyage of: Mollusca, 1846.
Wiegmann: Archiv fir Naturgeschichte, 1839, 1840, 1844,
Wodarch: Introduction to Conchology; 4th edit. 1831.
Wood: General Conchology. 1815.
“ Index Testaceologicus. 1818.
“ “ Supplement to. 1828.
Hanley’s Supplement to. 1845?
Woodward: Manual of the Mollusca. 1851.
“ it “
Zeitschrift fir Malakozoologie, &c. 1845-51.
Zoological Journal; London. 1825-35.
Zoological Rociaty of London, Proceedings of. 1832-52.
‘ Transactions of; vol. i, 1835.
Panama is situated near the middle of a well defined
marine zoological province. Perhaps none of the species of
testaceous Mollusca, (to which part of the Fauna our remarks
are limited,) which inhabit the neighboring seas, exist south
of 22° S. lat., or north of 28° N. lat., or west of the Gallapago
Islands. All of the few examples of species, which are sup-
posed to have a wider range, are more or less doubtful. Some
species which inhabit the northern part of the province, and
others which inhabit the southern part, may overlap the
boundaries between this and the adjacent provinces. But
these species present only the usual difficulty in attempting
to define the limits of a zoological province.
The most definite and satisfactory method of defining the
limits of this province, is to place the boundaries at the ex-
treme limits of the range of about 99 per cent. of the
species which inhabit its middle regions. Thus it will be
seen that several of the specics which inhabit Panama also in-
habit Guaymas, in the Gulf of California, nearly in 28° N.
lat.; but none of them inhabit San Diego, which is near 33°
N. lat. In the same manner the southern limit is found near
the boundary between Peru and Chili, between 22° and 24°
8. lat.
The reason why the range of the species south of the
equator is several degrees less than on the north side, is ob-
vious in the Antarctic current, which sets along the west
coast of South America. In like manner, on the eastern
6 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION.
coast of North America, a polar current appears to extend
the Arctic Fauna of marine shells to 41° N. lat., and the cold
current along the shores of the Middle and Southern States
secms to limit. the tropical Fauna to about 26° or 28° N. lat.
on the coast, although on the east side of the Gulf Stream it
extends to the Bermuda Islands in latitude 32° N.
It will be seen also in the following pages, that a large
number of the species which occur at Panama were collected
by Mr. Cuming at the Gallapago Islands. But if any of the
species occur in the Polynesian Islands, the number docs not
exceed three or four, and in these cages the specific identity
of the shells is very doubtful. The western boundary of the
Panama province may therefore be made to include only the
Gallapago Islands.
Thus, in the language of one hypothesis, climate prevents
the dispersion of the species to the north or south; and the
Antarctic current sctling over from the coast of Peru to tho
Gallapagos, has favored their dispersion to those islands, and
the broad sea beyond has restrained them from any farther
dispersion westward. Perhaps this is as favorable an illus
tration as can be found of the doctrine of physical causes ac-
counting for the distribution of the individuals of each species
rom a single centre. Yet this doctrine is obviously a mero
hypothesis. Ifit be granted that these mollusks can travel
coastwise until they find the waters too cold for them, it
would still remain to be proved that they actually do so.
But the supposed dispersion of the species over the sea to
the Gallapagos, presents more difficulties than at first appear.
The shells of Cirrhopods which adhere to floating wood,
have been often found far out at sea; perhaps, tvo, some
species of Pholas may be distributed in this manner. But
the only way in which such dispersion of the species generally
can be accounted for is by an imaginary voyage of their spawn
across the sea. The species, in those stages of growth which
have been observed, are mostly restricted to narrow, vertical
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 7
limits, out of which they never have been found. With most
of the littoral species, these limits are extremely narrow.
The following is a list of the species which we collected at
Panama and Taboga, which occur also at the Gallapagos,
with a statement of their habits of station.
Cyprea rubescens ; under stones.
Mitra tristis ; at the depth of 6 to 10 fathoms of sandy
mud ; also under stones, near low water mark.
Planaxis planicostata ; under stones, between high water
and half tide level. oe
Purpura Carolensis ; under stones, at lov¥ water mark.
Columbella atramentaria ; under stones, at low water
Columbella bicanalifera; sandy mugf'in 10 fathoms
water. a
Columbella hemastoma ; under stones.
Columbella nigricans ; under stones, between half tide
and low water mark. zs
Ricinula Reeviana ; under stonos, near low water mark.
Cassis coarctata ; in crevices of rocks.
Oniscia tuberculosa; in clefts of rocks, at low water
Conus brunneus ; in clefts of rocks, at low water mark.
Conus nux ; station unknown.
Strombus granulatus ; sandy mud, at the depth of 6 to 8
Turbinella cerala ; under stones and in the crevices of
rocks, at low water mark.
Pleurotoma excentrica; coral sand, at the depth of 6
Hipponyx radiata ; attached to stones, near low water
Fissurella macrotrema ; under stones, on the shore.
8 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION
Fissurella nixropunctata ; on stones and rocks, at and be-
low half tide level.
Siphonaria gigas ; on rocks near half tide level.
Thus it appears that a larger proportion of the littoral
than of the pelagic known species are common to the Galla-
pago Islands and the mainland: and of the pelagic species,
all which are known inhabit moderate depths. Locomotion,
therefore, beneath the sea cannot be assumed as a probable
means of dispersiun.
If, however, the distribution is due to dispersion by the
floating of the spawn westward, along with the prevailing
winds and currents, it is remarkable that there are no well
authenticated examples of clearly identical species which are
common to the Gallapagos and to the Polynesian Islands.
In respect of species, which so ncarly resemble each other as
to be sometimes confounded, and which are by some authors
regarded as varieties produced by local conditions, the West
Indies furnish as many of these analogues to the Panama
species as have been found in Polynesia. There is, therefore,
no reason for referring the Polynesian analogues to a conti-
nental origin.
If such dispersion westward were a fact, then we ought
to find, as we go westward from the Pacific shores of America,
a continual accumulation of species. For, in addition to the
full complement of aboriginal species in any rezion, there
would bea per centage of immigrant species. If such dis-
persion were a common fact, the Gallapagos should be much
richer in species than the continent, and the western regions
of Polynesia and the Australasian Archipelago should contain
a great number of immigrant species in addition to their ab-
original Faune. But there are no facts which correspond
with such hypotheses. So far asis known, the Bay of Panama
is as rich in species as any region westward, with no more
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 9
than an equal variety of stations. The number of species in
any region appears to be connected only with climate and
variely of stations.
It is scarcely necessary to consider the question, whether
any of the shells on the opposite sides of tropical America
could have had a common origin. Although in some points
the Caribbean sea and the Pacific approach within 40 or 50
miles in a direct line, it is difficult to imagine any adequate
means of the intercommunication of living marine mollusks.
If human agency had transplanted any species, we should
have expected that the edible species would have been selected.
The following are some of the edible Caribbean species, in the
order in which they have appeared to usin Jamaica to be
most commonly used: Trochus pica, Pyrula melongena,
Ostrea folium, Arca Noe, (or an undescribed analogue of this
species), Strombus gigas, Turbo celatus, Avicula crocata,
&c. At Panama, the edible species which we observed are
in the same order, Arca tuberculosa, Venus discors, Ostrea;
two or three species, Arca grandis, Murex radix, Pyrula pa-
tula, &c. All of these are remarkably distinct, if we except
the Pyrula, which are analogues. If it should be supposed
that the analogues might have had a common origin, it will
be seen that the entire list of analogues comprises a full pro-
portion of the rare or minute species, which are not likely to
have been noticed by the inhabitants.
Birds are commonly called in to aid the imaginary dis-
persion of species. On the Isthmus, the buzzards are best
able, with their extraordinary powers of flight, to transport
them; but their habits of feeding are wholly at variance
with such a supposition. The water birds which feed on the
marine mollusks are unknown to us. But if their agency has
been effective, it is remarkable that we can identify only one
species, and that doubtfully, (Crepidula unguiformis), on both
sides of the Isthmus, and that the habits of this mollusk, at-
10 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION,
tached to dead shells within the aperture, render it one of
those which are least exposed to such accidents.
The following is a list of the principal pairs of analogues
which inhabit both sides of the Isthmus. The list might be
increased, especially by comparision of the very minute
species. But the group, as it is, presents such a variety in
respect of size and characters, of habits of station, tenacity of
life, &o., as to render it incredible that they all should owe
their distribution in pairs to a common process of transporta-
tion. Cypreea cervinetta occurs only beneath large rocks, at the
low water mark of the spring tides, and lives but a short
time when removed from the water, and Strombus gracilior
is pelagic; and the others live at or near low water mark
on rocks, under stones, in sand, in fine mud, &c. In gene-
ral the derivation. of analogues from a common stock is more-
over inconsistent with the existence of analogues which are
antipodes to each other.
Panama, *Jamaica.
Cyprea cervinetta ; . exanthema,
Marginella minor ; . minima.
M. sapotilla ; . prunum.
Mitra nucleola ; . granulosa,
Oliva araneosa ; . reticulata.
O. venulata ; . scripta.
Purpura undata ; fasciata,
. cribraria Lam.
Columbell ttata ;
olumbella guttata ; parvula Dunker,
SEP wMOoeoomoOOoOR ES Eo
Cassis abbreviata ; inflata.
Oniscia tuberculosa ; . oniscus.
' Strombus gracilior : pugilis.
Triton vestitus ; pilearis.
Murex erosus ; . intermedius.
Pyrula patula ; . melongena.
* These Carribbean species have all been collected by us in Jamaica.
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 11
Panama. Jamaica.
Turbinella ceestus ; T. muricata.
Cerithium assimilatum ; C. terebellum,
Fissurella microtrema ; F. sp. indet.
Arca gradata ; A. Domingensis.
Cytherea squalida ; C. maculata.
Capsa altior ; C. Brasiliensis.
Tellina sp. indet. ; T. bimaculata.
The number of known species of shells which occur in
the Panama province, probably is not far from 1500. The
actual number is undoubtedly much greater.
An examination of the catalogue of the species which we
collected in the Bay of Panama, will show that nearly all the
very minute species are new to scierice, although most of the
larger shells have been described. In other words, the
species which are as small as those which constitute a large
portion of the conchological Fauna of regions, which have
been thoroughly explored, have been overlooked by previous
collectors. This is by no means surprising, when we con-
sider the great number of species, and the abundance of their
individuals, which are of a size that is more convenient for
discovery and collection. It is also accounted for in part by
the fact that the minute species in this region are much more
rare in individuals. Yet the new species, which were col-
lected in six weeks at two localities, must be a very small
portion of those which actually exist in this zoological pro-
vince. Perhaps, therefore, the number of the undiscovered
species is equal to that of the known species.*
* After describing nearly sixty new and rather small Pleurotomoid shells which
had been collected during the voyage of H. M.S. Sulphur, Mr. Hinds observes,
“when we reflect what multitudes of similar beings inhabit the recesses of the
globe, beyond thereach of human observation, and which at rare intervals are
brought tu light, * * it requires the boldest stretch of the imagination even to
bring within the comprehension an idea of the countless multitudes of organised
beings of our earth, and all rich in some manner peculiarly their own, either in
color, sculpture, decoration, or symmetry.’—Hind’s Zool. Voy. Sulph. Moll. p. 24.
12 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION.
On the Eastern side of the continent, a totally distinct
marine zoological province, which may be called the Carib-
bean province, occupies about an equal part of the earth’s
surface. It has however, a much greater extent of coast, in
the great number of islands, and in the sinuous outlines of
the continent. The number of known species of shells in this
province is not far from 1500. The actual number probably
is less than in the Panama province. It is a remarkable fact
that the number of rather large species in the Caribbean pro-
vince is but a small fraction of the number of such species
which occur on the other side of the continent. Of the Ca-
ribbean species, very few occur north of the Bahamas, or
south of Brazil, although, from various sources of error many
of them have been reputed to inhabit England, and various
other parts of the world. Although there are several analo-
gous species in the two provinces, in general there is a great
Conchological Collectors in the Panama Province.
One of the earliest collectors in this zoological province
was Joseph Dombey, the well known French Botanical tra-
veller. Dombey arrived in Peru, on his botanical expedition,
in April, 1778. He is quoted by Lamarck for eight new
species of shells from Peru.
Baron Humboldt, and his companion, M, Bonpland, next
made collections of the shells. In 1803 they were on the
coast of Peru, whence they sailed to Acapulco. Here they
collected many species, of which eleven are described by La-
marck in the Animaux Sans Vertebres. The first volume of
Humboldt’s Recueil D’observations de Zoologie, &c., was
published in 1811; but the second volume in which the shells
are described by M. Valencienres, bears the date of 1833.
Of the 92 species mentioned 88 are described in full, and of
the 92 all but 3 or 4 are said to inhabit this province. In
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 13
the case of several species however, errors have evidently
crept in. Hither the species must have been derived from
other regions and were given to the travellers as natives, or the
describer has confounded analogues. The Columbella rustica,
mentioned with doubt, may have been a C. fuscata. Cassis
testiculus, which inhabits only the West Indies, Ranella
granifera, Pyrula ficoides, Pyrula vespertilio, and Solarium
granulatum, which inhabit the Indian ocean, are said to have
been collected at Acapulco. Perhaps the ancient extensive
commerce between Acapulco and the Philippine Islands may
have introduced, into the dwellings, at Acapulco, specimens
of East India shells.
‘Next we find in the supplement to Wood’s Index several
species from the same province, and most of them were col-
lected at Panama.
In Feb. and March 1823, the Coquille (French) was at
Callao and Payta. M. Lesson has enumerated 8 marine spe-
cies of shells collected here, none of which are identical with
our Panama shells.
But we are chiefly indebted for a knowledge of the shells
of this region to the well known expedition of Hugh Cuming,
Esq. This celebrated collector, who has in person collected
one-third of all the species of shells now known to science,
was occupied in the years 1827-30 in collecting the shells of
this province and of adjacent parts of the Polynesian and
southwest American shores. Besides previously known spe-
cies, 400 new species were collected, of which a large majo-
rity were obtained at the Gallapagos and on the western shores
of tropical America. His explorations comprised, in fact, the
whole of this zoological province, with the exception of its
northern extremity. The description of the new species was
commenced by the London Conchologists in the Proceedings
of the Zoological Society, Feb. 28, 1832, and were continued
for about four years, until the second and great expedition of
14 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION
this gentleman to the Philippines. Subsequently more of them
have appeared in the Proceedings of the same Society, in Sow-
erby’s Thesaurus Conchyliorum, and especially in Reeve’s
Conchologia Iconica. In these last two works, we find the habi-
tats of all, and the stations of most of the species collected
by Mr. Cuming, so far as the genera have been mono-
The laborious and productive travels of the Chev. Alcide
D’Orbigny during the years 1826-338, comprise a portion of
this zoological province. In July 1833, this gentleman
reached the Pacific coast at Arica by a journey across
the Andes. Embarking thence on the 25th, he stopped
at Cobijo, Islay, Arequipa, and Callao. Re-imbarking
here, this industrious traveller returned to Europe by way
of Valparaiso.
In the large quarto which D’Orbigny has devoted to the
Mollusca of South America, numerous species of shells are
described from the four marine faunze. Among them are
many which were collected by M. Fontaine, and by Mr.
Curning, and others. The tropical and the temperate marine
faune of the west and east sides are shown to be entirely
distinct in respect of the Mollusca, of which 628 species are
enumerated, there being only one species common to any two
of these provinces. But it is conjectured that collections
made near the southern extremity of the continent on both
sides might show that several species are there common to
the Atlantic and Pacific faune. The species common to
both sides is Siphonaria Lessoni, found at Montevideo and
at Callao. Other species, however, are said, in the body of the
work, to inhabit both sides of the continent, as Bulla striata.
But in this case, analogous species may have been confounded.
Since Dr. Philippi has shown that several species had been
confounded under this name, the specific types are found to
be as local as most species are. D’Orbigny is one of the very
INTRODUCTION, Panama Shells. 15
few travellers who have collected any of the very minute
shells of the tropics.
In 1836-87 the Bonite (French) made a voyage of explo-
ration around the world. In the summer of 1836 this expe-
dition touched at several places in the southern part of the
Panama zoological province, as far north as Guayaquil,
whence the Bonite sailed for the Sandwich Islands. M. M.
Eydoux and Souleyet were the zoologists of the expedition.
The former gentleman died of yellow fever at Martinique in
1841, before the results in this department were published.
On the Mollusca we have seen only a folio volume of about
50 plates, without date and without text. The only text of
the zoology which we have seen, is on the mammals and
birds, with date of 1841.
In August, and during the remainder of 1836, H. M. 5.
the Sulphur, under Lieut. Commander Kellett, visited Callao
and Payta, and carefully explored the coast from Guayaquil
to Panama. Here Commander (now Captain Sir Edward)
Belcher arrived and took command, and in collecting shells
was aided by Mr. Hinds, surgeon of the expedition. The
dredge was frequently used, and the cabin of the commander
became a museum. Proceeding to the north, they visited nu-
merous places up to San Blas, in June 1837. In the follow-
ing December, the Sulphur returned to the coast, and explora-
tions were made from Acapulco to Cerro Azul. Again in the
latter part of 1838, and during much of 1839, collections were
made in many localities. About 70 new species were de-
scribed by Mr. Hinds in the Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, com-
mencing February 14, 1843; also in the Zoology of the voy-
age of H. M.S. Sulphur; and they have been included in
monographs which have subsequently been published in London.
In 1837 the Venus (French) was at Callao from May 24
to June 3; from Nov. 25 to Dec. 6 at the Bay of Magdalena,
in the peninsula of California; from Deo. 12 to Deo. 18, at
16 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION..
Mazatlan; Dec. 21 to Dec. 27 at San Blas; Jan.8, 1838 to
Jan. 23 at Acapulco; May 10 to June 1 at Callao; June dto
June 17 at Payta ; June 23 to July 3 at the Gallapagos.. The
Atlas de Zoologie of this expedition, (pub. 1846) contained 24
folio plates, of shells and mollusca, The text we have not
In 1839 the U. S. Exploring Expedition touched at Callao,
which was the only place in this zoological province, that was
visited by the expedition. About 30 species of shells were
collected, of which four new species have been described by
Dr. Gould in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural
History since 1846.
In the Zeitschrift fur Malakologie of Aug. 1847, Dr. K.
T. Menke commenced a catalogue, with descriptions of the
new species, of the shells of Mazatlan. These shells were
collected by Mr. Henry Melchers of Bremen, who has spent
several years in Mazatlan. Additions have since been made
to the catalogue, and up to Feb. (inc.) 1851, Dr. Menke has
catalogued 173 Mazatlan species. Of these 26 are described
as new species, not including a few which were proposed as
new but have since been identified by Dr. Menke with pre-
viously described species.
At the present time Dr. Gould is engaged in the exami-
nation of species, which have been collected at various points
between San Francisco and Mazatlan. These collections were
made by Maj. William Rich, and Col. E. Jewett, U.S. A.,
and by Lieut. Thomas P. Green, U.S. N. They are the more
important, because they come from regions intermediate be-
tween two great zoological provinces, and we may hope there-
fore that Dr. Gould will show, with as much precision as the
facts themselves will admit, the boundary between them. At
a meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Septem-
ber 8, 1851, Dr. Gould read descriptions of 17 new species of
Acephala from these frontier regions. The collections made
‘INRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 17
‘by Lieut. Green merit especial notice. ‘This officer collected.
more than 200 species, and carefully noted the habitat of the
‘specimens. Of those which have been determined by Dr.
Gould, and which were also found by us at Panama, we
have incorporated into the following paper the habitats ob-
served by Lieut. Green. This collection proves conclusively
that Upper California belongs to a distinct Zoological province.
The shells collected by Nuttall in Upper California in 1836,
‘and described in the Journ. Acad. Nat. Ses. of Philadelphia,
VII, in 1837, confirm this inference. None of them are identi-
‘eal with the species which inhabit Panama.
Narrative of the Expedition.
In November, 1850, I left home with the design of spend-
jing a few weeks on the Isthmus of Panama, and the remainder
‘of the winter in Jamaica. Leave of absence not having been
granted until Nov. 6, the preparations were few and hasty.
Qn the afternoon of the 18th I sailed from New York in the
Steamer Empire City, Captain J. D. Wilson,* and on the mor-
ning of the 22nd, landed at Chagres. Most of that day was
occupied in rambling about the shores. A few shells were
found of the same species, which occur throughout the Carib-
bean seas. But near Chagres the shores are too much exposed to
sustain many species of Mollusks. In the afternoon, Captain
Knight, his clerk, and myself hired a boat and started for
Cruces, where we arrived on the evening of the 25th. The
* Since it must be confessed that American naturalists find little sympathy
with their pursuits among most of their countrymen of all classes, it affords me
the more pleasure to acknowledge my obligations to the owners of the Steamer,
Messrs. J. Howard & Son, for a passage to Chagres; and to Capt. Wilson for
various attentions on the voyage, and subsequently at the monthly visits of the
Steamer to Jamaica, To Capt. E. Knight, agent of the Pacific Mail Steam Ship
Co., and my travelling companion across the Isthmus, I was especially indebted
for unusual facilities in crossing, as well as for other aid. Good company, and the
extraordinary beauties of nature, more than compensated for four days saturation
in mud and water during the transit.
18 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION.
next day we rode to Panama, where I soon found myself
at home in the American Hotel.* Before 8 A. M, of the next
day, shells had been collected in such quantity and variety,
that, had nothing more been subsequently collected, the re-
sults of the expedition woul! have seemed ample.
The objects proposed to be accomplished, during a few
weeks at Panama, were the following :
1. To make collections for the Museum in Amherst Col-
lege. The original plan had embraced the Crustacea, Radiata,
and other animals, but the short time to be devoted to it, and
especially the impossibility of making suitable preparation
during the few hours, which were allowed for this purpose,
rendered it expedient to restrict the objects mainly to the col-
lection of shells.
2. A second object was to ascertain, with the certainty
of personal observation, what and how many species of shells
exist at Panama. Having formerly collected about 500 ma-
rine species in Jamaica, near the centre of the Caribbean Zoo-
logical province, it was thought that a comparison of these au-
thentic materials would not be without interest. These two
were the principal objects of the expedition.
3. A subordinate object was to make some observations on
the habits of the species, in respect of station. Mr. Cuming’s
careful explorations had left but little to be added, but that
little is therefore perhaps the more valuable. This knowledge
was also a necessary preliminary to the acquisition of such a
quantity of specimens as would fully illustrate the varieties,
which may exist within the limits of a species. But these
observations, could not be extended to the pelagic species
on account of the enormous expense of boating consequent on
* With James C. Staples, Esq, the proprietor, an old acquaintance and con-
nection, who with his partner, myself, and all my Mollusks, occupied as comfort
able an apartment as the place could furnish.
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 19
the California travel. Littoral explorations however, produce
a greater amount of results in a short time. ;
It has become so fashionable to undervalue a knowledge
of the shells of Mollusca, because the shell is only a part o
the animal, that we shall probably be censured for having neg-
lected to observe the soft parts. But non omnes omnia pos-
sumus, especially with only six weeks time. It will not be
denied that the existence of the species is sufficiently proved
by collecting the shells, nor that their geographical distribu-
tion may be learned, when we ascertain where they exist,—
nor that habits of station may be learned without dissection,
although this is indispensable for some objects,—nor that the
recondite questions on the origin of the species are intimately
connected with the facts of distribution and station,—nor
even that the number of species in a given region and the
abundance or scarcity of individuals are interesting features
in the plan of creation. In short, it will not be denied that
the sum total of Zoology consists of parts, and that the per-
fection of the whole may be better secured by a division of
labor. We hope therefore, that the following results, not-
withstanding the magnitude of tho deficiencics, will bo re-
garded as somewhat better than the only alternative before us,
—that of the stay-at-home collectors.
The situation of Panama is eminently favorable for the
collection of shells. At the head of an extensive bay, whose
waters well merit the appellation of Pacific, it stands also at
the head of a reef, which furnishes a great variety of station
for the mollusks. Our hotel was within a minute’s walk of
this reef. In front of the city, the reef consists of ledges of
trachytic rocks, with flat and concave surfaves, with gently
sloping, precipitous, or shelving sides: in other parts exten-
sive tracts are covered with loose fragments of rock, the diffe-
rent sizes of which, and the different degrees in which they
are buried in sand, or in which they havo open spaces be-
20 Panama Shells. NTRODUCTION.
neath, accommodate a great diversity of species: in some
parts, flats of mud or of sand prevail.
On the west of the city is a very broad gently sloping
beach of fine sand, where Oliva, Tellina, Donax, and Artemis
abound. .Then proceeding westward we find alternating
ledges of trachytic. and basaltic rocks, sand beaches, and
broad muddy or sandy flats, with groves of trees a little above
half tide level. Here during the recess of ‘the tide, the ool-
lector finds an agreeable shade, and gathers Purpure and
huge Littorine from the trees, and numerous species of Ve~
neridae, of Columbella, the little and elegant Veritina picta,
and sometimes the massive Arca grandis, among the sticks
and moss-like Algae beneath. ‘Three miles west of Panama
a Rio Grande enters the bay, and is bordered by impenetra-
ble thickets of mangroves and not impenetrable ooze.
On the east side of Panama is a steep sand beach, at the
bottom of which the flats consist of an impalpable mud of a
creamy consistence. On this fluid, Marginella sapotilla crawls
or rather glides rapidly about. Between two and three miles
to the East, there are ledges of smooth basaltic rocks, with
abundant Littorinae, Fissurellae, and Siphonariae. Here too
are marine groves, rising from a stony surface, by the side of
which a small rivulet comesin. At high water mark is a man-
grove thicket, beneath which in near proximity we find the
Potamides, Arcee, a large Cyrena, Potamomye, and the ele-
gant Auricula concinna, and over head is Littorina pulchra,
but almost as rare as beautiful. A little farther up, where the
water is nearly fresh, occurs the Neritina Guayaquilensis,
whose thin depressed elliptical shell attests its fluviatile ha-
bits, unlike the solid ellipsoidal shell of the marine N. picta.
This diversity of station was multiplied by the high tides.
In the office of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co., wo saw it
recorded on a tide table, that the extreme difference of high
and low water had amounted to 28 feet. The ordinary tides
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 21
are about sixteen to twenty feet. The difference be-
tween the spring tides and the neap tides amounts to from
four to six feet. Hence at the low water mark of two or three
tides, once cach fortnight, species of shells, as well as of
Echinoderms and other animals, may be obtained, which can-
not be procured at any other time except by dredging. Other
species live where every tide will leave them exposed to the
air for a short time. All the way from low water mark, up
to the ledges of rocks where some species of Littorina live out
of the reach of the highest tides, species are found, most of
which are limited to a very narrow vertical zone. The sur-
face in front of the city, which is left bare by the recess of
the tide, extends out half a mile or more. Thus over several
square miles the secrets of the ocean may be explored.
The bay of Panama contains several beautiful islands,
which rise as steep mountains directly from the water’s edge.
One of these is Taboga,* 12 miles from Panama, from and to
which a small American steamer runs daily. We made two
excursions of three days each to this island. The shores are
mostly steep, but sand beaches, ledges, and enormous frag-
ments of rocks, afford many favorable stations for the Mol-
lusks. At high water, a small island, on the northeast side,
is cut off from the principal island; but at low water a high
ridge of sand unites them. Here the elegant Conus Maho-
gani, Strombus Peruvianus, Natica otis, Corbula ovulata, &c.,
were found.
These varieties of station enabled us to find a multitude
of species in their proper haunts. But in addition to this ad-
vantage, the hermit crabs (Paguridae) swarmed here, as
elsewhere in tropical regions. Some of the smaller species
have the habit of congregating in heaps of many hundreds
* This name is sometimes written, erroneously we believe, Tabago; and
sometimes, in the publications of the London Conchologists, Saboga.
22 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION.
beneath stones. Many such heaps were collected in the mass,
to be culled over in the leisure of home. To this source we
are wholly indebted for many species of shells, not a few of
which are in such a good state of preservation that we have
to regret only the impossibility of describing the station of
these species.
In these Pacific waters, not much addition to the stores
of the collector can be made from the drift shells. Yet the
flow of the tides and a moderate surf brought several species
within reach. Several of the bivalves, which live buried in
sand, and whose station eluded discovery, were thus obtained.
But especially were we indebted to this source for the ex-
tremely minute species, several of which were not recognised
until the conchiferous rubbish and sand had been assorted
with sieves and then carefully examined.
From the natives we obtained but little aid. The shells
of a few edible species weie taken from heaps near their huts.
A few species were obtained in a fruit shanty, which was
kept by an American on the Plaza. The habitat of most of
these was verified by subsequently finding them on the shores.
That of four or five species was satisfactorily inferred, inde-
pently of the testimony, from the fact that no shells known
to inhabit other regions were seen in the shanty, and that
these species have been found by others in the same zoologi-
cal province. ‘Those which were thus obtained are mentioned
accordingly in the statement of habitat.
In a few instances it will be noticed that our account of
the station differs somewhat from Mr. Cuming’s. This is due
chiefly to the considerable range which some species have,
especially with different circumstances of place. Thus sever-
al of the species, which we found at the low water mark of
spring tides, were obtained by Mr. Cuming at the depth of
fifteen or more fathoms. ‘The difference between such sta-
tions is obviously of much less importance than that between
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells. 23
this extreme low water mark, where the air will but slightly
reach the animal every fortnight, and that of a few feet high-
er, whence the water wholly recedes twice. every day.
Having an opportunity of shipping the collections, which
filled eight cases, we wrote the bills of lading, Jan. 3, 1851,
and the next morning left Panama for Chagres and Jamaica.
It was not until Aug. 14 that the cases arrived at their des-
tination. After assorting the shells, we find 38.920 speci-
mens of 376 species of Gastcropoda, 2.860 specimens of 139
species of Acephala, and 50 specimens of 1 species of Brach-
iopoda : total, 41.830 specimens of 516 species of Mollusks.
The number of specimens of each species is mentioned in the
following pages. It is scarcely necessary to add that we have
stated the total number of individuals, to give approximately
an idea of the relative abundance of the species at the time
and places mentioned, and not of such specimens as amateurs
would pronounce ‘ good shells.’
In the following catalogue our principal object, after the
enumeration of the species, has been to collect the statement
of various writers concerning the habitats and stations of the
species. Where two names of persons follow the habitat or
station, the first is usually that of the person who collected the
species, and is followed by an exclamation mark ! The second
name is that of the author who is quoted. The (!) after a
single name indicates that the author was also the collector ;
but the absence of this mark indicates that the testimony is
not original, whether one or more names are cited.
It will be seen that for a knowledge of the stations we
are chiefly indebted to Mr. Cuming.
In appending synonymy, we have quoted nothing. The
references have been made chiefly as vouchers for the accu-
racy of the names of the species, and as means of detecting
errors. A subordinate object has been the convenience of
those friends among whom the duplicate specimens may be
24 Panama Shells. INTRODUCTION*
distributed. We have been under obligations, which we ac-
knowledge with much pleasure, to Dr. A. A. Gould, of Boston,
and to John H. Redfield and Robert L. Stuart, Esqrs, of
New-York City, for the use of books; also to the librarians
of the Boston Atheneum, of Harvard University, of the Acad.
Nat. Sciences, of Philadelphia, and to Dr. Henry Wheatland, of
the Essex Institute in Salem ; chiefly have we been indebted
to the nearly complete zoological library which Drs. T. B. and
Edward Wilson have presented to the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia.
On Errors Respecting the Habitat of Species.
Those who are familiar with the frequency and
magnitude of the errors, which occur in the works of
the most celebrated authors respecting the habitats of
species, will not probably accuse us of presumption for the
little ceremony with which we have treated such statements.
Hearsay testimony has often been received without sufficient
scrutiny. Jn addition to the errors likely to occur in the ver-
bal communication of statements respecting habitat, naturalists
at home are of course subject. to all the mistakes which the
original colleotors may have made. ‘These persons often mix
the collections made in various places, and depend on memory
for the localities, although they are often unable to distin-
guish the specics when placed side by side.*
Another class of errors, we fear, must be laid to the charge
of the writers themselves. When we seo a marine species
affirmed to inhabit the Mediterranean, Senegal, the Indian
* Thus we have received from an intelligent shipmaster, who was accustomed
to collect for a conchologist, specimens of Oyclostoma flavidum, with the positive
assurance that they were collected in a spot well known to us, not far from King-
ston, Jumaica, Yet the species occurs only in Porto Rico, while the locality in
Jamaica contains a Cylindrella of similar aspect. We may be allowed to mention
also an illustration of the manner in which mistakes of locality and not of species
INTRODUCTION. Panama Shells: 25
Ocean, New Holland, &c., we may often suspect the error to
arise more or less from erroneous testimony. But when one
species is referred to two distinct zoological provinces, which
are known to contain analogous but not identical species, we
must sometimes suspect the author of confounding such species.
Lf indeed in these cases the difference of the local types were
clearly distinguished, it would be of little importance whether
or not the difference were considered to be of specific value.
But not even after the specimens are deposited in a collection
has all danger of error ceased. A misplacement of labels or
of shells, which are not properly secured, may lead to
erroneuus statements of habitat.
For all these causes of error there is but one remedy, and
that is not infallible. Rejecting tho testimony of careless
and incompetent observers, and all hearsay testimony, we
must rely on the testimony of competent observers. We may
hope for accuracy when they shall remember that a very few
errors may essentially change the aspect of the plan of dis-
tribution, and prevent all correct generalizations.
eae ae
A great amount of valuable materials, for interesting
generalizations on the number and distribution of the species
of marine Mollusks, has been collected by public and private
expeditions. But when we consider the immense profusion
of species and of individuals in tropical seas, and the confu-
sion of the habitats of many as exhibited in the present
literature of conchology, so that the plan of distribution is
misrepresented,—that which has been done only stimulates
may happen in casual colts| "ions, By a singular coincidence, only a few days
after we had described Helix kedfieldiana (which proves to be H. Carmelita Fer.)
that inhabits a limited district in Jamaica, 4 specimen was brought to New-York
by a collector, who affirmed that he procured it in California. Subsequently the
statement wasrepeated, but afterwards it was recollected that the shell had been
purchased in Kingston, where the steamers stop on their homeward voyage.
26 Panama Shells GEOGRAPHICAL
the curiosity to know more and to know more accurately.
An expedition of circumnavigation, with the specific object of
investigating the distribution of the testaceous Mollusks,
through several tropical marine provinces, would accomplish
more than the discovery of many new species: it would de-
termine the distribution of a much greater number, in a
manner which would justly inspire confidence.
Index of Places in the Pacific, which are mentioned in the Catalogue of Panama
Acapulco. A town and harbor, in Mexico; it is the principal and best port of
Mexico on the Pacific; lat. 16° 55’ N.; long. 100° 54° W.
Annaa. Anisland in Polynesia. Probably Anna or Aana, or Chain Island ;
lat. 17° 20°S. ; long. 145° 40° W.
Arica, In Peru.
Atacamas. A seaport in Equador, on the Pacific.
California, Tho boundary between Upper and Lower California is near lat.
88° N. ‘The waters of Upper California, therefore, belong wholly to the tempe-
rate Fauna, and those of Lower California almost wholly to the tropical Fauna,
The Fauna of the Gulf of California is tropical, at least as fur as Guaymas. The
importance in zoolo:y of distinguishing between Upper and Lower California, in
statements of habitat, is therefore obvious. New Albion was a name given by
Sir Francis Drake, to an extent of coast which includes upper California and Ore-
gon, and is often used more indefinitely.
Callao, The port of Lima, capital of Peru; lat. 12° 2’ S.; long. 76° 58’ W.
Caraccas, Bay of. A small bay on the coast of Guayaquil, next north of Cape
San Lorenzo, between 4° and 1°S. lat. It is not mentioned in any of the Gazet-
teers which we have consulted. It is also called Manta Bay.
Central America, This name is used very indefinitely by some conchological
writers, It includes on the Pacific, only Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, and
Costa Rica, from about lat. 9° N. to 15° N. The whole country was called Guate-
mala before its independence.
Cerro Azul. A town in Peru, in the department of Lima.
| Charles I. One of the Gallapagos, at the southwest part of the group.
Chatham I One of the Gallapagos, at the southeast part of the group.
Chili, Its northern boundary, about 24° 20’ S. lat., is not far from the south-
ern limit of the tropical Fauna.
Chiloe, A large island in the southern part of Chili, between 42° and 44° S,
Chiriqui. A town in Veragua, Central America, on the Pacific side; lat. 8°
80’ N.; long. 88° 28° W.
INDEX Panama Shells. 27
Columbia, West. New Grenada, reaching from about 2° S. lat. to 8° N. lat.;
including Guayaquil on the South. It is frequently written Colombia.
Conchagua. Another name for the Bay of Fonseca; also the name of a volcano
near the same place.
Costa Rica, A province of Central America, between Nicaragua on the north,
and Veragua on the southeast. The Gulf of Nicoya penetrates the middle por-
tions; it lies between about 8° 80’ and 10° 40’ N. lat.
Cusma. A town on the coast of Peru; lat. about 9° 40’ 8.
Fonseca, Gulf of. Also called Amapalla and Conchagua. cimens.
29. Terebra (c).—Small, olivaceous, witha dingy white
band next above the suture: 1 specimen. ‘
_ 80. Verebra (d).—A small very delicately and
sculptured shell: 1 specimen.
31. Terebra (e).—1 very imperfect specimen.
48: Panama Shells. PURPURIDE.
OLIVA. In searching for species of this genus, I had
but little success, although all the sands near Panama were
visited, from the low water mark of the spring tides upwards.
Of the ten species which were obtained, only one was found
alive. Probably the species appear chiefly at certain seasons.
The one which was found alive in countless myriads, was seen
during only a part. of my stay in Panama.
82. Oliva angulata.
Davila Catal. I. pl. 15. f F. - - 1767.
Martini Conch. Cab. II. 164. pl. 47.
f. 499. 500. - - 1773.
Schrot. Einl. Conch. I. 248. - 1783.
Voluta oliva var.¢ Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 3440. - 1788.
Oliva angulata Jam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 310, No. 6. 1810.
Voluta incrassata Dillw. Catal. I. 516. No. 35. - - 1817.
———— Wood Ind. Test. pl. 19. f 35. - 1818.
Oliva angulata Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 420.
No. 6. Aug. 1822.
Encye. Meth. pl. 363. f. 6. 1824,
—= = Desh. in Encye. Meth. Vers. ITI. 649. No. 9. 1832.
—_—«s —_—- Ducl. Mon, Oliva. pl. 17. f. 9. 10. 1835.
— —— Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl. 2. f. 1.2. - 1840.
— —«———. Ducl. in Chenu. pl. 18. f. 9. 10. 1843.
——- Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 607. No. 6.
Desh. Ed. 1844.
——— _ Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 1. f. 4, also pl. D. 1846.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 1. Optimé. Nov. 1850.
Station —In sandy mud, at the depth of 9 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat—Unknown ; Wood: Lamarck.
Peru; Deshayes.
Gulf of Nicoya, Central America; Cuming!
Reeve: also Duclos.
OLIVA, Panama Shells. 49.
Bay of Magdalena; Duclos.
Mazatlan; Melohers! Menke.
Real Llejos ; Jay.
Bay of Panama; C. B. A.!
The text of Duclos (in Chenu II]. Conch.) is somewhat
ambiguous; ‘‘ Habite la baie de la Madeleine, le golfe de
Nicoyo, Costa Rica, Amérique centrale, d’o4 M. Cuming !’a‘
rapportée.” The Bay of Magdalena is much farther north
than Costa Rica, on the outside of the peninsula of California
in latitude 24° 30’ N. Probably a different punctuation
should have been used, so as to indicate two distinct localities.
We obtained 17 fine large specimens in the fruit shanty
before mentioned. They were said to have been taken
‘down the bay.” Their condition, and the other shells which
were with them, fully confirmed the statement.
33. Oliva araneosa.
Martini Conch. Cab. II. 167. pl. 48. f. 509. 510. 1778.
Oliva araneosa Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 315. No. 19. - 1810.
ees Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 424. No. 19. Aug. 1822.
Lam. in Encyc. Meth. pl. 363. f. 1. 1824.
Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 614. No. 19. Desh. Ed. 1844.
reticularis Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10. f. 16g. 16d.
alt. excl. - - - Aug. 1850.
If Lamarck and Duclos have sometimes gone into the one
extreme of excessive multiplication of species, Mr. Reeve has,
we fear, in a rare instance of error, gone to the opposite ex-
treme, in uniting with O. reticularis, O. araneosa, and O.
venulata of Lam., and Duclos’ species O. Timoria, O. obesina,
and O. pindarina. Mr. Reeve’s fig. 16a. represents well the
common Caribbean species, O. reticu/aris, which inhabits the
islands and main land around the Caribbean sea. Fig. 16 ¢
50 Panama Shells. PURPURIDA:
resembles a variety of the same species, which ‘Mr. Redfield
has received from Carthagena. But figs. 16d and 16g re-
present the kindred type of the Pacific shore. This we sup-
pose to be O. araneosa of Lamarck. ‘The difference between
the Caribbean and the Pacific types is somewhat less in value
than the average difference between species. But we have
elsewhere shown, (Cont. Conch. p. 191,) that it is impossible
to make all the species of exactly equal value. Those figures
on Mr. Reeve’s pl. X, which we have not before referred to in
this paragraph, represent probably one or two other species of
the Pacific coast.
In consequence of this union of distinct types, Mr. R. gives
as the habitat of O. reticularis, ‘ Gulf of California; Donnet.
I. of Granada, West Indies; J. Cuming.”
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat —South Seas? Lamarck.
Bay of Panama; C. B. A.!
In the fruit shanty we found 1 specimen, in company
with other shells, all of which had been taken near Panama.
34. Oliva inconspicua. Nov. sp.
Shell rather slender: white: smooth: spire about as long
as the aperture: apex rather obtuse: whorls six, with a well
impressed suture, slightly convex: aperture acuminate in the
upper half, subrectangular in the lower half: labrum thin:
anterior notch very slight, wide.
Mean divergence about 30°; in another specimen nearly
40°; length .15 inch; breadth .055 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained only 3 mature specimens and one immature,
in picking over several quarts of fine drift materials gathered
on the shore near the city wall.
OLIVA. Panama Shells. 51
A kindred undescribed species occurs in Jamaica. Like
the above and like most of the minute rare tropical species, it
appears to have escaped the notice of collectors.
35. Oliva pellucida.
Oliva pellucida Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 27. f. 85. - Nov. 1850.
Habitat.—Unknown; Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained one specimen, which is about three-fifths as
large as Mr. Reeve’s specimen.
36. Oliva porphyria.
Gualt. Test. pl. 24. f. P. - 1742.
D’Argeny. Conch. p. 285. pl. 16. f. K. 1742.
D’Argenv. Conch. p. 243. pl. 13. f. K. 1757.
Knorr. Vergn. I. pl. 15.f.I- = = 17517.
Voluta porphyria Linn. Syst. Nat. (Ed. 10.) I. 729.
: No. 349. 1758.
— —— Linn. Syst. Nat. (Ed. 10. alt.) I Bats,
IL. p. 1187. No. 398. - 1767,
D'Argenv. Conch. p. 201. pl. 13. f. K. 1772,
— ——— Martini Conch. Cab. II. 157. pl. 47.
f. 485-6. pl. 47. f. 498. 1778.
Panama or Camp Olive Da Costa Elem. Conch. pp. 189. 291.
pl. 5. f. 4. 1776.
Favanne’s D’Argenv. II. 818-822. pl.
19. f. K. - - 1780.
Voluta porphyria Born Mus. Cas. p. 212. 1780.
- — Schrot. Einl. I. 201. No. 7. 1783.
— Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 3438,
No. 16. - - - - 1788.
Oliva ———— Lam. Syst. An. sans Vert. p. 75. 1801.
52 Panama Shells. PURPURID-£:
Oliva porphyria Cubieres’ Hist. Coq. p. 69. pl. 7. f. 4.
—_—— Roissy in Buff. Moll. V. 429. No. 1.
ph 56.6. - - - 1803.
Voluta ———_—— Turt. in Linn. Syst. Nat. IV. 3 361. 1806.
Oliva ———— Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 309. No. 1. 1810.
Panamensis seu porphyrius Montf. Conch. Syst. II.
387. f. ad p. 386, 1810.
porphyracea Perry Conch. pl. 41. f. 3. - Jan. 1811.
Voluta porphyria Brooke Introd. Conch. pl. 6. f. 68. 1815.
—- Dillw. Catal. 1. 510. No. 29. 1817.
Oliva ~——__— Schum. Nouv. Syst. p. 243. - 1817.
Voluta. ————— Wood Ind. Test. pl.19. 7.29. - 1818.
Oliva ———-— Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 418.
: No. 1. - - Aug. 1822.
— -— Children’s Lam. Gen. pl. 5. vol. 16.
; f.209. - - 1823.
—— — Sowb. Gen. pl.—. f. 1. - 1824,
—_— — Lam. in Encye. Meth. pl. 361. f. 4. 1824.
—_— — Blainv. Malac. pl. 30. f. 4. - 1825.
—_- Roux Icon, Conch, Liv. I. p. 4. pl. 3.
f. 6. - - 1828.
—-—_— Stark Elem. Nat. Hist. I. 25. - 1828.
—_—_- ——— Desh. in Eneye. Meth. Vers. ITI. 648.
No. 8. 1832.
—_— Ducl. Monog. Oliva. pl. 24. f. 1-5. 1835.
— S«- Pot. et Mich. Gal. Moll. Mus. Douai.
I. 471. - 1838.
— —»s ————— Kiist. Conch. Cab. p. 10. pl. 2. f 5.
pl. 6. £.1. 2. 1840.
—_—_—_ —— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 273. f. 1. 1842.
— s» ———— Hanley Conch. Book Spec. p. 130. 1842,
ere ef Rete Ducl. in Chenu Il. Conch. pl. 1.f. 1-5. 1843.
a Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 605. No. 1.
Desh. ed. - 1844,
—— Reeve. Conch. Icon. pl. 1. fe 2. Nov. 1850.
—_—_— ——- Heck Icon. Encye. pl. 75. f. 125.
Baird ed. - 1851.
—_—_ ——§- Woodward Man. Moll. p. 116. oh 6.
f. 16. - 1851.
Station.—In sandy mud at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
OLIVA. Panama Shells. 53
Habilat.——Unknown } Linnaxus, 1758.
Brazil ; Linnezus, 1767: also Gmelin: also Turton:
also Say in Catal. of his Mus.
West Indies and coasts of South America ; Dillwyn.
West Indies; Wood.
Seas of South America ; shores of Brazil ; Lamarck:
also Roux: also Potiez and Michaud: also
“ L’Olive de Panama ;” Lamarck: also Blainville.
South America; Ravenel in Catalogue.
Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; Jay: also Woodward.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
La Paz, Lower California ; Lt. Green! Gould Mss,
Bay of Panama; C. B.A.!
Linneus, Dillwyn, Wood, and Lamarck are obviously in
an error, which has been successively copied from the former.
But the common name of the species, which we find in most
of the old authors, indicates the true habitat.
Unfortunately none of my rambles were rewarded with a
epecimen in any condition. ‘Two or three were seen in the
fruit shanty among other shells, all of which inhabit the vi-
cinity of Panama.
Two intensely colored specimens in the Mus. Amh., from
an unknown habitat, are 43 in. long and 2 in. wide.
37. Oliva semistriata.
Oliva semistriata Gray, Zool. Becch. Voy. pl. 36. f. 10. 1839.
- ———_—— Siebold, Wiegm. Archiv. p. 210. 1839,
—- ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 23. f. 61. Oct. 1850.
Station.— Moving about. by hundreds, with great rapidity,
in the wet sand ;” Cuming! Reeve.
54 Panama Shells. PURPURID-%.
Habitat.—Salango, West Columbia ; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C.B.A.!
We obtained a few specimens, which were occupied by
hermit crabs, on the reef at} Panama, near low water mark.
In the fruit shanty we purchased 175 specimens, which ap-
peared to have been taken alive.
38. Oliva testacea.
Oliva testacea Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 324. No. 51. - 1810.
_——- Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 435. No. 51. Aug. 1822.
——- ——— Valen. in Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 334. - 1833.
——- ——— Duclos in Chenu Conch. Ill. pl. 3. f£. 17.18. (f. 19.
20. excl.) - 1843.
——- ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 627. No. 51. Desh. Ed. 1844.
——- ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 18. f. 36. Sept. 1850.
Station.—In sandy mud at a depth of about 6 fathoms; Cu-
ming! Reeve.
Habitat —The South Sea, on the shores of Mexico; Humboldt
and Bonpland ! Lamarck.
Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valen-
Mexico and California ; Duclos.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; Jay.
Real Llejos, Mexico; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C.B.A.!
Duclos says, “ Habite le Mexique pour sa plus grande
taille, la Californie pour sa plus petite, et la Nouvelle Hollande
pour la varieté blanche.” The variety (f. 19. 20.) is evidently
a distinct species.—Mr. Reeve’s punctuation seems to imply
that Real Llejos is in Mexico, but since Real Llejos is not in
Mexico, the latter must be another habitat on the authority of
Mr. Cuming, unless Mr. R. has fallen into a geographical
OLIVA. Panama Shells. 55
On the sand beach, next west of Panama, we collected
20 dead but entire specimens.
39. Oliva undatella.
Oliva undatella Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 326. No. 55. 1810.
-_ — Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 438. No. 58. Aug. 1822.
—— tenebrosa Wood. Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4.f. 38. - 1828.
undatella Ducl. Mon. Oliva. pl. 5. f. 5-10. 1835.
— — Gray, Zool. Becch. Voy. pl. 36. f. 23, 27. 1839.
———- ——- Duclos in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 6. f. 5-10. 1843.
—- ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 630. No. 58. 1844,
—— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 25.f.73. — - Oct. 1850.
Wood’s accurate figure appears to .have been overlooked
by most authors.
Station.—In sand and on mud banks at low water ; Cuming!
Habitat.—Unknown ; Wood.
Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland! Lamarck :
West coast of Mexico; Say in Catal. Mus.
Pacific; Ravenel in Catalogue.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Acapulco; Jay.
Bay of Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould Mss.
Panama; C. B. A.!
For this species I was indebted wholly to the hermit crabs.
15 specimens were obtained near a sandy spot on the reei,
near low water mark. They are all of one pattern of coloring
intermediate between Wood’s figure and 73 b of Reeve.
56 Panama_Shells. PURPURID.
40. Oliva venulata.
Voluta ispidula var. B (pars) Born. Mus. p. 216. 1780.
. Martini Conch. IT. 158. pl. 46. f. 488. 1773.
Oliva venulata Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 318. No. 13. 1810.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VIL. 422. No. 13. Aug. 1822.
—_— —— Lam. in Encye. Meth. pl. 361. f. 5. 1824.
— —— Desh. in Encye. Meth. vers. III. 650.
No. 12. - - 1832.
—_—— ——- Pot. et Mich. Gal. Moll. Mus. Douai. T.
472. 1838.
—_—- ——- Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl. 6. f. 5. - 1840.
—- ——- Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 611. No. 13.
Desh. Ed. 1854,
——- reticularis yar. Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10. f. 168. (alt.
eacl.) - - - Aug. 1850.
Our specimen more resembles O. splendidula‘as figured in
the Ill. Conch. of Chenu, than O. venwlata in the same work.
We think, however, that it is the species, which is figured in
the Encyc. and by Reeve as above. The principal difference
between this shell and O. araneosa is in the short dark brown
bent lines of the former.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Unknown ; Lamarck: also Potiez and Michaud.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
La Paz; Lt. Green! Gould Mss.
Bay of Panama; C. B. A.!
Duclos (in Chenu) says of his O. venulata, which proba-
bly belongs to a different species from ours, ‘‘ Habite la mer
des Indes.” In the fruit shanty we found 1 specimen among
other shells, all of which are known to inhabit the Bay of
Panama. .
OLIVA. Panama Shells. 57
41. Oliva volutella.
Souleyet (?) Voy. Bonite. Moll. pl. 45. f£.22-24. 1844?
Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 623. No. 43. Desh. Ed. 1844,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 21. £. 54. - Oct. 1850.
Oliva voluteiia Lam. in Ann. Mus. XVI. 322. No. 43. - 1810.
—- Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 432. No. 43. Aug. 1822,
—— Swains. Zool. Ill. 2nd ser. pl. 40. f. 1. 1823.
—— cerulea Wood Ind. Test. supp. pl. 4. f. 36. 1828.
—— volutella Valenc. in Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 334. - 1833.
—_ Ducl. Mon. Oliva. pl. 6. f. 7-14. - 1835.
—- Gray in Beech. Voy. p. 181. - - 1839.
—- Sowb. Man. No. 561. f. 560. - 1839,
——- Duclos in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 7. f. 7-14. 1843.
Station —On mud banks at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
This species we found alive in vast numbers, over an ex-
tent of many acres, on the sand beach west of the city of Pa-
nama. ‘They were most numerous where the beach had a
gentle slope, about midway between high and low water mark.
Some timo after the retreat of the tide they were found.
crawling about with much vivacity on the wet sand. The
shell, while the animal was moving, was wholly covered with
the mantle, and the mantle was entirely concealed with a
thick coat of sand. When the first wave of the returning tide
struck them, washing off their coats of sand, they instantly
buried themselves. Frequently, however, I passed over this
spot without seeing any of them. They were also found, but
in less numbers, just above the low water mark of the neap
tides, on sandy flats near the beach above mentioned.
Habitat.—Shores of Mexico; Humboldt and Bonpland! La-
Isthmus ; Swainson.
Unknown; Wood.
58 Panama Shells PURPURIDE:
Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland ! Valenciennes.
West coast of Mexico; Say in Catal. Mus.
Mexioo, California, Panama; Duclos.
Panama; Cuming! Reeve: also Mérch.
Panama; Jay. .
Panama; C. B..A.!
We collected 4,500 specimens.
42, Planaxis planicostata,
Planazis planicostata Sowb. in Tank. Catal. No. 1418. App. p. 18. 1825.
Buccinum planaxis Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4. f. 15. 1828.
Planasis canaliculata Duval in Rev. Zool. - Apr. 1840.
Trosch. in Wiegm. Archiv. p. 271. 1840.
planicostata Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. B. f. 17. 1846.
The epidermis of this shell is exceedingly thick and tena-
cious, and of a dingy olive green. Beneath the epidermis the
shell is black, but near the apex and in faded specimens the
color is brown. All the specimens at Panama and in one spot
at Taboga belong to a large variety, and are often more than
an inch long. The others at Taboga were mostly from .6 inch
to .7 inch long.
Station.—Under stones between high water and half tide
Habitat.—Gallapago Is.; Sowerby: also Duval: also Jay.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould Mss.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
At Taboga in incredible numbers: less common on the
reef at Panama. We collected about 1200 specimens.
NASSA. Panama Shells, 59
NASSA. Mr. Powis has described in the Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London, 1835, pp. 95, 96, seven
species of this genus from Panama and from other parts of
the same Zoological province. We obtained fourteen species,
two (perhaps three) of which answer to the descriptions by
Mr. Powis.
43. Nassa canescens. Nov. sp.
Shell rather long, ovate conic: pale brown on all’ the
raised portions of the surface, with the interspaces pale gray :
with ten or eleven very prominent narrow ribs, and many
raised spiral lines, which are not interrupted by the ribs, and
of which two on the middle of the whorls and some anteriorly
are larger: spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear: apex
acute: whorls eight or nine, subangular in the middle, with a
well impressed suture ; last whorl moderately ventricose, an-
teriorly spirally subcanaliculate : aperture subelliptical : labrum
subacute, much thickened by a varix a little behind the edge,
finely grooved within: labium finely wrinkled, a little dilated
but not appressed: notch larze and deep.
Mean divergence about 50°; length 1.05 inch; breadth .6
inch ; length of spire .6 inch.
Station. — Unknown. °
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A !
1 specimen was obtained.
44. Nassa collaria. Nov. sp.
Nassa collaria, Gould MSS.
Shell ovate conic: dingy white, with a dark reddish
brown band on each side of the whorl: with, on each whorl,
about ten or twelve ribs, which are smaller and more approxi-
60 Panama Shells. PURPURIDAL
mate but not obsolete on the last part of the last whorl ; with
many spiral raised lines, with the intersections subnodulous:
spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear : apex acute: whorls
seven, slightly convex, with a distinct suture ; last whorl with
a minute spiral canal anteriorly: aperture subelliptical : la-
brum subacute, thickened with a stout varix, within crenu-
lated coarsely and unequally: labium a little thickened, not
appressed: with a deep notch.
Mean divergence about 50°; length .38 inch: breadth .21
inch ; length of spire .23 inch.:
Var. «; smaller (.23 inch long); with the lower fascia
much broader, and darker anteriorly.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama ; (var. a); E. Jewett! Gould Mss.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 4 specimens of the type, and one of the va-
45. Nassa corpulenta, Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic, very robust: spirally banded with white
and brown, sometimes mostly white, sometimes mostly brown,
with a broad white stripe below the middle of the last whorl,
white in and about the aperture: with, on each whorl, about
eleven narrow ribs, which are traversed by spiral raised lines:
spire with the outlines rectilinear or slightly concave: apex
acute: whorls nine, moderately convex, with a well impressed
suture ; last whorl very large and ventricose, spirally canali-
culate anteriorly : aperture subelliptical, contracted: labrum
subacute thickened with a very stout varix, within coarsely
sulcate: labium wrinkled, a little thickened but not appressed :
notch large and deep. NV. festiva Powis must resemble this
shell, and possibly may be identical with it.
Mean divergence about 46°; length .88 inch; breadth .63
inch; length of spire .46 inch.
” NAgsA. Panama Shells. 61
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; E. Jewett! Gould Mss.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
17 specimens were obtained.
46. Nassa gemmulosa.—Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic, ventricose : whitish, more or less tinged
with yellowish brown; with a narrow spiral stripe of brown
at the upper margin of the whorls, and another anteriorly ;
with two or three minute spiral brown lines on the middle of
the last whorl, which are interrupted by the nodules: with
about fifteen or sixteen minute ribs on each whorl, and spiral
raised lines, of which three or four are visible on the spire ;
with the intersections developed into well rounded nodules:
spire with the outlines rectilinear: apex very acute: whorls
seven, a little convex, with a distinct suture; last whorl spi-
rally subcanaliculate anteriorly : labrum subacute, well thick-
ened by a varix, coarsely ridged within: labium much arcuated,
a little thickened but not appressed : notch deep.
Mean divergence about 56°; length .25 inch; breadth .17
inch; length of spire .15 inch.
Statton.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C.B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained. :
47. Nassa glauca.—Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic, ventricose: glaucous or olivaceous, with
a broad spiral stripe of dingy white a little above the suture,
whitish about the aperture, deeply colored in the anterior spi-
ral canal: with, on each whorl, about ten ribs, of which the
last two or three next to the aperture are nearly obsolete ;
with many spiral stria, which traverse the ribs: spire with
the outlines nearly rectilinear: apex acute: whorls eight,
62 Panama Shells. PURPURIDE.
moderately convex, with a distinct suture ; last whorl ventri-
cose, with a narrow deep spiral canal anteriorly: aperture
subelliptical : labrum subacute, thickened with a stout varix,
within with about five acute spiral ridges: labium well
thickened, not appressed: notch deep.
Mean divergence about 55°; length .5 inch; breadth .31
inch; length of spire .28 inch.
Var. «; with the color nearly black.
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat.—Taboga; C. B. A.!
32 specimens were collected.
48. Nassa luteostoma.
Nassa —luteostoma Brod. & Sowb. in Zool. Journ. [V. 376. 1829.
Buccinum ———— Kiener Iconog. p. 110. pl. 80. f. 1.
Nassa — xanthostoma Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. pl. 36, f. 8.
(parva.) 1839.
—_ 13S—)s ———— Souleyet (?) Voy. Bonite. Moll. pl. 41.
f. 5-7. - - 1844?
——- _luteostoma Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 3. f. 11. 1846.
—— __ zanthostoma Mrs. Gray Moll. pl. 85a. f. 5. (soft parts.) 1850.
Station.—On sand, usually not far below high water mark,
in places where water is running during the recess
of the tide: also in similar places not far above
low water mark.
Habitat.—Senegal; Kiener: also Jay.
Real Llejos, and Acapulco; Lesson.
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould Mss.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 330 specimens, mostly near the sea wall of
Panama. ‘“ M. Kiener indique le Senegal pour patrie 4 cette
NABSA. Panama Shells. 63
coquille; il y a, sans doute, erreur.” Lesson in Rev. Zool.
Aug. 1842. ;
49, Nassa nodifera.
Nassa nodifera Powis in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 95. June. 1835.
This shell has distant fine spiral striz, which are usually
obsolete on the middle of the whorls. Some specimens are
ornamented with spiral lines of dark brown, and rarely the
whole shell, except the aperture, is dark brown. Mr. Powis
disposes of the coloration with the single word albescente, but
otherwise his brief description corresponds exactly with our
Station—In coral sand, in from 6 to 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat—Gallapago Islands and the shores of Panama;
Cuming! Powis.
Taboga; C. B. A.! ¢
40 specimens were collected.
50. Nassa pagodus.
Buccinum decussatum Kiener (nec Linn. nec Lam.) p. 109. No.
106. pl.30.£3. - -l -
Triton pagodus Reeve in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.
120 ce.
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells. 89
southern limit, so far as authentic testimony goes, reached by
any-of the species which inhabit the Bay of Panama, and we
have, therefore, some doubt of the accuracy of Kiener’s state-
88. Columbella gracilis. Nov. sp.
Shell long ovate conic; upper whorls pale brown; with irre-
gular spots of darker reddish brown, mostly near the suture
and nearly covering the last whorl, on the periphery of which
is a whitish band articulated with arrow-headed brown spots:
with very numerous small ribs, of which the posterior ends only
remain on the back of the last whorl; anteriorly with revolv-
ing striae: apex acute: spire conic: whorls eight, scarcely con-
vex, with the suture distinctly impressed: aperture narrow:
labrum variciform, rather sharp-edged, thickened behind, a lit-
tle sinuate posteriorly, with a few granules inside: columellar
lip nearly smooth.
Mean divergence about 37°: length .3 inch; breadth .125
inch: length of spire .2 inch.
Var. with the color nearly uniform dingy brown.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat,—Panama; C. B. A.!
We were indebted to the hermit crabs for 7 specimens.
89. Columbella guttata.
Columbella guttata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 118, June 1832.
Mall. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 88. May 1836.
cribraria Sowb. (non Lam.) Thes. Conch. p. 129.
No. 51. pl. 88.f.112. - - - - - 1844,
Mr. Sowerby, having relinquished the species, has re-used
the name for quite a different species, in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p. 50. Mar. 1844, and in Thes. Conch. p. 131. pl. 39. f, 124.*
* In his Index this species is called GO punctata.
JULY, 1852. 23 Arn. Lye. Nat. Hist,
90: Panama Shells... PURPURID&.*
We have excluded from the synonymy the C. cribraria (Buc~
cinum) of Lamarck and. of some other authors, because at least
two.species appear to have been confounded. One inhabits the
Panama zoological province, and the other, the Caribbean seas.
The Caribbean type is that which generally bears the Lamarck-
ian name in the collections of the United States. In Jamaica,
we have taken several varieties of it, all of which are distin-
guishable, by slight differences, from the Panama type. Kie:.
ner’s figures (Buccinum, .pl. 16. f. 57) resemble the Caribbean:
rather than the Pacific type. - This author, however, says of the
species :—"' Habite les mers-des Indes, l’ile de l’Ascension et les
cétes de Gorée,.ot elle est trés abondante.” And Lamarck
gives as the habitat of his shell, ‘‘les mers du Java, M. Lesche-.
nault.” The Caribbean shell, however, has been described by
Professor _Dunker (Zeitschr. Malak..1847. p. 64; and in Phil.
Abbild. IIT. pl. 2. f. 7. 1849) under the name of Buccinum par-
vulum. Whether there be also an Indian species, which
furnished the Lamarckian type, remains to be -ascertained.
In the “ Voyage of the Astrolabe,” IT. 421. pl. 30. f. 21; 22,
we recognise the Caribbean type (badly colored)... It was
obtained at Ascension Island.
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby.
Our specimens were found under stones, not far above low
water mark.
Habitat.—Very common at Panama;-Cuming | Sowerby : also
Panama; Jay.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
Mazatlan; E. Jewitt! Gould MSS. .
Most of our specimens were found at Taboga. We collected
about 75 individuals of the type which is figured in the Thes.
Conch., and as many of a type, which is much more finely: and
densely dotted with the white or even reticulated only with the.
brown color. Most. 9f the. former. are. rather larger than the
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells:- 91'
figure referred to; but the latter differ much in size: Some-of
these are as small as the Caribbean type. Individuals were by
no means common at the time of our visit to Panama.
90. Columbella hzemastoma.
Columbella hemastoma .Sowb. in Proc. Zool: Soc. Lond. \
p-116. - - - - June 1832.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 257. f. 4. 1842.
Ducl. in Chenu, Ill. Conch. pl.
5.£ 3,4. - - - - 1843,
—_—_—- ———— Kiener Iconog. p. 4. pl. 10. -f. 2.
————. Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 111.
No.3. pl 36.f5. - - 1844,
Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 7.
£.34.a.-- - - - 1848 ?
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat.—Panama, and the Gallapago Is.; Cuming | Sowerby..
Shores of California; Kiener. .
Panama, Gallapago Is..;. California; Jay...
Pahama; OC. B. A!
Wé found but one dead specimen, in whith the colors of the
last whorl consist of. two white and two brown alternating
91. Columbella harpiformis.
Columbella harpiformis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
pls. - - - = June, 1832.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Tést. Viv. p. 80. 1836.
Reeve. Conch. Syst.:pl. 257. f. 3. : 1842,
Griff. An. King. Moll. pl. 87. f. 2. 1834,
citharula Ducl. in Chenu, Ill. Conch, pl. 10.
f. 9,10. fc 1843.
92 Panama Shells. PURPURID&.
Columbella citharula Kiener Iconog. p. 54, pl. 16. f. 2.
harpiformis Sowb. Thes. Conch. 112. No. 6.
pl. 36. f. 10. 12. : - 1844.
Station.—On dead shells at a depth of 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby. Our specimens were found under stones at low
water mark.
Habitat—Bay of Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Unknown; Kiener.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A!
We obtained on the reef 9 specimens of this rare shell.
92. Columbella labiosa.
Columbella labiosa Sowb. Gen. pt. 9. f. 2. 1824,
oo Crouch Conch. pl. 19. f. 7. 1826.
——_—_——._ -—— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 258. f. 2. 1842.
——_—_—— —— Souleyet (?) Voy. Bonite. Moll. pl. 45.
f. 8-12. - i = . 1844 ?
Kiener Iconog. p. 6. pl. 3. f. 1.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 112. No. 5. pl. 36.
ce ae oe we me Sea
Station.—We found this species under stones near low water
Habitat—Unknown; Kiener.
Found abundantly at St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby.
St. Elena; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.|!
We obtained 4 mature and 6 young specimens.
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells. 98
93. Columbella lyrata.
Columbella lyrata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 114. June 1832.
—_—_—_ - Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 82. 1836.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 257. f. 1. 1842.
—— Dudl. in Chenu, Ill. Conch. pl. 10. f. 13, 14,
— Kiener Iconog. p. 59. pl. 10. f. 1.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. Ee 138. No. 80. pl. 39.
f.149. - - - 1844.
Station.— Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby. Our specimens
were found under stones at low water mark,
Habitat—Bay of Panama and Chiriqui; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Miiller.
“Les rochers des cdtes de Panama;” Kiener.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained on the reef 19 specimens of this beautiful
94, Columbella major.
Columbella major Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p-119 - - - June 1832,
gibbosa Valence. in Humb. Rec. Obs. IT.
331? < 1833.
major Mall. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv.
p. 90. - = + May 1836.
gibbosa Ducl. in Chenu, Ill. Conch. PL 5.
’ f.5, 67 . 1843,
strombiformis Var. Kiener Iconog. p. 4. pl. 1.
f. loa.
major Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 110. No. 2,
pl. 36.£3,4,6. - - 1844,
— Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. X.
274.No.19. - - . 1844.
Desh. Traité Elem. pl. 120. f. 11, 12.
JULY, 1852, 24 Ann. Lyo. Nar. Hier.
94 Panama Shells. PURPURID&.
Station.— Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby. Our specimens
were found under stones near low water mark.
Habitat.—I. of Muerte; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Seas of South America; Deshayes.
Central America; Jay.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.: also Mus.
Essex Inst.
Panama; E. Jewett ! Gould MSS.
Taboga; OC. B. A.!
We obtained 80 specimens, most of which were taken
alive. They are more intensely colored than Mr. Sowerby’s
figure, and several have the spire more elevated.
95. Columbella modesta.
Buccinum modestum Powis in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 94. June 1835.
—_—— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 19. Dec. 1846.
Columbella modesta Gould MSS.
Station.—Muddy gravel at a depth ranging from 7 to 17
fathoms ; Cuming! Powis; also Reeve.
Our specimens were brought up by hermit crabs, which
frequented rocks, and were especially numerous about a pile of
railroad iron lying in the soft ooze not far above low water
Habitat.—Bay of Montija; Cuming! Powis: also Reeve.
West Columbia; Jay.
Santa Barbara; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 80 specimens, mostly in good condition.
96. Columbellamesta. Nov. sp.
Shell slender, subfusiform: black, or brownish black, with
the color less intense on the back of the last whorl: upper
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells, 96
whorls smooth or with one or two revolving striae; middle
whorls with twelve to fifteen ribs, with the interstices spirally
striate; with the ribs and strise obsolete on the back of the last
whorl; more strongly striated anteriorly: apex acute: spire
very slender: whorls eight, scarcely convex, with the suture
lightly impressed: aperture long and narrow: labrum varici-
form, very thick, sinuate posteriorly, crenulated within: colu-
mellar lip nearly smooth.
Mean divergence about 35°; length .3 inch; breadth .11
inch ; length of spire .17 inch,
Station—We found this species about sticks and stones in a
grove of trees, a little above half tide level.
Habitat— Panama; C. B.:A.!
58 specimens were obtained about two miles west of the city.
97. Columbella nigricans.
Columbella nigricans Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 52. Mar. 1844.
—— Duel. in Chenu, Ill. Conch. pl. 21. f. 7, 8.
—— ————. Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 148, No. 95. pl. 40.
f. 172.
Station.—Our specimens were found under stones, between
half tide and low water mark.
Habitat.—Gallapago Is. ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Gallapago Is.; Jay.
Taboga; E. Jewett! Gould MSS,
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
We obtained on the reef about 120 specimens of large size,
most of which are colored as described by Mr. Sowerby.
About 500 specimens of small size were collected, among which
there is a great diversity of coloring. Many have a white spiral
band. All shades of brown occur. Some of the small indi-
viduals are likely to be confounded with ©. parva Sowb.; but
96 Panama Shells. PURPURIDA.
in C. nigricans a revolving impressed line cuts the posterior
ends of the ribs.
98. Columbella parva.
Columbella parva Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 52. Mar, 1844.
—_——- Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 142. No. 83. pl. 40.
£170. - - 2 et ee 1844.
Station.— Under stones ; Cuming ! Sowerby.
Habitat—Monte Christi; Cuming ! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We found only one specimen.
99. Columbella pulchrior. Nov. sp.
Shell rather long ovate: with a whitish revolving band next
below the suture articulated with large spots of a dark slate
color; with a translucent ground of pale yellowish brown, on
which are placed in quincunx order rather numerous, exces-
sively minute sharply defined dots of reddish brown; with one
or two large irregular spots of dark brown near the end of the
last whorl: surface smooth and shining: apex acute: spire
conic: whorls six or seven, scarcely convex, with the suture
lightly impressed: aperture narrow: labrum rather sharp,
thickened behind, with a few granules inside: columellar lip
nearly smooth.
Mean divergence about 45°; length 15 inch; breadth .07
inch; length of spire .075 inch.
Station.— Under stones near low water mark.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
We found of this rare and elegant little shell only 5 speci-
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells. 97
100. ColumbeHa pygmaca.
Columbella pygmea Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 119. June 1832.
—_—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 90. May 1836.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 141. No. 89. pl.
40.f. 163. - S08 ee ce 1844.
Station—On dead shells in sandy mud, at a depth of 10
fathoms ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Our specimens were found under stones at low water mark.
Habitat—St. Elena ; Cuming! Sowerby : also Miiller.
St. Elena ; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected on the reef 185 specimens of this pretty species.
101. Columbella rugosa.
Columbella rugosa Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 115. June 1832,
—_——_ Mill. Synops. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 84. 1836.
Sowerbyt Ducl. in Chenu, II]. Conch. pl. 19. f. 5.6.2 1843.
bicolor Kiener Iconog. p. 46. pl. 16. f. 4.2
rugosa Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 130. No. 53. pl. 38.
f.114-5. - - - - - - - - - - 1844,
There are three principal varieties, which freely graduate
into each other. The first has a few distant tubercles on the
lower whorls: the second has ribs on the first part of the last
whorls, but they are rather short and wide: in the third these
ribs of the last whorl are narrow and long. Specimens of a
diminutive size are very common. About two thirds of those
which we collected are from .60 inch to .75 inch long; about
one fourth of them range from .85 inch to .50 inch in
length. The epidermis is brown, and very thin but tough.
Station.—Under stones ; Cuming | Sowerby.
Our specimens were found under stones between half tide
and the low water mark of neap tides.
JULY, 1852, 25 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
98 Paniima: Shells. PURPURID.
Habitat —Panamia‘ and‘ Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby; also
Panama and Xipixapi; Jay.
Real Llejos; Mérch.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected about 1500 specimens on the reef, where it is
the most abundant species in the genus.
102. Columbella stronibiformis.
Columbella strombiformis Lam. An. sans Vert, VII. 293.
No. 1. - - Aug. 1822.
Sowb. Gen. pl. — f. 1. j 1842.
—_!__-_~ “Desh. in Encye. Meth. Vers. II.
p. 251. (pag. ser. 1.) No.1. - 1880.
—— ————_-——" Blainv. Malac. pl. 29. f. 23. May, 1825.
Buccinum — strombiforme Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4.
f.18 - - - - - 1828.
Columbella strombiformis Valence. in Humb. Ree. Obs. IL
330. - - -
—___—- —————. Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 257.
f. 1. (malé.) - - - 1842.
—_—_————— —————. Duel. in Chenu, Ill. Conch.
pl. 5. f. 7, 8
a ————— Kiener Ieonog. p. 3. pl. 1. f. 1.
—_—— —————_ Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll.429, 1843.
————. Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 110.
- 1833.
No. 1. pl. 36. fi Q- = = 1844.
+ ——____——._ Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 266.
'’ No.1. Desh. Ed. - - -' +: - 1844,
- Station.—Unknown.
Habitat.—Coasts of Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland!
Acapuleo; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valen-
1». Goasts of Peru; Deshayes :- also Kiener.
I. of Muerte; Cuming! Sowerby.
\ t
COLUMBELLA. Panama Shells. 99
Acapulco; Lesson.
“Payta;> Fontaine ! ‘D’Orbigny.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Acapulco; Jay.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We obtained only 1 specimen.
169: ° Cdbuaitbella ‘tesselata. Nov. sp.
Shell rather long ovate: dark sea-green, tinged with black
or brown, fading to a brownish red; more or less tesselated
with nearly quadrangular white spots: with about fifteen stout
approximate ribs, which lean forward, and which’ are obsolete
on the back of the last whorl; with all the surface ridged by
strongly impressed revolving striz: apex acute: spire conic:
whorls eight, scarcely convex, with a distinct suture: aperture
rather long: labrum variciform, thick behind, a little sinuate
posteriorly, with ‘three or four granules inside: éolumellar lip
slightly granulous.
Mean divergence about 48°; length, .225 inch; breadth,
105 inch; length of spire, .13 inch.
This specics resembles the small variety of C. nigricans. It
also resembles C. lentiginosa Hinds (Zool. Sulph. Moll. pl. 10.
f. 21, 22), in coloring and sculpture; but the latter is repre-
sented as being much wider and as having a short spire.
Station.—This species was found under stones, near low
water mark.
Hoabitat—Panama ; C. B. A.!
We collected 27 specimens.
vee -104: Columbella turrita.
Columbella. turrita Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 115. Juno, 1832.
100 Panama Shells. PURPURID&.
Columbella turrita Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 83. 1836.
—_—— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 1385. No, 73.
pl. 39. f. 137. ees 1844.
— Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. 10. 290.
No. 44. - - - - 1844.
Station.—In coarse gravel and sandy mud, at a depth of 10
fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat—Bay of Montija and St. Elena, Cuming! Sowerby.
Central America; Deshayes.
St. Elena; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We were indebted to a hermit crab for one specimen.
105. Columbella varia.
Columbella varia Sowb. in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 116. June 1832.
—_—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 86. 1836,
——— -~—— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 130. No, 54.
pl. 39. f. 116-7. - - 1844,
—— Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 282.
No. 31.- - - + at Bos - 1844,
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Under stones; Deshayes.
We found this species in the same situation near low water
Habitat.—Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Panama; Deshayes: also Jay.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We collected about 380 specimens on the reef.
This species, when deprived of the epidermis, presents in
a full suite of specimens a great variety of shades of brown,
from orange to blackish brown, for the most part beautifully
variegated with spots, and a spiral band of pure white.
RICINULA. Panama Shells, 101
106. Columbella?
« Sp. indet.
We obtained, under stones, at low water mark, on the reef
at Panama, two specimens of a species, which appears like a
small Conus, but it has stout ribs transverse to the direction.
It may be a young Columbelia, but it is not the young of any
shell known to us.
107. Ricinula carbonaria ?
Ricinula carbonaria Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f 22.9 Oct. 1846.
Station.—Under stones at low water mark.
Habitat—Unknown; Reeve.
Philippines; Jay.
Panama; G. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
If Dr. Jay’s shell is the same as ours, there must be an error
in his statement of habitat. Wecollected 70 specimens, mostly
at Taboga and partly at Panama.
108. Ricinula jugosa. Nov. sp.
Shell with a rhomboidal outline: mostly dark brown ; tuber-
cles mostly white; with a white fascia next below the peri-
phery of the last whorl; with some of the tubercles partly
rufous: with eight or nine very prominent transverse ridges,
which are crossed by ten or eleven spiral ridges, of which three
or four appear on the spire; with the intersections sharply tuber-
culous; with fine spiral striae: apex acute: spire conic:
whorls eight or nine, convex, with a moderately impressed
suture: aperture rather long: labrum rather sharp, strength-
ened by the last ridge, which is very long, scalloped by the
spiral ridges, with corresponding plaits within: inner lip exca-
vated above, with a few wrinkles above and granules below ;
canal moderately long. This species is much like a Mures.
JULY, 1852. 26 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
102 Panama Shells. PURPURID.
Mean divergence 55°: length, .94 inch; breadth, .47 inch.
Station. Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B, A.!
Only one specimen was obtained.
109. Ricinula Reeviana.
Buccinum pulchrum Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 11. f. 80. . Dec. 1846.
Mr. Reeve’s specific name of this shell is preoccupied in
Station.—Under stones, near low water mark.
Habitat—Gallapago Is.; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
110 specimens were collected.
110. Cassis abbreviata.
Bonanni Reer. IIL. f. 157. 1684,
List. Conch. t. 1000. f. 65. (Dillw. Ed.) 1688.
Cassis abbreviata Blainv. Fauna Franc. Moll. p. 194.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 224. No. 12. Aug. 1822.
—— ——— Kiener Iconog. p. 33. pl. 15. f. 31.
lactea . Kiener Teonog. p. 35. pl. 16. f. 35.
‘abbreviata Lam. An, sans Vert. X. 30. No. 12,
Desh. Ed, - - - - - - - - - 1844.
—— ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 8. f. 18. Sept. 1848.
This species, like its analogue, CO. inflata, has remarkable
varieties of color and of sculpture.
Habitat.—E Lusitanico litore; Bonanni.
Shores of Portugal, according to Bonanni; La-
CASSIS. Panama Sheils.
Unknown ; Kiener.
Acapulco; Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
7 specimens were found. Bonanni is undoubtedly in error.
111. Cassis coarctata.
Cassis coarctata Sowb. Tank. Catal. No. 1826. p- 21.
Buccinum coarctatum Wood. Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4. f. 5.
Cassis coarctaia Valenc. in Humb. Rec. Obs. II. 313.
Kiener Iconog. p. 19. pl. 8. f. 15.
—— —— Lam. An. sans Vert. X..40. No.
27. Desh. Ed, - - - - - -
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f, 14.
Station.—In crevices of rocks; Cuming! Reeve. :
. Aug.
Habitat.—" We believe it to be a New Zealand shell ;”
Unknown ; Wood.
Acapulco; Humboldt & Bonpland! Valenciennes.
The shores of Peru, at Acapulco; Kiener.
The shores of Peru, at Acapulco; Deshayes,
Gallapago Is.; Cuming! Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Peru, Acapulco; Jay.
Lower California; Major Rich! Gould
San Juan, in Lower California; Lt. Green! Gould
MSS. also Museum of Essex Inst.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We obtained one dead, but nearly perfect specimen.
In copying Kiener’s statement, Deshayes has partly, and
Dr. Jay has wholly, dropped its absurdity. It does not, how-
ever, appear obvious, whether Kiener intended to name two
habitats, or to say that Acapulco is in Peru! Compare, how-
ever, his description of the habitat of Doliwm ringens above.
104 Panama Shells. STROMBID&.
112. Oniscia tuberculosa.
Oniscia tuberculosa Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 253. f. 2-4. 1842.
Lam. An. sans Vert. X. 13. No. 2. 1844.
—— ———_ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 5. Aug. 1849.
Station.—In clefts of rocks at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
Habitat,—South Seas ; Deshayes.
Gallapago Is.; Cuming! Reeve.
Australia; Jay.
San Juan, in Lower California; Lt. Green! Gould
MSS. ; also Mus. Essex Inst.
Taboga; OC. B. A.!
We think Dr. Jay must have been misinformed.
We found 2 specimens, one mature and one young; both
were dead, but nearly perfect.
113. Conus brunneus.
Conus brunneus Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 3. f. 1. 1828.
Sowb. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 18. Mar. 1834.
—— Mall. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 123. May 1836.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 57. f. 88. 1841.
— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 72. June 1843.
— Lam. An. sans Vert, X. 127. No. 182. 1845.
Kener Iconog. p. 24. pl. 15. f 1.
Station.—In clefts of rocks; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found in a similar situation, near low
water mark.
Habitat— Unknown ; Wood.
Gallapago Is., Puerto Portrero, and Panama; Cum-
ing! Sowerby: also Reeve: also Miiller.
conus, Panama NSheils. 105
Panama, and the Gallapagos; Deshayes: also Kiener.
Panama; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We found 4 specimens. Deshayes’s words are, “Wile de
Panama; * * * que l’on rencontre assez fréquemment 4
Panama et aux Gallapagos.” In several instances this author
appears to have fallen into the geographical error of supposing
Panama to be an island.
114. Conus gladiator.
Conus gladiator Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 55. Apr. 1833.
- Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 121. May 1836.
—- — Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 33. f. 34.- 1841,
—_— — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 22. f. 127. Aug. 1843.
——— ——— Kiener Iconog. p. 25. pl. 15. f. 4. and pl. 109. f. 4.
Station.—In sandy mud in the clefts of rocks; Cuming!
Broderip. In soft mud in the clefts of rocks; Cuming!
We found this species at low water mark, mostly under
stones which were more or less mingled with sand.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve: also
Panama; Sowerby: also Kiener: and Jay.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 70 specimens.
115. Conus mahogani.
Conus mahogani Reeve Conch: Icon. pl. 22. f. 126. Aug. 1843.
— Reeve in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 169. Dec. 18438.
——- ——— Kiener Iconog. p. 170. pl. 74. f. 8.
Station.—Sandy mud ; Cuming! Reeve.
JULY, 1852, 27 Ann. Lyo. Nar. Hist.
106 Panama Shells. STROMBIDA.
Our specimens were found crawling on a beach of clean and
very wet sand, between low water mark and half tide level.
Habitat—Salango ; Cuming! Reeve.
Pacific Ocean, shores of Columbia; Kiener.
Salango; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 8 living and 14 dead specimens.
116. Conus nux.
Conus nuz Brod. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 54. Apr. 1833.
—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 120. May 1836.
—— — Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 32. f. 31. 1841.
—— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 20. f. 110. Aug. 1843.
——— —— Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 129. No. 185. 1844,
——~— —~— Kiener Iconog. p. 47. pl. 11. f. 8. and pl. 102. f. 2.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Gallapago Is.; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Gallapago Is.; Sowerby: also Deshayes: and
Kiener: and Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.|
We obtained only 2 small specimens.
117. Conus princeps.
Conus princeps Linn. Syst. Nat. I. 713. No. 256, (Ed. 10.) 1758.
—- Linn. Syst. Nat. I. 713. (Ed. 10. alt.) 1760.
——- ———__ Linn. Mus. Ulrice, p. 552. No. 156. 1764,
— Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1167. No, 297. (Ed. 12.) 1767,
La Robe Persienne Favanne’s D’Argenvy. II. 546. pl. xvii. B. 1780,
Conus princeps Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. VI. 3378.
No - 1788,
regius Chem. Conch. Cab. X. 17. pl. 188. £1276. 1788.
CONUS. Panama Shells. 107
regius Kiist. Conch. Cab. p. 59. N. 44. pl. 9. £38. 1838.
princeps Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 32. f. 30, 30a, 30 5. 1841,
——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 36. Mar. 1843.
regius Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 13. No. 10. Desh. ed. 1845.
—— Kiener Iconog. p. 15. pl. 3. f. 2, and pl. 11. f. 4.
— Chenu Lee. Elem. pl. 12. f. 5. 1847,
Conus princeps _‘Turt. in Linn. Syst. Nat. IV. 313. _ 1806.
regius Lam. m Ann. Mus. XV. 31. No. 10. 1810.
—. Dillw. Catal. I. 368. 1817.
— —— Blainv. Dict. des Sc. Nat. X. 251. 1818.
—— — Wood Ind. Test. pl. 14. f. 25. 1818.
—— Lam. An. sans Vert, VIII. 446. No. 10, Aug. 1822.
—— princeps Swains. Zool. Ill. Ist Ser. IL. pl. 86. 1821.
—— __ regius Encyce. Meth. pl. 318. f. 3. 1824.
—— _ princeps Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 55. Apr. 1833.
———— regius Valence. in Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 336. 1833.
—— lineolatus Valenc. in Humb. Rec. Obs. II. 336. (var.) 1833.
—— princeps Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 122. 1836.
Three varieties of coloring have been found, as follows:—
1. With broad stripes: Lister’s fig.; Wood's fig.; Reeve var.
a, and fig. 36 a.; Kiener pl. 3. f£. 2; Chenu’s fig. in Lec.
Elem. According to Mr. Reeve, this is the Linnzan type.
2. With linear stripes; C. lineolatus Valenc.; Sowb. C. IIl. '
f. 30.a., 80b.; Reeve var. b. and fig. 8360.; Kiener pl. 11.
f. 4.
8. Without stripes: Sowb. C. Ill. pl. 30? Reeve var. c. and
fig. 86.¢.
Station.—In sandy or soft mud in oes crevices of rocks ; Cum-
ing! Broderip: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones at low water.
Habitat—Unknown ; Linnawus: also Gmel.
Indies; Turton.
Asiatic Ocean; Dillwyn : also Lamarck : also Bhigh
“ Pacific Ocean, shores of Mexico, Bay of Panama ;”
Panama Shells. STROMBIDZ.
Asiatic Ocean, Philippines; Jay.
San Juan, in Lower California; Lt. Green! Gould
Hab. of Var. 1.—Asiatic Ocean ; Wood.
Acapulco ; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valen-
Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Hab. of Var. 2.—Acapulco ; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valen-
St. Elena and Panama; Cuming! Broderip:
also Miller.
Monte Christi and Panama; Sowerby.
St. Elena, Central America, Panama; Cum-
ing! Reeve.
Panama; ©. B, A.|
Hab. of Var. 3.—Panama and Monte Christi; Cuming! Bro-
Monte Christi, Panama; Sowerby.
Monte Christi; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 8 specimens of var. 8, and 1 of var. 2. It will
be observed that there is no original testimony for any habitat
out of the Panama zoological province.
Conus purpurascens
Conus purpurascens.
Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p. 54. - - April 1833,
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 121. May 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 25. f. 13. 1841.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 19. f. 105. July 1843.
Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 134. No.
193. Desh. Ed. - - ee ee 1845.
CONUS. Panama Shells. 109
Conus purpurascens Kiener Iconog. p. 189. pl. 39. f. 2.
and pl. 61, f. 3.
Station —Sandy mud in the clefts of rocks; Cuming! Brode-
rip: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones at extreme low water
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve: also
Annaa; Sowerby.
San Blas; Ilinds!
San Blas; Hinds! Reeve.
Panama; Kiener: also Deshayes.
Panama and San Blas; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 12 specimens on the reef. Is there not an error
in Sowerby’s statement? It appears to want confirmation.
A variety (?) differs in being more slender, in having a convex
spire and a subovoid outline, with a few distant elevated spiral
lines over the whole surface.
119. Conus regalitatis.
Conus regalitatis Sowb. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 19. Mar. 1834.
————_ Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 124. May 1836.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 57. f. 87. 1841.
— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 40. f. 218. Jan, 1844.
— Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 133. No. 192. 18465.
Kiener Iconog. p. 237. pl. 89. f. 3.
Station—In the clefts of rocks on sandy mud; Cuming!
Sowerby : also Reeve.
We found this species under stones at extreme low water.
Habitat,—Real Llejos; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Real Llejos; Deshayes.
Shores of Peru; Kiener.
JULY, 1852. 28 Ann. Lye. Nat. Tier.
110 Panama Shells. STROMBID A.
Real Lejos and Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 9 specimens, one of which exceeds three inches
in length. May not C achatinus in Menke’s catalogue of Ma-
zatlan shells be identical with this species? 0. achatinus belongs
to another and distant zoological province.
120. Conus regularis.
Conus regularis Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 29. f. 29. pl. 36.
f.45. - - = er ee - 1841.
—— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 26. f. 126. Sept. 1843.
—— ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 132. No. 189. 1845.
Kiener Iconog. p. 124. pl. 23. f. 3. (var.)
Mr. Sowerby’s reference to Z. P. 1841, we are unable to
Station—Soft mud at the depth of 23 fathoms and at 7
fathoms; Hinds! Reeve.
Habitat.—Gulf of Nicoya and Panama; Hinds! Reeve.
Gulf of Nicoya; Deshayes.
Philippine Is.; Kiener.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Gulf of Nicoya and Panama; J ay.
Guaymas; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Taboga; :C. B. A.!
Kiener has doubtless been misinformed.—We found only 1
imperfect specimen of this very rare shell.
121. Conus vittatus.
Knorr Vergn. III Theil. pl. 11. f. 3. 1768.
Conus vittatus Lam. in Ann. Mus. XV. 267. No. 63. 1810.
- Dillw. Catal. I. 390, No. 67. 1817,
—— —— Wood. Ind. Test. pl. 15. f. 63. 1818,
—— ——— Lam. An. sans Vort. VII. 470. No. 63. Aug. 1822,
STROMBUS. Panama Shells. 111
Conus vittatus Lam. in Encyc. Meth. pl. 335. f. 3. 1824,
Sowb. Conch. IIl. pl. 28. f. 21. 1841,
—— ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 75. June 1843.
——— ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. XI. 49. No. 63.
Desh. ed. - - 1845.
Kiener Iconog. p. 110. si, 63. f. 5.
Station.—In coarse sand, at a depth of from 7 to 11 fathoms;
Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found at low water mark.
Habitat.— Asiatic Qcean; Wood: also Lamarck: and Kiener.
Bays of Panama and Montija; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
The first-named habitat is probably erroneous; it does not
appear to be authenticated by any conchological traveller.
We obtained 4 fine living specimens, of which two have an
orange tinge, and two have a tinge of brownish purple.
122. Strombus galea.
Strombus galea | Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4. f. 13;
alsof.14jr. - - - - 1828.
galeatus Gray Descr. Catal. i 2 ee Ser. pag:)
, No.2. - - - June 1832.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 36. No. ‘5A, pl.
10. f. 114. - 2 - - 1842.
Kiener Iconog. p. 5. pl. 2.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 710. No.
33. (Desh. ed.) - - - - 1843.
Ducl. in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 26, on. f 1. 1843,
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p. 751.
I tai Gee
No. 83. (Desh. ed. tert.) — - - 1844.
.Kiist. Conch. ‘Cab. p. 18. pl. 4a. f. 5.
pl 46f£1,2%- +--+ = 1845.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 13. Nov. 1850,
Station.—On the reefs at low water ; Cuming! Reeve,
112 Panama Shells. sT
Habitat.—Unknown ; Wood.
Peru; Gray.
Mazatlan; Kiener: also Duclos.
Sea of California; Deshayes.
Gulf of Nicoya; Cuming! Reeve.
Pacific Ocean ; Kiister.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Gulf of Nicoya & California; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
Many fragments only of this shell were seen.
123, Strombus gracilior.
Strombus gracilior Sowb. in Tank. Catal. No. 1792. p. 20.
Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4. f. 1.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 32. No. 85. pl. 8.
£78. - - + - = - + - -
—— ——— Kiener Iconog. p. 31. pl. 21. f. 1.
(Desh. ed.) .
(Desh. ed. tert.) -
Kiist. Conch. Cab. p. 36. pl. 4a, f. 6, 7.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 16. f. 38.
| TT |
Station.—Sandy mud at a depth of from 6 to 10
Cuming! Reeve.
Habitat—Unknown ; Wood: also Duclos.
South Seas; Sowerby.
Duclos in Grea Ill. Conch. pl. 17. £6 6, 7.
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. p. 752. No. 36.
* 1842.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 713. No. 36.
Jan. 1851.
fathoms ;
Shore of California; Kiener: also Kiister.
Seas of California; Deshayes.
St. Elena & Panama, Central America;
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
California & Tahiti; Jay.
STROMBUS. Panama Shells. 113
La Paz; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.; also Mus.
Essex Inst.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We obtained only 1 dead, but nearly perfect specimen. Mr.
Reeve’s statement is an example of a common ambiguity. The
phraseology implies that St. Elena and Panama are in Central
America; but neither place being in that country, the question
arises, whether Central America is named as a third locality.
Looking over the habitats mentioned by English, and French,
and German authors, many such examples occur: and in view
of the acknowledged superiority of Europeans in all depart-
ments of science, such geography is exceedingly perplexing to
an American.
If the locality Tahiti, mentioned by Dr. Jay, can be
authenticated, it will be a very important fact of distribution.
124. Strombus granulatus.
Strombus granulatus Swains. in Bligh CataL App. p. 8. May 1822.
———— Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 4. f. 21. 1828.
Swains. Exot. Conch. p. 36. (Han-
ley ed.) - - - ee ee 1841,
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 33, No. 39.
pl. 9. f. 100. aay ver Geos 1842,
Kiener Iconog. p. 28. pl. 22. f. 1.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX, 713. No.
37. (Desh. ed.) - - - ose 1843,
Duclos in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 11.
biG & & a w= ose “Geds,
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p.
752. No. 37. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - 1844,
Kiist. Conch. Cab. p. 64. pl. 13. f. 13. 1845.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 32. Jan. 1851.
Slation.—In sandy mud at the depth of from 6 to 8 fathoms ;
Cuming! Reeve.
JULY, 1852. 29 Ann. Lro. Nat. Hist.
114 Panama Shells. STROMBID A.
Habitat—Unknown: Wood: also Sowerby.
Seas of India; Kiener: also Duclos: also Kiister.
Seas of India, according to Kiener; Deshayes.
St. Elena & Gallapago Is; Cuming! Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Central America; Jay.
La Paz; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 7 dead specimens. We have received a num-
ber of specimens from the Sandwich Islands, but cannot vouch
for this locality.
125... Strombus Peruvianus.
Strombus Peruvienus Swains. Zool. Ill. 2nd Ser. No. 39
in Index, No. 1 on plate. - - - 1823.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 250. f. 3. 1842.
—— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 34. No. 42.
pl. 10. f. 110 - - 1842,
Kiener Iconog. p. 11. pl..8.
Lam, An. sans Vert. IX. 712. No.
35.(Desh.ed) - - - - = 1848.
———— Duel. in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 22.
Pies See bes - 843.
Lam. An. sans Vert. HI. Pt. 2.
p. 752. No. 35. (Desh. ed. tert.) 1844,
———— Kit. Conch. Cab. p. 24. pl. 5a. f. 1. 1845.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 5. 6. Dec. 1850.
a A fie
Station.—On the reefs at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
Our ‘specimens were taken on a clean sandy beach at low
water. On Dec. 6th (1850) there were many seen alive: but
on revisiting the place, Dec. 81, only 2 or 8 dead shells could
be found.
Habitat—Peru, and near Panama; Swainson.
Unknown ; Sowerby.
Shores of Peru; Kiener: also Deshayes.
Panama Shells.
‘Le Perou et je crois la mer Rouge ;’’ Duclos.
Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Reeve.
Peru; Jay.
Taboga ;
C. B. A.
We collected 24 specimens.
Notwithstanding the opinion of Duclos, we are very sceptical
of the identity of any Red Sea species with those species which
inhabit this continent,
126. Triton Chemnitzii.
Argo-butcinum nodosum Chem. Conch. Cab. IV. 98. pl.
Murex argus var. B pars.
131. f. 1255-6. - - -
Gmel. in Linn. Syst. 3547. No. 78.
Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 110.
Anton Verzeich. p. 77.
Hinds teste Reeve,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 11. f. 87.
Phil. Abbild. IL pl. 2. f. 2. 4. var.
Con. in Proc. Acad. Nat. Se. Phil.
IV.156. - - -
Con. in Journ. Acad. Nat. ve Phil.
new ser. I. 280. pl. 99. f. 6. var.
Mke. in Zeitschr. Malak. p. 189.
May 1844.
Feb. 1849.
Station.—In sandy mud, at the depth of 6 fathoms; Cuming!
We found this species under stones at extreme low water mark.
Habitat—Panama ; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; Philippi: also Jay.
Lower California or Peru; Conrad.
Mazatlan ;
Melchers! Menke.
Panama, and T'aboga; C. B. A. !
We ¢ollected 9 specimens.
116 Panama Shells. MURICID&.
127. Triton constrictus.
Triton constrictus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 5. Jan. 1833.
q decussatum Valenc. Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 306. 1833.
constrictus Mall. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 101. 1836.
———— —————_ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 12. f. 41. May 1844.
Station.—In sandy mud, in from 7 to 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Broderip : also Reeve.
Habitat—Monte Christi, and Xipixapi; Cuming! Broderip:
also Reeve: also Miiller.
Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valenciennes.
(Triton decussatum.)
Panama; C. B. A.!
We were indebted to the hermit crabs for 4 specimens.
128. Triton fusoides. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate-fusiform, slender: whitish, stained with brown,
with a white spiral stripe near the middle of the whorls: with
prominent narrow not approximate ribs, about nine on each
whorl, crossed by numerous raised fine spiral lines, of which
the alternate ones are mostly larger: apex acute: spire conic:
whorls eight, convex, with a well impressed suture: aperture
long subovate : canal short.
Mean divergence about 35°; length .76 inch; breadth .28
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Taboga; C. B. A.
We obtained only 1 specimen.
129.. Triton gibbosus.
Triton gibbosus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 7. Jan. 1833.
TRITON, Panama Sheils. 117
Triton giintes Mill. Synop. Nov, Test. Viv. p 102. May 1836.
ey Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 38. pl. 11. f.
S8.var. = 6 @ se © = © ws June 1844.
Mr. Reeve's reference to Proc. Z. S. 1844 appears to be a
Station.—Coarse sand at the depth of 7 fathoms; Cuming!
Broderip: also Reeve.
Habitat—Panama, and Monte Christi; Cuming! Broderip:
also Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We were indebted to the hermit crabs for 5 specimens,
130. Triton lignarius.
Triton lignarius Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 5. Jan. 1833.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 101. May 1836.
en Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 13. f. 40. June 1844,
re Hinds in Voy. Sulph, Moll. p. 12. pl. 4.
£15.16. - - - - - - * - + 1844.
Station.—Sandy mud at a depth of from 7 to 12 fathoms;
Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
Sandy mud 7 fathoms; Hinds!
Habitat—Puerto Portrero, and Panama; Cuming! Broderip:
also Miiller.
Puerto Portrero, St. Elena, and Panama; Cuming!
Monte Christi; Hinds!
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; OC. B. A.!
We obtained one small but perfect specimen of this very
elegant species The varix at the labrum is enormously
developed, The shell was occupied by a hermit crab,
JULY, 1852. 30 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
118 Panama Shells. MURICID.2&.
131. Triton vestitus.
Triton vestitus Minds in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 21. Feb. 1844.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 20. f. 101. Aug. 1844.
——— ——— Ilinds in Voy. Sulph. Moll. pl. 4. f. 1. 2. 1844,
Station.—Among the rocks on the shore ; Hinds !—copied by
Our specimens were obtained under stones near low water
Habitat.—Real Llejos, Gulf of Nicoya, and Bay of Honda;
Hinds! copied by Reeve.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We obtained 4 specimens of this beautiful species.
TRITON VESTITUS? VAR. SENIOR.—We found also near
Panama a shell which differs but little from the preceding. It
is not so deeply colored, and is lengthened by the addition of
another whorl, and consequently it has an additional varix.
The sculpture of the lower whorls is less prominent; and the
shell is distorted.
132. Ranella celata.
Ranella celata Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 179. Oct. 1832.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 100. May 1836.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 8. pl. 85. f. 8. 1841.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 241. fi 8. 1842.
semiyranosa Kiener (non Lam.) p. 19. pl. 11. f. 2.
celata Lam. An. sans Vert. 1X. 554. No, 21. (Desh.
Ed.) - = + + 2848,
—. Lam. An, sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p. 697. No.
21. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1844,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 3. f. 10. July 1844,
According to Deshayes and to Reeve, Kiener has fallen into
an error in confounding with this species the A. semigranosa of
RANELLA. Panama Shells. 119
Lamarck. Is not Deshayes also in error, when he refers Kiener’s
figures to the Lamarckian species? Deshayes has copied from
Kiener’s text the reference to pl. II., which is a misprint for
pl. XI.
The apex is always eroded, and many are eroded over much
of the spire. The individuals differ much in number and in
the degree of development of the granules. Some of the shells
are from 2 to 2.3 inches long.
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Broderip. Under stones
at low water; Cuming! Reeve. We found this species under
stones between the low water mark of the neap tides and that
of the spring tides.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
Panama; Sowerby: also Kiener: and Deshayes:
and Jay.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 190 specimens on the reef.
133. Ranella nana.
Ranella nana Brod. and Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV. 376. 1829.
Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 51. June 1841.
—- Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 6. pl. 85. f. 6. 1841.
——. Reevo Conch. Syst. pl. 241. f. 6. 1842.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 29. July 1844,
Station.—Coarse sand at the depth of 7 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby. Coarse sand at the depth of 10 fathoms ; Cuming!
Habitat“ Ad insulam Panama, Philippinarum ;” Cuming |
Panama; Sowerby: also Jay.
Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
120 Panama Shells. MURICIDE.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; C. B. A.!
Mr. Sowerby’s statement of habitat, in the Proc. Z. S., is
not intelligible. We found two specimens occupied by hermit
crabs. One of the shells is perfect and very elegant.
134. Ranella nitida.
Ranella nitida Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.179. Oct. 1832.
Mall. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 99. May 1836.
—- Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 4. pl. 84. fi 4. 1841,
——— Kiener Iconog. p. 9. pl. 2. f. 2.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 557. No. 25.
(Desh. ed.) - - . - . 1843.
——— Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p, 698.
No. 25. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - 1844,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 8. f. 45. July 1844.
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Broderip. Our specimens
were found under stones near low water mark.
Habitat—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Columbia; Sowerby.
Shores of Columbia; Kiener.
West Columbia; Deshayes.
Bay of Caraccas ; Jay.
Panama; EK. Jewett! Gould MSS,
Panama; C. B, A.!
We collected 300 specimens,
135. Ranella plicata.
Ranella plicata Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 33, July 1844,
Station— Unknown,
MUREX. Panama Shells. 121
Habitat.— Unknown ; Reeve.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We collected 6 specimens of this very aberrant species.
1386. Murex dubius.
Murez aculeatus Wood (non Lam.) Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 5. f. 19. 1828.
dubius Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 119. pl. 61. f. 23, 1841.
—— -—— __ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 26. f. 116. Aug. 1845.
Station.—Under stones near low water mark.
Habitat—Unknown ; Wood.
Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 72 specimens on the reef. The spines are
remarkably acute.
137. Murex erosus.
Murex erosus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 174. Oct. 1832.
Mull. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 93. May 1836.
es Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 104. pl. 60. f. 16. 1841,
= Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 32. f. 160. Aug. 1845.
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones near low water
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Sowerby: and
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 2 specimens on the reef.
JULY, 1852. 31 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
122 Panama. Shells. MURICID.22.
138. Murex radix.
Favanne’s D’Argenv. pl. 37. f. D.
Murex radix Schrat. Einl. Conch. I. 548, No. 17. 1783.
Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 3527. No. 10. 1788.
melanomathos Dillw. Catal. 686, pars. 1817,
radix Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 168. No. 36. Aug. 1822.
—— Swains. Zool. Ill: 2d. ser. pe 113. oy gen.
Centronotus.) - - -. 1828.
——- -Schub. et Wagn. Supp. Chai, P. 132. pl.
230. f. 4064-5. - - 1829.
—_ —. Wodarch Introd. Conch. (4th ed. Front. fi 3; 1831.
Ss Valenc. in Humb. Rec, Obs. IT. 299. 1833,
oS Sowb. Conch. Ill: Catal. No. @5. 1841.
—_ ——— Kiener Ivonog. p. 60. pl. 37, 38. f. 1.
—_ — Hanley Conch, Book. Spee, p.,@1.. 1842.
es Lam. An. sans Vert, IX. 684. No. 386.
(Desh. ed.) - - 1843,
ey Lam. An. sans Vert. TI. “PE. 2. p. 1 07.
No. 36. (Desh. ed, tert.) - - - - 1844,
—__ — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 17. f. 69. June 1845.
—_— — Chenu Lec. Elem. p. 198. f. 652. 1847.
Perhaps to this synonymy we should add Murex ambiguus,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 18. f. 51. Mr. Reeve remarks :—“ Any
modification of structure may, I apprehend, be considered of
specific importance, when it is not immediately approached on
either side.”— Conch,. Icon. Murex. pl, 18,. Or even if we could
find, in a great number of! specimens, a dominant type, with
only occasional gradations into another type, the former might
be considered as of specific value. In this case, the number of
varices not exceeding eight, (while in Af radix they are said to
equal or exceed ten,) the large open flowery fronds, and the
elongate form, are supposed by Mr. Reeve to indicate a specific
type. But among our shells, the specimens, which have nine
varices together with an intermediate form, are much more
numerous than those which correspond: to.the description and
MUREX. Panama Shells. 123
figure of M. ambiguus. So far, therefore, as we can judge. from
the 100 specimens collected in one locality, the I. ambiguus
appears to be, not a dominant type, but the extreme limit of
variation. It is quite possible, however, that a greater number
of specimens collected in various localities would confirm the
opinions of Mr. Reeve:
Dr. Menke, in distinguishing MZ. ambiguus from M. nigritus,
among the shells: from: Mazatlan, (Zeitschr. fir Malak. 1850,
p. 188,) finds nine varices in his specimens of the former.
M. radix is not mentioned as occurring among them.
Station.—On mud banks at low water; Cuming: Reeve.
Our specimens were found in part in. the erevices of rocks,
but chiefly about‘ stones, where there was more or less of sandy
mud, near low water mark.
Habitat.—East Indian Seas; Dillwyn. |
Shores of Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland! La-
marck: also Valenciennes.
Acapulco; Say in Catal. Mus.
Shores of Acapulco and of Panama; Kiener.
Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Bay of Caraccas; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 100 specimenson the reef. Two of them weigh
22, ounces each, and one of these is 54 inches long.
Habitat of M. ambiguus—Unknown ; Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; C. B.A!
Murex nigritus Phil. we were unable to. find at Panama.
139. Murex rectirostris.
Muree rectirostris Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 138. Nov. 1840,
___ ————- Sowb. Conch. Ill. pl. 197. f. 111. 1841,
—___— ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 22. f, 91. June 1845.
124 Panama Shells. MURICID A.
Station.—Sandy mud at the depth of 11 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat.—Xipixapi; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A,!
We obtained only 1 immature specimen.
140. Murex recurvirostris.
Murex recurvirostris Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 174. Oct. 1832.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p.92. May 1836.
——— ————— Sowb. Conch. Il. pl. 59. f. 9. 1841,
—— ————— Reeve Conch. Icon, pl. 19. f. 75. June 1845,
Station.—Sandy mud at the depth of 9 fathoms; Cuming!
Broderip : also Reeve.
Habitat—Gulf of Nicoya; Cuming! Broderip: also Sowerby :
and Reeve: and Miiller.
Gulf of Nicoya ; Jay.
Panama; C. B’ A.!
We obtained 1 imperfect specimen.
141. Murex regius.
Murex regius Swains. in Bligh Catal. p. 16. No. 201 and
No. 806. (Spec. non dese.) - May 1822.
—— —— Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 5. f. 13. 1828,
—— — Wodarch Introd. Conch. ue ed.) Front.
f. 2. 1831,
—— tricolor Valenc. in Humb. Bee Obs. TL. 800. 1833.
—— regius Swains. Exot. Conch. p. 5. pl. 15. 1834,
oe “ 6 “ ‘“ “ (Hanley Ed.) 1841,
—— —— Sowb. Conch. Ill. Catal. No. 89. 1841,
— — Penny Cyclop. XXII. 55. f. 1842,
Kiener Iconog. p. 65. pl. 42, 43. f. 1.
MUREX. Panama Shells. 125
Murex régius Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 610. No. 80.
(Desh. Ed.) - - - - 1843.
—— —— Lam.An. saaeo: JIL. Pt. 2. p. 16. No.
80. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - - - - 1844,
— — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 15. f. 59. June 1845.
" Station.—On mud banks at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found in the crevices of rocks between
the low water mark of the spring tides and of the neap tides.
We cannot help suspecting some omission in Mr. Cuming’s
statement of the station of this species and of radix. Neither
species was found by us away from rocks or stones, and we can-
not well conceive how, without such shelter, the fronds could be
protected from injuries.
Habitat—Peru; Bligh Catalogue.
South Seas; Wood.
Acapulco ; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valenciennes,
Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Western Coast of Central and South America;
Penny Cyclopedia.
Shores of Peru; Kiener: also Deshayes.
Panama; Jay: also Morch.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 18 specimens on the reef. Only a few were
taken, because the species is extremely common in collections,
We have since regretted the restriction to such a small number,
en account of the fine coloring of the exterior and perfect con-
dition of most of these shells. Some of them are also remarka-
ble for size. One specimen is 5.8 inches long, and 4.2 inches
142. Wurex salebrosus.
Murex salebrosus King in Zool. Journ. Lond. V. 347. 1835.
vitulinus Gray (non Lam.) in Zool. Beech. Voy.
pl. 33.f. 4,6. - + - packs oe 1839.
JULY, 1852. 32 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist,
126 Panama Shells. MURICID.2.
Murex salebrosus Sowb. Conch. Dl. pl. 68. f. 48. 1641.
———— Kiener Iconog. p. 121) pl. 47. f. 1.
—- ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 63. No. B4.
Desh.ed. -'- - - - - - = = 1848,
—— —— Lam. An. sans Vert. HE Pt. 2. p. 717.
No. 84. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - 1844,
—— ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 24.f98. © Aug. 1845.
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Reeve.
We found this species under stones not far.from low water
mark, :
_ Habitat—“ Southern Coast of South America ;" Sowerby.
Unknown; Kiener.
Shores of South America; Deshayes.
Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers{! Menke.
1. Panama; Jay.
Lower California; Major Rich! Gould MSS.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
14 specimens were collected.
143. Murex vibex. |
Murex vibex Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 175. Oct. 1882.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 94. May 1836.
—— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 34. f. 175. - Oct, 1845.
Most of the transverse ridges are simple ridges only, over
which the spiral lines are continued without interruption. Occa-
sionally some one ridge appears to be a true varix. The species
has been regarded as intermediate between Turbinella and
Murex. It seems to be nearer to the former than to the latter
Station—In sandy mud, at a depth of from 6 to 12 fathoms ;
Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
PYRULA. Panama Shells. 127
One of our specimens we found alive under a stone. The
others were occupied by hermit crabs.
Habitat—St. Elena and Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
13 specimens were collected.
144. Murex vittatus.
Murex vittatus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 176. Oct. 1832.
Reeve Conch. Icon; pl. 29. f. 140. * Aug. 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud at the depth of 11 fathoms; Cuming!
Broderip: also Reeve.
Habitat—I. of Muerte Bay, at Guayaquil; Cuming! Brode-
rip: also Reeve.
West Columbia; Cuming in sched.
Panama; C. B. A.!
i specimen was obtained, which is much larger than Mr.
Cuming’s specimens.
145. Pyrula patula.
Pyrula patula Brod. and Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV.'377. 1829,
—_— Valence: in Humb. Rec. Obs. II. 291. i: 1833,
—— —— Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. pl. 35. f. 1;
also pl. 34. f. 10. and pL 35. f. 3. young. 1839.
——— — Kiener Iconog. p. 14. pl. 2. f. 1, 2.
Lam. An. sans Vert. TX. 522. No. 31.
(Desh. ed.) - - - 1843,
—- Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. b 686. No.
31. (Desh. ed. tert.) a s 1844,
Cyrtulus Hinds in Zool. Sulph. Moll. p. 13. 1844,
Pyrula Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 20. July 1847,
128 Panama Shells. MURICIDA.
Deshayes has very aptly remarked of this and of the kindred
species, P. melongena, that their differences, although not very
obvious, derive importance from their constancy; and, we may
add, from their restriction each to distinct zoological provinces.
One of these types belongs to the Pacific shores of tropical
America, and the other to the Caribbean shores. Mr. Reeve,
however, has unfortunately assigned the Caribbean species to
the “ Eastern Seas.” It is perhaps unnecessary to say that we
have collected plentifully living specimens of P. melongena, in
Jamaica, where it is a common article of food. Dr. Gould
has also received it direct from Cuba, and Mr. Redfield from
Carthagena, 8, A.
Station—On mud banks; Cuming! Reeve. Its analogue,
P. melongena, has a similar station in the West Indies.
* Habitat Acapulco; Humboldt and Bonpland! Valenciennes.
Shores of Mexico; Kiener.
Shores of the Pacific Ocean; Deshayes.
Bay of Caraccas ; Cuming! Reeve.
Peru; Cuming in sched.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.: also Mus. Es-
sex Inst.
Pacific; Jay.
Bay of Panama; C. B. A.!
We saw this species in a large heap of edible Molluscs, near
the houses of some natives in Panama. None of the specimens
being perfect, we took only one, which is nearly seven inches
146. Ficula ventricosa.
Martini III. pl. 66. f. 733. 1777,
Pyrula ventricosa Sowb. in Tank. Catal. No. 1614. App. p. 16. 1825.
Bulla decussata Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 3. f. 3. 1828.
Pyrula ventricosa Kiener p. 27. pl. 12. f. 2.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX, 521. No, 29. (Desh. ed.) 1843,
FASCIOLARIA, Panama: Shells. 129
Fisula vventricosa:'Chenu. Tl. Conch: pl. :1..f.:1. ple 2.:f. 1. ‘1843,
Pyrila ———— Lam: An. sans ‘Vert. III. Pt.:2. p: 686. No. 29.
(Desh. ed. tert:) a Ee 8 1844,
Ficula:: decussata Reeve Conch.'Icon: pl. 1. f..8. | : May, 1847.
“Station.—None of our specimens‘ were taken alive; but it
is prdébable that the species inhabits sands bélow low water
Habitat Unknown ; Sowerby.
Panama; Wood.
Shores of San Blas; Kiener,
Seas of India and of China; Deshayes,
Unknown; Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke,
San Blas, and Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 8 specimens on the sand beach west of Panama,
147. Fusus ‘bellus. Nov.:sp.
Shell rather elongate and regularly fusiform ; white, with
some reddish brown spots in spiral series, mostly in three series,
one above and two next below the middle of the whorls: with,
on each whorl, about ten rather narrow prominent ribs, some of
which are varicoid, with spiral raised lines, with ‘the intersec-
tions nodulous, and spiral striae: apex acute: spire conic:
whorls seven, very convex, with a moderately impressed suture:
aperture long ovate; canal wide, moderately lengthened.
Mean divergence about 50°; length .44 inch; breadth .21
inch ; length of ‘spire .22 inch. :
Station Unknown.
_Habitat.—Panama;.0..B. A.!
One,specimen only was obtained.
148. Fasciolaria granosa,
Synonymy. .
Fasciolaria granosa Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc::Lond. p: 82. Feb, 1832.
JULY, 1852. 33 Ann. Lyo. Nar. Hist.
130 Panama Shells. MURICIDZ&.
Fasciolaria granosa Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 106. “May 1836.
—_—— Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 114. 1839.
Kiener Iconog. p. 15. pl. 5.
Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 487. No.
11.(Desh.ed.) - - - - = 1843.
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p. 656. No.
11. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - = 1844,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 3. f. 6. Oct. 1847.
Station.—On mud banks; Cuming! Broderip. We found
only one specimen alive. It was among stones in a muddy
place, near low water mark. From the number of imperfect
specimens, which we saw occupied by hermit crabs near low
water mark, it seemed probable that its usual station was at a
lower level.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve: also
South Pacific; Gray.
Shores of Peru; Kiener.
“Tile de Panama ;” Deshayes.
Panama; Hankey! Reeve.
Peru, and Panama; Jay.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We collected 7 specimens.
149. Turbinella cestus.
Turbinella ceestus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 8. Jan. 18338.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 106. May 1836.
Reeve. Conch. Icon, pl. 6. f. 34. Aug. 1847,
Station —In soft mud among the rocks; Cuming! Broderip:
also Reeve. We found it on asand beach near low water mark.
Habitat—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Bay of Caraccas; Jay.
TURBINELLA. Panama Shells. 131
Taboga; ©. B. A.!
We obtained 1 living and 1 dead specimen.
This species and 7. muricata furnish another interesting ex-
ample of a pair of nearly allied types, of which one inhabits
the Pacific shores of tropical America, while the other is a
Caribbean species.
150. Turbinella castanea.
Turbinella castanea Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 114. 1839.
—_—— Siebold in Wiegm. Archiv. p. 213. 1839.
acuminata Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 229. f. 2. 1842,
castanea Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 5. f. 26. July 1847;
Station.—In crevices of rocks ; Cuming! Reeve.
We found this species in the same situation, not far from low
water mark.
Habitat.—Pacific Ocean ; Gray.
Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; HE. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 32 specimens, 12 of which were taken alive.
Many of them are covered with prominent spiral linear ridges,
which are wanting on others. But the number of specimens
with intermediate characters is so large as to show that the dis-
tinction is not of specific value.
151. Turbinella cerata.
Murex ceratus Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 5. f. 15. 1828.
Turbinella cerata Griff. An. King. Moll. pl. 41. f. 5. 1834,
Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 114. 1839,
—— Kiener Iconog. p. 25. f. 16. f. 1.
— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 37. Aug. 1847,
Station—Under stones at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
182 Panama Shells. + MURICID'Z.
We found this species in the. same situation-and in the cre-
vices of rocks.
Habitat—Unknown:; ‘Wood.
South Pacific ; Gray: also Jay.
‘Mazatlan ; Kiener.
Gallapago Is.; Cuming! Reeve.
Taboga.and Panama; C..B..A.!
We collected 12 specimens.
152. Turbinella rudis.
‘Turbinella rudis Reeva Conch. Icon. pl. 10. f. 51. Aug. 1847,
Station.—Under stones, and in the crevices of rocks, near low
water mark.
Habitat—Unknown ; Reeve.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 80 specimens.
163. Turbinella spadicea. -
Turbinella spadicea Reeve Conch. Icon, pl. 9. f. 44. Aug. 1847,
Station— Unknown.
Habitat.— Unknown ;. Reeve.
Taboga;.C. B. A..|
We collected 15 specimens in various states of preservation. .
CANCELLARIA:.—The ‘species of this genus being
pelagic, we were unable to make any observations on their habits
of station. The number of individuals is small as compared
with the number of the species .obtained.. We collected .25
specimens, which belong.to 9 species.
154. Cancellaria affinis. ‘Nov. sp.
Shell ovate: fusiform: -brown, sometimes -with one-:or two
CANCELLARIA. Panama Shells, 133
spiral bands of white: with, on each whorl, about thirty narrow
prominent transverse ridges more or less inequidistant; with
numerous raised spiral lines, of which five are seen on the spire,
and which on the last whorl are less prominent and wide than
the transverse ridges: apex subacute: spire with the outlines
nearly rectilinear: whorls six, convex, with the suture subca-
naliculate ; last whorl rather large: aperture semiobovate, with
long sharp ridges within on the right side: labrum sharp,
thickened a little behind the edge, scalloped by both the inter-
nal and the external sculpture: columella stout, with three
plaits, of which the upper one is lamelliform and very promi-
nent, and the lower one is small and very oblique: canal short:
with a small umbilical chink bounded by the raised labrum and
a spiral bridge.
Mean divergence about 68°; length 1.05 inch; breadth .65
inch ; length of spire .45 inch.
This species is not so densely and finely scalpented as C7.
elegans Sowb., and is less ventricose than C. asperella Lam.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were obtained.
155. Cancellaria clavatula.
Cancellaria clavatula Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 52. Mar, 1832.
————— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 74. 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 11. pl. 10. f. 12. 1841,
Kiener Iconog. p. 31. pl. 5. f. 2.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 230. f. 12. 1842.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 416. No. 23.
(Desh. ed.)- - - - - - 1843,
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p. 648.
No. 23, (Desh. ed. tert.) —- 1844,
Sowb. Thes. Conch, p. 445. No. 20.
pl. 92. f. 13. pl. 95. f. 67. 1848,
JULY, 1852. 84 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
134 Panama: Shells, a MURICID A
Station Sandy: mud in7 fathoms. water ;,Cumting!: Sowerby.
Habitat—Pondina and Payta; Cuming! Sowerby: also
Bay ‘of Panidma and shore’ of Paytd; Kienér.
Panaina and Payta; Deshayes.
Pandma; Jay.’
Pandina; C0. B.. Av *
8 specimens were collectéd.*’
156. :‘Cancellaria decussata. ©».
Cancellaria idecusdata ‘Sawh. in Proc..Zool. Soc. Londi.p.552 Mar. 1882;
—_ Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 787. :1. 1886.
Sowb. Conch. Il. No. & pl..9.f 8... -. 1841.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 446. No, 24.
p.92,f8 «+ = = = 1848;
Station.—Sandy..myd, in 10.to 13. fathoms .water ;, Cuming |.
Habitat—Panama and Puerto Portrero; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; Jay.
Panama.—C. B. A.|!
2 specimens were obtained. .
157. Cancellaria goniostoma.
Cancellaria goniostoma.Sewb..in. Proc... Zoal.. Soc. Lond...
p51, u- - = -- Mar, 1882.
Mill..Syn. Nov. :Test. Viv. p.73. -. 1836,
‘Sowb. Conch. IL: No, 47. ph..13.f..43. +.1841,
———— Sowb. Thes.. Conch, p. 457. No. 64.
pl. 94£ 40.0 ve -- = 1848,
Station.—A sandy . bottom, in ,8; fathoms water ;. Cuming |
Sowerby, ;
CANCHELARIA. PanamavShells 135
Habitat. —Conchagua,:~8an -Salvador}: Cuming!; Sowerby
also Miller: " ~
Central America; Jay.”
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Mazatlan ; Dt. Greén! Gould MSSy «*:
Lower California; Major Rich! Gould MSS. .°
Taboga; C, B. A.!
We found 1 specimen.
158. Cancellaria mitriformis:-->
Synony mys, ing. -
Cancellaria mitriformis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
pd o-oo - - - Mar. T8382.
auniplieaia isi Sowb.cin« Proc. Zeol.-Soe. “Lond. -+-4
p. 178: +1, -~- -- + = Oct. 1882)
Miill. Syn. Nov. Test. Viv..p. 79. =. 1836,
mitriformis , Mill. Syn. Nov. Test..Noy._p. 73,. 1836.
uniplicata Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 12. pl. 10. £18, 1841,
mitriformis Sowb: Conch. III: No. 13. pl.10. £14. . 1841.
—_—__—_—— uniplieata:-:: Reeve Conch. Syst.*pl.-230. £13. 7° 18427
——___——.. mitriformis » Reeve.Gonch. Byst.-pl. 230. fd4 24 18427
—_—— ‘Kiener Iconog.-p. 27, pl..9..f. 8.1. 5 ‘
Sowb, Thes. Conch. p. 445. Na. 19.,
pl 93.£24,35. - - . 1848,
Station.—One specimen of .C..m. was eres mud}
Cuming !_ Sowerby... Two.specimens,.of;.C. u«.were dredged in
sand at a depth of 10 fathoms;:Cuming!,Sowerby., ....
Halitat—Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Panama yiKiener:: also Jay..: ..
Panama; ©. B. A.!
Two young and 3.mature, specimens rwere:ebtained:1\"Two.of
the latter of a deep blackish brown, like var. uniplicata.
159. Cancellaria pulchra:-:~
Synonymy. -
Cancellaria pulchra Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 50. Mar. 1832.
136 Panama Shells. MURICIDZ.
Cancellaria pulchra Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 72. 1836.
— Sowb. Conch. Tl. No. 39. pl. 18. f. 37. 1841.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 451. No. 42.
pl. 94.f,41, - = - = 1848.
Station.—Sandy bottom in 8 to 10 fathoms water; Cuming!
Hatbitat.—St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Taboga; C. B.A.!
Two specimens were obtained.
160. Cancellaria pygmza. Nov. sp.
Shell subovate, short; pale wax color, with minute dark
brown dots on the ribs, and dark brown irregular rays on the
upper part of the last whorl; with slender prominent ribs,
which are only nine in number on the last whorl, but are
crowded and numerous on the spire, and which are much
developed at the angle of the whorls; with several fine raised
spiral lines, which are stouter on the summits of the ribs, and
crowded intermediate microscopic striae: apex subacute: spire
with the outlines rectilinear: whorls five, acutely shouldered,
with a broad concave area above, moderately convex below
the angle, with a well impressed suture: aperture triangular,
effuse below: labrum thickened by the last rib; labium thin,
elevated : columella with two lamelliform slightly oblique plaits ;
umbilicus narrow, deep, bounded by an acute angle in the last
Mean divergence, about 100°; length .88 inch; breadth
.25 inch ; length of spire .15 inch.
This species is allied to C. contabulata Sowb., and C. bicolor
Habitat—Taboga; C. B. A.!
One specimen was found.
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Shells, 137
161. Cancellaria solida.
Cancellaria solida Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 52. Mar. 1832.
—__—- Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 72. 1836.
Sowb. Conch, Ill. No. 6. pl. 9. f. 6. 1841,
-—— Thes, Conch. p. 440. No. 5. pl. 92. f. 4. 1848.
Station.—Hight to ten fathoms, sandy bottom; Cuming!
Habitat—Real Llejos and St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby :
also Miiller.
Real Llejos; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
One specimen was found.
162. Cancellaria tesselata.
Cancellaria tesselata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 51. Mar. 1832.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 74. 1836.
Sowb. Conch. IHust. No, 21. pl. 11. £20, 1841,
Kiener Iconog. p. 82. pl. 9. f. 4.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 447, No. 29. pl. 93.
f. 32. - . ee. 8 - 1848.
Station.—Sandy, muddy bottom, in from 7 to 10 fathoms;
Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat.—Bay of Caraccas, St. Elena, and Xipixapi; Cum-.
ing! Sowerby: also Miiller.
“South Sea; Bay of Caraccas, and St. Elena;”
Bay of Caraccas; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
Two specimens were obtained.
PLEUROTOMA. Like Colwmbeila, this genus was found
to be represented by numerous species; but unlike that genus,
JULY, 1852 | 85 Ann Lro, Nat. Hist,
1388 Panama Shells. MURICID.#.
the species were represented by few individuals, at least so far
as they could be found without a dredge. A similar abundance
of species and scarcity of specimens in this genus occurs in the
Caribbean seas. One large species was found; of the others,
nearly one half are as small as the Caribbean species: the rest
are nearer to an average size as compared with the species which
have been described by European authors. Most of the small
species are undescribed. If we may judge from the collections
made by us in Panama and in Jamaica, and received from Cey-
lon, it may be conjectured that the undescribed species in this
genus are as numerous as those which have been described.
We do not refer to Kiener’s monograph, which contains 60 spe-
cies: for, including the allied genus Mangelia, nearly 500 species
have been described. Probably this is not more than half of
the number actually existing.
163. Pleurotoma aterrima.
Pleurotoma aterrima Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p. 137. - - - Dee. 1833.
—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 113. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 12. f. 100. May 1843.
Station.— Under stones; Cuming! Reeve.
Our living specimens were found in the same situation at low
water mark.
Habitat.—Monte Christi; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We collected 14 specimens, most of which were occupied by
hermit crabs.
164. Pleurotoma atrior. Nov. sp.
Shell subfusiform : jet black, with a paler translucent spiral
stripe below the middle of the whorls: with a spiral series of
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Shells. 139
granules next above the suture, and a not very prominent keel
above the middle of the whorls; on the last whorl three other
keels appear, which are more or less granulated: apex very
acute: spire with convex outlines: whorls eleven, angular un-
der the spiral keel, beneath it concave, with an indistinct suture:
aperture long, with a rather deep sinus: canal very short, wide.
This species has some resemblance to P. discors. It must also
resemble P. Melchersi Menke, Zeitschr. 1851. p. 20.
Mean divergence about 88°; length .8 inch; breadth .28
inch ; length of spire .5 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was obtained.
165. Pleurotoma bicanalifera.
Pleurotoma bicanalifera Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p. 186. - - - Dec. 1833.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. P
112. - May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. fi 12. f.103. May 1843.
Station.—Sandy mud at a depth of 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat—Shores of Central America; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Miiller.
Bay of Montija; Cuming! Reeve.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We found only 1 specimen.
166. Pleurotoma collaris.
Pleurotoma collaris Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p.139% - - - - - Dee, 1883.
140 Panama ‘Shells. MURICIDA.
Pleurotoma collaris Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p.117. May 1836.
—_—— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 15. f. 120. July 1843.
Station.—Muddy sand at the depth of 8 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
4 specimens were collected.
167. Pleurotoma concinna. Nov. sp.
Shell fusiform: white, tinged more or less with reddish
brown: with numerous crowded small ribs, which become ob-
solete near the labrum, and crowded spiral strise, which are finer
on the spire: apex acute: spire with moderately convex out-
lines: whorls eight, angular along the middle, with a mode-
rately impressed suture: aperture very long and narrow: la-
brum very much thickened a little behind the edge, with the
sinus deep and very near the suture: canal scarcely distinct
from the aperture. Jt resembles P. triticea Kiener, and may be
a Mangelia.
Mean divergence about 43°; length .42 inch; breadth .17
inch; length of spire .18 inch.
Habitat— Panama; CO. B. A.!—1 specimen was obtained.
168. Pleurotoma corrugata,
Pleurotoma corrugata Sowb. (non Kiener) in Proc. Zool.
Soc. Lond. p. 187. - - Dec. 1833.
turricula Sowb. (non Maggillivray) in Proc.
Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 137. - - _ Dec. 18388.
corrugata a :
vabsdeale Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv.p.114, May 1836,
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Shells. 141
Pleurotoma turricula Reove Conch. Syst. pl. 233. f. 6. 1842.
——_ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 49.
(non pl. 19. f.162.)> = - Feb. 1843,
Sowerbyt Reeve Conch. Icon. in “ Errata”
Pleurot. - - - - Apr. 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud at 10 fathoms depth; Cuming! Sow-
Habitat—Bay of Montija, and Puerto Portrero; Cuming!
Sowerby: Miiller.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were obtained.
169. Pleurotoma discors,
Pleurotoma discors Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 187. Dec. 1833.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 113. May 1836,
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 235. f. 14.* 1842.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 38. * Feb. 1843.
Station.—Coral sand at the depth of 17 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat.—I. of Plata; Cuming ! Sowerby : also Reeve.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.! |
We were indebted to the hermit crabs for 5 specimens.
170. Pleurotoma duplicata.
Pleurotoma duplicata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond.
p- 138. : : : ; Dee. 1833.
Reeve. Conch. Icon. pl. 9. f. 78. Apr. 1843.
Station.—A. sandy muddy floor at 10 fathoms depth; Cum-
ing ! Sowerby : also Reeve.
* The citation in the Conch. Icon. of fig. 10. in pl 234 of Concl. Syst. is evi-
dently o misprint for fig. 14.
JULY, 1852, 36 Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist.
142 Panama Shells. MURICID..
Habitat—Puerto Portrero and Bay of Montija in Central
America; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained: it is of a blackish brown color, but
otherwise is indistinguishable from a specimen received from
Mr. Cuming. It is smaller and more slender and finely sculp-
tured than Mr. Reeve’s figure.
171. Pleurotoma excentrica?
Pleurotoma excentrica Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p. 138. - - Dec. 1833,
Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 115. May 1836.
- Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 58. Mar. 1843.
Station.—Coral sand at the depth of* 6 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby : also Reeve. a
Habitat. *_Gallapago Ts. ; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We found 1 specimen, which probably belongs to this species.
It is a little longer than the figure in the Conch. Icon., and is
distorted only in the last whorl: spiral lines cross the ribs only
172. Pleurotoma exigua. Nov. sp.
Shell slender: pale cream color, with very fine brown spiral
lines, of | Jyhich, the. two.or three upper ones are single, and the
rest are in pairs: with distant obtuse, transverse ridges, about
six or seven on each whorl, obsolete on the anterior’ half of the
last whorl: apex acute: spire with the outlines mioderately
convex: whorls six, convex, with a distinct suture: aperture,
narrow: labrum thickened by the last ridge a little behind the
edge, with a deep sinus near the suture: canal very short.
Mean divergence about 34°; length .175 inch; breadth .06
inch ; length of spire .1 inch. _—
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Shells. 148
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama,; C. B. A.!
1 specimen of this elegant little shell was obtained in the
calcareous sand on the shore.
173. Pleurotoma gemmulosa. Nov. sp.
Shell long, subfusiform: brown, with some pale spots:
surface densely covered with small transverse and spiral ridges,
with the intersections developed into elegantly rounded promi-
nent nodules, except near the end of the last whorl, where the
transverse ridges are obsolete: apex acute: spire with the out-
lines very curvilinear: whorls eight, a little convex, with a
moderately impressed suture: aperture very narrow, with a
small sinus near the suture: labrum thickened without and
within : canal very short.
Mean divergence about 33°; length .22 inch; breadth .08
inch; length of spire .14anch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
174, Pleurotoma grandimaculata. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate pyramidal: black, with a single spiral series
of very large dingy white spots: with excessively minute incre-
mental and spiral strie, the latter of which are obsolete ante-
riorly ; with a sharp simple spiral keel a little below the suture;
a little below the middle of the whorls is a sharp tuberculated
keel, which is less developed between the tubercles; these
tubercles coincide with the white spots, and on the last whorl
are transversely elongated ; on the last whorl four or five more
spiral linear keels are seen: apex acute: spire conic: whorls
ten, concave between the keels, with the suture indistinct;
aperture rather narrow ; Jabrum moderately thickened, with the
sinus rather deep: labium well developed: canal very short.
144 Panama Shells. MURICIDZ.
Mean divergence about 38°; length .95 inch; breadth .35
inch ; length of spire .62 inch.
Having received from Mr. Cuming specimens of this species
‘labelled P. zonulata, we infer that it has been confounded with
that species in collections. Mr. Cuming’s specimens are said.
in the MS. catalogue to have come from the Philippine Is,
but as their specific identity with our species is unquestionable,
it is probable that the catalogue is erroneous.
Station — Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
We obtained 1 fresh and 1 faded specimen.
175. Pleurotoma incrassata,
Pleurotoma incrassata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p-138 - - - = Dec. 1883,
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 115. May 1836.
Botte Kiener Iconog. p. 33. pl. 15. f. 2.
incrassata Reeve Conch, Icon. pl. 9. f. 76. Apr. 1843.
Station.—Sandy mud at the depth of 6 to 10 fathoms; Cum-
ing! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Hoabitat—Panama, and Monte Christi; Cuming! Sowerby.
Mazatlan ; Botta! (?) Kiener.
Bay of Panama, &c. ; Cuming! Reeve.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
176. Pleurotoma nigerrima.
Pleurotoma nigerrima Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p.187, - - + - + - - + Dec, 1883,
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Shells. 145
Pleurotoma cornuta Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p 1386. - - - - - - - Dee. 1833.
Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 112. May 1836,
nigerrima Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 118. May 1836,
—— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 12. f. 102. May 1843,
Station—Sandy mud in 6 and 10 fathoms; Cuming! Sow-
_ erby: also Reeve.
Habitat— Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miil-
ler. (var. cornuta.)
Panama and Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We were indebted to the hermit crabs for 3 specimens.
177. Pleurotoma obeliscus.
Pleurotoma, obeliscus Reeve in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.110. Oct. 1845.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 20, f. 175. Oct. 18465.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Unknown; Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
178. Pleurotoma olivacea.
Pleurotoma olivacea Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 126. Dec. 1833,
——_—_——_ ——- Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 111. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 27. Feb. 1843,
Station—In sandy mud at 5 to 12 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby. From mud in 4 to 7 fathoms depth; Hinds!
Habitat—Salango and St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby: also
Reeve: also Miiller.
JULY, 1852, ' 37 Ann, Lro, Nat. Hist,
146 Panama Shells. MURICIDZ,
Panama,. Gulf of Nigoya, and western coast of
Mexico; Hinds! Reeve.
Panama; Jay.
Panama ; ©. B. A.1!
8 specimens were obtained.
179. Pleurotoma pallida.
Pleurotoma pallida Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 137. Dec. 1833.
Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 113. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 16. f. 134. Aug. 1843.
Station.—A sandy muddy: floor at the depth of 13 fathoms ;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat.—Puerto Portrero; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Panama; C. B. A.!
12 specimens in various stages of growth were obtained.
180. Pleurotoma rigida.
Clavatula rigida Hinds in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 45. Mar. 1843.
—— Hinds inVoy. Sulph. Moll. pl. 7. f. 18. 1844.
Pleurotoma Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 25. f. 216. Oct. 1845.
Station— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; Hinds! quoted by Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 20 specimens of this species in some calcareous
sand near the sea wall of Panama.
181. Pleuvotoma rudis,
Pleurotoma rudis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 184. Dee. 1833.
PLEUROTOMA. Panama Sheits, 147
Piewrotoma rudis Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p.109.. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. £. 53. Mar. 1843.
Siation.— Onder stones; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Habitat.—Monte Christi; Cuming !. Sowerby; also Reeve:
also Miiller.
Monte Christi; Jay.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
- 2 specimens were obtained.
182. - Pleurotoma rustica.
Pleurotoma rustica Sowb-in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 188 Dec. 1833.
————_— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 116. May 1836.
thiarella Kiener Iconog. p. 586. pl. 23..f. 2.2
rustica. Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 11. f. 91. May 1843.
Mr. Reeve’s reference to Proc. Z. S. 1848, is a misprint for
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve:
also Miiller. We found it under stones near low water mark.
Habitat.—Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve: also
* ' Miller.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected, most of them more strongly
striated spirally on the last whorl than is represented in the
Conch. Icon.
183. Pleurotoma striosa. Nov. sp.
Shell slender: dingy white, with a more or less distinct
brown spiral stripe on the last whorl issuing from the upper
part of the aperture: with indistinct crowded spiral strix, with
ten or twelve very slender ribs on each whorl: apex acute:
148 Panama Shells. MURICIDA.
spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls eight, convex,
with a moderately impressed suture: aperture rather narrow:
labrum rather sharp, thickened behind the edge by a very
stout rib: canal rather wide, very short.
Mean divergence about 83°; length .8 inch; breadth
.1 inch; length of spire .2 inch.
Habitat—Panama; O. B. A.!
13 specimens were found in the calcareous sand on the
184. Pleurotoma zonulata.
Pleurotoma cincta Sowb. (non Lam.) in Proe. Zool. Soc.
Lond. p. 136. - - - Dec. 1833.
zonulata Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 234. f. 10. 1842.
—_— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 39. Feb. 1843.
The name given by Mr. Sowerby was pre-occupied by
Station—Sand and gravel at a depth of 7 fathoms; Cuming |!
Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat.—Monte Christi and Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
Two specimens were obtained.
Of each of the following species we obtained but one speci-
men in a more or less imperfect condition. They were found
near Panama, mostly in the calcareous sand.
18. Pleurotoma
186. Pleurotoma b.
187, Mangelia
MANGELIA, Panama Shells. 149
188. Mangelia d,
189. Mangelia e
190. Mangelia Sf.
191. Mamgelia neglecta. Nov. sp.
Shell subfusiform: pale brownish red: with, on each whorl,
eight or nine prominent curved ribs, and an elevated spiral line
on the middle of the whorls, which becomes obsolete on the
last whorl; anteriorly with several spiral stria: apex acute:
spire with the outlines moderately convex: whorls seven,
rather convex, with a distinct suture: aperture rather narrow,
mostly parallel with the axis of the spire: labrum much thick-
ened within and without, with a narrow sinus: canal very
Mean divergence about 40°; length .2 inch; breadth .07 inch;
length of spire .11 inch.
Station. Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 2 specimens from the calcareous sand at
Panama; also other 2, of a more slender variety.
This is one of the many species whose claim to a place in the
genus Mangelia will not be universally conceded.
192. Mangelia sulcosa?
? Columbella sulcosa Sowb. in Proc. Zoal. Soc. Lond. p. 118. June 1832.
a Duel. in Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 21. f. 5. 6.
¥ —___—_—_— ——— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 141. pl. 40. f. 165.
The color of our specimens is a very deep green between the
cream-colored ribs, and brownish towards the apex, which is
nearly colorless, The “infra canali distincto” and “ interno
SULY, 1852, 38 Ann, Lyo. Nat. Hist
150 Panama Shells. MURICID&.
[labio] rugis basilibus nonnullis” Sowb., the well defined sinus
of the lip, and the sharp continuous ribs, present a group of
characters more characteristic of a Mangelia. We are not,
however, perfeetly satisfied of. the specific identity of our shell
with Mr. Sowerby’s.
Station.—We found our specimens under stones at and below
the low water mark of neap tides.
_ .Habitat—Annaa and Lord. Hood’s Is-
land; Cuming! Sowerby. + Columbella sulcosa.
- Lord Hood’s Island; Jay.
Taboga and Panama, C. B. A.!
170 specimens were collected.
193. Cerithium adustum.
Cerithium adustum Kiener Iconog. p. 87. pl. 23.f. 2 non 3.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 313. No. 46.
(Desh. ed.) - - - 1848.
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. p. 611.
No. 46. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1844,
There is evidently a transposition, as noticed by Deshayes,
Jay, and Menke, in Kiener’s references to and names on the
plate of his figures of this species and of C. maculosum.
Station.—In wet sand, under stones, at half tide level.
Habitat—Indian Ocean, Red Sea; Kiener.
Indian Ocean, according to Kiener; Deshayes.
Red Sea; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
206 specimens were collected. The doubt which Deshayes
implies of the accuracy of Kiener’s, statement of habitat, must
be well founded.
194. .Cerithium assimilatum., | Nov. sp.
' Shell very long, conic: very dark brownish red, with some
CERITHIUM. Panama Shells. 161
irregular linear spots of white on the spiral keels: with three
excessively prominent compressed acute nearly equal and equi-
distant spiral keels, with narrow deep interspaces, which are
crossed by microscopic raised lines, with a fourth keel on the
periphery of the last whorl, and another anteriorly which is
more minute: apex acute: spire with the outlines nearly recti-
linear: whorls sixteen to eighteen, planulate, with the suture
very indistinct: last whorl very short: aperture ovate: labrum
deeply scalloped by the spiral ridges: canal large, very short.
Mean divergence about 18°; length .28 inch; breadth
.06 inch; length of spire .19 inch.
This species is allied to C. trilineatum Phil. and to C. terebel-
lum Ad.
Station.—Under stones, sponges, and marine plants, &c., near
low water mark.
Hobitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
Eight specimens were collected.
195. Cerithium bimarginatum. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: wax color, dark brown on the upper
whorls: with a spiral ridge at each margin of the whorls of the
spire and an intermediate raised line ; on each whorl with about
eighteen transverse small ridges with intersections strongly
nodulous; with a simple spiral ridge at the periphery of the
last whorl; anteriorly without sculpture: apex very acute:
spire with the outlines rectilinear : whorls thirteen, concave, with
a well impressed suture; last whorl very short, concave ante-
riorly, with the periphery angular: aperture subquadrate:
columella with a very prominent spiral fold: canal rather short,
Mean divergence about 20°; length .176 inch; breadth .065
inch; length of spire .14 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
152 Panama Shells. MURICIDA.
Habitat,—Panama ; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found.
196. Cerithium famelicum. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: dingy white, more or less profusely
mottled with irregular brown spots, which are divided by fine
white spiral lines ; or nearly covered with fine alternating white
and brown lines: with a narrow spiral ridge on the middle of
the whorls, crossing transverse obtuse ridges, with very promi-
nent acute intersections; with the upper margin of the whorls
more or less granulous; anteriorly with two more granulous
spiral ridges; surface covered with fine spiral stri: apex acute:
spire with the outlines slightly curvilinear: whorls twelve,
moderately convex, with the suture lightly impressed; last
whorl short, gibbous on the left, with an anterior concave area:
aperture large, obliquely elliptical: labrum advanced in the
lower half: labium with a moderately thick deposit and a stout
transverse plait above: canal short, oblique.
Mean divergence about 33°; length 1.18 inch; breadth .5
inch ; length of spire .75 inch,
In color and sculpture only, this shell has some resemblance
to C. maculosum Kr. (C. adustum of Kr.’s plate.)
. Station.— Unknown,
Habitat.—Taboga; CO. B. A.
17 specimens were collected.
197, Cerithium gemmatum.
Cerithium gemmatum Hinds Voy. Sulph. Moll. pl. 11. f. 5. 6. 1844,
Station —Sandy mud, in from 2 or 8 to 7 fathoms or
upwards; Hinds!
CERITHIUM. Panama Shells. 153
Habitat—Panama; Hinds!
Taboga; C. B. A.!
19 specimens were collected.
198. Cerithium interruptum ?
¢ Cerithium interruptum Menke. Zeitsch. Mal. p. 178. for
1850. - - - - Apr. 1851.
Our specimens are, for the most part, much larger than those
which Dr. Menke describes. In other respects, they answer to
his description as nearly as could be expected in a species with
variable characters. Menke’s shell is 5.4 lines long, and many
of our specimens are 1 inch long.
Station—On and. under rocks and stones, between half tide
level and the low water mark of neap tides.
Habitat.— Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
' 1100 specimens were collected.
199. Cerithium . Sp. indet.
This shell is so nearly related to the preceding that it may be
@ question whether it should rank as a distinct species. It is
larger, being 1.2 inch long; and is wholly black, except the
eroded apex: it has one series of sharp tubercles, and the spiral
granular lines are more pfominent and more nearly equal than
in C. interruptum.
Station.—Like that of C. interruptum.
Habitat.—Taboga; OC. B. A.!
Thirty specimens were collected.
JULY, 1852. 39 Ann. Lro. Nat. His.
164 Panama Shells. MURICID&.
200. Cerithium irroratum.
Cerithium irreratum Gould in Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.
TIT. 119. - - - Feb. 1849.
Gould Exped. Shells. p. 61. Feb. 1849.
This species closely resembles C. ocellatum Brug., but Dr.
Gould informs me that it is his C. aroratum.
Station.—At and above half tide level ; mostly in the margin
of water left on the rocks by the tide.
Habitat—Unknown; Gould, in Exped. Shells.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
Hight hundred and twenty specimens were collected.
201. Cerithium neglectum. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: blackish red, with the apex white:
with three prominent spiral ridges on each whorl, of which
the upper two are less distant; with prominent transverse
ridges, sixteen or eighteen on the last whorl, where they are
less robust than on the spire, and which become obsolete on
the periphery of the last whorl ; with the intersections developed
into very prominent elegantly rounded nodules; anteriorly
with two additional subgranulous spiral ridges; apex acute:
spire with curvilinear outlines: whorls ten, moderately convex,
with the suture indistinct; last whorl rather short: aperture
obliquely subovate: labrum a little modified by the spiral
ridges: canal deep, very short. ,
Mean divergence about 20°; length .125 inch; breadth .04
inch; length of spire .09 inch.
Station.—Under stones, in old shells, in dead sponges, &o,,
near low water mark,
CERITHIUM. Panama Shells. 155
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
838 specimens were collected.
202. Cerithium Pacificum.
Cerithium Pacificum Sowb. Genera. No. 42. f. 9. 1824.
Humboldti Valenc. in Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 280. 1833.
———— Kiener Iconog. p. 83. pl. 26. f. 2.
Pacificum Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 236. f. 9. 1842.
Kiener ascribes priority to the description by Valenciennes in
Humb. Rec. Obs. The second volume of Humboldt’s work, in
which the Mollusca are described, bears the date 1833.
Habitat.—Cumana; Humboldt & Bonpland! Valenciennes,
Cumana; Kiener.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.|
1 specimen only was found.
203. Cerithium pauperculum. Nov. sp.
Shell slender: pale horn color: with several spiral keels, of
which five are visible on the spire, with many transverse ridges
on the upper whorls, which are reduced to raised lines on the
lower whorls, with the intersections slightly granulous; ante-
riorly the spiral ridges are obsolete; apex acute: spire with
the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls eight, slightly convex,
with a moderately impressed suture; last whorl rather long:
aperture long, acute above, with a small umbilical chink: canal
very short.
Mean divergence about 18°; length .13 inch; breadth .04
inch; length of spire .09 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found,
156 Panama Shells. MURICIDZ.
204. Cerithium pulchrum., Nov. sp.
Shell rather long, subconic: very dark brownish red, with
a yellowish white spiral line on the middle of the whorls: with
about forty slender acute ribs on each whorl, which terminate
abruptly on the periphery of the last whorl; with very stout
varices 240° distant; with a narrow acute spiral keel, above the
middle of the whorls, traversing the ribs and varices: with a
few raised spiral lines and many minute spiral striz, which do
not traverse the ribs; anteriorly with crowded coarse spiral
strice: apex acute: spire with the outlines moderately curvi-
linear: whorls eleven, convex, with a deep suture; last whorl
short: aperture large, quadrate-orbicular, broadly effuse above,
with a very narrow sinus in place of the canal; labrum and
labium continuous, very thick and highly polished.
Mean divergence about 33°; length 1.25 inch; breadth .65
inch ; length of spire .82 inch.
This species must closcly resemble C. Afontagnet Orb. But in
Kiener’s figure and description, Orbigny’s species appears to be
destitute of varices. Menke, however, in his specimen of @.
Montagnei from Mazatlan, finds 48 ribs on the last whorl, but
mentions no varices,
Station.—Half buried in muddy sand under bushes at high
water mark.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
125 specimens were collected, near the mangrove thicket, 23
miles east of Panama.
205. Cerithium Reevianum. Nov. sp.
Shell rather long, subconic: dark reddish brown, with a yel-
lowish white spiral line on the middle of the whorls, which is
darker between the ribs; with a similar spiral line anteriorly,
and another tipping the upper ends of the ribs on the lower
whorls : without varices: on each whorl with about twenty-
four prominent subacute, not approximate, ribs, which are less
CERITHIUM. Panama Shells. 157
regular and prominent on the last whorl, on the periphery of
which they become obsolete; anteriorly with spiral raised lines,
of which one near the periphery is larger: apex acute: spire
with the outlines moderately curvilinear: whorls fifteen, con-
vex, with a well impressed suture: aperture large, quadrate-
orbicular, broadly effuse above, with a narrow sinus in place of
the canal: labrum and labium thick, not continuous; labium
reflected below.
It resembles Orbigny’s figure (not Kiener’s) of C. Montagne;
Orbigny’s description is too meagre to enable us to identify our
species with it, and the figure represents it with flattened
approximate ribs, and with several spiral white bands, most
of which are wanting on our shell.
Mean divergence about 28°; length 1.55 inch; breadth .66
inch; length of spire 1.04 inch.
Station.— With C. pulchrum, q. v.
Habitat—Panama; 0. B. A.!
190 specimens were collected with C. pulchrum.
206. Cerithium validum. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: dark reddish brown, with a pale spiral line
along the middle of the whorls: rufous on the varices, and white
in the aperture: sometimes whitish on the varices, the spiral
ridges, and the last whorl: with, on each whorl, about twenty
arcuate ridges, which are prominent and rather narrow but not
compressed, and which terminate abruptly at the periphery of
the last whorl: with stout varices about 270° distant: with six
spiral ridges, of which two next below the suture are small and
approximate, and are sometimes replaced by a single ridge:
and of which one is partly concealed in the suture: with inter-
mediate minute spiral strie: anteriorly covered with slightly
wrinkled spiral ridges: apex acute: spire with the outlines mode-
rately curvilinear: whorls twelve, convex, with a deep suture:
last whorl subangular at the periphery, very short: aperture
JULY, 1852, 40 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Iler,
158 Panamd Shells. MURICID.A.
sub-quadrate, effuse helow;’sub-effuse above: labrum produced
very far in the lower half, in old shells excessively thickened.
'. Mean divergence about 82°: length, 1.6 inch; breadth, .75
inch; ‘length of spire: 1.15 inch.
--Phis species must closely resemble C. varicoswm Sowb., and
C. varicosum Kiener, which are probably distinct from each
other. © Hegeswichii Phil. is also similar to our shell. (It is
to be regretted that Dr. Philippi has not stated which’side of
Mexico his species inhabits.) Sowerby’s shell may be ours. It
appears like'a dwarfed: variety. ' Orbigny considers ’it as the
young of the’shell which he had from Guayaquil, but speaks of
a circular umbilicus.
Station.— With C. pulchrum.
Habitat—Panama; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
250 specimens were collected with C. pulchrum.
207. Triphoris alternatus. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic, sinistrorsal: blackish red except that in the
lower whorls a dingy white spiral stripe occupies the lower two-
thirds of each whorl: with two stout marginal spiral ridges, and
a rather smaller intermediate one, which is wanting on, the upper
whorls; with about twenty-five transverse moderately developed
ridges, which terminate at the periphery of the last whorl, with
the intersections strongly nodulous; anteriorly with two addi-
tional spiral ridges: apex very acute: spire with the outlines
- slightly curvilinear: whorls twelve, nearly flat, with an indis-
tinct suture; last whorl short, concave anteriorly : aperture
rhombic: canal rather deep, short.
Mean divergence about 30°; length .2 inch; breadth .06
inch ; length of spire .155 inch,
» Station.—-Unknown.
TRIPHORIS. Panama Shells, 159
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
3 mature and 2 young shells were found.
208. Triphoris inconspicuus. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate fusiform, sinistrorsal:: blackish red, fading
into a cinereous color: with three spiral equidistant strongly
nodulous ridges on each whorl, of which the intermediate one is
wanting on the upper whorls, and three or four additional
scarcely nodulous ridges anteriorly; with about twenty or
twenty-two transverse less prominent ridges on each whorl:
apex very acute: spire with curvilinear outlines: whorls twelve,
moderately convex, with the suture indistinct; last whorl with
the periphery subangular: aperture subrhombic, with a sinus
above: labrum much advanced: canal deep, short.
Mean divergence about 22°; length .165 ihch; breadth
.055 inch; length of spire .13 inch.
' Station.—Under stones near low water mark.
-- Habditat—Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
--16 specimens were collected.
209. Triphoris infrequens. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: blackish red: with three excessively promi-
nent much compressed spiral ridges on the spire, and another on
the periphery of the last whorl; with about sixteen or eighteen
less prominent transverse ridges on each whorl; anteriorly with-
out sculpture: apex acute: spire with the outlines nearly rec-
tilinear: whorls thirteen, nearly flat, with the suture indistinct ;
last whorl very short: aperture subquadrate: labrum scalloped
by the spiral ridges: canal rather wide, very short.
Mean divergence about 20°; length .13 inch; breadth .045
inch; length of spire .105 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
- Habitet—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens. were found.
160 Panama Shells. LITTORINID&.
210, Turritella Banksii.
Turritella Banksii Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 15. May 1849.
Station—Sandy mud at the depth of 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Between the low water mark of the neap tides and that of
the spring tides, this species was found living in the calcareous
sand among and under stones.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
On the reef we collected about 350 specimens, one-third of
which were taken alive.
This species is remarkable for the diversity of color in
different individuals. Some are nearly black and are but
slightly variegated ; others are mostly white, mottled with a few
irregular blackish spots; many are ornamented with a profu-
sion of irregular greyish and blackish spots on a light ground ;
and a few are brown. Not less than 20 individuals would be
required to exhibit fairly this diversity of coloring.
CaECUM.—A European type of this extraordinary genus
has long been known under the name of Dentalium trachea. In
1849, Mr. Clark of Exmouth, England, described the soft parts in
the Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. Mr. C. considered the animal
to be kindred to Rissoa. In the Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Oct.
15, 1851, Mr. William Stimpson has described three American
species, of which one inhabits Massachusetts, and two inhabit
Florida. For some time we have possessed several undescribed
species which we collected in Jamaica. Now we offer descrip-
tions of eight species from Panama. It is probable therefore
that the genus is well represented on this continent.
C&CUM. Panama Shells. 161
211. Cocum diminutum. Nov. sp.
Shell well arcuated, slender, with the diameter uniform,
except near the summit: white: with about 17 stout rings,
which are rather distant and are but slightly flattened at the
summits, followed by about 10 rings which are small and less
prominent: apex lateral, not prominent.
Length .06 inch; breadth .018 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.)
1 specimen was found.
212. Coecum eburneum. Nov. sp.
Shell rather slender, well arcuated, scarcely widening towards
the aperture, slightly contracted at the summit: ivory white:
with about 83 broad stout approximate rings with flat summits;
with the first 4 to 10 rings and sometimes the last 2 or 8, very
prominent and less approximate, and the rest slightly promi-
nent and closely approximate: apex prominent.
Length .09 inch; breadth .025 inch.
A var. (?) has only 24 rings, of which the last 3 or 4 are pro-
minent, indicating maturity.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; CO. B. A.!
22 specimens were found in the sand.
213. Coecum firmatum. Nov. sp.
Shell rather stout, well arcuated, widening towards the aper-
ture, moderately contracted at the summit: ivory white: with
about 25 very stout broad prominent not closely approximate
rings, with flat summits: apex not very prominent.
Length .09 inch; breadth .03 inch.
JULY, 1852, 41 Ann Lyo, Nat. Hist,
162 Panama Shells. LITTORINID&.
A variety. (¢) is more:.slender, and has: the ribs less pro-
Station.— Unknown.
... Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
, 85 specimens were collected from the sand.
214. Coecumm leve. Nov. sp.
Shell well arcuated, rather stout, of nearly uniform diameter :
white : smooth and shining: apex.very prominent.
Length .08 inch ; breadth .027 inch.
Var. (?) minus is more slender, with the apex less prominent.
Length .062 inch; breadth .02 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
: .Habitat.+-Panama; OC. B. A.!
2 specimens. were found, viz. 1 of each variety.
Li if21h: Coecum. laqueatum. | Nov. sp.
Shell slender, moderately arcuated, with the diameter regu-
larly increasing: white: longitudinally furrowed with about 20
shallow somewhat unequal grooves: apex moderately promi-
nent, lateral.
Length .11 inch; breadth .028 inch.
Habitat.—Panama ; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were obtained.
216. Cocum monstrosum. Nov. sp.
. Shell. well arcuated,.stout.-in the lower half and very slender
in the.upper. half, with.the transition abrupt, as.if the effect of
an accident: .ivory white: on the. upper part with about 18
rather stout approximate moderately. prominent rings with flat
CECUM. Panama Shells. 163
summits ; in the lower part with about 12 very stout prominent
not closely approximate rings with flat summits; with 2 or 3
ribs on the middle with intermediate characters: apex pro-
Length .09 inch; breadth of the upper part .018 inch;
breadth of the lower part .03 inch,
This extraordinary shell appears like a monstrosity. It
cannot however be a deformed C. firmatum, since it is the last
half of the shell which resembles that species. If it were the
last half which is contracted, it would look more like the effect
of an accident. But accidents to mollusks do not, so far as we
have seen, cause a greater development of the shell.
7 specimens, agreeing in all the above described characters,
establish the species.
Station. Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
vt ce rodess Copctums parvum. Nov. sp.
“Shell well arcuated, slender, of nearly uniform diameter:
white: with about 15 acute-edged moderately prominent distant
rings: apex lateral, prominent.
Length .065 inch; breadth .019 inch.
Habitat—Panama; OC. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
218. Coecum pygmzeum. Nov. sp.
Shell well arcuated, slender; of: néarly* uniform) diameter:
white: with about 23 narrow but very prominent rings with
flattened summits: apéx lateral, prominent.
Length .06 inch :: breadth .018 inch.
- Station— Unknown.
164 Panama Shells. LITTORINIDZ.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.|!
2 specimens were found.
CHEMNITZIA.—tThe following species of this genus,
with the exception of C. communis and C. emarginata, have the
axis of the first whorl nearly or quite perpendicular to the axis
of the other whorls, constituting a subacute, subtransparent,
smooth and colorless apex. This remark, however, cannot yet
be applied to C@ major, the unique specimen of which has lost
the apex.
As in Vitrinella and in some other groups of minute tropical
species, the number of individuals is small in proportion to the
number of species. The following 12 species are represented
by 129 specimens, of which 90 belong to one species, and 21
others belong to 2 species, leaving 9 species represented by only
18 specimens.
, 219. Chemnitzia aculeus. Nov. sp.
Shell conic, very slender: white: with, on each whorl, about
seventeen obtuse ribs, which terminate abruptly at the periphery
of the last whorl : spire with the outlines rectilinear except near
the apex: whorls twelve, moderately convex, with a well im-
pressed suture; last whorl with the periphery subangular:
aperture subovate: labrum thin: columella scarcely curved:
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 13°; length .18 inch; breadth .04
inch ; length of spire .145 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; ©. B. A.!
4 specimens were found in the sand.
; 220, Chemnitzia acuminata. Nov. sp.
Shell fusiform conic: dingy white: with about sixteen or
eighteen transverse somewhat oblique ribs, which terminate ab-
CHEMNITZIA. Panama Shells. 165
ruptly on the periphery of the last whorl: spire with the out-
lines nearly rectilinear: whorls eight, very acutely shouldered
above, slightly convex, with a deep suture; last whorl long:
aperture subovate, acute at both extremities: labrum thin:
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 23°; length .11 inch; breadth .048
inch ; length of spire .07 inch.
Habitat. Panama; CO. B. A.1
Only 1 specimen was obtained.
’ 221, Chemnitzia affinis. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ‘conic: ,pale yellowish brown: with, on each
whorl, about twenty-four rather slender ribs, which terminate
abruptly at the periphery of the last whorl; very smooth ‘an-
teriorly : spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls ten,
moderately convex, with a well impressed suture; last whorl
angular at the periphery: aperture subovate: labrum thin:
columella rather stout: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 18°; length .21 inch; ‘breadth .055
inch ; length of spire .165 inch.
Most easily distinguished from © striosa (p. 169), by the
sculpture of the last whorl.
Habitat,—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found in the sand.
222. Chemnitzia clathratula. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic, much elongate: white: with, on each
whorl, about thirty minute ribs, which gradually become obso-
lete on the periphery of the last whorl, and which are decussated
by spiral raised lines, of which five or six appear on the spire
JULY, 1852, 42 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
166 Panama Shells, LITTORINID&.
and of which the remainder cover the anterior part of the last
whorl: apex very minute: spire with the outlines nearly rec-
tilinear: whorls eight, more or less angular in the upper part,
with a well impressed suture; last whorl rather long, with a
well rounded periphery: aperture subovate: labrum thin:
columella rather stout: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 16°; length .13 inch; breadth .04
inch ; length of spire .1 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; OC. B. A.!
10 specimens, in various stages of growth, were collected from
the sand.
223. Chemnitzia communis. Nov. sp.
Shell long, fusiform conic: dingy white : with, on the penult
whorl, about twenty-two transverse ridges, and on the last whorl
a greater number, which are less prominent, and which become
obsolete anteriorly : with spiral ridges, of which four or five are
seen on the spire, and which on the last two whorls are as pro-
minent as the transverse ridges, but above are less developed :
apex with the axis oblique: spire with the outlines curvilinear :
whorls eight, moderately convex, with a well impressed suture:
last whorl rather long: aperture ovate, acute above, very
broadly effuse below: labrum rather thin, but not sharp: colu-
mellar lip well thickened, below reflected over a minute umbili-
cal indentation: columella with one small plait. A large speci-
men has the following dimensions :—
Mean divergence about 23°; length .165 inch; breadth .05
inch ; length of spire .11 inch.
Station.—Under stones near low water mark.
Habitat— Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
90 specimens were collected.
CHEMNITZIA. Panama Shells. 167
* 924, Chemnitzia gracilior. Nov. sp.
Shell very long, conic: very pale yellowish brown: with, on
each whorl, about twenty-eight slender ribs, which terminate
abruptly just below the periphery of the last whorl: with a
well impressed spiral line next behind the anterior termination
of the ribs, and a few obsolete spiral striz : spire with the out-
lines nearly rectilinear except near the apex: whorls twelve,
slightly convex, with a well impressed suture: aperture ovate,
acute above: labrum very thin: columella a little curved:
wnbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 13°; length .31 inch; breadth .06
inch; length of spire .255 inch,
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found in the sand,
“995. Chemnitzia major. Nov. sp.
Shell conic, long: dingy white: with, on each whorl, about
twenty-four stout obtuse approximate ribs, which are obsolete
anteriorly ; with lightly impressed fine spiral strize over all the
surface except the summits of the ribs: spire with the outlines
rectilinear: whorls fifteen, moderately convex, with a well
impressed suture: aperture subovate: labrum thin: columella
nearly straight: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 17°; length .38 inch; breadth .09
inch; length of spire .31 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen only was found.
926. Chemmitzia marginata. Nov. sp.
Shell fusiform cylindric; dingy white: with, on each whorl,
168 Panama Shells. LILTORINIDA.
eleven or twelve very prominent strong compressed ribs : in the
interspaces with fine spiral striz, of which five or six are seen
on the penult whorl: apex with the axis oblique: spire with
the outlines curvilinear: whorls seven, margined above with
spiral compressed ridge, moderately convex, with a well
impressed suture: last whorl with the periphery rounded:
aperture small, oblique, ovate: labrum thin: labium with a
distinct deposit : umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 28°; length .115 inch; breadth .042
inch; length of spire .08 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found. ,
« 227, Chemnitzia Pamamensis. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: white : with, on each whorl, about twenty-
seven oblique ribs, which become obsolete on the middle of the
last whorl, the anterior part of which is very smooth: spire
with the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls twelve, moderately
convex, with a well impressed suture: last whorl sub-angular at
the periphery: aperture obliquely ovate: labrum thin: colu-
mella nearly straight: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 17°; length .22 inch; breadth .055
‘inch ; length of spire .17 inch.
Station—In the sand between high water and half tide
Habitat Panama; C. B. A. |
11 specimens were found on the reef.
{ 228. Chemnitzia similis. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: white: with, on each whorl, about twenty-
six rather obtuse ribs, which terminate abruptly on the peri-
phery of the last whorl: spire with the outlines nearly rectili-
CHEMNITZIA, Panama Shells. 169
near: whorls eleven, convex, with a rather deep suture: last
whorl rather long, with the periphery well rounded: aperture
subovate: labrum thin : columella straight: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 17°; length .17 inch; breadth .045
inch; length of spire .13 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.1
2 specimens were found in the sand.
229. Chemniizia striosa. Nov. sp.
Shell long, conic: yellowish brown: with, on each whorl,
about forty very minute slender ribs, which gradually become
obsolete on the periphery of the last whorl; covered with dis-
tinct spiral strie, of which one a little below the suture and also
those which are anterior are larger: spire with the outlines
nearly rectilinear: whorls ten, slightly convex, with a well
impressed suture: aperture ovate, acute above: labrum thin:
~ columella a little twisted: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 20°; length .21 inch; breadth .06
inch; length of spire .16 inch. ,
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the sand.
230. Chemnitzia turrita. Nov. sp.
Shell subcylindric in the lower whorls, conic in the upper
whorls: white: with, on each whorl, about eighteen sharp
compressed slender ribs, which are less prominent on the last
whorl, and terminate abruptly at its periphery ; with an impressed
spiral line next below the upper margin of the whorls, another
at the periphery of the last whorl, and an anterior spiral groove:
spire with the outlines curvilinear above the middle, otherwise
nearly rectilinear: whorls ten, acutely shouldered, slightly con-
JULY, 1852, 43 Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist.
170 Panama Shells. LITTORINID&.
vex, with a well impressed suture; last whorl angular at the
periphery : aperture suboyate : labrum thin: columella straight:
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 23°; length .185 inch ; breadth .055
inch ; length of spire .14 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were found in the sand.
231. Littorina (?) angiostoma. Nov. sp.
Shell obliquely ellipsoidal: dingy white: surface covered
with deep regular spiral stria: apex obtuse: spire rather small
with curvilinear outlines: whorls three and one half, very con-
vex, with a distinct suture: aperture subeffuse, nearly semi-ellip-
tical, the inner lip being straight, and well developed: umbilicus
Mean divergence about 85°; length .18 inch; breadth .1
inch ; length of spire .055 inch. ve
The generic character of this species is doubtful. The shell
resembles some small species of Narica.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were found in the sand.
232. Littorima aspera.
Littorina aspera Phil. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 139, Dec. 1845.
Phil. Abbild. IL. pl. 4. f. 13, Mar. 1847.
The young are very commonly much angulated near the
periphery of the last whorl, as in several other species. They
are also more vividly colored. Some extreme examples of this
kind might at first be supposed to belong to a distinct species ;
but the intermediate examples are far more numerous, showing
LITTORINA. Panama Shells. 171
that the former are the extreme limits of variation rather than
distinct types.
Station.—We found this species on ledges and large fragments
of rocks at or above high water mark.
Habitat.—Sitcha, Mexico, and San Salvador ; Philippi.
San Salvador ; Jay.
Taboga, and Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 2400 specimens. Dr. Philippi’s statement of
habitat is “Oceanus Pacificus, Americam borealem alluens ;
Sitcha; ora Reipublice Mexico; 8. Salvador in America
centrali :” Philippi. It is scarcely credible that this species
should have been found in so high a latitude as Sitcha. No
original testimony is cited.
Inttorina aspera, var., is more slender, and the sculpture is
reduced to spiral impressed lines. 83 specimens were collected
at Panama.
233. Littorina atrata. Nov. sp.
Shell conic when young, subglobular when mature: black,
sometimes with a few whitish spots on the last whorl: with
spiral keels varying in-size and number; usually a strong
sharp keel is seen on the periphery of the last whorl and in the
suture, and another appears on the upper part of the whorls,
with one slightly developed between them; with two or three
well developed keels beneath the periphery of the last whorl :
apex acute: spire small, eroded in full grown shells, with the
outlines moderately curvilinear: whorls four, a little convex,
with a well impressed suture; last whorl with an acute
periphery in the young, rounded in the mature shell: aperture
broadly ovate: labrum well excurved: umbilicus very small.
This species is variable in form and in sculpture.
Mean divergence from 65° to 90° in different stages of
growth; length .08 inch; breadth .06 inch.
Station.—In or near cavities of rocks between half tide and
high water levels.
172 Panama Shells. LITTORINID.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A. |!
8,300 specimens were collected.
234. Littorina conspersa.
Littorina conspersa Phil. Abbild. IL pl. 4. f. 14. March 1847,
Some individuals, of a more ventricose form and with
broader striz, approximate towards L. puncticulata Phil. ; but
for the most part the two species are easily distinguished.
Station.—This species was found chiefly on large fragments
of rock at high water mark.
Habitat.—Real Llejos; Philippi.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
320 specimens were collected.
235. Littorina (!) excavata. Nov. sp.
Shell obliquely ellipsoidal: very dark brown at the apex, in
the umbilical region and in the fauces, otherwise pale horn
color; with several spiral raised lines, and intermediate very
minute spiral striz; apex subacute: spire small, with the out-
lines very curvilinear: whorls nearly four, compressed, with a
distinct suture; last whorl ventricose: aperture subovate:
labrum very sharp, but thickened much a little behind the
edge: columella dilated and thickened: region around the
umbilicus much excavated: umbilicus small.
Mean divergence about 90°; length .17 inch; breadth
13 inch; length of spire .04 inch.
The generic character of this species is doubtful. It resem-
bles a small Narica.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the sand,
LITTORINA. Panama Shells. ‘ 178
236. Littorina fasciata.
Littorina fasciata Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 139. _. 1889,
Siebold in Wiegm. Archiv. p. 209, 1839.
i + Phil. Abbild. II. p. 37. pl. 5. f. 1, 2. Apr. 1847,
Station.—This species was found, with L. varia, Sowb., on
the trunks and branches of small trees, which were growing
between half tide and high water levels.
Habitat.—Pacific Ocean? Gray.
Tumbez, Peru; Cuming! Philippi.
‘Panama; ©. B. A.!
160 specimens were collected.
237. Littorina (?) foveata. Nov. sp.
Shell globose conic: dingy white, with a very broad dark
brown spiral stripe occupying the middle of the last and more
or less of the upper whorls: with several inequidistant spiral
raised lines: apex subacute: spire with the outlines moderately
curvilinear: whorls nearly four, subangular, with a distinct
suture ; last whorl angular below the middle: aperture sub-
ovate: labrum very sharp, but much thickened a little behind
the edge: columella dilated and thickened: region around thé
umbilicus much excavated, and forming with the umbilicus a
funnel-shaped pit.
Mean divergence about 80°; length .19 inch; breadth .15
inch; length of spire .08 inch.
The generic character of this species is doubtful. It may pos-
sibly be a NaRica.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found in the sand.
JULY, 1852, 44 Anx. Lro, Nat. Hist,
174 Panama Shells. LITTORINID&.
238, Littorina (?) megasoma. Nov. sp.
Shell obliquely ovoid : dingy white : with eight or nine small
spiral ridges, of which three are seen on the spire; with very
coarse deep regular transverse strie: apex acute: spire very
sinall, with the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls three, angu-
lar, with an excavated suture: last whorl. very large and
obliquely dilated: aperture subelliptical, with the margin con-
tinuous and thin: umbilical region well defined by the ante-
rior spiral ridge, well excavated, and forming with the umbilieus
a funnel-shaped pit.
- Mean divergence about 185°; length .09 inch; breadth .09
inch; length of spire .085 inch.
This species also is referred to Littorina with much hesitation :
it approaches Narica more nearly than any of the species which
we have mentioned as resembling that genus.
Station — Unknown.
Habitat. Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the sand.
239. Littorina parvula?
? Littorina parvula Phil. in Zeitschr. Malak. vol. for 1848.
p- 149. - - - - March 1849,
If our shell is distinct from Philippi’s species, it may take
the name of LZ. dubiosa, with the following description.
Shell conoid: blue, whitish next below the suture and an-
teriorly, with oblique brown bars on the whitish parts; very
dark brown inside, spotted with brown and white in the labrum:
with several impressed spiral lines, which are more or less indis-
tinct on the spire and on the middle of the last whorl, and of
which one next above the angle of the last whorl is deeper ;
apex subacute: spire with the outlines moderately curvilinear:
LITTORINA. Panama Shells. 175
whorls nearly six, a little convex, with a distinct suture; last
whorl angular: aperture ovate, acute above, slightly effuse:
columellar lip slightly flattened and dilated.
Mean divergence about 55°; length .25 inch; breadth .17
Some of the more strongly striated and colored individuals
resemble the young of L. aspera, but the spire is always less
Station —In the cavities of a rough ledge of rocks, at and
above high water mark. «
Habitat— Panama; E. B. Philippi! Philippi.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
600 specimens were taken at Taboga.
240. Littorina pulchra.
Littorina pulchra Sowb. Gen. No. 37. f. 2, 3. 1824,
Griff. An. King. Moll. pl. 1. f. 3. 1834.
Turbo pulcher Swains. Malac. p. 207. f. 39. 1840.
Littorina pulchra Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 222. f. 23. 1842.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IX. 208. No. 7.
(Desh. ed.) - - - - 1843.
——— ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. IIL. Pt. 2. p. 574.
No. 7. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - : 1844.
————- ———— Phil. Abbild. II. pl. 1. £1. Aug. 1846.
Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 12. f. 60. 1848?
Station.—We found this species on mangrove trees, in a very
dense thicket, which was growing from a soil of black unctuous
mud a little below high water mark.
Habitat—Unknown; Deshayes.
“Panama, West coast of Columbia ;” Philippi.
Pacific ; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
176 Panama Shells. LITTORINIDA.
This.species is probably rare. With much labor we obtained
11 .specimens in the mangrove thicket, which is about two
miles east of Panama, Some-of them.are fully ‘equal in'size-and
beauty to the specimen which is figured by Dr. Philippi. ‘The
largest is 1.55 inch long and 1.15 inch wide.
241. Littorina puncticulata.
Littorina puncticulata Phil. Abbild. IL. pl. 4. f. 15. March 1847.
Station.—On fragments of rocks at high water mark,
Habitat—Real Llejos ; Philippi.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
80 specimens were collected.
242. Littorina varia.
Littorina varia Sowb. Gen. No. 87, f. 4. 1824.
Reeve Syst. Conch. pl. 222. f. 4. 1842,
—— Phil. Abbild. I. Pl. 1. f. 2, 3. Aug. 1846.
Station.—This species was found on the trunks and branches
of small trees which were growing between half tide and high
water levels.
Habitat Panama ; Sowerby.
Panama, ‘Gosypquil Cusma (Peru); Philippi
“Chiloé (?) nach einer brieflichen Angabe von
Herrn Petit ;” Philippi.
Peru; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
800 specimens were collected.
Since this species inhabits the middle regions of the marine
zoological province on the west side of tropical America, it is
extremely improbable that it should also inhabit a region in so
RISSOA. Panama Shells. 177
remote a latitude as Chiloé. Dr. Philippi has, therefore, with
much reason, quoted with doubt the statement of M. Petit.
243. Rissoa clandecstina. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: dingy white: with, on each whorl,
about eighteen or nineteen stout prominent compressed ribs,
which are continued to the anterior extremity: apex acute:
spire with the outlines moderately curvilinear: whorls seven,
moderately convex: with a well impressed suture: last whorl
rather large: aperture large, oblique, moderately effuse at both
extremities: labrum much advanced along the middle, much
thickened with a broad varix: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 30°; length .115 inch; breadth .05
inch ; length of spire .07 inch.
Habitat—Panama; OC. B. A.!
2 specimens were found.
244, Rissoa firmata. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: dingy white: with, on each whorl,
about twelve very stout, prominent, rather acute ribs, which
are continued to the anterior extremity : apex acute: spire with
the outlines curvilinear: whorls seven, convex, with a well
impressed suture: last whorl rather large: aperture oblique,
subovate, effuse at both extremities: labrum well advanced
along the middle, thickened with a broad stout rib: umbilicus
Mean divergence about 30°; length .185 inch; breadth .075
inch; length of spire .13 inch,
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A. |!
1 specimen was found in the sand.
JULY, 1852, 45 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
178 Panama Shells. LITTORINID A,
245. Rissoa fortis. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: white: with, on each whorl, about
twenty-two to twenty-four stout prominent approximate ribs,
which converge at the anterior extremity, where they become
very small: apex. acute: spire with the outlines curvilinear:
whorls ten, slightly shouldered, moderately convex, with a well
impressed suture; last whorl ventricose: aperture oblique,
ovate, retreating above, deeply effuse ; labrum much advanced
in the lower half, very thick: labium thick: umbilicus want-
Mean divergence about 83°; length .29 inch; breadth 12
inch; length of spire .185 inch.
This species resembles #. ambigua Gould, and is very different
from Rissoina Inca Orb.
Station.— Under stones near low water mark.
Habitat—Taboga; C. B. A. |!
31 specimens were collected.
246. Rissoa (?) incomspicua. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic: white: with several spiral ridges, of which
two or three are seen on the spire: with about twelve or four-
teen transverse narrow ridges, which are obsolete anteriorly :
apex subacute: spire with curvilinear outlines: whorls four,
very convex, with a deep suture: last whorl rather ventricose,
short: aperture orbicular, scarcely effuse: lip well thickened;
with a very minute umbilicus. Perhaps this species should
have been referred to CINGULA.
Mean divergence about 55°; length .045 inch: breadth ,03
inch ; length of spire .082 inch.
Station. Unknown.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A. |!
1 specimen was obtained.
RISSOA, Panama Shells. 179
247. Rissoa infrequens, Nov. sp.
Shell very long, ovate conic: white: with, on each whorl,
sixteen very obtuse slightly elevated indistinct ribs, which are
separated only by striso, and a few microscopic revolving striz :
apex subacute: spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear:
whorls seven, contracted above, otherwise convex or subangular
with a moderately impressed suture; last whorl long, subangu-
lar: aperture oblique, subovate, scarcely effuse: labrum much
excurved, well thickened: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 28°; length .24 inch; breadth .075
inch ; length of spire .18 inch.
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
248. Rissoa Janus. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: white: anteriorly with fine crowded
spiral strie; elsewhere covered with small crowded transverse
ribs, which on the last whorl appear merely as transverse strize
becoming obsolete near the periphery : apex acute: spire with
the outlines moderately curvilinear: whorls nine, moderately
convex; with a lightly impressed suture: aperture large, oblique,
moderately effuse below, more deeply effuse above: labrum
much advanced along the middle, thickened by a broad stout
varix : umbilicus wanting.
"Mean divergence about 80°; length .19 inch; breadth .07
inch; length of spire .115 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
2. specimens were found in the sand.
Var. a is larger, being .24 inch long.
180 Panama Shells. LITTORINIDZ.
249. Rissoa notabilis. Nov. sp.
Shell long ovate-conic: white: with, on each whorl, about
fourteen transverse very prominent ribs, which have concave
summits; with four spiral keels, of which the upper two are
more distant and are seen on the spire on each side of the
suture; the transverse ribs are smaller in the parts between the
second and third keels, and are obsolete below the third: apex
subobtuse, smooth and shining: spire with the outlines recti-
linear except near the apex: whorls six, abruptly shouldered,
planulate, with the suture subcanaliculate: aperture ovate:
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 24°; length .06 inch; breadth .027
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
250. Rissoa scalariformis, Nov. sp.
Shell elongate, ovate conic: dingy white: with, on each
whorl, eleven stout prominent acute compressed ribs, which are
continuous on the successive whorls; covered with microscopic
spiral strive, which ascend the sides of the ribs but are obsolete
on their summits: apex acute: spire with the outlines mode-
tately curved: whorls eight, convex, with a well impressed
suture: aperture obliquely ovate, effuse above and below:
labrum moderately thickened, well excurved and produced
along the middle.
Mean divergence about 33°; length .18 inch; breadth .05
inch; length of spire .08 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in sand.
CINGULA. Panama Shells. 181
251. Rissoa
'° Sp. indet.
The sculpture of this shell shows it to be distinct from any
others which we have enumerated: but the apex and the lip
are both defective in the single specimen found at Panama.
252. Cingula (?) inconspicua. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate fusoid: white: with several spiral ridges, of which
four are seen on the penult whorl, and of which the upper two
are less prominent; anteriorly the ridges are also less promi-
nent; with transverse ridges decussating the upper spiral ridges
and terminating at the third: apex subacute: spire with the
outlines a little curvilinear: whorls five, a little convex, with
a well impressed suture; last whorl small: aperture small,
ovate, acute above: labrum rather thin : labium well developed :
umbilical region a little indented.
Mean divergence about 380°; length .065 inch; breadth .035
inch; length of spire .045 inch.
Some authors would refer this species to Rissoa: but the aper-
ture is Turbinoid rather than Melanoid.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
8 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
253. Cingula paupercula. Nov. sp.
Shell conoid: dingy white, sometimes with a pale brown spi-
ral stripe on the middle of the whorls: surface smooth: apex
subacute: spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear: whorls
five, planulate, with a well impressed suture: aperture broadly
ovate: labrum slightly thickened: labium well developed:
umbilicus very minute.
JULY, 1852. 46 Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist.
182 Panama. Shells. TROCHIDZ.
Mean divergence about 38°;. length:.085 inch; breadth .05
inch ; length of spire .058 inch.
. Station.—-Unknown.
Habitat-—Panamia; ©.’B. A.!
4 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
254. Cingula (?) terebellum. Nov. sp.
Shell subcylindri¢: ‘white * with four very prominent com-
pressed acute spiral keels, of which two are seen op the spire:
apex subacute : spire with the outlines moderately curvilinear :
whorls six, slightly convex, with an .indistinct suture; last
whorl small: aperture small, ovate, acute above: labrum thin:
labium indistinct: umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about. 28°.;. length .08 inch; breadth .04
inch; length of spire .055 inch,
' Station. Unknown.
Habitat.— Panama; .C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the calcareous sand.
255. Cingula (?) turrita. Nov. sp.
Shell conic, elongate: white: with numerous prominent com-
pressed transverse ribs, which terminate a little above the su-
ture, where they are crossed by'a spiral raised.line; anteriorly
with two or three spiral ridges : apex acute : spire with the out-
lines nearly rectilinear : whorls six, above abruptly shouldered,
planulate, with:the suture in a broad groove, which is continued
along the periphery of the last whorl ; aperture small, ovate,
acute above, very slightly effuse: labrum thin: umbilical region
with a very minute indentation.
Mean divergence about 30°; length .08 inch; breadth .038
inch; length of spire .024 inch.
ADEORBIS.” Portima Shells. 183
Hoabitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the sand.
256. Litiopa (?) saxicola. Nov. sp.
Shell long ovate conic: pale horn color, subtransparent : sur-
face covered with deep regular crowded spiral strie; apex
acute: spire with the outlines slightly curvilinear: whorls five,
convex, with a well impressed suture; last whorl rather ventri-
cose: aperture broadly ovate, acute above: labrum thin: labium
with a distinct deposit: umbilicus wanting. .
Mean divergence about 45°; length .14 inch;. breadth .075
inch ; length of spire .07 inch.
The generic character of this species is doubtful. The shell
hias the appearance of a Litiopa, ut the station is that of Cingula,
to which Dr. Gould is intlined ‘to refér it. ‘We leave if doubtful,
sina the soft parts shall ‘havé been examined.
Station.—Under stones at low water mark.
" Habitat—Panania; C.'B. A.!
7 specitnens were found oni the reef.
257, -Adeorbis (7) abjecta. Nov. sp.
“Shell subglobular? sometimes wholly! of & yellowish White or
wholly’of a dingy black, or ‘partly of sach color: with'several
stout spital raised lines’ ahd meré or Téss distinct intermediate
strie on thé upper part: of the'‘whorls :' apex ‘subacute’: spire
smiall, muth' eroded ini mature shélls : whorls thtée or more, con-
vex, with a distinct suture ;' last whorl ventricose!’ aperture
effuse, nearly semicircular, the inner lip being straight: umbili-
cus small. :
Mean divergence about 110;'length .1 inch; ’ breadth .09
inch; length of spire .045 inch.
A, scaber Phil., from Panama, is described as having sublam-
ellar strin of giowth and an ‘dcute periphery of the last whorl.
Our shell: resembles Litiorina porcata-Phil. of the Gallapago Is,
184 Panama Shells. TROCHIDZ.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
40 specimens were found in the sand.
VITRINELLA.—The number of species and the scarcity
of individuals in this genus of minute shells is remarkable. To
the 5 species from Jamaica, of which the genus was originally
constituted, we now add 12 from Panama. It will be seen,
however, that we have only 60 specimens, of which 24 belong
to one species, and 13 to another.
258. Witrinella concinna. Nov. sp.
Shell discoidal: white: with five prominent acute spiral
keels, of which one is next below the suture: the second is
about equidistant between the suture and the periphery of the
last whorl; the third is a little below the periphery ; the fourth
is on the middle of the lower side of the last whorl; and the
fifth is within the umbilicus ; with a more or less distinct ridge
between the first two keels; with curved transverse elevated
lines, which become obsolete on the last half of the last whorl :
apex minute, papillary: spire nearly flat: whorls three and
one-half: planulate above, with the suture subcanaliculate ; last
whorl declining near the aperture below the plane of the spire:
aperture orbicular, very oblique: lip moderately thickened,
slightly angulated by the keels: umbilicus broad and deep.
Divergence about 175°; greatest breadth .062 inch; least
breadth .05 inch; height .08 inch,
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
259. WVitrimella exigua, Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: on the periphery of the last whorl
VITRINELLA. Panama Shells. 185
is 9 keel, which is visible on a small part of the penult whorl,
and then runs into tle suture; with another somewhat less
prominent keel below the periphery, and a third, which is
nearly obsolete, around the umbilicus; with not very distinct
transverse raised lines, which are most developed between the
two lower keels: apex obtuse: spire convex, slightly elevated :
whorls nearly three, with a well impressed suture, very convex
above so as to simulate a moderately developed carina; last
whorl concave on each side of the periphery: aperture orbi-
cular: labrum slightly thickened, modifiéd by the ends of the
spiral keels; umbilicus very narrow, deep.
Mean divergence about 170°; greatest breadth .045 inch;
least breadth .036 inch; height .021 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama.—c. B. A.!
7 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
260. Vitrinella Janus. Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: with four very narrow acute
spiral keels, of which one on the periphery is very prominent,
another a little below the periphery is less prominent, and
the other two, on the middle of the upper and lower sides,
are moderately developed; with minute spiral stria within
the lower keel; otherwise with transverse strie, which are
interrupted by the keels: apex prominent; spire moderately
elevated: whorls three and one-third, with a distinct suture:
aperture orbicular, very oblique: lip slightly thickened, angu-
lated by the keels: umbilicus deep.
Mean divergence 160°; greatest breadth .068 inch; least
breadth .06 inch ; height .03 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
JULY, 1852, 47 Amn. Lyc. Nat. Hist.
186 Panama Shells, TROCHIDA.
261. Vitrinella minuta. Nov. sp.
Shell discoidal; dingy white, shining: with excessively
minute transverse striz : apex obtuse : spire scarcely elevated :
whorls nearly three, depressed above, with a well impressed
suture ; last whorl much depressed, subangular at the periphery :
aperture rather large, orbicular: labrum slightly thickened :
umbilicus rather deep, nearly covered.
Mean divergence about 170°; greatest breadth .042 inch;
least breadth .036 inch; height .017 inch.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
4 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
262. Witrinella modesta. Nov. sp.
Shell discoidal: dingy white, translucent: with a spiral
elevated line next below the suture, and a spiral keel around
the umbilicus; with few microscopic spiral striz about the
periphery of the last whorl: apex not prominent: spire a little
elevated and regularly convex: whorls three and one-half, with
the suture distinct: aperture orbicular: umbilicus deep.
Mean divergence 170°: greatest breadth .06 inch; least
breadth .05 inch; height .028 inch.
Station.—_ Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
263. Vitrinella Panamensis. Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: with a stout spiral keel on each
side of the periphery of the last whorl, and two others on the
lower side of the shell, of which one next to the umbilicus ig
slightly prominent; with transverse rather distant curved ribs:
apex obtuse: spire convex, but little elevated: whorls a little
VITRINELLA. Panama Shells. 187
more than three, convex above and concave below the middle,
with a distinct suture: aperture orbicular: labrum angulated
externally by the spiral ridges, a little thickened: umbilicus
deep, narrow. A variety has the ridge around the umbilicus
well developed.
Mean divergence about 160°; greatest breadth .07 inch ;
least breadth .06 inch; height .04 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat Panama; ©. B. A.!
24 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
264. Witrinella parva. Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: with numerous stout prominent
transverse ribs; with, on each side of the periphery of the last
whorl, a not very prominent keel, of which the upper one is
visible on the spire: apex very obtuse: spire convex, slightly
elevated: whorls three and a half, angular above, concave
between the angle and the keel, with the suture not very dis-
tinct ; last whorl very large: aperture orbicular, very oblique
in consequence of the advance of the labrum above: lip
slightly thickened: umbili¢dus deep, narrow. This species
resembles V. Panamensis.
Mean divergence about 160°; greatest breadth .047 inch;
least breadth .04 inch; height .026 inch.
Station Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
18 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
265. Witrinella perparvwa. Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: with a very prominent acute
spiral keel on each side of the periphery of the last whorl, and
a less prominent one around the umbilicus; with transverse
188 Panama Shells. TROCHIDZ.
wrinkles, which are obsolete on the upper part of the whorls;
apex obtuse: spire flat: whorls nearly three, moderately con-
vex, with a distinct suture; last whorl very large: aperture
orbicular, very oblique: lip slightly thickened: umbilicus
Mean divergence 180°; greatest breadth .037 inch; least
breadth .031 inch; height .015 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C.B. A.!
8 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
266. Witrinella regularis. Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: pearl white: smooth and shining, with
an impressed spiral line just below the suture: apex subacute:
spire convex, moderately elevated: whorls four and one-half
convex, with a distinct suture; last whorl somewhat ventri-
cose: aperture nearly orbicular: lip thin: ymbilical region
deeply indented.
Mean divergence about 120°; greatest breadth .07 inch;
least breadth .06 inch; height .05 inch.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the calcareous sand.
267. Vitrinella seminuda. Nov. sp.
Shell discoidal: white: above with excessively minute striz
of growth; beneath covered with spiral strie: apex obtuse:
spire scarcely elevated, convex: whorls three, moderately con-
vex, with a distinct suture; -last whorl with the periphery sub-
angular: aperture orbicular, very oblique: lip thin: umbilicus
narrow, deep.
VITRINELEA. Panama Shells. 189
Mean divergence about 170°; greatest breadth .062 inch;
least breadth .053 inch; height .82 inch.
Aabitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the calcareous sand.
268. Witrinella tricarinata, Nov. sp.
Shell subdiscoidal: white: with three prominent spiral keels,
one on the periphery of the last whorl, and one on each side of
it, of which the upper one is visible on the spire: with some
irregular transverse striz : spirally striate within the umbilicus:
apex subacute: spire convex, a little elevated: whorls three,
depressed above and compressed below the keel, with:a distinct
suture: aperture oblique, orbicular, angulated’ by the keels:
umbilicus wide and deep.
Mean divergence about 150°; greatest breadth .072 inch ;
least breadth .065 inch; height .035 inch.’
Station — Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found in the calcareous sand.
269. Witrinella valvatoides. . Nov. sp.
Shell discoidal: whitish, sub-transparent: last whorl with a
prominent keel above, which is visible on the’ spire, with
another prominent keel beneath, and a third, less developed,
around the umbilicus: spire concave: whorls three, concave
above the keel, with a distinct suture: last whorl subangular at
the periphery : umbilicus wide and deep.
Greatest breadth .1 inch; least breadth .076 inch ; height .04
Station —Unknown.
JULY, 1852, 48 Any. Lye. Nat. Hist.
190 Panama Shells. TROCHID.
HAabitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were found in the calcareous sand.
270. Solarium. Sp. indet. a.
This species closely resembles S. granulatum ; it differs from
S. quadriceps Hinds in having the lower series of tubercles not
so large as the upper series: the umbilicus is not so open as in
S. granulatum.
Station. Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.t
3 specimens were obtained.
271. Solarium. Sp. indet. 6.
This species is eminent for the beauty both of its coloring
and of its sculpture. It resembles the preceding, and belongs
to a group of closely allied species of which several have been
described by Dr. Philippi, Mr. Hinds, and others. But few
have yet been figured. This also differs from S. quadriceps in
having the upper girdle larger than the lower one.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were obtained.
272, Solarium. Sp. indet. ¢.
This is a small species, finely granulated, of a dark brown
color, with the last whorl very convex beneath,
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
We found 6 specimens in the sand.
273. Trochus catenulatus.
Trochus catenulatus Phil. in Kiist. Conch. Cab. p.110. pl. 18. f. 4. 1847,
TROCHUS. Panama, Shells. 191
Trochus (Monodonta) catenulatus Menke in Zeitschr. f. Malak. vol.
for 1850. p. 178. - - Apr. 1851.
This species belongs to the subgenus Mopuxus. Its Carib-
bean analogue is 7. angulatus Ad.
Station.—U nknown.
Hoabitat.—Mazatlan ; Meclchers! Menke.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
23 specimens were collected in various states of preserva-
274. Trochus coronulatus. Nov. sp.
Shell conic, moderately elevated, thick: dingy white, with
broad reddish brown oblique flammules, with the nodules pale
red: with minutely undulated spiral raised lines: anteriorly
with four or five larger raised lines: with, on the periphery of
the last whorl, two spiral nodulous keels, of which one appears
on the spire : with a series of larger nodules on the shouldered
margin of the whorls: spire with the outlines moderately curvi-
linear: apex subacute: whorls six, planulate above the keels,
with the suture broadly and deeply canaliculate: aperture
nearly orbicular: labrum much advanced in the upper part:
‘columella bidentate: umbilicus one third as wide as the aper-
ture, reaching to the apex.
Mean divergence about 90°; length .55 inch ; greatest breadth
.72 inch; least breadth .6 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Taboga; C. B. A.!
We found 2 specimens.
275. Trochus Leanus. Nov. sp.
Shell conic, well elevated: pale yellowish or reddish brown,
with broad dark brown oblique flammules; anteriorly some-
what articulated with red and yellowish white in fine con-
192 Panama Shells, TROCHID&.
centric lines:- with many elevated granulous spiral lines, of
which three larger are next above the suture: spire with the
outlines nearly rectilinear: apex acute: whorls nine, planulate
or concave next below the suture, very convex. or..suban-
gular next above the suture, which is moderately impressed ;
last whorl subplanulate anteriorly: aperture subquadrate:
labrum thin : columella obliquely produced, nearly straight:
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about. 60°; length .48.inch; greatest
breadth .44 inch; least breadth .4 inch.
Station.—Under stones at low water mark.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
7 specimens were collected on the reef: We have named
this pretty species in honor of Isaac Lea, Esq., of Philadelphia.
276. Trochus lima.
Trochus lima Phil. in Zeitschr. f. Malak. vol. for 1849.
p- 159. - - Mar. 1850.
——— —— Phil. in Kist. Conch, Cab. pl. 44. f. 15. 1850.
Station.— Under stones, between the low. water mark of. the
spring tides and that of the neap tides.
Habitat Unknown; Philippi.
Santa Barbara; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 75 specimens on the reef.
277. Trochus lividus.
Trochus lividus Phil. in Zeitschr. f. Malak. vol. for 1849,
P. 168. - - - . = - Mar. 1850.
—— -Phil. in Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl. 45. f. 8, 1850.
This species belongs to the subgenus MopuULvs.
TROCHUS. Panama Shells. 193
Habitat—Unknown ; Philippi.
Acapulco; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We found 3 specimens.
278. Trochus Panamensis.
Trochus Panamensis Phil. in Zeitschr. f. Malak. p.12%. Aug. 1848.
——- Phil. in Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl. 44. f. 16. 1850.
Fresh specimens are very dark colored; but by exposure the
shell fades to a red color, as in Kiister’s figure.
Station— Under stones at low water mark.
Habitat Panama; E. B. Philippi! Philippi.
Panama; C. B. A.!
65 specimens were collected on the reef.
279. Trochus pellis-serpentis.
Trochus pellis-serpentis Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 5. f. 4. 1828.
Turbo +———————— Valence. in Humb. Ree. Obs. II. 273. 1833.
Trochus strigilatus Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 2. f. 9. Nov. 1843.
pellis-serpentis Phil. Abbild. I. Index.
Ktist. Conch. Cab. p. 105, pl. 17.f.4. 18491
Station.—On or under rocks and large stones near half tide
level. When the tide retires, these animals crawl around over
the surfaces of stones and rocks, beneath which they retire
after the surfaces become dry. They are therefore collected
most easily when following the tide out. We saw them in the
greatest numbers and most active at twilight.
Habitat—Panama; Wood: also Jay.
JULY, 1852. 49 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
194 Panama Shells: TROCHID.&.
Acapulco; Humboldt & Bonpland! Valenciennes.
California; Philippi.
West. Coast of Mexico and Central America ;
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
On the reef at Panama we collected 5 specimens; at Taboga
we collected 500.
280. Trochus reticulatus.
i Synonymy.
Trochus reticulatus Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 6. f. 38. 1828.
~ ———-—-—-Kiist, Conch. Cab. pl. 14. f. 10... 1847.
Station.—Under stones at the low water mark of the neap
Habitat—Unknown ; Wood.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 600 specimens on the reef.
TURBO.—Tihe difference between the shells of Turbo and
of Trochus is of little value. The peculiarities of form, which
distinguish these genera, are not only inconsiderable and ill
defined, but they are also unaccompanied with corresponding
differences in the texture, sculpture, or other characters of the
shells, or in the characters of the soft parts of the animals. A
greatrnumber of ‘other genera present in each a difference of
outline equal to that which here is made the ground of generic
The calcareous and the horny opercula present a well defined
character. This distinction, however, is not accompanied by
corresponding differences in the shells and in the soft parts, and
therefore cannot be regarded as of much zoological value. But
on account of its convenience we shall for the present distin-
guish these genera by this character..
TURBO. Panama Shells. 195
281. Turbo Buschii,
Trochus Buschii Phil: Abbild. I. pl. 8.£3.4. 00 Jan. 1844,
Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl. 32. f. 1. tn 1849,
tnermis Kiener Iconog. pl. 14. f. 2. 1851.
According to Dr. Philippi, this species is commonly mistaken
for T. tnermis. ' Kiener has figured the Panama shell as 7
inermis, and a very different species as Z. Buschii ; v. pl. 81.f. 1.
On account of the solid calcareous operctlnm, we have removed
the species into Turbo.
Station. —On or under stones between the low water mark of
the neap tides and that of the spring tides.
Habitat:—Panama; Philippi.
Panamd; EB. Jewett! Gould MSS..
Panama; C. B. A.L
' We collected 180 specimens on the reef.
Dr. Philippi cites Von dem Busch as: authority for the
habitat, but not, we suppose, as original testimony.
282. Turbo (?) phasianella. Nov. sp.?
Shell ovate conoid: color various, mostly red or brown, some-
times uniform, frequently in dark flammules on a light ground,
sometimes with spiral darker stripes or series of spots: surface
covered with strong spiral strie: apex subacute: spire conoid,
with the outlines moderately curvilinear: whorls five, convex,
with a distinct suture: aperture broad ovate, subeffuse : labrum
thin: umbilicus very small.
Mean divergence about 64°; length .16 inch; breadth .11
inch ; length of spire .08 inch.
Operculum calcareous, very thick and solid. But for tho
want of a polished surface, this species would have been referred
to Phasianella. It may be a Trochus. It may be Lzttorina
phasianella Phil. in Zeitschr: Malak. 1848. p. 149.
196 Panama Sheils,. TROCHIDA.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat. Panama; 0. B. A.!
In the calcareous sand we collected 112 specimens in various
stages of growth.
288. Turbo rutilus. Nov. sp.
Shell trochiform, well elevated: bright red, with pale, ill
defined transverse streaks: with very numerous small very
oblique subnodulous ridges on the spire, which are traversed by
two or three small spiral grooves on the lower half of the
whorls ; anteriorly with six to eight narrow deep inequidistant
spiral grooves: spire with the outlines nearly rectilinear: apex
obtuse (?); whorls (seven?)* planulate, with a distinct suture;
last whorl with the periphery angular, subplanulate anteriorly :
labrum much advanced above: columellar lip very much
dilated and thickened, appressed : umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 70°; length 2.5 inches; greatest
breadth 3 inches ; least breadth 2.7 inches.
Station — Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 1 specimen on the reef. Fragments of a few
others were seen.
284. Turbo saxosus.
Turbo saxosus Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 6. f. 45. 1828.
Kiener Iconog. pl. 15. f. 2. pl. 16. f. 2.
—. Kiist. Conch. Cab. p. 64. pl. 18. f. 5, 6, 1847,
— Reeve Conch, Icon. pl. 4. f. 14. Jan. 1848,
— Reeve in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 49. March 1848,
— Reeve Conch, Icon. pl. 13. f. 14. Apr. 1848.
* Our unique specimen is imperfect,
SCALARIA. Panama Shells. 197
Mz. Reeve, in referring only to the MSS. of a private collec-
tion for the name of this species, appears to have overlooked the
name and the tolerably correct figure in Wood’s Index. Three
extreme varieties are well represented by the figures in’ the
Conch. Icon. Most of our specimens are intermediate between
fig. a and fig. b, having a second row of tubercles moderately
developed above the middle of the last whorl, with a corres-
ponding keel on the spire.
The operculum is very thick and deeply sculptured. A deep
indentation corresponds to the apex, and deep narrow furrows
occupy arcs of about 800°; of these furrows, the larger is mid-
way between the apex and the margin, and three others are
exterior to it. The surface is granular, and the sides of the fur-
rows are rugose.
Station.—On rocks, not far from the low water mark of the
neap tides.
Habitat— Unknown ; Wood.
West Columbia; Cuming! Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 160 specimens on the reef at Panama. Half
grown shells were numerous.
285. Scalaria hexagona.
Scalaria hezagona Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.29. Feb. 1844.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 98. No. 60. pl.
33.f.67. - - - - 1844,
Station.—In the sands; Sowerby.
Habitat—Acapulco; Col. Moffat! Sowerby.
Acapulco; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.d
1 specimen was found.
JULY, 1852. 50 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
198 Panama Shells. EULIMID&.
286. Scalaria obtusa.
Scalaria obtusa sos in Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 29. Feb. 1844.
- Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 98. No. 63. pl. 33.
£542 2 tt 18MM.
! ve
Station. Sandy mud at 6 fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat—Punta St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
287. Scalaria. Sp. indet.. a
2 specimens, one of which was immature, were obtained at
288. Scalaria. Sp.indet. 6.
1 specimen was obtained at Panama.
289. Scalaria. Sp. indet. c.
1 immature specimen was obtained at Panama.
290. Eulima iota. Nov. sp.
Shell subulate: smooth and shining: with a microscopic line
‘a little below the middle of the whorls, above which line the
shell is chalcedonic white and translucent, and below which it is
transparent: apex subacute: spire much arcuated: whorls ten,
moderately convex, with a distinct suture: aperture small,
‘ovate, subeffuse ; labrum much advanced along the middle. It
may be a STYLIFER. Mean divergence about 20°; length .08
inch; breadth .03 inch ; length of spire .06 inch.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
We found 1 mature and 1 young specimen.
EULIMA. Panama, Shells. 199
20t. Eulima recta. Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: chalcedonic white, with a more
opaque and another less opaque spiral band at the upper part of
the whorls; with two minute delicate brown spots on the la-
brum, and above with several similar pairs of spots at the stages
of growth: smooth and shining, with a few very faint trans-
verse striz marking stages of growth: apex very acute: spire
with the axis straight, with the outlines nearly rectilinear :
whorls. eleven, subplanulate, with the suture very ‘indistinct ;
last whorl long, with the periphery very regularly rounded :
aperture narrow and very acute above: labrum sharp, retreating
anteriorly: columella stout, nearly straight. °
Mean divergence about 21°; length .41 inch; breadth .1
inch ; length of spire .285 inch.
Station — Unknown.
Habitat.—Taboga; C. B. A.!
5 specimens were collected.
292. KEulima solitaria. . Nov. sp.
Shell long, ovate conic: chalcedonic white, with a brownish
tinge above the middle of the spire: smooth and shining : apex
acute: spire with the axis nearly straight, with the outlines
nearly rectilinear: whorls eleven, planulate, with the suture
very indistinct: last whorl with the periphery very regularly
rounded: aperture ovate, acute above: labrum sharp, much
advanced along the middle into an elegantly curved edge: colu-
mella stout, slightly curved. This may be a STYLIFER.
Mean divergence about 23°; length .19 inch; breadth .055
inch ; length of spire .14 inch.
~ Station.—On Holothurie.
The small species of Holothuria, which is very common at
Panama and at Taboga, did not furnish any specimens. A
larger species, which is more rare, afforded one shell.
Habitat—Taboga; C. B. A.!
260 Panama Shells. NERITIDA.
293, Pyramidela. Sp. indet.
A snow white shell, of which 1 specimen was found near
Panama. It is probably a young shell, having only eight
294. Pyramidella conica. Nov. sp.
Shell long, regularly conic: white on the upper whorls, dark
brown on the others, with a pale spiral line just above the
suture: surface smooth and shining: apex very acute: spire
with the outlines rectilinear: whorls fourteen, flat, with the
suture in a narrow deep groove: last whorl sharply angulated
at the periphery: aperture oblique: labrum thin: columella
with three plaits, of which the one is lamelliform, and the other
two are very small.
Mean divergence, about 23°; length..52 inch; breadth .175
inch; length of spire .88 inch.
This species is remarkable for the exact conical form of the
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
NATICA.—We are deterred from the description of any
indeterminate species in this genus, because several species,
which belong to the same zoological province, are known to us
only by brief descriptions. Even the species which was
obtained most plentifully, we have not been able to determine:
yet from its abundance, it must be well known. Monographs
of Natica and Nerita are now greatly to be desired.
The success with which M. Recluz has devoted himself to
this and to the allied genera is well known. By the thorough
NATICA. Panama, Shells. 201
exploration of a limited ‘field, ‘those who have but little leisure
from other pursuits may add.much'to science.
295. Natica Chemnitzii.
Synonymy. j
The synonymy of this species was overlooked ‘until too late
to be completed. With the partial data now before ug,. it
appears to be Pfeiffer’s NV. Chemnitzit, which, and N. wnifasciata,
Lam., and VV. lurida Phil. were included by Koch ((Zeitschr.
fiir Malak. 1844..p. 154) in the Chemnitzian species .V.. maroc-
cana, the N..marochiensis of Gmelin, not of Lamarck, ‘Proba-
bly it is the NV. maroccana of Menke in his catalogue of Mazat-
lan shells, in Zeitschr. fiir Malak. 1847, p. 179.
Station.—On soft mud near low water mark,
Hobitat——Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Guaymas; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.: also Gould
Panama; C. B..A.!
We collected 60 specimens at the bottom of the beach next
east of Panama.
296. Natica lurida?
Natica lurida (#) Phil. in Kast. Conch. Cab.
Habitat.—Taboga; OC. B. A.!
8 specimens were collected.
297. Natica otis.
Natica otis Brod. and Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV. 372. 1829.
—— Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. pl. 84. f. 18. 1839,
—— — Kiist. Conch. Cab. pl 9. f. 4. 1850.
JULY, 1852. 51 Ann. Lro, Nat. Hist.
202 Panama Shells. NERITIDZ.
Station.—This beautiful species was found crawling on a
sand beach, a little below half tide level. Like its congeners,
it crawled half buried in the sand, leaving a furrow behind.
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Broderip and Sowerby: also Gray.
Mazatlan ; Jay.
Taboga; 0. B. A.!
11 specimens, mostly rather small, were taken on the north
side of a sand beach, which, except at high water, joins Taboga
to a small island on its northeast side. The specimens had
corneous opercula, but unfortunately these were destroyed by
the rats, which entered one of the boxes on their passage around
Cape Horn.
298. Natica Salangonensis ?
Natica Salangonensis (2) Recl. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 211. Dec. 1843.
Station.—Sandy mud; Cuming! Recluz. One of our speci-
mens was taken alive in sandy mud between half tide and low
water mark.
Habitat—Salango ; Cuming! Recluz.
Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected.
299. Natica Souleyetiana.
Natica Souleyetiana Recl. in Petit. Journ. Conch. I. 385.
phi4.f8- - - - - Dee. 1850.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Pacific Ocean? Recl.
. Panama; C. B. A.!
1 mature and 3 young specimens were found.
NATIOA. Panama Shells. 203
800. NWatica virginea?
Synonymy. :
Natica virginea (?) Recl. in Petit. Journ. Conch. I. 388. |
pl. 12. f. 6. - - - - - Dec. 1850.
The description and figure by M. Recluz, accurately repre-
sent a small specimen of our shells, except that the very minute
crowded spiral stria are not mentioned. The outline is too
regularly rounded to correspond well with the description of
NV. Panamaénsis Recl. Our largest specimen is 1.75 inch long,
and 1.4 inch wide.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Realejos : Recluz.
Panama; C. B. A.J
We collected 40 specimens, all of which were occupied by
hermit crabs.
301. Natica
« Sp. indet. a.
Station.—In wet sand, from half tide to low water mark.
The tracks of this species were abundant on the beach, and led
to the discovery of numerous living specimens.
Hoabitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 200 specimens, mostly on the beach one mile
west of the city.
302. Natica » Sp. indet. 5.
Two specimens of this species were sent to me by M. Petit as
N.cora Orb. But the figures of that species in Orbigny’s Voy.
Amer. Merid. and in Kiist. Conch. Cab. represent a very
different shell with the form (extraordinary in this genus) of a
compressed cylinder; but our shells and M. Petit’s have a well
curved outline. It is a white and very solid but small species
of the mammillate group.
204 Panama Shells. NERITID A.
Station.—In wet sand.
Habitat—Callao; Petit in sched.
Taboga; ©. B. A.!
We found only 2 specimens.
303. Natica
-¢ -Sp. indet. c.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained only 1 imperfect specimen. It may possibly be
a variety of N. Hlene Recl. It scarcely differs from N. Haneté
Recl. except in the absence of spiral strize (which a better speci-
men might exhibit), and in the continuity of the transverse
impressed lines across the last whorl.
NERITA.—In this genus we found an incredible profusion
of individuals, all of which belong to only two species.
304. Nerita scabricosta.
Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 16. f. 86.
scabricosta Recl. in Petit. Journ. Conch. I. 28%. 410,
pl. 11. f. 2. - - - - Sep. 1850.
By some mistake N. costata appears to have been figured in
Deless. Rec. for this Lamarckian species.
Nerita scubricosta Lam. (non Delessert) An. sans Vert. VI.
Pt. 2. p. 194. No. 14. - - Apr. 1822.
— ornata Sowb. Gen. pl. 4. f. 4. 1824,
—. Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 8. f. 4. 1828.
—— scabricosta Lam, An. sans Vert. VIII. 608. No. 14.
(Desh. Ed.) - = ee 1838.
—— Deshayesii Recl. in Rev. Zool. (var.) Apr. 1841,
—— ornata Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 202. f. 4, 1842.
— Phil. Abbild. I. p. 1. pl. 1. £. 2. 3. Jan, 1844.
—— scabricosta Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 2. 486. No. 14.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - 5 + 1844,
——— multiiugis Menke in Zeitsch. Mal. p. 179. Dec. 1847,
_NERITA. Panama Shells. 205
Most of our specimens are of a uniform jet black color, with
the exception of the eroded spire. Some are sparingly mottled
with cream colored spots, and a few specimens have some small
bright red spots on or near the labrum. Several are elegantly
banded with narrow or broad spiral stripes of cream or orange
colors. The young are more or less profusely mottled with
white, grey, and greyish black.
Station.—On rocks between high water and three-quarter
tide levels. They aro especially disposed to collect in the
crevices of rocks. The young are commonly seen crawling
above high water mark, where the rocks and stones are wet
with spray.
Habitat—Unknown ; Lamarck: also Wood.
Real Llejos; Sowerby : also Recluz.
California; Philippi.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
I. of Timor; Recluz.
West Coast of South America ; Petit.
Panama; Jay.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 400 specimens on the reef.
Probably the statement of habitat (I. of Timor,) by Recluz is
erroneous. It was taken from the label of the Lamarckian
specimen (long supposed to be unique) in the Massena Collee-
305. Nerita
. Sp. indet. a.
This may be MV. Bernhard Recl., which is said to inhabit
Panama, but we have not seen the description of that species.
Station—On rocks and stones from half tide level to the low
water mark of neap tides.
Hoabitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
We collected 2,800 specimens.
JULY, 1852. 52 Ann. Lyc, Nat. Hist.
206 Panama Shells, NEBITID&, ,
306, Neritina Guayaquilensis.
Neritina Guayaquilensis Sowb, Thes, Conch. p, 520,
No, 44. pl.114. £177, - - 1849,
This may, according to Recluz, be identical with WN. inter-
media Sowb. It is certainly identical with shells which haye
been distributed by Mr. Cuming and by Mr. Petit under the
latter name. Mr. Sowerby’s figures, however, seem to repre-
sent two species.
Station.—This shell was found a little above the highest tides,
among sticks and leaves, in a muddy place overflowed by fresh
Habitat Real Llejos, Guayaquil ; ey Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.!
Two miles east of Panama we collected 90 specimens in vari-
ous stages of growth.
307. Neritina picta.
Neritina picta (non Hening) Sowb. in Proce. Zool. Soc.
Lond. p. 201. . - Dec. 1832.
——— -——~ Desh. in Lam. An. sans nee VIL Bae:
No. 40. - - - 1838.
ee Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. § 35. Al. 86. f 1. 1841.
—— —— Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. III. \Pt. 2.
p- 479. No, 40. (Ed. tert.) - - - 1844.
—— Thes. Conch. p. 580. pl. 116. f. 267-9, 1849,
Station—On a mud bank partially overflowed with fresh
water; Ouming! Sowerby ; “ Dans les eaux douces ; Cuming!”
Deshayes. On ‘sticks and stones, in a grove of trees, a little
above halftide level: also in dirty places on rocks at or a
little below half tide level. According to our observations it
is strictly marine.
Habitat Panama; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; Recluz: also Jay.
PEDIPES. Panama Shells. 207
San Miguel; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama; C. B. A.!
290 specimens were collected. The specimens which Lieut.
Green collected are of extraordinary s size.
308. Pedipes angulata. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate globose: dark brownish red, white in the aper-
ture: solid; with crowded wrinkled unequal raised spiral
lines, which are much finer on the upper part of the whorls,
and which on the middle of the whorls are larger, and are dis-
posed with one or two smaller lines between the larger lines:
apex subacute: spire ‘with the outlines’ somewhat curvilinear ;
whorls a little more than four, vety angular, concave above the
angle, imbricately appressed at the suture; last whorl large and
ventricose, subangular below the middle: ante subelliptical :
labrum very sharp, sinuated by the angle on the whorls, a little
within much thickened by a white callus, which is interrupted
at the angle, and next below it, is developed into a long tooth:
columella expanded with a broad flat surface, with two acute
transverse plaits, of which the lower one is smaller: labium
with a very large lamelliform spiral plait above the columella :
umbilicus wanting.
Mean divergence about 90°; length .25 inch; breadth .19
inch; length of spire .1 inch. , :
/Station.—Under stones at high water mark.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
‘We collected 90 specimens at the foot of the sea wall at
Panama. ‘This and the two species of Truncatella were found
only in one place less than two yards in diameter.
Mr. Cuming obtained at Iquiqui a very small species of
Pediipes, which has not been described. ‘We believe that these
two are the only known species in this zoological province.
208 Panama Shells. AURICULIDZ.
AURICULA.—Eight species of this genus were found,
and two of these occurred abundantly; but we have been
able to determine only two of the less common species. The
number of known species in the genus is very considerable, yet
very few appear to be known which belong to the same zoolo-
gical province in which Panama is situated. Two rather large
species were collected by Mr. Cuming in West Columbia, and
were described by M. Petit in the Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1842.
309. Auricula acuta.
Auricula acuta Orb. in Guerin Mag, Zool. p. 23. 1835.
—_———_ Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 326. pl. 42.
f. 4-6. - - - - 1846,
Marinula Recluziana Cuming in sched. 1852.
Station—Near brackish water; M. Fontaine! Orbigny.
Under stones near high water mark.
Habitat.—Near Guayaquil; M. Fontaine! Orbigny.
West Columbia; Cuming! in sched.
Panama: ©. B. A.!
Only 1 mature and 2 young specimens were obtained.
310. Auricula concinna. Nov. sp.
Shell ellipsoidal: blackish brown, paler on the convexity of
the last whorl, with a yellowish white spiral band on the last
whorl issuing from beneath the suture; with the plaits and
callus in the aperture white: smooth and shining: apex acute:
spire with the outlines very curvilinear: whorls five, convex,
imbricately appressed, with the suture moderately impressed ;
last whorl long: aperture narrow and very acute above, much
contracted by the plaits: labrum sharp, in the lower part much
thickened within by a broad thick deposit: plaits three, of which
the lower one is very oblique, and the upper one is very large,
AURICULA. Rename Shells. . 209
concave on the lower side, and on the Upper side extended
to the summit, of the aperture with 2, transyersely. ridged
Mean divergence about 80°; length .82 inch ; breadth 2
inch ; Jength of spire .Q9.inch. _— oe
Station.—Our specimens were found mostly on the short
suckers, which were growing up thickly: beneath the mangroves,
near high water mark. zs
Habitat.—Panama ; C. B. A.!
We collected 74 specimens two and one-half miles east of
311. Auricula infrequens. Nov. =P.
Shell ellipsoidal: brown, with a pale ill-defined, spiral, band a
little below the suture : with fine striz of growth: apex acute:
spire with the outlines moderately | curvilinear : whorls ‘Six,
obtusely shouldered, with a deep. suture ; last whorl compressed
aperture subelliptical, rather. wide : eae very ‘thin! with two
plates, of which one,is at,the anterior part of the aperture and
is oblique, and the other is transverse and is at ‘the middle.
Mean divergence about 80°; length .23 inch; breadth .15
inch ; length of,spire 21 inch.
, Station.—Under. stones, near high water mark.
Habitat.—Panama; OC. B. A.!
We collected 6 specimens, in company, with Pedipes angulata,
at. the base of the sea wall of Panama.’
312, Auricula Panamensis. ,Noy. sp.
Shell long ovate: blackish red throughout except | that, the
plaits are white: smooth and shining, with a few microscopic
spiral | striae near the apex: apex acute: spire with the outlines
very, curvilinear oyer the middle whorls, ‘and nearly rectilinear
on the lower whorls: whorls eight, convex, imbricately appressed ;
JULY, 1852. 58 Ann. Lro. Nat. Iner.
210 Panama Shells. AURICULIDA.
upper part of the lower whorls compressed; last whorl sub-
angular next below the compressed part: aperture rather long,
very acute above: labrum moderately thickened but not reflected :
with three plaits on the left side, of which the middle one is
larger and the lower one is the least; sometimes with a small
toothlike plait on the right side.
The general form varies, as will be seen in the following
dimensions of two specimens, the first number expressing the
mean divergence, the second the length, the third the breadth,
and the fourth the length of the spire :—
50°; .44 inch; .17 inch; .23 inch.
Gop by a Ta
Station—Under stones, at high water mark; or crawling
over wet stones.
Habitat—Panama and Taboga; CO. B. A.!
650 specimens were collected near the sea wall of Panama,
where the species was most abundant.
313. Auricula stagnalis.
Auricula stagnalis Orb. in Guerin Mag. Zool. Synop.
p. 23.* - - July 1835.
——— —— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 187. f. 9. (too narrow.) 1842.
—_——- Orb. Voy. Am. Mer. p. 325. pl. 42. £7, 8 1846.
—— papillifera Kist. p. 25. ‘
——— stagnalis Kist. p. 70. PSE 10, 10P
Station—In a marsh, and even in stagnant fresh water; M.
Fontaine! Orbigny.
Our specimens were found under a heap of stones just above
high water mark.
* The vol. of the Mag. is not paged continuously, nor are the new species of
Mollusca, which are described by D’Orbigny, enumerated in the Table Methodique.
Kiister appears to be in error when he ascribes the authorship of this article to
M. Petit.
AURICULA. Panama Shells. 211
Habitat. Guayaquil; M. Fontaine! Orbigny.
West Columbia; Cuming! Kiister.
I. of Tumaca; Cuming! in sched.
Panama; C. B. A.!
At the base of the sea wall of the city we collected 36 speci-
mens in various stages of growth. They are rather more robust
than the species is represented in the figures above cited.
314. Auricula Tabogensis. Nov. sp.
Shell obovate: very dark brownish red, more or less rufous
on the columella, usually white on the plaits and callus within:
smooth and shining,-with some fine spiral strie on the upper
whorls: apex acute: spire with the outlines very curvilinear :
whorls ten, imbricately appressed, with a distinct suture: last
whorl large : aperture long and narrow, in the right side mostly
covered by a transversely ridged callus: with three plaits on the
left side, of which the upper one is a little larger, and the two
lower are separated by a sinus.
Mean divergence about 100°; length .59 inch; breadth .86
inch ; length of spire .15 inch. .
Two specimens of A. fusca Phil., which we have received
from M. Petit, are more angular in the upper part of the whorls,
and have the callus within the labrum more finely and closely
ridged. A. fusca, as figured by Kiister, more robust and less
pyriform than our shell. According to M. Petit’s label, A. fusca
occurs at the Marquesas, and Kiister mentions the Sandwich
Islands as its habitat. In outline our shell resembles A. pyri-
formis Petit (West Columbia, Cuming !), but within the aperture
there is no resemblance.
Station.—On and under stones and rocks at high water mark.
Habitat—Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
800 specimens were collected.
212 Panama Shells. CYCLOSTOMID&.
315. Auwvicula trilineata. Noy. sp.
Shell obovate: dark brownish red,'-with three revolving dis-
tant white lines on the last whorl, of which the anterior line is
not so well defined: rufous on the columella: with irregular
atria of growth: apex obtuse ? spire very small, with the out-
lines curvilinear: whorls * very narrow, imbricately
appressed, with the suture distinct: last whorl very large, con-
volate: aperture very long, narrow: labrum not sharp, with a
deposit over the whole visible interior, which is transversely
plaited: at the end of the columella with a twisted plait, sepa-
rated by.a sinus from ,a large transvengse plait, above which are
four small approximate transverse plaits.
Mean divergence jabont 135°; length ..71 inch ; breadth ,43
inch ; length.of spire .05 inch.
‘Station.— Utiknown.
Habitat.—Panama; 0. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
316. Auricula ———. Sp. indet.
Station.—Under stones at high water mark.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
We obtained 2 specimens, which, although immature, appear
distinct from. the other species of Auricula. ,
WRUNCAPTELLA.—We include this genus, as well.as
Pedipes-ond Avricula,.in this; paper, because.they are-maritime
in their habits. Their geographical distribution, corresponding
with that of the marine genera, is entirely different from that of
the terrestrial molluscs. .
* In our unique specimen the suture of the upper,whopls js obliterated: by.ero-
sion. Probably the number of whorls is ajx or seven,
TRUNCATELLA. Panama. Shells. 218
317. Truncatella Bairdiana, . Nov. sp.::01q.08
Shell cylindric: of a rich amber color: with rather small
crowded ribs, which are obsolete behind _the labrum, less pro-
minent on the convexity of the whorls, ‘well developed ante-
riorly, in number about twenty-four on the penult whorl: apex
acute, truncate with the loss of four whorls: spire with the out-
lines slightly curvilinear; whorls nearly four after-truncation,
convex, with a well impressed suture: aperture ovate, slightly
effuse above: labrum advanced along the middle, reflected,
double: labium with a thick deposit, continuous with the
Mean divergence about 22°, being considerably less in the
lower whorls and more above; length after truncation, .21 inch;
breadth .075 inch ; length of spire .16 inch.
This species must resemble 7. scalariformis Reeve from the
island of Annaa; but that shell is figured. with five whorls after
truncation, in edlor it is described as “ luteola,” and the labrum
is said to be sharp and simple.
Le .
Station.—Under a heap of stones at the high.water mark of
spring tides.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
400 specimens were collected at the bottom of .the, sea wall of
One specimen has come to.maturity without. the loss.of. the
apex, which, however, is. walle? and cretaceous. from partial
We dedicate this species to Professor 8. F.. Baird, whose
name is so well known to Herpetologists... ae a pres
318. WNruncatella (??) dubiosa. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate conic: translucent, deep yellowish brown : thin,
smooth, and shining: apex subacute: spire with the outlines
moderately curvilinear: whorls six, convex, with a well
JULY, 1852. 54 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist,
214 Panama Shells. BULLID&.
impressed suture; last whorl rather short and subangular, but
ventricose: aperture broadly ovate: labrum thin: labium a
little reflected below, above interrupted by the penult whorl,
Mean divergence about 45°; length .083 inch; breadth .055
inch; length of spire .045 inch.
Operculum corneous.
Station —With Truncatella Bairdiana.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.!
550 specimens were collected.
This species cannot properly be referred to Truncatella. The
apex is not truncated ; the operculum is horny ; and the general
form and texture indicate a different genus. In form it approxi-
mates to 7. fusca, T. littorea, &c., which are not Truncatelle, but
which probably belong to Bembiciwm. From the habits of our
species, it may be inferred to be an air-breathing mollusc, while
the characters of the shell are very different from those of
Bembicium. The shell appears too deficient in characters suit-
able for generic distinction, and we refrain from proposing a
new genus until the soft parts shall be known.
319. Bulla (Tornatina) infrequens. Nov. sp.
Shell cylindric, not compressed about the middle: white:
smooth: apex papillary, very minute and prominent: spire
moderately elevated, convex: whorls four and one-half, acutely
shouldered, with a deeply channeled suture: aperture long and
narrow, anteriorly rounded: labrum very thin, much advanced
along the middle: columella terminating in a very robust
spiral plait.
Mean divergence about 130°; length .28 inch; breadth .11
inch; length of spire .03 inch.
Station —Unknown.
BULLA. Panama Shells. 215
Habitat.—Panama; OC. B. A.!
2 specimens were found.
320. Bulla (Cylichna) luticola. Nov. sp.
Shell subcylindric, wider anteriorly: pale horn color, sub-
transparent: with the striz of growth very minute: apex in a
deep narrow umbilicus, which is partly covered by the upper
part of the labrum: last whorl compressed around the middle:
aperture rising higher than the umbilicus, linear above, subor-
bicular below: labrum very thin, much advanced along the
middle: columella thickened with a callus: anterior umbilical
region indented, partly covered with a deposit.
Length .2 inch; breadth .095 inch.
Station—This species was found crawling on liquid mud,
near low water mark, at the bottom of a steep sand beach.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
28 specimens were collected half a mile east of Panama.
321. Bulla punctulata.
Bulla punctata Ad. in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 577. No. 53.
pl123.f£77. - - + = 1849.
—— punctulata Ad. in Sowb. Thes. Conch. Index. 1849.
Station.—Sandy mud, 10 fathoms; Cuming! A. Adams.
Habitat—Panama ; Cuming! A. Adams.
Acapulco; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
25 specimens were found in various states of preservation.
$22. Bulla - Sp. indet.
Another species is represented by 1 imperfect specimen.
216 Panama Shells. HALIOTIDA.
323. Vermetus glomeratus?
{ Serpula glomerata Var. 6, (alt. excl.) Lam. An. sans
Vert. V. 363. No.6. - - July 1818.
Var. 0. (alt. excl.) Lam. An, sans po 2
Vert. V. 619. No. 6. (Desh. ed,y .° * 1888,
Vermetus glomeratus Rousseau in Chenu, Ill. Conch. pl. 2. f. 2. 1843,
centiquadrus? Val. Voy. Venus. Moll. pl. 11, f. 1. 1846. .
Station.—Attached by a-small part. of the spiral portion of
the shells to rocks and stones near the low water mark of neap
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Melchers |! Menke.
Panama; 6. B. A.l Bude hier.
We collected 25 specimens on the reef.
324. Vermetus Panamensis.._.:...,....
Vermetus Panamensis Rousseau in Chenu. Ill. Conch. pl. 5. f£. 1. 1843.
Station—In the same situations as V. glomeratus, attached
on one side of all the whorls.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected.
Of these two species of Vermetus, a much larger number of
specimens might have been collected, with some additional
labor in carefully detaching them from the rocks...
325. Stomatella inflata. Nov. sp.
Shell very obliquely elliptical; white, thick and opaque
anteriorly, above thinner and translucent: with very fine irre-
HIPPONYX. Panama Shells. 217
gular striz of growth; without spiral stria: apex minute,
obtuse, prominent: whorls two, very convex, with a well
impressed suture; last whorl very oblique, much inflated and
very convex: aperture contracted, yet exhibiting the spiral
columella to the apex; columellar side of the aperture abruptly
Length obliquely .45 inch; breadth obliquely .31 inch.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
326. Hipponyx . Sp. indet.
We found of this species only 2 small specimens, which pro-
bably are immature. The spire has more than two whorls.
They may be the young of Hipponyx subrufa Sowb. Lam.?
The Lamarckian Pileopsis subrufa is probably the Caribbean
species, of which Mr. Sowerby’s species is the Pacific analogue.
327. Mipponyx barbata?
Hipponyz barbata ? Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 5. Jan. 1885.
a ? Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 369. No. 1. pl. 78. f.
26,27 - - - = = = 1846,
Our shells correspond very nearly to the description and
figures by Sowerby. Yet they may be distinct. It will be
seen that they belong to a distinct zoological province. Our
specimens also resemble Pileopsis pilosus Desh. in Guer. May,
1882, pl. 19.
Station.—On stones and shells near low water mark.
Habitat—Ad Insulas Maris Pacifici. Found on coral reefs
around Toobouai, one of the Society Islands;
Cuming! Sowerby.
JULY, 1852. 55 Awx, Lyo. Nat. Hist.
- s
418 Panama Shells. CALYPTREIDA,
Panama; ©, B, A,!
12 specimens were collected,
828. Hipponyx Panamensis.
Hipponyz mitrula Sowb. (non Lam.) in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
pb 2 - = + a «= dan, 1835.
Sowb. (non Lam.) Thes. in Conch. p. 369. No.
2. pl. 78. f. 18-20. - - - 1846.
We propose this name for a shell, which Mr. Sowerby seems
to have confounded with H. mitrula Lam. The Lamarckian
shell is the Caribbean species, which has a curved apex that is
sometimes much elongated, “apice adunco” Lam. The Panama
shell is obliquely conic, with the apex moderately prominent.
The concentric laminz. are more numerous and the radiating
strize on them are more deeply impressed than in the Caribbean
shell. This species is thick and solid,
Length .67 inch; breadth .7 inch ; height .87 inch.
A dead specimen of Cardita affine has on one valve 4 rather
small individuals. The attached valves are rather thin, and have
been more or legs, perforated, from, within the Cardita, by some
boring animal. Around the perforations there is a thicker
deposit, which fills up some of them.
Station.—On stones in 17 fathoms water, among coarse sand;
Cuming! Sowerby. Our specimens were found on stones and
shells near low water mark.
Afabitat.—Lobos I. ; Cuming! Sowerby...
Panama; 0. B, Ay
14 specimens were collected.
$29. Wippoenyx radiata,
. Synonymy.
Hipponyz radiaia Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Sac. Lond, p- 6 Jan. 1835,
—_—_. Sowb. Thes. Conch. p, 370. No. 4. pl, 78.f.24, 25. 1846,
CALYPTRAA. Panama Shells. 219
Station.— Attached to rocks; Cuming! Sowerby. Our speci-
mens were found attached to stones near low water mark.
Habitat—Panama and the Gallapago Is. ; Cuming ! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.|
16 specimens were collected.
330. Calyptrza aberrans. Nov. sp.
Shell irregularly, somewhat: concave externally: papyraceous,
pearly, with fine irregular strise of growth: apex very minute,
subterminal: the cup in our unique specimen is probably imper-
fect: what. remains consists of a very thin, deeply concave, nar-
row lamina, transversely attached under the apex of the shell.
In texture: this shell much resembles. a valve of an Anomia.
Length .7 inch ; breadth .59 inch.
Hoabitat.—Panama; C. B. A.t
Only 1 specimen was found.
$31. Calyptrza (Syphopatella) aspersa. Nov. sp.
Shell conic: thin: dingy or brownish white, irregularly
sprinkled with many reddish brown spots: with very short and
irregular minute wrinkles: apex acute, central: lamina with
the fold appressed only at the inner margin, broadly expanded,
making about two thirds of a revolution: margin very thin
and acute.
Diameter .55 inch; height .21 inch.
Station.— Under stones at low water mark.
Hlabitat—Panama; CO. B. A.!
8 specimens were found.
220 Panama Shells. CALYPTRAIDZ,
332. Calyptrza cepacea.
Calyptrea cepacea Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 85. May 1834.
pe Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc, Lond. I. 197.
pl27f4- - = 1835.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p- 142, May 1836.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 633. No. 24.
(Desh. ed.) - - - - - 1888.
Rev. Zool. Cuv. Soc. July 1838.
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 1. p. 288.
No. 24. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1841,
—— Chenu Lec. Elem. p. 144. f. 462? 1847,
Station—Adhering to dead shells, in sandy mud, at a depth
of 11 fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Our specimens were found adhering to dead shells, at low
water mark.
Habitat—I. of Muerte; Cuming! Broderip: also Deshayes :
also Rev. Zool. : also Miiller.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; C. B. A. 1!
4 small specimens were found.
333, Calyptrza conica.
Calyptreea (Syphopatella) conica Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc.
Lond. p. 38. - May 1834,
Brod. in Trans, Zool. Soc.
Lond. I. 202. pl. 27. f. 7. 1835.
—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test.
Viv. p. 147. - - May 1836.
—— Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 630.
No. 17. (Desh. ed.) - 1838.
eS Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 1.
p. 232. No, 17. (Desh. ed. tert.) 1841,
Station.—A ttached to shells in deep water ; Cuming! Broderip,
CALYPTRAA, Panama Shells, 221
Hoabitat—Xipixapi and Salango; Cuming! Broderip: also
Panama; C. B. A.!
12 specimens were obtained.
334. Calyptrza dentata.
Calyptroea rugosa Reeve (non Desh.) Conch. Syst. pl. 144. f.1. 1842.
dentata Menke Zeitschr. Malak. p. 185. Dec. 1847.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Melchers ! Menke.
Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were collected.
335. Calyptraa hispida.
Calyptrea (Calypeopsis) hispida Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. :
Lond. p. 37. - - May 1834,
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond.
I. 200. pl. 27. f. 10. - 18365.
—— Mill. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 144, May 1836,
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 638,
No. 86. (Desh. ed.) - —- 1838,
Rey. Zool. Cuv. Soc. July 1838.
Lam. An. sans Vert. Pt. 1. p. 233.
No. 36. (Desh. ed. tert.) 1841.
Chenu Lec. Elem. p. 144. f. 464. 1847.
Our specimens vary much in form and in coloring. Some are
almost flat, but the cup is as deep in such as in the more coni-
cal shells: such specimens grow on a concave surface. One
shell, instead of having a subcircular outline, has the outline of
a very eccentric ellipse. The color of some is nearly white ; of
others, a deep brown; many are spotted and striped in the
manner described by Mr. Broderip.
JULY, 1852. 56 Ann, Lro. Nat. Hist.
222 Panama Shells. CALYPTRAID
Station.—On dead shells, in sandy mud, at a depth of 12
fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Our specimens were found under stones at low water mark.
Habitat—I. of Muerte; Cuming! Broderip : also Rev. Zool. ;
also Miiller.
I. of Muerte ; Deshayes : also Jay.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
20 specimens were collected.
336. Calyptrza imbricata,
Calyptreea ( Calypeopsis) imbricata Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc.
Lond, p. 36. - + May 1884.
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond.
1.193, pl 27.7. - = 1885.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv.
p.143. - - - May 1838.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 636.
No. 33. (Desh. ed.) - - 1888.
Rey, Zool. Cuv. Soc. July 1838,
Hanley Conch. Book Spec.
p18 - - = = 1842
Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll.
p-460. - - - - 1843
Station.—On stones in sandy mud at a depth of from 6 to 10
fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Habitat— Panama ; Cuming! Broderip : also Rev. Zool. : also
Central America; Deshayes.
Payta; Orbigny.
Panama; O. B. A.!
2 specimens were found.
As M. Deshayes mentions another habitat, it is to be regretted
that the authority is not stated.
CALYPTREA, Panama Shells. 228
337. Calyptrea maculata.
Calyptrea (Calypeopsis) maculata Brod. (non Quoy) in Proc.
Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 87. May 1884.
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc.
Lond. 1.200, pl.27.f.11. 1835.
Mull. Synop. Nov. Test.
Viv. p.145. - - May 1836,
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 638.
No. 37. Desh. ed. - 1838,
Rev. Zool. Cuv. Soc. July 1888.
Station.—In sandy mud on dead shells at a depth of 11
fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Habitat.—I. of Muerte; Ouming! Broderip: also Rev. Zool.
I. of Muerte; Deshayes.
Panama; C. B. A. !
2 specimens were found.
338. Calyptrza planulata. Nov. sp.
Shell flat, suborbicular: thin: pure white: with very minute
radiating striz, which are obsolete around the apex: apex sub-
central, acute, slightly elevated above the plane of the shell:
cup with the sides free and the corners acute, thin, curved
through about 220°: margin very thin. It belongs to Calyp-
trea as restricted by Broderip.
Length .32 inch; breadth .85 inch.
Station.— Adhering to an oyster, a little below half tide level.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
339. Calyptrza radiata.
Calyptraa (Calypeopsis) radiata Brod. in Proc. Zool. Boo.
Lond. p. 36. - - May 18384,
224 Panama Shells. CALYPTRAIDZ.
Calyptrea radiata Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. I.
p. 198. pl.27.£6. - - - - 1886.
Mull. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 143. May 1836.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 635. No.
31. (Desh. ed.) - - 7 = 1838.
—— Rev. Zool. Cuv. Soc. July 1838.
———— ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. IIT. Pt. 1. p. 284.
No. 81. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1841.
—— Chenu Lee. Elem. p. 144. f. 460, 461. - 1847.
Station.—Sandy mud on dead shells at a depth of 7 to14
fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Habitat—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Broderip: also Rev.
Zool.: also Miiller.
Seas of South America; Deshayes.
Bay of Caraccas; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected.
340. Calyptrzxa (Syphopatella) regularis. Nov. sp.
Shell with a circular margin, regularly conic: moderately
thickened: snow white, tinged with brown about the apex:
with very fine lightly impressed strie of growth, somewhat
shining: apex subacute, subcentral: lamina folded so as to
form a tube about one-third of its own width, produced to the
margin so as to make one complete revolution: margin acute.
Diameter 1.27 inch; height .55 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Mus, Essex Inst.: also
Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were obtained.
CREPiDULA. Panuma’ Shéls. 555
“341. Calyptraa' umbrella.
Calyptrea umbrella Desh. in Encyc. Meth. Vers. IL. 173.
(1st, ser. pag.) - > = 1880.
rudis Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soe: tonal p35. May-1834,
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. I. 196.
WeUG kee - 1885.
umbrella Lam. Au. sana Vert, VIL. is, No. 30,
Desh. ed. - - - ‘= "1838,
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 1. p. 234,
“No.'30! (Desh: éd: tert.) - = 1841,
rudis —_ Rev. Zool. Cuv. Soe. July 1838,
(Crucibulum) rudis‘Woodward Manual Moll.
p. 152, pl. 11. f.-12. - - 1851,
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Broderip.
‘Habitat,—Panama and Real Lejos: Cuming! Broderip: also
Rev. Zool.
Seas of Central America; Deshayes.
West- Anierica ; Woodward.
Guayaquil; Jay.
Panama: 0. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
342. Calyptrza unguis? ?
We found one immature specimen which may belong to this
343. Crepidula cerithicola. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate, convex: posteriorly whitish, sometimes with a
broad ray of dark brownish red on each side of the umbo;
anteriorly subtransparent, pale brownish red, with narrow dark
rays of the same color; sometimes all the rays are confluent,
and more rarely the entire shell is of a dark brownish red;
with the septum white: smooth: apex acute, terminal and
nidrginal, a little dextrorsal: septum slightly angulated along
JULY, 1852. 57 Ann. Lro, Nat. Hist,
226 Panama Shells. CALYPTRAID&.,
the middle, with a small sinus at the left, a broad one at the
middle of the edge, and none at the right side.
Length .23 inch: breadth .14 inch; convexity .07 inch.
Station —On Cerithium irroratum, q. Vv.
Habitat.—Taboga; C. B. A.!
This species was not observed until after the shells arrived
here. When cleaning a quantity of C. irroratum, 45 specimens
were obtained.
344. Crepidula echinus.
Calyptrea (Crepipatella) echinus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc.
Lond. p. 89. - = May 1834,
—— Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc.
Lond. I. 208. pl. 27. f. 1. 1835.
—— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test.
Viv. p.148, - = May 1836.
Crepidula —— Lam. An. sans Vert. VII.
650. No. 23. (Desh. ed.) 1838.
—— Lam. An. sans Vert. ITI.
Pt. 1. p. 289, No, 28.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - = - 1841,
Station.—Under stones at low water.
Habitat.—Lobos I.; Cuming! Broderip: also Miiller.
Peru; Deshayes: also Jay.
Panama; C. B. Al
18 specimens were obtained.
845. Crepidula excavata.
Calyptreea (Crepidula) excavata Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soo.
Lond. p. 40. - - May 1834,
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc.
Lond. I. 205. pl. 29. f. 7. 18385.
CREPIDULA. Panama Shells. 297
Calyptrea (Crepidula) excavata Mill. Synop. Nov. Test.
Viv. p. 150. - - May 1836,
Crepidula Lam. An. sans Vert. VII.
649. No. 19. (Desh. ed.) 1838,
Lam. An. sans. Vert. III. Pt. 1.
p-239. No. 19. (Desh. ed. tert.) 1841.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat.—Real Llejos; Cuming! Broderip.
Chili; Deshayes.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
In the absence of testimony, the habitat mentioned by
Deshayes must be considered as doubtful.
846. Crepidula hepatica?
Crepidula hepatica Desh. Encyc. Meth. Vers. II. 26. (2d ser. pag.) 1830.
——- Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 646. No. 12.
(Desh. ed.) - - - - - 1838.
Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 1. p. 288,
No. 12. (Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1841.
- Menke in Zeitsch. Mal. p.184. - - Dec. 1847.
Our specimens have an epidermis, which is more or less
lamellar or pilose. Deshayes describes the shell as, having a
smooth exterior surface, but Menke says “confertim distincté
porcata.” Our shells exhibit a variation in the character of the
surface, which reconciles this apparent discrepancy. A variety
is very convex.
Station— Adhering to Strombus Peruvianus, q. v.; also to
Purpura tecta, q. v.
Another specimen is on a Conus gladiator, and is very
convex; probably in consequence of the very convex surface to
which it adheres. Some specimens are longitudinally recurved
but laterally very convex; conforming to the surface on which
they grew.
228 Panama ‘Shells, CALY PTH AID 2%
Habitat—-Unknown ;: Deshayes.
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
‘Mazatlan ; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.1!
. 28 specimens were collected.
According to Dr. Krauss, C. hepatica occurs ‘at: the Cape of
Good Hope. We have several specimens, collected at the Cape
by Dr. K., of his convex variety, which differs from our shells
in having the septum very deeply placed, and the beak very
prominent. The depressed variety figured by Dr. K. may more
nearly resemble the Pacific shell, but we have no specimens for
comparison. Probably, however, the Cape shells belong to a
distinct species: but as'the habitat of the original type was not
known, and .as the original description is applicable to both,
we must leave this question undecided.
347. Crepidula incurva.
Calyptrea (Crepidula) incurva Brod..in Proe.:-Zool. -Soe.
‘Lond, p. 40. - - May 1834,
a ‘Brod.:in Trans. Zool.-Soc.
Lond. pl. 29. f. 6. - 1835.
Mill. Synop.’Nov. Test.
: Viv. p. 150. -- :May:1836.
.Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid.
Moll, p.468 - — - 1843,
Station.—On dead shells dredged from sandy mud; at a depth
ranging from 6 to 10 fathoms; Cuming! Broderip.
Our:. specimens were. found adhering to. living. shells..at.and
near low water mark. Its favorite station was on the. shell
which we have. mentioned as Zrochus sp. indet. }, almost:.every
one of which.supported one or.more of this Orepidula. .Turbo
saxosus. was next in.the frequency with which : it: furnished
specimens. The species was found also on Columbella rugosa,
C. varia, Buccinum ringens, Purpura tecta, P. undulata, Trochus
CREPIDULA. Panama Shells. 229
Buschii, T. reticulatus, de. Frequently also they are attached
one to another.
Habitat.—St. Elena, and Xipixapi; Cuming! Broderip.
St. Elena; Jay.
Payta; Fontaine! Orbigny.
Panama; OC. B. A.!
120 specimens were collected. 2 specimens in the Mus.
Amh. were sent by a German conchologist, as having come
from Peru.
348. Crepidula Lessonii.
Calyptrea (Crepidula) Lessonii Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc.
Lond. p. 39. - - May 1834,
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc.
Lond. I. 204. pl. 29. f. 5. 1835.
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test.
Viv. p. 149. - May 1836,
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII.
649. No. 20. (Desh, ed.) 1888.
Lam. An. sans Vert. ITI. Pt. 1.
p- 289. No. 20. Desh. ed. tert. 1841
This species is remarkable for the very broad far projecting
laminz, which occupy the surface. Most of our specimens are
nearly or wholly destitute of the brown longitudinal lines.
Station.—Under stones at low water ; Cuming! Broderip.
Our specimens were found in the same situation.
Habditat—lI. of Muerte; Cuming! Broderip: also Miiller.
I. of Muerte ; Deshayes: also Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
80 specimens were collected on the reef:
349. Crepidula squama.
Calyptroea (Crepidula) sqyuama Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p40. - - + May 1834,
JULY, 1852, 68 Ann. Lro. Nat, Hist.
230 Panama Shells, CALYPTRZID#,
Calyptrea (Crepidyla) squama Brod, in Trans, Zool. Sac. Lond,
1. 205, pl.29.f£10, - 1885,
Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p.
151. - - - - May 1836.
Lam. An, sans Vert. VII, 648.
No, 16, (Desh, ed.) - — 1888,
- Lam. An, sang Vert, IIT. Pt. 1. p
239, No. 16. (Desh. ed. tert.) 1841.
The specimens vary much in color: the normal arrangement
is with dark reddish brown rays on a whitish ground; in some
shells the rays are few and faint; in others they are crowded or
even confluent. The surface is incurved or excurved according
to the figure of the spot on which they grow.
Station.— Under stones and in dead shells near low water mark.
Habitat— Panama; Cuming! Broderip: also Miiller.
Panama; Deshayes: also Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.|
3(85 specimens were collected.
850. Crepidula unguiformis.
, Qualt, Test. p]. 69, f. 11, 1742,
Patella crepidula — Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 1257. No. 752.(Ed. 12.) 1767.
ee Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 3695, No, 17. 1788.
SSS Turt, Linn, Syst, Nat. IV, 654, 1806.
—— Broce. Foss. Subapp. II. 253. — 1814.
Crepidula unguiformis Lam. An. sans Vert, VI. Pt. 2. p. 25.Na, 4, 1818.
Ltalica Defr. Dict. des 8c. Nat, XI. 897, 1818.
————. plana Say Journ. Acad. Nat, Sc, Phil. (Old Ser.)
1.296. - - - July 1821.
Italica Dict. Classique d’Hist. Nat, V. 54, April 1824,
unguiformis Sowh, Gen, pl, — f, 6, 1824,
calceolina | Desh. Encyc. Meth. Vers. II. 26. No. 6.
(2nd ser. pag.) - - - 1830.
plana Say Amer. Conch. pl. 44, 1880,
unguiformis Brod. in Pros. Zool. Soc, Lond. p. 89: May 1834,
CREPIDULA, Panama Sheils. 231
Crepidula unguiformis Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. I. pl. 29.
f. 4. - - - - - 1835,
Mill. Syn. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 151. May 1836,
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 643. No. 4.
; (Desh. ed.) - ee 1838,
—_—_ ————— Pot. et Mich. Gal. Moll. Mus, Douai. I. 514. 1838.
plana Gould Invert. Mass. p. 159. f. 16. ~ 1840.
———— _unguiformis Lam. An. sans Vert. IIT, Pt. 1. p. 236.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - - 1841.
————— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 143. f. 6. 1842.
dilatata No. 4. Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 467. 1843.
plana Dekay Zool. of N. Y. Moll. p. 158. pl. 7.
f. 153, a. b. - - - 1843.
This shell is well calculated to confound the popular notion .
of species. We have now before us many perfect specimens
from Sicily, from Massachusetts, from Jamaica, and from Panama,
all of which, with the exception of the Mediterranean shells,
we collected in person. They present many modifications of
form dependent on progress of growth, and the positions which
they occupy in dead shells. But we have in vain attempted to
discover any characteristics of locality. The only approach to a
local character is to be found in a few of the Panama shells, which
have longitudinal rays of reddish brown, while all the other
specimens are of a uniform white. So far at least as the shells
are concerned, it seems necessary to admit that they all may be
comprised in one species ; or to maintain that individuals, which
cannot be distinguished from each other, belong to different
species, because it is probable that they descended from distinct
original stocks. Butif we admit that each species in the animal
kingdom was introduced by the creation of many original stocks,
then the fact before us becomes intelligible and very uncommon
in only one particular, viz: that the original individuals of a
single species were created in very distant zoological provinces,
On the opinion that the North American C. plana Say is
identical with the Mediterranean C. unguiformis Lam., Dr.
Gould remarks as follows :—
“In this opinion I have the coneurrence of Mr. Sowerby.
232 Panama Shells, CALYPTRAIDA.
Deshayes observes that he can hardly think that the shell
figured as Calyptrea unguiformis by Broderip in ‘ Trans. Zool.
Soc.’ I. pl. 29, f. 4, is the shell of Linnzus. He says the shell
of Linneus is distinguished by a profound notch at one
extremity of the partition, and a feebler one at the other; that
the shell described by Mr. Say as Crepidula plana wants this
notch, and is the shell figured by Broderip. Now it so happens
that the only specimen which I am certain is entire, has this
notch precisely as described, and the tooth-like process which
separates the large notch from the rest of the margin is such as
would be likely to be broken in almost every instance. This
. fact leads me to suppose that all three of the shells in question
are of the same species, and should be called C. ungusformis.”
Station.— Dans Vintérieur des coquilles univalves abandonnées;
Defrance. Espéce quia l’habitude de se mettre 4 labri dans
les coquilles abandonnées ; Deshayes. Inside of dead shells of
Ranella vexillum, FR. celata, &e, * * * Dredged from sandy mud
at a depth ranging from 4 to 10 fathoms; Cuming! Broderip. In
the aperture of other shells; Gould! In dead shells, whether
or not the shells are occupied by Paguridw. We have received
the shell from Sicily in the aperture of a Murex trunculus. In
Massachusetts we have found it in the aperture of Natica duph-
cata, of Pyrula canaliculata, P. carica ; on the inside of Pecten
concentricus, and of the crustacean Limulus polyphemus, &c.
In Jamaica, we found it in Murex brevifrons, M. funiculatus (2),
Fasciolaria tulipa, Pyrula melongena, Turbo crenulatus, &e.
In Panama we found it in Murex radia, Fasciolaria granosa,
Turbo saxosus, Natica sp. indet., &. It occurs more frequently
near half tide level, but is not very narrowly limited in its ver-
tical range.
Dr. Gould and D’Orbigny both consider the peculiarities of
this shell as the effect of its position; and Orbigny ascribes the
flattened form to the pressure of the organs of hermit crabs,
one of which usually occupies the same habitation. * If, however,
CREPIDULA. Panama Shells. 233
these writers are correct, we ought to find the characters always
graduating into those of other species, according to the position
of the shell.
Habitat.—Ilva ; Gualteri.
Seas of Barbary; Linnzus: also Gmelin: also
In nearly all the Mediterranean; Deshayes.
Mediterranean ; Jay.
Bays of Tunis and Algiers; McAndrew!
Sicily; C. B. A.
Mediterranean and Seas of Senegal; Potiez and
Maine; Mighels!
Massachusetts; Gould! also C. B. A.!
New York harbor; C. M. Wheatley !
New Jersey ; Say. x
Maryland, Carolina, Georgia, and Hast Florida;
Say !
Jamaica ; C.B. A!
I. of Childe and Panama; Cuming! Broderip;
also Miiller.
Panama; C. B. A.!
In the United States, Maine appears to be the northern limit
of the species: Dr. Mighels says, ‘I have never found but one
individual of this species in Casco Bay [Maine]; this had
located itself within the mouth of a dead Buccinum undatum.”
In Massachusetts, we have only found one specimen north
of Cape Cod; this was on Chelsea Beach. But south of Cape
Cod the species is common. In Jamaica, it is common in the
Bay of Port Royal. At Panama we collected 35 specimens.
This species is thus found to inhabit the following distinct
marine zoological provinces :—
1. The Mediterranean.
2. East side of North America, north of Cape Cod.
3. ns a «middle regions.
JULY, 1852. 59 Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hier.
234 Panama Shells. CALYPTRZIDZ.
4. The Caribbean waters,
5. West side of America, tropical shores.
G.. CE -a@ “ southern temperate region.
Tt is also common in a fossil state.
“ Fossile en Italie, en Sicilie, en Morée, 4 Bordeaux et a Dax,
dans les faluns de la Touraine :” Deshayes,
“‘Possile nel Piacentine e nel Sanese ;” Brocchi.
351. Crepidula nivea. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate-elliptic: rather thick: within snow white: with.
out dingy white, sometimes with a faint tinge of brown: very
irregularly concentrically more or less wrinkled, with very dis-
tinct strie of growth: apex turned more or less to the right,
moderately prominent, marginal: septum longitudinally suh-
apgular, with a'deep sinus at the lef and a shallow one at the
right: margin thick, exhibiting striz of growth. It closely
resembles C. ungusformis, but constantly differs in characters
and station.
Length 1.4 inch; breadth 1 inch; height .4 inch.
Station.— Under stones, near low water mark,
Habitat—Panama; 0, B, A.!
45 specimens were collected on the reef.
352. Crepidula osculans. Nov. sp.
Shell elliptical: pale horn color, subtransparent: surface
minutely decussated with numerous very small radiating and
concentric ridges: apex subterminal, very prominent, not
marginal, with the nuclear portion smooth, shining, transparent
and slightly directed to the right: septum but little above the
margin, extremely narrow or linear, extending around the
posterior part of the shell: margin very thin. In some respects,
this species is allied to Pileopsis.
Length .14 inch ; breadth .1 inch; height .045 inch,
FISSURELLA. Panama Shells. 235
Station. Unknown.
Hahitat—Panama; 0. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen of this extraordinary species was obtained.
353. Crepidula rostrata. Nov. sp.
Shell very convex, irregularly elliptic: livid brown, some-
times with pale ill-defined spots: irregularly somewhat corru-
gated both radiately and concentrically: apex very acute and
prominent, rostriform, very distant from but extending beyond
the posterior margin, slightly directed to the right: septum far
within the margin, planulate, usually very oblique to the plane
of the aperture: margin thin, irregular,
Length .48 inch; breadth .3 inch; height .29 inch.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
5 specimens were obtained in different stages of growth.
354, Fissurella zqualis.
Fissurella equalis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 127. Nov. 1834.
—_ Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 158. May 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 49. pl. 76. f. 56. 1841.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 8. f. 55. Dec. 1849.
Station.—On dead shells in from 6 to 10 fathoms; Cuming !-
Sowerby : also Reeve. 7
Habitat—St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
5 specimens were obtained.
236 Panama Shells. FISSURELLID.&.
355. Fissurella alta. Nov. sp.
Shell subconic, high : dingy white, often more or less covered
with broad ashy black rays, which may be seen through the
shell: with prominent radiating ribs, of which the alternate
ones are excessively developed, and intermediate small raised
lines; with many concentric ridges, which are less prominent
than the larger radiating ribs, and more so than the others:
summit nearer to and somewhat inclined towards the anterior
extremity : fissure small, ovate-elliptic: margin pectinated by
the radiating ribs.
The following are the dimensions of a very large and high
shell and of another of average size :
Height .42 inch; length .55 inch; breadth .41 inch.
“ 22 “ bc 42, “ce bc 29 6“
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
26 specimens were obtained.
356. Fissurella macrotrema.
Fissurella macrotrema Sowb. in Proe. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 125. Nov. 1834.
aan nae Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 155. May 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 33. pl. 74, f 41. 1841.
Chenu. Il. Conch. pl. 1. f. 14. 1848,
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 5. f. 31. Aug. 1849,
Station.—Under stones on the shore ; Cuming ! Sowerby.
Habitat—Gallapago Is. and Real Llejos; var’s at Lobos I.
and Lambeyeque, Peru; Cuming! Sowerby: also
Gallapago Is. ; Cuming! Reeve.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
We collected 5 specimens, which are somewhat narrower
than the figures in Sowerby and in Reeve.
FISSURELLA. Panama Shells. 237
35%. Fissurella microtrema.
Fissurella microtrema Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 125. Nov. 1834.
————— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 156. May 1836.
Chenu Ill. Conch. pl. 1. f. 11.
Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 473. 1843.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 44, Dec. 1849.
The shells before us seem to be intermediate between this
species and J’, rugosa Sowb., as these species are figured by
Sowerby and by Reeve. We are indebted to Mr. Cuming for
specimens which enable us to determine the species.
Station.— Under stones at low water ; Cuming! Reeve.
Habitat.—Real Llejos ; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
West Columbia; Cuming! in sched.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We obtained 10 specimens in various stages of growth.
358. Fissurella mus.
Fissureila mus Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 16. f. 120. Aug. 1850.
Var. Two of our specimens differ from the type in having
the fissure shorter and the region around it more elevated.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Unknown ; Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were collected.
359. Fissurella nigropunctata,
Fissurella nigropunctata Sowb.in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.125. Nov. 1834.
— Miill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 155. May 1836,
JULY, 1852, 60 Ann. Lro. Nat. Hist.
238 Panama Shells. FISSURELLIDA,
Fissurella nigropunctata Sowb, Conch. Ill. No. 82. pl. 75. f. 51. 1841.
——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 8. Aug. 1849.
Station.—Under stones on the shore; Cuming! Sowerby :
also Reeve.
Our specimens were found on rocks at and below half tide level.
Some of them have their outlines singularly modified by the
surface of the rugged rocks on which they were living.
Habitat—Gallapago Is., and Lobos I.; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Reeve: also Miiller.
Gallapago Is.; Jay.
Taboga; C, B. A.t. ;
We collected 95 specimens. Most of them are elongated like
the figure in the Conch. Illust., and are narrower than the figure
in the Conch. Icon.
360. Fissurella ostrina.
Fissurella ostrina Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 106. Aug. 1850.
Habitat Unknown ; Reeve.
Panama; C, B. A.!
3 specimens were found near Panama.
861. Fissurella virescens.
Fissurella virescens Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 125. Nov. 1834.
——— Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 154. May 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Illust. No. 31. pl. 73. £37. 1841.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 12. Aug. 1849.
Station—In exposed situations at low water; Cuming |
Sowerby. In exposed situations on rocks at low water; Cum-
ing! Reeve.
Our specimens were found on a ledge of rather smooth
rocks, between half tide and low water mark, in a place
somewhat exposed to the sea,
SIPHONARIA, Panama Shells. 239
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve: Miiller.
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama ; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 142 specimens on a ledge of rocks nearly three
miles east of Panama.
362. Siphonaria characteristica,
Siphonaria characteristica Reevein Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 49. Mar. 1842.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 188. f. 3. 1842,
Station.—On rocks above and below half tide level.
Habitat—Bay of Panama; Cuming! Reeve.
Bay of Panama; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
70 specimens were collected.
363. Siphonaria costata.
Synonymy. .
Siphonaria costata Sowb. in Proe. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.6., Jan. 1835.
Station.—On rocks in exposed situations at low water; Cum-
ing! Sowerby.
Habitat—Guacomayo ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Guacomayo; Jay.
Panama; C, B. A. !
Only 1 specimen was found.
364. Siphonaria gigas.
Siphonaria gigas Sowb. Tank. Catal. App. p. 6. No, 808. 1825.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 138. f. 6. 1842,
Val. Voy. Venus. Moll. pl. 12, 13. 1846,
240 Panama Shells. FISSURELLID&,
Station.—On rocks above and below half tide level.
Habitat Panama ; Sowerby.
Peru; Voyage of the Venus.
Gallapago Is.; Jay.
Taboga; C. B. A.
220 specimens were collected.
Nearly one half of the specimens, which we have included
in this species, are intermediate between this and S. characteristica.
There is so little constancy in the two forms, that the distinction
is a source of much perplexity.
365. Siphonaria maura.
Siphonaria maura Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 7. Jan. 1835.
Reeve Elem. Conch, pl. 24. f. 144? 1848?
Station.—On rocks ; Cuming! Sowerby. Our specimens were
found on ledges of rocks, mostly above half tide level.
Habitat— Panama; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.!
200 specimens were collected.
366. Siphonaria pica?
Siphonaria pica (?) Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 6. Jan. 1835.
Station,—On rocks in exposed situations ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat— Acapulco; Cuming! Sowerby. '
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were found.
Is not Mr. Sowerby in error when he represents Mr. Cuming
as having made collections at Acapulco?
PATELLA. Panama Shells. 241
367. Lottia patina?
Acmea patina (?) Rathke in Esch. Zool. Atlas. Heft. V.
p19. pl24.£7,8- - - 1833,
Station.—On and under stones at the low water mark of neap
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama; C. B. A.!
84 specimens were collected on the reef.
Var. a has only linear pale rays on a dark olivaceous ground,
and the margin is of a uniform blackish brown: the radiating
strise are coarser than in the type.
368. Lottia . Sp.indet. a.
A small suborbicular conical thin shell.
Station.— Under stones near half tide level.
Habitat—Panama ; C.B A.!
45 specimens were collected.
369. Lottia
« Sp. indet. &
20 specimens were taken with the preceding.
370. Lottia
- Sp. indet. ¢.
11 specimens of this minute species were collected at
371. Patella (?)
. Sp. indet. a.
Station.—On rocks not far from half tide level.
Habitat—Panama; CO. B. A.!
16 specimens were collected.
JULY, 1852. 61 Ann, Lyc. Nat. Hist.
242 Panama Shells. PATELLIDZ.
372. Chiton clathratus.
Chiton clathratus Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 18. f. 113. Apr. 1847,
Station.—Under stones near low water mark,
Habitat—Unknown; Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.l.
12 specimens were found.
$18. Chiton dispar.
Chiton dispar Sowb. in Proe. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 58. Mar. 1832.
— Mill. Syn. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 168. 1836.
— Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 511. No. 50. (Desh. ed.) 1838.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 47. pl. 41. f 25. “1841.
—- Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. 1. p. 188. No. 50.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - - Apr. 1841.
— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 18. f. 96. Apr. 1847,
Station.—Under stones: Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones near the low water
mark of neap tides.
Habitat. I. of Saboga ;” Cuming! Sowerby.
Gulf of Panama; Deshayes.
“T. of Saboga, Panama;” Cuming! Reeve.
Panama, and Taboga; C. B, A.!
This species is common. We collected about 100 speci-
mens, many of which have been destroyed by rats.
374. Chiton luridus 2
Chiton luridus Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p- 26. Feb. 18382.
Mill. Syn. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 163, 1836.
Lam. An. sans Vert, VIL. 495. No. 13. (Desh. ed.) 1838.
CHITON. Panama Shells. 243
Chiton luridus Lam. An. sans Vert. ITI. Pt. 1. es 182, No. 18.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1889.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 99. pars. it 40. f. 20. 1841.
an Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 15. f. 85. Mar. 1847.
Our specimens differ from C. /uridus, as described by Sowerby
and by Reeve, in having the granules of the terminal valves
and of the lateral areas rather sparsely scattered, instead of
being crowded.
Station.—Attached to stones at a depth of 5 fathoms; Cum-
ing! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones at low water mark.
Habitat.—St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
St. Elena; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were found.
375. Chiton pulchellus.
Chiton pulchellus Gray Spicil. Zool. 1828.
—— ———— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 489. 1843.
—— ————_ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 23. f. 158. May 1847.
Station.—80 or 40 fathoms depth; Orbigny.
Under stones, which were lying half buried in sand near the
low water mark of the neap tides.
Habitat Arica, in Peru; W. V. Hennah! Reeve.
Islay ; Orbigny.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
80 specimens were collected.
376. Chiton Stokesii.
Chiton Stokesii Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 25. Feb. 1832.
244 Panama Shells. OSTRHIDA.
Chiton Stokesiz Mill. Syn. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 162. 1836.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 510 No. 49. (Desh. ed.) 1838.
Lam. An. sans Vert. IIT. Pt. 1. p. 188, No. 49.
(Desh. ed. tert.) - - - 1841.
— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 20. pl. 41. £2 24, 1841,
——- ——— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 486. 1843.
—- Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 4. Mar. 1847.
Station —On stones at low water; Cuming! Broderip. Under
stones at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones near the low water of
neap tides.
Habitat.—Port St. Elena, and Panama; Cuming! Broderip.
Seas of South America; Deshayes.
Columbia; Sowerby : also Jay.
Arica and Islay ; Orbigny |
St. Elena; Cuming! Reeve.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected about 40 specimens, many of which have been
destroyed by rats. ‘The species is very common.
377. Amomia lampe.
Anomia lampe Gray in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 117. Nov. 1849.
Gray in Catal. Anom. Brit. Mus. p. 19. 1850.
Station.—In 60 fathoms water; Major Rich! Gould MSS.
It also occurs at low water mark.
Habitat—California; Gray.
La Paz and Monterey, Calif.; Major Rich! Gould
Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was obtained. The specimen obtained from
60 fathoms water by Major Rich was taken at Monterey. One
from La Paz in Mus. Gould is of enormous size,
OSTREA. Panama Shells. 245
378. Amomia tenuis. Nov. sp.
Shell orbicular: flat, extremely thin: white, subtransparent,
pearly: externally somewhat uneven: upper scar large,
rounded, with the lower side arcuated: two lower scars small,
circular, equal: anterior one nearly entering the arcuation of
the upper scar; posterior one near the other, with the upper
margin as high as the centre of the other.
Diameter about .85 inch.
Station. Near low water mark.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were obtained.
379. Anomia - Sp. indet. a.
A very small yellow shell with the convex valve excessively
convex, and the margin lobate. Although only 1 valve was
found, it is obvious that it belongs to a very distinct species.
380. Ostrea
- Sp. indet. a.
Rather large and ovate; with the upper valve radiately cor-
rugated, with many notches on both sides of the hinge: lower
valve attached to a ledge of rock by the whole of its surface:
on this account it is rarely possible to detach.a specimen entire.
It occurs more commonly near half tide level. Itis rather com-
mon, but not abundant on the reef at Panama, We collected
only 6 specimens. It is an edible species of excellent flavor.
During the recess of the tide the natives open the shells on the
rocks, without detaching the lower valves, and collect the soft
parts in a calabash.
381. Ostrea . Sp. indet. 4.
Rather large and solid, with both valves strongly notched on
both sides of the hinge: surface without sculpture other than
JULY, 1852. 62 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
946 Panama Shells, OSTRAIDZ,
the incremental strisze: nacre extremely brilliant, with delicate
changeable colors.
Attached to ledges of rock by the renter part of the jewel
valve. It occurs near half tide level.
Tt is not common: we collected only 3 specimens on the reef
at Panama.
382. Ostrea . Sp. indet. c.
40. Columbiensis Hanley, P. Z. 8. Lond. p. 107. Oct. 1845.
Rather small, more or less pentangular, and short but not
Attached to stones, rocks, and other shells, near half tide
level: the lower valve is attached by rather more than half of
its surface, and then abruptly rises from the attached part so as
to form a deep cavity.
O. Columbiensis Han). was found by Mr. Cuming attached to
rocks at half tide at St. Elena. At Panama our shell is not
rare, although we took only 15 specimens. ;
383. Ostrea
Like 0. borealis.
Usually occurs in clusters.
It was brought from some place near Panama which we did
not visit. We obtained 35 specimens. The flavor is superior
to that of O. virginica or O. borealis. They were sold in Pa-
nama at a dime each.
. Sp. indet. 7d.
La Ved
babe at
384. Ostrea ———. Sp. indet. «.
A small plicated species. The animal has a bitter flavor.
Attached to rocks and stones from three quarters to one quar-
ter tide level. A small var. grows on Nerita scabricosta,
This species covers many parts of the reef at Panama in great
profusion. We collected 330 specimens.
PECTEN. Panama Shells. 247
385. Spondylus Lamarckiit?
Spondylus Lamarckii (?) Chenu Ill. Conch. p. 6. pl. 9. f. 4.
——_ (2) Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 425. No. 21.
pl. 85. f. 20. 2 . 1847.
Our specimens being old, with the sculpture eroded, we are
unable to determine confidently what the species is, it being
unfortunately the custom in this genus and in Chama to describe
and figure little more than those exterior characters which are
very rarely found in perfection. Oné of the most permanent
characters of this species is the broad deep red purple finely
wrinkled limb of the otherwise white interior.
Habitat.—La Paz; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
, Bay of Panama; C. B. A.!
At Taboga we found a large pile of odd valves of this species,
which the natives had taken in the bay.
386. Spondylus . Sp. indet. a,
Brown, with a narrow white margin. Only one very young
specimen was found. Hab. Panama. :
387. Pecten Inca.
Pecten tumidus Sowb. (non Turt. nec Zeiten) in Proce.
Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 109. - - July 1835.
ventricosus Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 51. No. 19. pl.
12. f. 18, 19, 26. - - 1842.
— Ina Orb. Voy. Amer, Merid. Moll. p. 663. 1846,
Station.—In sandy mud at from 6 to 10 fathoms.
248 Panama Shells. PECTENIDA.
Habitat—St. Elena and Salango; Cuming! Orbigny.
St. Elena; Sowerby.
Calapan, Philippines; Cuming! Sowerby; “young
West Columbia; Jay.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!
Great numbers of odd valves, much worn, were seen at Tabo-
ga; butwe did not learn the station of the species, and collected
only 8 odd valves.—Probably the young shells from the Philip-
pines are the young of some allied but distinct species.
388. Pecten Tumbezensis.
Pecten aspersus Sowb. (non Lam.) in Proe, Zool. Soe.
Lond. p. 110. - July 1835.
— —— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 51. No. 16. pl.
19. f. 198-9. > - = 1842,
— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 271. 1845?
Tumbezensis Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 663. 1846.
Station —Soft mud at the depth of 5 fathoms: Cuming!
Habitat—Tumbez, in Peru; Cuming! Sowerby: also Or-
Peru; Hanley.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 2 odd valves were found.
389. Lima angulata.
Lima angulata Sowh, in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 23. Feb. 1843.
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 86. No. 12. pl. 22.
f, 39, 40. - - 1843,
Orb. Voy, Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 653. 1846.
AVICULA. Panama Shells. 249
Station.—Sandy mud, 12 to 20 fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat—Panama and Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Orbigny.
: Panama; C. B. A.!
, We found 1 entire shell and 8 odd valves.
390. Lima Pacifica.
Lima arcuaia Sowb. (non Geinitz 1840) Thes. Conch. p. 86.
No. 15. pl. 22.f41-2, - - - - 1843.
—_ Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 268. 1845?
— Pacifica Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 654. 1846,
Station.—Under stones at the low water mark of the spring
Habitat— Guayaquil and Panama; Cuming! Orbigny.
Panama; Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
“ At Lord Hood’s L., under coral rocks; at Panama, in sandy
mud; at Guayaquil Bay; at Guacomayo, under stones, &c., by
Mr. Cuming.” Sowerby.
3 specimens were found alive on the reef.
Family—A VICULID &.
391. Avicula margaritifera?
Under the name of A. margaritifera are included several
kindred but distinct types. It would be of great service to the
general subject of the geographical distribution of marine
species, if some one would collect authentic materials, and
investigate the peculiarities of the local types.
Station.—In the crevices of rocks near low water mark.
Habitat—Taboga; O. B. A.!
We found only 2 living, rather young, specimens. Probably
JULY, 1852. 63 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
250 Panama Shells. MYTILID A.
these are identical with the species which occurs abundantly in
some parts of the Bay of Panama, and from which pearls are
392. Avicula sterna,
Avicula sterna Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. p. 93, Nov. 1851.
Station. —Attached to a small species of Gorgona, at the low
water mark of the spring tides.
Habitat.—Panama; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected on the reef.
393. Perna - Sp.indet. a.
Station —Under stones and in the crevices of rocks at low
water mark.
Habitat—La Paz; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
180 specimens were collected on the reef.
394. Perna . Sp. indet. 0.
With the preceding : 80 specimens were collected.
395. Pinna maura.
Pinna maura Bowb. in Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 84. June 1835,
Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 255. 18451
Station.—Muddy banks; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat.—Panama ; Cuming ! Sowerby.
Panama; Hanley |
MODIOLA. Panama Shells. 251
Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
396. Pinna tuberculosa.
Pinna tuberculosa Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 84. June 1835.
—- ———— Hanley Desc, Catal. p. 255. 1845?
Station —Muddy banks ; Cuming ! Sowerby.
We found it in crevices of rocks, near low water mark.
Habitat.— Panama ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; Hanley.
Panama; ©, B. A.!
4 specimens were found on the reef. :
397. Mytilus . Sp. indet. a,
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama,; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained.
398. Lithodomus . Sp. indet. a.
Station.—In thick shells, between half tide and low water
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
20 specimens were collected on the reef.
399. Modiola semifusca?
Modiola semifusca (?) Lam. An. sans Vert. No. 11. 1820.
Sowb. Gen. pl. —. f. 6. 1824.
—— (2?) Lam. An. sans Vert. VII. 22. No, 11,
(Desh. ed.) - 1836.
Mytilus Guiaénsis Kit. (an Lam. ?) Cotich: Cab, pl. f. 1. 1840.
252 Panama Shells. MYTILIDZ.
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama,; C. B. A.!
A few dead shells were found in several places near Panama,
and fine specimens were procured at the fruit shanty. 35 spe-
cimens were obtained.
400. WModiola
. Sp.indet. a.
Station.—In the crevices of rocks, between half tide and low
water mark,
Habitat—Panama and Taboga: C. B. A.!
6 specimens were obtained.
401. Modiola
- Sp.indet. 4,
Station.—In the crevices of rocks, between half tide and low
water mark.
Habitat—Taboga; CO. B. A.!
85 specimens were collected.
402. Modiola . Sp.indet. c.
Habitat—Panama; O. B. A.!
4 specimens were obtained.
403. Modiola
» Sp. indet. d.
Station— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.|
2 specimens were found,
404. Modiola
« Sp.indet. e.
Station—In soft, partly calcareous stones, not far from half
tide level.
CHAMA, Panama Shells.. 258
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were obtained.
Family—CHAMID &.
405. Chama Buddiana. Nov. sp.
Shell orbicular or subtriangular: exterior surface and inner
margins purplish red, with the spines pure white: surface
uneven, with interrupted radiating strise; upper valve orna-
mented with a few radiating series of short thick triangular
vaulted spines: lower valve attached by about two-thirds to
three-quarters of its surface, the rest being like the upper valve,
but with the dentiform spines smaller: within both valves are
deeply and finely crenulated at the junction of the white sur-
face and red margin: beak submarginal. Wasily distinguished
from C Pacifica and C. Broderipii by the small thick dentiform
triangular white spines.
‘Diameter about 8 inches.
Station.—On ledges of rocks, a little above low water mark.
The lower valve is so firmly attached as to render it difficult to
obtain specimens entire without the use of mineralogical tools.
Habitat—_Guaymas; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst,
Panama; C. B. A.!
6 specimens were obtained.
Named in honor of Dr. B. W. Budd of New York city.
406. Chama corrugata ?
Chama corrugata Brod. in Proe. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 150. Dec. 1834.
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. I. 306.
pl. 31. f. 7. - 5 5 =e 1885.
marry Ilanley Descr. Catal. p. 229. 1845 4
poner Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 2. f. 9. Dec. 1846.
Possibly our shell may be a large specimen of C. Panamen-
JULY, 1852. 64 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
264 Panama Shells. ARCIDA.
sis Reeve. Having only 2 odd valves with an eroded surface,
we are unable to determine the species with confidence.
Station.— Attached to stones at low water; Cuming! Brode-
rip. Under stones; Cuming! Reeve.
Habitat.—Real Llejos; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
Central America; Hanley.
Real Lejos ; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We found only 2 valves.
407. Chama cchinata.
Chama echinata Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.150. Dee, 1834.
‘Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 305. pl. 39.
f.5-7. - - - - - - 1835.
——— ~——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 35. junior. Jan. 1847,
Station.— At low water, attached to rocks; Cuming! Broderip:
also Reeve. On rocks near low water mark.
Habitat—Puerto Portrero; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
15 specimens were obtained.
408. Nucula Elenensis.
Nucula Elenensis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 198. Dec. 1832.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 191. 1836.
—_ — Sowb. Conch. Tl. No, 19. pl. 15. f. 14, 1841,
—. Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 85. f£. 14. Sept. 1841.
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 169. 18453
With some hesitation we have referred our specimens to this
species, although we cannot detect the “ marginibus crenulatis.”
NUCULA. Panama Shells. 255
Station —Sandy mud, at a depth of 6 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat—St. Hlena; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
West Columbia; Hanley.
Panama; OC. B. A.!
20 odd valves were found.
409. Nucula exigua.
Nucula exigua Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 198. Dee. 1832.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 192. 1836,
_—_— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 34. pl. 16. f. 24. 1841.
—_ Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 172. 1845?
— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 625. 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud, in 9 fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby:
Habitat.—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miller:
also Orbigny.
West Columbia; Hanley.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 valve only was found.
410. Nucula polita.
Nucula polita Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 198. Dec. 1832.
Lam. An. sans Vert. VI. 507. No. 8. (Desh. ed.) 1835.
——— —— Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 190. 1836.
— —— Lam. An. sans Vert. II. 660. No. 8. (Desh.ed. tert.) 1839.
—_—— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 16. pl. 15. f. 11. 1841.
— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 85. f. 11. Sept. 1841.
—— —— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 169. 1845?
Station.—A single specimen of this very beautiful species was
dredged up in sand from a depth of 7 fathoms; Cuming!
258 Panama Shells, ARCIDA.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller,
Panama; Deshayes: also Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A,
10 odd valves were found.
411. Pectunculus assimilis,
Pectunculus assimilis Sowb. in Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond. p. 196. Dec. 1832.
——_—_—- Miill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 189. 1836.
arr ———> Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 15, Mar, 1843,
er Orb. Voy, Amer, Merid. Moll. p, 629, 1846,
Tn the number, width, and form of the cross bands of brown
our specimens are so variable that no two are alike, and two
of them have most of the ground color of a greyish blue. In
respect of coloring, therefore, the species does not appear to be
well distinguished from P, inequalis, Nor is the distinction in
sculpture much more constant.
Station—In sandy mud and gravel, in from 8 to 12 fathoms;
Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones, in calcareous gravel,
between one quarter tide and low water mark.
Habitat_—Puerto Portrero, Bay of Guayaquil, Central Ame-
rica; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: also
Reeve: also Orbigny.
Guayaquil; Jay.
Mazatlan ; Lt. Green | Gould MSS,
Panama; C. B. A.|
20 specimens were collected on, the reef.
A common ambiguity again appears in Mr. Sowerby’s state- .
ment; since the Bay of Guayaquil (and Puerto Portrero ?) is not
in Central America, is the latter mentioned as a third locality ?
ARCA. Panama Shells. 257
412. Pectunculus maculatus?
Pectunculus maculatus Brod. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 126. June 1832.
—_——. Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 4. Feb. 1848.
Station.—In fine gravel in 11 fathoms water; Cuming!
Habitat.—Puerto Portrero; Cuming! Broderip: also Reeve. ©
Panama; ©. B. A.!
We obtained only one specimen. It is nearly covered with
very large irregular spots and radiating lines of dark red; it is
also very convex at the umbones, and in both of these charac-
‘ters appears to differ from the P. maculatus as described by Mr.
Broderip, and as figured by Mr. Reeve.
413. Arca alternata,
Byssoarca alternata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 17, Feb. 1833.
——_— — Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 184. 1836.
Arca —— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 13. f. 88. Apr. 1843.
—_——- Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 156. 1845?
- Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 638. 1846.
Station.—Attached to stones, on a rocky bottom, at the
depth of 12 fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat.— West Columbia; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Equador; Cuming! Orbigny.
West Columbia; Hanley.
Mazatlan ; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
4 specimens were collected.
414. Arca aviculoidest?
Arca auriculata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 20. Feb. 1833.
JULY, 1852. 65 Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist.
258 Panama. Shells. © ARCIDS.
Arca aviculoides Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10. f. 63. : - Mar. 1844.
Station—Muddy bottom at the depth of 10 fathoms; Cum-
ing ! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat.—St. Elena ; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained, which is too young to be confi-
dently determined without a series.
415. Arca emarginata,
Arca emarginata Sowb. in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 20. Feb. 1833.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 180. 1836.
— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 4. f. 26. Jan. 1844.
—— ——_———— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 161. 1845?
— — Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 635. 1846.
Station—Sandy mud at the depth of 6 or 8 fathoms; Cum-
ing! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Hatitat——Real Llejos, Atacamas, Xipixapi, Panama, and
Gulf of California; Cuming! Sowerby: also
Atacama, Xipixapi, and Panama; Cuming!
Central America; Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were obtained.
416. Areca gradata.
Arca gradata Brod. and Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV. 365. 1829.
Gray in Zool. Beech. Voy. p. 152. pl. 43. f. 1. 1839.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 14. f. 92. Apr. 1844,
Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 155. 1845 ?
——— ——— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 636. 1846,
ARCA. Panama Shells. 259
Station.— Attached to stones; Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones near low water mark.
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Broderip: also Beechey’s Voyage.
St. Elena ; Cuming! Reeve: also Orbigny.
St. Elena; Jay.
Mexico; Hanley.
Santa Barbara; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were found.
417. Arca grandis.
Area grandis Brod. et Sowb. in Zool. Jour. IV. 365. 1829.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 4. Dec. 1843.
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 160. | \ 1845?
— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 637. 1846.
Station.—Our specimens were found half buried in mud and
small alge, under trees, a little above half tide level.
Habitat—Unknown; Broderip.
Real Tideg Bay of Guayaquil, és: Western Coast
of S. America; Cuming! also Hinds| Reeve.
Guayaquil; Fontaine! Orbigny.
Panama; Jay.
Panama: C. B. A.!
13 specimens were obtained. This species is used by the
natives for food. A single valve taken from a heap of the
shells of edible mollusks weighs 24 Ibs.
418. Arca mutabilis.
Byssoarca mutabilis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 17. Feb. 1833.
Area Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 13. f. 85. Apr. 1844,
Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 156: - - 1845?
260 Panama Shells, ARCIDZ.
Arca mutabilis Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 638. 1846.
Station.— Under stones ; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones and in the crevices
of rocks, near low water mark.
Habitat—I. of Plata; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve: also
West Columbia; Hanley.
I. of Plata ; Jay.
Panama and Taboga; OC. B. A.!
70 specimens were collected; among them are some remark-
able varieties of form,
419. Areca (Byssoarca) pholadiformis. Nov. sp.
Shell extremely elongated, subcylindrical, contracted ante-
riorly, very inequilateral: inferior margin a little irregular,
somewhat excurved, scarcely gaping for the passage of the bys-
sus: posterior margin very oblique, moderately excurved : ante-
rior margin well rounded: dingy white: surface very finely and
closely fimbriated, with the concentric ridges larger except above
the posterior angle of the umbo, on which the concentric ridges
are lamellar: with the intersections nodular and deeply marked
beneath with the arcuate striza of growth: umbones flattened,
with a very prominent and very oblique posterior angle, from
which the radiating ribs divaricate: beaks small: area of
ligament linear, nearly concealed : margins of the interior finely
crenulate; teeth obsolete at the middle of the series, atthe
ends divaricate. The sculpture is like that of A. divaricata
Length 1.25 inch; height .63 inch; breadth .48 inch.
Station.—In soft stones, near low water mark,
Habitat.—Taboga; C. B. A. 1!
2 specimens of this extraordinary shell were obtained.
ARCA. Panama Shells, 961
420. Arca Reeveana.,.
Arca Helblingit Reeve (non Brug.) Conch. Icon. spec,
90 pars. pl. 14. f. 907 - - Apr. 1844,
—— Reeveana Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 635. 1846.
Station.—Under stones at low water; Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found in the same situation.
Habitat.—St. Elena, Monte Christi; Cuming! Reeve.
Payta; Fontaine! Orbigny.
Panama; C. B. A.!
9 specimens were collected : one of them is nearly 4 inches
long. Mr. Reeve mentions also I. Corregidor, Philippines,
where probably the true A. Helblingi was obtained.
421. Arca reversa.
Arca reversa Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 20. Feb, 1833.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 180. 1836.
—— hemicardium Koch. in Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 1. f. 1. Mar. 1843.
reversa Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 5. Dec. 1843.
— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 636. 1846,
Station —Soft mud, at the depth of 7 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat.—Tumbez; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve: also-
Unknown: Koch.
Panama; C. B. A.!
4 odd valves were found.
422, Arca similis. Nov. sp.
Shell ellipsoidal, very inequilateral, slightly auriculate: infe-
rior margin subrectilinear ; anterior and posterior margins well
JULY, 1852. 66 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
262 Panama Shells. ARCIDA.
rounded: dorsal margin somewhat oblique: white: with an
epidermis, which is greenish brown on the young shell, and
brownish black on an old shell: with forty to forty-four ribs,
which are larger and more sharply angled posteriorly : umbones
prominent, flattened, not angulated: area of the ligament nar-
row, depressed: margins of the interior pectinated by the ribs:
teeth small. It resembles A. tuberculosa Sowb.
Length 2.2 inches; height 1.3 inch; breadth 1.1 inch,
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
10 specimens were obtained.
423, Arca solida,
Byssoarca sotida Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 18. Feb. 1833,
— Mill, Syn. Test. Viv. p. 186. 1836,
Arca Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 16. f. 106. May 1844,
—— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 155, 1845?
— —— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 633. 1846,
Station.—Under stones; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found under stones, near low water mark.
Habitat—Payta; Cuming! Sowerby; also Reeve: also Or-
Peru; Hanley.
Payta; Jay: Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama and Taboga: CO. B. A.
60 specimens were collected.
424. Arca (Byssoarca) Tabogensis. Nov. sp.
Shell not much elongated, not very inequilateral; inferior
margin nearly straight, a little gaping for the passage of
the byssus; posterior margin oblique, rectilinear or mode-
ARCA. Panama Shells. 263
rately, excurved; anterior margin well rounded: dingy white,
with blackish brown epidermis: with numerous very pro-
minent but very narrow linear ribs, which are often alter-
nately large and smail, and of which a few at each extremity
are a little stouter and are subnodulous; with a few indistinct
concentric lines: umbones prominent, flattened: area of the
ligament very narrow, anteriorly widened abruptly: margins
of the interior finely and irregularly crenulated: middle teeth
very small. The epidermis is between pilose and lamellar,
with the points long posteriorly.
Length 1.3 inch; height .85 inch; breadth .65 inch.
Station.—Under stones near low water mark.
Habitat.—Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.|!
60 specimens were collected, mostly at Taboga.
425. Arca tuberculosa,
Arca tuberculosa Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 19. Feb. 1833.
————- Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 179. 1836.
f= Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 1. f. 2. Mar. 1843.
ay Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 3. f. 18. Jan. 1844.
Rea Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 161. 1845?
Station.—Found at low water at the roots of the mangrove
trees; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve. Our specimens were
found in impalpable mud, under a mangrove thicket, near high
water mark,
Habitat—Real Llejos; Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Pacific Ocean, Central America ; Philippi.
South America; Hanley.
Real Llejos ; Jay.
Mazatlan; Lt, Green! Mus, Essex Inst,
Panama; ©, B. A.|
264 Panama Shells. CARDIIDA.
We procured 147 specimens, many of which were obtained
from the natives. The animal is used by them for fvod.
426. Area
Habitat Panama; ©. B. A.
« Sp.indet. a.
2 specimens were found. They are too young for descrip-
tion, The species is remarkable for the prominence and sharp-
ness of one of its two umbonial angles.
Family—CARDIID 4.
427. Cardita affinis.
Cardita affinis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 195. Dec. 1832,
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 211. May 1836.
— — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 6. June 1843,
——. Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 149. 1845 ?
modulosa (?) Val. Voy. Venus Moll. pl. 22. f. 2. 1846.
Valenciennes quotes Lamarck for the name which he gives to
this species, which must therefore be an error for nodulosa.
But the Lamarckian shell probably belongs to a different species,
for it is said to be Australian. The name nodulosa is yet
farther involved in errors, by its reappearance in Reeve’s
Iconica for a very different species.
Station.—Sandy mud, at a depth of from 6 to 12 fathoms;
Cuming ! Sowerby.
Our specimens were found in stones and rocks at and below
half tide level. It is a boring species,
Habitat—Bay of Montija and Gulf of Nicoya; Cuming!
Sowerby : also Miiller.
Central America; Hanley.
Mazatlan ; Melchers! Menke.
West Columbia; Jay.
CARDITA. Panama Shells. 265
Guaymas; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
' Panama and Taboga; C. B. A.!
70 specimens were collected.
428. Cardita laticostata.
Cardita laticostata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 195. Dec. 1832.
Miil. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 210. May 1836.
——. Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 7. f. 36. Aug. 1843.
———_ ———— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 146. 1845?
— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 582. 1846.
——- arcella Val. Voy. Venus. Moll. pl. 22. f. 1. 1846.
Reeve Elem. Conch. pl. 35. f. 191. 1849?
Station.—In sand, at a depth of 6 to 12 fathoms; Cuming!
In coarse sand and mud at the depth of from 10 to 12
fathoms; Cuming! Reeve.
Our specimens were found partly buried in calcareous sand
and gravel, under stones, near the low water mark of spring
Habitat—Guacomayo, St. Elena, Panama, and Real Llejos;
Cuming! Sowerby : also Miiller.
St. Elena, Panama, Real Llejos, Guayaquil, &c.
Cuming ! Reeve.
All the Coast of Peru from Payta to St. Elena in
Equador; Orbigny.
Central America; Hanley.
Guayaquil and Real Llejos; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.|!
We collected 150 specimens on the reef.
429. Cardita radiata.
Cardita radiata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 195. — Dec. 1882.
JULY, 1852. 67 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
266 Panama Shells. OARDIIDA.
Cardita radiata Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 211. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 5. June 1843.
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 148. 1845 ¢
——- Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 582. 1846.
Station —In muddy sand'at the depth of from 6 to 12 fathoms ;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Our specimens were found near low water mark.
Habitat—Salango and. Panama; Cuming! Sowerby: also
Miiller: also Orbigny: also. Reeve.
West.Columbia and Panama,;. Hanley.
Salango and Panama;: Jay.
Taboga and Panama; C. B. A.!'
We collected. 20.specimens in various stages of growth..
430. Cardium graniferum,
Cardium graniferum Brod. et Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV. 3867. 1829.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 88. pl. 49. f. 17. 1841.
——- Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 76. f. 17. Sept. 1841.
——— — Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 8. f. 43. Nov. 1844.
—_—— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 187. 1845 ?
——- Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 592. 1846,
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Broderip.
Pacific Ocean ; Cuming! Sowerby.
Gulf of Nicoya and Xipixapi; Cuming! Reeve:
also Orbigny.
Pacific; Hanley.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; ©. B. A. |
6.odd valves were found.
CARDIUM: Panama Shells: 267
431. Cardium. obovale.
Cardtum obovale Brod. and Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc: Lond.
p84. - - - - - - July 1833
————— ——— Mill. Syn. Test: Viv. p. 217. May 1836.
——— —— Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 90. pl. 46. f. 4. 1841,
———— —— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 73. f. 4. Sept. 1841.
— —— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 21. f/ 117. Mar. 1845:
—— Orb. Voy. Amer..Merid.. Moll. p. 593. 1846.
Station —Sandy mud, at the depth of 11 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat.—Xipixapi ; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: also
Reeve: also Orbigny.
Panama; C. B. A.!
8 odd valves of this remarkable species were found.
432, Cardium planicostatum,
Cardium planicostatum Sowb. Proc. Zool.Soc. Lond. p. 83... July. 1833.
Miill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 217.. May 1836.
- Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 83, pl..50..
f. 25, -- - - - - 1841.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 31.. Nov. 1844.
Station.—In fine sand at the depth of 18 fathoms; Cuming |:
Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat.—Guacomayo ; Cuming! Sowerby : also Miiller: also.
: Reeve.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 valve of this extremely rare shell was obtained.
433. Cardium procerum.
Cardium procerum Sowb. in Proc. Zool, Soc, Lond. p. 8%.. July, 1833.
268 Panama Shells. CARDIID2.
Cardium procerum Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 216. May 1836.
Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 61. pl. 50. f. 28. 1841.
= Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 77. f. 28. Sept. 1841.
—_____- —————. Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 10. f. 51. Dec. 1844.
—____—_ ———— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 140. 18465 ?
——_ Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 594. 1846.
Station—In coarse sand, at a depth of from 4 to 6 fathoms;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat-—Real Llejos; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: also
Real Llejos; Jay.
Mazatlan; Melchers! Menke.
Panama; ©. B. A.!
6 odd valves were collected, and many more were seen on the
beach east of Panama.
434. Cardium senticosum.
Cardium senticosum Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.84. July 1833.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 218. May 1836,
— — Sowb. Conch. Ill. No. 43. pl. 47. f. 10. 1841.
——_ Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 74. f. 10. Sept. 1841,
—— rastrum Reeve in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. wbz ?
—_ Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 16. f. 82. Jan, 1845.
——-— senticosum Reeve Conch. Icon. Ind. and Errata
of Cardium - - - Mar. 1845.
—— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 187. 1845 7
———— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 593. 1846,
Mr. Reeve's reference to Proc. Z. 8., 1841, for Sowerby’s
description is evidently a misprint for 1833; and the reference
to the same work, 1845, for C\ rastrwm seems erroneous. Mr.
Hanley’s reference to Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 84 is also a
misprint for 74.
Station.—In sandy mud, at from 6 to 12 fathoms depth;
Cuming! Sowerby.
VENUS. Panama Shells. 269
Habitat.—St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: algo
Reeve in Index of Cardium: also Orbigny.
S. America; Hanley.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
5 specimens were found.
435. Venus amathusia?
Venus amathusia Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 2. f. 4. Apr. 1844,
Station —Unknown.
Habitat— Unknown; Philippi.
Mazatlan ; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained two specimens.
36. Venu’ diséor's?
Venus discors Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p- 42 March 1836,
— ——— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p
563. 1846.
Station.—In sandy mud at from 6 to 9 fathoms; Cuming!
Our specimens were found in coarse sand ‘among stones be-
tween one-quarter and one-half tide level.
Habitat—St. Elena and Guacomayo ; Cuming! Sowerby :
also Orbigny.
Guaymas; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.|!
We collected 146 specimens on the reef.
Venus gnidia.
Venus gnidia Brod. et Sowb. in Zool. Journ. IV. 364. ‘1829.
68 Ann. Lyc, Nar. Hist.
JULY, 1852.
270 Panama Shells. VENERIDA.
Venus gnidia Gray in Beech. Voy. Zool. pl. 41. f. 8. 1839.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 68. f. 5. Sept. 1841.
———_ ——— Hanley’s Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 13. f. 43. 1845 ?
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 113. 18465 ?
—- Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 564. 1846.
Habitat.—Pacific ; Hanley.
Payta; Fontaine! Orbigny.
San Blas; Jay.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 4 specimens of a variety which is distinguished
by smaller size and proportionally more approximate concen-
tric ridges. Very fine specimens, with the concentric ridges dis-
tant, thin, and much elevated, are sometimes obtained at Panama.
438. Venus multicostata.
Venus multicostata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond. p. 22. Feb 1885.
Tanley Deser. Catal. p. 128. 1845 1
——- Thouarsi Val. Voy. Venus. Moll. pl. 16. f. 1. 1846.
Station.—In coarse sand, at low water; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat.—Bay of Panama; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; Hanley: also Jay.
La Paz; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B. A.1
5 specimens were collected.
439. Venus pectunculoides.
Venus pectunculoides Val. in Voy. Venus. Moll. pl. 16. f. 3. 1846.
VENUS. Panama Shells. Q71
Station.—In coarse sand, between one quarter and one half
tide level.
Habitat—Guaymas; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama; C. B. A.!
172 specimens were collected under a marine grove, on the
reef, &c.
440. Venus subrugosa.
Venus subrugosa Sowb. Gen. pl. —. f. 2. pl. —. f. 5. 18241
Wood Ind. Test. Supp. pl. 2. f. 6. 1828,
—— ———— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 67. f. 2. Sept. 1841.
—_— ———— Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 3. f. 6, 7. Nov. 1844.
' —__ —————. Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 116. 18451
—— ———— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 561. 1846.
Cytherea subsulcata Menke must resemble this species.
Station— We found this mollusk partly buried in coarse sand
among stones, or under trees, near half tide level.
Habitat—Panama; Wood: also Hanley: also Jay.
Peru; Philippi! Orbigny.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.: also Mus.
Essex Inst.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 33 specimens on the reef, and in a marine grove
west of Panama.
441. Venus
Sp. indet. a.
12 odd valves were found at Taboga and Panama.
442, Wenus
Sp. indet. 6,
Station.—In coarse sand, near half tide level.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
- We collected 14 specimens.
272 Panama Shells. VENERIDZ.
443. Cytherea aflinis.
Cytherea affinis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond: p. 45. Mar. 1835.
Hanley Supp. Wood ‘Ind. Test, pl. 15: f1 27. 18454
——- Sowb. Thes, Conch. p. 630. No. 62. pl. 182. f..101, 1851.
Station.—Sandy mud at a depth of 10 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat— Panama and Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A. |! .
10’specimens were found on the beach west of Panama.
444. Cytherea aurantiaca.
Cytherea aurantiaca Sowb. Gen. pl. —. f. 8.- 1824 4
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 69. f. 8. Sept. 1841.
aurantia Hanley Supp. Wood Ind, Test. pl. 15. f. 20. 18457
———- aurantiaca Jay. Catal. p. 35: : Dec. 1850..
——— aurantia Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 628. No. 58. pl. 132.
f, 81 bis - = = 1881.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat— Unknown ; Sowerby : also Hanley.
Gulf of Nicoya; Jay,
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.: also
Gould MSS.
Taboga; C. B, A.!
We collected 3 specimens of this. beautiful shell.
445. Cytherea consanguinea; Nov. sp:
Shell obovate, subcordate, with the ventral margin well
excurved : very pale straw color, with numerous yellowish
brown linear rays, which are more or’ less interrupted, and
which usually terminate before reaching the margin :-smooth
and shining, with the lines of growth very minute : beaks pro-
CYTHEREA. Panama Shells. 273
minent, approximate: posterior area long and narrow, well
defined: lunule cordiform, defined by a well impressed line ;
both areas striate: margin of the interior not crenulate: ante-
rior tooth much larger than the others. This shell belongs to a
group of very closely allied species, among which are C. zn/lata,
C. albida, C. convexa, cc.
Length 1.25 inch; height 1 inch; breadth .68 inch.
Habitat— Panama; ©. B. A.!
We found 8 specimens on the reef.
446. Cytherea radiata.
Cytherea radiata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 23. Feb. 1835.
Hanley in Descr. Catal. p. 106. 18451
Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 615. No. 9. pl. 128. f.
28-31. - -- - - . - - 1851.
Station.—In sandy mud at a depth of 9 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby. ;
Habitat.—Salango and Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby.
West Columbia; Hanley: also Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were found.
447, Cytherea squalida.
Cytherea squalida Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 23. Feb. 1835.
biradiata Gray in Beech. Voy. Zool. p. 151. pl. 43. f. 5. 1839.
Siebold in Wiegm. Archiv. 1839.
squalida Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 629. No. 61 (pars).
pl. 181. f. 87. (88, 89 exclus.) - = 18651.
Mr. Sowerby (in Thes. Conch.) says that the species, as there
constituted, was first named from specimens brought by Mr.
JULY, 1852. 69 Ann, Lyc. Nat. Hist.
274 Panama Shells. VENERIDZ.
Cuming from the Philippine Islands: but there must be some
error in this statement, for in Feb. 1835, Mr. Cuming had not
made his collections in the Philippine Islands, and Mr. Sowerby,
in the original description in Proc. Zool. Soo. at that time, gave
the station and locality as we have quoted below. Conse.
quently the name (@. biradiata must stand as a synonym of
C. squalida, and the shells from the Philippine Islands should
be named and described as a distinct species.
Station.—In sandy mud, at a depth of 6 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat.—St. Elena; Cuming! Sowerby, 1835.
Abundantly at San Blas and Mazatlan; Beechey t
also Siebold,
California; Sowerby, 1851.
La Paz; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
West Columbia, Mazatlan, and California; Jay.
Taboga; 0. B: A.! .
5 specimens were found.
448. Artemis Dunkeri.
Cytherea Dunkeri Phil. Abbild. I. pl. 2. f. 6. Oct. 1844.
Artemis Pacifica (Mus. Berol.) Trosch. in Wiegm. Archiv. p. 324. 1844.
———~ Dunkeri Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 6. f. 84. March 1850,
Station.— Unknown,
Habitat—Pacific shore of Mexico; Philippi: also Troschel.
St. Elena and Panama, Central America (?); Cum.
ing! Reeve,
Pacific; Jay.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.: also Mus,
Essex Inst.
Panama; C. B. A.|
36 specimens were found on the beach next west of Panama.
CYRENA. Panama Shells. 275
449. Artemis saccata,
Atthemts saccata. Gould in Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. p. 91. Noy, 1851.
Station — Unknown.
Habitat.—Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Gould.
Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were obtained,
450. Gouldia Pacifica. Nov. sp.
Shell subtriangular, but with the ventral margin well
excurved: the color varying in different specimens from dingy
white to pale brown, often tinged with red about the beaks,
with some narrow rays of brown, and rarely with short irregu-
Jar lines of brown: with eight to twelve stout subequal concen-
tric ridges : sometimes radiately striated: beaks very acute and
closely approximate: posterior area moderately depressed:
lunule defined by a well impressed line, rising at the margin of
the valves: margin of the interior not.crenulate. It is closely
allied to G. parva Ad.
Length .22 inch; height .19 inch; breadth .09 inch,
Station.— Unknown,
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 4 entire shells and 60 odd valves..
451. Cyrena maritima. Nov. sp.
Shell subtriangular, but with the ventral margin well
excurved, ventricose, thin: dingy white, more or less viola-
ceous in the posterior half: with an olivaceous coarsely striate
epidermis: with well impressed striz of growth: beaks very
prominent, approximate: umbones very prominent: with a
prominent posterior angle, and another less developed posterior
278 Panama Shells. TELLENID 2.
angle, which defines the area of the corselet: with an indis-
tinct intermediate angle: lunule broad and deep, but not well
defined: ligament large: margins thin: with all the cardinal
and lateral teeth well developed, but not thick. °
The dimensions of two specimens are as follows :—
Length 2 inches; height 1.75 inches; breadth 1.5 inches.
“a 9.7 a“ ob 9.25 ul “a 1.95 “
Station.—In impalpable mud, under bushes, at high water
mark, where a small stream emptied.
Some of the dead shells, which had not been moved noe
their station, had Balani growing in them.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
23 miles east of Panama 9 specimens were collected.
Family—TELLENID &.
452. Lucina tellinoides.
Lucina tellinoides Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 9. f. 56. June 1850.
Station.—In sandy mud, at a depth of about 11 fathoms;
Cuming! Reeve.
Habitat—I. of Muerte; Cuming! Reeve.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
30 specimens were collected.
453, Capsa altior.
Capsa altior Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 196. Dec. 1832.
—_—- Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 225. May 1836.
——— —— Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 14. f. 34. 1845 ?
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 86. 18452
Station.—Coarse gravel, in 12 fathoms water; and a variety,
DONAX. Panama Shells. 277
which is smaller and higher, at a depth of 5 fathoms in thin
mud; Cuming! Sowerby.
The only living specimen which we found was buried one or
two inches deep in sand, on a sandy flat, near low water mark.
Habitat.—Gulf of Nicoya; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miller.
Tumbez (for the var. above mentioned); Cuming!
Sowerby: also Miiller.
Peru and Central America; Hanley.
Punta St. Elena; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
8 specimens were obtained.
454, Donax assimilis.
Donaz assimilis Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.17. Mar. 1845.
Station— At about three quarters tide level, buried a few
inches deep in sand. It is frequently used for food by the
inhabitants. The regard which these mollusks have to a deter-
minate level, was shown by a method for finding them, which
was employed by a negro woman, who was seen several times
collecting them. Beginning below the level where they might
be found, the sand was scooped up with a calabash, in a line
running up the beach, until the shells were found. Then by
keeping to this level, every calabash full of sand yielded more
or less of the Donaz.
Habitat—Panama; Hanley.
Mazatlan; Lt. Green! Mus. Essex Inst.
Panama; OC. B. A.!
350 specimens were collected.
455. Donax gracilis.
Donazx gracilis Hanley in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 15. Feb. 1845.
JULY, 1852, 70 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
278 Panama Shells, TELLENID A
Station — Unknown.
Habitat—Bay of Guayaquil, and of Caraceas, Chiriqui ;
Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
20 odd valves were taken on the beach west of Panama,
456. Donax navicula.
Donax navicula Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 15. Feb. 1845.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Gulf of Nicoya; Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.|
8 specimens were obtained.
451. Donax rostratus, Nov. sp.
Shell elongated, inequilateral, rostrated anteriorly ; ventra}
edge excurved along the middle, anteriorly rectilinear; anterior
margin very oblique, nearly rectilinear, forming with the ventral
edge a rostriform extremity: purple and dingy yellowish brown,
more or less in ill defined zones; interior with the same colors
not in zones: posteriorly and near the beaks smooth and shin-
ing; with rather distant very fine radiating stria over the
middle of the disc; striz coarser anteriorly, more distant next
behind and more crowded before the umbonial angle ; the latter
are slightly rugose: beaks small, prominent: umbones pro-
minent; with a very sharp angle separating a concave anterior
surface ; within slightly radiately striated ; with the anterior and
ventral margins crenulated, more coarsely and deeply at the
anterior extremity: with a prominent lateral tooth on each
side of the cardinal teeth. It somewhat resembles D. cardinatus
Hanley. ;
Length 1.6 inch; height 1.15 inch; breadth .8 inch.
TELLINA. Panama Shells. 279
Habitat—Mazatlan ; Lt. Green! Gould MSS.
Santa Barbara; Col. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 valve only was obtained.
TELLINA.—The number of species in this genus which
occur at Panama is extraordinary : it will be seen that 19 were
458. Tellina aurora?
Tellina aurora Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 147. Sept. 1844.
Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 301. |
No. 153. pl. 58. f. 76. - - - 1846,
Station.—Soft sandy mud in 10 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley,
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Hanley,
Rio Janeiro; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
2 entire specimens were found,
Probably there is some error in Dr. Jay's statement. One of
our specimens is colorless, and both of them are a little more
acuminated posteriorly by the more descending slope of the
dorsal margin than the specimen which is figured in the The-
saurus, An odd valve is less acuminated.
459. 'Tellima cognata. Nov. sp.
Shell subelliptical, solid, convex, subequilateral; ventral
margin slightly excurved; anterior margin broadly rounded ;
anterior dorsal margin nearly straight, sloping; posterior dor-
sal margin slightly concave, sloping equally with the posterior
dorsal; posterior extremity somewhat obliquely and very
broadly truncated; flexure slight; white, with a pale reddish
or brownish tinge; with excessively minute unequal radiating
280 Panama Shells. TELLENID#&.
strie; with concentric crowded somewhat oblique minute
strie, which terminate much before reaching the umbonial
angle, covering less than half of the posterior side, and which
are also wanting near the anterior dorsal margin: beaks not
very prominent: ligament short, conspicuous: lateral teeth
obsolete. It is closely allied to 7. similis, which is said to be a
Caribbean species.
Length 1.75 inch; height 1.23 inch ; breadth .5 inch.
Habitat— Panama; ©. B. A.!
A single valve was found.
460. Tellina Columbiensis.
Tellina Columbiensis Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.
p 7. - - - Apr. 1844,
Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 307.
No. 166. pl. 65. f. 246. - - 1846,
Station —Sandy mud, 12 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat—Monte Christi; Cuming! Hanley.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
2 speeimens were found.
461. Vellina concinna. Nov. sp.
Shell subelliptical, rather thin, convex, with the anterior side
a little larger; ventral margin moderately excurved ; anterior
margin broadly rounded; anterior dorsal margin a little
excurved, moderately sloping ; posterior dorsal margin nearly
straight, sloping equally with the anterior dorsal margin; pos-
terior extremity somewhat obliquely and very broadly trun-
cated ; flexure slight: shining, snow-white, with a slight tinge
of pink in the middle; with very unequal, and, for the most
TELLINA: Panama Shells. 98t
part, very fine concentric strise, which are much coarser poste-
riorly ; with excessively minute unequal radiating strie: beaks
not very prominent: ligament short, Eva lateral teeth
Length 1.6 inch; height 1.02 inch; breadth 47 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
8 fine specimens were obtained.
462. Tellina crystallina: .
Tellina crystallina (Chem. XI. 210. f. 1947-8 ; teste Hanley)
—— (Wood. Ind. Test. pl. 3. f. 103 teste Hanley)*
———— ————. Wood. Gen. Conch. p. 149. 1835.
—_—__ ————— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 66. ; 1845!
——_— ———-— Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. I. 270,
pl. 57. £48. - - - - - 1846,
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—St. Elena; Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained only 1 valve:
463. Tellina Cumingii.
Tellina Cumingit Hanley in Proe: Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 59. Apr. 1844.
Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 223.
No. 3. pl. 58. f. 72. - 7 2 - 1846.
Station.—In coral sand; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat—Guacomayo; Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; C.B. A.!
We found only 1 entire shell and 1 singlé valve.
* We have not had an opportunity of consulting Chemnitz and Wood’s Index
since this species was determined.
JULY, 1852. WW Ann. Lo. Nat. Hist.
282 Panama Shells. TELLENIDA:.
464. Tellina Dombei.
Tellina Dombei Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 144. Aug. 1844.
Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 328.
No. 199. pl. 62 f, 182. - - = 1846.
Station.—In sandy mud, 12 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat—Panama; Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
12 specimens were collected,
465. Wellima felix.
Tellina feliz Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 71. Apr. 1844.
—- Hanley in Thes. Conch. p. 281. No. 110. pl. 57.
fig. 52. 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud, 6 to 10 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat.—Panama; Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 36 odd valves on the beach west of Panama.
466. Tellina laceridens.
Tellina laceridens Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 61. Apr. 1844.
Hanley in Thes. Conch. p. 243. No. 40. pl.
61. f. 168. 176. - : - = 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud, 3 to 5 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley,
Habitat—Tumbez and Chiriqui; Cuming! Hanley.
West Columbia; Jay.
TELLINA. Panama Shells. 283
Panama; C. B. A.!
7 specimens were collected on the sand beaches.
467. Tellina prora.
Tellina prora Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 61. Apr. 1844,
Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 243. No. 39.
pL eof 16% == = = 4 & Bye,
Station.—Sandy mud, 6 to 9 fathoms; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat.—St. Elena and Salango; Cuming! Hanley,
Salango; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
A single valve was found.
468. Tellina puella. Nov. sp.
Shell elongate, rather solid, convex, moderately inequilateral ;
ventral margin slightly excurved, posteriorly straight; anterior
margin broadly rounded; anterior dorsal margin slightly ex-
curved; posterior dorsal margin straight, rapidly sloping to an
acute posterior extremity ; flexure moderate: white, more or
less deeply tinged with red, mostly near the margin : shining ;
with excessively minute concentric striz, and some faint micro-
scopic radiating strie: beaks not very prominent: ligament
small: lateral teeth well developed.
Length .9 inch; height .53 inch; breadth .28 inch,
Habitat—Panama; ©, B. A.!
12 odd valves were collected.
469. Tellina rubescens.
Tellina rubescens Hanley in Proc. Zool, Soc. Lond. p. 60. Apr. 1844.
284 Panama Shells. TELLENID&.
Tellina rubescens Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 242. No.
38. pl. 60.f£158. - - -~ 1846,
Station.—In sandy mud; Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat—Panama and Tumbez; Cuming! Hanley.
Tumbez; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A!
2 specimens were found.
470. Tellina siliqua. Nov. sp.
Shell elongate, subelliptic, very thin, very convex, very in-
equilateral; ventral margin nearly straight; anterior margin
well rounded; anterior dorsal margin slightly excurved, mode-
rately sloping; posterior dorsal margin straight or concave,
sloping to a small subtruncate posterior extremity; flexure
great: pure white: with excessively minute concentric striz:
beaks acute: ligament small: cardinal teeth small; lateral teeth
wanting. Dr. Gould suggested:the very appropriate name
which we have adopted.
Length .7 inch; height .4 inch; breadth .8 inch.
Station Unknown,
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
471.—Tellina simulans. Nov. sp.
Lellina punicea (pars) Hanley in Sowb. Thes. Conch. I. 239. 1846,
Shell subovate, solid, moderately convex, nearly inequilate-
ral; ventral margin slightly excurved; anterior margin well
rounded; anterior dorsal margin slightly excurved; poste-
rior dorsal margin nearly straight, sloping ; posterior extremity
obliquely truncated ; flexure slight: white, more or less deeply
tinged with rose color except near the margin and around the
TELLINA. Panama Shells. 285
pure white beaks; within of a very deep red: shining; with
deep crowded regular concentric sulci, which are of equal depth
at both extremities: beaks prominent: ligament short, conspi-
cuous: with a long posterior dorsal area well defined by an
angle: lateral teeth nearly obsolete. The difference between
this shell and 7. punicea is slight: its furrows are deeper and
are continued over the flexure without change of depth; the
interspaces are less flattened, and the. lateral teeth are nearly
Length 1.18 inch; height .7 inch; breadth .3 inch.
Station. —In sandy mud at 10 fathoms: Cuming! Hanley.
Habitat—Xipixapi; Cuming! Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 valve was found.
472. Tellina sincera.
Tellina sincera Hanley in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 68. Apr. 1844,
Hanley in Thes, Conch. p. 261. No. 70.
pl 60.£144. - - - = 1846,
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—N. W. Coast of America (Dr. Sinclair); Hanley in
Panama; C. B. A.!
15 specimens were obtained on the beach west of the town.
473. Tellima vicina. Nov. sp.
Shell very short, subovate, solid, convex, subequilateral ;
ventral margin well excurved, sometimes slightly incurved near
the flexure; anterior margin broadly rounded; anterior and
posterior dorsal margins nearly straight, sloping; posterior
extremity subtruncated ; flexure moderate : dingy white, some-
times tinged with yellowish brown; sometimes deep red, with
JULY, 1852, 72 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
286 Panama Shells. PETRICOLID A.
a tinge of blue or grey; some whitish specimens are orna-
mented with bluish purple zigzag lines on the umbones, or
with a short ray of the same color before the beaks: with deep
unequal crowded concentric stri: beaks prominent: ligament
short, conspicuous: lateral teeth rather small. This species is
closely allied to 7. bimaculata, and has similar varieties of color
ing, but is larger, higher, and has coarser stria.
Length .95 inch; height .78 inch; breadth .4 inch,
Station —Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected.
474. Tellina . Sp. indet. a.
1 valve, obtained near Panama, resembles an overgrown
T. elongata Hanley, which species Mr. Cuming found at Chiri-
qui: but the figure of that species in Sowb. Thes. represents
the umbonial angles as concave upwards, but in this shell they
are convex upwards, and consequently the posterior area is
less. Our specimen is more than 3 inches long.
475. TVellina
» Sp. indet. 2.
A long elliptic plain white shell; 1 valve was found near
476. Tellina « Sp. indet. ec.
‘Like 1. puella, but less rostrate and more deeply striate ; 5
odd valves were found near Panama.
477.. Petricola cognata, . Nov. sp.
Shell pholas-shaped, inequilateral : dingy white: in the
upper posterior area with very fine crowded radiating equal
CUMINGIA. Panama Shells. 287
striz; in the lower posterior area with unequal fine raised
radiating lines; in the anterior half with radiating ribs, which
are ornamented with small thick vaulted scales; beaks small,
prominent: umbones prominent, somewhat flattened: lunule
defined by the anterior ribs, a little depressed: ventral margin
scalloped anteriorly. It is allied to P. pholadiformis Lam.
Length .92 inch; height .42 inch; breadth .44 inch.
Station —Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!3
_.1 specimen wag obtained.
478... Saxicava tenuis?
Sazxicava tenuis (?) Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 88. Aug, 1834.
The description of this species is too meagre to enable us to
identify our shell confidently.
Station.—In soft stones near. half tide level.
Habitat—Pacosmayo and Lambeyeque; Cuming !. Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.! ,
1 specimen. was found in the same stone with Modhola, sp.
indet. e.
479. Cumingia coarctata.
‘Cumingia coarctata Sowb. Gen. pl. —. f. 4.
—_——_ Sowb: in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 34.’ Mar. ' 1833.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 49. f. 4. Sept. 1841.
Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 12. f. 37. 1845?
Station —Sandy, muddy bottom, 7 fathoms water; Cuming!
288 Panama Shells. MACTRIDZ,
Habitat.—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.!
4 specimens were obtained.
480. Cumingia trigonularis.
Cumingia trigonularis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 85. Mar. 1833.
——____ —————- Sowb. Gen. pl. —. f. 2.
Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 49. f. 2. Sept. 1841.
Station.— Among stones in deep water; Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat—St. Elena: Cuming! Sowerby.
Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were found.
481. Cumingia . Sp.indet. a.
4 specimens were obtained near Panama.
482. Cumingia . Sp. indet. 6.
1 specimen was obtained near Panama.
483. Cumingia « Sp. indet. c,
1 valve was found near Panama.
484. Cumingia « Sp. indet. d.
1 specimen was found near Panama.
The above are probably new species of Cumingia ; but as
their characters are probably somewhat variable, more speci-
mens are requisite for good descriptions.
485. Amphidesma bicolor. Nov. sp.
Shell elliptical, scarcely flexuous, inequilateral, the posterior
side being larger ; with the posterior dorsal margin a little con-
AMPHIDESMA. Panama Shells. 289
cave, otherwise with all the margins well rounded: purple near
the beaks, otherwise dingy white: interior similarly colored,
but with the purple region larger: smooth near the beaks,
otherwise with fine raised concentric lines, and crowded radiat-
ing striz, which are mostly microscopic, and which posteriorly
are divergent and wholly microscopic; beaks small, prominent:
umbones convex.
Length .85 inch; height .74 inch; breadth .42 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 valve was found.
486. Amphidesma ellipticum?
Amphidesma ellipticum Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. .
p20. - - - = Dec 1882
———— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 45. 18451
Slation.—Dredged at a depth of 9 fathoms in sandy mud;
Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat—Monte Christi; Cuming! Sowerby.
West Columbia; Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We obtained 20 specimens on the reef at low water mark.
Most of them are in fine condition, although none were taken
487. Amphidesma proximum. Nov. sp.
Shell suborbicular, slightly flexuous, a little inequilateral,
with the anterior dorsal margin concave, with the posterior
dorsal margin a little excurved, subtruncated posteriorly, other-
wise with the margins well rounded: snow white, with a thin
slate or umber-colored epidermis: centrally and anteriorly with
very fine rather distant raised lines; with extremely minute
JULY, 1852. 73 Ann. Lyo. Nar. Hise.
290 Panama Shells. MACTRID,
radiating striz~s over the whole surface: beak small, approxi-
mate: left umbo more convex than the right one: corselet and
lunule long and narrow, concave. It is closely allied by varieties
to A. ellipticum Sowb. : it corresponds mostly to the descriptions
of A. lenticulare Sowb., but the figures of that species in Sowb.
Conch. Il. and Hanley App. Wood Ind. appear to represent a
distinct species.
Sometimes the shell is tinged with brownish orange near
the beaks and middle portion, especially in the interior. In
some specimens the inner surface within the pallial line is finely
and deeply punctated, and the deep pallial sinus is marked
with stris radiating from the opening of the sinus.
Length 1.8 inch; height 1.58 inch; breadth .82 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat Panama; C. B. A.!
18 specimens were taken on the reef at low water mark,
488. Amphidesma pulchrum.
Amphidesma pulchrum Sowb. in Proc, Zool. Sac. Lond. p. 57. Mar. 1832.
Mull. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 221. May 1836.
— Sowb. Conch, Ill. No. 2. pl. 17. £2. 1841,
————— ——— Reeve Conch. Syst. pl. 47. f. 2. Sept. 1841.
Sas Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 12. f. 6. 1845 ?
———~—— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 45. 1845 ?
Orb. Voy, Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 584. 1846,
Station. Unknown.
Hubitat—Bay of Caraccas ; Cuming | Sowerby in Proo, Zool.
Soc. : also Miiller,
Bay of Caraccas ; Orbigny.
St. Elena and Panama; Cuming! Sowerby in
Conch, Il,
8, America; Hanley,
AMPHIDESMA, Panama WNhells. 991
St. Elena; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We found 4 specimens.
489. Amphidesma striosum. Nov. sp.
Shell elliptical, slightly flexuous, inequilateral; with the
posterior dorsal margin slightly excurved, with the anterior
dorsal margin concave, otherwise with the margins well
rounded: pale yellowish brown : with numerous fine raised con-
centric lines, and closely crowded radiating strie, which are
mostly microscopic: beaks small, approximate: umbones con-
vex: corselet and lunule not well defined.
Length .78 inch; height .71 inch; breadth .83 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
490. Amphidesma tortuosum. Nov. sp.
Shell compressed, subequilateral, triangular above, orbicular
below, the slightly excurved posterior dorsal margin and the
slightly concave anterior dorsal margin meeting at an angle of
about 125°, and the rest of the margins being well rounded ;
posterior side very flexuous, with a broad deep groove on the
left valve and a corresponding ridge on the right valve: dingy
white: with numerous concentric ridges, which are crossed by
radiating strie that are partly microscopic: beaks very minute,
approximate: left umbo flat, right one convex: corselet and
lunule long and narrow, deeply concave.
Length 1.25 inch; height 1.1 inch; breadth .85 inch,
Station. — Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; OC. B. A. |
1 specimen was obtained.
292 Panama Shells: MACTRIDA.
491. Amphidesma ventricosum. Nov. sp.
Shel] suborbicular, subequilateral, ventricose, flexuous; with
the anterior and posterior dorsal margins nearly straight; with
the margins otherwise well rounded: dingy white, brownish in
ill-defined zones: with unequal stris of growth; densely
covered with radiating microscopic stria: beaks small, approxi-
mate; umbones very convex: corselet and lunule not very well
defined. :
Length .7 inch ; height .62 inch; breadth .36 inch.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat— Panama; C. B. A.!
A single valve only was found.
492. Crassatella gibbosa.
Crassatella gibbosa Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 56. Mar. 1832.
—_—_— Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 212. May 1836.
Reeve Conch. Syst. I. pl. 44. f. 2. Sept. 1841.
—— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 1. Jan, 1848.
Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl.12.f£16. 18452
Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 37. 1845 1
Chenu Ill. Conch, pl. 2. f. 6, 12.
alae Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 578. 1846.
Station.—Sandy mud, 11 fathoms ; Cuming! Sowerby : also
Habitat—St. Elena and Xipixapi; Cuming! Sowerby : also
Miiller: also Orbigny : also Reeve.
Payta; Fontaine! Orbigny.
S. America; Hanley.
Punta St. Elena; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A!
Only 1 valve was obtained.
LUTRARIA. Panama Shells. 998
493. Mualinia donaciforimis.
Mulinia donaciformis Hanley Descr. Catal.’ p. 35. 18459
= Hanley Supp. Wood. Ind. Test. pl. 10. f.29. 1845?
This species, according to Hanley, was described by Gray in
Mag. Nat. Hist. 1887, and figured in Zool. Beech. Voy. pl. 44.'f.
18, 1839; but not having these books before us since our speci-
mens were determined, we have not verified these references.
Station. — Unknown.
Habitat.—South Seas; Hanley.
Panama; Col. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C. B. A.!
14 specimens were collected on the beach west of Panania.
494, Mulinia ventricosa.
Lutraria ventricosa Gould Proce. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. IV.89. Nov. 1851.
Station.— Unknown.
Habitat.—Mazatlan ; Lt. Green! ‘Gould.
Panama; C. B. A.!
3 specimens were collected on the bedch west of Panama,
495. Lutraria elegans. ;;
Mactra elegans Sowb. in Tank. Catal. No. 116. App. p. 2. pl. 1.£8. 1825.
Desh. in Lam. An. sans Vert. VI. 107. 1835.
—-- ‘Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 33. 1845 ?
Hanley Supp. Wood. Ind. Test. pl. 11.16. 18451
Station. —Unknown.
Habitat—Unknown ; Sowerby: also Deshayes.
JULY, 1852, 74 Ann. Lyo. Nat. Hist.
294 Panama Shells. ‘CORBULID#.
Florida; Hanley.
Panama; C. B. A.!
We collected 6 odd valves of this rare and elegant shell. L.
canaliculata Say is the Atlantic analogue. Dr. Gould has shown
us his L. undulata, which is quite distinct from either species.
Mr. Hanley must be in error as to the habitat of the species.
Its Atlantic analogue inhabits Florida, but is not likely to have
been confounded with this shell.
496. Mactra velata.
Mactra velata Phil in Zeitschr. Mal. p. 153. No. 10 for 1848. Mar. 1849.
Phil. Abbild. TI. pl. 3. f. 5. Noy. 1850.
This shell attains a length of 4 inches. A small variety (a) has
the posterior dorsal outline much less excurved. It may possi-
bly be a distinct species. Col. Jewett’s specimens belong to this
Station— Unknown.
Habitat—Panama; E. B. Philippi! Philippi.
Panama; Troschel. —
Panama; Col. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; ©. B. A.|
10 specimens were found on the reef.
497. Amatina alta. Nov. sp.
- Shell ovate, short; anteriorly subangular and flexuous;
otherwise with the margins well rounded: pearl-white, with a
thin brownish epidermis: with unequal stris of growth;
surface microscopically sagrinate: beaks small, prominent,
approximate : umbones moderately convex: spoon-shaped tooth
followed by a well rounded deep sinus under the beak,
POTAMOMYA. Panama Shells. 995
Length 1.98 inch; height 1.35 inch; breadth .7 inch,
Station Unknown.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
1 valve only was found.
498. Pandora cornuta. Nov. sp.
Shell elongate, ovate, very inequilateral, the posterior part
being much longer and higher; dorsal margin nearly straight,
posteriorly sharply rostriform ; posterior margin much exca-
yated next beneath the rostriform projection; ventral margin
well rounded : pearl-white: with some unequal strize of growth;
right valve with a prominent angle extending from the beak to
the middle of the sinus of the posterior margin ; left valve with
a corresponding depressed angle: beaks indistinct: umbones
slightly and almost equally convex.
Length .7 inch; height .42 inch ; breadth .11 inch.
We adopt the appropriate name suggested by Dr. Gould.
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was found.
499. Potamomya wxqualis. Nov.sp. es.
Shell subovate, nearly equilateral, slightly inequivalve; with
the margin subangulated posteriorly, otherwise well rounded:
white beneath a pale brown epidermis: with unequal stris of
growth; posteriorly with an umbonial angle not very promi-
nent: beaks small: right umbo very prominent, both somewhat
compressed: tooth rather small; teeth of the left valve with a
medial ridge.
Length .78 inch; height .66 inch; breadth .42 inch.
Station.—In soft impalpable mud, under a mangrove thicket,
near high water mark, and near the outlet of a small stream,
with Arca tuberculosa,
ny nw Ce / a
296 Panama Shells. CORBULID&.
Habitat—Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 specimen was obtained about 24 miles east of Panama.
500. Potamomya inflata. Nov. sp.
Shell ovate, ventricose, inequilateral, moderately inequivalve ;
posterior margin subtruncated between the extremities of two
umbonial angles, of which the upper one is indistinct ; ventral
margin moderately excurved; anterior margin abruptly and
regularly rounded: white beneath a pale brown epidermis:
with unequal striae of growth: beaks small: umbones very
prominent, somewhat compressed: ‘teeth small; tooth of the
left valve with a medial, ridge.
Length .7 inch; height .67 inch; breadth .5 inch.
‘A less ventricose variety has the ‘following dimensions:
Length :6 inch; height .46 inch; breadth .83 inch.
Station.— With P. equalis, q. v.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.
8 specimens were obtained with P. equalis.
501. Potamomya trigonalis. Nov. sp.
Shell solid, triangular, moderately incquivalye, subequi-
lateral; upper posterior margin moderately excurved, forming
an angle with theislightly excurved ventral margin ; anteriorly
with the dorsal margin abruptly ‘and regularly rounded into
the ventral margin: white beneath a pale brown epidermis’:
with fine strise of growth; with a sharp umbonial angle defining
a posterior area: beaks large and prominent: umbones promi-
nent, somewhat compressed : teeth large and robust; tooth of
the left valve with a medial ridge.
Length .95 inch ; height .8.inch; breadth :56 inch.
Station— With P. equalis, q. v.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
2 specimens were obtained.
CORBULA. Panama Nheils. 997
502. Corbula bicarinata,
Corbula bicarinata Sowb. in Prov. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 85. Mat. 1883,
——— Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 229, May 1836,
— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 3. f. 28. Jan. 1844,
——. Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 12. f. 31. 18454
—- Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 46. 18452
—. Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 571. 1846.
Station.—In sandy mud, at the depth of from 7 to 17 fathoms;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
Our ‘specimens were found under stones, which were sunk
deep in sand, a little above low water mark.
Habitat.—Panama, Real Llejos, Caraccas, St. Elena, &c.;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: also Orbigny :
also Reeve.
West Columbia; Hanley; also Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
260 specimens were collected on the reef.
503. Corbula biradiata.
Corbula biradiata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 35. Mar. 1833.
———— Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 230. May 1836.
os Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 3. Aug. 1843.
a Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 10. f. 51. 18454
——— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 47. 1845?
—— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 571. 1846.
Station—In sand and mud, at the depth of from 8 to 7
fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby; also Reeve.
Habitat—Chiriqui and Bay of Caraccas ; Cuming! Sowerby:
also Miiller: also Orbigny: also Reeve.
Caraccas; Hanley.
JULY, 1852, 45 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
298 Panama Shells. CORBULIDZ.
West Columbia; Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.|!
1 entire specimen and 8 odd valves appear to be the shell
described as above. 2 entire specimens and 10 odd valves of a
beautiful variety were also obtained.
504. Corbula obesa.
Corbula obesa Hinds in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 57. May 1843.
Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 5. f. 38. May 1844.
——— —— Hinds Zool. Voy. Sulph. Moll. p. 68. pl. 20. f. 12. 1844.
Station.—Mud, at the depth of 22 to 88 fathoms; Hinds!
also Reeve.
Habitat.—W est coast of America, between 8° 57’ and 21° 32’
” N. lat., Panama, Veragua, San Blas, &c.; Hindsl
also Reeve.
San Blas; Jay.
Panama; C, B. A.|
6 odd valves were found.
505. Corbula ovulata.
Corbula ovulata Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 35. Mar. 1833.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 230. May 1836,
——— ——— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 1. f. 7. Aug. 1843,
——— ——— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 47. 1845 ?
—— ——— Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 10. f. 52. 18452
——— ——— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 571. 1846.
Station.—In sandy mud, at various depths from 7 to 17
fathoms; Cuming! Sowerby : also Reeve.
Habitat—Xipixapi and Bays of Montijo and Caraccas:
Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller: also Orbigny :
also Reeve.
On the sands at Real Llejos and Mazatlan, a few
CORBULA. Panama Shells. 299
odd valves, of a clear pink color, were picked up;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Reeve.
S. America; Hanley.
Taboga; C. B. A.!
6 odd valves and 1 entire specimen were found. The latter
is of extraordinary size and thickness. Its dimensions are—
length 1.22 inch; height .81 inch; width .68 inch: it weighs
3 oz. On and around the umbones, it is of a clear pink color.
506. Corbula rubra. Nov. sp.
Shell subovate, moderately inequivalve and inequilateral,
posteriorly acuminate, with the ventral margin arcuate, anteriorly
rounded: rufous, with a short white ray on the anterior side of
the umbo, and a dark red spot before it: with fine concentric
striz, decussated by radiating microscopic striz : beaks not very
prominent: umbones prominent, somewhat angulated on both
sides near the beaks: teeth small. Our unique specimen has a
broad flexure a little behind the middle; but this may be an
accidental growth.
Length .31 inch; height .19 inch; breadth .14 inch.
Habitat—Panama,; C. B. A.!
Only 1 specimen was obtained.
507. Corbula tenuis. Nov. sp.
Corbula tenuis Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 36. Mar. 1836.
Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 231. May 1836.
~—— Reeve Conch. Icon. pl. 2. f. 138. Sept. 1843.
Station.—Sandy mud, at the depth of 12 fathoms; Cuming!
Sowerby: also Reeve.
Habitat—Bay of Montijo; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller:
also Reeve.
Mazatlan; E. Jewett! Gould MSS.
Panama; C, B. A.!
800 Panama Shells. SOLENIDE-
Of this species, hitherto unique in the Cumingian collection,
we obtained only 1 specimen of the convex valve. Col. Jewett
also brought a convex valve to Dr, Gould, and retained another
odd valve from Mazatlan.
508. Corbula . Sp.indet, a.
This species has some resemblance to C. Taheitensis, We
obtained at Panama but 1 valve, which is probably immature.
509. Corbula - Sp.indet. 4,
Two left valyes were obtained at Panama.
Family—SOLENID &.
510. Solecurtus affinis. Nov. sp.
Shell much elongated, compressed cylindric, well rounded at
both extremities; ventral edge straight or slightly arcuated:
white beneath a deep yellowish brown epidermis: with unequal
strie of growth: beaks not prominent, a little behind the mid-
dle of the shell: umbones compressed along the middle: liga-
ment broad, with stout nympheeal callosities: teeth small, one
in the left, and two in the right valve. This is the analogue of
S. Caribeeus.
Length 2.25 inches; height .8 inch; breadth .55 inch.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
10 specimens were collected.
611. Solemn rudis. Nov. sp.
Shell solid, straight or slightly recurved ; with the posterior
extremity abruptly truncated nearly perpendicularly; ante-
riorly with very thick rounded margins: white beneath a
brown deciduous epidermis, which is produced much beyond
the margins: with only indistinct strive of growth-on the shell ;
with some radiating lines on the epidermis: beaks inconspicu-
PHOLAS, . Panama Shells. ; 801
ous, at one seventh of the length from the anterior extremity :
ligament large, with stout nympheeal callosities: teeth large in
old shells.
Length 5.8 inches; height 1.8 inch; breadth 1 inch.
Station—In coarse sand, among stones, near low water
Habitat.—Panama; C. B. A.
55 specimens were collected on the reef. It is an edible spe-
cies, and many of our specimens were obtained from the natives,
who were digging them for food.
512, Pholas crucigera.
Pholas crucigera Sowb. in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 69. July 1834.
cruciger Mill. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 236. May 1836.
—_ — Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 499. 1843,
erucigera Hanley Supp. Wood Ind. Test. pl. 11.
f. 58. ~- eee 18453
— Hanley Descr. Catal. p. 6. 1845?
— Sowb. Thes. Conch. Index. 1849.
crucifera Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 489. No. 13. pl.
104. f. 24-6. - - - - - 1849,
crucigera Phil. Abbild. III. pl. If. 4. - - Nov. 1850.
Station.—In soft sandstone at half tide; in soft stone at low
water; in hard clay at the depth of 13 fathoms; Cuming!
Habitat.—I. of Puna, Bay of Caraccas, and Gulf of Nicoya;
Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Central America; Hanley: also Orbigny: also
Panama; ©. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
SULY, 1852, 16 Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist
802 Panama Shells. PHOLADID.
513. Pholas tubifera.
Pholas tubifera Sowb. in Proe, Zool. Soc. Lond. p. 71. July 1884.
Mull. Synop. Nov. Test. Viv. p. 238." May 1836.
— Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. 499. 1843.
— Hanley Deser. Catal. p. 8. 1845 2
— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 499. No. 41. pl.
106. f. 64, 65. = - = = = 1849.
Station.—In decayed wood, dredged up at 10 fathoms’ depth ;
Cuming! Sowerby.
Habitat.—Bay of Caraccas; Cuming! Sowerby: also Miiller.
Payta; Fontaine! Orbigny.
West Columbia; Hanley: also Jay.
Panama; C. B. A.!
1 specimen was found.
514. Pholas xylophaga. (Val. non Desh. et al.)
Penitella xylophaga (#) Val. Voy. Venus Moll. pl. 24. f. 2. 1846.
Station.—Boring in wood, near high water mark.
Habitat—Panama; C. B. A.!
20 specimens were taken from the bottom of an old “dug-
out,”* on the rocks near the sea wall. The bottom of the canoe
was filled with this mollusk.
515. Pholas - Sp. indet. a.
2 right valves were found near Panama. It resembles P.
lanceolata Orb.
516. Pholas « Sp. indet. 8,
1 partially decayed valve was found near Panama. This is
probably an undescribed species.
* A large canoe made of the trunk of a tree.
ORBICULA. Panama Shells. . 803
617. Orbicula Cumingii.
Orbicula Cumingii Brod. in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond. p.125. Nov. 1833.
Brod. in Trans. Zool. Soe. Lond. I. 148,
pl2sa.f1. - - 1835.
—_ Brod. in Ann. des Sc. Nat. p. 29. a: 2. 6 1. 18385.
SS Mill. Syn. Test. Viv. p. 175. 1836.
——_—_ ——— Lam. An. sans Vert. VIL. 317. No. 3.
(Desh. ed.) - - - 1836.
— Lam. An. sans Vert. III. Pt. I. p. 118.
No. 3. (Desh. ed. tert.) - 1841.
—_—_—— Sowb. Thes. Conch. p. 366. No. 4.
pl73.f£6. - - - 1846,
Orb. Voy. Amer. Merid. Moll. p. err. 1846.
Station.—Attached to. the lower sides of stones, in sandy
mud, at low water, and in some instances at a depth of 6
fathoms; Cuming! Broderip. _
Our specimens were also found at low water mark, attached
to the under side of stones.
Hobitat—Payta, St. Elena, and Panama; Cuming! Broderip ;
also Sowerby.
Payta and St. Elena; Cuming! Orbigny.
Seas of Chili and of Peru; Deshayes.
Panama; C. B. A.!
50 specimens were collected on the reef.
Ovuta necurota. O. t. gracili: rubra, labro pallido: levi, vel
exilissimé spiraliter striata: apertura supra angusta, infra latiore,
utrinque rostrata’: labro crasso, medio recto: columell4 utrinque acumi-
nata, lined longitudinali impress& et callo instructa. Long. 7.8 millim.,
Jat. 2.5 millim. ;
Ovuta vartaniiis. O. t. gracillim&; albida, vel subrufa, labro albo :
interdum rubro-purpured : levi: apertura subangusté, emarginata, infra
haud multim Jatiore, supra effusi, haud multt’m producta: labro
crasso: columella longitudinaliter carinata, supra subbiplicatéa. Long.
13.7; lat. 3.8.
Mareivetta minor. M. t. ovata: albidd, diaphand: tenui, levi:
spira haud multim elevata; anfr. circa 3, sutura inconspicua : apertura
lineari: labro crasso, spiram adnato: columella plicis duobus magnis,
und parva, interdum alter4 obsoleté, instructé. Long. 2/3: lat.
Mirra souiraria. M. t. gracili, fusiformi: atro-fusca, plicis pallidis :
costis transversis, parvis, plurimis, infra obsoletis, et striis spiralibus,
supra exilioribus, intersectionibus granulatis: apice acutd : anfr. 10, sub-
convexis, sutura subimpress4 : apertura longa, canali brevi: labro crasso,
intus plicis acutis plurimis instructo, supra sinuato: columella quadripli-
cata. Long. 17’.3 ; lat. 5!.7 ; apert. long. 8'.6,
Oxiva inconsriova. O. t. gracili: albidd: levi: spird aperturam
subwquante: apice subobtusd: anfr. 6, suturd conspicud: aperturé supra
acuminata, laté sod non profundé emarginati: labro tenui. Diy, 30°
ad 40°: long. 3.8 ; lat. 1.4,
Nassa oanesorns. N, t. subelongata, ovato-conicé: pallidé fusca,
ad costarum interstitia canescente: costis angustis, 10 vel 11; lineis
elevatis spiralibus haud interruptis plurimis: spird subconici: apice
acuta: anfr. 8 vel 9, mediis subangulatis ; sutura conspicua : labro suba-
cuto, a varice crasso firmato: labio exilé rugoso: apertura laté et pro-
fundé emarginata. Div. 60°; long. 26.7; lat, 15/2; spire long.
15/.2, .
SYNOPSIS, Panama Shells. 805
Nassa cotzaria. N, t. ovato-conicd: albida, fasciis fuscis nigrescen-
tibus duobus ornat&: costis 10 vel 12, prope labrum minoribus et crebri-
oribus ; lineis elevatis spiralibus pluribus ; intersectionibus subnodulosis :
spira subconicd : apice acuté: anfr. 7. subconvexis ; suturd conspicua :
labro subacuto, a varice crasso firmato, intus crenulato : apertura pro-
fundé emarginatéa. Div. 50°; long. 7’”.8 ; lat. 5.3 5 spire long.
Nassa corrutenta. N. t. ovato-conicd, ventricosi: fusco et albo
spiraliter fasciaté ; apertura alb4: costis angustis 11, a lineis elevatis
spiralibus trajectis: spird conicd: apice acuti: anfr. 9, subconvexis ;
suturé conspicué ; anfr. ultimo magno, ventricoso: labro subacuto, a
varice crasso firmato, intus sulcato: labio rugoso: aperturi laté et pro-
fundé emarginata. Div. 46°; long. 22/4; lat. 16’; spire long.
Nassa cemmutosa. N. t. ovato-conicd, ventricos4: albida, flavula ;
lined fusca infrasuturali, alterd anteriore, et ad anfr. ultimum medium
paucis interruptis,—ornatad : costis minimis 15 vel 16; lineis elevatis
spiralibus; intersectionibus eleganter nodulosis : spir& conica : apice
peracuta: anfr. 7, subconvexis ; sutura conspicua : labro subacuto, &
varice crasso firmato, intus sulcato: apertura profundé emarginata.
Div. 56°; long. 5.2; lat. 2.7; spire long. 3’”.8.
Nassa ciavca. _N, t. ovato-conicd, ventricosd : glauca, fascia albidd
suprasuturali ornata: costis 10, 2 vel 3 ultimis obsoletis ; spiraliter
striata : spiré subconicd: apice acut&: anfr. subconvexis; suturd con-
spicua ; anfr. ultimo ventricoso : labro subacuto, a varice crdsso firmato,
intus carinis 5 instructis: apertura profundé emarginaté Div. 55°;
long. 12/.7; lat. 7’".9; spire long. 5'””.3,
Nassa Panamensis. N. t. elongata, ovato-conic& : olivaced, eceruleo
tinct, lined albida spiraliter fasciata ; labro supra albido: costis 11, angustis,
acutis, anteritts obsoletis ; striis exilibus, spiralibus: spirA subconoided :
apice acut&: anfr. 8, subconvexis ; suturd conspicud ; anfr. ultimo parvo:
labro subacuto, a varice crasso firmato, intus sulcato: aperturd profundé
emarginata. Div. 37°; long. 14’".7; lat. 6’”.8; spire lon. 8/8.
Nassa Proxima. N. t. Wasse versicolori (vy. infra) simili, exiliore,
costis minis prominentibus, striis continuis exilissimis creberrimé insculpta.
Div. 38°; long. 11'”.2; lat. 5’”.3 5 spire long. 7/1.
Nassa srrrata. N. t. elongata, ovato-conic&: albid4, flavo tincté ;
apertura alba: costis parvis 12 vel 13 ; striis magnis, spiralibus, multis;
spira. subconoidea : apice acuta: anfr. 8, convexis ; sutur4. subprofunda :
labro subacuto, a varice lato firmato, intus sulcato: labio birugoso:
aperturé profundé emarginaté. Div. 48°; long. 14’".7; lat. 7’.9;
spire long. 8””.4.
Nassa versicotor. N. t. elongata, ovato-conica : flavula, vel albida,
sutur4, atro-fuscd, vel omnino atro-fuscd : costis angustis prominentibus, 9
vel 10; striis exilibus, spiralibus, ad anfr. medios evanescentibus : spir&
subconicé: apice acut&: anfr. 8, subconvexis; suturA profundé: Jabro
subacuto, a varice robusto incrassato : labio exilé rugoso: apertura pro-
JULY, 1852. 7 Ann. Lye. Nar. Hist.
808 Panama Shells, SYNOPSIS.
fundé emarginaté. Div. 45°; long. 15’.2; lat. 8.4; spire long.
Nassa Wiusont. N. t. ovato-conicé, ventricosa : atro-fuscd, fascia
suprasuturali albidd ornata : costis parvis, 16 ad 20; lineis elevatis spi-
ralibus multis : spir& conoidea : apice acuta: anfr. 7, subconvexis ; sutura
conspicua ; anfr. ultimo ventricoso: labro subacuto, extus et intus incras-
sato, carinis paucis instructo : aperturd profunde emarginaté. Div. 58° ;
long. 8’".2; lat. 4.8; spire long. 4/6.
Bucornum tucupre. B. t. elongata, ovato-fusiformi; atrofuscd :
costis parvis, 9 usque ad 13 ad singulos anfr. a striis spiralibus inequali-
bus decussatis, intersectionibus nonnullis acuté nodatis: apice acuta:
spira conicd: anfractibus 8, conyexis, sutura haud valde impressé :
aperturé ovati: labro acuto: canali brevi recurvé. Div, 44°: long.
17"; lat. 7/5 spire long. 10’”.
Buccinum Srimpsonzanum. B. t. elongatd, ovato-conica : atro-cine-
red, labro supra albido, sepe albo-fasciata: rugis transversis crassis, 7
vel 8 ad singulos anfy. et rugis angustis spiralibus, quorum conspicuis ad
penultimum anf, 4, infra minoribus ; striis spiralibus exilibus plurimis :
apice acuta; spird conicd: anfr. 8: aperturd ovata: labro crasso, intis
plicis paucis instructo : columellé rugosa : canali brevi, valdé emarginata.
Div. 38°; long, 18/’.3; lat. 8’".1.
Porrura roveorara. P, t. obliqué rhombici: albida ; rugis trans-
versis, magnis, compressis, 9 ad singulos anfr., et carinis 4, elevatis,
angustis; intersectionibus elevatis; striis spiralibus exilibus: apice
acut&: anfr. 6, supra et infra concavis, mediis carinatis, sutur& incon-
spicua ; apertura elongata: labro tenui, a carinis pectinato, a striis spi-
ralibus serrato. Div. 70°; long. 10.9; lat. 777.1.
Purrura oscutans. P. €. obliqué rhombicé: sordidé alba, intus
nived : rugis transversis, convexis, prominentibus, 9 ad singulos anfr., et
rugis spiralibus, a striis disjunctis, creberrimé imbricatim squamosis, rugas
transversas superantibus, alternis majoribus: apice acuta: spira conicd;
anfr. 64, convexis, suturd impress&; apertura obovat&: labro exilé pec-
tinato, intus transversé sulcato; canali brevissima, profundé emarginata,
Div. 70° ; long. 6’.86; lat. 4’.3 ; spire long. 3'”.
CotumELLa consproua. C., t. ovato-conicé: fascid albé lat& ad medios
anfr., utrinque fascid fusco-aurantia lata ornaté ; infra alba, fusco macu-
lata ; rugis alternis macula fusc& conspicuis : rugis transversis, 9 ad sin-
gulos anfr., maximis, obtusis, ad summos anfr. obsoletis: striis magnis
spiralibus rugas propé superantibus: apice subacutd: spird subconica :
anfr, 8, convexis, suturd haud multim impress ; anfr. ultimo subangu-
lato: aperturé suprd haud multi latiore, laté et profundé emarginata :
labro subincrassato, intus rugoso, Div. 35°; long. 5’””.3; lat. 2°56;
spire long. 3/”,
_ CoLuMBELLA piminuTa. C. t. subfusiformi : pallidé flavo-fuscd, infra
nigrescente : costata, spiraliter striat&: striis costas hand superantibus,
infra majoribus ; costis infra obsoletis: apice acuta : spira conicé: anfr.
7, sutur& parum impress: apertura subangusta: labro valdé incrassato,
SYNOPSIS, Panama Shells. 807
intus crenulato: labio subgranuloso. Div. 45°; long. 3’”.9 ; lat. 17.8
spire long. 2/”’.
CorumBeLia craciiis. C, t. elongatd, ovato-conic& : supra pallidé
fusca, infra rubro-fusco irregulariter maculata, a lined albo et fusco arti-
eulata fasciata: costis parvis, plurimis; infra spiraliter striata: apice
acuta; spira conich: anfr. 8, suturi conspicud: labro erasso, intus
sparse granulato, supra subsinuato: columella sublevi. Div. 37°;
long. 7°.6; lat. 3/2; spire long. 5'".1.
CoLumbELLA Masta. C. t, gracili, subfusiformi: atr& vel atrofuscd :
supra sublevi ; media costatA, costis 12 usque ad 16 ad singulos anfr.,
costarum intervallis spiraliter striatis; costis et striis ad ultimum anfr.
obsolctis: apice acuta: spiri gracillimA : anfr. 8, suturé parum impress& :
aperturd lineari: labro vald6 incrassato, supra sinuato, inti crenulato:
columella sublavi. Div. 85°; long. 7.6; lat. 2.8; spire long.
CoLuMBELLA PuLcHRion. C.t. subelongaté, ovat& : diaphand, pallidé
flavo-fusca, fascia alba atro-cinereo articulata infrasuturali, et punctis mini-
mis rubrofuscis quincuncialiter dispositis ornata: levi, nitidd: apice acuta :
spira conica; anfr. 6 vel 7, suturaé parum impress4: apertura angustaé :
labro crasso, ints sparsé granulato: columell& sublevi. Div. 45°;
long. 3.8; lat. 1.8; spire long. 1’’.9.
CoLUMBELLA TESSELATA. C. t. subelongata, ovat& ; atro-glaucd, fusco
tincté ; albo tesselat&: costis approximatis, validis, circa 15 ad singulos
anfr.; striis spiralibus profundis: apice acut4: spiraé conicd: anfr. 8,
sutur&é conspicua: apertura elongaté: labro crasso, supra subsinuato,
intis sparsé granulato: labio subgranuloso. Div. 48°; long. 5/’.7;
lat. 2.7; spire long. 3/’7.3.
Riornura sucosa. R. t. rhombicd: perfused, tuberculis albidis, vel
rufis, infra albo-fasciat& : rugis transversis, elevatis, 8 vel 9, a rugis spi-
ralibus 10 vel 11, quorum 8 vel 4 ad spiram videntur,—decussatis; in-
tersectionibus tuberculatis ; striis exilibus spiralibus : apice acut&: spird
conic&: anfr. 8 vel 9, convexis, sutur4 parum impressa: aperturé elon-
gat&: labro a rugis spiralibus pectinato, intus plicato: labio supra con-
cavA, infra sparsé rugos& et granulaté: canali subelongaté. Div. 55°;
long. 23.9; lat. 11'”.9.
Triton rusoiwes. T. t. gracili, ovato-fusiformi: albida, fusco tinctd,
albo fasciat&: costis distantibus, angustis, clevatis, 9 ad singulos anfr.,
a lineis elevatis spiralibus exilibus, alternis majoribus,—decussatis : apice
acuta: spira conich: anfr. 8, convexis, sutura impress&; apertura elon-
gat&: canali brevi. Div. 35°; long. 19.3; lat. 7/”.1.
Fusus pettus. F. t.sub-elongata, fusiformi: alba, maculis rubro-fus-
cis, plerumque in seriebus tribus spiralibus—dispositis : costis subangustis
élevatis, circa 10 ad singulos anfr., quarum nonnulle varices simulantur,
et lineis elevatis spiralibus, intersectionibus nodulosis, et striis spiralibus :
apice acuta: spira conic&; anfr. 7, perconvexis, sutura parum impress :
apertura elongat&: canali lata, subelongaté. Div. 50°; long. 11/'.2;
lat. 5'".2 ; spire long. 5'”’.6.
808 Panama Shells. SYNOPSIS.
CAnogLiarIA arrinis. C. t. ovato-fusiformi: fuscd, interdum albo
unifasciatA vel bifasciaté ; rugis transversis angustis, elevatis, inequidis-
tantibus, circa 30 ad singulos anfr.; lineis. elevatis spiralibus plurimis,
quarum 5 ad spiram videntur: apice subacuta : spira conic& : anfr. 6,
suturi subcaniculaté : aperturé semiobovata, intis ad dextram partem
carinis acutis instructé: labro acuto, pectinato: columella valida, tripli-
cata, plic& superiore magna lamelliforme, inferiore parva et perobliqua $
canali brevi. Div. 68°; long. 26'”.7; lat. 16’”.5 ; spire long. 11°74;
Cancettanta pramaa, C. t. subovata, brevi: pallidé cerina, supra
atrofusco irregulariter radiata, punctis atrofuscis ad costas dispositis :
costis elevatis, angustis, ad anfr. ultimum 9, supra crebris, plurimis, ad
angulum anfr. majoribus; lineis_elevatis, spiralibus, ad intersectiones
majoribus : striis spiralibus exilissimis: apice subacut4: spira conica;
anfr. 5, acuté angulatis, supra laté concavis, suturé conspicua : apertura
triangulari, infra effusd: columella biplicaté: umbilico angusto, pro-
fundo. Div. 100°; long. 8/4; lat. 6’””.3; spire long. 3”.8.
Pievroroma arrior. P. t. subfusiformi: aterrimd, fascia pallida:
supra suturam granulis in serie spirali dispositis ; supra medios anfr. cari-
nat; anfr, ultimo carinis tribus alteris spiralibus instructo : apice pera-
ceutd: spird conoided: anfr. 11, angulatis, infra concava, sutura incon-
spicud: apertura elongat4: sinu subprofundo: canali brevi, latéa Div.
38°: long. 20/.8; lat. 7/1; spiree long, 12'.7.
PievRotoMA conoinna. P. t. fusiformi: albidé, rubro-fusco tinctd :
costis parvis, crebris, plurimis, prope labrum obsoletis, et striis spiralibus
crebris, supra exilioribus: apice acut&: spira conoided : anfr. 8, mediis
angulatis, sutur& parum impressa: apertura lineari: labro valdé incras-
sato: sinu profundo, suture approximato: canali brevissima. Div. 43°:
long. 10.7; lat. 4'"".3; spires long. 4’'".6.
PLevroroma Exiaua. P. t. gracili: pallidé flava, lineis fuscis spirali-
bus, exilibus, plerumque geminatis : rugis transversis obtusis distantibus,
6 vel 7 ad singulos anfr., infra obsoletis: apice acut&: spira conoided:
anfr. 6, convexis, sutura impressi: apertura angusta: labro acuto, a
ruga ultima firmata: sinu profundo, sutura approximato: canali brevis-
sima. Div. 34°; long. 4’".5; lat. 1/5; spire long. 2’”.5.
Prevrotoma aemmutosa. P. t. elongata, subfusiformi : fusca, pallidé
maculaté: plicis transversis et spiralibus, creberrimis, parvis, intersectio-
nibus valdé nodulosis: apice acuta: spird conoideé : anfr. 8, subconvexis
suturé haud multum impress4: aperturdé angust&: sinu parvo: labro
incrassato: canali brevissimaé. Div. 33°; long. 5’.6; lat. 2"; spire
long. 3'’.56. ;
_Pieuroroma GRranpimacuLata. P. t. elongata, ovato-pyramidata :
nigra, maculis (ad tuberculas) albidis magnis in serie spirali dispositis :
striis spiralibis, exilissimis, infra obsoletis; carina spirali acuta infrasutu-
rali; infra altera, tuberculaté; anfr. ultimo carinis 4 vel 5 alteris in-
structo: apice acut4: spiré conicd: anfr. 10, suturé inconspicua : aper-
turé subangust&: labro subincrassato: sinu subprofundo: labio incras-
SYNOPSIS. Panama Shells. 809
sato: canali brevissima. Div. 38°; long. 24’.1; lat. 8'’.9; spire
long. 15'’".7.
Przvroroma srriosa. P.t.gracili: subalbid4, ad anfr. ultimum fusco
exilé fasciaté ; striis spiralibus creberrimis ; costis exilibus, 10 usque ad
12 ad singulos anfr.: apice acut&; spird subconicd : anfr. 8, convexis,
suturaé parum impress&: aperturé subangust4: labro subacuto, a costa
ultima firmato: canali brevissima. Div. 33°; long. 7/6; lat. 2/75 3
spire long. 5'.1.
Mance.ia NEGLECTA. M. t. subfusiformi: pallidé fusco-rubr4: costis
curvatis, elevatis, 8 vel 9 ad singulos anfr., et lined elevatd spirali ad
medios anfr., ad anfr. ultimum obsoleté; infra ‘spiraliter striati: apice
acutA: spira conoidea: anfr. 7, subconvexis, suturé conspicua: apertur&
subangust&: labro valdé incrassato: sinu angusto: canali brevissima.
Div. 40°; long. 5.1; lat. 1.8; spire long. 2’”.8.
CrrITHIUM AssimiLatuM. C. t. prelong4, conic: atro-rubr4, ad cari-
nas albo lineatim maculat&: carinis spiralibus, tribus, perelevatis, com-
pressis, acutis, et carin& alter& simili ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam, et in-
fra carina quinté minori; lineis elevatis transversis, inter carinas, exilissi-
mis: apice acuta: spiré. conic: anfr. 16 usque ad 18, planulatis, sutura
inconspicua ; anfr. ultimo brevissimo: apertur ovat&: labro pectinato:
canali lati, brevissima. Div. 18°; long. 5/8; lat. 1.6; spire long.
Crrituium pimarcinatum. CC. t. elongata, conicd: cerind, supra
fuscata : carinis spiralibus duobus, suture approximatis et lined elevata
ad medios anfr.; rugis parvis transversis, 18 ad singulos anfr.; intersec-
tionibus valdé nodulatis; anfr. ultimi peripherid carinatéj; infra levi:
apice acuta: spira conicd: anfr. 13, concavis, sutura impressd ; anfr. ul-
timo angulato, infra concavo: apertura subquadraté: columella spirali-
ter uniplicat&: canali brevi, recurva. Div. 20°; long. 4’’".4; lat. 1/45
spire long. 3/’'.5.
Crrituium FAMELIouM. C. t. elongatd, ovato-conicd : sordidé albida,
fusco irregulariter maculata, maculis albo spiraliter exilé lineato; vel
lineis fuscis et albis alternis crebris spiralibus ornat&: carina angusta
spirali ad medios anfr., et rugis transversis, intersectionibus elevatis
acutis ; infra rugis duobus spiralibus granulosis instructa ; exilé creberrimé
striata: apice acuta: spiré subconoidea: anfr. 12, subconvexis, sutur&
parum impress4; anfr. ultimo brevi, gibboso, infra concavo: apertura
magno : labio supra transversim uniplicato : canali brevi, obliqua. Div.
33°; long. 28''.7 ; lat. 12'"”.7 ; spire long. 19/’".1.
Crriturum nectectum. C. t. elongata ; ovato-conic4 : atro-rubra, ad
apicem alba : carinis spiralibus elevatis tribus, et rugis transversis elevatis,
ad anfr. ultimum 16 usque ad 18, et minoribus, infra obsoletis ; intersec-
tionibus valdé nodulatis: infra spiraliter birugata: apice acuta: spira
conoide’ : anfr. 10, subconvexis, suturé inconspicua : canali brevissima,
profundé emarginata. Div. 20°; long. 3.2; lat. 1’’;. spire long.
Ceriratum paurercuLum. ©. t. gracili: pallidé cornea: spiraliter
JULY, 1652. ¥8 Ann. Lyo. Nan Hist.
810 Panama Shells. SYNOPSIS.
multicarinaté ; supra rugis transversis, infra evanescentibus ; intersectio-
nibus subgranulatis: apice acuta: spira subconoided : anfr. 8, subconvexis,
suturd parum compress4; anfr. ultimo subelongato: aperturd elongata,
supra acuminata : canali brevissima. Div. 18°; long. 3.3; lat. 1/;
spire long. 2'/.3,
Cxernituium PpuLonrum. C. t. subelongatd, subconicd : aterrimé fusco-
rubro, linea spirali flavo-alb& ad medios anfr. ornata : costis angustis
acutis, ad singulos anfr. 40, ad anfr. ultimum medium truncatis; varici-
bus robustis, 240° distantibus; carina spirali, supra medios anfr.,
angusta, acut4 : spiraliter striata : apice acut& : spiré subconoidea : anfr.
11, suturd profunda: apertura magna, supra effusd, infrd angusté
sinuata: labro crasso. Div. 83°; long. 31’’.8; lat. 16'.5; spire long.
Crriratum Rervyianom. C. t. subconic&: rubro-fuscd, lined spirali
flavo-alb& ad medios anfr. et alteré anteriori ornata ; costis summis pallidé
flavis : varicibus nullis ; costis elevatis, 24 ad singulos anfr., infra evanes-
centibus ; infra spiraliter striat& : apice acut&: spira subconoidea : anfr.
15, convexis, sutura impress&: aperturé magné, supra effusa, infra angusté
sinuat&: labrocrasso. Div. 28°; long. 39’"’.4; lat. 16’’’.7; spire long. 26'’'.4.
Cerirnium vauipum. OC, t. conic&: rubro-fuscd, lined pallida ad
medios anfr. ornataé; varicibus rufis, interdum albidis ; apertura alba;
rugis transversis, arcuatis elevatis, 20 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi
peripheriam truncatis ; varicibus 270° distantibus; carinis spiralibus 5
vel 6 ; spiraliter striata : apice acuta: spira subconoided: anfr. 12, con-
vexis, suturé impress; anfr. ultimo brevissimo: apertura infra effusa :
labro incrassato. Div. 32°; long. 40’’.6; lat. 19’.1; spire long.
Tripuoris ALTERNATUS. T. t. sinistrors4, conic&: atro-rubra, infra
albido fasciat& : carinis spiralibus duobus suture approximatis, et tertia
intermedid minore ; rugis transversis, 25 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi
peripheriam truncatis ; intersectionibus valdé nodulatis : apice acutissima ;
spird subconoideé : anfr. 12, subplanulatis : suturé inconspicua ; antractu
ultimo brevi, infra concav : apertura rhombicd : canali brevi, profunda.
Div. 30°; long. 5’.1; lat. 1.5; spire long. 3/9.
TripHoris rNconspicuus. ‘T. t. sinistrorsA, ovato-fusiformi: atro-
rubra, cinerascente : carinis spiralibus tribus, nodulosis, et infra alteris 3
vel 4 subnodulosis ; rugis transversis, 20 ad singulos anfr.: apice acutis-
sima : spiré conoided: anfr. 12, subconvexis, suturd inconspicua : aper-
turé supra sinuat&: canali brevi, profunda. Div. 22°; long. 4/2 ;
lat. 1/4; spire long, 3’’.3.
TRIPHORIS INFREQUENS. T, t. conicd: atro-rubr&: carinis spiralibus
tribus perelevatis compressis; rugis transversis, 16 ad singulos anfr. ;
infra levi: apice acut&: spira subconica : anfr. 16, subplanulatis, suturd
inconspicua ; anfr. ultimo brevissimo : labro pectinato: canali brevissima,
Div. 20°; long. 3/3; lat. 11; spire long. 2/’.7,
Cacum piminutum. C. t. arcuata, gracili, haud tereti: albida:
annulis 17, robustis, subdistantibus, ad summam partem planulatis, et
SYNOPSIS. Panama Shells. 811
annulis 10, minoribus, minis elevatis: apice laterali, haud prominente.
Long. 1.5; lat. 0’.46. :
Caoum Enurneum. C. t. arcuat&, subgracili, vix tereti: eburneé:
annulis 33, latis, approximatis, ad summam partem planulatis ;_superi-
oribus 4 usque ad 10, interdum inferioribus 2 vel 3 magis elevatis et
minis approximatis: apice prominente. Long. 2'.3; lat. 0/63.
Cacum Firmatum. C. t. robusta, arcuatA, tereti: eburned: annulis
25, robustis, latis, subdistantibus, ad summam partem, planulatis: apice
haud multum prominente. Long. 2’”.3 ; lat. 0.76.
Cacum Lave. C. t. arcuata, valid, vix tereti: albidd : levi, nitente:
apice promineute. Long. 2’; lat. 0’. 68. Var. (1) minus ; t. gracili,
apice minis prominente. Long. 1/'.57; lat. 0.51.
Cacum taqugatom. C. t. subarcuata, gracili, tereti: albid&: longi-
tudinaliter sulcaté; sulcis haud profundis, 20: apice laterali, parum
prominente. Long. 2’.8; lat. 077.71.
Cacum monsrrosum. C. t. arcuatd, supra gracili, infra robusta :
eburneé : ad superam partem annulis 18, validis, approximatis, ad sum-
mam partem planulatis—instructa ; ad inferam partem annulis 12, robus-
tis, elevatis, parim approximatis : apice prominente. Long. 2'”.3 ; lat.
supra 0/46; lat. infra 0'”.76.
Caoum parvum. OC. t. arcuatd, gracili, vix tereti: albid4: annulis
15, acutis, distantibus, haud multim elevatis: apice laterali, prominente,
Long. 1’.65 ; lat. 0’77.48.
Cacum premzum. C. t. arcuat4, gracili, vix tereti: albid&: annulis
23, angustis, prominentibus, ad summam partem planulatis: apice
laterali, prominente. Long. 1/5; lat. 0’’'.46,
Cuemnitzia acuLeus. C. t, gracillim4, conic: alb4: costis obtusis,
17 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam truncatis : spir& conicé :
anfr. 12, subconvexis, suturaé impress& : aperturé subovaté: labro tenui :
columella vix arcuat&: umbilico nullo, Div. 13°; long. 4’"”.5 ; lat. 1!" ;
spire long. 3.6.
Cuemyitzia acuminata. C. t. subconic&: sordidé albidd: costis
obliquis, 16 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam truncatis :
spiré subconic4: anfr. 8, supra acuté angulatis, parum convexis, sutur&
profunda; anfr. ultimo elongato: aperturé subovata, supra et infra
acut4: labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Div. 23°; long. 2'.8; lat. 17.1;
spire long. 1/”’.8.
CuemnirziA arFinis. C. t. conich: flav4: costis gracilibus, 24 ad
singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam truncatis: infré levissimé :
spira subconicé : anfr. 10, subconvexis, sutura impress&: apertura subo-
vata: labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Div. 18°; long. 5’’.8; lat. 17.4;
spire long 4’".1. :
CHEMNITZIA CLATHRATULA. C. t. ovato-conich, prelong’: albidé:
costis minimis, 36 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam obsoletis,
a lineis elevatis spiralibus, 5 vel 6 suprasuturalibus,—decussatis: apice
minutissim : spiré subconic4 : anfr. 8, ad summam partem plus minusve
812 Panama Shells. SYNOPSIS.
angulatis, sutura impress& ; anfr. ultimo regulariter rotundato: apertura
subovata : labro tenui: umbilico nullo, Div. 16°: long. 3.3 ; lat. 1/7;
spire long. 2’"’.5.
Cuemnirzia communis. C. t. subconicd: sordidé alb&: rugis trans-
versis, 22 ad anfr, penultimum, ad anfr. ultimuim pluribus, infra obso-
letis ; rugis spiralibus, 4 vel 5 suprasuturalibus, supra minoribus : apice
obliquaé: spira conoided: anfr. 8, subconvexis, suturd impressa. ; anfr,
ultimo elongato: apertura ovat&, supra acuta, infra laté effusi : labro
subtenui: columella uniplicaté; regione umbilicari haud multum inden-
tata. Div. 28°; long. 4’".1; lat. 1.27 ; spire long. 2’””.8.
Cnemnirzia araciLior. CO. t. pralonga, conicad: pallidé flava : costis
gracilibus, 28 ad singulos anfr., infra truncatis; striis spiralibus paucis
inconspicuis ; infra costas line&é impress& spirali—instruct&: spira sub-
conic: anfr. 12, parum convexis, suturé impress&: apertura ovata,
supra acuta: labro pretenui: umbilico nullo. Div. 18°; long. 7’7”.8;
lat. 1'.5 3 spiree long. 5’7.1.
Cuemnirzia Mason. C. t. conic&: sordidé alb&: costis approximatis
robustis obtusis, 24 ad singulos anfr., infra obsoletis; striis spiralibus,
exilissimis, creberrimis, haud costas superantibus : spira conic& : anfr. 15,
subconvexis, sutura impress4: apertura subovata : labro tenui: umbilico
nullo. Div. 17°; long. 9.7; lat. 2’".8; spirze long. 7’’’.8.
CuEmnirziA Marainata. C., t. subcylindrict: sordidé alb&: costis
compressis, validis, prominentibus, 11 vel 12 ad singulos anfr.; striis
cee exilibus, quarum 6 vel 6 ad anfr. penultimum videntur : apice
obliqua: anfr. 7, marginatis, subconvexis, suturé impress ; anfr. ultimo
regulariter rotundato: apertura parva, ovata; labro tenui: umbilico
nullo, Div. 28°; long. 2'°.9; lat. 1'’”.5 ; spires long. 2’,
Cremnitzia Panamensis. C. t. conicd: albida: costis obliquis, 27
ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam obsoletis, infra levissima :
spira subconica : anfr. 12, subconvexis, suturd impressi; anfr. ultimo
subangulato: apertura ovatd: labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Diy. 17°;
long. 5.6 ; lat. 1.4; spire long. 4'’".3,
Cuemnirzia simitis. C. t. conica: albidd: costis subobtusis, 26 ad
singulos anfr. ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam truncatis: spira subconicd :
anfr. 11, convexis, suturé valdé impressd; anfr. ultimo regulariter
rotundato : apertura subovata: labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Diy. 17°:
long. 4/3; lat. 1'"".1; spirae long. 3.3, ;
Cuemnirzia srriosa. C. t. conich: flava: costis exilibus, 40 ad
singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi peripheriam obsoletis; striis spiralibus
creberrimis : spira subconica : anfr. 10, parum convexis, sutur& impress& ;
apertura ovaté: labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Diy, 20°; long. 5/8 ;
lat. 1'°.5 ; spire long. 4/".1, :
CHEMNITZIA TURRITA, C, t. supra conic, infra cylindracea: albida :
costis gracilibus, compressis, acutis, 18 ad singulos anfr., ad anfr. ultimi
peripheriam truncatis; infra spiraliter unisulcata : spira subconoidea :
anfr. 10, supra acuté angulatis, partm convexis, suturd impress ; anfr.
SYNOPSIS. Panama Shells. 813
ultimo angulato : aperturd subovaté : labro tenuis umbilico nullo. Div.
de&: anfr. 34, perconvexis, suturé cohspicua: apertut:
.28° ; long. 4.7; lat. 14 3 spire long, 8.56, | '
Lrrrorina (?) ANatostoma. ‘L: 't. aubellipticA: sordid’ alb&: sthis
spiralibus, equidistantibus, -profundis : 'apice obtus&: spird patv, conoi-
R subeffus, semi-
elliptic& : labio recto: umbilico conspicuo. Div. 85°: long. 3/.3; lat.
-5 ; spire long. 1//.4.. ‘ a, hes
Lrrrorina arrata. 'L. ti subglobos&: atro, interdum Albido macu-
-lat&: carinis spiralibus, inequalibus ; plerum@ue ad anfr. ultimi péripheri-
am et ad summam pattem anfr. omnium precipud carinata: apice
acut&: spiri parva, subconoidea : anfr. 4, subconvexis, suturé'impressA :
apertura Iatd, ovatd: umbilico minimo. Div. 65° usque ad 90°; long.
2””"s lat. 1.5. ; : oe he
Lirroriva pusrosa. Nov. sp.? L. t. conoided : ‘cosruled, fascia sub-
" albida fusco-articulata—ornat& ; intiis atro-fuscd ; lAbro fusco et albo
maculato : striis nonnullis spiralibus : apice subacut&: spird subconoided :
anfr. 6, parim convexis, sutur&é conspicud; anfr.' ultimo angulato :
apertura. ovaté, subeffusé.: columella haud multim’ dilatat&. ° Div.
55°; long. 6.3; lat.4’.8. An Z. parvula Phil? = AP
Lrrrontna (?) exoavata. ‘L, t. subellipticA : ad apicom, ad umbilicum,
et ints, atro-fusc&; ad partes ceteras’ pallidé corned: lineis elevatis et
, striis -exilissimis—spiralibus: dpice subacut&: spirk parva, conoided:
anfr. 4, angustis, ‘sutur& conspicud; anfr. ultimo ventricoso: aperturA
-gubovata: labro acuto: columella dilatatd, inctassaté: regione umbili-
cari profundé excavaté: umbilico parvo. Div. 90°; long. 4/.3;) lat.
3’.3; spire dong. 1/”, : Sey a pe
Lirrortna (1) Foveata. L, t. globoso-conica: ‘sordidé alba, fasci&
fusca, spirali, lata,—ornata : lineis elevatis, spiralibus, nonnullis, mequi-
distantibus: apice subacut&: spira subconoided: anfr. 4, subangulatis,
sutura ¢onspicua: apertura subovata: labro acutissimo: columellé
dilataté incrassat&: regione umbilicari profundé excavaté: umbilico
profundo. Div. 80°; long. 4’”.8; lat. 3'".8 ; spire long. 2’, a
> Lirrorma (?) mecasoma. ‘L. t. ovoided: sordidé alb&: carinis
spiralibus, parvis, 8 vel 9, 3 suprasuturalibus ; striis transversis, magtiis
profundis, equidistantibus : apice acuta: spiré minima, subconica : anfr.
8, angulatis, sutura canaliculata; anfr. ultimo magno, obliqué elongato :
apertura subellipticA : labro tenui: carin4 spirali umbilicum continente :
umbilico magno, profundo. Div. 135°; long. 2’".3; lat. 2’".3; spire
‘long. 0.88.
Rissoa. oLANDEsTINA. R. t. elongat4, ovato-conicd: sordidé alba;
costis robustis, compressis, prominentibus, 18 vel 19 ad ee anfr.,
ad inferam extremitatem productis: apice acut&: spira subconoided:
anfr. 7, subconvexis,’ sutur& impressA: apertura magna, utrinque sub-
effus.: Iabro ad mediam partem longé producto, a varice lato’ valdé
incrassato: umbilico nullo. Div. 80°; long. 2'’.9; lat. 1'.27; spirge
long. 1.78. -
' Rissoa rirmata. R.. t. elongata, ovato-conicd: sordidd alb&: costis
JULY, 1852. 79 Ann. Lye, Nat. Hist.
814 Panama Shells. SYNOPSIS.
robustis, prominentibus, 12 ad singulos anfr., ad inferam extremitatem
productis: apice acut&: spiré conoideé: anfr. 7, convexis, sutura
impressa: apertur& subovata, utrinque effusi: labro ad mediam partem
roducto, a varice crasso—firmato: umbilico nullo. Div. 30°; long.
4/73 lat. 1/9; spire long, 3/”.3.
Rissoa Fortis. R. t. elongata, ovato-conic& : albida : costis robustis,
approximatis, 22 ad singulos anfr., ad inferam extremitatem minoribus
productis: apice acuta: spira conoide&: anfr. 10, subconvexis; anfr.
ultimo ventricoso ; apertura ovata, profundé effusa : labro infra producto,
crassissimo: umbilico nullo. Div. 38°; long. 7.4; lat. 3’; spire
long. 4’”.6.
Rissoa (2) inconsrioua. R. t. ovato-conicd: albida: carinis spirali-
bus nonnullis, infra obsoletis: apice subacut4: spira conoided: anfr. 4,
perconvexis, sutura profundé; anfr. ultimo brevi: apertura orbiculari,
vix effusi: labro incyassato: umbilico minutissimo. Div. 55°; long.
11.14; lat. 0.76 ; spire long. 0’".81. An Cingulz species?
Rissoa mFREQUENS. R. t. prelongd, ovato-conicd: albid&: costis
perobtusis, haud multim elevatis, confertim approximatis, 16 ad singulos
anfractus ; striis spiralibus, nonnullis, exilissimis: apice subacut&: spir&a
subconicA: anfr. 7, sutura haud multim impressa ; anfr. ultimo elongato,
subangulato : apertura subovata, vix effusi: labro incrassato: umbilico
nullo. Div. 28°; long. 6'’.1; lat. 17.9; spire long. 4’’.6.
Rissoa Janus. R. t. elongata, ovato-conic& : albida: infra spiraliter
exilé striata; aliunde costis exilibus creberrimis ornat&: apice acut&:
spira subconoided: anfr. 9, subconvexis, suturaé parim impress&:
apertura magn, infra effusd, supra profundé effusi: labro ad mediam
partem producto, a varice robusto firmato: umbilico nullo. Div. 30°;
long. 4/.8 ; lat. 1’.8 ; spiree long. 2’’”.9.
Rissoa noraniLis. K. t. elongata, ovato-conic& : albidd: costis per-
elevatis, ad summam partem concavis, 14 ad singulos anfr., infra obsoletis ;
carinis spiralibus, duobus ad spiram, duobus alteris inferis: apice subob-
tusa, nitida: spird conicd : anfr. 6, ad sammam partem acuté angulatis,
aliunde planulatis, sutura profund&: apertura ovataé: umbilico nullo.
Div. 24°; long. 1/.5; lat. 0’’".68. :
Rissoa scaLarirormis. R. t. elongata, ovato-conicd : albidA: costis
validis, compressis, prominentibus, acutis, continuis, 11 ad singulos
anfr.; striis spiralibus, exilissimis, costas ascendentibus, haud superanti-
bus ;: apice acuta : spira subconoidea : anfr. 8, convexis, suturd impressé :
apertura perobliqua, ovata, utrinque effust: labro ‘subincrassato, ad
mediam partem producto, Div. 33°; long. 3/.3; lat. 1/.27; spires
long. 2''.03. ; DE
_ Crvauta (#) inconsricua. C. t. ovato-fusiformi; albidd: carinis
spiralibus, nonnullis, 4 ad anfr. penultimum ; duobus_ superioribus,
minoribus, et a rugis transversis decussatis : apice subacutd: spira sub-
conoidea : anfr, 5, haud multim convexis, sutura impressa ; anfr. ultimo
parvo: apertura parva,, ovata, supra acuta: labro subtenui: regione
SYNOPSIS. Panama Shells. 815
umbilicari haud multim indentaté. Div. 30°; long. 1/”’.65 ; lat: 0’”” 89;
spire long. 1'”.14. ;
CineuLa PauPEercuLa. R. t. conoided: sordidé albA, interdum flavo-
fasciat&: levi: apice subacut&: spir& subconich: anfr. 5, planulatis,
sutura impress: apertur& lata, ovata: labro haud multim incrassato:
umbilico minutissimo. Div. 38°; long. 2.16; lat. 11.27; spire
long. 1/747.
Crncura (¢) rerepettum. C. t. subcylindricd; albidd: carinis 4,
spiralibus, perelevatis, acutis, compressis, quarum 2 ad spiram videntur :
apice subacuta; spira subconoided: anfr. 6, partim convexis, suturd
inconspicud; anfr. ultimo parvo: aperturd parva, ovat&, supra acut& :
labro tenui: umbilico nullo. Div. 28°; long. 2’; lat. 1; spire
long. 11.4.
Crnevura turrira, C. t. elongat4, conich : albid&: costis prominenti-
bus, compressis, crebris, prope suturam a stria spirali suprasuturali trun-
catis ; infra spiraliter striat&: apice acuté: spira subconic&: anfr. 6, ad
summam partem acuté angulatis, aliunde planulatis, sutura canaliculata :
apertura parva, ovata, vix effus& : labro tenui: regione umbilicari minu-
tissimé indentat&. Div. 30°; long. 2'”’; lat. 0’"'.74 ; spire long. 0/61,
Litropa (7) saxicota. L. t. elongati, ovat&: corned, subtranspa-
rente: striis spiralibus profundis equidistantibus crebris ornat&: apice
acuta: spiré subconoideA: anfr. 5, convexis, sutura impress: anfr.
ultimo ventricoso: apertur&4 lata, ovata, supra acuta: labro preetenui;
umbilico nullo. Div. 45°; long. 3/’”.56 ; lat. 1/9; spire long. 1/8.
Aveorsis (?) ansecra. 1852.
Family Cyprzidze.
1, O. avena Sowb.,,
oP go pS
emarginata Sowb.,
neglecta Ad.,
variabilis Ad.,
sp. indet.,
C.arabicula Lam.,
cervinetta Kr.,
punctulata Gray,
pustulata Lam.,
radians Lam.,
rubescens Gray,
sanguinea Gray,
E. cypreola Sowb.,
M.minor Ad.,
sapotilla Hinds,
Family Mitridz.
M. funiculata Rv.,
lens Wood,
nucleola Lam.,
solitaria Ad.,
tristis Brod.,
Family Purpuridz.
T. elata Hinds,
larveformis Hinds,
robusta Hinds,
specillata Hinds,
tuberculosa Hinds,
No. ‘ Page
26. T. varicosa Hinds, 41
27. sp. indet. a, 47
28. s 6, 47
29. a 6, 47
380. - d, 41
31. “6 Al
82. O. angulata Lam., 48
33. araneosa Lam. 49
84. inconspicua Ad., 50
85. pellucida Rv., 61
86. porphyria Linn., 52
87. semistriata Gray, 53
88. testacea Lam., 54
39. undatella Lam., 55
40. venulata Lam., 56
41. volutella Lam., 57
42. P. planicostata Sowb., 58
43. N. canescens Ad., 59
44, collaria Gould, 59
44a, . var. a, 60
45. corpulenta Ad. 60
46. gemmulosa Ad, 61
47. glauea Ad., 61
48. luteostoma Brod., 62
49, nodifera Powis, 63
50. pagodus (Triton) Rv., 63
51. Panamensis Ad., 64
52. proxima Ad., 64
53. scabriuscula (?) Powis, 65
54, striata Ad., 65
55. versicolor Ad., 66
55a. “ var. striatula Ad., 66
56. Wilsoni Ad., 67
57. B. crassum (Phos) Hinds, 67
828 Index.
No. Page | No. Page
58. B. distortum Wood, 68 99. C. pulchrior Ad., 96
69. insigne Rv., 69 | 100. pygmsa Sowb., 97
60. lugubre Ad, 69 | 101. rugosa Sowb;, 97
61. pagodus Ryv., 70 | 102. strombiformis Lam., 98
62. pristis Desh., 70 | 108. tesselata Ad., 99
63. ringens Ry., 11 104. ‘turrita Sowb., 99
64. sanguinolentum Ducl., 72 | 105. varia Sowb., 100
65. Stimpsonianum Ad., 72 | 106. sp. indet., 101
66. D. ringens Swains., 7 78 | 107. R. carbonaria (?) Rv., 101
MONOCEROS, 108. jugosa Ad., 101
67. M. brevidentatum Wood, ja | Reeviaus fd, a0e
68. cingulatum Wood, "6 , oaseis.
PURPURA, 110. ©. abbreviata Lam., 102
69. P. Carolensis Rv., 46 | 1411. coarctata Sowb., 103
40. foveolata Ad., 16
1. kiosquiformis Ducl., q7 pacar,
42. ap. indet., 4g | 112. O, tuberculosa Sowb., 104
73. melo Duel. 48
14. osculans Ad., 49 Family Strombidz.
"5. tecta Wood, "9
46. undata Lam., 80 iii
118. O. brunneus Wood, 104
COLUMBELLA, 114, gladiator Brod., 106
"7. C. atramentaria Sowb., 82 | 115. mahogani Ryv., 106
78. bicanalifera Sowb., g2 | 116. nux Brod., 106
49. Boivinii Kr., gg | 11%. princeps Linn., 106
80. conspicua Ad., 83 | 118. purpurascens Brod., 108
81. costellata Sowb.,, g4 | 119. regalitatis Sowb., 109
82. diminuta Ad., 85 120. regularis Sowb., 110
83. dorsata Sowb., 85 | 121. vittatus Brug., 110
84. fluctuata Sowb., 86
85. fulva Sowb., 87 E BTROMBUS:
86. fuscata Sowb., 87 | 122. S. galea Wood, 111
87. gibberula Sowb., 8s | 128. gracilior Sowb., 112
88. gracilis Ad., 89 | 124. granulatus Wood, 118
89. guttata Sowb., posted OC. 125. Peruvianus Swains,, 114
cribraria Sowb.: 89
90. hemastoma Sowb., 91 Family Muricidz,
91. harpiformis Sowb., 91
92. labiosa Sowb., : 92 TRITON.
93. lyrata Sowb., 93 | 126. T. Chemnitzii Gray, 1165
94. major Sowb., 93 | 127. constrictus Brod, 116
95. modesta Powis, 94 | 128. fusoides Ad., 116
96. mesta Ad. 94 | 129, gibbosus Brod., 116
97. nigricans Sowb., 95 | 180. lignarius Brod., 117
98. parva Sowb., 96 | 131. vestitus Hinds, 118
182, R.celata Brod.,
183, nana Brod.,
184, nitida Brod,
185. plicata Rv,
186. M.dubius Sowb.,
187. erosus Brod.,
138 radix Gm, .
189. _rectirostris Sowb.,
140. recurvirostris Brod.,
141. regius Wood,
142, salebrosus King,
148. vibex: Brod.,
144, —-vittatus Brod,
146. P. patula Brod.,
146. F. ventricosa Sowb.,
147. F. bellus Ad.,
148. F. granosa Brod.,
149. T. ceatus Brod.,
150. castanea Gray,
151. cerata Wood,
152. rudis Rv.,
158. spadicea Rv.,
164, C. affinis Ad.,
155. clavatula Sowb.,
156. decussata Sowb.,
157. goniostoma Sowb.,
158. mitriformis Sowb.,
159. pulchra Sowb.,
160. pygmea Ad.,
161. solida Sowb.,
162. _tesselata Sowb.,
168. P. aterrima Sowb.,
164, atrior Ad,
165. bicanelifera Sowb.,
JULY, 1852.
No. Ae Page
166. P. collaris Sowb., 189
167. concinna Ad., 140
168. corrugata Sowb., 140
169. disecors Sowb., 141
170. duplicate Sowb., 141
171. excentrica Sowb., 142
172, exigua Ad., 142
178. gemmulosa Ad, 143
174, grandimaculata Ad., 148
175. inorassata Sowb., 144
176. nigerrima Sowb., 144
-177. — obeliscus Rv., , 145
178, olivacea Sowb., , 145
179. pallida Sowb., 146
180. rigida Hinds, 146
181. rudis Sowb,,. . 146
182. rustica Sowb.,, 147
183. striosa Ad., 147
184. zonulata Rv., 148
185. ep. indet. a, . 148
186. “4 148
187, M.sp. indet. «, 148
188, # d, 149
189. “ @ 149
190. “ F£ 149
191. neglecta Ad., 149
192. suleosaf (Columbella)Sowb., 149
198. O, adustum Kr., 150
194, assimilatum Ad., 150
195. bimarginatum Ad., 151
196. famelicum Ad., ~ 162 .
197. gemmatum Hinds, 152
198. interruptum (?) Mke., (153
199. sp. indet., . ‘153
200. irroratum Gould, 154
201. neglectum Ad, * 154
202. Pacificum Sowb., 155
208. pauperculum Ad., 165
204. pulchrum Ad., 156
205. Reevianum Ad, 156
206. validum Ad., “187
207. T. alternatus Ad., | 158
208. inconspicuus Ad., 159
209. infrequens Ad, 159
Ann, Lro, Nat. Hist.
Family Littorinidz.
210. T. Banksii Rv,
211. C. diminutum Ad.,
212, eburneum Ad,
213. firmatum Ad,
214, leve Ad.,
215. laqueatum Ad.,
216. monstrosum Ad,
217, parvum Ad,
218. pygmeum Ad.,
219 C. aculeus Ad.,
220. acuminata Ad,
221. affinis Ad.,
222, clathratula Ad.,,
228, communis Ad,
224. gracilior Ad.,
225, major Ad,
226. wmarginata Ad.,
227. Panainensis Ad., .
228. similis Ad.,
229. striosa Ad.,
230. turrita Ad.,
231. L. angiostoma Ad.,
282. aspera Phil,
233. atrata Ad.
234. conspersa Phil.
235, -excayata Ad.,
236. fasciata Gray,
237. foveata Ad.,
238.- megasoma Ad.,
239. parvula (#) Phil,
"240, pulchra Swaina.,
' 241, puncticulata Phil,,
242, varia Sowb.,
_ RIS80A,
243. R.clandestina Ad., °
244. firmata Ad.,
245. fortis Ad.,
246. inconspicua Ad.,
247. infrequens Ad.,
248, Janus Ad,
* 164
249, R. notabilis Ad,
| 256.
scalariformis Ad.,
sp. indet.,
Family Trochidz.
C. inconspicua Ad.,
paupercula Ad.,
terebellum ey uw es Ms " %
a boc a Seen a
SNS AS Cin Vee cee a