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In compiling this record of the services rendered our county in the war of the Rebellion by the men furnished by it, no effort at the general historical has been made, only a painstaking and prosy effort to secure and record, so far as is possible, a complete history of the individual service of each man, be he an actual resident of the county or one who, residing elsewhere, was at- tracted by the high bounties given by the county and individual towns. To do this, together with securing such brief local history as was obtainable, has been task enough, without going further. All local news prints available have been read. The records of the Provost Marshal for the district, carefully pre- served by his family, the census records made in each town in 1865, the writ- ten records in the office of the Adjutant General at Albany, all have furnished their portion of the facts, as have also the census records of the surrounding counties. For information as to the actual residence and prior service of Penn- sylvania bounty men, Bates’ “History of Pennsylvania Volunteers” has been consulted. That some records remain incomplete is displeasing to the com- piler, but many regiments failed entirely to file the proper reports at Albany. It is proper here to note the many courtesies received at the hands of Mr. William A. Saxton, Chief of the Bureau of Records in the office of the Adju- tant General at Albany, and Mr. Jacob B. Stauffer, an attache of the same division in the office of the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. But for the privileges extended by Mr. Saxton, this work would have been impossible. Congressmen Norman J. Gould and John Taber have been exceedingly kind in securing data at Washington which it otherwise would have been impossi- ble to secure, and Hon. William J. Sears, of the 4th Florida district, has* also procured much valuable information. The compiler is well aware that the day for interest in Civil War matters has long since passed, but the pleasure of securing the records has been so great that he does not wish the results of his labors to be destroyed, so is putting them in print.4 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 1861 Although in the fall the general government' gave a bounty of $100 to 3- year volunteers, so far as Yates county was concerned 1861 could properly be called the “bountyless” year. Small sums were given to some men who en- listed late in the year, through private subscriptions, but such cases were few. The county did offer a bonus of $2 per man to recruiting officers, if 32 or more men were secured. Recruiting was not organized, with some responsi- ble head. Officers were given tentative commissions at Albany, or, more fre- quently, promised them, their final granting to depend on the number of men they could recruit. Effort was not confined to raising Infantry companies alone, all branches of the service being included—Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers—and to all the county contributed liberally of men. No men en- listed for three months, under the call of April 15th for 75,000 militia, all those enrolling doing so for either two or three years, under the call of May 3d for 500,000 men. There is no doubt but that the county exceeded the number of men which formed its rightful quota under the two calls of the year, but so little thought was given to this matter at that time, as it was here supposed, as elsewhere, that the war would be of short duration, that it never was possi- ble to determine to the satisfaction of those interested what the exact number was, the county claiming many more than were allowed by the government. This condition was also due in a measure to the many men who joined regi- ments at the Elmira recruit camp, after enlisting at Yates county points, or who went directly to that camp to enlist. Others enlisted at places in adjoin- ing counties. The question of the place of credit of these men was never fully settled. But it can be positively stated that under the two calls over 500 men of the county enlisted. In all regiments under the heading of the year 1861, all enlistments of which the year date are not given were made in 1861. 33d N. Y. INFANTRY In view of the fact that Company I, 33d Infantry, was the first fully or- ganized body of men to leave the county, it seems no more than just that especial mention be given it. In making an effort to do this, it becomes worthy of note that no company which was formed here has left so perfect a record of its early history in manuscript form, but two necessary records being missing up to the date it entered actual service, the one being that showing the exact date of enlistment of the men, the other, a supplemental muster roll of the men added to the company after July 3d. In the search for complete records of the company, much information of an official nature has been se- cured which contradicts parts of former histories of this- organization, the changes being principally in the matter of dates. Every possible effort has been made to complete each individual record, through every available source of information, Immediately after the receipt of President Lincoln’s proclamation of April 15th, calling for 75,000 militia volunteers, a meeting was held in Wash- ington Hall, Penn Yan. A statement was made of the reasons for the gather-YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 5 Ing, patriotic speeches were made, and recruits for a company called for, a considerable number of men signing their names to a roll as volunteers. On April 21st Charles Howe opened a recruiting station in the law office in which he was a student, and before the evening of the 22d over 70 men had signed the roll. On the 24th, 18 men were sent to the recruit camp at Elmira, and others soon followed. This proved unfortunate, as the majority of these men joined two other companies (Co. K., 3d Inf., raised at Havana, and Co. F., 23d Inf., recruited in Elmira), which caused delay in Co. I securing the num- ber of men needed for muster, and resulted in its arrival at Elmira after the regiment had been informally created. On April 25th a second meeting was held, following a street parade with martial music, at which a considerable addition to the roll of volunteers was made, and it was at this meeting that the name “Keuka Rifles’’ was chosen for the company. The “application for company organization,” which follows, was immediately sent to the Adjutant-General at Albany. It is signed by 97 men, and its endorsement shows that it was received May 2d, and was the 54th ap- plication for the formation of a company received. It also shows that the company’s members had already, so far as they could do so unofficially, chos- en their commissioned officers, a date over a week prior to any previously given for such an election. As it shows, all enlistments were for two years. A few enlistments secured at Elmira and elsewhere later were for the unex- pired portion of the term of two years. APPLICATION for COMPANY ORGANIZATION Pursuant to an Act passed April 16, 1861, entitled “An Act to Authorize the Em- bodying- and Equipment of a Volunteer Militia, and to provide for the Public Defense.” James M. Letts for Captain, Penn Yan, Yates Co. Edward E. Root for 1st Lieutenant. William H. Long for Ensign. S. O. 368 for Inspection Rec'd May 2, 1861. No. 54 Ent’d. STATE OF NEW YORK—VOLUNTEER MILITIA. To His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of the Militia of the State of New York: In accordance with the provisions of the Act passed April 16, 1861, entitled “An Act to Authorize the Embodying and Equipment of a Volunteer Militia, and to provide for the Public Defense,” we, the undersigned, citizens of the State of New York, have associated together as a company, to constitute a portion of the force authorized by said Act, and hereby enlist to serve for the term of two years, unless sooner discharged, and we hereby designate the following persons as Company Officers, and request that they be commissioned as such. J. M. Letts for Captain. E. E. Root for 1st Lieut. Wm. H. Long for Ensign. * Name Age Place Nativity Residence P. O. Address County James Burns 21 Oneida Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Richard Strong 19 Yates Co. Italy Hill Italy Yates George Reynolds- 18 Yates Co. Milo Penn Yan Yates George Newman 21 Yates Co. Milo Penn Yan Yates Lewis B. Holmes 18 Yates Co. Benton Benton Yates Demas Warren 23 Duchess Co. Barrington Barrington Yates William R. Playsted 21 Oak Hill, Steuben Co. Barrington Barrington Yates Charles Bishop 19 Yates Co. Barrington Barrington Yates Robert Warren 18 Duchess Co. Barrington Barrington Yates William Riker 27 Yates Co. Barrington Penn Yan Yates A. P. Dunton 30 Steuben Co. Barrington Dundee Yates Putnam Demming 18 Yates Co. Barrington Dundee Yates Daniel J. Beyea 23 Steuben Co. Barrington Dundee YatesYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” Edwin Lester 23 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Martin Hope 18 Massachusetts Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Ervin Melious 21 Yates Co. Torrey Penn Yan Yates John Boyd 23 Canada Hall’s Hall’s Corners Corners Ontario Darwin King 18 Wayne Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Oliver Baplee 19 Yates Co. Barrington Barrington Yates H. G. Mace, M. D. 29 Pennsylvania Branchport Branchport Yates Edwin Wilklow 23 Steuben Co. Italy Hill Italy Hill Yates Alexander Perry 34 Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Christopher F. Nash 18 Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates James Townsend 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Frank Dunnigan 25 Ireland Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Thomas Dunnigan 21 Ireland Milo Center Milo Center Yates John McManus 21 Ireland Jerusalem Penn Yan Yates Johnathan M. Gordon 19 Barrington Barrington Penn Yan Yates Joseph Dorr Barber 21 Columbia Co. Benton Benton Yates Byron Randolph 18 Yates Co. Milo Milo Yates James E. Hicks 18 Yates Co. Benton Benton Center Yates Peter Wheaton 42 Yates Co. Milo Center Milo Yates George B. Curtis 25 Massachusetts Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates James Mace 23 Yates Co. Branchport Penn Yan Yates George B. Wolcott 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Charles E. O’Brien 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates James M. Letts 42 So. Amboy, N. Y. Dundee Penn Yan Yates Edward S. Rice 21 New York City Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Edward E. Root 21 Washington Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates John W. Cleveland 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Jeremiah S. Pearce 23 Duchess Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Henry Miles Dunbar 34 Pulaski, N. Y. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Richard J. Harford 21 Benton Center Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates P. P. Curtis 24 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Henry Atwater 23 Wyoming Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates William Elmendorf 29 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Aaron J. Cook 27 Ontario Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Michael P. Brennan 26 Ireland Penn Yan- Penn Yan Yates John W. Foshay 19 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Joseph R. Fuller 37 Geneva Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Warren Allen 38 Connecticut Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Charles Howe 21 Oswego Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates A. A. Chidsey 19 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Samuel Wilson 21 Canada Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Lewis George Horton 19 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates William H. Kean 19 Ontario Co. Geneva Geneva Ontario John A. Holmes 28 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Thomas Hunter 23 Scotland Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates James W. Corey 19 Potter, Yates Co. Potter Potter Yates George W. Corey 23 Ontario Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Joseph Agin 21 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates John P. Oliver 21 Canada Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates William H. Gates 25 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Clement W. Kidder 23 Yates Co. Benton Penn Yan Yates George W. Bassett 22 Yates Co. Dundee Dundee Yates George J. Greening 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Peter Mead 28 New Jersey Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates William Henry Keney 24 Onondaga Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates George Arthur Tappan 24 Massachusetts Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates George L. Youngs 18 Pennsylvania Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Daniel G. Baker 30 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Charles H. Comstock 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Stephen C. Purdy 18 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Charles Quick 22 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates John R. Davis 19 Cayuga Co. Milo Center Milo Center Yates Webster Betts 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Bruin Cooley 21 Yates Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates John D. Rohde 21 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Fenton C. Hyland 24 Ireland Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates William H. Long 26 New York Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Henry Whitaker 21 Yates Co. Benton Penn Yan Yates William H. Gladding 22 Pennsylvania Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Benjamin Randall 28 Barrington Barrington Penn Yan Yates George Brennan 23 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Theodore Wheeler 24 Penn Yan Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Martin Cook 23 Ontario Co. Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Lewis M. Gage 28 Benton Benton Center Penn Yan Yates Barney Baker 26 Benton Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Patrick Carr 25 Ireland Penn Yan Penn Yan Yates Albert A. Enos 22 Benton Penn Yan Penn Yan YatesYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 7 Name Charles Stevens Charles E. Chapman George A. Sherman George W. Goundry Alonzo Hopkins William H. Dunn Alden Whitney Age Place Nativity Residence 28 Torrey 29 Benton 21 Penn Yan 22 Dresden 21 Italy Hill 22 Milo 19 Italy Dresden Penn Yan Penn Yan Dresden Italy Hill Penn Yan Italy Hill P. O. Address County Dresden Yates Penn Yan Yates Penn Yan Yates Dresden Yates Italy Hill Yates Penn Yan Yates Italy Hill Yates (Endorsed:) “We, the within named officers, designate the following named persons as field officers under whom we desire to serve.” Isaac F. Quinby for Colonel. E. H. Marshall for Lieutenant Colonel. Jas. M. Letts, Capt., Edward E. Root, Lieut., William H. Long, Ensign, ' Signatures of Company Officers. Of the men signing this roll, James Burns, George Newman, Demas War- ren, Robert Warren, A. P. Dunton, Daniel J. Beyea, Edwin Lester, Ervin Me- lious, John Boyd, Darwin King, H. G. Mace, Edwin Wilklow, Alexander Perry, James Townsend, Thomas Dunnigan, Frank Dunnigan, John McManus, James E. Hicks, George B. Curtis, James B. Miace, George B. Wolcott, Charles E. O’Brien, John W. Cleveland, Henry M. Dunbar, P. P. Curtis, William Elmen- dorf, Aaron J. Cook, Joseph R. Fuller, Warren Allen, Samuel Wilson, William H. Gates, George J. Greening, William H. Keney, George A. Tappan, Stephen C. Purdy, Webster Betts, John D. Rohde, Fenton C. Hyland, Henry Whitaker, William H. Gladding, Benjamin Randall, Theodore Wheeler, Martin Cook, Lewis M. Gage, Barney Baker, Patrick Carr, Albert A. Enos, Charles Stevens, Alonzo Hopkins, William H. Dunn and Alden Whitney had no service with the 33d. So far as is ascertainable, Demas Warren, Robert Warren, Ervin Melious, John Boyd, H. G. Mace, James Townsend, George B. Curtis, Charles E. O’Brien, P. P. Curtis, Joseph R. Fuller, William H. Keney, George A. Tappan, Webster Betts, Fenton C. Hyland, Henry Whitaker, Benjamin Randall, Theodore Wheeler, Patrick Carr, Albert A. Enos, Alonzo Hopkins and Alden Whitney had no service at all. James Burns served in Co. A, 126th Inf.; George New- man, Bat. B, 14th Art.; A. P. Dunton, Co. B, 148th Inf.; Edwin Lester, Bat.. B, 3d Art.; Darwin King, Bat. L, 14th Art.; Edwin Wilklow, Co. D, 3d Mich, Cav.; Alexander Perry, Co. C, 44th Inf.; Thomas Dunnigan, Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav.; Frank Dunnigan, Co. G, 126th Inf.; John McManus, Co. F, 179th Inf.; James E. Hicks, Co. B, 126th Inf.; James B. Mace, Co. A, 50th Engrs.; George B. Wol- cott, Co. E, 44th Inf ; John W. Cleveland, Co. K, 3d Inf.; Henry M. Dunbar, Co. I, 148th Inf.; William Elmendorf, Co. B, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; Aaron J. Cook, Co. F, 148th Inf.; Warren Allen, Co. A, 126th Inf.; Samuel Wilson, Co. A, 126th Inf. and Co. A, 39th U. S. Colored Troops; William H. Gates, Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav. and Co. E, 8th XJ. S. Vet. Vols.; George J. Greening, Bat. B, 3d Art.; Stephen C. Purdy, Co. B, 126th Inf.; John D. Rohde, Co. K, 3d Inf.; William H. Gladding, Norfolk Post Band; Martin Cook, Co. K, 3d Inf.; Lewis M. Gage, Co. B, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; Barney Baker, Co. K, 3d Inf. and Co. I, 147th Inf.; Chailes Stevens, Co. A, 8th Cav. and Co. B, 126th Inf.; William H. Dunn, Co. F, 23d Inf., and Daniel J. Beyea, Co. A, 126th Inf. On May 6th John E. Bean, Major of the 59th State Militia, inspected the organization, but did1 not find sufficient men present to muster the company, so many had left for Elmira, and on May 9th again held inspection and mus- tered the company into the State service. He also acted as Chairman at a meeting at which the mustered men selected officially their commissioned and non-commissioned officers, making no change from their unofficial choice, as will be seen by his official report:8 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE RETURN OF INSPECTING OFFICER Under Special Orders 368 Co. I, James M. Letts for Captain Thomas Hillhouse for Colonel S. O. 629 to Elmira Ret’d May 14, ’61. STATE OF NEW YORK—VOLUNTEER MILITIA. Geneva, May 13, 1861. To the Adjutant-General of the State of New York: Pursuant to directions contained in Special Order 368, I hereby certify that I have fully inspected and mustered the company, whose names are hereto an- nexed, all of whom were present at such inspection, and that they all appear to be above the age of 18 and below the age of 45 years. I further certiy that at the election held by me under said Special Order, the following named persons were duly elected officers of said Company, viz.: James M. Letts, Captain Edward E. Root, 1st Lieutenant William H. Long, Ensign Charles Howe, 1st Sergeant George W. Bassett, 2d Sergeant William H. Kinney, 3d Sergeant William Riker, 4th Sergeant Edward S. Rice, 1st Corporal Henry Atwater, 2d Corporal Richard J. Harford, 3d Corporal Peter Mead, 4th Corporal Geneva, May 13, 1861. JNO. E. BEAN, Major, &c. INSPECTION and MUSTER ROLL No. Name Age Nativity Residence 1 Joseph Agin 21 U. S. Penn Yan 2 Henry Atwater 23 U. S. Penn Yan 3 George W. Bassett 22 U. S. Dundee, N. Y. 4 John J. Boyd 23 Canada Halls' Corners, N. Y. 5 Cornelius J. Bonney 20 U. S. Penn Yan 6 Patrick Brennan 19 U. S. Penn Yan 7 George Brennan 23 U. S. Penn Yan 8 John W. Betts 21 U. S. Penn Yan 9 James Burns 21 U. S. Penn Yan 10 Donald G. Baker 30 U. S. Penn Yan 1 James S. Ball 19 U. S. North Hector, N. Y. 2 Charles Brown 23 England Jerusalem, N. Y. 3 Freeman N. Brazee 19 U. S. Branchport 4 Alexander M. Boyd 18 U. S. Benton, N. Y. 5 David A. Cook 23 U. S. Middlesex, N. Y. 6 Augustus A. Chidsey 19 U. S. Penn Yan 7 Bruen Cooley 20 U. S. Penn Yan 8 Charles Comstock 21 U. S. Penn Yan 9 George W. Corey 23 U. S. Penn Yan 20 James W. Corey 19 U. S. Potter, N. Y. 1 Putnam Demming 18 U. S. Barrington, N. Y. 2 Henry M. Dunbar 23 U. S. Penn Yan 3 Daniel Daly 21 U. S. Penn Yan 4 William H. Eddy 22 U. S. Horseheads, N. Y. 5 John Forshay 19 U. S. Penn Yan 6 Charles Forshay 23 u. s. Penn Yan 7 Charles C. Freshour 30 U. S. Geneva, N. Y. 8 Jonathan M. Gorton 19 u. s. Barrington, N. Y. 9 Thomas Hunter 24 Scotland Penn Yan 30 Martin Hope 19 U. S. Penn Yan 1 Lewis G. Horton 19 U. S. Italy, N. Y. 2 Finson Highland 24" Ireland Penn Yan 3 John A. Holmes 28 U. S. Penn Yan 4 Lewis B. Plolmes 18 U. S. Benton, N. Y. 5 Charles Howe 21 U. S. Penn Yan 6 William W. Hunt 21 U. S. Benton, N. Y. 7 Richard J. Harford 22 U. S. Benton, N. Y. 8 Thomas Hunter* 24 Scotland Penn Yan 9 Josiah Holcomb 21 U. S. Oak Hill, N. Y. 40 William Humphrey 33 England Benton Center, N. Y. 1 William H. Kinney 24 U. S. Penn Yan 2 Clement W. Kidder 23 U. S. Benton, N. Y.TATES COUNTY7S u BOYS IN BLUE” B No. Name Age Nativity Residence 3 William H. Kean 21 U. S. Penn Yan 4 James M. Letts 41 U. S. Dundee, N. Y. 5 William H. Long 26 U. S. Penn Yan 6 Charles H. Millis 21 U. S. Barrington 7 Peter Mead 28 U. S. Penn Yan 8 Michael Mahar 21 Ireland Penn Yan 9 Charles McCormick 24 U. S. Rome, N. Y. 50 Christopher P. Nash 19 U. S. Penn Yan 1 John Newlove 30 u. s. Penn Yan 2 John E. Neary 19 Ireland Penn Yan 3 Samuel Newlove 19 U. S. Penn Yan 4 John P. Oliver 21 Canada Penn Yan 5 Jeremiah S. Pearce 23 U. S. Penn Yan 6 William R. Playstead 21 U. S. Barrington, N. Y. 7 Henry B. Pettigrew 18 U. S. Barrington, N. Y. 8 Oliver Pruden 20 u. s. Polkville, N. Y. 9 James R. Putnam 19 r. s. Tyrone, N. Y. 60 William F. Pierce 34 u. s. Milo Center, N. Y. 1 Graig Quick 19 u. s. Penn Yan 2 Charles V. Quick 22 u. s. Penn Yan 3 Edward E. Root 21 u. s. Penn Yan 4 Oliver Raplee 21 u. s. Barrington, N. Y. 5 Edward S. Rice 21 u. s. Penn Yan 6 William Riker 29 u. s. Penn Yan 7 Byron Randolph 18 IT. S. Milo, N. Y, 8 George H. Sherman 21 u. s. Penn Yan 9 Lewis Shaw 24 u. s. Barrington, N. Y. 70 James M. Smith 18 u. s. Starkey, N. Y. 1 Morris W. Shultz 21 u. s. Milo Center 2 Jeremiah Sprague 18 u. s. Penn Yan 3 Herman VanDeventer 21 IT. S. Dresden, N. Y. 4 John G. Wolcott 35 u. s. Penn Yan 5 Menzo Wixon 25 u. s. Barrington 6 Peter S. Wheaton 41 u. s. Milo. 7 .Albert Westcott 21 u. s. North Hector, N. Y. 8 James White 27 Canada Wayne, Yates Co., N. Y. 9 George L. Young 18 U. S. Penn Yan I do hereby certify the within inspection list and Muster Roll correct. JOHN E. BEAN, Geneva, May 13, 1861. Major 59th Regiment, N. Y. S. Militia. ♦Error of clerk, name appearing- twice on roll. Should be Jonah Hartwell, Cohocton, Steuben county. Of these men, the names of Cornelius H. Bonney, James S. Ball, Charles Brown, Freeman N. Brazee, Alexap&er M. Boyd, David A. Cook, Daniel Daly, William H. Eddy, Charles Forshay, Charles C. Freshour, William W. Hunt, Josiah Holcomb, Jonah Hartwell, William Humphrey, Charles H. Mi'llis, Mich- ael Mahar, Charles McCormick, John Newlove, John E. Neary, Samuel New- love, Henry B. Pettigrew, Oliver Pruden, James R. Putnam, William F. Pierce, Greig Quick, Lewis Shaw, James M. Smith, Morris W. Shultz, Jeremiah Sprague, Herman VanDeventer, John G. Wolcott, Menzo Wixon, Albert West- cott, and James White do not appear on the application for the formation of the company. James S. Ball, Alexander M. Boyd, Josiah Holcomb, Jonah Hartwell, Charles McCormick, Samuel Newlove, Henry B. Pettigrew, Oliver Pruden, James R. Putnam, James M. Smith, Herman VanDeventer, Albert Westcott and James White saw no service with the 33d, and James S. Ball, Alexander M. Boyd, Charles McCormick, Samuel Newlove, Henry B. Petti- grew, Oliver Pruden and James White, so far as is ascertainable, had no ser- vice at all. Josiah Holcomb later served with Co. I, 86th Inf.; James R. Putnam in Co. H, 189th Inf ; James M. Smith in Co. B, 148th Inf.; Herman VanDeventer in Co. E, 101st Inf. and Albert Westcott in Co. I, 23d Inf. and Co. A, 50th Engrs. The company immediately began drilling at Penn Yan under the officers chosen, and on May 16th was reported as recruited to its full strength. On the 18th orders were received to proceed to Elmira recruit camp, for which place it left next morning, going to the depot under the escort of the firemen and10 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” citizens, headed by a band and drum corps. The company was presented with a beautiful flag by the ladies of the village. The published list of those who de- parted show that many who had enlisted failed to go. On arrival at Elmira the company was given quarters in the church of which Rev. Thomas K. Beecher was pastor, where it remained until the regiment was fully organized on May 22d, when it was assigned to Barracks No. 5, at Southport. The following document shows the men who were with the company for the week of May 14-21, during which period of time they were paid oy the State; state payroll*. Payroll of Capt. James M. Letts’ Company (I) of the 33d Regiment, from the 14th day of May, 1861, to the 21st day of May, 1861, inclusive: Name 1st Sergeant, Charles Howe 2d Sergeant, George W. Bassett 3d Sergeant, William H. Kinney 4th Sergeant, William Riker 1st Corporal, Edward S. Rice 2d Corporal, Henry Atwater 3d Corporal, Richard J. Harford 4th Corporal, Peter Mead Musician, D. Morse Musician, J. Oliver Private, Agin, Joseph “ Boyd, J. J. “ Bonney, Cornelius “ Brennan, George " Betts, Webster “ Burns, James “ Brennan, Patrick “ Baker, Daniel G. “ Ball, James “ Brown, Charles Brazee, Freeman M, “ Boyd, A. M. “ Bishop, Charles u Cook, David A. “ Cooley, Bruin “ Comstock, Charles " Corey, George W. “ Corey, J. W. *' Chidsey, A. A. Davis, John “ Durham, John W. “ Daly, Daniel * Demming, Putnam “ Dunbar, Henry M„ Eddy, William H. Forshay, John W, “ Forshay, Charles '* Freshour, Charles “ Gordon, Jonathan “ Gage, Charles “ Hunter, Thomas “ Hope, Martin ** Horton, Lewis G. “ Hyland, Fenton C, ** Holmes, J. A. “ Holmes, L. B. “ Hunt, W. W. “ Humphrey, William “ Holcomb, Josiah “ Hartwell, ------- “ Hubbard, Delos C, “ Johnson, William “ Kidder, C. W. Kean, William H, “ Mahar, Michael “ Millis, Charles *' Newlove, John “ Neary, John E. “ Nash, C. F. Newlove, Samuel Pearce, J. S. ** Play&ted, William From May 14 To Amount May 21 $5.32 4.54 4.54 4.54 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 Not paid $2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 Not paid $2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92' 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 Not paid $2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 11 Private, Name Peppinger, Henry M. From May 14 To May 21 Amount $2.92 “ Pierce, William F. 2.92 “ Quick, Graige “ Not paid Quick, Charles « $2.92 “ Royce, James 2.92 ** Raplee, Oliver 2.92 Randolph, Byron F. “ 2.92 “ Sherman, George H. ** 2.92 “ Shaw, Lewis G. ** 2.92 Shultz, Nehemiah* 2.92 “ Smith, James Not paid «< VanDeventer, Norman “ Not paid “ ' Wheaton, Peter « $2.92 “ Wolcott, John G. 2.92 ** Wixson, Menzo 2.9 2 “ White, James “ 2.92 ** Youngs, George L. 2.92 *Error of clerk, roll signed Morris On May 2.2d George W. Basset JAMES M. LETTS Commanding Company. W. Shultz. t was appointed Sergeant-Major of the new r giment. On May 30th and 31st the men underwent their physical examination at the hands of Major William H. Gregg, surgeon in charge of the station. Few were rejected, but among them was Sergeant William H. Keney. This promotion and rejection among the Sergeants caused a change in the non- commissioned officers, which is shown in the U. S. muster roll. On July 3d the company was mustered into the U. S. service by Capt. L. Sitgraves, U. S. Topographical Engineers, the service of the men to date from May 22d: U. S. MUSTER ROLL. Capt. James M. Letts, Co. I, 33d Reg’t, N. Y, S. V. Muster-in Roll of Captain James M. Letts’ (I) Company, in the 33d Regfment, (-)Brigade) of New York (foot) Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Robert F. Taylor, called into the service of the United States by the President, from the 22d day of May, 1861, for the term of two years, unless sooner discharged. No. of Joined for Duty and Enrolled each Grade Names Rank Age When Where By Whom Enrolled Period 1 James M. Letts Capt. 35 May 22 Elmira Capt. Letts 2 yrs. 1 Edward E. Root Lieut. 22 ** 1 William H. Long Ensign 26 “ “ “ 1 Charles Howe 1st Sergeant 22 “ <« 2 William Riker Sergeant 24 “ ** 3 Edward S. Rice Sergeant 21 “ “ 4 Henry Atwater Sergeant 24 “ “ 1 Richard J. Harford Corporal 22 ** 2 Peter Mead Corporal 28 “ “ “ “ 3 David A. Cook Corporal 23 “ “ “ ** 4 John Durham Corporal 21 “ “ “ 1 John Oliver Musician 22 ** 2 Damon Morse Musician 25 “ Agan, Joseph Private 21 “ “ “ “ Bonney, Cornelius 20 “ ** Brennan, Patrick “ 20 “ ** Brennan, George 23 “ ** Baker, D. G. 28 “ “ “ Brown, Charles 23 “ Bishop, Charles “ 21 “ Brazee, Freeman M. “ 19 “ “ Boyd, James J. “ 19 . “ ** ** Ball, James “ 21 “ “ “ “ Cooley, Bruin “ 21 “ “ Comstock, Charles 21 “ “ Corey, George W. 24 “ “ “ Corey, James W. 19 “ “ Chidsey, Alfred A. 19 “ Chapman, Charles E. 19 “ - Daly. Daniel “ 21 “ “ “ “ Demming, Putnam “ 18 “ 12 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE * No. of each Grade Names Rank Age Joined for When Where Duty and Enrolled Enrolled By Whom Period Davis, John R. Private . 20 May 22 Elmira Capt. Letts 2 yrsv Eddy, William H. 44 23 Forshay, John 44 19 44 44 Forshay, Charles 22 44 44 Gage, Charles 20 44 Gordon, Jonathan M. 44 19 44 *<■ Gates, William H. 21 44 Hope, Martin 44 19 44 Hunter, Thomas 44 23 44 44 Horton, Lewis G. 19 te- Holmes, John A. 28 44 44 Holmes, Lewis B. 18 “ 44 Hunt, William W. 20 44 44 Hunt, Eugene “■ 18 44 44 Hubbard, Delos C. 44 21 44 44 Humphrey, William 44 32 44 44 Holcomb, Josiah “ 23 44 44 Hyland, Fenton 22 44 44 Hartwell, Jonah 20 44 44 Johnson, William 19 44 44 Kidder, Clement W. “ 23 44 Kean, William H. 44 20 44 Madden, Georg® ¥ 19 44 +* Mahar, Michael “ 21 44 44 Millis, Charles 44 20 44 44 Murdock, Augustus 44 21 44 Newlove, John 44 28 44 Neary, John E. 19 44 44 Nash, Christopher F. 19 44 Pearce, Jeremiah S. 44 23 “ 44 Pierce, William F. 44 26 44 44 Plaisted, William 19 44 44 Peppinger, Henry M. 19 44 44 Quick, Charles 22 44 44 Royce, James 44 21 44 44 Raplee, Oliver 44 21 44 44 Randolph, Byron F. 44 18 44 44 44 Sherman, George H. 44 21 44 Shaw, Lewis G. 23 44 Shultz, Nehemiah* 21 44 44 Sloan, William 44 28 44 44 Wixon, Menzo 44 23 44 White, James 44 30 44 44 tt Wolcott, John G. 35 44 44 Wheaton, Peter 44 41 44 44 Youngs, George L. 44 19 44 44 ♦Error of clerk, roll signed by Morris W. Shultz. I certify, on honor, that this Muster Roll exhibits the true state of Captain James M. Letts’ (I) Company of the 33d Regiment, New York Volunteers (foot) for the period herein mentioned; that each man answers to his own proper name in person, and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and sol- dier are accurate and just. JAMES M. LETTS, Captain Commanding the Company. Date: July 6, 1861. Station: Elmira, N. Y. I certify, on honor, that I have carefully examined the men whose names are borne on the Roll, and have accepted them into the service of the United States for the term of two years from this 22d day of May, 1861. L. SITGRAVES, Capt. T. Engrs. Mustering Officer. Date: July 6, 1861. Station: Elmira, N. Y. This roll carries the names of 78 men, and a great effort was immedi- ately made to recruit the company to the minimum number required, which undertaking was made more difficult by a number of desertions. On July 6 nineteen additional men were sworn in, and it is said that the first U. S. pay- roll bore the names of 12 officers, 2 musicians, and 78 privates. On July 8th the regiment moved to Washington, D. C., where it was lo- cated at Camp Granger, and became part of the Army of the Potomac in dueYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 13 time. During its service it took part in many minor engagements, and in the battles of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862, and Fredericksburg, Va., (Marye’s Heights and Salem Heights) May 3 and 4, 1863. It was mustered out at Gen- eva, June 2, 1863, with the following commissioned and non-commissioned officers: Captain, Edward E. Root; 1st Lieut., George Brennan; 2d Lieut., D. J. Cay wood (transferred from Co. H); 1st Sergeant, Thomas Hunter; Ser- geants, Edward E. Rice, Jonathan M. Gordon, George H. Sherman, Putnam Demming; Corporals, Morris W. Shultz, Byron F. Randolph, Menzo Wixon, Dorr Barber, Charles H. Millis, Owen Smith (transferred from Co. D), George L Youngs. The individual records of the members of Co. I, and of a few Yates county men who served in other companies of the regiment, are as follows: JOSEPH AGAN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted June 13, 1862, from Camp Lincoln, Ya. Subsequent service in the U. S. Navy. ADDISON W. AMMERMAN, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua prior to April 28, aged 25 years. Mustered into the State service at Canan- daigua April 28, and into the U. S. service as 2d Sergeant, to date from May 22. Transferred to the regimental band June 1, 1861. Mustered out with band Aug. 9, 1862, at Harrison’s Landing, Va. Enlisted Sept. 30, 1862, at Canandaigua, in Co. C., 50th Engrs., to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Canan- daigua, Ontario county. Transferred to the Brigade band July 1, 1863. Mus- tered out June 8, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. JOHN ASHLEY, of Potter, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpir- ed portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice same day. Captured June 29, 1862, in hospital at Savage Station, Va. Paroled Aug. 5, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out with company. HENRY ATWATER enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. ser- vice as 4th Sergeant. Died of typhoid fever Jan. 20, 1862, in hospital at Georgetown, D. C. DANIEL G. BAKER enlisted in Co. I, at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 30 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Mustered out with company. OLIVER C. BAKER, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I at Geneva, Jan. 28, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 28 years. Mustered into U. S. ser- vice at Albany Jan. 29. Discharged for disability April 1, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. Subsequent service in Co. A., 126th Inf. JAMES S. BALL enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 7, 1861, at Elmira. Home town of Hector, Schuyler county. JOSEPH DORR BARBER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan or present with the company during its State service. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira July 6. Promoted 5th Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near .Fredericksburg, Va. Left arm amputated. Mustered out as with company June 2, 1863, while really in Campbell hospital, Washington, D. C. GEORGE W. BASSETT, of Dundee, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Ap- pointed Sergeant-Major May 22. Killed in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. JOHN WEBSTER BETTS enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “Paid.” No further record. CHA>RLES P. BISHOP, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 (18) years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan, but present with the company during its State service. Appointed mu- sician, date not given. Mustered out with company. CORNELIUS H. BONNEY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted June 13, 1862, from Camp Lincoln, Va. Arrested April 18, 1863, at Penn Yan, ahd turned over to the Provost Marshall at Elmira. No further record obtainable. ALEXANDER M. BOYD enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “paid.” No further record. Home town of Seneca, Ontario county. JOHN J. BOYD enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mus- tered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 7, 1861, at Elmira. Home town of Seneca, Ontario county. FREEMAN N. BiRAZEE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I at Branchport prior to May 9, aged 19 (15) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Dec. 17, 1862, at Calvert Street Hospital, Balti- more, Md. Subsequent service in Co. I, 22d Cav.14 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE GEORGE BRENNAN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Sergeant Aug. 1; 1st Sergeant, Dec. 27. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. Dec. 27, 1862, with rank from Dec. 5. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. M., 14th Art. PATRICK BRENNAN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. L., 20th Cav. CHARLES S. P. BROWN enlisted in Co. I at Jerusalem prior to May 9, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Oct. 5, 1861, at Adams House Hospital, Baltimore, Md. JAMES BURNS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “paid.” No further record. Subsequent service in Co. A., 126th Inf. ANDREW CATTERSON, of Italy, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan March 14, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany March 28. Deserted Oct. 20, 1862, from Sem- ' inary Hospital, Hagerstown, Md. Subsequent service in Bat. L., 8th Art. CHARLES E. CHAPMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan or pres- ent with the company during its State service until June 24. Died of typhoid fever Sept. 5, 1862, in hospital at Newark, N. J. ALFiLED AUGUSTUS CHIDSEY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Muster- ed out with company. ARCHIBALD COLEMAN, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Died of typhoid fever Dec. 9, 1861, at Camp Griffin, Va. CHARLES H. COMSTOCK, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 24 (20) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Jan. 2, 1863, at Lovell Hospital, Ports- mouth Grove, near Providence, R. I. Subsequent service in Co. H., 58th N. G. S. N. Y. DAVID A. COOK enlisted in Co. I at Middlesex prior to May 9, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. ser- vice as 3d Corporal. Promoted Sergeant May 2, 1862. Discharged for dis- ability Feb. 3, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. Subsequent service in Cos. K and M, 22d Cav. BRUEN COOLEY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md., by a piece of shell from a Union battery. Discharged for disability, wound, Feb. 14, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. Subsequent service in Co. B, 147th Inf. GEORGE W. COREY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Killed in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. JAMES W. COREY, of Potter, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded and captured in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near Fredericks- burg, Va. Left arm amputated. Paroled May 12, at Fredericksburg. Muster- ed out as with company June 2, 1863, while really in Emory Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C., from which discharged Aug. 1. ELISHA CROWFOOT, oH Italy, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve un- expired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Died of typhoid fever Aug. 1, 1862, in DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. DANIEL DALEY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the State service at Pepn Yan May 9. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. JOHN R. DAVIS, of Milo Center, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 20 years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan, but pres- ent with the company during its State service. Deserted Oct. 25, from Camp Griffin, Va. Returned to company Jan. 5, 1862, at same place. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances to Feb. 1, 1862. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. D, 5th Art. PUTNAM DEMMING, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I, at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wound- ed in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company June 2, 1863, while really in Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. Discharged July 13, 1863, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Bat. G., 16th Art. HENRY M. DUNBAJR enisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 34 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “not paid.” No further rec- ord. Subsequent service in Co. I., 148th Inf. JOHN W. DURHAM enlisted in Co. I at Jerusalem prior to May 14, aged 21 (19) years. Present with the company in its State service from that date.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 15 Mustered into the tl. S. service as 4th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant May 2, 1862. Returned to the ranks Dec. 31. Mustered out with company. Subse- quent service in Co. F., 179th Inf. WILLIAM H. EDDY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in ac- tion Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md., and May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company June 2, 1863, while really in Mt. Pleasant hospital, Washington, D. C., from which discharged, date not given. Home town of Horseheads, Chemung county. CHARLES H. FORSHAY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 3d Art., and Co. A., 126th Inf. JOHN W. FORSHAY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 (18) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Slightly wound- ed in action April 5, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. Deserted Sept. 15, 1862, at Crampton’s Gap, Md. WILLIAM FOSTER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Died of typhoid fever Oct. 7, 1861, in hospital at George- town, D. C. SYLVESTER FREDENBURG, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan March 14, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 20 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany March 28. Deserted April 1, 1862, at Geneva. Arrested Sept. 1, place not given, and returned to company Sept. 2, at Alexandria, Va. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances to Sept. 30. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. L, 50th Engrs. CHARLES C. FRESHOUR enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 31 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and present with that company during its State service. Mustered into the U. S. service in Co. H. Captured in action May 5, 1862, at Williamsburg, Va. Paroled and discharged, places and dates not given. Subsequent service in Co. D, 148th Inf. Home town of Seneca, Ontario county. , CHARLES C. GAGE, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 14, aged 20 years. Present with the company during its State service. Wounded in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 6, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. Subsequent service in Co. H, 100th Inf. WILLIAM H. GATES enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 (26) years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan or present with the company during its State service until June 24. Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav., and Co. F, 8th TJ. S. Vet- eran Volunteers. JONATHAN M. GORDON, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1862; 2d Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out With company. GEORGE W. GOUNDRY, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged! 21 years. Did not muster with company. Again enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Jan. 28, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Albany Jan. 29. Discharged for disability April 1, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. RICHARD J. HARFORD, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. service as 1st Corporal. Discharged for disability Oct. 23, 1861, at Adams House Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Subsequent service in Bat. L, 5th Art. GEORGE P. HARRISON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua prior to April 28, aged 19 (16) years. Mustered into the State service at Canandai- gua, April 28. Transferred to Co. G Oct. 18, 1862. Mustered out with com- pany. Subsequent service in Co. I, 97th Inf. JONAH HARTWELL enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “not paid.” Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. Home town of Cohocton, Steuben county. JOSIAH B. HOLCOMB enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 23 (17) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Co. I, 86th Inf. Home town ©f Bradford. Steuben county. JOHN A. HOLMES enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 28 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Detached for duty in hospital at Ft. Hamilton, New York harbor, Jan. 10, 1863. Mustered out with company. LEWIS B. HOLMES, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Died of fever Dec. 17, 1862, in Seminary hospital, Hagerstown, Md. MARTIN HOPE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 (15) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in ac- tion Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Mustered out with company. Subse- quent service in Co. F, 179th Inf.16 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE LEWIS G. HORTON, of Italy, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Died of mea- sles Aug. 19, 1861, in Columbian College hospital, Washington, D. C. CHARLES HOWE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. service as 1st Sergeant. Promoted 2d Lieut. Dec. 31, with rank from Dec. 27. Resigned Oct. 28, and discharged Oct. 30, 1862, at Washington, D. C. DELOS C. HUBBARD enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 14, aged 21 (18) years. Present with the company during its State service. Deserted from Clifford Hospital, Washington, D. C., date not given. Enlisted in Bat. B, 3d Art., at Penn Yan Dec. 16. Arrested at Ft. Corcoran, near Alexandria, Va., Feb. 21, 1862, and returned to company at Camp Griffin. Discharged for disability Sept. 15, 1862, in Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. Subsequent service in the U. S. Navy, and subsequent enlistment in Co. D, 194th Inf. WILLIAM HUMPHREYS enlisted in Co. I at Benton Center prior to May 9, aged 32 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Shot and killed by accidental discharge of a rifle in the hands of 1st Sergeant Howe, at company inspection Dec. 19, 1861, at Camp Griffin, Va. WILLIAM W. HUNT enlisted in Co. I at Benton prior to May 9, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Cos. A and K, 2d Mounted Rifles. THOMAS HUNTER enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1862; 1st Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out with company. Sub- sequent service in Bat. L, 14th Art. CHARLES E. HYATT, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Court martialed, cause and date not given, found guilty, and sentenced to forfeit 1 month’s pay and be fined $10. Mustdred out with company. Subsequent service in Co. M, 20th Cav. FENTON C. HYLAND enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. WILLIAM N. JOHNSON enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 14, aged 19 years. Present with the company during its State service. Killed in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Home town of Manchester, Ontario county. WILLIAM H. KEAN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Jan. 9, 1863, at Patent Office Hospital, Washington, D. C. Home town of Seneca, Ontario county. CLEMENT W. KIDDER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State servicei at Penn Yan May 9. Pro- moted Corporal Jan. 1, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 15, 1863, at con- valescent camp near Alexandria, Va. WILLIAM H. KINNEY (Keney) enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “paid.” No fur- ther record. Plome town of Locke, Cayuga county. JAMES M. LETTS, of Dundee, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 35 (42) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. service as Captain, with rank from May 14. Resigned Dec. 24, 1861, at request of Col. Taylor, for inefficiency. Resignation accepted, and discharged Dec. 27, 1861, at Camp Griffin, Va. WILLIAM H. LONG enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 26 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. ser- vice as 2d Lieut., with rank from May 14. Promoted 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, with rank from Dec. 27. Discharged Dec. 5, 1862, for promotion to Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General of Volunteers, with rank from Oct. 16. Promot- ed Major Sept. 6, 1864. Mustered out Sept. 19, 1865. U. S. breveted Lieuten- ant-Colonel, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign be- fore Richmond and in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to date Oct. 19, 1864; Colonel, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Petersburg, Va . and at the Weldon Railroad, Va., to date April 2. 1865. GEORGE W. MADDEN, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira June 24, aged 19 (18) years. Deserted. Oct. 28, 1862, at Hagerstown, Md. Subsequent ser- vice in the U. S. Marine Corps. Charge of desertion removed by special Act of Congress of June 28, 1890. MICHAEL MAHAR enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. CHARLES McCORMICK enlisted in Co. 1 at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. No further rec- ord. Home Rome, N. Y. NATHAN MEAD, of Italy, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6. to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice same day. Discharged under the Minor Act Sept. 10. 1861, at Camp Ethan Allen, Va. Subsequent service in Co. C, 44th Inf., as Elnathan Meade.YATES COUNTY’S « BOYS IN BLUE 17 PETER Y. MEAD enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 28 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. and into the IT. S. ser- vice as 2d Corporal. Promoted 2d Sergeant Jan. 1, 1862. Wounded in action Sept. 17, at Antietam, Md. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 6, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. HACKETT MERRITT, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan, March 14, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 21 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany April 15. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Died of wounds May 29, 1863, in field hospital at Potomac Creek Bridge, Va. CHARLES H. MILLIS enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Cor- poral Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out with company. J. DAMON MORSE enlisted in Co. I at Milo prior to May 14, aged 25 years. Present with the company during its State service. Transferred to the regi- mental band June 1. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician. Mustered out with band Aug. 9, 1862, at Harrison’s Landing, Va. Subsequent service in Co. I, 50th Engrs., and in the band of that regiment. AUGUSTUS F. MURDOCK, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira June 24, aged 21 (20) years. Died of typhoid fever Jan. 17, 1862, at Camp Griffin, Va. CHRISTOPHER F. NASH enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Dec. 10, 1862, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. JOHN E, NEARY enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in action June 28, 1862, at Golden’s Farm, Va. Mustered out with company. JOHN NEWLOVE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 30 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Enlisted in Co. I, 24th Inf., at Elmira, May 17. Claimed by the 33d and returned to company July 2. Discharged for disability Dec. 31, 1861, at Camp Griffin, Va. Enlisted July 28, 1862, at Binghamton, in Co. A, 137th Inf., to serve 3 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Binghamton Aug. 9, and mustered into the U. S. ser- vice at same place Sept. 25. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 24, 1864. Returned to Co. A, 137th Inf., Nov. 4. Discharged July 2, 1865, at McDougal Hospital, Ft. Schuy- ler, New York Harbor. SAMUEL NEWLOVE enlisted in Co. I, at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 18 years, Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “paid.” No further record. ASHER L. NICHOLS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua prior to April 20, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Canandaigua April 28. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 7 to May 21, marked “paid.” No further record. Subsequent service in Co. G, 8th Cav., and sub- sequent enlistment in the 85th Inf., unassigned to company. JOHN P. OLIVER enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. service as musician. Deserted July 23, 1862, at Harrison’s Landing, Va. JEREMIAH S. PEARCE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disability Oct. 5, 1861, at Adams House Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, at Hudson, N. Y., in Co. B, 128th Inf. to serve 3 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service same day as 2d Lieut. Promoted 1st Lieut. May 23, 1863; Captain, July 16, 1864. Mustered out with company July 12, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. HENRY M. PEPPINGER enlisted in Co. I at Barrington prior to May 14, aged 19 (17) years. Present with the company during its State service. Captured June 29, 1862, in hospital at Savage Station, Va. Paroled Aug. 5 at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Died of disease Octt. 2* 1862, im ©i.niey Hospital, Washington, D. C. HENRY B. PETTIGREW, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. No further record. WILLIAM F. PIERCE enlisted in Co. I at Milo Center prior to May 9, aged 26 (40) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted Oct. 12, from Camp Griffin, Va. Returned to company Jan. 15, 1862, at same place. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM R. PLAYSTED, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted 4th Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Died of wounds May 24, 1863, in Judi- ciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. OLIVER PRUDEN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. No further record. Home Schuyler county. JAMES R. PUTNAM enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. No further record. Subsequent service in Co. H, 189th Inf. Home town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. CHARLES B. QUICK enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Wounded in ac-18 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE »' tion Sept, 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md, Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 17, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. GR AIG T. QUICK enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 (17) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “not paid.” Not mustered into the U. S. service. Again enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Jan. 28, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany Jan. 29. Captured June 29, 1862, in hospital at Savage Station, Va. Died of typhoid fever June 30, 1862, at Savage Station, Va., a prisoner of war. BYRON F. RANDOLPH, of Himrods, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Pro- moted 2d Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. F, 8th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. OLIVER RAPLEE, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, Deserted July 8, 1861, at Elmira. Returned to company Jan. 1, 1862, at Camp Griffin, Va. Mustered out with company. Charge of desertion removed by special Act of Congress in 1887. GEORGE REYNOLDS enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 18 (15) years. Not mustered. Again enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Dec. 29, to serve un- expired portion of term of 2 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany Jan. 29, 1862. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. EDWARD S. RICE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. ser- vice-: as 3d Sergeant. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM RIKER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 29 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. service as 2d Sergeant. Died of diphtheria Aug. 29, 1861, at Camp Granger, D. C. EDWARD E. ROOT enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, and into the U. S. ser- vice as 1st Lieut., with rank from May 14. Promoted Captain Dec. 31, 1861, to date from Dec. 27. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company, while really in Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C., from which discharged June 24 or 25. U. S. breveted Major, to date March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service at Fredericksburg, Va. Subsequent service in Co. B, 3d U. S. Veteran Volunteers-. JAMES A. ROYCE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 14, aged 21 years. Present with the company during its State service. Slightly wounded in action April 5, 1862, near Yorktown, Va. Deserted June 13, 1862, from Camp Lincoln, Va. JENKINS W. SAULSBURY, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua prior to April 28, aged 37 years. Mustered into the State service at Canan- daigua April 28. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 7 to May 21, marked “paid.” No further record. Subsequent service in Bat. I, 16th Art. LEWIS SHAW enlisted in Co. I at Barrington prior to May 9, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged for disabili- ty March 9, 1863, at Union Hotel Hospital, Georgetown, D. C. GEORGE H. SHERMAN enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Cor- poral Jan. 1, 1862; 4th Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with com- pany. MORRIS W. SHULTZ enlisted in Co. I at Milo Center prior to May 9, aged 24 (17) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted 1st Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered ouc with company. Subsequent service in Co. E, 64th Inf. CHARLES SHUTER, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Jan. 6, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany Jan. 29. Wounded in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md., and May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company, while really in Judiciary Square Hos- pital, Washington, D. C., from which discharged, date not given. Subse- quent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. WILLIAM V. R. SLOAN, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira June 24, aged 28 (33) years. Mustered out with company. Subsequent enlistment in Bat. K, 14 th Art. JAMES M. SMITH enlisted in Co. I at Starkey prior to May 9, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “not paid.” No further record. Sub- sequent service in Co. B, 148th Inf. JEREMIAH E. SPRAGUE, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9, but not present with the company during its State service. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term ofYATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE” 19 2 years. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Freder- icksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. ALBERT STETTLER, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Deserted Dec. 22, 1861, from Camp Griffin, Va. RICHARD H. STRONG, of Italy Hill, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Not mustered into the State service at Penn Yan, or present with company during its State service. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years. Discharged for disability, insanity, Aug. 1, 1861, at Camp Granger, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. G, 47th Inf. HERMAN L. VAN DEVENTER enlisted in Co. I at Dresden prior to May 9, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State s^vice at Penn Yan May 9. Name appears on State pay-roll from May 14 to May 21, marked “not paid.” No further record. Subsequent service in Co E, 101st Inf. GEORGE S. WELLS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve un- expired portion of term of 2 years, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Deserted, Gate and place not given. Enlisted in Co. G, 85th Inf., at Penn Yan, Nov. 22. Arrested, date and place not given, and returned to the 33d Jan. 13, 1862, at Camp Griffin, Va. Deserted May 22, from Cliffburne Hospital, Washington, D. C. Arrested Aug. 11, place not given, and returned to company Sept. 11, at Harrison’s Landing, Va. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay and allow- ances to Aug. 31. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company, while really in Cliff- burne Hospital, Washington, D. C.. from which discharged, date not given. Subsequent service in Co. A, 76th Inf. ALBERT WESTCOTT enlisted in Co, I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. No further re- cord. Subsequent service in Co. I, 23d Inf., and Co. A, 50th Engrs. Home town of Hector, Schuyler county. PETER S. WHEATON, of Milo Center, enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 41 (52) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Discharged July 8, at Elmira. Again enlisted in Co, I at Geneva Feb. 24, 1862, to serve 2 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany March 4. Detached to ambulance train from Aug. 10, 1862, to April 15, 1863. Dis- charged at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va., July 23, 1863. Subse- quent service in Bat. L, 14th Art. SAMUEL O. WHEATON, of Milo Center, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 20 (18) years- Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. L, 14th Art. EDWIN G. WHEELER enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan March 10, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany March 28. Wounded in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company, while really in hospital at Elmira, from which discharged, date not given. JAMES WHITE enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 38 years Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Deserted July 6, 1861, at Elmira. Home town of Dix, Schuyler county. MENZO WIXON enlisted in Co. I at Barrington prior to May 9, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted 3d Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. JOHN G. WOLCOTT enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 9, aged 35 (33) years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Appointed Act- ing Hospital Steward at the formation of the regiment. Returned to com- pany as a private, date not given. Again detached as Acting Hospital Stew- ard May 27, 1862. Captured June 29, at hospital at Savage Station, Va. Paroled July 18, at Richmond, Va. Served with hospitals at various places until mustered out with company. Enrolled and commissioned Assistant Surgeon, 74th Inf., June 23, 1863, with rank from June 27. Did not muster. Dropped from the rolls of that regiment Nov. 3, as “not accounted for since Oct. 31.” Commissioned Assistant Surgeon, 48th Inf., Oct. 6, 1863, with rank from Sept. 26. Did not muster. Declined appointment. JOHN W. WOODRUFF, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Feb. 24, 1862, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany March 4. Discharged for disability Jan. 24, 1863, in hospital at Newark, N. J. Subsequent service in Bat. L, 14th Art. GEORGE L. YOUNGS enlisted in Co. I at Penn Yan prior to May 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Penn Yan May 9. Promoted Sih Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out with company. Home town of Smeth- port, McKean county, Pa. The following recruits for Co. I were secured by its officers at Elmira, and it is not known whether they were credited to Yates county or not: DAVID ATKINS enlisted July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years,20 YATES COUNTY’S * BOYS IN BLUE * aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Deserted Sept. 22, 1861, from Camp Ethan Allen, Va. CHARLES BALDWIN enlisted July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Deserted June 8, 1862, from Camp Lincoln, Va. JAMES DOYLE enlisted July 6, to serve 2 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Wounded in action May 4, 1863, at Salem Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Discharged June 20, 1863, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Bat. M, 4th Art. Home town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. JAMES FURNER enlisted July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out as with company, while really in hospital at Elmira, from which discharged, date not given. Home town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. EUGENE HUNT enlisted in Co. H at Geneva prior to May 1, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service at Geneva May 1, and present with that company during its State service. Mustered into the U. S. service in Co. I, Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Marye’s Heights, near Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. E, 1st Vet. Cav. Home town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. SAMUEL O. KELLISON enlisted July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 19 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Dis- charged under the Minor Act Sept. 15, 1861, at Camp Ethan Allen, Va. Sub- sequent service in Co. K, 107th Inf., and in the 6th Cav., unassigned to com- pany. Home Steuben county. CHARLES McCONNELL enlisted July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. De- tached to hospital as cook from May 1, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. B, 1st Vet. Cav. Home town of Horseheads, Chemung county. CHARLES TRUMAN McKINNEY enlisted July 6, to serve 2 years, aged 19 'll) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Discharged June 20, 1863, at Elmira. Home city of Elmira, Chemung county. PHILIP KLINE SHARP enlisted in Co. G, date and place not given, to serve 2 years, aged 20 years. Borne on the state pay-roll of that company as Kline Sharp, Sergeant, from April 30 to May 21, marked “paid.” Not mus- tered into the U. S. service with that company. Mustered into the L. S. service at Elmira in Co. I July 6, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years. Died of diphtheria Oct. 3, 1861, in hospital at Annapolis, Md. I2th N. Y. INFANTRY ROBERT P. BUSH, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D at Homer, Cortland county, April 23, to serve 2 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira May 8, and into the U. S. service May 13, at same place, Transferred to Co. F Feb. 3, 1862. Mustered out with company May 17, 1863, at Elmira. Enlisted in Co. E, 185th Inf., at Homer, Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 3 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Syracuse, Sept. 17 and mustered into the U. S. service as Captain at same place Sept. 19. Promoted Major Jan. i, 1865, with rank from Dec. 3, 1864. Captured in action Feb. 6, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Paroled at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Feb. 22. Mustered out with regi- ment May 30, 1865, near Washington, D. C. 3d N. Y. INFANTRY Of the recruits who signed the roll at the station opened by Charles Howe, and who were sent to the camp at Elmira, ten immediately became members of Co. K of this regiment, which company was then being raised by John E. Mulford, of Havana. Others from the town of Starkey also became members of the company at this time and later in the year. The term of en- listment was for two years, and the men were mustered into the U. S. service at Albany May 14th by Capt. Frank Wheaton, U. S. A. The company was mustered out at Albany May 21, 1863. It is impossible to give, even approxi- mately, the real date of enlistment of these men, except as they entered the State service. All enlistments are given as having been made at Havana. BARNETT W. BAKER, of Benton, enlisted April 25, aged 25 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. I, 147th Inf. JOHN W. CLEVELAND, of Benton, enlisted April 25, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1861. Mustered out with company.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 21 MARTIN V. B. COOK, of Milo, enlisted April 25, aged 21 years. Mustered Into the State service same day. Discharged May 14, 1863, at Albany. JOHN A. DICKINSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted April 25, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Wounded in action June 10, at Big Bethel, Va. Died of wounds July 15, 1861, in hospital at Fort Monroe, Va. GIDEON B. DRAPER, of Benton, enlisted April 25, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Transferred to Co. G May 14. Discharged for disability July 28, 1861, at Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. Subse- quent service in Co. B, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. HIRAM A. EMBREE, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. C, 5th Art. NORMAN FULKERSON, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 21 (24) years. Mus- tered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. WALLACE W. FULKERSON, of Starkey, enlisted Oct. 22, aged 26 years. Mus- tered into the State service same day. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Oct. 28. Discharged May 30, 1863, at Albany. HIRAM HIBBARD, of Jerusalem, enlisted April 25, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. A, 50th Engrs. SILAS H. LAWRENCE, of Milo, enlisted April 25, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. Enlisted in Co. A, 85th Inf., at Olean, Dec. 30, 1864, for 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day, credited to the city of Olean. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. CHARLES W. LEWIS, of Benton, enlisted April 25, aged 26 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1862. Mustered out with company. GEORGE McMILLAN, of Starkey, enlisted Sept. 17, aged 19 (18) years. Muster- ed into the State service same day. Mustered into the U. S. El- mira Oct 28. Discharged May 30, 1863, at Albany. JOHN MORLEY, of Milo, enlisted April 25, aged 29 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Wounded in action June 10, 1861, at Big Bethel, Va. Mustered out with company. EZEKIAL H. NOBLE, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 18 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 8th Art. JOHN D. ROHDE, of Milo, enlisted April 25, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. JAMES D. SALSBURY, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Re-enlisted May 14, 1863, at Fort Monroe, Va.,^to serve 2 years, credited to the town of Starkey. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Mustered out May 15, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va., expiration term of enlistment. GEORGE W. SHEFFIELD, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the State service same day. Transferred to Co. G May 14. Dis- charged under the Minor Act at New York City, May —1861. WILLIAM H. SMITH, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 19 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered out with company. HARVEY T. TERRILL, of Starkey, enlisted April 25, aged 26 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Died of disease Nov. 2, 1861, at Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. SAMUEL S. TUPPER, of Barrington, enlisted Oct. 22, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service same day. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Oct. 28. Died of inflammation of the liver March 15, 1863, in hospital at Fort Monroe, Va. 23d N. Y. INFANTRY Nine who joined Co. F of this regiment, which was raised at Elmira, were Yates county men who had been sent to the Elmira recruit camp by Charles Howe, f|rom Penn Yan. Two others from the town of Starkey enlisted in Co. I at Watkins. All 1861 enlistments were for two years. The regiment was mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira July 2nd by 2nd Lieut. William W. Averill, U. S. A., service* to date from May 16th, and was mustered out at the same place May 22, 1863. The individual records are- as follows: JOHN W. AUSTIN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Detached to Bat. B, 4th U. S. Art., Nov. 30, 1861. Returned to company Feb. 8, 1863. Mustered ouc with company. Subsequent service in Co.. L, 20th Cav. CHRISTOPHER BRENNAN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 20 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Detached to Bat. B, 4th U. S. Art., Nov. 30, 1861. Died of disease July 4, 1862, in hospital at Falmouth, Va, JAMES CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 2922 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. D, 50th Engrs. WILLIAM L. CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Dis- charged for disability April 6, 1862, from hospital near Bristol, Va. Subse- quent service in Cos. K and A, 126th Inf. WILLIAM H. DUNN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Discharged for dis- ability Nov. 4, 1861, at Upton’s Hill, Va. CHARLES G. LEWIS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 26 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Discharged for dis- ability March 10, 1862, at Falls Church, Va. Enlisted in the 33d Independ- ent Battery at Elmira Aug. 10, 1863, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the city of Elmira. Mustered out with battery June 25, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. OSCAR NELSON, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 20 (17) years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Promoted Corporal Oct. 1, 1861. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM O’DANIELS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. I prior to May 16, aged 30 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Wounded in action Aug. 21, 1862, at Rappahannock Station, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, Nov. 21, 1862, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Co. K, 76th Inf. IJRA M. SLAWSON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 28 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Detached to Bat. B, 4th U. S. Art., Nov. 30, 1861. Returned to company Feb. 8, 1863. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. H, 120th Inf. AUSTIN WHITAKER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. I prior to May 16, aged 28 (31) years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Promoted Corporal Aug. 1, 1861; Commissary Sergeant, Feb. 3, 1863. Mustered out with regiment. Subsequent service in Co. F, 179th Inf. LE ROY WIBORN,; of Potter, enlisted in Co. F prior to May 6, aged 23 years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira on that date. Mustered out with company. SYLVANUS A. ZIMMERMAN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G, at Elmira, Aug. 29 1862, to serve 3 years, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service in the field in Virginia Oct. 17. Transferred to Co. E, 80th Inf., May 29, 1865. Mus- tered out June 17, 1865, at Richmond, Va. i8th N. Y. INFANTRY JOSEPH LANG, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Canandaigua May 7, to serve 2 years, aged 19 (18) years. Mustered into the State service at Albany May 13, and into the U. S. service May 17, at the same place. Died of disease May 5, 1863, in hospital at Frederick Md. 35th N. Y. INFANTRY JOHN C. BROWN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. F at Elmira May 24, to serve 2 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the State service at Elmira May 25, and into the U. S. service June 11, at the same place. Mustered out with company June 5, 1863, at Elmira. JAMES A. DYTON, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. D at Elmira June 11, to serve 2 years, aged 20 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with company June 5, 1863, at Elmira. Subsequent ser- vice in Bat. G, 14th Art. 28th N. Y. INFANTRY Company E, of this regiment, was recruited at and about Canandaigua, and a number of men were secured for it through the influence of Myron F. Warfield, eight being from Yates county’s towns on the Ontario border. All enlistments were for two years. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service at Albany May 22d by Capt. Frank Wheaton, U. S. A., its service to date from May 18th, and was mustered out at the same place June 2, 1863. The records of the Yates county men were; WILLIAM H. BROWN, of Middlesex, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 24 years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 23 Mustered out with company. Enlisted in Co. C, 15th Cay., at Canandaigua* for 3 years, July 14, 1863, credited to that town. Mustered into the State service as blacksmith at Geneva Aug. 1, and into the U. S. service at Syra- cuse Aug. 8. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Prov. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. EDWIN E. CLARK, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 28 (26) years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Promoted Corporal May 18, 1862; Sergeant, July 4, 1862. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Bat. H, 16th Art. MORTIMER V. HILL, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Cap- tured in action Aug. 20, 1862, at Culpepper, Va. Paroled Sept. 2, at Rich- mond, Va. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. E, 15th Cav. DANIEL L. REYNOLDS, of Middlesex, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 22 years. Mustered info the State service at that place on that date. Mustered out with company. CHARLES A. SAYRE, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Captured in action Aug. 26, 1862, at Manasses, Ya. Paroled Sept. 5 at the same place. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Co. C, 15th Cav. WARD M. TAYLOR, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Dis^ charged for disability Nov. 10, 1862, at Albany. MYRON F. WARFIELD, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 23 (25) years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Sergeant. Promoted 2d Lieut. June 20, 1862, with rank from June 8. Acting Adjutant from March 25, 1863, to April 10. Promoted 1st Lieut., Co. K, April 15, with rank from April 10. Mustered out with company. ANDREW J. WARNER, of Potter, enlisted at Canandaigua prior to May 14, aged 26 (36) years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Promoted Corporal July 25, 1862; Sergeant, May 11, 1863. Mustered out with company. 34th N. Y. INFANTRY Company I, of this regiment, was raised at Hammondsport, and a few Yates county men who were employed at or near that place joined it, enlist- ments being for two years. The regiment was formed at Albany, where it was mustered into the U. S. service by Capt. Frank Wheaton, U. S. A., on June 15th, service to date from May 24th. Co. I went to Albany by way of the lake and Penn Yan, being escorted from the boat to the train by Judd’s mili- tary band and the firemen. The company was mustered out at Albany June 30, 1863. (HARRISON H. CLARK, of Potter, enlisted at Hammondsport prior to May 22, aged 21 years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Wounded in action May 30, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. Mustered out with com- pany. GEORGE C. LEDDICK, of Potter, enlisted at Hammondsport prior to May 22, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the State service at that place on that date. Mustered out with company. JAMES E. NORTHRUP, of Middlesex, enlisted at South Pulteney prior to May 22, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Hammondsport on that date. Discharged for disability Feb. 15, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. DAVID RARRICK, of Barrington, enlisted at Wayne prior to May 22, aged 22 years. Mustered into the State service at Hammondsport on that date. Dis- charged for disability July 1, 1861, at Albany. Enlisted in Co. F, 78th Inf., at Bath, Feb* 12, 1862, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the State service at Buffalo Feb. 13. Discharged for disabiity April 12, 1862, at Staten Island, N.Y. 38th N. Y. INFANTRY Company H, of this regiment, was recruited at Geneva and in that vicin- ity, and a number of young men living or working in the neighborhood of Ferguson’s Corners enlisted in it for two years. It was mustered into the State service at East New York May 25th, and into the U. S. service at the same place June 3d by Capt. S. B. Hayman, 7th U. S. Inf. Mustered out June 22, 1863, §t the same place.24 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE WILLIAM M. BARKER, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 25 years. Wounded in action July 21, 1861. at Bull Run, Va„ and Aug. 29, 1862, at Groveton, Va. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21. Mustered out with company. SAMUEL A. CLARK, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 23 (19) years. Wounded in action June 1, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21. Mustered out With company. MENZO W. HOARD, of Potter, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 24 years. Wound- ed in action May 5, 1862, at Williamsburg, Va. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21. Mustered out with company. JEREMIAH C. MEAD, of Italy, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 19, (17) year's. Deserted June 7, 1861, at East New York. Subsequent enlistment in the 14th Art., unassigned to battery, and subsequent service in Bat. M, 8th Art. ISAAC L. RICHIE, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 29 years. Wound- ed in action July 21, 1861. at Bull Run, Va. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21, 1862. Mustered out with company. ROBERT T. ROBERTSON, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 24 years. Wounded in action July 21, 1861, at Bull Run, Va. Promoted Corporal July 21, 1862. Mustered out with company. GEORGE B. STEVENS, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 22 years. Wounded in action July 21, 1861 at Bull Run, Va. Promoted Corporal July 26, 1861; Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21. Returned to the ranks same day, and detached as blacksmith at Division headquarters. Mustered out with company. Enlisted in Co. A, 50th Engrs., Aug. 26, 1864, to serve 1 year, at Lodi. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Oct. 4, credited to the town of Lodi, Seneca county. Mustered out with company June 13, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. THERON STEVENS, of Benton, enlisted at Geneva May 24, aged 18 years. Pro- moted Corporal July 26, 1861; Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 21, and promoted 1st Sergeant same day. Mustered out with company. 67th N. Y. INFANTRY Company H was a Rochester company, and the Yates county men in it were secured by a recruiting officer whose headquarters were at Naples, On- tario county, they being temporarily employed In and about that place. The term of enlistment was 3 years, and the company was mustered, into the U. S. service at Camp Plymouth, South Brothers Island, New York harbor, on June 24th. JOSEPH J. GILL, of Torrey, enlisted at Naples prior to June 6, aged 22 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Rochester on that date. Promoted Cor- poral July 19, 1862; Sergeant, Dec. 25, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 25. 1863, at Bra.ndy Station, Va, Transferred to Co. A June 19, 1864, to Co. C July 4, and to Co. C, 65th Inf., Sept. 1. Promoted 1st Sergeant June 1, 1865. Trans- ferred to Co. A, and mustered in as 2d Lieut. July 13, with rank from May 31. Mustered out with company July 17, 1865, at Hall’s Hill, Va. THEODORE B. POLLEY, of Middlesex, enlisted at Naples prior to May 27, aged 20 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Rochester on that date. Killed in action May 31, 1862, at Seven Pines, Va. BENJAMIN F. SLACK, of Starkey, enlisted at Naples prior to June 1, aged 26 r years. Reported for duty and mustered at Rochester on that date. Pro- moted Corporal Dec. 25, 1862. Returned to the ranks Oct. 1, 1863. Re-enlist- ed Dec. 25, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va. Promoted Corporal May 4, 1864. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. A June 19, to Co. D July 4, and to Co. D. 65th Inf., Sept. 1. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 18. Mustered out with company July 17, 1865, at Hall’s Hill, Va. JAMES L. TERRY, of Italy, enlisted at Naples prior to June 1, aged 22 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Rochester on that date. Killed in action May 31, 1862, at Seven Pines, Va. BOBE;RT J. TOBEY, of Starkey, enlisted at Naples prior to May 27, aged 20 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Rochester on that date. Mustered into the U. S. service a is Corporal. Returned to the ranks July 1, 1862. Pro- moted Corporal Oct. 19. Returned to the ranks Dec. 25. Deserted July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. 26th N. Y. INFANTRY LE ROY TOBEY, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. G at Buffalo July 27, aged 19 (16) years, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Aug. 9. Wounded in action Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1864, at Rochester, expiration term of enlistment.YATES COUNTY’S * BOYS IN BLUE” 25 89th N. Y. INFANTRY This regiment was organized at Elmira, for 3 years, and was mustered into the U. S. service by Major A. T. Lee, 2d Inf., the service of the men to date from day reported for duty. ALONZO HAVENS, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Delhi, Delaware county, Dec. 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 4. Deserted Dec. 5, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Co. I, 86th Inf., and Co. B, 22d Cav. JAMES HOLDEN enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Aug. 25, aged 43 (46) years. Re- ported for duty and mustered as musician at Elmira Oct. 4, and into the U. S. service Dec. 4. Wounded in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Dis- charged for disability, wounds, Oct. 22, 1862. at Pleasant Valley, Md. AUSTIN HORTON enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Jan. 14, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company Aug. 3, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Prior service in Co. C, 41st Pa. Inf., and Co. I, 47th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. HIRAM B. JOINER enlisted in Co. H for Barrington Jan. 13, 1864, aged 39 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease April 22, 1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. Out of county recruit. DAVID LINCOLN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Rock Stream Aug. 2, aged 21 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 3, and into the U. S. service Dec. 5. Discharged for disability Oct. 5, 1862, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. Enlisted March 14. 1865, at Reading, Schuyler county, to serve 1 year, in Co. L, 8th Cav. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to Reading. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mus- tered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. JACOB MILLER enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Jan. 19, 1864, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S, service at Elmira same day. Died of disease April 29, 1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. Town of Lindley, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM H. MILLER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Monterey, Schuyler county, Aug. 20, aged 23 years. Reported for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 5, and into the U. S. service Dec. 4. Wounded in action Sept. 14, 1862, at South Mountain, Md. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 20, 1862, at Frederick, Md. Subsequent enlistment in the 8th Art., unassigned to battery. LEVI A. PELHAM, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. D at Rochester Jan. 5, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Henrietta, Monroe county. .Captured in. action Oct. 27, at Wil- liamsburg Road, Va. Died of disease and frozen feet Jan. 5, 1865, at Salis- bury, N. C., a prisoner of war. HOMER M. TOWNSEND, of Benton, enlisted in Co. C at Elmira Oct. 5, aged 37 (45) years. Reported for duty and mustered as drummer at Elmira Oct. 7, and into the U. S. service Dec. 6. Discharged for disability Jan. 14, 1862, at Washington, D. C. 1st DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA INFANTRY RICHARD ROWLES, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. C at Washington, D. C., Sept. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 43 (55) years. Discharged for disability Dec. 28, 1863, at Alexandria, Va, 50th N. Y. ENGINEERS Originally recruited for the Engineers by Col. Stuart, but mustered at Elmira as the 50th Infantry, this regiment served in and about Washington for the first few months of its enlistment, being designated as the 50th Engi- neers the latter part of October. Capt. George W. Ford, with headquarters at Geneva, was in charge of recruiting in this section, and Lieut. J. Loren Robbins, of Penn Yan, who secured the Yates county recruits, was enrolled at Geneva, Aug. 10th, opening his local headquarters at Penn Yan Aug. 12th. In spite of the fact that recruiting was going on at that time for the 85th Inf. and 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, men were enrolled rapidly, and he had secured 51 men inside of a month, 37 in Yates county and 14 in Schuyler county, nearly all of the latter at Hector. The men were sent to Elmira as fast as enrolled, and all of the earlier arrivals were assigned to Co. E. Those who went later were placed in Co. A. The regiment was mustered into the U.26 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE99 S. service for 3 years, by companies, by Capt. J. L. Tidball, 10th U. S. Inf., Co. E on Aug. 29th, and Co. A on Sept. 12th, service to date from day “joined for duty and mustered.” The local men in Company E were later transferred to Co. A, which in its entire service was largely a Yates county company. The regiment left Elmira for Washington Sept. 20th. Those from Yates county who were non-commissioned officers in Co. A at the date of muster-in were Francis M. Holloran and Daniel M. Hulse, Sergeants; Joseph Campbell, John H. Harrison, William A. Tomer and Theodore T. Evans, Corporals. Recruit- ing flor the regiment was continued at Penn Yan, in Burrill’s store, by Henry C. Robbins, and Lieut. Robbins returned to Penn Yan on recruiting service early in November, having such success that he took 27 men back with him Dec. 25th, all from Yates county. Others were sent to join the regiment dur- ing the winter, and, in the fall of 1862, 7 more local men were enlisted, nearly all as musicians. In the winter of 1863, 20 of the original members re-enlist- ed for 3 years, and several new men joined Co. A. In 1864, 60 men joined the regiment to the credit of the county, 40 in January and February and 20 in September, but of the 60 only 22 were from Yates county, 19 of the others coming from Bradford county, Pa., and nearly all of the rest from Steuben and Schuyler counties. The men who enlisted in the spring did so for 3 years, those in the fall for 1 year, the Yates county men going into Co. A and the men from away being divided among the other companies. The regiment was mustered out June 13, 1865, at Fort Barry, Ya. The Yates county commission- ed and non-commissioned officers at that date were: Captain, J. Loren Rob- bins; 1st Lieut., John Brown; Sergeants, James H. Kelly, George B. Grey, Daniel J. Fitzer and John H. Harrison; Corporals, Abram Fredenburg, Theo- dore T. Evans and William H. Poyneer. The records of the nearly 150 men, either from Yates county or whose services were there credited, whose names appeared on the various company rosters during the service of the regiment, are as follows: BENJAMIN M. ADAMS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 33 years. Joined for duty at Elmira Dec. 17, and mustered into the U. S. service same day. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 26, 1863. Mustered out Dec. 17, 1864, at City Point, Va., expiration term of enlistment. JACKSON E. ADAMY enlisted in Co. I for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Town of Cayuta, Schuyler county, recruit. JOHN F. AMERMAN enlisted in Co. D for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. HERMAN E. ANDRUS enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Corporal Oct. 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ANDREW B. ANGUS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Washington, D. C., Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day, credited to the town of Milo. Detached as clerk to Ordinance Officer Dec. 31. Promoted Artificer April 22, 1865. Mustered out with company. CHARLES T. ANGUS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Geneva Aug. 1, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Corporal at Elmira Aug. 16, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. D Nov. 1. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. JAMES K. P. AINSLEY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 25, aged 25 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Artificer Oct. 1, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. ALBERT ARMSTRONG enlisted in Co. A for Benton Feb. 11, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 12. Mustered out with company. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN P. ARNOLD enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 2, 1862, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for dis- ability March 17, 1862, at Washington, D. C. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. GEORGE BEEMAN, of Italy, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 15, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Corporal June 1. Died of disease June 23, 1862, in regimental hospital at Whitehouse Landing, Va.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE” 27 ABRAM H. BENNETT, of Milo, enlisted in Co. E at Elmira Aug. 24, aged 33 years. Ci edited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Dec. 24, 1861, at Washington, D. C. KINGSBURY M. BENNETT, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Jan. 13, 1862, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day, credited to the town of Benton. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 29, 1864, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Benton. Mustered out with company. GEORGE P. BEWLEY enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mus- tered out wdth company. Town of Reading, Schuyler county, recruit. ALMERION D. BIDDLE enlisted in Co. D for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Arti- ficer Nov. 1. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 30th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN E. BREWER enlisted in Co. E at Himrod’s Corners Aug. 17, aged 23 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Deserted Jan. 14, 1862, at Washington, D. C. JOHN BROWN enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Nov. 25, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 3, 1862. Promoted Corporal March 1; Sergeant, March 1, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 4, 1864, at Wash- ington, D. C., credited to the town of Milo. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Dec. 20, with rank from Sept. 20; 1st Lieut., March 24, 1865, with rank from March 1. Mustered out with company. JOHN BURNS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 37 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. OR'RIN A. BURRILL enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 30, 1862, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 2. Discharged for disability Nov. 14, 1862, at Wash- ington, D. C. JOHN A. BUTLER enlisted in Co. E at Himrod’s Corners Aug. 17, aged 22 (19) years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Re-enlisted Dec. 17. 1863, at Washington, D. C.; re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864, at same place, credited to the town of Orange, Schuyler county. Promoted Artificer, date not given. Mustered out with company. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. JEREMIAH B. BUTLER enlisted in Co. C for Barrington, Feb. 23, 1864, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Arti- ficer April 6, 1864. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., re- cruit. JOHN M- CAMPBELL enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Sept. 7, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 13. Discharged for disability Jan. 11, 1S62, at Washington, D. C. JOSEPH CAMPBELL enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Sept. 7, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Corporal at Elmira Sept. 13. Discharged for disability July 28. 1862. at Washington, D. C. WILLIAM I. CARMER, of Barrington, enlisted for Benton Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service for the 15th • Engrs., unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 8. Transferred to Co. E, 50th Engrs., Nov. 20. Mustered out with company. ANDREW H. CARR, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 19, aged 24 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. '28, 1863. Wounded Dec. 11, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va., while laying pon- toon bridge. Re-enlisted Feb. 21, 1864, at Washington, D. C.; re-mustered Feb. 22, at same place, credited to the town of Barrington. Mustered out with company. JAMES CEASE enlisted in Co. D for Starkey Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day,. Muster- ed out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LE ROY J. CEASE enlisted in Co. D for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Artificer June 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 132d Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ROWLAND N. CHAMPLIN enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 26, ' 1864, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. AMOS CHAPMAN enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease Aug. 6, 1864, in Engineers’ Brigade Hospital at Washington, D. C. Bradford county. Pa., recruit. HUGH CHRISCADEN enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Sept. 11, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 13. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 1. Mustered out Sept. 20. 1864 at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. Subsequent service in Co. F, 8th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. JAMES CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D at Penn Yan Dec 3 1863, aged 33 (31) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 16, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Artificer June 1 1864 Reduced to the ranks prior to Aug. 31. Mustered out with company.’Prior service in Co. F, 23d Inf.28 YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE" THEODORE CHRISCADEN enlisted in Co. A at Branchpoint, Aug. 21, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 17. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. Subsequent service in Co. I, 5th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. ALBERT M. CHUBB enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 15, 1862, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for disabili- ty March 17, 1862, at Washington. D. C. ROSWELL S. CLARK, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 21 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Aug. 29, 1862, at Elmira. Enlisted in Co. K, 188th Inf., at West Sparta, Liv- ingston county, Sept. 29, 1864, to serve 1 year. Mustered in same day at Avon, credited to the town of West Sparta. Promoted Corporal Mar. 1, 1865; Sergeant, May 1. Mustered out with company July 1, 1865, near Washing- ton, D. C. ROBERT N. COONS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. ARNOLD DANES, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 17, aged 32 (39) years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Jan. 7, 1862, at Washington, D. C. Re-enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 26, 1864. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 27. Mustered out with company. JOSEPH B. DARROW, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 30, 1862, aged 21 (31) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered into the U. S. service at EL mira Sept. 2. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Discharged May 16, 1865, at Washington, D. C., as a favor, on special order. WILLIAM CHAUNCEY DAVENPORT enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Sept. 9, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 13. Detached to Bat. L, 2d U. S. Art., Oct. 10. Accidentally injured Jan. 20, 1862, at drill, re- ceiving a broken leg when a gun carriage ran over him. Discharged for disabiity March 8, 1862, at Camp Duncan, Va., near Washington, D. C. ABRAM V. DEAN enlisted in. Co. A at Branchport Dec. 15, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1862, at Washington, D. C. EZRA V. DEAN enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Dec. 15, aged 39 (29) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1862, at Washington, D. C. WILLIAM DEAN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at .Elmira Dec. 17. Promoted Artificer Oct. 1, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 22, 1864, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Torrey. Mustered out with company. LEVI DECKER enlisted in Co. B for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease Sept. 20, 1864, at Engineers’ Brigade Hospital at Washington, D. C. Chemung county recruit. GEORGE W. DEMOREST, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. D at Elmira Feb. 14, 1863, aged 42 (51) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the city of Elmira. Promoted Artificer April 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. TIMOTHY DEMPSEY enlisted in Co. L for Barrington Jan. 4, 1864, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. Pennsylvania recruit. JESSE B. DENMARK enlisted in Co. D for Benton Sept. 6, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Promoted Artificer Jan. 15, 1865. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ALFRED P. DUNBAR enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JAMES DUNHAM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 7. Promoted Arti- ficer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Re-enlisted Feb. 2, 1864, at Washington, D. C.; re-mustered Feb. 8, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Reduced to the ranks May —. Deserted May 9, 1864, from the Engineers’ Brigade workshop, Washington, D. C. JAMES H. DURHAM enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 17, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 7. Died of disease May 6, 1862, in Prince Street Hospital, Alexandria, Va. ELISHA A. DURFEY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Sept. 5, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to the Brigade band Aug. 18, 1863, to date July 1. Mustered out as a third-class musician June 8, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. ALFRED DYKEMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Watkins Aug. 16, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Aug. 26, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Transferred to Co. H Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Aug. 11, 1862, in hospital, New York City. ASHLEY C. ELDRED enlisted in Co. D at Italy Jan. 26, 1864, aged 20 years.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 29 Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Died of disease Aug. 12, 1864, in hospital at City Point, Va. THEODORE T. EVANS enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Sept. 2, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered as 6th Corporal at Elmira Sept. 16. Reduced to the ranks March 1, 1862. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28 1868. Re-enlisted Dec. 17, at Washington, D. C.; re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864, at same place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal April 22, 1865. Mustered out with company. CHARLES FERRY enlisted in Co. C for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same’ day. Mustered out with com- pany. Prior service in Co. B, 72d Inf. Out of county recruit. DANIEL J. FITZER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Branchport Aug. 21, aged 33 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, at Washington, D. C.; re-mustered Jan. 4, at same place,* credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. HRA FINCH enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 22 U64 aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Mustered out with company. Greene county recruit. SAMUEL M. FLETCHER enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 21, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua as musician Jan. 26. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Co. D, 136th Pa. Inf. Potter county, Pa., recruit. EDWARD D. FORSYTH enlisted in Co. F* at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 3. Mustered into the U. S, service Sept. 17, at same place. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Appointed mu- sician, date not given. Re-enlisted Dec. 14, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Re- mustered Dec. 16, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. LYMAN H. FOWLER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Promoted Artificer April 22, 1865. Mustered out with company. ABRAM FREDENBURG, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 31, 1863, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal July 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. SYLVESTER FREDENBURG enlisted in Co. L at Jerusalem Jan. 16, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. JAMES M. GEROW enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 5, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Re-enlisted Dec. 31, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Jan. 4, 1864, at same place, credited to the town of Hector, Schuyler county. Promoted Corporal July 1. Returned to the ranks, date not given. Mustered out with company. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. CHARLES A. GILBERT enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 21, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Muster- ed out with company. Town of Palmyra, Wayne county, recruit. CHARLES G. GOTTFRIED, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yah Aug. 22, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Aug. 31. De- tached to Bat. L, 2d U. S. Art., Oct. 10, 1861. Returned to company Jan. 1, 1864. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, at Rappahannock Station, Va. Re-mustered Jan. 4, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Benton. Promoted Artificer April 1, 1864.. Mustered out with company. GEORGE B. GjRAY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Jan. 13, 1862, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Re-enlisted Feb. 21, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Re-mus- tered Feb. 22, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Appointed Arti- ficer same day. Promoted Corporal July 1; Sergeant, prior to November. Mustered out with company. LYMAN D. GREEN enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 13, 1862, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for disability March 17, 1862, at Camp Leslie, Washington, D. C. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. F, 148th Inf. Town of Cohocton, Steuben county, recruit. ALBERT HAMLIN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Jan. 25, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to Penn Yan. Deserted Aug. 8, 1862, from Cliffburne Hospital, Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Bats. I and K, 3d Art. JAMES HARRIS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Feb. 3, 1862, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for disability March 17, 1862, at Camp Leslie, Washington, D. C. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1863, at Wheatland, Mich., in Co. I, 7th Mich. Cav., to serve 3 years. Transferred to Co. G as Sergeant Feb. 19. Deserted June 18, 1863, at Wash- ington, D. C. JOHN H. HARRISON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 16, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 2d Corporal at Elmira same day. 'Re-enlisted Dec. 31, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Jan. 4, 1864, at same place, creditedi to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Sergeant April 22, 1865. Mustered out with company.30 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” CHAUNCEY W. HAULSEY enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Nov. 25, aged 20 years-. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Promoted Corporal June 25, 1862. Mustered out Nov. 30, 1864, at City Point, Va., expiration term of enlistment. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. GEORGE W. HARyEY enlisted in Co. C for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 - year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 132d Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ZACHERIAH S. HELM enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 16, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 17. Transferred to Co. E Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal June 16, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, 1863, at Wash- ington, D. C. Re-mustered Dec. 25 at same place, credited to the town of Thurston, Steuben county. Promoted Sergeant May 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. Town of Thurston, Steuben county, recruit. WITZEL* M. HENDERSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 26, aged 23 (25) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira, Aug. 31. Detached to Brigade ambulance corps Aug. 28, 1863. Returned to com- pany in November or December. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, ex- piration term of enlistment. GEORGE P. HIBBARD enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 19 (18) years. Mustered in the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. HIRAM HIBBARD enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 19, 1864, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Deserted Nov. 15 from the Engineers’ Brigade workshop, Washington, D. C. Returned to company Feb. 12, 1865. Pardoned by the President. Mustered out with com- pany. Prior service in Co. K, 3d Inf. FRANCIS M. HOLLORAN, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 16, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 2d Sergeant at Elmira Sept. 13. Reduced to the ranks Jan. 15, 1862. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Feb. 16, 1864, at Washington, D. credited to the town of Barrington. Promoted Artificer subsequent to Aug. 31. Mustered out with company. DANIEL M. HULSE enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 16, aged 25 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered as 3d Sergeant at Elmira Sept. 13. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Dec. 27, 1862, with rank from Dec. 11. Paymaster refused to recog- nize commission and muster, so paid as Sergeant to Feb. 28, 1863. Acted as 2d Lieut., Co. A. from March 1, 1863, to May 4. Transferred to Co. I May 4. Detached as Regimental Quartermaster Oct. 16, 1863, and acted in that ca- pacity to muster out. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. March 30, 1864, with rank from March 17. Mustered out Nov. 1, 1864, at City Point, Va., expiration term of 'enlistment. HENRY S. JAYNE enlisted in Co. A at Elmira April 3, 1862, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to Penn Yan. Trans- ferred to the 5th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Aug. 15, 1863, to date June 24. Re-enlisted and re-mustered May 18, 1864, at New York City, credited to the 9th N. Y. Congressional District. Assigned to Co. A, 10th Veteran Re- serve Corps, June 16. Tried by general court martial on charges of larceny; of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in that he altered a pass given him at a U. S. General Hospital at Washington, D. v C.,r from March 21, 1865, until 5 o’clock p. m., March 24, and of desertion on or about March 25, being apprehended near Laurel Station, Md., and re- turned to his command. Found guilty May 8, and sentenced to be dishon- orably discharged on that date, with loss of all pay and allowances due or that might become due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such penitentiary as proper authority might designate for 2 years. Sentence ap- proved by proper authority, Sing Sing prison being designated as place of confinement. Out of county recruit. JAMES H. KELLY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Aug. 24, aged 28 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal June 25. 1862. Re-enlisted Feb. 14, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Re- mustered Feb. 16, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Sergeant April 22, 1865. Mustered out with company. JAMES F. LAKE enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 20 years. Muster- ed into the U. S- service at Elmira Dec. 17. Accidentally injured May 22, 1863, while building bridge at Tunstall's Station, Va. Mustered-out Dec. 16. 1864, at City Point, Va., expiration term of enlistment. HIRAM W. LAWHEAD, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 25 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Dec. 11. 1861, at Camp Leslie, Washington, D. C. JAMES H. LEONARD enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 20, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Died of inflamma- tion of the lungs March 8, 1864, in Engineers1’ Brigade Hospital at Wash- ington, D. C. Tioga county recruit. EDWARD D. LEWIS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Aug. 31. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 1. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. JESSE T. LOTT enlisted in Co. A at Milo Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 39 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company.31 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” ALONZO T. LYON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 13, 1862, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for dis- ability March 16, 1862. at Camp Leslie, Washington, D. C. Subsequent ser-! vice in Co. H, 58th N. G. S. N. Y. JAMES R. MACE enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Feb. 4, 1.864, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 9. Mustered out with company. WILSON MATTESON enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 29, 1864, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 2. Promoted Artificer July 1. Mustered out with company. EUGENE MCDONALD, of Potter, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 2, 1862, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 12. Discharged for disability May 24, 1862, at Washington, D. C. JOHN W. McFARLAND, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 23 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Discharged for disability Dec. 21, 1861, at Washington, D. C. EDWIN McMILLEN enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 26, aged 23 years. Joined , for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 7. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Reduced to the ranks April 1, 1864. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. AMOS MEAD enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Jan. 20, 1864, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Deserted from the Engineers’ Brigade workshop, Washington D. C., June 1. Arrested in citizens clothing at Hyattsville, Md., June 2. Tried by general court martial June 4, pro- nounced guilty Aug. 23, 1864, and sentenced to be dishonorably discharged and to be confined for one year in Ft. Delaware. Unexpired portion of sen- tence remitted July 15, 1865. MATTHIAS MILLER enlisted in Co. L for Barrington, Jan. 4, 1864, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer at Rochester Jan. 26. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. NATHAN D. MILLER enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 21, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Discharged, unable to pass examination of regimental surgeon, March' 28, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. THOMAS MILLEJfR. of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 6, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 7. Promoted Artificer March 1, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at .Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. GEORGE MITTS enlisted in Co. C for Torrey, Feb. 9, 1864, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 12. Mustered out with company. Town of Little Falls, Herkimer county, recruit. JOHN M. MOON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 9, 1862, aged 41 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for disability Sept. 27, 1862, at Washington, D. C. J. DAMON MORSE enlisted in Co. I at Milo* Sept. 20, 1862, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service same day and place. Transferred to Brigade band Aug. 18, 1863, to date July 1. Discharged as second class musician June 8, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf., and in the band of that regiment. MARTIN MURPHY enlisted in Co. A for Benton Feb. 11, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 12. Deserted Nov. 15, 1864, from the Engineers’ Brigade workshop, Washington, D. C. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. THEODORE J. MURRAY, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B Feb. 9, 1864, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Promoted Artificer Dec. 1. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. B, 148th Inf. CLAY M. NEWCOMB enlisted in Co. A for Benton Jan. 22, 1864, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Promoted Artificei* subsequent to Aug. 31. Mustered out with company. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. GEORGE S. NORRIS, of Penn Yan, enlisted Sept. 1, 1864, at City Point, Va., to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician in Engineers’ Brigade band same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out as third class musician June 8, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. DENNIS G. NORTHROP enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 21, 1864, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Mus- tered out July 7, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ALLEN T. OWEN enlisted in Co. B for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Artificer June 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 30th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. AUGUSTUS OWEN enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Artificer Dec. 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JACOB F. PARIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Washington, D. C., Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. JAMES PARSONS enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 29^ 1864, aged 27 years.32 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 2. Promoted Artificer July 1. Mustered out with company. RICHARD PARSONS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A for Torrey Aug. 29, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Mustered out with company. LAFAYETTE PEASE enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for dis- ability Jan. 16, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. ASA C. PHELPS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 12, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 13. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. CHARLES 1THIEL PIERCE enlisted in Co. A for Benton Feb. 11, 1864. aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua F.eb. 12. Died of disease Aug. 15, 1864, in hospital at Washington, D. C. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. DAVID G. PIERCE enlisted in Co. B for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864.. aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Artificer June 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. PETER C. PIERCE enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 29. 1864, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 2. Mustered out with company. WINFIELD S. POPPLE enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 11. aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Promoted Artificer prior to July. 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 28, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864, at same place, credited to the town of Milo, promoted Corporal July 1. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. K, 12th Inf. WILLIAM H. POYNEER enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem Jan. 30, 1864, aged 26 ; years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 2. Promoted Artificer July 1; Corporal, April 22. 1865. Mustered out with company. LEE. W. PUTNAM enlisted in Co. I at Watkins Aug. 16. aged 21 years. Muster- ed into the U. S. service at Elmira Aug. 26, credited to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. Transferred to Co. H, Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal March 21, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 20, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Dec. 26. at same place, credited to the town of Barrington. Promoted Sergeant Sept. -—, 1864. Reduced to the ranks Jan. 3, 1865. Promoted Corporal March «—. Mustered out with company. Home town of Tyrone, Schuvler county. OSCAR F. REED, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Feb. 4, 1862. aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged for disability March 21. 1862, at Washington. D. C. SAMUEL S. REYNOLDS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. K at Geneva Sept. 5, 1862, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Brigade band Aug. 18. 1863, to date July 1. Mustered out as third class musician June 8. 1865 at Ft. Barry, Va. JAMES LOREN ROBBINS, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Aug. 10. aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut.. Co. A. Acted as 1st Lieut, from Oct. 12. 1861. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. Dec. 27, 1862, with rank from Dec. 11. Position of 1st Lieut, declared not vacant, and muster declared invalid. Returned to duty as 2d Lieut, by special order of June 8, 1863. Promoted Captain from 2d Lieut. April 26, 1864, with rank from Jan. 25 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN R. ROBERTSON, of ;Benton, enlistedrin C6. A at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged , 23 years. Joined for diity and mustered at Elmira Aug. 31. Promoted Arti- ficer prior to Feb, 28. 1 863, Reduced to the ranks April 1, 1864. Mustered t out Sept. 20. 1 864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. WILLIAM C. ROSS of Starkey, enlisted in Co. M Jan. 4, 1864, aged 20 (19) - years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day. credited to the town of Hector. Schuyler county. Promoted Artificer May 16, 1864. Muster- ed .out with company. , , CHARLES H. SMITH, of Benton. Unlisted in Co A at P'enn Yan Dec. 12. aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Discharged for disability Oct. 27. 1862. at Albany. , JOHN S. SlMITH. oUStarkey,, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Feb. 11. 1862, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of dis- ease Jan. L 1863 in hospital at Acquia Creek. Va. WILLIAM SMITH, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. D Sept. 9, 1864. to serve 1 year, aged 18 years Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 21, credited to the town of Southport, Chemung countv. Mustered out with company. JABEZ F. SODON. of Benton, enlisted in Co. H at Geneva Sept. 29, 1862. aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Benton. Appointed musician, date not given. Discharged for disability Jan. 7. 1863. at Elmira. EDGAR M. SPENCER enlisted in Co. D for Torrey Feb. 24, 1864. aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 30th Pa. Mil. Bradford county. Pa., recruit. WILLIAM H. STONE enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 21. 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Mustered out with company. Town of Ithaca, Tompkins county, recruit. LUCIUS B. SUTPHIN, of Potter, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 2, 1862, agedYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 33 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 12. Promoted Arti- ficer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Mustered out Jan. 4, 1865, at City Point, Va., expiration term of enlistment. GEORGE W. THOMPSON enlisted in Co. L for Torrey Jan. 26, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Appoint- ed Corporal Feb. 18. Reduced to the ranks Jan. 18, 1865. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 18th Inf. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county, recruit. JOEL A. TOMER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Washington, D. C., Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM A. TOMER enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 18, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered as 5th Corporal at Elmira Sept. 16, Reduced to the ranks Feb. 20, 1862. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. JOHN W. TOWNSEND enlisted in Co. A at North Hector Sept. 16, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered as musician at Elmira Sept. 17, credited to the town of Hector, Schuyler county. Promoted Corporal July 28, 1862; Sergeant, Jan. 5, 1863. Re-enlisted Feb. 21, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Re- mustered Feb. 22, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. Home town of Hector, Schuyler county. ELIJAH S. TURNER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Nov. 23, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Discharged for disability Sept. 24, 1862, at Washington, D. C. JOHN TURNER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Nov. 30, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Promoted Artificer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 31, 1863, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Potter. Mustered out with company. RICHARD M. TURNER, of Italy, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 16, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Sept. 17. Promoted Arti- ficer prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expira- tion term of enlistment. WILLIAM H. TURNER enlisted in Co. E at Potter Center Aug. 14, aged 25 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal Jan. 5, 1863; Sergeant, July 1, 1864. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlist- ment. CORNELIUS YAN HUYSEN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. E at Elmira Aug. 24. aged 43 (45) years. Credited to the town of Benton. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Promoted Corporal June 1, 1862. Discharged for disability Dec. 20, 1863, at Washington, D. C. ALFRED VREELAND, of Penn Yan, enlisted at Elmira Sept. 15, 1862, aged 21 (19) years. Mustered as musician, unassigned to company, same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Not mustered into the U. S. service. (Rejected for physical disability, hernia. * JOSEPH G. WATKINS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Feb. 7, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Re-enlisted Feb. 21, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Feb. 22, at same place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Artificer July 1. Mustered out with company. JAMES H. WELLS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C at Geneva Sept. 5, 1862, aged 18 (15) years Mustered into the U. S. service as musician same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Brigade band Aug. 18, 1863, to date July 1. Mustered out as third class musician June 8, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Va. ALBERT WHEELER enlisted in Co. A at Potter Center Nov. 30, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Dec. 17. Discharged for disability March 17, 1862. at Washington, D. C. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1864, at Grass Lake, Mich., in Co. E, 9th Mich. Cav., to serve 1 year. Discharged May 27, 1865, at Madison, Ind. AMOS E. WHEELER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Elmira Feb. 18, 1862. aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Discharged for disability May 21, 1863, at Fal- mouth. Va. Subsequent service in Co. A, 22d Cav. JONATHAN S. WHIPPLE enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Arti- ficer Dec. 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LEANDER S. WHITEHORN enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 13, aged 24 years. Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1. Mustered out Sept. 20, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. HENRY WILLIAMS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 28 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered at Elmira Aug. 31. Promoted Artifier prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Reduced to the ranks in July or August, 1863. Re-enlisted and re- mustered Feb. 2, 1864, at Washington, D. C., credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Artificer July 1. Mustered out with company . JOHN WILLIAMS enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 23, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Artificer Dec. 1. Reduced to the ranks March 25, 1865. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county. Pa., recruit. JOSEPH W. WORDEN enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 22 years.34 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE Transferred to Co. A Nov. 1, and detached to Bat. L, 2d U. S. Art., game day. Returned to company April 13, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 31, at Washington, D. C. Re-mustered Jan. 4, 1864, at same place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. CHARLES H. WRIGHT enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Feb. 1, 1864, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 3. Mustered out with company. 8th N. Y. CAVALRY August 28th Frank 0. Chamberlain, Qf Potter, was authorized to recruit a company for this regiment, which was to be organized at Rochester. His announced headquarters were at Canandaigua, but his active campaign was conducted from Rushville, and he secured 35 men from that locality, 19 in Yates and 16 in Ontario county. He was unable to recruit an entire company, and was mustered in as 1st Lieutenant. Alfred E. Miller, of Benton, was in charge of the recruiting for the regiment in Penn Yan, and in that vicinity he secured 11 men, and also enlisted 5 in Ontario county. These men became part of Co. A. Those secured by Lieut. Chamberlain were mustered in as of Co. E, and it is not ascertainable when the letter of the company was changed, but later it became Co. G. October 14th about 50 men left Rushville for Roch- ester. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years, by com- panies, at that place, by Capt. E. G. Marshall, 6th U. S. Inf., Cos. A and B on Nov. 23d, and Co. E or G on Nov. 28th. WILLIAM H. ANDERSON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 26, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 6th Corporal at Rochester Oct. 9. Reduced to the ranks May —, 1862. Appointed wagoner Oct. 18, 1862. Promoted Cor- poral Dec. 1, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Commissary Sergeant May 1, 1865. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. HORACE A. BAKER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Rochester Sept. 19, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Died of disease Dec. 28, 1862, in hospital, Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York Harbor.^ HENIRiY C. BARKER enlisted in Co. D for Jerusalem April 12, 1865, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county recruit. HENRY T. BARNES, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 17. Deserted July 26, 1862, from Relay House, near Baltimore, Md. Returned to company Aug, 9, at same place. Tried by general court martial, headquarters 8th Artillery Corps, Aug. 13, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to pay a fine of $30. Captured in hospital Sept. 15, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Paroled same day and place. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. OSCAIR J. BASSETT, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 8, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Corporal at Rochester Oct. 17. Died of bilious fever Aug. 16, 1862, in regimental hospital at Relay House, near Baltimore, Md. GEORGE L. BLAUVELT enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 24, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 9. Re-enlisted and re-mus- tered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Adams, Jef- ferson county. Captured in action June 29, 1864, at Stony Creek, Va. Paroled, date not given, at Florence, S. C. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, A.l6X3iii(irid> WARREN O. CARD, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 3, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 28. Deserted June 6, 1862, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. FRANK O. CHAMBERLAIN, of Potter, was enrolled in Co. G at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Lieut, at Rochester Oct. 28, with rank from Oct. 16, Resigned and discharged Aug. 3, 1862, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. ABRAHAM DOWNING enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 24, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 9. Deserted Nov. 12, 1861, from Camp Hillhouse, Rochester. ROBERT B. DYKEMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 23, aged 19 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 9. Died of disease Dec. 6, 1861, in Kalorama Hospital, Washington, D. C. EDWARD EASLING enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 21, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered, at Rochester Oct. 9. Wounded in action May 25, 1862, at Winchester, Va. Accidentally injured by his horse Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. Transferred to Co. K, 12th Invalid Corps, Sept. 9, 1863. Returned to Co. A April 6, 1864. Accidentally injured by his horseYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 35 falling on him and captured in action June 29, at Stony Creek, Va. Paroled Nov. 20. at Savannah, Ga. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1865, at Rochester. MICHAEL FARRELL, of Penn Yan. enlisted in Co. L at Rochester March 20, 1865, under the alias of Martin Finnegan, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Hamlin, Monroe county. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Prior enlistment in Bat. B, 3d Art., and prior service in the U. S. Navy. GEORGE FULTON enlisted in Co. B for Middlesex March 24, 1865, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria. Va. Canadian recruit. DANIEL GAGE, of Benton, enlisted in second Co. K at Rochester Aug. 25, 1862, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered as teamster same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service Sept. 29. Shot by unknown person on street a.t Rochester at night Oct. 21, losing thumb of right hand. Died of disease Nov. 2, 1862, in hospital at Rochester. WILLIAM GORDI enlisted in Co. I for Italy April 5, 1865, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county recruit. DANIEL HULL, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 25, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 28. Captured in hospital Sept. 15, 1862. at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Paroled same day and place. Discharg- ed for disability Oct. 31, 1862, at Chicago, 111. AVERY INGRAHAM, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Nov. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Nov. 11. Discharged for disability April 18, 1862, at Columbian College Hosnital. Washington. D. C. AARON LAMEREAUX, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 12, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1. 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter. Transferred to Co. B Nov. 1, 1864. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, i\.l6XRIldriR JOHN LASSEN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Oct. 29. aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Nov. 4. Killed in action June 9, 1863, at Beverly Ford, Va. HENRY LIGHT, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Rochester Nov. 7, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 16, 1861, from.Camp Hillhouse, Rochester. ALFRED E. MILLER, of Benton, was enrolled in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 13, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered as 2d Lieut, at Rochester Oct. 9. Discharged on resignation May 14, 1862, in camp in the field in Vir- ginia. HENRY MILLE'R enlisted in Co. B for Potter Feb. 29, 1864, aged 39 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county recruit. PETER N. NESSEN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. H at Rochester Nov. 21, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Nov. 23. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. D Nov. 1, 1864. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865. at Alexandria, Va. ASHER L. NICHOLS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 8, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Captured in hosnital Sept. 15, 1862, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Paroled same day and place. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. Subsequent enlist- ment in the S5th Inf-, unassigned to company. See, also, 33d Inf. , NEEDHAM NORTHROP, of Italy, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 18, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered as farrier and blacksmith at Roch- ester Oct. 9. Discharged for disability May 25, 1862, at Poolesville, Md. Re- enlisted in Co. A at Potter Jan. -2, 1864, to serve 1 year. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Died of disease Oct. 16, 1864, in hos- pital at Sandy Hook, Md., near Harper’s Ferry, Va. LEVITT C. PAGE, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 28, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered as wagoner at Rochester same day. Captured in hospital at Harper’s Ferry, Va., Sept. 15, 1862. Paroled same day and place. Promoted Corporal prior to Aug. 21, 1863. Transferred to Co. I, 22d Invalid Corps, March 8. 1864. Discharged Oct. 29, 1864, at Indian- apolis, Ind., expiration term of enlistment. WILLIAM H. H. PAGE, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 5, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and rpustered as 4th Sergeant at Rochester Oct. 17. Died of typhoid fever Nov. 1, 1862, in U. S. hospital No. 2, Frederick, Md. THOMAS S. POWERS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 12, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at -Rochester Oct. 21. Captured In hospital Sept. 15, 1862, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Paroled same day and place. Wounded in action Aug. 1, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. WILLIAM C. ROSSEN enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex March 24, 1865, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865. at Alexandria, Va. Erie county recruit. GIBSON ROYCE enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 44 (49) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Dis- charged June 7, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit.36 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE " ELIAS V. RUGAR, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 9, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Sergeant at Rochester Oct. 2. Reduced to the ranks, date not given. Promoted Sergeant from the ranks Aug. 21, 1863. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter. Commissioned (not mustered) 2d Lieut, March 15, 1864, with rank from Feb. 2. Mustered in as 1st Lieut., Co. D, April 14, with rank from April 4; Captain, Co. H, July 27, with rank from July 15. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. EDWIN A. SCOTT, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 5, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 28. Promoted Ser- geant prior to June 30, 1863. Wounded in action Aug. 1, 1863, at Brandy' Station, Va. Mustered out w;ith company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. MYRON SLOAT, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 7, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 28. Re-enlisted and re- mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter, Captured in action Sept. 16, 1864, at Snicker’s Gap, Va. Paroled Oct. 8, at Varina, Va. Transferred to Co. B Nov. 1. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. CHARLES P. STEARNS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at 'Rushville Sept. 8, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Appointed wagoner Sept. 15, 1862. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Roch- ester. THEODORE M. STEARNS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 11, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Discharg- ed for disability March 21, 1862, at Edwards’ Ferry, Va. Subsequent service in Co. F, 148th Inf. OLIVER W. STEPHENS enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged June 7, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Prior service in Co. F, 16th Mich. Inf. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. CHARLES P. STEVENS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 22, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 9. Discharged for disability May 25, 1862, at Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. B, 126th Inf. WILLIAM S. STURGES enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 8. Dis- charged May 10, 1865, at Summit House Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Prior service in Co. K, 13th Inf. Monroe county recruit. JAMES W. TAYLOR, of Phelps, Ontario county, enlisted in Co. A at Rochester Nov. 19, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Phelps. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Benton. Promoted Corporal June 4, 1864; Sergeant, Feb. 1, 1865. Transferred to Co. L and promoted 1st Ser- geant June 1. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. MELVIN A. TAYLOR, of Potter, enlisted in Co. B for Benton March 28, 1865, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. RICHMOND M. TAYLOR, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 19, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Promoted Cor- poral prior to June 30, 1863. Mustered out with company Dec. 8, 1864, at Rochester. FRANK A. THOMPSON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 18. aged 25 years; Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Corporal at Rochester Oct. 9. Reduced to the ranks in May or June, 1862. Promoted Corporal Nov. 27. Captured in action June 25, 1863, at Oatland, Va. Paroled July 14, at City Point, Va. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Craig’s Church, Va. Discharged Oct. 20, 1864, at Rochester. Enlisted March 1, 1865, at Rochester, in Co. K, 8th Cav., to serve 1 year. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credit- ed to the city of Rochester. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at A.l6X8tii(lrid» "Vst HORTON I. TRAVIS enlisted in Co. G for Potter at Rushville Sept. 7, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 21. Deserted June 6, 1862, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Returned to company April 4, 1863, under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Detached for duty at hospital at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1. Returned to com- pany, date not given. R^-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter. Captured in action June 1, 1864, at the South Anna River, Va. Died of diarrhea Aug. 28, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Town of Gorham, Ontario county, recruit. JOHN VAN HORN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Sept. 21, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 9. Deserted Nov. 25, 1861, from Camp Hillhouse, Rochester. ARNOLD S. WALBRIDGE, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 28, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Oct. 17. Re-enlist- ed and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter. Transferred to Co. B Nov. 1, 1864. Promoted Corporal June 1, 1865. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. CHARLES H. WARNER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Oct. 5, agedYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE » 3* 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester Nov. 11. Promoted Cor- poral prior to May 1, 1863; Sergeant, Aug. 21. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 1, 1863, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Potter. Reduced to the ranks prior to March 1, 1864. Transferred to Co. C Nov. 1. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865. at Alexandria, Va. EBENEZER WASHBURN, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Rushville Sept. 6, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered as saddler at Rochester Oct. 28. Transferred to the 36th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Aug. 20, 1863, and to Co. B, 9th Invalid Corps, Feb. 4, 1864. Acting Orderly at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D. C., from fall of 1863 to subsequent to May 13, 1864. Mus- tered out Oct. 28, 1864, at Washington, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. CHARLES A. WILKINS enlisted in the 8th Art. at Potter Feb. 20, 1864, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandai- gua, Feb. 25. Transferred to Co. A, 8th Cav., March 10. Wounded in action June 23, at Blacks and Whites, Va., on Wilson’s raid to Roanoke, Va. De- serted Nov. 12, 1864, from St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. io8th PENNSYLVANIA—(nth PA. CAVALRY) This regiment was raised during August and September, 1861, as an in- dependent command, by Col. Josiah Harlan, of Philadelphia, under special au- thority from the Secretary of War, and was originally known as Harlan’s Light Cavalry. Companies A and M were recruited in Ohio, Co. I in New Jer- sey, parts of Cos. E and F in New York, and the balance of the regiment in Pennsylvania. Yates county’s recruits were in Co. E, and were secured by John Whitley, Jr., who was later mustered in as 1st Lieutenant. He opened his recruiting office in the Tuelf House at Penn Yan on Aug. 20th, and the offer of the $100 government bounty and the first opportunity to join the cavalry brought numerous applicants. Lieut. Whitley also secured a number of recruits at Elmira and in Tioga county. It was found impossible to raise an entire company in this locality, and the local recruits, 25 in number, were sent on Sept. 3d to Hestonville, a suburb of Philadelphia, where the squad was consolidated with part of a company that had been raised by Capt. John Hartman. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years on Sept. 14th, and, under command of Josiah Harlan as Colonel, Samuel P. Spear as Lieutenant-Colonel, and George Stetzel, Samuel Wether el and Noah M. Runyan as Majors, was rendezvoused at Camp Harlan, on 7th Street, Wash- ington, D. C., with 41 officers and 1089 enlisted men. It having been found im- possible to allow independent commands, the regiment was placed in the Pennsylvania line and given the above designation on Nov. 13th. During the years 1862—’63 the regiment was used largely on scout duty, in 1864 was very active in the campaign in Virginia, and was with Sheridan’s command during the campaign in 1865 which culminated at Appomatox in the surrender of Gen. Lee, having the honor of opening the attack in the final battle. It was mustered out at Manchester, Va., Aug. 13, 1865. As far as it is possible to as- certain, the individual records of the men from Yates county or who enlisted here were as follows: VALENTINE ALLEN, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 21, aged 31 years. Mustered in as Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 30, 1862. Re-enlisted Nov. 4, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered Nov. 18 at same place, credited to the city of Elmira. Mustered out with company. RICHARD H.* ANDREWS, of Berfton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 19 (17) years. Mustered out at Jones’ Landing, Va., Sept. 13, 1864, expiration term of enlistment. NATHANIEL BROWN, of Italy, enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 12, aged 38 (41) years. Re-enlisted Feb. 1, 1864, at Williamsburg, Va. Re-mustered same day at Yorktown, Va., credited to the town of Italy. Promoted Corporal March 1; Sergeant, Oct. 13. Missing in action Oct. 30, 1864, near Richmond, Va. SMITH BROWN, of Italy, enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 6, aged 22 years. Re-enlist- ed Nov. 4, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Promoted Corporal Sept. 14, 1864. Reduced to the ranks Feb. 1, 1865. Re-appointed Corporal April 1. Mustered out with company. JOSEPH E. BRUEN enlisted at Dundee Aug. 30, aged 18 (17) years. Promoted Corporal Feb. 21, 1862. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-38 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” mustered Dec. 23, at Norfolk, Va., credited to Penn Yan. Promoted Sergeant July 1, 1864; 1st Sergeant, April 1, 1865. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. June 2, with rank from May 21. Mustered out with company. Town of Seneca, On- tario county, recruit. SAMUEL BUTCHER enlisted at Dundee Aug. 30, aged 19 years. Escaped from guard house Aug. 10, 1863, at Getty’s Station, Va. Dropped as a deserter Sept. 1, 1863. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, recruit. DAVID LEWIS BUTLER enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Promoted Corporal Oct. 22, 1862. Re-enlisted Nov. 16, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re- mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Promoted Sergeant Aug. 14, 1864. Returned to the ranks Feb. 13, 1865. Appointed Farrier Feb. 14. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM A. CRAPSER, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 22 years. Re-enlisted Nov. 25, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered Dec. 1, at Nor- folk, Va., credited to Penn Yan. Discharged Oct. 7, 1864. at Jones’ Landing, Va., to accept commission as 2d Lieut., Co. C, 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles. THOMAS DUNNIGAN. of Milo Center, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 24 years. Re-enlisted Oct. 13, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Promoted Corporal July 1, 1864; Ser- geant, May 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. IRWIN C. ELLIS enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 3, aged 21 years. Mustered in as Corporal. Appointed Commissary Sergeant Oct. 22, 1862. Killed in action June 29, 1864, at Ream's Station, Va. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. OLIVER M. FINGER, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Discharged for disability June 18, 1862, at Portsmouth, Va. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. I, 148th N. Y. Infantry. HENRY FRISBEE, of Milo, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 18 years. De- serted Oct. 3, 1861, at Camp Harlan, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM H. GATES enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 27 years. Mustered out Sept. 13, 1864, at Jones’ Landing, Va., expiration term of enlistment. Prior enlistment in Co. I, 33d N. Y. Inf., and subsequent service in Co. E, 8th U. S. Veteran Volunteers. THOMAS HANNA enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 3, aged 30 years. Deserted Nov. 17, 1861, at St. Leonard’s, Md. Belmont, Ohio, recruit. JASPER S. HART enlisted at Dundee Aug. 31, aged 18 (17) years. Re-enlisted Nov. 25, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Dec. 1, credit- ed to the 17th Ward, Philadelphia. Promoted Corporal, Feb. 20, 1865. Mus- tered out with company, Schuyler county recruit. CHARLES HATCH enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 18 years. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at Norfolk, Va., Dec. 23. credited to the town of Ithaca, Tompkins county. Dropped as a deserter March 17, 1864, at Williamsburg, Va. Town of Ithaca, Tompkins county, recruit. CHARLES C. HICKS, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 18 (17) years. Deserted Sept. 22, 1861, from Camp Harlan, Washington, D. C. Sub- seauent service in Co. B, 126th N. Y. Infantry. GEORGE D. HIGLEY enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 2, aged 18 (17) years. Injured by a fall from his horse June 17, 1863, at the battle of Franklin, Va. Trans- ferred to Co. A, 19th Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 2, 1863. Promoted Cor- poral Oct. —; Sergeant, Dec.—. Re-enlisted April 12. 1864, at Washington, D. C., credited to the city of Boston, Mass. Promoted 1st Sergeant July ■—, 1865. Discharged Nov. 15, 1865, at Elmira. MARSHAL B. HOPE, of Torrey, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 21 years. Mustered in as Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant Feb. 19, 1862. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Oct. 1; 1st Lieut., Feb. 17, 1863. Resigned March 18, 1864. Dis- charged March 20, at Camp Cadwallader, Philadelphia, Pa. CLINTON HOYT enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 6, aged 24 years. Died of typhoid fever Oct. 3, 1861, in hospital at Washington, D. C. Town of Tyrone, Schuy- ler county, recruit. GILBERT IRETON enlisted at Branchport Sept. 2, aged 42 (47) years. Discharg- ed for disability Oct. 7, 1861, at Washington, D. C. Town of Pulteney, Steu- ben county, recruit. CHARLES KI'RKHAM, of Benton, enlisted at Elmira Sept. 7, aged 21 years. Promoted Corporal Feb. 19, 1862. Re-enlisted Nov. 4, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to the city of Elmira. Promoted Sergeant March 1, 1864; 1st Sergeant, Aug. 21. Mustered in «as 2d Lieut. Nov. 6, with rank from July 1; 1st Lieut., April 1, 1865, with rank from March 2; Captain, May 21, with rank from April 1. Mustered out with com- pany. WILLIAM H. LAMPHIER enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 3i, aged 21 years. Captured in action May 30, 1862, at the ford of the Blackwater River, near Zuni, Va. Exchanged Oct. 7, 1862, at City Point, Va. Re-enlisted Dec. 22, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered Dec. 23, at Norfolk. Va., credited to Painted Post, Steuben county. Mustered out with company. Town of Irwin, Steuben county, recruit. DAVID MARSHALL enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 11, aged 21 (17) years. Re- enlisted Dec. 23, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered same day at Nor- folk, Va., credited to the city of Boston, Mass. Dropped as a deserter MarchYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 39 17, 1864, at Williamsburg1, Va, Town of Reading-, Schuyler county, recruit. JAMES MEAD enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 19 years. Deserted Oct. 31, 1861, from Camp Harlan, Washington, D. C. Subsequent enlistment in Co. A, 18th N. Y. Cav. Town of Tioga. Tioga county, recruit. HENRY MINEHART, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 38 years. Re-enlisted Nov. 3, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Mustered out with company. JAMES NOON enlisted at Dundee Sept. 9, aged 25 years. Wounded and captured in action May 30, 1862, at the ford of the Blackwater River, near Zuni, Va. Exchanged Oct. 7, 1862, at City Point, Va. Transferred to Co. A, 19th Invalid Corps, Sept. 18, 1863. Re-enlisted April 12, 1864, at Washington, D. C., credited to the city of Boston, Mass. Discharged Nov. 15, 1865, at Elmira. Erie county recruit. WILLIAM H. H. PERSONS, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Re-enlisted Nov. 3, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Nov. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Mustered out with company. EDGAR C. ROCKWELL enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 18 years. Wounded in action June 17, 1863, at Franklin, Va. Re-enlisted Nov. 25, 1863, at Ports- mouth, Va. Re-mustered at same place Dec. 1, credited to Penn. Yan. Pro- moted Corporal July 1, 1864. Wounded in action Oct. 7, at Darbytown Road, Va. Died of wounds Oct. 22, 1864, in U. S. hospital, Div. No. 1, Annapolis, Md. Town of Dix, Schuyler county, recruit. ABIJAH CLARK ST. JOHN, of Milo, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Killed in action May 30, 1862, at the ford of the Blackwater River, near Zuni, Va. ISAAC WYMAN, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 11, aged 38 years. Mus- tered in as Sergeant. Discharged for disability Feb. 12, 1862, at Washing- ton, D. C. In securing the above data, the records in the Adjutant General’s office at Harrisburg, Pa., have been carefully examined, and, for the places of resi- dence, per town, the census lists of 1860 and 1865 in several counties have been inspected. 85th N. Y. INFANTRY When it was announced in the late summer that this regiment would be raised, with headquarters in Elmira, George M. Munger, of Penn Yan, who had been a private in Guthrie’s Grays, a Cincinnati, Ohio, 2-months organi- zation, began recruiting a company. As late as October it was thought one would be easily raised, but so many withdrew their names or were rejected by the examining surgeon that this was found to be an impossibility, and in November the squad raised here was consolidated with another recruited in Ontario county by John Raines, of Canandaigua. The men had been sent to Elmira Oct. 29th, were designated as Co. G Nov. 15th, and were mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years Dec. 12th by Major A. T. Lee, 2d U. S. Inf., their service to date from the day on which they reported for duty and were enroll- ed. It is impossible to give the exact date of enlistment of most of the men, no recruit roll being available, even at Washington. A couple of men enlisted in Co. I at Dundee, and, in the spring of 1862, Lieut. Munger secured 11 more recruits at Penn Yan, returning to his company from recruiting duty April 14th. A dozen 1-year, out-of-county, recruits were also sent to the regiment in the fall of 1864, Few regiments lost more men proportionately in rebel prisons than did the 85th. All of the men fit for duty of nine of its companies were captured in action at Plymouth, N. C.f April 20, 1864, and of the 22 men from Yates county who were so captured 12 either died in prison or immediately after their parole as the result of starvation and exposure. GEORGE W. BARNES, Jr., of Starkey, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Re-enlisted March 23, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the 2d Ward, New York City. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. AARON BEARD, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Re-enlisted Dec. 31, 1863, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died Oct. 1, 1864, at Charleston, S. C., a prisoner of war.40 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” ALFRED BOGART, of Italy, enlisted at Elmira Nov. 25, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Died of pneumonia Jan. 23, 1863, at Camp Warren, D. C. ROBERT B. BRIGGS, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 20 (16) years. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died at Florence, S. C., date not known, a prisoner of war. ERASTUS A. BUCKLIN, of Middlesex, joined for duty and was enrolled at Ge- neva Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Detached to Bat. H, 1st U. S. Art., July 14. 1862. Returned to company Aug. 2, 1864. Mustered out Nov. j24, 1864, at Newberne, N. C., expiration term of enlistment. ALEXANDER P. CAMPBELL, of Starkey, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 20 (18) years. Discharged for disability Dec. 13, 1862, at Newberne, N. C. Subsequent service in Co. B, 147th Inf., and subsequent enlistment in Co. B, 179th Inf ANDREW B. CARMER enlisted in Co. G at Penn'Yan March 14, 1862, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Re-enlisted March 8, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Pulteney, Steu- ben county. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died of anasarca Sept. 3, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga. a prisoner of war. Home town of Pulteney, Steuben county. JASON B. CHASE enlisted in Co. I at Dundee Oct. 20, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 25, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Dec. 3. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Starkey. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died Nov. 19, 1864, at Florence, S. C., a prisoner of war. RICHARD HIRAM COREY, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 24 years. Promoted Corporal May —, 1862; Sergeant, April 13, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N, C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded and captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died Nov. 8, 1864, at Florence, S. C., a prisoner of war. JOHN COVERT, of -Jerusalem, enlisted at Elmira Nov. 15, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Discharged from hospital at Albany March 29, 1862. Subsequent service in Bat. L, 14th Art. JOEL B. CRANDALL enlisted for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864. to serve 1 year, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Allegany county recruit. JOSEPH S. CROUCH, of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 38 (41) years. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, at New- berne, N. C. Subsequent service in Co. I, 148th Inf. FRANKLIN DANES, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Promoted Corporal April 15, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Returned to the ranks in Jan. or Feb. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Dec. 10, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. MARTIN DAVIS, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 23 years. Re-enlisted Feb. 15, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged June 15, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. JAMES DOUGHERTY enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 26. 1862, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 29. Discharged Dec. 5, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa., by reason of re-enlistment, on Dec. 6, for 2 years and 7 months, in Troop M, 1st U. S. Cav. Discharged Feb. 12, 1864 in camp near Mitchell Station, Va., by reason of re-enlistment in same regi- ment and company. Deserted July 30, 1865, at Jackson Barracks, La. MORTON L. EDGERTON, of Starkey, enlisted at Rock Stream Oct. 15, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 15. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Absent from company from Dec. 3, and dropped as a deserter April 14. 1862. Subsequent service in Bat. K, 1st Art. CHESTER ELLIS, of Starkey, joined for duty and was enrolled at Geneva Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Captured in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks. Va. Parol- ed Sept. 13, 1862, at Aikens’ Landing, Va. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Ply- mouth, N. C., credited to the town of Starkey. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died of accidental injuryand diarrhea Sept. 25, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. EBENEZER FINCH, of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29. aged 34 years. Captured in action April 20, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Dec. 6, at Florence, S. C. Died of disease and effects of starvation Jan. 12. 1865. in U. S. hospital. Div. No. 2, St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. JOSEPH DYKEMAN FINGER, of Penn Yan. enlisted at Elmira Nov. 14, aged 21 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C.. credited to the town of Milo. Wounded and captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died of pneumonia Jan. 26, 1865, at Flor- ence S. C., a prisoner of war WILLIAM HARLOW FINGER, of Penn Yan, enlisted at Geneva Oct. 15, agedYATES COUNTY’S « BOYS IN BLUE 41 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 15. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Absent from company, and dropped from the rolls as a deserter Feb. 1, 1862. Subsequent service in Bat. B, 3d Art. DANIEL AUGUSTUS FORD, of Potter, enlisted at Middlesex Jan. 17, 1865, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Substitute for Lester Adams, of Middlesex. EDWIN C. FOSTER enlisted for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N, C. Allegany county re- cruit. BENJAMIN GAY enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan March 3, 1862, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Promoted Cor- poral June 26, 1863. Re-enlisted March 8, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Pulteney, Steuben county. Killed in action April 20, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C. Home town of Pulteney, Steuben county. PATRICK GILL, of Torrey, enlisted at Geneva Oct. 15, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 15. Wounded and captured in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled Aug. 3, at City Point, Va. Discharg- ed for disability, wounds, Oct. 4, 1862, at Hammond Hospital, Point Look- out, Md. Subsequent enlistment in Co. D, 194th Inf. AUGUSTUS GORDON, of Barrington, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Promoted Corporal April 13, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Milo, and promoted Sergeant same day. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled March 3, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Died of disease and starvation March 9, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C. JOHN W. GREEN, of Starkey, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 19 years. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Milo, and promoted Corporal same day. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged June 6, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. JOHN GRENAHAN, of Penn Yan, enlisted at Elmira Nov. 25, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Milo. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died of diarrhea Aug. 24, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, An- dersonville. Ga., a prisoner of war. GEORGE HAINER. of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 20 years. Mustered in as 1st Corporal. Promoted Sergeant March 6, 1862. Returned to the ranks July 22, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Potter. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled March 1, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged June 15, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. MILFORD B. HALL enlisted for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Died of disease in hos- pital at Elmira July 11, 1865. Allegany county recruit. JOHN HENRY enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 12, 1862, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Discharged for dis- ability March 23, 1863, at Newberne, N. C. Home town of Hector, Schuyler county. WILLIAM W. HIBBARD, of Benton, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan. Feb. 5, 1862, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Discharged for disability Feb. 23, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexan- dria, Va. Re-enlisted in Co. A at Victor, Ontario county, March 7, 1864, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day, creidted to Victor. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. JOHN HOLLEY enlisted in Co. A for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. McKean county, Pa., recruit. HENRY HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. I at Dundee Oct. 11, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 16, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Dec. 3. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. Deserted June —, 1862, from hospital at New York City. Arrested May 5, 1864, at Dundee. Returned to regiment May —, and assigned to Co. A. Mustered out Oct. 29, 1864, at Newberne, N. C., expiration term of enlistment. See, also, 1st Vet. Cav. GEORGE D. INGLES enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 1, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Discharged for dis- ability July 25, 1862, at McKimms Mansion Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Sub- sequent service in Co. M, 20th Cav. JOHN B. INGLES enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 17, 1862, aged 16 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician same day and place. Discharged for disability Oct. 18, 1863, at Plymouth, N. C. EBENEZER INSCHO, of Starkey, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 24 years. Mustered in as wagoner. Promoted Corporal July42 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE'* 5, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Starkey. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died Feb. 5r 1865, at Florence, S. C., a prisoner of war. MARTIN D. INSCHO, of Starkey, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 22, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Promoted Corporal April 13, 1863. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Starkey. Wounded and captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died of wounds April 21, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., a prisoner of war. AMOS JONES, of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Potter. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged June 10, 1865, at Elmira, un- der general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. HAZARD JONES, of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 28 years. Deserted Aug. —, 1862, at Suffolk, Va. JOHN LAFLER, of Potter, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 21 years. Mustered in as 3d Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant, Aug, —, 1862. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Sept. 1; 1st Lieut... Sept 1, 1863, with rank from Aug. 15. Captured in action April 20, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C. Escaped from rebel prison for officers at Charlotte, N. C., Feb. 16, 1865, and reached the U. S. lines at Newberne, N. C., March 7. Mustered out “to date” March 21, 1865, at Rushville. SAMUEL LURCH, of Benton, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Detached to Bat. H, 1st U. S. Art., July 14, 1862. Re- turned to company Aug. 2, 1864. Discharged Nov. 24, 1864, at Newberne, N. C., expiration term of enlistment. NELSON MATTHEWS, of Himrods, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 19 (18) years. Died of pneumonia Jan. 27, 1862, at Camp Warren, D. C. DENNIS MCCARTHY enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 12, 1862, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Discharged for disability March 23, 1863, at Newberne, N. C. Subsequent service in Co. B, 1st Vet. Cav. Home, Chemung county. HENRY V. McGLAUGHLIN, of Penn Yan, enlisted at Elmira Nov. 29, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Milo. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Promoted wagoner, date not given. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Washing- ton, D. C. Also enlisted in Bat. B, 3d Art., as Vosburgh McGlaughlin. SYLVESTER C. MELIOUS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 14, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va. Deserted Nov. 3, 1862, at Suffolk, Va. ALONZO S. MILLER joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 25 years. Mustered in as 1st Sergeant. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va., while assisting Lieut. Munger in resisting an enemy advance with a company of men formed from the stragglers from several retreating regiments. Died of wounds June 21, 1862, in hospital at Washington, D. C. GEORGE M. MUNGER was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 25 years. Mus- tered in at Elmira Dec. 2 as 1st Lieut. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Fair Oaks, Va., while in command of a company which he had formed from the stragglers of several retreating regiments to resist an advance of the enemy. Resigned, on account of physical incapacity, and discharged April 24, 1863, at Newberne, N. C. Prior enlistment in Co. H, 6th Ohio Inf. ASHER L. NICHOLS enlisted at Middlesex Jan. 17, 1865, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Never joined regiment. Mustered out May 9, 1865, at Elmira. Sub- stitute for Edward Carr, of Middlesex. Prior service in Co. G, 8th Cav. See, also, 33d Inf. HENfRY NORMAN, of Torrey, enlisted at Elmira Nov. 25, aged 32 (22) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Torrey. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Dec. 12, at Florence, S. C. Discharged June 20, 1865, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. LEWIS AUGUSTUS NORTHROP, of Potter, enlisted Sept. 6, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to com- pany, at Avon, same day, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. GEORGE J. ODELL enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 7, 1862, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Corporal same day and place. Re-enlisted Feb. 7, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Milo. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Paroled Sept. 26, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Mustered out July 12 1865, at Elmira. JOSEPH L. POTTER enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Feb. 18, 1862, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. No further record. Probably rejected by Surgeon. MORGAN F. ROCKWELL enlisted in Co. A for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mus-YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 48 tered out with company June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JAMES P. SHE rLMAN, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Pair Oaks, Va., by a Union shell which burst overhead. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Ply- mouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth. N. C. Paroled Peb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Perry, N. C. Mustered out July 7,'1865, at Elmira. ORRIN SHERMAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Peb. 10, 1862, aged 41 (49) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Wounded in action May 31, 1862, at Pair Oaks, Va. Discharged for disability Jan. 15, 1864. at Plymouth, N. C. Enlisted in Co. A, 189th Inf., Aug. 29, 1864, at Howard, Steuben county, to serve 1 year. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 9, credited to the town of Howard. Mustered out May 30, 1865, at Washington, D. C. LYMAN O. SLADE enlisted for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 41 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 3. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Allegany county recruit. JOSEPH D. STILLMAN enlisted for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 3. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Potter county, Pa., recruit. • ISRAEL H. STONE enlisted for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company,' at Avon, Sept. 3. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Allegany county re- •°ru:'t. JOSEPH G. TINNEY, of Jerusalem, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 18 years. Mustered in as Corporal. Returned to the ranks Oct. 20, 1862. Re-enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, at Plymouth, N. C., credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action April 20, at Plymouth, N. C. Died Sent. 20. 1864. at Charleston, S. C., a prisoner of war. LAWRENCE VAN KLEEK enlisted for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 37 years. Mustered into t^e U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon. Sept. 3. Mustered out June 22, 1865, at McDougal Hospital, Ft. Schuy- ler, New York harbor. Allegany county recruit. JOHN G. WATKINS, of Milo, joined for duty and was enrolled at Penn Yan Oct. 29, aged 23 years. Mustered in as Corporal. Killed in action May 31, 1862. at Fah Oaks, Va. GEORGE S. WELLS, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 22, aged 19 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Claimed as a deserter by Co. I, 33d Inf., and returned to that company Jan. 13, 1862. See, also, Co. A, 76th Inf. WILLIAM A. WORDEN enlisted for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 3. Wounded in action March 8, 1865, at Wise’s Fork, N. C. Mustered out Sept. 30, 1865, at Elmira. Out of county recruit. 76th N. Y. INFANTRY The local men who became members of this regiment at its organization expected when they enlisted that they would be part of the first artillery bat- tery to be raised in this section. On or about Oct. 5, Herschel W. Pierce, who was then Supervisor of the town of Starkey, received authority from the Governor to begin recruiting for such an organization, in which effort he was later joined by Samuel Williams, of Barrington. The latter secured a number of men in hi-s home locality, but he, as well as a number of his recruits, were rejected by the examining surgeon. Mr. Pierce, who had enlisted as a private, early in November was compelled to admit the impossibility of recruiting a battery. On Nov. 20 the majority of the men he had secured were sent to Cort- land, and on Nov. 29 the rest of the squad. Mr. Pierce among the number, also went to that place, where all were enrolled. As he had been unable to secure a sufficient number of men for a company, Mr. Pierce was enrolled as a 2d Lieutenant, and his men, part of whom had at first been assigned to Co. E, 93d Inf., were divided betwen Cos. A and E, 76th Inf., which organization they joined at Albany, being mustered into the U. S. service at that place for 3 years on Jan. 16, 1862. After the draft of July 31, 1863, a half-dozen substi- tutes for Yates county men joined various companies of the regiment.44 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE " GEORGE A. ALLEN enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 22, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Detached as acting hospital steward Sept. -—. Discharged for disability, heart disease, April 7, 1863, at Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, Md. THEODORE BEACH enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 18, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Discharged for disability July 6, 1862, at Ecking- ton Hospital, Washington, D. C. JAMES B. BUSH enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Barrington, Nov. 18, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Wounded and captured in action Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Paroled, date and place not given. Wounded in action July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds Aug. 22, 1863, in Seminary Hospital, Gettysburg, Pa. MARVIN O. BYINGTON enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Nov. 27, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Albany Jan. 15, 1862. Captured in action July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Paroled Dec. 28, at City Point, Va. Deserted March 5, 1864, from parole camp at Annapolis, Md., returned June 12, and again deserted June 16, 1864. MARTIN P. CAMPBELL enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Barrington, Nov. 18, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Deserted May 4, 1862, at Ft. DeRussey, Md., near Washington, D. C. BENJAMIN F. CARPENTER enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 14, aged 28 (23) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Promoted Corporal prior to Feb. 1, 1863. Killed in action July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. WILLIAM H. CORNFORD enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 20, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Discharged for disability Sept. 24, 1862, at hospital, Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York harbor. CARLTON CORNWELL enlisted in Co. K at Canandaigua Sept. 11, 1863, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Transferred to Co. E July 1, 1864; Co. C, Nov. 18; Co. E, 147th Inf., Jan. 28, 1865, and to Co. I, 91st Inf., June 5. Mustered out with com- pany July 3, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Benjamin F. Sea- mans, of Torrey, drafted July 31, 1863. Town of Lodi, Seneca county, recruit. WILLIAM COWDEN enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov. 24, aged 23 (33) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Deserted May 1, 1862, at Ft. DeRussey, Md., near Washington, D. C. . LYMAN CULVER enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov, 18, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Promoted Sergeant March 3, 1863. Transferred to the JL02d Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Mustered out Sept. 5, 1864, at Washington, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. VALKERT DANIELS enlisted in Co. E at Canandaigua, Sept. 14, 1863, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Starkey. Wounded by discharge of his own gun, while on picket at Culpepper, Va., April 1, 1864. Right leg amputated. Discharged for dis- ability, wound, July 7, 1864, at Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. Substitute for William Brewer, of Starkey, drafted July 31,. 1863. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. MARCELLIN FINCH enlisted in Co. E at Dundee Nov. 27, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Appointed farrier in June, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 8, 1864, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. ALONZO HARRIS, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Nov. 9, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Wounded in action Aug. 28, 1862, at Gainesville, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Oct. 22, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa. Subsequent enlistment in Bat. L, 4th Art., and subsequent service in Bat. I, 14th Art. EDGAR D. HAVILAND enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov. 13, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Promoted Corporal, date not given; Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Acting 1st Sergeant from July 1, 1863, to Aug. 31. Re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, at Culpepper, Va., credited to the town of Starkey. Killed in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. SAMUEL HIGGINS enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Oct. 14, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Discharged for disability March 12, 1863, at Summit House Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ALBERT L. HILTON enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Starkey Station, Oct. 29, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14 ,1862. Wounded in action July 1, 1863, at Gettys- burg, Pa. Promoted Corporal, and detached with color guard, April 3, 1864. Killed in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. ALANSON HOLMES enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 9, aged —, years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to the 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Name not found on the rolls of the 76th Inf.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 45 EMMETT HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov. 18, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf, Jan. 14, 1862. Transferred, Nov. 5, 1862, at Washington, D. C., to 7th U. S. Inf. Assigned to Co. G Dec. 22. Transferred to Co. I March 1, 1863. Deserted Sept. 10, and arrested Sept. 22, places not given. Dishonorably discharged May 31, 1864, at Ft. Columbus, New York harbor. Also carried on the rolls of the 7th Inf., as a claimed deserter from the 3d Vermont Inf., but not found on the rolls of that regiment under the name of Houghtaling. Subsequent service in Co. B, 148th Inf. JESSE HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 24, aged 32 (34) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Wounded in action Aug. 28, 1862, at Gaines- ville, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 11, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa. Subsequent service in Co. H, 100th Inf. SAMUEL H. IVES enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov. 13, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Deserted Oct. 8, 1862, at Cortland. EDWARD KELLY enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Nov. 8, aged 34 (36) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Wounded in action Aug. 28, 1862, at Gainesville, Va. Died of wounds Sept. 16, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. BARNEY KISHPAUGH, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. K at Canandaigua, Sept. 11, 1863, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. E July 1, 1864; Co. A, Nov. 18; Co. B, 147th Inf., Jan. 28, 1865. Discharged for disability, hernia, June 3, 1865, at Campbell Hospital, Washington, D. C. Substitute for Miles W. Raplee, of Milo, drafted July 31, 1863. WILLIAM O’DANIELS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. K at Canandaigua, Sept. 11, 1863, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Sergeant Sept. 15. Captured in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died of scorbutus Oct. 17, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Substitute for Allen C. Jones, of Milo, drafted July 31, 1863. Prior service in Co. I, 23d Inf. HERSCHEL W. PIERCE enlisted in Co. A at Dundee, Oct. 9, aged 48 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland NoV. 29. Mustered into the U. S* service as 2d Lieut., with rank from Jan. 13. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. April 25, with rank from March 11; Captain, Feb. 6, 1863, with rank from Dec. 20, 1862. Discharged Oct. 9, 1864, at Yellow Tavern, near Petersburg, Va., expi- ration of term of enlistment. ALANSON POTTEiR enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 19, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to the 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Name not found on the rolls of the 76th Inf. ALONZO SEWARD enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 18, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 20. Transferred to Co. E. 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. D. , * ug. 11, 1862, at Mt. Pleasant Hospital, WashingtoA®cfe^W.ed for disablllty A CHARLES E. STAMP enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 10, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 23. Transferred to Co. A, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, and promoted Color Ser- geant from the ranks, Sept. 1, 1862, for rescuing the colors Aug. 28, in ac- tion at Gainesville, Va., after the color bearer had been shot, and bearing them through the rest of the battle. Killed in action Sept. 14, 1862, at South Mountain, Md. GEORGE STEDWELL enlisted in Co. E at Barrington, Nov. 26, aged 20 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Dec. 5. Wounded in action Aug. 28, 1862, at Gainesville, Va. Died of wounds Dec. 29, 1862, in Trinity Church Hospital, Georgetown, D. C. NICHOLAS T. TRAVIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua, Sept. 14, 1863, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Transferred to Co. H, 147th Inf., Jan. 28, 1865. Mustered out with company July 3, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Substitute for Oscar Kinyoun, of Jeru- salem, drafted July 31, 1863. GEORGE S. WELLS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua, Aug. 25, 1863, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to the 129th Co., 2d. Batt., Veteran Re- serve Corps, June 8, 1864, and to Co. I, 7th Veteran Reserve Corps, Dec. 1. Discharged July 29, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Substitute for Henry L. Dun- ning. of Milo, drafted July 31, 1863. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. See, also, Co. G, 85th Inf. NEWTON WILMOT, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Cortland, Dec. 5, aged 16 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day. Transferred to the 76th Inf. Jan. 14, 1862. Name not found on the rolls of the 76th Inf. WALTER B. WOOD enlisted in Co. E, 93d Inf., at Barrington, Oct. 16, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Cortland Nov. 29. Transferred to Co. E, 76th Inf., Jan. 14, 1862. Promoted Sergeant from the ranks June 1, 1863. Killed in action July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.46 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” ist U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS This was a so-called independent command, raised during the summer and fall by Col. Hiram Berdan, of New York City. Four companies were re- cruited in New York State, the men from this vicinity being in Co. B. On June 30th, I. Smith Brown, of Penn Yan, who was Col. Berdan’s private secretary, advertised in the locail papers that he had been appointed recruiting agent for the regiment in this state, and that he wished to secure locally 25 men skilled with the rifle, of which number he was to be one, applications for en- rollment to be made at the office of Judd & Brown, in Penn Yan. Although the inducement was held out that the men were to be armed with a new and super- ior Sharp’s breech-loading rifle, no enlistments seem to have been made prior to Aug. 29th, shortly before which date Sergeant Brown had arrived for the purpose of establishing a rifle range and trying out all volunteers as marks- men. This range is said to have been located north of the village. William Elmendorf was placed in charge of the recruiting in this -section, and 38 men in all were secured from Yates, Schuyler and Steuben counties, who were sent to Eimira to be mustered into the U. S. service on Nov. 29th, proceeding to Washington the same day. All enlistments were for 3 years. GEORGE M. BARBER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 24 (21) years. Wounded in action Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle at Bull Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 1, 1862, at Elmira. EDWIN BEEBE enlisted at Penn Yan Oct. 28, aged 24 years. Transferred to Bat. D., 5th U. S. Art., Oct. 25. 1862. Re-enlisted in that organization for 3 years at Bristow Station, Va., March 19, 1864. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Discharged for disability Aug. 28, 1865, at Camp Bailey, Md. Town of Ty- rone, Schuyler county, recruit. RICHARD NELSON BENNETT, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 26 (24) years. Discharged for disability Nov. 21, 1862, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. CHARLES M. BOGART, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 24, aged 24 years. Re-enlisted Dec, 25, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va., as Chief Musician, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864, at the same place, credited to the town of Potter. Mustered out Feb. 20, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. ROBERT V. BOGART, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 24, aged 27 years. Discharged for disability June 13, 1862, at Harrison’s Landing, Va. LEWIS M. BOYCE enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 21, aged 26 years. Transferred to Bat. D. 5th U. S. Art., Oct. 25, 1862. Mustered out Nov. 30, 1864, near Peters- burg, Va., expiration term of enlistment. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler coun- ty, recruit. IRA SMITH BROWN, of Penn Yan, enlisted at New York City May 17, aged 26 years. Appointed 1st Sergeant July 1. Promoted Sergeant-Major Oct. 10. Mus- tered in as 2d Lieut., Co., A, March 19. 1862. with rank from March 1; 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, Oct. 3. Not commissioned by the Governor of New York. Discharged Oct. 31, 1862, to accept commission as 1st Lieut, and Adju- tant, 126th N. Y. Inf. JOHN W. I. CHIDSEY enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 29 (18) years. Kill- ed in action Nov. 27, 1863, at Locust! Grove, Va. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM H. CHIDSEY, Jr., enlisted at Penn Yan Oct. 17, aged 21 (23) years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Sergeant. Discharged for disability March 1, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. Prior service in Co. C, 3d Conn. Inf., and subse- quent service in Co. F, 1st Conn. Cav. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN F. COOLEY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. H at Weehawken, N. J., Sept. 19, aged 19 years. Discharged for disability July 25, 1862, at Harrison’s Landing. Va. Subsequent service in Cos. I and C., 148th Inf., as Major of that regiment, and as 1st Lieut., 12th U. S. Inf. HARRISON DELONG enlisted at Penn Yan, Nov. 6. aged 21 years. Transferred to Co. D, Aug. 28, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 5, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., ex- piration term of enlistment. JAMES DENSMORE, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 26 (22) years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Corporal. Died of chronic diarrhea Jan. 26, 1863. in hospital at Windmill Point, Acquia Creek, Va. GEORGE H. DOWNING, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan, Nov. 5, aged 29 years. Promoted Corporal prior to June 30. 1862. Wounded in action Aug. 30, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Died of wounds Oct. 3, 1862, in Fairfax Seminary Hospital, near Alexandria, Va. JAMES DRAKE enlisted at Penn Yan. Oct. 28, aged 24 years. Wounded in actionYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE5 47 May 27, 1862.. at Hanover Court House, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 24, 1862, at Lovell Hospital, Portsmouth Grove, near Provi- dence, I. Subsequent enlistment in Bat. L, 13th Art. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. GIDEON B. DRAPER, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Oct. 26, aged 26 (22) years. Discharged for disability Oct. 22, 1863, at hospital, Baltimore, Md. Prior service in Co. G, 3d Inf. ROBERT DUNCAN, of Barrington, enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 11, aged 29 years. Died of disease June 5, 18.62, at Gaines’ Mills, Va. WILLIAM ELMENDORF enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 25 (29) years. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. April 1, 1862. Resigned Oct. 1, and discharged Oct. 18, 1862, at Penn Yan. Commissioned 2d Lieut. April 8, 1867, with rank of Aug. 29, 1861. FRANKLIN B. ELWOOD, of Barrington, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 30 (26) years. Died of disease May 15, 1862, in hospital at New York. LEWIS M. GAGE, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 18, aged 26 (22) years. Deserted May 19, 1862, when discharged from hospital at New York. Ar- rested Dec. 8, 1863, place not stated, and sent to Camp Distribution, Alex- andria, Va., from which place he deserted Dec. 29, returning Jan. 11, 1804. Returned to company Jan. 24. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. D Aug. 28. Deserted Oct. 23, from St. Mary’s Hos- pital, Rochester. Discharged through error Nov. 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., as time expired. Discharge set aside by War Department, and charge of desertion never removed. DAVID D. GANNON, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 25 (20) years. Transferred to Co. D Aug. 28, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 5, 1864, near Peters- burg, Va., expiration term of enlistment. GEORGE H. GANNON, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 25 years. Transferred to Co. A, 3d Invalid Corps, Jan. 7, 1863. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Mustered out Nov. 29, 1864, at Washinton, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. JOHN S. GANNON, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 20 years. Dis- charged for disability Nov. 1, 1862, at Sharpsburg, Md. AARON Y. GREGORY, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 21 (18) years. Discharged for disability April 3, 1862, at Camp Porter, Va. GEORGE GRISWOLD enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 21, aged 24 years. Wounded in action Sept. 17, 1862, at Antietam, Md. Transferred to Co. D Aug. 28, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., expiration term of en- listment. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. M. THADDEUS HADDEN enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 23 years. Pro- moted Sergeant prior to June 30, 1862. Wounded in action Aug. 30, 1862, at second battle of Bull Run, Va. Killed in action May 30, 1864, at Totopotomoy Creek, Va. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM J. HUIE, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 30 (20) years. Discharged for disability April 22, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alex- andria, Va. LEVI B. KETCHUM, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 29 (26) years. Discharged for disability April 19, 1862, at Judiciary Square hospital, Washington, D. C. FRANCIS E. PARIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 20 (17) years. Discharged for disability Oct. 15, 1862, at hospital, Washington, D. C. Enlisted Nov. 24, 1863, at Concord, N. H., in Co. C, 12th New Hampshire Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Transferred to Co. E, 2d New Hamp- shire Inf., June 12, 1865. Promoted Commissary Sergeant Nov. 3, 1865. Dis- charged Dec. 19, 1865, at City Point, Va. DAVID PHILBROOK, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 5, aged 29 (20) years. Discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexan- ClX*i£L JOHN PHILBROOK, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Oct. 18, aged 29 (23) years. Discharged for disability May 10, 1862, at West Point, Va. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. K, 15th Engrs. RUSSELL H. RARRICK, of Barrington, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 18 years. Wounded in action Nov. 30, 1862, at Mine Run, Va. Transferred to Co. D, Aug. 28, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., ex- piration term of enlistment. NELSON RECTOR, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 18, aged 27 (31) years. Discharged for disability Oct, 23, 1862, at Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, JAMES E. ROBINSON, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 2, aged 23 (19) years. Died of typhoid fever Dec. 3, 1862, in Harewood hospital, Washing- ton, D. C. WILLIAM M. SIMMONS, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 2, aged 25 (21) years. Discharged for disability Oct. 27, 1862, at Albany. JOHN B. SMITH enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 34 years. Dropped from the roll of September, 1862, as a deserter. Town of Wayne, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM H. STAPLETON, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 2, aged 31 (21) years. Deserted Nov. 30, 1862, from DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor.48 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE JOSEPH L. STOKES enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 28 years. Wounded in action Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull R*un, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 27, 1863, at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D. G. Subsequent service in Bat. H, 14th Art. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. BENJAMIN F. WARNER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 21, aged 25 years. Discharged for disability Sept. 20, 1862, from Benevolent Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES H. WARNER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 21, aged 29 (36) years. Discharged for disability Oct. 27, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa. Subse- quent service in Co. K, 15th Engrs. DANIEL WEAVER, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. K at Detroit, Mich., March 15, 1862, aged 19 years.' Deserted July 8, 1863, near Frederick, Md. 86th N. Y. INFANTRY The few Yates county men in this regiment were from the southern towns, enlisting in Starkey and Barrington with Capt. Amos W. Sherwood, who had formerly resided in Barrington. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira by Capt. A. T. Lee, 8th U. S. Inf., Co. A on Nov. 20; Co. F on Nov. 21, and Co. I on Nov. 23, service to date from day joined for duty and mustered. These enlistments were for three years. A number of men, mostly out-of-county substitutes and bounty men, were sent to the regiment in September, 1864. WILLIS H. CARD enlisted in Co. H for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out June 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Prior enlistment in the 1st Vet. Cav., unassigned to company. Town of Troupsburg. Steuben county, recruit. FRANCIS T. CLARK enlisted in Co. I at Barrington Sept. 28, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 9. Promoted Corporal in May or June, 1862. Deserted April 29, 1863, while marching at night to meet the enemy near Falmouth, Va. BRADFORD CRONK, of Benton, enlisted in Co. H Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out June 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Norman Rector, of Benton. DANIEL W. DAINS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F at Elmira Nov. 13, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Nov. 19. Discharged for disability April 27, 1863, near Falmouth, Va. Subsequent service in Cos. M. and B, 2d Cav. WILLETT ELLIS enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Sept. 25, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled as 6th Corporal at Elmira same day. Wounded in ac- tion Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Transferred to the 6th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, July 1, 1863. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Mustered out Sept. 23, 1864, at Elmira, expiration term of enlistment. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. ALONZO HAVENS enlisted in Co. I at Barrington Nov. 18, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 20. Dropped from the rolls as a desert- er Dec. 2, 1861. Returned to company April 6, 1863, under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Wounded in action May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va. Furloughed for 30 days May 14, from hospital at Wash- ington, D. C. Failed to rejoin company, and dropped as a deserter June 20, 1863. Subsequent service in Co. B, 22d Cav. See, also. 89th Inf. HENRY L. PIERCE enlisted in Co. H for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out June 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Prior service in same company. Town of Troupsburg, Steuben county, recruit. DARLIN POTTER enlisted in Co. H for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 34 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out June 7, 1865, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Town of Troupsburg, Steuben county, recruit. ANSON REINHARDT enlisted in Co. F at Barrington Aug. 30, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Report- ed by mistake to Co. A, 126th Inf., with which he served until Jan. 23, 1865, when he was sent to the 86th Inf. Mustered out June 1, 1865, near Washing- ton, D. C. Substitute for Isaac Crosby, of Barrington. SIMPSON H. SEELEY enlisted in Co. I at Dundee Oct. 10, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 16. Re-enlisted at Culpepper, Va., March 5, 1864. Re-mustered March 19, at same place, credited to the town of Orange, Schuyler county. Mustered out July 14, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. JOEL H. SHERWOOD enlisted in Co. I at Barrington Oct. 1, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled as 3d Sergeant at Elmira Oct. 9. Discharged for disability Sept. 15, 1862, at Washington, D. C.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 49 BYRON SPENCE, of Starkey, was enrolled at Elmira Nov. 22, aged 30 (36) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place as 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster, with rank from Nov. 12. Transferred to Co. C as 1st Lieut. March 2, 1862. Discharged on resignation June 27, 1862, place not stated. CLARK CARTER SPICER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. I at Washington, D. C., Aug. 5, 1862, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Promoted Corporal prior to Oct. 31, 1863. Wounded in action May 10, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Nov. 9, 1864, at Harewood Plospital, Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. A, 1st U. S. Vet. Vols. i3th N. Y. INFANTRY FRANCIS A. BULGER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F at Rochester Nov. 16, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with company May 13, 1863, at Rochester. Subsequent service in Bat. B, 13th Art. RUSSELL F. ELLICK, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. G at Dansville Oct. 22, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered in- to the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Dropped as a deserter prior to September, 1862. Charge of desertion removed Nov. 26, 1864, by order of the Secretary of War. EDWIN E. GALUSHA, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. B at Dansville Nov. 1, to serve unexpired portion of term of 2 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Dec. 24. Deserted May 10, 1862, while on fur- lough. Charge of desertion removed by Act of Congress of March 2, 1889, and discharged to date May 10, 1862. Enlisted Jan. 31, 1865, at Quincy, 111., in Co. A, 1481h 111. Inf., to serve 1 year. Mustered out Sept. 5, 1865, at Nash- ville, Tenn, ioth N. Y. CAVALRY All enlistments noted below, except that of Lorenzo Powell, were for 3 years. The four Yates county enlistments in 1861 were secured by Capt. Car- penter, of Co, G, and the men were mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 28th, at Elmira. JONATHAN C. CARPENTER enlisted in Co. B for Benton Jan, 26, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 27. Furloughed from hospital at Washington, D. C., July 19, 1864. No further official record, but an unofficial statement to the War Department shows that he died of disease at Catherine, Schuyler county, Aug. 5, 1864. Town of Hector, Schuy- ler county, recruit. WARREN CARPENTER enlisted in Co. B for Benton Jan. 26, 1864 aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 27. Died of disease April 13, 1864, in regimental hospital at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. GEORGE H. DARLING enlisted in Co. F for Benton Jan. 26, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 27. Captured in action June 24, at Queen’s Church, Va. Died of dysentery Aug. 24, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. ORRIN W. DIMMICK enlisted in Co. F for Milo Jan. 16, 1865, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Furloughed from hos- pital at Washington, D. C., April 2, 1865. Dropped as a deserter May 12, 1865. Canadian substitute for William Shearman, of Milo. HENRY EMBREE, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. I at Elmira Oct. 9, aged 18 (14) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Oct. 25. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 31, 1863, at Warrenton, Va., credited to the city of El- mira. Promoted Corporal Dec. 24, 1864; Sergeant, March 4, 1865. Wounded in action March 31, at Dinwiddie Court House, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, July 17, 1865, at Whitehall Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. NELSON H. GATES enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 24, 1864, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Captured in action May 24, at King William Court House, Va. Paroled Nov. 19, at Savannah, Ga. Transferred to Co. B, 1st Pro. Cav., June 17, but discharged June 28, 1865, at McClelland Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as of Co. B, 10th Cav. Prior ser- vice in Bat. H, 1st Pa. Art. Luzerne county, Pa., recruit. PATRICK H. GLENN enlisted in Co. F for Milo Jan. 14, 1865, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Killed in action March 31, 1865, at Dinwiddie Court House, Va. Canadian substitute for Foster S. Roberts, of Milo. GEORGE M. GRISWOLD, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at Prattsburgh Oct. 10, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 16, credited to the town of Prattsburgh, Steuben county. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 17,50 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 1863, at Warrenton Va. credited to the town of Prattsburg. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, in attack on the fortifications of Richmond, Va. Trans- ferred to Co. G, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 5, 1865, at Syracuse. KING E. GRISWOLD enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Feb. 24, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Transferred to Co. B, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24, 1865. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Pennsylvania recruit. JOSEPH HARTMAN enlisted in Co. H for Milo Jan. 14, 1865, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Transferred to Co. H, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Canadian substitute for William W. Agar, of Milo. WILLIAM HUNTER, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G Feb. 1, 1864, aged 31 (36) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. Killed in action May 28, 1864, at Hanovertown, Va. Prior enlistment in the 14th Art., u'nassigned to battery. GILBERT IRISH enlisted in Co. F for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease April 6, 1864, in hospital at Elmira. Town of Colden, Erie county, recruit. FRANK KING enlisted in Co. H for Milo Jan. 12, 1865, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Transferred to Co. H, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24. Mustered out July 14, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur Hos- pital, Alexandria, Va. Canadian substitute for Evan J. Potter, of Milo. JOHN MACK enlisted in Co. K for Jerusalem Jan. 12, 1865, aged 33 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged June 3, 1865, at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C. Canadian substitute for James T. Durry, of Jerusalem. LORENZO POWELL enlisted in Co. G for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Transferred to Co. G, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24, 1865. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Prior service in Co. A, 76th Inf. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. JAMES B. SHEDD, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. H at Elmira Oct. 11, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Oct. 25, credited to the city of Elmira. Discharged for disability Jan. 23, 1863, at Washington, D. C. Sub- sequent service in Co. K, 146th Inf. CHARLES H. STEARNS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. G at Prattsburg Oct. 11, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Nov. 16, credited to the town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 2, 1864, at Warrenton, Va., credited to the town of Prattsburg. Appointed bugler same day. Mustered out as supernumary June 25, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va., on regimental consolidation. GEORGE EUGENE THURBER enlisted in Co. B for Barrington Feb. 23, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Detached as teamster at dismount camp, City Point, Va., in February, 1865. Promoted Corporal in May or June. Transferred to Co. B, 1st Pro. Cav., June 24. Mus- tered out July 20, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur Hospital, Alexan- dria, Va. Erie county recruit. 98ih N. Y. INFANTRY FRANCIS M. HAYS enlisted in Co. I at Dresden Dec. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 23 (20) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Lyons same day. Mustered 'nto the U. S. service at same place Feb. 2, 1862. Discharged June 8, 1863, at Newport Barracks, Newberne, N. C., as supernumary on regimental consoli- dation. CHARLES M. WHITNEY, of Italy, enlisted in Co. F at Lyons Doc. 28, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled as wagoner same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 2, 1862. Discharged for disability Dec. 31, 1862, at Fairfax Seminary, Va. Subsequent service in Co. I, 15th Engrs. ioist N. Y. INFANTRY The five men who joined this regiment, in Co. E, were enlisted for 3 years by Edward B. Weeks, of Onondaga county, later a Lieutenant, and were mus- tered into the U. S. service at New York City March 7, 1862, by Capt. F. S. Earned, 12th U. S. Inf. ADAM ANDERSON, of Barrington, enlisted at Penn Yan Dec. 25, aged 19 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Utica Dec. 29. Wounded in action Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Died of wounds Sept. 9, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. CHARLES BROWN, of Italy, enlisted at Prattsburg Oct. 18, aged 21 years. Join-YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 51 ed for duty and enrolled at Utica Dec. 19. No record subsequent to Oct. 31, 1862. ROBERT BUJRNETT, of Italy, enlisted at Prattsburgh Nov. 1, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Utica Dec. 14. Wounded in action Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Transferred to Co. E, 37th Inf., Dec. 24; Co. K, 40th Inf., May 29, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 28, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va.; re-mustered Dec. 29, at same place, credited to New York City. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va., May 24, at the North Anna River, Va., and June 5, at Cold Harbor, Va. Transferred to Co. A July 7. Discharged for disability, wounds, Nov. 30, 1864, at Judiciary Square Hos- pital, Washington, D. C. LEV/IS STEWART enlisted at Penn Yan Dec. 25, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Utica Dec. 27. Discharged for disability, paralysis of arm, at Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa., April 11, 1863. Town of Pul- teney, Steuben county, recruit. HERMAN L. VANDEVENTER enlisted at Torrey Dec. 24, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Utica Dec. 25. Wounded in action Sept. 1, 1862, at Chantilly, Va. Died of wounds Sept. 2, 1862, in field hospital. See, also, 33d Inf. 77th N. Y. INFANTRY ALEXANDER ANNABLE, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. H at Saratoga Dec. 4, to serve 3 years, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Saratoga Springs same day. Died of disease Feb. 12, 1862, at Camp Hillman, Washing- ton, D. C. LUCIAN ANNABLE, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. H at Stillwater Oct. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Saratoga Springs Oct. 11, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Nov. 23. Discharg- ed for disability Sept. 26, 1862, at Ft. McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. 3d N. Y. ARTILLERY This regiment was organized as the 19th Infantry, and was originally composed in part of short-term men. After a brief garrison service, an effort was made at re-organization, and early in December it was given its new designation. This made necessary the raising of new companies. Lieut. George C. Breck was sent to Penn Yan on recruiting service, and during the winter secured nearly thirty men for what afterward became Battery B. These men were enlisted for 3 years, and were sent as enrolled to New York City, where the regiment was then located, and where it remained until March, 1862. The new battery was mustered into the U. S. service at Camp Ledlie Dec. 18, by capt. f. s Lamed, 12th u, s, inf., service to date from day joined and en- rolled. The regiment was sent to Newberne, N. C., in the spring; and in May was divided into light batteries. Its entire service was in the south, in North and South Carolina, where it remained until late in June, 1865. In the winter of 1863-1864 7 additional Yates county recruits were sent to the regiment, but only 2 were attached to Battery B. SHERWOOD S. BALL, of Penn Yan, enlisted Nov. 25, at Rome, N. Y., to serve 2 years, aged 29 (47) years. Mustered in same day as musician in the band of the 19th Inf., which became the 3d Art. Dec. 11. Transferred to Bat. H as private Aug. 30, 1862; to Bat. E, and promoted Corporal, May 1, 1863. Discharged at Auburn June 2, 1863, to date May 22. LEE BOOKSTAVER, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 21 (19) years. Discharged for disability Jan. 21, 1862, at New York. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. WARREN BRENNENSTUHL enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. -17, aged 18 years. Deserted Jan. 11, 1862, at New York. Subsequent enlistment in Co. I, 95th Inf. Out of county recruit. CHARLES CONKLIN enlisted in Bat. E at Barrington Jan. 12, 1864, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 13. Transferred to Bat. H March 31, 1864. Mustered out with battery June 24, 1865, at Rich- mond, Va. Prior enlistment in Co. I, 103d Inf. ORLANDO DAVENPORT enlisted in Bat. E at Milo Dec. 22, 1863, aged 30 (28) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 19. Mustered out with battery June 24, 1865, at Richmond, Va. JAMES C. DEWITT, of Potter, enlisted in Bat. A at Seneca Falls Feb. 23, 1864, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Auburn same day, credited to Seneca Falls. Transferred to Bat. E, date not given; Bat. D,52 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE April 13; Bat. G, April 27, 1864. Mustered out with battery July 7, 1865, at Syracuse. Prior enlistment in Bat. M, 4th Art. JAMES H. ECKEiRiSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 2, 1862, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York same day. Discharged for disability April 25, 1862, at New York. Subsequent service in Co. I, 148th Inf. WILLIAM F. EDGETT enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 25, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Dec. 28. Deserted Jan. 25, 1862, at New York. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. NELSON ELLIOTT enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 18 years. Pro- moted Corporal Dec. 20, 1863. Sergeant, Aug. 4, 1864. Re-enlisted Oct. 25, at Morris Island, S. C., to serve 1 year. Re-mustered Nov. 14, at Hilton Head, S. C., credited to New York City. Mustered out with battery July 13, 1865, at Syracuse. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. MICHAEL FARRELL enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 17, aged 18 (16) years. Deserted Dec. 25, 1861, at New York. Subsequent service in the U. S. Navy, and in Co. L. 8th Cav., in the Cavalry under the alias of Martin Finnegan. DAVID FINGER enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 17, aged 29 (27) years. Wounded in action Dec. 14, 1862, at Kinston, N. C. Transferred to unassigned ocmpany, 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, July 1, 1863. Mustered out at Elmira Dec. 17, 1864, expiration of term of enlistment. WILLIAM HARLOW FINGER enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 32 (29) years. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment. Prior enlistment in Co. G, 85th Inf. CHARLES H. FORSHAY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. K, 19th Inf. at Elmira, June 6, (deserting from Co. I, 33 Inf.) to serve 3 months. Transferred to Co. G Sept. 28. Discharged Oct. 21, 1861. at Muddy Branch, Md. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. A, 126th Inf. GEORGE J. GREENING enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 21 (19) years. Promoted Corporal prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Re-enlisted Dec. 16, at Rochester. Re-mustered Feb. 12, 1864, at same place, credited to the 1st Ward, Rochester. Reduced to the ranks, date not given. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out with battery July 13, 1865, at Syracuse. JAMES H. GREENING enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 24 years, wounded in action Nov. 30, 1864, at Honey Hill, S. C. Died of wounds Dec. 25, 1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. SYLVESTER GRISWOLD enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan March 18, 1862, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York March 19. Dis- charged March 27, to date March 19, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment. ALBERT HAMLIN, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. D at Auburn Nov. 1, 1862. aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the city of Auburn. Transferred to Bat. K Jan. 1, 1864. Released from im- prisonment in Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va., April 24, 1865, did not report to battery, and was dropped as a deserter May 26, 1865. Prior enlistment in Co. A, 50th Engrs. ALBERT HENRIES, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 30, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York same day. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment. JOHNSON HENRIES, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 27, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Dec. 28. Re-enlisted Jan. 31, 1864, at Morris Island, S. C. Re-mustered March 4, at the same place, credited to New York City. Mustered out Aug. 26, 1865, at Syracuse. DELOS C. HUBBARD enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 21 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Corporal. Reduced to the ranks, date not given. Carried on rolls as deserted Feb. 21, 1862, at Ft. Corcoran, Va. Arrested on that date and returned to Co. I, 33d Inf., from which he was a deserter. Subsequent service in the U. S. Navy, and subsequent enlist- ment in Co. D, 194th Inf. JOHN HUGHES enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan March 18, 1862, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York March 20. Died of disease Oct. 31, 1863, in hospital at Beaufort, N. C. Out of county recruit. PATRICK LAHAN enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 16, 1862, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Jan. 20. Promoted Corporal prior to Feb. 28, 1863. Reduced to the ranks, date not given. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment. Out of county recruit. EDWIN M. LESTER enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 25, aged 22 (24) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Dec. 28. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlist- ment. JOHN M. LIGHT, of. Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. D at Auburn Jan. 9, 1864, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Jan. 20, credited to the city of Auburn. Mustered out June 20, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Sickles Hospital, Alexandria, Va. ANDREW J. MATTHEWS enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 16, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Jan. 20. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 53 DARIUS MATTHEWS enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan March 18, 1862, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer at New York March 19. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expira- tion term of enlistment. STEPHEN MATTHEWS, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Bat. B Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. Mustered out with battery July 13, 1865, at Syracuse. VOSBURG MeGLAUGHLIN enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 9, while on a fur- lough from Co. G, 85th N. Y. Inf., aged 21 years. Deserted Dec. 27, 1861, at New York. (See service in Co. G, 85th Inf., under proper name of Henry V. McGlaughlin.) GEORGE H. McLAUGHLIN enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan 30, 1862, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Feb. 17. Accidentally injured in action April 6, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C. Discharged for dis- ability Sept. 1, 1863, at Morris Island. Re-enlisted in Bat. I at Buffalo Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with battery July 8, 1865, at Syracuse. WILLIAM H. MILLER, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 16, 1862, aged 21 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Jan. 20. Deserted Feb. 12, 1862, from Camp Ledlie, New York City. Arrested, date and place not given, and returned to battery March 8, 1864, at Newberne, N. C., being re-mustered March 15, his term of enlistment to begin, on that date. Wounded in action Nov. 30, 1864, at Honey Hill, S. C. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 9, 1865, at hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. HENRY OAKLEY enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 27, under the alias of James H. Smith, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Dec. 28. Transferred to Bat. C Sept. 1, 1862; Bat. I, May 22, 1863. Re- enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, at Newberne, N. C. Re-mustered Jan. 5 at same place, credited to the 1st Ward, City of Auburn. Mustered out with battery July 8, 1865, at Syracuse. Out of county recruit. THERLUKE PERKINS, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Bat. G at Unadilla April 6, 1864, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Auburn April 8, credited to the town of Unadilla, Otsego county. Absent without leave June 30, 1865, at* muster out of battery. Charge removed by Act of Congress of July 5, 1884, and discharged “to date” June 30, 1865. JOHN G. PHELPS enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 18 (17) years. Deserted Dec. 19, 1863, at Newberne, N. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. CHARLES A. RECTOR, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 4, 1862, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Jan. 20. Discharged as a minor Jan. 28, 1862, at New York, on writ issued by Su- preme Court Justice. JOHN F. ROBINSON enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 27, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at New York Dec. 28. Discharged March 27, 1865, to date March 11, at Hilton Head, S. C., expiration term of enlistment. Out of county recruit. JOSEPH TETER enlisted in Bat. E at Barrington Dec. 24, 1863, aged 22 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Muster- ed out with battery June 23, 1865, at Richmond, Va. SAMUUEL TETER enlisted in Bat. E at Barrington Jan. 19, 1864, aged 44 (50) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Drowned Aug. 6, 1864, falling from the U. S. medical storeship Hero of Jersey, in the James River, Va., near City Point. EDGAR A. TRAVIS enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Jan. 13, 1862, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at New York Jan. 14. Discharged March 27, 1865. to date March 11, at Hilton Head. S. C., expiration, term of enlistment. JAMES B. TRAVIS enlisted in Bat. B at Milo Dec. 17, 1863, aged 21 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery July 13, 1865, at Syracuse. JOHN TRAVIS enlisted in Bat. B at Milo Dec. 17, 1863, aged 44 (49) years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery July 13, 1865, at Syracuse. ROBERT H. WILSON enlisted in Bat. B at Penn Yan Dec. 17, aged 18 years. Deserted Dec. 28, 1861, at New York. Out of county recruit. io2cl N. Y. INFANTRY When this regiment was being organized at New York, Peter K. Deyo, who was well known in Yates and Ontario counties, from his prior residence at Bellona and Penn Yan, and who was then in business in New York, under- took to raise a company. Early in November he came to Penn Yan, where he interested several in the company. Later in the winter, in December and Jan- uary, a series of meetings were held in the county, addressed by Lieuts. Deyo and W. D. Forbes, but local conditions were not propitious, and not many54 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” recruits were secured. The company (H) was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years March 28, 1862, at the Union Race Course, on Long Island, by Capt. S. Larned, 12th U. S. Inf., service to date from enlistment. A few recruits were also sent to the regiment in the spring of 1864. The regiment was mus- tered out July 21, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. MORRIS H; BARTLETT enlisted at Italy Feb. 5, 1862, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York March 4. Re-enlisted Feb. 5, 1864, at New York,-credited to the town of Huntington, Suffolk county. Promoted Corpor- al, date not given. Killed in action July 20, 1864, at Peach Tree Creek, Ga. EDWARD BEARDSLEE, of Milo, enlisted at New York Feb. 8, 1862, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day. Promoted Corporal July 1; Sergeant, April 23, 1863. Wounded in action May 3, at Chancellorsville, Va. Re-enlisted Jan. 30, 1864, at New York, credited to the town of Huntington, Suffolk county. Returned to the ranks July 12, on consolidation of the regi- ment with the 78th Inf. Mustered out with company. ALVIN DEXTER enlisted in Co. I at Italy Feb. 15, 1864, aged 34 years. Muster- ed into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 16. Transferred to Co. H. Aug. 17. Mustered out with company. JAMES F. FOX enlisted at Italy Feb. 5, 1862, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York March 4. Discharged for disability Dec. 13, 1862, at Lovell Hospital, Portsmouth Grove, near Providence, R. I. Re-enlisted in Co. I at Italy Feb. 15, 1864, to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 16. Transferred to Co. H Aug. 17. Mustered out with company. • ; #1 AARON C. FROST enlisted at Italy Hollow Jan. 7, 1862, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled as 1st Sergeant at New York March 4. Discharged for disability April 23, 1862, at Washington, D. C. BENJAMIN F. GAYLORD enlisted at Bellona Dec. 26, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York Dec. 27. Promoted Corporal, date not given. Wounded in action Aug 9, 1862, at Cedar Mountain, Va. Discharged for dis- ability. wounds, Oct. 18, 1862, at Alexandria, Va. LORIMORE A. GRAHAM enlisted at Italy Feb. 5, 1862, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York March 4. Re-enlisted Feb. 9, 1864, at New York, credited to the town of Huntington,' Suffolk county. Promoted Cor- poral July 5, 1865. Mustered out with company. DAVID KENNEDY, of Middlesex, enlisted for Italy Feb. 14, 1864, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S, service at Canandaigua Feb. 16. Mustered out with company. ANSON MATTHEWS enlisted at Himrods Dec. 26, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York Dec. 27. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Deserted Feb. 16, 1862, at New York. Subsequent service in Co. B, 126th Inf. CHARLES L. NICHOLS enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 14, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled as Sergeant at New York Nov. 21. Discharged for dis- ability Jan. 12, 1863, from hospital at Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES SANDERS enlisted at Italy March 3, 1862, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at New York March 4. Wounded in action Aug. 9, at Cedar Mountain, Va. Transferred to Co. D, 13th Invalid Corps, July 23, 1863. Mus- tered out March 7, 1865, at Portland, Me., expiration term of enlistment. SENECA THOMPSON enlisted in Co. I at Italy Feb. 15, 1864, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 16. Transferred to Co. H Aug. 17. Mustered out with company. AMOS TOURTLOTT enlisted at Italy Feb. 15, 1864, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 16. Mustered out with company. CHARLES H. WHEELER enlisted at Himrods Dec. 26, aged 20 years. Joined . for duty and enrolled at New York Dec. 27. Discharged for disability June 10, 1862, at Douglass Hospital, Washington, D. C.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 55 l862 During the latter part of 1861 the reverses met by the Union arms and the general uncertainties existing in regard to actual conditions, had brought the whole country to a realizing sense of the immensity of the struggle in which it was involved. In no section was this condition more appreciated than in the rich farming section of New York state, which was to give up its sons so readily during the first years of the war that few young men remained who would volunteer. On July 2d came the President’s call for 300,000 men, with a quota to this state of over 50,000. The county’s quota under this call was 220, divided among the townships as follows; Barrington, 17; Benton, 26; Italy, 17; Jerusalem, 32; Middlesex, 14; Milo, 48; Potter, 24; Starkey, 28; Torrey, 14. At this -date the government bounty was still $100 per man, 3-year service, $25 being paid on enlistment, and the State bounty $50. On July 11th the Senatorial District Committee met at Geneva to arrange for securing quotas, and at this meeting the raising of the 126th Infantry in the district was decid- ed upon. On July 26th the Board of Supervisors met and voted to raise $15,000 for the purpose of aiding enlistments and for the support of volunteers’ farm ilies during their service. No bounty payments were provided for in so many words, but it was agreed that $20 per man should be paid for enlistments un- der the call. On the same day a war meeting of the citizens of the county at large was held at Penn Yan, to devise means for raising the county quota. Working in co-operation, the Supervisors and the War Committee soon had the work of raising several companies for the new regiment progressing finely, when, on August 4th, another call for 300,000 men was made, and on August 7th it was announced that if the state quota on the first call was not filled by August 15th, a draft would take place on that date. Yates county was soon out of danger from the demands of the first call, but fears were freely express- ed that much more difficulty would be experienced with the second, as it was thought that all men would not be credited on our quota who had gone into companies raised out of the county, or who had enlisted elsewhere. Disputed questions as to credits were decided by the War Committee, those between towns in the county as well as those regarding men enlisting in other coun- ties, and there is no record of friction over enlistments, although there was considerable rivalry over men. The greater difficulty was over the question of who should become officers in the companies formed. The securing of com- missions was still largely dependent upon the ability of those who desired them to recruit a certain number of men, and combinations for the raising of companies were made and broken frequently. There is no doubt politics and family influence were also sometimes factors. Under the second call, which re- sulted in the immediate raising of the 148th Infantry in the district, the quota of the county was 408 men, divided: Barrington, 31; Benton, 54; Italy, 31; Jerusalem, 67; Middlesex, 26; Milo, 85; Potter, 42; Starkey, 51; Torrey, 28. So general was the fear of a draft that individuals began paying $5 and $10 to recruits to be credited to their town’s quota. On August 21st, in view of a possible draft, a Yates county War Committee was formed, to assist the Supervisors and Assesors in the work of making up a list of the men eligible for service. Its membership was: Barrington, Samuel Williams, William Hause;56 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” Benton, Samuel Buell, Stephen Briggs; Italy, William Scott, Elisha Dbuhleday; Jerusalem, Levi Millspaugh, Josiah White; Middlesex, John Mather, Oliver S. Williams; Milo, James Y. VanAlen, Si as R. Jones; Potter, Ambrose S. Thomas, John Sayre; Starkey, William L. Sharp, Jesse G. Andrews; T'orrey, Charles A. Bogart, Samuel Embree. No record of its labors has been found, but it is of record that a complete eligible list was in hand for use by August 28th. About this date the towns of Benton and Jerusalem, through their Town Boards, made offers to recruits of $80 per man, the amounts necessary for payments in Benton being largely contributed by citizens. In the town of Milo, town bounties were being paid entirely by private subscriptions. During that week all stores in the several villages were closed, afternoons, martial music was provided, and the soap-box orator was in his glory, every means being made use of to escape a draft, and, as a result of this hard work, over six full companies were raised under the two calls. The work was continued all day Sunday, as it was supposed that that was the last day of county monetary assistance, although no date had been fixed. Saturday night war meetings were held all over the county, and several such meet’ngs were held on Sun- day in Penn Yan. That the “fire laddies’' of those days were no more deficient in patriotism than during the late war was shown by the announcement on October 16th that 17 members of the Excelsior Engine Company of Penn Yan had enlisted prior to that date, serving in the following organizations: 33d Inf., William H. Long, Michael Mahar, Charles H. Comstock; 3d Inf., John D. Rhode, Martin Cook; 50th Engrs., James H. Kelly, George B. Gray; 126th Inf., Lewis Trimmer, William Cassion, Charles Benedict; 148th Inf., Caleb G- Jackson, Charles C. Miller, George Gardner, Damon Lay, John DeBolt, Elisha Lackey, Morgan D. Tracy. On October 22d Benjamin L. Hoyt was appointed as Commissioner to supervise the draft called for November 10th, a useless pro- ceeding, as the quota had already been exceeded. His duty was to have been to hear all claims presented. Dr. Henry P. Sartwell, of Penn Yan, was appoint- ed examining surgeon. On October 30th. at a meeting of the Supervisors and enrolling officers, it was shown that since July 2d 670 men had enlisted, or 42 more than the quota. All towns but Italy and Torrey had exceeded their num- ber, so no draft was to be held, and the suspense of the year was over. Up to November 13th, when the committee in charge made its report to the Board of Supervisors, the county had paid $20 each to 554 men, under its resolution of July 26th and there had also been paid up to that date the sum of $3,422.25 to the families of volunteers, under the same resolution, and on November 28th $30,650 was voted to be raised, to pay certificates issued under the July reso- lution, so far as needed, the balance to go into a Volunteer Fund for the pay- men of bounties and the support of families. This is the first direct mention officially of bounties. In all regiments mentioned under the 1862 head, where the year of enlist- ment is not given, it was 1862. io5th N. Y. INFANTRY The few Yates county men in this regiment enlisted with Charles F. Rud- gers, a former resident of Penn Yan. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years at LeRoy March 26, 1862. by Capt. E. G. Marshall, 6th U. S. Inf. ASAHEL BENNETT enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 2, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at LeJEtoy Jan. 10. Discharged for disability June 17, 1862. from hospital at Washington, D. C. JACOB J. GREENING enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 8, aged 43 (50) years.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 57 Joined for duty and enrolled at LeRoy Jan. 10. Died of disease Sept. 28, 1862, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. EPHRAIM JONES, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 22, aged 43 (55) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at LeRoy Feb. 24. Wounded in, ac- tion Aug. 30, 1862, at the second battle of Bull Run, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds. Oct. 22, 1862, from regimental hospital, Waterford, Va. JEREMIAH S. REED, of Geneva, enlisted in Co. C at that place Dec. 8, 1861, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at LeRoy Dec. 11, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Promoted Sergeant June 1; Commissary Sergeant. Jan. 1 8, 1863. Transferred to the 94th Inf. March 10. Re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, at Mitchell’s Station, Va., credited to the town of Milo. Muster- ed in as 2d Lieut., Co. F, March 18, 1865, to date from Jan. 1; 1st Lieut, and Regimental Quartermaster, May 19, to date from March 25. Mustered out with regiment July 18, 1865, near Washington, D. C. JAMES WHEATON, of Italy, enlisted in Co. K at Geneva-Nov. 11, 1861, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at LeRoy Dec. 11. Discharged for dis- ability, loss of sight, June 27, 1862, at Weaverville, Va. PAUL WHEELER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Jan. 16, aged 43 (66) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at LeRoy Feb. 24. Discharged for dis- ability Jan. 12, 1863, at Fairfax Court House, Va. I4th U. S. INFANTRY While it is possible that otlisrs from this county served in the above regi- ment, it has been impossible to verify! the service of more than the following seven, all from the town of Starkey, who enlisted for 3 years. Securing records of any who served in the Regular Army was very difficult, and the compiler has Congressman Norman J. Gould to thank for the procuring of those which he does present. ISAAC COOK enlisted in Co. D at Buffalo Jan. 21, 1865, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Transferred to Co. D, 23d U. S. Inf., Sept. —, 1865 Discharged Jan. 21, 1868, at Camp Warner, Oregon. CLARK WARD MOORE enlisted April 4, at Geneva, aged 22 years. Assigned to Co. E. Appointed Commissary Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863. Discharged April 4, 1865, at City Point, Va., expiration term of enlistment. Re-enlisted April 13, 1865, at New York, for 3 years, in same regiment. Appointed Commissary Sergeant April 28, 1865, to date April 13. Reduced to the ranks and assign- ed to Co. A Aug. 9, 1867. Appointed Corporal Nov. 1. Discharged April 13, 1868, at Ft. Yuma, Cal., expiration term of enlistment. NORTON A. SAGE enlisted March 16, at Geneva, aged 18 years. Assigned to Co. E, 2d Battalion. Discharged for disability Aug. 8, 1862, at Harrison’s Land- ing, Va. Subsequent service in Co. F, 179th N. Y. Inf. JOHN E. SHANNON enlisted Jan. 14. at Geneva, aged 20 years. Assigned to Co. E, 2d Battalion. Transferred in March, 1863, to Co. E, 1st Battalion. Wound- ed and captured in action Aug. 19. 1864, near Petersburg. Va. Paroled Feb. 28, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged April 17, 1865, at Camp Parole, Annapolis. Md. MYRON A. SHANNON enlisted Feb. 17, at Geneva, aged 18 years. Assigned to Co. E. 2d Battalion. Transferred in March, 1863, to Co. E, 1st Battalion. Pro- moted Corporal and Sergeant, dates not given. Discharged Feb. 17, 1865, at Ft. Trumbull, Conn., expiration term of enlistment. Subsequent service in Co. I. 5th. U. S. Vet. Vols. JAMES W. SMITH enlisted March 31, at Geneva, aged 19 years. Assigned to Co. E, 2d Battalion. Appointed Corporal April 30. Deserted June 26, 1862, from Camp Sturgis, D. C. Arrested Nov. 13, 1863, at Franklin, N. Y. Dis- honorably discharged July 3, 1865, to date May 12, 1864, at Dry Tortugas, Ft. Jefferson. Fla., expiration term of imprisonment imposed by court martial. WALTER SMITH enlisted April 3, at Geneva, aged 18 (17) years. Assigned to Co. E. 2d Battalion. Appointed Corporal, date not given. Deserted June 26, 1862, from Camp Sturgis, D. C. io3d N. Y. INFANTRY This regiment was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years at New York April 7, by Capt. F. S. Larn-ed, 12th U. S. Inf. All the men who enlisted in Yates county were in Co. I, recruited at Dundee, and it is not known who secured them. CHARLES CONKLIN, of Barrington, enlisted March 6, aged 18 (15) years. Join- ed for duty and mustered at Elmira March 10. Left sick at Elmira, under the care of Dr. Way. Deserted on or about Aug. 8, 1862, at Elmira. Subse- quent service in Bats. E and H, 3d Art. BENJAMIN A. DENNISON enlisted March 4, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and58 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” mustered at Elmira March 10. Discharged for disability March 18. 1803, at Washington, D. C. Enlisted Feb. 8, 1864, at Penfield, Mich., in Co. D, 6th Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years. Mustered out Aug. 20, 1865, at New Orleans, La. EDWARD A. DENNISON enlisted March 6, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira March 13. Discharged for disability Dec. 9, 1862, at con- valescent camp near Alexandria, Va. Prior service in Co. F, 2d Mich. Inf., and subsequent service in Co. G, 147th N. Y. Inf. EMANUEL HARPENDING enlisted March 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira March 10. Mustered out with company March 17, 1865, at New York City. Home town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. JOSHUA F. NORRIS, of Barrington, enl’sted Feb. 10, aged 42 (54) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira Feb. 13. Discharged for disability May 26, 1862. at Newberne, N. C. DAVID N. PADDOCK, of Barrington, enlisted March 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Elmira March 10. Fell out on the march Nov. 5, 1862, near Wheat Landing, Va. Returned home Nov. 27, 1862, and did not return to company. __________ 5th N. Y. INFANTRY FRANCIS S. GRIMES, of Barrington, joined for duty and was enrolled Aug. 8> at camp near Warrenton, Va. Mustered into the U. S. service Aug. 9, at camp near Falmouth, Va., as 1st Assistant Surgeon, to serve 2 years, aged 29 years. Mustered out May 14, 1863. at New York City. Enrolled May 22, 1863, at Warrenton, Va., as Assistant Surgeon. 62d Inf., to serve 3 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service June 15, to date from May 22. Promoted Surgeon Feb. 19, 1864. to date from Dec. 20, 1863. Mustered out June 29, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. _____________ ro7th N. Y. INFANTRY HARVEY G. DE1NNISTON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Elmira Aug. 6, to serve 3 years, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered as Corporal same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Aug. 13, Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Nov. 3, with rank from Oct. 27; 1st Lieut., May 24, 1863. Resign- ed, the commanding officer stating his habits rendered him unfit for the ser- vice, and discharged April 4, 1864, to date March 31, in camp at Bell Buckle, Tenn. Subsequent service in Co. C, 188th Inf. THOMAS PERRY, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E at Elmira Aug. 4, to serve 3 years, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Aug. 13. Deserted Sept. 7, 1862, on march between Camp Seward and Rockville, Md. Subsequent service in Bat. K. 14th Art. DAVID SMITH, of Starkey, enlisted in Co D at Elmira July 31, to serve 3 years, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Aug. 13. Captured Nov. 3, 1864, at Rutledge, Ga., on Shearman’s march to the sea. Supposed to have died at Florence, S. C., about Feb. 23, 1865, a prisoner of war. 126th N. Y. INFANTRY This regiment was discussed, although under no definite name, long be- fore the conditions arose which called it into -being, the raising of a regiment in the Senatorial district having been suggested in the Yates County Chronicle in October, 1861. A month prior to the call under which it was raised, in June, 1862, discussion began again, and, before the end of the month, Frederick Stewart had opened a recruiting office and had enrolled a number of men. On July 2d came the President’s call for 300,000 men, followed next day by a proclamation by Governor Morgan, giving the number of men to be fur- nished by the State, which was soon followed in its turn by an order calling for the raising of a regiment at least in each Senatorial district, and appoint- ing a so-called “War Committee” in each one. Those appointed for Yates county were County Judge William S. Briggs, Stafford C. Cleveland, editor and proprietor of the Yates County Chronicle; Morris Brown, Sr.; Meletiah H. Lawrence, Sr.; Hon. Darius A. Ogden, of Penn Yan; Dr. Charles S. Hoyt, of Potter, and Alexander F. Whitaker, of Benton. The district committee met in Geneva July 11th, and perfected the plans for raising the new regiment. Recruiting immediately began with a rush. Combinations of would-beYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 59 company officers were formed. One was Truman N. Burril-l, Samuel A. Barras and George D. Carpenter, all of Penn Yan. Another, William A. Coleman, of Penn Yan; Richard A. Bassett, of Dundee, and Henry Squier, of Italy. John H. Brough, of Potter, threw in his fortunes with a company being raised in Ontario county, and Frederick Stewart elected to play a lone hand. Charles Kelly announced his intention of raising an Irish company, with Richard B. Mahar as 2d Lieut., and a 1st Lieut, from Ontario county. Kelly’s efforts soon proved unavailing, and he abandoned the work, the men refusing to enlist under a captain of their own nationality. On July 31st the county’s quota under the call was given out as 220. Capt. Burrilil’s company was then nearly filled, and with the battle cry of “Little Yates to the Front” was brought to mustering strength on Aug. 1st, leaving for the newly-opened Camp Swift, at Geneva, next day, being the first com- pany to report. The men were immediately examined by the surgeons, 91 passing and 4 or 5 being rejected. The muster-in rolls would indicate tfcat Capt. Burrill secured 92 men for this company (A), also 2 men in Co. C and 4 in Co. K. These latter 6 men were secured for Co. A, but were assigned to other companies to bring them up to mustering strength. Lieut. Barras se- cured 7 men for Co. A. Owing to some disagreement, about this date Henry Squier withdrew from the combination into which he had entered, Meletiah H. Lawrence, Jr., of Milo, taking his place, and on Aug. 7th the second Yates county company (B), went to Geneva. Co. E, to which Lieut. Brough was at- tached, soon followed. He had secured 29 men for it, 14 of whom were from Yates county. Lieut. Stewart, who had enlisted 22 men, 18 of them from Yates county, formed a combination with Capt. Aiken, Co. G, of Seneca county. After the opening of Camp Swift its command was successively offered to and refused by Hons. Charles J. Folger, of Geneva, and Darius A. Ogden, of Penn Yan. It was then tendered to Hon. Eliakim Sherrill, of Geneva, who accepted the post, and later became the Colonel of the new regiment, which was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years Aug. 23d, Cos. A and G by A. J. Wheeler, Adjutant, and Cos. B and E by 1st Lieut. Alfred Foot, 14th U. S. Inf. When mustered in the officers of Co. A were: Capt. Truman N. Burrill; 1st Lieut., Samuel A. Barras; 2d Lieut., George' D. Carpenter; 1st Sergeant, Mor- ris Brown, Jr.; Sergeants, Samuel J. Wilson, Charles W. Forshay, Wallace W. Betts and Otto Marshall Paris; Corporals, Daniel Kelly, Smith Fuller, Bar- nard Gelder, Charles Stebbins, Daniel Goff, Smith iStebbins, Lott W. Rogers and Charles Noreott. When mustered out, not one of these officers remained, and consolidation had left the company with few Yates county officers, James H. Griggs being 2d Lieut.; William L. Chriscaden, 1st Sergeant; Richard M. Allen, Sergeant, and Albion C. Shepard, Patrick Manley and Henry G. Moore, Corporals. The same was true of Co. B. Its officers at muster-in were: Capt., William A. Coleman; 1st Lieut., Richard A. Bassett; 2d Lieut., Meletiah H. Lawrence, Jr.; 1st Sergeant, Oscar C. Squier; Sergeants, T. Spencer Harri- son, Erasmus E. Bassett, Henry P. Cook, Henry O. Childs; Corporals, Edwin Jessop, Edwin M. Knapp, George A. Hays, Martin V. McCarrick, George Chap- man, Samuel A. Nichols and Henry S. Nichols, while when mustered out the only Yates county officers were Frank B. Hamlin, Sergeant, and Charles C. Hicks, Egbert C. Hopkins and Charles M. Hyatt, Corporals. Mustered-in in Co. E with Lieut. Brough were Fayette Green, as Sergeant, and Joshua Brink, as Corporal, and on muster-out its Yates county officers were 1st Lieut. John F. Randolph and Corporal John P. Culver. On reporting for duty at Washington, the regiment was sent to Harper’s Ferry, Va. There the post was under the command of Col. D. H. Miles, U. S. A.,60 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE" a thoroughly incompetent officer, and believed by many to have been in league with the enemy. Shortly afterward the garrison was attacked by a large force, and this green regiment, with several others, contended against heavy odds for three days—Sept. 13, 14, 15—surrounded and with no communication with troops advancing to its aid, and, on Sept. 15, was surrendered by the post commander. Thus a stain of cowardice, for which a few newspaper scribblers from New York City were largely responsible by their garbled reports, was placed upon a brave body of men, a stain which was over and over again wash- ed out in blood, notably at Gettysburg in July, 1863. Rollin G. Beach, Isaac Beilis, Roland G. Embree, Albert A. Quick, Lewis Trimmer, John R. Tuttle and Joseph.R. Tuttle, of Co. B, were killed in this action, and William H. Dubois, William Robinson, James Ryan and Spencer Turner, of Co. A, had deserted prior to the engagement. All the rest of the men were captured and were paroled next day. Marched to Annapolis, Md., they were loaded into box cars and shipped to Chicago like cattle, arriving Sept. 28, and being assigned to Camp Douglass, which had just been vacated by a large contingent of rebel prisoners. This place was unfit for human occupancy, the home of all known pests, and the conditions there were the cause of many absenting themselves from their companies, a number never to return. Desertions after parole and before arriving at Chicago had also been quite numerous. Early in October Surgeon Hammond, acting under the authority of and at the request of Gov. Morgan, visited Washington in an effort to secure the removal of the troops from Camp Douglass to a more healthful and cleanly place. An order was actually secured for the transfer of the 126th to some point in New York state, but it was revoked through the influence of inter- ests which were profiting by the maintenance of the Chicago camp. On Nov. 19 all New York state troops paroled at Harper’s Ferry were exchanged, and on Nov. 24 the regiment left Chicago, proceeding to Washington, where, at Camp Chase, on Arlington Heights, it was, on Dec. 2, again armed and equip- ped. It was then sent to Union Mills, Va., for guard duty. At this time Col. Bull announced that all deserters who presented themselves before Jan. 1 would be returned to duty, all others court martialed if caught. Co. A had 20 date the regiment begun routine work, a part of the great body of troops de- fending the approaches of Washington. Later it was known as one of the fight- ing regiments. Few recruits joined it, and it became so low in numerical strength that on Dec. 25, 1864, it was necessary to consolidate it into a batta- lion of five companies. It was mustered out in camp near Alexandria, Va., June 3, 1865. AARON H. ABEEL, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rnshville Aug. 4, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached to Pro- vost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN C. ADAMS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. K at Canandaigua Aug. 13, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Middlesex. Detached to ambulance corps Jan. 1, 1863. Returned to company April 30, 1863. Wounded in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds July 24, 1864, in Christian Street Hospital, Washington, D. C. ABEL D. ALLEN, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. A May 13, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. Captured in action April 2, 1865, at Souther- land’s Station, Va. Re-captured April 9, at Appomatox Court House, Va. Transferred to Bat. A, 4th Art., June 3. Mustered out Sept. 29, 1865, at New York City. RICHARD M. ALLEN enlisted in Co. A at Middlesex July 28, aged 21 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Promoted 2d Sergeant from the ranks Nov. 1, 1864. Wounded in action April 2, 1865, at Southerland’s Station, Va. Mustered out June 5, 1865, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. WARREN ALLEN enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 1, aged 40 years. JoinedYATES COUNTY’S “ EOYS IN BLUE ” 61 for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached in July or August, 1864, for duty in 1st Division, 2d Army Corps Hospital at City Point, Va. Returned to company Jan. 5, 1865. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. ARMSTRONG enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Promoted Corporal Dec. 2, 1862. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Dis- charged as supernumary Dec. 25, 1864, near Petersburg, Va,., on consolida- tion of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. CHARLES W. AUSTIN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 6, aged 27 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. De- serted Sept. 24, 1862, at Baltimore, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Subsequent enlistment in Co. L, 20th Cav., and subsequent service in the U. S. Navy. WILLIAM AX TELL enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 7, aged 24 (22) years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Aug. 8, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded and missing in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and is reported to have died July 4, a prisoner of war. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. JAMES BADGER* of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Nov. 21, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. WILLIAM BAIN enlisted in Co. G at Potter Aug. 6, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted ucc. 14. 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. OLIVER C. BAKER enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 17, 1862, at Fred- erick City, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. WILLIAM BAKER enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN BARREN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, credited to the town of Benton. Transferred to Co. G, to fill company, by order of Col. Sherrill, same day. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Name transferred to roll of Co. E Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies, and carried as “absent, wounded, since May 6, 1864,” to muster out of company, but he is believed to have died in hospital at Washington, D. C., date not known. SAMUEL A. BARRAS, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 4, aged 34 years. Mustered into the U. S. service ast 1st Lieut., Co. A, with rank from Aug. 4. Acting Adjutant from September 2 to Oct. 9, 1862. Dismissed Dec. 13, 1862, by order of the President, with the loss of all pay and allowances due or to become due, for being in the city of Washington without authori- ty, and in violation of General Orders. Ordered restored to rank Feb. 16, 1863, if vacancy was not filled, but failed to return. Prior service in Co. D, 33d Inf. ERASMUS E. BASSETT enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 4, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Dundee Aug. 6. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 3d Sergeant. Appointed Color Sergeant May 1, 1863. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. RICHARD A. BASSETT, of Barrington, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 8, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. B, with rank from Aug. 8. Commanded company from July 1, 1863, to Oct. 31. Commanded Co. E from Feb. 27, 1864, to March 27. Mustered in as Capt., Co. E, March 28, with rank from March 1. Detached in command of Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, from April 4, 1864, to Nov. 17. Absent, sick, from Nov. 17 to muster out, for disability, Jan. 18, 1865, at Dundee. ORRIN BATES, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Eddytown Aug. 4, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. ROLLIN G. BEACH enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Killed in action by shell fire, while lying in trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. WILLIAM BEEBE enlisted in Co. A at Dundee July 29, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as drummer. Promoted principal musician April 15, 1865. Mustered out with regiment. NATHAN D. BEEDEN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Captured in action Aug. 25, 1864, at Ream’s Station, Va. Paroled March 9, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out June 12, 1865, at Elmira. ISAAC BELLIS enlisted in Co: B at Milo Aug. 4, aged 44 years. Joined for duty62 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE w and mustered at Penn Yan Aug. 5. Killed in action by shell fire, while ly- ing- in trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. CHARLES C. BENEDICT enlisted in Co. G at Benton Center July 31, aged IS (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Promoted 1st Corporal Oct. 31, 1863. Wounded in action Feb. 6, 1864, at Morton’s Ford, Va. Wounded and captured in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died of disease and wounds Jan. 12, 1865, at Florence. S. C., a prisoner of war. JEWETT BENEDICT, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 15, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day, credited to the town of Starkey. Discharged for disability Oct. 7, 1862, at parole camp, Chicago, 111. Subsequently served as a musician in the Norfolk Post Band. WALLACE W. BETTS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Sergeant. Discharged for disability Nov. 4, 1862, at parole camp, Chicago, 111. DANIEL J. BEYEA, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Captured in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn/ Ford, Va. Died March 4, 1864, at Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. HENRY BILSON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 7, aged 25 (35) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Oct. 19, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. JOHN T. BLANSETT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 5, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Deserted Oct. 14, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company April 1, 1863, at Centerville, Va., under the Presi- dent’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances for two months and fourteen days. Wounded in action July 2, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred Nov. 6, .1863, to the 52d Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged July 7, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. ROBERT D. BLAUVELT, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 2, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Jan. 13, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. ALBERT L. BOGART, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville July 25, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded and missing in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va., and is supposed to have died a prisoner of war. JAMES M. BOOTH enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Died of smallpox Dec. 31, 1862, in field hospital near Union Mills, Va. MOSES U. BOOTH enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 26, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as drummer. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. De- tached as hospital attendant Feb. 11, 1864. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. BOWEN enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 28, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action Sept. 15, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Left arm amputated. Died of wounds Oct. 7, 1862, in U. S. Hospital, Division No. 1, Annapolis, Md. ANSEL BRACE enlisted in Co. B at Starkey July 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Discharged for disability April 11, 1864, at Cliffburne Hospital, Washington, D. C. JEROME BRINK, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. E at R,ushville Aug. 9, aged 35 (25) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Discharged for disability Feb. 24, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. JOSHUA T. BRINK, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville July 28, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Corporal. Returned to the ranks Jan. 1, 1863. Captured in action Oct. 14, at Auburn Ford, Va. Died Aug. 16, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. TYLER BRINK, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 9, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Trans- ferred to the 17th Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, May 10, 1864. Died of wounds Dec. 15, 1864, in hospital at Newark, N. J. LEVI P. BRIZEE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 1, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Mustered out with company. JOHN H. BROUGPI, of Potter, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 14, aged 35 years. Mustered into the IT. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. E, with rank from Aug. 14. Acting Adjutant from Oct. 25 to Nov. 15. Mustered in as Captain Dec. 22. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disabili- ty, wounds, and to accept an appointment in the Veteran Reserve Corps, March 3, 1864. Appointed 2d Lieut., 116th Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, same date, with rank from Feb. 29. Transferred to the 18th ReserveYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 03 Corps, Feb. 8, 1865. Mustered out Jan. 1, 1868. U. S. Breveted Captain, to date March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. IRA SMITH BROWN, of Penn Yan, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, 1st U. S. Sharp- shooters, was enrolled as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant at Geneva Sept. 2, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Chicago, 111., Nov. 17, with rank from Oct. 3. Mustered in as Major Nov. 20, 1863, with rank from Nov. 13; Lieutenant-Colonel, June 17, 1864, with rank from April 18. Commissioned Colonel July 27, 1864, with rank from June 17, but not mustered, the regi- ment not having the required number of men. Detached as U. S. Inspector of Volunteers. State of Wisconsin, with headquarters at Madison, April 2, 1864, Ordered to St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 18, 1864, before examining board, and recommended for Colonel, U. S. Colored Troops. Appointed such April 12, 1865, but recruiting ceased before the regiment was organized.-Returned to 126th regiment May 11, 1865. Mustered out with regiment. MORRIS BROWN, Jr., of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Sergeant. Muster- ed in as 1st Lieut. Dec. 13; Captain, April 24, 1863. Presented a medal of honor by Congress for participation in the capture of the flag of the 14th North Carolina Inf. July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Killed in action June 22, 1864, near Peters- burg, Va. PATRICK O. BULGER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 7, aged 42 (46) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action May 30, 1864, at Totopotomoy Creek, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Nov. 24, 1864, at Lincoln Hos- pital, Washington, D. C. REUBEN BULLOCK enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, April 21, 1864, at hospital. Newark, N. J. MELVIN N. BUNCE enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 30, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. GEORGE BURCH enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 25, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan July 26. Mustered into the U. S. service as wagoner. Grade changed to private in November or December, 1863. Wounded in action May 10, 1864, at the Po River, Va. Mustered out with company. JAMES BURNS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Sept. 17, on march from Harper’s Ferry, Va., to Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111, Returned to company Jan. 5, 1363, at Union Mills, Va. Tried by court martial; found guilty. Proceed- ings disapproved by Major-General Casey, charge of desertion reduced to absence without leave, and prisoner returned to duty. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. Prior en-‘ lislment in Co. I, 33d Inf. TRUMAN N. BURRILL, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 4, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. A, with rank from Aug. 4., Discharged for disability, “to date” April 24, 1863. Appointed Com- missary of Subsistence June 30, 1864> to date from June 13, 1864, and as- signed to duty in the office of the Chief Commissary of Subsistence, Wash- ington, D. C. Assigned to field duty Sept. 20, with the 2d Brigade, 2d Divis- ion, 18th Army Corps; Dec. 5, to the 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 24th Army Corps; Jan. 6, 1865, to the Artillery Brigade, 27th Army Corps; March 10, to Point of Rocks, Md., as Post Commissary. Assigned to duty June 18, as Chief Commissary of Subsistence, District of Roanoke, Va. Ordered July 8 to New Orleans, La., and Aug. 26 assigned to duty on the staff of Major- General Philip H. Sheridan, as Inspector of Subsistence, Military Division of the Gulf, embracing the states of Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Relieved Dec. 1, and ordered to duty at Baton Rouge, La., as Post Commissary of Subsistence. Discharged Feb. 22, 1866. U. S. breveted Major Feb. 4, 1866, to date from June 25, 1865, for faithful services* in the Subsis- tence Department. JAMES THERON BUTLER enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 4, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 21, 1862, from parole camo at Chicago, 111. GEORGE A. BYINGTON, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Aug. 1, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached to Provost Guard 2d Army Corps. Anril 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. GEORGE D. CARPENTER, of Penn Yam, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 4, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. A, with rank from Aug. 4. Resigned and discharged Dec. 29, 1862, at Elmira. Enrolled at Horse- heads and mustered in as private, Co. A, 179th Inf., Feb. 17, 1864, to serve 3 years, credited to the town of Horseheads. Mustered into the TJ. S. service as 1st Lieut, at Elmira March 22. Promoted Captain Dec. 23. Mustered out with company June 8, 1865, near Alexandria, Va.64 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” WILLIAM CASSION enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug-. 1, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va., and July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg, Pa. Wounded and captured in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Paroled April 21, 1865, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga. Mustered out June 10, 1865, at Elmira. GEORGE W. CHAPMAN enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 6, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 6th Corporal. Wounded in action Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va., and July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Killed in action May 10, 1864, at the Po River, Va. BENJAMIN F. CHASE, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Geneva Aug. 7, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Detached as teamster for the regimental quartermaster Dec. 1, 1862. Mustered out with company. HENRY' O. CHILDS enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service •as 5th Sergeant. Deserted Nov. 21, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. ALVAH B. CHISSOM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Deserted Oct. 15, at Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company April 4, 1863, at Centerville, Va., under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Detached as nurse at hospital at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2. Deserted July 15, 1862, at Get- tysburg. WILLIAM L .CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Transferred to Co. K Aug. 22. at Geneva, to fill company, by order of Col. Sherrill. Mustered into the U. S. service as 7th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 27, 1863. Wounded in action July 2, at Gettysburg, Pa.; Feb. 6, 1864, at Morton’s Ford, Va., and May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. A Dec. 25, on consolidation of the regi- ment into a battalion of five companies, and promoted 1st Sergeant same day. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. F. 23d Inf. LEVI COLE enlisted in Co. A at Middlesex July 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pai, and May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Left arm amputa- ted. Discharged for disability, wound, Feb. 12, 1865, at Central Park Hos- pital, New York City. WILLIAM A. COLEMAN, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 8, aged 32 years, Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. B. with rank from Aug. 8. In command of the regiment from afternoon of July 3, 1863, to July 26. In command of draft depot at Elmira from July 26 to Dec. 20, Discharg- ed for disability March 18, 1864, in camp near Brandy Station, Va. JAMES COLLINS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 1, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, and transferred to Co. G, to fill com- pany, by order of Col. Sherrill, same day. Detached to Provost Guard. 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Transferred to Co. E Dec. 25, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Mustered out with com- pany. JOHN CONKLIN enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 1, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Oct. 19, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. PIENRY P. COOK enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 5, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Sergeant. Promoted Sergeant-Major Dec. 2. Killed in action July 3, 1863, at Gettvsburg, Pa. EDWIN CORYELL enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 6, aged 28 years. Joined foi duty and mustered at Dundee same day. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. A, 21st Invalid Corps, Nov. 18. Re-trans- ferred to Co. B, 126th Inf., Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out with company.- JOHN P. CULVER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Geneva Aug. 14, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Detached for dutv at hosoital. Ft. M’fflin, Philadel- phia, Pa., from Feb. 12, 1864, to Aug. 20. Promoted Corporal Sept. 10. Trans- ferred to Co. E Dec. 25, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Mustered out with company. JOHN W. CUMMINGS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 29, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan Aug. 11. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with com- pany. EBBN B. DAINS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 22 years. Joined for dutv and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Died of dis- ease March 27. 1863. in Brigade Hospital at Union Mills, Va. GEORGE W. DAVIS enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted June 25, 1863, at Cen- terville, Va. Arrested Aug. 11. at Penn Yan, and returned to company Sept. 23, at Robertson’s River, Va. Tried by court martial, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances to Oct. 31.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” B5 Missing- in action May 10, 1864/at the Po River, Va., and is supposed to have been killed. * * u DANIEL DAY, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G at Benton Aug. 13, aged 22 years. Join-* ed for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo; Wounded in action July 4, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds July 20, 1863, in Seminary Hospital, Gettysburg, Pa. ISAAC P. DE PEW enlisted in Co; B at Jerusalem Aug. 4, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 9. Transferred to the 10th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. and lhter to Co. G, 10th Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out June 30, 1865, at Washington, D. C. - ADELBERT F. DOW, of Jerusalem, enlisted in’ Co. A at Brafichport July 28, aged 18 (16). years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Transferred to Co. G, to fill company, at Oeneva, Aug. 22, by order of Col. Sherrill. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Trans- ferred to Co. E Dec. 25, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. DUBOIS enlisted in Co. A at Potter Center July 24, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 8, 1862, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. JOHN DUFFY enlisted in Co. A at Milo July 29; aged 39 (42) years. Joined for duty and mustered at -Penn Yan same day. Transferred to CO. G, to fill company, at Geneva, Aug;. 22. by order of Col. Sherrill. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg* Pa. Deserted Aug. 8, from hospital at Newark, N. J., was arrested at Elmira Aug. 21, and returned to company Sept. 5. Transferred to the 86th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Feb. 19, 1864. Discharg- ed Sept. 2. 1864/ at Washington. D. C., by reason of re-enlistment for 3 years/credited to the town of Whitestown, Oneida county; was transferred to .Co. I, 18th Veteran Reserve Corps, and later to Co. H. 24th Veteran Re- serve Corps. Mustered out Nov. 18, 1865,-at Washington, D. C. MARK H. DUNHAM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D at Naples Aug. 5, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Naples. Ontario county. WoUnded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettys- burg. Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Sept. 24, 1863, at hdspital, Broad and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia- Pa. • " THE RON T. DUNN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 15, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same daY and place, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Trans- ferred to the 6th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Jan. 3, 1864. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb.'11, 1864, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. FRANK DUNNIGAN enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 9, aged 21 years. Join^ ed for dutv and mustered same day and place. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps. April 4, 1864, Captured in action Aug. 25. at Ream’s Station, Va. D;ed March 8. T865, at Salisbury. N. C., a prisoner of war. JOHN DUNNIGAN enlisted In Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Transferred to Co. G, to fill com- pany at Geneva, Aug. 22. by order of Col. Sherrill. Wounded in action May 6, 1864. at the "Wilderness, Va. Killed in action June 16, 1864, near. pAters- burr. Va. . ! CHARLES H. DUNNING enlisted in Co. B at Dresden Aug. 5, aged, 25 - years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in jaction July 2. 1*63, at Gettysburg. Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, Anril 4, 1864. Captured in action Aug. 25. at Ream’s Station^ Va. Paroled Feb. 25,, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Mustered out June 9, 1865, at El- mira. ‘ V : :- ORPIN D. EDGETT enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the to^n of Milo. Wounded ip action July 2. .1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached to 1st Rhode Island Dattery' Oct. 16. Returned to company Aug. 28. 1864. Mustered out with company. Town of Pulteney, Steuben'- county, recruit. HORACE F. ELLIS enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan. July ,30, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day1. Promoted 5th Corporal and at- tached to color guard Nov. 1, 1803. Killed in action May 10, 1864, at the Po R:ver, Va. ' - - (ROLAND L. EMBREE enlisted in Co.. B at Torrey July 25, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penh’ Yari same day. Promoted Corporal Aug. 28. .Killed in action by shell fire, while lving in trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights near Harper’s Ferry, Va. . . GEORGE W. IRWIN, of Potter, enlisted in Co., K at Canandaigua, Aug. 7, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action Oct. 14. 1-863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Transferred to Co. A Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of, the regiment into a battalion of five companies, and to th^ 114th Co1., 2d Batt., .Veteran Reserve .. Corps. March 13. 1 865. Discharged July 18, 1865, at Washington, D. C. AUSTIN READER FEAGLES, of Benton, enlisted in.Co. A at Penn Yan July 18, aged 33 years. Joined for duty ahcf mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, -credited to the town of Benton. Deserted Nov. 24, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, in. " ' ' .. " ,.. BYRON K. FEAGLES. of Benton, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan July 26, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustefed same day and place, credited to66 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE the town of Benton. Wounded in action Feb. 6, 1864, at Morton’s Ford, Va. Died of wounds Feb. 19, 1864, in the hospital of the 2d Division, 9th Army Corps, at Stevensburg, Va. DANIEL WARD FINCH, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 1, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Pro- moted Cprporal Nov. 7; Sergeant, May 1, 1863. Wounded and captured in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Paroled Nov. 18; at Richmond, Va. Wounded in action May 10, 1864, at the Po River, Va., and June 16, at the assault on the outworks of Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Co. I, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1865. Mustered out June 29, 1865, at Wash- ington, D. C. CHAJRLES H. FINGER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. G at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day, credited to the town of Ben- ton. Wounded in action May 30, 1864, at Totopotomoy Creek, Va. Trans- ferred to Co. E Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a batta- lion of five companies. Mustered out June 26, 1865, at Annapolis, Md. JOHN W. FINGER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. CHARLES W. FORD, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. D at Naples Aug. 9, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day at Canandaigua, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Wounded in action Sept. 13, at Mary- land Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Died of wounds Oct. 26, 1862, in U. S. Hospital, Division No. 1, Annapolis, Md. CHARLES H. FORSHAY enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 3d Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant Nov. 29. Commissioned 2d Lieut. June 6, 1863, with rank from April 24. Tried by general court mar- tial, 3d Division, 2d Army Corps, on charges of misbehavior in the face of the enemy, cowardice, and absence without leave before the enemy at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2. Found guilty on all three charges, sentenced to be cashiered, “and that the name, place of abode, and punishment, shall be published in New York state in one or more newspapers, as the Secretary of War may direct.’1’ Returned to duty as 1st Sergeant, the sentence being in- operative, he not having been mustered in as 2d Lieut. Reduced to the ranks and fined $30 Dec. 30, by Special Orders, 3d Division, 2d Army Corps, for cowardice and misbehavior before the enemy at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863. Absent from the company in hospital at Alexandria, Va., from March 22, 1864, to May —, 1865. Mustered out with company. Prior enlist- ment in Co. I, 33d Inf., and prior service in Bat. G, 3d Art. JOHN H. FROST enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and while on picket Oct. 29, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out June 14, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. SMITH FULLER enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 8, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 13, 1862; 1st Sergeant, Dec. 30, 1863. W'ounded in action May 10, 1864, at the Po River, Va. Died of wounds May 12, 1864, in hospital at Fredericksburg, Va. JOHN H. GARRISON, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Oct. 19 from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company Dec. 8, at Union Mills, Va. Charge of desertion reduced to ab- sence without leave. Appointed Brigade teamster Feb. 13, 1863. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Mustered out with company. MORTIMER GARRISON enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 5, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds July 28, 1863, in Seminary Hos- pital. Gettysburg, Pa. CHARLES W. GAYLORD, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Killed in, action July 2, 1863, at Gettyburg, Pa. BARNARD GELDER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered into the U. S. service as 3d Corporal. Discharg- ed for disability Dec. 11, 1863, at hospital, Newark, N. J. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. H, 58th N. G. S. N. Y. BARNARD F. GELDER enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Killed in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. DAVID H. GOFF enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the; U. S. ser- vice as 5th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 29; 1st Sergeant, April 24, 1863. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds July 4, 1863, in Seminary Hospital, Gettysburg. JACOB GOODSELL enlisted in Co. A at Potter Center July 24, ag'ed 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Transferred to Co. G,YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 67 to fill company, at Geneva, Aug-. 22, by order of Col. Sherrill. Discharged for disability Feb. 27, 1863, at Union Mills, Va. Subsequent service in Co. K, 15th Engrs. FAYETTE GREEN, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 6. aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Sergeant. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 27. Promoted 5th Sergeant from the ranks Jan. 1, 1863. Slightly wounded in action May 13, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va., and again wounded in action June 3, at Cold Harbor, Va. Mustered out as supernumary Dec. 25, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.. on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. WILLIAM W. GREEN enlisted in Co. F for Benton Sept. 10, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 16. De- tached as acting Regimental Hospital Steward Oct. 7. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five com- panies. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JAMES H, GRIGGS enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 4, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Promoted 4th Sergeant from the ranks Dec. 2, 1862. Detached as clerk in the office of the Division In- spector from April 22, 1864, to June 8. Transferred to Co. A and mustered in as 2d Lieut. June 9, with rank from May 15. In command of the ambu- lance corps of the 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, from June 20 to June 1, 1865. Mustered out With company. ELLSWORTH HAIGHT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Tan Aug. 6, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, cred- ited to the town of Jerusalem. Died of measles Feb. 6, 1863, in Brigade Hos- pital at Union Mills, Va. WILLIAM HAINER enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 2, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Oct. 19, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested at Canandaigua, Sept. 5, 1863, and returned to company Oct. 5. 1863, at Robertson’s River, Va. Tried by general court mar- tial, found guilty, and Sentenced, April 9, 1864,' to forfeit all pay and allowr ances While absent, pay all costs of apprehension, and make up all time lost by desertion. On duty in the ranks on and after March 15. 1864, by order of Gen. Hays. Unexpired portion of sentence remitted April 25, 1865. Mus- tered out with company. PRANK R. HAMLIN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Regimental mail carrier from Sent. 1, to Jan. 15, 1863. Promoted 5th Sergeant from the ranks April 30, 1864. Detached as clerk in the office of the Inspector-General, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, from June 26 to date of muster out with company. FLETCHER M. HAMMOND, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered as Sur- geon at Albanv July 16, aged 47 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Geneva Aug. 23, with rank from July 15. In January, 1863, assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Hays, as Surgeon-in-Chief or the Brigade, at Union Mills. Va., where he remained until March 31, when the hospital was re- moved to Centerville, Va. Continued as Surgeon-in-Chief until June, 1864. Then detached to City Point, Va., to establish a base hospital for the 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, and late? to organize, establish and take charge of a hospital for colored troops, Army of the Potomac, at the same place. Remained there until Dec. 20, when he was detached for duty as Medical Inspector for the Western Division of the State of New York, with head- quarters at Elmira. Returned to the field March 20, 1865, and was assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Miles, as Surgeon-in-Chief, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps. Mustered out with regiment. FRANCIS A. HARFORD enlisted in Co. A at Benton July 28, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Died of typhoid fever Jan. 10, 1863. in Brigade Hospital at Union Mills, Va. ALONZO ’R. HARRIS enlisted in Co. E at Rushville July 26, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Deserted Dec. 4, at Union Mills, Va. Reported to headquarters of Provost Marshal at Elmira April 4, 1863, under President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenc- ed to lose all pay and allowances during absence, forfeit one month’s pay, and serve 30 days at hard labor. Returned to duty with company April 25, at Centerville, Va. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Discharged May 30, 1865, at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Naples, Ontario county, recruit. JOHN HARRIS, of Italy, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 9, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. T. SPENCER HARRISON enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 2, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 2d Sergeant. Appointed Chaplain Aug. 22, and mustered in as such Aug. 31, with rank from Aug. 22. Detached to the hospital of the 1st Divis- ion, 2d Army Corps, from Aug. 9, 1864, to May 27, 1865. Mustered out with regiment. EDGAR B. HAVENS enlisted in Co. G at Benton Center July 31, aged 19 years.68 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ! Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 3d Sergeant. Reduced to 1st Corporal March 4, 1863. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 31. Reduced to the ranks May 22, 1864. Detached at Brigade headquarters from June 3 to July 6. Captured in action Aug. 25, at Ream’s Station, Va. Paroled March 9, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out June 28, 1865, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. GEORGE A. HAYS, Jr., of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 4, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same; day and place. Mustered ed into the U. S; service as 5th Corporal. Deserted Sept. 18, 1862, on march from Frederick to Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. WILLIAM A. HAYS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Dresden Aug. 5, aged 22- years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 18, 1862, on march from Frederick to Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. DECATUR A. HEDGER, of Italy, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua July 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Wounded in action July 2, 1868; at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Jan. 11, 1864, at con- valescent camp near Alexandria. Va. Subsequent service in Co. G, 188th Inf. JAMES HENDERSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, agd 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Pro- mated Corporal Dec. 15 i Sergeant, June 1, 1863. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and May 10, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Right leg amputated. Discharged for disability, wound, July 31, 1865, at Finley Hos- pital, Washington, D* C. ABNER HENRIES enlisted in Co* A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 24, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. ■ - WILLIAM HERRIES, Jr., of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Died of disease April 25, 1863, in rooms of Sol- diers’ Relief Association, Baltimore, Md. JAMES R. HIBBAfRD enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 29, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Detached as orderly to Gen. Hays April 5, 1863. Died of typhoid fever April 14, .1863, in Brigade Hospital at Centerville, Va. CHARLES C. HICKS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 1.8 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. De- tached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Promoted Corporal July 1. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav. JAMES E. HICKS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 2, aged 18 years; Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec; 26, 1862, from Columbian College Hospital, Wash- ington, D. -C. - LAWRENCE WILLIAM HOBART, of Potter, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 2, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credit- ed to the town of Potter. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. JOSEPH HOLLOWELL enlisted in Co. B at Milo July 26, aged 44 (54) years. Joined fori duty and mustered same day and place. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. ^ ... - - - EGBERT C. HOPKINS enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 17. aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Promoted Corporal July 1. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, Aug. 1. Mustered out with company. ALEXANDER H. HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. B at Starkey July 31, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Deserted Sept., 24, 1862, at Baltimore, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. AMOS V. HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. B at Starkey July 31, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Died of disease Oct. 23, 1862, at Harrisburg, Pa., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. CHRISTOPHER HOUGHTALING enlisted in Go. B at Starkey July 31, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company Sept. 29, 1863, at' Robertson’s River, Va. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenc- ed to lose all pay to Feb. 1, 1854. Killed in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilder- ness, Va. FRANKLIN H. HOUNSON, of Benton, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 14, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca,-Ontario county. Deserted Sept. 27, 1862, en route from Anna- polis, Md., to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company March 15, 1863, at Union Mills, Va. Oharge of desertion reduced to absence without leave, and prisoner returned to duty. Died of disease June 9, 1864, at his - home in Benton, while on furlough. WILLIAM P. HOUSE enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 44 (47) years. Joined for-duty and mustered same day . and place. Detached as nurse in regimental hospital Oct. 10, 1862, and to 3d Brigade hospital, in same capa- city, April 20, 1863. Mustered out June 6, 1865, at Harewood Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE?> 69 GHARLES S. HOYT, of Potter, was enrolled and mustered as 1st Assistant Sur- geon at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service Aug. 23, at same place. Remained in charge of the sick and wounded at Har- per’s Ferry until Oct. 11. Rejoined regiment at parole camp at Chicago Oct. 29. Mustered into the U. S. service May 11, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va., as Surgeon, 39th Inf. Detached as Executive Officer at the hospital of the 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, at City Point, Va., from June 10 to Jan. 12, 1865, and from the latter date practically Surgeon-in-charge. Mustered out with regiment July 1, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. ^ WILLIAM T. HUDSON enlisted in Co. G at Benton Center Aug. .11, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 19, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Dishonorably discharged at Elmira Sept. 28, 1865, by mustering officer at that place, by direction of the War Department. DAVID J. HUFFMAN enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan July 21, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Oct. 17, 1864, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New .York harbor., JAMES K. P. HUSON, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Penh Yan July 29, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Starkey, Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. CHARLES M. HYATT enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 1, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa,, and May 6, 1864, at .the Wilderness, Va. Promoted Cor- poral ’July 1. Detached as clerk at headquarters 2d Army Corps Sept. 1. Mustered out with company. EDWIN JESSOP. enlisted iri Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Aug. 22. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. G, 11th Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 28, 1864. Discharged June 29, 1865,. at Albany. DANIEL KELLY enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place.; Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 7. Accidentally wounded in hand by discharge of his own gun Dec. 25, while in charge of a picket detail near Union Mills, Va. Discharged for disability, wound, Feb. 5, 1863, at Ascen- sion Hospital, Washington, D. C. .... ........ , _. NIEL J. KELLY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place,' credited to the town of Milo. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. EDWIN M. KNAPP enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Mustered into the U. S. service as 3d Corporal. Wounded in action. Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near. Harper’s Ferry, Va. Discharged for-disability, wounds, Jan. 21, 1863, at Elmira. Subsequent service in Co. F, 179th Inf. FRANKLIN R. KNAPP, 6f Milo, enlisted in,Co. E at Geneva Aug. 15, aged 22 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited ta the town of Jerusalem. Deserted Nov. 23, 1862, from parole camp at Chi- cago, 111. . - JAMES H. LATHEY enlisted in Co. B at Dresden Aug. 4, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Deserted Nov. 21, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested Jan. 23, 1864, place not given, and returned to company March 16, at Stevensburg, Va. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to. .lose all pay and allowances while absent. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va., and March 31, 1865, at Boydtown 'Road, Va. Mustered out June 15, 1865, at McClellan Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ... . . ........... MELETIAH H. LAWRENCE, Jr., of Milo, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8, aged.21 years.,Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. B, with rank from Aug. 8. Wounded' in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Mustered in as 1st Lieut. March 19, 1864, with rank from March 1. Detached as Aide-de-Camp to Col. Paul Frank,, commanding the Brigade, from April 25 to May 10. Wounded in action May 10, at the Po River, Va. Commissioned (not mustered, declined) Captain May 25, with rank from April 18. Discharg- ed for disability, wounds, Aug. 10, 1864, at Annapolis, Md. RUSSELL A. LINCOLN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Aug. 1, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability, Dec. 31, 1862, at Judiciary SqUare Hospital, Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. D, 147th Inf. ORSON R. LINKLETTER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 24 year. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited ,to the town of Beaton. Wounded in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. DAVID G. LITTLE, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Dundee Aug, 1, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862, at Pittsburg, Pa., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Enlist- ed in Co. B, 194th Inf., at Dix, Schuyler county, Feb. 26, 1865, to serve 170 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” year. Joined for duty and mustered at Owego same day, credited to the town Of Dix. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira April 29. Mustered out with company May 3, 1865, at Elmira. WILLIAM LONG enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 9, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to the 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Feb. 4. 1864, and to Co. A, 2lSt Veteran Reserve Corps, March 16, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1865, at Trenton, N. J. LUTHER C. LOTT enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 6, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Starkey. Deserted Nov. 21, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested by Pro- vost Marshal, 9th District of Indiana, Feb. 15, 1864, and returned to com- pany March 4, at Union Mills, Va. Tried by general court martial, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to lose all pay and allow- ances during absence, make good all time lost by desertion, and pay all costs of apprehension, Wounded in action June 22, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with company. JOHN C. MACE enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 1, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered Same day and place. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4. 1864. Mustered out With company. PATRICK MANLEY enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 1, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 17. 1862, at Fred- erick, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested Oct. 17, 1863, at Niagara Falls, and returned to company Nov. 1. at Culpepper, Va. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and Sentenced to lose all pay and allowances while absent, forfeit all pay to Feb. 29, 1864, and to serve 13 months additional to make up time lost by desertion. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1865. Wounded in action March 31, at Boydtown Road, Va. Transferr- ed to Bat. A, 4th Art., June 3. Unexpired portion of sentence remitted by order of Major-General Dix, and discharged June 12, 1865, at Campbell Hos- pital, Washington, t). C., as of Co, A, 126th Inf. ANSON MATTHEWS, of HimrodS, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Aug. 6, credited to the town of Milo. Died ox disease March 2. 1863, in Brigade Hospital at Union Mills, Va. Prior enlistment in Co. H, 102d Inf. JOHN D. MAYNARD, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached to Quartermasters’ Department from Oct. 5, 1862, to July 22, 1864. Muster- ed but With company. JAMES McALLISTER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 29, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Starkey. Mustered into the U. S. service as fifer. Grade changed to private, date not given. Discharged for disability Dec. 5, 1862, at Washing- ton, D. C. Subsequent enlistment, unassigned to company, in the 15th Engrs. WILLIAM B. McALLISTER enlisted in. Co. B at Dundee AUg. 2, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 7. Discharged for disability Dec. 4, 1862, from City Hospital, Chicago, 111. Subsequent enlistment, unas- signed to company, in the 15th Engrs. MARTIN V. McCARRICK, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Eddytown. Aug. 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered Same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 2, 1862. Cap-,, tured in action Aug. 25, 1864, at Ream’s Station, Va. Died of diarrhea Dec. 16. 1864, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. THOMAS T. McCARRICK, of Starkey enlisted in Co. B at Eddytown Aug. 4, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Promoted Corporal Dec. 14. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Mus- tered out as supernumary Dec. 25. 1864. near Petersburg, Va., on consolida- tion of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. GEORGE W. McKNIGHT enlisted in Co. A at Middlesex July 23, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and nlace. Wounded in action Sent. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, Feb. 13, 1863, at City Hospital, Chicago, 111. Subsequent service in Co. C, 146th Inf. DANIEL B. MEAD, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 26, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. G Aug. 22. at Geneva, to fill company, by order of Col. Sherrill. Deserted May 6, 1863, place not Stated. Arrested, place and date not given, tried by general court martial, and found guilty. Deserted June 23, at Centerville, Va., while awaiting sentence. Arrested Aug. 15 at Penn Yan, and returned to company Sept. 23, at Culpeoper, Va. Sentenced to serve 1 year at hard labor on entranchments. Returned to duty July 6, 1864, having Served out sentence. Died of disease Dec. 8, 1864, in Stanton Hospital, Washington D. C. ARTHUR W. MIDDLETON enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 30. aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Wounded in ac- tion July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Wounded and captured in action Oct. 14, at Bristoe Station, Va. Paroled Oct. 29, 1863. at Richmond, Va. Transferred to the 145th Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15. 1865. Discharged Aug. 3, 1865, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor.YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE 71 KICHARD H. MILES enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 2, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Deserted Nov. 21, from pa- role camp at Chicago, 111. Voluntarily returned to company April 14, 1864, at Stevensburg, Va. Tried by general court martial, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances to March 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. EDGAR T. MILLARD enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Dundee same day. Appointed wagoner Jan. 7, 1864. Mustered out with company. GEORGE N. MILLIS enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan June 25, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 17, on the march from Harper's Perry to Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company Jan. 6, I860, at Union Mills, Va. Tried by general court martial, and found guilty. Proceedings disapproved by Major- General Casey, charge reduced to absence without leave, and prisoner re- turned to duty. Captured in action Oct. 14, at Auburn Ford, Va. Paroled March 21, 1864, at} City Point, Va. Wounded in action May 28, at Totopoto- moy Creek, Va. Discharged May 31, 1865, at New York City. NELSON MILLIS enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 5, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Deserted Sept. 16, at Harper’s Perry, Va. Returned to company March —, 1863, at Union Mills, Va. Tried by gen- eral court martial, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances for 3 months and 10 days. Deserted June 27, at Edwards’ Perry, Va. Returned to company Sept. 26, at Robertson’s River, Va. Captured Dec. 4, near Mine Run, Va. Died of disease March 11, 1864, at Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. JOHN J. MONROE, of Milo, enlisted in Co. D Feb. 4, 1864, aged 28 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Peb. 9, credited to the town of Starkey. Wounded m action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Trans- ferred to Bat. A, 4th Art., June 3, 1865. Discharged June 19, 1865, at St. Mary s Hospital, Rochester. Prior service in Co. P, 146th Inf. CHARLES E. MOORE enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point July 29, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for dis- ability May 21, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. GEORGE MOORE enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 5, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Detached to Brigade pioneer corps Dec. 10, 1862. Mustered out with company. HENRY O. MOORE enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point Aug. 1, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. MYRON C. MORSE enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point July 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Transferred to Co. C Aug. 22, at Geneva, to fill company, by order of Col. Sherrill. Detached as hospital attendant in November, 1863. Discharged for disability July 14, 1864, at Ar- miory Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. ALEXANDER A. MOSHIER, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 8, aged 32 (22) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 9, cred- ited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettys- burg, Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Muster- ed out with company. JAMES H. MOSHIER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day, credited to the town of Milo. Detached as teamster in Brigade ambulance corps Jan. 10, 1863. Mustered out with company. ALBERT MURDOCK enlisted in Co. D at Benton Feb. 8, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Peb. 11. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Bat. A, 4th Art., June,1 3, 1865. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 9, 1865, at Central Park Hospital, New York City. LEWIS MURPHY enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 29, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Transferred to the 145th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Sept. 30, 1863. Dis- charged May 8, 1865, at New York City. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. HENRY S. NICHOLS enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. service as 8th Corporal. Wounded in, action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Pro- moted 5th Sergeant July 1. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, in September, 1864. Mustered out as supernumary Dec. 25, 1864, near Peters- burg, Va., on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five com* panies. SAMUEL A. NICHOLS enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 2, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into1 the U. S. ser- vice as 7th Corporal. Killed in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. CHARLES M. NICHOLSON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Rushville July 23, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Wounded in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Died of wounds Jan. 11, 1864, in Augur Hospital, Alexandria, Va.72 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOVS IN BLUE ” CHARLES NORCOTT enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 22 years.: T Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 6th Corporal. Reduced to the ranks prior to Dec. 15, 1862. De- tached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. JAMES NORMAN enlisted in Co. B at Torrey July .25, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Transferred to Co. K Aug. 22, at Geneva, to fill company, by order of Col. Sherrill. Deserted Oct. 3, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested Jan. 16, 1864, at Niagara Falls, and re- turned tp company. Feb. 23, at Stevensburg, Va. Tried by general court mar- tial, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, April .3, found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances that were or might become due him, to be dis- honorably discharged April 28, 186T4, and to serve 3 years at hard labor at the Dry Tortugas, Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Uncompleted, portion of sentence re- mitted Oct. 25, 1865. . , ...... PETER M. NORMAN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Geneva Aug. 7, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Trans- ferred to Co. A, 21st Veteran, Reserve Corps, Sept. 15, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1865, at Trenton, N. J. ELIAS A, NORRIS, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 2, aged 22 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8, credited to the town of Starkey. Appointed Corporal Aug. 22. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at, Gettysburg, Pa. JOHN J. OAKLEY enlisted in Co. A at Potter Center July 23, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at.Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability Feb. 27, 1863, at Marine Hospital, Chicago, 111. Subsequent ser- vice in Co. C, r5th Cav. ALFRED C. OLDS enlisted in Co. A at .Penn Yan July 29,,aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Mid- dlesex. Detached to Pioneer Corps from Dec. 12. 1*62, to March, 1864. Wound- ed in action May 6, at.the Wilderness, Va.,. and March 31, 1865, near Peters-1 .burg,, Va* Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county recruit.^ JOHN OI*F, of Rotter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville July. 28, aged 31 (21) years.' Joined for quty and mustered same day, and place. Wounded and captured in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died of wounds Aug. 1 1864 r at Lynchburg, Va., a prisoner of war. ’ ’ CALEB J. OSBORN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 6, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and, mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862, at Baltimore,'Md., en route to parole camp at, Chicago 111 JOHN H. OSBORN enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 2, aged 22 years Joined for duty.and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Discharged for disability loss of sight of right eye, Feb. 17. 1863, at Union Mills, Va. DAVID H. PARIS enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Julv 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same dav. Promoted Corporal May 1 1863. Detached for duty at recruiting depot at Elmira July 27, 1863 Return- ed to the ranks Feb —, 1865. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Elmira. OTTO MARSHAL PARIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Julv 2* aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered into the U. S. service as 5th Sergeant. . . Returned to the ranks June 1, 1863. Discharged for disability Sept. 19, 1863, at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va. PETER F. PARIS enlisted in Co, A at Branchport Aug. 6, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day, credited to the town of Jeru- /; salem./Wounded in action May ;6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Mustered out with companv. Town of Prattsburg. Steuben county, recruit. JOHN W. PARKER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co, A at Branchport July 28. aged 27 years . Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Wounded :n action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 18,64...Mustered out with company. HARLAN T. PARSONS enlisted in Co. A at Italy Aug., 1, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Died of typhoid fever Sept. 21, 1863. in hospital at Washington, D. C. , ' HENRY E. PARSONS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 2 aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Died of measles Feb. 3, 1 863. at Union Mills, Va. LEWIS T. PARTRIDGE .enlisted in Co. A at Geneva July 28. aged 19 .years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 15, credited to the town of Middlesex. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Muster- ed out-with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. DAVID PERRIGO, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 30 years. Joined for1 duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted NoV. 21, 1862, ‘ from parole cafnpr Chicago, rIll. ; a ^ , , 0 FRANKLIN S. PETTINGILL enlisted m Co. B at West Dresden Aug.. 6. aged 18 years Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in ac- tion July Z, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 3, 1865. at Armory Souare Hospital, Washington,^ D. C. r■ . CHARLES R. PINNEO enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 5, aged 38 years. Joined, YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 73 for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Detached as regimental hos- pital attendant Jan. 10, 1863, Injured June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va., by timber thrown against him by explosion of shell. Mustered out June 27, 1865, at Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. JAMES PLACE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. G at Tyre, Seneca county, July 31, aged 18 (14) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Waterloo Aug. 6. Wounded in action July 3. 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. E, Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five com- panies. Mustered out May 29, 1865, at barracks at Trenton, N. J. FRANCIS E. POOL enlisted in Co. A at Benton Center July 24, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, Jan. 25, 1864. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Leg ampu- tated. Transferred to the 72d Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1865. Discharged for disability, wound, at Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 9, 1865. ROBERT H. POOL, Jr., enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 24 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Ben- ton. Appointed bugler, date not given. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Get- tysburg, Pa. WILLIAM J. POOL enlisted in Co. A at Benton Center July 25, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Captured in action Oct 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. Paroled-April 27, 1864, at City Point, Va. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Oct. 7, and assigned to Co. H, 14th Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1865. Dicharged June 29, 1865, at Corral barracks, Washington, D. C. AMOS J. POTTER enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Arm amputated. Promoted Corporal July 4. Discharged for disability, wound, Jan. 10, 1865, in hospital, Washington, D. C. ORRIN POTTER enlisted in Co. B at Starkey July 28, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 11. Accidentally injured in action Sept. 13, at Maryland Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. Dicharged for disability, dislocated ankle, Dec. 24, 1862, at City Hospital, Chicago, 111. NORMAN POTTS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. G at Milo Aug. 14, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Deserted Sept. 25, at Harrisburg, Pa., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Arrested Oct. 17, 1863, at Niagara Falls, and returned to com- pany Nov. 1, at Warrenton, Va. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to serve out time of absence after term of enlistment of regiment had expired. Died of chronic diarrhea Jan. 12, 1864, in regimen- tal hopital at Stevensburg, Va. CHARLES H. POWERS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Detached to the 3d Brigade band Feb. 18, 1863, transferred to drum corps June 25, and returned to band Aug. 24. Wounded in action Nov. 27, 1863, at Mine Run, Va. Mustered out with company. ELWIN R. PRATT enlisted in Co. E at Rushville July 24, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place July 28, credited to the town of Pot- ter. Discharged for disability Feb. 14, 1863, at camp near Union Mills, Va. Subsequent service in Bats, H. and E, 4th Art. Town of Gorham, Ontario county, recruit. STEPHEN C. PURDY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Mustered out June 15, 1865, at McClellan hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ANDREW L. PUTNAM enlisted in Co. B at Starkey July 31, aged 23 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Died of disease Jan. 13, 1863, in Brigade hospital at Union Mills, Va. ALBERT A. QUICK, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 2, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Killed in action by shell fire while lying in the trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. ANDREW J. RALPH enlisted in Co. G at Benton Center Aug. 8, aged; 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Bristoe Station, Va. Captured in action Aug. 25, 1864, at Ream’s Station, Va. Name transferred to Co. E Dec. 25 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Paroled March 8, 1865, at Ai- ken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out June 14, 1865, at Elmira. JOHN F. RANDOLPH, of Himrods, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 15, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Aug. 18, credited to the town of Milo. Detached as Adjutant’s clerk in October, 1862. Promoted 1st Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; 1st Sergeant, March 1; Sergeant-Major, July 2. Mus- tered in as 2d Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864, with rank from Oct. 27, 1863; 1st Lieut., April 1. In command of company from Feb. 29 to Sept. 22. Wounded in action May 12, at Spottsylvania, Va. Mustered in as Adjutant Sept. 22. Mustered out with regiment.74 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” CHARLES E. RAYMOND, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 13, aged 18 years, Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Mustered into the U. S. service as musician. Discharged for disability, injury, April 1, 1863, from regimental hospital at Centerville, Va. Subsequent service in Co. C, 15th Cav. WILLIAM RAYMOND, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day, credited, to the ■ town of Milo. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds July 17, 1863, in Seminary Hospital, Gettysburg, Pa. CALVIN L. READ enlisted in Co. A at Italy Hollow Aug. 1, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. JGT'YT RECTOR enlisted in Co, G at Benton Center Aug. 11, aged 20 years, joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Transferred to Co. E Dec. 25, 1864, on con- solidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Mustered out May 30, 1865, at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C. MEDFORD RECTOR enlisted in Co. G at Benton Center Aug. 10, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Aug. 11. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Transferred to Co. E Dec. 25, 1864, on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. Mustered out with company. SIDNEY D. RICE enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 5, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached as orderly at Brigade headquarters from March 3, 1863, to July 1; Division headquarters from that date to March 25, 1864. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864, and detailed as clerk in Provost Marshal’s office same day. Mustered out with company. Subsequent service in Troop G., 5th U. S. Cav. ANSON REINHARDT enlisted at Barrington Aug. 30, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Reported by mis- take to Co. A, 126th Inf., with which he served until Jan. 28, 1865, when he , was sent to the 86th Inf., to which he was originally assigned. Substitute for Isaac Crosby, of Barrington. SHERMAN W. ROBINSON enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 26, 1864, from St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM ROBINSON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 8, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Aug. 25, 1862, from Camp Swift, Geneva. Steuben county recruit. LOTT W. ROGERS enlisted jn Co. A at Middlesex July 25, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 7th Corporal. Discharged for disability Oct. 6, 1863, at Rulison Hos- pital, Annapolis Junction, Md. JOHN N. RONEY enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability Feb. 23, 1863, at Union Mills, Va. JAMES RYAN, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 1, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Deserted Sept. 8 at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Arrested June 17, 1863, at Buffalo, and returned to company Oct. 2, at Robertson’s River, Va. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances to Dec. 31, all pay to June 30, 1864, and to serve one year and nineteen days additional time to make up that lost by desertion. Balance of time remitted, and mustered out Aug. 18, 1865, at Elmira, by order of Major- General Dix. CHARLES A. SEWARD enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 6, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 11. Deserted Sept. 26, 1862, en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. CHARLES B. SHAW, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded and captured in action June 22, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds June 30, 1864, in Poplar Lawn Confederate hospital, near Petersburg, Va., a prisoner of war. ABNER W. SHEARMAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Discharged for disability Dec. 11, 1862, at City Hospital, Chicago, 111. ALBION C. SHEPARD enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point July 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Promoted 6th Cor- poral May 1, 1863. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Detached to color guard Aug. 26. Mustered out with company. ASA SHERWOOD enlisted in Co. B at Barrington July 31, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Wounded and captured in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died of wounds, date and place not definitely known, but probably at Lynchburg, Va., as he was seen at that place in a dying condition.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 75 CYRUS SHERWOOD, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 2, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Deserted Oct. 19, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Re- turned to company Dec. 8, at Union Mills, Va. Charge of desertion reduced to absence without leave. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances during absence. Detached as Brig- ade teamster Feb. 9, 1863. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. SHOEMAKER, of Barrington, enlisted ifi Co. A at Dundee July 31, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan Aug. 1, cred- ited to the town of Barrington. Captured in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. Died Feb. 22, 1864, at Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. SPENCER H. SLINGERLAND enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 31, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability March 31. 1863, at Brigade hospital at Union Mills, Va. EUGENE M. SMITH, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. D Feb. 10, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 12, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Detached Jan. 25, 1865, as attendant at Division hospital. Transferred to Bat. A, 4th Art., June 3. Mustered out Sept. 25, 1865, at Washington, D. C., as of the 126th Inf. GEORGE W. SMITH, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. C at Varick, Seneca county, Aug. 9, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Varick. Wounded in action June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, March 18, 1865, at Stan- ton Hospital, Washington, D. C. ORLANDO B. SMITH, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Barrington. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Discharged June 17, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES M. SNYDER, Jr., of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. G at Penn Yan Aug. 9, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Died of disease Oct. 11, 1863, while on furlough at his home in Jerusalem. JOSEPH B. SNYDER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 26, 1862, en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. ALBERT S. SPRAGUE enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 4, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Died of disease Jan. 28, 1863, in Brigade hospital at Union Mills, Va. OSCAR C. SQUIER enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 26, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Sergeant. Commissioned (not mustered) 2d Lieut. April 7, 1864, with rank from March 1. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Dis- charged as supernumary 1st Sergeant Dec. 25, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., on consolidation of the regiment into a battalion of five companies. WILBUR F. STANTON, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 6, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Discharged for disability Jan. 22, 1863, at Baltimore, Md. CHARLES W. STEBBINS enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place July 29. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Corporal. Deserted Oct. 19, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. Reduced to the ranks prior to Nov. 7. Returned to company Dec. 4, at Union Mills, Va. Charge of desertion reduced to absence without leave. De- tached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, June 5 to June 25, 1863. Trans- ferred to the 38th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Sept. 1. Discharged Aug. 21, 1864, at Washington, D. C., by reason of re-enlistment for 3 years Aug. 22, credited to the town of Rye, Westchester county. Transferred Dec. 21 to Co. D, 7th Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged for disability Sept. 12, 1865, at Kalorama Hospital, 'Washington, D. C. SMITH STEBBINS enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 6th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Feb. 5, 1863. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, from June 5 to June 28. Wounded in action July 3, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 16, 1864, at El- mira. CHARLES W. STERLING, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Middlesex July 25, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Slightly wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability May 25, 1865, at Albany. CHARLES P. STEVENS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 31, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Promoted 1st Corporal Feb. 23, 1863; Sergeant, Sept. 1. Died of chronic diarrhea Nov. 5, 1863, in Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. A, 8th Cav. GEORGE T. STEVENS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Oct. 19, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. FREDERICK B. STEWART, of Benton, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Aug. 15, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. G, with rank from Aug. 15. Resigned and discharged Jan. 5, 1863, at camp near Union Mills, Va. Subsequent service in Co. M, 20th Cav.76 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE WILLIAM M. STROBRIDGE enlisted in Co. A at Potter Center July 29, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Promoted Cor- poral Jan. 5, 1863. Wounded in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va., and March 25, 1865, at the storming of entrenchments near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds March 26, 1865, in field hospital near Petersburg. CHARLES P. STRONG enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 31, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Discharged for disability Jan. 14, 1863? at City Hospital, Chicago, 111. ROBERT B. SUTTON, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 4, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 7, credited to the town of Starkey. Accidentally wounded by the discharge of his own gun while on picket near Union Mills, Va., Dec. 11. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Captured July 3, near Gettysburg. Paroled Aug. 29, 1863, at City Point, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 27, 1865, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. DAVID D. TAYLOR, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 29 (27) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Detached to Brigade ambulance corps Jan. 10, 1863. xvius- tered out with company. DAVID E. TAYLOR, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Corporal Nov. 7. Detached as cook at Brigade hos- pital from Jan. 10, 1863, to Oct. 14. Wounded in action Oct. 14, at Auburn Ford, Va. Transferred to the 81st Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, July 29, 1864, and to the 86th Co., 2d Bait., Veteran Reserve Corps, July 29, 1865. Discharged Aug. 14, 1865, at Washington, D. C. JAMES TAYLOR, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 11, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Detached as Brigade teamster Oct. 17, 1864. Mustered out with company. DAVID O. TEARS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 30, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability Jan. 28, 1863, at City Hospital, Chicago, 111. Subsequent en- listment in Co. D, 194th Inf. ALBERT THOMAS enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 4, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. THOMAS enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged for disability, wounds, Oct. 20, 1864, at Elmira. THOMAS TOBIN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Aug. 18, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, credited to the town of Benton. Killed in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. JAMES BENTLEY TOOMS, of Italy, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 28, aged 28 (32) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 9, credited to to the town of Italy. Transferred to Co. G at Geneva Aug. 22, to fill com- pany, by order of Col. Sherrill. Deserted Nov. 26, 1862, at Baltimore, Md., en route from parole camp at Chicago, 111., to Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. B, 189th Inf., as James Bentley. ISAAC TRAVIS enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point July 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Died of disease Nov. 24, 1862, in hospital at Chicago, 111. LEWIS TRIMMER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 5, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Killed in action, by shell fire while lying in trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. ALEXANDER TURNER enlisted in Co. A at Potter July 24, aged 22 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Died of disease Sept. 24, 1862, in hospital at Harper’s Ferry, Va. SPENCER TURNER enlisted in Co. A at Potter July 25, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Deserted Sept. 8, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Arrested May 21, 1863, in 30th Congressional District. Died of disease Sept. 9, 1863, near Alexandria, Va., en route from desertion. JOHN R. TUTTLE enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 5, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Killed in action, by shell fire while lying in the trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Har- per’s Ferry, Va. JOSEPH R. TUTTLE enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 5, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 8. Killed in action, by shell fire while lying in the trenches, Sept. 15, 1862, at Bolivar Heights, near Harper’s Ferry, Va. THADDEUS B. TWITCHELL, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva Aug. 18, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credit- ed to the town of Middlesex. Killed in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. GEORGE B. TYLER enlisted in Co. B at Torrey Aug. 7, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Wounded and captured in ac-YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE” 77 tion Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. Paroled March 21, 1864, at City Point, Va. Wounded in action May 30, at Totopotomoy Creek, Va. Died of wounds June 10, 1864, at his home in Dresden. PHINEAS TYLER enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Aug. 1, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1863; Sergeant, Feb. 29, 1864. Wounded in action May 6, at the Wilderness, Va. Right arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wound, Dec. 25, 1864, at Broad Street Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAM R. TYNDELL enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 28, aged 35 (25) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Killed in action June 1, 1864, at the North Anna River, Va. JAMES W. UPDIKE' enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 5, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Detached as teamster in 2d Army Corps wagon train prior to April 30, 1863. Mustered out with company. JOHN VAUGHN enlisted in Co. A at Bluff Point Aug. 1, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Transferred to the 1st Battalion, Invalid Corps Sept. 1, 1863, and to Co. A, 20th Veteran Reserve Corps, to take effect March 15, 1865. Discharged June 28, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES E. WALKER enlisted in Co. B at West Dresden Aug. 6, aged 23 (33) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 21, 1862, from parole camp at Chicago, 111. STEPHEN WALKEiR, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 2, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action Oct. 14, 1863, at Auburn Ford, Va. Transferred to Co. A. 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 14, 1864. Discharg- ed June 28, 1865, at Washington, D. C. JERRY WALL, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Received medal of honor from Congress for participation in the cap- ture of the flag of the 14th North Carolina Inf. at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mustered out with company, JAMES EMMETT WARNER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 7, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Detached as hospital attendant from Jan. 22, 1864, to Nov. 9. Captured in action April 2, 1865, at Southerland’s Station, Va. Re- captured April 9, at Appomatox Court House, Va. Mustered out with com- pany. CHARLES S. WATERS enlisted in Co. A at Branchport July 31, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Detached to Provost Guard, 2d Army Corps, April 4, 1864. Mus- tered out with company. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. LUTHER WEAVER, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan July 30, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and June 21, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Furloughed from hospital at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 25, 1864, and did not return. Discharged “to date” June 3, 1865, by Paragraph 2, Special Order 199 of 1867, headquarters of the Department of the East, and discharge furnished by the chief mustering officer of the state of New York Oct. 10, 1867. WILLIAM WHALEN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E April 1, 1864, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action June 16, in assault on the entrench- ments near Petersburg, Va. Left arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wounds. Oct. 13, 1864, at Columbian College Hospital, Washington, D. C. RICHARD WHEATON enlisted in Co. B at Milo Aug. 6, aged 44 years. Joined 'for duty and mustered at Penn Yan same day. Discharged for disability April 11, 1863, at hospital, Washington, D. C. DAVID J. WILKIN enlisted in Co. B at Dundee July 31, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. A, 21st Invalid Corps, Nov. 6, 1863. Discharged July 7, 1865, at Trenton, N. J. HARVEY WILSON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Rushville Aug. 4, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Sept. 18, on march from Harper’s Ferry, Va., to Annapolis, Md., en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company March 25, 1863, at Centerville, Va., under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Tried by general court martial, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to lose all pay and allowances during his absence. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. SAMUEL J. WILSON enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan July 19, aged 22 years. Join- ed for duty and mustered same day and place. Mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as 2d Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant Dec. 18. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Jan. 1, 1863, with rank from Dec. 29, 1862; 1st Lieut., April 24, 1863. Acting Adjutant from Sept. 6, 1863, to Nov. 27. Discharged March 31, 1864, at Bal- timore, Md., to accept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as Capt., Co. A, 39th U. S. Colored Troops, at Baltimore, Md., April 1. • Dishonorably dismissed to date Feb. 11, 1865, place not given, by Special Or- der, Department of North Carolina, Army of the Ohio, for being drunk and78 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” unfit to perform his duties as Captain on that date, when the regiment was under fire. JOSIAH WOOLF, of Milo, enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 4, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Deserted Nov. 27, 1862, from parole camp, Chicago, 111. MARTIN YOUNGS, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. A at Geneva July 18, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 22, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 25, en route to parole camp at Chicago, 111. Returned to company Feb. 1, 1863, at Union Mills, Va. Tried by general court martial; found guilty. Proceedings disapproved, by Major- General Casey, charge reduced to absence without leave, and prisoner re- turned to duty. Discharged for disability Oct. 13, 1863, at Rulison Hospital, Annapolis Junction, Md. Enlisted Jan. 25, 1864, at Bath, in Co. G, 10th Cav., to serve 3 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day at Elmira, credit- ed to the town of Bath, Steuben county. Promoted Corporal Dec. 12. Muster- ed out June 26, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills. Va. 148th N. Y. INFANTRY President Lincoln’s call of August 4th for a second 300,000 men, coming as it did so closely after the other, found the smaller counties illy prepared, and confronted with an apparently unsolveable problem in how to supply the men demanded. The added quota of the towns of Yates county was 408. To meet this call, and also to complete the quota under the former call, was a serious undertaking, but the iSenatorial District Committee immediately decided upon the raising of another regiment, to take possession of, the grounds at Camp Swift, soon to be abandoned by the 126th, which would leave for the front. Efforts were soon being made to raise four companies in the county, the combinations to that end among would-be officers being: Hiram H. Hewitt, Penn Yan, Capt.; Hanford Struble, Starkey, 1st Lieut.; George W. Waddell, Penn Yan, 2d Lieut.; Harvey R. Gardner, Potter, Capt.; Morris F. Sheppard, Penn Yan, 1st Lieut.; Aaron J. Cook, Penn Yan, 2d Lieut.; Martin S. Hicks, Benton, Capt.; Robert Herries, Branchport, 1st Lieut.; John F. Cooley, Penn Yan, 2d Lieut.*; Bennett L. Munger, of Penn Yan, was also busily recruiting for a company, he to be Captain, with Elzer B. James, of Italy, as 1st Lieut., while George S. Wilson, of Barrington, endeavored to secure enough men to become 2d Lieut. Charles Kelly had renewed his efforts to raise an Irish company. Capt. Hewitt was the only one fortunate enough to escape trouble in his combination, and his company (B) was the first in the county and the second in the district to be filled. For it he personally secured 53 men, 4 coming from out of the county, while Lieuts. Struble and Waddell enrolled 17 each. Morris F. Sheppard was dropped from the combination which he had entered, and a 1st Lieut, was chosen in his stead from Ontario county, who had secured a considerable number of men. This company (F) was the second to be com- pleted in the county. Robert Herries was dropped by his co-workers, John F. Cooley being advanced to 1st Lieut., and Morgan D. Tracy, of Penn Yan, made 2d Lieut. Capt. Hicks secured 49 of the men in this company (I), 45 from Yates county, and Lieut. Cooley 35. Capt. Munger and Lieut. James consolidat- ed with Lieut. Kelly, Mr. Wilson having failed in his efforts to enlist men, which brought that company apparently to the minimum strength required. The work of raising the regiment and filling the quotas proceeded with what must have seemed miraculous rapidity to some, the time consumed being much less than had been necessary to secure the men for the 126th, and the work was completed by the end of August. It was then found that twelve companies had been raised, instead of the ten necessary for the regiment, and the two weakest in numbers were dropped from the regimental roster, one being that under command of Capt. Munger. The regiment took up its habitation at Ge- neva, where it was mustered into the IT. S. service for 3 years on Sept, 14thYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 79 by Capt. W. G. Edgerton, lltb U. S. Inf. Henry T. Noyes, of Starkey, was mus- tered in as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, and Rev. Sanford B. Dickinson, of Dundee, as Chaplain. The Yates county officers of the three accepted companies at date of muster, and when mustered out, were: Co. B, muster—Capt., Hiram H. Hewitt; 1st Lieut., Hanford Struble; 2d Lieut., George W. Waddell; 1st Sergeant, Randall G. Bacon; Sergeants, James M. Shoemaker, George Beebe, LeGrand Terry, Myers T. Webb; Corpor- als, Anson A. Raplee, Byron Beam, Charles J. Smith, LeRoy Green, David Griswold, Perry W. Danes, James H. Coons, John Debolt. Muster-out—2nd Lieut., Hanford Struble; 1st Sergeant, Charles W. Gabriel; Sergeants, LeRoy Green, Henry N. Armstrong, John L. Headley; Corporals, James H. Coons, George W. Chamberlain, Charles W. Bush, Myron A. Guthrie. Co. )F, muster—Capt., Harvey R. Gardner; 2d Lieut., Aaron J. Cook; Ser- geants, William H. Kelsey, Prank C. Fairchild, Nathaniel H. Green; Corporals, Robert Mills, William S. Huie, Charles W. Peters, William N. Reddout, James M. Gates, David Criss. Muster-out—Capt., Aaron J. Cook; 1st Lieut., Foster P. Cook; 2d Lieut., Myers T. Webb; Sergeants, Manlius F. Taylor, William H. Wolvin, Barney C. Ross; Corporals, John J. Conley, Lawrence McCumber, James G. Ansley. Co. I, muster—Capt., Martin S. Hicks; 1st Lieut., John F. Cooley; 2d Lieut., Morgan D. Tracy; 1st Sergeant, Edward Cole; Sergeants, Charles C* Miller, Leonard M. Bohall, Caleb G. Jackson, Oliver F. Long; Corporals, Hen- ry M. Dunbar, Luther S. Meeker, J. Harvey Randall, David P. Wilcox, Rich- ard M. Jones, John L. Potter, Lawrence Cooney, Jr., Isaac D. Blood. Muster- out—Capt., Edward Cole; 2d Lieut., Luther S. Meeker; Sergeants,, Oliver F. Long, J. Harvey Randall, Lawrence Cooney, Jr., George Schofield; Corporals, Walter W. Becker, Stephen C. Coon, Robert Holmes, Jr., Charles W. Wheeler, Lorenzo D. Caple, John Keating, Martin V. Butler. When tbe regiment was mustered out at Richmond, Va., June 22, 1865, 1st Lieut. John F. Cooley, Co. I, had been advanced by promotion to Major of the regiment. He had also been in command of the 24th Army Corps sharpshooters over six months. GEORGE B. ALVORD enlisted and was enrolled in Co.'I at Benton Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. GEORGE A. ANSLEY, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 31, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Died of disease March 5, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. JAMES G. ANSLEY, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Gorham Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Wounded in action Sept. 29, 1864, at Chaffin’s farm, Va. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. HENRY N. ARMSTRONG enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 12, aged 22 years. Enrolled at Milo same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Promoted Corporal May —, 1864. Wounded in action Aug. 14, near Petersburg, Va. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 13. Captured in action Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled March 25, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out with company. RANDALL G. BACON enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 23 years. En- rolled at Dundee same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 14, 1862. Discharged Jan. 17, 1864, to accept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service Jan. 15, 1864, at Portsmouth, Va., as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant, 38th U. S. Colored Troops. Act- ing Commissary of Subsistence at Point of Rocks, Va., from Oct.— to Jan. 1, 1865. Wounded on picket line April 5, near Richmond, Va. Discharged on resignation June 5, 1865, at Cohocton, N. Y. U. S. breveted Major March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious services. IRICHARD M. BARBER, of Middlesex, enlisted in the 16th Artillery at Rushville Jan. 2, 1864, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canan- daigua, unattached to battery, Jan. 5. Transferred to Co. B, 148th Xnf., April 12. Wounded in action June 15, near Petersburg, Va. Arm amputated. Transferred to unassigned detachment, 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps,80 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE April 5, 1865. Discharged July 21, 1865, at Rochester. State breveted Captain Sept. 28, 1877. HIRAM H. BARNES, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rush- ville Aug. 29, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Appointed musician and returned to the ranks, dates not given. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Killed in action Aug. 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. JOHN W. BARNES, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged June 25, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Pt. Monroe, Va. BYRON BEAM enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed 2d Cor- poral Sept. 14. Died of fever Nov. 7, 1862, in regimental hospital at Camp Polger, Paradise Creek, near Portsmouth, Va. FRANKLIN D. BECKER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 25, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Died of disease Sept. 17, 1862, at his home in Benton. WALTER W. BECKER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30. aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal May 3, 1863. Discharged July 1, 1865, at Elmira. GEORGE BEEBE, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31, credited to the town of Starkey. Appointed 3d Sergeant Sept. 14. Assigned to regimental band Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out with company. GEORGE W. BENEDICT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Middlesex Aug. 29, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept, 2. Left sick in hospital at Camp Swift, Geneva, Sept. 21, 1862, and never reported to the regiment. Dropped as a deserter. SAMUEL S. BENHAM, Jr., enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. De- tached to 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5, 1864. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. LUCIUS B. BENNETT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Discharged June 7, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. ISAAC BENSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Died of typhoid fever Sept. 26, 1863, in Balfour Hospital, Norfolk, Va. ISAAC D. BLOOD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Sept, 5, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 10. Appointed 8th Cor- poral Sept. 14. Transferred to the 28th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Discharged July 19, 1865. at Norfolk, Va. WILLIAM P. BLOUIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 26, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with company. THOMAS BENNETT BOGARDUS enlisted in Co, G at Benton Feb. 4, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Canandaigua same day. Wound- ed in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 100th Inf., June 22, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Prior en- listment in Bat. D, 4th Art. LEONARD M. BOHALL enlisted and wag enrolled in Co. I at Torrey Aug. 27, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Appointed 2d Sergeant Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action June 22. 1864, near Peters- burg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, April 4, 1865, at hospital, New York harbor. ANDREW BRADLEY enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 15, aged 44 years. En- rolled at same place Aug. 19. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Severely injured accidentally June 3, 1864, at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged June 26, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. HAVILLAH ALFRED BROWN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Wounded in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Mustered out with company. ROBERT D. BROWN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Promoted Cor- poral May 1, 1865. Returned to the ranks June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. ALBERT E. BRUNNER enlisted in Co. O at Middlesex Jan. 27, 1865, to serve 2 years, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Remained at recruit camp at Elmira until discharged. Transferred to the 100th Inf. June 22, 1865, but discharged June 29, 1865, as of the 148th Inf. Substitute for James Stebbins. of Middlesex. Prior enlistment in the 16th Art., unassigned to battery, as Albert E. Brown. CHARLES W. BUSH enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 30, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Pro- moted Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. MARTIN V. BUTLER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 28, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dee. 5, 1864. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1865. Returned to company June 20. Mustered out with company.YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE” 81 HIRAM G. CAMPBELL, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I Sept. 4, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6, credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered out with company. LORENZO D. CAPLE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal March 14, 1865. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM A. CARR, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Penn Yan Aug. 20, aged 43 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 25, 1865, at Hamp- ton Hospital. Ft, Monroe, Va. LEWIS R. CARYEY, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Ge- neva Sept. 6, aged 19 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 12, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Rejected, under age and parents’ consent lacking. CLARK CASTNER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Dresden Aug. 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged for disability Dec. 20, 1863* at regimental hospital, Yorktown, Va. JOHN S. CATON, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 38 (47) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept* 8, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered out with company. GEORGE W. CHAMBERLAIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 22, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Promoted Corporal April 20, 1864. Wounded in action June 4, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 21, 1865, at Hampton Hospital. Ft. Monroe, Va. CHARLES CHAMBERS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 22, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Promoted Corporal Oct. 6. Returned to the ranks at his own request Oct. 1, 1863. Mus- tered out with company. HARMON O. CHAMBERS, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 14, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. CHAMBERS, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 18, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. RICHARD CHAPMAN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 15, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Died of disease Sept. 2. 1864. in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. STEPHEN B. CHRYSLER, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. D at Ge- neva Aug. 30, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 1, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered out With company. ALBERT W. CLARK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potteri Center Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharg- ed for disability Aug. 16, 1864, at hospital, Newark, N. J. JOHN CLARK enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 14, aged 22 years. Enrolled at Dundee Aug. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Barrington. Killed in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. JOSEPH B. CLARK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 13, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Barrington. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5, 1864. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Campbell. Steuben county, recruit. EDWARD COLE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at' Jerusalem Aug. 26, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed 1st Ser- geant Sept. 14. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Feb. 27, 1863, with rank from Dec. 27. 1862; 1st Lieut., Nov. 14, 1864, with rank from Aug. 25; Captain, Feb. 18, 1865, with rank from Jan. 19. Mustered out with company. State breveted Major March 4. 1868. WILLIAM H. COLE, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 25, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. credited to the town of Middlesex. Rejected, physical disability. PETER J. CONKLIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 31, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Killed in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg. JOSEPH CONKLING enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 22, aged 23 years. Enrolled at Dundee Aug. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Detach- ed to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5, 1864. Returned to com- pany June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. JOHN J. CONLEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va., and Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. AARON J. COOK, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. F, with rank from Sept. 2. Promoted 1st Lieut. Jan. 9, 1863. Wounded in action June 18,82 YATES COUNTY'S " BOYS IN BLUE,f 1864, near Petersburg-, Va. Promoted Captain, Co. C, Nov. 29. Transferred to* Co. P Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. State breveted Major March 4, 1868. DANIEL COOK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Mustered out with company. POSTER P. COOK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 13, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Promoted Ser- geant Oct. 6, 1862; 1st Sergeant, Jan, 17, 1864. Wounded in action June 15, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. F, Oct. 13, with rank from Aug. 26; 1st Lieut., Peb. 26, 1865, with rank from Jan. 18. Mustered out with company. JOHN P. COOLEY, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. I, with rank from Sept. 8. Mustered in as Captain, Co. C, March 7, 1864. Wounded in ac- tion June 3, at Cold Harbor, Va. Mustered in as Major Oct. 16. Commanded 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters from Dec. 5 to June 20, 1865. Mustered out with regiment. Prior service in Co. H, 1st U. S, Sharpshooters, and subse- quent service as 1st Lieut., 12th U. S. Inf. State breveted Lieutenant-Colonel May 18, 1868. STEPHEN C. COON, Jr., enlisted in Co. I at Jerusalem Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Enrolled at Penn Yan Aug. 31. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal May 15, 1864. Detached to 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. GEORGE COONS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 15, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Died of pneumonia June 10, 1863, at Macon xJouse Hospital, Portmouth, Va. JAMES H. COONS, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Milo. Appointed 7th Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Mustered out with company. LAWRENCE COONEY, Jr., enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 27, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Ap- pointed 7th Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 8. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM T. CORNELL, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I Sept. 4, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 29 (23) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6, credited to the town of Middlesex. Captured in action Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled March 2, 1865, at Northeast Bridge, N. C. Discharged July 19, 1865, at Elmira. DAVID CRISS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 30, aged 38 (40) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed 8th Corporal Sept. 14. Returned to the ranks at his own request Oct 14, 1862. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. CROCKER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action July 5, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds July 13, 1864, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. JAMES B. CROUCH, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 31 (26) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Died of wounds July 6, 1864, in Douglass Hospital, Washington. D. C. JOSEPH S. CROUCH enlisted in Co. I at Potter Dec. 11, 1863, aged 41 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 17. Died of chronic diarrhea Sept. 28, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. Prior service in Co. G, 85th Inf. PERRY W. DANES, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 15, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Appointed 6th Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Transferred to the 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, Dec. 22. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 3, 1865, at Elmira. DANIEL DAVIS, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 27, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Rejected; dislocated wrist. JOURDAN R. DAVIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted’ and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Ft. Darling, Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Died of wounds July 10, 1864, in Hammond Hospital, Point Lookout, Md. WILLIAM B. DAVIS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 23, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5, 1864. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. ALBERT E. DEAN, of Torrey, enlisted in the 1st N, Y, Independent Battery Dec. 15, 1863, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua sameYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” B3 day, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. I, 148th Inf*, April 12, 1864. Discharged June 13, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. JOHN G. DEBOLT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 21, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed 8th Corporal Sept. 14. 1862. Promoted Sergeant Aug. 1, 1863. Wounded and cap- tured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks Va. Bight leg amputated. Died of wounds Nov. 29, 1864, in Ward C, hospital No. 21, Richmond, Va., a pris- oner of war. JOSEPH A. DECKER enlisted and Was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Milo. Appointed flfer Sept. 14. Returned to the ranks prior to April 10, 1863. Discharged May 20, 1865, at Albany. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. SANFORD B DICKINSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 29, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Ap- pointed Chaplain Sept. 14. Discharged on resignation Dec. 23, 1862, at Camp Folger, Paradise Creek, near Portsmouth, Va. PATRICK DUFFY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Sept. 4, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 10. Killed in action June 18, 1864. near Petersburg, Va. HENRY M. DUNBAR enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 35 years Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed 1st Corporal Sept. 14. Promoted Sergeant Feb. 27, 1863. Died of erysipelas July 17, 1863, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. See, also, 33d Inf. DAVID DUNHAM enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 19, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Killed in action Oct. 27, 1864. at Fair Oaks, Va. CHARLES A. DUNNING enlisted in Co. I at Torrey Jan. 15, 1864, aged 43 (48) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, March 7, 1 865. at hospital, New York harbor. SAMUEL N. DUNNING enlisted in Co. I at Torrey Jan. 20, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Transferred to Co. G, 100th Inf., June 22. 1865. Mustered out Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. WILLIAM A. DUNNING enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at West Dresden Aug. 28, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Killed in action Sept. 29, 1864. at Chaffin’s Farm, near Petersburg, Va. ADNA P. DUNTON, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Mustered out with company. , ALVIN B. EAVES enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 19, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. JAMES H. ECKEiRSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 30, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Killed in action May 27, 1864, at Port Walthall, Va. Prior enlistment in Bat. B, 3d Art. JAMES M. EDGERTON enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 20 years. En- rolled at same place Aug. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Transferred Aug. 6, 1863, to the 11th or 73d Co., 1st Batt., Invalid Corps, which later became Co. D, 21st Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out July 25, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES S. ELLIS, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Geneva Aug. 29, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Wounded in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. CHARLES H. ELWOOD, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 20, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Barrington. Promoted Corporal Oct. 1, 1863. Wounded in action June 3, 1864. at Cold Harbor, Va. Captured in action Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Died Feb. 7, 1865, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. FRANK C. FAIRCHILD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 27, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 3d Sergeant at Geneva Sept. 2. Resigned as Sergeant and appointed regimental armorer Dec 9. Returned to the ranks subsequent to April 10, 1863. Discharged May 28, 1865, from hospital, Camp Lee, Va. FRANCIS FARR, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 28, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, May 17, 1865, at McClellan Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. GEORGE D. FEAGLES, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I Dec. 2, 1863, aged 21 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 9, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds same night in field hospital. OLIVER M. FINGER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Sept. 4, aged 25 years. Joined for duty afid mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Wounded in ac- tion June 18*: 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds,84 YATES COUNTY'S BOYS IN BLUE,r May 27, 1865, at Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Prior service in Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav. PETER FINGER enlisted and was enrolled in Co, I at Branchport Aug. 31, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Died of smallpox April 1, 1864, in regimental hospital near Yorktown, Va. ELISHA D. FISHER enlisted in Co. I at Benton Dec. 21, 1863, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Died of typhoid fever June 3, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. GEORGE W. FORD enlisted in the 16th Art. at Middlesex Dec. 28, 1863, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. F, 148th Inf., April 12. Wound- ed, in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 100th Inf., June 22, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. JAMES E. FOSTER enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 12, aged 27 years. En- rolled at Milo same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Wounded and captured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled March 9, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Discharged May 25, 1865, at Elmira, tinder general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. LINDLEY C. FOSTER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 22. aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Rejected and discharged Sept. 12, 1862, at Camp Swift, Geneva, reason not given. Subsequent service in the 1st Dragoons, unassigned to company. JACOB W. FOUNTAIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 29, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Cap- tured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled March 10, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Died of congestion of the lungs March 18, 1865, in U. S. hospital, Division No. 2, St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. WILLIAM H. FOUNTAIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 29, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mus- tered out with company. WILLIAM H. FRANCISCO enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 29, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged June 17, 1865, from Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. WILLIAM D. FREY, of Torrey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 5, credited to the town of Torrey. Killed in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. WILLIAM H. FRIES enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal May 12, 1864. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5. Discharged for disability Jan. 19, 1865, at hospital, New York harbor. GEORGE G. FULKERSON enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 8, aged 28 years. Enrolled at same place Aug. 28. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva same day. Promoted 4th Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea March 7, 1865, at Ovid, Mich., while on furlough. CHARLES W. GABRIEL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 12, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Ap- pointed 8th Corporal Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Sergeant Sept. 16, 1864; 1st Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. GEORGE H. GABRIEL enlisted in Co, B at Starkey Dec. 25, 1863, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Dis- charged for disability June 4, 1865, at hospital, Petersburg, Va. GEORGE S. GARDNER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Mus- tered out with company. HARVEY R. GARDNER, of Potter, was enrolled at Geneva Sept. 2, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered as Captain, Co. F, same day and place. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, Dec. 31, 1864, in camp near Deep Bottom, Va. JAMES M. GATES enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva as 6th Corporal Sept. 2. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 8, 1863. Returned to the ranks July 1. Dis- charged for disability Aug. 16, 1864, at hospital, Newark, N. J. JAMES GERMAN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 31, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged for disability Sept. 29, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. WILLIAM GINTHER, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug 31, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Died of wounds June 6, 1864, An field hospital at Cold Harbor. BENJAMIN GLEASON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed musician and returned to company as private, dates not given. Discharged June 4, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. NATHAN A, GOFF, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1864.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 85 Wounded and captured in action Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Died Oct. 28, 1864. in hospital at Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. BENJAMIN GRACE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barring-ton Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded in camp, near Petersburg, Va., Jul^ 15, 1864. Died of wounds July 25, 1864, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. CHARLES GRAY, of Penn Yan, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 16, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered out July 10, 1865, at Elmira. LYMAN GRAY, of Penn Yan, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Benton Aug. 28, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8, credited to the town of Benton. Died of chronic diarrhea May 5, 1865, in base hos- pital at Point of Rocks, Md. THEODORE B. GRAY enlisted in the 16th Art. at Penn Yan Dec. 30, 1863, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canan- daigua Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. B, 148th Inf., April 12, 1864. Mus- tered out with company. LEROY GREEN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed 4th Corporal Sept. 14. Transferred to the regimental band Oct. 6. Again ap- pointed Corporal Aug. 13, 1863. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 17, 1864. Mustered out with company. LYMAN D. GREEN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credit- ed to the. town of Potter. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, July 1, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. Prior service in Co. A, 50th Engrs. Town of Co- hocton. Steuben county, recruit. NATHANIEL H. GREEN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 2d Sergeant at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted 1st Sergeant Jan. 8, 1863. Discharged Feb. 5, 1864, to ac- cept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. A, 38th U. S. Colored Troops, at Portsmouth, Va., Feb. 7, to date from Jan. 17. Promoted Captain March 1. Discharged for disability, on resigna- tion, Jan. 23, 1865, in camp before Richmond, Va. ALFRED GRISWOLD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mus- tered out with company. DAVID GRISWOLD enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 21, aged 44 (50) years. Enrolled at same place Aug. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed 5th Corporal Sept. 15, 1862, and detached as wagoner same day. Returned to the ranks prior to Oct. 10, 1863. Mustered out with company. FREDERICK GREEN (Freidrich Gruny), of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Gorham Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Wound- ed in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Captured in action Oct. 27, at Fair Oaks, Va. Paroled March 10, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Dis- charged at Elmira May 30, 1865, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. MYRON A. GUTHRIE, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dun- dee Aug. 27, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Starkey. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1865. Mus- tered out with company. VOLNEY S. HAFF (Hoff) enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 15, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Promoted Corporal, date not given. Discharged May 31, 1865, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. FRANCIS L. HALL, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dun- dee Aug. 22, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Barrington. Mustered out with company. GEORGE W. HALL, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 23, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Mustered out with company. SIMPSON HALLECK enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Jan. 4, 1864, aged 45 (49) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Wounded in action June 18, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Co. B, 20th Veteran Re- serve Corps, May 9, 1865. Mustered out July 31, 1865, at Baltimore, Md. STEPHEN K. HALLECK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 22, aged 16 (14) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed musician Sept. 14, 1862. Returned to the ranks as private, date not given. Wounded and captured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Leg amputated. Paroled Feb. 17, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Discharged for disability, wound, Oct. 5, 1865, at Ira Harris Hospital, Albany. MYRON F. HAWLEY, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 28, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Mustered out Aug. lv 1865, at Elmira.86 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE WILLIAM T. HAWLEY, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 30, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 23, 1865, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. LUTHER S. HAYS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Dresden Aug. 27, aged 43 (51) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Accidentally injured Oct. 15, near Suffolk, Va. Discharged for disability Feb. 15, 1863, at Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. ALBERT HEADLEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 12, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Discharged July 5, 1865, while on detached duty at Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York harbor. JOHN L. HEADLEY, of Torrey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 13, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Torrey. Promoted Corporal Dec. 22, 1864; Sergeant, March 10, 1865. Mustered out with company. SAMUEL HEADLEY enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 12, aged 30 years. En- rolled at Milo same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Died of fever Jan. 23, 1863, in Macon Housd Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. GEORGE HILLIARD (Hillier), of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 27, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out June 4, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Mon- roe, Va. HIRAM H. HEWITT, of Penn! Yan, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. B, to date Aug. 29. Discharged for absence without leave, on recommendation of Col. Guion, Aug. 25, 1864, at Bermuda Hundreds, Va., to date July 6. MARTIN S. HICKS, of Benton, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. I, to date Sept. 8. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Resigned Jan. 15, 1865. Discharged Feb. 18, 1865, at camp in the field, near Deep Bottom, Va. State breveted Major Oct. 6. 1866. FREEMAN L. HILLIGASS, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Killed in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ROBERT HOLMES, Jr., enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 27, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in action June 19, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Promoted Corporal. Oct. 30. Mustered out with company. BENJAMIN F. HOOD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Died of wounds June 8, 1864, in Hammond Hospital, Point Lookout, Md. ABRAM M. HOUGHTALING, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 28, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered out with company. ALEXANDER P. HOUGHTALING enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dun- dee Aug. 22, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Discharged for disability May 30, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. EMMETT HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mus- tered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 76th Inf., and Cos. G and X, 7th U. S. Inf. ISAAC HOUNSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30, aged 43 (44) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged for disability Dec. 7, 1863, at Washington, D. C. SIDNEY HOUSE, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Benton. Died of brain fever Aug. 19, 1863, at Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. WILLIAM HUBER, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Geneva Sept. 5, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county., Died of disease March 26, 1864, at his home in Benton, while on furlough. DAVID HUGHES enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Italy Aug. 22, aged 45 (47) years. Joined for; duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM S. HUIE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 23, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 3d Corporal at Geneva Sept. 2. Returned to the ranks at his own request Jan. 9, 1863. Detached to Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., as dispensary clerk, May 4. Detached to duty on hospital boat, General Wister, April 29, 1864. Mustered out June 9, 1865, at Ft. Monroe, Va. CALEB G. JACKSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aii^. 30, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Appointed 4th Sergeant Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Mustered In as 2d Lieut. Nov. 19, with rank from Aug. 25. Killed in action April 6, 1865, at Rice’s Station, Va., by the explosion of a Union shell, which burst overhead as he was deploying skirmishers.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 87 JOHN J. JACKSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 30, aged 44 (54) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. De- tached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5, 1864. Discharged May 25, 1865. at Elmira. JEROME S. JOHNSON, of Italy, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Ausr. 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action March 31, 1865, at Hatch- er’s Run. Va. Died of wounds April 18, 1865, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. RICHARD M. JONES enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 44 (49) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Ap- pointed 5th Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea March 14, 1865. in hase hospital at Point of Rocks, Va. JOHN KEAN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 14, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. JOHN KEATING enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 25, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva 2. Promoted Corporal April 4. 1865. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM H. KELSEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 23, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva as 4th Sergeant Sept. 2. Promoted 1st Sergeant Feb. 5, 1864. Wounded in action June 22, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to the 52d Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 21, 1865. Discharged for disability, wounds, July 12, 1865, at hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. STEPHEN H. KETCH enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Died of dysentry Oct. 27, 1863, in regimental hospital at Yorktown, Va. Town of Prattsburg. Steuben county, recruit.. GEORGE KETTERER enlisted in Co. B at Potter Aug. 21, aged 21 years. En- rolled at Penn Yan Aug. 22. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Drowned in camp near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 15, 1864, a cloud-burst causing a sudden overflow of the Appomatox River. JOHN H. KNAPP, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Barrington. Promoted Corporal Jan. 17, 1864. Wounded in action June 18, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 5. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 1. Mustered out June 28, 1865, at Washington, D. C. JACOB KORB, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 31, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Discharged for disability May 16, 1865, at Balfour Hospital, Norfolk, Va. ELISHA LACKEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 21, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded and captured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Died of typhoid pneu- monia Feb. 13, 1865, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. SIMEON LACKEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in action Sept. 29, 1864, at Chaffin’s Farm, Va. Mustered out with company. JEROME B. LAFEVER enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Aug. 12, aged 21 (20) years. Enrolled at Dundee Aug'. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM LAMEREAUX enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Aug. 30, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. JOHN J. LAWTON enlisted in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 25, aged 21 years. En- rolled at Rushville same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Italy. Captured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Died Jan. 10, 1865, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. Town of Naples, Ontario county, recruit. DAMON LAY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Died of typhoid fever Dec. 24, 1862, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. DENNIS LEWIS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in ac- tion June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with company. THOMAS H. LITTLE, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. OLIVER F. LONG enlisted and was enrolled in Co. 1 at Benton Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed 5th Sergeant Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action May 10, 1864, at Swift Creek, Va. Detached to the 24th Army Corps Sharpshooters Dec. 5. Returned to company June 20, 1865. Mustered out with company. WILBUR LOOMIS enlisted in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 21 years. En- rolled at Rushville same day. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Died of dysentery June 7, 1863, in Macon House Hospital, Ports- mouth, Va. ALANSON E. LYON, of Italy, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Penn Yan88 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” Aug. 30, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8, credited to the town of Italy. Wounded in action April 9, 1865, at Appo- matox Court House, Va. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM MATTHEWS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I at Geneva Aug. 31, aged 30 years. Enrolled, joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Slightly wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Proctor’s Creek, near Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Mustered out with company. LAWRENCE McCUMBER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. ASHLEY McDONALD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. LUTHER S. MEEKER, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Torrey. Appointed 2d Corporal Sept. 14. Promot- ed Sergeant July 17, 1863; 1st Sergeant, Dec. 8, 1864. Commissioned, (not mustered), 2d Lieut., May 17, 1865, with rank from April 6. Mustered out with company. ABRAHAM MILLER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. Town of Avoca, Steuben county, recruit. ADAM S. MIDLER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 14, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Discharged for disability Jan. 8, 1864, at regimental hospital at Yorktown, Va. CHARLES C. MILLER enlisted’ and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Appointed 3d Sergeant Sept. 14. Promoted 1st Sergeant Feb. 27, 1863. Wounded in ac- tion June 3, 1864. at Cold Harbor, Va. Arm amputated. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, Dec. 7. 1864, at Elmira. GEORGE N. MILDER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sent. 2 Died of congestion of the brain Dec. 19, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. ROFERT MILLS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26. aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 1st Corporal at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 9. Transferred Sent. 30, 1863, to the 12th or 74th Co., 1st Batt., Invalid' Corps, which later became Co. A, 22d Veteran Re- serve Corps. Discharged July 1, 1865, at Camp Dennison, Columbus, Ohio. SAMUEL E. MINARD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee .-Vug. 12. aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered^ at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Va. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM M. MONAGLE. of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. credited to the town of Middlesex. Discharged for disability Oct. 26, 1864, at McDougal Hospital, Ft. Schuyjer. New York harbor. LEWIS B. MOON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Accidentally in- jured May 10, 1864. while tearing up railroad near Cold Harbor, Va. Dis- charged for disability June 19, 1865, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. ANDREW O. MOHRISON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 26, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed wagoner, date not given. Mustered out with company. JOHN MORRISON, of Starkey, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 8, aged 24 (34) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Discharged June 27, 1865, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. DEWITT T. MOTHERSELL enlisted at Middlesex Feb. 22, 1865, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canan- daigua, same day. Never joined regiment. Discharged May 9, 1865, at Elmira. THEODORE J. MURRAY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 8. aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Dis- charged for disability March 13, 1863, at Macon House Hospital, Ports- mouth. Va. Subsequent service in Co. B. 50th Engrs. WILLIS NICHOLSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 31. aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action June 24, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Detached for duty in the of- fice of the Medical Purveyor, Ft. Monroe, Va., Sept. 20. Mustered out June 5. 1865, at Ft. Monroe, Va. HENRY T. NOYES, of Starkey, was enrolled and mustered as 1st Lieut, and Adjutant at Albany Aug. 22, aged 24 years. Mustered with regiment, rank to date from Aug. 22. Mustered in as Major Dec. 29. 1863, with rank from Oct. 26. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged Sept. 1, to accept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service as Colonel, 38th U. S. Colored Troops, in the field near Petersburg, Va., Sept. 29. Resigned and discharged Dec. 10, 1864. place not given. PATRICK O’BRIEN enlisted in Co. B at Starkey Dec. 26, 1863. aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Discharged for disability June 7, 1865, at Balfour Hospital, Norfolk, Va.YATES COUNTY’S ** BOYS IN BLUE” 89 GEORGE H. PARSONS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug-. 26, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Pair Oaks, Ya. Mustered out June 9, 1865. at Elmira. CHARLES W. PETERS, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 25, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 4th Corporal at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Discharg- ed April 27, 1864, to accept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the TJ. S. service as 1st Lieut.. Co. P, 38th U. S. Colored Troops, April 28, in the field near Petersburg, Ya. Promoted Captain Sept. 21, 1864. Mustered; out with company Jan. 25, 1867, at Richmond, Va. U. S. breveted Major, to date March 13, 1865, for distinguished services Sept. 29-30, 1864, at New Market Heights and Pt. Harrison. Va. LORENZO N. PETTIT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30. aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered1 at Geneva Aug. 31. Died or disease Peb. 18. 1864, in DeCamp Hospital, David's Island, New York har- bor. ANDREW J. PHELPS, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan, .Aug. 27, aged 41 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Potter. Mustered out with company. JOHN P. PIERCE, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Gorham Aug. 30, aged 20 years Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. WILLIS E. PIERCE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 30, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Died of ty- phoid fever June 20. 1863, in Balfour Hospital, Norfolk, Va. SELAH E. POLMANTEER, enlisted! and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Discharged for disability Aug. 29, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Town of Cohocton, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN D. POOL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30, aged 18 years Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in action June 18, 1864 near Petersburg. Va. Discharged for disability, wound, July 26, 1865, at Central Park Hospital, New York City. JOHN L. POTTER enlisted arid was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 27, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Ap- pointed 6th Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Wounded in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va. Died of wounds Nov. 6, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Pt. Monroe, Va. OLIVER R. PRESSLER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wound- ed in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 27, 1865, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York Har- bor. EZRA P. PRITCHARD enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Middlesex Aug. 29,. aged 34 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. credited to the town of Potter. Deserted May 20, 1863, at David’s Mills, Va. JACOB H. RADLEY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Muster- ed out with company. JARVIS W. RANDALL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 27, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Transfer- red to the 1st Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, April 30, 1864. Discharg- ed July 19, 1865, at Campbell Hospital, Washington, D. C. J HARVEY RANDALL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Appoint- ed 3d Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 19, 1864. Mustered out with company. „ „ . ^ T ~ A . LEWIS B. RANDALL enlisted and was enrolled m Co. I at Benton Aug. 26-. aged 32 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Discharged for disability June 9, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Pt. Monroe, Va. ANSON A. RAPLEE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Appointed 1st Corporal Sept. 14. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded in action June 26, 1864. near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds Aug. 20, 1864, in McDougal Hospital, Pt. Schuyler New York harbor. _ _ THOMAS E. RAPLEE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Sept 1, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged July 24, 1865. at Pinley hospital. Washington, D. C. WILLIAM N. REDDOUT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered as 5th Corporal at Geneva Sept. 2. Detached to U. S. steamboat, in charge of mails, April, 1863. Return- ed to the ranks May 23, 1863. Discharged for disability Sept. 14, 1864, at Norfolk, Va. _ , . „ JOSIAH REED enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 28, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in ac- tion June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Transferred to Co. C, 20th Veteran Reserve Corps, May 8, 1865. Discharged July 10, 1865, at Frederick City, Md. CHARLES H. RENO enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va.90 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE” CHARLES F. RENTZ enlisted and was enrolled’ in Co. B at P’enn Yan Aug-. 2R aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. AARON D. ROBERTSON, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Ben- ton Aug. 28, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31, credited to the town of Potter. Accidentally wounded by the discharge of his own gun in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va, Discharged • for disability, wounds, June 1, 1865, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. GEORGE G. ROBERTSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 25, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Mus- tered out with company. IRA H. ROBINSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 27 (29) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Died of fever Jan. 7, 1863, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. BARNEY C. ROSS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Middlesex Aug. 30. aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal Jan. 9. 1863; Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. WILBUR C. ROUSE enlisted in the 16th Art. at Italy Dec. 13, 1863, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua, unassigned to bat- tery, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. K, 148th InL, April 12. Wounded in. action June 15, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds June 30, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. OTIS B. RYAL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Died of typhoid fever Nov. 30, 1863, in regimental hospital at Yorktown, Va. SAMUEL SALISBURY, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Detached as attendant at base hospital at Point of (Rocks, Va., May 25, 1864. Discharged June 4, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. DAVID SANDS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Sept. 1, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Died of typhoid fever Jan. 6, 1863, in Macon House Hosintal, Portsmouth, Va. HENRY A. SAYER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 31, aged 16 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 12. Appoint- ed musician Sept. 14, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 14, 1864, in base hospital at Point of Rocks. Va. GEORGE SCHOFIELD, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mastered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal Sept. 9, 1863. Wounded in action June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Promoted Sergeant April 4, 1865. Mustered out with company. DANIEL T. SHAW, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Sept. 12, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered ah Geneva same day, credited to the town of Barrington. Deserted from Camp Swift, Gen- eva, Sept. 21, 1802. PHILIP L. SHAW, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Sept. 1, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action June 15, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 2, 1865, at Elmira. JAMES M. SHOEMAKER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appoint- ed 2d Sergeant Sept. 14. Transferred to the regimental band Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out with company. LUTHER SISSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Dresden Aug. 28, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Torrey. Mustered out with company. CHARLES J. SMITH enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed 3d Corporal Sept. 14, 1862. Returned to the ranks subsequent to April 10, 1863. Discharged June 3, 1865, at Richmond, Va. JAMES M. SMITH enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Promoted Cor- poral Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded in action June 15, 1864, near Petersburg, ’Va. Appointed hospital steward May 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. See, also, 33d Inf. ALONZO SPEER enlisted, was enrolled and mustered in Co. I at Geneva Sept. 5, aged 21 (17) years, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged July 18, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Pultehey, Steuben county, recruit. CHARLES SPENCER enlisted in the 1st N. Y. Independent Battery Dec. 8, 1863, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 15, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. I, 148th Inf., April 12, 1864. Discharged for disability May 30, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. Steuben county recruit. GIDEON C. SPINK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 29, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Dis- charged for disability Feb. 28, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. Subsequent ser- vice in Bat. L, 14th Art,YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE” 91 ISAAC G. SPINK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Branchport Aug. 28, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Discharged for disability March 18, 1863, at Portsmouth, Va. MASON T. SPINK enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 28, aged 45 (33) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Discharged for disability Jan. 29, 1864, at DeCamp Hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. JOSEPH SPRAGUE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 30, aged 32 j^ears. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 12, 1865, at Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Naples, Ontario county, recruit. JOHN M. STACKPOLE enlisted and was enrolled for Capt. Munger’s company at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and mustered in Co. B at Geneva Sept. 16. Discharged for disability Sept. 14, 1863, at Ports- mouth, Va. THEODORE M. STEARNS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. P at Rushville Aug. 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Wounded in action Sept. 29, 1864, at Chaffin’s Farm, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 4, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. Prior service in Go. G, 8th Cav. LYMAN A. STOLL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Detached to regimental band Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Richmond, Va. THOMAS J. STRAIT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 22, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Died of fever Dec. 13, 1862, in Macon House Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. SQUIRE V. STRAWWAY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 19, aged 22 (26) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded in action June 18. 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for dis- ab lity, wounds. May 29, 1865, at Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. SAMUEL P. STRONG, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1863. Killed in action May 15, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. HANFORD STRUBLE, of Milo, was enrolled and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. B, to date from Aug. 29. From June, 1863, to September, 1863, both inclusive, detached on special duty at the office of the Provost Marshal at Norfolk, Va. Appoint- ed aide-de-camp to Brigadier-General Barnes Oct. 5, 1863, and continued as such until April 30, 1864. May 2, 1864, appointed acting aide-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Shipley, and continued as such till date of discharge. Re- signed and discharged June 15, 1865, ati Richmond, Va. State breveted Cap- tain March 4, 1868. CHARLES M. SWARTHOUT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 11, aged 30 (26) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. De- tached as saddler at headquarters of the 24th Army Corps Dec. 14, 1864. Discharged June 8, 1865, at Richmond, Va. PETER GEORGE SWARTS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 13, aged 21 years, Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. No ser- vice with regiment. Deserted Sept. 22, 1862, en route to Elmira and Wash- ington. D. C. Returned to company April 24, 1865, under the President’s proclamation of March 10, 1865, granting amnesty to deserters. Discharged May 15, 1865, at Elmira, under general order of the Secretary of War to discharge all deserters who surrendered themselves under that proclamation. MANLIUS F. TAYLOR enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 26, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal Oct. 14, 1862; Sergeant, July 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. NORMAN TAYLOR enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and was mustered at Geneva Sept 2. Captured in action Oct. 27, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Va., and is supposed to have died a prisoner of war at Salisbury, N. C. DANIEL TEARS, Jr., of Benton, enlisted in Co. I Dec. 2, 1863, aged 22 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 9, credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action May 15, 1864, at Ft. Darling, near Drewry’s Bluff, Va, Discharged for disability, wounds, July 1, 1865, at El- mira. ELEAZER B. TEARS enlisted in Co. I at Benton Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. EDWARD A. TENNANT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 22, aged 16 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed drummer Sept. 14. Died of typhoid fever Nov. 4, 1862, at Camp Folger, Para- dise Creek, near Portsmouth, Va. SAMUEL R. TENNANT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 22, aged 43 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 28. Died of dysentery and typhoid fever June 20, 1864, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Mon- roe, Va. LeGRAND TERRY enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 27, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed 4th92 YATES COUNTY’S 'fBOYS IN BLUE”' Sergeant Sept. 14. Appointed principal musician Oct. 6, 1862* Mustered out with regiment. FRANKLIN THOMPSON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2~ Discharged for disability June 7, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. MORGAN D. TRACY, Jr., of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Geneva Sept. 8, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co, I, to date from Sept. 8. Discharged on resignation Dec. 27, 1862, at camp in the field near Portsmouth, Va. Appointed Commissary of Subsistence, with rank of Cap- tain, May 18, 1864. Declined appointment. GEORGE R. TUBBS enlisted and was enrolled i*n Co. B at Starkey Aug 8, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 2,9. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Died of wounds July 13, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. JAMES TUTTLE enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 19, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mustered out with company. JONATHAN G. TWITCHELL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 28, aged 44 (56) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Rejected, bad teeth and old age. Subsequent service in Co. H. 24th Cav. LOYAL C. TWITCHELL enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 28, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Dis- charged for disability Aug. 5, 1863, at Balfour Hospital, Norfolk*, Va. JOHN H. TYMESON enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Proctor’s Creek, near Drewry's Bluff, Va. Dis- charged for disability, wounds, June 3, 1865, in hospital at Albany. AARON R. VAN HOUTEN enlisted in Co. F at Middlesex Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Wound- ed in action March 31, 1865, at Hatcher s Run, Va. Discharged for disabili- ty, wounds, June 4, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. ABRAM R. VOORHEES, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 31, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered out with company. GEORGE W. WADDELL, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Geneva Aug. 29, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. B, to date Aug. 30. Promoted 1st Lieut., Co. I, April 19, 1864, with rank from March 7; Captain, Co. K, Aug. 28, 1864, with rank from Aug. 25. Detailed Dec. 28, 1863, as Judge Advocate of a general court martial sitting at Yorktown, Va., Department of Virginia and North Carolina, and was thereafter until date of muster out continuously detached from the regiment and detailed for various staff duties in the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, the 18th Army Corps, and the 1st Division, 24th Army Corps, being on duty successively as Recorder of Courts of Inquiry and general courts martial, aide-de-camp, member of a military commission, and Judge Advocate of general courts martial, being stationed at Ft. Monroe, Va., and other points in that gen- eral region. On duty at date of muster out as acting aide-de-camp and Judge Advocate of the 1st Div., 24th Army Corps, near Richmond, Va. Mus- tered out with company. U. S. breveted Major March 13, 1865, for faithful services during the war. MYERS T. WEBB enlisted and w*as enrolled in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 29, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Appointed 5th Sergeant Sept. 14. Promoted Sergeant Major Aug. 1, 1863. Wounded in ac- tion June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. F, March 2, 1865, with rank from Jan. 18. Mustered out with company. See, also, 100th Inf. WILLIAM WELCHER, of Jerusalem, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Gen- eva Sept. 2, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered same place Sept. 5, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1863. Ac- cidentally injured May 7, 1864, while tearing up railroad near Port Walt- hall, Va. Returned to the ranks May 12. Died of chronic diarrhea Nov. 18, 1864, at his home in Jerusalem, while on furlough. CHARLES E. WELLS, of Potter, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 28, aged 18* (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Rejected, under age and parents’ consent lacking. THOMAS F. WELLS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. ALVAH H. WHEAT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 26,> aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Wounded in ac- tion June 15, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, April 28, 1865, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester. LEMUEL WHEAT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 23, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 31. Discharged for disability June 7, 1865, at Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. CHARLES W. WHEELER, of Benton, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Penn Yan Aug. 27, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Benton. Promoted Corporal Jan. 27, 1865. Mustered out with company. AUGUSTUS WHITAKER enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 28,YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 93 aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 5. Mus- tered out with company. DAVID P. WILCOX enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Sept. 4, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 5. Appointed 4th Corporal Sept. 14. Transferred to the 28th Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Discharged July 19, 1865, at Norfolk, Va. ISAAC WILKINS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Aug. 30, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 8. Mustered out with company. CHARLES E. WILLIS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Benton Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Killed in action June 18, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. EMORY N. WILSON, of Italy, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 31, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Italy. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Deserted Sept. 13, 1862, from Camp Swift, Geneva. GEORGE M. WINANS enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Penn Yan Aug. 22, aged 45 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Wounded in action Sept. 29, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with company. JAMES M. WITTER enlisted in Co. B at Dundee Aug. 13, aged 29 years. En- rolled at same place Aug. 27. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. No further record. Believed to have been rejected and discharged. WILLIAM H. WOLVIN enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Potter Center Aug. 26, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Promoted Corporal Dec. 9, 1862; Sergeant, July 2, 1864. Mustered out with company. NELSON E. WOODRUFF enlisted and was enrolled in Co. B at Starkey, Aug. 13, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Aug. 29. Mus- tered out with company. GEORGE W'RIGHT, of Middlesex, enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rush- ville Aug. 30, aged .23 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Middlesex. Promoted Corporal May 23, 1863. Wounded in action June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Wounded and cap- tured in action Oct. 27, at Williamsburg Road, Va. Died of disease and wounds Dec. 5, 1864. in hospital No. 21, Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. WILLIAM WRIGHT enlisted and was enrolled in Co. I at Torrey Aug. 29, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2. Deserted Sept. 20, 1862, from Camp Swift, Geneva. Out of county recruit. ABRAHAM YOUNG, Jr., enlisted and was enrolled in Co. F at Rushville Aug. 23, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Geneva Sept. 2, credited to the town of Potter. Promoted Corporal Jan. 8, 1863. Died of disease Aug. 12. 1*64. in Hampton Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. Town of Gorham, Ontario county, recruit. 44th N. Y. INFANTRY When this regiment was originally organized as the Ellsworth Avengers, it was proposed that it should be made up of at least one man from each country township and city ward. It was soon seen that this was impossible, as so many country sections failed to furnish any men. This county was repre- sented by but four men. On Sept. 4, 5 and 6, 1861, Elam C. Beeman, of Canan- daigua, who had been appointed recruiting officer for the counties of Ontario, Steuben and Yates, was in Penn Yan to secure men, but was seemingly un- able to arouse any enthusiasm. When the original one-man intention was abandoned, the regiment very rapidly filled. It saw hard service, and in the summer oij 1862 had become so reduced in numbers that it was found neces- sary to transfer the remaining men of two companies to the others, and to organize two entirely new ones to take their places, and it was at this time that Yates county men came to take a really active part in the regimental history. Capt. Bennett L. Munger, of Penn Yan, Lieut. Elzer B. James, of Italy, and Lieut. Charles Kelly, of Penn Yan, had recruited and organized a com- pany for the 148th Inf., but when it was discovered that two too many com- panies had been organized for that regiment, and the two weakest in numb rs were dropped, this company was one to suffer that fate. It had really been the first company in the field for the 148th, Lieut. Kelly having recruited un- der a commission promised to him by the Governor in July, when he pro- posed raising an Irish company for the 126th Inf., and Lieut. James having94 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE enrolled a number of men in his home town the first week in August, when all the effort was apparently being made to complete the enrollments for the 126th. It was also one of the first companies to secure the minimum number of men needed, but the examinations of the local surgeons and those at the regimental camp had deducted nearly twenty men from its strength, it having more men rejected than several of the other companies combined. After the departure of the 148th for the front, the company remained at Camp Swift, Geneva, and a determined effort was made to gain recruits, but this was found impossible, as the county had filled its quota under both calls, and the danger of a draft had passed for the time being. Immediately after it was determined that the company could not become a part of the 148th, on Sept. 8th, Major E. B. Knox, of the 44th, came from Albany to Geneva, to arrange, if possible, with Capt, Munger and his officers that the company become a part of that regiment. The negotiations were suc- cessful, and it was agreed that the company should so join, but should; choose all of its own officers. The men remained at Camp Swift until Oct. 1, then went to Albany. Capt. Munger had secured 30 men for the company, Lieut. James, 33, and Lieut. Kelly 13. After it arrived at Albany Major Knox added several recruits from that section. The company was mustered into the U. S. service for 3 years by 1st Lieut. Alfred Foot, 14th U. S. Inf., on Oct. 3d. The officers at muster in were: Capt., Bennett L. Munger; 1st Lieut., Elzer B. James; 2d Lieut., Charles Kelly; 1st Sergeant, Orett L. Munger; Sergeants, Royal G. Kinner, George E. Henderson, Samuel J. Powell, John O'Neil; Cor- porals,, S. Harvey Ackley, Fred D. Hills, Robert F. Shipley, Charles Pelton, Matthew FitzPatrick, George W. Hobart, James Barren, Elnathan Mead. The company left Albany Oct. 9th to join the regiment in Virginia, and was desig- nated as Co. C on Oct. 25th. Its service from the first was hard, it received but two recruits from the county during its service, and it was soon depleted in numbers. On Sept. 24, 1864, the men remaining of the two new companies, with all recruits, about 290 men in all, were formed into a battalion, to be called the 44th Provisional Battalion, the time of the original regiment having expired, and it having been ordered to Albany for muster out. Capt. Munger, as senior in rank, would have commanded, but he was in Elmira,' on detached duty, so Capt. R. B. Wood, Jr., of Co. B, so acted. Lieut. Orett L. Munger vras appointed Adjutant. The new battalion was engaged in but one battle, that of Poplar Springs Church, Va, on Sept. 30th, and but one Yates county man, Lu- cius S. Osgood, was wounded. On Oct. 11th an order was received for the transfer of the men to the 140th and 146th Inf. The men of Co. C were sent to the 140th, with various companies of which they served until June 3, 1865, when they were transferred to the 5th N. Y. Veteran Inf., with which they were finally discharged. S. HARVEY ACKLEY enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 11, 1862. Detached July 18, 1864, as sharpshooter at headauarters of 1st Div?sion, 5th Army Corns, and remained such until transferred. Transferred to Co. G, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. E, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. HIRAM EDGAR ADAMS enlisted at Italy Aug. 7, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Promoted Corporal April ■—, 1864. De- tached July 18 as sharpshooter at headquarters of 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, remaining such until transfer. Transferred to Co. D, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. E, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Promoted Sergeant July 30. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. WILLIAM J. ADAMS enlisted at Italy Aug. 7. aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Transferred to the 33d Co., 2d Batt., Invalid Corps, Oct. 25, 1863. Discharged June 29, 1865, at Washington, D. C.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 95 WILLIAM S. ANGELL, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. K at Albany Sept. 28, 1861, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Detached as wag- oner at convalescent camp from Dec —, 1862, to April .—, 1864. Transferred to Co. G, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15. Mustered out Oct. 4, 1864, at Washington, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. JAMES BARREN, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 1, aged 19 (18) years. .Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered into the U. S. service as 7th Corporal. Reduced to the ranks Dec. 24, for misbehavior before the enemy at the battle of Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13. Deserted April 30, 1863, at Chaneellorsville, Va. Report- ed at McClellan Hospital, Nicetown, Pa., prior to Sept. 9. Returned to com- pany Oct. 6, near Culpepper, Va. Deserted May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. DeWITT C. BASSETT enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Fell out on the march Nov. 17, near Warrenton, Va., and was captured. Paroled at Richmond, Va., date not given. Discharged for disability Dec. 28. 1862, at parole camp at Camp Banks, Va. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 14th Art. MORTIMER BLOOMINGDALE, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 19 years. Died of dyptheria at his home Sept. 7, 1862. WILLIAM CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 25, aged 44 (62) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Discharged for disability, old age and hernia, April I, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. ANDREW J. COLE, of Middlesex, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town, of Middlesex. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Right leg am- putated. Discharged for disability, wound, April 8, 1863, at Emory Hospital, Washington, D. C. PHIjuO H. CONKLIN enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept 3. Promoted Corporal Nov. 11, 1862. Trans- ferred to Co. H, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and returned to the ranks same day. Transferred to Co. H, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Promoted Ser- geant from the ranks Aug. 1. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. SAMUEL N. COVIL enlisted at Italy Aug. 16, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Detached as pioneer at regimental head- quarters July —, 1863, and remained as such till transfer. Wounded in ac- tion June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Transferred to Co. C, 140th Inf., Oct. II. Captured in action Dec. 12, at Welden’s Lane, near Petersburg, Va., in Hicksford’s raid. Paroled Feb. 17, 1865, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out Sept. 29, 1865, at Elmira. JAMES DANSENBURG, of Barrington, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 31, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 4, credited to the town of Barrington. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. CYRUS H. DAVIS, of Milo, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Deserted July 7, 1863, at Frederick, Md. JOHN DEVLIN enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Absent without leave Oct. 3, 1862, at muster of the company into the U. S. service at Albany, and never reported or was mustered into the U. S. service. Monroe county recruit. THOMAS DONNELLY enlisted at Italy Aug. 8, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. 1864, and to Co. C, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with com- pany Aug. 21, 1865, at Hartps Island, New York harbor. STEPHEN P. DYE enlisted at Italy Aug. 18, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. WILLIAM ELWELL enlisted at Italy Aug. 8, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Died, of pneumonia and measles March 3, 1864, at Alexandria, Va. THOMAS FINUCAN enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Detached as guard at Brigade head- quarters Nov. —, 1863, and remained such till transfer. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864. Captured in action March 31, 1865, at White Oak Ridge, Va. Paroled April 3, at Aiken's Landing, Va. Discharged May 24, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. MATTHEW FITZPATRICK enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Mustered into the U. S. service as 5th Corporal. Reduced to the ranks Dec. 24, for misbehavior before the enemy at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13. Detached as attend- ant at hospital from April —, 1863, to June —. Transferred to the 1st Bat- talion. Invalid Corps, Sept. 10. Discharged Dec. 9, 1863, at Albany. JOSEPH W. FLETCHER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 36 years.96 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Potter. Died of smallpox Feb. 1, 1863, in hospital at Windmill Point, Va. GEORGE W. FRANCISCO enlisted at Italy Aug. 8, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Wounded' and captured in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Paroled Aug. 12, at VRichmond, Va. Trans- ferred to Co. D, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. but never served with that regiment. Discharged for disability, wounds, Feb. 28, 1865, at parole camp, Annapolis, Md. JOHNSON J. FRENCH, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B at Albany Sept. 4, 1861, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 6. Promot- ed Corporal Sept. 20, 1861. Discharged for disability Oct. 18, 1862, at Franklip Hospital, Albany. CHARLES B. FURNER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Jan. 18. 1864, aged 17 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 3, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action May 12, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Transferred to Co. K, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Promoted Corporal May 18, 1865. Transferred to Co. E, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island. New York harbor. WALTER E. FURNER, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Jan. 1, 1864, aged 17 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 3, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action May 5, at the Wildnerness, Va. Died of wounds June 26, 1864. at Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D. C. JOSLAH A. GARDNER enlisted at Italy Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Transferred to the Invalid Corps Feb. I, 1864, and to Co. H, 12th Veteran Reserve Corps, as Corporal, Dec. —. Dishonorably discharged, pursuant to sentence of general court martial, for larceny, April 19, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ANDREW A. GIDDINGS enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 1, aged 18 (15) years. Join- ed for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 12. Wounded in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Arm amputated. Transferred to the 140th Inf., Oct. 11, but did not serve with that regiment. Discharged for disability, wound. May 15. 1865, at hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., as of Co. C, 44th Inf. JOHN K. GIDDINGS enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. Leg amputated. On detached duty at Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York harbor, from date of recovery from' wound until muster out. Transferred to Co. F, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. F, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865, but served with neither regiment. Mustered out Aug. 22, 1865, at Elmira. MARION F. GRAHAM enlisted at Italy Aug. 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Get- tysburg, Pa. Transferred to Co. D, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1864. Discharged June 27, 1865, at Washington, D. C. EMORY C. GREEN enlisted at Italy Aug. 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettys- burg, Pa. Promoted Corporal Dec. —. Wounded in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to the 3d Veteran Reserve Corps March 20. 1865. Discharged April 9, 1865, at Cliff- burne Barracks, Washington. D. C. FRANCIS M. GRISWOLD enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty anr enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. NORMAN HARLINGTON enlisted at Italy Aug. 8, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Absent, on fur- lough, at muster out of company. Discharged at New York, date not given, “to date” Aug. 21, 1865, date of muster out of company. GEORGE E. HENDERSON enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 11. Mustered into the U. S. service as 3d Sergeant. Reduced to the ranks Dec. 24, for misbehavior before the ene- my at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13. Deserted June 29, 1863, at Frederick, Md. WILLIAM A. HERRICK enlisted at Italy Aug. 6, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Wounded in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Detached July 18 as sharpshooter at headquarters of 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, remaining as such till transfer. Transferred to Co. G. 140th Inf., Oct. II, and to Co. F, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with com- pany Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. PETER H. HIBBARD enlisted at Branchport Aug. 12, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Detached to Provost Guard, 5th Army Corps, from , July —, 1863, to Oct. —. Promoted Corporal Nov. 6. Re- turned to the ranks Jan. 5, 1864. Detached July 18 as sharpshooter at headquarters of the 1st Division. 5th Army Corps, remaining as such until transfer. Transferred to Co. G. 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. E, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. FRED D. HILLS enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Milo. MusteredYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 97 into the U. S. service as 2d Corporal. Detached to Provost Guard, 5th Army Corps, Dec. —, 1862. Returned to company Jan. 18, 1863. Promoted Ser- geant Jan. 31. Transferred to the Signal Corps, Army of the Potomac, at Beverly Ford, Va., Aug. 26, to date Aug. 1. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864. Discharged July 10, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county, recruit. GEORGE W. HOBART, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8, credited? to the town of Potter. Mustered into the U. S. service as 6th Corporal. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 24. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and May 5, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Transferred to Co. C, 9th Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 9. Discharged June 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ANDREW J. HORTON enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 36 years. Joined foi< duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Detached as teamster April and May, 1863. Discharged for disability July 30, 1863, at convalescent camp near HARRINGTON’ HOUGHTON, of Middlesex, enlisted at Italy Aug. 25, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8, credited to the town of Middlesex. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Promoted Corporal June 1, 1864. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. I, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Promoted Sergeant July 24. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York) har- bor. GEORGE R. HUNTER enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Slightly wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Promoted Corporal Dec. 24, returned to the ranks* Dec. —, 1863, and again promoted Corporal April —, 1864. Wounded in action May 8, at Laurel Hill. Va. Transferred to Co. K, 19th Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 9. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 1. Discharged July 12, 1865, at Elmira. ELZER B. JAMES, of Italy, was enrolled at Albany Aug. 14, aged 29 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut. Discharged on resignation for dis- ability Jan. 31, 1863, at Stoneman’s Switch, Va. JOHN T. JOHNSON enlisted at Italy Aug. 7, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Mustered into the U. S. service as mu- sician. Grade changed to private, date not given. Wounded in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. H, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, but never served with that regiment. Transferred to the 38th Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, March 10, 1865. Discharged for disability, wounds, March 31, 1865, at Finley Hospital, Washington, D. C. CHARLES KELLY, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Albany July 24, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut. Promoted 1st Lieut. Feb. 26, 1863. to date Jan. 31. Slightly wounded in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Mustered out with regiment Oct. 11, 1864, at Albany. State breveted Cap- tain May 1, 1868. ROYAL G. KINNER enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Sergeant. Promoted 1st Sergeant March 11, 1863. Wounded in action July 3, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa., and June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church, Va. Commissioned (not mustered) 1st Lieut., Co. E, Oct. 6, with rank from Aug. 26. Transferred to Co. I, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Mustered out as supernumary 1st Sergeant Oct. 29, 1864, in camp near Petersburg, Va. JAMES H. MANDEVILLE enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 20, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Detached Dec. —, 1862, as clerk to Provost Marshal at headquarters 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, and remained as such till muster out. Transferred to Co. A, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864. Discharged May 21, 1865, at Washington, D. C. DAVID D. MAPES enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 28, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Wounded in action June 21, 1863, at Uppervnle, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, March 30, 1864, at Stan- ton Hospital, Washington, D. C. JOHN E. McBRIDE enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Straggled at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, before the battle, and was captured. Paroled at Fredericksburg Dec. 17. Deserted from parole camp prior to March 7, 1863, was arrested and escaped. No further record. RICHARD McELLIGOTT, of Torrey, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1, credited to the town of Torrey. Promoted Corporal Jan. 31, 1863. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. JOHN McGOUGH enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Detached as guard at Brigade head- quarters May —, 1863, and remained such until transfer. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New' York harbor. JOHN McGLAUGHLIN enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 29, aged 43 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1. Carried on all rolls as deserting Sept. 8, 1864, from St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester, on expiration of fur- lough. Actual facts: Arrested at Penn Yan Sept. 7, 1864, for burglary and98 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE” grand larceny. Broke jail Oct. 7. Enlisted as a private in Co. A, 184th Ohio Inf., at Dayton, O., Jan. 9, 1865, to serve 1 year, and was mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Arrested by civil authorities Feb. 19, at Camp Chase, Columbus, O., and returned to Penn Yan. Tried and found guilty in May. and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment in Auburn State prison. Military disability removed by Special Act of Congress July 5, 1884, and discharge issued “to date" Sept. 8‘, 1864. WILLIAM McMAHON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Albany Aug. 19, 1861, aged 20- years. Mustered into the U. S. service Aug. 30. Captured in action June 27, 1862, at Gaines’ Mills, Va. Paroled Aug. 5, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Discharged for disabili- ty, wounds, May 14, 1863, at DeCamp Hospital, David s Island, New York harbor, ELNATHAN MEAD enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 18 (16)-years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept, 3, Mustered into the U. S. service as 8th Corporal. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Reduced to the ranks Dec. —■. 1863. for prolonged absence from company after re- covery from wound. Wounded in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va, Name transferred to Co, A, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. A, 5th N. Y. Vet, Inf., June 3, 1865, while supposedly “absent, wounded, in hospital,’’ but real- ly discharged Oct. 18, 1864, at depot camp of the Veteran Reserve Corps, Cliffburne Barracks, Washington, D. C., as a private in an unassigned de- tachment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, to which he had been assigned in , July or August, 1864. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf., as Nathan Mead. FREDERICK MITCHELL enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 15, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept, 1, Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Died of wounds Dec. 30, 1862, in Georgetown Hospital, Washington, D. C. ELISHA MOON enlisted at Benton Center Aug. 11, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Penn Yan Sept. 3. Discharged for disabiltiy Jan. 29, 1863 at Falmouth, Va. Subsequent service in Bat. F, 14th Art. PHILIP MORSE, Jr., enlisted at Barrington Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. K, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865.Mustered out Aug. 21, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. Prior enlistment in Co. I, 86th Inf. Town of Bradford, Steuben county, recruit. BENNETT L. MUNGER, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Albany Aug. 14, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, with rank from Aug. 14. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Detached in charge of prison camp guard at Elmira Jan. 21, 1864. Discharged Oct. 11. 1864, at Al- bany, as superhumary; Captain, on consolidation with the 140th Inf. ORETT L. MUNGER enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 11, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Sergeant. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Feb. 26, 1863, with rank from Jam 31; 1st Lieut., Co. G, Sept. 14, with rank from Aug. 14. In command of Co. K from Aug. 27 to Sept. 7. Sept. 25 returned to Co. G, but again temporari- ly assumed command Of Co. K, and so continued to May 4, when again re- turned to Co. G. Again assigned to Co. K Nov. 10, and continued in com- mand until appointed acting Adjutant Jan. 22, 1864, in which position con- tinued until Aug. 16. Slightly wounded and captured in action May 8, at Laurel Hill, Va. Re-captured May 9, at Beaver Dam Station, Va. Promoted Captain Sept. 19, with rank from May 5. Mustered out Oct. 3, 1864, in camp near Petersburg, Va. WILLIAM N. NOtRJtlS enlisted at Barrington Aug. 30, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Geneva Sept. 5. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Died of wounds July 22, 1863, in field hospital at Gettys- burg. DANIEL O’NEIL, of Benton, enlisted for Jerusalem Sept. 5, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 14. Assigned to Co. C Sept. 23. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Mustered out with company June 3, 1865, near Alexan- dria, Va. JOHN O’NEIL, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered into the U. S. service as 5th Sergeant. Reduced to the ranks Nov. 11, 1862, for disobedience of orders. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Jromoted Corporal July 30. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. WILLIAM O’NEIL, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 1, credited to the town of Benton. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Promoted Corporal July 11. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. LUCIUS S. OSGOOD enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Promoted Corporal Dec. 24. 1862. Wounded in action June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va., and Sept. 30 at Poplar Grove Church, Va. Transferred to Co. K, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Returned to the ranks March 5, 1865. Transferred to Co. G, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3. Serv-YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 99 ed with neither regiment, and was mustered out “to date” May 15. 1865, at TJ. S. hospital at York, Pa., as of Co. C, 44th Inf. CHARLES PELTON enlisted at Italy Aug. 26, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Corporal. Reduced to the ranks Dec. 24, for misbehavior before the enemy at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13. Discharged for disability Feb. 21, 1863, at Armory Square Hospital. Washington, D. C. ALEXANDER PERiTtY enlisted at Penn Yan Sept. 25, aged 44 (46) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Left leg amputated. Discharged for disability, wound, Feb. 28, 1863, at Emory Hospital, Washington, D. C. RICHARD VJ. PHILLIPS enlisted at Italy Aug. 26, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa. Discharged June 28, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa., to accept promotion. Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service at Camp William r Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., June 29. as 2d Lieut., Co. K, 43d U. S. Colored Troops, and detailed as Pioneer Officer, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corns. Returned to company Nov. 3. Detailed Jan. 14, 1865, as Captain, Co. I, 23d U. S. Colored Troops. Relieved Feb. -3, and appointed Provost Marshal, 1st Division, 25th Army Corps holding that position until after the surren- der of Gen. R. E. Lee at Appomatox, Va. Mustered out with company Nov. 30, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa^ Enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service at Fort Smith, Arkansas; Feb. 6. 1866, as 2d Lieut., Co. C, 57th TJ. S. Colored Troops. Promoted 1st Lieut., Co. H, May 25. Mustered out with company Dec. 13, 1866, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. SAMUEL J. POWELL, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 5, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service as 4th Sergeant. Detached July 1, 1864, as sharpshooter at headquarters of 1st Division, 5th Army Corps and re- mained as such until transfer. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. K, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21. 1 865, at Hart's Island, New York harbor. GEORGE C. RAYMOND enlisted at Italy, Aug. 9. aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericks- burg Va., and May 2, T863. at- Chancellorsville, Va. Transferred to Co. D, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to the 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865, but his name does not appear on the rolls of the latter regiment. Mustered out Aug. 14. 1865, at Rochester. CLARK W. REYNOLDS enlisted at Italy Sept. 2, aged 17 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Discharged for disability Feb. 20, 1863, at Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. B, 188th Inf, FRAZIER ROSENKRANS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. K at Albany Sept. 30, 1861, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day. Wounded and cap- tured in action May 8, T864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Died of disease and wounds Oct. 20, 1864, at Savannah, Ga., a prisoner of war. JAMES ROWELL enlisted at Italy Aug. 13, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Mustered into the U. S. service as wagoner and continued as such until transfer. Wounded in action Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va. Transferred to Co. C, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. F, 5th N. Y. Vet. Tnf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1*65. at Hart’s Island New York harbor. ROBERT F. SHIPLEY enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 14, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Canandai- gua, Ontario county. Mustered into the TJ. S. service as 3d Corporal. Wound- ed in action May 3, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 6. Transferred to Co. A, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864. Awarded a medal of honor by Congress for the capture of the flag of the 9th Virginia Infantry in ac- tion at Five Forks. Va., April 1, 1865. Transferred to Co. I, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3. Promoted 1st Sergeant July 1. Mustered out with company Aug. 21. 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor, NOAH H. SHULTZ enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action May 5, 1864, at Spott- sylvania, Va., and July 20, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Co. K, 140th Inf.. Oct. 11, and to the 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf. June 3, 1865, but his name does not appear on the rolls of the latter regiment. Mustered out July 24, 1865. at Elmira. REUBEN SISSON enlisted at Italy Aug. 13, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Promoted Corporal June 1, 1864. Trans- ferred to Co. H. 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Reduced to the ranks in October. Trans- ferred to Co. H, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with com- pany Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. MYRON SMITH enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Transferred to Co. G, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. G, 5th N. Y. Veteran Inf., June 3, 1865, but served with neither regiment. Transferred to the 85th Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, June —, 1864. Promoted Corporal Dec. 26. Discharged July 8, 1865, 3/t Philadelphia !Pa WILLIAM W. SMITH, of Potter, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 19 years.100 YATES COUNTY'S " BOYS IN BLUE ” Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Potter. Wounded in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg-, Pa. Transferred to Co. C, 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, March 15, 1864. Discharged Aug. 2, 1865, at Washington. D. C. GEORGE M. SNYDER enlisted at Italy Aug. 28, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Died of chronic diarrhea Jan. 17, 1863, on board hospital boat John Tucker, enroute to hospital at Windmill Point, AcQuift Creek HIRAM M. SQUIERS enlisted at Italy Aug. 26, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5. Detached as pioneer Dec. •—, 1863. and acted as such or in the ambulance train until transfer. Captured by guer- rillas outside picket line Dec. 10, 1863, at camp near Rappahannock Station, Va., robbed and released. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. P, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3. 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. JACOB STROUP enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 28, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Deserted July 1, 1863, at Liberty, Md., on march to Gettysburg, Pa. Arrested in citizen’s clothes Aug. 14, at Me- chanicsville, Pa., and returned to company Aug. 29. Tried by general court martial, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, found guilty, and sentenced to make good time lost by desertion and to forfeit one-half of pay for balance of enlistment. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, 1864, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. ALBERT STURDEVANT enlisted at Italy Aug. 29, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to town of Jerusalem. Promoted1 Corporal Dec. 24, 1862. Died of smallpox Feb. 25, 1864, in Clair- mont Hospital, Alexandria, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. THOMAS R. SUTHERBY enlisted at Italy Aug. 23, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Promoted Corporal Nov. 6, 1863. Wounded and captured in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill, Va. Died of wounds May 26, 1864, at Richmond, Va., a prisoner of war. CHARLES W. TAYLOR, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 26, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action Dec. 13, at Fredericksburg, Va. Discharged for disability March 26, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. Subsequent service in Co. D, 26th U. S. Colored Troops. PATRICK M. TOBIN, of Benton, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 25, aged 41 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5, credited to the town of Benton. Accidentally injured May 14, 1863, at Stoneman's Switch, Va. Trans- ferred to Co. D, 1st Invalid Corps, Jan. 22, 1864. Discharged July 14, 1865, at Elmira. ORRIN E. WATKINS enlisted at Italy Aug. 26, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Wounded in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. I, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. D, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. ALBERT W. WERT, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Aug. 12, aged 26 years Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action May 8, 1864, at Laurel Hill. Va. Transferred to Co. E, 140th Inf., Oct. 11. Wounded in action Feb. 6, 1865, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 30, 1865, at Tilton Hospital, Wilmington, Del. MARTIN E. WESTCOTT enlisted at Barrington Aug. 30, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 5. Detached July 18, 1864, as sharpshooter at headquarters of the 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, remain- ing such until transfer. Transferred to Co. H, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. H, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Promoted Sergeant from the ranks Aug. 1. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. JEROME WHEATON enlisted at Italy Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 3. Killed in action Nov. 7, 1863, at Rap- pahannock Station, Va. ALDEN D. WHITNEY, of Italy, enlisted at Geneva Sept. 15, aged 21 years. Join- ed for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Absent without leave Oct. 3, 1862, at muster of the company into the U. S. service, at Albany, and never reported or was mustered into the U. S. service. GEORGE W. WING enlisted at Italy Aug. 6, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Sept. 8. Promoted Corporal Dec. 24, 1862. Wound- ed in action June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Detached July 18 as sharp- shooter at headquarters of the 1st Division 5th Army Corps, and remained such until transfer. Transferred to Co. D, 140th Inf., Oct. 11, and to Co. F, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. GEORGE B. WOLCOTT, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. E at Albany Aug. 20, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the city of Albany. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 25. Killed in action July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE ” 101 4th N. Y. ARTILLERY Only three Yates county men enlisted in this regiment at its organiza- tion, but recruits from the town of Middlesex seemed to have a marked pref- erence for it later. In the fall of 1862 Sergeant George H. Warner, of that town, canvassed the entire western section of the county, and parts of On- tario as well, and, in competition with the recruiting officers for the 126th and 148th Infantry, secured a considerable number of men. Other men joined during the winter of 1863-1864. All enlistments were for 3 years. ERASTUS D. ADAMS enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Jan. 15, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 25. Wounded in action May 19, 1864, at Harris House, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C. CARLTON BARBER enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Captured in action Aug. 25, 1864, at Ream’s Station, Va. Died of fever* Nov. 26, 1864, at Salis- bury, N. C., a prisoner of War. CHARLES A. BUCKLIN enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Sept. 23, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Died of chronic diarrhea April 27, 1865, in hospital at Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAM BURGESS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Bat. H at Canandaigua Dec. 27, 1861, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out Jan. 2, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., expiration term of enlistment. SAMUEL C. COLE enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 20, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Wounded in action May 19, 1864, at Harris House, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, June 10, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES C. DeWITT, of Potter, enlisted June 4, 1863, at Canandaigua, in Bat. D., 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 16 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester same day. Rejected as a minor and mustered out June 21, 1863, at Rochester. Subsequent service in Bats. A, E, D and G, 3d Art. . JOHN DONAHUE, of Middlesex, enlisted May 26, 1863, at Canandaigua, in Bat. D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered at Rochester same day. Rejected as a minor and mustered out June 21, 1863, at Rochester. Subsequent service in Co. , C, 15th Cav. AMOS P. FRANCISCO enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Jan. 14, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Discharged Oct. 16, 1865, at Elmira. HARVEY R. FRANCISOO enlisted in Bat. G at Italy Dec. 14, 1863, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. De- serted Aug. 6, 1865, at Ft. Richardson, Va. Charge of desertion removed by Act of Congress of July 5, 1884, and discharged Feb, 14, 1885, “to date” Aug. 6, 1865. SYLVESTER H. FRENCH enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Appointed wagoner prior to Oct., 1864. Mustered out June 3, 1865, near Alexandria, Va, JAMES E. GALUSHA enlisted June 3, 1863, at Middlesex, in Bat. D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Rochester, date not given. Rejected and mustered out June 21, 1863, at Rochester. CHARLES G. HAMLIN enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Dec. 19, 1863, aged 18 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery Sept. 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ALONZO HARRIS, of Benton, enlisted June 2, 1863, at Rochester, in Bat. C, 11th Art., which became Bat. L, 4th Art., July 25, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Deserted prior to June 21. 1863. Prior service in Co. A, 76th Inf., and subsequent service in Bat. I, 14th Art. FREDERICK A. HARRIS, of Benton, enlisted June 2, 1863, at Rochester, in Bat. C, 11th Art., which became Bat. L, 4th Art., July 25, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Deserted prior to June 21, 1863. Subsequent service in Co. C, 16th U. S. Inf. WILLIAM B. HAHRIS enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 30 (26) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Accidentally injured Oct. 18 at Fort Pennsylvania, Washington, D. C. Discharged for disability, injury, Nov. 29, 1862, at Island Hall hospital, Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. H, 111th Inf. JOHN J. HILLYARD (Hillier) enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 19 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Died of disease Nov. 2, 1862, in hospital at Washington, D. C. WILLIAM J. HORTON, of Italy, enlisted in Bat. H Dec. 14, 1863, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out June 8, 1865, at Elmira.102 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” CHARLES F. JOHNSON enlisted in Bat. H at Italy Dec. 12, 1863, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Died of disease July* 30, 1864, on board hospital ship State of Maine, near Petersburg, Va. ELI R. LEWIS, of Potter, enlisted June 8, 1863, at Canandaigua, in Bat. !D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Can- andaigua, Ontario county.' Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester June 21. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1864. Captured in action Aug. 25, at Ream’s Station, Va. Died of dysentery Dec. 17, 1864, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. •• - A ELIJAH F. LOCKE, of Middlesex, enlisted in Bat. H at Canandaigua Dec. 27, 1861, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 1, 18-62; Quartermaster-Sergeant, date not given. Mustered out Jan. 4, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., expiration term of enlist- ment. MARVIN M. MACK,, of Middlesex, enlisted in Bat. M at Canandaigua Aug 1, 1863, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Aug. 21, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Wounded in action June 4, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Died of wounds July 10, 1864, in Finley hospital, Washington, D. C. Drafted July 31, 1863, but served as above. MARTIN MAHAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted April 13, 1863. at Rochester, in Bat. B, 11th Art., which became Bat. K, 4th Art., July 25, aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Deserted prior to June 21. Subsequent service in Co. E, 1st Vet. Cav., and in the U. S. Navy. GEOiRGE McDONALD enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Discharged for dis- ability Jan,< 22, 1864, at Fort Ethan Allen, Va. WILLIAM A. McKNIGHT, of Benton, enlisted April 20. 1863, at Rochester, in Bat. A, 11th Art., which became Bat. I, 4th Art., July 25, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Deserted prior to June 21, 1863. WALTER F. MILLSPAUGH, of-Jerusalem, enlisted April 13, 1863, at Rochester, in Bat. B, 11th Art., which became Bat. K, 4th Art., July 25, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Deserted prior to June 21, 11863. Subsequent service in the 16th Art., unassigned to bat- tery, and in Bat. L, 6th Art. EDWIN J. MORGAN enlisted in Bat. C at Jerusalem Jan. 28, 1864, aged 29 • years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 29. Mustered out June 15, 1865, at Elmira. STANLEY H., POLLEY enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Promoted Corporal Oct. 1, 1862. Wounded in action June 23, 1864, at the Weldon Railway, Va. Mustered out July 3, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. GEORGE RACKHAM enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Jan. 19, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Albany. JAMES R. ROBISON enlisted in Bat. M at Potter March 29, 1864, aged 44 (52) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua March 31. Died of chronic diarrhea Aug. 31, 1864, in hospital at Beverly, N. J. HENRY B. ROWLEY, of Potter, enlisted June 12. 1863, at Gorham, in Bat. D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Mustered into the U. S. service as 7th Corporal at .Rochester June 21. Discharged for disability Dec. 22, 1864, at Sisters of Charity hospital, " Buffalo, • ' CHARLES SACKETT, of Potter, enlisted May 23, 1863, at Rushville, in Bat. D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 17 years. Joined for duly arid enrolled same day. Rejected as: a minor and mustered out June 21, 1863, at Rochester. HECTOR SMITH enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service same day and place. Died of disease July 9, 1864, in hospital- at Washington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. BYRON SOULES, of Middlesex, enlisted May 18, 1863, at Rushville, in Bat. D, 11th Art., which became Bat. M, 4th Art., July 25, aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester June 21. Mustered out with battery Sept. 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. JOHN TOWNSEND enlisted in Bat. C at Jerusalem Jan. 28/ 1864, aged 44 (47) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 29. Discharged for disability Dec. 23, 1864, at Haddington hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. GEORGE H. WARNEIR, of Middlesex,- enlisted in Bat. H at Canandaigua Jan. 26, 1862, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Jan. 30. Promoted Sergeant April I. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Jan. 16, 1863, with rank from Dec. 31, 1862; 1st Lieut., Bat. A, Jan. 12, 1864, with rank from Dec. 27, 1863. Commissioned (not mustered) Captain Feb. 11, 1865, with rank from Jan. 20. Mustered out Jan. 26, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., ex- piration term of enlistment. HENRY B. WHITMAN enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Dec. 19, 1863, aged 18Yates county's “ boys in blue ” 103 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S.' service at Canandaigua Jail.^>4864. Captured in action Aug. 25, at Ream’s Station, Va. Paroled Feb. 22, 1865T"at Wilmington, N. C. Discharged July 22, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. FRANCIS M. WILKLOW, -of Italy, enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex, Aug. 30, aged 22 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered out June 3, 1865, near Alex- andria, Va. WILLIAM S. WILSON enlisted in Bat. H at Middlesex Aug. 30, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, Captured in action Aug. 25, 1864, at Ream’s Station, Va. Escaped from Rockingham, N. C., March 6, 1865, and reported at Annapolis, Md., March 28. Discharged June 17, 1865, at Elmira. 141st N. Y. INFANTRY Only four Yates county men became members of this regiment, which was raised in the Southern Tier. It was a 3-year regiment, and was mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 11th by Major A. T. Lee, 2d IK S. Inf. SAMUEL AYRES enlisted in Co. A at Jerusalem. Aug. 21, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Mustered out May 27, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. Out of county recruit. . LEWIS CLARK enlisted in Co. B at Barrington Aug. 22, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Aug. 25. Died of disease Dec. 5, 1863, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. CHARLES E. DENNISON,- of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Wayne Aug. 21, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Aug. 25. Killed in / action May 25, 1864, at Dallas, Ga. JOHN E. HAYS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Reading Aug. 14, aged 2£ years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company June 8, 1865, at Washington, D. C. [ WILLIAM W. KOONS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Reading Aug. 14, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Aug. 15. Appointed Corj- poral Sept. 11. Promoted Sergeant in September or October, 1863. Wounded in action July 20, 1864, at Peach Tree Creek, Ga. Died of wounds Aug. 4, 1864, in field hospital at Kingston, Ga. 161st N. Y. INFANTRY This was another so-called Southern Tier regiment, and no recruits for it were actually secured in Yates county, the few men who joined it when organized having done so at Elmira or in Steuben county, where they were employed. Later, a considerable number of out-of-county bounty men were sent to it as recruits, being credited to Yates county. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira b^ Major A. T. Lee, 2d U. S. Inf., for 3 years, and the majority of the recruits were also 3-year men. WALDO W. BROOKS enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Jan. 14, 1864, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Wounded in action April 8, 1864, at Sabine Cross Roads, Da. Mustered out July 8, 1865, at Elmira. Prior service in Co. B, 26th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. WALLACE BROOKS enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Jan. 14, 1864, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of chronic diarrhea Oct. 5, 1864, in regimental hospital at Morganza, La. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EZRA E. CLARK enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Jan. 14, 1864, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease April 16, 1864, in St. James hospital, New Orleans, La. Prior service in Co. E, 52d Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. GEORGE C. COLEMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B at Watkins Aug. 15, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Sept. 9, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 27, credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action April 8, 1864, at Sabine Cross Roads1, Da. Died of wounds April 12, 1864, in St. James hospital, New Orleans, La. ISRAEL DILLISTON enlisted in Co. B for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit.104 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” ALONZO E. HOLLISTER, of Milo, enlisted in December, 1864, or January, 1865, place or period of enlistment not given, aged 39 years. Assigned to Co. I Feb. 8, 1865. Never joined regiment. On company roll dated April 30, 1865, carried as “deserted en route to join regiment.” ELONZO S. HOLLISTER, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C at Elmira Sept. 6, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. FREEMAN W. LITTELL enlisted in Co. B for Starkey Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mus- tered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Town of Ty- rone, Schuyler county, recruit. WILLIAM G. LOOK enlisted in Co. A for Middlesex Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 33 years. Musteyed into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out Aug. 28, 1865, at Tallahassee, Fla. Town of Prattsburg, Steu- ben county, recruit. GEORGE F. LOSEY, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Elmira Aug. 15, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 9, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 27. Captured on picket line Jan. 20, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La. Paroled March 13, 1863, at New Orleans, La. Mustered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. WILLIAM F. MAHAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Pulteney Sept. 3, 1864, aged 18 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 14, credited to the town of Pulteney, Steuben county. Appointed musician Nov. 20. Musteyed out July 2, 1865, at Rochester. CHARLES W. McCANN, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Pulteney Aug. 21, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Sept. 18, and mustered into the U. S. service at same* place Oct. 27. Died of disease July 15, 1863, in regimental hospital at Baton Rouge, La. JOHN W. OWENS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Pulteney Aug. 22, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Sept. 18, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 27. Deserted Nov. 1, 1862, at Elmira. SYLVESTER H. PLAYFORD, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Reading Sept. 6, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, and mus- tered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 27. Deserted Nov. 22. 1862, at New YorK city. Enlisted as Henry Playford, Feb. 11, 1863, at Wash- ington, D. C., in Co. D, 16th U. S. Inf., to serve five years. Died of chronic diarrhea May 11, 1864, in U. S. hospital at' Madison, Ind. ORRIN S. REDDOUT, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. E at Kanona, Steuben county, Sept. 29, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Oct. 25, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 27. Wounded in action April 23, 1864, at Cane River Crossing, La. Mustered out at Elmira, date not given, “to date” Sept. 28, 1865, date of muster out of company. WILMOT ROSS enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Jan. 14, 1864, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of disease April 20, 1864, in St. James hospital, New Orleans, La. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM RUMSEY enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. DANIEL STODDARD enlisted in Co. K for Milo Sept. 6, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company Sept. 20, 1865, at Ft. Jefferson, Fla. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN W. SHATTUCK enlisted in Co. E for Barrington Jan. 14, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Transferred to Co,. A Sept. 2, 1865. Mustered out with company Nov. 12, 1865, at Talla- hassee, Fla. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LeGRAND VanDUZEH enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Jan. 14, 1864, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out Nov. 12, 1865, at Tallahassee, Fla. Prior service in Co. G, 35th Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. CHARLES R. WALSH enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 10, 1865, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 11. Transferred to Co. B Sept. 2. Mustered out Nov. 12, 1865, at Tallahassee, Fla. Out of county recruit. 163d N. Y. INFANTRY PATRICK DOWLING, of Potter, enlisted in Co. F at Brooklyn Sept. 20, to serve 3 years, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Wounded in action Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericksburg, Va, Transferred to Co. G, 73d Inf., Jan. 18, 1863. Discharged for disability, wounds, April 21. 1863, at DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor, as of Co. F, 163d Inf.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 105 26th N. Y. INDEPENDENT BATTERY MOSHER T. GREEN enlisted at Potter Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out July 12. 1865, at Mobile, Ala. THOMAS LUDLOW, of Benton, enlisted at Rochester Sept. 30, to serve 3 years, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Nov. 12, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered into the U. S. service as Artificer Feb. 25, 1863, at New Orleans, La. Died of disease March 7, 1863, in St. James hospital, New Orleans, La. CHARLES H. PERRY, of Potter, enlisted Sept. 12, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day, credited to the town of East Bloomfield, Ontario county. Mustered out July 12, 1865, Mobile a ] WILLIAM R.’ PERRY enlisted at Potter Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out July 12, 1865, at Mobile, Ala. JAMES M. PIEJEtiCE enlisted at Potter Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out July 12. 1865, at Mobile, Ala. ELLIS B. SAYER enlisted at Potter Sept. 4, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out at Elmira June 27, 1865. 2d U. S. CAVALRY CARROLL HAMM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Troop L at Washington, D. C., Dec. 27. to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Discharged March 2, 1865, at Hagerstown, Md. Subsequent service in Co. F, 9th U. S. Vet. Volunteers. ALVIN REYNOLDS enlisted and was mustered into the U. S. service at Roch- ester March 7, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 40 years. Credited to the town of Barrington. Assigned to Troop G, and later transferred to Troop D, 7th U. S. Cav. Discharged for disability Feb. 13, 1867, at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Out of county recruit. RICHARD TWIST enlisted and was mustered into the U. S. service at Roch- ester Feb. 7, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Credited to the town of Middlesex. Assigned to Troop D. Discharged for disability Jan. 19, 1867, at Ft. Lyon, Colorado Territory. Out of county recruit.106 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE” I863 The new year' began with everyone having a full realization of the mag- nitude of the struggle going on, and of the burden of men and money which it entailed. Efforts' were early made to secure the return to their regiments of all men who had deserted or who were absent without leave, and to that end the President, on March 10, issued a proclamation granting amnesty to all deserters who would return to their commands by April 1st, no penalty being attached except loss of all pay and allowances while absent. A con- siderable number of men belonging to Yates county took advantage of this proclamation. Several of less scope, but along the same lines, had previously been made by different commanding officers. On April 23d came the appoint- ment of a Provost Marshal for the district, and the Draft Board immediately began to function, taking charge of what had previously been loose ends, under control of no one in particular. On April 28th the War Department issued an order forming an Invalid Corps, to be made up of such men as, while unable to do active duty on the lines, were capable of performing garrison duty and acting as nurses and orderlies in hospitals. The men were to be either assigned by their officers or secured by re-enlistment of men already discharged for disability. A considerable number of local men were assigned to the Corps, but not one re-enlisted, although the Marshal made every effort in that direction. In May and June the 2-year regiments of 1861 were discharged, releasing many men. Only one Yates county man re-enlist- ed, only one of the early regiments raised in this section veteranizing. James. D. Salsbury, of Starkey, Co. K, 3d Inf., re-enlisted for two years. On June 1st a call was made for cavalry re-enforcements for the army, and, imme- diately, efforts were made locally to interest men in that branch of the service, the 15th and 1st Veteran Cavalry being organized at Geneva. The latter regiment was raised by officers discharged from the two year service, mainly from the 33d Inf., and a considerable number of veterans responded to the call. The 15th also secured a number of’ men. The U. S. and state bounties were then $175 for new men, $250 for veterans, 3-year service. The depletion of the armies by discharges was so great that on June 15th a call for 100,000 men was made, the response to which was so meager that the draft resulted late in July, Yates county’s quota being 384, of which but 268 were secured by the drawing. The town quotas under this call were: Bar- rington, 25; Benton, 47; Italy, 23; Jerusalem, 54; Middlesex, 26; Milo, 84; Potter, 46; Starkey, 51; Torrey, 28. October 17th brought another call for 300,000 men. The local quotas were: Barrington, 20; Benton, 36; Italy, 18; Jerusalem, 41; Middlesex, 20; Milo, 64; Potter, 35; Starkey, 39; Torrey, 21; total, 294. There was also a considerable deficit of men under the June 15th call to be made good. The county was given until Jan. 4, 1864, to fill its quota. U. S. and state bounties were raised to $377 for new recruits, $150 paid in advance, and $522 for veterans, $225 paid before leaving the rendez- vous. A number of regiments were in the field locally for men, notably the 22d Cavalry. On November 24th Capt. Edward E. Root was appointed state recruiting officer for the county, all branches of the service, with headquar- ters at Penn Yan, and Lieut. Frank O. Chamberlain acted in the same capacity at Rushville. On December 3d the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution107 YATES COUNTY’S “ EOYS IN BLUE ” providing for the payment of a county bounty of $300 for 3-year recruits, making the total bounties $677 for recruits and $822 for veterans. The Board appointed as a committee to have charge of the expenditure of the money ra’sed under the resolution County Treasurer James Burns; John C. Scheetz, Supervisor for the town of Milo, and Lewis B. Graham, the Clerk of the Board. This committee was in entire charge of the finances of recruit- ing for the county until the close of the war. Recruits at this date were given their choice of organization, and could go to the old regiments in the field or into the 13th, 15th, 18th or 21st Cavalry, the 14th or 15th Artillery. The choice of the majority locally was the 14th Art., a battery for which was being raised by Lieut. George Brennan, 1st Sergeant Thomas Hunter and Alfred A. Chidsey, all formerly of Co. I, 33d Inf. This regiment secured upward of 90 men, mostly actual residents of the county. The men secured by Messrs. Root and Chamberlain were scattered through a number of regi- ments. Physxal examinations were exceedingly strict, and many men were rejected. Yates county was seemingly discriminated against by the Surgeon of the Draft Board, as many of the men he rejected were afterward accepted by ermy surgeons or Draft Board Surgeons in other Districts. On December 24th the recruiting office of the 22d Cav. was closed, the regiment being full. On December 23th the first colored men in the county to volunteer were recru’ted, and they, with others who enlisted during the week following, were assigned to the 23th TJ. S. Colored Troops, authority to raise which regiment had been granted to the Loyal League Club of New York city. The year closed with the county in a disturbed condition, in fear of another draft. Up to November 1st, from November 13, 1862, the Volunteer Committee had paid out to families of volunteers, under the resolution of July 26, 1862, the sum of $11,164.25. In the following regiments all enlistments were made in 1863, except as otherwise given. To so few regiments were the men sent—those drafted or those hired as substitutes—who were secured by the drawing of July 31st, that it seems proper to include them under one comprehensive head—the Draft Regiments. All were regiments which had been for some time in the field, and had had their membership depleted by death or the discharge of men for disability. The drafted men were scattered, the date of their being received at Elmira largely determining that detail, as orders were received daily to send men to different regiments. Under an order of the War Department, drafted men who served were given date of enlistment as of date their names were drawn, without regard to the date on which they presented themselves for muster. In every case, the term of service under the draft was 3 years. Recruits sent later to the same regiments ^ere enlisted for different periods of service, 1 or 3 years, according to the date of enlistment. THOMAS C. ANDLER enlisted in Co. A for Milo Jan. 26, 1865, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Deserted Aug. 4, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for George W. Plimpton, of Milo. WILLIAM BROWN enlisted in Co. A for Starkey Jan. 23, 1865, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with DRAFT REGIMENTS looth N. Y. INFANTRY108 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for George Z. Noble, of Starkey. WILLIAM CONRON enlisted in Co. B for Torrey Jan. 24, 1865, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 25, 1865, at field hospital, Camp Lee, Va. Canadian substitute for Melville G. Gardner, of Torrey. GEORGE C. DAVIS enlisted in Co. H at Italy July 31, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 5. Wounded in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 12, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. Drafted July 31. CHARLES DENSE enlisted in Co. K at Starkey July 31, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 2. Mustered out Sept. 13, 1865, at Elmira. Drafted July 31. ELAM B. DUNN enlisted in Co. H at Milo July 31, aged 21 (23) years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 5. Wounded in action May 14, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, Dec. 10, 1864, from the 3d Division hospital, Alexandria, Va. Drafted July 31. CHARLES C. GAGE, of Benton, enlisted in Co. H at Canandaigua Oct. 2, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 12, credited to the town of Bristol, Ontario county. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Substitute for William A. Luther, of Bristol, drafted July 28. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. HIRAM GLEASON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. H at Canandaigua Oct. 5, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 20. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865. at Richmond, Va. Substitute for Aaron Gleason, of Potter, drafted July 31. JOHN HAWLEY enlisted in Co. E for Torrey Jan. 20, 1865, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted March 30, 1865, near Hatcher's Run, Va. Canadian substitute for Alpha O. Dunning, of Torrey. SIMON HETCHLER enlisted in Co. B at Potter July 31, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 5. Wounded in action Aug. 16, 1864, at Malv.ern Hill, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 31, 1865, at Hampton hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. Drafted July 31. PHILIP HOFFMAN enlisted in Co. E for Torrey Jan. 19, 1865, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted Aug. 2, 1865, from camp near Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for James A. Spooner, of Torrey. JESSE HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. H at Starkey July 31, aged 37 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 5. Wounded in action Aug. 18, 1864, near Deep Run, Va. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. E, 76th Inf. STEPHEN HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. B at Milo July 31, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Sept. 30. Wounded in action Aug. 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va. Deserted Aug. 8, 1865, place not given. Charge of desertion removed under Act of Congress of July 5, 1884, and discharged “to date’5* Aug. 8, 1865. Drafted July 31. BYRON KETCHUM enlisted in Co. H at Starkey July 31, aged 32 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 3. Wounded in action May 7, 1864, at Chester Station, Va. Discharged June 17, 1865, at Hampton hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. Drafted July 31. WILLIAM LANGE enlisted in Co. F for Benton Jan. 19, 1865, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Killed in action April 2, 1865, at Ft. Gregg, near Petersburg, Va. Canadian substitute for William M. Taylor, of Benton. CHARLES J. LINDLOFF enlisted in Co. F for Benton Jan. 26, 1865, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for George H. Brooks, of Benton. ERASTUS C. MORRIS enlisted in Co. H at Canandaigua Oct. 3, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action Aug. 16, 1864, at Deep Run, Va. Mus- tered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Out of county substitute for Robert Boyd, of Jerusalem, drafted July 31. JAMES H. POTTS enlisted in Co. F at Potter July 31, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service q,t Canandaigua Oct. 12. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Drafted July 31. DANIEL S. REARDON enlisted in Co. I for Benton Jan. 20, 1865, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Promoted Corporal June 15. Mustered out with company Aug. 28, 1865, at Richmond, Va, Canadian substitute for John W. Merrifield, of Benton. FREDERICK REIFSTICK, of Potter, enlisted in Co. D at Tonawanda Dec. 21, 1861, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Buffalo Dec. 23. Wounded and captured in action May 16, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Par- oled Dec. 12, at Florence, S. C. Mustered out March 24, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester, THOMAS B. REYNOLDS enlisted in Co, H at Middlesex July 31, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S, service at Canandaigua Oct. 3. Captured in action May 16, 1864, at Brewry’s Bluff, Va, Paroled Dec, 14, at Florence, S, C.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 109 Mustered out July 10, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Drafted July 31. JOHN RYAN enlisted in Co. I for Milo Jan. 14, 1865, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Killed in action April 2, 1865, in attack on Petersburg, Va. Canadian substitute for William C. Tracy, of Milo. RICHARD SMITH enlisted in Co. B for Middlesex Jan. 20, 1865, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted Aug. 3, 1865, from camp near Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for Oliver S. Williams, of Middlesex. WILLIAM H. SMITH enlisted in Co. E at Potter July 31, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 5. Wounded in action May 13, 1864, at Drewry’s Bluff, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 31, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. Drafted July 31. WILLIAM H. STRIKER, of Poitter, enlisted in Co. D at Tonawanda Dec. 21, 1861, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Buffalo Dec. 23. Promoted Corporal July 1, 1864. Captured in action Aug. 16, at Strawberry Plains, Va. Paroled Oct. 8, 1864, at Varina, Va. Discharged Dec. 30, 1865, 8lX, Rochester JOHN THOMPSON enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Jan. 24, 1865, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted Aug. 4, 1865, from camp near Richmond, Va. Canadian substitute for John L. Remer, of Torrey. MYERS T, WEBB, of Starkey, was commissioned (not mustered) 2d Lieut., Co. C, July 31, 1865. with rank from June 22. Never served with regiment. Prior service in Co, B, 148th Inf. 157th N. Y. INFANTRY GEORGE T. ORR enlisted in Co. I at Jerusalem July 31, aged 29 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 1. Transferred to Co. G, 54th Inf., June 22, 1865. Mustered out with company April 14, 1866, at Charleston, S. C. Drafted July 31. 8th U. S. COLORED TROOPS This regiment was organized and mustered into the U. S. service at Camp William Penn, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 3. The great majority of the men in it were from Pennsylvania, but practically all of the colored men from this section who were drafted or who went as substitutes in the summer of 1863 were sent to it. Only two Yates county men were among them. JAMES R. FAYETTE enlisted in Co. G at Starkey July 31, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 1. Appointed Sergeant Nov. 3. Wounded in action Feb. 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. Died of wounds March 13, 1865, in hospital at New York. Drafted July 31. ABRAHAM PATTERSON enlisted in Co. G at Starkey July 31, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 1. Appointed Sergeant Nov. 3. Reduced to the ranks Dec. 19, 1864. Discharged Dec. 20, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa., “to date” Nov. 19, 1865, date of muster out of company. Drafted July 31. 97th N. Y. INFANTRY WILLIAM DESCHANE enlisted in Co. H at Canandaigua Sept. 26, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Wounded in action May 1, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Dis- charged for disability, wounds, Feb. 7, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Town of Gorham, Ontario county, substitute for James H. Clark, of Jerusalem, drafted July 31. Prior service in Co, G, 8th Cav. THOMAS FEE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. B at Canandaigua Sept. 4, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865, at Washing- ton, D. C. Substitute for William H. Whitaker, of Benton, drafted July 31. ROYAL T. HARRIS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. G at Canandaigua Sept. 4, aged 22 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Killed in action June 4, 1864, at Bethesda Church, Va. Substitute for Lewis S. Adams, of Middlesex, drafted July 31. GEORGE P. HARRISON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I at Canandaigua Sept, 15, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865, at Ball’s Cross Roads, Va. Sub-110 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE stitute for Jacob J. Smith, of Jerusalem, drafted July 31. Prior service in Cos. D and G, 33d Inf. ISAAC HOBBIE enlisted in Co. G at Starkey July 31, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Sept. 25. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865. at Ball’s Cross Roads, Va. Drafted July 31. ARCHIBALD JONES enlisted in Co. G at Starkey July 31, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Sept. 25. Promoted Corporal Aug. 31, 1864. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865, at Ball s Cross Roads, Va. Drafted July 31. JAMES LEBERT, of Potter, enlisted in Co. II at Canandaigua Sept. 4, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865, at Ball’s Cross Roads, Va. Substitute for Samuel M. Basom, of Potter, drafted July 31. JAMES NANGLE, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I at Canandaigua Sept. 18, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered out with company July 18, 1865, at Ball’s Cross Roads, Va. Substitute for Amos A. Newson, of Seneca, drafted July 28. 147th N. Y. INFANTRY GARRETT S. AYRES, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G at Canandaigua Aug. 2, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Torrey. Captured in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died of scorbutus March 29, 1865, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Substitute for Byron Randall, of Torrey, drafted July 31. BARNETT W. BAKER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I at Canandaigua Aug. 20, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. D, 91st Inf., June 15, 1865. Mustered out with company July 3, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for James Adamson, of Seneca, drafted July 23. Prior service in Co. K, 3d Inf. JACOB BRENNAN, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Canandaigua Sept. 8, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Geneseo, Livingston county. Missing in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va., and reported by comrades to have died of wounds on the field. Substitute for John Davison, of Geneseo. drafted July 28. ARNOLD BROWN enlisted in Co. A at Italy July 31, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 2. Killed in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness. Va. Drafted July 31. ALEXANDER P. CAMPBELL, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Canandaigua Aug. 2, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Discharged Dec. 28, 1863, at Culpepper, Va. Substitute for Henry A. Peck, of Benton, drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. G. 85th Inf., and subsequent enlistment in Co. B, 179th Inf. BRUEN COOLEY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. B at Canandaigua Aug. 18, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Wounded and captured in action May 15, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Paroled Nov. 30, at Savannah, Ga. Dis- charged June 19, 1865, at hospital No. 2, parole camp, Annapolis, Md. Sub- stitute for George A. Fordon, of Seneca, drafted July 28. Prior service in Co. I. 33d Inf. EDWARD A. DENNISON, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua Sept. 22, aged 24 (22) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Wounded in action May 5, 1864. at the Wilderness, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds. Sept. 14, 1864, at Dundee. Substitute for Edwin R. Randall, of Milo, drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. F, 2d Mich. Inf., and Co. I, 103d N. Y. Inf. HENRY M. FRENCH enlisted in Co. C at Italy July 31, aged 32 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 1. Wounded and missing in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va., and is supposed to have died on the field. Drafted July 31. RUSSELL A. LINCOLN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. D at Canandaigua Sept. 30, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Dis- charged for disability April 16, 1864, at St. Joseph s hospital, New York city. Substitute for Charles Judevine, of Starkey, drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. A, 126tli Inf. AAJRON PRESTON enlisted in Co. F at Milo July 31, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U/S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 1. Wounded in action June 17, 1864, in assault on entrenchments near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds. May 29, 1865, at Columbian College hospital, Washington, D. G. Drafted July 31. GEORGE N. ROBERTSON enlisted in Co. F at Barrington July 31, aged 25 years. Mustered into the IJ. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 2. Wounded in action April 1. 1865, at Five Forks, Va. Left arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wound's, July 8, 1865, at Elmira. Drafted July 31. JAMES SHULTZ, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G at Canandaigua Oct. 2, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. TransferredYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 111 to Co. F, 9lSt Inf., June 5, 1865. Mustered out with company July 3, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Martin Dean, of Milo, drafted July 31. 146th N. Y. INFANTRY ISAIAH HADSELL, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B at Canandaigua Oct. 2, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Captured in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Died a prisoner of war, place and date not known. Substitute for James E. Bruer, of Milo, drafted July 31. JEREMIAH HOLLAND enlisted in Co. B at Canandaigua Sept. 15, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Discharged for disability April 7, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Out of county substitute for Rev. Dennis English, of Milo, drafted July 31. GEORGE W. MCKNIGHT enlisted in Co. C at Potter July 31, aged 34 (32) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Oct. 3. Detached to Bat. D, 5th U. S. Art., Nov. 24. 1863. Returned to company June 2, 1865. Mustered out with company July 16, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. A, 126th Inf. JOHN J. MONROE enlisted in Co. P at Canandaigua Aug. 29, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Discharged for disability Nov. 7, 1863, at Three Mile Station, Va. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, substitute for George W. Murdock, of Milo, drafted July 31. Subsequent service in Co. D, 126th Inf. JAMES B. SHEDD enlisted in Co. K at Starkey July 31, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Sept. 13, as musician. Trans- ferred to Co. E April 11, 1864. Returned to Co. K, as private, date not given. Died of disease Aug. 10. 1864, in hospital at City Point, Va. Drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. H, 10th Cav. TIMOTHY J. TERRILL enlisted in Co. K, 17th Inf., at Dundee, Oct. 1, 1861, to serve 3 years, aged 20 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Flmira Oct. 11. Transferred to Co. G, 146th Inf., June 25, 1863. Re-enlisted Peb. 20, 1864, at Warrenton, Va., credited to the town of Starkey. Wounded and captured in action May 5, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va. Paroled Dec. 15, at Florence, S. C. Mustered out with company July 16, 1865, at Wash- ington. D. C. NATHAN T. WATERMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A, 53d Inf., at Albany, Sept. 3, 1861, under the alias of John Brown, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Corporal at same place Sept. 4. Transferred to Co. G, 17th Inf., March 13, 1862, and to Co. P, 146th Inf., July 25, 1863. Mustered out Sept. 5, 1864, at Damp on the Weldon Railroad, near Petersburg, Va., expiration term of enlistment. LAFAYETTE C. WILLIS enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua Aug. 12, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Discharged June 7, 1865, at Satterlee hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. Town of Mt. Morris, Livingston county, substitute for Edwin L. Earl, of Benton, drafted July 31. Prior service in Co. H, 27th Inf. 64th N. Y. INFANTRY DENNIS W. BATES, of Milo, enlisted in Co. A for Torrey Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Promoted Corporal Oct. 10; Sergeant, Dec. 20. Captured in action April ■ 7, 1865, at Farmville, Va., and killed while attempting to escape. Substi- tute for Daniel F. Randolph, of Torrey. JAMES W. H. CASEY, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S., service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria,, Va. Substitute for Henry R. Bordwell, of Potter. LANSING W. DE FREEST, of Potter, enlisted in Co. K at Canandaigua Aug. 28, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Transferred to Co. G Oct. 31, and to Co. D, 14th Veteran Reserve Corps, April 2, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 3, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Substitute for David C. Sutherland, of Seneca, drafted July 28. EDWARD KELLY enlisted in Co. B for Benton Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered, into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Out of county substitute for Albert H. Hurd, of Benton. EDWARD W. LAMBERT enlisted in Co. B for Barrington Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 yeary aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Town of Irwin, Steuben countv. substitute for John Johnson, of Barrington. GILBERT PERSONIUS enlisted in Co. E for Benton Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1112 YATES COUNTY’S « BOYS IN BLUE ” year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, substitute for Charles R. Peckins, of Benton. Prior service in Co. A, 32d Inf. MORRIS W. SHULTZ, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F for Torrey Sept. 2, 1864. to serve 1 year, aged 22 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Promoted Corporal Oct. 1. Wounded in action March 25. 1865. in attack on entrenchments near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out June 6, 1865, at Albany. Substitute for Alonzo F. Nichols, of Torrey. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. GEORGE HA/RRISON SISSON, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E for Milo Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged May 17, 1865, at Emory hospital, Washington, D. C. Substitute for Walter Sutherland, of Milo. GEORGE W. THORNTON enlisted in Co. B for Benton Aug. 25, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, substitute for George W. Earl, of Benton. Prior enlistment in Co. D, 107th Inf. ISAAC VAN ANTWERP, of Potter, enlisted in Co. I at Allegany, Cattaraugus county, Aug. 29, 1861, aged 19 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Sept. 16, and mustered into the U. S. service at same place Dec. 19. Discharged for disability Feb. 5, 1863, at Philadelphia, Pa. Enlisted in the 16th Art., at Gorham, Ontario county, Jan. 4, 1864, to serve 3 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, same day, credited to the town of Gorham. Transferred to Bat. I, 6th Art., May 10, and to Bat. D, June 27, 1865. Mustered out with battery Aug. 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C. JAMES W. WAY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E for Milo Aug. 31, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 30, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Substitute for John Lorimer Ogden, of Milo. 52d N. Y. INFANTRY ALEXANDER F. GROWS enlisted in Co. A at Canandaigua Sept. 10, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Sergeant Oct. 1; Sergeant-Major, Feb. 19, 1864. Deserted April 1, 1864, at New York city, on expiration of furlough. Out of county substitute for Jacob H. Shepard, of Milo, drafted July 31. EDWIN MATTOX enlisted in Co. G for Potter Aug. 25, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company July 1, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Out of county substitute for John P. Hankinson. of Potter. JOHN PEARSON enlisted in Co. G for Starkey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Pro- moted Corporal Feb. 18, 1865. Mustered out June 5, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county substitute for George W. Kingsley, of Starkey. 4th N. Y. CAVALRY THOMAS J. PAYNTER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. E at New York Aug. 3, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S service same day and place. Killed in action June 12, 1864, at Trevilian Station, Va. Drafted July 31, but served as above. 104th N. Y. INFANTRY AARON C. LAMBERT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F Aug. 9, 1864, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Corning, Steuben county. Mustered out with company July 17. 1865, near Washington, D. C. CASSIUS C, LESTER, of Milo, enlisted in Co. G for Potter Aug. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out June 7, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Oliver W. Underwood, of Potter. JOHN SMITH enlisted in Co. H for Jerusalem Aug. 21, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. De- serted Dec. 3, 1863. at the Rapidan River, Va. Out of county substitute tor James Griswold, of Jerusalem, drafted July 31. YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 113 OTHER REGIMENTS loth N. Y. INFANTRY SAMUEL COOK.enlisted in Co. E in Yates county March 2, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Buffalo same day. Absent, sick, since Dec. 10, 1864, and at muster out of company June 30, 1865. No discharge ever furnished. i6th N. Y. CAVALRY GEORGE BROWN, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at Avon June 5, to serve 3 years, aged 19 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Avon, Livingston county. Mustered into the U. S. service at Plattsburg Aug. 13. Died of pneumonia March 20, 1865, in regi- mental hospital at Vienna, Va. JOSEPH CANFIELD, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. K at Buffalo Aug. 31, to serve 3 years, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the city of Buffalo. Mustered into the U. S. service at Staten Island Sept. 22. Died of disease May 2, 1864, in Judiciary Square hospital, Washington, D C. THOMAS SMITH, of Italy, enlisted in Co. C at Washington, D. C., June 26. to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place June 30. Captured in action Aug. 8, 1864, near Falls Church, Va. Escaped March 12. 1865, from prison camp at Florence, S. C. Mustered out June 9, 1865, at Washington, D. C. i5th N. Y. CAVALRY Although this ragiment was organized at Syracuse and nearly a company raised in Ontario county, no great effort seems to have been made in Yates county to interest anyone in it. The great majority of those who did enlist from Yates county were from the border townships, and the greater number of these men were credited to Ontario county. All were5 enlisted for 3 years, and all went into Co. C, which was mustered into the U. S. service at Syra- cuse Aug. 8th by Capt. E. G. Marshall, 6th U. S. Inf. Later in the year, and in the spring of 1864, several others joined from this county. The remaining men of the regiment became members of the 2d Provisional Cavalry in 1865, and were mustered out with that regiment on Aug. 9, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. COi'lYDON BARNES, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua Aug. 1, aged 19 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Mustered into the U. S. service at Syracuse Aug. 26. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Deserted July 12, 1865, place not given. Charge of desertion removed by Act of Congress of March 2, 1889, and discharged “as of July 12, 1865.” JEFFREY T. BARNES enlisted in Co. G at Potter Jan. 13, 1864, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Transferred to Co. C Oct. 31, and to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM D. BENEDICT enlisted in Co. C at Rushville Aug. 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company.. Town of Gorham. Ontario county, recruit. JOHN DONAHUE, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. C at Rushville Aug. 1, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Bat. M. 4th Art. JOHN M. FERGUSON enlisted in Co. G at Italy Dec. 29, aged 41 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23, 1864. Captured June 18, at Lynchburg, Va. Died of scorbutus Sept. 26, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, . Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. JOHN FITCH enlisted in Co. C at Middlesex Dec. 29, aged 18 (17) years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. MORTIMER V. HILL enlisted in Co. E at Potter Jan. 8, 1864. aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Discharged Aug. 25, 1864, from remount camp, Cumberland, Md. Prior service in Co. E, 28th Inf. 114 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” BENJAMIN P. JARVIS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua July 27, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. Drafted July 31, but had already enlisted as above. THOMAS C. LANGDON, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua June 23, under the alias of. Turner Cleveland, aged 32 (30) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Died of disease March 20, 1864, in regimental hospital at Camp Burlington.) W. Va. JOHN J. OAKhEY enlisted in Co. C at Rushville Aug. 3, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. A, 126th Inf. CHARLES E. RAYMOND, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua July 28, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out company. Prior service in Co. E, 126th Inf. RICHARD ROCKAFELLOW, of Italy, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua July 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Deserted, date and place not given, prior to U. S. muster. Arrested Aug. 31, place not given, and for- warded to company. Mustered into the U. S. service at Washington, D. C., Oct. 9. Deserted Nov. 23, 1863, from Camp Stoneman, D. C. Prior service in Co. G, 18th Inf. CHARLES A. SAYER, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua July 27, aged 21 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Promoted Sergeant Nov. 29, 1863; 1st Sergeant, May 2, 1865. Mustered out as supernumary on regimental consolidation June 28, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Prior service in Co. E, 28th Inf. JOHN B. VanANTWERP, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Rushville July 31, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Appointed bugler, date not given. Transferred to Co. C, 2d Pro, Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company. ALANSON S. VESCELIUS, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Canandaigua July 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Promoted Corporal, date not given. Wounded in action April 1, 1865, at Five Forks, Va. Died of wounds April 18, 1865, at Armory Square hospital, Washington, D. C. Drafted July 31, but served as above. Prior service in Co. K, 12th Inf. ist N. Y. VETERAN CAVALRY Raised immediately after the draft drawing, from which all veterans of two years’ service had been exempted, this was supposed to be an entirely veteran regiment, and an especial appeal was made to men formerly of the 18th, 28th, 33d and 38th Infantry regiments, all largely recruited in the Senatorial district. Col. Taylor, formerly of the 33d, and Charles Ringer, a former private in the same regiment and a resident of Geneva, were com- manding figures in the recruiting activities of Ontario and Seneca counties, and were mainly responsible for the raising of several companies of men. The regiment was as nearly veteran as it was possible to make it, but there were few veterans among the men who went from Yates county, as they had been out of service only a month and were not yet ready to enlist for a second service. No one seems to have had the county’s interests especially at heart, and most of the men who went from Yates were credited to Ontario county towns. The regiment was organized at Geneva for 3 years, and Cos. E and K were mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 10 and Co. M on Oct. 19, all by 1st Lieut. Edward P. Bigelow, U. S. A. These were the companies in which Yates county men served. The regiment was mustered out July 20, 1865, at Camp Piatt, Charleston, W. Va. ANDREW J. CAREY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Canandaigua Aug. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Appointed Corporal Sept. 18,YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 115 1863. Mustered out with company. Drafted July 31, but served as above. Prior service in Co. H, 111th Inf. NEWMAN M. BENNETT, of Benton, enlisted in Co. I March 31, 1864, aged 43 (51) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day at Oweero, credited to the town of Orange, Schuyler county. Injured in action May 7, 1864, near Winchester, Ya., during an attack on the picket line by guerrillas, his horse falling on him. Mustered out Oct. 11, 1865, at Rochester. JOHN , J. CATON, of Benton, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Sept. 12, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. PHILO EVEjlTON, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 3, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Appointed Corporal Sept. 18, 1863. Re- duced to the ranks May 7, 1865. Mustered out with company. Drafted July 31. but served as above. HENRY HOUGHTALING, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. L at Havana Oct. 29, while a deserter from Co. I, 85th Inf., aged 33 years. Joined for duty and en- rolled same day and place, credited to the town of Montour, Schuyler county. Mustered into the U. S. service at Geneva Nov. 7. Deserted Nov. 14, 1863, at Geneva. JOHN N. HOUGHTALING, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Penn Yan Sept. 12, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. PARLEY H. HOWELL, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. M at Geneva Nov. 12, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. A Oct. 10, 1864. Mustered out with company. MARTIN MAHAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 3, aged 18 years. Jo'ned for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca. Ontario county. Deserted Jan. 15, 1864, from Camp Stone- man. D. C. Prior enlistment in Bat. K, 4th Art., and subsequent service in the U. S Navy. GEORGE H. MONROE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. I at Rochester Aug. 3, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Geneva Sept. 18, credited to Penn Yan. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Deserted Oct. 3, 1863, at Geneva. JOHN W. PHILLIPS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Nov. 13, aged 19 (14) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. A Oct. 10, 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN J. SIMMONS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E at Geneva Aug. 1, aged 20 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Appointed bugler prior to Jan. 1, 1864. Returned to the ranks Jan. 31, 1864. Deserted June 25, 1865, at Martinsburg, Va. JAMES M. WITTER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. K at Geneva Aug. 31, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. 20th N. Y. CAVALRY As early as August 10th Frederick B. Stewart, a former Lieutenant in the 126th Inf., announced in the local papers that he had received a com- mission in the McClellan (20th) Cavalry, and was authorized to offer large bounties. He established an office at Penn Yan in Tunnicliff’s store, leaving his brother, H. Clay Stewart, in charge, while he personally conducted a successful campaign for men at Syracuse and at and near Sackett’s Harbor, where the regiment was organized. No men were apparently enrolled in Yates county until shortly before the regiment was completed. Besides the men mentioned below, Capt. Stewart secured 36 other men at different places, whose services were not credited to this county. The regiment was mus- tered into the U. S. service at Sackett’s Harbor, N. Y., by Major C. S. Lovell, U. S. A., for* 3 years, Co. L on Sept. 22, and Co. M on Sept. 30. It was mus- tered out July 31, 1865, near Manchester, Va, CHA’RLES W. AUSTIN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 17. aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Oct. 10, 1863, at Sackett’s Harbor. Prior service in Co. B, 126th Inf., and subsequent service in the U. S. Navy. JOHN W. AUSTIN, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 14, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Oct. 10, 1864, at Pungo Landing, Va. Arrested116 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE " prior to Oct. 31, place not given. Tried on a charge of desertion by general court martial, Army of the James, found guilty, and sentenced on Dec. 30 to be shot to death by musketry. Sentence commuted to imprisonment for one year at hard labor at the hard labor prison, Norfolk, Va., by general court martial orders No. 23, headquarters of the Department of Virginia, Army of the James, Jan. 31, 1865. Discharged March 9, 1866, at Albany, by reason of instructions from the War Department, Adjutant General’s Office. Prior service in Co. P, 23d Inf. PATRICK BRENNAN enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Appointed Sergeant Sept. 30. Transferred to Co. M Oct. 18. Reduced to the ranks May 1, 1864, Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf, 'MELVIN BROWN enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 15, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. M March 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Bat. I, 4th Art. Monroe country recruit. PETER CAIN enlisted in Co. M at Penn Yan Sept. 25, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Appointed Sergeant Sept. 30, Captured in action Feb. 1, 1864, while on a scouting expedition near Smithfield, Va. Died of chronic diarrhea April 28, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga. Prior service in Co. P, 78th Inf. GEORGE T. GRAY enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 17, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Deserted Oct. 10, 1863, at Sackett’s Harbor. Prior enlistment in Co. D, 5th Wisconsin Inf. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county, recruit. EVERETT P. HAYS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. I at Syracuse Sept, 5, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the city of Syracuse. Mustered into the U. S. service at Sackett’s Harbor Sept. 17. Mustered out with company. SUEL E. HUBER enlisted in Co. F at Benton Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 8. Mustered out June 12, 1865, at Richmond, Va. CHARLES E. HYATT, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. M at Syracuse Sept. 7, aged 21 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered at same place Sept. 10, credit- ed to the town of Milo. Appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 30. Captured in action Feb. 1, 1864, while on a scouting expedition near Smithfield, Va. Paroled Dec. 16 at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. F, May 11, 1865, with rank from Jan. 18. Commissioned (not mustered), 1st Lieut. July 26, with rank from May 21. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. GEORGE D. INGLES enlisted in Co. M at Penn Yan Sept. 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Appointed 2d Sergeant Sept. 30. Reduced to the ranks April 20, 1864, for mutiny in camp near Norfolk, Va. Tried by general court martial, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, Army of the James, May 27, 1864, on a charge of mutiny, found guilty, and sentenced to serve 6 months at hard labor and lose half pay for that period. Sentence reduced by Gen. Geo. F. Shepley to 3 months hard labor and loss of half pay for that time. Promoted Commissary Ser- geant from the ranks Sept. 11. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1865, at Sackett’s Harbor. Prior service in Co. G, 85th Inf. WILIJIAM' KINNEY enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 14, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. M March 22, 1864. Appointed saddler prior to Aug. 31. Mustered out with company. Town of Mendon, Monroe county, recruit. FREDERICK M. KLICE enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 12, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Italy. Died of disease Jan. 6, 1865, at base hospital at Point of Rocks, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. GEORGE LEONARD enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 21, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Appointed Sergeant Sept. 30. Transferred to Co. M Nov., 1863. Re- duced to the ranks, date not given. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Co. D, 26th Inf. Oneida county recruit. JOSEPH LESLIE enlisted in Co. M at Penn Yan Sept. 21, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and mustered°at Sackett’s Harbor Sept. 27, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service as Corporal. Promoted Quarter- master-Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864. Reduced to the ranks Sept. 1. Promoted Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. AUGUSTUS McKINNEY, of Benton, enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 14, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. M March 1, 1864. Served as clerk and orderly at headquarters of Gen. George F. Shepley from May, 1864, to April 15, 1865. Mustered out with company. GEORGE S. SMALLEY enlisted in Co. M at Penn Yan Sept. 21, aged 35 years. Joined for dutj* and mustered at Sackett’s Harbor Sept. 27, credited to the town of Milo. Died of disease Oct, 16, 1864, in regimental hospital at Portsmouth, Va. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, recruit.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 117 PREDETIICK B. STEWART, of Benton, was enrolled and mustered at Sackett’s Harbor Sept. 3, aged 26' years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. M. Tried by general court martial, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, on charges of improper use of government property and conduct unbecoming an officer. Pound guilty, and cashiered Dec. 29, 1864, at Nor- folk, Va. Prior service in Co. G, 126th Inf. HENRY CLAY STEWART, of Benton, enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan prior to Sept. 22, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered at Sackett’s Harbor Sept. 22. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut. Transferred to Co. M, date not given. Tried by general court martial, Department of Virginia and North Carolina, on charges of conduct unbecoming an officer. Found guilty, and dismissed Dec. 29, 1864. to date July 29, at Norfolk. Va. JOHN VanVERST enlisted in Co. F at Benton Sept. 2, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 8. Mustered out June 12, 1865, at Richmond, Va. MYRON H. WATROUS enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 17, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 85th Inf. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. ARTHUR R. WEATiE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. M at Canandaigua Oct. 5, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service as Corporal at Sackett’s Harbor Oct. 7. Appointed Commissary Sergeant Oct. 8. Reduced to the ranks March 1, 1864. Promoted Corporal Oct. 2. Reduced to the ranks Jan. 30, 1865. Mustered out With company. SAMUEL WHITEHEAD enlisted in Co. L at Penn Yan Sept. 15, aged 21 (19) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. M March 1, 1864. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Go. I, 34th Inf. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. 22d N. Y. CAVALRY Organized at Rochester, this regiment became of interest locally by the establishment in the Sheldon Block at Penn Yan, on Nov. 19th, of a recruiting office by Lieut. Henry F. Starr, who was well and favorably known to many in the county. He secured all of the local enlistments in Cos. A and C, and was so successful here and in adjoining counties that he soon had secured a company, and was recalled. Quite a number of men from this county enlisted and were credited elsewhere. The regiment was mustered in for 3 years at Rochester, Co. A on Dec. 20; Cos. B and C on Jan. 5, 1864; Cos. G and I, Feb. 2; Co. K, Feb. 6, and Co. M, Feb. 23, all by 1st Lieut. Henry C. Cook, 16th U. S. Inf. Several out-of-county men, who soon deserted, were secured for Co. M by Capt. Ellerbeck, of Rochester, through an arrangement with the recruiting committee of Middlesex, and he and his officers were credited to that town as well. The regiment was mustered out at Win- chester, Va., Aug. 1, 1865. ISAAC D. BARKER, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at Bath Jan. 7, 1864, aged 19 (15) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Bath. Steuben county. Mustered out with company. GEORGE BARRETT, of Potter, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Captured June 30, 1864, following action at Stony Creek, Va., while separated from his company in search of a mount, his horse having been killed. Died of diarrhea Oct. 1, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. JAMES P. BARTLETT, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at Bath Jan. 19, 1864, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Bath, Steuben county. Mustered out with company. LLEWELLYN W. BAXTER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. C at Penn Yan Dec. 30, aged 17 (16) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Transferred to Co. A March 22, 1864. Captured June 30, 1864, following action at Stony Creek, Va., while sep- arated from his company in search of a mount, his horse having been killed. Died Oct. 10, 1864, at Camp Lawton, Millen, Ga., a prisoner of war. BENJAMIN F. BEERS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. C at Penn Yan Dec. 30, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Rejected, physical disability, hernia. FREEMAN N. BRAZEE, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. I at Seneca Falls Nov. 18,118 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE aged 23 (17) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the 4th Ward. Rochester. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Deserted July —, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. I. 33d Inf. JOHN CONLEY, of Potter, enlisted in Co. M at Rochester Feb. 19. 1864, under the alias of John Case, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered into the U. S. service March 4. Deserted from camp at Rochester March 5, 1864. DAVID A. COOK, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. K at Rochester Jan. 22, 1864, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day, credited to the 11th Ward, Rochester. Transferred to Co. M March 25. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I. 33d Inf. FREDERICK EAVES, of Milo, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 17. aged 18 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Killed in action June 13, 1864, at White Oak Swamp, Va. ROBERT E. ELLERBECK was enrolled and mustered at Rochester Dec. 26, aged 28 years. Credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. M, with rank from Jan. 29. Transferred to Co. K April 9, 1865. Discharged for disability “to date” May 15, 1865, place not given. U. S. breveted Major for gallant and meritorius services, to date March 13, 1865. Prior service in Co. E, 27th Inf., and Cos. G and D, 6th Cav. Monroe county recruit. JOSEPH HAMM, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 17 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Deserted March 5, 1864, from camp at Rochester. Ar- rested May 9, at Benton, and confined at Canandaigua until May 31, 1864, when released for want of evidence. Subsequent enlistment in Co. D, 194th Inf. ALONZO HAVENS, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. B at Syracuse Nov. 17; aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town, of Onondaga, Onondaga county. Mustered into the U. S. service as 5th Sergeant. Deserted May 25, 1864, at Point Royal. Va. Prior enlist- ment in Co. I, 89th Inf., and prior service in Co. I, 86th Inf. JACOB HODGE, of Potter, enlisted in Co. C at Penn Yan Dec. 26, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Potter. Transferred to Co. A March 22, 1864. Wounded and captured in action June 30, 1864, at Stony Creek, Va. Died of wounds and diarrhea Aug. 23, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. MILES B. HODGE, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 22 (20) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Killed in action Nov. 12, 1864, at Ninevah, Va. GEORGE W. MOXCEY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Rochester Nov. 30, aged 17 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and' place, credited to the 3d Ward, Rochester. Promoted Corporal March 16, 1864. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. L, May 5, 1865, with rank from April 14. Mustered out with company. JARED HENRY OLMSTEAD enlisted in Co. C at Penn Yan Dec. 23, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place. Transferred to Co. A March 22, 1864. Captured June 30, following action at Stony Creek, Va., while separated from his company in search of a mount, his horse having been killed. Died of diarrhea Sept. 6, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga.. a prisoner of war. HARRY E. SCOTT enlisted in Co. F for Benton April 12, 1865, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. TRUMAN SLATER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered out with company. MILES T. TERRILL enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 4. aged 20 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action June 30, 1864, at Stony Creek, Va. Died of diarrhea Oct. 8, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Prior service in Co. A, 23d Inf. Town of Bath, Steuben county, recruit. JAMES E. WEEKS was enrolled and mustered at Rochester Jan. 29, 1864, aged 26 years. Credited to the town of Middlesex. Mustered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Co. M, March 4. with rank from Jan. 29. Discharged for disability Oct. 31, 1864 at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. E, 27th Inf. Monroe county recruit. YMOS E. WHEEuER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Dec. 9, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered into the U. S. service as 8th Corporal. Captured June 30, 1864, following action at Stony Creek, Va., while separ- ated from his company in search of a mount, his horse having been killed. Paroled Nov. 21, at Savannah, Ga. Promoted Sergeant March 15, 1865. Discharged for disability June 27, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Prior service in Co. A. 50th Engrs. CHARLES M. WHEELER, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. K at Rochester Jan. 22, 1864, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and mustered same day and place,YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 119 Credited to the 5th Ward, Rochester. Transferred to Co. M March 25, 1864. Absent, sick, in Lincoln hospital, Washington, D. C., at muster out of company. Dissharged at Rochester Aug. 9, 1865, “to date” Aug. 1, 1865, date of muster out of company. 3d BRIGADE BAND CLARK OTIS, of Starkey, enlisted in the band of the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 20th Army Corps, at Elmira, Oct. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years, credited to the town of Starkey. Discharged June 12, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. i4th N. Y. ARTILLERY On October 8th George Brennan and Augustus! A. Chidsey, of Penn Yan, both former members of Co. I, 33d Inf., began recruiting for the Poster (14th) Heavy Artillery, with headquarters at Penn Yan. With them was later as- sociated Thomas Hunter, also of Co. I, 33d Inf. Under an agreement, Brennan was to be Captain; Chidsey, 1st Lieut., and Hunter either 2d Lieut, or 1st Sergeant. Why this arrangement was not carried out is a mystery, but Chidsey’s name appears in connection with the regiment no further than the first announcement and advertisement, and almost a mutiny occurred over the refusal to make good the promise to Sergeant Hunter. The announcement of October 17th of another call for 300,000 men, and the voting on December 3d by the Supervisors of a county bounty of $300 per man for 3-year enlist- ments, making the total National, State and county bounty $822 for veterans and $677 for new recruits, greatly stimulated recruiting, as a considerable portion of these sums were to be paid in advance, eighteen veterans, among others, becoming members of the regiment from this county. Lieut. Brennan was very successful in securing men, but, owing to the disagreement men- tioned, was connected with neither of the batteries to which he had sent them (G and L), being mustered in as a Lieutenant in Bat. M, at Elmira. A considerable number of men secured by the county recruiting officers, and originally assigned to the 8th Art., were attached to the 14th in the spring of 1864. The regiment was mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester for 3 years by 1st Lieut. Henry C. Cook, 16th U. S. Inf., Bat. G on Dec. 17th; Bat. I, Dec. 21st, and Bat. L, Jan. 8, 1864. It served as heavy artillery in and about New York city for a short time, but on May 11, 1864, when it began its active duty in the field in Virginia, it ceased to be Artillery, and from that time served as Infantry, although maintaining its battery formation. It was mustered out at Washington, D. C., Aug. 26/ 1865. HARRISON ABER enlisted in the 8th Art. for Milo Dec. 15, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Dec. 17. Transferred to Bat. B, 14th Art., April 14, 1864. Detached as attendant at hospital, date not given. Died of disease Aug. 9, 1864, in Queen Street hospital, Alexandria, Va. Town of Urbana, Steuben county, recruit. JAMES E. ALMY enlisted in Bat. G at Jerusalem Dec. 10, aged 23 years. Wounded in action June 17, 1864, in assault on entrenchments near Peters- burg, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 16th Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 4. Mustered out Sept. 6, 1865, at Harrisburg, Pa. SAMUEL G. ANDREWS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 25 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Deserted June 10, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Returned to battery April 18, 1865, under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters of March 10, 1865. Dis- charged May 15, 1865, at Elmira, under the order of the Secretary of War to discharge all deserters who surrendered themselves under the proc- lamation. JAMES M. ARCHER enlisted in the 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 24, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Bat. D, 14th Art., April 22, and appointed Quartermaster-Sergeant same day. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Bat. B, March120 YATES COUNTY’S « BOYS IN BLUE 1, 1865. Commissioned (not mustered) 1st Lieut. Aug-. 31, with rank from July 1. Mustered out with battery. JOHN A. BAILEY enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 18 (16) years. Promoted Corporal Oct. 5, 1864. Slightly wounded in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with battery. PATRICK BARRETT enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 22, aged 19 (i8) years. Wounded in action Aug 11, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with battery. DeWITT C. BASSETT enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 20 years. Captured May 8, 1864, at Spottsylvania, Va. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Discharged June 17, 1865. at Washington, D. C., under general order for the discharge of all paroled prisoners. Prior ser- vice in Co. C, 44th Inf. LEVI R. BASSETT enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 19 (14) years. Mustered out with battery. AMASIAH A. BATES enlisted in Bat. E for Jerusalem Sept. 13, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same ^av. Mustered out Nov. 25, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Caton, Steuben county, recruit. DeWITT C. BELL enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 16, aged 23 years. Killed in action June 17, 1864, in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. ROBERT BELLi of Italy, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 37 years. Credited to the town of Italy. Discharged for disability July 25, 1864. at Ladies’ Home hospital. New York city. STANFORD BIGELOW enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 31, aged 22 years. Pro- moted Corporal prior to Aug. 31, 1864. Killed in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Haskell, near Petersburg, Va. GEORGE H. BLAKESLEY, of Potter, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 18 (16) years. Credited to the town of Potter. Discharged for dis- ability May 27, 1865, at Slough hospital, Alexandria, Va. LEE BOOKSTAVER, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Nov. 20, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action June 17, 1864, in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. Left hand amputated. Discharged for disability, wound, May 27, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. Prior enlistment in Bat. B, 3d Art. GEORGE BRENNAN was enrolled at Penn Yan Dec. 28, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service as 1st Lieut., Bat. M, at Elmira, Jan. 25, 1864, with rank from Dec. 28. Mustered in as Captain Dec. 5, with rank from Oct. 7. Mustered out with battery. State breveted Lieutenant-Colonel March 14, 1870. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. HENRY O. B\RIGGS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 18 (16) years. Credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action June 2. 1864, at Beulah Church, Va. Transferred to Co. A, 22d Vet. Res. Corps, March 18, 1865. Discharged Sept. 12, 1865, at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio. NATHANIEL S. BRIGGS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 29, aged 20 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Corporal, date not given. Mustered out with battery. ISAJAH D. BROCKWAY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 17, aged 19 (18) years. Credited to the town of Milo. Died of disease Aug. 11, 1864. in hospital at Alexandria, Va. CHARLES CAHOON, of Jerusalem, enlisted at Penn Yan Dec. 16, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Rochester, Jan. 8, 1864, credited to the town of Milo. No further record, name appearing only on muster and descriptive lists. HENRY CAREY enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 17, aged 21 (20) years. Dis- charged May 20, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. GEORGE W. GARR, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 8, aged 25 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Detached May 31, 1865, for duty in the Quartermaster’s Department at Alexandria, Va. Mustered out at Washington, l!>. C., date not given, “to date” Aug. 26, 1865, date of muster out of battery. ROBERT CATTERSON, of Italy, enlisted at Rochester July 7, aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and mustered same day, unassigned to battery, credited to Rochester. No further record, name appearing only on subor- dinate muster roll. Shbseouent service in Bat. L, 8th Art. AARON F. CHAPMAN enlisted in the 8th Art. for Milo Dec. 18, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canan- daigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Bat. F. 14th Art., Feb. 20, 1864. Wounded and captured in action March 25, 1865. at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled April 2, at Richmond, Va. Discharged May 26, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Commissioned (not mustered), 2d Lieut., Co. I, 9.3d Inf., Dec. 30, 1864, with rank from Dec. 24. Town of Reading. Schuyler county, recruit. LLEWELLYN CLAjRK, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Nov. 20, aged 23 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Discharged June 6, 1865, at Satterlee hospital. West Philadelphia, Pa. JOHN S. CONSTANTINE enlisted in Bat. L at Buffalo Dec. 17, aged 32 years.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 121 Credited to the town of Milo on U. S. muster. Wounded in action July 14, 1864, near Petersburg-, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, April 3, 1865, at Buffalo. Erie county recruit. EBENEZER COVERT enlisted in Bat. D at Starkey July 1, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Sept. 12. Deserted Dec. 13, 1863, at Rochester. JOHN COVERT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 17, aged 20 (18) years. Credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, July 10, 1865, at Carver hospital, Washington, D. C. See, also, 85th Inf. DANIEL DALEY enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 7, aged 19 years. Pro- moted Corporal prior to August. 1864. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 1. Killed in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Prior 'service in Co. I, 33d Inf GEORGE DAVIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 18 (17) years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal July 31, 1865. Mustered out with battery. ADELBERT 'DORMAN, of Potter, enlisted in Bat. H at Rochester Jan. 5, 1864, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day, credited to the city of Rochester. Wounded and captured July 30, in action following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Sept. 14, at Richmond, Va. Dis- charged June 6, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. CHARLES E. DOWNING enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 28, aged 26 years. D scharged for disability March 9, 1865, from hospital of the 1st Div., 9th Army Corps, at Ft. Haskell, near Petersburg, Va. ANDREW DUNN, Jr., enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 1, aged 23 years. Discharged for disability Dec. 3, 1864, at McDougal hospital, Ft. Schuyler, New York harbor. ANDREW J. DUNN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. G at Bellona Nov. 29, aged 19 years. W'ounded in action Sept. 30, 1864, at Poplar Grove church, near Petersburg, Va. Promoted Corporal Feb. 10, 1865. Captured in action March 25, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled March 31, at Richmond, Va. Discharged May 27, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. GEORGE B. DUNN enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 4, aged 18 years. Mus- tered out with battery. JOHN R. DUNN enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 31, aged 28 years. Died of typhoid fever Aug. 12. 1864, at Filbert Street hospital. Philadelphia, Pa. LLEWELLYN J. DUNN, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Nov. 30, aged 27 years. Credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 23, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. HENRY H. DUTCHEJR of Benton, enlisted in Bat. I at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 35 years. Credited to the town of Benton. Deserted Sept. 5, 1864, expira- tion of furlough from St. Marys hospital, Rochester. Relieved from charge of desertion without trial on condition of losing all pay and allow- ances from Sept. 5, 1864, and mustered out Sept. 11, 1865, at Elmira. JAMES A. DYTON enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 21 (19) years. Wounded and captured in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled April 5. at Richmond, Va. Discharged June 1, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Prior service in Co. D. 35th Inf. HARLOW M. FITCH enlisted in Bat. G, 8th Art., at Starkey, Dec. 18, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Trans- ferred to Bat. G, 14th Art., Feb. 12, and to Co. A, 14th Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 12, 1865. Discharged July 31, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Prior ser- vice in Co. B, 13th Inf. GEORGE N. FORD enlisted in Bat. G at Milo Dec. 12, aged 26 years. Muster- ed out with battery. WILLIAM FOWLER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 18 (16) years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Slightly wounded in camp June 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Injured by the explosion of a shell and captured in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Peters- burg, Va., and wounded in the right leg same day while a prisoner. Par- oled April 3, at Richmond, Va. Discharged May 29, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. ADELBERT HAIGHT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 7, aged 20 (18) years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action June 17, 1864, in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. Parolded Dec. 16, at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out, date and place not given, “to date” Aug. 26, 1865, date of muster out of battery. ALONZO HARRIS enlisted in the 8th Art. at Benton Dec. 21, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Dec. 26. Transferred to Bat. I, 14th Art., April 22, 1864. Promoted Cor- poral Feb. 8, 1865; Sergeant, July 1. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. A, 76th Inf., and prior enlistment in Bat. L, 4th Art. GEORGE M. HATHAWAY enlisted in the 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 22, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canan-VZ2 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE” daigua, Jan. 5, 1864, Transferred to Bat, D, 14th Art., April 22, and to> Co. B, 14th Vet. Res. Corps, March 21, 1865. Discharged Aug. 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C, MICHAEL HOLLORAN enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec, 14, aged 19 (17> years. Mustered out with battery. JOHN iWf. ;HOLMES enlisted in Bat. K at Milo Nov. 28, aged 18 (17) years. Not mustered into the U. S. service; rejected, under age. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, recruit, GEORGE E. HUNTER, of Italy, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 7, aged 40 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Right arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wound, Oct, 5, 1864, at Summit House hospital, Washington, D. C. JOHN HUNTER, of Italy, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 3, aged 23 years. Credited to the town of Italy. Captured July 30, 1864, in action following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Died of chronic rheumatism Nov. 24, 1864, at Danville, Va., a prisoner of war. THOMAS HUNTER enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 1, aged 26 years-. Mustered into the.U. S. service as Sergeant. Killed in action March 25, 1865, at Pt. Haskell, near Petersburg, Va. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. WILLIAM HUNTER, of Italy, enlisted at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 30 (35) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Rochester, Jan. 8, 1864, credited to the town of Italy. No further record, name appearing only on muster and descriptive rolls. Subsequent service in Co. G, 10th Cav. GEORGE A. JENNISON enlisted in Bat, L at Starkey Dec. 26, aged 18 (16> years. Wounded in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., and March 25, 1865, at Pt. Haskell, near Petersburg, Va. Arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wounds, July 18, 1865, at Satterlee hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. HIRAM KEECH, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. F at Rochester Aug. 3, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 14, credited to the city of Rochester. Wounded in action June 22, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability,, wounds, May 27, 1865, at Mower hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Drafted July 31, but served as above. JOHN KILCULLEN enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 28, aged 30 (20) years. Mus- tered out with battery. DARWIN KING enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 16, aged 21 years. Captured in action June 2, 1864, at Beulah Church, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Nov. 18, at Camp Lawton, Millen, Ga. Promoted Corporal March 30, 1865; Sergeant, May 15. Mustered out with battery. JOHN ADDISON KING, of Milo, enlisted in Bat. F at Rochester Aug. 3, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 14, credited to the city of Rochester. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Wounded in action June 17, 1864, in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. Dis- charged for disability, wounds, Dec. 30, 1864, at Harewood hospital, Wash- ington, D. C. Drafted July 31, but served as above. MASON LANG enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 36 (31) years. Wounded in action Sept. 30, 1864, at Poplar Grove Church, Va. Transferred to Co. B, 19th Vet. Res. Corps, March 8, 1865. Discharged Aug. 7, 1865, at Elmira. ROBERT B. LEWIS enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 21, aged 18 years. Promoted Corporal Aug. 11, 1865. Mustered out with battery. JOHN LOFTUS enlisted in Bat. K at Penn Yan Dec. 12, aged 43 (48) years. Not mustered into the U. S. service; rejected, too old. Subsequent enlist- ment in Co. C, 179th Inf. MATTHEW MADDOX enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 1, aged 22 years. Mustered out with battery. JOHN M. MAHAN enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 8, aged 22 years. Cap- tured in action June 17, 1864, in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Feb. 26, 1865, at Northeast Ferry, N. C. Detached May 31 for service in the Quartermasters’ Department at Alexandria, Va. Mustered out, date not given, at Rochester, “to date” Aug. 26, 1865, date of muster out of battery. MICHAEL MAHAR enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 12, aged 22 years. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Wounded in action July 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Returned to the ranks Oct. 6. Promoted Corporal Feb. 10, 1865. Captured in action March 25, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled at Richmond April 3. Discharged June 9, 1865, at Elmira, tinder general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. OLIVER S. McCANN enlisted in the 8th Art. at Potter Dec. 7, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canan- daigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Bat. G, 14th Art., date not given. Discharged May 24, 1865, at Grant hospital, Willett’s Point, New York harbor. GEORGE MCDONALD, Jr., enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 29, aged 18 (17) years. Captured in action Sept. 30, 1864, at Poplar Grove Church, Va. Died of disease Jan. 8, 1865, at Salisbury, N. C., a prisoner of war. AMOS McGLAUGHLlN enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 19 (18) years. Mustered out With battery.YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE » 123 THOMAS P. McNEIL enlisted in Bat. E for Jerusalem Sept. 13, 1884, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Wounded in action March 25, 1885, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Ya. Died of wounds April 30, 1865, in hospital at Alexandria, Ya. Town of Corning, Steuben county, recruit. JEREMIAH C. MEAD, of Italy, enlisted at Rochester June 30. aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the city of Rochester. No further record. Prior enlistment in Co. H, 38th Inf., and subsequent service in Bat. M, 8th Art. PRANCIS H. MIERS enlisted in Bat. M for Milo Sept. 12, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 13. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Delany House, D. C. Orange county recruit. JAMES N. MILES enlisted in Bat. E for Jerusalem Sept.' 13, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 41 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Delany House, D. C. Town of Caton, Steuben county recruit ELISHA MOON, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. P at Rochester Aug. 27, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 14, credited to the town of Benton. Discharged for disability March 12, 1865, at hospital of the 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, at Pt. Steadman, near Petersburg, Ya. Prior service in Co. C, 44th Inf. GEORGE D. MOORE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 14, aged 26 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Discharged for disability May 17, 1865, at DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. SEERMAN MORSE, of Barrington, enlisted and was enrolled at Rochester Nov. 24, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place as Assistant Surgeon, credited to the 25th Senatorial District. Captured March 25, 1865, at Pt. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va., and paroled same day and place. Discharged May 15, 1865, in camp near Spottsylvania, Va., his services being no longer required. Prior service as Assistant Surgeon in the 2d Cav, JOHN MOXCEY, Jr., of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 19, aged 21 years Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal prior to May 22, 1864. Discharged for disability March 15, 1865, at Wash- ington D. C. ALP RED M. NEWLAND enlisted in the 8th Art. at Jerusalem Dec. 19, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Dec. 30. Transferred to Bat. K, 14th Art., April 1, 1864. Died of disease Nov. 8, 1864, in Grant hospital, Willett’s Point, New York harbor. GEORGE W. NEWMAN, of Milo, enlisted in the 8th Art. Dec. 25, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. credited to the town of Torrey. Transferred to Bat. G, 14th Art., April 19. Absent, sick, in post hospital at Pt. Sumner, Md., at muster out of battery. Discharged, date and place not given, “to date” Aug. 26, 1865, date of muster out of battery. JAMES M. OLIVER, of Penn Yan, enlisted and was enrolled at Rochester Sept. 10, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Assistant Surgeon same day and place, credited to the city of Rochester. Died of disease Nov. 10, 1863, at Pt, Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. CHARLES L. PARIS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 7, aged 18 (16) years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action March 25, 1865, at Pt. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled April 3, at Richmond, Va. Discharged May 26, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. JAMES B. PECKINS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Rochester Jan. 5, 1864, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service in Bat. H at same place Jan. 11, credited to the city of Rochester. Captured in action March 25, 1865, at Pt. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled March 31, at Rich- mond, Va. Discharged July 6, 1865, at Elmira,' under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. MELVIN PERRY enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 23, aged 18 years. Mustered out with battery. Town of Owego, Tioga county, recruit. THOMAS PERRY enlisted in the 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 19, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Bat. K, 14th Art., March 31. Absent, on detached duty in Quartermasters’ Department, at muster out of battery. Mustered out, date and place not given, “to date” Aug. 26, 1865, date of muster out of battery. Prior service in Co. P, 107th Inf. WILLIAM PLIMPTON enlisted in Bat. K at Penn Yan Dec. 4, aged 26 years. Not mustered into the U. S. service; rejected as too feeble. Town of West Bloomfield, Ontario county, recruit. Prior service in Co. B, 85th Inf. HORACE PRUDEN enlisted in the 8th Art. for Starkey Dec. 22, aged 25 (23) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canan- daigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Bat. A, 14th Art., April 27. Deserted Aug. 5, 1864, from hospital at Albany. Town of Hector, Schuyler county, recruit. PATRICK QUINAN enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 19 years. Mustered out with battery. GEORGE REYNOLDS enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Nov. 25, aged 19 (18)124 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE99 yekrs. Deserted June 10, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. Returned to battery April 18, 1865, under the President’s proclamation of amnesty to deserters. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. 1, 33d Inf. BENJAMIN F. RHODES, of Potter, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 25 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Mustered out with battery. MARTIN SCHIRM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Nov. 8, aged 30 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Died of disease June 22, 1864, in hospital at Alexandria, Va. WILLIAM D. SEAMANS enlisted in Bat. L at Starkey Dee. 22, aged 19 years. Wounded in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Haskell, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged Oct. 21, 1865, at DeCamp hospital, David s Island, New1 York harbor. SEYMOUR H SHULTZ enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 17 years. Died of chronic diarrhea Sept. 20, 1864, in McDougal hospital, Ft. Schuyler, New York harbor. CHARLES SHUTER enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 7, aged 20 years. Ap- pointed Corporal prior to June 30, 1864. Reduced to the ranks Oct. 1 for absence without leave in action Sept. 30, at Poplar Grove Church, near Petersburg, Va. Tried by general court martial, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, on charge of absence without leave in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Found guilty and sentenced, April 8, 1865, “to forfeit all pay and allowances now due and to become due; to be branded on the left hip with the letter “C”; to be dishonorably discharged, to date March 25, and to be confined at hard labor, at such place as the Commanding General may direct, for two years and one-half.” Clinton (N. Y.) prison was designated. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. WILLIAM H. SILVERN AIL, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. K at Penn Yan Dec. 2, aged 18 (17) years. Not mustered into the U. S. service; 1 rejected as under age. WILLIAM V. R. SLOAN enlisted in Bat. K at Penn Yan Nov. 20, aged 35 years. Not mustered into the U. S. service; rejected, physical disability, hernia. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. EUGENE L. SMITH enlisted in Bat. G at Benton Nov. 29, aged 22 years. Pro- moted Corporal Oct. 1, 1864. Mustered out with battery. JAMES E. SMITH enlisted in Bat. I at Milo Dec. 7, aged 36 years. Wounded in action May 6, 1864, at the Wilderness, Va., and Sept. 30, at Poplar Grove Church, Va. Muste,red out with battery. GIDEON C. SPINK enlisted in Bat. L at Jerusalem Dec. 22, aged 21 years. Discharged for disability May 27, 1865, at Mower hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Prior service in Co. I, 148th Inf. GEORGE F. SPRAGUE, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Dec. 14, aged 18 (17) years. Credited to the town of Milo. Captured in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled at Bulware & Cox wharf, Va., March 30. Discharged May 26, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Subsequent service in Co. C, Select Service. JEREMIAH E. SPRAGUE, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Promoted Sergeant prior to July 30, 1864. Captured in action July 30, in assault following mine ex- plosion near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Feb. 1, 1865, at Danville, Va. Pro- moted 1st Sergeant July 1. Commissioned (not mustered) 2d Lieut. Aug. 31, with rank from Aug. 19. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. JOHN C. ST. JOHN enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 23, aged 20 years. Died of dyptheria June 24, 1864, in Sickles hospital, Alexandria, Va. JOSHUA LEE THOMAS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 10, aged 19 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Captured in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Died of pneumonia Sept. 2, 1864, at Danville, Va., a prisoner of war. JOHN TUELL, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Rochester Dec. 14, aged 28 years. Not credited to Yates county. Wounded in action Feb. 22, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds and disease March 2, 1865, in the hospital of the 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, at Ft. Steadman, near Petersburg, Va. ISAAC F. VOAK, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. I at Penn Yan Dec. 11, aged 29 years. Credited to the town of Benton. Discharged for disability May 3, 1864, at Warrenton Junction, Va. PETER S. WHEATON, of Milo, enlisted in Bat. D Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 44 (54) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Mustered out June 3, 1865, at Delany House, D. C. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. SAMUEL O. WHEATON enlisted in Bat. L at Penrr. Yan Dec. 23, aged 20 years. Wounded in action March 25, 1865, at Ft. Haskell, near Petersbugr, Va. Discharged June 7, 1865, at Elmira. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. HAZARD WHEELER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 15, aged 17 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Promoted Corporal July 31, 1865. Mustered out with battery. JOHN W. WOODRUFF enlisted in Bat. L at Milo Dec. 8, aged 19 years. Killed in action May 12, 1864, at Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 125 JOSEPH P. WOOLF enlisted in Bat. L at Penn Yan Dec. 23, aged 22 years. Wounded in action July 20, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. TranSfererd to the 48th Co., 2d Batt., Vet. Res. Corps, March 14, 1865. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, Sept. 12, 1865, at Washington, D. C. OLIVER T. WYMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Bat. G at Penn Yan Dec. 8, aged 18 (15) years. Credited to the town of Benton. Wounded in action June ■*21, 1864. in assault on works near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to the 23d Co. 2d Batt., Vet. Res. Corps, April 12, 1865. Discharged for disability, wounds, Aug. 12, 1865, at Washington, D. C. i3th N. Y. ARTILLERY CHARLES E. BROWN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in the 14th Art. at Rochester Dec. 18, to serve 3 years, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service, unassigned to battery, same day and place, credited to the city of Roches- ter. Assigned to Bat. H, 13th Art., March 13, 1864. Promoted Corporal March 14. Died of consumption Sept. 24, 1864, in Hampton hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. FRANCIS A. BULGER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. B at Geneva June 8, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled aS 4th Sergeant at same place July 14, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered into the U. S. service at Staten Island Aug. 29. Transferred to Bat. I, 6th Art., July 18, 1865. Mustered out with battery Aug. 21, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. F, 13th Inf. WILLIAM BULGER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Bat. B at Geneva July 11, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered into the U. S. service at Staten Island Aug. 29. Transferred to Bat. I, 6th Art., July 18, 1865. Mustered out with battery Aug. 21, 1865, at Wash- ington, D. C. DAVID J. COMBS enlisted in the 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 24, to serve 3 years, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Assigned to the 14th Art., Feb. 12, but not to. battery. Transferred to Bat. H, 13th Art., March 18. Promoted Corporal Dec. 25. Mustered out July 1, 1865, at Norfolk, Va. THOMAS CROZIER enlisted in the 8th Art. for Milo Dec. 18, to serve 3 years, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 4, 1864. Assigned to the 14th Art., but not to battery, Feb. 12. Transferred to Bat. H, 13th Art., March 18, and appointed Cor- poral same day. Promoted Sergeant Dec. 23. Mustered out July 18, 1865, at Norfolk, Va. Town of Howard, Steuben county, recruit. PETER M. HAVENS enlisted in the 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 24, to serve 3 years, aged 42 (44) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 4, 1864. Assigned to the 14th Art., but not to battery, Feb. 12. Transferred to Bat. H, 13th Art., March 18, to Bat. A, June 27, 1865, and to Bat. H, 6t*h Art., July 18. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C. RICHARD W. HOPKINS enlisted in the 8th Art. at Potter Dec. 28, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Assigned to the 14th Art., but not to battery, Feb. 12. Transferred to Bat. H, 13th Art., March 18, to Bat. B June 27, 1865, and to Bat. I, 6th Art., July 18. Mustered out With battery Aug. 21, 1865, at Washington, D. C. 21st N. Y. CAVALRY On October 15, 1863, William H. Hermans advertised in a local papfcr that he was about to engage in recruiting for this regiment. No record appears of his having done so, neither is his name found further connected with military matters. But two men enlisted here at any time for the regiment, both through the county recruiting officers. GEORGE ALLISON enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept, 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out May 28, 1865, at Bladensburg, Md. Out of county recruit. ROBERT DUNN enlisted in Co. E for Jerusalem Dec. 25, under the alias of Robert Ellis, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the TJ. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. C Sept. 9, 1865. Mustered out With company July 3, 1866, at Camp Collins, Colo. Prior service in the U, S, Navy as Robert Ellis, Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit.126 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 5th MASSACHUSETTS COLORED CAVALRY WILLIAM LAWSON, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. A at Newton, Mass., Dec. 24, to serve 3 years., aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service Jan. 9, 1864, credited to Newton. Discharged for disability June 14, 1864, at Point Lookout, Md. i6th N. Y. ARTILLERY Although the county furnished a comm'ssioned officer to this reg’ment, all the local enlistments were made through the county recruiting officers and the office of the Provost Marshal. All enlistments were for 3 years. The regiment was mustered out at Washington, Aug. 21, 1865. ALBERT E. BROWN enlisted at Middlesex Dec. 22, aged 18 (14) years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, ac Canandavua Jan. 5, 1864. Discharged for disability Aug. 25, 1864, at Elmira. Subsequent en- listment. as Albert E. Brunner, in Co. G, 148th Inf. EDWIN E. CLARK enlisted in Bat. H at Potter Dec. 29, aged 32 (23) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Detached ;,s mail carrier during the greater part of his enlistment. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. E, 28th Inf. BRYANT DAYNES (Dains) enlisted for Jerusalem Jan. 4, 1864, aged 34 (44) years. Mustered into the U. S service unass;gned to battery, at Canan- daigua, Jan. 5. No further record. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit, who had been drafted from that town July 15, 1863, deserted and who was. arrested Jan. 28, 1864, presumably at the recruit camp at Elmira, mustered into the service in Co. D, 179th Inf., May 11, 1864, to serve out time as a drafted deserter. Captured in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Died Aug. 1, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. PUTNAM DEMMING enlisted at Barrington Jan. 4, 1864, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5. Assigned to Bat. G, and appointed Corporal, May 1. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865; 1st Sergeant, April 1. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. JOHN FINN enlisted in Bat. H for Potter Jan. 19, 1864, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 26. Mustered out with battery. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county, recruit. RICHARD T. GARDNER enlisted in Bat. M at Potter Dec. 22, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery. EDWARD P. GRIMES, of Italy, enlisted in Bat. D Jan. 18, 1864, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. Absent in: insane asylum at Wash- ington, D. C., at muster out of battery. Discharged Jan. 5, 1866, at Gov- ernment Hospital for Insane, Washington, “to date” Aug. 21, 1865, date of muster out of regiment, by order of the Secretary of War. ADAM KUNES enlisted in Bat. L at Potter Dec. 29, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery. .• CASSIUS N. McFARREN, of Benton, enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Assigned to Bat. G Sept. 23. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in Co. C, 26th Pa. Emer- gency Militia. PERRY A. REDDOUT enlisted in Bat. G at Middlesex Dec. 24, aged 30 (36) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Wounded in action Sept. 29, at Chaffin’s Farm, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds June 12, 1865. at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. THOMAS H. ROGERS enlisted in Bat. H at Italy Jan. 13, 1864, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua* same day. Mustered out with battery. - JENKINS W. SAULSBURY enlisted in Bat. I at Middlesex Dec. 29, aged 39 years. Mustered into the. U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. 1864. De- tached March 25,' 1865, for duty at the government farm near Norfolk, Va. Absent at muster out of battery. Discharged at New York city, date not given, “to date” Aug. 21, 1865, date of muster out of battery. See, also, 33d Inf. BYRON H. SHEPARD enlisted at Middlesex Jan. 1, 1864, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5. Assigned to Bat. K subsequent to June 30. Wounded Oct. 12 near Rich- mond. Va. Died of disease and wounds Nov. 22, 1864, in Hampton hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va. MORRIS F. SHEPPARD, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered into the U.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 12¥ S. service as 1st Lieut., Bat. D, at Albany, Jan. 8, 1864, with rank from Dec. 7, 1863, aged 20 years. Promoted Capt., Bat. G, March 23, with rank from March 4. Mustered out with battery. ADDISON R. SHULTZ enlisted at Milo Jan. 4, 1864, aged 18 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5. As- signed to Bat. G May 1. Absent in hospital at Smithville, Va., at muster out of battery. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1865, at New York city, “to date” Aug. 21, 1865, date of muster out of battery. ANDREW E. TenBROECK enlisted in Bat. G at Benton Jan. 4, 1864, aged 34 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Mustered out with battery. __________________ ist N. Y. INDEPENDENT BATTERY JOHN B. CORNELL enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 27, to serve 3 years, aged 21 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 15. Mus- tered out with battery June 25, 1865, at Syracuse. JOHN LYON enlisted at Penn Yan Nov. 28, to serve 3 years, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 15. Wounded in action Sept. 19, near Winchester, Va. Deserted Nov. 23, while on furlough, and arrested Jan. 23, 1865, at Penn Yan. Tried by general court martial, De- partment of Maryland, found guilty of absence without leave, and sentenced to be fined $8 per month for one year. Mustered out with battery June 25, 1865, at Syracuse. JAMES M. MOON enlisted at Penn Yan Dec. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 22. Discharged June 22, 1865, at Lincoln hospital, Washington, D. C. DENNIS E. ROBINSON enlisted at Auburn Jan. 11, 1864, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day, credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with battery June 25, 1865, at Syracuse. Town of Niles, Cayuga county, recruit. JOSEPH R. ROBINSON enlisted at Auburn Feb. 8, 1864, to serve 3, years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day, credited to the town of Milo. Discharged for disability May 8, 1865, at Dansville, N. C. Town of Niles, Cayuga county, recruit. 26th U. S. COLORED TROOPS Authority to raise this regiment was granted by the Secretary of War to the Loyal League of New York city, and it was fully recruited in twenty days. All the Yates county men enlisting at that time reported for duty and were mustered at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. The regiment was mustered into the XL S. service for 3 years at Biker’s Island, New York harbor, Feb. 27th. Its service was almost entirely in the south, mainly near Charleston, S. C., and it was mustered out Aug. 28, 1865, at Hilton Head, one of the fortifications guarding the .Charleston harbor entrance. SIDNEY M. BABCOCK enlisted in Co. A at Torrey Jan. 4, 1864, aged 20 years. Mustered out with company. STEPHEN J. BE AMES enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 4, 1864, aged 28 years. Promoted Corporal Feb. 27; 1st Sergeant, April 15. Reduced to Sergeant July 1. Wounded in action July 7, 1864, at John’s Island, near Charleston, S. C. Discharged for disability, wounds, Aug. 8, 1865, at DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. JOHN BUTLER enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 4, 1864, aged 34 (40) years. Mustered out with company. JACOB FINESS enlisted in Co. D for Torrey Jan. 20, 1865, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Otsego county recruit. WILLIAM JOHNSON enlisted in Co. A at Milo Jan. 4, 1864, aged 30 years. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM KANE enlisted in C6. D at Starkey Dec. 24, 1863, aged 28 years. Mustered out with company. AMOS RIGGS, Jr., enlisted in Co. A at Branchport Jan. 4, 1864, aged 20 years. Died of disease April 6, 1865, in hospital at Beaufort, S. C. HENRY SHEARS enlisted in Co. D at Starkey Dec. 24, 1863, aged 27 (37) years. Discharged Aug. 28, 1865, at New York city. GEORGE STEADMAN, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Penn Yan Jan. 4, 1864, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Mustered out with company. SAMUEL STEADMAN enlisted in Co. A at Milo Jan. 4, 1864, aged 21 years. Mustered out with company. CHARLES W. TAYLOR enlisted in Co. D at Benton Dec. 29, 1863, aged 21 years. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 44th Inf.128 YATES COUNTY’S « BOYS IN BLUE BENJAMIN WILLIAMS enlisted for Milo Feb. 22, 1865, aged 35 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canandaigua. Feb. 23. Never joined regiment. Mustered out May 21, 1865, at Elmira. Out of county recruit. 2d N. Y. CAVALRY PERLIN M. BUTLER enlisted in Co. G for Benton Sept. 13, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged for disability May 18, 1865, at McKimm's Mansion hospital. Bal- timore, Md. Prior service in Co. K, 74th Inf., and Co. I, 109th Inf. Town of Chatham, Chester county, Pa., recruit. DANIEL WASHINGTON DAINS enlisted in Co. M at Starkey Dec. 22. to serve 3 years, aged 37 (40) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan.. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. B Aug. 29, and to Co. M, Nov. 12. Mus- tered out with company June 23, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Prior service in Co. F, 86th Inf. DANIEL WILLIS DAINS enlisted in Co. M at Torrey Dec. 15, to serve 3 years, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Dec. 17. Died of disease Aug. 25, 1864, in Giesboro hospital, Washington, D. C. JOHN E. DAINS enlisted in Co. M at Torrey Jan. 15, 1864, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandagiua Jan. 23. Transferred to Co. L. date not given. Mustered out with company June 23, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. SHERMAN MORSE, of Barrington, was enrolled March 25, place not given, to serve 3 years, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Assistant Surgeon at Acquia Creek, Va., April 17, with rank from March 25. Com- mission revoked June 22, he not having joined regiment for duty; restored Sept. 15, if vacancy not filled. Had joined regiment and served until July 17. Discharge issued Aug. 11, 1868, to date July 17, 1863, to complete record. Subsequent service as Assistant Surgeon, 14th Art. 1st N. Y. MOUNTED RIFLES GEORGE CASTNER, of Milo, enlisted in Co. K at Richmond, Ontario county, July 30, 1862, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day, credited to the town of Canadice, Ontario county. Mustered Into the U. S. service at New York Aug. 23. Died of disease Nov. 4, 1862, in regimental hospital at Norfolk, Va. WILLIAM H. JOHNSON, of Middlesex, enlisted in Bat. H, 16th Art., at Rush- ville, Dec. 21, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864, credited to the town of Middlesex. Transferred to Co. G. 1st Mounted Rifles, May 26, 1864. Mustered out with company Nov. 29, 186‘5, at City Point, Va. PATRICK S. LOFTIS enlisted in Bat. E, 16th Art., at Potter, Dec. 26, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. ‘Service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co- M, 1st Mounted Rifles. May 26, 1864. Mus- tered out with company Nov. 29 1865, at City Point, Va. DAVID SOLES enlisted in Bat. G. 16th Art., at Middlesex, Dec. 24, to serve 3 years, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Co. C, 1st Mounted Rifles, May 26, 1864. Mustered out with company Nov. 29, 1865, at City Point, Va. 24th N. Y. CAVALRY WILLIAM S. BARBER, of Benton, enlisted in Co. E Sept. 7, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered out June 6, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. HENRY G. CHURCH enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Jan. 27, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed blacksmith prior to Feb. 28. Transferred to Co. K, 1st Pro. Cav., June 17. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Out of county recruit. WILLIAM FRANCIS, of Middlesex, enlisted in Co. L Dec. 31, to serve 3 years, aged 38 (40) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandagiua Jan. 19, 1864, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Transferred to Co. L, 1st Pro. Cav., June 17, 1865. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865. at Cloud’s Mills. Va. BENJAMIN F. MACK enlisted in Co. B for Benton Sept. 6, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out June 6, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Town of Addison, Steuben county, recruit.TATES BOUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE » ANDREW j. SPEARS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. H Sept. 7, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. 'service at Avon same day, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered out June 6, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Ya. .JOHNATHAN G. TWITCHELL enlisted in Co. G at Potter Dec. 19. to serve 3 years, aged 45 (57) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 7, 1864. Appointed blacksmith, date not given. Died of disease Aug, 8, 1864, in hospital of the 3d Division, 24th Army Corps, near Petersburg, Va. See, also, 148th. Inf. 2d N. Y. VETERAN CAVALRY ‘CHARLES H- BRIZEE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. C for Potter Deb. 18, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (16) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Can* andaigua Dec. 28. Mustered out with company Nov. 8, 1865, at Talladega, .-Me. AMOS "FENTON enlisted in Co. G for Benton Sept, 13, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out Aug. 23, 1865, at Talladega, Ala. Town of Mt. Morris, Livingston county, recruit, ’FR.' FPRICK enlisted in Co. B for Benton Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mus- tered out Aug. 24. 1865, at Talladega, Ala. Prior Service in Co. A, 136th Pa. Inf. Tioga county, Pa., recruit. MICTJ^EL KAPPLER enlisted in Co. C at Torrey Dec. 7, to serve 3 years, aged ”6 years Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Drowned July 4. 1864, at Morganza, La. DELOS KELTZ enlisted in Co. B for Benton Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865. at Talladega, Ala. Bradford county, .Pa., recruit. LEVI B. MOURHEES enlisted in Co. E for Benton Sept, 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out Aug. 23, 1865, at Talladega, Ala. Bradford county. Pa., recruit. LUCIAN SMITH enlisted in Co. E for Benton Sept. 1, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out Aug. 23, 1865 at Talladega, Ala. Prior service in Co, A,, 136th Pa. Infs Bradford county, Pa., recruit. 8th N. Y. ARTILLERY JOHN E. BRANDOW enlisted in the 16th Art. at Italy Dec. 30, to Serve 3 years, aged 28 (26) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unasSigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1 864. Assigned to Bat. I, 6th Art., May 10, 1864, and Bat. D, June 27. 1865. Promoted Corporal June 29. Mustered put with battery Aug. 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C. WILLIAM H. DAVIS enlisted in the 16th Art. at Potter Dec. 26, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years, Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to bat- tery, at Canandaigua, Jan. 5, 1864. Assigned to Bat. I, 6th Art., May 10, 1864. D:scharged for disability June 5, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ELIJAH E. MILLER enlisted in 8th Art. at Starkey Dec. 24, to serve 3 years, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, same day. Assigned to the 14th Art., but not to battery, Feb. 20, 1864. Transferred to Bat. K, 6th Art., May 10. Wounded in action Oct. 19, at Cedar Creek, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 26, 1865. at Satterlee hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. FREDERICK WALTER MILLSPAUGH, of Jerusalem, enlisted in the 16th Art. Dec. 9, to serve 3 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the IT. S. ser- vice, unassigned to battery, at Elmira Same day, credited to the town of Erwin, Steuben county. Assigned to Bat. D. 6th Art., May 10, 1864. Cap- tured in action June 29, at Ream’s Station, Va. Died of Scorbutus Aug 6, 1864, at Camp ,Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. Prior en- listment in Bat. K. 4tli Art. CHRISTOPHER SNYDER enlisted in Bat. B for Starkey Dec. 24, to Serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered out with battery Aug. 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Schuyler county recruit. JOHN WILSON enlisted in the 14th Art. for Starkey Jan. 4, 1864, to serve 3 years, aged 39 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unaSSigned to bat- tery, at Elmira, same day. Assigned to Bat. K, 6th Art., May 10, and to Bat. D June 27. 1864. Absent, Sick in hospital, at muster out of battery Aug. 21, 1865. No discharge ever issued. Out of county reefuit.130 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 1864 The year opened with the work of securing the men needed under the call of Oct. 17th far from completed, and the prospect of a draft good. How- ever, the date of the drawing was postponed until February, and so well was the work of securing men for the 14th Artillery and other organizations prosecuted that on Jan. 14th the quotas of a number of towns were filled. That of Barrington was filled on that day through the efforts of the Super- visor, who secured 16 bounty men from Pennsylvania through a man-broker at Elmira, paying him $25 .for each man. This was the first large body of men to be secured from out of the county at once, but subsequently men by tens and twenties came from Bradford county, Pa., attracted by the large county and town bounties. At this time John W. Cleveland, of Benton, had been appointed recruiting officer to succeed Edward E. Root. On Jan. 28th the Marshal issued an order that no more men be secured from out of the county, so that local men could be the gainers by the large bounties, but the issu- ance of another call for 200,000 men on Feb. 1st, with a quota to Yates county of about 200 men, to be furnished by March 10th, with the alternative of a draft on that date, made his order immediately inoperative. The county bounty of $300 was continued, and a systematic plan of work was laid out, war meetings being held in all the small hamlets, as in 1862. The fact that Major J. B. Sloan, of Penn Yan, had been authorized to raise a number of companies for a new regiment made that organization attractive to local men, and the bounty men from outside were also generally assigned to that regiment. Other Yates county men were also prominent in recruiting for the new organization. On Feb. 28th the Supervisors, laboring under the mis- apprehension that the quota was nearly filled, discontinued the county boun- ty, and the work of securing men was almost immediately at a standstill, although a number enlisted to the credit of Ontario county, and on March 14th the new call of that date, with a quota of 178 for the county, caused the Board to reconvene and again vote a bounty of $300 per man until the quota was filled. The several towns were called upon to furnish the follow- ing number of men: Barrington, 13; Benton, 20; Italy, 12; Jerusalem, 24; Middlesex, 13; Milo, 39; Potter, 21; Starkey, 23; Torrey, 13. The county as a whole had more men credited to it than were ordered in the new call, but under a peculiar condition as regards credits each town was compelled to look out for itself, those with an excess of men not being allowed to trans- fer them to those less fortunate. There were also at this time a considerable number of veteran credits, 65 in all, on account of the re-enlistment of .men in the service for three years, but they were not allowable to their towns, as they had not yet been offically reported. With the completion of the raising of the new regiment (179th Inf.) the county’s quota was filled, a number of towns having an excess of men. In April or May the veteran re- enlistments were officially credited. In June the enrolling officers carefully revised the draft rolls, striking off many names and adding others. The Board of iSupervisors voted in July to give $300 bounty for 3-year men, $200 for 2-year, and $100 for 1-year, the government bounty at this time being the same amounts. On July 18th came a call for 500,000 men, the county quota being 469, divided: Barrington, 35; Benton, 54; Italy, 29; Jerusalem,YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 131 60; Middlesex, 33; Milo, 104; Potter, 56; Starkey, 64; Torrey, 34. All of the towns had a surplus of credits from former calls and veteran credits, a total of 86 men, reducing the number to be raised to 383. Up to this date 394 county bounties of $300 had been paid since Dec. 3, 1863. There wtas great difficulty in securing men, and $40 per man was now paid recruiting officers. Early in August, County Treasurer James Burns went to Newberne, N. C., to secure, if possible, negro recruits to be credited to the quota of the county. He remained in North Carolina about two weeks, and was able to enlist but 11 men, 10 colored and 1 white. These men he secured through one John H. Irish. Before leaving, he appointed Irish a recruiting agent there for Yates county, but he was soon ordered out of the state by the military authorities. On August 22d the Supervisors increased the bounties to $400 for 3-year men, $350 for 2-year men, and $300 for 1-year, which resulted in the majority of the men secured enlisting for one year, the bounty for that period being much higher in proportion. It was also voted that any volunteer substitute accepted and mustered in to the credit of any town iln the county be paid the same amounts, and that each town be given power to appoint one or more agents to secure recruits,for that town. Recruits not coming forward rapidly enough, the Supervisors again met on Aug. 29th and raised the bounties to $850 for 3-year, $750 for 2-year, and $650 for 1-year men. About the same date citizens of Torrey added a town bounty of $250 for 1-year men, Milo offered $300 for the same period, and Starkey offered $450 each. Starke^ and Torrey almost immediately filled their quotas. Numbers of men came into the county from all sections, one squad of 29 coming from Bradford county, Pa., on Aug. 29th. As a sample of the inducements of a financial nature offered men to enter the service of the several towns, the following list of men secured by the town of Starkey, mostly from Pennsylvania and surrounding counties, is given from an original document: County County Town Town F. Skiff in Bonds in Cash Debentures in Cash $200 $400 $50 G. Bewley 400 50 F. -Littell . . 400 50 I. Dilliston 950 400 50 M. J. Weaver 550 400 350 100 Lewis B. Knox 400 450 H. L. Libolt 400 450 A. J. Backer 400 450 Jos. D. Stillman 100 350 100 Jno. F. Smith 550 400 450 Darlin Potter . 450 350 100 John Holly ............ 450 350 100 Jno. Vosburg 500 450 350 100 Aus. Whitaker 950 250 200 Willis H. Card 450 350 100 Wm. A. Warden ....... Law. VanCleek 500 450 450 350 100 James Littell 450 350 100 Henry Pierce 50 350 100 Ed. C. Foster 450 400 50 Is. H. Stone ........... 450 450 Joel B. Crandall 450 450 Lym. O. Slade 450 450 Morgan F. Rockwell .. . 450 450 Milford B. Hall 500 450 450 William Rumsey ....... 500 450 200 50 Lorenzo Powell 50 350 100 Emmett Houghtaling . .. 320 350 100 Theo. Compton 450 400 50 Jno. W. Haight 450 450 Jackson Adamy ........ 450 400 50 Geo. W. Harvey 450 400 50 Simon I. McIntosh 800 150 400 50 Lewis T. Rolison 450 400 50 Jno. F. Amerman 450 400 50J32" YATES COUNTY'S “BOYS INT BLUE County County Town Town in Bonds in Cash Debentures in Cash Uriah C. Rolison ..... 500 450 400 50 Wm. Harvey 500 450 400 50 Earl Herrington- ..... .. 500 450 450 Joseph Holden 950 350 100 Lester VanHorn ....... ....... 500 450 425 25 Emil Williams- 500 450 425 25 James Cease 500 450 425 25 D. S. May 500 450 425 25- Albert Dunbar 500 450 425 25 Calvin Comstock. ...... 450 500 10O Albert Comstock . . .. . 450 500 100 0. Williams .. 450 425 25 Lyman VanHorn ..... 450 425 25 Geo. A. Hoag ...... 275 175 A. A,. Granger 950 50 $30580 $16970 $18500 $2700 This was 'o&ly a part of the cost of the quota of Starkey in this call.- Substitutes were furnished voluntarily by four men, and the amounts re- ceived by these four men from the county and town do not appear in this statement. The town also had a credit of men previously secured in excess of the call, representing a county outlay of $3,300, The county quota was filled in time to obviate the necessity of a draft, bounties were abolished for the time being, and there was a respite from work until Dec. 19th, when there was another call for 300,009 men—the last made—of which the county’s share was 335, divided: Barrington, 30; Benton, 37; Italy, 19; Jerusalem, 47; Middlesex, 25; Milo, 65; Potter, 41; Starkey, 50; Torrey, 21. Early in Novem- ber the formation of Hancock’s U. S. Veteran Volunteers, a body of men from all the states, was authorized by the War Department. Edward E. Root began recruiting men for the new organization, but, until the county bounty was again in force, secured us few men, the majority being credited to other counties till after the end of the year. On Dec. 31st the county bounty of.. $300 was again put into effect, after it had first been fixed at $500, and Ben- jamin L. Hoyt was placed in charge of recruiting at that figure, but, it was apparent from local prints of the day, with small hopes of securing any men. All enlistments under this year head, unless otherwise stated, were made in 1864. 2d N. Y. MOUNTED RIFLES Of the nine Yates county men who enlisted in this regiment, but one Was enrolled in the county. The regiment was mustered for 3 years, and was discharged at Getty Station, Va., Aug. 10, 1865. CYRUS G. BARDEEN enlisted in Co. M at Italy March 8, 1865, to serve 2 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. JAMES W. BARDEEN, of Italy, enlisted in Co. Mi Jan. 2, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Prattsburg, Steuben county. Deserted March 23, 1864, from post hospital, Ft. Porter, N. Y. WILLIAM A. CRAPSER, of Benton, was enrolled Aug. 1, aged 28 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service Oct. 8, in the field near Petersburg, Va., as 2d Lieut/, Co. C, with rank from Aug. 1. In command of company from Sept. 30 to April 1, 1865. Wounded in action March 31, at Dinwiddie Court HouSe, Va. Promoted 1st Lieut. May 16, with rank from April 21. Mus- tered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav. DAVID H. ELLIS, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. A at Buffalo Jan. 10, aged 28 (32) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Torfey. Mustered into the U. S. service at’ Ft. Porter, Feb. 13, Transferred to CO. M Feb. 25. Killed in action July 30, 1864, near Peters- burg, Va. SYLVESTER FISHER, Of Italy, enlisted in Co. A Jan. 2, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town ofYATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 133 Prattsburg, Steuben county. Transferred to Co. M Feb. 25. Discharged for disability Feb. 2, 1865, at Elmira. WILLIAM W. HUNT, of Benton, enlisted in Co. A at Buffalo Dec. 31, 1863, aged 21 (23) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at same place Jan. 9, 1864, credited to the town of Milo. Transferred to Co. K and appointed Quarter- master Sergeant Feb. 6. Mustered into the U. S. service at Ft. Porter Feb. 13. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. MYRON C. LEWIS, of Benton, enlisted at Buffalo Jan. 18, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled, unassigned to company, same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Not mustered into the U. S. service. Supposed to have been rejected for physical disability, hernia. JOHN A. McKNIGHT, of Benton, enlisted in Co. M at Buffalo Jan. 1, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Benton. Mustered into the U. S. service at Ft. Porter Feb. 13. Deserted Dec. 13, from City hospital, Rochester. Arrested Dec. 20 at Benton. Tried by court martial, found guilty, and fined $30, costs of arrest. Mustered out with company. CHARLES A. PINNEO, of Milo, enlisted in Co. M Jan. 18, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Pulteney, Steuben county. Mustered out with company. 8th N. Y. ARTILLERY A 3-year regiment to which a number of recruits, mostly from Yates county, were sent during the late winter and spring. CHARLES H. BEAMAN enlisted in Bat. D for Starkey Jan. 4, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Transferred to Co. D, 10th Inf., June 5, 1865. Mustered out with company June 30, 1865, at Munson’s Hill, Ya. Steuben county recruit. ANDREW CATTERSON enlisted in Bat. L at Italy Jan. 4, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Transferred to Co. H, 10th Inf., June 5, 1865. Absent, sick, in Division hospital at muster out. Mustered out July 7, 1865, place not given, “to date” June 30, 1865, date of muster out of regiment. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. ROBERT CATTERSON enlisted in Bat. L at Italy Jan. 16, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service aU Canandaigua Jan. 23. Killed in action June 25, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. Prior enlistment in the 14th Art., unassigned to battery. ABRAM GANNON, of Potter, enlisted in Bat. L March 9, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua March 30, credited to the town of Gorham, Ontario county. Discharged for disability Feb. 20, 1865, at Washington, D. C. EPHRAIM M. KLINE enlisted in Bat. I for Barrington Jan. 16, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Wounded in action July 3, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 31, 1865, at McDougal hospital, Ft. Schuyler, New York harbor. Prior service in Co. E, 132d Pa. Inf. Columbia county, Pa., recruit. BENJAMIN F. McHENRY enlisted in Bat. I at Starkey Jan. 4, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Wounded in action June 24, near Petersburg, Va., Discharged for disability, wounds, June 3, 1865, in Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. JEREMIAH MEAD enlisted in Bat. M at Italy Jan. 11, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Wounded and captured in action June 3, at Cold Harbor, Va. Paroled Aug. 13, at Richmond, Va. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Inf., June 3, 1865, and discharged same day, at Bailey’s Cross Roads, Va. Prior enlistments in Co. H, 38th Inf., and the Art., unassigned to battery. WILLIAM H. MILLER enlisted at Starkey Dec. 21, 1863, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service, unassigned to battery, at Canandaigua, Dec. 30. Assigned to the 14th Art., date not given. Not found on the rolls of that regiment. No further record. County bounty paid. Reported discharged from hospital at Elmira about six weeks after enlistment, for disability, lameness. Prior service in Co. A, 89th Inf. EZEKIAL H. NOBLE enlisted in Bat. G at Starkey Jan. 4, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Wounded in action June 22, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to Bat. F, 4th Art., June 5, 1865; to the 2d Co., 2d Batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, July 19, 1865, and discharged same day at Douglass hospital, Washington, D. C. Prior ser- vice in Co. K, 3d Inf. ANDREW J. STONE enlisted in Bat. M for Barrington Jan. 5, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged June 6, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. Wyoming county recruit. MADISON SUTPHIN enlisted in Bat. H at Potter Jan. 2, aged 27 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 5. Wounded in action134 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE * Jun6 3, at Cold Harbor, Va. Right leg amputated. Tied: of wound Aug/ 13, 1864, at his home in Potter. WILLIAM H. WALBRIDGE enlisted in Bat. M for* Potter Jan. 11, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Jan. 23. Transferred to Co. G, 10th Inf., June 3, 1805. Mustered out with company June 30, 1865, at Munson’s Hill, Va. Town of Gorham, Ontario county, recruit. 63d N. Y. INFANTRY GEORGE J. BENJAMIN enlisted in Co. F for Barrington Jan. 4, to Serve J years, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Elmira Same day. Promoted 1st Sergeant April 30. Mustered in as 1st Lieut., Co. E May 11, with rank from April 5; Captain, July 8, with rank from June 20. Dis- charged on resignation, for disability, Jan. 12, 1865, at Annapolis, Md. Prior Service in the band of the 86th Inf. Town of HornellSVille, Steuben county, recruit. EDWARD F. DICKERSON enlisted in Co. F for Barrington Jan. 16, to serve 3> years, aged 18 years. Mustered) into the U. S. service at Elmira Same day. Appointed musician, date not given. Mustered out With company June 30, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county recruit, 5th N. Y. ARTILLERY TILSON C. BARDEN, of Benton, enlisted in Bat, L Sept. 6', to Serve 1 year; aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 9, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Discharged for promotion June 20, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Mustered into the U. S. service Aug. 9, as 1st Lietit., Co. A, 117th IT, S. Colored Troops. Promoted Adjutant Aug. 13;' Capt., Nov. 30, 18'65. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1867. Prior service in Co. B, 2d Mich. Cav. JAMES A, COOPER enlisted in Bat. C for BentOn Sept. 1, to Serve 1 year, aged 20 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out June 22, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Town of Cayuta, Schuyler county, recruit. JOHN R. DAVIS enlisted in Bat. D at Milo Jan. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 22- years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out July 19, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. ARCHIBALD DUMOND enlisted in Bat. C for Jerusalem Sept. 6, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out June 22, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Town of Dix, Schuyler county, recruit. DANIEL T. EMBREE, of Starkey, enlisted in Bat. C Jan. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Reading, Schuyler county. Mustered out July 12, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. HIRAM A, EMBREE, of Starkey, enlisted in Bat. C Jan. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Reading, Schuyler county. Wounded in action July 18, at Snicker’s Gap, Va. Arm amputated. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 6, 1865, at TJ. S. hospital at Chester, Pa. Prior service in Co. K, 3d Inf/ WILLIAM W. FitzGSRALD enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 1, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mus- tered out June 22, 1865, at Harper's Ferry, Va. Town of Cayuta, Schuyler county, recruit. RICHARD J. HARFORD enlisted in Bat. L for Benton Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Mustered into the IT. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery July 19, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, recruit. BURR LOCKERBY enlisted in Bat. C for Milo Sept. 1, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out June 15, 1865, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Town of Cayuta, Schuyler county, recruit. JOSEPH O. LUNN enlisted in Bat. D at Milo Feb. 26, to serve 3 years, aged 24, years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Wound- ed in action July 18, at Snicker’s Gap, Va. Died of wounds, Dec. 13, 1864, in Sheridan hospital, Winchester, Va. ISRAEL S. STILL enlisted in Bat. B for Torrey Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Absent With- out leave from May 14, 1865, to Sept. -—. Absence satisfactorily accounted for, and honorably discharged Sept. 21, 1865, at Elmira. Town of- Orange, Seuyler county, recruit.YATES COUNTY’S w BOYS IN BLUE 135 94th N. Y. INFANTRY ■WALLACE BARNES enlisted in Co. D for Italy Aug1. 20, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Wounded in action Eeb. 6, 1865, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 15, 1865, at Newton University hospital Baltimore, Md. Town of Portville, Cattaraugus county, substitute for Walter Scott Parish, of Italy. ROBERT BROWN enlisted in Co. I for Middlesex Eeb. 3, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 17 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Dis- charged June 16, 1865, at Jarvis hospital. Washington, D. C. Canadian substitute for William H. Stebbins, of Middlesex. ANDIEW LYONS enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Jan. 31,' 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 43 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Missing in action March 31, 1865. near Petersburg, Va. No further record. Out of county substitute for Asa P. Pish, of Barrington. ■WILLIAM ROYCE enlisted in Co. I for Milo Jan. 31, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. De- serted April 1, 1865 near Petersburg, Va. Out of county substitute for George E. Poyneer, of Milo. 179th N. Y. INFANTRY Recruiting began early in February, following the call of February 1st for 2C0,000 men, and the announcement that J. Barnet Sloan, of Penn Yan, who had been discharged the service as Major, following two years service in the 31st Inf., would be Major of a new 3-year regiment, the 179th, he to raise four companies of men. The headquarters of the new organization were established at Elmira. Capt. Charles F. Rudgers, of prior service in the 105th Inf., and Allen T. Farwell, of Penn Yan, associated themselves for the formation of a company, and Herman C. Howell, also of Penn Yan, and a former private in the 23d Inf., began securing men independently, in the hope of being made 2d Lieutenant. Nothing further appears regarding Capt. Rudgers, and Mr. Howell was rejected by the examining surgeon after the company was at Elmira. The activities, of Major Sloan covered a wide terri- tory, and he rapidly secured the men for his four companies. Those whom he secured who were not credited to Yates were sent forward to Elmira in squads. There each company was mustered as soon as filled, and sent to camp near Washington. Various officers officiated at the U. S. muster. Co. A was mustered April 5th; Co. B, April 13th; Co. C, April 23d, and Co. F on May 25th. These were the companies in which Yates county was interested, through men being in them who were credited to its towns. Co. F received the majority of the actual Yates county men, and was mustered into the U. S. service by 1st Lieut. William F. Greeley, 11th U. S. Inf. Yates county received credit for 47 men in the regiment, 18 being men from outside, while 16 Yates county men were credited to other counties. When mustered in the Yates county officers in Co. F were: Capt., Allen T. Farwell; 1st Lieut., David A. Bradley; Sergeants, John W. Durham, Edward S. Dunn, Carmi Loveless; Corporals, Albert Bennett, John H. Carley, George W. Heck, William B. Larzelere, Norton A. Sage, George W. Green. At muster-out they were: 1st Lieut., David A. Bradley; Quartermaster-Sergeant, Austin Whitaker; Ser- geants, John W. Durham, Edward S. Dunn, Carmi Loveless, William B. Lar- zelere; Corporals, George W. Heck, Albert Bennett, Norton A. Sage, Henry C. Schofield, James R. Littell, Charles B. Baker. Men of Co. F bad hardly had an opportunity to become acquainted with uniforms and camp life when the regiment was engaged in its first battle, a sanguinary struggle near Petersburg, Va., on June 17th, in which a number were killed, wounded and captured. Among the wounded was Major Sloan, who died on the field. The136 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS. IN BLUE regiment was in a number of engagements on the Petersburg front during its year of life, and was mustered out near Petersburg, Va., June 8, 1865. JOHN T. ALCOTT enlisted in Co. C for Italy March 29, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Deserted Aug. 5, 1864. n^ar Petersburg, Va. Monroe county recruit. DANIEL R. BACON enlisted in Co. F for Milo Feb. 24, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Wounded in action Jul}' 18, near Petersburg, Va. Mustered out with company. Town of Victor, On- tario county, recruit. CHARLES B. BAKER enlisted in Co. F at Benton Feb. 23, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. JOSIAH C. BAKER enlisted in Co. F at Benton Feb. 18, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Wounded in action June 17. near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 3, 1865, at Sickles hospital, Alexandria, Va. ALBERT BENNETT, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F March 10, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 17, credited to the town of South Bristol, Ontario county. Appointed Corpora! May 25, 1864. Mus- tered out with company. AMOS J. BONNEY enlisted in Co. F for Middlesex March 30, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Deserted June 4, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Tioga county, N. Y., recruit. DAVID A. BRADLEY was enrolled in Co. F at Penn Yan May 2, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and musterdd at Elmira as 1st Lieut., May 15, with rank from May 2. Mustered out with company. JAMES H. BROWN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B March 31, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Caton, Steuben county. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds June 29, 1864, in Lovell hospital, Portsmouth Grove, near Providence, R: I. ALEXANDER P. CAMPBELL, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B March 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Batavia, Genesee county. Appointed Corporal April 13. Deserted April 28, 1864, at Elmira. Prior service in Co. G, 85th Inf., and Co. B, 147th Inf. JOHN H. CARLEY enlisted in Co. F at Torrey Feb. 15, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Appointed Corporal May 25. Killed in action June 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. GEORGE CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. C for Benton March 25, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. HENRY CHUBB, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B March 28, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Butter- nuts, Otsego county. W'ounded in action June 30, near Petersburg, Va. Died of typhoid fever Sept. 4, 1864, in hospital at Albany. WILLIAM T. CLARK, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B March 29, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Batavia, Genesee county. Died of typhoid fever Aug. 12, 1864, in DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. STEPHEN COMPTON enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Feb. 23, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Appointed 1st Sergeant April 6. Mustered in as 2d Lieut. Jan. 16, with rank from Dec. 23, 1864. Mustered out with company. U. S. breveted 1st Lieut, for faithful and meritorious services, to date March 13, 1865. Town of Horseheads, Che- mung county, recruit. JAMES DECKER, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F for Benton March 31, aged 44 (50) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. FESTUS DEMOREST, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F Feb. 16, aged 44 (54) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Owego same day, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Discharged June 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur hospital, Alexandria, Va TUTHILL K. DENSE, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F for Potter March 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Died of disease July 22, 1864, in Frederick Square hospital. Washington, D. C. EDWARD S. DUNN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F for Middlesex March 22, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Ap- pointed 3d Sergeant May 25, 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN W. DURHAM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F for Middlesex March 24, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Appointed 2d Sergeant May 25. Wounded in action June 17, near Peters- burg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 20, 1865, at McClellan hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. ALLEN T. FARWELL, of Penn Yan, was enrolled at Elmira May 2, aged 37 years. Mustered into the U. S. service as Captain, Co. F, to date from May 2. Killed in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864.YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE” 137 NATHAN G. GALLETT enlisted in Co. C at Jerusalem Feb. 22, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled , at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Promoted Sergeant Sept. 30. Returned to the ranks April 2. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. A, 2d 'Wisconsin Inf. ‘GEORGE W. GREEN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F for Potter March 24, aged 20 (221 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Appointed Corporal May 25. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Hied of wounds Aug. 23, 1864, in hospital at New York city. JOHN HALL'enlisted in Co. F for Italy March 20, aged 27 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Captured in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Died of chronic diarrhea Jan. 12, I860, at Florence, S. C., a prisoner of war, Ly- coming county, Pa., recruit. DANIEL S. HAZELTON, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C March 18, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Owego same day, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Captured in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Feb. 20, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Discharged May 25, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. GEORGE W. HECK, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F March 10, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 17, credited to the town of South Bristol, Ontario county. Appointed Corporal May 25, 1864, Mustered out with company. SAMUEL M. HEMINGWAY, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B March 28, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Butternuts, Otsego county. Died of disease July 16, 1864, in De- Camp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. ISAAC HILDRETH, Jr., of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B March 31, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Southfield, Richmond county. Discharged for disability Dec. 7, 1864, at Elmira. PAUL HILDRETH, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. C Oct* 21, to serve 1 year, aged 17 (15) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day, credited to the town of West Almond, Allegany county. Mustered out with com- pany. Subsequent service in Co. A, 43d U. S. Inf. MARTIN HOPE, of Milo, enlisted in Co. F for Middlesex March 31, aged 21 . (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 7. Trans- ferred to the 28th N. Y. Independent Battery July 28. Returned to com- pany May 26. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. ANDREW HURD, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. F for Benton March 23, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds Aug. 9, 1864, in hospital of the 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, near Petersburg, Va. SAMUEL B. HYATT enlisted in Co. F for Milo Feb. 26, aged 41 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 29. Appointed 4th Sergeant May 25. Transferred to Co. A, 18th Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 24. Mustered out July 21, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. G, 30th In- diana Inf. Out of county recruit. EDWIN M. KNAPP, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. F March 16, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 17, credited to the town of South Bristol, Ontario county. Wounded in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Deserted Sept. 15, 1864. while on furlough from hospital. Prior service in Co. B, 126th Inf. WILLIAM B. LARZELERE enlisted in Co. F at Jerusalem Feb. 27, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 29. Appointed Corporal May 25. Promoted Sergeant Jan. 1. Mustered out with company. JAMES B. LITTELL enlisted in Co. F at Starkey Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1. Discharged June 9, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Slough hospital* Alexandria, Va. LEWIS R. LITTELL, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F March 17, aged 23 years* Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day, credited to the town of South Bristol, Ontario^ county. Mustered out With company. JOHN LOFTUS, of Milo, enlisted in Co. C for Italy March 31, aged 44 (49) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Not mus- tered into the U. S. service; rejected by Surgeon as too old. County bounty paid. Prior enlistment in Bat. K, 14th Art. CHARLES LOUNSBURY enlisted in Co. F for Potter March 23, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 10, 1865, at hospital, Elmira. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM LOUNSBURY enlisted in Co. F for Benton March 23, aged 22 years* Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Wounded in action near Petersburg, Va., in July or August. Deserted Aug. 28, 1864, while on furlough from hospital at Filbert and 16th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. (Died at Pulteney, Sept. —, 1864.) Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. CARMI LOVELESS, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F for Middlesex March 24,138 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE * aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Appointed 5th Sergeant May 25. 1864. Mustered out with company. JOHN McMANUS, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co, C for Potter March 23, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds June 19, 1864, in field hospital near Petersburg, Ya. HENRY Z. NEWELL enlisted in Co. C for Italy April 1, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 7. Appointed 3d Corporal April 24. Returned to the ranks Jan. 1. Mustered out as Corporal May 25, 1865, at New York city. Onondaga county recruit. EZRA M. NORTHROP enlisted in Co. P at Italy Peb. 23, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Peb. 26. Wounded in action June 17, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, March 13, 1865, at Finley hospital, Washington, D. C. VARNUM J. NORTHROP, of Potter, enlisted in Co. F for Jerusalem Peb. 29, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Missing in action June 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., and is supposed to have been killed. WILLIAM L. NORTON enlisted in Co. F for Starkey Peb. 20, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Peb. 25. Appointed 1st Sergeant May 25. Wounded and captured in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Peb. 28, at North- east Perry, N. C. Mustered out June 12, 1865, at Elmira. State breveted 1st Lieut. April 14, 1866. Prior service in Co. I, 23d Inf. Town of Reading, Schuyler county, recruit. JOHN OAKLEY enlisted in Co. P for Milo Peb. 29, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. A, 13th Illinois Inf. Columbia county recruit. JOHN OLIVEY enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Peb. 23, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Appointed musician, date not given. Mustered out with company. Chemung county recruit. WILLIAM OLIVEY enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Peb. 23, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. Chemung county recruit. CHARLES C. OWEN enlisted in Co. P at Benton March 25, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Wounded in action June 18, near Petersburg, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 10, 1865 at Chestnut Hill hospital, Philadelphia. Pa. JOHN PHALEN enlisted in Co. F at Jerusalem Peb. 29, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Died of disease July 11, 1864, on hospital boat near Ft. Monroe, Va. JOHN W. POST, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. P for Italy March 19, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Mustered out with company. EDWIN S. RARRICK, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. B March 28, aged 19 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Southport, Chemung county. Mustered out with company. RANSOM O, REMER, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. P March 10, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Smithtown, Suffolk county. Discharged for disability Nov. 30, 1864, at hospital, Elmira. JAMES C. RUTAN enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Peb. 23, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Appointed Sergeant April 6. Returned to the ranks Jan. 15. Discharged for disability May 23. 1865, at Elmira. Town of Horseheads, Chemung county, recruit. NORTON A. SAGE, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F March 16, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 17, credited to the town of Victor, Ontario county. Appointed Corporal May 25, 1864. Mus- tered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 2d Batt., 14th U. S. Inf. HENRY C. SCHOFIELD enlisted in Co. F at Jerusalem Peb. 25, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Peb. 26. Promoted Corporal May 1, 1865. Mustered out with company. AARON R. SHEARMAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. P May 14, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Canisteo, Steuben county. Captured in action June 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Died a prisoner of war, date and place not known. DANIEL L. SHERMAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. C for Potter March 24, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Mustered out with company. DAVID SHEARMAN, of Milo, enlisted in Co. P for Middlesex March 31, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Wounded in action July 30, in assault following mine explosion near1 Petersburg, Va. Discharged May 18, 1865, at Whitehall hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. HENRY SHERMAN enlisted in Co. P for Milo Sept. 12, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 13. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN BARNET SLOAN, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered into the U.YATES COUNTY’S w BOYS IN BLUE » 139 S. service as Major at Elmira May 26, with rank from May 17, aged 26 years. Wounded in action June 17, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya. Died of wounds June 18, in field hospital near Petersburg. Prior service as Lieut., Capt., and Major, 31st Inf. NATHAN SMITH, of Benton, enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex March 29, aged 41 (44) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 7. Mus- tered out with company. THOMAS C. SMITH enlisted in Co. A for Barrington Feb. 23, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Appointed Sergeant April 6. Promoted Commissary Sergeant May 1; Sergeant-Major, Nov. 1. Commissioned 1st Lieut., Co. D, Nov. 17, with rank from Oct. 8, but de- clined. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. C, March 1, with rank from Jan. 1. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. F, 27th Inf. Town of Horseheads, Chemung county, recruit. HENRY SOLES, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B March 31, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Caton, Steuben county. Died of chronic diarrhea Aug. 18, 1864, in Armory Square hospital, Washington, D. C. NEWTON B. SPENCER enlisted in Co. F at Penn Yan Feb. 17, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Mustered out May 31, 1865, at Washington, D. C., as a favor. HARRISON SPRAGUE, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. F for Potter March 23, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 25. Dis- charged for disability Feb. 27, 1865, at the depot field hospital of the Army of the Potomas, City Point, Va. EZRA TINKER, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. D Sept. 8, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Dix, Schuyler county. Promoted Corporal April 1. Mustered out with company. GEORGE W. WEST enlisted in Co. F for Milo Feb. 18, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 19. Wounded in action June 19, near Petersburg, Va. Transferred to 1st Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 13. Deserted Nov. 24, from depot camp, Vet. Res. Corps, Cliffburne, D. C. Returned to company May 8, under President’s proclamation of am- nesty to deserters. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and sen- tenced to lose all pay and allowances to date of return. Mustered out Aug. 12, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Victor, Ontario county, recruit. AUSTIN WHITAKER enlisted in Co. F at Starkey Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 30 (34) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 8. Promoted Commissary Sergeant Nov. 1. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 23d Inf. GEORGE B. WHITE enlisted in Co. F for Italy March 25, aged 20 (18) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Died of disease June 21, 1864, in hospital at City Point, Va. Town of Dix, Schuyler county, recruit. MARTIN WILKIN, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. F for Benton March 28, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 31. Mustered out with company. FREDERICK F. WINDNAGLE enlisted in Co. F at Jerusalem Feb. 25, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 26. Killed in action July 30, 1864, in assault following mine explosion near Petersburg, Va. 1st NORTH CAROLINA CAVALRY HENDERSON M. DEARY enlisted in Co. L for Benton at Newberne, N. C., Aug. 18, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Appointed Assistant Surgeon, date not given. Discharged June 27, 1865, at Newberne, N. C. Home Washington county, N. C. 37th U. S. COLORED TROOPS The men who served in this regiment to the credit of Yates county were secured at Newberne, N. C., by one John H. Irish, acting for County Treasurer James Burns, who went to that city for the purpose in August. They were enlisted for 3 years. The names of these men were originally secured from the Provost Marshars records at Albany, and the service records afterward procured by Congressman Gould. HENRY FENNELL enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 18. Discharged July 6, 1866, at Ft. Macon, N. C.140 YATES" COUNTY’S “HOYS EST BLUE ~ •'REDMAN GRICE enlisted in Co. I for Middlesex Aug, 25. Discharged wto date’*' Jan. 1, 1866, under the provisions of the Act of March 2, 1889. PROVIDENCE JAMES enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 25% Mustered out withi company Peb. 11, 1867, at Raleigh, N. C. FLEET JOHNSON enlisted in Co. K for Milo Aug, 1?, Promoted Corporal, date not given.. Mustered out with company Peb, 11* 1867, at Raleigh, N, C. CHARLES OATS enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Aug. 26, Discharged “to* date” Sept. 6, 1865, under the provisions of the Act of March 2, 1889. DICK STRINKFIELD enlisted in Co, I for Potter Aug. 18. Died of pneumonia. Feb. 14, 1865, in base hospital, Point of Rocks, Va. ISAAC VAUGHN enlisted in Co. I for Potter Aug, 18, Died of debility Oct, 7, 1864, in hospital at Newbeme, N. C. JAMES WELLS enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 18. Died of typho-malarial fever Feb. 20, 1865, in hospital at Ft, Monroe, Va, TONEY WELLS enlisted in Co, I for Potter Aug. 18. Mustered out with com- pany Feb, 11, 1867, at Raleigh, N. C. ISAAC WHITBY enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug, 19. Mustered out with company Feb. 11* 1867, at Raleigh, N, C, 15th N. Y. ENGINEERS The re-arg&iiizatiGn of this regiment, when its remaining members, after muster-out of all of the time-expired men was over, were transferred to a few of the old companies, and a half-dozen new companies organized, caused Yates county to make its second contribution to the Engineers’ Corps—native sons and bounty men from outside—this and the call for 500,000 men made by the President on July 18th. The men were enlisted for one year for the 50th Engineers, and supposed that they were to be a part of that regiment until they arrived at the front. There were 31 Yates county men in the' reg- iment, 4 of whom were credited elsewhere, and 57 out-of-county men credited to the county* 41 of them coming from Bradford county, Pa., 9 from Steuben county, and the rest from scattered localities. Practically all of the Yates county men were in Cos, I and K, but they were in such a minority that few of them became non-commissioned officers. The regiment was mustered out June 13, 1865, at Ft. Barry, Ya. LATHAM ANDREWS enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb, 7. Mustered out Puly 2, 1865, at Washington, D, C, Bradford county, Pa., recruit. MARTIN E. ARNOLD enlisted in Co. K at Potter Sept. 1, aged 21 (24) years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with com- pany. MARCUS P. AYRES enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the tr, S. service at Avon Sept, 1, Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out June 13, 1865, at DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SHELLY AYRES enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U, S, service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mus- tered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D, C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EZRA BAILEY enlisted in Co* I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mus- tered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. MANNING BAILEY enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 33 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D, C, Prior service in Co. C, 132d Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. STEPHEN BAKER enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Aug. 31, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. URIAH D. BAXTER enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 36 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. B, 26th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JACKSON BEERS enlisted in Co. L for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 42 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JAMES E. BEYEA, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. H Sept. 8, aged 19 years.YATES COUNTY’S r< BOYS IN BLUE’5 14i Mustered into the TJ, S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. Mustered out with company. BARRETT A. BOYD, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Oo. K for Milo Augs 27, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. GEORGE BRAMBLE enlisted in Co, I for Milo Sept, 1, aged 37 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben bounty, recruit. ABEL BRIGGS enlisted in Oo, K at Potter Sept. 1, aged 27 (37) years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec, 24. Mustered out with company. GEORGE E. BRIZEE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Sept. 6, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. JOHN L. BRONSON enlisted in Co. I at Jerusalem Sept, 1, aged 30 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Mustered out with company. HARLAN P. BUSH, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 30, aged 37 (27) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug, 31. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out with company. CORTLAND CLARK enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 31 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7, Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. MORTON B. CLARK enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 30 years. Mus- • tered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31, Mustered out with company, Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit, NOAH W. CLARK enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug 31, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7, Mus- tered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit, AMASA B. CLEVELAND enlisted in Co. L for Jerusalem Sept. 13, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Pennsylvania recruit. JUDSON COBB enlisted in Co. I for Jerusalem Aug. 31, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7, Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C, Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JAMES NORTON CONLEY enlisted in Go. K at Potter Aug. 31, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 1st Corporal Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. BENJAMIN F. COOLBAUGH, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. K Sept. 7, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego same day, credited to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. EVANDE.R, CROSSMAN enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 23 (33) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Appointed 8th Sergeant Jan. 17, Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM DEWART enlisted in Co. I for Jerusalem Aug. 31, aged 20 years, Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bradford county* Pa., recruit. SAMUEL M. DENNISON enlisted in Co. M for Middlesex Sept. 2, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 10. Mustered out with com- pany. Prior service in Co. B, 5th Cav. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. LEWIS G. DREW enlisted in Co. K at Milo Sept. 3, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed musician Oct. 24. Mus- tered out with company. JOSEPH EAVES enlisted in Co. K at Barrington Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. JAMES FITZ (FitzRoy) enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 3d Corporal Jan. 17. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN C. FORBES enlisted in Co. L for Jerusalem Aug. 31, aged 34 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 16. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 50th Pa. Inf. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN W. FOWLER enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 26 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. MuSteied out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JACOB GOODSELL enlisted in Co. K at Potter Sept. 1, aged 33 (35) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 126th Inf. ALFRED E. GREEN enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. EDWIN C. GREENE enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Sept. 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out withT 42 YATES COUNTY'S " BOYS IN BLUE * company. Prior service in Co. E, 132d Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Fav^ recruit. JOHN W. HAFLET enlisted in Co. I for Jerusalem Aug-. 31, aged 28 years.. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Peb. 7.. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, I>. C. Bradford county, Pa.,, recruit. WILLIAM HARVEY enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. DAVID HATHAWAY enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 23 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Mustered out with company. Town of PrattSburg, Steuben county, recruit. MICHAEL HENNESSEY enlisted in Co. I for Milo Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 9. Appointed Corporal Jan. 17- Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Town of Canandaigua, ^Ontario county, recruit. JOSEPH HOLDEN enlisted in Co. I for Starkey Sept, 3, aged 26 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Peb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Town of Fremont, Steu- ben county, recruit. JOHN JONES enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 30, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with company. JENKINS K. LaPRANCE enlisted in Co. D for Middlesex Sept. 5, aged 27 years. • Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 10th Corporal Oct. 19. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EDWARD B. BANNING, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Sept. 3, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 5th Corporal Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. ALANSON BINDLEY enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 40 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Died of disease June 10, 1865, at the Engineers’ Brigade hospital, Washington, D. C. Bradford county,. Pa., recruit. NOAE LOOMIS enlisted in Co. I for Jerusalem Aug. 31, aged 28 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 7th Corporal Jan, 17. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SAMUEL H. MANLEY enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 23 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with company, Bradford county, Pa., recruit. DANIEL S. MAY enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 5, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out With company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JAMES MCALLISTER enlisted at Starkey Feb. 24, 1865, aged 24 (29) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canandaigua, same day. Mustered out with regiment. Prior service in Co. A, 126th Inf. WILLIAM B. McAllister enlisted at Starkey Feb. 24, 1865, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canandaigua, same day. Mustered out with regiment. Prior service in Co. B, 126th Inf. JAMES MCDONALD enlisted in Co. B for Milo Sept. 4, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at City Point, Va., same day. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. CJ Prior service in Co. G, 8th N. Y. Militia. New York city recruit. DAVID MdDOUGAL enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county. Pa., recruit. HANFORD McDOUGAL enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 23 years. Mustered into the D. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with com- pany. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SIMON J. MclNTOSH enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LEMUEL A. PACKARD enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug. 31, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 13th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. NILES T. PACKARD enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Died of disease May 10, 1865, in the Engineers’ Brigade hospital, Washing- ton, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. GEORGE B. PARSHALL enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 31, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1, Mustered out with com- pany. NORMAN a. PARSHALL enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 31, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with corp- pany. JOHN E. PERRIGO enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Sept. 3, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out June 21, 1865, at Lincoln hospital, Washington, D. C. Cayuga county recruit.YATES COUNTY’S BOYS IN BLUE * 14» ASA G. "PHELPS enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug-. 30, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon SepL 1. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mus- tered out with company. JOHN PHILBROOKS enlisted in Co. K at Potter Sept. 1, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. B, ISt U. S. Sharpshooters. JESSE R. PIERCE, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. 1 for Torrey Aug. 28, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon AUg. 31. Mustered out with company. OLNEY PIERCE enlisted in Cck I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Mustered out with Company, Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. HARVEY PUTNAM enlisted in Co. I for Benton Aug, 31, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at AVon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co, B, 26th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LUMAN E. PUTNAM, Jr., enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Aug. 31, aged 26 years.. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Peb. 7. Mustered out With Company, Bradford county, Pa., recruit. PETER RACE enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 30, aged 28 (30) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mus- tered out with company. SAMUEL S. REYNOLDS enlisted in Go, I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 25 years. Mus^ tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1, Appointed Artificer Peb. 7. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SHEDERICK C. ROBEY enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Aug. 31, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 10th Sergeant Jan. 17. Mustered out with company. Prior Service in Co. D, 132d Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. FRANCIS M. ROGERS enlisted in Co. I at Torrey Sept. 1, aged 28 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. LEVI P. ROLISON enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 26 years. Mus- tered into the U S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. URIAH C. ROLISON enlisted in Go. K for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 26 years, Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. D, 106th Pa. Inf,, and Co, Q 30th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. OSCAR SAXTON enlisted in Co, I for Jerusalem Aug. 31, aged 33 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. G. Bradford County, Pa,, recruit. JAMES M. SCHRADER enlisted in Co. I for Barrington Aug. 31, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept, 1. Appointed Artificer Feb, 7. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co, C, 132d Pa. Inf., and Co. C, 30th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EDWARD SHERIDAN enlisted in Co. K at Penn Yan Sept, 2, aged 26 years, Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with com- pany. FERDINAND SKIFF enlisted in Co, K for Starkey Sept. 1, aged 20 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Michigan recruit-. JOHN F. SMITH enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 2, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Town of Orange, Schuyler County, recruit. PETER SMITH enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 30, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out With company, JAMES SPENCER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Mustered out wfith company. RODERICK D. TUPPER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. K Sept. 9, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Sept. 20, Credited to the town of Southport, Chemung county. Mustered out With company. LESTER G. VanHORN enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 5, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LYMAN VanHORN enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept, 5, aged 36 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN VOSBURGH enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. ANDREW W. WARFIELD, of Potter, enlisted Sept, 5, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Sept. 6, credited to the town of Canandaigua, Ontario county. Detached for duty as acting hospital steward in regimental hospital, date not given. Died of pneu- monia April 25, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. JAMES H. WARNER enlisted in Co. K at Potter Sept. 3, aged 39 years. MuS-144 YATES COUNTY'S " BOYS IN BLUE" tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24.. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. B, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. WARD' WARREN enlisted in Co. B for Benton Aug. 31, aged 32 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed Artificer Feb. 6. Mustered out July 2, 1865, at Washington, D\ C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SYLVESTER J, WEBB enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 30, aged 37 yearSv Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 8th Sergeant Dec. 24. Promoted 1st Sergeant Jan. 23, Mustered out with company. CHARLES M, WHITNEY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I for Torrey Aug. 29, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31. Appointed. 7th Sergeant Jan. 17. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. F, 98th Inf. ALONZO A. WILLER enlisted in Co. K at Potter Aug. 29, aged 38 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with company. EMIL WILLIAMS enlisted in Co, K for Starkey Sept. 5, aged 30 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24, Died of disease Jan. 30, 1865, in regimental hospital at City Point, Va. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. OBEDIAH WILLIAMS enlisted in Co. K for Starkey Sept. 5, aged 41 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Appointed Artificer Dec. 24. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ALBERT T, WIXSON enlisted in Co, I at Barrington Sept. 1, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. ALLEN WOODEN enlisted in Co. I for Milo Aug. 31, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S, service at Avon Sept. 1. Appointed 6th Corporal Jan. 17. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. 8oth N. Y. INFANTRY MICHAEL DEVANEY, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. E at Schenectady Aug. 24, to serve 1 year, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Stillwater, Schenectady county. Dis- charged June 17, 1865, at Richmond, Va. Substitute for Elias Hewitt, of Stillwater, 188th N. Y. INFANTRY This was the first 1-year regiment to the membership of which this county contributed largely, it being the general policy of those in control of recruiting to send all 3-year men. This policy was shown to have been a good one at the close of the war, when a refund was made on the basis of excess years served. The county furnished more men to this regiment than to any except the 126t,h and 148th, counting the out-of-county men. Of the nearly 150 men recruited, only 33 were actually from Yates county, and of these 9 were credited elsewhere. The regiment was mustered in at Roch- ester by companies, by Capt. G. B. Overton, 14th U. S. Inf., Co. B on Oct. 7; Cos. C, B and G, Oct. 4; Cos. D and F, Oct. 5, and Co. K on Oct. 6. In the spring of 1865 a number of 3-year recruits were sent to it, who were placed in Co. K. It was mustered out July 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C. JUDSON C. ALBRIGHT enlisted in Co. B at Italy Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Wounded in action April 1, 1865, at Five Forks, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 6, 1865, at Harewood hospital. Washington, D. C. CHARLES ALEXANDER enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ISAAC C. BAILEY enlisted in Co. E for Potter Sept. 3, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at.Avon Sept. 7. Mustered out with company. Town of Burns, Allegany county, recruit. GEORGE N. BALL enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Killed in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. HENRY R. BARDEEN, of Italy, enlisted in Co. C Sept. 12, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. RICE BARKER enlisted in Co, C at Italy Aug. 30, aged 18 years. Joined forYATES COUNTY’S w BOYS IN BLUE ” 145 duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mustered out with company. CHARLES BEAMAN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. C for Italy Sept. 2, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Appointed 5th Corporal Dec. 4. Mustered out with company. JOHN M. BENNETT enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept, 6. Discharged June 10, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JACOB BENNINGER enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 8, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. WILLIAM BRADY enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Feb. 3, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. JOHN W. BRAYMAN enlisted in Co. D for Potter Sept. 3, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 7. Discharged June 10, 1865, at Albany, from U. S. hospital at Troy. Town of Dansville, Steuben county, recruit. ROBERT B. BRAYMAN enlisted in Co. D for Potter Sept. 3, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 7. Mustered out with company Town of Dansville, Steuben county, recruit. BYRON BROCKWAY enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 10, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 13. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county^ recruit. TIMOTHY M; BRODERICK enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Jan. 24, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Montreal, Canada, recruit. EDWIN C. BROWN enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mustered out with company. Town of Pulteney, Steu- ben county, recruit. THOMAS V. BROWN enlisted in Co. B for Milo Sept. 9, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 10. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. ZENAS G. BULLOCK enlisted in Co. E for Potter Sept. 3, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 7. Discharged May 11, 1865, at Sum-* mit House hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Town of Burns, Allegany county, recruit. WILLIAM BURKE enlisted in Co. C at Italy Aug. 31, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. JAMES BURLEIGH enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 5, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mustered out with company. Town of Wayne, Steuben county, recruit. RUFUS J. BUSH, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G Sept. 13, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of East Bloomfield, Ontario county. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, at Elmira. CHARLES D. CAMPBELL enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EBENEZElRi B. CLARK enlisted in Co. E for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Died of typhoid fever May 8, 1865, in hospital at City Point, Va. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. NORTON COLEGROVE enlisted in Co. E at Italy Sept. 3, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. ALBERT COMSTOCK enlisted in Co. C for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. CALVIN COMSTOCK enlisted in Co. C for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 27 (37) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. PERCIVAL A. CONKLIN enlisted in Co. G at Italy Sept. 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. AMOS COOK enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 2, aged 42 (44) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Wounded in action April 1, at Five Forks, Va. Died of wounds April 21, 1865, in hospital at City Point, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. EVELYN J. CREGO enlisted in Co. H at Italy Aug. 31, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Discharged for disability June 23, 1865, at Hampton hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va. DENNIS W. CROWLEY enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Musitered in as 1st Lieut. Oct. 10, with rank from Oct. 7. In command of the company from Dec. 1 until muster out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. CHARLES S. DAILEY enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 4, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Wounded in action March 31, at Gravelly Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 7, 1865, at Campbell hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Pulteney, Steuben coun- ty, recruit.146 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE * CORNELIUS DEMOREST enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 5, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out June 25, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, 'Rochester. Town of Howard, Steuben county, recruit. AARON J. DENNISTON enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut,, Co. D, Oct. 10, with rank from Oct. 5. Discharged for disability, on resignation, March 6, 1865, at Humphrey’s Station, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. HARVEY G. DENNISTON enlisted in Co, C for Italy Sept. 1, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered into the U. S. service as Capt. Oct. 10, with rank from Oct. 7. Detached as Assistant Adjutant-General, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, Dec. 1. Mus- tered out July 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C, U. S. breveted Major, to date April 9, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the .cam- paign terminating with the surrender of the army under Gen, R. E. Lee, Prior service in Co. G, 107th Inf, Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. CHARLES H. DONLEY enlisted in Co. B at Italy Sept. 4, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. ALEXANDER EASTMAN enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Deserted June 16, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Charge of desertion removed, and discharged “to date” June 16, 1865, under Act of Congress of July 5, 1884. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN ECKLER enlisted in Co, H for Barrington Sept. 3, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Oct. 10. Mustered out with company. Town of Wheeler, Steuben county, recruit. HIRAM EELS enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept. 3, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mustered out with company. Town of Wheeler, Steu- ben county, recruit. DANFORD E. ELLSWORTH enlisted in Co. E for Potter Sept. 4, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va, Discharged for disability, wounds, May 26, 1865, at Carver hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN EVERETT enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM W. FRENCH enlisted in Co. G for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 8th Corporal Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 47th Fa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ADELBERT GENUNG enlisted in Co. C at Italy Sept. 1, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Appointed 6th Corporal Oct. 4. Returned to the ranks Jan. 19. Mustered out With company. THEODORE D. GILLETT enlisted in Co. C for Milo' Sept. 2, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Promoted Corporal Nov. 4, Mustered Out July 1, 1865, near Washington, D. C, Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. GUY D. GRAHAM, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G Sept. 13, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of East Bloomfield, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. WELLINGTON GRAHAM enlisted in Co. B at Italy Hollow Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. ANDREW A. GRANGER enlisted in Co. E for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 24, 1865, at Mt. Pleasant hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Wayland, Steuben county, recruit. CHARLES F. GREENAL enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 9, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept, 13. Appointed 3d Corporal Oct. 4. Discharged June 12, 1865, at Jarvis hospital, Baltimore, Md. Town of Prattsburg. Steuben county, recruit. ETHAN A. GUSTIN enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 7th Corporal Oct. 4. Mustered out With company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. SETH P. GUSTIN enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford County, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM F. HARKNESS enlisted in Co. E for Milo Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 8. Discharged June 6, 1865, from hospital at York, Pa. Prior service in Co. G, 171st Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. BYRON HAYES enlisted in Co. C for Italy Sept. 1, aged 20 (19) years. JoinedYATES COUNTY’S **BOYS IN BLUE” 147 for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept, 5. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. MARK HAZEN enlisted in Co. G for Jerusalem Sept. 6, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Town of Catherine, Schuyler county, recruit. DECATUR A. HEDGER enlisted in Co. G at Italy Sept. 2, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. D, 126th Inf. CHARLES W. HEVE’RDEY enlisted in Co. B for Milo Sept. 9, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 10. Mustered out Aug. 18, 1865, at St. Mary’s hospital, Rochester. Columbia county, Pa., recruit. HENRY J. HOUSE enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6, Appointed 4th Corporal Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 171st Pa. Inf. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM W. HOYT enlisted in Co. G at Italy Sept. 1, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Died of typhoid fever Dec. 25, 1864, in Lincoln hospital, Washington, D. C. NELSON HUNT enlisted in Co. G for Italy Sept. 4, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. PONSONBY JACKSON enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 8, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. EDWARD F. JAMES enlisted in Co. B for Milo Sept, 9, aged 41 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon. Sept. 10. Appointed Sergeant Oct. 7. Mus- tered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 107th Pa, Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM F. KELSEY enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 5, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, Appointed 2d Corporal Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Town of Avoca, Steuben county, recruit. DAVID KENNEDY enlisted in Co. C at Italy Sept. 2, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. MATTHEW KENNEDY enlisted in Co. C at Italy Sept. 2, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. SAMUEL C. KERRICK enlisted in Co. D for Milo Sept. 3, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Penn- sylvania recruit. WILLIAM F. KERSCHNER enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 3, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Monroe county recruit. WILLIAM P. LANE enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept, 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 8th Corporal Oct. 4. Returned to the ranks Nov. 4. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. CHARLES T. LEWIS enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 1, aged 33 (23) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN C. LEWIS enlisted in Co. C for Benton Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Furnished a substitute, Rufus Bee- man, Dec. 9, and was discharged Jan. 5, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. Died in hospital at Parke Station, near Petersburg, Feb. 20, 1865. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. ORRIN J. LEWIS enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Discharged Jan. 5, 1865, near Petersburg, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM G. LEWIS enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 2, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Died of typhoid fever Feb. 20, 1865, in 5th Army Corps hospital at City Point, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steu- ben county, recruit. DANIEL MAGEE enlisted in Co. K for Potter Sept. 5, aged 42 (46) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Discharged June 9, 1865, at McClellan hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Town of Wayland, Steuben county, recruit. TRUMBULL MAGEE enlisted !n Co. G for Barrington Sept. 5, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, June 13, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Avoca, Steuben county, recruit. EVALYN E. MANN enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Jan. 31, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Town of Byron, Genesee county, recruit. UZAL G. MARLATT enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 5, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Died of typhoid fever March 10, 1865, in Jarvis hospital, Baltimore, Md. Town of Avoca, Steuben county, recruit. JAMES McCRAY enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 8, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged148 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN' BLUE,7 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. De- serted June 26, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Canadian recruit. PHILIP McGlNNESS enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 3, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Bath, Steuben county, recruit. SMITH McLEOD, Jr., enlisted in Co. C at Italy Sept. 2, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM MEEHAN enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 6, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Appointed Sergeant- Major Oct. 10. Mustered in as 2d Lieut., Co. C, March 10, 1865, with rank from Jan. 20. Wounded in action March 31, at Gravelly Run, Va. Died of wounds April 17, 1865, at Armory Square hospital, Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. F, 13th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. DAVID S. MILLER enlisted in Co. G for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 43 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Pennsylvania recruit. JOHN H. MILLER enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex, Sept. 2, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 4th Sergeant Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 101st Inf. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. CHARLES MITCHELL enlisted in Co. K for Barrington Feb. 1, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Wounded in action April 1, at Five Forks, Va. Discharged for dis- ability, wounds, June 20, 1865, at Douglas hospital, Washington, D. C. Canadian recruit. FRANCIS MOORE enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Jan. 30, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. DELOS NEFF enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty’and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOSEPH NOLAND enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 13, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. PHILIP PACKARD enlisted in Co. G for Jerusalem} Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. C, 171st Pa. Inf. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. GEORGE O. PARKER enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 2, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Appointed 4th Corporal Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. HENRY A. PITT enlisted in Co. E for Milo Sept. 3, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed Corporal Oct. 10. Returned to the ranks Oct. 27. Died of consumption June 14, 1865, in hospital at Philadelphia. Pa. Out of county recruit. EDWARD P. PORTER enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 9, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 13. Appointed 3d Sergeant Oct. 4. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 101st Inf. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOSEPH R. POTTER enlisted in Co. B at Italy Sept. 2, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Discharged Oct. 23, 1865, at hospital, Elmira. THEODORE PUTNAM enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. CLARK W. REYNOLDS, of Italy, enlisted in Co. B Sept. 12, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of Farmington, Ontario county. Mustered out July 19, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. C, 44th Inf. DANIEL 'ROCKWELL enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. REUBEN ROCKWELL enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ELIJAH SCOTT enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 2, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out July 5, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur hospital, Alexandria, Va. Town of Camp- bell, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN SCOTT enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 2, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Died-of disease June 28, 1865, in hospital at Washington, D. C. Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. JOSEPH SCOTT enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 2 ,aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. Town of Campbell, Steuben county, recruit. PETER J. SHAUT enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept. 3, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Killed in action Oct. 27. near South Side railroad, Va. Town of Wheeler, Steuben county, recruit. ROBERT SHEDDEN enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 34 years.YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE*' 149 Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept* 6-. Mustered out with com*- pany. Bradford county, Pa,., recruit. JOHN H. SIMMONS enlisted in Co. G at Benton Aug. 31, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 1. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM SKULLY enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Jan. IS, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Same day. Died of disease April 18, 1865, in field hospital at Bufksville, Va. Out of county recruit. AARON SMITH enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 16, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. • Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. GEORGE SMITH enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 8, 1865, to Serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mus* tered out with company. Indiana recruit. HUGH SMITH enlisted in Oo. A for Middlesex Feb. 13, 1865, to Serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Discharged July 11, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur hospital, Alex* ~\T q po Ticiflici'n rpprnit IRA SMITH enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 1$, aged 35 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 13. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. IRA M. SMITH enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 25 year®. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out With company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. JACOB D. SMITH enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher's Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 29, 1865, at Mower hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. JOHN T. SMITH enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. LUTHER SMITH enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Discharged for disability May 11, 1865, at Columbian College hospital, Washington, D. C. Bradford county, J?cL recruit WILLIAM SMITH enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 14, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Deserted June 22, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Canadian recruit. WILLIAM H. SMITH, of Italy, enlisted in Co. B Sept. 10, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 12, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. JAMES F. SOLES, of Benton, enlisted in Co. G for Potter Sept. 3, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. CHARLES H. SPENCER enlisted in Co. E for Potter Sept. 3, aged 24 years, joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 7. Mustered out with company. Town of Almond, Allegany county, recruit. NIRAM B. SQUIRES enlisted in Co. C at Italy Aug. 31, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. MARTIN V. STANTON, of Italy, enlisted in Go. G Sept. 7, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 8, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out Aug. 15, 1865, at Rochester. DAVID Q. STEVENS enlisted in Co. C for Italy Sept. 1, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 2. Detached in Quartermasters’ De- partment subsequent to April 36, 1865. Discharged July 1, 1865, near Wash- ington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. HORACE STODDARD enlisted in Co. C at Italy Aug. 31, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. BENJAMIN STOWE, of Italy, enlisted in Co. C Sept. 12, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Mus- tered out with company. MILTON STRIKER enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Died of disease Feb. 5, 1865, in depot hospital, City Point, Va. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county* recruit. JACKSON Z. TERRY enlisted in Co. C for Benton Sept. 2, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Appointed 5th Sergeant Oct. 10. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for dis* ability, wounds, June 3, 1865, at Carver hospital, Washington, D. C. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. OZiRO T. TOWNER enlisted in Co. G at Jerusalem Sept. 8, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 9. Mustered out With company. CEVILLON TRAVIS enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 9, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 10. Discharged July 10, 1865, at Washington, D. C., from Augur hospital, Alexandria, Va. Bradford county, Pa., recruit.150 YATES COUNTY'S "BOYS IN BLUEn •JOSEPH TROPE enlisted in Co. K for Barrington Feb. 2, 1865, to serye 3 years* aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day.. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. EZRA G. TYLER enlisted in Co. G for Barrington Sept. 2, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mustered out with company. Town of Bradford, Steuben county, recruit. ALBERT VanDUZEN enlisted in Co. F for Milo Sept. 3, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 12.. Mustered out with, company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. SAMUEL VanDYKE enlisted in Co. B for Milo Sept. 9, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 10. Died of disease Jan. 16, 1865, in field hospital at Parke Station, near Petersburg, Va. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EDMOND F. WALDO enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 2, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. GEORGE H. WALDO enlisted in Co. C for Benton Sept. 2, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Appointed 1st Corporal Oct.. 4. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. FRANCIS F. WALES enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Sept. 2., aged 35 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mustered out with company. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. WILLIAM W. WALKER enlisted in Co. B at Italy Aug. 31, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM M. WALLACE, of Italy, enlisted in Co. E Sept. 12, aged 27 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day, credited to the town of Farmington. Ontario county. Mustered out with company. JOHN J. WATKINS enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 2, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 10. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. ALMOND C. WATiKOUS enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 2, aged 21 years.. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 3. Appointed 1st Sergeant Oct. 4. Commissioned (not mustered) 2d “Lieut. June 17, 1865, with rank from May 23. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. E, 101st Inf. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. HORACE H. WATROUS enlisted in Co. G at Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Detached at headquarters 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps Nov. 2. Mustered out with com- pany. CLARK B. WHEELER enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Appointed 2d Corporal Oct. 4. Returned to the ranks at his own request March 1. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. MORRIS WILCOX enlisted in Co. C for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 36 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Hatcher's Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 29, 1865, at Carver hospital, Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. GEORGE E. WILLIAMS enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 13, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at (Rochester same day. Deserted June 23, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Trumbull county, Ohio, recruit. HENRY WILSON enlisted in Co. K for Middlesex Feb. 13, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Deserted June 23, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Lorain county, Ohio, recruit. JOHN W. WILSON enlisted in Co. K for Torrey Jan. 31, 1865, to serve 3 years, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Dis- charged May 29, 1865, at Harewood hospital, Washington, D. C. Canadian recruit. ROBERT T. WING, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G Sept. 7, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 8, credited to the town of Naples, On- tario county. Mustered out with company. SPENCER J. WING enlisted in Co. F at Italy Sept. 5, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Furnished substitute, John O’Brien, Dec. 14, and was discharged at Avon Jan. 25, 1865, on special order from the War Department. WILLIAM WOLVERTON enlisted in Co. G for Benton Sept. 2, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 8. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Seneca, Ontario county, recruit. GEORGE WOODEN enlisted in Co. G for Middlesex Sept. 3, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6. Wounded in action Feb. 6, at Hatcher’s Run, Va. Discharged for disability, wounds, May 19, 1865, from hospital at York, Pa. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. NORMAN WYANT enlisted in Co. F for Italy Sept. 3, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 6.. Killed in action Feb. 6, 1865, at Platcher’s Run, Va. Allegany county recruit.YATES COUNTY’S BOYS IN BLUE ” 151 mth N, Y. INFANTRY <2HARL.ES V. BARE enlisted in Co. H for Benton Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 42 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Commissioned (not mustered) Assistant Surgeon June 15, 1865, with rank from March 9. Mustered out May 30, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ELIAS HAMPTON enlisted in Co. C for Jerusalem Sept. 1, to serve 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Same day. Tran* ferred to Bat. E, 4th Art., June 4. Mustered out Sept. 26, 1865, at Wash* ington, D. C. Out of county Substitute for John J. Durry, of Jerusalem. WILLIAM B. HARRIS enlisted in Co. H at Middlesex Sept. 4, to serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon Sept. 6. Captured while on picket Oct. 30, near Petersburg, Va. Paroled Eeb. 22, at Aiken’s Landing, Va. Mustered out July 30, 1865, at Elmira, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners. Prior service in Bat. H, 4th Art. JOSEPH MORRISON enlisted in Co. H for Torrey Sept. 1, to Serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Transferred to Bat. A, 4th Art., June 4. Promoted Corporal July 14. Mustered out Sept. 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Out of county Substitute for Lewis B. Dunning, of Torrey. HEZEKIAH NEWLAND enlisted in Co. C at Jerusalem Sept. 2, to serve 2 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Transferred to Bat. E, 4th Art., June 4. Mustered out Sept. 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Substitute for John W. Huff, of Jerusalem. HENRY SHERMAN enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 13, to serve 1 year, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company June 4, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. 112th N. Y. INFANTRY THEODORE COMPTON enlisted in the 26th Ind. Bat. for Starkey Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at .Avon Sept* 3. Transferred to Co. I, 112th Inf., Oct. 11. Mustered out with company June 13, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Town of Veteran, Chemung county, recruit. JOHN W. HAIGHT enlisted in the 28th Ind. Bat. for Starkey Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon Sept. 3. Transferred to Co. I, 112th Inf., Oct. 11. Mustered out with company June 13, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Town of Southport, Chemung county, recruit. EARL HERRINGTON enlisted in the 28th Inf. Bat. for Starkey Sept. 2, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3. Transfered to Co. I, 112th Inf., Oct. 11. Mustered out with company June 13, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Town of Erwin, Steuben county, recruit. 20th U. S. COLORED TROOPS GEORGE BLISS enlisted in Co. G for Torrey Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 35 (32) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Same day. Mustered out at New Orleans, La., Sept. 27, 1865, to date Aug. 31, expiration term of enlistment. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. NELSON JONES, of Milo, enlisted in Co. K Aug. 25, to Serve 3 years, aged 21 (19) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day, credited to the town of Leicester, Livingston county. Mustered out with company Oct. 7, 1865, at New Orleans, La. JOHN PERRY enlisted in Co. G for Torrey Sept. 3, to Serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Same day. Mustered out at New Orleans, La., Sept. 27, 1865, to date Aug. 31, expiration term of enlistment. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, reCrUit. WILLIAM VanHORN enlisted in Co. E at Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 38 (34) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Detached on Provost Marshal guard duty at Elmira, and never joined regiment. Discharged for disability May 9, 1865, at Elmira. PETER WASHINGTON enlisted in Co. K at Potter Sept. 5, to Serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon same day. Dis- charged Aug. 21, 1865, at Corps de Afrique hospital, New Orleans, La. Representative recruit for Erank O. Chamberlain, of Potter. MARTIN WIGDEN enlisted for Torrey Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Discharged for disability March 21, 1865, at Corps de Afrique hospitai, New Orleans, La. Died in that hospital March 22, 1865. Town of Pratts- burg, Steuben county, recruit.152 YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE " 120th N. Y. INFANTRY ■WILLIAM FRISCH enlisted in the 71st Inf. for Starkey Sept. 3, to serve $ years, aged 36 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to com- pany, at Avon, same day. Assigned to Co. H, 120th Inf., Oct. 9. Captured in action Oct. 27, at Boydtown Plank Road, Va. Paroled Feb. 17, at Aiken’s; Landing, Va. Discharged April 28, 1865, at St. Marys hospital, Rochester, under general order for discharge of all paroled prisoners* Out of county Substitute for Lyman Reeder, of Starkey. PATRICK GILLESPIE enlisted in the 71st Inf. for Milo Sept. I, to serve 3 years, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, same day. Assigned to Co. E, 120th Inf., Oct. 9. Trans- ferred to Co. I, 73d Inf,, June 1. Mustered out with company June 29, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Lyman W. Gage, of Milo. Prior Service in Co. B, 7th Missouri Inf. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county,, recruit. IRA M. SLAWSON enlisted in the 71st Inf. at Potter Aug. 25, to serve 3 years-,, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Avon, Same day. Assigned to Co. H, 120th Inf., Oct. 9. Mustered out With company June 3, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for Morti- mer* J. Hoyf of Potter. Commissioned (not mustered), 2d Lieut., 39th Inf.r March 30, 1865, with rank from Feb. 10. Prior service in Co* F, 23d Inf. i6th U. S. INFANTRY FREDERICK: A. HARRIS, of Benton, enlisted in Co. C at Buffalo Aug. 29, to> serve 3 years, aged 19 (16) years. Discharged for disability Oct. 25, 1865, at Madison Barracks, Saekett’s harbor, N, Y. Prior enlistment in Bat. L, 4th Art. 124th N. Y- INFANTRY SYLVENUS A. LANG enlisted in Co. H for Starkey Aug. 31, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Trans- ferred to Co. D, 93d Inf., June 1. Mustered out with company June 29, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Substitute for William Henderson, of Star- key. Prior service in Co. I, 23d Inf. Town of Tyrone, Schuyler county, recruit. 54th N. Y. INFANTRY JOSEPH M. SMITH enlisted in Co. B for Benton Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Discharged June 19, 1865, at Charleston, S, C. Tioga county, Pa., recruit. 1st N. Y. ARTILLERY There was but one Yates county man in this regiment, who enlisted in 1861. With this exception, the term of enlistment of the men was one year. The regiment was mustered out June 17, 1865, at Elmira. ANDREW J. BACKER, enlisted in Bat. F for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 31 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with bat- tery. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. LOUIS BATTERSON enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. Service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. EDWARD T. BUFFUM enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with bat- tery. Prior service in Co. B, 26th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN CANEDY enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery. . Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. MORTON L. EDGERTON, of Starkey, enlisted in Bat. K at Elmira Nov. 11, 1861, to serve 3 years, aged 23 (21) years. Joined for duty and enrolled Same day and place, credited to the town of Starkey. Mustered into the U. S. service at Albany Nov. 20. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Dec. 26, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va., credited to the town of Minden, Montgomery county. Mustered out June 26, 1865, at Elmira. See, also, Co. G, 85th Inf. STEPHEN D. GIFFORD enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 21 years.YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 153 Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery. Prior service in same battery. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. THOMAS KNIGHTS enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. HERMAN R. LYBOLT enlisted in Bat. F for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with bat- tery. Town of Orange, Schuyler county, recruit. ANSON WILLIAMS enlisted in Bat. F for Benton Sept. 2, aged 44 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with battery. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. ioth N. Y. ARTILLERY GEORGE A. HOAG enlisted in Bat. G for Starkey Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with battery June 23, 1865, at Petersburg, Va. Town of Rome, Onon- daga county, recruit. JAMES S. WILLIAMS enlisted in Bat. B at Benton April 3, 1865, to serve 1 year, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua April 4. Transferred to Bat. G June 23, and to Bat. G, 6th Art., July 19. Mus- tered out with battery Aug. 21, 1865, at Washington, D. C. 189th N. Y. INFANTRY JAMES B. TOOMS, of Italy, enlisted in Co. B at Elmira, under the alias of James Bentley, Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 34 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 17, credited to the town of Caneadea, Al- legany county. Mustered out with company May 30, 1865, near Washing- ton, D. C. Prior service in Co. G, 126th Inf. FRANCIS M. WOODRUFF enlisted in Co. C for Milo Sept. 13, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company May 30, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Town of Urbana, Steuben county, recruit. 154th N. Y. INFANTRY LEYI D. BRYANT enlisted in Co. G for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 41 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company June 11, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. Town of Ellicotts- ville, Cattaraugus, county, recruit. HORACE B. HERRINGTON enlisted in Co. F for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 38 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company June 11, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. Town of Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus county, recruit. GEORGE W PETTITT enlisted in Co. A for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Same day. Mus- tered out with company June 11, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. Town of Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus county, recruit. CHARLES S. SHELNER enlisted in Co. I for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mus- tered out with company June 11, 1865, near Bladensburg, Md. Town of Cherry Valley, Otsego county, recruit. 20th N. Y. INDEPENDENT BATTERY JAMES H. COCHRAN enlisted for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Transferred to the 12th Bat. Feb. 15. Mustered out with battery June 14, 1865, at Albany. Town of Corning, Steuben county, recruit. DECATUR M. SAYLES enlisted for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out May 8, 1865, at Elmira. Town of Erwin, Steuben county, recruit. i42d N. Y. INFANTRY ALWYN WILLIAMS enlisted in Co. E for Potter Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged 21 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Wounded in action Oct. 27, at Darbytown Road, Va. Mustered out with company June 7, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Prior service in Co. F, 74th Inf. Town of Erwin, Steuben county, recruit154 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE” 12 th CAVALRY JACOB B. GjRANTEER enlisted in Co. I for Milo Sept. 6, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged June 22, 1865, at Tarboro, N. C Prior service in Co. G, 41st Pa. Militia and Co. C, 30th Pa. Militia. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. 9th ARTILLERY LEWIS CHASE, of Barrington, enlisted in Bat. C Sept. 6, to serve 3 years, aged 32 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Owego Sept. 7, credited to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county. Mustered out with battery July 6, 1865, at Washington, D. C. ist DRAGOONS There were but three men from Yates county in this regiment, two of them recruits of 1865, and only one of these three was credited to the county. Unless otherwise stated, all enlistments were for 1 year. The regiment was mustered out June 30, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. WILLIAM ALLEN enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM ALLEN enlisted in Co. H for Potter Sept. 5, aged 23 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Friendship, Allegany county, recruit. ISAAC CLARK enlisted in Co. K for Potter Sept. 3, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Town of Livonia, Livingston county, recruit. GEORGE W. DANN enlisted in Co. I for Potter Sept. 5, aged 29 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LINDLEY C. FOSTER, of Barrington, enlisted March 23, 1865, at Elmira, to serve 3 years,* aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, same day and place, credited to the city of Elmira. Mustered out July 27, 1865, at Washington, D, C. See, also, 148th Inf. MELANCTHON HOWE enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon sanje day. Captured in action Oct. 28, at Berryville, Va. Paroled Feb. 15, at Richmond, Va. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. AARON R. KARNES enlisted in Co. A for Potter Sept. 7, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company. Town of Burns, Allegany county, recruit. LEWIS B. KNOX enlisted in Co. B for Starkey Sept. 3, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 5. Mustered out with company. Town of Reading, Schuyler county, recruit. GEORGE OGILVIE enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. JOHN OGILVIE enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Brad- ford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM OGILVIE enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 5, aged 20 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out with company. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. LORENZO ROBBINS enlisted in Co. I for Potter Sept. 7, aged 36 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Burns, Allegany county, recruit. WILLIAM SPENSER enlisted in Co. B for Potter Sept. 6, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Wounded in action April 9, at Appomatox Court House, Va. Discharged June 29, 1865, at Satterlee hospital, West Philadelphia, Pa. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. WILLIAM TEAL, of Italy, enlisted at Rochester March 3, 1865, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, same day and place, credited to the city of Rochester. Never joined regiment. Dis~ charged Tor disability April 12, 1865, at Elmira. MERRICK J. WEAVER enlisted in Co. A at Starkey Sept. 3, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 5. Discharged for disability April 13, 1865, at Carver hospital, Washington, D. C.YATES COUNTY’S * BOYS IN BLUE ” 155 9th N. Y. CAVALRY Another regiment in which there was but one Yates county man, and he credited elsewhere. With this exception, enlistments were for one year. ALBE|RT A. CLARK, of Benton, enlisted in Co. M at Geneva Oct. 30, 1861, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled same day and place, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 13, at Washington, D. C. Mustered out Nov. 4, 1864, at Middletown, Va., expiration term of enlistment. ABNER COLE enlisted in Co. H for Potter Sept. 5, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Promoted Corporal May 1. Mus- tered out June 1, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Town of Warsaw, Wyoming county, recruit. STEPHEN EVERHART enlisted in Co. I for Jerusalem Sept. 13, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out June 1, 1865, at Winchester, Va*. Erie county recruit. JOHN GREEN enlisted in Co. A for Jerusalem Sept. 13, aged 19 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Transferred to Co. D Dec. 14. Died of disease Jan. 25, 1865, in Brigade hospital at Lhvettsville, Va. Town of Hanover, Chautauqua county, recruit. JAMES HALEY enlisted in Co. K for Jerusalem Sept. 13,-, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Died of disease Peb. 8, 1865, in Brigade hospital at Lovettsville, Va. Michigan recruit. THOMAS HOGUE enlisted in Co. A for Jerusalem Sept. 3, aged 30 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6. Mustered out June 1, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Town of Bath, Steuben county, recruit. MINER McINTYRE enlisted in Co. H for Jerusalem Sept. 13, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Discharged for dis- ability June 1, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Out of county recruit. FRANCIS H. MYERS enlisted in Co. M for Milo Sept. 10, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with company July 17, 1865, at Cloud’s Mills, Va. Town of Williamsburg, Orange county, recruit. 150th N. Y. INFANTRY MYRON W. ROBBINS enlisted in Co. G for Jerusalem Sept. 13, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (18) years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon- same day. Mustered out with company June 8, 1865, near Washington, D. C. Town of Corning, Steuben county, recruit. 29th U. S. COLORED TROOPS CHARLES SANDERS, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. D at Camp Casey, Va., Sept. 26, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (15) years. Discharged for disability Dec. 24, 1864, at hospital, Alexandria, Va. 2d DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA INFANTRY WILLIAM H. McCLURE, of Winchester, Va., enlisted in Co. F at Washington, D. C., for Potter, Oct. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 35 years. Deserted Nov. 1, 1864, at Alexandria, Va. Representative recruit for James W. Corey, of Potter. 5th U. S. CAVALRY WILLIAM T. H6USE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Troop H at Washington, D. 0., Oct 11, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Discharged Oct. 19, 1865, at Cum- berland, Md., expiration term of enlistment. 81st N. Y. INFANTRY RUFUS BEEMAN enlisted in Co. K for Benton Dec. 9, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company Aug. 31, 1865, at Ft. Monroe, Va. Canadian substitute for John C. Lewis, Co. B, 188th Inf. JOSEPH V. FULKERSON, of Milo, enlisted in Co. H at Elmira April 14, 1865,156 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of West Almond, Allegany county. Mus- tered out with company Aug. 31, 1865, at Ft. Monroe, Va. Substitute for Ransom L. Cartright, of West Almond. NORFOLK POST BAND This band was organized in December, 1863, by order of Gen. Benjamin P. Butler, for service at the Brigade headquarters at Norfolk, Ya. The Dundee brass band was enlisted in its entirety, and was strengthened by the addition of a number of musicians from other localities. All were credit- ed to the town of Starkey. The band was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 4, 1864, to serve 3 years, by Larett L. Livingston, and mustered out July 9, 1865, at Norfolk, Va. The members were: CHARLES E. BASSETT, aged 16 years. Died of congestion of the brain June 29, 1864, in hospital at Norfolk, Va. MARTIN E. BEMAN, aged 21 years. Town of South Bristol, Ontario county, recruit. JEWETT BENEDICT, aged 21 years. Prior service in Co. E, 126th Inf. STEPHEN B. BENNETT, aged 23 years. Prior service in the band of the 48th Inf. Town of Dix, Schuyler county, recruit. NICHOLAS CHRISTLER, aged 33 years. OSBORNE CLARK, aged 32 years. Schuyler county recruit. ROBERT CURRY, aged 27 years. Town of Hector, Scftuyler county, recruit. DARIUS R. PERRY, aged 23 years. MELVILLE G. PERRY, aged 18 years. OLIVER H. PERRY, aged 35 years. CHARLES B. POST, aged 25 years. ANTHONY SELLEN, aged 22 years. JOHN H. SHAW, aged 30 years. Died July 7, 1864, at Watkins, en route to his home. JOHN H. SHOEMAKER, aged 23 years. Leader. CLARENCE F. SMITH, aged 21 years. Town of Naples, Ontario county, recruit. THOMAS F. WILLIS, aged 19 years. WILLIAM B. GLADDING (Reaney) enlisted at Milo Sept. 19, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Credited to Milo.YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE” 157 l865 The year began with lew secured toward the last call lor 335 men. The Provost Marshal had orders to accept recruits for infantry regiments only. On Jan. 9th the Supervisors placed the county bounty at $500 for 3-year men, 3400 for' 2-year, and $300 for 1-year, the person securing the enlistment to receive $50, $30 and $20 respectively for their fee. Charles C. Miller, for- merly of the 148th Inf., and Charles Kelly, formerly of the 44th Inf., were •appointed county recruiting officers, to aid Benjamin L. Hoyt. The towns were still vieing with each other in offering bounties. Torrey offered $400 per man, raised the necessary cash to pay them, and almost immediately filled its quota. Starkey also voted $400 per man, while Italy raised $6,000, Milo, $30,000; Barrington, $6,000; Benton, $6,000; and Jerusalem $20,000 for town bounty purposes, Middlesex and Potter also provided liberal sums. The prospect of a draft was causing many who were eligible to secure sub- stitutes at any personal cost, and 77 men were thus furnished toward the county quota. These men also all received the National, State, county and town bounties, no inconsiderable sum. What was personally paid by the principals, and what was actually received by the substitutes from that pay- ment, is shown in the following list, found among private papers: Amt. Paid Substitute Principal Town Paid Sub. Prank King, Evan J. Potter Milo $650 $407 John Mack, James T. Durry Jerusalem 695 475 John Ryan, WMliam C. Tracy Milo 900 750 Joseph Hartman, William W. Agar Milo 900 700 Edward Manus, William J. Rector Benton 900 600 Charles Acton, John Lewis Milo 900 600 George Parks, John W. Stewart Milo 800 600 John Smith, Alfred S. Becker Benton 1000 625 William Lange, William M. Taylor Benton 600 600 Philip Hoffman, John A. Spooner Torrey 500 500 Patrick H. Glenn, Foster S. Roberts Milo 800 500 Orrin W. Dimmick, William Sherman Milo 800 500 John Hawley, Alpha O. Dunning Torrey 800 500 Daniel D. Reardon, John W. Merrifield Benton 800 500 John Thompson, John Reamer Torrey 600 375 Richard Smith, Oliver S. Williams Middlesex 900 700 William Conron, Melville G. Gardner Torrey 600 375 William Royce, George Poyneer Milo 850 530 Andrew Lyon, Asa P. Fish Barrington 800 700 Thomas Connelly, John B. Gilbert Milo 850 530 John Shulterburg, Myron Norris Milo 800 500 Robert Brown, William H. Stebbins Middlesex 950 800 Robert Smith, John W. Conley Benton 950 625 George Dolsen, Stephen Briggs Benton 950 625 William Berry, Horace Underwood Potter 950 625 John Loftus, Thomas J. Vanderlip Barrington 950 625 John Williams, William H. Ketchum Barrington 975 610 Francis Hay, James Spicer Starkey 950 610 Henry Glenn, Lewis J. Sutton Jerusalem 900 600 John Wite, Joseph Abeles Milo 1100 687 William Lock, John V. Cleveland Jerusalem 1200 1000 William Brooks, James Secor Potter 1200 750 Joseph Lounsbury, James P. Sims Italy 1100 800 Hiram Hollert, A. C. Sherman Milo 800 500 Benjamin Gray, Warner P. Cole Potter 1200 900 Charles A. Schermerhorn, John W. Norris Milo 1200 800 • On Feb. 1st the date for a draft was fixed as Feb. 15th. Recruiting was still very slow, even with the great inducements offered, as, while the men were willing to enlist for cash, a great many would accept but a small part158 YATES COUNTY'S “ BOYS IN BLUE99 Oif their bounty in bonds of the county or towns, and very little cash was in sight, the moneyed men and hanks having already about all the bonds that they cared to handle. There were constant appeals in the local papers for anyone with cash to buy bonds, and a “person to person” canvass for their sale was made by committees in all parts of the county. And to think that these bonds were paying 7 per cent., not from 3 to 4 1-4 per cent, interest. On or about the date set for the draft, the office of the Marshall was re- moved from Avon to Canandaigua, and the date for the drawing changed to March 15th. The Marshal was warned that, unless unusual efforts were made immediately to secure the needed men, no further stays would be granted. Under a new State law the Board of Supervisors, on Feb. 23d, fixed the bounty for 3-year men at $600, $100 to be paid on acceptance of the recruit. On March 25th, the names of 46 men from Jerusalem were drawn from the drafting wheel, and on April 11th, 24 names were drawn for the town of Starkey. Early in April all activities ceased. Official papers show that from Nov. 1, 1863, to the close of the war, $3,620.50 was paid to families of volunteers under the resolution of the Board of Supervisors of July 26, 1862. These papers also show that from Dec. 3, 1863, to* the close of the conflict, 431 $300 bounties were paid, one of $350, four of $400, three of $450, 204 of $600, and 367 of $950. 24th U. S. INFANTRY JOHN C. HUFFMAN, of Starkey* enlisted in Co. G at Dundee Jan. 24, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Discharged Aug, 11, 1867, at Woodville, Miss. 91st N. Y. INFANTRY JOHN ALLEN enlisted in Co. F for Milo Feb. 14, to serve 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Deserted Feb. 28, 1865. at Ft. McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. Canadian recruit. FRANCIS FINN enlisted in Co. I for Starkey Jan. 23, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Deserted Feb, 28, 1865, at Ft. Federal Hill, near Baltimore* Md. Canadian recruit. ARTHUR M. MEEKER enlisted in Co. F for Milo Feb. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Deserted Feb. 28, 1865, at Ft. McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. Canadian recruit. 40th R Y. INFANTRY None of the recruits for this veteran regiment were from the county. All enlisted for 3 years. The regiment was mustered out June 27, 1865, near Washington, D. C. WILLIAM BARRY enlisted in Co. A for Potter Feb. 6, aged 32 years. Mus- tered into the U, S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian substitute for Horace Underwood, of Potter. THOMAS CONNELLY enlisted in Co. B for Milo Jan. 31, aged 27 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted June 1, 1865, from camp near Washington, D, C. Canadian substitute for John B. Gilbert, of Milo. GEORGE DOLSEN enlisted in Co. B for Benton Feb. 6, aged 24 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian substitute for Stephen Briggs, of Benton. PETER LENNARD enlisted in Co. C for Benton Feb, 8, aged 38 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian substitute for George W. Angus, of Benton.* JOHN SHULTERBURG enlisted in Co. E for Milo Feb. 3, aged 30 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Mustered out with com-, pany. Canadian substitute for Myron Norris, of Milo. ROBERT SMITH enlisted in Co. B for Benton Feb. 6, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U, S. service at Avon same day. Died of typhoid fever June 22, 1865, in the hospital of the 3d Division, at Alexandria, Va. Canadian sub- stitute for John W. Conley, of Benton.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 159 25th U. S. COLORED TROOPS EBENEZER HADDIN enlisted in Co. G for Benton Feb. 3, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mus- tered out with company Dec. 6, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa. Out of county substitute for George H. Banks, of Benton. 38th U. S. COLORED TROOPS WILLIAM BROOKS enlisted in Co. A for Potter Feb. 21, to serve 3 years, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. On muster-out roll of company, dated Jan. 25, 1867, carried as deserting March 25, 1865, place not given. Other records report him as claimed as a de- serter from Co. E, 127th U. S. C. T., and as deserting March 23, 1866. Cana- dian substitute for James R. Secor, of Potter. JOHN BUTLER enlisted in Co. I for Milo Feb. 3, to serve 3 years, aged •— years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Washington, D. C., same day. Mustered out with company Jan. 25, 1867, at Indianola, Texas. Out of county substitute for Morgan D. Tracy, of Milo. JOSEPH VanCLEAF enlisted for Jerusalem March 10, to serve 1 year, aged 44 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canan- daigua, same day. Mustered out with detachment March 13, 1866, at Brazos Santiago, Texas, expiration term of enlistment. Out of county sub- stitute for Ransom White, of Jerusalem. 93d N. Y. INFANTRY ROBERT E. DUNN, of Benton, enlisted March 24, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canan- daigua, same day, credited to the town of Seneca, Ontario county. Never joined regiment. Mustered out May 15, 1865, at Elmira. Substitute for Andrew Cooley, of Seneca. FRANCIS HAY enlisted in Co. H for Starkey Feb. 9, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Never joined regiment. Mustered out May 30, 1865, at Elmira. Canadian substitute for James Spicer, of Starkey. JOHN R. KITTRIDGE, of Milo, enlisted in Co. I at Albany and was mustered into the U. S. service Jan. 8, 1862, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Promoted Corporal March 27. Returned to the ranks, date not given. Transferred to Co. K Dec. 15, 1863. Re-enlisted at Brandy Station, Va., Feb. 7, 1864; re-mustered at same place Feb, 13, credited to the city of Troy. Trans- ferred to Co. I May 1. Wounded in action May 5, at the Wilderness, Va. Transferred to Co. D, date not given. Promoted Sergeant Dec, 19. Trans- ferred to Co. I, date not given. Promoted, Quartermaster-Sergeant June 4, 1865. Mustered out with company June 29, 1865. WILLIAM LOCK enlisted for Jerusalem March 20, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canan- daigua, March 22. Never joined regiment. Mustered out at Elmira May 27, 1865. Canadian substitute for John V. Casterline, of Jerusalem. SAMUEL WRIGHT enlisted for Barrington Feb. 16, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Elmira, same day. Never joined regiment. Mustered out May 11, 1865, at Elmira. Pennsylvania substitute for John Q. Raplee, of Barrington. 194th N. Y. INFANTRY About February 1st Richard B. Mahar, of Penn Yan, received authorization from the Governor to raise a company for one of the new regiments being formed, and, associating himself with Theodore G. Ross and Charles Stark, also of Penn Yan, he immediately began securing recruits. Most of these men were assigned to the 9th Independent Company, and later to Cos. D and E, 194th Inf. As companies were formed, they were mustered into the U, S. service at Elmira by Col. B. F. Tracy, 127th U. S. C. T., Cos. A and B on March 29; Co. C, April 7; Co. D* April 16; Co. E, April 22, and Co. H, April 27. All enlistments, unless otherwise stated, were for 3 years. The regi- ment never left Elmira, and was mustered out there May 3.1 GO YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN ELITE” HENRY J. ACKLEY, of Benton, enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 13, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mus- tered out With company. GEORGE S. ACKLEY enlisted in Co. D for Potter March 3, aged 18 years, joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 9. Mustered out With * company. Town of Canandaigua, Ontario county, recruit. GEORGE W. ALMY enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem March 7, to serve 1 year, aged 2l (20) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 14. Mustered out with company. ALVIN W. ANDERSON enlisted in Co, E at Jerusalem April 10, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 12. Appointed 3d Sergeant April 18. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Bat. A, 1st Light Aft., N. G. S, N. Y. GEORGE W. AUSTIN enlisted in Co, D at Jerusalem March 4, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 7. Mustered out with company. ELI BARRETT enligted in Co. B for Potter March 8, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian recruit. GEORGE H, BEAMISH enlisted in Co. D at Benton Feb. 13, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 15. Mustered out with company. JAMES C. BEAN enlisted in Co, A for Torrey Feb. 17, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira Feb. 23. Mustered out with company. Chemung county recruit. CHOIRYBON H. BEeBE enlisted in Co. B at Penn Yan March 1, aged 42 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 7. Mustered out with company. JOHN FRANCIS BEEBE enlisted in Co. D at Penn Yan Jan. 31, aged 20 (19) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 10. Mustered out with company. WELLS T. BEE MAN enlisted in Co. E at Italy March 22, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Appointed 6th Corporal April 18. Mustered out with company. PETER W, BLAKESLEY, of Potter, enlisted in Co. E for Jerusalem April 12, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. JOHN W. BOOTH enlisted in Co. B at Barrington March 8, to serve 1 year, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Died of inflammation of the lungs in hospital at Elmira April 20, 1865. JAMES A. BRIGGS enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 27, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 28. Mustered out with company. CHARLES BRITTON enlisted in Co. D for Milo Jan. 30, aged 25 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 10. Mustered out with company. Out of county recruit. ABRAM BROWN enlisted in Co, D at Benton March 2, aged 39 (41) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 4. Appointed 8th Cor- poral April 11. Mustered out with company. HUGH BULGER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. B for Milo Feb. 11, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 15. Appointed 5th Cor- poral April 11. Mustered out With company. THOMAS H. BURRlBGE, of Italy, enlisted in Co. E March 14, to serve 1 year, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 15, credited to the town of Naples, Ontario county. Mustered out with company. EDGAR p. CAREY enlisted in Co, D at Italy March 20, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (21) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same dayi Mustered out With company. JEROME H, CARE’S enlisted in Co. D at Italy March 15, to serve 1 year, aged 20 (19) years Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 17. Mustered out with company. JOHN CARR enlisted for Torrey Feb. 14, aged 20 years. Joined for* duty and ehroiled at Avon Same day. Mustered into the TJ. S. service, unassigned to company, at Elmira, April 12. Mustered out May 10, 1865, at Elmira. Out of county recruit, CHARLES T, CLARK enlisted in Co. C at Starkey March 14, to serve 1 year, aged 39 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out With company. LEWIS CLARK enlisted in Co. D for Starkey Feb. 15, to serve 1 year, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon same day. Mustered out With company. Livingston county recruit. WOLCOTT COLE ehlifeted in Co. B at Jerusalem March 27, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 28. Mustered out With company. EDWIN L. Corey enlisted in Co. D at Potter March 8, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with Company. JOHN CORNELL enlisted for Jerusalem April 12, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered into the U. S.YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 161 service, Unassigned to company, at Elmira, April 12. Mustered out May 10, 1865, at Elmira. Died of disease May 13, 1865, in hospital at Elmira. Out of county recruit. THOMAS CREED enlisted in Co. D at Milo March 8, aged 38 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 14. Mustered out with com- pany. JAMES DAVIS enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 7, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 8. Mustered out with company. DWIGHT W. DICKINSON enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem April 3, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 4. Mustered out with company. RODERICK DINGMAN, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. D for Barrington March 1, aged 24 (26) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 3. Mustered out with company. BENJAMIN P. DOWNING enlisted in Co. E at Potter April 7, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered' out with company. GEORGE A. DURHAM enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem April 3. aged 18 (14) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 4. Mustered out with company. LUCAS ENOS enlisted in Co. D at Benton April 4, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. ABRAM J. FISHER enlisted in Co. E at Benton April 5, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out With com- pany. DAVID H. FITZWATER enlisted in Co. D at Barrington March 8, aged 32 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. JAMES POSTER enlisted in Co. E for Potter April 1, aged 29 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian recruit. ELIJAH FOWLER enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 14, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 15. Mustered out With company. CALEB F. FULKERSON, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. E April 10, to Serve 1 year, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Southport, Chemung county. Mustered out With company. MOSES R. GAGE enlisted in Co. D at Benton Feb. 25, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 2. Appointed 4th Sergeant April 11. Mustered out with Company. GEORGE B. GARDNER, enlisted in Co. E for Potter April 6, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Massachusetts recruit. PATRICK GILL, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. D for Milo Jan. 30, aged 26 (28) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 15. Appointed 2d Ser- geant April 11. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. G, 85th Inf. MORDECAI GOODWIN enlisted in Co. D for Barrington Feb. 23, to serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day, Mustered out with company. Luzerne county, Pa., recruit. LEWIS T. HALSTEAD enlisted in Co. D at Potter March 28, aged 30 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Appointed 7th Corporal April 11. Mustered out with company. JOSEPH HAMM enlisted in Co. D at Benton Feb. 10, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 25. Mustered out with company. Prior enlistment in Co. A, 22d Cav. THOMAS HARLAN enlisted in Co. D for Barrington March 2, aged 35 years, Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company, Pennsylvania recruit. MARCUS HARWOOD enlisted in Co. E at Potter April 7, to serve 1 year, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. GEORGE HENNERY enlisted in Co. D for Barrington March 10, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. HARVEY S. HIBBARD enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 6, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 7. Mustered out with company. RANSOM S. HILL enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 10, aged 44 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 12. Mustered out with com- pany, JABEZ F. HOBART enlisted in Co. E at Potter April 7, aged 31 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with com- pany. JOHN HORNER enlisted in Co. D for Potter March 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Absent, sick, in hospital, at Elmira, at muster out of company. Discharged, date not given, at Elmira, “to date” May 3, 1865. Canadian recruit.162 YATES COUNTY’S “BOYS IN BLUE DANIEL HOUGHTALING enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 25, aged 33 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 28. Mustered out with company. JAMES HOUGHTALING enlisted in Go. D at Jerusalem March 11, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 15. Mustered out with company. DELOS C. HUBBARD enlisted in Co. D at Penn Yan Feb. 7, aged 24 (22) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Sept. 15. Appointed 1st Sergeant April 11. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf., Bat. B, 3d Art and the U. S. Navy. HENRY JERO enlisted in Co. D for Barrington March 1, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Out of county recruit. JOSIAH B. LYON enlisted in Co. D at Italy Feb. 27, aged 42 (44) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 28. Mustered out with com- pany. Prior service in Co. I, 161st Inf. RICHARD B. MAHAR, of Penn Yan, was enrolled as conditional 2d Lieut, at Elmira Feb. 28, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and mustered in as Cap- tain, Co. D, April 10. Mustered out vrith company. MICHAEL McCALPIN enlisted in Co. D for Potter April 1, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. WILLIAM F. MINARD enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 4, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM MITCHELL enlisted in Co. D at Benton March 3, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 7. Mustered out with company. SAMUEL C. MOXCEY, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. E for Potter April 10, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 12. Appointed 8th Corporal April 18. Mustered out with company. HENRY MUSON enlisted in Co. C for Potter March 9, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian recruit. JOHN H. PARSONS enlisted in Co. D at Italy March 27, aged 22 (24) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 30. Mustered out with company. JAMES PELTON enlisted in Co. E for Benton April 5, aged 19 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Town of Pulteney, Steuben county, recruit. ORRIN W. PLACE, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. D for Barrington Feb. 24, aged 43 (44) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 28. Mustered out with company. CORNELIUS PLAISTED enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 7, aged 26 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 8. Mustered out with company. JOSEPH RACE, of Jerusalem, enlisted March 8, to serve 1 year, aged 42 (53) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day, credited to the town of Baldwin, Chemung county. Mustered into the U. S. service, un- assigned to company, March 29. Wounded by guard at barracks, Elmira, date not given. Leg amputated. Discharged July 15, at Elmira, as of Co. B. GEORGE W. RANDALL, of Benton, enlisted in Co. B for Milo Feb. 14, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. WILLIAM RAYMOND enlisted in Co. C for Potter March 9, aged 23 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian recruit. THEODORE G. ROSS, of Penn Yan, joined for duty and was enrolled as 2d Lieut., Co. D, at Elmira, April 10, aged 20 years. Mustered out with company. JOHN H. RYAL, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 17, aged 24 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 22. Absent, sick, in hospital at Elmira at muster out of company. Discharged May 21, 1865, at Elmira, “to date” May 3, 1865. EUGENE M. SABIN enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 4, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. EDWARD V. SALSBURY enlisted in Co. D at Starkey March 14, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. JOHN SEDGWICK enlisted at Benton April 5, aged 22 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered into the U. S. service, unas- signed to company, at Elmira, April 12. Mustered out M!ay 10, 1865, at Elmira. PHILIP SLATER, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 7, aged 18 (16) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 22. Mus- tered out with company. ALBERT W. SMALL enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 21, aged 23 years. JoinedYATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 163 for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua Feb. 22. Mustered out with com- pany. Chenango county recruit. SIMEON SPINK enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 11, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 15. Mustered out with com- pany. CHARLES STARK, of Penn Yan, joined for duty and was enrolled as 1st Lieut., Co. D, at Elmira, April 10, aged 19 years. Mustered out with company. RICHARD SUTFIN enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 2, aged 37 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 7. Mustered out with company. JOHN R. SUTHERBY enlisted in Co. D at Potter March 28, aged 34 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. DAVID O. TEARS enlisted in Co. D at Italy March 2, aged 21 (31) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 3. Mustered out with company. Prior service in Co. A, 126th Inf. JOHN THEIS enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 6, aged 40 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 10. Mustered out with company. Out of county' recruit. MICHAEL TENNEY enlisted for Potter April 7, aged 20 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Elmira, April 12. Mustered out May 10, 1865, at Elmira. Canadian recruit. EDWIN H. THOMAS enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 10, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 12. Mustered out with company. LOREN T. THOMAS enlisted in Co. H at Jerusalem April 12, aged 44 (45) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. ISAAC A. TRAVER enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 5, aged 22 (25) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua April 6. Mustered out with company. THOMAS TUNNEY enlisted in Co. D at Penn Yan March 25, aged 28 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua March 28. Appointed 2d Corporal April 11. Mustered out with company. CHARLES G. WATKINS enlisted in Co. D at Starkey March 28, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Absent, sick, at muster out. Mustered out at hospital, Elmira, date not given, “to. date” May 3, 1865. CORNELIUS T. WEBBER enlisted in Co. D at Starkey March 6, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled, at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. CHARLES WHEELER enlisted in Co. E at Jerusalem April 4, aged 18 (17) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. BERTRAM A. WHITMORE enlisted in Co. D at Jerusalem March 24, aged 18 (15) years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Canandaigua same day. Mus- tered out with company. CYRUS WILSON, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. E for Milo Feb. 13, aged 18 years. Joined for duty and enrolled at Avon Feb. 15. Mustered out with company. 131st N. Y. INFANTRY JOHN DEBUS enlisted in Co. F for Starkey Feb. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company July 28, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. Canadian recruit. JOHN WILSON enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 9, to serve 3 years, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out with company July 26, 1865, at Savannah, Ga. Canadian recruit. 133d N. Y. INFANTRY DANIEL MEACHAM enlisted in Co. K for Milo Feb. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted March 5, 1865, at Winchester, Va. Pennsylvania recruit. 149th N. Y. INFANTRY JOHN READ enlisted in Co. A for Milo Feb. 13, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Transferred to Co. A, 102d Inf., June 10. Mustered out with company July 21, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. Out of county recruit.164 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 114th U. S. COLORED TROOPS WILLIAM H. COREY enlisted in Co. A for Starkey Feb. 11, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elrftira same day. Mus- tered out May 27, 1865, at Elmira. Staten Island recruit. U. S. VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY The formation of this Corps was authorized by the War Department early in November, 1864. A main qualification for membership was an hon- orable discharge from previous enlistment, showing at least two years ser- vice. The rendezvous of the new organization was located near Washington, D. C., and at this camp all enlistments were perfected and the men finally mustered in by companies. All recruits were credited to the town or ward in which they claimed they or their families were domiciled. Capt. Edward E. Root, who had been acting as county and State recruiting agent, im- mediately began securing men for the new Corps, in which he was enrolled as a Captain soon after. A special bounty of $300 for 3-year recruits was offered, one-third payable on muster, and they also received all county and town bounties. Men going as substitutes were not to receive the special bounty, but representative recruits were. The ranks filled rapidly, and Capt. Root was ordered to Washington early in March. Information in regard to the men who enlisted from Yates county has been hard to secure, as has been the case with all U. S organizations, and most of! the facts have been secured through the kindness of Congressman Norman J. Gould. HUGH CHRISCADEN enlisted in Co. F, 8th Regiment, at Jerusalem, March 14, to serve 3 years, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S service at Can- andaigua March 16. Deserted April 24, 1866, from Camp Fry, Washington. D. C. Prior service in Co. A, 50th Engrs. THEODORE CHRISCADEN, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. I, 5th Regiment, Feb. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Mustered into the II. S. service at Avon same day, credited to the town of Milo. Discharged July 20, 1866, at Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York harbor. Prior service in Co. A, 50th Engrs. WILLIAM H. GATES, of Penn Yan, enlisted in Co. E, 8th Regiment, at Elmira, April 8, to serve 3 years, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Southport, Chemung county. Promoted Corporal, date not given. Reduced to the ranks July 28, when he was turned over to the civil authorities by order of Gen. Hooker. Re- turned to company subsequent to Oct. 31. Transferred to Co. F in April, 1866, and detached for duty at Department Headquarters, Provost Mar- shal’s office, until June 30. Mustered out July 19, 1866, at Washington, D. C. Prior enlistment in Co. I, 33d Inf., and prior service in Co. E, 11th Pa. Cav. CARROLL HAMM, of Jerusalem, enlisted in Co. F, 9th Regiment, at Elmira, April 5, to serve 3 years, aged 22 (20) years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the city of Elmira. Deserted June 8, 1865, from Camp Stoneman, D. C. Prior service in Troop L, 2d U. S. Cav. BYRON F. RANDOLPH, of Torrey, enlisted in Co. F, 8th Regiment, at Elmira, March 27, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the city of Elmira. Promoted 1st Ser- geant, date not given. Reduced to Sergeant April 1, 1866, and detached as clerk at Headquarters Department at Washington, D. C. Mustered out July 17, 1866, at Washington, D. C. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. EDWARD E. ROOT, of Penn Yan, was enrolled and mustered into the U. S. ser- vice as Captain, 3d Regimenjt, Dec. 30, 1864, at Madison, Wisconsin, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Assigned to Co. B April 12, 1865. Detached as Acting Assistant Adjutant General, date not given. Discharged April 16, 1866, at Madison, Wis. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. MYRON A. SHANNON, of Starkey, enlisted in Co. I, 5th Regiment, at Jack- son, Mich., March 23, to serve 1 year, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place. Promoted Corporal May 18. Deserted from Baxter hospital, Burlington, Vt., Aug. 7, 1865. Charge of desertion removed by Act of Congress of March 2, 1889, and discharged “to date” Aug. 7, 1865. Prior service in Co. B, 1st Batt., 14th U. S. Inf. CLARK CARTER SPICER, of Barrington, enlisted in Co. A, 1st Regiment, at Washington, D. C., Dec. 17, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Mustered into the U. S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Tyrone,YATES COUNTY’S r< BOYS IN BLUE ” IBS Schuyler county. Promoted Corporal Dec, 24. Mustered out Dec, 18, 1865, sat Baltimore, Md. Prior service in Ou X, 86th Inf, 47th N. Y. INFANTRY Only two Yates county men became members of this regiment, one as a substitute for a New York man in 1863, the other in the same capacity for a resident of Starkey in 1865. Unless otherwise stated, enlistments were for 3 years. The regiment was mustered out Aug. 30, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. DENNIS CORCORAN enlisted in Co. G for Starkey Feb. 15, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian substitute for Clark M. Sharp, of Starkey. JAMES L. CONTREMAN enlisted in Co. G for Starkey Feb. 17, aged — years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Died of typhoid fever April 12, 1865, in base hospital at Point of Rocks, Md. Canadian substitute for Ira D. Fowler, of Starkey. MARSHAL DUNLAP enlisted in Co. A for Italy Feb. 24, aged 42 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with com* pany. Canadian substitute for Mortimer L. Blood, of Italy. CHARLES F. GETCHELL enlisted in Co. B for Benton Feb. 21, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Deserted Aug. 17, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Canadian substitute for Henry Dwight Coleman, of Benton. HIRAM HOLLERT enlisted in Co. B for Milo March 1, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian substitute for Abraham C. Shearman, of Milo. BERNARD MADDEN enlisted in Co. C for Potter March 2, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with company. Canadian substitute for Abiel Thomas, of Potter. WILLIAM N. McMILLEN enlisted in Co. C for Benton Feb. 17, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Deserted March 18. 1865, at Little Washington, N. C. Canadian substitute for Albert Earl, of Benton. JOHN MONROE enlisted in Co. C for Potter March 2, aged 25 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Corporal July 1. Mustered out with company. Canadian substitute for Andrew J. Cad- mus. of Potter. ROBERT NICHOLAS enlisted in Co. D for Starkey Feb. 17, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged June 30, 1865, at DeCamp hospital, David’s Island, New York harbor. Canadian substitute for Alvah M. Newcomb, of Starkey, JOHN POTTS enlisted in Co. I for Starkey Feb. 15, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged July 18, 1865, at McDougal hospital, Ft. Schuyler, New York harbor. Canadian substitute for William C. Sworts, of Starkey. CHARLES A. SCHERMERHORN enlisted in Co. D for Milo Feb. 28, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Deserted Aug. 22, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Canadian substitute for John W. Norris, of Milo. ALONZO SORYACOLE, of Starkey, enlisted in Co* E Feb. 15, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Died of disease July 21, 1865, in hospital at New York city. Substitute for Lewis J. Wilkin, of Starkey. RICHARD H. STRONG, of Italy, enlisted in Co. G at New York city Aug. 27, 1863, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Oct. 10, credited to the 19th Ward, New York city. Died of chronic diarrhea Oct, 7, 1864, in base hospital at Point of Rocks, Md. Substitute for William H. VanArsdale. Prior enlistment in Co. I, 33d Inf. 48tK N. Y. INFANTRY But one Yates county man was in this regiment, he having enlisted in its hand at the organization. All enlistments were for 3 years. The regi- ment was mustered out Sept. 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. JOHN BALL enlisted in Co. C for Barrington Feb. 22, aged 18 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Mustered out with com- pany. Canadian substitute for James Havens, of Barrington. OTHELLO BENNETT enlisted in Co. K, 3d Inf., for Barrington, Feb. 22, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Transferred to Co. C, 48th Inf., May 22. Mustered out with company. Out of county substitute for Robert Robson, of Barrington.166 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE * GEORGE CARROLL efiliSted in Co. E for Starkey Feb. 22, aged 22 years. Mustered into the U. S, Servicfe at Elmira Same day. Deserted Aug. 20, 1865, from ProvoSt guard house, Raleigh, N. C. Canadian substitute for Walter J. McAlpihe, of Starkey. HENRY V. DAVIS ehlisted in Co. F for Barrington Feb. 22, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Elmira Same day. Discharged June 10r 1865, at Newbefne, N. C. Canadian Substitute for Napoleon Robson, of Barrington. BARNEY GOLDEN enlisted in Co. F for Barrington Feb. 22, aged 32 years. MuStefed into the U. S. at Elmira Same day. Mustered out With company. Canadian substitute for Joseph C. Guthrie, of Barrington. SAMUEL 6. GORDON, of Rotter, enlisted SOpt, 12, 1861, at Millport, aged 2$ years. Mustered in aS private in regimental band Oct. 26. Mustered out with band Sept. 25, 1862, at Ft. BulaSki, Savannah, Ga. Enlisted Aug. 30, 1864, at Canandaigua, in Co. K, 15th Engrs., to Serve 1 year. Mustered into the U, S. service same day and place, credited to the town of Canan- daigua, Ontario County. Mustered out with company June 13, 1865, at Ft. Barry Va. LEWIS LEWIS enlisted in Co, H for Barrington Feb. 23, aged 32 years. Mus* tered into the U. S. service’ at Elmira same day. Mustered out With com- pany, Canadian Substitute for George D. Lazier, of Barrington. TIMOTHY McDERMOTT enlisted in Co. I for Potter Feb. 27, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with Company. Canadian Substitute for John C. Thomas, of Rotter. EATRICK BOGAN enlisted in Co. I for Milo Feb. 24, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S, Service at Canandaigua Same day. Discharged July 19, 1865, at McDougal hospital, Ft. Schuyler, New York harbor. Canadian Substitute for James H. Hazard, of Milo. CHARLES B. ROGERS enlisted in Co. I for Starkey Feb, 23, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, at Elmira Same day. Mustered out with, company. Canadian substitute for Joseph E. Gano, of Starkey. JAMES WILSON enlisted in Co. B for Starkey Feb. 20, aged 21 years. Mus- tered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Promoted Corporal in May or June. Mustered out with Company. Canadian Substitute for Nelson Holden, of Starkey. JOHN WITE enlisted in Co. C for Milo Feb. 14, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. Service at Avon same day. Deserted Aug. 9, 1865, from camp near Raleigh, N. C. Canadian substitute for Joseph Abeles, of Milo. ioth U. S. INFANTRY PATRICE McNAMARAH enlisted and was mustered into the U. S, service at Rochester March 24, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Credited to the town of Potter. Assigned to Co. D. Promoted Sergeant, date not given. Discharged March 24, 1868, at Ft. Abercrombie, Dakota Territory, expira- tion term of enlistment, Canadian recruit. ARTHUR MORGAN enlisted and was mustered into the U. S. service at Roch- ester March 24, to Serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Credited to the town of Potter. Assigned to Co, G. Discharged for disability Jan, 12, 1866, at Ft, Riley, Kansas. Town of Gaines, Orleans county, recruit, i4oth N. Y. INFANTRY MICHAEL DOYLE enlisted in Co, H for Middlesex Feb. 6, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Mustered into the U, S, Service at Rochester same day. Transferred to Co. H, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf., June 3, 1865. Absent without leave July 2, 1865, and at muster out of company Aug, 21, 1865. Canadian recruit. 4th U. S. COLORED TROOPS REUBEN A, SCOFIELD, of Perm Yan, was enrolled and mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieut., Co. E, April 7, in the field in North Carolina, aged 25 years. Transferredy as 1st Lieut., to Co, C, Jan. 5, 1866. Discharged May 4, 1866, at Baltimore, Md. U. S. breveted Major, to date March 13, 1886, Prior service in Co, C, 21st Inf, 96th N. Y. INFANTRY CHARLES M. Carey, of Italy, enlisted in Co. 1 at Elmira April 3, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service Same day and place, credited to the town of Middlefield, Otsego county. Discharged for disability May 26, 1865, at Smart’s hospital, Richmond, Va. Substitute for Erastus G, Blair, of Middlefield.16? YATES COUNTY’S w BOYS IN BLUE 65th N. Y. INFANTRY JOSEPH LOUNSBURY enlisted in Co. C for Italy April 5, to serve 3 years* aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Absent, sick, May 25, and at muster out of company July 17, 1885. No further record, Canadian substitute for James P. Sims, of Italy. 91st N. Y. VETERAN INFANTRY WILLIAM J. HAYNES enlisted in Co. C for Italy March 29, to serve 3 years* aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Ab- sent without leave Aug. 5, and at muster out of company Aug. 21, 1865. Canadian substitute for Bradford S. Wixom, of Italy. 44th INDEPENDENT COMPANY WILLIAM S. POMEROY enlisted for Potter March 29, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester same day. Mustered out May 4, 1865, at Hart’s Island, New York harbor. Canadian recruit. 193d N. Y. INFANTRY JOSEPH HART enlisted in Co. A for Potter April 11* to serve 3 years, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua April 12. Mus- tered out with company Jan. 18, 1866, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Out of county recruit. ________________ 12th U. S. INFANTRY WILLIAM J. McINTOSH enlisted and was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 28, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Credited to the town of Starkey. Assigned to Co. G, 12th Inf. Mustered out Feb. 28, 1868, at Washington, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. Canadian recruit. ALBERT J. GRAHAM enlisted and was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 28, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Credited to the town of Starkey. Assigned to Co. E, 12th Inf.. Mustered out Feb. 26, 1868, at Washington, D. C., expiration term of enlistment. Canadian recruit. 10th U. S. COLORED TROOPS JOHN ALLEN enlisted for Benton April 6, to serve 3 years, aged 29 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canandaigua, same day. Died of disease in hospital at Elmira May 3, 1865. Out of county recruit GEORGE CONNELL enlisted for Benton Feb. 25, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Can- andaigua, same day. Mustered out with detachment May 10, 1885, at Elmira. Delaware recruit JAMES M. DAVIS enlisted for Benton Feb. 25, to serve 3 years, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canandaigua, same day. Mustered out with detachment May 10, 1865, at Elmira. Mary- land recruit. JOHN MINISEE enlisted for Milo March 7, to serve 3 years, aged 42 (44) years. Mustered into the U. S. service, unassigned to company, at Canan- daigua, same day. Mustered out with detachment May 10, 1865, at Elmira. Out of county recruit. x69thN. Y. INFANTRY BENJAMIN GREY enlisted in Co. D for Potter March 10, to serve 2 years, aged 19 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out .with company July 19, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G. Canadian sub- stitute for Warner P. Cole, of Potter. HENRY D. GUNN enlisted in Co. H for Jerusalem March 7, to serve 2 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua same day. Mustered out with company July 19, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Canadian substitute for Lewis I. Sutton, of Jerusalem, JOSEPH QUINN enlisted in Co, F for Starkey March 3, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Discharged March 29, 1865, at Foster hospital, Newberne, N. C. Canadian substitute for James H. Holden, of Starkey. PATRICK RILEY enlisted in Co. F for Potter March 4, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira same day. Absent, at Elmira general rendezvous, at muster out of company. No discharge ever issued. Canadian substitute for James R. Bordwell, of Potter.VAXES COUNTY'S " BOYS IN' BLUE*' IBS MISCELLANEOUS U S. NAVY JOSEPH AGaN, of Penii Yan, enlisted Sept. If, 1863, at New York, as lands- man, to serve 1 year, aged 23 years. Served on ships Supply, Geranium and Princeton. Discharged" Oct. 10, 1864. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf CHARLES W. ADST1N, of Torrey, enlisted April 30, 1864 at New York, to' serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Served on ships New Hampshire and Wabash'. Discharged April 29, 1865. Prior enlistments in Co. B, 12’6th Inf., and Co. L, 20th Cav. ALONZO D. BENEDICT, of Penii Yam. enlisted May 2, 1863. at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year, aged 22 years. Served on ship Roanoke. Dis- charged May 1, 1864. Francis H., BIGELOW, of Milo enlisted Aug. 26, 1862, under the alias of Frank Shaw, at New York, aS landsman, to serve 1 yepr. aged 21 (19) years. Served on ships North Carolina and Brittania. Discharged Sept. 9, 1664. RUSSELL H. CARR, of Jerusalem, enlisted July 14, 1663", at New York, aS landsman, to Serve 1 year, aged 2l (19) years. Served on ships Connecticut and Ohio. Discharged Aug. 5, 1864. THOMAS M. DURHAM, Of Benton, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, at New York, as able* Seaman, to Serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Served on ships Norwich. Daffodil and New Hampshire. Promoted Acting' Master’s Mate May 2, 1862. Dis- charged Oct. 23, 1864. Prior Service of 5, years in navy. MICHAEL FaRRELL, of Penn Yan, enlisted May 19. 1863. at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year, aged 18 years. Served on Ships Jasmine, Po- tomac, Glasgow and Albatross. Discharged June 14, 1864 Prior enlistment in Bat. B, 3d Art., and Subsenucnt service in Co. L, 6th Cav., the latter enlistment under the alias of Martin Finnegan. JOHN GoRMAN enlisted Aug. 22, 1864, at New vork, as coal heaver, to serve 1 year. Served on ships Vermont and Penobscot. D;s~harged July 29, 1865. Out of county Substitute for George H. Lapham. of Milo. MICHAEL F. HaNlEy enlisted AUg. 29, 1664, at New York, as coal heaver, to serve 1 year. Served on ShipS Vermont, Pembina and Arkansas. Dis- charged June 36, 1865. Out of county substitute for Spencer S. Raplee, of Milo. JAMES HASSEN enlisted Aug. 16, 1864, at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year. Served on ships Young RoVer and Mount Union. Discharged June 17, 1865. Ojut of county substitute for Isaac M. Lane, of Potter. DELOS C. HDBBARD. of Penn Yan, enlisted July 9, 1863, at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year, aged 20 years. Served on ship Savannah. Dis- charged AUg. 31, 1864. Prior Service ih CO. I, 33d Inf., and Bat. B, 3d Art., and Subsequent enlistment in Co. D. 194th Inf. ERASMUS D. JOHNSON enlisted March 31, 1864, at Rochester, as ordinary seaman, to Serve 2 years, aged 32 years. Credited to the town of Middle- sex. Served on Ship Naiad. Discharged for disability Aug. 24, 1864. Prior service in Co. D. 24th Inf. OtSegO county recruit. GEORGE W. MADDEN, of Penn Yan, enlisted Sept. 4, 1864, at Mound City, 111., aS a marine, to Serve 4 years, aged 21 years. Served on ship Wampanaugli, Discharged Sept. 4, 1868. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. MARTIN Mahan, of J’erSualem, enlisted March 22, 1864, at Chicago, as Seaman, to serve 2 years, aged 20 (18) years. Served on Ships Clara DolSen, Dryad', Cincinnati, MohaSka and Potomac. Discharged April 13, 1866. Prior ser- vice in Co. E, 1st Vet. Cav., and prior enlistment in Bat. .K, 4th Art. CHairlES R. TENNANT, of Starkey, enlisted Sept. 6, 1864, at New York, as a marine, to Serve 4 years, aged 20 years. Served on ship Mohongo. Dis- charged Sept. 6, 1868. JOHN TIMLIN enlisted Sept. 2, 1864, at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year, aged 2l years. Served on Ships Vermont and Union. Discharged June 6, 1865, at New York. Out of county Substitute for Alexander F. Slaughter, of Milo. GEORGE VOGELSANG enlisted Sept. 2, 1864, at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year. Served on ships Vermont and Neptune. Diszharged May 30, 1865. Out of county substitute for George W. Payne, of Potter. JOHN WEIGEL enii&ted AUg. 15, 1864, at Brooklyn, as landsman, to serve 1 year. Served on ships Minnesota, Dunbarton and Heliotrope, and in the Navy Yard- at Washington, D. C. Discharged June 16, 1,865. Out of county substitute for Albanus C. CaStner, of Milo,YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 169 JAMES H. WOOLF enlisted May 19, 1863, at New York, as landsman, to serve 1 year, aged 16 years. Served on ships Newberne and Kittanning. Discharged May 23, 1864, at Brooklyn. OUT-OF-STATE ENLISTMENTS NATHAN G. GALLETT, of Jerusalem, enlisted April 19, 1861, at Portage, Wis., in Co. A, 2d Wis. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Accidentally injured July 21, 1861, at Bull Run, Va. Discharged for disability Nov. 15, 1861, at Camp Tillinghast, Va. Subsequent service in Co. C, 179th N. Y. Inf. GEORGE M. MUNGER, of Penn Yan, enlisted April 20, 1861, at Camp Harrison, Cincinnati, Ohio, in Co. H (Guthrie’s Grays), 6th Ohio Inf., to serve 4 months, aged 22 (24) years. Mustered out with company Aug. 21, 1861. Subsequent service in Co. G, 85th N. Y. Inf. JOSEPH JONES, of Starkey, enlisted April 23, 1861, at Rittston, Pa., in Co. E, 11th Pa. Inf., to serve 3 months, aged 19 (16) years. Mustered out July 24, 1861, at Harper’s Ferry, Va. Re-enlisted Sept. 9, 1861, at Harrisburg, Pa., in Co. K, 9th Pa. Cav., to serve 3 years. Re-enlisted at Mossy Creek, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1864. Captured in action March 10, 1865, near Fayetteville, N. C. Paroled April 12, at Richmond, Va. Mustered out July 6, 1865, at Harris- burg, Pa., “to date’’ June 28, 1865. EDWARD A. DENNISON, of Dundee, enlisted April 23, 1861, at Flint, Mich., in Co. F, 2d Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years, a'ged 22 years. Mustered in May 25. Discharged for disability June 21, 1861, at Washington, D. C. Subsequent service in Co. I, 103d N. Y. Inf., and Co. G, 147th N. Y. Inf. JAMES ADELBERT HALL, of Potter, enlisted May 13, 1861, at Grand Rapids, Mich., in Co. E, 3d Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 18 (16) years. Mus- tered in June 10, Discharged Nov. 6, 1862, at Washington, D. C., to re- enKst in the Regular Army. Enlisted Nov. 11, at Washington, in Troop D, 5th U. S. Cav. Joined for duty Jan. 15, 1863, from Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Died of disease April 13, 1863, in Brigade hospital near Falmouth, Va. JARED D. CALHOUN, of Jerusalem, enlisted Oct. 14, 1861, at Coudersport, Pa., in Co. G, 53d Pa. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Discharged Oct. 29, 1864, at Harrisburg, Pa., expiration term of enlistment. EDWIN A. WILKLOW, of Italy, enlisted Oct. 25, 1861, at Ypsilanti, Mich., in Co. D, 3d Mich. Cav., to serve 3 years, aged 25 years. Re-enlisted at La- Grange, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1864. Mustered out Feb. 12, 1866, at San Antonio, Tex. JAMES AUGUSTUS WINANS, of Potter, enlisted Feb. 8, 1862, at Auroraville, Wis., in Co. H, 18th Wis. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 17 years. Captured in action April 6, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Died Oct. 19, 1862, at Macon, Ga., a prisoner of war. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FREDENBURG, of Jerusalem, enlisted Feb. 20, 1862, at East Saginaw, Mich., in Co. E, 7th Mich. Cav., to serve 3 years, aged 18 (16) years. Captured in action June 11, 1864, at Trevilian Station, Va. Died of chronic diarrhea Nov. 1, 1864, at Camp Sumpter, Andersonville, Ga., a prisoner of war. f LEWIS B. GRAHAM, of Penn Yan, was enrolled March 12, 1862, at Ft. Leaven- worth, Kansas, as 2d Lieut., Co. I, 8th Kansas Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 45 years. Discharged Aug. 1, 1862, at Jacinto, Miss. ANDREW OLIVER LEWIS, of Benton, enlisted March 13, 1862, at Monroe, Mich., as Sergeant-Major, 15th Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 20 (19) years. Mustered in same day and place, credited to Penn Yan. Wounded in action April 6, 1862, at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Died of typhoid fever May 14, 1862, in St. Mark’s hospital, Paducah, Ky. WILSON A. LEWIS, of Benton, enlisted July 25, 1862, at Sharon, Mich., in Co. B, 20th Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Died of disease Nov. 30, 1863, at Knoxville, Tenn. ORESTES B. WRIGHT, of Starkey, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, at Scranton, Pa., in Co. K, 132d Pa. Inf., to serve 9 months, aged 24 years. Mustered in Aug. 14, at Washington, D. C. Wounded in action Dec. 13, 1862, at Fredericks- burg, Va. Mustered out with company May 24, 1863, at Harrisburg, Pa. ALBERT WHEELER, of Milo, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, at Scranton, Pa., in Co. K, 132d Pa. Inf., to serve 9 months, aged 24 years. Mustered in Aug. 14, at Harrisburg, Pa. Deserted Dec. 19, 1862, from Walnut Street hospital, Har- risburg, Pa. ALBERT J. DICKERSON, of Benton, enlisted Dec. 2, 1862, at Boston, Mass., in the 12th Battery, Mass. Light Art., to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Benton. Mustered in as 2d Sergeant Dec. 20, 1862. Dis- charged for disability July 7, 1865, at Elmira. CASSIUS N. McFARREN, of Benton, enlisted June 14, 1863, at Bridgport, Pa., in Co. C, 26th Pa. Emergency Militia, to serve during emergency, aged 18 (17) years. Discharged July 30. 1863, at Harrisburg, Pa., with company. Subsequent service in Bat. G, 16th N. Y. Art. OSCAR MADDEN, of Penn Yan, enlisted June 16, 1863, at Geneva, Kansas, in Co. M, 9th Kansas Cav., to serve 3 years, aged 17 (16) years. Mustered out July 17, 1865, at DeVall’s Bluff, Ark.170 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ROSCOE MADDEN, of Penn Yan, enlisted June 16, 1863, at Ft. Scott, Kansas, in Co. E, 14th Kansas Cav., to serve 3 years, aged 18 (17) years. Mustered out June 25, 1865, at Ft. Gibson, Cherokee Nation. SAMUEL FISK, of Middlesex, enlisted Feb. 29, 1864, at Port Huron, Mich., in Co. C, 6th Mich. Inf., to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Died of chronic diarrhea Nov. 4, 1864, at New Orleans, La. EDWARD D. OLMSTEAD, of Torrey, enlisted May 7, 1864, at Ripon, Wis., in Co. B, 41st Wis. Inf., to serve 100 days, aged 20 years. Mustered out Sept. 23, 1864. GEORGE B. STEWART, of Milo, enlisted Aug. 13, 1864, at Lewiston, Pa., in Co. F, 205th Pa. Inf., to serve 1 year, aged 22 (20) years. Mustered in Sept. 1, at Harrisburg, Pa., credited to Mifflin county, Pa. Appointed 4th Ser- geant, probably at organiation of regiment. Discharged June 2, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. UNASSIGNED MEN It is a source of great gratification to the compiler that he has been able to trace the service of all but three men of the many that were credited to Yates county or who lived here at enlistment, but these three have not been located by even the War Department at Washington. CHARLES JOHNSON (colored) enfisted for Torrey Sept. 3, 1864, to serve 1 year, aged 33 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at Avon same day. Assigned on the Provost Marshal’s records to the 20th U. S. Colored Troops, but not found on the records of that regiment. County bounty paid. Town of Prattsburg, Steuben county, recruit. THOMAS SULLIVAN enlisted prior to Sept. 6, 1864, at New York, to serve 1 year. Out of county substitute for William C. Joy, of Milo. Probably served in U. S. Navy. MICHAEL MADDEN, of Middlesex, enlisted, date and place not known, in the U. S. Regular Army, aged about 17 years. REPRESENTATIVE RECRUITS At various times during the last two years of the war, men who were not eligible to the draft, but who felt a desire to be personally represented in the service by someone, furnished what were denominated Representative. Re- cruits. Several of these recruits were also furnished by women and by parents of young children. Two men from Yates county, both of whom had been discharged from the service for disability, secured such recruits. Frank O. Chamberlain, of Potter, formerly of Co. G, 8th Cavalry, pre- sented Peter Washington, colored, a hostler whom he had brought home with him from his army service, and he was mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6, 1864. He served in the 20th U. >S. Colored Troops. James W. Corey, of Potter, formerly of Co. I, 33d Infantry, presented William H. McClure, a native of Virginia, who was mustered into the U. S. service at Washington, D. C., Oct. 3, 1864. He served with the 2d District of Columbia Infantry. BOUNTY JUMPERS During the last three years of the war the recruiting officers and Provost Marshals had to contend with a class of men who went from one section of the country to another, enlisting, securing such portions of the bounties as they were able, and then deserting. These men were often substitutes, who were able to secure additional money from their principals. Yates county had a considerable number on its list, as follows : 1863 THOMAS RYAN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Aug. 21, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Assigned to the 104th Inf. De- serted Sept. 3, at Elmira. Out of county substitute for William Griswold, of Jerusalem, drafted July 31.YATES COUNTY’S " BOYS IN BLUE 171 JOHN H. SMITH. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Sept. 22, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Assigned to the 97th Inf. De- serted at Elmira the latter part of September. Out of county substitute for Oliver G. Bryant, of Milo, drafted July 31. 1864 GEORGE CUNNINGHAM. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 41 years. Credited to the town of Barrington. Assigned to the 161st Inf. Deserted) at Elmira. Pennsylvania recruit. EZRA C. DODGE. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 23 years. Credited to the town of Barrington. Assigned to the 161st Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Tioga county, Pa., recruit. DANIEL L. PARK. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Credited to the town of Barring- ton. Assigned to the 161st Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Bradford county, Pa., recruit. CHARLES SEARS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Credited to the town of Barrington. Assigned to the 161st Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Pennsylvania recruit. FRANCIS CONRAD. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 15, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Barring- ton. Assigned to the 63d Inf. Deserted at Elmira in February. Arrested at New York city March 10. Escaped from Forest Hall prison, Georgetown, D. C., June 28. No further record. Prior service in Co. D, 25th Inf. Also enlisted in Co. D, 25th Cav. New York city recruit. WILLIAM DUNNING. Enlisted at Canandaigua Jan. 23, to serve 3 years, aged 35 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Jan. 26, credited to the town of Torrey. Assigned to the 50th Engrs., and forwarded to that regiment. March 31. Deserted en route. Out of county recruit. GEORGE WRIGHT. Enlisted at Canandaigua Jan. 28, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Jan. 29, credited to the town of Potter. Assigned to the 50th Engrs. Deserted at Elmira prior to March 21. Seneca county recruit. WILLIAM MARTYN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canan- daigua Jan. 29. to serve 3 years, aged 32 years. Credited to the town of Potter. Assigned to the 50th Engrs. Deserted at Elmira prior to March 21. Cuyahoga county, Ohio, recruit. EDWARD S. B RAZEE, Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Can- andaigua Feb. 19, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Jerusalem. Assigned to the 22d Cav. In Post Hospital, Elmira, March 9-10, and deserted at that place shortly afterward. Out of county recruit. GEORGE T. BAKER. Enlisted at Rochester Feb. 20, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 23, credited to the town of Middlesex. Assigned to Co. M, 22d Cav. Deserted March 5, at Rochester. Out of county recruit. JOHN MOLLOY. Enlisted at Rochester Feb. 23, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 24, credited to the town of Middlesex. Assigned to Co. M, 22d Cav. Deserted March 5, at Rochester. Out of county recruit. ZACHERIAH T. SIMPSON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester Feb. 23, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Credited to the town of Middlesex. Assigned to Co. M, 22d Cav. Deserted March 5, at Rochester. Out of county recruit. JAMES DELACEY. Enlisted at Canandaigua Feb. 26, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 29, credited to the town of Milo. Assigned to the 179th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Phila- delphia, Pa., recruit. HENRY SEYMOUR. Enlisted at Canandaigua Feb. 26, to serve 3 years, aged 40 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 29, credited to the town of Milo. Assigned to the 179th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Out of county recruit. GEORGE W. BUTLER. Enlisted at Canandaigua Feb. 27, to serve 3 years, aged 27 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Feb. 29, credited to the town of Torrey. Assigned to the 179th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Schoharie county recruit. PERRY MYERS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb.. 29, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Milo. Assigned to the 179th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Schoharie county recruit. JOHN McDONALD. Enlisted at Avon Aug. 22, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Aug. 23. Assigned to Co. A, 52d Inf., and forwarded from Elmira Sept. 6. Deserted on arrival at City Point, Va. Out of county substitute for William B. Sheldon, of Benton. JOHN HAGAN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Aug. 31, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Assigned to the 120th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Daniel Sprague, of Milo. HENRY CARSON. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 2, credited to the town172 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE99 of Benton. Assigned to the 28th Independent Battery. Deserted at Elmira. Montreal. Canada, recruit. ALFRED COX. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Assigned to the 69th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Griffin B. Hazard, of Torrey. BARNARD KELLY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 34 years. Assigned to the 111th Inf. De- serted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Dudley W. Dox, of Torrey. THOMAS MELVIN. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 2, credited to the town of Benton. Assigned to the 28th Independent Battery. Deserted at Elmira. Montreal. Canada, recruit. THOMAS S. SHELBY. Enlisted and mustered into the LI. S. service at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Assigned to the 64th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Nelson E. Knox, of Starkey. DAVID THOMPSON. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 2, credited to the town of Benton. Assigned to the 28th Independent Battery. Deserted at Elmira. Montreal, Canada, recruit. ANDREW BLAKENEY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Assigned to the 124th Inf. De- serted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Joseph S. Crawford, of Milo. THOMAS LYNCH. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Assigned to the 86th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for George C. Gage, of Benton. JOHN C. MORRIS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Assigned to the 86th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Oscar Hazen, of Benton. JOSEPH MURRAY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Assigned to the 86th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for George N. Hicks, of Milo. ROBERT WATSON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Benton. As- signed to the 28th Independent Battery. Deserted at Elmira. Montreal, Canada, recruit. GEORGE W. BRYANT. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 30 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 6, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Assigned to Co. C, 188th Inf. Deserted at Avon same week. Arrested May 30, 1865, at Jackson, Mich. Tried by general court martial, Department of Northern and Western New York, found guilty, and sentenced July 10 to lose all pay and allowances due or that might become due, all bounty, and to be dishonorably discharged. Dis- charged at Elmira July 26, 1865. Steuben county recruit. FRANCIS E. MARSHALL. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 3, to serve. 1 year, aged 24 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 6, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Assigned to the 188th Inf., and forwarded to that regiment. Deserted, date and place not given. Livingston county recruit. ROBERT E. BLOOMFIELD. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 3, to serve 1 year, aged 28 years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 6, credited to the town of Jerusalem. Assigned to the 188th Inf., and forwarded to that regiment. Deserted, date and place not given. Onondaga county recruit. JOHN CONNOLLY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Assigned to the 86th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for John W. Shepherd, of Jerusalem. JOHN THOMPSON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 3, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Assigned to the 86th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute* for Silas Hunt, of Milo. WILLIAM H. H. MEEK. Enlisted at Avon Sept. 4, to serve 1 year, aged — years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Sept. 5, credited to the town of Italy. Assigned to the 50th Engrs. Deserted at Elmdra. Alle- gany county recruit. CHARLES H. BRAZEE. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 5, to serve 1 year, aged — years. Credited to the town of Barrington. Assigned to the 188th Inf., and forwarded to that regiment. Deserted, date and place and not given. Steuben county recruit. CHARLES G. PATTERSON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 6, to serve 1 year, aged — years. Credited to the town of Milo. Assigned to the 185th Inf. No further record. Steuben county recruit. JAMES McGRADY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 12, to serve 1 year, aged 19 years. Credited to the town of Italy. Assigned to the 111th Inf., and forwarded Sept. 13 to that regiment. Deserted en route. Steuben county recruit. ALBERT L. BRIGHT. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 13, to serve 1 year, aged — years. Credited to the town of Milo. As- signed to the 5th Art. Deserted from Avon in October. Schuyler county recruit. ROBERT E. SMITH. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Sept. 13, to serve 1 year, aged 25 years. Credited to the town, of Milo.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 173 Assigned to the 188th Inf. Deserted from Avon in October. Schuyler county recruit. JOHN O'BRIEN. Enlisted at Elmira Dec. 14, to serve 1 year, aged — years. Mustered into the U. S. service at same place Dec. 22. Deserted from Elmira, date not given. Out of county substitute for Spencer J. Wing, 188th Inf., of Italy. 1865 CHARLES H. ACTON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Assigned to the 10th Cav. For- warded to the regiment from Elmira Jan. 25. Deserted Jan. 26, at New York city. Canadian substitute for John Lewis, of Milo. EDWARD MANUS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Jan. 14, to serve 3 years, aged 24 years. Assigned to Co. K, 10th Cav. Deserted Jan. 28, at Baltimore, en route to regiment. Canadian substitute for Wil- liam J. Rector, of Benton. GEORGE PARKS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Jan. 18, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Deserted same day and place. Canadian substitute for John W. Stewart, of Milo. JOHN SMITH. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Jan. 19, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Assigned to the 100th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Alfred S. Becker, of Benton. WALLACE EDWARDS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Jan. 19, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Deserted Jan. 25, at same place. Canadian substitute for Andrew Thayer, of Milo. JOHN HIGGINS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at. Avon Jan. 20, to serve 3 years, aged 20 years. Assigned to the 100th Inf. Deserted Jan. 25, at Elmira. Canadian substitute for George McAllaster, of Milo. MAURICE POWERS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Jan. 20, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Deserted Jan. 24, at Elmira. Arrested, date and place not given. Tried by general court martial, found guilty, and sentenced to be confined at hard labor for 1 year. Released from Clinton (N. Y.) prison, and dishonorably discharged Sept. 13, 1865. Cana- dian substitute for Homer Mariner, of Benton. JOHN DOVER. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S, service at Rochester Feb. 1, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Starkey. As- signed to the 131st Inf. Transferred to DeCamp hospital, New York har- bor, and to draft rendezvous at Hart’s Island March 14. No further record. Canadian recruit. GEORGE F. QUIGLEY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Roch- ester Feb. 2. to serve 3 years, aged 17 years. Credited to the town of Middlesex. Deserted Feb. 10, apprehended, and again deserted Feb. 18, 1865. places not given. Marshall, Mich., recruit. EDWARD CLARK. Enlisted and mustered into the IJ. S. service at Rochester Feb. 2, to serve 3 years, aged 26 years. Credited to the town of Starkey. Deserted Feb. 11, 1865, place not given. Veteran, former service not given. A-ShtS/buls. Ohio rGcruit JOHN LOFTIS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Feb. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 19 years. Deserted same day. Arrested Feb. 17, at Buffalo, sent to Elmira Feb. 22, and dishonorably discharged May . 29, 1865, at that place. Canadian substitute for Thomas J. VanDerlip, of Barrington. JOHN WILLIAMS. Enliisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Avon Feb. 7, to serve 3 years, aged 18 years. Deserted Feb. 8, at Avon. Monroe county substitute for William H. Ketchum, of Barrington. JOHN MCDONALD. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandai- gua Feb. 15, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Assigned to the 47th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Out of county substitute for Elias Wood, of Starkey. JAMES DAVIS. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 17, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Torrey. As- signed to the 91st Inf. No further record. Canadian recruit. HENRY MOORE. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira Feb. 18, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Credited to the town of Torrey. Assign- ed to the 1st Dragoons. Sent to regiment March 6, and delivered at Soldiers’ Rest, Harper’s Ferry, Va., March 8. No further record. Canadian recruit. JOHN O’BRIEN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua Feb. 18, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Assigned to Co. D, 47th Inf. Deserted at Elmira. Out of county substitute for Frank H. Newcomb, of Starkey. JOHN D. HUTCHINSON. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Can- andaigua Feb. 22, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Assigned to the 48th Inf. Deserted March 10, at Elmira. Canadian substitute for Uriah Hair, of Star- key. JOHN JEFFREY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester March 2, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Credited to the town of Barring- ton. Assigned to Troop F, 2d U. S. Cav. Deserted May 17, 1865, place not given. Canadian recruit. JOHN STINER. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua March 4, to serve 3 years, aged 22 years. Assigned to the 169th Inf. Deserted174 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE * at Elmira about March 10. Canadian substitute for Leander W. Lane, of Potter. JOHN LAPLAN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua March 24, to serve 3 years, aged 21 years. Assigned to the 117th Inf. De- tachment with which he was sent to regiment delivered' at Camp Distribu- tion, near Wilmington, N. C., April 12. No further record. Out of county substitute for Stephen Chubb, of Barrington. HIRAM MARTIN. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Rochester March 29, to serve 3 years, aged 33 years. Credited to the town fo Middle- sex. Assigned to the 22d Cav. Deserted en route to regiment. Out of county recruit. JAMES MURPHY. Enlisted and mustered into the U. S. service at Canandaigua April 6, to serve 3 years, aged — years. Credited to the town of Italy. No record of appearance at draft rendezvous at Elmira, and a notation on Provost Marshal’s record shows that he deserted. Out of county recruit. Co. H, 58th N. G. S. N. Y. In August, 1864, Co. C, 59th State Militia, volunteered for 100 days service under the Governor’s call fo: three-months men, and was mustered in Aug. 25, becoming Co. H, 58th N. G. S. N. Y. It served as prison guards at Etlmira, and in conducting drafted men and* substitutes to the front, and its members were not credited on the county’s quota of men. It was mustered out at El- mira Dec. 3, 1864. Its members were: THEODORE BARBER, Potter, aged 21 years. GEORGE S. BELL, Milo, aged 21 years. ALBERT BRIGDEN, Milo, aged 20 years. Sergeant. ANDREW M. BROWN, Benton, aged 28 years. SAMUEL H. CHAPIN, Torrey, aged 20 years. CHARLES H. COMSTOCK, Benton, aged 25 (23) years. Corporal. Prior service in Co. I, 33d Inf. CHARLES S. EASTMAN, Milo, aged 26 years. LOREN C. EASTMAN, Milo, aged 20 years. 1st Sergeant. WILLIAM W. EASTMAN, Milo, aged 22 years. Captain. EDWARD G. ELLIOTT, Milo, aged 18 (19) years. EDWARD S. FULLAGAR, Benton, aged 23 years. Died Sept. 27, in hospital at Elmira. JOHN B. GILBERT, Milo, aged 21 years. Corporal. JOHN Q. A. GRAHAM, Jerusalem, aged 37 years. Enlisted in Co. M Sept. 2, and was transferred to Co. H Sept. 21. LEWIS H. HAIGHT, Jerusalem, aged 24 years. GEORGE R. HANFORD, Jerusalem, aged 21 years. NELSON R. HAMMOND, Potter, aged 43 (41) years. ADDISON HAWLEY, Potter, aged 28 years. HERMAN C. HOWELL, Milo, aged 23 years. Sergeant. Prior service in Co. D, 23d Inf. RANSOM> B. JONES, Milo, aged 20 years. Sergeant. CHARLES A. KERNEY, Milo, aged 19 years. ELI LEWIS, Benton, aged 23 (25) years. Sergeant. JAMES MONROE DOWN, Benton, aged 27 years. ALONZO T. LYON, Milo, aged 30 (32) years. 1st Lieutenant. Prior enlistment in Co. A, 50th Engrs. JOHN W. MERRIFIELD, Benton, aged 30 years. JOHN R. MIDDLETON, Jerusalem, aged 22 years. Enlisted in Co. M Sept. 4, and was transferred to Co. H Sept. 21. PETER MILLS, Milo, aged 23 years. CHARLES W. MORGAN, Milo, aged 21 years. RANSOM PRATT, Milo, aged 29 years. Corporal. JACOB RECTOR, Potter, aged 28 years. JESSE REYNOLDS, Milo, aged 44 (49) years. GEORGE P. SHERLAND, Benton, aged 28 years. CHARLES H. SMITH, Milo, aged 22 years. GEORGE TITUS, Milo, aged 23 (27) years. 2d Lieutenant. Prior service in Co. K, 5t.h Conn. Inf. JOSHUA TITUS, Milo, aged 21 years. GEORGE TUNNICLIFF, Milo, aged 20 years. JOSEPH J. THAYER, Milo, aged 21 years. WILLIAM O. VALENTINE, Milo, aged 21 years. EDWARD K. VAN DEVENTER, Milo, aged 19 years. JOHN J. VAN DEVENTER, Milo, aged 20 (17) years. JOHN WHITAKER, Benton, aged 23 years. * CHARLES WOODRUFF, Potter, aged 28 years.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE 175 LIGHT ARTILLERY, N. G. S. N. Y. Several batteries were raised in Rochester under the Governor’s call for three-months men, and were mustered in at that place for 100 days Aug. 2, 1864. All of the Yates county men were in Bat. A. They were mustered out at Rochester Nov. 22. They were not credited on the county’s quota. ALVIN W. ANDERSON, Jerusalem, aged 20 years. Subsequent enlistment in Co. E, 194th Inf. WILLIAM M. BARROW', Jerusalem, aged 21 (23) years. ROBERT BEAMISH, Benton, aged 30 (38) years. DAVID DEAN, Torrey, aged 18 (17) years. JOHN DEAN, Milo, aged 18 years. JEPTHA DEAN, Jerusalem, aged 26 years. JULIUS Z. DEAN, Jerusalem, aged 34 years. BARNARD GELDER, Jerusalem, aged 28 years. Prior service in Co. A, 126th Inf. THOMAS F. ROGERS, Milo, aged 22 years. JOHN RANDOLPH VANTUYL, Milo, aged 27 years. INVALID CORPS On April 28, 1863, an order was issued by the War Department for the organization of an Invalid Corps, to be composed of officers and men who were unfitted by wounds or disease for active field duty, but who were fully capable of garrison duty* or to act as cooks, nurses, clerks, orderlies, etc., at hospitals, or as guards for hospitals or other public buildings. Orders were issued for the detachment of such officers and men from their commands when on active duty, or iby medical officers if they were in hospitals. Orders were also issued for the acceptance for re-enlistment of such men who had been discharged for wounds or disease contracted in the service who desired again to enter the service in this 'Corps. On July 9th it was ordered that the Corps be organized into two classes or battalions, the First Battalion to be composed of the more efficient and able-bodied, men capable of using a musket, per- forming guard duty, making light marches, to be employed as provost guards and guards in cities, the Second Battalion to be composed of those of minor physical efficiency, but qualified for hospital service. Although Provost Mar- shal Remer gave thorough publicity to the formation of this Corps, it is not of record that any discharged Yates county men re-enlisted in it. Men re- enlisting from civil life were to be credited to the townships where they claimed to reside. A considerable number of Yates county men will be seen by the individual records to have been transferred to it, and a few re-enlisted for an additional term latei. By a special order of the War Department, dated March 18, 1864, the name of the organization was changed from Invalid Corps to Veterans’ Reserve Corps. THE NURSES Report has always had it that a number of patriotic women from Yates county saw service as nurses in the army hospitals. After a great deal of re- search it has been found that but one woman and one man from this county were so engaged. This statement is based on the records of the War Depart- ment, the Surgeon-General’s Department and the Pension Bureau. Mrs. Eunice Kelly Taylor, of Penn Yan, wife of David E. Taylor, of Co. A, 126th N. Y. Inf., served as a nurse in the Brigade hospital of the 3d Division at Union Mills and Centerville, Va., from Jan. 9, 1863, to April 30, 1863. Her name appears on the hospital records for that period, but it is believed that she176 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE served longer. iFor this service she was granted a pension by a special act of Congress. She also served as matron in the general hospital at Fairfax Semi- nary, Va., from Jan. 1, 1865, to June 19, 1865. .Joseph Treat, of Jerusalem, enlisted as a nurse, and was attached to the general hospital at Ft. Wood, Bedloe’s Island, New York harbor, from Sept. 6, 1862, to Nov. 30, 1862, when he was discharged. A highly interesting ser- ies of letters appearing in the Yates County Chronicle, which were of a na- ture very subversive of discipline, are believed to have caused his severance from the service. VETERAN RE-ENLISTMENTS On June 28, 1863, in an order issued by the War Department, a bounty of $400 was offered to all 2 and 3 year men, also to all 9 months’ men, then in service, who would re-enlist for 3 years or the duration of the war. Among those in service from Yates county there was no immediate response to this offer, but during the following winter and spring 55 local men re-enlisted, who were credited at the time on their company rolls to different towns in the county. These re-enrstments were divided between seven regiments, and the men of each, with the town to which they were credited, were as follows: 8th Cavalry—William H. Anderson, Peter N. Nessen, Milo; Aaron Lamereaux, Elias V. Rugar, Myron Bloat, Arnold S. Walbridge, Charles H. Warren, Pot- ter. 11th Pa. Cavalry—Nathaniel Brown, Italy; Smith Brown, David Lewis Butler, William A. Crapser, Thomas Dunnigan, Henry Minehart, William H. H. Persons, Milo. 50th Engineers—Andrew H. Carr, Francis M. Holloran, Barrington; Kingsbury M. Bennett, Charles C. Gottfried, Benton; Theodore T. Evans, Abram Fredenburg, John H. Harrison, Joseph G. Watkins, Jerusa- lem; John Brown, James Dunham, Daniel J. Fitzer, Edward D. Forsyth, George B. Gray, James H. Kellly, Henry Williams, Joseph W. Worden, Milo; John Turner, Potter; William Dean, Torrey. 76th Infantry*—Edgar D. Havi- land, Starkey. 85th Infantry—Aaron Beard, Robert B. Briggs, Richard Hiram Corey, Franklin Danes, Martin Davis, James P. Sherman, Joseph G. Tinney, Jerusalem; Joseph D. Finger, Augustus Gordon, John W. Green, John Grene- han, Henry V. McGlaughlin, George J. Odell, Milo; George Hainer, Amos Jones, Potter; Jason B. Chase, Chester Ellis, Ebenezer Inscho, Martin D. Inscho, Starkey; Henry Norman, Torrey. 2d U. S. Sharpshooters—Charles M. Bogart, Potter. 146th Infantry—Timothy J. Terrill, Starkey. Yates county men whose re-enlistments were credited elsewhere were: George Blauvelt, 8th Cavalry ; Valentine Allen, George D. Higley, Charles Kirkham, 11th Pa. Cav- alry; George W. Barnes* 85th Infantry; Henry Emibree, George M. Griswold, Charles H. Stearns, 10th Cavalry; Robert Burnett, 101st Infantry; George J.. Greening, Johnson Henries, 3d Artillery; Morris H. Bartlett, Edward Beardslee, Lorimore A. Graham, 102d Infantry; John R. Kittridge, 93d Infan- try; Clark W. Moore, 14th U. , Yates Co. James E. Bruer, Milo. Yates Co. Robert Boyd, Jerusalem, Yates Co. William Brewer, Starkey, Yates Co. Edwin A. Conger, Seneca, Ontario Co. Must’d. Aug. 14. Aug. 21. Aug, 25. Sept. 4. Aug. 14. Aug. 18. Sept. 5. Sept. 1. Aug. 15. Aug. 25. Aug. 28. Sept. 1. Aug. 28. Sept. 4. Sept. 24. Sept. 10. Sept. 12. Sept. 22. Oct. : 2. Oct. 3. Sept. 14. Aug. 17. Substitute. James G. Hamilton, Barnett W. Baker, (Vet.) Co. I, 147th Inf. Peter Douglass, Co. C, 147th Inf. Royal T. Harris, Co. G, 97th Inf. John E. McDonald, Co. G, 97th Inf. Patrick Tierney, Co. B, 104th Inf. Townsend Chapman, Co. H, 52d Inf. Charles A. Davis, Co. A, 97th Inf. David Jamison, Co. D, 97th Inf. George Smith, Co. G, 8th U. S. C. T. Hiram Merrithew, Co. K, 64th Inf. William Baldwin, Co. D, 97th Inf. Thomas Connell, Co. F, 97th Inf. James Lebert, Co. H, 97th Inf. Frank B. Keene, (Vef.) Amos Place, (Vet.) Co. A, 52d Inf. Frank B. Peabody, Co. G, 97th Inf. John H. Smith, (Deserted.) Isaiah Hadsell, Co. B, 146th Inf. Erastus C. Morris, Co. H, 100th Inf. Valkert Daniels, Co. E, 76th Inf. John Kelly, Co. C, 104th Inf.YATES COUNTY’S w BOYS IN BLUE 201 Principal. Stewart S. Cobb, Seneca, Ontario Co. William Cassort, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. Matthew R. Carson, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. Henry M. Codding, Bristol, Ontario Co. Benjamin P. Cleggett, (Col.) Seneca, Ontario Co. Lucian L. Corey, ' Mt. Morris, Livingston Co. /Rockwood S. Carma, Leicester, Livingston Co. Daniel Catchpole, Seneca, Ontario Co. James H. Clark, Jerusalem, Yates Co. Henry Crawford, Geneseo, Livingston Co. Silas J. Dewey, Hopewell, Ontario Co. Hugh Duryea, Mt. Morris, Livingston Co. William A. Dorsey, Seneca, Ontario Co. Philip V. N. Davis, East Bloomfield, Ontario Co. George B. Dusihberre, Seneca, Ontario Co. Henry L. Dunning, Milo, Yates Co. John Davison, Geneseo, Livingston Co. Martin Dean, Milo, Yates Co. Adam Drum, Phelps, Ontario Co. Asher B. Evans, Nunda, Livingston Co. James B. Estes, Farmington, Ontario Co. Edwin L. Earl, Benton, Yates Co. Dennis English, Milo, Yates Co. William H. Fisher, Seneca, Ontario Co. George A. Fordon, ' Seneca, Ontario Co. Dennis Foley, North Dansville, Livingston Co J. Albert Granger, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. William Griswold, Jerusalem, Yates Co. James Griswold, Jerusalem, Yates Co. John Gunther* Jr., North Dansville, Livingston Co William Gray, Seneca, Ontario Co. Highland Garfield, Lima, Livingston Co. Ashman Gauss, East Bloomfield, Ontario Co Aaron Gleason, Potter, Yates Co. Cyrus Hill, South Bristol, Ontario Co. Wilkinson A. Herendeen, Farmington, Ontario Co. Hiram W. Humphrey, Victor, Ontario c,o. William L. G. Hardy, (Col.) Seneca, Ontario Co. Must’d. Substitute, Aug. 15. Lawrence Goodwin, (Deserted.) Aug. 15. James McNally. Aug. 15. John Devoe, (Deserted.) Aug. 18. William Brown. Sept. 7. Sylvester T. Susey, Co. B, 8th U. S. C. T. George Ladd. Aug. 21. Sept. 8. Miles Bolton, Co. E, 147th Inf. Sept. 4. V illiam H. Taylor, Co. D, 97th Inf. Sept. 22. William Deschane, (Vet.) Co. H, 97th Inf. Sept. 18. Samuel Skank, Co. G, 8th U. S. C. T. Aug. 28. Owen Barron, Co. C, 64th Inf. Aug. 26. Artemus Rathburn, (Vet.) Co. K, 64th Ihf. Aug. 17. James Spencer. Aug. 14. Henry Wilson. Aug. 18. William McComis.ce /. Aug. 25. George S. Wells, > Vet ) Co. C, 76th Inf. Sept. 8. Jacob Brennan, Co. I, 147th Inf. Oct. . 2. James Shultz, Co. G, 147th Inf. Smith H. Crocker, Co. B, 146th Inf. Sept. 19. Aug. 18. Joel S. Holly, Co. E, 104th Inf. Aug. 21. Charles Lee, Co. G, 104th Inf. Aug. 28. Lafayette C. Willis, (Vet.) Co. C, 146th Inf. Sept. 15./ Jeremiah Holland, Co. B, 146th Inf. Aug. 17. John Trimble. Aug. 18. Bruen Cooley, (Vet.) Co. B, 147th Inf. Aug. 22. David L. Sweet, Co. D, 97th Inf. Aug. 17. Charles Hudson. Aug. 21. Thomas Ryan, (Deserted.) Aug. 21. John Smith, Co. H, i04th Inf. Aug. 25. Comfort Pinkham, Co. C, 76th Inf. Aug. 25. Edward B. Vanoky. Aug. 19. Isaac White, Co. A, 146th Inf. Aug. 19. William Carney, Co. B, 147th Inf. Oct. 5. Hiram Gleason, Co. H, 100th Inf. Aug. 29. Jay A. Tuttle, Co. C, 146th Inf. Sept. 1. Peter Wagner, Co. C, 76th Inf. Aug. 25. William Reeves, Co. C, 76th Inf. Sept. 1. John Hardy, Co. G, 8th U. S. C. T.202 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE Principal. J. Byron Hayes, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. William R. Hubble, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. George Hunt, West Sparta, Livingston Co. Henry D. Joslyn, Seneca, Ontario Co. Allen C. Jones, Milo, Yates Co. Charles Judevine, Starkey, Yates Co. Oscar Kinyoun, Jerusalem, Yates Co. Leonard Kohn, North Dansville, Livingston Co. John Kane, Seneca, Ontario Co. Fernando S. King, Manchester, Ontario Co. Robert King, Seneca^ Ontario Co. Richard Knight, Seneca, Ontario Co. James Knowles, Avon, Livingston Co. Thomas Laman, Springwater, Livingston Co. William A. Luther, Bristol, Ontario Co. Smith G. Lapham, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. George P. Mayo, Victor, Ontario Co. Robert Moody, Seneca, Ontario Co. Thaddeus Munson, Canandaigua, Ontario Co, Henry Martin, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. George W. Murdock, Milo, Yates Co. James McGary, Richmond, Ontario Co. Lucius W. Marble, East Bloomfield, Ontario Co. David P. Nelson, Seneca, Ontario Co. Amos A. Newson, Seneca, Ontario Co. Jerome Ocumpaugh, Phelps, Ontario Co. Thaydon Osborne, Ossian, Livingston Co. Myron A. Parks, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. Frank L. Plimpton, Richmond, Ontario Co. Henry A. Peck, Benton, Yates Co. Henry Reed, Richmond, Ontario Co. John P. Ray, Richmond, Ontario Co. James L. Robinson, Seneca, Ontario Co. Gordon L. Robinson, Groveland, Livingston Co. Noah Russell, Geneseo, Livingston Co. Miles W. Raplee, Milo, Yates Co. Edwin R. Randall, Milo, Yates Co. Byron Randall, Torrey, Yates Co. Must’d. Substitute. Aug. 21. Aug. 21. Aug. 21. Aug. 28. Sept. 11. Sept. 30. Sept. 14. Aug. 19. Aug. 14. Aug. 18. Gideon Silver, Co. C, 76th Inf. Thomas Casey, Co. E, 104th Inf. Francis M. Roberts, (Vet.) Co. D, 97th Inf. Edwin D. Hale, Co. I, 97th Inf. William O’Daniels, (Vet.) Co. K, 76th Inf. Russell A. Lincoln, (Vet.) Co. D. 147th Inf. Nicholas T. Travis, Co. D, 76th Inf. William D. Gilbert, (Deserted.) John Welsh, Co. I, 104th Inf. Thomas Sullivan. Aug. 25. Sept. 1. Sept. 11. Aug. 21. James Smith, Co. —, 76th Inf. Francis Baty, • Co. I, 97th Inf. Henry H. Duchard, Co. H, 140th Inf. Eugene Salaman. Oct. 2. Charles C. Gage, (Vet.) Co. H, 100th Int Aug. 19. Chas. H. Brandow, (Vet.) (Deserted.) Aug. 18. William B. Knapp, (Vet.) Co. C, 104th Inf. Aug. 14. John Rice. Aug. 18. Patrick Matthews. Aug. 20. John Williams, Co. G. 104th Inf. Aug. 28. John J. Monroe, Co. F, 146th Inf. Sept. 18. Francis Andrews, Co. G, 97th Inf. Aug. 21. James Bell. Co. E, 104 th Inf. Aug. 21. William Brennan, Co. B. 104th Inf. Sept. 1. James Nangle, Co. I, 97th Inf. Aug. 27. Moses Teller. Aug. 25. Darius C. Wolverton, Co. C, 76th Inf. Aug. 21. Charles Dessasauer. Sept. 4. John J. Sepanfield, (Vet.) . (Deserted.) Oct. 2. Alex. P. Campbell, (Vet.) A Co. B, 147th Inf. Aug. 25. A. D. D. Fosbright, (Vet.) . Co. A, 97th Inf. Aug. 17. William Kelley. Sept. 25. Mark J. Blakely, (Vet.) * Co. G, 97th Inf. Sept. l. Jerome Coffrin, « Co. D. 97th Inf. Sept. 15. William Johnson, 0 Co. G, 8th U. S. C. T. Sept. 10. Barney Kishpaugh, Co. K, 76th Inf. Sept. 22. Edward A. Denison, (Vet.) Co. G, 147th Inf. Oct. 2. Garrett S. Ayres, Co. G, 147th Inf.YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE ” 203 Principal. Henry T. Sprague, East Bloomfield, Ontario Co. Isaac M. Shotwell, Caledonia, Livingston Co. Jacob J. Smith, Jerusalem, Yates Co. John Smith, Bristol, Ontario Co. David C. Sutherland, Seneca, Ontario Co. Jacob H. Shepard, Milo, Yates Co. Benjamin I. Seamans, Torrey, Yates Co. William W. Sutton, Sparta, Livingston Co. Ralph S. Taintor, Avon. Livingston Co. Thomas W. Toole, Seneca, Ontario Co. Elijah Thomas, Victor, Ontario ( o. Peter VanArsdale, Mt. Morris, Livingston Co. Jacob W. Vanderhoof, Manchester, Ontario Co. John B. Wheeler, East Bloomfield, Ontario Co. John Wilson, Hopewell, Ontario Co. Sidney W. Wood, Seneca, Ontario Co. John A. Woolston, Victor. Ontario Co. David Wood, Farmington. Ontario Co. Samuel P. Williams, Seneca, Ontario Co. Norman S. Whitney, Seneca, Ontario Co. William H. Whitaker, Benton. Yates Co. Gordon S. Wilson, North Dansville, Livingston Co. Carlton C. Wilbur, Lima, Livingston Co. Cheney P. Whitney, Seneca, Ontario Co. William Young, Canandaigua, Ontario Co. Must’d. Aug. 15. Aug. 19. Substitute. John Martin. Patrick Tierney. Sept. 1. Sept, 4. Aug. 28. Sept. 10. Sept. 11. Oct. 1. Aug. 15. Aug. 15. Aug. 25. Sept. 15. Sept. 15. Aug. 14. George P. Harrison, (Vet.) Co. I, 97th Inf. John Shirley, (Vet.) Co. I, 97th Inf. Lansing W. DeFreest, Co. K, 64th Inf. Alexander Grows, Co. A, 52d Inf. Carlton Cornwell, Co. K, 76th Inf. George A. Sutton, (Vet.) Co. G, 147th Inf. Martin J. Ellerbeck, Co. F, 2d Vet. Cav. Victor Lefever, (Deserted.) Calvin A. Finn, (Vet.) Co. A, 157th Inf. Calvin Palmer, Co. D. 97th Inf. David C. Patterson, Co. A, 52d Inf. William j. Lawless. Sept. 1. Aug. 17. Warren Densmore, (Vet.) (Deserted.) Charles Brooks. Aug. 21. Sept. 1. Aug. 20. Edward Grant, Co. B, 104th Inf. Andrew MacGill, Co. G, 97th Inf. James Thomas. Sept. 1. Sept. 4. Oct. 6. Aug. 25. Aug. 25. Thomas O’Hara, Co. F, 140th Inf. Thomas Fee, Co. B, 97th Inf. William Bromley, Co. A, 147th Inf. William C. Kirk, Co. C, 76th Inf. James Burns. Aug. 25. Levi A. Preston, Co. B, 8th U. S. C. T. THE EXPENSE Bounties paid by county during war ... Enlisting fees paid to recruiting officers Volunteer Aid to families ............. Interest on bonds during war .......... Incidental expenses ................... Interest on bonds—1866 ................ Interest on bonds—1867 ................ Interest on bonds—1868 .............. $614,880.00 23.365.00 18.207.00 19,752.95 4.241.68— $680,446.63 18,593.05 8,984.92 1.227.68— 28,805.65 Refunded by state for bounties ........... Refunded by state for excess years service Tax, 1862 ............................... Tax, 1863 ................................ Tax, 1864 ................................ Extra, tax, 1865 ......................... Tax, 1866 .............................. Tax, 1867 ............................ Tax, 1868 ............................... $709,252.28 $130,000.00 61,400.00—$191,400.00 30.000. 00 28.000. 00 122,369.00 80,000.00 118,914.68 119,816.92 18,7511.68- 517,852.28 $709,252.28 204 YATES COUNTY’S “ BOYS IN BLUE INDEX 3d N. Y. Infantry .... 5th N. Y. Infantry .... 5th N. Y. Yet. Infantry 10th N. Y. Infantry . . 12th N. Y. Infantry . . 13th N. Y. Infantry . . 18th N. Y. Infantry . . 23d N. Y. Infantry . . 26th N. Y. Infantry . . 28th N. Y. Infantry . . 33d N. Y. Infantry . . 34th N. Y. Infantry . . 35th N. Y. Infantry . . 38th N. Y. Infantry . . 40th N. Y. Infantry . . 44th N. Y. Infantry . . 47th N. Y. Infantry . . 48th N. Y. Infantry . . 5 2d N. Y. Infantry . . 54th N. Y. Infantry . . 63d N. Y. Infantry . . 64th N. Y. Infantry . . 65th N. Y. Infantry . . 67th N. Y. Infantry . . 76th N. Y. Infantry . . 77th N. Y. Infantry . . 80th N. Y. Infantry .. 81st N. Y. Infantry . . 85th N. Y. Infantry .. 86th N. Y. Infantry . . 89th N. Y. Infantry . . 91st N. Y. Infantry .. 93d N. Y. Infantry . . 94th N. Y. Infantry . . 96th N. Y. Infantry . . 97th N. Y. Infantry . . 98th N. Y. Infantry .. 100th N. Y. Infantry . . 101st N. Y. Infantry . . 102d N. Y. Infantry .. 103d N. Y. Infantry .. 104th N. Y. Infantry . . 105th N. Y. Infantry . . 107th N. Y. Infantry . . 111th N. Y. Infantry . . 112th N. Y. Infantry . . 120th N. Y. Infantry . . 124th N. Y. Infantry . . 126th N. Y. Infantry . . . 131st N. Y. Infantry . . 133d N. Y. Infantry . . . 140th N. Y. Infantry . , . 141st N. Y. Infantry . . 142d N. Y. Infantry . . , 146th N. Y. Infantry . . 147th N. Y. Infantry . . . 148th N. Y. Infantry . . . 149th N. Y. Infantry . . . 150th N. Y. Infantry . . . 154th N. Y. Infantry . . 157th N. Y. Infantry . . , 161st N. Y. Infantry . . , 163d N. Y. Infantry .. 169th N. Y. Infantry . . 179th N. Y. Infantry . . 188th N. Y. Infantry . . 189th N. Y. Infantry . . 193d N. Y. Infantry .. 194th N. Y. Infantry . . 1st U. S. Yet. Vols. . . 1st U. S. Sharpshooters 1st N. Y. Artillery . . Page. . . 20 . . 58 . . 167 . . 113 . . 20 . . 49 . . 22 . . 21 . . 24 . . 22 4 . . 23 . . 22 . . 23 . . 158 . . 93 . . 165 . . 165 . . 112 . . 152 . . 134 .. in . . 167 . . 24 . . 43 . . 51 . . 144 . . 155 . . 39 . . 48 . . 25 . . 158 . . 159 . . 135 . . 166 , . 109 . . 50 . . 107 . . 50 . . 53 . . 57 . . 112 . . 56 . . 58 . . 151 . . 151 . . 152 . . 152 , . 58 . . 163 , , 163 .. 166 , . 103 , . 153 , . Ill , . 110 , . 78 , . 163 , . 155 . . 153 . . 109 . . 103 . . 104 . . 167 . . 125 . . 144 . . 153 . . 167 . . 159 . . 164 . . 46 . . 152 Page. 3d N. Y. Artillery . .. 51 4th N. Y. Artillery . . . 101 5th N. Y. Artillery . . . 134 6th N. Y. Artillery . . . 129 8th N. Y. Artillery . . . 133 9th N. Y. Artillery . . . 154 10th N. Y. Artillery . ...... 153 13th N. Y. Artillery . 125 14th N. Y. Artillery . 119 16th N. Y. Artillery . 126 1st N. Y. Ind. Bat. . 127 20th N. Y. Ind. Bat. . 153 26th N. Y. Ind. Bat. . ...... 105 2d N. Y. Cavalry . . . 128 4th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 112 8th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 34 9th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 155 10th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 49 12th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 154 15th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 113 16th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 113 20th N. Y. Cavalry . . . 115 21st N. Y. Cavalry . . . 125 22d N. Y. Cavalry . . . 117 24th N. Y. Cavalry . 128 1st N. Y. Vet. Cav. . 114 2d N. Y. Vet. Cav. . 129 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rilles 128 2d N. Y. Mtd. Rifles . . . . . 132 1st N. Y. Dragoons . 154 11th Pa. Cavalry . . . 37 15th N. Y. Engineers 140 50th N. Y. Engineers 25 10th U. S. Infantry . 166 12th U. S. Infantry . ..... 167 14th U. S. Infantry . . . . . . 57 16th U. S. Infantry . 152 24th U. S. Infantry . 158 2d U. S. Cavalry . . . 105 5th U. S. Cavalry . . . 155 4th U. S. C. T 166 3th U. S. C. T ..,.. 109 10th U. S. C. T 167 20th U. S. C. T 151 25th U. S. C. T 159 26th U. S. C. T 127 29th U. S. C. T 155 37th U. S. C. T 139 38th U. S. C. T 159 114th U. S. C. T 164 5th Mass. Col. Cav. . 126 3d Brigade Band . . . 119 Norfolk Post Band . 156 1st D. C. Infantry .. . 25 2d D. C. Infantry ... 155 1st N. C. Cavalry . . . 139 44th Ind. Company . . . 167 U. S. Navy 168 Enl. in Other States . 169 Representative Recruits 170 tJnassigned Men 170 Bounty Jumpers 170 58th N. G. S. N. Y. . . . 174 Lt. Art., N. G. S. N. Y. 175 Nurses 175 Invalid Corps : 175 Prison Deaths 176 Veteran Re-enlistments 176 Various Information . 179 How Many Men ? 178 Draft Board Work . . . 181 Financial 203