Sirtare rete. eotts! o ty scones 2 aoe g mds ae) Les aga ry sehi ts é Tee ips Far Ana 4 4 id = Susy ae $8: ab i SS = Si as es ia eon a $ pe By seater ote Meengd astslasy: iid tate S Be <' ; rtp i Vigannttgr oes tessysseseets sist fprarney ae eatin eyo pa ete . ee is Pee sese beh: het inert sasy ie SRR ean .} $3 Sd Lb }ahate 34 ba9 patent 3 = Sree ee ert e53 N%57] THE GIFT OF Cornell Mniversity Library ached te DSim “11 pec 30 1953 ns | quss 1957kq } | saas-seeerF= JUN LB-REMI-E. MAR_1-24969 M P ee sy a a wun ABSTRACT OF NORTH CAROLINA WILLS COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL AND RECORDED WILLS IN THE + OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE = BY J. BRYAN GRIMES SECRETARY OF STATE , PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE ae TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES * RALEIGH: E. M. Uzzeut & Co., STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1910. v, A253034 INTRODUCTION. The increasing interest of the public in the old wills filed in the office of the Secretary of State has caused the Trustees of the Public Libraries to authorize the Secretary of State to prepare the within publication. An abstract of every will found in the office of the Secretary of State is published herein. These abstracts show the name of the testator, place of residence, names of wife, children, legatees, witnesses, probate officer, etc. ; also, names of plantations mentioned and remarkable items or noteworthy passages in wills. The first record I have been able to find providing for the keeping of wills in the office of the Secretary of State is the following order: Order’d that a Commission be Deliver’d to ye Honble Majr Samuel Swann Esqr Secretary of State for this province Impowering him to keep an office for ye proving of Wills Granting administrats & pro- betts and all other Matters for ye Ordering & Securing of Dead Mens Estates according to ye foll Rules. 1. The Honble Secretary of State for ye time being shall atend ye Secretaries Office att ye Genrll Court House ye first thursday in every mo who shall have full power to prove Wills grant probetts & administrations & take care of Dead Mens Bstates. 2. No will shall be proved or administration ordered either in ye Genrll Court or in ye precinct Court of Chowan Pequimans or Pascotant after ye first day of August next but only before ye sd Officer appoynted as afs’d and ye Clarks of each Respective precinct aforesd are hereby required to Return all papers and wrightings Re- lateing to wills & administrations and all other Concerns relating to Dead Mens Estates which shall Ly in their Respective offices into ye Secretaryes office within two mo. 8. Iff no person with in 2 months after ye Date of any person Dying Intestate appeare to sue for administration it shall be in ye power of ye sd officer to assigne an administrator. 4. Iff an Executor shall neglect to make proof of the will wthin 6 mo ye time Limitted by Law it shall be in ye power of ye sd Officer to Grant administration to the nearest of kinn if any sue for ye same if not to such pesons as he shall think fitt. 5. And ye-sd Officer shall not grant administran or probatt of ' Will till Certificate be produced of ye Register ye Death of ye pson decd in ye Respective Registers as ye Law Directs. 6. And every prson suing for Admintrat Shall give in Sufficient Security before ye sd Officer & before whom all Evidence shall be brought to prove wills. iv . InTRODUCTION. 7. And every prson who shall obtain admintrati or Probett shall within one year after such adminstrat. or probatt obtaind bring in a true Inventory with acct of ye Estate in their hands until they shall obtaine further time which ye sd Officer hath power & liberty to grant. The original of this paper was found by the late J. R. B. Hathaway in the courthouse at Edenton.” This order is without date, but was issued about 1700, as Samuel Swann was Secretary of State in that year and the first of his records are dated at that time. The next legislation I find in reference to wills is an act of the General Assembly of 1715, chapter 48, the caption and first three sections of which are as follows: AN ACT CONCERNING PROVEING WILLS AND GRANTING LET- TERS OF ADMINISTRATION AND TO PREVENT FRAUDES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INTESTATES ESTATES. I. Be It Enacted by his Excellency the Pallatine & and the rest of the True & Absolute Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, by & with the advice & consent of the rest of the Members of the General Assembly now met at Little River for the No. East part of the province & by the Authority of the same. II. It is Hereby Enacted & declared that all Wills & Administra- tions heretofore proved & granted by the Council, General Court, Precinct Court or by powers or Commission heretofore granted by any Governor, Deputy Governor, President & Council to any particular person or persons shall be deemed adjudged & taken to be good & effectual to all Intents & Purposes whatsoever as if proved before Or granted by any Ordinary or other Ecclesiastical Judge or person. III. And Be It Further Enacted by the Authority .afors’d that it shall & may be lawfull for the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being the General Court or Precinct Court to have Wills proved before them and Grant Orders for Administration. Provided the same be not repugnant to the Rules & Methods prescribed in this Act And Provided that the Granting Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration allways Excepted which shall be allways from & after the Ratification of this Act signed by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being and sealed with the Colony seale & only Issuing out of the Secretary’s Office & Counter signed by the Secretary or Deputy. * * * * * * * * This act validates probates up to that time, confirms let- ters of administration previously granted and provides for the better regulation of these matters. 1Published in The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol, III, p. 57. INTRODUCTION. Vv In 1723 a law was enacted more rigidly enforcing the making and filing of inventories. Both the acts of 1715 and of 1723 were brought forward and confirmed in 1749. During Governor Dobbs’ administration, in 1760, acts were passed’ “to establish Inferior Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in the several counties in this Province,” and’ “for establishing Superior Courts of Pleas and Grand Sessions and regulating the proceedings therein.” These acts provided for the filing and recording of wills in the clerk’s office, which is still the law. In an act of the General Assembly of 1754, ch. 6, sec. 8,° it was recited that “many original wills, patents and deeds have been lost for want of convenient offices to keep the same.” The various migrations of our capital since that date have undoubtedly added to these losses. Many of the wills here are in bad order, decayed, foxed and faded, and some of them are illegible. Where there is doubt as to correct recording of a will it is so stated or queried. The earliest will found is that of Mary Fortsen, which was made in 1663, but there are not many before 1690. There are a few wills filed here since 1760 which have been included in the abstract list. Occasionally it is found that a testator who was known to be an educated per- son signed his will by making his mark, so it is not always an evidence of illiteracy when the will is signed by a mark, nor is the signature to the will generally a satisfactory signa- ture of the testator, as often he was sick, weak or infirm in body at the time of signing the will. The original spelling has been preserved in making abstracts of wills and the same name is often found spelled in several different ways. It will be observed that the terms “father-in-law” or “mother-in- law” often mean stepfather or stepmother; sometimes they 2Col. Rec., Vol. XXV, p. 405. 8Col. Rec., Vol. XXV, p. 433. 4Col. Rec., Vol. XXV, p. 306. vi ‘INTRODUCTION. are referred to as “father” or “mother.” The term “cousin” will be frequently found to mean nephew or niece. It is interesting to note that in wills prior to 1752, two years are generally named for dates in the months of Janu- ary, February and March; for instance, January 20, 1718-9; but this was not always the case, and occasionally only one year is given. As examples, see wills of Caturrine Bussey, made January 22, 1738-9. Proved February Court, 1738. { Tuomas Barcuirt, made November 14, 1750. Proved at January Court, 1750. ' Nicnotas Birackman, made August 26, 1730. Probated March 11, 1730. On the continent and in Scotland the Gregorian Calendar was in use, but it was not adopted in England until 1751, when Parliament passed “An Act for Regulating the Com- mencement of the Year, and for Correcting the Calendar now in use.” This act provided that the year begin on the first day of January, 1752, and not on the twenty-fifth of March, as was then the usage. The same act provided that eleven days be omitted in September, 1752,” “and that the natural Day next immediately following the said second Day of September, shall be called, reckoned and accounted to be the fourteenth Day of September, omitting for that Time only the eleven intermediate nominal Days of the common Calendar, and that the several natural Days which shall follow and succeed next after the said fourteenth Day of September shall be respectively called, reckoned and num- bered forwards in numerical Order from the said fourteenth Day of September, according to the Order and Succession of Days now used in the Present Calendar.” If this is kept in mind, it will reconcile many apparently contradictory dates. The abstracts were prepared by Messrs. Wu. H. Sawyer -58tatutes at Large, vet i ue -1756; 24 Geo, II., C. 23, A. D, 1751, and as amended by 25 Geo. II., C. 30'A, D. 1752 INTRODUCTION. vil ‘and JosspH E. Sawyer, the proof read by Messrs. W. P. Batcuetor and Joseru E. Sawyer, and the index made by Mr. W. P. Barcuretor. To these gentlemen I desire to make acknowledgment for their faithful service. It is expected that this work will be interesting and helpful in genealogical research and especially valuable as illustra- tive of the domestic history of our people. It will also be found useful in tracing titles to properties. J. Bryan Grimes. ABSTRACT OF WILLS. ABERCROMBIE, HannauH. Pasquotank County. August 12, 1754. January Court, 1755. Daughter: Cararinn CHam- BERLIN. Grandchildren: Lucy and JErReMiAH CHAMBERLIN, DANIEL Everton, Wititiam, Hannan and James Everton, Courtney and ABY CHAMBERLIN. Executriz: CATHERINE CHAMBERLIN. Witnesses: THOMAS Taytor, WiLLIAM CoaLe. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Taytor. Execu- trix qualified before Ropert MurpEn. ABINGTON, JOSEPH. Currituck County. January 2, 1734-1735. July Court, 1735. Son: Witi1am (land on the Banks). Daughter: Mary Axpineton. Executor: Hmunry Woopas. Witnesses: Matutas and Mary Tourr, Francis Hopczs, OraHo HoLianp. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Axsineton, Tuomas. Pasquotank Precinct. November 13, 1707. December 28, 1707. Legatees: Mary Totty, Grorce Exuis, CaarLtes Grirrin, EvizapeTH HECKLEFIELD. Hzecu- tors: Tosisas Knicut, Joun and Taomas Pauin. Witnesses: JoHN HecKLEFIELD, Francis GILBERT, Mary Cooxkoo. Proven before W. GLOVER. Apams, ABRAHAM. i (No date). Sons: ABram ApAms (land lying on Pamlico River), Ricu- ARD Apams (land on Pamlico River), Wint1am ApaMs and WILLoBy Ap- ams. Daughter: Osta. Wife: Baraia, who is appointed executrix. Part of this will is missing and no dates are given. Apams, ABRAHAM. October 3, 1733. Witnesses: Paitip and Mary Sxure, JoHN CoLLison. Only last page of will is found. Apams, ABRAHAM. Bath County. December 18, 1734. Probate not dated. Sons: JamEs and JosePy (lands on Kengens Mill Creek and Old Town Swamp). Negroes bequeathed to sons. Daughters: Sana Apams, EvizaBetTH Apams. Wife and Exec- utriz: ANNE. Guardian and Trustee: Joun Hopason. Witnesses: Joun Cotuison, James Apams, Prerer Carag (or Cailaugh). Proven before GaB. JOHNSON. 2 AsstracT or Wiis, 1690—1760. Apams, CHaRrLzs. Craven County. March 21, 1757. April 20,1757. Wife: Marcaret. Executor: JoHN Starxey. Witnesses: Jur. Vain, Natu. Ricaarpson, Vinyp. Bonn. Proven before ArTHUR DosBs. Apams, JoHN. Bath County: February 17, 1733-1734. No probate. Sons: ABRAHAM, JAMES, EMAN- UEL, Joan, THomas. Daughters: Mantua, RacHeL and Mary Apams. Executors: ABRAHAM and James Apams (sons). Witnesses: OLIVER BLackK- BURN, RoBerT SHARPLES, JOHN ALDERSHIRE. Apams, JoHN. Z Craven County. September 19, 1750. Friends: JosspH Batca and Joun GowsEt, Feancis Merrincer and Wm. Herritace. Wife: Mary Apams, to whom is devised a sloop called “Adventure.” Ezecutors: JosepH BaLca and Mary Apams. Witnesses: Gmarsuam Spear, Rp. Loverr. Will proven by J. Vary. Clerk of Court: Puri Suita. Apams, Marcaret. Craven County. July 8, 1765. September 1, 1773. Executor and sole legatee: BERNARD ParKINGTON. Witnesses: Mary Hawxs, AmBpcoxX BayLey, PERRIGAN _ Cox. Proven before Jo. Martin. Avams (spelled Appomzs), Marruew. Chowan Precinct. August 9, 1703. November 25, 1708. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Son: Matruew. Daughter: Evizapnrn. Witnesses: THomas Buiount, Tuomas Buount, Jr., James Bonner. Proven before Tuomas Cary. Seal of the Colony affixed on probate. Avams, Prerer. Chowan County. December 13, 1745. March 31, 1746. Sister: Mary Mounce of Crediton in Devonshire. Son; Joun. Wife not named. Executors: Wittram Hoskins, Henry Bonner, and Joun Lewis. Witnesses: Joun Hut, Wiutiam Luren and Wituam Lewis. Proven before E. Hatt, C. J. Apams, Roger. Bladen County. August 2, 1739. August 6, 1739. Wife and Executriz: Francxs. Other legatees: Lucy and Joan Gran, GABRIEL JOHNSTON, SAMUEL Woop- WARD, James INNES, JaMEsS Murray. Witnesses: Tuomas Harv, Ropert Kwow.s, James Menzies. Proven before GaBRigEL JOHNSTON. Avpison, Ricuarp. Chowan County. August 12, 1720. January Court, 1724. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: SaMuEL Spruit, Ropert Fewox, Caartes CRapoc.. Clerk of the Court: Ropert Foster. Assrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 3 Aurtsr, JOHN. Onslow County. January 11, 1744-1745. October Court, 1746. Son: Winutam. Daugh- ter: ExizapetH Anier. Wife and Executriz: Evizapera. Witnesses: Srernen Howarp, StepHen Howarp, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Wii. HeEpexs. ALsertson, ALBERT, Sr. Perquimans Precinct. February 10, 1701. April 14, 1702. Sons:° Peter, NaTHanizL, AL- BERT and Easaw. Wife not named. Hzecutors: Perer and NarHaNIEL ALBERTSON (sons). Witnesses: JoHN Fauconer, NATHANIEL NicKOL- son, JosePH Suton. Clerk of the Court: Joun{STepney. Ausertson, Isaac. Pasquotank County. February 12,1759. March Court, 1759. Wife and Executriz: JEMIMA: Daughter: Rura Axvsperrson. Witnesses: THomas Cracuitu, Isaac Sitren (or Litten), Sanam Martin. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TayLor. ALBERTSON, JOSHUA, Perquimans County. August 5, 1753. October Court, 1753. Son: Francis (plantation). Daughters: Exizapeta, Mary and PeneLopy ALBERTSON. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Evxecutors: AARON and WILLIAM ALBERTSON (broth- ers). Witnesses: Puinseus Nixon, NaTHANIEL ALBERTSON, JOHN ANDER- son. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Aupertson, Mary. Perquimans County. Will not dated. Probated January 10, 1720-1721. Son: ALBERT. Grandchildren: Mary, JoHn and ELisaBeTH ALBERTSON. Executor: Atsert ALBERTSON (son). Witnesses: THomas StaFrorD, ALBERT AL- BERTSON, JR. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp Lzary. ALBERTSON, NaTHANIEL. Perquimans County. December 4, 1751. January Court, 1752. Sons: Josuva (land on Long Branch and Creek Swamp), Witu1aMm (‘my manner plantation’), AARON. Grandsons: BENJAMIN and CHALKLEY ALBERTSON. Daughters: HanNAH ALBERTSON, EvizaBetH Newsy, Lyppa TRuEBLOop. Negroes bequeathed to sons. Three sons appointed executors. Witnesses: JosHua PERIsHO, James Hense, Mary Morris. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcus. Auprrson, Simon. Beaufort County. Will not dated. Probated at December Court, 1740. Sons: Levin and Jonn. Daughters: ExizapeTH and Saran ALDERSON. Other legatee: JoHn Opzon. No executor appointed. Witnesses: Roperr Howarp, WiiwramM Martin. Clerk of the Court: Roazr JonEs. 4 ApstRActT oF Wits, 1690—1760. ALDRIDGE, JOHN. County not given. December 28,1705. April2,1706. Wéfeand Executriz: Doroty. Wit- nesses: Samut SiocumsB, RicHarp Situ, JonN Wixson. Clerk of the Court: Levi TRUEWHITT. ALEXANDER, ANTHONY. Tyrrell County. July 29,1741. November 3, 1741. Sons: AnTHony, JosEPH, LAMUEL, Brnsamin, Isaac, JoHN (plantation known by name of Mockason), Jos1as (plantation known as Tuttellfields), Giopron, JosHua. Daughters: ANNE, RacHeEt, Priscitua, SARAH, JANE, Naomi, Castan, Setu. Son-in-law and Executor: THomas Bateman. Witnesses: BrenyamMin Gipgoop, THOMAS Best, CHRistriAN ALEXANDER. Proven before J. MonTGOMERY. ALFORD, JABEZ. Chowan Precinct. July 9, 1705. July Court, 1706. Legatees: Grorce Tayter, Esayan Henuy, Luxe Haman, James Damevati, Mary DamEvaLi, THomas Dan- IELL, Saran Jones. Executor: THomas Pottock. Witnesses: THomas Jones, Henry Brooxs, James Firzgeraup. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Arorp, JoHN. Albemarle County. April 16, 1691. May 4, 1691. Daughters: TapirHa and Saran. Ezec- utor: CHARLES Jonss (father-in-law). Witnesses: Jonn Hunt, WILLIAM Pinpor, Hannan Woop. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp PLaTEr. Atupay, THomas. Bertie County. March 16, 1754. May Court, 1754. Sons-in-law: Witiiam and Brn- Jamin Cowarp (land on Cotahney). Other legatees: Tuomas Hicuman, Isaac, (2 molato boy), Witt1am Hicuman, Diana SANDERLIN. Ezecu-~ tors: Henry Hunter and Joun Sirs. Witnesses: Jonn Brogpen, Tomas Hyman, Moses Hunter, Perer Brogpen. Clerk of the Court: SaMUEL ORMEs. ALFORD, JOSEPH. Albemarle County. December 8, 1689. No probate. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Wit- nesses: CHARLES JONES, JOHN BarBer, Luprorp Ivy. ALLEN, ANDREW. Dobbs County. October 29, 1762. November 18, 1762. Wife: Prisciuza. Devisees: Tuomas Watton, Hannad Wa.ron, Grace MreErs, GILBERT Kerr, JouN VANSSELT, JOSEPH Parker. FExecutors: JACOB VANSSELT, Pris- citLa ALLEN, JosePH Kerr. Witnesses: ANTHONY VANSSELT, FREDER- IcK GIBBLE, ANNA GIBBLE. Name of Clerk of Court is torn off. AgsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 5 Aten, Evzazar. New Hanover County. January 1, 1742. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Nephews and Niece: Wituiam, Dantex and CatHertne WILLarD, children “of Jos1an WILLARD, of Boston, by my sister, CATHERINE Wiuuarp.” Ezecutors: James Has- SELL and NaTHanieL Rice. Witnesses: Susann Hasewy, Jas. Hasewu, Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farms. Impression of rope and anchor on seal. Auten, Hueu. Chowan County. July 5,1752. Noprobate. Sons: Josia, Jonn and Groner. Daughters: Eatce, Mary and Saran. Wife and Executriz: Evizapera. Witnesses: Ricuarp Bonp, RicHarp Sratuines, James Bonp. ALLEN, JAMES. Edgecombe County. December 4, 1733. February Court, 1733. Legatees: James KEeLury, Jomn Narrne (executor). Witnesses: WiLuiaM BrEtu, ANNE and JoHN Stone. Clerk of the Court: Ropert Forster. Impression of head on seal. ALLEN, JoHN. Bertie County. January 8, 1735-1736. August Court, 1736. Sons: Witu1am and RicHarD. Daughters: CATHRINE and Maraarer Auuin. Wife and Ezec- utriz: ExizaBeTH. Witnesses: THomas Manpen, Isaac Ricks and Henry Tupor. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Aten, Saran, wid. of Etzazar Atten. New Hanover Co. January 28,1761. April1,1761. ‘My body I commit to the earth, to be buried as near the remains of my late husband as not to hurt the founda- tions of his tomb, which was bestowed on him by my beloved niece, Mrs. SaRaAH FRANKLAND. “It is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid * * * hoping that Tuomas FRANKLAND, my said niece’s husband (whose mort- gage on the said Eimazar ALLEN’s estate may perhaps go near to swallow the whole), will not avail himself of that mortgage so as to cut off the just demands of my other creditors. “To my beloved niece, Mrs SARAH FRANKLAND, my wedding ring (plain gold) as a particular mark of my affection and a memento of my conjugal happiness, not doubting hers is equal, and may it be as lasting. Item: To my beloved niece, Mrs. Mary Jane Dry, I give and bequeath my gold watch (not of modern taste, but an excellent piece of mechanism), the gold chain and all the trinkets belonging thereto * * *. Item: To my be- loved nieces, the daughters of my sister Moors, Mrs. Sarau Smira of Charlestown, Mrs. Mary Haruston of the same place, and Mrs. ANN Swann of Cape Fear, I give a mourning ring to each of them * * *. Item: 6 Axsstract oF WIL1s, 1690—1760. To my beloved grandniece, Miss Mary Franxuanp, I give and bequeath my silver-chased teakettle and cream pot and lamp, also my walnut tree fineered tea chest containing three pieces of plate chased as the teakettle, in the form of urns for tea and sugar * * *. Item: I give to my grand- niece, Miss Hariar FRaNKLAND, my largest silver waiter * * *. Item: To my grandniece, Miss Repecca Dry, * * * a dozen teaspoons and strainer in a black shagreen case, designated to accompany an eight-sided silver coffee pot, put into her possession when I went to England in the year 1756, together with a shagreen writing stand, quite new, to encourage her in that part of her education in which she seems to be making great progress * * * To my beloved niece, Mrs. Mary Jane Dry, one silver saucepan. I give to my grandniece, SusanNan HaseLy, a mahogany dressing-table and a little gilt smelling bottle. I give to my grandniece, Mary Hass 1, a little mahogany tea chest. I give all the books of modern taste to my grandnieces, RepEcca Dry and Susanna Haset. I give to my generous and constant friend, Witu1aM Dry, a mourning ring. I give to my friend, Mrs. DrRossett, Sr., my silver etice in a black shagreen ease. As to all my other letters to and from my several correspondents abroad and in America, etc., etc. “It is my will that one acre of ground around the tomb of my said hus- band be reserved sacred for the use of our cemetery when the rest of the plantation of “Lilliput” shall be sold f f f. Executors: James Murray, Witut1am Dry, Henry Hyrnes, FrepERick Jones of the Oak & Witu1am BamprigLp of South Carolina. Wétnesses: Grorce Moors, Evizanera Catuerine DrRosset, James CoLson. Proven before ArTHUR Dosss: Coat of arms on seal at top of first page of will. Atuicoop, Ricwarp. Beaufort County. January 22, 1751. September 19, 1752. Sons: Hittery, Wituiam. Daughter: MatHEw Baver. Sons appointed executors. Witnesses: Grorce Jenkins, Joun ALLEGobp and Martua Jenkins. Clerk of the Court: WiLL ORMoND. Aston, JOHN. Chowan County. February 20,1755. December 2, 1758. Sons: JoszerpH JoHN ALSTON (land on White Oak River), Sovomon ALsTon (one negro), WinL1AM and Paitur Aston, James Atston. Daughters: Mary Sewarp, Evizasera Wituiams, Saran Kearny, Cuariry Dawson. Grandchildren: Joun, EvizABETH, Parry and Wititiam Aston. Executor: James ALSTON (son). Witnesses: ScasBrook Wixson, THoMas Byarp, JosErH PARKER. Proven before ArTHUR Dosss. AmBieEr, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. April 27, 1745. July Court, 1745. Friends: Joun Stevenson, Wit- L1aM STEVENSON (land{on Perquimans River), ZacHARIAH Nixon, Exiza- Asstract oF Wixxs, 1690—1760. 7 BETH Puetps, Henry PaHetrs, JoNATHAN PHELPS, JoHN Barcuirr of Wearneck, ExizaBeTH WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN Baptist, JoHN ReaD, Exiza- BETH REED, Josppa Surron. Executor: JoHN STEVENSON. Witnesses: Sam Scotiay, Wituiam Harowp, Francis Laypen. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harc#. Amsros, Davin. Chowan County. July 14, 1745. August 1, 1745. Sons: Davin, Wituiam, Jesse and Isrart. Daughters: Mary, Susannan and Mornine AmBros. Wife and Executriz: SusannaH. Witnesses: JacoB Privett, Davin Busu, James Craven. Proven before ENocw Hau, C. J. Coat of arms on seal. : ANDERSON, CaRroLus. Northampton County. February 10,1752. February Court, 1753. Daughters: RacnEL War- REN and Mary ANDERSON (land and negroes), Saran ANDERSON (land on Kubys Creek). Wife and Executrix not named. Witnesses: NicHouas and Witu1aM Boons. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Anprrson, EvizaBetu. Bertie Precinct. November 5, 1732. August Court, 1733. Sons: James, CARROLUS. Daughter: Evizapetu Pirman. Granddaughters: Evizaperu and SaraH ANDERSON (executrix) Witnesses: Ev1as Fort, Eatcer Fortt, HENRY Crompton. Clerk of the Court: Ropert Forster. ANDERSON, ELISABETH. Perquimans County. May 25, 1757. January Court, 1760. Sons: Jon and Samuzt, Daughter: AsicaiL CHarLes. Granddaughters: EvizapetH and Sarau Henss. Grandsons: Wituiam ARNOLD and JosHua ALBERTSON. [xecu- tors: Witt1amM ARNOLD, JOHN ANDERSON and WILLIAM ALBERTSON. Witnesses: Joun BoswEL, JoserpH Bosweiu, Saran ANDERSON. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. ANDERSON, GEORGE. Granville County. July 6, 1757. March 7, 1758. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Daughter: Eave AnpEerson. Brother: Wituiam ANDERSON. Nephew: GEorGE AN- DERSON (son of William). Other legatees: ExizaBeTa and JoHn UNDER- woop. Executor: OSBORNE JEFFREYS. Witnesses: JamMES BRaEzarR, Witiram Anperson, THomas SmitH. Clerk of the Court: DaninL WEL- DON. ANDERSON, JAMES. Perquimans County. February 6, 1741-1742. December 14, 1742. Sons: James and Jonn. Executor: Ricnarp SKINNER. Witnesses: THomas Jessop and THomas Bateman. Proven before W. Smita. 8 Asstracr oF Wiis, 1690—1760. ANDERSON, JOHN. Perquimans County. January 27, 1744-1745. March 5, 1745. Ezecutors: CHRISTOPHER Surron and ABRAHAM MULLEN. Other legatee: JANE MULLEN. Witnesses: Grorce Woop, ELenprr Muuuen. Proven before GAB JOHNSTON. ANDERSON, JOSEPH. Chowan County. 1750. January Court, 1750. Daughter: Mary ANDERSON. Guardians of daughter: Tuomas Barker, Dr. SamuEeL SaBInE PLoMER and WILLIAM Mearns. Brother: James ANDERSON, near Lundy. Sister: MarcarET AnpERSON, in Bonnetown, near Leish. Daughters-in-law: Lucy and Acnes Martin. Ezecutors: THomas Barker and JoserH BLounr. Wife: Ann. Witnesses: Joun Hausey, Wituiam Luten and James Craven. Codicil bearing date December 24, 1750, makes further pro- vision for daughter and confirms appointment of THomas BaRKER as executor. Weinesses to Codicil: Prrer Payne and Joan McKixpo. Clerk of the Court: Wii Mrarns. ANDERSON, JOSEPH. Perquimans County. September 23, 1751. October Court, 1751. Daughter: Exizapera (land on Moses Creek, and two negroes). Hzecutor: ZacHARIAH Nixon. Witnesses: James and Sirvanus Henpe, Samus, ANDERSON. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. ANDREWS, JOHN. Rowan County. October 3, 1756. No probate. Sons: James and Joun. Daughter: Janet. Wife: Agnes. Ezecutors: THomas Doveias and James AN- DREWS. Witnesses: Joun Martin, Wittiam Nipwack, EvisaBpeta Law- RENCE. Codicil dated October 3, 1756, makes provision for minor children. Witnesses: Exisapeta LAwREence, WILLIAM NIBLaAcK, JOHN MarTEN. Awprews, THomas. Bertie Precinct. January 12, 1736-1737. March 31, 1737. Legatees: Ropert Bru, THomas ANDREWS (executor). Wutnesses: THomas Davy, ANN and PENE- Love Bett. Proven before W. Smits, C. J. Awnprews, WaRREN. Tyrrell County. May 4, 1772. February 28, 1774. Sons: Levi, Epmunp and Eraet- DRED ANDREWS. Daughters: Mitten Buunt, Marraa Pearse, Exisa~ BeTH ANDREWS. Wife: Sarau. Three sons appointed executors. Wit- nesses: WinuiamM Eviis, RoBEN SHERROD. Proven before Jo Martin. Anetyn, PETER. March 14, 1710. No probate. Sons: Henry, Peter and Joun. Daughter: ANN. Executor: THomas PoLLockEe. Witnesses: LAURANCE Sarson, Ropert West, Jonn Jones, THomas ASHLY Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 9 ANSELL, JOHN. Currituck County. September 12, 1738. April Court, 1740. Son and Executor: Joun. Daughter: Saran Roserts. Grandson: James Roserts. Witnesses: Henry Waitt, Hirary Waits, Leapy Wuite. Clerk of the Court: Witii1am SHERGOLD. x AwnsELL, Joun, “of Netsiland.” Currituck County. April 6, 1753. March Court, 1755. Sons: Jon, Wi.i1aM, JAMEs, Cates. Daughters: Mary and LutessHa. Wife not named. Executor: Joun ANSELL (son). Witnesses: Cates Wut, JosHua Warren, Paut Euison. Clerk of the Court: Witi1aM SHERGOLD. Anstey, SoLomon, Tyrrell County. August 27, 1750. March Court, 1750. Daughters: Mary, Saran, Exaza- BETH, ANN, RacHEL and Easter Anstey. Sons: JoHn and Josep. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Samunt Spruit, MarrHew CaRSWELL, SAMUEL SPRUILL, JR. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jongs. ARDERNE, JOHN. October 22, 1707. May 17, 1712. Kinsman: Wiiuiam DucKENFIELD (tract of. land known by name of Salmon Creek, ‘“‘all negro, indian, molato slaves, all horses, mares, cobbs, cattle, hoggs, young and old, and everything else in America, England, or any other part of the world.””) Executor: W11- 1AM DUCKENFIELD, Esq. Witnesses: Henry Lysiz, Tao. ARNOLD, Gro. BLaINnyE, CHARLES BarBour, JOHN TALOR. ARENTON, CHRISTOPHER. Chowan County. April 22, 1753. July Court, 1753: Son: Witiu1am. Daughter: ApBE- GELL Huparp. Wife and Exzecutrixz: Saran. Witnesses: THomas PEIRCE, Mary Creecy, Joun Fennewy. Clerk of the Court: Wii Hatsey. Azenton, WILLIAM. Craven County. January 23, 1761. Daughters: Repeckan, Mary and Lean. Wife: Mary. Executor: Henry SHipparD. Witnesses: Epmunp Harcu, Mar- TIN SHipparD. No probate. ARMSTRONG, JEAMS. June 22, 1684. November 2, 1685. Executor and sole legatee: RicHaRD Crace (1). Witnesses: Henry Waite and Witiiam Jackson. No pro- bate officer. ARLow, JAMES. December 27, 1757. February Court, 1758. Nephew: Joun ARLow. Wife and Executriz; Brinaet (house and lot in Wilmington). Hzecutor: 10 Axsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. BrensamMin Morison. Witnesses: Ben Wueariey, ArTuuR Masson, Joun Jones. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Armour, JoHN. Pasquotank County. March 21, 1728. March Court, 1729. Son: Joun. Daughters: Mary, Ann. Other legatees: Joun Davis and Wituiam Davis (brothers of: former wife). Wife and Executrix not named. Ezecutor: Davip BaRLY (father-in-law). Wotnesses: (Signatures of witnesses, probate and por- tion of will missing.) Armor, WILLIAM. Pasquotank Precinct. December 13, 1719. January 25,1719. Legatees: THomas and Tue- OPHILUS ARMOR (sons), RoBerr and Jonnw ARMor and Ann Means, WIL- uiaM BrotHers. Executor: JoHN ARMor. Witnesses: WiLi1AM JAMES, THomas Crank. Proven before JNo. PALIN. Armstrone, JoBN. Currituck County. March 28, 1753. March Court, 1755. Wife and Executrix: Asian. Witnesses: THos. Wituiams, Josaua Brent, Lucy Purr. Clerk of the Court: WitLiam SHERGOLD. ARnoLp, Epwarp. Chowan County. February 23, 1748. April Court, 1752. Son and Executor: Epwarp. Daughter: Hannan Statuines. Wife: Puieasant (plantation and ne- groes). Witnesses: JoHN SumMNeER, RicHarp Broruers, ArsiLLA WEBB. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Impression of lion rampant on seal. ARNOLD, JOHN. Perquimans Precinct. March 21, 1723. July 14, 1724. Sons: Joan, Lawrence, WILLIAM and JoserH. Daughter: EuizapeTs ARNoLD. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Wittiam Han, James Jones, ABRAHAM ReEiqs, JOHN RuIGs. Clerk of the Court: Ricup Leary. ; ARNOLD, JOHN. Perquimans County. April 11, 1735. July 21, 1735. Son: Joun. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetH (land at Deep Creek). Executor: SamurL Parsons. Wit- nesses: JAMES GIBSON, WILLIAM ARNELL. Clerk of the Court: Jamus Craven. Crest on seal. ARNOLD, JOSEPH. Perquimans County. November 30,1751. April Court, 1752. Daughter: Mary. Evxecutors: Wituiam and Lawrence ARNoLp (brothers). Wétnesses: James Gipson and Wituiam Bateman. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. AssTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 11 ARNoLp, LawRENce. Albemarle County. December 14, 1691. February 2, 1691. Son and Executor: Joun. Other legatee: Lawrence Goprrey. Witnesses: EizABETH JENKINS, Isaac RowpEen. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp PLaTErR. ARRINGTON, WILLIAM. Northampton County. January 11,1750. February Court, 1752. Sons: Brigas and WILLIAM (plantation to each). Other legatees: James Ross, NATHANIEL WILLIAMS. Evecutors: Joan Dawson and NatHan Wiuutams. Witnesses: Henry Dawson, JoHn Pitman, Jonn Brock. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps, Arruur, JOHN. Chowan County. May 29, 1735. October Court, 1735. Legatees: Witt1am Faxraw, Jacos Privit, Joan Hanan. Lzecutors: Toomas Luren and Constant Luten. Witnesses: WitLiam GooLpsBERRY, HUMPHREY WesBR, Epwarp Howcorttr. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Artuur, JOHN. Craven County. January 7, 1751. March 2,1751. Sons: Joun, James, Marraew and Wiuiiam. Daughters: ANN and Mary. Wife and Executriz: Bripcer. Witnesses: CuHar.tes Evirt, Roperr Moorr, AMMEY Moore. Proven before GABRIEL JOHNSTON. Asuz, Joun Baptista. Bath County. November 2, 1731. November 15, 1734. Sons: Joun and SamueEt. Daughter: Mary. Brothers: Joan and Samurt Swann. Other legatees: Joun Russert, Danie, Henprick of South Carolina. The following lands devised: “lands up the northwest branch of Cape Fear River, called Ashwood, situated between the lands of Jonn Portsr of Virginia, mer- chant, and the plantation whereon Danie. Donano now lives.” ‘My other lands on the north side of the river directly opposite to those afore- mentioned”; * * * land on Stumpy Sound called Turkey Point; 100 acres called Stumpy Island or New River Banks; 400 acres “above WinLiam Lewis’s plantation on the Main Branche of Old Towne Creek’’; 2,560 acres near Rockfish Creek on the northwest branch of Cape Fear River; 640 acres of land on the northeast branch of Cape Fear River.” The following item may be of interest: “I will that my slaves be kept to work on my lands and that my estate be managed to the best advantage so as my sons may have as liberal an education as the profits thereof will afford; and in their educa- tion I pray my executors to observe this method: Let them be taught to read and write and be introduced into the practical part of Arithmetick, not too hastily hurrying them to Latin or Grammar; but after they are pretty well versed in these, let them be taught Latin and Greek. I propose 12 AxgsTRacT oF Wits, 1690—1760. this may be done in Virginia; after which let them learn French; perhaps some Frenchman at Santee will undertake this. When they are arrived to years of discretion let them study the Mathematicks. To my sons when they arrive at age.I recommend the pursuit and study of some profession or business (I could wish the one to ye Law, the other to Merchandize), in which let them follow their own inclinations. I will that my daughter be taught to write and read and some feminine accomplishments which may render her agreeable; and that she be not kept ignorant of what ap pertains to a good housewife in the management of household affairs. Item: I give to each of my executors a gold ring as a token of the respect, ‘etc. I will that a brick Vault may be built at Groveley and my Dear Wife’s body taken up out of the Earth and brought and laid there; if it should be my fortune to die in Carolina so as my corpse may be conveyed thither, I desire that one large Coffin may be made and both our bodys laid together therein and lodged in the said Vault.” Ezecutors: Epwarp Mosr.ey, Rocrr Moors, Naruaniey Ricz, Samurt and Joan Swann, Wituiam Downine and Epwarp Smita. Witnesses: MenitropeL Rutter, Joan Hawkins, Cor- NELIUS DarGaNn, Mic Rurrer. Codicil dated October 16, 1734, appoints Jos Hows and THomas Jonzs Ezecutors and directs interest in sawmill owned by testator and Marr Rowan to be sold. Wétnesses: Jamus Innus, JosEPH WALTERS, Epwarp SmitH. Proven before Gas Jonnston. Evzec- utors qualified before W. Smita, C. J. Impression of dragon’s head on seal. AsHtry, JoHN. Anson County. February 1, 1759. No probate. Sons: Joun, Francis and WILLIAM (land on Bare Creek), Jurpen. Daughters: Mary ANN Franks, ELInor Surron, Ross Toucustonr, Saran Asutey. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: RicHARD YARBOROUGH, CHRISTOPHER TOUCHSTONE, FREDER- Ick Asxkuz, JouN. Isle of Wight County. Not dated. No probate. Son: Wittiam. Brother and Executor: Nicuotas Askurn. Witnesses: JouN Browne, WILL WiuiaMs, Exiza- BETH Browne. Original missing. Abstract made from recorded copy, Book 1712-1722, page 31. Avent, Tomas. Northampton County. April 15,1751. February Court, 1752. Brother and Executor: Witi1aM Avent. Wife: Ustpa. Children not named. Executor: Joun Moors. Witnesses: Ricnarp Moore and Joun Davis. Clerk of the Court: I. EpWwarbs. \ Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 18 Averitt, NaTHANIEL. Onslow County. December 4, 1755. Probate not dated. Sons: Joun, ARTHUR, BensamMin NaTHanieL, EpHaty Averitr. Son-in-law: JonaTHan En- nett. Daughter: Nancy Averitt. Executors: StrrpHen Len, JOHN Mitton and Captain JoHn AsHE. Witnesses: NATHANIEL Knott, Eviza- BetH Carey, Jonn Hunt. Clerk of the Court: W1tu Cray. Crest on seal. Avsry, Jou. Hyde County. October 27, 1740. Probate not dated. Wife: Jane. Other legatees: Marrua Smits, Acnres Siapr, THomas, WILLIAM and SamueL Smira (sons of John), Lyp1 (wife of Benjamin Russell), EuizapeTa and Dorcas Smitn, Jonn SmirH, Darcas Wor.LDLY, JAMES AVERY, GILBERT Mack- wary, Kezia Hapuey, Evizapetu (daughter of Uriah Collins), Foster Jervis, Lyp1a CaTHricHt, Jamms Avery. Ezecutors: Jonn Smira and Foster Jervis. Witnesses: Urtan Cotuins, WILLIAM Sitvester, WIL- tiAM Gippens. Clerk of the Court: Witi1am Barrow. Bapuam, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. October 28, 1736. November 3, 1736. Devisees and legatees: ELLEN and Mary Dunston (daughters of Martha and John Dunston), BARNABY Strezty Dunston (son of John), RicHarp W1Lu1AM Dunston (son of John), Joun Laporte. The following lands devised: Plantation on Macheco- mock Creek; lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in town of Edenton; land on Rockahock Creek, in Chowan; plantation on Chinkapin Swamp, in Bertie; 640 acres in Bertie precinct; plantation near Edenton, “whereon I now live’; back plantation called ‘“Heldersham”; 305 acres in Chowan. About ten negroes bequeathed. Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Executors: THOMAS Jones and JosePpH ANDERSON. Witnesses: THomas Jones, BENJAMIN Hitz and Tuomas Jackson. Proven before W. Smits. Original of this will is missing. Abstract made from recorded copy, No. 136, in Land Grant Records, Book 4. Baecrtr, NicHowas. Bertie County. January 9, 1753. April Court, 1755. Sons: Brnsamin, NicHOLAs, ABRAHAM, JoserH, BarnaBey, THomas (‘the plantation whereon I now live”), Harpy, Joun. Daughters: Mary West, Mantua Baccerr, Exiza- Beta Warp, Saran BageeTr. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: JosepH and Tomas BaacerT (sons). Witnesses: CHarLes Horne, Joun Hooks. Clerk of the Court: BensamMIn WYNNS. Baeury, THomas. July 19,1727. Sons: Tuomas (“plantation whereon I now live’), W1L- Liam (land on Great Branch). Daughter: Hanna Bacizy. Wife: Svu- 14 Axssrract or Witts, 1690—1760. sana. Ezecutors: Susana Bacuey (wife) and JoserH Jessop. Witnesses: Ricwarp Woop, Josias Bacnse, Witiiam SHarso. Clerk of the Court: CHarites DENMAN. Baitzy, Davin. Pasquotank County. October 6, 1745. March 29, 1746. Sons: JosmpH (one plantation, three negroes, one whipsaw, one steel trap, one corn mill), Benyamin (land bought of Ebenezer Hall, and one negro), Ropsrt (land and plantation, “The Folly,’ two negroes, half of new schooner), Simon (plantation called “Piney Point” lying at Core Sound, one negro). Daughters: ELIZABETH Bryant, Saran SNowpvon and Tamar Barter. Stock.mark of testator, swallow fork in right ear, the left ear off; also poplar leaf in ‘‘ye left ear and a crop and a slit in ye right.” To daughter Tamar is bequeathed one woolen wheel made at Core Sound. Other legatees. Mir1am OvERMAN and Davin Watts (children of second wife). Wife: THamMar. Evxecu- tors: JosrPH BartEy (son) and Simon Bryant (son-in-law). Witnesses: Taos. Wrrxs, Patrick Baitny, JoHN Baimtzy. Proven before ENoca Hatt, C. J. Batty, Joun. , Hyde County. July 23,1749. March Court,1758. Daughter and Executriz: Marcarer Batty. Friend: Tuomas Bartow (son of Elizabeth Kelly). Witnesses: Taos. Loacu, Jonn Smiru, Wm. Carpine. Clerk of the Court: SrapHEN DENNING. Barrer, Joseru. Pasquotank County. June 17,1749. August 4,1749. Daughter: Anne Bartey (“plantation whereon I now live”). Brothers: Srmon and Rosert Barney. Sisters: Tamar Battery, SaranSnowpvon. Executors: Ropert BaLEy (brother), Patrick Poon. Witnesses: Patrick Bartny, Davin Bamtey, HENRY De Son. Will proven before Gas. Jounsron at Eden House. Coat of arms on testator’s seal. : Bairp, Rrcwarp. Sons-in-law: Witi1am Boge and Boer. Wife: Jeane. Cousin: CaTHERN CuLaRKy. Other legatees: JAMES Loapinar, Marereetr Boas. Executors: James and CHRISTOPHER Witnesses: Prter Orey, PATRICK: On the back of this will appears another will of Ricnarp Brarp, in which appear the names of JAMES Lapman, CaTRING Cuarke, Hannan Barp, JANNE Brarp (wife), Witt1am Moors, Joun Litey (executor), Witt1am Bocs, WILLIAM Larness, Coartes McDanign, Ricnarp Hicknry, Hannan Hie. Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 15 Baxer, Hewry. Chowan County. January 9, 1737. May 1, 1739. Sons: Henry (“All the land whereon I now live * * * these negroes vizt: Guy, Clouse, Bob, Caesar, Ned, Jacob, Young Diner and Hagar * * * my watch, seal, desk, 6 Russia chares, ye great glass, my sword, one deal table”); Jonn (“All my land at a place called Little Town and my land joining on Banks Wynn & Askue, and the land bought of Witit1am Garret in Bertie precinct * * * these negroes, vizt, Arthur, Juno, Finney, Little Bobb and Dick * * *”); Biaxs (“land bought of John and Thomas Wilkins in Chowan * * * land on Ahoskie Marsh in Bertie and the steck thereto belonging * * * these negroes, vizt, Cipio, Joe, Patt and Argalus’’); Davip (‘130 acres of land at Meherring Landing adjoining to the ferry”). Daughters: Mary and Sarau (two ne- groes to each), Ruta. Son: Zavocx, (twenty shillings). Wife: Rus (six negroes). Brothers and Executors: WiLLiaAM, James and LAWRENCE BakEr. Witnesses: Epwarp Vann, JoHN Brapy, Epwarp WarreEN. Proven before W. Smrru, C. J. Original of this will is missing. Abstract made from recorded copy No. 81 in Land Grants, Book 4. Baxer, Moszs. Chowan County. January 26, 1723. January Court, 1724. Sons: Brenerr, WiuLiaM. Wife and three daughters mentioned but not named. Ezxecutors: Wife and RicHarp MinsHon. Witnesses: AaRON BuancHarD, Wm. HILu, Wittiam Wesson. Clerk of Court: Ropert Forster. Baucu, Josmpu.” Craven County. December 18,1750. February 13,1752. Iriend: Jonn Marxs. Wife: Susannan Baucu. Her daughters: Poorse and Mary. Nephew: JosEPH Batcx (son of Benjamin Balch). Ezecutor: Joun Starkey. Wutnesses: Ropert Moore, JNo. Sneap, CuristopHeR Neat. Deputy Clerk of Court: Sou. Rew. Batey, Joun. Chowan County. July Court, 1716. Wife: Marny. Friends: Henrey Ciarx, JErery Lytes. Ezecutriz: Mary Bauey (wife). Witnesses: Hmnrey Cuark, Jerery Lytes, Witt MircHeiy. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Batt, Jonny. Carteret County. November 10, 1749. December Court, 1749. Sons: NatHan (“houses and plantation whereon I now live’’), STEPHEN (150 acres land on “west side of Brice’s plantation’), James (150 acres land “adjoining plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Saran Batu, RacHen Baty. Wife: MaGpaLenr Bay. FExecutors: MaGDALENE Bau (wife) and SamuEL Noster. Witnesses: Davip Turner, Francis Eqteron, Resecca Tur- NER. Clerk of the Court: Gro. Reap. 16 ABsTRACT oF Wittus, 1690—1760. Batt, THomas. Chowan Precinct. March 28, 1722. April 17, 1722. Son: Wiui1am (200 acres land on Corsaks Swamp; 200 acres land; 400 acres of land). Daughter: ANN Batt. Wife and Evxecutrix: Evizepnta. Executor: THomas YeErTvs. Witnesses: JosepH Hupson, JoHN Buckier, THos. Oupnen. Deputy Clerk of the Court: W. BapHam. Bariarp, ABRAHAM. Perquimans County. November 9, 1753. April Court, 1754. Sons: Jeruro (“plantation whereon I now live’), Kmapan. Daughters: Apsttua BaLLarD, Bata- SHEBA Bauuarp. Wife: Eizapeta. Ezecutors: EizaBEeTH (wife) and Joun Sumner. Witnesses: Saran Norrunet, Puriiista NorFLEET, Joun Sumner. Clerk of the Court: WILLIAM SKINNER. Batrarp, Joun, Chowan Precinct. t July 12, 1736. November 26, 1736. Wife: Mary. Daughter: ANN Bariarp. Daughter-in-law: Saran. Exzecutors: Joun Lewiss, JOHN Jongs, Jr. Witnesses: Bensamin Tatsot, Wittiam Fatitow. Proven before W. Suir. Bartarp, JosEPn. Chowan County. July 21, 1729. October 14, 1729. Sons: Joun, Josep (“my planta- tion”), Evisuer, Eutas. Daughters: Martaa, Susanne, Estazr. Wife: Anne. Executor: JoserpH Battarp (son). Witnesses: James Many, Joun Hooxs, Jouw Purvis. Will proven before Richarp EVERARD, at Edenton. BaLLentine, Grorae. January 14,1723. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Dinan. Witnesses: Aaron OLiver, ALEXANDER BALLENTINE, ELINER WENTFORD. Banes, Asian, widow of JonaTuan. Craven County. June 3,1755. Cousin: Exizasnru Hopss (‘my lot in Newbern Town”). Daughter: Berry Banes. Sisters: ExizaperH and Mary Carruraers, Brothers: JoHN Carruroers, Winuiam Carruruers. Executors: Wu.- L1aM CaRRruTHERs (brother), Ropert Jonss, “oturney at law.” Wétnesses: WituiaM CrREEKMORE, Rusin HAMMONTREE, WILLIAM CaRRUTHERS, Sr. No probate. Banos, JonaTHan. Craven County. October 7, 1743. June 15, 1744. Wife: Asian. Daughter: Berry Banas. Sister: THAaNKFULL Covetu. Ezecutors: Jon CARRUTHERS (uncle), Apran Banes (wife). Witnesses: FRANCIS Brintey, Jno. Car- RUTHERS, Jo. Rp. Hickson. Clerk of the Court: W. Rourueper. Coat of arms on seal. Asstrract or Wits, 1690—1760. 17 Banks, WILLIAM. Craven County. April 7, 1772. May 27,1772. Wife: Anne. Daughters-in-law: Svu- SANNAH and Fittper Moors. Sons-in-law: Joun Moors, WILLIAM Moors. Brother: JonaTHAN Banxs. Evxecutors: JONATHAN BANKS (brother) and CuristopHeR NEALE. Wzetnesses: James Coor, BENsa- MIN ForpHAM, JOHN Moors. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Baptist, Bensamin. Chowan County. March 24, 1752. April Court, 1752. June 15, 1752. Son: Epmunp. Wife: Mary Cuark Baptist. Ezecutors: Mary C. Baptist (wife), Epmvunp Baptist (son) and Epmunp Hatcs. Witnesses: J. Parmer (?), Epmunp Hatcu, Saran ARNOLD. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Executrix qualified before BLouUNT. Bagser, Joun. Albemarle County. June 10, 1692. April Court, 1693. Servant: Roperrt Harper, 10 pounds, and servant to be set free at date of death. Remainder of estate to ANN Boyce, wife of William Boyce, debarring said William Boyce from any claim or possession of any of said estate. Witnesses: Toomas Pauin, Em. Niscon, Epwarp Mayo. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Barcuirt, Jonny. Perquimans County. April 23, 1759. July Court, 1759. Wife: EvizaseTH Barcuirt. Sons: Asa Barcuirt, Demson Barcurr, Bensamin Barcurr, JOHN Barcurt, Noan Barcurt. Daughters: Mary Barcuirr, Exiza San- DERSON. Executors: SamurL Surron and Tuomas Stevenson. Wit- nesses: James Gipson, Samuret Barcuirt, Mataias Jonnson. Clerk of Court: Mites Harvey. Barcurt, JosHua. Perquimans County. November 29, 1755. January Court, 1756. Sons: Wiii1am (“planta- tion whereon I now live”), James,Buaxe. Daughters: Miriam BarcuiFt, Ann Barcurt. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Joan Barciirr (cousin), JoserH Roprnson, WILLIAM TRUMBALL (nephew). Wuetnesses: JAM™S Gipson, Tutte Winuiams, Grorce Les. Clerk of the Court: Mitus Harvey. Barciirr, THomas. Perquimans County. November 14, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Wit11am, THomas and Josrrx. Daughters: Saran Brvcoop, ExizaserH Wricur, Mary Jackson, ANNE GorpEN. Wife and Execuiriz: ExvizannTaH. Witnesses: James Gipson, JonN Barcuirr. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcn. 2 18 Axsstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Barcurrt, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. July 25, 1733. December 19, 17338. Son: Wriiuiam. Wife: Sarau. Ezxecutors: SaraH Barcurr (wife) and Josoua Waite. Witnesses: Joun ArNnEeLL, NexemMian Wuite. Clerk of the Court: Isaac PALMER. Barcuirt, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. March 22, 1747-1748. January Court, 1748. Sons: JosHua (“use and occupation of my mannor plantation for two years’’), SAMUEL, JOSEPH, Tuomas, Joun. Daughter: Mary Grisson. Grandson: Wituism BaR- cuirT (son of Joshua). . Executors: JoHN Barcuirr (cousin), EDMUND Harcs. Witnesses: Joun Nicxois, Jonn Barcuirr, Epmunp Hatcs. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hartca. Courthouse at Phelps Point. Barcock, WILLIAM. Pasquotank Precinct. March 5, 1730. July 10, 1731. Sons: Tomas (100 acres land upper end of my Island’’), Writt1am, Danrexx (100 acres adjoining Thomas), Peter (100 acres adjoining Daniell), Jon (100 acres ‘‘on bee tree neck”), JoserH (“plantation I now live on,” containing 140 acres), Luxe. Daughiers: Janz and Ann. Wife and Executrixz: JANE. Witnesses: JAMES Forsus, Resecca Forsus, Jonn Betz. Clerk of the Court: WiILLIam Wyorr, Barecocx, THomas. Pasquotank County. January 1,1721. January 17, 1721-1722. Sons: WiLuiam and THom- AS Barecock. Daughters: EvizaperaH Upron, Saran SANDERLIN, PRIs- CILLA GREGORY, MarcarRET Grecory, RepexaH Forsus and Marta Forsus. Granddaughter: Marcarrr Davis. Grandson: CaLEB GREG- ory. Ezxecutors: Wititam Barecock and Marcarer Gregory. Wit- nesses: BatEy Forsus, JoHN Bett, Grorce Lumizy. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp GALE. BaREFIELD, RICHARD. Bertie County. November 22, 1728. February Court, 1728. Sons: RicHarp, IsHam, Sotomon, James, Henry, WiuuiamM, Tuomas. Grandson: RicHaRD BarerietD. Wife: Mary BarErieLp. Ezecutors: Ricuarp BaREFIELD (son) and Winiiam More. Witnesses: Witi1am Jones, THOMAS WHIPPLE, ALEXANDER Cotton. Letters were issued August 8, 1729. BareFietp, Jonny, on New River. Onslow County. November 24,1742. Son: Luxe. Daughters: Mary Epwarps, SaRAH Jones, Ross, Juprru. Wife and Ezecutriz: Exizapeta. Witnesses: Jamus Barrietp, Ricuarp Jounstoun, JoHN Quartay. No probate. Azgstract oF Wixt1s, 1690—1760. 19 Barriecp, RicHarp. Duplin County. May 1, 1754. Sons: Henry (“plantation I now live on”), Jesse, Sotomon. Daughters: Mary Barrietp, Bera Barrietp, AN GRADY, Catrren Tater. Granddaughter: Buta Tarer. Ezecutors: SoLoMon and Jesse BarFizLp (sons). Witnesses: James BarFieLp, JoHN Morris, Sotomon BarFietp. Register: Joan Ducxson (or Dickson). Bartow, RozBert. Hyde County. November 24, 1751. March, 1752. Legatees: Foster Jervis, Dinan Smira, Martraa Smita, Hannan McNauuin, Wituiam Sitvester. Ez- ecutor: WiLLiam SILvester. Witnesses: Benga. Russett, Jor, Bar- ton. Clerk of the Court: Fran. Eateton. Courthouse at Woodstock town. Barnett, Kpwarp. November 13, 1687. Wife: Saran. Daughter: ELENER Coner. Wit- nesses: THomMas Monzy, THomas Burier. No probate. Barnes, JosEPH. Northampton County. April 7, 1751. August Court, 1751. Sons: Jacos, Mycau, Demszy, Jeraro, JAMES. Wife: Exizapnta. No executor named. Witnesses: JoserH Carissur, Henry Gay, CHarLes SKINNER, JULION WHITLEY. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Barwes, JosEPH. Onslow County. July 4, 1755. Son: Hezexian (land and plantation). Wife: ANN. Executors: ANN Barns (wife) and JonatHan Merron. Witnesses: JoHN CHAPMAN, Marcret Morton. Clerk of the Court: Wiuu. Cray. BarnsFEeLp, ANNE. , Pasquotank County. April 23, 1721. July 8, 1721. Daughters: Ann CowLes, ELizaBntTH Royau. Granddaughter: Evizapers Roya. Executor: Cornitus Rovat. Witnesses: Ropert PatmEr and Evan Jones. Will proven before Joun Pauin, J. P. Baros, Moszs. March 14,1733. Devisee: Mary Luson. Executor: Rosert Peyton. Witnesses: Wiui1aM Lane, Tose Lane, Rosert Peyton, Henry Crar- TON and Epwarp Hapiey, Justices of Bath Court. JoHn CoLzison, Clerk of Bath Court. Barrow, EpMuUND. Northampton County. March 22, 1758. July Court, 1758. Sons: Benjamin, JOHN, JAMES. Daughters: Exizapeta Barrow, Mary Barrow. Wife: Mary. Execu- 20 Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. tors: Mary Barrow (wife), Major Nicnotas MassEnBuRG. Witnesses: Joun Turner, James Cary, JR. Clerk of the Court: 1. Epwarps. Barrow, Jamzs. Chowan County. June 17, 1718. Sister: Jonanan. Brother: JoserpH. Wife: Saran. Daughter: Saran Barrow. Cousin: Saran Barrow. Ezecutriz: Sa- RAH Barrow (wife). Witnesses: Francis SMITH, THomMAS Prince, JOHN Anperso. Will proven in Perquimans County. Clerk of the Court: Ricu- ARD Lary. Bazrow, Joun, Sr. Perquimans County. March 1, 1718. August, 1718. Sons: Joun and JoserH (“my man- ner plantation”), James (300 acres land). Friend: Joan MippLEeTon. Executors: James and JosErpH Barrow. Witness: Francis SMITH. Will proven before Cuartes Eprn, Governor and Ordinary. Barrow, Joxun. Perquimans Precinct. June 11,1718. August 12,1719. Son: Jon (“all my lands”). Daugh- ters: Saran, Repecca, EvisaBbetH, Marcaret. Wife: RacHELy. Ex- ecutors: JosEPH Barrow (brother) and RacuELL Barrow (wife). Wit- nesses: FRaNcEs SmiTH, James Barrow, JoBN WiLiiams, JoHN LEN- pion. Clerk of the Court: Ricnarp Leary. Barrow, Joxnn. Perquimans County. February 17, 1742. March 5, 1742. Sisters: Saran AsHiEry, Maraa- RET Barrow. Cousins: JoHn AsuHuEy, JosEpH AsHLEyY. Fxecutors: ZacHARiAH Nixon, Francis Eroms (.). Witnesses: James SKINNER and JosEPH Barrow, Jr. (Quakers), Witt1am Jones. Proven before W. Siva. Barrow, Joun. Hyde County. August 23, 1748. September Court, 1748. Brothers: ZACHARIAH Barrow (“my house and plantation”), Moszs, Taomas, Grorcer, FREDER- Ick. Sisters: ANN Downine, Resaca Barrow. Executor: Joun Bar- Row (uncle). Wetnesses: NatTHaniet Eporne, Joan Harvey, THOMAS Simons. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Loack. Barrow, JosEPu. Perquimans County. March 17, 1754. January Court, 1755. Sons: Joan (“lower part of my manner plantation”), Wiii1aM (300 acres land). Daughters: Exiza- BrTH Bunpay, ANN and OrPAH Barrow. Grandson: Wiui1amM Barrow. Wife: Sarran. Witnesses: Tuomas Peirce, Joun Swain, JosHua Lane. Ezecutors: Josi1an Bunpay, Joun Barrow, WiLL1aM Barrow (sons), ANN Barrow and Orpan Barrow (daughters). Clerk of the Court: RicHarp CLAYTON. Agstract or Wiuts, 1690—1760. 21 Barrow, JosEPu. Beaufort County. June 19, 1752. Sons: Jams (plantation bought of John Vernon), Joun (plantation bought of Thomas Little), JosepH and daughter Mary (place where Davis lives”). Hxecutors: Brother JoHN Barrow and wife Jean Barrow. Witnesses: JonN Bercreron, Ropert Fuaxe, WILLIAM MitcHeiy. Clerk of the Court: Wi~tu Ormonp. Barrow, Joszpy, JR. Perquimans County. February 14, 1753. April Court, 1753. Wife: Saran Barrow. Son: Wiiiiam Barrow. LEvxecutriz: Saran Barrow. Witnesses: JOSEPH Waits, Mary SHERwoop. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Barrow, Resexan. Perquimans Precinct. January 13,1721. October 23,1722. Sister, Executrix and sole devisee and legatee: Saran Barrow. Witnesses: WiuLiaM Davis, JacoB BUTLER and CuristopHER ButierR. Will proven before C. Gaz, Chief Justice. Barrow, WILLIAM. Hyde County. January 8, 1715. October 23, 1716. Sons: Wiiiiam, Joun, Ricu- ARD (manor plantation, 1400 acres), SAMUEL, JosEPH, JamEs (1000 acres land on Broad Creek). Daughters: Ann and Saran Barrow. Wife: Euiza. Executors: Exviza (wife) and WiLu1aM (son). Witnesses: THos. Bonner, Tos. Martin, Jonn Coster. Will proven before C. Gaus, Chief Justice. Barrow, WILLIAM. Hyde County. April 25, 1746. Sons: Joun, Tuomas (‘‘my manner plantation”’), Grorcs, Mosss, ZacHariIAH and Hxprick (to the two latter sons “land lying on Jacks Creek”). Daughters: Respexan Barrow and ANNE Downine (wife of Witt1am Downina). Ezxecutors: JoHn Barrow (brother), James Coxzs (son-in-law), Jonn Smita. Witnesses: NatHan- 1eEL EBornE, Henry Esorne, Resexad Exorne, Martua Eporne, JOHN Barrow. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Loack. Barrow, WILLIAM. Edgecombe County. October 20, 1758. December Court, 1758. Son: Witt1am Barrow (plantation lying on Kehukey Swamp). Daughter: Anna Fort. Grand- daughter: Exizaprta Forr. Executor: Wittiam Barrow. Witnesses: James Barnes, Drew Suira, Wittiam Barnes. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Barry, WILLIAM. Bath County. December 14, 1721. Brothers: Daviy Barry, Marion Barry. Ex- ecutor: Tuomas Morris. Witnesses: Ricnarp Harvey, ANN GREEN. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. 22 Axsstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Barriert, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. March 14, 1694-1695. July Court, 1698. Zldest son: Wu.t1aM (planta- tion adjoining William Arnold). Son: Tomas (land from branch ad- joining home plantation to Thomas Godfrey’s line). Executors: Eiza- BETH and Witiiam Bartiert. Witnesses: Toos: Twepy, Jonn Norts- coat, GILBERT GoopaLL. Clerk of the Court: W1LL1AM GLOVER. Barron, VaLLeNtin. Albemarle County. March 6, 1685. March 24, 1686. Wife: Hannan. Brothers-in-law: Witiiam Fyam, Josera Wiuiiams. Friends: Hanna Forp, Lepy Har- Rison. Ezecutors: Hanna Barton (wife) and Grores Forpise (brother- in-law). Witnesses: ANN Symons, RicHarpD Fountain, WILLIAM WILKJON. Will proven before Witt1am WILKJON. ds Barrram, Exizasern, relict of Wm. Bartram. Bladen Co. December 27, 1771. August Court, 1772. Daughters: Saran Brown (husband, Thomas Brown), Mary Rosrson (husband, Thomas Robeson). Executors: THomas Brown (son-in-law) and Saran Brown (his wife). Witnesses: Jno. Jones, Henrietta Jones, Mary Syon (Lyon). Clerk of the Court: Maturin CoLvELt. Will also proven before the Governor and Council, February 2, 1773, as attested by J. Biaciesron. Execu- tor qualified before Jo. Martin, at New Bern, February 3, 1773. Sealed with signet ring. Bass, Epwarp. Northampton County. July 25, 1748. August Court, 1750. Sons: Brnsamin (plantation on Quarter Swamp), JosrrH (50 acres of Jand and orchard), Sampson (50 acres land on Quarter Swamp), Epwarp (50 acres of land), James (50 acres land), RevuBen (‘‘my mannor plantation”). Grandson: E.igan Bass. Daughters: KaTHerine ANDERSON, Dinan Bass, Kizian Bass, Mary Bass. Wife: Lovewru Bass. Executor: Benyamin Bass (son). Witnesses: Witi1am Bass, Dinan Bass, Joun Surron. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Bass, Joun. Bertie Precinct. January 18, 1732. February Court, 1732. Sons: Mosss (all land on north side of “Baire Swamp”), Joun, Epwarp (“my maner plantation’), Witu1am (“my land at ye Beaver dam”), Aron (‘plantation on south side of Baire Swamp”). Grandson: Anon Joansrun (100 acres of land). Daughters: JuuDATH CANADY (100 acres of land), SARAH ANDERSON (100 acres of land), Lovey Bass (100 acres land), Mary (100 acres land), Pacz- Apstract or Witzs, 1690—1760. 23 uncE Bass (“plantation on south side of Baire Swamp”). Wife: Mary. Executors: Joan and Epwarp Bass (sons). Witnesses: THomas Bry- ANT, JAMES Guts, Epwarp Bass. Clerk of Court: Rr. Forster. BastaBLe, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. March 9, 1727-1728. Wife: Hannan. Daughter: Hannan BastaBLe. Other legatees: Mary and ANN Scettison (daughters of Jamms Scerri- son), Racxes Wuitr. LHzecutors: SamuEL Poe res and Ropert WILI- SON. Witnesses: JonaTHAN SHEARWOOD, JoHN Harres, BENJAMIN Sanpers. Clerk of the Court: Cuartes Denman. BatcHEtLor, Epwarp. September 21, 1706. Wife: (Mentioned, but not named). Friend: Rozert Fewox. Ezecutor: Joan Fewox. Witnesses: Samue. BREvITT, Joun Garr. No probate. Batrcuetor, Epwarp. Newbern, Craven County. 1777. Sons: Jown Barcuetor (tract of Jand on Susquehanna, in “Pensilvania”), Epwarp BatcaeLor. Daughters: Francis BATCHELOR and ExizapeTaH BatcHELor. Wife: Francis Batcnetor. Friend and partner in business: Tuomas AsHeTon. Executors: Tuomas ASHETON, of Philadelphia; Dr. THomas Hasting, Newbern; Francis BaTcHELOR (wife). This will was not signed, which fact is explained by affidavits of RicHarp CoepeELu (taken by JosepH Lezcu, J. P.), Micw’:. Gorman (taken by Josera Lercu), THomas Fiynn (taken by JosprxH Letcu, J. P.). Executors qualify before RicHarD CASWELL, Governor. Barr, Henry Lawrence. County not given. May 12,1740. July 9, 1740. Son: Augustine Bate (land bought of Jonathan Taylor). Wife and Executric: Marra. Sister: Ann Bate (one gold ring). Mother: Saran Sanpers. Executes: HuMPHREY BATE (brother), THomas WaitmMe i (brother-in-law). Witnesses: Witt CaTH- cart, Henry Hunter, Saran Hunter. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Coat of arms, a shield bearing a lion rampant on seal. Barreman, JoHn. Perquimans County. February 4, 1747-1748. July Court, 1750. Nephew: Tuomas Batz- MAN (“plantation whereon I now live,” also plantation called ‘Broad Neck”). Brother: THomas Bateman (father of nephew Tomas), Mary Hawkins (daughter of nephew Jon Hawxins), EvizaBeTH PHELPS (daughter of brother JonatHan BaremMan), Mary (daughter of brother Taomas), Witiiam Bateman (son of brother Tuomas), SaraH Burrerre (daughter of brother JonarHan). EHzecutors: THomas Bats- MAN (brother), Witt1am Bateman (nephew). Witnesses: SamuEL 24 AxpstTRact oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Swann, Francis Laypen, CaTHERINE Davis. Deputy Clerk of Court: Bens. Scarsorovues, for Epmunp Hartcs, Clerk. Coat of arms on seal. Bateman, JONATHAN. Albemarle County. January, 1694-1695. February 25, 1695. Wife: Exizaperu. Sister: Marcaretr. Sons: JonatHan, Joun, THoMas. Daughter: Mary. Ezx- ecutor: JONATHAN (son). Witnesses: THomas HassaLE, JOHN TWIGGER, Diana Waits. Clerk of the Court: W. GLovER. Bateman, WILLIAM. Currituck Precinct. March 30, 1703. April 25, 1704. Daughters: Mary, Eviza and Isa- BELL (300 acres of land “back in the woods’’). Son: JosHER (or JOSEPH) (“dwelling plantation”), Wittiam, Samueirt. Evzecutriz: Wife (not named). Witnesses: RoBertT SmitaH, DaNnNiELL MAKEFASHION and AN- DREW MakEFASHION. Clerk of the Court: Epwp. TayLnr. Barrers, THomas. November 29, 1733. June 11, 1734. Daughters: Mary and Diana Batters (“my manor plantation”). Wife and Evxecutriz: DarKkeErs. Witnesses: ELizABETH CouprER, PHILo. WILLIAMS, SAMUELL COUPPER. Will proven at Bath town. Justices: Rosr. Peyton, Bens’n Peyton, Roger Kenyon, Epwp. Hapuny. Clerk of the Court: Jno. CoLLison. Barrie, Jonny. Bertie County. April 22,1740. May Court, 1740. Sons: Witutam, Jessr. Daughters: PrissttLaA Battie, Saran Batrir. Wife: Saran. Ezecutors: Saraw Barttve (wife), WrutaM Battie (brother). Witnesses: Witt1am KNIGHT, James GRIFFEN, Martua Knieur. Clerk of the Court: JNo. WYNNS. Bayer, Davin. Chowan County. August 8, 1696. October, 1696. Clerk of the Court: Taos. CHEvIN. Witnesses: Tuos. Luren, Casten Rogison. This will is illegible. Bayes, Epwarp. Albemarle County. August 8, 1696. October Court, 1696. Son: Joun Bares. Daughters: Euiz., Mary and ANN Bayss. Evzecutriz: Mary Bays. Witnesses: Txos. Luron and Corron Rosison. Clerk of the Court: Naruu. CHEvIN. Bzrasiey, FRANCES. Albemarle County. April 17, 1719. May 20, 1719. Son: Jeames (a tract of land on the south side of Perquimans River), Rospert (a tract of land on the north side of Morattock River). Wife: Mary Beastey. JEzecutors: Jeams AgstTRact oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 25 BrasLey (brother) and friend Joun Smirawick. Witnesses: JoHN LessHons, Wituiam Mizeiti, Joun BentiEy. Proven before Cuas. Even, Governor and Ordinary. Brastey, JAMES. Bertie County.. January 2, 1758. January Court, 1758. Witu1am Bentizy (son of Joun Brentiey). Godson: Luxe Smetruwickx. Ezecutors: Joun SMETH- wick, JNo. Warp. Witnesses: Jon. SMETHWIcK, Epmunp SMETHWICK. Clerk of the Court: Brnu’n WYNNs. Buastzy, SaMveEt. County not given. November 13, 1735. Brothers: Francis and THomas. Other legatees: Joun Brastey, Mary Beastey (grandmother), Taomas Hurssoon, JAMES Beastey, Junr. No executor. Witnesses: WitLiam Croriy, THomas Bentiey, EvizaBeTH WELLS. No probate. Becton, Joun. Craven County. January 13, 1753. May Court, 1753. Sons: Freperick, GrorcE (340 acres land at ‘‘ye little creek”), Epmonp (land “known by ye name of Jacobbs Wells”), MicHAEL (lands ‘‘called the Snow Hills”). Daughiers: Mary and Saran. Wife: Ann. Executors: FrpepRIcK Ester, FREDRICK Becton (son). Witnesses: Water Jones, ToomaS BRaNTON, Cramer Dyson. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. Bzzts, Jacos. Pasquotank County. May 15, 1746. July Court, 1746. Daughters: Taprraa and Mary (manor plantation), BarBray, ExizapntH. Brother: Joun Beets. Ez- ecutor: JoHN Brets (brother). Witnesses: CHARLES WRIGHT, WILLIAM AnpREws, Mary Wriaut. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TaYtor. Bzrts, James. Pasquotank County. November 3, 1721. April 17, 1722. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Son: Joun Brew (plantation). Witnesses: JouHn Prerkens, Henry Creecu, Grorce Lumury. Clerk of the Court: Epw’p GaLz. Brrziey, THomas. No county given. April 15, 1733. July 3, 1733. Sons: Jouw and Tuomas. Wife: Euiza. Friend: Tuomas Owi1n. Ezecutors: EvizaneTH BErEzLEY (wife), Joun Brrzury (son). Witnesses: Jno. Freprericx, Joun Kine. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Crawroro (or CRANFORD). Berret, Bensamin, Mulberry Neck, New Hanover County. October 25, 1749. August 24, 1753. August 30,1753. Son: Bunysa- min (plantation and lands). Ezecutors: Hennery Caster and Tuomas 26 Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Kennan. Witnesses: Wittiam Savage, Houcs McCanne, Joan Dicx- son, Register of Duplin County; JossrH Wixuiams, Justice of the Peace; Ja. Murray, Sec. Remarks: This will mentions wife and four children, but does not name the wife, and names only one of the children. Brizi, CoRNELIvs. Beaufort and Hyde Precincts. August 26,1729. December Court, 1729. Sons: Corneuius (“third part of my land”), Grorce (‘‘one third part of my land”). Daughter: Mary. Grandson: James Never. Friend: Joun Latuy Bei. Ezecu- tor: CoRNELIUS BELL (son). Witnesses: Epwp. Haptey, THoMAs TULLE. Clerk of the Court: Jonn Marrocge. Betz, EvizaBeru. Tyrrell County. June 16, 1750. November 30,1750. “Sister Margarett’s daughter in London” (wedding ring and necklace). Capt. Witt1am Mackey, deceased husband’s nephew (all residue of estate). Executors: CULLEN PoLLocK and WM. Macxry. Witnesses: Taos. Lez, JonN Gorman, BEepForD Facon Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, at Eden House. Betz, Grorce. Edgecombe County. December 21,1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: Artaur, GEORGE, Winuiam. Daughter: Evizapera Fuoyp. Granddaughter: Mary Bert. Ezecutors: Francis Fioyp and Arraur Bru. Witnesses: Wi..lamM Partis, THos. Bett, THos. Fuoyp. Clerk of the Court: BenJAMIN WYNNS. Bet, Groree. Edgecombe County. February 18,1755. May, 1755. Sons: Jou (‘plantation whereon I now live’), Davip, Gzorer. Wife: Saran Bey. Exzecutors: Saran BELL (wife) and'Joun Brut (son). Witnesses: ARTHUR BELL, GrorcE BELn, Rare CHannet. Clerk of Court: Jos. Montrort. Betz, Joun. Pasquotank County. March 1, 1720. March 29,1721. Sons: James (‘‘all my land att Ale- gator”), Jonn, WILLIAM, Gore, NaTsanieL (to these four “all my land on the north side of Pasquotank River’), Henry, JoszrH, BENJA- MIN. Daughter: Mary Brett. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Wituram Witison, Samuet Cock, Darpey Sivitenant. Will proven before R. Hicxs, Clerk, at Court held at Queen Anne’s Creek, in Chowan Precinct. Butz, Josupa. Carteret County. March 12, 1744. June Court, 1745. Wife: Mararitr. Son: Tomas (‘amy plantation”). Friend: Joun Netson. Ezecutors: Joun Ne.son and THomas BeLy. Witnesses: Tuomas Harriss, RacHEL Booru, Mar- tHA Boots. Clerk of the Court: Gro. Reap. Apstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 27 Bet1z, Ross. Carteret County. January 24,1726. Sons: Gores, Ross, JosmpaH. Daughter: Mary Beuiit. Executor: Josrra Brit. Witnesses: Gro. WHITAKER, JAMES Hines, Marerett Beiy. Clerk of the Court: JoHN GALLAND. Betz, THomas. Chowan County. December 11, 1733. January Court, 1733. Cousins: Witu1am BELL (land in Perquimans called ‘“Matthew’s Point’), Taomas Bru (land on Kendricks Creek), ANNE and JANE BELL (daughters of brother Joun BELL), Witutam Mackay. '. Wife and Executriz: Evizapeta. “It is my will that no sale be made of any slaves, but that my estate be kept intire except my Sloop: 7. Witnesses: Sami Durrance,, W.,,Downine, Hanan Girxin. Clerk of the Court: Mosmnmy Vatu. Beir, Tuomas. Chowan County. August 28,1751. October Court, 1751. Cousins: (the surviving chil- dren of Rost. McCuze and James Oar. Friend: Carr. WiLLIAM Mackey. Executors: ALEXANDER Stewart (brother-in-law), James WappaL. Wit- nesses: JAMES TROTTER, JEMIMA ALLEN, JAMES CAMPBELL. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Beit, WILLIAM. Currituck County. August 27,1721. August 31,1721. Son: Wittiam. Wife and chil- dren mentioned, but not named. Wétnesses: THomasin Onzau, Mary Oneal, DeBorad Pett, SARAH WALKER. Proven before THos. Taryior, Joun Woopxouse. This is a nuncupative will proven by witnesses after testator’s death. Bez, WitiraM. Edgecombe County. December 1, 1752. May and August Courts, 1754. Sons: ARTHUR Beit (390 acres land in the River Island), Josnua Br. (plantation where he now lives). Daughters: Mary Pyrent, ANNE BELL. Ezecu- tors: ArnTHUR and JosHuA Bewy. Witnesses: James ATKISON, WILLIAM Cain, Resecan Cain. Clerk of Court: Brn’s. WYNNS. Bettman, Jonny. Perquimans County. July 10, 1740. October, 1740. Wife: Many. Daughter: Saran Brw1- MAN. Evxecutors: Mary BeLuMan (wife), Ropsrr WILLson, James Sit- TERSUN, Zack Exson. Clerk of the Court: Jamus CRAVEN. Breiman, Jonn. Pasquotank Precinct. November 5, 1706. January Court, 1706-1707. Sons: Joun and Ros- ERT. Wifeand Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: THo. Born, BEns’n West. Clerk of the Court: THo. ABINGTON. 28 Axsstract or Wiizs, 1690—1760. Benzow, Grrsnon. Bladen County. January 12,1750. Sons: Powru, Ricuarp and Evans. Daughter: Susannay. Ezecutors: Pows tL Bensow (son) and CaarLes BENBOW (brother). Witnesses: ABRamM SanpEerRs, RicHaRD May, JoHN JONES. No probate. Benzury, W1LLiaM. Chowan County. April, 1755. Wife: Bricnetr. Sons: Witi1am, JoHN, JosEPH, JAMES, Mites, Epmonp. Brother: Jonn Bunsury. Daughter: Saran. Execu- tors: JoHN BuenBury, Wm. Bensury and wife of testator. Wetnesses: Joun Brastey, SAMUEL Bensury, J. Benspury. Clerk of the Court: WILL HatseEy. Brnper, Martin. Craven County. October 19, 1750. December Court, 1750. Sons: Danreu (plantation), Joun (150 acres land in Carteret County on the north side of White Oak River). Daughters: Sastome and Mary Benper (250 acres land on north side of White Oak River). Ezecutors: Joun Simmons and Joun GRANADE. Witnesses: Bunsamin Simmons and Exizapeta Morrey. Clerk of the Court: Paw. Smira. Bennet, Jonny, Currituck Precinct. , December 10,1710. Sons: Joszrx (“my plantation’’), BmnszaMin (land bought of Josepn Nicxer). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Brother: JosEPH Benner. Portion of lands devised to use of poor “old men and women who have been honest, etc.,” and portion left for education of poor chil- dren. Witnesses: GrtorcE and Ann THompson, Epwarp Cos and Ep- warD Starrorp. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 49. Original miss- ing. Bennet, JosEepu. Currituck Precinct. March 9, 1751-1752. April 9, 1728. Sons: Joserx (“plantation now dwell on”) Witt1am, Samuet (84 acres land), Jonn. Daughters: Mary Sayrs, Auice Bennet. Wife: Anne. Executors: ANNE BENNET (wife) and JosepH Bennet (son). Witnesses: Joun Witson, Epwarp Cox. Clerk of the Court: James Wicker. Beyyet, Nexemian. Currituck County. March 11,1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: Joun (‘plantation I now dwell on’), Josian (“lands on west side of the road”). Daughter: Susan BENn- NET. Wife and Executriz: Euizanetra. Witnesses: James BurnuaM, Gzorce Davis, Sonomon Bennet. Clerk of the Court: Wiiiam SHEr- GOLD. ABSTRACT OF WILLs, 1690—1760. 29 Bennet, Sotomon. Currituck County. March 23, 1753. March Court, 1755. Sons: Mosss (plantation), Brn- JAMIN (150 acres of land on Mozark Creek). Daughters: Repecker BEn- NET, Mary Bennet, Betsse Benner. Wife and Executrix: DarKEs Bennet. Witnesses: Poitip NortHern, Mary Eruerics, Timotay Erx- rias. Clerk of the Court: Witt1am SHERGOLD. _Bentiey, Jonny, or Morarocxk River. December 15, 1728. July 15, 1741. Sons: Witi1am (‘plantation he now lives on’’), Joun and Josmrx (‘‘my manner plantation to be equally divided between them’’), JerEmian (“plantation at Tuttsnia”’), James, (“plantation at fork of Rockner’s’’). Daughters: Many Bentuey, Livia. Grandson: JoHN BrntiEy. Granddaughter: Hanan Brntiry. Wife: Saran. FExzecutors: Saran Benrury (wife), Witt1am BENTLEY (son). Witnesses: WiLL Larrimer, Mosrs Grooms, Exvizapeta Larter. Will proven before Gas. Jounston, at Eden House. Bentiey, JoHN. Perquimans Precinct. October 15, 1695. November, 1695. Brother: RicHarp BENTLEY. Cousin: Evizapeta Luary. Wife: Ann. Joun and Rogpr WILLiaMs (sons of brother-in-law, JENKINS Wiuu1ams). Brother-in-law: WiLL1aM Barrow. Friend: JonatHan ASHFORD. Executors: ANN BentuEy (wife) and WitL1AM Barrow (brother-in-law). Wetnesses: Joun Barrow, Exiz- ABETH GARDINER, GEORGE Barrow. Clerk of Court: W. GLovER. Bentiry, Joun. Bertie County. March 12, 1754. May Court, 1754. Sons: Wituiam (“plantation whereon I now live”), Jon (lands known as “Island lands’’). ‘“Szster-in- law: ANN Brentiey. Executor: Richarp Tomuinson. Witnesses: JOHN Hyman, JoHN Warp, Respexan Warp. Clerk of the Court: SaMuUEL Ores. Bzentizy, Joun. Albemarle County. October 15, 1695. November Court, 1695. Brother: Ricnarp Buent- Ley. Cousin: ExizABETH LerRY. JoHN WiILLIAMS and Roger WILLIAMS, Witiiam Barrow. Executor: Wiru1aAM Barrow. Witnesses: JoHN Bar- ROW, EvizaABETH GARDNER, GrorGcE Barrow. Clerk of the Court: W. GLOVER. Brntiey, Joun. Tyrrell County. March 25, 1754. June Court, 1754. Wife: Saran. Son: Isaac. Brothers: Wiuu1aM BEenTLEY and James Bentuiey. Evxecutors: WILLIAM GaRDNER, JAMES and Isaac Garpner. Witnesses: Luke Mizett, Mary Garpner, Saran Mizexy. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jongs. 30 Apstract oF Wixxis, 1690—1760. Bentiry, Riowarp. County not given. April 6, 1697. May 27, 1697. Executriz and sole legatee: Diana WHITE. Witnesses: James Baset (?), ALEXANDER Linuinaton. Clerk of the Gen- eral Court: W. GLOVER. Coat of arms on seal. Benron, Joun. Chowan County. February 28, 1748-1749. October Court, 1750. Sons: EporHRopitus, Euisan, Jetaro (“manner plantation’’), Joun, Moses. Daughter: Jupira Rasery, Mary Parker, CHARITY ParRKER. Grandsons: WitLIAM PaRKER (son of Mary), James Parker (son of CHarity). EHxecutors: JouN and Jeraro Brenton (sons). Witnesses: Henry Morein, JoHN WEAVER, WituramM Parker. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Berrceron, Jupira. Beaufort County. November 14, 1742. December Court, 1742. Sons: Extas, JoHn. Daughters: JupetTH WILKINS, JEAN Barrow, Marcrer Gippins. Execu- tor: Ex1as BERGERON (son). Witnesses: MikeL Warp, Jacos MERCER, Tomas Mercer. Clerk of the Court: JouN Fores. Berry, Corneayus. Currituck County. April 17,1751. April7,1752. Wife:Comrorr. Other legatees: Lirrin- TON Berry, Cornratus Brrry and Joun Berry (presumably sons). Executriz: Comrort Berry (wife). Witnesses: Win Waite, THOMAS Mitier. Clerk of the Court: Witt1am SHERGOLD. Brvans, Ricwarp. Hyde County. 1744. Wife: Mary. All the land of the testator is bequeathed “to the Baptism ministers that Coms heare to the County of hide to preach the gos- pel.” Executor: Ropert Sprine. Witnesses: Timorny ALLEN, Pasae Barriert, Nairsane Davis. Will proven before Enocu Haru, C.J Beveriey, Joun, Sr. Bertie County. December 22, 1737. February Court, 1737. Sons: Jonnw and Roser (to whom is bequeathed “the manner plantation”). Daughters: Saran Cox, Mary Punx. Granddaughters: Racuun BrveRLEY, SAaRAn BEVERLEY. -Grandsons: WiL11aM Cox, Witi1am and Henry Brevertry. Wife: Mar- GARETT Brveriy. Executors: Jonn Jones and Josern Jones. Wit- nesses: JaMES Doveuass, Exiza Dovarass and Joun Sutron. Clerk of the Court: Joan WYnns. Brvins, Mary. Hyde County. July 27, 1753. December Court, 1754. Sons: Joun and Rosert. Daughters: ExizaBetH, Mary, ANN. Granddaughters: Mary ARTRY, ANN ABSTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. 31 Dicxs. Friend: James CuapmMan. Evzecutors: Ropert and Joun Bevins (sons). Witnesses: ABRAHAM Cox, THomAs Mackwitiiams, Saran Mata- ERS. Clerk of the Court: Stern. DENNING. Bexiey, WILiraM. March 13,1745. Daughter: Repeckan Bexiey. Witnesses: WM. LANE, Nicus. Routieper, Pune Kesster, Karun. Contzeston, Cuaries Stew- ART, PereR Henprixson, Exvizta. Henpricxson. Will proven before Wn. Lane. This is a nuncupative will. ‘Broptz, Jacos- Onslow County. February 24, 1755-1756. April Court, 1758. Sons: Jacos (‘‘a pease of . land lying on the North side of the Branch that runs by plantation and binding on John Simson’s Branch’’), Isaac. Wife: ANNE. Grandsons: Wiiulam Brippie (son of Isaac), Isaac Bippiz (son of Isaac). Other leg- atees; ABRAM Simson, ANTHONY and Jacop CHaRLEscRAFT. LHzxecutors: Anne BippLzE (wife) and Isaac Bippix (son). Witnesses: SAMUEL Purr- son, WiLLiAM Gisson, James ATKINS. Clerk of the Court: W1LLIaAM Cray, Court House on New River. Jno. Starkey and others, Justices., Britet, Jonny. Pasquotank Precinct. February 29, 1719-1720. April 19, 1720. Son: Danie. (plantation adjoining Bensamin Prircoarp). Daughter: Saran. Son-in-law: Jamus Bev. Wife and Executrix: Auticr. Witnesses: W. Norris, THos. Saw- YER, JONTH. JONES, JAMES Bet. Recorded in book 1712-1722, page 223. Original missing. Brenie, WILLIAM. New Hanover County. September 28, 1752. December 14, 1752. Wife: Inuin. Executors: Iuuin Birniz (wife) and Moses Jno. DeRosser. Witnesses: Joun Camp- BELL, Mary Mason, Jonn Mauurspy. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farixs. Brrots, Perer. Edenton in Chowan County. January 15, 1742. April 21, 1743. Son: Bensamin Birore (“all my estate’). Executor: Peter Payne. Witnesses: Bensamin Tatpot, Hum- pory Rosrinson, WM. ARKILL. Codicil: January 22, 1742. Mary Gas- TON “one bed.” Witness: Bewsa. TauBot. Clerk of the Court: Ricwarp McCrure. Bisuor, Gzores. Onslow County. December 20, 1743. September Court, 1743. Brothers: StroaKuey (325 acres land in Onslow Co.), Jamzs SipBury (‘‘one Indian man”), WoopMaNn Stoakiey Sippury. Sister: Bertin Dupiey. Cousins: Bisnop DupLey, 32 Azsstract or Witts, 1690—1760. Ester Dupiey, Comrort Sippury, Moses Sippury. Mother: EvizABETH Bisoor. Father and Executor: Gzorce Bisnop. Other legatees: JANE Morcan, Morcan Morean, Jr. Wetnesses: Rice Rick, Morcan Mor- GaN, James SmaLtitwoop. Will proven in New Hanover Court. Jamzs Smatiwoop, Deputy Clerk. Brack, Isaac. New Hanover County. June 22, 1754. August Court, 1754. Brother: Joun Buacx. Sisters: Exizapeta Woops, JANE Buack. Executor: Josnua Toomer. Witnesses: Witim. Grecory, Jas. CaMpBELL, Mark Grpprins. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farizs. Buacx, MicHaet. Craven County. January 16, 1760. May 3, 1760. Friend: Executor and sole legatee: Josera Wituis. Witnesses: Jacop Mituer, Grorce Fiseer, James Wi1- us. Will proven before ArtHuR Dosss, at Newbern. BracKxati, ABRAHAM. Edenton, Chowan County. February 1, 1739-1740. February 23, 1749. January Court, 1749. Wife: Saran. Daughters: PENELOPE and SHartot. LHvzecutriz: Saran Buackaut (wife). Witnesses: Rp. Forster, James Parrer, James Tror- TeR. Executrix qualified before Jos. ANDERSON, Justice of the Peace. Will proven before WitL Mearns, Clerk of the Court. Biacxaty, Sarau. Edenton, Chowan County. January 29, 1754. April Court, 1754. Daughters: Saran RowveEn, PENELOPE, CHaRLotT. Deceased husband: Dr. Buackauu. Executor: Dr. SaMvEL LaBan PromMserR. Witnesses: Francis OLiver, ABIGAIL SLAUGH- TER. Clerk of the Court: WiLL Hatsny. Coat of arms on seal. Brackieper, RicHarp, Senr. Craven County. February 20, 1776. October 15, 1777. Wife: Ann. Sons: RicHarp (“manor plantation and 4 of 275 acres land on Pecoson Point’”’), WituiaM, Bunsamin (“200 acres Moseleys Creek,” this to three sons above named), Tuomas (‘land bought of Wm. Farmer and wife and 100 a. on Bever Dam”). Sons-in-law: Spyers SINGLETON, Cav. Joun Jones. Daughters: ELLENER (wife of Cart. Jonn Jones), ANN BuackLtepGE. Friends: Mrs. Mary Neaz and Mrs. Bretszy Baxer (ten pounds for mourning ring and gold buttons). Father: BrnyamiIn Buackieper, Sr. Executors: Jacos Biount, Caristoruzr Neauz, Richarp Buackiepaex, Jr. (son) and Sprers SineLETON (son-in-law). Witnesses: J. Buount, Henry Can- non, Reaping Biount. Will proven before Rp. CaswE.v. AxsstRacT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 33 Buiacxman, Jon. Bertie County. November 19, 1736. November Court, 1736. Wife: Saran. Sons: Joan, Bennet, ARTHUR, JOSEPH, StEaAvEN. Daughter: EuizapeTa. E'xec- utors: BENNET BLACKMAN (son) and THEOPHILUS WILLIAMS. Witnesses: Witu1am Taytor, ARTHUR MarikpsuNacE, Poese Jernican. Clerk of the Court: JNo. WYNNS. Buacxman, NicHotras. Bertie Precinct. August 26, 1730. March 11, 1730. Wife: Atutson. Sons-in-law: Grorere Smita and Witiiam Smita. Ezecutriz: ALLISON BLACKMAN (wife). Wotnesses: Epwp. Cotiins, Richarp Moors, James Baker. Will proven before Gro. Burrineton, Governor. Buaxe, Davi. : Currituck Precinct. October 9, 1714. January 13, 1714-1715. Sons: Tuomas, Davin. Daughters: Saran, Exvizappetu, Matuew. Friends: Matuias Tow Ler, Joun Mason. Evzecutors: _ RALPH Matuam, Jno. Mason. Witnesses: Tuomas Evans, JoHn Evans, Ricn’p Smits. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WICKER. BiancuarD, Bensamin. Upper part of Nansimond County. June 5, 1719. Sons: Roperr (“land on Beverdam Swamp in Chowan Precinct in North Carolina”), ApsaLom, Bensamin (“land on Beverdam”’). Son-in-law: WituiaM Weston (wife CaTHERINE). Wife: CATHERINE. Executors: CATHERINE (wife) and Ropert (son). Wvtnesses: WiLL. HiLu, James Gristnc, THomas Rountrer. No probate. Buancuarp, EPHRAIM. Chowan County. July 22,1745. April, 1749. Son:- Aaron (‘‘plantation on west side of Beaverdam Swamp.” “Land on Walroy Swamp;” ‘100 acres in Pasquo- tank known by the name of the Sound Neck;” “place in Pasquotank called Nobbs Crook”). Son: Eparat (‘100 acres in Chowan Co.;” ‘100 acres on Walroy Swamp;” ‘200 acres in Pasquotank County on Sound Neck;” “50 acres at the head of Nobbs Crook in Pasquotank”). Son: Micasan (“manor plantation on east side of Beaverdam Swamp-450 acres;” “50 acres at Nobbs Crook”). Granddaughter: Mary Grirrin. Wife: Isapen Buancuarp. Ezxecutors: IsaneL BLANCHARD (wife) and Eparaim BLANcH- ARD (son). Witnesses: THos. RounTREE, Sr., Caas. ROUNTREE, THOMAS Rountrer. Clerk of the Court: Witt Mrarns. Buianine, Huex. Bladen County. May 10,1751. March Court, 1752. Wife: Exizapeta. Wéfe’s children: Winuiam and Exizapera Hauy. Sister: Saran Svar. Hzecutors: Eviza- 3 34 Assrract or Wits, 1690—1760. BETH BLANING (wife), MarrHew Rowan. Witnesses: Ropert Dowie, Tos. Haiti and Clerk of the Court: Taos. Ropeson. Coat of! arms on seal. BricHenven, THOMAS. Perquimans County. April 12, 1744. July Court, 1745. Sons: Jon (plantation on Sound Side), Wizu1am (‘plantation whereon I now live”), ABRAHAM. Daughter: Saran. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Mary BuicHeNnDEN (wife), ABRAHAM and Wituiam BiicHENDEN (sons). Witnesses: Mac. ScarBorovGH, Naty’. Carrutuers, Zacw. CHancey. Clerk of Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Courthouse on Phelps Point. Coat of arms on seal. Buin, Danret. Bath Town, Beaufort County. September 23, 1742. March 13,1753. Wife, Executriz and sole devisee: Mornine Bun. Witnesses: Mary Smita, Joun Riseussetr, Patrick Brawam. Clerk of the Court: WiLL OrMoND. Buisz, Jonny. Pasquotank County. November 17, 1718. Devisees: Mantua Foster (daughter of THomas Foster), ExizaBeTaH FLEMEN, Epwarp JAMES, STEPHEN SaLL, WILLIAM ‘WILLSON (mairener). Executor: WiLLIAM Witison. Witnesses: JOSEPH Cars, Mary Mitizr, Joun Brrr Senor. No probate. Buount, Bensamin. Tyrrell County. February 1, 1739. June Court, 1740. Sons: James, JacoB, Epmunp, Isaac and BEnJamIn (to the latter is given ‘‘my manner plantation”’). Daughters: Estoer, Mary, Saran. Wife: Exvizasera. Ezecutors: BEn- JAMIN (son) and ExizaserH (wife). Wetnesses: ANN Haus, Zacua- RIAH GuRKIN. Justice of the Peace: James TURNBULL. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Leary. Briount, Epmunp. Tyrrell County. February 12,1754. June Court, 1754. Son: EpmMuwnp (“manner plan- tation”) Wife: Evizapers. Ezecutors: Evizapets Biount (wife), Ben- JAMIN Bitount. Witnesses: BrensamIn Blount, Jacop Buount. Clerk of Court: Evan Jonzs. Other children are mentioned, but not named.: Buount, EvizasetTu. Chowan County. February 8, 1732. March 12, 1732. Sons: Joun, Tuomas, JamEs, JosnPH, CHARLES (to the two latter is bequeathed land at Bare Swamp and Haughton land). Daughters: ANNE Wartey, RacnELp. Executors: Joun Lovicx, Samu. PaceTt and JoNaTHAN Jacocks. Witnesses: R. Agstract oF Witxs, 1690—1760. 85 Hicks and Mary Cotzson. Will proven before Gzorcze Burrineton, at Edenton. A tract of land at Barrow’s Hole is ordered sold and proceeds applied to payment of doctor. Buount, Joun. Chowan County. January 27, 1725-1726. May 18,1726. Sons: Jonn, THomas (manor, fronting on Albemarle Sound, John to have eastern and Thomas western portion), James and Caarues (land on Welches Creek), Josery (land at Mattehapungo, known by the name of Goshen). Wife: Exizasrrs (land at Bear Swamp and at Barrow Hole). Daughters: Mary Jacocks, Euiza Pacer, Saran Lovick, MartHa WarsLey and Hester Wortzey. Executriz: Evizaspra Biounr (wife), to be assisted by friends Jonn Lovick and Tuos. Pottock. Witnesses: SamLL. WARNER, WM. BENBURY, Macnes Prowman. Will proven before RicHarD EVERARD, Governor, etc. Codieil to will of Jonn Buiounr. Dated January 27, 1725-1726. Daughters: ANN and RacHeL (a gold ring each). CHRisroPpHER GALE appointed assistant together with Jno. Lovick and THos. PoLiock. Coat of arms on seal of both will and codicil. The testator mentions in the will having broken the entail. Buiount, ———-——_. County not given. Dates missing. Wife: Exizapera. Sons: Joun and Tuomas (‘Beech Island land and land on Welches’ Creek up Moratock ;” Josrps (land at Matchapungo known by name of “Goshan”); Jamzs (land at Bear Swamp). Daughters: Mary Jacocs, EvizapetH Pacer and Martaa Wusr. Re- mainder of will missing. Buiount, JAaMEs. Albemarle County. March 10, 1685. July, 1686. Sons: Tuos. BLount and Joan Biount. Son: Jas. Buount. Daughters: ANN Sutocum and Enz. Hawkins. Grandchildren: James and Saran Biount and Ann Siocum, and JoHn Hawkins. Wife: Ann Buount. Evzecutriz: Ann Biount. Witnesses: Jno. Hatt, Jans Minter and Wma. Dopson. Proven before Setu SorsE.. Buount, James. Chowan County. February 12, 1716. March 27, 1717. Wife: Evizanera. Daughters: Annzr Buount (“my plantation with 240 acres of land”), EuizanerH Yetverton, Mary. Sons: Joun Buount, James Biount and JoHN Yetverton. Grandsons: James YELVERTON and JoHN YELVERTON. Granddaughter: Sara Puivurs. Executrives: EvizaserH BLount (wife) and Anne Biounr (daughter). Witnesses: J. Turner, ANNE Ducuns, JoHn Yetverton. Clerk of Court: R. Hicks. 36 AzstracT or Wixxs, 1690—1760. Buount, Joun. Chowan County. December 8, 1753. April Court, 1754. Sons: Jamms (plantation and three negroes), FrepERic (four negroes), W1Lson (three negroes). Sister- in-law: Mrs. Mary Moor. Daughters: Exizapera, Martaa, Mary. Wife: Saran (three negroes). Chaise, boat, blacksmith tools and watch ordered sold. Brothers: Coantes Buount and JoserH BiounT (execu- tors). Witnesses: J. Hatsey, Jno. Smira, Joan Brastey, Ricoarp Dun- Bar. Clerk of the Court: Witu Hatszy. The following item may be of interest: ‘“My Will and desire is * * * * That no Stranger shall be ad- mitted to live on any part of the back land to destroy the timber and that no Person shall on any Consideration whatsoever be admitted to live on any part of my land excepting an overseer.” Brount, Tuomas. Kendricks Creek, Albemarle County. September 3, 1701. March 28, 1706. Sons: Joun and Jamzs. Fol- lowing Jands devised: ‘‘Midle plantation; land at the mouth of Kendricks Creek, whereon I now live; land called Cabbin Necke.’”’ Daughters: BituaH (wife of Kettem Trier), Saran Perrce, Curistian LupFrorp and Ann Witson. Wife: Mary. Executor: James Buount (son). Wit- nesses: WM. WILLSON, JOHN BiountT, THomas GREEN. Proven before Tuomas Cary. Bryz, WiniiaM. Bertie County. November 29, 1748. May Court, 1749. Sons: Wiutiam (“manner plantation”), Toomas. Daughters: Saran Buy, EvizapeTH Bure. Wife: EvizazetuH. Ezecutors: Witi1am Buys (son), ExizaBeTH Buys (wife). Witnesses: Joun THomas, NaTHanreL WIuiiams, TimotHy WILLiaMs. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lovicx. Bossir, JoHn. Bertie County. May 7, 1736. November 6, 1736. Son: Witu1am (100 acres land in the “Orraneechey Neck”). Son: THomas (100 acres land in the “Orra- neechey Neck”). Daughters: Francis, Mary and Ammy. Ezxecufors: Witi1am Bozssit, Ropert Green, JouN Massy and James Broapen. Witnesses: Francis Brertus, Ricnarp Massy, Francis Massy, and C. Evans. Clerk of the Court: Joun Wynns. Boeez (or Bogue), Jos1az. Perquimans County. March 1, 1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: Juss, Josera, Jozr (“all my lands”). Daughters: Mary Bocz, Mirtam Bogs, Livy Boar. Wife: DersoraH. Evzecutors: DrBoraH Boge (wife), JoHNn Moor, Truman Moor. Witnesses: JosHua Parisne, JosHua Hasket, Tuomas Hot- LOWELL. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. AzsstracT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 37 Boaz, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. December 20, 1720. April 11, 1721. Sons: Witi1am and Jostag (“my manner plantation”). Daughters: ExizaseTa Hit, Jean Boge, Myriam Bocz, Racuext Boer. Wife: Exvtenper. Grandson: Wiiiiam Hii. Executors: WitLiam Bocs (son), Jacop Hit (son-in-law). Witnesses: BrenyaMIN Munpy, JoHN Moor. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p Leary. Boevr, Witi1aM. Perquimans County. June 29, 1744. October Court, 1745. (‘‘On the North East side of Perquimans River’). Wife and Executrixz: SaraH. Sons: WILLIAM Boeur (100 acres land on the East side Sutens Creek”), Jak Bocus. Witnesses: Jonn More, Tuomas Baciny. Clerk of Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Courthouse on Phelps Point. Bonn, Joun,. Beaufort County. July 8, 1749. September Court, 1749. Sons: Witi1aM (land on the West side of Middle Swamp), Joun, Jamus (land on South side Pamplico River), Rosert (‘plantation I now live on’’), Ricwarp (land called Piners). Daughters: Mary and Anna, and Saran. Wife: (mentioned, but no name given). Ezecutors: WitLIaAM, JoHN and James Bownp (sons). Cousin: Marrua Sprine. Witnesses: ABRAM PritcHEett, JOHN TURNER, Puiuuip Pritcuert, Jossua Pritcuetrr. Clerk of Court: Jostad PRATHER. Bonp, Lewis. Chowan County. February 22, 1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: RicHarp (‘‘my mannar plantation”), Witu1am, Joun, Daughters: EvisaBetH and Saran Bonn. Wife: Resecxer. Executor: Richarp Bonp (brother-in-law). Wit- nesses: JAMES Bonp, Dremsry CastEN, Ropert Stewart. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Bonn, Ricuarp. No county. January 15, 1725. Sons: Richarp and Henry (land on Maidenhare Creek), Hance, WitLiam, Lewis (‘‘maner plantation”). Daughter: Mary Bonn. Evxecuiriz: Wife (mentioned, but not named). This is a copy of Bond’s will and no signature, witness or probate appears. Bonn, Rosert. Craven Precinct. January 6, 1737. June, 1738. Son: Francis (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Saran Bonp (100 acres land at Broad Creek), ExisepetuH (50 acres of land), Martaa Bonn. Wife and Evxecutriz: Saran. Witnesses: F. Dawson, JoHN Goop. Clerk of the Court: Jamzs Coor. 38 AxsstRractT or Wixxs, 1690—1760. Bonn, SamvueEt. Perquimans County. October 12, 1721. March 26, 1723. Sons: Samurru (land on Per- quimans River), Luxe (land on Perquimans River). Daughters: Many, Susana, Evizepera Bonn, Jang Bonn. Friends: JosrerH Smiru, Trmo- THY CLEARE, Jos. Jessop. Executor: SamueLL Bonn (son). Witnesses: James Smits, Susana Smiru, JoserpH Jessop. Will proven before €. Gate, Chief Justice. Bonp, Vinyarp. Beaufort County. March 25, 1762. November 8, 1762. Wife: Saran. Son: SwWEETING. Daughter: Saran. (Plantations on Care Point, Trent River and Town Creek to wife and children for support of children). Sisters: SUSANNAH KursHaw, Saran, Mary and Margaret. Executors: Saran Bonn (wife) and Joun CarruTuers (brother of wife). Witnesses: Witu’m Peyton, Wiit’m Tripre, Henry Locxny, THomas Les. Will proven before ArtsuR Dozss at Newbern. Bonn, WitLiaM. Beaufort County. November 6, 1757. December Court, 1757. Sons: Joun (‘plantation wheareon I doe live” and one-half of the ‘(Old Box Neak,” together with one negro). Wuii1am (land ‘‘where Samuell Daves lives and land where Jarves Smith did live, one par of Silver Shue buckles, one par of Nea buckles and one Stock Buckall”). Daughter: Reprcca (one negro). Other legatees: Kntea (?) and Mary Erxman. Lzecutors: James and RicHarp Bonp and Samurtt Daves. Witnesses: Frs. Ginpert, Frances WARNER, Ann Mayo. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCEY. Bonner, Henry. Chowan County. September 1, 1738. October 7, 1738. Sons:\Hmnry (plantation lying in Greenhall), THomas (three plantations called ‘“Brins,” ‘“Hales’s” and ‘“‘Jones’s”). Grandson: Ricnarp Lewis (“Bayes plantation”). Daugh- ters: ExizapeTH, Desoran and Mary. Granddaughters: Saran Lewis and Dresoran Lewis. Executor; Hunry Bonner (son). Witnesses: Jos. ANDERSON, ABRA’M BrLacKaALu, James Porrer. Clerk of the Court: W. Smita. Bonner, Joun. Chowan County. November 11,1753. January Court, 1754. Cousins: Wituram, Exiza- BETH, Mary and Epwarp Howcorr (negroes). Godson: Tuomas EcuEs- TON (one negro). Brother: Tuomas Bonner (plantation). E-xecutors: Joun Benpury and Henry Bonner. Witnesses: Jeren MIcHENER, Joun Smirx, GeorcE Lites. Clerk of the Court: Witt Hatsey. ApsTract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 39 Bonner, Mary. Chowan County. January 30, 1749-1750. July Court, 1750. Friend: Dzsron THomp- son. Two brothers and a sister mentioned, but not named. Hzecutor: James Tompson. Witnesses: Jonn Lewis, Joun Luwis, Junior. Clerk of the Court: Witt. Mearns. Bonner, THomas. County not given. March 6, 1685. November 24, 1685. Son: THomas. Wife and Execu- triz: Mary. Witnesses: Henry Bonner, SaMUEL WARREN, WILLIAM Bonner. Proven before Wm. WILKISON. t Bonner, Tuomas. Bertie County. November 11, 1755. April Court, 1756. Sons: Taomas, Henry, Mosrs. Daughters: Ester More, EviIsepaATH WHELER, ANNA ByRDE, Saran WuHartTon, PacuEnceE Byrpr. Wife: EvisepatH Bonner. Exz- ecutrixz: ExvisepaTH Bonner (wife). Wéinesses: Moszes Bonnier, EpMoNn Byrps, ArtHurR Moor, ABraHaM BuircHENDEN. Clerk of the Court: Brensw Wrynns. Wma. Wyrwns, P. J. Boon, JosEPu. No county given. February 19, 1728. Sons: James, JosmpH, THomas, Ratu. Sister: Martua Bayiey. Daughters: Mary and Evizapetu. LExecutriz: Boon. Wife: Notnamed. Wudtnesses: Toomas Boon, NaTHANIEL CooPErR. No probate. Boones, JAMES. Bertie Precinct. June 8, 1733. March 31, 1735. Sons-in-law: Joun Harzy (one negro woman and fifty apple recs Joun Wywns (my negro man called Charles and 1000 foot of plank); Curzinzur Szessums (one negro). Daughters: Mary Wynns, Exiza Harty. Grandsons: Grorce AuGusTUS WYNNS, James Earzy. Other legatees: WittiaM Burke, JoHN AsskEW, MarTHa Davis. Wife and Executriz: Evizapera. Witnesses: Joun WILLSON, Tuomas Lez, JAMES Martin. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Boon, No date and no county given. Sons: Nicuouas (dwelling plantation), Witiiam, JosErH. Daughters: Mary, Marraa and Ann. Wife: Mary. Ezxecutors: Mary Boons (wife), Witu1am Boon (brother) and THomas Boon, Junr. Witnesses: JoHN Srricktanp, Jouw Forp, NatHaniet Cooper. No probate. Booru, Grorer. Knoti’s Island, Currituck County. February 12, 1729. July 7, 1730. Sons: Jonn and GzorcE (land lying in “Viriana’’). Daughter: Hannan Simmons. Wife: Mary Bootu. Executriz: Mary Bootu. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. 40 AxsstRacT oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Booru, James. Newton in Cape Fear. February 12, 1737-1738. February 18, 1737-1738. Devisees: RocEr Rotrs, JonarHan Oapen, Sen’r, and JonatHan Oapen. Executors: JONATHAN OGDEN and Rocer Rotre. Witnesses: RicoarD OGpEn, ANN Sarriey, Ann Rotre. (Seal with coat of arms.) Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON, Governor, etc. Boorn, Joun. Carteret County. December 14,1751. March Court, 1752. Nuncupative will spoken to Joun Simpson and Grorer Bett, who made oath to same before RicHaRD Warp Estate left to Wife, RacHEt, and Children (not named). Clerk of the Court: Guo. Reap. Boozman, Raipu. Perquimans County. January 1, 1744-1745. , January Court, 1750. Sister: Mary BuLiock. Executors: JossrH Buttock aid THomas Buttock. Niece: Saran But- Lock (daughter of Mary Buttock). Witnesses: JosHua Hopart, JAMES Lirtteton, JR., Hannan Littueton. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Borprn, WitiiaM. Carteret County. February 10, 1748-1749. August 1, 1749. Son: Witi1am (“my man- ner plantation” and also 800 acres of land on Harlor’s Creek and Core Creek). Daughters: Atice Stanton, KaTHERINE Borpen, Hannan Bor- DEN, Saran Pratr. Nephew: Wittiam Borpen. Brothers: Toomas Borngen, Bensamin Borpen. Sister: Amy Case. Ezxecutors: BEnsa- MIN BorpEN (brother). Hznry Stawron (son-in-law), SusannaH Bor- DEN (wife). Witnesses: SamuEL Newsy, JoserpH Newsy, Josera Rosin- son. Will proven before Gas. Jonnston, Governor, at Edenhouse. Boswetx, Grorce. Perquimans County. December 30, 1741. January 7, 1741. Sons: Grorex (“my dwelling plantation”), Isac. Daughter: Ezipevy. Sister-in-law: Hannan Mor- cin. Executors: Taomas HaLLowE 1, CaarLes Overman, Hannan Mor- Gin. Witnesses: THomas Nicwoison, Joun Bosweu, Jostan Bunpy. Will proven before J. Montgomery, C. J. Bosweii, Witt. Perquimans Precinct. February 1, 1734-1735. February 17, 1734. Sons: THomas (land at the head of Little River), Joun (one-half of plantation “that I now dwell on”), IcHazop (“‘remainder part of said tract”). Daughter: Mary Boswe.u. Executors: THomas OVERMAN and Tuomas NicHoLtson. Witnesses: JoHN BoswE.i, GrorcE BosweLt, Wm. Bunpy. Codicil: Places children in hands of executors to be brought up. Wiil and codicil proven before Gas. JOHNSTON, Governor, at Edenton. AgstTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 4) Bosworts, Josmru. Carteret Precinct. June 18, 1734. June 3, 1735. Sons: JosepH, EpHraim and Rosert. Wife: Mary. Executors: Mary Bosworts (wife), JosepH Wrexs, Dr. Sotomon Bacon. Witnesses: James BAuL, EpHramm Caapwick, WILLIAM Watpron. Clerk of the Court: Jas. Winricut. All estate of testator is ordered sold and proceeds deposited with some person at Boston for use and benefit of wife and children. Borwetr, Joun. Albemarle County. October 30,1708. April 17,1704. Friend and Executor: Davin Pricu- ARD. Weinesses: WM Warren, Wm Joy, Marcarre Joy. Will proven before Wm Bovunpz, Joun. Bertie County. May 18, 1738. August 25, 1738. Wife: Karuerine. Reputed son (son of Catherine Deed), 603 acres land. Brother: Taomas Bounpk, of Phil- adelphia. Friends: James WiiKines, THomas Boxuy. Cousin: JoHn Bovuvs. Exzecutors: Kataerine Boupe, Goprrey Lea, Epwarp Barns, Joun Dayton. Witnesses: Ropert Macras, James WILKINS, Mary Har- BERTT, SARAH Leg. Proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Bourn, Groren. Craven County. July 12, 1745. September Court, 1745. Brother: JosrrH Bou tp. Friends: Francis Strincer, JouNn SnEap (ten acres of marsh “opposite to Newbern Town”), GEorcr PoWELL, son of JoHN PowEtit. Wife: Mary Boutp. Executriz: Mary Boutp. Witnesses: FertperR Powsiu, JAMES Coar, THos. Fox, Mary Coar. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Ricn. Bounp, Ricuarp. Perquimans Precinct. November 22,1720. July 11,1721. Sons: Epwarp (200 acres of land), SamvueE u (200 acres of land). Daughters: Exizapera, HoRNER, ABIGALL. Wife: Apicatt. Ezecutors: ApigaLL Bounp (wife) and James Miner. Witnesses: Hanau Burrors, ExizapetaH Puaetts. Clerk of the Court: Ricw’p Leary. Bovren, Epmunp. Currituck Precinct. July 29, 1711. No probate. Son: Josmrn (land on Youpim Ridge). Daughters: Saran, JANE and Susannan Boursen. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Witi1amM WILLiams, Jo Wicker, THoMsas PoyNEr. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 42. Boycg, Isaac. Perquimans County. January 15, 1750. July Court, 1751. Uncles: Nicnovas and Exias Srauianes. Sons: Jos, JoserH and Benyamin. Wife: Jupp. Executors: Jos. NicHotas and Exias Sranuines. Witnesses: ABRAHAM SANDERS, Waite, Evizanetu Sanpers. Clerk of Court: Epmunp Hartcu. 42 Axsstract oF WILzs, 1690—1760. Boycr, Joun. Perquimans County. February 12, 1748. July Court, 1749. Sons: Isaac, Jonn, Moszs. Daughters: Jean, Evizapetu, Racuen.. Grandson: Jop Boyce. Wife: Susanna Boyce. Ezecutors: Susannau Boyce (wife) and Isaac Boyce (son). Witnesses: NicHouas Stauuines, Wittiam Eason, Henry Stat- ines. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Boycr, WILLiam. Albemarle County. August 30, 1688. April Court, 1693. All estate, real and personal, to wife, Ann Boyce. Ezecutriz: ANN Boyce. Witnesses: Pavy LarHam, JoHN BarBeEer, JacoB Fietps. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Boycr, Witt1aM. Perquimans County. June 11, 1703. October 12, 1703. Mother: Mary (of Yarmouth, Eng- land). Friends: Mr. Jutian Laxers, Mr. Ropert Brapiey (Prince George Co., Maryland). Gold rings to following parties: Cort. WM. WiL- KINSON, his wife, Mrs. Jutiana Lakers, James StoppartT (Prince George Co., Maryland), his wife, Jno. Cops, Perer Goprriy. Executriz: JoANNA Kester. Witnesses: Davin Harris, Exviz. Stuart, P. Goprrey. Clerk of the Court: THos. SNODEN. Coat of arms on seal. Boyp, Joun. Chowan County. October 9,1737. July Court, 1738. Son: Wituiam. Daughters: ANNE, Manion and Lyptar Born. Wife: Lypia. Executors: Lyp1a Boyn (wife), Paiuip Aypierr (of Virginia), ANDREW Irvinc. Witnesses: Jonn Row- som, Jas. WILLIAMS, Epwarp Siuk. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Boyn, Joun. Pasquotank County. January 29,1741. July Court, 1742. Sons: Witi1aM (‘“Westeard parte of my land’’), THomas (‘‘Eastard part of my land’’). Daughter: WINE- Fruit Boyp. Wifeand Executriz: ANN Boyp. Witnesses: Jonn McKEEL, Wn. Wats, ANTHONY Marxuam. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Boyp, THomas. Bath County. December 17, 1725. April Court, 1726. Son: Joun. Wife: Karusr- INE (use of plantation on Broad Creek, ‘“‘where I now dwell’’). Friends: Cou. Epwarp Mosreiry, Rozerr Turner (five pounds for ring), Capr. Smon Auperson. Executors: Epwarp MosELey, Simon ALDERSON. This is a holograph will and a caveat was entered thereto by one John Bond. Several affidavits, together with portions of briefs and argument of counsel are filed with the original. Boyp, WINEFRED. Pasquotank County. June 15,1720. July 19,1720. Sons: Joun and THomas Boyp (negroes). Bensamin and Cuartes West (executors). Witnesses: Lewis Knicut, Ricwarp Stamp. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 242. Original missing. Agstract oF WILLS, 1690—1760. 43 Boynton, JosEPy. Chowan Precinct. September 25, 1738. January, 1738. Brother and Executor: BEnsa-~ min Boyintone of Gloster, New England. Friend: Joun RicHarps of Edenton. Witnesses: ABNER BuacKaLu, THos. Mortimore, James Mircu- ELL. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Borxin, Tuomas. - Northampton County. April 13,1748. February Court, 1750. Wife: Metprep. Son: Taomas (land and plantation). ANN Crarorp, Martaa THornton, E1izaABETH STRICKLAND and PaTTIENCE STRICKLAND (one shilling each). Executors: MeLprep Borin (wife) and THomas Boyxin (son). Witnesses: JNo. Smeson, JoserH Rocers, Jonn Reynoutps. Clerk of the Court: I. Ep- WARDS. Boykin, Epwarp. Northampton County. June 8, 1743. Sons: Tuomas (lands lying between Richard Walls and Meadow Branch), Sotomon (lands above Meadow Branch), Harpy (land on Cypress Swamp), Epwarp, Bensamin. Daughter: RacueL Heron. Grandson: Henry Boyxin. Wife: Jupiru. Ezecutors: Jopire (wife) and Sotomon Boykin (son). Witnesses: Cuas. CAMPBELL, RicHaRrD Wat. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Brack, GroreGe. Onslow County. September 25, 1750. April 2,1751. Sons: Gzorce (160 acres land on “head of the Rich Neck”), Ex1azar, RicHarD, WILLIAM (160 acres of land ““whereon I now live’’). Grandson: Joun Lewis. Daughter: EvizaneTa Brack. Son-in-law: Matuew Lewis. Wife: Gran. Haxecutors: Ma- THEW Lewis, George Brack (son). Witnesses: Lions BoutwELL, Movrnine Lewis, Susaner Morris. Clerk of the Court: Tao. Buacx. Bravppy, JAMES. Chowan County. August 17, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Joun and Josrrn, James (“plantation whereon I now live”). Grandson: James CONNER. Wife: Grace. Executors: Gracr Branvpy (wife) and Jamzs Brappy (son). Witnesses: Ep. Warren, Mary Powrtu, Henry Goopman. Clerk of the Court: WiLL Mearns. Bravery, JoHN. Craven County. October 11, 1753. November Court, 1753. Wife: AptcatL. Execu- tor: JonEMIAH RueaM. Witnesses: DANIEL PERKINS, JEREMIAH RHEAM. Clerk of the Court: Sou Rew. 44 AxssTRact oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. BraprorpD, NaTHaNnie.. Edgecombe County. October 2, 1756. February Court, 1757. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I now live’), NaTHaNIEL (“remainder of my lands”). Daugh- ters: Many Braprorp and Patience Braprorp. Wife: Saran: Execu- tors: Joun Braprorp and Josera LANE. Witnesses: Sam’L Harvy, Ja- mima Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Josepa Monrrort. Braver, Ricwarp. Currituck County. April 13, 1756. June Court, 1756. Sons: Haner, Witu1am, ABEL, Joun, Ricnarp. Daughters: ANN Erueripgr, ALIDEA CoRBILL, Mary Brapiey, ExizapeTH Brapiry. Wife: Dority Brapiry. Ezecutors: Doriry Brapiey (wife) and W1111aAM BraDLEy (son). Witnesses: KEpAR Marcuant, JosiaH Doucu, ExizaBeTH Denny. Clerk of the Court: WiL- LIAM SHERGOLD. Bravy, JosnPu. Chowan County. November 19, 1752. July Court, 1753. Daughters: ExizapEeTaH Hart- Lock, BarsHeBa Jones, Mary Jones. Son: JoHN Brapy. Grandson: Joun Dicxins (mother, SurrraH Dicxins). Granddaughters: TamMER Brapy and Eapy Dicxins. Witnesses: Jacop Rogers, JosrrH Bravy, Tamer Brapy. Clerk of the Court: WiLL HausEy. Brancu, Francis. County not given. November 14, 1739. December 4, 1739. Daughter: Saran Donna- van. Wife: ANNE. Paiture Macnier, Poiturr Maenier, JRr., SAMUEL Maenier. Wititam Brancu (son of Isaac Brancn). FExecutors: JAMES Donnavon, ANNE Branca (wife). Friends: Wm. Arxity, WM. LUTEN. Witnesses: Const. Luten, Wm. Luten, Wm. Lewis. Will proven before W. Smrrs, C. J. Branca, WILtiaM. Chowan County. November 24, 1720. January Court, 1721. Wéife: Mareret (“lott of land in Edenton on Queen Anne Creek”). Sons: WiLu1am (plantation near Edenton), Issacuar (plantation on the southwest side of Mattcha- comak Creek), Sotomon. Daughter: EvizapeTH. Evxecutors: MARGRET Brancu (wife), Francis Branca (brother). Witnesses: Jno. New, ANNE Brancu, THomas Brancu. Clerk of the Court: (name torn from will). Brand, Isazrtzra Cameron, relict of AnpRew Brann, Basterin Cannongate, Scotland. This is an assignment to ALex Cunnyneuam of Cannongate, Scotland, in case of the death of testatrix who is about to set forth for Carolina and names as legatees, Nephew: JoHN Murray (son of Ropert Murray of Glencarnock) and Rosina Cameron, his wife, and as Executor, Joun Ruts- Azstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 45 ERFORD (Merchant in Cape Fear). This will (or assignment) is written on stamped paper. Witnessed by THomas ArinsLEE and Dun McDonaxp, and proven at August Court, 1748, before Jas. Moran, Clerk of the Court, by Aurxr Duncan by “Parity of Hands.” Braske, Laurence. Pasquotank County. June 1, 1687. July 2, 1687. Devisees: MarGARET BRownE and Euiz- ABETH CraDuUcK. Evxecutriz: MarcarET Browne and EvizaBETH CRa- puck. Witnesses: JonN Browne, Wm. Woop, Joun Wittson. Will proven before Sera SoTHELL. BrasweE.ti, RosBerr. Bertie Precinct. September 14, 1734. November Court, 1736. Sons: Rosrrt, Joun, Ricuarp (“plantation whereon I now live’’), VALENTINE (100 acres land). Daughters: Saran Doucutry, JEAN BrasweLi, Mary BrasweLu. God- son: Diomer Sumner (100 acres land). Wife: Saran. Executors: JamEs Bryant, JosHaway DaucutTrey. Witnesses: THos. Bryant, NicHoLas Baget, Paccence Bryant. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Bray, Henry. Pasquotank County. September 20, 1745. Sons: Wituiam, CuristorHEer, JoHN, GEORGS, Danie. (one shilling each), Jaremian (‘my plantation containing 100 acres land’’), Jacos. Daughters: Mary SHawparity, Saran Squizns, EizaBetH Forses (one shilling each). Wife and Executrix: Dinau. Witnesses: Jas. Forsns, JNo. CarTRIET, WitLiaM WricHt. Probate illegible. Bray, WiLLiaM. Pasquotank Precinct. August 23, 1725. January 18, 1725. Sons: Henne (the tract of land “that he now liveth on’’), Gzorcs (plantation ‘where I now live”). Ezec- utors: Witu1aM Burees and Gzorcs Bray. Witnesses: StePpHEN Bur- ces, Tuomas Burcss, Exvizaneta Burens. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. Weekes. Executor qualified before Jo. Pain. Brent, JAMEs. Currituck County. February 7, 1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: Ricuarp (“plantation whereon I now live’), Jamzs (“plantation called ‘““Tuckers Ridg”). Daugh- ter: Ann Brent. Wife and Executriz: Kizian. Witnesses: ABSALOM Legert, Jonn Simmons, Henry Simmons, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Wi- LIAM SHERGOLD. Brent, THomas. Currituck County. January 1, 1726. April 11, 1727. Son: James (150 acres land known as “Wolfpoint Ridge”). Wife: ANN. Ezecutriz: ANN Brent (wife). Witnesses: Tuos. Wittiams, HotLaND Heats, CHARLES Brenv. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. 46 Axsstract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. Brewer, Jane. New Hanover County. August 18, 1739. September 25, 1739. Daughters: CATHERINE and Hannan. Son-in-law: Ricuarp Horr. Exzecutors: DanreL DUNBIBIN and Ricuarp Horr. Wetnesses: Rurus MarspEN, Rocer Ro.ire, JAMES Brown. Will proven before Gasrre Jonnson, Governor, etc., at Newton. Brewer, GEoree. Northampton County. January 25, 1757. August Court, 1757. Sons: RawLz, Gzoras, Marruew, JouN. Wifeand Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joszrn Scouts, EvizapetH WuHITINGTON, WILLIAM CHapmaNn. Clerk of the Court: I. EpWwarbs. Briant, Samvet. Chowan County. June 6,1717. July Court,1717. Executor and sole legatee: Joun Fisuer. Witnesses: Francis JoHNson, Epwarp Pueprs. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicxs. Brice, WinimaM. County not given. November 16, 1718. May 1, 1719. Sons: Francis and Witua. Daughter: Ex1za Brice. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: Toomas Harvey. Witnesses: Tuomas Harvey, Euiz. Harvey, Martin Frank. Clerk of the Court: Carus Mnrcaure. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 226. Original missing. Brickey, James. Beaufort County. April 22, 1746. June Court, 1746. Son: James (land joining Mr. Ormond’s lands). Daughters: ANN BrickEtt (land joining Mr. Barrow’s lands). Son of Exizapeta Gray (one cow). Hzecutors: Wyrtarr Or- MonpD, Aity.-at-Law; ABRAHAM Duncan, Gent., and Jamus BrickELu (son). Witnesses: Mary Duncan, Mary BrickeLt, Wiiiam Gray. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forpzs. Brivcen, Samurr. Ludlow Castle, New Hanover County. November 30, 1757. February Court, 1758. Trustees: Jos Howes, Sen’r, and Jos Howss, Jr., to whom is conveyed in trust for daughter, Jane Bennett, a tract of land on Old Town Creek. In trust for son Epwarp Bripeen, of London, a plantation called “Bridgen’s Hall,” “Ludlow Castle’ and ‘Bridgen’s Pastime.” Daughter: EizaBera CarHarina, wife of Armonp DxeRosserr. Wife: Saran. Brother Rev. Joun Brivgen (Professor of Gresham College, London). Nephew: Wituiam Bripern (Alderman of London). Witnesses: Joun Mort, Hannan Mort, Arruur Howes. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. AssTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 47 Bripeers, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct.” March 11, 1728-1729. November Court, 1729. Sons: Winti1am (‘“‘plan- tation whereon I now live’), Josrr (“plantation on Fishing Creek”), Joun (100 acres land). Daughter: Saran Bripveers. Brothers: BENIA- MIN Bripcers, WILLIAM Bryant. Father: Joan Dew. Wife: Saran. Executors: WitLIsM Bryant and Joun Dew, Senor. Witnesses: JoHN Dawson, Witi1aM Bryant, Mary Huisz, Ricnarp Huise. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Briverrs, WILLIAM. Bertie County. November 2, 1729. May Court, 1730. Sons: Josnru, Bensamin (‘‘my plantation”), Samuel. Daughters: Mary, EvizaBeTa. Executor: SAMUEL Bripeers (son). Witnesses: Joan WevvritL, JonN Barpin, EpwaRrD Currry. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Bripeers, WILLIAM. Johnston County. September 30, 1751. December Court, 1751. Jory Martin and Lv- crEcE, legatees. Executor: Puiuip Jones. Witnesses: Jas. Bryant, James Acock, Jos. Goopina. Clerk of the’ Court: Coas. Youne. Brivesess, SAMUEL. Northampton County. December 13, 1748. February Court, 1756. Daughters: Mary Brip- cess, Patience Bripcess (to both are bequeathed 200-acre tracts of land on the Tarkill Branch). Ezecutor: Witu1am Boon. Witnesses: Joun Corr, Jesse Carvin, JoserpH Brinvenss. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarbs. Brices, RicHarp. _ Chowan County. March 2, 1754. July Court, 1754. Sons: Joun, Sotomon, JaMEs, Mosus, Ricnarp and Curistian. Daughters: Trupan and Racuen. Wife: Exizasera Briggs. Ezecutors: Jonn Davis and Jop Harriss. Wil- nesses: JOHN Davis, Jose Harriss, Jesse Hason. Clerk of the Court: Wii Hatsey. Bricut, Henery. Pasquotank County. July 8, 1734. October Court, 1739. Son:"Apam. Daughter: Luvinan Urron. Wife and Executrixz: Exizapeta. Witnesses: WILLIAM OVEREN- Ton, JoserpH Maxerarson. Clerk of the Court:}JAMES CRAVEN. © Bricut, Henry. Currituck County. May 23, 1749. July Court, 1749. Sons: Cauus, Srias, Jon, Henry. Daughters: Brings, Mary Ann, Susy, Cortwny. Executor: Henry Bricut (son). Witnesses: James Burnuam, Samu, Bricut, ANN Bricur. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p McCLurs. es ee 48 Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. BricHt, JAMES. Hyde County. March 29, 1735. Wife,"Executriz and sole devisee: ANN. Wutnesses: Gites Witiiams, Hanan Apams, Rica’pwarp Wuxortrn, Joan RIcHARDSON, JAMES GREAVES. Clerk of the Court: JosprH ANDERSON. Carver, JAMEs. Bladen Precinct. May 7, 1738. June 7, 1739. Sons and Executors: James (land on North side of the North West River), Samuel. Daughters: Mary Brn- Bow, ANN Carver. Wife and Executrix: Etizapetu. Witnesses: Ricu- arD Heuer, ANN Heuer. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Carver, JAMES. Bladen County. February 27, 1753. June Court, 1753. Son: Jos (house and land “where I now live”). Daughter: Euizapera Carver. Brother: Samus Carver. Ezecutors: SamuEL Carver (brother) and EvizaBeTH CARVER (wife). Wotnesses: Ricnarp Mauuineton, Parrick McConzey, GrorcE Wiss. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Ropeson. The testator devises two acres of land ‘‘where the meeting house now stands,” “to our society of People called Quakers.” Carver, SAMUEL. Bladen County. April 23, 1758. July Court, 1758. Wife and Executriz: ArRcapta. Sons: Samupy (“plantation whereon I now live’’), James (lot in Wil- mington). Daughters: Saran and Mary Carver. Brother: WitLiaM Mauurtssy, Witnesses: Samu. Minnous, CHaRLes Bensow, RicHarp Maruineron. Clerk of the Court: C. Burewin. 5 66 _ Aszsrract or Wits, 1690—1760. CasTrLLaw, WILLIAM. Bertie County. June 18, 1749. August Court, 1749. Mother and Executriz: Sarau CasteLuaw. Brothers: Joun, James and THomas CasTELLaw. Sisters: Baruian, Saraw and Karueringe Caste ttaw. Executor: THos. Wurt- MELL., Witnesses: SARAH SanpERSON, Harpy Moors. Clerk of the Court: Joan Lovicx. CasweELL, RicHarp. Dobbs County. July 2, 1789. January Court, 1790. Revokes will made at death of son, Wiut1am CasweLL. One-half acre of ground reserved as burying ground at place called “The Hill,” where mother and father are buried; one-half acre near ‘(Red House,” where wife and son W1Li1aM are buried. Disclaims any interest in land of MarTin CaswEeLy. SamurEL CASWELL and NaTHANIEL Birp mentioned. Land near Mrs. Suines’ dwelling to Eranor Caswe tu, wife of SamusL CasweE.t, dec’d, until her son SHinE CaswELu becomes of age. Grandsons: RicHarp WitLiam CaswEuL and Ricnarp Francis Mackxitewean. Land bought of Ricu’p CasweELt, Jr’s., estate to be sold to JonatHan Morais, if he desires it. Daughter- in-law: Mrs. Richard Caswrtu, 14 lots in Kinston. Granddaughter: Mary CaswrLL, mentioned. Daughter: Anna Fonvitun, land called “Walnut Hill.” Sons: Winston, Dattam and Joun. Daughter: Susan- Naw. Ezecutors: Winston, Datutam and Jonn. Friend: James GLascow, to advise them. Friends: Sprers Sinaieton, Rosert Wuirs, JoHN HERBITAGE, Jesse Coss, Francis Cuitp, Simon Brieut, JosHua Croom, BENJAMIN CASWELL, JOHN Coart, to divide all other property into five equal shares, after inventory, one share for wife, SARAH CASWELL, and one share each for Winston, DaLLaM, JoHN and SuSANNAH CASWELL. A codicil includes further disposition of property to sons Winston, Datiam and Jown, and daughters Anna and Susannau. Witnesses: Simon Bricut, James Brigut. Clerk of Court: N. CaswELu. Attested as a true copy of will on file in office of Clerk of the Court of Lenoir County, July 20, 1799. 8. Bricut, Clerk. CasweLL, Matruew. Tyrrell County. March 24, 1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: Matruew (plantation ‘formerly belonging to Edward Phelps”), Samugt (“my Log house plantation”), Exisna (“my manner plantation’). Daughters: Joanna (land called the Red Banks), Exizaneta CasweE.u (plantation known by the name of Briffit’s Island and also land on Scuppernong River), TaBiraa CasweLL (land known by the name of the Loghouse land adjoining brother Samuel). Other legatee: CaswELu HassELu. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBetu. Ezecutors: Samue. Spruitt (father-in-law) and Mattusw CaswELL (son). Witnesses: Josaua Turner, Ropert Exton, Epwp. Puewps. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jongs. ApsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 67 Cavena, CHARLES. Edgecombe County. April 8, 1756. February Court, 1757. Sons: Davin (one shilling), Neepuam (50 acres of land on Beech run), Aquitua (60 acres land on west side of Beech Run), Nicoxas (one shilling), ArTHER (60 acres of land “joining to Needham land on the River’), CHarLtes and Henry (‘the remainder of my land”). Daughter: Mary Cavina (300 acres land ‘on the south side of Northuntee Mach”). Wiétnesses: Joan FouNTAINE, JoHn Murpures, ABicaL Pirrman. Clerk of the Court: Jas. MoNTFORT. Cawnprey, THomas. Craven County. August 1, 1748. December, 1748. Executor and sole devisee and legatee: Joun Brown. Witnesses: PETER Guar, PaTTERSON GILLETT and Joun Harper. Clerk of the Court: ———Smiru. Cuapwick, SAMUEL. Carteret County. October 4, 1749. December 5, 1749. Sons: Tuomas, Jostan, GAYER (‘my manner plantation”). Daughters: Tamar CHapwicn, Saran Cuap- wick, Mary CHapwick. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: SamMurL WHITHURST, Tuomas CuHapwickK, Isatan CHapwick. Wétnesses: JoserH Bray, Re- BECKAH CHADWICK, RacHEL Youne. Clerk of the Court: Go. Reap. CHALKHILL, JOHN. New Hanover County. November 14, 1757. February Court, 1758. Wife: Dorcas. Daugh- ters: Mary (my ring), Lyp1a. Wéfe’s daughter: Racnen Howson. Ezec- utors: GzorcE Moors and Wm. Dry. Witnesses: Rp. Harpy, Davip Brown, Margaret McCorxuity. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN. Pasquotank County. January 10, 1743-1744. April Court, 1753. Sons: Joun (‘plantation whereon I now live’), Winuram (land on Brights Branch), Jermm1an (“plan- tation joining upon his grandfather’s, Jeremiah Everton”). Daughters: Mary Bricut (wife of Isack Bricgut), ANN CHAMBERLIN, BeTtiz Cuam- BERLIN, Lucy, Amy and Martua CHAMBERLIN. Executors: Joan CHam- BERLIN (son) and Isack Bricut. Witnesses: Sam’, Erneriner, Gasr. Burnuam, Ropert CHAMBERLIN, BenJaMIN BurnuaM. Clerk of the Court: THomas TAYLOR. CuamBers, EpMonp. County not given. December 3, 1693. January 2, 1693. Friend: Francis Henry. Wit- nesses: Henry Pain, ANN Mapren. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Cuampion, Epwarp. Chowan Precinct. January 6, 1717-1718. April Court, 1718. Sons: Joszra (land on the West side of Miery Branch), Taomas (land on the East side of Miery 68 AsstracT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Branch), Epwarp. Daughters: Exuizapeta Cuampion, Mary CHAMPION Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: WinL1AM SapLer, Henry LisiEr. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. CuampeEn, JoHN. Chowan County. October 10, 1749. April Court, 1751. Grandsons: CHampEN SPIVEY, son of NATHANIELL and Marrua Spivey (250 acres larid on South side of Stoping Creek), Jamms Buy, son of Witi1am and EvizaBetH Buy (250 acres land “‘whereon I now dwell’), Peter CopELanp, son of Wit11am and Saran CopeLanp (250 acres of land). Daughter: Marcret Warp (250 acres of land). Wife: Sarran. Ezecutors: Saran CHAMPEN (wife), Na- THANIEL Spivey (son-in-law). Wotnesses: JoHN ARLIN, Mary ARLIN, Rost. Exiiorr. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. CHamPion, ORLANDO. Chowan County. December 13,1744. January 9,1744. Daughter and Executrix: Eiza- BETH Neat (“plantation I now live on”). Other legatees and devisees: Mary, wife of Wittiam Ricuarps; Ann, the wife of JosspH ANDERSON; Epwarp CuHampion (brother), Wintiam Ricuarps. Executors: JosEPH ANDERSON and JossrH Buounr. Witnesses: NATHANIEL MavraEws, Joun Verun, James Fennison. Justice: J. Hauszy. Will proven before Gas. JoHNsTON, Governor. Cuancry, Epmunp. Pasquotank County. March 15, 1753. July Court, 1754. Grandsons: Epmunp CuaNncry, son of StrrHen (‘“‘eastermost part of my plantation’), Epmunp Caancey, son of Jacos (“middlemost part of my plantation”), Epmunp CHaNceEY, son of ZacHaRiauH (“my Sand Hills land”). Sons: Dantez (a riding horse, saddle and bridle, dozen spoons, pair of brass scales, large Bible and three young horses); ZAcHARIAH (one shilling “sterling money to cutt him off from my rail and personal Estate because of the Wickedness that he committed in my House in the time of my Absence”). Daughter-in-law: RacnEL CHAN- cey (16 barrels of corn, 450 lbs dried meat, 3 gallons fatt, “my wheat patch, all my black pepper and all my flax and wool and one half of my sweeten- ing”). Granddaughters: Many and Hannan Cuancry. To James Fur- BusH is bequeathed book “No Cross, No Crown.” Children of Daughter Ruts: Joun Baxer, Mary DeGrarinrep, Buaxe Baker, Sarau, Ruta and Zapock Baker. Executor: Joun Baker. Witnesses: Rost. Hat, Wm. Swann. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Cuancry, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. April 18, 1736. May 13, 1736. Father: Winu1am Cuancey. Brother: JeremiaH Cuancey. Sisters: ANN Born, ELesaBeTu Sutton, Mary CHAN- cey, Desorsn Cuancey. Cousins: Josepx Surron, DEsoraH Sutton, Axsstract oF Witis, 1690—1760. 69 Joun Symons. Ezecutors: JeremM1an CHANCEY, JOHN BorpE (brothers). Witnesses: Jon Symons, Mary Lowry. Will proven before W. Sirs, C. J. Cuancey, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. July 17, 1746. August 4, 1749. Daughters: ANN WueEpBEY, Mary CommManDER, DrsoraH Batey. Grandsons: WittIam Cuancey (‘“‘planta- tion whereon I do now live”), WiLt1am Born, Wiut1am CHancry Com- MANDER, JOSEPH SATTEN, THOMAS Boyp. Granddaughters: DeBorau Sat- TEN, EvizABeTH Boyp, WINEFRED Boyp, ANN Batey, Mary Batzy. Executors: JosepH BAaLEy and JosEPH COMMANDER (sons-in-law). Wit- nesses: WiLLIAM BrotHers, Darcus Brotusers, Ropert Lowry. Will proven before Gov. Gas. JoHNSTON at Eden House. CuapmMan, Cas. Northampton County. May 19, 1753. November Court, 1753. Sons: Cuarues (100 acres land), Henry (100 acres), Wittiam (“my plantation’), Danie, HawKins (100 acres on Hast side of cedy branch). Wife and Executriz: Francis. Witnesses: DanieL Hawkins, CHARLES CHapMsaNn, Henry CHAPMAN. Clerk of Court: I. Epwarps. CuapmMan, JOHN. Carteret County. November 2, 1770. December 10,1770. Sister and Executrix: SaraH Cuapman (‘all my lands’’). Brother and Executor: SamuzEL CHAPMAN. Witnesses: Micasanw FRazIER, JoB CatLoway. Will proven before Gov. Wo. Tryon. Cuaprman, Mary. Pasquotank County. September 2, 1728. December 9, 1729. Daughters: Exizasera Lanp- wet, Saran Davis (wife of Ropert Davis). Granddaughter: Mary Davis. Executor: Rosert Davis. Witnesses: ABRAHAM WHITE, JER. Symons. Will proven before Ricup. Everarp. CuapPeL, RicHarp. Chowan County. March 5, 1734-1735. October Court, 1735. Sons: Mosms, Micwatag, Ricwarp. Daughters: Jupan and Sara Cuapren. Wife and Executriz: Euiza. Executor: Moses Baxer. Witnesses: Michann BrinKLEY, WM. TREVETHAN. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Cuartes, Danre.t. April 17, 1687. Brothers: Jonn Cuaries, SAMUELL CHaruzs. Sister: JEANE CHaRLEs. Executors: Francis Tomas, CHRISTOPHER Wit- nesses: Davip BuakE, Davip SHERROD, PaTtER Grey. No probate. 70 Axsstract or WILLs, 1690—1760. Cuar_es, JOHN. County not given. Sisters: Jans and Exizaseru Cuarues. Brother: SaMUEL CHARLES. Friends: Mary Tonite and Wittiam Boaz. No probate. Endorsement: “David Sharpe owes me fourteen shillings, John Steyne twenty shillings, Edward Mayo owes me 3 L D.” Cuartes, Hannan. Perquimans County. October 1, 1750. July Court, 1752. Son: Epwarp Movupiin. Daugh- ters: EvisaBerH Wuitr, Saran Perry, ANN Cox. Grandsons: JOHN Movupun and Jonn Cox. Granddaughters: Mary Mouputn (daughter of Joun Movupuin). Son-in-law: Ropert Cox. Ezecutors: Joun (grandson), Ropert Cox (son-in-law). Watnesses: Jacop Maren, Han- NaH Moupuin, Davenrort Goopine. Clerk of the Court: EpmMunp Hatcu. CuarLes, JEANE. Perquimans Precinct. July 11, 1688. Aunt: Maris Stepney. Other legatees: Joun STEPNEY, brother and sister (not named), father (not named). EHxecutors: CRISTIFER NisBrae, Frances Tomes. Witnesses: Taomas STEELL, JoHN STEELL, Joon Harter. No probate. Coat of arms on seal. Cuaries, SAMUEL. Perquimans County. March 12, 1727-1728. Sons: Samvue. (‘‘plantation whereon I now live), Joun (tract of land on gum swamp and Bull Branch), Josuay (tract of land on gum Swamp). Daughters: Lipzy CHaRLES, SARAH CHARLES, Han- naucH. Granddaughter: EuizaABETH OAVERMAN. Executors: SaAMUELL and JoHn Cuar Les (sons). Witnesses: Joun Keatruen, NATHANIEL AL- BURT, Epwarp Moupuin. Clerk of the Court: CHARLES DENMAN., WILLIAM. County not given. April 7, 1687. Brother: Joun (120 acres of land). Daughter: Jann CHar.ess (‘plantation I now live on”). Wife: Exizaseru. Friend: James Hoce. Evxecutors: Francis Tomes (father), JonarHan PHILips. Witnesses: James Hoae, Daniett Pinsrow. No probate. CuarLton, JoHN. Chowan Precinct. May 13,1735. April 15,1736. Sons: Jos (“plantation whereon I now live’’), Joun (land called ‘“‘Stacyes”), Wintiam (fifty pounds). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Wittiam Haskins. Witnesses: Sara Warpnar, Ricuarp Fircasarreu. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Curasten, RicHarp. Perquimans County. October 22, 1715. November 22, 1715. Wife: ANNE. Son: RicHarD (“all my real estate”). Grandson: DanieELL Layton. FEzecutors: JoserH Jessop, RICHARD CHEASTEN (son). Witnesses: ANTHONY Hasxit, TaBI- THA Hasxir, ANNE Hasxit. Secretary to the Governor: J. Kniqut. Agstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 71 Curex, RicHarp. Beaufort County. September 29, 1743. April 30, 1745. Sons: Ranpoxpux (‘‘plantation I now live on”), WiLL1AM (150 acres land), Jamus (140 acres of land), Joun (150 acres land), Ropertr (150 acres of land). Daughters: Exizsuta Burney, JANECHEEK,ANNCHEEK. Wife: Jane. Emxecutors: WM. CHEEK, Ricnarp CHEEK, Jr., and Jonn Burney. Witnesses: Wm. Hix, Joan Tuicren, Rost. Cuzex. Will proven before E. Mosstey, Chief Justice. Clerk of the Court: Joan ForBEs. Currry, SAMUEL. Beaufort County. July 14,1754. September Court, 1754. Sons: Jon (‘manner planta- tion”), Witt1am (400 acres land on the Beaverdam), Capo (400 acres of land on Briery Swamp), (land on Meadow Branch), SamuEL, SoL- omon, SAMUEL, Grorer, Wituis. Daughters: EvizaBETH, ABIGAIL, Pa- TIENCE, Mary and CourtTNEY CHERRY, Reseckan Hopers. LEvzecutors: Joun CHERRY (son) amd Wm. Wituis. Witnesses: WM. WILLIS, GRIFFIN Fuioyp, Peter Firoyp. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCY. CuzstrEr, JoHN. Bertie Precinct. January 22, 1728. February Court, 1728. Daughters: EizaBETH Cueste|r (land lying on Apple tree, Meratuck, and a place called frog Hall), Mary Cuesuer (‘‘all my tract of land I now live on”), Saran CHESHER (land “betwixt the land of John Bowds and the land I now live on”). Son-in-law: James Faux (land on Buck Horn). Wife and Executrix: Exiz- ABETH. Executors: ARTHUR WILLIAMS, JOHN Dew. Witnesses: JosSEPH Darpen, Witiiam Suita. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Cuzsson, ANNE. Perquimans County. January 3, 1727. January 17, 1727. Sons: Joun, James and JosHva. Sister: Espett Garret. Executors: DANIEL and WILLIAM GARRETT (brothers). Witnesses: JoserH Oates, Jean Ames. Will proven before Ricw’p EvERARD. Cuesson, JAMES. Perquimans County. May 19,1729. Sons: Jonn (“all my right of land lying in the crik fork in jowan), James (land “where I now dwell”). Wife and Execuiriz: ANN. Executor: Wiu1u1am Eqerton. Witnesses: JEREMIAH Pratt, WILLIAM Ecarton, Jos. Pratr. Will proven before Ricn’p Evararp, Governor. CurstTER, JOHN. County not given. December 18,1733. Son: Joun. Daughters: Leata Apams, RacuHELL Hocxines, Mary Cuester, Sary Camster, EvizapetH Cazstar. Son- in-law: Benzamin Hocxines. Ezecutors: Simon ALDERSON, WILLIAM Apams. Witnesses: ANNE Jackson, Puino. Wiuiams. Clerk of the Court: Jno. COLLISON. 72 Azssrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. CHESTER, SAMUEL. Wilmington, New Hanover County. October 10, 1758. November Court, 1758. Wife and Executriz: MarrHa. Children: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: W1ILLIAM VaucHan, Wm. WILKINSON, Ropert Freeman. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Curvin, NaTuaniet. Pasquotank Precinct. March 3, 1719-1720. Son of wife: NaTHaNniEL Catny. Other legatees: Dantex Ricuarpson, JoHN Farry, Epw’p Barger, Levi Marcum, CHARLES Marcum, Ropert Kerets. Ezecutors: Danie RIcHARDSON and JoHN Farry. Proven before Joun Patin and Richarp SANDERSON. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 219. Original missing. Curw, Henry, Sr. Carteret County. May, 1753. March 9,1758. Sons: Henry, Joseps (‘plantation where- on I now dwell” and 640 acres of land on Newport River). Daughters: Saran Dear, JANE Parker, EvisapetH Hunt. Friend: Cares Mary- LAND. Executors: JoserH CuEw (son) and Evisasera Hunt (daughter). Witnesses: ANN Reap, Mary Luprorp and George Reap. Wm. Rospert- son, Clerk of the Court. Cuurcy, JosEPx. Currituck Precinct. February 28, 1722-1723. April 9, 17238. Son: Ricnarp. Daughters: Lepy Wuitr, Ann CHurcH, Wife and Executriz: Juuian. Executor: RicHarp CHurcH (son). Witnesses: Hester Janves, Senr., AzRiaM Par- KER, THomas Parker. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WickEr. CrapuamM, JOSEPH. Bertie Precinct. March 25, 1733. May 8, 1733. Sons: Samuzty (“my farm and stock in the parish Dewsbery in Yorkshire in old England’’), Josras (plantation lying on Long Marsh at the head of Tuckahoo creek in Queen Anne Co., Maryland, also plantation in Bertie precinct on the Runaray Marshes). Executor: Jostas CLAPHAM (son). Witnesses: JupETH Waker, Henry Waker, JoHN Nairns. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Crarz, Hannan. Perquimans Precinct. August 26, 1726. Daughters: Hester Winstow, Hannan Bunpy (husband Brnsamin). Granddaughter: Mary Jones. Grandson: Wu- L1aAM Jones. Son-in-law and Executor: Bensamin Bunpy. Witnesses: Joun Bunpy, Exiza Bunpy, Joun Simons. Clerk of the Court: THos. WEPKEs. Agstract oF WILLS, 1690—1760. 73 CrarK, GEORGE. Bertie Precinct. February 25, 1723-1724. July 31, 1724. Friends: Tuomas Taytor, Joun Swan, JonatHan Taytor. Wife: Evisapets. Hzecutor: Jona- vHAN TayLor. Witnesses: JNo. Smirawick, Grorce Smite, Patrick Smita. Will proven before C. Gan, Chief Justice. Clerk of the Court: JOHN CARNICK. CiarK, James, Senn. Bladen County. April 26, 1757. On Cow Branch upon Drowning Creek. This is more a deed of assignment than a will and assigns all right, title and interest of JamEs CuarK of “the plantation I now live upon” to Joun Stack. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM BarRtTRAM, JOHN MITCHELL. CiarKE, JOHN. County not given. May 30, 1689. Wife and Execuiriz: Mary. Guardians of children: Danie, AxHurst, JoHN West and Epwarp Smiru. Friend: WitLiam Curry. Witnesses: Henry Pauin, Senr., Joan Hawkins, JOHN CaBEY. Will proven before Szta SoTHELL. CiarK, JoHN. Perquimans County. September 3, 1716. November 14,1717. Sons: Joun and THomas (es- tate divided between them). Wife: Ann. Other legatees: Stuon and Tuomas TROMBELL, SARAH TROMBELL, ELIZABETH TROMBELL. No Exec- utor named. Witnesses: RicHarp SANDERSON, JoHN Gray, Simon TruM- BELL. Will proven before CHaRLes Epen. Crark, Rosert. Edgecombe County. December 12, 1752. August Court, 1753. Sons: Wituiam, Moszs, Aaron, Ropert, Levi. Daughters: Ann Tatum, Jean CLYBUN, Mary Dueuis, Racne, Eraerepe, Acness Ernerepe, Hannan UNDERWOOD. Wife: Jean. Executor: Taomas Tatum. Witnesses: Wm. Wiacons, Mary Wiccons. Clerk of the Court: Brens’n WYNNS. Crarke, THOMAS. Bertie Precinct. April 25, 1728. Sons: Taomas, Lewis, Wituiam, Jonn, Matraew. Daughters: ExizapetH, Mary, Grace and Briperr. Executors: Wire (not named) and THomas CLARKE (son). Wétnesses: NeEHEMIAH JOYNER, ELLIS Brapry, Epwarp Hoop. No probate. Cuarron, EnizaBETH. Perquimans County. January 13, 1737-1738. February 2, 1737. Daughter: Mary Cuayton. Executors: Jonn SteveNSON, JoHN Barcurr. Witnesses: CHRISTIAN Reep, Benyamin Baptiste, Mary Durant. Will proven before W. Suir, C. J. 74 Agsrract oF Wiixs, 1690—1760. Crayton, Henry. Chowan Precinct. January 20,1725. July 26,1725. Wife: Exvizaperu. Daughter: Saran Ciayton. Trustees for daughter: CaristopHeR GALE, JonNn Lovick and Witu1am Lirtie (to whom is conveyed tract of land on Perquimans River called the “Vinyard,” in trust for daughter Saraw). Brother: Richarp Cuayton (of London). Ezecutors: CuristopHeR GALE (father-in-law), Joun Lovick and Wiiutam Littin. Witnesses: Wiiu1aAM WILLIAMS, Barruatm Scorr, JoHn Will proven before Ricu’p Everarp, Governor. Coat of arms on seal. Creare, Trmorxy. Perquimans County. November 10, 1724. November 17, 1724. Daughters: Mary Mayo, ELIzaABETH WINSLOWE, JANE Jrssop, Saran WuiTE, HaNNAH CLEARE, Hepzipau Berry. Sons-in-law: Toos. WinsLow (his sons, TimoTHy and Jesse), THomas Jessop. Grandson: Joun Ropinson. Wife: Hannaw. Executors: THos. WinsLow and Tos. Jessop (sons-in-law). Wutnesses: Tuomas Bacuiey, Smita Couua, J. Jessop. Clerk of the Court: E. Mose.zy. CLEMENT, JOHN. Bertie Precinct. January 2, 1734. January 29,1734. Friends: Joun Buuy (Executor), ArcHIBALD Buti, Grorer Brett, Ropert Bett, PeneLtorpr Bey. Wit- nesses: Ropr. SHarman, Mixet Kine, Lucy Suarman. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, Governor, at Edenton. CLEMENTS, GEORGE. Bertie County. February 22,1729. May Court, 1730. Sons: Bensamin and Grorce. Daughter: EvizapetTH CLEMENTS. Wife and Executriz: Susanna. Wit- nesses: THomas Bussy, Grorce Frencu, Wituiam Smits. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Cuirrorp, Tuomas. October 9, 1735. “Late of Charlestown in South Carolina, but at present residing in New Hanover Precinct in North Carolina.” Wife and Execu- trix: Mary. Witnesses: M. Moors, Exiza Swann, E. Mosetey. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. CroasE, GrorGer. New Hanover County. August 8, 1750. April 28, 1760. Father-in-law: Neworx Inari. Mother: Jean INaRim. Executor: ALEXANDER DUNCAN. Witnesses: A. McKeiruen, Jas. CAMPBELL, JR. Will proven before ARTHUR Dosss. ABSTRACT OF WILLs, 1690—1760. 75 Corn, Brensamin. Pasquotank Precinct. November 29, 1734. January 4, 1734. Son-in-law: James Mack- BRIDE. Daughter: BeLey Conn. Wife: Briparr. Executors: CHARLES Sawyer, Bennett Morean. Witnesses: Cates Korn and Bennett Morean. Clerk of the Court: Jos. SmirH. Corrine, Mary. Perquimans County. June 17, 1707. July 8, 1707. Deceased husband: Joun THURSTON. Daughter: Hannan Tuurston. Granddaughter: Saran Rose. Executor: Epmonp Mopuin. Witnesses: GitBert SmitH, DerBy Brayen. Clerk of the Court: THos. SNODEN. Coewett, Henry. Perquimans Precinct. February 26, 1716. October 3, 1719. Daughters: Butt1z CoGwELL (‘land whereon I now live’’), Saran CoGwELL (75 acres of land in Chowan precinct). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Peter James. Wit- nesses: JOHN JoNsON, WM. EcEerRTON, JAMES WILSON. Clerk of the Court: Ricw’p Leary. Coxer, Cars. Edgecombe County. June 11,1748. November Court, 1748. Wife: Mary. Sons: Ricwarp, James and THomas. Daughters: Many Narron, ANN Brun, FRANCIS Watt, EvizaBetu Spin, Saran Coker, AGNES Coxer. Executors: Mary Coxsrr (wife) and JaMes Sperr. Witnesses: Mararet Coker and JAMES Coxer. Clerk of the Court: Brny’n WYNNS. Coxer, RicHarp. Beaufort County. March 26, 1756. June Court, 1756.. Wife and Executriz: MarGREAT. Executor: Wm. Spruirn. Witnesses: Jonn Sperr, WM. Sprir, EvizABETH Sper. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCEY. Coteman, WILLIAM. Edgecombe County. December 29, 1749. February Court, 1752. Son: Samurt (‘‘planta- tion whereon I now live’). Daughters: Saran, SusannaH. Wife and Ex- ecutriz: JANE. Executor: RopeRT CoLEMAN (brother). Witnesses: Moszs CoLeman, Corne.ius Jorpan, Evin Jorpan. Clerk of the Court: Brny’n Wywns. CoLeMaNn, RosBerr. Bath County. July 9, 1721. September 25,1721. March 29,1722. Wife and Execu- tric: Mary. Daughters: Exizapeta Ister, Mary Waite. Granddaugh- ter: MaRYIsLER. Grandson: Davip Duruisn. Wife’s son: Dennis ODIER. 76 Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Son-in-law and Executor: CuristoPpHEeR Runnitis. Witnesses: RicHaRD Cary, Jonn Butter, Perer Green. Clerk of the Court of Isle of Wight Co., Virginia: W. Bripamrs. C. Gate, C. J. CoLeMaAN, WILLIAM. Anson County. May 1, 1750. June Court, 1750. Sons: Witt1am, THomas, Joan, James and SaMvEL (To the 1st three is given ‘the plantation whereon I now live” and to the other two is given “plantation lying upon mountain creek”). Wife and Ezxecutriz: Exisapetsa. Executor: JosrpH WHITE. Witnesses: Joun Hamer, Mary Coteman, AnTHony Hutcuines. His Majesty’s Justices: James McCwran, JosepH WHITH, CHARLES ROBINSON, Epm’p Cartuipes, Sam Davis, ALEX’R OsBorNn. Clerk of the Court: THom- AS JONES. Cotzs, James. Perquimans Precinct. February 20, 1711. Daughter: Exizanera Cougs (tract of land in Nan- semond County, Va., “whereon my father James Coles lived”; tracts of land at Somertowne and Buckland). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Wit- nesses: Rich Frencu, Euiz. Frencu, Saran Evens. Clerk of the Court: Henry Cuayton. Coat of arms on seal. CoLzson, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct. February 9, 1736. Brothers: ABRawAM and JosEPH CoLEsON. Sister: Saran Lunpy. EHzxecutors: Taoomas Wuitmett and Epwarp Cou.ins. Witnesses: Epw’p CoLiins, JAMES WarD, THomas Fatconer. Will proven before W. Smrru, C. J. Cottey, Maeparen. Albemarle County. December 10, 1699. Ratifies and confirms will of Marruew Couey, except one feather bed and appurtenances which she wills to daughter Ru- Becca. Witnesses: Henry Wuite, Jacop OVERMAN. Cottey, Marruew. Albemarle County. April 16, 1699. Children: Exizaseru, Jonn and Repecca, one planta- tion each. Joun Nupy. No Executor. No probate. Witnesses: FENN. Wuirtr, James Davis. Cottey, Roserr. Craven County. April 15, 1744. June 26, 1744. Son: James. Wife: Katuerine. Executor: Dr. Francis Strincer. Witnesses: Wu. Burn, Ep. WaRNSLEY, ANDREW Bass. Clerk of the Court: N. Routuepar. ABSTRACT OF Witts, 1690—1760. 77 Cottier, CoRNELIUS. Beaufort County. September 6, 1741. December 8, 1741. Friends: ABRAHAM Gray, Reseckan Gray, CorNeLIusS Gray, EvizaperH Gray. LEzecutor: Ricu- ARD Newman. Witnesses: WM. Barrow, Jonas Squires. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forsus. Cotiins, CHARLES. Newberne, Craven County. March 3, 1738. March 7, 1738. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee and devisee: ANN. Witnesses: JoHN REED, Mare’tr Reep, Jno. WILLIAMS. Will proven before GaB. JOHNSTON. , Cotuins, JaMEs. Perquimans County. April 15, 1730. May 19, 1730. Sons: Witu1am, THomas. Daughter: Aue Cotuins. Wife and Executrix: Luirz. Executor: Witu1am CoLuins (son). Friend: Josera Jessop. Witnesses: Taos. Linuey, Sarau LILiey. Will proven before Ricu’p EvERARD, Governor. Coxttns, JoHN. Craven County. February 20, 1748-1749. March Court, 1750. Sons: Samur., JosEPH. Granddaughters: E.iseBeTH JonES, Mary Jonss, Vint Jones. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Samuet Cours (son). Witnesses: WILLIAM Smita, Grorce Barser, Jacosp Tayter. Clerk of the Court: Pury Smrru. Coutins, JoHN. Bertie County. December 27, 1749. March 18, 1752. Sons: Witi1am (land on Casshi River purchased of Jonathan Standley), Jon and Davin (bible to each), JosEPH (plantation on Guy hall swamp purchased of Hardy Keele), MixE.u (survey on Redbud), Demsry (plantation on Gie hall Swamp “where Henry Ballentine formerly lived”), Jessz (‘my plantation”), AB- SOLUM (247 acres of land on the Deep Branch). Grandsons: Joan KEEn and Joan Cotuins. Wife and Executriz: Many. Witnesses: Moses Hii, JetHro Rountres. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Coxtivs, Lorex. April 18, 1730. May 19, 1730. Son-in-law: Witu1am Couiins. Son: Tuomas. Daughter-in-law: ALLIE Cotuins. Executor: JosrrH JESSOP. Witnesses: Susanau SmitH, Martin Aspitu, ELIZABETH FERRILL. Will proven before RicHaARD EVERARD. Coxuins, RicHarp. Bath County. September 23, 1707. October, 1707. Legatees and devisees: EpMon Parsz, Ann Notson, Jonn Bountine. Executor: Rogar Mountsry. Witnesses: Epwarp Pitt, JosepH Hatesrooxr, James Peirce. Clerk of the Court: Levi EMEWHITT. 78 AxsstTract or Wits, 1690—1760. Couuins, Uriag. Hyde County. January 8, 1751-1752. March Court, 1752. Son: Henry (‘‘house and plantation”). Daughters: ExizaspTH Cotuins and Hannan COLLINS. Executor and Guardian of Children: Timoray Grapiess. Witnesses: JOEL Bartre, Ricnarp Woop. Clerk of the Court: Francis Eauzton. Court- house in Woodstock town. Corttines, WILLIAM. Pasquotank Precinct. April 8,1706. July 19,1709. Wife and Executrix: EuisinetTH. Cousin: Tuomas Wop Ley. Witnesses: (Capt.) Joun Hunt, Samvurety Davis, Euisisets Davis. Clerk of the Court: Joan Bisuop. Corus, THomas. Pasquotank Precinct. September 3, 1719. Legaiees: Gnrorce Lumury, SamueL Barnet (executor). Witnesses: GRirFitH JoNES, Epwarp Cooper, Epwarp Farr- cLoTH. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 217. Original missing. Coutson, JoHN. Bertie Precinct. May 3, 1730. February Court, 1736. Sons: Joun, THomas, Jacos, Sanpows and JosepH (land on Rognes Swamp to be equally divided between them). Daughters: Mary and MartHa CoLitson. Wife: Susan- NAH. Ezecutors: SusANNAH COLLSON (wife), JouN CoLLson (son), THos. Buiount, THos. WHITMELL, Witnesses: AGNEsSs LeaGEett, JoHN LEAGETT, Cuaries Haventon. Clerk of the Court: Joun Wynns. Cotston, Mary (Widow of Jacob). July 20, 1732. Son: Wiit1am Coutston. Daughter: Saran Lunpy. Ezecutors: Joan Gray, THomas WHITTMEAL. Witnesses: JoHN LEGGET, Tuos. Kearny. No probate. Cotten, JAMEs. Bertie County. January 14, 1758. April Court, 1758. Sons: James (“plantation where I now live”), Hnnry, SoLomon, THEOPHILUS. Daughter: CHRISTIAN Cotten. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Evzecutors: ARTauR and JoHN Cotten (brothers). Witnesses: SaMUELL Co_ten, Tuomas Rocuz, Mary Rocus. Clerk of the Court: Buns. WyNns. Comps, WINNIFITT. Tyrrell County. October 31, 1749. March Court, 1750. Sons: Ropert and Samuetu. Daughters: Mary Comps, ExisepeTH Brapy, ANN Wren. Grandson: James Compas. JEzecutor: Rost. ComsBs (son). Witnesses: Davin Dun- CAN, JOHN Warp, JoHN ComBs. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonss. Assrract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 79 Commanver, JosepH Matrrurw. April 23, 1698. Sons: THomas and Joseru. Evzecutors: James TUKE, Joun Tuxe. Witnesses: DANIEL AKEHURST, THOMAS BLOUNT, JEREMIAH Symons, Wi1tt1am Nicwouson. Clerk of the Court: W. GuovEer. ComMANDER, THoMas. Pasquotank County. August 25,1739. October Court, 1739. Sons: Joun (‘the west side of my land”),.Samugy (“land east of the flat branch”), Bmensamin (“great iron pott’’”). THomas and JosmPpH. Daughters: Mary and Sarau. Executors: Tuomas and JosepH CoMMANDER (sons). Witnesses: Simon Bryan, T. Sweeny, THomas Symons. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Executors qualified before W. Smita, C. J. ComManpDER, THOMAS. Pasquotank County. February 16, 1741-1742. April Court, 1742. Son: Josmpa (“all my land”). Wife and Executrix: ExisasetH. Brother and Executor: Joseru ComMMANDER. Sisters: SaraH COMMANDER and Mary CoMMANDER. Wit- nesses: ROBERT Lowry, ANN OvERMAN, Simon Bryan. Clerk of the Court: THomas TaYLor. ComminFort, Hrnprick. Currituck Precinct. July 7, 1712. Sons: Witit1am, ANDREW (executor). Daughter: Mar- GARET. Witnesses: RicHarD BALLANCE, JANE VANDERMULER, Evan Mitter and THomas VANDERMULER. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 44. Original missing. ComrnFort, RicHarp. County not given. December 7, 1704-1705. Legatees: THomas Vincz, Ricoarp CANNADY, THoMAS VANDERMULEN, JANE VANDERMULEN, Mary VIncz (sister), Mar- GARET and Sarau Vincs. Mother and Executriz: HENDRIcK COMINFORT. Witnesses: WiLL Swann, JoHN Brown, THomas Piatt. Clerk of the Court: JosepH Wicker. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 244. Original missing. ConeLeton, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. July 21, 1755. December Court, 1755. Sons: James, Witiiam (‘‘my plantation on the Briery Branch”), Joun (“plantation that George Hill now lives on’), Henry and Davin (“plantation whereon I now live”’). Apranam (my still). Daughter: ExizapeTa Conateton. Wife: Saran. Executors: James and WILL1am CONGLETON (sons) and SARAH CONGLETON (wife). Wetnesses: Jas. BonnER, THos. Bonner, JunR., WILLM. PHELPS. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. 80 AxpsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. Conner, ANDREW. Bath Town. January 14, 1754. March Court, 1754. Friends: Roger and Henry OrmonD, sons of WyrioTT Ormonp (972 acres of land on North side of Pamplico River). Daughter: Saran Conner. Executor: Wyriortt Or- MOND. Wiétnesses: WittM. More, WiLL Ormond, Jas. ELLison, THomas Wiuams. Clerk of Craven County Court: JNo. SNEAD. Conner, Dumsry. Pasquotank County... December 5, 1753. January Court, 1754. Daughter: ANNLATITIA Conner. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Matruias JORDAN, JoserH Jorpan, EvizaBeta Jorpan. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Tayor. Conver, JoHN. Pasquotank County. October 5, 1753.’ October Court, 1753. Sons: Joun, Capor. Daugh- ters: Mary Conner and Ruta Connzer. Wife and Executriz: ELISEBETH. Executor: Jos. Scorr. Witnesses: Jos. JORDAN, PENELOPE JORDAN. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TaYLor. Connery, JoHN. Johnston County. October 17, 1751. March Court, 1751. Sons: Winu1am and CULLEN (300 acres of land in Duplin Co.). Wife: Kusian. Daughter: Patiznce. Brothers: RicHarp Jones, SrepHeN Herrine. Lzecutor: ANTHONY Her- RING. Witnesses: ELizABETH JONES, GRIFFIN JonES. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Youna. Conway, Mary. New Bern, Craven County. August 17, 1774. August 26, 1774. Son: Witt1am Conway (“lands and lotts in the town of New Berm, together with all negroe slaves, two pair of gold Buttons and the residue of My Gold Rings * * * * And I do earnestly intreat my Executors to pay strict regard to the education of my said son in such manner as shall be necessary to qualify him for such Business or profession as his Genius shall most incline to’’). Other legatees: Mary Gorpon, Susannau (wife of Epmunp WrENForD) and EvizaBeta Enmsuey (silk and linen wearing apparel). Executors: JoHN Hawss and Epmunp Wrenrorp. Witnesses: JoHN BONNER, JOSEPH Dowse and Henry Viron. Proven before Jo. Martin. Coox, Joun. Bertie County. November 24, 1744. January 30,1745. Sons: Samuut (plantation on Black Walnut Swamp), Isaac (100'acres land), Davin (100 acres of land on Salmon Creek). Daughters: Saraw, EvizaBeTH and Anna Cook. Wife and Executriz: Anna. Executor: Isaac Cook (son). Witnesses: Tos. Ryan, Wm. Batu, Isaac Ratuirr. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON at Eden House. Axsstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 81 ~Coox, SamureL. Bertie County. October 2, 1756. January Court, 1757. Sons: Joun (‘my plantation, containing 162 acres), Jesse (100 acres of land at the head of Black Walnut), Bensamin, Witatam. Daughters: Frances, Mary and Euiza- _ BerH Coox. Wife and Executriz: Many.’ Executors: Epwarp Bryan, JoHN Coox (son), Ropert West. Witnesses: Jonn Burn, Jonn Perry, Rosert Wast. Clerk of the Court: Bens. WYNNs. Coox, Joun. County not given. August 19, 1696. Son: THomas. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetu. Wit- nesses: HENDERSON WALKER, ANN WALKER, ARGELL Simons. Clerk of the Court: W. GLOVER. Coox, THomas. Chowan County. November 20, 1734. January 20, 1734. Legatees: GrizELL Bub (“houses and lots in Edenton and negroes), Joan Coax (uncle). Ezxecu- tors: JonN PaYLEN and Epmunp Gaus. Witnesses: CHARLES WESTBEERE, SamuEL SNowpDEN, Peter Youne. Proven before GABRIEL JOHNSTON. Recorded in Book 1722-35, page 344. Original missing. Coox, WILLIAM. Northampton County. April 3, 1758. October Court, 1758. Sons: WiLLIaM, James, ELIME- LEACH, JOHN, Lazarus, Daniet, Henery, Eraraim, Mercurivs (to each is bequeathed one shilling). Daughters: Exizapeta Coox, Mary Coox (one shilling each). Wife and Executriz: Neomy (balance of estate). Witnesses: EmMetius Derine, RicharD WorRELL, THOMAS Pairu. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Coorzr, JosEPH. : Pasquotank County. \ April 3, 1753. April Court, 1754. Sons: JoszrH, James. Daughters: Saraw and Mary Cooper. Wife and Executriz: Saran ANN CoopPEr. Witnesses: Jarvis Jones, ANTONY FoREHAND, Brip@itt Jonss. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TaYLor. CorELanD, JAMES. Chowan County. March 13, 1752. Son: James (tract of land on Chowan River). Daugh- ter; Mary Corenanp. Wife and Executriz: Diana. Witnesses: James Fatxiaw, Isac Witu1ams, Jonn Toacu. No probate. Coprtanp, WILLIAM. October 23, 1720. Sons: WiutraM (“plantation whereon I now live”), Joun, James and Caartes (“land betwixt Sandy Run and Bear Swamp”). Daughters: Curistian and Saran Copenannp. Wife and Executriz: 6° 82 AxsstTRact oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Curistian. Witnesses: JouN Earpan, Greorce TurRNEDGE, ELIZABETH TuRNEDGE. Will proven before CHRISTOPHER GALE. Clerk of the Court: JoHN CaRNICK. 1 CopEetanp, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. January 26, 1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: Wixiiam (“plantation - whereon I now live’’), Jnssm. Daughters: ANNE CopELAND, JUDATH CoPE- land. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Everarp Garrett, THomas SMALL, CHARLES CopELAND. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Corzett, Tuomas. : Albemarle County. January 10, 1692. April 3, 1693. Legatees and Devisees: Saran Lity (daughter of Joun Liny), Repexan, ANN, JoNaTHAN and RicHarD VINS (children of RicHarp Vins, Sr.) Hzecutor: Ricuarp Vins, Sr. Witnesses: Bensamin Grpon, Jonannan Gipon, ANTHONY Dawson. Clerk of the Court: JoHn STEPNEY. Corsin, Jean (widow of Francis Corsin), Chowan County. February 10,1775. April 3, 1775. Legatees: Joun RutTHERFORD, Jr., WitiiaM Gorpon Ruruerrorp and Francis RuTuerrorp, “children of my good friend Joan RuTHERFoRD of New Hanover County” (1,260 acres of land on the East Branch of Long Creek; plantation on the North east side of the North West branch of Cape Fear adjoining Henry Simmons; plantation in Bladen County adjoining Macknights on the West side of the Northwest branch of Cape Fear River, together with all negroes, household furniture and personal estate of testatrix). Ezecutors: Lewis Henry DeRosset, Joan RutHerrorp and Tuomas Hottoway. Wit- nesses: Sam Asne, Danie, and Davip Morcan. Proven before Jo. Martin. Executor qualified before RicHarp CASWELL. Corz, Tuomas. Northampton County. October 26,1751. May Court, 1752. Sons: Tomas, ARTHUR. Daugh- ters: Maraet Cooper, Mary Ho.anp, EvizaBeTa Corz, Grace Cors. Wife and Executriz: Marerrr. Executor: Arruur Corz (son). Wit- nesses: JaMES Boyt, JoHN Ricut, WM. MurFres. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarpbs. Corry, Jon. Pasquotank County. February 18,1757. March 25,1757. Sons: Joun, Tuomas and Josspu. Wife and Executriz: Luca. Executor: Toomas Corny (son). Wutnesses: Ann Coax, Jounn McKeen. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Corp, Joun. December 20,1718. February 10, 1718-1719. Son and Executor: Wu- uiaM. Daughter: Eunzr Corp. Wife and Executric: Evinor. Brother: Axsstract oF Wiuts, 1690—1760. 83 Ricuarp Corp. Brother-in-law: Ricuarp Brotuers. Witnesses: J. Pauin, Cuas. Butt, Saran Bout. Will proven before JonN Rosison, Justice of the Peace. Corp, Joun. Pasquotank County. March 10, 1753. April Court, 1753. Brother and Executor: WiLLIAM Knicuts. Wife and Ezecutrix: Exizanmru. Witnesses: THomas Mc- Kezis, Epwarp Knieuts. Clerk of the Court: Toos. Tayior. Corprew, THomas. Chowan County. August 18,1748. January Court, 1748. Sons: Joan (400 acres land in Perquimans and 200 in Chowan Co.), Gzorcz Durant Corprew (‘‘planta- tion whereon I now live; plantation of 700 acres in Princess Ann County, Va.”). Wife: Saran. Daughter-in-law: Mary Buncoms. Poor of the Parisy of St. Paut in CHowan Co. (one negro man), Ezecutors: SARAH Corprew (wife), Josaua Corprew (brother), BenJamin Payton, Mites Gate, Wituiam Hasxins. Witnesses: Clement Hauu, Jounn RempBouen, Joun Ross. Clerk of the Court: Witt Mearns. Executors qualified before Jos. ANDERSON, J. P. Corrzz, James. Bertie County. October 22, 1750. May Court, 1754. Sons: Jamus (“manner planta- tion”), Davip, JoHN and Jacos. Daughters: Margret CorrEE, JANIT ‘CorREE. Wife and Ezecutriz: Mary. Ezecutors: Taomas WHITMILL, ARTHUR WILLIAMS. Wetnesses: ABRAHAM JORDAN, HesTER BroaDWELL, ArtHuR WiuutamMs./ Clerk of the Court: Samu. ORMES. Costz, Epuraim. County not given. November 14, 1719. God-daughter: Exizapera Marknam. Executor: AnrHony MarxuamM. Witnesses: Levi Marxnam Lenerton. No pro- bate. Cotten, JoHN. Northampton County. Date of death, February 2, 1741. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I dwell”), Bensamin (“plantation whereon Philip Edens lives”). Daugh- ters: Many Bruce (or Breecle) (land at Blue water), ANNE CoTTz=n, Saran Corren (one negro). Wife and Executriz: Anne. Executor: WILLIAM Corren (brother). Witnesses: Ricup. Barrietp, Taomas Cowan, JOHN Dawson. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. This is a nuncupative will proven before Isaac HUNTER by the witnesses above named. Cortren, SaMUELL. Northampton County. January 16,1774. May 18,1774. Sons: Samuzuy (“my manor planta- tion”), Joun. Wife and Executriz: Livia. Wife's children: ELisaBeTa Cotten Ewe.u, Sauiy Corran EWELL, RopERICK Cotton EWELu. Other ¢ 84 Agstract oF Wi11s, 1690—1760. legatees: THomas THomas, Evripice Garpinak (bound boy), JoHN FRANK- uin. Executor; Roprert Hinuiarp. Witnesses: C. E. Taytor, JNo. Barnes, Sara Jossxy. Will proven before Jo. Marrin at Halifax. Corren, SaraH. Northampton County. December 7, 1753. February Court, 1754. Sons: Witt1amM BripcErs, JoserH Bripeers, JoHN Brivcers, CHartes Corren, WILLIAM Corren, Rozpert Corren. Daughters: Saran Corren, Patience Corren, Pris- CILLA Wiis, Mary Cotren, Martua Scorr. Executor: Witu1am Bripe- ERS (son). Witnesses: Joun Dawson, Ricup. Wiiis, Joun Scorr. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Codicil: Dated December 13, 1753. Mentions sons: JoszeH Bripcrrs, Cuartes, WILLIAM. Witnesses: Jonn Dawson, Joun Scorr. \ Corton, Joun. Bertie County. May Court, 1728. Sons: Joun, Witi1am, SAMUEL, THoMas, ARTHUR, James, JosepH, ALExanpER. Wife: Marraa Corton. Sons-in-law: Joun Tomas, Cart. Jonn Spears. Daughters: SusANNAH and PRISCILLA Corron, MartHa Benron, widow of Francis Benron. Ezecutors: Tuomas Bryan and Witi1am Benner. Witnesses: Taomas BRYANT, Tuos. Stranap, Mary Parker. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstar. The following lands devised: 320 acres on Ahoskey Marsh; 150 acres in the Ose- row Meadow; land bought of Charles Stevenson; land called the Green Pond Neck; lower survey on Fishing Creek; 400 acres of land in upper sur- vey on Fishing Creek. Several negro slaves bequeathed, together with a great quantity of personal property in the shape of wearing apparel, house- hold furniture, etc. Corton, Jon. Pasquotank County. March 1, 1791. July 4, 1792. Son: Humrre. Executors: Tuomas Syons, JaramiaH Symons, JosePpH ComMaNpER. Witnesses: CALEB Bunovy, Janz Bunpy. Clerk of the Court: Paut LatHam. Covtson, WittiaM. County not given. November 18, 1712. Wife: Euizaneta. Ezecutors: Davin HenpER- son and Jonn Boxp. Witness: WM. Downina. Original missing. Re- corded in Book 1712-1722, page 53. Courtyry, Roserr. Onslow County. January 17, 1750. April 2, 1751. Sons: Joun (1 shilling), Ropert (land on the Half Moon Creek on the East side of the Northwest branch of New River called Wallins), J ONATHAN (plantation whereon “I now live’ ), Row tan (100 acres land on lower end of plantation). Son-in-law: Rica- ARD Curtis. Friend: Bensamin Eason. Wife: Hannan. Daughter: AgstRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 85 Pause Curtis. Evxecutors: Ropert and JoNaTHAN CoURTNEY (sons). Witnesses: Mattuew Lewis, Jos. Sturces, Bensamin Eason. Clerk of Court: THos. Buacx. Cowarp, JOHN. Bertie Precinct. March 8, 1737. August Court, 1737. Sons: W1L114M and Joxn (planta- tion whereon I now live), Bevarp. Wife: EvisaBera. Executor: Josera WIMBERLEY. Witnesses: Epwarp Vann, Henry Vann, JoHNATHAN Tater. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. CowENn, GARRETT. Albemarle County. July 6, 1720. April Court, 1721. Son: DaninL. Wife: not named. Witnesses: and Exizapetu Kowin. Clerk of the Court (pro tem.): J. PaLin. Cowe 1, Bensamin. Currituck County. October 5, 1752. March Court, 1756. Sons: Bensamin, SoLomon, Wiiu1am, Butiar, Epmonp, Joan, THomas. Daughters: Rrsecca Cow- ELL, Evizaseta Cowen, Dorcas. Wife and Hxecutrix: BELizABETH. Executor: Soromon CoweELt (son). Witnesses: Jos. CAMPBELL, JOHN Woopxotss, Jorpan Rogzrs. Clerk of the Court: W1LLIAM SHERGOLD. Cox, Epwarp. Currituck County. September 26, 1748. July Court, 1751. Sons: THomas (“plantation whereon I now live’), Assatom (plantation of 75 acres), Ex1sa (“remainder of my land”). Daughter: Jemima Parker. LEzecutors: Tuomas, ABSss- tom, Ex1san Cox (sons). Witnesses: Wm. SHerGcoLtp, NaTHu. WILSON, Matacai Witson. Clerk of the Court: Rica’p McCuurz. Cox, Cuarizs! Duplin County. November 24, 1752. April 10, 1759. Daughter: Anne Cox (500 acres of land in the province of “pencelvany”’ (Pennsylvania) in the County of Newcastle). Wife and Executrixz: Francesina (“plantation whereon I now live”). . Executor: Joszpa Wiuuson. Witnesses: AMBRosE Dup.ey, Aaron Hopesen. Clerk of the Court: Joan Dickson. Cox, Joun. Onslow County. April 18, 1748. Wife: Curistian (“one-half my plantation”). Daugh- ter: Martaa Cox (other half plantation). Executor: Jonn Starkey. Witnesses: James Hoyin, Danie, SHorty, Mary Petwoop. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. Coxz, Rosert. Little River Precinct. February 21, 1725. November 25, 1730. Son: Rosurr. Daughters: Saran Coxse, Anne Weeks. Wife and Executriz: Evizapeta. Wit- nesses: Mary Coiines, Joun Boswet. Will proven before Ricup. Ever- ARD. 86 AgstTRAcT oF Wits, 1690—1760. ' Cox, Tuomas. Currituck County. April 30,1743. July 5,1743. Sons: Epwarp (land called the “Wolfpit Ridge”), Sotomon (‘‘maner plantation”), MarMEDUKE (41 acres of land). Daughters: Mary Cox, Dinan Cox, Ann Cox. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: JOHN SHURLEY, Lucy Puatts. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lane. Crappocg, RicHarp. Pasquotank County. January 9, 1685. Wife, Executriz and sole legatee and devisee: Euiza- BETH. Witnesses: ANTHONY Hatcu, Steven STELL, Joun Bownp, Mar- GRET Bownp. No probate. Craic, Ricuarp. February 9, 1695-1696. April Court, 1696. Friends: Patrick BEALLY (Executor), Joun and Davip BEa.yy (sons of Patrick). Wetnesses: Sam- vELL Davis, Jonn Davis. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. CranForpD, WILLIAM. Onslow County. October 4, 1743. April Court, 1745. Sons: Jamus (‘‘plantation where- on he now lives’), Jonn (‘plantation whereon I now live’). Son-in-law and Executor: Purtuip Finsincer. Wife and Executriz: KATHERINE. Witnesses: Tuos. Roperts, Ricup. Merten, Ropert Merten. Clerk of the Court: ANDR. Murray. CRAVEN, JAMES. September 28, 1755. October 11, 1755, “late of Droughton near Skip- ton in Craven in the County of York in Great Britain, now of Edenton in North Carolina.” “I give to my wife PenELope CRAVEN (formerly Hope- sow) all the Black cattle, sheep and hogs at the “Brick House” and the “Ould plantation called Pagetts Plantation” and in the Range commonly called the Great Marsh,” together with ten negroes and all “the Craven Silver Plate” and furniture; fifty books and horse and side saddle. Other legatees: ‘‘DocxtER ABranHam Boutron (brother), Taomas Craven Hopa- son (“my large gold seal”), WiLu1am Bapuam (six silver spoons), Doctor JoHN Craven, Mary Lermine (sister), Peter Leeming. Executors: Francis Corsin, Wrriot Ormond, Witt1am Heriraae of North Carolina and Joun Watson of Suffolk, Virginia. Wétnesses: Saran Biount, Jo- sePH Harron, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN Pinpor. Proven before ARTHUR Dozzs. Crawrorp, WILLIAM. Chowan County. May 12,1732. January 13,1735. Daughters: E.izaperu, wife of ALEX- ANDER Oxiver; Honnur, wife of Epwarp Dinupay. Granddaughter: Mary Ouiver. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Grandsons: Wm. CRAWFORD (appointed Executor), Taomas JENKINS. Witnesses: JosrrH Vaun, ANNE Vaun, Ricnarp Tayxtor. Will proven before W. Smita, C. J. Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 87 Crrecu, Hznry. | Albemarle County. August 16, 1709. No probate. Son-in-law: Joun Darwin (land at ye beetree neck). Sons: Toomas and Wi11am (land “called ye bald ridge’’), Ricuarp, Henry. Wife and Ezecutriz: Joycn. Witnesses: ELENoR James, Tamer Cresco, JoHN Bztt. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 28. Cressy, Levi. Perquimans County. October 21, 1734. October 28,1734. Sons: Joun, JosmpnH. Daughter: ExvrzaBeto Cressy. lHzecutors: Joun Cressy (son) and ZAcHARIAH CHa- NEY. Witnesses: Nann Jones, JoHN Moore, ZAcHaRiaAn CHANEY. Will proven before Gro. Burrineron. 5 Cricket, Joun. Bertie County. He October, 1753. April Court, 1755. Sons: Joun (300 acres of land on the Middle Swamp), THomas (‘‘plantation whereon I now live’ and land on South side of the Branch), CHaRLEs (land on the North side of the Branch). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Joun Cricket (son). Wetnesses: Rot. Lenox, ALexr. Forp, Epwarp Rason. Clerk of the Court: BEnta- MIN WYNNS. Crisp, NicHouas. Chowan Precinct. March 22,1727. May 23,1727. Grandsons: RicHarp Crisp (lands and plantations in Chowan precinct; plantation known by the name of Wind- lys; lot and warehouse in Edenton; land in Perquimans precinct known by the name of Fendals; the Island called Batts Grove), Gzorcz Durant. Granddaughters: Mary Durant (plantation and lands in Perquimans pre- cinct lying on Albemarle Sound between Norcombs and Col Harneys), Saran Durant (‘“‘all my lands lying on Moratoke River in Bertie Precinct at and near Shauwaukee and Hennunteh containing 1120 acres); ANN Dvu- RANT, Evizapeta Durant. Daughter-in-law: Buzasers Crisp (widow of son, JoHN Crisp). Daughter: Hacar Durant. LEvxecutors: Epwarp Mosmxey and Jeremian Vail. Witnesses: Witum. Witiiams, Humpury. Rosinsony JaMEs Busy. Will proven before C. Gaus, C. J. Crocker, PETER. Edgecombe County. October 24, 1752. August Court, 1753. Wife: Saran. Children: mentioned, but not named. Wétnesses: James WILLIAMSON, THomaAsS Bar- RAN, JosePH Bripcers. Ezecutors: Francis WILLIAMSON and SaRaH Crocker (wife). Clerk of the Court: Brnun. WYNws. Crorton, Hewry. Beaufort County. October 6, 1756. March Court, 1757. Sons: Tuomas (‘plantation whereon I now live”), THropHitus, WiLL1AM and Amsros (plantation 88 AsstTract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. lying in Crofton’s Cut). Daughters: ExizapeTu Crorron, Mary and Mar- THA. Executors: Joan Boyp (brother), Epwarp Satrer and Jonn Suave. Witnesses: Sam’LL DunBar, Rost. Paiwies, Evizaseta Crorron. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCEY. ¢ Croxer, Antony. Granville County. July 28,1754. September 3, 1754. Sons: Tuomas (“plantation where- on I now live” on Sandy Creek), Arter (“plantation he now lives on’’), Jacos. Hzecutors: Arter and Jacop Croxer (sons). Witnesses: JAMES Waitz, Epwarp Tuomas, JoHN Brantuy. Clerk of the Court: Dan’ WELDON. Cromrn, Martin. Bertie Precinct. May 1, 1733. August Court, 1733. Brother: Taomas CromeEn (of Bo- lart in the County of Limerick, Kingdom of Ireland, “all my lands within this province”). Legatees: Wm. Kenepy, Jr., Francis Kenepy, Jouw Gray, Jr., EvizaBeTa Frost (daughter-in-law), THomas CoPLaNp (son- in-law), JonatHan Ripine, Micuau Exuis, Winuiam Kenepy. Ezecu- tors: Wm. Kenepy, James Coner, Jonn Gray. Witnesses: MICHAEL Euis, Gracz Kenepy. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Croney, Diwnis. Pasquotank Precinct. March 24, 1735. April 8, 1735. Son: Witt1am. Daughters: ELENDER Croney, Mary Crongy, Saran Watiarp. Wife: ANNE. Executer? Wm. CroneEy (son). Witnesses: Joun Scarsorovea, Jean Buuuirr. Clerk of the Court: Josa. Smrra. / CrostanpD, EvizaBetu. Albemarle County. October 18, 1693. April Court, 1694. Father: Ricnarp STIBETT (StivzRr). Witnesses: CunistopHer Burtier, WILLIAM Sprick, ANHo- RETTA ButieR. No probate. Crosten, JoHN. Albemarle County. May 6, 1693. Chowan Court, April, 1694. God-daughter: ConsTANT Stiver. Ann Stiver, Haner Stiver, Ricw Stiver, JoHANER Stiver. Executor: Ricu Stiver. Witnesses: Jones Brerot, ARTHUR CaRLETON, Corton Coiies. Clerk of the Court: NavHanieL CHEVIN. Cropiey, Jonn. Albemarle County. January 25, 1685. March 29, 1686. Son: Vins (“land where I now live”). Wife: Ann. Wéfe’s father: Joun Vins. No executor named. Witnesses: Witt1amM WILKJON, GEORGE Forpyse, Epwarp Harrison. Will proven before Wm. WiLKson. Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 89 CropLey, VINEs. Chowan Precinct. April 10,1719. July 31,1719. Son: Wiuu1aM (“all my estate”). Hz- ecutor: James Brastey. Weinesses: James Buzastey, Jacos PRrivst, Mary Baasuey. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Coat of arms on seal. Crossot, JOSEPH. Carteret Precinct. October 28, 1728. December 8, 1728. Legatees: Davin SHEPHERD, JosmrH Fuitrorp. This is a nuncupative will proven by the oaths of Tuomas Dupiey and EuizaBetu, his wife, before Joan Gauidnp, Clerk of the Court. Cruise, Lawrence. Albemarle County. January 13, 1690. Daughter: Mary Cruise. Friends: Roprert JEn- KISSON and wife, ExizasetH. Hzecutor: Taomas Ciarcx (of “yawe pime River”). Witnesses: Witit1aM Privit, Davin Perkins. No probate. Crump, JosEPH. Northampton County. May 5, 1758. October Court,1759. Wife: Cassanpra. Sons: Josias, Ricwarp (in Virginia), Caartes, JosepH. Daughters: Parry Crump, Katy Crome. Hzecutriz: CassANDRA CruMP (wife) and CHas. CRuMP (son). Witnesses: Wm. Haut, Ciemt. Lanier. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. \ Crumpton, Henery. Bertie Precinct. January 11, 1735. February Court, 1735. Sons: Hanery, WILLIAM. Daughters: Susanna#, EvizapetTu, JANE and ANNE (to each of the above named is given five shillings). Friend and Executor: SamuELL Pmacock (“all my land” on pattecasi Creek on the beaverdam). Witnesses: ABRA- HAM Bourton, Artaur SeLiers, ARTHUR WiLLiAMs. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. CunnineHam, Morais. Albemarle County. July 19, 1696. Executor and sole devisee and legatee: MarHew KELLEY. Witnesses: Taomas Symons, ARNoLD Waits. -Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Currir, JoHN. May 1, 1681. February 5,1683. Daughter: Saran. Witnesses: Toom- as Lutron, Martna' Cutten. Will proven before Sera SorHutu. Datrrmp.ez, JoHN. New Hanover County. (Second son to Sir John Dalrymple of Cowsland, Baronet of the Kingdom: of Scotland.) February 25, 1742-1743. January 26, 1767. Wife and Executriz: Mantua. Friend: Roger Moors. Brothers: Wm. WauTs=RS, 90 Axsstract oF Wi1zs, 1690—1760. JosepH Watters, Joun Waters, SamurL Watters. Sisters: SaraH Littineron, Evizaneta Hawes. Ezecutors: RoazrR Moors, Wm. and JosepH Waurers. Witnesses: Jno. Swann, Geo. Locxnart, Georcz Moore. Assistant Judge of New Hanover County, Taos. Luoyp. DaMERELL, JAMES. Chowan Precinct. June 22, 1692. October 3, 1704. Daughters: Racaett DAMERELL. Wife: Lucy. Witnesses: Danrety Hatisey, Witim. Jonzs. Clerk of the Court: Na, CHEvin. Dante., ELIsaBETH. Tyrrell County. March 1, 1752. June 9, 1752. Sons: Rosert, Taomas, Jonn (“my manner plantation”), WILLIAM, Aaron, Jostan. Daughters: Saran WILL- son, EvisaBetH DanieL, Mary Warp, Ruts Danist, Pricrtan DANIEL. Executors: THomas and JoHN Danrev (sons). Witnesses: WM. WILLIS, JoHn Brown, Senior, Mary Wiis. Clerk of the Court of Beaufort County: Witt Onmonp. i Dantet, JoHN. Northampton County. November 13, 1754. February Court, 1755. Sons: Ezmxren (“my plantation’), ErpHraim, JoserH, JoHN, ABRAHAM, Isaac. Daughters: Sarau DaniEL, Exizasera Danie,. Wife and Executriz: SARAH. Exec- utor: Joun Dantew (son). Witnesses: SamueL Parker, JosEPH DANIEL. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. DanteLL, Owen. Chowan Precinct. March 7, 1700. Executor: Taomas Jonzs (to take care of two of the testator’s children until they arrive at age). Son: Tuomas (in care of Tuomas Potiock). Daughter: Mary (in care of Jamus Hires (?)). Wit- nesses: CORNELIUS BENNINGTON, JoHN Jones. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Dantet, THomas. Tyrrell County. July 11,1749. September Court, 1749. Sons: Roperr Lanier DANIEL, Tuomas, JouN, WiLiiAM, Aron, Josian. Daughters: Saran WILLSON, Evisasets Dante, Mary Daniex, Ruta Dantgz, Prisitia Danter. (To all of the above named is bequeathed one shilling.) Wife and Executriz: EvisaBera (“all my estate”). Witnesses: Wm. WILLIss, JoHN WILLSON, Joun Brown. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonrs. DanieLt, WiLiraM. Bath Town, Beaufort County. December 31, 1740. MarchCourt,1740. Wife and Executriz: FRANCES. Wife’s Grandson: WituiaM DaNIELL Penxer. Witnesses: Jas. Caters, Tomas OwENn, Wm. Foreman, Roger Jonus. Clerk of the Court: Roger JONES. Azsstract or Wiuts, 1690—1760. 91 Dann, Joun, Senn. Albemarle County. January 7, 1696-1697. May Court, 1697. Sons: Joun, Luria. Daugh- ter: ExizaneTH Dann. Wife and Executriz: JEANE. Witnesses: ARCHI- BALD Burnett, Hues: , JONATHAN Burper. Clerk of the Court: W. GLOVER. Dansse, Dante... Edgecombe County. January 21, 1749-1750. August Court, 1750. Son: Isome (‘my plan- tation”). Daughters: Mary, EvizapeTu and CLEAREMON DansBE. Wife and Executriz: ExvizaBetH. Executor: Davip Rozizr. Witnesses: Ros- ERT TayLor, Davip CoLiins, REUBEN Rozimr. Clerk of the Court: BENs’N Wywns. Darprn, JosEpH. Bertie Precinct. February 18, 1732-1733. August Court, 1733. Sons: West (119 acres of land), JosrpH (110 acres of land), Henargy (320 acres of land on the horse pasture swamp). Daughters: America DarpENn, Repec DarpEn. Wife and Executrixz: Ause. Executor: ArTHUR WILLIAMS. Witnesses: EvizaBeta JONES, Mary Powsrs, Joon Earertron. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Daruine, Ricwarp. Chowan Precinct. April 8, 1702. Son: THomas. Wife and Ezxecutrixz: EvizapetTa. Wit- nesses: COLLUMB. Fiyn, Daninxi Dens, James Lone. No probate. Darwatt, ANN. Currituck Precinct. June 17,1720. July 20, 1720-1721. Son: Witt1amM Darna. Hxecu- tor: Ricnarp Daucus. Witnesses: Peter Daucr, Susannan Davee. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WicksERr. Daveutrey, Tuomas. Northampton County. November 15, 1757. November Court, 1757. Sons: Samus. (“‘planta- tion whereon I now live”), Joun, THomas, Jessp. Daughters: Mary Rooks, Exizaseta WinuiaMs, Sarag Rice, Martua Rurianp, Patience Monson, Pieasants Daueutrrey. Wife: Mary. Grandson: Joun Daueutrey. Ezecutors: Bryan DaucuTrey (cousin), Ropert Witnesses: SaMUELL Prrxins, JosHua DaucuTrey, ALEXANDRIA DauGH- TREY. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Davenport, Jacos. Tyrrell County. July 29,1746. Wife: Racuev. Daughter: Ann. Brothers: James and Joun Davenport (Ezecutors), Witt1aM DavENPoRT. Witnesses: EpwarD PuEtrs, Joun Brown, Jonn Davenrort, SENIOR. 92 Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Davey, WALTER. Beaufort County. June 22, 1743. October 24, 1748, “late of the City of Dublin, now resi- dent in Beaufort County.” Sons: Samur.y, Josepa. Daughters: Janz, Marcarett and Racuety. Executor: ABRAHAM Duncan. Witnesses: Epwarp Howcorrt, James Brown, SaMu. Bunpy. Will proven before J. Montcomery, C. J. Davin, Puixip. Wilmington, New Hanover County. August 5, 1747. December Court, 1747. Son and Executor: Davip (land lying on North East River). Daughter: Mary McKeiruen. Ezecu- tor: James SMALLWooD. Witnesses: WM. Harrison, CHARLOTTE SMALL- woop, JosEPH Jones. Clerk of the Court: Jamms SMALLWoop. ‘ Daviss, Francis. County not given. February 10,1749. April 30,1753. Cape Faire. Wéfe and sole legatee and devisee: Jupitu. Witnesses: Buny’N Morison, Ropert Haron. Will proven before Marr. Rowan. ‘Davis, ARTHUR. County not given. February 2, 1733-1734. April 1, 1735. Sons: ArntHur (land on “ye rainbow banks’’), Lewis (200 acres of land on Banbow Creek).. Son-in- law: Witt1am Forx (100 acres of land adjoining Lewis’ plantation). Wife: EvizaBetH. Ezecutors: ARTHUR and Lewis Davis (sons). Wit- nesses: SAMUEL WHEATLEY, STEPHEN ANDREWS. Will proven before Gov- ernor Gas. JOHNSTON at Edenton. Davis, Davin. Bladen County. December 9, 1740. September Court, 1741. Sister: Racuen Davis (plantation purchased of Gasrizn Wayne). Executor: Wiuiam Bar- TRAM. Witnesses: JONATHAN Evans, THos. Waker, THomas Jongs. Clerk of the Court: Joun Crayton. Chief Justice: J. Montaomery. Davis, Huex. County not given. December 7, 1729. Legatees and devisees: Joun Harman (plantation on the Sound Side), Ropzrt Harman, Mary Harman, ANN Lonauap. Ez- ecutriz: JuLiana Laker. Witnesses: Tomas CaLLOway, WILLIAM Clerk of the Court: E>warp MosELEY. Davis, Isaac. Currituck County. March 21, 1742. July 13, 1743. Son: Cornexius (“all my land and plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Racpu. Executor: CoRnetius JonESs (father-in-law). Wetnesses: DANIELL PHILLIPS, FRANCES Hopeges, Fran- cis StarrorD. Clerk of the Court: Joan Lurry. Axpstract oF Wis, 1690—1760. 93 Davis, JaMEs. County not given. April 22,1715. Sons: WititaM, Jamus, Jonn, Rosert, Henry. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetH. Executors: Ropertr Wuits, Jonn WuitTE and Joun Symons. Witnesses: Henry Wuire, ARNOLD Waitt, JR., DAMARIS Wuits, ARNoLD Waits, Szenr. No probate. Davis, Jonn. County not given. April 26, 1688. May 12, 1688. Daughter: Exizapetu. Friend and Executor: Wiliam WILKISON. Witnesses: Mararw Lyau, WILLIAM Exrisx, Janz Mitter. Will proven before Sreru SoruHety. , Davis, JoHN. Hyde County. ‘December 17,1751. Marchi Court, 1752. Sons: Samunn (plantation on the river side), Jonn. Daughters: Temperance Davis, JEMIMA BALLARD. Wife: Saran Davis. Hzecutors: NaraanreL, Davis and Txos. Smira, Witnesses: Tuos. Smita, Jer. Suape, Ricoarp Woop. Clerk of the Court: Fran. Egerton. Davis, Jon. - Pasquotank County. March 28, 1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: Josurs (‘my plantation’’), Witiiam, Jonn, Samuget. Daughter: Saran Gorpen. Executors: JosurH Davis (son), WinL1aM Gorpew (son-in-law). Witnesses: Witt1am Sy- mons, THomas Lowry, Mary Tart. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taxtor. Ul Davis, Joun. Pasquotank County. January 10,1754. April Court, 1754. Brothers: Samon. and WILLIAM Davis. Cousins: Joun Davis, Jr., Mary Davis. Friends: James Tur- NER, WILLIAM GORDEN, JOHN GoRDEN. _ Executor: Josnra Davis (brother). Witnesses: Joun Turner, JoserpH Lowry, Tueopsitus Leonarp. Clerk of the Court:. Taos. TayLor. Davis, Perer. Bertie Precinct. April 29, 1719. May Court, 1723. Daughter: Sary Davis. Brother: Davis. Cousins: ARTHUR and Henery Crawrorp. Exzecutriz: Wire (mentioned, but not named). Wetnesses: ARTHUR CRAFFORD (Crawford), Witiiam Crororp (Crawford). Clerk of the Conrt: Rr. Forster. Davis, Ricwarp. Pasquotank County. June 9, 1737. June 14, 1737. Sons: Josuua (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Aumm and ABiaitL (Davis). Guardians: Exiza- BETH Hatt and James Copuanp. Executor: Zach Nixon. Witnesses: RicwarD CHEASTEN, Ratea FurtcHer, Samus tt Moors. Will proven before W. Smita, Chief Justice. 94 Axzstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. t Davis, Ropert. Pasquotank County. December 30, 1749. January Court, 1750. Sons: James (‘‘maner plantation”), Taomas (“my other plantation which lies next to JamMzs Lowry”). Daughters: Evizapero, Ruts. Wife: Saran. Exzecutors: James and Tuomas (sons). Witnesses: Josaua Waite, James Newsy. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Davis, SAMUELL. Albemarle County. January 11, 1687-1688. Wife: Euizaners. Witnesses: RopertT Wat- Lis, Joan Bruuirr. No probate. Device on seal is three arrows and tomahawk. Davis, Sotomon. Pasquotank County, January 12,1737. January Court, 1739. Daughters: Donotny Davis, Marcaret Forster, Exizaseta Davis. Son-in-law: CaLeB CoEN. Grandson: Danie. Koren. Friend: Jounn Sawyer. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: B. Morcan, Jon Gray. Clerk of the Court: Jamus CRAVEN. : Davis, Tuomas. Bath County. February 15, 1711-1712. January 4, 1714. Son: Puruurr (“my manner plantation on Oyster Creek, West side of Pamlico River), Tomas (land on Matchepungo River). Daughters: Sarau, RacHELL, CHARITY and Mary Davis. Wife and Executrix: THomMEson.. Witnesses: none given. No signature. Will proven by Gries SHure and THomasin Davis. Clerk of the Court: Joun DRINKWATER. Davis, Tuomas. Perquimans County. December 14, 1745. April Court, 1746. Son and Executor: Mosus (“plantation whereon I now live’). Daughters: Evizannra Davis, SARAH Bonp. Wife and Executrix: EuizaneTa. Wttnesses: WiuLIam Eason, Tuomas Eason, Isaac Speraut. Clerk of the Court: Eomunp Harcu. Davis, THomas. Granville County. August 20, 1754. March 7, 1758. Sons: Joun, THomas, Rusin and Ricoarp. Daughter: Mary Davis. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBEeru. Executors: Daninn Unprrwoop, RicHarp PInniIL. Witnesses: JoHN Gisss, Tuos. Coox, THomas Zacrz. Clerk of the Court: DANIEL WELDON. Davis, THomas. Bladen County. October 2, 1761. May Court, 1769. Daughter-in-law: KaTHERINE Gruavy. Daughter: Mary Greapy (500 acres of land adjoining ‘“Secre- tary Rice’s backland”). Brother: Witu1am Davis. Ezecutors: Wiu1AM Davis and Joun Lucas. Witnesses: JNo. TuRNER, RaLPpH MILLER, Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 95 Tuos. Newton. Codicil to will appoints Ann Davis (wife) and Tomas Owen Ezecutors in place of Witt1am Davis and Joun Lucas. Witnesses to codicil: Tubs. Haun, Joan Root, Raupw Minipr. Clerk of the Court: ARTHUR owe: Davis, WILLIAM. Carteret County. June Court, 1756. Sons: NarHan, Josepa, WIcKER, CaLLIP, BEnin- MEN, WiLu1AM, SoLtomon. Daughter: AsicarL. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: Naraan and ‘JoszrH (sons). Witnesses: GEORGE Bett, Rizinp Brett and James SHarorp (Shackleford). Clerk of the Court: Joun Smrra. Davison, JoHn. Bertie County. August 6, 1752. October Court, 1756. Son and Executor: Joun (‘‘plan- tation whereon I now live’). Grandson: Joun Davison (land on Chinko- pin Creek). Granddaughter: Mary Davison. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JouN Freeman, ABRAM Harritu, Jacosp Lasiter, THomas Harrity. Clerk of the Court: Benin. WrNns. Davison, Joun. Edenton, Chowan County. November 1, 1773. December 9, 1773. Wife: Eumsaza CHRISTIANA Davison. Brother and Executor: Ropert Davison. Friends and Execu- tors: Jonn Smita, ANDREW LitTLE. Witnesses: Joun Rom Coven, Cuas. BonprieLp, Gro. Gray. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Dawe, WitiiaM. Beaufort County. January 20, 1745. March Court, 1745. Son: Wit11am (100 acres of land on Durham’s Creek), Joun (‘‘the plantation whereon I now live’’). NicHoias and Witu1am. Daughters: Diana Dawe, Saran Dixon, Lypia Con. Wife and Executriz: Dinan. Witnesses: Epwarp CampPen, JOHN Corres. Clerk of the Court: Joun Fores. Daws, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. July 21, 1719. October Court, 1719. Sons: Wintiam and E.ysan (268 acres of land). Ezxecutors: Wituiam Baxer and Joun Brown. Witnesses: Joan Brown, Jonn Mannar, EvizapetH Baker. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Dawson, Joun. Edgecombe County. November 22, 1748. May Court, 1749. Sons: Joan, Dummy, SoLio- Mon. Daughters: Mantua, Patience. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Wit- nesses: BENS. CHAMPION, Frances BytaeLt Haynes. Clerk of the Court: Benin. WYNNS. 96 AgsTract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. Deane, Grorar, Senn. Albemarle County. April 10,1700. Guo. Deane (150 acres of land). Daughter: CHRISTIAN. Humrurry Lece and Jonn Barcueror (150 acres each). Evxecutrix: Euizaseto Deane. Witnesses: Jonn Proctor, Mary SmcHEWRAA, Humpurey Leee. (No probate.) Detert, Joun. Bath County. January 17, 1723-1724. June 17, 1724. Sons: Perrer Deiprr (plan- tation in Machapongo containing two hundred acres), Jonn (200 acres of land). Wife and Executrix: Penon. Daughter and Executriz: ANN Deiprr. Witnesses: Peter Hann, JoHN Fonvistix. Clerk of the Court: Joun Connick. Clerk of the Court at Newbern: C. Murcars. Dertamar, Francis. Beaufort County. May 15, 1739. March, 1741. Son: Tuomas (“plantation on the South side of Broad Creek”). Wife and Executriz: Susannag. Son: FRANCIS (“plantation whereon I now live’). Witnesses: Roperr WrnuamM, Benya. Ricz, Mary Rice. Clerk of the Court: Joan Forsss. DertaMare, STEPHEN. Pasquotank Precinct. October 2, 1732. October Court, 1732. Nephew: Josupu SrockLey (“plantation whereon I now live”), Isaac StockLey. Cousin: EpwaRD Mayo. Sister and Executriz: ANN Stockiny. Brother: Francis DEwa- MARE. Witnesses: Harray Buy, SamurL Repine, Jo. Pauin. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. Detonors, WILLIAM. New Hanover County. October 3, 1738. This is a nuncupative will proven by Mrs. EvizaBETH Rowan, and' provides for the lading of his sloop (Witt1am O’Bryan, Master), and of his brig by Carr. Rowan and cargo delivered to THomas FarRen and JoHN Proven before Rost. Hatton, J. P. DewrHam, EvizaBetu. Bath County. July 9, 1716. Legatees: ANN CiEWss, Enizasera LeicH, JosEPH Trewett, EvezaneTtH DunenaM, JoHN LeicoH, JoHN DenreHam. Wit- nesses: EvizABETH Ler and James Len, Junr. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRINKWATER. Denson, James. Onslow County. May 3, 1756. Legatees: James Howarp, Joun Howarp, Luxe Bare- FIELD, SaRaAH ASHBURN. Wife and Executrixz: EvizapetH. Witnesses: Wm. Royrat, Moses ANDERSON, JosEPH SturcEs. Clerk of the Court: Wit. Cray. AxssTract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 97 Dert, PeneLope. March 25, 1732. August 27, 1735. Sons: Prerer, Jonn (Executor). Daughters: ANN, JANE and ExvizaBetH. Witnesses” Mary Lane, Eviza- BETH Norwoop, Epwarp Broveuton. Will proven before W. Smira, C.J. Executor qualified before C. PowELi and N. Rouruepes. Dersy, WILLIAM. March 10, 1687. March 13, 1688. Daughter: Jupira (“plantation whereon I now live’). Witnesses: JoHN Privett, Rosperr Linpsay, Joun Dawiey. Will proven before Sera SoTHELL. Derruam, EvizaBets. Bath County. July 17, 1716. Legatees: ANNE CLtows, Katuerine DreruaM, Euiza- BETH LeicH, JosepH Truwitt, EvizasetH DeruaM, JosePpH DrrnaM, Joun Leicu, James LeicH. Brother: Joan Deruam. Father-in-law and Executor: James LuigH. Witnesses: names not given. Clerk of the Court: Joun Drinkwater. Original missing. Recorded in Book - 1712-22, page 125. DeRosset, Moses Joun. New Hanover County. November 30, 1767. March 1, 1768. (‘‘Practitioner in physic and surgery”). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Daughter: Magpatens Mary DeRosser. Son: ARMonD JoHN DeRosser. Evzecutors: Lewis Henry DrRosser (brother), Joun DuBois, James Moorze and MarRMaDUKE Jones. Witnesses: ANN Moors, A. Macuarng, E. Jusruce (?). Will proven before Gov. Wm. Tryon at Wilmington. 4 Dexter, Horr. New River, in Onslow County. March 10, 1745. April 1, 1746. Brother: Pamir Dexrer (all the land that lies between the main road and Mitiams Creek). Friend: Jamzs TuHomson (land “between my land and the land above named”). Nephew: Hors Dexter (one watch). Watnesses: DANIEL McFEeTsERs, JoHN HoLmEs, CHartes Stout, Josuua, James. Clerk of the Court: Gro. CLoPToN. Devis, Joun. Newberne, in Craven County. March 11, 1754. March 25, 1754. Legatees and Devisees: Joun Frun- MAN, Ann Newson, JoHn Starkey (Executor), Many Wigmore, RicHaRD Lyon. Witnesses: EupHemia WHITE, Ricnarp Lyon, CHaRLEes Farqu- HARSON. Will proven before Matr. Rowan. Dew, Joun. Bertie County. September 5, 1740. November Court, 1744. Sons: Joun (“all my horses and mairs that run on the South side of the Meharin River”), Josnra t 98 Agstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. (land lying on the East side of the ‘Rode from Cornell hills ferry and also land on Buckhorse swamp’’), Spenser (‘‘plantation whereon I now live’), Witiiam, Morven. Daughter: Patience. Wife and Executriz: Susan- naw. Executor: JosepH Drew (son). Witnesses: Epwarp MosEe.ny, ALES Mosevey, Constant Dew. Clerk of the Court: Rt. Forster. (Northamp- ton County.) J Dus, Henry. Beaufort Precinct (Bath County). December 8, 1737. March Court, 1737. Sons: Ricuarp (plantation on Blounts Creek), Jou (land called Forke neck), Toomas (land on WALLASES Creek), Henry (“plantation whereon I now live’). Daughter: ANN Dias. Wife and Executrixz: Repecca. Executor: JoHN PuRSELL. Witnesses: Ricwarp Evans, James Perpur, Mary Perxins. Clerk of the Court: ‘Roger Jonzs. Dickenson, Jonny. _ Northampton County. February 4, 1742. August Court, 1749. Sons: Danieu, Joun, Davin, Isaac. Daughters: Saran Dante., EvizaBeTa Furren, Reseckan New- som, CHariry Dickenson, Mary Dickenson. Wife: Repecca. Execu- tors: Danie and Joun Dickenson (sons). Witnesses: JosrpH JORDAN, Rosert Preis, Isaac Parker. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Dickinson, Mary. Northampton County. October 6, 1753. November Court, 1753. Brothers: Davip, Isaac (Ezecutors), DanrzL and Jonn Dickinson. Sisters: Cuarrry PEELLE, Saraw Danret, Evizapera Furrevt. Kinsman: Witu1am Rowsum. Witnesses: JOHN Brown, SuSANAH PARKER, SusanaH Horron. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Dickinson, RepucKan. Northampton County. July 1, 1750. February Court, 1753. Sons: Joun and Isaac Dicxin- son (Ezecutors), Davip. Daughters: Saran DanieL, Evizapeta Furvu- RELL, ReseccaH Newsom, Cuarity Dickinson, Mary Dickinson. Wit- nesses: IsAac PARKER, JOHN Horton. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Dicxs, Joun. Chowan Precinct. February 10, 1705. October 2, 1706. Son-in-law: Ricut Lewis. Wife and Executriz: Paris, Witnesses: THos. Luren, Jon Jonus, Jon Waeatiy. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEvIN. Dickson, Joun. Dobbs County. April 16, 1769. Father: Jamms Dickson. Mother: Jenner. Uncle: Rosert Gracry. Friends: Jamzs Cummin, James Gipson (Ezecutor), James Linpsay (Executor). Witnesses: ANTHONY Herrine, CoristoPpHER BuansHarD, Cuaries Hines. No probate. Asstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 99 DiscoraH, Tuomas, Perquimans County. January 11, 1726-1727. February 2, 1726-1727. Legatees: Samue. Puetrs, SanaH SHEARWOOD, Mary SHEARWOOD, JAMES SITERSON (Ezecu- tor). Witnesses: RatpH Boosman, R. Wiison. Will proven before Ricw’p EVERARD. \ Dixon, Joun. Beaufort County. March 23, 1772. December 11, 1773. Son and Executor: CHoosEWELL (“my land”). Daughter: BiatHa. Witnesses: Nicnotas Daw, Levin Sranrorp, THomas Dixon. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Drxon, Rosert. Bertie Precinct. April 4, 1727. August Court, 1727. Sons: Tosias, James, Ropert. Daughter: Francus. Wife and Executriz: Curistiana. Executor: JoHN Lows. Witnesses: ABRAHAM BuRTON, Berese Metton, WiLLiaM Lows. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Coat of arms on seal. Dosss, ARTHUR. Brunswick, in New Hanover County. “Governor and Captain General of the Province of North Carolina.’ August 31, 1763. April 24, 1765. Sons: Conway Ricuarp Dosss, Ep- warp Brice Dosss. Wife: Justina. Brother: RnverEND Doctor Rics- 4RD Dosss. Witnesses: James HasEtt, Lewis DeRosset, Joun Samp- son. Proven before Wm. Tryon. . The following items are of interest: “instead of immoderate funeral expenses I desire that one hundred pounds Sterling money may be paid and distributed proportionately among: the housekeepers of the Parrishes of Ballynure and Kilroot in the County of Antrim and Kingdom of Ireland, and one other hundred pounds of like money among the poor freemen House-keepers who reside within the county of the town of Carrick-fergus to be paid — — — — — out of my | Demesnes at Castle Dobbs or out of the arrears of rents I reserved out of a Moiety of lands in that Kingdom during my life.” All slaves, plate, etc., is bequeathed to wife, together with “‘the money and interest due to me by the General Assembly for the lands called Tower hill in Johnston County, purchased from me by the publick.” ‘Whereas, I have a right to the Moiety of two hundred thousand acres of land granted to me by the Crown in Sixteen patents of twelve thousand five hundred acres each in Mecklin- burgh (late Anson) County as one of the associates of Huny and CrrmMBLe etc.’ To each of children is bequeathed fifty pounds and to brother twenty pounds. “Item. Whereas I am entitled to a Moiety of Twelve Thousand acres of land bya purchase from Mr. Parricx Smita of Water- ford, merchant, for which a patent was granted to him as an associate of Huny and Crymsiez, subdivided from the great tract No. 4, the heirs and assigns of Mr. James Bennine of Lisburn, Ireland, being entitled to the other moiety.” ‘“T give and bequeath to my son Conway Ricuarp Dosss 100 AxsstRact oF Wit1s, 1690—1760. --— all my plate goods, Household furniture, arrears, Rents and other chattels whatsoever which are now belonging to me at my decease, which are now or hereafter may be at Castle Dobbs in the County of An- trim and Kingdom of Ireland.” Sons and wife appointed executors and executrix. Impression of head on seal. Dozson, Witi1aM. Chowan Precinct. August 23, 1690. October 13, 1690. Wife and Executriz: KaTmrEn. Witnesses: JoHN Lewis, Taomas Mons, Joun Wineats. Clerk of the Court: Joan WinGate. Dotrer, GYLes. Albemarle County. February 26, 1687-1688. January 6, 1689. Legatees and Devisees: Joun VaLuentine Roz, Davin Prircuetr, Rowianp Bucxuy, Mary GarnetT (‘my plantation’). Executor: RaupH GaRNnerr. Witnesses: Pau. Laruum, Francis Henry, RowLanp Bussty. Will proven before Tuo. Routre, Ropert Wats, Pau, Latraum , THomass SYMONS. Donoxo, Joun. New Hanover County. June 6, 1743. June 24, 1743. Friend, Executor and sole legatee and devisee: WiLL1AM Waite of Wilmington. Wétnesses: Jamus SMALLWOOD, Gro. Owren, ANN Hiaarnes. Clerk of the Court: Jamzs SMALLWOOD. Doors, THomas. Edgecombe County. November 28, 1756. May Court, 1757. Sons: Joszpn (‘plantation whereon I now live”), Joun. Daughters: Saran, Carreren, Bisa. Wife: Patience. Evxecutors:' JosepH Doouzs (son), Ropert Purrer. Witnesses: James MyHan, Moses Horne, Roperr PuryEAR, JOSEPH Dootzs. Clerk’ of the Court: Jos. Monrrort. Dover, Tux. Currituck County. May 18, 1746. July 1, 1746. Brother and Executor: Jamzs Dovaz. Brother: Joun Dovax. Sisters: Saran Sonny, Susanna Casco (or Guasco), Mary Douce. Other legatees: Patur Sorzy, Cauns Guasco. Witnesses:.Josa CAMPBELL, Hunry Simmons, JoaB Doves. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp McCiure. Doveuty, Joun. Wilmington, New Hanover County. June 9, 1742. August 31,1749. Wife: Martan. Witnesses: THoMas Cuinacam, Josa Grainaer. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farizs. Doverass, Davin. Northampton County. March 29, 1753. November Court, 1753. Sons: WiLLIAM (“land where- on he now lives”), Joun (“manner land and plantation’’). Daughters: Mouiey Carritt, EvizaBera Harweui, Susanan Dovauass. Grand- AgstTRacT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 101 daughter: Eizapets Carrin. Wife and Executrix: Evizaneta. Ezecu- tor: Witi1amM Douetass (son). Witnesses: Curismass Ray, Joun Douc- uass. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Dovetras, JAMEs. : Bertie County. October 6, 1750. July 11, 1752. Sons: Kusia (plantation), Jamss. Daughter: ANN. Granddaughter: Euuzapera Doveuas. Wife and Execu- trix: EvizaBetu. Witnesses: Jonn Brown, Evizapeta RoBERTson, JoserpH Mapuin. Secretary to the Governor: Samu. Ormes. Lands on Hoskie Swamp devised to children. Doway, Roszrt. Bladen County. January 30, 1756. January Court, 1758. Sons: James and Roper. Daughter: Evizapera. Wife: Caramrine. No executors. Witnesses: Joun Stack, Henry Lewis, James Wuite. Clerk of the Court: J. Bur- GWIN. é \ Downer, WILLIAM. Brunswick, New Hanover County. December 10, 1745. March Court, 1745. Ezecutors: Capt. Hucu Braninae and Capt. Ricwarp Quince. The will directs the exec- utors to sell so much of the estate as may be necessary to pay the debts of the testator and to pay to themselves 80 pounds each in addition to their legal fees of seven and one-half per cent, and to ship the remainder to Witt1am Wynn and wife Rura at Apaats in the City of London, and BansaMin and Mary SanpWweELt in Wapping, London, Witnesses: Hucw Mackay, Rapa SuGNion, THomas CaMPBELL. Clerk of the Court: JaMEs SMALLWOOD. Downine, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. April 1, 1739. April 6, 1739. Sons: Witu1am (“my plantation, except sawmill, which is bequeathed to CULLEN PoLiock and StePHEN Len, pro- ceeds to be applied to debt due Samuet Herrine of London, woolen dra- per). Brothers-in-law: Epenezer Suave (450 acres of land on Moratock River), Henry Suave. Son-in-law: THomas Lez. Ezecutors: CULLEN Potiock, JonN Montgomery, STEPHEN Lez, PETER Payne. Witnesses: Wa. MaxweE.y, Sam Scotuay, Davip Cottrans. Codicil bearing same date as will provides for working slaves in mill. Will proven before W. Siva, C. J. Downine, WILLIAM. ‘Tyrrell County. February 24,1748. March7,1748. Son: Henry (“plantation whereon I now dwell”). Wife: Ann. Daughters: Mary, Euizapera. Friend: JoHN HuGuHEs. Executors: Stevens Ler, Joan Barrow. Witnesses: Jacos Buount, James Jones, Mary Jonus. Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. f 102 AxsstRact oF Witts, 1690—1760. Draxer, Joun. Bertie Precinct. “January 5, 1728. May Court, 1729. Son: James (‘my manner planta- tion’). Wife: Saran. Executor: James Bryant (father-in-law). Wié- nesses: JoHN Sutton, Jonn Dickinson, Ricwarp Sumner. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Drepine, Joun. Craven County. December 22, 1757. February Court, 1758. EHzecutor: JoserH Prin- GLE (“plantation whereon I now live’). Wife and Executrix: Cuanrity. Witnesses: SAMUEL SLADE, JOHN Stave, SamuEL Suave, June. Clerk of the Court: Pater Conway. Drinkwater, JouN. Bath County. August 7, 1717. May 30, 1718. Devisees: Puituie SHure, son of and Cuariry Sxure (plantation containing 820 acres, lying be- tween Mallard Creek and Goose Creek; 320 acres on South Dividing Creek; house and lot in Bath Town; money and plate on hand), GrLes SHute (wearing apparel), CHariry SHuTE (all lands in event of death of Paiuurr. Ezecutors: GyLes and CHarity SHUTE. Witnesses: Patrick Cavan, ELizABETH ELLEBAR. Will proven before CHas. EpEn, at Bath Town. DuBois, Joun. Wilmington, New Hanover County. September 13, 1767. March 1, 1768. Sons: Perer, Water, JoHN (house in Dock Street, also plantation on Smith Creek containing. 300 acres; also a large diamond ring), Isaac (two houses in Dock Street), James (two lots in front street and houses thereon). Daughters: ANNE Jzan Dusois, MacpaLene Marcaret DuBots (two brick houses on Dock Street and two diamond rings), Marcaret DuBots (lot on the north side of Market Street.) Wife and Executrix: Jean. Friends: Cates and CorNELIUS GRAINGER (sons of CoLonnL CALEB GRAINGER). Executors and Guardians of children: Jean DuBois (wife), Peter, Waurer and Joun DuBois (sons), Lewis Henry and Moses Joun DeRosser. Wit- nesses: J. Eustace, Epwarp Cuivers, ARCHIBALD MAcLAINE. Secretary: Bens’x Heron. Will proven before Wm. Tryon at Wilmington. Ducxrnrietp, Naruanter. Utkinton, in the County of Chester, England. July 4, 1746. January Court, 1756. Wife and Executriz: Marcret (lands in County of Chester during widowhood, leasehold estate in Lud- gate Street, London). Friend and Executor: JosmspH CoLuet, merchant of London (lands in North Carolina to be sold and proceeds applied according to directions). Brother and Executor: Joun Cuortey. Nephew: Joan Cuor ey (son of sister, Jans CHortey). Nephew and Executor: Samusu Axpstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 103 DucKENFIELD (son of Joun DuckenFietp of Bristol). Watnesses: Wit- uiam Prior, JoserH Coutuet, Dororay Portrs. Will proven before Rogert CHapman, Doctor of Laws, Surrogate to JoHN BrrreswortH, certified by Tomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, over the seal of the town of London. Deputy Registers: Wm. Lucarp, Prerer St. Evy, Hen. Srernens. Josep Couier refused the trust imposed by this will in a writing witnessed by SamurL DuxinFieLpD and BensamMIn ROSEWELL. Letters of administration granted to Marcaret DuckInFIELD by Bertie County Court, January, 1756. Clerk of the Court: Bens. Wynns. This will is illegible, but is recorded in Bk. Wills, 1755-58, at page 144. DuckenFIeLp, Wittiam. Chowan Precinct (formerly of ‘Cheshire, in Great Britain). May 17, 1720. February 27, 1721. Brother: Joan DuckmnFiexp. Cousins: CHaRLES BarBEeR, NaTHANIEL DUCKENFIELD (son “of my brother, Sir Ropert DucKENFIELD, BaRoneET’), Mary, ANN, SuSANNA, Jane, Saran, Karuertne and Jupira DuckeENrFIELp (sisters of Na- THANIEL). Executor: NATHANIEL DUCKENFIELD. Witnesses: THomMas AsHLy, JoaN PowELL, Bensa. Soames, JoHN CHERYHOLME, JoHN. Ducxk- ENFIELD, E. Mosetey. Will proven before Cuas. EpEn, Governor. Coat of arms on seal. Dopizy, CHRISTOPHER. Onslow County. March 19, 1744-1745. February 26, 1746. Sons: Epwarp, WILLIAM, Tuomas and CuristopHeR DupueEy (land on ‘‘the River’). Grandsons:4 GrorcE (son of Epwarp) and CuristopHER (son of THomas) Dupizy. Daughter: Ann Houston (one negro). Other negroes bequeathed to wife and sons. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: JoHn STaRKEY. Witnesses: Janz Simpson, JoHN Simpson, Mary Trorr. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Duprey, Epwarp. County not given. January 22, 1744-1745. April 3, 1745. Son: Grorer. Daughters: Hannan, ANNE, Mary. Ezecutors: Joun Starkey and JoHn Dup.ey. Witnesses: Joun Henacan (“nicknamed Swenny’”), WILLIam Simpson, Hannay Pirts. Will proven before Gas. Jounston. Chief Justice: E. Mose.ey. Duprey, Jonny. Onslow County. September 12, 1748. April 2, 1751. Sons: Joun and Davin (“my, cow pen land to be equally divided between them”), Wintiam (“my manor plantation”). Daughter: Saran. Wife: Exvizapeta. HEzecutors: Joun StTaRKEY and THomas DupiEey. Witnesses: JonN Weis, Natu- NELL Bournar, RicHarp Stevens. Clerk of the Court: THos. Buack. ~ Courthouse at Johnston, on New River. : t 104 Axsstract or Wixus, 1690—1760. Dupiry, THomas. Carteret County. May 13, 1753. June Court, 1753. Sons: CHRistoPpHER (250 acres of land on East side of White Oak River), Ex1sau, Jacos, STEPHEN, ABRA- Ham and Tuomas (to the last two is bequeathed ‘plantation where I now live”). Daughters: Evisaneta Duprey, SaraH Giuuitt. Granddaugh- ters: EvizABETH and Saraw Ginuitr. Son-in-law: Joun Gituirr. Wife: EvizaBeTa. HEzxecutors: Joun Starxey and Moses Houston. Witnesses: Cartes CogpELL, Ezexiny Hunter, WiLL1am Howston. Clerk of the Court: Guo. Rwap. ‘Duprey, Tuomas. Currituck County. December 15, 1755. March, 1757. Sons and Executors: WiLLiaM, Tuomas (“one-half of the plantation whereon I now live’). Grandson: Maraxig DupiEy (“one-half of the plantation whereon I now live’’). Daughter: Mary Wiuiams. Wife: Mary. Witnesses: Coartes Wit- uiaMs, THomas WIuiiaMs, SoLomon ASHLEE, OnN Suatrer. Clerk of the Court: WiLL Mearns. Duacan, Tuomas. ° Tyrrell County. May 9, 1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: Tuomas, Jussz. Apprentice: Joun Seats. Wife and, Executriz: Mary. Executor: Carr. Joan Harpt- son. Witnesses: JNo. Bennet, Hicason Kine, Wituiam Kina. Clerk of the Court: Evan JonzEs. Duwpaz, Don. Beaufort County. May 18, 1747. December Court, 1747. Son: Samurty (300 acres of land on the West side of Goos Creek). Daughters: Evisaszta DUNBAR (300 acres of land on Rush Marsh and Goose Creek), Saran DUNBAR (tract of land and also ‘‘plantation I now live on”), Mary Dunzar (“small neck of land” on “the River and South Dividing Creek”) Hannan Dun- BAR (tract of land on the South side of a creek formerly called Hender- sons), Ester (stock of hogs and cattle). Wife and Executriz: SARAH Barr. Ezecutors: Jostan Jones, Joun Trippe, June. Wetnesses: JosHua Prircuet, EpMonp Campren, Rosert Campen. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forsus. Duncan, ABRAHAM. Beaufort County. February 3,1749. June Court, 1751. Wife and Executriv: Mary (land on Kenyon’s Savannah; house and storehouse in Bath Town; lot No. 65 in Bath Town). Nephews: GzorcE and ABrauam Duncan, sons of JOHN Duncan of Londonderry, New England (my plantation on the South Side of Pamplico River, land on Southside of Tar River, land on Swifts Creek). Brothers: James, Wiuuiam, Joun and Rogmrt. Sister: Huster AgstTract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 105 Cason. Witnesses::' Tuomas Prarson, JoHN Simpson, JUNR., JAMES Apams, W. Ormonp, Clerk of the Court: WitL1am Ormonp. Coat of arms on seal. Duncan, AtexanverR. Wilmington, New Hanover County. May 11, 1767. May 18, 1768. Brother: Rospert Duncan. Other legatees: ALEXANDER Purves of. Edinburgh, Jonn CLarK GOLDSMITH, Tuomas Situ, JonN RuTHERFORD (1000 pounds sterling), Jamzs Moore (eight young negroes), THomas CUNNINGHAM, JR., Frances RUTHERFORD, daughter of Jonn RuTHERFoRD (8 young negroes), JoHN WaLKER, Corne.uius Harnett, Mary, wife of Cates Graincer, Maurice Moore and wire, Carr. JonN Forster and wire, ALBXANDER CHAPMEN (20 ‘ pounds to each), ArrHur Bennet, Ropert Scuaw, Joan Ancrum (two last named appointed executors). Proven by THomas CosHam and Wiuiam Lorp before Wm. Tryon. Durer, Extas. Craven County. August 14,1750. February Court, 1754. Father and Executor: DANIEL Dupre (“my share of all prize money to me belonging while on board his Majesty’s Ship ‘Bedford,’ Cart. James CoRNWELL, Commander”’). Witnesses: JoHN Mitt, Fran. Fontaine, Jno. Foster. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. Durant, ANN, widow of Grorcr. Albemarle River. January 23, 1694. June 22,1695. Son and Executor: THomas Durant. This is a nuncupative will proven by Joun NorTHcoaTE, JOHN CLAPPAR, Exenor Moutnes, before WintiaM DuUcKENFIELD. Clerk of the Court: W. Guover. Executor qualified in Palatine Court—JoHNn ARCHDALE, Governor, DantnL AKkEHURST, FRANCIS , Bensamin Laren. Seal of the Palatine on probate. Durant, Grorae. Albemarle County. October 9, 1688. April 26, 1693-1694. Sons: Joun (‘‘4 of my planta- tion”), Tuomas (“ye other half’). Nephews: Gzorce Durant, Henry Durant (son of brother Jonn). Daughters: Saran, Matytya, Prr- TYENIA, and ANN Durant. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: JOHN Puitrotr, Frances Hossten, JoHN Cutty. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Durant, Grorce. Albemarle County. May 25, 1730. September 29,1730. Son: Gzorar. Daughters: ANNE Durant, Mary Durant, Saran Durant, ExizasetH Durant. Friend: Anne LONGLARTHER. Executors: ZEBULON CiayTon, RicHaRD WHIDBEE (brothers). Witnesses: THomas SNOWDEN, ELIZABETH GIBSON, JOHN Stevens. Will proven before RicHarp EVERARD. 106 Axzstract or Wi1xs, 1690—1760. ‘ Durant, Tuomas. Perquimans Precinct. May 8, 1728. April 15, 1734. Sons: ABraHAM JETNETT and AARON Moses Durant. Friend: Josuua Dicks. Witnesses: ZEB CLayYTON, Joun Mircueii, Pete Rocsrs. Justice of the Peace: SAMUEL Swann. Clerk of the Court: CHaRtes DENMAN. Durrance, SAMUEL. Tyrrell County. November 21, 1756. December Court, 1756. Sons: Weticom, WIL- 1aM, Francis (“all my land to be equally divided between them’’). “Ungratefull wife, Late’: Exizasera Durant. LEzecutors: WiILLIAM Swinson, Francis Warp. Witnesses: ALEXANDER MaccLeLpaN, Mary Comss, Fr. Warp. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Warp. Dwicut, Maruew. Chowan County. February 27, 1737-1738. Executrix, Wife and sole legatee and devisee: Evizasetu. Witnesses: CHARLTON MizELL, SusANNAH MizELL. Probate illegible. Eavry, Heyry. Pasquotank County. April 11, 1750. July Court, 1750. Brother: Joan Eavey (land in Curri- tuck County). Daughter-in-law: Mary Watson. Wife and Ezecutriz: EvizaBetH. Witnesses: Saran WILLSON, PETER Wren, SamuEL Low- MAN. Clerk of the Court: THos. TaYLor. Eagan, James. “Cape Fare, in Bladen Precinct.” October 30, 1737. March Court, 1738. Executor: Wiunu1am Cary. Wife and daughter: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Tuomas Lock, WituiamM Bartram, ARTHUR DanigL. Clerk of the Court: Ricnarp Hrt- EIER. Eaerz, Ricuarp. Brunswick County. March 23, 1769. March 31, 1769. Son: Josmrn (‘‘House, plantation, saw and grist mills”). Daughter: Susannan Eaciz. Wife: MarcaREt Henrietta Eacue (formerly Buenion). Cousins: Jean and EvIzaBEeTa Davis. Sister: Exizapera Davis. Other legatees: JEaANET McFaruine, Joun Eacirson. Executors: Joun Gisss, Ropert SHaw, Joan ANCRUM and THomas Owmn. Witnesses: Joun Waker, Joun Fercus, Mary Waker. Will proven before Wm. Tryon. Codicil to this will, of even date. Confirms title to Mr. Wa. Dry in and to a tract of land “bought of my father, Ricu’p Eacuzs.” Earty, Exrtonor. Albemarle County. September 2, 1732. Grandsons: Tuos. Surton, James CurLER. Grand- daughters: Saran Surron, Mary Date (my plantation called by the name of “Blew Water’). Executriz: Mary Date. Witnesses: Rosr. Evans, Nicuoxas Farriess, Nataanre, Kerie. No probate. f Apstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 107 / Earty, Joun. Bertie County. August 6, 1740. October 20, 1740. Son: JoHn (plantation on horse swamp). Daughters: Marcarpt Macurenry, MartHa THomson, Mary BuiaxkeE, Sarau Reer, EvisaBetH WILLson, BerusHasa Morris, REBEKAB Morris. Wife: Ann. Executors: Jonn Earzy (son), WiLL1AM WILLSON (son-in-law). Witnesses: Joun Wiuuiams, Epwarp WILiiams, WILLIAM Wittson.* Will proven before Gas. Jounston at Eden House. Eason, WittiaM. Perquimans County. January 20, 1718-1719. July 14,1719. Sons: Wit1i1aM (land on South side of Cypress Swamp), THomas, Grorce (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Mary, Susanna, Racuet and Janu Eason. Wife and Execuiriz: Mary. Witnesses: Tuomas Davis, Evisesera Davis, Tuo. Spricgut. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Leary. Eason, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct. January 27, 1734. May Court, 1736. Sons: Wittiam and GrorcE. Wife: Anne. Executors: Taomas and GrorcE Eason (brothers). Wiat- nesses: Henry Baker, Junr., SaMvuELL Smita, Jonn Hennarv. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Easter, ABRAHAM. Hyde County. November 18, 1751. December Court, 1751. Son: Jamus (‘choice of two plantations my father left me’’). Daughter: Mary Easter (fifty-three acres of land on Swan Quarter”). Wife: Exizapeta. Brothers and Ex- ecutors: Jon and THomas Easter. Witnesses: WILLIAM Caron, SABBAS- TIN SILVERTHORN, Urian Couuns. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Loacx. Easter, Joun. Hyde Precinct. October 27, 1732. “March Court, 1733. Sons: Apranam (‘‘my planta- tion”), THomas. Daughters: SaraH and Dinan. Wife and: Executriz: Mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Epwp. HapLey, THomas GoopInG, Tuomas Ricwarps. Clerk of Beaufort Court: Jno. CoLLison. Easter, JouN. Hyde County. January 17, 1751-1752. March Court, 1752. Sister: Lipa Easter. Friend: Exizapetsu Loacx. Brothers and Executors: THomas and WILLIAM Easter. Witnesses: Jonn Hovuren, Jonn Winuy, Saran WINDLY. Clerk of the Court: Frans. EGLETON. Easter, Movy. Hyde County. November 4, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: Asranam, Jonn, Wiiiiam and Tuomas. Daughters: Lypta Easter, Mary Easrer, ANN 108 Asstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. and Saray Easter. Executors: Joun and THomas Easter (sons). Wit- nesses: JoHN Mason, Jacos TuLE, ANN JASPER. Clerk of the Court: THos. Loacx. Eaton, JAMES. Chowan Precinct. December 11, 1729. January 6, 1729. Wife: Mary. Executor: Wit- LIAM WituiaMs of Edenton. Witnesses: Jonnw Matruews, WM. Baruey, Davip Davis. Will proven before RicHarp EvERARD. Eaton, WILLIAM. Granville County. February 19,1759. March 20,1759. Saint Johns Parish in the County of Granville. Sons: Wiuu1am (lands in Dinwiddie and Brunswick counties in Virginia, except land received of William Scoggan), THomas, CHARLES Rust. Daughters: Janz, wife of Coto. NaTHanie, Epwarps; ANNE Haynes, relict of ANDREW Harness; Mary, wife of Roperr Jonus; SaraH, wife of CHARLES JOHNSON; ELIZABETH, wife of DanrEL WELDON; MarTHa Eaton. Grandson: Eaton Haynes. Wife and Executriz: Mary. The following lands devised: plantation in Granville “‘whereon I now live”; land in Granville called Bowsers; land where LEw1s BALLARD and CoRME- LIAL Eats live; land in Northampton called Cumboes; lots in the town of Halifax; land ‘‘where Granville Court house is built’’; land on Tabbs Creek; lot in the town of Petersburg; land in Granville called Gould’s; land on Little Fishing Creek called Youngs; land-on Andersons Swamp; two tracts on Smiths Creek called Hughes and Rayborn’s; lot in Halifax adjoining the Market place and Main street. A large number of negroes bequeathed , some being on plantations at Tabbs Creek and others on Mush Island. Witnesses: WM. Person, Jas. Paine, Ricup. CoLeman. Clerk of the Court: DanrieL WELDON. Exurn (or Eporne), Evizaseru. Hyde County. May 23,1745. June Court, 1751. Sons: Lrrrueron, Henry, NATHAN- teL. Ddughters: ExizapetTaH Macknicot, Resecca Jones, ANN JONES. Granddaughter: Mary StepHens. Executor: Henry and Lirrteron EBuRN (sons). Witnesses: Epwarp Davis, ExisaBeTa Bait, Wm. Harris. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Loack. Exorn, Henry. Hyde County. October 20, 1732. March Court, 1732. Matchepungo in Hyde County. Sons: Hznry (“my plantation’), Lirrteton (land on Broad Creek and plantation Pantego; one negro). Daughters: Many Esorn, Ruopa Lay- son, EvizabeTa Exsorn, Anne Jones and Resecwer Deepan. Other leg- atees: NarHanieL Exsorn, son of Henry and Evizaseta Esorn (land between George Mixon and William Cambal on Matchepungo Creek); SauaTHyEL Layson, son of Evens Roopa Larson. Wife and Executriz: Asstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 109 EvizapetH. Executors: Wituiam Barrow, NarHanien Esorn and Tuomas SmituH. Witnesses: Grorce Mixon, EvizaBeTa WILLIAMSON, Caarutes Jonnson. Clerk of the Court: JNo. COLLISON. Ezorn, Lirrteron. Hyde County. April 13, 1758. June Court, 1758. Brothers: Aaron Exporn (“my dwelling plantation”), Jamzs EBorn, Witt1am Eporn. Ezecutors: Wit- u1aM Boyp (brother-in-law), Witt1am Eporn. Witnesses: WM. Harris, Marta Eporn, WILLIAM Macnorau. Clerk of the Court: Stmpun Den- NING. Esorn, NaTHANIEL. Hyde County. October 1, 1753. March Court, 1754. Sons: Jamzs (“My plantation and one negro’’), Lirrteton (plantation on Matchapungo Creek); Wit- Liam (land on Matchapungo Creek adjoining Henry Exorn, “holden by a bond in the hands of Taomas, Grorcs and Zacerta Barras,” and | negro), Aaron (land on Matchapungo adjoining Tuomas Barrau, and one negro). Daughter: EuizaBeTH Eporn (one negro). Wife: Rusmcca. Ezxecutors: James and Lirrimron Esorn (sons). Witnesses: IsRarL WINDLY, ELiza- BETH WINDLY, JoHN Houren. Deputy Clerk: SterpHan DENNING. Ezorne, Repexau. Hyde County. October 30, 1754. June Court, 1758. Sons: Lirrunton (Executor), Wituiam and Aaron. Daughter: EnizaBpetaH Esorne. Wetnesses: Grorcr Barrow, ZacHaRiaH Barrow. Clerk of the Court: Srapn. DEn- NING. Even, County not given. Governor of North Carolina, December 26,1721. April2,1722. Niece: Marcaret Preven, daughterof Ropert Peues. Other legatees: Joun Hoi- LOWAY, DANIEL RICHARDSON, JAMES HENDERSON (land on Derhams Creek), Joun Lovick (executor). Witnesses: Mary Bapwam, H. Cuayton, W. Bappam. Clerk of the Court: W. BapHam. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 299. Epmonps (spelled Eppmonps), Ricuarp. Northampton Co. September 26, 1750. November Court, 1750. Sons: Tuomas and Da- viv. Daughters: Manny, Repexan, EvizapeTs and Susannan EpMonps. Wife: Exizapera. Executor: Berane Merron. Witnesses: SaMUEL Hackney, SamueL, Jorpan, Jentnes Hacxnuy. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Epmonps, SAMuEL. Chowan County. November 3, 1720. April Court, 1721: Son: Henry (“my plantation’’) Daughters: Saran Epmonps, Ann Smita, ExisaBeTH MEDLETON. Wife: 110 Axsstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Mary. Executor: Joan Epwarps, Senr. Witnesses: JoHN WILLIAMS, Gro. Eusank, THropainvus Wituiams, Epwarp Mors. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Henman. Epmonpson, JosEPH. Craven County. August 4, 1743. Sons: Jouw (Executor), Taomas. Daughter: Prisx- Low Epmonpson. Wife and Executrixz: Prisetow. Witnesses: Ricup. Batu, Exvtas Martin, Josep Gap. No probate. Epyyre (Epyery), Rozerr. Pasquotank County. April 4, 1752. December Court, 1758. Sons: Samugt, Nuton Ren- SHER Epnyz. Daughters: ANN Epnys (land on “the long ridge’), AHI- NoaM Epnye (land on ‘ash branch”), ExizaBetTH CarTwricut (land on “broad neck branch”). Wife and Executrix: ANN. Witnesses: SAMUEL Surru, Josepa Spence, Tos. Loaps (Ruopgs). Clerk of the Court: THos. TAYLOR. Epwarps, CATHERINE. Bladen County. May 2, 1755. October Court, 1755. Son: Roperr (“ye plantation I formerly lived on’’). Daughter: Ann Surron. Grandsons: JouN, SAMUEL and Isaac Hoizuinesworrs. Ezecutors: Ropert Epwarps (son) and VALENTINE Ho.LiineswortH. Witnesses: James Proturo, JEREMIAH Proruro, Anw D. Lavrency. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Nucent. Epwarps, Epwarp. Northampton County. February 27, 1758. July Court, 1758. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Witnesses: James Leay, WitL1amM Winporneg. Clerk of the Court: J. Ev- , WARDS. ‘ Epwarps, Henry. Edgecombe County. January 14, 1758. June Court, 1758. Sons: Naruan, BrivTain and Jesse (“my plantation”), Samunn, and Henry (executors). Witnesses: ArtTHur Bown, Jonn Norwoop. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Monrrort. Epwarps, Isaac. Northampton County. December 18, 1758. January Court, 1759. Sons: Jostan (“plantation whereon I now live, including all the lands lying between Roanoque River and Uraha Swamp”), Joun (land on North side Uraha Swamp), THomas (100 acres of land, including Davise’s plantation”), Wirt1am. Daughter: Enizaseta Fereuson. Son-in-law: Samunnt Puruies. Grandchildren: Exizaneta Pures, Joan Epwarps. Daughter-in-law: ANN Epwarps. Wife and Ezecutrix: Evizaseru. Witnesses: Joun Sawxkitu, RoBErt Duxes, Joun Epwarps. Clerk of the Court: J. Epwarps. Axpstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 111 Epwarps, Joun. New Hanover County. June 19, 1743. May 15, 1744. Sons: Joun, THomas. Daughter: Cuariry Epwarps. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Henry Ba- RON. Witnesses: THomas Hopsy, Witim. Sternens, Henry Baron. Will proven before E. Mosevey, Chief Justice. Epy, Joun. County not given. November 7, 1726. December 2,1726. Daughter: Diana Epy. Broth- er: Henry Epy. This is a nuncupative will proven before Taos. TAYLOR by THomas Spencer, Henry Epren and Estuer Dup ty. Ecrrton (spelled Eacertron), James. Perquimans County. September 11, 1749. January Court, 1750. Sons: Jamus (planta- tion in Chowan County), WiLi1am (plantation on Mill Swamp). Daugh- ters: ANN and Mary Ecerton. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Ezecu- tors: Joan Hatcry, Jonn Wiuxins. Witnesses: THomas CaLLoway, Wituram Harz, Ricnarp CLemens. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Exvprivez, WILLIAM. Northampton County. May Court, 1751. ‘Supposed son’: MartaHew Moor. Wife: Mary. Other legatees: Meta Moor, Cuarity Moor, Parry Peacock (daughter of EvizaBetaH Pracock). Brother: Samuru. Sisters: MartHa, THomas Nixon, MartHa Moor. FEvzecutors: WitL1AM KEcCHEN, JAS. WASHINGTON, Benun. DeBerry. Witnesses: Jno. DeBerry, WILLIAM RicHARDSON. RasackaH Dawson. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Exxs, Joun. County not given. January 23, 1707-1708. Sons: JouNn (‘‘my dwelling plantation’’), THom- 4S, AMANUEL (land called “rich neck’), MarmapuKEe. Wife and Ezxecu- triz: Mary. Witnesses: Epwarp Op, Junior, GEORGE WARRENTON, Senior, Gzorce Warrenton, Junior, Repexan Oup. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Waker (or WALKER). Exxs, Ricwagp. Albemarle County. September 21, 1687. October 6, 1687. ‘Executor and sole legatee and devisee: Wiut1aM Darsy (‘‘plantation upon Yawpin River”). Witnesses: Tuomas Potiock, Hanna Harte, JonN WOLFENDEN, JonN Lewin. Will proven before Seta SoTHELL, Governor. Extecoop, Marrutas. Pasquotank County. September 10, 1773. March 7, 1774. Friends and Executors: Couo. JoHn Sawyer, JonaTHan Hearrine. Wife and Lxecutriz: Marcrear. Witnesses: Samuet Spence, THos. Erueripes, THomas Granpy. Will proven before Jo. Martin. \ 112 Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Eniott, CHARLES. Enfield. October 15, 1753. May Term, 1757. Executor and sole legatee: Hon. Joann RutHErForD. Witnesses: Tuos. Lown, Joun Lawson. Clerk of the Court: J. Epwarps. Exxiotr, Grorer. Pasquotank Precinct. February 7, 1727-1728. April Court, 1728. Daughter: Mary Watts. Other legatees: JouN Cuarxe, ANN Askins, ANN Gray. Executor: Ricu- ARD GRAY. Witnesses: Taomas BEpForRD, WILLIAM WALLIS, JAMES CoL- uins. Clerk of the Court: WM. Minson. Ensot, Micuezt. Orange County. October 25, 1756. December Court, 1756. Executor and sole legatee and devisee: WiLL1aM PuiLuirs. Witnesses: W1LL1AM OFFILL, JAMES Hop- Kins, Witu1am Hopkins. Clerk of the Court: James Watson. Exxiott, Moszs. Perquimans County. February 22,1756. January Court, 1756. Sons: Joszpa, Moszs, Brn- JAMIN. Daughter: Mararut Evuiot. Wife and Executriz: Jupan. Wit- nesses: ABRAHAM Hasxit, SamuEL Bacuey. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvy. Exuiot, Tuomas. Perquimans County. April 2,1720. December 16,1729. Sons: Catzs (“plantation on which I now dwell’), Josuua (200 acres of land), Isaac (“remaining part of ye tract”), Witt1am (1 shilling), Tuomas, ABRadAM, SoLtomon, Moszs, JoserH and Brensamin. Daughters: Mary Brown, Ursety. Wife and Executrixz: Margaret. Witnesses: Saran WaRNER, WILLIAM. , R. Witson. Will proven before Ricn’p EvEerarp. Exxis, Grorer. Pasquotank Precinct. January 30, 1720. July Court, 1720. Brother and Executor: THomas Patin. Daughter: ANN Exus. Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Wii- nesses: SARAH Buu, Karu. Towner, Jann Dann. Clerk of the Court pro tem.: J. PALIN. : Exuis, Mary. County not given. Executor and Guardian of son: THOMAS CLARKE. Witnesses: ELIZABETH Wituis, Exxris Witson, Jon Witson. No probate. Exuts, Ropert. Northampton County. January 28, 1740. February Court, 1743. Son: Jno. Exxis (one shil- ling). Grandsons: Ropurt and Jonn Exxis (160 acres of land to each). AgsTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 1138 Neighbor and Executor: Pat Smits (“plantation whereon I now dwell’’). Witnesses: Patt Smita, Moses Beck, Exizapeta Smiru. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Exzison, WILt1aM. New Hanover County. June 23, 1737. July 2, 1737. Brother and sole devisee and legatee: AN- DREW ELLison. Executor: James Murray. Witnesses: Ja. PATERSON, THomas CLARKE, JA. Murray. Will proven before Rost. Hatton and Gas. JOHNSTON. Exton, ZacuaRiau. Perquimans County. October 5, 1752. October Court, 1752. Devisees and Legatees: Jona- THAN PuHexps, Sen., JosepxH Waits, Mary Barker, WiLLiam LamB. Executors: JONATHAN PuHeELPs, JOSEPH WHITE. Witnesses: WILLIAM Townsren, THomas Martin. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Encet, Peter. Craven Precinct. September 20, 1722. December Court, 1722. Godson: Witt1aM More. Other legatees: ANN Cantus, Susan Moors, Suriry Moors, Mary Lots, Apam Moors, Grorce Mats. Witnesses: Matraew Reason, PETER Hanno. Clerk of the Court: C. MercaLrs. Encuisu, JosEPH. Beaufort County. November 20, 1744. December Court, 1744. Friends: Mary Pauueg, Docr. Prerrer Cotaxre. Executor: Patrer Sous. Witnesses: Joun Brock, Jonn FuLKER, NaTHaN ARCHBELL. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Goon, Jno. TURNER. Ennet, Epmunp. New River. February 24, 1734. April 11, 1735. Sons: Joun (land on Kisable. Creek), EpmMonp and JoserH (“my dwelling plantation”). Daughter: Exuinor Ennet. Evxecutors: NatHanieL Everer and JoHN WARREN. Witnesses: Manta Hott, WILLIAM MaRcHMENT, JONATHAN Pike, Mary Patter. Will proven before Governor Gas. JoHNSTON at New River. Espy, James. Brunswick, in New Hanover County. October 3, 1739. October 9, 1739. Son: Usner. Daughier: Saran Espy. Wife: Margaret. Ezxecutors: Joan MontcoMEerRy and WILLIAM Dry. Witnesses: Ricnarp HELLIER, WM. Gray, James Lyon. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON at Newton. Eruerriver, Henry. Currituck County. March 14, 1742-1743. July Court, 1743. Sons: SamurL, Witi1aM, Ricuarp, Jonn, Henry. Daughters: ANN ETHERIDGE, TEDY ETHERIDGE, 8 114 AgsTract oF Wixzs, 1690-1760. Mary Erneriwce. Wife and Ezecutriz: Susy. Witnesses: JouN Bau- LANCE, WILLIAM MAKEFASHION, Mosss Linton. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lorry. Erurrincr, JoHN. Currituck County. April 3,1744, July Court, 1744. Sons: Amos (land known as the “Bull yard”’), Wituis (411 acres of land), Cati1B (land known as ‘‘Northerns”’), James (‘plantation where Henry Blount now liveth”), Joun (“plantation whereon I now live”), Jostas (‘plantation where Samuel Jones now liv- eth”). Daughters: Saran Bices, Dorotuy Erueriver. Wife and Exec- utriz: ELINER. Witnesses: THos. WILLIAMS, SOLOMON ETHERIDGE, JOHN Pirkens, ABSALOM Lucetr. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCiure. Erueriver, Luxe. Currituck County. February 25, 1732. Daughters: Saran Erueriper (“land I now live on”), EvizABETH ETHERIDGE (“land in ye great swamp”), ANN ETHER- ier. Wife and Executriz: Curiston. Witnesses: ELisaBeTH DANIEL, OrHo Houtuanp. Clerk of the Court: Taos. LowTHErR. Erueriper, MarMapvxe. Currituck County. February 3, 1734. Devisees and legatees: Cates, MARMaDUKE and Mary Beg tz (children of Sarah Bell). Ezecutriz: Saran BELL. Witnesses: Joun Hoursn, Joseru Bourn, Peter Dover. Clerk of the Court: THos. LowrTuer. Erueriner, Ricuarp. “Currituck Banks and Bay of Kitty Hawk.” February 12, 1739-1740. April Court, 1750. Sons: Apam (“planta- tion whereon I now live, commonly known by the name of the Whale House”), Sampson. Daughters: Disnan Down, Hettena Downy, EuizasetH Dowby. Grandson: Ropert Tucker. Granddaughters: Pris- seLLA Erueripce, Desoray Feitps. Wife: Saran. LEzecutors: ADAM, Sampson Erueripes (sons). Witnesses: Tuomas Mayo, Cuariry SIVELLs, Lenine Mayo. Clerk of the Court: Ricn’p McCuurn. Eruerivar, Sotomon. Currituck County. November 7, 1749. January Court, 1749. Sons: Apner (“plantation I now live on’), Sotomon, Apsatom. Daughters: Saran Evamripas, Lertisoa Erueriper, Barspy Erseripngr, Repan Eruerivce. Wit- nesses: Wittiam Erneripen, Canes Erneriper. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCiure. Evzanx, Grorcr. Bertie Precinct Society Parish. March 2, 1732-1733. March 12, 1732. Brother: James EvBANK. Sisters: EvizapeTH and IsaBeti, Eusanx. To brothers and sisters is Axsstract oF Wi1zs, 1690—1760. 115 devised all estate in Great Britain. Other legatees: THomas, ELIzABETH and MarTHa WHITMELL, WILLIAM Gray. Fzecutors: James CASTELLAW, Taomas WHITMELL and JoHN Gray. Witnesses: James Butocx, JoHN Barron. Proven before GEorcE BuRRINGTON. Evans, Barwe Lt. Beaufort County. April 1, 1756. June Court, 1756. Daughters: Saran Evans (‘‘planta- tion whereon I now live and forty acres of land on the creek I live on’’), Susannan Evans (“plantation whereon William Brantly lives and three hundred acres of land on the mill creek”). Nephews: Jacos and BARWELL Evans. Friend: Wituiam Sroxes. Wife and Executriz: SusANNAH. Executors: JAcoB, BENJaMIN and Caaries Evans (brothers). Witnesses: Georce Suee, Perer Hurt and Ricnarp Huriey. Clerk of the Court: Wainy CHAUNCEY. Evans, CHARLES. Tarr River, in Edgecombe County. June 1, 1759. June Court, 1759. Sons: Jacop (land in Beaufort County), Bensamin, CHartes (land on Tar river and town Creek). Grandchildren: Cuartes Evans (son of BENsamin), Joun Evans (son of Cuarues and Evizaseta), ANN Evans (daughter of Caartms and Exiza- BETH). Wétnesses: Jonn Tison, CHARLES Evans, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Evans, Huw. Pasquotank Precinct. December 15, 1729. January 13, 1729. Brothers: BarTHOLOMEW Evans, Toomas Armorse. father-in-law and Executor: Louis MarKHAM. Witnesses: Roperr Keer, ANN Cranx, Isaac Finney. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson Evans, JouHn. Chowan County. August 24,1739. January 15,1739. Sons: Jonn (“plantation whereon I now live”), Tomas, Brnsamin. Daughters: Janz Evans, Mary Evans, Racuet Evans. Wife and Executriz: Jans. Witnesses: Joun Evans, Cuarues JonpaNn. Will proven before-W. Suir, Chief Justice. Evans, Mary. Perquimans County. April 8, 1720. March 7, 1723. Son: Witi1am. Executors: Francis Penrine; Darsy Bryan. Witnesses: Joun Dick, Harris WILLOUGHBY, Francis Laypain. Will proven before Gzo: BuRRINGTON, Governor. Evans (spelled “Ervens’”), Ricuarp. Albemarle County. September 7, 1692. October 2, 1693. Sons: JonaTHan, RicHarD. Daughters: Rasakan Etvens, ANN Ervens. Ezecutors: EvizaBETH Ervens (wife), ALEXANDER LitLincTon. Witnesses: Davip SHEARWOOD, Jans ARNOLD, BENJAMIN CippEN. Clerk of the Court: Joun STEPNEY. 116 Axpstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Evans, RicHarp. Beaufort County. December 26, 1752. June Court, 1753. Sons: Richarp and GrorGE (lands in Onslow on the mouth of New River). Daughter: Mary Evans. About thirteen negroes bequeathed. Executor: MicHaEL CAUTANCHE. Witnesses: EpmMuND Parcs, JosHuA Pearce, Reapinc Buount. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CaamNeEy: Evans, Rozert. Perquimans County. March 20, 1754. January Court, 1758. Sons: Jonn, Ropert (Hxecu- tor). Daughters: Saran GRIFFIN, EvisaperH Evans, Mary Evans. Grandchildren: Demsny, Aron, Ropert and Hutpaw BuansHarD. Wit- nesses: WiLLIAM Krtiy, NaTHAN CULLENS, DaveNPoRT Goopinea. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Evaws, Tuomas. Chowan Precinct. February 29, 1731-1732. November 2, 1732. Son and Executor: Tuomas (“my maner plantation”). Daughters: Atuis WILLIAMson, Saran Browney, EvizeseTrH Waker. Wife and Executrix: ELLENER. Witnesses: Tao. Hosss, Cornutius CotteHaNn. Will proven before Wm. Littiez, Chief Justice. Evans, THomas. Tyrrell County. March 14, 1744-1745. June Court, 1745. Mother: Exener Evans. Daughters: EvizapetH, Mary, Caraerine, Atce and Saran Evans. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: Samun, Durrance, MaTuias Apams. Witnesses: Joun Nicuauis, Jonn Garrett, JoHN WALKER. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CONNER. Evart, WiLLiaM. Northampton County. April 10, 1758. July Court, 1758. Daughter: Mary Evatt. Wife and Executriz: Sarau. Executor: DANIEL DuNKIN. Witnesses: GERARD Youne, THomas WitBorn. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Everett, Joun. Tyrrell County. March 16, 1754. June Court, 1754. Brother: Josnua (145 acres of land known as “the Stamping place”), Tomas (Executor). Father and Executor: NATHANIEL Everett. Cousins: Jonn and EvisaBeTu EVERETT. Witnesses: SAMUEL DuRRANCE, Danie, Yarretr, NaTHanieL Everitt. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonzs. Everitt, NarHantet. Tyrrell County. November 2, 1749. December 5, 1749. Legatees and devisees: NATHAN- IELL Everitt of New River, NarHaNniEL Everirt of Mereland, NatHaNniEu Everitt of the parish of St. Andrews (‘my plantation”), Mary Everitt, AxpsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 117 EvisaBeteH Ray, Sary Fueein. Executor: NatTHanieL Everitt of St. Andrews. Witnesses: THomas Everitt, James Raoupes, ANN BEESLEY. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jones. Courthouse on Kindrecks Creek. Everton, JEREMIAH. Pasquotank County. January 3, 1736. October Court, 1740. Sons: Sotomon (1 shilling), James (“my dwelling plantation’). Daughters: Saran ForEHAND, Racuet Everton, KaTHEriIneE CHAMBERLAIN. Wife and Executriz: Hannau. Witnesses: JoHN Scarr, JAMES Scarr, THomMas CROMWELL. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Eyres, Ricwarp. County not given. October 2, 1685. November 11, 1685. Executor and sole legatee: CuarLes Prows. Witnesses: RicHarD Rooks, Mary Rooxs. Clerk of the Court: HENDERSON WALKER. Facan, Enocu. Tyrrell County. January 16,1777. April 29,1777. Daughter: Mary Facan. Wife and Executriz: Ruina. Ezecutor: Bensamin Biount. Witnesses: SAMUEL Buackx, IsHsam Wess, Fr. Warp. Will proven before Rp. CaswELL, Governor. Fatconer, JoHN. Chowan County. July 28, 1739. August 5, 1741. Sons: THomas, Gzorar. Daughters: Ann Fautconer, Mary Frazizr, Hester GRavenor. Wife and Execu- triz: Saran. Witnesses: JoHN RonsaaM, Epwp. AURENDELL, PaTINES Everay. Will proven before J. Montcomsry, C. J. Fatconer, THomas. Chowan County. February 1, 1756. April Court, 1756. Nephew: James Bras.ry. Wife: Sarau (plantation and all personal property). Other legatees: SanaH Freeman, daughter of THomas FrreeMAN; Ricuarp Leary of Tyrrell County; JoHN, son of James Brasiey; Jamms, son of Jonn Brasiey and Tuomas son of JamMus Brastey; Mary Pain, daughter of James BEASLEY. Executors: Jonn Hatsny and Corneius Leary. Witnesses: RoBert Brastey, JaMes Francis, Ep>warp Rosins, EvizaBeta Rowsum, THomas Peirce, Jonn Creecy. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Jonss. Fax, RicHarp. Chowan Precinct. March 15, No probate. Sons: JonaTHan, WILLIAM, JOHN and Ricwarp (lands on Maheron River). Wife and Executriz: Euizapera. Witnesses: RicnarpD Fax, WitLiam Mave, THomas Busse. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 27. ‘ 118 Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Faruer, JAMES. Chowan Precinct. May 1,1727. May 15,1727. Wife: mentioned, but not named. Testa- tor’s lands left to James BrnTiey, son of SaraH BenTuBy. Guardians: Henry Bonner, SAMUELL Pacetr. Executor: Epwarp MosELey. Wit- nesses: Ropert Jerrrnys, WM. Hauusry, Joun Hatisey. Will proven before RicuarD Everarp, Governor. Far er, JAMEs. Chowan County. January 12, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Samur. (‘all my land”), James. Daughters: Many Parker, SaraH FaRLEE, CHRISTIANA Farter. Wife: Racuey. Executor: Joun CAMPBELL. Witnesses: WIL- u1am Boyp, Amos Parxer, JoHn Bacxcus. Clerk of the Court: Wi. Mearns. Executor qualified before Jamms CRAVEN. Farr, Ricuarp. Onslow County. November 8, 1757. July Court, 1758. Sons: Ricnarp, Titus GREEN Farr, WILLIAM, JAMES. Evxecutors: HANNAH Farr (wife), STEPHEN LEE, Joun Mitton. Witnesses: Tuos. Hitt, Ropert Mitton, Dnu. AvsTIN. Clerk of the Court: W1LL1aM Cray. Farrow, Francis. Currituck County. October 7, 1721. February 9, 1722-1723. Wife and Executriz: Bar- BaRY. Children: mentioned, but not named. Friend: Witt1am Ro u- son. Witnesses: Danie. GuTHRIE, JonN Macquin, RicHarD JOHNSON. Will proven before Wm. Re=p, “‘presedent of North Carolina.” Frarz, OBADIAH. Pasquotank Precinct. June 5, 1719, “‘of Alligater in the presinck of Pascotank.” Legatees and Devisees: WiLL1aM LupForp (Executor), Saran Luprorp, ANNE Luprorp, Curistian Luprorp, Mary Luprorp, Martaa Luprorp, Tomson Lup- FORD, THomMas LupForp, ANN Frare (wife). Witnesses: Epwp. Lininec- TON, JOSEPH WinsHAPP, ANDREW OLiveR. No probate. Frrips, Jamus. Perquimans County. February 15, 1750-1751. April Court, 1751. Sons and Ezxecutors: Rusin, Moses. Daughters: ANN Feiups, Zesian Fettps. Son-in-law: James Price (Executor). Witnesses: NicHouas Srauuines, Exias StTar- Lincs, Moses Rountres. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Ferry, Ricuarp. Onslow County. June 24, 1742. January Court, 1744. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Sons: Jonn and Samust (550 acres of land up White Oak river), Ricuarp ApstractT or Witzs, 1690—1760. 119 and Smita (my plantation), James (300 acres land). Executor: JoHN Starkey. Witnesses: ABRA. MitcHetit, ABRAHAM MITCHELL, JamEs AT- KINS. Clerk of the Court: ANDREW MurRRayY. Fre.tTuen, JAMES. Bertie County. March 16, 1726. July, 1726. Wife and Ezecutriz: ANN. Witnesses: FrepD. Rasor, CHRISTOPHER VANLUVAN, Marrua Hoorsr. Will proven before Ricup. EvVERARD. Frits, HUMPHREY. Perquimans County. 1726. July, 1726. Son: Joun. Daughter: Evisanera. Executor: Witiram Lone. Witnesses: Epwp. Stanpin, Josaua Lone, SamuEL Wiatt. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p Lzary. Court held at the house of Rosert Moore. Fewnpatu, Joun. Chowan County. December 17, 1695. April Court, 1696. Wife: Exizapera. Brother: Rosert Fenpauy. father-in-law and Executor: ALEXANDER LILLINGTON. Witnesses: Joun Dix, ANN Watker, HenpERSON WALKER. Clerk of the Court: Na. CHEVIN. Fenpatu, Rosert. Perquimans County. November 30, 1711. January, 1711-1712. Daughter: Exazapeta Lit- LINGTON. Other devisees and legatees: Isaac W1LLSON (land on Kendricks Creek known as Hawkinses Neck), Ricuarp Lowry. Executor: THomMas Lone. Witnesses: Joun Wiat, Joun Lone, THomas Wyatt. Will proven in Council: N. Canvin, Clerk. Frrs, WiLiiaM. Beaufort County.. January 11, 1753. June, 1754. Sons: Wituiam (“my maner planta- tion”), Narsaanre., Josian. Daughters: Lu. Ratner, Mouie, Saran Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Ropert Spring, CHARLES How- ARD, WILLIAM Morris. Clerk of the Court: WatLEyY CHAUNCY. Fereuson, ApaM. Craven Precinct. October 13, 1715. February 15,1715. Son: Marx (“my plantation”). Daughters: Saran Frercuson, JANE Ferauson. Wife: Evizaprra Fer- cuson. Executor: Daniett McFaritan. Witnesses: Rost. Ramsey, Prrer Cropety, Francis Hutson. Clerk of the Court: DanteLL McFar- LAN. Frrevson, Marx. Craven County. April 16, 1751. September Court, 1751. Sons: Apam (350 acres of land on the East side of Slocumb’s Creek), Suocums (800 acres of land on 120 AgstTRacT oF Witus, 1690—1760. Mill Creek). Cousin: Bensamin Cummines (land on East side of Adams Creek). Wife and Executrix: Evizapera. Witnesses: ApaM WALLIS, Ropert Watuis, Joun Cumminas. Clerk of the Court: Pain. Smiru. Ferrier, Rrcwarp. Pasquotank County. January 31, 1738-1739. July Court, 1740. Sons: Erasmus and JoHn (Executor). Witnesses: Joun Hovuren, THomas and WILLIS JAMES. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Ferrrit, WILLiaM. Currituck County. November 7, 1742. January Court, 1742-1743. Sons: Josepu, CALEB, SamueL. Daughters: Tamer, Mary and ANN Farriv. Sister: Espen Burxet. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Grorce FEREBEE, JosEPH FEREBEB, WILLIAM FEREBEE. Clerk of the Court: Joan Lurry. Frwox, James. County not given. March 2, 1710. January 9, 1711-1712. Son: Roperr. Wife: ANN. Other legatees and devisees: Jno. Lawson, Mary Lawson, SaMurEL Harpy, son of Wm. Harpy. Ezecutrixz: Mary Lawson, widow of NaTHANIEL Lawson. Witness: Guo. GuapsTain. Codicil, dated May 5, 1711, pro- vides for use of gristmill. Witnesses: Gro. GLADSTAIN, JOSEPH FANINGS, Jonn SNELL. Will proven in Council: Roprerr Buckner, Clerk. Figurzus, BartHoLomMEw. Northampton County. March 16, 1758. July Court, 1758. Sons: Jon (700 acres of land), Ricuarp (275 acres of land), BarrHotomew (“my plantation’), Josmra (‘land whereon he now lives’’), W1ii1am (700 acres of land). Daughters: Resexan DerRinG, EvizaBeta Lewis. Witnesses: JosepH Dew, CHARLES Dew, Witiiam SHERARD, Joun Dew. Codicil to this will of even date makes more bequests to JonN and BartHoLomew. Ezecutors: JoHN and BarTHoLtomew Figures. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Firuiuaw, Joun. Craven County. August 31, 1747. March 15, 1748. Sons: Joun, JosmpH, Jamus. Daughters: ANN Fitiiaw, Prisituar Finuiaw, Mary Finuiaw. Wife and Executriz: JANE. Witnesses: ALEXANDER BiLacksHirz, N. Wour, Wm. Gray. Clerk of the Court: Joun Ricz. Fittiveuam, Joun. ‘ Pitt County. November 11, 1771. December 22, 1773. Sons: Jonn, Roprrt, Sam- VEL, Jarvis, Bensamin. Daughters: MatHew Wars, Mary Hays. Wife: Marcaret. LEzecutors: JoHN and Rosert (sons). Witnesses: Josian Littte, ALExR. Strwart. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 121 Fiso, WILLIAM. Bertie County. August 10, 1750. May Court, 1751. Sons: Jonn, Witi1am (“planta- tion whereon I now live”). Daughters: ANN Frrrity, Mary Fisa (‘100 acres of land in Johnston County on Marsh Branch”). Grandsons: JoHN and Wm. Fisu. Wife: Mary. Executor: Samuniy Wituiams. Witnesses: Saran Leg, SamueL WILLiaMs, Mary Catvarr. Clerk of the Court: Brns. WYnns. Fisuer, JaMEs. County not given. August 13, 1702. No probate. “This being my last desire from all wills that all my whole estate both real and personal I give to my wife and to my children and my deare friend Mr. Wittiam Wiixeson. I would have you if you please to assist them, that they may not be wronged.” Witnesses: Witu1am Lona, Peter JoNnsEs. Fisuer, Ranpoipa. Craven County. March 31,1747. June Court, 1751. Sons: Taomas and Grorce (Ezec- utor). Witnesses: GzorcE GraHms, THos. Matcuert, Ricup. Batu. No signature to probate. FirzaarraLp, JoHN. Johnston County. August 14, 1749. September Court, 1751. Sons: Joun and Tuomas. Son-in-law: ARTHUR Prince (Executor). Wife: ANN. Executor: RicHarD Peirce. Witnesses: Rost. Butter, ANTHONY FuLGHAM, ANNE PEIRCE. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Jamus Oats. Firzpatrick, Bryan. Allegator Creek, in Chowan County. March 26, 1709. Sons: Cornetius, Vinney, Dinis (“my dwelling plantation called Hunts’). Son: Conre ius, appointed Executor. Negroes bequeathed to sons. Wvetnesses: SamurL Brooks, Davip ELDER, JoHN Macxer. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-22, page 64. Frirzpatricx, Cornetius. Allegator, in Albemarle County. August 21,1716. Wife and Executriz: ExizaBetu. Sons: Joun, Cor- NELIUS and Bryant. Daughters: ELENDER, Mary, Saran, ELIzaBETH. Other legatees: Gro. WHIDBEE, JOHN WooDLAND, ELIZABETH WHIDBEE, Ricaarp WuHIDBEE, JouN Marke. Witnesses: Joun Woopianp, GEORGE Wuinses, Ricwarp Wuipser. Will proven before Tos. Pottock, May 4, 1722. Franaxin, Ricuarp. South Dividing Creek, in Bath Co. September 5, 1739. June Court, 1741. Sons: James (‘‘the mannour plantation’), Tuomas, Ricwarp, Witiiam. Daughter: Lean FuaNaKin. 122 Axsstract oF Wixxs, 1690—1760. Wife: KaTuerine. Ezecutors: Aprm. Prircuett (brother), James FLAn- AKIN (son). Witnesses: Porter Finca, Dorotuy Finca, SaMvEL Goopin. Clerk of Beaufort Court: Roc. Jongs. Fremine, Groree. Pasquotank Precinct. May 27, 1694. July 16, 1694. Daughter: ExizaneTH FLEMING. Friends: Tuomas Exuiotr, James Rosinson. Executor: Simon Ricz. Witnesses: WinLiaM Bray, Isaac GILFoRD, ELIzEBETH JoNnES, JOHN Puitrorr. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Fremine, Rosanna. Perquimans County. May 20,1758. October Court, 1758. Son: James (Executor). Daugh- ters: Saran ScrimsHer, Martna Fiemine, EvizaBpeta Fiemine, Mary Fiemine. Witnesses: ZacHARIAH WEBB, SENR., JAMES GIBSON, ZACHARIAH Wess, June. Clerk of the Court: M. Harvey. Fietcuer, Curtis. County not given. March 28, 1671. April 15, 1671. Legatees: Wit11am Bray, THomas Tununy, BensamMin Tuttey. Witnesses: Wiitiam Bays, Davip PRISHET. Proven before RicHarp Foster and Patrick WHITE. Fietcuer, Francis. Pasquotank County. January Court, 1743. Wife and Executriz: Marcarer. Witnesses: BensaMin Baptiste, JONATHAN LANGATHEN, WILLIAM DeLeny. Clerk of the Court: THos. TayLor. Frietcuer, Ratru. Perquimans County. February 20, 1726-1727. January 21, 1728. Sons: Raurn (“my manner house & plantation”), GzorcE (“my lower house and plantation”), James, Josua. Daughters: Jane and Evizaseta Futetcuer. Ezecutors: RicHarp SKINNER and RicHAaRD CHEASTEN. Witnesses: ELIZABETH Frencu, Saran SKINNER, THomas Rarrurr. Clerk of the Court: THoMas CrEw. FirtcHer, Rapu. Perquimans County. April 5, 1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: Raurx (‘the manner planta- tion”), Josuua. Daughters: Janz, Miriam and Rutu Fiercuer, Mary Rarturr. Wife: Mary. Executors: Josppu Raturr (son-in-law). Wit- nesses: Francis Toms, Francis Newsy, Wiuuiam Lasry. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Fretcurr, THomas. Chowan County. May 10, 1727. April Court, 1734. Wife: Dororsa. Son: THomas. Witnesses: Ropert Lacirer, Grorcr Lacirmr. Clerk of the Court: Mosexy Valu. AxssTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 123 Froop, James. “Cape Fare.” 1731. June 10, 1736. Wife and Executriz: EvizapetuH. Witnesses: Tunis Van GoLDER, EvizABETH Harnert, Mary Parker. Clerk of the Court: HueH CaMPBELL. Froop, Jamzs. Chowan County. November 15, 1750. November 30,1750. Wife and Executrix: Exiza- BETH. Children: Witutam and ANN BrgSweELu. Executors: JAMES Craven and Tuomas Barxer. Witnesses: EpMunp Hatcu, Joun Mc- Kixpo, Ricnarp McCiure. Will proven before Gov. Gas. JOHNSTON. Frovetz, WILLIAM. Newton, county not given. December 18, 1737. March 1, 1737. Two hundred pounds South Carolina currency to be paid towards the erection of an English Church. Niece: Ev1zaBetH CaLLETON, wife of GEORGE CALLETON of South Carolina. Uncle: Wituiam Hate (‘late of Nassau in New Providence”). Hxecutors: Witiiam Roper, EvizaBeta Cauteton, Rurus Marspren, Joan Davis and JosmepH Wraace. Witnesses: Roczer Roitre, ArmManp DesRosset, M. D., Mica. Hiaernes. Will proven before Gas. Jonnstron. Coat of arms on seal. Fuoyp, Joun. Northampton County. August 3, 1756. November Court, 1756. Sons: Morrise (80 acres of land in King William County, Va.), THomas (“plantation whereon I now jive’), SterHen, Jessen, Jonn and Wiuuiam. Daughter: Evizanera Cooxer. Ezecutors: THomas and Wituiam (sons). Witnesses: Cuas. CaMPBELL, JAMES Stanton. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Fryy, CoLttums. Bath County. August 22, 1721. September 9, 1737. Son and Executor: CouLumMB (‘all my real estate”). Daughters: Mary Smita, Marcaret PRItcHaRD. Witnesses: Martin Franck, ANDREW BALLEau, THos. Boyp. Will proven before Gas. Jonnston at Newton. Foe, Mosss. Craven County. December 3, 1751. March 20, 1751. Legatees and devisees: Grace Foee (daughter of Jounwats Foae, 300 acres of land on Nuse River), Matutas Benston. Executor: Joan Lane. Witnesses: Jounn Duncan, Nicuotas Routtepce and NarHan ALEXANDER. Clerk of the Court: Jno. SNEAD. Fonvie.e, JoHN. Craven County. January 24,1773. January 27,1773. Sons: Joun (‘‘240 acres of land where he now lives; 120 acres of land between Isaac Fonviniue and 124 AzsTRACT oF WILLS, 1690—1760. Artnor Biacxmay; lot No. 6 in Newbern’’), Wintiam Brick FoNVIELLE ‘s (640 acres of land where he now dwells; Lot No. 5 in Newbern), Francis (510 acres of land where he now lives; lot No. 7 in Newbern), FREDERICK (‘“Jand where he now lives and lot in Newbern”’), StmpHen (‘‘500 acres of land where he now lives on New River; my lower tract on Stone Bay”), Jeremian (770 acres of land in the mouth of Stone Creek; upper part of the lower tract on Stone Bay; half lot in Newbern’’). Daughters: Mary Hator (two half lots in Newbern and two hundred acres of land on the North side of Nuce River), ExizasetH Hatcu (lot in Newbern by the West gate; 360 acres of land in New Hanover County), Easter Fonvisiie (one lot in Newbern). Granddaughter: ExizapntH Fonvirtue. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Joan, WitL1AM Brice and Francis FoNvIELLE (sons). Witnesses: JouHN Turner, Wittram Batzarp, Isaac Estecx. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Foraster, JAMES. - Orange County. September 5, 1755. December Court, 1755. Sons: Wiuutam,, JAMES (to both is given land on Eno River), Bensamin and THomas (“my plantation”). Son-in-law: Joun Mannine (200 acres of land on Eno River). Wife and Executriz: Ann. Witnesses: Parr McCu.tiocu, Huew Woop. Clerk of the Court: Jas. Watson. Forzrs, JoHn. Pasquotank County. November 24, 1747. July Court, 1750. Son: James. Wife and Executriz: Mantua. Witnesses: Peter Brown, Saran Brown. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TayLor. Forruanp, Corne.ivs. Pasquotank County. February 24, 1727. July 26, 1728. Sons: Jonn, Corneuius, Jamss, Ricuarp, THomas. Daughters: Exuizmpera and Mary Forrsann. Wife and Executriz: EuizaBeTuH. Witnesses: Isaac Jones, WILLIAM PHILLIPS and Joun Kiet. Clerk of the Court: R. Everarps. Executrix qualified before Joun SoLLey. Foreman, JouHN. Hyde County. September 25, 1744. December Court, 1744. Sons: Cantus, Joan Fypines Foreman, ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, JosHUa, JosePH, LazARUS (plantation on North side of Pongo Creek). Daughters: Cuariry Lucas, Dorotay Kirrs. Wife and Executriz: Marcaret. Witnesses: Tuos. Loacg, Evis Loacx, Josuus Foreman. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Loack. Forrman, Joun Trvrnes. Hyde County. April 1, 1758. September Court, 1758. Wife and Executrix: Mar- GarutT. Brother and Executor: Sanprrs Foruman. Nephew and Ez- ecutor: JoHN Formman (son of Sanpers). Witnesses: Wm. DunparR, Samuget Dunparr. Clerk of the Court: Srmpumn DENNING. Azstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 125 Fort, Grorce. Chowan Precinct, May 15, 1719. October 2, 1719. Sons: Exias, Gzorer, BENJAMIN, Joun, SamurEuLL. Daughters: PHEvis Fipata, Evizeseta Fort, CATHER- tng Fort, Aticr Fort. Wife: ExisasetH Fort. Executor: Exias For. Witnesses: Wiuuiam Boon, Niccouris Boon. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Fort, Joun. Craven County. August 6, 1745. March Court, 1745-1746. Sons: Anraur, JoHN (plan- tation and mill at Conohoe) Dunty (550 acres of land on lower side of fal- ling Creek), Moszs (400 acres land on Cohary Swamp). Daughters: Jerv- sHau Fort. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Ezecutors: ARTHUR and JOHN Fort. Witnesses: JouHN Pirxin, Jonn Fort, Junier. Clerk of the Court: Joun Ricz. Fort, Joun. Johnston County. May 16, 1748. June Court, 1748. Brothers: Moszs and Artuur and Druty. Sister: JerusHa. Evxecutors: Witt1am Houmes (father-in-law). Druty Fort (brother). Witnesses: Ropert Buti, Joun Pipxin, Jera- ro Pipkin. Deputy Clerk of the Court: RicHarp CaswELL. Fort, Ricuarp. Craven County. March 6, 1745. December Court, 1746. Brothers: Tuomas, Exsas and Wituam Fort. Sisters: Saran Wat, Mary Bynum, Hannan PHILLIPS. Nephew: AutHor Fort. Ezecutors: THomas and Exias Fort. Wit- nesses: JOHN Puituips, Roperr Hoop, AmsBrus Pirrman, BENJAMIN Buacxsurn. Deputy Clerk of Johnston County Court: WM. Casweuu. &~ Fortsren, Mary. County not given. January 28, 1663. November 15, 1665. Son: THrornitus. Wit- nesses: Ju. LAWRENCE, WM. Emuy, Evizapatsa Rosy, ELLiInER WARDELL. Clerk of the Court: THomas Harris. Foscur, Joun. Hyde County. November 18, 1751. March Court, 1752. Sons: Moszs (“my mannor plantation’); Joan, Witu1am. Daughters: Mary and Lypia Foscus. Executors: Wint1am SuapDE and AsicaiL Foscur (wife). Wetnesses: Smon Foscur, Mary Hamitton, Urian Couns. Clerk of the Court: Fran. EGLETON. Foscus, Simon. Hyde County. November 11, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: Ricnarp, BELL (my mannour plantation), Smmon, Witt1am, Luxe, Jonn. Daughiers: 126 Apstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Mary SILVERTHORN, Sara SANDERSON, BarBaRie Barter. LHxzecutors: Luxe, JoHn and Bsgtu (sons). Witnesses: Urntan Cotitins, ABRAHAM Easter, ComMFort Rug. Clerk of the Court: R. Loack. Foster, Hannan. Perquimans County. June 27, 1727. July Court, 1728. Grandson: Samurt Rit. Grand- daughter: Comrort Rit. Daughter-in-law: Jeminan Rit. Executors: THomMas AWEEDY, GEoRGE GorDIN. Witnesses: THos. and JEMINAH WRIT. Clerk of the Court: R. Everarp. Fostrr, JAMEs. County not given. October 23,1726. March 29,1727. Friend: SamueL Wirz (son of “‘old SamueL Wirtp’). Wife: Hannan. No Executor. Witnesses: Evisan Stanton, Erezpera Stanton. Will proven before Governor RicH ARD EVERARD. Fostzrr, Joun. Craven County. October 9, 1754. November Court, 1754. Son: Taomas. Daughter: Lyviz Foster. Wife: Exizasers. Ezecutors: JEREMIAH VAILE, ZECHA- RIAH SaWTELL (uncle). Witnesses: Wm. WricHt, CHARLES CoGDELL, jun., Witt. Monat. Codicil of even date makes bequests to son, PARKER, wife, EvizaABETH, and uncle, ZacHARIAH SAWTELL. Same witnesses. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. Coat of arms on seal. Fostrr, Roserr. Bertie County. February 12, 1739-1740. May Court, 1740. Grandchildren:, Joun Brown, Ann Brown, Jemima Corren and Susanna Corren (land on Meherin Creek), Mary Brown. Son-in-law: ALEXANDER CoTTEN. Daugh- ter: ANN Cotten. Wife’s grandson: Wintiam Nieut. Executrixz: WiFE (not named). Witnesses: Wm. Warrrietp, Caristran Denton, Mar- GREAT Lacey. Clerk of the. Court: Jno. WYNns. Fostzr, WILLIAM. County not given. October 9, 1687. Son: Francis. Daughter: Exizaseta Foster. Wife: Diana. Witnesses: Jonataan HoLtemMan, WILLiaAM Hueuss, Sam- UEL PrickLoveLL. No Executors. No probate. Fourreg, Joun. Pasquotank County. March 13,1730. April Court, 1732. Sons: Isaac (“ye mannor planta- tion”), NaTHANIELL (plantation on Lettel River). Daughters: EvizaBetH Fourrr, Mauer Fourrn. Sister: Mary Corry. Wife and Executrix: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Jno. Miuts, Jo. Corry, THomas Corry. Clerk of the Court: W. Minson. ApsTRact oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 127 Fovrrer, Peter. Albemarle County. August 6, 1697. November 3, 1697. Son: Joun. Daughters: Nicotz, Marcuerirr, Mary. Wife and Executriz: CaTHERINE. Wutnesses: AN- THONY MarckHuM, Francis DeLaMars. Clerk of the Council: W. GLOVER. Fox, JamEs. Tyrrell County. August, 1754. June Court, 1755. Sonand Executor: Toomas. Daugh- ters: ANN Fox (Ezecutriz), SusaNNA ALEXANDER, Mary WIsE. Witnesses: JosHuA ALEXANDER, ABRAHAM JENNET, Bensamin CHapMan. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Warp. Franck, Jounw Marrin. Craven County. ~ November 3, 1744. Sons: Joun and Epwarp. Wife: Smvit. Daugh- ters: SuSANNAH, SEVIL, BaRBaRA and CATHERINE Franck, Mary Wors- Ley, ExizapetH Harroup. Executor: Freperick Ister. Witnesses: CuristiaAn Ister, MeLtcHer Rem, Fruperick Istur. The following lands devised: plantation called ‘““Chinpin’”’; 500 acres on Trent River ad- joining Chinpin; 640 acres commonly called “James Marchels plantation.” About 20 negroes bequeathed. To each of children is bequeathed cattle and riding horses, and to each of sons is bequeathed a watch. No probate. Fraser, Duncan. Craven County. September 8, 1773. September 23, 1773. Legatees: Pracy and Joun (“two mulatto children, the offspring of Phillis, 2 free negro woman now in my possession’’). Executor: Joun McKay of Newbern. Witnesses: Tuos. Srrcreaves, JoHN Sitereaves. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Frazier, Davin. County not given. September 20, 1729. October Court, 1729. Hxecutor and sole legatee: Rosert Bett. Witnesses: JOHN CLEMET, Grorcr Betu. Will proven before Ricup. Everarb. Frazier, SAMUEL. Craven County. May 3,1772. May 20,1772. Wowfe: Mary. Daughter: Mary. Sisters: Jane Frume and EvizaBets Heapuy. Father: Samust. Mother: Eviz- ABETH. Ezecutors: JouN Hawxs and James Coor. Will proven before: Jo. Martin. Witnesses: CORNELIUS GROENENDEYK, JNO. TURNER, JUN., JOSEPH RAWLINGS. FREEMAN, JOHN. Chowan Precinct. February 19, 1729-1730. Sons: Joun, James, MatHew. Wife: Mary. Executors: Witu1aM Freeman (brother), Jonn Freeman (son) and Mica- EALL WaRD. Witnesses: Epwarp Woop, Grorcs WuiTE, THomas Rown- TREE. No probate. 128 Axsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. Freeman, JoHn. Beaufort County. December 19, 1752. March 13, 1753. Son: Joun. Wife: Mary (lots in Bath Nos. 16, 17 and 18). Ezecutors: Wire and son, who are author- ized and directed to sell 1300 acres of land on Tarr River and 1900 acres on Core Creek for the payment of debts. Wietnesses: James Cater, JAMES Pinxineton, Wy. Ormonp. Clerk of the Court: Witu. ORMOND. Frereman, WILLIAM. Chowan County. February 7, 1736. August 13,1737. Sons: Joun (‘plantation whereon he now lives”); W1iL1aM, THoMas, RicHarp, Aron, SAMUEL (plantations to each). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Waurer DrouGuHan, JoHn Freeman, JunER, THomMas Rowntres. Will proven before W. Smita, C. J. Frencu, Ricuarp. Perquimans County. December 17, 1712. April 13,1716. Wife and Executriz: EizaBets. Witnesses: THomas BLIcHENDEN, RicHARD SKINNER, JUNR., SARAH EVENS. Clerk of the Court: Ricw’p Leary. FRESHWATER, JOHN. Pasquotank County. April 9, 1753. July Court, 1753. Sons: Witu1am ArMsTep FResH- WATER, JOHN FresawaTer. Daughters: Frances ARMSTEAD FRESHWATER and Puappus Fresawater. Wifeand Executriz: EvizaBetu. Witnesses: JoserpH PENDLETON, ABRaHAM Hosta, ANN PENDLETON. Clerk of the Court: THos. TayLor. ; Frost, WILiiaM. Albemarle County. May 30,1717. April Court, 1718. “‘Kisey River in Albemarle County.” Sons: James, Wintiam. Daughters: Evenor Frost, Mary JoHNSoN. Wife: Joan. No Executor named. Witnesses: WiLL Latrimer, JOHN Stance. Clerk of Chowan Court: R. Hicks. Fry, Tuomas. Bath County. March 18, 1724-1725. January Court, 1726. ‘Late of London in Great Britain, now of Bath County in N.C.” Mother: Exizapera Fry of Milton in Southton. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetu. Witnesses: Pat RicK Mave, THomas Harpine, Sarad Swann, Jno. Barta. Asue. Clerk of the Court: THomas JoNEs. Fryty, WILL. Tyrrell Precinct. August 28,1737. March 7, 1737. Daughter and Executriz: Mary JonEs. Grandsons: Even and Fryty Jones. Wife and Executriz: Grace. Wit- nesses: Stevens Lez, Rosert Mcgee, THomas Lez. Clerk of the Court: Anperson Lecert. Executor qualified before Jamms Craven, Clerk of Court. AssTractT oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 129 Fourierton, Rosert. Chowan County. December 30, 1749. January Court, 1750. Daughters: Mary Tomson, Susanna. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: JonN THompson and Matruias FuLuertTon. Witnesses: Joun Lewis, Davip Busu, Lewis Jones. Clerk of Court: Wiuu. MEARNS. Fursisu, THomas. Pasquotank County. April 26, 1732. July Court, 1732. Sons: Witu1am, Tuomas, Isaac. Wife: Asiaait. Executor: Tuomas Burces. Witnesses: Aticz FuRBISH, Mary Jonzs, Jupa Hansury. Clerk of the Court: H. Mrnson. Fussezt, Tuomas. Parish of Cartee. June 4,1735. Son: Aaron (Executor). Daughters: ELIZABETH WEAVER (husband Gitpert), Mary Rainwater (wife of Jon), Martaa ARNAL (wife of Jonn), Saran, ANN. Witnesses: Witu1AM Weaver, RicHaRD Heap, Joun Coox. No probate. Gap, JAMES. Pasquotank County. March 1, 1699. July 15, 1701. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Sister: EizaBetH Ricgcens. Brother-in-law: Wm. Tranes. Sister-in-law: Mar- gory LomsBroserR. Witnesses: Samuri AxkeHuURST, STEPHEN Scort, Katuern Toner. Clerk of the Court: Tao. ABINGTON. Garner, Mary. Edgecombe County. October, 1751. November Court, 1751. Legatees: Hester Garner, MarrHa Gainer (sister), Lippay Lasater (sister), WILLIAM GAINER (brother). Executor: WitL1am Gainer. Witnesses: ARTHUR Bei, Mar- tua GAINER, Ester Betu. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Gainer, SAMUEL. Tyrrell County. October 1, 1751. June Court, 1752. Sons: James, SamMuEL, WILLIAM, Tuomas, ArTHER, JoserpH, Brenyamin. Daughters: Mary WHittey, ELizaBetH GRiFFEN, Sary Gainer. Ezecutors: Wire (not named), Samus. (son). Witnesses: WILLIAM GAINER, THOMAS GAINER, JOSEPH GainER. Clerk of the Court: Evan JonzEs. Garner, WILiraM. Edgecombe County. March 11,1746. November Court, 1750. Wife and Executrixz: Hester. Sons: Witu1aM and JosepH. Daughters: Mantua, Mary, Lyppa, Eviza. Executors: Witu1aM and JosepH (sons). Witnesses: JoHN COLLINS, WituiaM Bey, Matruew Lowry. Clerk of the Court: Benjamin WYNNS. GaLz, CHRISTOPHER. County not given. February 17, 1734. March 12, 1734. “Born at York in the kingdom of Great Britain, but now Collector of his Majestys Customs at the port 9 130 Agsrract oF Wit1s, 1690—1760. : of Roanoak.” Ezecutors: SARAH CaTHERINE GALE (wife), EpMonD GALE (brother) and Mites Gaus (son). Daughter: PeneLors Litre. Grand- daughter: Saran Ciayton. Nephews: EpmMonp GALE, Roger Gate. Friends: Davip O’SHEat, of Nancimond in Va. and Wituiam BapHam. Witnesses: EX. Mosevey, Louis Auuarre, Marearet ALLairE. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON at Edenton. Coat of arms on seal. Gazz, Epmonp. Chowan County. December 6, 1738. January 27, 1738. Sons: Roazr and Epmonp. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: THos. BLount, Henry Bonner, Jos. ANDERSON. Will proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Gautizy, JoHN. Pasquotank County. October 6, 1729. October 15, 1729. Sole legatee: Patrick LauaGHuin. Witnesses: Tos. Grreoray, RicHarp Greorery, Jonn Bexu. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Minson. Gatiuay, THomas. Chowan County. July 27, 1753. October Court, 1753. Executors and sole devisees: Jacop Opom, Mary Gauiuay (mother). Witnesses: WiLLIAM Fryer, Tuomas Frymr, Jeames Fryer. Clerk of the Court: Wii. Haisey. GamBELL, ADAM. County not given. November 14, 1694. November, 1694. ‘Glaskow in the Kingdom of Scotland.” Legatees: Jonn GamBett, Joun Love (both of London), Apam Hut (of Glascow), Jon Arey (of Arranthrew), Roperr, THomas and Joun West (sons-in-law of THomas Poutock), Carr. Joan Hunt, JamMEs GAMBELL (brother, of Glascow). Lxecutors: Cot. THos. Potuock, Carr. Jonn Hunt. Witnesses: Henz McGrecors, Evizaseta Hunt, Mics. Lyncry (or Lyncw). Will proven before W. Guovar. Gamminer, FRANcIs. Currituck County. October 19, 1719. January 6, 1738. Cousin, Executor and sole legatee: Humrurey Vince. Witnesses: Mosus Priscop, Isasety Priscop, AND. Peacock. Clerk of the Court: Josn. Smiru. GaRDNER, JOHN. Tyrrell County. April 18, 1749. June 6, 1749. Son: James SMratHwick GARDNER. Daughters: Dunsira and ANN GaRDNER, JEMIMAH WALLBUTON, ELIsA- seTu Moy, Asner Moy, Repeccan Warp. Wife: Evisasetu. Ezecutors: Joun Watieutton, JoHN Warp. Witnesses: WILLIAM GARDNER, WIL- LIAM GARDNER, JUN., Epwarp GrirFEn. Clerk of the Court: Evan JonEs. Axsstrract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. 131 Garpner, Marrin. Bertie County. October 6, 1755. January Court, 1760. Sons: Jonn, Wittiam, JAMES, Martain. Daughters: ANN, ANNAH and Jane. Wife and Executriz: Annan. Executor: NempHam Bryan. Witnesses: BENJAMIN CARTER, JoserH Hoxttanp. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin WYnns. Garpner, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. February 11, 1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: Witi1am, Tuomas, SamugL, Isaac (“ye manner plantation”). Friend: Mary Coopmr. Executors: Witt1am and SaMurL GARDNER. Witnesses: Taomas and Isaac GARDNER, CLoaNaHw SmiItHWwicK. Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. Garrort, Gregory. Albemarle County. October 1, 1703. July Court, 1704. “To my mate WILLIAM PaRGITER all my whole estate reall & personall * * * *.’ Hzecutor: Wm. Par- citer. Witnesses: Francis Tomes, Jr., Marcaretrr Tomes, To. Houeuton. Clerk of the Court: Tao. SNoDEN. Garver, JOHN. Northampton County. March 23, 1746. February Court, 1755. Son and Executor: JoHn. Grandsons: JOHN GaRNER and THomas MacKoonz. Daughters: Mourn- Inc Harn, Hanner. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Benet Smiro, Joan Mackcone, Samuget Warren. Clerk of the Court: I. Ep- WARDS. Garner, Rare. Albemarle County. May 31, 1695. August Court, 1695. Daughters: Mary, EvizaBeTH and Hstor. Executriz: Joan GARDNER. Witnesses: THomMas BaRKOcK, Garrett Kren. Epwarp Mayo, Clerk of the Court. Garret, JouN. Currituck Precinct. January 27, 1734-1735. July 1, 1735. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Sons: Joun and JonatHan. Witnesses: JoHN Hawren, Samue. STs- VENS, SAMUEL JaRvIs. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Garrett, THomas. Chowan Precinct. January 30, 1733. January 31, 1734. Sons: Humpurey (Executor), Tuomas. Daughters: CarrEN WHITH, Saran Garrett, ANN LasITTor, JaNE Garrett, Mary Garrett, Letres Garrett, PrupENcE GARRETT. Executor: HumPpHrey GARRETT (son). Wife: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: ORLANDO CHAMPION, Wituiam Hasxz. Will proven before GaB. Jounston, Jan. 31, 1734, at Edenton. 132 AzstractT oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Garret, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. March 23, 1734. March 27, 1735. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Other legatees: Jamms Cuason, THomas Harpison, RicHarp Harpison, JosEPH Harpison. Witnesses: Jonn Harpison, Jasper Harpison. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON at Edenton. GasKILL, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. May 4, 1703. July 20, 1703. Sons: Witt1am, THomas. Daughters: Jean and Fanz Gaskitt, Exvizaperu Durant. Wife and Executriz: Jane. Witnesses: Tuo. Apineton, Ricnarp Nerr, Wm. Hartow. Clerk of the Court: Too. ABINGTON. Gaskins, CaTRIN. Pasquotank County. August 25,1755. September Court, 1755. Son and Executor: Taomas. Daughter: Ann Cartricut. Witnesses: Samue. Davis, Josepa Pinpis- ton. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Taytor. Gaskins, Fisuer. Craven County. November 15, 1757. August Court, 1758. Son: JosEru. Daughter: Ann Gaskins. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: Taomas GASKINS (brother). Wutnesses: ANN Bricut, Saran ArTHER. Clerk of the Court: PETER Conway. Gaskins, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. November 4, 1711. Sons: Wrt1iam (plantation at mouth of Great Flatty Creek), Bensamin (plantation in “letel flate creek”). Executriz: Wire (not named). Witnesses: Evan Jonus, Josern Peas. No probate. Gatuin, Epwarp. Craven Precinct. January 3, 1725-1726. March 5, 1725-1726. Sons: Joun. Wife: EvizaBetu. Executors: Joun and Euizasetu (son and wife), Wit- nesses: Rospert Pirrs, Mary Pirrs, Cares Metcaurn. Clerk of the Court: C. Grorcr, Davin. Pasquotank County. February 29, 1747-1748. July Court, 1748. Sons: James, Davin (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughter: Marcarer Grorcs. Wife and Executriz: Evizapetu. Trustees: Joan Banrcuirt (brother) and Joun Evericin. Witnesses: Witu Grecory, STEPHEN Scorr, Samuzsu Scorr. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Grorcr, Henry. County not given. December 3, 1711. Legatees: Susannan and Ewizaperu Mitcue.1, Wituiam Mrrcue it, Joun Brownina, Saran and JANE Brownine. Ex- Axpstract oF WILzs, 1690—1760. 133 ecutor: JoHN BRownine. Witnesses: Joon Brownine, Fecry TicEHORE, Joun Jorpan. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 34. Gerrort, GrEgory. Perquimans County. October 1, 1703. July 11, 1704. Friend, Executor and Sole Legatee: Wituiam Percirer. Witnesses: Francis Tomes, Marcaret Tomgs, THo. Haauton (or Racuton). Clerk of the Court: Toos. SNopEN. Gewin, CHRISTOPHER. Edgecombe County. April 2,1748. February Court, 1749. Son and Executor: CHRISTOPHER. Daughter and Executriz: Mary Harre.u. Grandsons: Lor, Aprii and CHRISTOPHER HARRELL. Witnesses: JamMEs BRASWELL, BENJAMIN Bras- WELL, ABRAHAM Dew. Clerk of the Court: Bnnin. WyYNns. Gistz, DepERIcx. Pasquotank County. June 25,1720. July 19,1720. Sons: Deperix and Frepericx. Daugh- ter: Mary Giste. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JOHANN BaRN- HART SCHONNEWOLF, ANN Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. Gipsie, DepERICK. Carteret County. August 25, 1754. September Court, 1754. Sons: DepEricx, Freppr- Ick. Daughter: Susannan GipBLE. Wife and Administratriz: HaANNaH. Witnesses: Joun Kitpe, Danren Resse, Prupence Lewis. Clerk of the Court: Gko. Reap. Gisson, THomas. Cumberland County. February Court, 1762. This is a nuncupative will proven by Joun CampsBett, Nery McNett and Catuprines McNeiuy. Wife: Mary. Brother: WatTeR Gisson. Evxecutors: Mary and Water GiBson and Rosert Smita. Justices: Huron McNeitt, Atezr McAuister, Ferap CaMPBELL. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p GRovE. Gippines, THomas. Johnston County. July 18, 1747. September 5, 1747. Sons: Jacos, Wiutism, Isaac, Benjamin, ApraHaM. Granddaughter: EuizaBeTH. Hxecutor: JacoB Gippines. Witnesses: GzorcE Dycxss, THos. GrisaRD, TH. LAMBERTH- son. Will proven before E. Haut, C. J. Gippines, WILLIAM. Hyde County. November 10, 1757. March Court, 1758. Sons: THomas, Jacos, Joun. Daughters: Aanis, Lipza and Darxis Gippines. Wife and Executriz: Frances. Evzecutor: Joun Suave. Witnesses: Trmotay Green, Bensa- MIN Siapn, Knatren Leata. Clerk of the Court: Stzpan DENNING. 134 AsstTract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Gintsrrp, THomas. Chowan Precinct. October 14, 1719. October 20, 1720. Sons: THomas (‘plantation whereon I now live”), Wiuu1am, JoHn. Executor: Joun Bryan. Wit- nesses: JOHN Bryan, Puitip Brown, Tomsin Browne. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Henman. GitBeRt, Francis. Bath County. ° December 30, 1725. July Court, 1726. Sons: Francis and Henry GitperT. Wife and Ezecutriz: Evizapetu. Witnesses: Wm. Sparry, SAMUEL PreK, WittIam Moor. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. Jonzs (Clerk of Beaufort and Hyde prect. court). Giierkt, Josran. Perquimans County. March 14, 1758. April Court, 1760. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Sons: Josrra (Executor); JeremiaH, THomas, Jony. Daughter: JEMIMA Cox. Witnesses: JosmpH Wuitr, Mary Stewart, Dinan GILBIRT. Clerk of the Court: Mirms Harvey. GinForp, JoHN. Pasquotank County. January 15, 1741. July Court, 1743. Brother and Executor: JosnrH GitForp (100 acres of land on the Northeast side of Pasquotank River known as “Cabbing Ridge”). Witnesses: Bennett Morcan, Peter Saw- YER. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. GitteTt, Jonn. Craven County. May 17,1749. October 18,1749. Sons: Joun, Parrerson, ANDERSON, Moszs. Ezecutors: Jonn Harpur, Priscinta Harty. Witnesses: Joun Simmons, EMMANUEL Simmons, Mary Duper. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Gittert, Joun. Carteret County. ‘September 29, 1753. Daughters: Betty and Saran Gituet. Brothers: Paterson and ANDERSON and Moses Ginierr. Ezxecutors: Moses GItLeTr and Moses Houston. Witnesses: Emi Jonzs, Joun Peacorr, Ezexi Hunter. No probate. Gittyam, THomas. County not given. October 10, 1702. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Wm. WiLK- Jon, Joun Tyter, Marcretr Hotsroox. No probate. GuapsTaInr, Groner. Scuppernong, county not given. November 6, 1712. Legatees: Epwarp Purirs and Mary LAwson. Witnesses: Roprrt Hickson, Joan Haste, Samuy Brirrer. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 44. Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 135 GuaisTeR, Mary. Pasquotank County. June 9, 1740. October Court, 1740. Cousins: Henry Paxin (son of Thomas), THomas Pauin (son of Tuomas), ANN Reaping and Mary GuaistpR Pain (daughters ‘of THomas Pauin), Mary CuarK Pain (daughter of Jonn Pauin), JouN Pauin (son of JoHN), SaRan Pain, Su- SANNAH PriTcHARD. Other legatees: EuisaBetH Scott (daughter of Srz- PHEN ScoTr), Mary Jones, Mary Morris, Samive, Newsy, Saran Mar- Tin (wife of NATHANIEL). Other bequests made to negro slaves. Execu- trix: Saran and Mary Ciark Pain. Witnesses: Davin GrorcE, Joan Henuey, Josnua Scotrr. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Guasco, Rosert. Chowan Precinct. March 26, 1690. October 6, 1690. Wrfe and Executrix: Jan. Wit- nesses: RicHarD SKEBELL, JOHN CRosSLLAN, RicHaRD WoLLARD. Clerk of the Court: Jonn WINGATE. Guascow, WILLIAM. Currituck County. September 30, 1746. April 7, 1747. Son: Carus Guascow. Daugh- ters: Saran, ABiaH, Exvizapetu, Lowpenner. Wife and Executrix: Su- SANNAH. Witnesses: WILLIAM SHERGOLD, PeTeR DauGcs, WILLIAM Bray. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCiure. GuaustErR, JosEPH. Pasquotank County. January 27, 1718-1719. February 11, 1718-1719. Wife and Execu- triz: Mary. Daughters: Ruta and SaraH GuastTer (or GLAUSTER). Friend: NaTHANIEL Marvin. Cousin: THomas Pain. Witnesses: Jno. Pain, Cas. Butt, Saran Buty. Will proven before Joun Rosison, Justice of the Peace. Guin, Ricwarp. Chowan Precinct. October 5, 1728. November 4, 1728. Cousins (nephews): WILLIAM PowE tt, son of sister Ex1zABETH GLYN; Jonn THorNtToNn. Executor: JOHN AVERETT. Witnesses: JOHN PowE.n, James Stone, JoHN ROBERTSON. Will proven before Ricup. EvERARD. GuisHan, JoHN. Runeroy Marshes, Bertie Precinct. September 20, 1734. Wife and Executrix: Jean. Witnesses: Turoru- 1Lus Wituiams, Lazarus BENnToN, THomas Jones. No probate. Guover (spelled “Groveyrr”), Witt1am. Northampton Co. July 30,1754. August Court, 1754. Sons: Joun, WILLIAM, GzorGE, JoserH, Bensamin. Daughters: Lippy Harris, SaraH Parrisu. Grand- 136 Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. daughter: Mornine Harris. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Joun and Wi1- LIAM GLOVER (sons). Witnesses: JoHN Day, SiLvesTeR Eastis, SamM- MUEL Harris. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Gopsy, Cary. Onslow County. September 17, 1758. February 28, 1759. Son: Witu1am. Daughters: SaRaH, EvizaBEeTH, RacHEL and Mary. Wife: Ann. Executor: JouNn Starkey. Witnesses: Henry Gopsre, W. Mousrrp, JAMES Foyie. Will proven before Governor AnTHUR Dogss. Secretary to the Governor: Ricup. SPAIGHT. : Goprrey, FRancis. ‘ Albemarle County. October 20, 1675. November 5, 1675. Sons: Wituiam, Joun. Wife and Executriz: Joane. Witnesses: Paut Latoum, WM. WESTERMAN, JOHN Cutprerer. Reg. Pub.: Tuomas Harris. Clerk of the Court: Rapa CoaTEs. Gop¥Frey, Marrrw. Craven County. December 8, 1744. Sons: Matuew, James. Daughters: Saran Gop- FREY, ANN GODFREY, Fituamer Goprrey. FEzecutors: Jostan Mastres, EuisaBetH Simens. Witnesses: THos. Mastres, Davin Ramszy, THos. Asgrr. No probate. Goprrrey, THomas. Perquimans County. November 26, 1748. April Court, 1749. Sons: Witu1am, Tuomas, Francis (“my plantation’’), JosepH. Daughters: Sarau Goprrey, Exui- nor Goprrey. Wife and Executriz: Extinor. Witnesses: James Grsson, Brnsamin Bipcgoop, Amey Srarrorp. Clerk of the Court: EpMuUND Harcn. Gopiy, JouN. Bertie County. January 22, 1731-1732. May Court, 1732. Sons: Naruan (‘‘planta- tion on Tarr River known by ye name of Tubbago’s folly”), Joun (300 acres of land on South side of Swifts Creek), Toomas (‘plantation on Lookin- glass Swamp whereon I now live”). Daughters: Mary and Amy Gop.y. Wife and Executriz: KaTHERINE. Executor: Joan Epwarps ‘‘of Roneoke.” Witnesses: ANN WILLIAMS, SAMUELL HENLEY, WILLIAM PorcEn. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Gopwin, Narnan. Beaufort County. February 27, 1751-1752. June 9, 1752. Executors: JosurpH Barrow, Grorce Suce, Mary Gopwin (wife). Daughter: Mary Govwin. Wit- nesses: Ricup Larren, Mary WitiiaMs, Evisrsera Cuurcu. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. ORMOND. ApsTRACT oF Wits, 1690—1760. 137 Gopwin, WILLI4M. Bertie County. May 4, 1752. May Court, 1753. Sons: BarnsBy, WILLIS, KEARNEY, Josias. Wife: Marrua. Daughters: Jovian, Sirvia Gopwin, CouRTNEY Gopwin, Marraa Gopwin. Executor: Joun BrickEe yt, Witnesses: JOHN Brown, Ricnarp Ropers, GItsTRAP Wituiams. Clerk of the Court: Brnsn. WYNNS. Gorre, ARTHUR. Craven County. November 29, 1725. June Court, 1737. Friend, Executor and sole leg- atee: James WinnicutT. Witnesses: TH. Bett, TH. WILson, Patr. OGILBY. Clerk of the Court: James Coor. Gomm, JouN. Tyrrell County. March 25, 1754. June Court, 1754. Godson: Goprrey Gray, son of Henry Gray (tract of land known as Stults Hall). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JonN Pacett, SamuEL Norman, JosePpH NorMAN. Clerk of the Court: Evan JonEs. GonsoLvo, LavRENcE. County not given. December 25, 1687. Wéfe and child: mentioned, but not named. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM Privit, WitLiaM Stewart, Ricwarp Wituiams. No probate. Gonsotvo, LawRENCcE. Albemarle County. July 2, 1698. July Court, 1698. All worldly goods bequeathed to Jather-in-law and mother. Wutnesses: THos. Norsem, ALicrE CHEW, Mary Norcoms, Sarau Buank. Clerk of the Court: JouN STEPNEY. Gonsotvo, Tuomas. County not given. 1698. Bequeathed all estate to Mother and Father-in-law, who are not named. Witnesses: Taomas NorcaM, ALIsE OHoNE, Mary Norcam, SARA Buanck. Clerk: JoHN STEPNEY. Goopat, GILBERT. Albemarle County. September 3, 1712. Legatees: ErizaBnEeTH Hosea, THoMas ARNOLD, JR., Jonn WinsERY, WiLLiam Cotison, Grorar Tartor, Saran WHIDBE, Cuarites Barcur, Georce Durant, JoHN Stivers, Richarp WHIDBE (executor). Witnesses: Wittiam Stevens, MarcareTr SiaTer, Mary Durant. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 47. GorErHaM, JOHN. Chowan Precinct. September 30,1717. OctoberCourt,1717. Wifeand Executriz: Eu1inor (“plantation on Queen’ Anne Creek I now dwell on”). Nephew: Joun 138 AgstRactT oF Wis, 1690—1760. GorzHam (land on Darby Creek “called in Indian Renocooset,” and also lands on Kesiah River). Witnesses: R. Hicks, JosepH YOuNG, JOHN Cass. Gorpen, GEORGE. Perquimans County. August 14,1748. January Court, 1748. Sons and Executors: NaTHAN- yeL and Wim (“land I now live on”). Daughter: Hanner. Grand- daughter: Tamer. Witnesses: EvisAn STANTON, WM. ToMBLIN, JEREMIAH Henprecn. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Gorpon, JoHN. Perquimans County. April 25,1754. April Court, 1758. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I now live’), Gzorer. Grandchildren: Mary and Jacop Gorpon, MaRMa- puKE Norrizet. Executors: Joun and GEORGE GorDON (sons). Wit- nesses: JESSE Eason, Mosss Eason, Josuua SMaty. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Gorpen, NarHawniz.. Perquimans County. July 14, 1755. January Court, 1756. Sons: NarHane.u (‘plantation and house whereon I now live’’), Gzorez. Daughters: EvizaABeTH and Tamer. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: ELisag STANTON, THOMAS, Bartiet, Samuityt Davis. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Gorpon, PaTRIcK. ’ County not given. (Attorney-at-law.) November 5, 1773. November 12, 17738. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joan Burnsipz, AkcHp Nexson. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Gormack, Patricx. Pasquotank County. April 9,1708. July 21,1708. Wife and Ezxecutriz: EvizaBetH. Other legatees: Jonn and ALEXANDER CRUIKSHANK, sons of Patrick CRUIKSHANK and JoansE GorMsck; Capt. JoHN Ropison. Wétnesses: RicHarp Map- REN, GrorcE Harris, Sr., ANN Mapren, Georcr Harnis, Jr. Clerk of the Court: J. PALIN. Goszr, JouN. County not given. August 17, 1693. October 2, 1693. Son: Joun. Executors: SAMUELL and JosppH NICHOLSON (cousins). Wife: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: RicHarD Dormon, Frances Tomess, Joseru Surren. Clerk: -JOHN STEPNEY. Goveu, THomas. County not given. December 18, 1694. April 8, 1695. Sons: Roperrt Gover. Daugh- ter: SaraH Goucu. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: ANTHONY Dawson, Jonn Witiiams, Juutan Taytor. Clerk of the Court: JonN Stepney. Clerk (probably of the Council): W. Grover. ApsTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. 139 Gour.ry, JoHN. Onslow County. January 2, 1746. January 7, 1747. Mother: ExvizaseTH GOURLEY. Brother: GBorcE GourLEY. Sisters: Griste, Mary. Executor: SAMUEL JOHNSTON. Witnesses: JaMES GLAUSTER, GEORGE COHERNAN, JOHN Davis. Proven before Gas. JoHNsToN at Eden House. ‘Testator left in hands of his executor ‘‘forty pounds currency or four pounds sterling to be laid out in Bibles and New Testaments to be distributed among poor chil- dren on New River.” GRAINGER, CALEB. New Hanover County. 1763. October 31, 1765. Sons: Cates (houses and lands on Smiths Creek and No. Et. River, north side of the Main or King’s Road); CorNE- Lius HaRNnetT GRAINGER (houses and lands on Smiths Creek on South side of the Main Road); Witu1am (land on the Sound). Daughter: Mary Graincer. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Ezecutors: Mauricn Moors, Cornetius Harnett, ALEXANDER Duncan. Witnesses: SAMUELL GREEN, Antuony Warp, JosePpH Srocxiey. Testator was a Mason and desired to be buried with Masonic honors. Codicil to will dated October 5, 1765, provides for child in ventre sa mere, and also for erection of sawmill. Wit- nesses to codicil: Many Graincrer, Marcaritt Douciass, EpmMonp Focsr. Will proven before the Lieutenant Governor, as evidenced by letter from Fountain Eiwin. GrarnceEr, JOSHUA. New Hanover County. Sons: Cates and Josnua. Wife and Executriz: Exizapetu. Daughter: ANN, DeRosset, Jno. Site (?), BrappisH. No probate. Will almost illegible. GRANBARY, SAMUEL. Craven County. January 15,1760. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I live’), WriLiaM. Wife and Executriz: Frances. Executor: Witutam SpricutT. Witnesses: Davip Lewis, Wm. West, Jorntt Kine. No probate. Grane@r, JOHN. New Hanover County. January 20, 1739-1740. June 4, 1740. Sons: Joun and Jamus (“estate whereon I now live consisting of 1000 acres of land up the No. West River”), Hues (640 acres in New Hanover County commomly called “Old Town’’). Ezxecutors: James GRANGE (brother), JoHN and Jenn Davis (brothers-in- law). Witnesses: Wm. Forses, Cua. Copaan, Pau, Guerar, Eviz. Gar- RAD. Will proven before GaB. JOHNSTON. Grant, ALEXANDER. Onslow County. June 9, 1738. January 2, 1738. Sons: SoLomon, ALEXANDER, JOHN. Daughter: Mary. Neighbor and Executor: Joun Starkey. Wife: men- 140 Axsstract oF Wit1s, 1690—1760. tioned, but not named. Hzxecutors: Joun and ALEXANDER (sons). Wé- nesses: SAMLL. Nosie, Josery Smitu, Racuy. (RAcHEL) NosuE. Clerk of the Court: WM. CRANFORD. Grant, WILLIAM. Dobbs County. September 23, 1773. November 11, 1773. Sole legatee and devisee: Jane Broviz. Ezecutors: JANE Bropiz, THomas Scorr. Witnesses: Wiu1am Hooks, Joun Titten. Will proven before Jo. Marrin. Graves, Ricuarp. Craven Precinct. April 11, 1730. September Court, 1730. Sons: THomas GRAVES. Daughter: Mary Graves. Cousins (nephews): RicHarp and Francis Graves (sons of brother, THomas Gravss). Son-in-law: FERNIFOLD Green. Wife and Executriz: HANNAH. Witnesses: JAMES GREEN, Jonss, JNo. Ricnarps. Clerk of the Court: C. MmTcALFE. Graves, RicHarp. Craven County. May 3, 1774. June 4, 1774. Nephews: Graves Bricut (“my land & mills known as Jumping Run’), Ricnarp FonviELLe (son of WILLIAM Brice Fonvigtite). Wife: Ann. Mother: Saran Exzecutors: Smmon Bricut, CurRistopHER Neate. Witnesses: Curis’R Dawson, Tuomas Driny, Saran Benson. Will proven before Jo. Martin. R. G. monogram on seal. Gray, Aten (ALLEN). Onslow County. January 17, 1755. July Court, 1755. Sons: Witu1aM, Jonn, Huau, Tuomas and James. Daughters: Jenot, Mary, Evtnor and Saran. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Huan Gippinas. Witnesses: Txos. Jenkin, Casson Moore, SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Clerk of the Court: WiLLM. Cray. Gray, ANN. Pasquotank Precinct. March 4, 1731. April Court, 1732. Sons: Witu1am and VaALLENTINE Wauus. Daughters: Jann, Mary and Saran Wats, ANN KENNEKUM. Executor: Wittiam Wauiis. Witnesses: Joun McKuzx, Joun Bovyp, Ricuarp Gray. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. Gray, GrIFEN. County not given. October 24, 1684. February 4, 1684. Son and Executor: Griren. Wife: Hannan. Witnesses: SaMuELL Davis, THomMas Frinca. Will proven before SetH SoTHELL. Gray, James. Onslow County. October 21, 1757. January Court, 1758. Son: James (‘my manner plantation”). Daughter: Exizapetu. Wife and Executriz; HaANNAR. Axsstract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. 141 Executors: Taomas JENKINS and Henry Ruopes. Witnesses: Mary Gray, Mareet Jenkins, Martua Kuen. Clerk of the Court: WM. Cray. Seal of testator bears impression IG. Gray, Joun (Surveyor). Bertie County. September 20, 1745. November 16, 1750. Sons: Joun (‘‘my lands in Northampton and Edgecombe’’), Witu1am (‘‘my plantation”). Daugh- ters: JanET McKinzis, BarBaRa, ANN, Lucretia, AMELIA, Louisa. Wefe: Ann. Executors: Epwarp Bryan (brother), Tomas WHITMELL (nephew). Witnesses: Jas. Watson, Ducatp McKituan. No probate. Gray, Ricwarp. Pasquotank County. October 6, 1729. October 15,1729. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Son: Ricuarp (land on the Sound Side and Flatty Creek). Daughter: Ann. Overseer of son’s estate: Lewy MarckHaM. Witnesses: CHARLES WEST, ALEXR. CRUICKSHANK, ANN CRUICKSHANK. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. GreEeEn, JAcos. Chowan County. January 9, 1751. April Court, 1752. Cousins (nephews): RicHarp and WiLi1am GREEN (sons of brother, THomMAS GREEN). Ezecutors: Tuomas GREEN (brother), THos. HARRELL. Wetnesses: James WiaT, ANN Evans, THos. HARRELL. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. a Green, JouN. Bladen County. April 28, 1749. June Court, 1749. Sons: Jamus, Ropert, JOHN. Daughter: Saran. Wife: mentioned, but not named. EHzecutors: JAMES GranceE and James Carr. Witnesses: Joun Exiss, Jonn Stusss, JAMES Jonzs, Davip Monugy. Clerk of the Court: Tos. RoBEson. Green, RicHarp. Chowan County. September 13, 1742. October Court, 1742. Sons: Jonn, THomas, Lreonarp, Jacos, Wituiam. Daughters: Ese, CaTHERINE and Mary Green. Wifeand Executriz: Eves (or Exse). Witnesses: WitLiaM WHIT- * FIELD, JoHN SpaRKMAN, Henry GoopMan. Clerk of the Court: Ricn’p McCuure. Green, Susannau. “Bath County, in Craven Precinct.” June 29, 1732. September 17, 1735. Son: Joun Bices. Grand- daughter: Mary Bices. Evzecutors: Joun Biccs and Ropert Bonp. Wit- nesses: WitL1aM Bricut, Roperr Bonp. Clerk of the Court: CaLEB Mercars. Grecory, JUDATH. Pasquotank County. October 21, 1753. January Court, 1754. Sons: Isaac, Demszy. Daughters: Mary, Loucy. Friend: Mary Loyep. Brother and Executor: JoserH Morean. Witnesses: Wm. Burces, JoserH EvEricin, SAMUEL Scorr. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Taytor. 142 Assrract or Witzs, 1690—1760. Grecory, Marcarer. Pasquotank County. February 3, 1746-1747. July Court, 1753. Sons: Ricuarp, JaMEs, Joun, Cates. Daughters: Mary Umpueris, MARGARET BARBER, SARAH GranDy. Granddaughter: Saran Umpueris. Executor: James GREGORY (son). Witnesses: James Forses, EvizanetH Forses, Resecca Harp- nc. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Gxrecory, Riowarp. Currituck County. October 7, 1758. December Court, 1758. Sons: GrirritH, CORNELIUS, Rozerr (“Easter end‘ of my plantation”), Wixu1am (“dwelling planta- tion”), JosEPH (“remainder of my land’). Daughters: Jupan SawyEr, Easter Sawyer and Bripcet Sawyer; Ruta Guascor, ANNE GREGORY, Cuarity Grecory. “Dividers”: James Grecory (brother), Isaac and Wiu1aM Briaut (brothers-in-law). Ezecutors: Jamus Grecory (brother), Ropert Grecory (son). Witnesses: Ricup. Stanuey, THomas Hurtca- Ines, AMEA Hutcuines. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Mrarns. Grecory, SamMurE.. Chowan County. February 5, 1744. August 4, 1747. Sons: Samusty and Luxe (107 acres of land in Perquimans County), Taomas (‘‘Hous & lot in Edenton that I now dwell in”). Daughter: Exizusera Grecory. Wife and Executrix: EvizEBETH. Wetnesses: Davip BuTier, Josera Mine. Will proven before Enocw Hau. Grucory, THomas. Pasquotank County. April 10, 1736. June 23, 1740. Sons: Naraan (‘my manner planta- tion”), Sampson, Jacos, Jos, Ricnarp, WILLIAM. Daughters: ELISABETH GopFREx, PRISILLA Gray. Grandson: Frepericx Grecory. Ezecutors: Jacop and Jog (sons). Witnesses: Joun Bewu, Joun Roszrts, JOHN Bearcocx. Will proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Grecory, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. June 4, 1748. July Court, 1753. Son: Jonn (600 acres of land on Cashie River, and 500 acres called ‘“Goram’s neck’’). Daughters: Mary and Barsra Grecory. Wife: Saran. Evzecutors: Josera ANDER- son, Dr. WinLIAM CALuEART, JOHN Gray, Sr., THomas WHITEMELL, JOHN Evrecan. Witnesses: ANN ANDERSON, ELISE Scotuay, Tuomas Pot- tock, Will proven in Chowan County before Marr. Rowan. Clerk of Pasquotank County: Taos. Taytor. 4 Gregory, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. November 24, 1751. April Court, 1752. Sons: Marx (100 acres of land on North River Swamp), Dempsry, Isaac. Daughters: A¥Fian, Axsstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. 148 Mary, Lovey. Granddaughter: ANN Grecory. Wife and Executriz: JupitH. Witnesses: Jonn Ruivine, JosepH Jones, Tuomas Rupina. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Gricz, Francis. Johnston County. April 28, 1750. December Court, 1750. Sons: Tuomas, Rosert, James, WILLIAM, JacoB, Joun. Daughters: Mary Littman, Fairn Grice, EvizaBetu Grice. Wife and Executriz: Euizapera. Executor: RoBERT (son). Witnesses: Wittisam Hari, Samugtt Lirrman, Jno. Surron. Clerk of the Court: JamEs Oatzs. Grirrin, Epwagp. Tyrrell County. April 27, 1753. March Court, 1754. Sons: Epwarp and WILLIAM (land in Bertie County on Crofoot Branch adjoining Mikell Hill’s land). Daughiers: Mary and Sara Grirrin, ANN GRIFFIN, ELizABETH COOPER. Wife: Grace. Executors: Jonn Grirrin (brother), Epwarp CoopEr. Witnesses: WILLIAM GARDNER, JOHN GRIFFIN, Epwarp Cooper. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jongs. Grirren, EPEnetos. Tyrrell County. July 30, 1755. December Court, 1756. Sons: ANnpREw, EPENETUS, MarrHew, JoHn (Executor). Daughters: Saran CockBERN, ELISABETH Grirren, AnN Grirren. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: NaTHL. Coormr, JosepH Hrtson Worrin. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Warp. GriFFin, J aMEs. On Kathrine Creek, Chowan County. June 13,1748. April Court, 1749. Sons: James, JoserH and WiLuiaM. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Wiinesses: Wittiam Hintnt, Witu1am Co1- THRED, SUSANNAH OvERMAN. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. Mearns. Griren, Marri. Chowan County. June 3, 1718. July Court, 1718. Sons: Enwarp (‘‘my plantation on the North side Cissai River), Joun and Witiiam (plantation on South side of Rokquis Creek), Martin (plantation on Rokquis Creek). Daugh- ters: Saran GRIFEN, ELIZABETH GRIFEN. Wife and Executrixz: ELIZABETH. Other legatees: Mary STANSILL (daughter of Mary), Wittiam STANSILL (son of JoHN and CaTHERINE), Joun Ropgers (son of TaHomas and Frances). Witnesses: THomas Ropcrers, RicHarp PickEREN, JOHN Smetuwick. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Griren, Ricwarp. Chowan County. April 8, 1701. February 7, 1702-1703. Hzecutrix: Wire (not named). Witnesses: Toomas Jones, WiLuM. Jones, Mary SKITTLESHARP. Son-in- law: JoserH SKITTLESHARP. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEviN. 144 Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. GrirFin (spelled “Grirron”), WittiaM. Carteret Precinct. June 20, 1681. March 29. Wife and Executrix: Lippia. Son: Wi1- tiamM. Witnesses: WM. Bateman, Roger Martin. Will proven before THomas MILLER. GrirFin, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct. December 10, 1735. February Court, 1735. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Too. WoiTmitt, ALEx. THompson, Epwarp Moore. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. GrirFeTH, JoHN. Bertie County. July 1,1727. February Court, 1727. Sons: Anraer (land on Meherrin Cypress Swamp), Epmonp (550 acres of land), Joun (Executor). Wife and Executriz: Jemima. Daughter: Mary. Other legatees: Joun CLARKE, Daniet Rigine. Overseer: Witt1am Boupin. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Griaes, SAMUEL. Kings County, New York. September 3, 1749. Wife and Executriz: Evizapetu. Witnesses: W. Betts, Jane Brown, Mary Cocan. Clerk of Craven County Court: Pam Smita. Will proven June 19, 1750. Gritts, Ricwarp. February 1, 1719-1720. April 4, 1720. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Jno. New, Hannan Dowers, Patrick OGILBY. Original miss- ing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 221. Grimes, ABSOLOM. Pasquotank County. January 7,1757. March Court, 1757. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Livza. Witnesses: Joun Cox, J. Burcus. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Tay- LOR. Grist, Ricwarp. Beaufort County. June 6, 1752. March 13, 1753. Sons: Joun, Wiutiam, Ricaarp (“my manner plantation”). Daughters: Frances Nouri, Mary Grist, Euiza- BETH WaLL. Wifeand Hxecutrix: Frances. Witnesses: Wiutiam WILLIS, Wii1am Lanier, Evisapers Hitz. Clerk of the Court: Witt ORMonD. Grosvenor, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. November 5, 1702. Daughters: Susannan, Exizeseta and Ester Grosvenor. Wife and Ezecutriz: Saran. Witnesses: JoNATHAN TAY- Lor, J. Wason. (WiLuIaMson). No probate. Azsstract or Witzs, 1690—1760. 145 GuittiaMs, Grores. Chowan County. September 22, 1746. April Court, 1747. Sons: Isaac (‘‘my manner plantation”), SamueLL, GEoraz. Executor: SamuELL GuILiiaMs (son). Witnesses: Wint1AM Hucues, Junr., Grorce GuituiaMs, SAMUEL GUIL- uiaMs. Clerk of the Court: Henry DeLon. Gumss, Matrurw. Chowan County. February 9, 1754. April Court, 1754. Sons: Exisua and ABRAHAM (‘my manner plantation”). Daughters: Saray, RacuE., Lran and Ruta Gunes, Mary Patcuer. Ezecutors: Exisaa and ABRAHAM GuMBs (sons). Witnesses: Cuarntes Roperts, Marroa Jones, Mary Previr. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. Hatsry. Gunter, Joun. Beaufort and Hyde Counties. March 28, 1722. July Court, 1725. Executor and sole legatee: JoHN Oven. Witnesses: THos. Otpner, THomas WarsLtey, Cuas. ODEN. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Swann. GuTan, JosEPH. January 30, 1770. Wife’s son: Joun SarcHwELi. Wife’s grandson: Jacop Darpon. Wife and Ezecutriz: Rusrcca. Witnesses: RoBert Dixson, Waiter Dixson, Wy. OrMonp, Roger Ormonp. No probate. GuTuHRiEg, Jonny. Pasquotank County. October 12, 1748. April Court, 1750. Uncles and Executors: CHARLES Keet and Jonn McKeet. Cousin: Mary McKeeru. Father-in-law: HENRY PENDLETON. Witnesses: HENRY PENDLETON, Mary PENDLETON. Clerk of the Court: THos. TarLor. Guy, Witi1aM. Perquimans County. March 17, 1754. April Court, 1754. Cousins: Joun and James Guy (sons of James Guy), Briaair Guy. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Execu- tors: Tomas and CuRisropHER NicHotson. Witnesses: THomas Crac- HILL, SARAH Barrow, Mary Ketuny. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Cuay- TON. Hacx.ertetp, Joun. Chowan County. August 13, 1739., October 29, 1741. Legatees: THomas, WILLIAM and Saran Hoskins. E-zecutors: Witt1am Hoskins and JoHN Brensury. Clerk of the Court: J. MonTGoMERY. Haviry, Epwarp. Hyde County. January 22, 1740. June Court, 1743. Wife and Executriz: Kezian. Witnesses: GinpERT McNary, NaTHaNIEL TULE, JONATHAN BELL. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Barrow. 10 146 ABSTRACT OF WiLLs, 1690—1760. Hate, Mary, widow of Witi1aM. Pasquotank County. February 9, 1718. January 20, 1718-1719. Son: Wiviiam. Other children: mentioned, but not named. Other legatees: Many WHITE, JosEPH Guaister, Mary Guaister. Ezecutors: Gaprizen Newsy and JosEPH Guaister. Witnesses: Jno. Fourrn, Thomas PENDLETON, JOHN CaRP. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. Hare, Witit1am. Newbegin Creek, in Pasquotank County. November 4,1718. January 9,1718-1719. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Son: Witu1am (‘my plantation”). Daughters: Mary, Saran and ANN Haig. Witnesses: Joan Man, Jonn Carp, Ricnarp Brossiers. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. Haie, WILLraM. Pasquotank County. February 20, 1734-1735. July Court, 1735. Son: Wiuuiam. Wrfe: Saran. Hzecutors: Saran Hate, Witit1am Hate, Jonn Evericin. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM KELLY, JR., JoserpaH JonDAN, Mary Jorpan. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Smrra. Haxony, Joun. Albemarle County. February 25, 1672. October 1, 1673. Son: Joun. Wife and other children: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: ABELL RoseEtson (?), Francis Matuarp. Proven before Joun Jenxins. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Harris. Hatt, An. Perquimans County. October 9, 1741. January Court, 1741. Son and Executor: SaMuEL. Daughters: Saran Warrin, Mary JENNET. Granddaughter: AN JENNET. Witnesses: Tos. CALLAWAY, JosHuA Hoparp, Saran Curuine. Clerk of the Court: EpmMonp Hatca. Harti, Huezexran. Carteret County. January 9, 1733-1734. March Court, 1733-1734. Daughter: Saran Haut. Wifeand Executrix: ANN. Executor: Davin Surpurp. Witnesses: Joan JERReTT, Jno. Netson, J. Harris. Clerk of the Court: Jas. WIN- RIGHT. Haut, Joun. Bertie Precinct. August 9, 1736. February Court, 1736. Wife: Mary. Executor: Jon- ATHAN STANDLEY. Witnesses: Tuomas Watson, Marcrerr SranpLy, EizaBeta Ketiy. Clerk of the Court: Joan WyYnns. Azstract. or Wixts, 1690—1760. 147 Hatt, JosEpu. Onslow County. December 16, 1747. July 5, 1748. Daughters: Mary Burns, JANE. Parrorr. Wife: Jane. Son: Epwarp (“my plantation”). Executors: Joun Starkey, Epwarp Haut (son). Wotnesses: Coartes SHARP, Mary Eves, Rauru Eves. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Buack. Hatz, Natuanret. Pasquotank County. January 31, 1734. February 17, 1734. Sons: Josmra (‘my planta- tion’), Bensamin (“plantation up the river” and also land at Banks called Chickconacomock). Wife and Executriz: Exvinor. Executor: Tuomas Weexes. Witnesses: Davip BaLEy, Rospert Lowry, Jr., Parrick BaLzy. Proven before Gas. JounsTON at Edenton. Hau, WitiiaM. Bladen County. February 6, 1764. April 21, 1765. Wife and Executrix: ELizaBETH. Witnesses: A. Green, James HenpERSoN, Mary Green. Proven before Wm. Tryon at Wilmington. Hatusry, Daniet. Albemarle County. March 13,1719. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witness: Thomas Evans. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 222. Hatton, Roserr. New Hanover County. March 22, 1748. April Court, 1749. Wofe: Mary (in England). Sis- ters: Susannan Wi kins, Mary, Exizapeta. Other legatees: ELIZABETH Wivxins (niece), Mary WILKINS (niece), GaBrizy Jonnston, Dr. Wm. Catucart, Grorce GouLp, THomas Barker, Bensamin Hiui, JoHn Asxton (1000 acres of land on So. side Nuse River on Greens past.), SaRaAH Graves, Ropert Haron, Jr., son of Saran Gravus (“my seat called Halton’s Lodge’’; two tracts in New Hanover Co. known as ‘‘Laban” and “Brown Marsh,” Laban lying on Mill Creek and Brown Marsh ‘‘on the North East River of Cape Fear”). Executors: GaBRiEL JOHNSTON, WM. Catucart, THos. Barker. Witnesses: SamM~. OrMus, WM. CHURTON, Dan. WeLpon. Clerk of the Court of Chowan County: Witt Mzarns. Haman, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. March 9, 1720-1721. March 30,1721: Son: JosrerH. Wife and Exec- utrix: Saraw. Daughters: SaraH and Janz Haman. Witnesses: Wm. Wittson, Wm. Be, Jos. Brown. Clerk of Chowan Precinct Court: R. Hicxs. Hamesteton, JosEpu. April 1, 1737. April 11, 1737 (‘late of Pensilvania but now of the Prov- ince of Carolina’). Wife and Executriz: Racnewy (plantation in Buck’s ‘ 148 Agsrract oF WILLS, 1690—1760. Co., Pa.). Friends: Davip Loryp, Cuartes O’Neit, Even Evens. Ezec- utors: Davip Loyp and THomas Russ. Witnesses: WiuL1aM' Sattar, Mary Russ, CHartes O’NEILL. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. HamBieton, JANE. Tyrrell Precinct. March 20, 173—. April 22, 1734. Son and daughter: JoHN GARRETT and Mary his wife (who are also appointed executors). Witnesses: SaMEL Durrance, Mary Sxives. Will proven before NatHanrieL Ricz, Prest- dent. Hametin, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. December 31, 1757. March Court, 1758. Son: Joun. Daughters: Evizapets and MartHa Hamsuin. Wife: Marrua. Executor: CHARLES MarxnaM. Witnesses: Lyman Spence, THomas MarKHAM, ‘Davip Srn- cLaR. Clerk of the Court: Tao. Taytor. Hamiuton, Joun. Will torn and illegible. Hamitton, Joun. Nansemond County. February 25, 1706-1707. April 25,1711. Sons: James, WiuuiaM and Stewart (land at Salem), Jouw and AnpRew. Daughter: Mary Hamit- TON. Daughter-in-law: Mary Hogpeoop. Wife and Executrix: CaTHER- INE. Witnesses: Ricap. Wynnn, Henry Putten, Danie, ELLerr. Deputy Clerk: W. Raespaue. Clerk of Court: Micuu. Arcurr. This is a copy of will. Hamitton, Joun. Bladen County. October 22, 1764. February Court, 1765. Son: James. Wife and Executriz: Estaer. Other legatee: EsaBEL Hamiuton (probably daughter). Executor: WM. CREE. Witnesses: JouN Kenney, Levi Moore. Justices: Grorce Brown, Joun Smita, Jonn Turner, Grorce Gisss, JosEra CrarK. Clerk of Court: Matunn CoLvELu. Hanpsy, Jonny. Perquimans County. May 5, 1752. July Court, 1752. Son: Satvantas (“the manner and plantation whereon I now live”). Grandsons: Joun and Demsie Hansy. Daughters: Mary Hanspy, Hannag BisHop, Evizasetsa Grirrin. Friend: ZacHaRiaH Nixon. Ezecutors: Sepvanus Hanpy (son) and FRANCcIs8 Newsy. Wife: Hannan. Witnesses: NatHan Newsy, SamMur. ANDER- son, Francis Tomes. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcn. Asstract or Witus, 1690—1760. 149 4 Hann, PETER. Craven Precinct. February 1, 1730-1731. March 16, 1730-1731. Wife and Executrix: Ann. Daughters: Evizaneta, Mary and Jean Hanp. Other legatee: Ricoarp Harr. Executor: Joun Derr. Witnesses: THos. Fox, JaMEs Green, Joun Deer. Clerk of the Court: CaLEB METCALFE. Hancoox, Hzcror. Carteret County. October 27, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: NaTHANIEL, BENJA~ MIN, Henry, JoserH, JoHN and Wixiiam. Daughter: Mary Hancock. Wife: Ann. Executors: NaTHaNieL and BrENJamin Hancock (sons). Witnesses: ANANIAS CAVENAGH, BENJAMIN Hancock, NaTHaNnieL Han- cock. Clerk of Court: Gmo. Reap. Hawnpcocs, ExisEBETH. Craven County. January 20, 1743-1744. June 20, 1744. Sons and Executors: Simon and Wm. Bricur. Daughter: Leptay Hanpcock. Witnesses: WALTER Jones, Francis Hopers, Hower Jones. Clerk of Court: N. RouTuepas. Hanvcocx, WILLIAM. Craven Precinct. October 9, 1722. March 16, 1730-1731. Son: Wiut1am. Grandsons: Joun Hanpcock (“my plantation”), Wimitam Hanpcock. Granddaugh- ters: InuizaABETH and Mary Hanpcock. Wife and Evxecutrix: ELENOoR. Executors: Wiut1am Hanpcock (son), RicHarp Graves, JoHn SLocumB (cousin). Witnesses: James Kutta, Mosmes Toomas, THomas KNIGHT. Clerk of the Court: Canes MetTcaLre. Hanpworxker, Dantet. Perquimans County. March 7, 1729-1730. April 4, 1730. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: KatTuERine. Witnesses: CHarteES Denman, Saran Denman. Will proven before Ricuarp EvERaRD. Hannis, Joseru. Craven County. June 30, 1745. September 7, 1745. ‘Christ Church Parish & County of Craven.” Sonand Executor: JoserH. Wife and Executriz: CATHERINE. Witnesses: Francis StrincerR, Wm. THompson, JosePH CARRUTHERS, Grorer Wicains. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Rice. Harsert, Epwarp. Craven County. January 20, 1754. May Court, 1754. Sons: Epwarp (‘200 acres of land on the south side of Contentny”), Jonn. Four other children: men- tioned, but not named. Executor: E>warD HarpeErt (son). Witnesses: James Comes, Henry Gispsins, WiLtiaM Riaassy. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. 150 Asstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Harvesty, Tuomas. Carteret County. July 16, 1758. September Court, 1758. Sons: THomas (land at Mich- ael’s Bridge), Ropert Harpesty, JoserH Harpesty, SAMUEL HARDESTY. Daughters: Mary, Lucy and Anna Harpesty. Wife and Executriz: DororHa. Witnesses: Lewis Weicu, Henry CuHew, RoBert WELCH. Clerk of Court: W1LL1AM ROBERTSON. Haron, WILLIAM. Currituck County. July 30, 1746. October 5, 1748. Granddaughters: Jane and Exiza- Beta Dupiey (“my land on Knott’s Island whereon I live’’). Daughter: Exisasetru DupLey. Evzecutors: JANE Harpen (wife) and Henry Waits. Witnesses: Witu1am Waite, Tuomas Dopey, Jr., Taomas WiLiiaM- son. Clerk of Court: Ricu’> McCuure. Harpine, Josian. Northampton County. July 1, 1752. November Court, 1756. Sons: Josian, THomas, JAMES. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: J. Epwarps, Wm. WINBORNE. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Harvine, Mary. Perquimans County. October 22, 1743. November 8, 1744. Legatees: Saran SKINNER, Ricwarp Sxinner, Sr., Zacuartan and Saraw SKINNER (children of James). Executor: Ricnarp SKINNER, Sr. Witnesses: Ricuarp SKIN- NER, JR., Sam’Lu Moors, Saran Crescey. Will proven before E. Mosr- LEY, Chief Justice. Harpine, Ricuarp. Perquimans County. December 6, 1741. January Court, 1741. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: THomas Perrce. Other legatees: THomas GiLBorD and JAMES Sxiner. Witnesses: JosepH ASHLEY, Peter JonEs, THomas Parcs, JR. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Harpison, J AasPer. Albemarle County. May 8, 1733. November 5, 1733. Sons: Jonn (‘land on South side of Deep run”), Jaspar (200 acres of land on Cheat Neck), CHaruus (“piece of land called Cheat Neck Island”), Josuan and Tuomas (land on Cheat Neck branch), Richarp and Josrrs (“rest of plantation known by the name of Roses Plantation”). Other legatees: Mary CarKEEt, Jupan Sut TON. Executors: Mary Harpison (wife), Joun Harpison (son). Wit- nesses: JosrerpH Hupson, SaMueui Durrance. Will proven before Gxo. BurrRIncTon. Harpy, Joun. Chowan County. January 19, 1719. March 16, 1719. Brothers: Wrut1am, Tuomas and Jacos Harpy. Daughters: ExizaneTa and Mary. Wife and Executriz: AssTract oF Wi is, 1690—1760. 151 Reseccan. Other legatees: Karuerine STANCELL, RICHARD PICKERING, Jonn Butuer. Exzecutors: Wittiam Harpy, THomas Pottock and Ros- ERT West. Witnesses: JouN HotBroox, LauRENcE SaRTON, JOHN LUER- ton. Proven before C. EpEn. Hagpy, Ricuarp. Wilmington, New Hanover County. May 20, 1758. August 6, 1758. Ezxecutors: DanitEL DUNBIBIN, Francis BeITecce (uncle). Wife: Saran. Witnesses: JAMES GREGORY, Ao. RoutLepcse, ZAcK WEEKS. No signature of probate officer. Hare, Epwarp. Chowan County. August 27, 1756. October Court, 1757. Sons: Epwarp (lands in Chowan), Joun (lands in Bertie), Taomas, Bryan. Daughters: CHRISTIAN West, Mary Burces, ANN Scot. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Joun and Epwarp Hare (sons). Witnesses: W1LL1AM SKINNER, JosEPH Rooks, JosEPH Spricut. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jongs. Harr, Epwarp. Hertford County. May 16, 1772. April 22, 1777. Legatees: THomas Hare (brother), Mary Hare (niece), WynnrE West (daughter of Peter West), Mary Burass (sister), Ann Scor (sister), Luke Lewis (son of Joan Lewis), Lucretia Hare (daughter of Bryan Hare), Epwarp Bryan Harz (son of Bryan Harr), Jonn Prexen (son of Isaac Pipkin), Bray WARREN (son of JosepH Warren), Err Lewis (son of Joun Lewis), JoHN Mutter, Epwarp WaRREN, JOHN Hare (brother), Mitts Lewis (son of JoHN Lewis), WitL1am Warren (son of Epwarp WaRREN), PHitup Lewis (son of JoHN Lewis), Joan GatTeiien, Isaac Pieken, Jesse BARNES, Francis Speicut, Henry SpeicHt, Joun GoopMan, Bens. WYNNS, JUNR., Soromon Kine, Wittiam West. Executor: THomas Hare. Witnesses: Sotomon Kine, Jonn Lewis, Isaac Piexin, Epwarp Warren. Will proven before Gov. Rp. CASWELL at New Bern. Hartson, Joun. Albemarle County. February 18, 1693. April Court, Chowan, 1694. Son: Witt1am Har- ison. Son: Jown Harison. Daughter: Exvizansera Harison. Son: Tuomas Harison. Ezecutriz: Mary Harison. Witnesses: Gro. Har- pig and Joan Watkins. Clerk of the Court: HENDERSON WALKER. Harxer, Grorce. Craven County. May 2, 1746. March 17, 1746. Sons: Grorce (“plantation whereon I now dwell’), Josepa. Daughters: Miriam, Marcaret and Mary Hark. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBeTH. Executor: Jamms Conaway. Witnesses: Nicnotas Harper, Amos Cururis, Isaac BRawLer. Clerk of Court: Jno. Rice. 152 Apstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Harker, Evizapers. Carteret County. April 12, 1777. June 9, 1777. Sons: Espnuzer, JAMES, ZACHARIAH. Daughter: Sanaw FResHwaterR. Other legatee: Joan Brooxs. Ezecutors: James and ZacHartan Harker (sons). Witnesses: JoszepH YEOMAN, Sarau Harker, Exias Ress. Will proven before Rp. CaswELL. Harman, CaLzs. Perquimans County. October 2, 1773. March 9, 1774. Sons: Ropert and Jamzs (‘my plantation to be equally divided between them”), Cates and JosHua. Daughter: Onpan Harman. Wife and Executrix: Exizapeta. Executor: Tuomas Harman (brother). Witnesses: J. CARRUTHERS, ZEBULON CaL- Loway, Mary Harman. Proven before Jo. Martin. Harman, Roser. Perquimans County. January 7, 1758. July Court, 1758. Sons: Carus (“‘my plantation’), Joun (land in Beaver Cove), StepHen, THomas. Daughter: Mary Har- MAN. Trustees and Guardians: Francis Jones, Danie. Saint and JOHN Wuirs, son of JosmrH. Wife and Executriz: E1izapeTa. Executors: Cates Harman, JoHN WHITE. Witnesses: Thomas Lone, EvisaBEra Lone, JoseraH Waits. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Harrert, ABRAHAM. Bertie County. May 5, 1755. July Court, 1755. Sons: ABBE (or ABLE), JoHN (“my manner plantation”), Lorr, ZACHARIAH, CHRISTOPHER. Daughters: ABBA- GILL, Grace, Susannaw. Ezecutors: ABLE and JoHN Harretu. Wit- nesses: GEORGE Houss, Epwarp Toots, Israry Harpy Harrewy. Clerk of the Court: Buns aMIn Wynns. Harreiy, Epwarp. Bertie County. August 17,1752. May Court, 1754. Sons: Henry, JosHewa, THOMAS. Grandson: Juess—E Harreiy. Daughters: Mary and Repecca ANDREWS. Wife: Ann. Ezxecutors: Henry Harrewu (son) and Henry ANDREWS (son-in-law). Witnesses: Joun HARRELL, RoBert House, Grorce House. Clerk of the Court: Samu. Ormes. Hareer1, Joun. Bertie County. November 8,1755. January Court, 1756. Sons: Gzoras (land between Tuos. WituiaMs and Jno. Ruopss), Jesse, ExisHa and Bensamin. To these four sons is bequeathed several tracts bounded and described in the will. Daughter: Mary. Wife: Mary. Executors: Gro. Harrewu (son), Jesse and IsrarL Harpy Harrewu (brothers), Ricwarp WILLIAMS, TuHomas Wiuiiams, WM. ANDREWS, JOHN Ruopes. Witnesses: THOMAS Wituiams, Wm. ANDREWS, JOHN SKINNER. Clerk of Court: BENJAMIN WYNNSs. : 3 ApsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 153 Harrerr, Joun. Bertie County. November 1, 1756. April Court, 1759. Sons: Jussz and Davin (plan- tation to each, and three negroes), Jos1aH (land bought of THomas Bar- KER), Ezexren (160 acres of land). Negroes bequeathed to each of sons. Grandsons: Estas Harre ty (plantation ‘‘whereon JoNATHAN SPIVEY now lives who married the widow of Esias Harrell deceased’). Granddaughter: Saran HarreEct (one negro). Copper still bequeathed to four sons. Ex- ecutors: Jessr, Davip and Josiau. Witnesses: Wm. WILLIAMS, Epwarp Toots, JonaTHan Toots. Clerk of the Court: BenJaMIN Wynns. Codicil makes bequests to THomas WILLIAMS, husband of daughter, Saran. Same witnesses to codicil. Hageretz, Josiaq. Bertie County. March 30, 1773. November 12, 1773. Sons: Sotomon (land in Ren- neroy Marshes), Josian (“my plantation’), Witu1am: Wife: Ann. Executors: Epwarp Toot, Noaa Hinton. Witnesses: James CHURCH- WELL, JONATHAN Toot, Mary Toot. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Harzineton, Humpurey. Perquimans Precinct. November 2, 1718. Daughter: Ann. Daughter-in-law: ANN Masor. Wife and Executrix: HLizABETH. Witnesses: RicoaRD Morris and Fran- cis THomas. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 18 Hagris, James. Edgecombe County. January 10, 1749-1750. February Court, 1749. Sons: James (“my plantation’), Ext. Wife and Executriz: Cueary. LHzecutor: MatuEw Joyner. Witnesses: Wm. SKINNER, JOHN Biount, JoHN CRUMPTON. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Harris, Joun. Craven County. January 22, 1749. March Court, 1749. Legatees: Brick and JoHN Fonvie_te, WM. Barran, Jr. (land on Batchelor’s Creek). HExecutors: Joan Fonviette, THomas Graves. Witnesses: Joan McGrssins, Am- BROSE Freip, Dorotuy Routon. Clerk of the Court: Pat Smiru. Harris, THomas. Currituck County. November 7, 1749. January Court, 1749. Wife: Etmnprr. Son and Executor: Taomas. Witnesses: StepHEN WILLIAMS, JoHN Lurry, Lrvi Stewart. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p McCuurg. Harrison, Daniet. Chowan County. January 14, 1726-1727. Son: JosnpH (100 acres of land). Wife and Exzecutriz: Evizapeta. Friend: Hitn Savacs. Executor: Epwarp Papeaett. Witnesses: Witt1amM Wituiams, JNo. Fauconar, MarTHa Hammonp. No probate. 154 Axsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. Harrison, Joun. November 19, 1710. Brother and Executor: Taomas Harrison. Wit- nesses: ANN Mitcueiy and WILLIAM MitcHeuu. Original missing. Re- corded in Book 1712-1722, page 32. Harrison, Ropert. March 9, 1713-1714. Sons: Rossrt (land bought of Garretr PuRSELL), JosppH. Daughters: Saran and EvizaBetH Harrison. Wife and Execu- trix: Saran. Executor: Ropert Harrison. Executors to sell land upon River adjoining Cornetius Jones. Witnesses: Dan’L GuTHRIE, Eviza- BETH JONES, WILL VauGHAN. No probate. Anchor on seal. Harrison, VINEs. Chowan County. February 25, 1738. March 24, 1738. Brothers: W1Lu1sM and JosHUAY Harrison. Exzecutors: EpmMonp Harrison. Sister: Saran Fette. Wit- nesses: THoMAs Prrrce, THOMAS EVERENDEN, Epwarp Lister. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Harr, Mary. Northampton County. July 12,1750. November Court, 1751. Sons: BensaMin, JosEE, JOHN, Davip. Daughters: Saran Hart, Lustz Hart. LHzecutors: Jonn La- MAN and Gremn Hitt. Witnesses: James Wricut, JoHN GOODEN, JESSE Hart, Georce Brace. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Harr, Jon. Bertie Precinct. November 13, 1741. May Court, 1746. Sons: Brensamin (plantation “at Pattycasey’’), Jesse (plantation on South side of Tarr River), Joun (land on Town Creek), Davin (“‘plantation whereon I now live”). Daugh- ters: Saran and Luce. Other legatee: Tuomas Foxuany. Exzecutors: Ernevprep Rurrin and Roserr Rurrin. Witnesses: JonN Lamon, Howitt Browne, Jonn Davison. Clerk of Northampton Court: Rr. Forster. Hart, Tuomas. Northampton County. March 6, 1748. August Court, 1751. Son and Executor : Henry (plan- tation in “The Meadowes”’). Grandchildren: Jonn Sanpers, SARAH SAN- DERS, Euripicr, THomss, Mary and Rost Sanpers. Wife: Mary. Wit- nesses: JNO. Simpson, Howitu Browne. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Harrtiey, Francis. Albemarle County. February 4, 1691-1692. May 2,1692. Wife and Executrix: SUSANNAH. Other legatees: ELizABETH GLASCOINE, EuizaBETH Gray, JaBUS ALFORD, Wittism Morris, Grorcze Mascuamp. Executor: Taomas Harvey. Axgsrract or WItts, 1690—1760. 155 Witnesses: G. Mascuamp, Ricuarp Siarer, Francis Parrorr, ANN Durant, Taomas Durant. Clerk of the Court: HENDERSON WALKER. Harvey, Dorory. Pasquotank County. November 14, 1682. January 20,1682. Brother and Executor: THoMas Tooxs of Isle of Wight County in Virginia. Children of Brother: Jamzs, Tsomas, Dorotey, JonN, ABRAHAM, JOANE and WILLIAM TooKE. Cous- in: Taos. Harvey. Niece: Mary Crew. Other legatees: Dorcas, wife of Tuomas Jarvis, MarGaret, wife of Capt. WM. Crarorp; ABIAH, wife of CuaristoPpHER Mercaant. Witnesses: WiLL1AM MicHauis, Joan Haw- KINS, CHRISTOPHER MercHuantT, JoHN CoLPEePrER. Proven before SrrH Sorpett. This is a copy of will and not the original. Harvey, Jonny. Hyde County. February 26, 1759. June Court, 1759. Sons: Josnua, Ricuarp, JoHN Mark Harvey, ArtHur. Daughters: Mary Martin, Resecca Harvey. Wife: Francis. Grandson: Joan Harvey (house and lot in Woodstock). Brother: Ricaarp Harvey. Ezecutors: Ricoarp and JoHN Mark Har- vEY (sons). Wutnesses: SrerpHEN Denninc, WILLIAM WessTER, JOHN Wricut. Clerk of the Court: Srepn. DENNING. Harvey, Ricwarp. February 22, 1732-1733. Sons: Joun, Ricnarp, Peter, SaMvEL, James, Josias. Daughter: Brincet Harvey. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Sami” Harvey, JoHN Mitts, ANDREWCONNER. Clerk of the Court: Jno. CoLLISON. Harvey, Tuomas. Albemarle County. March 31, 1696. November 2, 1699. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Son: Tuomas (plantation called “ye Quarter”). Daughter: Mary Har- vEY (land called Faulks Point and land on Perquimans River). Nephew: Tromas Harvey. Brother: Ropert Harvey. Witnesses: Henry Nor- MAN, Ropert Fenpau, Jonn Print, W. Guover. Codicil to will dated March 23, 1698-1699. Appoints Cor. Wm. WILKINSON executor of es- tate of Joan Harvey, dec’d, of which estate the testator was executor at the time of his death. Wetnesses to Codicil: Ricuarp Frencu, Ruta Luxer. Codicil proven before HENDERSON WALKER. Harvey, THomas. Perquimans County. April 10, 1729. November 10, 1729. Sons: THomas (‘‘Plantation whereon I now live’), Joun (plantation called the Quarter), Bensamin (plantation called Foulks (or Foleks) Point), Mmzs (land on Chowan River in Rockahock Neck bought of Samus, Wooparp). Brother: Mines Gate of Boston. Brother-in-law: Cou. RoperT West. Nteces: Martua, Sargy and Mary West (daughters of Rosr.). Sisters: EvizaBeTH Ciay- 156 Axsrract oF WItts, 1690—1760. TEN and PreneLore Lirriz, wife of Witiiam Littie. Other legatees: JaMEs SitTERSON, WILLIAM TETTERTON; JOHN son of JoHN CoLE of Nan- semond, Virginia; Josaua WHERRY son of ANTHONY WHERRY; ELIZABETH Wuerry daughter of ANtHony; Epwarp Mose.ey and Tuomas PoLtock. Wife and Executriz: ExizaBetu. Executors: Mires Gate, WILLIAM LITTLE, Epwarp MosE.ry and Txos. Potiock, Jonn Lovick. Witnesses: THom- 4s Norcoms, Ricuarp Surton, Joun Wiat, CHartes Denman, JoHN MitcHett. Proven before Richarp Everarp. Harvey, THomas. Perquimans County. November 21, 1748. January Court, 1748. Brothers and Executors: Joun, BensaMiIn and Mites Harvey. Nephews: Tuomas and Jonn Har- vEY. Sitster-in-law: Hannan Satter. Cousin: SsaraH ALDERSON. Aunt: Hannan Sitterson. Witnesses: Jonn Nicxous, StePHin Martin, Jo- sepH ARNOLD. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Harwoop, Epwagp. Onslow County. October 21, 1735. October Court, 1737. Executor: Joun STARKEY. Witnesses: Epmp. Huacrr, Jonn Mixon, Exiza Jones, JonHn STARKEY. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. The testator provides for the sale of all his effects, proceeds to go to his wife and child, who are not named. Hasxins, Hanwisat. February 11, 1698-1699. Friend and Executor: Jonn Porter. Wit- nesses: HUMPHREY Leacett, ARCHIBALD Hotmes, WILLIAM Barrow. No probate. Hassex1, Joun. Tyrrell County. March 25,1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: Jon (plantation on West side of Scuppernong river known by the name of Plains), JosrrH (lands on East side of Scuppernong river), Isaac (plantation on East side of Scup- pernong River), Bensamin (“my manner plantation’). Daughters: Mary Wynne, Saran Fox, EstHer Hassery. Wife and Executriz: RacwHeitut. Negroes bequeathed to sons. Witnesses: Taos. WYNNE, JERE- MIAH WYNNE, PETER WYNNE. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonss. Harcu, ANTHONY. Perquimans Precinct. August 1, 1726. November 18, 1726. Sons: Epmunp and Lamp (lands lying in Neuse in the County of Bath), AnrHony (“my plantation). Lands in Alligator held in common with Grorcz Durant (brother-in-law) ordered sold. Wife and Executriz: Evisapeta. Daughter: Exuisapera Harcs. Executors : Ricap, Wuippy and Grorce Durant (brothers-in-law). Wét- nesses: J. SwEENY, THoMaS Penrice, JOHN STEVENS, PaRTHENIA STEVENS. Proven before RicHarp EVvERARD. Apstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 157 Harcu, ANTHONY. Perquimans County. September 30,1744. October Court, 1744. Sons: ANTony (“my manor plantation’), Joan (plantation joining Sotomon SNowpEN). Wife and Ezxecutriz: Evizapetu. Hzxecutors: Cot. McArora ScarsBorouaH, Ep- muUND Hatcx (“Brother GeRMAN’’). Witnesses: TULLE WILLIAMS, GEORGE Duvant, Sam Scotuay. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Hatcu, Lemvet. Craven County. April 2,1774. February 3,1777. Sons: Lemuzt (two-thirds of dwelling plantation lying between Sted’s and Reasonover’s Runs and also land on Trent River), Jonn and Epmunp, Durant, Joy, ANTHONY (to each is given land which is described in will). Daughters: ExizapeTH and Mary Hatcu. Wife: Mary. Executors: Lemuzy and Jonn Harcs (sons). Witnesses: Epmp. Hatcu, James Watson, CHas. Markuanp. Executor with sons: Francis FonvittE. Witnesses to codicil appointing Executor: STOKES Norment, EvizapetaH NorMent, EvizABeTH ANDRESS, Epmp. Harcn, James Watson. Will proven before Rp. CaswELu. Hatton, Joun. Pasquotank County. March 15, 1697-1698. August 16, 1698. Executor: BARTHOLEMEW Hewit. Friends: Joun Crrpy (or Copy), ExizaBpeta Fox. Weténesses: Danie, Axenurst, Henry Pauin, Junr., Humpary Botton. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Haveuton, CHAR Es. Chowan County. October 4, 1754. Sons: JerEMian (“my plantation”), Joun, CHaRLes. Daughter: Exizaneru. Executors: JunemMiam and (sons). Wit- nesses: WitL1aM Haskins, WILLIAM WILKINS, JoHN Tater. No probate. Haveuton, Grores. Chowan Precinct. December 16, 1718. Daughter: EvizapetoH. Wife and Executriz: Jupira. Executor: THomas Havucuton (brother). Witnesses: JosHuA Porter and Cuartes Haventon. Original missing. Recorded in Will Book 1712-1722, page 171. Haveuron, James. Perquimans County. March 8, 1758. April Court, 1758. Nephews: Josuua Haveuton (son of sister, Easter Garrett), Henry and Epwarp Haw (sons of sister, Racuet Haw). Niece: Mary Hay. Executors: Epwarp Hati, Jon Hausey, ANDREw Knox. Witnesses: James Eacerton, Tuos. Mine, Sara Arranton. Clerk of the Court: Mirus Harvey. 158 Axsstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Haveuton, Ricuarp. Chowan County. October 19, 1748. November 25, 1748. Son: Ricnarp. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Ezxecutors: Taomas Wuire and Jop CuaRtton. Wit- nesses: THos. Waits, Curis. Butter, Lezy Hampton. Will proven before J. Hau, J. P. Haveuton, WiLiiaM. Chowan County. November 17, 1749. January Court, 1752. Sons: Josnua, Jamzs, Joz, Davin (#£zecutor). Daughters: Racaet and Easter Havueuton. Grand- daughters: Mary and Saran Prwrics, Saran and Mary Havueuron. Grandsons: Witutam and JonatHan Havuenton. Wife: Mary. Wit- nesses: J. Benpury, RicHarp Brinn, THomas Burxit. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN, Hausineton, BENEDIctTUus. Bath County. November 16,1729. December 16,1730. Daughters: Catrern, EvisE- BETH, Dinan, Mary, Saran. Wife and Executriz: Dinan. Wutnesses: Rosert Bonp, ANNE Norwoop. Hawxins, Joun. Albemarle County. March 1, 1687-1688. May 13, 1688. Daughter: Many Hawxins. Ezec- utor: WittiAM West. Witnesses: WILL Bensow, Francis WELLS, WILL Hancock. Proven before Seta SoTHE.y. Hawxins, Joun. Chowan County. February 8, 1716-1717. August 16, 1719. Sons: Josuua, James. Daughter: Annr. Other devisees and legatees: Tuomas HartsHorn (plan- tation on Cushake Creek), EvizaneTH HartsHorn (son and daughter of Joyce Hartsuorn, who is appointed Executor). Witnesses: THos. Rogers, Francis Rocrers, Joan Harpy. Will proven before Cuas. EDEN. Hawxins, Joun. Perquimans County. October 14, 1744, January Court, 1744. Daughter-in-law: Mary TruMBuLi. Daughter: Mary Hawkins. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: Ropert Hopes and James Peirce. Witnesses: Foster Toms, Jonn Barcurt. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Hawkins, Saran. Pasquotank County. October 19, 1719. November 2, 1722. Legatees: THos. MERRIDAY, heirs of Exizapntu Sruss.e, wife of Joun Stussie of Wickham, England; Mary StusB1z, Grorc# Grirrinc, Joan CARTWRIGHT, JoHN Kina, Susan- NAH TALKSEY, JouN Evericin, WM. Everiain, Jr., EManuzt Low, Jonn Symons, Wm. Eveniain, Sr. (last-named two appointed Executors). Wit- nesses: GARRETT PursEy, Ropert Harrison, Saran Harrison. Proven before Wm. Rezp. AxBsTRACT OF Wis, 1690—1760. 159 Hawkins, Tuomas. Tyrrell County. October 8, 1730. July 21, 1732. Son: THomas. Daughters: Mary, Euizaseta and Saran. Wife’s daughter: EvizaBeTH. Wife and Execu- triz: ELIZABETH. Witnesses: Ricnp. Leary, JonN Brown, Joun Lone. Will proven before Gro. Burrineron. Hawtey, MixKe.t. Northampton County. March 1, 1752. August Court, 1752. Sons: Joszpu, WiLLIAM, CHRIS- ToPHER, BENJAMIN. Grandson: WiLt1am MitcHeLy. Daughters: ANN, Exuizapeta and Mary. Ezecutor: BensjaMIn Hawuey (son). Witnesses: Ropert Harren, Jonn Jonnson, Rospert Saarp. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarpbs. Hayman, Henry. Albemarle County. August 29,1709. Sons: Henry and Tuomas (“land bought of Epwarp Maro”), Caaries and James (two Islands on North River next to Indian Island). Daughters: Mary and Evinor Hayman. Wife and Executriz: Marrus. Witnesses: Jamms Forsus, Auice Forsus, MrrausaLem Vaueuan. No probate. Hayman, Henry. Pasquotank County. May 23, 1727. July 18, 1727. Son: Wittiam. Daughter: Ann Hay- MAN. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Mac. ScaRBOROUGH, SARAH Farecuor; Saran Jones. Clerk of the Court: Thos. WEEKES. Haywoop, Joun. Edgecombe County. July 23,1756. December Court, 1758. Sons: Winiiam, Joun, EcBrrt and Harwoop. Daughters: Deporaw and Mary Haywoop (213 acres of land devised to daughters). All six children appointed Executors. Wit- nesses: EDWARD CROWELL, WM. CAMPBELL, THoMas Merait. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Hayrwoop, Joun. Edgecombe County. February 18,1758. June Court, 1758. Brothers: Eapmrr, WILLIAM and SHERWoop Haywoop. Sisters: Drporan and Mary Haywoop. Father: not named. Executor: EaBrrt Harwoop. Witnesses: RoBERT WARREN, Josern Porn, Samurt Pitman. Clerk of the Court: Jos. MontFort. Heareson, JOHN. Chowan Precinct. February 18, 1693-1694. April Court, 1694. Sons: WiLL14m, THomas, Joun. Daughter: Exisapetu. Executriz: Wire (not named). Wétnesses: Grorce Forpyes, Joan WarTkenes, WILLIAM Hearnson. Clerk of the Court: HENDERSON WALKER. 160 AgsTRAcCT oF WILLS, 1690—1760. Heatu (spelled also “Hatn”), Nenemian. Currituck Co. January 2, 1749-1750. April Court, 1750. Wife and Executriz: Exiza- BETH. Other legatee: Ropert Hata (or Heats). Wetnesses: Wituis Ers- ERIDGE, WILLIAM Buunt, Lazerus Fuowrgy. Clerk of the Court: Ricn’p McCiurz. Hecx.erierp, Joun. Chowan County. May 30, 1721. August 8, 1721. Son: Joun. Other legatees: Gov. CuarLes EDEN (mourning ring with a deaths head and christal), Epmunp Gats (I diamond ring), Gzorcz Durant. Sister-in-law: Mary Cox. Executors: EpMUND GaLe and Grorce Durant. Witnesses: WILLIAM Barcuirt, Darsey Bryan, ENocH Cawen. Will proven before Cras. Epen. There is filed with this will a memorandum or will made by testator in 1718. Hepexs, Tuomas, New Hanover County. March 23, 1745. November 27,1746. Son: Witu1am. Daughter: ANN Hepees. Hzecutors: Wixt1aM Hepcss (son), James SMaLLwoop. Wit- nesses: PHituip Davip, Davip Daves, Taos. Jamzs. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Hewsy, Joszru. Perquimans County. April 8, 1752. July Court, 1752. Daughter: CLarkey Hensy. Father: Joun Hensy. Sisters: Mary Hensy, Evisasera Grirrin. Brothers: James and Sitvanus Hensy. Ezecutors: Francis Tomes, Josepa Rat- irr. Witnesses: Jo. Surron, SamuEL ANDERSON, JOHN HENBY. Clerk of the Court: Eomunp Harcu. Henverson, Davin. Bertie County. February 13, 1735-1736. March 9, 1735. Nephew: Gzorar HEnpER- son. Sister: JENNETT. Ezecutors: Coto. Rost. Wxst, CULLEN PoLLocx, Grorce HenpERson and Carn. JoHN Capen. Witnesses: Taos. Davis, Simon Dart, James Kerrer and Exvizaseta Dart. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Henverson, Grorae. Bertie Precinct. October 15, 1736. November 27, 1736. Legatees and devisees: THOMAS Moor, Joun Ray, Racuet Netson, Mary Grecory, ANDREW Moor, HucH Scorr (land on Cashai River); Anprew Scort, GzorcE Scort (sons of Anprew Scott, merchant in Glasgow). Ezxecutors: Huan Scorr (mer- chant in Boston), ANpRrw Moor. Witnesses: Joun Ray, Gnoreu Stracnan, Samurn Coox. Will proven before W. Smrru, C. J. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. © 161 Henverson, Henman. February 19, 1728. February 21, 1728. Boston in Massachusetts Bay. Wife, Executrix and sole devisee: Mary. Witnesses: Ep. YouNGMaN, BEN Sorer, GtorGce WILuIAMs. Proven before R. Everarp. Hewprick, FRanNcis. Pasquotank County. May 5,1714. Son and Executor: Toomas. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses» W. Norris, Levi Cresszy, W. Roe. Hewnoricx, Francis. Craven County. September 11, 1734. December 17, 1734. Wife: Exisnn. Sons-in-law: Joun Hiuu (Executor), Moszs ARNECH. Witnesses: JouN JEAMES, THOS. Fisaer, Grorcs Fisoer. Clerk of the Court: Cates METCALFE. Heworicx, JEREMIAH. Perquimans County. June 1, 1756. January Court, 1756. Son: Grorer. Wife and Execu- triz: Sarau. Executor: Ropert Cocks (father-in-law). Witnesses: Tuo. Weexess, Toos. CracHint, Toos. Werexss, Jr. Clerk of the Court: MILES Harvey. Hewnpricxs, Sotomon. Perquimans County. April 18, 1744. October Court, 1744. Daughters: Mary (“plantation whereon I now dwell’), Saran and Frances Henprickxs. Evzecutors: Jur- emian Hzwpricxs (brother), Mary Henpricks (wife) and Saran Hen- pricks (daughter). Witnesses: MicuarL Murpuy, THomas OvERMAN, James Overman. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Hentey, Jonny. Pasquotank County. March 21, 1726-1727. July Court, 1728. Sons: Jonn (‘‘my planta- tion”), Jesse. Daughters: Mary, Miriam and Enizasera. Wife and Executriz: IsaBELL. Executor: Jonn Henuey (son). Witnesses: DANIEL GuTsriz and IsaataH CuLBeRTson. Clerk of the Court: R. Everarn. Henty, Joun. Onslow County. January 14, 1747. April Court, 1747. Sons: Joan, Wint1am, Epwarp (to each is devised land), Bensamin. Daughter: EvizaseTa HEnty. Wife and Ezecutriz: Evizapetn. Executor: GEorGE CuPER (CooPER). Witnesses: Ricup. WuHiTHURST, Henry Brown, ANN EUERE. Hewtey, Joun. Pasquotank County. June 3, 1753. April Court, 1754. Sons: Joun and Joszrn (“my plantation to be divided between them”). Wife and Executriz: Mary. 11 : 162 Azstract oF Wixxs, 1690—1760. Executors: Joan HEeniEY (son) and JoserH Jorpan (brother-in-law). Witnesses: Lumy. Coox, ExizapetH Brotuers. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas TayYLor. Henzey, Peter, “Chief Justice of the Province of North Carolina.” November 23, 1757. July Court, 1758. Son: Joan. Executor: Joun CamrseLL. This will provides for the payment of a debt of £400 due one Acnes Tucker of Coryton, near Honiton, in the County of Devon, for advancement made by her in order to provide for the marriage of her- self and testator, which marriage, “to the great disappointment of us both,” says the testator, “‘was postponed to be compleated at a future day.” Other creditors mentioned are: Mr. Simon Bunxer, of Ax- minster, in the County of Devon, attorney-at-law; Mr. BENJAMIN May- BERRY, Taylor of Craven Buildings, near Drury Lane, London. Wit- nesses: Sana McCuzocu, Josera Montrort, Ricup. Brownrice. Clerk of the Court of Chowan County: Taos. Jones. Endorsement on the will reads: “The last will and testament of Peter Hunizy, Eser., who departed this life on Tuesday, the 25th day of April, 1738, about nine o’clock in the morning, and was interred in the Church in Edenton on the Evening the 27th of same month at six o’clock in the evening in a decent manner and much lamented by his acquaintance.” Hern, James. Beaufort County. February 22, 1751-1752. June 9,1752. Sons: Jamms, Wiuu1am, Joan (“my plantation”), Mason. Daughters: Mary, ELLINDER, ELIZEBETH, Saran and Racne, Hern. Wife and Executriz: Mason. Executor: Grorce Suac. Witnesses: Mary Mayo, NatHan Gopwin, Mary Ty- son. Clerk of the Court: WitL Ormonp. Herrenven, Hezexran. November 5, 1746. May Court, 1754, “‘of Duxborough in the County of Plymouth in New England.” Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Wit-. nesses: StLvVANUS CuRTIS, SamunL Weston, SamMuEL Weston, JuNR. Clerk of Bertie Court: Samu. Ormzs. Herrine, Samvext. Johnston County. October 22, 1750. December Court, 1750. Sons: ANToNyY, STEPHEN, Micuazt (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughter: Bantraena Her- RING. Son-in-law: Jno. ConnertEy. Executor: ANrony Herring (son). Wife: not named. Witnesses: Antony Herrine and Josera Herrina. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. CaASwELL. AzssTract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 163 Herrirace, WILtiaM. Craven County. March 8, 1769. Sons: Henzace (“plantation whereon I dwell, called Springfield”), Joun (‘plantation called Harrow”), Witt1am Martin Hur- RITAGE. Son-in-law: RicHarp CaswEtu. Daughters: EvizaBpeTH Her- rivace, Anna Lovicx (wife of Gzo. Lovick), Saran (wife of RrcHaRD CasWELL), SUSANNA. Executors: RicHaRD CASWELL and Joun and Heneace Herrirace. Witnesses: Danie, Barry, and Several tracts of land, besides the ones above mentioned, are conveyed to sons and son-in-law, for description of which said lands see will. Codicil dated April 10, 1769, devises other lands to son Hmneage, etc. Wit- nesses to Codicil: Daviy Gorpon, MarGcret Wiceins, ELIzABETH BLount, Ro. CaswEtu. No probate. Hewirt, BartHoLtomew. Pasquotank County. July 16, 1719. JLegatees: Ropert Lowry, Samuret Davis, THomas Cartricst, SamueL Norris. Executor: Wituiam Norris. Witnesses: Witiiam Jones, Joan Macxy. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 243. Hisss, JonaTHAn. Pasquotank County. April 5, 1745. July 15, 1745. Sons: Joun (420 acres of land), Jona- THAN. Hzecutors: Davip BoLes and Cates SawyErR. Witnesses: JoHN Norris, Epwarp Scorr, Wm. Coate. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Hicxs, Arrica. Pasquotank Precinct. November 7, 1711. No probate date. Two sons: Patrick Macx- GREGoRY and Gregory Macxerscory. Husband: Rost. Hicks. Sister: Ann Pain (widow). Ezecutors: Patrick MackeREGorY and GREGORY Mackerecory, to be in care of Mr. Joan Pain and Naru. CHEvin until they are 21 years of age. Witnesses: Grorcr Exuis, Exiza Hariow. Clerk of Court: Roprrt Buckner. Hicxs, Davin. Chowan County. September 9, 1732. December 23, 1732. Son-in-law: THoMas ASHLY, Jr. Daughter: Lucretia. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetH. Other chil- dren: mentioned, but not named. All land to be divided among children. Witnesses: Mart. Frep Rasor, THomas Asaty, Lamp Harpy. Will proven before Grorcr BuRRINGTON. Hicxs, Joun. Carteret County. May 15,1749. September Court, 1749. Wife and Execuiriz: Hannan. Brothers: Davip Hicks, THomas Hices. Executor: Davin Hicks. Wit- nesses: GEoRGE McKzan, Eve Lewis, Marraa Lewis. Clerk of Court: Gro. Reap. 164 Axstract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. Hicks, THomas. October 26, 1722. August 24, 1724. Ststers: Hannan and Apicaiu Hicks. Executor: Joserx Surron, Junr. Witnesses: BENJAMIN JacK- son, NaTHanreL Sutton, Senr., Natuanrer Surron, June. Will proven before C. Gate, C. J. This document is in the form of a power of attorney to JoszrH SurTon, Junr., constituting him trustee for sisters above named, who reside in ‘“‘ould England.” Hieerns, Micwatt. Craven County. April 28, 1753. May Court, 1753. Sons: MicuarL and WiLLIAM. Daughters: Mary, Saran, ANN and Hannan Hicains. Wife and Ezecu- tric: ANN. Ezecutors: MicHarL Hiceins, Jeremian Vain. Witnesses: Wm. Wickuirre, Joan Murrny, THomas Evenss. Clerk of the Court: Sot. Rew. Hitz, Bensamin. Bertie County. June 20, 1752. August Court, 1753. Son and Executor: Henry (“all my lands”). Daughters: Mary CAMPBELL, Saran McCuu.oca (400 acres of land on Roanoak River), Priscitna Hinu. Other legatee: MARGARET Cocxran. Executor: Tuomas Jones of Petty Shore. Witnesses: Jesse Browne, Rosert Harpy, Joun Pitt. Codicil dated June 6, 1753, gives land in Cashia Neck to grandson, Bensamin McCutitoce. Same wit- nesses to codicil. Clerk of the Court: Samury ORMES. Hitt, Grores. Bath County. April 17, 1722. March 30, 1723. Sons: Jonn, Grorcs, Harman, Wife and Executriz: Mary. Daughter: RacuEet. Evxecutors: Joan and GrorceE Hitt. Witnesses: Tomas Goopin, Joun Learu, JonN Procter. Clerk: Joun Cornicx. Hitt, Harman. Beaufort County. December 4, 1752. March Court, 1755. Sons: Harman (land on Callums Creek), James and Witu1am. Daughters: Exiz. Hancock, Saraw Rics, ANN SLADE (land on Pamplico River), Mary Smira, Race. Hi. Ezxecutors: Saran Hix (wife), JoserpH Stapn, Joun Barrow. Witnesses: Epmunp Pearce, JosHua Pearce, GrirreTH Howruy. Clerk of Court: WaLLpy CHAUNCEY. Hitt, Isaac. Chowan Precinct. March 3, 1710. Sons: MicHaz., JoHNn and Isack, NatTHanieL. Daugh- ter: Marraa. Executor: Ropert West. Witnesses: Winuiam MAULE, Epwarp Bryan, Joun Hatz. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 34. Asstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 165 Hirt, Moszs. Chowan County. Will is illegible. Hit, Joun. Bath County. March 27, 1731. September Court, 1731. Sons: JosHua, JOHN. Friend: THomas Tison. Ezecutors: Wire (not named) and Epmunp Pears. Witnesses: Taomas Tison, Harman Hiti, Wiiiiam NIicHo.s. Clerk of the Court: Fru. Gooups. Hit, Joun. Northampton Gounty. June 15, 1747. August Court, 1747. Sons: Natuanret (“plantation he now lives on’’), DaniEx (‘‘plantation I now live on”), Lewis (‘‘remainer part of my land”), Peter. Evzecutors: Danie, and NatHanie, HItu (sons), Witnesses: WILLIAM ADDISON, WILLIAM FLoarypay, Hosra Tap- uEY. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Hirt, Ricwaxrp. Craven County. February 17, 1728-1729. March 18,1729. Granddaughter: EvisaBEtH Huw. Evzecuior: Francis Hix (brother). Daughter: ANN Jones. Son- in-law: Evan Jonas. Witnesses: James TayLor, THomas JongEs, JOHN Lewis, Joun Cumine. Clerk of the Court: Cates METCALFE. Hitt, Rozerr. Tyrrell County. January 16, 1735-1736. February 4, 1735-1736. Son: Rogsert (‘my plantation”). Wife: Ann. Daughter: Saran Hity. Ezecutors: CULLEN Potitock and Roserr West. Witnesses: SAamMuELL DurraNcE, NatTH’L CarruTHers, Paut THorp. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. ILL, ILLIAM. orthampton County. Hitz, W Northampton County September 3, 1748. November Court, 1748. Son: Wituiam (“my plantation”). Daughters: Ann Hin, Cetia Painuirs. Wife and Execu- triz: ANN. Witnesses: Jno. Simpson, Jacos Lirriz, FRancis DeLoatcH. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Huo, Witz. Chowan County. March 10, 1750-1751. April Court, 1751. Grandsons: Aaron and Rosert Hitt. Sons; Wiiu1aM and Aaron (Executor). Son-in-law and Executor: THomas Nicuotson. Daughters: RacnEt Hitt, Sanam Barrow, wife of JosepH Barrow. Witnesses: James GRIFFIN, JETHRO Rasey, Ann Peters. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Hrxurargp, Jonny. Northampton County. November 6, 1748. November Court, 1748. Sons: Ropert (“my plan- tation”), Joan. Daughter: Saran Hinuiarp. Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: Joon Morgan, WitLiam LivinesTone, JoHN Mouran. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. 166 AgsTractT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Hitiugp, Roserr. Edgecombe County. April 13, 1743. May Court, 1751. Devisees and legatees: Jacop H11- LIARD, RoBERT HILLIARD, JEREMIAH HituiarpD (“plantation on the falls of Teare River”); SamMsonre Hituiarp, Mary Hixuiarp (all children of Jerz- miaH Hinuiarp); WittiaAM HiLiiarp, JeaMEs Hinviarp (sons of WILLIAM Hinurarp). Wife: Cuaruty,’ Executors: Wiruiam Hinuiarp and Os- BORNE JEFFREYS. Witnesses: Sam’L Hanuman, WILLIAM SIRGENER, Beng. Boykin. Clerk of Court: Beni’N Wynns. Hivizrarp, WinriaM. Northampton County. July 4, 1754. May Court, 1756. Sons: Wi~L1aM (land known by name of ‘““Hogpen Neck”), Jamus (‘‘plantation whereon I dwell’’), Isaac (land in Edgecombe County on Swift Creek), Ex1as (plantations in Northampton and Edgecombe). Daughter: ANN Hinxiarp. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: James Hinutarp (son). Witnesses: Henry Hart, Josera Bringers, Natwanie, Howst, Cuartes Corren. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Hitory, Samen. Bath County. March 20, 1712-1713. Executor and sole legatee: SamurL Wooparp. Witnesses: EvuicksaANpER Ontver, Henerrey Turner. No probate. Hinton, Jonny. Chowan Precinct. June 21, 1730. October Court, 1732. Sons: Harpy, Jon, WILLIAM, Mauuactg. Executors: Mary Hinton (wife), Harpiz Hinton (son), Wi- L1AM HinTon (brother). Witnesses: James Hinton, JosEra ASHLEY, THos. Rountree. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Hinton, Mricasan. Bertie County. October 5, 1756. January Court, 1757. Son: WruuraM. Daughter: Euizesets Hinton. This is a nuncupative will proven before Joan Har- RELL, J. P., by Jonn and Jonas Hinton and Hezexian Tomson. Clerk of the Court: BenyaMin Wynns. Hossy, Jacon. Edgecombe County. January 22, 1758. September Court, 1758. Son: MATHEW (all “my land”). Daughters: Ruopa, Saran and Frances Hosey. Wife and Executrix: Jemime. Executor: Joan Baxer. Witnesses: ANDREW Irwine, Bracewe.u Bringzs, Joserw Keuiey. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Mont-. FORT. Hoss, Jonn. 7 Pasquotank County. October 29, 1728. October 14, 1729. Wife and Executriz: FRaNcEs. Witnesses: Jno. Gauiey, James Smita, Frances Suita, Patience Prick- Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 167 ert. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. Justices: Jon. Pauin, Rost. Mor- Gan, JNo. Rotr, McKrona Scarsoroucu, GABRELL BuRNHAM, NatTr HALL. Hocxines (Hawxrns), Joun. Duplin County. March 29, 1756. July Court, 1756. Daughters and Executrices: Mary, Ann and Larress Hocxines. Witnesses: BENJAMIN FussELL, JACOB Fussett, Thomas Davis, Richarp Penney, Epwarp SPEARMAN. Clerk of Court: Joan Dickson. Hocut, Evwarp. Beaufort County. January 19, 1749-1750. March Court, 1750. Sons: WitLiaM, NaTHaNn- IEL, Epwarp. Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Executor: NatHAN ARCHE- BALD. Witnesses: WaLLEY CHAUNCEY, STEPHEN BuckincHaM, JOHN Bown. Clerk of the Court: Joun ALDERSON. Honess, James. Chowan County. September 23,1722. October 10,1722. Cousin: ExizaBeTH Harrison. Wife and Executriz: Saran CaTHERINE Hopers. Witnesses: C. Gan, Rocer Hazarp, Saran Hazarp. Will proven before Wm. Rrep, Presi- dent. Coat of arms on seal. Honees, James. Pasquotank County. February 2, 1758. March Court, 1758. Sons: Josian (plantation and islands on the Northeast side of Pasquotank River bridge), W1ix1s (one negro), JamEs (land and Marsh on West side of road going to ‘‘ye Great Bridge”), Lams, Porritocx. Daughters: Kesian Curuin, Mouiy, Fran- ces Hopers, Mir1am Hopexs. Brother: Joseph Hopcxs. Several ne- groes and a large quantity of personal property bequeathed to wife and children. Estate to pay for brick chimney to house. Wife: Mariam. Executor: Coto. RoBert Murpon. Witnesses: Jonn Harris, DANIEL Korn, Jonn Murven. Clerk of the Court: THomas Tayzor. Hopes, Ricuarp. Beaufort County. September 3, 1747. April 16,1752. Sons: JoHNn (400 acres of land on “Cochavinity Bay”), Henry (‘‘the manner plantation”). Daughter: Saran Honees. Wife: Saran. Executor: Jonn Hopers (son). Wit- nesses: JamEs CourrEr, JAMES SINGLETON, THomas Wituiams. Clerk of Anson County Court: ANTHony Hurcains. Hopers, Ricuaxrp. Currituck County. March 2, 1748. April Court, '1749. Daughters: Saran Burnuam, Frances Bowrm, Mary, EviseperaH and Upnan Hopass. Wife and Executriz: FRancses. Witnesses: CALEB WiLson, GEORGE Powers, Wis Erueripcr. Clerk of the Court: Ricoarp McCuure. 168 Azstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Honpeson, Joun. New Hanover County. July 6,1738. December Court, 1738. Daughters: Mary and MarGaRET Hopeson. Executor: Roger Moore. Witnesses: Corn’s Harner, Cuas. Hepsurn, JoHN MartinpaLz. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Rics. Hogesin, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. May 4, 1692. July 4, 1692. Wife: Marcerr. Daughters: Saran and EuizaBetH Hoapin. Ezecutors: Toomas and JEREMIAH Simons. Wit- nesses: Parrick BaYLry, JoHN Rarer. Clerk of the Court: Paut Laruum. Hoe, Ricuarp. Bladen County. June 18, 1768. September 21, 1769. Sister: ExizapeTsH Hoe of Tishe- raw, in the parish of Inveresk in North Brittain. Hzecutors: Roperr Jounston, Ropert and Joun Hoee. Witnesses: Winuisam Bartram, Tuomas Barty, Littan JoHnsron. Proven before Wm. Tryon. Hoecxs, Rozerr. Bertie County. March 30, 1740. August Court, 1742. Sons: Joun and Ricwarp and Exias. Daughters: ANN Moors, OLivr Wicons and Maraew WiLiaMs. Wife: not named. Evzecutors: Exias and Richarp Hoaess (sons) and Isaac WILLIAMS (son-in-law). Wotnesses: NespHaM Bryan, ADAM Ra- BEY, WILLIAM Bryan. Clerk of Court: Henry DELON. Hoezoox, FarmManess. March 8, 1683-1684. This will is so torn and rotten as to be illegible. Ho1sroox (or Hotesrover), Joseru. Bath County and “Pamlicoth Precinct.” October 18, 1711. Legatees: ALEXANDER and ELizapETH AVERA, SWAN Swanson. Brother and Executor: Joun HoLEBRovuGH. Witnesses: DANIEL Hauisey, James Leica. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 16. Hotrapay, THomas. Chowan County. August 30, 1744. September 8, 1744. Legatees and devisees: Harpy Hoitiapay Hutson, THomas Hoitiapay Hurson, Jonnw Hotyapay Hur- son (land in Virginia to be sold and proceeds divided among above named), Wituiam Houtapay, Hannan Beparrin, ExizaBeTa Burton (daughter). Executriz: Mary Hutson. Witnesses: Joan THacu, Joan Nicuouzs, Pru- DANCE GARRETT. Will proven before Gas. JoHNsTON at Eden House. Hoxirapay, WiLLiaM. Tyrrell County. April 23,1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: Taomas, SaMMvELt (appointed Executors). Wife: EuizapeTa. Daughters: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Wititam Jones and JouN Benner. Clerk of the Court: EVAN JONES. AxsstRract or Wits, 1690—1760. 169 Hotzanp, Dantet. Craven County. March 16, 1771. April 20, 1771. Wife and Executriz: ANNIE. Wit- nesses: JamMES Reep, Hannan Reep, Jonn Houianp. Will proven before Wm. Tryon. Hotuzroox, Joun. Bertie County. April 29, 1740. May Court, 1740. Son and Executor: Joan. Wife: Dorotuy. Ezecutors: Cott. Ropert West, THomas Ryan. Witnesses: Roger SNELL, Tuos. AsHiy, Junr., Thomas AsHBuRN. Clerk of the Court: JNo. WYNNS. Houiery, Samvrz, and Samvuett Wooparp. April 13, 1713. This is a contract by the terms of which the survivor of the above-named parties shall take all estate of the other, at his decease, and is proven by Henry TurNER and ALLis Given before Wm. Bricn. Hous, James. Tyrrell County. May 20,1735. March Court, 1735. Son: Armir. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Executor: Tuos. Huss. Witnesses: Mary Frewax, Win.iaM Tysar, Mary Husss. Clerk of Court: Jamas CRAVEN. Hoxitoway, Tuomas. Perquimans County. November 3, 1750. January Court, 1750. Son and Executor: Joun (two plantations). Daughters: Exizapmra Barcuirr, RacHEL TURNBULL, Ann SNopEN, Mary Bateman, Saraw COUPLAND, UpHerasHa Houtioway. Witnesses: James Gipson, THos. Barcuirt, EnizABETH Barcuirt. Clerk of the Court: Epmounp Hartca. Hottowe zt, Epmunp. Bertie County. June 17, 1729. October 20, 1729. Brothers: Thomas HoLLowELL (Executor), Joun Hottowe iu. All land is bequeathed to JoHn Bacon. Witnesses: JOHN HOLLOWELL, Ricap. Bacon, THomas HoLtLowE ut, SENR. Clerk of the Court: Tos. Crew. Hotitowetz, Luxe. Perquimans County. March 22, 1734-1735. April 21,1736. Sons: Jorn (“my dwelling plan- tation”), WinuiaM, Joun. Wife and Executrix: Exizapeta. Land in Vir- ginia devised to son Jon. Witnesses: James Feitp, THomas Rountree, Ginsert Scor. Will proven before W. Smita, C. J. Hottowe 1, Rusin. Perquimans County. January 23, 1753. April Court, 1753. Brothers: Lnvy, Jonn and As- NER Hottowriy. Sister: ANN BRINKLEY. Ezecutors: Joun and Levy Hotitoweii. Witnesses: NicHouas STALLINGS, THoMAS ReppIcK, JosiaAH Rogerson. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. 170 Axgstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Hotty, Jouy. : Bertie Precinct. December 23, 1728. February Court, 1728. Wife and Executrix: SARAH. Son: RicHarp. Witness: Joun Swenny (or Sweney). Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstzr. Hotmes, EBENEZER. Onslow County. February 4, 1745-1746. April 1, 1746. Sons: Joun, Epunuzmr, Seru, BarnaBas (Executor). Daughters: Repecca WricuT (wife of JosEPH), Hannaw Wituiams, Lypet Hoimss, Asigin Hotmes. Wife: Hannan. Witnesses: ANDREW Murray, James THomson, ANN Huruipy. Clerk of the Court: Gro. CLopTon. Hormss, Joun. Edgecombe County. February 28, 1735-1736. May Court, 1736. Sons: Joun, Harpy, Epwarp, GaBrigt. Daughters: ANN SANDERS, CHaRITy Brown, Doro- Tuy Spier, Rosse. Wife: Tamar. Executor: Harpy Hoitmrs. Witnesses: Epwp. Buxton, Wituiam Davies, EvizanetH WeisH. Deputy Clerk of Court: THos. KEarny. Homes, Epwarp. Perquimans County. April 14, 1702. Sons: Taomas and Joun. Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Witnesses: names illegible. Clerk of Court: Joan STEPNEY. Homes, Epwagp. Bertie County. August 9, 1750. November Court, 1750. Cousin and Executor: Wm. Birp. Wife and Executriz: Lippza. Witnesses: Henry Bonner, WM. MircHELL and Joun Panes. Clerk of the Court: Sam’L OrMEs. Hoox, Joun. March 27, 1732. Sons: Witu1am (Ezecutor), Rosert, THomas and Joun. Daughters: Evisepara, Mary and Sarag. Wife: Ruta. Wit- nesses: JOHN MackconeE, NaTuan Barnes. No probate. Hooxer, GoppHREy. Bertie County. April 2, 1729. Son: Bensamin (‘‘the manner plantation”). Daughter: Evisszetu. Wife and Executriz: EuisaBera. Executor: Ropert Evans. Witnesses: Ropert Evans, Jonn Morris and No probate. Hooxerr, Witu1aM. Chowan County. June 8, 1716. October Court, 1717. Sons: Wittiam (“plantation whereon I now live, on Barren Branch and Wickacorn Creek’), GopFREE two hundred and fifty acres of land adjoining Cou. Pottocx). Daughters: Ann Evans, Brincert Mann, Marearerr Lewis, JANE Brown and ELizaBeTH Sisemore. Son-in-law: Samury SisrmoreE (land on the main AgstTract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 171 road). Grandson: Witu1aM Lewis. Executor: WitL1AM HooKer (son). Witnesses: Witt1AM CRANFORD, FRANcIs Brown. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Hooxrr, WILiraM. Bertie County. October 20,1756. January Court, 1757. Sons: Witu1aM, JOHN, JAMES, Sreruen, NatHan. Daughters: ANN LasiTER, Saran Hooxer (Ezecu- triz). Witnesses: WM. Wynns, JAMES WYNNES, BENJAMIN Baker, BEN- JAMIN Baker, Junr. Clerk of the Court: BpNJAMIN WYNNS. Hooxs, WiILL1aM. Chowan County. February 18, 1746-1747. April Court, 1751. Son: Wituiam. Grand- sons: WILLIAM, CHARLES, THomas and Joann Hooxs. Executor: JoHNn Hooxs. Witnesses: Mantua SuMNER, ANN SUMNER, Cuas. Kine. Clerk of Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Horxins, James. Parish of Saint Matthews, Orange Co. February 8,1759. September Court, 1759. Executors: WiLLiam Hop- Kins, WILLIAM PHILLIPS and Joun Hopkins. Children: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: ALICKANDER FerRcuson, JoHN Dossins, Davin Smira. Clerk of Court: Jas. Watson. Hopkins, Joun. Albemarle County. October 14, 1721. November 8, 1721. Sons: mentioned, but not named. Other legatees: Saran Hopxins (granddaughter), CHARLES Crapock. No executor named. Witnesses: ANDREW OLOVER, CHARLES Crapock, ELESEBETH BaTeMAN. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Horxins, Joun. . Chowan County. January Court, 1754. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: JoHN Hausey. Witnesses: Toomas Sumner, Jno. McKinpo, Wm. Hornssy. Clerk of the Court: Witt Hatsey. No date of execution. Horn, WiLi1aM. September 10, 1753. Sons: Wituiam, Henry, Cusr_es, THoMas, Moses, MicHAELL (Executor). Daughter: MarGaRET. Witnesses: Wm. Reynotps, Joyce Reynoups, ANN Hiwy. No probate. Horr, Tuomas. Chowan Precinct. October 29, 1735. January Court, 1735. Grandchildren: Saran, Mary and Tuomas Mine (land, cattle, hogs, horses, ete.). Daughter: MARTHA Ming. No executor. Witnesses: Luxe Grecory, WILLIAM Powe. Clerk of the Court: Jamus Craven. The original of this will missing. Abstract made from recorded copy in Grant Book No. 4, Will No. 28. 172 ABSTRACT OF WILLs, 1690—1760. Hosra, ABRAM. Pasquotank County. May 31, 1771. December 22, 1773. Wife: Mary. Daughter: Lovey, wife of Jonn Smitu (“my manner plantation”). Nephew: ABRam HosEa (land on Little Alligator, in Tyrrell County). Brother: Roperr Hosza. Trustee: THomas Nicwoitson. Ezxecutors: Joun Poou and Joun Smits. Witnesses: MatTHEW PritcHaRrD, Lemur. Stone, PETER RosHauy. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Hossa, JosepH. Perquimans County. May 10,1753. July Court, 1753. Sons: Joserpa and Wiiu1am Hossa. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Joun Hosea (brother). Wit- nesses: JAMES GIBSON, WILLIAM TRUMBALL. Clerk of the Court: EpmuND Hatcu. Hosra, Ropert. Perquimans County. December 17, 1742. January Court, 1742. Sons: ABRAHAM, JOSEPH, Wixuram (Executor), Tuomas (Executor). Wife: ANN. Witnesses: JAcoB MuLLEN and Wn. Tomsiin. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Hoskins, Tuomas. Chowan County. October 24, 1733. April Court, 1734. Son and Executor: WILLIAM. Daughters: Saran CHASTLON, Maraew Mary. Son-in-law: Wm. Luton. Executor: JOHN BrenBuRY. Witnesses: Joan MircHENER, JAMES SMITH. Clerk of the Court: Mosztny Vatu. Hosxins, Wittiam. “Matacomack Creek in Albemarle Co.” January 20, 1692-1693. Brother: Taomas Hosxins. Cousin: DANIEL Cox, Jr. Executor: Dante, Cox. Witnesses: THomas Moris, NicHoLas Daw. No probate. Hosmer, Hannan. Onslow County. March 26, 1773. May 18, 1773. Sons: Joan and Stanton Spooner. Executor: Stanton SPoonNER. Other children: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: REUBEN GRANT, EXPERIENCE GRANT. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Hoveuton, THomas. Bladen County. January Court, 1743. Daughter: Mary Hovauton. Eszecutors: Eviza- BETH (wife), Josaua and Win~1am Hovucurton (brothers). Witnesses: Davip Butizr, Mary Buripr. Clerk of Court: Ricn’p McCuure. Hovexton, Witi1aM. Chowan County. February 28, 1744-1745. July Court, 1745. Son: Jonaruan. Daugh- ters: Mary and Saran Hovuacuron. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Ex- Azsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 173 ecutors: WittiaM Hovuceuton (father), Davip and James HoucutTon (brothers). Wvtnesses: Davip Butuer, Mary Houeuron. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Hovss, Grores. Bertie County. September 28, 1770. January 3, 1771. Son and Executor: THomas. Grandsons: Grorcz, Bais, James and Jounn House. Granddaughters: Saran House, Epita Houss, Ann, Mary and Exizasetu Smita. Daugh- ters: ANN AVERET, EvizaBetH Moorsz. Executor: James Moors (son-in- law). Witnesses: BensJAMIN Parker, Lewis Haytes, Winitiam House. Proven before Wm. Tryon. Lands on Flagg Run, Little Roquis and other waters devised to son and grandsons. Hovtssr, THomas. Albemarle County. July 4, 1733. Sons: Gzorcr, Baris (Executor). Daughters: ANN and Evita House. Witnesses: Ropert Poweit, Marmapuxse NorrFveet. No probate. Hovston, Mosss. Carteret County. January, 1774. January 27, 1774. Wife: Marcrett. Daughter: Meriam West (plantation on Whittock River). Grandson: Houston Roserts. Granddaughters: Jamima Duprey, BonreTa WILLIAMS, Fannin Duprey, SaraH Mappux. Other legatee: Capt. GEorGE MitcuEi. Evxecu- tors: BAzELL Smita, Brice Witi1aMs and Micasan Fraziar. Witnesses: James Mnap, WILLIAM Ramsry, Pastey Jacoss. Proven before Jo. Martin. Hovsron, Tuomas. Onslow County. March 29,1733. July 3,1733. Sons: Win1aMm, Moszs, James, THOMAS. Daughter: Exiziseta Houston. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Nicuotas Hunror, Sam’Lu Jones, Jr., Repeckan Hunter. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. Hovsron, WILiriaM. Carteret County. May 6, 1760. January 2,1761. Son: Wiu1am. Wife and Executriz: Racue.. Ezecutors: SamuEt and James Nosxs (brothers of wife). Wit- nesses: JosePpH NoBLE, Marx Nose and Berry Noss. Will proven before ARTHUR Dosss. Hover, Joun Jacos. Craven County. February 15, 1744. November 28, 1744. Sons: Jacos, Jonn (planta- tion on Beards Creek), Henry, SamuEL. Daughters: Mary SuaBpBaca, Enizanets SLABBAcH, MarcareTaH. Wife and Executriz: Mary Maapas- 174 ABSTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. Lena. Executor: NicHouas Pureroy. Witnesses: JoHN GRANADE, Grorce Granam, James Witicocks. Will proven before E. Moszey, Chief Justice. Howarp, CHaRLzs. Craven County. 1754. Son: CHarues. Daughters: Saran Brooxs and Courtney Ivzs. Son-in-law: Jacop Hansox (or Hancox). To each of these is bequeathed ‘one shilling apease as the Law directs.” Granddaughter: Sisnz Brooxs (“land in the fork of Crounes creek, if not sold before I die, quietly to be possessed during her pleasure.’’) Wife, Residuary Legatee, and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Fran. Fontaine, WiLL1AM ARTHER, ANN Spinks. No probate. Howarp, JaMEs. Bertie Precinct. October 6, 1729. Sons: Sotomon (“my plantation”), James, Epwarp, SamuELL, JoHn. To these sons is conveyed lands in Virginia, and lands on Aharskey Swamp, Cooneriskratt Swamp, Horse Swamp, etc. Daughter: SaraH Howarp. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Other legatees: FRANCIS Sreicut of Chuckatuck parish in Nancemond County, Va., Taomas Davis (land lying on Rattlesnake Branch). Executor: Jamus Howarp (son). Witnesses: Joun Rawuey (?), Mary Barxett, Wm. CraFrrorp, Gro. Or- way. Codicil dated October 9, 1729. Witnesses to Codicil: Jas. Spzir, Mary Burkert, Ann Stone, Geo. Otway. No probate. Howcortt, Joun. Bertie Precinct. July 28, 1732. September 12,1733. Sons: Epwarp (land called by the name of Stancells); Joun (dwelling plantation); RrcHarp, NATHANIEL. Daughters: EvizapeTH Branco, Mary Howcorr. Wife: Mary. Execu- tors: Epwarp Howcorr (brother) and Epwarp Howcotr (son). Wit- nesses: JoHN FRyarpd, Epwarp Howcort, ExuizasetH Branca. Will proven before Gro. BuRRINGTON. Howe, Joseru. Edgecombe County. January 10,1749. May Court, 1750. Sons: Josnrpn, THomas (land on Herricks Creek). Daughters: Mary, MurpHREY and Martna. Wife and Ezecutriz: Marcett. Executors: JosepH Hows t (son), Couy. J. Dawson, Samur, Rurrin, Tuomas Howe. and Josep Henperson. Witnesses: Jos. Wituiamson, Jas. Barran, THos. Barran. Clerk of Court: Benia- MIN WyYNNS., Howson, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. November 13, 1713. April 5, 1715. Testator bequeathes all property to his mother, who is not named. Witnesses: Henry Suave, WILLIAM Corpine, Joun Starrorp. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRINKWATER. Assrract or Wixts, 1690—1760. 175 Houssarp, Rawe. March 30, 1714. Executors and legatees: W1LLIAM Evericin, JosmPH GuaIsTER. Witnesses: Witu1aAM Simson, Mary Murpen, Mary Mason. No probate. Hucxins, Daniet. Bath County. March 26, 1733. June Court, 1733. Sons and Executors: Souomon and Vatuinty. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: Joun JaAcoB Honor, Ricwarp Scott. Clerk of the Court of Craven County: Cates Mrrcars. Huppr, CurisTorHEr. Beaufort County. July 27, 1714. January 5, 1714. Daughters: Prustty, EvizapeTu GREEN (Ezecutrixz). Witnesses: Too. HENDERSON, JoHN SnEAD. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRINKWATER. Hupson, JosePu. ; Letters issued May 30,1745. Sons: Josmpx (Executor), Lewis. Daugh- ters: Saran NEKELLES, SUSANAB, ELESEBETH. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: BENJAMIN CARTREET, JOHN DuGEN, JONATHAN Bateman. No probate or county given. Huacens, ANN. Onslow County. February 30, 1745-1746. May 22, 1746. Sons: CHartzs and Brnsa- MIN (land in Maryland), Marraew and Jacos (Ezecutors). Grandson: Jacop (son of ANN Huruey). Granddaughter: LucrEasra Huc- crns (daughter of Marraew HuaceEns). Witnesses: R. CHEaSTEN, JOHN Norman, CaTrine Pavty. Will proven before E. Haun, C. J. Hueeins, Epmonp. Onslow County. April 12, 1737. July 6, 1737. Son: Paiute. Other legatees: ABRAHAM Hueeins, Mary Hueerns (daughter of Newemian), Jonn Huceins, Tuomas Hinuiarp, Taomas Ow1n, Epwarp Epwarps. Executor: Joun Starkey. Witnesses: ABRa. MitcHeLL, Tuos. Ow1n. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. Huecrns, James, Onslow County. January 24, 1745-1746. May 22, 1746. Sons: CHaRLEs and BENJa- MIN (lands in Maryland); Jacop and Maturw (Hxecutors). Grandson: Jacop (son of ANN HuruEy). Granddaughter: Lucresea (daughter of Marruew Huacins). Witnesses: R. Cueasten, Joun Norman, CaTRing Pauty. Will proven before E. Hatt, C. J. Huecins, Joun. Onslow County. July 15, 1745. February Court, Son: Joun (“plantation whereon I now dwell on Bear Creek”). Brother: Neaxemian Huaeens. 176 AxstracT or Wixzs, 1690—1760. | Wife: Mary. Executors: Joun and Perer SrarKEy. Witnesses: Saran Starkey, Danie, SuHeRtow, JossrpH Warts. Clerk of Court: Win Hepcegs. Hott, Joun. Edenton, Chowan County. January 14, 1747. March 23,1752. Wife: not named. Sisters: Caru- BRINE and Mary Hutt (in Rhode Island). Other legatee: ANNAH Martin. Executors: Mites GALE and Jamus CRAVEN. Witnesses: HUMPHREY Ros- inson, SamueL Rosinson, Atexr. Forses. Will proven before Gas. JoHNsTON and recorded by Sam’: Ornmus, Deputy Secretary. The testator makes some interesting provisions as to his burial. Humes, James. Beaufort County. February 6, 1745. March Court, 1745. Wife: Exisanetu. Daughters: Asiaatt (‘the plantation whereon I now live called by the name of Cappell Point”’), ExisaBeta Hucsusroy, Mary (land on Thomases Creek on South Side of Bear River), Rennis. Executor: Jostas Jones. Witnesses: Wm. Bersworts, Mary Crickman, Urtan Lampert. Clerk of the Court: Joan Forses. Humpuriss, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. December 2, 1708. Sons: Joun, WILLIAM, CuRisroPuER and JoHN (two Jouns named). Daughters: Mary Gray, Saran Bray. Son-in-law: GrirFitH Gray. Executor: Witt1AM Humpuriss (son). Witnesses: Joan Uxan, Fr. McBripeg, Sou. Harapry (?). No probate. Homeurirs, Ricwarp. Albemarle County. October 7, 1688. July 25, 1689. Mother: mentioned, but not named. Other legatees: WiLLIAM NicKoLe, JoHN Hunt. Executor: Thomas Pot- Lock. Witnesses: ELIzEBETH Barcuirr, JoHN Roper, WILLIAM BARCLIFT. Will proven before Sera. SoTHELL. Hompueey, Josepu. Bladen County. October 14, 1752. December Court, 1752. Cousin: Saran Roserts. Nephew: JosrrpH Humpurey. Friend: Evan Exsais. To Carvers Creek Meeting is given three pounds. Ezecutors: JonATHAN Evans and Isaac Jones. Witnesses: ALEXANDER McConkey, THomas Speirs. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Rossson. Hont, Jounn. Little River (county not given). April 7, 1710. August 26, 1710. Grandsons: Joun Hunt Evans, BartTaotomew Evans. Granddaughter: Exizapatu Evans. Wife: Eviza- BETH. Hxecutor: James Tooxs (Tooin). Witnesses: W. Everiain, JosupH Parise, Too. Commanppr. Will proven before Taomas Cary, President. ABSTRACT. OF Wiis, 1690—1760. 177 Hunt, Tomas. Pasquotank County. May 7, 1688. October 2, 1696. Brother and Executor: ANDREw Hunt of Bucks County, England. Other legatees: Joun and THomas Hawkins (sons of Jonn Hawkins). Witnesses: Eowarp Smiru, WILLIAM CoLLiNnes, Joun Capace. Clerk: W. GuoveEr. Hunter, Awn. Chowan County. May 24,1749. October Court, 1751. Sons and Executors: WM. HuNTER and Epwarp ArNaL. Daughters: Jupiru BLanp, ANN WINzORN, HESTER Knieut, Atice ArnaL. Witnesses: Sary Osporn, Wm. Hunter, JoHN Parker, JoserpH Parker. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Hunter, Isaac. Chowan County. April 17, 1752. April Court, 1753. Sons: Exisaa (‘my plantation whereon I now live and plantation whereon he now lives, together with one negro), Jesse (land purchased of THomas Morris and one negro), Isaac (land in Bertie, together with one negro), Danie (70 pounds “current money”’). Daughters: Hannan Rippicx, Evizapera Perry, Auce Hun- TER, RacHELL Watton and Sarau Hunter (one negro to each). Grand- children: Jesse, Poinie and Mary Prrrizs and Saraw Firtp. Other leg- atee: ZILPHEA PARKER. Water-mill bequeathed to son Jacos. Executor: Exisna Hunter (son). Witnesses: Moses Sumner, SAMUEL SUMNER, Joun Sumner. Clerk of the Court: James Craven. Impression of dragon on seal. Huyter, Joun. June 13, 1753. October 25, 1756, ‘‘township of Little Brittan, County of Lancaster and province of Pencalvania.”” Wife and Executrix: AGNESS. Daughters: Mary and Catrin. Witnesses: Joan McBurney, Apam Lecky. Deputy Register: Enpwarp SuHipren. This is a certified copy from the records of Lancaster County, Pa. Hunter, Nicnowas. Carteret County. January 3, 1749-1750. March Court, 1749. Sons: STEPHEN (‘all land on the West side of Gailes Branch’’), EzexeLti, Lespprus, WILLIAM, JOAB. Grandson: Groree MILLcHELL. Daughters: E———, Zinuau, ReacHELL, Kista MitucHeityt, EvizespatH, Saran, Ruta. Wife and Executrix: Resecca. Executor: EzEKELL Hunter (son). Witnesses: Joun WILL- cocks, Mosrs Houston, JoHn GILLETT. Clerk of the Court: Gno. Ruan. Huyter, Roserr. Bertie County. June 3, 1753. August Court, 1753. Sons: Henry, Mosgs (Ezecutor). Daughters: Saran Docton, Mary Gorpon, JupiITH Perry, SusaANNAH 12 178 Azstract or Witts, 1690—1760. Benton, EvizaBetH Wituiams. Executor: THos, WHITMELL. Witnesses: Jno. Hitt, Joun Starrer, Orn Siatrer, Lirrteton SuarTer, Kezian SLaTTER, WILLIAM APPERSON. Clerk of the Court: Sam’L ORMES. Hunter, Witt. Chowan County. January 4, 17382-1733. January 18, 1732. Sons and Executors: Wit- 1AM and Epuraim. Daughters: Jupira, Auuise and Mary Hunter, Ann, Easter. Wife: ANN. Witnesses: SpencER Coie, Isaac Hunter, RoBERT Hunter. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstur. Hunter, Witt. Chowan County. March 21, 1749. April Court, 1750. Sons: Joun, NicHouas, Harpy, Wituiam, Jos, James, Trmotuy. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Joun Hunter (son). Witnesses: Exisoa Hunter, Joun Gourpon, Joun Norrieet. Clerk of the Court: WiLL Mzarns. Horviz, Bensamin. Perquimans County. February 14, 1734. July Court, 1735. Legatees: Witt1am Hurbie, Morine Hurpie and ExizasetH Hurpie (mother). No executor. Wit- nesses: NATHANIEL WILLIAMS, DaNniIEL RaceEson, JosErx Rippick. Clerk of Court: JaMES CRAVEN. Houszanps, Ricwarp. August 16, 1732. September 15, 1732, “late of Barbadoes but now of ye Country of North Carolina in ye Cape Fear.” Sons: RicHarp and JoHn (“now in Barbadoes’”’). Ezxecutriz and Wife: Jane. Witnesses: Eviza- BETH Hat, Evizapeta Bryan, Tuos. Hatz. Will proven before Gro. BurRRINGTON. Hutson, Witi1aM. Craven County. January 29, 1739-1740. March 3, 1739. Wife: Frances. Executor: JoszrH Marr. Witnesses: Josian Hart, Exisna Jaques. Will proven before Gas. JoHNsToN. Hyrwer, Henry. New Hanover County. September 9, 1772. October 26, 1773. Nephews: Henry Waters (plantation called “New Hyrnham”; also 1,747 acres of land in New Han- over), JosepH and GEorcE Watters, Mosss, Francis and Henery Brit- ton. Niece: Mary Brirron. Goddaughter: Evizapeta Jones (daughter of Frepmrick JoNnEs). Executor: Freprrick Jones (two volumes of Chambers’ Dictionary). “Witnesses: Saw’LL Swann, JoHN Burorp, Bren- JAMIN WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BurorD. Codicil of even date disposes of wear- ing apparel. Witnesses to Codicil: Joun Burorp, WILLIAM Burorp, Ben- JAMIN WILLIAMS. Proven before Jo. Marrin. Axsstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 179 Ineram, Apsatom (or ABRAHAM). Onslow County. October 20, 1744. November 24, 1744. Sons: Davip (land known as “Weakes Iland’’), Isaac, ApRawAM and Jamus (20 shillings each). Exec- utor: Davip IneRam (son). Witnesses: Joan Wuire, Lazarus Kenny. Justice of the Peace: Joun Starkey. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Innes, JAMES. July 5,1754. October 9,1759. “Of Cape Fear in North Carolina. Col. of the Regement of sd Province raised for His Majesty’s imediate Service and Commander in Chief of the Expedition to the Ohio against the French and there Indians who have most unjustly Invaided & Fortified them- selves on His Majestys Lands.” ‘‘Being now reddey to Enter upon action & of sound minde, Memory and understanding etc.’”’ “I direct a remit- tance may be made to Edinburgh Sufficient to pay for a Church Bell for the Parish Church of Cannesby in Caithness agreeable to my letter to Mr. JaMrES BROADEE Minister there.”’ ‘I also give and bequeath att the death of my loving wife JEAN INNES my plantation called Point Pleasant & the opposite Mash land over the River for which there is a separate patent, two negro young women, one Negroe young man and there increase, all the Stock of Cattle and Hogs halfe the stock of horses belonging att the time to that plantation with all my Books and one hundred Pounds Sterling or the Equivalent there unto in the Currency of the Country For the Use of a Free School for the Benefite of the Youth of North Carolina.”” The colonel of the New Hanover Regiment, the Parson and Vestry of the Wilmington Church appointed trustees to carry out the foregoing provision. Execu- triz: Juan INNES (wife). Wetnesses: Joon Cartyite, W. Cocks, CALEB Gramncer. Will made and executed at Winchester in Virginia. Proven before AntHUR Doss. Insy, Henry. Brunswick County. January 30, 1733. February 12, 1733-1734. Sons: Wituiam, HENRY (“plantation up North West and House and Lott in Cape Fair to hold in common with ExizaseTu, his sister, and Fortune Hotepreriry their mother’’). Daughters: ANN and EvizaBeTH Irpy. Hzecutriz: FORTUNE HoLeveritey. Witnesses: James Espy, Ropr. Eaton, WitLiaM Power. Will proven before Gzo. BurRineTon. Irvine, Roserr. Currituck County. February 16, 1735-1736. ‘‘According to the Computation of the Church of England, April 5, 1737.” Executor and sole legatee and devisee: GEORGE Powers. Witnesses: W. WuitTe, CHARLES WALPOLE, HumPHry VINCE, Ricwarp Span. Clerk of the Court: WM. SHERGOLD. ' 180 AxpstRact oF Witzs, 1690—1760. TsHam, JAMES. Duplin County. November 2, 1752. July Court, 1753. Sons: Jamms, CHarLEs. Daugh- ter: Marcarer. Wife and Executriz: Jann. Executors: Evan Evuis and Epwarp Harrison, Junior (brothers-in-law). Witnesses: Wm. Hovs- ton, Wm. McKes, Jonn Dunn. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dickson. Istanps (spelled also “Inanps”), RicHarp. Currituck Precinct. March 7, 1733. October Court, 1735. Sons: Ropert (150 acres of land in Princess Ann County), Gores (land in Currituck), Ricwarp. Daugh- ters: SARAH ILanps (100 acres of land in Princess Ann County), Jann Wave, ExizapetH Rovuiines. Wife and Execuiriz: Exizapetu. Wit- nesses: FRaNcis Moksr, Joun Rose, Mosus Ficuer. Clerk: James Cra- VEN. Ister, CurisTIan. Craven County. October 4, 1747. November 7, 1747. Sons: Joun (‘‘one negro, and horse, saddle & bridle’’), W1LL1AM (plantation and two negroes). Daugh- ters: EvizaBera and Susanna Isuer. Wife: EvizapetTa. LEzxecutors: FrREepDERIck IsLer (brother), JoHn and Witi1aM IsLEerR (sons). Wetnesses: Me.tcuer Rem, James Marsner, Saran Licksiat. Proven before EH. Hatt, C. J. Ismay, Joun. Edenton, Chowan County. January 12,1729. August 5,1732. Daughter: Nancy (lots 11 and 12 in Edenton). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Trustees: Joun Lovick and Epw’p Mosetey. Witnesses: SARAH RowpeEn, Jno. Marraews, WILL’M Wituiams. Will proven before Gro. BURRINGTON. Ivus, Jon. Craven County. February 21,1750. August Court, 1752. Sons: Jos (“4 of my land at the head of Broad Creek’’), Jonas (‘ loer half of my land on Broad Creek’’). Daughters: Esturr (land on south side of Broad Creek called Giddinses Point). Executor: Jon Ives (son). Witnesses: James WHITING, JACOB Jones, Frances Nasg. Clerk of the Court: Pam. Smrra. Ives, Tuomas. Currituck County. October 26, 1750. April Court, 1751. Daughter: Evisanera Ives. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Joun WoopHovuse, JAMES PARKER, Rope ALLEN. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’> McCuure. Jackson, Danie. Pasquotank County. February 14, 1734-1735.- January 10, 1737. Sons: Daniex, SAMUEL, Davin (“my plantation”), Witi1am, Joas (“Jong glade tract of land”). Agstract oF Witxs, 1690—1760. 181 Daughters: Ruta, ANN and EvisaBeTH Jackson. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Evxecutors: ZacHarias and SamurL Jackson (sons). Witnesses: Wm. Simson, Jr., Jonn Simson, Junr. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Smita. Justice of the Peace: Jam=S CRAVEN. Jackson, Davin. Little River. September 12, 1715. January 9, 1715-1716. Son: THomas. Daugh- ter: EvizaseTa. Wife and Evxecutriz: Mary. Brothers: Wiuu1aM and Aaron Davis, SamMuptu Jackson. Cousin: Lucy Jackson. Witnesses: Jos. Horny, Samvetyt Davis, Daniet Jackson. No signature of probate officer. Jackson, Isaac. Bath County. September 7, 1716. April 2, 1718. Son: THomas (‘‘my plantation”). Daughters: ExizaneTH CHESTER, RacueLL ApaMs, Marerit. [riend: Joun Jorpan. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBetH. Witnesses: Jon Jor- DAN, THo. Morris, EvizaserH Morris. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRInK- WATER. JACKSON, JOHN. Bath County. July 30,1728. March Court,1728. Legatees: Jonn Cuester (Executor), Epwarp Porner (Ezecutor), NicHoLass SMITH, ELIZABETH CHESTER, WIL- Liam WHITFORD. Witnesses: NicHOLAS SMITH, WILLIAM WHITFORD, JEAN Smita. Clerk of the Court: Joan Matrocke. Jackson, Ropert. Chowan County. January 21, 1757. October Court, 1757. Wife and Ezecutriz: ANN. Witnesses: JASPER CHARLTON, ABIGAIL CHARLTON. Clerk of the Court: THo. JONES. Jackson, SAMUEL. Pasquotank County. December 8, 1748. January 19, 1748. Sons: Jonn (‘‘upper part of plantation”), JosHua (“remainder of my land’’). Daughters: ELISABETH Benton, Miriam Poot, Mary Cartwricat, Mary Ann Lover. Wife: EuisaBEtH. Ezecutors: Joun and JosHuA JACKSON (sons). Witnesses: ABRAHAM RaNKHORN, SAMUEL Benton, Josera Rozinson. Will proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Jackson, SAMUEL. Pasquotank County. March 20, 1750. April Court, 1750. Sons: Assatom (“‘plantashion whereon I now live”), Mararas (land deseribed in will). Daughters: Mary and Hanau Jackson. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: DANIEL Jackson (brother). Witnesses: Jacop Mapren, ANN Jackson, Eviza- BETH BENnTON. Clerk of the Court: THomas TayYLor. 182 ABSTRACT OF Witxs, 1690—1760. Jackson, THomas. Bertie County. March 15, 1746. May Court, 1753. Sons: THomas (“plantation known as Mount Garriot, together with my ferry”), WitL1AM (plantation bought of RicuarpD Martin), Joun (plantation in Northampton County), JamEs (plantation in Bertie County). Wéfe’s daughter: Exizaneta HamMonp Grirrin. Wife: Hester. Ezecutors: Joun Brown, son of Dr. Jas. Brown, dec’d, BpnjaMIN Wynns and Hester Jackson. Brother: Jpre- MmiaH JACKSON of Boston. Codicil dated April 9, 1749, changes division of land among sons, and appoints as Executors: BENJAMIN WYNNS, WILLIAM Wyrnns and Hester Jackson. No witnesses or signature to codicil. Wtnesses to will: Wm. Pownr, James Grirrin, Berry Grirrin, CATHERN Conner. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin WYNNs. JACKSON, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. March 3, 1694. Sons: Zacwarias and Daninty. Wife: ExizaBeru. Will proven before W. Grover. Part of this will is torn away. Jackson, WitriAM, SENR. Albemarle County. February 21, 1695-1696. March Court, 1697. Sons: Wit Jackson, Jr., ZacHARIAH, Davin, Samurt, Daniex (plantation on the eastermost branch of Herrin Creek). Daughter: RutH Davis. Wife: ExvizaBera Jackson. Ezecutors: Zacnarian and Daniey Jackson. Witnesses: Hueu Campse.i, Ricn’p Prater, Wa. Simson. Clerk of the Court: Wi- LIAM GLOVER. Jackson, Witu1am, Jr. Perquimans County. February 1, 1734. April 20, 1735. Sons: Mosrs and Aaron (“planta- tion whereon I now dwell”). Daughters: PARTHENIA and MarGaRET JACK- son. Wife and Executriz: Marcaret. Witnesses: GeorcE GorpinG, WM. Jackson, Sr., Epwarp Jackson, THomas Wexzxkus. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Jackson, ZACHARIAS. Pasquotank County. October 18, 1748. August 4, 1749. Sons: Simon (‘the plantation”), Demcz (land bought of Joun ALLBIRD), Acs (plantation bought of Taomas Harris), Lamugt. Daughter: Darxes Jackson. Wife: EuizaBera. Executors: Wiuuiam and JoaB Jackson (brothers). Witnesses: DAN’L Jackson, Sr., SamueL Jackson, Davip Jackson. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON at Eden House. Jacos, Isaac. Currituck County. March 19, 1713-1714. July 14,1714. Daughters: Susanan Jacos (“my manor plantation at New Corotuck”), Jane Jacos (“a tract of land in New Corotuck on ye head of Deep Creek”). Overseers: Jon Procxter, Ben- AxsTRact oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 183 JAMIN SANDERSON. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Josep San- DERSON, Dinau, NELL, WILLIAM ASHLEY. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WICKER. Jacocks, THomas. County not given. May 2,1692. August Court, 1692. Hxecutrix and sole legatee: Wife, not named. Witnesses: Patrick Bratiy (or Baytey), Ricnarp Rooke. Clerk, Sect. Office: W. GLOVER. JAMES, Epwarp. Pasquotank County. February 8, 1720. April Court, 1721. Sons: Epwarp (‘my manner plantation”), GinBeRT. Sons-in-law: Doser Brts, Hezexian. Cousins: JoserH and Mary Murrey. Witnesses: SrepHen Sau, Mary Hutcaen- son, Joun Marryn. Clerk pro tem.: JouN Pain. James, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. May 31, 1733. May 9, 1733. Sons: THomas (“plantation whereon I now live’), WiLu1am (‘‘plantation I bought of Taomas PaLMER’’), SAMUEL. Daughters: Respecca James and Francis MacKEgeLte. Wife and Execu- triz: JanE. Executor: THomas James (son). Witnesses: SamuEL Bunpay, Jean Bunpay, J. Sweeny. Will proven before Gro. BuRRINGTON. Jamzs, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. September 18, 1757. September Court, 1757. Son: Wiuuiam (“my plantation”). Daughter: Mitty. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Executor: JosePH Poot. Witnesses: MatrHew Duan, EvizaBetu Jamrs. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TAYLOR. JaRMAN, THOMAS. Onslow County. April 5, 1759. January Court, 1760. Sons: THomas, JoHn, Moszs, Larrance, WituiamM. Daughter: Mary Jarman. Grandchildren: Wit- LIAM and Mary Jarman (children of Witt1amM). Wefe: notnamed. LEzec- utors: JOHN JARMAN and Mixer, Koonz. Witnesses: JOHN JARMAN, JACOB Mayer. Clerk of the Court: WiLL’M Cray. JARRATT, JOHN. Carteret County. April 13, 1745. June Court, 1745. Sons: Joun, Jacosp, ABRAHAM, Isaac. Daughters: Saran, SUSANNAH and EstHmr JARRATT, SARAH SHEP- AaRD, ExvisaBeTH Dupiey, ANN GasKILL, Margaret Worp. Wife and . Executriz: CATHERINE. Witnesses: GkorcEe Beti, THomas Lewis. Clerk of the Court: Groner Reap. Jarvis, Foster. Currituck County. December 3, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Samurty (100 acres of land adjoining JouNn Woopuouse), JonaTHan (200 acres adjoining tract above devised), Martain (361 acres of land), Witi1am (360 acres 184 Assrract or Wiis, 1690—1760. of land), Foster. Daughters: ExvizapeTH and Francis Jarvis. Grand- son: SamuEL Jarvis. Executor: Marrain Jarvis (son). Witnesses: Samvuret Satyer, Hintary Ware, Micaar, O’Nevi, Henry KInzey. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p McCuvurg. JasPER, RIcHARD. County not given. October 30, 1722. Son and Executor: Samunty (“my plantation’). Daughters: EvizapetH, ANN. Wife and Executriz: not named. Wit- nesses: CHARLES SMITH, CHARLES Situ, Jr., Mary SMITH. Jasper, SAMUEL. Hyde County. March 29, 1752. March Court, 1753. Sons: Samurt (“all my land’), Wiuiiam, JonatHan and Isrart. Daughters: Hannan Leata (her children Kezia and Joun), Ann Jasper, Mary Jasper, LyDDELA JASPER. Wife: Ann. Executors: Witu1am and JONATHAN JASPER (sons). Wit- nesses: RocER Mason, Jr., JouN Suave, Jr., Dorcas Leats. Clerk of Court: Tuos. JorRDAN. JEFFREYS, CHRISTOPHER. Perquimans County. January 23,1735. April Court, 1736. Legatees: ExizaBETH and JOSEPH Pottiz, of Pasquotank. Executor: JoszpH Potrir. Witnesses: SaMUEL Swann, Joun Wiuicocks, Patrick QuipLe. Clerk of Court: Jamuzs CRAVEN. JEFFREYS, ELizaBETH. Northampton County. June 20, 1742. February Court, 1742. Sons: Joun HILuiarD, Ossorne JEFFREYS, Ropert Hivuiarp, WitLiaM Hinuiarp. Daughter: EvizaBetu (wife of Joun Boppiz). Grandsons: Wiutiam, James, Isaac and Exias Hixuiarp (sons of WILLIAM), JEREMIAH, JAcoB and JoHN Hivuiarp. Granddaughter: Saran Hituiarp. Evzecutors: Joun HiiLiarD and OsBoRNE JEFFREYS (sons). Wdtnesses: I. Epwarps, Davin Dicson, Mary Duxs. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. JeFFreys, ELIzaBETH. Northampton County. January 28, 1742. February 1, 1742. May Court, 1743. This is a nuncupative will proven before Joan Dawson by Osnorn Jnrrreys and RacHEL Bouien, and bequeathes all property to daughter, ELizaBEera Boppiz. Property consists of land, stock and negroes. Executor: OSBORN Jerrreys. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. The original of this will missing; abstract made from recorded copy No. 142, in Grant Book 4. JENKINS, CHARLES. Hertford County. September 26, 1772. November 25, 1773. Sons: Wittram, Henry (“plantation he now dwells on”), CHaruzs (“plantation I now dwell on’’). Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 185 Daughter: ExizaBetu. Hxecutors: HENRY JENKINS, WINBOURNE, WILLIAM and CHarLes JENKINS (sons) and Witi1am Murrres. Grandsons: Cuar_es and SHURARD JENKINS (sons of WILLIAM). Witnesses: THomas Winsornn, Sarau Winsorn. Will proven before Jo. MarTIN. JENNETT, ABRAHAM. Perquimans County. October Court, 1742. Sons: Isaxtan, ABRAHAM, JEREMIAH. Daugh- ters: ANN and ELisaBETH JENNETT. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Execu- tors: JouN Moor, SamuEL Hauu, Ratpa Doz. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. JENNETT, JOHN. Tyrrell County. August 3, 1738. March Court, 1749. Sons: Witutam (“all my land”), Joun and JaBEz. Daughters: ELizABETH ALEXANDER, DoroTHy PoPTE- WELL, JEAN. Wife: Dornotuy. Hzecutor: WILLIAM JENNETT (son). Wit- nesses: Henry Norman, Jos. Spruinu, Sam’t Spruiwy. Clerk of the Court: Evan JongEs. JENNETT, JOHN. Tyrrell County. April 9,1748. June Court, 1749. Sons: ApranAM, JoHN. Daughters: Ann and EuizasetH JENNETT. Grandson: ABRAHAM JENNETT. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: GEORGE Caron, ANN JENNETT (“‘JABEZ’S Daughter”), Dantu. Granpin. Clerk of Court: Evan JonEs. JENNINGS, JOHN. Pasquotank County. April 15, 1751. July Court, 1751. Son: Isaac. Other children: men- tioned, but not named. Wife and Executrix: Lusz. Witnesses: Zacu- ARIAH Kererton, JosePH LAMBROSHER, NaTHAN OverMAN. Clerk’s sig- nature missing. JENNINGS, Mary. Currituck County. December 7, 1725. October 7, 1729. Son: Joun Retr. Son-in-law and Executor: Joun Norton. Witnesses: Davip Linsry, Henry Smiru, Joun Martyn. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. JENNINGS, THOMAS. New Hanover County. December 23, 1744. Son: THomas (“my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Evuiner. Executor: MicHaryt Huiceins. Witnesses: Jas. Macxitwean, DanieL DurEE, Ssertock. No probate. Jennines, WILLIAM. County not given. January 24, 1686-1687. April Court, 1687. Son and Executor: Jonn. Daughter: ANN LatHum. Son-in-law: Rapa Garret. Granddaughter: 4 186 Apstracr or Wiis, 1690—1760. Mary Garret. Godson: Wituiam Barxcaks. Witnesses: Tuos. Roure, Epwarp Cuampars, Wm. Routre. Officer before whom probated not named. Jenyines, WILLIAM. Currituck County. July 11, 1713. October Court, 1729. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Mary. Witnesses: Joun Butso, Jonn Norron, Margaret Norron. Clerk of the Court: J. Marryn. JENOURE, JosEPH, Surveyor General of North Carolina. September 30, 1732. January 13, 1732. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Son: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Wm. Lirrte, R. Foster. Proven before Gro. BurRINGTON. JERNAGAN, JOHN. Bertie Precinct. January 10,1733. February Court, 1733. Sons: THomas and GEorGE (200 acres of land’), Davip, James (100 acres of land). Ezecutors: TEMPERANCE JERNAGAN (wife), Bensamin Hit. Witnesses: JoHN Car- ROL, Barzitta Hewitt, Bensamin Hitt. Clerk of Court: Rr. Forster. JERNIGIN, Henry. Bertie Precinct. May 9, 1736. August Court, 1736. Sons: Hmnry (80 acres of land), Jacos (“my plantation’’), Jesse (80 acres of land), Dempsiz (‘‘plantation I bought of THomas Watson”). Daughter: ANN Jones. Wife: PHEBE. Executors: Henry and JacoB JERNIGIN. To Henry is also given land in Va. in north side of Summersetts Creek. Witnesses: THEOPHILUS WIL- LIAMS, JOHN JERNIGAN, BenneTT Buackman. Clerk of the Court: JoHN WYNNS. JESSOP, JOSEPH. Perquimans County. March 12, 1735-1736. August 29, 1735. Nephews: Tuomas JEssoP (“plantation whereon I now live”), Timorny and JonaTHan JESSOP. Granddaughter: Mary Mayo (“my plantation at the meeting house”). Kinsman: THomas PritcHarp. Brother: Toomas Jessop. Nieces: Mary and EvizaBets (daughters of THomas). Wife and Executrix: MARGARET. Executors: THomas Jessop (brother), Wintu1am Waits. Witnesses: Tuomas Winstowk, Lean Winstowe, JoHN WILLson. Will proven before W. Smitu, C. J. Jevins, EvizaBeru. Pasquotank County. February 5, 1734-1735. July 8, 1735. Son: Isam Swinnny. Hus- band’s nephew: NaTHANIEL CHEVIN. Executor: StmpHmn Scorr. Wit- nesses: Joun Scort, JoserH Pinpueton, J. Jessop. Clerk of the Court: Jos. SMITH. Axsstract oF Witis, 1690—1760. 187 JEVINS, JOHN. Pasquotank County. May 14, 1734. April Court, 1735. Wife and Executriz: Eizaperu. Friend: Epwarp Mayo. Witnesses: Epwarp Mayo, Mary Mayo, ANN Bryan. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Smrru. JEWELL, JOHN. Beaufort County. December 10, 1744. March Court, 1744. Daughter: ANNE JEWELL (“plantation whereon I now live on the Eastern Branch of Old Town Creek”). Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Executor: Jamms Apams. Wit- nesses: JAMES ADAMS, Mary Apams, JoHN Forsus. Clerk of the Court “oro hac vice’: JNO. TURNER. JEWEL, THOMAS. Beaufort County. December 24, 1735. March 9, 1735. Sons: Jonn, BENJAMIN, SAMUEL and Jamus (“‘all my land to be equally divided between them’). Wife and Executriz: Frances. Executor: JoHn JEweL (son). Witnesses: Daniet Buin, Exiz. Branan, JNo. CoLuison. Justices: Rost. TurRNER, Smmon Auperson, Sete Pirxinton. Clerk of the Court: Joun Couuison. Jounston, GaBrieL, Governor of North Carolina. Granville County. May 16,1751. April 4, 1753. Wife: Frances (plantation called Pos- sum Quarter in Granville County; plantation called Conahoe in Tyrrell and plantation in Bertie County on Salmon Creek). Daughter: PENELOPE Jounston. Nephews: SamMurt and JonN Jonnston, Henry JOHNSTON (“now at school at Newhaven in the Collony of Connecticut’). Sister: ELIzABETH SMEAR, of the County of Fife in North Britain. Executors: JoHNsTON and Wiiuiam Catucart. Witnesses: ANDREW LEAKE, SAMUEL Ormzs, THomas WuitmMeLu. Proven before Marr. Rowan. The follow- ing real estate devised: lands lying in Bertie, Northampton and Gran- ville; 1,000 acres on Cypress Creek on the south side of Trent River; 980 acres on Trent River; 400 acres on the head of Trent and New Rivers; 7,000 acres on Deep River in Bladen County; all the small islands in Roanoke River in the neighbourhood of Mount Gallard. The following are items of interest: “And in case my wife shall choose to remain in North Carolina and reside upon the lands of and live with my daughter * #* & my will is that she, my said wife, shall have the use of all my said daughter’s plantations and for her encouragement to cultivate and improve these plantations, especially in raising silk, etc. * * * And I earnestly request, my dearest wife to be a kind, tender mother to my dear little girl and to bring her up in the Fear of God and under a deep sense of her being always in his presence and in Sobriety and moderation confining her desires to things plain, neat and elegant, and especially to take care to keep within the bounds of her income and by no means to 188 Azstract oF Wit1s, 1690—1760. run in debt.” “My books I leave to Wittiam CaTHcartT after my wife and brother have choose out of them any number not exceeding forty each. To my sister Exizasera Smear my large gold watch * * * ,” Original missing. Recorded in Book 1755-1758, page 153. JoHNSON, JAMES. Albemarle County. August 21, 1694. October Court, 1694. Children: Wm. JOHNSON, James JouNSON and ExizaBeTH JoHNSON. Executor: RICHARD ATKINSON. Witnesses: Parrick Kenapy, ANDREW Davin. Clerk of the Court: Joun STEPNEY. JoHNSON, JOHN. County not given. September 10, 1693. Son-in-law: LAWRENCE GonsoLvo. Wife and Exec- utriz: SARAH. Overseers: CALEB CALLOWAY, JAMES Hoge, Tuo. Leprsr, Tuo. Hauguron, Joun Porter. No probate. Jounson, JOHN. Northampton County. January 27, 1745-1746. August Court, 1753. Granddaughter: Mary Jounson Bringer. Wife and Executriz: Many. Witnesses: JaMES JOHN- son, NicHotas Boon. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. JoHNsoN, JOHN. Brunswick County. March 1, 1750. February Court, 1752. St. Andrews Parish in Bruns- wick County. Son and Executor: W1uu1aM (“my land and plantation”). Daughters: AMEY Mircue.t and ANN JeLxs. Granddaughters: MARTHA and Anne (daughters of Wint1aM). Witnesses: Joun CARRELL, WILLIAM Hoittoway and Wituiam Moseipy. Clerk of Edgecombe Court: Brens’N Wryrwns. Jounson, JOHN. Hyde County. September 1, 1756. March Court, 1757. Son: Wiuu1am. Daughter: CaTHERINE. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: JOHN JENNETT, THomas JonEs, ABSALOM Jones. Clerk of the Court: STEPHEN DENNING. Jounson, Lewis. Bath County. October 9,1711. Sons: Ricnarp and Winuiam. Executor: FARNIFOLD Green. Witnesses: CHRISTOPHER Davuson, GrorcE GRAVE, ELIZABETH Hog. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 53. JOHNSTON, SAMUEL. Onslow County. November 13, 1756. January Court, 1736. Sons: Samus. and JoHN (6,500 acres of land on Cape Fear River). Daughters: Joan, PENELOPE, Isopeitit, ANN, Hannau (lands on Tuckahoe, together with negro slaves ABSTRACT OF Witts, 1690—1760. 189 belonging to testator). Executor: Joun Starxny. Witnesses: Cary GopBe, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, JoHN Mitton. Clerk of the Court: Witu1aM Cray. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1753-1763, page 134. JoHnson, SUSANAH. Chowan County. August 13, 1717. July 29, 1718. Son: Witu1am. Grandson: Jacos Parrot. Daughter and’ Executriz: Frances Rasor. Granddaughters: SusanaH and ELizABETH Parrot. Godson: EDWARD FREDERICK Rasor. Friend: Joun Harpy. Witnesses: LAURENCE Sarton, E———-z ; Wituram Watters, Patrick Canapa. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Jounston, THoMAs., Onslow County. August 13,1751. April Court, 1752. Sons: THomas, BENJAMIN, JOHN (“plantation I now live on’). Daughters: Saran PowELi, ANN WuitT- FIELD. Granddaughters: Mary, ANN and Priscitta Kerv. Other legatee: Marcaret Horns. Wife: Ann. Executor: THomas JOHNSTON (son). Witnesses: ANTHONY Lewis, JoHN BraBuam, Jos. Sturess. Clerk of Court: THo. Buack. Jounson, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. January 10, 1689. October 7, 1689. Sons: BensamiIn and THoMmas. Guardians: Joan Hawxins, THomas Rerrer (?). Wife and Executrizx: Mary. Witnesses: THomas Prise (Prick), THomas Corer (CooPER), Tuomas Miter. Clerk of the Court: Joun Puttrorr. Will proven also before THos. Rours. Jounson, WILLIAM. Carteret County. November 5, 1726. March 5, 1727-1728. Sons: THomas, JoHN STE- PHEN and EzEKEL (“my land’’). Son-in-law: THzo. Norwoop. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: ENocH Warp, Ricn’D CANADY, JOHN SIMP- son. Clerk of the Court: Joun GaLLANp. Jonss, ARTHUR. Bladen County. October 21, 1750. December Court, 1750. Sons: Lewis, SIPHRES. Daughter: Ann Jones. Executors: GERSHON Brensow, GRIFFITH JONES. Witnesses: CypRIAN SHIPHERD, SAMUEL PixE. Clerk of the Court: THos. Roseson. JonEs, CHARLES. April 25, 1693. July 15,1695. Legatees: Saran and TasyTHa ALFORD. Executors: THomas Symons, JoHN MrEps. Witnesses: ELLINER MELINE. JacoB DENILLARD, JaMES DAMERELL. Clerk Secretary’s Office: W. GLover. 190 Axnsrract or Wiis, 1690—1760. JONES, CHARLES. Bertie County. February 5,1739. February Court, 1748. Sons: CHARLES, JOHN, Lancr- Lot. Daughter: Saran OucuTrer. Wife’s daughter: Mary JonEs (land and plantation). Wife and Executriz: Katutran. Overseers: CHRISTEFER Ho.toman, Wititam Rassparny. Witnesses: NATHANIEL NIcKLEss, James Overton. Clerk of the Court: Henry DeLon. Jonzs, CoRNELIUS. Albemarle County. May 18, 1714. January 17, 1715. Son: CorNELIUS (land commonly called James Robinsons). Daughters: Exizapnra and Ann. Wife and Executriz: Evizapetu. Witnesses: Wm. Vaucuan, JOHN Buisu, FRANCES Harrison. Will proven before Jonn Biisu and Joun Bets. Jones, CorNELIUS. Currituck County. August 14, 1749. January Court, 1750. Sons: Wi1LL1aM, CORNELIUS (“my plantation”), Taytor. Daughters: Racue, Wuaxe (?), EsTHEr Wuirn, Ruopa Casie, Saran Moxeron, Brincer Jonzs. Wife and Executriz: Evisanetu Jones, Executor: ConneLiIus Jones (son). Wit- nesses: WILLIAM WHITE, JoHN ANSELL, WiLLIam DupiEy. Clerk of Court: Rica’p McCiure. Jonzs, Danreqt. Perquimans County. October 10, 1713. February 21, 1714-1715. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executors: Antuur Jones (brether), TimoTHy Ciare. Wit- nesses: JAMES MincE, Matuias Gites. Executors qualified before C. EDEN. Jonzs, Davin. Hyde County. January 9,1753. March Court, 1753. Sons: Moris, Tuomas, CuRIsTo- PHER and ABRAHAM (to these four is devised land in Currituck County), Ricuarp (“plantation I now live on’’), CoRNELIUS, SOLOMON (125 acres of land on Strohorn’s Neck). Daughters: ExiseperH Mason, ANN. Execu- tors: ELIZABETH JoNES (wife), THomas and Morris Jonzs (sons). Wit- nesses: SAMUEL SELBY, WILLIAM SELBY, SaraH Jonus. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas JORDAN. ; Jonzs, Davin, Sr. Hyde County. September 25, 1756. March Court, 1757. Sons: Morris (“my dwelling place”), Davin, Apsatum. Daughter: Evpzppera Jones. Evzecutors: Morris and Tuomas Jonus (brothers). Wife: Evmzeperu. Wuetnesses: Benya. Mason, Epwarp Spenser, ABRAHAM JonES. Clerk of the Court: Srep’n DENNING. Asstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 191 Jonres, Epwarp. Pasquotank Precinct. March 30, 1718. July 15, 1720. Wife and Executrixz: ANN. Brother: James Jones. Daughters: Priscitta Jones, ABIGALL Jonzs (land called the Ferny Ridge). To wife is given land called Basteba. Brother-in-law: Witi1am Roos. Witnesses: WILLIAM PHILuIps, SamuEL RansHer. Orig- inal missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 246. 4 Jowses, Epwarp. Bladen County. October 8, 1751. September Court, 1752. Son and Executor: Isaac. Daughters: Hannan Lock, Jang Enecxs. Grandsons: Isaac and Wit- uiaM Ewecss. Granddaughter: ANN ENecks. Wife: Susanna. To Car- ver’s Creek meeting is given ten pounds. Wutnesses: Joun Smits, Wm. Srssiy, Jonn Gray. Justices: Bensamin Firzranpoteu, Henry Sim- MOND, JONATHAN Evens. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Ropzson. Jonrs, Evan. Craven County. June 10, 1750. November Court, 1751. Sons: Evan (plantation on East side of Clubford’s Creék), Jamzs (plantation on the East side of Buck Creek), RocEr (“manner plantation on West side of Clubford Creek”), Cuares (plantation on West side of Cohookey Creek). Wife: ANN. Exec- utors: Evan, James and Rocrr Jones (sons). Witnesses: CATHARINE Jones, Bricgrtr Canapy, Witi1aM Fuioop. Clerk of the Court: Pur. SMITH. Jones, Evan. Craven County. December 23, 1752. March 19,1753. Son: Lovicx (“my plantation & lands on the East side of Clubfords Creek”). Daughter: Saran JONES. Executors: Tomas Lovicx and Rocur Jones. Witnesses: Jas. JONES, Joun Taneyuity, CHarLes Jones. Will proven before Jas. HasELt. Clerk General Court: Jno. SNeaD. Jones, Francis. Edgecombe County. + January 14, 1750. August Court, 1755. Sons: Narwaniey and Tine- NALL (land on Crabtree Creek in Johnston County), Joan (land on Crab- tree Creek), Marrumw (land on Swift Creek in J ohnston County), FRANcIS (land on Jackit Swamp, Edgecombe County), ALBRIDGTON, Riptey. Son- in-law: Joun CuuuEers (land on Crabtree Creek). Daughters: Juprita Wit- son, Mary Cutters, Lucy Jones, Betrs Day Jonss, Lyp1a Joss, Jemi- ma JonES. Executors: Mary Jones (wife) and NATHANIEL JONES (son). Witnesses: THos. Wiaeins, Francis Draxe. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. 192 AxssTract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Jones, FREDERICK. Chowan Precinct. April 9, 1722. March 26,1723. Sons; Witt1saM HaRDING Jones (lands on the south side of Moratoke River), Freprricx (“all my lands in Craven Precinct’), THomas (land at Maherrin and lands on north side of Moratoke River). To each of sons is bequeathed one diamond ring. Plate divided between sons. To brother Toomas Jonzs of Virginia is devised lands in King William County, Virginia, called Horns Quarter. Daughters: JANE (“Indian girle, four negroes, diamond ring and diamond earrings, Gold watch with chain, seal, etc.”), Marraa (four young negroes, one diamond ring, diamond earrings, gold shoe-buckles, thimble, etc., and one dozen finest damask napkins, one dozen diaper napkins, Holland sheets, etc.), REBECcKAEH (one diamond ring, about three dozen damask and diaper nap- kins, table-cloths, sheets, ete.) .Executors: THomas Jones, of Virginia (brother), Wm. Harpinc and Freperick Jonss (sons). Witnesses: Sarau Stewart, Roger Hazarp, Joun ANSLEY, Epw’p Mosexzy. Codicil bequeathes gold rings to Repecan Jonzs and silver-mounted pistols to Epwarp Mosriry. Proven before C. GaLE. Coat of arms on seal. Jonrs, FREDERICK. Craven County. November 21, 1758. February Court, 1759. Mother: Mary Moore. Brother: Harpinc Jones. Niece: Mary Jones. Executors: Harpina Jones (brother) and JosepH Lrercu. Witnesses: ELizaABETH SPAIGHT, Mary Vatu, Jane Swann. Clerk of the Court: Prtzer Conway. Coat: of arms on seal. Jonss, Hewry. Northampton County. November 14,1733. November Court, 1757. Sons: Henry (Executor), Wit.iaM, Joun (plantation on south side of Roanoke River), PHILip, JAMES (“plantation whereon I now live’). Daughter: ELezrBnTs Jones. Wéfe: CarHerRine. Four oldest sons appointed trustees. Witnesses: NEEDHAM Bryan, Grorce Smits, JoHN Exzss. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Jowrs, Heyry. Northampton County. November 26, 1751. February Court, 1752. Northwest parish in Northampton County. Son: Henry Resrore Jonzs (“my manor planta- tion”). Daughters: Prion, Gray, Mary and Kary Jones. Wife and Executriz: SaraH. Witnesses: JoHN MANDAR, JOHN CoRLEW, JUNR., JOEL MosrLey. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Jonzs, Hunry. Chowan County. February 11, 1754. April Court, 1754. Son: Witu1am. Daughters: Mary Lovet, JANE CHAMPION, SARAH Parker. Wife and Executrix: Exiz- ABETH. Executor: BENJAMIN PARKER. W<étnesses: HENRY Bonner, JOHN Luten, Samus. Luren. Clerk of Court: Witt Hatsey. ABSTRACT OF WILLIs, 1690—1760. 193 Jonss, Isaac. Pasquotank Precinct. January 7,1734. January 31,1734. Sons: Joun (“my manner planta- tion’’), Isaac (‘‘my little plantation”), NeammiaH (land beginning at “‘ye Fork Bridge, running, &c.’’), Evin (100 acres of land). Daughters: Doro- THY and Mary Jongs. LEzecutors: Joan Jonzs (son) and Jarnas JONES (brother). Wetnesses: ApeL Ross, JosHua GAMBLING, JoHN WALLIS. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, at Edenton. Jones, Isam. Edgecombe County. April 24, 1753. November Court, 1753. Wife: Mary. Daughter: Creacy. Executor: Wauuis Jones. Witnesses: RicHarp Burp, MATTHEW Jones. Clerk of the Court: BENs’N WYNNS. JONES, JAMES. Tyrrell County. August 3, 1750. No probate. Sons: James (150 acres of land), Trauey, Evan, Benzamin (150 acres of land). Daughters: Many Drarir, Ann and EnizasetH Jones. To Joun Ray is given ‘‘the liberty of dwelling on my land called the Folley.” Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Jonn Ray, WitLt1am Howarp, Evizapera Howarp. Jones, JOHN. Pasquotank County. November 23, 1707. January 20, 1707-1708. Son: Jonn (“all my land’). Wife and Executriz: Evizaspetu. Witnesses: RoBERT WALLIs, RicHarpD Mapren, Henry Sawyer. Clerk of Court: JoHN Pain. Jones, JOHN. Pasquotank County. March 23, 1719-1720. December 23, 1723. Father-in-law (meaning, probably, stepfather): JoHN Roure. Mother and Ezecutrix: EvizaABETH Rotre. Aunt: Mary Barp. Witnesses: JoHN Sotuny, JNo. RoLFs. Will proven before WiLtt1aM Reep, President. Jonrs, JOHN. Pasquotank Precinct. December 12, 1723. Legatees: Dortry and Exe Macxpanieu. Wit- nesses: THomMas H&ARENDEEN, JOHN JENNINGS, BENJAMIN SAWYER. Clerk of the Court: JOHN PARKER. Jonss, JOHN. Chowan Precinct. May 12,1727. May 15,1727. Sons: Witi1am, Jonn, THomas, Davin. Daughter: ExvisaneTa. Granddaughter: ExisaneTH Jones (daughter of Davin). Friend: Henry Boner. Executor: SAMUEL PADETH. Witnesses: Tos. Jones, Davin Jones, Wm. Yates. Will proven before RicHarp EV=ERARD. 13 194 Asstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Jonss, JoHN. Chowan County. August 6, 1734. October 18, 1744. Sons: Joun (‘my plantation”). Lewes, Samuev. Wife and Executriz: FLoraNce. Witnesses: Const. Luren, Joun Lewis, Jacop Privert. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Jones, JOHN. Chowan County. February 2, 1735-1736. October Court, 1736. Sons: JamzEs and Dem- sey (‘“‘all my land at the Loosing Swamp”). Wife and Executrix: ANN. Executor: James JoNEs (son). Witnesses: Joan Sumner, James Husarp. Clerk of Court: James CRAVEN. Jones, JoHN. Bertie County. September 25, 1750. May Court, 1751. Sons: Sotomon and JosmrH (plantation on Poplar Swamp), Wiuu1am, JouNn and James. Daughter: Mary Jones. Wife: not named. Ezecutors: Joan Brown, THomas - Eason. Witnesses: Taomas Eason, JonN Roperson, JoHN Hare, Souo- mon Howarp. Clerk of Court: Sam’, Ormgs. Jones, JoHN. Chowan County. June 23, 1754. ' July Court, 1755. Sons: Jamzs (plantation on Lousin Swamp), Joun (“plantation I bought of Wm. AsHiEy’”), Joszas (“my manner plantation which I purchased of JouN Perry”). Daughter: Jupiry Jones. Wife and Executriz: Jupira. Executor: James JONES (son). Clerk of the Court: THomas Jonss. Jonrs, Joun- Edgecombe County. October 24, 1757. June Court, 1758. Sons: Wauis, ETHELDRED, Joun. Sons-in-law: THomas Spe.y, CHarLes JERKINS, PereR MITCHELL. Other legatees: ANN and Bensamin RicHarpson, JoHN JONES. Daughter: Saran Jerxins. Ezecutor: Watts JonEs (son). Witnesses: Hunry Horn, Srxon Horn, Jostan Horn. Codicil dated December 17, 1757, mentions son FrepEeRick JonEs and makes bequests to other sons. Same witnesses. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Mont¥ortT. Jonzs, JOHN. ' Duplin County. March 15, 1759. January 12, 1759. Sons: Wituiam (“plantation whereon I now live’), THomas (100 acres of land), Joun (Executor). » Daughters: Parts, CarHerins, Evizasera, Mary ANN and Saran JonEs. “ Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: WILLIAM WuitFIzLp, ANN JoNEs, Ann Wiutams. Clerk of Court: Joun Dickson. Jonrs, Joun. Northampton County. June 24, 1759. October Court, 1759. Daughter: Euizaseta. -Wife and Ezecutriz: Priscinua. Brother: Epmonp Jones. Friend: SAMUEL Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 195 WELpon (lot No. 90 in town of Halifax). Executor: Joun Epmunps. Land in Southampton County, Va., and lot No. 15 in Halifax given to executors to be sold for payment of debts. Witnesses: WiLL CaTHCART, Wo. Fannine, James Dancy. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Jonrs, JOHN, Sr. Bertie Precinct. March 17, 1735. May Court, 1736. Sons: James, Frepmricx (“my plantation”), Jonn, JoserH. Grandson: Asranam Jones. Daughters: Awn Corren, Mary Bonner. Wife: Mantua. Trustees: JoHN Brown, Joun Battie, Wittiam Mears. Hzecutor: JoHn Jones (son). Wit- nesses: P. Hanrorp, JaMEs Dovuetass, ELizaABeTH Oquin. Clerk of the Court: Joan WyYnns. Jones, JONATHAN. Pasquotank County. April Court, 1740. Sons: Jonaruan (“plantation at ye head of Saw- yer’s Creek”), Cornexius (‘land below Sawyer’s Creek’’). Daughters: Mary, ELesesera, Ruta and Dinan Jones. Wife: Susan. Executor: Joseph Humrpuries. Witnesses: Witut1aM MAcCKDANIEL, CHRISTOPHER Humeurizes, Dinan Humpurigs. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. JONES, JOSEPH. September 10, 1756. Sons: James and Joserx (land divided between them). Daughters: Mary, Hannan, EvizasetH and Ann. Wife and Executrit: Marrua. Executor: Wituiam VauaHan. Witnesses: JOHN Wuirts, Ricoarp Nanson. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Fanizs. Jones, Mary. Bertie County. December 22, 1745. January 9, 1748. Legatees: ExisapeTH SPRUELL (cousin), Saran Hawkins (daughter of THomas Hawkins), THomas Hackman, THos. Surron (nephew), ExizapetaH Surron (sister), JoHN Surron (nephew, to whom is bequeathed 100 acres of land ‘in Cishooke at the head of the Line’), GzorcE Surron (nephew). Executors: CHARLES Jacocks, THomas and Joun Surron. Witnesses: Tuomas Hackman, Joan Burn. Will proven before Gas. Jounston, at Eden House. Jongs, Morris. Hyde County. September 25, 1756. December Court, 1756. Son: Hunry (‘my dwelling plantation”). Daughters: EtusesneTH, Mary, ANN, Ngomy and Saran Jones. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Tnos. Jonzs (brother), Henry Gises, JnR. Witnesses: Bensn. Mason, Epwarp Spmnser, SoLoMoN Jongs. Clerk of Court: SrepHen DENNING. Jones, Perer. County not given. April 2,1731. Sons: Persr (“plantation whereon I now live’), Ropert (374 acres of land on Mash Swamp). Daughters: Saran and Marrua Jones. Wifeand Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: WM. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM Pauu. No probate. 196 ApsTrRact oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Jones, Prrer. Perquimans County. February 17, 1753. April Court, 1753. Sons: THomas (“plantation whereon I now live”), ZEPHANIAH (land at head of land given to THomas), ZECHARIAH (land purchased of Wm. Wyatt), Matacuy (land on the Mile Branch). All of the sons to be given ‘‘Education to Reade & write a Ledgable hand and work Arithmitick through the single rule of three.” Daughter: Mary Jones. Grandson: Josrrn Jones. Wife: Mary. Arbi- trators to divide estate: Joan Harvey, JosrpH Barrow, JR., FRANcis Jones, NatHan and Ropert Newsy. Executors: JosepH WHITE, JOSEPH Ratuir, THomas Jones. Witnesses: EvAN SkINNER, WiILLM. SKINNER, Saran SKINNER. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Jones, Peter, Szvr. Perquimans County. May 15, 1751. April Court, 1752. Sons: Jonn (“plantation I now live on,” plantation at the Mile Branch), Witi1am (170 acres of land), Pzrer (“plantation whereon he now lives”). Daughters: Mary and Han- naH Jones, Saran Sutton, Respecca Denman, MarGret. Grandson: THomas SHERWOOD. Ezecutors: JoHN Jonzs (son), Mary Jonzs (daugh- ter), THomas Nicwotson. Witnesses: Mac Scarporovuan, Exizas. Scar- BROUGH, WiLLIAM Reep. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcna. Jones, Rocer. Beaufort County. July 25, 1741. September Court, 1741. Sons: Roger, Gxorcs. Daughters: JanE, MARGARET, Mary, Houuanp and ELIZABETH (to the two last named is given plantation called Holland House, also a plantation on Massapungo Swamp. Wife and Executrixz: Repecca. Witnesses: Joun Barrow, Lirrieton Esorn, Evizaseru Jones. Clerk of the Court: Jno. TURNER. Jones, SAMUELL. Currituck County. September 30, 1723. Sons: Tomas (one shilling), SamuzL and Wi- u1aM (land called Thurrefare Ridge), Izavaw and ZACKARYATH (“my dwell- ing plantation”). Ezecutors: Wiuu1am Wiuuiams, THomas Daves. Wit- nesses: MARGRET CROssMAN, DANLL. Puitiips. Clerk of the Court: THos. Lowruer. Jones, Saran. Bath County. May, 1722. Daughters: Montne Mirem, Cuarity Suute, EvizaBETH Carney, Mary Smira (Ezecutriz). Grandson: James Smita. Wotnesses: Francis DeLamars, Joann Martin, Tuomas Davis. No probate. Jones, Tomas. Bertie County. 1754. Petty Shore in Bertie County. Legatees: Margret Wess (widow of SamueL Wess), SamuEL WEBB (son of Mareret), Henry Hin, Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 197 JoHN CAMPBELL (of Lazy Hill). Hxecutor: Joun CampBeu.. No signa- ture. No witnesses. Will proven before ARTHUR Dogss by BENJAMIN Wynns, ALEXANDER Forp and JosePpH Heron, who made oath as to the handwriting of the testator. Jonzs, Witt1am Harpine. Chowan County. January 22,1730. July 27, 1732. Eastern parish in Chowan County. Wife: Ann (4,000 acres of land on Roanoke River, together with ‘house and plantation whereon I now live with third part of the negroes * * * * except ye family pictures and Court of arms which I give to my well beloved brother Freppick Jonus and likewise all ye books in ye said house which I give to my brothers FREpDpIcK and THomas Jonzs’’). No executor appointed. Witnesses: Grorce ALLEIGN, Sam’LL SNowpEN, Marruzw Youne. Proven before Jno. Pauin, C. J. Coat of arms on seal. Jones, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. January 9, 1722. Sons: Joun (“land whereon he now lives”), Hm=nry (“the plantation whereon I now live’’), CHarims (land on Deep run). Grandson: Wituisam Jonus. Daughter: Janz Listes. Granddaughter: Dororuy Listas. Grandsons: Wituiam Listes (son of JANE), WILLIAM Lewss (son of Exisasers Spier), Witt1am Jones (son of Henry Jonus), Wituiam Watston (son of Dorotay Watston), Witt1am Jonzs (son of Joun Jones). Other legatees: Henry Lisuzs, Jr., and Henry Lisuzs, Sr. No executor appointed. Witnesses: Frances Howcotr, Hanau Luten, Tuomas Lurten. No probate. Jonrs, WiniiaM. Chowan Precinct. May 4,1722. Sons: Joun (land at “ye Rich Thick’tt in Virginia,” after his decease to his sons, JoHn and Jamus), also one hundred acres of land on Deep Run Swamp to go to his sons, Davip and Win114M, after his decease), Henry (“the plantation whereon I now live,” after his death to his son, Witu1aM), Caries (100 acres of land). Daughters: Jzann Lysim, Eviza- BETH SPreRs, DororHy Watston. Other devisee: Wm. Lyues. Executor: THomas Luren. Witnesses: Ropert FuLuerToN, Mary FuLLERTon, Mary Dreace. No probate. Jongs, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct. March 15, 1736. May 20,1736. Son: Epurame (“plantation whereon I now live”). Wife: Ann. Ezecutors: Francis Hopson, Henry JErni- GAN. Witnesses: BENNET BLACKMAN, Henry Baker, Jr. Will proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Z Jones, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. April 28,1740. September 1, 1742. Daughters: Euisaseta, Ruta, ANN Prisket, wife of Joun Prisket; Haner, wife of Souomon Rozson; JANE, 198 Asstract or Writs, 1690—1760. wife of Rost. Dunpar. Grandchildren: WM. QuINN and Wm. Rosson. Executors: Marcet Jonss (wife), Sonomon Rosson. Witnesses: RicHarp Cupex, Wm. Mitcuriti, JonN Bryty, Joun HeEninton. Will proven before J. Montcomery, C. J. Jones, WILLIAM. Edgecombe County. November 27, 1749. August Court, 1750. Sons: Dreury, PETER (“plantation whereon I now live”), Isam (grist mill). Arbitrators to divide land: THomas Hitu, George Nicnorson, Jonn CiarK, WaLiis JONES. Executors: Saran Jonrs (wife) and Watus Jones. Witnesses: THomas THROWER, WILLIAM ATKISON, WINNIFRED ATKISON. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Jonrs, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. December 9, 1750. April Court, 1752. Son: Wit11am. Daughters: EisaBeTH BaRBer, REBECKAH JONES. Arbitrators to divide estate: JOHN Harvey, JosrrH WuitTe, Jos=rH RiBINsoN, JosePH Barrow. Executors: Prerer Jones (brother), Mosts BarsBer (son-in-law), WILLIAM JONES (son). Witnesses: JosePpH Barrow, JUNR., JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN Bar- Row. Clerk of the Court: Epvmunp Hatcu. Jones, WILLIAM. Halifax County. January 3, 1758. -June Court, 1759. Sons: Witu1am (land he now has possession of), Henry (300 acres land), Brirron (300 acres of land ‘“‘adjoin- ing my mill’), Srmon (500 acres of land with mill). Daughters: Sarau, Winnirrep, Amey, Evizapeta, Sirva. Wife and Evxecutriz: Saran. Executor: W1LL1aM Jones. Witnesses: AucusTinE Bats, Nicnouas Kit- LINGSWoRTH, SOLOMON Hawkins, Saray Jones. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Jonrs, WILLIAM. Chowan County. July 15,1773. March 16,1774. Daughters: CHARITY WALKER, RACHEL Luten, Ester JoHNSTON, Saran, AN and Epag Jones. Son: James (“my plantation”). Hxecutors: THomas Bonner, JoHN Lewis and JAMES JONES. Witnesses: Joun MusHrow, Dancy Trotman. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Jorpan, ARTHUR. Northampton County. November 13,1751. May Court, 1752. Sons: Grorcs (‘land where he now lives”), ARTHUR, JoHN and THomas (“land JoHN now lives on’’), Henry (150 acres of land), Bensamin (‘plantation where I now live’). Daughters: ELizaBETH, FortunE. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: BenJaMIN JORDAN (son). Witnesses: CHARLES GREGORY, JAMES JORDAN, Wiuuiam Barcrort. Clerk of the Court: 1. Epwarps. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 199 Jorpan, ARTHUR. Northampton County. September 14,1754. August Court, 1755. Sons: Samuret and ARTHUR. Daughters: Resecca, Mary and Saran. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: AntHuR Youne, Reupgen Rogers. Clerk of the Court: I..- Epwarps. Jorpan, DExoraH. Bladen County. September 4, 1769. February 14,1770. Brothers: Iruamar and JoHN SineteTARY. Daughter: Marcaret Gipson. Niece: DEBORAH SINGLE- TaRY (daughter of Iraamar). Executors: Joun SINGLETARY (brother) and Water Gipson (son-in-law). Witnesses: Joun Russ, EpH’m Murorp, JoszrH Powers. Will proven before Wm. Tryon. JORDAN, JOHN. Hyde Precinct. December 31, 1719. Son and Executor: Joun. Daughters: MARGARET, wife of Joun Foreman; Mary Jorpan. Witnesses: PetER McDUvuis, Tuomas TyLer, Isaac CHapanas. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 219. ! JORDAN, JOSEPH. Pasquotank County. January Court, 1752. ‘Witnesses: Samus. Hucue, Demsry Connor and JoserH Rozinson. Will illegible. JoRDAN, SoLoMoN. Tyrrell County. March 3, 1721-1722. April 11, 1722. Sons: ABranam (200 acres of land on north side of Cashia River and other tracts described in will). Daughters: Luarresia, Repecca. Wife: not named. Executor: Mas. Rosert West. Witnesses: Repecca Corry, Race, Buttior, Martin Cremen. Will proven before THos. PoLtLocx. Jorpan, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. July 4, 1732. November 2, 1732. Sons: Joan (‘my manner planta- tion”). Daughter: Ester. Wife and Executriz: Sars. Executor: Naraanie, Evererr. Witnesses: Tuos. Hossps, WILLIAM GARRETT. Sam’Lt Durrance. Will proven before Wm. Lirtiz, Chief Justice. Joy, WiLL1aM. Pasquotank County. ' December 17,1725. January 18,1725. Wife and Executriz: Marcery. Other devisees: Sotomon and SaraH Everton. Witnesses: JEREMIAH Everton, Frances Everton. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. Werxes. Hzecu- triz qualified before GABRIEL BARNHAM. Karzin, JoHn. Perquimans Precinct. December 20, 1685. Executor and sole legatee: Ropert InBason. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM DansE, ANDREW Ross. No probate. 200 AxsstracT oF Wits, 1690—1760. Kasewe tt, Francis. Pasquotank Precinct. January 1, 1712-1713. Allegator in Albemarle County. No probate. Daughters: Martua and Mary Kasewe.i. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: ANN Waits, Hannan MANSFIELD, Esenr. Waite. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 42. Kearsry (spelled also Cearsry), THomas. Bertie County. October 28, 1730. August Court, 1731. Sons: Joun (land on Cashie Swamp), THomas and Wiutam (lands), James and Prtrer. Daughter: Mary Ponacon. Wife and Executriz: Susanna. Grandson: WILLIAM Kearsey. Executor: Taomas KearseEy (son). Witnesses: THomas Kear- sEY, Jn., Mary Pouzaain, Joseph Darpmn, ARTHUR WILLIAMS. Clerk of Court: Rr. Forster. Keerrs, FrRepericx. Bertie County. November 10,1723. February Court, 1723. Wife and Evecutriz: ELui- nor. Sons: FREDERICK and JOHN. Witnesses: James Bates, ELIZABETH Keere, Marcrett Kerere. Clerk of Court: Rr. Forster. Keet, Joun. Bath County. November 18, 1736. Legatees: Joun Marnner, Wittiam MaINNER (sons of Wm. and Saran Mainner). Brother and Executor: NATHANIEL Keer. Witnesses: Jos Brooxs, Witu1am Manner. No probate. Keer, Lemvet. Pasquotank County. February 11, 1747-1748. April Court, 1748. Brother: CHartes KEZL. Wife and Executrix: Tamer. Witnesses: Hen. PENDLETON, ROBERT Hosna. Clerk of Court: THos. Taytor. Kerr, Tamar. Pasquotank County. December 14, 1748. January 19, 1748. Legatees: Susannan, wife of Tuomas Mzaps; Evizapetu, daughter of Taos. Mraps, and WILLIAM Davis (Executor). Witnesses: Jas. GREGory, WILLIAM WaLuis. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Kerexanp, Joun. Edgecombe County. January 21, 1752. March 24, 1752. Executor and sole legatee: JamES Carrer. This is a nuncupative will proven by Witt1am HornssBy, Wit- LiaAM TayLor and CaTTREN CarTER. Clerk of Court: Beny’n Wywns. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Keeton, Hewry. Pasquotank Precinct. September 20, 1710. Son: Josrrn (plantation at New Begun Creek). Daughters: EvizaBeTa and Merriam. Overseers of will: Epwarp Mayo, ABSTRACT OF WILLS, 1690—1760. 201 BENJAMIN PRicHARD and JosEra GLAIsTER. Wife and Executrix: Evisa- BETH. Witnesses: Joan Jenninas, W. Norris, JonHN Simson. No pro- bate. Keeton, ZacHariau, Sr. Pasquotank County. April 28,1743. January Court, 1743. Sons: ZacHaRiIaAH and Patrick. Daughters: Mary Cory, ExizaBpetH WILLcocKs. Granddaughter: ELINrR Winsere. Wife: Saran. Evzecutors: ZacHaRIAH and Patrick (sons). Witnesses: STEPHEN Scott, Jos—erH LoMBROSKER. Clerk of Court: THos. TAYLOR. Kerrz, THomas. Albemarle County. September 19, 1682. March 6, 1682-1683. Sons: Taomas, Roser. Daughter: Saran. Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Guardian: Tuo. Rous. Witnesses: THo. Roure, Francis Warpn, WILLIAM BentLey. Proven before Wit. CRaAFORD. Keer, Joun. Pasquotank County. October 22, 1758. December Court, 1758. Son: Asa. Daughters: Mary, ExvizapeTH, Marta and Nanna Ketiy. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBets. Executor: Parrick Keuxy (cousin). Witnesses: Joun Mac- BRIDE, SaMuEL Epny, SaraH Macsripe. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Coat of arms on seal. Kerry, Sarau. Pasquotank Precinct. January 1, 1699. April 16, 1700. Daughter: Saran Keiiny. Ezec- utor: JOHN MacKkEELL. Witnesses: Too. Boyp, Danrey Mackesgt, Ewiza- BETH Clerk of the Court: Taos. ABINGTON. Keury, Matuew. Pasquotank County. April 16,1697. January 16,1699. Sons: James and Jonn. Daughters: EvizaBeTH and Resscca. LEszecutriz: Wire, not named. Witnesses: Henry Wuirs, JAMes Davis. MacpaLen KE zy, probably wife of testa- tor, adopts will as her own by writing dated December 10, 1699. Wutnesses: Henry Waits, JAcoB Overman. Clerk of the Court: Too. ABINGTON. Ketzy, Suiru. Perquimans Precinct. February 2, 1734. April 15, 1734. Son: Nicnotas. Wife and Execu- triz: Mary. No signature. No witnesses. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Denman. Kemp, Grorae. Pasquotank County. January 20, 1723-1724. April Court, 1724. Sons: Gzorez and ALLEN (all my lands). Daughter: Saran Kemp. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Mac. ScarsoroucH, JoHN ToxeEy, THo. Hitzarp. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. 202 Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Kemp, Witi1aM. Anson County. April 20, 1750. April Court, 1753. Sons: Jonn, WitLiam, THomas, JoserH and Steven. Daughter: Saran Kemp. To the sons is bequeathed land described in will. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBETH. Executors: JOHN and Wiuram (sons). Witnesses: ANDREW MareMan, ANTHONY Hutcu- ins. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Dunn. Kernepy, WALTER. Johnston County. March 25, 1751. June Court, 1751. Son: Joun. Daughter: Mary Kennepy. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: JoHN KENNEDY, Rost. Fettow. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Jamms Oates. Kent, Joun. Bath County. September 28, 1719. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: RicHarp Harvey. Witnesses: ANTHONY MarKuHaM, JouHn McKeeEt and JoHn Har- vey. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 219. Kenyon, Joun. Perquimans County. May 19,1751 July Court, 1752. Son: Joan (“my plantation”). Wife and Executrix: Mary. Evxecutors: ABRAHAM HeNDRIXON (brother-in-law) and Joun Weakses. Witnesses: Joun Mopuina, Sam’Lt Moors, Hannaw Mopuine. Clerk of the Court: Eopmunp Harcu. Keron, Joun, Sr. Perquimans County. February 28, 1734-1735. October 1, 1735. Sons: Joun, Lewis, Jo- sEPH. Daughters: Saran Hupparp, EvizaperH Wiaceins. Wife and Executriz: ExizapeTH. Executor: ZacHARIAH Nickson. Witnesses: Ep- warp Moors, JoHN Wiiicocks, Ropert Cocks. Clerk of the Court: JamMES CRAVEN. Kissir, ABRAHAM. Onslow County. December 6, 1750. April 2, 1757. Son: James. Daughter: Luss. Stepsons: THomas and Danig~ Hrx. Son-in-law and Executor: JosprH Witusams. Wife and Executriz: Epiru. Witnesses: Taos. JENKINS, JosEPH Loyp, Witu1am Loyp. Codicil provides for education of son “as far as the rule of three.” Witnesses: Tuos. Jenkin, Joszpa Loyp, Wit- LIAM Loyp. Kirsrx, CHRISTOPHER. Northampton County. February 9, 1741-1742. May Court, 1752. Sons: Eparuropirvs, XPpuer (to each is devised land). Daughters: Sarag, EvizaABEtu, FRANCES. Wife: Katuerine. Executors: Mas. JosmepH Gray, THomas JARRELL. Friends: Josaua Lewis and Joun Fort. Witnesses: Joun Brassey, Tuomas Wessrook. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. AxpstracT oF Witts, 1690—1760. 203 KiniineswortH, Francis. Johnston County. March 3, 1751. March Court, 1752. Son: Nous. Wife: Repeckan. Executors: ArrHuR Fort, Sotomon Homes. Witnesses: Racueu Stx- PHENS, EvizaBeTH Pace. Deputy Clerk of the Court: CHas. Youna. Kiiiuinesworts, Ricwarp. Edgecombe County. December 3, 1733. Wife and Haecutriz: Mary. Cousin: Ricnarp KILLineswortH. Witnesses: BENJAMIN Woop, Francis Woop, Jno. Srrir. No probate. Kincg, CHRISTIAN. Brunswick County. December 24, 1761. January 19, 1762. Sons: Jonn, Epwarp, WI1- uiaM. Daughter: ExvizaBetu. Executors: Joun and JoserH Kincr and Epwarp Winuiams. Wife: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Jonn Fittyaw, Samurt Kince, Joun Howarp. Proven before ARTHUR Dopss. Kincuen, WILLraM. Edgecombe County. November 6, 1758. December Court, 1758. Sons: Joun (land on the river adjoining Craghill), Witt1am (“remainder of my land”). Daughters: Marrua, ExizapeTs, Mary and Temperance. E-zecutors: Buake Baker, Henry Dawson (brothers), Joun KincHEN (son). Witnesses: Henry CampsELL, PeTeR JoNES, WILLIAM Moore. Glerk of Court: Jos. Mont- FORT. Kine, Henry. Chowan County. February 24, 1714. April 16, 1716. Sons: MicHamL, CHarLes and Henry (lands in Chowan and in Virginia). Daughters: ELisaBeTH, CATREN and Mary Kine. Signatures of witnesses torn off. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicxs. Names of witnesses appearing in probate: CHRISTOPHER VANLUON, Joun Hayes, Jupirn Fox. Kine, Henry. Bertie County. July 1, 1750. May Court, 1751. Daughters: Cattren, ANN and Pru- DENCE Kine. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Exzecutors: Rost. Wxst, Jos. Harpy. Witnesses: AGNEE MARVELL Knott, HANNAH MaLtimerR. Clerk of the Court: Sam’L ORMgs. Kine, Joun. Onslow County. January 5, 1743-1744. July 4,1749. Sons: Joun, CHaRLes, WILLIAM, Nicuouas, Henry and Jacos, Micnary. Wife: Priscitusa. LEvxecutors: Lewis Jenxins and Groram Bissop. Witnesses: IsaBELLA JENKINS, EvizaBets Wingate, Saran HieMan. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Portion of this will missing. 204 ApstracT oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Kine, Mrcwart. Bertie County. May 20, 1741. October 29, 1741. Sons: Micnary, Henry and Joun. Daughters: Cataerine, Issey, Penztope and Mary Kine. Wife and Executriz: Ispet. Executors: Coury. RopEerRT West and his son Roper. Witnesses: Roger SNELL, JNo. Hitt, J. Hotproox. Proven before J. Montcomery, C. J. Kinestan, JAMES. July 12, 1748. Legatees and devisees: Jacop Bont, Jr., afid Wm. THomas, Junk. Ezecutors: Jacos Bont, Sr., and WiLL1aAM THomas, Sr. Witnesses: Wm. McCanne and Nat McCanne. No probate. Kunst, Joun. Perquimans County. October 8, 1718. April 14, 1719. Daughter: EvizapeTa Kinszy. Daughter-in-law: Mary Nicxoxtson. Son-in-law: Samur. NickoLson. Wife and Ezecutric: Presinuan. Executor: Ricnarp Raturr. Wit- nesses: EDWARD Maupuin, Ezexret Maupuin. Clerk of the Court: Ricu- ARD LEARY. Kinsey, Joun. Craven County. April 9, 1752. May Court, 1752. Sons: Joun, JoserH, ABSALOM, CurisTiaAn and Samuru. Daughter: Easter. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Executor: JOHN GRaNaDE. Witnesses: JNo. Snzap, Harpina Jonss, Joun Dunn. Clerk of the Court: Puiu Smiru. Kirsy, Tuomas. Chowan County. May 7, 1718. July 16, 1719. Sons: Tuomas, Cuartes and Epwarp. Daughters: Mapet and Easter. Wife and Executriz: Easter. Witnesses: Joun Corson, Richarp Horn, Rospert SuHarar. Proven before Cuas. Epen. Kisasiz, MicHast. Craven County. March 8, 1727-1728. September 24,1728. Daughter: Mary Frowna. Wife: mentioned, but not named. Daughter-in-law: Marcer Teacuy. Son-in-law: Danie, Tracuy. Executors: Matuzw Risnover and Fiercuer Miter. Witnesses: Rost. Smita, ALEXANDER Stent, JOHN WaxFIELpD. Clerk of the Court: C. METCALFE Kircuine, Wini1aM. ; Perquimans Precinct. May 4,1736. May 20,1736. Devisees and legatees: Dante, Rogerson (“plantation I now live on, called Mount Messeary”), JostaH RogeErson, CHRISTOPHER JACKSON, CHARLES DENMAN, CHRISTOPHER Denman, SaRAH Denman, Tuomas Lituy, Jr., Wituiam Littey, SaARAn Roserts, GIL- BERT Scot, Joun Lituny, Castan Rogerson, MARGRET Rogerson, ANN Apstract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. 205 Moore, Jean AsPELL. Executor: Dan’LL Rogerson. Witnesses: Wat- TER ANDREW, WILLIAM Roperts, Mary ANDREW. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Kyieut, Lewis ALLEXANDER. Pasquotank Precinct. March 17, 1731. April Court, 1732. Sons: Emmanuet and Lewis (land ‘‘on ye River”). Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: Jur. Sweeny, TimorHy Meapres, Mary Sweeny. Clerk of the Court: W. Minson. Kyieut, Topas. Bath County. June 11, 1719. July Court, 1719. Wife and Executriz: CATHERINE. All lands, ete., conveyed to wife and daughter-in-law: ELIZABETH GLOVER. Witnesses: JNo. Hauvron, Epwp. CHAMBERLAYNE, PETER Hanp. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Hauron. Kyieut, WILLiaM. Bertie County. December 3, 1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: Jounn, WILLIAM, Nemian. Wife: Marraa. Friends: Isaac CaRTER, JosSEPH BENTHALL. Executors: Isaac Carter, JoHN Kwnicur (son). Witnesses: WILLIAM Knicut, Susanna Sxiner, JosepH Bentuauy. Clerk of the Court: SAMUEL ORMEs. Kwox, Joun. Chowan County. February 11, 1729-1730. November 17, 1730. Son: THomas. Wife and Executriz: Marcret. Daughier: Many Knox. Guardian of daughter: Joun Porter, Sr. Executor: Joun Porter, JR. No witnesses. Proven before RicHarp EvEerarD. Korwecey, Grorer. Craven County. November 2, 1773. November 29, 1773. Sons: DanieL, Evian (land in Dobbs County on Falling Creek), Jonn Jacop, GrorcE (250 acres of land in the fork of the Beaverdam in Duplin County), WiLLIAM, Davin, Josepx (500 acres of land on the northeast of Cape Fear), ABRA- HAM. Daughter: Many DeBruay. Executors: Joun, Jacop and Grorer Kornecey (sons). Witnesses: JOHN GRANADE, Morgan SmituH SANDERS, Ruzen Anprews. Proven before Jo. Martin. Lacyz, Witi1am, SENIOR. Albemarle County. August 3, 1701. July Court, 1704. Daughter: Barpary Lacys. Granddaughter: Mary Lacys. Daughter-in-law: Mary Lacyr. Son: Wituiam Lacyr. Barpary and Mary Lacys, daughters of WitL1AM Lacyz, Jr. Executor: Wm. Lacy, Jr. Witnesses: Peter Grey, SENIOR, Peter Gray, JR., THomas Houmes. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. SNODEN. 206 Axssrract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Lacy, WiLi1aM. Perquimans County. January 17, 1734-1735. January 29, 1734. Sons: WiLLiam and Tuomas (“land and plantation whereon I now live”), Josep. Executors: Wire (not named) and Ricuarp CueasTen. Witnesses: JOHN POWELL, Artuur Craxton and Isaac Mackey. Proven before GABRIEL JOHNS- TON at Edenton. Larrirrre, TrmMorTHy. Ederiton Precinct. November 4, 1742. March 24, 1742. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: BENIN. TALBOT, JESSE Brenn, Tuos. Buount. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Laxaro (or Lakers), Bengamin. Perquimans Precinct. April 7, 1701. July 8, 1701. Wife and Executriz: Juutana (land on Parishes Creek). Daughter: Saran Harvey (book, ‘‘Grantham’s Church Principles’). Friend: GEorcE BuEIGHTON (‘‘one book, being an Exposi- tion upon the five books of Moses’’). Witnesses: RicHarD FRENCH, EvizaBetH Steward, Desoran Tuurston. Clerk of the Court: JoHN STEPNEY. Laxer, JULIANA. Perquimans County. September 24,1735. January Court, 1738. Great-grandson: BENJAMIN Scarsoroues, son of Macknora ScarsoroucH (plantation called the Chenifen Ridge). Sister: Nepruania Hutson. Daughter: JoaANNA Patmer. Other legatees: Hutson and Jutiana Wortuam, Martua PatmMer, SAMUELL PatmMeR. Executor: MackEora ScaRBoROUGH. Wit- nesses: JOHN BanckEy, Paciana Creacy. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Lams, Witzi1aM. Perquimans County. December 4, 1757. April Court, 1758. Wife and Executrix: Miriam. Daughters: ExizABeTH, Miriam and Mary. Brother and Executor: Wit- tiAM Newsy. Witnesses: SamuEL Litreson (or Sirreson), Davin Pow- ELL, JAcoB Witson. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Lameerson, Henry. Beaufort County. February 17, 1743-1744. June Court,1744. Wife:Mary. Son: Joun. Executors: James Humes, Jesse Jones and JoHn Puystoc and NaTHANIEL Draprer. Witnesses: Joun Puysioc, James Macketway, Natu’tu Dra- PER. Clerk of the Court: Tus. Gooxp. Axsstract or Witis, 1690—1760. 207 Lane, Curistian. Edgecombe County. October 5, 1747. May Court, 1748. Daughters: Saran and Mary Lang. Son: AsBRaHaM. Other legatees: CuristiAN Hin. Executor: ApraHam Hitt. Witnesses: StepHen Jackson, Saran Hiuy. Clerk of the Court: Bans’N WYNNS. Lane, Epuraim. Craven County. July 21,1773. June 8, 1774. Wife: Saran. Other devisee and legatee: Freperick Topvine. Brothers: Samus and GrorGEe Lane. Exzecutors: RicHarD CaswELL and FURNIFOLD GREEN. Witnesses: Epwarp Hauze, Wo. Mix, Ricuarp Trer. Proven before Jo. Martin. ’ Lanz, JosnPu. Edgecombe County. December 6, 1757. November Court, 1758. Brother: Witt1am Lane. Sisters: Farra Bynum, Drewsituer Bryant. Other legatee: WINIFRED Porr. Ezxecutors: JOHN BRADFORD and Henry Porn. Witnesses: Bren- JaMIN MerRRYMAN, BarnaBaS Lane, Davip Dickson. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Monrrorr. “ae Lanz, THomas. Bertie County. March 30, 1754. November Court, 1754. Daughters: ANN Roseson, Euizaseta Lane, Saran Berry. Son: Wituiam. Evzecutors: JoHn Ropinson, Ann Rosinson and ExvizapetH Lane. Witnesses: Josern Butrerton, Wittiam Prrsey, Sam’tu O’StEEn. Clerk of the Court: SaMUEL OrMEs. Lanz, WALTER. Newbern, in Craven County. September 13, 1742. August Court, 1757. Brothers: Wint1am, JoHN and GrorcE Lang. Sisters: ELIZABETH Matto, SaraH Goparp, ELENoR Hixon, Racuset. Son: Grorce (“my lot in Newbern, No. 10”). Grand- sons: WaLTeR Lang and Watter Hixon. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: SamurL Swann. Witnesses: JoHN Lapi=RRE, JoHN Bryan, Martin Franck, Dan’Lt Granpin. Clerk of the Court: Peter Conway. Lanier, Rozerr. Tyrrell County. September 20, 1744. March Court, 1744. Daughters: Jnan, Eviza- BETH, SARAH, ANNANAZAH CRISTANAH, GRASE, SaMARIAH. Sons: WIL- miamM and Joun (1 bible each). Grandsons: Ropert Danieuu, JoHN Bryan. Granddaughters: Saran and Mary Giupert. Wife and Execu- triz: Saran. Ezxecutors: Jonn and Wiii1aM LANIER (sons). Wetnesses: Witiiam Wiis, Rosert Lanier DaniEL, JonN Lanier. Clerk of the Court: Tos. Lrr. 208 Assrract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Lanxton, THomas. September 11, 1696. Wm. Srevens, Jupaz. ALForD, RacHEL and Mary DamoreLu, Mr. Francis Parrorr, ‘Necro Berry” (one son about three years old), ANpREw James. Executor: Mr. WM. DUNKEN- FIELD. Witnesses: Wm. Jones, James DAMORELL. Proven by oath of James DamoreELL before Honsie. THos. Poutock, Lords’ Deputy, and by Wm. Jones before Carr. ANTHONY Dawson, Justice, September 14, 1696. Larxinxs, JoHn. New Hanover County. May 15,1737. September Court, 1738. Sons: Witi1aM and Joun (“my plantation’), James. Wife and Executriz: Tasirrua. Friend: JamMEs Innes. Witnesses: Joun SMITHES, JAMES CARTER, JOHN INNES. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Rice. Lasry, Francis. Perquimans County. April 16, 1739. July Court, 1739. Daughter: Jumima Lassy (“planta- tion whereon I now dwell’). Wife and Executriz: Mary ANN LasEy. Brother: Joun Lassy. Executor: Witut1aM Bocus. Witnesses: FRANCIS James, Moses Exuiorr. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Lasury, Parricx. Granville County. November 28, 1758. March Court, 1759. Wife: Lippa. Executor: Puitie Pryor. Witnesses: Moses Span, Curistian Laneston. Clerk of the Court: DaniEL WELDON. Larzuum, Pauvt. Albemarle County. October 7, 1692. July 31, 1693. Son: Gores (‘‘my plantation”). Daughter: Exizanera Latoum. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBETH. Wit- nesses: GEORGE FLEMMING, Marta FLEMMING, JoHN Puitrorr. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Moor. Larrimer, WILLIAM. Bertie County. August 21, 1750, February Court, 1750. Wife and Ezxecutrixz: Exiza- BETH. Ezecutor: JamMEs Leacwit. Friend: James Smriru. Witnesses: Ricuarp Tomuinson, Ricn’p Brapiey, Ropert Rogers. Clerk of the Court: Saw’Ly ORrMEs. Latrrimors,. Evizasetu. Bertie County. March 3, 1753. May Court, 1753. Legatees: Mary Smiru, Jams Smita, ABENEZAR ToMLINSON, RicHarp Tomutnson (“all my lands and houses”). Executor: Ricoarp ToMLInson. Witnesses: Luke MuzBtL, Jonn Oxiver, Evizasera Smiru. Clerk of the Court: Brns’n Wynns. AsstractT oF WiLzs, 1690—1760. 209 Lawier, Patrick. Chowan County. November 29, 1728. January 22, 1728. Sons: Dansy (‘my planta- tion’), Davip (appointed Executor). Daughter: ANN Lawtser. Wife: PasHENT. Witnesses: THos. Rountres, James Hinton, JoHN Marraln. Proven before C. GALE and also before Ricu’p EVERARD. LawRENncE, GEORGE. Bertie County. March 26, 1752. January Court, 1756. Daughters: ANN and SaraH Lawrence. Sons: JosHua and Grorcs (“my lands”). Wife and Execu- tric: Sarau. Executors: THomMas and JonN LAWRENCE (brothers). Wit- nesses: GEORGE Lawrence, Jonn Yeats, RoBeRT LAWRENCE, THOMAS Lawrence. Clerk of the Court: BpnsJAMIN WYNNS. Lawrence, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. July 5, 1694. August Court, 1694. Daughters: Janz and RacHELL Lawrence. Wife: Margaret Lawrence. Cousin: RacHEL SNELLING. Cousin: Wm. Lawrence. Executors: IsranL SNELLING and JoHNn Law- RENCE. Witnesses: Francis JONES, JR., CHRISTOPHER Lacy, LAWRENCE Hunt. Clerk of the Court: Joun STEPNEY. Lawson, Joun, Gent. Bath County. August 12,1708. “To my dearly beloved Hannan Smita the house I now livein* * * ¥*,” “Remainder of my estate real and personal to my daughter, IsanrLLa, of Bath County,* * * * *.” Property to be divided among daughter, IsaBELLA, and any other child or children of her mother, Hannan Smits, “by me.” Ezecutriz: Hannan Smita. Wit- nesses: RicHarp SmitH and James Leicn. Original missing. Recorded in Will Book 1712-1722, page 39. Lawson, SamMuEL. Craven County. April 24, 1758. May 31, 1758. Son: Durram. Daughter: Mary Pat- Lis Lawson. Wife and Executricz: Marcaret. Executors: Joan Hiwu and WituiamM Mansrieip Lipscoms. Witnesses: JoHN HarpEr, WM. SPEIR and Breny’y Pans. Proven before ArrHUR Dospss. To each of the chil- dren is devised a house and lot in Newbern. Lawter, Davin. Chowan County. Will is not dated, nor is there any probate. Wife and Executriz: Mary (‘my plantation” and also tract of land called the Cow Island). Other legatees and devisees: Watters Puewrs (Executor), EvizapetH Homes, Epwarp Pivanp, Darsy Lawtsr (brother), CoRristiana LovEWELL, BEN- JAMIN LOVEWELL. Witnesses: THomas PILAnpD, JOHN PHELPs and THomas Homes. 14 210 AgstRacT oF Wits, 1690—1760. Laypen, Francis. Albemarle County. February 23, 1727-1728. Probate not dated. Wife and Evxecutrix: ExizasetH. Sons: Wituiam (“the manor plantation’’), Francis (land adjoining Joun StEveNs), GrorGE and Isaac. Daughter: Many. Cousin: WiuiiamM MippLeTon. Witnesses: Jonn Stevens, WiLL1aM MIpDLETON, Wiuuram Evens. Clerk of the Court: Coas. DENMAN. Lazy (or Lacy), Joun. Perquimans Precinct. December 1, 1682. No probate. Wife: Apicain. Daughter: Saraw Lazy (or Lacy). Witnesses: Joun Stepney, Witt1am CHARLES, WILLIAM Laurence. No executrix or executor appointed. Lear, Jonny. Nansemond County. November 21, 1695. December 12, 1695. Daughters: Mantua Bur- WELL, EvizaseTa Lear. Grandson: Joun Lear. Other legatees: CHARLES GorremcE, JoHN GzorcE. Ezecutors: Lewis BURWELL, Cart. Tuomas Gopwin. Witnesses: W1LL1aM CorFIELD, Joun Lows, EvizaBera BRIDGER, Ann Corriztp. Deputy Clerk of the Court: ANpREw Ross. This is a copy of the original made by the deputy clerk of the Court. Leaner, Jacos. Craven County. 1731. March Court, 1731-1732, “of the Switz Country being in Obar Savenchal.” Sons: Jacop and Curistian. Daughter: Mary LeEaras. Executor: Jacos Mitten. Witnesses: Peter Cortney, GEorGE SLIDER, VeENDAL Puiter. Clerk of the Court: CALEB METCALFE. Lzary, Cornexius. Tyrrell County. March 30, 1742. September Court, 1742. Brothers: Joan and JaMEs Leary. Sisters: Saran, Mary and Repecca Leary. Mother: Sary Leary. Executor: Joan Leary (brother). Witnesses: Ricu’p Leary, JAMES SuTTEN. Clerk of the Court: W. Downtna. Leary, Ricwarp. Tyrrell County. April 20, 1738. September 5, 1738. Sons: Cornetius and James (“plantation whereon I now live to be equally divided between them”), Joun (three hundred acres of land commonly known as the Chinequapine ridge), THomas, Richarp. Daughters: Saran, Mary and RepeckaH Leary. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Connetius Leary. Wit- nesses: JOHN Lona, EvizaBetH Lone. “Deputy Clerk of the Court: ANDER- son Saaa. Leatu, Joun, Sr. Hyde County. April 9, 1750. June Court, 1751. Sons: THomas and Samur. (100 acres land), CHARLEs and Prrer (plantation bought of Ricuarp LAMBIRT- Azssrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 211 son), Joun. Daughters: Saran, Frances, Dorcas, Casia, Mary and Caraerine Leata, Hannan Hopes Suave, EvizaBeTH Suave. Ezecu- tors: Joun and Caartes Leara (sons), AARON T1son. Witnesses: AARON Tison, Roger Mason, Junr., Wituiam Ricuarp Jasper. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Loacx. Lear, JoHn. Hyde County. November 10, 1751. March Court, 1752. Sons: Samson (‘my manner plantation”), JouHN. Daughters: Lypia and Kezian Leata. Wife and Executrix: Hannan. Executors: AARON Tison and JoNATHAN JASPER. Witnesses: Grorcr Buti, JoNaTHAN Jasper, ANN Jasper. Clerk of the Court: Francis EGLeron. Lraru, Ricuagp. Hyde County. May 10,1749. Daughters: Agnus and Racuet Leats. Wife and Exec- utriz: Mary. Witnesses: Hezexian Stave, BENJAMIN JEWELL, Mary Jewry. Clerk of Court: THos. Loacx. Testator describes his stock mark as being ‘‘crop and under bit and a hole Left Eare, the right under bit and over bit.” Lez, Guorce. Pasquotank Precinct. May 3,1729. October 12,1729. Sons: Joun (“ye plantation whereon I now dwell”), Epwarp (land adjoining the plantation aforesaid), GEoRGE and Wituiam. Daughters: ExizaBers, Mary and Saran Ler. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetH. Witnesses: Taos. Weekes, ANNE WEEKES, ANNE Bunpy. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. “Item: I give and bequeath * * * * * all ye neat cattle that are to be found of ye following mark (viz.) a crop in ye right ear and two slits in ye left wch mark is recorded * * *,” Lez, James. Bertie Precinct. January 17,1731. November Court, 1732. Sons: James (‘‘the planta- tion whereon I now live’), Ropert and Wiu14m (‘‘a plantation at a place called Kinyard’s”). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Joun Mors, Ricwarp Morsz, Jr. Clerk of the Court of Edgecombe Precinct: Rr. Forster. Lez, Mary (wife of Capt. Thomas Lee), Chowan County. September 26, 1716. October 31, 1716. Sons: THomas Biount (one- half of the ‘‘manner plantation with the manner house’’), BmnsamMin and Jacos Buount (‘the Middle plantation”). Daughter: Zinpuia BLounT (“the other halfe of the said manner plantation”). Executor: Taomas Briount (son). Witnesses: Jervis Coteman, JoHN Epwarps, GILBERT Howipay and Witu1am Swinson. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Testa- trix states that she is also ‘‘widdow of Carprr. THomas Biount of Chowan.” 212 Axpstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Lez, Rrcowarp. Edgecombe County. April 4, 1756. May Court, 1756. Sons: TrmoraHy (100 acres of land on “Contenteny Creek”), ARTHUR, RicHaRD, SOLOMON (the plantation “which T now live on”). Daughters: EvisapeTa Lup, RacHet BRaDLEY, SARRAH Horn, Martaa Ler. Witnesses: ABSALOM Houtiiman, WILLIAM FOKES, James PermMenter. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Stock mark of the testator is described as being ‘‘swallow fork in the right ear and a crop and half Crop in ye Left Ear.” Lez, Stevens. Tyrrell County. February 2, 1746-1747. June Court, 1746-1747. Son: Stevens (land on Kendricks Creek, ? of grist mill; plantation on White Oak called Cedar Point). Daughter: Frances Lee (“plantation where I now live called Cabbin Neck”). Wife: ExizapeTa. Ezecutors: Ropert West, CULLEN Potitock, THomas Lex and Rosert West, Jr. Witnesses: WM. MackEy, Joun Gow, Joun Hueues. Clerk of Court: Evan JonEs. Luz, STEPHEN. Onslow County. January 25,1772. December 8, 1773. Son: STEPHEN (‘‘my plantation bought of Wm. Houston”). Daughters: Mary, Saran and FeRREeBY Ler. Wife: Ferresen. Hzecutors: RopeRT ORME, EpwarRD STARKEY, PETER Starkey. Witnesses: Srepuen GRANT, RicHarRD OLDFIELD, SARAH WIL- LiaMs. Proven before Jo. Martin. Provision is made for education of son at Boston or Philadelphia. Ler, Tuomas. Chowan Precinct. March 14, 1716-1717. July 6, 1719. Brother: Witu1am Lee (“my plantation called Cabbin Neck lying on the East side of Kendricks Creek”’). Children of brother William: Wituiam, EvizaBetH and Epwarp. Friend: ZiupHa Buount. Son: SterHEeNs (“all my lands and my mill’). Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Freperick Jones, Epwarp Mosguey, WILLIAM Downine. Witnesses: C. Gaz, Jervis CoLMan, JonN Epwarps. Proven before CHARLES Eprn. To wife is given plantation at Conaby ‘‘on the east side of the Creek.” “Item: It is my will that the ship or pink by me now intended to be built at Kendricks Creek shall be compleatly built, finished ' and Jaunched, &c &e &e.”’ Ler, Tuomas. July 23,1722. July 28,1722. Brother: Witu1am Lug (“my third part of the Sloop Sea Flower”). Daughters: Jann and Racnet Ler. Ezecutor: Coty. Maurice Moore. Witnesses: GyLEs SHUTE, ANTHONY GREEN, Tuomas Pesxet (Prescott). Proven before Taomas Potiock, President of the Council. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 2138 Lez, Tuomas. Tyrrell County. November 1, 1750. April Court, 1753. Son: Tuomas (lands between Combee Creek and Morrattock River). Ezecutors: Francis Bricr, WIL- u1aM Mackey, Stevens Lez. Witnesses: Joun NicHouis, WituiaAM Bar- RET, James Ruoaps. Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. Lez, THomas. Bertie County. March 31,1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: Wrui1am (“my planta- -tion’”), Steven. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Daughter: Prissinua Leg. Executor: Benjamin Wynns. Witnesses: Jno. Harre ty, Tuos. Hupson, Jacos Lewsss, JNo. Lewess. Clerk of the Court: SaMUEL ORMEsS. Lreru, Joun. Anson County. July 21,1757. Legatees: Josepu Leeru (son of Gzorcr Leet), Mary Waite (daughter of Josprpa WuitTr). Executor: ANrHony HutTcuins. Witnesses: Joun THormain, Samus. Smart, AntHo. Hurcuins, Mary Tuurman. No probate. Lecirt, THomas. Currituck County. April 10, 1749. July Court, 1749. Wife and Executrix: EvisaBEru. Daughter: ExisasetH Leaitt. Cousin: Jamus Leerrr (son of ALEXANDER Lueirt). Witnesses: Ropert Simmons, Exiasn Cornish, Moss Caps. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p McCuure. Lrieu, Ann. Beaufort Precinct. August 9, 1732. March Court, 1732-1733. Sons: SamunL DarpEN (plantation and three negroes), Josera Darpen. Daughters: ANN ADAMS, Jane WatKins. Grandsons: Jacop DarpEN and James Apams. Grand- daughters: Saran ApaMs and Mary Warxins. Executor: SamuEL DarR- DEN. Witnesses: RopeERT CaMPEN, JOHN Mayo, Toos. MauupENn. Clerk of the Court: JNo. CoLLison. Lricu, James. Bath County. September 23, 1728. October Court, 1728. Sons: JAMES (part of the tract of land I now live on’), Joun (land called the Accomack Entry), Lyonall (land adjoining the Accomack Entry). Daughters: Saran Lriau, Patience Purser, Exizasnta UNDERWoop and Mitty Durgam. Wife: Ann. Grandson: Peter Leigh. Executors: James and Joan LEIGH (sons). Trustee: Ropert Runner. Witnesses: Ropert Peyton, RoBERT Peyton, Bensa. Peyton. Clerk of the Court: Joun Marrocxe. Leirmont, Ricuagp. Hyde County. February 24,1752. March Court, 1752. Daughters: AMELIA WEBSTER (plantation on Jordan’s Creek commonly known by the name of Lopowick 214 Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Martin’s plantation), WiLL1eELMA LEIRMonT (one plantation on Jordan’s Creek called Margaret Jordan’s Fork), Margaret LeIRMont (land known as Hunt’s Point). Hzecutors: Witt1am Wespster, Taomas JORDAN and Tuomas Smita. Witnesses: Roger Mason, Dinan SmitH, THomas Rew. Clerk of the Court: Fran. EGLETON. Lennon, Joun. Bladen County. October 13, 1757. October Court, 1757. Parish of St. Martin’s. Sons: Joun (“this land I now live on”), Denis (land on Waccamaw Swamp), Eparaim. Daughter: Puriuis Eviicn. Wifeand Executriz: ANN. Ezec- utor: EvEN ELLIice (son-in-law). Witnesses: Samu’L Baxer, Wu. McRuE (or McKesr), Mary Macxxey. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Burewin. Leprrr, THomas. Bath County, in Craven Precinct. October 23, 1715. July 22, 1719. Legatees: ANNe and KATHERINE Nuss. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Executors: Dante, McFaruane and Ricwarp Graves. Witnesses: Jonn Ne.son, Exizasera FEereuson, Mary Jonres and Mary Ripine. Clerk of the Court: C. METCALFE. Lewerton, Erurai. Chowan Precinct. October 10, 1713. Cousins: Joan Lewerron, son of Jonn LEwERToN (land on Salmon Creek); Witi1am, son of WILLIAM Jonzs (land on Black Walnut Swamp); Evizaneta Lewrerton, ANN and Mary Jones. Sister: Mary Jones. Friend: Repecca Harpy. Executor: Jonn Harpy. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM Jones, JonN HotBroox. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 30. Lewerton, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. January 3, 1698-1699. April Court, 1699. Sons: Witu1aM and Joun. Daughters: Mary and Evizapetu. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBeta. Wit- nesses: NicHOLAS Fitupert, Jno. Davis and Natu. Carvin. Clerk of the Court: Nats. Cavin. Lzwis, Davin. Carteret County. October 6, 1773. November 11, 1773. Devisees and legatees: JouHN Sueparp (“plantation whereon I now dwell known by the name of Indian Town’), Wititam SHEPARD (plantation known as Glover's Hammock), Davip SHeparp, Jonn Simmons, Danreu, Jamus and BENJAMIN Simmons, Ricarp SHEPARD. One hundred pounds is bequeathed toward building a church in Beaufort. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: Joun SuEp- ARD, SoLomon SHEPARD and JoHN Simmons. Witnesses: WILLIAM BEvIN, James Frazier, SaraH Frazier. Proven before Jo. MARTIN. Asstract oF Wi1s, 1690—1760. 215 Lzwis, Evan. Beaufort County. June 26, 1713-1714. January 3,1714. Wife and Executrix: ELizABETH Lewis. Other legatee: Mary Mayo. Witnesses: Sam’Lt Mettum, Swan Swanson. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRINKWATER. Lewis, WitiiaM. Bath County. December 11,1731. August 5,17382. Daughters: EvizaseTu SINCLARE, Mary Dupiey, MacpaLen Bierorp, Epy Benson. Sons: WiiLiamM and Sotomon. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Wiuu1am Lewis (son). Witnesses: Ep. SMitH, JoHN HersBert. Proven before GEorGE BurRRING- TON. Lizz, Grorer. Chowan County. October 29, 1752. January Court, 1753. Sons: Grorce (“plantation whereon I now live’), Jonn. Ezecutors: Witu1am Hoskins and HENRY Bonner. Witnesses: JouN CARLTON, JEREMIAH Haucuton, Jonn Hos- Kins. Clerk of the Court: James Craven. Six other children are men- tioned, but not named. Liziineton, ALEXANDER. Perquimans Precinct. September 9, 1697. October 8,1697. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I now live and plantation that was formerly StepHen Hancocxs and my silver hilted sword”), GzorcE (‘my plantation at Yawpim River and plan- tation at Little River whereon Francis PENRIE now lives”). Daughters: Ann Waker, Evizapera Fenpaut, Mary Lituinetron, Sarau Linuine- Ton. Sons-in-law: HENDERSON WaLKER and JoHNFENDALL. Wife: ANN. Executors: Cou. WILLIAM WILKISON and HENDERSON WALKER. Witnesses: CaLes CaLLawayY, JoHN Barrow, Roperr Harman. Clerk of the Court: W. Giover. Coat of arms on seal. Lituineron, Ann. Chowan Precinct. January 26,1724. April 1, 1725. Daughter: Euizanera LILuneTon. Grandson and Executor: Joun Simons. Witnesses: JamEs BEASLEY, ANNA Stewart, Mary Stewart. Proven before Grorce BuRRINGTON. Littineton, Exviezer. Bath County. April 28, 1729. December Court, 1729. Wife: Evizaseru (also ap- pointed Hzecutriz). Witnesses: Joun Brock, Joun CuirrorD, GILBERT Haurpay. Clerk of the Court: Joun Marrocx. The testator bequeathed the following books: To NatHan ARCHBALD, “one come and welcome to Jesus Christ by John Bunyan, Mr. Baxters directions of Geting and attain- ing peace of Conscience, Measons Hymne Book an old sermon book by several divines called the farewell sermons.” To Joun Cuirrorp: “Allens 216 Axsstract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. call to the unconverted and Lees Triumphs of Mercy with a New England Psalm Book.” To Gitpert Hauipay: “Mathers remarkable Providences and an English Dictionary.” Litieton, ExizaBeru. Bath County. July 8, 1734. Sons: Richarp Barrow, JoserH Barrow, JAMES Bar- Row, WILLIAM, JoHN and SamMuUEL Barrow (1 shilling each). Daughters: Mary Barrow and Saran Harris. Executors: RicHarpD and JosEPu Barrow (sons). Witnesses: DELIVERANCE LaTHan, ELEANOR Howarp, Rospert Howarp. Clerk of Hyde County Court: Wm. Barrow. Five negro slaves are bequeathed. Liturneton, Joun. Beaufort Precinct. March 19, 1721-1722. July 2,1723. Son: ALEXANDER (1,000 acres of land, two negro slaves, a family bible, etc.). Daughters: ELizaBeTu, Mary, Ann. Wife: Saran Lituineton. Ezecutors: Maurice Moors, JoHn Por- TER and JOHN BapTisTE ASHE. Witnesses: Pat. MAULE, SAMUEL CooPER, Joun Tranter. Clerk of the Court: Joun Baptiste AsHE. Five negroes, about sixty cattle bequeathed to children. Litty, Joun. Perquimans County. January 26, 1753. April Court, 1753. Wife and Executriz: KazEtau (“plantation where I now dwell”). Father-in-law: DaNrEL ROGERSON (163 acres of land in Chowan County called the ‘‘beverdams”). Brother: Josaua Litty, “and my father-in-law, Danie~ RocErson” (“three hundred acres of land lying up the Ridges’). Executor: JostaH RoGERSON. Witnesses: Nicuoas Statuines, Jospra Lintuy, Isaac Linty. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Litury, THomas. Perquimans County. October 12, 1735. January Court, 1735. Sons: Joan (“plantation he now lives on’), Tomas (‘‘plantation whereon I now live’’), Wiiu1aMm (100 acres of land), Timoruy and Joszpx (tract of land to be equally divided between them). Daughters: Mancaret Reppicx (wife of Joan Reppick), Hanna Rogerson. Wife and Ezecutriz: Saran. Executor: Tomas Liniey (son). Witnesses: Grorce Srive, Danie, Rogerson, GILBERT Scorr. Clerk of the Court: Jamms Craven. Linpsay, James. Dobbs County. June 15,1768. May 11,1770. Brothers: Peter, WiLL1aM and RoBERT Linpsay. © Executors: RicHarD CaswELL, JoHN Dickson and Rosert Linpsay. Witnesses: Fras. MAcKILWEAN, Riapon Brice. Clerk Su- perior Court: AMBLOX BaGLey. ABSTRACT OF WiLts, 1690—1760. 217 Linineton, Epwarp. Craven County. July 9, 1736. September Court, 1736. Sons: GrorcE and Epwarp Linineton. Daughter: Mary Suertock. Grandson: Francis SHERLOCK (‘all my lands in Alligator’). Hzecutors: Dennis SHERLOCK and Capt. Josera Hannis. Witnesses: KaTHERINE Hannis, ANN DupPARTALL, Gas- RAR ViaLon. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Wm. Lanz. Provision in will that “all the pitch and Tarr my negroes makes shall goe to pay my debts &e.”’ Lrnineton, Groree. Craven County. January 24, 1741-1742. June 16, 1742. Daughters: Ann HutcHison Linineton, Evizapeta Linineton, Curistian Linineton. Nephew: Francis SHEARLOCK (640 acres of land on Neuse River). Wife: Hannan. Executors: Wm. Brice and Ricnarp Nixson. Witnesses: THos. SMITH and Naraan Smit. Clerk of Court: N. Rouruepcs. Linsry, Dantet. Currituck Precinct. November 6, 1720. January 10,1721. Son: Davin (1 shilling). Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Joan Norton, WILLIAM JOHNSON, JOHN Martyn. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WickER. Linsey, Davip. Currituck County. August 17, 1749. October Court, 1750. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Mother: Saran Linsey. ‘Brother: Bensamin Linsey. To wife is be- queathed ‘“‘my house and plantation.” Witnesses: Henry WoopHovssE, Sotomon Smita, Menges Smita. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p McCiurReE. Linsry, Roserr. Albemarle County. May 16, 1689. July 25, 1689. Executors: Jonn WiLson and GzorcE Harvie. Legatees and devisees: ANN MaTHEWS, CoLLETON Strurcon (‘my plantation at Yawpim”), Mary Srurcon, (son and daughter of Joun Srurcon). Witnesses: Francis Hartiey, THomas Siater, MaRrGaRET Stater. Proven before Szta SoTHELu. Linton, Witt. Bath County. January 12, 1725-1726. June 20,1727. Wife and Executriz: Marca- RET. Sons and Daughters: mentioned, but not named. Wétnesses: Ros- eRT Watson, Francis Hinu. Executor: Toomas Mistress. Clerk of the Court: CALEB METCALFE. Lirrize, Grorcr. Hertford County. August 1, 1787. Son: Wiiv1am. Daughter: Penetors. Wife and Executriz: Mary Lirris. Witnesses: Georce Sworz, JoHN JENKINS, EuizaBseTH Hurst, James Brown. No probate. All estate of the tes- tator, both real’and personal, is divided between son and daughter. 218 Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Lirtie, Joun. Anson County. December 8, 1755. No probate. Sons: THomas (of Rowan County), WituiaM, JoHN, ARCHIBALD, JAMES and ALEXANDER. Daughters: Mar- GARET Lirrte and Marraa Reep, wife of JoHN REED. Grandson: Tuomas Littts. Exzecutors: Joun Lirrie (son) and Jonn CatHey. Wit- nesses: CHARLES Moorz, Henry Jomnson and Mary Renicx. No probate. Lirriz, WILLiaM. June 25, 1734. September 5, 1734. Sons: Grorcs (lands in Meherrin Neck), Witiiam (lands at Okaneechy). Daughter: PENELOPE LitTLE (mill at Hoskins). Wife and Executriz: Penetors. LEzecutors: Cristo- PHER GALE, EpmuND Gate and Epwarp Satter. Brothers: JoHN AR- BUTHNOT (also Executor), Isaac Lirrin. Friend: PENELOPE Lovick (widow of Jonn Lovicx). Witnesses: Joan Bonp, JoHN CROWELL, JOHN Parker. Proven before Gro. Burrineton. About ten negroes be- queathed. Litrrz, Witt. Beaufort County. March 1, 1756. March Court, 1756. Sons: ABRAHAM (land on Cheek’s Mill Creek), Jacos (100 acres of ‘‘the tract of Land whereon I now dwell’), WitiiaM, James, Isaac, Joun, JoserH. Daughter: JANE Morine. Wife: Mornine. Ezxecutors: Isaac and Jacos LittLe (sons). Witnesses: AMOS ATKINSON, Mary JupDKINS, JanE ATKINSON. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. LoapMaAN, JaMEs. Albemarle County. November 14, 1694. April Court, 1695. Jann Barrizup, Ricwarp Barrietp, Wittiam Butier, Saran Buasiey, Timorny CiEar, ELiza- BETH PuELrs, JamMES Kenipay. Executor: Witu1am Bogue. Witnesses: Jouanna Buasuey, JANE Byarp, Parricx Cenapy. Clerk of the Court: Joun STEPNyY. Locx, Brensamin. Bladen County. April 25,1756. January Court, 1757. Son: Joun (“my land”). Wife: Miriam. Ezecutors: Nei Brearp (father) and Jonn Lock (brother). Witnesses: Toomas THEems, Danie, BEearp, Exizasetu Lock. Clerk of the Court: THos. RoBESON. Locx, Tuomas. , Bladen County. August 29,1739. December 19,1739. Wife and Executrixz: SUSANNAH. Sons: Brenyamin, Davip and Lronarp. Josern (land on Northwest River). Daughters: EvizapetH Barrram, Mary Lock. Witnesses: Tuomas Wier, Peter Wauison, WitLis Hucues. Proven before Gas. Jounston at Brompton. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1738~ 1753, page 123. AxssTRact oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 219 Lockey, JosEPu. Beaufort County. January 30, 1746. March Court, 1746. Sons: Josmen (“plantation whereon I now live”), Henry (land on Barrows Creek), James. Daugh- ters: Saran and Frazer Locxny. Wife and Ezecutriz: Saran. Execu- tors: Levi ALpDERSON, JOHN OprEN, Joun Suave. “Item: My will and desire is that my executors do finish the Brick House now A Building this Ensueing Summer, and that they putt Ten Large Sash Glass Windows therein.” Witnesses: Wm. Dunsarr, Aaron Sprine, Jonn Hin. Clerk of the Court: Joan Fores. Locxuart, JaMzs. Bertie County. December 7, 1753. May Court, 1754. Wife and Executriz: Exiza- BETH. Sons: Lituineton (“plantation whereon I now live’), GzorGE (“my two plantations at Cashoak”), Jamus (“all the rest of my lands’). Executors: LitLingron Locxnart, Micnarn, Conrancu. Witnesses: Ep- warD Bryan, Joun Burn, Tuos. Jacocks, ANDR. Burn. Clerk of the Court: Samu. ORMEs. Lopman, James. November 14, 1694. April 8, 1695. Legatees: Wm. Barrienp, SARAH Basty, Timoruy Cuear, EvizaBeta Puepps, James Kenepy, WILLIAM Boor (Ezecutor). Witnesses: Jonana Pasty, Jeans Byrp, Patrick Kewnepy. Clerk of the Court: Joun Stepney. Lortin, Lronaxp. Craven Precinct, Bath County. April 11, 1720. June 21, 1721. Sons: Cornwetrus (220 acres of land where “he now lives”), Lponarp (‘plantation I now live on”), BENONIEA. Daughters: Percenty, Jann and Joyce. Ezecutors: Cornenius and Lzonarp Lorrin (sons). Wetnesses: Wm. Hanpcocx, ANN Merca.rn, Cates Mercatre. Clerk of the Court: CaLEB Mrtcaurs. Logan, ALEXANDER. October 9, 1739. November 6, 1739. Executors: Tomas BLount of Cape Fear, THomas Biount and Jesse Biount of Chowan County. Executors are directed to sell the real and personal estate of the testator, and forward proceeds of sale to Messrs. Jounston & Rosrnson at Charles- town, to be by them forwarded to Taomas Kennepy of Bristol, to be applied by him as before directed. Witnesses: J. Monraommry, Joun Duncan, Dennis SHERLOcK. Proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Lone, Dawntet, Perquimans County. July 28, 1714. January 11, 1715-1716. Wife: Euzasera. Friend and legatee: Ann Lonciatuer, of King and Queen County in Virginia. Executor: Josspu Jessop. Witnesses: RicHarp Frencu, Ropert Moors. Clerk of the Court: Rica’p LEary. en 220 Apstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Lona, GILEs. February 12, 1691-1692. This is a nuncupative will, proven by the oaths of Epwarp SMITHWICKE and THomas , and gives all estate of the testator to his wife and child, who are not named. No probate. Lone, James. Albemarle County. November 24, 1678. October 7, 1680. Sons: James, THomas and Gittzs. Wife and Executriz: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: JoHn Witson, WitiiaM StanarpD. No probate officer. Lone, James. Chowan County. November 15, 1711. July 29, 1712. Sons: James, THomas (“the brick house plantation’’), Joun (‘‘my plantation at Moratock’”’). Daugh- ters: Many and EvizaBetu. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBETH. Wutnesses: James Hawkins, Toomas Hooprer, LEONARD LEFTIN. Court held at the house of Capr. THomas Legs in Chowan County. Clerk of the Court: J. Paxin. Lone, James. Chowan County. September 1, 1731. April Court, 1734. Sons: James, Gites, Josaua, Joun, ANDREW (to each of these sons is devised land). Daughter: Exiza- BETH Long. Executor: Gites Lone (son). Witnesses: RicHarp Leary, Taomas Leary, Cornetius Leary. Clerk of the Court: Mostey Vatu. Lone, JosHva. Perquimans County. May 20, 1741. July Court, 1741. Sons: Taomas (‘‘the manner plan- tation’’), Josuua (‘‘the land I purchased of Joun Banxs,'and one hun- dred acres of land on Yopim River’). Wife: Evizaperu. E-zecutors: Tuomas Lone (brother), W1tt1AM Hoskins and Josep Surron. Wit- nesses: NATHANIEL CaRRUTHERS, JOHN BanckEs, RoBerRT HARMAN. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. To two sons is bequeathed one “‘peryoger” (veriagua). Lone, Josuua. Tyrrell County. January 7, 1750. June Court, 1754. Daughters: Priscitua, Kezian and Ester Lone. Nephew: StepHen Lone (“my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Jemima. Executor: Josaua Swain. Witnesses: ANDREW Lone, Priscitua Lone, Gites Lone. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonss. Lone, Saran. Perquimans Precinct. September 10, 1712. July 8, 1718. Legatees: Tuomas Lone (brother- in-law), Mary Parcs (sister), THos. Perce (brother-in-law), Conneiius Leary (son of RicHarp Leary), JoHN Wiartr (cousin), JonaTHan and Wii1aM Taytor, JosHuway Lone (plantation at creek’s mouth), Wit- Azstract or Witrs, 1690—1760. 221 LAM Lone (“plantation whereon I now dwell’’), James Cuusson. Execu- tors: Taos. Perce and Tuos. Lone. Witnesses: James Coesson, WILL’M TrTHERTON, Ricu’p Leary. Clerk of Court: Ricnarp LEARY. Lone, THomas. Perquimans Precinct. September 21, 1721. October 10,1721. Sons: WintiaM (“all my land up ye mill swamp”), Josuua (“ye land lying on Mason Harves Quarter”), Tuomas (“my plantation whereon I now live, containing four hundred and seventy acres’). Daughter: Saran Leary. Wife and Executriz: ResecxaH. Executor: Josoua Lone (son). Witnesses: Taomas PEIRcE, Joun Wiat, JosHua Cattoway. Clerk of the Court: Ricn’p Leary. Court held at the house of Mrs. ExizaBeta FRENCH. Lone, THomas. Perquimans County. March 7, 1754. April Court, 1754. Sons: Josuua, Tuomas (planta- tion commonly known as Danret Hatw’s plantation). Wife and Execu- triz: Saran. Evxecutors: JosepH Creecy, Josavua Lone (brother). Wit- nesses: THomas WILLIAMS, Ropert TURNER, ANDR. Knox. Clerk of the Court: Wii. SKINNER. Lone, Witriam. Perquimans Precinct. June 2,1701. July Court, 1712. Nephews: James and Wiiu1am Lone (“plantation whereon I now live”). Brothers: Joan Lone and THomMas Lone. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Witnesses: Toomas Lone, JoHN Foster, Joun Stepney. Clerk of the General Court: J. Pawn. Love, Witt1aM. Perquimans County. July 4, 1758. April Court, 1759. Sons: Srueon (part “of my manor plantation”), THomas (‘part of my manor plantation”), Reusen (land on Franks Creek), Wi1LL1am, James (100 acres of land on the west side of Minses Creek). Grandsons: Lemur. and Icuasop Lone, JosHua Wyratt. Granddaughter: Many Wyatt. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Exzecutors: James, THomas, REUBEN and Simeon Lone (sons). Witnesses: THomMas JONES, ZEPHANIAH JONES, WILL. SKINNER. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. LoneiuatTHer, Daniet. Perquimans Precinct. July 28, 1714. Legatees: Anne Lonetwatner, of King and Queen County, Va., Wiuuiam and Joseps Stewarp (sons of wife). Wife and Executrix: ExizaBeta. Witnesses: RicoarD FRENcH and RosBert Moors. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 105. 292 Axssrract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Lorp, WILLIAM. Brunswick, in New Hanover County. July 5, 1748. August Court, 1749. Sons: Peter, Witt1am, THomas. Daughters: Many, Marcaret, AMeuia. Wife and Executriz: Marcarer, Witnesses: Ricu’p Quince, Wiut1am Ross, Geo. Nicnoxas. Clerk of Court: Isaac FaRigs. Love, Amos. August 15, 1770. October 30, 1773. Sons: Amos, THomas, CHARLES. Daughters: WinnEFRED, Mary, Marcaret, Evisne and EvizaBetu Love. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Amos (son). Witnesses: JosEPH Cratwin, Jonn WiLxins, CHartes Harprison. Proven before Jo. Martin. Lovr, Dantet. Duplin County. November 6, 1752. July Court, 1755. Son: James. Daughter: Saran Love. Wife and Executriz: Cararrine. Hzecutors: Wititisam McKzx and JouHn Smirxa. Witnesses: GrorcEe Price, Ricw’p CockBuRN, JAMES Parton. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dickson. Lovicx, Joun. August 27, 1727. November 10, 1733. Nephew: Joun Lovicx, son of brother THomas Lovicx (plantation called the Horse Meadow or Pasture ). Wife and Executriz: PENELOPE. Friends: RicoarD EvERraRD, CHRISTO- PHER GALE, EpMonp Gag, Ropert Forster, WILLIAM LITTLE (to each is bequeathed a mourning ring). To Witi1am LitTLe is bequeathed: “my best Hat, Wigg & Sword my Gold Buttons, all my Law Books & Lord Clar- endons History.” Testator was executor of the wills of Joun PLOwMAN and Cuarues Epen, and his will recites the following in regard to the will of Evxn: “forasmuch as the said CHARLES EDEN on his death bed did charge me if I met with any Trouble about his will from Roprricx Lovp or any of his family that I should not pay the legacy of five hundred pounds sterling in the sd Caas. Eprns will given to Mrs. Margaret Pueu, I do therefore forbid my said Executrix to pay the same I having met with great trouble, Vexation and Charge about the said Will from ye Roprerick Loyp and sev- eral of his Family and the sd Mrs. Puen having once refused the said Leg- acy too and endeavoured to defeat and overthrow the said CHARLES EDENS Will.” The depositions of CarisToPpHER GALE, WILLIAM Lirris and Dr. ABRAHAM BLAcKALL will be found filed with the copy of Mr. Lovicx’s will from which this abstract is made. Lovicn, THomas. Carteret County. April 4, 1759. June Court, 1759. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Son: GrorcE PHEenney Lovicx. Sons-in-law: Joan Benners, JAMES PaRKIN- Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 293 son. Grandson: THomas Lovicx. Granddaughter: Saran Jones. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM RoBertson, SterHen Smiru, EvizaBetH YARBROUGH. Clerk of Court: Witt1am RoBERTSON. Low, Emanvet. Pasquotank Precinct. March 2, 1726-1727. August 2, 1727. Daughter: Ann Letitia Low (“plantation whereon I now live; land called Town Point on the Mouth of the Northwest side of Newbegun Creek; one negro). Grandson: GEORGE Low (“plantation where my cousin RoBinson now lives and the plantation called New Abbey;” one negro boy and “my seal Scutcheon of arms’’). Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: W. Norris, Epmp. GALE and Cuas. Buu. Codicil appoints daughter Executrix and bequeathes to one Jo- HANNA Pearce ten pounds. Witnesses to Codicil: W. Norris, JoserH JorpaN, JoHN Conner, JosHua Scorr, Jouana Prarce. Clerk of the Court: THos. WeExrs. Executors qualified before Richarp EvERarb. Coat of arms on seal. Low, Joun. Pasquotank County. May 11, 1755. March Court, 1759. Sons: THomas, Joun Low, Bar- NABE. Daughter: Livre Low. Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Ezecutor: Tuomas Lowe (son). Wetnesses: Georcr Low, Epwarp Epwarps, JOHN Cocxs. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Lowven, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. May 5, 1719. July 21, 1719. Son: Rosertr. Daughters: Saran and Ann LowpEn. Witnesses: Samuen Cock, Jun., Henry Hayman. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. ; Lows, Aynr. Pasquotank County. November 2, 1729. October Court, 1731. Grandson: Gzorer Lows (“now in old England”). Daughter and Ezecutriz: ANNA Latrtia Lowe. Witnesses: JNo. Patin, SterHEN Scort, Joun Scorr. Clerk of the Court: H. Minson. Lowe, Witiram. Chowan County. July 31, 1720. April 17, 1722. Sons: Joun (land in Prince George County, Virginia), Wit11am (land in Prince George County, Virginia). Son-in-law: Rospert Drxon. Daughter: ExizapetH Pace. Wife: Ann. Executor: RoBERT Dixon. Witnesses: THoMAS WHITMELL, THoMAS ARING- ton. Clerk of Court: N. BapHaM. Lowet1t, Epmunp. Onslow County. April 21, 1744. July Court, 1744. Grandson: Epmunp Tuorta. Daughter: Repecca Toorta. Wife: ApiagalLy. Executor: JoHn STaRKeEy. Witnesses: Jos Hunter, WitLiamM Wess, Sarag Mippieton. Clerk of Court: ANDREW Murray. 224 AxsstRacT oF WILzs, 1690—1760. Lowry, Grorce. Pasquotank County. September 19, 1753. October Court, 1753. Friends: Joun: Lowry (Executor), WituiaM, Mary and Exvisapera Lowry. Witnesses: JosrPH Lowry, Wiuu1am Lowry. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TayLor. Lowry, JosEPH. Pasquotank County. March 23, 1754. April Court, 1754. Sons: Brnsamin and Noa Lowry (“all my lands”). Daughters: Saran, Lipga and Hannan Lowry. Executors: SOLOMON Poot and JosrpH Daves. Witnesses: Joan Lowry, Tuomas Lowry, James Newsy. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TaYtor. Lowry, Roszrt. Pasquotank County. October 19, 1750. July Court, 1752. Sons: Wittiam, Roper and Joun Lowry. Daughters: Betsy and Mary Lowry (“my two Lots att Nixson toune”’). Wife and Executriz: Exizppeta. LEaecutor: THOMAS Retr. Witnesses: Wiwu1aM Symons, JoHN Davis, ANNE Davis. Clerk of the Court: Too. Taytor. Lowruer, TRIsTRIM. Northampton County. June 10, 1754. January Court, 1759. Mother: Marceret. Brothers: Grorce, JoHN and Witu1am LowrHer. Sisters: NELLY and Nancy Low- THER. Executor: Witt1aM Lowrtuer (brother). Witnesses: BARTHOLO- mEw Figures, WiLLiaAM Figures, JoHN Figures. Clerk of the Court: I. EpWaRDs. Loyps (spelled also Lins), Jonn. Bertie County. July 31, 1741. May Court, 1742. Sons: Joun (200 acres of land in James Citty County, Virginia), RoBert (“my manner plantation”), THomas (125 acres of land adjoining the “manner plantation”). Daughter: Exiza- BeTH Loyps. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: WILLIAM Pace, BarraBee Mitron, Antony Tyr. Clerk of Northampton Court: I. Ep- WARDS. Lorn, Rosrrt. December 10, 1726. October 8, 1728. Edenton. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Sana CATHERINE Loyp. Witnesses: WiLL RownpeEn, SaRAu Rowven, JNo. SELLWoop. Proven before RicHarp Everarp. Luartroy, Joun. August 28,1722. July Court, 1723. Bath Town Creek. Wife and Ex- ecutriz: ANNE. Witnesses: JoHN Buck, THos. Cooxs, Eninzr. Lin.ine- ton. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Bart, ASHE. AgstracT oF Witus, 1690—1760. 295 Lucas, Mary. Beaufort County. March 24, 1761. April Court, 1761. Daughters: ANN ALDERSON (also appointed Ezecutriz. Grandsons: James ALpERSON, JoEL Martin, CHaRLEs ARDISON Martin. Granddaughters: Frances, Saran, ANN, Mary and Susanan Martin. Executor: James Eviison. Witnesses: Joun Smaw, Saran Howarp. Clerk of Court: Jno. SmirTx. Luprorp, JoHn. Tyrrell Precinct. February 26, 1736. Sisters: Saran and Hanan Luprorp. Brother: Tuomas Luprorp. Other legatees: Isack Firzparrick. Witnesses: WiL- LiAM RapHeti, Wm. Witson and Samuet Hopkins. Deputy Clerk of the Court: AnpERSON Saae. Luprorp, WiLLIAM. May 1,1702. Son: Witt1am. Grandson: Witi1aM Luprorp. To both son and grandson is given a plantation. Granddaughter: Saran Luprorp. Wife: Ann. Friend: Samurt Coorsr. Executor: Wiitiam Luprorp (son). Witnesses: GopFREY SpRUILL, Canon Simpson and JoHN ANGELY. Clerk of the Court: N. Cumvin. Luprorp, WILLIAM. Of Allegator in the Precinct of Pasquotank. October 2, 1732. April 2, 1733. Sons: Witu1am, THomas and JoHN. Daughters: Caristian, ANN, Mantua, Mary, Tomson, Racer, Saran, Jonana. Wife: Curistian. Ezxecutors: Epwarp Linineton, Cart. Sam- UEL SPRUILL, THOS. and Jno. Luprorp (sons). Wétnesses: G. LinineTon, Bensamin ALEXANDER, Wi1LL1aM Man. No signature of probate officer. Lurrron, JoHN. Bertie County. August 23, 1740. February 23, 1742. Nephew: Jonn Grucory. Sis- ter: Mary Jones (Executriz). Executors: James CasTELLAw, THOMAS Osspurn. Witnesses: James LocKHaRT, JoHN Ray, JoHN Hinton. Proven before GABRIEL JOHNSTON. Lurmay, WILLIAM. Currituck Precinct. April 1, 1728. July 10, 1728. Sons: Wiut1am and DanieL. Daugh- ter: Mary Wueatisy. Executors: Wittiam LurMan (son) and THomas Davis. Witnesses: ANDREW ETHERIDGE, WILLIAM Tant. Clerk of ‘the Court: J. MARTYN. Lurman, WILLIAM. Currituck Precinct. May 9, 1728. July 10,1728. Son: WILLIAM (“all my lands’’). Haecu- tor: Tuomas Davis. Witnesses: ANDREW Erueripcs, Jr., DanieL Lur- man. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. 15 226 AgstTRact oF WiLzs, 1690—1760. Lurry (or Lorry), WrILiiaM. August 3,1701. July 11,1704. Son: Winitam. Granddaughter: Mary Lurty (or Lutry). ‘Daughter in Lawe”: Mary Lurry (or Lurry). Ezec- utor: WitL1am Lurry (son). Witnesses: Peter Grey, Sr., Peter GREY, Jz., Toomas Homes. Clerk of the Court: Taos. SNopEN. This will is so torn and faded as to be almost illegible. Luis, Ricuarp. Chowan Precinct. Not dated. Sons: Joun, Bensamin, Wintiam. Daughter: Hupson. Wife and Executrixz: ELizaABetH. Witnesses: Henry, WiLiiaM and JANE Liste. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 177. Lumprosier, JoHn. Pasquotank County, August 25, 1740. April Court, 1744. Son and Executor: JosEru. Grandson: Joun Dawes. Granddaughter: EvizaneTa Brosyer. Wit- nesses: W1LL1AM Powers, JosePH Corton, Rosr. Keniy. Clerk of the Court: Tos. Tay or. Lurey, WiLL. Currituck County. April 21,1746. July Court, 1746. Son: THomas (“plantation whereon I now live’). Wife: Miriam. Executor: Wituiam Mackin. Witnesses: Epwarp Cox, Grorce GAINWELL, Susanau Mackiz. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp McCuurz. Lutron, Apam. Onslow County. February 17, 1740. April 2, 1746. Wife: Exizasera. Daughter: Mary Lutron. Executor: Taomas Jenkins. Witnesses: THomas GANEY, Cuaries Bruton, ZacHaria Buacxmoor. Clerk of the Court: Gzo. CLop- TON. Lyncu, Jon. Granville County. August 31, 1753. March 7, 1758. Daughters: ExizapeTH and NELLY (“plantation whereon I now live”). Wife: ExizasntH. Executors: JAMES JENKINS (son-in-law) and Ropertr Baker. Witnesses: Toomas PARKER, Joun Buakeney and Wituiam Frosock. Clerk of the Court: DaniEu WELDON. Lyon, James. Bladen County. April 27,1752. June Court, 1752. Wife: Ziman. Son: Grores (“my watch’’). Daughters: ANN (land on White Marsh), Evizapeta Lyon (land on White Marsh), Mary Lyon. Ezecutors: Z1tLan Lyon, Matt. Rowan, Joun Lyon. Witnesses: THos. Ropeson, Ricw’p Muuuineron, Rospert Wiuson. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Ropeson. Azstract oF Witis, 1690—1760. ; 227 Masson, ARTHUR. Carteret County. June 13, 1748. March Court, 1748. Daughters: Exizasetu (wife of NaTHANIEL Smita), Susanna. Son: ArtHur. Nephew: Witu1am CoLe. Grandson: Water SmiruH. Wife and Ezecutriz: Mary. Executor: Joun Srarkey. Witness: Tuos. Loacx. Clerk of the Court: Gzo. Reap. Six negroes are bequeathed and others mentioned. McApam, Jamzs. Pasquotank County. April 27, 1742. February 23, 1742. Wife and Ezecutriz: Saran. Executor: JosHua Warr. Witness: JamMms Frenrson. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. McAvp4ms, Saran. Pasquotank County. October 10, 1744. January Court, 1744. Brothers and Executors: JosHuA and Nexemian Waite. Friend: THomas Nicuoutson. Son: JoserH McApam (all estate, both real and personal). Witnesses: CHARLES TaiLer, THomas NicHoison, JonatHan Lanewortuy. Clerk of the Court: THo. Taytor. McA.rin, WILLIAM. Craven County. October 28, 1747. November 7, 1747. Formerly of Sterlingshire in Scotland. Wife: Hannau (in London). Daughter: Hannan (in London). Mother: Jans Mackey (Earthtown in Sterlingshire, Scotland). Executor: THomas Ricuey, of Jamaica. Witnesses: Francis STRINGER, Honnora Duncan, CarHERINE Lippuz. Proven before E. Hatu, Chief Justice. - McCarry, Barter. Hyde County. March 1,1751. June Court, 1751. Devisees and legatees: Lpan ANDER- son, BenyaMin CLEAveES, Batty Couuins. Brother: Dennis McCarty (land on Great Neck in Currituck). Wife and Execuiriz: Euinor. Ezecu- tor: THomas Smita. Witnesses: Toos. Smita, WILLIAM SMITH, JEREMIAH Suave. Clerk of the Court: THos. Loack. McCarty, Dennis. Hyde County. April 26, 1758. June Court, 1759. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Other devisee: ApELL Hupson (one hundred acres of land on Oyster Shell Creek). Witnesses: Luxe Fortescun, Racnwet Mason, Marrua Brery. Clerk of the Court: Stzpun. DENNING. McCratianp, ANDREW. Bladen County. March 21, 1752. Grandchildren: Tuomas, JANE, ANDREW and JAMES McCuauuanp. Executor: ANDREW McCLALLAND (son-in-law). Wétnesses: .. GrorcE Brown, Bensa. Moor, Bens. Firzranpouen. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Roprson. 228 ApsTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. McCuammy, THomas. New Hanover County. May 2, 1772. September 27, 1773. Sons: Perar (“my plantation’), Luxe (plantation called The Hammock), Wonny, Marx. Daughters: ELLENDER NIxon, CaTHERINE HyDLEBYRD. Ezecutors: Peter, WonrEY and Luxe McCiammy. Witnesses: E>warp PitcHEr, ANNE SuTTAIN, Davin Faiz. Proven before Jo. Martin. McCrenven, Desorau. Perquimans County. February 8, 1728-1729. October 15,1732. Grandson: JosnPH SuTTon. Son and Executor: RicHaRD WHEEDBEE. Witnesses: CHARLES DENMAN, James ANDERSON, SENR., JAMES ANDERSON, JuNR. Clerk of the Court: CHARLES DENMAN. MacCienpon, Drwnis. Bertie County. January 19, 1725-1726. Sons: Dennis, JoHN (to each is devised a plantation). Daughters: Mary and Euizapera MacCienpon. Wife: Marcaretr. Executors: Joun Earuey (father), Francis and Taomas MacCienpon (brothers). Witnesses: Jamus Pacs, Nichouas Farruuss. No probate. “I desire my two negroes * * * in ye winter to make pitch and tarr, and freight it away to New England for such goods as shall best for my wife, etc.” McCorxet, Roserr. Anson County. No date given. Sons: ArncuipaLp and Roperr (dwelling plantation and plantation on “Catabee River”). Wife and Executriz: MARGARET. Executors: James McCorket and James Linn. Witnesses: Joun CRocK- Ett, Ropr. McCLenacken. No probate. McCoy, Danrett. Currituck County. December 2, 1731. October Court, 1735. Sons: JonN and WiILuIAM (plantation). Daughter: Lira McCoy. Wife and Executrix: CHRISTIAN. Witnesses: Moszs Linton, James Wiikins, ELEzaBaTH WiLKIns. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. MacCrary, Rosrrr. Bertie County. May 30, 1740. July 30,1740. Legatees and devisees: ExizABeTa Bar- FIELD, Mary Brown, Saran Brown, Priscitta Brown, ELIZABETH Brown. Executor: THomas Barrietp. Witnesses: P. Rocue, Tomas Barrietp, Mary Barrieip. Proven before W. Smits, C. J. McCuttocu, Henry. October 25, 1755. November 15, 1755. “Secretary of the Prov- ince of North Carolina.” Wife: Mary. Daughters: Henrimrra Mary, Dororuy Berisrorp, Evizasera Marcarer and Penetorpr MARTHA. Apstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 229 Executor: JoHN CAMPBELL, of Bertie. Wvetnesses:) Wm. Powru, Go. ArrHAauD, Wm. RoBerTson. Proven before ArTHUR Dosss. Coat of arms on seal. McDanrett, Dantet. Bertie Precinct April 16, 1733. May 2, 1734. Sons: Nicwotas, DANIEL, JAMES (ne- groes toeach). Daughters: ANN and Saran McDanigeL. Wife and Execu- tric: SaraH. Witnesses: Joan ANDERSON, ALEX. WicHT, JOHN BRYAN. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1722-1735, page 295. MacDaniet, James. Craven County. November 29, 1759. Sons: James and Joun (plantation to each), Rispon. Daughter: Levinan. Wife and Executriz: Marcuret. Execu- tor: JoHN Otiver. Witnesses: Bassett Simmons, E. Bryan, Davip B No probate. MacDantc1LL, Owen. Bertie County. February 7, 1742-1743. May Court, 1743. Wife: ELLENER. Son-in- law and Executor: JeTHRo BuTLeR (“my manner plantation and six negroes”). Witnesses: Henry Horne, JoHN CAMPBELL, RicHarp MrEp- Lin. Clerk of the Court: Hanry DzSon. McDowett, James. Bertie County. February 10, 1752. March 3, 1752. Brother-in-law: Jonn Smita of Wigtown in Galloway in North Britain. Sister: Curistian McDowEL. Nephew and Executor: Joun Smite. Witnesses: James Trotter, Danieu GoipsmiTH, ANNE ORINDELL. Will proven before Gas. JoHNSTON at Edenhouse. McDowett, Joun. Brunswick County. March 27, 1735. April 19, 1735. ‘Master of the scooner called the Jolly Batchelor, now riding at anchor in Cape Fear River, But of Bruns- wick * * *,” Ten pounds is bequeathed to the Presbyterian church at Dover, Delaware, and five pounds to the Episcopal Church at the same place. Brother: JamMEs McDowE.Lu. Sister: Exzanor Nispett. Friend: Lypia Jones. Executors: HuaH CamMpseLL and James Espy, of Bruns- wick. Witnesses: StepHen Mort, A. DeLaBastiz, ANDW. BiyTH, Mac- DALEN CAMPBELL. Proven before Gas. JoHNsTON. Provision in will that ‘‘a small brick wall be put around my grave wt two marble stones sett up, one att the head and the other att the foot, as is commonly us’d in such cases att Philadelphia.” Mace, Francis. Pasquotank County. February 7, 1748-1749. August 1, 1749. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Sons: Jonn and Francis. Daughters: Mary Symons, Evizasetu, Saran, 230 Axsstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Hanna.. Executor: Peter Symons (son-in-law). Witnesses: SamMuEy Newsy, James Newsy and Wittiam Newsy. Proven before Gas. Jounston at Eden House. Mace, WILLiaM. May 10, 1757. Son: Wiut1am. Brothers: Bunzamin Mace (30 pounds in Irish Money), Jonas Mace (40 pounds Proclamation Money). Nephews: Wituiam Mace and Wititam Morrison. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Witnesses: ARTHUR WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN ELLis, WILLIAM TEEL, WILLIAM Prescorr. The foregoing is made from a copy of the original will, and no probate appears. Provision is made for shipping a cargo of indigo. McGer, Joun. Guilford County. November 22,1773. January 28,1774. Sons: Samuzu, Joun, ANDREW (plantation on the waters of the Alamance, known by the name of Gra— ham’s Place), Wizi1am (‘plantation whereon I now live’). Daughters: JEAN (plantation on Shockley Creek), Susanan (plantation on Shockley Creek, known by the name of Jarrot Hays Place). Wife and Executriz: Marrua. Executor: Ropert Linpsay (son-in-law). Witnesses: ANN Lewis, James Morcan, THomas Weiporn, MartHa McGrr. Codicil makes provision for burying-ground, and devises house and one acre of land to one GEorGE ALEXANDER, SEnrR., to be used as a meeting house. Witnesses to codicil: JamES Morgan, THOMAS WELBORN. Will and codicil proven before Jo. Martin. McGreeor, Huen. Pasquotank Precinct. January 12, 1703-1704. February Court, 1704. Sons: Parrick and Grecor. Brother-in-law: Joan McGrecor. Wife and Executriz: AFRICA. Witnesses: WitLIsaM BaRNSFELD, THos. PENDLETON, THO. ABINGTON. Clerk of the Court: THo. ABINGTON. MacKane, Groree. Carteret County. October 14, 1753. June 6, 1758. Son: Joun. Daughters: Sopuia, Mary and Marcerset. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Eviza- Bera WALLACE, JoHN Finny. Clerk of the Court: WM. ROBERTSON. MacKarry, Trmoruy. Chowan Precinct. February 28, 1717-1718. July 15, 1718. Godson: Wm. GuLLIver. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Mas. Ropert West and Henry Speier. Wit- nesses: ARTHUR DuGALL, WM. Gapp, PaTiENcE SPELLER. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Macxpaniet1, Dantret. Bertie Precinct. April 16, 1733. Sons: DANIEL, ARCHBELL, ELEXANDER, JAMES. Daugh- ters: Mary, ANN and Saran MacKDANIELL. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Witnesses: Jno. ANDERSON, ALEXR. WEIGHT, JoHN Bryan. No probate. ApstTract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 231 Macxkerii, ANTHONY. Bath County. Noventber 28, 1723. J anuary Court, 1723-1724. Parish of St. Thomas. Sons: AntHoNyY (1 shilling), Tuomas (plantation), Jonn (plantation), Josgru (plantation). Daughters: ANN and Saran MAcKEELL. Wife and Executriz: RaBackey. Witnesses: Witt1aM Prics, JoHn Sours, PHILIP Baynarp. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Bart. ASHE. McKestz, Bensamin. Pasquotank County. April 11, 1754. July Court, 1754. Daughter: Saran McKesu (‘my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: TuamMar. Executor: Joan McKEEn (brother). Witnesses: JoHN Cuarx, Jonn Lister. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. TaYLor. McKzzrt, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. December 24, 1706. April 15, 1707. Sons: NatHanieL and JoHN (“all my lands”). Wife: Mary. Brothers: Toomas and Danie, McKeEE.. Executors: Taomas McKegu, James Tooxes. Witnesses: Joan Hunt, Tuomas ABINGTON, WALTER TURNER. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. ABINGTON. McKertt, Joun. Pasquotank County. October 27, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: THomas and Joun. Daughter: Sopa. Wife: Mareretr. Executors: THomas James and Tuomas McKEELL, Junr. Witnesses: Tuos. McKeen, and EMANUEL Knieut. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TayLor. McKeen, Resecea. Bath County. May 7, 1729. December Court, 1729. Sons: AntHony, THomas, JoserH and Jonn. Executor: Joun Barrow. Witnesses: Ricn’p Har- vey, Lam’Lu Harvey, Peter McDouts (McDowsELL). Clerk of the Court: JoHN MaTTocKE. McKezsrzt, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. December 13, 1729. January 13, 1729. Sons: Brensamin (plantation called the Old Field), Tuomas and Joun (‘‘the manner plantation”). Daughters: ExizapetH and Mary McKeen. Ezecutors: BENJAMIN and Tuomas McKEeEu (sons). Witnesses: JNo. McKrxrr, Levi Marxuam, Joun Pointer. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Minson. McKzrt, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. May 8, 1753. October Court, 1753. Daughter and sole devisee: Maraa- RET McKeev. Executors: ANTHONY and CHARLES MarkHAM. Wdtnesses: JonaTHan HoweE.i, Tuomas Corey. Clerk of the Court: Toos. Tay.or. 232 Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. McKeet, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. March 31, 1754. July Court, 1754. Daughters: Gracr, WIHNEYFRUIT (WinniFrRED), Mitta and Evizapera McKee... Wife: Miriam. Evzecu- tors: Joan McKezex (brother) and Graczk McKrer. Witnesses: ANTONY MarxHaM, WINEYFRUIT (WINNIFRED) Woopty. Clerk of the Court: THos. TAYLOR. McKerruan, Dueaxp. Bladen County. January 1, 1750-1751. March Court, 1750. Father: Donatp McKEt- tHaN. Brother: James McKeriruan. Wife: Mary. Cousins: Jon McKerruan, James McKzritnan. Sisters: Nancy McLaucuuin, Saran McKeitHan. Son-in-law: Ropert Hintyarp. Niece: Many McKurruan. No executor appointed. Wutnesses: Hect. McN3ILu, ALEXR. McALESTER, Aneus SHaw. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Roprson. Macxketroy, Jamzs. Beaufort County. April 23, 1773. October 20, 1773. Sons: Davin (‘‘my plantation”), Apam (land on south prong of Trents Creek), James (land in the fork of Trent Creek). Daughters: Saran and Evizasers (land on Neales Creek), Mary Crirtis (land on Raccoon Creek). Grandsons: JamMEs and JoHN Macxe troy (land called Whites Old Field). Wife and Executrix: Evisa- BETH. Hzecutor: Francis DevamaR. Witnesses: AMos SquieRs, THOMAS Macxketroy, Zexitt Hupson. Proven before Jo. Martin. MackFarre.u, Joun. November 27, December 1,——-—.._ This is a nuncupative will proven before James Hovte, J. P., by the oaths of Wint1am Hunter, BEn- JAMIN TURNER and JosEPH BENIMAN, in which the testator desired all of his property sold and the proceeds invested for his son, Jacop MackFaR- RELL, which son was to remain with his grandfather, JacosB Lewis. Macxeur, Lawrence. Bertie County. April 26,1740. May Court, 1740. Allof estate, both real and personal, is left to grandchildren, children of daughter, Exick Bryan. Evzecutors: Evice Bryan, Joun Bryan, Epwarp Bryan. Witnesses: CHARLES, WIL- LiaM and JoHN Ricxets. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Mackitwean, Francis. Dobbs County. February 8,1774. March 10,1774. Sons: Francis Macxiuwean (“my New plantation” also plantation called Old Ford on Contentnea Creek), Joun SrrineeR (five negroes and three horses). Daughters: Hanan, ELizaBeTH, Gatsey, Mary, Exinor, Nancy, PENELOPY MackILWwBEAN. Wife and Executriz: Many. Ezecutors: FuRNIroLD GREEN and RICHARD Nixon of Craven County. Witnesses: Rp. Caswe.x, JNo. SHINE, MartTIN 7 Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 233 Casweu., Simon Brigut. Proven before Jo. Martin. Will provides for division of negro slaves into nine parts, one part to each of children and one to wife. Codicil of even date makes bequest to brother: JouN MACKILWEAN. Same witnesses to codicil. MacKinnz, BarnaBex, JR. Edgecombe Precinct. October 13, 1736. November Court, 1736. Daughters: Patience and Mary MacKinne. Other legatees: BARNABY, son of JosprH Lang; Bar- NABY, son of Wittiam MacKinne; Joszern Lans, Wittiam MacKInne (brother), JouN Pops, James Nowxzit, Ropert and Jonn MacKInnE (brothers), NATHANIEL Cooper, JoHN Lane. Wife and Executriz: Mary (five negroes). Land devised to daughters. Live stock and land devised to other legatees mentioned. Witnesses: Naraaniet Cooper, JoHN CRowELL, JNo. Watrorp. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Kerney. Original of this will missing. Abstract made from recorded copy No. 58 in Grant Book, No. 4. : Macxinne, Joun. Edgecombe County. February 28, 1753. May Court, 1753. Son: Barnasy. Daughters: Mary, Marrsa and Patience MackINNE, ANGELINA ParisH. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Friend: Cannon CumsBo. Executor: Montrort EL- BECK. Witnesses: Montrort ELBreck, WILLIAM Gappy, Mary ELBECcK. Clerk of the Court: Bnny’N Wrnns. “I give and bequeath my loving wife * * * the use of my grist mill on Great Quonkee two years next ensuing for pay for the giveing each of my children before mentioned two years schooling.”’ Macxinne, Ricwarp. Edgecombe County. August 10, 1751. August Court, 1755. Brother: Ropert Mackinne. Nephew: Barnasy McKinnis. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: Wituiam Kincuen and WiLi1am KiIncHEN, JuNR. Witnesses: W. Kin- cHEN, WM. Baker, LemuEet Kincuen. Clerk of the Court: Jos. MontTForv. McKinney, Mary. Edgecombe County. October 18, 1754. November Court, 1754. ‘“Imprimis. I most hum- bly bequeath my Soul to God my Maker beseeching His most Gracious reception of it through the all sufficient merits and Meditations of my Most Compassionate Redeemer Jesus Christ, Who gave himself to be an atone- ment for my sins, and is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him, Seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them, and who, I trust will not reject me a returning penitent sinner, when I come to him for mercy; in this Hope & confidence I render up my soul with comfort humbly beseeching the most Blessed and Glorious Trinity, one God most holy, most merciful and gracious to prepare me for the time of my dissolu- tion, and then to take me to himself unto that Place of Rest and incom- 234 AgstTRact oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. parable Felicity which he has prepared for all that Love and fear his holy name Amen Blessed be God.”’ (The foregoing is given as a specimen of the preambles to the wills of this period.) Sons: Joun, BaRNaBYy. Daughters: ANNIJELEANY Pops, Mary, Patience and MartrHa McKINNE. Executor: BarnaBy Pops. Witnesses: Davip CRAWLEY, WM. Gappy, Rosert BEt- cHER. Clerk of the Court: Bens’n Wynns. McKinzin, Joun. Nansemond County, Va. March 2, 1754. April Court, 1754. Sons: Jonn (795 acres of land at Skeehawkee in Tyrrell County and 305 acres in the Island of Carolina in Bertie County), Kennetx (1000 acres of land at Skeehawkee), Witu1am (300 acres of land on Ronoke River in Bartie County). Daughters: JANET and Ann. Ezecutors: Wm. Gray (brother-in-law), Capt. Joun Hutu of Bertie County and James Puc and Pasco Turnsr of Nansemond County. Witnesses: James Pucu, James WricHt, CurisTIAN Goop. Clerk of the Court: SamMuEL Rippicx. This is taken from a copy of the will of the above named McKrnzis certified to North Carolina by the Court of Nansemond County. Provision in will directs executors to provide for the removal of family to North Carolina. MacLraran, ARCHIBALD. Bladen County. October 26,1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: Joun and ARCHIBALD (358 acres of land to be divided between them). Wife and Executrix: Friorance. Executor: Duncan MacLearan. Witnesses: Dusner SHaw, ARCHIBALD MacDonatp, Duncan MacFeEx. Clerk of the Court: THoMas RoseEson. Macxiemorzt, ABRAHAM. Bertie Precinct. January 4,1735. NovemberCourt, 1726. Sons: Atkin, Youne (“man- ner plantation”), Wituiam. Wife and Execuiriz: Mary. Witnesses: Wixiiam Gittim, WILLIAM CLANTON, JosePH Brapy. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Wrnns. MacxkLemore, JAMES. February 13,1738. Sons: Wiuu1aM, JAMES, CHARLES, EpHrat (to each of the above named is given a plantation and cattle), Joun. Daughter: Marcory. Wife and Executriz: Fortain. Witnesses: Joun Dove, ABRAHAM MackKLEeMoRE, THomas RoBERSON. No probate. 7 Macxty, Henry. Pasquotank Precinct. February 11, 1720. April Court, 1721. Daughters: Manny MACKLEY (50 acres of land on the north side of Nuce River), ANNE Mackury (50 acres of land on the north side of Nuce River). Son-in-law: Martin Mitier (50 Axsstract or Wix1s, 1690—1760. 235 acres of land on the north side of Nuce River). Wife and Executriz: Bar- BERY. Witnesses: JANE RusEL, EvizaABETH PaLMER, Evan Jones. Clerk of the Court pro tem.: JNo. Pauin. MacMrrt, Joun. Bertie Precinct. February 26, 1729. February 22, 1730. Devisees: Jounw MyHanp (300 acres of land on Tar River), Mary Myuanp (“my plantation”), Joon GRAY (Executor). Witnesses: JouN Harriss, ANN Minanp, Henry WALKER. Proven before Ricw’p EvERarRD. McNary, GILBERT. Hyde County. March 11, 1746-1747. June 2, 1747. Son: Wriuuiam. Daughters: Mary and Jane. Wife: Exisasetra. EHzecutors: Jonn Smiru, Sr., and Joun Smita, Jr. Witnesses: WM. Spuir, THomas ALLEN, Aaron TIsoN. Clerk of the Court: THos. Loacx. MacNaveuten, Ranarp. Bladen County. October 5, 1752. December 19, 1752. Sons: Neiw~ and CHARLES. Wife: Ispeiy. Daughter: Mary. Executors: Duncan and Neiuy Mac- CouLaskis. Witnesses: ANcuIsH SHAW, JOHN OpTaNn, JOHN CAMPBELL. Justices of Bladen County Court: GRirFriTH JoNEs and BENJAMIN Fitzran- pDouPH. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Ropzson. McRez, Witiiam. Duplin County. March 30, 1751. April 2, 1751. Goshen Settlement. Sons: Joun, James, Witu1AM, Rosert, Samurev. Daughiers: Saran Situ, ALicE Witurams, Susannaw McRes. Executors: Jonn Smita and WILLIAM McRee. Witnesses: Wintiam Kennan, Saraud McALEXANDER, ELiza- BETH CHAMBERS. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dickson. Macy, WitiiaM. Bertie County. 1730. Son: Daniet. Daughter: Marcret. All of estate, both real and personal, is devised and bequeathed to Mary Jonss, daughter of H=nry Jonzs, of Greenhall, in Chowan County. No signature, witnesses or pro- bate. Mavpox, Joun. Carteret County. January 1, 1767. March 22, 1774. Wife and sole legatee: Miriam. Executors: Moses Houston, JAMES Barry. Witnesses: WiLLIAM Hovus- TON, Davin Wituiams. Will proven before Jo. Martin. Maprey, Ricuarp. March 10,1755. June Court, 1755. Sons: THomas (“my plantation’), Revusen. Daughters: EvizaserH, RutH and ANN MaprRen. Wife and 236 Asstract or Witts, 1690—1760. Executrix: Saran. Hxecutors: Jacop and JosEPpH Maprewn (brothers). Witnesses: THomas PritcHarD, Jno. Smituson. Clerk of the Court: THos. TayLor. Maker, Dante. County not given. July 15, 1694. July 15, 1695. Sons: Danieii, Joun. Daughters: CaTHERINE, Evinor. Wife and Executriz: ELinor. Witnesses: G. Mus- CHAMP, PirrRE Lourre, RoBerRT Metiyne, Wiuiiam Browne. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Man, Joun. Tyrrell County. February 19, 1742-1748. March Court, 1744. Sons: Joun, WILLIAM, THeEoPHa_os (“land on ye South side of Mesus Creek known by ye name of Volls Island”), Epwarp (“ye southermost part of my plantation’’), Taomas (“land joining my son Epwarp’s’”), Josmpu (“ye other part of my maner plantation”). Daughters: Dornity- and EvizaBeTH Man. Wife: Mareit. Ezecutors: THEOPHALUS, JosEPH and Epwarp Man. Wit- nesses: BENJAMIN Bipaoop, James Nana. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Lug. Man, Joun. Northampton County. April 19, 1757. November Court, 1757. Sons: Freprrick, ABSOLOM, Jesse. Daughter: Lizeprtu. Wifeand Executriz: LizepeTH. Witnesses: Josnrx# Sixes, THomas TapLock. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Man, Tuomas. Bertie County. September 30, 1735. November Court, 1735. Sons: Joun (‘‘my plan- tation and six hundred and forty acres of land’’), Tomas (plantation on Wickacone Creek). Cousin: WILLIAM CRAwMaN (land on Killam Swamp). Daughter: Mary. Grandson: Grorce Wiuuiams. Wife: Brincert. Executors: Grorcr Wiuuiams, Sr., and THomas Bussry. Wetnesses: Cuartes Horne, GeorcE Witiiams, Junr. Clerk of the Court: Jonn WYNNSs. Mawnpovet, Joun. Hyde County. September 31, 1751. March Court, 1752. Sons: Samurt and JoHN (a plantation to each). Daughters: Euizannta, Repeckan, Dinny. Wife and Executrix: EuizasrtTa. Executor: Lirtrum JARMAN. Witnesses: STE- PHEN MANDOVEL, LitrLe JARMAN, JosEPH GuRGANUS. Clerk of the Court: Fran. EGieton. Manovug, Tuomas. Bertie Precinct. April 17, 1736. August Court, 1736. Grandson: Manpurs Dotury (‘my plantation and orchards, and all my books except the ould Bible and the Whole Duty of Man”). Granddaughter: Percita Doruery. Agstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 237 Son: WiiiaM Bonn. Daughter: Mary. Executor: ARTHUR WILLIAMS. Witnesses: H. Tuper, Wittiam Bun, Isaac Ricks. Clerk of the Court: JoHN WYNNS. Maner, Jonn. Bertie County. February 21, 1728-1729. May Court, 1729. Sons: Witu1am, Henry, Jacos. Friend: Sotomon Aston. Executor: Henry Maner (son). Witnesses: ELIZABETH SmiTH, Mary Atston, JoHn Auston. Clerk of the Court: Rost. ForstTER. Maney, JaMEs. Northampton County. November 30, 1751. August Court, 1752. Son and Executor: James. Daughters: Janz Macert (plantation bought of Wm. Turner), SusanE SKINER (plantations bought of Joan Hosgs, Jonn Ropens and Natsan Barnes, and a new survey on river). Hzecutors: Nicuas Macetr and CHarLes Sxiner. Witnesses: JoHN Minssy, Davip JaRNaGanpD, THOs, JARNAGAND. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Marcxruam, ANTHONY. Albemarle County. September 24, 1710. Sons: Luvy, Josoua, Cuartes, ANTHONY (to each is given a plantation). Daughters: Mary and Tamar. Wife: Joy. Executor: Levy Marck#Ham (son). Witnesses: Francis DeLaManrz, Ep- waRD CHapmMaNn. No probate. Marxuam, JosHva. Pasquotank County. August 6, 1746. April Court, 1747. Devisees and legatees: Timer Evins, BartHoLoMEW Evins, JosHua Evins, ANtony Marxguam, Josva, CusRLes, Exizapera and Mary Marxuam (to these are given negroes), Executor: ANTHONY MarkHamM. Witnesses: Samunn Scouuay, Taos. Ham- LIN. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TayLor. Marxcuay, Levi. Pasquotank County. April 1, 1743. April Court, 1744. Legatees: Witt1am Marxkuam Crank, Mary, Ann and ExizaBpetH Crank. Executriz: ELIzaABETH Crank. Ezecutors: ANTHO. MarKHAM and WILLIAM WaLLis. Witnesses: TERENCE Sweeny, Witu1aM James, ANNE Boyp. Clerk of the Court: Tos. TAYLor. Marr, Josepu. Craven County. March, 1745. Wife and Executriz: Auir. Three children mentioned, but not named. Dates and names of witnesses illegible. 238 ABSTRACT OF WILLS, 1690—1760. Marspen, ALICE. New Hanover County. March 24,1755. March 1, 1759. Wilmington. Daughters: Atice and Pracy Marspen. Granddaughter: Atice Mosson. Executor: ARTHUR Mosson (son-in-law). Witnesses: Isaac Farims, Joun Davis, JuNR., ANTHONY WarD. Proven before ARTHUR DosBs. Marspren, THomas. New Hanover County. September 23, 1739. Father: Ricuarp Marspen. Mother: ELizaBEeTH Marspen, “‘of Halifax, in ye County of York in England. Brother: Wiuuiam Marspen. Ezecutors: Joan SwANN and Tuomas Jones. Wit- nesses: WituiamM Dutren, WitL Carr, Jno. MarsHatu. No probate. Coat of arms on seal. Marsuattz, JoHN. Edgecombe County. October 24, 1757. February Court, 1758. Sons: Joun (“plantation I now live on”), Humpurey (plantation over Tar River at the head of Middle Creek), Apsotem. Daughters: EL1zABETH MARSHALL, PRISCILLA MarsHaLt, Goopwin Tucker (to these are given negroes). Wife and Ezecutriz: Amy. Executor: Joon MarsHaLu (son). Witnesses: Benga. Haive, Bens’n Nevitue, THos. Marsuauu. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. MarsuaLi, WILLIAM. Bertie County. September 4, 1738. May Court, 1739. Wife: Marcarer. Other lega- tees: MARGARET Rosperts, JoHN Roperts, Saran PuxKeE, JAMES PARROT Puxe, Mary Keers, WM. Peexs, Jonpn Keep. Hzecutriz: MARGARET MarsHauu (wife). Witnesses: Joan Wynns, Wittiam Les, WILLIAM Linn. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. Marston, ExizsBetu. Bath County. January 2, 1732. September 11, 1733. Daughters: Mary, ANN and Movurnine Marston. Ezecutors: ANN and Mournine Marston. Wit- nesses: JNO. COLLISON, JamMES ADams, Rocer Jonus. Clerk of the Court: Jno.Coiuison. Justices of Beaufort and Hyde Precincts: RoperT TURNER, Bens. Peyton, HENERY CROPTON. Martin, Evizasete. Craven County. March 30, 1767. South River. Daughters: Saran Lortin, ELIzaABETH Mitt. Grandsons: Ropert and Apam Watuts, Stocums FErauson, Tuomas Pirrman. Granddaughters: Saran Manains, ANN STEVENS, Comrr. Rouus, ExvizaserH HamBLeTon, PrupENcE Fu.rorp, JEAN Wauus. Brother: Jonn Cumines. Executor: James Jones. Witnesses: Tuomas McLin, Sam’tu Masters, Ropert Oxttver. No probate. AgstTract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 239 Martin, Grorce. October 6, 1734. March 8, 1734. Wife and Executrix: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: W. Smitu, Nara. Ricz, Jonn Montcomery. A codicil to the will devises to EpHramm Vernon, brother-in-law of the testator, all lands taken up by patent. Date of codicil same as will, and same witnesses. Proven before GABRIEL JOHNSTON. Martin, Jort. Bath County. October 24, 1715. July 3, 1716. Sons: Joun (land on Matchapungo Creek), Wii11am (land in Newport Sound). Daughters: ANN MaRTIN (320 acres of land), Exizapeta Penny, Mary Wooparp, Frances JaR- vis. Son-in-law: Jon Penny. EHzecutors: EvizaBetH Penny, JOHN Porter. Witnesses: Joun Dron, Henry Smiru, Jno. DRinKwaTER. Clerk of the Court: JNo. DRINKWATER. Martin, JoHn. Pasquotank County. December 25, 1741. January Court, 1741-1742. Sons; NaTHani£_, JosapH, Joan, JosHus. Daughters: ELENER BRYANT, MARYANN JESSOP, Ann Martin, EvizaBetH Martin, JANE Morein. Ezecutors: Joon Mor- GIN (son-in-law), THomas Jessop. Witnesses: Witu1aM Davis, JosEPH PritcHarD, Benya. PritcHarp. Clerk of the Court: Tao. TAYLOR. Martin, NatHaniet. Pasquotank County. November 28, 1743. January Court, 1743. Son and Executor: JosHua (my land and plantation). Daughter: Miriam Martin. Wife: Saran Martin. Witnesses: WittiamM Davis, GEorcE Dawson, WILLIAM BELL- MAN. Clerk of the Court: THos. TayLor. Martin, THomas. Craven County. January 15, 1758. March 23, 1758. South River. Wife and Execu- tris: EnizaBeta. Nephew: Ropert Martin, son of brother RicHarp Martin. Other legatees: Saran Lortin, wife of Leonarp Lortin of Hand-‘~ cocks Creek; Joan Martin Fercuson, daughter of Marx FrErauson. Executor: Joan THOMLINSON, of Clubfoots Creek. Wetnesses: Jonn Cum- MiINGs, ExisHa Brixnap, STEPHEN Wattuis. Proven before ARTHUR Dosss at Newbern. Martin, Winiiam. Bertie County. April 8, 1735. August Court, 1736. Sons: Ricnarp (“plantation whereon I now live’), Tuomas, Mosss, JoHN. Daughters: Mary and Ese Marten. Wife and Executriz: Euse Martin. Witnesses: ALEXR. Corren, JoHN Carey. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. 240 Asstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Martin, WILLraM. Hyde County. November 12, 1744. December 4, 1744. Daughter: ExvizapeTH Mar- Tin. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executors: DANIEL Buin (merchant in Bath) and ALEXANDER ForeMAN, Ofher legatees: EDNE and RIcHARD Martin. Witnesses: Jos. Tart, Jos. HottowELL, THomas PARTREE. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Loack. Martin, WittiaM. Beaufort County. August 23,1745. February 18,1745. St. Thomas Parish. Sons: JoHN (land on the Beaver Dams), Jomy, WILLIAM, JosEPH (to each of the sons is given a plantation). Daughters: ANN, Exizapera Martin. Cousin: Joun Martin. Evzecutors: Mary Martin (wife), Henry Sneap, JoHN, JoEL and WiLuL1AM Martin. Witnesses: JOHN ALDERSON, Mary ALDER- son, Henry Wooparp. Proven before GaB. JOHNSTON at Eden House. Martin, WiLiiam. Beaufort County. December 21,1769. Sons: Witt1aM, THomas, James, Henry. Daugh- ters: LuRANE, Mary, ANNES, ANNE. These are named as “MarTIN, alias Scott.” Lxecutors: Moses Harr, Henry Bonner, THomas Jongs. Witnesses: ALEX. GasToNn, JoHN SMaw, JaAMEs Lane. No probate. Masuporne, JETHRO. Onslow County. December 17,1752. January Court, 1753. Son: Epwarp (‘my plan- tation” and two negroes). Daughters: Mary and SaraH MasHBORNE. Wife and Executriz: Susanna. Hzecutors: CHarLtes Cox and Danii MasHBORNE. Witnesses: JOHN JARMAN, WM. WHALEY, ELisaBEeTH Parker. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Cray. Coat of arms on seal. Court held for Onslow County at the house of Jonarnan Me.ron on the North- east. Masxiz, WILLIAM. Craven County. February 21, 1753. November Court, 1753. Brother: Danimu. Wife and Executrix: Dorotay. Witnesses: JamMES WHITING, CHARLES Howarb. EvizaBetH Wuirine. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. Mason, JoHn. Currituck Precinct. August 15,1720. January 10,1721. Sons-in-law: James and MaTTHIAS Tomer. Friend: Jonn Evans. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: RicuarD WILLIAMSON, Dennis CALLIHERN, JOHN Martyn. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WickER. Mason, Joun. Hyde Precinct. February 15, 1737-1738. September Court, 1741. “In New Cur- rituck.” Sons: Roamr, THomas (“my dwelling plantation”). Daugh- Axsstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 241 ters: Mary and Mareret Mason. Grandsons: Mason Tison, JoHN Mason. Other legatees: Thomas T1Ison and CoarLes HarRineTon. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Samus. Jasper, Joun Tuite, THom. Sreton CRoMWELL. Clerk of the Court: H. Barrow. Mason, Joun. Craven County. February 27, 1747. September Court, 1748. Sons: THomas, JoHN, JosEry (to each is given about 100 acres of land). Wife and Executriz: EvizesetH. Executor: JeremMian Parsons. Witnesses: SoutHy Rew, BrEnsAMIN Mason, James Busan. Deputy Clerk: Pam. Smirs. Mason, Jwo., Sr. Hyde County. January 9, 1751-1752. March 1, 1752. Sons: Moses (‘“‘my dwelling plantation’’), JosHua (“land on Roes Bay’), Joun, Jr. (land at Swan- quarter Bay). Daughters: CHanity, ANN and Acnes Mason. Father: Roger Mason. Brother: Roaer Mason, Jr. Wife and Executrix:; CaTu- ARINA. Executors: Roger Mason, Jr., and THomas Mason, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Fran. EGurton. Mason, Mary. New Hanover County. November 20, 1771. February 19, 1772. Wilmington. Devisees and legatees: ANN Roseson (dwelling house on south side of Dock Street and west side of Second Street), Joun Ropeson, RicHarp Lowry (house at corner of Front and Princess Streets occupied by Jon ForstER), ROBERT Bairp (tenements on Front Street “at present occupied by the reverend James Tate and Nei Scuaw’). Ezecutors: JouN Roseson, Roserr Barrp and CorNELIUS Harnett. Witnesses: A. Macuaine, Ja. Moran, Joun Nutt. Proven before Jo. Martin. Mason, Roger. Hyde County. April 14, 1752. September Court, 1752. Son: Rocrr (100 acres of land and one-half estate). Daughter: Dorcas. Wife and Executriz: Saraw (200 acres of land on Contentney). Hzecutors: Bensamin and THomas Mason. Witnesses: THomas Easter, Hannay Leatra,; SoLoMOoN Carter. Clerk of the Court: Francis EGLETon. Coat of arms on seal. Mason, Roger. Hyde County. December 28, 1754. June Court, 1756. Sons: Bensamin (‘“Gailars Hammocks and the upper old field”), Taomas (“and up Roes down to the Great Bridges’), Joun and Roger Mason. Grandsons: CHRISTOPHER Mason, Roger Mason, Jz., Davip Mason (land called the paupoy ridge), Mosrs Mason. Granddaughter: SusannaH Mason. Wife: Mary. Ezec- utors: BENJAMIN and THomas Mason (sons). Witnesses: Joan TULE, JEAN Tue, Jacosp Tuiz. Clerk of the Court: SrsrHen DENNING. 16 242 AssTRactT oF WiLxs, 1690—1760. Massry, Huzexran. Bertie Precinct. April 15, 1727. August Court, 1727. Sons: Hezmxian, Ricwarp and Wituram (100 acres of land to each), Jonn. Daughters: Sana and Lucey Massny. Friend: Maraew Sueerine. Wife and Executriz: ELIZABETH. Executor: JoHN Massey (son). Witnesses: ABRAHAM BuRTON, JOHN Green, Senior, THomas Hicks. Clerk of the Court: Rr. ForsTEr. Masters, Joun. Craven County. March 22, 1773. July 27, 1773. Brothers and Executors: Tuomas and JosepH Masters. Wife: Jutyann. Witnesses: THos. Cooke, BENJ’N Cummines, SARAH WHITEARD. Proven before Jo. Martin. Masters, JosEpu. Craven County. November 22,1759. May 3,1760. Sons: Joun (plantation on the west side of Little Creek), Tomas (land on Adams Creek), Joszru (‘‘plantation whereon J now live”). Wife and Executrix: Arcata. Exzecutors: SamuEL Masters (brother), THomas Cook. Wétnesses: THos. Coox, Eviza WEsT, Witiram Norruan, Sotomon NortHan. Proven before ARTHUR DosBs. Masters, THomas. Craven County. October 27,1746. Sons: JosppH,Samury. Wife and Executriz: Sarau. Witnesses: THos. Cook, Peter Duxs, Davip Ramsey. No probate. Testator mentions Indian slave. Maruam, Rapa. Currituck County. January 2, 1749. April 26, 1750. Devisees: Bensamin Sixes, NicH- otas Lunr (Executor). Witnesses: Roperr Stity, WitL1AM STEVENSON, Wiuti1am Norron. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Maruers, Epwarp. Craven County. July 17, 1753. Daughters: ANN Gray, Mary Maruers, ELEZEBETH WINFIELD, Saran Matuers, PriscettA Marurrs, MaTHERs LURENIA Matuers (EHvecutriz). Executor: Lawrence Hyuanp. Grandson: Wiu- uiaM Nevite. Witnesses: Marten Hacin, THos. Marcuett, ELizBETH Ricse. No probate. Maruews, Cuarity (wife of Jamus Maruews). Tyrrell County. January 20,1771. May 16,1772. Daughters: Penetore Spzir (plan- tation on Conetoe), ExizaneTa Harpy, Mary AnpREws, SUSSANAH SHER- RARD. Other legatees: James CONNER WILLIAMS, son of JosnrH JoHN Winuiams, WitL1AM WILLIAMS, THomas CaRNAL, ELizABETH BLANCHET. Ezxecutors: JaMES SHERRARD, JOHN EvERET, PENELoPyY Sperr. Proven before Jo. Martin. Axsstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 243 Matuews, THomas. Chowan County. October 6, 1732. October Court, 1732. Legatees: THomas WarTERs, Ricnarp Harecx. Son-in-law: Samun. ByFiep. Wife and Executriz: Precitta. Witnesses: Saran Harecx, Wittiam Hare, Jno. McWit- uiams. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Martruiss, Jonn. Perquimans County. March 3, 1746-1747. April Court, 1748. Son and Executor: Witt1am (‘my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: EuizapetH. Witnesses: Davip and Mary Butier. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Marrocke, Joxun. Bath County. October 12, 1732. September 4, 1733. Daughters: ANN and Exiza- BETH Matrocxs. Wife: Mary. No executor named. Witnesses: Ben WHEATLEY, WM. OwEn. Clerk of the Court: Jno. CoLLIson. Maupuin, Ezrxret. Perquimans Precinct. March 25,1732. April 17,1732. Sons: Joremiau, JosHua and JAMES. Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Executor: Toomas WeExes. Witnesses: ZeB. CLayTon, JOHN Stevens, Tutte Wituiams. Clerk of the Court: CuaRLEs DENMAN. Coat of arms on seal. Will recites that testator had sent to Boston for a negro and some goods. Mavpiin, Tuomas. Perquimans County. September 16, 1758. January Court, 1759. Son: Juremian. Wife: Saran. Brother: Epmunp Cuancey. Ezecutors: Joan Cuayton (father- in-law), Ricnarp CiaytTon (brother-in-law) and Wittiam TRUMBULL. Witnesses: Wittiam Tennett, EpmMunp Cuancey, JosepH BaRcLIFT. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Matte, Joun. Beaufort County. December 11, 1773. February 16, 1774. Son: Moszs (“my manor plantation”; six negroes and mill on Blounts Creek with land adjoining). Daughters: Exizanets Maus (“my Quarter Plantation” and six negroes), Anne (400 acres of Jand and five negroes), PENELOPE (900 acres of land and five negroes), Jemima (land on Blounts and Nevils Creeks and in Pitt County and six negroes). Wife: EvizaBeru (seven negroes). Executors: Moses Hare (brother-in-law), Joun Parren, Reapine Biount, JosEPH Brount. Witnesses: WitL1AM GERRARD, Forsis GERRARD, JOHN NEvIL. Proven before Jo. Martin. Mautz, Parricx. Bath County. April 19, 1736. Beaufort Precinct. Wife: Evizapetu (five negroes “to be delivered after the tar kilns are off and the crop finished”; also 244 Axsstrract or Witzs, 1690—1760. plantation at Rumney Marsh witha dwelling house to be built “twenty foot long and sixteen foot wide’’). Son: Joun (five negroes, lands at Smiths Point and Blunts Creek and lot in Bath town). Daughters: Saraw (five negroes and land at Tranters Creek), Barpara (four negroes and the land on Matchapungo Swamp), Mary (four negroes and lands on north dividing and Jacks Creeks). Guardians for children: JonN and WitiiamM Gray, Executors: JoHNn and Witu1AM Gray, JonN CaLpom and Rosert Boyp. Witnesses: Bart. FLemine, EvizApetH Montcomery, Nenemran Monk. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Coutison. Letters issued June, 1736. Probate not dated. Mave, WiILiiaM. Bertie Precinct. February 25, 1726. March 30, 1726. Wife: Penrtore (plantations called Scotts Hall and Mount Galland). Daughter: Penstore Mavute (“all the rest and residue of my Estate”). Brother and Executor: Patrick Mave. Witnesses: Ropert Forster, Joun Nairn, Jams Eacues (?). Impression of head and Latin inscription on seal. Proven before RrcHaRD EvERARD. Mauttssy, Joun. Bladen County. October 5, 1749. July 29, 1757. Sons: Jonw and Witt1am. Daugh- ters: Hawnan Roots, Mary and Saran. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Rost. Forsna, Joun Jonus, Wituiam Harrison. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Roprson. Justices of the Peace: CaLEB Howet, E. Cart- Lipce. Coat of arms on seal. Mavttssy, Joun. New Hanover County. May 17,1757. November 6, 1757. Wilmington. Mother: Mary Mavuts- By. Sisters: Hannan Roots and Mary Mautrssy, SaraH SHEPHERD. Nephews: Wiuu1am and Joun Mavutspy, Roger Roors. Executors: THomas Jonzs and Danii DuNBIBIN. Witnesses: BENs’N Morison, JAMES ARLORD, FRAN. BETEITHELLY (or BATHELLY). Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Mayrietp, Prrer. Albemarle County. June 13, 1687. October 6, 1687. Goddaughter: Ann Love. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Witnesses: Joun Larance, Ropert Wats, THo. RouFE. Proven before SreraH SorTHELt. Mayo, Epwarp. Pasquotank County. October 12, 1724. October 20, 1724. Sons: Epwarp (“my planta- tion”), JosepH. Daughters: Mary, ANN, EvizaperuH and Saran Mayo. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Tuomas Jessop (brother). Wat- nesses: CALEB SAWYER, WILLIAM JENNINGS, STEPHEN DeLEMARE. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 245 Mayo, Epwarp. Pasquotank County. January 27, 1734-1735. February 14, 1734. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Daughter: Many. Executor: Josep Jessop (wife’s father). Wit- nesses: JoHN Scort, JEAN Bunpay, Jno. Pauin. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Means, Timortuy. Albemarle County. March 2, 1685. July 15,1686. Son: Jonn. Brother: Taomas Mpapss, of Littleworth, in Warwickshire, England. Wife: ANN. Hvzecutors: Mr. Danety AKEHURST, ARNALL WHITE and Harpy WHitr. Witnesses: JounN Hounrr, Wituiam Bentiey, Wititiam Hogpen. Proven before SrTH SorHELL. Meavis (or Mevois), Marx. Craven County. January 11,1762. February 4, 1762. Sons: Joun (“my plantation”’), Natuan (land on Trent River), Bensamin (land on Indian Grave Branch). Daughters: Lzan and Pico. Executors: Epmunp Hatcu, JAMES FRAZIER and EMaNUELL Simmons. Witnesses: James McDonap, Jacop Batt, Emmanvurt Simmons. Proven before ARTHUR DosBs. Meprorp, Heyry. Halifax County. December 19, 1773. February 17, 1774. Sons: Jonn, James, Henry and DanisEt (to each is given a plantation). Daughters: Mary, FeRREBEE and Euizaseta. Wife: EvizaBera. LHxzecutors: JONATHAN CaIN and Joun MeEprorp. Witnesses: Danie, Hutt, THomas WEATHERSBEE. Proven before Jo. Martin. Merps, Susanwaz. Pasquotank County. March 26, 1755. June Court, 1755. Sons: Timotay Meeps, WILLIAM Davis. Daughters: WinnIFRED Davis, EvizaBeTH Hicus, Saran Bar- curr. HEzecutors: TimotHy Meeps, Ropert Hosea. Witnesses: ABRaA- HAM Hossa, JoHN Hosna, Mary Crocker. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TAYLOR. Mezxrps, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. March 8, 1750-1751. April Court, 1751. Son and Executor: Timoray (‘my plantation”). Daughters: ANN NicHTs (two negroes), ELIzABETH Mezgps (two negroes). Wife and Executriz: Sussanan. Executor: Isaac Sweny. Witnesses: Joszra Scott, JoHN Brotuers, JoB WINsLow. Clerk of the Court: (signature missing). Mexrp, Timoruy. Pasquotank County. July 6, 1751. January Court, 1751. Sons: Joun and THomas (“my land’’). Daughter: Mintoson Meep. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Exzecu- tor: JOSEPH PENDLETON. Witnesses: THos. McKrEty, Mary ANN SMITH. Clerk of the Court: Tao. Taytor. 246 Azstract or Wix1s, 1690—1760. MrcGLoHON, JAMES. Bertie County. July 4, 1750. September 4, 1750. Son and Executor: James (‘‘my plantation”). Wife: Marcrrir. Sons-in-law: CurisropHer HoLuyMan, Wituiam Roaps, Samurt Hottyman. Daughter: ALceE MecLoHon. Wit- nesses: Wm. WILLIFORD, Wm. Rassusry, J. Party. Proven before Gas. Jounston at Eden house. Metton, Ropert. Orange County. April 24, 1759. November Court, 1759. Sons: James, NaTHANIEL, Naruan, Iszsum, ANcEL. Executor: Naraan MELTON (son). Witnesses: James SeLiars, Mary Strarron. Clerk of the Court: James WaTSoN. Merripay, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. March 1, 1740. Daughters: Exizappts (“my plantation in Pasquotank known as Lawsons’’), Saran and Mary (“the plantation whereon I now live’). Wife and Executriz: Exvizapnta. Witnesses: Juuius CAEsaR CuarKE, JouHN Jonzs. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Coat of arms on seal. Merritt, Cares. Chowan County. April 6, 1718. October 21, 1718. Sons: CHarLes, NATHANIEL, WIL- u1aM, JoHN. Daughters: ANN, Sarau, Harpy. Wife and Executriz: men- tioned, but not named. Witnesses: James Bryant, Perer Evans. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Merritt, Joun. Edgecombe County. January 13, 1757. Sons: Tuomas, Joun. Daughter: Pecur (wife of Joan Stone), Ameg (wife of Witu1am Hansy), and Berry Merrirr. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Jno. Haywoop, Tuos. Merritt. No probate. Merrit, Naruantet. Edgecombe County. April 10, 1735. February Court, 1735. Wife and Ezecutriz: Mary. Sons: NaruanieL, Errum, Bensamin. Daughters: Saran and Mary Merrit. Witnesses: Frances WeLpon, Henry Jonss. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Kearny. Mxstzr, CrarsMEaAr. Albemarle County. May 2, 1696. October Court, 1696. Son-in-law: Ricnarp Lowin. Executriz: Pairuis Mresuer. Witnesses: Taomas Luten, Joun FENeErR, Rurn Ranger. Clerk of the Court: Nava. Cuevin. ApstRact oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 247 Massrx, JosepPu. Onslow County. February 27, 1754. July Court, 1754. Sons: Leven, JosHua, ARON and JosEpH. Daughters: Dororuy, Saran, Grace, Ester. Wife and Executriz: Grace. Witnesses: CHARLES WILLIAMSON, RicHaRD WILLIAM- son, Lewis Jenkins. Clerk of the Court: Wiuu. Cray. Metcatr, CaLes. Craven County. December 31, 1736. This is a nuncupative will made in the presence of JosHua Pratt, WituiaM Herrirace, ADAM Moore and Aaron Woop, and bequeathes all estate to daughter, expressing desire that wife have no part of estate. Wui.i1am Herritace appointed Executor. Proven before Gaz. Jounston at Newton, March 15, 1736. Mets, Grorer. Bath, County, Craven Precinct. September 15, 1727. September 19, 1727. Son: Grorcr. Daughter: ANNE CurTISsE Mets. Wife: Susannag. Ezecutors: Apam Moors and Martuiss Rissonover. Witnesses: JosHuA Piatt, Peter Bauuarp. Clerk of the Court: C. MercaLre. Mewsoorn, Tuomas: Bertie County. February 3, 1749. November Court, 1749. Sons: Tuomas, JosHua, Nicuouas (a plantation to each), Moses, Grorcr, Joun, NicHoLEss. Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executriz: ELEANNAR. Witnesses: EDWARD Rice, Tuomas Mewsoorn. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lovicx. Mivvteton, Henry. Tyrrell County. March 6, 1738-1739. June Court, 1739. Sons: Jamms (“my manner plantation”), Joun and Henry. Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executriz: Martua. Ezecutors: DaNtEL GARRET and Sam’LL Durrance. Witnesses: Tuos. Len, Bens. Waker, ABiGAL WaLkER. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Mipvreton, Joun. June 26,1718. July 8,1718. Wife and Executriz: Euizaseta. Daugh- ter: Mary MippLeTon. Witnesses: Coartes Denman, Witt and ANN Haun. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’p Leary. Mippteton, Joun. Onslow County. December 25, 1741. April Court, 1744. Sons: Jonn and James (plantation to be divided between them), Samurt, Isaac. Daughters: Awn, Saran, Sapra,Sussanna. Wife:Sarau. Executor: Joun Starkey. Witnesses: ABRaHAM MitcHELL, ALEXR. MircHeLit, Saran MITCHELL. Clerk of the Court: ANDR. Murray. 248 Azsrract or Wir1s, 1690—1760. Mivpieron, JoHN. Edgecombe County. July 20, 1750. November Court, 1750. Sons: Jamzs and Epwarp. Daughters: Ev1zABETH Perrey, JANE, Saran and Mitprep MiIppLeTon. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: AMBROSE JosHuUA SMITH, JUDITH Smita. Clerk of the Court: Brny’n Wyrnns. Mivyett, Matruew. Currituck County. December 21, 1734. July Court, 1735. Body Island. Sons: SamurL (land on Albemarle Sound), Joun (‘one great periauger and sails”), JosePpH, MatrHew and Tuomas. Daughters: ANN, CaTERAN, Dina. Executors: JonHN and JoserpH Mipyetrr. Witnesses: Tunue WILLIAMS, JosepH Oxtover, Mary Hunter. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Mitiarp, CHaRLus. November 7, 1735. Cape Fear. Legatees: CornneLius Harnett and Hues CampBey (Executor). Witnesses: Soromon Davis, JoHN Daven- PORT, MaGDALEN CAMPBELL. No probate. Mitier, THomas. February 20, 1693-1694. July 16, 1694. Sons: Wrtutam, Ricwarp, NarHanigL and Tuomas. HEzecutor: Epwarp Mayo. Witnesses: Joun Hawkins, Witiiam Tempe, Joun Casece. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Mitter, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. March 30, 1722. July 27,1722. Executor and sole legatee: Wm. W1.1- son. Witnesses: Samurny Cock, AnTtHONY Cock, JoHN ScaRBOROUGH. Proven before RicH’p Everarp. Miniter, WitxiraM. New Hanover County. September 9,1777. October 27,1777. Wilmington. Brothers: Danie. and James Miner (of Luss in Dumbartonshire, North Brittain). Father: Joun Miter, sister: ELzaANoR Miuumr, brother: JoHN MILLER (to these three is given testator’s interest in a brigantine, which he recites was * “built at this place’). Brother-in-law: Jonn Cowan (“an Island on the Sound known by the name of Bermuda, and also a piece of land on Smith’s Creek”). Wife and Executriz: ANNA. Executor: ALExR. HostuEr. Witnesses: James Grexkiz, THoMas Brown, Davin Ross. Proven before Ricuarp Casweiu. Justice of the Peace: Jonas DunBIBIN. Miner, James. September 18, 1771. January 13, 1773. Halifax Town. Brother: ArTaur Miter (‘‘my land estate in North Britain’). Other legatees: Maraaret Catucart, Dotty Haw, Jacopina Wyne, Mary and Exiza- Agstract oF Wit1s, 1690—1760. 249 BETH Montrort, JoserH Montrort, ANDREW MILLER, WILLIAM CaTH- cart, Rev. WitiiaM WILLI= (‘all my Hebrew and Greek books’’), HENRY Sxipwitn. Evzecutors: JosppH Montrort, ANDREW MILLER, ABNER Nasu, Henry Sxipwitu, Douauas Hamitton. Witnesses: Montrort EELBECH, Reseca Bagury. Proven before Jo. Martin. Codicil provides for sale of negro servant, and devises lands purchased from one JacoB ODANIEL. Coat of arms with motto: “‘Societas Scientia Virtus.” Mitton, JoNaTHAN. , Onslow County. January 18, 1758. April Court, 1758. Son: JonatHan. Daughter: Ann. Wife and Executriz: Puriry. Witnesses: Toomas Hitu, Joseru Tuomas, Frances Cooprpr. Clerk of the Court: Witu Cray. Item: “all my woods, horses and mares be sold, etc.” Mine, Josnpu. Chowan County. December 1, 1750. April Court, 1751. Sons: Tuomas (2 plantations), JosepH. Daughters: Saran WILKINS, ANNARITO CoLLins, Mary Mine. Grandsons: JosePH WILKINS and Joseps Couuins. Wife and Executrix: RacHet. Evxecutors: THomas Warp, JoserH Mina (son). Witnesses: RacHEL CamBet, THOMAS Warp, Tuo. Cattaway. No probate officer. Provision is made for three years’ schooling to be given to son THomas, ‘in addition to the one he now has.” Mircuetit, ABRAHAM. Carteret County. December 30, 1746. March Court, 1746. Brothers: ANTHONY, JOHN and Grorce. Sister: Repeckan. Wife: not named. LEzecutors: JoHN MircHet, and Esexe, Hunter. Witnesses: Wittiam Cook, WILLIAM Watus, Peter ArRNoxpD. Clerk of the Court: Gzorer Reap. MitcHeit, Apram. Onslow County. December 8, 1747. January Court, 1747. Sons: Gores (1 planta- tion), Anrony (land on Queens Creek). Wife: Ann. Daughter: Re- Becca. Executor: JoHN Starkey. Witnesses: Saran Mippueron, Ep- WaRD Burke, Epmonp THorta. Clerk of the Court: THos. Buack Mitcurt1, Jamzs. Edenton, Chowan County. April 22, 1745. July Court, 1745. Son: James. Wife and Executriz: Carurine. Ezecutors: Peter Payne and SamvuEL STILLWELL. Wit- nesses: JAMES Watuace, ANDRE RicHarD, Exiz’tH Wauvace. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Mitcuert, Ranpatu. Edgecombe County. September 24, 1756. June Court, 1758. Brother: Wituiam MitcHeu. Daughter-in-law: Exizapeta Leaver. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Exzec- utor: Aquita Suac. Witnesses: BaurLEAY BEtcuer, JospPpH Howe.1s, BensaMin Mircuenu. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Monrrort. 250 Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Mostey, Joun. Edgecombe County. August 5,1752. May Court, 1753. Sons: Joan, Morpsca and Epwarp (one negro each). Brother: Epwarp Moriey. Nephew: SamvEL MoBLEY (one negro). Wife and Executrix: RacHELL (two negroes). Executor: Epwarp Mos.ey (son). Witnesses: Joun WILLIAMS, JOHN Warp, Lewis, Arxins. Clerk of the Court: Beny’N Wynys. Monoon, Josiaq. Halifax County. January 1, 1772. February 2, 1774. Sons: Jostan and James (one plantation to each), Joun, Jesse. Daughters: ANN and Eprr Mounoon. Testator bequeaths “remainder part of my estate * * * to give all my children an equal learning * * *.” Ezecutors: Ne=EDAM Bryant, Evias Bryant, THomas Hyman. Witnesses: JOHN BRYAN, JAMES BURNET, WIL- L14M Buanp. Proven before Jo. Martin. ~ Monerzir, Joun. Currituck County. June 22,1712. April Court, 1713. Sons: THomas (160 acres of land), WixiiAM (160 acres adjoining THomas), Joan (160 adjoining Wiii1aM), Georce (gun and sword). A great number of spoons, “‘poringers,” pewter dishes and plates, ete., bequeathed to wife and children. Daughter: Mary Monereir. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Apam Prarry, Tuomas Davis, Daniei Guascoz. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WicKEr. Mons, Tuomas. County not given. January 5, 1693. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: MatHew Saves, WILLIAM WaTERS, THoMas GILBERT. Clerk of the Court: HenpER- son WALKER. Montcomery, ANN. Chowan County. August 28,1741. October 29,1744. Legatecs: Tuomas Jons, REBECCA Jons, Janz Swan, daughter of Samurn Swan, at Cape Fear (one small diamond ring and “‘my staned taffety gound”); Mary TurNBULL, Mary Bucuar, ANN ALLIN, Samuet Swan (‘‘the rest of the law books and a mourning ring’), James TURNBULL. Ezecutors: James TURNBULL and Samurt Swan. Mother: Saran Laster in England. Witnesses: CULLEN Pottock, Frances Poutock, E. Bett. Proven before E. Mosexey, C. J. On seal is impression of a dog or lion and the word ‘“‘canis.” Monteomery, GEorcGE. Bath County. January 19, 1722-1723. July 2, 1723. Daughter: Euizasera, Other legatees: James, Jostas and Grorae Montcomery. Ezecutor: Rost. Turner. Witnesses: JosppH Eneuisu, Epwp. Dopp, Jno. Brook. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Baptiste AsHE. AssTract oF Wis, 1690—1760. 251 Montcomery, Joun. Chowan County. August 8, 1741. May 22, 1744. Testator devises all his estate to his wife, ANNE, who is also appointed Executrix. Witnesses: Jos. ANDERSON, James CRAVEN, THE. GooLp. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Montictr, THomas. Perquimans County. June 5,1750. Wife: Exizapets. Other legatees: Francis Nixon, Zacu- ARIAH Nrxon, Henry PHeips, Samugrt Newsy, Joan Nixon, JosErPH Raturr. Hzecutor: Zacnartan Nixon. Witnesses: Josian Bunpy, ApaRaHaM Henprixon, JoserH Ratuirr. Provision is made in will for bricking up the grave of the testator. Moors, Davi. March 25, 1670. All estate is bequeathed to one Davin. (name illegible). Wetnesses: James BLount, Ropert Bongo. Clerk of the Court: Tomas Harris. Moors, Epapruropitvs. Bertie County. June 11, 1757. October Court, 1757. Son: JoHn (all the lands of tes- tator). Grandsons: ELisoa WiLson, THomas Moonrk (one plantation each, both plantations lying on Fort Branch). Daughters: JuopatH Hurst, Reseckan Cain, CHariTy Watston, RacneL Watston, Mary Moors, Ann Moors, Racuet Stanpiy, Grace Moors, PEneLorE Hare, Curis- TIAN Moors. Son-in-law: James Howarp. Wife: not named. Ezecu- tors: Mary and ANN Moore. Witnesses: Coartes Horn, Demcy Hotr- LAND, Lewis Perry. Clerk of the Court: Benjamin WyYNNs. Moors, James. Bertie Precinct. November 28, 1735. December 11,1735. Wife: Susanau (one negro). Son: Morice (“my plantation and also a plantation on Fishing Creek’’). Daughter: Saran. Executor: Joun Dawson. Witnesses: Jamus Barns, Ropert TENELL, JoHN Brown. Codicil dated November 30, 1735, bequeaths live stock to wife. Wetnesses to codicil: Rost. Rurrin, JAMES Tart, Sam’Ltt Cotten. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Moors, Joxun. Perquimans County. March 19, 1746. May 18, 1746. Son: Caries (“my plantation’’). Daughter: Mary. Wife: Racuer. Ezecutors: Joan Harvey, Curisro- PHER DENMAN, JOSHUA SKINNER. Witnesses: JONATHAN SKINNER, PETER JonEs, JoHN BEMBRIDGE. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Moor, Joun. Perquimans County. March 11,1750. October 21,1755. Sons: Cornztius, Josera (“plan- tation lying in baley hack’’), Gipzon (‘‘the maner plantation’), JosEru. 252 AxBsTRAcT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. Daughters: Miriam, Saran and Berger Moore. Wife and Ezecutriz: Mary. Executor: JossrpH Raturr (brother-in-law). Witnesses: Zacu. Nixon, Wituiam More, Samugett More. Proven before JNo. CLayToN and Josepa Surton, Justices. Moort, Joun. Northampton County. September 1, 1753. November Court, 1753. Sons: Marx, Joun, Is- HaM, WituiaAM, NATHANIEL, Ricnarp. Daughter: Saran Moors. Wife and Executriz: TaBitHa Moors. Ezecutors: RicoarD Moore and THomas Pace. Witnesses: Grorce Harper, JoHN Macpgsutey. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Moors, Joun. Bertie County. February 19, 1754. May Court, 1754. Son: Brensamin. Daughter: Ann. Executors: ExvizasetTH Moore (wife) and JoHN Moore (uncle). Witnesses: JOHN Prerericx, ANNE Gains, Hezexian HerrRenpvEN. Clerk of the Court: Sam’L Ormgs. Moor, Jonny. Bertie County. March 11, 1754. May Court, 1754. Sons: Samunty and Jonn Moore (‘my lands”). Daughter: Mary Betu. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Exec- utor: EpHraim Weston. Witnesses: StepHen Evans, ANN Evans, Jos. Harpy. Clerk of the Court: Sam’, Orgs. Moors, Jos=pu. Edgecombe County. February 15, 1753. February Court, 1757. Sons: Joseru (plantation in Edgecombe County on Little Swamp and plantation in Bertie County on Rockquies Swamp), Jamus (land on Conehoe pocoson), Hopgus (land on Conehoe), Jussez and Ezinxeny (“my water mill’). Daughters: ANN Mcers, Martua Hinton, Ceria Moore (one negro girl each), Mena Moore. Ezecutors: ANN Moore (wife) and four sons. Witnesses: Eviza- BETH WILLIAMS, Mary WHITMILL, Wm. WiuLiaMs. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Moors, Josuva. Perquimans County. February 12, 1734-1735. February 24,1734. Brothers: Samuzrt, JouN, Trueman. Nephew: CorNE tus (son of Joun). Niece: Euizapeta Nixon. Wife and Executriz: Exizapera. Wetnesses: Zacuarian Nixon, THOMAS Winstow, Zacuariaw Nixon, Jr. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Moors, Mary. Perquimans County. March 24, 1753. April Court, 1756. Sons: Tuomas and NATHAN Newsy (Ezecutors). Daughter: Mary Roxinson. Other legatees: Jam- ABSTRACT OF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 253 MIME, Mary, Sarax and JoHN Rosinson, EvizasetH Newsy, EvizaABETa Hinz, Evizapeta Eviot. Witnesses: Frances Jonrs, RALPH FLETCHER, Exvizapeta Hy. Clerk of the Court: Mines Harvey. Mooret, RicHarp. Bertie County. November 1, 1748. February Court, 1748. Son and Executor: JouN (“all my lands’). Brother and Executor: Joun Moors. Witnesses: WI1- uiaM Rice, THomas Davis, Lucreacy Ler. Clerk of the Court: JoHN Lovicx. Moorz, Rozerr. Perquimans County. February 22,1749. January Court, 1750. Sons: Samury (“my plan- tation”), Joun. Daughters: Saran and Racuext Moors. Grandchildren: Mary Moors, Martaa and Miriam Moorg, Evsazor Cresssiz. Execu- tors: SAMUELL Moore, RicHarp SKINNER, ABRAHAM SANDERS and JOSEPH Wuitr. Witnesses: Josnua Jones, JONATHAN PHELPS, ELIZABETH ELLs. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Moors, Roeer. New Hanover County. March 7, 1747-1748. May Court, 1758. Parish of St. Philips. Sons: GrorGE, WituiaM. Daughters: Saran Smita, Mary and ANNE Moors. Wife: Mary. The following lands are devised: Plantation called Kendall; land on ‘Mr. Allens Creek”; lands between Therofaire and Black River in the Neck known by the name of Maultsby’s Point and lands on the Is- land opposite; land in fork of River known by name of Mount Misery; 500 acres on So. West River; land between Jos Hows and Mr. Datuison; 3,025 acres near Saxpahaw Old Fields, bought of Joun Porter; lot in Brunswick where ‘“‘Mr. Ross at present dwells”; plantation called Orton where “I now dwell’; 640 acres at Rocky Point; land on Smith Creek; 5,000 acres at Eno Old Fields. To daughters, ANN and Mary Moors, is bequeathed 3,600 pounds, 1,800 to each. To son-in-law, THomas Situ, is devised lot in Brunswick ‘“‘where Witu1aAM Lorp at present dwells.’’ Grandmother of daughters: Mrs.Saran Trorr. Aunt of daughters: Mrs. Sarau ALLEN. About 250 negroes bequeathed. Will mentions mill at Brices Creek. Ezecutors: Grorce and W1LL1AM Moors (sons). Wvétnesses: WM. Forpss, Ricw’p Quince, Geo. Locan, Wa. Ross, Respecca Coxs. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Fartes. Coat of arms on seal. Moore, Samvet. Albemarle County. January 9, 1693-1694. August 20, 1694. Son: SamurLt. Wife and Executriz: ABicatt. Witnesses: Jno. Hawkins, JoHN CaBBIDGE, SARAH Hawxins. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. 254 Assrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Moorz, SamMvrt. Onslow County. October 11, 1750. April 2, 1751. Sons: Samue. (plantation on a branch of Stones Creek), Tomas (250 acres of land). Daughters: Saran, Mary and AuueTaea. FEzecutors: OpabiAH Moors (brother) and THE- oPpHILUS WILLIAMS. Witnesses: Horatrus WoopHovuss, Ropert Nixon, JosHua Pauty. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Biack. Moors, SaMvueEtt. Perquimans County. October 25, 1751. January Court, 1752. Wufe and Executrix: Mary. Nieces: Mary, Hanna and Martua Moore (daughters of brother, JoHN Moore). Other legatees: Etizasetu Eviiot, Francis and Nataan Newsy, Joun PrrisHe, Epwarp Dewise. Friends: Ricu’> SKINNER, JOSEPH Waits and Zacwarian Nixon. Executor: Francis Newsy. Witnesses: Zacu. Nixon, Danieu Saint. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Moore, SaMveEt. Perquimans County. May 26, 1754. January Court, 1756. Sons: Josnua, AARON, JoNa- THAN, JOHN (to each is given a plantation). Daughters: Mary and Saran Moorz. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Joon Ropinson, Cor- NELIUS Moors, Josera Wuitz, Junr. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Moor, THomas. New Hanover County. February 3, 1755. February 4,1755. ‘Late of New York now in Wil- mington.” This will appoints Cosmas FarquHarson, Executor, and he is directed to transmit all estate to New York ‘‘to be disposed of as my former Will in the Hands of Mr. Ausop and Carrot Directs.” Witnesses: CALEB Mason, Simon Payne, Rv. Hartiny. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Fariss. Moors, Tirvs. Bertie County. April 26,1753. January Court,1757. Sonand Executor: James. Wife and Executriz: Exuizasnta. Daughter: Mary Opom. Witnesses: NEED- HaM Bryan, WILLIAM TuRNER, Patience Turner. Clerk of the Court: Benin. WYNNS. Moorz, Trueman. Perquimans County. December 12, 1752. April Court, 1753. Sons: Wiut1am, SamvEL, THomas (to each is given a plantation), Jesse (land in Ballyhack). Daughters: Janz and Mary Moors. Friends: Joan Witson, WitLiaM Wuitr, Joun Moore and Danien Saint. Wife and Executriz: Lean. Ezxecutors: Tuos. NicHoitson and Samuru Moore. Witnesses: WILLIAM Waits, Danirt Saint, JosepH Winstow. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. AgsstTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 255 Moorz, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. February 6, 1726-1727. October 31, 1732. Sons: Wiiutam, Joun, _ JosHua, SAMUELL, TRUMAN (to each of the above is given a plantation). Daughters: Euizapeta and Jane. Cousin: Ropert Boaur. Wife and Executriz: EuizaBpeta. Executors: Joun and Josnua Moors. Witnesses: JosepH Winstow, JacoB Hi, J. Jessop. Proven before Gzo. Bur- RINGTON. Mors, WIxi1aM. Perquimans County. June 4, 1749. April Court, 1752. Devisees: Truman Moore and Wiuiam Wirson (land obtained from Epw. Mostny). Wife and Execu- trix: MartaHa. Witnesses: Rost. Newsy, JosHua Hasxket, Mary Savie. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. ¢ Moorneap. JaMEs. Bladen County. April 4, 1759. July Court, 1759. Sons: WiuuiaM and James. Daugh- ters: Jane and Saran. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: ALEX- ANDER McConkey. Witnesses: Peter Cates, Lawrence Byrne, Mary Arinton. Clerk of the Court: J. BuRewin. Morean, James (Son of Wittiam Morea). Perquimans County. January 26, 1740-1741. October Court, 1741. Sons: Jacop and Cuartes (land on Morgan’s Swamp). Daughters: EvizapetH and RE- BECKAH Morean. Wife and Executrix: Hannan. Executor: THOMAS Overman (brother-in-law). Witnesses: ZacHarian Nixon, CHARLES Overman, Jos. Ropinson. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Morean, Jane. Perquimans County. February 4, 1742. March 22, 1742. Sons: Joun ANDERSON, JAMES Morean. Daughter: Saran Parsons. Daughier-in-law: ANN Morean. Granddaughters: Mary and Miriam Morean, ELizaABETH CosaNn, JANE AnpERSon. Executors: Joon ANDERSON and JAMES MoraaNn. Witnesses: ApraHam Exniort, Mary Exuiott, JossrpH Ratuirr. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, Morean, Joun. Pasquotank County. October 20, 1754. January Court, 1755. Sons: Joun and Joszry (1 shilling). Daughters: RacHEL OverMAN, EnizaBeTH Eviior, Mary Euuiot, Hannan Bosweu (“my manner plantation”). Grandson: Jo- SEPH BOswELL. Exzecutors: HannaH and JosEPH BosWELL. Witnesses: Grorce Low, Epwarp WarpswortH. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. Taytor. 256 Axsstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Morean, NatHan. Onslow County. February 16, 1749. October 2, 1750. Sons: Wiuiiam (‘“‘mannor house and one-half of mannor plantation’’), Gorr (“the other half of the land I now live on’’). Daughter: Sukezn Morean. Brothers: WiL1aM Morcan (Executor) and JoserH Morcan. Witnesses: WILLIAM AMBROSE, FRANCIS Sumner, JoserH Sturczs. No probate. Morgan, Roperr. Pasquotank Precinct. October 22, 1727. November 26, 1730. Sons: Bennet, JOSEPH, Rosert and Mosss (a plantation to each), Aaron. Daughters: ALLIs, EvizaBetTuH, ANN and Jupa. Wife: ExizaseTa. Executors: BENNET and JoszrH Moraan (sons). Witnesses: ABEL Ross, TaMar Ross, JERUAS JonEs, James Apams. Proven before RicHarD EveRARD. Morrett, Humpurey. March 10, 1732. Grandsons: JosprH and JoHN Prars. Daughter and Ezecutriz: EvizapeTa Wats. Mother: EvizapetH Morrer. Witnesses: Witui4M Simes, ANN Burk, Henry Tupor. No probate. Moris, Joun. Craven County. August 23, 1742. September 24, 1742. Wife and Executriz: MaTHEW Morris. Son: Joun. Daughter: Mary Morris. Ezecutors: ABRAHAM Busert, Joun Hupier. Witnesses: Wm. Wickuirre, THomas Mors, Ricuarp Morgan. Clerk of the Court: N. RouTLEDGE. Morris, Jonny. Pasquotank County. November 18, 1739. January Court, 1739. Sons: Josmrpa and Jonn (“my manner plantation”), ZacHartaH, Isac, Aaron, JosEPH. Daugh- ters: Hannan and Saran Morris. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Wit- nesses: JOHN BELMAN, Mary ALBERTSON, JosePH RoBINsON. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Morriss, Joun. Bertie County. _May 21,1759. July Court, 1759. Sons: Joun and Witt (“planta- tion whereon I now live,” lying on the main road to Bertie Courthouse), Bensamin, Natuan, Jacos, James Harty, Ricaarp. Daughters: Mary Statuines, ANN Houms, Saran Farmer, EvizaBeta and JANE Morris. Wife and Executricz: Repexan. Executors: Joan and Win11aM Morris. Witnesses: Witu1aM WILLEFoRD, Jacos Stauuines, J. Earny. Clerk of the Court: Bens’N WYNNS. Morris, THomas. New Hanover County. August 2,1744. January 9,1744. Sons: Tuomas, WILLIAM, SOLOMON, James (land on Holly Shelter Creek). Grandsons: Taomas and CHARLES Asstract oF WItis, 1690—1760. 257 Morris. Brother: W1u1aAM Morris. LHzecutors: W1Lu1AM, SOLOMON and James Morris (sons). Wvtnesses: Cuas. Harrison, THomMas STEERS, Susanaw Nicuous. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Jamms SMaLLwoop. Morzison, Bensamin. New Hanover County. April 14, 1760. June 10, 1760. Wilmington. Executor: ALEXANDER Duncan. Witnesses: Toomas TURNBULL, JAMES RUTHERFURD, HENRY Toomer. Proven before ArtHUR Doss at Brunswick. No legatee named in will. Mortimer, JOHN. New Hanover County. June 14,1765. September 26,1766. Wilmington. Daughter: HanNaH Mortimer (lot in Wilmington on north side of Market Street). Nephew: JoHn Conaway. Sister: MaryMortimer. Wifeand Executricv: Resucca. Executors: Doctr. SaMUELL GREEN and CorneLius Harnerr. Wit- nesses: Moses JonN DreRossrett, Wm. Purviancs, W. Gregory. Proven before Wm. Tryon. Executors qualified before Moses Jno. DrRossett. Mosetry, Epwarp. New Hanover County. March 20, 1745. August Court, 1749. Sons: Joun (plantation at Rockey Point, on the west side of the northeast branch of Cape Fear River, about 3,500 acres; lot and houses in Brunswick ‘‘where my Habi- tation usually is at Present”; plantation below Brunswick commonly called Macknights), Epwarp (plantation in Chowan County containing 2,000 acres in fee tail; lot and house in Wilmington; 600 acres of land - opposite Cabbage Inlet; 500 acres in Tyrrell called Coopers; 450 acres in Tyrrell called Whitemarsh), Sampson (land on the east side of the north- east branch of Cape Fear River, lying between Holly Shelter Creek and the bald white sandhills, containing 3,500 acres), James (lands on the east side of the northeast branch of Cape Fear River opposite Rocky Point plantation, containing 1,650 acres), THomas (1,880 acres of land on northwest branch of Cape Fear River). To Sampson, James and Tuomas is devised ‘‘all my lands on the East side of Cape Fear River, on part whereof Mr. Buenion dwelleth.” To five sons is devised ‘‘my large tract of Land in Edgecomb County called Clur, containing 10,000 acres,” ‘ and fifty-six slaves. Wife: ANN (plantation on the Sound ‘“whereon is a large Vineyard planted”; also 3,200 acres of land in Edgecomb called Alden of the Hill, lying on a branch of Fishing Creek, by ‘“‘some called Irwins, by Other Butterwood’’; also 1,650 acres on the west side of Neuse River, about twenty-four miles above Newbern; also twenty-one slaves, new chaise harness and pair of bay horses, ten cows and calves, ten steers and twenty sheep. Daughter: ANER (eleven slaves). Friends: Samuet Swann, Joun Swann, JEREMIAH VaIL, ALEXANDER LILLINGTON, James Hasett. Mother-in-law: Mrs. Susannau Hasewy. Brother-in- 17 258 Agstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. law: James Hasewi, Jr. Sisters-in-law: Mrs. Mary Vatu, Mrs. Jonn Porter and EvizaBerts, late wife of Cot. Maurice Moore. Ezecutors: Joun and Epwarp Mosguey (sons) and ANN MoseLey (wife). Wit- nesses: ELEAZR ALLEN, Roar. Moore, Wm. Forses, Marr. Rowan. Some interesting provisions in will: ‘I Recommend it to my Dear and loving wife that one of my sons as shall be thought best qualified for it be bred to the law, it being highly necessary in so large a family, and to him I give all my law books, being upwards of 200 volumes, which are now or shall be in my closet,” etc. ‘Item: I give to my dear wife Blome’s History of the Bible in folio, 3 volumes in folio of Arch Bishop Tillotson’s Works, four volumes in Octavo of Dr. Stanhope’s, on the Epistles & Gospels, and all the Books of Physick. Item: I give to my daughter, Awn Humpuriss, 3 Volumes in folio on the Old & New Testament, and I will that my executors buy for her the work of the Auther of the whole Duty of Man. I give to the oldest of my sons that shall not Study the Law, Chambers Dictionary, 2 Volms in folio, and LeBlond of Gardening in Quarto; and the rest of my books, about 150 Volumes, to be divided among my other three Sons. Item: I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son, Joun, my large Silver Tea Kettle, Lamp & Server for it to stand on, weighing in all about 170 ounces; To my Son Epwarp, my large silver Coffee Pot Pott; to my son Sampson, my large Silver Tea Pot; to my Son James, my Large Silver Tankard, & To my Son Tuomas, a pair of Large Square Silver Servers, my cases of Knifes, Forks, Spoons, Salts, Casters & Other my plate to be divided between my Wife & Daughter * * *.” “Ttem: it is my will that the profits arising from the labour of my Two Sons’ Slaves & their part of the profits arising by the stocks be laid out in purchasing Young Female slaves * * *.” “Item: When it shall be necessary to give all or any of my sons Other Education that is to be had from the Common Masters in this Province, for I would have my children well educated, it is then my will that such expence be de- frayed out of the profits of such Child’s estate, etc.” Codicil to will dated June 9, 1748, gives to son Witi1aM, “born since my said last Will was made,” the tract of land in Edgecomb called Alden of the Hill and 300 acres contiguous thereto, and also emancipates three slaves, with the provision, however, that “if it shall not be allowed them, then it is my will that my executrix shall place them jointly or severally, as they shall choose, on any of my lands, to make what they shall judge most for their advantage, rendering one-tenth part of the profits to my executrix.’’ Witnesses to codicil: Joun Cocuran, JoHN Hancock, Joan Cooxr. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Fartes. Coat of arms on seal is illegible, and coat of arms on seal to codicil is said by testator to be “Mr. Sampson’s (my Wife’s Father), mine being lately lost.” All land devised to sons is devised in fee tail, showing that entails existed at the time of the will. Azssrract oF WILxs, 1690—1760. 259 i Mosier, CEARSMER. Chowan Precinct. May 2, 1696. Wife and Executriz: Puitis. Witnesses: THomas Latrn, Joun Jones, RicharD RaneER. No probate. Will almost illegible. Moss, Grace. Craven County. June 7, 1771. August 6, 1771. Daughter: ANN Conway. Niece: Sipney Pitman. Son: JosepH Moss. Evzecutors: THomas and JoHN Ne.son. Witnesses: James Sravern, JR., Dene Mozor, ELEANOR Ciase. Proven before Jas. HaseLu. Provision is made for education of son. Movnp, Noa. Edgecombe County. February 1, 1752. February Court, 1752. This is a nuncupative will proven before Sam’LL Wiitulams by Exviza Wess and JoszpH Issn- MANGER, in which all estate of testator is left to Aquita Suaee, who is also appointed Executor. Clerk of the Court: Brny’N WYNNS. Movnrsacur, ExizaBers. Perquimans County. September 20, 1756. July Court, 1757. Legatees: Josan Raper, Miriam Overman, Naomy Newsy, Hannan Newsy, JoserpH RoBinson, Samust Newsy, Taomas Nicnorson, Witiiam Haskit, CHRISTOPHER and JoserH NicHoLson. Witnesses: THomas, CHRISTOPHER and JOSEPH Nicnotson. Witnesses: JOHN OVERMAN, SARAH Barrow, JOHN TAYLOR. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Mounticuz, THomas. Perquimans County. June 5, 1750. October Court, 1750. Devisees and legatees: FRANCIS Nrxon (all lands and houses), ZacHariaH Nixon, Henry Puevps (one negro man), Samus” Newsy and JoHn Nixon (ten pounds in good “mer- chantable barrel pork’), JosepH Raturrr, ZACHARIAH Nixon, JR., and Menetaste Nixon. Wife and Executriz: EvizapetTu. Executor: ZacHa- RAH Nixon. Witnesses: Josan Bunpy, ABRAHAM HENDRIXON, JOSEPH Raturr. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Moy, Joun. Currituck County. January 3,1735. July 1,1735. Son: Joun (‘my maner plantation’). Daughter: Jann Moy. Wifeand Executriz: ANNin. Witnesses: JouN WarR- DEN, RicHarp Brapuey. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Movs, Tuomas. Bertie Precinct. March 26, 1721-1722. May Court, 1723. Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Wife’s sons: THomas and JoHN Puituirs. Witnesses: Jno. Stmp- son, THomas Boykin, Isapect Joyner. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. 260 Apstract or Witzs, 1690—1760. Moutxry, Puuixie. Edgecombe Precinct. December 17, 1736. May Court, 1737. Sons: Davin (land on Beaver Ponds), Puiuip (“my plantation”). Daughters: JaNE, Eve, ScaRBROUGH, Joupita. Son-in-law: Gnorer Laws. Friends: Backtry KimproueH and Joun Harpy (land at plumtree). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: James Smire. Witnesses: RicharD HERRING, JOHN CALIBAN, JONATHAN Muxey. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Knarny. Mottey, Isaac. Perquimans County. August 24, 1743. October Court, 1743. Son: JosprH (‘my planta- tion”). Wife and Executriz: Evizanetau. Daughter: Respecca. Ezecu- tors: ABRAHAM and JAcoB MULLEN (brothers). Witnesses: SamuEL Bar- CLIFT, JosEPH PeRSHER, JOHN ANDERSON. Clerk of the Court: EpMuND Hatca. Mouten, Jacos. Perquimans County. November 5, 1757. January Court, 1758. Sons: Isaac and ABRAHAM (“my plantation containing 229 acres’’), Jaco (76 acres of land), THomas (land on Suttons Creek). Daughter: Hannan MULLEN. Ezecutors: WiL- 1AM ToMBLIN and Winuiam Hasket. Witnesses: James GIBSON, JAMES Peirce, Francis Laypen. Clerk of the Court: Minus Harvey. - Mumrorp, Josepu. Onslow County. October 3, 1732. Sons: Joszrs (“all my lands”), Epwarp. Daughter: EvizaBeTH Mumrorp. Ezecutors: Epwarp Howarp, THomas FuLuarp. Witnesses: James Murray, Epwarp Howarp, EuizaABetH Murray. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. Monpay, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. December 3, 1688. January 28, 1688. Son: Witu1am. Daughter: EvizaBpeta Munpay. Wife and Executriz: Emmay. Evxecutor: Joun Stocxum. Witnesses: Joun Jones, Wittiam Hancock, Eviza Stockum, JoHun Wineats. Proven before Seta SoTHELL. Mons, THomas. Albemarle County. January 5, 1693. Wife: Anne Muns, sole heir and Executrix. Wit nesses: MatHew Saves, WM. Watters, Tos. Ginpert. Proved at Chowan. Clerk of Court: Henperson WALKER. Morven, Jeremiau. Pasquotank County. August 3, 1745. November 20,1750. Son and Executor: Ropprt (‘the manner plantation”). Daughter: Mary. Granddaughter: Mary SPENncn. Witnesses: JouN Jones, Isaac Jones, Jonn Camminy. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 261 Murruy, Epmonp. Craven County. March 4, 1745. Sons: BENJAMIN and Josva (“all my lands”), EpMUND. Wife and Executriz: EuizaBeTH. Witnesses: James TucKER, WM. FLOOD, Paut Puiturrs. No probate. Mourruy, JEREMIAH. Craven County. Movember 26, 1750. May Court, 1752. Son: THomas. Ezecutors: GeorcE Lang, THomas Murpuy and Joun Lane. Witnesses: Jonn Mur- PHY, JANE CARRUTHERS, JNO. CanRuUTHERS, JR. Clerk of the Court: Puiu. SMITH. Murpruy, THomas. Craven County. October 7, 1746. February 27, 1746. Sons: THomas (plantation on Trent River), Jeremiau, JonN. Daughter: Bripcett Murpuy. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Joun Jouns, JoHN ABBott, JOHN PETER Rem. Proven before.GaprigL JOHNSTON. / Morruey, WILLIAM. Edgecombe County. January 23, 1736. May Court, 1737. Daughters: Mary and Martua Murrey (one plantation each), Estaer Murpuy (negroes). Other lega- tees: Wintiam Hurst, JoserH Brapspaw. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executors: Joon Epwarps and Isaac Ricks. Witnesses: JoHN Pore, WM. Goopwin, Jonn Strickianp. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Harvey. Murray, ANDREW. Onslow County. February 9, 1745-1746. April 2, 1746. Devisee: Jamms Hur.ey. Executor: StepHen Ler. Witnesses: Fore Dexter, E. Caapwick, DanieL Sssestow, James Hoyiz, Exvizapets Horus. Clerk of the Court: Guo. Cuorron, Nayier, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. April 13, 1696. September 30, 1696. Little River. Daughters: Mar- GaRET and Mary “living in Virginia.” Executor: Joun Kine. Witness: Martua Prater. Clerk of the Court: W. Gover. Neate, ABNER. Craven County. January 5, 1770. October 14, 1772. Sons: ABNER (land on Adams Creek), RicHarp (land bought of Witt1aAM CaRRUTHERS and MatHew GoprreEy), CHRIsToPpHER and Puruir (to each is given land bounded and described in will), Maraew (lands on Browns Creek), Barre (land on Goose Creek). Daughters: WinirreD THomas, Mary Pittman, wife of JosEPH Pirrman, Hannan NEALE, EvizapeTH NEALE, Patience NEALE. Grandchildren: JoHN, ABNER, Saran and WINIFRED THomas. Hight negroes bequeathed. Wife: ExvizaneruH. Friends: James Jonus, JoHN 262 Axsstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. Bryan, THomas Coox, SamuEL Masters, Parmenas Horton and JoHN THomuinson. Ezecutors: CaRIsTOPHER and RicHarD N#ALE (sons) and Rocer Jones. Witnesses: Evisan JARMAN, RoBERT TURNER, BENJAMIN Cummines. Proven before Jo. Martin. Nearer, CHARLES. Albemarle County. January 7, 1698-1699. Daughters: Dorcas, Mary. Guardian to daugh- ter: JonN Macxnety. Son: CHARLES (negroes). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JoHN Mackee yi, Francis DELAMARE, JOHN Woop- HOUSE, THoMAS Born, Joy Marxuam. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Neatez, Henry. July 13, 1734. April 30, 1735. Wéife’s son: Jonn Simpson. Sons: Samuget and Henry (“my negroes’), THomas. Daughters: Janz and EvizaBETH NEALE (one negro each). Wife: Susanan. Executors: JANE Hussanps (sister), SAMUEL Haze wt (cousin), JosePpH CLARK. Wetnesses: Tuos. Haut, Hannan Haut, Exviz. Brian. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, at Cape Fear. NerepHam, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. October 6, 1740. July Court, 1743. Sons: Jonn, Gepzon, Tuomas (a plantation to each), Curistorer (one shilling). Daughter: ANN. Execu- tor: Joun NEEDHAM (son). Witnesses: Dennis SawyER, Rospert Tork- sey. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. NessFritp, JoHN. Bladen County. March 27, 1764. April 20, 1764. Wife and Evxecutriz: Ann. Other legatees: THoMas Waite and wife, ANN. Executor: Joan Ropgson of Wil- mington. Witnesses: Hu. WapDELL, JAMES BaiLey, Epw. BRYAN. Proven before ArTHUR Doss. Testator provides for sale of all his estate; pro- ceeds to be invested in young female slaves for use of wife and children. Impression of dove with olive branch on seal. Nevit, Bensamin. Halifax County. November 15, 1758. September Court, 1759. Sons: BEnyAMIN (“plan- tation whereon I now live’’), Juss: (plantations in Edgecombe and Gran- ville Counties). Daughter: Evtzanera Nevin (one negro). Wife and Executriz: ExizaBeTH. Witnesses: JOHN MarsHatt, AMY MarsHatu, Ropart Sanpers. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Monrrorr. Nevitt, Francis. April 16,1735. April 20,1735. Little River. Legatees: Jams CoLLins: and wife, Luc; Joan Armor (“my bote’’), “Old Madum Britt my ring Agstract oF Wirzs, 1690—1760. 263 \ the pose in thy brest my heart dothe rest.” Executor: James CoLLines. Witnesses: Thomas BrEprorD, WILLIAM ALLIN. Clerk of the Court: Joun Parker, Justice of the Peace: JNo. Pauin, Newsy, Bensamin. Pasquotank County. November 13, 1739. January Court, 1739. Sons: JosepH (tract of land), BensaMIn (“the manner plantation”). Daughter: Saran Newsy. Wife and Execuirix: Susanau. Executor: JoHN OVERMAN. Witnesses: James Newsy, JoHN Rosinson, Jonn Low. Clerk of the Court: Jamzs CRAVEN. Newsy, Epwarp. August 6, 1717. Brother: Witutam. Father and Executor: GABRIEL Newsy. Witnesses: BENJAMIN SanpEeRS, NaTHan and Witiiam Newsy. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 270. Newsy, Francis. Perquimans County. March 18, 1743-1744. April Court, 1744. Sons: Rosprert and Jesse (“my plantation”), Mark and Francis. Daughters: Marcarer and Sarauw (one negro each). Hzecutors: Ropert, Mark, Francis and Jessen Newsy. Witnesses: SusanNAH Woop, Mary WItson, Rr. Witson. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Newsy, Francis. Perquimans County. January 8,1752. July Court,1752. Brothers: Taomas Newsy, Nataan Newsy (all ‘““my lands and houses”), Joun Ropinson. Mother and Exec- utriz: Mary Moor. Witnesses: Zach. Nixon, RALPH FLETcHER, ELEsA- BETH Nixon. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Newsy, GaBRIEL. March 26, 1733. March 1, 1735. Sons: Josnra (plantation of 300 acres), JEssE (300 acres of land), Samurt (“‘my maner plantation” and also two negroes), Francis. Grandson: Witu1am Newsy (300 acres of land). Other legatees: RicHarp and Mary Moors. Wife and Evxecutriz: Mary. Witnesses: Wrut1am Hinu, Tomas Musz, THomas NicHotson. Proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Newsy, Jamzs. Pasquotank County. November 24, 1739. January Court, 1743. Son: Jacos. Son-in-law: Epwarp Warp. Daughters: Saran, MagpaLeNnr and Mary Newsy. Wife and Executrix: Hanan. Witnesses: Henry Rarer, THomas Over- MAN, JosEPH Ropinson. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. TayLor. 264 Azsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Newsy, JosepH. Perquimans County. January 22, 1726. April 21, 1735. Wife and Executriz: Mary. No other legatee mentioned. Witnesses: NatHAN NEwBY, Peter PEARSON, J. Jessop. Clerk of the Court: James Craven. Coat of arms on seal. Newsy, JOSEPH. Perquimans County. May 2, 1752. July Court, 1752. Wife: ExisanetH. Daughter: Mary. Executors: SamuEL Newsy and JosepH Waite (uncles). Wétnesses: Samurx Moors, Sars Moors, ZacHarian Morris. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Coat of arms on seal. Newsy, Mary. Perquimans County. October 13, 1739. January Court, 1739. Son: JosepH Mayo. Daugh- ter: ExizasetH Wittson. Grandchildren: JoHN Witison, Epwarp, Jemima and IsaBeLrL Newsy. Niece: EvizapetaH WinsLow. LE-xecutors: Joun Witison and Samugt Newey (sons-in-law). Witnesses: WiLL1AM Srrareaves, Sarag Evxuit, Miriam Bocur. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Newey, Natuan. _Perquimans County. April 1, 1735. October Court, 1735. Sons: THomas (plantation on Cypress Swamp), Francis (“land whereon I now live’), NatrHan (230 acres of land). Daughter: Mary Newsy. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: THomas Newsy (brother) and ZacHarian Nixon. Witnesses: ZacHaRniaH Nixon, Senr., Francis Tomes, Mary Gisens. Clerk of the Court: JamMEs CRAVEN. Newsy, SaMvEL. Perquimans County. December 9, 1737. January Court, 1737. Friends: Joan Nixon and ZACHARIAH Nixon. Cousins and Executors: THomas OVERMAN and JEMES Newsy. Witnesses: ZacHaniau Nixon, JossrpH Ropinson, Mary Nixon. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Newsy, WILLIAM. January 11, 1718-1719. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: SARAH Laton, Sarag Peirce, GaprierL Newsy. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 279. Newnam, Tuomas. September 21, 1723. November 22, 1723. ‘Now residing at Eden- ton in North Carolina as Missionary from the Honble the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts.” Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Frances. Witnesses: C. Gate, Saran Luoyp and Joun FRyArs. Proven before CHRISTOPHER GALE, Chief Justice. Coat of arms on seal representing a winged lion. Axsstract oF Wirzs, 1690—1760. 265 Newsum, Jort. Northampton County. January 10, 1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: Hosza and Joun (“my plantation to be divided between them”), Davip, Joznn, WILLIAM and Isaac (the rest of estate to be divided among them). Daughter: Mary Newsum. Hzecutors: Wittiam Hityarp (brother), Jonn Duxr. Wit- nesses: Rost. PEELLE (Quaker), Joun Dickinson, ALEXANDER O’QUIN. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Newton, CurisToPHER. Perquimans County. May 11,1759. July Court, 1759. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Daugh- ter: Constant. Wutnesses: THoMas GILBERT, WaLTER Newton. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Newton, THomas. Bladen County. September 7, 1765. Son: Joun (“my saw mill”). Daughter: Jann Newton. Wife and Executrix: Mary (‘my negroes’’). Executor: CoRNE- uius Harnetr. Witnesses: WiLL’M Bartram, Jacop Muzizs. No pro- bate. Nicz, WittiaM. April 24, 1757. May Court, 1758. ‘On Board the Brigantine Hawke of War, THomas Wricut, Commander.” Sisters: JANE and KaTHerine Nice in the shire of Murray in Great Britain. Mother: Jenner Nicz. Executor: Tuomas CunincHam. Witnesses: JonN BuytaH, BENJAMIN Strong. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Nicnoxas, NaTHaniet. Bertie County. September 17, 1755. October Court, 1755. This is a nuncupative will proven by Tuomas Hupson, Grorcr Hanpiy and WiLu1am WILLEFORD, and gives to sons, JosaH and WILLIAM, one plantation each. Daughter: EvizaBeTH. Justice: JOHN Brown. Clerk of the Court: BENIN. Wywns. Nicworson, JosEpa. Albemarle County. August 6, 1679. January Court, 1697-1698. Plantation on Perqui- mans River to brother, Joan NicHouson. Brothers: BENJAMIN, SAMUEL, Joan, NaTHANIEL, CuristopHEeR. Hxecutors: Samu. and Jonn NicHoxson. Witnesses: GaBrizt Nusy, Mary Nusy, Taos. Overman. Clerk of the Court: Joun Srepney. Nicuotson, NaTHantieL. Perquimans County. March 12, 1731-1732. July Court, 1737. Son: Jonatwan (“my plan- tation”). Daughters: Saran and ExizaBetu NicHoison. Wife and Ezxec- utriz: Sarau. Executor: Zacnarian Nixon. Witnesses: ALIXANDER Sruarp, Peter ALBarpson. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. 266 Azstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Nicuouson, SAMUEL. March 22, 1727-1728. No date of probate. Daughters: Saran and EuizapetH NicHonson. Friend: Saran Guoster. Wife and Executriz: Euizapetu. Executor: Joun ANDERSON (son-in-law). Witnesses: Zacu- aniaH Nixon, Jonn Keaton, Evisapeta Montsecuz. Clerk of the Court: CuarLes DENMAN. Nicuotson, WILLIaM. Currituck County. 1721. October Court, 1723. Sons: Jostag (“my manner plantation’). AntHony and TuEoritus Nicnotson. Daughters: Sopnia, Naomy and Nicuotson. Executor: Jostan NicHoutson (son). Witnesses: Doyiey Larrer, ANpRew Huppey, Joun Crass. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WIcKER. Nicxouzs, JaAMEs. Currituck County. July 13, 1742. October Court, 1743. Sons: James (‘‘ye manard plan- tation’), Cares (plantation), Wiis (plantation over the River called Dunkins). Daughters: Saran and Franxey Nicxours. Executor: Joun Erueripcs. Witnesses: James Butt, Darcxes THomas, WILLIAM ETHER- wee. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lurry. Nicxotson, CurRisTorERr. Perquimans County. May 17, 1723. July 23, 1723. Son: Tuomas (‘my plantation’’). Daughters: Mantam, Dapora, Mary and ANN Nicxotson. Wife and Exec- utriz: Mary. Executor: Samurt Nickoxtson (brother). Witnesses: Jeasmes Newsy, Sotomon Poot, Ricuarp Poou. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp Leary. Nicxotson, JosiaH. Currituck County. January 22, 1749-1750. April County Court, 1750. Sons: Joun and Josias (‘my land to be divided between them’’). To Jouw is also given one negro, and to son WitiiaM is given one negro. Daughter: CLARE. Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Witnesses: BENJAMIN CRABB, PACHANCE EvraGE, ALEXANDER Traquair. Clerk of the Court: Ricu’> McCLurRE. Nickson, THomas. Northampton County. December 1, 1752. February Court, 1753. Brothers: JosrrH and Henry Nickson. Sister: Saran Jiner. Ezecutors: ABRAHAM STEVEN- son, Junr., and WiLL1AM ANDREWS. Witnesses: WILLIAM TURNER, Mar- THA Mors. Clerk of the Court: 1. Epwarps. Nicots, JoHN. April 26,1710. August 12,1712. Son: Samuet (land on Sutens Creek). Daughters: Many and Hannan Nicors. Wife and Executrixz: PRESSILLA. Executor: Samurt Nicoxs (father). Witnesses: Francis FisHer, ANN Darman, Hannaw Mopuine. No probate officer. ‘ApsTRacT oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 267 Nixon, Exizazeru. Perquimans County. March 19, 1747-1748. January Court, 1748. Son-in-law: Joun ANDER- son. Daughters: EvizaBnptH ANDERSON, Saran Jones. Grandsons: SaMvEL, JoHN and JosePH ANDERSON. Granddaughter: Saran ANDERSON. Friend: Exizaseta ALBERTSON, daughter of JosHus ALBERTSON. Execu- tors: JoHN ANDERSON and JosEPH ANDERSON. Witnesses: Taomas OvER- MAN, JosHUA ALBERTSON, THomas Nicwotson. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Nrxon, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. February 4, 1687-1688. August 8, 1692. Wife and Executrix: Em. Daughter: Ann Nixon. Witnesses: HENDERSON WALKER, RicHARD Pxia- wer, Francis Tomes, Epwarp Mayo. Clerk of the Court: Francis TomEs. Nrxon, Ricuarp. Craven County. March 5, 1745-1746. June Court, 1746. Son: RicHarp (land on Top- sailSound). Daughters: Gartry Nixon (land on southwest), Mary Nixon (land on New Topsail Creek). Wife and Executriz: Mary (three negroes). Executors: THomas Graves (brother-in-law), JoHN FonvietLe. Wit- nesses: JOHN OLIVER, WHEELWRT. Pearson. Clerk of the Court: JNo. Ricn. Will provides for investment of proceeds of sale of part of estate in young negroes. Nrxon, ZacuaRiaH. Perquimans County. September 28, 1739. October Court, 1739. Sons: JoHN, PHINEAs, ZACHARIAH, BARNABY (to each is given a plantation, and to all four is given a sawmill and gristmill). Friend: MicharL Murray (land known by the name of Oak Ridge). Daughter: Repexan Toms (one negro). To wife is given one-half of negroes. Hxecutors: JoHN, Puinnas and ZACHARIAH Nixon (sons). Grandchildren: JosHua and Mary Moors. Witnesses: Tuomas Overman, JoHN CHARLES, JOSEPH RoBINSON. OVERMAN and Rowinson were Quakers. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Nrxon, ZACHARIAH. Perquimans County. July 9, 1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: Francis, ZACHARIAH (to each is given lands and a lot in Nixon town). Daughter: MrneTisLE Nrxon. Wife and Executriz: Evizapeta. Executor: Joseph Wuire. Witnesses: Joun Nixon, Puingus Nixon, Mark Newsy. Clerk of the Court: EpMUND Hartcu. Nosrz, Samvet. Carteret County. December 26,1776. January 14,1776. ‘As it is customary to bequeath Both The Mortle and Immortal Parts I leave one to the Disecression of my Executor and the other to the Marcies of God through my Lord & Savour 268 Axsstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Jesus Christ.” Sons: Marx (land between Miery Branch and White Oak River), Witt1am (100 acres of land), Samuzt (‘‘plantation whereon I now live lying between the Black Swamp & Mire branch’’). Daughters: Mary Magoitin Barry, Berriz, RacHet and Nancy Nopis. Nephew: JAMES Hovston. Ezecutors: Marx, Wiuu1am and SamurLt Nose. Witnesses: Joun Munpinz, Brick WILLiams, Levi West. Proven before Ricuarp CASWELL. Noszziz, WILi1aM. Bath County. October 22, 1723. June Court, 1724. Sons: SamuEL and WituiAm (land to be divided between them), JoserH (land on White Oak River), James. Daughter: Hanan Nosis. Wife and Executrixz: ELisaBETH. Witnesses: Ropert Smiru, JoHN Starkey, THomas Houston. Clerk of the Court: JouN Baptiste ASHE. Nosieianp, JoHN. Edgecombe County. August 12, 1755. November Court, 1755. Daughters: MatHew and Resecca NoBLevanpD, Mary Cotton. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Wit- nesses: WM. OciLvis, NATHANIEL MERRITT, WILLIAM Rainwater. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Norcom, Joun. Chowan Precinct. July 26,1728. September 30,1728. Sons: THomas (“plantation I now live on”), Stepney, Witiiam, Joun, CoRNELUS, JEAMES. Daughters: Sarag, Mary, Evisspera. Wife: Jean. Executor: THomas Norco. Friends: WiuL1aM Ecerton, JoHN CHasten, JoHN Simons, ABRAHAM Warren. Proven before RicHarp EvERARD. Noxrcom, Joun. Chowan County. February 4, 1745. April Court, 1746. Daughters: Saran and ANN. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: Joun Hatsny. Witnesses: Joun: Peirce, Levy Haveuton, Mary SHEexpin. Clerk of the Court: Jamus CRAVEN. Norcom, Mary. Chowan County. May 19, 1718. November 1, 1721. Sons: Joun Norcom (Executor), Tomas Norcom. Daughters: Saran, wife of Jamms Smira; Mary, wife of Tuomas BLICHENDEN. Granddaughter: Mary Hopton. Grandson: ABRA- HAM WaRRIN. Witnesses: Toomas Wuittis, Cornevius Leary, Ricu’D Leary. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Norcom, THomas. Perquimans Precinct. May 13, 1707. October 29, 1707. Sons: Tomas and Wriuiam (“my plantation”), Jonn. Daughters: ExizapetH, Mary and Saran Norcom. Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 269 Grandson: THomas Norcom. Wife and Executriz: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: James Mine, Water Taner. Clerk of the Court: J. Kwnicut. Norcom, Tuomas. Perquimans County. April 23, 1741. April Court, 1744. Son: Tuomas (“plantation I now live on left me by the will of my father Taomas Norcom’’). Grandson: RicHarp WHIDBEE (plantation on Sound side joining Lacinse’s Creek; also three negroes). Nephew: Joun Norcom, son of brother, Joan Norco. Wife and Executrixz: Susanna. Witnesses: SamuEL STANDING and JosEPH ARNOLD. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hartcs. Norcom, THomas. Perquimans County. May 12, 1748. October Court, 1748. Wife: Marraa. Son: FREDER- 1cK. Executor: JouN Hatszry. Witnesses: GrorGE CHARLTON, Mary Hatsry. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcn. Norrieet, JAMzEs. Perquimans Precinct. November 28, 1732. January 15, 1732-1733. Sons: Joun (“my plan- tation, orchards and houses’’, still, worm and cap, one large silver tankard weighing 33 oz. 16 pwt.; three negroes); THomas (three negroes and silver cup, spoon and tobacco box). Cattle divided between sons. Daughters: Mary, Sarau, Margaret and Fevisoa Norruret. Wife: Mary. Exec- utors: THomas Norrieet (brother) and Wittiam Hinton. Witnesses: Joun Gorpon, Senr., JOHN Gorpon, JunR., GEoRGE GorDOoN, MarMa- DUKE NorFLeEt. Clerk of the Court: CHARLES DENMAN. Norrieet, JoHN. Chowan County. September 10, 1753. April Court, 1754. Sons: ABRawam (plantation on Rockahock Creek), JacoB (plantation and houses), Jonw and JamMEs Daughter: Patience. Wife and Executriz: Exisapera. Gristmill and still ordered to be sold and proceeds divided among children; also island containing 316 acres to be so divided. Hxecutors: Jonn and James Nor- FLEET (sons). All negroes bequeathed to wife. Wutnesses: Davin Jonzs, WitiiamM Gwinn, Luxe Sumner. Clerk of the Court: Witt Hatsry. Norrizret, MarMabDvKeE. Halifax County. June 29, 1762. November 6, 1762. Brother: Lemuzni Hogan. Sister: EvizaBetH NoRFLEET (three negroes and silver punch bowl and tankard). Other legatees: children of JoHN Youne and JosHua Bern. Executor: James Hogan (father-in-law). Wetnesses: JoHN Morris, ELIsaBeTa NorFrLEet, THos. Joyner, THomas Kircuine. Proven before ARTHUR Dosss, at Newbern. 270 Axstract or Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Norriret, Mary. Perquimans County. October 12, 1742. January Court, 1742. Daughters: MancarrT and Ferisoa NorFueet. Executor: James SUMNER. Witnesses: JoserH Rip- pick, Joun Gorpon, JosepH Gorpon. Clerk of the Court: EDMUND Harcu. Impression, of ship on seal. Norrieet, Tuomas. Edgecombe County. January 23, 1745. August Court, 1746. Sons: THomas and Marma- DUKE (all land of testator to be divided between them; to each is given three negroes and to MARMADUEE is given one silver tankard and one still “and worms”). Daughters: Saran, FarBey, SusanaH, Mary, Evispera. Wife and Executriz: Ruru. Executor: Manmapuke Norrvezet (brother). Witnesses: Ropert Hitiiarp, Joun Buunt. Clerk of the Court: Rr. For- STER. Norman, Joun. Onslow County. March 6, 1753. October 2, 1753. Sons: JoHN and WILLIS (to each is given land), Perer (land on Ashes banks). Daughter: Saran Norman. Wife and Ezxecutriz: Mary. Witnesses: ELizaBeTH Cary, Jop Hunter, Jno. Hunt. Clerk of the Court: Joan Mitton. Coat of arms on seal. Norris, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. March 24,1724. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: SusanauH. Witnesses: Dan’Lu Gururis, Zacuarian Frivp. Clerk of the Court: JOHN PARKER. Norruem, Jon. Currituck Precinct. 1712. July 14, 1714. Wife and Executrixz: Exvizasera. Sons: JoHN and Paiute (‘plantation whereon I now live known by the name of Powels Point’’). Two negroes bequeathed to each of sons. Witnesses: DANIEL McFarLanp, JOHN WHEDBEE, JOHN BassrorpD. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WICKER. Norton, Joun. Currituck County. September 30, 1744. July 2, 1745. Sons: Witu1am, JoHN, JONATHAN, Asac. Daughters: Apcity, MetaBue, Hanau. Ezecutors: WM. and JoHN Norron (sons). Witnesses: Jona. Taanzss, Marcaret Russett, Mary Norton. Clerk of the Court: Rica’p McCuure. Norton, WILiiuaM. Bladen County. December 1, 1746. September Court, 1751. Sons: Wixu1am, Danien, Jacos, THomas. Daughter: EvizseTa. Executors: Jacop and THomas Norton. Witnesses: WM. Lewis, JoHN MITCHELL, JosiaH Lewis. Clerk of the Court: Taos. RoBeson. Agsrract or Witzs, 1690-—1760. Q71 Norwoop, GroreGe. Northampton County. April 21,1749. August Court, 1749. Sons: Samus. (300 acres of land on the River; “one-third part of my still, one-half of my Quince orchard, one-third part of the fruit of my apple orchard, one of the three Pare trees that which stands nearest the river called Norwood’s Pare and four of the Catteron Pare trees”), Witi1am (cattle at Nutbush and one negro). Grandsons: Ghorcr Norwoop, son of NatHanrun (240 acres of land, one horse and one negro girl), NatHanreL Norwoop, son of NatHANIEL (310 acres of land at the mouth of Green’s Creek, and one negro), Joun Nor- woop, son of Wiiu1aM (160 acres of land on Green’s Creek, and one negro girl). Granddaughters: EvizaBpetu, Mary and Saran, daughters of Na- THANIEL Norwoop. “TI give Ten Pounds, Twelve shilling and Six pence Virginia Money to be made in rings with the first letters of my name en- graven on them for each grand child I have.” Ezecutors: WitL1aM, NatuanieL and Samuet Norwoop (sons). Witnesses: JoHn Justis, Witi1am Wooten. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Norwoop, Tuomas. Craven County. December 26, 1757. March 24, 1758. Son: Wituiam (one shilling). Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Frances. Witnesses: Henry Inc, StsseLy Norwoop. Proven before ARTHUR Dosss. Noxrwoop, Witi1aM. Craven County. December 30, 1747. November 14, 1748. Sister: Many Lane. Niece: Mary Nevin. Brother: THomMas Norwoop. Nephew: Joun Norwoop. Executors: Waiter Lane and Barnabas Russet. Witnesses: Tuos. Prarson, JOSEPH Batcu, W. Betts, THomas Prarson, Junr. Proven before E. Hatu, Chief Justice. Nusum, Ricuarp. Bertie County. February 11, 1753. August Court, 1753. Wife: Euizasera. Daugh- ter: Mary SKINNER. Grandchildren: Mary ANDREWS, Marrua SKINNER. Resecca, Saran, Lypia and Exvse Sxinner (all children of Mary). “Grandson-in-law” and Executor: Winuiam ANDREWS. Witnesses: ABRA- HAM Harrewu, JouN Harreuy, Francis Harrewy. Clerk of the Court: Saw’. ORMES. — Oatss, JaMzEs. Albemarle Precinct. July 24,1703. January Court, 1703-1704. Son: Josera Oats. Wife: EvizaBETH Oats. JONATHAN Evins. Executriz: EvizaBetH OatTEs. Witnesses: Joserx Smita, James Cotes. Clerk of the Court: Tao. SNoDEN. 272 AxssTract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. O'Brian, Dare. Perquimans Precinct. February 18, 1723-1724. July 6, 1725. Legatees: JosePH Porr.z, ‘JoasHay WILLEBEE, Wiuu1am Evans (Executor). Witnesses: ANTHO. Harcu, Josepx Goprrey, TEMPERANCE Penrice. Proven before Gro. BurRiNnGTON. O’DaniEeL, OwEn. Bertie Precinct. March 12, 1735-1736. May Court, 1736. Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Ezecutors: Jams Rosperts, Lewis Frrer and Micuu. Rossee. Witnesses: W1LL1AM Kennapay, Fra. Hopson, Rost. ANDERSON. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. Opgon, CHaRLzs. Beaufort County. March 11, 1733. June Court, 1736. Son: RicHarp (lands on Town Creek, “‘at the mouth of the Creek I now live on,” and ‘‘plantation I now live on’). Wife and Executriz: EvisaBEtH. Witnesses: WM. THORNE, WitiiamM CrawLey, JNo. Wooparp. Clerk of the Court: Joan Couuison. Opom, Jacos. Bertie Precinct. February, 16, 1735-1736. November Court, 1736. Sons: Ricwuarp, Txomas, ABRABAM (toeachis givenland). Daughter:SsaranOpom. Wife and Executrixz: Susan. Witnesses: Jonn THomas and JoHN JENKINS. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Opom (spelled also Opzom), Joun. Beaufort County. October, 1740. March Court, 1741. Son: Jonn (“my plantation and three negroes”). Daughters: Martaa, ANN, Lipza and Epy Opom. Ezec- utors: JOHN Opom (son) and Levi AtpERSoN. Witnesses: Simon ALDER- son, CHARLES WHITEHURST, JOHN ALDERSON. Clerk of the Court: Jno. ForsBss. Opvom, Ricuarp. Chowan County. August 12,1727. January 24,1728. Sons: Ricuarp and Jonn, ABRA- Ham, Jacos and ARon (to each is given a plantation). Daughters: ANN, Sarag, EvizaBery and Janz Opum. Wife: ANNE. Evzecutors: RicHaRD and ABRAHAM OpumM (sons). Witnesses: EDWARD WarrEN, EpwarD Vann, JAMES Brapy and RicHarp TayLor. Proven before C. Gaus, C. J. Opyer, Dennis. Johnston County. February 16,1746. June Court,1746. Daughter: Mary Opyer. Wife: Ann. * Executors: AMBross Aris and JoHNn CuarK. Clerk of the Court: Witt Hopess; court held at the house of Francis ARINGER on Nuce River. Axsstract oF WItis, 1690-—1760. 2738 O’Fryz, Danze.t. Pasquotank Precinct. January 18, 1708. Executor and sole legatee: Joan Kempety. Wit- nesses: JOHN Dane, JoHN SPARNOR, JOHN IsKET. Clerk of the Court: JOHN BisHopr. OxpF1ELD, Riowarp. Onslow County. April 19, 1773. September 9, 1773. Sons: Prrrs (‘‘my house‘and plan- tation”), Ricuarp, RevBen, Peter. Daughters: Nance, Saran and EXsPERANCE OLDFIELD. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Prrer STARKEY, Epwarp Morty. Witnesses: Wituiam Connaway, Mary Prrts, GAIN Pitts. Proven before Jo. Martin. Outver, Franczs. Chowan County. February 27, 1754. October Court, 1756. Son-in-law: Joun Davison of Edenton, Executor: Joun Davison. Other legatees: Brothers and sister in Virginia, not named. Negroes emancipated. Witnesses: ANTHONY CaRTEEL, EnizaBETH FLoop, Lronarp Corton. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Jongs. Executor qualified before Perer Henuey. Ourver, JosEPH. March 29, 1734, June 11,1737. Sons: THomas and Joun (Ezecutors). Daughter: Siwnery Outver. Witnesses: Joan MackeeL, THomas MackEEL and Marta Mason. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Oxiver, Moszs. Chowan Precinct. January 1, 1728-1729. January 9,1728. Executor: CHarLes RicKETTs. Legatees: Children of Coartes Ricketts, not named. Witnesses: ROBERT JEFFREYS, JOHN GLOVER. Proven before Ricuarp EVERARD. Outver, THomas. Hatteras, in Currituck County. February 4, 1743-1744. April Court, 1745. Sons: Joseru (plantation called Oyster shell banks), THomas (plantation called Peachtree Ridge). Daughter: Saran Ouiver. Wife and Executriz: Purse. Executor: Jos Carr (father-in-law). Witnesses: GEoreE Howarp, EvizaBetsa JACKSON, Grorce ScarBoroucH. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCuure. O’Neat, Micuart. Currituck County. September 15, 1721. January 10, 1721-1722. Sons: Cuarums (“my dwelling plantation”), MicharL. Wife and Executriz: Dusoran. Daugh- ters: Mary and ExizaBeTu O’Nea and Saran Waker. Friend: Hum- PHREY VINCE. Witnesses: ANDREW Pracock, Wi.u1am Bru, Joan Crass. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WicKER. 18 274 Axsstract or WILzs, 1690—1760. ‘O’Neat, MicHakt. Currituck Precinct. March 3, 1722-1723. April 9, 1723. Sons: MicHaEt (plantation at Coinjock), Tuomas. Daughter: Saran O’Neat. Wife and Executriz: THomazin. Witnesses: Toomas Parker, EuizapetH Hanger, RIcHD. Cuurcnu. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WickKER. O’Quin, Parricx. Northampton County. November 23, 1751. February Court, 1752. Sister: CHARITY GLASSON. Executor: Tuomas DeEns. Witnesses: Joan Brown, THomas Cook, JoHN Knieut. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. OxinpELL, Epwarp. Chowan County. November 11, 1732. January 8, 1732. Sons: Epwarp (‘my planta- tion’), Taomas (“land on the Great Swamp’’). Daughters: RacnEL, Mary and Reseckan ARENDELL. Wife and Ezecutrix: Isnpety. Executor: Tuomas Peirce. Witnesses: Hesatan Nor, JoHN Bennet, FRANCIS Perret. Proven before Guo. BURRINGTON. Oxmonp, WyRioTt. Beaufort County. March 9, 1773. December 1, 1773. Wife: ExizaBETH PENELOPE OR- MOND (six negroes, one English bay horse and £500 in money). Daughters: Nancy and Sara Ormonp. All profits of estate to be invested in young negroes for benefit of daughters. ‘My principal desire is that of the educa- tion of my daughters * * * and that no expence be thought too great provided etc.”’ Ezecutors: RoczR Ormonp (brother) and Grorcr Bar- row. Will proven by RicHarp CaswELL, THomas Respess and THomas Respsss, Jr., before Jo. Martin. OszorneE, OBEDIAH. ‘Onslow County. August 8, 1758. October Court, 1758. Wife and Executrix: ELISEBETH (six negroes and all other estate). Waétnesses: EpwarpD Warp, ENocH Warp. Clerk of the Court: WixL Cray. OrtweEt., Isaac. Bath County. October 28, 1732. Town Creek. Daughters: EvizapetH and Mary OrrweLtt. Friends: Epwarp Satter and Joun Opron. Witnesses: Patrick MauLe, ABRAHAM Apams, Roger Jones, ANN WaRREN. Clerk of the Court: JNo. COLLISON. Overman, CHARLES. Pasquotank County. August 8, 1755. Sons: Samunu (plantation), Tomas, Bensamin, ENoca (two negroes). Daughters: ANN Morcan, Mary Armour, ELIzaBETH Armour, Hannan DeSon. Wife: ANN. Ezecutors: Tuomas NicHoLsoN and JoserH Rosinson. Witnesses: JoserpH Morris, Davin Jackson, Mary Tart. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. AgsTRact oF Wis, 1690—1760. 275 OvERMAN, JACOB. September 12, 1715. Son: Epuraim. Daughter: Marcaret Macky. Wife: Dororay. Ezecutors: Witt1am Haig and Taos. Macxy. Wit- nesses: JAMES BELL, RopERT WHEATLEY, THomas Woopiey. No probate. Overman, JaMEs. Pasquotank County. March 20, 1745-1746. July Court, 1746. Son: THomas. Daughter: Hannan. Wife and Executriz: Susannau. Witnesses: Thos. OVERMAN, Samuet Newsy, Caartes Overman. Clerk of the Court: Tos. TayLor. Overman, Jou. Pasquotank County. January 29, 1744-1745. April Court, 1745. Sons: Joan (“my mannor plantation”), Witu1am. Daughters: Exizasera and SaraH OVERMAN. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Tuomas OvERMAN (brother). Wit- nesses: CHARLES OVERMAN, JAMES OVERMAN, JOHN Waite. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TayLor. Overman, JosEPH. Pasquotank County. September 22, 1739. October Court, 1739. Brothers: Erpuram, Na- THAN and Isaac Overman. Friend and Executor: NATHANIEL MaRTIN. Witnesses: Joan Norris, Toomas Pauten and JoHn Martin. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Overton, JoHN. Onslow County. March 20, 1737-1738. July 4, 1739. Sons: Joun, James, AARON. Moszs, Davin, Jessp. Daughters: Saran, Mary, Naomy, EuizaBetH Susawnan and ANGEL Overton. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBETH. Wit- nesses: WM. CRANFORD, JOHN Hansuy. Clerk of the Court: WM. CRANFORD. Coat of arms on seal. Overron, Rosert. Currituck County. November 12, 1750. April Court, 1753. Wife, Executrix and sole leg- atee: ALES. Witnesses: James BuRNHAM, CALEB Sikes, EpHraim Bricut. Clerk of the Court: Witt1am SHERGOLD. Owens, Jonny. Tyrrell County. September 16, 1748. March Court, 1750. Sons: Zacwarian, THomas, Joun (to each is devised a plantation). Daughter: Saran Owens. Stock mark of daughter: “crop in ye right ear and over keel in ye left.”” Stock mark of son Joun: “‘a slit in the right ear and a crop in the left”; of son Tuomas: “a crop and over keel on right ear’’; of son ZACHARIAH: “a crop and underkeel the left ear.” Wife: Ann. Executors: Wire and son ZacH- ARIAH. Witnesses: NATHANEL SPEENCE WESTE, THoMasS and JamEs Fox. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jones. Coat of arms on seal. 276 Axsstract oF Wix1s, 1690—1760. OxEenwaL., Peter. Craven Precinct. September 9, 1730. September Court, 1730. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: ExuizaperH. Witnesses: Wittiam Carraway, JOHN CARRAWAY, Joun Warp. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Cans Mercatr. Pacer, Jonn, SENIOR. Bertie Precinct. March 25, 1726-1727. August Court, 1727. Sons: Joun and WILLIAM (Executors), Gzorce. Daughters: Francis, ANN, EvizasetTs, Mary Met- Ton. Wife: not named. Witnesses: ABRAHAM Burton, JoHn Bost, Francis Garnet. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Pact, Ricwarp. Bertie Precinct. March 13, 1736. February Court, 1738. Sons: Witi1am and THomas (plantation to each), Ricuarp. Daughters: ANN STEwaRD, REBECKA Braprorp, AMy GREEN, Francis Green, TasitHa Moore, Mary Joun- son, Saran House. Wife: Ressucca. .Executors: WiLL1aM and THomas Pacs (sons). Witnesses: J. Epwarps, WitL’M Boones, Brenyamin DUKES. Clerk of the Court: Joun Wrnns. Impression of lion rampant on seal. Pacquinet, MicHaet. Beaufort County. March Court, 1747. Will illegible. Pacett, Epwarpb. Chowan Precinct. February 28, 1727-1728. . April 18, 1728. Brother: Samuny. Wife and Executriz: not named. Lands on Bear Creek and ‘‘manner planta- tion” devised to wife. Witnesses: WiLt1am ASHLEY, JOHN ROBINSON. Proven before RicHarp Evrerarp. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1722-1735, page 138. Paine, Joun. : Craven County. December 29, 1753. March 2, 1754. Son and Executor: THomas. Wife: Ann. Witnesses: Cason Scott, ANN Snow, Joun Spsicur. Clerk of the Court: Joun SNEAD. Patz, Joun. New Hanover County. January 9, 1767. March 14, 1767. Wilmington. All estate is devised and bequeathed to wife, CATHERINE, and daughter, CATHERINE MusGROVE PainEt. Thirteen pounds proclamation money is ordered paid into the hands of ‘‘the church wardens of every County in this province, to be by them distributed among the poor inhabitants of the said several Counties.” Mother: Mary Brewton. Sister: EvizaBnta, wife of Francis ARTHUR in Georgia. Ezecutors: Maurice Moors and Wriiuiam Hitt. Witnesses: Mary Snow, Ann Movat, WitL1am Movar. Proven before Wm. Tryon. Agstract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 277 Paine, SAMUEL. Currituck County. January 17, 1715. February 17, 1715. Legatees: Joan McKenny, Racnet McKenny (daughter of Joun), James, Joun and GrorGE CaRoon. Executors: James and JoHN CaRoon. Witnesses: THomas CRocKER, KaTuerine Jones, James TomootH. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Tos. Borr. Clerk: Jo. WickER. Pauin, Henry, Jz. Pasquotank Precinct. January 30, 1700. April 16, 1700. Sons: Jonn and Tuomas. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Friends: RicHarp and Exuizapeta Heart (lands on Flatty Creek). Witnesses: Joun Rosison, Hucu CAMPBELL, RIcHARD Hearr. Clerk of the Court: THomas ABINGTON. Pauin, Jonny. Pasquotank County. August 16, 1737. October Court, 1737. Son: Jonn (“my manner plantation’). Nephews: THomas and Henry Pauin. Daughter: Mary Cuzark (“plantation and land at little flatty creek’). Other legatees: GriseLL Buu (2 negroes), MILLiceNT BuLL (one negro), SaraH and Cuartetrta Bui (one negro), ANN GEORGE, JOHN Pain (1 negro). To son and daughter is bequeathed ten negroes. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Davip Grorcs, W. Reep, Mary Guaistper. Clerk of the Court: JamMES CRAVEN. Coat of arms on seal. Pau, Joun. Pasquotank County. February 15, 1755. December Court, 1755. Legatees: SARAH PALMER, daughter of BenyAMIN PALMER; SAMUEL Swann, son of WILLIAM SWANN; Ann Winstow. Evxecutors: CLarK Propies and Joseru Scotr. Wit- nesses: WILLIAM and THomas Hoskins. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TaYtor. Patin, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. August 1, 1733. July Court, 1734. Sons: Henry and Tuomas (lands on Little Flatty Creek). Daughters: ANN Pain, Mary, wife of JoHn Ross. Wife and Executriz: Susanna. Witnesses: Tuomas Coox, THOMAS Davis and Joun Pauin. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Patin, Toomas. Pasquotank County. October 22, 1750. Sons: THomas and Henry (land and slaves). Daughter: ANNE. Wife: Exizapetu. No executor named. Witnesses: Jonn Hopxins, ANNE Horxins, THos. Graincer. No probate. Pater, JosePu. Pasquotank County. October 4, 1744. October Court, 1744. Brothers: RoBurr PaLMeEr, BeNsaAMIN Patmer. Nephew: Mauicat Paumer. Cousin: THomas Pater. Sister: Sanau PinpuETON. Witnesses: Jno. McKer., EMANUEL Knicut, Taomas Parmer. Executors: Ropert and BenJaMIN PALMER. Clerk of the Court: Too. TayLor. 278 AgstTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. Patmer, Roper. Pasquotank County. October 5, 1740. October Court, 1740. Sons: Ropert, Bensamin, JosePH (negroes and land given to each of sons). Grandsons: RoBERT and THomas PENDLETON, Evan Jones. Daughter: SaRAH PENDLETON. Granddaughter: NansE PENDLETON. Wife and Executriz: Mary ANN. Witnesses: JonN HasEuL, WILLIAM RyYa.L, JaMES GEORGE. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Patmer, THomas. January 31, 1720-1721. April Court, 1721. Son: Tuomas. Daugh- ter: Mary Patmer. Executor: Ropert Patmer (brother). Watnesses: Awn Imson, Mary , MatrHew Pritcuarp. Clerk of the Court pro tem.: JNo. PaLin. Paquinet, MicHast. Carteret County. February 20,1772. March6,1772. Sons: Jamus (“plantation whereon I now live’), Jonn (‘'100 acres of land on Cane Creek”), Isaran (200 acres of land on Broad Creek). Daughters: CHarity, Mary, Marcaret and RespeckaH Paquinet. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JoHN RussButu, Severn Scorr, WM. Roperrson. Proven before Jo. Martin. Parxer, AzRIcaM. Currituck Precinct. February 18, 1738. Sons: JamMzs and Tuomas. Daughter: Saran Parker. Wife and Executrix: THomezon. Witnesses: Josias Litrie, Timmoruy Jones, Micnart O’Neau. Clerk of the Court: Wiuu1am SHER- GOLD. Parker, Francis. Edgecombe County. April 26, 1746. August Court, 1757. Sons: Francis, Josep, Simon (plantation). Daughters: Exizapera Foreman, Caarity Brett, CaTs- ERINE Hopers. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBeTu. Witnesses: GERRARD Wat, Joun Knieut, Waiter McFaruan. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Parker, JOSEPH. Chowan County. November 15,1749. January Court, 1749. Daughters: Mary CaNNon, Rura Parker, LENINA ParkER. Sons: Jacos, Topr, NaTHAN, JosEPH. Witnesses: JEREMIAH CANNON, Mary Cannon. Clerk of the Court: WILL Mearns. Parker, Mary. Edgecombe County. August 11, 1753. August Court, 1754. Grandson and sole legatee: Epmonp Gopwin. No executor named. Witnesses: Benyamin BRAND, Moses CoLeMaNn, CoRNELIUS JorDAN. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN Wyrnns. AgstTRAcT oF Witus, 1690—1760. 279 Parker, Peter. Currituck Precinct. May 2, 1722. July Court, 1722. Sons: Witiiam, Wicker. Daugh- ters: Saran Grigory, Mary Parker, Jane Parker (land called Beach Ridge), JoananH Parker. Wife and Executriz: Hanan. Witnesses: Ricup, Daves, Janz Daves, ANN BELy. Clerk of the Court: Jo. W1cKER. Parker, Prrer. Currituck County. April 23, 1750. This is a nuncupative will, proven before STEPHEN Witurams by Epwarp and Exisan Cox, Joanau and Miriam FEREBEE, and bequeaths all estate to his small children, not named. Clerk of the Court: Richarp McCLure. Parxer, RicHarp. Chowan County. September 22, 1749. April Court, 1752. Sons: Ricwarp, Danist, Francis, STEPHEN (about 2,000 acres of land to be divided between the foregoing sons), JoNaTHAN, Jonas, Jacos, Prerer. Daughters: Exiza- BETH Hunter, ANN Spray, AticeE Daveutry, Patience Parker. Grand- sons: Ricuarp and WILLIAM ParxEer. Wife and Executrix: not named. Witnesses: JOHN WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM Dovucutiz, JoHN Moors. Clerk of the Court: Jas. CRAVEN. Parker, Srmon. Edgecombe County. December 31, 1758. March Court, 1759. Sons: Francis, Simon, WIL- uiaM, Ropert (to each is devised a plantation), James. Daughters: JupaH, Sarau, WINNE, Caaritie and Ruta Parker. Wife: Jupitu. Executors: Francis Parker (brother) and James Knicut (brother-in- law). Witnesses: CHARLES DANIELL, GIRRARD Wau, Mary CULLENDER. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Parker, THomas. Chowan County. January 23, 1717. October Court, 1717. Sons: Tuomas, JosEpuH, Joun and Witi1am. Daughters: Saran and Frances. Wife and Execu- triz: JEANE. Witnesses: JoHN Parker, Henry Lam, Benyamin Evans. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Parker, THomas. Currituck County. March 16, 1753. March Court, 1755. Wife: Repecxan. Ezecutors: EzricamM Parker and MicuarL O’Nertv. Witnesses: THos. Tayor, Witi1sM BraBei, Joun Lurry. Clerk of the Court: WiuL1aM SHERGOLD. ParKeER, WILLIAM. Chowan County. December 27, 1750. July Court, 1751. Sons: James, Wituiam, Tuomas, Benjamin, Jon. Daughters: Many Fryer and Jupira Duxe. 280 ABSTRACT OF Wixxs, 1690—1760. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: WiLLIAM Waters, Henry GRIFFEN, Demsey Sumner. Clerk of the Court: James Craven. Impression of head of Roman soldier on seal. Parkes, Henry. Craven County. February 27, 1733-1734. September 17, 1734. Godson: Henry Gru. Wife: Catumrine. No executor. Witnesses: Jno. Bryan, BENJAMIN Griren. Clerk of the Court: Cates MprcaLre. Parteroves, Henry. Craven County. January 27, 1735-1736. March 17, 1735-1736. Executor and sole lega- tee: JoHN VENDRIicK. Witnesses: JoHN Bryan, JoHN Jacop Hoaver, Sarau THomas. Proven before Richarp EVERARD. ParrisH, JOHN. Perquimans Precinct. October 14, 1738. March 24, 1738. Son: Joun (plantation and or- chard). Daughter: ANNE Barcuirr (wife of JoHN). Grandson: JoHN Barcuirrt. Wife: Marcery. Hzrecutor: JouN Barcuirt, Sr. Wrtnesses: JAMES Gipson, SAMUEL WricHT. Proven before W. Smrrtu, C. J. Parrisuz, WILLIAM. Edgecombe Precinct. January 20, 1735-1736. August Court, 1736. Daughter: Saran Par- risH. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: BuckLtey Kimprovucs and Isaac Winston. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Kearney. Parrot, Jacos. Bertie Precinct. November 3, 1738. November 18,1738. Son: Joun. Daughter: Mary Parrot. Wife: Martua. Ezecutors: Wittiam FELurwoop, EpWwARD Rasor. Witnesses: Lamp Harpy, Lovick Youna, Saran Morpuew. Proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Parsons, SAMUEL. Perquimans County. May 12,1745. July Court, 1745. Sons: Samueu (land on Beaver Cove), Barnasy, Jonn. Daughters: SarAH ARNELL, Mary Parsons. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: JouN ANDERSON, LAURENCE ARNEL and JoHn Bortz. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Parsons, Tuomas. Craven County. February 13, 1747-1748. December Court, 1749. Sons: JoHn (one plantation), Jermm1aH, THomas (one plantation to each). Daughters: Saran and Mary Parsons, EvizaABETH Maison. Executor: Joan Matson. Witnesses: THos. Masturs, Tuos. Cooke, THos. Warren Len. Clerk of the Court: Puiu. Smita. Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 281 Paryer, Jonny. Craven County. May 1, 1737. June 20, 1738. Legatees: Watrotia GILLETH, wife of JoHN GILLETH; JOHN WaxDaLE. Executors: JoHN SIMON, JoHN WAXDALE Watpouis GILLeTH. Witnesses: PENELLOPE ParRrotr, WILLIAM Coorrrr, Natau. Parrorr. Clerk of the Court: James Coor. Pasmore, JOHN. Edgecombe County. May 19,1754. November Court, 1754. Sons: Grorcs, Joun, Roper, JoserH. Daughters: ELizABeTHSAMMON, SaRAH Pasmore. Wife: Saran. Ezecutors: GEORGE and JOHN PasMorE (sons). Wetnesses: JouN JACKSON, Mosss Penpry, James Samon. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN Wynns. Parcuitt, JoHN. Chowan Precinct. March 14, 1710-1711. Wife: Etazazeru. Son: Joun (“my planta- tion”). Executor: not named. Witnesses: Davip Jones and WILLIAM Tanner. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 36. Parrenson, Henry. New Hanover County. July 7,1751. Wife: ANNE. Witnesses: Tuoos. Newton, JoHN WALKER. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farius. Parrrerson, Grorce. Bertie County. November 19, 1749. December 30, 1749. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Other legatees: JouN Burns, ANN THomson, GRISELL Burns, ANDREW Burns. Evxecutors: JoHN and ANDREW Burns. Witnesses: THoMas Ryan, ANDREw TyHomson, James FLoop and Davin THomson. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Parrrerson, Roserr. June 4,1717. February 15,1721. Son: Joun. Daughters: EvizaBeTtu and Janper Patterson. Wife and Executriz: Jann. Other legatees: Smmon Stvons, Jonn Parke, ANDREW Ross, ANDREW Ross, JR., of Nanse- mond County, Va. Wutnesses: James Lone, JostaH Bripcers, WILLM. Hawertr, Witt1am Moors, James ALLENN, J. FEHENDEN. Proven before Cuas. EDEN. Pau, Winiiam. Northampton County. May 9, 1744. Wife, Executriz and sole legatee: Mary. Witnesses: R. Wituiams, Wm. Rusuine, Jonn Pauty. No probate. Payne, Prrer. Chowan County. March 18,1754. April Court, 1755. Edenton. Sons: Writs (houses and lots in Edenton, silver hilted sword and two negroes), MIcHAEL (one negro). Daughters: Many CaroLina and Sarau EMeuia Payne. Executors: ) 282 AgstTractT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. Joun Rizvusset, JoHN CAMPBELL, THomas Barker. Witnesses: JAMES Trotrer, Joan McKitpo, Mary Mesicoop. Clerk of the Court: WiLL Hausey. Testator pays his respects to James CAMPBELL of Edenton, in the following language: “‘she (wife of testator) shall not keep or hold any cor- respondence with James CaMpBELL of Edenton whom I know to be a man of infamous character, etc.” Prarce, RoBert. Edenton. July 11, 1729. Of the city of Exeter, but now of Edenton. This is a nuncupative will made before C. GaLz, G. ALLEYN and ANNE JENOURE and appoints Joun Lovicx Executor and desires that all remainder of estate after payment of debts be forwarded to wife at the house of one Jonn Har- Ris in Exon, in Devon County, England. Prarcy, Lazarus. Craven County. April 11, 1760. Sons: Joun, James, EpMon, Epurem. Wife and Exec- utriz: not named. Wetnesses: Epmunp Pearce, THomMss Pearcy, HEzE- KIAH Pearce. No probate. Pearson, JoHN. Pasquotank County. October 8,1753. JuneCourt, 1755. Wife and Executriz: PHEBE. Wit- nesses: Mary Justis, JAMES JusTIS, JOHN Snow. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TAYLOR. Pearson, RacHeEt. Perquimans County. June 25, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Peter, JoHN and Jona- THAN Pearson. Daughters: Racuey Bogut, Mary WIinstow, Berry Bactey. Ezxecutors: Joan Winstow and Rosert Bocuse (sons-in-law). Witnesses: Josoua Hosart, ARTHUR CROXEN, JOHN Moors. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Pearson, THomas. Craven County. December 7, 1748. December Court, 1748. Sons: WHEELWRIGHT (land on ‘‘News”’ River), THomas (silver watch), Hammonp. Daughters: Mary, Evizaperu, ANNA and Easter Pearson. Parents: Thomas and EuizaBets Pearson of Boston. Ezecutors: WHEELWRIGHT, THOMAS and Mary Psrarson (children). Witnesses: Frs. Srrincer, JoHN SHINE, Lem’Lu Harvey. Clerk of the Court: Paiz. SMITH. PrEExkeE, JAMES. Bertie County. November 23, 1728. February Court, 1728. Son: Wituiam. Exzecu- tors: GEorcE Wynn, THoMas Banks and RicHaRD OLDNER. Witnesses: EvizaBeTH Davis, Martua Liz, TRIDDLE Kreere. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Apstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 283 Pree, JUDITH. Northampton County. June 22, 1756. August Court, 1756. Sons: Joun, Ropert, JosEPy, Jos1aH, JosHua. Daughters: Saran Dux, Mary GRANBERRY. Execu- tor: WILLIAM GRANBERY (son-in-law). Witnesses: W1tL1AM RUTLAND, ABRAM Bruce. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Peer, WitimM. February 8, 1722-1723. March 12, 1722. ‘Late of Long Islan in the province of New York.” Sole legatee: James BuLLIN of Chester, in ‘“‘Pen- selvany.’”’ Hzecutor: Jamus News1. Witnesses: VALENTINE WALLIS, ANN Watts. Proven before Wm. RExrp. Prees, Joun. Pasquotank County. March 20, 1755. June Court, 1755. Sons: JosmrH and JoHN Preces (one plantation to each, together with a negro). Daughters: Mary and ANN Peees. Executors: Wituram Davis, JoHN SmiTHin. Witnesses: THos. Hamuin, Ropart Hosea, JonatHan HoweEwy. Clerk of the Court: THos. TaYLor. Prees, Margaret. Pasquotank Precinct. February 27,1729. . March 14,1729. Daughters: Mary Grecory, JANE Barecock, Mir1am Gregory. Sons: JoHN Pecaes and Peter Brown. Grandsons: JoHN Brown, THomMas Barecock. Granddaughter: Mary Smirason. LHzecutor: JoHN Peaes (son). Wetnesses: W. Minson, THoMas Wooptey, Danie, Reckxaxer. Proven before RicHarp Everarp. Peirce, JosEpH. Perquimans County. 1736. October 8, 1736. Son: Toomas (“my plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Miriam (land known as Morises), Reseckan (‘‘my still”). Wife and Executriz: Aus. Executor; THomas Peirce (brother). Witnesses: Jostan GILBERT, HANNAH GILBERT, JOSEPH CREECY. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Prnver, Pavt. Bertie County. April 18, 1748. August Court, 1748. Sons: Joun, JosrrH, SoLomon, Pau. Daughters: Mary Laurence, EvizapetH Len, Racwet Ens, Curistian Davis. Wife: Exizapeta. Executor: PauL PENDER (son). Witnesses: ALEX. Corren, JacoB LasHer. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lov- ICK. Prenpteton, Henry. Pasquotank County. March 18, 1727-1728. April 18, 1748. Daughters: EtizaseTH Woop- LEY, wife of THomas; Mary, wife of Joun Broruers; Saran, wife of JoserH Reping; Annu, wife of Taomas Davis. Sons: Toomas, Joun. 284 Axsstract or Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Grandson: Henry Penpueton. Executor: THomMas PENDLETON (son). Witnesses: Saran Butt, Marrua Kewuy, Jno. Pauin. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Prenpieton, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. February 21, 1732. April Court, 1732. Sons: THomas and JosmPH (“the manner plantation”), Gzoren, TimotHy (plantation called Masons Neck). Daughters: ExizapntuH (plantation called Robinsons), ANNE Knicnt. Wife: Saran. Ezxecutors: Taomas and JosEPH PENDLETON (sons). Witnesses: Danie, RocksaKkER, WILLIAM Davis, J. SwEENY. Clerk of the Court: W. Minson. PrypietTon, THomas. Pasquotank County. May 10, 1749. April 18, 1750. Daughters: PenrLOPE JoRDAN, Mary, EuizaBeTH. To daughters are given plantations at New Begon Creek, and also an Island in Currituck Sound called Collinton, and also a number of negro slaves. Wife: not named. Executor: JoserH JoRDAN. Witnesses: Demsny Conner, Ropert JoRDAN, TIMOTHY PENDLETON. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Penpieton, THomas. Pasquotank County. February 21, 1750-1751. July Court, 1751. Daughters: Mary, Exiza-. BETH, TEMINA PENDLETON. Son: ROBERT PENDLETON. Wife and Ezec- utriz: Sarau. Executor: BENJAMIN PaLMER. Witnesses: WiLL. GRrecorY, Joun Hosea, Demsgy Connsr. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Taytor. Coat of arms on seal. Pewricr, FRancis.: Perquimans County. May 13, 1756. April Court, 1758. Sons: Francis, SamueL, Epwarp. Daughters: Mary Lone, Exizasrta Lone, Ann Sutton, Hannan PEn- RIcE. Executors: Hannan and Epwarp Penrice (son and daughter). Witnesses: JosHua SKINNER, WM. AINTON. Clerk of the Court: MILES Harvey. Penrice, THomas. Chowan County. September 5, 1739. October Court, 1739. Brother, Executor and sole legatee: Francis Penrice. Witnesses: Josua Hopart, Luke Gregory, Mary Penrice. Clerk of the Court: Jamms Craven. Prrisy, Jonny. Perquimans County. February 12, 1755. April Court, 1759. Sons: Joun, Jamss, JoserH, SamuE1 (to each is given land), Jostan. Daughters: ELINDER, Berri and Mary Perisu, Jean Bunpy. Ezecutors: Joun and Josian Psrisu (sons). Witnesses: THomas HoLiowerLi, Peter PEarson, CorNELIUS Moore. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Axgstract oF Wittzs, 1690—1760. 285 Prrisue, Saran. Perquimans County. May 29, 1754. April Court, 1760. Sons: Simon, James. Daughters: Saran, Jane and Mornen. Ezecutors: JAMES PrrisHE (son), JOSEPH PerrisHe (brother). Witnesses: Jas. Pierce, THomas Stanton. Clerk of the Court: Mirus Harvey. Perkins, Henry. Currituck County. July 2, 1715, July 12,1715. Wife and Executriz: Euizanera. Wit- nesses: PETER Poyner and JoserH Porner. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WIcKER, Perry, JEREMIAH. Chowan Precinct. October 18, 1694. October Court, 1694. Wife and Ezecutriz: JANE Perry. Other legatees: Curistian and THos. Buount. Witnesses: Tuo, Potuocxk, ALEx. McFaruanp, Neat McMine, Joun Buntin. Clerk of the Court: Natau. Cuevin. Clerk in Secretary’s office: W. GLOVER. Perry, Pune. Perquimans County. July 5,1751. October Court, 1751. Sons: Juss (lands on Little River known by the name of Sandy Hook), Puiuir (“plantation whereon I now live”). Daughters: Saran, Mary, RacugEt, Jupp, EvizaBers and Miriam, Executor: Jacop Perry, son of Jacop Perry. Witnesses: Moses Friup, BENJAMIN Perry, Evizapera Parry. Clerk of the Court: Eomunp Harca. Persons, JoHN. Perquimans County. December 29, 1753. April Court, 1754. Daughter: Mirntam PERSONS. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: SamuEL Persons (brother). Wit- nesses: JOHN WHEDBEE, GABRIEL Cosan, JosEPH PERSHOE. Clerk of the Court: Wittiam SKINNER. Person, PErer. Perquimans Precinct. March 1,1751. April Court, 1755. Sons: JonatHan, NaTHAN, PETER, Joun. Daughters: RacHEL, Mary and Betty Persons. Brother: NavTHAN Newsy. Wife and. Executriz: not named. Witnesses: Jesse NEwsy, WitiiaM Boausg, Witt1am Hasxit. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Pererson, Jacos. Albemarle County. January 13,1697. July Court, 1698. One shilling in silver to Resonau Boorp, daughter-in-law; one shilling each to daughters Exizaseru, Con- stant. Daughter: ANN Pererson, plantation bought from Jno. Durant. Executriz: Mary Peterson. Witnesses: Mantua Facurtt, James Fag- EETT, STEPHEN MainwaRine. Clerk of the Court: Joun STEPNEY. 286 AssTract or Wits, 1690—1760. Peterson, Jacos. Albemarle County. 1697. This is a nuncupative will leaving everything to wife, ReBEc- KaH. Proven before Joun WHEDBE by Epwarp and Mary GELFF. Perit, Francis. Chowan Precinct. October 29, 1710. August 12, 1712. Son: Francis. Cousin: JoHn Cuzstne. Daughter: Saran. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Executor: Tuomas Perrce (brother of wife). Friend: Joon Barrow. Witnesses: JonaTHAN WiLuiaMs, Saran Barrow, Francis Smita. No probate officer. Pryton, Rosert. Bath County. January 8, 1733. September 10, 1754. Sons: THomas, Roper, WIL- LIAM (lands up Derhams Creek), AmBrose. To each of sons is given a plantation. Daughters: Saran Pryron, Dorotay Porter. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: THomas Gains, Evizaseta Beit, Bryant KeEtiy, Sotomon Rosson. Clerk of the Court: Joan Snpap. _ Prirer, JoHn. Mecklenburg County. August 14,1775. January 22,1777. Son: Pavu Prirzr. Daughters: Marearet, ANN Euizapeta Prirer. Wife: Caruerine. Ezecutors: Martin Priver (father) and Paut Barringer (father-in-law). Wit- nesses: BENJAMIN Parron, WILLIAM WALLACE, SAMUEL Parton. Clerk of the Court: Samu. Martin. Provision is made for sending son to college and educating daughters. Pures, Goprrey. Tyrrell County. February 7,1750. September Court, 1751. Sons: Cupperp, GopFREY, Joun (to each is given a plantation; to Joun “the manner plantation”). Daughters: Saran and ExizapetH Pueirs. Wife and Executriz: Exviza- BETH. Hxecutor: JosHua Pures. Witnesses: Joun Pacett, JosHuUAY Purves, Josera Spruit. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jonss. Puetps, Henry. Perquimans County. May 19, 1752. July Court, 1752. Son: JonaTHan (“all my lands and plantations * * * the fourth part of my negroes* * * Foxes Journals first and second part &c.” Wife and Executriz: Marcarret. Daughter: EvizaBeTs Paenps. Hxecutors: JONATHAN PuEvrs (brother) and ZacHa- Riau Nrxon (father-in-law). Witnesses: Francis Tomes, Francis Nixon and SaraH Newsy. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Puetps, JoNATHAN. Perquimans Precinct. March 11, 1688. April 4, 1689. Son: JonarHan. Wife: Hanna. Proven before RicHarp Stanrick, THo. Impers, Davip SHERNOLD. This will is very badly mutilated and so faded as to be illegible. Agstract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 287 Pups, JonaTHAN. Perquimans County. December 4, 1732. January Court, 1732. Sons: Henry (‘‘manner plantation”), Jonaraan (300 acres land on Perquimans River). Daugh- ter: Evizaneto Poeups. Hight negroes and four horses bequeathed to wife and children. Wife and Executriz: Exizapetu. Executor: CHARLES Denman. Witnesses: R. Coeasten, EvLexanpeR Howarp, Jamzs An- person. Clerk of the Court: CoaRLEs DENMAN. Puetrs, SAMUEL. Perquimans Precinct. April 21, 1728. July Court, 1728. Sons: JonatHan, Joun (land in “balehack”), Witt1am, James. Wife: not named. Ezecutors: JonATHAN Puetps (brother), JonarHan PHExrs (son), ABRAHAM SANDERS and Ros- ERT WILLSON. Witnesses: ABRAHAM SANDERS, RALPH BOSEMAN, CHARLES Denman. Clerk of the Court: R. Everarp. Purwes, WILLiaM. Perquimans County. April 15, 1752. April Court, 1752. Legatees: Jonn Harvey and James Lirreson (cousins), Wittiam Barker, Saran Eviot, SAMUEL Lirtzson. Executors: Joan Harvey and James Lirreson. Witnesses: JosHua Hopart, Margery Moors, Derse Moors, PenninaH CHANCEY. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hartcu. Puenney, Grorce. June 3, 1736. June 23, 1737. Surveyor Generall of His Majesties Customs Southern District on the Continent of America.’’ Legatees: Rate Nopen, of London; Evizapeta Kir, of London. Nephew: JosepH Harrison. Wife and Executriz: PENELOPE. Witnesses: Sam- veL Scott, THomas Asainy, T, Butter, Proven before W. Smitu. Puituips, Daniet. Currituck County. July Court, 1726. Sons: James, Danie, SAMUEL, Benjamin. Daugh- ters: Mary Dux, Mareritr Pairs. Wife and Executriz: ABIGALL. Witnesses: JoHN MasHeti, Wituiam Scorr, ANDR. DuKE. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. Puries, Pavt. Craven County. June 5, 1746. June Court, 1751. Son: Pau. Grandsons: Pauu Puit- tips and Paut Fioop. Daughters: RacHEL YENsHAW, Rut SanpDERs. Son-in-law: Witu1aM Fioop. Wife and Executriz: Resecca. Witnesses: Luxe Gracs, Leonarp Lorrin, Peter Henpricxson. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Youna. “ 288 Assrract or Wixxs, 1690—1760. Puiturrs, THomas. Craven County. June 22, 1743. December 23, 1743. Wife and Executriz: IsaBetu, Sons: Joun, Mason, THomas, James, Marx, Witutam. Daughter: Mary. Witnesses: Ropert Paterson, Henry SumeRuIN. Clerk of the Court: N. RovutTLeDGe. | Puiturps, THomas. Northampton County. April 4, 1751. May Court, 1751. Sons: Taomas and Mark (one plan- tation to each), Witt1am. Daughters: Parry Simpson, Mary PHILLIPS. Wife and Executriz: Parry. Executor: Wit11AM PHILLIPS (son). Wit- nesses: SIMON Simpson, Ben. Epwarps, CHRISTOPHER Epwarps. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Puiturps, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. October 6, 1740. December Court, 1751. Son: Samus. (land at Swan Point), Sister: Ann Wittiams. Wife and Executriz: EuizaBeTa, Wit- nesses: THoMas Moors, Ricwarp ALLEGOOD, JoHN McKzgEL. Clerk of the Court: WitLiam ORMOND. Puitpott, Joun. Albemarle County. November 19, 1694. Joun Lawson, son of Natsu. Lawson (plantation now living on, ten cows and 6,000 pounds pork to buy a negro), JoHN Lawson. Wife: Mary Puitpotr. Plantation adjoining home lands to son-in-law, WM. Wooutarp. Executors: DaninL AKEHURST and JOHN Lawson. Witnesses: Too. Rotre, Danis. Hawkins, JoHN CABEGE. (No probate.) Pickens, ANDREW. November 4, 1756. Sons: Joun and AnpREW (“my plantation”). Daughter: Jean Pickens (saddle horse). Wife and Executriz: Nancy. ‘Witnesses: Ropert McCienacnan, Joun Pickens. No probate. Picxrrtn, RicHagrp. Bertie County. January 25, 1739. February Court, 1739. Legatees: Mary, JAMES and Roger Snevy. Executor: Roger SNELL. Wetnesses: J. Huu. Clerk of the Court: Rr, Forster. Pierce, Jonn. Perquimans County. September 13, 1682. Sons: THomas, Joun and Josern. Daughter: Reseckxan. Other legatees: THomas Daw, WM. Bunpy. Wife: not named. Ezecutors: Wint1AM Bunpy and JONATHAN PHELPS. Wetnesses: Roserr Witson, Francis Tome and Jonn Stanutey. No probate. Assrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 289 Pierce, JoHn. Perquimans County. October 9, 1726. January 10, 1726. Sons: CopELanp, THomas. Daughters: Mary, ExizaBera and Hannan. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Brothers-in-law: Peter Jones, JonN Wiuiiams. Witnesses: RepecKaH Lone, Raceet Weicut, THomas Pierce. Clerk of the Court: RicHarRD Leary. Prerce, JoszPH. Perquimans Precinct. June 6, 1700. Brother: THomas Pierce. Wife and Executriz: Dam- ARIS. Wéetnesses: TimoTHy CLEARE, Wm. and THos. Winstow. Clerk of the Court: THos. SNODEN. Pierce, THomas. Perquimans Precinct. February 12, 1731-1732. March 30, 1732. Sons: Tuomas, JoserH, Joun. Daughter: Mary Jonzs (1 negro). Grandchildren: Taomas PIERCE, Mary Pierce. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Executor: Peter JonEs (son-in-law). Witnesses: Mirus Gan, RicHaRD SKINNER, ABRAHAM SAN- pers. Proven before GEorcE BURRINGTON. Pirzce, THomas. Chowan County. April 6, 1755. October Court, 1756. Daughters: Mary Nixon, Saraw Morris, JamiMaA Newsy, Kestan Newsy, KerRENHAPPUCH PIERCE. Grandson: Pimrce Nixon. Brother-in-law: Prerer Jonus. Executors: Pueniass Nixon, Jonn Morriss, Ropert Newsy, NatHan Newsy (sons-in-law), and JosepH Wuitr. Wétnesses: Joun Simons, CoRNELUS Leary, Mary Creecy. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jonzs. Pixz, SAMUEL. Pasquotank Precinct. December 11, 1716. Sons: Samuret and Bensamin, Jonn. Daughters: Susanna Pike and ANN Pixe. Wife and Executriz: Jane Pixn, Wit- nesses: JOHN Martin, JouN Moor. No probate. Pitxineton, SETH. Beaufort County. October 7, 1751. March Court, 1754. Daughters: Saran CAUTANCHE (seven negroes), WINIFRED PILKINGTON (ten negroes and “plantation whereon I now live, situated on Lemuel Cherry herring runn”). Wzfe’s daughter: Ann Lituineton. Wife’s granddaughters: Carurrine Locx- HART and Mary Evans. Evzecutors: MicHarL CAaUTANCHBE (son-in-law), WINIFRED PILKINGTON (daughter). Witnesses: Jounn Fry, Wo. Stupss, Micwaen Cautancus, Jr. Clerk of the Court: WauuEy CHAUNCEY. 19 290 Axsstract oF Wis, 1690—1760. Pinson, Grace. Craven County. September 17, 1748. December 23, 1743. Sister: Mary Fox, of Perth Amboy, near New York (7 negroes, 3 large looking-glasses). Kinswomen: Grace Fox (4 negroes, 1 silver tankard, 1 looking-glass, 1 gold chain and two gold rings), Exuinor Fox (2 gold rings, 1 pr. gold earrings). Brother: Txomas Fox (silver watch). Friend: Ricnarp Scotr (1 negro man), Executors: Ricuarp Bippmr and THomas Pearson. Witnesses: JAMES Coor, Jospua Acxis, WiLL1AM Wess, James Wuitina. Proven before Gas. Jonnston. Impression of watchdog on seal. Pitson, THomas. Craven County. February 17, 1742-1743. September 9, 1743. Brother: Cuarues Pit- son. Sister: ExizaBpera WHEELER. Wife and Ezecutriz: Grace (plan- tation and 10 negroes). Witnesses: JoHN West, CHRISTOPHER Dawson, Nicwouas Purgroy. Clerk of the Court: N. Routteper. Executor quali- fied before J. Montaommry, C. J. Pivsroveu, Daniet. April 22, 1688. August 2, 1688. Legatees: ExizaBntuH LILLINeTon, WitiiamM Cattoway, son of Cates CALLOway, WILLIAM and ELizABETH Fetrerton, children of Witu1am Ferrerton. Executor: CALEB CALLO- way, Witnesses: ALExR. Linuineron, JouN Durant, Roperr Herman. Proven before Danie, AKEHURST and Epwarp Mayo. Pinkett, Ex.or. Beaufort County. May 17, 1757. March Court, 1758. Sons: Witu1am Danipu Pinkert, Tuomas and ZacHarian PINKETT (one negro to each). Son-in-law: WititaM Moors. Daughter: Hannan PINKETT, Granddaughter: RACHEL Cason, Executors: Wittiam Danipt Pinkett and Tuomas PINKETT. Witnesses: Groran Moyz, Jr., Wittiam Procter, Marcaret SMITH. Clerk of the Court: Wautwy CHAUNCEY. Priexin, Joun. Chowan County. May 21,1745. July 18, 1745. Sons: Puitir, Lewis and Isaac, JoHN and Danrzt (to each is devised a tract of land), JosmpH (1 negro), JESSE (1 negro). Wife and Executriz: MartHa (1 negro). Witnesses: HENRY Goopman, Jr., TimoTHy GoopMaNn, Henry Goopman, Sr. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. PrirEnT, JAMES. Edgecombe County. March 7, 1757. May Court, 1757, Son: Jamus (“plantation whereon I now live”), Daughters: Tation, Mary and Saraw. Ezecutors: ARTHUR and Josuua Buti, Witnesses: James Hogan, JosHua Bry, WILLIAM Hotitoway. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Agstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 291 Pirman, BensaMin. Edgecombe County. August 3, 1755. May Court, 1756. Sons: Moses, Mican, Samson, Jacos. Daughters: Patience Fautk, Mary Borrom, Apical Pitman, Lucy Pirman, Ceva Pirman, Jemima Pitman. Wife and Exzecutriz: ANN. Witnesses: JouN Streater, JoHN Jameson, JoHN MURPHREE. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Pirman, Tuomas. Edgecombe County. April 4, 1754, February Court, 1755. Sons: Lot, THomas and seven others mentioned, but not named. Daughters: two mentioned, but not named. Brothers: Roppert and AmBrose Pitman (Ezecutors). Wife: Anne, Witnesses: Jno, Hopxins, AMBRoSE Pittman, JoHN Fort. Clerk of the Court: BmansamMiIn Wynys. Prater, RicHarp. Pasquotank Precinct. September 8, 1705. January Court, 1705. Legatees: Jonn Hunt, Joun McKeet, Hucn Campsetit, ANtHoNy HatcH. Estate in the King- dom of England devised to mother, Dorotay Puatsr, of Linn, in the County of Norfolk, and Mrs. SaraH Buatuer. Executor: HuaH Camp- BELL, Witnesses: JoserH Mine, ANTHONY MarcKkHaM, JR., Joan FoOuRRE, Clerk of the Court: J. Knicur. Prato, THomas. Pasquotank Precinct. March 12, 1735-1736. Daughters: Martaa, Susannan and Mary Puato, Ezecutors: ANTONY MarckHam and JouN Boyp. Witnesses: Tuos. Warp, ANTHONY MarckuaM, JNo. McKzreu. No probate. Promer, Samven SaBane. April 12,1755. May 2,1755. Surgeon. Legatees: PeneLore and CHaR- LOTTE BLacKHALL, daughters of Dr. ABRAHAM BLACKHALL; SaraH Row- DEN, daughter of Saran BLACKHALL; Capt. JosePH Hmron, Sarad SHARP, EuizaBeTH Promer Suarp. LHzecutors: JoHN CAMPBELL and CHARLES Exuiot. Witnesses: Ben WHEATLEY, JoHN Harvey, Ro. Lenox. Proven before AntTHUR Dozsss. Impression of man’s head on seal. Prowman, Joun. Chowan County. July 1, 1721. August 4, 1721. Legatees: Jonn PLowMAN WHITE (plantation and seven slaves), THomas Lovick, Mary Waite, JoHn Pirowman Asuitey, Governor Epsn, Jon Lovicx, Nicnouas Crisp, Isaac Hiut (last-named three persons appointed Executors). Wtnesses: James CaSTELLAW, Jas. WinRIcHT, J. Cass. Proven before CHARLES EpEN. 292 Asstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Pottock, Estuer. Chowan County. May 30, 1712. March Court, 1723. Executors: THomas LuTEN and Tuomas Luten, JR. Other legatees: GoverNor Epwarp Hyps, Mrs. Ann Stewart, Henperson Luren. Lands on Sasefrick River in Snell County, Maryland, and lands in ‘this province given me by my late hus- band, Wittm. Witxison; lands at Sandy Point.” Witnesses: Ropert Hicxs, Jamus Brastey, Jno. Porter, Junr., Conrad EicoHorn. Clerk of the Court: W. BApHaM. Potiock, Gores, October 18, 1736. July 29, 1738. Brother: Cutten Potock (land on Salmon Creek, Chowan River, on the “South Shore,” on Moratock River and Canaho Creek; 4,700 acres on north side of Moratock; 710 acres of land on Trent River). Nephews: Cutten and THomas PoLiock (5,000 acres of land at the Haw Fields; 3,300 acres on Tarr River; 2,200 acres on Coor Creek; 220 acres on Coor Creek; 150 acres at Bennys Creek; 500 acres on Wecone Creek; 640 acres on Moratock). Brother-in-law and Executor: Cou. Ropert West (lands on Trenters and Horn Creeks; island called ‘the Crow” in Currituck County; sum of money to purchase patents for lands). Weatnesses: THomas ASHLEY, WILLIAM Frytey, NE- HeMiaH WarrinG. Proven before W. SmitH, C. J. The original of this will is missing. Abstract made from recorded copy No. 82 in Book 4, Land Grant Records. Pottocn, JaMEs. Chowan Precinct. February 23, 1700. Legatees: Buttan Biount (houses and lands), Witiiam Warp, THomas Potitocx, Epmonp Pears, JoHN WACKER. Witnesses: Taomas Biount, Sam’Lu Swann, THoMas Coorprr. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEvIN. Potiock, THomas. Chowan County. August 8, 1721. August Court, 1753. Sons: THomas, Cutten and Groren. Daughter: Mary, wife of Taomas Bray. The following lands are devised: 1,550 acres on Chowan River between Mr. Kina and Tuo, Dan1E1; lands purchased of Taos. DANIEL, JoHN RasBerry, JamEs WILKE- son, Martin Freperick Rasor; five tracts of lightwood land on Samon Creek; “land where Firesenrt built ye mill”; 10,000 acres on Mill Creek; 2,560 acres in fork of Raquis called Springfield; 2,500 acres on Moratock River called Canecarora (Coueconora); 640 acres on Bridges Creek at Week- acanaan; 2,800 acres on Cassayah called Rosefield; land on Moratock adjoining Bowman; land purchased of Ricu’p Ross; land on Moratock Bay; 900 acres of land on Nuce River fork called New Bern; land bought of Masor Roserr Wesv; lands adjoining “land where I now live”; lands ad- Joining that bought of Cary Gospee; land adjoining Parrots; land where Axsstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 293 Sam’Lu Epmunps lives; land where Joun Grirrin lives near Bavie Swamp; where Witsown lived at Weekacoon Creek; where Jonn Mainarp lived at Pettishore; 2,400 acres of land called Crany Island; 2,200 acres on the south side of Neuse River and west side of Core Creek; 710 acres on Trent River called ‘‘ye halfe-way House’’; 220 acres on the east side of Core Creek; on the south shore where Lzonarp Lorfen lives; 360 acres on Boag Sound; 215 acres in the fork of Chesters Creek on White Oak River; 150 acres on Neuse River at the head of Bennys Creek; 5,000 acres to the south of Neuse River; 640 acres on Neuse River called Wilkeson’s Point; 8,900 acres on the east branch of Salmon Creek; lands lying on South Lancaster. About seventy-five negroes are bequeathed to three sons. The following . items may be of interest: “I give * * * one hundred pound to be paid in Boston and 5,000 feet of plank which I have sent for from Boston.” ‘TI give * * *Jands, mortgages * * * whether in America or Scotland.” “k & * what pitch and tarr ye hands in ye woods makes until ye first of aprill next.” ““* * *T have expended and laid out for a house at Black Rock * * * ten pound more for New England plank.”’ ‘And whereas also I have been out and expended upon a House for my son CULLEN on the south shore when Mr. Wust the Carpentare is paid for what worke he hath done thereto (to-wit) the covering the house, doeing the Dormant Windoes and making up the Gavell end of the said house and when CutLen hath what Glass is in the house.” “Mr.Coxn * * * is to have all the lands that are necessary for him for burning the bricks or what other worke he hath oceasion for * * *,” Hzecutors: THoMas, CULLEN and GEORGE (sons). Witnesses: JoHN BuRNNELL, Davip Hnprrson, WILLIAM Harpy, Lawrence Sarsor, JAMES CASTELAW, JAMES CaSTELAW, ROBERT Wicks, THomas Newman (or NewnaM), WiLuiam Littis, Josera Sxit- TLETHORP. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Foster. Also SamurLt Ormgs. Pottocx, THomas. Bertie County. April 16, 1732. January 20, 1732. Sons: CuLLeN, THomas, GEORGE. Wife: not named. The following lands are devised: plantation called Black Rock; plantation called Great Quarter; plantation called Manuels or Crickits; land on Salmon Creek and Chowan River; 8,900 acres adjoining the aforesaid land; land on Trent River containing 10,000 acres; 2,560 acres in fork of Raquis called Springfield; land at Unaroye Meadows; two tracts nigh Tuskarora Indian Town; 300 acres on Moratuck River; 235 acres on Moratuck River; four tracts on Fishing Creek; land on Briery Branch, Other legatees: Jacop Parat and Jonn Hatues, Mrs. Exiz, Dick- son. About 50 negroes are bequeathed. The following item may be of interest: “I will & order and give by this will to all such persons who are setled on my lands at Trenton Condition of a Certain Writing I give to Jacos Mituzr that those already settled thare have leases on ye same terms I promised them.” Witnesses: Gorge Poutock, Francis Rasor, 294 ABSTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. Jacos Parat, Ropert Minor, Evizapera Dicxson. Executors: GEORGE and Cutten Potiock (brothers), Roperr West. Will proven before W. Litre, C. J. Poot, Soromon. Pasquotank County. July 30, 1739. Sons: JoszrH, Sotomon, Jacos (“my manner planta- tion”). Daughter: Saran Poou. To each of children is bequeathed one negro. Wife and Executriz: Grace. Witnesses: CHARLES TayLor, SoLo- MON Poot, JosEPH RoBInsoNn. Probate illegible. Porr, Epwarp. Pasquotank County, January 26, 1721-1722, April Court, 1722. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Saran. Witnesses: W. Norris, Lucy Jackson, Epwarp Mayo. Clerk of the Court: Epmp, Gar. Pops, Ricrarp. Pasquotank Precinct. June 23,1701. July 15,1701. Son: Epwarp. Daughter: Mary Pore. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: Epwarp Mayo, MattHEew Pritcs- ARD, SAMUEL Pike, Gro. Exxis, THo. ABineton. Clerk of the Court: THos. ABINGTON. Pops, SamMvust. Craven County. January 5, 1758. February 4, 1758. Sons: Samurn (land on Core Creek), JoHN and Wituiam. Daughters: EvizaBetH and Mary Pork. Wife: Saran. LExecutors: Gzorcr Pore and JoHN TuRNER. Witnesses: Rosert Tayior, GeorGE Porg, Betty Lanz. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Peter Corneey. Pops, WitiiaM. Edgecombe County. January 15,1749. February Court, 1749. Sons: Jacos (three negroes), West and STEPHEN (one negro each). Daughters: Repecca Porr and Jutian Newsom. Grandsons: Wit11AM TayLor (two negroes), WILLIAM Pork (“my plantation”). Executors: Jacos Por (son) and JosppH New- som (son-in-law). Wvtnesses: Henry West, JosepH Prarcre, ARTHUR Wat, JoHN Jorpan. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN Wynns. Testator came to this state from Isle of Wight County, in Virginia, and devised to son STEPHEN plantation in said County. PorsELy, GaRrRit. Albemarle County. January 31, 1724-1725. August 2, 1725. Sons: EpMan and Garritt. Daughters: Mary, CATHEN, EnizapeTuH. Wife and Executriz: ELizaBETa. Witnesses: WILLIAM WILSON, JOHN ScaRBROUGH, WILLIAM Waits. Proven before RicHarp EVERARD. AgsTRract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 295 Porter, Joun, Merchant. Albemarle County. January 8,1712. August 7,1712. Wife: Mary, lands in Chowan Pre- cinct. Son: Epmunp, lands in Chowan after death of wife. Son: Joun Porter, tract of land in Bath County called “Chocowinateh.’’ Son: Josnua, land called ‘‘Quarry’s.” Son: MatrHew Porter, 2,000 acres in Bath County, ‘‘on other side of river,” bought of Ricuarp Smita. Son-in- law: Jno. Livtineron and wife Saran, mentioned. Daughter: Euiza, three negroes. Hxecutrix: Mary Porter. Witnesses: Jno. ALLEN, M. D., Joun Wesser. Notary Public: Joane Miuis (wcu.). Original missing. Recorded in Book of Wills No. 2, page 5. This will is proven before Jona Tuomas, Mayor, of Bridgewater, in Sommersett County, England, on the ————— day of February, 1712. Porter, JoHN. “Cape Fair.” October 11, 1727. January 6, 1728. Son: Jonn. Daughter: Saran Porter. Wife and Executriz: Sarau Porter. Witnesses: Seta Prr- KINGTON, JoHN WortuH, J. Knicut. Proven before RicHarp EvERARD. Device on seal. Porter, Joun Peyton. Beaufort County. April 29, 1750. March Court, 1755. Wife: Exizaseru (plantation on east side of Durham’s Creek called the Garrison containing 644 acres). Daughters: Mary Porter, Saran Porter (plantation on east side of Dur- hams Creek commonly called Hardings, adjoining the plantation called the Garrison). Another tract beginning at Snzaps line “from thence to the Savanna, from thence to the Horsepen Swamp, from thence to the Dis- mall.” Negroes are to be kept on the above described tract ‘‘to make Tar, Turpentine in order to raise money, etc.’’ Negroes, cattle and other per- sonal property divided between wife and children. Ezecutors: MICHAEL CorancnE and NarHan Ricuarpson. Witnesses: Tuomas Loves, Wit- uiaM Tripp, CHARLES LawTHer. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. Porter, Joun. Hyde County. November 20, 1750. December Court, 1751. Sons: WiLL1am and JoHN (‘land whereon I now live including the Houses and plantation”). Daugh- ter: Patizncr Porter. Wife: ExisaBeTs. Hzecutors: THomas and JoHn Smite. Witnesses: Toomas and Mary SmirH, Mary Ruopzs. Clerk of the Court: THomas Lovick. Porter, Joun Swann. New Hanover County. No dates. Rocky Point. House, land, watercourses, etc., devised to Joun Baptiste Asus, son of SAMUEL AsHE, with remainder to Joun Moore, Sam’t Swann, Jr., SamurL Asue (youngest son of SamueL) and Cincinnatus AsHE (son of SamuEL). Seven slaves are bequeathed to' executors for education of two mulatto boys, emancipated by deeds 296 Asstract oF Wi1zs, 1690-—1760. executed in 1773, which boys were formerly the property of ANN MosE- LeY (“now wife of Hugo Munror”). To these:mulatto boys are be- queathed slaves. Ewxecutors: SamurL Swann, Jr., and JoHN Baptiste Asue. No signature, date, witnesses or probate. Porter, JosHva. - Bath County. January 17, 1733. September 14, 1734. Son: Jonn Perron Porter (land ‘‘whereon I now live on Derhams Creek”). Daughter: ELizaBETH (1,000 acres of land on Derhams Creek, together with negro slaves). Cousin: Joun Fry. Other legatees: ANN LituIneTon and EvizaBeTH FRY (cousins of testator), WiLL1aAM Triprr, PHitip CREMER. Wife: Dorotuy. Ezecutors: EDMUND Porter (brother), Patrick Mauue and Sera Pitk- Incton (brothers-in-law), Epwarp MosrELtey and Joun Tripper. Wit- nesses: CHURCHILL READING, JOHN CaLDoM, WILLIAM WHITFORD. Proven before Gzorce Burrinetron. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1722- 1735, page 329. Porter, Mary. Chowan Precinct. November 12, 1717. January 21,1717. Sons: Joun (one negro; one- half dozen Russia leather chairs); EpmuNnD (one negro; one-half dozen sil- ver spoons, etc.); Josua (land at Yawpim adjoining ‘Mr. Ciayton and Mr. Ciarx”’; the following personal property: ‘“My negroe woman known by the name of Edy one Ticken feather bed & bolster and two pillows one feather bed covered with Canvas and bolster and one Pillowe three pillow cases Suitable two pair fine sheets, two pair coarse sheets one set of red watered Curtains and Wallons one Spotted Worsted Rug, Red Rug, Two pair good blankets 1 flowered Bed coverlid Bedstead that stood in the Hall Chamber Six Rusia leather chairs one of the large lookeing glasses and my largest and one midling iron pott the large andirons a large double brass Skillet and Trevit one brass Candlestick one pair brass Scales and weights, one pair of Stilliards two Diaper towels a pewter mustard pott the Coarsest of brass ridles my Dantzick locke Chests a lime sifter a Case of Knives and forks a Cross cut Sawe a writeing Desk four Pewter Porringers one earthen Porringer ten Pewter Plates iron pestle Ash Table 1 large Soup Pewter dish one large small Dito one midle sized Dito 1 large and 1 small Pewter bason 2 earthen bason and 2 pewter Do one set of wedges and six wooden chairs 2 joint stooles to wooden turned chairs 2 Iron tramels 1 brass butter ladle 1 small brass Ketle, 1 pewter chamber pott Milland Salt, 1 Iron chafing dish the half of my crop now in the ground and one pottle pewter pott and a pint Pewter pott one Glass Gallon Bottle and one broad Axe’’), Daugh- ters: EvizABETH PorTER (“six silver spoons each weighing ten shillings sterling and one iron pott and pott hooks and twelve soup plates”). Saran Litineton (‘“‘my negro woman called Maria 1 chest of drawers, six painted Chairs now in her possession one pair of iron fire doggs one small Cedar table 1 pair of fine sheets two pair Coarse Sheets and two pillow cases Two AzsTract oF WIxts, 1690—1760. 297 Diaper towells my largest quilt one Lignum Vitae Spice Mortar one large Soup Dish one midle sized pewter dish 1 small pewter bason 1 brass Skimer 1 small Iron Kettle the least of my painted trunks two Earthen Bason and Plates 1 English Flasket 1 large glass bottle 1 stone jugg 1 pewter Chamber pott 1 bed pann three of my other which she likes best and the full third part of the Cotten and Wooll that shall belong to me at my decease’”’). To daughter ELIzABETH in addition to above-named legacies is bequeathed the following personal property: “my Indian woman called Judith and her daughter named Sukey 1 chest of drawers one oval table my best Sett of red Curtains and Valent belonging to my lodging rooms three pair fine sheets two pair Coarse Sheets four pillow cases My Green Rugg made of worsted 1 pair of the best rose blankets the least of my quilts my Callico counterpane and Jester Cloath my Bible my Spice box 1 warmeing pann 1 pair Chamber doggs with brass 1 Black trunk and one painted trunk a large brass Keetle and Two Skimers a Brass Shield and Two Iron potts one linked Tramel a brass Flam one Copper Chocolate pott 1 white rugg 1 Grid- iron four matted chairs my Silver Salt Marked I p M and Silver peper box with the Same marke one large pewter Soup dish 1 shallow Do two midling pewter dishes 1 large and one Small pewter basons 10 pewter plates Six painted chairs five pewter porringers 1 pr brass candlesticks, Snuffers and snuff dish my Smoothing iron heaters and Frame 1 gallon Stone Jugg 1 Glass Cruit two glass cups one mustard pott two pewter Chamber potts three earthen Bason 1 large Dish Do & Two plates 1 Tin pudding pann 1 Spitt 1 leaden pann and 2 painted brushes a brass Shovel and Tongs a large looking Glass the best of the Bew panns 1 pewter Salt 1 glass decanter 2 tin dish covers 1 brass Ridle a large turned Elbow chair 1 Drippen Pan 1 case of bottles one-half of my Sheep and Cattle one silver tankard.” Grand- daughters: Saran Porter, Mary and Sarag Littineton. Other legatee: Rost. Herrick. Executors: Joun and Josuua Porter (sons), Wit- nesses: J. Lovick, Mary Harvey. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Porter, Nicouzss. Johnston County. August 24,1749. September Court, 1749. Daughters: Jeane PorTER (“mannor plantation”), ExizaBeTH Porter and ANN Porter (143 acres of land to each), Acres Porter (143 acres of land). Son: Samue.y (‘my pole cat land”), Wife and Executrix: Exizapera. Executor: James Far- MER. Witnesses: NempHam Bryan, Mary Dens. Clerk of the Court: RicwarD CAswELL. : Porter, SaMvEL. Bladen County. September 30, 1757. October Court, 1757. Sons: James, Joun, Hucu and SaMvueL, Ezecutors: Peter Loarp and Wittiam McRee. Witnesses: Marruew Byrne, NaTau. Piatt, Joun Locs. Clerk of the Court: J. Bur- GWYN. 298 AgsTRact oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Portorwin, PETER. August 23, 1729. June 10, 1730. Sons: JoserH and Samurt. Sons- in-law: Jon Snow, Francis DesHunG. Witnesses: Joann ARTER, THOMAS Hutcuines, Anrsony Marck. Proven before RicHarp Everarp, Porret, Josepz. Perquimans County. _ February 1, 1747-1748. August 4, 1749. Daughter and sole legatee: E.isaBetu Porre. (Bible, gold ring and riding horse, saddle and bridle). Executor: Patrick Poot. Witnesses: JosepH Newsy, RaupH FLETCHER, SamMvuEL Moors. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Powe, Grore@r. Bertie Precinct. March 24, 1735-1736. May Court, 1736. Sons: Capp, Lewis, GrorcE, Mosss (to each is bequeathed a negro). Executor: CapER PowELt (son). Witnesses: WM. Moor, Cuartes Horne, Epmon Dop. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNSs. Powett, Joun. Albemarle County. February 20, 1723-1724. Wife: Ann. Sons: Joun and Brooxs Pow- ELL (wife and sons in England and are appointed Executors). Friends: Witi1am Downine and JosHua TurnNeR. Witnesses: Mary Downine, JoHn Freeman, Jos. FREEMAN. No probate. Power tt, THomas. Northampton County. July 20, 1752. February Court, 1754. Daughters: Kezian and ANN Poweity. Wife and Executriz: EvizapetH. Son: Matranw. Witnesses: Joun Dew, Henary Horton, BaRNnesE JOHNSON. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Powrxz, WILLIAM. December, 1748. Will illegible. Powers, GrorcE. Currituck County. March 27, 1754. June Court, 1755. Sons: Wiuu1am, Grorce (planta- tion between JostrH SANDERSON and Joun WoopHovse), Caes (planta- tion known as Dicks Field). Daughters: Lyppa Erueripes, Jean ETHER- ince, ABIGAL Powsrs. Wife and Executriz: IsaspLt. Witnesses: JAMES Burnuam, WiLLiAM Marsuat, RicHarp Etrneriper. Clerk of the Court: Wi tiiamM SHERGOLD. Powers, IsBexy. Currituck County. November 23, 1757, December Court, 1757. Sons: Witu1am, GrorGE and Cates. Daughters: Ispett, Mary Erneriner, Jnanz Erueripce, AsstracT oF Wiuxs, 1690—1760. 299 ABBEGALL Piner. Grandson: James ETuEripce. Witnesses: WILLIS Ernerince, EvizaABETH MarsHati, Taos. Ricuarps. Clerk of the Court: Wa. Mearns. Powers, WILL1aM. Chowan Precinct. November 26, 1747. April 14, 1748. Sister: Austicer (of Cork in Ire- land). Friend and Executor: Bensamin Hiny. Witnesses: ABRA. BLACK- ALL, JosePH Harron, ALExR. McCuLtoca. Proven before E. Hatt, C. J. Testator bequeathes to sister, leases on the following lands in Ireland: Oaten fields, Leckineene Monetane Shanahane, Knockanearkamas, The Bullock’ Fields, Fort Fields, Currobrodah. , Porner, James. Currituck County. May 7, 1744. March Court, 1755. Sons: Humpurey and Rosert. Wife and Executrixz: Sarau. Witnesses: Epwarp Coxe, Ricuarp RocErs, Samu. Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Witt1AM SHERGOLD. Poyrner, Jos. Currituck County. August 19, 1712. Sons: Wituiam and JoserH. Wife: EvizaBera. Executors: HumMPHREY VINCE and father, who is not named. Witnesses: Jos. Wicker, Ruta Wicker, Henry Swann. No probate. Porner, Preter. Currituck County. July 6,1710. April12,1715. Sons: Peter, Josepu, Ropert and Wit- L1aM (to each is devised land), Taomas and James. Daughter: EuizaABETH. Granddaughter: Mary Poyrner. Friend: Samus. -BarBrer, Wife and Executriz: Euizaperu, Witnesses: HumpHrey Vines (or VINCE), Eviza- BETH Davis, Jos. Wicker. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WickER. Poyner (or Porner), WILLIAM. Currituck County.. April 27, 1753, March Court, 1755. Son: Naruanie. (“plantation whereon I now live and plantation in Moyocke”). Daughter: ELIZABETH Porner (plantation on the Beaver Dam). Ezecutors: Wui1am SuER- GOLD and CaLeB WILLson. Witnesses: Samu. SIMMONS, JONATHAN Poy- NER, JOHN CuiTrom. Clerk of the Court: W1tt1aM SHERGOLD. Poyner, PEtzr. Currituck County. June 22, 1758. December Court, 1758. Sons: Perer, Jont, Bensa- MIN (plantation known by the name of Beach Ridge), NarHan. Daugh- ters: Sopnta Barco, Mary Murcer, Ester Satyer, Abia PInER, Kizian Poyner (or Piner), Gemima Parker. Wife:Sopnia. Executor: NatHaN (son). Wétnesses: WitLIAM Bray, JosH#uA BaLL, REvBEN Bay. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Muarns. 300 Axsstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Porwer, WILLIAM. Currituck Precinct. March 14, 1722. July 9, 1723. Sons: Wit11am and SamveE.u (lands on Currotuck Bay). Daughter: Maryann Porner. Wife and Executrix: Lives. Witnesses: Hanner Mercs, Toos. Swann, Wo. Lurman. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WickER. Pratt, Jos. Perquimans County. December 7, 1736. January Court, 1736. Son: Jonn. Wife: not named. Ezecutors: Josnua Pratt (brother), Joan Witxins. Friend: Luxe Grecory. Witnesses: Dan’L Hatz, Josep and JEREMIAH Pratt. Clerk of the Court: JaMES CRAVEN. Pratt, Joun. Bertie County. November 4, 1740. August 2, 1742. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Curistian (formerly CHristian CHamMarp). Witnesses: Hanyu. Gates, Sara Ciayton, GeorGcE Parris. Proven before J. Monrcommry, C. J. Pratt, JoHN. Chowan County. August 30,1743. January Court, 1743. Brother and Executor: JosHva. Witnesses: Davip Butipr, JosmrH Mine. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp McCuurs. Pratt, JosEPH. Perquimans County. August 29, 1737. October Court, 1737. Brothers: Jnrmmian (‘‘my half of the mill and dwelling house’’), JosHua. Executors: NATHANIEL CarruTHers and JosHua Pratr (brother). Wétnesses: Natu’L Car- RuTHERS, JosHUA Pratr and JeErEMIAH PratT. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Prescott (or Prescoats), Joun. Beaufort County. September 21, 1772. March 9, 1773. Sons: Joun, Aaron, WILLIAM, Bensamin, Simon. Daughters: ANNE McKinesusu, EspeLL WILLIAMS, Hannan Prescott. No executor named, Witnesses: Moses Poot, Joun Brerritu. Proven before Jo. Martin. Prescott, Moszs. Carteret County. February 11, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: Wius (‘‘planta- tion whereon I now live on Bouge Sound’’), Wituiam, Mosgs, Taomas and Russet. Daughters: Mary Prescorr and Saran Purpur. Wife: Mary. Eszecutor: WitLiam Prescott (son). Witnesses: Too. AUSTIN, Martua Prescott, Georcr McKean. Clerk of the Court: Groram Reap. Apstract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. 301 Prescorr (spelled also Prestcoar and Prescoor), Wititum. Craven County. March 17, 1744-1745. September Court, 1745. Sons: Moszs, Wu- t1aM, RicHaRD, JoB (land between Troters Creek and Panters Creek). Daughter: Mary Prescoat. Granddaughter: Exizasera Prescott. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JoHN CaRROLL,. DANIEL CONERLY, Aaron Woop. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Ricz. Prescort, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. October 13, 1755. September Court, 1756. Son: THomas (two plan- tations on west side of Durrams Creek). Wife: Amey. Executors: JAMES Brinson and Jonn Ror. Witnesses: Joan Apams, ANN Apams. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. Pricr, Peter. Beaufort County. February 3, 1784-1735. March 11, 1734. Legatees: MartHa Dicxt- son, ExizasrTuH, ALIN, JonN, Saran, MartHa, Mary and EzexieL Dicxison, James McKuer, Francis Knieut (Ezecutrix). Witnesses: Bar. Fuemine, Tos. Lewis, Saran Lewis. Clerk of the Court: Joun Couuison. Price, Rice. New Hanover County. September 27, 1756. Sons: Ricnarp, James, Epmonp (to each is bequeathed negroes). Wife and Executrix: Tomzin. Executor: Richarp Price. Witnesses: Joun Rogers, Henry Harker, Wm. Pearse. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Pricr, Tuomas. Albemarle County. September 18, 1689. February Court, 1696. Godson: ARCHIBALD McDanieLt. Mary Humrreys, Joan McDaniet, Joun Sawyer. Wit- nesses: MicHABL ConnER, JoHN Sawyer, Garrett Kren. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Guover. (Executor: DanreL Puriurs. Appointed by Court.) Pricz, THomas. Edgecombe County. August 24, 1750. May Court, 1751. Sons: Witu1am, THomas and Joun. Daughters: Evizapera and Racuer. Wife: not named. Wit- nesses: JOHN Hooxs, Witu1aM RappaM and Joun Hooks, Jr. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Pricr, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. September 21, 1756. January Court, 1757. Daughters: RacHEL and EvizaBETH Pricz, Mary and Curistian Price, Wife and Ezecutriz: Sarau, Wrtnesses: Isaac Linuey, ABRAHAM Rippick, EvizaBeTH STAz- une. Clerk of the Court: Mirus Harvey. 302 Azsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. PrickLove, ELizaABETH. Perquimans Precinct. July 23, 1728. Daughters: Lean Smirn, RacHEL WILLSON, Priscila Sanpers, Resecoa Cuancey, Jupira. Grandchildren: Joun Smita, Set- VANUS WILLSON, JUDETH and PreEscILLA SANDERS. Executor: DaNIEL Cuancy. Proven before Ricw’p Everarp by ExizaBera Exior. PrickLown, SaMvgEL. January 20, 1702-1703. Sons: Samuen and Francis. Wife and Executriz: Peninan. Witnesses: Francis Pinvic, Simonp TRUMBULL, Joun AnpERSON. No probate. Prinetz, ALEXANDER. Craven Precinct. January 29, 1738-1739. March 1, 1739-1740. Wife, Executrix and sole legatee: Jane. Witnesses: Nicnouas Fox, ABRAHAM JEssoP, Mar- GARET WaDE. Proven before GaB, JOHNSTON, PritcuarpD, BengaMin. Pasquotank County. February 15, 1740. January Court, 1752. Brother: JosprH Prircs- ARD, Sister: Saran Prircuarp. Ezecutors: brother and sister above- mentioned. Witnesses: Witt1sm Davis, JONATHAN REDDING and JoHN Brooxs. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Pritcuarp, Davin. October 2, 1697. January Court, 1697. Sons: THomas, Henry, JAMES, SAMUEL, Davip. EHzecutors: GzorcE Harris and Ricnarp Map- REN. Witnesses: RicHarp Mapren, Grorce Harris, Puinip Evans. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Prircuarp, Davin. . Pasquotank Precinct. October 20, 1707. January 2, 1707. Devisees: James, Huan and Saran PritcHarD (land on NabsCreek), Samurt and Ricnwarp PritcH- ARD (the relationship of testator to these parties is not set out). Wife and Executriz: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Par GoRMACKE, Ricuarp Mapvren, ANNA Mapren. Clerk of the Court: JNo. PaLEn (or Patin). PritcuarD, Harpert. Bertie Precinct. September 23, 1738. February Court, 17388. Sons: Jonw, W1uu1aAM and Jamus. Executor: JonatHan STaNDLEY, JR. Witness: ANN WIL- uiams, Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. PrircuarD, JAMES. Pasquotank County. June 5,1754. December Court, 1755. Wife, Executriz and sole legatee: Susanan. Wutnesses: Wm. Coats, THos. Taytor, EvizaperaH Tayior. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Taytor, ApstTract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 303 PrircuarD, JEAN. Pasquotank Precinct. October 25, 1707. January 20, 1707. Executors: SamurL and JAMES PritcHaRD, Patrick GormacxEe. No legatees mentioned. Witnesses: Grorce Harris, Georce Harris, Jr., WINBERNE, RICHARD Gray. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Pain. Prircuett, ABRAHAM. Beaufort County. January 9, 1749. June Court, 1750. Sons: Pup, JosHua, PETER, ABRAHAM, JAMES (to each is given land and slaves). Daughters: SanaH and ExizasetH. Wife: Marcett. Executors: Puitip and Josaua Prit- CHETT (sons). Witnesses: JoaN WaLuIs, WILLIAM Bet, James FLaANNa- Kin. Clerk of the Court: Levit ALDoRSON. Pritcuett, Jacos. Beaufort County. May 4, 1756. September Court, 1756. ‘On the South Devidings Creek and on the South side of Pamplico River.” Sons: Simon and SterHen Pritcuerr. Daughter: ANNE Pritcnerr. Other legatees: JamMES HeErInTON (land called Prisces Neck), Joann Herinton. Wife: REBECKER. Executors: NicHotas Daw and JoHN Watts. Witnesses: Mary Tin- prsty, ABIGAL Daw, JEANE CoLueBar. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. Prircuett, Marcaret. Beaufort County. January 12, 1756. March Court, 1756. Sons: Perer, JamMEs, ABRA- HaM, Puiuip, JosHuay. Daughter: Saran Bonp. Granddaughters: Evisa- BETH, SaRAH and Marcer Pritcuerr. Executor: Peter PRITCHETT (son). Witnesses: THomas CampPan, Mary Tiupespy. Clerk of the Court: Watery CHAUNCEY. PRITLOWE, JOHN. Perquimans Precinct. September 8, 1720. May 1, 1728. Daughters: RacueL WILLSON, Jupita Sanprrs, EvizaBetu Eviot. Grandson: Joun Smitu. Wife and Executrixz: EvizaBetH, Witnesses: Josprn Jessop and Rosert Moore. Proven before RicHarp EverarD. Prouse, ANNE. December 14, 1682. Brother: CHarLes Prouss. Friend: EvizaBEra Witiiams. Witnesses: ARNoULD Wurts, WiLLIAM MazBery. No probate. Pueu, Francis. Bertie Precinct. July 5, 1733. October 4, 1736. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I now live”), Tuomas (land “at the Emperors Fields which I bought of Curistian Hirresuren”). Lands at Grindale Creek and lands in Bertie and Edgecombe Precincts divided between two sons; lands in Virginia 804 Asstract oF Wiizs, 1690—1760. ordered to be sold. Negroes divided between wife and children. “It is my will that my wife have the management of the ferry where HENRY Horne lives * * *,” Provision for overplus after payment of debts to be laid out in young negroes. Wife and Executriz: Porresn, Ezxecu- tors: Cot. Ropert West and CuLitEeN Pouiock. Witnesses: NEEDHAM Bryan, Henry Horne and Wiuu’m Jones. Clerk of the Court: Joun Wywns. Codicil provides for completion of brigantine, and lading and sending same to Great Britain—cargo, tobacco and black walnut. “It is my will & desire that after my sloop Carolina return from New England * * * that my executors purchase a cargo and send the said sloop to the West Indies.” Witnesses: Joun CHANCEL, Sam’L SaBan PLoMeER, Peter Brirron. Codicil proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Puacu, Joun. April 14, 1740. August 5, 1740. Wife: Hannan. Son: Joun. Brothers and Executors: Tarornitus and Daniex PueH (all estate of testator, both in Virginia and North Carolina, bequeathed to these two brothers in trust for son JoHN). Witnesses: ABRAHAM BLACKALL, MILES Gate, JAMES CRAVEN. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Porcerz, Nritt. Craven County. March 5, 1752. February Court, 1753. Wife, Executrix and sole lega- tee: Saran. Witnesses: Farepe Witutams, R. Moore, Jno. SNeEap. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. Purpy, Grorer. July 10, 1733. August 2, 1733. All estate is left to wife, who is not named. Ezecutors: RicHarD SANDERSON, EDWARD SaLTeR. Wetnesses: Grorce Burrineton, J. PowrLtt, THomas SHerwin. Proven before Wiwiiam Littts. Pourxens, Davin. Bath County. April 26, 1733. March 15, 1734. Sons: James, JonatHan. Daugh- ters: EvisABETH Woruey, Mary Pourrnett, Arrereca Harvey, ANN Jones, Respeckan and Saran Purxens. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Simon ALDERSON, JoEL Martin, James Pirxins. Clerk of the Court: Jno. COLLISON. Purser, Rogerr. Bath County. May 10, 1733. September 11, 1733. Sons: Ricuarp (“plantation I now live on called Ecrepint,’”’ on South Dividing Creek), James and BrenyamMin. Daughter: Mary Purser. LHzecutors: Wituiam Daw and Jacos Pritcuerr. Witnesses: Joun Lez, JacoB Pritcuetrr, HumpHRry Hawkins. Clerk of the Court: Jno. CoLLIson, Asstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 305 Pouryrr, Roser. Edgecombe County. December 25, 1758. June Court, 1759. Sons: Roperr (‘‘my planta- tion”), Witu1am. Daughters: Mary, Marcaret, EvizapetH and ANN, Wife and Executriz: Frances. Executor: Mosps Horns. Witnesses: Witiram Hoseoon, Racuet Taner. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort, Purnect, WILLIAM. November 7, 1733. December Court, 1734. Duck Creek. Sons: Aaron, JoHn. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Brothers: Taomas and JoHN Worsety. Witnesses: Rost. Greavy, Epp. Doz, Jno. Ciirrorp and Roger Jones. Clerk of the Court: Jno, Couiison. Quinn, Lorin. Carteret County. February 17, 1766. Sons: Witi1am and THomas. Daughter: Mar- GRETTQuINN, Wife and Executriz: Mary Quinn, formerly Mary Canapy. Executor: James FrezER. Wetnesses: WitL1aM and Sara Coase, ABI- GAIL CoaLe. Proven before Jo. Martin. Raeianp, FREDERICK. Northampton County. August 2, 1757. February Court, 1758. Brothers and Executors: GrorcE and WitiiaM. Witnesses: James ParHaM, Roger Tay.or, Epxraim MacGurris. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Racianp, STEPHEN. Northampton County. March 1, 1746. February Court, 1747. Sons: STEPHEN, GEORGE, Wiuiam and Frepericx (plantation to each), Even. Daughter: AGNESS (one Indian slave). Wife: Mary. Evxecutors: Even and GrorcEe Rac- LAND (sons). Witnesses: Roperr Hicks, Jonn Hamitton, JoHN WEBB. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Raman, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. October 12, 1713. Sons: THomas and Epwarp (plantation to each). Daughters: ELizABETH ScaRBoROUGH, Saran and Mary Raman. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Jno. Hawkins, THomAs PassINGHAM, No probate. RapHELD, WILLIAM. January 20, 1757. March Court, 1757. Sons: Bensamin, WILLIAM, THomas, Isaac. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: Joun Rovuren, Wiiuiam Raruexp. Clerk of the Court: Fr. Warp. 20 306 Apstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Rasor, Frances. Bertie County. April 20, 1747. December 18, 1748. Son: Epwarp Rasor. Daugh- ters: ExizapeTrH Harpy, Cristina Bett. Daughter-in-law: EvizaBEeTu Rasor. Granddaughter: Frances Harpy, Executor: Lamp Harpy (son- in-law), Witnesses: Wivtiam Harpy, Tuomas and Cuariry Topp. Proven before E. Hatt, C. J. Rassuary, Joun. Bertie County. September 11, 1749. February Court, 1749. Sons: Witx1am Ras- BUARY, THoMas Yaits, ARTHUR PinNER. Grandson: JoHN Rassuary. Daughters: RepeckaH Pinner, Bringer Yaits, EvizapeTH WILLIAMS, Ann BEverRLeR, Mary Unxers, Caristian Low. Ezecutors: BripGet Raspuary (wife), Wittiam and Hosra Raspuary. Witnesses: Isaac Hii, Epwarp Wituiams. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lovicx. Ratu, Damazis. February 12, 1734. February 24, 1734. Son: Josera. Daughters: Mary Mors, Saran Winstow. Sons-in-law: JonN Morn, THomas Winstow. Granddaughter: Berry More. Executors: ZACHARIAH NIXON (brother), Joon Morr and THomas Winstow. Witnesses: RicuarD Davis, Mary Gitpart. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Rariirr, Ricuarp. Perquimans Precinct. June 17, 1724. July 14, 1724. Sons: Tuomas and Josera (ands in Virginia and North Carolina). Daughters: Exizapera, Mary, Saran, Huupan. Wife and Executrix: Damaris. Executor: CoRNELIUS RAT LiFF (brother). Witnesses: Zacuartan Nixon, FRANcIs Croxton, Mary Nicuotson. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Leary. Rarruir, Samvuet. February 31, 1733. July 11, 1733. Son: Isaac (plantation on Saman Creek). Daughters: Exisapetu and Ispeu. Other legatees: PARTHANEY and Witiiam Batu. Ezecutors: Naruanen Hiri and Tuomas ASHLEY, Witnesses: WiiLiam Byrp and ANN Bat and WitiiaM ASHLEY. Proven before Grorcr BurRINGTON. Rawtines, Bensamrn. Edgecombe Precinct. December 10, 1738. February Court, 1738. Legatees: Ropert Lock- ALEAR, Davip Cotrrainr, EpMonp Kzarny (son of Tuos. and SARAH), James Fioop, Bensamin Hitz, Jr. (son of BEensamin and Saray), Hewry Hii, Saran. Kearny, Evizapeta ALSTon (wife of Josmrxa Joun), Witiiam Arston, Evizasera Wiuiams (wife of SaMvug.). Ezxecutors: Tos. Kearny and Davin Courraine. Witnesses: Sam’L WI.uiams, R Wurrtineron, Wintiam Lez. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstsr. Axssrract or WIxts, 1690—1760. 307 Rawutves, Joun. Northampton County. March 26, 1747. November Court, 1747. Daughters: Lucy and SusanwnaH Rawuines. Wife and Executriz: Hannan Rawuines. Wit- nesses: Ant. Harris, Gtorce Jorpan, Wm. Raw1iines and GEORGE JORDAN, SenR. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. RayFietp, WILLIAM. Pasquotank Precinct. August 4, 1722. March 23, 1731. Of Allegator in the Precinct of Pasquotank. Sons: WiiL1aM, James (land called the Wild Cat Neck), Joun, Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: Epwarp Linincton. Wit- nesses: Epwp. Linineton, JoHN Comes, SeTH PxHetps, RicHarp Pur- FENGHALL. Proven before Grorar BuRRINGTON, Rayrorp, Marrurw. Bladen County. July 21, 1752. April Court, 1758. Sons: Marrnew, Rospert, WIL- u1aM and Puiuir. Daughters: Mary, ANNE, Mournina, REBECKAH, Grace and DrusitLta. Wife and Executriz: Mournine. Executor: Isaac Busy. Witnesses: MarcareT ARMSTRONG, FRANK ARMSTRONG and Tuomas Jones. Clerk of the Court of Cumberland County: James Simpson. Raymonp, THomas. June 26, 1730. July 31, 1730. ‘Dover in ye County of Kent, King- dom of Great Brittain.” Daughter: ExizapntH RaymMonp. Other lega- tees: Jop Broox, ExizaperH (daughter of Jos. Brii), James WaIn- WRIGHT (book called Lexicon Technicon), Joun Starkry, Peter STarKEy. Executors: Joun Starkey and Tuomas Newson. Witnesses: Ricup. Rustutt, Peter Starkey, JoHn Starkey. Proven before RicHarp Ev=rarp. Reap, Grorce. Carteret County. May 26, 1753. September Court, 1753. Son: Rozperr (land in Car- teret and in Barbadoes). Daughters: Sanau and Frances Reap, MartTHa (wife of IsramL Curistian). Wife and Executriz: Ann, Friends: Tuomas Lovick and Davin SHeparD. Witnesses: Grorce COGDELL, Grica YarsoroueH, Jacos Sueparp. Signature of probate officer missing. Reapine, CHURCHILL. Bath County. September 19, 1734. February 14, 1734. Nephews: Cuurcuitt Cat- pom, JoHN and Jacos Biounr. Brother-in-law: Joun Caupom. Wife and Executriz: Marraa (four negroes). EHzxecutors: RoBertT West, TxHomas Wors.ey and Jonn Catpom. Witnesses: Epw. Travis, HARMAN Hitt and Epwarp Sauter. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. 308 Apsrract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Reapine, JosEry. Pasquotank County. June 29, 1731. August 8, 1731. Sons: Samuri, Tuomas, JoHN, JonaTuan and Josera. Daughters: Mary, Miriam and Sarag Reapine, Ann Pennueton. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Davip Boxss, Daniet Ruopes and Benga, PrircHarp. Proven before Gzo, BurRinc- TON. Reapive, Lions. Bath County. July 12, 1708. February 18, 1725. Sons: NaTHaNigL, CHURCHILL. Daughters: Saran Dupuis and Mary Reapine, ANN Reapine. Negroes bequeathed to sons and daughters. Wife: not named. Ezecutors: Davis Dupuis and Humpurey Leae. Witnesses: James Luicn, Henry Brook, Joun Lawson. Proven before Ricup. EvErarp. Reapvine, Tuomas. Beaufort County. January 24,1749. March Court, 1748-1749. Niece: MarGaREeT CaAL- pom. Nephew: CuurcHILL CaLpom (husband of Maraaret and son of sister, ANN Caupom). HExecutors: ABRAHAM Duncan and RuicHaRD Evans. Witnesses: Mary Duncan, Mary Powers, Joon McKenny. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forses. Executor qualified before Gas. JoHNs- TON. Reavis, Epwarp. Northampton County. February 21, 1750. February Court, 1752. Son: Jusse. Daughters: Jupe and Mary Raavis. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Cart. Joun Prrson of Virginia. Witnesses: AnTHR. Harris, JoHN GILLIAM, ARTHUR JORDAN. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Recxsaxer, Dawret. Pasquotank Precinct. February 27, 1732-1733. May 16,1733. Legatees: Many ANN Mitcx- ELL (daughter), Saran Pinpieton (Executrix). Witnesses: W1LL1AM Davis, WittM. AMBLER. Proven before Wm. Litriz, Chief Justice. Revpirr, WiIti1aM. Bertie County. August 24, 1739. October 29, 1739. Sons: Joun (plantation on the south side of Buckelsberry Swamp), Witu1aM, Josrrx, Joni, Isaac (to each is devised a plantation). Daughters: Mancarnt, ANN, Marraa and Mary Reppirr. Other legatee: THomas Yeates. Wife and Executriz: Sussannaw. Ezecutors: Joun Revpirr (son) and JoHn Oxuey. Wit- nesses: GEORGE, Ropert and Mary Lawrence. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Reppine, JoHn. Perquimans County. January 28, 1754. April Court, 1754. “I give and bequeath to ExizasrTu Futtenton, my dearly beloved and intended wife, my plan- Axgstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 309 tation next to Jesse Eason’s.” Cousin: Joun Exuis. Evxecutors: JOHN Davis and JosHua Sma. (brothers-in-law), Witnesses: Jesse Eason, Josep Sxetro and Joun Harris. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. SKINNER. Revive, JosEru. Perquimans County. October 26, 1751. January Court, 1753. Sons: James and JoHN (lands at Ballahack). Daughters: Mary, Racue. and Cuarity. Ezecu- tors: James and Jon (sons). Witnesses: Strurciss EDERINGAME, ABRA- HAM BauuarD, Jesse Eason. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Reppine, WILLiaM. Halifax County. October 26, 1773. February 3, 1774. Son: Joszpu. Daughters: Patty Brown, Mary, Ann and Amsy Reppine. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Ezxecutors: James Brown (son-in-law) and Wittiam WILLIAMS, Witnesses: James Davis, MartHa Hooxs. Proven before Jo. Martin. Rezp, Anprew. Perquimans Precinct. February 29, 1723. July Court, 1728. Grandsons: Witu1aM and An- DREW WooDLEY, JONATHAN KreEron (to WitLiaM is bequeathed an Indian slave). Daughter: Euizapetsa Kenton (Executrix). Granddaughter: Mary Wooptey. Witnesses: Ricup. Sxiner, Ricup. Ratuir. Clerk of the Court: R. EVERARD. Reep, JosEpH. Anson County. 1750. July Court, 1751. Son: Winu1am. Wife and other children, not named. Plantation near the Catawba River. Ezecutors: JouN BRANDON and Joun Nesser. Witnesses: JoserH Cate, JoHN Ratty, Jonn Art LepGE. Clerk of the Court: M. Brown. Reet, Prrer. Craven County. November 19,1739. November 24,1739. Sons: Peter, JosHua, JAMES. Daughters: ExizaBetu and Mary. Wifeand Executriz: Mary. Ezecutors: Stmon Brigut and RicHarp Evans. Witnesses: JoHN Berry, JoHN James, JoHN Hitt. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Ruzesz, Owen. Pasquotank County. April 7, 1745. July Court, 1745. Sons: Joun and Ow1n. Daughters: Betty, Sarau, Mary and ANN Resse. Wifeand Executriz: Mary. Exec- utor: DanieLL Wiiuiams. Witnesses: JouN Burnuam, Davin and WIL- LiaM CartRicHt. Clerk of the Court: THos, TayLor. Reean, Dantet. November 27, 1727. Son: Danisy. Brother: THomas. Daughters: Ann, SaraH, Mary and Priscitua Recan. Other legatee: THomas Goop- son. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: WM. Batpwin, THomas Reean. No probate. 310 Asstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Reeeons, JosEPy. Bertie County. April 2, 1727. August Court, 1727. Son: JoserH. Daughters: Mar- THA, Mary, Hannan, Outve Reccons. Son-in-law: Joun Wees. Wife and Executrix: Evizanetu. Witnesses: WM. Botpin, DaNniELL REGcons, Tuomas Reaccons, Clerk of the Court: Rr. ForstEr. Retr, Joun. Pasquotank County. September 22, 1742. January Court, 1742. Sons and Executors: Cor- NELIUS and Joun. Witnesses: JoHN and Mary Bey, CorNELIuS JONES. Clerk of the Court: Too. Tayor. Retr, Mary. Pasquotank Precinct. January 13, 1724-1725. April Court, 1725. Brother: Witu1am RExr. Brother’s grandchildren: THomas and Mary Retr. Daughters: Saran Cuance, SusanaH CHance. Son-in-law: Tuomas Pauin. Granddaugh- ters: Mary and ANN Patin. Sonand Executor: RoBpeRT KEEL. Witnesses: James Spence, ALEXANDER SPENCE, DorotHy ApaMs. Clerk of the Court: JouN Park. Retre, THomas. April 10, 1704. No probate. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Son: Tuomas. Daughter: Dorotuy Retre. Other legatee: W1tL1aAM Roaps. Witnesses: JoHN Bisuop, Ropert Krzex, Mary BisxHor. RenrFrow, JoHN. Edgecombe County. May 30, 1748. August Court, 1748. Sons: Enucu, Jacos, Grores, WiiuiaM and James. Wife: Tomeson. Hzecutor: Marrazw McKINNEY. Witnesses: Joun Haywoop, NaTHaniEL Houty, Joun Evans. Clerk of the Court: Bunun. WyYNNs. Reston, THomas. New Providence. March 31, 1723. December 17,1724. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Wit nesses: WiLLIAM JONES, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, WILLIAM WaLtTerRs, JOHN Frencu. Proven before E. Mosrizy. Rew, Sourny. Craven County. January, 1754, February Court, 1754, Sons: Sotomon (‘‘plantation whereon I now live on the East side of Owens Creek”), Tuomas (land on Owens’ Creek), Breverzy (land on South River known as Butchers), SourHy (two lots in Newbern),SoLomon. Daughters: Mary and Evpuama. Wife: Mary. Negroes to be divided between wife and children. Ezxecutors: Joun Starkey and Sotomon Rew. Witnesses: Jonn SNrap and CHARLES CoepELy. Clerk of the Court: Sou. Rew. AsstTRact oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. 311 Reynaup, BENJAMIN. Currituck Precinct. April 8, 1712. Son and Executor: Moses. Witnesses: JosepH WALTER, Rosmus Hersierr, Danie, Rice. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 24. Ruopss, Hunry. Onslow County. September 14,1751. October Court, 1751. Sons: Henry (“my mannor plantation”), THomas. Son-in-law: Danie Maspone. Granddaughter: EvizapetH MasHponse. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: THomas Ruopss, Patience JoHNSON, JosHuA Pau. Clerk of the Court: THos. Brack. Ruoves, Henry. Dobbs County. December 21, 1773. January 25, 1774. Sons: Jacos, Henry, Wit- LAM, James. Daughters: Mary Rincey, Basrey Ruopss, Racket and Saran Ruopes. Wife: EvizapetTH. HExecutors: BrramaAN Ruopss, WIL- Liam Jones and JoserH Few. Witnesses: Joun Fittyaw, Mosss Cox, Rosert Winsetr. Proven before Jo. Martin. Ruoves, RicHarp. Pasquotank Precinct. March 2, 1693-1694. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBsera. Witnesses: Ricoarp Mavren, Sara Davis, JoHn Sxrpar. Clerk of the Court: Ep- WARD Mayo. Ruopes, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. January Court, 1734. Sons: THomasand Wiuuiam, Daughters: Saran, Dororny, EvizapetH and Mary Ruopes. Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Executor: Witu1AM Revre. Witnesses: Francis Martin, Com- FoRT CaMMILL, JAMES Bicerrs. Clerk of the Court: Jos. SmM1TH. Ruoaps, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. August 29, 1753. September Court, 1753. Sons: Wiuiiam (“my man- ner plantation”), Joun. Daughter: Marcaret Cotuines. Wife: Eqiza- BETH. Ezecutors: W1LLIAM and JoHN RHoaDs (sons). Witnesses: THoMas BeprorpD, JoHN BrowniNnG, CHRISTOPHER Butrery. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jones. Rics, Bewsamin. Beaufort County. September 12, 1745. June Court, 1746. Sons: Zeputon, Bansamin, Jamzs, Even, CLaneriy, Eparim, Hezexian, Gipgon. Wife and Execu- triz: Mary. Witnesses: James Humes, NaTHaNieL Draper, THomas Witnia, Clerk of the Court: Joan Forses. 312 Azsstract oF WILts, 1690—1760. Riot, Epwarp. Bertie County. December 8, 1752. May Court, 1753. Son: Jonn. Daughters: Mary and Berry Rice. Wifeand Executriz: ANN. Executor: Tomas SLarror. Witnesses: Joun Coxe, Sr., James Harr, WALTER and ELIZABETH JOANES. Clerk of the Court: BunyaMINn WyYNNSs. Ricz, Joun. Chowan County. May 20,1745. January Court,1753. Wife:Saran. Brother and Exec- utor: Epwarp Rice. Witnesses: Harpy HurDELL, BENJAMIN BERREMAN, Tuomas Rowntree. Clerk of the Court: JamEs CRAVEN. Ricr, Lucy. February 15, 1720-1721. This is a nuncupative will proven by Rospgrt Patmer and Tuomas Pauin before Jno, Patin and names daughters, MARY and CELY. Rice, Mary. New Hanover County. July 9, 1753. February 21, 1754. Ezecutors: Toomas CamBER and Penny Bussy (sister). Proven before Marr. Rowan. Coat of arms on seal. This will is so torn as to render all other names illegible. Ricr, Morern. October 26, 1684. No date of probate. Legatee: Saran Burney, daughter of Joun Burney, who is appointed Executor. Witnesses: WiL- tiaM Burnsy, ANTHONY Hatca. Coat of arms on seal. Ricr, NaTHanNre.. New Hanover County. December 6, 1752. February 27, 1753. Son: Joun. Sisters-in-law: Hannau and Penny Bursey. Wife's niece: EvizABETH DaLE. Wife and Executric: Mary. Niece: Evizapeta Twiner of Rumsey, in Hampshire. Executors: Jas. Hasevi, Sam’L and JonN Swann. Witnesses: JamMEs Por- TERFIELD, Davip Linpsay, Arc. MacLatng. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farizs. Ricuarps, JoHN. Pasquotank County. July 11, 1741. July 14, 1741. Son-in-law: Law. Pripess. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Tao. WEEKES, JOHN NELSON, JR., THEOPH- tus Mann. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Ricuarps, Mary. Pasquotank County. October 31, 1743. November 19, 1743. Daughter: Frances Prepy. Son-in-law and Executor: Laws Prepy. Witnesses: J. Hutt, ANDREW Moore, J. Harpy. Proven before J. MontcomEry. Justice of the Peace: Jas. Craven. Coat of arms on seal. Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 313 Ricuarps, Ricwaxrp. Edgecombe County. October 28, 1758. December Court, 1758. Sons: Joun, Jesse and Ricwarp. Wife and Executrixz: Resecca. Executor: Davip CRAWLEY. Witnesses: WM, KincHEN, WM. Hayrgs, Joun Green. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Ricuarpson, Daniet. Pasquotank Precinct. February 28, 1723. March 5, 1723. Legatees: Gnorce BurRrincTon (one negro), Joan Lovicx (one negro), Gorr, Marcaret Berns- BEE, Mrs, ANN Knicut, wife of Lewis McALIxanpEeR Knicur. Ezecu- tors: GrorGE BurrinetTon, JoHN Lovick and Gorr. Witnesses: Parrick OGLESBEE, WILLIAM JEFFREYS, BARTHOLOMEW Scott, THOMAS Raymonp. Proven before Grorce BuRRINGTON. Ricuarpson, Grorer. New Hanover County. November 15, 1750, Executor and sole legatee: Jenu Davis, Senr. Witnesses: Samu. and Taos. Neate, Antay. Warp. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. RicHarpson, Joun. Perquimans County. November 28, 1743. January Court, 1743. Son: James. Daughter: Anne Ricnarpson. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: James Gr- son, JoHN ParrisH. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Ricuarpson, JoHn. Craven County. September 11,1773. September 16,1773. (Newbern.) Legatees: Wi1t- t1AM Even (one negro ‘‘now in possession of Wi1LL1AM Brook Simpson Attorney in Newport Rhode Island and one negro man on board my sloop called the Betsey”), Peter Gorpon (son of Patrick Gorpon, of New- bern). Ezecutors: Jos—ePH CRISPIN and Riepon Brice. Witnesses: JamEs Green, JAMES PaRRATT, BENIN. GREENAWAY. Proven before Jo. MARTIN. Ricuarpson, STEPHEN. Pasquotank County. February 7, 1722. July 16,1723. Sons: Joun (“plantation whereon I live called the Poplars Havin”), StmpHen (land called the White Oak Neck), Ricuarp (land called Blewbootens Neck, the said RicHarp to allow Tuomas Berrys to live on said land if he, the said Berrys shall build a house “twenty five foot long and fifteen foot wide and plant ought a or- chard of apells trees thirtey foot Destent for the Great Stones Sort and Twenty five foot aney other Sort &c.”’”), LepBEos and Joserx. Daughter: Evizapetu. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Trustees: Joun and JAMES TREWBLOOD, Witnesses: James GReves, KATHERINE GREVES and Han- naw Everton. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. 314 AxssTRact oF WILxs, 1690—1760. Ricumonp, Hewry. September 15, 1714. December 4, 1714. Wife: not named. Cousin and Executor: CALEB Bunpy. Wetnesses: CHARLES BULL and Mary Stan- ton. No probate. Ricxitson, Gorprvs. Craven County. September 25,1773. March 19,1774. NewBern. Sons: Jesst, Brnga- MIN, GorpDIus. Daughter: BatusHaBA. Wife and Executrix: ABIGAIL. Witnesses: Joun Granade, JOHN Merker, Epw. Wuirry. Proven before Jo, Martin. Ricks, Bensamin. Chowan County. March 31,1719. November 30,1721. Brothers: James, RoBEertT, ABRA- HAM and Isaac Ricks. Nephew: Ropert Ricks, Jr. (land on Notaway River). Sister: Jane Ricxs. Other legatees: Patimnce Ricks (niece) and Wituiam Brown, son of Beate Brown. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Bripcet Rocers, Mary Roacers, Joun Puiprs. Proven before C. Even, Governor. Ricxs, Isaac. Edgecombe County. March 11, 1748. October 28, 1748. Sons: ABRAHAM and RosBErt and JouNn (two negroes to each). Daughters: Mary Pop and Martua Ricks. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Witnesses: JouN CROWELL, RicHarp Rics- ARDs. Proven before E. Hau, Chief Justice. Rivpicx, JosEpa. Perquimans County. September 20, 1759. October Court, 1759. Sons: Josep (plantation bought of Tomas Warp), Kapax (plantation bought of Wint1am Rovun- TREE, Moszs Fiexps and James Pricg; also plantation bought of WiLi1aM Moors and WILL1aM WILLson lying in Ballahack), Isaac (lands bought of Joun Barcuir and Grorce SHEL “that lyes over Little River upon deep Creek”’). Daughter: Mary Rippicx. Wifeand Executrixz: Hannan. Exec- utor: Ropert Rippick (brother). Wetnesses: JoserH Perry, BensaMIN Perry, Jos Rippicx. Clerk of the Court: Mines Harvey. River, THomas. February 17, 1747-1748. Sons: Goprrey and Wiiuiam.’ Daughters: Anne and Mary River. Wife and Executrixz: Evizanera. Witnesses: Bensamin Burcess, Evizasera McGze, Danie, McPerers. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dunn. Riesy, WitiiaM. New Hanover County. December 18, 1743. June Court, 1744. Wilmington. Lands on Long Creek, Lockwood’s Folly, Black River and lot in Wilmington to be Azsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 315 divided between Margery Ricpy (mother), Joun Rigsy (brother) and Auice Marspen. Brigantine ‘‘on her return from the West Indies” to be sold and proceeds applied to payment of debits. Executor: Rurus Manrs- DEN (brother-in-law). Witnesses: James Smatuwoop, Tuomas Finney, Jospru Gary. Clerk of the Court: James SMALLwoop. Riewzy, Bensamin. Beaufort County. December 3,1750. March 12,1750. Daughter; Mary Rigney. Brother: James Ricney. Niece: Hannan Rieney. Wefe and Executriz: Fuss. Executors: Witu1aM WaGGENER and Reapine Buount. Clerk of the Court: WILL. ORMOND. Riewey, Joun. Beaufort Precinct. June 14, 1725. April Court, 1726. Daughter: Exisapetu. Executor: BensgaMin Suave (land called the Fork on condition that he “cause my daughter to be teached to read the Bible distinctly and putt her in school”’). Other legatee: Henry Trip. Witnesses: JoHN StapE, WILLIAM SaTTER- tHwaiTe, G1. Houurpay. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jones. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1722-1735, page 33. RrorpaME, Denis. Currituck County. January 18, 1723-1724. July 14, 1724. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Daughter: ANerLIca, Other legatees: Taomas and Wm. Vince. W<étnesses: Jo. WIcKER, SAMUEL Simmons, ANN IrneLanD, Davip Leacrerr. Clerk of the Court: Hmnry Swann. Risewovurr, MatrHew. Craven County. November 18, 1747. September Court, 1747. Sons: Joun and Jacon (Executors). Daughter: Carren Smita. Wife: Evisapern. Wétnesses: Jacop TAaYLpR, GASPER GRANADE, PauLIves. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. HeEpcsEs. & Rirzea, Jaco. Pasquotank Precinct. March 25,1735. April Court, 1739. Daughters: Marncaret and Miriam Rirgeesa. Son-in-law: Witt1am Powers. Wife and Executrix: PHILLis. Witnesses: Witt1am Lewis, THomas Gasxiuis. Clerk of the Court: Jos. SmirH. Ruiussert, Jonn. October 11, 1737. January 17, 1737. Bath Town. “Late of the city of London.” Sons: Jonn and Davin Riussett. Ezecutors: JoHn Mont- GoMERY, THomass Jones and Perer Ranpon. Witnesses: JOHN GARZIA, Peter Ranpon. Proven before W. Smitu, C. J. 316 Axsstract oF Witis, 1690—1760. Rivssetr, Perer. Bath County. January 14, 1734. February 21, 1734. Nieces: ANN GALABER, JANE Carta, Mary Cover. Nephew: Petter Ranpown. Son: JouHn Bett, Brother: Joun Riusserr. Executors: Eowarp Satter and OLIVER Buack- BURN. Other legatee: CauRcH or Bato. Witnesses: OLIVER BLacksurn, Peter Ranpon, Marsias Cottier. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Roserts, ANDREW. Oraven Precinct. January 22, 1722. June Court, 1723. Sons: Jonn and ANDREW. Daughters: ANN and Exizasera. Ezecutor: ApaM Morx. Witnesses: Wm. Witison, NatHaNnieL Baran. Clerk of the Court: CALEB METCALFE. Roszrts, James. Craven County. July 24,1745. This is a nuncupative will proven before Dan. SHINE by Jamis Conaway, and names Sons: SamuEL and James. Daughter: Mar- GReT Roperts. Wife: Isasuz, Roserts, JAMEs. Craven County. April4,1774. New Bern. Sons: Ricnarp, Jamesand Wiuuiam. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBEeTH. Witnesses: ALEX. GARTEN, JOHN Mackay, James Coor. Proven before Jo. Martin. Rozerts, JosEpPu. Craven County. January 15,1774. This is a nuncupative will proven by Jamus Frazer and Cynruta Roserts before Jo, Martin and names wife, ELIZABETH. Daughters: Sauuy and Sasonan. Father-in-law: Micasau FRAZIER. Rosertson, Henry. Edgecombe County. June 23, 1749. February Court, 1752. Sons: Hicpon, Henry, Peter, Lewis (Executor). Daughter: Desoran RossertTson. Witnesses: A. J. Smiru, Wittiam Ocitvin, CuristopHER Oainvis. Clerk of the Court: Benn. WYNNs. Rorerrson, J aMEs. Pasquotank County. January 17,1753. October Court, 1754. Sons: Morprcar (‘my man- ner plantation”), Manacui (“my Road plantation’). Daughter: SALLEY. Wife and Executriz: Sarau. Executor: THomas Taytor. Witnesses: Samus, Oxeny, Wiiu1am Woopty, Mary Taytor. Clerk of the Court: Tomas TayLor. Rosiys, Jamzs. November 27,1725. January 11,1725. BathTown. Brother: FRANCES Rosins (one saddle horse). Wife and Executriz: Marcarer. Executor: THomas Boyp. Witnesses: CHartes Houypay, RicHarp Franca, Wm. Sparry. Proven before RicHarp EverarpD. , 1’ Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 317 Rosins, Joserx. Rowan County. November 18, 1754, Sons: JoszrH, Wituiam and Joun. Daughter: Evenor. Wifeand Executriz: ELenor. Executor: Joan Nation (brother- in-law). Witnesses: A. J. Smira, Cu. Nation, Ricnarp Rosins. No probate. Roszinson, CHaRzs. Anson County. December 29, 1754, Sons: Cornetius, TowNsEND and CHARLES. Daughters: Saran and Evizapetu. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Wit- nesses: Wi1LLIAM Downs, JoHN Ston, JamMEs Denson. No probate. Roszinson, Humpurey. Chowan County. July 15,1752. July Court, 1752. Legatees: Exizapetu and SuSANNAH CLELAND (lands in Chowan, houses and lots in Edenton and negroes), JoHN CLELAND, JoHN CooPER. Ezecutors: JoHN CLELAND, JOHN WILKINS. No witnesses and no probate. Rosinson, JAMES. Albemarle County. March 12, 1699-1700. All lands and other property to CorNELIUS Jones, Executor. Witnesses: Toomas Mituer, WitL1aMm WooLaARD, JOHN Poweriu. No probate. Rosinson, Joun. Perquimans County. October 1, 1757. January Court, 1758. Sons: THomas and RowLanp. Daughter: Saran Ropinson. Wife: Mary. Executor: Josepa Ropinson (brother) and THomas Rosinson (son). Wetnesses: Joun Nixon, JosHUA Morris, Saran Ropinson. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Rozinson, JosEpu. Perquimans County. June 8, 1717. July 9, 1717. Son: Joun. Daughter: Saran Rosin- son. Wife and Executrix: Jann. Witnesses: Nichotas Guyor, TimoTHy Cuare and ExvizaBeTaH Winstow. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp Leary. Rosinson, THomas. Albemarle County. March 4, 1718-1719. April 2, 1719. Little River in the County of Albemarle. Sons: JoserpH and Joun (land and negroes). Daughter: Anne Rosinson. Ezecutors: ZacHariaH Nixon, Francis Tomes and Joun Symons. Witnesses: JoserH Mine, Josiah BINGHAM, SAMUEL Saerer. Proven before Francis Foster. Also before CuHartes EDEN, Rozinson, Tuomas. Chowan County. April Court, 1755. Son: Wituiam. Wife and other children: men- tioned, but not named. Ezecutors: Joan Hatsey and Jonn Vary. Wit- nesses: SAMUEL BENBURY, Hannan Cuiay, Saran Arineron. Clerk of the Court: Witu. Hatsry. 318 Asstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Ropeers, Josupu. Bath County. January 2, 1704-1705. Granddaughters: ELIZABETH Dearam, Lypia Cocxerum. Grandsons: JoserH Cocxerum and Cuarizs Hopron. Indian slave freed. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Hunery Lockey, Joun Procrer. Clerk of the Court: Levit TRUEWHITT. Ror, Epwazp. May 8, 1696. July 19, 1696. Sons: EpMonp, EBENEZER, VALLENTINE. Daughter: Desoran. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Danien Frz, Grorce Exies, Exesera Fes. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Coat of-arms on seal. Ror, James. Craven County. July 13,1737. March Court, 1737-1738. Executor: Francis STRINGER. Witnesses: Dan’Lt SHINE, JAMES More. Clerk of the Court: James Coor. Roz, Luxe. Craven County. December 30, 1774. January 12, 1775. Brother: Tuomas Rok. Nephew: Brensamin (son of THomas Ros). Brother-in-law: JosHua Taytor (riding horse and saddle). Other legatees: JacoB and other chil- dren of Josaua Taytor, Executor: Perer Puysioc. Witnesses: Mat- THEW StrepHENs, Nance STEPHENS, Peter Puysioc. Proven before James Hase.u. Roz, Rosert. Beaufort County. December Court, 1756. Formerly of Princess Anne County, now of Beaufort. Son: Kirury. Daughters: Berry and Dotty. Wife and Executriz: Dorotay. Witnesses: JamMes Deacr, JoHN CHAPMAN and Henry Trippe. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCEY. Rogers, EMANUEL. Bertie Precinct. November 21, 1727. May Court, 1729. Wife: DrBoran. Daughters: EvizapeTH and Mary. EHzecutor: Joun Gray. Witnesses: Ricup. HaynswortH, Danizt Crawiny. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Rogers, Joun. Bertie Precinct. March 4, 1724. July 7, 1726. Son and Executor: Joun. Witnesses: Mary and Jonn Roperrs. Proven before RicHarp EvERARD. Rogrrs, JosEpPx. Northampton County. February 18, 1752. February Court, 1752. Sons: JosmpH, AARON, Isom, Reusen, Jonn, Drury, Micuarn, Daughters: Farrah Rogers, Saran Tarver, Mary Lowry. Ezecutors: Joun and JosrrH RocsErs (sons). Wétnesses: Natan. Witiiams, Exy Wiuuiams, Natraan WIt- uiams, Clerk of the Court: I, Epwarps, Asstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 319 Rogrrs, Ricwapp. Onslow County. July 4, 1749. October Court, 1749. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: JouN DupuEy, Ezexie, Hunter, Jos. Sturces. Clerk of the Court: THomas Buacx. Rogers, Rosert. Chowan Precinct. December 13, 1736. June 11, 1739. Grandsons: Rosert DaNniELu and Witt1am Roczrs. Son and Executor: Ropert. Daughter: Eviza- Bera (wife of Simon Danigu). Other legatees: THomas and Mary GAL- Loway. Witnesses: JouN Wituiams, JANE WILLIAMS, RicHaRD TAYLOR. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. Rocrrs, THomas. Bertie County. August Court, 1749. Sons: THomas and Rosperr. Daughter: Mary. No executor. Witnesses: Wituiam Larrimore, Joun Litie (or Lite). No probate officer. Rogers, THomas. Bertie County. February 14, 1754. May Court, 1754. Son: Tomas. Daughters: Mary and Frances Roars. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Ricuarp Tomutnson, RicHarp Brapiey, Ropert Rogers. Clerk of the Court: Samu. ORMES. Rogers, WILLiaM. Albemarle County. April 25, 1690. Legatee: JonatHan Bareman. No executor. Wit- nesses: JOHN HOLLFAND, JOHN Twicenr, Hanan Epy. No probate. Rotre, Tuomas. October 15, 1688. February 2, 1690-1691. “Of Yawpim.” Cousin: Joun Loverr. Wife and Executriz: Evizapeta. Witnesses: REBECCA Wyatse, Lawrence Cruise, Henperson WaLkER, THomas LoNGE. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp PLATER. Roosz, Wiiu1am (of Boston, Mariner). ‘September 26, 1722. This is a nuncupative will proven by Ricnarp FarRe.u, Janz Sparrow and SaMuEL BERNARD before Joun SoLueEy, and is so torn that the names of the legatees cannot be ascertained. Roprr, WiiiiaM, Chowan Precinct. August 18, 1729. February 7, 1729-1730. ‘ Executor and sole legatee: Jacop Butter. Witnesses: CorneLius Leary and Witiam Stacy. Proven before Richarp EveRaArD. 320 Agstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Rosier, Natut. Albemarle County. July 1, 1703. April 5, 1704. Legatees: Wittiam JonEs (Executor) and Henry Lysues. Witnesses: Henry Lystes, JoHN Lewerron, Ropert Oneatn. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Rovrx, Epmonp. Bladen County. May 15, 1769. December 16, 1769. “Parish of St. Martins in the County of Bladen.” Son and Executor: Samurnv. Daughter: Mary Appt1- son. Other legatee: Henry McCoy. Wife: Dorotny. Witnesses: Mary Apvpison, Davip MortEey. Proven before W1LLIAM TRYON. Rowan, Matruerw. New Hanover County. April 18, 1760. July 15, 1760. Niece: Rost Rowan (daughter of brother ANDREw Rowan). Nephew: Matasw Rowan (son of brother ATCHEYSON). Niece: ANN Rowan (daughter of brother Wuu1am), Other legatees: Ricuarp Lyon of Spring Hill in Bladen County, Mar- GARET Rowan (niece), Minprep Lyon, daughter of Joun (ten negroes), Mary Lyon (daughter of Ricwarp Lyon), Freperick Greee of Wil- mington (land on the northeast side of Northeast River, opposite to Stag Park in New Hanover County; one gold watch). Eleven negroes and land on White Marsh, in Bladen County, bequeathed to FREDERICK Greece and Ricuarp Lyon, in trust for Estazr Rowan (wife of RoBrrr), EizaBetTH, wife of ARcHIBALD MacLaine (daughter-in-law). Lands on Northwest River adjoining Henry Summonps; land on said river adjoin- ing Jupce Lenarp and Nelltown in Bladen County, and land in Craven County opposite Newbern, lying on Trent River, in all about 1,800 acres, devised to Executors to be sold. All remainder of estate is devised and bequeathed to Joun, the son of Janz Srusss of Bath, “commonly called and known by the name of Jonn Rowan.” Evxecutors: JoHN Rowan, Freprrick Greee, Richarp Lyon. Witnesses: Samy. WATTERS, Gzo. Gisss, THos. Curarx. Proven before ARTHUR DoszBs. Executors qualified before ConnELIUS Harnett, J. P. Coat of arms on seal, Row, VaLenrTINE. Pasquotank County. March 8, 1739. October Court, 1740. Sons: Grorar and VALENTINE (“my plantation”). Daughters: Drsoran, Mary and Saran Row. Exzec- utor: GEORGE Row (son). Witnesses: RicHARD and Tuomas PricuarD, Joun Harris. Clerk of the Court: Jams CRAVEN. Rowe rr, Evizaseru. Northampton County. January 20, 1745-1746. May Court, 1746. Son and Executor: SAMUEL. Daughter: Many RowEiy, Witnesses: Toomas Hour, Jonn Git, SAMUEL Tarver. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 321 Rowntree, Francis. , September 30, 1730. Wefe and Executriz: not named. Sons: Fran- cis, WiLL1aM, Jesse, Moses and Joun (lands lying in North Carolina and in Nansemond County, Virginia, where testator formerly lived). Daughters: Repecca, Susanna, EvizaBera and Curistian. Witnesses: Tuomas Taster, THomas Hopss, Isaac Picxinson. No probate. Rountree, Francis. Johnston County. July 13, 1748. September Court, 1748. Sons: Kapor, Francis, WI11- LIAM, Moses. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: Moses CoLEMAN. Witnesses: THEOPHILUS COLEMAN, JOHN BarEFroot, TaRLow Oquin. Dep- uty Clerk of the Court: RicHaRD CASWELL. Rovnrres, Hannan. Perquimans County. September 12, 1758. January Court, 1759. Sisters: Saran HoLitow- ELL, Lipy and Ann Rountree. Brother: Moses Rountrer. Mother: Saran Letiy. Brother-in-law: Euisoa Leiiy. Executor: NicHovas Statiines. Witnesses: Jon Hottowe.u, Evias Statiines, ABNER HoL- LOWELL. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Rovunrres, Jesse. Craven County. October 17, 1777. November 21, 1777. Sons: Jussn, Joun (‘“‘planta- tion called the Oald Meating House”), Wint1am. Daughters: Mary and EvizaBeta, Wife: not named. LHzecutors: JouN RoUNTREE and JAMES Frizir. Witnesses: Taomas Coteman, MoaB Rountres, Epwo. Firz- PATRICK. Proven before RicHaRD CASWELL. Rovuntres, Moszs. Perquimans County. July 21,1755. October Court, 1755. Son: Mosszs (plantation and two negroes). Daughters: Saran Hor———, Hanan, Lepy and Ann Roun- TREE. Wife and Executrixz: Sary. Executor: Nichotas StaLuines. Wit- nesses: JosHua Wuits, JoHN Wuite, ABRAM Hiuy. Clerk of the Court: Mixes Harvey. Rountree, Tomas. Chowan County. December 1, 1746. July Court, 1748. Sons: Cartes and THomas (to each is devised several tracts of land in Chowan County). Grandsons: Wiiu1am Wattace, THomas Rountree. Son-in-law: Euias STauuines. Wife: Evizapeta. Ezecutors: Cuartes and THomas RountTREE (sons). Witnesses: Tuos. Watton, JoHN FREEMAN. Clerk of the Court: WiLL. Mearns. 21 322 Asstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Rowntrez, Tuomas. Chowan County. August 6, 1773. January 15, 1774. Daughters: EvizanntH SMALL, Saraw Srauiines, Mary, Rurs, Racuex, Jupira and Curistian Rown- TREE. Granddaughter: Saran Smauy. Executor: Aaron Hityv. Testator devises lands on Catrin Creek. Witnesses: Henry Watton, THOMAS SPI- vey. Proven before Jo. Martin. Rucxes, Tuomas. Chowan County. November 9, 1747. April Court, 1748. Daughters: Mary, Tamery and Sarag. Sons: Demssy, Jacos, Jesse, Josepu and THomas (the two latter are appointed Executors). Witnesses: Jacop Opom, JAMES BRaDY, JACOB Ropeers. Russert, HasaKxox. Carteret County. March 9,1754. JuneCourt, 1754. Sons: Davip and ABranam. Daugh- ters: REBECKAH, SARAH, ABIGAIL and ANN Sopaia RusseLy. Wife: ANN. Executors: GEORGE Reap and Grorce McKane. Witnesses: LAKKESTER Lovet, Henry Hartsevt, Samvet Jorpan. Clerk of the Court: GEoRGE Reap. Russe.z, Joun. Onslow County. November 4, 1751. July 3, 1753. Sons: James, Perer and MicHagt. Daughters: Mary and Exizaseta. Wife: EvizaBetH. LEvzecutors: JoHN and Peter STARKEY. Witnesses: WILLIAM BARBER, AARON BarBer, WM. Firtpen. Clerk of the Court: Witt Oray. Rvussett, THomas. Craven County. January 4, 1744. March Court, 1744-1745. Son: Joun. Daughters: Mary SmitH and Jemima CuLuine. Other legatee: JouN Smrvru, son of WIN- FREE SmitH. Wife and Executrix: EuizABETH. Witnesses: Perer Duxe, Joun Wiuuiams, Wintiam Metuar. Deputy Clerk of the Court: N. Rout- LEDGE. Rustrutt (Russert), Ricuarp. Carteret County. March 15,1739. June Court, 1747. Core Sound. Son: Joun (land on East side of Newport River). Daughter: Mary Rusruty. Ezxecutors: Richarp Rustruuu (father) and Henery Stanton. Witnesses: Mary Stanton, Henry Stanton, Junr., Atice Stanton. Clerk of the Court: Grorce Reap. Ryati, CHarzes. Onslow County. November 28, 1754. Sons: Samurt and THomas. Grandson: CHARLES Aveustus Nicxson. FEzecutor: SamuEL Ryawu (son). Wetnesses: JAMES Denson, Rosurt Nixon, Jos Brooxss. Clerk of the Court: Wi. Cray. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 323 Ryay, Davi. Bertie County. January 9, 1762. November 13, 1762. Brothers: James and GEORGE. Sisters: EvizapetH CamMpseLL and Mary Lacxny. Evxecutors: JaMES Ryan, Cornevius CampBeLL, Ricnarp Lackey and Jonn Hiuw. Wit- nesses: J. PEARSON, Jos. FRITH, WILLIAM SHAaw. Proven before ARTHUR Doses. Ryan, THomas. ’ Bertie County. January 29,1753. March Court, 1753. Sons: Davin (land ‘lying in the bottom of Cashy Neck on the thourough-fare commonly known by the name of The Old House”; 1,500 acres of land on Cypress Swamp and four negroes), JAMES (350 acres of land), JamEs (1,120 acres of land and three negroes), GzorcE (plantation in Rocquis formerly known as James Cas- TELLO’s Islands; plantation at head of Salmon Creek and water mill; two plantations in Chowan and 150 acres of land on Cashy River; three negroes), Tuomas (“‘The Manor house & Plantation” and also 500 acres of land). Daughter: Mary RyYan (two plantations on Chowan River; two plantations on Black Walnut Swamp and two negroes), ELIzABETH CAMPBELL. Son- in-law: CORNELIUS CAMPBELL (plantation in Tyrrell County lying on Albe- marle Sound and two plantations in Bertie County together with two negroes). Wife and Executrix: Marrua (three negroes). Ezecutors: Capt. JOHN CAMPBELL, CORNELIUS CAMPBELL and THomas TURNER. Pro- vision is made for education of children and sale of brig to pay debts. Wét- nesses: EDwp. UNDERHILL, Davip ALLEN, HumpHry Nicuois. Weétnesses to codicil: Davip ALLEN, ExizaBetH ASHBURN, Mary CapHart. Clerk of the General Court: Jno. SNEAD. Ryvine, JonaTuan. Bertie County. May Court, 1754. Son: Josepa (‘‘my mannor plantation’’). Daugh- ters: Mantua, EvizaBetH and Dororay Ripinc. No executor. Wit- nesses: Mark GIBBINS, EvisaH WHITFIELD, Epwarp Cotuins. Clerk of the Court: SamuEL Orgs. Sapier, Ricwarp. Chowan County. November 30, 1753. July Court, 1754. Wife and Executriz: Mar- GARET. Witnesses: Henry Bonner, James and Desoran THOMPSON. Clerk of the Court: Wii. Hatsey. Sapier, WitiiaM. Chowan Precinct. April 13, 1727. April Court, 1727. Sons: Wit11am and RicHarp (plantation divided between them). Wife and Executriz: Euizaperu. Executor: Mase. Henry Bonner. Witnesses: RopERT JEFFREYS, EDWD. Howcorr, Wittiam THomeson. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. 324 Axsstract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. SALISBERY, JAMES. Pasquotank County. August 16,1758. September Court, 1758. Sons: Jamzs, JOHN, JOSEPH, Witi1am. Daughters: EvizasetH and Frances SauisBery. Executors: James SauispEry (son) and JoserH ReEep. Witnesses: Taomas ARMOUR, JosnpH Commanper, Davin Sinciarr. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TAYLor. Satter, Epwarp. Bath County. January 6, 1734. February 5, 1734. Son: Epwarp. Daughters: Sarau, Mary and Susannan. Sons-in-law: Mires Harvey and JoHn Harvey. Wife: Exizaseta. Following lands devised: 306 acres on south side of Pamlico River called Mount Colvert; land purchased of Jonn Swann; lands on Bear Creek, Pamlico River and the Beaver Dam of Grays Creek, ‘‘whereon JoHN ARRINGTON now dwells.” About 25 negroes, one periauger, one brigantine named The Happy Luke, one pair silver spurs, Richard Bloom’s History of the Bible and other books “of Divinity, Law and History,” large China Punch bowl bequeathed. Brig- antine ordered laden with tar and sent to Boston, there to be sold and proceeds invested in young negroes; provision is made for insurance of said vessel with Jacob Windall & Co., in the sum of 1,200 pounds. Daugh- ter, SarauH, is left in care of Mrs. Saran Porter of Cape Fear. Pro- vision is made for education of son ‘‘to make him a compleat merchant.” Executors: Eywarp MosreLtey, JoHN Opron, JoHN CaLpaM, THOMAS Bonner, WILLIAM WILLIs, WitL1amM ADams. Proven before Gas. JoHNS- TON. Coat of arms on seal. Witnesses: WALLEY CHAUNCEY, BENJAMIN Rieney, WatTer Dixson, Roger Jongs. Sawpers, ABRAHAM. Perquimans County. April 6, 1750. October Court, 1751. Sons: Joun (plantation whereon Ricnarp Waters lives), Brenyamin (‘plantation whereon I now live”), ApraHaM (5s). Daughters: Jupn Bois, EvizapetH Sanpers. Wife: Jupre. Ezecutors: RicHarp Sanpers and JosepH WuHirr. Witnesses: Joun MurpaueH, JoHN and Exuizaseta Waits. Friends: RicHarp SkinNER and JoHn Harvey. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcna. Sanpers, Ann. Perquimans County. May 12,1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: JosprH, BANJAMIN and JoHN Sanpers. Daughters: EvizaseraH Newsy and Lypia SanpErs. Grand- daughter: ANN Newsy. Evxecutors: Joun and JosepH SaNpDERS (sons). Witnesses: Taos. Newsy, Josnua E.uiot, Tomas Exuiot., Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. Sanvers, Bensamin. Perquimans County. September 30, 1744. October Court, 1744. Sons: Bensamin (“dwell- ing plantation”), Josepu and Joun. Daughters: Berry and Lipa. Wife Axstract oF Wizs, 1690—1760. 325 and Executriz: ANN. Executor: SamunL Nuss (son-in-law). Witnesses: Josuua Exiot, ANN Exuior. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcn. Sanpers, JOHN. Onslow County. January 6, 1732-1733. April 3, 1733. New River. Brother: Roxp- ERT Sanpers. Other legatees: StePHEN, RicHaRp and Easter WIL- uiams (children of JouN WiLiiams), Epwarp and SrerpHen Howarp (sons of StspHen Howarp), THoMas Farneiu. Sister: ANN WILLIAMS. Executor: RoperT SANDERS (brother). Wuétnesses: Jos Brooxus, STEPHEN Howarp, James Forte. Clerk of the Court: WiLL1aM CRANFORD. Sanprrs, JOHN. Chowan County. August 18, 1751. October Court, 1751. Sons: Franors (“plantation I now live on’), Joun (plantation on Cypress Swamp where THomas Rurrer lives), Ropert, Jesse, THomas. To each of above-named sons is bequeathed negroes. Daughters: Mintz, Ferre and EvizaBeru San- pers. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joun Lox (or Locs), Jr., Joun Loz (or Locs), Sr., Jacop Ruts. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Sawpers, Mary. Bertie County. June 1, 1734. August Court, 1734. Son: Isaac. Daughters: Mary and Caristina ExvizaperH SANDERS. Grandson: Isaac SNODEN. God- son: JoHn Wiuuson. Executors: Gzorae Wynns and Rosert Evans. Witnesses: JoserpH THompson and Benin. Wynns. Clerk of the Court: BrensaMin WYNNS. Sanvers, WILLIAM. Edgecombe County. June 5, 1756. February Court, 1757. Sons: Henry (land on Panther Branch), Wiutiam (‘the Mannor plantation”). Land called Simmonses Neck to be sold. Wife and daughters: not named. Evxecutors: JosePH Suaw, Jr., Joan Braprorp, Tristrim LowtHer and Sotomon WIL- tiams. Witnesses: Wm. InBy, JonHN Gricz, Wm. Hornssy. Clerk of the Court: JosppH MontTrFoRT. Sanperson, Bazrt. January 22, 1721-1722. April 2, 1722. ‘Island of Antegua.” Lega- tees: Wittiam Hiux, of Antegua, Exizapera SanpErson (wife of Bar- THOLEMY SANDERSON), JoHN Lovick (saddle and bridle and gold studs), Henry Cuayron, Wiiuiam Lirris, Winuiam Bapuam, Mary BapHam (wife of Witt1am), Saran Hazarp (wife of Rosert). Sisters: Karue- RINE Dy and Frances Peate (both of London). EHzecutors: Barr. Sanprrson, Karoerins Dye, Joun Lovick and Henry Cuayrton. Proven before Court at Edenton by Witu1am Litrie. Clerk of the Court: W. Bapuam. 326 Azsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. Sanperson, BensaMin. Craven County. October 1, 1757. January 3, 1758. Sons: JoserH, BENJAMIN (Ezecu- tor). Daughter: Dina Foscuz, Hannan Barper. Granddaughter: Saran Foscus (one negro). Executor: Benyamin Brockett. Witnesses: WIL- LIAM GARDNER, Simon Foscur, JoHN GRANADE. Proven before ARTHUR Doss. SanpDERson, JOSEPH. Currituck County. January 13, 17438. October Court, 1746. Wife: Jutia. Sons: Ricu- arp (‘the manner plantation,” also the plantation on Sandy Banks known as Pawmers, and other tracts of land, location not given), SAMUEL and JosHua (plantation and land to each), THomas and Wi.i1am (plan- tation to each), BensamMIn (1 negro and land on North River), JoszrH (land on Sandy Banks). Executor: Joun Lurry. Witnesses: JOHN Woopnouss, Wittiam ,Bacuy, SamuEet Jarvis. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp McCuvure. i SawpErson, JOSEPH. Currituck County. April 26, 1758. December Court, 1758. Sons: Josrru (‘plantation whereon I now live’’), RicHarp (plantation known as the Deep Branch), Caues (70 acres land). Daughters: Joutian, Ann, Lipa and Susanna Sanperson. Wife: Cusian. Executor: JosepH SANDERSON (son). Wit- nesses: JOHN WoopHOUSE, GEORGE Powers, SaAMUELL SALLYER. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Mmarns, Sanperson, JosEPu. Craven County. February 12, 1774. March 19, 1774. Sons: Jessr, THomas, JosEPH, Bensamin, SHapRAcH, JoHN, James, Isaac (land at Miskeeto Point). Negroes bequeathed to each of sons. Daughters: PrupeNce Foster, Lippy Lee. Ezecutors: Jesse SanpERSoN (son), Tos. Lee (son-in- law), Epwarp WuiItLey. Witnesses: THos. Foy, JouN Meexet, Wi1- LIAM GriFFiTH. Proven before Jo. MARTIN. Sanverson, JULIAN. Currituck County. July 31, 1749. April 17, 1752. Granddaughters: ExizapeTH CHURCH and Ann Waite. Ezecutor: Henry Wuite (son-in-law). Wetnesses: Samvue. Jones, Mareirr Barrit, EastHer Waite. Clerk of the Court: Wiiiam SHERGOLD. Sanperson, RicHarp. Perquimans County. August 17, 1733. October 15, 1733. Son: RicHarp (“ye Island of Ocreecock,” three negroes and one Indian slave; “the mannor planta- tion”; ‘‘all my lots in Ronoak Town”; “two thirds of ye Sea Flower Brigantine”; one-half of sloop Swallow). Son-in-law: TuLty WinLiaMs AxssTRactT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 327 (five negro slaves; 140 acres of land in Perquimans bordering on son Ricuarp and JoHN WILLOUGHBY; one-third of Sea Flower Brigantine and one-half of sloop Swallow). Nephews: JosepH and RicHarp San- person. Brother-in-law: Hpnry Woopuovuse (one Mustee fellow). Szs- ter: Susanna Erwin. Daughter: EvizaprraH Potiocx. Cousin: Eviza- Beta Dickson. Nephew: Hezexian Woopnouse (land ‘on ye Sandy Bank by the name of Point Lookout’”’). Daughter: Grace (wife of TULLY Wiuuiams). Executors: RicHarp SANDERSON (son) and TuLLty WiL- LiaMs (son-in-law). Witnesses: CLemt. Hai, Toomas SNowpDEN, THOMAS Trumpa, Clerk of the Court: CHaRLEs DENMAN. Sanperson, Rot. (Wife of Cot. Ricuarp SanprERson of Little River). September 4, 1727. January 29, 1727. Relatives: TuHos. Harvey, Mines Gaz of Boston (two negroes each), PeneLEaP LEetre.y, wife of Wituiam Lirrie (one negro), ExvizABETH CLAYTEN (one negro). EHzecutors: Tuos. Har- vey and Mites Gap. Witnesses: Josaua WHEREY, Evizapera Harvey. Proven before Ricuarp EvERarD: Sarson, LavREeNcr. Bertie Precinct. May 6, 1726. “Formerly of the County of Suffolk in Great Brittain but now of Bertie precinct,” etc. Devisees and legatees: WiLLIAM WATERS (and on Salmon Creek), James Waters, brother of WiLL1Am (land on the “east end of the Great Pocoson”), KATHERINE ARNOLD, SARAH WATERS. Executor: THomas Lovick. Witnesses: JamMEs CasTLETON, HERCULES Coytr. Coat of arms on seal. Attached to this will is a lease from testa- tor to one HucH Hyman, dated January 24, 1723, of a plantation called Bucklesbury on the condition that the said Hyman ‘‘clear on the plantation six thousand corn hills att five foot distant * * * and to raise and plant out at twelve foot distance three hundred peach trees.’ Lease witnessed by Jonn DuxineFIELD, Joun SHort. No probate to will. Coat of arms on seal. Sawyer, CHariezs. Pasquotank County. October 21, 1750, January Court, 1750. Sons: Joun (plantation on North River), Jessz (land on North River), (‘and I now live on,” riding horse and cattle); Wituis (land adjoining Butterworth, Joun Saw- YER, etc.). Daughters: DorotHy and Miriam. To each of above-named children is bequeathed a negro. Wife: not named. Executor: WILLIS Sawyer. Witnesses: Bennett Morcan, Lopwick Witttams, 8. 8. PLom- ER. Clerk of the Court: Tos. Taytor. Sawrer, Dantet. Pasquotank County. May 15, 1749. April Court, 1752. Sons: Corne.ius, Isaac and Ezz- KIEL (land divided among them). Daughters: Taymer, Berry and Saran 328 ABSTRACT OF WiLLs, 1690—1760. Sawyer. Wife: Mary. Hzecutors: Cornetius and Isaac (sons). Wit- nesses: GRIFFITH GRAY, JOHN Sawyer, JoaB Daucs. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. TayLor. Sawyer, Henry. Pasquotank County. June 24, 1728. August 3, 1729. Sons: CHarLes, Bensamin, DANIEL, Daughters: Tamer, CamN and ExizaBeTaH WILLIAMS, CHarRiTy Gray and Susanner WILLIAMS. Executors: DANIELL and BenJamMiIn SawYEr (sons). Witnesses: CorNELIUS Rose, JoHN KELLY, WILLIAM Proven before RicHaRD EVERARD. Sawyer, JEREMIAH. Pasquotank County. October 10, 1755. June Court, 1756. Sons: Rospertr and CHARLES (land divided between them). Son-in-law: Taos. Haysrens. Daughter: Bripger JoLLEy. Grandson: Wituis Haystens. Executor: CHARLES Sawyer (son). Wéinesses: Jos. Jones, Wittiam Hixson. Clerk of the Court: Too. Taytor. Sawyer, Joun. Albemarle County. December 22, 1713. Sons: Jonn, THomas, Ropert, Sotomon (a plan- tation to each). Grandson: CHarLesGranpy. Wife and Executriz: Jman. Witnesses: Taomas and Ropsert Sawyer, Timotuy Reaping. No probate. Sawyer, Joun. Pasquotank County. June 2, 1743. January Court, 1743. Sons: Joun, Tuuze (plantation called Gumberry), SrepHen, Wiuu1aM (land in Currituck known as Peters Ridge), To each son is given negroes and a horse. Daughters: Grace and Saran. Wifeand Executriz: ApicaL. Witnesses: WitiEs Sawyer, SARAH Sawyer. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Sawyer, JosHva. Pasquotank County. May 19,1753. July Court, 1753. Sons: JosHua and Davin (plantation divided between them), Wittiam, Natuan, Jessr. Daughters: Mary and Saran Sawyer. Executor: JosHua SAwYER (son). Witnesses: RoBERT Murpen, JosHuA JENNINGS, Jacop MircHEeLy, Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TaYLor. Sawyer, Rozgarr. Pasquotank County. April Court, 1735. Sons: Jeremian (land adjoining Jonn Spencer), JosmpH and Zacuaniau (“plantation whereon I now live”), Denis (land on Sawyers Creek), Joun Scarsorovau (land called the light place). Daugh- ter: Ester Sawyer (land between Denis Sawyer and the light place). Granddaughter: Susanna Sawyer (land called the Great Island). Wife and Executriz: Frances. Witnesses: Cuartes and Danren Sawyer, SAM- UELL Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Josu Smrru. Agstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 329 Sawrer, SoLomon. Pasquotank County. August 15, 1742. October Court, 1742. Sons: Joun (“my manner plantation”), Sonomon (plantation known by the name of Dogwood Ridge). Daughters: Cuarity, ELisaBeTa, Mary, PettyatH and Curistian Saw- yER. Witnesses: BartLetr Moraan, THomas Hastins. Clerk of the Court: Txos. TayLor. Sawyer, THomas. October 22,1750. January Court, 1750. Daughters: DoLLy Smiruson, Jemma, Mary and Miriam Sawyer. Son-in-law and Executor: Joun Smituson. Wife and Executrixz: ExisaBETH. Witnesses: Henry Nicx- gELes, Witu1AM Harris, Hz. Cartwricut. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. TAYLOR. Sawyer, THomas. Pasquotank County. May 19,1756. June Court, 1756. Sons: ALEXANDER, JosEPH, THOMAS, Samus. (“my plantation”). Daughters: Jans Humpuries, Tamer Wi- Liams, Carrren and RepeckaH Sawyer. Grandsons: SaMure. Hastines, Marixp Morean. Granddaughter: ANNE SawyrrR. Daughter-in-law: Sa- RAH Sawyer. Executors: SamuzL and Reseckan Sawyer (son and daughter). Wotnesses: BensamMin Sawyer, Grirrira Gray, Benrr. Mor- Gan. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Sawyer, WILLIs. Pasquotank County. April 3, 1753. April Court, 1753. Wife and Executriz: Hanor (planta- tion on Pasquotank River). Daughter: Betry Sawyer. Brother: CHARLES Sawyer. Father: CHARLES SawYER. Witnesses: WILLIAM Symons, Bety Symons, Ann Sawyer. Clerk of the Court: Tos. Taytor. Executrix qualified before Jarvis JonEs, Scaner, Isaac. Albemarle County. August 6, 1693. October 2, 1693. Friends: WinLiam Jackson and EvizaBeTH Nixon. Neighbors: Witi1am Simson, Rospert Lewis, JoHN Goprrey, Ann Boyss. No executor appointed. Witnesses: WILLIAM TANNER, WILLIAM JACKSON, THomas Symons. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Scarre, JouN. Pasquotank County. February 15,1751. April Court, 1751. Sons: James, Jonn, Epwarp, Jonatuan, Isrart, Daughters: ANNE RicHarpson, Mary Jones. Wife: Mary. Witnesses: W1LL1AM ABERCROMBIE, JAMES GREvES, WILLIAM Ropzs. Codicil to this will of even date and witnessed by same parties appoints wife and son JAMES as Executors, and makes bequests to grandson, Joun Scarrs. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. 330 Azstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. ScarBroucH, CHARLES. Pasquotank County. January 20, 1750-1751. Son: Bensamin (land on Poplar Swamp). Daughter: Lypa Scarproucu. Wife and Executriz: Joice. Witnesses: Jamzs Forpes, Joun ScarprouGsH, Exvizaseru Torxsey. No probate. ScaRBRouen, JoHN. Pasquotank County. December 27, 1754. June Court, 1756. Daughters: Saran Burcss (three negroes), TaMAR ScaRBRovUGH (“my plantation”’). Executor: Wit- uiaM Burers. Witnesses: Pau SHarp, BENJAMIN WILLSON, THOMAS Cuur and Bensamin Torxsny. Clerk of the Court: THomas TAYLor. ScaRBroueH, Macrora. Perquimans County. January 31,1752. February 18,1752. Sons: Bensamin, Macrora and Wituram. To Bensamin is given plantation ‘“whereon I now dwell called Springfield,” with four negroes, six silver spoons, silver-headed cane, silver shoe buckles, knee buckles, 14 silver vest buttons, black walnut desk and also half of land at Yawpim, called Point Pleasant. To Macrora is de- vised land at Oak Ridge and four negroes, a silver can, silver watch and black walnut desk. To Witt1m is given land bought of Mr. Harvey and Rosert Witson: Daughter: EvizaBetH ScarBroucH. Wife and Execu- triz: EvizaBeTH. Trustees: Joun ScarBRouGH (brother), Epmunp Harcu (brother-in-law) and Witt1am Bureis. Witnesses: Waurer Kiprrin, JosHua Hopart, Corneivs Muuin, Ropert Avery, MarTHAANN Kip- Pin. Proven before GaB. JOHNSTON. Coat of arms on seal. Scrwanyer, Matuias Tostas. Tyrrell County. September 21, 1743. March Court, 1744. Sons: Joun, Samury, Wit- LiaM and Marutas (land on the “Right hand of the road as thou goest up- ward the said County on the westward side of Tuk Creek, and four negro slaves”). Grandson: WiLL1AM Bryan (son of Darsy Bryan). Daugh- ters: Sanau Bryan, Mary Scowanner. Wife and Executriz: Jane. Wit- nesses: WiLLIAM Barrett, Ropert Lanier, Rosert Lanier DANIEL. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas LEE. Scottay, EvizaBeru. Bertie County. December 1, 1766. January 12, 1767. Sons: Taomas Pou.ock (three negroes and one teapot, milk pot, tankard, two salts, three table, one soup and all teaspoons). CuLLEN Potiock (“all my books and a mourning ring”’). Other legatees: children of TuLLyY Wi.uiams, children of RicHarD Saunperson;. Dr. Rospert Lennox and wife, Fanny; Joun Scouvay, of Boston (one negro man); Peaey Catucart, daughter of Docror Witi1aAM Catucart (negro girl); Saran Biount, daughter of JosmpH (one negro girl); Sopn1a Rasor, daughter of Epwarp Rasor (one negro girl); FANNAY Catucart, daughter of WiLL1aM (one negro girl); Taomas Biount, son of Axsstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 331 JoserpH Buount. Former husband: Tuomas Po.iock. Ezecutors: Tuomas Poiiock, Ropert Lenox, RicHarp SAUNDERSON and JOSEPH Buount. Witnesses: Harpy Harpison, FrepERIcK Harpison. Proven before Wi1LL1Am TRYON. Scotiay, SAMUEL. February 18, 1752. Friends: THomas GiLrorD, of Busty in Zetland; Maenis Henperson, of Guards in Zetland; Grorcr Trigt, of Broh in Ork- ney, in the Island of Sandy (fifty pounds to each), ‘Mrs. Marcaret STew- ART, alias TrreL, late Lady of Eleoness in Orkney, in the Island of Sandy” (twenty pounds); Mrs. Mary Tuxinron, alias Davis, relict of Roperr Davis, shipbuilder in Leath, Scotland; Hucu Buacksurn, of Norfolk; Dr. Winuram Catucart, Roper Topp, of Norfolk. Brother: Jenman RoBert Scouuay, of Lerwick in Zetland. Sons-in-law: THomas and CuLLEN PoL- Lock (land on “the Plank Bridge” in Pasquotank County). To TuLty Wiutams is bequeathed his father’s sword and cattle at Kettyhauk. Wife and Executriz: not named. Hxecutors: Tuomas and CULLEN PoLLock. Witnesses: ANN ANDERSON, Ep. Rasor, JoHN NicHouts. Proven before GaB. JOHNSTON. ‘ Scott, Joun. Pasquotank County. September 13, 1738. January 8, 1738. Daughters: ELipHen and Han- naH Scorr. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Davip GEORGE, JoserH JorpAN. Clerk of the Court: Jos, Situ. Scorr, Jouy. Craven County. October 4, 1764. September 27, 1773. Newbern. Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Executor: James Reep. Witnesses: Hannan Lanasone, FRANK Romsouen, James Davis. President of the Island of Antigua: Tuos. Jarvis. Will proven before Jo. Martin and also before THos. Jarvis. Scort, Josrrn. October 26, 1685. Son and Executor: Josuua. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Remainder of will illegible. Scorr, Josuvua. Albemarle County. January 8, 1685-1686. Daughters: Gracp and Saran Scorr (lands, orchards, ete.). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joun Kinsay, Ricuarp Evens, Jonn Woirenpen. No probate. Scorr, Mary. © Perquimans County. March 17, 1691-1692. October 3, 1692. Daughters: HerprHenia WALK- Inc, JuLyaNaH Taytor. Granddaughter: Jonmnan Taytor. No execu- tor. Witnesses: ANrHony Dawson Burier. Clerk of the Court: JOHN STEPNEY, 332 Axsstract or Witts, 1690—1760. Scotrr, Marrurw. Pitt County. August 26, 1771. December 6, 1771. Brothers: Witu1am and James Scott, fullers and clothiers in Pennsylvania. Father: Joun Scorr (planta- tion and storehouse in Woodstock). Testator desires all bonds, notes, lot and houses near one CLARK’s, lot and house in Woodstock town, Bay Boat, periauger and seine to be delivered to one SamugrL Purviancg, in Balti- more, in payment of account due him, said Purviance, by testator and Canon trading as partners. Hxecutors: Jamus Scott (brother) and Mrs. EvizaBETH Speir. Witnesses: Susanna Evans, Ricup. Evans. Proven before Jo, Martin. Scort, Rrcuaxp. New Hanover County. March 6, 1756. April 16, 1762. Wife and Executriz: Mary (stock marked:and branded as set out in will and also dwelling plantation). Son- in-law: OSwWELL Situ. Other legatees: WitL1aM, son of RicHarp Ears; ExvizasetTu, daughter of Joun Simpson. Witnesses: ExizaBeTH Morris, Auice Hupson, Jonn Earue. Proven before ARTHUR DosBs. Scott, STEPHEN. March 12, 1711. September 11, 1716. Sons: Epwarp (‘plantation I now live on on Newbegun Creek”), StspHEeN and Henry (plantation to each), JoHN and Josuua. Daughters: Sanam and Exizaseta Scott. Wife and Executriz: Euizannts. Witnesses: Martaew PritcHarD, JOHN SHEaRLY, BenJaMIN PritcHaRD. Proven before CHARLES EDEN. Scort, Stepuen, Sr. Pasquotank County. November 21, 1752. January Court, 1753. Sons: Joseru (land on Beaver Dam Swamp, one-half of “plantation whereon I now live, to- gether with one negro man’’), SamvuzEt (half of the ‘‘plantation whereon I now live,” land known by the name of the Rigg, land known as New- begun Creek meeting-house land, seven negroes and one ‘“‘New England mare & colt” and one silver watch). Daughter: Mary Conner, wife of Joun Conner (three negroes and one riding horse). Grandchildren: JoserpH and Mary Scotr (6 negroes), Mary, JoHn and Capo CoNNER (5 negroes), SterHeEN and Witiiam Scorr (2 negroes). Evxecutors: JoserH and Samuzu Scorr (sons), Witnesses: Rosert Jornpan, Katu- ARNA WHITE, THomas NicHotson. Clerk of the Court: THomas Taytor. Device on seal. Sracrave, Apam. Currituck Precinct, October 7, 1723. January 14, 1723-1724. Legatees: Joun SmirH (Executor), Samson Woopnnousp. Witnesses: Henry Woopsovuss, Tuomas Larry, JoHN Stone. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WickER. Asstract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 333 Sears, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. August 29, 1679. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Brother: Taomas Sears (“now in Bermudas”). Friend: Ricuarp Roapges. Witnesses: RaLPH Coates, Danie, Frissett. No probate. Impression of ship on seal. Suay, JAMES. Bertie County. May 18, 1772. January 6, 1774. Sons: Isaac, Joun, Jamus (planta- tion to each). Daughters: Oney Spay, Mary Brown. Ezecutors: Isaac Seay, ArtHuR Brown, JoEL Brown (son-in-law). Woétnesses: EzeKIEL Tomuinson, JosePH Horne, ANN WILLIAMS. Proven before Jo. MARTIN. Serron, NaTHANIEL. Perquimans Precinct. February 23, 1724-1725. March 30, 1725. Legatees: JonN Warp, Ruta Gioster, JoserH Serron, ELisABeTH WHEDBEE, PATHANNA SET- Ton, JAMES ANDERSON, THomas Serron, Georce Srerron and RicHarp Wuepper, Executors: Ricoarp WHEDBEE and Tuomas Serron. Wit- nesses: RicHarp Daves, Ricwarp Skinner, Resecxa SEerron. Clerk General Court: Samupt Swann. SHACKLEFORD, J AMES. Carteret County. July 10, 1759. September Court, 1759. Sons: James (600 acres “‘of my Quarter of the Banks’’), JosmpH (plantation formerly belonging to Jo. Wicker), Perec. Negroes divided among children. Wife and Ex- ecutriz: Knzian. Witnesses: ANaNIAS CAVENAGH, THomMAS ADDISON, Anprew Henperson, Ropert Finney. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Rosert- SON. SHACKELFORD, JOHN. Carteret County. March 25, 1734. September Court, 1734. Son: Jamus (“land on Bancks lying to the Eastward of Old Topsail Inlet, called by the name of Shackelfords Banks”; island named Carrot Island and one negro). Daughters: Mary, EvizappTH and ANN SHACKELFORD (one gold ring to each), Saran Moss (wife of JosepH). Grandsons: Jonn and WiLLiam Roserts. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Executor: JonN SHACKELFORD (son, to whom is devised all remainder of estate after legacies mentioned). Witnesses: SAMUEL CHADWICK, Epuraim Caapwick. Clerk of the Court: Jas. WINRIGHT. Suarp, Jacos. Bertie County. October 30, 1748. January 27, 1748. Son: Starkey (“all my lands and Manner plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Exisasnera. Nephew: Samuge, TANNER. Friends: Wittiam Hooker, Wm. WirTHerin, JoHN Baxer, of Littletown, Pater Evans (Executor). Witnesses: WiLLiaAM Wituineron, Isaac Lassirer, Mary Lassirer. Proven before Gas, JOHNSTON. \ 334 Azsrract or Wi11s, 1690—1760. Srarwoop, Davin. Perquimans Precinct. November 16, 1722. April 9, 1723. Sons: JonatHan and Davip (a plantation to each). Wife and Executriz: Jane. Executor? SAMUELL Pures. Witnesses: GABRIELL Newsy, SAMUEL PHELPS, JAMES CITESON (or Cytison). Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Leary. Suaver, JoHN. Bath County. October 25, 1730. December Court, 1730. Friends and Executors: Joan Tuomas, THomas Buiake, THomas Fursus and Nicnovas Rovt- LEDGE. Witnesses: Jacop Hoover, R. Atkins. Clerk of the Court: C. MeErTcaLrn, SHearp, Davin. Perquimans County. August 10, 1740. December 3, 1740. Son: Tuomas (“my plantasion and all my lands’’), Daughters: ExizaBpeTH and Mary Suearp. Ezecu- tors: Witu1AM and Joun JonEs. Witnesses: JoHN ANDERSON, JEREMIAH Barnes, Ropert Hauy. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. SHEARER, RoBERT. Bertie Precinct. October 7, 1727. Sons: Ropert and Artuur (land on Little Swamp), Joun (land called the “Poynt Land’”’), WitL1am. Daughters: PRUDENCE and SusannaH. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBeTa. Overseers: JOHN Dew and. ARTHUR WiLLiams. Witnesses: Henry Gay, JosepH Boon. No probate. SHELLEY, JoHN PuHuitrpe. Edgecombe County. June 28, 1749. August Court, 1749. Sons: Puiuire (land on Swift Creek and four negroes), Danieu (land on Swift Creek at the mouth of Tumbling Run, and two negroes). Daughter: JupmrH SHELLEY (two negroes). Executor: THomas Mann. Witnesses: Witt1am SMITHES, JeremiaH Maupass, Marcaret Terry. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN Wrwns. Impression of head on seal. Surparp, Davin. Carteret County. May 30,1774. January 13, 1775. Sons: SoLomon (land on west side of Black Creek bought of Lanxistuur Lovert, land on Boague Sound known as Smith’s Hammock, land on the head of Broad Creek and three negro men), Exiau (‘plantation whereon I now live,” land on south side of Newport River called Snoty Neck, land on Boague Sound known as Bartrom’s Point, and four negroes). To two above-named sons is devised land on south side of Newport River known as Read’s Neck. To heirs of son Jaco is devised land on Boague Sound called Whitehall, land on Newport River known as Mount Pleasant, and another tract on north side of Newport River, together with one negro man. Grandsons: Asstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 335 Davip (son of SoLtomon SHEparp, plantation on Boague Sound at the mouth of Goose Creek, known as Townley’s Point, and one negro), JoHN (son of JacoB SHEPARD), SoLomon and ABsoLoM SHEPARD (to SOLOMON is given a plantation on Boague Sound and three negroes), Davin Warp, Davin SANDERS (one negro), Davip Taytor. Daughters: Saran WALLIS (five negroes), REBEcKAH SANDERS (one negro), ABIGAIL Warp (six negroes), ELISABETH TaYLor (negroes). Wife: not named. Ezecuiors: Sotomon and Exisan SHEParp (sons), Cou. WituiaM THomson. Wit- nesses: CORNELIUS CaNaDy, ExisaBeTH CaNnapy, GIDEON CANADAY. Proven before Jas. HasEu. SueparD, THoMas. Currituck County. March 20, 1721-1722. July 10, 1722. Daughters: Exizapera and Gwinerotp SHErarp. Son: Samson (“my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Rura. Witnesses: Jo. Wicker, Humpu. Vince. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WICKER. SHERARD, JOHN. Northampton County. October 21, 1751. August Court, 1753. Sons: JoserH, WILLIAM, Roszert (plantation devised to each), Thomas. Daughter: CHarity Suerarp. Wife: not named. Two negroes bequeathed. Wétnesses: Joan Dawson, Wittiam Brinvcers, AcNEs Lassiter, JOHN BRIDGERS. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Surerwoop, THomas. Albemarle County. December 22, 1693. April 17, 1694. Wife and Executrix: EvizaBETH (“one-half the plantation I now live on, including the mantion house”). Daughter: Saran. Executor: Gzorce Muscuamp. Witnesses: WILLIAM Rawuinson, EvizaBeTH Raw inson, Barpara MipteTon. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Suetrts, Jaco. Craven County. September 25, 1751. Daughters: Zuupman Joun, Creve. SHETTSs, Carrron Fevp. Wife: Cever. Executors: Lewis Bryan and JoxHn Cornor. Witnesses: Harpy Busy, SAML. FrILtp, CatHrine Busu. No probate. Sune, Daniev. Craven County. May 5, 1757. August Court, 1757. Sons: Joun (1 shilling), Tuomas (1 negro), WILLIAM (2 negroes), James (“all the rest of my estate, negroes, lands, horses, cattle, hogs, ete.”). Daughter: EvizapeTH VAUGHAN. Executors: James SHine and Joan Oniver. Witnesses: FaRLD GREEN, Joun WiLuiaMson, CHaRLes SHENEWOLF. Deputy Clerk of the Court:: Peter Conway. Impression of stag on seal. 336 Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Surrey, JAMEs. December 9, 1737. February 18,1737. Cape Fear. Son: DESMINIERE. Daughters: Susannan and Ann Suiruzy. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: DuN. CAMPBELL, ARMAND DeRossett, M. D., Dr. Roger Rotre. Proven before Gas. JonNsToN at Newton. Surrorp, ALEXANDER. Bertie Precinct. July 10, 1731. Sons: AuexanpER (‘my plantation in Virginia”), Aaron, Joun (“plantation where I now live’). Daughters: Marrua, CaTrEen and EvizapeTu. Wife and Executrix: Many. Witnesses: ALXR. Downine, WitL1AM Homes, Witt1amM WorreLu. No probate. SHorter, WILLIAM. Northampton County. December 7, 1752. May Court, 1753. Son: Brnsamin (‘my planta- tion”). Other legatee: Dorcas Huacins. Wife and Executrix: Exiza- BETH. Witnesses: THos, Pace, JouN Moors. Clerk of the Court: 1. Epwarps. Surocx, Prerer. Bertie County. July 11, 1750. July 10, 1751. Brothers: MycuEL, GEorGE and JoHN CapHeaRT. Father and Executor: GrorcE CaPHEaRT. Witnesses: Epy Crter, Jno. Cricket, Jr. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON, at Eden House. SHUBRIDGE, WILLIAM. Onslow County. January 30, 1744-1745. April Court, 1746. Grandchildren: WiLL1AM and EvisaBeTH AHAIR, SHUBRIDGE and Witiiam Ramsey. LHzecutors: Joun Anarr and Samue tu Ramsey (sons-in-law), JoHn STARKEY. Wit- nesses: JOHN GILLETT, WILLIAM Ramsey, Denis Omar. Clerk of the Court: Gro, CLOPTON. Suutz, Gres. Bath County. February 11, 1729-1730. June Court, 1730. Sons: Puiuir, SamuEL (“plantation I now live on lying on the Mouth of Towne Creek’’), Josrpu. Daughter: PeneLoPE Saute (gold ring). Wife and Executriz: CHARITY. Witnesses: Isaac OTTIWELL, JoHN Marrocks, JouN Lawson. Clerk of the Court: Jno. MattocKE. Device of some description on seal. Suutr, Ruseccoa. May 28,1732. August 12,1732. Port Royall, in the Island of Jamaica. Daughter: Resecca Suute (plantation in Cape Fear with negroes, etc.). Mother: Mary Earur. Friend: Jno. Earitn, Ezecutors: Mary and JoHN Earie. Witnesses: Georce Cavaniss, JoHN Purrrs, JAcoB Puipes, Jostan Eason. Clerk of the Court at Port Royall: Louis Gaupy. Justice of the Peace, North Carolina: W. BapHaM. Coat of arms on seal. Apstract oF Witus, 1690—1760. 337 Sictey, Jonny. Beaufort County. May 10,1750. December Court, 1754. Son: Aaron. Daughters: ANN and Jean Sietey. Wife and Executriz: Marcrer Sictey. Witnesses: Coteman Roz, Henry Lockey. Clerk of the Court: WatLEY CHAUNCEY. SILVERTHORN, GILFoRD. Hyde Precinct. April 5, 1737-1738. March 7, 1737. Sons: Joun, Sapastin (Executor). Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Roczr Mason, Nicxizes Booty, Joun Mason. Clerk of the Court: J. MARDNER. SILVERTHORN, SaBAsTIN. Hyde County. December 22, 1751. March Court, 1752. Son: Jonn (“my manner plantation”). Daughters: Lyp1a, Mary, AGNrEs and Sary SILVERTHORN. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: BmenyJaMIN Mason. Witnesses: Rogsr Mason, Jr., JonatHsn Bett and Marx Rew. Clerk of the Court: Francis EGueron. Sitvester, Ricwarp. Beaufort County. January 11,1728. June 10,1729. Son: Richarp WILLIAM SILVESTER (land at Bridge Town in Norfolk County, Virginia; also two tracts of land on Machapungo River). Other legatee: Witt1am WormMINTUN (“two bitts of Ground in Virga att ye Bridge Town”). Wofe:not named. Grandsons: EBENEzER and Henry Siaps. Witnesses: Jonn Smira, JIbes WILLIAMS, JaMEs ARTREE. Noexecutornamed. Clerk of the Court: JNo. MaTrockE. Simmons, BuLyocx. Currituck County. April 14, 1746. October Court, 1746. Sons: Sotomon and WILLIS. Daughter: Mary Simmons. Wife and Executrixz: EvisaBpetu. Witnesses: Tuomas Leaitt, Wituis Simmons, Rospert Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp McCiure. © Simmons, Epwarp. Edgecombe Precinct. October 5, 1735. November Court, 1735. Daughters: ExizaBeTH and Jane Honiey, Tomazin, Hannan. Grandchildren: Joun and Mary Jacx- son. Wifeand Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: ANDREW JOHNSON, FRANCIS Jounson, Ben. Rawuins. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Summons, Francis. Currituck County. October 25, 1757. December 20, 1757. Son: Samuny. Brother and Executor: JoHN Simmons. Witnesses: SamuEL HoustTeaD, JOHN BRABBELL, Wituiam Caitrum. Clerk of the Court: WM. Mrarns. 22 338 AxsstTRACT oF Witzs, 1690—1760. ‘Simmons, Hewry. Currituck County. March 4, 1753. March Court, 1755. Sons: Hirary, Soromon, Asa, Tuomas. Daughters: Ruopa and Apian. Wife and Executriz: DeBorau. Witnesses: James Puriures, Joun Stmmons, SoLomon Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Wi1LL1AM SHERGOLD. Stmmonps, Henry. Bladen County. January 9,1758. January Court, 1758. Brothers: W1L11am Simmonps, Beninsz Moors, Sisters: ANN Moors, JupitH Davis. Other legatee: — Epmunp Fogarty. Ezecutors: Brentinsk Moore, WILLiam SIMMONDS, Tuos. Hatu. Witnesses: Mary Smitu, JoHN GRanceE, Sam’L WATTERS. Clerk of the Court: J. Burawin. Impression on seal of two fighting cocks under a crown. Simmons, Henry. Onslow County. August 7, 1770. April 18, 1774. Sons: Epwarp, James, Henry, Jo- sEPH, Esau, SAMUEL and BrengaMIn (to these sons is devised lands on Holstons Creek, Browns Harrows, etc.). Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Witnesses: THos. Dutaney, Mary Warp, THos. Dutanty. Proven before Jo. Martin. Simmons, JAcos. New Hanover Precinct. February 24, 1735-1736. June 16,1736. Shallotte. Sons: Joun (land on Little River and the Sound), Jacos (250 acres of land in the fork of Shallotte). Daughter: Mary Simmons. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Trus- tee for minor son: JonaTHAN Swain, of Lockwoods Folly. Weénesses: Puarese Mitter, THomass Horcrart, JEHOSHAPHAT HALLANDS. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Simmons, JAMES. Currituck County. August 15, 1753. March Court, 1755. Son: Istzs. Brother: SamMUEL Stmmons. Ezecutor: WitL1aM FERREBEE. Witnesses: SAMUEL SIMMONS, Peter SPRALLIN, GEoRGE Fisner. Clerk of the Court: Wm. SHeRGoLp. Simmons, Mary. Perquimans County. September 19,1722. July 14,1724. Son: Toomas Peirce. Daughter: Resscksn Tomes. Grandchildren: Saran, JosrpH, Tuomas, JosmPHu Peirce, Mary Jones, Saran PEetTeiy, Mary and Isaran Smita. Execu-~ tor: THomas Prrrce (land on Sound side). Wetnesses: BENJAMIN SANDERS, Cartes Denman. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Leary. Executor qualified before C. Gaus, C. J. Summons, Marrurw. Albemarle County. February 16, 1691-1692. Daughters: ANN and Marcaret Simmons. Remainder of will illegible. AgstTRact oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 339 Simmons, Nicnouas. Will illegible. Simmons, THomas. Currituck County. February 22, 1755. September Court, 1755. Sons: THomas, SAMUEL and Sampson (“my plantation to be divided between them’’), Epom, CaLuB and AsaLet. Daughters: Mary Simmons and EvizaBeTH MuncrEeeEF and Saran Mercer. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: BansaMin Prescoot, Bensamin CowrEt, EvisaBetaH CowrEv. Clerk of the Court: WiLLiaM SHERGOLD. Simons, ANDREW. Beaufort County. January 6, 1746-1747. April 7,1752. Sons: Witu1am, THomas, JoHN Josuua (‘This Beaverdam plantation whereon I now live’), GzorGE and Levi (100 acres of ‘“Beaverdam land’ to each). Wife and Executrix: Mary. Executor: Joun Opz0n. Witnesses: Rost. Cutter, JoHN Carrot, Ep- warp Poyner. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON, at Bath Town. Impres- sion of winged dragon on seal. Stmons, ARGILL. Chowan Precinct. April 13, 1714. December 17, 1714. Son: Joun. Daughter: Mar- GREAT. Cousin and Executor: Frances Foster. Witnesses: THomas Horron, Sarau Gray, P. Smit. Proven before CHartes Epen. Device on seal. Simons, Joun. Chowan Precinct. June 2,1731. June 25,1732. Sons: Jonn, Araity. Executors: FRAN- cis Beastey, Epwarp Stanpine. Witnesses: JAMES Breastey, FRANCIS Harrison. Proven before Gro. BuRRINGTON. Simons, Joun. Craven County. July 14, 1741. September 24, 1742. Sons: Joun, Danii, ManveLu, Bensamin, Busetr (to each is devised a plantation). Daughters: Katu- ering Banter, Mary and Evizaseta Simons, Brother: ABRanAM Bu- sett. Wife: Marczrerr (two negroes). No executor named. Wit- nesses: Martin Franck, Jonn Gouruay, C1vitt Francx. Clerk of the Court: N. Routizper. Smions, Joun. Craven County. December 22, 1760. Son: Witu1am. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: THomas Simons (brother). Land on Bay River and Trent sold for debts. Witnesses: Wittisam FutsHer, ANTHONY Moors, RosBert Burney. No probate. 340 AxssTRACT oF Wits, 1690—1760. Smrpson, ALEXANDER. November 29, 1737. June 9, 1738. “Late of the Parish of Kennoway in the shire of Fife in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.” Hzecutor and sole legatee: Joun Catpom. Witnesses: R. EverarD, Harman HI11, Tuomas Harvey, WaLLtey CHauncey. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Coat of arms on seal. Simpson, WALTER. New Hanover County. November 9, 1758. February Court, 1759. Hzecutor and sole legatee: JoHN GaRNES. Witnesses: Benyn, Morison, ALEXANDER ADAMSON and Rozert McNair. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Sims, Roperr. Bertie Precinct. February Court, 1729. Sons: Rosrrr (‘my dwelling plantation’’), Tuomas (land lying upon Oachoneche Neck), James (land on Conaconara Swamp). Brother and Executor: Joun Sims. Other devisee: Joon Fypasu. Witnesses: Wint1am Boon, Exias Forp, NATHANIEL CoopEer. Deputy Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Crew. Simson, Joun. Knott’s Island, in Currituck County. March 19, 1744-1745. March Court, 1754. Sons: James (“plantation I live on’’), SoLomon (“plantation Taomas Evans now lives on”), JosHUA. Wife: Saran. Daughter: Mary Evans. Executor: Taomas Evans (son- in-law). Witnesses: Henry Waite, Hitra Waite. Clerk of the Court: Joun Snoap. Simson, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. January 15, 1693-1694. April 17, 1694. Sons: Witu1am and Joun (negro to each). Wife: Dority. Ezecutors: Joan THomuin and Joun Rarer. Witnesses: Ropzrt Lowry and Cuartes Taytor. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Srinciarr, SAMUEL. Hyde County. January 3, 1755. January, 7, 1755. Daughters: ANN, CaTaERINE, Frances and Luciz. Grandchildren: Wittiam and ANN THOMAS. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBetH. Ezecutors: Joan STARKIE and STEPHEN Len, Sawmill and land to be sold for debts. Witnesses: SAMUEL Swann, Tomas Lovicx, Witt Monat. Proven before ARTHUR Doss. SrveLeton, Jonn. Northampton County. October 29, 1754. May Court, 1755. Wife and Executrix: Marra. Other legatee: ANNE Morais, daughter of wife (500 acres of land and one negro). Executor: GzorcE Roperrson. Wetnesses: ARTHUR Dicksson, Marr Huszarp, Artuur Dickson, Jr. Clerk of the Court: I, Epwarps. ApstRact oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 341 Sincieton, SaMvUEL. Dobbs County. December 4, 1762. Son: Sprers (‘my plantation’’). Daughter: Mar- THA CaswELL. Ezxecutors: Hannan (wife), Ricoarp CaswELu, Bensa- MIN CASWELL (son-in-law). Wdtnesses: ARTHUR YouNG, FRANcIs WIL- Liams. Proven before ARTHUR DoBBs. Sirerraves, WILLIAM. Carteret County. July 26, 1744. “March Court, 1747. Port Beaufort. Sons: Witi1aM and Tuomas, Hzecutors: SrepHen Forp, Mary Linaarp (aunt, resid- ing in Philadelphia). Witnesses: Micnen Paquiner, Mary Pagquinet, Micuet Paquinet. Clerk of the Court: Grorce Reap. Sirrerson, JAMEs. Perquimans County. January 13, 1748. January Court, 1750. Wzfe: Hannan SItrerson. Sons: JaMEs and Samugeu. Daughter: Mary Barker. Executors: Wife, Hannag, and son, James. Witnesses: Joun Harvey, Joun Nicko1s, Tuomas Nicxozs, Clerk of Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Sxivner, JoHn. Perquimans County. July 26, 1769. December 12, 1771. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Son: Stuven (silver shoe buckles, knee buckles and stock buckle, and all remainder of estate real and personal. Provision is made for his schooling in Carolina and other parts). Hxecutors: Evan, JosHua and Witu1am SKINNER (brothers). Wetnesses: Dukr Bocur, WILLIAM JAcK- SON, JOSHUA SKINNER, JR. Proven before Jo. Martin. Sxinver, RicHarp, JR. Perquimans County. January 10, 1746. January Court, 1746. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: JoHN Harvey. Witnesses: Samus, Stanpin, ABRAM SANDERS, JosHua Sxinner. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Sxinyer, Ricwarp. Perquimans County. May 18, 1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: Samuxy (“my plantation’), Eavens (“plantation where Joun Simpson now lives in Chowan’), JosHua (plantation on the Sound Side “formerly called Fendall’s,” being land purchased of Curistian Reep), Wituiam (“my backe plantation’), Joun (plantation lying on the Sound side called ‘‘Petifers,” being land purchased of Curistian Reep), Wife: Saran (‘land where THomas Monps now lives in Chowan County”). Negroes divided among sons. Friends: Joseph Wuirs,' JoHN and Benyamin Harvey. Evzecutriz: Saran SKINNER (wife). Witnesses: Jos. WHitTr, Peter Jones and JoHn Harvey. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. 342 Asstract oF Wiuzs, 1690—1760. SLapE, GrorGe. Chowan Precinct. June 3, 1710. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Other legatee: JAMES Patcnerr. Witnesses: Dante, Leicu, RicHarp LAWRENCE, WILL NEw- LAND. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 32. Suave, Hezexian. Hyde County. January 10, 1752. March Court, 1752. Son: Jermmian. Daughters: Dinan and Resecca. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Brn- - JAMIN JEWEL, Witnesses: THos. SMirH, BensAMIN SLADE, JAMES Ham- ILTON. Clerk of the Court: Francis EGLETON. Srape, Joun. Hyde County. September 6, 1743. December Court, 1743. Sons: Joun (‘the plan- tation whereon I now live’), Benyamin (land bought of Joun Smita Cooper), HezexiaH and Witt1am Hopees Suave (land bought of Fran- cis Banks). Daughiers: Mary (wife of Bznyamin JEwEL), Saran and Kezia Stapre. Stock marks of children are as follows: Wm., “under square ye left ear’; Bmnsn., ‘crop & an under bit and one slit in the Right ear’; Saran, ‘‘under square the right ear”. Wife and Executriz: ABIGAIL, Witnesses: Richarp Leara, Wittiam WILKINSON, URIAH Couns. Clerk of the Court: W1LL1AM Barrow. Stave, SaMvEL. Beaufort County. March 17, 1746. December Court, 1746. Daughters: E.izaBeTu (wife of Witt1am DunBarr), Hannan (wife of WiLLIAM Fosque), JANE (wife of Jamzs BLount), SusannaH (“my manner plantation’). Grand- children: SAMUEL Biount, Mary Buiovunt (1 slave to each), Mary Dun- BARR (1 negro), SaMUELL DunzarrR (plantation on south side of Pamtico River “att the head of Blount’s Creek and on a Branch known by the name of good neighborhood branch”). Executors: BensamMin RIGNEY and Jacos Nevery: Witnesses: Tuos. James, Puivip Saute, Mary Dunpar. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forses. SiaueHTer, Micwaen. Chowan County. February 2, 1741. February 6, 1741. Edenton. Daughters: Anan, Apical, EvizaBeTH, Nancy, RepeckaH and Drsoran SLAUGHTER. Wife and Executriz; Evizanets, Witnesses: Joun Parx, Ropert and ABIGAL FRENcH. Proven before GaB. JOHNSTON. Stopocx, Jacos. Carteret County. October 13, 1755. March Court, 1756. Son: Naraan. Executor and brother-in-law: James SmitH. Witnesses: Paitemon Hunt, Amos SMALL, Sara SMALL, Clerk of the Court: Joun Smita. : AgsstRact or Witzs, 1690—1760. 343 Stockum, ANTHONY. Albemarle County. November 26, 1688. Son: JoHn (“plantation I now live upon”). Grandsons: Joun StockuM, SamvuEt Stockum (200 acres of land), JosnPH (200 acres of land), THomas and JosprH GILBERT. Granddaughter: Saran Gitpert. Executor: Jonn Sutockum (son). Witnesses: JoHN Wimpee, Witi1am Dosson, Nicnotas Crisp. No probate. Stocoms, JouN. Craven Precinct. March 28, 1722. September 19, 1722. Sons: Joun (“my dwelling plantation”), JosrrH (land known as Josias Siocum’s), JesEway and Jos1as (land on Mill Branch and one Mustee boy). Daughter: ELISABETH Stocom (land on Mill Branch and one mustee boy). Proven before RicHarD Graves by Capt. WitLiIaM Hanpcocx. Clerk of the Court: C. Mercatre. No signature of testator or witnesses. Stocums, JoHy. Craven County. December 17, 1759. Cousins: Josppa and JoHN CHartes SLocUMB. Mother: Mary Stocums. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Joan DONELSON, Jacop Tayitor. Witnesses: Grigg YarBoroucH, Huen Howy. No probate. Stocom, SaMuUEL. Bath County. May 8, 1712. April 25, 1713. Brothers: Witu1am and SoLomMon Smita, and Jonn Stocom. Sister: Isepte Smita. Other legatee: MARGET Davis. Witnesses: Wm. Brice, Louis THomas, ANN Bricr. Proven before Wa. Brice. Clerk of the Court: J. Pauin. SMaLL, BenJaMIn. Carteret County. January 11, 1751. March Court, 1752. Sons: Benzamin (plantation bought of Davin Baty), Jonas (land adjoining Benyamin), Amos (100 acres of land adjoining THomas Jessop), JouHn Kwite Smarty (“my_ manna plantation”). Daughter: Saran Jessop. Wife and Executrix: Miriam. Witnesses: Henry Stanton, Patience Buu. Clerk of the Court: Grorer Reap. SMaLi, Bensamin. Carteret County. June Court, 1756. Sons: Bensamin and Jonas Smaty, Wife: not named. Ezecutor: Jonn Lovet (father-in-law). Witnesses: Lewis Wetcs, Joun Knicuts Smauy. Clerk of the Court: Jno, SmitH. SMELAGE, EDWARD. Onslow County. December 9, 1744. New River. Daughter: Saran Smetace. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Witnesses: WiLLIAM MarcHMent, Davip Bum- pus, THomas Bumpus. No probate. - , 344 AxssTRact or Witzs, 1690—1760. Suewin, Henman. Albemarle County. July 17,1673. November 3, 1673. Friend and Executor: Taomas East- CHURCH, who is appointed guardian for Joun, Marcaret and EvizaBera Waite, children of Henry Waits, dec’d. Witnesses: Gorge WALKER, THo. Hassoup. Clerk of the Court: Toomas Harris, SuirH, ANDREW. “March 22,1756. April 14,1760. Cape Fear. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Witnesses: Isaac WaLpRon, JAcoB WALDRON, RacHEL WALDRON. Proven before ARTHUR Dosss. Smiru, Epwarp. Pasquotank Precinct. July 10, 1690, July Court, 1690. Waetnesses: Too. Davis, Davin Pricuarp, ANN BartuetT. Clerk of the Court: Paut Lataum. Will illeg- ible. Smirx, Epwarp. August 20, 1727. June 10, 1735. Executor and sole legatee: Rocur Moorz. Witnesses: Jno. Moors, Justina Moors, RicHarp JAMES Parker. Clerk of the Court: Hueco CAMPBELL. Smitn, GEorGeE. Bertie County. 2 uv March 1, 1735. April 16, 1736. Sons: Ricaarp and GrorcE (‘the manner plantation”), Jonn and Lewis (land at Cottanoe). Daughter: Mary (plantation in Tyrrell). Wife and Executrix: EvizaBeru (two ne- groes). Witnesses: Epwarp CoLiins, THomas Gains, CHARLES ARRING- Ton. Proven before W. Smrru, C. J. Smirx, Grorce. Northampton County. January 21, 1745-1746. February Court, 1746. Sons: WitutaM, JERE- MIAH (“my plantation’). Daughters: Mantua Jonus, EvizaBetH Baup- win, Mary Barrett, Susannau, Saran, Racwet and Carouinr PENEL- LOPE SMITH, EvizaBetH Smiru. LEzecutors: JEREMIAH SmirH and THOMAS Barrett. Witnesses: James Smita, James Jones. Clerk of the Court: Rt. Forster. Smiry, Henry. Craven County. August 4, 1748. November 2, 1748. Sons: Davin (“plantation I now live on” and all cattle in his mark “which is a crop in the right ear and slit in ye left Ear’), Henry (land on Nuse River), Jonn (one negro boy “and one gray mare that has been much bit with wolves’”’), SamuEt (one negro). Daughters: Saran (cattle), Nanney (one negro boy), EvizaBETa (one Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 345 mustee boy), OuiF (one negro) and Repeckan Smits (one negro). LHxec- utor: Davip Smrrx (son). Witnesses: Henry GARRALD, CHARLES SMITH, JoHN Harper, Proven before E. Hau, C. J. Smiru, J‘AMEs. Perquimans. County. December 8, 1735. AprilCourt, 1736. Sons: Jamus (“plantation I now live on”), Sotomon (land called Forte Point), Joun (land called Beaver Dam Neck). Daughters: Evizanera Smirx (“1 mulatter boy”), Mary Smite. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Executor: MacKRroRA SCARBOROUGH. Witnesses: FRANCIS PENRICE, SAMUELL Bounns, Jonn Harman. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. s Smiru, James. Craven County. March 27,1745. April 8,1745. Son and Executor: James. Daughters: Mary and Martua Smita. Wife and Ezxecutriz: Mantua. Executor: Wituiam Brice. Witnesses: Toomas SMiru, BENJAMIN SANDERSON, JNO. Snoap. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Smiru, Jamzs. Beaufort County. September 83,1744. MarchCourt,1749. Wife and Executriz: Ann (“my manner plantation”). Haecutor: Jamms Doptey. Witnesses: Jamus Sin- GLETON, Mary Dupuey, Joun Smita. Clerk of the Court: Joon ALDORSON. Situ, JEREMIAH. June 10, 1720. July 12,1720. Wife: Marcarer. Executor: Tuomas Simmons. Witnesses: Too. Taytor, Ester Taytor, Tuo. Tayzor, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Jo. Wickzr. Smiru, Jonn. Bertie Precinct. December 12, 1728. August Court, 1729. Son: Joan (“my manour plantation’). Daughters: Mary and Jane Surry. Wife and Executriz: Jupitu. Ezecutors: James Boonz and THomas MackELENDING. Wit- nesses: GeoRGE Wuits, WiLL1AM Jones and Cuarity Waits. No pro- bate. Smrra, Joun. Chowan Precinct. January 30, 1731-1732. Wife and Executrix: Evizaperu. Witnesses: Joun Caamren, Humparey Wess, Ricwarp Bonpv. No probate. Surry, Joun. Hyde County. December 17, 1748. March 7, 1748. Sons: Witu1aMm (lands on Match- apungo River and Slades Creek), Tuomas, JaMEs, BENJAMIN, JOHN (planta- tion to each), Samuzu (lands known as Mouse harbor). Daughters: Mar- 346 Axpstract oF Wiixs, 1690—1760. THA and EvizaBeTuH. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JONATHAN Jasper, CATHERINE Jasper, Urran Couuins. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Loacx. Sir, JoHN. Craven County. August 15, 1768. October 9, 1770. Newbern. Son: JoHN TRINK Smits (“all my estate’). Mother: Mantua Smitu. Mother-in-law: Han- NAH FrRink and her daughter Hannan Frinx (twenty pounds to each). Wife: Desporan. Daughter-in-law: SaraH OUTERBRIDGE (two negroes). Son-in-law: RaMspy WHITE OUTERBRIDGE (two negroes). Sister: Han- NaH Frinx. Uncle and Aunt: Joun and Pruprence Harpy, in Blossom Street, Norton Falgate, London. Other legatee: RicHarp Satter, of New- gate in London. Ezecutors: James Reev, Ricoarp BLacKLEDGE, JAcoB SHEPPARD and James Coor. Witnesses: JosmrH Crispin, Mary Hawk, Francis Cuitp. Proven before Wu. Tryon. Smiru, JoHN. Hyde County. March 20,1772. Sons: Josaua, THomas and Stepuen Sirs (land and negroes), JOHN (one negro). Grandson: Joun Smite. Hzecutors: Srs- PHEN, JosHuA and THomas Smits (sons). Witnesses: Samurt Davis, Tuomas Mackxwitiams, ABicaL Starp. No probate. Samitu, Joserx. Perquimans County. October 2, 1724. July 17, 1732. Sons: Joun, Josers (land in Bally- hack). Daughter: ExvisapetH Smita. Wife and Executriz: Lzaw. Ezec- utor: SamMuEL PHetps. Witnesses: Roperr Witson, Luxe, Tuomas Exuior. Clerk of the Court: CHARLES DENMAN. Smira, Levi. Currituck Precinct. August 29,1709. January 10, 1715-1716. Son: Jeremian. Wife and Executriz: Saran (“all my estate”). Witnesses: Tuo. Taytor, Epwo. Taytor, Jos. WickmR. Clerk of the Court: Jos. WicKER. Smiru, NicuoLas. Beaufort County. April 14, 1751. June Court, 1751. Son and Executor: Simon. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: ANDREW and RicharD Brown, THOMAS Wiuuams. Clerk of the Court: W1tt1aM Ormonp. Smiru, Ricuarp. Pasquotank County. January 10, 1750-1751. April Court, 1751. Wife and Executrix: Mary Ann Smitu. Executor: Henry PenpteTon. Witnesses: Henry PENDLE- TON, GEORGE PENDLETON, ANN Means. Clerk of the Court: Tao. TAYLOR. Asstract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. 347 Smrru, RrcHarp. Northampton County. July 26, 1751. February Court, 1756. Legatees: Drury and Mary Aupripg and RicHarp Smits (grandson). Ezecutors: Henry ARTHUR SmitH (son), Ropert Srurt. Witnesses: JoHN Prterson, RoBERT Sruart, Wm. Cocke. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps., Smirx, Ricwarp. Edgecombe County. December 17, 1756. May Court, 1757. Sons: Ricuarp, STEPHEN, WituiaM (to each is devised 73 acres of land), Bensamin (“my planta- tion”). Wife and Hxecutriz: Saran. Witnesses: Joun DoyiE, CHARLES Dopson. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Mont¥ort. Smity, Rozsert. Perquimans Precinct. February 13, 1692-1693. May 1, 1693. Son: Josrru. Daughter: EuizaBeTH. Son-in-law: Samunn Woop. Executors: WILLIAM and JOHN Goprrey. Witnesses: THomas Srerte, EvizaBeTH GODFREY, SAMUEL Woop. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Suiru, Ropert. Bertie County. January 26, 1726. May Court, 1726. Son: Rosert (one plantation). Daughters: ExizapetH and Mary Smira. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: BARRABY MELTON. Witnesses: W1LL1amM Low, JouN Low, JoHN Weruam. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forsrer. SmirH, Sarau. Currituck Precinct. February 22, 1721-1722. Son and Executor: THomas Taytor. Wit- nesses: CORNELIUS JonES, ANN Preacock, AND, Peacock. Clerk of the Court: JoHN Marryn. Smiru, THomas. Albemarle County. November 4, 1706. Legatees: MarcritT CurrLer and James Warp (Executor). Witnesses: Jno. ALLCocK, STEPHEN Swaine, PaTrRicKE Cav- YELTON. No probate. SMITH, Tuomas. Beaufort County. December 12, 1752. March Court, 1753. Son: James. Daughter: Mary Smita. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: GEORGE GERRARD, Tuomas Henty, SamMuu. Taytor. Clerk of the Court: W1LL1AM ORMOND. Suiru, THomas. Edgecombe County. March 10, 1757. May Court, 1757. Wife and Hxecutriz: not named. Executor: BANJAMIN Haite. Witnesses: JoHn and Susana Jonus. Clerk of the Court: JosppH Monrrort. 348 Asstract or Wiuzs, 1690—1760. Smiru, WiniaM. December 28, 1716. October 24, 1724. Little River. Wife and Executriz: EvisaBetaH. Witnesses: Ro. Buckner, JOHN Fourre. Clerk of the Court: Jonn Cornicx. Will proven before GEorcE BURRINGTON,. Smiry, WILLIAM. Pasquotank Precinct. March 14, 1719-1720. May 11,1734. Son: Joun (“my land and plan- tation”). Daughter: Lypia Smita. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBera Smiro. Ezecutors: Joan Smitu (brother), Wm. Retre. Witnesses: W. Norris, WM. Retre, RicHarp Retre. Proven before Natu. Ricz. SmirH, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. February 12, 1741-1742. March 16, 1742. Sons: THomas, SamMuEL and Jouw (1 shilling to each). Wife and Executriz: EvizaBeTH. Wit- nesses: WINEFORD Comss, Mary Mackey, ANN Macke. Proven before W. Smira,C. J. Clerk of the Court: W. Downina. Smita, WILLIAM. Chowan County. March 30, 1743. July Court, 1743. Legatees: Ropert Hatron (box of china at ABRAHAM BLacKaLL’s), Bensamin Hitt, Davip CoLETRANE, James Craven, JosePpH ANDERSON, JosEPH Harren, Dr. WILLIAM CaracarT and Dr. ABRAHAM Buackatt, THomMas JONES, GABRIEL JOHNSTON, JAMES TROTTER. FEvxecutors: GABRIEL JOHNSTON and RoBERT Harton. Witnesses: T. Barker, Wittiam Herrivace, ALExR. Mo- Cuutocu. Clerk of the Court: Ricap. McCuure. Smita, WriiraM. Craven County. September 4, 1749. March 20, 1749. Sons: James (“my plantation”), Ricwarp. Daughters: Mary and ExizaBeru (one mulatto slave to each), Sary Ann SmitH. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Luvi TREw- HITT, ANDREW Bass, IsaBeLLa Kairu. Clerk of the Court: Put. Smits. Smira, WiILiiaM. Chowan County. April 26, 1755. July Court, 1755. “Late of the Shire of Perth in North Britain, but now of Chowan Precinct in Carolina.’’? Brothers: Joun and James Smitu. Stster: Isapew Smitu, relict of Taomas Emers. Executor: Witt1am Mearns. Witnesses: THomas Barker, RoBERT Lenox. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jonss. Smiruson, THomas. Pasquotank County. November 2, 1743. January Court, 1743. Sons: Josnua (“planta- tion whereon I now live to him and his ears, and so from eair to eair so long as there is a SmitHson to be found”), Jos=rH and Joun (land to Asstract or WILLs, 1690—1760. 349 each). Daughters: Mpriam and Dorxis Smiruson (1 negro to each), Mary Murpen, Tamer Norris. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Watnesses: Epmonp Jackson, RicHarD PricnarpD. Clerk of the Court: THo. TaYLor. Smiruwicrk, ANN. Bath Precinct. November 5, 1711. Ezecutors and legatees: Brothers and sisters, not named. Wdtnesses: CHARLES Hopton, Gatiine. No probate. Smiruwick, Epwarp. Chowan County. January 21, 1715. October 16, 1716. Sons: Epwarp, SaMuUEL and Joun. Daughter: Saran (land on Morattock River). Hzecutors: W11- uiaM CHarLTON and Luke Mizety. Witnesses: Ropert ANDERSON, SterHen Auperss. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. SMITHWICK, JOHN. August 28, 1696. January Court, 1696. Archdaill. Wife and Execu- triz: Hanna. Daughter: Sary Smirawick. Witnesses: Toomas Haron, Cuarues Smita. Clerk of the Court: CoarLes DENMAN. SNEDEKER, GARRET. New Hanover County. July 7, 1770. August 24, 1770. Wife: Marcaret. Brothers: Tunis and Tuzoporans SneprKker. Nephew: Tazoporans Warne, son of JaMes WartNG (land on the Widow Moore’s Creek). No executor ap- pointed. Witnesses: Daniex Austin, ANNE AUSTIN, Francis TomLin- son. Proven before Wm. TRYON. Svetz, Rocer. June, 1708. November 26, 1708. Son: Rocur. Wife and Executriz: Evizapetu. Daughter: KaTaerine. Witnesses: Witt Frivie, WILLIAM BovuuEr, Nichotas Tytor. Proven before StepHEN Cary, Governor. Sneii, Rocer. Duplin County. October 27, 1758. April 11, 1759. Sons: Jammus (land and two ne- groes), Roger (“my plantation and three negroes”). Daughters: Pur- THANY SNELL, Mary Kine, Resecca Herrine (negroes to each). Sons- in-law: ABRAHAM HeRRinG and MicuarL Kine. Wife: ANN. Executors: Micuagrt Kine and Grorce BELL. Witnesses: Jonn Kine, JoHN Canapy, Jesse Bett. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dickson. Syeuuin, Isrart. Albemarle County. August 31, 1700. September 6, 1700. Daughter: RacHELL SNELLIN (plantation after decease of wife, HANNAH SNELLIN). Daughter: Ester 350 Azstract or Witzs, 1690—1760. Swetuin. Ezecutors: Hannan Sneuuin, Isaac Winison. Witnesses: Samuet NicHoison, JosePH Pen, Francis Tomes, Jr. Secretary of State: Samu, Swann. Swoap, Hzwry. Beaufort County. May 20, 1752. December 12, 1752. Sons: Joun Peyton Snoap (“plantation whereon I now live, plantation I bought of Jonn Lanz, my silver watch, silver-hilted sword, silver shoe and knee buckles, six silver spoons, silver can, gold sleeve buttons, mahogany desk, gilt framed looking-glass and large china bowl’), Bensamin Snoap (plantation in the Cow-pen Neck, plantation at the mouth of White Oak River on Queens Creek, ‘‘my silver-hilted sword that was my father’s, six large silver spoons, black walnut looking-glass and all my china”). Daughter: ANN Snoap (plantation at the mouth of Blount’s Creek, six silver spoons, silver tea tongs and silver pepper box). Sister: Many Lane (money “to purchase head stones for her son, Joun Snoap Lang, who lies buried in my orchard”). Friends and Executors: Wauury CHAuNcEY (1 horse, bridle and saddle and one case pistols and gun. To wife of Watiey, AUNT Cuauncsy, is bequeathed 40s for ring), James Bonner (gun and sword), Joun Harpren. Apprentice: WitLIAM OcLEsBy. Witnesses: SAMUEL BoutweE.i, ANNE WILLOUGHBY, GrirritH Howey. Clerk of the Court: Wii. Ormond. Syoap, Jon. Beaufort County. June 21, 1743. September 1, 1743. Sons: Henry (“my plantation,” land on Little Beaver Dam, Maule’s Neck; land on Herring Run, the north side of Pamlico River; land on Grindell Creek), Wiutram (lands on Pamlico River and in the fork of May’s Beaver Dam), Jonn (land on Grindell Creek). To each of sons is bequeathed negroes. Dawughters: Mary, ANNE and Evizaspeta SNoap (negroes to each), To sons HENRY and Wiiu1aM is bequeathed two periaugers. Son-in-law: JoHN Fry. Wife: ExizaBptH (6 negroes). Executors: WiLL1AM Martin and WALLEY Cuauncery (brothers-in-law), Henry SNnoap (son). Witnesses: Henry, EvizaBeTH and Zacur. Lucas. Proven before J. Montcomsry. Snoap, WiLL1aM. Beaufort County. March 15, 1746. April 8, 1747. Wife: Patience (lands on White Oak and Queens Creeks). Other legatees: Mary Lanz, ANNE Bonner, Ewiza- BETH Swoap (sisters). Hzecutors: THomas Bonner, Simon JoneEs, Epwarp Satter and James Bonner. Witnesses: Jony Martin, ANN Martin, Saran Martin, ANN Satter, Mary Bricxir. Proven before E. Hat, C. J. AssTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. 351 Syopren, SAMUEL. Pasquotank County. December 5, 1750. July Court, 1753. Wife and Evxecutriz: Saran. Other legatee: Gracz, daughter of Grorce Snopren. LEvzecutor: RoBERT Baitey. Witnesses: James Grecoris, Ropert Barter, Deporan Sut- ton. Clerk of the Court: Tao. Taytor. Swopen, THomas. Perquimans County. February 24, 1727-1728. October Court, 1736. Sons: Joun (land in Bertie and stock in his mark, ‘“‘the said mark being upon Record”), JosEPH (land in Bertie), Witt1am, Grorcre and Samue. (land in Per- quimans divided among them), Sotomon and Lamusiy. Ezecutors: SAMUEL Swann and JNo. SNoDEN. Witnesses: Richarp Rosins, ABRA- HAM JENETT, THos, TRUMBLE. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Swouck, Dawntzt. Perquimans Precinct. June 1, 1712. Friends: Tuomas Lriy, Jonn, Saran, Margaret and Euizaseta Lity (children of Toomas). Wife and Executrix: MARGRETT. Executor: Witu1am Krirsuine. Witnesses: Witu1am Carman, TIMOTHY Tayrtor, Francis Jounus. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp Lpary. Syrowpen, JosEPuH. Perquimans County. November 20, 1740. January Court, 1740. Brothers: Joan, GEORGE and WitL1aM SNowpen. Niece: THomson SnNowpen. Evxecutors: JoHN and Winut1am SNOWDEN (brothers), Wutnesses: Bensamin Baptiss, AARON Mosss, Witu1aM Laypen. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Snowpon, Exizaperu. Perquimans County. May 31,1744. January Court, 1744. Sons: WittiaM, FRANCIS, GEORGE and Isack Laypren. Granddaughter: Evizannta LaypEN. Grandsons: Ropert and JosepH WarRREN. Executors: GrorcE and Francis LaypEN (sons). Witnesses: Samiu. Swann, SaraH Swann, Mary Swann. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Soanz, Joun. Bertie County, March 16, 1732-1733. August Court, 1733. Sons: Hattepay and WIL- uiamM. Daughters: Exizapera and ANNA. Wife and Executriz: Hannaz. Witnesses: Lewis Bryan, EvizasetH Duncan. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Sottey, Joun. Pasquotank County. June, 1751. April Court, 1752. Sons: THomas (land on Neuse River bounding on Beards Creek), JoszPu (‘‘my plantation whereon I now live”). 352 Agstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. To each son is given two negroes. Daughters: Mary Cueves, ANN Wit. Executor: Josepn (son). Witnesses: Tanrrna Emerson, THoMAS EMER- son, Joun Gray. Clerk of the Court: Too. TaYLor. Somerset, SEYMORE. Northampton County. December 20,1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: Joun (‘‘my planta- tion”), Smymorr. Daughters: Easter SoMerRsETT, EvizaBera Earp (Exzecutriz). Witnesses: Epwarp Earp, Manuau Earp, WM. WINBORNE. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Sorueiy, Seru. Albemarle County. January 20, 1689-1690. February Court, 1693-1694. HExecutriz: ANNA SotHELL, THomas Hartiry (plantation for five years, Signory on Flatty Creek and Pasquotank River until death). Father-in-law: Epwarp Foster (plantation at Cuscopincum and 30 head of cattle). Wi11aM DUNKINFIELD, WILLIAM WILKESON and HENDERSON WALKER (five pounds each for gold ring), Ep>warp WapEz (plantation on Little River until death), Anna Buunt, wife (all estate and personal property not otherwise willed). Witnesses: WM. WiLKESoN, HENDERSON WALKER, JOHN Lowes, WILL. Wo tuarp, Saran WoLLarD. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. SoUTHERLAND, JOHN. Donwoody County, Virginia. March 27, 1771. April 5, 1771. Son: Funpauy. Daughters: Exiza- BETH, SARAH and Mary ANN. Wife: ANN (lot in Peters Burg). Executor: Frenpatt SourHerRLAND (brother). Witnesses: Witt1am RosBeErTson, JosrrH Breit, Wm. Rosperrs. Proven before Witt1aAM Tryon. SowELi, CHARLES. Bertie Precinct. November 25, 1738. February Court, 1738. Sons: Ricnarp (land on Bear Swamp), THomas (plantation ‘“‘where ADAM HaRRELL now dwells”), Lewis (land on horse swamp), CHARLES (‘my manner plantation’). Daughters: EvizaABETH, HaNNaH, Mary and Saran SowELy. Wife and Executriz: Mantua. Executor: BpnjaMIN Wynns. Witnesses: EBANAZAR Stason, THomas Sowe.i, Ricnarp Houmes, ExizA Harrewu, JNO. Wyrnns. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNs. Sowr1, JoHN. Bertie County. March 28,1750. February Court, 1755. Sons: Joun (land), James (one negro), Francis. Daughters: Mary, EvizapeTu, Ferrey, ANN. Woife and Executriz: ANN. Executor: JAMES Jones. Witnesses: ADHAM HaRRILL, Joun Freeman, Paut Buncn. Clerk of the Court: Samu. ORMEs. AsstTract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 353 Sows ir, Ricwarp. Bertie County. July 5,1751, August Court,1751. Sons: Ricnarp, Aaron (“my maner plantation”). Wife: Marraa. Ezecutors: Jonn and Osrpian SOWELL. Witnesses: ELEAZR. QuINBY (?), AARON OLIVER, WILLIAM Bennet. Clerk of the Court: Samy. OrmEs. Sowrrzsy, Henry. Northampton County. June 22,1747. August Court}1747. Son: Joun (“my plantation” and one negro). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Cuas. STEVENS, BensamMin DEBERRY, Eviza Stevens. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. SparkMan, J OHN. Chowan County. April 19, 1728. October Court, 1728. Grandsons: Joun and STEPHEN SpaRKMAN (land on the “Liking Root Branch”). Sons: Jonn, Ricwarp, Tuomas, Wituiam. Daughters: Saran and Mary Sparkman. Executor: JoHN GREEN. Witnesses: JoHN Wiacins, JoHN Horne, JoHN GREEN. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. SPaRKMAN, JOHN. Chowan County. April 25, 1738. July 14, 1739. Sons: THomas, Jonn. Wife: Saran. Ezecutors: RopeRtT and Witt1aM Reppick. Witnesses: THomas PiLanp, Tuomas HarrELt, THomas HarrReity. Proven before W. Smita. Sparnon, JosEPH. Pasquotank County. May 15,1718. Legatees: Witz1am Brerrno, Wittiam and ANN BRETT no (children of WiLL1AM), JoHN BuisH, ABRanAM THoMas. Executor: not named. Witnesses: JosppH Cooper, Tuomas Sueprarp, ELizaBETH Coorzr,.JoHn Bett. No probate. Sparrow, THomas. May 20, 1717. May 27, 1717. Sons: Sotomon (“my maner planta- tion’), Joun and Kinsry (plantations above the ‘‘maner’’ plantation), Sotomon (cattle). Wife: not named. Brother and Executor: THomas Harvine. Witnesses: James LeicH, Eviezer LItuineton, JoHn LItiine- TON. Proven before CHas. EDEN. SpricHt, Frawcis. Chowan County. October 16, 1749. January Court, 1749. Sons: Mosss (plantation at Contenteny and four negroes), JoHN and Joserx (land on wolfpit valley). Brother: Witt1aM SpricHt. Wife and Executriz: KatHern. Witnesses: Joun Sanprrs, Francis Sanpers, Danret Carcu. Clerk of the Court: Witt. Mrarns. 23 354 AxpsTRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. Sperr, Evizaseta. Pitt County. October 9, 1773. March 23, 1774. Nephews: JosePpH WARREN (two negroes), WiLLI1AM Smypick, Marke Meswe tu (three negroes). Other lega- tees: Mary Smypicx, Jonn Smypicx, Epmonp Smyp1ck, FAMALER SMYDICK, Mary Messe, Evizapera WARREN, JOSEPH WARREN, JAMES and MarHew Scorr, Witt1aAM Muse, Ezecutors: Mark Mrerse and JosrrpH WARREN, Jr. Witnesses: Guo. Evans, Jonn Harper, Mason Harris. Proven before Jo. Martin. SpPEIr, Jamus. Bertie County. December 12,1731. February Court, 1731. Son: James (plantation on Ahoskie), Wife and Executriz: Ann (‘my manner plantation” and two negroes). Daughters: Mornine Sprir, Saran Everirr. Daughters-in- law: Saran and Patience Statuines. Witnesses: RoperT GREAVES, Cutmgr Szssoms, Jno, Surron. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Speirs, JOHN. January 8,1761. June Court, 1767. Wife: Exizaseru (negro boy and other chattels). Daughters: CLhmarn Harpers (“all my lands in North Carolina”), Patimnce Jerrreys, APSELE Hotuanp. FEzecutors: JoHn and Witiiam Spzi (brothers) and ALEXANDER Stewart. Wetnesses: WM. Speier, ALEXR. Stewart, Joun Sprie, Junr. Clerk of the Court: Amp Cox Bayuey. Speier, Henry. Bertie Precinct. April 5, 1727. Son: Tuomas (“plantation I now dwell on lying on the North side of Moratock River”). Daughter: ANN SPELLER (land on Smith- wick Creek below Scewocea). Wife: Patience. Executor: THomas Parris, of Edenton (brother). Wétnesses: Wintiam Litrin, Tao. Bet- TERLEY, W, Bapnam, ANN Ismay. No probate. Impression of lion ram- pant on seal. SPELLER, PATIENCE. Bertie Precinct. February 3, 1738-1739. February Court, 1738. Sons: James Swain and Tuomas SPELLER (one mulatto boy to each), Ricnarp Swain. Daugh- ters: PATIENCE Ray, ANNE WARD (negroes to each). Grandchildren: Sarag, Joun and ExizapetH Smirawick, Wituiam Swain. Executors: JAMES Swain and Tuomas SpeiiEr (sons). Witnesses: CHARLTON Mizrxu, Psitip Warp. Clerk of the Court: Joan Wrwns. Spence, ALEXANDER. Pasquotank Precinct. August 2,1734. April Court, 1735. Sons: Jamus (240 acres of land on the Eastern Shore in Maryland), ALEXANDER, JosEPH (land on Pasquotank River), Ropert (land adjoining Ricuarp Frrrit, Asrt Ross, Joun TRUE- Axpstract oF WILLS, 1690—1760. 355 BLOOD), TRUMAN (appointed Executor). Daughters: JanE and CATHERINE Sawyer. Witnesses: JoneMIAH Murpen, THoMas Sawyer, Evin Lurry. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Smirx. Spence, JAMES. Pasquotank Precinct. March 20, 1739-1740. October Court, 1740. Sons: ALExaNDER, DavipD, James, Daughters: BripcetT Spence and Betry Marprum. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Witnesses: JouHn Jones, Berp Bancur, ELizABETH Perisus. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Spence, JAMES. Pasquotank County. November 19, 1753. April Court, 1755. Sons: ALEXANDER, JOHN and James. Daughters: Saran Cook, Letresua, AREY and Dorotuy SPENCE. Wife and Executrix: ELizABETH Spence. Witnesses: SAMUEL SMITH, SAML, Epnye, Davip Davis. Clerk of the Court: THos. Taytor. Spence, JouHn. Pasquotank County. March 14, 1735-1736. April 13, 1736. Sons: Davip and ALEXANDER (ands divided between them). Daughters: Dororay Davis, ELizABETH Spence. Granddaughter: Reacue tt Sawyer. Ezecutors: CHartes Saw- yer and JoHN Davis. Witnesses: Gro. Rowz, ALEXANDER LEFLEAR, Exuizasera Lerieare. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Smita. Device on seal: Letters 8. 8., three circles and square. Spieut, Mary. Bertie County. February 25, 1740-1741. May 7,1743. Sons: Mosss, Isaac (Executor). Daughter: Racuet and Ruru Jorpan, ZitpAH BLaNncHaRD. Granddaugh- ters: Mary and Exizasera Spigot. Cousins: Jacop Hinton, RuBENn Hinton, Witu1am, Bettis and Mary Hinton, Josepa Perey (E£zecutor). Witnesses: Guy Hitt, Moss Rowntren, Taomas Rowntrer. Proven before Gas. Jonnston, at Edenton. Spicut, Tuomas. Perquimans Precinct. April 9, 1737. April 27, 1737. Sons: Isaac (“plantation whereon I now dwell’), Moses. Daughters: Racne, and Ruta JorDEN and ZILPAH Buancuarp. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Richarp PEaARcE, Grrery Hussarp, Tuos. RownTREE. Proven before W. Surru, C. J. Spicut, THomas. Craven County. October 3, 1756. November Court, 1756. This is a nuncupative will proven before JonN CLITHERALL by Joun SrricHt, PHRusAN SPEicHT and Ann Parn. Wife: Evizaperu (one negro). Sister: PRusaANE SricHT. Other legatees: Joun and Simon Spiaut. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Powe. 856 Asstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Spivey, Tuomas. Chowan Precinct. December 23,1729. February 5, 1729-1730. Sons: Jacos (plantation) and BensaMIN, WiLLI4AM and Tuomas (12 pence and a Bible). Son-in- low: Witt1am Hixu (90 acres land), Daughter: Mary Hin. Grandchil- dren: Jacop Spivey, Sanam, Mary and Susanan Hixxy. Other legatee: Marxe Cuaprny. Executor: Jacon Spivey (son). * Witnesses: WILLIAM Wesrton, Rospart BiancHarp, Tuomas MansFieLp. Proven before Ricuarp Everarp, Spratten, Henry. Currituck County. January 10, 1750. April Court, 1751. Wife and Executriz: Mary, Daughter: Estaer Sprarron. Brother: Perer Sprarron. Brother-in- law: Tuomas Tatum. Witnesses: Ropert Fuercner, WiLLiam WHITE. Clerk of the Court: Ricap, McCiure. Spring, Aron. Beaufort County. April 18, 1755. June Court, 1756. Sons: Ropert (“my plantation”), James and ABRAHAM (440 acres of land divided between them). Daugh- ters: Dinan (wife of Witi1am Jessop), Exizapntu Sprinc. Wife: Martua, Negroes bequeathed to children. Executor: Joun Barrow (brother-in- law). Witnesses: Toomas Barrow, Lirrteron Esorn, Jun. Clerk of the Court: WaLLEY CHAUNCY. Sprot, Tuomas.* Anson County. January 15, 1757. Daughters: Mary and ANN Barnet, JEAN NEEL, Susannau Potk, Marraa Sprot (land on Sugar Creek). Sons: THOMAS (land on Twelve Mill (Mile) Creek), Joun Cuarx. FExecutors: ANDREW Spror and Tuomas Pork. Witnesses: WiLL14M Barnet, James Spxot, Jas. CAMPBELL. No probate. Stacey, CHAR zs. Chowan Precinct. January 2, 1724-1725. July 19, 1725. Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: Davip Butunr, James Warp, Gzorar Dar. Proven before C. Gates, C. J. STsarForD, JOHN. Bath County. May 15, 1733. March Court, 1735. Sons: Witu1am (plantation on South side of Broad Creek), Joun (‘‘my plantation I now dwell on”), JosHus (180 acres land), Epwarp (land on Creek Swamp), THomas (land on Broad Creek). Daughter: Dinan SrarrorD. Executor: JoHN Starrorp (son). Witnesses: Mary, Darxis and Tuomas Barrers. Clerk of the Court: JoHN CoLuison. ApstTRacT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 357 StaFrorp, WILLiaM. Currituck Precinct. February 17, 1727-1728. April 9, 1728. Sons: Joun and Epwarp (1 shilling to each), Witt1am (“my plantation”), SamuEt (300 acres of land). Daughters: ANN, Frances and Mary Starrorp. Wife and Execu- trix: Jean. Executor: Paitip Nortuan. Witnesses: Mary Jouns, GrorcE Powers. Clerk of the Court: J. Martyn. StaFrorpD, WILLIAM. Currituck County. August 28, 1742. October Court, 1742. Sons: James (“plantation whereon I now live”), Wittram. Wife and Executriz: Frances. Ezecu- tor: Ricoarp Hopazs. Witnesses: SoLomon Bricut, WitLiam Bown. Clerk of the Court: Joun Lurry. SvraFrrorD, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. November 12, 1750. Sons: Joun and Srepraen (land to each). Daughters: Susannan and Mary. Wife and Executriz: ELENDER. Other legatee: RacuEL Rew. Executor: Wintiam Wayman. Witnesses: JAMES Dorry, Jos, Hez. Cartwricut. No probate. StarrorD, WILLIAM. New Hanover County. August 31, 1765. October Court, 1765. Sons: RicHarp, WILL1aM and Joun (plantation divided between them and one negro each), SAMUEL (plantation in Pitt County lying on Samu. Tison’s branch, and one negro), Seta (plantation). Daughters: Mary May, Ann Forses, Pru- DENCE STONE and EvizaBetsH Starrorp. Wife: Evizapets. Ezecutors: Wituiam and Joun Starrorp (sons). Witnesses: Joon ALEXR. WILLEY, Cuas. Hottinasworts, Clerk of the Court: Jno. Burewin. Sratiines, Lort. Chowan County. November 5, 1749. January 31,1749. Son: Samunt (land in Belley- hack known by the name of Elbo). Son-in-law: Isaac Hitu (land adjoining THos. Newsy). Daughter: ANN Staines. Granddaughter: Saran Hitt. Executor: Samuey Statines (son). Witnesses: James Corrstanp, Benj. BerryMan, GILBERT Scorr. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON at Eden House. Stamp, Ricwarp. Pasquotank Precinct. October 20,1721. April 17, 1722. Sons: Tuomas (“my plantation’), Ricwarp (225 acres of land). Daughters: Mary, ANN, EvizapeTa and Tamer. To each of above-named children is bequeathed one negro. Wife and Executriz: Mary Ann. Witnesses: DanieL RicHarpson, JosEPH OLiver, Marcaretr Bournssy, Mary Caiuinan. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Gate. Impression of church spire on seal. 358 Azgstract or Witts, 1690—1760. Stamp, Tuomas. Pasquotank Precinct. October 9, 1729. Brothers: Bunsamin PALMER and RicHarD STAMP (Executor). Mother: Many ANN Pater. Witnesses: Joun McKEExt, Joun Crarke, Witi1am Asxines. Clerk of the Court: WM. Minson. Sranpine, Epwarp. Chowan Precinct. July 9, 1718. January 17, 1721. Sons: Wiii1am (land on Cossia), SamuEL, Epwarp. Daughter: Saran Stanpine. Wife and Executriz: Saran (“my manner plantation”). Witnesses: Jno. Hartoz, RoBEert Stasey, THomas Harty (or Heats). Clerk of the Court: W. BapHam. a Sranpin, SaMvEL. Perquimans County. March 28, 1752. April Court, 1752. Sons: SamuEt and WILLIAM (plantation to each), Epwarp (250 acres of land and one negro man). Daughters: Mary and Penrtore Stanpin. Wife: not named. LHzecu- tors: Joun Harvey, Wittiam Wyatt and JosHua SKINNER. Witnesses: Joun Nicxous, Tuos. Nicxozs, Exisasetu Sutton. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Device on seal: man mounted on lion. Sranpin, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. ‘ November 4, 1759. April Court, 1760. Son: Joun (plantation and two negroes). Daughter: Saran (two negroes). Wife and Evxecutriz: Mary. Executor: WitLiamM Wyatt. Wttnesses: JouN Crercy, THOMAS Srratron, ABRAHAM JENNETT. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Provision is made for schooling of son Joun, ‘‘to read, rite and cifer as far as the rule of three.” StranpiEey, JONATHAN. Bertie County. March 5, 1773. April 3, 1773. Sons: Davip (plantation on Rocquis and one negro), Epmonp (Pine woods land and one negro). Daughters: EvisasetH Roapes, Jemima KiTTreLL, Estaer Spivey, Susannaw Baker, Mary Srauuins, Marta Stanpiey. Wife: Ann (land at Lum- ber Bridge, three negroes, one “smoaking chair,” ete.). Executors: Davin Sranpiey (son) and THomas Roapes (son-in-law). Witnesses: Caper CHerry, Sottomon Curry, Marrua Cuerry. Proven before Jo. Martin. STANFIELD, JOHN. Orange County. August 4, 1755. September Court, 1755. Sons: Joun (land on Haw River), THomas (land known as the Meeting-house tract), Samue (‘“plan- tation whereon I now live’). To THomas,\and Samvet is also devised land near the Rich Hills. Wife: Hannan. Eszecutors: Joun Jones and Asstract oF Wixtzs, 1690—1760. 359 JosrepH Mappox. Codicil provides for education of three sons. Wit- nesses: THomas LinpLeyY, Hueu Laueuuin, THomas Lowe. Clerk of the Court: Jas. WATSON. : StanForp, Levin. Beaufort County. December 16, 1772. May 15, 1773. Daughter: Saran Suurorp. Executor: James Brinson. Witnesses: Moses Pooue, Jonn and Nancy Covineton. Proven before Jo. Martin. Sransett, JoHN. ; Tyrrell County. August 22, 1750. March Court, 1750. Sons: JoHn and Goprrey.. Daughters: EvizABETH BarBRE, REBECKAH STANSELL, Mary BENTELY. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: EpMunD SMITHWICK, REBECKAH Sranseii, Samuey Smirawick. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jongs. Stanton, Henry. Carteret County. May 1, 1751. September Court, 1751. Sons: Henry (land called the Swimming Point), JosepH (land on Queens Creek), Bensamin, JOHN (land called Bare. Banks). Wife and Hxecutriz: Lippy. Daughters: Hannan Spooner, Mary ALBuRTSON, Saran Stanton. Weétnesses: Enias ALLERTSON, THoMas Waite, Isaac Waits, Clerk of the Court: Grorer Reap. Stanton, Mary. February 2, 1720-1721. April Court, 1721. Sons: Joun and Rosrrr Armour, Exviusa Stanton. Daughters: Mary Broturers, ANN KELLY. Other legatees: Mary Stanton and Resecca Brorners. Executor: Evisa Stanton (soh). Witnesses: SamuEL GuTHRIE, TERRENCE SwEENyY, Mary Armour. Clerk pro tem.. Jno. Pauin. Fleur-de-lis on seal. Stanton, THomas. Pasquotank Precinct. August 25, 1720. October 18, 1720. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JoHN Bunpy, Ricup. Sams, ANN Merps. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. } Stasry, THomas. Chowan Precinct. April 19, 1697. July 5, 1697. Sons: Jonn, THomas and CHaARLzs. Wife and Executriz: Reseckau. Witnesses: Kararrine Warts, Franc Srcrave, Lusean Secrave. Clerk of the Court: N. Cuevin. SreeLt, ALEXANDER. Onslow County. September 18, 1751. January Court, 1751. Sons: Prerer and James (plantation on Trent River). Daughters: Exizaperu, Saran, MaRGARET, 360 Axsstract or Wits, 1690—1760. Ann and Racuett. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Exzecutors: Pater STEEL (son) and JoHN StaRKEY. Witnesses: SUSANNA BarBaRs, Mirca- ELL BARBARA, RicHaRD BarBer. Clerk of the Court: Tao. Buack. Streetz, AMBROSE. Beaufort County. December 25, 1724. April Court, 1725. Son: AmBrose (land in town of Freehold, in the County of Monmouth, in East Jersey). Wife: Reprc- KAH. Land at Neuse leased of CuLLEN Potiock ordered sold. Executors: Wituiam Lirrie, Cornetius Fowier and Epwarp Sattar. Witnesses: Wiuuiam Littitz, Desoran Pizson, J. Stronor and Tuo. Unpay. Codicil witnessed by J. Stonor, Deporag Pitson and Wittiam Bevan. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Swann. Justice: Taos. Boyn. Sterty, THomas. Chowan County. May 28, 1719. June 4, 1719. Brother: Taomas Hawkins. Sister: Jane ApDpERLY. Witnesses: James Smitu, James and EvizapeTH Haw- gins. No probate. StepHens, Epwarp. Johnston County. October 19, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: EpHramm, Epmunp, JacoB (plantation to each). Daughters: Sarau, Patience, Mornin. Executors: Witu1am STEPHENS (brother) and Erparaim STEPHENS (son). Witnesses: ARTHUR ForT, BENNET BLAcKMAN, RAcHEL STEPHENS. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Youne. SterHenson, Grorer. Edgecombe County. June 25, 1753. August Court, 1754. Nephews: JosrpH STEPHENSON (son of brother, Witiiam), Jesse and Wiii1am SrerHenson (sons of brother, CHARLES). Executor: WILLIAM STEPHENSON. Witnesses: HENRY Horn, Evizaseta Horn, Sion Horne. Clerk of the Court: Benjamin Wywns. Stepyyey, JouN. Perquimans County. November 11, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: Jonn (three planta- tions, one lying on Indian Creek, and one negro), Samuru (“plantation whereon I now live” and plantation on Indian Creek, together with one negro). Daughters: Saran, Mary, Marcny, EvizasetH and RacHEL. Wife and Ezecutriz: Saran. Executors: Joan Stepney (son) and ZacHa- rian Nixon. Witnesses: THomas Cattaway, Wituiam Wvart, Levy Haveuron. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harcu. . Strepyery, Joun. Perquimans County. February 2,1754. AprilCourt,1754. Sons: Witu1am, Joun. Daughter: Mary Stepney. Wife and Executrixz: Evizasetu. Executor: WILLIAM Wratt. Witnesses: Josoua Harman, BREaATHARD TRUBLOVE. Clerk of the Court: Wituiam SKINNER. ABSTRACT OF Wis, 1690—1760. 361 Stevens, JAMEs. Bath County. September 5, 1739. November 15, 1739. Wife and Executrix: Jmnet. Witnesses: RicHarp CHEEK, JOHN QuIN, JAMES CHEEK. Proven before Gas, JOHNSTON. Stevens, JEREMIAH. Currituck County. August 24, 1757. September Court, 1757. Daughters: Easter and EvizaBetH Srevens. Executor: Samunn Jarvis. Witnesses: JOHN Lurry, WILLIAM FeREBE, JoHN Barnes. Clerk of the Court: WM. Mearns. Stevens, Tuomas. Craven County. June 11, 1751. June Court, 1751. Sons: Joun (“my plantation’), Tomas. Daughters: Saran, Mary and Frances Stevens. Wife: Mary. Executors: THomas Srrvens (sons), Benyamin Brocxit. Witnesses: Joun GranabDE, JoHN Kinsey, Saran Brocxerr. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Youne. Stevens, THomasen. Currituck County. April 20, 1748. October 5, 1748. Sons: Micuant OnraAt, Joun StE- vens. Daughter: Mary Stevens... Executors: THomas Parker and JoHN Stevens. Witnesses: Too. Taytor, GILBIRD Portwoop, JamEes MERCER. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCuvure. Stevens, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. October 24, 1697. January Court, 1697. Legatees: Ropert West, Tuomas GintamM (Executor). Witnesses: HenpERSON WaLkER, JOHN Hovu.psrook, ANN WaLkEeR. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEvIn. Stevens, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. February 22, 1750. March 13, 1750. Son: Jams (“my plantation’’), Wife and Executriz: PENNELOPE. Witnesses: RicharD Newman, EzexIEL Dickinson, SauaTHieL Mixon. Clerk of the Court: Witt1am ORMOND. Will almost illegible. Stevenson, CHARLES. Northampton County. July 4, 1748. November Court, 1751. Sons: Benjamin, GEORGE, Wiiu1am and Jesse (land divided among them). Daughters: Marrua, Susanna and Ouive. Wife: Exvizapetse. Executor: WiLu1am STEVENSON (son). Witnesses: Jonn Dawson, ABRM. Hoop, Epwarp StTREATER. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Stevenson, WILLIAM. Perquimans County. July 18, 1738. July Court, 1739. Grandsons: Wiuuiam (“1 Church Bybel and silverware marked W. 8.”’), Jonn, Josep and THomas STEVEN- 362 Asstract or Wizs, 1690—1760. son (“all the residue of my estate”). Sonand Executor: Joun. Witnesses: Witiiam Amster, JosspH BuncomBe, James TURNBULL. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Stewarp, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. August 11, 1709. Wife and Executriz: Evizapera. Sons: WILLIAM and Josers. Daughters: Mary and Patience. Wutnesses: Frencu and Exiz. Frencn. No probate. The signature of Joun Lawson appears on the back of this will. Stewarp, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. April 11, 1711. Sons: Wiitiam and JosepsH. Daughters: Patinnce, Erizapets and Mary. Wife and Executriz: EuizaBers. Witnesses: Frenca and Frencw. Clerk of the Court: Epwp, BENWICKE. Stewart, JoHN. Craven County. , October 13, 1741. June 22,1742. Legatees: Jacon Tomson, JoHN, son of Ricnarp Byrp; Exizapetn, daughter of SamMuEL Present. LE-xecutors: Denis Opyrr (father-in-law), Ricoarp Byrp. Witnesses: Jno. HErRine, Ricuarp Byrp. Registrar: Epwarp GRIFFITH. Stewart, JoHn. Bertie County. August 5, 1773. December 13, 1774. Wife and Executriz: JENNET. Ezecutors: ANDREW BuNN and Groree LockHart. Witnesses: GEORGE Marruews, THomas CLarxson, MartHew CrawrorpD. Proven before Jo. Martin. Stewart, Levi. Currituck County. July 15,1752. January Court, 1753. Sons: Jonn (“plantation I now live on’’), Levi (one negro). Wife and Executrix: ANN (one negro). Wit- nesses: JOSEPH STEWART, JOHN BENNET, WILLIS Mitumr. Clerk of the Court: Win11am SHERGOLD, Impression of head on seal. Stipatt, RicHarp. Chowan County. September 18, 1695. April Court, 1695. Daughters: Many, PASHENCE. Executors: WiLLIsAM PREvES, WILLIAM CHALTON. Witnesses: WILLIAM Preves, WitLiam CHALTEN, ARTHUR CaRLETON. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Strrine, GEORGE. Carteret County. March 29, 1745. June Court, 1745. Sons: Gnorer, Joun and Henry. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Daughters: EvizaBeTH and Joyce Sririna. Witnesses: Wiut1amM Sauter, Henry Smitu. Clerk of the Court: GuorGE. Reap. Assrract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. 363 } SroaKLzy, JOSEPH. Pasquotank County. December 12, 1729. January 38, 1729-1730. Sons: Isaac, JosEru. Daughter: Mary Sroaxuey. Other legatees: Isack DetiEMar, WILLIAM CartricHt. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Witnesses: THomMas MERREDAY, Joun Ricks, Wm. Minson. Proven before Ricoarp EverarD. To chil- dren is bequeathed six negroes and one gold ring each. Stocxizy, THoMas. New Hanover County. September 5, 1757. February Court, 1758. Brothers: CaPEWELL Stocxiey (Executor), Peter Stockury. Sister: ANN SrockiEy. Sons: Joun and Tuomas. Witnesses: Jonn WILKINSON, JONATHAN STURGES, Jacop Stockipy. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. - Stonz, Jon. Perquimans County. October 14, 1744. January Court, 1744. Sons: Joun, Witu1am and Mosss. Wife and Executriz: Mary (land on Veases Creek), Executor: Rate FuietcHer. Witnesses: JoHn Purry, Jonn Munpien, Rocer Kenyon. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Harca. Stone, RicHarp. Currituck County. August 19, 1749: October Court, 1749. Daughters: Aums and AMay Stone, Mary Parxser. Son-in-law: Joan Parker. Wife and Executriz: Sinna. Executor: Perer Daucs. Witnesses: Joan WuHITEHURST, PETER Daver. Clerk of the Court: Ricaarp McCiurs. STRICKLAND, JOSEPH. Northampton County. September 25, 1755. November Court, 1755. Son: Axem (‘my plan- tation”). Daughters: RacueL STRICKLAND (land on Great Branch), ABE- GILL STRICKLAND, OLLIEF STRICKLAND. Wife and Executriz: ELisaBETH. Executor: JoserH Sixes. Witnesses: Witt1amM Moors, JoHN Powe ut. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. SrrickLanp, WILLIAM. Bertie County. May Court, 1728. Sons: Witu1aM, JouN (100 acres of land at Roanoak), Josrra (100 acres of land at Roanoak), MarrHew, SaMvEL (“my dwelling plantation”). No wife or executor named. Witnesses: NatTHANIEL Coorer and Evias Forp. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstmr. Srrinerer, Francis. Craven County. January 8, 1749. March 30, 1753. Mother: Mary Strineer (planta- tion on Contentne bought of Henry SUMMERLIN and two negroes), Broth- ers-in-law: Joun Sune (land on Stoney Town Creek, in Chowan County bought of Dmraam Hanpcock), Dante, SHINE (land on Falling Creek). 364 AxsstRact oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 7 Brother: Witu1amM STRINGER (lots in Newbern). Daughter: EvizaBrra Srrincer (eight slaves). Other legatees: ANNE GOFFEE, JOHN STRINGER, son of GzorcE Strinaer of Core Creek; W1nL1am Bonn, GEorGcE STRINGER, son of brother Raups; and THomas Srrineer (land commonly called Dover). Provision is made for fund for poor of parish. Wife: Hannan (eight negroes). Hzecutors: Danu. SHinn, James Green and THomas Graves. Witnesses: ABNER Nuaun, Jno. Kannapy, JoHN Jonzs, Jos ATHERLY, Codicil witnessed by Jno. Otive and Jno. CanNaDY bequeaths slaves to wife. Proven before Marr. Rowan. Srrincrer, Mary. Chowan County. April 27, 1744. May 10, 1748. Sons: Joun and Francis Sanprrs (Executors). Daughters: Mary Dawson, MartHa SuMNER. Grand- daughters: Frusan Morris, Evizapeta Corrinc and Mary GarpNeErR, Witnesses: Epwarp Harz, Henry CuayTon, Epwarp Harz, Jr. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. STRINGFIELD, RicHarp. Northampton County. July 19, 1747. November Court, 1747. Sons: James, Ruicwarp, Josera (Executor). Witnesses: Toomas SHorn, SAMUEL WaRREN. Clerk of the Court: Rr, Forster. Srrowps, Jou. Currituck County. January 28, 1693. January 25, 1703-1704. Daughters: Mary and EvizaBeTH (“all my estate”), Executor: Jounn Bunnerr, Witnesses: Wituiam Starrorp, Mary Bennerr, Ricuarp Everineron. Clerk of the Court: Enwp. TayLer. Sruagr, Joun. Chowan Precinct. January 5, 1702-1703. January Court, 1706-1707. Wife and Execu- yrix: not named. Daughter: Mary. Witnesses: Wm. Wi.KINnS, ALEXR. Giutacin. Clerk of the Court: N. Cuevin. Stuart, Joun. New Hanover Precinct. June 27, 1736. July 9, 1736. Legatees: Saran Smita, HENRIETTA Sruarr (sister, of Inverness in North Britain), Ezecutors: THomas Warprorer (Surveyor General of the Province) and Jamms Murray, of Brunswick. Witnesses: James Feraus, Wm. Exuison. Proven before W. Sorru, C. J. Srusss, Ricuarp. Tyrrell County. February 25, 1754, March Court, 1754. Brothers: Everrrr (“my manner plantation”), Wiiu1am, THomas, JoHn. Sister: Mary. Other ABSTRACT oF Wixxs, 1690—1760. 365 legatee: ANN Jones. Ezecutors: THomas and Evreretr Stusss. Wit- nesses: Davip Airs, Esruer Waixer, Mary Stuszs. Clerk of the Court: Evan JoNnzES. Stusss, THomas. Beaufort County. January 17,1738. August 7, 1737. (Letters issued May 23, 1739.) Sons: Witu1amM (“my maner plantation lying near Moratock Bridge’), Tuomas (plantation on Flat Swamp ‘‘on Pantico Road”), Evrernt (“land on Pantico Road”), Jon (land on Coneke Creek called Briles Neck), RicHarp (land called Saverges). Daughters: Hanan and Mary. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: James Dwigut, NaTHaNIEL EVEReT. Clerk of the Court: ANDERSON Sage. Srusss, WiLiiaM. December 8, 1756. June Court, 1757. Bath Town. Son: WituiaM. Daughter: Margaret. Wife and Evxecutriz: Janz. Witnesses: JoHN Axporson, SAMUEL THOMSON, Peter Carta. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. Svea, Guoree. Beaufort County. October 29, 1758. November Court, 1758. Sons: Nimrop (land on -Tison Creek), Jony, GzorGE and ALLEN Suae. Daughters: Lucry Tison, Fanny and Saran Suea. Ezecutors: Aquira Suac, ABRaHwAM Tison, Jom, and ALLEN Suaa. Witnesses: THos. TirpesLtey, FRimpRicw Szrent, Jonn ANDERS. Proven at Enfield Court. I. Epwarns, Clerk of the Court. Sumner, JaMEs. Perquimans County. March 26, 1750. May 14, 1750. Sons: Luxe (two plantations), James (three plantations), Sera (land on Sutton’s Creek), Davip (plan- tation “where Davin KeLiEy now lives’), Ropert, WiILLIaM and Josian (200 pounds current money of Virginia to each). To each of sons is bequeathed negro slaves, and to Josiam is devised houses and lots in Suffolk, Virginia. Daughters: Mary and PENELOPE (200 pounds in money and two negroes to each). Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: Tuomas Hurpuz, Demsry Sumner. Good impression of castle on seal. Sumyer, JoHy. Chowan County. April 18, 1754. January Court, 1755. Sons: Samur. (“plantation whereon I now live”), Wiiu1am (land bought éf Joserx and Gricory Sratiines and Jonn Knieut, and three negroes), Jacop (land on west side of Orapeak Swamp known as Kilmaney, six negroes), JosnrH (land at Tar River bought of ABRAHAM OpuM, and five negroes), Moss (land bought of Witt1am Wess in Bertie County, and four negroes). Daugh- 366 AsstracT oF Witzs, 1690—1760. ter: ELISABETH BaTTuE (four negroes). Wife and Executriz: ELISABETH (nine negroes). Witnesses: JosppH Jones, JOHN Benton, SR., JASEN CaMPBELL, Rosanna Rinpicx, JetHRo Benton. Clerk of the Court: Wii Hatsey. Impression of coronet on seal. Sumner, Ricuarp. Bertie County. April 12, 1729. May Court, 1729. Son and Executor: James (“my manner plantation”). Wife: Mary. Daughter: CHarity Sumner. Ez- ecutor: James Bryant (father-in-law). Witnesses: James Woop, Epwarp Green, Joun Surton. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Sutton, Groree. March 11, 1699. No probate. Son: Ricnarp. Daughters: EvizaBEeTa (plantation at the Richland), Desorau (plantation at the hickory land). Wife: not named, and no executrix appointed. Surron, JosEpPu. Perquimans County. January 20, 1694-1695. April Court, 1696., Sons: Josmpx, CHRISTO- PHER, GEoRGE and Natuaniet., Wife and Executrix: DELIVERANCE. Witnesses: Jenkin Wi.utams, Francis Foster, Witu1aM Barrow. Clerk of the Court: W. GLover. Surron, JosuPu. Perquimans County. January 11, 1723-1724. March 10, 1723. Sons: Grorer and JosErH (“plantation I now live on”). To JosEpH is also given two negroes, and to Grorce two negroes. Daughters: Pasuencr and ExizaBperu (six silver spoons, one silver cup and silver tankard). Grandson: THomas Surron. Ezxecutors: Richarp Wuipsex (brother) and GrorcE Surron (son), Witnesses: Ricuarp Raturr, Wituiam Woop, WILLiAM BaRBER. Proven before Gro. BurRiNGToON. Surron, JosEpu. Perquimans County. January 15, 1723-1724. March 26, 1724. Son: Curistopumr (land and negroes). Daughters: Saran and Evizasuru (land called Edghill Leavels), Mary (land on Sutton’s Creek), Hannan (land on Sipros (Cypress) Swamp). Brothers: Gmorar and Naruanimy Surron. Wife and Executriz: Respeckan. Ezecutors: Pretrer Jones and RiIcHARD Wuippy. Witnesses: Francis Craxton, Ricuarp Rarriirr, WILLIAM Jonzs. Proven before Gas, JOHNSTON. Sutton, Mary. Perquimans County. November 14, 1738. January Court, 1738. Mother: Resecxa DEN- MAN. Sisters: Saran Tuomas and ExizasetH Movuuin. Brother and AxsstTrRactT oF WILLS, 1690—1760. 3867 Executor: CaristoPpHer SutTron (plantation on Sutton’s Creek). Cousin and Executor: JoszerH Sutton. Witnesses: Bensamin Baptist, ANN BarsBer. Clerk of the Court: Jamms Craven. Surron, NaTHANtIEt. December 20, 1682. March 12, 1682. Sons: Grorce (“plantation whereon I now live”), JosrrpH (plantation where Epwarp PouLTER lives), NaraanieL (150 acres of land). Daughter: RepzcKaH. Cousin: Joan Goppy. Wife: not named. Witnesses: Epwarp PouLTer, JOHN Kinse. Clerk of the Court: Tuos, SNoDEN. Surton, Txomas. Bertie County. February 3, 1750-1751. March 2, 1750. Sons: Taomas, WiLu1aM, Grorcez, JosHua, Jasper (land divided among these sons). Daughters: Partuenta, Mary, Exvizapetu, Jupira. Wife: Evizasera. Executors: Jonn Harpison and Epwarp Rasor. Witnesses: PETER WINANTS, ArtTHur WILLiams, EvizaBpetH Rasor. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON at Eden House. Eight negroes are divided among children. Swain, JEREMIAH. Tyrrell County. June 28, 1746. September Court, 1746. Scuppernong. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Son: Joun (‘my plantation”). Brother: Jamzms Swain (100 acres of land). Wétnesses: Joun Swain, WinuiaM TarxrycTon, Mary West. Clerk of the Court in 1746: James Connor; in 1747: Josian Harr. Swain, JoHN. Tyrrell County. April 6, 1749. December Court, 1749. Sons: James: (land on Riders Creek), Joun (plantation on the Sound Side), Wituiam and STEPHEN (“the manor plantation”). Daughters: ExizapetH Mary Hooxer, Rosanna and Marraa Swain. Grandson: Joun Swain (son of JERE- MIAH). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Josnru SPRUILL, JOANNE CuEston, Marcaret Genxxens. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jones. Swain, WinuraM. Tyrrell County. December 15, 1752. March Court, 1753. Brothers: Joun and JAMES . Swain. Wife and Executriz: Manny. Witnesses: Josepa SPRUILL, WIL- LIAM Ruoaps, Marraa Swain. Clerk of the Court: Evan JonzEs. Swains, STeruen. Chowan County. January 24, 1712-1718. Sons: Joun, James, Ricuarp (plantation devised to each). Daughters: ExizapeTa Spruit, Mary and PaTiEnce Swaine. Wife and Executriz: Patience. Proven before J. Pain, Clerk of the Court, by the deposition of Taos. SNoDEN. 368 Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Swann, SAMUEL. Perquimans County. January 8, 1753. April Court, 1753. Daughters: Mary, wife of Ricu- ARD CLATEN (lands on sound side, and lands lying to westward of afore- said), Saran, ANN, ExvizapeTH, Marrua, Jane and Marcarer. Other legatees: Jesse Henbury (“one-half my Allegator land”), JoHn Varn (brother). Hzxecutors: Jonn and Jeremian Vait (brothers). Witnesses: Joan Smita, Susanwas Vaw (?), Wiuitam Woutarps. Clerk of the Court: Eymunp Hatco. Swann seal used. Swany, Samvet. Perquimans Precinct. September 12, 1707. April 20, 1708. Sons: Witi1am (bible and seal ring), Sampson, Henry and Tuomas (land between Muddy Creek and Marshy Gutt; lightwood on Grassy Point land, one pitch kettle “to Boyle Tarr”; ‘all the goods I have sent for from London—shagathee, shalloon and silk to make them a suit”’”); Samusiand Joun. Daughters: EvizaABETH and Saran Swann. Brother: Richarp Buanp, of Virginia. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBets (“my plantation whereon I now live during her life and then to son, SamMuEL’’). Witnesses: ExizaBera THICKPEN, ANN Mose.ey, Joun Lituineton, Francis Foster, Epwv. Mosreitey. Clerk of the Court: J. Knigut. Impression of what seems to be a coronet on seal. Letters testamentary with a copy of will is annexed to this will, signed by W. Guover and sealed with the seal of the proprietors—A cross surrounded by coat of arms of the eight lords proprietors. _ Swann, THomas. Pasquotank County. May 7, 1733. August 9, 1733. Sons: Samurt (one plantation), Wit- L1aM (plantation bought of Ropert WaLtis). ‘But in case either of my said sons shall sell, alien, mortgage or any other way convey either of ye sd plantations hereby given out of ye name of Swann then it shall and may be lawful for ye other of my sd sons to reenter and take possession of the same.”’ Daughters: Reprcca and EvizaABeTH Swann (land at Moyock, in Currituck). To each of sons is bequeathed a horse, bridle and saddle. All estate, consisting of negroes, lands, cattle, etc., is given to wife for educa- tion of children. Wife and Executriz: Evizapeta. Executor: EpwarD MoseLey. Witnesses: Banya. Pritcuarp, Mary Epwarps, Samu. WIs8. Proven before GzorcE BurrineTon. Coat of arms on seal illegible. Swirt, Epueram. White Oak, in Onslow County. ° November 4, 1744. Sons: EpnmraM, EBrnezer. Wife: Poesy. Exec- utor: JoHN Starkey. Witnesses: Taos. Cummins, EmMet Jones, Francis Reavis. No probate. Portion of this will is missing. Swinson, RicHarp. Chowan County. April 24,1716. July Court, 1716. Sons: Ricnarp (‘my plantation’), Joun (200 acres of land), W1t1aM (land on Creek). Son-in-law: RicHARD ABSTRACT OF Wis, 1690—1760. 369 Kanapy (land ‘from pecoson to the Little Bridges”). Wife and Executriz: Exizasers, Witnesses: Mary Swinson, Gi. Hauurpay. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. ae Syvers, GERRARD. March 29,1755. ‘‘Late of Perth Amboy but now of Cape Fear.” Wife and Executrix: Jane. Other legatees: Puitip Kearny, of Perth Amboy; AnpREW GoutTry (sea books and instruments). Hzecutors: CORNELIUS Harnettand Danie, Dunsisin. Witnesses: Samu. DuNsBIBIN, JOHN EDE, Jno. Lyetnt, Proven before AktHUR Dosss. Impression of anchor and ropes on seal. Symons, Bensamin. Pasquotank- County. October 24, 1748. Son: Aprauam (plantation and one negro). Daugh- ters: ANN, Mary and Hanna Symons. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBETH. Executor: Wint1am Symons (uncle). Witnesses: JosprH Baitey, JoHN Davis, Hannan Symons. No probate. Symons, JEREMIAH. Pasquotank County. March 30, 1713. December 12, 1713. Sons: Jpremian, WILLIAM and SamMvELL (plantation divided between them). Daughters: Tamer, wife of SamuEL Runpry; Desoran, wife of WM. Caancry; Sarau, wife of THos. Rozsinson; Mary Symons (to these are bequeathed negroes), ANN OVER- MAN and EvizaBeTH Symons. LEzecutors: JerpmMian Symons, SAMUELL Bunpey and Caartes OveRMAN. Witnesses: W. Norris, Jonn Symons, Henry Warre. No probate. Symons, JEREMIAH. Pasquotank County. November 1, 1740. January Court, 1740. Little River in the County of Pasquotank. Sons: Bunsamin, JEREMIAH (“my manor plantation”). Daughters: Saran Reapinc, ANN Spence, Hannan Symons. Wife and Executriz: RacHeL. Witnesses: WILLIAM SyYMons, JEHOSAPHAT SYMONS, James OvERMAN. Clerk of the Court: THo. Taytor. Symons, Joun. Pasquotank County. November 13, 1741. January Court, 1741. Sons: THomas and Perer (plantation divided between them). All estate is bequeathed to afore- mentioned sons. No executor or other legatees named. Witnesses: W1L- Liam Symons, Aaron Morais, JoNATHAN Wuite. Clerk of the Court: Tuos. Taytor. 24 370 Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Symons, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. September 11, 1748. January 19, 1748. Wife and Ezecutriz: Eviza- BETH (two negroes). Executor: JosepH RoBERTSON. Witnesses: Mary Symons, JosepH SyMons, JONATHAN LANGWITHTHA. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON, Symons, Racuszt (relict of Jzeremian). Pasquotank Co. October 12, 1748, April 11, 1749. Daughters: Saran Reapine, ANN Spence and Hannag Symons. Son: BensaMin. Grandson: ABRAHAM Symons. Granddaughter: ANN Reppine. Executor: Benyamin SyMons (son). Witnesses: Terence Sweeny, Rosert Lowry, JEHOSHAPHAT Symons, Racue, Symons. Proven before E. Hatt, C. J. Symons, THomas. Pasquotank Precinct. January 20, 1702-1703. February 16, 1706. Sons: Joun and Peter (plantation to each), Wife and Ezxecutriz: Resecca. Witnesses: JEams Waite, Joun Movis, Jonn Waite, Zacnariag Nixon. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. ABINGTON. Symons, Tuomas. Pasquotank County. February 30, 1757. March Court, 1758. Sons: Joun, ABRAHAM, Tuomas (to each is devised land). Daughters: Miriam and ANN. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: JeHosHaPHaT Symons, NaTHAN OvER- MAN, JOHN SanpERS, Clerk of the Court: Tuo. Taytor. Coat of arms on seal. Syms, WILzraM. Edgecombe County. October 24, 1755. Daughter: Saran Wuooprer (plantation lying on Kehukey). Son: Wriitiam. Executor: Joun WuiraKrer. Witnesses: Tuos, TayLor, Mary TrEe, XtR. Haynes. No probate. Tarxineton, JoHN. November 14, 1715. August 2,1716. “Scoppernun.”” Son: WitL1aM (lands). Daughters: Many and Resecca Tarkineron. Wife and Ezec- uiriz: Marraa, Executor: Epwarp Purves “of Scoppernun” (Scupper- nong). Witnesses: Joun Wincret, Mary Lason, J. Warxins. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. TarxKineton, WILLIAM. Tyrrell County. February 21, 1747. September Court, 1748. Sons: Jonn (land on Sheep Neck Branch), JosHua, BENJAMIN and JosePH, WiuiiaM and Zesvu- Lon (to each is given land). Daughters: ANN, Sanaw and Joanna. Wife and Executriz: mentioned, but not named. Witnesses: Marruew Cas- WELL, Epwarp PuHEtps, ELIZABETH CASWELL, Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. AgstTracT oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 371 Tart, JosEPH. Hyde County. June 19,1748. September 6, 1748. Sons: NarHan and Josnra. Daugh- ters: Mary McCrae and Tasiraa Tart. Wife and Executriz: Saran (plantations in Hyde and Beaufort). Ezecutors: Richarp Newman and Ricaarp Lzerrmont. Witnesses: Witu1aM Mors, Jacos Consr, Rp. Leir- mont, Clerk of the Court: Taomas Loack. Tatum, NaTHaNtrEt. Edgecombe County. November 9, 1750. February Court, 1750. Sons: Epwarp, NaTHan- IEL, Peter and Joss. Daughter: Resecker Tatum. All lands divided among children. One negro bequeathed to children. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetH. Witnesses: James Cane, ELLENER WeEvER, ReBecca Cane, Clerk of the Court: Brenan. WYNNS, Taytor, ABRAHAM. Johnston County. April 2, 1751. December Court, 1751. Sons: Ropert, Jacos, JosEPH and AprawaM. Daughters: PRupENcE TayLor, ANNE CaLTON, RacHEL Brzziey. Grandchildren: Dinan and ABRAHAM TaryLor. Wife: EpE. Executor: JoserH TayLor (son). Witnesses: Henry Ropsrts, Saraw Privat, J. ATKINSON. Clerk of the Court: Cuas. Youne. Taytor, ANDREW. Northampton County. March 1, 1759. April Court, 1759. Sons: Cates (plantation and two negroes), DemMsy (one negro). Daughters: Grace and Jupirn. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Witnesses: I, Epwarps, Jonn Hayes, SamurEL Hayes. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Taytor, ANN. February 4, 1764. March 16, 1764. This is a nuncupative will proven by Samurt Swann before ArtHuR DosBss, and bequeaths negroes to grandchildren of Samu. Swann, and an annuity to one Mrs. SauNDERS. Tartor, EBENnEzer. April 21, 1711. Cousins: SamureL and Exinor Cross. Wife: AGNES (house and plantation). Brothers: SamuEL Taytorn, BENJAMIN TaYLor. Library bequeathed to son of BrenJAMIN who entered the ministry. Land on Forsters Creek ordered sold. Son-in-law: Gowpn Lonpon. Brother: Epwarp Waker (Executor). Executor: SamueL Cross. Witnesses: EBENEZER Taytor, Gipzon JoHNson, SAMUEL and JosErpH Wrace. No probate, Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 273. Taytor, Epwarp. December 3, 1710. Daughters: Saran, Dorcas, ANNE. Wife: Saran, Executriz: Saran Taytor. Witnesses: TimotHy Eves, Racuet Erves, AzrixaM Parker, Jn. Clerk of the Court: Rost. BucKNER. 872 AgstTracT oF Wits, 1690—1760. xv Tayior, Jane (widow of Narnanret). Carteret Precinct. April 17,1754. This is a nuncupative will, proven before Enoch Warp by Francis Davis. All estate of testatrix is bequeathed to one IsHmaEL TayLor, who was formerly aslave of her husband. Deposition approved by NarHaniEv Rics. Taytor, JOHN. Chowan County. March 19, 1715-1716. September Court, 1716. Son: Jonn. Wife and Executriz: Mantua, Evzecutors: Henry and Witi1amM ConeR. Witnesses: JERE, VaIL, Roperp Stecry. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Taytor, JOHN. Craven County. March 24, 1772. March 28,1772. Sons: ABsouaM, JoHN. Grandson: Joun Taytor. Daughters: VioLater GARDE, TAMER TaYLoR, COURTNEY Taytor. Granddaughter: Ausz Garpr. Executor: Bazetu Smirn, Wit- nesses: JACOB Sikes, ANN Sikes, EtizaneTH THomMpson. Proven before Jo. Martin, Taytor, Lemvett. Perquimans Precinct. November 3, 1719. July Court, 1720. Son: Lemur. (plantation and one negro). Wife and Executrixz: JEan. Witnesses: DaNELL Hau, JAMES Cuzson, Jo. Oates. Clerk of the Court: WM. HaBEL. / Taytor, Luxe. Chowan County. December 18,1773. February 8,1774, Sons: Joun and Tuomas (plan- tation divided between them). Wife: Desporan. Evzecutors: JoserH Crescy, JoHN WILKINS and JoHN TayLor. Proven before Jo. MARTIN. Taytor, NatTHaniet. April 3, 1734. May 13, 1734. Wife and Executriz: Janz (silver plate and remainder of estate). Witnesses: Jamus BEL, Francis Davis, HENRY Buiurton. Proven before Narau. Rice. Taytor, Ratpex. New Hanover County. November 18, 1757. February Court, 1758. Wilmington. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Ezecutors: BensAMIN Morrison and WiLu1aM Lorp. Witnesses:. ARMAND DeRosset, Danrex DuNBIBIN and ARTHUR MAB- son. Clerk of the Court: Ja. Moran. Provision made for payment of debts due merchants in Liverpool. Tayztor, Rogsrt. Albemarle Precinct. September 7, 1700. Wife: Ann Tayzor (all real and personal estate). Executriz: ANN Taytor. Witnesses: Too, Rotrs, Tao. Lewiss, Rosr. Lovs. No probate. AxsstRact oF WILLS, 1690—1760. 373 Taytor, Roper. Edgecombe County. September Court, 1758. Sons: Ropurt and Epwarp (1 shilling to each), JosepH, Wiitiam, Henry, Ricaarp, THomas, Bruuinetron, Nim- Rov and Hupson. Daughters: Jupirn and Racuet Tartor, ANN Huss. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Witnesses: WiLL1am Hupson, JamMEs VAULX, Wn. Hupson, Jr. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Tayitor, SAMUEL. Northampton County. 1746. Sons: Rosert (“my plantation’ and two negroes), Eruon. (land and two negroes), Harry (lands). Daughters: EvizaBeTH and MartHa Taytor (negro and increase). Wife: Ceuta. Executor: Eran. Tayzor (son). Bequests made to son, SamMuEL Taytor, ‘‘in case he re- turns to Meherrin to enjoy same.” No signature, witnesses or probate. Taytor, Tuomas, Sr. Currituck Precinct. August 20, 1734. July Court, 1736. Sons: Epwarp (negroes) and Tuomas. Daughters: Saran (wife of JEREMIAH STEPHENS), BRIDGET (wife of SamurL Jarves), Beruia Taytor. Grandsons: BENJAMIN Tay- Lor and Ezexie, Puiturrs. Wife and Executriz: EastHer. Witnesses: SterpHen Wituiams, Soto. Jarves, J. Martyn. Clerk of the Court: Jos. SMITH. TayLor, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. December 30, 1772. January 23, 1773. Brother: James TayLor. Wife and Executrix: Mary (four negroes). Executors: JOHN RICHARDSON (brother-in-law) and Cates Nasu. Witnesses: W. Norris, JoHN Craw- ForD, Jer. SepLEY. Proven before Jo. Martin. TERNELL, JACOB. December 18, 1711. July 1, 1713. Little River. Cousins: ANN Hitt, Roverr Hi (“my land in Kakcomak). Executor: RicHaRD Hiwu (brother). Witnesses: Jouw Mackie, Jonn Smita, Epwop. Proven before JoHN NELSON. TrrRiti,. WILLIAM. Albemarle County. June 83,1682. Little River. Sons: Witu1aM, “in Weymouth, New Eng- land” (plantation on Little River, commonly called the Quarter), Gipzon, “of Weymouth afsd” (land on Little River and Deep Creek). Daughter: Mary (wife of Wittiam Manson). Other legatees: Mary, daughter of Narwantei Baxter; Joan, son of Ricnarp Ture. Ezecutors: GrorcE Durrant of “Bertey Point,” Jonn Hunt of Little River. Witnesses: Sam Wooprow, Witi1am Hucues, Natuaniet Baxter. No probate. Impression of swan on seal. 374 AxsstRactT oF Wits, 1690—1760. Tester, Rosert. January 8, 1695. January 13, 1696. This is a nuncupative will, proven before Joun Stepney by THomas and KaTHEerRIne CLARK, and names legatees: JouN Hopkins and RoBert TESTER. Tuomas, BarnaBEE. October 5, 1735. December 11, 1735. Son: Exisna (plantation and two negroes). Wife: Sarau (“ye use of all my negroes, she using them as a Christen ought to do’’). Brother and Executor: Purtirp. Witnesses: Wittiam Toomas, Jno. Dawson, JacoB Carr. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON, Tomas, Francis. Chowan County. September 16, 1738. January 15, 1739. Sons: SterHEen, JoHN and Wituram, Francis (‘plantation I live on, called the forck of the Duckin- stool”). Daughter: Exizasera Tomas. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joun Jonpan, EpMoND CoNELL, JAMES WILLIAMS. Proven before W. Smits, C. J. Tuomas, FRANCcIs. Bladen County. June 8, 1756. October Court, 1756. Son: Grorcr. Wife and Execu- triz: Joan. Witnesses: Toos. Haut, Lucy Hatt, THomas Smita. Clerk of the Court: J. Burewin. THomas, JoHN. Northampton County. March 18, 1745. May Court, 1746. Son: JosrrH (plantation and negro). Wife and Evxecutrix: ANN. Witnesses: I. Epwarps, JoHN GoopatL, MatrHew Lowry. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Tuomas, JosEPH. Bertie Precinct. December 10, 1735. February Court, 1735. Sons: JoserH, MIKEL, Luxe and Jams (lands divided among them). Daughter: CHarity Tuomas. To sons is also given negroes. Wife: ExisapeTH. Executor: Joun Spivey. Witnesses: Frans. Hopson, Wma. Simons. Clerk of the Court: JNo. WYNNB. Tuomas, JosEPH. Bertie County. April 26, 1752. April Court, 1758. Sons: MicHaEL (640 acres of land “now in the possession of GrirFIN SUMMERELL,”’ together with stock of cattle and hogs and two negroes), Jostan (land ‘“‘on which NaTHANIEL Keet lives,” together with cattle, etc., and one negro boy), Josrerx (‘my plantation,” stock and one negro), Daughters: Mary (land adjoining Joun Spivey, and one negro), Exvisapeta Tuomas (land ‘‘Whereon AzstTract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 375 Jupira Tuomas now lives’). Wife and Evxecutriz: ANN. Executors: Tuomas WHITMILL and ARTHUR WILLIAMS. Wetnesses: Jos1an COLLINS, NarnanieL Keet, JosppH Kerr, Richarp Sparkman. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Tuomas, JOSEPH. Edgecombe County. October 24, 1757. June Court, 1758. Daughters: Mary, PRISCILLA and Cuarrry Tuomas (to each is devised lands on Pigg Basket Creek, and one negro), Mornine (“my plantation”). Wife and Evxecutriz:, Movrnine (or Mornina). Executor: Jonn Tuomas (brother), Wit- nesses: Micasan THoMas, WILLIAM DrernaLi, Mournine THomas. Clerk of the Court: Jos. MonTFoRT. Tuomas, JosiaH. New Hanover County. January 30,1751. May Court, 1752. Brothers: HANNANIAH and AZRIAH Tuomas. Cousin: James Witurams (lot “on the Town Sandhills’). Daughter: ANN Tuomas (lot in Wilmington, ten acres ‘‘of ye aforesaid Sand Hills, and plantation whereon I now live’). Wife and Ezecutriz: Hanna (land on Long Creek). Witnesses: Many Ann Dusose, Exiza- BETH CaRTER. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Farizs. THomas, Lovis. Craven County. October 30, 1730. March 16, 1730-1731. Wife and Executriz: ANN Martua. Daughter: Evizapera Tuomas. Son-in-law: Jonn MicHEen _SHILFER. Witnesses: Josaua Piatt, JonN Pace. Clerk of the Court: C. METCALFE. Tuomas, Luxe. Edgecombe County. June 20, 1751. August Court, 1751. Brother and Executor: Jacos Tuomas (“my plantation,” together with one negro), Sister: Mary Tuomas (one negro). Other legatee: Ezextan Keni, Witnesses: Epwo. Brown, Joun Tanner, Exvizapera Keeu, Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN Wyryyns, 5 THomas, Morean. 1709. Legatees: James Martin and JoHN ANDERSON. Witnesses: James Luton, Epwarp Harper. No executor or probate. Tuomas, THomas. Bladen County. March 6, 1758. April Court, 1758. Sons: SamMuEL, JoserH, Cor- NELIuSs, THomas (land in Craven on Flat Swamp), Jonn and Amos (land on Dunn’s Creek). Daughters: Puepn, Mantua and HuizaBeta THomas, Priscitta Dunn. Wife and Executriz: PrupEnce. Witnesses: Jostan Evans, JONATHAN Evans. Clerk of the Court: J. Burewin. 376 Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Tuomson, Davy. Duplin County. March 6, 1773. October 26, 1773. Sons: Witi1am (two negroes, and land lying between Buck Hall and the spring branch), Davip (two ne- groes, and land on Cow Marsh), James (two negroes, and land on Buck Hall), StepHen (“my plantation,” three negroes, and ‘‘my large Book called Burket on the New Testament’’). Daughters: AMELIA and Mar- THA THOMSON (three negroes to each). Sons-in-law: Roger SNELL and JessE DarpDEN (one negro to each). Ezecutors: ANDREDO THOMSON (brother) and RoczrR Sweiy. Witnesses: Henry HoLLincsworts, Joan THomson and THomas THomson. Proven before Jo. Martin. Tuompson, JouN. Craven County. 1738. September 27, 1738. Son: Wituiam (half of all estate), Brother: ALEXANDER THompson. Wife: Aanes. Evxecutors: W1ILLIAM Tuompson (brother) and Francis Strincer (surgeon). Witnesses: Jo- SEPH SLOcuMB, JOHN THompson, JR., Wituiam Bonn. Clerk of the Court: James Coor. Crest on seal. Txompson, JoHN. Chowan County. August 8, 1755. Son: Ropert. Wife: Mary (three negroes and plan- tation). Other legatees: Wit114m THompson (son of James THOMPSON) and Mary Tuniineron (daughter of Marrnias TULLINGTON). Evxecu- tors: Martuias TuLuineton, JonHn Lewis and Henry Bonner. Wit- nesses: MicasAn Buncu, Toomas Luren, Witu1am Jonzs. No probate. Impression of head on seal. Tuoms, JosEPyH. Perquimans Precinct. February 9, 1728. March Court, 1727-1728. Brothers: James and Joun. Other legatees: JosepH, Mary, Saran and Dammrres Rat Lerr. Executor: Ricuarp Davis. Witnesses: THomas Ratuirr, Hannan Nicxizeson. Proven before RicHarp Everarp. THoracoop, Francis. Bath County. June, 1714. April Court, 1716. Sons: Francis, ADAM and EaR.ey. Daughters: Saran and ANN ToorAcoop. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Wit- nesses: JOSEPH FuLForD and Rosrert Turner. Clerk of the Court: Jno. DRINKWATER. TuHornton, JoHN. Granville County. November 10, 1754. September 2, 1755. Wife and Executriz: Sarat (three negroes), Son: Francis (lands in Granville). Daughter: Mary THorNTON (lands in Virginia and Northampton County). Executor: Rosert Jones, Jn. Witnesses: Wintiam Person, Mary Jorpan, WIL- u1aM Lanxrorp. Clerk of the Court: DaNiEL WELDON. re SE, SS & AxssTRact oF Wixxs, 1690—1760. 377 Tuurston, JOHN. Albemarle County. April 10, 1692. Son and Executor: Joan. Wutnesses: Francis Tomes, Tuomas Houmson (?), SaMUEL Nicxseiuson. No probate. ‘Tipit, JOHN. Carteret County. April 9, 1755. June Court, 1755. This is a nuncupative will proven by Eruraim Buty and names: Wife and Executriz: Saran (land and negro). Son: GrorGE Trpsit and daughters, Mary Horxins, Aves Sots, ANNE Baza and Atsgey Hin. TigNER, JAMES. Craven County. November 25, 1749. March 20, 1749. Sons: THomas, W1LL1am and Toutson (lands divided among them). Daughter: Mary ANN TIGNER. Wije and Executrix: Susannan. Witnesses: ABNER Neatr, EpMUN CUL- Len, DaNnieL Smita. Clerk of the Court: Pari. Smita. TIMMERMAN, JoHN GaspER. Craven Precinct. May 21,1722. September Court, 1722. Legatees: Srvizta TIMMERMAN (wife) and Mary MagpaLen TimmMprMaNn (daughter). Witnesses: Jacos Mitier, JonN Leitker Miuier, Jacop Surets. Clerk of the Court: CALEB MeETcALFE. Tison, SamMvEL. Bath County. May 1, 1736. September 16, 1736. Buford Parish. Son: Maczr. Daughter: Saran Tison (“all cattle marked with smooth crop on ye right ear and half flower deluse on ye under side of ye left ear”). Wife and Executriz: Marcrera. Executors: CoRNELIUS and THomas Tison. Wit- nesses: JNO. Harper, Epp. Tison, Jno. Kine. Provision is made for land on Horn Creek or Little Contentnea to be patented for son Macsr, and to daughter Sarag is devised land on Swift Creek. Clerk of the Court: Jno. COLLISON. Tisson, Marutas. Bath County. April 5, 1710. Sons: Joan, Epwarp, EpMonp, Tuomas, SaMvEL (land on Slaids Creek), Matuyas. Daughter: Susanna. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: BENJAMIN SANDERSON, BENJAMIN SLADE, CHARLES Smits. No probate. Tomes, Francis. Perquimans County. September 5, 1729. Noprobate. Daughters: Mary Newsy (plantation bought of James TuicKpsn, also a tract of land on Usess Creek bought of WittiaM Mors), Evizapeta Puevrs (“land I had in exchange from Sr- PHEN GisBons for my land called ye Image,” also plantation adjoining RacHeLt Barrow called Clagisters), PrisciLta Jones, Marcaret TomEs 378 Agstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. (land on Bull Branch), Pheasant WinsLow (land on Usess Creek), Son: Francis (land ‘‘whereon I now live’). Negroes bequeathed to children. Wife and Executriz: Respecxan. Friends: JosepH and THomas JEssop and Witu1amM More and Tuomas WinsLtow. Executor: NatrHan Newsy (son-in-law). Wetnesses: J. Jessop, RIcHARD CHESTEN, RALPH RuSTeaRE, R. Everarp, Letters granted October 6, 1729. 4 Tomes, JosHvua. Perquimans Precinct. March 4, 1731-1732. April Court, 1732. Son: Foster (land and negroes). Daughters: Saran Tomes (one negro), Hannan MavupLin and MeriamSurron. Son-in-law: CHRIsTtopHER SuTTON. Grandsons: JosHuA and Winu1aM SHEerRo. Wife and Ezecutriz: Repeckag (plantation and three negroes). Ezxecutors: Foster Tomes (son), JosepH Surron and CHarLes Denman. Witnesses: CoarLes DENMAN, MarGARET and JoHN Cuaries. Clerk of the Court: Coartes DENMAN. Tomuin, JoHN. Perquimans Precinct. July 7,1715. Son: Wit.1am (plantation, live stock, etc.). Brother and Executor: WiLt1AM ToMLIN. Witnesses: ALBERT ALBERTSON, Sr., ALBERT ALBERTSON, JR., and THomas StaFrorD. No probate. ToMLINsoN, JOHN. Albemarle County. October 14, 1697. March Court, 1697-1698. Children: Witu1amM and Mary, Joun and Exvizasers. Land called ‘Cabin Neck’ to be divided between sons, WitLiAM and Jonn. Exzecutriz: Evizapeta ToMLiNson. Witnesses: Jacop OveRMAN, DorotTHy OVERMAN. Clerk of the Court: Wo. GLover. Toms, Mary. Perquimans Precinct. March 30,1713. January Court, 1717-1718. Legatees: WiLL1AM PuatER, Vesty Lewis, Exvisaseta Prittow, Racnustt Lorence, EvizaBerts, daughter of brother, WitL1aM NickoLLson. Hzecutors: JosepH and Mary Guoster. Witnesses: Rate Fiuercuer, JEAN FLetcHer, Epwarp Tuomas, JAMES Bates, EvizasetTH IJeEpLetT (?), James THECKPU. Clerk of the Court: Ricnarp Leary. Tomson, Jacoz. Johnston County. May 25,1750. June Court, 1750. Sons: Tuomas and Jacos THomson. Executors: THomas Lugs and RicHarp Brrp. Wife: Mary. Witnesses: Mike. RasHer, Ropert Byrp. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp CaswELL. Courthouse on Walnut Creek. Tomson, Witu14m (son of Joun Tomson). June 11,1736. July 27,1736. “County of Medlesex, London March.” Legatees: Joun Tomson (‘‘fine house and two acres of land called ye \ Assrract oF WILLzs, 1690—1760. 379 Charey Gardens in Barken being eight miles from London”). Wife and Executrix: Susannan. Witnesses: JoserH THORNE, JoHN Stinson, AN- THONY WHiIT#, JupaTH StratcH (?). Proven before GABRIEL JOHNSTON. Impression of head on seal. Tooxz, JAMEs. Pasquotank Precinct. February 6, 1719-1720. AprilCourt, 1720. Legatees: JouANNAH ScoTT (sister), James Tooxe Scorr (plantations known as Proctors and Floyds), Tuomas Scott, Mary Scort, EvizaBeTs and Saraw Scorr, Mary Ricks, Joun Symons, JoHN TAWNYHILL, JoHN Scott, JoHN, SARAH and WILLIAM EvERIGIN, THOMAS and JosEPH COMMANDER, JAMES COMMANDER. Execu- tors: THomas CoMMANDER and WitiiaM Evericin. Witnesses: Evan Jones, Davip Prince, ANNE PaLMER, Daniew MackeEren, Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. Toors, JosEPH. July 26, 1755. Brother: Joun Toors (‘‘in Jermaney’’). Ezecutors: Grorce Smira and CHartes Hunter. Witnesses: JonarHan Hunt, James Macay, ZmBuLon Stout. No probate. Torksry, ELizaBETH. Pasquotank County. January 25, 1758. March Court, 1758. Son: Joan Torxsey. Ezecu- tor: ABEL GALLUP. Witnesses: JupITH WHITE and Frances Brocxsat. Clerk of the Court: THomas TayLor. TorxseEy, JoHN. Pasquotank County. November 10, 1745. April Court, 1747. Sons: THomas (one negro), BensamMin (‘my plantation”). Daughters: EvizaBETH and Susana (four negroes), Hzecutors: THomas and BENJAMIN (sons). Witnesses: Wm. Buress, Jonn Rieut (WricHT) and ABasana PERKINS. Clerk of the Court: Taos, TayLor. Torxsey, Purzure. Albemarle County, Pasquotank Precinct. January 16, 1720-1721. July 20, 1727. Sons: Puittup and Joan Torxsey, Ropsert Morein and Henry Haman. Executors: Ropert Morgan and wife, not named. Wetnesses: Ropert and Saran Harrison, Mary Ginpart, Witu1am Grirrin. Clerk of the Court: THo. WEEKES. Executors qualified before WM. WILLSON. Torxsry, PHrnre. Pasquotank County. February 25, 1755. June Court, 1755. Brothers: Ezexirt and JoHn TorkKsEy, Cousin: Marcarer NexepuHam (one negro). Wife and Ezecu- triz: ELISABETH. Witnesses: WM. Burces, ABEL GaLLEP, BENJAMIN Torxsey. Clerk of the Court: THos, Taytor. 380 Axssrract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Torverson, JAMES. Albemarle County. August 5, 1675. Executor and sole legatee: THomas Jarvis. Witnesses: Paut Latuum, Taomas Dewsery. Proven before Seta SoTHELy, Totewrne, WILLIAM. Craven County. April 5, 1776. February 7, 1777. Sons: Witu1aM (plantation on Flat Swamp), Simon (silver shoe buckles and “‘Rifeld Gun’’), WinpeR (horse, saddle and bridle), Cotporn. Executor: W1LL1sM ToTewINE (son). Wit- nesses: JostaH Hout, Race, Banks. Proven before Ricaarp CASWELL, TownsEN, JoHN. Perquimans County. August 10, 1737. October Court, 1739. Brother and Executor: Wu- LiAM TownseNn. Daughter of brother: ANN TowNSEN. Wetnesses: Zacu. Cuancey, Priscitta Sanpers, Repecca Cuancey. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Tranter, JOHN. Bath County. December 15, 1723. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Other legatees: Henry and Rosert WuitTsurst, SamueL, WitLiam and Exinor WHITHURST. Witnesses: THomas Mount, J. Barra. Asue. No probate. Travis, Epwarp. Beaufort County. December 30, 1739. December Court, 1740. Parish of St. Thomas. Sons: JonN, Witt1am, THomas (land ‘‘where I now dwell in the fork of Goose Creek’’), Daughter: Mary Travis. To son, Tuomas is bequeathed negroes. Executors: Simon ALDERSON and Joun Boyrpr. Witnesses: Jno. BoypE, Bensamin Hawkins, Ropert Curtis. Clerk of the Court: Roa. Jonzs. TreMaIn, JONATHAN. Onslow County. July 3,1739. January 4, 1742. Friends: Roger Moors and WinL1AM Dry. Executors: Joun and PeTer Starkey. Witnesses: Janrr. NoBz, Cuar, Hay and Jospra Nosus. Clerk of the Court: WM. CRANFORD. Trorrer, WILLIAM. Perquimans Precinct. March 28, 1729. December 16, 1729. Daughter: Dorotay TrotrTer (“my plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Sisters: EvisaBETH Newsy and Exvisaseru Trotrer. Witnesses: Francis Newsy, Mosss and Marecaret Exvuiot. Proven before Ricup. Everarp. Nuncupative codicil dated December 10, 1729, and proven before Ezexrr, Maupin by Witu1am Green, Jesse Newsy and Wituiam Morris, devises lands in York County, Virginia, to daughter. TROWELL, JOSEPH. Perquimans County. January 29, 1735. April Court, 1736. Wufe and Executrix: TaBITHA. Son: JoserH. Witnesses: Sam. Taytor, James Braszy. Clerk of the Court: JaMEs CRAVEN. AgstTract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 381 TRUEBLOOD, AGNES. Pasquotank Precinct. September 15, 1692. October 3, 1692. Sons: Joun and Amos. Daugh- ters: Mary and ExizapetH TrusLoop. Negroes bequeathed to above- named. No witnesses. Noexecutor. Clerk of the Court: Paut Laraum. TRvUEBLOOD, JOHN. Pasquotank County. October 28, 1734. January 14,1734, Sons: Joun (“my manner plan- tation,”. also plantation on Arrannuse Creek known by the name of Cretches Old Field, and one negro), Fisker (land known by the name of Teve Neck), DanrexL (one negro). Daughters: Miriam and ELIzaABETH TRUBLOOD (negroes given to each). Wife and Executriz: Saran (negroes). Executors: Apeu Ross (brother) and Jarvis Jones. Witnesses: JoHN ‘Sauts, WitLtoucuHBy Rice and Duaiess Roop. Clerk of the Court: James SMITH. Truirr, JosEPH. Craven County. March 29, 1755. August Court, 1756. Sons: Levi (“my plantation and riding horse”), Joun. Wife and Executriz: Persituar. Witnesses: Luxe Russet, JeMINEA Russevy, James Smirs. Clerk of the Court: Wm. PowE.u. TrumBuLy, THomas. October 22, 1733. November 8, 1733. Son: Witu1am (plantation and one negro). Daughter: SARAH TRuMBULL. Two other children men- tioned, but not named, to each of whom is bequeathed a negro. ‘My desire is that each one of my children shall have a maire branded by my executors and their brand recorded.” Wife and Executrix: ELIZABETH, Executors: SAMUEL Bartiett and JEames TURNULL. Witnesses: RicH- arp SanpeRson, THomas CLARK, JoHN SNoDEN. Proven before Gzo, BuRRINGTON. ° Tucker, NaTHANIEL. Onslow County. January 7, 1750. April 2, 1751. Brother: Henry Tucker. Ezecu- tor: JoHN StaRKEY. Witnesses: J. Roperts, JNo. Hotmes, ANN FRazER, Clerk of the Court: Tuos, Buack. TuLiey, JANE. Pasquotank Precinct. August 1, 1729. October 11, 1732. Grandson and Executor: Davip Bots. Other legatees: Many and Daniet Ropes, Jr. Witnesses: Jona- THAN Hipss, Witim. Lez and Daniet Rops. Clerk of the Court: W. Minson (or H. Minson),. Tury (or Tutte), Tuomas. Hyde County. December 3, 1740. June Court, 1741. Sons: THomas, Joun, NaTHANn- teL and Anruony Tuty. Daughters: Mary Leiru, Sary Tony, Exiza- 382 Assrract or WILLs, 1690—1760. BETH HastTeR, Racwey Juey. Wife and Executriz: not named, Wit- nesses: Epw. Hapuizy, Foster Jonges (or James), Ezexrer RicHarps. Clerk of the Court: W. Barrow. TuRBAVELL, RicHarp. Bertie Precinct. December 4, 1725. May Court, 1726. Sons: Joun (land on ‘‘ye reedy run”), Francis (land on Moratock River), W1tL1aM (‘plantation where he lives”), WaLrrerR (“plantation where I now live”). Daughter: Euiza- BETH TURBAVELL. Grandchildren: DANIEL and Mary Couson. Executor: Witi1am TuRBAVELL (son). Wétnesses: Joun Hoa, Richarp CaERTON (?), Joan Hatcuser. Clerk of the Court: Rr. ForsTEr. TURNBULL, JAMES. Tyrrell County. September 26, 1753. June Court, 1754. Legatees: YREoT ORMOND, Tomas Barker, Mary Pantry (niece), Ropert and James Pantry (land at Scuppernong called the Brak Oake, and the Rich Levills), Mary TURNBULL ButcHer, Bett Burcuer (lands called Bell’s gift, Gards Island and land in Edenton), Henry Jorpan, ExuizapetH Hanmore, DanieL Hanmore. Periauger and canoes ordered sold for debts. Hxecu- tors: Mary Burcuer and WILLIAM GARDNER, Witnesses: ANN DENEM, Joun MatTuews, Caartes Denem, James TaTTERTON. Clerk of the Court: Evan Jones. ‘ Turner, Henry. Henrico County, Va. January 17, 1712-1713. ‘Son: ABELL (plantation on Falling Creek in Henrico County). Daughters: Joan, Evizasetu, Ann, Hannan, Janez, Mary. Wife and Executriz: Patrencn, Witnesses: JamMES FLEMMING, ArtHuR Doveatt, Witiuiam FisHer. Clerk of the Court: Epwp. Bon- WICKE (or RENWICKE). Turner, Henry. Edgecombe County. January 20, 1748-1749. February Court, 1748. Sons: JoserH and Tuomas TurNeER (land on the “Cattale Marsh”), Sonomon (land on Deep Creek), Daughters: Saran, Mary and Our (negro to each). Wife and Executriz: Mary (three negroes). To sons is also bequeathed negroes. Executor: Matruzw Joyner. Witnesses: Martnew Joyner, JAMES Harris, MarMADUKE NorFueEt. Clerk of the Court: BENIN. WYNNS. Turver, JoHn. October 30, 1715. Cousins: Epwarp and WiLiiam Turner. Brother: Wituram Turner, Executor: Joan Symons. Witnesses: Henry ARNOLD and Mary Wurrr. No probate, ABSTRACT OF Wits, 1690—1760. 383 Turner, JoHN. Perquimans Precinct. March 3, 1717-1718. April 8, 1718. Brother: WitLt1am BastTaBELu. Other legatees: Toomas Prince (Executor) and Mary Pierce. Witnesses: Wm. Woop, Carrron Davis, Toomas Puircs. Clerk of the Court: Ricn- ARD Leary. Impression of head on seal with letters ‘“o a v.” Turner, RicHaRp. Perquimans Precinct. April 14, 1719. Daughters: ExizapeTH Newsy and Hannan Bas- TaBLE, Son-in-law: WituiaM BastTaBLe. Grandson: Samury Newey. Wife and Executriz: Bripcet. Witnesses: Ropert Witson, SAMUEL Puurtps, James Litrizson. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. Leary. Turner, Ropart. Perquimans County. April 15, 1742. July Court, 1748. Son: JoszrH. Daughter: Mary Turner. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: PETER ALBORDSON, Tuomas Jessop. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. Turner, Ropert. Beaufort County. March 6, 1745. March Court, 1745. Sons: Roserr (in England), Joun (land on South Dividing Creek, lot No. 27 in Bath Town, large Bible, sermon hooks, law books, silver watch, mourning ring). Daugh- ters: ANN WILLIAMS, SaraH GRaAvEs (land on Nevil’s Creek), Mary Brn- sow (land on Nevil’s Creek), Sons-in-law: JonN Brunson (lot No. 38 in Bath Town), THomas Wituiams (lot No. 39 in Bath Town), THomas Graves. Grandson: Ropert WitLiams (“my plantation”). Hxecutors: Joun Turner, THomas Wi.uiamMs, THomMas Graves, JoHN BENSON. Witnesses: Hnunry West, Jacop Nevityu, SAMLL. TayLor, Witim. Lane. Clerk of the Court: Joon ForBes. Turner, WriiiaM. Albemarle County. April 28, 1696. July 27, 1698. Little River. Sons: WiiLiam and JosHua (plantation to each). Daughter: Saran Turner. Wife and Ex- ecutriz: KATHERINE. Witnesses: RicwHarD Puatrer, HucH CAMPBELL, Henry Patin, THomas Simmons. Clerk to Council: W. Guover. Turwer, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. October 28, 1696. Little River. Sons: Wiutiam (orchard on Lit- tle Creek), Jon (plantation bought of Patrick Batzy). Daughter: Saran Turner. Executors: MattHew Keuzy and James Davis. Wit- nesses: RicHaRD PLator, HugH CAMBELL, Henry Patin, THomas Simons. This is a copy made by J. Kniaut. No probate. 384 Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. Turner, WILLIAM. May 238, 1709. October 17, 1709. Sons: Wit11am and Epwarp. Brother: Joun. Wife and Executriz: not named. Wétnesses: Tuos. Twepin, ZacHarias Nixon, Evizapeta Nixon. Clerk of the Court: Tos. ABINGTON. Turner, WILLraM. Pasquotank County. December 23, 1749. April Court, 1750. Son: James. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBetu (estate divided between son and wife). Executor: Ezexie, Turner (brother). Witnesses: JosepH Morris, WiLiiam Turner, Patrick Poon, Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. Turner, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. April 6, 1753. July Court, 1753. Sons; Ezexten (land on Gumbridge Branch, on CHARLES OVERMAN’s line), JosEPH (land on Gumbridge Branch), Wiiu1am (“two lotts lying next to Nixonton), Jonn (“my plan- tation”). Grandson: James TURNER (two lots next to son WILLIAM’s). Wife and Executrix: Kusian. Witnesses: Isaac ParKER, SAML, OVERMAN and Rr. Witson. Codicil dated April 13, 1753, and witnessed by Rr. Witson, Isaac SwWEENIE and JAMES GREGORIE, gives negro man to son Wituram. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Taytor. Twrox, JAMES. May 5, 1711. Son: Rozerr (“all cattle in his possession,” “land he now lives on, running from ye south sidé of his new dwelling house to a place called Selpshis (?) Swamp”). Joun Lawson (one horse, and land beginning at Mahomets Swamp running to Wm. Harpy’s line), Mary Lawson, Junr., Samu. Harpy (son of Wm. Harpy). Wife: ANN Twkox. “Plantation I now live on” to Mary Lawson (widow of Naruu. Law- son). Rosert Tweox, JouHn Lawson and Mary Lawson to have privi- lege of grinding at mill, and daughter of Mary Lawson, provided she marry and “seat in this Neck.” Witnesses: Grorck GLADSTENIES, JosrrH CANINGS, JOHN SNELL (?). Clerk of the Court: Roperr BucKNER. Twippy, THomas. Pasquotank Precinct. April 12, 1705. August 19, 1706. Wife, Executriz and sole legatee: ELENER. Witnesses: THomas StarrorD, RicHarD Poot, JoHN RAPER. Clerk of the Court: Too. ABINGTON. Twiee, Witi1aM. Chowan County. June 20, 1741. July Court, 1741. Legatees: Evizanera Hate (30 pounds “‘bill money of this province”), Mary Marsa (‘that came in with me into North Carolina,” one silver tankard, two silver salts, one silver punch ladle, two silver spoons). Daughter: Mary Ann Twice, of } Agstract or Wits, 1690—1760. 385 London. Executor: Mites GaLe. Witnesses: BENJAMIN TaLBot, KatTu- ERINE DeLoce and Prister Perry. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Coat of arms on seal. Tyrzer, Moszs. Bladen County. June 25, 1762. August 9, 1762. Sons: NerpHam (‘my plantation’), Owen (“my cattle’), Moszs (one negro). Daughters: PENELEBY, ELIsA- BETH, CHRISTIAN and Lucretia Trier. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executor: Jos. Howarp. Witnesses: Ropert Stewart, IrHamar SIN- GLETARY, JOHN Fitoyp, Proven before ARTHUR DosBs. Trier, Tuomas. Bath County. June 5, 1722. July Court, 1722. Executor and sole legatee: JoHN JorDAN. Witnesses: THomas McKenny and Davip Buatr. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forstsr. Tyner, NicHoxas. Northampton County. December 12, 1752. November Court, 1753. Grandson: James TYNER (lands on Gaulberry). Other children: NicHotas and JoHN TyNER (the children of James Tyner, decd.), Wittiam Tyner, Saran Wooparp, EvizaBerH JOHNSON and ANN CorBETT. Executor: W1LLIAM TYNER (son). Wife: Exizasetu. All estate divided among children above- named. Witnesses: J. Dew, Witt1am Corsettr. Clerk of the Court: I, Epwarps. Unpay, THomas. Bath County. October 13,1722. July Court, 1725. Wife and Executriz: MARTHA (houses and lot in Bath town). Witnesses: Ropert FoRRESTER, JAMES Rosins, Ratpu Seymour. Clerk of the Court: Joan Swann. Upron, Epwarp. Pasquotank County. July 7,1753. January Court, 1755. Sons: Epwarp and Josaua (lands adjoining MatrHew Winn). Daughters: Sana Firpisu, SaBELua, Euiza- BETH, Susanna and ANN Upton. Wife and Executriz: Euizapera. Wit- nesses: EDWARD and Mary Scott, AprawAM MituerR. Clerk of the Court: Tos. TayLor. Upton, Joun. Pasquotank Precinct. June 30,1715. Sons: Joun (plantation known as Buckingham), Wit- LIAM, JosEPH and THomas (plantation on Pasquotank River), Epwarp (plantation known as Abington). Daughters: Mary and Ruta. Wife and Executriz: not named. Witnesses: GRiFFITH GRAY, MeTHUSALEM VAUGHAN. Clerk of the Court: W. Norris. 25 386 Axstract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. Urton, THomas. Pasquotank County. May 19, 1750. July Court, 1750. Sons: Wituis (“my maner planta- tion’’), Taomas and Wiu1aM (land known as Johnskintown). Daughters: EvizaBeTH, Meram and Caareton Upton. Wife and Executrix: Curis- TIAN. Witnesses: Joun Urton, Isaac Sawyer, JosePH TEMPLE. Clerk of the Court: Too. TAYLOR. Urqunart, WILLIAM. Chowan County. September 5, 1738. September 26,1738. -(Edenton). Legatees: Jams MrircuetL of Edenton, Rosperr AnpErson of New York (Executor). Witnesses: Ropurt Innes, JAMES WaALLacr, JA. BALLENTINE. Proven before W. Smrru,C. J. VALLENTINE, RicHARD. June 4, 1731. December 7, 1731. Northwest branch of Cape Fear River. Devisees: JouN Buwnitt, of Pennsylvania (estate on Cape Fear River), James Bennitt, son of JoHN (one-half of estate in Pennsylvania), Roursa Bennirt, daughter of James (one-half of estate in Pennsylvania), Ann Bennitt (wife of Jamzs). Executors: JoHN Cuayton, of Cape Faire River, Toomas Linp ey, of Philadelphia. Wutnesses: Epwp. WINGATE, Jerr. Pottarp. Proven before R. Moorz, Da. Evans and JNo. Cuar- TON, Justices. VANLUVEN, CHRISTOPHER. Bertie County. September 23, 1732. November 1, 1732. Sons: Joun and Hewry. Wife and Executrix: Evisannta, Witnesses: Martin FREDERICK Rasor, Tuomas ASHBURN. Proven before GEORGE BuRRINGTON. Van Petr, Joun. November 22, 1734. June 17, 1748. City of New York, Mariner. Sons: Joun (land in Bertie known as Jonn Swann’s plantation), DaNin, (land in Bertie known as Chinckapin Neck and Joun Witson’s plantation). Daughters: Mary and Etsuie (five lots in Bath Town). Wife: Mary. Executor: JoHN VAN PEt (son). Witnesses: ANDREW Moor, JoHN Pratt, Howry Demeyer. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Vann, Epwarp. Chowan County. . February 14, 1738. June 4, 1752. Son: Epwarp (land on Swamp). Daughters: ANN Vann, Saran, Evizaseru. Executor: Epwarp VANN (son). Wife: not named. Witnesses: Joun Vann, WituiaM Vann, JOHN Lzwis. Proven before Gas. JoHNSTON. Vann, JOSEPH. Chowan County. April 27,1752. April Court, 1753. Sons: Gzorez, Jacos (“my manner plantation”). Daughters: ANN Laneston, Darxss, Mary, Exvizapere and Axsstract or Wirzs, 1690—1760. 387 Jupny. Ezecutors: GHorGE and EvizaABeTH VaNN (children). Witnesses: Jacos Ovom, Tuomas Lanestong; Sary Lanestone. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Vann, WILLIAM. Chowan Precinct. April 16,1735. August 11,1740. Son: Epwarp (lands between THomas Norice and Srepxzn Sunparp; land on the Lands Ridge between JosrPH Brappy and Jamus Brappy). Daughters: Sarran Hocu, ANN VANN, Grandson: WitL1aM VaNN, son of Epwarp. Wife and Executriz: SaRRAH. Witnesses: James and Joun Brapy, Henry Goopman. Proven before W. Smita, C. J. VaRnuM, JAcos. Chowan County. September 25, 1715. March 29, 1716. Boston in New England. Chowan in North Carolina. ‘Mariner.” Wife: not named. Other legatee: Wiiiam Garpiner (“one sad coloured Broad Cloth Coat and breeches and Vest, ye Vest and breeches being inBoston”). Hxecutor: ANTHONY ALEX- ANDER. Witnesses: JOHN BuisH, JoHN Mixon, Joan Newman, GRIFF Jonzs. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Impression of head on seal. Vauenan, JoHN. Northampton County. August Court, 1750. Sons: Wiuu1am and Joun. Daughters: Lucey, Mo. and Fanny. Wife and Executrixz: Casstau. Witnesses: SamMUEL Tarver (Ezecutor), WILLIAM Baker, JoHN Manper. Clerk of the Court: I, Epwarps. : Vaucuan, VINSON. Northampton County. June 29, 1749. August Court, 1749. Sons: Vinson (350 acres of land and three negroes), JosHuA (one negro), Nort Hurcuens (one negro). Daughters: Mancarrr Breatuan, SaRAH VAUGHAN, Naomy VaucHan (one negro toeach). Hxecutors: JOHN BRETHEN and Franses VaucHaN. Wit- nesses: Ricuarp Brown, JoHN BreEpina, JOHN Brown. Clerk of the Court: I, Epwarps. VEALE, WILLIAM. New Hanover County. June 11,1760. - November 22,1760. Wilmington. Son: Winuiam. Wife and Executriz: ApicarL. Executor: DANIEL DuNBIBIN. Witnesses: JOHN CampsEty, Toomas Murrep (?), Jonn Forster. Proven before ARTHUR Dozgs. Vince, Humpurey. Currituck County. April 4, 1738. January Court, 1739. Cousins: Jamms and Saran Poyr- NER, Perer, son of James (plantation and negroes), Witt1am and VINCE Wuitz. Other legatees: Jos1as Nickois, Saran Simmons, THomas Mzces, 388 Axpstract oF Wixzs, 1690—1760. Lazarus and Joun Ftowser, ANDREW Peacock, Luke Waite (cousin). Executor: JAMES PoyNER. Witnesses: Taos. Taytor, JosHua DEEL, Mary Taytor. Clerk of the Court: WM. SHERGOLD. Vince, THomas. Currituck County. August 31, 1721. October 10, 1721. Sons: THomas and WILLiaM. Daughters: Hannan Vince, Marcretr Waite, Saran Poyner. Grand- children: Marcrerr Waits, Wiis Porner. Executor: HUMPHREY VINCE (brother). Witnesses: Jo. Wicker, WittiaM Parker. Clerk of the Court: Jo. WICKER. Vines, SAMUEL. Beaufort County. March 15, 1740. Sons: Joun (plantation on Goose Creek), SaMUEL and Wiu1aM (plantation ‘“‘wherein I now dwell” called the Point). Daughters: Franses, EvizapetH, Mary, Resecca and Ester. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Joan Lawson, Marrua Evuiotr, Rocser Jonss. Clerk of the Court: Roger JONES. Vinsent, STEPHEN. September 26,1696. April13,1698. Wifeand Executriz: Mary. Wit- nesses: JOHN BirietT, Aus BILLETT, ? Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Wane, JonN. Pasquotank County. Will not dated. October Court, 1750. Daughters: Mary and Maapa- LENE Wave. Executors: Ropert Lowry, Wititam Davis and JoHN SKIN- NER. Witnesses: JosiaH CaRTRIGHT, ROBERT PALMER, THOMAS WILCOCKS. Clerk of the Court: Taomas TayLor. Wans, JosEPH. Orange County. January 3, 1757. March Court, 1757. Sons: Joun (one dollar), JamEs (three negroes, land on Eno River). Daughters: Mary StrawrusEr, Sv- SANNAH Hart, EvizaBetH Tatty, Lucy Powe. (two negroes), SaRaH Fountin (one negro). Wife: Saran. Grandson: Josep STRAWTHER. Executors: JAMES WADE (son) and JoserH PowELL (son-in-law), Witnesses: Wiuiam Burrorp, SaMuEL Burton. Clerk of the Court: Josepa WATSON. Wane, Mary. Pasquotank County. December, 1736. January Court, 1736. Sister and Executriz: Macpa- LEN Wave. Witnesses: JosHuaA Marxnam, Saran Lowry. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. Wana, JAMES. Currituck County. October 15, 1772. March 25, 1774. Hatteras Banks. Daughters: Saran and Barpara (negroes to each). Sons: JoBe (land at Armiskeat \ Asstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 389 and at Wissockin Creek), James, Wi~L1am (land at Hatteras Banks). Executors: James and Jos Waunas (sons). Witnesses: JosepH WILLIAMS, Grorce Prick, ANDREW Donatpson. Proven before Jo, Martin. Warne, ALicz. Chowan County. April 25, 1700-1701. Grandsons: THomas and Joun Hawxins, THOMAS and James Lone. Granddaughters: Mary and Enizasrta Lone. Daugh- ter: ExvizapetH Lone. Executor: Joun Hawkins. Witnesses: GEORGE Svarp, Vines CropLey, GroreE Swaine. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEvIN. Wain, Tuomas. Beaufort County. November 16,1747. Sonand Executor: Joun. Daughter: Saran WHAR- ton. Granddaughter: ManeTaBnL WuatnouGH. Witnesses: JOHN Fourer. Joun Harrison, Witiiam Dows. No probate. Warns, THomas. Craven County. Will illegible. Waxeutten, Rosert. Bertie Precinct. March 25, 1733. July 31, 1733. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Sons: Joun and Smirawicx (lands). Daughter: Saras. Witnesses: RoBErt Rogers, Hueco Hicuman, JosepH WicHT. Proven before GrorcE Bur- RINGTON, Watpron, Jacos. May 13, 1763. October Court, 1765. Sons and Executors: Isaac and Jacos. Brother: CorneLIus Wa.tpRon. Executor: RicHaRD QUINCE. Witnesses: RicHARD QuincE, REveELL Munroeg, Parker Quince. Clerk of the Court for Wilmington District: J. Burawin. Warxer, Henprrson. October 27,1701. July 4,1704. Wife and Ezxecutrix: ANN. Other leg- atees: Mas. Swann (“my swoard”’), Joun, GzorcE and Saran LILLineTon, EvizapetH WALKER. Witnesses: PR. GopFREY, RoperT HARMAN, GEORGE CuamBery. Clerk of the Court: N. CHEVIN. Warxer, JoHN. Albemarle County. January 12, 1709. Wife and Executrix: Euisaperu. Sons: Jamas, Tuomas (land called Barsees Neck). Daughter: Saran. Hzecutors: Taomas and Ropert West. Witnesses: EvizaBETH PowELi, ZACHARIAH Garkin, Witt Mircueny. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712- 1722, page 37. 390 Axpstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. Waker, THomas. Craven County. February 19, 1753. March 19, 1753. Son: Joun. Daughters: Saran and Mary. Executors: Bensamin Cummines, THomas Tiener. Wit- nesses: ABNER NEALE, CuRisr. NEALE, JouN Cummines. Proven before Jas. Hasetz, C.J. Watt, JosEPH. Beaufort County. December 29, 1755. "September Court, 1756. Sons: Jamus, JosEPH and Howet (“lands on Bear Creek and ye horse pen”), Rosert. Daugh- ters: Mary Batuarp, ANN and EvizaBpetaH Wau. Wife and Executriz: Desoran. Witnesses: Samury Paitiips, James WaLL, JOSEPH WALL. Clerk of the Court: WALLEY CHAUNCEY. Wai, JosHva. Currituck County. November 10, 1744. April Court, 1745. Sons: Josuua, THomas and Joszery. No executor. Witnesses: THomas Ross, Mary Roousau (RussELL), Pattrick Goopin. Clerk of the Court: Ricoarp McCuurg. Watt, Josnva. Currituck County. January 16, 1749. April Court, 1752. Hatteras Banks. Brother: Tuomas, Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JosePH WILLIAMS and JosHuA CAMPBELL. Clerk of the Court: W1LLiaM SHERGOLD. Want, Ricuarp. Northampton County. February 29, 1752, August Court, 1755. Sons: Sampson (1 negro), Ricuarp, ARTHUR; SamugeL. Daughters: Juptra DetoatcH, Saran Boy- Kin, Precita Benson, Janz Lewis. Wife: Lucy. Witnesses: Cuas. CAMPBELL, James Lewis. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Watt, Sarau. Edgecombe County. November 2, 1754. June Court, 1756. Sons: Henry, Arruur and JoHn Wau. Grandson: WittiamM Frence. Daughter: Fairu. Executor: Joun Watt (son). Witnesses: Henry, Evizasera and Simson Horn. Clerk of the Court: Jos. Montrort. Watiacse, THomas. Currituck County. January 26, 1746-1747. April 27, 1747. Wife and Exeeuiriz: Saran (‘my perriauger”’). Daughter: BARBARA WALLACE. Witnesses: CHRIS. Burier, Evizaseta MatrHews. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Watuace, THomas. Chowan County. October 28, 1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: WitiiaM, JONATHAN, Joun. Daughters: Jopira and Susanaw (lands in Bertie County), EizABETH WALLACE (land on ‘the old Soune Neck’’), Mary WaLLAce AxsstRacT oF Wits, 1690—1760. 391 (land on the east side of the ‘old Toune Road to Warreck”). Wife and Executriz: EvisaBETH,. Witnesses: Tuomas and TimotHy WALTON. Clerk of the Court: Wit. Mearns. Watiace, WILLIAM. Martin County. ’ September 19, 1774. February 13, 1775. Son: Wiui1aM (plantation and six negroes). Daughters: Knzian, Dinan, Quotina, Acnrss, ALBA (one negro to each). Wife and Executriz: Mantua, Witnesses: JAMES Rawiins, Wituiam Lewsiiine, Davip Taytor, Wittiam Bowers. Proven before Jo. Martin. Water, THomas. Albemarle County. June 30, 1687. July 10, 1687. Son: Goren. Daughters: ANNE and EnizaBeTu. Wife and Executriz: not named. Witnesses: Joan Hauuan, Wituiam Binuines, Jonn Harris, Joan Durant. Proven before Seta SoTHELL. Watuis, ANDREW. Craven County. March 18, 1742-1743. Sons: James, ANDREW. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Witt1aM WickKLIFFE, Jos. Witson, Rospert JARMAN. No probate. Watuis, JomN. Onslow County. November 21, 1748. April Court, 1751. Son and Executor: Ricnarp. Wife: Exvizapetu. Witnesses: ArtHUR Royatt, Joun Roya, Jog Brooxes. Clerk of the Court: THomas Buack. Waits, STEPHEN. Craven County. April 28,1757. August Court, 1757. Sons: Bensamrn (lands), Roperr and StrrH=n (Executors). Wife: Susana. Witnesses: Berry Newson, Saran Netson, Joun Cummines. Clerk of the Court: Peter Conway. Wattis, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. December 29, 1748. March Court, 1749. Sons: Witt1amM and JoHN (land and negroes). Daughters: Lin1a Bonn, Apiaat Daw (negroes to each). Wife and Executriz: Many Watis. Executor: Nicnotas Daw. Witnesses: Pay. PrircHeTt, JoHN BENSTED, JEAN Brannock. Clerk of the Court: Joun ALDORSON. Watston, Lonpon. Bath County. May 26,1728. April Court, 1728. Devisees: THomas Barrers (Execu- tor), Mary Barrers, daughter of THomas (land on “Papleco River’’ adjoining Blunts Town). Witnesses: James BackaLpER, THomas RiaNE, Mary Corpine. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jonzs. 392 ABSTRACT OF WiLLs, 1690—1760. Watters, Mary. New Hanover County. April, 1756. May 25, 1756. Brothers: Jonn and JoserpH Watters. Sisters: ExizanpeTH Watters and Mary Graincser. Son: WiLuiam Watters. Other legatees: BARBARA Murray, Isapet MacNutL, Katuer- ivE Mactaine (daughter of ARcHiBaLD Macuaine). Executor: JAMES Murray (lands on Black River). Witnesses: B. Murray, ANN BRITTON, WaLTER Codicil dated April 21, 1756, bequeaths estate to sister, Mary GRAINGER, in event of death of son. Witnesses to codictl: Joserpg and ExizaBeTH Watters. Proven before ArtHuR Dosss. Clerk of the Court: Isaac Fariss. Watton, THomas. Chowan County. November 12, 1750. July 5, 1751. Son and Executor: Wi.utaM. Daughters: Ex1zapeTa Trotman, Susanad Watton, JUDETH ROUNTREE, Ann Hunter, Saran Psry (1 negro). Grandson: THomas Wa.tTon (plantation). Witnesses: Wittiam Watton, Harpy Hunter, TimoTay Watton. Proven before Gas. JoHNsTon at Eden House. Waman, WILiiaM. Pasquotank County. March 18, 1721. July 18, 1721. Sons: WitL1am, Ropert and Joun. The following lands are devised: land on Nobesbruke Creek, lands be- tween Davip PricHarp and BrensaMin LoneweLu, lands between the mouth of Pasquotank River and Flatty Creek. Daughter: ELENDER Waman. Wife and Executrixz: Hannan: Witnesses: JNo. McKEe xe, Jno. Fourre, THomas Ress. Clerk of the Court: EpmunD GALE. War, WILiiaM. Northampton County. December 16, 1754. May Court, 1756. Sons: Hmnry, THomas (200 acres of land on the Horse Hole). Daughter: ANN War. Wife: ANN. Executor: Witu1aM WINBORNE. Witnesses: THoMas FLANNER, PHILIP Winpsorne. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Warp, Enocz. Carteret County. February 13, 1750. March Court, 1750. Sons: Ricwarp and Enock. Daughters: ANN, Mary, EvizaBetu, SARAH, ABIGALL and Susanau (lands on Banks). Son-in-law: Josseps Surron (husband of daughter Aww). Other devisee: JAMES SHACKELLFORD. Wife: Mary. Executors: RICHARD Warp and Epwarp Simpson. Witnesses: ANANIAS CAVENAGH, JOSHUA and Joun Simpson. Clerk of the Court: Geo. Reap. Five negroes bequeathed. Warp, JoHn. Chowan County. May 9, 1747. December 16, 1748. Sons: THoMas, JamEs and JosEPH (land bought of Grorce Turnipce), WILLIAM, JoBE, Amos (plantation ApsTRACT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 393 known by the name of the Indian Creek), BeNsamin. Daughters: Eviza- BETH Tomson, Catrerine Evins. Wife and Executriz: CaTTERENE Warp. Witnesses: Taomas RownTREE, CHARLES COPELAND, JOHN CoPE- LAND. Proven before GAB. JOHNSTON. Warp, JoHN. Tyrrell County. March 5, 1748-1749. September Court, 1750. Sons: Micuar., JouN (1 negro and “all cattle running on Little Cantanknee”), Davin. Daughters: Exizaseta Nosue (100 acres of land), Dorcas OversTREET (land lying on Little Cantanknee). Hzecutors: MicHarL and JoHN (sons). Witnesses: GrirritH Howe.., Jonn Butusr, Evizapeta Butrier. Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. Warp, THomas. Chowan County. October 16, 1750. July Court, 1751. Wife and Executriz: CHRISTIAN. Son: Micuar. (“the Shop Plantation”). Witnesses: Wituiam Wricar, Harpy and Josupn Hurpis. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Warmine, ABRAHAM. Albemarle County.. No date or probate. Legatees: JouN WHEATLEY, WILLIAM WINSEY. Witnesses: Joan Lewis, Evinor Luton, THomas Luten, JoHN CHANDLER. Warrin, ABRAHAM. Perquimans County. October 26,1739. July Court, 1740. Son: Henry (plantation “T now live on’’). Other children: mentioned, but not named. Other legatees: Joun and JzEamEs CHESSON, CHRISTOPHER Denman. Creditors: SARAH and Susannay Sutren. Wifeand Execuiriz:Sarau. Executor: RicHarD Skinner. Witnesses: Joun Creese, Mary Creess, JOHN STEPNEY. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Warren, Henry. Matchepungo Creek, in Bath County. February 15,1716. April2,1717. Son: ABRauaAmM (lands). Daughters: Mary, Evizasera and ANN (cattle to each). Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Hzxecutor: JouN Porter, of Bath. Witnesses: Joun Martin, WIL- LIAM Harris, G1. Hatyipay. Codicil of even date and witnessed by same persons bequeaths negro to son, ABRAHAM. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Drinkwater. Warren, Ropert. Edgecombe County. Not dated. June Court, 1759. Daughters: Many Warren (one negro), Saran, Jane and Mrtsson Warren. Wife and Executrix: MarGret. Executor: Gzorce Dawkins. Witnesses: BENJAMIN MERRYMAN, WILLIAM Lang. Clerk of the Court: Josspu Mont Fort. 394 AgstTRacT oF Wits, 1690—1760. Warren, Saran. Perquimans Precinct. October 1, 1730. Sons-in-law: ABRAHAM JONES, JOHN ARNOLD (Ezec- utor). Other legatee: ANN CRAWTHERS, daughter of NarHan CRAWTHERS, Witnesses: JOHN FaLcoNER, ABRAHAM WARREN, SARAH WarREN. No probate. Warren, WILLIAM. October 3, 1723. November 26, 1723. Friend and Executor: JosnrH Repine. Witnesses: ALEXR, CruiKsSHANK, Ducuis Rop. Proven before Wiuiiam Reep. Waters, WILLIAM. Onslow Precinct. January 18,1751. July Court, 1754. Son: Jostas. Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executriz: MartHa. Witnesses: Lewis JENKINS, JOHN AVIRETT. Clerk of the Court: Wa. Ray. ‘ Warxins, Tuomas. Perquimans County. January 3, 1754. January Court, 1754. Legatees: Joan and Ricwarp Wuepere, Jonn Morris and SaMuELL Newsy. Executor: Joan WHIDBEE. Witnesses: W1LL1amM Foster, Potserutt Pierce, Mary WHEDBEE. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Warxins, WiLiiaM. Pitt County. November 9,1771. October 14,1773. Sons: Jon and Wituiam. Sons- tn-law: Francis Buck, James Cason, WILLIAM ORMOND, JAMES JONES. Daughters: Saran Buck, EvizapeTu, ANN and RacueLt, Wife and Execu- trix: Curistian. Witnesses: CATHERINE CROFTON, JOHN SALTER, RANDEL McDaniev. Proven before Jo. Martin. Watson, JoHN. New Hanover County. January 3, 1743-1744. March Court, 1748. “Of ye Sound.” Sons: Joun, Josera and JonaTHan. Daughter: Saran. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Witnesses: Ancup. NicKELLS, JosEPH JONES, FRANCIS BEALE. Clerk of the Court: Jamzs SMALLWoop. Watson, JoHN. New Hanover County. December 15, 1773. March 3, 1774. Son: Joun. Daughters: Euiza- BETH Watson, Mary, wife of Samus, MarsHa.t, Saran, wife of Nrxon CuEster. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: JNo. RoBEson, JOHN GAILLARD, WiLum. Nichous. Proven before Jo. Martin. WaxDALe, JOHN. Bath County. November 12, 1733. December Court, 1734. Trent River. Son: Jonn, Wife and Executrix: Waxurouia. Witnesses: Davin Dupuis, Wiiuiam Dupuis, JoHn Simons, JoHN Parker, James CLEMENT. Clerk of the Court: CALEB METCALFE. ApsTRact oF Witxs, 1690—1760. 395 WaxpaLs, JouHN. Craven County. March 5, 1738-1739. December 18,1739. Daughters: Lovicz, MarGa- RET, KATHERINE, MariaM, ANNACIVILLA. Executors: ABRAHAM BusSETT, Pamir Mitter. Witnesses: Hucn Sranatanp, NarTHaNnieL PaRRott. Clerk of the Court: James Coor. Wayman, WILLIAM. Pasquotank County. March 9, 1737. July Court, 1740. Legatees: Mary, Haner, THamer, Tsaomas and Roserrt Lowry. Executor: Ropert Lowry. Witnesses: Rosert and Mary Lowry. Clerk of the Court: Jamms CRAVEN. Weaver, Joun. Chowan County. September 18, 1750. October Court, 1750. Legatees: Joun Poison (Executor) and CaueB Poxson, son of JonN. Wétnesses: Mary Stuart, GrorcE Poison, Demsry SuMNER. Clerk of the Court: Witu1am Mzarns. Weaver, WILLIAM. Bertie Precinct, February Court, 1735. Sons: Wiu1aM, Joun (land at Pea Hill), Henry ; (land on Fountains Creek), Epwarp, Tuomas (one “Clankibone pot”). ¥ Brother: StEPHEN WEAVER. Wife and Executriz: not named. Witnesses: Joun Cook and Joun Arno. Clerk of the Court: Joan WYnns. Wess, ANTHONY. Bertie County. August 27, 1748. November Court, 1750. Sons: Samuni, WiLLiam (plantation on Deep Creek “‘whereon I now live” and two negroes). Daugh- ters: Persiuto, Kezimr, ANNE. Wife: Marraa. Executor: Witu1aM. Witnesses: WILLIAM and JoHN Barton, Isaac Prmrce. Clerk of the Court: Samuet Ormzs. Wess, Henry. Orange County. January 10, 1756. March Court, 1759. Sons: WentwortH and JouNn (negro to each). Wife and Executriz: Euizaseru., Witnesses: GEORGE Laws, Exv1as Downes. Clerk of the Court: Jamms Watson. Wess, Joun. Northampton County. February 11, 1749. February Court, 1749. Sons: Jotuny, James and Jzsse. Daughter: Jupirn Wess (estate divided among children above named). Wife and Executrix: Evizabnta. Witnesses: Roperr Hicks, WituiaM Racianp. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarbs. Wess, Samvet. Bertie County. May 24,1754. May Court, 1754. Sons: Bensamin and Samuet (lands on Horse Creek). Daughters: PrneLopr, ANN and EvizaBeta WEps 396 Agstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. (negro to each). Wifeand Executriz: Marcet. Witnesses: Moss SuMNER, Tamer Wituirorp, Easter Witierorp. Clerk of the Court: Samuren ORMEs. Wesster, EvisaBetu. Carteret County. March 4, 1754. June Court, 1754. Sons: JouN WepsteR, JOSEPH, James and SamureL Nosie, Benjamin Wesster. Daughters: HANNAH Roserts and Racue, Hourton, Executor: SamuEt NoBLs (son). Wit- nesses: Moses Houston, RacueL Pearson, Hannan Simmons. Clerk of the Court: Gro. Reap. WessTER, JOHN. Carteret County. July 8, 1745. February 27, 1746. Sons: Jonn, JosePH, Bensamin, Daughters: EvizaBETH and Mary. Ezxecutors: Perer Peery and NicHoLas Hunter. Witnesses: Moses Houston, James Nosue, RicHarp WILLIAM- son. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Wesster, JOHN. Hyde County. December 25, 1773. April 6, 1774. Sons: RicHarp, SAMUEL, JAMES and Henry. Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executrix: Lypia. Ezecutors: Samue. SmitH and Witim. Porter. Witnesses: Joun MarxDory (?), Ricuarp Capps. Proven before Jo. Martin. Weszstrer, WILLiIaM. Hyde County. October 16, 1745. February 3, 1745. Son: Wiiu1aM (plantation and two negroes). Wife and Executrix: ANN. Grandchildren: Joun THoRo- coop WesBsTER and ANN WesstsR, children of JamEs WrBsTER, deceased (one negro girl to each). Witnesses: Jonn Weicnut, Lopwick Martin, Tuomas Loacx. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Loack. Wrexes, Bengamin. Carteret County. November 9, 1744. June Court, 1745. Sons: Isaac, JaRBUS, THEFFLUS, ARCHELAS, BencuMEN. Daughters: Lippa Witton, Mary WILLIMS, Curist1ian Wraxs, THaNkKFutL Hicks, EvizaBerH Werks. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: JeHosHaPHAT Houuanps, Francis Burns, Tuomas Person. Clerk of the Court: Grorce Reap. Wetcu, Jonny. Chowan County. April 23, 1730. Sons: Epwarp and Jon (plantation to each, JoHNn’s lying on Cockfighting Branch), James (land on Cockfighting Branch). Daughter: Saran (150 acres of land). Wife and Executrix: EvizaABETH. Witnesses: JouN and JAMES PARKER, BENJAMIN Evans. No probate. = Azstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. 397 Wetcu, NatHanie.. Pasquotank County. February 13, 1734-1735. April Court, 1735. Legatees: TERENCE Sweeny, THoMas GASKILL, ELIZABETH GASKILL, JOSEPH PENDLETON, DanieL Dunn, JoHN Corp. Executor: TERENCE SwEENY. Witnesses: JonN SMEDLEY, THoMAS PENDLETON. Clerk of the Court: Jos, SMITH. Wetts, WILLIAM. January 31, 1742-1743. Sons: Witi1aM and NartuHanre.i, JoHN and JoserH (lands), Henry. Daughters: Saran Evans, EvizaBEeru i Executor: Joan StaRKEY. Witnesses: Joan Duper, Joun McGrau, Era. Swirr. Noprobate. County not given. Wenuam, Rosert. May 16, 1735. August 9, 1735. Sons: Ropert (Executor), WILLIAM. Witnesses: FRaNcis Brown, JOHN GREEN, JOHN GouRDON. Proven before W. Sita, C. J. West, ARTHUR. Bertie County. April 12, 1727. May Court, 1730. Devisees and legatees: RoBERT, son of Henry West (land on Fishing Creek), NaraHanren Hickman (land on Fishing Creek). Brother: Joseph West, Sister: Mary Wust. Wife and Execuiriz: Mary. Witnesses: ARTHUR WHITCHED, WILLIAM WEST, EDWARD Towrrson. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. West, CHARLES. Pasquotank County. August 8, 1747. October Court, 1748. Sons: Lemue. (four negroes), JONATHAN (three negroes and cattle), Hnzex1au (two negroes). Daughters: Winerruir West (two negroes), Dinan West. Grandson: BENJAMIN West, son of, dec’d (plantation known as Cowpen Neck and Rol- linseas), Wife and Executrix: Dinan. Executors: LEMuEL West (son) and THomas Macxegu (son-in-law). Witnesses: Jonn GutHray, ANN Danie, Joan McKeen, Clerk of the Court: Taos. Taytor. West, Hewry. Beaufort County. August 14, 1752. December Court, 1752. Sisters: Mary SoJorNER, Saran Pryron, Cama Tynes. Nephew: Joun Psyton. Niece: Ho1- LAND APPLEWHITE, Executors: Joun Gites, MicHarL CouTaNcHE, WIL- uM Pryton and THomas Pierce. Witnesses: Taomas and JoHN Jasper, JoHN Porter. Clerk of the Court: Witt Ormonn. Original missing. Abstract made from recorded copy. West, Joun. Chowan Precinct. July 16, 1713. Wife and Executriz: Evizaseta. Witnesses: Law- RENCE Sarson, ExvizapetH Rose. Original missing. Recorded in Book 1712-1722, page 27. 398 Axsrract or Wits, 1690—1760. West, JoNATHAN. Pasquotank County. August 28,1751. July Court, 1751. Legatees: Lamue. and Hezex1an West, THomas McKerex, Witt1am Wooptry, Dinan and Bznsamin West. Negroes are divided among above-named. Executors: THomas Woopty and THomas Mackxreset, Witnesses: JonaTHAN Howe u, Isaac Cox, AntHony Waits. Clerk of the Court: Toomas Tay or. West, Perer. Bertie County. July 31, 1749. May Court, 1751. Daughters: Saran West, Exiza- BETH Corron (four negroes). Son: Perur (lands and negroes). Grand- son: Witttam West. Executor: CHartes Horne. Witnesses: Henry Winsorne, Bryan Harz, Wustrum (?) Rogers. Clerk of the Court: SAMUEL ORMES. West, Rozert. Chowan Precinct. March 28, 1689. June 4, 1689. Sons: Ropert, Tuomas, JoHn and Ricnarp (lands and negroes). Wife and Executrixz: Martua. Wit- nesses: JAMES DAMERELL, JAMES Harua. Proven before Sera SoruEtt, West, Tuomas. Bertie County. November 6, 1756. April Court, 1757. Wife and Executrix: Euiza- BETH. Daughter: EuizapetH West. Son: Wituiam. (7 negroes divided among foregoing). Hzecutor: Ropert West (brother). Wétnesses: JoHN Corsert, Wm. Fiertrwoop, Joseph Waite. Clerk of the Court: Benn. Wyrnns. West, WitiiuaM. Bertie Precinct. July 28, 1735. Legatees and Executors: Ropert West, Jr., and Tuomas West, his brother (all estate devised and bequeathed to these two). Witnesses: Wirt1am Lattimer, Ropert West. No _ probate officer. West, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. December 4, 1744. December 10, 1745. Daughters: Saran PEYTON (negro), Catia Tynes, Mary Sojourner. Grandson: JacoB SojouRNER. Wife and Executriz: Susanna. Executor: Henry West (son). Wit- nesses: Ricurp. Jones, Mary Smita, Jmremian Smrra. Clerk of the Court: Joun Forsss. West, WiLiiaM. Edgecombe County. November 26, 1749. February Court, 1749. Son and Executor: W11- u1aM (lands on Rocky Swamp, together with water mill). Brother: Henry West. Nephew: Wittiam Wust (son of Henry). Daughter: Mary Wiiiams. Witnesses: WauLis Jones, JoHN Lona, JoEL JONES. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin WYwNNs. Asstract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. 399 West, WILLIAM. Craven County. February Court, 1750. Sons: Joun, DanigL, Wittiam, SAMEWILL (Samus.). Daughters: Mary Lann, EvizaBeTH and Lypia West. Wife and Executriz: Resecxor, LEzecutors: Joan Lanse and Danizit DavuaH- ivy. Witnesses: Jonataan Mcxrarson, Daniret Daucuiry, ELizABETH Daveuity. Clerk of the Court: Petar Conway. , Wuston, WrLiaM. Bertie County. November 12, 1747. February Court, 1748. Sons: Epuraim, JoHN and Wiui1am (lands “upon the Loosing Swamp” and other tracts de- scribed in will), Maticut and THomas Weston (‘‘plantation whereon I live’). Daughter: RacueL Weston. Wife: Catnerine. Ezecutors: JoHN and WILLiaM (sons). Witnesses: Joseph Warrorp, Moses Green. Clerk of the Court: Joun Weston, Wuattongt, THomas. Chowan County. May 8, 1719. June 8,1719. Wife: Annu, of King and Queen County in Virginia. All estate is left to wife and seven children, not named. Executor: Joun Puowman. Witnesses: AB. CoKBURNE, JOHN WHITD, Mary Wuitr. Proven before Governor Cuartes Epren. Impression of what appears to be cherub with wings on seal. Wuarrey, ANTHONY. Perquimans Precinct. September 17, 1716. July 8, 1718. Son: Josnua. Wife and Execu- triz: Saran. Executor: THomas Harvey. Witnesses: Francis Smita. Samuett Wrarr, Ann Ray. Clerk of the Court: Ricuarp Leary. Wuary, Josuua. Perquimans Precinct. January 28, 1729. August 18, 1730. Brother: AnrHony WHary. Sisters: Evizapern, Racwet, Saran and Mary Wuary. LEczecutor: Rosrert Bevines. Witnesses: JoHN ARNAL, ELIZABETH ARNAL, JOHN Stepney. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Wurattzy, Joun. Chowan County. December, 1706. January 1, 1706-1707. Daughters: Euizapetu, ANN and Marrua. Wife and Executriz: ANN® (land on Indian Towne Creek). Executor: SamueL PasckeL. Witnesses: THomas Luton, Henry Boner, Natut, Cuzvin. Clerk of the Court: NaTau. CHEVIN. Wueratizry, Samvet. Tyrrell County. January 21, 1739-1740. June Court, 1740. Wife and children: men- tioned, but not named. Ezecutors: SAMUEL WHEATLEY and WILLIAM Krnnepvy, Witnesses: Wm. Kennepy, Sary Pett, Mary WeEnNTHAM. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Leary. 400 Agstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Wuepser, Ricwarp. Perquimans County. January, 1746. July Court, 1746. Sons: Joun (plantation and one negro), RicHarp (land known as Broken Beeches and one negro), GrorGE (three -negroes), BENJAMIN and JosEPH (two negroes to each). Daugh- ters: ExvizaBeTtH Pratt, Desoran WILKENS, SarRaAH Hasxkens (two negroes to each). Wife and Executrix: HANNAH (two negroes). Ezecu- tors: CHRISTIAN and JosePH ReeEp (brothers-in-law). Watnesses: SAMUEL Snowpen, EvizaBetH Reep, CaTHERINE Davis. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatca. WHEEDBEE, ANN. Pasquotank County. September 24,1750. January Court, 1750. Sons: WinL1aM Bovp and Tuomas Boyp. Other legatees: EuizaseTH Battey, WintFoRT Boyp, ANN Baitey. Executors: ANTHoNy MarckHaM and Wi.iiam Boyp. Wit- nesses: JOHN WILKINS, JosePH ComMANDER. Clerk of the Court: Txos. . TAaybor. WHeier, Henry. Bertie Precinct. June 24, 1726. November Court, 1727. Sons: Emprer, Henry, Joun. Daughter. Sarau. Wife and Executriz: ANNE. Witnesses: Rosert Simes, ANDREW IRELAND. Clerk of the Court: Roprrr Forster. Wuinse, Grorce. Pasquotank Precinct. March 22, 1718. July 29, 1718. Sons: Ricnarp, GrorcE (land on Alegator River), Jon. Cousin: Richarp Wuivpe. Daughter: Ruta Wuipse. Ezecutors: Gzorgr and Ricuarp WHIDBE (sons). Watnesses: Joun Mixon, AuTHo. ALLEXANDER, Respeckan Bauey. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Wurpse, Grorce. Albemarle County. April 21, 1722. Daughters: ANN and EvizaBeru (land on Cow Ridge). Brother: Ricuarp WHIDBEE. Other legatees: JoHN GaRDENER (son of JaNE GARDENER) and Jonn Wuipzes (son of Jonn Wauipser). Wife and Ezecutriz: WINEFORD. Witnesses: JoserpH Winsuip, Witu1am Hup- son, WitL1am WILLSON. Proven before WM. REED, ‘Presidente of North Carolina.” WHIDBEE, GEorGE. Pasquotank. County. June 16,1749. August 11,1749. Brothers: Joan and Ricuarp WHID- BEE. Nephews: Grorce (son of RicHarD), JoHN and THomas WHIDBEE (sons of JoHn). To above-named is bequeathed negroes. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: ANTHONY MARKHAM, JNO. McKegu. Proven before Gas. Jounston at Eden House. Coat of arms on seal. Agstrract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 401 Wuipse, Ricuarp. Tyrrell County. March 29, 1736. June Court, 1740. Cousin and Executor: GrorGE Purtps. Other legatee: Cuppata Pups. Witnesses: JoaN WoopDLAND, Tuomas and JANE Best. Clerk of the Court: THomas Leary. Wuitr, ABRAHAM. Pasquotank County. January 7, 1746. January Court, 1746. Brother: Joun WHuite. Nephew: Jamus Wuite, son of Jouwn (plantation). Wife and Executrix: Saran. Executor: James Wuite (brother). Witnesses: AAaRon Morris, Tuomas Symons, JosepH Rosinson. Clerk of the Court: Tomas Tay- Lor. Device on seal. Wurst, ARNOLD. March 22, 1690. Daughter: Exizasetu. Son and Executor: ARNOLD. Brother: Henry Waite. Witnesses: SrepHeN MUNDEN, WILLIAM Man, Jeams Davis. Clerk of the Court: HENDERSON WALKER. Wuitr, Arnon. Perquimans County. April 24, 1751. July Court, 1752. Sons: SamurL and ARNOLD (plan- tation divided between them). Wife and Executriz: ExvizaBeTH. Wit- nesses: Peter Parker, JAcoB OverMan, Mary Parker. Clerk of the Court: Epvmunp Hatcu. Wuirts, Grorce. Craven County. October 7, 1741. September 22, 1744. Sons: Grorce and Luxe. Daughters: Saran and Persinua. Wife: Francess. Witnesses: RoBERT Cuark, Jonw Waite, Epwp. Vann. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Wuirr, Groree. Chowan County. April, 1747. Will illegible. Waurrtr, Hewry. November 14, 1669-1670. May 16,1670. Wife: Exmner. Son: ARNULL, No executor appointed. Witnesses: Gzorcr RicHarps, Henry Man- NERLY. Clerk of the Court: Toos. Harris. Justice: PETER CARTERET. Wurst, Henry. Albemarle County. September 19,1706. Sons: Henry, ARNOLD, Isack, Roprrt and Joun. (Negroes and “‘maner” plantation devised and bequeathed to sons.) Daugh- ters: CONTENT, Mary and Naomy. Wife and Executriz: not named. Wit- nesses: ZACHARIAH Nixon, JoHN Symons, JoHN Martin, JEREMYAH Symons, Joun Rarur. No probate. 26 402 Asstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. Wuirs, Henry. Pasquotank County. March 25, 1739. April Court, 1739. Sons: THomas and Isaac (all es- tate left to these two sons). Ezecutors: Henry Stanton and WILLIAM Burpen (or BenpER). Witnesses: Wittiam Symons, JoHANA WHITE, Bensamin Newsy. Clerk of the Court: Jospra Smita, Clerk of Carteret County: Joan Simpson. Wuirsr, Heyry. Currituck County. December 22,1751. September 10,1754, Sons: Hitary (two negroes), Henry, Josera (land at Navis Creek), Cates (plantation called Dunke- leys), JosHua, Cuurcu. To four sons is given land over Indian Creek, and also plantation at Black Water. Daughter: Mary. Evxecutors: Hitary and Henry Wuire (sons). Witnesses: Jos. CAMPBELL, CHARLES WIL- LiaMs, WitLIAM DupinG (?). Clerk of the Court: Joan Soap. Wurrt, Joun. Albemarle County. April 4, 1690-1691. Legatees: Witt1am and EvizaneTH EDLETON, James Rice (Executor). Wifeand Executrix: Marcret. Witnesses: JOHN Srepney, STEPHEN Hanrerre (?), Toomas Lerrer (?). Signature of pro- bate officer illegible. if Wuite, JouN. Hyde County. April 7, 1724. April Court, 1726. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Wit- nesses: RoperT Peyton, Patrick Mau.e. Clerk of the Court: THomas Jones. Ezecutriz qualified beforeSamuEL Stave. Coat of arms on seal. Wuits, Joun. Perquimans Precinct. February 16, 1730-1731. March 10, 1730. Son: Jonn. Daughters: RacuHet Waite (land bought of Francis Nuss (Newsy), Sarag, Eviza- Bera and Hutpr. Sister: Mary. Wife and Ezecutrixz: Saran. Witnesses: Joun Litue, JAMES , WittiamM Wuaire. Proven before GEORGE BuRRINGTON. Wuirr, Joun. Carteret County. April 11, 1744. February 26, 1745. Brother: Ropsrt Wurrs, of the County of Norfolk, in Great Britain. Executors: Joun STarKEy and SamurLL Witson. Witnesses: RaupoH Caves, Saran STARKEY, JACOB Bippiz. Proven before Gas. JoHNsTON, Wuirr, Joun. Pasquotank County. May 19, 1754. July Court, 1754. Son: Samurx. Sister: ExizABETH Waite. Wife: Ann. Other legatee: Joan Man. Executor: James Davis. Witnesses: TimotHy Mrgps, James Davis, WiLL1AM Bunpy. Clerk of the Court: THomas TayLor. , Assrract oF Witts, 1690—1760. 403 Wairr, Luxs. Currituck County. June 8, 1757. March Court, 1758. Sons: Vinson (land called Absalom Poiner’s), JosHua (plantation and one negro). Daughters: CHRISTIAN Wuirr, Keziau Exiss, wife of Micnan. Exius, Mary, wife of Joun Tom- son. Wifeand Executriz: MaRGaRET. Witnesses: WILLIAM Bray, JOSEPH Poyner, JoHN WHeEatTiEy. Clerk of the Court: Wm. Mearns, ‘ Waits, Mepr. Bertie County. August 27,1744. January 17,1749. Chowan. Wife and Executrix: Euiz- ABETH. Witnesses: ABIGAIL WHITE, JosePH Burrerton, Saran Butter- ton. Proven before Gas. Jonnston. Impression of winged dragon on seal. Wuirr, Nexemian. Pasquotank County. September 5, 1751. July Court, 1751. Sons: Bensamin and JosHuA (land to each). Daughters: Sanau, Mary and Marta Waiter. Wife and Executriz: Mantua. Executor: JoserpH PrircHarp (brother-in-law). Wit- nesses: JOSEPH COMMANDER, Rosert WHITE, JosEPH Ropinson. Clerk of the Court: Taomas Tayor. Wuirs, Rogert. Albemarle County. April 19,1698. Probate illegible. Sons: Vincent and Ropert. Daugh- ter: Mary, Friend: THomas Jones. Executor: VINCENT WHITE (son). Witnesses: EPHREAM CosTE, JOHN Fourrs, Francis DeLaMare. Waite, Roper. Pasquotank Precinct. January 1,1732. April16,1733. Sons: Jonaruan and ZeFeniau (“the manah plantation adjoining Rosert Lowry’’), Josern (“back land” and two negroes). To each of sons is bequeathed negroes. Daughters: ANN and ExizapetH Wuire. Wife and Executriz: Reseckan. Witnesses: Aaron Morris, Ropart Davis, Henry Wauirse. Proven before Guo. BurRRINGTON. Waitt, Roger. Albemarle County. September 10, 1686. Wife and Executrix: Joan. Other legatees: Wi1L- Liam Morrison, RicHarD WILLIAMSON and GrorcE Lonopay (?). Wt- nesses: Wm. CuapMan, Goran Lonopay (?), Ricwarp WILLIAMSON, THomas WaLtEn. No probate. Waurre, Saran. Hyde County. January 6, 1726. April Court, 1727. Legatees: Bensamin Morpicke (plantation on Machepungo River), ExizasetH Montcomery, JoHN Snoap, Jr., ARDLEY THOROWGOOD, SARAH Bey (Executrix). Witnesses: Gr. Hauipay, Wittiam Wesster. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas JoNnEs. 404 AxgstTract oF Witzs, 1690—1760. Wuirr, THomas. Albemarle County. March 11, 1695. No probate. Wife and Executrix: Diana. Other leg- atee: W1LL1AM CoLiins. Witnesses: DeBora WILLOBY, WILLIAM COLLINS, THomas Hassobp. Waitt, Tuomas. Chowan County. April 26, 1752. January Court, 1754. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Son: not named. Children of wife: Jos and JoHNn CHARLTON, Mary Crecy, Susanah Leary. Ezecutors: Jos and JoHN CHaRuton, Levi Crecy. Wit- nesses: J. BENBURY, M. Potter, JosH. Pratt. Clerk of the Court: Witt Hausey. Impression on seal: man mounted on horse or lion. Wurre, THomas. Carteret County. November 28, 1757. December 8, 1757. Sons: Henry (plantation), Tuomas (one negro). Ezecutors: Henry Stanton and Issac WuitTe (brother), Witnesses: EpHRam BuLu, JAMES Brown, KaTHERINE WHITE. Clerk of the Court: W1Lt1AM RoBERTSON. Waits, WILLraM. Chowan County. December 14,1723. April 14,1724. Wifeand Executriz: Mary. Daugh- ter: Mary. Witnesses: JEREMIAH PRATT, THoMAsS MERCER. Proven before C. Gate, C. J. Waits, WitiiaM. Currituck County. March 10, 1753. March Court, 1755. Sons: Henry, W1ILLoUGHBY (lands to each), Luxz, JaMzEy (negro to each). Daughters: Contwa, Love and Meriam Waite (negroes). Wife and Executriz: MARGARET. Witnesses: Groren Powers, Sam. Stmmons, Toomas Miter. Clerk of the Court: WILLIAM SHERGOLD. Wurst, WILL1aM. Cumberland County. May 5, 1774. July 13, 1774. Granddaughter: Catrins KNowLan. Nephews: James and GERALD Waite. Brother: James Wuirs. Executors: Ws. McRes, James Wuire, JosepH Kemp. Witnesses: Grirrira JoNEs, Mary Waits, Mary Wuite. Proven before Jo. Martin. WaHitEeHEaD, ALICE. Craven County. March 12, 1741-1742. June 21, 1743. Brother: Ep>warp WHITEHEAD of London. Nephews: James and Ropert WaiTeHEap (sons of brother, Epwo.). Niece: EvizaneTH WHITEHEAD (daughter of brother, Epwarp). Other legatees: Tasiraa SmitH, Mitprep Travers, THomas (son of Joun Frarn), Mary (wife of Joun Fearn), Ann Benpis, Saran Benpis, MARY (wife of Jamzs Coor, youngest daughter of Taomas Smirx of New River), Nicuoias Routiepce of New Bern, Mapam Hannis (wife of Josepa Han- Asstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 405 nis), SusannaH (wife of Wiru1am Herritace), Wituiam Brice, JosePH Hanns, Jr. (Executor), Manueu and Prrer (‘‘two Portugee servants”). Codicil revokes legacy of two Portugese slaves and gives them their free- dom, All legacies are in money or clothing. Witnesses: Taomas HitpEr- SLEY SKERRETT, CATHERINE RouTLepeGr, Henry Hertwe.y, Rateu YrEo- man. Deviceonseal. Clerk of the Court: N. RouTLEDGE. WHITEHOUSE, SAMUEL. Carteret County. October 28, 1756. December Court, 1756. Sons: Rosert (plantation at the Straights lying to the eastward of Old Topsail Inlet and one negro). Son-in-law: Witt1aM WILKINS TayYLor (plantation ‘‘on which I now live” on Bouge and Newport Sounds). Daughters: Estamr and ANNE WuitTr- HousE. Wife and Executriz: AsicarL. Executor: VaALINTINE WALLIS. Witnesses: FRANCES SHEPARD, JOHN OGELSBEE, GEO. Mackane. Clerk of the Court: Jonn Smrtu. Wuirrexurst, THomas. “Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.” March 22, 1765. June 23, 1766. Unto Wi1iti1aM GRENFELL Loss, youngest son of Jacop Loss, commander of “His Majesty’s sloop the Viper,’’ is bequeathed money in hands of Grorce Mars of Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, London. Unto sister, ANN Wauireuurst is devised lands known as Styles Copp within six miles of the town of Stafford, England; sister also named as Executriz, Witnesses: J. Eustace, Tuomas Copyuam, Tuomas McGuire. Proven before Wm. Tryon. Impression of head on seal. Wuitriry, SamMueEL. Tyrrell County. January 21, 1739-1740. March 4, 1739. Lands and property bequeathed to wife and children, who are not named. Son-in-law: Wituiam ARCH- pEcon. Evzecutors: SAMLL, WHITLEY and WiLLiamM KENNEDY. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Leary. The original of this will missing. Abstract made from recorded copy No. 117, in Grant Book No. 4. Wuittey, WiniiaM. Northampton County. August 15,1751. April Court, 1759. Sons: Jacos, Jamzs, WILLIAM, ArtHur, JoserH. Daughters: ELIZABETH, JULIAN and Susanna. Wife and Executriz: Jouian. Witnesses: Jamms Gay, Evisna DARDEN, CHARLES Barnes. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. WuHITMELL, THoMas. Bertie County. November 23, 1735. December 13,1735. Sons: THomas, Lewis, W11- uiaM. Daughters: Saran and Marta. WHITMELL and EvizaBeTH PoL- Lock. Wife: E.izasera. The following lands devised: plantation (home) 406 AxsstracT oF WILLts, 1690—1760. on Kesia River; landon Buck Swamp. Horses and other live stock, to- gether with eight or ten negroes bequeathed to above-named. EHzecutors: THos. WHITMELL (son)'and JoHN Gray. Witnesses: SIMON GALE, GARRAD Van Upstatt, Mary Cannapy. Proven before GaB. JOHNSTON, The original of this will missing. Abstract made from recorded copy No, 22, in Grant Book No. 4. WHirney, JosHvA. December 26, 1735. January 21, 1735. Sons: Davip, JEREM1AH, SAMUEL (one negro and one-fourth share of sloop Ketring to each), Joszra, Francis. Daughters: Kerrine (negro), Ruta. About 12 silver spoons and one silver tankard bequeathed to sons and daughters. Wife: Marrua. Executors: Davip and JEREMIAH WHITNEY (sons). Witnesses: JoHN and JEREMIAH BENTLEY, JAMES Buarr. Proven before W. SMITH. Wit, Joun. Perquimans County. April 9, 1738. June 15, 1739. Son: Witi1am (lands and negroes). Daughters: Saran Stanpine (lands on Mings Creek and Bridge Creek), EvizaBeTH Oates. Brother: Josazway Lone (land known as Normond’s Folly). Wife and Executrix: Racuer. Ezecutors: WitLiaM WiarT and Tuomas Prerrce. Witnesses: Taomas CaLLoway, WM. Hosxkine, Wit- t1aM Lone. Proven before W. Smiru. Wiat, THomas. Perquimans Precinct. April 28, 1735. July 23, 1735. Brothers: Taomas Lone, SAMUELL Wiat, Witu1am Lone, Josnua Lone (Executor). Witnesses: Joun StErP- ney, Witi1aM Hosxins (or Horxins). No probate officer. Wicker, Ricwarp. Currituck County. January 30, 1699-1700. Wife: MartHa. Granddaughters: ANNA and EvizaBetH (daughters of Grorer Boots). Other legatee: Ropert Lin- NEY. Witnesses: ANN THoMas, PeETER Parker, NatTHaNIEL Toms. Clerk of the Court: Witt Swann. Wick.iFFe, WILLIAM. Craven County. September 30, 1753. December 15, 1754. Son: Witt1am. Daughters: Euizapuru, Avicy and Kataerine WIckuirre, Ezecutors: Joun FRANKS (son-in-law), WiLLIam WiIckKLIFFe (son), JoHN SrarKry. Witnesses: JERE. Vait, DanreL Duress, Soutny Rew. Proven before ARTHUR Dosss, : Wicxstrap, Pau. New Hanover County. August 4, 1738, August 12, 1738. This is a nuncupative will proven before Marr. Rowan, J. P., by Mary Bryan and Francis Boyan, and bequeaths books to said Rowan’s children, and remainder of estate to said BoyLan. Assrract oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 407 Witcocks, Joun. Craven County. May 9, 1761. No probate. Sons: Bensamin (land bought of Lemus Harcu), THomas and STEPHEN. Grandson: Joan Wiucocks. Saw and grist mill mentioned. Wife: Janz. Daughter: ANN. Executor: LEMUEL Harco. Witnesses: EueNER Wi.cocks, GersHomM Woop, EpMuUND Hatcn, Wirxins, CHaRrLzs. Chowan Precinct. January 23, 1733-1734. February 15, 1734. Sons: Jonn (“my plan- tation,” bounded by Mattacomack Swamp and Queen Anne’s Creek, and the road from Hoskins Bridge to Yawpim), Witi1am (plantation called Britains and Fordyces, and also lands called the Wett Ground). Daugh- ters: Sanan (wife of Luxe Gregory), ANN, Mary and ELisaBete. Brother-in-law: Nicnovas Crisp. Wife: not named. LHzxecutors: Joun and WILLIAM (sons). Witnesses: SAMUEL and SarawH WaRNER, Epwarp SranpiIn. Proven before Gas. JOHNSTON. Witxins, Jonny. Chowan County. January 18, 1774. March 17, 1774. Sons: CHarums (“thick neck” plantations in Perquimans and Chowan, together with three negroes), Joun (plantation near Hoskins’ Mill and plantation known as McClenny’s,. * together with three negroes). Daughters: KaTHERINE Bains, DrEBoran Tartor, ExizaBpeta Witxins. Wife and Exzecutrix: Jupira (three negroes), HExecutors: ANDREw Knox and Tuomas OupHam. Witnesses: Cartes CopELAND, WILLIAM COPELAND, Resecca Barper. Proven before Jo. Marrin. Wrrxison, Puri. Bladen County. February 24, 1757. July Court, 1758. Sons: THomas (land on Wil- keson’s Creek), Ricnarp, Joun, Witu1am. Daughters: EvizapetH, Mary and Marearert Wiuuiams. Wife and Executriz: Martua (negroes). Witnesses: BENJAMIN SLUYTER, THomMAS PLatTT, ALEXANDER McConkEy. Clerk of the Court: J. Burewin. Wuxison, WitriaM. July 4, 1704. May 9, 1706. Wife and Executriz: Estumr. Other legatees: Wm. Guover, THomas Lurren, THomas Buunt, Jno. BLUNT (1 ring to each). Witnesses: James Benpery, Daniu. Leics, Sivas Smita, James Brastey, Jonn Suaw, RacHert Backer. Clerk of General Court: J. Knieer. Witicox, JerEMian. Pasquotank County. April 22, 1754. July Court, 1754. Son: SrmpHen (lands on sound side). Daughters: Saran and Ruru. Wife and Executriz: EvizaBeru. | 408 AgBsTRACT oF WiLLs, 1690—1760. Other legatee: ExizaBeTH WakEFIELD. Executor: ZacHarian KEETON, Witnesses: NatHan OveRMAN, JoB Nicuots. Clerk of the Court: Tuo. TAYLOR. Witutiams, ANTHONY. Chowan County. December 3, 1717. April Court, 1718. Sons: Lewis, Witt1aM, Jonn, AntTHony (land on Beach Swamp). Daughters: Saran, Mary and ELunore Wiuiams. Wife and Ezecutriz: Martua (land at Catawat- sky). Other devisee: Jamms CoRLEE (land on Holly Swamp). Father-in- law: JoHN Earty. Witnesses: WiLLIAM CRANFORD, PETER WeEsT, PRE- cinta West. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Wiruiams, ANTHONY. Duplin County. | July 3, 1751. April Court, 1752. Sons: SrerpHen (plantation and negroes), BENJAMIN (land ‘I now live on called the Beaverdam Neck’’) To son BENJAMIN is also given two negroes, and son STEPHEN is requeste to build for him a “sufficient dwelling of ye Bigness of twenty and six- teen foot.”” Daughters: Mary (wife of Mosss Powr.i), PENELLIPY Wir LIAMS (one negro), PHERIBE WILLIAMS (one negro), Easter WILLIAMS, Siveurry Wituiams. Cousin: ANTHONY BEVELY. Other devisee: EDWARD Carter. Wife: Mary. Ezecutors: Jop Brookes, WiLLiam Hairs. W, nesses: SAMUELL JonES, GrorGE SmitH, JoHN Wiuuiams. Clerk of the Court: Joun Dickson. ; Witiiams, ARTHuR. Bertie County. August 8, 1735. February Court, 1739. Sons: ArtHur (water mill and lands on Creek), Ropert (lands on Potecasi Creek above ye Wildcat Swamp, land on Mahering River at Walnut Field, lands called the Goose Pond), Joun (“plantation I now live on” and land called the Reedy Branch), Moas (lands on River and land on Potteeasi called the Rourd- about). To Joun and Moas is bequeathed small water mill. All ne- groes divided among sons. Ezecutors: Ropert and Wiii1aM (sons). Witnesses: ABRAHAM Burton, Nicuotas Boonsz, Nicuouas Boons, JUNR. Clerk of the Court: JouN WyYNNs. Wittmsms, Epwarp. Chowan County. February 9, 1713-1714. July Court, 1714. ‘‘Prodigall and disobedi- ent” son: Joun. Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: Joun BrYAn, Lawrence Magus. Clerk of the Court: E>wp, BENWICKE (or RENWICKE). Witiiams, Epwarp. Pasquotank County. October Court, 1739. Sons: Lemanp, JostaH, Lopwicx and JosEPH (lands and negroes). Daughter: Saran. Wife and Executrixz: E.isE- BETH. Witnesses: DanizeL Sawyer, B. Morgan. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN, ABsTRACT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. 409 Witiiams, Evisna. Edgecombe County. August 13, 1751. February Court, 1755. Brothers: Souomon Wi1- LiaMs, GEorGE WILLIAMS, DanieL WILLIAMS, JosHUA WILLIAMS, JOHN Wituiams. Nephew: Richarp WiiuiaMs (son of JoHN). Sisters: Mary Car, Evizaseta DavuauTry. Ezecutor: JosHua Wiiuiams. Witnesses: James SmitH, Drew Sito, Groree Bey. Clerk of the Court: Brn- JAMIN WYNNS. Wittiams, Exiza. Perquimans County. November 8, 1745. December 3, 1745. Sons: Joun and ANTHONY Hatcn. Daughter: Penerope Wiuuiams (1 negro). Ten silver spoons bequeathed to son and daughter. Other legatees: Benjamin Baptist and Bryan Fosserr. Executors: McRora ScarproucH and Epmunp Harcu (brother). Witnesses: SamunL SNowDEN, Saran SNOWDEN, FRANCIS Laypen. Proven before E. Hatt. Wiiuams, Grorer. Northampton County. January 6, 1749-1750. May Court, 1750. Sons: Rosmrr (one negro), GezorcE (land bought of Marruzw KincHen, and one negro), SamuEL (one negro), JAcoB (one negro), WiLL1am (one negro), Lands lying on Hopkins Howell’s'spring branch, and Kerby’s Creek. Daughters: Saran, Ann and Metprep. Wife: Saran (seven negroes). Other legatees: Erxen, Taytor and James Turner, Jr. Evxecutors: Ropert WILLIAMS (son). Witnesses: JNo. Simpson, Etup. Taytor, NicHotas Moncsr, Wituiam Moncer. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Witiiams, Grorer. Edgecombe County. July 19, 1758. June Court, 1759. Sons:' Grorcr (“my plantation”), Samuet (land on Deer Creek bought of Winu1am WaiTrHEad). Daugh- ter: Cron. Deceased Sister: Lucretia Winuiams. Wife and Executrizx: Priscitta. Witnesses: GEorcE Crupur, Mosrs Baker, Joun Norwoop. Clerk of the Court: Jos. MontTForT. WituraMs, James. Bertie Precinct. August 21, 1736. February Court, 1737. Son: Ezexie,. Daughters: Ferize and JerusHa Wiuiiams (two negroes). Wife and Executrix: Evizapetu. Executor: THEoPHitus Witiiams (brother). Witnesses: Rosert Hines, Wintiam Stanpury, Grorce'Prics. Clerk of the Court: Jno. WYNNS. Witurams, James. Carteret County. October 31, 1770. November 19, 1770. Sons: Brice (land in Duplin County on Stewart’s Creek, and four negroes), BENJAMIN and JAMES (“plantation I now live on” divided between them, and five negroes ‘ 410 Asstract or Wiis, 1690—1760. bequeathed to each). Wife and Hxecutriz: Saran (4 dozen cushion chairs, 4 dozen chairs, silver spoons and other household furniture, together with three negroes). Daughters: CuristiAN Nixon, Saran Harcu (negroes), Cassanpra (three negroes), Mary (three negroes), Cuarissica (three negroes). Executor: Lemurn Hatcu. Witnesses: STerHen Bai, StepHeN Yeats, CHARLES MackKLAND. Proven before Wn. Tryon. WitiiaMs, JESSE. . Onslow County. September 27, 1773. Sons: Lor (one negro and land on N. W. Branch of New River ‘‘above Dr. Carrutuers’ bridge at a place called Gerald’s neck’”’), Jesy (plantation and one negro), Hixt (one negro and land on N. W. branch of New River adjoining Matramw Grecory). Daughters: Saran, Ester and Hannan WILLIAMs (negro to each). Wife: ANNE (three negroes). Hzecutors: OBED and Uz Witutams (brothers). Wit- nesses: Moses Cox, Matraew Grecory, BENJAMIN WILLIAMS. Proven before Jo. Martin. : Witurams, Joanna. Bertie County. January 12, 1747-1748. July Court, 1756. Sons and Executors: Ricu- ARD and Tuomas Wituiams. Daughter: Exiza Smita. Grandchildren: Simon Witiiams, ARTHUR Brown (negro boy to each), Mary Smita, Pen- ELOPE WILLIAMS, Mary HarReLu (negro to each). Wetnesses: Joun Har- RELL, Hastur Cnittam. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Witurams, JoHN. Albemarle County. January 29, 1727-1728. Daughter: Mary. Brother: NATHANIEL Wit- LiaMs (plantation). Wife and Hxecutriz: Saran. Witnesses: Tuomas and Mary Peirce, CHartesCenman. Clerk of the Court: CHARLES DENMAN. Witiiams, Jon. January 26,1721. May 18,1722. Brothers: THEOPHILUS, Jamas, Isaac and Arter Wiuiams (lands at Runaroy). Cousins: Joun WILLIAMS, AntHony Herring. No executor named. Witnesses: Joun and ANN Wituiams, Mary Monps. Proven before THos. PoLLock, SENR. WituraMs, Jonn. Edgecombe County. August Court, 1737, Wifeand Executriz: ANN. Sons: Joun and JosHua. Daughter: Mary. Witnesses: Henry Tanton, THomas Carta. Clerk of the Court: THoMas Kparny. Wittuss, Joun. Bertie County. March 13, 1745. January Court, 1758. Sons: Isaac (one negro), AR- THUR (‘my maner plantation”), THEorHitus (one negro). Daughters: ABSTRACT OF WILLs, 1690—1760. 411 Ann Herrine, Saran CasteELaw. Grandson: Joun Wituiams. Wife and Executrixz: Ann. Witnesses: WILLIAM Byrp, JoHN Moorg, THomas Cas- — TELLAW. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNs, WiuuiaMs, JOSEPH. 1682. Will illegible. WitiuMs, JosEPH. Perquimans County. June 28,1772. Sons: James and Josrrx (plantation between Garrgut and the Mill Swamp ‘‘whereon I now live’), Wittiam, NATHANIEL, Daugh- ters: Exizapeta, Mary and Ann Wiiuiams. Wife and Executrix: Fran- ces. Wetnesses: WituiaAM'SkinneR, Rosert Harines, NicHouas BRAINER. Clerk of the Court: Mins Harvey. Wituuss, Lewis. Chowan County. October 1, 1716. April 16,1717. Son: Antuony. Grandsons: Lewis Witiiams (land on Poplar Swamp), Joun Jones, Cuartes SAWELL, Josoua Patcuett. Daughter: Priscitta West (land on Katherine’s Creek). Wife and Executriz: Mary (land at Catawatsky). Wétnesses: WitiiaM CRANFORD, GRissizE Littieson. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Witiums, Lopwick. Albemarle County. November 7, 1684. December 1, 1684. Son: Epwarp. Wife and Executriz: Hannan. Witnesses: THoMas Frencu, JoHn Jones. Proven before Jounw ARCHDALE. Witurams, Lort. Onslow County. June 16, 1757. October Court, 1757. Son: Bunsamin. Daughter: Ann. Negroes bequeathed to each. Ezxecutors: Jesse and OpEp. WIL- LiaMs. Witnesses: BENJAMIN WiLLiaMs, Mosres Cox, Junr., Uz Wi1- tiams. Clerk of the Court: W1LL CRay. Witiiams, Moas. Northampton County. May 19,1751. May Court, 1752. Lands on Potecasi Creek called the Roundabout, and also lands purchased of Ropert Epwarps. Son: DEn- TON (water mill and still). Wife and Executriz: Saran Witiiams, Father of wife: James Denton (Executor). Witnesses: Joan Brown, ANNE WIL- LIAMS, JOHN THORN. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Wituuas, Naruan. Northampton County. April 8, 1751. July Court, 1758. Sons: Erzy and Natwan (lands on Plumtree and Cyprus Branch), Toomas. Daughters: MantaHa WI1LLIAMs and four others, not named. Wife and Executriz: Regsecca (four negroes). Witnesses: CHAPLIN WitiiaMs, JouN ForpHaM. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps, 412 Axpstract oF Wixts, 1690—1760. Witziams, Rowranp. Northampton County. March 8, 1754. May Court, 1754. Son: Jon (“all my lands in North Carolina”). Daughters: Casian Batt, Martaa and Lewsy WiLLiams. Wife and Executrix: Purvis. Witnesses: WinL1AM ARMISTEAD, JAMES Watacz, Fra. Jonzs. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. Witiiams, SaMvet. Bertie Precinct. April 16, 1786. November Court, 1736. Legatees: EvizaABETH and Samusx Wiuutams (children of Gzorer). Brother and Executor: GEoRGE. Witnesses: Jno. Simpson, Epwarp Herrin, WaLter Pitts. Clerk of the Court: JNO. WYNNS, WitiiaMs, SaMvEL. Edgecombe County. November 18, 1748. February Court, 1748. Sons: Sampson and Wi1- Liam (land ‘adjoining to the Taylor’s in the Island as I leased of Mrs. Jounston’’), Jacop and Grorae (‘‘the manner plantation’? and land on Beaverdam Swamp), Samuret. Daughter: Crense Witiiams. To sons and daughter are bequeathed five negroes. Wife and Executrix: Jann. Witnesses: Joun Pops, JouN Crupur, Mournine Crupup. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin WYNNS. Wiriiams, SAMvEL. Edgecombe County. October 21, 1753. February Court, 1754. Sons: Witu1am, Sotomon, SamvueE. (land on Mush Island bought of Ropert Lane), JoszrH JoHN Wi.uiams (about 800 acres of land bought of Joun Burt and Joun Eczr- TON, and adjoining Yancry’s line and the Reedy Branch). To two last named sons are devised 11 negroes. Grandson: Samuryt Wituiams. Wife: Evizazeta. Hzecutors: Poitip ALston and BENJamiIn Wywnns. Wit- ‘nesses: Tomas and Epmunp Kzarny, James ALsTon. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin Wynws. Coat of arms on seal. Witiusms, Tuomas. Currituck County. December 12, 1732. Probate not dated. Sons: Samus. (land called the New Desire), Josepx (land on the Sand Banks). Wife: Mary. Daugh- ter: Mary. Negroes bequeathed to sons and daughter. Wife appointed Executriz. Witnesses: Mancret Norton and Caarty Norton. Clerk of the Court: Taomas LowTHER. Witiimss, THomas. Beaufort County. December 13,1748. December Court, 1753. ‘Southwark Parish in the County of Surry.” Will probated in Beaufort County, N.C. Wife and Executria: Buzapetu. Wife's children: Many WILLIsMS, WILLIAM FLAKE, Artuur, EvizABeru and Ropert Fuake. Witnesses: CHas. Binns, WIL- LIAM CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JOHN WILLIAMS, Ropert Fuaxe. Clerk of the Court: not given. Asstract or Wixzs, 1690—1760. 413 Wititums, THomas. Beaufort County. February 17, 1757. March Court, 1758. Sons: Tuomas (land on the East side of the mouth of Bath Town Creek, bought of Wm. Baxer, and lot in Bath Town No. 39), CHarius and Joun (land in the fork of Cuckolds Creek), Ropert. Daughters: Temperance, ANN, Mary, Saran and Hanan Wiuiams, EvizaBernH Pritcnarp. Land in the fork of Nevils Creek devised to son, CHartes. Estate in England and Wales ordered divided among wife and children. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Executors: Wvrriotr ORMOND, JAMES ELLISON, COLEMAN RoE and THomMas WILLIAMS. Witnesses: WiLL1aM Down, Jacos Nervi, Jr., Moses Nevin. Clerk of the Court: WaLtLEy CHAUNCY. Witiiams, WILLIAM. Currituck Precinct. February 2, 1724-1725. No probate. Sons: Tuomas (plantation up Tulls Creek together with one negro), STEPHEN (land at the mouth of Tulls Creek), TULLE (land bought of Wint1am Swann together with one negro). To three sons is devised land up Tulls Creek called Long Leet. Daughters: JanE Brent, ABIGAIL PHILLIPS (one negro to each). Granddaughter: Mary Brent. Grandson: JonatHan Brent. ‘To sons TULLE and Sts- PHEN is devised land called ‘‘Gibeses Island.” Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: Witt1am Davis, CHARLES BRENT, RoBERT ERVIN. Wituiams, WILLraM. Albemarle County. December 9,1711. April 15,1712. Wéfe and Executriz: Mary. Sons: SaMvEL, JoHN (lands on Blak Water called Littel Town), Steven (lands). Witnesses: TREDELL Krerre, Luis Witi1aMs, Ropert Lanier. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp BonwIckE. Wituuss, WItiiaM. Edenton, Chowan County. May 7,1730. December 20,1732. Sons: Witu1aM and Tuomas. Daugh- _ters: Sara and Evizasera. Wife and Executriz: Frances. Witnesses: James Bremen, Joun Ricnarps, JoHN MarruEews. Proven before Gzo. BurRIneTon. Wittums, WitiiaM.. February 7, 1760. Son: Jessr. Daughters: ZetpHa and Lucy WIL- LiaMs, Hzecutor: Isaac BARRENTON. Wiétnesses: Davin Lewis, WIL- LIAM West, BenJAMIN WitLIaMs. No probate. Wittiamson, Cxarzes. Onslow County. June 18,1746. June 18,1746. This is a nuncupative will proven before Gasriz, Joanston by Danie, Rayner, Joan SHEPHERD and SaMUEL Rayner, and bequeaths all estate to wife, HANNAH. 414 Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. Witiusmson, Jonn. Onslow County. March 13, 1733-1734. October 2, 1734. New River. Sons: CHARLES (land on southwest fork of New River), Zacnary and Joun (planta- tion on New River). Daughter: Marcarret. Wife and Executriz: Ross, Witnesses: ALLEXANDER Frazer, Peter Starkey, JosepH Watts. Clerk of the Court: Wm. CRANFORD. Wittumson, RicHarp. Carteret Precinct. January 15, 1723. Sons: Wittiam, Joun (land on White Oak River). Daughters: Mary, Jans and ANNE Witiiamson. Wife and Evxecutrix: Jane. Evxecutors: Enoch WarpD, JOHN STARKEY, JOHN Roperts, SaraH and NatHaniget Picorr. No probate. Wittis, WILLIAM. Beaufort County. Will so torn as to be illegible. Witiovexsy, THomas. Pasquotank County. June 6, 1753. July Court, 1753. Half-brother: Taomas Evins. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: SoLoMON Poou, JoHN Bay.ey, Patrick Poot. Clerk of the Court: Taos. TayLor, Witson, CHARLES. County and all dates missing. Witnesses: COLEMAN Ron, Epretu ODEON. Will illegible. Wiuison, EvizaBetu. Perquimans County. Only a portion of this will is found, and mentions sons, Jamus, Isaac and Rosert. All dates missing. Witison, Evizasetu. December 18,1753. Willso torn as to be illegible. Wiutson, Isaac. Perquimans County. June 13, 1714. July 13, 1714. Sons: Bensamin, Rosert and Isaac. Daughter: Ann. Wife and Executriz: ANN. Witnesses: Ja. CAVANA, Tuomas WILKISON. Clerk of the Court: H=nry CLayron. Wittson, Marcaret. April 14, 1706. Daughters: Expnor and Mary. Witnesses: JOHN Dunn, Marraew Braye, Hannan WuHituock. Proven before PHIL. TorRKSEY. Wittson, Isaac. Perquimans Precinct. October 3, 1724. December 29, 1724. Brothers: Ropert and Brensa- MIN WiLLson. Nephews: JosepH WILLSON, Isaac Wiison (plantation AxpsTRacT oF Wits, 1690—1760. 415 on Perquimans River “‘where Carr. Perriver now lives”). Niece: RACHEL Witison. Other legatees: JoszPH and THomas Exxiorr. Mother: ANN Perriver. Uncle and Executor: Rateu Bozman. Witnesses: Ruta Mince, Rosperr More, EvizasetaH FLower. Proven before EpwarpD MosELEY. Wittson, Rozert. Perquimans Precinct. April 28, 1693. January 11, 1696. Grandchildren: Ropert and ANN Wiitson, Saran and Ester Berman. Son: Isaac. Daughter: Saran Betman. Wife and Executrix: ANN. Plantation devised to son, location of land not given. Witnesses: Jonn CopELann, Ricup. Ratcuyre, ELIZA- BETH RatciyFe. Proven before Joun ARcHDALE, DanirL AKEHURST, Francis Tomzs and Samuet Swann, Justices of Court, sitting at house of SaMUEL SWANN. Wittison, SAMUEL. Onslow County. October 13, 1758. April Court, 1759. Wife and Executrix: Saran. Nephew: Samu, Witson, son of brother Ropar, decd., “in Penselvany.”’ Witnesses: EzexieL Hunter, Lesspeus Hunter, Reskan Hunter. Clerk of the Court: WILLM. CRAY. Witison, Saran. Pasquotank County. January 2, 1751-1752. April Court, 1754. Sons: Witu1aM, BENJAMIN (one negro), THoMas (one negro). Daughters: ReBEcKAH FuRBUSH, ELIz- ABETH Bartiet. Hxecutors: BenJaMiIn and THomas (sons). Witnesses: Witiiam Barnarp, SamurL Lowman. Clerk of the Court: THomas Tay- LOR. Wittson, WILiiaM. Tyrrell County. June 19,1740. June Court, 1741. Sons: Parrsson (land called Aoses), Wituiam and Taomas (land bought of CorneLious FircHpatrick), BEN- JAMIN (land bought of Benyamin ALEXANDER). Daughters: Rupecka, Sara and Rosaman (land called Pope land), Mary ScarBoroveH, Eviza- BETH Barcuirre. Wife and Executriz: Saran (use of all negroes), Wit- nesses: BENJAMIN BipGoop, WiLt1aAM RapyuLD, BensamMin ALEXANDER. Clerk of the Court: W: Downinc. Wiiison, WitiraM. Northampton County. January 1, 1745. No probate. Sons: Joun, Isaac (land on south side of Tarr River), ExisHa Moors Witson. Daughters: Cuarity, ANNE, Kartuerine, Exvinor and Mary Witison. Negroes bequeathed to above- named. Wife: Jupiru. Executor: Joun Epwarps. Witnesses: ABRM. Hoop, Joun Goopatu, MicHaEL TURNER. 416 AgsTRact oF WILLS, 1690—1760. Witson, CaLes. Currituck County. 1754. September Court, 1754. Sons: Jamus (land inherited from father, land bought of Tuomas Bureass, land bought of brother, Jos1an WILson, eight negroes and one silver tankard and gold ring), Tatum and WiLL1aAM (three negroes to each). Nephew: Danint SWEENEY. To son WILLIAM are bequeathed seven negroes and one gold ring. Daughter: LovE W1Lson (lands bought of Taomas Lowrusr and “the Muncreefs,” and five negroes), To Tarum is devised land bought of Francis Erueripes, BEnJaMin CroweEL., Joun Huaues and JossrH Coormr and seven negroes. Seven negroes over and above what had been already bequeathed are bequeathed to four children. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Ezecutors: Jos1an WILs0Nn (brother) and Danie, Sweenny. Witnesses: Drew Housteap, THos. Burczs, Matacar Witson, Jos. Norsury, Wm. Buunt. Clerk of the Court: Jno, SNoap. é Witson, Isaac. Perquimans County. October 30, 1749. April Court, 1751. Sons: Ropert, James. “Daugh- ters: RacHEL and Miriam Wiutson. Wife and Executriz: ELizaBETu. Witnesses: JacoB Perry, Srnr., Jacop Perry, IsrarL Perry. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Witson, JosEpu. Perquimans County. April 24,1752. July Court, 1752. Daughters: ExizaBers (land on Wil- son’s Creek), Mary (land adjoining MatrHew PritcHarD). Son: REvBEN (“maner plantation”). Wife and Executriz: Mary. Executor: RoBEert Newsy. Witnesses: Jacop Witson, WILLIAM TowNSEND, RacHEL WIns- Low. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Witson, Parrison. Pasquotank County. - March 15, 1746. July 12, 1746. Son: Witiiam. Daughter: Mary. Wife and Executriz: Euizapetu, Executor: WitL1am WIxson (brother). Witnesses: Joan ScarBrovuaH, Joun Bexy, Joun Squiers, Clerk of the Court: Tuos, TAYLor. Wixson, Rosert. Albemarle County. February 26, 1693. December Court, 1697. Son: Isa1an WILSON. Grandchildren: Ropert and ANN Wixson, Saran and Hester Botman. Son: Isaack Witson. Executriz: ANN Witson. Witnesses: JouNn CoPE- LAND, Ricup. Ratcuirr, Exiz. Rarcuirr, Clerk of the Court: W. GLOVER. Witson, Ropert. Pasquotank County. April 22, 1757. June Court, 1758. Nixonton. Grandsons: Rusen WIt- son (lands between Reedy Branch and Ferry Causey), Osep. WINSLOW (land at Grassie Point), CaLmB WinsLow (land known by the name of the AzsstTract oF Wiis, 1690—1760. 417 Glade). Sons: Isaac and Srivanus. Daughter: Racuen TowNsEND. Granddaughters: ExisaBETH and Mary Witson (lands on Reedy Branch, etc.). Negroes bequeathed to granddaughters. Executor: BARNABY Nixon, Jacop Winstow. Witnesses: WitL1AM, GrorcsE and ELISABETH Woop. Clerk of the Court: Too. Taytor. Witton, WILL1aM. é Craven County. January 7, 1773. New Bern. Wife: Jane. Executors: TimoTHy CLEAR, JoHN GREEN, WILLIAM Rumsey. Witnesses: JoserH Dowssz, Joun Macs, James BieGteston. Proven before Jo. Martin. WIMBERLEY, JOHN. Bertie County. September 2, 1742. November Court, 1749. Sons: Ezexirt, Bensa- MIN, Joun, Levy, Moszs (land and negroes bequeathed to sons). Wefe: EvizaBetaH. Executors: THomas WimBerRLEy (brother), Jonn Smita (brother-in-law). Clerk of the Court: Joan Lovicx. WIimpBerRLy, Tuomas. Bertie Precinct. October 22, 1731. February Court, 1732. Sons: Grorex (land on Swift Creek and Tar River), Josep (land between Tar River and Swift Creek). Daughter: Saran Wimprrtny. Wife: Susana. Ezecutors: GrorcE and JosEPH WIMBERLEY (sons). Negroes bequeathed to wife. Witnesses: Joan Durrietp, SaMUEL WiLLiaMs, ELINOR BRASWELL. Clerk of the Court: Rr. Forster. Wiuserty, THomas. Bertie County. January 27, 1751. February Court, 1752. Sons: ABrawam and six others mentioned, but not named. Daughter: Jupira. Wife and Execu- triz: Mary. Witnesses: NespHAM Bryan, WiLLiAM LEVENER (?). Clerk of the Court: SAMUEL ORMEs. Winptey, Roperr. Albemarle County. July 31,1688. Probate illegible. Son and Executor: Witu1am. Daugh- ter: Lipta. Other legatees: JoHN Perry, GrorcEe Perry, JouHn and Exviza- BETH Eaton. Wetnesses: Epwarp and EvizaBeTH SMITHWICK. Winreip, Ricwarp. April 3, 1733. September 12,1733. Daughter: ABicaLL, Susana, Evis- ABETH, Mary, ANNE, PrupeNcr. Sons: Ropert and Joun. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: Roperr Spring, Wittiam Gray, Jonas WinFietp. Clerk of the Court: Jno. Cotuison. Justices of the Court at Bath Town: Ropert TuRNER, BENJAMIN Peyton, Henry Cropron. 27 418 AgsTRacT oF WILts, 1690—1760. Wingate, SaMvUEL. January 9,1770. January 19,1770. “Formerly of Cape Fear but Now resident in the Island of Grenada.” Wife and Executriz: Auicze. Schooner “Charming Peggy” ordered sent to CORNELIUS HaRneET in Cape Feare to be sold for benefit of wife. Executor: Joan Knicut. Witnesses: Joun O’Don- NELL, JOHN MackEaNnnd, Evias Howeryt. Will proven before Unyssss FirzMavrice, “Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Southern Carribee Islands.”” Proven in North Carolina before Wi1- u14M TRYON. Executrix qualified before Freperick Grace. Impression of head on seal. : Wivnuam, Rosert. Craven County. January 19,1754. November Court, 1753. Wife and Executrix: Mary (land on Broad Creek). Son: Wituiam. Executor: JoHN LENFIELD. Wit- nesses: ROBERT BIERNEY, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Kazia WixtiiaMs, Clerk of the Court: Peter Conway. Winn, Joun. Pasquotank County. December 18, 1739. January Court, 1739. Son: Ezexian. Daughter: EvisaBeTH Winn. Nephew: Danie, Trempie. Sister: Brery WInn. Wife and Executriz: Dinan. Executors: ABEL Ross and WILLOUGHBY Price. Witnesses: Witt CretcH, Danie, Tempe, Betey WINN. Clerk of the Court: JAMES CRAVEN. WinricHt, Jamzs. Carteret County. August 13, 1744. March Court, 1744. Lands on Newport River be- tween Mr. Lovick and Davip Surparp ordered sold. Land on New- port River called Newfoundland devised to wife, ANN, together with all negroes owned by testator. Lots in Beaufort Town bought of JoHN Pin- DAR devised to wife. Sister: ExizaneTH Waite of Boston. Other legatees: ELizaBeTH and SusannaH Masson, Ann (wife of James BLounT), Tuomas Fiysus. Rents and profits of land and houses in Beaufort Town to be applied “for the encouragement of a sober Discreet Quallified Man to teach a School at Least Reading Writing Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetick in the aforesaid town of Beaufort, which said man shall be chosen and appointed by the Chairman of the Cartret County Court, etc.” Other legatees: Tuomas Lovicx, Rospert Reap, Georce Reap, ARTHUR Masson, WILLIAM WuHitTe (boat and sails), James Matin. Lands on Suttons Creek ordered sold. Hwecutors: Tomas Lovicx and GrorGE Reap. Witnesses: Davip SHerarp, Davip SHEPARD “‘younger,’”’ WILLIAM Dennis. Clerk of the Court: Grorce Reap. Axgstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. 419 Winsuip, JosEpH. Currituck County. April 2, 1733. January Court, 1746. Wife and Ezecutriz: APPELONE. Witnesses: Jounn Cox, Joun Wiiuiams, Nicnouvas Lunp, Sam. WILiIaMs. Clerk of the Court: Ricup. McCiurs. Wiwnstow, Joun. Perquimans County. January 25,1753. Daughters: Evizapera, Hannauw and Easter. Sons: BensaMin and Israev (lands divided between them), JoHN and JosEPH. Wife and Executrix: Easter. Witnesses: Nichotas Stauuines, JosHuUA and THomas Waits. Clerk of the Court: Mites Harvey. Winstow, Joun. Perquimans County. April 17, 1754. July Court, 1754. Sons: Josiam (one negro), THoMAS and Samus. (lands divided between them). Daughter: Miriam. Wife and Executriz: Mary. Witnesses: W1LL1AM WerrExkes, THomMaAs WEEKES, Jr., BENJAMIN Rosperts. Clerk of the Court: Richarp CLAYTON. Winstow, JosEpPH. Perquimans County. September 26, 1750. January Court, 1750. Son: JoserH (land on Core Neck), Daughters: Lypta Winstow (lands near head of Little River), Mary Winstow, Miriam Wrnstow (land called Grassy Ridge). Negroes bequeathed to son. Wife and Executrix: Puuasant. Executors: Wituiam Wuire and Francis Toms. Witnesses: Josaua Hopart, TRU- man Moors, Joun Rospertson. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Winstow, Tuomas. Perquimans County. January 9, 1744. January Court, 1745. Sons: THomas and Timotry (negro to each), Joun (1 negro), Jos (plantation in Pasquotank County near Newbegun Creek). Daughters: EiizABeTH and Miriam (negroes to each). Ezecutors: THomas and Joss Winstow (sons). Witnesses: Tuomas HoLLoweE tt, Jostan Boaun, TRumaN Moore, Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Winstow, Tuomas. Perquimans County. January 21, 1746-1747. April Court, 1747. Sons: Jesse, THomas (“my manah plantation”). Negroes are bequeathed to above-named sons. Daughter: EvizaneTtH Winstow. Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executors: Francis Tomes and ZACHARIAH Nixon. Witnesses: ABRAHAM Etuior and Mary Winstow. Clerk of the Court: Eomunp Hatcu. Winstow, Timorny. Perquimans County. April 26, 1752. July Court, 1752. Sons: Jacos, Timorny, OsEp (land to each), CaLEs (land on Little River). Daughter: Mary WinsLow. 420 Axsstract oF Wits, 1690—1760. To sons and daughter are bequeathed negroes. Wife and Executrizx: RacueL. Executor: Jo“n Winstow (brother). Witnesses: Estuer Win- stow, SaraH Exot, THomas Newsy. Clerk of the Court: Epmunp Hatcu. Winter, JoseryH. Bath County. December 1, 1735. December 12, 1735. Executrix and sole legatee: MarGRETT PENDERGEST. Witnesses: Ricup. Riepy, RoBERT CONLAHANE, Marerett Riesy. Clerk of the Court: Jno. COLLISON. Winwrieut, ANN. Carteret County. March 7,1751. June Court, 1751. Newport River. Legatees: Saran and Brrsry (daughters of THos. Lovick), Saran (wife of THomas Lovicx), Penetore Lovicx, Saran Brenners (mulatto boy), GrorcE Puenis Lovickx, JoHN Brenners. EHzecutors: SaraH and PENELOPE Lovicx. Witnesses: Joun Benners, Davin Evans. Clerk of the Court: Grorcs Reap. Woop, Epwarp. Chowan Precinct. August 9, 1691. Wife: Atice (land at Yaupim). Executor: Francis Harpiey. Witnesses: Samu. PrickLove, Joun Stocoms, Rospert MEL- LYNE. No probate. Woop, Epwarp. Onslow Precinct. April 5, 1728. January 2, 1738. Sons: Witi1am (lands on Harrys Creek), Epwarp (lands known as Broad Neck). To son Witu1am is bequeathed cattle branded with his brand ‘‘as by record may appear.”’ Daughters: Saran and Brrata. Mother: Mary. Wife and Evxecutriz: Ann. Other legatee: Danity. Ratner. Witnesses: JNo. MuRFREY, JOHN Moors, Exinor Murrrey. Clerk of the Court: WILLIAM CRANFORD. Woop, Jamzs, Sr. Northampton County. June 25, 1751. March 18, 1752. Northwest Parish. Sons: JAMES (lands on Cuttowhisky Marsh and pasture lands on Cuttowhisky Swamp, together with five negro slaves), JosrrH (land on Cuttowhisky, together with six negroes), Jonas (“plantation whereon I now live’ on Cutto- whisky Marsh, together with six negroes and a still), Moszs (one shill- ing). Plantation at Coniritratt given to three sons. Daughters: Exiza- BETH, SusannaH and Mary Woop, Mary Ovutiaw, Saras DurrieLp, Ann and Caarity Woop, Rosannan Bonn, Winny Woop (negroes given to above-named daughters), Swster: Saran KiuLineswortu. Ezecutors: JosEPH and Jonas Woop (sons). Wiinesses: BARNABA BaaaGort, JOHN Parker, WM. Fryer. Proven before Gas. JoHnston at Eden House. Agstract or Wittis, 1690—1760. 421 Woop, Joun. Johnston County. August 4, 1748. June Court, 1750. Daughters: Aticn, Mary and Estuer. Son: Joun (land, cattle, etc.). Wife: Jane. Ezecutors: Joun Woop (son) and Joun SmitH. Witnesses: Ropert and Ann But er, Wittiam Bourier. Clerk of the Court: R. Casweiyu. Courthouse on Walnut Creek. Woop, Moszs. Bertie County. March 8,1757. April Court, 1757. Brother: Jamns Woon, Executor. Sister: SaraH Baker. Witnesses: Toomas Baker, JONATHAN Woop, JoserH Farmer, Tuos. Crew. Clerk of the Court: Bensamin WyYnns. Woop, THomas. Hyde County. July 19, 1740. December Court, 1740. Sons: ScarsrovesH (planta- tion), RicHarp, ABraHnAM and Isaac. Daughters: Race. and Saran Woop. Wife and Executriz: Naomi. Witnesses: Urnian Couns, Lem- VEL Wyn, MartHa Wuyn. Clerk of the Court: W. Barrow. Woop, WILLiaM. Pasquotank County. November 4, 1732. April 15, 1733. Friend and Executor: Ropert Cartritr. Witnesses: ALEXANDER SPENCE, JER. Symons. Proven be- fore Gro. BuRRINGTON. Woopnousz, HENRY. Currituck County. November 27, 1750. April Court, 1751. Son: Hnezextan (land and negroes). Wife: CustaH (six negroes), Daughter: Mary West (three negroes). Daughter-in-law: Mary Jarves. Friend: Apranam Lracu- FIELD. Witnesses: JouN WoopHouse, THomas Lurry, Peter Baw. Clerk of the Court: Ricoarp McCiurg. Woovnovusz, Horatio. Onslow County. January 28,1755. July Court, 1755. Wife and Executriz: CATHERINE. Son: Joun (three negroes). Daughter: Atiss Haines (wife of Erasmus Haines of Va.). Ezecutors: Henry Ropes and Witiiam Cray. Wit- nesses: Henry Moors, Casson Moore,’ Wm. Wiuuiams. Clerk of the Court: Win Cray. Woovnot, Henry. Chowan Precinct. December 29,-1718. June 29, 1719. Legatees: Ropert Bett (one negro), IsABELL Frrcuson (daughter of ANNE Frreuson “and now the wife of Ropert Bexv’’). Above-named legatees appointed Executors. Witnesses: ArTHUR DuGaLL, THomas Roaers, James CasTELLAw. Proven before CHartes EDEN. 422 AxBsTRACT oF Witxs, 1690—1760. Woovrow, ALEXANDER. June 12, 1754. September 6, 1759. Wilmington. Mother: Jean Wooprow, of the City of Edenburgh. Executor: Benyamin Morrison. Witnesses: ALEX. McAuester, JOHN CAMPBELL, ALEXR. McGrILuivray. Clerk of the Court: A. MacuaInz. Woops, THomas. Northampton County. October 20, 1751. November Court, 1751. Son: Jesse. Daughter: Ann Woops. Wife: Mary. Witnesses: CHARLES COUNSELL, ANDREW Taytor, MicHast Councitu. Clerk of the Court: I. Epwarps. ; Woorarp, Ricuarp. January 22, 1706-1707. April 8, 1707. Sons: JoHn and RicHarp. Daughters: HANNAH Boros, ANN WootaRD. Wife and Executrix: JANE. Witnesses: James Warp, WM. BreatTHet, JNo. ALLcocK. Clerk of the Court: Taos. SNODEN. WotFenven, JoHN. Perquimans County. September 4, 1691. No probate. Hzecutor: Ricuarp Evans, Wit- nesses: JOHN Litty, STEPHEN Manwarine. Wooparp, JoHN. Bath County. November 21, 1734. St.Thomas Parish. Sons: Henry (land ‘adjoin- ing the school house’’), Joun (‘manner plantation”). Daughter: Mary Wooparp (plantation on Pamplyco River). Brother: Joni Wooparp. Other legatee: EnizapetH Cortney, Executors: Wittiam Marin and Henry Lucas. Witnesses: Ropert SHearp, Henry Ovom, ELizaBETH CorTNEY. Overseers: Epwarp SALTER and JoHN Opom. No probate. Woovtry, THomas. Pasquotank County. March 20, 1752, January Court, 1753. Grandchildren: Wi.u1aM, Tuomas, Mary, ExizapetH and Preeey Tayitor. Daughters: Mary Spricut, ExizapretH Tartor. Son: Witiiam (lands and_ negroes). Executors: THomas TayLor, WiLLiamM GREGORY, WILLIAM WOooDLEY (son). Witnesses: JONATHAN REDING, JAMES PRICHARD, THOMAS TWEEDY. Clerk of the Court: Taos. Tayor. Woopwarp, SAMUELL. Chowan County. March 13, 1752. April Court, 1752. Sons: Samurt (250 acres of land), Epwarp, Ricnarp (negroes to each), Daughter: EvizaBETH Wuitt (negroes). Wife: Saran. To sons is bequeathed tar—118 bar- rels, Ezecutors: SaMUEL Woopwarp, LukrE WHITE. Witnesses: CHARLES Roserts, RICHARD Woopwarp. Clerk of the Court: James CRAVEN. Axsstract oF Witts, 1690—1760. _ 423 o Woorwarp, WILLIAM. Albemarle County. November 12, 1684. February 2, 1691-1692. Wife: Sarau. Grand- daughter: Marcretr Hoiusrock. Executor: Epwarp Wapn. Wit- nesses: GEORGE GUNNETTE, Henry GoopMan, Henry Bonner, WILLIAM CuarELToN, Nicnoutas Daw. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp PLATER. Womswet., Bensamin. Beaufort County. November 5, 1750. March Court, 1750. Sons: NatHan, WILLIAM, BrEnJAMIN and Jorpawn (land on Tison’s Creek). Land in ‘‘Miana Gov- ernment in South Hampton” devised to Executors. Wife and Executriz: Anne, Executor: BENJAMIN Brown. Witnesses: Jos. Barrow, JOHN Evans. Clerk of the Court: W1LL1AM ORMOND. Worven, JaMEs. Chowan County. April 23, 1755. July Court, 1755. Sons: Joun (saddle, clothes and silver buckles), James and Witiiam (‘such money as will buy him a small Bible and pair of silver shoe buckles” to each). Executor: Joun Hatsey. Witnesses: SrepHEN and ELENER CREECH. Clerk of the Court: Tuomas Jones. Coat of arms on seal. Workman, ARTHUR. August 1, 1695. April 19, 1697. “Late of Jamaica but now of Ronoch.” Legatees: Capt. Joan Hunt (one silver tankard, value of twelve pounds), Mrs. Evizaneta Hunt (gold mourning ring), ANTHONY Hatcn, son of Mrs. Exizapetra Hunt (plantation on Little River), Joun Rosinson, CHARLES SADLER of Jamaica, THomas SHERWooD of Jamaica, . Mary and Minitesainr WorxKmman (sisters, all estate in Kingdom of Treland), Saran and Henry Franxun, Mary Criserxe (Ezecutriz), widow of JoHN CLERKE. Wetnesses: Joun Huntt, Joun Rosison, Ricw- ARD Piater, JoHN Luce. Clerk of the Court: Epwarp Mayo. Wortey, Jonn. Tyrrell County. February 8, 1740-1741. March 3, 1740. Son: Josnua (“my maner plantation”). Daughters: Exizapera Lurry (three negroes), PENELOPE Wericut (cattle, ‘crop in ye right Hare and over Caele in left”). Grand- son: JouHn Norcoms (or NorkKom). Ezecutors: Josaua Woriey, THomas Lurrey and Wititam WeicHtT. Witnesses: EBENEZER Suap, JOHN and JANE Rogers. Proven before W. Smiru, C. J. Wortey, Lovicx. Tyrrell County. January 24, 1754. March Court, 1754. Daughter: ANN Gray Wor- Ley. Wife and Executriz: ANN WoruEy. Brother: JoHN WORLEY. Brother-in-law: Wiiai1am Gray. Sisters-in-law: Lucretia, AMELIA and 494 ' AxgstRact oF Wits, 1690—1760. Louisa Gray. Ezecutors: James Biount (uncle), THomas WHITMELL, Witnesses: Davip JeRNIGAN, THomas Kinsy, Davip Canapay. Clerk of the Court: Evan JONES. Worstey, JoHN. Beaufort County. 1750. Probate not dated. Sons: ABRawam and StepHENn. Daughter: Dorcas. Wife and Executrix: not named. Witnesses: Jno. Barrow, SaMuEL Barrow, Lyp1a Opron. Clerk of the Court: Parr. Prircuett., Worstey, JoHn. October 17, 1760. Half-brothers: Lpwis Bryan, Isaac, THomas, WIL- 1AM, Harpy and Natuan Bryan. Hailf-sister: Mary Bryan. Mother: Saran Bryan (Executrix). To above-named are bequeathed negroes, lands and horses. Witnesses: Joan SteveNS, Freperick Ister, FREDER- 1cK Becton. No probate. Worstry, Tuomas. Bath County. January 18, 1737. March Court, 1737. Sons: THomas (lands on Swift Creek), JoszpH (lands on Swift Creek), JoHn (lands on Bear Creek). Negroes divided between sons. Cousin: RicuarD CLEMENS. Wife: Saran. LEzecutors: Joann Hopeson, THomas and Josprpx Biount. Wit- nesses: R. EverarpD, Puinip Witiiams, JoHN CaLpom. Clerk of the Court: Rogsr Jones. Impression of lion rampant on seal. Worru, Jonny. Bladen County. August 1, 1743. September Court, 1743. Father: Joun Worta, of New Jersey. Sister: EvizaBeTH. Cousin and Executor: JosppH CLARK of New Hanover County. Witnesses: THomas Waman, E. VERNON, Joun Wiuuiamson. Clerk of the Court: Joan Crayton. Executor quali- fied before SamurL Baker, Impression of dog on seal. WorsForD, JOSEPH. Bertie County. July 27, 1737. November Court, 1739. Sons: Joun (‘my mannor plantation”), JoserpH. Daughters: Mary Worsrorp, ELizaBrETa VaL- LENTINE, Other legatee: MarTHA Maynor. Wife and Executrix: Evinor. Trustee: Wm. Wasson (brother). Witnesses: JNo. WYNNS, BENJAMIN Harerove, Epwarp Tipmon. Clerk of the Court: Joan WYnns. Wricut, AUGUSTINE. Pasquotank County. May 27, 1741-1742. April Court, 1742. Brothers: Witu1am and CuHarues. Mother and Execuiriz: EuizaBETH. Witnesses: JoHN MaRtTIN, Joun Brown. Clerk of the Court: Taomas TayLor. Axsstgact or Wits, 1690—1760. 425 Waicut, JoHN. New Hanover County. May 30, 1747. Son: SamugL. Daughter: Saran Wricut. Wife and Executriz: Ann. Witnesses: Joun Lyon, Wittiam Vernon, JoHn Mer- rick. No probate. WricHut, SAMUEL. Perquimans Precinct. September 9, 1717. July 29, 1718. Sons: THomas (land on Little River), SamugL. Wife and Executrix: not named. Witnesses: THoMas SrarrorD, Groree GorpEN. Clerk of the Court: R. Hicks. Wricut, SamvrL. Perquimans County. March 6, 1754. April Court, 1754. Sons: Tuomas and Samus. Daughters: Mary and Hannan Wricut. Wife and Executriz: Eviza- BETH. Executor: NaTHanieL Weice. Witnesses: Hanner Ever, Je- mime Dowpy, Isaac Sirterson. Clerk of the Court: RicHarp CLAYTON. Wyrwns, WILLIAM. Bertie County. December 3, 1757. April Court, 1758. Wife and Executrix: Eviza- Beto. Daughter: PeneLoPE. Son: ‘‘unnamed.” Executors: BENJAMIN Wyrwns (brother), Jonn Harrert, Witnesses: THomas BOonnirant, Gro. Wynns, Wiutiam Barton. Clerk of the Court: BENJAMIN WYNNS. Coat of arms on seal. Wyrnws, Grores. Bertie County. February 2, 1750-1751. May Court, 1751. Sons: Joun (two negroes), JosmrH (one negro), BENJAMIN (three negroes), WILLIAM (three negroes), Grorce (lands and five negroes, copper brandy still). Daughter: Mary Srssums, wife of CuLmeNn Srssums (one negro); Sarau, wife of PET=R Evans (one negro). Wife: Rosn. Executors: BENJAMIN and WILLIAM (sons). Witnesses: Jno. Baker, THos. Lez, JNo, Harrexz, Jas. Boon. Clerk of the Court: SamunL ORMES. ‘ Wyrnns, Joun. Bertie County. February 10,1750. May Court, 1753. ‘“Winnson.’”’ Sons: James Boon (“the mannour plantation” and two negroes), WaTKIN WiLuiam (Ferry plantation, and land called Blind Islands), Joun Avaustus (land called Bridge Neck, 400 acres of ‘‘lightwood land” and two negroes). Daughters: Mary Anne (lands bought of Perks and Hauium, and two negroes), Saran AmuLia (plantation called Morrises and Cuba, and two negro slaves), Wynney CaroLine (land called Sharpe’s Neck, and two negroes). Wife and Executriz: Saran. Executors: BmnJaMIN and Wittiam Wywns (brothers), James Boone and Watkin WILLIAM Wyrwns (sons). Wéinesses: Jos. Wynns, SrerHn. Hooxer, WInt1aM Hooxsr, Junr., Eppraim Hunter, BensamMin Basxer. Clerk of the Court: Bangamin Wynns. 426 AgsTRAcT oF WILLs, 1690—1760. Yuats, JAMES. Carteret County. November 8, 1750. March Court, 1750. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Executor: Gko. Reap. Wétnesses: Mary Stem, Samusi O’Steen, Gro. McKzan. Clerk of the Court: Gzorcz Reap. Yeates, WILLIAM. Bertie County. December 3, 1751. May Court, 1752. Daughters: Mary Yxatss, SusannaH Piexin, MartHa Laneston (one negro), JupiTrH YEATES (one negro), Amy YEATES (one negro). Sons: Wiiu1am, Rosert (land n Bertie on Pottecasi Creek), Ricwarp (land in Bertie on Blew Water Branch and Raccoon Marsh adjoining Bryan Hare; also one negro man), CHARLES (land in Bertie on Cuttewhiski Swamp), Danrex (‘‘my plantation”). Wife and Executrixz: Mary. Witnesses: JNo. BRICKELL, Isaac Carter, BRYAN Hare, Clerk of the Court: SamuEL ORMEs. Youne, Grorer. March 12, 1696. 1698. Son: Foster. Daughters: ANN and Mary. Friend: Wm. Leprorp. Wife and Ezecutriz: Protursia. Witnesses: WituiamM Leprorp, Senior, Wittiam Luprorp, Junior, HuMPHREY Leea. Clerk of the Court: N. Cuevin. SUPPLEMENT. Records of the following wills were found after the foregoing pages had been printed : AwnswELt (ANsELL or ANCELL), James. Currituck County. September 12, 1738. April Court, 1740. Son and Executor: Joun. Daughter: Saran Roperts. Grandson: James Roperts. “* * * My will and desire is that the negro wench called Estor which I gave to my son Joun ANSELL by Deed be Sett att liberty During the term of sixty years and in case my Son Joun should not allow her my Desire then all that I have given to him I give to my Daughter Saran Roserts except five pounds * * *,” Witnesses: Henry WHITE, Hinary WHITE, Leapy Wuirr. Clerk of the Court: WM. SHERGOLD. Original missing. Recorded in Book No. 4, Will No. 110, Record of Grants. CHRISTIAN, CHRISTOPHER. Montgomery County. November 29, 1781. March Court, 1783. Sons: JoHn and JAMEs. Daughters: Patry and Lucy. Friend: Parry Couiy. Ezecutors: Joun Mack, Nicnouas Curistian and Wituiam Mack. Witnesses: CHRisTo- PHER CHRISTIAN, Drury CoLuier, THomas Butuock. Clerk of the Court: Gro. Davipson. JORDAN, JOSEPH. Pasquotank County. May 4, 1742. February Court, 1752. Wife: Mary. Daughter: Mary Heniey. Sons: Josery (‘my Plantation whereon I now live, contain- ing Two hundred Acres of Land more or Less”); Rosert (“‘ Two Plan- tations on the River Side Called by the names of Overmans and Hacket, running as far as to the head of a Branch to the plantation called the Old plantation across from this Line where I live on by that line Called Lufmans line’’), Micasan (“my Plantation called the Old Plantation withall the Woodland belonging to it Except that part I gave to my son Robert”). Witnesses: SamuEL Hucuz, Dempsey Conner, JoserH Ros- INSON. Clerk of the Court: Taomas TaYtor. Marsu, Epwarp. Guilford County. May 18,1778. September Court, 1779. Son: Darius Marsx (planta- tion whereon I now live). Wife: Karumrine. Other legatees: KATHERINE and Bryant (children). Ezecutors: KaTHERINE Marsu, Ropert Har- GROVE, Jacos SHEPPARD. Witnesses: Rost. Harcrove, Amory SPinks, Ja. SHEPPARD. Will proven in Randolph County. Clerk of the Court: A. Tato. 428 SUPPLEMENT. Roz, Joun. Richmond County. November 15, 1780. March Court, 1783. Sons: Epwarp Ros (one shilling and no more), JouN Epwarp Roz and Samuget Roz. Daughters: Sarag Ricwarpson PuHiturrs, Jean Ron, Racwet Ror. Grandson: SamugeL Sauspury CuEars. Other legatee: MartHa Ussrery. Wife: SusannaH. Executors: SusannaH Roz and JosepH CHapLain. Wit- nesses: JosePH Hines, JaMES Downine, Wm. Leago. Clerk of the Court: ‘Wa. Love. INDEX TO ABSTRACT OF WILLS. {Names of testators are printed in capitals.] PAGE, Abbott, John............-06 261 Abel, Richard.............. 62 ABERCROMBIE, HANNAH...... 1 Abercrombie, William....... 329 Abett, WHOS. icescesesaws ss 186 ABINGTON, JOSEPH.........-. 1 Abington, Mary............ 1 Abington plantation........ 885 Abington, Sarah............ 317 ABINGTON, THOMAS......... 1 Abington, Thos. .27, 51, 54, 56, 65, 129, 182 (2), 201 (2), 230 (2), 231 (2), 277, 294 (2), 370, 384 (2). Abington, William.......... 1 Absalom Poiner’s land...... 403 Accomack Entry, land called. 213 Ackis, Joshua ............. 290 ACOCK, JAMES sans cc eee ses ne 47 ADAMS, ABRAHAM.......-065 1 ADAMS, ABRAHAM....+..-005 1 ADAMS, ABRAHAM.........--. 1 Adams, Abram ............ ic Adams, Abraham.......... 2 (2) Adams, Abraham........... 274 AGARS, ATINGS cise cancad anne 1 Adams, ADD. 4<0x+02454 218, 301 Adams, Bathia siscsvunesas ne ADAMS, CHARLES .......... i. Adams Creek, land on...120, 242, 261 Adams; Dorothy............ 310 Adams, Elizabeth .......... 1, 2 Adams, Mmanuel .........:. 2 Adams, Frances ............ 2 Adams, Hanah ............. 48 Adams, James..1 (2), 2 (2), 50, 105, 187, 218, 238, 256 ADAMS, JOHN .......-..05-- 2 ADAMS, JOHN ..........0055 2 Adams, John .......... 2 (2), 301 Adams, Joseph ............. 1 Adams, Leath .............4. a ADAMS, MARGARET .......... 2 Adams, Margaret .......... 2 Adams, Martha ............ 2 Adams, Mary....... 2 (2), 49, 187 Adams, Mathias ............ 116 ApaMs (AppoMES) Mat- THEW seeicsvewsavwww dese 2 Adams, Matthew (son of Matthew) PAGE, Adams, Matt ............... 49 Adams, Obia ............... 1 ADAMS, PETER ..........00.05 2 Adams, Rachel ........... 2, 181 Adams, Richard ........... ADAMS, ROGER ...........-. 2 Adams, Sarah .......... 1, 2, 213 Adams, Thomas ........... ele Adams, Will ............... 51 Adams, William........ 1, 71, 324 Adams, Wiloby ............ 1 Adamson, Alexander ....... 340 Adderly, Jane ............. 360 Addison, Mary .......... 820 (2) ADDISON, RICHARD ......... 2 Addison, Sarah ............ 2 Addison, Thomas .......... 333 Addison, William .......... 165 Ahair, Blizabeth ........... 336 Ahair, John .............-6 336 Ahair, William ............. 336 Aharskey Swamp, land on.. 174 AHIER, JOHN ..........005- 3 Ahier, Elizabeth (wife of WORM): essvtivacs Sisnascversviyeraevalare Ahbier, Elizabeth (daughter OI eat ua a cnawiard pare eae Ahier, William Ahoskie Marsh, land on...15, 84 Ahoskie, plantation on...... 354 Ainslee, Thomas ........... 45 Ainton, WO. « siedieces gees 0 284 Airs; David). s:¢.¢ secaiss wapoecess 365 Akehurst, Daniel. .51, 78, 79, 105, 157, 245, 288, 290, 415 Akehurst, Samuel .......... 129 Albardson, Peter ........... 265 Albemarle Sound, land on.87, 248 Albemarle Sound, manor fronting on .............. 35 Albemarle Sound, plantations OW: acct ahora haeschaieaccs inate 3 323 Albertson, Aaron .......... 8 (2) ALBERTSON, ALBERT, Sr. ..... 3. Albertson, Albert .......... 8 (2) Albertson, Albert, Jr...... 8, 378 Albertson, Albert, Sr. ....... 3878 Albertson, Benjamin ....... 3 Albertson, Chalkley ........ 3 Albertson, Hasaw .......... 3 Albertson, Elias ............ Albertson, Hlizabeth...3 (2), 267 430 , INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Albertson, Francis ......... 8 | Alexander, Isaac .......... 4 Albertson, Hannah ......... 8 | Alexander, Jane ........... 4 ALBERTSON, ISAAC ........6% 3 | Alexander, John ........... 4 Albertson, Jemima ......... 8 | Alexander, Joseph ......... 4 Albertson, John ............ 8 | Alexander, Josias .......... 4 ALBERTSON, JOSHUA ........ 3 | Alexander, Joshua ....... 4, 127 Albertson, Joshua ....... 8, 7,267 | Alexander, Samuel ......... 4 Albertson, Mary (daughter of Alexander, Naomi ......... 4 JOSHUA): 2 2:8 caine cc eca loa Gre Alexander, Nathan ........ 123 Albertson, Mary (wife of Alexander, Priscilla ....... 4 JOSHUA) o5.05ccue eegeee vets 3 | Alexander, Rachel ......... 4 ALBERTSON, MARY .......... 8 | Alexander, Samuel ........ 140 Albertson, Mary (grand- Alexander, Sarah .......... 4 daughter of Mary)........ 8 | Alexander, Seth ........... 4 Albertson, Mary ........ 256, 8359 | Alexander, Susannah ...... 127 ALBERTSON, NATHANIEL ..... 8 | Alford, Ann ............... 4 Albertson, Nathaniel ...... 3 (2) | ALvorD, JABEZ ............. 4 Albertson, Penelopy ........ Alford, Jabus ............. 154 Albertson, Peter ........... 8 (2) | Alford, Jebaz ............. 208 Albertson, Ruth ............ 3 | ALFoRD, JOHN ............. 4 Albertson, William ...... 3 (2), 7 | ALForD, JOSEPH ........... 4 Albordson, Peter .......... 383 | Alford, Sarah ............ 4, 189" Alburt, Nathaniel .......... 70 | Alford, Tabitha .......... 4, 189 Alden of the Hill plantation, Allaire, Louis ..... ig Sos wide ene 130 257, 258 | Allaire, Margaret .......... 130 Aldershire, John ........... 2 | Allbird, John ............. 182 Alderson, Ann ............. 225 | Allcock, Jno. .......... 347, 422 Alderson, Elizabeth ......... 8 | AtLpay, THOMAS .......... Alderson, James ............ 225 | ALLEN, ANDREW ............ 4 Alderson, John... .3, 167, 240, 272 | Allen, Cathrine ............ 5 Alderson, Leven ............ 3 | Allen, David ........... 823 (2) Alderson, Levi....... 219, 272, 303 | Allen, Halce ............... 5 Alderson, Mary ............ 240 | ALLEN, ELEAzAR ........... 5 Alderson, Sarah ........... 8,156 | Allen, Eleazar ....5 (2), 61, 258 ALDERSON, SIMON ........... 8 | Allen, Elizabeth .......... 5 (2) Alderson, Simon...42 (2). 64, Allen, George ............5 5 71, 187, 272, 304, 380 | Allen, Go. ......-.......... 49 Alderss, Stephen ........... 349 | ALLEN,HuGH ............. 5 Aldorson, John...... 845, 365, 391 | ALLEN, JAMES ............. 5 Aldridg, Drury ........... 347 | Allen, Jemima ............ 27 Aldridg, Mary ............ 347 | ALLEN, JOHN .............. 5 Aldridge, Dorothy ......... 4 | Allen, John ............... 5 ALDRIDGE, JOHN ........... 4 | Allen, Jno. (M.D.) ........ 295 Alegator, land at.......... 26 | Allen, Josia ............... 5 Alegator River, land on.... 400 | Allen, Margaret ........... 5 Alexander, Anne .......... 4 | Allen, Mary ............005 5 ALEXANDER, ANTHONY ..... 4 | Allen, Priscilla .......... 4 (2) Alexander, Anthony (son of Allen, Richard ............ 5 Anthony) ...........0005 4 | Allen, Rode ............... 180 Alexander, Anthony ....... 387 | ALLEN, SARAH ............. 5 Alexander, Benjamin. .4, 225, 415 | Allen, Sarah ......... 5 (2), 258 Alexander, Casiah ......... 4 | Allen, Shadrack ........... 53 Alexander, Christian ...... 4 | Allen, Thomas ............. 235 Alexander, Blizabeth ...... 185 | Allen, Timothy ............ 30 Alexander, George, Sr. ..... 230 | Allen, William ........... 5, 268 Alexander, Giddeon ....... - 4] Allenn, James ............. 281 InvEx. 431 PAGE. : PAGE. Alleyn, George .........005 . 197 | Anderson, Blizabeth ...... 8, 267 Alleya, Gi. vies sacdson esas ham 282 | ANDERSON, GEORGE ......... Allexander, Autho. ......... 400 | Anderson, George (son of Allin, ANN 4.006004 cates ane 250 William) .........0.000e q Alligator land ............. 368 | ANDERSON, JAMES ......... q Alligator, lands in...... 156, 217 | Anderson, James (son of Alligood, Hillery .........- 6 JAMES) oo eee e cece e econ Alligood, John ...........4. 6 | Anderson, James....7, 8, 287, sat ALLIGOOD, RICHARD ........ . 6 | Anderson, James, Junr...... 228 Alligood, Richard .......... 288 | Anderson, James, Senr, ..... 228 Alligood, William .......... 6 | Anderson, Jane ............ 255 Almes, Jane ..........e00e- 56 | ANDERSON, JOHN ........... 8 Alsop and Carroll ......... 254 | Anderson, John. .3, 7 (3), 20, 229, Alston, Elizabeth ......... 6, 306 230, 255, 260, 266, 267. (2), 280, Alston, James ............ 6 (2) 802, 334, 348, 375. ALSTON, JOHN ........0000- 6 | Anderson, John (grandson of Alston, John (grandchild of Blizabeth Nixon) ........ 67 John). 02 ideavss view ys ...« 6 | ANDERSON, JOSEPH ......... 8 Alston, John .........-.... 237 | ANDERSON, JOSEPH ......... 8 Alston, Joseph John ...... 6, 306 | Anderson, Joseph. .13, 32, 38, 65, Alston, Mary ............-- 237 68 (2), ‘83, 180, 142, 251, 267 ey Alston, Patty .............. 6 | Anderson, Katherine ...... . Alston, Phillip ............. 6 | Anderson, Leah ............ ee Alston, Solomon .......... G6, 287 | Anderson, Mararet ........ . 8 Alston, William ...... 6 (2), 806 | Anderson, Mary ........ 7 (2), 8 Amason, Benjamin ......... 50 | Anderson, Moses ........... Amason, JaMES ......-.0eee 50 | Anderson, Rob’t.....272, 349, 386 Amason, JeSSe ........20eee 50 | Anderson, Samuel. .7, 8, 148, Amason, William .......... 50 160, 267 AMBLER, WILLIAM ......... 6 | Anderson, Sarah...7 (3), 22, 267 Ambler, William ..........- 3862 | Anderson Swamp, land on.. 108 Ambler, Willm. ............ 3808 | Anderson, William ........ 7 (2) AMBROS, DAVID ........0005 - @ | Anders, John .............. 365 Ambros, David (son of Andress, Elizabeth ......... 157 David) saecesssas ees coe 7 | Andrew, Walter ........... 205 Ambros, Israel ..........-- 7 | Andrews, Agnes ............ 8 Ambros, Jesse .....-.s scene 7 | Andrews, Edmund ......... 8, 58 Ambros, Mary .......+.e0e% 7 | Andrews, Blisabeth ......... 8 Ambros, Morning .......... 7 | Andrews, Htheldred ........ 8 Ambros, Susannah (daughter Andrews, Henry ............ 152 Of David): sic ie scien sees 7 | Andrews, James .......... 8 (2) Ambros, Susannah (wife of Andrews, Janet ............ 8 David!) s.ccoreseescseeas 7 | ANDREWS, JOHN ...........- 8 Ambros, William .......... 7 | Andrews, John (son of John) 8 Ambrose, William .......... 256 | Andrews, Levi ............. 8 Ames, JaMeS .......02 0 eee 71 | Andrews, Mary..... 152, 205, ‘ Ancrum, John .......... 105, 106 242, 271 Anderson, Ann ....8, 68, 147, 831 | Andrews, Rebecca .......... 152 ANDERSON, CAROLUS .......- 7 | Andrews, Ruben ........... 205 Anderson, Carolus ......... 7 | Andrews, Sarab ............ 8 Anderson, Have ............ 7 | Andrews, Stephen .......... 92 Anderson, Elmar .......... 54 | ANDREWS, THOMAS ......... 8 ANDERSON, ELISABETH ...... 7 | Andrews, Thomas .......... 8 ANDERSON, NLIZABETH ...... 7 | ANDREWS, WARREN ......... 8 Anderson, Hlizabeth (grand- Andrews, William..... 25, 5A, daughter of Elizabeth)... 7 152 (2), 266, 271 432 InpeEx. PAGE. PAGE. Anelyn, Ann ............... 8 | ARENTON, WILLIAM ......... 9 Anelyn, Henry ............. 8 | Arenton, William .......... 9 Anelyn, John .............. 8 | Argy, John ................ 1380 ANELYN, PETER ..........45 8 | Aringer, Francis ........... 272 Anelyn, Peter (son of Peter) 8 | Arington, Thomas .......... 223 Angely, John .............. 225 | Arinton, Mary ............. 255 Ansell, Caleb ............44- 9 | Aris, Ambross ............ 272 Ansell, James ............ ve = 9 | AQEGL, Wink 6 scence naa cess 31, 44 ANSELL, JOHN ............ - 9 | Arlin, John ................ 68 Ansell, John (son of John).. 9 | Arlin, Mary ............... 68 Ansell, John (son of John). 9 (2) | Arlord, James ............. 244 ANSELL, JOHN oF NETSILAND. 9 | Arlow, Bridget ............ 9 Ansell, John ............ 190, 427 | ARLow, JAMES ............. 9 Ansell, Letessha ........... 9 | Arlow, John ............... 9 Ansell, Mary ° susie a eivnedes 3 9 | Armiskeat, land at.......... 388 Ansell, William ............ 9 | Armistead, William........ - 412 ANSWELL (ANSELL or AN- Armor, John ........ 10 (2), ae CELL), JAMES............ 427 | Armor, Robert ............. Answell (Ansell or Ancell) Armor, Theophilus.......... iD JOD oo eget enusee stages 427 | Armor, Thomas ............ 10 Ansley, AMD oo... . eee ee eee 9 | ARMoR, WILLIAM ........... 10 Ansley, Easter ...........05 9 | Armore, Thomas ........... 115 Ansley, Elizabeth .......... 9 | Armour, Ann .............. 10 Ansley, John ............. 9, 192 | Armour, E1sizabeth ......... 274 Ansley, Joseph ...........4. 9 | ARMOUR, JOHN ............ 10 Ansley, Mary .............. 9 | Armour, John (son of John) 10 Ansley, Rachel ............ 9 | Armour, John .............. 359 Ansley, Sarah (daughter of Armour, Mary....... 10, 274, 359 Solomon) ............... 9 | Armour, Thomas ........... 324 Ansley, Sarah (wife cf Sol- Armour, Robert ............ 359 OMOD) seicccecceccieaece 9 | Armstrong, Asiah .......... 10 ANSLEY, SOLOMON .......... 9 | Armstrong, Frank .......... 307 Aoses land ..............4. 415 | Armstrong, Isabel .......... 57 Apperson, William ......... 178 | ARMSTRONG, JEAMS ......... 9 Apple Tree, land on ........ 71 | ARMSTRONG, JOHN .......... 10 Applewhite, Holland ....... 397 | Armstrong, Margaret ...... - 307 Arbuthnot, John ........... 218 | Arnal, Alice ............... 117 Archbald, Nathan .......... 215 | Arnal, Edward ............. 177 Archbell, Nathan .......... 118 | Arnal, Elizabeth ........... 899 Archdale, John..... 105, 411, 415 | Arnal, John............. 129, 399 Archdecon, William ........ 405 | Arnal, Martha ............. 129 Archebald, Nathan ........ . 167 | Arnech, Moses ............. 161 Archir, Michl. .............. 148 | Arnel, Laurence ............ 280 ARDERNE, JOHN............. 9 | Arnell, John ............... 18 Arendell (Orindell), Mary.. 274 | Arnell, Sarah ............. . 280 Arendell (Orindell), Rachel. 274 | Arnell, William ............ 10 Arendell (Orindell), Re- ARNOLD, EDWARD............ 10 beckah ...........0-.000 274 | Arnold, Edward (son of Ed- ARENTON, CHRISTOPHER...... 9 WALD). gence tein bake Sea's ered 1 Arenton, Leah ............. 9 | Arnold, Elizabeth ........ 10 (2) Arenton, Mary (daughter of Arnold, Jane .............05 115 William)! sicicess ceca ce eccen ARNOLD, JOHN ............ .. 10 Arenton, Mary (wife of Wil- ARNOLD, JOHN .............- 10 TiGI)* seit odes Saves’ 9 | Arnold, John ............ 11, 394 Arenton, Rebeckah ......... 9 | Arnold, John (son of John). 10 Arenton, Sarah ............ 9 | Arnold, John (son of John). 10 Invex. 433 PAGE, PAGE. ARNOLD, JOSEPH ..........2. 10 | Asheton, Thomas ......... 23 (2) Arnold, Joseph....... 10, 156, 269 | Ashford, Jonathan ......... 29 Arnold, Henry ............. 882 | Ashlee, Solomon ............ 104 Arnold, Katherine .......... 827 | Ashley, Dinah .............. 183 ARNOLD, LAWRENCE.......... 11 | Ashley, Francis ............ 12 Arnold, Lawrence ........ 10 (2) | Asutgy, JOHN ............. 12 Arnold, Mary ............ 10 (2) | Ashley, John (son of John). 12 Arnold, Peter .............. 249 | Ashley, John .............. 20 Arnold, Pleasant ........... 10 | Ashley, John Plowman...... 291 Arnold, Sarah .............. 17 | Ashley, Joseph....... 20, 150, 166 Arnold, Tho. ............65 - 91] Ashley, Jurden ............. 12 Arnold, Thomas, Jr. ........ 187 | Ashley, Mary .............. 12 Arnold, William.7 (2), 10 (2), 22 | Ashley, Nell ............... 183 Arnol, John ...........00005 395 | Ashley, Sarah............. 12, 20 Arranton, Sarah ........... 157 | Ashley, William. .12, 183, 194, Arranuse Creek, land on.... 381 276, 306 Arrington, Briggs .......... 11 | Ashly, Thomas...8, 103, 163, Arrington, Charles ......... 344 287, 292, 306 Arrington, John ............ 824 | Ashly, Thomas, Jr. ...... 1638, 169 ARRINGTON, WILLIAM ...... 11 | Ashton, John ..,........... 147 Arrington, William (son of Ashwood plantation ........ 11 WHAM) cscs sees awinte’s 11 | Askines, William .......... 358 Arter: JODN: gecesi esas canoes 298 | Askins, Anne .............. 112 Arter, Matthew ............ 53 | ASKUE, JOHN ............4, 12 Arthand, Go. ...........005 . 229 | Askue, Nicholas ........... 12 Arthur, Ann ............... 11 | Askue, William ............ 12 Arthur, Bridget ............ 11 | Aspell, Jean .............. 204 Arthur, Elizabeth .......... 276 | Aspill, Martin ............. 7? Arthur, Francis ............ 276 | Asskew, John ............. 389 Arthur, James............ 11, 48 | Atherly, Jos. .............. 364 ARTHUR, JOHN ...........-. 11 | Atkins, James .......... 31, 119 ARTHUR, JOHN ...........-. 11 | Atkins, Lewis ............. 250 Arthur, John (son of John). 11 | Atkins, R. .............005 334 Arthur, Mary ............5. 11 | Atkinson, Amos ........... 218 Arthur, Matthew ........... 11 tkinson, J. ........--2.00- 871 Arthur, Sarah............ 48, 182 | Atkinson, Jane ............ 218 Arthur, William.......... 11,174 | Atkinson, Richard ......... 188 Artledge, John ............. 3809 | Atkison, James ............ 27 Artree, James .............. 3837 | Atkison, Winnifred ........ 198 Artry, Mary ...........0008 30 | Atkison, William .......... 198 Ash Branch, land on........ 110 | Aurendell, Edwd. .......... 117 Ashburn, Elizabeth ......... 823 | Austin, Ann ............006 349 Ashburn, Sarah ............ 96 | Austin, Daniel ............ 349 Ashburn, Thomas........ 169, 386 | Austin, Dnl. ...........-..- 118 Ashe’s Banks, land on....... 270 | Austin, Tho. ............-. 300 Ashe, Cincinnatus ......... 295 | AvENT, THOMAS ............ 12 Ashe, John .......... eee 11 | Avent, Uslea .............. 12 Ashe, Capt. John............ 13 | Avent, William ............ 12 ASHE, JOHN BAPTISTA....... 11 | Avera, Alexander .......... 168 Ashe, John Bapta...128, 216 (2), | Avera, Blizabeth ..:........ 168 224, 231, 250, 268, 295, 296, — Averet, ADM ...........4.. 178 Ashe, Mary oA cise peusttsheend toutten toa Averett, John ............. 135 Ashe, Sam .............0005 S Averitt, Arthur ............ 13 Ashe, Samuel ........... 11, 295 | Averitt, Benjamin Nathaniel 13 Ashe, Samuel (son of Averitt, Ephaly ............ 1 Samuel) ................ 295 | Averitt, Jobn ............ 138, 394 28 434 InpeEx. PAGE. : PAGE. Averitt, Nancy ............. 13 | Bailey, James ............. 262 AVERITT, NATHANIEL ........ 13 | Bamtey, JOHN ............. 14 Avery, Jane ............... 18 | Bailey, John .............. i Avery, James ........... 13 (2) | Batty, JOSEPH ............ AVERY, JOHN ..........405. 13 | Bailey, Joseph....... 14 (2), Pa Avery, Robert ............ 330 | Bailey, Margaret .......... 14 Aweedy, Thomas .......... 126 | Bailey, Patrick.......... 14 (2) Aydlett, Phillip ............ 42 | Bailey, Robert...14 (2), 351 (2) Bailey, Simon............ 14 (2) Backalder, James ......... 391 | Bailey, Tamor ............ . 214 Backeus, John ............ 118 | Bailey, Thamor.......... 14 (2) Backer, Rachell ........... 407 | Bains, Katherine .......... 407 Bacon, John .............. 169 | Baird, Jeane........ wav dA (2) Bacon, Richd. .............. 169 | Bargp, RICHARD ........... 14 Bacon, Dr. Solomon........ 41 | Baird, Robert .......... 241 (2) Badham, Martha .......... 13 | Baire Swamp, land on...... Badham, Mary.......... 109, 825 | Baire Swamp, plantation on 23 Badham, W.....16, 109 (2), 292, 325, 336, 354, 358 BaDHAM, WILLIAM ......... 13 Badham, William...86, 130, 825 (2) Baeley, Wm. .............. 108 Baget, Nicholas ............ 45 Baggitt, Abraham ......... 13 Baggitt, Barnabey ......... 13 Baggitt, Benjamin ........ . 13 Baggitt, Hardy ............ 13 Baggitt, John ............. 13 Baggitt, Joseph ......... 18 (2) Baggitt, Martha ........... 13 Baggitt, Mary ............ . 12 Baceitt, NICHOLAS ........ 13 Baggitt, Nicholas (son of Nicholas) scssce2s4 4208's 13 Baggitt, Sarah ............ 13 Baggitt, Thomas ........ 13 (2) Baggott, Barnaba .......... 420 Bagley, Amblox ........... 216 Bagley, Betty ............. 282 Bagley, Hanna ............ 13 Bagley, Rebeca ............ 249 Bagley, Samuel ........... 112 Bagley, Susana ............ 14 Bagley, Susannah ......... 13 Baciry, THOMAS .......... 13 Bagley, Thomas (son of THOMAS): es ccc ees peaweass 13 Bagley, Thomas.......... 37, 74 Bagley, William ........ 13, 326 Bailey, Ann............. 14, 400 Bailey, Barbarie .......... 126 Bailey, Benjamin .......... 14 BAILEY, DAVID ............. 14 Bailey, David .............. 14 Bailey, Elizabeth .......... 400 Baker, Benett ............. 15 Baker, Benjamin .......... 171 Baker, Benjamin, Jr. ...... 171 Baker, Mrs. Betsey........ 82 Baker, Blake......... 15, 68, ae Baker, David .............. Baker, Blizabeth .......... oe Baker, HENRY ............ 15 Baker, Henry (son of Henry) 15 Baker, Henry, Jr....... 107, 197 Baker, Honer ............. 59 Baker, James............. 15, 33 Baker, John.15, 68 (2), 166, , 425, Baker, Lawrence .......... 15 Baker, Mary ...........005 15 BAKER, MOSES ...........45 15 Baker, Moses............ 69, 409 Baker, Robert .......... Ls 226 Baker, Ruth (wife of Henry) .esia sve yee ees see 15 Baker, Ruth (daughter of FLOW ry) sew iccies-sS ileus a be avers 15 Baker, Ruth .............. 68 Baker, Ruth (daughter of. PRUCH)) es seesaw owes 68 Baker, Samuel.......... 214, 424 Baker, Sarah......... 15, 68, 421 Baker, Susannah .......... 358 Baker, Thomas.......... 59, 421 Baker, William...15 (2), 95, 387 Baker, Wm.............. 238, 413 Baker, Zadock............ 15, 68 Balch, Benjamin .......... 15 Balch, Joseph (son of Ben- JAMIN) se cso sied sa niet oe eae 15 Bawcu, JOSEPH ............ 15 Balch, Joseph......... 2 (2), 271 Balch, Mary ............008 15 Inpex. 435 PAGE. PAGE Balch, Phoebe ............. 15 | Ballard, Joseph (son of Balch, Susannah ........... 15 Joseph) ............4. 16 (2) Bald Ridge plantation...... 87 | Ballard, Lewis ............ 108 Baldwin, Blizabeth ........ 344 | Ballard, Martha ........... 16 Baldwin, Wm. ............. 309 | Ballard, Mary....... 16, 390 (2) Balehack, land in .......... 287 | Ballard, Peter ............ 247 Bales, James .............. 878 | Ballard, Sarah ............ 16 Baley, ADD ........02-0 000s 69 | Ballard, Susanne .......... 16 Baley, David .............. 147 | Ballard, William .......... 124 Baley, Deborah ............ 69 | Ballards plantation ........ 54 Baleyhack, plantation in.... 251 | Balleau, Andrew .......... 123 Batpy; JOHN i. cees sd ceene < 15 | Ballentine, Alexander ..... 16 Baley, Joseph ...........4. 69 | Ballentine, Dinah ......... 16 Baley, Mary ...... 15 (2), 69 | BALLENTINE, GEORGE ....... 16 Baley, Patrick.......... 147, 383 | Ballentine, Henry ......... V7 -Baley, Rebeckah ........... 400 | Ballentine, Ja. ............ 386 Ball). AMM :0:4 oxidise occa o-« 16, 306 | Ballyhack, land in...... 254, 346 Ball, Casiah ..............- 412 | Baly, David ............... 343 Ball, Elizabeth ............ 16 | Bampfield, William ........ 6 Ball, James .......... eens 41 | Banbow Creek, land on...... 92 Ball, WECOD: ye saseses ec sud espe acoseseve 245 | Banger, Berd .............. 355 Ball, James .........-..0065 15 | Banes, ABIAH ............. 16 BALL; DORN ase ssweencerwaurn 15 | Bangs, Abiah.......... 16 (2), 63 Ball, Joshua ............4. 299 | Banckes, John ............. 220 Ball, Magdalene.......... 15 (2) | Banckey, John ............ 206 Ball, Nathan .............. 15 | Bangs, Betty ............ 16 (2) Ball, Parthaney ........... 306 | Banas, JONATHAN ......... 1 Ball, Rachel .............. 15 | Bangs, Jonathan ........... 16 Ball, Reuben .............. 299 | Banks, Anne ............... 17 Ball, Sarah ............... 15 | Banks, Francis ............ 342 Ball, Stephen............ 15, 410 | Banks, John ............... 220 BALL, THOMAS .........0005 16 | Banks, Jonathan......... 17 (2) Ball, William............ 16, 306 | Banks, Rachel ............. 380 s Ball, Wm. ........00c cence 80 | Banks, Thomas ............ 282 Ballahack, lands at...... 309 (2) | BANKS, WILLIAM .......... 17 Ballahack, land in.......... 314 | Banks, Wynn & Askew, land Ballance, John ............ 114 joining ........... re Saas 15 Ballance, Richard .......... 79 | Banter, Katherine ......... 339 Ballance, Samll. ........... 48 | Baper, Edw’d. ............. 72 BALLARD, ABRAHAM ........ 16 | Baptism, ministers bequest to 30 Ballard, Abraham ......... 309 | Baptiss, Benjamin ......... 351 Ballard, Ann .............. 16 | Barrist, BENJAMIN ........ 17 Ballard, Anne ............. ip | Babdeh Bedlam... Bet, 208 z Baptist, Edmund.......... 17 (2) Ballard, Apsilla ............ 16 - Ballard, Bathsheba 16 Baptist, Mary Clark...... 17 (2) peasant ewe ee aoe Baptiste, Benjamin....... 73, 122 Ballard, Blias ............- 16 Baran, Nathaniel 316 Ballard, Elisher ............ 16 q Re aie ’ Barbara, Mitchell .......... 360 Ballard, Blizabeth ....... 16 (2) | Barbara, Susanna .......... 360 Ballard, Esther ............ 16 | Barber, Aaron ............. 399 Ballard, Jethro .........68. 16 Barber, GASIIDS. 5. adie ders ences thcotean ove 867 Ballard, Keadah ...... ea dhate 16 | Barber, Charles ............ 103 Ballard, Jemima ........... 93 | Barber, Charley ............ 54 BatiarD, JOHN ............ 16 | Barber, Blisabeth .......... 198 Ballard, John ............. 16 | Barber, George ............. 17 BaLLarD, JOSEPH ..........5 16 | Barber, Hannah ........... 326 436 PAGE. Barber, Jacob ..............- 54 BARBER, JOHN sees 17 Barber, Jobn ............. 4, 42 Barber, Joshua ........... . 54 Barber, Lem’ll. ............ 54 Barber, Margaret ......... 142 Barber, Moses ............ 198 Barber, Rebecca ........... 407 Barber, Richard ........... 360 Barber, Samuel ........... 299 Barber, William ........ 822, 366 Barbour, Charles .......... 9 Barbre, Elizabeth ......... 359 Barclif, Charles ........... 137 Barclif, John .............. 314 Barcliff, Elizabeth ......... 176 Barclift, Ann ............. 17 Barclift, Anne ............ 280 Barclift, ASa ...........06. 17 Barclift, Benjamin ....... . 17 Barclift, Blake ............ 17 Barclift, Demson .......... 17 Barclift, Blizabeth...17 (2), 169 (2) Barclift, James ............ 17 Barclift, John of Wearneck. 7 BARCLIFT, JOHN ............ 17 Barclift, John (cousin of William) ..............6. 18 Barclift, John (son of William) ............... 18 Barclift, John....17 (3), 18, 73, 132, 158, 280 Barclift, John (grandson of John Parish) ........... 280 Barclift, John, Sr. .......... 280 Barclift, Joseph...... 17, 18, 243 BARCLIFT, JOSHUA .......... 17 Barclift, Joshua ........... 18 Barclift, Mary .......... 17 (2) Barclift, Miriam ........... a Barclift, Noah ............. Barclift, Samuel...... 17, 18, 260 Barclift, Sarah...... 18 (2), 245 BARCLIFT, THOMAS ......... 17 Barclift, Thomas (son of THOMAS)! esses ven ee ote 17 Barclift, Thomas ........... 18 Barclift, Thos. ............. 169 BARCLIFT, WILLIAM ......... 18 BARCLIFT, WILLIAM ......... 18 Barclift, William (son of POSWUB): ies < ovicio cs. dence . 18 Barclift, William (son of William) jicca cen os ascend os 18 PAGE Barclift, William....17 (2), 160, 176 Barclifte, Blizabeth ........ 415 | Barco, Sophia .............. 299 Barcock, AnD .............. 18 Barcock, Daniell .......... 18 Barcock, Jane (daughter of. William a Miiilecs we Aae-P RS 18 Barcock, Jane (wife of Wil- liam) sesecdaesvess Sees 18 Barcock, John ............. 18 Barcock, Joseph ............ 18 Bareock, Luke ............. 18 Barecock, Peter ............. 18 Barcock, Thomas .......... 18 BaARcocK, WILLIAM ........ . 18 Barcock, William (son of WANA elise cvtanews oy egies 18 Barcroft, William .......... 198 Bard, Hannah ............. 14 Bard, Mary ssvvaxcas ies aca 193 Bard, Richard ............. 198 Bardin, John .............. 47 Bare, Banks ............... 359 Barecock, Jane ............ 288 Barecock, THOMAS ......... 18 Barecock, Thomas (son of ThOMas). waceesacwx ssa 18 Barecock, Thomas .......... 283 Barecock, William........ 18 (2) Bare Creek, land on......... 12 Barefield, Elizabeth ........ 18 Barefield, Henry ........... 18 Barefield, Isham ........... 18 Barefield, James.......... 18, 19 BABEFIELD, JOUN ........-06 18 Barefield, Judith ........... 18 Barefield, Luke............ 18, 96 Barefield, Mary....... 18, 19, 228 BAREFIELD, RICHARD ........ 18 Barefield, Richard (son of RiCHhard)) jas) Heme vis mews 18 (2) Barefield, Richard (grandson of Richard) ...........05 18 Barefield, Rose ............5 18 Barefield, Solomon ......... 18 Barefield, Thomas.......... 18 Barefield, William ......... 18 Barefoot, John ............. 821 Bare Swamp, land at........ 34 Barfield, Beth .............. 19 Barfield, Blizabeth ......... 228 Barfield, Henry ............ 19 Barfield, James ............ 18 Barfield, Jane .............. 218 Barfield, Jesse............ 19 (2) Invex. 437 PAGE. PAGE. Barfield, John ........... . 61 | Barren Branch and Wick- BaRFIELD, RICHARD ......... 19 acorn Creek, land on..... 170 Barfield, Richd. ........ 88, 218 | Barrenton, Isaac .......... 4138 Barfield, Solomon......... 19 (8) | Barrett, Mary ............ 344 Barfield, Thomas.......228 (2) | Barrett, Thomas .......... 344 Barfield, William ......... 219 | Barringer, Paul ........... 286 Barkeake, William ........ 186 | Barrit, Margitt ............ 826 Barker, Mary ......... 118, 341 | Barrow, Ann ........ 20 (2), 21 Barker, "D. s.ccac. envied duns 3848 | Barrow, Benjamin ......... 9g Barker, Thomas..8 (2) 123, Barrows Creek, land on.... 219 147 (2), 158, 282, 348, 382 | Barrow, EDMUND .......... 19 Barker, William .......... 287 | Barrow, Elizabeth ........ 19, 20 Barkett, Mary .........174 (2} | Barrow, Bliza ........... 21 (2) Barkock, Thomas ......... 131 | Barrow, Frederick ......... 20 Barlow, Thomas .......... 14 | Barrow, George...20, 21, 29, Bartow, ROBERT .......... 19 109, 274 Barley, David ............ 10 | Barrow, H. ow... cece eee eee 241 Barnard, William ......... 415 | Barrow, Hedrick .......... 21 Barnes, Charles .......... 405 | Barrow Hole, land at....... 35 Barnes, Demsey .......... 19 | Barrow, JAMES ........... 20 Barnes, Blizabeth ......... 19 | Barrow, James...19, 20 (3), Barnes, Hezekiah ......... 19 21, 216 Barnes, Jacob ............ 19 | Barrow, Jeams ............ 21 Barnes, James .......... 19, 21 | Barrow, Jean ............ 21, 30 Barnes, Jeremiah ......... 334 | Barrow, Johanah .......... 20 Barnes, Jesse ........-..4. 151 | Barrow, JOHN ............ 20 Barnes, Jethro ............ 19 | Barrow, JoHN ............ 20 Barnes, Jno. .......-.0eeee 84 | Barrow, JOHN ............ 20 Barnes, John ............. 361 | Barrow, JouHN, SR. ........ 20 BARNES, JOSEPH .........++ 19 | Barrow, John (son of John) 20 BaRNES, JOSEPH ..........- 19 | Barrow, John (uncle of Barnes, Mycah ............ 19 JOHN) oirey eta eee 20 Barnes, Nathan........ 170, 237 | Barrow, John (son of Barnes, William .......... 21 Joseph) ....... se eee eee 21 Barnet, Ann .............. 356 | Barrow, John (brother of Barnet, Mary ...........-- 356 Joseph) 2.1... cece ee eeeeee 21 Barnet, Samuel ........... 78 Barrow, John (son of Wil- Barnet, William........ 218, 356 HAM): ears oc cai ca ease we 21 BARNETT, EDWARD ......... 19 | Barrow, John (brother of Barnett, J. J. 0... ce eee eee 57 William) ................ 21 Barnett, Sarah ............ 19 | Barrow, John. .19, 20 (3), 21 (2), Barnett, William .......... 330 29 (2), 60, 61, 101, 164, 196, Barnham, Gabriel ......... 199 198, 215, 216, 231, 286, 356, 424 Barns, Ann.............. 19 (2) | Barrow, JoserH ........... 20 Barns, Edward ............ 41 | Barrow, Joseph, Jr. ........ 20 Barns, James ............- 251 | Barrow, JOSEPH .......... 5 21 BarNSVELD, ANN .......... 19 | Barrow, JosEPH, JR. ...... 21 Barnsfeld, William ........ 230 | Barrow, Joseph (son of Baron, Henry...... exiaed dd. (2) Joseph) ...... cece ee eee 21 Banos, MOSES ...........-- 19 | Barrow, Joseph..20 (4), 21, Barrah, George ........... 109 56, 186, 165, 198, 216 (2) Barrah, Thomas........ 109 (2) | Barrow, Jos. ............0. . 423 Barrah, Zaceria ........... 109 ; Barrow, Joseph, Jr...20, 196, 198 Barran, Jas. .............. 174 | Barrow, Margaret ....... 20 (2) Barran, Thomas.........87, 174 | Barrow, Mary -(daughter of Barran, Wm., Jr.......... . 153 Edmund) ...........005 . 19 438 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE Barrow, Mary (wife of Hd- Barton, Joel ............... 19 MUNG)! , idee ces edieds ones 19 | Barton, John............ 118 395 Barrow, Mary........ 20, 21, 216 | BartTon, VALLENTIN ........ 22 Barrow, Moses ........... 20, 21 | Barton, William........ 395, 425 Barrow, Mr. .......+--.065 46 | BarTRaM, ELIZABETH ...... 22 Barrow, Orpah .......... 20 (2) | Bartram, Blizabeth ........ 218 Barrow, Rachell...... 20 (2), 3877 | Bartram, William....73, 92, Barrow, Rebeca ............ 20 106, 168 Barrow, Rebecca ........... 20 | Bartram, Wm........... 22, 265 Barrow, REBEKAH ......... 21 | Bartre, Joel ..........0..05 78 Barrow, Rebekah .......... 21 | Bartrom’s Point ....... anesicoe 334 Barrow, Richard.....21, 216 (2) | Baset, James .............. 30 Barrow, Samuel..... 21, 216, 424 | Basker, Benjamin ......... 425 Barrow, Sarah (wife of Basley, Sarah ............. 219 SAMES) 2 veayahes tavetmcewes 20 (2) | Bass, Andrew............ 76, 348 Barrow, Sarah (daughter of BASS, “ATOD) 2:0 6ieakeve a: seca 22 JAMES) so ise ceed een Bass, Benjamin........... 22 (2) Barrow, Sarah (cousin of Bass, Dinah.............. 22 (2) JAMES), os ssh gerss uted vee ais 20 | Bass, EDWARD ...........4+ 22 Barrow, Sarah...20 (2), 21 Bass, Edward (son of Ed- (4), 55, 145, 165, 259, 286 WAREG,),< craseoe ¥.ccousnser sree eaiayine 22 Barrow, Thomas...... 20, 21, 346 | Bass, Edward........ 22, 23 (2) Barrow, WILLIAM.......... 21 | Bass, Blijah .............. . 22 BaRgrow, WILIAM.......... 21 | Bass, James ..........0.008 22 Barrow, WILLIAM.......... 21 | Bass, JOHN ...........0005 22 Barrow, William (son of Bass, John (son of John)..22, a SOSEDD:): wigs. ae) sgard 4.04 rae. 20 (2) | Bass, Joseph .............. Barrow, William (son of Bass, Keiziahl os sss sade cass 3 William) ixccceaess seas 21 (4) | Bass, Lovewell ............. 22 Barrow, William (grandson Bass, Lovey ......0-...0005 22, of Joseph) .............. Bass, Mary ............0005 22 Barrow, William. .13, 21 (2), Bass, Mary (daughter of 29 (4), 109, 156, 216, 342, 366 DOWD) oie scose oe aan ca deans 22 Barrow, Wm. ....... 77, 145, 216 | Bass, Mary (wife of John).. 23 Barrow, W. .........00- 882, 421 | Bass, Moses ............06. 22 Barrow, Zachariah....20, 21, 109 | Bass, Paceunce ............ 22 Barry, Daniel .............. 163 | Bass, Reuben ............. 22 Barry, David .............. 21 | Bass, Sampson ............ 22 Barry, Mary Magdilin ..... 266 | Bass, William............ 22 (2) Barry, Marion ..... gesdioa nate 21 | Bassett, Abraham .......... 395 Barry, James .............. 235 | Bassett, Richard .......... 50 Barry, Sarah 2.5 sce sees gersee 62 | Bassford, John ............ 270 Barry, WILLIAM ........... 21 | Bastabell, William ......... 383 Barsus Neck ........--.2606 889 | Bastable, Hannah (wife of Bartlet, Elizabeth .......... 415 William) .............005 Bartlet, Thomas ........... 138 | Bastable, Hannah (daughter Bartlett, Ann .............. 344 of William) ............. 23 Bartlett, Blizabeth ......... 22 | Bastable, Hannah ......... 383 Bartlett, Pashe ............ 30 | BASTABLE, WILLIAM ........ 23 Bartlett, Samuel ........... 381 | Bastable, William ......... 383 Bartlett, Thomas ........... 22 | Basteba plantation ........ . 191 BARTLETT, WILLIAM ........ 22 | Batchelors Creek, land on.. 153 Bartlett, William (son of BATCHELOR, EDWARD ...... . 23 WTP): ace. sus desuesouss so copats 22 (2) | Batcrrtor, Epwarp ...... . 28 Barton, Hannah ........... Batchelor, Edward (son of Barton, Hanna ............. 22 EQWard)) -ssicee ea atiaie i'y . InpEx. 439 PAGE. PAGE. Batchelor, Elizabeth ...... . 23 | Batters, Darkis ............ 356 Batchelor, Francis (wife of Batters, Diana ............ 24 Hdward) ......-..+.0-- 23 (2) | Batters, Mary...... ‘oa, 356, i Batchelor, Francis (daughter BatTrTers, THOMAS .......... of Edward) ............. ‘ Batters, Thomas......... 356, a Batchelor, John .......... 23, 96 | Bauer, Mathew ............ 6 Batcher, Joseph ........... 49 | Bawne, Peter .............. 421 Bate, An 23 ccads 8 ces aeee 23 | Baxter, Mary ............-. 373 Bate, Augustine.......... 23, 198 | Baxter, Nathaniel....... 3738 (2) Bate, Hs osccadheastaGaprasinoans 57 | BAYER, DAVID ...........0-% 24 Barr, Henry LAWRENCE..... 23 | Bayes, AMM ...........0000e 24 Bate, Humphrey ...... -.... 283 | Bayes, EDWARD ............ 24 Bate, Martha .............. 23 | Bayes, Bliz. .........0000- . 24 Bateman, Blisebeth ........ 171 | Bayes, John ............... 24 Bateman, Bliza ............ 24 | Bayes, Mary ............. 24 (2) Bateman, Wlizabeth....... 24, 62 | Bayes plantation ........... 38 Bateman, Isabell ........... 24 | Bayley, Ambcox ........... 2 BATEMAN, JOHN ......-+++5 28 | Bayley, Amb. Cox .......... 354 Bateman, John ............ 24 | Bayley, John .............. 414 BATEMAN, JONATHAN ....... 24 | Bayley, Martha ............ 39 Bateman, Jonathan (son of Bayley, Patrick ............ 168 Jonathan) ............ 24 (2) | Bayley, Thomas ............ 168 Bateman, Jonathan. .23 (2), Baynard, Phillip ........... 231 62, 175, 319 | Bay River, landon ....... 63 Bateman, Josher (or Bay River and Trent, land on 339 JOSCDD): sacisew os ctersves dere 24 | Bays, William ............. 122 Bateman, Margaret ...... 24 (2) | Beach Reag plantation..... 56 Bateman, Mary. .24 (2), 169 (2) Beach Ridge plantation. .279, 299 Bateman, Samuell .......... Beach Swamp, land on...... 408 Bateman, Thomas (brother Beahan, Dliz. ..........0005 187 of JOHN) sisesvscavenes 23 Beale, Francis ...........4. 894 Bateman, Thomas (nephew Beally, David .............. 86 OL JOHN) © scx 20:6 ssanec co ecedes Beally, Patrick ............ 86 Bateman, Thomas..... 4, 7, 24, 62 | Beally, John ......... steeae 66 BATEMAN, WILLIAM ........ 24 | Beally, Thomas ............ 117 Bateman, William (son of Beally (or Bayley)........ . 183 Walliam): — stisesey cere ea-cusiers 24 | Bear Creek, plantation on... 175 Bateman, William..... 10, 28 (2) | Bear Creek, lands on... .276, Bateman, Wm. ........... . 144 324, 424 Bates, James ............ .. 200 | Bear Creek and Horse Pen, Bath, Richd. ........... 110, 121 land Oss ss nes vec Yew rears 390 Bath Town Creek, land on.. 413 | Bear River, land on ........ 176 Battle, Blisabeth .......... 366 | Bear Swamp, land at.....35 (2) Battle, Jesse ...........0 00 24 | Bear Swamp, land on...... . 852 Batre, JOHN ...........4. 24 | Beard, Daniel ............. 218 Battle, John ............ 52, 195 | Beard, Neil .............+0% 218 Battle, Prissilla ........... 24 | Beards Creek, plantation on. 173 Battle, Sarah (wife of Bearcock, John ............ 142 JOUN)~ ss-cwaaa varnnwee et 24 (2) | Beastey, FRANCES ......... 24 Battle, Sarah (daughter of Beasley, Francis.......... 25, 339 FOUN). cso deogieane ys 4 one 24 | Beasley, Jeams (brother of Battle, William (brother of Frangis) s.i6 ssasweeeicss 24° PONT) 2.5555 cei deaiiveiaevens asin ene Beasley, Jeames (son of Battle, William (son of Brancis§)) .iwcaaswvcacae cic 24 JORD): eicauwieuars eevee 848 .. 24]! Beasley, James..89 (2), 117 Batters, Darkers ........... 24 (4), 215, 339, 380, 407 440 InpEx. PAGE. PAGE. BEASLEY, JAMES ........... 25 | Beety, Martha ............ a Doe Beasley, James (son of John) ee Beezley, Eliza ............. 25 Beasley, James, Jr. ........ . Beezley, Elizabeth ......... 25 Beasley, Johanna .......... Be Beezley, John............ 25 (2) Beasley, John. .25, 28, 36,117 (2) | Beezley, Rachel ............ 3871 Beasley, Mary.......... 24, 25. 89 | BrezLey, THOMAS .......... 25 Beasley, Robert.......... 24, 117 | Beezley, Thomas (son of ‘BEASLEY, SAMUEL .......... 25 Thomas): go: ssec3020 seas 25 Beasley, Sarah ............ . 218 | Berret, BENJAMIN ......... 25 Beasley, Thomas ........... 25 | Befret, Benjamin (son of Beather, Mrs. Sarah........ 291 Benjamin) .............. 25 Beaufort, legacy for church Beitelle, Francis ........... 151 AG: eheace a tnideates Syaveedinseiasd aisles ete 214 | Belcher, Bourleay .......... 249 Beaufort, legacy for school in 418 | Belcher, Robert ............ 234 Beaver Cove, land in ....... 152 | Belknap, Elisha ........... 239 Beaver Cove, land on....... 280 | Bell, Ann................. 8, 279 Beaver Dam of Grays Creek, Bell, Anne............... 27, (2) EG OT, Yo, Acca heise inieca-e: owas 324 | Bell, Archibald ............ 74 Beaver Dam, land at........ 22 | Bell, Arthur. .26 (3), 27 (2), Beaverdam, land in fork of.. 205 129, 290 Beaverdam, land on....... 71, 240 | Bell, Benjamin ............ 26 Beaver Dam, plantation on.. 299 | Bell, Caleb ................ 114 Beaver Dam Neck....... 345, 408 | Bell, Christiana ............ 306 Beaverdam plantation ...... 339 | BELL, CORNELIUS ..........+ 26 Beaver Dam Swamp, land on Bell, Cornelius .(son of Cor- 33, 412 NNOLIUS )* senses x ogecncs tee ere 26 (2) Beaver Dam Swamp, planta- Bell; David ss scscees ow ione sas 26 TOD: ODY °yos5:cuaye tien cugtn vache $32: | Bells De scaud hee ees eee hes a Beaver Ponds, land on..... 260 | BELL, BLIZABETH ........... Beay, Bliza, ics cca vcnsicceve 54 | Bell, Blizabeth. ..27, 108, 286, sor Beck, Moses ............025 118 | Bell, Wster ................ Becton, Ann ............... 25 | BELL, GEORGE .............. "36 Becton, Edmond .......... Bell, George (son of George) Becton, Frederick.....25 (2), 424 26 (2) Becton, George ............. 25 | Bell, George...26 (8), 27, 40, BrcTON, JOHN ...........4. 25 74, 95, 127, 183, 211, 349, 409 Becton, Mary .............. 25, | BOIPS: Gitte oe. asees de4 oenacd,« 382 Becton, Michael ............ 25 | Bell, Henry ............... . 26 Becton, Sarab ............. 25 | Bell, ‘Taabell Ferguson ...... 421 Bedarrin, Hannah ......... 168 | Bell, James. ..26, 31 (2), 275, 372 Bedford, Thomas...112, 268, 411 | Bell, Jane ...............06 27 Beech Island land ....:..... 85 | Bell, Jesse ............0000. 349 Beech Run, land on..... seas OF | BULL, JON caw cs ssaacisaecs 26 BOGS; ADD yo :o5 siaiete'e wee oe 4 - 25 | Bell, John (son of John).... 26 Beels, Barbray ............. 25 | Bell, John.18 (2), 26 (2), 27, Beels, Elizabeth ............ 25 74, 130, 142, 310, 316, 353, 416 BEELS, JACOB .........000.. 25 | Bell, John Lathy ........... 26 BEELS, JAMES ............., 25 | Bell, Jonathan.......... 145, 337 Beel, John .............0005 25 | BreLi, JOSEPH .............. 26 Beel, Joshua, children of.... 269 | Bell, Joseph....... 26, 27 (2), 852 Beels, Jobu.............. 25: (2) | Bell, JOS. a 65 visi e cen sane 307 Beels, Mary ............00- 25 | Bell, Joshua...... 27 (2), 290 @ Beels, Tabitha ............ 25 | Bell, Margrett ............. Beesley, Ann .............. 117 | Bell, Margret .............. 36 Bee Tree Neck, land on...... 18 | Bell, Marmaduke ........... 114 Beetree Neck, land at...... - 87 | Bell, Mary (wife of John).. 26 InDEX. 441. PAGE PAGE Bell, Mary (daughter of Benbury, William (son of TOD) a sescicenecanwav sash 26 WAINAM): sos sone ceate oie 28 Bell, Mary..26 (2), 27, 114, Benbury, Wm.............. 28, 35 252, 310 | Bender, Daniel ............ . 28 Bell, Nathaniel ............ 26 | Bender, Jobn .............. 28 Bell, Rilind ............... 95 | Benner, Martin ........... 28 Bell, Robert...... 8, 74, 127, 421 | Bender, Mary .............. 28 BeExr, ROSS .........000005. 27 | Bender, Salome ............ 28 Bell, Ross (son of Ross).... .27 | Bendis, Ann ............... 404 Bell, Sarah. .26 (2), 114 (2), se Bendis, Sarah ............. 404 Bell We. geese seta Siete aoa Beniman, Joseph .......... 232 Bell,- PHOS. sc. ideacee gives save a Benners, John.......... 222, 420 BELL, THOMAS .........606- 27 | Benners, Sarah ............ 420 BELL, THOMAS ............. 27 | Bennet, Alice .............. 28 Bell, Thomas......... 26 (2), 27 | Bennet, Anne .............. 28 Bell, Penelope ............. 8,74 | Bennet, Arthur ............ 105 BELL, WILLIAM ............ 27 | Bennet, Benjamin......... 28, 29 BELL, WILLIAM .../........ 27 | Bennet, Betsse ............ 29 Bell, William (son of Wil- Bennet, Darkes ............ 29 NAM). 2avauce oordne: oo acne 27 | Bennet, Elizabeth .......... 28 Bell, William. .5, 26 (2), 27, BENNET, JOHN ............. 28 129, 272, 303 27 BELLMAN, JOHN .........045 Bellman, Mary........... 27 (2) Bellman, William .......... 239 Belman, Esther ............ 415 BELMAN, JOHN ............. 27 Belman, John (son of Jobn) 27 Belman, John .............. ge Belman, Robert ............ Belman, Sarah...27 (2), 415 a Belt; DOWD) aise aca sien 4s 6 wee x Bembridge, John ........... ra Benberry, James......... 28, 407 Benbow, Charles...... 28, 65 @ Benbow, Evans ............ BENBOW, GERSHON ......... oe Benbow, Gershon........ 59, 189 Benbow, Mary ...'......... 65 Benbow, Powel .......... 28 (2) Benbow, Richard .......... 28 Benbow, Susannah ......... 28 Benbow, Will .............. 158 Benbury, Bridgett ......... 28 Benbury, Edmund ......... 28 Benbury, J.......... 28, 158, 404 Benbury, John (brother of William) is cisiscacs scesyeis va ae 28 Benbury, John (son of Wil- TQM) isae- ak Siotetees ieee alec 28 Benbury, John... Benbury, Joseph Benbury, Miles ............ 28 Benbury, Samuel......... 28, 317 Benbury, Sarah ............ 28 BENBURY, WILLIAM ........-+ 28 28, 38, 145, 172 28 Bennet, John.28 (2), 57, 168, 274, 362, 364, 386 Bennet, Jno. .............0. 104 BENNET, JOSEPH .......... 28 Bennet, Joseph (son of John) 28 Bennet, Joseph (son of Joseph) last tak whacasond aes 28 Bennet, Joseph (brother of POBD) i6 5 gisieck eel alts 9 2:4. . 28 Bennet, Josiah ............. 28 Bennet, Mary......... 28, 29, 364 Bennet, Moses ............. 29 BEenNeET, NEHEMIAH ........ 28 Bennet, Nehemiah .......... 57 Bennet, Rebecker .......... 29 Bennet, Samuel ............ 28 Bennet, SOLOMON .......... 29 Bennet, Solomon.......... 28, 57 Bennet, Susan ............. 28 Bennet, William....... 28, 84, 353 Bennett, James ............ 386 Bennett, Jane .............. 46 Bennett, Ruth ............. 386 Bennett, Will .............. 61 Benning, James ............ 99 Bennington, Cornelius ...... 90 Bennitt, Ann .............. 3886 Bennys Creek, land on. .292, 293 Benson, Edy ............... 215 Benson, John ........... 383 (2) Benson, Mary .......... -383 (2) Benson, Precila ............ 380 Benson, Sarah ............ - 140 Bensted, John ’............ - 891 Benston, Mathias .......... 123 4492 InprEx. PAGE. PAGE, Benthall, Joseph......... 205 (2) | Berry, Littleton ............ 30 Bentley, Ann............. 29 (2) | Berry, Sarah .............. 207 Bentley, Hanah ............ 29 | Berryman, Benj. ........... 857 Bentley, Isaac ............. 29 | Best, Jane .............05- 401 Bentley, James....... 29 (2), 118 | Best, Mary .............. . 60 Bentley, Jeremiah .......... 29 | Best, Thomas............. 4, 401 Bentley, Jeremiah......... » 406 | Beteithelly (Bathelly), Fran. 244 BENTLEY, JOHN .......--..5 29 | Bets, Doser ............... 183 BENTLEY, JOHN ............ 29) | Bets, JOM seco. vices sacccuere's 190 BENTLEY, JOHN ............ 29 | Betsworth, Sarah .......... 63 BENTLEY, JOHN ............ 29 | Betsworth, Wm. ........... 176 Bentley, John (son of John). 29 | Bett, Jobn, Sr. ............ 34 BENTLEY, JOHN OF MoRaTocK Betterley, Thomas ......... 49 RIVER) 4 eac-cusiea dices sanace 29 | Betterley, Tho. ............ 354 Bentley, John (son of John of Bettes, Francis ............ 36 Moratock River) ......... 29 | Bettesworth, John ......... 103 Bentley, John (grandson of Betts, James .............. 49 John of Moratock River).. 29 | Betts, W............... 144, 271 Bentley, John........ 25 (2), 406 | Bettys, Thomas ............ 313 Bentley, Joseph ............ 29 | Bevan, William ............ 360 Bentley, Lidia ............. 29 | BEVANS, Mary ............ 30 Bentley, Mary............ 29, 359 | Bevans, RicHarp .......... 30 BENTLEY, RiCHARD ........ 80 | Bevely, Anthony ........... 408 Bentley, Richard......... 29 (2) | Bever Dam, land on........ 32 Bentley, Sarah...... 29 (2), 118 | Beverdams, Jand called the. 216 Bentley, Thomas .......... Beverler, Ann ............ - 306 Bentley, William..... 25, 29 Beverley, Henry ........... 30 (2), 201, 245 | Brevertey, JonHn, Sr. ...... 30 Benton, Elijah...30, 62, 181 (2) | Beverley, John (son of John, Benton, Epophroditus ...... 380 Sis)! saveeetismecicacan ies 30 Benton, Francis ..........+ 84 | Beverley, Margarett ...... . 30 Benton, Jethro...... 30 (2), 366 | Beverley, Rachel .......... 30 BENTON, JOHN .......00eeee 30 | Beverley, Robert .......... 30 Benton, John (son of Beverley, Sarah ........... 30 JOHN) as geen usxsiedaies 830 (2) | Beverley, William ......... 30 Benton, John, Sr. ......... . 866 | Bevin, William ............ 214 Benton, Lazarus .......... . 185 | Bevines, Robert ........... 399 Benton, Martha ............ 84 | Bevins, Ann ............... 30 Benton, Moses .........eee. 80 | Bevins, Hlizabeth .......... 30 Benton, Samuel ............ 181 | Bevins, John.............. 30, 31 Benton, Susannah .......... 177 | Bevins, Mary ............. 30 Benwick (Renwicke), Edwd. 408 | Bevins, Mary (daughter of Benwicke, Edwd. .......... 362 Mary) -sesdeesubncssanes 30 Bergeron, Elias ......... 30 (2) | Bevins, Robert ........... 30, 31 Bergeron, John............ 21, 30 | Bexley, Rebeckah .......... 31 BERGERON, JUDITH .........- 80 | BrexLey, WILLIAM .......... 31 Bermuda, “an island in the BiaRp, RICHARD ........... 14 SOUNG” waaecennee oc eene-< 248 | Bidder, Richard ........... 290 Bernard, Samuel .......... 319 | Biddle, Ann.............. 31 (2) Bernsbee, Margaret ........ 813 | Biddle Isaac (son of Isaac) 381 Berreman, Benjamin ...... . 812 | Biddle, Isaac (son of Jacob) Berry, Comfort.......... 380 (2) 31 (4) BrErRRY, CORNEALUS ........ . 80 | BrppLE, JAcoB ............. 31 Berry, Cornealus .......... 30 | Biddle, Jacob (son of Jacob) 31 Berry, Hepzibah ........... 74 | Biddle, Jacob........ 56 (2), 402 Berry, John............ -30, 309 | Biddle, William ........... 31 Invex. 443 PAGE. PAGE. Bidgood, Benjamin. .136, 236, 415 | Black Walnut Swamp, plan- Bidgood, Sarah ...........+ 17 tation on.............. 80, 323 Bierney, Robert ........+-- 418 | Black Water, plantation at.. 402 Bigford, Magdaline ........ 215 | Blackall, Abner ........... 43 Biggers, James ........---- 311 | Blackall, Abra.............. 299 Biggleston, J..........-0055 29 | BLACKALL, ABRAHAM ....... 32 > Biggleston, James ......... 417 | Blackall, Dr. Abraham, a nts Biggs, Jobn............- 11 (2) | einettat, Absntam.... 304, 348 Biggs, Mary .........e.eee- 141 Blackall. Abra > ag i 114 . AML sc ceeeneeee Biggs, Sarah ....-..+...++- Blackall, Charlot .......... 32 Biggs, W...-..-.eeeeee eens 49 | Blackall, Dr................ 32 Billet, Allice .......-.--0.s 31 BLACKALL, SARAH .......... 32 Billet, Daniel .............- 31 | Blackall, Sharlot .......... 32 BILLET, JOHN ......-.e see 31 | Blackhall, Charlotte ....... 291 Billet, Sarah ............4. 31 | Blackhall, Penelope. .82 (2), 291 Billett, Alse <2 .:.00.ss2s00 388 | Blackhall, Sarah ....32 (2), 291 Billett, Jean .............. 88 | Blackburn, Benjamin ...... 125 Billett, John .............. 94 | Blackburn, Hugh .......... 831 Billett, John .............. 888 | Blackburn, Oliver......... 2, 316 Billings, William .......... 391 | Blackledge, Ann ......... 32 (2) Bingham, Josiah .......... 317 | Blackledge, Benjamin ...... 82 Binns, Chas. .............. . 412 | Blackledge, Benjamin, Sr... 32 Birds: ANU sce niacwnns. ee vies 59 | BLackLeper, RicHARD, SR... 32 Bird, Nathaniel ............ 66 | Blackledge, Richard (son of Bird, Sarah ..............8 59 Richard, Sr.).......... 82 (2) Bird; Wis. sass a wees ea ones 170 Blackledge, Richard ........ 3846 Birnie, TH. wc. e ea sea es 31 (2) | Blackledge, Thomas ........ 382 BIRNIE, WILLIAM .........- 31 | Blackledge, William ....... 382 Birote, Benjamin .......... 31 | Blackman, Allison........ 33 (2) Brnore, PETER «2 s4ys0xeu ss 31 | Blackman, Arthur....... 838, 124 Bishop, Elizabeth ......... 32 | Blackman, Bennet...33 (2), BISHOP, GEORGE ............ 31 197, 360 Bishop, George........... 32, 203 | Blackman, Bennett ........ 186 Bishop, Hannah ........... 148 | Blackman, Elizabeth ....... Bo Bishop, John........ 78, 273, 310 | BLACKMAN, JOHN .......... 33 Bishop, Mary .............. 310 | Blackman, John (son of Bishop, Stoakley .......... 81 JOM). se sices caanae ss aes e 33 BLACK, ISAAC .....2.0000005 32 | Blackman, Joseph .......... 33 Black, Jane ...........000. 32 | BuacKMAN, NICHOLAS ...... 33 Black, John ............05% 82 | Blackman, Sarah .......... 83 Buack, MICHAEL .......... 32 | Blackman, Steaven ........ 33 Black, Samuel ............. 117 | Blackmoor, Zacharia ...... 226 Black, Thos ¢22 sees cc ces eee 43 | Black River, lands on....... 314 Black, Thomas..... 8311, 319, 391 | Blackshire, Alexander ..... 120 Black, Thos., 85, 103, 147, 189, Blainye, Geo. ..........06. 9 249, 254, 360, 381 | Blair, David .............. 385 Black Creek, land on....... 334 | Blair, James ......... ze... 406 Black River, land on....... 392 | Buake, Davip .............. 33 Black, Rock plantation...... 293 | Blake, David (son of David) 33 Black Swamp and Mire Blake, David .............. 69 Branch, land between..... 266 | Blake Elizabeth ........... 33 eo Walnut, land at head Blake, Mary ........-...4.- 107 ee ee ee 81 | Blake, Mathew ............ 33 Black Walnut Swamp, land Blake, Sarah .............. 33 OT ered cap gier db ehcays tds savaasvarasie 214 | Blake, Thomas ......... .88, 334 117, 211 John) 444 Inpvex. PAGE. PAGE. Blakeney, John ............ 226 | Blount, Bullah ............ 292 Blak Water, land on....... 413 | Blounts Creek, land on..... 342 Blanchard, Aaron....15, 33, 116 | Blounts Creek, mill on...... 243 Blanchard, Absalom +sseeee. 33 | Blounts Creek, plantation on, BLANCHARD, BENJAMIN ..... 33 98, 350 Blanchard, Benjamin (son of Blount, Charles ....... 34, 35, 36 Benjamin) .............. 33 | Blount, Christian .......... 285 Blanchard, Catherine ....33 (2) | Blount, EpMUND .......... 34 BLANCHARD, EPHRAIM ..... 33 | Blount, Edmund (son of Ed- Blanchard, Ephraim (son of TOWNE)? wince cave wwaarnss 84 BWphraim) ............. 33 (2) | Blount, Edmund .......... 34 Blanchard, Isabel.........33 (2) | BiLount, ELIZABETH ........ 34 Blanchard, Micajah ........ 33 | Blount, Elizabeth (wife of Blanchard, Robart ........ 356 John) Sis athe, BS ensues Beane 35 (2) Blanchard, Robert ......... 33 | Blount, Elizabeth (wife of Blanchard, Zilpah ...... 855 (2) James) shea eh “eteeiales wre He 35 (2) Blanchet, Elizabeth ........ 242 | Blount, Elizabeth....34 (4), Blanck, Sara .............. 137 35, 36, 163 Bland, Judith ............. 177 | Blount, Esther ............ 34 Bland, Richard ............ 8368 | Blount, Frederick ......... 36 Bland, William ............ 250 | Blount, Henry ............. 114 Blaning, Elizabeth ....... 33 (2) | Blount, Isaac ............. 34 BLANING, HUGH ........... 33 | Blount, J..............-.-- 32 Blank, Sarah ............. 187 | Blount, Jacob....32, 34 (2), Blanning, Hugh (Capt.).... 101 101, 211, 307 Blanshard, Christopher .... 98 | BLountT, JAMES ............ 35 Blanshard, Demsey ........ 116 | BLount, JAMES ............ 35 Blanshard, Huldah ........ 116 | Blount, James (son of Blanshard, Robert ......... 116 DAMES): © eis-3cusaeca. ack Sioses, 40% 35 (2) Bleighton, George ......... 206 | Blount, James (grandson of Biewbootens Neck plantation 313 JAMES)! cecdiy cinta icanots seca ayaa 35 Blew Water plantation..... 106 | Blount, James (son of John) 35 Blew Water Branch and Rac- Blount, James...34 (2), 35, eoon Marsh, land on...... 426 36 (3), 251, 342, 418, 424 ‘Blichenden, Abraham ....34 G Blount, Jane .............. 842 Blichenden, John .......... Blount, Jesse ...........04. 219 Blichenden, Mary ...34 (2), 288 BLOUNT, JOHN ............. 35 Blichenden, Sarah ......... BLOUNT, JOHN ............4. 36 Blichenden, Thomas. .34, 128, one Blount, John (son of John) 35 Blichenden, William ..... 34 (2) | Blount, John. .34, 35 (3), 36, BLINn, DANIEL .........0005 34 1538, 307 Blin, Daniel............ 187, 240 | Blount, Joseph.8, 34, 35 (2), Blin, Morning ............. 84 36, 68, 248, 330, 331 (2), 424 Blind Islands .............. 425 | Blount, Mary. .34, 35, 36 (2), 842 BuLisH, JOHN .............4. 34 | Blount, Martha ............ 36 Blish, John, 186, 190 (2), 353, 387 Blount, Rachele ............ 34 Blitchenden, Abraham ..... 9 Blount, Rachel 35 (2) Blig, Daw’ li aesseesiadsiewas 50 | Blount, Reading. .32, 116, 248, 315 Blount, Ss st 8 ecoecnk week 17 | Blount, Samuel ............ 342 BLOUNT, —— ......0.2 cence 35 | Blount, Sarah. .34, 35, 36, get Blount, Anne........ 385 (5), 418 | Blount, Capt. Thos sgn eae Biount, BENJAMIN ,....... 34 | Blount, Thomas, of Cape Blount, Benjamin (son of WOAl’ 53 | Bryant, William (son of Wil- Bryan, Edward...53 (2), 81, MAR) cone a crmowirnr eae cues 141, 164, 219, 232, 262 | Bryant, William...47 (3), 58, 54 Bryan, Blice............ 232 (2) | Bryly, John ..............6 198 Bryan, Blizabeth........ 58, 178 | Buchar, Mary ............. 250 BRYAN, HARDY ..........06. 538 | Buck, Anne .............0. 54 Bryan, Hardy (son of Buck Creek, land on........ 191 Hardy) ...sceerescereees 53 | Buck, Francis ............. 394 Bryan, Hardy........ 58 (2), 424 | Buck Hall, land on......... 376 Bryan, Isaac............ 53, 424 Buck Hall and Spring Bryan, Jess .....-..-+..00s 53 Branch, land betweer..... 376 ee plies or ne a La Buck Horn, land on........ 71 ryan, John Buckhorse Swamp, land on.. 98 2h aot GP a 230, 232, 250, | Buck, Jonn oe Poa Neha, 54 , ’ . Buck, John ............... 224 Bryan, Joseph ete BA OG we alReS 53 Buck, Sarah j 394 Bryan, Lewis... .53 (38), 835 Buckelsberry Swami A 7: ay ’ p, planta , 424 TON OM fe ses cnsae yeas s xe 808 Bryan, Martha ,........... 53 Buck Swamp, land on 406 Bey ea eee -53, 406, a Buckingham (plantation) .. 385 Bryan, Millborough ...... ae Buckingham, Stephen ...... 167 Bryan, Nathan........... 58, 424 Bryan, Needham....57, 131, Buckler, John ............. 16 , BucKLY, HLLENDER ......... 54 eran ee Oe 297, 303, 473 | Buckly, Blizabeth <......., B4 Bryan, Rachel............ 53 (2) Buckly, Henry ............. 54 Buckly, Jorge ............. 54 Bryan, Sarah....58 (3), 330, 424 Buckly, Rowland .......... 100 Bryan, SIMON .........+60- 53 Buckl lantati 307 Bryan, Simon............ 79 (2) ucklesbury plantation .... Buckner, Robert. .54, 120, 163, 384 ‘Bryan, Susan ...........505 57 Pace R 248 BRYAN, THOMAS ........... 58 CIDER 5 EVOL, cops 4 sas es eis : Bryan, Thomas...53 (2), 84, 424 Buckner, Robt.............. 3871 Bryan, Wi1taM .......... 53 | Buford, John ........... 178 (2) 11% Buford, William ........ 178 (2) Bryan, William ............ 53 : ‘ Bryan, William (son of Bugnion, Elizabeth ........ 54 Wits). ge cacineg een cves 58 (2) | Bugnion, Margaret ........ 54 Bryan, William. .52 (2), 53, Bugnion, Mr................ 257 168, 330, 424 | BueNIon, RALPH .......... 54 Bryant, Arthur ............ 54 | Buie, Wm. ................ 76 Bryant, Drewseller ........ 207 | Bula, Anne ................ 377 Bryant, Blener ............- 239 | Bull Branch, Jand on....... 378 Bryant, Elias .............. 250 | Bull, Chas.......... 83, 135, 223 Bryant, Elizabeth......... 14, 54 | Bull, Charles ............. 814 BRYANT, JAMES ............ 53 | Bull, Charletta ............ 277 BUNDY, CALEB ee eeee Bundy, Caleb.........55, 84, 314 Bunpy, DAVID ......-.0+e0- 55 Bundy, Bliza ..........+... 72 Bundy, Gideon .......... 55 (38) Bundy, Hannah....... 55 (2), 72 Bundy, Jane ..........e0- 84 Bundy, Jean ....... eee eeee 284 Bundy, Jeremiah .......... 55 Bundy, John..... 55, (8), 72, 359 Bundy, Josah ..........4+. 259 Bundy, Josiah....40, 55 (3), 251 454 Inpex. PAGE. PAGE. Bull, Ephraim .......... 377, 404 | Bundy, Liday ............. 55 . Bull, Grisell ......-...0.00e 277 | Bundy, Lydia ............. 55 Bull, Grizell ............00- 81 | Bundy, Mary ............ 55 (2) Bull, John .c6i.sscevee eee 57 | Bundy, Miriam ............ 55 Bull, Millicent ............. 277 | Bundy, Moses ...........4. 55 Bull, Patience ............. 3843 | Bunpy, SAMUEL ........... 55 Bull, Sarah. .88, 112, 135, 277, 284 | Bundy, Samuel .......... 55 (8) Bullin, James ......... eee 283 | Bundy, Saml.......... 92 Bullock, Joseph .......-.04+ 40 | Bundy, Samuel (brother of Bullock, Mary ..........085 40 Cale): ais seseccciaasee 55 Bullock, Sarah ............ 40 | Bundy, Samuel (son of Bullock, Thomas......... 40, 427 @aleD): a ieceere dae dcrapscontlc sieeshe 55 Bull Yard plantation....... 114 | Bunpy, WILLIAM ........... 55 Bulock, James ............ 115 | Bundy, William...... 55 (4), 402 Bumpas, Cornelius .......54 (2) | Bundy, Wm......... 40, 288 (2) Bumpas, David ..... 54 (2), Bunker, Simon ............ 162 BUMPAS, JOB .....-.eeueee ; Bunn, Andrew ........5..05 362 Bumpas, John .........+.5. Ba Bunn, William ......... 237 (2) Bumpas, Tabas ............ 54 | Buntin, John .............. 285 Bumpus, Thomas........... 343 | Bunting, John ............. 7 Bun, Ann ............-.:-. 55 | Burden (Bender), William.. 402 Bun, Benjamin .........++- 54 | Burdet, Jonathan .......... 91 Bun, David ......--.eeeee 54 | Burford, William .......... 388 Bun, EBleaner .............. 55 | Burges, Blizabeth ....45, 56 2 BUN, JOHN .... cece eeeeee 54 | Burges, George ............ Bun, John (son of John)... 54 | Burges, J.............000.. 1d Bun, William ...........06. 55 | Burges, Mary .......... 151 (2) Bunch, Micajah .........-.- 376 | Burges, Sarah ............. 330 Bunch, Paul............+5 60, 352 | Burges, Stephen ........... 45 Buncombe, Joseph ......... 362 | Burges, Thomas....45, 129, 416 Buncomb, Mary ........-.- 83 | Burges, Thos............... 416 Bunday, Elizabeth ......... 20 | Burges, William ..45, 56, 380 (2) Bunday, Jean ........eeee. 183 | Burges, Wm. ...... 141, 879 (2) Bunday, John ............. 245 | Burgess, Benjamin ........ 314 Bunday, Josiah ............ 20 | Burgess, Elizabeth ......... 56 Bunday, Samuel ........... 183 | Burcess, STEPHEN ......... 56 Bundey, Samuel ........... 369 | Burgess, Stephen (son of Bundy, Abraham ........ 55 (3) Stephen) .............085 56 Bumpy, ANNE .......--0e- 55 | Burcress, STEPHEN ......... 56 Bundy, Anne ....... 55 (2), oe Burgess, Stephen (son of Bunpy, BENJAMIN .......+. Stephen) .........-...00. Bundy, Benjamin.55 (2), 72 @) Burgess, Thomas....56 (2), 416 BUNDY, CALEB .....-002000. Burgwin, C..............05. Burgwin, J....101, 255, 297, 338, 374, 375, 389, 407 Burgwin, Jno........... 214, 357 Burk, AWM: 2. ssraarsice dicks aaie 256 Burke, Edward ............ 249 Burke, William ............ 39 Burket, Esbel ............. 120 Burket, Thomas ........... 158 BuRKETT, JOHN ..........45 56 Burkett, John (son of John) 56 Burkett, Joseph .......... 56 (2) Burleigh, James’........... 56 InpEx. 455 PAGE. PAGE. BURLEIGH, ROBERT .......... 56 | Bursey, Penny ............. 812 Burleigh, Robert (son of BURT, MARY ....-esceeeeaee 57 RObti)> .stscccowseesssmeas 56 | Burt, Wil. .i cscs cnceeccawes 57 Burleigh, Sarah ........... 56 | Burtenshall, Margaret ...57 (2) Burn, Andr......ce cece ee eee 219 | BuRTENSHALL, RICHARD .... 57 Burn, John.......... 81, 195, 219 | Burtenshall, Richard (grand- Burnap, Nathnell .......... 103 son of Richard).......... 57 BuRNASS, JOHN ......-+045- 56 | Burton, Abraham..... 89, 99, Burnby, Elizabeth (wife of 242, 276, 408 SONU): csiscge vig etek sw eroe es Burton, Elizabeth .......... 168 Burnby, Elizabeth (grand- Burton, Samuel ........... 888 daughter of John)........ 56 | Burwell, Lewis ............ 210 Burnby, Hannah ........ 57 (2) | Burwell, Martha .......... 210 BuRNBY, JOHN ..........45. 5 Busbe, Thomas ............ 117 Burnby, John (son of John) 56 | BussBry, CATHERINE ........ 57 Burnby, John (father of Busbey, Thomas ........... 236 Thomas) ........-2eeeeee 57 -| Busby, Thomas ............ 74 Burnby, John (brother of Busett, Abraham ....... 256, 339 Thomas) .......... eee eee 57 | Bush, Catherine ........... 335 Burnby, John ...........6. 312 | Bush, David ............. 7, 129 Burnby, Marguerett ........ 56 | Bush, Elizabeth ............ 58 Burnby, Sarah ............ 312 | Bush, Hardy .............. 335 BuRNBY, THOMAS .......... 57 | Bush, Issac .........-..0005 3807 Burnby, William ........ 57, 312 | Bush, James............. 87, 241 BURNET, GEORGE ........... 57 | Bush, John ................ 58 Burnet, James ............. 250 | Bush, Martha ............. 58 Burnet, Susanna .......... 57 | Bush, William (son of Wm.) 58 Burnett, Archibald ......... 91 | Busa, Wi1IAM, SpR......... 58 Burney, Elizbeth .......... 71 | Bussly, Rowland .......... 100 Burney, John ............. 71 | Bussy, Penny ............. 312 Burney, Robert ............ 339 | Butcher, Bell .............. 382 Burnham, Benjamin ....... 67 | Butcher, Mary ............ 382 BuRNHAM, ELIZABETH ...... 57 | Butcher, Mary Turnbull.... 382 BuRNHAM, ESEBEL ......... 57 | Butchers plantation ........ 310 Burnham, Gabr............. OC | Butler, sacetata eaeeneteines 331 Burnham, Gabrell ......... 167 | Butler, Andrew ........... 58 Burnham, James. .28, 47, 275, 298 | Butler, Anhoretta ......... 88 Burnham, John ............ OU0 | Piybler) An areca eusccesix 421 Burnham, Sarah .........-. 167 | Butler, Chris .......... 158, 390 Burnham, Susias Abiar..... 57 | Butler, Christopher... .21, 58 Burnnell, John ............ 293 *(3) 88 y 2 2 Berne dung ies lO | sores Dar sania Burns, Grisell ............. agi | Butler, David...58, 142, 172, Burns, John.........-- 281 (2) ji ecg oe MASe B00. BBS at Butler, Elizabeth ....58 (2), 393 Burns, Mary .........0e00- 147 Burnside, John ............ 188 BUTLER, JACOB ......---+.+. 58 Burrington, Geo. .83, 87, 114, 115, Butler, D2COD: esi wsiegenss 21, 319 150, 159, 168, 174, 178, 179, 180, Butler, James........... 58 (8) 183, 186, 215 (2), 218, 255, 272, Butler, Jethro ............. 229 274, 289, 296, 304, 306, 307, 308, | BUTLER, JoHN ............. 58 313 (3), 389, 348, 366, 368, 381, | Butler, John (son of John), 386, 389, 402, 403, 413, 421. 58 (3) Burroes, Hannah Bursey, Hannah Butler, John (son of James) 58 Butler, John ........ 76, 151, 393 InpeEx. 456 PAGE. Butler, Mary....58 (3), 172, a Butler, Robs. cccace sweeney Butler, Robert ......... 125, i Butler, Sarah ............. 58 Butler, Simon ............. 58 Bitlet: Tyne vas ven cus vwurea 287 Butler, Thomas come DR AD eas 19 Butler, William...... 58, 218, 421 Butt, James .........eeeeee 266 Butt, ThoSiig icc sesssuwers < 277 Butterre, Sarah ........... 23 Butterton, Joseph ...... 207, 403 Butterton, Sarah .......... 4038 Butterworth, land adjoining. 327 Buttery, Christopher ....... 311 Buttlor, Rachel ............ 199 Butts Grove Island......... 87 Buxton, Ann (daughter of SaMUCH): occcedeccan tawioaie 58 Buxton, Ann (wife of * PAMIUEL) ALO Edmonds, Rebekah ........ 109 | Edwards, J......... 110, 150, 276 Epmonps (EppMONDS), Edwards, Jane ............ 108 RICHARD: 525438 60 Gee vba shee 109 | Edwards, Jesse ............ 110 EpMonps, SAMUEL .......... 109 | Edwards, John, Sr......... 110 Edmonds, Sarah ........... 109 | Epwarps, JOHN ............ 111 Edmonds, Susannah ........ 109 | Edwards, John (son of John) 111 Edmonds, Thomas ......... 109 | Edwards, John (grandchild Edmondson, John .......... 110 of Isaac) ............... 110 EDMONDSON, JOSEPH ........ 110 | Edwards, John (of Roanoke) 136 Edmondson, Priselow (wife of Joseph) ............. 110 Edmondson, Priselow (daughter of Joseph)..... 110 Edmondson, Thomas ....... 110 Edmunds, John ............ 195 Edmunds, Saml............. 293 Edmunds, Samuel ......... 49 HEdnye, Ahinoam ........... 110 Ednye, Ann ............ 110 (2) Ednye, Nuton Rensher...... 110 Ednye (Edney), Robert.... 110 Ednye, Samuel ............ 110 Ednye, Saml................ 355 Edny, Samuel ............. 201 Education, bequest for...... 28 Education, legacy for....... 418 Edwards, Ann .......... 110 (2) Edwards, Ben ............. 288 Edwards, Britain .......... 110 Epwarps, CATHERINE ....... 110 Edwards, Charity ......... 111 Edwards, Christopher ...... 288 Edwards, Edward. .110, 175, 223 Edwards, Elisabeth ........ 51 Edwards, Elizabeth...... 58, 110 Epwarps, HENRY .......... 110 Edwards, Henry (son of FLONEY:): cietsaacaeatinn see eer Be 110 Epwarps, ISAAC ........... 110 Hdwards, John. .110 (2), 211, 212, 261, 415 Edwards, Josiah eect e eens 110 Edwards, Mary...... 18, 111, 368 Edwards, Nathan .......... 110 Edwards, Col. Nathaniel.... 108 Edwards, Robert....110 (2), 411 Edwards, Samuel........ 51, 110 Edwards, Thomas....... 110, 111 Edwards, William ......... 110 Edy, Diana ............... 111 Edy, Hanah ............... 819 Edy, Henry ............... 111 EDDY, JOHN 2 cise ee ieceasne 111 Eelbech, Montfort ......... 249 Egarton, William .......... 71 Egerton, Ann ............., 111 Ecerton (Decrrton), James. 111 Egerton, James (son of SAMOS) ses ee eav sa sue eee 111 Hgerton, John ..,.......... 91 Hgerton, Mary ............. 111 Egerton, Sarah ............ 111 Egerton, William....71, 111, 268 Egerton, Wm. ............. 15 Eggerton, James ........... 157 Egleton, Francis. .15, 78, 211, ” 241, 387, 342 Lgleton, Frans. ..19, 93, 107, 125, 214, 236, 241 Eichhorn, Conrad .......... 292 InpEx. 483 PAGE. PAGE Hivens, Ann ...........006. 115 | Elliot, Solomon ......... cite, hb Hivens, Hlizabeth .......... 115 | Evtior, THOMAS ........... 112 EHivens, Jonathan .......... 115 | Biot, Thomas (son of Hivens, Rabakah .......... 115 Thomas) ........s00-000- 112 Hivens, Richard (son of Hiliot, Thomas ......... 324, 346 Richard): i2s/esdwoxs ade « 115 | Elliot, Ursely .............. 112 Hives, Rachel ............. 871 | Elliot, William ............ 112 Hives, Timothy ............ 871 | Elliott, Abraham .......... 255 Elbeck, Mary ............. 233 | Hlliott, Benjamin ......... 112 Elbeck, Montfort ....... 233 (2) | Euiorr, CHARLES ..........+ 112 Elbo plantation ........... 3857 | ELLIoTT, GEORGE ........... 112 Elder, David .............. 121 | Elliott, Joseph ......... 112, 415 Eldridge, Martha .......... 111 | Elliott, Judah ............. 112 Eldridge, Mary ............ 111 | Elliott, Martha ............ 388 Eldridge, Samuel ......... 111 | Elliott, Mary .............. 255 ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM ........ 111 | Evniott, Moszes ........... 112 Hless, John ...........0065 192 | Hilliott, Moses (son of Elfisk, William ............ 93 MOSS) oc ccc eee eens 112 Eliot, Elizabeth. ...258, 302, 303 | Elliott, Moses ............. 208 Eliot, Joshua .............. 825 | Elliott, Rob’t.............6. 68 ELiot, MICHEL ............ 112 | Hlliott, Thomas .......... . 122 Eliot, Sarah .............. 287 | Wiliott, Thomas ........... 415 Elison, Paul ............... 9 | Ellis, Ann ...............04. 112 Bliss, Jobn .........0 cc eee 141 | Ellis, Benjamin ........... 230 Elks, Amanuel ............ 111 | Ellis, Hlizabeth ........... 253 ELKS, JOHN ...... aceasta bee 111 | Ellis, Evan ............ 176, 180 Elks, John (son of John)... 111 | Entis, Georce ............. 112 Elks, Marmaduke ......... 110 | Hillis, George ............ 1, 163 Hilks,; Mary: oso 4 aG.i-s earnest 111 | Ellis, Geo. ..-...........-. 294 Eixs, RICHARD ............ 111 | Ellis, Hannah ............. 112 Hilks, Thomas ............. 111 | Ellis, Jno. (son of Robert).. 112 Bulebar, Elizabeth ........ 102 | Ellis, John (grandson of Ellegood, Margreat ........ W111 FRODEEE) a cssciaee ie weerew da sitar 412 ELLEGOOD, MATTHIAS ....... 111i | Ellis, John .............4.- 309 Elles, George ..........000. 318 | Huis, Mary ............6- 112 Biles, Gorg............00005 56 | Bilis, Michal ............ 88 (2) Elles, Keziah ............. 403 | Hillis, Rachel .............. 283 Elles, Michael ............. 403 | ELLIs, ROBERT ............. 112 Ellet, Hanner ............. 425 | Bllis, Robert (grandson of Ellice, Even .............. 214 Robert) sccaer.c veneers nes 112 Ellice, Phillis ............. 214 | Ellis, William ............. 8 Elliot, Abraham ........ 112, 419 | Ellison, Andrew ........... 113 Hiliot, ANN sais iewerevenes 3825 | Hllison, James ......... 225, 4138 Elliot, Benjamin .......... 112 | Ellison, Jas. ...........05- 80 Elliot, Caleb’ .............. 112 | Exxison, WILLIAM ......... 113 Blliot, Charles ............ 291 | Hllison, Wm. .............4. 3864 Elliot, Blizabeth........ 254, 255 | Hllit, Sarah ..............6. 264 Elliot, Isaae ...........05- 112 | Bllitt, Daniel ............. 148 Elliot, Joseph ............. 112 | Elmsley, Elizabeth ......... 80 Elliot, Joshua ......... 112, 324 | Hilson, Zack ........+.eeeee 27 Elliot, Margaret .......... 112 | Elton, Robert .... .... .... 66 Elliot, Margaret........ 112, 380 | ELTON, ZACHARIAH ........ 118 Blliot, Mary .............. 255 | Elwin, Fountain ........... 189 Hlliot, Moses ........... 112, 380 | Emers, Isabel Smith....... 348 Elliot, Sarah .............. 420 | Emers, Thomas ........... 348 484 InpEx. ' PAGE. PAGE. Emerson, Tabitha ......... 352 | Etheridge, Jean ........... 298 Emerson, Thomas ......... 852 | Wtheridge, Jeane .......... 298 Emewhitt, Levi ........... 77 | Eraeriper, JOHN .........- 114 Emly, Wm. ........e.eeees 125 | Etheridge, John (son of Enecks, AnD ...........6.5 191 John) ......... Seis sihttetcd act 114 Enecks, Isaac ............. 191 | Etheridge, Jobn..... 48, 118, 266 Hnecks, Jane .........2000% 191 | Etheridge, Josias .......... 114 Enecks, William .......... 191 | Etheridge, Lettisha ........ 114 ENGEL, PETER ...........4. 118 | ErHeripGe, LUKE .......... 114 ENGLISH, JOSEPH .......... 118 | Etheridge, Lydda .......... 298 English, Joseph ........... 250 | ETHERIDGE, MARMADUKE .... 114 Ennet, Edmond ........... 113 | Etheridge, Mary ....... 114, 298 ENNET, EDMUND ........... 113 | Etheridge, Prissella ........ 114 Ennet, HBllinor ............ 118 | Etheridge, Redah .......... 114 Ennet, John ............... 113 | Etheridge, Richard. .113, 114, 298 Ennet, Joseph ............. 110 | Etheridge, Rich. ........... 48 Ennett, Johnathan ......... 13 | Etheridge, Sampson ....114 (2) Eno Old Fields, land at..... 258 | Etheridge, Sam’l. .......... 67 Eno River, land on..... 124, 888 | Etheridge, Samuel ......... 113 Episcopal Church at Dover, Etheridge, Sarah ....... 114 (3) Delaware, bequest to..... 229 | ETHERIDGE, SoLoMoN ....... 114 Erkman, Kniga .......... . 88 | Etheridge, Solomon (son of Erkman, Mary ............ 88 Solomon) ............... 114 Erwin, Susanna ........... 327 | Etheridge, Solomon ........ 114 Ervin, Robert ............. 413 | Etheridge, Susey .......... 114 Esleck, Isaac ............. 124 | Etheridge, Tedy ........... 1138 Esler, Fredrick ........... 25 | Etheridge, Thos. .......... 111 Espy, JAMES ........... ... 118 | Etheridge, William ....113, Espy, James ........... 179, 229 114, 266 Espy, Margaret ........... 113 | Etheridge, Willis...114, 159, Espy, Sarah .............. 113 167, 299 Espy, Usher ............... 118 | Etherigs, Mary ............ 29 Estor (negro wench)....... 427 | Ethrigs, Timothy .......... 29 Etheridg, Agness .......... 73 | Etoms, Francis ............ 20 Etheridg, Rachel .......... 73 | Eubank, Elizabeth ......... 114 Etheridge, Abner .......... 114 | Hupank, George .......... 114 Etheridge, Absalom ........ 114 | Eubank, Geo. ............. 110 Etheridge, Adam ....... 114 (2) | Eubank, Isabella .......... 114 Etheridge; Amos .......... 114 | Eubank, James ............ 114 Etheridge, Andrew ........ 225 | Wuere, Ann ............... 161 Etheridge, Andrew, Jr. ..... 225 | Eustace, J.............. 102, 405 Etheridge, Ann......44, 118, 114 | Evans, Alce ............... 116 Etheridge, Barby .......... 114 | Evans, Ann....115, 141, 170, 252 Etheridge, Caleb .......... 114 | Evans, Bartholomew ...115, 176 Etheridge, Callib .......... 114 | Evans, BaRweLy .......... 115 Etheridge, Christon ....... 114 | Evans, Barwell (nephew of Etheridge, Dorothy ........ 114 Barwell) ............... 115 BWtheridge, Hlener .......... 48 | Evans, Benjamin..11 (4), Htheridge, Elliner ......... 114 279, 396 Etheridge, Ellizabeth ...... 114 | Evans, Catherine .......... 116 Etheridge, Francis ........ 416 | Evans, CHARLES ........ wee 105 Erueripcr, HENRY ......... 113 | Evans, Charles (son of Ben- Etheridge, Henry (son of JAMID) bss siee Fs Gece hc odee 115 FLERE) Jars es: esoniene edie es 113 | Evans, Charles (son of Etheridge, James ...... 114, 299 Charles) ....... aiaetie 115 (3) Evans, John (son of John) 115 Evans, John....38, 115 (2), 116, 240, 310, 428 Evans, John Hunt......... 176 Evans, Jonathan....92, 176, 875 Evans, Josiah ............ 875 Evans, Mary ............. 115 Evans, Mary...115, 116 (2), 289, 340 Evans, Mary (wife of THOMAS)” iasiolsses sansa ence 116 Evans, Mary (daughter of THOMAS). 2: ios csiesvera ys eaneg 116 Evans, Peter ...... 246, 333, 425 Evans, Phillip ............. 302 Evans, Rachel ............. 115 EvANS, RICHARD ........... 116 Evans (Bivens), Ricuarp. 115 Evans, Richard (son of Richard) 116 Evans, Richard. .98, 308, 309, 422 Evans, Richd............... 332 EVANS, ROBERT ............ 116 Evans, Robert (sen of RODERC) ogvs ecien? oe ciwanae 116 Evans, Robert ..... 170 (2), 325 Evans, Rob’t............... 106 Evans, Sarah. .115, 116, 397, 425 Evans, Stephen ............ 252 Evans, Susanna InpEx 485 \ PAGE. PAGE. Evans, Charles, Jr......... 115 | Evans, Susannah (wife of Evans, Charles ............ 115 Barwell) ..............6. 115 Hyang): Cie evesesscaueasin.acd aeaie ona 36 | Evans, Susannah (daughter “Evans, Da........eeeeeeeee 386 of Barwell) ............. 115 Evans, David ............. 420 | Evans, THOMAS ........... 116 Evans, Elener ............. 116 | Evans, THOMAS ........... 116 Evans, Elisabeth .......... 116 | Evans, Thomas (son of Evans, Elizabeth...115 (2), AE ROWMAS) cae where vee savers ana 116 : 116, 176 | Evans, Thomas. .33, 115, 147, Evans, Ellener ............ 116 840 (2) Evans, George ...........-. 116 | Evans, William......... 115, 272 Evans, Geo. ...... eee eee ees 354 | HWvatt, Mary ............... 116 Evans, Hunt ............. 115 | Evatt, Sarah .............. 116 Evans, Isaac .............. 56 | Evart, WILLIAM ........... 116 Evans, Jacob .............. 115 | Even, William ............ 313 Evans, Jacob (brother of Evens, Even .............. 148 Barwell) ........c..0000. 115 | Evens, Jonathan .......... 191 Evans, Jacob (nephew of Evens, Richard ........... 331 Barwell): cos skies ina.euigecevis 115 | Evens, Sarah ........... 76, 128 Evans, Jane (wife of Evens, William ........... 210 DODD): eisiease ore seusienedrdes dosiaveeace 115 | Everard, Richard..... 16, 35, 64, Evans, Jane (daughter of 65, 77, 105, 108, 118, 126, 149, JOBN):. ductus eu nant evans 115 156 (2), 198, 205, 222, 223, 224, EVANS, JOHN ...........04. 115 244, 256, 268, 278, 276, 280, 283, 294, 295, 298, 308, 307, 316, 318, 319, 327, 328, 356, 368, 376. Everard, Rich’d....... 49, 56, 60 (2), 62 (2), 69, 71 (2), 74, 77, 85, 99, 112, 119, 127, 135, 209. 235, 248, 302, 308, 380. Everarde, R....124, 126, 161 . (2), 287, 309, 340, 878, 424 Everay, Patiens ........... 117 Everenden, Thomas ........ 154 Everet, John .............. 242 Everet, Nathaniel.......113, 365 Everett, Elisabeth ......... 116 EVERETT, JOHN ...........- 116 Everett, John ............. 116 Everett, Joshua ........... 116 Everett, Mary ............ 116 Everett, Nathaniel...... 116, 199 Everett, Thomas .......... 6 Everigin, John. .132, 146, 158, 379 Everigin, Joseph 141 Everigin, Sarah 379 Everigin, William. .175, 379 (2) Everigin, Wm., Sr.......... 158 Everigin, Wm., Jr.......... 158 Everigin, W. .............. 176 Everington, Richard ....... 3864 EVERITT, NATHANIEL .....:. 116 Everitt, Nathaniel ......... 116 Everitt, Nathaniel (of Mere LANG): ha seat vedas sated 116 InpeEx. 486 PAGE. Everitt, Nathaniel (of New URAVET Yds, dee dea e.ocajoapinis ce eaes 116 Everitt, Nathaniel (of the parish of St. Andrews).. 116 Everitt Nathaniel (of St. ANGLeEWS) ...... eee eee ee 117 Everitt, Sarah ............ 354 Eyeritt, THOmaAg 2.4 oscnw cee 117 Everton, Daniel ............ 1 Everton, Frances .......... 199 Everton, Hannah ....1, 117, 313 Everton, James .......... 1, 117 EVERTON, JEREMIAH ........ 117 Everton, Jeremiah ...... 67, 199 Everton, John ............. 61 Everton, Rachel ........... 117 Everton, Sarah ............ 199 Everton, Solomon ...... 117, 199 Everton, William .......... 1 Eves, Mary ............ we. 147 Eves, Ralph ............... 147 Evines, Thomas........ 164, 414 Evins, Bartholomew ....... 237 Evins, Catterine .......... 893 Evins, Jonathan ........... 271 Evins, Joshua ............. 237 Evins, Timer .............. 237 Bvitt, Charles ............. 11 Evrage, Pachance ........ . 266 Hvregan, John ............ 142 Ewell, Elisabeth Cotten..... 83 Ewell, Roderick Cotten..... 83 Ewell, Sally Cotten......... 83 EYRES, RICHARD ........... 117 FaGan, ENOCH ............ 3117 Fagan, Mary .........:+.55 117 Fagan, Ruina ............. 117 Fageett, James ............ 285 Fageett, Martha ........... 285 Fagon, Bedford ............ 26 Faircloth, Edward ........ 78 Fairless, Nicholas....... 106, 228 Falaw, William .......... » 1 Falconer, Ann ............. 117 Faleoner, George .......... 117 FALCONER, JOHN ........... 117 Falconar, Jno........ 8, 1538, 394 Falconer, Sarah ........ 117 (2) FaLconer, THOMAS ........ 117 Falconer, Thomas ....... 76, 117 Falk, Hlizabeth ............ 117 Falk, JameS ........00e005 71 Falk, John ................ 117 Falk, Jonathan ..... pals tag do 117 PAGE Fark, RICHARD ............ 117 Falk, Richard (son of Richard): 2 sivtecciense peas 117 Falk, Richard ............. 117 Falk, William ............. 117 Fallaw, James ............. 81 Falle, David .............. 228 Falling Creek, land on. .125, 205, 363, 382 Fallow, William ........... 16 Fanings, Joseph ........... 120 Fanning, Wm.............. 195 Fareclof, Sarah ........... 159 Faries, Isaac...... 5, 31, 32, 54, 100, 195, 222, 238, 253, 254, 258, 281, 312, 375, 392. Farlee, Christiana ........ - 118 FARLEE, JAMES ............ 118 Farlee, James (son of - JATAES)! isc seas essa case Gcevare 118 Farlee, James ............. 118 Farlee, Rachel ............ 118 Farlee, Samuel ............ 118 Farlee, Sarah ............. 118 Farmer, James ............ 297 Farmer, Joseph ........... 421 Farmer, Sarah ....... secan 256 Farmer, Wm............... 32 Farnell, Thomas .......... 825 Farquharson, Charles ..... 97 Farquharson, Cosmas ...... 254 Farr, Hannah ............. 118 Harr, James: o/s esa ss cree cas 118 Farr, RICHARD ............ 118 Farr, Richard (son of Richard): yess cee ss cease 118 Farr, Titus Green.......... 118 Farr, William ............. 118 Farrell, Richard .......... 319 Farren, Thomas ......... .. 96 Farrow, Barbary .......... 118 FARROW, FRANCIS .......... 118 Farvy, John ............ 72 (2) Faulk, Patience ........... 291 Faulks Point ............. 155 Feare, Ann ..........0.000 118 FEARE, OBADIAH ........... 118 Fearn, John ............... 404 Fearn, Mary .............. 404 Fearn, Thomas ............ 404 Fee, Daniel ............... 318 Fee, Elebeth .............. 318 Fehenden, J................ 281 Feld, Cathron ............. 335 Fellow, Rob’t.............. 202 InpEx 487 PAGE. PAGE. Felltwood, William ........ 280 | Ferril, Ann ................ 120 Felte, Sarah .............. 154 | Ferril, Caleb .............. 120 Felthen, Ann ......... +--+ 119 | Ferril, Joseph ............. 120 FELTHEN, JAMES .......... 119 | Werril, Mary .............. 120 Felts, Blisabeth ............ 119 | Ferril, Richard ............ 354 FeLts, HUMPHREY ......... 119 | Ferril, Samuel ............ 120 Felts, John .........0eeeee- 119 | Ferril, Sarah .............. 120 Fendall, Elizabeth ...... 119, 215 | Ferril, Tamer ............ 120 FENDALL, JOHN .........20- 119 | Ferrit, WILLIAM .......... 120 Fendall, John ............. 215 | Ferry plantation .......... 425 Fendall’s plantation ....... 341 | Fetterton, Elizabeth ...:... 290 FENDALL, ROBERT .......... 119 | Fetterton, William ........ 290 Fendall, Robert (brother of Fetterton, William (son of JOHN) — ncslgwGede dares ones 119 WANA). jxiansis-oa cesses ares 290 FWendall, Robert ........... 155 | Few, Joseph ............6- 311 Fendal’s plantation ........ 87 | Fewox, Ann .............. 120 Fener, John .............6. 246 | Fewox, JAMES ............. 120 Feneson, James ........... 227 | Fewox, John .............. 23 Fennell, John ............. 9 | Fewox, Mary .............. 169 Fennison, James .......... 68 | Fewox, Robert........ 2, 23, 120 Feps, Josiah .............. 119 | Fibath, Phelis ............ 125 Feps, Mary .......-.0ee00: 119 | Ficher, Moses ............. 180 Feps, Molle ............065 119 | Field, Ambrose ............ 153 Feps, Nathaniel ........... 119 | Field, Ann ................ 118 Feps, Sarah ............... 119 | Field, James ........... 119, 169 Fers, WILLIAM ............ 119 | Field, John ............... 118 Feps, William (son of Wil- Field, Moses .............. 285 liam’) ovageyes ase vse deen i6 119 | Fietp, RicHagp ............ 118 Ferebee, George ........... 120 | Field, Richard (son of Ferebee, Joanah ........... 279 Richas): s see-s<4 aaa esa Saas 118 Ferebee, Joseph ........... 120 | Field, Samuel ............. 118 Ferebee, Miriam .......... 279 | Field, Saml................ 335 Ferebee, William .......... 120 | Field, Sarah ............. . 177 Ferebe, William ........... 861 | Field, Smith .............. 119 Fergus, James ..........+5. 364 | Field, Zachariah ........ 55, 270 Fergus, Jobn .........0000- 106 | Fielden, Wm............... 322 FerGuSON, ADAM .......... 119 | Fields, Ann ............... 118 Ferguson, Adam .......... 119 | Fields, Deborah ........... 114 Ferguson, Alickander ...... 171 | Fields, Jacob .............. 42 Ferguson, Anne ........... 421 | Frevps, JAMES ............. 118 Ferguson, Blizabeth..... 110, Fields, Moses .......... 118, 314 119, 120, 214 | Fields, Rubin ............. 118 Ferguson, Jane .......... . 119 | Fields, Zebiah ............. 118 Ferguson, Joan Martin..... 239 | Ficurrs, BARTHOLOMEW:.... 120 FERGUSON, MARK .......... 119 | Figures, Bartholomew (son Ferguson, Mark ....... 119, 239 of Bartholomew)...... 120 (3) Ferguson, Sarah ........... 119 | Figures, Bartholomew ..... 224 Ferguson, Slocumb...... 119, 238 | Figures, John...... 120 (3), 224 Feriel, Erasmus ........... 120 | Figures, Joseph ........... 120 Feriel, John .............. 120 | Figures, Richard .......... 120 FEerRIeL, RICHARD ........... 120 | Figures, William ....... 120, 224 Ferny Ridge plantation..... 191 | Fillbert, Nicholas .......... 214 Ferrebee, William ......... 338 | Filliaw, Ann ....... sWines . 120 Perri, AMM ccc. <0 cidue oats 121 | Filliaw, James ............ 120 Ferrill, Elizabeth ........ .. T7 | Williaw, Jane ............. 120 488 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. FILtiaw, JOHN ......-..066 120 | FrrzpatTrick, BRYAN ....... 121 Filliaw, John (son of John) 120 | Fitzpatrick, Bryant ........ 121 Filliaw, Joseph ............ 120 | FirzpatTrick, CoRNELIUS .... 121 Filliaw, Mary ............. 120 | Fitzpatrick, Cornelius (son Filliaw, Prisillar .......... 120 of Cornelius) ............ 121 Fillingham, Benjamin ..... 120 | Fitzpatrick, Cornelius... .121 e Fillingham, Jarvis ......... 120 | Fitzpatrick, Dinis .......... FILLINGHAM, JOHN ........ 120 | Fitzpatrick, Hdwd. ......... 324 Fillingham, John (son of Fitzpatrick, Elender ........ 121 JOU) cs ye ierawes do aed vs 120 (2) | Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Fillingham, Margaret ...... 120 (daughter of Cornelius) . 121 Fillingham, Robert...... 120 (2) | Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth (wife Fillingham, Samuel ........ 120 of Cornelius) ............ 121 Fillyaw, Jobn........... 203, 311 | Fitzpatrick, Isack .......... 225 Finch, Dorothy ........... 122 | Fitzpatrick, John .......... 121 Finch, Porter ............05 122 | Fitzpatrick, Mary ......... 121 Finney, Isaac .............. 115 | Fitzpatrick, Sarah ......... 121 Finney, John .............. 230 | Fitzpatrick, Vinney ........ 121 Finney, Robert ............ 333 | Fitzrandolph, Benj. ........ 227 Finney, Thomas ........... 315 | Fitzrandolph, Benjamin. .191, 235 Finsinger, Phillip .......... 86 | Flagg Run, land on......... 173 Firebent, ——— ........... 992 | Flake, Arthur ............. 412 Virbish, Sarah ............. 385 | Flake, Hlizabeth ........... 412 Fish, John (son of William) 121 | Flake, Robert .......... 21, 412 Fish, John (grandson of Wil- Flake, William ............ 412 liam) Dur roth woes kita tales . 121 | Flanakin, Katherine ....... 122 Fish, Mary (wife of WiL Flanakin, James........ 121, 122 MAM) hgpacdes haem us 421 | Flanakin, Leah ............ 121 Fish, Mary (daughter of FLANAKIN, RICHARD ........ 121 William) ...........00- . 121 | Flanakin, Richard (son of Fisu, WILLIAM ............ 121 RRICHATG): wick svaces va son ve bel Fish, William (son of Wil- Flanakin, Thomas ......... 121 TIATA) - slsns: tore helene acatoco ed ace 421 | Flanakin, William ......... 121 Fish, Wm. (grandson of Wil- Flannakin, James ......... 3038 liam) ........... newdata a Flanner, Thomas .......... 392 Fisher, Francis ............ 266 | Flat Branch, land east of... 79 Fisher, George. ..32, 121, 161, ae Flat Swamp, plantation on.. 365 FiswEr, JAMES ............ Flat Swamp, land on... .375, 380 Fisher, John .............. “46 Flatty Creek, lands on...... 277 FisHer, RANDOLPH ......... 121 | Flatty Creek, land on....... 392 Fisher, Thomas ............ 121 | Flatty Creek and Pasquotank Fisher, Thos. ...........05 161 River, Signory on ........ 352 Fisher, William ............ 382 | Fleetwood, Wm. ........... 398 Fishing Creek, plantation on, Flemen, Elizabeth ......... 34 7, 251 | Fleming, Bart. ............. 244 Fishing Creek, land on...298, 397 | Fleming, Bar. ............. 301 Fishing Creek, surveys on... 84 | Fleming, Elizabeth...... 122 (2) Fitchjarrel, Richard ....... 70 | FLEMING, GEORGE .......... 122 Fitchpatrick, Cornelius .... 415 | Fleming, James ............ 122 Fitzgarald, Ann ........... 121 | Fleming, Martha .......... 122 FITZGARALD, JOHN ......... 121 | Fleming, Mary ............. 122 Fitzgarald, John (son of FLemMine, RosaNNA ........ 122 John) ....+.... er 121 | Flemming, George ......... 208 Fitzgarald, Thomas ........ 121 | Flemming, James .......... 382 Fitzgerald, James ........ .. 4 | Wlemming, Maria .......... 208 FitzMaurice, Ulysses ...... - 418 | Frercnmr, Curtis .......... 122 InpDEX 489 PAGE. PAGE. Fletcher, Doratha .......... 122 |; Fogarty, Edmund .......... 338 Fletcher, Elizabeth ........ 122 | Foger, Edmund ........... . 189 FLETCHER, FRANCIS ........ 122 | Fogg, Grace .............- 123 Fletcher, George ........... 122 | Fogg, Johnwats ........... 123 Fletcher, James ........... 122 | Foac, MOSES ...........4.- . 123 Fletcher, Jane.......... 122 (2) | Fokes, William ............ 212 Fletcher, Joshua ........... 122 | Folley plantation .......... 193 Fletcher, Josua ............ 122 | Fontaine, Fran. ........... 174 Fletcher, Jean ............. 378 | Fonveille, Brice ............ 153 Fletcher, Margaret ........ 122 | Fonvielle, Elizabeth ........ 124 Fletcher, Mary ............ 122 | Fonvielle, Baster .......... 124 Fletcher, Miriam .......... 122 | Fonvielle, Francis ...... 124 (2) FLetcHer, RALPH .......... 122 | Fonvielle, Frederick ....... 124 FLetcHer, RALPH .......... 122 | Fonvielle, isaac ............ 123 Fletcher, Ralph (son of Fonvielle, Jeremiah ........ 124 Balph)) cs cia sia.s cvaie a's ven 122 (2) | Fonvietiz, JoHN |..... iit Sine ALO Fletcher, Ralph. .98, 253, 263, Fonvielle, John ou of 298, 368, 378 (2) JON)» ‘is. cleraea ales wore s 128, 124 Fletcher, Robert ........... 356 | Fonvielle, John. 96, 158 (2), 267 Fletcher, Ruth ............. 122 | Fonvielle, Mary ............ 124 FLETCHER, THOMAS ........ 122 Fonveille, Richard ......... 140 Fletcher, Thomas .......... 122 | Fonveille, Sarah ........... 140 Flibus, Thomas ............ 334 | Fonvielle, Stephen ......... 124 Flood, Hlizabeth....128 (2), 273 | Fonveille, William Brice .124 FLOOD, JAMES .......-00005- 123 (2), 140 FLOOD, JAMES ...........5-- 123 | Fonville, Anna........... 66 (2) Flood, James............ 281, 306 | Fonville, Francis .......... 157 Flood, Paul .............6- 287 | Fonville, John ............. 62 Flood, Wm. .......--ee eee 261 | Fontaine, Fran. ........... 105 Flood, William.......... 191, 287 | Foraster, Ann ............ 124 Floaryday, William ....... 165 | Foraster, Benjamin ....... 124 FILORELL, WILLIAM ......... 123 | Forasrer, JAMES .......... 124 Flower, Blizabeth .......... 415 | Foraster, James (son of Flower, John .............. 388 PANIES)! © 0 sac elivasiiiese eco sveitos 124 Flower, Lazarus .........+. 388 | Foraster, Thomas ......... 124 Flowrey, Lazerus ....... :- 160 | Foraster, William ......... 124 Floyd, Elizabeth ........... 26 | Forbes, Alexr. ............ 176 Floyd, Francis ............. 26 | Forbes, Ann .............. 357 Floyd, Griffin ............-. 71 | Forbes, Blizabeth........ 45, 142 Floyd, Jessee .............. 123 | Forbes, James..... 124, 142, 330 FLoyD, JOHN .........-500- 123 | Forbes, Jas. ........-.0000e 45 Floyd, John (son of John).. 123 | Forsprs, JoHn ............. 124 Floyd, John ..............- 385 | Forbes, John...30, 46, 71, 77, 95, Floyd, Morrise ............. 123 96, 104, 176, 187, 219, 272, 308, Floyd, Peter .............06 71 811, 342, 383, 398. Floyd, Stephen ............ 123 | Forbes, Martha ........... 124 Floyd, Thomas.......... 123 (2) | Forbes, Wm. ...... 189, 258, 258 Floyd, Thos. ............... 26 | Forbus, Alice ............% 159 Floyd, William......... 128 (2) | Forbus, Baley ............. 18 Floyds plantation .......... 379 | Forbus, James.......... 18, 159 Flybus, Thomas .......... . 418 | Forbus, Martha ........... 18 Fiyn, COLLUMB .........+4. 123 | Forbus, Rebekah .......... 18 Flyn, Collumb (son of Col- Forbus, Rebecea ........... 18 TUM!) seit hind wie noe cesar 123 | Forck of the Duckinstool Flyn, Columb ............ .. 91 plantation .............. 3874 Flynn, Thomas ............ 23 197 Ford, Alexander ........... 490 INDEX. PAGE PAGE. Ford, Alexr. ............04- 87 | Forster, Rt....21, 23, 32, 47 (2), Ford, Was. sis-c.d0502 +3 840, 363 TI, 72, 74, 84, 88, 91, 93, 98, 99, Ford, Hanna ............. 3 102, 136, 144, 154, 165, 166, 170, FOEG, JOH: eiiiece cco aie ade elaels 39 178, 186, 200 (2), 211, 242, 243, Ford, Stephen ............ 841 259, 270, 276, 282, 288, 293, 306, Fordham, Benjamin ....... 17 307, 310, 317, 318, 320, 323, 337, Fordham, John ........... 411 344, 347, 351, 352, 353 (2), 354, Fordise, George ............ 22 363, 364, 366, 374, 352, 385, 397, Fordyse, George......... 88, 159 417. Forehand, Anthony ........ 81 | Forsters Creek, land on..... 371 FoREHAND, CORNELIUS ...... 124 | Fort, Alice ................ 125° Forehand, Cornelius (son of HOrt, ADNA 2s. secoce teria ee 2 Cornelius) ...........+.. 124 | Fort, Arther ............. 125 Forehand, Elizabeth (daughb- Fort, Arthur...125 (2), 208, 360 ter of Cornelius) ........ Port, AMthor «cuss vaenaesdd 125 Forehand, Elizabeth (wife of Fort, Benjamin ............ 125 Cornelius) .............. 124 | Fort Branch, plantations on. 251 Forehand, James .......... 124 | Fort, Catherine ............ 125 Forehand, John ........... 124 | Fort, Dunly ............... 125 Forehand, Mary ........... 124 | Fort, Druly ............ 125 (2) Foreband, Richard ........ 124 | Fort, Blias.............. 125 (4) Forehand, Sarah .......... 117 | Fort, Elisabeth (wire of Forehand, Thomas ........ 124 George)! gig ess see ea eaees 125 Foreman, Alexander....124, 240 | Fort, Blizabeth ............ 21 Foreman, Caleb ...........: 124 | Fort, Blizebeth (daughter of Foreman, Elizabeth ....... 278 GCOERO)y sseic8. 2a tacoma eseeheounl tc 125 FOREMAN, JOHN .........-. 124 | Fort, GEORGE .............. 125 Foreman, Joun Tipines.... 124 | Fort, George (son of George) 125 Foreman, John Fydings.... 124 | Fort, Jerusha .............. 125 Foreman, Jobn ....... 2 199 Fort, Jerushab ............ 125 Foreman, John (son of Fort, JOHN ...........0 0005 125 Sanders) ........eeeeeee 124 | Fort, JoHN ................ 125 Foreman, Joseph .......... 124 | Fort, John (son of John) .125 (2) Foreman, Joshua........ 124 (2) oe oa Sepa, 8 pe 125, 202, 291 Foreman, Lazarus ......... 124 face Jo D, IT... eee eee eee ae Foreman, Margarett ....124 Riek ee Srsle Aig aisha ssa ise a (2), 199 y AAUSTD se tee ee ew ee nee ot Foreman, Sanders ......... 124 ons eee ge to ae ae ae Foreman, William ......... 124 Fort, Thomas af fe 125 (2) Foreman, Win. catservevses 20] Wort William 5 sees sn - . 125 Fork Bridge, land beginning Forte Point .............. « 845 At veeeeeseee seeeee seeeee - 193 | Fortescue, Luke ........... 227 Fork, William ............ - 92 | Forrsen, Mary ........... . 125 Yorke Neck plantation ..... 98 | Fortsen, Theophilus ....... 125 Forrester, Robert .......... 385 | Fortt, Halcer .............. 7 Forsha, Robt. ..........-.. 244 | Fortt, Blias .............. 2 9 Forshaw, Henry ........... 48 | Foscue, Abigail ............ 125 Forster, (wife of Foscue, Bell............ 125, 126 Capt. John) ............ - 105 | Foscue, Dina .............. 326 Forster, Capt. John......... 105 | Foscvr, JOHN ............. 125 Forster, John........... 241, 387 | Foscue, John (son of John). 125 Forster, Margaret ......... 94 | Foscue, John........... 125, 126 Forster, Robert. .5, 7, 15, 222, Foscue, Luke............ 125, 126 244, 400 | Foscue, Lydia ............ « 125 Forster, Rob’t. ............ 237 | Foscue, Mary ........... .» 125 InDEx. 491 PAGE. PAGE. Foscue, Moses ......-+.-e+05 125 | Fox, James ........ eyatoueue saa 275 | Foscue, Moses .........+005 125 | Fox, Judith ............... 203 Foscue, Sarah ..... Sing eae .. 826 | Fox, Mary ...........0-. .. 290 Foscur, SIMON ............ 125 | Fox, Nicholas ......... «ee. 802 Foscue Simon (son of Fox, Sarah. 4 iss iccveascaas 156 Simon) ....... ei a eee 125 | Fox, Thomas....... 127, 275, 290 Foscue, Simon.......... 125, 826 | Fox, Thos........ seewese4l, 149 Foscue, William......... 125 (2) Foxhall, Thomas .......... 154 Fossett, Bryan ............ 409 | Foy, Thos. .............008 326 TVroster, Diana ............. 126 | Foyle, James............ 136, 825 Foster, Elizabeth........ 126 (3) | Francis, James ............ 117 Foster, Frances ........... 339 | Franck, Barbara ..... gaan et Foster, Francis..... 126, 366, 368 | Franck, Catherine ......... 127 Foster, HANNAH .......... 126 | Franck, Civill ............. 839 Foster, Hannah ........... 126 | Franck, Edward ......... oa AZT Foster, JAMES .........+8. 126 | Franck, John .............. 127 Foster, JOHN ........ 5 126 | Franck, JOHN MaRTIN...... 127 Foster, John .............. 221 | Franck, Martin..... 123, 207, 339 Poster, TNO. i ccs sie ee civie ee 105 | Franck, Sevil (wife of Jobn Foster, Lydie ..........-... 126 Martin): ssw. ees eases awe 127 Foster, Martha ............ 34 | Franck, Sevil (daughter of Foster, Parker ............ 126 John Martin) ........... 127 Foster, Prudence .......... 3826 | Franck, Susannah ......... 127 Foster, Richard .......... - 122 | Frank, Edward ........... 53 Foster, ROBERT ..........6- 126 | Frank, Martin............ 46, 53 Foster, Robert ...........- 2 | Frankland, Miss Hariat..:. AMOSTET) Ra sativa dea Ouoe ee 186 | Frankland, Miss Mary...... 6 Foster, Thomas.......... 32, 126 | Frankland, Mrs. Sarah....5 (2) Foster, WILLIAM .......... 126 | Frankland, Thomas ........ 5 Foster, William ........... 394 | Franklin, Henry ........... 423 Fosque, Hannah ........... 342 | Franklin, John ............ 84 Fosque, William ........... 342 | Franklin, Sarah ........... 423 Foulks (or Foleks) Point... 155 | Franks Creek, land on..... 221 Fountaine, John ........... 67 | Franks, John ............ - 406 Fountain, Richard ........ 22 | Franks, Mary Ann ........ 12 Fountains Creek, land on.. 395 | Fraser, DUNCAN ........... 127 Fountin, Sarah ............ 388 | Frazer, Alexander ......... 414 Fourer, John ...........+4. 3889 | Frazer, ADM .............. 381 Fourre, Elizabeth ......... 126 | Frazer, James ............ 316 Fourre, Isaac sisssiwesasss 126 | Fraziar, Micajah .......... 173 Fourrr, JOHN ............-. 126 | Frazier, Ann .............. 54 Fourre, John. .127, 291, 348, 4038 | Frazier, Davip ............ 127 Fourre, Jno. ........... 146, 392 | Frazier, Blizabeth ......... 127 Fourre, Maher ............ 126 | Frazier, James......... 214, 245 Fourre, Nathaniel ........ 126 | Frazier, Mary (wife of Fourree, Catherine ........ 127 Samuel) .........cee eens 127 Fourree, Margueritt ....... 127 | Frazier, Mary (daughter of Fourree, Mary ............ 127 Samuel) ............. see 127 Fourree, Nicole ........... 127 | Frazier, Mary ............. 117 FouRREE, PETER .......... - 127 | Frazier, Micajah........ 69, 316 Fowler, Cornelius ......... 360 | Frazier, SAMUEL .......... 127 FOX; ANDY i234 waco tena ee os 127 | Frazier, Samuel ........... 127 Fox, Ellinor .............. 290 | Frazier, Sarah ............ 214 Fox, Blizabeth ............ 157 | Frederick, John ........... 25 Fox, Grace ............ ... 290 | Freehold, land in........... 360 Fox, JAMES ............ ... 127 | Freeman, Aron ............ 128 492 InpEx. PAGE. PAGE. Freeman, James ...... ....- 127 | Frost, Elizabeth .......... - 88 FREEMAN, JOHN ..........- oe Pee a shee Gea eee fegeiets aoe FREEMAN, JOHN ........... TOS OAM acadya seadsiatnre dove . Freeman, John (son of Frost, WILLIAM .......... 128 JOHN) eid es eavew or 127 (2), 128 | Frost, William (son of Wil- Freeman, John.. a a Seal liam) oe scaanchiets a oes aes atasia eae i , 85: rowing, Mary ............ Freeman, John, Jr......... 128 | Frume, Jane .............. 127 Freeman, JOS. ..........06. 298 | Fry, Elizabeth raeter exasnesaecevestre 296 Freeman, Mary..... 127, 128 (2) | Fry, Blizabeth (mother of Freeman, Mathew ..... soaes or ee Thomas) ...... beeen ees 128 Freeman, Richard ......... 128 | Fry, Elizabeth (wife of Freeman, Robert .......... 72 "TROMAS): siieeeacee ys sae oe 128 Freeman, Samuel ......... 128 | Fry, John.......... 289, 296, 350 Freeman, Sarah ........... 117 | Fry, THomas ............. 128 Freeman, Thomas....... 117, 128 | Fryard, John .............. 174 FREEMAN, WILLIAM ........ 128 | Fryars, John .............. 264 Freeman, William (son of 4 ne ae shade aoa e Bumronaae a William) secs. seacccs cans 12: ryer, Lewis ............0. Freeman, William ......... 127 | Wryer, Mary” scccc caaae canes 279 Free School, legacy for. yee oe bar Sar sid age tats gia) warts ah French, ——— ......... ryer, William 4.44 cseeenws French, Abigal ............ 342 | Fryer, Wm. ............6.. 420 French, Elizabeth....... 122, 128 | Fryley, William ........... 292 French, Bliz............. 76, 362 | Fryly, Grace .............. 128 French, Mrs. Elizabeth..... a aie aes ee ee oo French, George ............ fuggin, Sary ............05 French, John ............. 310 | Fulford, Joseph.......... 89, 376 FRENCH, RICHARD ......... 128 | Fulford, Prudence ......... 238 French, Richard... .155, 206, Pine a eee ace Wiarane tee i 219, 221, 316 ulker, Jobn .............. French, Rich. ............. 76 | Fullard, Thomas .......... 260 French, Robert 342 | Fullenton, Elizabeth ....... 308 , Robert ............ French, Thomas........ 140, 411 | Fullerton, Mary......... 129, 197 French. Willi : * 999 | Fullerton, Matthias ........ 129 mch, William .....:..... 39! ; FULLERTON, ROBERT ........ 129 Freshwater, Elizabeth ..... 128 Fullerton, Robert _ : 197 Freshwater, Frances Arm- 4gg | Fullerton, Susanna ........ 129 Stead ...eessveseveeenes 45g | Fulsher, William 2.200001. 339 FRESHWATER, JOHN ........ Furbish, Abigail ........... 129 a John (son of tog | PURDIBH, Alice wo cinema nee 129 ODT) wees eeerereeesees Furbish, Isaac ............ 129 Freshwater, Phaddus ...... 128 FURBISH, THOMAS ......... 429 Freshwater, Sarah ........ 152 | Furbish, Thomas (son of Freshwater, William Arm- ine Thomas) ............005. 129 StCO dst n vac eed cued vad avec Furbish, William .......... 129 Frezer, James ............4 3805 | Furbush, James ........... 68 Evilic, “Wail sv ccciw'sesnad aa ve 349 | Furbush, Rebeckah ........ 415 Frink, Hannah.......... 346 (2) | Fussell, Ann .............. 129 Frink, Hannah (daughter of roe Ae ia Saeed Breve el Hannah) 4 sess seasaaea on 346 ussell, Jacob ............. Frissell, Daniel ............ ee a ca sing ea tahare eed a Brith, Gass ve sscsewaaiess wed Mussel, Sarah ............. Frizle, James ............. . 821 | Fusser, THomas .......... 129 Frog Hall plantation....... 71 | Futrell, Elizabeth........98 (3) Frohock, William ..... oe... 226 | Fyam, William ............ 22 Frost, Elenor ............ . 128 | Fybash, John ............. . 340 InpEx. 493 PAGE. PAGE. GAD, JAMES ...... cee ee eee 129 | Gale, Miles..... 88, 180, 155, 156, Gad, Joseph ............... 110 176, 289, 309, 327 (2), 385 Gad, Sarah ............... 129 | Gale, Roger............. 130 (2) Gadd; Wi sisisicisvieses 230 | Gale, Sarah Catherine...... 130 Gaddy, William ........... 233 | Gale, Simon .............+6 406 Gaddy, Wm. ............045 234 | Galland, John........ 27, 89, 189 Gailors Hammock planta- je ren a Buaphaneceavavean gies ne TON. eis eis a saree: ow crawia He eres 24 ALLEY, JOHN .........00.- Gailes Branch, land on...... 177 | Galley, Jno. .......... ee eee 166 Gailliard, John ............ 394 | Galloway, Mary ............ 319 Gainer, Arther ............. 129 | Galloway, Thomas ......... 319 Gainer, Benjamin .......... ce epee ees q niehg aid a ian Gainer, Eliza ............. ALLUAY, THOMAS Gainer, Hester.......... 129 (2) | Gallup, Abel .............. 379 Gainer, James ............. 129 | GAMBELL, ADAM ........... 130 rey qe Penne sous 129 2) abit Ea ‘sists Sane reece’ pete ainer, Lydda ............ bell, John ............. GAINER, MARY ..........06. 129 | Gambling, Joshua ......... 193 Gainer, Mary .............. 129 | GamMipes, FRANCIS ........ 130 ee pos ss BAG Ae 129 & oe cette S-atthe eisiaies ane ainer, Sary ...........065 rde, Gr > pase tay araneweavescamasce GAINER, SAMUEL .........45 129 | Garde, Violater ............ 372 Gainer, Samuel (son of Gardiner, JANE os wire aia wags 400 Samuel) ......-....6. 129 (2) | Gardiner, John ............ 400 Gainer, Thomas......... 129 (2) Gardiner, Hlizabeth wtieecletees 29 GaINER, WILLIAM .......... 129 | Gardiner, Huridice ......... 84 Gainer, William (son of Gardiner, William ......... 387 ‘li Gardner, Ann .......... 180 (2) William) ............. 129 (2) Gainer, William......... 129 (4) | Gardner, Annah (daughter Gains, Ann ...........0.00 252 of Martin) ...... soreness 131 Gains, Thomas.......... 286, 344 en (wife of ie ge ee eee 226 | Gardner, Dunsiia’ 180 Ona ee ung stceitan gees ggq | Gardner, Elisabeth ......... 130 BCT s 2OUIS se fh sult ee ean» jog | Gardner, Wlizabeth ........ 29 Gi ae Gardner, Isaac....... 29, 181 (2) Ph ese ee Seen ee ? Gardner, Joan ............. 181 (2), 82, 218, 222 (2), 264 | Gardner, James.......... 29, 131 Gale, C..... 21 (2), 88, 55, 73, 76, | Gardner, James Smeathwick 130 87, 164, 167, 192, 209, 212, 264, | Garpner, JoHN ............ 130 272, 282, 338, 356, 404. . | Gardner, John ............. 181 GALE, EDMOND ............. 180 | Gardner, Martain .......... 185 Gale, Edmond (son of Ed- GARDNER, MARTIN .......... 131 MONG). sieve dcarees Gwe sa eee 130 | Gardner, Mary........ 29, 49, 364 Gale, Edmond (nephew of Gardner, Samuel........ 181 (2) Christopher) ............ 130 | Gardner, Thomas........ 181 (2) Gale, Edmond (brother of GARDNER, WILLIAM ......... 181 Christopher) ............ 180 | Gardner, William (son of Gale, Edmond ............. 222 William) ............ 131 (2) Gale, Edmund...81, 160 (2), Gardner, William... .29, 130, 218, 357, 392 131, 148, 326, 382 Gale, Edmd. ............ 228, 294 | Gardner, William, Jr....... 130 Gale, Edward ............. 18 | Gard’s Island ............. 882 Gale, Edwd. .............. 25, 55 | GARForT, GREGORY .......... 181 Gale, Hanh. ............... 3800 | Garkin, Zachariah ......... 889 Gale, Mary wsccssseascnwens 180 | Garner, Arthur........... 58 (2) 494 InprEx. PAGE. PAGE. Garner, Elizabeth .......... 131 | GASKILL, WILLIAM ......... 132 Garner, Elizabeth Cherry... 58 | Gaskill, William (son of Garner, Estor ..........5005 181 William) ........-..eeeee 132 Garner, Hanner ...... 4... 181 | Gaskins, Ann (wife of Garner, James ............ 58 Fisher)~ v0 sia wend asians 9 182 GARNER, JOHN .......-.446. 131 | Gaskins, Ann (daughter of Garner, John (son of John). 181 BiShe?):.v-ccswe 34 nines arses 132 Garner, John (grandson of Gaskins, Benjamin ......... 132 AV OWDS)>” .- de ssiesédasteyevwte si Onasavnieavens 181 | GasKINS, CATRIN .........+ 132 Garner, Mary.......... 181 (2) GASKINS, FISHER .......... 182 GARNER, RALFE .........-.- 131 | Gaskins, Harmon .......... 48 Garner, Sarab ........... 58 (8) | Gaskins, Joseph ........... 182 Garnes, John ........-..665 340 | Gaskins, Thomas........ 182 (2) Garnet, Francis ........... 276 | GASKINS, WILLIAM .......+. 182 Garnet, Mary ............. 132 | Gaskins, William (son of GARNET, WILLIAM ......... 132 William) ............... 132 Garnett, John ............. 148 | Gaston, Alex. ............. 240 Garnett, Ralph ............ 100 | Gaston, Mary .............- 31 Garnett, Mary.......... 100, 148 | Gate, John ................ 23 Garrad, Bliz. ...........05- 139 | GaTHIN, EDWARD .......... 182 Garrald, Henry ........... 345 | Gathin, Elizabeth........ 182 (2) Garrell, Jobn .............. 116 | Gathin, John ........... 182 (2) Garret, Daniel ............. 247 | Gatling, ——— ............ 349 Garret, Esbell ............. 71 | Gattellen, John ............ 151 GARRET, JOHN ..........4.. 131 | Gaulberry, land on ........ 385 Garret, John (son of John). 131 | Gay, Henry............. 19, 334 Garret, Jonathan .......... 131 | Gay, James ......... 0s eee 405 Garret, Mary .............+ 186 | Gearsham, Spear .......... 2 Garret, Ralph ..........085 185. | Geekie, James ............. 248 Garret, Sarah ............. 131 | Gelff, Edward ............. 286 Garret, William ........... 15 | Gelff, Mary ......-...e seen 286 Garrett, Daniel ............ 71 | Genkkens, Margaret ...... 367 Garrett, Baster ............ 157 | George, Ann ............005 277 Garrett, Everard .......... 82 | GeorGE, DAVID ..........005 132 Garrett, Humphrey...... 181 (2) | George, David (son of Garrett, Jane ...........4.. 181 David). gee die veda seins 132 Garrett, Joshua Haughton.. 157 | George, David...... 135, 277, 331 Garrett, Lettes ............ 131 | George, Elizabeth .......... 132 Garrett, Mary ......... .... 181 | Grorcr, Henry ............ 182 Garrett, Prudence....... 131, 168 | George, James.......... 132, 278 Garrett, Sarah ............. 131 | George, John .............. 210 GARRETT, THOMAS .......... 131 | George, Margaret .......... 182 Garrett, Thomas (son of GERFORT, GREGORY .........- 183 Thomas) «1... esses eeeee 181 | Gerkin, Zacharial .......... 34 Garrett, William......... 71, 199 | Geralds Neck, land at....... 410 Garrgut and Mill Swamp, Gerrard, Forbis ........... 243 land between ............ 411 | Gerrard, George ........... 347 Garten, Alex. .............. 816 | Gerrard, William .......... 243 Gary, Joseph ...........4.. 815 | Gewin, CHRISTOPHER ....... 133 Garzia, John .............. 315 | Gewin, Christopher (son of Gaskill, Ann .............. 183 Christopher) ............ 133 Gaskill, Elizabeth ......... 397 | Gibbs, George ............. 148 Gaskill, Fane ...........00. 132 | Gibbs, Geo. ......... ere 820 Gaskill, Jane .............. 132 | Gibbs, Henry, Jur. ......... 195 Gaskill, Jean ............0. 182 | Gibbs, John..............94, 106 Gaskill, Thomas....132, 315, 397 | Gibbins, Henry ............ 149 InpEx 495 PAGE. PAGE. Gibbins, Mark........... 82, 323 | Gilbert, Elizabeth ......... 134 Gibble, Anna .............. 4 | Gipert, FRANCIS ......... 134 GIBBLE, DEDERICK ......... 133 | Gilbert, Francis (son of : Gibble, Dederick (son of FOPADNCIS): oie Goce Meareiin aegis 184 Dederick) ........0eeeee 183 | Gilbert, Francis ........... l Gibble, Frederick......... 4, 183 | Gilbert, Frs. ............... 38 Gibble, Hannah ........... 133 | Gilbert, Henry ............ 134 Gibble, Susannah ......... 188 | Gilbert, Hannah .......... 2838 Gibbons, Stephen ......... 8377 | Gilbert, Jeremiah .......... 134 Gibens, Mary .............. 264 | Gilbert, Joseph ........... . 843 GibeSes Island, land on..... 413 | Gilbert, Josiah........... 56, 283 GIBLE, DEDERICK ......... . 183 | Gilbert, Mary .......... 2. 207 Gible, Dederik (son of Gilbert, Sarah.......... 207, 343 Dederick) ...........655 183 | Gilbert, Thomas... .250, 265, ne Gible, Frederick .......... 183 | Gilbert, Thos. ............. Gible, Mary (daughter of Gilbirt, Dinah ............. a4 Dederick) ved cis ews: 138 | Gilbirt, Jeremiah .......... 184 Gible, Mary (wife of Dede- Gilbirt, Joel ............0.. 134 PICK): ss-aieines ace oeedeieres 183 | Gilbirt, Joseph ............ 134 Gibson, Elizabeth .......... 105 | Grupirt, JoSIAM ........... 134 Gibson, James...10 (2), 17 (8), | Gilbirt, Thomas ........... 134 98, 122, 136, 169, 172, ’260, 280, | Gilbirt, Sarah ............. 134 313. Gilbord, Thomas ........... 150 Gibson, Margaret ......... 199 | Giles, John ..........-...0% 397 Gibson, Mary........ 18, 133 2) Giles, Mathias ............. 190 Gipson, THOMAS .......... Gilford, Isaac ............. 122 Gibson, Walter.....183 (2), bes Gilford, Joseph ............ 134 Gibson, William . Wai wee Saree 8 31 | GILFoRD, JOHN ..........008 184 Giddings, Abraham ........ 138 | Gilford, Thomas ........... 331 Giddings, Agnis ........... to ) Gul, PODN scsccacewnes weaes 320 Giddings, Benjamin ........ 133 | Gillagin, Alexr. ............ 364 Giddings, Elizabeth ........ 133 | Gillam, Thomas ............ 861 Giddings, Darkis .......... 133 | Gillespye, Lydia ........... 64 Giddings, Frances ......... 183 | Gillet, Betty ............... 134 Giddings, Hugh ........... 140 | Gillet, Sarah .............. 184 Giddings, Isaac ........... 133 | Gilleth, Walpolia........ 281 (2) , Giddings, Jacob ........ 183 (2) | Gillett, Anderson........ 134 (2) Giddings, John ............ 183 | GILLETT, JOHN ............. 134 Giddings, Lidea ........... 133 | GILLETT, JOHN ...........4. 134 GiDDINGS, THOMAS ......... 183 | Gillett, John (son of John). 134 Giddings, Thomas ......... 183 | Gillett, John....... 177, 281, 336 Giddings, William ......... 133 | Gillett, Moses........... 134 (38) GIDDINGS, WILLIAM ........ 133 | Gillett, Paterson ........... 134 Giddins, Margret .......... 30 | Gillett, Patterson........ 67, 134 Giddins, William .......... 13.) Gilliam, John .............. 308 Giddinses Point plantation.. 180 | Gillim, William ........... 234 Gidgood, Benjamin ........ 4 | Gillitt, Blizabeth .......... 104 Gidon, Benjamin ........... 82 | Gillitt, John .............. 104 Gidon, Johannah .......... 82 | Gillitt, Sarah (daughter of Gilbart, Mary.......... 306, 379 Thos. Dudley) .......... 104 Gilberd, John .............. 134 | Gillitt, Sarah (granddaugh- GILBERD, THOMAS .......... 134 ter of Thomas Dudley).. 104 Gilberd, Thomas (son of Gillyam, Sarah ............ 1384 Thomas)! siccswedw vas views 134 | Grttyam, THOMAS ......... 184 Gilberd, William .......... 134 | Girkin, Hannah ........... 27 Gilbert, Dinah ............. 134 | Given, Allis ............... 169 496 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Gladstain, Geo.......... 120 (2) | Glyon, James ............. 57 GLADSTAINE, GEORGE ....... 184 | Glyon, Mary .............. 57 Gladstemis, George ........ 384 | Gobbee, Cary ............. 292 Glair, Peter .............. 67 | Godard, Sarah ............ 207 Glaister, Joseph....146 (2), Godbe, Cary ............06 189 175, 201 | Godbe, Henry ............. 186 GLAISTER, MARY ........... 185 | Godby, Ann ............... 136 Glaister, Mary.......... 146, 277 | GopBy, Cary .............. 136 Glascoe, Daniel ........... 250 | Godby, Elizabeth .......... 136 Glascoine, Hlizabeth ....... 154 | Godby, Jobn .............. 367 Glasco, Caleb ............. 100 | Godby, Mary .............: 186 Glased, Jans neice sce ¢icaaes 185 | Godby, Rachel ............ 136 GLASoO, ROBERT ........... 135 | Godby, Sarah ............. 136 Glasgoe, Ruth ............ 142 | Godby, William ........... 136 Glasgow, Abiah ........... 135 | Godfree, Dlisabeth ......... 142 Glasgow, Caleb ........... 135 | Godfrey, Ann ............. 136 Glasgow, Elizabeth ........ 135 | Godfrey, Ellinor (wife of Glasgow, J. ....... cece eens 48 PH OMIAS Yo sisists esac ois o-e:s wise 136 Glasgow, James ........... 66 | Godfrey, Ellinor (daughter Glasgow, Lowdenner ...... 185 of Thomas) ............. 136 Glasgow, Sarah ........... 135 | Godfrey, Blizabeth ........ 847 Glasgow, Susannah ........ 135 | Godfrey, Fillamer ......... 136 GLASGOW, WILLIAM ........ 135 | Goprrey, FRANCIS ......... 136 Glasson, Charity .......... 274 | Godfrey, Francis .......... 186 Glaster (or Glauster), Ruth 185 | Godfrey, James ........... 136 Glaster (or Glauster), Sarah 135 | Godfrey, Joane ............ 1386 Glauster, James ........... 139 | Godfrey, John...... 136, 329, 347 GLAUSTER, JOSEPH ......... 135 | Godfrey, Joseph........ 186, 272 Glauster, Mary ........... 135 | Godfrey, Lawrence ......... 11 GLIN, RICHARD ............ 135 } Godfrey, Mathew .......... 261 Glishan, Jean ............. 135 | Godfrey, Mathew .......... 136 GLISHAN, JOHN ........... 135 | Goprrey, MaTTEW ......... 136 Gloster, Joseph ............ 878 | Godfrey, Peter ............ 42 Gloster, Mary ............. 878 | Godfrey, P. ............... 42 Gloster, Ruth ............. 833 | Godfrey, Pr. .............. 389 Gloster, Sarah ............. 266 | Godfrey, Sarah.......... 136 (2) Glover, Benjamin .......... 1385 | Goprrey, THoMAS ......... 136 Glover, Elizabeth .......... 205 | Godfrey, Thomas (son of Glover, George ............ 185 THOMAS)! 2% cece sescnacas 136 Glovers Hammock planta- Godfrey, Thomas .......... 22 TOW ced -dinsiee Rania eye ee 214 | Godfrey, William...136 (2), 347 Glover, John....... 135, 186, 278 | Godly, Amy ............... 136 Glover, Joseph ............ 135 | Gopiy, JoHN .............. 136 Glover, Mary .............. 136 | Godly, John (son of John).. 136 GLOVER (GLOVEYER), WIL- Godly, Katherine .......... 136 DEA My as ersjavecd. ace bt tuneootnearestay 135 | Godly, Mary .............. 136 Glover, William (son of Godly, Nathan ............ 136 William) ...........000. 185 | Godly, Thomas ............ 136 Glover, William..... 22, 186, 182 | Godwin, Barnsby .......... 137 Glover, Wm........ 301, 378, 407 | Godwin, Bridget ........... 60 Glover, W...1, 24, 29 (2), 30, 79, | Godwin, Courtney ......... 1387 81, 91, 105, 127, 130, 188, 155, | Godwin, Edmond .......... 278 177, 182, 183, 189, 215, 261, 285, | Godwin, Joseph ........... 60 366, 368, 383, 416, Godwin, Josias ............ 187 Glyn, Blizabeth ............ 135 | Godwin, Julian ............ 137 Glyon, Ego ............005 57 | Godwin, Kearney .......... 187 32 InpEx 497 PAGE, PAGE. Godwin, Martha (wife of Goose Creek, plantation on.. 388 William) sas caguseecvniee 187 | Goose Pond.............+.. 408 ae eaertas (daughter 487 Gorams Neck plantation.... 142 0 iiam) ...........-. Gorden, Anne ........... 17, 188 Godwin, Mary (daughter Gorden, Elizabeth ......... 138 of Nathan) ...........66- 136 | GorpEN, GEORGE ............ 138 Godwin, Mary (wife of Gorden, George ........ 188, 425 Nathan) .............04- 186 | Gorden, Hanner ........... 138 Godwin, Nathan ........... 162 | Gorden, John .............. 93 Gopwin, NATHAN .......... 136 | Gorpen, NATHANIEL ........ 138 Godwin, Capt. Thomas. ..... 210 | Gorden, Nathaniel.......... 188 Godwin, Silvia ............ 137 Gorden, Sarah ............. 93 GopWIN, WILLIAM ......... 187 | Gorden, Tamer.......... 138 (2) Godwin, Willis ............ 137 Gorden, William..... 98 (2), 138 Goff, —— ....eeeeeeee 318 (2) Gordin, George ........005 126 Goffee, Anne .............. 364 Gording, George ........... 192 SEE SUEUR 2a detest aso 137 | Gordon, David ............- 163 ae Daniel ......... 229 Gordon, George..... 188 (2), 269 oldsmith, John Clark..... 105 | Gordon, Jacob 438 Goat, JOHN ose eeee es, 187 | Gonpow, Jonn 188 a OND: sii ies airs ees aes 1 Gordon, John (son of John), omm, Mary .............. 137 188 (2) GonsoLvo, LAURENCE ....... 137 GoNnsoLvo, LAWRENCE ...... 137 oe oe epee a Gonsolvo, Lawrence ....... 188 Gord , ‘Toh Bs hye fe 270 GonsoLvo, THOMAS ........ 1387 POM, COMM ease sires fee 1 eG Gordon, Joseph ............ 270 Good, Christian ........... 234 Gord M 80, 138 (2 107 Goods TOM. cise. anoacsanes ol ae we ee ce ome, | cant tue. i GoopatL, GILBERT .......... 137 Gordon, Patrick .....+..++. 1 Goodall, Gilbert ........... 29 | Gordon, Peter ............. 313 Goodall, John.......... 374, 415 Goreham, Elinor ........... 187 Gooden, SOUM: wc eeas ewes 154 | GOREHAM, JOHN ........... 137 Goodin, Pattrick .......... 390 | Goreham, John, (nephew of Goodin, Samuel’........... 122 JODD) weiss ceases sad ave new 137 Goodin, Thomas ........... 164 | Goremge, Charles Signise aa oyehane 210 Gooding, Davenport...... 70, 116 | Gormack, Elizabeth ........ 138 Gooding, Jos. ............. 47 | Gormack, Joane ........... 138 Gooding, Thomas .......... 107 | GORMACK, PATRICK ......... 138 Goodman, Henry, Sr. ...... 290 | Gormacke, Pat.............. 302 Goodman, Henry... .43, 141, Gormacke, Patrick ......... 308 387, 423 | Gorman, John ............. 26 Goodman, Henry, Jr......... 290 | Gorman, Michl.............. 23 Goodman, John ............ 151 | Gospn, JOHN ............... 138 ~Goodman,: Timothy ........ 290 | Gosbe, John (son of John).. 138 Goodson, Sarah ............ 309 | Goshaen, land at Matteha- Goodson, Thomas .......... 309 Gotten iad oe ve oor 35 Goodwin, Wm.............4. 261 oshan, Jand at Matche- Goold, Fr..........c.eeceeee 113 pungo, known aS......... 35 GOLD, Mires iessee axdesyacegtacscane oc 61 | Gough, Robert ............. 188 Goold, The............... 206, 251 | Gough, Sarah (wife of Goolde, Fre.........0c..000- 165 THOMAS) ....... eee eeee 138 Gooldsberry, William ...... 11 | Gough, Sarah (daughter of Goos Creek, land on........ 104 TROMAS) wes ose vncieas 138 Goose Creek, land on....261, 380 | GoueH, THOMAS ........... 138 498 InpEx. PAGE. PAGE Gould, George ...........4. 147 | Grange, James (son of Goulds plantation .......... 108 JOWD) ccc cccccccrreecace 139 Gourdon, John ......... 178, 397 | Grange, James (brother of Gourlay, Jobn ............. 339 JON): ves ss dew eaantea 6a stare 139 Gourley, Elizabeth ......... 139 | Grange, James ...........- 141 Gourley, George ........... 139 | GRaNGE, JOHN ..........+-+ 139 Gourley, Grisle ............ 189 | Grange, John (son of John). 139 GOURLEY, JOHN .........44- 139 | Grange, John .............. 338 Gourley, Mary .......... ... 189 | Grant, ALEXANDER ......... 139 Goutey, Andrew ........... 369 | Grant, Alexander (son of Gowel, John ............... 2 Alexander) .............. 139 Grace, Luke ............... 287 | Grant, Alexander .......... 140 Gracey, Robert ....... ...-. 98 | Grant, Experience ......... 172 Gradless, Timothy ......... 78 | Grant, John ........... 139, 140 Grady; ADs sicca cage aaees ans 19 | Grant, Mary .............. 139 Grainger, Ann ............. 139 | Grant, Reuben ............ 172 Grainger, Col. Caleb....... 102 | Grant, Solomon ............ 139 GRAINGER, CALEB .......... 139 | Grant, Stephen ............ 212 Grainger, Caleb (son of GRANT, WILLIAM ........... 140 Caleb): 4 oi esses sa dnd sea sie 139 | Granville Court House..... 108 Grainger, Caleb. .54, 61, 102, Grassie Point, land at...... 416 105, 139, 179 | Grassy Point land.......... 368 Grainger, Cornelius ........ 102 | Grassy Ridge land......... 419 Grainger, Cornelius Har- Grave, George ............. 188 NCE ssssswsevvexes css doe 139 | Gravenor, Hester ........... 117 Grainger, Dlizabeth ........ 139 | Graves, Ann .............. 140 Grainger, JOSa ........5 ees 100 | Graves, Francis ........... 140 GRAINGER, JOSHUA ......... 189 | Graves, Hannah ........... 140 Grainger, Joshua (son of Graves, Mary ............. 140 Joshua): ssa ecscds vs sais 139 | Graves, RICHARD .......... 140 Grainger, Mary (wife of GRAVES, RICHARD .......... 140 Caled): sic ea since és woe 139 | Graves, Richard (nephew of Grainger, Mary (daughter RichardG) sc esicviece se sseni oa od 140 Of Caleb) visas tas eee ses as 189 | Graves, Richard,..149, 214, 343 Grainger, Mary....105, 139, Graves, Sarah.......... 147, 383 : 392 (2) | Graves, Thomas (son of Grainger, Thos.............. 277 Richard). ssaoscesasiwas aan 140 Grainger, William ......... 139 | Graves, Thomas (brother of Graham, George ........... 174 Richard) ............0008 140 Grahams Place, plantation.. 230 | Graves, Thomas....153, 267 Grahms, George ........... 121 264 383) (2) Granade, Gasper .......... 315 | Gray, Abraham , 77 Granade, John...28, 49, 174, Give AGGRO fee coe 140 204, 205, 314, 326, 361 Gra. , bee ety ay ene y, Amelia........... 141, 423 Granbary, Frances ......... 189 Gray, ANN 140 Granbary, John ........... 139 G ‘ mi Bs ife 2 5 eee GRANBARY, SAMUEL ........ 139 ray, Ann (wife of John).. 141 Granbary, William ........ 139 | Gray, Ann (daughter of Granberry, Mary ahaa ee 283 John) Bebe Be RIE iy, eee’, Beste 141 Granberry, William ....... 283 | Gray, Ann (daughter of Grandin, Daniell....... 185, 207 Richard) ................ 141 Grandy, Charles .......... 328 | Gray, Ann (wife of Grandy, Sarah ............ 142 Richard): ss say eeu wees ed ve 141 Grandy, Thomas .......... 111 | Gray, Ann............. 112, 242 Grange, Hugh ............. 139 | Gray, Barbara ............ 141 Inpex. 499 t PAGE, PAGE. Gray, Charity ............- 828 | Great Quonkee, mill on.... 2383 Gray, Cornelius ..........55 77 | Great Quarter plantation... 293 Gray, Blinor ...........06. 140 | Great Swamp, land in...... 114 Gray, Elizabeth. .46, 77, 140, 154 | Great Swamp, land on..... 274 Gray, Geo.............s.-.. 95 | Greaves, James ........... 65 Gray, Godfrey .........0.0 137 | Greaves, Robert ........... 854 Gray, GRIFEN ............. 140 | Green, A... sce eee eee eee 147 Gray, Grifen (son of Green, AMY ........-....5. 276 Grifeh) <4 wees ss mee neces 140 | Green, Anm ............... 21 Gray, Griffith. .176, 328, 329, 385 | Green, Anthony ............ 212 Gray, Hannah ............. 140 | Green, Catherine .......... 141 Gray, Hannar ............. 140 | Green, Edward ............ 366 Gray, Henry .........--.4. 187 | Green, Elizabeth ........... 175 Gray, Hugh ........ Sone ain 140 | Green, Elee (or Hlse), (wife GRAY, JAMES .....-...00e00- 140 of Richard) ............. 141 Gray, James (son of James) 140 | Green, Else (daughter of Gray, James .............. 140 Richard.) 2:3 siediaens eyes aa are 141 Gray, Maj. Joseph.......... 202 | Green, Farnifold .......... 188 Gray, Jenot ............... 140 | Green, Farld .............. 835 Gray, JOHN (Surveyor).... 141 | Green, Fernifold .......... 140 Gray, John (son of John).. 141 | Green, Francis ............ 276 Gray, John, Sr.............6- 142 | Green, Furnifold........207, 232 Gray, Jobn, Jr............. 88 | Green, Henry .............. 280 Gray, John....... 78, 78, 88, 94, | GREEN, JACOB .............. 141 115, 140, 191, 235, 244, 318, 8352, | Green, Jacob .............. 141 406. Green, James..140, 141, 149, Gray, Louisa........... 141, 424 313, 364 Gray, Lucretia......... 141, 423 | GREEN, JOHN .............. 141 Gray, Mary (wife of Alen).. 140 | Green, John (son of John).. 141 Gray, Mary (daughter of Green, John, Sr............ 242 TOT) adie esachiwe ayapenerd wines 140 | Green, John..... 2, 141, 318, Gray, Mary............ 141, 176 353 (2), 897, 417 Gray, Peter, Jt. sce see vwe 205 | Green, Leonard ............ 141 Gray, Priscilla ............ 142 | Green, Lucy .............. 2 Gray, Rebeckah ........... 77 | Green, Mary............ 141, 147 Gray, RICHARD ............ 141 | Green, Moses .............. 899 Gray, Richard (son of' Green, Peter .............. 16 Richard), cases dacs oes eee 141 | Green Pond Neck planta- s Gray, Richard...... 112, 140, 303 HON sscecsaccoiece Maa hea ee 84 Gray, Sarah............ 140, 339 | Gremn, RICHARD ........... 141 Gray, Thomas ............. 140 | Green, Robert .......... 36, 141 Gray, William..46, 115, 140, Green, Dr. Samuell......... 257 141, 244 (2), 417, 423 | Green, Samuell ............ 13 Gray, Wm.......... 113, 120, 234 | Green, Sam’ll............... 56 Gready, Katherine ......... 94 | Green, Sarah ............. 141 Gready, Mary ............. 94 | GreEN, SUSANNAH ......... 141 Great Branch, land on...13, 363 | Green, Thomas ........ 141 (3) Great Bridge, land on Green, ThoS............0.6. 386 TOAG tO osaess i oeee sees 167 | Green, Timothy ........... 133 Great Bridges, land at..... 241 | Green, William..... 141 (2), 380 Great Flatty Creek, planta- Greenaway, Benjn.......... 3138 tion at mouth of......... 132 | Greenhall, plantation in.... 38 Great Island .............. 828 | Greens Creek, land on...... 271 Great Neck, land on........ 227 ; Grefen, Martin (son of Great Pocoson, land on..... 327 Marti) 2s ecismsiey avenue Ae 143 InpEx. 500 PAGE. Gregg, Frederick... .320 (3), 418 Gregg, Fredk............-. 49 Gregorie, James ........ 351, 384 Gregory, Affiah ............ 142 Gregory, Anne.......... 142, 143 Gregory, Barbra ........... 142 Gregory, Caleb........... 18, 142 Gregory, Charity .......... 142 Gregory, Charles ........... 198 Gregory, Cornelius .......:. 142 Gregory, Dempsey ......... 142 Gregory, Demsey .......... 141 Gregory, Elizabeth (wife of Samuel) seesccw vsesane's 142 Gregory, Elizabeth (daugh- ter of Samuel)........... 142 Gregory, Frederick ........ 142 Gregory, Griffith ........... 142 Gregory, Isaac ......... 141, 142 Gregory, Jacob ......... 142 (2) Gregory, James 142 (4), 151 Gregory, JaS........0.005 eas 200 Gregory, Job ........... 142 (2) Gregory, John...... 142 (2), 225 Gregory, Joseph ........... 142 Grecory, JUDATH .......... 141 Gregory, Judith ........... 1438 Gregory, Luke. .142, 171, 284, 300, 407 Gregory, Lovey.......... 141, 148 Gregory, Nathan ........... (142 Gregory, MARGARET ........ 142 Gregory, Margaret........ 18 (2) Gregory, Mark ............. 142 Gregory, Mary..... 141, 142, 143, 160, 283 Gregory, Matthew....... 410 (2) Gregory, Miriam ........... 283 Gregory, Priscilla .......... 18 GREGORY, RICHARD ......... 142 Gregory, Richard....... 142 (2) Gregory, Richard .......... 130 Gregory, Robert....142 (2), 305 Gregory, Sampson ......... 142 GREGORY, SAMUEL .......... 142 Gregory, Samuell (son of Samuel) .........6.-+-00. 142 Gregory, Sarah.....142, 279, 407 Greaory, THOMAS .......... 142 Gregory, Thomas .......... 142 Gregory, Thos............... 130 Grreaory, WILLIAM ......... 142 GrREGoRY, WILLIAM ......... 142 Gregory, William...142 (2), 422 Gregory, Will........ 82, 132, 384 PAGE. Gregory, W.........ceceeeee 257 Greves, James.......... 318, 329 Greves, Katherine ......... 313 Grey, Peter, Jr...........4. 226 Grey, Peter, Sr.......... 205, 226 Grey, Peter occas ssiecce cde: 69 Grice, Blizabeth (wife of FYANGCIS). cesses asses sce ses’ 143 Grice, Blizabeth (daughter of Francis) ig Cane Rareee Meals 143 Grice, Watth cew02 scenes sae’ 143 GRICE, FRANCIS ...........- 143 Grice, Jacob Atha iaavalalaleoncetateelies 143 Grice, James .............. 1438 Grice, John............. 143, 325 Grice, Robert........... 143 (2) Grice, Thomas ............. 148 Grice, William ............. 143 Grifen, Benjamin .......... 280 Grifen, Edward ............ 148 Grifen, Elizabeth (wife of Martin): 6. csces ee aan once 143 Grifen, Elizabeth (daughter Of Martin) ....6.6ccec eee 143 Grifen, John ............... 1438 GRIFEN, MARTIN ............ 143 Grifen, Martin (son of Mar- UN) shee. vs sug asan'edtes ee a 143 GRIFEN, RICHARD ........... 143 Grifen, Sarah ............. 143 Grifen, William ........... 143. Griffen, Andrew ........... 148 Griffen, Ann (daughter of Epenetus) ..............5 143 Griffen, Ann (wife of Epene- LIS) seine ta rand osecavcean ao lebaneretowy 148 Griffen, Bdward ........... 130 Griffen, Elisabeth .......... 148 Griffen, Elizabeth .......... 129 GRIFFEN, EPENETUS ........ 143 Griffen, Epenetus (son of Epenetus) ............... 1438 Griffen, Henry ............. 280 Griffen, James ............. 24 Griffen, John .............. 143 Griffen, Matthew .......... 148 Griffeth, Arther ........... 144 Griffeth, Hdmond .......... 144 Griffeth, Jemima .......... 144 GRIFFETH, JOHN ........... 144 Griffeth, John ............. 144 Griffeth, Mary ............: 144 Griffin, Ann ............... 148 Griffin, Betty .............. 182 Griffin, Charles ........ wanes, Val Inpex. 501 PAGE. PAGE. GRIFFIN, EDWARD .......... 143 | Guilliams, George (son of Griffin, Edward (son of GOOTZE) oo oss siew's-e s modes s 145 (2) HWaTtd). 21 dcanccccasn vais 143 | Guilliams, Isaac ........... 145 Griffin, Elisabeth ........... 160 | Guilliams, Samuel.. «...-145 (38) Griffin, Elizabeth .......... 148 | Gulliver, Wm............... 230 Griffin, Elizabeth Hammond. 182 | Gumberry plantation ...... 328 Griffin, Grace .............. 143 | Gumbridge Branch, land on. 384 GRIFFIN, JAMES .........+5- 143 | Gumbs, Abraham ....... 145 (2) Griffin, James (son of Guimbs, Elisha ......... 145 (2) SANNOS) i 2:5 -sersaa ce Varavastie nda d 143 | Gumbs, Leah .............. 145 Griffin, James........... 165, 182 | Gumps, MaTTHew .......... 145 Griffin, John........ 143 (2), 293 | Gumbs, Rachel ............ 145 Griffin, Joseph ............. 143 | Gumbs, Ruth .............. 145 Griffin, Lydia .............. 144 | Gumbs, Sarah ............. 145 Griffin, Mary........ 33, 148, 144 | Gum Pole Swamp, land on.. 50 Griffin, Sarah....... 116, 143 (2) | Gum Swamp, land on...... 70 GRIFFIN, WILLIAM .......... 144 | Gum Swamp and Bull GRIFFIN (GRIFFON), WIL- Branch, land on.......... 70 TLTAM: -ilenarcin sduaeara Seaton vie O 144 | Gunnette, George .......... 423 Griffin, William (son of GUNTER, JOHN ...........-. 145 William) ..cncesienee seas 144 | Gurganus, Joseph .......... 236 Griffin, William..... 148 (2), 879 | GUTAN, JOSEPH ............ 145 Griffing, George ........... 158 | Gutan, Rebecca ............ 145 Griffith, Edward ........... 862 | Guthray, John ............. 397 Griffith, William ........... 326 | Guthrie, Daniel ........ 118, 161 Griggs, HBlizabeth .......... 144 | Guthrie, Dan’l........... 154, 270 Griaes, SAMUEL ............ 144 | Gururin, JoHN ............ 145 GRILLS, RICHARD ........... 144 | Guthrie, Samuel ........... 359 Grills, Sarah .............. 144 | Guy, Briggit .............. 145 GRIMES, ABSOLOM .......... 144 | Guy Hall Swamp, planta- Grimes, Lidea ............. 144 TON OM 2 cia on Sa. eawdexioe aves TT ‘Grindale Creek, land on.... 303 | Guy, James ............... 145 Grindell Creek, land on..... 350 | Guy, James (son of James). 145 Grisard, Thos............... 133 | Guy, John ................. 145 Grising, James ............ 33 | Guy, Mary .............06. 145 Grist, Frances ............. 144 | Guy, William .............. 145 Grist, John ................ 144 | Guyor, Nicholas ........... 317 Grist, Mary ............4... 144 | Gwinn, William ........... 269 GRIST, RICHARD ...........4. 144 : Grist, Richard ............. 144 | Habel, Wm................. 372 Grist, William ............. 144 | Hacwerierp, JoHN ........ 145 Groenendeyk, Cornelius .... 127 | Hackman, Thomas...... 195 (2) Groome, Moses ............ 29 | Hackney, Jenings .......... 109 Grosvenor, Elizabeth ....... 144 | Hackney, Samuel .......... 109 Grosvenor, Ester .......... 144 | Hadley, Edward ........... 19 Grosvenor, Sarah .......... 144 | Hadley, Edwd.....24, 26, 64, Grosvenor, Susannah ....... 144 107, 382 Grosvenor, William ........ 144 | Hadley, Keziah ............ 13 Grosvenor, Wm............. 62 | Hadley, Keziah ............ 145 Grove, Richd............... 133 | Hagin, Marten ............ 242 Groveley plantation ........ 12 | Haghton (or Raghton), Tho. 133 Grum, Henry ............5. 280 | Haig, Ann ..............0.. 146 Guerad, Paul .............. 139 | Hate, Mary ............... 146 Guie, James .............8. 23 | Haig, Mary (daughter of GUILLIAMS, GEORGE ......... 145 WINTAM) 5 esicccc cts oo aces ose 146 502 INDEX. PAGE. , PAGE. Haig, Mary (wife of Wil- HALL, JOSEPH ......c0ee eee 147 liam). aise ee eed ood sa ste 146 | Hall, Joseph .............. 147 Haig, Sarah............. 146 (3) | Hall, Lucy .............04- 374 Hata, WILLIAM .....+-eeeee 146 | Hall, Mary............. 146, 157 HAIG, WILLIAM ......-..008 146 | Hatt, NATHANIEL .........- 147 Haig, William (son of Wil- Hall, Nattecs sc sacs ec tien cae 167 Mam): sis sc eee aa wees 146 (8) | Hall, Priscilla ............. 134 Haig, William (son of Hall, Rachel ..............4. 157 MARY): vanes Fitinyree des 146 | Hall, Robert............. 68, 334 Haig, William ......... 146, 275 | Hall, Samuel........... 146, 185 Haile, Benja................ 238 | Hall, Sarah ................ 146 Haile, Benjamin ......... .. 847 | Hall, Thos...34, 95, 178, 262, Haile, Hanna ............5- 111 338, 374 Hailes, JOUON. sacceeeee sagen 293 | Hatt, WILLIAM ............ 147 Haines, Aliss .............- 421 | Hall, William....... 383, 111, 147 Haines, Erasmus .......... 421 | Hall, Willecssciedsessececes 247 Haines, Robert ............ 411 | Hall, Wm................... 89 Hair, James ............... 312 | Hallan, John .............. 391 sires, Willatt ..64eeee4 ce 408 | Hallands, Jehoshaphat. .338, 396 HAKONY, JOHN ............ 146 | Halle, Edward ............. 207 Hakony, John (son of Halliday, Gi............ 369, 393 JOHN) yt bewavivadeaua'e aja 146 | Halliman, Saml............. 166 Halecey, John .............. 111 | Hallis, Ann ................ 34 Halfe-Way House planta- Halloman, Christofer ...... 59 HON: sien os shaic tance need we 293 | Hallowell, Thomas ......... 40 Hale, Blizabeth ............ 384 | Hallsey, Daniell......... 90, 168 Hale, John ...............- 164 | Hallsey, John .............. 118 Hale, William ............. 123 | Hallsey, Wm................ 118 Hale’s plantation .......... 88 | Halsbrook, Joseph ......... 17 Haliday, Gilbert ........ 215 (2) | Hausgy, DANIEL ........... 147 Haliday, Gi............-.0e. 403 | Halsey, John....8, 117, 157, RATS. AUN ii sevaigatev ere expats encyy 146 171, 268, 269, 317, 423 Hall, Ann........... 54, 146, 247 | Halsey, J...... psithes eats 36, 63, 68 Hall, Benjamin ............ 147 | Halsey, Mary........... 147, 269 Hall, Clement ............. 83 | Halsey, Will....9, 28, 32, 36, 38, Hall, Clemt................. 327 44, 47, 180, 145, 171, 192, 269, Hall, Danell ............... 372 282, 317, 323, 366, 404. Hall; Damlys ¢ scog eae onse s save 300 | Halsted, Drew ............ 416 Hall; Dolly’ sscacdssicessecss 248 | Halton, Blizabeth .......... 147 Hall, Ebenezer ............. 14 | Halton, Jno............. 205 (2) Hall, Edward. .147 (2), 157 (@y Halton, Mary (sister of Hall, WMO - 6 sass e'aiee wrewees RODE) cuase ste eee 6's Ree eens 147 Hall, Elizabeth. .33, 93, 147, 178 Halton, Mary (wife of Hall, Enoch ............... RODE) diiai. baer ee dleseese 147 Hall, Bnoch.......... 14, 30, dap HALTON, ROBERT ........... 147 Hall, E...2, 58, 188, 175 (2), 227, | Halton, Robert, Jr.......... 147 271, 299, 306, 314, 345, 350, 370, | Halton, Robert...... 92, 348 (2) 409. Halton, Robt............. 96, 118 Hall, Hannah .............. 262 | Haltons Lodge ............ 147 Hall, Henry ............... 157 | Haman, Henry ............ 879 HALL, HEZEKIAH ........... 146 | Haman, Jane .............. 147 Hall, Jane: ns.cecss .ceasa as 147 | Haman, Joseph ............ 147 FRA Tica cue Raavavarceavend wnaus e's ie 158 | Haman, Luke .............. 4 FALL, JOHN wus cccscusesees 146 | Haman, Sarah (wife of Hall, John ...........0000s 35 Thomas) ............000. 147 Invex. 503 PAGE. PAGE. Haman, Sarah (daughter of Hancock, Henry ........... 149 THOMAS) a.c0desardssscaw's 147 | Hancock, John.......... 149, 258 HamMaANn, THOMAS .......... 147 | Hancock, Joseph ........... 149 Hambleton, Elizabeth ...... 238 | Hancock, Ledlay .......... 149 HIAMBLETON, JANE ......-64- 148 | Hancock, Mary ............ 149 HAMBLETON, JOSEPH ........ 147 | Hancock, Nathaniel ....149 (3) Hambleton, Rachell ........ 147 | Hancock, Stephen ......... 215 Hamblin, Elizabeth, chee ce 148 | Hancock, Will.............. 158 Hamblin, John ..°......... 148 | Hancock, William ......... 149 Hamblin, Martha (daughter Hang, Ann cecscnecacsccares 149 of Thomas).............. Hand, Elizabeth ........... 149 Hamblin, Martha (wife of Hand, Jane .............6.. 53 THOMAS) 62s icaeeesceress 148 | Hand, Jean ....... See ge ae 149 HAMBLIN, THOMAS ......... 148 | Hand, Mary ............... 149 Hamer, Jobn .............. 76 | Hawn, PETER ............6. 149 Hamilton, Andrew ......... 148 | Hand, Peter......... 96, 118, 205 Hamilton, Catherine ........ 148 | Handcock, Derham ......... 363 Hamilton, Douglas ......... 249 | Handcock, Elenor .......... 149 Hamilton, Esabel .......... 148 | Hanpcock, ELISEBETH ...... 149 Hamilton, Esther .......... 148 | Handcock, Elizabeth ....... 149 Hamilton, James....148 (2), 342 | Handcock, John ........... 149 HAMILTON, JOHN .......... 148 | Handcock, Mary ........... 149 HAMILTON, JOHN .......... 148 | Hanpcock, WILLIAM ....... 149 HAMILTON, JOHN .......... 148 | Handcock, William (son of Hamilton, John (son of William) ............ 149 (2) DTOs) gusiecar sca dies vas ava Rese aye 148 | Handcock, William (grand- Hamilton, John ............ 305 son of William).......... 149 Hamilton, Mary......... 125, 148 | Handcock, William ........ 260 Hamilton, Stewart ......... 148 | Handcock, Capt. William... 343 Hamilton, William ......... 148 | Handcock, Wm.............. 219 Hamlin, Thos............... 283 | Handley, George ........... 265 Hamlin, Thomas ........... 237 | HANDWORKER, DANIEL ...... 149 ‘Hammond Creek, land on... 61 | Handworker, Katherine .... 149 Hammond, Martha ......... 153 | Haner, Elizabeth .......... 274 Hammontree, Rubin ....... 16:)| Hanford,, Pig teices acu se alan 195 Hampton, Leey ............ 158 | Hanmore, Daniel .......... 882 Han, William ............. 10 | Hanmore, Elizabeth ........ 382 Hanah, John .............. 11 | Hannis, Catherine ......... 149 Hanbox (or Hancox), HANNIS, JOSEPH ........... 149 JACOD: ses acecess tune dake 174 | Hannis, Joseph (son of Hanbury, Juda ............ 129 Joseph) ..... deat tocwte. os exe Says 149 Hanby, Amee ...........4.. 246 | Hannis, Joseph, Sr.......... 62 Hanby, Demsie ............ 148 | Hannis, Joseph...... 62, 217, 404 Hanby, Hannah ........... 148 | Hannis, Joseph, Jr.......... 405 HANBY, JOHN ..........0005 148 |} Hannis, Katherine ......... 217 Hanby, John (grandson of Hannis, Madam ........... 404 JODN). 5 as'deee ds gee eat aces 148 | Hanreffe, Stephen ......... 402 Hanby, Mary ...........+85 148 | Hansley, John ............. 275 Hanby, Salvanias .......... 148 | Haraery, Sol............... . 176 Hanby, Selvanus ........... 148 | Harpert, EDWARD .......... 149 Hanby, William ........... 246 | Harbert, Edward (son of Hancock, Ann ............. 149 Edward).............. 149 (2) Hancock, Benjamin ....149 (3) | Harbert, John ............. 149 Hancock, Bliz.............6. 164 | Harbertt, Mary ............ 41 Hancock, HEcToR .......... 149 | Hardee, Cleare ............ 354 504 InpEx. PAGE, PAGE. Hardee, John. .209, 345, 350, 354 | Hardy, Rebecca......... 151, 214 Hardee, Jn0..........0eeeee 3877 | Harpy, RICHARD ........... 151 Hardesty, Anna ........... 150 | Hardy, Rd.............2665- 67 Hardesty, Dorotha ......... 150 | Hardy, Robert ............. 164 Hardesty, Joseph .......... 150 | Hardy, Samuel ............ 120 Hardesty, Lucy ..........+. 150 | Hardy, Saml................ 884 Hardesty, Mary ........... 150 | Hardy, Sarah ............. 151 Hardesty, Robert .......... 150 | Hardy, Thomas ............ 150 Hardesty, Samuel .......... 150 | Hardy, William. .53 (2), 150, Harpesty, THOMAS ........ 150 151, 293, 306 Hardesty, Thomas (son of Hardy, Wm......... 120, 384 (2) TIN GIVES) \:g-cedie Besedigia ens ae 150 | Hare, Bryan...151 (3), 398, 426 Hardie, Ge@.s aes cect veer n ase 151 | Hare, Epwarp ............. 151 Hardie, George ............ 217 | Hare, Epwarp ............. 151 Hardin, Jane ............. 150 | Hare, Edward (son of Hardin, Mr.............0.0.- 49 Edward) ..........6.- 151 (2) HARDIN, WILLIAM .......... 150 | Hare, Edward ............. 364 Harding, Ann .............. 150 | Hare, Edward, Jr........... 364 Harding, James ............ 150 | Hare, Edward Bryan....... 151 FHLARDING, JOSIAH .........-+- 150 | Hare, John......... 151 (3), 194 Harding, Josiah (son of Hare, Lucretia ............ 151 JOSH) 9:4 ee6 oes eee neo ee 150 Hare, Mary ............ 151 (2) Harpine, Mary ...........-. 150 | Hare, Moses............ 240, 243 Harding, Mary ...........- 150 | Hare, Mourning ........... 131 Harding, Rebecca .......... 142 | Hare, Penelope ...........- 251 HARDING, RICHARD ......... 150 | Hare, Thomas........... 151 (3) Harding, Thomas...128, 150, 353 | Hare, William ............ 243 Hardings plantation ....... 295 | Hareck, Sarah ............ 243 Hardison, Charles ...... 150, 222 | Hareck, Richard ........... 248 Hardison, Frederick ....... 331 | Haren, Richard ........... 55 Hardison, Hardy .......... 331 | Harendeen, Matthew ....... 56 Hardison, Jaspar (son of Harenton, Charles ......... 78 JaSPer)). csaceses wes vee sae 150 | Hargrove, Benjamin ....... 424 HARDISON, JASPER .......... 150 | Hargrove, Robert .......... 427 Hardison, Jasper .........- 132 | Hargrove, Robt............. 427 Hardison, Capt. John....... 104 | Harison, Elizabeth ......... 151 Hardison, John.....132, 150 Harison, JOHN ............ 151 (2), 367 | Harison, John (son of Hardison, Joseph ...... 132, 150 TOBIN): 4 cies eniaran aaseimn ees 151 Hardison, Josuah .......... 150 | Harison, Mary ............. 151 Hardison, Mary ..........05 150 | Harison, Thomas .......... 151 Hardison, Richard...... 132, 150 | Harison, William .......... 151 Hardison, Thomas...... 132, 150 | Harkel, Blisabeth ......... 151 Hardley, Francis .......... 420 | HaRKEL, GEORGE ........... 151 Hardy, Blizabeth...150, 242, 306 | Harkel, George (son of Hardy, Frances ............ 306 George) ...........e0eeee 151 Hardy, Jacob ............. 150 | Harkel, Joseph ............ 151 Harpy, JOHN ......... 0000s 150 | Harkel, Margaret .......... 151 Hardy, John....59, 158, 189, Harkel, Mary ............. 151 214, 260, 346 | Harkel, Miriam ........... 151 Hardy, Jo. 62 sccc secs 203, 252 | Harker, Ebenezer .......... 152 FATA Y, Joe. sale bie ee s.tewes 312 | Harker, ELIZABETH ........ 152 Hardy, Lamb...... 163, 280, 306 | Harker, Henry ............ 301 Hardy, Mary ............6. 150 | Harker, James ......... 152 (2) Hardy, Prudence .......... 346 | Harker, Sarah ............. 152 Inprx. 505 PAGE. PAGE. Harker, Zachariah ...... 152 (2) | Harrell, Jesse (brother of Harla, James .............. 398 Joh n) ed Shuheraore se aetna als otatas ‘152 Harlee, John ...........-.. 70 | Harrell, Jesse (son of John) 152 Harloe, Jno..............56- 858 | Harrell, Jesse ...... 152, 153 (2) Harloe, Thomas ........... 3849 | Hapreyt, JOHN ............ 152 Harlors Creek, land on..... 40 | Harrecyt, JOHN ............ 1538 Harlow, Eliza ............. 168 | Harrell, John..152 (3), 166, Harlow, Wm............+..- 132 : "271, 410, 425 Harlston, Mrs. Mary......... 5 | Harrell, Jno...,......... 218, 425 HARMAN, CALEB ........... 152 | Harrell, Joshewa ........). 152 Harman, Caleb (son of HARRELL, JOSIAH ........... 153 Caleb): scsses vas casas. 152 | Harrell, Josiah (son of Harman, Caleb ......... 152 (2) SOSIBD)! cesiasiis:ctiad ox eased 153 Harman, Blizabeth...60, 152 (2) | Harrell, Josiah.......... 153 (2) Harman, James ............ 152 | Harrell, William .......... 153 Harman, John ..... 92, 152, 345 | Harrell, Zachariah ........ 152 Harman, Joshua....... 152, 360 | Harrell, Lot ............ 133, 152 Harman, Mary....... 92, 152 (2) | Harrell, Mary (wife of Harman, Orpah ............ 152 PONDS) sagt syte arene etiguunche sates 152 HARMAN, ROBERT .......... 152 | Harrell, Mary (daughter of Harman, Robert..... 92, 152, MOL) secesis seas: Oca. avevage aevacavaiale 152 215, 220, 389 | Harrell, Mary .......... 183, 410 Harman, Stephen .......... 152 | Harrell, Sarah ............ 153 Harman, Thomas........152 (2) | Harrell, Solomon .......... 153 Harnett, Cornelius....49, 56, 61 | Harrell, Susannah ......... 152 (2), 105, 189, 168, 241, 248, 257, | Harrell, Thomas....152, 353 (2) 265, 320, 369, 418. Harrell, Thos............ 141 (2) Harnett, Elizabeth ......... 123 | Harren, Joseph ............ 348 | Harold, William ........... 7 | Harren, Robert ............ 159 Harper, Edward ........... 375 | Harres, John .............. 23 Harper, George ............ 252 | Harrill, Abram ............ 95: Harper, John............ 67, 184 | Harrill, Adbam ............ 352 Harper, Nicholas .......... 151 | Harrill, Thomas ........... 95 Harper, Robert ............ 17 | Harrineton, HumpuHReEY ... 153 Harrell, Abbagill .......... 152 | Harrington, Ann ........... 153 Harrell, Abbe (or Able) . .152 Pu Harrington, Charles ....... 241 Harrell, Abell cecceanenaees Harrington, Elizabeth ...... 153 HARRELL, ABRAHAM ........ ie Farrisy Arte cece cece cee aac 307 Harrell, Abraham ......... 271 |) Harris, Arthr.............. 3808 Harrell, Adam ............. 352.| Harris, Cheary ............ 153 Harrell, Ann .......... 152; 153 | Harris, David ............. 42 Harrell, Benjamin ..... 152 | Harris, Blender ......... .. 153 Harrell, Christopher .. 138, 152 | Harris, Bli................ 153 Harrell, David ......... 158 (2) | Harris, George, Sr.......... 188 HARRELL, BDWARD .......... 152 | Harris, George, Jr...... 188, 308 Harrell, Elisha ............ 152 | Harris, George. .65, 302 (2), 308 Harrell, Eliza ............. 352 | Harris, Jacob ............. 58 Harrell, Hsias ............. 153 | HARRIS, JAMES ............- 153 Harrell, Esias (deceased).. 153 | Harris, James (son of Harrell, Ezekiel ........... 153 JAMES) oo... eee eee eee ee 153 Harrell, Francis ........... 271 | Harris, James ............. 382 Harrell, George ........ 152 (2) | Hagris, JOHN .............. 153 Harrell, Grace ............ 152 | Harris, John. .167, 282, 309, Harrell, Henry ..:...... 152 (2) 320, 391 Harrell, Israel Hardy...152 (2) | Harris, J.............0000ee 146 506 Inpex. PAGE. 2 PAGE. Harris, Liddy ........... .. 185 | Hart, Luce ............0.. 154 Harris, Major ............. 854 | Hart, Lusee ............... 154 Harris, Morning ........... 186 | Hart, MARY ........000e00% 154 Harris, Samuel ............ 136 |} Hart, Mary ............... 154 Harris, Sarah ............. 216 | Hart, Richard........... 58, 149 HarrIS, THOMAS ........... 153 | Hart, Sarah............ 154 (2) Harris, Thomas (son of Hart, Susannah ............ 388 Thomas) .........00e000, 153 | Hart, THomas ........... - 154 Harris, Thomas....125, 136, Hee Sones ea ‘ a 146, 182, 251, 344 A ag Re Ee Harris, Thos................ 401 | Hartley, Peanels igsens nese: 217 Harris, William........ 329, 393 | Hartley, Rd. ............... 254 Harris, Wm..........--- 108, 109 | Hartley, Susannah ..:...... 154 Harrison, CHAS). siden dees ’ 257 | Hartley, Thomas ........... 352 Harrison, DANIEL ......... 153 ee Elizabeth Boiss Gale aon Harrison, Edmond ......... 154 Harish , one ae 158 Harrison, Edward, Jr....... 180 Bt eigen: Jase ae Risnsie ane earvison, EEE eens = Hartshorn, Thomas ....... . 158 Harrison, Elizabeth. .153, 154, 167 . Harvey, Col. ............... 87 Harrison, Frances eh araist te 190 Harver Mr. .. "999 See ua aes enisee rao: es Harvey, Afereca ........... 304 eet te je OER Ses agg | Harvey, Arthur ............ 155 BETIS OD 0 MEL asters a ess Harvey, Benjamin. .155, 156, 341 Harrison, Joseph. ..153, 154, oer Fi ; Harvey, Bridget ........... 155 Harrison, Joshuay ......... Harvey, Dorory ........... 155 Harrison, Lidy ............ 5 Harvey, Elizabeth...... 156, 327 Harrison, ROBERT ......... 154 Harvey, BUA. iene eke @ 46 Harrison, Robert {son of Harvey, Francis ........... 155 Robert) ....- seer eeee 154 (2) Harvey, James ............ 155 Harrison, Robert........ 158, 379 Harvey, JOHN ............ 155 Harrison, Sarah (wife of Harvey, John (grandson of Robert) Shab ceca ehiesece we sah ee ana a 154 John) ..... ccc eee eee eee . 155 re oo (daughter 154 | Harvey, John (brother of OF Kobert) «11... eee eee Thomas) ................ 156 Harrison, Sarah........ 158, 379 Harvey, aie (nephew of Harrison, Thomas ......... 154 MHOMAS). | seduce ener wows 156 HARRISON, VINES .......... 154 | Harvey, John (decd.)...... 155 Harrison, William.......154, 244 | Harvey, John. .20, 155 (2), 196, Harrison, Wm.............. 92 198, 202, 251, 287 (2), 291, 324 Harriss, Job ............ 47 (2) (2), 341 (4), 358. Harriss, John ............. oe Harvey, John Mark...... 155 (2) Harriss, Thomas ....+...... 2 Harvey, Joshua ............ 155 Harold, Elizabeth ......... 127 | Harvey, Josias ........ eee 155 Harron, Joseph .......... 86, 299 | Harvey, Lamll. ............ 231 Harrow plantation ......... 163 | Harvey, Lemll. ............ 282 Harrys Creek, land on...... 420 | Harvey, Mary...... 155 (2), 297 Harrys, Thomas ........... 60 | Harvey, Miles..... 7, 17 (2), 116, Hart, Benjamin......... 154 (2) 134, 138 (2), 152, 155, 156, 157, Hart, David............ 154 (2) 161, 206, 221, 243, 253, 254, 259, Hart, Henry............ 154, 166 260, 265, 284 (2), 285, 301, 314, Hart, Jesse............. 154 (2) 817, 321 (2), 324, 358, 411, 419. Hart, JOHN .........000005 154 | Harvey, M. ................ 122 Hart, John............. 154 (2) | Harvey, Peter ............. 155 Hart, Josee ..........0.008 154 | Harvey, Rebecca .......... 155 Hart, Josiah.. Sele 178, 367 | Harvey, Ricuarp .......... 155 Inpex. 507 PAGE PAGE. Harvey, Richard (son of Hassold, Thomas .......... 404 Richard) ........0eeeeees 155 | Hassold, Tho. ............. 344 Harvey, Richard (brother of Hastel, John .............. 134 Richard): wesw pune oes ava 155 | Hastine, Dr. Thomas........ 23 Harvey, Richard.21, 155 (2), 202 | Hastings, Samuel .......... 329 Harvey, Richd. ............ 231 | Hastins, Thomas .......... 329 Harvey, Robert ..........+. 155 | Hatou, ANTHONY ......... 156 Harvey, Samuel ........... 155 | HatcH, ANTHONY .......... 157 Harvey, Sam’l............ 44, 155 | Hatch, Anthony (son of An- Harvey, Sarah.......... 155, 206 CHONG) sce veces nee eale cmuvess 156 Harvey, THOMAS .......... 155 | Hatch, Anthony..... 86, 157, Harvey, THOMAS .......... 155 291, 312, 409, 423 Harvey, THOMAS .......... 156 | Hatch, Antho.’............. 272 Harvey, Thomas (nephew of Hatch, Arthur ............ 59 Thomas) ............. 155, 156 | Hatch, Durant ............ 157 Harvey, Thomas (son of Hatch, Edmund....3 (2), 7, 8, 9, HOMAGE vey neeesarae 155 (2) 10, 17 (2), 18 (3), 21, 24, 34, Harvey, Thomas..... 46 (2), 36, 37, 40, 42, 55, 56, 63 (2), 70, 154, 340, 399 Harvey, Thos...155, 261, 827 (2) Harvy, Miles ..........0.08 112 Harwell, Elizabeth ......... 100 Harwoop, EDWARD ......... 156 Hase, William ............. 131 Hasell, James, Jr........... 258 Hasell, James........ 99, 257, 318 Hasell, Jas.....191, 259, 312, 335, 390 Hasell, John ....:......0006 278 Hasell, Mary .............. 6 Hasell, Susann.......... 5,6 (2) Hasell, Mrs. Susannah...... 257 Haskens, Sarah ............ 400 Hasket, Joshua.......... 36, 255 Hasket, William ........... 260 Hasking, Wm. ............. 406 HaASKINS, HANNIBAL ....... 156 “Haskins land” ............ 48 Haskins, mill at............ 218 Haskins, William..... 70, 88, 157 Haskit, Abraham .......... 112 Haskit, Anne .............. 70 Haskit, Anthony ........... 70 Haskit, Tabitha ........... 70 Haskit, William......... 259, 285 Haslen, Thos. ............. 64 Hassale, Thomas .........: 24 Hassell, Benjamin ......... 156 Hassell, Caswell ........... 66 Hassell, Esther ............ 156 Hassell, Isaac ............. 156 Hassell, James............ 5 (2) HASSELL, JOHN ..........65 156 Hassell, John (son of John) 156 Hassell, Joseph ............ 156 Hassell, Rachell ........... 156 94, 111, 118, 118, 122, 123, 124, 136, 138, 146, 148, 150, 156 (2), 157 (3), 158, 160, 161, 169 (2), 172 (2), 173, 185, 194, 196 (2), 198, 202, 216, 220, 248, 245, 249, 253, 254 (2), 255 (2), 259, 260, 263 (2), 264, 267 (2), 269 (2), 270, 280, 282, 285, 286, 287, 290, 309, 313, 324 (2), 325, 330, 341 (3), 351 (2), 358, 360, 363, 368, 383, 394, 400, 401, 407, 409, 416 (2), 419 (3), 420, Hatch, Edind............ 157 (2) Hatch, Elisabeth (wife of Anthony) piceslahom Sa -eane ee 156 Hatch, Elisabeth (daughter of Anthony) ............ 156 Hatch, Elizabeth........ 157 (2) Hatch, John........ 157 (8), 409 Fateh, JOY oc. ceca ceciek ee 157 Hatch, Lamb .............. 156 Hato, LEMUEL ........... 157 Hatch, Lemuel (son of Lemuel) ..........20. 157 (2) Hatch, Lemuel...... 407 (2), 410 Hatch, Mary (wife of LOMUEl): eis eseciseeaes ede 8 157 Hatch, Mary (daughter of Lemuel) ................ 157 Hatch, Mary .............. 124 Hatch, Samell ............. 49 Hatch, Sarah ............. 410 Hatcher, John ............. 382 Hath (Heath), Robert...... 160 Hatteras Banks, land at.... 389 HattTon, JOHN ............ 157 INDEX. 508 : PAGE. Haughton, Charles (son of Charles) ........6.- vanes LOT Haughton, Charles ........ . 157 Haughton, David .......... 158 Haughton, Easter .......... 158 Haughton, Elizabeth..... »157 (2) HAUGHTON, GEORGE ........ 157 HAUGHTON, JAMES ......... 157 Haughton, James .......... 158 Haughton, Jeremiah.....157 (2), 215 Haughton, Job. ............ 158 Haughton, John ........... 157 Haughton, Jonathan ...... . 158 Haughton, Joshua ........ . 158 Haughton, Judith .......... 157 Haughton land ............ 34 Haughton, Levy ........ 268, 360 Haughton, Mary (wife of William) .as23.aniwe. caus 158 Haughton, Mary (grand- daughter of William)..... 158 Haughton, Mary .......... 158 Haughton, Rachel ......... 158 HAUGHTON, RICHARD ....... 158 Haughton, Richard (son of Richard); «ec 0% viedcs cous . 158 Haughton, Sarah ...... sees 158 Haughton, Thomas ........ 157 Haughton, Tho. ............ 188 HAUGHTON, WILLIAM ....... 158 Haughton, William ........ 158 Havsineron, BEnipicTus ... 158 Hausington, Cattern ....... 158 Hausington, Dinah (wife of Benedictus) ............. ; 158 Hausington, Dinah (daughter of Benedictus) .......... 158 Hausington, Wlisebeth ...... 158 Hausington, Mary ......... 158 Hausington, Sarah ......... 158 Haward, James ...........6 60 Hawes, Blizabeth .......... 90 Haw Fields, land at........ 292 Hawett, Willm.............. 281 Hawk, Mary ...... slog owes 346 Hawkins, Anne ............ 158 Hawkins, Benjamin ........ 380 Hawkins, Daniel.....69 (2), 288 Hawkins, Elizabeth (wife of Thomas) ...........4. 159 Hawkins, Elizabeth (daugh- ter of Thomas).......... 159 Hawkins, Elizabeth ....... . 860 Hawkins, Bliz. ............. 35 Hawkins, Humphrey ....... 304 PAGE. Hawkins, James....158, 220, 360 HAWKINS, JOHN .........-6 158 HAWKINS, JOHN .......... . 158 HAWKINS, JOHN .........+6 158 Hawkins, John (son of John) 177 Hawkins, John....12, 23, 35, 73, 155, 177, 189, 248, 253, 389 (2) Hawkins, Jno. ............. 305 Hawkins, Joshua .......... 158 Hawkins, Mary (wife of DOU) «Hes isiie sty anes tae: Syateve'e dene 158 Hawkins, Mary (daughter OF. JOR): .vems-eaga ve ies 158 Hawkins, Mary..... 23, 158, 159 Hawkinses Neck, plantation, 119 HAWKINS, SARAH .......... 158 Hawkins, Sarah....159, 195, 253 Hawkins, Solomon ......... 198 HAWKINS, THOMAS ........ 159 Hawkins, Thomas (son of THOMAS)? eisai ee clams das 159 Hawkins, Thomas..177, 195 60, 389 Hawks, Jobn............ 80, 127 Hawks, Mary ............. 2 Hawley, Ann .............. 159 Hawley, Benjamin...... 159 (2) Hawley, Christopher ....... 159 Hawley, Blizabeth ......... 159 Hawley, Joseph ........... 159 Hawley, Mary ............. 159 HAWLEY, MIKELL .......... 159 Hawley, William .......... 159 Hawren, John ............. 181 Haw River, land on........ 358 Fay, CHT sia. s.cicecnw soa ceive s 380 Hayes, John........... 203, 371 Hayes, Samuel ............ 871 Hayes, Wm. ....... eae a Sys 313 Hayles, Lewis ............. 173 Hayman, Anne ............ 159 Hayman, Charles .......... 159 Hayman, Blinor ........... 159 HayMan, HENRY .......... 159 HAYMAN, HENRY .......... 159 Hayman, Henry (son of Henry) ...... it euniiguiueadyauavere 159 Hayman, Henry .......... . 223 Hayman, James ........... 159 Hayman, Mary......... 159 (3) Hayman, Thomas .......... 159 Hayman, William ........ . 159 Haynes, Andrew ........... 108 Haynes, Anne ...... Oey arate 108 Haynes, Haton ............ 108 InpEx. 509 PAGE. PAGE Haynes, Francis Bythell.... 95 | Henbe, Silvanus ............ 8 Haynes, Xtr. ........-..06- 370 | Henby, Clarkey ............ 160 Haynsworth, Richd. ........ 318 | Henby, James ............. 160 Hays, Mary ......... +++... 120 | Henby, John ........... 160 (2) Haystens, Thos............. 328 | Henpy, JOSEPH ............ 160 Haystens, Willis .......... 828 | Henby, Mary .............. 160 Haywood, John ............ 246 | Henby, Silvanus ........... 160 Haywood, Deborah...... 159 (2) | Henderson, Andrew ........ 383 Haywood, Egbert........ 159 (3) | Henperson, Davip ......... 160 Haywood, Harwood ........ 159 | Henderson, David........84, 298 HAYWooD, JOHN ........... 159 | Henderson, George ........ 160 Haywoop, JOHN ........... 159 Henderson, George ..... 160 (2) Haywood, John (son of HENDERSON, HENMAN ...... 161 JOHN) oes ee eee e ee ee eee 159 | Henderson, James ...... 109, 147 Haywood, John ........... 310 | Henderson, Jennett ........ 160 Haywood, Mary......... 159 (2) | Henderson, Joseph ......... 174 Haywood, Sherwood ....... 159 Henderson, Magnis ........ 331 Haywood, William...... 159 (2) Henderson, Mary .......... 161 Hazard, Robert ........... 325 | Henderson, Thos.......-- 61, 175 Hazard, Roger.......... 167, 192 Hendersons Creek, land on.. 104 Hazard, Sarah......... 167, 325 Hendley, Jesse ............ 368 oe ene - 762 | Hendrick, Abraham «11... 55 ead, Richard .......+.+.. Hendrick, Daniel .......... 11 Headly, Elizabeth ......... 127 Hendrick. Elisha 161 Hearendeen, Thomas ....... 193 HENDEICK Fr. ANGI Mette he 161 Hearison, Elisabeth ........ 159 HEenprick, FRANcIS Been aie! 161 HEARESON, JOHN ........++- 159 | Hendrick, George .......... 161 Heareson, John (son of HENDRICK, JEREMIAH ....... 161 159 Hendrick, Jeremiah ........ 138 Heareson, Thomas ......... 159 Hendrick, Mary 161 Heareson, William...... 159 (2) Hendrick, Sarah Pune ae ne 161 Hearring, Jonathan ........ 111 | Tendrick, Thomas ......... 161 Hearth (Heath) ........... es Hendricks, Frances ........ 161 Heath, Elizabeth ........7. o Hendricks, Jeremiah ....... 161 Heath, Holland ............ Hendricks, Mary (wife of HeatH (Haty), NreHEMIAH. 160 Solomon) ........0.00.0e 161 Heat, Elizabeth i sartehleviiauaiardtan%e 277 Hendricks, Mary (daughter Heat, Richard ............. 277 of Solomon) .........+0. 161 Heat, Hichard ss sveie+swss 277 | Hendricks, Sarah ....... 161 (2) Hecklefield, Elizabeth ...... 1 FIenpercKs, SOLOMON ....... 161 HIECKLEFIELD, JOHN'.......- 160 | Hendrickson, Peter ........ 287 Hecklefield, John (son of Hendrikson, Wilzth.......... 31 JOD): icaceavssanaee aya see 160 Hendrikson, Peter ......... 31 Hecklefield, John .......... 1 Hendrixon, Abraham... . 202, Hedges, Ann .............. 160 251, 259 EERD Gass THOMAS scsi 5 shes 160 | Heninton, John ............ 198 Hedges, William......... 160 (2) | Henley, Hlizabeth .......... 161 Hedges, Will..3, 53, 54, 176, 815 | tenley, Isabell ............ 161 Heldersham ............... 13 Henley, Jesse .............. 161 Hellier, Ann ............... 65 Henley, John .............. 185 Hellier, Richard .........65, 118 | Henrey, Jounw ............. 161 Henagan, John (Swenny)... 103 | Heniey, JoHN ............. 161 Henbe, Elizabeth .......... 7 | Henley, John (son of Henbe, James ............. 3, 8 JODN) is asceas esd dencek 161 (3) Henbe, Sarah ............. 7 | Henley, John ........... 162 (3) 510 InveEx. PAGE. PAGE. Henley, Joseph ............ 161 | Herring, Anthony........ 162 (38) Henley, Mary .......... 161 (2) | Herring, Barthena ......... 162 Henley, Miriam ........... Ii | Herrinig, INO: a4 sev sua caves . 362 HeEniey, PETER ............ 162 | Herring, Joseph ........... 162 Henley, Peter ............. 273 | Herring, Michael .......... 162 Henley, Samuell ........... 136 | Herring, Rebecca .......... 349 Henly, Benjamin .......... 161 | Herring, Richard .......... 260 Henly, Edward ............ 161 | Herring Run, land on....... 350 Henly, Elizabeth (wife of HERRING, SAMUELL ......... 162 JOWN): wexiaaeer sade cesee 161 | Herring, Samuel ........... 101 Henly, Elizabeth (daughter Herring, Stephen......... 80, 162 of John) .......ecee cease 61 | Herritage, Elizabeth ....... 163 Henly, Esayah ............ 4 | Herritage, Heneage...... 163 (38) HENLY, JOHN .............- 161 Herritage, Jobn...... 66, 163 (2) Henly, John (son of John).. 161 Herritage, Susannah....163, 405 Henly, Thomas ............ 347 HERRITAGE, WILLIAM eet ae 163 Henly, William ............ 161 | Herritage, William. .247 (2), Henman, Thomas .......... 134 2 348, 405 Henman, Thos.............. 110 Herritage, Wm. ............ 2 Hennard, John ............ 107 Herritage, William Martin... 163 Hennunteh, land at and Hersleff, Rosmus .......... 311 HORS sad ea cease bree ends 87 Be tee Behe rae ee ae . 2 a eier, Richard .......... ro relay se 67, 100 vas Hewit, Bartholomew ...... . 157 Hepb ‘aici Chas |... 168 Hewrrt, BaRTHOLOMEW .... 163 Herbert Sohn ce 215 Hewitt, Bartholomew ...... 59 Herinton, JAMES ..ssccs.ra- 803 | ee Berle weiner se ae Herinton, John ............ 803 HIIBDE. SORE pos apts koa se 163 ‘i sas Hipss, JONATHAN .......... 163 Heritage, William ......... 86 . Herman, Robert ........... ee ||| ee ee hee OF Hern, Elizebeth |........., 62 || og) CURBED 5 auies exper rae 188 Hern, Ellinder 162 Hibbs, Jonathan......... 65, 381 nbn: (EMME aacarcasvss np 10 | Sm SA MIGMIEL 2 ncaxiees 2 397 Hern, James (son of James) 162 Hickney, Richard settee eee 14 Vern, John ........s...+. , 16e: |. ESROny Paine, Plantation EL. BOB Hern, Mary ............... 162 Hicks, Abigail ............5 164 Hern, Mason .............. 162 Hicks, AFRICA ............. 163 Hern, Mason (wife of Hicks, Davip ee ee Te 163 PANES coerce eeanas 162 | Hicks, David............ 163 (2) Hern, Rachel ..........2.06 jeg | Hicks, Elizabeth ........... 163 Hern. Sarah 162 Hicks, Hannah......... 168, 164 : Reet cette a HIcKs, JOHN .............. 163 Hern, William ............ 162 ‘ 5 4 : Hicks, Lucretia ........... . 163 Heron, Benjn. ............. 102 : Heron, Joseph ............. 197 ELIE, Robert...... 292, 305, 395 Heron, Capt. Joseph........ 291 Hicks, RODE. ace saad etl 163 Heron, Rachel ............. 43 Hicks, R... 15, 26, 35 (2), 46, 51, Herrenden, Hannah ........ 162 52_ (2), 58, 59, 62, 68, 89, 95, HIERRENDEN, HEZEKIAH ..... 162 125, 128, 188, 148, 147, 171 (2), Herrenden, Hezekiah ...... 252 189, 203, 211, 230, 246, 268, 279, Herricks Creek, land on...... 174 297, 349, 369, 370, 372, 387, 400, Herrick, Rob’t. ........... . 297 | _ 408, 411, 425. Herrin Creek, land on...... 192 | Hicks, Thankfull .......... 396 Herrin, Edward ........... 412 | Hicks, THomas ........... 164 Herring, Abraham ........ . 849 | Hicks, Thomas.......... 163, 242 Herring, Ann ............05 411 | Hickson, Jo. Rd............ 16 Herring, Anthony....80, 98, 410 ' Hickson, Robert ........... 184 INDEX. 511 PAGE. PAGE. Higgines, Mich. ............ 123 | Hill, John (son of John)... 165 Higgins, Ann (wife of Hill, John..... 161, 164 (8), Michall) ........--.--206- 164 209, 219, 309, oa Higgins, Ann (daughter of Hill, Capt. John ........... Michall) ............006% 164 | Hill, Jno..............6. 178, on Higgins, Ann .............. 100 | Hill, Joshua ............... 165 Higgins, Hannah .......... 164} AU, Ts, hee oe tiene esas exewste 288 Higgins, Mary ............. 164 | Hill, Lewis ................ 165 Higgins, Michael....164 (2), a Hill, Martha ............6. 164 HIGGINS, MrcHaty tele a doe este Fill, Mary oiseseccuces 164, 356 (2) Higgins, Sarah ............ en Hill, Michael .............. 164 Higgins, William .......... 164 | Hill, Mikell ............... 1438 Highe, Wlizabeth .......... 245 | Hiei, Moses .............46 165 Highman, Hugh ........... 889 | Hill, Moses ............... 17 Highman, William ......... 4 | Hill, Nathaniel. .164, 165 (2), 306 Highman, Thomas ......... 4. | HHL, POTOY 6 sccilecicd sane. ava snare 165 Higman, Sarah ............ 203 | Hill, Priscilla ............. 164 Hill, Aaron (son of William) 165 | Hill, Rachel........ 164 (2), 165 Hill, Aaron (grandson of Hill, Rachel ...........0005 165 William) .......-...0000- 165. | Hitt, RICHARD ...1s0c000war 165 Hill, Aaron .......-..0000e 822 | Hill, Richard .............. 373 Hill, Abraham ............ 207 | Hinz, RoBert .............. 165 AN ADLAML so oa.isisieccieck desis 321 | Hill, Robert (son of Robert) 165 Fi, A Gam oso greeters eee 130 | Hill, Robert ............... 165 Hill, Alsey: ssevss wee se ies 877 | Hill, Rouger ............... 373 Hill, Ann (wife of William) 165 Hill, Ann (daughter of William) ...........0000- 165 Hill, Ann.......... 165, 171, 3738 Hint, BENJAMIN .......... 164 Hill, Benjamin. .18, 147, 182 (2), 299, 306 Hill, Benjamin, Jr......... 306 Hill, Benjamin ............ 348 Hill, Christian ............ 207 Hill, Daniel............. 165 (2) Hill, Blizabeth. .37, 144, 165, 258 (2) Hill, Francis............ 165, 217 HILL, GEORGE ...........-6- 164 Hill, George (son of George) 164 Hill, George............. 79, 164 ERIN), GArGGn. 2. oa cen cee ceeres 154 FLED,’ GIG cores das soona va ua: gotiensid-ave 355 Hitt, HARMAN ............ 164 Hill, Harman (son of Harman) E ’ Hood, Edward ............. 3 Hopkins, Samuel ........... 225 Hood, Robert .............. 125 | Hopkins, Sarah ............ 171 Hook, Elisebath ........... 170 | Hopkins, William ...... 112, 171 Hook, JOHN ............... 170 | Hopper, David .......... 54 (2) Hook, John (son of John).. 170 | Hopson, Francis ........... 197 Inpex. 515 PAGE. PAGE. Hopton, Charles......... 818, 349 | Hosna, ROBERT ............. 172 Hopton, Mary ............. 268 | Hosea, Robert. .172, 200, 245, 283 Horn, Charles .......... 171, 251 | Hosea, Thomas ............ 172 Horn Creek, land on....292, 377 | Hosea, William.......... 172 (2) Horn, Elizabeth......... 360, 390 | Hoskie Swamp, land on..... 101 Horn, Henry...171, 194, 360, 390 | Hoskins, John ......... wee. 215 Horn, DOMED. cession mua 194 | Hoskins, Mathew Mary..... 172 Horn, Margaret ............ 171 | Hoskins Mill, plantation Horn, Michaell ............ 171 NCAT’ 6csaawe ess sae neues 407 Horn, Moses ............-.- 171 | Hoskins, Sarah ............ 145 Horn, Richard ...........0. 204 | Hoskins, Thomas .......... 145 Horn, Sarah .............. 212 | Hoskins, THOMAS ......... 172 Horn, Sihon ............... 890 | Hoskins, Thomas........ 172, 277 Horn, Sikon .............6. 194 | Hosxins, WILLIAM ......... 172 Horn, Thomas ............. 171 | Hoskins, William..... 2, 145 Horn, WILLIAM .........44. 171 (2), 172, 215, 220, 277 Horn, William (son of Wil- Hoskins (Horkins), William 406 liam) cs cees se eweeesadee is 171 | Hosmer, HANNAH ......... 172 Horne, Charles. .13, 286, 298, 398 | Hossten, Frances .......... 105 Horne, Henry...... 229, 304 (2) | Hostler, Alexr.............. 248 Horne, John .............. 353 | Hott, Richard ............. 46 Horne, Joseph ............. 333 | Houghton, David .......... 178 Horne, Moses........... 100, 305 | Houghton, Elizabeth ....... 172 Horne, Sion .......-.6..06- 360 | Houghton, James .......... 173 Horns Quarter nlentation, . 192 | Houghton, Jonathan ....... 172 Hornsby, William ....... ee ; 200 Houghton, Joshua ......... 172 Hornsby, Wm........... 171, 325 | Houghton, Mary (wife of Horny, JOS..........0e eee 181 William) ...........0005. 172 Horse Creek, land on....... 395 | Houghton, Mary (daughter Horse Hole, land on........ 392 of William) ............. 72 Horse Meadow or Pasture Houghton, Mary........ 172, 173 plantation ..............4. 222 | Houghton, Sarah .......... 172 Horse Pasture Swamp, land HovucHToN, THOMAS ....... 172 OU, iri cid vee oe al aGnalibs oe aie Ss 91 | Houghton, Tho.............. -181 Horse Swamp ............. 174 | HoueutTon, WILLIAM ....... 172 Horse Swamp, land on...... 352 Horse Swamp, plantation on 107 HortH, THOMAS ........... 171 Horton, Henary. ........... 298 Horton, John .............. 98 Horton, Parmenas ......... 262 Horton, Susanah ........... 98 Horton, Thomas ........... 839 Hosea, Abraham....128, 172, 245 Hosea, ABRAM .........0005 172 Hosea, Abram (nephew of ADLAM) sciee aon gus de aes 172 Hosea, AND ...........006- 172 Hosea, Elizabeth ........... 137 Hosea, John........ 172, 245, 284 Hoses, JOSEPH .........006- 172 Hosea, Joseph (son of VOSEDH) ce cece eosin a yeuw 172 Hosea, Joseph ............. 172 Hosea, Mary............ 172 (2) Houghton, William......172, 173 Houghton, Wm.............. 62 Houldbrook, John .......... 361 Houren, John. .107, 109, 114, 120 Hourton, Rachel ........... 396 House, Ann ............... 173 House, Balis ............ 173 (2) House, Edith ........... 173 (2) HOovusE, GEORGE ............. 173 . House, George (grandson of George) ...... ce eee eee 173 House, George...... 152 (2), 173 House, James ............. 178 House, John ............... 1738 House, Robert ............. 152 House, Sarah .......... 173, 276 House, THOMAS ........... 173 House, Thomas ............ 173 House, William .......... «. 173 Houston, Ann .............. 103 516 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE, Houston, Elizibeth ........ 173 | Howcott, Edward (son of Houston, James.........178, 268 JOD) «5:03: eee se a 174 (2) Houston, Margrett ......... 173 | Howcott, Edward. .11, 38, 92, 174 Houston, Mary ............ 173 | Howcott, Edwd............. 323 Houston, MosEs ........... 173 | Howecott, Elizabeth ........ 38 Houston, Moses.....104, 134, Howcott, Frances .......... 197 173, 177, 235, 396 (2) | Howcort, JoHN ............ 174 Houston, Rachel ........... 173 | Howcott, John (son of Houston, THOMAS ......... 173 JOMD): cc sears ya wees ea aie 174 Houston, Thomas (son of Howcott, Mary (wife of Thomas) ..........se0ee- 173 OI) «cece cdce oatie co sue'd mah toe pes 174 Houston, WILLIAM ..... ... 173 | Howcott, Mary (daughter Houston, William (son of Of SON) ie 5 ciao eaacavawlsarcte 174 William): < scees ci ess vecies 173 | Howcott, Mary ............ 38 Houston, William...104, 173, 235 | Howcott, Nathaniel ........ 174 Houston, Wm........... 180, 212 | Howcott, Richard .......... 174 Hover, Henry ............. 178 | Howcott, William .......... 38 Hover, John ............00- 173 | Howe, Arthur ............. 95 Hover, JOHN JACOB......... 173 | Howe, Job ..............4. 253 Hover, Jacob .........+-0:. 173 | Howel, Caleb .............. 244 Hover, Margareth ......... 173 | Howel, Nathaniel .......... 166 Hover, Mary Magdalena.... 173 | Howell, Elias .............. 418 Hover, Samuel ............. 173 | Howell, Griffeth....164, 350, 393 HowarbD, CHARLES ,......... 174 | Howell, Jonathan. .231, 288, 398 Howard, Charles (son of HOWELL, JOSEPH ........... 174 Charles) so siedese cua ceee 174 | Howell, Joseph (son of Howard, Charles........ 119, 240 Joseph) ........e.eeee 174 (2) Howard, Edward...174, 260 Howell, Marget ............ 174 (2), 325 | Howell, Martha ........... 174 Howard, Eleanor .......... 216 | Howell, Mary .............. 174 Howard, Elizabeth ........ 193 | Howell, Murphrey ......... 174 Howard, Ellexander ....... 287 | Howell, Thomas.........174 (2) Howard, George ........... 273 | Howells, Joseph ........... 249 HowarbD, JAMES ............ 174 | Howes, Arthur ............ 46 Howard, James (son of Howes, Job, Sr............65 46 JAMES) os asi 8 goa neieree 174 (2) | Howes, Job, Jr............. 46 Howard, James .......... 96, 251 | Howison, Rachel ........... 67 Howard, John... .56, 96, 174, 203 | Hows, Job ................. 12 Howard, Jos. ..........06.. 385 | Howson, WILLIAM ......... 174 Howard, Mary .......... 61, 174 | Howey, Hugh ............. 348 Howard, Robert....... 8, 61, 216 | Hoyle, Elizabeth ........... 261 Howard, Samuell .......... 174 | Hoyle, James........ 85, 232, 261 Howard, Sarah (wife of Hubard, Abegell ........... 9 JAMES)! wees cede sete wae aes 174 | Hubard, James ............ 194 Howard, Sarah (daughter of Hubbard, Gefery ............ 355 JAMES) asec d daeieecwecs cas 174 | Hubbard, Matt............. 340 Howard, Sarah ............ 225 | HUBBARD, RANE .......... .. 175 Howard, Solomon....... 174, 194 | Hubbard, Sarah ........... 202 Howard, Stephen (son of Hubbs, Mary ...........005 169 Stephen) .............00. 825 | Hubbs, Thos................ 169 Howard, Stephen..... 8, 825 (2) | Huchleroy, Elisabeth ...... 176 Howard, Stephen, Jr........ 3 | Huckins, Ann ............. 175 Howard, William .......... 193 | HuckiIns, DANIEL .......... 175 Howcott, Edward (brother Huckins, Solomon ......... 175 Of TOWN)! os gcse os tava eee 174 | Huckins, Vallinty ..... sai e's ATS Inpex. 517 PAGE. - PAGE. Huppr, CHRISTOPHER ....... 175 | Hull, J........... sip dmmionadee's 312 Hudde, Prusily ............ 175 | Hull, Mary .............005 176 Huddey, Andrew .......... 266 | Hull, Peter ..............0. 115 Hudler, John .............. 256 | Humes, Abigail ............ 176 Hudson, Abell ............. 227 | Humes, Blisabeth .......... 176 Hudson, Alice ........... ». 832 | Humes, JAMES ............. 176 Hudson, Elesebeth ......... 175 | Humes, James ......... 207, 311 Hupson, JOSEPH ........... 175 | Humes, Mary ............. 176 Hudson, Joseph (son of Humes, Rennis ............ 176 POSED) nese a averse Aeentroa 175 | Humfreys, Mary ........... 301 Hudson, Joseph.......... 16, 150 Humrurty, JOSEPH ........ 176 een hoe sacar “g aitha emda Gee ae oe (nephew ae udson, Mary ............. of Joseph).............05 Hudson, Susanah .......... 175 | Humphries, Ann ........... 258 Hudson, Thomas ........... ae Humphries, Christopher. .176, 195 Hudson, Thos............... 21 Humphries, Dinah ......... 195 Hudson, William .....3878, 400 | Humphries, Jane .......... 329 Hudson, Wm., Jr........... 373 | Humpurirs, Joun ......... 176 Hudson, Zekill sansa amiueee ts 232 | Humphries, John (son of Huey & Crymble............ 99 DONT) 54 Scene 88s canard, eeveaealace 176 HUuccrEns, ANN ..........0. 175 | Humphries, John (another Huggens, Benjamin ........ 175 son of John)............. 176 Huggens, Charles .......... 175 | Humphries, Joseph ........ 195 Huggens, Jacob ............ 175 | Humpuries, RicuHarp ...... 176 Huggens, Lucreasea ........ 175 | Humphries, William ....176 (2) Huggens, Matthew.......175 (2) | Hunt, Andrew ............. 177 Huggens, Nehemiah ........ 175 | Hunt, Elisabeth. .72 (2), 130, 176 Hugger, Edm’d. ........... 156 | Hunt, Mrs. Elizabeth....... 423 Huggins, Abraham seeeeees 175 | Hunt, Capt. John...180 (2), 423 Huggins, Benjamin ........ 175 | Hunt, John (Capt.)........ 78 Huggins, Charles .......... 175 | Hunt, JouUN ............... 176 Huggins, Dorcas ........... 336 | Hunt, John...... .4, 18, 176, 291 Huecins, EDMOND .......... 175 | Hunt, John, of Little River.. 373 Huggins, Jacob ............ 175 | Hunt, Jno...............05. 270 HUGGINS, JAMES ........... 175 | Hunt, Jonathan ........... 379 Huearns, JOE oie aie peae: ts Saree 175 | Hunt, Lawrence ........... 209 ee John (son of dine Hunt, THOMAS ............ 177 JOHN): 4 seesaw oases ee cine 7 Hunter, Agness ............ 177 Hingeing, JOHN. «ces sus + e+0ae io |tesie es 177 Huggins, Lucresea ......... 175 | Hunter, Allise ............. 178 Huggins, Mary.......... 175, 176 | Fonrer, ANN ... -,. 197 Huggins, Mathew....... 175 (2) | Hunter, Ann (wife of Wil. Huggins, Nehemiah ........ 175 ; : H ins. Phili 175 MGM): a seiv sci suad oa-e sane s 178 MBE INS) EDU sot a secay dares Hunter, Ann (daughter of Hughe, Samuel ............ 199 William) 178 Hughes, John....... 101, 212, 416 Hunter Aan. A unter, ADN .............. 392 Hughes plantation ......... 108. Hunt 7 Hughes, William ....... 198, 878 | Humler, Catrin, cnniseoss.. ie Hughes, William, Tre... .eee 145 Hunter, Charles nee ewes 379 Hughes, Willis .........000- 218 Hunter, Daniel!coasaeun ges 177 Huise, Mary............. 47 (2) | Hunter, Haster ............ 178 Hull, Catherine ........... 176 | Hunter, Blisha...... 177 (2), 178 Hull, Daniel ............... 245 | Hunter, Elizebath.......177, 279 HULL, JOHN ........0eceeee 176 | Hunter, Ephraim........178, 425 Hull, John ................ 2 | Hunter, Hsekel ..... ahend 249 518 InpDEx PAGE. PAGE. Hunter, Ezekiel......... 319, 415 | Hurley, Richard ........... 115 Hunter, Ezekil ............ 184 | Hurst, Elizabeth .......... 217 Hunter, Ezekill..... 104, 177 (2) | Hurst, Judath ............. 251 Hunter, H. ——— ......... 177 | Hurst, William ............ 261 Hunter, Hardy ......... 178, 392 | Husbands, Jane.........178, 262 Hunter, Henry........ 4, 23, 177 | Husbands, John ........... 178 Hunter, Isaac ............ 177.| Huspanps, RIcHARD ........ 178 Hunter, Isaac (son of Isaac) 177 | Husbands, Richard (son of Hunter, Isaac............ 83, 178 RiCharvd) sc2scanede se ccass 178 Hunter, Jacob ............. 177 | Huse, Ann .............4.. 373 Hunter, James ............ 178 | Hutchenson, Mary ......... 183 Hunter, Jesse ............. 177 | Hutchings, Amea .......... 142 Hunter, Joab .............. 177 | Hutchings, Anthony ........ 76 Hunter, Job....... 178, 223, 270 | Hutchings, Thomas..... 142, 298 HUNTER, JOHN ............. 177 | Hutchins, Antho. .......... 213 Hunter, John .......... 178 (2) | Hutchins, Anthony. .167, 202, 218 Hunter, Judith ............ 178 | Hutchins, Noel ............ 387 Hunter, Lebbeus........ 177, 415 | Hutson, Francis........ 119, 178 Hunter, Mary...... 177, 178, 248 | Hutson, Hardy Holladay.... 168 Hunter, Moses............ 4, 177 | Hutson, John Holladay..... 168 Hunter, NICHOLAS ......... 177 | Hutson, Joseph ............ 57 Hunter, Nicholas...178, 178, 396 | Hutson, Mary ............. 168 Hunter, Reachell .......... 177 | Hutson, Neptuania ......... 206 Hunter, Rebecca ........... 177 | Hutson, Thomas Holladay.. 168 Hunter, Rebeckah ......... 173 | Hutson, Wm1AM ......... 178 Hunter, Rebkah ........... 415 | Hutssoon, Thomas ......... 25 Hunter, Ropert ........... 177 | Huyandine,-Thomas ........ 54 Hunter, Robert ............ 178 | Hyde, Governor Edward.... 292 Hunter, Ruth ............. 177 | Hydlebyrd, Catherine ...... 228 . Hunter, Sarah. .23, 177 (2), 178 | Hyland, Lawrence ......... 242 Hunter, Stephen ........... 177 | Hyman, Hugh ............. 327 Hunter, Timothy .......... 178 | Hyman, John .............. 29 Hunter, WILLIAM ......... 178 | Hyman, Thomas.......... 4, 250 HUNTER, WILLIAM ......... 178 | Hyrne, Henry ............ 178 Hunter, William (son of Hyrnes, Henry ............ 6 William) ............ 178 (2) Hunter, William........ 177, 232 | Ieedlett (?), Blizabeth...... 378 Hunter, Wm............ 177 (2) | Teve Neck ................. 881 Hunter, Zillah ............. 177 | lands, Sarah ............. 180 Hunts plantation .......... 121 | Impers, Tho................ 286 Hunts Point plantation..... 214 | Imson, Ann ........ Piers Seats a 278 Huntt, Jobn....... 231, 245, 423 | Inbason, Robert ........... 199 Huntt, Philemon .......... 342 | Ince, Henry ............... 271 Hurdell, Hardy ............ 312 | Indian Creek, land on...... 860 Hurpie, BENJAMIN ........ 178 | Indian Creek, land over.... 482 Hurdle, Elizabeth .......... 178 | Indian Creek plantation.... 392 Hurdle, Hardy ............ 393 | Indian Grave Branch, land Hurdle, Joseph ............ 393 OM, «se ausisd's $e Aw eis ersetdscorerseaers 245 Hurdle, Moring ............ 178 | Indian Towne Creek, land on 399 Hurdle, Thomas ........... 365 | Indian Town plantation.... 214 Hurdle, William ........... 178 | Ingram, Abraham ......... 179 Hurley, Ann....... 170, 175 (2) | IncramM, ABsatom (or ABRA- Hurley, Jacob .......... 175 (2) HAM)! 322 Bender ees Seow dusted s 179 Hurley, James ............ 261 | Ingram, David.......... 179 (2) InvEx. 519 PAGE. PAGE. Ingram, Isaac ............. 179 | Ives, Elisabeth ....:....... 180. Ingram, James ............ 179 | Ives, Esther .............. 180 Ingrim, Jean .............. 74 | Ives, Job............... 180 (2) Ingrim, Nework ........... 74 | Ives, JOHN ...........060-. 180 INNES, JAMES ......eeeeeee 179 | Ives, Jonas .............45 180 Innes, James.......... 2, 12, 208 | Ives, Mary ................ 180 Innes, John ...........0005 208 | Ives, Paul ......-.-..40005 815 Innes, Robert ...... evauetwate 386 | Ives, THoMas ............. 180 Irby; ANN. 2 2akes caaeerss se 179 | Ivy, Ludford .............. 4 f a Te eae Ria he ent ° Jackit Swamp ........... . 191 Irby, Henry .......-..-.0+ 179 | Jacks Creek, land on...... sas Irby, William ............. 179 | Jackson, Aaron ........... : = Irby, Wi....... cece eee ee 325 | Jackson, Absalom ......... 1 A Ireland, Andrew ........... 400 | Jackson, Ace ............. 18 Jreland, Ann ............0. 315 | Jackson, Ann (wife of Ireland, lands in........... Piearias: me Ciieies a 181 Irving, Andrew ............ tm? iene ROBERT .........0.0% 179 Daniel) ........-..ese eee 181 Irwing, Andrew 166 Jackson, Ann........... 181 (2) Ta Tai Noe haere Soke on Jackson, Anne ............. 71 Isaac (a molato boy)....... 4 peat Isenmanger, Joseph 259 Jackson, Benjamin ........ 164 Bers OSCDA, vasa sie s Jackson, Christopher ...... 204 oe ee, PRS E SSSR aon JACKSON, DANIEL .......... 180 SHAM, JAMES ............. . Isham, James (son of ae he eno peen.ef 180 FAWES) sisarisdncedane 180 Jackson Daniel a ee 1 81, 182 (2) Isham, Jane .............- 180 . al Isham, Margaret 2.20.00 180 | Jackson, Darkes <---ceses. 188 sket, John ......-........ Ivland. tangs plantation... 29 | Gooreo' ye oye ogee 28F Island of Carolina, land in. 234 ‘a . (2), 274 Islands, Elizabeth ......... 180 Jackson, Demce ....... aces ei 182 Islands, George .........-. 180 | Jackson, Edmond .......... 349 Istanps (ILawps), Ricwarp 180 | Jackson, Edward .......... 182 islands) Inehard (son of Jackson, Blisabeth ......... 181 Richard) ssc dassssccwdis 180 Jackson, Elizabeth. .181 (3), Islands, Robert ............ 180 182 (38), 273 IstER, CHRISTIAN .......... 180 | Jackson, Hanah ........... 181 Isler, Christian ........... < 127 Jackson, Hester... cae 182 (2) Isler, Elizabeth (wife of Jackson, Isaac .......... . 181 Christian) .............. 180 | Jackson, James ........... 182 Isler, Elizabeth (daughter of Jackson, Joab.......... 180, 182 Christian) .............. 180 | Jackson, JOHN ............ 181 Isler, Elizabeth ............ 75 | Jackson, John...... 181 (2), Isler, Frederick..... 127 (2), 182, 281, 337 180, 424 | Jackson, Joshua........ 181 (2) Isler, John ............. 180 (2) | Jackson, Lamuel .......... 182 Isler, Mary ............0005 75 | Jackson, Lucy.......... 181, 294 Isler, Susannah ............ 180 | Jackson, Margaret (wife of Isler, William........... 180 (2) William, Jr.) ........... 182 ISMAy, ADM sa scatiea vie anes 354 | Jackson, Margaret (daugh- IsMAY, JOHN ...........4.-. 180 ter of William, Jr.)..... . 182 Ismay, Nancy ............. 180 | Jackson, Margret .......... 181 Ismay, Sarah .............. 180 | Jackson, Mary (wife of Ives, Courtney ............ 174 Samuel) ................ 181 Inpex. 520 PAGE. Jackson, Mary (daughter of Samuel) ............ 181 Jackson, Mary...... 17, 181, 387 Jackson, Mathias ......... 181 Jackson, Moses ........... 182 Jackson, Parthenia ........ 182 JACKSON, ROBERT .......... 181 Jackson, Ruth ............. 181 JACKSON, SAMUEL .......... 181 JACKSON, SAMUEL .......... 181 Jackson, Samuel....180, 181 (2), 182 Jackson, Saml. ............ 182 Jackson, Simon ............ 182 Jackson, Stephen .......... 207 JACKSON, THOMAS .........5 ABZ Jackson, Thomas (son of THOMAS) 2 sce s Morcan, JOHN ............ 255 Morgan, John (son of John) 255 Morgan, Joseph.141, 255, 256 (3) Morgan, Juda Morgan, Maikd ............ 329 Morgan, Mary ........+--.- 255 “Morgan, Miriam ........... 255 Morgan, Morgan ........... 32 Morgan, Morgan, Jr......... 32 Morgan, Moses .........055 256 MorGan, NATHAN .......... 256 Morgan, Rebekah .......... 255 Morgan, Richard ........... 256 MorcGan, ROBERT ........... 256 Morgan, Robert (son of RODEPE) sc ceneag saiconsees 256 Morgan, Robert ........... 3879 Morgan, Rob’t.............. 167 Morgan, Sukee ............ 256 Morgan, William (son of Nathan): wie 6 aw ser ee wae se 256 Morgan, William (brother of Nathan) ..........-6- 256 Morgan, William .......... 255 Morgans Swamp, land on... 255 Morgin, Hannah.......... 40 (2) Morgin, Henry ........... . 380 Morgin, Jane ..... Sie iheracavaders 239 Morris, John (son of Jobn). 256 Morris, John....19, 170, 256, 269, 394 Morris, Jonathan .......... 66 Morris, Joseph. .256 (2), 274, 384 Morris, Joshua ............ 317 Morris, Mary....8, 185, 256 @) Morris, Matthew aii areieisbedes Morris, Rebekah........ 107, oe Morris, Richard ........... 153 Morris, Sarah.......... 256, 289 Morris, Solomon........ 256, 257 Morris, Susaner ........... 43 Morris, THOMAS .......... 256 Morris, Thomas (son of Thomas) ...............- 256 Morris, Thomas (grandson of Thomas) ............. 256 Morris,’ Thomas.......... 21, 177 Morris, THO: oe: sosiw scenes 181 Morris, William (son of Thomas) ..sscsccevees 256, 257 Morris, William (brother of THOMAS): sccieiece aise Pears 257 Morris, William....119, 154, 256, 380 Morris, Zachariah...... 256, 264 Morrises and Cuba planta- HOD» ie erdecses ow iacternce a etoass 425 MorRIson, BENJAMIN ...... 257 556 InDEx. PAGE. PAGE. Morrison, Benjamin..... 372, 422 | Mount Misery plantation... 253 Morrison, William ...... 230, 403 | Mount Misseary plantation.. 204 Morriss, Benjamin ......... 256 | Mount Pleasant ........... 334 Morriss, Jacob ............ 256 | Mount Thomas ............ 380 Morriss, James Early....... 256 | Mountain Creek, land on.... 76 Morriss, JOHN ..........4- 256 | MouNTEAGUE, ELIZABETH ... 259 Morriss, John (son of John) 256 | Mounticue, Blizabeth ....... 259 Morriss, John ............. 289 | MounricuvE, THOMAS ...... 259. Morriss, Nathan ........... 256 | Mountery, Roger .......... 17 Morriss, Richard .......... 256 | Mouse Harbor ............. 345 Morriss, William .......... 256°} Moy, Annie ............+4. 259 Morse, Francis ............ 180 | Moy, Ashe .........--.2005 130 Mortimer, Hannah ......... 257 | Moy, Blisabeth ......... ... 130 MorTIMER, JOHN ........... 257 | Moy, Jane ............000. 259 Mortimer, Mary ........... 257 | Moy, JOHN ...... 0... eeee 259 Mortimer, Rebecca ......... 257 | Moy, John (son of John)... 259 Mortimore, Thos............ 43 | Moye, Blizabeth ........... 259 Morton, Margret ........... 19 | Moye, George, Jr. .........5 290 Mosier, CEARSMER ........+ 259 | Morr, THOMAS ............ 259 Mosler, Philis ............. 259 | Moyock, land at............ 368 Moseley, Ales ............. 98 | Moyocke, plantation in...... 299 Moseley, Ann. .257, 258, 296, 368 | Mozark Creek, land on...... 29 Moseley, Aner ............. 257 | Mozor, Denel .............. 259 MoseLry, EDWARD .......... 257 | Mr. Allen’s Creek, land on.. 253 Moseley, Edward (son of Muddy Creek and Marshy Hdward) .......e.ceeees 257 Gutt, land between ...... 368 Moseley, Edward. .12, 42 (2), 71, |.Mulford, Bphm. ........... 199 87, 92, 98, 118, 156 (2), 192 | Mulkey, David ............ 260 (2), 212, 258 (2), 296, 324, 868, | Mulkey, Bve .............. 260 415. Mulkey, Jane .............. 260 Moseley, Edwd...52, 180, 255, 368 | Mulkey, Jonathan ......... 260 Moseley, E........ 51, 57, 74 (2), | Mulkey, Judith ............ 260 1038 (3), 111, 130, 150, 174, 250, | Mutxry, Pump ........... 260 310: Mulkey, Philip (son of Moseley, James..... 257 (2), ce PHIUND) « “saevsceccuans Gears Sas 260 Moseley, Joel .............. Mulkey, Sarah ............ 260 Moseley, John....... 257, 258 iy Mulkey, Scarborough ...... 260 Moseley, Sampson. ..257 (2), 258 | Mullen, Abraham..... 8, 260 a Moseley, Thomas....257 (2), 258 | Mullen, Blender ........... Moseley, William........ 188, 258 | Mullen, Elizabeth .......... bah Moseleys Creek, land on.... 32 | Mullen, Hannah ........... 260 Moses, Aaron ...........008 351 | Mullen, Isaac ............. 260 Moses Creek, land on....... 8 | MuLtten, Isaac ............ 260 Moss, GRACE ............4.. 259 | MULLEN, JACOB ............ 260° Moss, Joseph........... 259, 333 | Mullen, Jacob (son of Moss, Sarah ............... 333 JACOD): :c culaee sade esa secs 260 Mott, Hannah ............. 46 | Mullen, Jacob.......... 172, 260 Mott, John ...........4.... 46 | Mullen, Jane .............. 8 Mott, Stephen ............. 229 | Mullen, Joseph ............ 260 Moulin, Blizabeth ......... 366 | Mullen, Rebecca ........... 260 Mounce, Mary ............. 2 | Mullen, Thomas ........... 260 Mounp, NoaH ............0. 259 | Mullin, Cornelius .......... 330 Mount Calvert plantation... 324 | Mullington, Richd. ......... 226 Mount Galland plantation... 244 | Mumford, Edward ......... 260 Mount Gallard, islands near. 187 | Mumford, Blizabeth ....... 260 Mount Garriot plantation... 182 | Mumrorp, JosEPH .......... 260 InpveEx. 557 PAGE. PAGE. Mumford, Joseph (son of Murphy, Thomas........ 261 (2) Joseph). 4 ¢ sie e saktansa waned 260 | MurRaAy, ANDREW .......... 261 Muncreef, Elizabeth ....... 839 | Murray, Andrew....119, 170, 223 Munday, Elizabeth ........ 260 | Murray, Andr......... 56, 86, 247 Munday, Hmmay .......... 260 | Murray, B. .........-e.-208- 892 Munpay, WILLIAM ......... 260 | Murray, Barbara .......... 392 Munday, William (son of Murray, Elizabeth ......... 260 William) .........e eee eee 260 | Murray, Ja. ..........4.. 26, 113 Munden, Peter ............. 56 | Murray, James..... 2, 6, 113, Munden, Stephen .......... 401 260, 364, 392 Mundine, John ............ 268 | Murray, John ............. 44 Mundlen, Jobn ............ 363 | Murray, Robina Cameron... 44 Munds, Thomas ........... 841 | Murray, Robert ............ 44 Mundy, Benjamin ......... 37 | Muschamp, G............... 236 Munroe, Hugh ............ 296 | Muschamp, George ........ 335 Munroe, Revell......... 389 (2) | Muse, Thomas ............. 263 Muns, Anne .............. 260 | Mushrow, John ............ 198 Mons, THOMAS ............ 260 | Mutted, Thomas ........... 387 Muns, Thomas.......... 60, 100 | Myhan, James ............. 100 Murdaugh, John .......... 324 | Myband, James ........... 54 Murden, Elizabeth ......... 64 | Myhand, John ............. 235 MurbpEN, JEREMIAH ........ 260 | Myhand, Mary ............ 235 Murden, Jeremiah....64, 65, 355 | Myhand, Sarah ............ 54 Murden, Jerrom ........... 64 Murden, John....... 64 (2), 167 | Nahale, James ............ 236 Murden, Mary...64, 65, 175, Nairné, JOHN ... 0.0.00 ences 5 260, 8349 | Nairn, John .............4- 244 Murden, Colo. Robert...... 167 | Nairns, John .............. 72 Murden, Robert...... 1, 260, 328 | Nanson, Richard .......... 195 Murfey, Joseph ........... 183 | Naris Creek, land on........ 402 Murfey, Mary ............. 183 | Narron, Mary ............. 1 Murfree, William ......... 185 | Nash, Abner .............. 249 Murfree, Wm. ............. 82 | Nash, Caleb ..............- 373 Murfrey, Elinor ........... 420 | Nash, Frances ............ 180 Murfrey, Jno. ............. 420 | Nation, Ch. ..............- 317 Murphey, Ann ............ 261 |; Nation, John .............. 317 Murphey, Martha .......... 261 | Nayler, Margaret .......... 261 Murphey, Mary ........... 261 | Nayler, Mary ............. 261 MurpPHEY, WILLIAM ........ 261 | NayYLer, WILLIAM .......... 261 Murphree, John.......... 67, 291 | Neal, Christopher .......... 15 Murphy, Benjamin ......... 261 | Neal, Elizabeth ............ 68 Murphy, Bridgett .......... 261 | NEALE, ABNER ............. 261 MurrHy, EDMOND .......... 261 | Neale, Abner (son of Abner) 261 Murphy, Edmund (son of Neale, Abner....... 864, 377, 390 Hdmond) .........2.eeee 261 | Neale, Barre .............. 261 Murphy, Blizabeth ......... 261 | NEALE, CHARLES ........... 262 Murphy, Esther ........... 261.| Neale, Charles (son of . MurPHY, JEREMIAH ........ 261 Carles): ccatec ca aiase is See 262 Murphy, Jeremiah ......... 261 | Neale, Chrisr. ............. 390 Murphy, Jobn.......... 164, 261 | Neale, Christopher...17, 32, Murphy, Josua ............ 261 140, 261, 262 Murphy, Michael........ 161, 267 | Neale, Dorcas ............. 262 Murphy, Sarah ............ 261 | Neale, Elizabeth (wife of MurprHy, THOMAS ......... 261 ADNE!)i scene cegegies aes 261 Murphy, Thomas (son of Neale, Elizabeth (daughter Thomas) «2ssessevoar eens 261 of Abner) .............. 261 558 InpEx. PAGE. Neale, Hlizabeth .......... 262 Neale, Hannah ........... 261 NEALE, HENRY ............ 262 Neale, Henry (son of Henry) 262 Neale, Jane ...... na 8'o's ales 262 Neale, Mrs. Mary ......... 32 Neale, Mary............ 262 (2) Neale, Mathew ............ 261 Neale, Patience ........... 261 Neale, Philip ...... epana aaa 261 Neale, Richard.......... 261, 262, Neale, Sama: oes s siacess es csvess 313 Neale, Samuel........... 59, 262 Neale, Thomas ............ 262 Neale, Thos. ............... 3138 Neale, William ............ 59 Neales Creek, land on....... 232 Needham, Ann ............ 262 Needham, Christopher ...... 262 Needham, Gedeon .......... 262 Needham, John.......... 262 (2) Needham, Margaret ....... . 379 NEEDHAM, THOMAS ........ 262 Needham, Thomas (son of Thomas) ......ceecececes 262 Neel, Jean .......... cb ie oles 356 Neeltown, Jand adjoining. . . 820 Nekelles, Sarah ............ 175 “Negro, Betty” ...........- 208 Nelson, ANN.........2ee eee 48, 97 Nelson, Archd. ............. 138 Nelson, Berry .............. 891 Nelson, John....26 (2), 214, 259, 373 Nelson, Jobn, Jr............ 312 Nelson, Jno. ...... avncecd i dese 146 Nelson, Rachel ............. 160 Nelson, Sarah ............. 3891 Nelson, Thomas......... 259, 807° Nelson, Thos. ............-. 63 Nesbet, John .............. 309 Nessfeild, Ann ............ . 262 NESSFEILD, JOHN ........... 262 Nett, Richard ............. 182 Neuse, land at............ . 860 Neuse, lands in............. 156 Neuse River, land on...217, 257, 293 (2) Neuse River and Beards Creek, land on.......... . 851 Nevel, James ............. 26 Nevell, Jacob ............. 842 NEviIL, BENJAMIN ........ - 262 Nevil, Benjamin (son of Benjamin) ............. . 262 PAGE, Nevil, Elizabeth (wife of Benjamin) .........-.+.- 262 Nevil, Elizabeth (daughter of Benjamin) ............ 262 Nevil, Jacob, Jr............. 413 Nevil, Jesse .......+.eeeeee 262 Nevil, Jobn ............0.05 243 Nevil, Moses .........-.-00% 413 Nevile, William .......... « 242 NEVILL, FRANCIS ........... 262 Nevill, Jacob ..............% 383 f Neville, Benj’n.............. 238 Nevils Creek, land on...383, 413 Nevin, Mary .........,...- 271 New Abbey plantation...... 223 New Begon Creek, planta- TIONS ON 5 Hew as ngewe ocuyeres 284 Newbegun Creek meeting DOUSC 45: é4 cites ated vob aries 332 ae nasi Creek, plantation swish ia a ae apfnaites S ayshewe Bee . 8382 Newbesia Creek, plantation HOA -s00 se paws babes was . 419 New Begun Creek, planta- HONLAE fe x4 esis 24 eae v2 2 Ses 200 New Bern plantation....... 292 Newbern, land opposite to... 320 Newbern Town, marsh oppo- SILC. 10) ficcs s sik ioa eacenas 41 Newby, Ann............ 264, 324 New, Jno.......... se earane 44, 144 Newsy, BENJAMIN ......... 263 Newby, Benjamin (son of Benjamin) SW Gicpassiste Beeun: LOS Newby, Benjamin ...... «eee 402 Newsy, EDWARD ........... 263 Newby, Edward ........... 264 Newby, Elisabeth........ 264, 380 Newby, Elizabeth.3, 253, 324, 383 NEWBY, FRANCIS ..........- 263 Newsy, FRANCIS ........... 263 Newby, Francis (son of Mraneis): secc-reseddacge-s cao 263 Newby, Francis..... 122, 148, 254 (2), 263 (2), 264, 380 NEWBY, GABRIEL ........... 263 Newby, Gabriel..... 146, 263, 264, 334 Newby, Hannah.......... 259, 263 Newby, Isabell ........... . 264 Newby, Jacob ............. 263 NEWBY, JAMES ............ 263 Newby, James... 94, 224, 230, 268, 283 Newby, Jamima ........... 289 Newby, Jeames ............ 266 InpEx 559 PAGE. PAGE. Newby, Jemes ............4. 264 | New River, land on......... 124 Newby, Jemima ........... 264 | New River, land on south- Newby, Jesse. ..263 (2), 285,-380 west fork ..........-.0+. 414 Newby, Jessee ............. 263 | New River, plantation on... 414 NEWBY, JOSEPH ............ 264 | Newsom, Joseph ........... 294 NEWBY, JOSEPH ............ 264 | Newsom, Julian ........... 294 Newby, Joseph. .40, 263 (2), 298 | Newsom, Rebeccah ......... 98 Newby, Kesiah ............ 289 | Newsom, Rebeckah ......... 98 Newby, Magdalene .... . 263 | News River, land on........ 282 Newby, Margaret .......... 263 | Newsum, David ............ 265 Newby, Mark....... 263 (2), 267 | Newsum, Hosea ........... 265 NEWBY, MARY .........00005 264 | Newsum, Isaac ............ 265 Newby, Mary (wife of NEWSUM, JOEL ............. 265 Nathan) .......-.0e0e00- 264 | Newsum, Joel (son of Joel). 265 Newby, Mary (daughter of Newsum, Jobn ............. 265 Nathan). cece ssecnss con 264 | Newsum, Mary ............ 265 Newby, Mary...263 (2), 264 Newsum, William .......... 265 (2), 377 | Newton, CHRISTOPHER ...... 265 Newby, Naomy ............ 259 | Newton, Constant .......... 265 NEwBy, NATHAN ........... 264 | Newton, Jane .............. 265 Newby, Nathan.........148, 196, | Newton, John .............. 265 252, 254, 263 (2), 264, 285, 289, | Newton, Mary ............. 265 378. Newton, Sarah ............. 265 Newby, Robert. .196, 263 (2), NEWTON, THOMAS .......... 265 289, 416 | Newton, Thomas ........... 56 Newby, Robt........... ial 255 | Newton, Thos............ 95, 281 Newby, Samivel ............ 135 | Newton, Walter ........... 265 NEWBY, SAMUEL ........... 264 | New Topsail Creek, land on. 267 Newby Samuel..40, 230, 251, Niblack, William ......... 8 (2) 259 (2), 263, 264 (2), 275, 883 | Nice, Jane ................ 265 Newby, Samuell ............ 3894 | Nice, Jennet ............... 265 Newby, Sarah ...... 263 (3), 286 | Nice, Katherine ............ 265 New, Susanah ............. 263 | Nicr, WILLIAM ............ 265 Newby, Thomas.....252, 263, Nicholas, Elizabeth ......... 265 264 (2), 420 | Nicholas, Geo............... 222 Newby, Thos. ........... 824, 357 | Nicholas, Jos............... 41 Newsy, WILLIAM .......... 264 | Nicholas, Josah ............ 265 Newby, William. .206, 230, 263(3) | NicHoLas, NATHANIEL ...... 265 New Corotuck, plantation at. 182 | Nicholas, William .......... 265 New Desire land ........... 412 Newfoundland ............. 418 New Germany ............. 53 New Hyrnham plantation... 178 Newland, Will.............. 342 Newman, John ............ 387 Newman, Richard....77, 361, 371 Newman (Newnam), Thomas 293 Newnam, Frances 264 NewNnam, THOMAS New Market, land at....... 59 Newport River, land on. .72, 822, 334, 418 Newport Sound, land in..... 239 New River, Court House on. 31 New River, land at mouth of 116 Nicholls, John. .116, 168, 213, 331 Nichols, Humphry ......... 323 Nichols, Job ............005 408 Nichols, Susanah ........... 257 Nichols, William ........... 165 Nichols, Willm.............. 394 Nicholson, Anthony ........ 266 Nicholson, Benjamin ....... 265 Nicholson, Christopher. .145, 259 (2), 265 Nicholson, Elizabeth (wife of Samuel) Nicholson, Elizabeth (daugh- ter of Samuel)........... 266 Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholson, George 560 InpEx. PAGE PAGE, Nicholson, John ........ 265 (3) | Nickolson, Mary (daughter Nicholson, Jonathan ....... 265 of Christofer) ........... 266 NICHOLSON, JOSEPH ........ 265 | Nickolson, Mary ........... 204 Nicholson, Joseph. ..138, 259 (2) | Nickolson, Nathaniel ....... 3 Nicholson, Josiah ....... 266 (2) | Nickolson, Samuel.......204, 266 Nicholson, Mary ........... 306 | Nickolson, Thomas ......... 266 Nicholson, Naomy .......... 266 | Nickolson, William ......... 266 NICHOLSON, NATHANIEL .... 265 | Nickson, Charles Augustus.. 322 Nicholson, Nathaniel ....... 265 | Nickson, Henry ............ 266 Nicholson, Saml....,........ 265 | Nickson, Joseph ............ 266 NICHOLSON, SAMUEL ........ 266 | NICKSON, THOMAS ......... 266 Nicholson, Samuel....... 265, 350 | Nickson, Zachariah ........ 202 Nicholson, Samuell ......... 138 | Nicols, Hannah ............ 266 Nicholson, Sarah....265 (2), 266 | Nicots, JoHN .............. 266 Nicholson, Sophia .......... 266 | Nicols, Mary .............. 266 Nicholson, Theofilus ....... 266 | Nicols, Pressilla ............ 266 Nicholson, Thomas....40 (2), 55 | Nicols, Samuel (father of (2), 145, 165, 172 (2), 196, 227 JON): | gaits xl abies wiper 266 (2), 259 (2), 263, 267, 274, 382 | Nicols, Samuel (son of John) 266 Nicholson, Thos............. 254 | Night, William ............. 126 NICHOLSON, WILLIAM ....... 266 | Nights, Ann ............... 245 Nicholson, William ......... 79 | Nisbett, Eleanor ........... 229 Nicholson, (daughter Nisbrale, Cristifer ......... 70 of William) ............. 266 | Niscon, Em................. 17 Nickeles, Henry ........... 829 | Nixon, Ann ...............- 267 Nickells, Archd............. 394 | Nixon, Barnaby ........ 267, 417 Nickellson, Samuel ......... 3877 | Nixon, Christian ........... 410 Nicker, Joseph ............. 28 | Nixon, Elisabeth ........... 263 Nickleson, Hannah ......... 376 | NIxon, ELIzaBETH ......... 267 Nickless, Nathaniel ........ 190 | Nixon, Elizabeth. ..252, 267, Nickole, William ........... 176 829, 384 Nickoles, Job .............- 857 | Nixon, Bllender ............ 228 Nickolls, Caleb ............ 266 | Nixon, Em................05 267 Nickolls, Frankey .......... 266 | Nixon, Francis. .251, 259, 267, 286 NICKOLLS, JAMES .......... 266 | Nixon, Gartry ..,.......... 267 Nickolls, James (son of NIXON, JOHN .........0000- 267 SAMES )! - cis djase’e's 3 susars da Spee 266 | Nixon, John.....55, 251, 259, Nickolis, Sarah ............ 266 264, 267 (8), 317 Nickolls, Willis ............ 266 | Nixon, Mary (wife of Nickollson, Elizabeth ....... 378 RRACHARG) * a sigs sess oe ate 267 Nickollson, William ........ 878 | Nixon, Mary (daughter of Nickols, John...18, 156, 341, Richard) ss swseissesevss 267 358, 887 | Nixon, Mary............ 264, 289 Nickols, Thos............... 358 | Nixon, Mehetable .......... 259 Nickolson, Ann ............ 266 | Nixon, Mehetible ........... 267 NICKOLSON, CHRISTOFER .... 266 | Nixon, Pheniass ........... 289 Nickolson, Clare ........... 266 | Nixon, Phineas ...... 55, 267 (2) Nickolson, Dabora ......... 266 | Nixon, Phineus ........... 3, 267 Nickolson, Hannah ......... 266 | Nixon, Pierce .............. 289 Nickolson, John ........... 266 | Nixon, RICHARD ........... 267 NICKOLSON, JOSIAH ......... 266 | Nixon, Richard (son of Nickolson, Josias .......... 266 Richard) ............000) 267 Nickolson, Mariam ......... 266 | Nixon, Richard............. 232 Nickolson, Mary (wife of Nixon, Robert........... 254, 322 Christofer) .............. 266 | Nixon, Thomas ........... . 111 Inpex. 561 PAGE, PAGE. Nixon, Zach..... 93, 252, 254, 263 | Norcom, JOHN ............ 268 Nixon, ZACHARIAH ......... 267 | Norcom, JOHN ............ 268 NIXON, ZACHARIAH ......... 267 | Norcom, John (son of John) 268 Nixon, Zachariah (son of Norcom, John (brother of Zachariah) ........... 267 (2) Thomas) ..........e.e00. 269 Nixon, Zachariah...6, 8, 20, 148, | Norcom, John (nephew of 251 (2), 252 (2), 254, 255, 259 Thomas) ..............05 269 (2), 264 (3), 265, 266, 267, 286, | Norcom, John .......... 268 (2) 806 (2), 317, 360, 370, 384, 401, Norcom, Martha ........... 269 419. NoRCoM, MARY ..........005 268 Nixon, Zachariah, Sr........ 264 | Norcom, Mary .......... 268 (2) Nixon, Zachariah, Jr........ 259 | Norcom, Sarah ......... 268 (3) Nixon, Richard ............ 217 | Norcom, Stepney .......... 268 Nixon, Toune, lots at....... 224 | Norcom, Susanna .......... 269 Nobesbruke Creek, land on. 392 | Norcom, THOMAS .......... 268 Noble, Bettie ............. 268 | Norcom, THOMAS .......... 269 Noble, Betty ............. 173 | Norcom, THOMAS .......... 269 Noble, Elisabeth ........... 268 | Norcom, Thomas (father of Noble, Elizabeth ........... 393 THOMAS) acess 4 wandcr dees 269 Noble, Hanah ............. 268 | Norcom, Thomas (son of \Noble, James. .173, 268, 396 na Thomas) ..... a biawese 268, 269 Noble, Jantt. ............. Norcom, Thomas (grandson Noble, Joseph. .173, 268, 380, 306 of Thomas) etn ose 269 Noble, Mark........ 178 268 (2) | Norcom, Thomas........ 268 (3) aoe ene, Wee sew ee ver eee Norcom, William ........268 (2) » Machel .......-.eeee Norcomb (Norkom ohn... 42) Sane Seer (Rachel)...... ian Norcomb, ee a s ore ** $87 y MAMI, we eee eee eee eee Norcomb, Thomas .......... 156 Nope, SAMUEL ............ 267 Norfleet, Abraham ......... 269 Noble, Samuel. ..15, 173, 268 Norfleet, Elisabeth.......269 (2) (3), 396 | Norfleet, Elisbeth .......... 270 Noste, WILLIAM ........ :+ 268 | Norfieet, Elizabeth ......... 269 Noble, William (son of Wil- Norfleet, Farbey ........... 270 377 GU GE racists: custo te veto wshenetecaverewerates 257 | Indian Creek ....... So sestetite 393 CONAHOE: 6. i. ievaiesies seared ee sae 187 | Indian Town ............ .. 214 Coneconara .......eeeeeenes 292 | Island Lands ............-. 29 COOPersS 6 isi esees ese ee soe . 257 | Jacobs Wells .............- 25 Cow Island ..............- 209 | James Robinsons ....... /... 190 Cowpen Neck and Rollinseas, eet Jarrot Hays Place......... 230 Cretches Old Field.......... Jones, ——— ........ 5.3 ate 38 Cumboes .......-......00005 108 Jumping Run .............- 140 Daniel Halls .............. 221 | Kendall .......... apie Snes va 253 Davise’s ....... ih arlois seach careisis ATO! |) TRIES isos se -ccetavs fa 8s exaiieheld a aveieus 50 Deep Branch .............. 326 | Kimyards ...........+.. sai 2 LL Dicks Wield) ass ss eievs cxinas 298 | Laban wee. e sees te cies emo LAT Dogwood Ridge ............ 329 | Lawsons ..........e.eeee- . 246 Dunkeleys ...........-...0% 402 | Light Place, The........... 328 Dunkins ................ .. 266 | Lilliput .......... wale ea avrene 6 HICEEPINE © 0; dssacscs awe seneses 304 | Little For. ...........eeeee 65 FMIDO: asses sisvesiceoces lee oie toes 357 | Log House ........ cage wee, 66 Faulks Point ........... 155 (2) | Long Glade .......... «eee. 180 Fend alls . sices ec sines ce eewns 341 | Ludlow Castle ............. 46 BMenGals: sissies eaciais 0° arardacs 87 | McClenny’s ............0005 407 Ferny Ridge ........ araaees 191 | Macknights ............... 257 BOrry ¢ ess wena vated ss heae s 425 | Manuels or Crickits ........ 293 Floyds .............+...3.. 379 | Masons Neck .............. 284 Folley, The .............. 14,193 | Matthews Point ........... 27 Forck of the Duckinstool.... 374 | Maultsbys Point ........... 253 Fork, The .......... Pradtnechiees 815 | MavertS .......cceeeeeeaee 65 Forke Neck .............05 48 | Meadowes .............00- 154 Frog Hall ..........0eceeee 71 | Middle plantation ........ . 36 Gailors Hammocks ......... 241 | Mockason ................ . 4 Garrison, The ............. 295 | Morrises and Cuba ........ 425 Giddinses Point ............ 180 | Mount Calvert ............ 324 Glovers Hammock ......... 214 | Mount Galland ............ 244 Gorams Neck .............. 142 | Mount Garriot ............ 182 GOUTES: feiss seelay oan De 108 | Mount Messeary ........... 204 Graham’s Place ............ 230 | Mount Misery ............. 253 Great Quarter ............. 298 | New Abbey .............- . 223 Green Pond Neck........... 84 | New Bern ................. 292 GLOVEICY® ae serene sdietneted 5% 12 | New Germany ...... sae nes 53 Gumberry ...........e eee 828 | New Hyonham ............ 178 Hale. i... ccaccscenwece hi ener 88 | Northerns ................- 114 Half-way House ........... 293 | Oak Ridge ............ vee. 267 Haltons Lodge ............. 147 | Oald Meeting House........ 321 Hammock, The ............ 928 | Old Box Neak ............. 38 Hardings ..........0.. esae 205 | OH Bield ...cncce ent eae vas 231 Harrow .......0cceecees sexe 168. | Old Por se. os Goece-sauneeo 232 Hawkinses Neck ........... 119 | Old House, The............. 323 Heldersham .......0.¢..005 18 | Old Town .............0005 139 AUN, DG! 3s enc sp. paetee Sa Pacesaceva tere 66 | Orton ciskewvcceessen eevee 253 Hogpen Neck ............. 166 | Oyster Shell Banks......... 273 Holland House ............ 196°] Pagetts® sia.bcugugeawaee sauce 86 Invrx. 575 PAGE. PAGE. PanteZ0: svscves veers vewesex 108 | Whites Old field ........... 232 PA RACI CO? ayer aizysrciens oMtcenss 0-5 5% 53 | Wild Cat Neck ............ 3807 Paupoy Ridge ............. 241 | Wilkesons Point ........... 293 PAWMEIS .... cece eee eee eeee B26 | WANLYS: soe oescegeyeacdeuse pares 87 Peachtree Ridge ........... 273 | Wolf Pit Ridge ............ 86 Peters Ridge .............. 328 | Wolf Point Ridge .......... , 45 Petiphers .........ccee sence BAT. | NOWISSs s.ccscecs cacti ndsacd svenecarnerces 108 Piney Point ............... 14 PIQINS: sc dew essex swe vs ate 156 | Plater, Dorothy ........... 291 Point, The: . 2: 0s cesecndea ve 388 | Plater, Martha ............ 261 Point Pleasant.......... 179, 330 | PLATER, RICHARD .......... 291 Poplars Haven ............ 313 | Plater, Richard...4, 11, 267, Possum Quarter ........... 187 319, 383, 423 (2) Powels Point 2.0 6. cow oes wed 270 | Plater, Richd............... 182 Prisces Neck ............-- 808 | Plater, William ........... 378 PLOCUOPS oc wewssige ses ewes 379 | Plato, Martha ............. 291 QUAFYS) acs sues sienn edarees 295 | Plato, Mary ............08- 291 Quarter, The........... 155 (2) | Plato, Susannah ........... 291 Red. BROES: 5. ecieis oo ane b a encore 66 | PuLato, THOMAS ............ 291 Red House .........ecee eee 66 | Plator, Richard ............ 383 Renocooset .......0.e.ceeee 138 | Platt, Jashua....... 247 (2), 375 Rick Neck .......ccece cece 111 | Platt, Nathl...............0. 297 Rigg, "TNE so scice cesses eo aales 332 | Platt, Thomas............ 79, 407 Robinsons ..............00: 284 | Platts, Lucy ............66 86 Rosefield .........-0ceeeeee 292 | Plomer, Sam’l. Saban....... 304 ROSC8 -i.9 ss sew ha ceed seeds 150 | Promer, SAMUEL Sapane.... 291 Salmon Creek ............. 9 | Plomer, Dr. Samuel Sabine. 8 Sandy Hook ../............ 295 | Plomer, 8. S........... ee eee 327 Sandy Run .............005 65 | Plommer, Dr. Samuel Laban 32 Scotts Hall .............00 244 | PLOWMAN, JOHN .........-. 291 Shop, The .............0005 393 | Plowman, John ............ 399 Simmonses Neck ........... 325 | Plowman, John......... 222, 399 Snow Hills ................ 95 | Plowman, Magnes ...'...... 35 Springfield..... 163, 292, 293, 330 Plumtree, land at.......... 260 Stamping Place ............ 116 | Plumtree and Cyprus Stancells ............eeeeee 174 Branch, land on.......... 411 Stults Hall .............0-- 137 | Pohagon, Mary ............ 200 Stumpy Island or New River Poheagin, Mary ...........- 200 banks .... cc ccc cececeveee 41 | Point Lookout ............ 327 Thick Neck .......0..-00-0- 407 | Point Pleasant plantation. . Thurrefare Ridge .......... 196 179, 330 Tower Hill .....c.ccececces 99 | Pointer, John ............. 231 Town Point 923 | Pole Cat land...........++ 297 Townleys Point ............ 335 | Polk, Susannah ........... 356 Tubbago’s Folly .......... . 186 | Polk, Thomas .............. 356 Tuckers Ridg ...........0.45 45 | Pollard, Jeff. ......-.-..05 386 Turkey Point ............-. 11 | Pollock, Cullen (brother of Tuttellfields ............6.- 4 George) ....-ce ee eeeeeee 92 VAD ATG sista: eiarennarecmaetee ods 74 | Pollock, Cullen (nephew of Volls Island ............45- 236 George) ....cceeeeeneenee 291 Walling) s. 325562.) caglecnascicaetes 84 | Pollock, Cullen. .26, 101 (2), 160, Walnut Hill ............-.- 66 165, 212, 250, 292, 293 (3), 294, Whale House .............. 114 304, 330, 331 (2), 360. Whitemarsh ............... 257 | Pollock, Collin ............ 52 Whit@Oak Neck ..........- 313 | Pollock, Col. ........eeeeee 170 576 INDEX. PAGE. : PAGE, Pollock, HElizabeth...... 827, 405 | Pope, Stephen ............ . 294 Potiock, ESTHER ........ -. 292 | Pope, Thos. ........-.s000- 54 Pollock, Frances .......... 250 | Pope, West ....... ceeeesee 294 POLLOCK, GEORGE .......... 292 | Pope, WILLIAM ..........+. 294 Pollock, George..... 292, 298 Pope, William.......... 294 (2) (8), 294 | Pope, Winifred ............ 207 POLLOCK, JAMES .........65 292 | Poplar Swamp, land on. .330, 411 Pottock, THOMAS ......... 292 | Poplar Swamp, plantation on 194 PoLLtocK, THOMAS ......... 293 | Poplars Havin plantation... 313 Pollock, Thomas (son of Poptewell, Dorothy ........ 185 Thomas) ............ 292, 293 | Porgen, William ........... 186 Pollock, Thomas. .4, 90, 111, 130 | Porsell, Cathen ............ 294 (2), 142, 151, 156 (2), 176, 208, | Porsell, Edman ............ 294 212, 291, 292, 293, 330, 331 (4) | Porsell, Elizabeth (wife of Pollock, Thos....35 (2), 121, 199 Garrity, ws. 2. seess «nance 294 Pollock, Thos., Sr........... 410 | Porsell, Elizabeth (daughter Pollock, Tho. ............-- 285 Of Garrit) 2. ..c.c se eeae 294 Pollocke, Thomas .......... 8 | PoRSELL, GARRIT ........... 294 Polson, Caleb ............ . 895 | Porsell, Garritt (son of Polson, George ............ 895 GOING): esis. viata eceages . 294 Polson, John .............. 395 | Porsell, Mary ............. 294 Pongo Creek, plantation on. 124 | Porter, Agnes ............. 297 FPool, Grace ...........-.- . 294 | Porter, Amn ............... 297 Boal TACOD! ees weeds ox tvoe ees 294 | Porter, Dorothy......... 286, 296 Pool, DOV «ec eecets 5.4 Syed aes 172 | Porter, Edmund....295, 296 (2) ‘ool, Joseph........ 188, 294.2) | Porter, Elisabeth .......... 295 ool, Miriam .............. 181. | Porter, B28 ous vesscenessd 295 (Posh Patrick....14, 298, 384, 414 | Porter, Blizabeth (wife of Pool, Richard.......... 266, 384 Nicoless) .........ecceees 297 VPool, Sarah ............0.. 294 | Porter, Elizabeth (daughter “Pool, SOLOMON ............ 294 of Nicoless) ...........05 297 vPool, Solomon (son of Solo- Porter, Elizabeth. ...295, 296 MOD)! ses ye etwas econ Yess 294 (2), 297 Go Solomon. .224, 266, 294, 41 Porter, Hugh ............+. 297 4 Poole, Moses............ 300, 359 | Porter, James ............. 297 Bop, Mary ....seceseeeceee 814 | Porter, Jeane ............. 297 Pore, ANNJELEANY ........ 234 | PorTeR, JOHN ............ « 295 Pope, ADN ..........e ee eee 294 | Porter, JOHN (Merchant)... 295 Pope, Barnaby ............ 2384 | Porter, John (son of John), Pope, EDWARD .........0005 294. 295 (2) Pope, HBdward ............. 294 | Porter, John...11, 156, 188, 216, Pope, HElizabeth ........... 294 239, 258, 295, 296, 297 (2), 393, Pope, George........... 294 (2) 397. Pope, Henry .............. 207 | Porter, John, Sr............ 205 Pope, Jacob............. 294 (2) | Porter, John, Jr............ 205 Pope, John. .51, 238, 261, 294, 412 | Porter, JoHN PEYTON...... 295 Pope, Joseph .........-.005 159 | Porter, John Peyton ....... 296 Pope land ............0000: 415 | Porter, JOHN SWANN...... 295 Pope, Patience ............ 51 | Porter, Mrs. John.......... 258 Pope, Mary............. 294 (2) | Porter, Jno., Jr... ......... 292 Pope, Rebecca ....... eee 294 | Porter, JOSHUA ........... 296 Pope, RICHARD ..........+. 294 | Porter, Joshua..... 157, 295, 297 Pope, SAMUEL ..........005 294 | Porter, Josua ............. 296 Pope, Samuel (son of PORTER, JOHN ...s..e.eeeee 295 Samuel) .............8.. 294 | Porter, MARY ...........+. 296 Pope, Sarah............ 294 (2) | Porter, Mary............ 295 (3) Inprx. 577 PAGE. PAGE. Porter, Matthew ...........- 295 | Powell, Sarah ............. 189 PortTER, NICOLESS .......... 297 | PowELL, THOMAS .........- 298 Porter, Patience ........... 295 | PowELL, WILLIAM .......... 298 Porter, SAMUEL ........... 297 | Powell, William ........... 1385 Porter, Samuel ............ 297 | Powell, Wm.........229, 355, 381 Porter, Samuell ............ 297 | Power, William ........... 179 Porter, Sarah (daughter of Power, Wm. ........00000ee 182 SOND)! ae ceaeudares Yen's hans 295 | Powers, Abigall ........... 298 Porter, Sarah (wife of Powers, Austice ........... 299 JOHN): wavs seeds ca giid ts seem 295 | Powers, Caleb.......... 298 (2) Porter, Sarah........... 295, 297 | Powers, GEORGE ..........- 298 Porter, Mrs. Sarah......... 324 | Powers, George (son of Porter, William ............ 295 GeOTZE) . scniaw'ts wanaeaonae 298 Porter, Willm. ............. 896 | Powers, George....167, 179, Porterfield, James ......... 312 298, 326, 357, 404 Portorwin, Joseph ......... 298 | Powers, Isabel ............ 298 PoRTORWIN, PETER ......... 298 | Powers, ISBELL ........... 298 Portorwin, Samuel ......... 298 | Powers, Isbell (daughter of Portwood, Gilbird ......... 361 TSDOML) cissciiient jars eacneee 298 Possum Quarter plantation.. 187 | Powers, Joseph ............ 199 Potecasi Creek, land on. .408,411 | Powers, Mary............ 91, 308 Pottecasi Creek, land on.... 426 | PowrErs, WILLIAM ......... 299 Pottel, Elizabeth ........... 298 | Powers, William... .226, 298 POTTEL, JOSEPH ............ 298 (2), 815 Potter, James ............. 388 | Poyner, Benjamin .......... 299 Potter, Mary .............. 118 | Poyner, Hdward......... 181, 839 POtteL, Ma a sisews Asens cheese 404 | Poyner, Elizabeth (wife of Pottle, Elizabeth ........... 184 PPELER): sles d wate aua ie aden oe 299 Pottle, Joseph...... 184 (2), ae Poyner, Elizabeth (daughter Potts, Dorothy ............ Ob Peter) | eiscaie sxc: cist ve 299 Poulter, Edward........ 367 oy Poyner, Elizabeth....... 299 (2) Powel, William ............ 171 | Poyner, Humphrey ........ 299 Powels Point plantation..... 270 | Poyner, JAMES .........00+ 299 Powell, Ann............. 298 (2) | Poyner, James..... Pus 387, 388 Powell, Brooks ............ 298 | Poyner, Joel .............. 299 Powell), Chs-ceaearcéanci caginee': 97 | Poyner, Jonathan .......... 299 Powell, Cade .............. 298 | Poyner, Joseph (son of Powell, Cader ............. 298 JOSEPH) aces gens s gases 299 Powell, David ............. 206 | Poyner, Joseph..... 285, 299, 4038 Powell, Elizabeth........298, 889 | Poywmr, Jos. ............-- 299 Powell, Fielder ...........- 41 | Poyner (Pinar), Kiziah .... 299 PowrLt, GEORGE ........... 298 | Poyner, Lider ............- 300 Powell, George .......... 41, 298 | Poyner, Mary ............- 299 PowELL, JOHN ............ 298 | Poyner, Maryann .......... 300 Powell, John (son of John). 298 | Poyner, Nathan......... 299 (2) Powell, John. ...41, 108, 135, Poyner, Nathaniel ......... 299 206, 317, 363 | PoyNeEr, PETER .......-000- 299 Powell. Tiiccciie ea was tve ees’ 304 | Poynen, PETER ............ 299 Powell, Joseph ...........-- 388 | Poyper, Peter (son of Peter), Powell, Keziah ...........- 298 299 (2) Powell, Lewis .........---- 298 | Poyner, Peter........... 285, 387 Powell, Lucy ..........+00+ 388 | Poyner, Robert.......... 299 (2) Powell, Mary ..........++ 48, 408 | Poyner, Samuell ........... 300 Powell, Matthew ........... 298 | Poyner, Sarah..... 299, 387, 388 Powell, Moses........... 298, 408 | Poyner, Sophia ............ 299 Powell, Robert ............ 173 | Poyner, Thomas........ 41, 299 37 578 Inpex. PAGE PAGE. POYNER, WILLIAM .........+ 300 | Present, Elizabeth ......... 362 Poyner, William (son of Wil- Present, Samuel ........... 362 liam) .......... a aia wake’ 300 | Preves, William .........362 (2) Poyner, William......... 299 (2) | Previt, Mary .............. 145 Poyner (Poiner), William.. 299 | Price, Christian ............ 301 Poyner, Willis ............ 888 | Price, Edmond ............. 301 “Poynet” land .........+.+ : oe Price, Elizabeth ........ 301 (2) Prather, Josiah ............ Price, George..... *, .222, 389, 409 Pratt (Chamard), Christian 300 Price, James........ 118, 301, 314 Pratt, Elizabeth ........... 400 | Price, John ............000 301 a eee 71, 300 (3), aan Price, Mary ........e+0e00. 301 BATT, JOB «see e eee eeeceee PRICE, PETER ......cesescees 301 Pratt, JOD .......-e eee eee 71 | Price, Rachel............ 301 (2 been et beet eee e ee eee Say PRICE, RICE .........20e0 eee Ot » SOHN oe eee eee eeeee Price, Richard........... 301 (2) Pratt, John......:..... 800, 386 ‘ Pratt, JOSEPH ..........-. 300 a fae feel iat on Pratt, Joseph ............. 300 | Price. THomas ............ 301 Pratt; JOSN: c3csceesawseses 404 ‘cs Thomas (sonok ’ Price, Thomas (son of Pratt, Joshua.......... 300 (5) Pratt. Sarah 40 Thomas) sentence eee ees 301 rely, Wiens ccs te | ee DUI oo an Predy, Laws ............05 312 Dele eee ee be . rice, William .......... 231, 301 Presbyterian church at Do- Pri Willoughb ® ver, Del., bequest to...... 229 Bie eee het ae Sy Prescoat, Mary 301 Prichard, Benjamin ........ 201, : Bi ee eS Prichard, David..... 41, 344, 392 Prescoot, Benjamin ........ 339 Prichard Prescott, Aaron ........... 300 Ble IES TOS scien 4 0 at Prescott, Amey ............ 301 | Prichard, Richard ...... 820, 349 Prescott, Benjamin 300 Prichard, Thomas .......... 320 Prescott, Milgsbetli..cssn0ns BOl)| pacers mee ae Prescott, Hannah .......... A ? Rae | eee ee ee aes rere eT at Pricklove, Judith .......... 302 Prescorr (PREescoatr), JoHN 300 Pricklove, Samal, «<0 %8cdeesiea 420 Prescott, John (son of John), 300 Pricklovell, Samuel igs ice danas 126 Prescott, Martha ........... Big | et OW OES Ce es ee cine oie Prescott, Mary (wife of lean ee iris wea wees ve Moses) .......0eeseeeeeee 300 ICR LOWE) OAMUBE st oes Ss Prescott, Mary (daughter of Pricklowe, Samuel (son of Moses) ....... Biers ona ee SOG | SARINEL). aisceinn sinms ae eine ate Prescott, Mary ............. got | Pridees, Law ............+. a PRESCOTT, MOSES ........... 300 | Prince, David ............. 379 Prescott, Moses (son of Pringell, Mary ............ 49 WSO): cscs i veis-scukaw nas 300 pee eae roeeees ae Prescott, Moses ............ BOT! | A TIDENG ARE sect de ha Sains Prescott, Richard .......... 301 | Pringle, Joseph ............ 102 Prescott, Russell ........... 300 | Prior, William ............. 1038 Prescott, Simon ............ 300 | Prisces Neck plantation..... 303 ee Thomas........ 300, 301 | Priscod, Isabell ............ 130 ESCOTT, WILLIAM ......... 801 | Priscod, Moses ............. 130 Prescott, William (son of Prise (Price), Thomas...... 189 William) ................ 801 | Prishet, David ............. 122 PRESCOTT (PRESTCOAT, PRES- Prisket, Ann ..............- 197 coor), WILLIAM .......... 801 | Prisket, John .............. 197 Prescott, William. ..230, 300 (3) Pritchard, Banja .......... 368 Prescott, Willis ............ 300 | Pritchard, Benja. ....... 239, 308 Inpex. 579 PAGE. PAGE. PRITCHARD, BENJAMIN ...... 302 | Privat, Sarah .............. 371 Pritchard, Benjamin...... 31, 332 | Privet, Jacob ............-- 89 PRITCHARD, DAVID .......... 302 | Privett, Jacob............. 7, 194 PRITCHARD, DAVID .......... 302 | Privett, John .............. 97 Pritchard, David (son of Privit, DACOD) <2 sas ieee Sa oepear sss 11 David) .2:2sinesssavenesd 302 | Privit, William .......... 89, 187 Pritchard, Elizabeth ....... 413 | Prockter, John ............ 182 PRITCHARD, HARBERT ....... 3802 | Procter, John........... 164, 318 Pritchard, Henry .......... 802 | Procter, William ........... 290 Pritchard, Hugh ........... 302 | Proctor, John .............. 96 Pritchard, Jacob ........... 52 | Proctors plantation ........ 379 PRITCHARD, JAMES ......... 302 | Prothro, James ............ 110 Pritchard, James. ...302 (3), 303 | Prothro, Jeremiah ......... 110 PRITCHARD, JEAN .......... 303 | Prousz, ANNE ............. 303 Pritchard, Joana .......... 54 | Prouse, Charles ............ 303 Pritchard, John ........... 802 | Prows, Charles ............ 117 Pritchard, Joseph. ..239, 302, 403 | Pryor, Phillip ............. 208 Pritchard, Margaret waidetennete 3 123 | Puftields, John ............ 61 Pritchard, Matthew..... 172, Puffenghall, Richard ....... 307 278, 294, 332, 416 | Pugh, Daniel .............. 304 Pritchard, Richard . 302 | PucH, FRANCIS .......-..-- 303 Pritchard, Samuel. 302 (2), 803 | Pugh, Hannah ............. 304 Pritchard, Sarah ........ 3802 (2) | Pugh, James ........... 234 (2) Pritchard, Susannah.....135, 302 | PuaH, JOHN ...........000- 304 Pritchard, Thomas. 186, 236, 3802 | Pugh, John (son of John), Pritchard, William ......... 302 304 (2) Pritchet, Joshua aulleeve. pda sa lors 104 | Pugh, John ................ 303 PRITCHETT, ABRAHAM ...... 303 | Pugh, Mrs. Margaret....... 222 Pritchett, Abraham (son of Pugh, Pherebe ............. 304 Abraham) ............5- 303 | Pugh, Theophilus .......... 804 Pritchett, Abraham ........ 3803 | Pugh, Thomas ............- 303 Pritchett, Abrm...........87, 122 | Pullen, Henry ............. 148 Pritchett, Anne ............ 303 | PurceLn, NEILL ...........+ 304 Pritchett, David ........... 100 | Purcell, Sarah ............. 304 Pritchett, Elisabeth......303 (2) | Purdue, Sarah ............ 300 PRITCHETT, JACOB ........-. 303 | PurDY, GEORGE .........--.- 304 Pritchett, Jacob ........ 804 (2) | Purefoy, Nicholas ...... 174, 290 Pritchett, James ........ 3803 (2) | PurKENS, DAVID .........--- 304 Pritchett, Joshua.....37, 303 (2) | Purkens, James ........... 304 Pritchett, Joshuay ......... 303 | Purkens, Jonathan ......... 304 PRITCHETT, MARGARET ...... 303 | Purkens, Mary ...........+ 304 Pritchett, Marget .......... 303 | Purkens, Rebeckah ........ 304 Pritchett, Margett ......... 303 | Purkens, Sarah ............ 304 Pritchett, Peter ........ 303 (3) | Purrer, Robert ............ 100 Pritchett, Phil.............. 391 | Pursell, Garrett ........... 154 Pritchett, Philip ........ 303 (8) | Pursell, John ............65 98 Pritchett, Phillip .......... 37 | Purser, Benjamin .......... 3804 Pritchett, Phtt.............. 424 | Purser, James ............. 304 Pritchett, Rebeckar ........ 803 | Purser, Mary ........--.-+- 304 Pritchett, Sarah......... 303 (2) | Purser, Patience .......... 213 Pritchett, Simon ........... 303 | Purser, Richard ........... 304 Pritchett, Stephen ......... 303 | Purser, ROBERT .........--- 304 Pritlow, Elisabeth ......... 378 | Pursey, Garrett ........... 158 Pritlowe, Elizabeth......... 303 | Purviance, Samuel....... 332 (2) PRITLOWE, JOHN ..........- 308 | Purviance, Wm. ........... - 257 580 PAGE. Purves, Alexander ......... 105 Purvis, John ............... 16 Puryear, Robert ........... 100 Puryer, ADD escics ses cues s 305 Puryer, Blizabeth .......... 805 Puryer, Frances ........... 305 Puryer, Margaret .......... 305 Puryer, Mary .......-.-2+85 305 PurRYER, ROBERT ........... 305 Puryer, Robert (son of RODE) 6 vic es shen sc sees 3805 Puryer, William ........... 305 Putnell, Aaron ............ 305 Putnell, John ............-. 305 PUTNELL, WILLIAM ........- 305 Puttnell, Mary ......... 304, 305 Putt, DOUCY™ ésnce tase a8 ine 10 Pyrent, Mary .........-...5 27 Quakers, land devised to.... 65 Quarlay, John ............. 18 Quarter Swamp, plantation ON dws dxaiee es ater ns ek see 22 Quarrys plantation ......... 295 Queen Annes Creek, court HOG AG sc ipaitee se ccd cack a ecerapaiane 26 Queen Anne Creek, planta- GION OD) seeiciraseccieavevane seca sanonese 137 Queens Creek, land on...249, 359 Quidle, Patrick ............ 184 Quin, John. sic csi ceecencass 3861 Quinby, Eleazr. ............ 353 Quince, Parker ............ 889 Quince, Richard. .51, 222, 889 (2) Quince, Richard (Capt.).... 101 Quince, Richd. ............. 253 QUINN, LOFTIN ............. 805 Quinn, Margaret ........... 305 Quinn (formerly Canady), Mary ..se8ss OMG es ites 305 Quinn, Thomas ............ 305 Quinn, William ............ 305 Quinn, Wm. .............. 198 Rabey, Adam .............. 168 Rabey, Jethro ............. 165 Rabey, Judith ............. 30 Raccoon Creek, land on..... 232 Raddam, William .......... 301 Ragland, Agness ........... 805 Ragland, Even.......... 805 (2) RAGLAND, FREDERICK ....... 805 Ragland, Frederick ........ 305 Ragland, George..... 305 (3) Ragland, Mary ............ 305 RAGLAND, STEPHEN ......... 805 PAGE, Ragland, Stephen (son of Stephen) .............00- 305 Ragland, William. ..305 (2), 395 Ragsdale, W. .............. 148 Raily, DOWN: seis e seis 2g wees 309 Rainbow Banks, land on.... 92 Rainer, Danll. ............. 420 Rainer, Lee ............... 119 Rainwater, John ........... 129 Rainwater, Mary .......... 129 Rainwater, William ........ 268 Ralier, Lydia .............. 63 Raman, Hdward ........... 305 Raman, Mary (wife of Wil- Ham): sssevens cee teens ees 805 Raman, Mary .............. 305 Raman, Sarah (daughter of William) ................ 305 Raman, Thomas .......... . 805 RAMAN, WILLIAM .......... 305 Ramsey, David.......... 136, 242 Ramsey, Robt. ............. 119 Ramsey, Samuel ........... 336 Ramsey, Shubridge ......... 336 Ramsey, William........ 178, 336 Randon, Peter...... 815 (2), 316 Randown, Petter ........... 316 Raner, Richard ............ 259 Raner, Ruth ............... 246 Rankhorn, Abraham ....... 181 Ransher, Samuell .......... 191 Raper, Henry ............. 263 Raper, John. ...168, 340, 384, 401 Raper, Josiah ............. 259 Rapheld, Ann .............. 305 Rapheld, Benjamin ......... 305 Rapheld, Isaac ............ 205 Rapheld, Thomas .......... 805 RAPHELD, WILLIAM ......... 805 Rapheld, William ....... 305 (2) Raphell, William .......... 225 Rapyuld, William .......... 415 Rasbarry, William ......... 190 Rasberry, John ............ 292 Rasbuary, Bridget ......... 306 Rasbuary, Hosea .......... 306 RASBUARY, JOHN .......... 306 Rasbuary, John ........... 306 Rasbuary, William...... 306 (2) Rasbuery, Wm. .......... . 246 Rasher, Mikel ............ 378 Rason, Edward ......... .. 87 Rasor, BG. :sssccasweveicas 331 Rasor, Edward....280, 306, 330, 367 Rasor, Edward Frederick.. 189 Inpex. 581 PAGE, PAGE. Rasor, Elizabeth....... 306, 367 | Ray, John. .160 (2), 198 (2), 225 Rasor, FRANCES ........... 306 | Ray, Patience ............. 354 Rasor, Frances .......... - 189 | Ray, Wm. .............006- 394 Rasor, Francis ............ 293 | Rayfield, Anm ............. 307 Rasor, Fred. .............. 119 | Rayfield, James .......... +. 807 Rasor, Mart Fred. ......... 163 | Rayfield, John ............. 307 Rasor, Martin Frederick, RAYFIELD, WILLIAM ........ 807 292, 386 | Rayfield, William (son of Rasor, Sophia ............ 330 William): eo cscc cs snes cacnaces 807 Ratcliff, Bliz. ............. 416 | Rayford, Anne ............. 307 Ratcliff, Richd. ........... 416 | Rayford, Drusilla .......... 807 Ratclyfe, Elizabeth ........ 415 | Rayford, Grace ............ 307 Ratclyfe, Richd. ........... 415 | Rayford, Mary ............ 307 Ratleff, Dammeres ......... 376 | RayFrorp, MATTHEW ........ 307 Ratleff, Joseph ............ 876 | Rayford, Matthew (son of Ratleff, "Mary ............. 376 Matthew) ............28. 307 Ratleff, Sarah ............ 876 | Rayford, Mourning (wife of Ratuir, DAMARIS .......... 306 Matthew) ............... 307 Ratlif, Joseph. .196, 251, 255, Rayford, Mourning (daugh- 259 (2), 306 ter of Matthew) ......... 307 Ratlif, Richd. .............. 809 | Rayford, Philip ........... 307 Ratlif, Sarah .............. 806 | Rayford, Rebeckah ........ 307 Ratliff, Cornelius .......... 306 | Rayford, Robert ........... 307 Ratliff, Damaris ........... 806 | Rayford, William .......... 307 Ratliff, Elizabeth .......... 306 | Raymond, Elizabeth ........ 307 Ratliff, Huldah ........... 306 | Raymonp, THomas ......... 307 Ratliff, Isaac .............. 80 | Raymond, Thomas ......... 813 Ratliff, Joseph...... 122, 160, Rayner, Daniel ............ 413 251, 252, 306 | Rayner, Samuel ........... 413 Ratliff, Mary ............4 306 | Read, Ann .............. 72, 307 RaTLIPF, RICHARD .......... 306 | Read, Frances ............. 307 Ratliff, Richard... .204, oe g7¢ | Read, Geo.....15, 26, 40, 67, 104, 66, 37 92, £ Rattlesnake Branch, land on, 174 m4 PO, TOBA Soke Ses, SE, Ratlif, eo ea PA SiG ae Bete rs Ba READ, GEORGE ....,...00000- 307 Raitlif, SABC wos steer es wads Read, George. . ‘72, 183, 249, 300, Rattlif, Isbell ............. 306 322 (3), 341, ‘343, 359, 362, 396, RarTurr, SAMUEL .......... 306 418 (3), : (3), 420, 426. Rattliff, Mary ............. 122 Read, Joh 7 Rattliff, Richard .......... BGG). | ees PORT ices soeeve ess Rattliff, Thomas ......e000- 122 Read, RODGRC aisieisse < Meitecis 307, 418 Rawley, John ............-- 174 Read, SOT AT i aiies tase veateraieies 307 Rawtines, BENJAMIN ...... 306 | Reading, Ann ............. 808 Rawlings, Hannah ......... 307 | Reapine, CHURCHILL ....... 307 Rawiines, JOHN .......... 307 | Reading, Churchill...... 296, 308 Rawlings, Joseph .......... 127 | Reading, John.......... 308, 309 Rawlings, Lucy ............ 307 | Reading, Jonathan ......... 308 Rawlings, Susannah ....... 807 | ReapiInG, JOSEPH .......... 308 Rawlings, Wm. ............ 307 | Reading, Joseph (son of Rawlins, Ben. ..........045 337 JOSEDD). | wysiisidio.s rset eck his . 808 Rawlins, James ...........- 891 | Reaprine, LIONEL ........... 808 Rawlinson, Elizabeth ...... 335 | Reading, Martha ........... 307 Rawlinson, William ........ 835 | Reading, Mary.......... 308 (2) Ray, AnM ............. eee 399 | Reading, Miriam ........... 308 Ray, Chrissmass ........... 101 | Reading, Nathaniel ......... 308 Ray, Hlisabeth ............ 117 | Reading, Samuel ........... 308 582 PAGE Reading, Sarah (wife of Joseph) ......- cece reeee 308 Reading, Sarah (daughter of Joseph) ..... ied FO eee 308 Reading, Sarah......... 369, 370 READING, THOMAS ........4- 308 Reading, Thomas .......... 308 Reading, Timothy .......... 328 Reads Neck .............-% 334 Reason, Matthew .......... 113 Reavis, EDWARD ..........- 308 Reavis, Francis ...........-. 368 Reavis, Jesse ...........065 308 Reavis, Jude ............55 308 Reavis, Mary ..........0005 308 Reavis, Sarah ............- 308 RECKSAKER, DANIEL ....... 308 Reckxaker, Daniel ......... 283 Recton, Ruth .............. 55 Red Banks plantation...... 66 Red House plantation...... 66 Redbud, survey on.......... V7 Reddick, John ............4- 216 Reddick, Margaret ......... 216 Reddick, Robert ........... 353 Reddick, Thomas .......... 169 Reddick, William .......... 353 Redding, Amey ............. 309 Redding, Ann V wite of Wil- Viam!): sscans asses scree. os 3809 Redding, Ann (daughter of WALA) ee ecseas 3.4 cient 8% 309 Redding, Ann ............. 370 REDDING, JOHN .........-.- 808 Redding, Jonathan ......... 302 Redding, Joseph ........... 309 Redding, Mary ...........+ 309 ReEDpING, WILLIAM ........- 809 PeOMAtE, AMM. ccn04 venewd Oe% 308 Redditt, Isaac ............. 308 Redditt, Joel ...........008 308 Redditt, John........... 308 (2) Redditt, Joseph ........... 308 Redditt, Margaret ......... 308 Redditt, Martha ........... 308 Redditt, Mary ............. 308 Redditt, Susannah ......... 308 REDDITT, WILLIAM .......46 308 Redditt, William (son of William) .......- see veee 308 Redford, Robt. ............ 54 Reding, Charity ........... 309 Reding, James.......... 809 (2) Reding, Joseph...... 283, 809 (2) Reding, Jonathan .......... 422 REDING, JOSEPH ........+.- 309 PAGE, Reding, Joseph ............ 894 Reding, Mary ............. 309 Reding, Rachel ............ 309 Reding, Samuel ........... 96 Reding, Sarah ............. 283 Reep, ANDREW ............ 309 Reed, Christian...... 78, 841 (2) Reed, Elizabeth........... 7, 400 Reed, Hannah ............. 169 Reed, James....53, 169, 381, 346 Reed, John.............. 77, 218 REED, JOSEPH ...........05 809 Reed, Joseph........... 824, 400 Reed, Margtt. ...........4. 17 Reed, Martha ............. 218 Reed, William. .51, 193,°196, 309, 394 Reed, Wm.....118, 158, 167, 288, 400 RECO). Wie. osetia onal sacs. ae 277 Reef, Sarah ............... 107 Reedy Braneh so icecsccais's es cee 417 Reedy Branch land......... 408 Reedy Branch and Ferry CaUSeY ossietseeadie ce eas 416 Reedy Run, land on........ 382 Reell, Elizabeth ........... 309 Reell, James ............5. 309 Reell, Joshua .............. 309 Reell, Mary (wife of Peter). 309 Reell, Mary (daughter of Peter ) REEL, PETER ............4- 809 Reell, Peter (son of Peter). 309 Rees, Mary .............008 65 Rees, Owen ..........e0008 65 Rees, Thomas ............. 392 Reese, AnD .........0.0000e 309 Reese, Betty .............. 309 Reese, Daniel .............. 1383 Reese, John ............006 309 Reese, Mary (wife of Owen) 309 Reese, Mary (daughter of OWED) isiaeivsewess Seis 309 REESE, OWEN ....... eee eee 309 Reese, Owen (son of Owen). 309 Reese, Sarah .............. 309 Reffer, Thomas ............ 189 Regan, Ann .............4- 309 REGAN, DANIEL ............ 309 Regan, Daniel (son of Daniel’) icsa'sicsvstacsek nave anes 309 Regan, Mary .............. 309 Regan, Priscilla ........... 309 Regan, Sarah .............. 309 Regan, Thomas.......... 809 (2) InDEx. 583 PAGE. PAGE. Reggons, Daniell ........... 310 | Rew, Solomon........... 810 (3) Reggons, Elizabeth ......... 310 | Rew, SoUTHEY ............. 310 Reggons, Hannah .......... 310 | Rew, Southy ....... 241, 310, 406 REGGONS, JOSEPH .......... 310 | Rew, Thomas........... 214, 310 Reggons, Joseph (son of REYNAUD, BENJAMIN ....... 311 JOSCPH) wasadescacasvs vies 310 | Reynaud, Moses ...........-. 811 Reggons, Martha .......... 310 | Reynolds, John ............ 43 Reggons, Mary ............. 310 | Reynolds, Joyce ........... 171 Reggons, Olive ............. 310 | Reynolds, Wm. ............ 171 Reggons, Thomas .......... 810 | Rheam, Jeremiah........ 43 (2) Reigs, Abraham ........... 10 | Rhoads, Elizabeth ......... 311 Reigs, John ..............% 10 | Rhoads, James ............ 213 Relf, Cornelius ............ 310 | Rhoads, John........... 311 (2) RELF, JOHN .........eeeeee 310 | RHoaps, WILLIAM ......... 311 Relf, John (son of John)... 310 | Rhoads, William (son of Relf, JOD ss cause veisle's aoare 185 William) .............. 311 (2) Retr, MARY iss eciscavsvass 310 | Rhoads, William .......... 367 Relf, Mary ...............5 810 | Rhodes, Barbrey .......... 311 Relf, Thomas........... 224, 310 | Rhodes, Beeaman ......... 311 Relf, William ............. 810 | Rhodes, Daniel ........... 308 Relfe, Dorothy ............ 310 | Rhodes, Dorothy .......... 311 Relfe, Mary ............... 310 | Rhodes, Blisabeth ......... 311 Relfe, Richard ............ 348 | Rhodes, Elizabeth (wife of Rewre, THOMAS ............ 310 William) sews wcaed sass 311 Relfe, Thomas ............. 310 | Rhodes, Elizabeth (daughter Relfe, William ............ 311 of William) ............ 311 Relfe, Wm...........4.. 348 (2) | Rhodes, Elizabeth ......... 311 Rembough, John .......... 83 | Ruopes, HENRY ........... 311 Remm, John Peter......... 261 | RHopES, HENRY ........... 311 Remm, Melchor......... 127, 180 | Rhodes, Henry (son of Renneroy Marshes, land in.. 153 IONE Y) a terete eect aoe eae 311 (2) Renfrow, Enuch ........... 310 | Rhodes, Henry ............ 141 Renfrow, George .......... 310 | Rhodes, Jacob.............. 311 Renfrow, Jacob ...........- 810 | Rhodes, James ............ 311 Renfrow, James ........... 310 | Rhodes, John ............. 152 RENFROW, JOHN ........005 310 | Rhodes, Jno. ............... 152 Renfrow, Tomeson ......... 310 | Rhodes, Mary...... 295, 311 (2) Renfrow, William ......... 310 | Rhodes, Rachel ........... 311 Renick, Mary .........---.- 218 | Ruopes, Ricnarp .......... 311 Renocooset plantation ...... 138 | Rhodes, Sarah.......... 311 (2) Rhodes, Thomas........ 311 (3) TRESEG;, QOD oo isc ccarsiers eases 65 R W 311 Respess, Thomas ........... 274 Shades William ( tite f ees Respess, Thomas, Jr......... 274 William) Rama W800: 0 541 Reston, ADD ..........5006- 310 Rhodes William oo ag Ope cee 311 Reston, THOMAS .........- 310 pee ea leanyy Wasi en er eo , Rhoudes, James ............ 117 Retton, Ruth ............6% 55 Ribinson, Joseph .......... 198 Rew, Beverly ........+-+++- 310 | Rice, Ann ......e...e. cece 312 Rew, Euphama ............ 310 | Rice, Benja. ........0..08. 96 Rew; Mark vsccsssiacaviwasee 337 Rice, Banjamin (son of Rew, Mary (wife of Southy) 310 Benjamin) ..............5 811 Rew, Mary (daughter of Rice, BENJAMIN .......... 311 Southy) .s6%.cscssscoacs 810 | Rice, Betty .............4- 312 Rew, Rachel .............. S57 | Rice, Cel¥: vik ci wwii wens 312 Rew, Sol....15, 25, 43, 48, 63, Rice, Clanerly .............. 311 105, 126, 149, 164, 240, 304, 310 | Rice, Daniel .............. 311 584 Inpex. PAGE. PAGE, Rick, EDWARD ............ . 312 | Richardson, James ......... 313 Rice, Edward........... 247, 312 | RicHaRDSON, JOHN ........ 313 Rice, Ephrim ............... 811 | RicHAaRDSON, JOHN ......... 313 Rice, Even ........-.-000. 811 | Richardson, Jobn....65, 3138, 378 Rice, Gideon .............. 811 | Richardson, Joseph ........ 313 Rice, Hezekiah ............ 311 | Richardson, Lebbeos ........ 313 Rice, James .............-. 811 | Richardson, Mary ....... 313 (2) Rice, John..... 120, 125, 149, Richardson, Nathan ....... 295 208, 267, 312 (3) | Richardson, Nathl. ........ 2 Rice, Jno....... 41, 151, 168, 301 | Richardson, Richard ...... . 813 Rick, LUCY 2s sewsis eae s ou 812 | RicHARDSON, STEPHEN ..... 313 Rick, MARY - 22.062 caniaceas 312 | Richardson, Stephen (son of Rice, Mary...... 96, 311, 312 (2) Stephen) ................ 313 Ricr, MorGIn ............. 812 | Richardson, William ....... 111 Ricr, NATHANIEL .......... 312 | Richey, Thomas ........... 227 Rice, Nathaniel....5, 12, 148, 8372 | Richland .................. 49 Rice, Nath.............. 239, 348 | Richland plantation ........ 49 Rice, Nathl. ............65. 872 | Richland, plantation at..... 366 Rice, Rice ...........000ee 32 | Rickets, Charles ........... 2382 Rice, Mary ..........e000. 312 | Rickets, John ..... dh dapat 232 Rice, Sarah...... 63, 91, 164, 312 | Rickets, William .......... 232 Rice (Secretary) .......... 94 | Ricketts, Charles .......... 273 Rice, Simon ............... 122 | Ricketts, Charles, children of 273 Rice, William ............. 258 | Rickitson, Abigail ......... 314 Rice, Willoughby .......... 881 | Rickitson, Bathshaba ....... 314 Rice, Zebulon ............. 311 | Rickitson, Benjamin ....... 314 Rich Hills, land near....... 358 | RicKITSON, GORDIUS ........ 314 Rich Levills ............... 882 | Rickitson, Gordius ......... 314 Rich Neck, land on head of. 48 | Rickitson, Jesse ........... 314 Rich Neck plantation....... 111 | Ricks, Abraham........ 314 (2) Rich Theck’tt in Virginia, Ricks, BENJAMIN ......... 314 land, ats 4 sicai's os sense ads 197 | Rioxs, Isaac .............. 314 FRIGD Ss. Waits, sscste-e-ocas conse S058 save 55 | Ricks, Isaac..... 5, 237, 261, 314 Richard, Andre ............ 249 | Ricks, James .............. 314 Richards, Ezekiel .......... 882 | Ricks, Jane ............... 314 Richards, George .......... 401 | Ricks, John............ 814, 363 Richards, Jesse ..........4. 313 | Ricks, Martha ............ 314 RICHARDS, JOHN ........... 312 | Ricks, Mary .............. 3879 Richards, John...... 43, 313, 413 | Ricks, Patience ........... 314 Richards, Jno. ............. 140 | Ricks, ,Robert........... 314 (2) RicHarps, MARY .......... . 812 | Ricks, Robert, Jr........... 314 Richards, Mary.......... 68, 312 | Ricks, Sarah............ 314 (2) Richards, Rebecca ......... 313 | RicumMonp, Henry ........ 314 RICHARDS, RICHARD ........ 313 | Riddick, Abraham ......... 301 Richards, Richard....... 313, 314 | Riddick, Hannah....... 177, 314 Richards, Thomas ........ - 107 | Riddick, Isaac ............ 314 Richards, Thos. .......... . 299 | Riddick, Job .............. 314 Richards, William........ 68 (2) | Riwprck, Josepn .......... 314 Richardson, Ann........ 194, 313 | Riddick, Joseph (son of Richardson, Anne ......... 829 JOSEP)! sev Benes cee esses 314 Richardson, Benjamin ..... 194 | Riddick, Joseph......... 178, 270 RICHARDSON, DANIEL ....... 318 | Riddick, Kadak ........... 314 Richardson, Daniel..72 (2), Riddick, Mary ............ 314 109, 857 | Riddick, Robert ........... 314 Richardson, Blizabeth ..... 313 | Riddick, Rosanna ......... 366 RICHARDSON, GEORGE ....... 313 Riddick, Samuel .......... 234 InDEX. 585 PAGE. PAGE. Riders Creek, land on...... 367 | Riussett, John (son of Ridge, Anne ..........2685 314 SOND). svpkwess asses sas 315 Ridge, Elizabeth ........... 314 | Riussett, John ............. 316 Ridge, Godfrey ............ 314 | RrusseTt, PETER ........... 316 Ridge, Mary .............. 314 | River Island, land in...... « 27 Riper, THOMAS ............ 314 | Rivet, George ............- 50 Ridge, William ............ 314 | Roads, Elisabeth .......... 358 Ridges, land up the........ 216 | Roades, Richard ........... 333 Riding, Dorothy .......... . 323 | Roades, Thomas ........... 858 Riding, Elizabeth .......... 323 | Roads, William......... 246, 310 Riding, John .............. 143 | Roanoak, land at........... 363 Riding, Jonathan .......... 88 | Roanoak River, land on..... 164 Riding, Martha ........... 323 | Roanoke River, islands in... 187 Riding, Mary ............ . 214 | Roanoke River, land on. 192, 197 Riding, Thomas ........... 143 | Roanoke, land up.......... 63 Rieusett, John............ 34, 282 | Roanoque River and Uraha Rigbe, Elizbeth ............ 242 |* Swamp, land between..... 110 Rigby, John ............... 315 | Robb, Thomas ............. 390 ' Rigby, Margery ........... 315 | Robens, John .............. 237 Rigby, Margrett .......... . 420 | Roberson, John ............ 194 Rigby, Richd. ............. 420 | Roberson, Thomas ......... 234 RigBy, WILLIAM ........... 314 | Roperts, ANDREW .......... 316 Rigg, James .............. 402 | Roberts, Andrew (son of Riggins, Wlizabeth ......... 129 ANGPeW)> esceis seeyee's eae 316 Riggsby, William .......... 149 | Roberts, Ann .............. 316 Right, John .............. . 82 | Roberts, Benjamin ......... 419 Right (Wright), John...... 879 | Roberts, Charles........ 145, 422 Riging, Daniel ............. 144 | Roberts, Cynthia .......... 316 Rigne, Thomas ............ 391 | Roberts, HBlizabeth...... 316 (8) RigNEY, BENJAMIN ........ 315 | Roberts, Hannah .......... 396 Rigney, Benjamin....... 324, 342 | Roberts, Henry .......... . 371 Rigney, Elisabeth .......... 315 | Roberts, Houston .......... 173 Rigney, Febe .............. 815 | Roberts, Isable ............ 316 Rigney, Hannah ........... 315 | Roprerts, JAMES ........... 316 Rigney, James........... 50, 815 | Roperrs, JAMES ............ 316 RIeNEY, JOHN .......-.4.45 815 | Roberts, James (son of Rigney, Mary ............. 815 JAMES). Vesiliee Paay Sans 2 316 Rincey, Mary ............-. 811 | Roberts, James (son of : Riordame, Angelica ........ 315 JAMES) success vsyewess 816 RioRDAME, DENIS .......... 315 | Roberts, James ........... 9, 427 Riordame, Sarah .......... 815 | Roberts, James ............ 272 Risenouer, Elizabeth ....... 815 | Roberts, John. .142, 238, 316, Risenouer, John ............ 315 338, 414 RISENOUER, MATTHEW ...... 315 | RoBerts, JOSEPH ........... 316 Risenouer, Jacob .......... 815 | Roberts, J. .......---.e eae 381 Risnover, Mathew .......... 204 | Roberts, Margaret....... 238, 316 Rissonover, Mathias ...... . 247 | Roberts, Richard........ 187, 316 Rit, Comfort .............. 126 | Roberts, Sabonah .......... 316 Rit, Jeremiah ............ . 126 | Roberts, Sally ............. 316 Rit, Samuel ............64- 126 | Roberts, Samuel ........... 316 Rirega, JACOB .........006% 815 | Roberts, Sarah.. ‘5, 176, 204, 427 Ritega, Margaret .......... 315 | Roberts, Thos. ............. 86 Ritega, Miriam ............ 815 | Roberts, William... .205, 316, 333 Ritega, Phillis ............- 315 | Roberts, Wm. ............. 352 Riussett, David ............ 815 | Robertson, Deborah ........ 316 RIUSETT, JOHN ........ or 815 | Robertson, Elizabeth ....... 101 586 InpEx. PAGE, PAGE, Robertson, George ......... 340 | Robinson, John.......... 74, 207, Ropertson, HENRY ......... 316 na 254, 263 (2), 276, 317 (2), Robertson, Henry (son of 423. HODry): acicardarcicons o6 316 | Ropinson, JoSEPH ......... 317 Robertson, Higdon eS aKesuairass 316 | Robinson, Joseph ad 4syens 17, 40, 55, ROBERTSON, JAMES ......... 316 181, 199, 256, 259, 268, 264, 267 Robertson, James .......... 52 (2), 274, 294, 3817 (2), 401, 403 Robertson, Jobn........ 135, 419 Robinson, JOS! iseainpiee aa hes 255 Robertson, Joseph ......... 370 | Robinson, Mary....252, 258, 317 Robertson, Lewis .......... oe oe Zoe antades eivaen cee Robertson, Malachi ........ obinson, Samuel ......... Robertson, Mordecai ...... . a eee (wife of ~ Robertson, Peter ........... ICE gk pain a Cake oa Robertson, Salley .......... 316 | Robinson, Sarah (daughter Robertson, Sarah .......... 316 of Charles): sae'sesone sacs 317 Robertson, William. ae ae oe Robinson, Sarah... .253, ae a) ( , Robertson, Wm...... 72, Rosinson, THOMAS ........ 317 230, 278, 333 | RoBINSON, THOMAS ........ 317 Robeson, Ann........... 207, 241 | Robinson, Thomas....... 317 (2) Robeson, John...... 241 (2), a Robinson, THOSS: 30 es causes a 369 Robeson, Jno. ..........068 394 | Robinson, Townsend ....... 317 Robeson, Mary ............ 22 | Robinson, William ......... 317 Robeson, Thomas........ 22, 284 | Robison, Casten ............ 24 Ropeson, THos. ........... 244 | Robison, Cotton ............ 24 Robeson, Thos... .34, 59, 65, 141,.| Robison, Capt. John........ 138 176, 189, 191, 218, 226 (2), 227, | Robison, John...83, 135, 277, 423 232, 235, 270. Robson, Haner ............ 197 Robetson, Abell ........... 146 | Robson, Solomon... .197, 198, 286 Robins, Edward ........... 117 | Robson, Wm. .............. 198 Robins, Elenor.......... 317 (2) | Roche, Mary .............. 78 Robins, Frances ........... 816 | Roche, P. ................. 228 RoBINS, JAMES .........05. 316 cues eee sees Hes ‘ a Robins, James ............ 385 ockahock Creek, land on... Robins, John .............5 317 | Rockahock Creek, plantation Ropins, JOSEPH ........... 317 Aca. Neck a e Ce (eon ek 317 | Rockey Point, land opposite | Se ait omar |e ote oe LO! 6 desiiaiee 3 Shes ioseesere Ss ae 257 ea atl cae Vn ty 317. ce Rockey Point, plantation at. 257 opis, willie, aban ies . 317 Rockfish Creek, land near. 11 Robins, LAIMA sesehtiniae sans ee plantation at fork Robinson, Ann ............ 207 UE an ees hy ed oe 29 Robinson, Anne ........... 317 Rockquis Swamp, plantation RoBINsoN, CHARLES ........ 317 ON: vee sie ee aee secs ws se ee BOL Robinson, Charles........ 76, 317 | Rocksaker, Daniel ......... 284 Robinson, Cornelius ....... 317 | Rocky Point, land at........ 253 Robinson, Elizabeth ...... - 317 | Rocky Swamp, land on...... 398 Roginson, HUMPHREY ..... 317 | Rocquis, plantation in...... 323 Robinson, Humphrey ...... 176 | Rocquis, plantation on...... 358 Robinson, Humphry ....... 31, 87 | Rod, Duglis, ............... 394 Rogpinson, JAMES ...... .... 817 | Rodes, Daniel, Jr. ......... 381 Robinson, James .......... 122 | Rodes, Henry .............. 421 Robinson, Jane ............ 317 | Rodes, Mary .............. 381 Robinson, Jemime .......... 252 | Rodes, William ............ 329 Ropinson, JOHN .......... 317 | Rodgers, Frances .......... 143 LNDEX. 587 PAGE. Rodgers, Jacob ............ 322 Rodgers, John.......... 148, 318 RopGERS, JOSEPH ........... 318 Rodgers, Mary.......... 818 (2) Rodgers, Thomas........ 143 (2) Rods, Daniel .............. 881 Roe, Benjamin ............ 318 Roe; Betty’ eves sue scales egis 318 Roe, Coleman....... 837, 418, 414 Roe, Deborah .............. 3818 ROC: DOM Ye soto isecsicane: a5 es scence 9 aus 318 Roe, Dorothy .............. 318 Roe, Ebenezer ............. 318 Roe, Edmond .............. 318 Ror, EDWARD ........-00005 318 Roe, Edward .............. 427 Rog, JAMES ......... eee caee 318 Roe, Jean ...... cece ee ee ees 427 ROE, SOHN: epicengsiecscseasien deities 427 Roe, Jobn ...........2-0 00s 301 Roe, John HEdward......... 427 Roe, John Vallentine....... 100 Roe, Kikley ................ 318 Rog, LUKE eee eeee 318 Roe, Rachel ............... 427 Rog, RoBERT .............-.- 318 Roe, Samuel ............... 427 Roe, Sarah ...........02-0- 318 Roe, Susannah........... 427 (2) Roe, Thomas............ 318 (2) Roe, Valentine ............. 318 Roes Bay, land on.......... 241 Roes, land up............6. 241 Rogers, Aaron............6. 318 Rogers, Briget ............. 314 Rogers, Deborah ........... 318 Rogers, Drury.............+ 318 Rogers, Elizabeth .......... 318 RoGERS, HMANUEL .......... 318 Rogers, Faith ..........4. «- 318 Rogers, Frances ............ 319 Rogers, Francis ............ 158 Rogers, Isom..........+2+0- 318 Rogers, Jacob ..........0005 44 Rogers, Jane ...........+6. 423 ROGERS, JOHN ......-5.0055 318 Rogers, John (son of John), 318 Rogers, John... .301, 318 (2), ce Rogers, Jordan same deve mabe les Rogers, JOSEPH ..........6. ap Rogers, Joseph (son of JOSCPD)> wisecs stenoses va 318 Rogers, Joseph .......... 43, 318 Rogers, Mary (wife of Thomas) .......e.eeeeeee 319 : PAGE. Rogers, Mary (daughter of THOMAS) ss cascecccsweses 319 Rogers, Mary....57, 314, 318, 319 Rogers, Michael ............ 318 Rogers, Peleg ..........+5-: 106 Rogers, Reuben ............ 318 Rogers, Reuben ...... Dace Dogs 199 Rogers, RICHARD ........... 319 Rogers, Richard ........... 299 RoGerRS, ROBERT ............ 319 Rogers, Robert (son of RODCLE): 6 ee seein cad mua e aceee 319 Rogers, Robert. .208, 319 (2), 389 Rogers, Sarah ............. 819 Rogers, THOMAS ........... 319 Rocers, THOMAS ........... 319 Rogers, Thomas (son of Thomas) ............. 819 (2) Rogers, Thomas ............ 421 Rogers, Thos...............- 158 RoGers, WILLIAM ........... 319 Rogers, Williams........... 319 Rogers, Wustrum .......... 398 Rogerson, Casiah .......... 204 Rogerson, Daniel...204, 216 (38) Rogerson, Danll. ......... ee 205 Rogerson, Hanna .......... 216 Rogerson, Josiah....169, 204, 216 Rogerson, Margret ......... 204 Rogeson, Daniel ........... 178 Rognes Swamp, land on..... 78 Rokquis Creek, planta- PONS: OME isis cdics, ace eracecs'ss¥ Sunsale 143 Rolf, Jn0...........0.00- 167, 193 Rolfe, Ann ................ 40 Rolfe, Blizabeth......... 193, 319 Rolfe, John ............... 193 Rolfe, Dr. Roger........... 336 Rolfe, Roger..... 40 (2), 46, 123 Rou¥e, THOMAS ............ 319 Rolfe, Tho...... 100, 201 (2), 244, 288, 372 Rolfe, Thos.............. 185, 189 Fiolfe, Wits «a nues v< nein oa 41, 185 Rolfe; Wes saz ei seas es sees 161 Rollins, Comft............... 238 Rollison, William .......... 118 Rolton, Dorothy ........... 1538 Rombough, Frank .......... 331 Roneoake River, land on.... 57 Ronoak Town, lots in....... 326 Ronoke River, land on...... 234 Rood, Dugless ............. 381 Rooke, Mary ........--e0005 117 Rooke, Richard ........ 117, 188 INDEX, 588 PAGE, Rooks, Joseph .............. 151 Rooks, Mary ..............-. 91 Roos, William ............. 191 Roose, WILLIAM ........... 319 Root, John ............-04- 95 Roots, Hannah.......... 244 (2) Boots, Marys .sw cen sea nea nee 244 Roots, Roger ............05 244 Roots, Sarah .............5 244 Roousall (Russell), Mary... 390 Roper, John ............+8- 176 Roper, WILLIAM ........... 319 Roper, William ............ 123 Rose, Cornelius ............ 828 Rose, Elizabeth ............ 897 Rose,. JOBD) ss i sicin's gy: seo eae. 180 Rose, Richd............-2065 292 Rose, Sarah ..........0.00. 75 Rosefield plantation ........ 292 Roses plantation ........... 150 Rosewell, Benjamin ........ 103 Roshall, Peter ............. 172 Rosier, NATHL. .......+.005 319 ROSS; MED s acte soa eie teas Ae SS 253 Ross, Abel. .193, 256, 354, 381, 418 Ross, Andrew... .60, 199, 210, 281 Ross, Andrew, Jr........... 281 Ross, David ............. 61, 248 Ross, JamesS.............5 11, 83 Ross, John .........-...06 277 ROSS, (MABRY? asec ped asinine ss 277 Ross, Tamar ........e0ee05 256 Ross, William ............. 222 ROSS, WMs oe ec siee ss sarees s 253 Rosy, Elizabeth ........... 125 Roundabout land........ 408, 411 Roulings, Elizabeth ........ 180 Rountree, Ann.......... 821 (2) Rountree, Charles....... 821 (2) Rountree, Chas. ........... 33 Rountree, Elizabeth..... 821 (2) ROUNTREE, FRANCIS ........ 821 Rountree, Francis (son of Francis) jase ess xtacas «ors 321 RounTrREE, HANNAH ....... 321 Rountree, Hanah .......... 321 ROUNTREE, JESSE .....-...4. 321 Rountree, Jesse (son of JOSSE)\- i ceceehanensee as 3821 Rountree, Jethro .......... TT Rountree, John......... 821 (2) Rountree, Judith .......... 392 Rountree, Kadar .......... 321 Rountree, Ledy......... 821 (2) Rountree, Mary......... 821 (2) PAGE. Rountree, Moab ........... fa ROUNTREE, MOSES .......... Rountree, Moses....118, 321 (ay Rountree, Sary ............ 321 RouNTREE, THOMAS ........ 821 Rountree, Thomas (son of Thomas) ............. 321 (2) Rountree, Thomas (grand- son of Thomas)......... 321 Rountree, Thomas....... 33, 169 Rountree, Thos....... 33, 166, 2 Rountree, Thos., Sr......... Rountree, William. .314, 321 @) Rourk, Dorothy Rourk, EDMOND Rourk, Samuel Rousham, John.......... Routen, John Routledge, Ao Routledge, Catherine Routledge, Nicholas.123, 334, 404 Routledge, Nichs .......... 81 Routledge N,......... 62, 76, 97, 149, 217, 256, 288, 290, 322, 339, 405. Routlidge, W. ............. 16 Row, Deborah ............. 320 Row, George............ 320 (2) Row, Mary .........00ec08 320 Row, Sarah ............... 320 Row, VALENTINE .......... 320 Row, Valentine (son of Val- eNTING), essed wacom 320 Rowan, , Capt........ 96 Rowan, Andrew ........... 320 Rowan, Ann .............. 320 Rowan, Atcheyson ......... °320 Rowan, Elizabeth (Mrs.)... 96 Rowan, Esther ............ 320 Rowan, John .............5 820 Rowan (Stubbs), John..... 320 Rowan, Margaret .......... 320 Rowan, Mathew ........... 320 Rowan, Matthew........ 34, 320 Rowan, Matt..12, 49, 92, 97, 142, 187, 226, 258, 312, 364, 406 Rowan, Robert tard estroere weeks 820 Rowan, Rose .............. 320 Rowan, William ........... 320 Rowden, Isaac ............ 11 Rowden, Sarah. .32, 180, 224, 291 Rowden, Will ............. 224 Rowe, Geo. ..........00c05 355 RowELL, ELIZABETH ........ 320 Rowell, Mary ............. 320 Rowell, Samuel ........... 320 Inpex 589 PAGE. PAGE, Rowntree, Christian..... 321, 322 | Rurner, Robert ..........- 213 Rowntree, Elizabeth ....... 321 | Rus, Elias .........---006- 152 ROWNTREE, FRANCIS ....... 821 | Rusbull, John ............. 278 Rowntree, Francis (son of Rusel, Jane ........0eeeeee 234 Prantis) eeicccces saw sess 321 | Rushing, Wm. ............. 281 Rowntree, Jesse ........... 321 | Rush Marsh and Goose Rowntree, Jobn ............ 321 Creek, land on........... 104 Rowntree, Judith .......... 322 | Russ, John ............0-85 199 Rowntree, Mary ........... 322 | Russ, Mary ...........0086 148 Rowntree, Moses ........... 321 | Russ, Thomas ............. 148 Rowntree, Moss ........... 355 | Russee, Michl. ............. 272 Rowntree, Rachel .......... 322 | Russell, Abigail ........... 322 Rowntree, Rebecca ........ 321 | Russell, Abraham ......... 322 Rowntree, Ruth .......... 822 | Russell, Ann .............. 822 Rowntree, Susannah ....... 821 | Russell, Ann Sophia........ 322 ROWNTREE, THOMAS ........ 322 | Russell, Barnabas ......... 271 Rowntree, Thomas. .127, 128, Russell, Benja. ........... 19 312, 355, 393 | Russell, Benjamin ......... 13 Rowntree, Thos. ........... 355 | Russell, David ............ 322 Rowntree, William ........ 321 | Russell, Elizabeth (daughter Rowsom, John ............. 42 of Thomas) ............. Rowsum, Blizabeth ........ 117 | Russell, Elizabeth....... 322 (2) Rowsum, William ......... 98 | RUSSELL, HABAKKUK ...... 322 Royal, Cornilus ............ 19 | Russell, James ............ 322 Royal, Elizabeth (grand- Russell, Jemima ........... 881 daughter of Ann Barns- RUSSELL, JOHN .........006 322 POLO). jacedis news s saree ieee 19 | Russell, John............ 11, 322 Royal, Elizabeth (daughter Russell, Luke ............. 381 of Ann Barnsfeld)....... 19 | Russell, Lydia ............ 13 Royal, Wm. ............--- 96 | Russell, Margaret ......... 270 Royall, Arthur ............ 891 | Russell, Mary ............. 322 Royall, John .............. 891 | Russell, Michael ........... 822 Rozier, David ...........-. 91 | Russell, Peter ............. 322 Rozier, Reuben ............ 91 | Russell, Rebeckah ......... 322 Ruckes, Demsey ........... 822 | Russell, Sarah ............ 322 Ruckes, Jacob ...........0% 822 | RUSSELL, THOMAS ......... 322 Ruckes, Jesse ...........45 822 | Rustull, John ............. 322 Ruckes, Joseph ............ 322 | Rustull, Mary ............. 322 Ruckes, Mary ..........--- 822 | Rustull (Russell), Richard. 322 Ruckes, Sarah ............ 322 | Rustull, Richard (father of Ruckes, Tamey ............ 822 Richard) .v.vincaeewces s 322 RuckEs, THOMAS .........- 822 | Rustull, Richd. ............ 307 Ruckes, Thomas ........... 322 | Ruth, Jacob .............. 825 Rue, Comfort ............. 126 | Rutherford, Frances ....... 105 Ruffin, Etheldred .......... 154 | Rutherford, Francis ....... 82 Ruffin, Robert ..../........ 154 | Rutherford, John.44, 82 (2), 105 Ruffin, Robt ........-.-.605 251 | Rutherford, Hon. John..... 112 Ruffin, Samuel ............ 174 | Rutherford, John, Jr....... 82 Rumney Marsh, plantation Rutherford, William Gordon 82 at sseess aie anGhels ee HORE 2 244 | Rutherford, James ........ 257 Rumsey, William .......... 417 | Rutland, Martha .......... 91 Runaroy, land at........... 410 | Rutland, William ......... 283 Runaroy Marshes, land on.. 72 | Rutter, Mehittobel ......... 12 Rundey, Samuel ........... 369 | Rutter, Mich. ............. 12 Rundey, Tamer ........... 869 | Rutter, Thomas ........... 825 Runnills, Christopher ...... 76 | RYALL, CHARLES ........... 322 590 InpEXx PAGE. PAGE, Ryall, Samuel.......... 822 (2) | Salter, Mary .............. 824 Ryall, Thomas ............ 822 | Salter, Richard ........... 3848 Ryall, William ............ 278 | Salter, Sarah........... 324 (2) Ryan, DAVID .............5 323 | Salter, Susannah .......... 24. Ryan, David .............. 823 | Salter, William.......... 51, 362 Ryan, George........... 823 (2) | Salyer, Ester ............. 299 Ryan, James............ 323 (4) | Salyer, Samuel ........... 184 Ryan, Martha ............. 828 | Saman Creek, plantation on. 306 Ryan, Mary. aise or ssiacr'sc cieaees 323 | Samin, Matthew .......... 49 Ryan, THOMAS ............ 823 | Saml. Tisons Branch, land on 357 Ryan, Thomas (son of Sammon, Elizabeth ........ 281 Mhomas) siiew-2e sce s ete 823 | Samon Creek, land on...... 292 Ryan, Thomas.......... 169, 281 | Samon, James ............ 281 Ryan, Thos. .............-- 80 | Sampson, Mr. ............. 258 Rypine, JONATHAN ........ 323 | Sampson, John ............ 99° Ryding, Joseph ........... 323 | Sams, Richd. ............. 859 Sand Banks, land on....... 412 Sadler, Charles ........... 423 | Sanderlin, Diana .......... 4 Sadler, Elizabeth .......... 823 | Sanderlin, Sarah .......... 18 Sadler, Margaret .......... 323 | SANDERS, ABRAHAM ........ 324 SADLER, RICHARD ........... 323 | Sanders, Abraham (son of Sadler, Richard ........... 3823 Abraham) .............. 324 SADLER, WILLIAM .......... 823 | Sanders, Abraham...41, 258, 289 Sadler, William (son of Sanders, Abram......... 28, 341 William) .............5. 323 | SANDERS, ANN ............. 324 Sadler, William ........... 68 | Sanders, Ann........... 170, 325 Sagg, Anderson..... 210, 225, 365 | SANDERS, BENJAMIN ....... 324 Saint, Daniel....... 152, 254 (3) | Sanders, Benjamin (son of St. Ely, Peter ............. 103 Benjamin) .............. 324 St. Paul’s Parish, legacy to POOF Of fies sake ead ss 83 Salem, land at............. 148 Salisbery, Elizabeth ....... 324 Salisbery, Frances ......... 324 SALISBERY, JAMES ......... 324 Salisbery, James (son of JAMES): i s-ise ate shea ahead 324 (2) Salisbery, John ........... 324 Salisbery, Joseph .......... 324 Salisbery, William ........ 324 Sall, Stephen ............. 84 Sallyer, Samuell .......... 326 Salmon Creek, land on...80, 214, 292, 298 (2), 327 Salmon Creek plantation... 9 Salmon Creek, plantation on 187 Saltar, William ........... 148 Salter, Ann ............... 350 Salter, Elizabeth ........... 324 SaLTerR, EDWARD ........... 324 Salter, Edward (son of “Hdward) .........ceeeee 324 Salter, Edward.88, 218, 274, 304, 807, 316, 350, 360, 422 Salter, Hannah Salter, John Sanders, Benjamin. . .23,' 51, 268, 324 (2), 338 Sanders, Betty ............ 324 Sanders, Christina Eliza- beth cj casks ceeeaacccuas 825 Sanders, David ........... 335 Sanders, Elizabeth...41, 324, 325 Sanders, Euridice ......... 154 Sanders, Feribe ........... 825 Sanders, Francis... .325, 353, 364 Sanders, Graham .......... 55 Sanders, Henry ........... 325 Sanders, Isaac ............ 325 Sanders, Jesse ............ 325 SanperRs, JOHN ........... 325 SANDERS, JOHN ........... 3825 Sanders, John (son of JOND)! egies salve ves Weee ss 325 Sanders, John. .154, 324 (4), 353, 364, 370 Sanders, Joseph......... 324 (3) Sanders, Jude ............. 324 Sanders, Judith........ 302, 303 Sanders, Lida ............. 824 Sanders, Lydia ............ 324 SANDERS, MARY ...........5 825 Sanders, Mary..... 154, 325 (2) InpEx. 591 PAGE. PAGE. Sanders, Mille ............ 325 | SANDERSON, RUTH ........- 327 Sanders, Morgan Smith..... 205 | Sanderson, Samuel ........ 326 Sanders, Prescilla .......... 302 | Sanderson, Sara ..........- 126 Sanders, Priscilla....... 302, 380 | Sanderson, Sarah ......... 66 Sanders, Rebeckah ........ 835 | Sanderson, Shadrach ...... 326 Sanders, Richard .......... 324 | Sanderson, Susannah ...... 326 Sanders, Robart ........... 262 | Sanderson, Thomas...... 826 (2) Sanders, Robert....287, 325 (3) | Sanderson, William ....... 326 Sanders, Rose ...........-. 154 | Sandy Banks, land on...... 826 Sanders, Ruth ............ 287 | Sandy Creek, plantation on. 88 Sanders, Sarah.......... 23, 154 | Sandy Hook plantation..... 285 Sanders, Thomas....... 154, 325 | Sandy Point, lands at...... 292 SANDERS, WILLIAM ......... 325 | Sandy Run plantation...... 65 Sanders, William (son of Sandy Run and Bear William) ............... 325 Swamp, land betwixt..... 81 Sanderson, Ann ........... 326 | Sandwell, Benjamin ....... 101 Sanderson, Bart ........... 325 | Sandwell, Mary ........... 101 Sanderson, Bartholemy ..... 325 | Sarsan, Laurance .......... 8 SANDERSON, BaZIL ........- 325 | Sagson, LAURENCE ......... 327 SANERSON, BENJAMIN ...... 326 | Sarson, Lawrence ......... 397 Sanderson, Benjamin (son Sarson, Lawrence ......... 293 of Benjamin) ........... 326 | Sarton, Laurence.......151, 189 Sanderson, Benjamin. ..183, Satchwell, John ........... 145 326 (2), 345, 377 | Satten, Deborah .......... 69 Sanderson, Caleb .........- 326 | Satten, Joseph ............ 69 Sanderson, Cesiah ......... 326 | Satterthwaite, William 815 Sanderson, Eliza ........... 17 | Saul, Stephen ............. 183 Sanderson, Elizabeth..... 50, 825 | Sauls, John ...........--++ 381 Sanderson, Isaac .......... 326 | Saunders, Mrs. ............ 371 Sanderson, James ......... 326 | Savage, Hill .............. 153 Sanderson, Jesse........ 826 (2) | Savage, William .......... 26 Sanderson, John .......... 326 | Saverges, ——— .......... 365 SANDERSON, JOSEPH ........ 326 | Savig, Mary ..........-..- 255 SANDERSON, JOSEPH ........ 326 | Sawell, Charles ........... 411 SANDERSON, JOSEPH ........ 326 | Sawkill, John ............. 110 Sanderson, Joseph...50, 183, Sawtell, Zechariah.......126 (2) 298, 326, 327 | Sawyer, Abigal ........... 328 Sanderson, Joseph (son of Sawyer, Alexander ........ 329 Joseph) .....ceeeeeeee 6 (4) Sawyer, ADD : eee. cesses 329 Sanderson, Joshua ........ 326 | Sawyer, Anne ............. 329 Sanderson, Julia .......... 326 | Sawyer, Benjamin. .193, 328 SANDERSON, JULIAN ......-+ 326 (2), 329 Sanderson, Julian ......... 326 | Sawyer, Betty.......... 327, 329 Sanderson, Lida ........... 326 | Sawyer, Bridget ........... 142 SanpeRSoN, RICHARD ...... 326 | Sawyer, Caen .........-.-- 328 Sanderson, Richard (son of Sawyer, Caleb. . ree 168, 244 Richard.......... 826, 327 (2) | Sawyer, Catherine ........ 355 Sanderson, Richard (nephew Sawyer, Cattren .......... 329 of Richard) ............. 327 | Sawyer, Charity .......... 329 Sanderson, Richard. .73, 304, SAWYER, CHARLES ........- 327 326 (2), 331, 381 | Sawyer, Charles (son of Sanderson, Richard, children Charles). ..26 soi cease ys oa58 3827 OE 554 sete e aes eae coe 330 | Sawyer, Charles (brother of Sanderson, Col. Richard of Willis) occ. ccc cence eeane 329 Little River ............. 327 | Sawyer, Charles (father of Sanderson, Richd. ......... 72 Willis) 2s ase oeeed eens 329 592 : InveEx. PAGE. / PAGE, Sawyer, Charles.75, 328 (4), on SAWYER, THOMAS ......-50. 329 Sawyer, Christian ......... Sawyer, THOMAS ....... ++. 829 Sawyer, Cornelius...... 327, oR Sawyer, Thomas (son of Sawyer, Daniell ........... 328 Thomas) sescaceacineces 329 Sawyer, DANIEL .......... 327 | Sawyer, Thomas... .828 (2), 355 Sawyer, Daniel..... 828 (ay, 408 | Sawyer, Thos. ............. 31 Sawyer, Denis ............ 328 | Sawyer, Tulle ............. 828 Sawyer, Dennis ........... 262 | Sawyer, William........ 828 (2) Sawyer, Dorothy ........... 327 | Sawyer, Willes ............ 3828 Sawyer, Waster ........... 142 | Sawyer, WILLIS ........... 329 Sawyer, Elisabeth....... 829 (2) | Sawyer, Willis.......... 827 (2) Sawyer, Ester ............. 328 | Sawyer, Zachariah ........ 328 Sawyer, Hzekiel ........... 327 | Sawyer’s Creek, land on and Sawyer, Frances ........... 328 DlOW he Skowl Ne aes 195 Sawyer, Grace ............ 328 | Sawyer’s Creek, land on.... 328 Sawyer, Hanor ............ 829 | Saxpahaw Old Fields, land Sawyer, HENRY ........... 328 NEAT cece cicguee ds enwie se ees 253 Sawyer, Henry ............ 193 | Sayes, Mathew.......... 250, 260 Sawyer, Isaac...... 327, 828, 386 | Sayrs, Mary ............... 28 Sawyer, Jane ............. 355 | Scanmr, ISAAC ............. ‘329 Sawyer, Jean ........... .. 828 | Scarborough, Benj. ......... 24 Sawyer, Jemima .......... 329 | Scarborough, Benjamin. .206, SAWYER, JEREMIAH ........ 328 330 (2) Sawyer, Jeremiah ......... 328 | Scarproucu, CHARLES ...... 330 Sawyer, Jesse.......... 327, 328 | Scarborough, Elizab ........ 196 SAWYER, JOHN ............ 3828 Scarbrough, Elizabeth (wife SawyeR, JOHN ............ 828 of Macrora) 330 Sawyer, John (son of John), —s | @pashennoh Wieaheth Scarbrough, Elizabeth 328 (2) (daughter of Macrora) 830 Sawyer, Jon. oe Ot GO» so | Scarborough, Elizabeth ..... 305 Sawyer, Colo. John......... 111 | Scarborough, George ........ 273 Sawyer, John Scarborough.. 328 | Scarbrough, Joice .......... 330 Sawyer, Joseph.........328, 329 | ScaARBRouGH, JOHN ......... 330 SAWYER, JOSHUA ........... 328 | Scarborough, John. ..88, 248, Sawyer, Joshua (son of 294, 330 (2), 416 JOSHUA) wo. cece eee eee ace 328 | Scarbrough, Lyda .......... 830 Sawyer, Joshua ........... 328 | Scarborough, Mac. ..34, 159, Sawyer, Judah ............ 142 196, 201 Sawyer, Mary. .328 (2), 329 (2) | Scarborough, Col. McArora.. 157 eae Ponce pe eeeeee 327, ee Scarborough, Mackeora..206 (2) Seely Beer Seine Bachata ‘ga | Scarborough, McKrona ..... 167 Ss aa Bg ces Seay SHER ERS Scarborough, Mackrora ..... 345 yer, Pettyath ......... 329 Sawyer, Reachell .......... 355 ScaRBorouGH, Macrora ..... 330 Sawyer, Rebeckah....... So 2). | Pear nnOuE i, Maeened, {son Sawyer, RoparT .......... 328 of Macrora) ............. 330 Sawyer, Robert..... 828 (3), Scarborough, McRora ...... 409 329 (2) | Scarborough, Mary ......... 415 Sawyer, Sarah.327, 328 (3), 329 | Scarbrough, Tamar ........ 330 Sawyer, Solomon ......... 329 | Scarbrough, William ....... 330 Sawyer, Solomon........ 328, 329 | Scarf, James .............. 117 Sawyer, Stephen .......... 828 | Scarf, John ................ 117 Sawyer, Susannah ......... 828 | Scarfe, Edward ............ 329 Sawyer, Tamer ........... 328 | Scarfe, Israel .............. 329 Sawyer, Taymer ..:....... 327 | Scarfe, James ..........329 (2) Invex. 593 PAGE. . PAGE. ScarFre, JOHN ............0. 829 | Scott, James ...... 832 (2), 354 Scarfe John (son of John).. 329 | Scott, James Tooke......... 379 Searfe, John .............. 329 | Scott, JOSEPH ............. 331 Scarfe, Jonathan ........... 329 | Scott, Joseph. ..245, 277, 332 @) Scarfe, Mary .............. 329 | Scott, Jos........cceee scenes Scittison, Ann ............. 23 | Scort, JOSHUA ...........-- aa Scittison, James ........... 23 | Scott, Joshua. ..135, 228, 331, 332 Scittison, Mary ........ wee. 23 | Scott, Martha............ 84, 331 Sciwocco, land below........ 340 | Scort, Mary ............... 331 Schaw, Neil .............005 241 | Scott, Mary.....331, 382 (2), Schaw, Robert ............. 105 3879, 385 Schonnewolf, Johann Barn- Scott, Mathew ............. 354 HaTtisscc svn drcsan ue suena 133 | Scott, MATTHEW ........... 332 Schwanner, Jane ........... 330 | Scorrt, RICHARD ............ 332 Schwanner, John ........... 330 | Scott, Richard .......... 175, 290 Schwanner, Mary .......... 330 | Scott, Samuel. .182, 141, 287, Schwanner, Mathias ........ 330 332 (2) ScwaNNeR, Matuias Topras. 330 | Scott, Sarah....331 (2), 332, 379 Schwanner, Samuel ........ 330 | Scott, Severn .............. 278 Schwanner, William ........ 330 | Scorr, STEPHEN ........... 332 Scoggan, William .......... 108 | Scort, STEPHEN, Sr.......... 332 Scollay, Hlise .............. 142 | Scott, Stephen (son of Scommay, ELIZABETH ........ 330 Stephen) ................ 332 Scollay, Jerman Robert..... 331 | Scott, Stephen (grandson of Scollay, John .............. 330 Stephen, Sr.)...........-- 332 Scollay, Sam......... 7, 101, 157 | Scott, Stephen. .129, 132, 135, ScoLLay, SAMUEL .......... 331 186, 201, 223 Scollay, Samuel ............ 237 | Scott, Thomas .......... 140, 379 Scot, Ann .............. 151 (2) | Scott, William. ..49, 287, 332 (2) Seot, Gilbert ........... 169, 204 | Scotts Hall plantation. . . 244 Scott, Andrew ............. 160 | Scoules, Joseph ............ 46 Scott, Andrew (son of Scrimsher, Sarah .......... 122 Andrew) ........-seeeeee 160 | Scuppernong River, land on, Scott, Bartholm............. 74 66, 156 Scott, Bartholomew ........ 318 | SeaGRAVE, ADAM ............ 332 Scott, Cason .........--.205 276 | Seals, John ................ 104 Scott, Edward...... 163, 332, 885 | Sears, Ann ...............4. 333 Scott, Bliphel ............-. 331 | Sears, Thomas ............. 333 Scott, Elisabeth ............ 185 | Sears, WILLIAM ...........- 333 Scott, Elizabeth (wife of Seavern, James, Jr.......... 259 Stephen) .......-.-.-.++- 332 | Seay, Isaac ............ 333 (2) Scott, Elizabeth (daughter SEAY, JAMES .............6. 333 of Stephen) ............. 332 | Seay, James ............-+. 333 Scott, Elizabeth ............ 379 | Seay, John ........-...eeees 333 Scott, George .............. 160 | Seay, Oney ...............-. 333 Scott, Gilbert ........... 216, 357 | Sechewraa, Mary .......... 96 Scott, Grace ........-....-5 331 | Sedley, Jer......-..:.. ee eee 378 Scott, Hannah ............. 331 | Segrave, Franc.............. 359 Scott, Henry ............4-. 882 | Segrave, Luseah ........... 359 Scott, Hugh ............ 160 (2) | Selby, Samuel ............. 190 Scott, Johannah ............ 879 | Selby, William ............. 190 Scott, JOHN ...........0005 331 | Sellars, James ............. 246 ScOTt, JOHN js:cas sa sie se stins 831 | Sellers, Auther ............ 89 Scott, John. .84 (2), 186, 223, Sellwood, Jno............... 224 245, 382 (2), 379 , 38 Selpshis Swamp, land on.... 594 Inpex. ‘ PAGE. PAGE. Sergut, Frederich .......... 865 | Shauwaukee, land at and Sessoms, Culmer ........... 354 TEAR aciic 6.05 esto ds aie wish oon 87 Sessums, Culmen .......... 425 | Swaver, JOHN ............. 334 Sessums, Cullineur ......... 39 | Shaw, Anguish ............. 235 Sessums, Mary ............- 425 | Shaw, Angus .............. 232 Setton, George ............. 833 | Shaw, Dusher ............. 234 Setton, Joseph ............. 333 | Shaw, John .............004. 407 SETTON, NATHANIEL ........ 333 | Shaw, Joseph, Jr............ 325 Setton, Pathanna .......... 833 | Shaw, Richard ............. 61 Setton, Rebecka ........... 333 | Shaw, Robert .............- 106 Setton, Thomas ......... 833 (2) | Shaw, William ............. 323 Seward, Mary ............. 6 | Shawdaily, Mary ........... 45 Seymour, Ralph ............ 885 | SHEARD, DAVID ............. 334 Shackelford, Ann (wife of Sheard, Elizabeth ..... wees B84 GOWN)» iverson cies stn rene emecis 333 | Sheard, Mary .............. 334 Shackelford, Ann (daughter Sheard, Robert ............. 422 Of JOB) sviceccwcaig ds ginss 333 | Sheard, Thomas ............ 334 Shackelford, Banks ........ 333 | Shearer, Arthur ............ 334 Shackelford, Elizabeth ..... 333 | Shearer, Elizabeth ......... 334 Shackelford, James (son of Shearer, John .............. 334 DOWD) 6. a iscasesd 3 Meavesasisidsemace 833 | Shearer, Prudence .......... 334 Shackelford, James ........ 892 | SHEARER, ROBERT ........... 334 SHACKELFORD, JOHN ........ 333 | Shearer, Robert (son of Shackelford, John .......... 333 RObELt) scsi ease vee wes 334 Shackelford, Mary ......... 833 | Shearer, Susannah ......... 334 SHACKLEFORD, JAMES ....... 833 | Shearer, William .......... 334 Shackleford, James (son of Shearlock, Francis ......... 217 James) ........ vahdsds esa ieweiayes 883 | Shearly, John .............. 332 Shackleford, Joseph ........ 333 | Shearwood, David .......... 115 Shackleford, Keziah ........ 333 | Shearwood, Jonathan ....... 23 Shackleford, Peleg ......... 333 | Shearwood, Mary .......... 99 Shaford (Shackleford), Shearwood, Sarah ......... 99 TAMOS: eiiecaw sie syeai eatin 95 | Sheep Neck Branch, land on, 370 Shallotte, land in fork of.... 338 | Sheering, Mathew .......... 242 Sharar, Robert ............. 204 | Sheets, Jacob ............+. 377 Sharbo, William ........... 1g, | Bheldin, MALY x vareas cs ries as Sharman, Lucy .......----- 74. Shell, George Mie GRRE a Sw 314 2 ’. Shelley, Daniel ............ 334 Sharman, Rob’t............. 74 : 2 SHELLEY, JOHN PHILLIP..... 384 Sharp, Charles ............. 147 2 a 2 Shelley, Judith ............. 334 Sharp, Elisabeth ........... 333 ” Dhil , Shelley, Philip ............. 334 Sharp, Elizabeth Plomer.... 291 | Shelton, Bural ..........++. 51 SHARP, JACOB ...+--+0++-0+- 333 | Shenewolf, Charles ........ 335 Sharp, Robert ............. 159 | Shepard, Absalom .......... 335 Sharp, Paul ............-.-- 330 | SuHEparD, DAVID ............ 334 Sharp, Sarah .............- 291 | Shepard, David..... 214, 307, Sharp, Starkey ............. 333 335, 418 (2) Sharpe, David ............. 70 | Shepard, David-Younger..... 418 Sharpes Neck land.......... 425 | Shepard, Hlijah.......... 334, 335 Sharples, Robert ........... 2 | Shepard, Elizabeth ......... 335 SHARWOOD, DAVID .......... 834 | Shepard, Frances ......... 405 Sharwood, David (son of Shepard, Gwinefold ........ 335 David). sisacscvsasesawess 334 | Shepard, Jacob ............- 307 Sharwood, Jane ............ 334 | Shepard, John ..... 214 (2), 335_ Sharwood, Jonathan ........ 334 | Shepard, Jacob ............. 335 Inpex. 595 PAGE. PAGE. Shepard, Jacob, heirs of..... 334 | Shilo, Dorithy ............. 57 Shepard, Richard .......... 214 | Suing, DANIEL ............ 835 Shepard, Ruth ............. 335 | Shine, Daniel........... 363, 364 Shepard, Samson ........... 335 | Shine, Danl.............. 316, 318 Shepard, Sarah ............ 183 | Shine, James ........... 3835 (2) Shepard, Solomon. ..214, 334, | Shine, John......... 282, 335, 363 335 (2) | Shine, Jno............. eee 232 Shepard, Stephen .......... 387 | Shine, Thomas ............. 335 SHEPARD, THOMAS .......... 335 | Shine, William ............. 335 Shepard, Thomas .......... 353 | Shines, Mrs................. 66 ‘Shepard, William .......... 214 | Shipherd, Cyprian .......... 189 Shepherd, David ........... 89 | Shippard, Henry ........... 9 Shepherd, John ............ 413 | Shippard, Martin .......... 9 Shepherd, Sarah ........... 244 | Shippen, Edward .......... 177 Sheppard, Ja................ 427 | Shipurd, David ............ 146 Sheppard, Jacob ........ 346, 427 | Shirley, Ann (wife of Sheslow, Daniel ....... yoo 261 DAMES) wcccreiive eewaliceains 336 Sherard, Charity ........... 335 | Shirley, Ann (daughter of SHERARD, JOHN ..........0.. 335 JAMES), 2. eweew sd vide se sees 336 Sherard, Joseph ............ 335 | Shirley, Desminiere ........ 336 Sherard, Thomas .......... 835 | Shirley, Ann ............... 40 Sherard, William........ 120, 335 | SHIRLEY, JAMES ............ 336 Sherer, Samuel ............ 317 | Shirley, Susannah .......... 336 Shergold, William..9 (2), 10, 28, | Shirord, Aaron ............ 336 30, 44, 45, 48, 85, 135, 275, 278, | Surrorp, ALEXANDER ........ 336 279, 298, 299 (3), 326, 338, 339, | Shirord, Alexander (son of 362, 390, 404. Alexander) ............-- 336 Shergold, Wm....48, 85, 179, Shirord, Catren ............ 336 888, 388, 427 | Shirord, John .............. 336 Sherlock, ————— .......+- 185 | Shirord, Martha ........... 336 Sherlock, Dennis ....... 217, 219 | Shirord, Mary ............. 336 Sherlock, Francis .......... 217 | Shockley Creek, plantation Sherlock, Mary .........+.+5 217 OM) etndeeres alee ale aon atas 230 Sherlow, Daniel ............ 176 | Shorly, Daniel ............. 85 Shernold, David ........... 286 | Shorn, Thomas ............ 364 Sherrard, James ......-.--- 242 | Short, John ............--- 827 Sherrard, Robert .........-. 335 | Shorter, Benjamin ......... 336 Shorter, Elizabeth .......... 336 Sherrard, Sussanah ........ 242 SHORTER, WILLIAM ......... 336 Sherro, Joshua ........-.-.- 378 Sherre. ‘wWilllati ‘| 378 SHROCK, PETER .........--.- 336 Sherrod Tat dancin csaus 69 SHUBBIDGE, WILLIAM .......- 336 Bree et ee Shuford, Sarah ............ 359 Sherrod, ODEO S naceininanes 8 Shurley, John ............. 86 Sherwin, Thomas .........- 304 Shute, Charity. .102 (4), 196, 336 Sherwood, Elizabeth ........ 335 SHUTE, GYLES .........0005 336 Sherwood, Mary ..........- 21 | Shute, Gyles....94, 102 (4), 212 Sherwood, Sarah ........... 335 | Shute, Joseph .......-....55 336 SHERWOOD, THOMAS ......... 3385 | Shute, Mary ............4.- 1 Sherwood, Thomas...... 196, 428 | Shute, Penelope ............ 336 Shetts, Cevel (wife of Shute, Philip ........... 236, 342 JACOD) 2 cscenss tomes eens 335 | Shute, Phillip ............ 1, 102 Shetts, Cevel (daughter of SHUTE, REBECCA ........--- 336 JACOD) si dancessiees seeees 335 | Shute, Rebecca (daughter of SHETTS, JACOB ..........--. 335 Rebecca) ......-eceeeenee 336 Shilfer, John Michel........ 375 | Shute, Samuel ............. 336 596 InvEx PAGE. PAGE. Sibbly, Wm. ............4. 191 | Simmons, Edom ........... 339 Sidbury, Comfort ......... 32 | Stmmons, EDWARD ......... 337 Sidbury, James ........... 31 | Simmons, Edward ......... 338 Sidbury, Moses ........... 32 | Simmons, Blijah .......... 338 Sidbury, Woodman Stoakley 31.| Simmons, Elisabeth ....... 337 Sigley, Aaron ............. 337 | Simmons, Emmanuel ...... 134 Sigley, Ann ............... 337 | Simmons, Hmanuell..... 245 (2) Sigley, Jean ...........06- 337 | Simmons, FRANCIS ........ 337 SIGLEY, JOHN ............. 337 | Simmons, Hannah...39, 337, 396 Sigley, Margret ............ 337 | Simmons, HENRY .......... 338 Sikes, Ann ................ 372 | Stmmons, HENRY .......... 338 Sikes, Benjamin .......... 242 | Simmons, Henry..... 82, 100, 338 Sikes, Caleb ............0- 275 | Simmons, Henry, Jr........ 45 Sikes, Jacob ............-. 372 | Simmons, Hilary .......... 338 Sikes, Joseph........... 236, 363 | Simmons, Isles ............ 338 Silk, Edward ............. 42 | Simmons, JAcow ........... 338 Sill, Oswell ............... 332 | Simmons, Jacob (son of Silverthorn, Agnes ......... 337 VACOD)! sisinsuig sditatey esdateie 338 Silverthorn, Gild .......... 64 | Simmons, JAMES .......... 338 SILVERTHORN, GILFORD ..... 337 | Simmons, James........ 214, 338 Silverthorn, John....... 337 (2) | Simmons, Jamima ......... 44 Silverthorn, Lydia ......... 837 | Simmons, John. .28, 45, 134, Silverthorn, Mary (wife of 214 (2), 837, 388 (2) Gilford) ............000e 837 | Simmons, Joseph .......... 338 Silverthorn, Mary (daughter Simmons, Margaret ........ 338 of Gilford) ............. 337 | Simmons, Martha .......... 338 Silverthorn, Mary (wife of Simmons, Mary ........... 338 Sabastin) ................ 337 | Simmons, Mary (wife of Silverthorn, Mary (daugh- PACOD) case seiteud's b chseeseveacatalere 338 ter of Sabastin).......... 337 | Simmons, Mary (daughter Silverthorn, Mary ......... 126 of Jacob) ............00 338 SILVERTHORN, SaBASTIN ..... 337 | Simmons, Mary....337 (2), 339 Silverthorn, Sabastin ....... 337 | Stumons, MarrHew ....... 338 Silverthorn, Sabbastin ..... 107 | Suumons, NicHoLas ....... 339 Silverthorn, Sary .......... 337 | Simmons, Rhoda .......... 338 SILVESTER, RICHARD ........ 337 | Simmons, Robert... .62, 213, 337 Silvester, Richard William.. 337 | Simmons, Sam ....... hes 404 Silvester, Richd. Wm....... 4g ; Simmons, Saml......... 299 (2) Silvester, William....18, 19 (2) | Simmons, Sampson ........ 339 Simens, Blisabeth ......... 136 | Simmons, Samuel. .315, 337, Simes, Robert ............. 400 338 (3), 339 Simes, William ........... 256 | Simmons, Samuel] ......... 328 Simmond, Henry .......... 191 | Simmons, Sarah..... 62, 339, 387 Srmmonps, HENRY ......... 338 | Simmons, Solomon. .337, 338 (2) Simmonds, Henry ......... 820 | Simmons, THomMas ........ 339 Simmonds, William...... 338 (2) | Simmons, Thomas (son of Simmons, Abiah ........... 338 Thomas) .............4.. 339 Simmons, Ann ............. 338 | Simmons, Thomas. .338, 345, 383 Simmons, Asa ............ 338 | Simmons, Tomazin ........ 337 Simmons, Asalel ........... 339 | Simmons, Willis..... 62, 837 (2) Simmons, Bassett ......... 229 | Simmonses Neck plantation. 325 Simmons, Benjamin. .28, 214, 338 | Simon, Jobn .............. 281 Simmons, BULLOCK ........ 837 | Stmons, ANDREW .......... 339 Simmons, Caleb ........... 839 | Simons, Argell ............ 81 Simmons, Daniel .......... 214 | Stmmons, ARGILL .......... 339 Simmons, Deborah ........ 338 { Simons, Argill ............ 339 InpEXx 597 PAGE. PAGE. Simons, Benjamin ......... 339 | Simson, Sarah ............. 340 Simons, Busett ............ 339 | Simson, Solomon ........... 340 Simons, Daniel ............. 339 | Simson, WILLIAM .........- 340 Simons, Elizabeth .......... 339 | Simson, William (son of Simons, George ............ 339 William). 2.0.65 5.600005 4 340 Simons, Jacob ............. 58 | Simson, William ........ 175, 329 Simons, Jeremiah .......... 168 | Simson, Wm.............. 54, 182 SIMONS, JOHN .............. 339 | Simson, Wm., Jr............ 181 SIMONS, JOHN ..........-045 839 | Sinclair, Ann .............. 340 SIMONS, JOHN .............. 339 | Sinclair, Catherine ......... 340 Simons, John (son of John), Sinclair, David ............. 324 339 (2) | Sinclair, Elisabeth ..... wees B40 Simons, John....72, 215, 268, Sinclair, Frances ........... 340 289, 389 (2), 394 | Sinclair, Lucie ..... sang 56% 340 Simons, Joshua ............ 339 | Srnciar, SAMUEL .......... 340 Simons, Levi ............... 389 | Sinclar, David ............. 148 Simons, Manuell ........... 339 | Sinclare, Elizabeth ......... 215 Simons, Margerett ......... 839 | Singletary, Deborah ........ 199 Simons, Margreat .......... 339 | Singletary, Ithamar..199 (2), 385 Simons, Mary .......... 339 (3) | Singletary, John........ 199 (2) Simons, Simon ............. 281 | Singleton, Hannah ......... 341 Simons, Thomas. .20, 168, 339, 383 | Singleton, James........ 167, 345 Simons William ........ 839 (2) | SINGLETON, JOHN............ 340 Simons, Wm................ 3874 | Singleton, Martha .......... 340 SimMPSoN, ALEXANDER ....... 340 | SINGLETON, SAMUEL ........ 841 Simpson, Canon ............ 225 | Singleton, Spyers..... 82, 66, 341 Simpson, Edward .......... 392 | Sipros Swamp, land on...... 366 Simpson, Elizabeth ......... 332 | Sirgener, William .......... 166 Simpson, James ............ 307 | Sisemore, Elizabeth ........ 170 Simpson, Jane ............. 103 | Sisemore, Samuel .......... 170 Simpson, John...40, 48, 103, 154, | Site, John ................. 189 165, 189, 259, 262, 332, 341, 392, | Siterson, James ............ 99 402. Sitgreaves, John ........... 127 Simpson, Jno............ 409, 412 | Sitgreaves, Thomas ........ 341 Simpson, John, Jr..........- 105 | Sitgreaves, Thos............. 127 Simpson, Joshua ........... 392 | SITGREAVES, WILLIAM ....... 341 Simpson, Patty ............. 288 | Sitgreaves, William (son of Simpson, Simon ............ 288 William) ...............4. 841 SIMPSON, WALTER .........+ 340 | Sitgreaves, William ........ = Simpson, William .......... 108 | Sitten (or Litten), Isaac.. Simpson, William Brook..... 313 | Sitterson, Hannah. ..156, 341 @) Sims, James ............-.- 340 | Sitterson, Isaac ............ Sims, JODO . ee vies secccnees 340 | SITTERSON, JAMES .......... a Sms, Ropert .............- 340 | Sitterson, James (son of Sims, Robert (son of JAMES) (e563 teeta SR 841 (2) RODEELY: ieee de ecco 840 | Sitterson, James ........... 156 Sims, Thomas ............. 340 | Sitterson, Samuel ......... 341 Simson, Abram ............ 31 | Sittersun, James ........... 27 Simson, Dorethy ........... 340 | Sivells, Charity ............ 114 Simson, James ...........+. 340 | Sivilenant, Darbey ......... 26 SIMSON, JOHN ........02025 340 | Skebell, Richard ........... 135 Simson, John ......... .201, 340 | Skeehawkee, land at........ 234 Simson, John, Jr............ 181 | Skerrett, Thomas Hildersby. 405 Simson, Joshua ............ 340 | Sketo, Joseph .............. 309 Simson, Mary ...........--. 54 { Skiles, Mary .............. 148 598 InpEx PAGE, PAGE. Skiner, Charles ............ 237 | Slade, Hannah Hodges..... 211 Skiner, James ............. 150 | Slade, Henry....... 101, 174, 337 Skiner, Richd. ............. 809 | SLapDE, HEZEKIAH .......:.. 342 Skiner, Susane ............ 237 | Slade, Hezekiah........ ai 342 Skiner, Susannah .......... 205 | Slade, Jeremiah........ 227, 342 Skinner, Charles ........... 19 | Slade, Jer. .............00. 93 Skinner, Eavens ........... 341 | Siang, JoHN .............. 342 Skinner, Elbe .............. 271 | Slade, John (son of John). 342 Skinner, Evan .......... 196, 341 | Slade, John....88, 102, 133, Skinner, James .......... 20, 150 219, 315 SKINNER, JOHN .........0. 841 | Slade, Joseph ............. 164 Skinner, John...... 152, 341, 388 | Slade, Kezia .............. 342 Skinner, Jonathan ......... 251 | Slade,.-Mary .............. 342 Skinner, Joshua....251, 284, Slade, Rebecca ............ 342 341 (3), 358 | Stave, SAMUEL ............ B42 Skinner, Joshua, Jr. ....... 841 | Slade, Samuel.......... 102, 402 Skinner, Lydia ............ 271 | Slade, Samuel, Jr........... 102 Skinner, Martha .......... 271 | Slade, Sarah............ 342 (3) Skinner, Mary.......... 271 (2) | Slade, Susannah .......... Skinner, Rebecca .......... 271 | Slade, William ............ 125 SKINNER, RICHARD ........ 841 | Slade, William Hodges. .342 (2) Skinner, Richard. .7, 55, 122, Slades Creek, land on...... 345 258, 289, 824, 338, 893 | Slaid, Abigal .............. 346 Skinner, Richard, Sr.....150 (2) Slaid, George. 2s. oye 3a ckewas 389 Sxinwer, Ricwarp, JR...... 841 | Slaids Creek, land on...... 377 Skinner, Richard, Jr.....128, 150 | Slason, Ebanazor .......... 357 Skinner, Richd. ........... 254 | Slater, Margaret .......... 217 Skinner, Samuel .......... 341 | Slater, Margarett ......... 137 Skinner, Sarah (child of Slater, Richard ........... 155 AMES). sccosetarerssaiteus aseeiatieaes 150 | Slater, Thomas ............ 217 Skinner, Sarah..... 122, 150, Slatter, John .............. 178 196, 271, 341 (4) | Slatter, Keziah ........... 178 Skinner, Steven ........... 841 | Slatter, Littleton .......... 178 Skinner, Will....... 221 (2), 309 | Slatter, Oen............ 104, 178 Skinner, William....16, 151, Slattor, Thomas ........... 312 285, 341 (2), 360, 411 | Slaughter, Abigail....... 82, 342 Skinner, Willm. ........... 196 | Slaughter, Anah .......... 342 Skinner, Wm. ...........4. 153 | Slaughter, Deborah ........ 342 Skinner, Zachariah ........ 150 | Slaughter, Elizabeth....342 (2) Skipar, John .............. 811 | SLAUGHTER, MICHAEL ...... 342 Skipwith, Henry........ 249 (2) | Slaughter, Nancy .......... 342 Skittlesharp, Joseph ....... 143 | Slaughter, Rebeckah ....... 342 Skittlesharp, Mary ........ 143 | Slider, George ............. 210 Skittlethorp, Joseph ........ 293 | Stopocw, JACOB ........... 342 Slabbach, Elizabeth ........ 173 | Slobock, Nathan .......... 342 Slabbach, Mary ........... 173 | StockuM, ANTHONY ....... 343 Slad, Ebenezer ............ 423 | Slockum, John (son of Slade, Abigail ............. 342 Anthony) ............085 343 Slade, Agnes .............. 13 | Slockum, John (grandson of Slade, Ann .............008 164 Anthony) ............00. 343 Slade, Benjamin. ..138, 315, Slockum, John ............ 343 342 (3), 377 | Slockum, Joseph .......... 343 Slade, Dinah .............. 342 | Slockum, Samuel .......... 343 Slade, Ebenezer......... 101, 837 | Slocom, Elisabeth ......... 343 Slade, Elizabeth ........... 211 | Slocom, John °............ 343 SuLaDE, GEORGE ............ 842 | Stocom, SAMUEL .......... 343 InDEx. 599 PAGE. PAGE, i harles. .184, 345, 349, 377 lei ee Sh ey ao enti ee land on.. - ... 253 ait mr f ape Smith Creek, plantation on.. 102 a 343 | Smith, Daniel ............. 377 oa eae : 420 | Smith, David...... 171, 344, 345 en ae 343 | Smith) Deborah ............ 346 To ee 343 | Smith, Dinah ............ 19, 214 Ma A 35 (2) | Smith) Dorcas .....------+- 13 pu ene 343 | Smith) Drew ..........0. 21, 409 Sua, EN 343 | Smith; Hd........------- +s. 215 ib oe 149 | SmirH, EpwARD ..........-- 344 Geum, Sonn ObAes. 1, 343 | Surrm, EDWARD ...........- 344 Sean eh ee 376 | Smith, Edward. ..12 (2), 78, ae oa ’ Mary (mother : i : isabeth ........... Seba) cesses 948 | SUR BHeapeh ccc Bi seuunhs Way ife of Smith, Bliza .....----...... 410 SMOEDY iv ae oo O88 Smith, Elizabeth. ....13, 118, 173, Cons | ee (8), 848 (2, Bluyter, Benjamin "..-..0.. 407 | gait, Wrage nesses 166 mail, kanon: ee 342, 343 Smith, Francis ..20 (3), 286. 2 m. » AMOS... eee er eaee 7 i = SMALL, BENJAMIN ......... ie SmirH, a nda ; : : aH SMALL, BENJAMIN ......... one = none a oi Sn, a 7343 Q) ae r a Re sence 344 1 Benjamin) PGR s Meee oo a Be oe aan en Small, Elizabeth dg awstats: os : Smi ge. : Be as Small, John Knights net es oe ae. ; 08 Small, John Knite ...... aie (2) Lae - oh ssiueles es x Small, Jonas ........... ae i) Smith, Henne eee OD (8) Small, Joshua .......... 138, es ae E. ape Small, Miriam ............. pe Smith, fen EO ac or Small, Sarah .............- 2 near a revo ue x santinoon, Onadiie oe ba | Soe ge ee ae Smallwood, James ....... 82 O57 Smith (Lawson), Tere (2) 315 (3). yeast Smith, Yeatoh .cessesescs e+» 338 315 ( 1th, Sealab sacenvaswone es a Smart, Samuel wanes a wees es Pie Smith, Iseble . aah reo a Smear, Elizabeth ..... one f aa Sire, i : Be euiheca oe ginedley, ee Breit a aaosusesce nt eae cae Suis, Jats oe Ca Smelage, Anne ..........-+. ITH, JAMES :.... SMELAGE, ca Paatdeanarls Sa Smith, aonies (son of es Smelage, Sarah ............ en ames) ...... geri ae Saaee 4 §...38, ; p ; Smith, ee “ot 08 *(), 260, 268, 342, 344, 345, Smith, Ambrose Joshua .... 248 | 347, 348 (2), 860, 381 (2), 409 Smith, A. J.....+--.++- 316, 344 oe pte eaten. con Baek oS SORT oe SMITH, ANDREW ......--++-> Smi aie, AER e dees Smith, Ann. .109, 173, ee — Smith, Jarves ............- Re Smith, PBEM tens ee Pe t 131 | Smith, Jean ............--- ae Smith, Benet ..........-.4. 39 | Suaru, JEREMIAH ea vs : Smith, Beneta freee tees : f ae Smith, Jeremiah. ...344 (2), : Smith, Benjamin ....... 345, ea 346, 39 Smith, Caroline Penelope.... Sie eptaben pee 3 #5 Smith, Catren ............- Ve Smith, Charles, Jr.......... 184 | Smiru, 600 InpEx PAGE. PAGE. SMITH, JOHN .......--.200- 345 | Smith, Mary Ann........ 245, 346 SMITH, JOHN ......--- eee 346 | Smith, Menes .............. 217 SMITH, JOHN .........eeeee 346 | Smith, Mich................ 64 Smith, John (son of John), Smith, Nanney ............. 844 345 (2), 346 | Smith, Nathan ........... 49, 217 Smith, John (grandson of Smith, Nathaniel ........... 227 FOND): vydied ae teak a ceeenesnssas 346 | SmirH, NICHOLAS .......... 346 Smith, John (nephew of Smith, Nicholas ............ 181 James McDowell) ........ 229 | Smith, Olif ................ 345 Smith, John (brother-in-law Smith, Patrick ........... 73, 99 of James McDowell)...... 229 | Smith, Phil..... 2, 28, 68, 77, 118 Smith, John. .4, 13 (3), 14, 21, 38, 58, 61, 95 (2), 148, 172 (2), 191, 222, 235, 295, 302, 303, 322, 332, 337, 342, 344 (2), 345 (4), 346, 348 (4), 368, 373, 405, 417, 421 BMith, ING.. - 005 +2 e9« 36, 225, 343 Smith, John, Sr............. 285 Smith, Jobn, Jr............. 235 Smith, John Trink.......... 346 Smith, Jos. .50, 75, 146, 181, 186, 811, 315, 331, 355 (2), 373, 397 Smith, Josa ............... 88 SMITH, JOSEPH ............ 346 Smith, Joseph (son of JOSEP) 6 des cess see neces 346 Smith, Joseph. ..38, 140, 271, 347, 402 Smith, Josu...............0- 130 Smith, Josu..............265 328 Smith, Joshua........... 346 (2) Smith, Judith........... 248, 345 Smith, Leah............ 302, 346 SmirH, LEVI ..............- 346 Smith, Lewis .............. 344 Smith, Lovey .............. 172 Smith, Lydia .............. 348 Smith, Margaret........ 290, 345 Smith, Martha (wife of JATMOS sass: ewisistntes seco rons Gre os 345 Smith, Martha (daughter of James) 345 Smith,. Martha....18, 19, 345, 346 Smith, Mary (wife of RODE): seca seni ngace meee sd 847 Smith, Mary (daughter of Robert): sic sccose.cianees 347 Smith, Mary (wife of THOMAS): « ¢6s oui oe ava ves 347 Smith, Mary (daughter of THOMAS)! ies oe tied $a 25 347 Smith, Mary....34, 123, 164, 173, 184, 196, 208, 295, 322, 388 (2), 344, 345 (3), 346 (2), 348, 398, 410. (2), 120, 144, 153, 180, 191, 204, 241, 261, 280, 282, 348, 377. Smith, Priscilla ............ 7 PUTED, Pi ois esas ea srnin. eo de dies 339 Smith, Rachel ............. 344 Smith, Rebeckah ........... 345 SMITH, RICHARD ........... 346 SMITH, RICHARD ..:........ 347 SMITH, RICHARD ........... 347 Smith, Richard (son of RiCHATA) cue. vee cease ails ates 3847 Smith, Richard...4, 209, 295, 344, 347, 348 Smith, Richd................ 33 SMITH, ROBERT ............. 347 SmitH, RoBERT ............. 347 Smith, Robert (son of Robert) 6 es ciie cc cena sae 847 Smith, Robert....... 24, 133, 268 Smith, Rob’t................ 204 Smith, Samuel. .13, 110, 344, 345, 348, 355, 396 Smith, Samuel ............. 107 Smith, Mrs. Sarah.......... 5 SMITH, SARAH ............. 847 Smith, Sarah. .235, 253, 268, 842, 344 (2), 346, 347, 348, 364 Smith, Sary Ann........... 348 Smith, Silas ............... 407 Smith, Simon ............. 346 Smith, Solomon....217, 348,, 345 Smith, Stephen. .223, 346 (2), 347 Smith, Susana ............. 38 Smith, Susanah ............ 7 Smith, Susannah ........... 344 Smith, Tabitha ............ 404 SMITH, THOMAS ........... 347 SMITH, THOMAS ........... 347 SMITH, THOMAS ........... 347 Smith, Thomas..... 7, 18, 52, 60, 105, 109, 214, 227 (2), 258, 295 (2), 345 (2), 346 (2), 348, 374, 404. Invex. PAGE. Smith, Thos.....98 (2), 217, 342 Smith, W.....7, 8, 12, 18, 15, 16, 20, 88, 41, 44, 69, 73, 76, 79, 86, 93, 97, 101, 115, 128, 180, 142, 154, 160 (2), 165, 169, 186, 197, 205, 206, 219, 227, 228, 239, 263, 273, 280 (2), 287, 292, 308, 309 (2), 315, 319, 334, 344, 348, 353, 355, 364, 373, 386, 387, 397, 406 (2), 428. Smith, Walter ............. 227 SMITH, WILLIAM ........... 348 SmitH, WILLIAM .........4. 348 SMITH, WILLIAM ........... 348 SmItH, WILLIAM ........... 348 SMITH, WILLIAM ........... 348 SMITH, WILLIAM ........... 348 Smith, William...13, 33, 71, 74, 77, 227, 348, 345, 347 Smith, Winfree ............ 322 Smithes, John ............. 208 Smithes, William .......... 334 Smithin, John ............. 283 Smiths Creek, land on...... 248 Smiths Creek and No. Et. River, land on............ 139 Smiths Hammock .......... 334 Smithson, Ann ............. 349 Smithson, Dolly .:......... 329 Smithson, Dorkis .......... 349 Smithson, Jno. ............. 236 Smithson, Jobn.......... 329, 348 Smithson, Joseph .......... 348 Smithson, Joshua .......... 348 Smithson, Mary ........... 283 Smithson, Meriam ......... 3849 SMITHSON, THOMAS .......- 348 Smiths Point and Blunts Creek, land at............ 244 SMITHWICK, ANN .......... 349 Smithwick, Cloanah ........ 131 Smithwick Creek, land on... 354 Smithwick, Edmund ..... 25, 359 SMITHWICK, EDWARD ....... 349 Smithwick, Edward ........ 417 Smithwick, Edward (son of Edward) ............. 2+. 349 Smithwick, Elizabeth... .354, 417 Smithwick, Hanna ......... 349 Smithwick, Jno............. 73 SMITHWICK, JOHN ......... 349 Smithwick, John..... 25 (2), 148, 349, 354 Smithwick, Jon. ........... 25 Smithwick, Luke ........... 25 601 PAGE Smithwick, Samuel...... 349, 359 Smithwick, Sarah....... 349, 354 Smithwick, Sary ........... 349 Smithwicke, Edward ....... 220 Smydick, Edmond .......... 354 Smydick, Famaler ......... 354 Smydick, John ............. 354 Smydick, Mary ............ 854 Smydick, William .......... 354 Snead, Henry .............. 240 Snead, Jno...15, 80, 128, 191, 204, 304, 323 Snead, Jobn....41, 175, 225, 240, 276, 286, 310 SNEDEKER, GARRET .......... 349 Snedeker, Margaret ........ 349 Snedeker, Theodoraus ...... 349 Snedeker, Tunis ........... 349 Snell, Amn: sj csias 3 ea saves vee 349 Snell, Elizabeth ............ 349 Snell, James ........... 288, 349 Snell, John ............. 120, 384 Snell, Katherine ........... 349 Snell, Mary ............0.65 288 Snell, Purthany ........... 349 SNELL, ROGER .............. 349 SNELL, ROGER .............. 349 Snell, Roger (son of Roger), 349 (2) Snell, Roger... .169, 204, 288 (2), 3876 (2) Snellin, Ester .............. 349 Snellin, Hannah ........ 849, 350 SNELLIN, ISRAEL ...........- 349 Snellin, Rachell ............ 349 Snelling, Israel ............ 209 Snelling, Rachel ........... 209 Snoad, Ann ................ 850 Snoad, Anne ............... 350 Snoad, Benjamin ........... 350 Snoad, Elizabeth (wife of OUM 1 geese e Saevs tet Sone deere tones 350 Snoad, Elizabeth (daughter Of JOHN). « ieees sew santos 350 Snoad, Hlizabeth ........... 350 SwoaD, HENRY .........040. 350 Snoad, Henry .......... 350 (3) SNOAD, JOHN ..........0055 350 Snoad, John (son of John).. 350 Snoad, Jno.............. 345, 416 Snoad, John............. 340, 402 Snoad, John, Jr............. 403 Snoad, John Peyton......... 350 Snoad, Mary .............-- 350 Snoad, Patience ............ 350 602 Inprx PAGE. PAGE. SNoap, WILLIAM ........... 350 | Solomon, Shepard .......... 335 Snoad, William ......... 350 (2) | Somerset, John ............ 352 Snoden, Ann ............... 169 | Somerset, SEYMORE ........ 352 Snoden, George ......... 351 (2) | Somerset, Seymore (son of Snoden, Grace ............. 351 Seymore) ................ 852 Snoden, Isaac’ ............. 325 | Somersett, Haster .......... 352 Snoden, Jno...............-. 351 | Somertown and Buckland, ‘Snoden, John ........... 351, 381 PATI! Ab ep te dosevouacs. bse Suoeree a 76 Snoden, Joseph ............ 351 | Soper, Ben...............00 161 Snoden, Samuell ........... 351 | Sorey, Peter .............0. 100 SNODEN, SAMUEL ........... 851 | Sorey, Sarah .............. 100 Snoden, Samuel ..........:. 351 | Sothell, Anna .............. 352 Snoden, Sarah ............. 351 | Sothell, Anna Blunt ....... 352 Snoden, Solomon ......... -- 851 | SormeLt, SETH ............ 352 Snoden, William ........... 351 | Sothell, Seth....35, 45, 57, 73, 89, SNoDEN, THOMAS .......... 851 93, 97, 111, 140, 155, 158, 176, Snoden, Thomas ........... 226 217, 244, 245, 260, 380, 391, 398 Snoden, Tho........ 131, 205, 271 | Sound Neck, place known as, 33 Snoden, Thos...... 42, 60, 75, Sound Side and Flatty 133, 289, 367 (2), 422 Creek, land on............ 141 SNOUCK, DaNTEL oeasin ie eae 351 | South Dividing Creek, land Snouck, Margrett .......... 351 OD ss ssw eevee ses 102, 104, 383 Snow, ANN .........e ee eeee 276 | South, John ................ 231 Snow, John ............ 282, 298 | South Lancaster, land on... 293 Snow Hills plantation....... 25 | South Shore, land on....292, 293 Snow Neck ..............65 334 | Southerland, Ann .......... 352 Snow, Mary .........-...0- 276 | Southerland, Elizabeth ..... 852 Snowden, George ........... 351 | Southerland, Fendall ....352 (2) Snowden, Jobn.......... 351 (2) | SourHERLAND, JoHN ........ 352 SNOWDEN, JOSEPH .......... 351 | Southerland, Mary Ann..... 852 Snowden, Samell............ 197 | Southerland, Sarah ........ 852 Snowden, Samuel....81, 400, 409 | Southwest, land on......... 267 Snowden, Sarah ........... 409 | So. West River, land on..... 253 Snowden, Solomon ......... 157 | Sowell, Aaron ............. 353 Snowden, Thomas ...... 105, 327 | Sowell, Ann (wife of John), 352 Snowden, Thomson ......... 351 | Sowell, Ann (daughter of Snowden, William ...... 351 (2) JOMN)) case es cease es cracaues 352 Snowpon, EvizaBeTu ....... 351 | Sowerz, CHARLES .......... 352 Snowdon, Sarah ......... 14 (2) | Sowell, Charles (son of Soames, Benj............... 103 Charles) ......seseceuces 352 Soane, Anna .............. 351 | Sowell, Elizabeth ....... 852 (2) Soane, Elizabeth ........... 351 | Sowell, Feriby ............. 352 Soane, Halliday ........... 351 | Sowell, Francis ............ 352 Soane, Hannah ............ 351 | Sowell, Hannah ............ 352 SoaNE, JOHN .........---4- 351 | Sowell, James ............. 352 Soane, William ............ 351 | SowELL, JOHN ............. 352 Sojorner, Mary ......... 397, 398 | Sowell, John (son of John).. 352 Sojournor, Jacob .......... 898 | Sowell, John ............... 353 Sole, Aves ..........020000e 877 | Sowell, Lewis .............. 852 Sole, ‘Petter asic i escecax segroees 113 | Sowell, Martha.......... 352, 353 SOLLEY, JOHN .......0c.c00e 351 | Sowell, Mary ........... 352 (2) Solley, John........ 124, 193, 319 | Sowell, Obediah ............ 353 Solley, Joseph .......... 351, 852 | SoweLt, RICHARD .......... 353 Solley, Thomas ............ 351 | Sowell, Richard (son of Solomon, —-———_ ............ 51 Richard) ...........00005 353 Inpex. 603 PAGE. PAGE. Sowell, Richard ............ 352 | Speir, Penelopy ............ 242 Sowell, Sarah ............. 352 | Speir, William ............ . 854 Sowell, Thomas ........ 352 (2) | Speir, Wm....... 75 (2), 209, 235 SowERBy, HENRY ........... 353 | Speirs, Thomas ............ 176 Sowerby, John ............. 353 | Spell, Thomas ............. 194 Sowerby, Sarah ............ 3853 | Speller, Ann ............... 354 Spaight, Elizabeth ......... 192 | Speier, HENRY ............ 354 Spaight, Richd.............. 186 | Speller, Henry ............. 230 Span, Moses ........-...065 208 | SPELLER, PATIENCE ......... 354 Span, Richard ............. 179 | Speller, Patience ........ 230, 354 SPARKMAN, JOHN .......... 353 | Speller, Thomas ........ 354 (3) SPARKMAN, JOHN .......... 353 | SPENCE, ALEXANDER ......... 354 Sparkman, John (son of Spence, Alexander (son of JOUN) . 4 steisamnee vs ees 353 (2) Alexander) .............. 354 Sparkman, John (grandson Spence, Alexander. ..310, 355 OF JOHN): 35 seine deci ava. aceiva’s 353 (3), 421 Sparkman, John ........... 141 | Spence, Ann ............ 369, 370 Sparkman, Mary ........... 353 | Spence, Arey .............. 355 Sparkman, Richard...... 358, 375 | Spence, Bridget ............ 355 Sparkman, Sarah........353 (2) | Spence, David .......... 3855 (2) Sparkman, Stephen ........ 353 | Spence, Dorothy ........... 355 Sparkman, Thomas...... 353 (2) | Spence, Elizabeth ....... 355 (2) SPARNON, JOSEPH .......... 353 | SPENCE, JAMES ............. 355 Sparnor, John ............. 273 | SPENCE, JAMES ............. 355 Sparrow, Jane ............. 319 | Spence, James (son of Sparrow, John ............. 353 JAMES): dws save nea 855 (2) Sparrow, Kinsey ........... 353 | Spence, James .......... 310, 354 Sparrow, THOMAS ......... 353 | SPENCE, JOHN ........cs000 355 Sparry, Wm.............184, 316 | Spence, John ........... 328, 355 Spearman, Edward ......... 167 | Spence, Joseph ......... 110, 354 Spears, John .............. 84 | Spence, Lettesha ........... 355 SPEIGHT, FRANCIS .......... 853 | Spence, Lyman ............ 148 Speight, Francis ........ 151, 174 | Spence, Mary .............. 260 Speight, Henry ............ 151 | Spence, Robert ............. 354 Speight, Isaac ............. 94 | Spence, Samuel ............ 111 Speight, John....... 276, 353, 355 | Spence, Sarah ............. 355 Speight, Joseph......... 151, 353 | Spence, Truman ........... 355 Speight, Kathern ........... 3853 | Spencer, Thomas... ....... 111 Speight, Mary ............. 422 | Spenser, Edward........ 190, 195 Speight, Moses ............. 353 ; Spier, Dorothy ............. 170 Speight, Phrusan .......... 355 | Spier, Elizabeth .........,.. 197 Speight, Tho................ 107 | Spier, William Lewse ...... 197 Speight, William........ 139, 353 | Spiers, Elizabeth .......... 197 Spell, AMM % sscg segue eins 354 | Spight, Elizabeth ....... 855 (2) Speirn, ELIZABETH .........+ 354 | Spight, Isaac ........... 855 (2) Speir, Elizabeth. .75 (2), 332, 354 | Spight, John ............... 355 SPEIR, JAMES .......ececaee 354 | Spicut, Mary .............. 855 Speir, James (son of James), 354 | Spight, Mary ........... 855 (2) Speir, James ..........0.005 75 | Spight, Moses ........... 355 (2) Spur, JOAN ...........005- 354 | Spight, Prusane ........... 355 Speir, John ............65 75, 354 | Spight, Simon ............. 855 Speir, John, Junr........... 854 | SpiaHt, THOMAS ........... 355 Speir, JOSs scaieis saaaswes 174, 203 | Spiaut, THomAS ........... 355 Speir, Morning ............. 354 | Spinks, Amory ............. 427 Speir, Penelope ............ 242 | Spinks, Ann ............... 174 604 InpEx PAGE. PAGE. Spire, George ...........44. 216 | Stack, John ............ 73, 101 Spivey, Benjamin .......... 856 | Stacy, William ............ 319 Spivey, Champen .......... 68 | Stafford, Amey ............ 186 Spivey, Esther ..........3.. 358 | Stafford, Ann ............. 357 Spivey, Jacob (son of Stafford, Dinah ............ 356 Thomas) ............ 356 (2) | Stafford, Edward....28, 356, 357 Spivey, Jacob (grandson of Stafford, Elender .......... 357 FPROMIAS) a ecocsie cee eresenst es sis 356 | Stafford, Elizabeth (wife of Spivey, John............ 274 (2) William) ............+.5- 357 Spivey, Jonathan .......... 153 | Stafford, Elizabeth (daugh- Spivey, Martha ............ 68 ter of William) ......... 357 Spivey, Nathaniel ........ 68 (2) | Stafford, Frances .......... 357 Spivey, THOMAS ........... 356 | Stafford, Francis ........ 92, 357 Spivey, Thomas ........ 322, 356 | Stafford, Hannah .......... 65 Spivey, William ............ 356 | Stafford, James ............ 857 Spooner, Hannah .......... 359 | Stafford, Jean ............. 357 Spooner, John ............. 172 | SrarrorD, JOHN ............ 356 Spooner, Stanton........ 172 (2) Stafford, John (son of Sprallin, Peter ............. 338 RD OLDEN) os cecus sesitiis cepsanerericiapiotibus stare 356 SPRATTEN, HENRY .......... 856 | Stafford, John. .174, 356, 357 (4) Spratten, Mary ............ 356 | Stafford, Joshua ........... 356 Spratton, Esther ........... 356 | Stafford, Mary .......... 857 (2) Spratton, Peter ............ 356 | Stafford, Richard .......... 357 Spray; AMM yeccrecsccranicred aanvens 279 | Stafford, Samuel ........ 857 (2) Sprick, William ............ 88 | Stafford, Seth ............. 357 Spring, Aaron ............. 219 | Stafford, Stephen .......... 357 Spring, Abraham .......... 856 | Stafford, Susannah ......... 357 SPRING, ARON ...........24. 356 | Stafford, Thomas..... 8, 356, .Spring, Elizabeth .......... 356 378, 384, 425 Spring, James ............. 356 | SrarrorD, WILLIAM . . 857 Spring, Martha .......... 87, 356 | STAFFoRD, WILLIAM .. . 357 Spring, Robert. .30, 119, 356, 417 | SrarrorD, WILLIAM ......... 357 Springfield plantation ...163, StTaFForD, WILLIAM ......... 357 292, 293, 380 | Stafford, William (son of Sprot, Andrew ............. 356 William) ..........66- 357 (3) Sprot, James ............0. 356 | Stafford, William .......356, 364 Sprot, John Clark.......... 356 | Stag Park, land opposite to.. 320 Sprot, Martha ............. 356 | Stallings, Ann ............. 357 Sprot, THOMAS ............ 356 | Stallings, Blias..41 (2), 118, Sprot, Thomas ............. 356 821 (2) Spruell, Elisabeth .......... 195 | Stalling, Elizabeth ......... 301 Spruill, Elizabeth .......... 367 | Stallings, Gregory .......... 365 Spruill, Godfrey ........... 225 | Stallings, Hannah .......... 16 Spruill, Jos............0000. 185 | Stallings, Henry ........... 42 Spruill, Joseph...... 286, 367 (2) | Stallings, Jacob ............ 256 Spruill, Saml................ 185 | Stallings, Joseph ........... 365 Spruill, Capt. Samuell....... 225 | Svanyinas, LorT ............ 357 Spruill, Samuel ......... 2, 9, 66 | Stallings, Mary ............ 256 Spruill, Samuel, Jr.......... 9 | Stallings, Nicholas....41, 42, Squiers, AMOS .............. 232 118, 169, 216, 321 (2), 419 Squiers, John .............. 416 | Stallings, Patience ......... 354 Squires, Jonas ............. 77 | Stallings, Richard .......... 5 Squiers, Sarah ............. 45 | Stallings, Samuel........357 (2) Stacey, CHARLES .......... 356 | Stallings, Sarah......... 322, 354 Stacey, Mary .............. 356 | Stallins, Mary ............. 358 Invex. 605 PAGE PAGE. Stamp, Ann ................ 357 | Stanfield, Thomas ....... 358 (2) Stamp, Blizabeth ........... 357 | STanrorD, LEVIN ..........- 359 Stamp, Mary .............. 357 | Stanford, Levin ........... 99 Stamp, Mary Ann........... 357 | Stanley, John ............. 288 Stamp, RICHARD ............ 357 | Stanley, Richd.............. 142 Stamp, Richard (son of Stanly, Edward ............ 57 Richard): ws 6scawess gears 357 | Stanly, William ............ 57 Stamp, Richard.......... 42, 358 | Stanrick, Richard .......... 286 Stamp, Tamer ............. 357 | Stansell, Godfrey .......... 359 Stamp, THOMAS ............ 358 | STANSELL, JOHN ........... 359 Stamp, Thomas ............ 357 | Stansell, John (son of Stamping Place plantation.. 116 AP ODU)). cx son is ashy draseienuend Sas 859 Stanaland, Hugh ........... 395 | Stansell, Rebeckah.......359 (2) Stanard, William .......... 270 | Stansell, Sarah ............ 359 Stancell, Katherine ........ 151 | Stansill, Catherine ......... 1438 Stancell, John ............. 128 | Stansill, John ............. 148 Stancells plantation ........ 174 | Stansill, Mary (daughter of Standin, Edward........ 358, 407 MEATY. ii has seats dronavaucen anaranee ed 148 Standin, Edwd.............. 119 | Stansill, Mary ............. 1438 Standin, John .............. 358 | Stansill, William .......... 148 Standin, Mary .......... 858 (2) | Stanton, Alice ........... 40, 322 Standin, Penelope .......... 358 | Stanton, Benjamin ......... 359 STANDIN, SAMUEL .......... 358 | Stanton, Hlezbeth .......... 126 Standin, Samuel (son of Stanton, Blija........... 359 (2) SAMUEL)» pine xiels vacteecieaeas 858 | Stanton, Blijah......... 126, 138 Standin, Samuel ........... 341 | Stanton, Blizah ............ 188 Standin, Sarah ............ 358 | Stanton, Henery ........... 822 STANDIN, WILLIAM ......... 858 | STANTON, HENRY ........... 359 Standin, William ........... 358 | Stanton, Henry (son of STANDING, EDWARD ......... 358 LONG Y)) 2 ss wtycetectacen ecard 359 Standing, Edward (son of Stanton, Henry. .40, 345, 402, 404 Edward) . «ise case saan 358 | Stanton, Henry, Jr.......... 322 Standing, Edward .......... 839 | Stanton, James ............ 123 Standing, Samuel........ 269, 858 | Stanton, John ............. 359 Standing, Sarah (wife of Stanton, Joseph ............ 359 Hdward) se sce.+ vee ssacs 358 | Stanton, Liddy ............ 359 Standing, Sarah (daughter STANTON, MaRY ............ 359 of Edward) .... .... .... Stanton, Mary. .314, 322, 359 (2) Standing, Sarah ............ 406 | Stanton, Sarah ............ 359 Standing, William .......... 358 | Stanton, THomas ......... 359 Standley, Ann ............. 358 | Stanton, Thomas ........ 55, 285 Standley, David ........ 358 (2) | Star, Sarah ............... 33 Standley, Edmond .......... 358 | Starkey, Edward .......... 212 STANDLEY, JONATHAN ...... 858 | Starkey, John..2, 15, 31, 56 (2), Standley, Jonathan ...... TT, 146 85, 97, 103 -(3), 104, 119, 136, Standley, Jonathan, Jr...... 302 139, 147, 156 (2), 175, 176, 179, Standley, Martha .......... 358 189, 223, 227, 247, 249, 268, 307 Standley, William .......... 409 (3), 310, 322, 336, 360, 368, 380, Standley, Margrett .........°146 881, 397, 402, 406, 414. Standly, Rachel ........... 251 | Starkey, Peter..... 176, 212, Stanfield, Hannah ......... 358 278, 307 (2), 322, 380, 414 Stanfield, John (son of Starkey, Sarah......... 176, 402 JON) s2asesesaadvas cues 858 | Starkie, John ............. 340 STANFIELD, JOHN .........65 358 | Stasey, Charles ........... 359 Stanfield, Samuel ....... 358 (2) | Stasey, John .........3.... 359 606 INDEX. Stasey, Rebeckah ......... 359 Stasey, Robert ............ 358 Srasey, THOMAS .......... 359 Stasey, Thomas (son of TROMAS) seee-e:s wane beceeed St 359 Stecey, Roberd ............ 372 Steds and Reasonovers Runs,’ land between....... 157 Steel, Alexander .......... 204 STEELE, AMBROSE .......... 360 Steele, Ambrose (son of AMDIOSE) .iccwcesenneees 3860 Steele, Rebeckah .......... 360 Steele, Thomas ............ 347 STEELL, ALEXANDER ........ 359 Steell, Ann ................ 360 Steell, Blizabeth ........... 359 Steell, James ............. 359 Steell, John ............... 70 Steell, Margaret ........... 359 Steell, Mary .............. 360 Steell, Peter............ 359, 360 Steell, Rachel ............. 360 Steell, Sarah .............. 859 Steell, Thomas ............ 70 STEELY, THOMAS ........... 360 Steers, Thomas ............ 257 Stell, Steven .............. 86 Stem, Mary ............... 426 Stephen, Edmund .......... 360 STEPHENS, EDWARD ........ 360 Stephens, Ephraim...... 3860 (2) Stephens, Hen. ............ 103 Stephens, Jacob ........... 360 Stephens, Jeremiah ........ 373 Stephens, Mary ............ 108 Stephens, Matthew ........ 318 Stephens, Mornin .......... 360 Stephens, Nance ........... 318 Stephens, Patience ......... 360 Stephens, Rachel........ 208, 360 Stephens, Sarah........ 360, 373 Stephens, Willm......... 111, 360 Stephenson, Charles ....... 360 STEPHENSON, GEORGE ....... 360 Stephenson, Jesse .......... 360 Stephenson, Joseph ........ 360 Stephenson, William (son of Charles) sec ss saces ss sce 860 Stephenson, William (broth- er of George)............ 360 Stephenson, William ....... 360 Stepney, Blizabeth....... 860 (2) STEPNEY, JOHN ............ 360 STEPNEY, JOHN ............ 360 PAGE. Stepney, John (son of John), 360 (3) Stepney, Jobn....... 3, 60, 63, 70, 82, 115, 187 (2), 138 (2), 170, 188, 206, 209, 210, 219, 221, 265, 285, 331, 374, 398, 399, 402, 406 Stepney, Marcey ........... 360 Stepney, Marie ............ 70 Stepney, Mary.......... 360 (2) Stepney, Rachel ........... 360 Stepney, Samuel ........... 360 Stepney, Sarah (wife of SONU): dace denes eeevees 360 Stepney, Sarah (daughter of TOD): » neecnss ase 84 aes 360 Stepney, William .......... 360 Stepny, John .............. 218 Stevens, Ann .............. 238 Stevens, Chas. .....:....... 353 Stevens, Baster ............ 361 Stevens, Eliza ............. 353 Stevens, Elizabeth ...... wee B61 Stevens, Frances .......... 361 STEVENS, JAMES ........... 361 Stevens, James ............ 361 Stevens, Jenet ............. 861 STEVENS, JEREMIAH ........ 361 Stevens, John. .105, 156, 210, 243, 361, 424 Stevens, Mary (wife of Thomas) ..........ecce0ee 361 Stevens, Mary (daughter of Thomas) ..........-0000: 361 Stevens, Mary ............. 361 Stevens, Parthenia ........ 156 Stevens, Penelope .......... 361 Stevens, Richard .......... 103 Stevens, Samuel ........... 131 Stevens, Sarah ............ 861 STEVENS, THOMAS .......... 361 Stevens, Thomas (son of Thomas) ............. 361 (2) STEVENS, THOMASEN ....... 361 STEVENS, WILLIAM ......... 361 STEVENS, WILLIAM ......... 361 Stevens, William .......... 137 Stevens, Wm. ............. 208 Stevenson, Abraham, Jr..... 266 Stevenson, Benjamin ....... 361 STEVENSON, CHARLES ....... 361 Stevenson, Charles ........ 84 Stevenson, Elizabeth ....... 361 Stevenson, George ......... 361 Stevenson, Jesse ........... 361 Stevenson, John..... 6, 7, 73; 861, 362 Inpex. 607 PAGE. PAGE. Stevenson, Joseph ......... 361 | Stiring, George (son of Stevenson, Martha ........ 361 George) ....seeeeeeeeeee 362 Stevenson, Olive ........... 361 | Stiring, Henry ............ 362 Stevenson, Susanna ........ 361 | Stiring, John ............65 362 Stevenson, Thomas....... 17, 361, | Stiring, Joyce ............- 362 STEVENSON, WILLIAM ....... 361 | Stiring, Mary ............. 362 Stevenson, William (grand- Stiver, ADM .......eeee eee 88 son of William).......... 361 | Stiver, Constant ......: Fiascs, (88 Stevenson, William. ..6, e Stiver, Haner .............- e Stiver, Johaner ............ Steward, Ann ............. 276 | Stiver, Rich.............. 88 (2) Steward, Elizabeth (wife of _ Stivers, John .........-.+.- Ane William) ......... ee eeee Stoakley, Ann ............. 36 Steward, Elizabeth (daugh- Stoakley, Isaac ............ 363 ter of William) .......... 3862 | SToaAKLEY, JOSEPH ......... 363 Steward, Elizabeth...... 206, 362 | Stoakley, Joseph (son of een eee ae oF cee ae sSivteval eis labiecaraes shaves Ben eward, Mary.......... oakley, Mary ............ Steward, Patience....... 362 ce Stockley, AD satetes cies 96, ae Srewarp, WILLIAM ........ Stockley, Capewell ........ 36: STEWARD, aa oe oe 862 | Stockley, Isaac ............ ee Steward, illiam (son o Stockley, Jacob ............ 6. William) ............ 362 (2) | Stockley, John ............ 363 Steward, William .......... 221 | Stockley, Joseph. ..52, 65, 96, 189 Stewart, Alexander...... 27, 354 | Stockley, Peter ............. 363 Stewart, Alexr. ......... 120, 354 | Srocktry, THomas ........ 363 Stewart, Anna ............ 215 | Stockley, Thomas (son of Stewart, Mrs. Ann......... 292 Thomas) .....---.eeeeee 363 Stewart, Ann ............. 362 | Stockum, Eliza ............ 260 Stewart, Charles .......... 31 | Stockum, John ............. 260 Stewarts Creek, land on.... 409 | Stoddart, James, and his Stewart, Jennet .........-. 362 Wife 0... eee cece cece ees 42 STewart, JOHN ............ 362 | Stokes, William ........... 115 STEWART, J OPUN: 6 oso craic 862 Ston, FOND: hase seinen $6 ees 317 Stewart, John ............. 362 | Stone, Ales ............--. . 863 Stewart, Joseph ........... ge2 | Stone, Amay .......-.++.+- 363 Rrnwann Livi: dasee ete 362 Stone, AnN..........0.00e 5, 174 , Safi . Stone Bay, land on......... 124 Stewart, Levi (son of Levi), 362 oe Stewart. Levi 153 Stone, Benjamin ........... 265 Stewart (‘Triel), Mrs. Mar- Ste ene ne Ole a ae garet fn, 4 atta daha anerintioce nate Grmiser are ool STONE, JOHN .ccece cee eeeee 363 Stewart, Mary.......... 134, 215 Stone, John (son of John).. 363 Stewart, Robert.......... 87, 385 Stone, John.......... 5, 246, 382 Stewart, Sarah ............ 192 | Stone, Lemuel ............. 172 Stewart, William .......... 187 | Stone, Mary ............-- 363 Steyne, John .............. 70 | Stone, Moses ..........-.-. 363 Stiball, Mary .............. 362 | Stone, Pegee ...........--- 246 Stiball, Pashence :......... 362 | Stone, Prudence ........... 857. STIBALL, RICHARD .......... 862 | Sronsn, RICHARD ........... 363 Stibett (Stiver), Richard... 88 | Stone, Linna .............. 363 Still, Robert .............. 242 | Stone, William ............ 363 Stillwell, Samuel .......... 249 | Stones Creek, plantation on Stinson, John ............. 379 branch of .......2..2.00e 254 Stiring, Blizabeth ......... 362 | Stoney Town Creek, land on 363 StTrrIne, GEORGE ........... 862 ' Stonor, J.......0. eee ee 860 (2) 608 Invrex. PAGE : PAGE, Stoping Creek, land on..... 68 | Stuart, Eliz. .............. 42 Stout, Charles ............. 97 | Stuart, Henrietta .......... 364 Stout, Zebulon ............ 379 | Stuart, JOHN ............. 364 Strachan, George .......... 160 | Stuart, JOHN ............. 364 Strahorns Neck, land on.... 190 | Stuart, Mary .......... 364, 395 Straights, plantation at..... 405 | Stuart, Robert ............ 347 Strange, Thos. ............ 83 | Stubble, Elizabeth ......... 158 Stratch, Judath ........... 879 | Stubble, John ............. 158 Stratton, Mary ............ 246 | Stubble, Mary ............. 158 Stratton, Thomas .......... 358 | Stubbs, Dveret ............. 365 Strawther, Joseph ......... 388 | Stubbs, Everett ............ 365 Strawther, Mary .......... 888 | Stubbs, Everitt ............ 364 Streater, Edward .......... 361 | Stubbs, Hanah ............ 365 Streater, John ............ 291 | Stubbs, Jane ...... «we. ..320, 365 Strickland, Abegill ......... 863 | Stubbs, John....... 141, 364, 365 Strickland, Axem. ......... 363 | Stubbs (Rowan), John...... 320 Strickland, Elisabeth ...... 863 | Stubbs, Margaret .......... 865 Strickland, Elizabeth ...... 43 | Stubbs, Mary (wife of Strickland, John....39, 261, 363 THOMAS) ....s008540 here 365 STRICKLAND, JOSEPH ....... 363 | Stubbs, Mary (daughter of Strickland, Joseph ......... 363 Thomas): saw osa-oete ea¥sedaes 365 Strickland, Matthew ....... 363 | Stubbs, Mary........... 364, 365 Strickland, Ollief .......... 363 | Srupps, RICHARD .......... 364 Strickland, Pattience ...... 43 | Stubbs, Richard ........... 365 Strickland, Rachel ......... 363 | Stupps, THoMss .......... 365 Strickland, Samuel ........ 363 | Stubbs, Thomas (son of STRICKLAND, WILLIAM ...... 363 Thomas) ................ 365 Strickland, William (son of Stubbs, Thomas......... 364, 365 Wat) esse vena 6 a gtan'ss 363 | Srupss, WrLLIAM .......... 365 Stringer, Elizabeth ........ 364 | Stubbs, William (son of STRINGER, FRANCIS ......... 363 William) ............... 365 Stringer, Francis....41, 149, Stubbs, William......... 864, 365 227, 318, 376 | Stubbs, Wm. .............. 289 Stringer, Francis (Dr.)..... 76 | Stutts Hall plantation...... 137 Stringer, Frs. ............. 282 | Stumpy Island on New River Stringer, George (son of Banks 26 s4se0s.4deeria as Ralph). sos e-sedccs eda wets 364 | Sturges, Jonathan ......... 363 Stringer, George (of Cove , Sturges, Jos..........85, 189, 319 Creek). ccseee se siaaceetex 364 | Sturges, Joseph.......... 96, 256 Stringer, Hannah .......... 364 | Sturgon, Colleton .......... 217 Stringer, John.......... 232, 364 | Sturgon, John ............. 217 Strmncer, Mary ........... 364 | Sturgon, Mary ............ 217 Stringer, Mary ............ 363 | Sturt, Robert ............. 3847 Stringer, Ralph ........... 364 | Styles, Copp ............... 405 Stringer, Thomas .......... 364 | Sugar Creek, land on....... 356 Stringer, William .......... 364 | Sugg, Allen ............. 865 (2) Stringfield, James ......... 364 | Sugg, Aquila....... 249, 259, 365 Stringfield, Joseph ......... 364 | Sugg, Fanny ............... 365 STRINGFIELD, RICHARD ...... , 864 | Suge, GEORGE .............. 365 Stringfield, Richard (son of Sugg, George (son of Richard) ............... 364 George) ..............00. 365 Stripes, Mary .....0....... 62 | Sugg, George....... 115, 1386, 162 Strowde, Elizabeth ........ 364 | Sugg, Joel ..........0.., 365 (2) STrowbeE, JOHN ............ 364 | Sugg, Nimrod .............. 365 Strowde, Mary ............ 364 | Sugg, Sarah ............... 365 Stuard, Alexander ......... 265 | Sugnion, Ralph ............ 101 39 InpeEx. 609 PAGE PAGE. Sumerlin, Henry ........ 288, 363 | Sutton, Elizabeth. ..195, 366 ° Summerell, Griffin .......... 374 | SuTTON, GEORGE ............ Summersetts Creek, land on. 186 | Sutton, George. .195, 366 (5), Sumner, Ann .............- 171 867 (2) Sumner, Charity ........... 366 | Sutton, Hannah ............ 366 Sumner, David ............. 365 | Sutton, Jasper ............. 367 Sumner, Demsey....280, 365, 395 | Sutton, Jno. ............... 354 Sumner, Diomee ........... 45 | Sutton, Jo. .............00. 160 Sumner, Elisabeth .......... 366 | Sutton, John..... 22, 30, 102, Sumner, Francis ........... 256 148, 195 (2), 366 Sumner, Jacob ............. 365 | SUTTON, JOSEPH ............ 366 SUMNER, JAMES ............ 365 | SuTTON, JOSEPH ............ 366 Sumner, James (son of SuTTON, JOSEPH ............ 366 JAMES): 52:5 cares wieruns Sass 365 | Sutton, Joseph (son of Sumner, James ......... 270, 366 Joseph) ..........0005 366 (3) SUMNER, JOHN ...........-. 365 | Sutton, Joseph....7, 68, 220, Sumner, John....10, 16 (2), 228, 252, 367 (2), 3878, 392 60, 117, 194 | Sutton, Joseph, Jr........164 (2) Sumner, Joseph .........365 (3) | Sutton, Joshua ............. 367 Sumner, Luke .......... 269, 365 | Sutton, Judah ............. 150 Sumner, Martha ........ 171, 864 Sutton, Judith ............. 367 Sumner, Mary (wife of Sutton, MARY ............. 366 JAMES) 2... cee eee e eee ees 865 |*Sutton, Mary............ 366, 367 Sumner, Mary (daughter of Sutton, Meriam ............ 378 JAMCS) cs ccces os 5 sie od aetee 365 | Sutton, NATHANIEL ........ 367 Sumner, Mary ............-. 366 | Sutton, Nathaniel. ..366 heli 367 Sumner, Moses...... 177, 365, 396 Sutton, Nathaniel, Sr. 164 Sumner, Penelope ......... 365 Sutton, Nathaniel, Jr.. . 164 SUMNER, RICHARD .......... 866 | Sutton, Parthenia .......... 367 Sumner, Richard ........... 102 | Sutton, Pashence ........... 366 Sumner, Robert ............ 365 | Sutton, Rebeckah........ 366, 367 Sumner, Samuel ........ 177, 365 | Sutton, Richard.......- -.156, 366 Sumner, Seth .............. 365 | Sutton, Samuel ............ 17 Sumner, Thomas ........... 171 | Sutton, Sarah...... 106, 196, 366 Sumner, William ....... 865 (2) | SuTTon, THOMAS ........... 367 Suten’s Creek, land on....37, 266 | Sutton, Thomas (son of Suton, Joseph ............. 3 THOMAS) 2 ceec se ana cease 367 Suttain, Anne .............. 228 | Sutton, Thomas......... 195, 366 Sutten, James ............. 210 | Sutton, Thos............. 106, 195 Sutten, Joseph ............. 138 | Sutton, William ........... 367 Sutten, Sarah .............. 393 | Swain, James...354 (2), 367 Su Sutten, Susannah .......... 393 | Swan, JEREMIAH 5 caeisni ts S 237 | Underhill, Edwd............ 323 Turnidge, George, ........ . 392 | Underwood, Daniel ......... 94 Tuskarora Indian Town, Underwood, Elizabeth. .....7, 213 land nigh .........e.seee 293 | Underwood, Hannah ........ 78 Tuttellfields plantation ..... 4 | Underwood, John ........... 7 Tuttsnia, plantation at ..... 29 | Unkers, Mary ..........0005 306 Twedie, Thos. ...........-. 884 | Upton, Ann ..........c eee 385 Twedy, Thos. ..........+4+ 22 | Upton, Chareton ............ 386 Tweedy, Thomas .......... 422 | Upton, Christian ........... 386 Twelve Mile Creek, land on. 355 | Upron, EDWARD ..........-5 385 Tweox, AMM ..........--ee 384 Upton, Edward (son of TWEOX, JAMES ..........45 384 Edward) ........eeceeeee 385 Tweox, Lawson ........... 384 Upton, Edward ...........- 385 Tweox, Robert.......... 384 (2) | Upton, Elizabeth (daughter Twiddy, Blener ............ 384 of Edward) ..........0005 385 Twippy, THOMAS .......... 384 Upton, Elizabeth (wife of Twiddy, Thomas .......... BE 1 HOW ON) 2 censaweses wae 385 Twigg, Mary Ann.......... 384 | Upton, Blizabeth......... 18, 386 Twiec, WILLIAM .......+... 384 | UpToN, JOHN ...e.seeeeeeee 385 Twigger, John Siogteg hated 34 24, 319 Upton, John (son of John).. 385 Twiner, Elizabeth ......... 312 Upton, John .........0.eeee 386 a ee rgiisg Brae Site saan gs Upton, Joseph ...........-5 385 BLS eet a ee pana aes Upton, Joshua ............. 385 Tyler, Christian ........... 885 Upton, Levinah 47 Tyler, Elisabeth ........... 885 Upton Waco 385 Tyler, John ...........ee0e 134 Upton, Meram Oe Toc oy er 386 Tyler, Kellem ............- 36 Upto n Ruth oo... 385 ‘Tyler, Lucretia .........-.. 885 | Upton, Sahella .. 20... 20.2 885 ae ee eee pe ei ca Ss Upton, Susanna ............ 885 VISE QObee Rares etree es UPTON, THOMAS .......0000e 386 Tyler, Needham ........... 3885 Upton, Thomas (son of Tyler, Owen ...........00 385 Tena ia) 886 Tyler, Peneleby .........05 385 Upton, Thomas eae Ranta ae Bes eee ee ee ee | ton, Walle ace vext 385, 386 Tyler, Thomas ..........0. 199 | Upton, Willis .............. 386 Tylor, Nicholas .........00+ 349 | Uraha Swamp, land on...... 110 Tyner, Elizabeth .......... 385 | Urquuart, WILLIAM ....... 386 Tyner, JAMES ...... ce eens 885 | Usess Creek, land on....377, 878 Tyner, James (dec’d.)...... 885 | Ussery, Martha ............ 427 Myner; TOWN aac. siew ceciinacs 885 Tyner, NICHOLAS ......... B85) Valls Ie. a cacialaw apowinwe dae 2 Tyner, Nicholas .......... . 885 | Vail, Jere............... 372, 406 Wai DOR ove wsce de sinei ed acaiee 1 Vail, Jeremiah. .87, 164, 257, 368 Vail, John.......... 317, 368 (2) Vail, Mary ............. 192, 258 Vail, Moseley. ...27, 122, 172, 220 Vail, Susannah ............ 368 Vaile, Jeremiah ............ 126 Vallentine, Elizabeth ....... 424 VALLENTINE, RICHARD ...... 386 Valls Island plantation...... 236 Vandermulen, Jane ........ 79 Vandermulen, Thomas ...... 9 Vandermuler, Jane ......... 19 Vandermuler, Thomas ...... 79 Van Golder, Tunis ......... 124 Vanluan, Christopher ....... 203 Vanluvan, Christopher ..... 119 VANLUVEN, CHRISTOPHER ... 386 Vanluven, Elizabeth ....... 386 Vanluven, Henry ....... ... 886 Vanluven, John ............ 886 Van Pelt, Daniel ........... 386 Vanpelt, Danl..............- 50 Van Pelt, Elslie............. 3886 VAN PELT, JOHN ........... 386 Van Pelt, John (son of | DODN) i xies seianss o4 a were 3886 (2) Van Pelt, Mary (wife of DOB) #235 deserden se tistenes. sees! e 386 Van Pelt, Mary (daughter OL. FOUN) 3s -2.3:5-0% siwiessce s dieds-s 386 Van Upstall, Garrad ....... 406 Vann, Ann ............. 886, 387 Vann, Anne ............... 86 Vann, Darkes .............. 3886 VANN, EDWARD .........6465 386 Vann, Edward (son of Edward) ............. 386 (2) Vann, Edward...15, 85, 272, 387 Vann, Edwd. .............. 401 Vann, Elizabeth..... 386 (2), 387 Vann, George .......... 386, 387 Vann, Henry ...........065 85 Vann, Jacob ..........0005 . 3886 Vann, John ............0 ees 386 VANN, JOSEPH .........006- 386 Vann, Joseph .............. 86 Vann, Judey ...........005 887 Vani, Mary: ccsseiec scene iiaces 386 oy WENN, Sava sive jecsasiesie ei aeise 386 Vann, Sarrah ........-..26- 387 VANN, WILLIAM .......00205 387 Vann, William (son of Edward) .......cseeceees 387 Vann, William ............ 886 PAGE. Vansselt, Anthony .......... 4 Vansselt, Jacob ............ 4 Vansselt, John ............. 4 VARBNUM, JACOB ........000e 387 WAM EBA tsi sso lav cieii.c eseniieverece aye 72 Vaughan, Cassiah .......... 887 Vaughan, Elizabeth ........ 835 Vaughan, Fanny ........... 887 Vaughan, Franses .......... 387 VAUGHAN, JOHN ........... 3887 Vaughan, John (son of SONNY ses a tyictacn sane ered erelew 387 Vaughan, Joshua .......... 387 Vaughan, Lucey ........... 387 Vaughan, Methusalem....159, 385 Vaughan, Mollie ........... 387 Vaughan, Naomy ........... 387 Vaughan, Sarah ........... 387 VAUGHAN, VINSON ......... 387 Vaughan, Vinson (son of WANSON) | ses ied etiaad eden 387 Vaughan, William ...... 195, 387 Vaughan, Will.............. 154 Vaughan, Wm. ............. 190 Vaulx, James ............05 373 Veale, Abigail ............. 387 VEALE, WILLIAM ........... 387 ‘Veale, William (son of William) .............00- 387 Veases Creek, land on....... 363 Vendrick, John ............ 280 Verlin, John ...........60. 68 VeEnODy We, i enaci vacate aw danas 424 Vernon, Ephraim Vernon, John ...... Vernon, William .. Vialon, Gaspar .........+.. Vince, Hannah ............. Vince, Humph.............. VINCE, HUMPHREY ......... 387 Vince, Humphrey. ..130, 299, 388 Vince, Humphry........ 179, 273 Vince, Margaret ........... 19 Vince, Mary .......-....00e 19 Vinee, Sarah .............. 79 VINCE, THOMAS ..........4-. 388 Vince, Thomas (son of Thomas) ....see.ceeeneee 888 Vinee, Thomas .......... 79, 315 Vinee, William.......... 315, 388 Vines, Elizabeth ........... 888 Vines, Ester i. o.ecese canescens 388 Vines, Franses ...........+5 388 Vines (Vince), Humphrey... 299 Vines, John ..........000ee 388 620 PAGE ‘Vines, Mary (wife of Samuel) ........-.-..005 388 Vines, Mary (daughter of Samuel) « cswes wade osicaw 888 Vines, Rebecca ............. 388 VINES, SAMUEL ...........4. 388 Vines, Samuel (son of Samiel) sascie ccesane vee anne 388 Vines, William ............. 3888 Vins, ADM ....... eee eee eee » 82 VIDS, DOB, oc sivaosceaaucsecs eeove 88 Vins, Jonathan ............ 82 Vins, Rebekah ............. 82 Vins, Richard ............. 82 Vins, Richard, Sr......... 82 (2) Vinsent, Mary ............. 388 VINSENT, STEPHEN ......... 388 Vinyard plantation ......... 74 Vipon, Henry .............. 80 Viriana, land in............ 39 Waccamaw Swamp, land on, 214 Wacker, John .............. 292 Waddal, James ...........- 27 Waddell, Hu. ............-. 262 Wade, Edward ........ 352, 423 Wade, James ........... 388 (2) WADE, JOHN ....... cea e eens 388 ° Wade, John ............04. 388 WADE, JOSEPH ...........-. 388 Wade, Magdalen ........388 (2) Wade, Margaret ........... 302 WADE, MARY .....--.0.00008 388 Wade, Mary ...........0005 388 Wade, Sarah .............. 888 Waggener, William ......... 315 Wahab, Barbara ........... 888 WAHAB, JAMES .....-.-..45 888 Wahab, James .......... 389 (2) Wahab, Job ...........000- 389 Wahab, Jobe .............5 388 Wahab, Sarah ............. 888 Wahab, William ........... 389 WAIDE, ALICE ........000 ee 889 Wain, John «.icc.cicccas se 389 WAIN, THOMAS ........0565 389 WAINS, THOMAS ........... 889 Wainwright, James ........ 307 Waite, Ebenr. ............. 200 Waite, William ............ 294 Wakefield, Blizabeth ....... 408 Waker (or Walker), Jos.... 111 Walbutten, John ........... 389 WALBUTTEN, ROBERT ........ Walbutten, Sarah .......389 (2) PAGE. Walbutten, Smithwick ..... 889 Waldron, Cornelius ........ 389 Waldron, Isaac ......... 344, 389 WALDRON, JACOB ........... 389 Waldron, Jacob......... 344, 389 Waldron, Rachel ........... 344 Waldron, William ......... 41 Walker, Abigail ............ 247 Walker, Ann....81, 119, 215, 861, 389 Walker, Benj. ............. 247 Walker, Charity ........... 198 Walker, Edward ........... 371 Walker, Elisabeth .......... 389 Walker, Blizabeth ......... 389 Walker, Blizebeth .......... 116 Walker, Esther ............ 365 Walker, George ............ 344 WALKER, HENDERSON ....... 389 Walker, Henderson. .81, 117, 119, 151, 155 (2), 159, 215 (2), 250,. 260, 267, 319, 352 (2), 361, 401 Walker, Henry .......... 72, 235 Walker, James ............ 389 WALKER, JOHN ..........-. 389 Walker, John. .105, 106, 116, 281, 390 Walker, Judeth ............ 72 Walker, Mary .......... 106, 390 Walker, Sarah. .27, 278, 389, 390 WALKER, THOMAS .......... 390 Walker, Thomas ........... 389 Walker, Thos..............- 92 Walking, Hepthenia ........ 331 Wall, Ann & os asox va: vines ss 390 Wall, Arthur........294, 390 (2) Wall, Deborah ............. 390 Wall, Elizabeth......... 144, 390 Wall, Faith voc sce se Siew soa 390 Wall, Francis .............. 15 Wall, Gerrard ............. 278 Wall, Girrard .............. 279 Wall, Henry .............5. 390 Wall, Howel ............... 390 Wall, James............. 890 (2) Wall, John.............. 390 (2) WALL, JOSEPH ............. 390 Wall, Joseph (son of JOSEPH) sess eicwacecres cs 390 Wall, Joseph .......... 390 (2) WALL, JOSHUA ..........4.. 390 WALL, JOSHUA ............. 390 Wall, Joshua (son of JOSHUR): . cawica sevens swears 390 Wall, Lucy ...........20005 390 InpEx 621 PAGE. PAGE. Wall, Mary ......--seeeeee> 390 | Wallis, John... .193, 303 (2), 391 WALL, RICHARD ............ 390 | Wallis, Mary...112, 140, 391 (2) Wall, Richard (son of Wallis, Richard ............ 391 RUICMALG) | ix scans -s cesyetecen a’ 890 | Wallis, Robert. .94, 100, 120, Wall, Richard ............. 43 198, 238, 244, 368, 391 Wall, Robert .............. 3890 | Wallis, Sarah .......... 140, 335 Wall, Sampson ............. 890 | WALLIS, STEPHEN .......... 391 Wall, Samuel .............. 390 | Wallis, Stephen (son of WALL, SABAH .........00005 390 Stephen) ................ 3891 Wall, Sarah .............-. 125 | Wallis, Stephen ........... 239 Wall, Thomas........... 390 (2) | Wallis, Susana ............. ; 391 Wallace, Agness ........... 891 | Wallis, Valentine........ 283, 405 Wallace, Alba ............. 391 | Wallis, Vallentine .......... 140 Wallace, Barbara .......... 390 | WALLIS, WILLIAM .......... 391 Wallace, Dinah ............ 391 | Wallis, William (son of Wallace, Elisabeth ......... 391 WANTED) ocasaia's 0: itewicnn ees 891 Wallace, Elizabeth...... 230, 390 | Wallis, William..... 112, 140 Wallace, Elizth............. 249 (2), 200, 237, 249 Wallace, James..... 249, 386, 412 | Wallis, Wm. ............... 42 Wallace, John ............. 890 | Walls, Richard ............ 43 Wallace, Jonathan ......... 390 | Wallson, Peter ............ 218 Wallace, Judith ............ 390 | Walnut Creek, courthouse Wallace, Keziah ........... 391 OD ied dees s otare see akan 378, 421 Wallace, Martha ........... 391 | Walnut Field, land at....... 408 Wallace, Mary ..........64- 390 | Walnut Hill plantation..... 66 Wallace, Quotina .......... 391 | Walpole, Charles ........... 179 Wallace, Sarah ...........- 390 | Walroy Swamp, land on..... 33 Wallace, Susanah .......... 390 | Walson, Mary ............. 106 WALLACE, THOMAS ......... 890 | Walston, Charity .......... 251 WALLACE, THOMAS ......... 890 | Walston, Dorothy........197 (2) WALLACE, WILLIAM .......- 391 | WaLston, LONDON ......... 391 Wallace, William (son of Walston, Rachel ........... 251 William) ........-.0-eeeee 391 | Walston, William .......... 197 Wallace, William. ..286, 321, 390 ; Walter, Joseph ............ 311 Wallard, Sarah ............ Walters, Blizabeth.......392 (2) Wallases Creek, land on.... 98 | Walters, George ........... 178 Wallbutton, Jemimah ...... 130 | Walters, Henry ............ 178 Wallbutton, John .......... 180 | Walters, John ........... 90, 392 Wallen, Thomas ........... 403 | Walters, Joseph. .12, 90 (2), Waller, Anne ..........+--- 391 178, 392 (2) Waller, Elizabeth .........- 391 | Warers, Mary ............ 392 Waller, George ........--+> 391 | Walters, Samuel ........... 90 WALLER, THOMAS ........-- 391 | Walters, William... .189, 310, 392 Wallins plantation ......... 84'| Walters, Wm......... 89, 90, — Wallis, Adam........... 120, 238 | Walton, Hannah ........... WALLIS, ANDREW .....+---+5 391 | Walton, Henry ............ os Wallis, Andrew ..........+. 391 | Walton, Rachel ............ 177 Wallis, Amn .......-..20005 283 | Walton, Susannah ......... 392 Wallis, Benjamin .......... 391 | WaLtron, THOMAS .......... 892 Wallis, David ........-..46+ 14 | Walton, Thomas...... 4, 391, 392 Wallis, Elizabeth .......... 391 | Walton, Thos............... 321 Wallis, James ...........+- 391 | Walton, Timothy........ 391, 392 Wallis, Jane .......-..--+8- 140 | Walton, William ........ 392 (2) Wallis, Jean ...........-045 238 | Waman, Elender ........... 392 WALLIS, JOHN .......2.00- 391 | Waman, Hannah ........... 392 622 InDEX. PAGE. PAGE, Waman, John ............. 392 | Ward, Susanah ............ 392 Waman, Robert ............ 892 Wann, THOMAS, Beige NISNeue tees 393 Waman, Thomas ........... 424 | Ward, Thomas. .249 (2), 314, 392 WAMAN, WILIIAM .........- 392 | Ward, Thos...........-e000 291 Waman, William (son of Ward, William.......... 292, 392 Willian)» 5scsci ego dsncsasncerevne 892 | Wardell, Elliner ........... 125 War, Ann (wife of William), 392 | Warden, John ............. 259 War, Ann (daughter of Wardnar, Sarah ........... 70 William) sceisssweeriives 892 | Wardroper, Thomas ........ 364 War, Henry ............... 392 | Wardsworth, Edward ...... 255 War, Thomas .............. 892 | Waring, James ............ 349 War, WILLIAM .........64. 392 | Waring, Theodoraus ........ 349 Ward, Abigail ............. 835 | Warley, Anne ............4. 84 Ward, Abigall ............. 392 | WaRMING, ABRAHAM ....... 393 Ward, Am0S ............085 892 | Warner, Frances ........... 38 Ward, ADD 6 occ ccc eee sew 3854 | Warner, Samuel ........... 407 Ward, Anthony.......... 189, 238 | Warner, Samll.............. 35 Ward, Anthy .............. 313 | Warner, Sarah.......... 112, 407 Ward, Archy..........eee08 49 | Warnsley, Andrew ......... %6 Ward, Benjamin ........... 393 | Warren, Abraham. . .268, 393 Ward, Catterene ........... 393 (2), 394 Ward, Christian ............ 393 | Warren, Ann ........... 274, 393 Ward, David............ 335, 393 | Warren, Bray ............. 151 Ward, HEdward.......... 263, 274 | Warren, Ed...........002 ee 43 Ward, Elizabeth ........ 18, 392 | Warren, Edward.15, 151 (3), 272 WARD, ENOCH ..........-55 392 | Warren, Elizabeth (wife of Ward, Enoch...189, 274, 372, 414 Henry) .isswestesesavsacs 893 Ward, Bnock .............. 392 Warren, Elizabeth (daughter Ward, Fr...106 (2), 117, 127, of Henry) ...........000- 393 148, 305 | Warren, Elizabeth ......... 854 Ward, Francis .......... 106, 201 | Warren, HENRBY ........... 393 Ward, James..... 62, 76, 347, Warren, Jane ............. 393 356, 392, 422 | Warren, John ............-. 113 Ward, Jobe ............0005 392 | Warren, Joseph.....151, 351, Warp, JOHN ...........0005 392 354 (2) WARD, JOHN ...... eee eeee 393 | Warren, Joseph, Jr......... 354 Ward, John (son of John).. 393 | Warren, Margret ........... 393 Ward, John. .29, 78, 130, 250, Warren, Mary........... 393 (2) 276, 333, a Warren, Milsson ........... 393 Ward, IOs cde esa wiess Warren, Rachel ............ 7 Ward, Joseph ............. 908 WARREN, ROBERT .........-. 893 Ward, Margret ............ 68 | Warren, Robert .........159, 351 Ward, Mary (wife of Warren, Samuel......39, 131, 364 d 2) (10114 ee ar 392 | WaRREN, SARAH ........... 394 Ward, Mary (daughter of Warren, Sarah ......... 393, 394 ENOCH) ecccsce sieveieroacdvre avis: oe 392 | WARREN, WILLIAM ......... 394 Ward, Mary...........6- 90, 3388 | Warren, William......... 65, 151 Ward, Michael.......... 893 (3) | Warren, Wm................ 41 Ward, Micheall ............ 127 | Warrenton, George, Sr...... 111 Ward, Milkel.............665 380 | Warrenton, George, Jr....... 111 Ward, Phillip .............. 354 | WaRRIN, ABRAHAM ......... 393 Ward, Rebecca ............ 180 | Warrin, Abraham .......... 268 Ward, Rebekah ............ 29 | Warrin, Henry ............. 393 Ward, Richard....... 40, 392 (2) | Warrin, Joseph Hilson...... 143 Ward, Sarab .............. 392 | Warrin, Sarah.......... 146, 393 InvEx. 623 PAGE, PAGE, Warring, Nehemiah ........ 292 | WAXDALE, JOHN .........+.- 895 Warsley, Martha .......... 35 | Waxdale, John (son of Warsley, Thomas .......... 145 DONW). is tosayases oe aide as ae 394 ’ Washington, Jas............. 111 | Waxdale, John .......... 281 (2) eee Margret ........ a ee Katherine ........ 895 Yaters, James ............ axdale, Lovice ...... Veee. 895 Waters, Josias ...........-- 394 | Waxdale, Margaret ........ 395 ee vere wach fain tay oyes str ee Mariam .......... 395 aters, Mary .........+.-. axdale,-Walpolia ......... 394 Waters, Richard ........... 324 | Waxfield, John ............. 204 Waters, Sarah ............. 327 | Waye, Jane .........---.+++ 180 Waters, Thomas ........... 243 | Wayman, Haner ........... 395 WATERS, WILLIAM ........+- 394 | Wayman, Mary ...........- 895 Waters, William... .250, 280, Wayman, Thamer .......... 395 827 (2) | Wayman, Thomas .......... 395 Watford, John ...........5. 233 | WaYMAN, WILLIAM ......... 395 Watford, Joseph ........... 399 | Wayman, William .......... 3857 Watkins, Ann ...........-6- 394 | Wayne, Gabriel ..........++ 92 Watkins, Christian ........ 394 | Weakes, Iland ..........- .. 179 Watkins, Elizabeth ........ 3894} Weakes, John ......-.++-+- 202 Watkins, Jane ...........4.. 213 | Weaks, Christian .......... Pai Watkins, J....... se eee ee eee 370 | Weathersbee, Thomas ...... 5 Watkins, Jobn...... 151, 159, 394 | Weaver, Edward .........-- 395 Watkins, Mary ...........-- 213 | Weaver, Elizabeth ......... 129 Watkins, Rachel ........... 894 | Weaver, Gilbert .........-- 129 WATKINS, THOMAS ........- 894 | Weaver, Henry .......---- 395 WATKINS, WILLIAM .......-- 8904 | WEAVER, JOHN .....-.+---+ 395 Watkins, William (son of beset eo steer eeee 30, ae William) .......0.eceeeee 304 eaver, Stephen .......... Wats, Elizabeth ............ 256 | Weaver, Thomas ........-- 395 Watson, Ann ...........56- 394 | WEAVER, WILLIAM ......... 395 Watson, Elizabeth . 394 | Weaver, William (son of Watson, James. 112, 157 (2), spec ea re Wiad Ses bielae ey oar 246, 395 eaver, William .......... Watson, Jas......... 141, 171, 359 | Webb, Ann .........--..++- 395 WATSON, JOHN .....-00e00 0s 394 | Webb, Anne ........+-..++- 395 WATSON, JOHN ......-2-+045 394 | Webb, Apsilla .........-++- 10 Watson, John (son of John), aoe aS seteeeeees oe 394 (2 9 a ee eee eee eee Watson, John ...........06- oe Webb, Benjamin ........-. 395 Watson, Jonathan .........- 394 | Webb, Eliza .....-...+...- 259 Watson, JOS. «cee eee ener 124 | Webb, Blizabeth........ 395 (3) Watson, Joseph.........- 388, 394 ee nk Snuelh a8 wiatede i on Watson, Robert .....-..++++ 217 ee he a a ae Watson, Sarah (wife of Wel ph ASAT cote ee FSS CHE) a ab yeude some 394 were Pee oe Soe ae Watson, Sarah (daughter of ee i Pe iee coh tes es 395 John) ose sees eres e ees 394 | Webb, John...........- 305, 395 Watson, Thomas .......- 146, 186 | webb Jolley .......eeeeeee 395 Watters, Saml..........- 320, 338 Webb, Judith ..........200 395 Watts, Doreas .........+.+- 57 | Webb, Kezier .........-..- 395 Watts, Joseph ........+. 176, 414 | Webb, Marget ............. 396 Watts, Katherine .......... 359 | Webb, Margret ............ 196. -Waxdale, Annacivilla ...... 3895 | Webb, Martha ............ 395 WAXDALE, JOHN ...-...-+--5 394 | Webb, Penelope ........... 395 624 PAGE. Webb, Persillo ............ 395 Wess, SAMUEL ........+00- 395 Webb, Samuel (son of Mar- SLCt) eieeces gecinve cc tee 196 Webb, Samuel (son of Samuel) sieve sa cease saves 395 Webb, Samuel......... 196, 395 Webb, Wentworth .......... 395 Webb, William..... 2238, 290, 365, 395 (2) Webb, Zachariah, Sr. ...... 122 Webb, Zachariah, Jr........ 122 Webber, John ............. 295 Webster, Ann........... 396 (2) Webster, Amelia .......... 213 Webster, Benjamin...... 896 (2) WEBSTER, ELISABETH ...... 396 Webster, Elizabeth ......... 396 Webster, Henry ........... 396 Webster, James ........... 396 Webster, James (dec’d.).... 396 WEBSTER, JOHN .........05 396 WEBSTER, JOHN ........... 396 Webster, John (son of SOND) sdvetseweeescueee s 396 Webster, John ............ 396 Webster, John Thorogood... 396 Webster, Joseph ........... 396 Webster, Lydia ........... 396 Webster, Mary......... 896 (2) Webster, Richard ......... 396 Webster, Samuel .......... 396 WEBSTER, WILLIAM ........ 396 Webster, William (son of William) ............... 396 Webster, William. .155, 214, 403 Wecone Creek, land on..... 292 Weeb, John ............... 810 Weekacanaan, land at...... 292 Weekacoon Creek, land at.. 293 Weekes, Anne ............. 211 Weekes, Archelas ......... 896 WEEKES, BENJAMIN ........ 396 Weekes, Benjamin ........ 396 Weekes, Isaac ............ 396 Weekes, Jarbus ........... 396 Weekes, Mary ..........-. 396 Weekes, Thefflus .......... 396 Weekes, Tho....45, 161, 199, 812, 379 Weekes, Thomas...147, 159, 182, 243 Weekes, Thomas, Jr........ 419 Weekes, Thos........ 72, 211, 223 Weekes, Thos., Jr.......... 161 Weekes, William ........... 419 PAGE. Weeks, Anne ............-- 85 Weeks, Elizabeth .......... 396 Weeks, Josep ............ 41 Weeks, Thomas ............ 14 Weeks, Zack .......e.seeee 151 Weight, Alexr. ............ 230 Weight, Jobn ............. 396 Weight, Penelope ......... 423 Weight, Rachel ........... 289 Weight, William .......... 423 Welborn, Thomas....... 230 (2) Welch, Blizabeth .......... 396 Welch, Edward ........... 396 Welch, James ............. 396 WELCH, JOHN ........e eee 896 Welch, John (son of John). 396 Welch, Lewis........... 150, 343 WELCH, NATHANIEL ....... 397 Welch, Nathaniel .......... 425 Welch, Robert ............ 150 Welch, Sarah ............. 396 Welches Creek, land on.... 35 Welches Creek up Moratock, land ON ss.s:aees see esqus 35 Weldon, Dan ............. 147 Weldon, Daniel...7, 94, 108 (2), 208, 226, 376 Weldon, Danl. ............ 88 Weldon, Blizabeth ......... 108 Weldon, Frances .......... 246 Weldon, Samuel .......... 194 Wells, Blizabeth .......... 25 Wells, Francis ............ 158 Wells, Henry ............- 897 Wells, Jobn............ 108, 397 Wells, Joseph ..........4.. 397 Wells, Nathaniel] ......... 397 WELLS, WILLIAM .......... 397 Wells, William (son of Wil- Nam)! sx sa sacaxaw acd seeds 397 Wellson, Sarah ........... 80 Welsh, Elizabeth ..........- 170 Wendley, Elizabeth ........ 109 Wendley, Israel ........... 109 WENHAM, ROBERT ......... 397 Wenham, Robert (son of Robert): essa sige sg sacs. 897 Wenham, Robert .......... 96 Wenham, William ......... 397 Wentford, Eliner .......... 16 Wentham, Mary .......... 399 Werham, John ............ 347 Werrill, John ............. 47 Wesbrook, Thomas ........ 202 Wesson, William .......... 15 Wesson, Wm. ............. 424 InpEx. 625 PAGE, PAGE. West, ARTHUR ..........4. 397 | West, Robert (son of Coll. West, Benj’n. ............. 27 Robert) sscsicsvsavescas 204 West, Benjamin...... 42, 59 West, Maj. Robert. .199, 230, 292. (2), 397, 398 West, Robert, Jr........ 21 12; 398 West, CHARLES ........... 397 | West, Colo. Robt........... 160 West, Charles........... 42, 141 | West, Rob’t. .............. 203 West, Charles (dec’d.)...... 897 | West, Samewill ........... 399 West, Christian ........... 151 | West, Sarah .............. 398 West, Daniel .............. 399 | West, Sarney .............. 155 West, Dinah (wife of West, Susanna ........ 398 CHarleS): vias ceisavenc teaed ats 397 | West, THOMAS ........... 398 West, Dinah (daughter of West, Thomas. .49, 130, "389, CharleS) ascccaseees cus cae 397 398 (2) West, Dinah .............. 398 | West, WILLIAM ........... 398 West, Eliza ............... 242 | West, WILLIAM ........... 898 West, Elizabeth (wife of WEstT, WILLIAM ........... 398 THOMAS) 26 sc wset sana seé 3898 | WeEsT, WILLIAM ........... 399 West, Elizabeth (daughter West, William (son of of Thomas) ............. FHGHTY )i eoeieidiae ves dee aoe’ d 398 West, Hlizabeth..... 57, 397, 399 | West, William (son of Wil- West, HENRY ............. 397 VWiaM)) ecws sees dceneesces 398 West, Henry. .294, 383, 397, West, William..... 158, 397, 898 (2) 898 (2), 399, 413 West, Hezekiah ........ 3897, 398 | West, Wm, ............-45 1389 WEST, JOHN ...........64. 397 | West, Winefruit ........ we. 897 West, John. .48, 73, 130, 290, West, Wynne .............. 151 398,. 399 e Westbeere, Charles ......... 81 WEST, JONATHAN ........4 West, Nathaniel Spence..... 275 West, Jonathan ........... aa Westerman, Wm. .......... 136 West, Joseph ...........0% 397 | Weston, Catherine....... 33, 399 West, Samuel ............. 898 | Weston, Ephraim....... 252, 399 West, Samuel .......... 897 (3) | Weston, Jobn........... 399 (3) West, Levi wi 65 seas sees ces 268 | Weston, Malichi ........... 399 West, Lydia. cisccisineetace 3899 | Weston, Rachel ........... 399 West, Martha....... 35, 155, 398 | Weston, Samuel .......... . 162 West, Mary (wife of Weston, Samuel, Jr......... 162 APtHUP). occ ee ee ews 397 | Weston, Thomas .......... 399 West, Mary (sister of WESTON, WILLIAM ......... 399 AMDUP)) site peered sees 397 | Westton, William...33, 356, West, Mary....18, 155, 367, 421 399 (2) West, Miriam ............- 173 | Wett Ground .............. 407 West, Mr. ———— ..........-. 293 | Wever, Bllener ............ 371 WEST, PETER ......+-¢-00% 398 | Whale House plantation.... 114 West, Peter ...........000- 408 | Whale, Rachel ............. 190 West, Peter (son of Peter). a Whaley, Wm.............005 240 West, Peter ocis sees nienes Whaltone, Ann ............ 399 West, Precilla ............ ae WHALTONE, THOMAS ....... 399 West, Priscilla ..0.......06. 411 | WHarrey, ANTHONY ....... 899 West, Rebeckor ..........+ 399 | Wharrey, Joshua .......... 399 West, Richard ............ 398 | Wharrey, Sarah ........... 399 West, ROBERT .....-----005 398 | Wharton, Sarah ........ 89, 389 West, Robert..8, 49, 81 (2), 180, | Whary, Anthony ........... 399 151, 164, 165, 212, 294, 307, 361, | Whary, Elizabeth .......... 399 389, 397, 898 (3). WHaARY, JOSHUA ........... 399 West, Col. Robert. .155, 169, Whary, Mary .............. 399 204, 292, 304 | Whary, Rachel ............ 399 40 626 Inpex. PAGE. PAGE, Whary, Sarah ..........06- 399 | Whidbe, Wineford ......... 400 Whatnough, Mahetabel ..... 889 | Whidbee, Ann ............. 400 Wheatley, Anne (wife of Whidbee, Elizabeth ........ 121 SOHN.) — iso Greiateas Seosers «Seas 399 | WHIDBEE, GEORGE .......... 400 Wheatley, Ann (daughter of Whidbee, George (nephew DODD). «issn a ea eee 399 Of George) ......eeseeenee 400 Wheatley, Ben....... 10, 248, 291 | Whidbee, Geo. ............. 121 Wheatley, Elizabeth ........ 399 | Whidbee, George ........... 121 WHEATLEY, JOHN .......... 399 | Whidbee, John (son of Wheatley, Jobn......... 393, 403 DOWN). kee cs deur s tes seee's 3G oses 400 . Wheatley, Jon.............. 98 | Whidbee, John (brother of Wheatley, Mary ........... 225 George) ssics cerca 400 (2) Wheatley, Robert .......... 275 | Whidbee, John (nephew of WHEATLEY, SAMUEL ........ 399 George) ...ceececeeeveers 10 Wheatley, Samuel........ 92, 399 | Whidbee, Jobn.......... 394, 400 Wheatley, Martha ......... 899 | Whidbee, Richard (brother Whedbe, John ............. 286 of George) .......see eens 400 Whedbee, Benjamin ........ 400 | Whidbee, Richard...105, 121 Whedbee, Christian ........ 400 (2), 269, 366, 400 Whedbee, Elisabeth ........ 333 | Whidbee, Thomas .......... 400 Whedbee, George .......... 400 | Whidby, Richard ...... .156, 366 Whedbee, Hannah ......... 400 | Whipple, Thomas .......... 18 Whedbee, John. .270, 285, 394,400 | Whitaker, Geo...........04. 27 Whedbee, Joseph ........... 400 | Whitaker, John ............ 370 Whedbee, Mary ............ 394 | Whitched, Arthur .......... 397 WHEDBEE, RICHARD ......... 400 | White, ————— ........... 41 Whedbee, Richard. .338 (2), White, Abigail ............. 403 894, 400 | WHITE, ABRAHAM .......... 401 WHEEDBEE, ANN ........--- 400 | White, Abraham ........... 69 Wheedbee, Richard ........ 228 | White, Ann....200, 262, 326, Wheedbey, Ann ............ 69 402, 403 Wheeler, Elizabeth ......... 290 | White, Anthony.........379, 398 WHEELER, HENRY .......... 400 | White, Arnall ............. 245 Wheler, Elisebath .......... 39 | White, Arnold ............. 401 Wheller, Anne ............. 400 | WHITE, ARNOLD ............ 401 Wheller, Emprer ........... 400 | WHITE, ARNOLD ..........-. 401 Wheller, Henry ............ 400 | White, Arnold (son of Wheller, John ............ » 400 Arnold) ......0..eeeee 401 (2) Wheller, Sarah ............ 400 | White, Arnold ............. Wherey, Joshua ........... 327 | White, Arnold, Jr........... 98 Wherry, Anthony.....60, 156 (2) | White, Arnold, Sr........... 93 Wherry, Elizabeth ......... 156 | White, Arnould ............ 303 Wherry, Joshua ............ 156 | White, Arnul]l ............. 401 Whidbe, Ann .............. 400 | White, Benjamin .......... 403 Whidbe, Elizabeth ......... 400 | White, Caleb ............. 9, 402 WHIDBE, GEORGE ........... 400 | White, Catren ............. 131 WHIDBE, GEORGE ........... 400 | White, Charity ............ 345 Whidbe, George (son of White, Christian ........... 403 George) cassieev edison seen 400 | White, Church ............. 402 Whidbe, George ............ 400 | White, Content ............ 401 Whidbe, John .............. 400 | White, Cortna ............. 404 WHIDBE, RICHARD ........4- 401 | ‘White, Damaris ............ 93 Whidbe, Richard....137, 400 (83) | White, Diana.........24, 30, 408 Whidbe, Ruth ............. 400 | White, Easther ............ 326 Whidbe, Sarah ............ 187 | White, Blener ............. 401 InDEx. 627 PAGE. : PAGE White, Elisabeth ........... 70 | White, Joseph, Jr........... 254 White, Elizabeth....... 824, 344, | White, Joshua..9, 18, 94, 227 401 (2), 402 (2), 403 (2), 418, | (2), 321, 402, 408 (2), 419 422, White, Judith ............. 3879 White, Esther ............. 190 | White, Katharna .......... 332 White, Euphemia .......... 97 | White, Katherine .,........ 404 White, Francess ........... 401 | White, Leady............ 7.9, 427 White, Fenn. .............. 76 | White, Ledy ............... 72 WHITE, GEORGE ...........- 401 | White, Love ............... 404 WHITE, GEORGE ..........6-. 401 | Waite, LUKE ...........66- 403 White, George (son of White, Luke...388, 401, 404, 422 George) ss sies ca-sisiatea etes 401 | White, Margaret....344, 403, 404 White, George......... 127, 345 | White, Margret. ............ 402 White, Gerald ............. 404 | White, Margrett ........ 888 (2) White, Hall ............... 334 | White, Marsh, land on...226, 320 White, Hardy ............. 245 | Whitemarsh plantation. sees 257 Waite, HENRY ............ 401 | White, Martha (wite of WHITE, HENRY ............, 401 Nehemiah) evorgyaidle Svcauevaaoin 403 Wuitrt, HENRY ............ 402 | White, Martha (daughter WHITE, HENRY ............ 402 of Nehemiah) ........... 403 White, Henry..... 9 (2), 76, 150, | White, Mary (wife of 201 (2), 326, 340, 369, 401, 403, William) ............--.. 404 404 (2), 427. White, Mary (daughter of White, Henry (decd.)...... 344 William) ..........eeeeee 404 White, Hilary....9, 402 (2), 427 | White, Mary....75, 146, 213, 291, White, Hillary ...........+- 184 382, 399, 401, 402 (2), 403 (2), White, Hilra .............. 340 404 (2). White, Hulde ............6. 402 | White, Mathew ............ 120 White, Isaac........ 359, 402, 404 | Wuire, MEDIA ............. 403 White, Isack .............- 401 | White, Meriam ............ 404 White, James (brother of White, Naomy ............. 401 Abraham) ..........s0e-- 401 Wuirs, NEHEMIAH ......... 403 White, James (nephew of White, Nehemiah......... 18, 227 Abraham) .............-- 401 | White Oak Neck plantation... 313 White, James. ...88, 101, 404 (3) | White Oak River, land on, White, Jamey ............. 404 28, 104, 118, 268, 298, 414 White, Jeams ............-. 370 | White Oak and Queens White, Joan .........0000-. 403 creeks, land on........... 350 White, Johana ............. 402 | White, Patrick ............ 122 WHITE, JOHN ......e cs eeeee 402 | White, Persilla ............ 401 WHITE, JOHN ......-.+00065 402 | White, Rachel ............. 402 WHITE, JOHN ......-0-0000e 402 | White, Rackes ............. 23 WHITE, JOHN .........-.0-5 402 | White, Rebeckah .......... 403 WHITE, JOHN .........---6- 402 | Waite, RoBeRT ............ 403 White, John (son of John).. 402:'| Waite, Ropert ............ 403 White, Jobn..... 51, 93, 152 (2), | White, Robert (son of 179, 195, 275, 321, 324, 344, 370, Robert) ........eeeeeeaee 403 399, 401 (2). White, Robert...66, 93, 401, White, John Plowman...... 291 402, 403 White, Jonathan ....... 869, 403 | Waite, RoGmer ............. 403 White, Jos.........-...0000- 341 | White, Samuel ......... 401, 402 White, Joseph....21, 76 (2), 118 | Wire, SaRaH ............ 403 (2), 184, 152 (2), 196, 198, 218, 258, 254, 264, 267, 289, 324, 341, 398, 402, 403. White, Sarah...74, 401 (2), 402 (3), 408, 404, 422 WHitsE, THOMAS ........... 403 628 InDEx. PAGE. PAGE, WHITE, THOMAS ........... 404 | Whitley, Edward .......... 826 WHITE, THOMAS ........... 404 | Whitley, Elisabeth ......... 60 White, Thomas (son of Whitley, Elizabeth ......... 405 Thomas) ss ssass sa geeeons 404 | Whitley, Jacob ............ 405 White, Thomas..... 158, 262, Whitley, James ............ 405 359, 402, 419 | Whitley, Joseph ........... 405 White, PHOS, ciecicirs.c sie cee 158 | Whitley, Julian ......... 405 (2) White, Vince .............. 3887 | Whitley, Julion ............ 19 White, Vincent ......... 403 (2) | Whitley, Saml.............. 405 White, Vinson ............. 403 | Wuittry, SAMUEL ......... 405 WHITE, WILLIAM ........... 404 | Whitley, Susanna .......... 405 WHITE, WILLIAM ........... 404 | WHITLEY, WILLIAM ........ 405 WHITE, WILLIAM ........... 404 | Whitley, William........ 60, 405 White, William....100, 150, 186, | Whitlock, Hannah ......... 414 190, 254 (2), 356, 387, 402, 418, Whitmell, Elizabeth..... 115, 405 419. Whitmell, Lewis ........... 405 White, Wri. cccccsecciieccues 179 Whitmell, Martha ......... 405 White, Will.............200- -80 | Whitmell, Martha .......... 115 White, Willoughby ......... 404 | Whitmell, Sarah ........... 405 White, Wm. ............05. -53 | WHITMELL, THOMAS ........ 405 White, Zefeniah ........... 403 | Whitmell, Thomas (son of Whiteard, Sarah ........... 242 Thomas) .............005 405 WHITEHEAD, ALICE .......05 404 | Whitmell, Thomas........ 23, 76, Whitehead, Edward ........ 404 ra 115 (2), 141, 142, 187, "903° Whitehead, Elizabeth ...... 404 Whitehead, James ........: 404 Whitmell, Thos.. .66, 72, 178, 406 Whitehead, Robert ........ 404 | Whitmell, William ......... 405 Whitehead, William ........ 409 | Whitmill, Mary ............ 252 Whitehouse, Abigail ....... 405 | Whitmill, Thomas ......... 375 Whitehouse, Anne ......... 405 | Whitmill, Tho............... 144 Whitehouse, Esther ........ 405 | Whitney, David ........ 406 (2) Whitehouse, Robert ........ 405 | Whitney, Francis .......... 406 WHITEHOUSE, SAMUEL ...... 405 | Whitney, Jeremiah...... 406 (2) Whitehurst, Ann .......... 405 | Whitney, Joseph .. ........ 406 Whitehurst, Charles ....... 272 | WHITNEY, JOSHUA ......... 406 WuitrHurst, THOMAS . 405 | Whitney, Ketring ..... seeee 406 Whitehurst, John. . 58, 863 | Whitney, Martha .......... 406 Whites Old Field plantation. 232 | Whitney, Ruth ............ 406 Whitfield, Ann ............. 189 | Whitney, Samuel .......... 406 Whitfield, Blisah .......... 323 | Whittey, Mary ............ 129 Whitfield, William...... 141, 194 | Whittington, R.............. 306 Whitfield, Wm. ............ 125 | Whittis, Thomas ........... 268 Whitford, William..181 (2), 296 | Whittmeal, Thomas ........ 78 Whitford, Wm. ............ 53 Whithurst, Elinor .......... 380 Whithurst, Henry .......... 380 Whithurst, Richd........... 161 Whithurst, Robert ......... 380 Whithurst, Samuel....... 67, 880 Whithurst, William ........ 380 Whiting, Elizabeth ......... 240 Whiting, James..... 180, 240, 290 Whitington, Elizabeth ...... 46 Whitley, Ann ............. 60 Whitley, Arther ............ 405 Whittock River, land on.... Whitty, Edw............... 314 Whooper, Sarah ........... 870 Whorten, Edward .......... 65 Whyn, Lemuel ............. 421 Whyn, Martha ............. 421 Wiat). ADD: sii scare readin s 352 Wiat, James .............. 141 WIAT, JOHN ........ 2c ee eee 406 Wiat, John........ 119, 156, 221 Wiat, Rachel ............. 406 Wiat, Samuell ............ 406 InDEx. 629 PAGE. , PAGE. WiaTt, THOMAS ............ 406 | Wilkeson, James .......... 292 Wiat, William.......... 406 (2) | Wilkeson, Wm. ............ 352 Wiatt, Elizabeth .......... 60 | Wilkesons Creek, land on... 407 Wiatt, John......... 60 (2), 220 ee aoe plantation. ay Wiatt, Rachel ............. 60 ilkings, JameS ........-- Wiatt, Samuel ............ tig | Wilkins, Ann .............. 407 Wickacone Creek, planta- ee Tees tet eens co THOM! (OD! i ctigte'es tees here csyers 3.858 236 Pe an ee ee ee Wickacorn Creek and Bar- Wilkins, Deborah Soames 63, 400 ren Branch, land on 170 Wilkins, Elizabeth ......... 228 Wick J os eo wien 28 Wilkins, Blisabeth ......... 407 Wicker’ aa Ra RA atlas tes =4 | Wilkins, lizabeth...... 147, 407 ? Ja eee ew tweens ilkins, James .......... D Wicker Joe, 21, Si 40, am | Mieing James. 4b 238 270, 278, 274, 277, 279, 285, 300, 315, 333, 335 (2), 345, 388 (4). Wicker, Jos...72, 79, 91, 183, 250, 299 (8), 332, 346 iy “ ‘Wicker, Martha ........... WIcKER, RICHARD ......... ae Wicker, Ruth ............. 299 Wickliffe, Alice ........... 406 Wickliffe, Elizabeth ....... 406 Wickliffe, Katherine ....... 406 WICKLIFFE, WILLIAM ....... 406 Wickliffe, William (son of William). scseccecs acs 406 (2) Wickliffe, William ........ 391 Wickliffe, Wm........... 164, 256 Wicks, Robert ............. 293 WICKSTEAD, PALL .......... 406 Widow Moores Creek, land OD has elccenenee aaetea ee 349 Wier, Robert ............. 61 Wier, Thomas ............. 218 Wiggins, Elizabeth ........ 202 Wiggins, George ........... 149 Wiggins, John ............ 353 Wiggins, Margret ......... 163 Wiggins, Thos. ............ 191 Wiggons, Mary ........... 73 Wiggons, Wm. ............ 73 Wight, AIOR oo .cccse satiate 229 Wight, Joseph ............ 389 Wigmore, Mary ..........+ 97 Wigons, Olive ............. 168 Wilcocks, Ann ............ 407 Wilcocks, Benjamin ....... 407 Wilcocks, Elener .......... 407 “Wilcocks, Jane ............ 407 WILCOCKS, JOHN ........206 407 Wilcocks, John ............ 407 Wilcocks, Stephen ......... 407 Wilcocks, Thomas....... 388, 407 Wild Cat Neck plantation.. 307 Wilkes, Thos. ........-.005 55 Wilkins, John (son of John) 407 Wilkins, John...15, 638, 111, 222, 300, 317, 372, 400, 407 (2) Wilkins, Joseph ........... 249 Wilkins, Judith.......... 30, 407 Wilkins, Mary.......... 147, 407 Wilkins, Sarah ............ 249 Wilkins, Susannah ........ 147 Wilkins, Thomas ...... vane ED Wilkins, William... .157, 407 (2) Wilkins, Wm. ............. 364 Wilkinson, John ........... 363 Wilkinson, William ........ 342 Wilkinson, Col. Wm........ 155 Wilkinson, Wm. ........... 72 Wilkinson, Wm. and his wife 42 Wilkison, Esther .......... 407 Wilkison, Hlizabeth ....... 407 Wilkison, John ............ 407 Wilkison, Martha .......... 407 WILKISON, PHILIP ......... 407 Wilkison, Richard ......... 407 Wilkison, Thomas....... 407, 414 Wilkison, William. .121, 352, 407 WILKISON, WILLIAM ....... 407 Wilkison, William ......... 93 Wilkison, Col. William ..... 215 Wilkison, Willm. .......... is : Wilkison, Wm. ....:....... Wilkjon, William. .22 (2), 88 @) Wilkjon, Wm. ............. Willard, Catherine (sister of Eleazar Allen) .......... Willard, Catherine (niece of Eleazar Allen) .......... Willard, Daniel ............ 5 Willard, Josiah ........... 5 Willard, William .......... 5 Willborn, Thomas ......... 116 Willcocks, Elizabeth ....... 201 Willcocks, James .......... 174 Willcocks, John....177, 184, 202 630 InpEx. PAGE. PAGE. Willcox, Elizabeth ......... 407 | Williams, Esther .......... 410 WILLCOX, JEREMIAH ....... 407 | Williams, Ezekiel .......... 409 Willcox, Ruth ............. 407 | Williams, Farebe .......... 304 Willcox, Sarah ............. 407 | Williams, Feribe .......... 409 Willcox, Stephen .......... 407 | Williams, Frances....... 411, 413 Willebee, Joshay .......... 272 | Williams, Francis ......... 341 Willeford, Easter .......... 396 | WILLIAMS, GEORGE ......... 409 Willeford, William...... 256, 265 | WitLiaMs, GForRGE ......... 409 Willey, John Alexr.......... 357 | Williams, George (son of Willia, Thomas ............ 311 GeOrge) as sasewssweae nese 409 Williams, Alice ............ 235 | Williams, George...161, 236, Williams, Ann..... 136, 194, 288, 409 (2), 412 (3) 802, 325, 333, 388, 409, 410 (3), | Williams, George, Sr........ 236 411 (4), 418. Williams, George, Jr........ 236 WILLIAMS, ANTHONY ....... 408 | Williams, Giles ............ 48 WILLIAMS, ANTHONY ....... 408 | Williams, Gilstrap ......... 137 Williams, Anthony (son of Williams, Grace ........... 327 Anthony) 8.saecscss 408 | Williams, Hanah .......... 413 Williams, Anthony ......... 411 | Williams, Hannah..170, 410, 411 Williams, Arter ........... 410 | Williams, Hester .......... 57 WILLIAMS, ARTHUR ........ 408 | Williams, Hill ............. ay Williams, Arthur (son of Williams, Isac ............. AP{BUL) a ssseevecneae eer 408 | Williams, Iseac..... 168, 410 (a Williams, Arthur..71, 83 (2), 89, | Williams, Jacob......... 409, 412 91, 200, 230, 237, 334, 367, 375, | WILLIAMS, JAMES .......... 409 410. WILLIAMS, JAMES .......... 409 Williams, Benjamin ....178 Williams, James (son of (2), 408, 409, 410, 411 (2), 413 JAMES ) © a sieve 5. «Heute oes detec 409 Williams, Boneta .......... 178 | Williams, James... .374, 375, Williams, Brice..... 178, 268, 409 410, 411 Williams, Cassandra ....... 410 | Williams, James Conner.... 242 Williams, Chaplin ......... 411 | Williams, Jas. ............. 42 Williams, Charles. ..104, 402, 413 | Williams, Jane ......... 319, 412 Williams, Clarissica ....... 410 | Williams, Jenkin .......... 366 Williams, Cloe ............ 409 | Williams, Jenkins ......... 29 Williams, Creese .......... 412 | Williams, Jerusha ......... 409 Williams, Daniel .......... 409 | WitLIAMS, JESSE ........... 410 Williams, Daniell ......... 309 | Williams, Jesse ......... 411, 413 Williams, David ........... 235 | Wiliams, Jesy ..........64. 410 Williams, Denton .......... 411 | Williams, Jiles ............ 387 eee Easter .......... 408 | WittiaMs, JOANNA ......... 410 illiams, Waster .......... 325 Witt, Jo 410 * WILLIAMS, EDWARD ........ 408 1 SOHN si vite es tree WILLIAM, JOHN ........005- 410 WitiiaMs, EDWARD ........ 408 * y Williams, Edward. .107, 203, WILLIAM, JOHN .........008 410 306, 411 WILLIAM, JOHN occ cece eenee 410 Williams, Ellinore ......... 408 | Williams, John... .20, 29 (2), 86, Williams, Elisebeth ........ 408 107, 110, 188, 198, 250, 289, 319, WintiaMs, ELISHA ......... 409 822, 325, 408 (4), 409, 410 (3), WiriaMs, Evia .......... 409 411, 412 (2), 418 (2), 419. Williams, Elizabeth..... 6, 7, 91, | Williams, Jno. ............. 7 178, 252, 308, 306 (2), 828, 409, | Williams, Jonathan ........ 286 411, 412 (2), 413, WILLIAMS, JOSEPH ......... 411 Williams, Bley ............. 411 | WILLIAMS, JOSEPH ......... 411 Williams, Ely .............. 318 | Williams, Joseph (son of Williams, Hsbell ........... 300 JOSCDI) es seiegs este Vewrayne 411 InveEx. 631 PAGE. PAGE. Williams, Joseph..... 22, 26, Williams, Saml.............. 306 202, 289, 390, 408 (2), 412 | Williams, Samll............. 259 Williams, Joseph J John siete soe 242 | Williams, Sampson ......... 412 Williams, Joshua.....60, 409 WILLIAMS, SAMUEL ......... 412 (2), 410 WizziaMs, SAMUEL ......... 412 Williams, Kazia ........... 418 | Williams, Samuel (son of Williams, Lemand ......... 408 George) sibigte ae eeeedaile: 8 an dMeguesa’s 412 WitiiaMs, LEWIS .......... 411 | Williams, Samuel. ..121, 306, Williams, Lewis ....... 408, 411 409 (2), 412 (2), 413, 417 ‘Williams, Lewsy ........... 412 | Williams, Samuell .......... 121 WILLIAMS, LODWICK ........ 411 | Williams, Sarah (wife of Williams, Lodwick...... 327, 408 George) sal ested eee hhaGiateters 409 WILLIAMS, LOTT ............ 411 | Williams, Sarah (daughter Williams, Lot .............. 410 of George) .....-.....0.5 409 Williams, Lucretia ......... 409 | Williams, Sarah... .158, 212, Williams, Lucy ............ 4138 408 (2), 410 (3), 411, 413 Williams, Luis ............. 413 | Williams, Simon ........... 410 Williams, Margaret ........ 407 | Williams, Sivelity .......... 408 Williams, Martha....58, 408, Williams, Solomon.......325, 409 411, 412 | Williams, Stephen. .153, 279, Williams, Mary (wife of 325, 378, 408, 413 Thomas) .......cc00ee00: 412 | Williams, Steven ........... 413 Williams, Mary (daughter of Williams, Susannah ........ 59 Thomas) ........eeeeeeee 412 | Williams, Susanner ........ 328 Williams, Mary....104, 186, 396, | Williams, Tamer ........... 329 398, 407, 408 (8), 410 (8), 411 | Williams, Temperance ...... 413 (2), 412, 418 (3). Williams, Theophilus...... 33, 57 Williams, Mathew ......... 168 Williams, Mildred ......... 409 WILLIAMS, MoaB ........... 411 Williams, Moab ............ 408 WILLIAM, NATHAN .......... 411 Williams, Nathan (son of Nathan) Avi aieriia eee ae 411 Williams, Nathaniel. ..11, 36, 178, "410, 411 Williams, Nathn ........... 318 ‘Williams, Obed ......... 410, 411 Williams, Penelippy ........ 408 Williams, Penelope.......409, 410 Williams, Phelis ........... 412 Williams, Pheribe .......... 403 Williams, Phillip ........... 424 Williams, Philo............ 24, 71 Williams, Priscilla ......... 409 Williams, Rebecca ......... 411 Williams, Richard...62, 137, 152, 325, 409, 410 Williams, Robert. .. .383, 408 (2), 409 (2), 413 Williams, Roger ......... 29 (2) WILLIAMS, ROWLAND ....... 412 Williams, R..........ceeeeee 281 Williams, Sam.............. 419 (2), 110, 135, 186, 254, 409, 410 (2). WILLIAMS, THOMAS ........ 412 WILLIAMS, THOMAS ........ 412 WILLIAMS, THOMAS ........ 413 Williams, Thomas (son of TE ROMAS) s¢:diese 5 ei aaierd: oe Save 413 Williams, Thomas....80, 104, 152 (2), 153, 167, 221, 346, 383 (2), 410, 411, 413 (3). Williams, Thos.....10, 45, 48, 114, 152 Williams, Timothy ......... 36 Williams, Tulle. .17, 157, 243, 248, 413. Williams, Tully. .326, 327 (2), 331 Williams, Tully, children of.. 330 Williams, Uz............ 410, 411 Williams, Will............4. 12 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM ........ 418 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM ........ 413 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM ........ 413 WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 418 Williams, William ( son ‘of William): scss ss spererees avo 413 Williams, William. .41, 48, 74, 108, 153, 189, 196, 242, 309, 310, 408 (2), 409, 411, 412, 418. 632: InpeEx. PAGE, PAGE, Williams, Willm....... 49, 87,180 | Willson, Anne ........... ». 415 Williams, Wm.. .153, 195, 252, 421 Williams, Zelha ............ 413 Williamson, Allis ........... 116 Williamson, Ann ........... 414 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES ...... 413 Williamson, Charles..... 247, 414 Williamson, Elizabeth ...... 109 Williamson, Francis ........ 87 Williamson, Hannah ....... 413 Williamson, James ......... 87 Williamson, Jane (wife of Richard) .............655 414 Williamson, Jane (daughter of Richard) ............. 414 WILLIAMSON, JOHN ......... 414 Williamson, John (son of POMM,) © so.'eicigace Scostoare eee w badpel ave 414 Wiliamson, John ..279, 335, 414, 424 Williamson, Jos. ........... 174 Williamson, Margaret ...... 414 Williamson, Mary .......... 414 WILLIAMSON, RICHARD ...... 414 Williamson, Richard.....240, 247, 396, 403 (2) Williamson, Rose .......... 414 Williamson, Thomas ....... 150 Williamson, William ....... 414 Williamson, Zachary ....... 414 Willie, Rev. William........ 249 Williford, Tamer ........... 896 Williford, Wm.............. 246 Willington, William ..... -.. 833 Willis, Elizabeth ........... 112 Willis, James ...........04. 82 Willis, Joseph .......... gene! toe Willis, Mary ............... 90 WILLIS, WILLIAM ..... seoees 414 Willis, William...... 144, 207, 324 Willis, Wm............ 71 (2), 90 Williss, George ............ Williss, Wm. .............. 90 Willoby, Debora ...... wees. 404 Willoughby, Ann ........... 414 Willoughby, Anne .......... 350 Willoughby, Harris ........ 115 Willoughby, John .......... 327 WILLOUGHBY, THOMAS ..... . 414 Wills, Priscilla ............ 84 Wills, Richard ...........4. 84 Willson, Ann (daughter of ISAAC) wucceseeces soe aa ats 414 Willson, Ann (wife of Issac), 414 Willson, Ann ............ 415 (2) Willson, Benjamin. .330, 414 (2), 415 pa Willson, Caleb ............. 29 Willson, Charity ........... 415 Willson, Elenor ............ 414 Willson, Elinor ............ 415 WILLSON, ELIZABETH ....... 414 WILison, ELIZABETH ....... 414 Willson, Eljzabeth.......107, 264 WILLSON, ISAAC ............ 414 WILLSON, ISAAC ............ 414 Willson, Isaac (son of TSAO) © ce csdicciid ye wraps easarean 414 Willson, Isaac. .119, 350, 414, 415 Willson, James ............ 414 Willson, John..... 39, 45, 90, —. 186, 264 (2), 325, 415 Willson, Joseph.......... 85, 41 Willson, Judith ............ 41 Willson, Katherine ......... 415 WILLSON, MARGARET ........ 414 Willson, Mary.......... 414, 415 Willson, Miriam ........... 416 Willson, Patteson .......... 415 Willson, Rachel..... 302, 308, 415 Willson, Rebecka .......... 415 WILLSON, ROBERT .......... 415 Willson, Robert (grandson ; of Robert) .............- 415 Willson, Robert...23, 27, 414 (3) Willson, Rosaman .......... 415 WILLSON, SAMUEL .......... 415 WILLSON, SARAH ........... 415 Willson, Sarah. .90, 106, 415 (3) Willson, Selvanus .......... 302 Willson, Thomas ........ 415 (3) WILLSON, WILLIAM ........ 415 WILLSON, WILLIAM ........ 415 Willson, William (son of i William) ....-..c. cee e ees 415 Willson, William (Mairener), 34 Willson, William..... 26, 34, 107 (2), 314, 400, 415 Willson, Wm....36, 147, 248, 316, 379 Wilson, —-————_ ............ 293 Wilson, Ann......... 36, 416 (2) WILSON, CALEB ...........4. 416 Wilson, Caleb ............. 167 WILSON, CHARLES .......... 414 Wilson, Elisabeth .......... 417 Wilson, Blisha ............. 251 Wilson, Elisha Moore....... 415 Wilson, Blizabeth....... 416 (3) InDEX. 633 PAGE. PAGE. Wilson, Bilis ............06 112 | Wimberley, Mary .......... 417 WILSON, ISAAC ............ 416 | Wimberley, Moses ......... 417 . Wuson, Isaac .............. 417 | Wimberley, Sarah ......... 417 Wilson, Isaack ............ 416 | Wimberley, Susanna ....... 417 Wilson, Isaiah ............. 416 | WimBeRLEY, THomMaAs ....... 417 Wilson, Jacob .......... 206, 416 | Wimpertry, THomas ....... 417 Wilson, James....... 75, 416 (2) | Wimberley, Thomas ........ 417 Wilson, John..... 4, 28, 112, Wimpele, John ............. 343 217, 220, 254, 886 | Winants, Peter ............ 367 WILSON, JOSEPH ........... 416 | Winberne, ————— ........ 303 Wilson, Josiah ......... 416 (2) | Winberry, Jobn ............ 187 Wilson, Jos..............04. 391 | Winbery, Elliner ........... 201 Wilson, Judith ............ 191 | Winborn, Ann ............. 177 Wilson, Love ............0- 416 | Winborn, Sarah ............ 185 Wilson, Malachi.......... 85, 416 | Winborne, Henry .......... 398 Wilson, Mary. ..263, 416 (83), 417 | Winborne, Phillip .......... 392 Wilson, Nathl............... 85 | Winborne, Thomas ......... 185 WILSON, PATTISON ......... 416 | Winborne, William...... 110, 392 Wilson, R........... e000 99, 112 | Winborne, Wm.......... 150, 352 Wilson, Rachel ............ 416 | Windall, Jacob, & Co........ 324 Wilson, Reuben ............ 416 | Windley, Lidia ............ 417 Wilson, Robart (dec’d.)..... 415 | WINDLEY, ROBERT .......... 417 WILSON, ROBERT ........... 416 | Windley, William .......... 417 Witson, ROBERT ........... 416 | Windly, Sarah ............. 107 Wilson, Robert. .... .226, 288, Windlys plantation ........ 87 330, 346, 383, 416 (2) | Winfeld, Abigall .......... 417 Wilson, Rt.......... 263, 384 (2) | Winfeld, Anne ............. 417 Wilson, Ruben ............. 416 | Winfeld, Elizabeth ......... 417 Wilson, Sam’l............... 415 | Winfeld, John ............. 417 Wilson, Samuell ........... 402 | Winfeld, Mary (daughter of Wilson, Sarah ............. 416 Richard) ................ 417 Wilson, Scasbrook ......... 6 | Winfeld, Mary (wife of Wilson, Silvanus ........... 417 Richard) .....-....-+--+- Alt Wilson, Solo...........005 58 (2) | Winfeld, Prudence ......... 417 Wilson, Tatum ............. 416 | WINFELD, RicHArD ......... 417 Wilson, Th..............006 137 | Winfeld, Robert ........... 417 Wilson, William (son of Winfeld, Susana ........... 417 Pattison) ................ 416 | Winfield, Blezebeth ......... 242 Wilson, William (brother of Winfield, Jonas ............ AIT Pattison) i coseusesavssion s 16 | Wingate, Alice .......... «.- 418 Wilson, William. ...255, 294, 416 | Wingate, Edwd ............ 386 Wilson, Wm..............05 205 | Wingate, Elizabeth ......... 203 Wilsons Creek, land on...... 416 | Wingate, John. .100 (2), 135, ie Wilton, Jane ...........6.. 417 | Wincate, SAMUEL .......... WILTON, WILLIAM .........- 417 | Winget, John .............. a Wimberley, Abraham ...... 417 | Winham, Mary ............ 418 Wimberley, Benjamin ...... 417 | WrInHuAM, ROBERT .......... 418 Wimberley, Elizabeth ...... 417 | Winham, William ......... 418 Wimberley, Ezekiel ........ 417 | Winly, John ............... 107 Wimberley, George...... 417 (2) | Winn, Beety ............... 418 WIMBERLEY, JOHN .......... 417 | Winn, Betey ............... 418 Wimberley, John ........... 417 | Winn, Dinah .............. 418 Wimberley, Joseph...85, 417 (2) | Winn, Hlizabeth ........... 418 Wimberley, Judith ......... 417 | Winn, Ezekiah ............. 418 Wimberley, Levy .......... 447 | WINN, JOHN ............... 418 634 InprEx. PAGE. PAGE. Winn, Matthew ............ 885 | Winslow, Timothy (son of Winns, Rose ...........000% 58 Timothy) .............6. 419 Winright, Ann ..........64. 418 | Winslow, Timothy........74, 419 WINRIGHT, JAMES .......... 418 | Winslow, Wm. ............. 289 Winright, James........ 187, 291 | Winslowe, Elizabeth ....... 74 Winright, Jas........ 41, 146, 333 | Winslowe, Leah ............ 186 Winsett, Robert ........... 311 | Winslowe, Thomas ......... 186 Winsey, William ........... 893 | Winston, Isaac ............ 280 Winshaff, Joseph ........... 118 | WINTER, JOSEPH ........... 420 Winship, Appelone ......... 419 | WINWRIGHT, ANN .......... 420 WINSHIP, JOSEPH .......... 419 | Wise, Mary ..............05 127 Winship, Joseph............ 400 | Wise, Saml............-.00. 368 Winsloe, Timothy .......... 62 | Wissockin Creek, land at.... 389 Winslow, Ann ..........-.4. 277 | Wite, Samuel .............. 126 Winslow, Benjamin ........ 419 | Wite, Samuel (son of old Winslow, Caleb......... 416, 419 Samuel) ......ceceeeeeee 126 Winslow, Easter (wife of Witherin, Wm.............. 333 JOON) sesics cise ekaincs < 419 | Witherington, Rocksolanah.. 63 Winslow, Easter (daughter Witherinton, John ......... 63 of John) ............. ++. 419 | Witton, Lidda ............. 396 Winslow, Elizabeth......264, Wmson (Williamson), J..... 144 317, 419 (3) | Wodley, Thomas ........... 8 Winslow, Esther ........... 420 4} WOE, Noite os esse dude aneuese. 8 bianere 120 Winslow, Hannah .......... 419 | Wolfpit Ridge plantation.... 86 Winslow, Hester Wolf Point Ridge.......... 45 Winslow, Israel WOLFENDEN, JOHN ......... 422 Winslow, Jacob.......... Wolfenden, John........ 111, 331 Winslow, Jesse........... Wolfpit Valley, land on..... 353 Winslow, Job-.......... Wollard, Richard .......... 135 Winslow, Jobe ............. Wollard, Sarah ............ 352 WINSLOW, JOHN Wollard, Will.............. 852 WINSLOW, JOHN Wollards, William ......... 368 Winslow, Jobn...... Wombwell, Anne .......... 423 (2), 420 | WomBWELL, BENJAMIN ..... 423 WINSLOW, JOSEPH .......... 419 | Wombwell, Benjamin (son Winslow, Joseph (son of of Benjamin) ........... 3 Joseph) ...-....-.- sees 419 | Wombwell, Jordan ......... 423 Winslow, Joseph... .254, 255, 419 | Wombwell, Nathan ........ 423 Winslow, Josiah ........... 419 | Wombwell, William ........ 423 Winslow, Lydia ............ 419 | Wood, Aaron.........-+ 247, 301 Winslow, Mary...... 282, 419 (4) Wood, Abraham .......... 421 Winslow, Miriam ....... 419 (3) | Wood, Alice ............ 420, 421 Winslow, Obed.......... 416, 419 | Wood, Ann............. 420 (2) Winslow, Pleasant.......378, 419 | Wood, Benjamin ........... 203 Winslow, Rachel........ 416, 420 | Wood, Bethia .............. 420 Winslow, Samuel .......... 419 | Wood, Charity ............ 420 Winslow, Sarah......... 306, 419 | Woop, Epwarp ............ 420 WINSLOW, THOMAS ......... 419 | Woop, EDWARD .........005 420 WINsLow, THOMAS ......... 419 | Wood, Edward (son of Winslow, Thomas (son of Wdward) . sneer cin Sawears 420 THOMAS) cece ccdiahe oie saya oats 419 | Wood, Edward ............ 127 Winslow, Thomas....74 (2), Wood, Elisabeth ........... 417 252, 806 (2), 878, 419 (3) | Wood, Elizabeth ........... 420 Winslow, Thos. .........+6. 289 | Wood, Esther .............. 421 WINSLOW, TIMOTHY ........ 419 | Wood, Francis ............ 203 InpDEx. 635 PAGE, PAGE. Wood, George............. 8, 417 | Woodley, Elizabeth ........ 283 Wood, Gershom ............ 407 | Woodley, Mary .......... 50, 309 Wood, Hannab ............ 4 | WoopLry, THOMAS ......... 422 Wood, Hugh ............... 124 | Woodley, Thomas..... 50, 55 Wood, Isaac ............08- 421 (2), 275, 283 (2) Woop, JAMES, SR.........--. 420 | Woodley, William. .309, 398, Wood, James....... 366, 420, mt 422, (2) Wood, Jane ...........000- Woodly, Thomas ........... 398 Woop, JOHN .......+.eeeee en Woodly, William .......... 316 Wood, John (son of John).. 421 | Woodly, Wineyfruit (Win- Wood, John ............... 421 MILLE). vice « aeatey ox aon 232 Wood, Jonas ............ 420 (2) | Woopnot, Henry .......... 421 Wood, Jonathan ........... 421 | Wooprow, ALEXANDER ...... 422 Wood, Joseph .......... 420 (2) | Woodrow, Jean ............ 422 Wood, Mary........ 420 (2), 421 | Woodrow, Sam.............. 373 Woop, Moses .............. 421 | Woods, Ann ............... 422 Wood, Moses .............- 420 | Woods, Elizabeth .......... 32 Wood, Naomi ............. 421 | Woods, Jesse .............. 422 Wood, Rachel .............. 421 | Woods, Mary .............. 422 Wood, Richard 14, 78, 93, 421 | Woops, THoMas ........... 422 Wood, Rosannah ........... 62 | Woodstock Town, courthouse Wood, Samuel.......... 847 (2) UG setae v's acdew cc exten eeartoends sé 19 Wood, Sarah ........... 420, 421 | Woodstock Town, courthouse Wood, Scarbrough ......... 421 TDD: eosin espeerahane to eipinsiec gee Oe 78 Wood, Susannah........ 263, 420 | Woodstock, plantation and Woop, THOMAS ............ 421 storehouse in ............ 332 Woop, WILLIAM ../........ 421 | Woodward, Edward ........ 422 Wood, William..... 366, 417, 420 | Woodward, Richard ....422 (2) Wood, Wm. ............. 45, 883 | Woopwarp, SAMUELL ....... 422 Wood, Winny ............. 420 | Woodward, Samuel (son ‘of. Woodard, Henry........ 240, 422 Samuel) ................ 422 Woodard, Joel ............. 422 | Woodward, Samuel .......2, 422 Woopard, JOHN ..........- 422 | Woolard, Ann ............. 422 Woodard, John ............ 422 | Woolard, Jane ............ 422 Woodard, Jno. ............. 272 | Woolard, John ............ 422 Woodard, Mary......... 239, 422 | Wootarp, RIcHARD ......... 422 WoopsrD, SAMUELL, AND Woolard, Richard (son of SAMUEL HOLLERY ........ 169 RiCHATA) xcs sseeseie a3 asiessteas 422 Woodard, Samuel ...... 155, 166 | Woolard, William .......... 317 Woodard, Sarah ......... 62, 385 | Woollard, Wm. ............ 288. Woodas, Henry ............ 1 | Woolward, Sarah .......... 423 Woodhous, Horatius ....... 254 | WookLwarpD, WILLIAM ....... 423 Woodhouse, Catherine ...... 421 | Wooten, William .......... 271 Woodhouse, Cesiah ........ 421 | Word, Margaret ........... 183 WoopHouss, HENRY .......- 421 | WorDEN, JAMES ........... 423 Woodhouse, Henry. .217, 327, 332 | Worden, James ............ 423 Woodhouse, Hezekiah...327, 421 | Worden, John ............. 423 WoopnHovuse, Horatio ...... 421 | Worden, William .......... 423 Woodhouse, John......... 27, 85, | WORKMAN, ARTHUR ........ 423 180, 183, 262, 298, 326 (2), 421 | Workman, Mary ........... 423 (2). Workman, Millesaint ...... 423 Woodhouse, Samson ....... 832 | Worldly, Doreas ........... 13 Woodland, John....121, 122, 401 | Worley, Ann .............. 423 Woodley, Andrew .......... 309 | Worley, Ann Gray ......... 423 636 InpDEx. PAGE. PAGE, Worley, Elisabeth ......... 304 | Wright, Samuel......... 280, 425 Worley, Hester ...........-. 35 | Wright, Sarah ............. 425 Wortey, LovicK ..........- 423 | Wright, Thomas ........265, 425 WORLEY, JOHN ... cscs eens 423 | Wright, William..... 45, 393, 424 Worley, John .........-0065 423 | Wright, Wm. .............. 126 Worley, Joshua ......... 423 (2) | Writ, Jeremiah ............ 126 Wormintun, William ....... 337 | Writ, Thos. ............... 126 Worrell, Richard .......... 81 | Wyate, Rebecca ........... 319 Worrell, William .......... 836 | Wyatt, Joshua ............. 221 Worseley, John ....... 305, 424 | Wyatt, Mary .............. 221 Worseley, Thomas...... 305, 3807 | Wyatt, Samuell ............ 399 Worsley, Abraham ......... 424 | Wyatt, Thomas ............ 119 Worsley, Doreas ........... 424 | Wyatt, William..18, 60, 358 WORSLEY, JOHN -........... 424 (2), 360 (2) WORSLEY, JOHN .......-.06- 424 | Wyatt, Wm. ............... 196 Worsley, Joseph ..........- 424 | Wyne, Jacobina ............ 248 Worsley, Mary ...........- 127 | Wynn, John ............... 52 Worsley, Sarah ............ 424 | Wynn, Ruth ............... 101 Worsley, Stephen .......... 424 | Wynn, William ............ 101 WorsLry, THOMAS ......... 424 | Wynne, George ............ 282 Worsley, Thomas .......... 424 | Wynne, Jeremiah .......... 156 Worth, Elizabeth .......... 424 | Wynne, Mary ............. 156 Worth, JOHN ...........6.- 424 | Wynne, Peter ............. 156 Worth, John (father of Wynne, Richd.............. 148 JOHN): os oy Geiss se wae vee A 424 | Wynne, Thos. ............. 156 Worth, John ............... 295 | Wynnes, James ............ 171 Wortham, Hutson Bae es hams 206 | Wynns, Benjamin. .13, 26, 27, 73, Wortham, Juliana ......... 206 87, 104, 129 (2), 131, 152 (2), Wotsford, John ............ 424 153 (2), 166, 171, 174, 182 (2), WOTSFORD, JOSEPH ......... 424 188, 197, 198, 209, 213, 248, 251, Wotsford, Joseph .......... 424 254, 259, 278, 281, 291, 294, 301, Scr ee betes eee es be 312, 334, 352, 360, 875 (2), 382, Wragg, Joseph’ ...... + PCa ||| ee Wrage, eR ean 871 | wynns, Benj...78, 81, 91, 825 (2) ‘5 TH) *s5-syvas“ove'd puaita secbns ae 18 Ww Wren, Peter woes sasivccanes 106 ynns, Benj., Jr............ 151 2 5, Wrenford, Edmund ...... go (2) | Wynns, Benjn.. .25, 39, 53, 54, 75 2), 87, 95 (2), 121, 183, 187, Wrenford, Susannah ....... 80 ( 2 Wright, Ann............. 51, 425 | 166, 198, 200, 207, 208, 233, 234, Wright, AUGUSTINE ........ 424 250, 256, 265, 316, 371, 398. Wright, Charles ......... 25, 424 Wynns, Elizabeth .......... 425 Wright, Blizabeth....17, 424, 425 WYNNS, GEORGE ............ 425 Wright, Hannah ........... 425 | Wynns, George (son of Wright, Henry ............ 51 George) .....eseeeeeeneee 425 Wright, James.......... 154, 234 | Wynns, George ............ 325 WRIGHT, JOHN ...........4. _425 | Wynns, George Augustus.... 39 Wright, John .............. 155 | Wynns, Geo. ...........655 425 Wright, Joseph ............ 170 | Wynns, James Boone....425 (2) Wright, Mary............ 25, 425 | WYNNS, JOHN .........006- 425 Wright, Rebecca ........... 170 | Wynns, John... .5, 30, 33, 36, 39, WricHT, SAMUEL .......... 425 50, 78, 89, 146, 186, 195, 286, WRIGHT, SAMUEL .......... 425 237, 238 (2), 239, 276, 804, 354, Wright Samuel (son of 395, 408, 424, 425. Samuel) ............. 425 (2) | Wynns, John Augustus...... 425 Inpex. 637 PAGE. PAGE. Wynns, Jno.....24, 45, 51, 57, 85, | Yeares, WILLIAM .......... 426 107, 126, 144, 169, 232, 234, 272 | Yeates, William (son of (2), 298, 802, 352 (2), 374, 409, William) .............08- 426 412, 424, 425 (2). YEATS, JAMES ...........4--- 426 Wynns, Mary .........+.5.- 39 | Yeats, John ..............4. 209 Wynns, Mary Anne ........ 425 | Yeats, Mary .............4- 426 Wynns, Penelope .......... ae Yeats, Stephen ............ 410 Wynns, Rose ........-..065 3% | Yelverton, Elizabeth ....... 35 Wynns, Sarah ............. 425 | Yelverton, James .......... 35 Wynns, Sarah Amelia. 425 | Yelverton, John (grandson Wynns, Watkin William. 425 (2) of James Blount)........ 35 WYNNS, WILLIAM .......... 425 | Yelverton, John .......... 35 (2) Wynns, William.....182, 425 Yeoman, Joseph ........... 152 (2), 427 | Yeoman, Ralph ............ 405 Wynns, Wm.............. 89, 171 | Yetts, Thomas ............. 16 Wynns, Wynnry Caroline... 425 | Yopim, plantation on........ 63 Yopim River, land on....... 220 Yaits, Bridget ............. 306 | Young, Ann ................ 426 Yaits, Thomas ............. 306 | Young, Arthur.......... 199, 341 Yarborough, Grigg....... 307, ee Young, Charles ............ 360 Yarborough, Richard ....... Young, Chas...... 47, 80, 203, Yarbrough, Blizabeth ...... 9233 287, 361, 371 Yarrett, Daniel ............ 116 Young, Foster .........00-- 426 Yates, Wm. ..........-2-- 198 Youne. Crorar . | 426 Yaupim, land at......... 296, 420 Young, Gerard et te : : " 116 ee At... .s. 217 | Young, John (children of).. 269 Yawpim, plantation on...... 60 y 5 h 138 Yawpim River, plantation at 215 OUD Es CORED A eanie cog mesuing 280 Yawpin River, plantation Young, Lovick ..........+.. UPON ccs sie rceeyes wee e oe 111 | Young, Peter .............. 81 Yenshaw, Rachel .......... 987 | Young, Prothesia ........... 426 Yeates, AMY ......---.--0-- 426 | Young, Mary .............: 426 Yeates, Charles ............ 426 | Young, Matthew ........... 197 Yeates, Daniel ............ 426 | Young, Rachel ............. 67 Yeates, Judith ............. 426 | Youngman, Hb. ..........-. 161 Yeates, Mary .......... 426 (2) | Young’s plantation ......... 108 Yeates, Richard ............ 426 | Youpim Ridge, land on...... 41 Yeates, Robert ............- 426 Yeates, Thomas ............ 308 | Zacee, Thomas ............5: 94 APPENDIX. INDEX TO WILLS. BOOK 1 “A.” PAGE. PAGE. Alford, Jeh00. 6.0255 evececedeus Oo | Hicks, Atte... cocccccuceswcone av Arderne, Jno. _-..-_---.---.----- 47 Lakor, Benj.-._-...-.-_--._----- 9 Blount, Thos._-._---.-_-...-.--- 7 Laey,, Wim. Si. ssccsucccseeges cn 22 Boyce, William__--_-_._....-.-_- 26 | Oates, James......_-___-_-___-_- 20 Buck, John___.---_-_----.------ 44 | Pricklove, Saml. _....._._._-_._- 27 Collins, Richard_.-_-.-.....-.-.- 13 Pope, Richard___-_-_-_-.-.---_- 15 Daniel, Owen____-.---.---_----- 5 | Steward, Wm. -_-._-.-_._-.--__- 46 Fendall, Robt..-.-.--._-.------- 39 | Stiball, Richd.-..-.-...-_-_-.-_- 17 Fisher, James._..-...-.--..--.-- 25 | Taylor, Edw. .----.-.-----_----- 42 Garfort, Gregory._----.-...----- 23 | Taylor, Robt...-.-.-.-.-.-.----- 13 Gormack, Patrick.-_.....-.----- 35 | Tweox, James_..____.-.__-.-.--- 40 BOOK 1. PAGE. PAGE. Arnold, Lawrence.____..-------- 50 | Lillington, Alexander______...-_- 78 Blount, James__._..._.--------- 120 Lankton, Thos. __..------_--.-- 86 Bentley, Jno. .....-_---.-------- 61 Mins; TH08s 22-22 osc eee ce} 42 Bateman, Jonathan_-_-_._-.----- 68 | Mesler, Ceasmore_._..----------- 82 Bayes, Edward__--_-.----------- 89 | Nicholson, Jos. ---.------------- 95 Bartlett, Wm. --.--------------- 97 | Neal, .Chas._...-.--_---.------- 126 Boyce, Wm. .- Perry, Jeremiah__._-...---.----- 65 Barber).Jn0i-2<355--eeee cease ce Price; ‘Thomas sca tectcesssaces 87 Calley, Matthew_.-_---.--------- 123: | Pollock, JaSi ccc cestecse voces 173 Croslen, JNO... .22202-5se2s525524 43 | Palin, Henry, Junior _______-_.__- 128 Crosland, Elizabeth__-.-..---.---- 42 | Phillpott, Jno.....-.-.----------- 104 Comander, Joseph Mathew_....--. 75 | Peterson, Jacob_......-.-.-....-- 98 Craig, Richard.-...--------.---- 88 | Roe, Edmund Cooke. Jn0::s.cocceectececesoenee 80 | Robison, Jas.....-_..----------- Dann, Jno., Sr. agen renee nee eee 82 | Smith, Robt.....--------------- _ Deane, Geo., Senr..-.-.---------- 121 | Sothell, Seth.....-.---.-.,.----- Foure,, Peter .....2202 sscessssc25 75 | Sutton, Joseph._.._.._.-.-_._--- 66 Fendall, John-----.------------- 81 | Stasi, Thomas_.._._.....-_.--.-- 91 Gambell, Adam ---------.------- 55 | Stevens, Wm. ..._...-.-.------- 92 Gough, Thomas. --.------------- 84 | smithwike, Jno. ..--.-..-------- 93 Garner, Ralfe_._.--------------- 84 Sutton, Geo..-..__.-__------.--- 122 Gonsolvo, Lawrence. ----------.- oe | Bills, TarBel accemaieceemeceneete 175 Harrison, Jno. ------------------ Teéstér, RODE << so2cec-c24essc055 63 Johnson, IN0, .cccccscccsseaesce 44 : Tonean Chas ice oe eee aces 60 | Tomlinson, ONS ese Sheets Ser a 94 Johnson, Jas. _.....------------ 62 Turner, Wm,, Sen..------------- 102 Jackson, Wm. .-_..-_----------- 90 | Wilson, Robt.--...-------------- 72 Kelley, Sarah. .4-.csessesuseeu 127 | White, Robt..-..--------------- 96 Lawrence, Wm. .-.....---------- 47 | Workman, Arthur_...-.--.------ 119 Loadman, James-__.-.----------- 69 | Wade, Alice... sooce--pyeeenscce 172 640 APPENDIX. LIST OF WILLS IN GRANT BOOK No. 76. Name. | Page. Date. Counties. Allen; .ANGreW: 2222222222 5555acesce=x) 278 1762 Dobbs and Craven. Adair, James (deed of gift)_---.-_.-..- 256 1759 | Dobbs and Craven. Adair, James (deed of gift)..-..-.-.-.- | 259 1763 Dobbs and Craven. LIST OF WILLS RECORDED IN GRANT BOOK 4. Date, 1724-1743. Number Name. of Will. County. Alderson, ‘Simon so. 2eccisiss scGaceeyeet) slelezkeokbeee 131 Beaufort. Andrews, Thomas__._-_._....---.-._..------------ 135 Bertie. Abington, Joseph ’..2...220¢2s2se42use2-044-0--ce0ee- 10 Currituck. FAN, DORN cows messemudae cuss wun oa hoeoedenkee 35 Answell, James's. <).:6 3. hha ceca ceo ceue hay ee 110 Bond; -Robert..c c.cicccsc ep gkicccigscoiads ececcredesaws 71 Bath. Brown, Richard-_----...--.-------------.-------- 41 Bertie. Brown, Waltete. 23552 secceewennt 4s Seeeeeeee case 54 Bertie. Boade, Jonnena2a5252ccceeaceessess sesceesedndad 87 Bertie. Battle JOnN =: 22 scaen seece iced dccluele cee eee 127 Bertie. Dat 5 HO ints cot ncnmnntddalaedic lake yee mae 59 Chowan, Baker, (Hen yesh fa sxc te ta tate ech eae ae cee et A ge 81 Chowan. Boyd, JOHN. oss 22heo nclese cin se ao eee eee ae 86 Chowan. Badham, William_--_._._._-_-_.-.-_-.-2 2-2 le 136 Chowan. Bonner, Henry 2-522 22260 2 502ce5e0 coed conte bees 162 Chowan. Bright, Richard... -.-...5-0-22eecccecceeccece ccm! 111 Currituck. Bryant, JOHN: jo. secs2g-cot es 225cccmticesmteansee 4 Edgecombe. Burgess, Stephen_----_-_..---.-_--_------ 2-2 i 44 Pasquotank. Bundy, Samuel_.__--_-_-.-----. 2-2-2 eee 122 Pasquotank. Boyd, Joba 2h ect ee ase = see donee 168 Pasquotank. Belmani, JODN cies cee Sade ec eemeces eee swe 133 Perquimans. Doswell George. unas oneness de mueweutoeewhaadion 156 Perquimans. Blunt, Benjamin_ 114 | Tyrrell. BOO, GG0TRO. cme scene tex ccancnndon ic eemeninn oon 2 > Beezley;,, Thomas. <2: 2.52245 sec,ecccocemneecenee 17 Bea Ey GAGE ono descenshasccncadeeneeemaaemone 27 Bate, Henry Lawrence. 113 Branch, Francis..-....-.-.----..-----.----------+ 123 Bright, Menryes 2 casassasea cm saceetmemlas Seteeihe cane! 134 Baiveron,, JUG osc asco 2 siete ceed dial Sorrel 150 Cather, TIGnty W..ceeals onde cigs geet ventas ea eee 33 Bath. Cron platy TONY s eevee nwnsaceweseucwcounceaeauas 56 Bertie. ‘Colling, JOR eee ee eon Sadierecisncciconmebcucisccemes 138 Bertie. SPST AOU cg ck acca gin wae ede Spend cenit dati 50 Chowan. CWO: Wesics ck co cScndsyckicdamhaananereanaabe 140 Chowan. Craven, James....------------.---------------- eee 201 Chowan. Cox, ‘THOMAS. woes n5scn ce cmemaccticaceccdemean eee! 143 Currituck. Convey, Deénnisiisscc 232555 scctick erie asiwcees on 13 Pasquotank. APPENDIX. 641 Number Name. of Will. County. COxQJObI <2 Soo scuceci cee duns eo ee esceeeeccsee 141 Onslow. Chappel, Richard._-_._._____-.._----------------- 11 Chance ys; Wig JP seeccsce sateen een osce ceacesmsacenet 30 Delamar; Francis .cccecne is soe ceed 161 Bath, Dias, Henry 76 Beaufort. Dwight Matti 6 wi eds sea aap een ol 70 Chowan. Davis: WshaG@sce wine eee ae ieeene cee es sce sewed 146 Currituck. Donohoe; JOR assocee5uesee ese eciseca seed 149 New Hanover. Davis; Sdlomon-= 2. -2522222cccecscccccceecsueuéesed 100, | Pasquotank. Davis, Richard so sscccsteemtuse nn cece ose 67 | Perquimans. Downing, William. 92 Etheridge, Henry sce o ce sce esa eke ees eee 147 | Currituck. Piveiion, Jeremie onsen eenupeseennray i eanenqesx 164 | Pasquotank. Ferrel, Richard ..2.26.csscesscedssesicesessesesyss 124 Albemarle. Forster, Robert..........-.-2.--------------------- 128 | Bertie. Green, Susannah___--__-_------- tS oeec mais thee 18 Griffin, William 36 Gale. Bdminds22oe-cocte tee seee se temesecenceees! 69 Goffe, Arthur_---_------------------- ao altace 74 Grégory; {PhoMass 3. ossewewieseeeo eds oeecceeehecs 106 Harrison; Viness = jo2eccecessesecieceessasccosesss 78 | Albemarle. Hendersou, George... -.--- 4 2 5 eee seeeeeccice! 64 Bertie. HOMpDrOOk; FOUN - ss) seo-2celscecseesseeue 1738-1752 336 Marsdeén, ‘Thomas... ..2: sco oss socceteces st eenie) 1738-1752 226 Neall, Henrys 2. scemecassSsccteeceeesesne seuss 1738-1752 196 Newby, Samuel_.-_.----.--------- 1738-1752 215 Norwood, William 1738-1752 51 660 APPENDIX. Name Will Book. Page. Notman: John eee se et ceeecen Sonee 1788-1752 87 Nixon): Zachariah. x22. cd ae ose ees ‘i seers a A ee : RS crete 3 “eS sans: Reap pisareses SRENS Ln, BB bres Pk tee Tats PETE emit Rese Bettas iar Seer eT is epee reaa F $e 4 cee ae pit E . ro wk i ree Cr 4 f eee xe ean hse eeteayts r Hs eds 3] iB aoe ap Seta Rnrwheneern hate