In Compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1998 Cornell Aniversity Library SE GP or Neva, A.W. Rar A. 9kh.5- wf cola 4 oe DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, [}S, CENSUS OFFICE. ROBERT P. PORTER, a CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Commissioner of Labor in charge. Appointed October 5, 1893. Superintendent. Appointed April 20, 1889; resigned July 31, 1893. VTA ea ees OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN COVERING A PERIOD OF SIX YEARS ENDING MAY 381, 1890. JOHN 8. BILLINGS, M.’D., ARMY, EXPERT SPECIAL AGENT. SURGEON WU. 8. NAN, SS | Ey Zz Z A Zi Bl A eA Y SSS WASHINGTON, D. ©.: PRINTING OFFICE. GOVERNMENT 1894. CONTENTS. Page. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR IN CHARGE TO THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR ........-...--- “ii CoMPaRISON OF THE VITAL Statistics oF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN ..-..-...2-2-2 022-002-2220 eee eee ee eee eens 1-80 APC ieco2s sete saxenucettpedeee os lsoceeohe ce ke swe tes oe vis Mio Rete ee tale wi ee ees Yee es eae cee cadence cesses reisiesesciour 4-13 ROAC6 see o's 5 cies ciate giarets ssaisbineraro S eee ames Mies ee AS ae v gatelegiaih ais lateicseers tela: ae elaoes un eeatenes Pewee cee ee Ye beaten eeeres 13-22 Conjugal Condition cee coc..we sins aa cee eisce’s deknk gaits d seSuise Gis Bae eee eee beceeeSeeey peeteeeudsh wearer Sete 22-30 OCCOPAtODS: 2. 222 ausecatas since heute weedien see ceeeeesd catecemseue te ae ames seeRearene Skee Sheers veGpe s = 358 375 || Cemeteries, intramural: Cleaning, annual cost (10 years)...--.-----.------+- $1, 075, 200 $165, 165 Apes (OF MMACRES scicayideiee seaseeieacooasetaee 421 757 Street lighting: | Per cent of city area embraced in-................ 1.64 4.47 Total number of lamps... 26, 978 10, 890 |: Interments, average annual (10 years)a@ .......... 1, 800 9. 283 Gas veceexennmesx fs pia 25, 483 9, 381 |} Saloons: Mlecbri¢eccasasssutceqaietedwdeswaetecasjeueeese 1, 369 1, 509 NUM DORs 2 ctidsccdvrna neceasccinmedegeddenecnaeea ad 7,579 3, 659 Vapor sveasenserecemessiasered apatcstaicinione ce N26 uk caves anieisicn: To each 1,000 persons.....-.......-----2..2--- 5.00 4.54 Persons to each lamp ....-..---------- 2-2 -ee ee ee eee 56.17 74.04 |; Police: Waterworks: NUM be. Of S2ccceiticmsdcwecesicscica neta oe seemese 3, 342 1, 041 Daily consumption in gallons .-.....-.------------ 112, 000, 000 | 50, 000, 000 Annual arrests (10 years) -.--.....2.22.---2--2---. 74, 594 28, 364 To each person ...-.-.---.------------+- 73.91 62. 01 Annual station house lodgers (10 years) -.-..-..-- 138, 604 21, 569 Miles of mains.....---.--.-- WeSivetecwice tae a 660 416 || Fire department: Number of taps....---.-..--0---- e022 cece cece eens 95, 000 85, 961 Number of employés........-...2-22--+-22-+.--+-- 1, 027 527 Sewers: Number of fires during past year........-.....--. 2, 836 901 Total length in miles ......-.----------+---++--+--- 464 380 Aggregate loss from fires (10 years)..........--.- $4,142,777 | $2,510, 043 Brick and stone, miles of......-..-------------- | 341 66 : a Includes interments in cemeteries within city limits only. The figures in this table show that New York was the more densely populated of the two cities, having a smaller number of dwellings than, and almost twice as many people to each dwelling as, Brooklyn. The open space in the form of parks was proportionately much greater in New York, and a much larger proportion of the business population lived outside the city limits than was the case in Brooklyn. The mean population of New York for the 6-year period was 1,394,647, and that of Brooklyn was 721,914. During the same period the average annual death rate in New York, exclusive of stillbirths, was 27.66 and in Brooklyn 24.17 per 1,000 of population. For the census year alone the death rates per 1,000 of population were: New York, 26.45; Brooklyn, 23.89; Metropolitan district, 24.61. A comparison of these death rates with those of certain other of the principal registration cities during the census year, both inclusive and exclusive of stillbirths, is shown in Table 2. The population used in computing these rates is that of June 1, 1890, and not the mean population for the census year. : the year 1890 are shown in the following table. NEW YORK CITY’ AND BROOKLYN. TABLE 2. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF WHITE POPULATION. CITIES. Including | Excluding stillbirths. | stillbirths. ANQVAQC xasaqeceaseeeee sere war weisediec sizes: 22. 84 21,21 NOW XOrbs Ne Wee pac ni oncities nuit 28. 47 26. 31 Chicago, Il..-.-......-..-. 21.03 19. 01 Philadelphia, Pa : 22. 28 20. 93 Brooklyn, N.Y ....---.---------- data siciers 25. 41 23.75 St. Louis, Mo .... - 2. 2-2-2222 ee eee eee 18.15 16. 50 Beton MASS sscrceces cise cis de teisemaetinantenies aad 24. 62 23. 29 Baltimore, Md -....--..-------2-1-22--220eeee eee 22. 61 21. 05 San Francisco, Cal ...-...--..---2.2-2-+----+--- 23. 57 22. 32 Cincinnati, Ohio .............--2 20.2. e eee eee 21. 93 20. 64 Cleveland, Ohio -. 21. 83 20.10 Buffalo, N. Y--- 19. 83 18. 32 New Orleans, La. 23 25.41 23. 57 Pittsburg, Pa ..2.0+.02.2-2+0-24 21.56 19.91. Washington, D.C bo 19. 79 18. 57 Detroit, Mich ...-...--.---.------ 20 -see eee ee 20.36 18. 62 Milwaukee, Wis 22-2:222¢2s-ne2 se reas cercesces 19. 26 18. 76 Newark; Nid! :c.ccdse cr saorscccie Serseieeeneese 28. 67 27.07 Minneapolis, Minn.........-......0-.2-2--.0--- 14.76 13. 48 Jersey city, N.J .--...-....-- 27. 48 25. 61 Louisville, Ky -.. 19. 61 18.16 Rochester, N. Y.. 17.39 17. 36 St. Paul, Minn 16. 74 14.78 Kansas city, Mo 17. 54 15.74 Providence, R. I 21.97 20. 76 TABLE 3. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. YEARS. : Including | Excluding || Including | Excluding stillbirths. | stillbirths. || stillbirths. | stillbirths. 30. 94 28. 80 28.18 26. 32 28.77 26. 68 27. 05 25.12 25. 32 23.39 23. 93 22. 32 25. 43 23, 52 22. 60 21.00 25. 94 24. 08 22. 78 21.16 28. 43 26. 48 24. 89 23. 33 33. 29 31.30 26. 46 24. 76 32.14 30. 04 26. 44 24. 69 28. 42 26. 33 23.55 21. 84 28.71 26.51 23. 42 21. 63 28. 59 26. 39 24.49 22. 74 29. 21 27. 00 24. 33 22. 55 29.70 27.51 25. 34 23.55 29.99 27.75 25.74 24. 04 29, 05 26.79 25. 38 23. 74 28. 65 26. 47 26. 21 24.59 3 Table 2 shows death rates among the white population of certain cities for the year ending May 31, 1890, including and excluding stillbirths. The variations in the annual death rates of New York and Brooklyn for the 16 calendar years ending with The number of deaths and of stillbirths upon which these rates are based were obtained from the annual reports of the local boards of health. The population for each year was calculated by the geometrical progression formula from the figures of the censuses of 1870, 1880, and 1890. Table 3 shows for New York and Brooklyn the death rates per 1,000 of population for each calendar year from 1875 to 1890, inclusive. 4 VITAL STATISTICS. The variations in the death rates of the two cities, exclusive of stillbirths, as contained in the preceding table, are shown graphically in the following diagram: DIAGRAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE YEARS 1875 TO 1890. YEARS. 1875 | 1876 | 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 188! | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1866 | 1887 | 1886 | 1889 | 1890 RATE NEW YORK ——-————— BROOKLYN From this table and the diagram it will be seen that the death rate in New York has been uniformly greater than that of Brooklyn, and has varied more widely; that in general the death rates of the two cities have increased and decreased together, but that from 1886 to 1890 there has been a gradual increase in the death rate of Brooklyn, while that of New York has first risen and then fallen to the level of 1885. The higher death rates in 1881 and 1882 were due largely to relatively high death rates among the children, produced by diphtheria, scarlet fever, and diarrheal diseases. : In different parts of New York the death rates vary from over 50 to less than 15, and in Brooklyn from over 40 to less than 12 per 1,000 of population. Before considering these differences in localities it is desirable to discuss briefly the influence of age, sex, race, occupation, and season upon the death rates, and also the relative’ proportion of deaths due to certain causes in these cities. AGE. Of the factors named, age is one of the most important, and in comparing death rates of different localities, or of different races, it must be constantly borne in mind that the death rates of infants and young children and of old persons are much higher than those of persons between 15 and 45 years of age, and a comparatively high death rate in any class of population, or in any particular district, may be due mainly or entirely to the fact that that class or district contained a relatively large proportion of children or of old persons. The following tables show the proportions of the population by age groups in each class, and the corresponding death rates. In these tables and others where the term “colored” occurs it will be understood to include negroes and persons of mixed blood, Chinese, Japanese, aud Indians. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 5 Table 4 shows the population of New York on June 1, 1890, and number in each specified age group per all ages, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. 100,000 of TABLE 4. NUMBER IN EACH AGE GROUP PER 100,000 OF ALL AGES. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL | June], NATIV EIN: 1890, Under 15 | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 years years. years. years. ' years. years. years. years. and over. be cach seal Aggregate.........2.02-2eceeeeeee 1, 515, 301 98,782 | 9,843 | 11,709 | 20,367 | 13,371 8,804 | 4,565 | 2,559 Males.......2.2-2-022-2-0220 e+ 747, 579 29,145 | 9,208 | 10,666 | 20,988 | 14,070 | 9.150 | 4,445 | 2,398 Females ........ 767, 722 28,429 | 10,461 | 12,725 | 19.764 | 12,690 | 8,466 | 4,682 | 2,783 White saci anseceete eee oe 1, 489, 627 98,948 | 9,881 | 11,686 20,247 | 13,278 | 8,801 | 4,590 | 2,569 Malessatesles Mccteteteedanis! 734, 930 29,315 | 9,250 | 10,631 ; 20,866 | 13,908 | 9,147 | 4,478 | 2,345 Females ......2..2-.220200e0-- 754, 697 28,591 : 10,495 | 12,713 19,645 | 12,605 | 8,403 | 4,701 | 2,787 Nati vee oa eam Soe eertcet ae 852, 641 44,818 | 12,419 | 11,452 16,482 | 8,007 | 3,963 | 1,709 | 1,150 Males... 420, 449 45,364 | 11.983 | 10,869 16,554 | 8,305 | 4.177 | 1,728 | 1,020 Females 432, 192 44,286 | 12,844 | 12,019 , 16,413 | 7,717 | 3,755 | 1,690 | 1,276 ! Both parents native .......... 270, 487 37,463 | 8,556 | 9,391 ' 16,987 | 12,136 | 8,198 | 4,200 | 3,069 Males. .....2..0.00.0000008 134, 457 37,639 | 8,084 | 8,714 , 17,106 | 12,638 | 8802 | 4,270 | 2,747 136, 030 37,289 | 9,022 | 10,060 | 16,870 | 11.639 | 7,601 | 4,131 | 3,388 One or both parents foreign 582, 154 48, 235 14, 215 12, 410 16, 248 6, 088 1,995 551 258 Malesiicceisidecseonetsuss 285, 992 48,996 | 13,817 | 11,881 | 16,294 | 6,267 | 2,003 534 208 Females ...........202-0-- 296, 162 47,500 | 14,599 | 12,920 | 36,203 | 5,915 | 1,988 368 307 Foreign.......--22.02e0ceeeeeeeees 636, 986 7,707 | 6,483 | 11.999 | 25,287 | 20,333 | 15,275 | 8,448 | 4,468 Mal@sicce ee ewiee aeeaemameaert 314, 481 7,859 | 5,597 | 10,313 | 26,630 | 21,540 | 15,791 | 8153 | 4,117 Remales dxcacteccanstenesnace: 322, 505 7,558 | 7.348 | 13,613 | 23,977 | 19.155 | 14,773 | 98,735 | 4,811 Golored:-cstcc- Sui chceaceete bende atta! 25. 674 19,160 | 7,615 | 13,048 | 27,431 | 18,789 | 8,982 | 3,104 | {971 Males.......2220222-2-2eeeeeeee "12,649 19,282 | 6.720 | 12,697 | 28,073 | 19,970 | 9,399 | 9,577 | 1,352 Females .......-.2.2..0.202e000- 13,025 | 19,040 | 8484 1 13,390 | 26,610 | 17,643 | 8,645 | 3,616 | 2.572 6 VITAL STATISTICS. ‘Table 5 shows the population of Brooklyn on June 1, 1890, and number in each specified age group per 100,000 of all ages, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. TABLE 5. NUMBER IN EACH AGE GROUP PER 100,000 OF ALL AGES, SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL] June 1, NATIVITY: 1890, Under 15 | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and over. Aggregate...-.2..222...20 ee ceee ee 806, 343 30, 736 9,752 | 10,889 | 18,941 | 12,743 8,972 4,941 3, 026 Malesia aSeceenenanacacecne ss 394, 123 31, 429 9,515 | 10,150 | 19,130 | 13,134 9,145 4,784 2, 713 Females .........2---0es-ee00+ 412, 220 30, 074 9,979 | 11,595 | 18,760 | 12,370 8, 807 5,091 3, 824 Wit soe pecererg ccc sdacacsetinxecc 795, 297 30, 822 9,766 | 10,865 | 18,896 | 12,694 8, 974 4,951 3, 032 Males\ ces qeeeseeaveaceeenceees 388, 964 31, 508 9,538 | 10,125 | 19,074 | 13,083 9, 148 4.800 2,724 Females .........-2----.-2+0++ 406, 433 30, 167 9.984 | 11,574 | 18,726 | 12,321 8, 807 5, 096 3, 325 = . $ 1 Nati tier. conacetanceatesaanas. Sacere | 534, 672 42,684 | 11,995 | 11,096 ; 16,407 - 8,771 4, 933 2, 387 1,727 1 1 ded | | Males......---..+-222002+ 260, 292 43,818 | 11,910 | 10,592 | 16,127 | 8,776 4, 946 2, 341 1, 490 Females ......2..22....2++ 274, 380 41,608 | 12,075 | 11.573 | 16,672 8. 768 4,921 2,431 1, 952 | . Both parents native .......... 222, 573 38, 796 8,951 9,195 | 15,196 | 11,299 8, 325 4, 648 3,590 MAES seipeicmemincs Stance wcae 108, 101 39, 989 8, 895 8,708 | 14,991 | 11,307 8, 412 4,586 3,112 Fomiales x2 2:cc2ss2.4-.s.0- 114, 472 37, 668 9, 004 9,655 | 15,389 | 11,292 8, 242 4,708 4,042 ' \ One or both parents foreign...! 312,099 45,457 | 14,165 | 12,451 ' 17,270 6.969 2,515 774 399 Meg sclecnieridse Caaeeeweis 152, 191 46,538 | 14,052 | 11,930 | 16,934 6,977 2, 484 147 338 Females ....... -....----- 159, 908 44,428 | 14,274 | 12,947 | 17.591 6, 960 2,543 800 457 POréign's.:cssecuepanrssicechuosecdd 260, 725 6, 498 5,196 | 10,393 | 24,000 | 20,737 | 17,260 | 10,210 5, 706 Males. ... 128, 672 6, 604 4,740 9,180 | 25,034 | 21,798 | 17,649 9,774 5, 221 Femialeaiicn cic cticiwes sgtetzers 132, 053 6.395, 5,640 | 11,574 | 22,993 , 19,704 | 16,886 | 10,635 6,179 Colored eccamieancscnciscncicncaneaken 10, 946 24, 466 8,743 | 12,598 | 22,191 | 16,353 8, 862 4, 193 2,594 Males: sceace ssscaceueceaewaeted 5, 159 25. 528 7,753 | 12,037 | 23,338 | 16,961 8, 897 3, 625 1, 861 Females ........-.22....-.222-2- 5, 787 23,518 : 9,625 , 13,099 | 21,168 | 15,811 8, 830 4,700 3, 249 i i The aggregate white population of New York under 15 years of age on June 1, 1890, was 430,463, and of these 381,514, or about 89 per cent, were native, while but 48,949, or about 11 per cent, were foreign. The corresponding figures for Brooklyn are: aggregate white, 244,941—native, 228,046; foreign, 16,895; about 93 per cent being native and about 7 per cent foreign. In New York 44.74’per cent of the native white population was under 15 years of age, against 19.09 for the colored and only 7.68 per ceut for the foreign. In Brooklyn the proportion of those under 15 years of age was smaller among the whites and larger among the colored, being 42.65 per cent of the native whites, 6.48 per cent of the foreign whites, and 24.32 per cent of the colored. The following tables show the death rates of the different age groups, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and nativity of parents. Roh NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 7 Table 6 shows the death rates in New York during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinctions of certain age groups, and of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. TABLE 6. ; J DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL 7 | | NATIVITY Allages, | Under 15 | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 ' 55 to 65 | 65 years es. years. years. years. years. years. yeara. years. |and over. 2 1 Aggregate ........0.200.ceeeeeeeeeee 28. 63 47.51 5.76 9. 96 14. 26 21.01 29. 41 48.80 | 105.03 Males... | 31.38 51. 66 6.41 11. 66 15. 67 23. 45 32.02 | 54.31 | 107.79 Females ... 25. 99 43. 37 5, 20 8.57 12. 81 18. 37 26.66 ' 43.71 | 102.78 ' White sancti suis sbacuhieasescademsncd 28. 47 47.06 5. 65 9. 84 14.15 20. 91 29. 30 | 48.45 | 105.16 pth || Sunaina ta eee aay Wise les oS at eee Males........2...2..25 duceesGuee 31.15 51.15 6, 25 11. 47 15.54 23. 30 31. 86 53.88 | 107.99 Females ........222--.200-.20--- 25. 87 42.97 5.13 8.52 12.71 18. 32 26. 60 | 43.41 | 102. 84 Nativecacels coo Seenvesoseaucaeesed | 32.84 51.67 5.65 10. 95 16. 71 20.11 25.51 | 41.18 99. 65 Mal66 xc. ncccernsaeatensieen 35. 82 56. 37 6.25 12.52 18.76 23. 23 29.49 | 48.44 | 101.24 Females ........-.--2.022000- 28. 95 46, 98 5.10 9.57 14. 69 16. 85 21.20 ; 33.96 98. 42 * 1 Both parents native ............. 30. 35 52. 72 5.14 7.05 9.49 13. 50 21.78 37, 23 94. 56 Malog1c5.i553 adsehaciiosensed 33, 24 57. 80 5. 98 8.36 10. 30 14.65 24. 76 43.72 95. 32 Females .......2-22--220-000: 27. 49 47, 65 4.40 5.92 8.67 12,25 18. 38 30. 61 93. 95 One or both parents foreign .... 33. 26 51. 29 5.79 12, 32 20. 21 26. 24 32.62 | 55.16 127. 83 Malle eccccccccccesssscusieva se 37. 08 55. 86 6.33 13, 95 22. 94 31. 35 39. 27 66.19 | 138.05 Females ....-.....2..220.20 29, 62 46.74 5.30 10. 87 17.57 21.01 26.15 » 45.16 | 121.15 23. 31 11. 16 5. 64 8.43 11.91 21.33 30.62 | 50.42 | 107.06 \ 24. 90 10. 84 6.25 9.99.| 12.86 23. 34 32.70 55.42 | 110.23 21.75 11. 49 5.19 7.27 10. 89 19.12 28.44 | 45.86 | 104.42 Coloted 22s: caccgancasmencaaascteaaseoses 37.47 87. 42 14. 32 16.12 19. 24 25. 29 35.56 | 79.05 94. 86 | Males... 42.06 96. 76 18. 82 21.17 21. 40 29.69 | 40.68 | 98.16 87. 72 Females 33, 01 78, 23 10. 86 11.47 17. 02 20. 45 30.20 ' 65.82 98.51 8 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 7 shows the death rates in Brooklyn during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinctions of certain age groups, and of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. TABLE 7. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVIEY: AD Under 15 | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 years ages. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and over. Aggropater.ccxcievscwsccssvasceeseny 25. 54 41.00 5.51 8.71 12, 64 16. 03 23.18 40. 69 96. 65 27. 15 44.50 6.00 10. 37 13. 73 17. 87 25.55 46. 35, 96. 32 23.42 37. 51 5. 06 7.32 11. 57 14. 16 20. 82 35. 60 96.91 White esccmascneseeteeede serccccccentees 25.41 40.69 5.42 8.60 12. 65 15.93 23. 03 40. 60 96. 09 MaleSay sss coeccveresteseieeeenasy 27. 62 44.14 5, 90 10. 28 13. 74 17.76 25. 49 46. 23 96. 06 POM aleSs ceva tees eeseaciccs saccine 23. 29 37, 24 4.98 7.19 11. 60 14. 06 20. 59 35, 53 96, 11 26. 53 42.97 5.57 9.09 13. 44 13. 35 16. 61 29. 07 93. 87 29.08 46.74 5.97 10. 48 14. 94 14.71 18. 64 32. 82 93, 32 24.11 39. 21 5.19 7.87 12.07 12. 06 14. 66 25. 64 94. 27 26.90 44.53 4.67 6.60 9.17 11. 33 15.76 27.74 92.73 29. 34 49.16 4.47 7.44 9.44 12. 52 17.93 30. 46 93. 34 24. 60 39. 89 4.85 5. 88 8.91 10. 21 13. 67 25, 24 92. 28 26. 26 42, 02 5.97 10. 40 16. 12 15. 68 18. 60 34.77 | 101.20 28. 90 45.27 6. 64 12. 06 18. 39 17. 23 20. 36 43.13 93. 20 23,75 38.79 5.35 8.94 14. 04 14. 20 16.97 27.34 | 106,85 Poreignesssscecoenseadaianseseaesets 23.11 9.98 4.72 7.53 11.55 18.16 26. 80 46.13 97.47 APAIGS Ye ccseenincieccieaise weenie ce 24. 68 9.30 5.57 9. 82 12.17 20. 25 29, 37 52.72 97.65 Peiiglesiccicccucsensessceccsones 21.59 10. 66 4.03 5.76 10. 90 15.91 24.18 40. 23 97. 32 Colored ac wisstscniierdsicedee stncwecennamen 34.99 69.45 | 12.54 15.95 | 11.58 21.79 34.02 47.938 | 144.37 Malesicsiaicaevecehansamiessacotne 37. 22 77.45 | 15.00 16. 10 | 13. 29 24. 00 30. 50 58.82 | 125.00 Mevial 6g ac sie cceee cost csagewemecas 33. 01 61.72 | 10.77 15.83 | 9.80 19. 67 37.18 40.44 | 154,26 t . Some comments on these tables will be given hereafter in speaking of the influence of race. At present it is only desired to call attention to the fact that the proportion of population in the different age groups has a decided influence upon the gross death rates of the classes specified. For example, the death rate of the native whites in New York was 32.34, while it was only 23.31 for the foreign whites. But 44.74 per cent of the whole native white population was under 15 years of age, while but 7.68 per cent of the whole foreign white population was under that age. Moreover, 87.74 per cent of the foreign whites who were under 15 years of age were also over 5 years of age, or in the age group 5 to 15 years, and had therefore passed the ages in which the heaviest death rates occur, while only 58.85 per cent of the native whites were found in the age group 5 to 15 years. There are also differences in the death rates of the two cities which do not depend upon the different proportions of population in the age group, since the proportion of the population of Brooklyn under 15 years of age is greater than in New York, while the death rate is 6.51 per 1,000 of population less than in New York, and the proportion ot population in the age group 15 to 45 is less in Brooklyn than in New York, the death rate of that age group being also less. ; During the 6-year period the average annual death rate per 1,000 of children under 5 years of age, excluding stillbirths, was, in New York, for the native whites, 110.37; for the colored, 153.90, and in Brooklyn, for the native whites, 93.78; for the colored, 147.59. In New York this rate varied for the native whites in different districts from under 55 to over 170, and in Brooklyn, from under 55 to over 130 per 1,000 of population. These rates are higher than those of Washington and Baltimore for the same periods for the whites, which were, Washington, - 61.94; Baltimore, 73.94, but for the colored they are lower in Brooklyn, while in New York they are higher than in Washington and lower than in Baltimore during the same period, these rates being, Washington, 150.53; Baltimore, 163.41. The death rate of the foreign white children under 5 years of age during the 6-year period was, in New York, 74.28, and in Brooklyn, 54.96, per 1,000 of corresponding population, being decidedly lower than the rates for the native born, but the differences in the different localities were much greater, ranging from under 35 to over 250 in New York, and from under 25 to over 135 in Brooklyn, and these differences, as we shall see, probably depend to a considerable exteut on race distribution of the population. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 9 ‘The following table shows the variations of the death rates of the infants under 1 year, and of the children under 5 years of age in New York and Brooklyn during the 11 years 1880 to 1890, inclusive, the number of deaths. being taken from the board of health reports. Table 8 shows the death rates per 1,000 of population in New York and Brooklyn, by years, from 1880 to 1890,. excluding stillbirths. The variations in the death rates of the two cities, TABLE 8. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION, STILL- BIRTHS EXCLUDED. YEARS. New York. Brooklyn. Tnder 1 Under 5 Under 1 Under 5 year. years. year. years. UBB cece cies ponseeas 279.80 | 104,35 225. 66 88. 52 TSB eine dacoeaeasne 305.45 | 104.34 239, 01 95. 29 TERY co neue eet 305.66 | 120.88 245. 88 96. 55 eGIoveectetstadanene 263.91 | 94.08 |} 218.71 76.97 TEBE cthacaaaestaces 288.34 | 102.06 238. 96 80.58 O85 qoweermadcenten 273. 60 | 100. 41 | 248. 98 84. 61 TRAC ves cewacetdioobs 284.14 } 104.34 || 287.04 85. 44 1687 ocweeiendcnecers 226.45 | 106.80 || 257.79 90.13 1B8Siemuasaieacseede 290. 70 | 108.82 || 271.63 92.97 BGO). cn crenathrncteer 288.89 | 105.83 | 268.47 93.38 ae 277.48 | 99.01 || 276.52 93.18 exclusive of stillbirths, among children under 1 and under 5 years of age, as contained in the preceding table, are shown graphically in the following diagrams: DIAGRAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES OF CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. OF CORRESPONDING AGE IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE YEARS 1880 TO 1890. RATE. 310 S00 230 280 270 260 250 240 250 220 210 NEW YORK . YEARS. 1880) 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884} 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 BROOKLYN 10 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE: PER 1,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE YEARS 1880 TO 1890. YEARS. 1680 | 168! | 1662 | 1883 | 1884 | 1685 | 1886 |1867 | 1886 | 1669 | 1890 RATE 130 120 110 NEW YORK ~——————-_ BROOKLYN It will be seen from these diagrams and from the table that the death rate of infants and of children under 5 ‘years of age was lower in New York in 1890 than it had been for several years, while in Brooklyn these rates had been rising irregularly since 1883. The shaded maps, which show the relative mortality among the children under 5 years of age in New York and Brooklyn, merit careful examination, and should be compared with the transparent maps, which show the location of ancient streams and marshes. It will be seen that the death rate of those under 5 years of age is as arule greatest in the low lying parts and where there is filled ground, but to this there are numerous exceptions. The influence ‘of race appears in the comparatively light shades representing the mortality of Russian and Polish Jews in the seventh, tenth, and thirteenth wards, inhabited largely by this class. The death rates of the infants under 1 year of age require special consideration. Table 9 shows for the years ending May 31, 1880 and 1890 the death rates of children under 1 year of age, exclusive of stillbirths, the number of deaths during each census year per 1,000 children born during the year, and the death rate under 1 year of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages in New York and Brooklyn. ’ TABLE 9. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. CHARACTER OF RATES. Sex. 1890 1880 1890 1880 Total ..... 279. 35 245. 33 254.87 | 196.50 Number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 of population of corresponding ages. . Male........ 299, 57 263. 20 277.03 | 214.74 Female ..... 258. 43 226. 97 232.44 | 177.79 Total ..... 240. 84 211.12 223.977 | 177.12 Number of deaths during the census year per 1,000 children born within the year. Male........ 255, 16 223. 36 239. 29 190. 70 Female ..... 225. 67 198. 18 207.54 | 162.74 Total ..... 258. 43 270. 02 253.58 | 248.29 Number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages...... Male........ 262. 71 280. 33 263.16 | 271.12 ! | Female ..... 253. 48 258. 69 242.92 | 224.84 ' From this table it appears that the mortality of infants was greater in New York than it was in Brooklyn in 1890,-and that in both cities it was higher in 1890 than it was in 1880. The number of deaths under 1 year of age ‘per 1,000 deaths of all ages was less in New York in 1890 than in 1880, and was but little higher in Brooklyn. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 11 The increase in the death rate of children under 1. year of age shown in this table corresponds with that observed in Washington and Baltimore for those years, and it may be due, either to an actually greater infantile mortality in 1890. than in 1880, or to a more defective enumeration of children under 1 year of age in the last census in these cities, or to a combination of these two causes. The increase per 1,000 in the death rate of infants in 1890 over that of 1880, is: for New York, 34.02; for Brooklyn, 58.37; for Baltimore (white), 49.74, (colored) 102.44; and for the District of Columbia (white), 13.08, (colored) 84.60. The number of-deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 children born during the year, was, in 1880, for New York, 211.12; for Brooklyn, 177.11; increasing in 1890 to 240.84 for New York, and 223.77 for Brooklyn. The infantile death rate of the colored was much greater than that of the whites. During the census year the number of deaths per 1,000 births was in New York, for the whites, 238.62; for the colored, 416.36. In Brooklyn, for the whites, 221.87; for the colored, 367.13. The following are the corresponding rates for some large English cities for the average of 10 years from 1877 to 1886: London, 152; Birmingham, 164; Liverpool, 183; Manchester, 174; and Leicester, 201. (a) For some countries taken as a whole the corresponding figures are: France, 1875-1882, 166.2; Netherlands, 1878-1881, 193.2; Italy, 1872-1883, 209.7; Switzerland, 1869-1880, 195.2; Prussia, 1874-1882, 207.8; England and Wales, 1866-1882, 149.2. (b) The increase in the number of deaths per 1,000 of the births in 1890 as compared with 1880 is for New York, 29.72; Brooklyn, 46.66; Baltimore (white), 48.16, (colored), 95.17, and for the District of Columbia (white), 13.14, (colored), 55.47. Let us now compare the proportion of children in the population of these cities in 1880 and 1890. Table 10 shows the number of children under 1 and under 5 years of age in New York and Brooklyn June 1, 1890, and June 1, 1880, and also the number of population of these ages per 100,000 of the total population, with distinction of sex. TABLE 10. . 2 PROPORTION AT EACH AGE PER 100,000 POPULATION AT EACH AGE. OH ki KORE: ! COLOR AND SEX. Years. New York. i Brooklyn. New York. | Brooklyn. | Under 1 ) Under 5 || Under1 | Under5 || Under1l | Under5 | Under 1 | Under 5 year. years. | year. years. year. years. year. years. ; | Ag pregate A sosewecicadeuo A ke: § 1890 37,076 | 164,686 || 19,163 90, 811 2, 447 10, 868 2,377 | 11, 262 1880 31. 183 140, 387 l 14, 814 70, 212 2, 585 11, 638 2,614 | 12,390 WAT hataunale siccoe eco eon a eecoeacn: § 1890 18, 634 81, 904 | 9,522 | 44, 868 2, 535 11,144 2, 448 11, 535 1880 15, 519 69,718 || 7,397 35, 153 2,671 12, 000 2,752 | 13,080 BW iiike feud Gal ceucangonn aa eee Sk aoa § 1890 18, 028 81, 090 | 9, 413 45, 001 2, 389 10, 745 2,316 | 11,072 1880 15, 182 68,904 |} 7,208 | 34, 185 2,510 11, 392 2,488 | 11,802 It will be seen from this table that the number of children under 1 year of age was 1.38 less per 1,000 in New York and 2.37 per 1,000 less in Brooklyn in 1890 than it was in 1880. - In every census there are errors in the count of children under 1 year of age, owing partly to omissions due to forgetfulness or concealment on the part of those furnishing the information and in part to the fact that children 10 or 11 months old are often reported as 1 year old, just as children 4 years and 10 or 11 months old are reported as 5 years old, the tendency being to give such figures in round numbers; but these errors should not attect the comparison of the proportion of infants present in these two different censuses of large populations, as the two censuses were taken in substantially the same manner. a Newsholme, ‘‘ Elements of Vital Statistics'’, London, 1889, page 104. b Rochard, ‘‘ Encyclopédie @’ hygiéne”’, Paris, 1890, volume I, page 254. 12° VITAL STATISTICS. ; Table 11 shows for New York and Brooklyn the number of deaths occurring in each year from 1875 to 1890, inclusive, of persons under 1 year and under 5 years of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages, both inclusive and exclusive of stillbirths. TaBLeE 11. \ | NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. | YEARS. Including stillbirths. '| Excluding stillbirths. |} Including stillbirths. || Excluding stillbirths. Under 1 Under5 ,, Underl Under 5 Under1 Under 5 Under 1 Under 5 year. years. year. years. year. years. year. years. | 327. 87 519.12 278.09 | 483.51 320. 83 544. 45 272.73 512. 19 332. 68 524, 78 280. 26 487. 45 310.77 541,37 257.74 506. 08 337. 82 510. 14 283. 14 469. 68 302. 85 499. 06 252. 60 462. 95 318. 22 500. 07 262. 89 459. 49 317.73 514. 98 265. 73 478. 01 319. 69 490. 22 267. 09 450. 82 302. 39 488. 68 249. 03 449. 56 323, 25 495. 99 273.19 458. 72 299. 46 503. 12 252. 84 470. 05 295. 79 491. 63 250. 91 459. 22 298. 31 506. 37 249, 98 472. 37 308. 63 497. 22 260. 18 461. 98 304. 62 510. 01 255. 43 475. 36 309. 66 450. 94 254. 86 407. 40 308. 62 466. 20 254. 40 424. 33 330. 61 479.15 275. 05 435.92 333. 20 486.75 277. 98 444, 25 317. 49 471. 80 260. 72 427. 86 - 324, 96 479. 67 272. 95 439. 58 318. 80 474, 52 263. 18 431. 61 313. 69 484. 03 259. 53 443. 32 313. 63 “472. 63 258, 98 430. 64 319. 51 482.97 267.76 443. 64 314. 41 474, 43 259.14 432. 06 321. 70 480. 71 273.74 444.00 322. 49 476. 46 265. 30 432. 27 318. 49 483. 02 271. 32 447. 24 313. 30 451. 89 256. 54 406. 58 312.51 462.19 267. 26 426.79 The figures on which these rates are based were obtained from the annual reports of the boards of health. Table 12 shows for each 1,000 deaths from all causes oceurring within the census year in 1890 and 1880 in New York and Brooklyn the number of deaths due to the most important infantile diseases. TABLE 12, NEW YORK. | BROOKLYN. CAUSES. sae | 7 =o 1890 1380 1890 ; 1880 1 Total infantile diseases. .<..-0+++eresc+ereceeer=s 226.15 213. 26 224, 51 219. 21 Meaplesirccccisccweaueececnye Souechegeremteweeeeetss es oees 3.17 2.12 | 0. 83 3. 07 Diarrheal diseases .......-...- 02-22-2022 eee ee eee e eens 46. 31 33. 96 30. 32 22. 94 Cholera infantum ...2....2-2.22220seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeeees 32. 81 35.83) 87.54 45. 04 PRAT OTO Mo = oc. cters esearch ne Se eimead casera lejereeteneieieieeed 5. 46 6.32 7. 32 9.72 Whooping cough 6. 34 4.17 4.05 7.76 Premature birth . 20. 91 23.75 12.10 17. 66 Malformation .-.... 1.90 0. 67 3.12 2. 47 Debility and atrophy ....----..-..------- 002 22eee eee eee 26. 10 18. 46 41, 23 26. 36 ADBMUNA owes wecnawewccsescstecisnsiccs aie satsinetiitaeman wes 0. 25 1.20 OnDP Heiss eswicmaces. Fy drocephalus: «5 on: sujsiciie Seiepe seayeisiee sa cia cesses nccce 6. 86 7. 66 4.10 8.02 Serofulaand. tabes:-.c-ccccceccssccsee: soeaeseccseseeness 1.10 1.91 0. 67 3.50 Meningitis and diseases of the brain ..--...-...--..----. 10. 21 | 8.97 20. 46 14.16 Trismus nascentium 1.12 | 0.35 DDG! i) cciateedumas Convulsions ....... 10.43: 23.01 18. 38 15.95 Croup and angina. 1.92 4.80 1.61 2.05 Bronchitis ....- ae 22.31 14. 86 20. 53 18, 42 Biieain ona: oes eee dapce ance: ava stivaenweneeeoce 24.50 | 19.97 13. 81 14, 07 Den tities 3.03 veces cache Sac soeanaGahogincaintesiiners 1,22 4.20 4.05 | 6.23 Others of class, digestive ...-...---..--2.22... 2200 c eee eee 1.82 | 1.13 1.71 1.28 Exposure and neglect. ..........-.--222-.2-20e ee eee eee eee 0. 02 | bsadoeanbhtrears | FeRME semecneuilicsatwuense! | Suffocation 1.37 | 0. 64 0. 93 0.51 z i A It will be seen from this table that the propurtion of deaths due to these infantile diseases was greater in both New York and Brooklyn in 1890 than it was in 1880, the difference being most marked in New York. Taking the figures of Tables 9, 10, 11, and 12 and comparing them with the corresponding figures given in the report of this office upon the “ Vital Statistics of the District of Columbiaand Baltimore”, and taking into consideration the fact that the censuses of 1880 and 1590 were taken in the same manner, and by substantially the same class of persons as enumerators, it seems probable that the number of children under 1 and under 5 years of age was less in proportion to the total population on June 1. 1890, than it was on June 1, 1880, in both New York and Brooklyn. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 13 A part of this diminution was probably due to a diminished birth rate during the years 1889 and 1890, and a part to a somewhat greater mortality from infantile diseases during the census year. Birth rates are calculated from census data by adding to the number of children under 1 year of age, reported as living on the date of the census, the number of children reported as born and died within the census year, and comparing the number of births thus obtained with the total population, or with the number of women of child bearing ages. Calculated in this way the birth rate per 1,000 of population in New York city was 30.04 in 1880 and 28.38 in 1890, and in Brooklyn it was 29.00 in 1880 and 27.07 in 1890. The diminution in the birth rate which these figures indicate for these two cities is also found in other large cities, and in the whole country, the birth rate of which in 1880 was 30.95 and in 1890, 26.68 per 1,000 of population. These rates are too low by about 30 per cent for each census, but they are comparable with each other if the ratio of deficiency was about the same in 1890 that it was in 1880. The corresponding figures for birth rates in some of the other large cities are as follows: Philadelphia, 1880, 26.20; 1890, 25.12. Boston, 1880, 25.01; 1890, 22.67. Chicago, 1880, 32.40; 1890, 31.02. Baltimore, whites, 1880, 28.38; 1890, 25.58. Cincinnati, 1880, 29.85; 1890, 25.58. District of Columbia, whites, 1880, 26.85; 1890, 20.98. In fact, the only exceptions thus far noted among the large cities to this rule of diminution in birth rates are in St. Louis and Detroit, in which the birth rate was higher in 1890 than it was in 1880 according to the census reports. RACE. The mean colored population of New York for the 6-year period was 24,003, of whom 1,553, or 64.70 per 1,000, were under 5 years of age, and in Brooklyn it was 10,100, of whom 865, or 85.64 per 1,000, were under 5 years of age. At the same time the proportion of the children under 5 years of age to the native white population having both parents native was 155.90 per 1,000, and for the foreign white 9.46 per 1,000 in New York, and in Brooklyn the corresponding proportions were 155.08 and 8.31 per 1,000. The annual death rate of the colored in New York during the 6-year period, excluding stillbirths, was 30.27, and in Brooklyn 29.79 per 1,000 of population, and the death rate of the colored children under 5 years of age was, in New York, 153.90, and in Brooklyn, 147.59. These rates are higher than those of the whites, but the excess is not so great as it was in Baltimore and Washington during the same period, the corresponding rates for the colored in those cities being, for Baltimore, 32.60, and for the District of Columbia, 33.25. For the colored children under 5 years of age, in Baltimore the rate was 163.41, and in the District of Columbia 150.53. During the census year the death rates per 1,000 of the children under 1 year of age, excluding stillbirths, were: for New York, whites 276.39, colored 541.06; for Brooklyn, whites 252.39, colored 460.35, and for the Metropolitan district, whites 261.79, colored 445.08. From Tables 6 and 7, given above, it will be seen that during the census year the death rate of the foreign born whites was less than that of the native born whites in both New York and Brooklyn, and especially so for those under 15 years of age. In New York the death rate of the native born of native born parents, or “Americans”, as they may be called, was less than that of the native born having one or both parents foreign born, but in Brooklyn the rate was slightly greater for the same class, the difference being too small to be of any importance. For the age group 35 to 45 years in New York the death rates were: for the colored, 25.29; for the foreign whites, 21.33; for the native whites having one or both parents foreign, 26.24; and for the native white of native parents, 13.50, and in general it will be seen that for ages over 35 the death rate of this class was less than that of the other whites taken as a body, although this is not true for certain districts. 14 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 13 shows for New York city for each of certain specified causes the average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. TABLE 13. | WHITE. J ‘ts i Native. CAUSES. Aggregate. Colored. ‘Total. Both par- {One or both Foreign. ‘ Total. ents parents \ native. foreign. Wes | = All causes....-...--.----.-- 2, 991. 90 2, 986. 03 | 8, 495. 68 | 3, 350. 89 3, 561. 69 2,314.77 3, 327. 36 Scarlet fever..........2.22-200220-- 52. 19 | 52.91 | 85.57 | 79. 58 | 88. 30 9. 89 1L.11 Typhoid fever .........---.----.--- 24.27 24.38 19.51 |; 18.51 | 19. 96 30. 80 18. 05 Malarial fever .......2..2-2-2.02+++ 24. 62 24. 60 | 26. 98 | 30. 67 | 25. 29 21.47 25. 69 Diphtheria -...........2.-222--2--- 121.11 122. 67 | 202. 45 179. 46 212.94 17.58 31.94 OrQup aecincscoestseeseeheodetes 60. 53 | 61.36 || 101. 42 78.76 111.75 8.59 13.19 Diarrheal diseases - . ee 316. 85 318.14 491.16 383. 24 540. 36 90. 25 243. 72 Consumption .....-..--.----------- 391.75 . 385. 05 310. 05 * 238. 48 342. 69 483. 83 774. 21 Pneumonia 3 287. 89 287. 25 303. 94 280.15 314. 78 265. 27 324.27 Measles aieats 45. 67 46. 21 76. 31 58. 34 84.50 6.56 15. 28 Whooping cough a 33.70 33. 60 57. 82 54. 24 59. 46 1.69 39. 58 Cancer and tumor . 60. 55 60. 82 29. 09 54. 92 17. 32 102. 61 45.13 Heart disease and dropsy.....: ee 138. 24 137. 37 93. 65 130. 00 77. 08 194.95 188.17 Childbirth and puerperal diseases - 26. 72, 26. 78 18. 25 16. 87 18. 87 38. 01 23. 61 Diseases of the liver............... 33. 03 33. 39 17.91 24. 05 15.11 53. 79 12. 5¢ * Diseases of the nervous system. .-. 241. 96 241.99 | 276. 11 308. 64 261. 27 197. 06 240. 25 Diseases of the urinary organs .-.. 173. 72 172. 52 : 110.77 | 147. 76 93. 90 253. 86 242. 33 Old age 21.16 8. 09 | 21.11 2.15 38, 37 34, 02 Stillbirths ada ekenine 394. 23 | $26. 81 ADASOT |W 2ceeaceezse 300. 66 All other causes a 711. 32 710. 80 . 871. 27 | 918. 06 849.94 499. 44 740. 88 Unknown 0.99 0.96 1.11 ; 1.23 1.06 0.76 2.78 Table 14 shows the average annual death rates during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, in Brooklyn, due te certain specified causes, per 100,000 of mean population, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. TABLE 14. WHITE. Native. CAUSES. Aggregate. Colored. Total. . Both par- |One or both Foreign. ‘ Total. ents arents native. foreign. AILCAaNSO8 s 5.5%. 5eccese2255 2, 596. 50 2, 590. 00 2, 769. 15 2, 839. 88 2, 719. 13 2, 226. 02 3, 054. 46 Scarlet fever 42. 48 42. 85 60. 37 60. 22 60. 48 7. 24 16. 50 Typhoid fever 23.13 23. 30 20. 65 23. 36 18. 73 28. 68 11. 55 Malarial fever 32. 62 32. 48 30. 08 30. 87 29. 53 37.34 42. 90 Diphtheria 115. 25 116. 58 166. 06 159. 92 170. 41 16. 04 64. 36 Croup 48. 57 49. 03 70. 65 59. 46 78. 56 5.11 16. 50 Diarrheal diseases - . 282. 58 282.10 375. 49 325, 32 410. 97 92. 35 316. 83 Consumption 303. 24 300. 01 246. 63 203. 69 277. 00 408. 45 531. 35 Pneumonia 230. 06 229. 27 216. 24 216. 09 216. 34 255. 76 285. 48 Measles 17.71 17.75 25.16 22.10 27. 32 |! 2.70 14. 85 Whooping cough 26.18 25. 85 37. 87 40. 23 36. 21 1.42 49. 50 Cancer and tumor 48.27 48.19 26. 06 44. 28 13.18 93.13 54. 46 Heart disease and dropsy.....---.- 131.16 130. 51 85. Bt 114, 29 65.73 221. 26 176. 57 Childbirth and puerperal diseases - 20. 02 19. 95 14. 64 13.50 15.45 30. 74 24.75 Diseases of the liver........-.-..-- 35. 95 35. 85 20. 44 24. 46 17. 59 67.15 42. 90 Diseases of the nervous system ... 270. 67 269. 76 293. 35 332. 82 265. 43 221. 83 334.98 | Diseases of the urinary organs .... 112, 87 112. 74 |! 74. 73 91.77 62. 69 189. 96 122.11 17.50 36. 86 3. 82 59. 56 31.35 269. 31 290. 74, POLIO. Henc Seceooeaiee 75. 91 715. 72 747. 29 | 693. 40 | 483. 48 838. 28 2. 34 2.61 | 2.15 3.83 3.30 a NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 15 No comparison can properly be made of the death rates shown in these tables for the foreign and the colored as due to scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, and other diseases which affect children chiefly, owing to the relatively small proportion of children among these classes of population. Consumption and pheumonia are more fatal among the colored than among the whites in both cities, and among the foreign than among the native in Brooklyn. The best means at our command for classifying the whites according to race is to divide them according to the: birthplaces of mothers, and the death rates of different classes thus formed are shown in the following tables. Table 15 shows for New York and Brooklyn for the 6-year period the death rates per 1,000 of certain races as: indicated by color or by birthplaces of mothers, with distinction of under 15 years and 15 years of age and upward, including stillbirths. TABLE 15. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. a \ 7 a ages. |) "Zecca | audoree. || SE ABS. | esse. | aad over 7 — a White -.. Ses 29. 86 53. 28 20. 36 25. 90 44.71 17. 63 COOLED aie ciassten cea cadeveemecesecedasmentedeoet’ 33. 27 75.71 23. 57 30. 54 63. 75 20. 00 White mothers born in— United States sna. os sesseuscancaosaaysesscts 32. 43 54. 01 15. 91 27.49 45. 76 13. 89 England and Wales. 27. 67 50. 53 20. 78 20.51 32. 42 16.95 Ireland ose ie 32. 51 50. 87 28.01 |] 27.14 43. 84 22. 68 Scotland - niee make Seni 26. 60 43. 71 21.91 19. 62 29. 86 16.41 RTah COesecerevesixisecacsecss eceeckenesnes 23. 28 47.01 17. 86 17. 22 27. 81 14. 43 Germany? 22cinss.ce caine ncivinicie be saaierrearpean’s os 24.27 46. 97 17.04 || 23.18 44,31 15. 46 Russia and Poland oe asks 14. 85 28. 67 6.21 || 13. 93 27. 03. 5. 85 Canada .....-...---- ea it 26.57 52.06 16.71 |; 20.04 33. 44 14.33 Scandinavia ........ ajeiats ai 23.47 57.33 13. 43 19. 46 45, 50 9.13 On gary ssc ioc voscis veaernceeceatecnsse 22. 43 47,21 8.45 11.277 21.16 5, 20 BONCM I Ayer icis nets ces sete aces cciecen eds 43.57 82. 57 20. 31 52. 08 90:91 31.75 er si 35, 29 76.41 12. 27 | 24.11 53. 62 7.89 Other foreign countries ....-...-.--....-.-- 21. 24 40.68 13.00 || 27. 58 56-11, 18. 96 The variations in the death rates of the two cities among those under 15 years and those 15 years of age and upward, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers, as contained in the preceding table, are shown. graphically in the diagrams following. 16 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN EW YORK AND BROOKLYN; WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WHITES —MOTHERS BORN IN— OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES ” ul < ”) a ul E z > ENGLAND & W. SCOTLAND GERMANY Russia & POLAND SCANDANAVIA HUNGARY BOHEMIA NEW YoRR == BROOKLYN NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 1% DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION, 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WHITES— MOTHERS BORN IN— UNITED STATES ENGLAND & W SCOTLAND RUSSIA & POLAND SCANDANAVIA HUNGARY OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES COLORED NEW YORK ————————_ BROOKLYN ---------- Table 15 shows that during the 6-year period the average annual death rate in New York was greatest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia and least among those whose mothers were born in Russsia aid Poland. In Brooklyn it was also greatest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia, but least among those whose mothers were bornin Hungary. The real significauce in the difference in the race mortality, however, appears in the columns showing the death rates by age groups. For those 15 years of age and upward the death ratein New York city was higher among the colored than among the whites, and among the latter was highest among those whose mothers were born iu Ireland, and lowest among those whose inothers were born in Russia and Poland and Hungary. For all others, except the colored and the Irish, Scotch, and English and Welsh, the death rate in this age group was below the average. In Brooklyn, the highest death rate of those 15 years of age ‘and upward occurred among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia, and next to this among those whose mothers were born in Ireland. The lowest, as in New York, was among those whose mothers were born in Russsia and Poland and Hungary. For the children under 15 years of age the heaviest death rate in New York was among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia (82.57), in Italy (76.41), and the colored (75.71). The lowest was among those whose mothers were born in Russia and Poland (28.67). In Brooklyn the death rate of this age group was highest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia (90.91), and the colored (63.75). The lowest was ainong those whose mothers were born in Hungary (21.16), Russia and Poland (27.03), and France (27.81). The two following tables show the death rates of different races, with finer distinction of ages, stillbirths being included. These rates are for the census year, which will account for the difference in the rates at all ages and under 15 years of age, as stted in the table showing rates for the 6 years. 938 2 18 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 16 shows for New York the death rates per 1,000 of white population during the census year, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers and of eight groups of ages. TaBLeE 16. ~ Siesetnty eae » Pea Seed Ea, ee eae 1 AGES. | i BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, pe ee eee ey i Oey = Sars 7 ep aa ea Wile i we | i Alivawes: Under 15; 15 to 20 \ 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 35 to 45 ; 45 to 55 55 to 65 : 6 years | 2 years. years. j years. years. years. years. years. | and over. United States (white)........ 29.16 46.92! 4.92 7.00) 9.67 12.55 20. 66 34.41 | 93.35 | England and Wales. . 27.59! 43.28 5.63 10.04, 12.96 19.28; 29.78! 42.70 127.82 | Treland ............ 32. 20 43, 26 7.75! 13.81; 20.72 30.76 | 40. 91 63.32 133.11 Scotland | 26551 35.32! 4.98) 10.77! 3d 20.70} 36.21) 41. 8 108, 75 Pratt -oiscicc4 o2sageees odes ee 24.08} 42,46 6.96) 5.27, 10.22 15,26; 28.05) 44.31 111.52 Germany ...--..2-2..2.--.24. 22.08 36.90 4.30 7.73) 11.05; 16.94; 22.68 43.27 84.52 Russia and Poland.........-- aig} 40.25; 3.271 4.67 zor. 9.93! 20.63] 31.25 102. 80 Canada -...22-22..22.2202c08 26.85 | 39.53 5.68| 13.24 15.89; 28.95) 18.25] 70.55 95.24 Scandinavia 28.32 | 62.56 7.72 | ‘W87| 14.44) 19.21 | 28.30] 49.42. 85.23 Hung 5 29.25] 58.73 7.91, 5.49! 814) 11.99) 30.84 | 40.28 102.19 Bohemia ... oH 36.22] 62.19 5.69] 13.11) 18.45} 20.30) 23.54] 58.98 39.74 Italy ; 39.96 | 84.18 7.94 | 13.50 11.03 15.36; 19.90} 38.34. 8x. 40 Other foreign countries. ..... 18.06 | 32.11 4.14 6.39) 7.47 13.20, 18.96 | 36.48 66.73 Table 17 shows for Brooklyn the death rates per 1,000 of white population during the census year, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers and of eight groups of ages. TABLE 17. | AGES. | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. = ; | . | | f l ae ' : Ailiaces: nder 15 18 to 20 | 20 to 25 | 25 to 35 | 35 to 45 | 45 to 55 | 55 to 65 | 65 years | years. | years. years. years. | years. years. | years. and over. | ! = era et PS ae, eins 6 ‘ ! | United States (white)....-..- 26.13 | 41.56 | 4.47 7.13 | 8.81 10.94 14. 84 26. 87 | 89.97 | _ England and Wales.......... yo21! 28.59! 3.08) 6.27) 842° 10.89; 20.77! 39.50: 90. 99 . | V Prélabiasceseseepsescnancads 27.83) 48.09) = 7.03! 11.05 ! 18. 28 ; 23.56! 32.17! 56,08 117. 23 | Scotland ........0020022e2e 2 20.92; 23.27 | 4.26) 8.99 R73 16.94) 1921 | 35.41 69.57 | Franee...-----2-2222-ee-ee 14.86. 19.63 joceestess {887 6. 26 5.81 18.65) 31.1 i 79. 30 | i Germany -...--.2-2222--20 0+ 21.58 8647 5.04 7 10, 32 13.75 20.66) 37.81" 84.98 : Russia and Poland.....--.... 37.57 i 76. 29 | 10. 50 6. 30 11.39 18. 22 43.98 | 44.78 ° 32.26 | Canada sedsccaseaeetscces: ee 21.53) 36.47 | Scandinavia ...............-- 24.88 | 55.33 | | ' Hungary... eeeraigeet ai 7.81 11. 63 | : | Bohetuiascccn 238. 28 | D PO Wii 2 sescisiee ce eiscce re er gree steed ctslncietcie es ieee eeeaties 18.05 24. 88 j, BurisAnd SCA dS ececeencg ne. ce vesse sesso eeginased 1.69 6.55 Gunshot wounds and hanicides.....-.--.,----------- 5.74 L3l i, Tafanticide joxeseim ot sarge we esos cae cneehieumeag gies yrs eke pe che Sevens Sere aR Te Sh, aa ! Railroad accidents. ..-.....-..-2-2222202+ 8.01 | 3.79 7.80 13.09 | ' Suleiles:......scs02552 saegearen eer seet vee HOW | ecereeeeee 7.39 18.3855: 2 agus Eis eee : if a Per 100,000 total females. b Per 100,000 females Lo to 45 years of age. ¢ Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 21 Table 19 shows for the children of Irish and of German mothers in Brooklyn during the year ending May 31, 1890, the number of deaths per 100,000 of population, with distinction of certain causes of death and of certain age groups. TABLE 19. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES. 7 CAUSEs. Children of Irish mothers. i Children of German mothers. Under 15 | 15 to45 | 45 615! 5 : Allages. years a Under 15 15 to 45 45 years ° years. , years. | and over. All ages. years. ; years. | and over. eters ea ge we bc dteie emai wast cea | eee he Ais ee eee AIIGCANSESi522.305:2 2a sepsomegeieeeeacemeenaceucoeneadeneas 2, 782. 98 3, 868. 89 | 1, 597. 70 5, 227. 09 2,157.79 | 3, 644. 90 954. 24 | 3. 670. 07 RIES 225d ash se pias See eeinuunsawee shone Smaak aecmmore rain 1, 371.38 2, 032. 97 | 829, 70 2, 307. 69 1, 299. 51 2, O41. 97 545. 81 ie 2 098. 43 BOM AlES) sie seca eons toads sees cneversedayeesec ee post eiee 1, 411. 61 1, 835. 92 | 767.99 2,919. 40 935. 28 1, 602. 92 A eureccccmen al Gale) ea ey ae: Scarlet fev erivssivuwsse seviese ecedes 10.18 45. 66 | 0.86 5 crebiayihiers/s seaversicibea chars SSIS nici 3 F 3 sats trates Attend 15. 84 Diphtheria and croup 34.95 9 5 ip ca [P2aenenewar seececs Heese nede sees eberee me sie id 134.95, 629. 60 | Die |itaaainetatrems 134. 41 482. 58 Whooping cough ..---..-..-- 13.75 64.88 | ellis cto eters 17.89 64. 34 Cerebro-spinal fever 0.51 2. 40 | 1,53 5. 68 "YpliOid feVerscneuaerne sated eaexiemeserse alates stances 27.50 19. 22 38.57 2. 63 18. 40 5. 68 Diarrheal diseases and cholera infantum 178. 74 574. 33 | 30. 00 202. 15 208. 52 686. 97 Malarial fever 36.16 40. 85 ; 24.00 68. 26 18. 40 11.35 Erysipelas ana septica@mia 12.73 9.61 11.14 21.00 18.91 11.35 Venereal diseases 0.51 2.40 | 2. 04 5. 68 ATCONOMSM. ccc wes neers semenadiateesseicteene ecindgeiciulsuindeaelseseng LOK69! | esesrnc ors atte 4.09 Premature Dirthici. ces jocesecuncusevascecissig donee use eeeuete 04 14, 26 12.27 SOM bIANG s.2 cece eccce eters sien pacmie cectteeamaeeerats 93.70 . mi 150.77 Inanition, debility, and atrophy............2..... 94. 21 341. 23 7.71 89. 26 117. 04 OQ SC cgeee gee sete ererisrtisose ness noeaginenerhen seen answers B29! |aiciornsicaien: ie clfsciowcletneviete 273. 04 30.15 MRHGUNIALISM soe oes eee secs asniemee le oh idk oR Sadalceecasadetes 16. 80 4.81 9. 43 52.51 5. 62 Tubercular diseases 519.93 353. 25 573. 42 538. 20 ‘381.78 COnSWMPtiOn s2seecieescessnscesdests peer eee tered aes 432. 85 52. 87 546. 85 498. 82 286. 72 Scrofula and tabes......-.------------ 1.02 2.40 ONGG! | eecie sie a 2.04 Hydrocephalus .-.- 10. 69 48. 06 O86: | seins senses 14. 82 Inflammation of the brain . 72.31 242. 71 23.14 36. 76 75. 64 Diseases of the bones and joints ..........22..2...2---2--2-- 3.06 7.21 1.71 2. 63 2.56 Cancer and tuwor ....-22.-02-00e202-0e cece eeeeeeeceeeeeeeeceeees 51.43 2.40 22.99 194.28 | 55. 20 Diabetes 13.13 | 3.07 Diseases of the nervous system .-.-.---.-------+2---+2-+----00- 234. Apoplexsccseay pecs eee peste swtes cesar ste seeeecgaemeeeaeeess i 52. Tetanitis «. s:2e2cccdce ct eece soporte neice neces pea eeieaes ' 1. Trismus nascentium and convulsions. ......,..-.----2-22---- \ 46. | Diseases of the circulatory system . 139. Aneurism .. -+ - i 2.63 2. \ Heart disease and dropsy .....------- 222000 e2ee cee eeeeee ee 191. 47 72.09 114. 00 559. 20 | 128. iL Diseases of the respiratory system......-...---------+--++------ 625. 85 711. 30 346. 28 1, 988. £2 | 419. 09 671. 83 167. 80 823. 66 PrOnCHiliS.: science steeaes secs cee raetesen ses sie 166. 52 276. 35 36. 00 446.31 99.15 177.89 13. 83 247.39 Pneumonia 375, 82 249. 92 274. 28 824. 36 233. 56 261. 16 139, 22 488. 95 Diseases of the digestive system .--..-.---+-++-20+2+ 2+ ee ee ee eee 103. 24 113. 55 50.71 253. 21 Diseases of the liver.....--.-.----------+-+ 22 eee eee eee eee eee 38. 84 9. 46 20. 28 142.61 Diseases of the urinary system - 93. 02 28.39 51. 63 323.06 Bright's disease..-------.-- 02-2620 ee see eee creer ere eee oe 42.93 1,89 27. 66 154. 25 Diseases of the female organs of generation......-...------------ 08,25 |....--.220-- 07.45 623, 85 Affections connected with pregnancy...-.--------------+-+-++--+ 067.04 |.--.-..-.--- Abortion : . 01.86 |.....----- Childbirth and puerperal septicemia 054.00) | s-scesoces U5AL0O frocecrriace ae Accidents and injuries. -.-.......-. 2-2-2222. ee cece ee eee eee eee 55. 20 34. 06 42.41 128. 06 Drowned . .--------+---+-+ +2002 c errr t rere Niger peeevecr sessile . : 5 4 5. 62 5. 68 3.53 5. 82 Biimie anid Seal Suse cca ee nee reteerenceeaseuad Gate ee Sao al 5.09 9.61 0. 86 13. 13 | 5. 62 13. 25 2.77 2.91 Gunshot wounds and homicides. .......---.--+---+---+-22++++ 3:06) | ss aceaswasee 42 5 z Infanticide. -....-.-----+---+----2-- +++ Seviueincheedoeticeaecd 0.51 2:40 Lewascaicue Railroad accidents .-..-.-------------2-+ 2-2-2 e eee ee eee eee 3. 06 3.4: . : q 5 SUN CIQEA se erase consis ests Sse ee SRR ee cma aOR 5. 09 171 21.00 1G387' Lessttecienesesa 12.91 55. 30 « Per 100,000 total females. b Per 100,000 females 15 to 45 years of age. ¢ Per 100,000 females 45 years of age aud over. 22 VITAL STATISTICS. These tables present many interesting points relating to the death rates of the two groups. It should be remembered, however, that the children of Irish mothers form amuch more homogeneous group than do the children of German mothers, since the latter include a considerable number of the Jewish race, whose death rate is very low, and if it were possible to separate these the difference between the Irish and the German death rates would not be so great. A large part of the excessive death rate among children of Irish mothers is due to tubercular diseases, and to the effects of alcohol, which last include a considerable part of the diseases of the nervous system, of the circulatory system, of the digestive, and of the urinary organs among the adults. The greater prevalence of malarial diseases among those of Irish mothers is due to the fact that a greater proportion of them live in the water side and filled districts. The death rate of the women with Irish mothers, from childbirth and its consequences, is very high, but the number of abortions and stillbirths among them is below the average. Cancer and tumor and suicides are more frequent among those having German mothers. On June 1, 1890, there were 1,970 Chinese living in the city of New York, and the. number of deaths which occurred among this class during the census year was 57, giving a death rate of 28.93, which is « very high one when it is remembered that they were nearly all adults, and that the average death rate of persons 15 years of age and upward was for the whites 20.36. Of these 57 deaths, 46 occurred in sanitary district C, of ward 6, and out of 245 deaths which occurred in the city duriug the 6-year period 158 occurred in this district. This would give an enormous mortality for this locality if all the decedents had been residents of the district, but I am informed by Dr. John T. Nagle, the registrar of the health department, that this large number of deaths among the Chinese is due to the fact that in this district are some houses used for hospitals to which Chinese are brought from all parts of the city, and perhaps from some of the adjacent cities. Nearly all the deaths of Chinese are due to consumption. CONJUGAL CONDITION. Of the male population over 15 years of age in each city over one-half are married, the proportion being 512.28 per 1,000 in New York, and 551.21 in Brooklyn. The proportion of the widowed was 37.86 in New York, and 37.86 in Brooklyn. Of the females 15 years of age and upward 490.84 per 1,000 in New York and 514.40 in Brooklyn were married. The proportion of married was decidedly greater among the white than among the colored in both cities, aud the same is the case for the widowers in New York; the proportion of widowers in Brooklyn and of widows in both cities being greater among the colored. The proportion of married is much greater among the foreign than among the native for the males and somewhat greater among the feinales. Out of each 1,000 males 45 years of age and upward in New York 767.01 are married; of the native white males 719.07 are married, and of the foreign white males 784.58 are married. Of each 1,000 females 45 years of age and upward there are married of the total 505.31, of the uative 492.81, and of the foreign 513.52. These proportions are somewhat greater in Brooklyn. It will be seen that the difference between the native and the foreign in the proportion of the married becomes less at the higher groups of ages, which is in part due to the fact that the average age of marriage is less among the foreign than it is among the native. These and other ratios are shown in the following table. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 23 Table 20 shows for certain age groups the number of single, married, and widowed in New York and Brooklyn in each 1,000 of population on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. ' ‘ TABLE 20. ! | | | \ OVER 15 YEARS. 15 1o 45 YEARS. ' 45 YEARS AND OVER. , | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL (Conjugal cou-|___ a erated 2 i NATIVITY. "dition. Fs | | j ; New York. | Brooklyn. New York. | Brooklyn. New York. | Brooklyn. | (See Se es “ eesag ee | teal Steer Se | $16. sot IM cere ay | || Single ...... 447.21 408. 85 546.73 519.89 || 103. 86 62. 40 | ; Total males..........22-22--+-+ J | Married .... 512. 28 551. 21 438.44 | 465. 68 767.01 818. 09 | ; [: Widewed ... 37. 86 37. 86 12.34 | 12.460) 125. 88 117.10 : ( Single ....-- 382. 18 359. 15 463. 93 449. 70 | 96. 68 82.05 ‘Total females......2-.-..2----- { Married ..-.. 490. 84 514. 40 486. 70 508. U3 | 505. 31 533.90 i 3 {| Widowed ... 124, 63 124. 96 47.16 40. 96 395. 19 382.02 | i Liane se pease | Ste al leet ae le | ell pee a Single .-.--- i 608. 73 528.32 |} 675. 06 ' G11.71 jl 151.73 77.96 | Native white, males ........2..2-.--- 1 Married ... | 362.57 | 443.93 |: 310.83 | 375.43 |! 719. 07 813.93 : | Widowed...) 25.24 25.75. || 11.19 wu | 122. 02 * 104. 83 ' Single ...--- 506. 89 451. 67 ! 558. 37 517. 63 131. 64 103. 65 Native white, females.............--. | Married .... 411.41 461.15 | 400. 24 447.14 492. 81 535. 02 | ! Widowed ... 78. 89 85.61 |/ 38. 98 33. 83 369.77 358.78 | | { Single .....-. 473. 82 411.15 584. 82 536. 26 147.21 70.12 \ Both parents native, males ...--- Married .-.. 476. 37 547.77 |! 394. 04 448. 42 718. 60 818.54 | |, Widowed ... 42.09 38.37 |! 13. 81 12.94 |! 125. 30 107.67 | _ Single ...... 384.50 357.97 | 465.55 | 454.39 129, 42 100.71 | \ Both parents native, females. ..-. {' Marvied ..-. 477. 41 509.98 || 474.92 | 502. 61 485.24 | 529.64 | ; |. Widowed... 132.89 129.60. |) 54. 82 40.77 378.58 | 366. 6 ‘ ’ Single -..... 316.82 261.69 |) 417.70, 374. 06 86.44 | 52.57 Foreign white, males ....--..-------- | i Marvied .... 633. 25 $83. 65 i 566.98 : 609. 32 784. 58 | 821.99 |) Widowed ... 47.95 52.35 | 13.38 | 14.38 ror | 123.58 | ; | Single ...-.. 282. 25 239. 52 : 369.37 | 335.16 |! 84.98 | 69.47 Foreigi white, females. ....-..------- | : Married ...- 557. 17 586. 20 A 576.45 615.92 513. 52 36. 90 i af Widowed ... 158. 58 172. 98 i 52.14 | 49.78 | 399.59! 392. 05 | i 1 ii Table 21 shows the death rates in New York and Brooklyn during the census year ending Mey 31, 1890, per 1,000 of total population 15 years of age and upward, with distinction of nativity, parental nativity, aud conjugal condition. TABLE 21. WHITE. | 1 SSS ae 1 } Native. i y CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggregate. : ; Both Foreign. | Total. parents | | | | native. | | I | |- MSS Se eine Absa cond eS 3 i I! 1 ' New York: I | Sitawlerae ceueclss sezcctevantanacocaereyees 0 | Wer | 16.57 4 VANARR Eds o-2 iosso-ceetencareonw-eeecays 20.90 | 18.27 | 15.52 21.09 ‘ Widowed wosnsecarcac csarcennsaceaerede 57.98 || 48. 04 | 49.58 | 62.59 1 4 Brooklyn: i | Sin ole:Gai Assan? sa ctaualacsaceorewtaece es 11.32 i 10. 37 9.37 15.54 | ; MAPTION sec ccencera2s vats av ca ccaae seems 18. 26 \ 14.70 15. 16 | 21.28 ! j Widowed! sco. dccuiecies enn ceanoauine sense \ 54. 10 43.19 47.12 | 61.15 I | This table shows that the death rate was less among the single than among the married, and was greatest of allamong the widowed; that it was least among the native whites of native parents and greatest among the foreign, and that it was less in all the groups in Brooklyn than it was in New York, with the exception of the married among the foreign, for whom it was 21.28 per 1,000 in Brooklyn and 21.09 in New York 24 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 22 shows the death rates in New York and Brooklyn during the census year ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of population of two groups of ages, with distinction of sex, nativity, parental nativity, and conjugal condition. TABLE 22. Y , T | 15 TO 45 YEARS. 45 YEARS AND OVER. | | |— = rs teres White. / White. : : ‘| i : ooo Hirata tue Gove LOCALITY, SEX, AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. | moies Native. ! Aggre- i Native. ; gate. Re St a tenet gate. | ———_________-- | ' | Both |] Foreign. : 1 Both _ || Foreign. | | Total. | parents | Total. | parents | | native. , Dative. ' Males: | | : New York— | i Si Ble ssceceesercen. sesiniesetineisincasiioacl! 14. 68 13.91 10. 68 15. 49 67. 86 53. 64 44.08 | 76.43 | Married -..-. 14.57 15. 44 8.92 13. 83 37.95 34. 63 33.63 | 38.74 | Widowed 56. 03 52.12 38.19 58.06 | 97.70 85. 56 79.17 '| 101.98 Brooklyn— | Single ws case cecmicscicicn sowsciccecmcmscweee 12. 16 11.70 8.21 13, 37 52. 04 46. 04 44.23 || 58.42 | MARIEd so eet e ine Seale e8 12, 20 10.53 8.55 13. 56 35. 18 28.99 30.66 || 38.20 WAG WOO as cian cisccieis cmese cuted snncrce ' 43,92 35. 01 30. 94 53. 38 91.13 71.40 70.40 || 100.37 | Females: | New York— : ' | SinBlOvcas caceesadeveteehacetiawadseeacien ' 7.79 7.73 6.34 7.67 52.77 42. 63 40.57 | 57.08 Married..... ' 14. 23 15. 12 9.11 13. 50 30. 48 25.29 |° 23.85 32. 03 | Widowed ... | 92.34 20.60 | 14.09 23. 65 60. 72 35.86 | 56.99 || 62.34 { | Brooklyn— | ; { ! Sin plone eee ee cepteecacstaeceiaooeiae ' G88 7.09 6.19] 5.96 41.72 3477 | 3828 |) 48,20 ATION dere sin 3 earls stessintesa aia aiguealaie | 12. 33 11.79 9. 20 12.95 26. 91 22. 26 22.42 ° 29.13 | Widowed) sa:scaiawaieneninweninemacemeimmcn ; 15.39. 13.17 8.51 | 18. 28 57, 26 51.97 53. 85 59. 62 i i i | For males between the ages 15 and 45 years the death rate was slightly greater among the single than among the married in New York, while the reverse was the case in Brooklyn, but the difference is so small as to be unimportant in the aggregate. The death rate is least among the native whites of native parents in New York and greatest among the foreign, with the exception of the married. Among the females 15 to 45 years of age the death rate of the married is nearly double that of the single in both New York and Brooklyn, which is largely due to the perils of childbirth. For those 45 years of age and upward the death rate is decidedly less among the married than among the single in each city, while the death rate of the widowed is greatest of all. Table 23 shows the death rates per 1,000 of white children of American, Irish, and German mothers in New York, Brooklyn, and the District of Columbia for the year ending May 31, 1890, with distinction of sex and conjugal condition, and the corresponding rates for Prussia, Belgium, and Bavaria. TABLE 23. = SEES | 15 To 45 YEARS. 45 YEARS AND OVER. U tcneadectaaes eemeed Vesa oe 68 LOCALITY AND BIRTHPLACE. i Males. Females. Males. Females. == Rei teeter Fat ialssitcagia a cehains ania sewsciinicap tte Litt abebsiai ! Single. Married. Single. Married. Single. Married. Single. | Married. ee | pel Soaeace -_ ss ee New York: | Children of American mothers (white) .--.--.-.------------- 1, 42 8.70 | 6.01 9.71 39. 37 41.20 i 40. 36 24.96 Children of Irish mothers .....-.-..---------++---+------+-+- 20. 86 23.65 | 10. 06 23.93 82. 82 43. 97 || 57.23 44.19 Children of German mothers .-..---------.----+----+--+++-+- 10.99 13. 13 4.98 10. 80 65. 59 36. 87 | 46, 83 24,99 ty Brooklyn: Hl Children of American mothers (white) -...-.---------2+-++++ 7.74 8.27 6.09 9.38 38. 92 28.97 || 36.75 29.11 Children ot Irish mothers .-.-.--..---- ama Reet 17.31 18.75 8.13 19. 83 | 58. 59 42.10 | 46. 32 37.51 Children of German mothers .--.-- cemnieadouaenmensees 10. 42 10. 44 5.61 9.51 | 60. 51 y3.51 81.25 23. 24 District of Coiumbia: ‘ Children of American mothers (whité) ...........2-..200.2+- 177 6.75 4.94 7.53 22. 86 22.06 | 15.74 14. 83 Children of Irish mothers ....--.--.--.2.2-2----2+ 002000005 19.45 13. 61 9.92 19. 81 78. 84 | 42.06 33.00 si) Children of German mothers ....--.---+--+-------+--+--+---+-- 7.09 12. 63 || 6. G4 6.50 78.77 33.48 | 105. 26 19. G1 Prussia, 1885 8.11 10.13 | 5.87 9.62 50, 21 | 82. 83 | 38. 82 | 23, 94 “Belyrium, 1880 Rt 8.62 i 6.84 | 9.14 41.29 31, 72 | 35. 60 22,39 Bavaria; 1878.00. +.s0e0-sosensseceseccsvacesese . 8.14 8.58 5.93 10, 28 55. 04 33,46 | 45.34 26.75 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 25 It will be seen from this table that as a rule the death rates of the children of American mothers were the smallest, those of Irish mothers the largest, and those of German mothers intermediate between the two, but that in Brooklyn in the age group 45 years and upward the death rate of single Germans, both male and female, exceeds that of the Irish. MONTHS OR SEASONS. Some data for estimating the influence of month or season upon the death rates due to certain causes in New York and Brooklyn are given in the following tables and diagram. Table 24 shows for New York and Brooklyn for the 6-year period the average death rates per 10,000 of population for each month for the total population and for the children under 5 years of age. TABLE 24. NEW YORK (AGGRE- BROOKLYN (AGGRE- a “ GATE). GATE). MONTHS. iad e : All ages. si All ages. prised 27.11 106. 21 23,11 82.78 24.00 98. 60 20,12 77.90 26. 65 106. 33 22. 50 84.72 25.13 100. 26 21.18 80.01 24.09 95. 86 19. £0 76.16 23. 97 114.51 21.06 99. 95 32. 40 181. 65 29. 05 162. 85 August....-- 25,52 125,34 | 22. 84 113. 23 September... 22, 32 103. 34 20. 64 97.72 October...... 21.90 88. 38 19. 41 75.70 November ..- z 21.49 83.98 | 18. 38 63. 87 December........-. 24.57 98,51 || 21.40 79. 65 26 VITAL STATISTICS. The following diagrain shows for New York and Brooklyn for the 6-year period the average death rates per 10,000 of population for each month for the total population and for the children under 5 years of age: DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 10,000 OF POPULATION, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE TOTAL POPULATION AND FOR CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE. MONTHS. RANE JAN |FEB |MAR|APR | MAY |JUNE|JULY|AUG |SEPT|OCT |NOV |DEC 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 NEW YORK —W\—— BROOKLYN It will be seen from this table and diagram that the heavy death rate of the children under 5 years of age oceurs in July, for which month it is more than double the rates for October and November. In Washington the heaviest death rate at this age occurs in June, and in Baltimore in July. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 27 Table 25 shows for New York, by months, the number of deaths due to certain specified causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890. TABLE 25 ~ : s mas ae i ee : | eae, “hry | voary. | Mareh| April. | May. | June. | July. | 203i. | tember. tober. eae Mee atone ei Pasa 7 Pe the, ¥ pants Sassi eae ere =| 2 =i vee Measles) <2 cn vcensseqeov dex decease seer sesseresdscesese 227; 1.68) 133] 193° 1.97; 1.33] 139, 0.68) uso! O48 1.22 FL Auen creas ‘Scarlétfevenie 4 sasanncnccai edie mieten idencenvenss 197) 200, 220) 215 1.87 | 135] 101! 065) 058] o7 1.03 | Ty occas Diphtheria. .. -| 4.04; 3.67) 3.92] B69] 4.02 | 3.62} 288) 219 | 196) 287 236) 4.95 0.01 Whooping cough ...-...- fo Selesee et easement gee 0.91; 0.84° o97] 0.96] O74! O78] 1.25) 1.31 1.20) 0.85) O64! 0.87... Cerebro-spinal fever. - 0. 36 | 0. 35 0. 45 0. 46 0. 46 | 0. 44 0.36 0. 28 81 0.30 0.36! 0.34 : bea tye ek Typhoid fever ....-. 0.46} 0.36 0.38]; 0.52] 0.99; 0.82] “0.67 = 1.10 1.37] 1.25' 0.93 . 0. 67 2 Diarrheal diseases 2.25 | 1.99 2.15 2. 36 2.52) 12.18 | 38.21 20.61; 12.69 6.08 2.46 2.06 Malaisal overs: scicez eee Inanition, debility and atrophy, and old age 3.58 3.02, 3.86 3.41 3.34, 3.57 5.63, 4.67 4.66 3.81, 3.02 2298: lisse Consuniption: ..22s2-s<2eseasssseeseeecceseaeeeteaneerest 12.90 11.13) 12.25) 11.84) 114 | 9.60 | 10.08 ; 10.30 | 9.56 | 10.70 10.20 11.16 0,01 Diseases of the nervons system 7.05 7.13 7.71 7.55 6. 96 6. 82 7.54 6.38 | 5. 63 5. 68 5.70) 6.70 9.02 Diseases of the respiratory system 23.53) 18.52 | 21.13 | 18.47! 15.21 9.74 7, 84 7.57 8.475 TLT8: 1439) IR RG Lee Affections connected with pregnancy.....-....222-.2++ 0. 86 | 0.85 - 1.05) 0.93/ 082 071] 0.70 6.64] 0.57' 0.53) 0.58; 0.67 2.0.2. Accidents and injuries 2.71 \ 2.44) 2.78 3.00 3. 60 3. 65 4.54 3.69 3.01 2. 98 2.82, 2.78 0.08 Suicides 0. 43 0.36! 0.44 0. 54 0.50 0.47 ' 0.49 0. 36 0.40: 0.38 0. 43 Oak si sdecde Sunstroke) ...ciciches eGecessscnoseasaiecs bee dnesse delta eect eeeeeee | se etisee ee al Reenter Ibarra 0.35 1.23 0.52 0. 30 | eee | dadodnges ears poopie I : t Table 26 shows for Brooklyn, by months, the number of deaths due to certain specified causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890. TABLE 26. | | : i is i CAUSES. | i | Feb March. | April. May. June. July. | ne oes, | aha. sr aa Tebent: see ee ele Measlesingocissceenectees acstossdteeesy eek eet estes 0.76 0.73) 0.93 1.03) 0.98, 0.53) 0.42 0.24 0.09 0.07] 0.22) U8 Searlet fever....-...-.-.-.+- csaiaretrataianteventomvaietee Same 1.69 2.00. 1.81 | 1.99 ; 1 ; 1.56 / 0.87 0.78 0.57 Ost] 100° 149) Diphithieriar cass. cececesecee asides aber see eey sean seers: 5.04 3.89, 406) 3.62 j BT: 3.05) 265, 24 | 279 as7] 462. LoL. Whooping cough --...-..-..--------- 222-2 .eeee eee eee ee 0. 69 0.84! 1.08 0.77 0. 63 | 0. 68 1.06 1.33 | 1.11 0.69 | 0.61 0.61 |... Cerebro-spinal fever | 0,22 0. 20 0.18 0. 29 0. 26 0.20 0.29 0.24 0.23 0.17 0.12) 0.20). ‘Typhoid fever ..-..-..-------- 2-2-2 ss sence ee eee ee renee 1 0. 64 0. 29 0. 36 0. 37 0. 23 0. 23 ; 0.50 0. 94 128! 1.49 1.54 1.03 ig Diarrheal diseases ...........-----2-2 6-22.02 e eee eee eee 5 1387 _ LT, 1.63 1.64 | 231) 14. 67 41.68 9 21.57 13. 87 5.33 1.86 1.73 |. Malarial fever 2 0.81, 0.7 0.73 0.81; 0.70 3 0. 84 0.92 1.40 | 1.46 1.56 | 1.47 1.16 “ Inanition, debility and atrophy, and old age.......---, 4.105 3.55 3. 89 4.28 3.73 4.77 7.50 7.50 : 7.34 5.76 4.00' 4.088. ...22. CONSUMPTION weccescapee gens sins scingedeltsness scetisislact ! 41.43 9.60} 10.32 ; 10.68! 10.27 8.74 | 9.07 9.07 | 9.01 9.32 9,25 10. 02 | 0. 02 Diseases of the nervous system. .-..--.--------+---++-+ ' 9,92. 8.56) 10.18, 9.34 ' go 8.35) 1.18 8.28 7.58 776), 340 8. 61 0. 04 Diseases of the respiratory system salar’ 2 bistere,Siaiaiseeaeiee 24.13. © 18.84 | 20.73) 17.62 ; 14. 64 9.01 6. 85 7.07 | 7.98) 11.59 14.11 19.64 -....-.. Affections connected with pregnancy......--.--------- - 0. 69 0.77 0. 82 0. 68 : 0. 67 0. 69 | 0. 64 0. 48 i 0. 46 0.52 0,57 0. 69 | 0. 02 Accidents and injuries.-....--.-.-....---.---------+-+- 1.73 : 1. 64 2. 02 1.95 ' 2.16 2.70 | 3.55 2. 63 : 2.45 190° 184 2.18 0.05 SuiCideSt.cccseneseseerceidecedld Dede ane aceiwtacee se 0. 23 0.19 0. 26 0. 82 | 0.52 0. 34 : 0. 26 0.25 0.31 oe 0. Sunstroke .....---.-202-2-220+ ieeige ienavenaeaeererp: seve sese Pieciees| saat seis bacenawe. | 0.08 , 0.24) 0.92 0.36 0.17 I i l 28 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIPHTHERIA PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. JUNE ~ p& 3.6 } NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 29 DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. JUNE se YO $8.2! Ce <> N Ln qo DEG DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN BROOKLYN FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. JUNE xX LO gb Sp 30 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO TYPHOID FEVER PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. UNE X YO i <> A a Ww DEC DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO TYPHOID FEVER PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, B¥ MONTHS, IN BROOKLYN FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. JUNE ~ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. OCCUPATIONS. 31 The influence of occupation may become a special predisposing cause of sickuess and death, which should be taken into account, when it is possible to do so, in comparing the death -rates in different localities. It is not at this time possible to give death rates for the several occupations, owing to want of the necessary population data, but something can be learned by comparing the proportion of deaths due to certain causes occurring among persons of different occupations. Table 27 shows for the males 15 years of age and upward engaged in certain occupations in New York and Brooklyn during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the number dying and the number of deaths from certain causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes for each specified occupation. : OCCUPATIONS. Clergyiitett s2cqcccencsct eesete ee teoretdes ees DAW NENS secemcetotsestaraccdeat Shidecaeneee Physicians and surgeons ...-.--------------- Accountants, book keepers, clerks, ete......-. Dealers, retail.......-..--------------------- Saloonkee pers, bartenders. ete-..------------ Barbers ind hairdressers Policemen. watchinen, and detectives. ....--- Soldiers. sailors. and marines (Cnited States) } Laborers. ..02 socciise nocccecatesesuesecie sie se. Sebvatitsecce2 ccceccteexacescmeeris ere aecepatelens Bakers and confectioners .....--------------+ Blacksmiths... .sesess0+eee2.sers neste ces Boot and shoe makers ..--------------------- Carpenters aud HOINCHE exis deeseess aestetsicey Compositors. printers. and pressmen....----- Marble and stone cutters ......-------------- Masons, brick and stone Painters, glaziers, and varnishers..---------- Plumbers. ‘gas and steam fitters..----------- : Vailors ......-----2-22- 2222 cece ec rtte Drayimen, hackmen, teamsters, ete 2... 2 +--+ Farmers, planters, and overseers .---++-+---- Sailors. fishermen, and oystermen | ‘ | Loealities. t ¢| New York... t _ Brooklyn... 4: New York ..; ‘ . Brooklyn ... New York -. Brooklyn ... | New York .. . Brooklyn .. -| | New York --: Brooklyn ... § i New York .. a Brooklyn ..- 6! New York -. t Brooklyn . .. 6) New York... i Brooklyn ..- § New York. 4 a ; Brooklyn . +e ¢ New York . ‘| Brooklyn... | New York ol Brooklyn .-. New York .. i Brooklyn ... ¢' New York .. {| Brooklyn. -- $ | New York .. $ t Brooklyn ..- New York .. Rrooklyn -.. » New York .. Brooklyn ... New York -. Brouklyn ... Xew York .. Brovklyn ... §, New York .. vu Brooklyn ... 5 ' New York .. Brooklyn ... | New York -. € Brooklyn ... New York .. Q Brooklyn .-- § New York .- © Brooklyn... | New York -- Brooklyn -. | §) New York ..| u Brooklyn...) ARR OR aA ' deaths. wis s Total | 1 nunber | fF OO RS Cf | | 49,343 | 18, 450 | | | 156 87 361 144 331 141 | i 597 101 i Typhoid i fever. 38 . 35 51 71 55 76 | 66 | 35 Cousump- tion. 102. 4 236. 120. 113. 352. 371. 184. 159. 296. 3 295. 338. 358. 62 190. 80 169. 23 111.11 250. 00 263. 98 245. 46 332. 37 292. 76 267. 01 250. 00 285. 04 237.74 256. 239. 262. 209, 28 437. 370. 398. 51 423.5 250. 181. 310. 302. 328. 314. 239. 263. 2192: 263. 207, 2 1 Diseases | ; ! | Diseases | 728 cancer, | Heat ot the segptra system: eyetona 28.67 : 82.18 | 2288 | 5. 95. 18 ee ——|— | 44.87 | 166.67 | 153. 85 , 149} 11t94! 91.95 ; 94.93) 127.42! 141.97 | 168.98 13. 89 | 131.94 | 145.83 | 145.88 27.19! 108.76) 163.14] 132.93 14.18! 163.12 | 148.94] 156.03 18. 35 87.02 68.67 | 144.56 13.96] 69.78 85. 147. 94 36.76} 116.09! 118. 148. 66 26.08! 108.79) 137. 174.37 | 21. 44 67.38 7. 160. 80 26.09! 63.77 G0. 185.51 21.58! 103.12 = 83.93, 127.10 | 6.90 68.97! 62. 117, 24 | 18.94] 109.6174. 156, 97 34.62 | 115.38 96. 203. 85 49.38 | 172.84] 145. 74.07 35.71 71.43) 214: : 16.24; 63.24, 68, 19.24 67.34 | 78. 15. 48 74.50) 82. 146. 59 42.76 | 111.84) 55.92] S158 28, 24 94.99 69. 129. 65 33.09 80.88 | 106 158. 09 26.77] 61.42 69. 168. 50 18.87! 101.89! 116. 177.36 34.48 85.34 | 100. 164, 66 15. 66 | 105.15] 100. 194. 63 29.76 85.81 85. 146. 33 30. 84 87.00) 128.85' 163.00 14.25 | 66.06 | 56,99 129.53 5.75; 86.21) BEM | 158.05 18. 62 61.45 63.31 178.77 23. 53 70. 59 G4.71 152. 94 29. 81 32. 85 66.40 ; 185. 64 11.49 9.08 | 114.94 ' 212. 64 16. 60 74.72 81.51 | 124.53 | 16.00} 120.c0} 98.00) 152.00 | 17.68 55.01 68. 76 161.10 | venereaa 57.14 85.71} 194.29 | 37.90 93.65} 115.94 149,94 | 30. 69 94. 63 90.79 179.03 5 13. 63 77.24 66.91 156.55 14.56 81.51 78.60! 196.51! 43. 64 54.55 94.55 | 178.18 | 27.93 | 134.08 | 72.63; 189.94 | 17.00 89. 64 77. 28 | 128.28 22, 28 86. 63 99.01 160.89 NUMBER OF DEATHS PER 1,000 DEATHS PROM ALL CAUSES t Bright's disease. 53. 93 45.91 38. 46 22.99 77. 36 34.72 48. 34 92.20 46.15 36.29 36.76 48. 44 57.43 51.97 37.55 41.38 64.95 37.69 ML 71.43 52.1 42.33 47.41 39.21 36. 48 4012 72. 44 45.28 68.97 | 49, 22 48.12. 47.36 5u. 52 45.98 50, 28 47.06 ! 51.49 | 31.72 69.43 36. 00 53.05 45.71 35.18 | 39. 64 45.02 | 36. 36 33,52 49.46 42.08 18. Suicide. 7.85 20. 07 2B. i Accidents and injuries (except » burns). 185 a 27 78 7 . G4 49 36.01 34.72 lt 28 48 20. 94 9. 34 15° 17 67. 111.39 32 VITAL STATISTICS. It will be seen from this table that consumption caused more than one-fowrth of all the deatiis among the males having specified occupations, and that the proportion of deaths from this cause was greater among compositors, printers, and pressmen, marble and stone cutters, accountants, clerks, etc., barbers and hairdressers, painters and glaziers, aud plumbers and gas fitters than among those engaged in other occupations, while it was less among clergymen and physicians. Heart disease caused the greatest proportion of deaths among clergymen, lawyers, and physicians. Suicide was most frequent among the barbers and hairdressers, and the bakers, probably because a greater proportion of these were of the German race. Table 28 shows for the females 15 years of age and upward engaged in certain occupations in New York and Brooklyn during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the number dying and the number of deaths from certain causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes for each specified occupation. TABLE 28, , i . : NUMBER OF DEATHS PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES. i sa et es poseees, | ,rotal i | ! ex i ; OCCUPATIONS. Localities. | number ‘ | | ; Disease ee | ‘i Accidents | | Lypboid |Consumy-, ¢, a Heart | ofthe ! . . Bright's goss Pere tay | deaths. | “jever. tion. Cancer. | gicease. nervous | er | disease. | Suicide. (aecene ! , ; System. | gystem. | burns). ' : j i mere ea ie a tae | cava i | ae i ail =e Bet ae Risin” spr ateos ait age! jst ; 263 All oceupations........2-2-0.0200-2e0-- § New York.) 15. 164 i 16.95 | 275. 72 52.95 : 90. 48 75. 38 131. 43 50. 25 6.00 25. 65 Brookiyu ..., 5,003 |. 18.99: 249. 65 ; 49.77 81.95 : 84.55 143.31 48.17 2.20 8.79 : acme tna ! ats «dees | SaEawlen. son jose ae = ! 4 1 ! S Kaigee en. te Sree ein? ers es Area he na ti ® OOO lee ccck ocisieceaiseedewecccaces § New York.. 136 14.71 272. 06 | 95. 59 66. 18 73.53 147. 06 36. 76 14.71 | 36. 76 ° : Brooklyn -.. 92 76.09 | 336.96 65. 22 54. 35 | 54,35 , 130. 43 QA TA. “cc sceezses 10. 87 lew York . a3 4 og \ ' : Accountants, boukkeepers, clerks, ete ..-.--. j New York.. 105 85.71 | 304. 76 38. 10 114. 29 38. 10 76.19 ; 85.71 Sass 33.10 Brooklyn ... BOM ssvesierstetrans 333. 33 + 66. 67 100. 00 : 200. 00 | 139,33 dacsedeeccetoccesescee TEA ATES SSO Seino nseaeretthles 5 New Morksas 573 3.49 291. 45 / 62. 83 125. 65 i 90. 75 104.71 41 | Brooklyn ... BO oearesieeawsw 267. 44 | 69.77 104. 65 127.91 |, 116.28 23. ot 5 | | 5. 09 | 3 NAY SeS Altid Wit WANES ie als erica ahaciecls ectsnalsicces ; New York.. 230 | 26.09 165. 22 91.30, 100.00 | 86. 96 126. 09 | 47. : Brooklyn .. | 67 |, 74. 63 194. 03 74. 63 44.78 104.48 164. 18 44. ES TT SEE ToNR REARS Se Re § New York... 1t, 512 15. 38 260. 16 51. 34 89. 99 76.44 = 135.42 : 53. 25° | Brooklyn -. | 4,161 15. 62 234. 56 | 50. 95 | 83. 87 87. 00 144.92 52.15 2.16 ' eile: i i \ eval aa : ood Dressmakers and seamstresses..--..-..---.- ; New York..” 1.141 13.15 385. 63 51.71 99. OF 63. 98 | 103. 42 35. 06 3.5L 27.17 \ Brooklyn ..! 268 44.78 | 350.75 33. 58 78. 36; 29. 85 | 119. 40 — 29. 85 3. 73 14. 93 f ‘ 3 i t i ! Among the females having specified occupations consumption caused about the same proportion of deaths as ainong the males, being most fatal among the accountants and clerks and dressmakers and seamstresses. Suicide was most frequent among the school teachers in New York. The proportion ot deaths from typhoid fever was bigh among the school-teachers and nurses in Brooklyn and among the accountants and clerks in New York, while it was very low among the laundresses in both New York and Brooklyn. CAUSES OF DEATHS. The relative influence of different causes of deaths in the production of differences in death rates is an important matter for cousideration in connection with the mortality of ditterent districts. Tables 80 and 81 show for New York and Brooklyn the number of deaths which occurred trom certain specified causes during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, in each sanitary district, and Tables 82 and 83 show the corresponding average annual death rate per 100,000 of population in each district. The relation of certain causes to the death rates in the sanitary districts will be given in greater detail in the matter descriptive of the characteristics of the several districts. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 33 Table 29 shows the average annual death rates due to certain causes in New York and Brooklyn during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890. TABLE 29. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. CAUSES. New York. | Brooklyn. All CalSOS «eons ves cexidnieeweeneceeneeeeaeeqiesas 2,991. 90 2, 596. 50 SCarleb fo vere nes te sasryacishanemsetatecseeieteseecemecas 52.19 42. 48 Typhoid fever ...... ‘ 24.27 23. 13 Malavial fever 22 conscnciows 5 ceemuscatd seein te Se seemed 24. 62 32. 62 Diphtheria and croup..-......---------. ----+---e-e0eee+ 181. 63 164. 42 Diarrheal diseases ........-...-------- wsieceaineaemaase eS 316. 85 282.58 Consuinpion. 22.655 5cceescnesassacjesakemeaseneedeseeeees 391.75 i 303. 24 PHEUMOUID: 3 ci2ctociier once a torereineaseuinanss RecieeReee 287.89 230. 06 MCASTCS ioe ccincicciss: i tjeceseaune os Gemanien sens Sabocineaeleee 45. 67 17.71 Whooping cough ..........------------.---+++--- ate 33. 70 26.18 Cancer and tumor...-..- -- 60. 55 48.27 Heart disease and dropsy.-..---- - 138. 24 131.16 Caildbirth and puerperal diseases .-....--.--.-------+--+ 26.72 20. 02 Other diseases of the respiratory system ......--..--.--- 176. 68 168. 49 Diseases of the digestive system ......----...-----+-+-++ 96. 62 122. 20 Diseases of the nervous system siueuicalaueiaiead sessizaisist 241. 96 270. 67 Diseases of the urinary system .-....--.--------+-+-+-+--- 173. 72 112. 87 StU Secon smcacsnerevevcessaseesieyrees aeeeseueenes 225.41 i 179.01 Suicides: ...24.:.<0e.ese% 15.67 | 8. 43 Other accidents and injuries. Se 98.14 | 61. 04 AM) other Causes... 0:0:50,6 -0ee0e cone ceccememecs one euies sess 379.62 | 351.91 | It will be seen from this table that the death rates from scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, whoopiug cough, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the urinary organs, and suicide were greater in New York than in Brooklyn, while the death rates from malarial fever, diseases of the digestive system, aud diseases of the nervous system were greater in Brooklyn than in New York. The proportion of stillbirths was greater in New York than in Brooklyn. 938——3 34 VITAL STATISTICS. 100,000 of population, with distinction of certain causes of deaths and of certain groups of ages. TABLE 30. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING. AGES. Table 30 shows for the white population of New York the number of deaths during the census year per CAUSES. All ages. Under 1 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 45 45 years year. years. years. years. and over. ANSCRUSES§ cnesjcidcsaaaccesosesescacces 2,847.42 | 36,380.96 | 11,546.28 536. 69 1, 334. 04 4, 701. 33 1,536.76 | 20,183.51 6, 283. 00 284. 02 742, 94 2, 429. 11 1,310.66 | 16,197.45 5, 263. 29 252,.67 591.11 2, 272, 22 Measles 27.73 345. 79 241. 91 5. 23 0249! | eresctsterewatarsis | Scarlet fever .... 24.44 73.51 161. 07 31.72 1295> |Scsacnencade f Diphtheria and croup 124. 53 530. 93 911.92 119.80 4.14 4. 63 Whooping cough 29. 67 686. 13 261.51 4.48 0. 24 0.42 Cerebro-spinal fever 7.18 65. 35 44.71 6. 34 Z0T | sexerensnwns ! Typhoid fever ............-2-..------ Snerey 22. 89 2.72 6.74 11. 57 30. 59° 20.19 | Diarrheal diseases and cholera infantum..... 301. 62 8, 470. 38 2, 338. 90 22. 02 24, 25 174.98 |! Malarial fever 15. 64 35. 40 30.62 ° 8.21 IL 09 29. 44 Erysipelas and septicaemia ...- 12.15 234.15 56. 96 1. 87, 4,39 19.77 | Venereal diseases 9.33 198. 76 48398 ccoctewes 5. 24 7.15 Alcoholism ...... DOE ed ncanatonde i 1.49 27. 17. 43.32 |, Premature birth 54.85 | 2,224.46 500.36 j.---.-. 220 5 Sa tondueas oad i Stillbirths 216.77 | 8,791.66 |----..-.---- dsisistissisienine|sieejncasnnael| eibdocoseet : Inanition, debility, and atrophy. - 98. 55 3, 376.17 809.03 | 2 6b 1.46. 53. 84 Old age I Te sucicamtades bonnanieeene xisonkctnaliciro aon Matennioaeien 170.77 Rheumatism ......-.--.--...- 9. 60 8.17 4.90 | 4, 48 5.97 31. 13 Tubercular diseases 492. 67 2, 099. 22 918. 66 94. 05 493. 38 646, 92 Consumption 379. 56 370. 29 158. 01 34. 34 A471. 81 602. 34 Scrofula and tabes 5. 64 119. 80 41.03 1.12 1. 46 0.84 | Hydrocephalus 39.54 724, 24 311. 12 6.79 3.41 3.37 |) Inflammation of the brain ..-...........- 61.16 876. 72 401. 76 28.74 |. 12: 43: 31.97 |: Diseases of the bones and joints ..-.--.-. 6.78 8.17 6.74 13.06 |' 4 26 8.41 Cancer and tumor........--------+----222-+-- 63, 24 10. 89 7.35 1.49 |! 29. 49 287.71 Diabetes wcccsecest novesessexcedeeeweneeeeeee PGb: |eeceweasesic|enemceen cose 1.12 2. 80 37. 02 Diseases of the nervous system......---..-.. 228. 92 2, 428. 66 857. 41 40. 68 68. 29 570. 79 Apoplexy 63. 77 35. 40 9. 80 1.12 20.35 321. 36 Tetanus 0. 87 0. 73 1.68 Trismus nascentium and convulsions. ... 38. 60 0. 24 1. 68 Diseases of the circulatory system..-....---- 144. 13 83. 35 503. 91 AUGUTIISIM -< 20022 cece geesewrraeseesed 3. 63 3. 66 10.10 Heart disease and dropsy ...-..-.-....--- 128. 09 78.47 468. 16 Diseases of the respiratory system. ......-.-. . 562.96 5,815.73 | 2,372.58 95. 92 227.99 1,002.77 |: Bronchitis. . - 147. 42 2,341.54 | 771. 06 12. 32 25. 83 291.07 | Pneumonia - - 336. 46 2,627.42 | 1,137.30 54.49 186, 43 622.11 ; Diseascs of the digestive system....--....... 100. 96 765.08 228. 44 22. 02 ~ 54. 22 263.73. |! Diseases of the liver ....-...........-2--- 31.75 76.24 | 18.99 1.12 19. 50 117.35 |! Diseases of the urinary system 165. 95 152. 47 74.10 17.91 107. 60 597. 29 ; Bright's disease 88.78 55, 81 325.56 ; Diseases of the female organs of generation. al5.77 019. 35 31.57 | Affections connected with pregnancy......-. 083. 62 B85: | cc ccweweece Abortion.....-.-----+--++--+-2ee222e eee eee b9. 56 O9S9G!. Waa. Seis oss A Childbirth and puerperal septicaemia . ... 656.15 055.91 |.....-...0.. F Accidents and injuries ...--..--- 113. 38 102, 23 195. 59 Drowned 14. 43 15. 48 21.03 Burns and scalds .....----.-------------- 5. 84 2.44 5.89 |i Gunshot wounds and homicides . 4.03 5.48 2.94 | Infanticide ....---.--------------+--+--+-+ 0. 27 eeetetayaiesaieaiall stveinyeiteatsiaraiois Railroad accidents ......-.-----..------- 4,43 5.12 5.89 Suicides: sa-sceu emcee cece sede seinegindianieicis 15.10 16. 82 36. 59 ° a Per 100,000 total females. 6 Per 100,000 females 15 to 45 years of age. c Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over.. ; NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 35 _ Table 31 shows for the white population of Brooklyn the number of deaths during the census year per 100,000 of population, with distinction of certain causes of deaths and of certain groups of ages. TABLE 31. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES. CAUBES. Under 1 | Underd 5 to 15 15 to 45 45 years All ages. year. | years. years. years. and over. BOM CAUSES jo cic cicig.: sectammccenasereareees 2,540.87 | 32,197.13 | 9, 938. 85 666. 19 1, 125. 52 4, 123.17 | t 1,350.90 | 17,934.78 | 5, 427, 46 339. 54 613. 44 2, 067.15 1, 189. 14, 262.35 | 4,511.40 326. 65 512. 08 2, 056. 02 = ma eae, Measles 7. 58. 92 3. 87 0. 24 Scarlet fever. 19. 114. 51 28. 99 1.44 Diphtheria and croup 171. 1, 067. 26 240. 96 5.30 Whooping cough 20. 175. 65 0. 64 0. 24 Cerebro-spinal fever 2. 15. 56 1.29 O; 48%: teeicorewiacics Typhoid fever acscessisesgeceisencwekisieise sine cis 24. 4.45 14. 82 35. 87 13. 35 Diarrhea] diseases and cholera infautum...-.- 233. 1, 756. 53 12. 89 19. 26 131. 98 Malarial fever 25. 38.91 14.17 20.95 | 45. 23 Erysipelas and septicemia. 14. 32. 24 3. 22 11. 32 26. 69 Venereal diseases 2. 200. Ve skeen 0. 96 0. 74 Alcoholism SMA], || ssinsskeiaccs|eecsarme sacs seaewsieedeee 5.78 14. 09 Premature birth 28. OTROS, Yossie ect aal pseu RRA tess aca: SGHLDILG Sis :s12 senescent Gizeerdemsidsaneme sarcomas 166.38 | 6:080279. tocccciscnecasl|s sous ses veces asecses Hekeceincse 5 147. 85 4, 838. 54 1, 148. 42 3. 22 7.70 78.59 ‘ ABAD: Nevarisnie Saimin | raises ctaiatai| eames Sex sere science seeiet 248. 38 | 10. 81 10. 55 6.67 5. 80 6.50 32. 62 Tubercular diseases 397. 41 2, 068. 38 B38. 24 93. 42 409. 76 415, 21 Consumption 284. 89 195. 23 88. 94 23. 84 393.15 382. 58 Scrofula and tabes 2.39 63. 32 ID | creas sieiapcionsiane 0. 24 1.48 Hydrocephalus 16. 72 411. 57 133.41 4.51 1. 20 0. 74 Inflammation of the brain ...............-..-- 90.14 1, 382. 44 592. 55 56. 70 13. 96 28.17 Diseases of the bones and joints .-...-....... 3.27 15. 83 5.56 8.38 1.20. 2. 22 Cancer and tumor.........-.--.22+-0.00ee20205 47.77 5. 28 2:29 1.29 19. 02 220, 21 Widheves). jeiescasectulideiac tee tos etmasastet ass 3.14 5. 28 2. 22 0. 64 1.20 12. 60 Diseases of the nervous system...-..-.-...--. 294.19 4, 157. 87 1, 342. 97 16. 67 60. 43 564. 98 Apoplexy 60. 22 15. 83 6. 67 1. 29 14. 20 | 305. 47 Tetanus ASO, - Nisesraceioces ! 1.11 2.58 OGD. a caiicie cians Trismus nascentium and convulsions... -. 57. 20 1,983.96 ¢ 500. 28 2.58 ORE fe mecee cists i Diseases of the circulatory system ........... 136.15 | 897. 00 199. 00 44.46 75. 60 504, 18 Aneurism ...-.--..---- 1,26 0.72 5.19 Heart disease and dropsy. 134. 90 74. 63 488. 6L | Diseases of the respiratory system........... 502. 39 4.057.62 | 1,765.45 135. 30 212.34 | 975. 74 Bronchitis 132. 51 2,026. 17 635.91 | 14.17 20,46 | 278.04 | Pneumonia 277.47 | 1,350.78 | 647.03 70. 28 169.25 | 602.79 | Diseases of the digestive system ............- ; Diseases of the liver............2..--..--- : Diseases of the urinary system -...-...-.-.--- ‘ Bright's disease ....-.------.---+----+---- | | Diseases of the female organs of generation. ..' ' i | Affections connected with preguancy....-.... | ADOLION. daccccwiomess concn chine sdaecsees Childbirth and puerperal septicemia... .. ' Accidents and injuries Drowned ....-.---- Burns and scalds Gunshot wounds and homicides .... -.--., Infanticide ...-.2.--:+-ss2022 scceenseseens ! Railroad accidents. ...------.----+-+---+-- : SuiGiWes vsee.05 ccccmsanwassesscadcasases a Per 100,000 total females. b Per 100,000 females 15 to 45 years of age. ¢ Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over. Some of the differences between the two cities indicated by these tables are very striking. Alcoholism gives a deat rate in New York four times as great as in Brooklyn, and convulsions in infants caused a much heavier mortality in Brooklyn than in New York, although the general infantile mortality was lowest in Brooklyn. 36 VITAL STATISTICS. The comparative number and proportion of deaths from certain causes and classes of causes-in the two cities during the 6-year period are graphically represented in the following diagrams: DIAGRAM SHOWING NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF DEATHS FROM DIFFERENT CAUSES IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. EVER YPHOID F THE DISEASES OF URINARY SYSTEM 250359 DEATHS DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 37 DIAGRAM SHOWING NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF DEATHS FROM DIFFERENT CAUSES IN BROOKLYN DURING THE : 6 YEARS ENDING MAY ‘31, 1890. 112467 CONSUMPTION. In New York consumption caused 32,781 deaths during the 6-year period, or 391.75 deaths annually per 100,000 of mean population. For the census year the number of deaths was 5,871, the rate being 387.45 per 100,000 of population, or slightly below the average rate for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the death rates were much less, the average rate for the 6 years being 303.24, and the rate for the census year 288.34. The number of deaths was 13,135 for the whole 6 years, and 2,325 for the census year. Race distinctions have a very definite relation to death rates from consumption. These death rates, during the 6-year period, were, for each 100,000 of population of each class in New York: mothers born iu Lreland, 645.73; Bohemia, 499.13; Scotland, 384.12; Scandinavia, 357.00; Canada, 352.32; Germany, 328.80; France, 324.98; England and Wales, 322.50; Italy, 233.85; United States (white), 205.14; Hungary, 155.05; Russia and Poland, 98.21; other foreign mothers, 286.26; colored, 774.21. Brooklyn: mothers born in Ireland, 452.79; 38 VITAL STATISTICS. Bohemia, 347.22; Germany, 295.61; Scotland, 269,24; Canada, 266.27; France, 252.82; England and Wales, 233.78 ; Scandinavia, 218.92; United States (white), 180.79; Italy, 123.00; Hungary, 120.77; Russia and Poland, 76.72; other foreign mothers, 375.15; colored, 531.35. From these figures it appears that consumption was most fatal among the colored, the Irish, and the Bohemians, and least fatal among the Hungarians and Russians, that is to say, among the Jews. Table 32 shows the death rates due to consumption during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. TABLE 32. meer ese] { DEATH RATES PER 100,000 | OF POPULATION. | COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. 4 New York. Brooklyn. OW Mab G) 3325 (d.sie Sass dnceecesentest Lacdaneesaeneasmsatenmatias 379.56 i 284. 89 NBELN Oat ennt wlan eee smerciews dein deeeeereegsatane 314.79 | 235. 28 Both parents native....-..---..2.-.-.--2---2.0-+ 217.76 | 186. 46 One or both parents foreign...........----.-2--- 359. 87 270.11 HOLE] GU eicAcGarenr dvecigua scat owasen tee ewaneeans 466.26 | 386. 61 WC LOE settee ne arama apc rertatsre wren Oey eaters ete 845.21 | 539. 01 Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ | United States (white) .......2..0-2222022ee eee eee eee 192. 10 | 170. 09 Ae lan G occa caetemenissicacmncniow sense Sane te eee 648. 56 432. 85 Goria Persie eh she eee dernier 317. 50 | 286. 72 The highest average annual death rate due to consumption during the 6 years in New York was 776.26 per 100,000 of population in ward 2, while the lowest was 49.16 in sanitary district K of ward 22. For the same period the highest average annual rate in Brooklyn was 1,045.75 per 100,000 of population in sanitary district F of ward 17, and the lowest was 96.21 in district I of ward 18. . The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of consumption in different parts of New York and Brooklyn, merit careful examination in connection with the maps showing the relative total mortality of different districts. They indicate that consumption was upon the whole more fatal in those districts where the ground water is nearest the surface, but not in all of them, and upon examining the detailed tables for the several districts which show either an exceptionally high mortality from consumption or one below the average it will be found that the controlling factors are the race and age distribution of the population, its density, and the altitude of the locality. PNEUMONIA. The deaths from pneumonia in New York during the 6-year period aggregate 24,090, making the average annual death rate due to this cause 287.89 per 100,000 of mean population. The number of deaths during the census year was 5,112 and the death rate 337.36, which was considerably higher than the average rate for the 6 ears. In Brooklyn pneumonia caused 9,965 deaths during the 6 years and 2,261 deaths during the census year, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population for the whole 6 years being 230.06, against a rate ot 280.40 for the census year. The death rates due to pneumonia in each city during the census year, at four groups of ages, per 100,000 population of corresponding ages are shown in Table 33. TABLE 33, DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. | LOCALITIES. | { | j . Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 45 45 years years. years. | years. ‘| and over. Se ee New York .....-----++++++2se2202 005+ 1, 148. 85 55. 25 187.04 | 622.75 Drop -acacsenes viaseemeeasrened 659.61 | 71.32 | 169.70 610.61 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 39 Table 34 shows the death rates due to pneumonia during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. : TABLE 34. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. New York. Brooklyn. WV Hite sea planar ta nee ns eR ace 336.46 | 277.47 Natinesacseaciceas Seenenerndaenemawereensereecuencee 349.15. | 240. 90 Both parents native .........-....-2..----- +--+ 311. 29 | 244.41 One or both parents foreign --...-....-..--.----- 366: 74 | 238. 39 OP OUS Mj 5s harp scic clatter dae aacigeytienlociie see SSeS 319. 47 | 352. 48 ColORe ex scisncis caatndineoncanwandstsid Sead sas oiatasusorns 389. 50 493. 33 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white)..........-----2.-2- 022-22 e ee 310. 40 224,17 Weeland) 2ccsptiey eee nssasnaesecsetehsoneee Seay aRaaes 428. 20 375, 82 GerMaDy es exiasicss maccncineicseweacreadnnetionnae toes 244. 44 233. 56 The average annual death rates due to this cause during the 6-year period in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were: mothers born in Italy, 455.89; Bohemia, 350.29; Ireland, 343.99; Hungary, 279.76; United States (white), 272.87; England and Wales, 268.97; Scotland, 261.09; Germany, 214.12; Canada, 211.77; Scandinavia, 210.64; France, 180.79; Russia and Poland, 170.17; other foreign mothers, 204.97. The corresponding rates for the 6 years in Brooklyn, according to nativities of mothers, were: mothers born in Bohemia, 347.22; Ireland, 281.97; Italy, 280.33; United States (white), 210.63; Germany, 207.63; England and Wales, 198.10; Scotland, 180.36; Scandinavia, 154.78; France, 146.16; Hungary, 140.90; Russia and Poland, 127.06; Canada, 116.33; other foreign mothers, 265.11. , The highest annual death rate due to this cause in New York during the 6 years was 593.61 per 100,000 of mean population in ward 2 and the lowest was 40.04 in sanitary district B of ward 19. In Brooklyn the highest rate for the 6 years was 438.77 in sanitary district D of ward 14 and the lowest was 59.21 in sanitary district I of ward 18.’ The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of pneumonia in different parts of New York and Brooklyn, indicate that most of the districts in which it was especially fatal are either waterside districts or of low altitude, yet it was not especially fatal in all such districts. In a general way the maps correspond to those for consumption, and in New York there are some special resemblances between the pneumonia map and that for diarrheal diseases. The race factor is one of great importance in studying the relative prevalence of this disease in different localities. The relations of the areas of filled ground in New York city to the local prevalence of pneumonia are also specially interesting, as will be seen by applying the transparent outline map over the pneumonia map. The influence of filled areas upon the prevalence of such diseases as pneumonia, malarial fevers, and diarrheal diseases is probably connected with the presence, in the soil of such areas, of more than the average number of the micro-organisms which cause such diseases, and this may depend on the greater moisture of the soil, on the greater amount of organic matter contained in the material used for filling, or on the imperfect condition of the sewers in some of these localities leading to continuous soil pollution, or to combinations of all these circumstances. DIARRHEAL DISEASES. The total number of deaths due to diarrheal diseases in New York during the 6-year period was 26,514, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population being 316.85. In the census year the number of deaths from these causes was 4,565 and the death rate was 301.26, or less than the average for the 6 years. The same diseases caused 12,240 deaths in Brooklyn during the 6 years, or an average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population of 282.58. For the census year the number was 1,890 and the death rate 234.39, also below the average for the 6 years. The death rates resulting from these causes were therefore much less in Brooklyn than in New York for both the whole 6 years and the census year. 40 VITAL STATISTICS. . of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 35 shows the death rates due to diarrheal diseases during the census year in each city at three groups TABLE 35. nie 1 H DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF | POPULATION. 1 LOCALITIES. | Under 1 | Under 5 | 45 years year. years. and over. 4 New orks scsscsssicsieasais ckasicacsuacieviee seco’ 8, 552. 70 2, 359. 64 173.19 Brook] yi cesinseeecesenertncncatenseaceverseneess 6,820.44 | 1,772.91 131.05 Table 36 shows the death rates due to diarrheal diseases during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. . TABLE 36. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 i OF POPULATION. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. Se " New York. | Brooklyn. White seasacesrcecsesaiescsescacsessnteceee ne eeeeoeresines 301. 62 | 233. 59 Niativies enced. scassreqacieeeemessecagseses coacesines 464. 67 | 311. 97 Both parents native .........2..02..0-2 eee seen eee 360.46 | 269. 57 One or both parents foreign ...........--.--++--+ 513.09 | 342.20 | ROO Petia ns coe deere decree etercpe eete s aeeeeaarvee 83. 36 | 72. 87 COlOpe acne ccacnicc coeds ca keuwacsceerapseseteeelenceeceeed) 280. 44 292. 34 Birthplaces of mothers: | United States (white) ...........2.--....--00--020-- 371.95 | 284. 23 rela d cine ccien etece wm en acoeeneptentetanes sree 237. 89 178. 74 GMM aD sch 2nsce sa sedesaceiteanticetiesseseeaaneracee 238. 49 208. 52 Taking the whole 6-year period, the average annual death rates from diarrheal diseases in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were: mothers born in Bohemia, 766.73; Italy, 425.58; United States (white), 398.34; Scandinavia, 358.36; Hungary, 328.07; Canada, 309.96; Germany, 281.36; England and Wales, 240.71; Ireland, 237.64; France, 217.37; Scotland, 204.74; Russia and Poland, 195.55; other foreign mothers, 275.60. The corresponding rates in Brooklyn for the 6 years were as follows: mothers born in Bohemia, 1,215.28; United States (white), 342.25; Scandinavia, 320.68; Germany, 296.00; Italy, 281.76; Hungary, 261.67; Russiaand Poland, 225.35; Ireland, 215.19; Canada, 211.98; England and Wales, 172.83; Scotland, 145.08; France, 134.31; other foreign mothers, 363.48. The locality in New York having the highest average annual death rate due to diarrheal diseases during the 6-year period was sanitary district G of ward 12 (523.51), and that having the lowest rate was sanitary district K of ward 22 (49.16). In Brooklyn the locality having the highest average annual death rate from diarrheal diseases was sanitary district B of ward 18 (530.17), and that having the lowest was district B of ward 20 (75.06). The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of diarrheal diseases in New York and Brooklyn, indicate that the districts in which these diseases were especially fatal were those low lying and tenement house districts in which there was a comparatively large proportion of children, and especially of German and Italian children. It will be observed that there are a number of coincidences between these maps and those for pneumonia, in relation to which see the remarks on the causes of pneumonia, page 39. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. During the 6-year period the number of deaths in New York due to causes of this class was 20,247, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of population being 241.96. In the census year the deaths numbered 3,468 and the rate was 228.87, or somewhat below the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the number of deaths during the 6 years from this class was 11,724, making an average annual death rate of 270.67 per 100,000 of population. Of this number 2,382 deaths occurred in the census year, the rate for which was 295.41, or considerably above the average annual rate for the 6 years, being just the reverse of the comparison in New York. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 4] This class embraces certain diseases, such as inflammation of the brain, convulsions, trismus nascentium, etc., which are peculiar to or more fatal in children under 5 years of age, and also other diseases, such as apoplexy, paralysis, etc., which occur but seldom in persons under 5 years of age. For this reason the remarks heretofore made concerning the differences in the proportion of children existing in the native and foreign classes, and also the excess of children having native mothers, should be remembered in comparing the rates given below. Table 37 shows the death rates due to diseases of the nervous system during the census year in each city at four groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. TABLE 37. 7 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. | | LOCALITIES. ' i ‘ { | Under § 5 to 15 { | 15 to 45 45 years years. | years. years. and over. —— zs = poo ; New York..-....------2-2++2e2ee2- + | 864.68 . 40.52 | 66.48 | 570.54 | Brooklyn ...2...c0e0esceeeeeeeceeeeee | 1,351, 16 ‘97.69 | 60.91 | 568.14 t It appears from this statement that the death rates from these causes at and above 15 years of age were very nearly equal in New York and Brooklyn, the excessive death rate in the latter city being entirely in the ages under 15 years. The number of deaths occurring in New York from causes in this elass during the 6 years at ages under 5 years was 456.31 out of 1,000 deaths of all ages. For the census year the proportion was considerably less, being 390.35 per 1,000 of all ages. In Brooklyn the proportion of all deaths in this class which occurred under 5 years of age was higher than in New York, and higher in the ceusus year than for the 6 years, the numbers being 494.29 for the average of the 6 years and 515.11 for the census year. Table 38 shows the death rates resulting from diseases of the nervous system during the census year in éach city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. TaBLe 38. | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 : OF POPULATION, : COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. 3 eee New York. | Brooklyn. | ro - = eH Wihitete: cco dens? soeraecaskayexecuebertanaasuemmeceea yy 228.92 | 204.19 | INGEN O: virecicecsen seven aoebevecieecacatancamuniaentd 243.13 | 323.38. | Both parents native -..-..-..2..--+--------ee ee 259. 90 359. 43 | One or both parents foreign.....-. .------------- 235.33 | 297.66 | Porélony sg2c55.cuesgucesce-sueotsexracesenmeuercaece 209.89 | 234.35 | GUlOred sanich ose ccha crete aera anna si 225.91 | 383.70 | ” Birthplaces of mothers: ; United States (white) ..-..... ..------+-+---++------ 250. 06 | ~ 357.71 Treland: .assccsscso ee ceeeiaoeeeeeaeeet eater te 242.40 | 286.19 | Germany sexsi cecceveaces cece vecceadensdneeesenes de: 189, 46 | 234. 08 | \ For the whole 6 years the average annual death rates from these causes in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were as follows: mothers born in Bohemia, 336.76; United States (white), 293.48; Ltaly, 258.73; Ireland, 242.44; England and Wales, 240.71; Scotland, 236.67; France, 218.45; Germany, 197.39; Canada, 196.37; Hungary, 192.13; Scandinavia, 168.24; Russia and Poland, 117.68; other foreign mothers, 165.76. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates for the 6 years were: mothers born in Bohemia, 607.64; United States (white), 323.83; Ireland, 257.43; England and Wales, 247.16; Germany, 223.90; France, 209.37; Italy, 205.96; Scotland, 202.58; Scandinavia, 183.85; Canada, 155.11; Russia and Poland, 148.64; Hungary, 60.39; other foreign mothers, 271.78. Comparing the different sanitary districts in New York for the 6-year period, we find that the highest average annual death rate due to the causes of this class was 487.06 in ward 2, and the lowest was 95.17 in sanitary district M of ward 22. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates were: highest, 406.12 in sanitary district A of ward 18, and the lowest 115.07 in district A of ward 8. 42 VITAL STATISTICS. DIPHTHERIA AND CROUP. The total number cf deaths from diphtheria and croup in New York during the 6-year period was 15,199, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of population being 181.63. For the census year the rate was considerably less, being 123.41 and the number of deaths 1,870. In Brooklyn diphtheria and croup caused 7,122 deaths during the 6 years, and 1,366 in the census ycar, the rate for the latter, which was 169.41, being slightly in excess of the average annual rate for the 6 years, namely, 164.42. Table 39 shows for each city the death rates due to diphtheria and croup during the census year at five groups of ages per 100,000 population of similar ages. TABLE. 39. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. LOCALITIES. i Urder1 Under5 | 5to 15 | 15 to 45 | 45 years year. years. | years. \ years. and over. esoubbheiiresisronsreoaaion 5 ‘ er Ree New York ....00.2..000--0000e- 534. 04 909. 61 120.09 | 4.18 4.56 VOOR Ly Mises siecsesinenedweaven-es 292.23 +: 1,060. 44 | 239. 45 5.21 4.39 Table 40 shows the death rates due to diphtheria and croup during the census year in each city per 109,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. TABLE 40. DEATH RATES PER 100,000:| OF POPULATION. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. New York. | Brooklyn. WeRitts.ccsseorscuhe rieneaes stamereeee eter aemieeeees 124. 53 171.11 |! Nativesdsidecl sen ban ecmeeriegianard aie atasaetia 203. 60 243,51 | Both parents native ........-...-.--.-----.------ 186. 70 225.09 | One or both parents foreign ............-.-...--- 211. 46 256.65 FR O61 GA serctpeyee + Woard ISA. seccesnisrcsas ses 47. 43 171. 97 48.05 | 166. 67 61. 55 149. 43 46. 83 477.78 38. 20 124. 64 36. 88 123. 70 58. 33 120.37 || AVA | eeccessccn es 16.51 62. 96 19. 41 62. 96 17.05 35. 35 12,52" | weceocceicace 56. 77 178.79 54, 55 172. 84 73. 98 120. 00 59.20 32. 08 133. 67 30. 92 134. 72 35. 08 171.05 |, 33. 83 42. 05 149. 83 41. 01 151. 03 49. 25 160. 74 | 43. 43 41. 83 138.11 45. 99 139. 87 45.05 161. 13 37.31 38. 89 151. 40 40. 53 151. 78 47. 70 153. 47 36. 61 33.10 127. 22 36.17 125. 71 41. 60 134. 22 29. 29 32. 29 120. 92 32. 80 119. 37 47, 34 222. 22 31. 44 a 39.40 | 132.52 45. 92 133.56 |; 53, 22 143. 33 32. 86 41,87 159. 30 63. 91 159. 30 59, 93 254, 90 25. 71 156. 25 39. 13 137. 02 45, 12 141. 64 84.25 201. 72 32. 00 41. 67 32. 56 104. 67 35. 48 108. 81 53. 83 135. 06 28, 43 40. 74 25. 76 87.59 31.12 89. 38 55.15 154.18 20. 51 46. 38 28.50 102. 90 30. 72 105. 60 41.27 137. 39 25. 29 32.16 Ward 31.39 118. 03 31, 22 116. 74 35. G4 123. 72 31. 47 153. 85 41, 28 150. 29 53. 56 148. 88 62. 00 180. 72 27. 30 138. 89 30. 96 118. 86 34.70 116. 09 32. 62 109. 77 26. 00 166. 67 Ward 30. 43 102. 97 28.59 102. 25 26. 81 94.5L | 33.99 136. 36 27. 63 108. 60 27. 92 107. 86 28. 01 107.47 | 27.52 111.11 28. 37 106. 73 28. 26 106. 01 29. 20 ° 108. 39 28. 28 145. 83 24.41 102. 38 23, 24 102.70 23. 63 97. 80 27.53 51.28 Ward l0—A .--......------- 25. 90 89. 97 48. 80 96. 05 82. 31 323. 23 14.97 43.75 Baeacdcncaseeccs 24.55 81.54 38. 74 89.18 52. 70 149.24 | 15.94 38.70 Ward 11—A . 25. 43 90.49 43, 85 94.51 59. 20 187.17 | 14.71 50. 10 B.. 24.10 91.21 27,46 92. 44 33, 80 96.47 | 20. 34 65. 08 | Cc. “ 29. 37 97.39 33. 38 98. 58 44.75 117. 65 24.17 69. 65 | Died cscaieeracek 27.13 97. 36 28.79 96.73 32.15 82.05 24.70 129.17 | Ward 12—A .....2..2-2-2e 14, 38 68. 08 14, 08 67.86 9.96 50. 47 15. 45 55.56 24. 93 108. 79 26. 16 106. 49 31.53 102. 68 22.72 270. 83 28. 63 110, 88 35. 76 110. 34 44,13 115. 28 19. 02 102. 94 27. 86 109, 82 29.10 110. 50 36.15 113.74 25. 43 68. 63 16. 18 57. 58 16. 94 58. 70 15. 70 53. 10 14. 73 34.19 26. 10 104. 54 27. 45 105. 82 33. 18 112. 46 22. 92 41. 67 33. 24 121. 86 45.11 123. 80 62. 85 160. 42 19. 38 72.92 17.33 52. 58 14.74 52.19 9.32 32.71 23. 48 74. 07 34. 38 143. 74 40. 65 143. 56 41.44 138. 78 25, 22 144. 28 16. 90 66. 28 16. 70 65. 60 13. 67 55.91 17.32 125. 00 16. 68 62. 31 16. 64 62. 42 18. 80 59. 34 17. 06 55. 56 32. 85 133. 28 37. G4 133. 71 38. 47 126. 30 25.17 106. 06 19. 40 85. 96 20.19 84.82 18. 00 72. 64 17.71 105. 56 28. 89 122. 29 30. 41 122, 62 32. 95 124. 67 25.37 77.78 24. 38 103. 00 26. 72 104. 05 24. 94 89. 24 20.13 37.04 16. 32 65. 67 15.19 65, 21 14. 54 60. 38 18. 98 18. 52 19.11 66. 91 19. 01 67.91 19. 05 67. 24 | 19. 86 40. 54 28. 20 183. 16 31.76 179. 08 11. 66 54. 64 23. 40 750. 00 24. 29 81.54 42, 29 84. 54 66. 21 186. 77 13. 45 47.89 28. 60 96.38 33. 83 97. 98 47.25 135.03 |: 21.78 57. 35 44. 67 177. 14 68. 35 182. 18 78, 25 227.82 |! 27.17 107. 00 39. 71 157, 34 58. 75 160. 70 58. 41 192.93 |' 25.91 120. 75 34.03 147. 49 47.33 153. 59 53. 34 200. 58 22. 02 88. 89 38. 14 178. 34 24.49 175. 57 38, 52 366.67 |; 28. 85 111.11 22. 34 115.35 23, 23 112. 72 20. 62 90.70 |! 20.47 83, 33 27.99 167.95 28. 71 169. 40 27.17 123.56 |} 27.14 277.78 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. TaBLE 63—Continned. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY. Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. : oe Foreign. Total. Both parents native. ] st aie actin, poe ire aa fhe eR Pe = ‘ ea All ages. pg Allages. te All ages. bias 2 117. 03 32.48 117. 61 33. 33 109. 14 34. 06 89. 74 : 116. 83 27. 86 116. 41 28. 63 123.97 34. 54 144, 93 {113.10 28.91 115. 68 25. 96 110. 84 30. 67 10. 42 i 95. 60 20.21 89. 57 20.47 91. 37 19. 82 136. 36 | 110. 14 33.31 112. 72 40. 03 119. 40 21. 06 56. 86 92. 32 34.96 95.77 48.73 117. 32 18. 95 45.61 93. 02 23. 25 94. 43 30. 12 90. 04 21.09 33. 33 95.11 26, 29 94. 64 33. 65 74. 93, 20. 12 123. 46 124. 00 27.57 125. 90 25. 43 114. 33 27. 38 79.17 112. 06 33.40 112. 91 42.56 104. 88 26. 01 88. 71 136. 22 24, 25 133, 66 18. 41 -65. 36 17.49 666. 67 132.77 |} 25. 07 133. 45 26.17 129. 97 22.79 133. 33 133. 63 38. 88 134. 86 54. 40 147. 73 32. 58 87. 30 13. 20 133. 33 14. 54 133, 33 12. 37 81. 30 11.05 333. 33 27. 34 105,16 |' 26.77 104. 69 24. 27 105. 39 28. 02 104.17 22.05 108. 11 26. 66 109. 80 24. 61 86.78 16. 29 55. 56 27.07 ~ 118. 99 29.16 119.75 - 32.45 121. 32 24. 03 86. 81 35. 50 135.42 |, 40. 06 135. 10 51.89 147.09 29. 63 145. 83 19. 05 110. 84 | 22. 33 106. 97 20. 66 72. 30 13. 51 83. 34 26. 42 129, 30 30. 03 130. 48 32. 23 128.17 21.45 75. 76 26, 94 106, 85 30.19 107. 82 34. 00 107. 26 22. 97 69. 44 28. 62 175. 85 36.14 175. 21 30. 65 88. 78 17. 22 266. 67 30. 46 125. 06 34,48 125, 52 35. 21 123. 22 24,52 94.77 31.81 115. 53 40. 81 116. 05 39, 83 126. 26 21. 74 65. 48 14,55 75, 25 15. 37 74. 86 19. 91 58.17 W346) | ascscccuscce 28. 70 114. 05 36. 45 116. 63 47.58 139. 67 20. 70 45.79 27.34 101. 28 42.7. 105. 78 54.89 135. 88 15.15 31.91 15. 26 83. 44 16.41 85. 05 17. 64 78. 92 13. 66 64.10 22.55 ¢ 96. 08 25. 95 96. 41 28.79 107. 34 18. 02 74.71 17. 48 | 62. 68 20. 31 62. 29 24. 08 65. 26 13. 29 79. 23 8.09 | 753. 79 21. 06 763. 57 14, 48 611.11 2.54 166. 67 36. 20 133. 95 37.29 134. 63 44.92 | 149.17 34.18 90. 91 32.35 152. 06 32. 67 140. 18 34. 86 157.79 28.19 102. 56 31.49 112. 68 31.77 113. 37 38. 42 120. 44 30. 39 58. 14 25. 85 125. 00 26. 59 120. 83 28, 60 230. 98 24.02 71.43 32. 90 117.11 35. 43 117.80 42. 23 111.96 29. 05 75.16 27. 87 123. 66 29.10 124. 07 28. 26 115. 58 26. 65. 106. 67 19.14 96. 60 22.45 98. 04 19. 42 54. 46 15.01 55. 56 25.90 113. 79 27.15 113. 54 24. 32 101. 85 23. 96 52. 08 31.94 115. 81 33.72 120. 41 38.55 117. 62 29. 86 40.00 15.19 76. 75 17. 84 77, 63 15. 98 50. 72 1L 33 55. 56 23. 94 117.17 24. 30 118. 35 22.51 95. 67 23. 60 71.43 17. 67 88. 41 22.71 89.39 22. 83 78, 28 11. 20 41. 67 23. 46 107. 96 23. 73 107. 44 19. 08 95. 99 23. 07 129. 63 36.49 145. 53 37. 89 145. 73 53. 23 152. 19 34. 66 126. 67 32.44 116. 82 34. 21 117. 51 35. 46 115. 34 29. 30 84. 58 27. 37 111.91 29. 37 110. 64 32. 27 108. 92 23. 35 127. 66 22.51 133. 23 23. 73 134. 56 21.45 143. 76 21.31 500. 00 35.47 128. 17 36. 86 129. 71 43.50 121. 73 33. 60 97. 22 25. 93 108. 27 27.25 107. 10 26. 74 107. 08 23.11 76. 67 21. 36 115. 15 21.74 112.17 17. 88 111. 78 20. 74 266. 67 31.02 102. 56 40. 80 108. 12 57.93 127. 76 23. 03 103. 60 22.99 82. 24 25. 83 83.75 28. 52 100. 75 18. 30 39. 22 18. 04 84.11 18.63 | 86.52 17.58 83. 96 17.01 62. 50 8. 81 54.13 9.45 55. 81 9. 58 56. 35 8.12 83. 34 21. 38 80. 10 20.30 | 79.29 | 22. 49 79. 21 24.96 |... . 9. 36 54.01 9.83 — 54.57 | 9.78 49. 08 8.61 33. 33 23. 64 82.05 23.95 82.34 | 26.40 80.72 22. 85 55.02 22. 06 67.46 | 20. 39 66. 76 21. 42 57. 69 25.17 39. 22 59 60 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 64 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates of the whites in the different sanitary districts in Brooklyn, exclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity and of children under 5 years of age. TABLE 64. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. ; White. scat wanes. AND. pens Aggregate. Native. ’ —_ Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. pei All ages. er te All ages. pag All ages. pee Total. cscs sce cece 24.17 93. 42 25. 00 93. 78 25. 48 91.92 22. 26 54. 96 Ward 18.53 70. 68 20. 02 71. 30 20.12 74. 07 16. 33 21.74 19. 59 92. 63 21.16 92. 81 21. 85 99. 40 16. 82 150. 00 Ward 34. 40 131. 24 38. 86 137. 28 43. 92 124. 53 29.12 51.95 Ward 22. 90 86. 60 23. 47 85. 72 29. 42 99. 62 21. 82 80. 00 19. 61 84. 98 19. 85 83. 02 19, 38 80. 67 18. 68 102. 56 Ward 25. 53 111. 05 25. 28 109. 84 27. 89 112. 16 24. 65 11.11 Ward 28. 61 135. 44 31.33 139. 22 35. 10 156. 25 26. 30 58. 56 31.75 120. 35 31. 42 120. 9¢ 39. 22 116. 52 31.08 13.51 Ward 20. 60 86. 13 22.79 87.74 28. 82 85.71 16. 82 37. 04 31. 05 112, 82 37.78 114. 95 56. 50 139, 22 23, 52 60.76 20. 08 87. 23 21.03 89. 61 21.21- 78. 92 18. 46 19. 23 Ward 26. 09 91.72 26. 05 91. 84 34. 09 107. 28 26.15 74. 07 18. 98 80. 76 18.70 82.44 17. 63 68.77 20.78 55. 56 17.51 70. 68 16. 97 68. 55 17. 54 64. 76 18.64 |...--------- 20, 21 80.25 |] 19. 41 80. 45 21.45 80. 09 23.47 138. 89 Ward 18. 50 64.19 18. 65 64. 37 17.51 60. 91 18.10 37. 04 30. 28 113.75 35. 37 115. 38 35.15 115. 90 22.79 73. 33 25. 25 89. 46 27, 28 90. 48 32. 72 99. 25 21.22 53. 92 26. 33 91. 67 31. 30 94,62 33. 91 88. 54 18. 83 23. 81 Ward 23.91 105.17 22, 28 104. 24 21.39 81.05 25. 98 70.51 27. 05 82. 47 28.11 82. 85 36. 04 106. 84 25. 67 41. 67 25. 87 113. 10 28. 24 115. 20 57.14 217.95 QL28 | a-.-eneseees 24. 53 97.49 24. 87 96. 65 28. 30 96.49 23. 53 87. 30 30. 31 108. 89 33. 04 111. 66 44.35- 116. 82 26. 40 39. 86 27.16 93. 94 27.91 94. 04 31.15 79. 98 25. 87 73.53 30. 05 124. 65 31. 09 124. 80 41.96 189. 15 28. 38 108. 33 22. 83 121. 49 22. 33 115. 36 23. 28 123. 49 22. 23 138. 89 31.10 110. 85. 38. 30 112. 65 42. 02 121. 38 23. 03 69. 44 31. 23 98. 35 30.61 | 99. 04 27.78 93. 45 31.90 62. 50 29. 88 112. 50 31. $0 113. 31 40. 46 116. 67 26. 75 86.31 26. 00 117.39 25.98 119. 16 28. 68 108. 54 26.16 20. 83 22. 62 89. 64 23.19 91.14 25. 24 91.40 || 21.37 45. 98 22. 07 88, 24 21. 36 89. 06 22. 82 81.53 24. 03 83. 33 26. 86 97. 24 28. 65 97.97 35. 61 106. 67 23. 93 66. 67 33. 56 124, 40 39, 54 128. 11 35.71 115. 73 25. 54 50. 85 28.41 109. 53 29.54 112. 24 31.95 117.72 26. 28 39. 47 39.55 137.51 41,89 138. 81 34. 06 126. 62 35. 21 83. 33 29. 74 109. 71 30. 98 109. 93 38. 10 112. 24 26. 67 83. 33 24. 80 87.52 23.75 87.75 25. 66 84. 59 28. 45 64. 82 23. 98 97.18 23. 90 97. 32 28. 27 100. 61 24. 33 97.22 20. 22 67. 86 18, 23 66. 45 20. 76 66. 57 23.47 33. 33 28. 81 102. 42 33. 42 104.17 39. 82 105. 72 22. 43 54. 60 31. 24 117.16 35. 41 118.77 46. 76 120, 27 25. 49 63. 22 27. 43 92. 34 32, 29 93. 50 43.75 108. 70 20. 35 26. 32 26, 21 99. 36 28.71 99. 44 31.99 104. 65 21. 84 96.15 21.91 101. 16 23. 81 102. 61 24. 07 102. 71 17. 08 44. 44 32. 54 120. 17 37. 24 121. 48 45. 66 125. 64 25.31 65. 66 21.94 76. 72 21.69 | 77, 22 22. 64 77.59 22. 57 43. 48 17. 26 63.35 17.16 | 64. 34 11. 57 51. 44 17. 47 27.78 45. 10 190. 48 43. 48 | 184. 52 111.11 145.83 |! 47.87 | .-----.-02-e NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 61 TaBLE 64—Continued. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. 1 White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. ? Native. DISTRICTS. Foreign. i Total. Both parents native. ae ane nia ae Shc ae ae eile ge All ages. j peo All ages. ps 2 All ages. | ae All ages. | i ng Lesa oe soe cee Ward 18—A ...--..-.--------- 37. 76 137. 14 40.32 | 138. 23 53. 74 144. 08 32.71 | 41. 67 28.24 83.33 | 31.68 | 84. 70 48.90 84.47 22.97 | 23. 81 32.93 112. 24 36. 99 112. 65 56, 26 121. 21 25,89, 74.07 29. 85 114. 83 | 37. 69 117. 46 56, 22 136. 03 18. 50 | 36. 67 24. 28 84.43 | 27.59 84. 86 39. 29 112. 73 18.77 | 61.11 19. 63 73. 78 21. 02 73. 92 24,17 79. 34 16.14 | 55. 56 13. 93 48.51 jj 15.17 48, 23 17. 24 44. 80 10.98 | 83. 33 13.03! 42.28 |, 12.51 42.51 13. 02 36. 64 14.92 | 33. 33 es 10.51 | 34.95 | 9.48 34.86 |i 10.72 36.71 13.03 | égudaemezest KK sch eeeeeeese 21.50 66. 67 23.77 67.87 |) 27. 69 68. 30 17.33 | 21.74 Ward 19—A ......-..---+----- 23. 44 87. 68 23. 24 87. 98 22. 70 76. 51 24.03 | 75. 76 IB nccecuccssemescexe 16.71 62.71 15. 53 62. 57 17.16 57. 32 21.06 | cdisimanseaien © sesausaseeseccccas 23. 68 87.17 26. 14 86. 70 30. 60 . 90. 74 18.70 | 44.72 Ward 20—A .......-..--2--26 24. 33 83. 25 23.21 | 83. 90 25, 52 | 82. 67 27. 26 | 33, 33 Bass 15. 52 64. 01 16.03 | 63. 38 16.97 | 63. 75 W467 | sjsiecdeiacesss Cc 17. 87 77.03 18. 07 76. 04 19.12 ‘ 93.14 17. 92 83. 33 Ward 21—A 23, 93 82. 41 25. 86 82. 58 37. 26 113. 64 20.06 | 36. 59 B acscccsseeekerase? 23. 50 91. 24 23. 55 93. 39 25.84 | 98.15 23.29 ° 9. 80 © sssasesscacscenese 28. 34 108. 36 32. 04 108. 03 39.78 103. 59 22.18 : 102.15 1D) -askecoseneseaces 16.77 64. 65 16. 43 65.15 || 16. 14 | 62. 63 18.25 37. 04 E 22, 43 83.70 23. 28 84. 30 24.84 | 78. 84 20. 38 16. 67 14.48 52. 23 14. 76 52. 69 14.7] 47.21 13.68 | 24. 69 14, 24 55. 56 14. 36 55. 43 14, 02 46, 23 13.51 66. 67 16. 29 ! 50.79 15. 76 50.15 17. 05 58.51 17. 87 33. 33 19.69 | 68.03 |, 19. 62 67. 89 18. 47 63. 15 19. 88 68. 18 29. 88 : 101.17 28.78 100.79 | 35. 22 121. 86 31. 83 125. 00 26, 29 98. 54. 26. 50 98. 45 | 26. 88 93. 80 25.90 114. 04 Ward 23—A 19.16 73.48 18.75 73. 63 19. 87 74.45 20. 36 59. 56 B 16. 78 59. 94 17. 52 60. 08 17. 98 58. 58 14.00 | ..---------- Cc 16. 52 65. 96 16. 51 66. 10 16. 92 60. 32 16.92 | 30. 30 Ward 24—A ... 15. 58 62. 50 15.78 63. 38 14. 49 49. 38 15,93. fisciecssececies 21. 25 107. 37 20. 36 98. 98 29. 29 141. 76 15.73 95. 24 28. 46 100. 93 28. 81 104. 35 35. 86 “125. 60 2297 (fives -csicisatscen 9.97 39. 47 11. 36 | 41.97 14. 32 41. 67 7.11 | 18. 70 95.14 | 19.78 | 91.81 | 23. 04 114. 23 14.54 !... Ward 25—A 22. 86 95. 76 | 22.13 | 90. 06 22.45 ; 94. 90 20. 70 41. 67 B.. 16. 66 58.17 I 16. 32 57. 62 17.24 57. 26 17. 96 133. 33 C xz 20. 00 75. 58 { 19.13 | 76.18 18. 02 67. 03 25, 24 125. 00 D.. 22.95 82. 25 | 23, 22 | 81. 37 28. 86 “92. 43 21.11 27.78 E. 15. 75 53.97. || 15. 35 ; 54, 02 15. 99 56. 13 16. 48 13. 89 “Ward 26 .....-- Leweag oe 20. 91 74. 38 : 21.59 74.30 23.16 - 77.66 18.90 61. 40 Me i \ | Tables 63 and 64, compared with Tables 61 and 62, show the differences in the death rates for the aggregate and for the total of each class due to the number of stillbirths, and compared with Tables 63 aud 66, show the difference in the rates under 5 years of age due to the same cause. The rates given in Tables 65 and 66 for 5 years of age and over are not affected by the exclusion of the stillbirths. 62 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 65 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates for the whites in the different sanitary districts in New York, inclusive of stillbirths, with distiaction of nativity and parental nativity, of children under 5 years of age, and of persons 5 years of age and upward. TABLE 65. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. Foreign. Total. \| Both parents native. Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years | Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years years and over. years. and over. | years. and over. years. and over. gan a ra ee Le ecintseicnioe | aatandness | ep eee Lefer ets Tétal: 04 wencxeuwesgees: 130. 31 17.74 131.73; 13. 06 133. 50 15. 04 74. 28 22. 66 i i = 199. 01 33.52 194.15 | 19.88 | 175.29 | 24, 88 477.78 45.39 136. 23 30.78 134.07 | 22.76 120.37 | 38.15 ]...... 2... 41.17 77.78 12.33 77.78 13. 03 40.40 | 14.43 |I.- 12. 52 Ward) 2) csosenceeectewees 227, 27 50. 32 212. 96 41.67 133. 33 | 66. 87 « 59. 20 Ward 159. 90 26.39 161.49 20.15 197. 37 27:58 || ascdaaeaeee 33. 89 Ward 173. 35 31.50 | 174. 74 20. 43 184.43 | 18.75 83. 33 43, 29 158. 58 29. 38 ' 161. 45 20.51 181. 19 | 16. 82 109. 29 36. 49 Ward 176. 98 25.92 | 177. 57 15.74 186, 47 | 17.90 115. 38 36. 31 eB acai are seclotzpsin cesses 152. 78 21. 62 | 150. 85 14. 42 157. 82 21. 93 133. 33 28. 86 ard, 624 Jose soem ecedacasa 136.17 24. 43 | 134. 01 16.41 236. 11 | 18. 39 166. 67 30. 71 DB peseniegsomssese 152. 16 26. 26 | 153. 74 | 18.55 160. 09 29. 26 105. 07 31. 80 iC hou cueaease 181.75 23.94 | 183. 62 17.18 279. 41 26. 95 156. 25 23. 69 Ward) TF Ajw acum scenes sansa 157. 87 25. 42 | 163, 54 18, 34 225.09 | 26.16 41. 67 31. 87 B. 122, 25 21.65 ; 127. 44 15. 65 153.53 | 18. 89 40.74 28.18 104. 45 16.70 | 106. 97 12. 16 180.45 | 16. 48 46.38 20. 23 119. 68 18.40 | 123.02 12. 72 156. 52 13. 14 32.16 25. 21 Ward BA ca cicssccimamaanies 136. 82 22.08 | 135. 64 15. 20 140.52 | 16. 74 153. 85 31.11 B avvevesuesenasdaus 183. 65 25. 89 181. 25 21.98 218.88 35. 63 138. 89 26. 20 Orxaateacaeeneatee 140. 07 19.79 136, 77 14. 06 126.89 | 16. 40 166. 67 24, 95 Ward 9A vscecseexscsnves oe 121.41 27 120. 90 15. 02 110.98. | 14. 62 136. 36 33. 61 127, 93 19. 06 127.03 | 15. 10 124.59 16. 40 111.11 27.12 422,23 18. 42 121.47 12, 84 125.10 14. 5L 145. 83 27.70 125. 09 18. 73 125 44 | 14. 92 117.77 16. 23 51. 28 27. 46 110, 98 14.70 119. 85 16.37 378. 79 39. 34 43.75 14.21 104, 21 15.01 |, 110.81 13. 87 177. 02 20. 63 38. 70 15. 46 108. 98 13. 56 114. 81 12. 52 213. 62 11.57 50. 10 13.90 108. 24 14. 82 110. 27 9.16 119. 22 9.00 65. 08 19. 82 117. 87 19.11 || = 119.95 14. 63 138. 89 18.52 69. 65 23. 60 1.85 [1666 |i 1.47 10.16 93.71 7.75 129.17 24.13 82.16 9.88 | 82.14 7.36 59, 86 5.94 55. 56 15. 34 129. 46 16.39 |) = 127.37 12.51 126. 93 18.51 270. 83 22.15 130, 81 15. 10 129. 94 11.35 132. 41 19. 43 102. 94 18. 25 126.79 17.61 127.99 12. 86 138. 51 19. 86 68. 63 25. 01 70.41 10. 25 72.10 7.97 66. 99 7.91 34.19 14. 41 122. 53 16. 26 124. 80 11. 40 132. 69 14.71 41. 67 22. 78 138. 19 17. 02 140. 45 13, 39 182, 52 23, 34 72. 92 18. 76 71. 06 13, 02 71. 10 7.83 55. 30 5.95 74.07 23.17 167. 67 18. 20 168. 18 13.14 164. 07 16. 47 144, 28 24. 04 | 82.13 11.26 81. 63 8.15 70.97 7.45 | 125. 00 16. 92 68. 36 147 |! 68. 57 8.92 59. 34 11.27 | 55.56 16. 84 i 156, 21 19.01 | 157.51 14. 97 149. 85 20.01 | 106. 06 24. 26 99. 88 13. 03 98.94 11. 26 85. 56 11. 68 | 105. 56 17. 20 146. 04 18. 98 | 146. 57 15. 71 147,42 19.96 | 77.78 25.11 119. 38 15. 54 | 120. 91 12. 35 103. 67 13.19 37. 04 20. 01 84. 40 11. 66 , 84.43 8.69. |! 79. 34 9.57 | 18. 52 18. 98 80.10 13.67 | 81.46 10.28 || 84. 05 11.49 | 40, 54 19. 66 198. 78 10. 87 ' 195. 04 4,58 54. 64 2.36 || 750.00 21.10 Ward 13—A 99. 20 13.23 | 103. 65 14.35 [| 222.44 26. 24 47. 89 12. 69 116. 01 17.77 | 118.19 | 14.16 |) 9 158.17 16. 91 57.35 | 21.33 Ward 14—A 204. 72 24.17 211.36 | 20.72 1) 258. 99 26.53 107.00 25, $4 B 182. 18 22.21! 188. 23 19. 08 | 217.58 19.42 |], 120.75 23. 63 Ward 15—A 177.91 | 21.79 184.72 | 21.08 |! 237.40 30. 44 | 88. 89 21, 33 206.12 | 25.74, Od 41 20.15 9 411.11 20.98 | 1. 28, 25 148. 05 17.60 142.10 15.85 | 193,58 16.73 | 85.33 | 20, 23 211. 54 23, 48 215. 85 21.01 | 149. 43 23, 22 277.78 26,71 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. TaBLE 65—Continued. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. a 4 Foreign. Total. Both parents native. ar a ny i Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years years. and over. |; years. and over. years. and over. years. and over. 182. 20 21.75 133. 19 13.57 121.51 15.12 89. 74 33. 56 144. 38 22. 70 144.21 , 15. 54 150. 19 17. 41 144, 93 34.11 140. 87 21.90 144, 23 16. 13 140.78 16.12 || 10. 42 30. 80 117.74 15. 63 110. 40 12. 78 109. 14 14.43 136. 36 19. 61 138. 78 17. 62 142.70 13.15 147.17 17. 62 56. 86 20. 73 112. 72 15. 72 117. 63 10. 72 140. 60 14.21 45.61 18. 50 120.16 15. 94 122. 29 10. 32 113. 03 13. 67 33. 33 21. 04 114, 57 14. 69 114. 32 8.57 89. 34 9.54 123. 46 19.76 152. 64 19.57 | 155. 26 13.17 144, 93 14. 22 79.17 26.94 135. 36 18.75 136. 96 11. 32 125. 25 9.96 88.71 25. 51 179. 49 18, 28 178. 22 19. 26 107. 84 16, 94 686. 67 17. 06 172. 55 18. 00 173, 20 14. 36 165.14 17. 32: 133. 33. 22. 67 156. 16 22. 76 158. 03 13.88 |} 169. 44 13. 25 87.30 32.14 240. 00 11.93 245, 24 12. 57 158. 54 11.57 333. 33 10. 93 - 130.18 19. 80 129. 90 13.52 || 132. 35 13.38 104.17 27.75 149. 40 18.99 151. 94 21.58 119. 83 21. 63 55. 56. 16. 24 142. 02 17.50 143. 16 12, 53 147. 67 17.90. 86. 81 23. 60 154. 85 20. 60 154. 91 12, 20 161. 89 . 13.34 145. 83. 29. 03 160. 92 15. 87 155. 89 17.38 113. 97 17. 70 83. 34. 13.45 155. 31 16. 32 | 156. 65 12, 32 156, 25 15. 81 75.76 21. 26 123. 72 16. 45 \ 125. 04 10. 22 122. 65 13.72 69. 44 22. 69 196. 48 14. 63 | 196. 09 12. 89 101. 62 16.12 266. 67 16. 90 144. 40 | 17.52 || 144. 54 10. 56 142. 58 11. 78 94.77 24. 03 133.22 | 16.94 |} 133. 45 1], 24 145. 20 6. 76 65. 48 21.27 98. 34 10. 95 | 98. 40 9.19 77.18 15.109). |[lewcietcica ccs! 13. 49 136.02 | 15. 96 139. 50 10.11 169. 26 17. 05 45.79 20. 43 112.95 | 12. 81 118. 21 8.95 152. 87 17. 60 31.91 14. 84 102. 43 10. 84 104. 94 9.14 100. 99 10.74 {I 64.10 13. 52 112. 08 13. 62 112. 82 9. 82 125. 44 11.51 74. 71 17.71 74. 83 9.72 74. 63 7.00 77. 60 8.45: 79. 23 12. 81 1, 371. 21 2.71 1, 383. 72 3. 25 116. 67 3.00 166. 67 2. £0 155. 80 23.57 156. 85 14.71 173. 23 14, 88 90. 9T 33. 79 183. 16 | 21. 92 167. 53 15. 42 184. 91 19; 16. 102. 56 27. 86 130. 75 20. 65 132. 03 42. 97 141.52. 16.17 58. 14 30.14 154.84 | 17.61 148. 15 13. 00 158. 54 15. 52: 71. 43 23.77 139. 26 | 19.94 140. 53 12. 24 135. 77 13, 21 75.16 28. 68 146. 61 i 18. 36 146. 98 38. 25. 134. 16 15. 48 106. 67 26. 20 135. 88 | 16.71 ||. 137.25 18. 45 94. 06 17. 86: 55. 56 14.94 155.57 | 19.17 155. 99 15. 20 138. 89: - 15. 61 52. 08 23. 85 145, 23 | 21.41 151. 20 ¥2. 99 141. 43 11.54 40. 00 29.71 122. 81 | 13. 46 122.15 15. 09 85. 14 14, 67 50. 56 11.20 144.01 : 17, 29 145, 87 12. 80 113. 60 13.47 TH. 43 23. 40 133.33 | 15. 06 (134, 85 18. 40 113. 64 19.85 | 41. 67 11.10 125. 84 | 16. 40 ! 125. 34 11. 66 110. 76 T1. 34 | 129. 63 22. 69 164.88 | 22.85 |} 165, 42 12.34 169. 00 13.21 || 126.67 34. 25 137.14. 19.37 : 138. 21 11.99 136. 04 9. 33 84.58 28. 82 133. 20 : 17.16 j 131. 84 12. 53 131. 87 14. 87 d 127. 66 22. 93 164. 82 16. 82 166. 36 15. 12 181. 67 15.37 | 500. 00 20. 95 146. 79 : 21.61 148. 70 33. 04 ' 139. 18 12. 95: | A 97. 22 32. 93 127. 86 16. 50 126. 34 11.98 | 127. 24 13.43 | 76. 67 22. 9T 143.77 15. 87 139, 24 13.23 |, 140. 72 12. 75 266. 67 : 20. 33 117.75 17. 82 124.18 Wb. 55 141. 57 . 28.07 | 103. 60 i 22. 23 96.74 13.10 98. 88 9, 44 116, 92 #58 | 39.22 | 17.97 114. 49 10. 53 117. 85 7.42 | 111. 25 7.76 | 62. 50 16. 74 61.97 6.27 63.35 5. 54 59. 95 538 | 83. 34 8.01 103. 56 15. 09 102. 75 11. 04 102. 31 14. 03 | neue ee secre 24. 67 70.27; 6. 09 70. 58 4. 93 63.39 5.67 | 33, 33. 8. 51 Ward 23 97.57 15. 37 98.08 | 10. 76 96. 83 12. 64 55. 02 22. 63 Ward 24 77. 54 17.09 77.10 : 12. 67 | 66. 31 15. 37 39, 22 25. 08 64 VITAL STATISTICS. _Table 66 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates for the whites in the different sanitary districts in Brooklyn, inclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity, of children under 6 years of age, and of persons 5 years of age and upward. TABLE 66. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. Foreign. Total. | Both parents native. Under 5 Syears || Under 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years years. and over. || 5 years. | and over. years. and over. years. and over. 1 . : otal 2.20... ceee 109. 46 15.48 | 110.30 11.61 110.77 13.28 54.96 21.99 Ward 83. 86 14.16 84. 96 12. 81 91.11 15. 73 21.74 16. 30 113.14 15. 27 114.11 14. 60 123. 32 16. 66 150. 00 16. 41 Ward 151. 26 21.72 159. 06 14. 69 151. 57 18. 58 51.95 28. 68 Ward 102. 39 15. 86 102. 04 12. 09 123. 70 17. 65 80. 00 21.44 107.21 14. 81 105. 56 12. 87 114. 92 14.57 102. 56 18. 26 Ward 134. 89 18.18 134.17 14.16 187, 05 16.18 11.11 24. 70 Ward 154. 25 17.59 158. 97 10. 89 182. 64 6. 68 58. 56 26. 00 141. 50 20. 81 142. 83 14. 32 140. 49 16. 29 13. 51 31. 28 Ward 102. 24 14.41 104. 46 12. 93 109. 52 19. 69 37.04 16. 65 130. 68 18. 32 133. 55 12.71 165. 88 16. 23 60. 76 23. 08 100. 59 13. 97 103. 51 10. 90 94. 82 14. 39 19. 23 18. 46 Ward 110. 03 17.21 110. 58 11.97 127. 20 15. 69 74.07 25. 88 ; 104. 52 14. 22 107. 06 12. 23 90. 26 12. 48 55.56 | 20. 61 87. 96 13. 87 86. 42 12. 44 83.33! 13. 68 18. 68 96. 52 15. 36 96. 89 12.72 98. 48 14. 88 138. 89 23.11 Ward 73. 20 12.12 73. 56 8. 82 ‘ 68.53 8.28 37.04 17.95 129.18 17.41 131. 46 13. 46 132. 42 13. 21 73. 33 22. 03 104. 03 14. 78 105. 46 10. 60 114. 98 12, 37 53. 92 20. 85 105. 00 15. 43 108. 51 12. 88 111. 98 12.97 23. 81 18. 76 Ward 124, 25 16.47 124.31 11. 64 102.17 12. 53 70. 51 25. 49 96. 53 18. 04 97, 33 12. 36 128. 21 15. 35 41. 67 25. 56 132. 14 15.41 134. 80 11. 40 269. 23 20047 |lscscsmcecses 21. 46 113. 81 16. 95 113. 26 12. 92 114. 37 15. 30 87.30 23. 23 . 125. 16 19. 20 128.79 14. 22 138. 94 19.71 39. 86 26. 26 108. 99 16. 61 109. 96 10. 81 96. 49 13.56 73. 53 25.14 7 146. 37 19. 64 148. 47 14. 53 168. 99 19.13 108. 33 27.95 140. 22 15. 68 135. 02 13. 04 149. 10 14.47 138. 89 21. 96 129. 72 18, 34 132. 33 13.39 149, 46 14, 47 69. 44 22. 46 114. 88 20. 74 116. 02 11.77 109. 83 6.78 62. 50 31. 62 125, 13 18. 03 126. 33 11.58 133. 96 11.74 86. 31 26.17 145, 83 18. 64 147. 83 15. 89 135. 85 19.11 20. 83 26.19 104. 93 15. 29 106. 96 12.12" 111. 93 15.76 | 45.98 at, 42 104. 03 15. 75 105. 25 13.01 98, 65 14.59 | 83. 33 23. 87 109, 68 16. 24 110. 71 10. 45 120. 00 9.32 66. 67 23. 59 140. 88 19. 22 145. 46 13. 62 132.05 13. 30 50. 85 25.13 126, 06 18. 03 129. 42 12.72 137. 13 12. 52 is 39. 47 26.12 158. 41 24. 30 160. 20 17. 30 145. 02 9.28 83. 33 34.77 124.51 16. 62 125. 66 11. 62 130. 39 14.12 | 83. 33 26.11 103. 93 16. 70 104. 45 12. 90 103. 78 13.79 | 64. 82 28.12 115. 49 14.88 | 115.82 10. 44 122. 72 12.65, 97.22 24. 09 83. 98 13.90 |} 82. 80 9. 06 85. 73, 9.12 33. 33 23. 40 119. 88 16. 39 122, 43 10.14 130. 60 9. 82 54. 60 22.07 138. 39 16. 68 140, 63 8. 64 145. 02 7.37 63. 22 25.11 105. 41 15. 73 107. 03 10. 41 122. 81 10. 97 26.32 | 20. 27 , 619 16.20 |} 116.70 12. 80 127.91 15. 99 96.15 | 21.21 118. 02 13. 43 119.90 | 11.98 123. 00 13. 34 44.44 | 16. 84 185. 45 17.71 137.17 11. 59 148. 21 15. 22 65. 66 24. 93 DD) ou Sacer eeewee 2a 90. 28 14. 01 90. 89 10. 33 94. 00 11. 60 43. 48 22, 42 ae 73.15 10, 55 74. 42 6. 60 63. 79 3,94 27. 78 17.35 EH cicwisaisa sais amtawes 244, 05 27.17 | 238, 10 13. 78 208. 33 TN BS Mesiardin seeaisgasid 46.10 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 65 TABLE 66—Continned. | DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLUIRTHS. | W bite. | i ee ee eee | WARDS AND SANITARY i Aggregate. | Native. ! i DISTRICTS. | a= Seaeeee Yoreiyn. d Total. Both parents native. | : fe ee See ge oe : Under 5 | 5 years | Under 5 3d years | Under5 | 5 years Unders | 5 years i years. and over. years. and over. i years. and aver. years. and over ee er es ee | ee p Ward BA oe 157.45 | 21.19 158.77 196° 165.76 19.62 41.67 32. 67 Binccaosdseeckeoas 99.36; 16.11 | 101.09 9.88 | 100.46 21.28 24.81 22.96 Gate lainoceneaes 128.12 ' 1813 | 198.86, 11.99 | 148. 88 15.54 74.07 25, 48 Dice eaten ene 190.77) 13.71) Tak 88 | 9.42 |, 158.88 13. 80 86.67 18.27 97.67 : 13.66 98.40 10.03 |) 129.09 14.49 61.11 18.40 | 85.19. 12.08 S48, 1013 | 93.48 13.31} 55.56 | 15.98 | 58.38 8. 64 58.22 | 7.66 | 54.02: LOL 10.64 | 50. 25 #.90 30.62 | 7.04 45.58 | 8. 06 38.83 4. 74 44.09 | 6.61 44.12 | 3. 64 43.65. | AsOG. esacdee sce 13.11 RK... ae 7.78! 12.21 79.27 8.42 84,59 12. 20 21.74 17.28 | Ward 19-4 [044 | 16.72 105.00 13.19 |) 94.54 14. 44 73.76 23.80. | B 78.81 13.40 | 78.78 11.19 T.98 ' 12.91 anu | Geseeencncs asa 104. 56 3.86 ° 104.48 9.92 112. 04 9.78 | Ward 0= Awa. speeneensenets 96.57 17.43 97.48 13.14 98. 16 15.09 247, 1S1G REG 12.86 |) 83.79 13.97 ; c 101.91 | 14.06 | 104,02 | 13,02 |) 123.37 14.47 ' Ward 21—A ... 97.20! 14.08 | 97.87; 9.62 || 138.59 12.16 | 103. 73 | 17.09 | 108.38 | 14.74 | 116.67 °° 16.81 | 128.67 | 16.21 wa70 | 1138 |) 197.82 13.52 | W215 | 78.30 | 12.89 79.03 «1.04 | 76.60 | 10.90; BT. 18.12 | 97.26 14.34 yg.13 0° 138d | 92.32. 1B) 16.67 20.41 | | Ward 22-4 63.85 10. 83 64.65 | 9.57 58.45 10.72 | 24.60 | 13. 59 B 69. 26 10.04 , 69,29. 8.68 59.00 | 8.93 | 66.67 BeaD A Cx 69, 53 12. 69 69,40 10. 88 78.01 11.79 ; 83.33 14d | D 81.70 13.35 ' 81.81 10, 38 71.51 10.05 | 68.18 | 19.51 | E 142.0220, 22 142. 29 13.75 | 170.23 | 1875 125.00 BLS | F 116. 23 16.19 116. 49 11.36 112. 11 1.2L UA OL 25.28 | : Ward 23—A 91.78 | 14.65 92.18 13.07 | 95.18 | 1.360) 55.56 | 20.22 | B 73.72 13.64 || 73,97 | 18.64 |, 73.57 [MABE Jeeeeeen ees 14.03 C.... 80.67 12.29 81.13) 10.94 | 76. 85 12.74 30.30 | 16.84 | Ward 4-4 .. 74.85) 1L8f | 75,90 | 10.69 56.79 | Atal, Vatenicerae 1 46.00. | B 120.51; 9 11.52 113.54 | 7.84 || 165.71 1 11.42 95.24 | 15.35 | C.. 111.55 | "115, 62 48) 147.34 12.13 wna oh 23.31 | D 44.96 47.96 5.73 | 41.67 TDG lh crsnrceyeeeact 7.28 | | HL 34 | 108. 05 8.05 | 131.09 7. 60 | Faeeendeitscias WAT 113. 01 108. 37 12.21 |) 113.61 12.79 | ALT 20.58 / 72.16 7.71 10.26 |) 70.09 1.82) 188.38 17.55 | Chneatarneanncat as 91.08 | 92.21 1.22 |) 80.48 1.06 | 125,00 B58 | 97.04 | 96, 69 9.13 | 12.55 1.0% | 97.78 | 21.04 | Bicosaeneamedateus : 65. 27 3. 56 6.53 | 68.55 6.31 | 13.80 16.50 | AVANG20 ees in eeceeeeonimesey "84.07 84.20 8.74 89.06 | 9.39 | 6140 | 18. 5x It will be seen that there are great differences iu the death rates of the different districts, and the causes of these differences are worth careful study. These causes are many and various, aud the data given in this report with regard to them are necessarily imperfect, and can only indicate the locations in which special and detailed investigation seems most desirable. The great influence of age and race peculiarities upon death rates must be constantly borne in mind in comparing the mortality of different districts. 938——5 66 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 67 shows for four groups of localities in New York city the death rates per 1,000 of population during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinction of ages. The stillbirths affect only the rates for all ages and for those under 1 and under 5 years of age. TABLE 67. | AGE GROUPS. Group A. | Group B. | Group C. Group D. paren ee eked po io WAS ot Hie ay All ages ....2...220..20002 cece eee eee 26.25 33. 14 41.92 | 18. 64 | Under 1 year. 294. 35 407.11 447. 70 351. 57 Under 5 years... 121.81 159. 05 225. 68 129. 44 | 5 to 15 years ...---.----- ed 3.99 5.58 | 6.13 | 5.05 | 15 to 25 years 7.55 10.33, 13.38 | 4.41 | | 25 to 65 years 21.64 | 27.56 : 88. 24 13.79 ; 65 years and over... 104.72 | 98. 88 135. 07 81.32 | In the above table group A includes wards 7, 10, and 13, being those inhabited by Russian and Polish Jews. Group B includes 18, C; 21, C and H; 19, ©; 22, A and D; and 20, A and E, being water side districts with comparatively heavy death rates. Group C includes wards 1, 2, 4, 14, 15 B, 5 and 8 B, being localities in the lower part of the city having heavy death rates. Group D includes 18, D; 16, D; 21, D and F; 19, A, D, K, and N; 22, C, F, I, K, and M; and 12, A, E, H, K, and L, being the localities on high and good ground covered by the better class of residences. It appears from the above table that the aggregate death rate is lowest where we should expect to find it, namely, in group D, but that the death rate of children under 1 year of age, under 5 years of age, and between 5 and 15 years of age is lowest in group A, where the general conditions of life are much more unfavorable, but where the population is composed of Russian and Polish Jews. At ages above 15 the death rates are greater in group A than those in group D, but are lower than those of the other groups. For the ages from 15 to 65 the highest death rate exists throughout iu group C, in which the aggregate death rate and the death rate of those from 15 to 65 years of age are more than double the corresponding rates in group D. Table 68 shows the death rate per 100,000 of total population due to certain causes in these different groups of districts. TABLE 68. ra oa. or : see lla i CAUSES. Group A. , Group B. i Group C. i Group 1D. items ls eens in wi Se cnceieteee a 3 nies ey > Bh ! aos | AMD CAUSES ooo. once cece ene ewenncees 2,625.49 3,313.95 | 4,191.58 | 1.86431 | | S ete toe ney evaeetete™ S teneeape Beaisceee | Searlet fever. .......02.2:c2e2ee eee cece eeeeee ees 22.38 | 41.41 | 28.70 8.99 | DV PROM OVER ae cciersinin sooaeas cisions sinees Emo bobs 12.43 21. 50 35. 88 22.12 Moalarial $6N 68 wisiesciadienciiecceu as pci nmaic stad 7.46 | 23.10 16. 74 8. 99 Diphtheria .... 79. 8 | 101.15 93, 28 55. 99 Croup...-- 46. 01 42,21 i 55.01 16. 59 Diarrheal disease: 295.45 | 399.01 | 398, 235 159, 68 Consumption ....-..-..-. 328. 89 | 458. 74 576, 42 202. 54 PHGUMION hes cia natwieceunsenteaanueyemsenas 381,11 363.97 | 548.91 219.13 Measles Be 21.76 | 92.30 | BR. 50 2.07 Whooping cough .......-..------2-----.2-e eee 31.71 | 35. 04 28. 70 18. 66 Cancer and tumor. ..-..-.. 2-20-00. e eee e eee eee 44.76 | 52.56 | 63.38; 68. 43 | Heart disease and dropsy 94,50 | 130. 61 180. 58 116. 13 , Childbirth and puerperal diseases -... 22. 38 27.08 > 16, 74 18. 66 | phatlagda Phe lver- z3.92 || 2417 | 79.34 || 1614 | 55.56 | 35,68 ; 181.65 201. 12 47) 20.00 75,58 | 19.13 | 76.18 | 18.02 | 67.03 || 25.24 | 125.00 | 45.95 | 237.02 229.77 4s 19.16 73.48 | 18.75 | 73.63 |] 19.87 | 74.45 | 20.96 | 55.56 | 38.89 | 207.39 157.70 49, 29.85 114.83 | 97.69 | 117.46 | 56.22 | 136.08 || 1850 . 36.67 | 34.61 | 393.61 529. 54 49) 2408 5 84.43 | 27.59 | + 84.86 | 29.29 | 112.73 i] 1e77 | 6111 | 20.73 | 288.55 450. 75 | 50 16.78 , 39.94 | 17.52, 60.08 | 17.98 | 58.58 | 14.00 22... | 98,30 213, 34 82.72 31 18.53 | 70.68 |) 20.02 | 71.30 | 20.12 | 74.07 | 16.33 ; 21.74 |, 26.31 | 234.25 134. 95, 3S; 22.95 | 82.25 | 23.92 81.37 | 2886 | 9243 | ma. | 27.78 | 97.07 | 322.13 308. 59 at | 19.59 | 92-63 | 21.16 92.81 | 21.85 | 99.40 || 16.82 | 150.00 | 33.98 250. 41 193. 42 | | er | 80.25 | 19.41 80.45 | 21.45 | 80.09 |] 23.47 | 19889 || 23.06 . 255. 80 165. 64 a4 16.52 | 65.96 |} 16.51 | 6.10; 16.92 | 60.52 |} 16.92 30.30 | 30.01 214.06 102.03 55 |) 25.58 11.05 |) 25.28 109.84 | 27.89 | 3216 |) 2465, Id | 33.41 359.58 248. 60 ss | 22,86 95.76 || 22.13 90.06 | 92.45 | 94.90 | 20.70 41.67 | 39.82 249.62 241.08 | 35) 16,66 58.17 | 16.32 | 57.62) i724 | 57.26 | i796 | 17.38 176.30 188. 72 | 58. 248, aso |) ones | ag.g0 | one | 7884 | 20.98 49.35 243.37 270. 60 ; B98 80.76 | 1870 | sade | 17.68 | OR.77 | 20.78 28.66 239.53 | 120.79 | gs 52,28 | 176 | 62.69 LTE Az.2n | 13.68 18.81 160.62, 128.00 67st 70,68 |} 16.97 | 68.55 = 17.54 | 64.76 |) i864 |. 27.63 211.17 | 322. 36 ww 15,52 OH OT fi 16.03 | 63.38 | 16.97 | 63.75 | 14.67 jo... i} 40.21 © 142,08 | 75. 06 74: Wier | 77.03 |} 18.07 | 76.04 | 19.12 | 93.14 |} 17.92 , 83.93 | 23.25 | 249.42 | 126,82 7175 | 5.97 |} 18.95 | 54.02 |, 15.99 | 5643 || 1648 13.89 |) 164s 147.93 | 177.51 77 | 21.25 | qo7a7 |! 20.36 | 98.98 | 29.29 | 141.76 || 15.73 | 95.24 | 35.79 188.73 | 141. 66 79, 15.58 | oasu |} oas.7e | 63.38 |! 1449 | 49.38 |} 15.93. | 1.387 221.69 79.58 74 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLeE 74—Continued. | | AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. | Per 1,000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. | Average |) White. | altitude || | = _ | WARDS AND SANITARY Districts. | (in feet) |i ! i ! | June 1, | Aggregate. Native. | Due to— > 1890. || (Cesena tae T oe = I Foreign. ‘ Total. j Both parents native, ; am = = oe a . \ pees and saa lie ae tas Allages. : a Allages. ere i Allases. pa Allages. ae sg Pemeuesy eee | TN eee Sel | oO teas 2, eek seme icles ote Wart 24 © c:earstesisinas teisinisisis senasieled 81 28.46 100.93 |! 28.81 104.35 | 35.86 125. 60 STB eras 29.14 | 291.38 359. 36 Ward 24-0) oo se .ceacaie avis need ice | 81 9.97 39.47 || 11.36 41.97 9 14.32 41.67 TUL |---------- 12.01 | 132.08 144.09 Wearl 22—Beccccnsccccccacssessiecovs : 89 W.2t 55.56 | 14.56 55.48 14.02 46.25 | 13.51 66. 67 17.07 | 198. 05 122. 93 WMS ESE sc acsodanwac eneneapeoiaad 90 16.29 | 50.79 || 15.76 50.15} 17.05 58.51 | 17.87 83.33 || 9.31 | 139.63 134.97 Ward 18-1 .. ' 95 10. 51 34.95 i! 9.48 34.86 | 10.72 36.71 | BOB: esses yes|| [i cicitisneded! 96. 21 140. 62 W: : 102 27.05 | 82.47 28.11 82. 85 36. 04 106. 84 25. 67 41. 67 { 37.15 288. 45 371.49 Ward 24—E 22 .eeseeeeeeees : 105 18. 70 | 95.14 | 19.78 91.81 23.04 , 114.23 14.54 |.-.------- ; 3116 | 224.38 193. 22 Ward 22—D . 107 19. 69 68.03 | 19.62 — 67. 89 ‘ 18. 47 63.15 19. 88 68.18 |! 28.06 214. 61 216. 26 Ward 8—C.. 115 25. 25 | 89. 46 27. 28 ' 90. 48 ‘i 32.72 99. 25 21, 22 53. 92 24. 81 351. 20 297. 76 Ward 8—D. mS Ges oseias 118 26. 33 | 91. 67 31. 30 ; 94. 62 ; 23.91 : 88. 54 ; 18. 83 23.81 |. 35.74 214. 44 274.01 Wiad) 9X ox ceceaees denveueesseayy 118 23.91 | 105.17 22. 28 : 104. 24 21.39 | 81.05 : 25. 98 70.51 | 21.04 345.12 223. 06 Whamtl 9=2Ce 22 de pce reed ieneddans | 16} 25. 87 | 113.10 28.24 | 115.20 57.14 217. 95 | D128) |rcecee sce 25. 48 280. 33 305. 81 RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS. Districts under 20 feet in altitude 27.67 | 100.69 | 29.95 } 101.64 i 33.47 | 103.59 | 23.72 | svat | az.a7 | a0ac0 | 3s6.41 Districts 20 to 40 feet in altitude ...._.- ee 25. 96 99. 60 ; 26. 89 100. 27 Hl 28. 54 97. 88 I 23. 96 | 58. 35 i 34, 26 304. 70 301. 02 Districts 40 to 60 feet in altitude .............-.- 20. 78 83. 21 21. 29 82. 67 21. 83 81.56 | 19. 04 48.64 |) 31.10 247. 23 | 220. 75 Districts 60 to 80 feet in altitude ................ 17. 02 69. 14 16. &7 67.63 | 17.45 67.32 ; 16. 61 37. 04 | 25. 60 195.19 | 140. 67 Districts 80 to 100 feet in altitude s 15. 50 56.18 | 15. 27 56.10 | 15.90 54. 02 15.01 24.51 | 13,27 171.27 160. 42 Districts 100 feet and over in altitude......-.--- 23. 54 85. 86 24. 00 85. 85 25.14 87.72 | 22.28 : 53.62 | 28.09 287.59 268. 72 It will be seen from these tables that for the sanitary districts in New York which are under 20 feet in average altitude the average death rate is 31.48, while for those from 20 to 40 feet high it is 28.25; for those from 40 to 60 tect high it is 24.79; for those from 60 to 80 feet high it is 21.34, and for those from 80 to 100 feet high it is 17.88. In other words, the average death rate decreases as the average altitude increases. The exception to this rule is for the districts 100 feet or more in altitude, where the death rate is 21.06. If, however, we take the death rates of children under 5 years of age we find that the decrease continues to the higher altitude, the rates being for the districts under 20 feet high, 118.59; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 110.60; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 100.63; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 108.44; for those from 80 to 100 feet high it is 74.45, and for those 100 feet and over it is 64.05. Much the same gradation occurs in Brooklyn, where the death rates for the districts under 20 feet in average altitude was 27.67; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 25.96; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 20.78; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 17.02; for those from 80 to 100 feet high, 15.50. Here again in the districts 100 feet and over the death rates are higher, being 23.54. In New York the districts 100 feet and over in altitude are 12 H, showing an aggregate death rate of 17.33, and ward 24, having an aggregate death rate of 22.06, per -1,000 of population, and a death rate from malarial fever of 84.38 against a city average of 24.62 per 100,000 of population. In Brooklyn the districts over 100 feet in height are 9 B, death rate 27.05; 24 E, death rate, 18.70; 22 D, death rate, 19.69; 8 C, death rate, 25.25; 8 D, death rate, 26.33; 0 A, death rate, 23.91; and 9 C, death rate, 25.87. The relations of altitude to the proportion of deaths caused by malarial fever, consumption, aud diarrheal diseases are indicated by the table. They are well marked only for the deaths from consumption and diarrheal diseases. Thus, in New York city, in the districts under 20 feet in altitude, the deaths from consumption were 404.63 per 100,000 of the mean population; in those from 20 to 40 feet high, 378.09; in those from 40 to 60 feet high. 291.27; in those from 60 to 80 feet high, 231.35; and in those from 80 to 100 feet high, 192.42. In Brooklyn the corresponding figures are for altitudes under 20 feet, 304.50; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 304.70; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 247.23; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 195.19; and for those 80 to 100 feet high, 171.27. In each city the proportion of deaths from consumption increases in the districts having an average altitude of 100 feet and over, it being in New York 290.89 and in Brooklyn 287.59. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 75 Table 75 shows for New York and Brooklyn the area and proportion of area, the number and proportiun of the population at different altitudes, and the corresponding death rates for the census year, with distinction of nativity aud parental nativity. TABLE 75. CHARACTERISTICS OF ALTITUDE. New York. Brooklyn. | CHARACTERISTICS OF ALTITUDE. New York. Brooklyn. eel _ — — 4 ---- _— oo o Sear Average altitude (in feet) -... 65 47 Altitude 40 to 60 feet—Continued. | Yotal area (in acres) 25, 818 18, 084 Death rates per 1,000 of population: Population, aggregate ...-...-..-- - 24x Se eves 1,515, 301 806, 343 BGPTORIEG vo vcniicnancenane sesnm masgines samsoeneane 25.17 21. 66 Native, white 852, 641 534, 672 Native, white 28. 26 i 22.54 Both parents native ...-.............-- | 270, 487 222, 573 Both parents native 25.57 | 22.73 Foreign, whites ....s.2ccecse002 sosanee cess 1 636, 986 260. 725 Foreign, white 20. 68 19, 01 Death rates per 1,000 of population: | Aggregate | 28. 63 25.54 |! Altitude 60 to 80 feet: | Native, white..... : 32.18 26, 55 ATCA (IN AGPE6S): 117.65 24.17 | 69.65 AVCAEd 2020 ee esse perqeiu nets uv zvroo read ceunnis 65 15, 820 243. 38 32. 90 35.43 | 117.80 42.23 111. 96 29.05 | 75.16 Ward 19—F........2------220 0202-22 ee eee 82 19,834 | 241.88 26.94 30.19 | 107.82 34.00 ' 107.26 | 2.97 | 69. 44 Ward 19? ss222ce2y vesaeass sets es seeees: 100 23,741 | 237.41 17.48 20.31 | 62. 29 24. 08 65.26 13.29 | 79,23 Ward 1I—D .......-------2--- +2222 2-22: 84 18,512 220.38 27.13 28.79 96. 73 32.15 | 82.05 24.70 29.17 Woatll 20—B..ccvassssesuceueess eeassces 15 16,423 218.97 32. 35 32.67 | 140.18 | 34.86) 157.79 28.19 | 102, 56 Ward 19—H........-- er ceeeeeahaasel go | 9117 | 21a. aL 40. 46 sida | anny || teen! yaa. np nae 47 | 9,959 211. 89 39.13 45.12 141.64 | R425 1 201.72 32.00 41. 67 36; 11,828 211. 21 30. 96 34.70 116.09 82.62 | 109.77 26. 00 166. 67 x | 16,848 210. 60 27.34 26.77 104.69. | 24.27 103.39 |, 28. 02 104.17 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. TABLE 76—Continued. JUNE 1, 1890. 7 7 AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STLLLBIRTHS. Districts and groups of districts. Ward 21—C Ward 19—B Ward 19—E Ward 21—B Ward Qt. cas sensenen econ seid ote Ward! 90D asccasccieinteticetaniiesn dian. Ward 7—B Ward 19-—C Ward 8—A Ward 18—C. . ‘Wear 12 Tie epresiyartnvasscowsontnaten asic aida’ Ward 12—M. a Wai lG= Bi scons c2a6 dca beceGeas conte Ward. (9-—D iors 105.78 | 54. 89 135. 88 11, 786 203.21 || 31.94 | 33.72 120.41 38.55 ' 117.62 19, 699 198. 98 | 27.07 || 29.16, 119.75 32.45 121.32 17, 179 197. 46 26. 42 30. 03 130. 48 32. 23 128. 17 9,777 195.54 | 25.90 || 27.15 113. 54 24.32 101.85 22, 586 194. 71 32.44 |) 34.21 , 117.51 35. 46 115. 34 15, 34€ 194, 25 25. 85 | 26.59 . 120.83 28. 60 130. 98 11, 420 193. 56 32.56 || 35.48 © 108.81 53. 83 135. 06 15, 550 191.98 35.50 || 40.06 | 135.10 | 51.89 147.09 10, 872 190. 74 31.39 |] ange | 116.74 | 35. 64 123. 72 17,705 190. 38 20.57 20.21; 89.57 |) 20.47 91.37 24,445 | 189.50 36.15 38. 88 | 134.86 |} 54. 40 147.73 23,358 | 185.88 34.38 40. 65 145.56 | 41.44 138. 78 10,947 185.54 27.47 27.57 | 125.90 | 25.43 114. 33 39, 520 184, 67 32. 85 37.64; 133.71 | 38.47 126, 30 16, 594 182. 35 30. 11 97.86 ' 116.41 || 28.68 123. 97 14, 045 175.86 || 24.41 23. 24 | 102.70 | 23.63 97. 80 9, 181 166. 93 | 44. 67 68.35 | 182.18 : 78.25 227. 82 11, 936 165. 78 28.63 35. 76 110. 34 44.13 115. 28 8, 268 159. 00 23.94 24.30 118. 35, 22,51 95. 67 6, 304 157. 60 23. 46 23.73 | 107.44 || 19.08 95.99 12, 134 155. 56 36. 20 37. 29 134, 63 | 44.92 149.17 7, 183 152. 83 42.05 41.01 | 151.03 j} 49.25 160. 74 17, 876 150. 22 33. 24 45.1 123,80 | 62. 85 160. 42 _ 8,520 149. 47 41.28 53. 56 | 148. 88 62. 00 180. 72 11,979 142. 61 31.49 3.77 | 113.37 38.42 120. 44 11, 089 142.17 | 24. 06 25.07 | 183.45 26.17 129, 97 8, 129 137.78: 47.43 48.05 | 166.67 61.55 149. 43 14, 262 137. 13 22.51 23.73 | 134. 56 21.45 143, 76 27, 857 135. 23 28. 89 30.41 ; 192.62 32.95 124. 67 9, 137 134. 37 30. 43 28.59 | 102,25 26,81 94.51 10,007 133. 43 35.47, 36. 86 129.71 43.50 121,73 13, 345 130. 83 a4os || 26.16 106.49 | 31.53 102. 68 10,237 | 127.96 41.02 |: 40.80 108. 12 57.93 127. 76 14,421 | 126.50 | 15. 26 16.41 85.05 17. 64 78.92 8,001 ; 121.88 33. 06 32.48 117.61 Bi. 33 109. 14 10,467 | 116.30 | 18. 04 18. 63 86.52 | 17.58 84. 96 10, 013 112.51 28.37 | 28. 26 106.01 | 29.20 108. 39 7, 024 108.06 |) 13.20 14.54 133.33 12.37 81.30 | 9,844 , 107.00 | 21.36 21.74 112.17 | 17. 88 111.7) ; 7,001 | = W6.U8 || 27.86 1; 29.10 110.50 | 36.15 113.74 | 7,275 105.43 i 14.55 || 15.87 74. 86 19.91 | 58.17 7,081 | .99.73 9) 22.34 |) 23.93 112.72 | 20.62 | 90.70 4,759 | 99.15 38.14 | 44.49 175.57 38.52 366. 67 BAL | 93.98 15.19 17. 84 77. 63 15. 98 50. 72 ' 7,959 | 90.74 38. 89 40. 53 151.78 47.70 153.47 5,071 | 87.43 19.14 2245 98. 04 19. 42 54.46 » sss | 86.07 28. 62 36.14 175. 21 30. 65 88. 78 6,471 | 84. 04 31.81 40.81 116. 05, 39. 83 126. 26 (6,884 | 83. 34 | 29. 60 28.91 115. 68 | 25.96 110. 84 | 8, 432 75.29 ||" 26.10 | 27.45 105. 82 H 112. 46 25, 744 | 70. 73 | 19.40 || 20.19 84.82 | 72. 64 3, 183 70.73 |; 17.67 |) 9 22.71 89.39 | 78. 28 | 10,648 | 68.70 | 16.18 16.94 58.70 | 53. 10 6,815 | 68.15 7) 19.05 | 22. 33 106.97 | / 72.30 7,275 | 67.99 22.05 || 26.66 109.30 | | 86.78 3,861 ! 65.49 iar |i 24.95 133.66 | 65.36 5,126 | 62.51 33.10 |! 36.17 15.71 | 134.22 3,888 | 61.71 27.99 |) 28 71 169.40 123.56 4,628 | 58.58 9.36 |, 9.83 54.57" 9. 49.08 6457 57.65 22.99 25. 83 83.75 4 BR 100. 75 Foreign. Allages. , ee 26.65 106. 67 13.15 31.91 29. 86 40. 00 24.08 86. 81 21.45 15.76 23.96 52. 08 29. 30 64. 58 24.02 71.43 28.43 | 40.74 29.69 | 145.83 aT | 153. 85 19. 82 136. 36 32.58 | 87.30 25.22 144. 8 27.38 79.17 25.17 | 106. 06 34.54 144. 93 27.53 | 51.28 97.17 | 107. 00 19. 02 102. 94 23.60 | 71.43 23.07 | 129. 63 34.18 | 90.91 43.43 | 83.33 19.38 | 92.92 27.30 138, 89 30. 39 58. 14 22.79 | 133. 38 46.83 | 477.78 21.31 | 500. U0 25.37 77.78 33.99; 136. 36 33.60 97.22 2.72 270. 8% 23.03 103. 60 13. 66 64.10 34.06 89. 74 17.0: | 62. 5 28.28 1+ 145.83 1.05 | 833. 33 20.74 | 266. 67 25.43 | 68. 6S 13.46 |----eeeeee ee 20.47 83.33 28.85 | ML Liss | 55, 36 36.61 | 115, 38 15.01 | 53.56 17,22 266. 67 21.74 | 65.48 30.67 | Lotz 22.92 | 41.67 17.71 | 105.56 11.20 | 41.67 L753 | 34.19 13.51 Bi. 314 16.29 | 55.56 17.49 | 666. 67 29.29. | 133.33 2A 277.78 8.6] I 33.33 13.30 | 39, 23 78 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 76—Continued. JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. Persons Native. | Districts and groups of districts. oe Population. eae [A geregate. 7 are a = wise oa ; i Foreign. parks an Total. | Both parents native. |! jeemeteries. ta base Rovial ie te! | os All ages. a | Allages. ae All ages. we Scouts tae Lee sll ce tesrau ee eres cata aie asi 120 6,910 37.58 8.09 21. 06 763.57 || 14. 48 611.11 ji 2.54 166, 67 94 4.853, 51.63 8.81 9,45 55.81 9. 58 56.35. I 8.12 83, 34. a 11, 328 47.00 16. 32 15.19 65.21 14.54 60. 38 18. 98 18, 52 166 7,471 45.01 16. 68 16. G4 62.42: 18. BU 59. 34 17. 06 55.56 Ward 6—A DL 1,957 44. 48 32. 29 32. 80 119. 37 | 47.34 222. 22 1.44 166. 67 Ward 12—H 168 6, 669 43.03 17.33 14. 74 52.19 | 9.32 32.71 23. 48 74.07 102 3, 765 36.91 | 32.08 30. 92 134.72 35. 08 171. 05 SOB Vale ce aici Ward 12—A .. 555 5.107 29. 02 | 14.38 14. 08 67. 86 9.96 50.47 15. 45 55. 56 Ward 1—B 104 2,521 24.24 | 38. 20 36. 88 123. 70 58. 3 120. 37 ALSTS. Yvseseseeenes Ward 12—P 237 4,891 20.64 | 24. 38 26. 72 104. 05 24.94 89. 24 20.13 37. 04 Ward 12—K 279 4.700 19. 58 16. 90 16. 70 65. 60 13. 67 55.91 17. 32 125. 00 Ward 22—L 147 2.343 17. 89 | 21.38 20. 30 79. 29 22. 49 79.21 2496) Wks necasexs 4,241 53, 940 ae | 23. 64 23.95 82. 34 26. 40 80.72 | 22. 85 55.02 Ward) Dan iiceutee Haw ctensaaudaehanseaetern 16 929 12. 22 56. 77 54.55 172. 84 73.98 120. 00 DOMI0 Pec asceecex Ward 2A B iaca-<- 300 2.653 | 8.84 | 28.20 31.76 179. 08 11. 66 54.64 | 23. 40 750. Ou Ward 12-S.cceso.eee 2343 16. 510 | 7.61 19.11 19. OL 67.91 19. 05 67.24 | 19. 86 40.54 Ward 1—C 77 472 6.13 | 16.51 19. 41 62. 96 17.05 35.35! W252) enix seine mie Ward 24 8,474 20,137 | 4.58 22. 06 20. 39 66.76 21.42 57. 69 25.17 39, 22 ‘ ' RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS oy “) et eae ic: . i eee : i | i Under 100 to the acre ... 20, 161 297. 6833 4.77 | 23.81, 94.30 21. 80 30. 23 20.92 | 68. 28 100 to 200 to the acre. - 3, 508 540.533 154. 31 | 29, 53 | BL5L 123.37 31.04 122.41 | 26.51 | 101. 12 200 to 300 to the acre... 1,274 299. 575 233.15 | 28.73 | 31.42, 110. 49 B4L11 ° 11466 | 25.04 | 76.21 200 and over .-.----2------2eeee eee cence 880 | 377,510 | 428. 99 | 27.57 | 36.56 | 104. 42 43.12 | 131.41 19.72 | 63. 20 Table 77 shows the area and population of the different districts in Brooklyn on June 1, 1890, and the average annual death rates during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of mean population, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, according to density of population. TABLE 77. JUNE 1. 1890. * AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTIIS. White. Persons | = ae NS tt | ya ~ to the acre.! Native. | Distriets and groups of districts. (Total ae Population. pareaeed 4 Aggregate. < Aine sais ack | Foreign. | (in acres). eteries, and Total. Both parents native. | water sur- ‘ ' face. Tay pas hes rec gee | ! ‘4 Under 5 Cuder 5 | ae | Unders | All ages. years. All ages. years. | Allages | years. A tea omeear res eth | 18,084 | 806, 343 49.87] 9 24.17 25.00 | 93.78 54.96 ee ee |] | __ ae Ward 16—B 59 12, 494 | 28. 81 33. 42 104.17! 39, 82 105, 72 54. GO Ang 3G 69 14, 164 © | 31.24 fl 35.41 8.77 | 46.76 120.27 63.22 Ward 5—B 58 10. 450 180.17 | 31.75 |! 31.42 120. 90 39. 22 116.52 138.51 Ward 5—A 54 9,725 180. 09 | 28. 61 31.33 139. 22 31.41 106,78 | 58.56 Ward 16—D . ae 13, 477 175. 03 27, 43 32. 29 93.50 43.75 108. 70 | 26, 32 Ward 19—C 104 17. 928 172. 38 23. 68 26. 14 86. 70 30. 60 90. 74 | 44.72 Ward 21—C 92 14,918 162.15 i 28. 34 32. 04 108.03 5 39.78 103. 59 102. 15 Ward 11—A 130 12. 005 153. 91 | 30. 05 31.09 124. 80 | 41.96 139. 15 | 108. 33 Ward 14—C..- ar 61 9, 149 149. 98 | 28.41 29. 54 112.24 31.95 117. 72 39. 47 Ward 15—C 88 13. 113 149.01 | 23.98 23. 90 97.32 © 28. 27 100. 61 97. 22 Ward 21—A 71 9, 982 140, 59 \ 23. 93 25. 86 $2.58 37.26 113. 64 36. 59 Ward 3—A..-- 76 10. 582 139. 24 ! 22.90 | 23.47 85. 72 29. 42 99. 62 80. 00 99 13.566 137.03 «' 29°85 | 37. 69 117. 46 56. 22 136. 03 36. 67 Districts and groups of districts. Ward 4... Ward 11—B Ward 13—B Ward 20—A - Ward 17—C.. Ward Ward 21—E.......-..-- Ward 21—B.. Ward 22—F........---. Ward 12—C... Ward 17—A . Wird 14—A Ward 1—B..- Ward 23—A Ward 18—F Ward 18—A -....------ Ward 25—B Ward 21—D Ward 10—C Ward 7—C Ward 22—D Ward 18—G Ward 9—B Ward 18—H ......- --- Ward 25—A .. Ward 12—A..........-- Ward 17—B......------ Ward 25—C. Ward 25—D..-.......-- Ward J8—C Ward 8—B... Ward 19—A......-..-. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 79 TABLE, 77—Continued. JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING SPILLBIRTHS. re oe a 423 | ' White. ' i | Persons | 6a 4 = to the are, i Native. : ae Population. parks, cae SB apeete - me Madea l. oreeaiat EA - Foreigu. | eteries, and : Total. Both parents native. 1 | water sur- : ‘ | tage: : 1 0 di 5 om F es at Tae : | le ler 5 : All ages. | eae , All ages. Riana All ages. | neuer: | re Pe a ee ego) eal Sesedessassseeeed 109 14, 064 | 133. 94 24.53, | 24.87 | - 96.65 j 28. 30 96.49 ° 23.53 | 87.30 Seaside dace et 33 | 10,977 132. 25, 20.08 | 2.03 | 8.61 |] et | 78.92 Ie 19. 23° yisbanweenaeesere 6; «17,924 2 131.79 31.05, 37. 78 114.95. | 56.50 ; 139.22 | 23, 52 | 60, 76 he 5.585, 124.11 20. 22 18. 23 66. 45 20. 76 | 66.57 i 2B.47 | 33, 33, 3 9,492 | 123.27 24. 80 23.75. | 87.75 | 25, 66 84.59 | 28.45 | 64. 82 109 13,189 , 121. 00 30. 31 33.04: 11166 | 44.35 1 116.82 | 26.40 | 39. 86 77 8. 792 114. 18 20. 60 22.79 | 87. 74 28.82 | 85.71 16. 82 | 27. 04 63 | 7, 074 112. 29 22.07 21. 36 89. 06 20,82 | 81.53 24.03 | 83, 33, 112 | 12,324 110. 04 25. 53 25. 28 109. 84 27.89 | 112.16 24. 65 | .u 123: 10, 688 109. 06 22.83 22. 33 115. 36 23, 28 123, 49 22.238 138, 89 a 8. 924 107.52 22.62 | 23.19 | 91.14 25, 24 91. 40 21.37 ; 45. 98 186-10, 043 106, 84 24.33 | 23.21, 83. 90 52 | 82. 67 27. 26 33, 33 a 8, 843 106. 54 33.56 | 39.54 | 128,11 TL | 15.73 25.54 50. 85 128 13, 588 106. 16 24. 28 27.59 | 84. 86 - | 9, 29 112. 73 18.77 ° 61.11 130 13, 149 101.15 21.94 21.69 | Tish 2.64, 77.59 22.57, 43.48 116 10, 530 98. 41 18.53 |}. 20.02 | 71.30 i 20. 12 707 16, 33 21. 74 103 10, 286 97.96 | 26.09 26.05 | 91.84 © 34. 09 107.28 | 26.15 74.07 145 14, 122 97.39 | 14. 48 14.76 52. 69 i 14.71 47.21 13. 68 24. 69 a 8, 172 97.29 ! 19. 61 19. 85 83.02 |, 19.38 - 80.67 | 18. 68 102. 56 102 | 9. 701 95.11 |: 32. 54 37.24 | 121.48 45. 66 125. 64 25.31 65. 66. 3 8. 986 94.59 |) 34. 40 137. 28 43.92 | 124.53 29, 12 51. 95 Roee ule ceed 12 11. 209 841.92 | 22.43 34.30 | 24. 84 78. 84 20. 38 16. 67 a 30 6, 697 83.71 23.50 93.39. |i 25. 84 98.15 ¢ 9, 80: phawdesaesdensceee 129° 10.736 83, 22 26.29 ! 98.45 |; 26, 88 93. 80 25.90 114. 04 193! 15,912 82.45 |, 29. 88 113.31 | 40.46 5 116.67 26. 75: 86. 31 116 9, 512 82. 00 26.21 99.44 | 31.99; 104. 65 22. Bt 96.15 ee 4 6. 660 81.22, | 26. 86 28. 65 | 97.97 |} 35.61 | 106.67 23. 93 13 | 8, 242 80.02 |) 20. 21 19.41; 80.45 |i 21.45 | 80. 09 23, 47 120 9.510 79.25 | 19. 59 21.16 | 92. 81 21,85 99. 40 16. 82 - 14 9.558 ' 75,82 | 19,16 18.75 | 73. 68 19.87 74.45 20. 36. 96 7,238 | 75.40 |: 19. 63 21.02 | 73. 92 24.17 79. 34 14 aurteciwakaceGaee 41 10.521 | 74. 62 | 37. 76 40, 23 138.23 | 53. 74 144. 08 32. 71 117 8, 665 74. 06 | 16. 66 16.32: 57.62" 17,24 57. 26 17. 96 100 7,312 73.12 16.77 | 16. 43 | 65.15 16. 14 62.63. | 18. 25, 69 5.025 | 72. 83 29.74 30. 98 109. 93 38. 10 112.24 | 26. 67 116 3.441 | 72.77 18. 98 18.70 See 17. 63 68.77 0.78 | 95 6. 778 71.35 27.16 | 27.91 94.04 | 31.15 79.98 | 25, 87 123 8, 757 71. 20 17.51 | 16.97 68. 55, 17. 54 64.76 | 16860 lveiscses. es 134 j 9.479 | 10, 74 16.78 17.52 60.08 | 17. 98 5.58 | 1400) fvwsecesincts 30 5. 630 | 70. 38 26.0) 25. 98 119.16 28. 68 108.54 j 26.16 20. 83 112 7, 880 70. 36 17.97 18.07 76, 04 19.12 93.14 | 17. 92 3.33 587: 10.410 70. 34 25,25 27.28 90. 48 32.72 99. 25 2: 53. 92 140 | 9 541 68, 15, 16.71 15. 53 62. 57 17.16 57.32 |! ST200' | ax saaneasece 13! 8,015 67. 60 23.91 22.28 104. 24 21.39 81. 05 i 25. 98 70.51 154 10,316 | 66.99 16.52 16.51 66.10 16. 92 60.32 | 16. 92 30. 30 112 6.213 64.05 15.52 16.03 63. 38 16.97 63. 75 T67 |ssesanseence 710, 12,878 63.15, 19. 69 19. 62 67.89 | 18. 47 63.15 19. 88 63. 18 101 6.268 62. 06 13. 93 15.17 48.23 17.24 44. 80 10. 98 83. 33 132 8, 008 60. 67 27. 05 28.11 82. 85 36. 04 106. 84 25. 67 41.67 Sto states arse iietaii 120 6,919: 57. 66 13. 03 12.51 42.51 13. 02 36. 64 14, 92 33. 33 219 12, 584 | 57.46 22.86 | 22.13 90.06 22. 45 94.90 20. 70 41.67 169 6.688 | 56. 20 31.10 38. 30 112. 65 42. 02 121.38 | 23. 03 69. 44 123 6, 867 | 55. 83 21.91 | 23. 81 102. 61 24.07 102. 71 17. 08 44.44 162 8,896 | 54.91 20.00 | 19.13 76.18 18.02 67.03 25. 24 125. 00 134 7, 948 | 51.61 | 22.95 | 23. 22 81.37 | 28. 86 92. 43 21. 27.78 i 3, 950 | 51.30 32.93 | 36. 99 112.65 — 36. 26 121. 21 25. 89 74.07; 479 14,844 | 50. 49 30, 28 35. 37 115. 38 35.15 115. 90 22.79 73.33; 178 8.775 | 49.30 23.44 | 23, 24 87.98 22. 70 76.51 24. 03 75. 76; a4 2,594 | 48, 04 39.55 | 41. 89 138.81 | 34.06, 126.62 | 35.21 83. 53: 136 5, 984 | 44.00 14. 24 14,56 55. 43 14.02 46. 23 31.51 66. 67; 61 2,435 39. 92 28. 24 31.68 84.70 48.90 B4.47 22.97 23.81; 166 6, 545 39.43. || 15.75 15.35 54.02 15.99 6,13 16. 48 13.898 112 4,390 29.20 | 16.29 | 15. 76 50,15, 17.05 38.51 17.87 85.33 © 80 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLEe 77—Continned. JUNE 1.1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. | I White. | | je Sass Sar tied = I to the acre, Native. { 2, . Districts and groups of districts. Total area population. Ly oon Aggregate. | ‘ 4 rere freee ae Foreign. Amare) eteries, and| Total. ‘| Both parents native. : water sur- A on ete | ee tes a. 2. <3 ots face. [amass Pens «| | Under 5 ; Allages. an All ages. tae All ages. rears. es aoe ee ae : = Ward 24—B 6,210 | 38.33 | 21.25 2.36 | 98.98 29.29 ; 141.76 15.73 Ward 18—I 3172 | 36.46 | 10.51 9.48 : 34.86 , 10.72 36.71 13.03 Ward 17—E ou | 36.11 | 17. 26 | 17.16 64.34 | 11.57 | 51.44 17.47 Ward 24—A .... 3.555 | 27.14» 15.58 |) 15.78 | 63. 38 14.49 | 49.38 | 15.93 Ward 12—B...,..--- yor 4,768 | okT7 g1.23 |} 30.61 99.04 27.78 | 93.45 | 31.90 Ward 22-E 13) 260 , 21.46 |} 29.88 || | RTR | 100,79 | 35.22 | 121.86 31.83 Ward 24—D 103. | 1,683 16. 34 9.97 |! 36) 41.97 | 14.32; 41.67 Tu Ward 24—C 1 | 2081 | 15.89 28. 46 28.81; 10435 | = 35.86 125.60 | 20:07 |ocenseee 4s Ward 8—A.. 2 290 | 4,317 | 14. 89 18.50 18.65 | 64.37 17.51 | 60.91 | 18.10 | 37. 04 Ward 90.25) oss aceeatanteasncaedanaeel 182 | 1,373 | 1Lg4 |} 25,87 28.24) 15.20 | ST. 27.95 O12 Genie cass : Ward: 26 sei srcna sinc nas a cnsatiscreaisioancina stats ' 4,293 1 29,508 | 7.25 | 20.91 21.59 | 74.300 | 23.16 © 77. 66 | 18.90 61. 40 Ward 18—K ds 7,303 | 7.09 : 21.50 23.77 67. 87 27.69 68.30 | 17.33 21.74 Wear 24 re cate sate clonis aeitictan iron egtee 654; 3,242 | 4.96 18. 70 19. 78 91.81 | 23.04 114.23 || UES4? . Secinelaciacs Wand! BSD) cetes hendsdect ess caccnias 93 | 1, 66x 4.94 | 26.33 |) 31.30 94.62. | 33.91 | 88.34 i 18.83 | Ward TGS) az rctsciene scecteslanenbiancts toeanecis } 231: 281 1.22 45.10 43. 48 184. 52 WW | 145.88 | 47. 87 RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS. ; ; Under 40 to the acre -. 87,082 | 10.71 19.41 | 21.10 74.94 21.95 76. 87 19.49 42.11 40 to 80 to the acre .... 3,367 ° 262,287 63.11 21.99 22. 26 86.99 1 21.75 81.51 21.31 63. 04 80 to 120 to the acre 2,467 | 224,190 : 93.77 | 24. 85 f 25. 28 96.21 26.18 94.85 29.78 57.13 120 and over to the acie....--....2-.2---- 1,597 | 232,784 i 151.06 | 27. 04 | 29.31 103.88, B41 108. 32 ‘ 3.30 51.51 To give some idea of the relations between filled ground, vicinity of parks aud open spaces, character of habitations and other local peculiarities, and the death rates of the different districts, the following general topographical descriptions of the two cities aud of each ward and sanitary district therein are appended. NEW YORK. New York city is situated in the extreme southern part of the state of New York, at the confluence of the North, or Hudson, river with the waters of Long Isiand sound, familiarly known as the East river, 40° 42’ north latitude, and longitude 74° west from Greenwich. The principal portion of the city is on Manhattan island, the lowest point of which is on a level with the sea, while the highest point, at Fort Washington, is 271 feet above the sea level. In the district north of Mauhattan island, and within the corporate limits, the highest point is at Riverdale, in the Twenty-fourth ward, where an elevation of 282 feet. above the sea level is reached. Manhattan island is bounded on the north and east by the Spuyten Duyvil creek and Harlem rivér, on the east and south by the East river, and on the west by the Hudson river, its long axis running from north-northeast to south-southwest. That part of the city on the mainland, including the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards, is bounded on the north by the Yonkers city line, on the east by the Bronx river, on the south by the East river and Harlem Kills, and on the west by the Harlem river, Spuyten Duyvil creek, and Hudson river. In addition to the above, the corporate limits included on June 1, 1890, Blackwells, Wards, Randalls, and Harts islands, in the East river. Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in the upper bay, were owned and occupied by the United States government, but in this report are considered as belonging to ward 1. The total area of the city, including the islands mentioned, was 25,818 acres, or 40.34 square miles. Manhattan island alone had an area of 12,606 acres. The aggregate area of Blackwells, Wards, and Randalls islands, in the East river, was 420 acres, and that of Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in the bay, was 77 acres. The extreme length of the city was 21.1 miles, the island being 13.5 miles in length. Theaverage width of the city below Oue hundred and twenty-fifth street was about 2.08 miles. The elevations of the different portions of the city are shown by the contour lines on the maps accompanying this report, but the original topography is of great interest in its relation to the death rates and to certain causes of death in the different districts. In this connection, see the remarks on the causes of pneumonia on page 39 of this report. . On Manhattan island, below Canal street, there was originally very little land. A deep creek existed along the course of Broad street nearly to Wall street; another ran up Maiden lane to Nassau street, and a depression penetrated as far as East Broadway from Peck slip. Just below that point a low marsh nearly connected the East river with the Collect pond. This was a fresh water pond, covering several acres, located near the center of the present Sixth ward. It was supplied with springs; was about 40 feet deep, and in the summer of 1796 was the scene of the trial of John Fitcl’s screw-propeller steamboat. The water of this pond discharged into the Hudson river through a depression at Canal street, its channel being joined by that of another marshy stream running from Reade street, west of West Broadway. There was thus a continuous swamp separating the lower part of the island from the higher ground north of Canal and Pearl streets. This higher ground, with the exception of an extensive swamp on the east side, covering the greater portion of the present Eleventh ward, was well elevated above the tide level, and parts of it were of tolerably uniform grade. It was penetrated by the valley of Minetta brook, which led to the Hudson river at about West Houston street, and which extended as far as Twentieth street and Fifth avenue. Another brook of considerable size, commencing in the vicinity of Madison square, discharged into the East river. The streams above mentioned became obliterated so long ago that few remember their existence or locality. In the grading and filling process both swamp Jand and hills have disappeared and the city prison (The Tombs) new stands on the land covered by the old Collect pond, while the adjacent ground has become the most densely populated of any portion of this country. In the northern portion of the island above Eighty-sixth street the land reached its greatest elevation west of Eighth avenue, the average altitude being between 100 and 200feet. Mast of Central park and along the Harlem river very little of the land exceeded 20 feet altitude above tidewater and inuch of it was below tidewater. From Ninety-second street to One hundred and fourth street, east of Third avenue, was one entire swamp. At One hundred and eighth street a large stream having its origin in the highlands about One hundred and thirty-fifth street and Tenth avenue, and passing through the northeast corner of Central park, discharged into the East river. Before reaching Central park, and thence to the East river, this stream spread out into a marsh. In addition to the changes caused by grading and filling, the original shore line has been pushed out by filling, until at present the whole water front below Twenty-sixth street is two or three blocks in advance of the original line. 933——6 1 82 VITAL STATISTICS. The original shore line between Dover street on the east and Little West Twelfth street on the west very closely approximated the present location of the Third avenue and the Ninth avenue elevated railroads, respectively. Above Little West Twelfth street, ou the west side, it may be said to have followed the line of Washington street to Tenth avenue, along Tenth avenue to Twenty-sixth street, thence diagonally to Fiftieth street. Above Dover street, on the east, it followed about the line of Cherry street as far as Clinton street, thence along Water street to Corlears street, in the line of which it followed to Lewis street, along Lewis street aud in the same line to avenue D, from which point it proceeded diagonally to Eighteenth street and Firstavenue. From the intersection of Eighteenth street it followed about the line of First avenue, with a slight bend outward, as far as Fortieth street. The amount of land thus reclaimed from the streams below the points indicated, and then solidly occupied, is approximately stated as follows: in ward 1, 93 acres, or 35.23 per cent of the ward’s area; in ward 2, 27 acres, or 35.53 per cent; in ward 3, 38 acres, or 37.25 per cent; in ward 4, 32 acres, or 39.02 per cent; in ward 5, 43 acres, or 26.54 per ceut; in ward 7, 58 acres, or 28.71 per cent; in ward 8, 19 acres, or 11.18 per cent; in ward 9, 104 acres, or 32.91 per cent; in ward 11, 59 acres, or 27.06 per cent; in ward 13, 34 acres, or 31.19 per cent; in ward 16, 88 acres, or 26.51 per cent; in ward 18, 106 acres, or 24.60 per cent; in ward 20, 88 acres, or 19.86 per cent; and in ward 21, 32 acres, or 7.80 per cent making a total of 821 acres thus added to the area of the city below Fiftieth street. Accompanying this report will be found a special map of New York, on tracing paper, showing the original shore line and marshy tracts, which has been reproduced from the map published in the Tenth’ Ceiusus report upon social statistics of cities. By overlaying this upon the colored maps the relations of filled ground to the death rates in particular localities may be clearly traced. The elevations above mean sea level were: at City Hall park, corner of Broadway and Chambers streets, 38 feet; along Canal street from the Hudson river to Center street, and along Baxter and Roosevelt streets to James slip, 8 feet; First avenue and Forty-second street, 72 feet; Thirty-ninth street between Madison and Fifth avenues, 79 feet; Vifty-first street and Fifth avenue, 72 feet; Fifth avenue and Seventieth to Seventy-first street, 80 feet; Fourth avenue and Ninety-third street, 115 feet; Ninth avenue and Sixty-first street, 91 feet; between Seventy-sixth and Seventy-ninth streets and Ninth and Tenth avenues, 95 feet. Above this point the elevations varied up to 271 feet at One hundred and eiglity-fourth street and Thirteenth avenue, on the island, and 282 feet at Riverdale in ward 24. The line of the Bowery from Chatham square to Union square, and thence along Broadway to Madison square, occupied the ridge of the island, the ground sloping on either hand toward the river with an average elevation above tide water of from 40 to 45 feet in its whole length. The land included in a line drawn from One hundred and fifty-fifth street and Eighth avenue to Que hundred and tenth street, to Fifth avenue, to avenue A and Ninety-second street at the East river, and thence up the river to the place of beginning was kuown as the Harlem plains, with an average elevation of from 10 to 25 feet above high tide, Mount Morris square, with an elevation of 101 feet, being the only exception. The small hills to the southeast of the plains had an average elevation of about 50 feet; while those along Seventh avenue, from One hundred and thirty-fifth street to Oue hundred and fifty-fifth street, ranged from 30 to 50 feet. DENSITY OF POPULATION. The city (including the islands in the bay) had on Juue 1, 1890, a total area of 25,818 acres and a total population of 1,515,301, the number of persons to each acre of total area being 58.69. The city records did not afford information as to the area of all open spaces, including streets and alleys in each ward, from which the density of population to the acre of actual building area on Manhattan island could be computed, but the park and cemetery area included an aggregate of 1,220 acres on Manhattan island, leaving 11,386 acres occupied by streets and buildings, giving a population of 125.70 to the acre. The nuinber of dwellings in the city was 81,828, containing 312,766 families, aud a total population of 1,515,301, giving an average of 4.84 persons to a family, and 3.82 families and 18.52 persons to a dwelling. Of the total populatioa, 1,010,785, or 65.71 per cent, resided in 23,596 dwellings containing 21 or more persons. Of this number of dwellings, 8,313 contained from 21 to 30 persons, 9,350 from 31 to 50 persons, 5,460 from 51 to 100 persons, and 473 over 100 persons. In comparison with these figures Brooklyn had 25.70 per cent of its population living in dwellings of 21 or more persons; Jersey city, 23.53 per cent; Cincinnati, 21.92 per cent; Chicago, 16.63 per cent; Boston, 13.93 per cent; Newark, 10.25 per cent; St. Louis, 10.14 per cent; Buffalo, 8.09 per cent; Providence, 7.49 per cent; Washington, 4.03 per cent; Philadelphia, 3.41 per cent, and Baltimore, 2.55 per cent. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 83 SANITARY DISTRICTS. To obtain data with regard to the relation between local sanitary conditions and death rates the city was. subdivided, within ward lines, into 114 sanitary districts, the inner boundaries of which are indicated upon the maps by dotted lines, while the ward boundaries are indicated by heavier lines of solid color. In the small tables given for each sanitary district the statement showing death rates per 1,000 of white. population is exclusive of stillbirths, while the rates given according to birthplaces of mothers include stillbirths. The statement concerning the highest and lowest rates according to birthplaces of mothers refer only to those birthplaces given in the comparative tables in which the numbers of population and of deaths are of sufficient size to watrant comparison. Rates quoted for persons whose mothers were born in ‘‘ Other foreign countries” relate only to those foreign countries not specified in Table 79,’ and do not include all other foreign countries besides those stated in the small tables given for each sanitary district. It is to be distinctly understood that in these descriptions the remarks about character of buildings and of inhabitants of the several districts apply to the period for which the deaths were returned, and not to the present time. The statements are purely historical, and are intended to furnish the means of estimating the relations of altitude, character of people, and nature of surroundings to the death rates during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890; and while no doubt many of the conditions referred to still exist, yet numerous changes have occurred which. might modify the characteristics of the districts as given herein. WARD 1. This ward contained 264 acres, 736 dwellings, and a total population of 11,122. Excluding 24 acres of parks, there were 46.34 persons to each acre, and 15.11 persons to each dwelling. Battery park and the Immigrant depot were in this ward. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Liberty street, Broadway, State and Whitehall streets, New York bay,. and the Hudson river. Area, 83 acres; dwellings, 341; population, 8,129. Battery park, containing 24 acres, was in this district, excluding which the population density was 137.78 to the acre and 23.84 to each dwelling. It contained 1,731 families, giving an average of 4.70 persons to the family and 5.08 families to each dwelling. It was almost entirely made ground west of Greenwich street and was essentially a business district, containing a few tenements of a poor class and some sailors’ boarding houses. On Washington street near the northern boundary was a colony of about 100 Arabs and Syrians, a rather uncleanly class. The cemetery of Trinity church was in this district, but interments were made in vaults only. One soap factory was located in this district, Prior to 1890 Castle Garden was used for the landing of immigrants. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. : aR Sextet (steeeebase : It Native. ! Foreign. AREAS. é : . < i Both parents i One or both parents |; | native. foreign. ‘| : he ’ Under 5 | Dea 8b: We rs ) Under 5 Total. years. || i a ! Total. ! years. | Under 5 ! nder 5 ; | Total. years. Total. years. oo er KE = Se The city ...-... 31.021 110.37 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 i 23.15 ! 74, 28 District A..... | 48.05 ; 166.67 | 6).55 149. 43 45.42 | 172. 41 i 46. 83 j 477. 78 d i | —— DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | England and | . . ee. Ireland, Germany. | 5 Scandinavia. snes: (white). | | Vales. Under ls years Under 15 years ' Under 15 years! Under: 1b y eure: Under }15 years 1 15 aud | and | 15 and | | and | 5 and | years. over. years. , over. | years. | over. | date: over. || years. | over. ee op eer eee tee! The city ......-) 54.01 15. 91 50.87 28.01, 46.97 | 17. 04 | $0:53 | 20,78; 37,23 12.49 District A... .) 69.85 9 34.20 635.98 40.72 89.81 | 30.95 } 89.58 : 30. 81 52.38 31.60 | i DEATH RAILES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— oe Dipha Diarrheal 1 hoid —C | “Mt larial | Jiplitheria jarrhea Typhoid Jonsimp Dees ., Malaria and croup. | diseases. lever. | tion. | Roewmuoni fever. : i | 5; eae ah | i. Dheeith ose: 181.63 316.85 | VA SOL. TH | 287,89 | 24. 62 | District A 204.29 360.62 | tat | 724.79 | 467.21 | 46.19 | rd lse Buea tae 84 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much above the city average, and especially so for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish, being 40.72 as against 34.20 for the Americans and 30.95 for the Germans. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The number of deaths from accidents in this district during the 6-year period was 158, and from suicides 17, giving an average annual death rate per 100,000 of 280.68 for accidents and 30.20 for suicides, each being much above the average, which was for accidents 98.14 and for suicides 15.67. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Liberty street, Maiden lane, the East river, Broadway, and State and Whitehall streets. Area, 104 acres; number of dwellings, 333; population, 2,521, giving a population density of 24,24 to the acre and 7.57 to each dwelling. It was made ground east of Pearl street and was essentially a business district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. = i \ | AREAS: i Both parents |, One or both parents \ } native. foreign. . Oar oe ns i | Under 5 Total years. | os ee , Total. i years ion » Under 5 n ! uder | Total | years. Total. years. | ea The city...-..- az.o1 | 110.37 30.22 | 112.41 31.38 109.68 ° 23.15 74. 28 ' i District B ..-.- 36. 88 : 123.70 I 58.33 | 120.37 || 28.80 126.78 | 41.74 |.......-.. | I ! ; : Sy 5 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— { | rrnteae Seine, | | poptand ud | | United States |! . i " ng and an ee ! (white). i Ireland. | Germany. | Xvales. | Scandinavia. Se : Y | | Under iSyeans' Under 15 years) Under ps years! Pander 15 year) Under ‘15 years | 15 and | 15 and 15 and | and | and | years. | over. | years. | over. || years. _ over. i ie over. bsasad|| an | over. ‘ ' sal 8a ie ios The city....--- | 54.01 15.91 | 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97 17.04 | 50.53 20.78 | 57.33! 13.43 District B ..... 51.59 ; 37.91 || 36.56 33. 79 59.07 | 23.00 | 50.00 42.89! 30.30 16.95 ‘ ‘ i : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ' AREAS. : : ; Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- , ql Malarial and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. | Pneumonia. tever. 5 | i all eS, ' a ' i The city-.-.-.- 181.63 | , 316. 85 | 24, 27 391.75 | 287. 89 24. 62 i District B 177.55 | 286. 37 inte eeisse esis ReeNS 486. 83 395.19 63. 00 Tee During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was more than double the average rate for the Americans, being 37.91 as against 33.79 for the Irish, 23.00 for the Germans, and 16.95 for the Scandinavians. Malarial fever, consumption, pneumonia, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. No deaths from typhoid fever were reported from this district and the death rates from scarlet fever, measles, and whooping cough were below the city average. The proportion of stillborn children was also low, being 97.37, as against 225.41, the city average. The death rate per 100,000 of population was: for suicides, 63.00; for accidents, 441.01. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 85 SANITARY DISTRICT ‘C.—Consisted of Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in New York bay, the combined area of which was 77 acres. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS: i Both parents | One or both parents | native. E"* foreign. ! Under 5 | ry Under 5 Total. years. | a nee ‘Total. veas | nder 5 |) o uder | Total. | years. Total. years. The city ....... 31.01 | 110.37 ‘| 30.22 | 1241 | 31.38 | 109.63) 23,15 | 74.28 District C -.... 19. £1 62.96 | 17. 05 | 35. 35 26. 52 138. 89 D252 sate diwiatesiane os | Lo! i | { DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE || ‘DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— DUE TO— : sais United States AREAS. (white). Treland. |= Diphtheria Diarrheal Cousump- | ' and croup. diseases. tion. Under 15/15 years |'Under 15! 15 years years. | and over.|| years. | and over. | i 1 The city....... 54.01: 15.91 50.87 | 28.01 181. 63 316. 85 391. 75 District C .... -| 27.78 5. 48 55. 56 14. 25 122, 32 183. 49 30.58 | i = During the 6-year period the death rates in this district were much below the city average, the population being mainly adults, well fed and housed, and with good sanitary surroundings, but there were 14 deaths from accidents during the 6-year period, giving an average annual death rate from this cause of 428.13 per 100,000 of population. This ward was not subdivided. WARD 2. persons to the acre and 9.88 persons to each dwelling. Last of Pearl street the ward was made ground. Business predominated and it contained but few tenements. Fulton market was in this district. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 Under 5 Total. years: ae ! sas Total. | vears. nder 5 nder 5 Total. years. Total. years. The city.-..... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 Weatd:2:..ccsswree 54. 55 172. 84 73.98 120. 00 44. 54 218. 39 D9: 20! | oclac salen DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States 7 ' England and ani a reland. Germany. Scandinavia. AREAS. (white). Vales. | Under 15 years|| Under (15 years|| Under lis years|| Under lis years|| Under |15 years 15 and 15 | and 15 and 15 | and 15 and years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. ' \ ' The city .-... 54.01 15. 91 50. 87 28. 01 46. 97 17, 04 50. 53 20.78 57. 33 13. 43 Ward 2...... 40.50 | 61.40 |} 150.79 | 40.51 || 115.94 | 53.37 12.82 | 47.62 ||.-...... 37. 88 | { : ! : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ens bth | Diarrheal | Typhoia | ¢ Heart di Diphtheria iarrheal phoi onsump- é: eart disease} and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. and dropsy. Thecity.-..- 181. 6? | 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 138. 24 Ward 2...... 243. 53 | 319. 63 76.10 776. 26 593. 61 410. 96 {t contained 76 acres, 94 dwellings, and a total population of 929, giving 12.22 86 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period. the death rate in this ward was higher than in any other district in the city, and for the native white of native parents it was more than double the average rate. For those 15 years of age and upward it was 61.40 for those having American mothers, while the general city average was 15.91. These heavy death rates were principally due to consumption, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, childbirth, and diseases of the liver also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was 700.15. The total population was small, and the rates would have a large possible error if the data related to a single year only, but being for 6 years they lave considerable significance. WARD 3. This ward was not subdivided. It contained 102 acres, 198 dwellings, and a total population of 3,765, giving 36.91 persons to the acre and 19.02 persons to each dwelling. The houses west of Greenwich street were built on made ground. The ward was mostly devoted to business purposes, but contained a few tenements and hotels; also Washington market and Chambers street hospital. The cemetery of St. Paul’s church was used only for interments in vaults. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. f AREAS. Both parents | One or both parents native. | foreign. Under 5 |, ef Under 5 Total. | ‘Years. || Sailers | ae i Total. | ‘Years. nder nder 5 Total. years. Total. years. | i Sail The city ....-.. 31.01 110. 37 30.22 | 112.41 31.38 5 109. 63 i 23.15 74. 28 Wrd 3sciscesics, 30. 92 134, 72 35. 08 ' 171.05 || 28.64 125.81 | Bd. 83) ee saceicais ho = ee ad : il i! DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States England and | a ‘ : Ireland. | Germany | Seandinavia. AREAS. (white). | ‘Wales. I 1 Under |15 years|| Under |15 years | Under 15 years|! Under hs x ears! i ' Cnder '15 years 15 and 15 and | and || 15: and | 15 | and years. | over. |] years. | over. |) weirs over. |; years. over. |; years.) over. | oa | The city .....-. 54. 01 15. 91 50. 87 28. 01 | 46.97 17.04 || 50.53 | 20.78 | 57. 33 13. 45 Ward 3........ 71. 43 22.95 48.65 | 25.77 \ 51. 93 23. 42 88. 89 | 22.5 i 45.45 ) 49.24 ut 1 { DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ee Diphtl Diarrhea! | ‘Typhoid | © | IHeart a iphtheria iarrheal Typhoi onsump- A eart disease and croup. diseases. fever. tion. | Pneumonia. [and dropsy. ee : : | The city -.-.-.. 181. 63 | 316. 85 24, 27 391.75 | 287. 89 | 138. 24 Ward 3......-.. 148. 29 i 179. 74 44.94 458.34 242. 65 | 260. 63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was above the city average, especially for the children under 5 years of age of native birth. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was considerably above the average for the Americans and the Scandinavians and below the average for the Irish. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,0Q0 of ‘population was 390.94. WARD 4. This ward was subdivided into two districts, containing 82 acres, 725 dwellings, aud a population of 17,809, giving 217.18 persons to the acre and 24.56 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by New Chambers street, James slip, the East river, Spruce and Ferry streets, Pecks slip, and Park row. Area, 47 acres; population, 7,183; density, 152.83 persons to the acre. This district, originally marsh land, is still known as “The Swamp”. The leather and hide business predominated. It contained a number of cheap tenements somewhat crowded. Sailors’ boarding houses were guite numerous. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 87 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. = zee ses | Native. Foreign. easy | | Both parents One or both parents | native. * foreign. Lae Under 5 Bayes Sed [ieee tee Under 5 | Total. | years. a | oe Total. years. : nder 5 nder 5 | | Total. | ‘years. Total. | “years. = = | ee The city ...---- / 31.01 | 110.37 || 30.22 | 112.41 |, 31.38 109. 63 23.15 | 74.28 District A..... | 41,01 | 151.03 [ 49.25 | 160.74 || 38.70 | 146,91 43.43 | 83.33 es A oe Bare ieee | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | U ls | England and | i United States | England and | . Ireland. Germany. sats Italy. AREAS: (white). | Vales. _ Sees nee hd ee ay tee Wee Uniler 8 yenes Wager 15years Under 15 years Under ts years | Under 15 years sey and | | and || 15 and y an 1 a a8 1 ¥ a over. ay oe ‘a er. i esi over. , years. over. ‘ | | | | 1 | The city ....-. 54.01 | 15.91 i 50.87 1 28.01 | 46.97} 17.04 | 50. 53 20.78 | 76.41 12.27 District A..... 73. 92 | 24. 83 50. 28 42.01 } sae 85.08 | 24.42 I 84. 42 | 32.86 | 80.65 9. 89 i ee pio ee ‘ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Ip f Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Pneumania, | Diseases o : . ge onia.; the urinary | croup. diseases. | fever. tion. | organs. | eal The city -..-... 181.63 | 316. 85 | 24.27 | 391.75 | 287. 89 3.72 District A ..-.-. 200. 96 | 329.05 | 17. 67 | 689. 02 448. 30 5. 80 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was only 9.89 for the Italians as against 42.01 for the Irish. Consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs were the principal causes of the excess of deaths. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was 176.67. SANITARY District B.—Bounded by Park row, Catherine street, the East river, New Chambers street, and James slip. Area, 35 acres; population, 10,626; density, 303.60 persons to the acre. The houses in the southern part were built on wade ground, the land being originally marshy. many cellars in this section had from 1 to 3 feet of water in them. Tenements predominated, inhabited by a poor elass of Italian laborers and their families. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were us follows: At high tide fe Sane | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | i ' ; | | Native. Foreign. | t Stes ; ees I RAS : ' BEEAS: ‘ Both parents One or both parents |; | | native. | forcign. it ; . Under 5 i il Underd | tal. ae — T capege | Total years. ea ; enn I Total. years. | ' nder5 wv ' Under5d |! { | Total. years. Total. years. | ' i Snes. eorereree Feta hes Me ! j The city.-.---. 31. 01 110. 37 30, 22 112. 41 31.88 | 109.63 |, 23.15 74.28 | | District B..... 45.99 | 139.87 |, 45.05 161.18 46. 24 | 134.60 |! 37.31 109. 29 | i \ ! Peay 88 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United State: I Russia and ni States |; AREAS. (white). } Ireland. Germany. Poland. Taly; \ | ' Under |15 years|! Under {15 years;| Under /15 years|! Under |15 years'| Under {15 years 15 and || and 15 and | 15 and 15 and years. | over. i years.| over. |) years. | over. |! years.| over. || years. | over. ra ! | The city.....-. 54.01 15.91 || 50. 87 | 28.01 46.97 17.04 | 28.67 6. 21 76.41 | 12. 27 District B ..... 83.92 | 16.74 64. 94 | 47.73 69.44 | 29.02} 17.67 12. 08 68. 95 sii 9.40 == — i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 Pare DUE TO— AREAS. : 3 , i Diseases of Dinners Diotrbeal Typhoid Consump- | Pneumonia. the urinary croup | diseases ‘ever. Hon: organs. = = ie | - The city..-.... ! 181. 63 i 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 287. 89 173. 72 District B..-.. ' 207. 51 | 349. 34 | 17.91 635. 97 | 537, 44 283. 65 : i ‘ During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians aud Russians and highest among the Irish and Germans. those of Irish mothers and 519 among those of Italian mothers. Of the 2,760 deaths in this district during the 6-year period 1,236 occurred among Cousumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs were the principal causes of the excessive death rate, but malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 5 This ward was subdivided into two districts. 12,385, giving a density of 76.45 persons to the acre and 18.60 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Canal, Hudson, and Reade streets and the Hudson river. It contained 162 acres, 666 dwellings, and a total population of: Area, 80 acres; number of dwellings, 396; population, 7,259, being 90.74 persons to the acre and 18.33 persons to each dwelling. This was originally marsh land filled, that part west of Greenwich street having been reclaimed from the river. The houses were mostly tenements, with a few small dwellings and business houses. was in this district. A large soap factory The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. AREAS: Both parents One or both parents | native. ‘oreign. | i Under5 Under 5 Tota. | Under ae = || Total. | ae . nder nder5 | Total. years. Total years. | | f= J} The city....... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 | 23.15 74, 28 District A ..... 40. 53 151.78 47.70 153. 47 48. 62 151. 21 36. 61 115. 38 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 7 ; 1 United States | England and | eer. eet (white). Ireland | Germany | Wales. ‘| Scandinavia. \ = a he Se ' Under hs years| Under |15 years'| Under, ‘15 ye Sokal tek Under {15 years|| Under |15 years : and 15 and 15 | and | 45 and || 15 and Pariet over. years. | over. || years. “S| over. cae years. | over. years. | over, ' i ! | er ig ecaa alls The city....... 54.01) 15.91 50.87 | 28.01 46. 97 17.04 |! 50.53 | 20.78 || 47.33 a3 | 19 13.43 District A...-. 84. 66 21.33 | 54. 20 32.10 | 56. 60 | 22. 72 | 79.49 | 21.88 [2 108. 97 i 19, 94 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 89 SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Tee | Diphtheria | Diarrheal phoid Consump- . and croup. diseases. ae tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city....-.. 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 | 391.75 | 287. 89 45. 67 District A..... 206. 84 | 411.55 44.78 | 541. 62 | 430. 74 72. 50 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially among the native of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was greatest among the Irish and Germans and lowest among the Americans and Scandinavians. Typhoid fever, consumption, and pneumonia were the principal causes of the excessive death rate, but diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. : SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Canal street, Broadway and Reade and Hudson streets. Area, 82 acres; number of dwellings, 270; population, 5,126, giving 62.51 persons to the acre and 18.99 persons to each dwelling. Two-thirds of the buildings in this district were built on marshy land. Large wholesale stores predominated, with some factories and tenements. This was known as the “Dry goods” district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ARESS: | Both parents One or both parents ‘ native. foreign. rota, [Under s |_| rata, | Under i i ; 7 | , Under 5 . Under 5 Total. | years. Total. years. : a i Seep ees, 1 i The city ....-.. : 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 ! 112. 41 81.38 109. 63 i | 23.15 74. 28 District B ...-. | 36.17 125.71 a 41. 60 | a 134, 22 34. 70 2 123.69 | 29. 29 | 133. 33 Se ee ee ee eee eee [aril i atl DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— : | United States . | England and i e (white). : Ireland. Germany. Wales. i Italy. AREAS. : Il “ilies eo 1 i! | Under 15 gears _ Under 15 years|! Under 153 years’; Under 18: years | Under his years an » 1 ' an 15 and | 15 and ,, and years. | over. | years. over. || years. over. || years. ’ over. years. | over. ! ‘ | : dl sete eee : The city ....--- 54.01 | 15.91 | 50.87 28.01 |} 46.97 17.04 | 50.53 20. 78 i 76. 41 | 12, 27 . District B -..-.. 60. 61 28.27 | 50.57 | 27.85 47.54 ° 19.38 | 80 81 41.67 | 69.96; 7.07 | i i wale. Be Se | DEATH RAIES PER 100,00) POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. eee Dien’ | ipbtheria iarrhea’ Typhoid Consump- . and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. Measles. Soe | : The city -...--. 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 45. 67 District B ...-. 178.17 359. 36 36. 24 465. 06 371. 44 72. 48 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 7.07 as against 28.27 for the Americans and 27.85 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, measles, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of death The number of stillbirths per 100,000 of population is 277.83 as against 225.41, the city average. 90 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 6. This ward was subdivided into three districts, and contained 100 acres, 741 dwellings, and a total population of 23,119. Excluding a park of 7 acres, there was an average density of 248.59 persons to the acre, and 31.20 persons ‘to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Canal and Center streets, Park row, and Broadway. Area, 51 acres; population, 1,957; average population density to the acre, 38.37 persons. It contained 7 acres of park, deducting which, the population density was 44.48 persons to the acre. The northern part of this district was originally covered by the marshy outlet of the old Collect pond, now ‘filled in. Large manufacturing and business houses predominated, with tenements mixed in. The city prison, ‘known as “The Tombs”, was in this district. ‘The death ratesin this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. estes i AREAS. | Both parents _|| One or both parents || native. foreign. | 7 Under 5! Under 5 Total. | ‘years. | | aa nee Total. years. j nder 5 nder Total. years. Total. years. | The city -....-. 31.01 | 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District A..... 32. 80 119. 37 47.34 222,22 |, 29.57 99. 46 31. 44 166. 67 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States _| Other f z nite ates ; er foreign ee ee i | Thecity..... 31.01 ! 110.37 i 30. 22 112. 41 | 31.38 109. 63 | 23.15 | 74. 28 District B..... 35. 48 : 108. 81 | 53. 83 135. 06 | 30.52 97. 53 28. 43 40. 74 | | | i : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE OTHERS WERE BORN IN— I United states | ; | Risiomtcnadt | iepactaania © es || A neland an t xussla an ARRAS. (white). | Ireland. = Germany. | "Wales. Poland. | ' p Te eee en ee Bes, a af | Under |15 y ears | Under {15 years Under ‘Is years Under h5 years | Under i153 years| 15} and i 15 and 15 and. 15 1) and 1 15 and years. | over. i years. | over. years. | over. . years. | over. | years. | over. i f i ap he ea; “| i oa asl ta ee mart aoe toe a ay Pee “4 The city ....... 54.01) 15, ah "50.87 | 28. 01 46.97 , 17.04 . 50.53 20.78 28.67! 6.21 y : mn : , | District B ..... | 64.26 18. 90 | yp 45.14 32. 41 61. 36 | 21.70 5; 51.14 23.95 22.48; 3.06 i : i : { fo DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i seta Sea ae abe Bea ag ae aa AREAS. | | | Preseeap | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- ISCAS : oF and croup. disedSes. Tevee: | tigi: Pneumonia. | the urinary | | organs. ' 1 | i ' | — Bp ee Sa oe ee a eh PS <2 Thecity ....... . 181. 63 316.85 |. 2427 SOL. 75 287. 89 | 173. 72 District B ..... : 174.83 345.10 15. 20 410.47 453. 04 | 214.36 L During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for those 15 years of age and upward, being highest, according to birthplaces of mothers, among the Irish and lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews. Diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRIcrT C.—Bounded by Division, Jefferson, Monroe, and Catherine streets. This district had an area of 50 acres, with a population of 22,484 and an average population density of 449.68 persons to the acre. The character of the dwellings and population was about the same as in the two preceding districts. 94 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Pe ay ' ] i AREAS: ' i Both parents | Que or both parents | ' iH native. i foreign. ( Under 5 ! ‘ ; Under 5 Total. | years. | age | a Total. | years. nder 5 ' 5 i nderd ; | | Tote | eee. | wots | eae ' | i =i The city ....... 31.01 | 110.37 || 30.22 ; 112.41 j= 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 | 74.28 District C ...-. 31.12 | 89. 38 i 55.15 | 154.18 3 | 78.27 20.51 46. 38 fi , iy 1 : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Daited States | ! | Russia and = Other ees 1 AREAS. (white). | Ireland. i Germany. i Poland. countries. | ! It Under 15 Fears) | Under ‘15 years Under years]! Under . 15 years | Under |15 years and nd bj a i 15 and |) 15 and eats, » over. | seas | ever: years. | over. |/ years. | over. || years. | over. ' Hl 4 i ' ; jaa i | The city ....... 54.01} 15.91 {| 50.87! 28.01 | 46.97] 17.04 || 28.67 | 6.21 i| 40.68 | 13.00 District C ..... 75.86 | 18.62 | 55.79 | 34.80 |} 30.73, 17.79 |! 21.75 | 5.27 || 60.00 | 10.30 y H i % ‘ | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— an a sche asi | Typhoid C | la t di iphtheria « iarrheal AP oi¢ sonsump- eart disease} and croup, | diseases. | «fever. t tion. | FDeaMOnia: | and dropsy. ' iH ‘ : -— | | : ! i The city .------ 181. 63 316. 85 | 24.27 | 391.75 | 287. 89 | 138. 24 District C ..... 155.21 | 284.95 | 17.76 | 319.68 283.29. | 98.07 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the average for the whole city, being relatively less among the children under 5 years of age than among the adults. It was comparatively low, according to birthplaces of mothers, amoung the Russian Jews, both for children and adults. : The death rates from dipltheriaand croup, diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, and heart disease and dropsy were below the average. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by Division, Grand, Monroe, and Jefierson streets. Area, 46 acres; population, 13,503; average population density, 293.54 persons to the acre. The dwellings and population were of the same general character as in the remainder of the ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 0 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ‘ peters T ic ke | Native. | Foreign. + | / : : : = i AREAS: | doth parents | One or both parents li : native. foreign. i _) | Underd | abide e tcesee Bebe de ce be oR hs's| Under 5 Total. | sence: ee os || Total eare: ' i uderd apes Tnder 5 | : : Fatal; years. | Total. years. || ' aes ae rane | SaCeT OY ny Pe ‘|= rate Soe ies : i We: cil Sis2ac-ece 31,01 110. 37 30. 22 12.41 ‘ 31.38 109. 63 \ 23.15 74.28 | Distriet D..... 30.72 105, 60 41.27 137. | 27. 80 92.87 | 25.29 382.16 seas ia wife eel see tated MSs seer Fee, | ae. ae DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— i pps - a eee m1 tyes ' | United States | \ . England and Russia and j (white). uF Treland. Germany. Wales. Poland. | AREAS. q I nee amas, cseseies ae i|—— | Bee Seale ae ‘ Under ‘ years, Under |15 years: { Under 15 year s| Tee 15 yer ars. Under 15 years : 15 and | 15 amd | 15 and) 15, and || 15 | and years. | over. years. ; over. || years. | over. | years. | over, | years. ; over. ' i ! | 4 | ils 7 ; " The city..----- 54.01 15.91; 50.87 28.01 | 46.97 17.04 aH 50.53! 20.78 || 28.67 6.21 t i ‘ District D..... 67. 86 i 15.72 I 47.15 31.62 36, 07 15.71 1 || 37,04. 21.65 23. 65 i 5. 87 1 1 al . \ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE 10— 95: ' AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. a hy 65,55 pete sees | The city....... 181. 63 ' District D.....) 153.00 The death rate in this district during the 6-year period was slightly below the city average. | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- diseases. — tever. tion. i | | 316.85 | 24.27 | 391.75 329.14 15.43 | 365. 14 Pneumonia. 287. 89 336. 86 Heart disease! | and.dropsy. 138.24 | 129, 86 1 As in the other: districts of this ward, according tothe birthplaces of mothers, the death rate of the Russian Jews was comparatively low, while of the Irish, 15 years of ageand upward, it was above the average. _ Diarrheal diseases and pneumonia caused more than the average proportion of deaths, while the rates from diphtheria and croup, typhoid fever, consumption, and heart disease and dropsy were below the average. This ward was subdivided into three districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Houston, Varick, and Canal streets.and the Hudson river. WARD 8. It contained 170 acres, 1,739 dwellings,.and' a total population of 31,220, giving an average density ot 183.65 persons to the acre and 17.95 persons to each dwelling. The outlet of the Collect pond was through the southern part of this ward, and it formerly spread out over about half of the ward's surface, converting it into a marsh, which has since been filled. Area,, 57 acres; number of dwellings, 683; population, 10,872; average number of persons to the acre, 190.74; to each. dwelling, 15.92. From Canal to Spring street was formerly marsh land. Tenements aud old dwellings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ] ; | i . | | aera ean wat Seteoe at eee ae | Native. i Foreign. ‘ 2 : ie Paes: | i \ I, | ; AREAS: ! i i Both parents | One or both parents | ' { native. | foreign. {! 1 . 1 | ty | | Total. | Under 5 ene np poten, : Ter 5 | | “ | Under 5 Under 5 slay | { loom nder 5}; nder 5 1, | \ i yy Petal. | years. |! Total years. i es ee ee ee The Fe 3LO1 | 110.87 | 30.22 | 11241 | 31.38 109.63 | 23.15 | Th28 | | District A..... | 31. 22 116, 74 4 35. 64 123. 72 i 29. 39 113,320, 9 31.47 \ 153, 85 } i ! i | SS = eS ————— = ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | ae ee eee ee ay ae ee \ Tnited States Sis & England and ' e : AREAS. (white). | Arelondss< i) lGermany | Vales. ! Ttaly | ee ee ; = es ag eae ey Spe a at a ee er , Under 15 years|| Under 15 years, Under }15 years, Under 15 years. Under his years}. | \ 15 and || 15 | and 15 and 15 and | 15 and , years. over. || years. ' over. i] years. | over. | years.» over. | years. | over. ea a ee ce | ‘The city ....... | st. 01 15,91 | 50,87) 2801 | 46.97 17.04 50.53) 20.7B 76.41 | 12.87 | District A..... 87.25 19.65 | 48.19 29.28!) 40.91) 16.441 54.71) 25.67! 80,88 | 5.71 1 } ‘ ' ik i | MG ee ae ee tute ~ F a i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘TO— | AREAS. PSG Sn ie Vpn pee Po ae ee a eae ee one | Diphtheria = Diarrheal Typhoid Consiump- 3 ee I areata | and croup. ' diseases. fever. tion. PD monL ! Chulbinth; 1 oa eats Mn ap ee a Sire ha Oe ny, ps ee ete Un ! oy 7 t ‘The city. 2... 181. 63 316.85. | 24.27 291.75. | 287, 89 26.72 | District A ..... 136. 74 279. 37 | 23. 53 486.69 | 285, 25 33. 82 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was for children under 5 years of age. tor those of other nationalities, but lower for the Italian adults. Consumption, scarlet fever, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervows system, diseases of the urinary organs, and childbirth caused more than the aver: about the city average, being somewhat in excess ige proportion of deaths. According to birthplaces of mothers, it was higher tor the Italian children than 96 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Spring strect, Broadway, and Canal and Varick streets. ie, 57 acres; number of dwellings, 464; population, 8,520; the average density being 149.47 persons to the acre, and 18.36 persons to each dwelling. From Canal to Grand streets was formerly marsh land. East of West Broadway business predominated, but on the west was a large and crowded tenement district. On Sullivan and Thomas streets was a settlement known as “Little Africa”, inhabited almost exclusively by colored people. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ” AREAS: | | Both parents ‘One or both parents | native. foreign. | e Under 5 1, Under 5 Total. years. : ea : ea Total. | years i , nder 5 : Under 5 ‘ | | Total. years. | Total. } years. i i be | ! ' ' The city .....- 31.01 | 110.37 30. 22 | 112.41 |; 31.28 109. 63 23.15 | 74.28 District B_._.. 53. 56 148. 88 | ¢ 62.00 180. 72 i 51. 20 142. 83 27. 30 138. 89 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— U d Stat | | | England and | nited States || England an 2 A Ireland. j Germany. | x Italy. AREAS. (white). | | ‘ Wales. | i { | Under |15 years'| Under |15 years|| Under 15 years| Under i15 years! Under 15 years 15 and 15 and 15 | and | and ; and years. over. years. over. | years. ‘ over. years. Hl over. ia ! over. i ne ! | as | i ! | | | ; The city .. 54.01 15. 91 50. 87 | 28.01 |) 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 76.41 ' 12. 27 District B 90. 60 | 34.72 62. 58 | 43.35 56. 91 22. 72 61. 73 | 36, 3¢ 79. 02 14.91 | I DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— , AREAS. | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- _ 1 Diseases of nd croup. diseases. fever. | tion. Pneumonia. , the urinary | organs. | | The city ...-.-. 181. 63 | 316. 85 24.27 | 391.75 5 287. 89 173. 72 District B 257. 05 384. 63 33.77 576. O1 | 422.15 270. 18 The death rate in this district during the 6-year period was excessively high both among the children and the adults, and was higher among the native children of native parentage than it was among children of foreign parentage. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest of all among the Irish and lowest among the Italians. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by West Houston street, Broadway, and Spring and Varick streets. Area, 56 acres, with 592 dwellings, containing a population of 11,828, being an average of 211.21 persons to the acre and 19.98 persons to each dwelling. To the east of West Broadway were geuerally business and manufacturing houses; west of West Broadway teuements and old dwellings prevailed, which, however, were not crowded. The Freneh quarter was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PEK 1,000 WitITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. aa | | Both parents, One or both parents | native. foreign. os | Under 5 * Lotal. | years. re rt Ee Ae ve Total. U aor 5 A Under 5 | Una as ! 1 der day. nder 5 » ‘Total. years | Total. years. ee ee Ss ae eee —|———— | ——-.- a onsEs, yee ‘The city 2.22... 31.01 | 10.37 || 30.22 ] aa41 31, 38 169. 63 93.15 74 28 District C 34.70 | 116.09 | 32.62 | 109,77 25, 55 118.17 26.00 106.67 NEW YORK CITY: AND BROOKLYN. 97 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES “4 | pe 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | ee ee ee ie ' i | MY Nowe i Ireland. La Germany. I France. Italy. AREAS. | | i | a cee all a ee 7 Under 15 jearil| Under {15 fue Under hs years|| Under is years Under 15 ena! and and: |) 15 and 15 and and years. | over. |! years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. weanis over. oes ae a : | i i | { The city ...-.-.. 54, 01 i 15. 91 | 50. 87 28. 01 | 46.97) 17.04 | 47.01 ; 17.86 76. 41 . 12.27 Jiistrict C .._.. | 52.74 16.57 i 39.19 | 34.33 I 50. 25 20: 24 \ 75,43, i7.69 67. 20 | 10. 73 | I ! seen SEES SESE =-+= - | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO—- ! i. ' AREAS Stet teat Aaliy ee ok, pet ae ea ia ~ is Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- f , ‘and croup. diseases. |e fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. f 1 The city 181. 63 | 316, 85 | 24.27 891.75 287. 89 26. 72 District C 197. 32 | 277. 06 13. 51 456. 81 277. 06 32.44 The death rate in this district during the 6-year périod was somewhat above the city average, especially among the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish and lowest among the Italians. It was lower for the French than for the Germans. Diphtheria and croup, consumption, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused inore than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 9. This ward was subdivided into four districts. It contained 316 acres, 3,557 dwellings, and a population of 54,425, making an average of 172.23 persons to the acre and 15.30 persons te each dwelling. One-third of the area of this ward, in districts A and C, consisted of made land, reclaimed from the river. St. Vincent’s hospital was in this ward.. SANITARY DistRicr A.—Bounded by West Eleventh, Hudson, and West Houston streets and the Hudson river. Area, 68 acres; population, 9,137; number of persons to the acre, 134.37. West of Washington street was made land. The buildings were principally tenements «and middle class dwellings, not crowded. A large car stable was located therein. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. _ “I Native. iB Foreign. AG “e i tp ee at 7 ' sy ALBAS: | Both parents ‘One or both parents : j i | native. ‘ toreign. | i | , Under56 nk eta ‘Som, | Under 5 | Yotal. | years, | oF i oe i! Total. ; years. ' ‘Under 5 ‘ / Under 5 , : : . Total. | years. : Total. | years. \ i { | | ao Fe ee we etait a |: ne see tat |e ast wing ena eA °F a The city SLOL » 110.37 $0.22, 112.41 j 31. 38 | 109.63: 23. 15 74, 28 ' District A ..... 28. 59 108.33 | 33. 99 156. 36 102. 25 26. 81 94.51 30. 05 1 Reger Katee i | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 1 : y | i | United States : || England and | seks wees (white). Ireland. | Germany. | Vales. I Scotland. | S. \| : ae ee a Under li years Under 15 years Under |15 years i Under i18 3 sears Under 15 years / and | 1 | and |} 15 aud l | a ' and | years. over. ; years. over. |) years. | over. | sae tae ' co, over. Lig ee Recs acca sa ee saa: eee pores: | ates ' : ! ' . The city .....-- BA.0L | 15.91 | 50.87 28.01 | 46.97 > 17.04 | 50.53, 20.78 a 43.71 1 21.91 District A ...-. 45.62! 16.17 |) 48.56 28.76) 57.14 20.76, 51.62 31. 88 , 32. 26: 34. 06 Ib ‘ | : | DEATIC RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— | - D sicantseian “s: ee ee ; AREAS. ae | ; s iphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- |, 7, | Malarial ! and croup. diseases. fever. tion. eA teauanen ia fever. chine wets! ae a ge ‘ ‘Phe city ..... a 181.63 | 316, 85 24.27 391.75 287. 80 24.62 | | District A .- 151.25 262. 41 25.51 284. 50 258, 77 32. 80 | | 938——7 2 98 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average among the native white population, especially among the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Scotch. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, aud diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Charles street, Greenwich and Sixth avenues, aud Carmine, Bleecker, Hancock, West Houston, and Hudson streets. Area, 79 acres; population, 21,230, being an average of 268.73 persons to the acre, This was all good ground, containing large tenements and small dwellings for the middle class, aud not crowded. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: \ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. Jama Ss ae ee ~ | AREAS: ! | Both parents One or both parents a ! native. foreign. 1 | oral, Unders |. | | oeat, Under s | yee Yotal. Unders | Yotal. | Under & : . | ; i ah years. |i 4 | years. |! [aes 1 t Sune at | ' : | 2 ; : i | : ‘Lhe city ....... | SL. OL 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 | 31. 38 | 109.63 |; 23.15 74. 28 ! District B ..... | 27.92 107. 86 | 28. 01 107. 47 : 27. 84 | 108. 14 | 27. 52 111.11 . | | \ ieee. | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | I United St | England and ! ni ates ngland an 4 reland. Scotland. | F i | tae es | (white). Trelan ales. Scotlan i ance ' ; ¥ 1 \ | ( | ' Under 15 years Under | |S years Under 115 years’ Under [15 years) Under i15 years : | and 15} and 15 | and | 15 and || 15 | an ‘ ba over. years. over. years. ' over. years. over. i years. over. : = siecee wis) dom eee ( : i" ‘ ! | ‘ : ' ‘The city. ..---- 54.01 15.91 59.87 28. 01 50.53 ' 20.78 48.71 | 21.91 5 47.01 | 17. 86 _ District B..--. ‘ 50. 27 18. 67 50. 78 i 27. 26 45.71 , 17.55 30.56 , 20.00 | 46. 59 14.47 ' " I ' ‘ 7 ' ; ee = i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘'to— AREAS. Pa ' 4 ake ye Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid ; Consump- : ., | Diseases of 1 _ and croup. diseases. fever. | tion. ; Pneumonia. the liver. | 4 | . — 4 ” ae ee io. a » The city .-.---- é 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 | 287. 89 33. 03 District B 148. 24 256.47 | 25.10 425. 88 218. 82 41.57 The death rate in this district was somewhat below the city average for the uative and above the average for the foreign for the 6-year period. For those 15 years old and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was less among the French and next among the English, being highest among the Irish and Scotch. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICY C.—Bounded by West Fourteenth, Hudson, and West Eleventh streets and the Hudson river. Area, 89 acres; population, 10,013; average number of persons to each acre, 112.51. About one-half of this district, along the river front and extending back nearly as far as Greenwich street, was inade Jand, on which were built tenements and old dwellings. It contained one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native, Foreign. | fe ad fe le oe EEA: Both parents |) Que or both parents : ; | i | native, i foreign. ; d Presa Under 5 |! TUNE nes (Fat Chaar. Coed Vow ‘ Under 5 | | ‘Total. years. 7 ie | Total. wears. ~ ae Underd} ».) | Under 5 5 | | ‘Total. years. | Total. | years, F | | — a - soos i 1 1 ; 1 y | ‘The city...--.- | 31.01 110.37 j 8022 NAT 31.38 ' 109.63 || 93.15 74. 28 ” District C...--- | 28.26 106.01 || 29.20. 108. 39 27. 66 104. 63 28.28 145. 83 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 99 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BOKN IN— sear ee, Y gauthy z os eee | United Sate i Treland. |} Germany. Brgland and Scotland. AREAS. (white). | i Vales. \ I Sait pees aiy 2 ie |S ‘iu under 15 years); Under 15 years, Under 115 years | Under 15 years Under lis years 15 and ‘ana 13 | and and | and years. , over. || years. ; over. i years. ; over. | ae over. |] y' gue. "over. i : ! i} | eae seen | ‘ie pert I Say : The city ....---; 54.01) 15,91 |) wa 28.01 || 46.97! 17.04 ° 50.53! 20.78 || 43.71) 21.91 District C... 56, 65 13.80) 44.94 | 24 24 | 34.71) 13.83 h 39. 57 ik 23.04 Te 43. 10 ue 15, 23 : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘TrO— mS ids eee eon Fomede Neca Yiphtheria iarrhea: Ty phoi onsum)p- D. 1ooping and croup. i diseases. | fever. tion. | Pneumonia. i cough. ! ! The city ....--- 181.63 | 316.85 | 24,27 391.75 287.89 | 33.70 i District C ...... | 187.92! 296. 02 23.28 | 340. 92 204. 55 49. 89 The death rate in this district for the 6-year period was below the city average for the native and above the city average for the foreign, especially among the children under 5 years of age. Whooping cough; diphtheria aud croup, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by West Fourteenth street, Sixth avenue, Charles street, Greenwich avenue, and Hudson street. Area, 80 acres; population, 14,045, an average of 175.56 persons to the acre. Business houses and dwellings were in about equal proportion, with some tenements and a large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. = vacapenis So sae a ete s | Native. | Foreign. eee . ona Pee! | AREAS: i Both parents - One or both parents !! | | native. foreign. iF ah Under 5 pa A ap aa A Eee te Rie Under 5 Total. | “years. are aa Total. “vears. Vote nder 5° wy nder 5 Total years. Total. years. | | ----—}——; —i- ype | The city .....-. 31.01 ! 110,37 | 30.22 112.41 3L.48 | 109. 63 i 23.15 74. 28 District D 2... 23, 24 | 102. 70 25, 63 97. 80 22.79 | 107. 93 ‘ 27.53 51. 28 ‘ i | i | DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | omen eaten | eae a rr ere nited States A » England and : js : Ireland. Germany. , Scotland | AREAS. (white). Vales. - | : ee eae 7 I Rome te eee Soa | Under |15 years | Under |15 years) Under 15 years | | Under 15 years’ Under 15 years | 15 and i 15 and 15 and 15 and |) 45 and ; i _ Years. over. | years. | over. years. over. ~ years.’ over. | years. over. oo Seay tae —_— ie floes. easels oS , ween gas Lhe city ....... 54.01 15.91 | 50.87! 28.01 46.97] 17.08 50,54) 20.78 4.71 21.91 . District D..... 42.96 16. 41 | 50.21 | 26.38 : 52.41 15. 56 33.33 5 18,83 38. 46 234, 38 i i ; i | aoe Baas ase Sever eae =) | i Se ee — | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘roO— ! : AREAS. 7 2 ; ee ae \ oon ae : ! Diphtheria Diarrhea Typhoic Consump- A . Cancer and ! and croup. diseases. fever. tion. ‘ Pneumonia. ! tumor. { 1 I; = » PNOIIYs goss. 181. 63 316, 85 24.27 891. 75 287. 89 60.55 | District Do... 105. 52 177. 83 21 dt 368,71 i 219. 33 85. 36 The death rate in this district for the 6-year period was considerably below the city average for the native and above the according to birthplaces of mothers, was greatest among the Irish and Scotch. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more t han the average proportion of deaths. city average for the adults of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age aud upward, 100 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 10. This ward was subdivided into two districts and contained 106 acres, 1,496 dwellings, and a total population of 57,596, being the most denseiy populated ward in the city, the average number of persons to an acre being 543. 36, with 38.50 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Grand, Norfolk, and Division streets and the Bowery. This district lay on the elevated ridge east of the Bowery, and was all good land. Area of the district, 52 acres; population, 30,490; average number of persons to the acre, 586.35. Tenements predominated in this district and were crowded with Russian and Polish Jews of uncleanly habits. A large brewery was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with ne average rates for the ots were as follows: ie Ct he ae ee wr ee m a 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i = =e a6 ore Se Sere Reg ARNE: Co eS Native. | Foreign. \ seers wo meee og a2 eaves ee eee nd AREAS: | Both parents aie One i both parents |: | native. | foreign. ; 5 Wider oo a ccceceetenieevell : AREAS. \ ; ~ —? Sareony ! Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Conswnp- | = acai : ; and croup. | diseases. fever. tion,» Pneumonia. Childbirth. ; ti se era j bite an he ee ee a IS " | i a | i i ‘ \ i | rhea The city....... 181.63: 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 | 287. 89 26. 72 | Bi 281.89 | 30.15 ! District A..... | 208.90 | 322, 56 15.43 | 300. 82 ( t : d i i 102 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average for those of native birth, and below it for those of foreign birth. It was comparatively low among the children under 5 years of age and high among the adults. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews and the Hungarians and highest among the Germans. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICY B.—Bounded by Eighth street, Avenue D, Second street, and Avenue B. Area, 50 acres; population, 19,785; number of persons to each acre, 395.70. Nearly all of this district was formerly marsh land, and the same characteristics as to tenements and population obtained as in the preceding district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ' i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHILE POPULATION. i fie pe oe ee a sa a : ' Native. Foreign. | ! i | Vesta mes es 3 1 AREAS: | Both parents _ One or both parents | | : | native. 4 foreign. : ap . Under 5 |! ls . 1 ' Under 5 Total. years. 1 t ales “a Total. years 1 Under |, Under 5 || ' | Total. years. | Total. ly years. | : | ee ee = : | The city ....... | 31.01 ' 110.37 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 | 109.63 || 23.15 | 74. 28 District B-.... | 27.46 92. 44 | 33. 80 | 96.47 || 26.37 ' 91.49 | 20. 34 | 65.08 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ! See ances | ate a, pe ar eee a i | iH 3 '! Other foreign Ireland. ; Germany. Hungary. ‘| Bohemia. ca bE : : : countries. AREAS. | i i - Me cence, erent es me Bay, pened Views | Under jis veare! Under 15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under 11s years | Under 15 years | 15 | and 15 and 15 and 15 and | | and ; years. over. | years. ' over. || years. | over. || years. | over. '| years. | over. - | I | : | “ ' ! \ Sw The city ......- 50.87 | 28.01 | 46.97 | 17. 04 47.21 8.45 82.57 | 20.31 40. 68 13. 00 District B..... 37.96 | 35.67 | 34.81 17.76 32. 65 3. 74 97. 98 24.55 34.54 12. 05 Hs Piss Zeck) DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. oy | iene | fecica | —— Diphtheria iarrheal | Typhoi Consump- | A sana and croup. , diseases. | — fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. wae e as 2 a The city ....... 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287.89 | 26.72 District B ...-. 154. 15 307. 44 18.19 318.70 252. 01 | 19.05 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for both the native and the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish and lowest among the Hungarians. The death rates for all the specified causes were below the city average. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by East Eighth street, the East river, Rivington and Columbia streets, and Avenue D. Area, 52 acres; dwellings, 524; population, 12,694, making au average of 244.12 persons to the acre, aud 24.23 persons to each dwelling. More than half of this district was made laud, reclaimed from the river, and the remainder was originally a marsh. The characteristics of the buildings and population were similar to those in the preceding districts. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i i | ley a TN a an SN - = ~ ‘ | | Native. Foreign. ae ro are a8 roe a) td “| a os AUEAS. Both parents ; Que or both parents | \ native. ii foreign. | - Under5 | Nah aban oee SIE Under5 Fotal. | vears. Widens | aa Total. | “years. 1. | Under T, nder 5 | Total. | years. | Total. years. 1 it eee See Ps sha pan ae a The city ..-..-. 31. 01 | 110. 37 30,22 | 112.41 | 31.38 | 109.63 | 23,15 74. 28 District C....| 95.98 | 98.58 || 44.75 | 117.65 | 3013 1.78 jj 17 | 69.65 st Ni yes ag hse a esl \ . NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. 103 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Woda. tao United States , | | ary, | Other foreign rnest (white). Treland. | Germany. : Hungary. countries. ee i oe ‘Under 15 years Under hs gear) ee ‘15 years; Under ‘15 years. Under 15 years) i 15 and 1 | and |, and | 15 and 15; and years. over. } years. | over. |i meee ' over. | years. ; over, |' years.) over. ie ii Se —I — --l | aacteoseesal, excweous ae hs | The city ......., 54.01 _ 15.91 "50.87 | 28.01 46.97 17.04 47,21 8.45 40. 68 ‘ 13. 00 District C ....! 58.82 19.81 54.52 | 47.44 |) 57.85 26.61 | 48.0% 7.42 9.91 3.17) SSSess Sa ei ee, my : DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— -—— - = — ne] so eee APEAS. ‘ leary ; : s Diseases of | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typboid , Consump | | and croup. diseases. i fever. i tion. 1. Pneumonia. | ea nrcerics i ‘ | | |p a ae . aa 1 The city ....... 181.63 | 316. 85 | 24.27 | 391. 75 287. 89 173.72 District C ..... 172. 78 | 307.77 | 25.65. | 349.61 | 330.71 Ag 182. 28 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat higher than the city average both for the native and the foreigu. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Hungarians and highest among the Irish. ; Typhoid fever, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, tle East river, East Eighth street,and Avenue B. Area, 84 acres; population, 18,512 3 average number of persons to each acre, 2 The whole of this district was either made land, reclaimed from the river, buildings consisted mostly of tenements and old dwellings, and the German element predominated. 20.38. or marsh land filled in. The In this district were a brewery aud some gas houses. The death rates in this dishes compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: so a DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ae ee eget Sy Slee 4 Native i Foreign. i ; 1 | AREAS. cent eee fo } g Both parents One or both parents | | | ; native. : | foreign. ; ' Tote DC teres ag GS 6 Sees Soe ,) | Unders i Total. years. i Gna i | ar 4 oti years. ! nder5 || . | Underd | Total. years. | Total. | years. | / | a acest | is i : The city ....-.. 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 | 31. 38 | 109. 63 | 23.15 | 74.28 | ' District D.... | 28.79 96.73 | 32.15 82.05 || 27.93 103. 38 | 24.70 | 129.17 | i i | H 1 { . sa aan | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN INX— | ete eet Goes aaa eee = a5 | 7 ' | d Pant I United States | } “, Otlier ‘foreign | Awe: (white). Ireland. Germany . Hungary. colathes” ! poe Nees oa ae Under |15 years Under 15 years| Tn vv nuer 5 years}, ' Under 15 years'| Under '15 vears | 15 and a! ' and 15 | and 15 and | years. | over. ae | over. | ae - over. | years. | over. || years. | over. | : | i le pies eee as : The city .....-- 54, OL 15. 91 50. 87 | 28.01 9 46.97 17.04! 47.21 ' 8.45 | 40.68 13.00 | | Distriet De... | 45.09 8.33 |) 44.06) 29.74 | 42.70 15.76) 38.57 6.67 | 28.87" 5.85 | iS ee gt tlle ce, i mall Iason ee DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO. - | \ i Diphtheria | Diath i | . i | a ; a iphtheria | iarrhea. Typhoid Consamy: i : and croup. | diseases. | fiver. tion. ! Pneumonia. | Scarlet fever.’ “a Teas eee Spe ae i i ' : ; The city 2.22... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 | 287. 89 ou. 19 | 1 ; j District D.._.. 181.41 | 320. 25 22. 21 357. 27 dacs teen During the 6-year period the death slightly higher for the foreign, especially \ os. 3b | rate in this district was lower than the city average for the native and for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Hnngarians and highest among the Irish. Scarlet fever, diarrheal diseases, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 104 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 12. This ward occupied the northern end of Manhattan island above Eighty-sixth street, including Wards and Randalls islands, and was subdivided into eighteen districts, containing 5,879 acres, 15,141 dwellings, and a population of 245,046. The number of persons to the acre of total area was 41.68, and the number to each dwellin g was 16.18. There were 658 acres of parking in this ward, deducting which the average rises to 46.93 persons to the acre. The hospitals and institutions on Wards and Randalls islands..were in this ward. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Ninety-fourth street, Eighth avenue, One hundred and tenth street, Fifth avenue, Eighty-sixth street continued through Central park, and the Hudson river, and included that portion of Central park lying north of Eighty-sixth street. Total area, 555 acres, of which, 379 acres were included in Central park; number of dwellings, 416; population, 5,107. Excluding Central park the number of persons to each acre was 29.02, and the number to each dwelling, 12.28. This district ses all good and high ground, principally occupied by fine residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 i DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. ; : ! A Ss SoS os seemaae if : Native. Foreign. ms fe te pene Tee ee ip ae hab ae ee TOE. Vey cre AREAS: : M" Both parents " One or both parents native. foreign. - Tots ; UndersS jj eo Soa! Cale Ses als 7 ' Under 5 : Total. ‘yeaa, | = We i eee | Total years 4 nder 5 | . t nder5 . : | Total. years. Total. | years. fete Ns en fei aor Sed eee pte tee Ate, jay liens ‘Nie: aya Baan Sica | | i i ; The city......-. 31.61 © 110.37 | 30, 22 112.41 ’ 31.38 | 23.15 | 74.28 i ! 2 District A ..... ; 14.08 67.86 | 9.96 ; 50.47 | 20,92 | 15.45 | 35.56 teehee Silat ki Meme - Uae ae Se | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERK BORN IN—- | United States | s England and ia e wenn (white). | Ireland. ‘ Germany. : at Vales. Seotland. | | eter fo geo a ———_—_———— ! —- _———- ! Under [15 years| Under ‘15 sears) Under | 15 a Under lis yoara| Under lis years and ; 1 and and | 15 ! and ears, | over. | vets. over. I stn: acer: : ear. over. ae | over. pastes ee ao isueictl ates then! pain she soins Soften 2 a ee J The city -...... 54.01 | 15. 91 | 50.87 | 28.01 | 46. 97 | i 17. 04 | 50. pa 20.78 i 43.71 | 21.91 District A ..... 22. 66 | 5.85 33.69 | 15.89 | 46.88 wl 16. 74 | 24.31 | 12.48 | | 16.13 + 14.23 = on peta eet nee mess a7 3 te — ; DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Eb ee tea esis Gai wwe Bi Gaeilge SES AREAS. 7 1 e ' Diphtheria { Diarrheal Typhoid = ' Consump- | to i, | and croup. |, diseases. fever. =, tion. Fnewnonia:, Scarlet; fever. Bees glace -|—-— ened Meters Nee ati Wee at aces Sp eae ull a, The city ....... : 181. 63 316. 85, 24,27 391.75 | 287.89 | 52.19 District A ..... 49. 89 117. 91 13. 61 176. 87 | 95, 24 | 54. 43 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was less than the city average for the native white and also for the foreign white, The death rate for the children under 5 years of age was remarkably low. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was less among the Americans, being only 5.85 against 16.74 for the Germans. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from consumption and pneumonia was remarkably low. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by East Ninety-fifth street, Third avenue, East Eighty-sixth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 102 acres; population, 13,345; giving an average density of 130.83 persons to the acre. This district also occupied good and high ground and the buildings were generally of the best. There were some large car stables in this district, of which numerous complaints had been made. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION | ec ee, a! \ Native. p | Foreign | a ; ec a ee ‘ . { | AREAS : i Both parents ! One or both parents ! ! lative, ; foreign. i ances Under5 | _- ee, a Under 5 | Toul: | years. | r 2 aa } Total years ' i Note Under 5 | Under 5 | i Yotal. « years. ! Total. | years. i base pSareneetn as |ieeccke 9 staat ker ae Waals a fe cae ea ea poeta a i The city....-.-.. 31.0) 110. 87 _ 30.22 1241 | 31.38 | 109. 63° | 23.15 74.28 District B..... 26.16 ' 106.49 | 31.53 | 102.68 | 23.32 | 108.71 | 22.72 270,83 | | ih = ee DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN INX— | United States i i i England and Other foreign . Ireland. Germany. rele | 3 \ : AREAS. (white). | Wales. countries, gies asteen Aat | : Nee ee | Under {15 years ‘Under hs years|| Under |15 years | Under 1s years|! Under |15 years 15 and and 15 and 15 and 1 and | years. | over. eat: , over. || years. | over. over. | years. | over. a & en ! eel : The city....--.] 54.01 15. 91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 17. 04 50. 53 | 20. 78 i Total, ! years. | Total. sears tat ; ae Sat | ead eee i) - se) ease eaes The city...-... 31.01 | 110.37 | 30.22 | 112.41 | 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District E ..... 16.94 | 58.70 | 15.70 | 58,10 | 17.98 | 63.15 | 14.78 3419 | none cabs eaten tale t p — ——-————- aan ae —_ ess DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— { 4 t 7 Rae Fi i i i | United States | : Ser . i England and | ' Bae (white). i Ireland. | Germany. i malbac il Scotland. | ees Ne, vs sah ate “4 i Se | : ' Under f years|| Under ‘1s years} ; Under \15 years UBder hs years| Mader ‘15 years © 1b and 15 and 15 and 15 and | and gi | over. | years. | over. |) years. over: iF years. | over. eet: | over. {ieee eae | 1 $a ail | The city ....... | 54.01 | 15,91 || 50.87) 28.01 |) 46.97) 17. 04 4 || 50.53 | 20.78 || 43.71 | 21.91 District E ..-.. 28.36 7.23 32. 00 15.41 |; 32.88 11. 50 38. 36 | 11.61 23. 50 | 10. 70 ' t = = == DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. - | Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- 4 ; hildh; and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pagumomsa: | (Childbirth; 2 He | 7 i jose The city..-...-. 181.63 | 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 287. 89 26. 72 District E..... 126. 16 ale 163.14 | 4.35 178.37 | 147.92, 21.75 During the 6-year period the death rate iu this district was inuch below the city average for both the native and the foreign, and was remarkably low among the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans and the Scotch and highest among the Irish. The death rates from diarrheal diseases, cousumption, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the urinary organs, and pneumonia were less than the average rates for the city. SANITARY DISTRICY F.—Bounded by East One hundred and fifth street, Third avenue, East Ninety-tifth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 112 acres; population, 8,432; giving an average of 75.29 persons to the acre. This district was residential in character and the land was good and high. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 4 onteds, (eae a es ew fy oy ai ox Gee a ee fects, eee ' , DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, , i Native. Foreign. i HENS: | | Roth parents | One or both parents ‘ 1 | | native. | foreign. i ? ' rie Under 5 | _ oa Vi Wats Under 5 | i Total. years. | | \ | Total. years. | ! , Under5: ' Under i | i ‘ Total. | years. /! Total. years. | : Actes a a 1 ' 1 1 The city....... 31.01 110.37 | 30.22 | 1d4d 31.88 9.63 | 23.15 74.28 | 7 "i 5 4 = i n t | District F ..... 27.45 105.82; 33.18 | 112.46. 25.12 102. 68 | 22.92 ° 41.67 — ——— = Sete 25S ee =o —_—_—_— “i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ‘ : at . 1 United States a aa a | England and | Other foreign | AREAS. (white). | freland: ; Germany. ‘Wales. countries. | eee — = i ae Se | Under |15 years.; Under |15 years): “Under elias uel Under 15 years Haat 15 years 15 and 15 and | 15 and | and | and years. | over. years. | over, | years. | over. ;, ears over. beak: over. ena pda: ih E ' f Reset eeeate % | “ sasehe 5 ed ——— The city --:.-.-| 54.01 15.91 , 50.87 9 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 1 50.53 ' 20. 78 40.68 | 13.00 | District F ..... A814 ot i 72.32 23.87 | 38.945 1d 58 | ; 28.46. 15.76 | 22.01 |, 8.66 | | i { i 108 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. | | DEATH RATES PEK 100,000 POPULATION DUE 'to— i AREAS, ik i Phen a ‘ is Retartye vat fara ik iphtheria | Diarrheal ‘Typhoid Consump- | - es Searle | andecroup. | diseases. , fever. tion. Pneumonia. | “fever. : i The city -.-..-. | 181.63 © 316.85 ¢ 24.27 391. 75, 287.89 : 52.19 District F ..... 228.01. 288.45 | 10.99 ; 296. 69 | 249, 99 74.17 pce Saas : geese sg TM eit oa aN ioe ee During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was low among the Americans and Germans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, and diphtheria and croup caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICY G.—Bounded by East One hundred and fifth street, the East river, East Ninety-fifth street, and Third avenue, containing 119 acres, 557 dwellings, and a population of 17,876, being an average of 150.22 persons to the acre and 32.09 persons to each dwelling. The entire surface of this district was originally marsh land, and has been filled. The district contained many tenement houses, which may be said to predominate. One large car stable and some gas houses were in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, al Sere Native. | Foreign. eee \ = | { AREAS: | Both parents One or both parents { : native. foreign. Under 5 | 7 altar otf || oe ame sper 2 Under 5 Total. years. { 4 ' A : rOtal: years. 4 | Under 5 ‘ Under 5 | ‘| otal. | years, Total. years. | i 1 eee 1 |} - Sp {fee cscnes pesmi ets I eon The city -..-... 31,01 | 110.37 i 0.22 | 112.41 | 109. 63 23.15 TA. 28 District G ....- 45.11 | 123. 80 62. 85 160. 42 115. 13 19. 38 72, 92 ! 3 | 1 i | | DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN—- a-2 : il i - United States I oe q | England and Other foreign eae (white). i Ireland. I Germany. | lea. countries. PAR. Hl i | Se ene Pie We Rig Wore ae Pon e ar eee ee | POS Bg ee! | Under ‘5 year: sil Under |15 years; Under is ‘Fears Under 5 years|| Under |15 years ' | 5 and; 15 and | | 15 | and 15 and years. . over, years. over, | ee | Le years. over, | years. over. de ! | : ! pain dont ae aia LEN a ene ‘ eae ey os [—— The city ....... 54.01 15. 91 50.87 ; 28.01 | 46.97 17.04 | 50,53 20.78 ;| 40.68 13. 00 District G .-... | 82. 28 “| 28, 74 61.20 | 26.01 3 46.25 | 12.73 | 38. 97 | 16. 48 38. 56 ‘ 13. 74 | “2 x = eg ne 7 = ek Oe Loe | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE To— . Spent Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | © | | | iphtheria iarrhea! ‘y phoi -ousump- ., | Malarial ; and eroup. diseases. | fever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. oe rae aT sale © wate See tii eee ts ; The eity -----.- 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 ! 24. 62 | District G..... 269, 53 | 523. 51 12.96 344.68 | 327.84 49. 24 ' ee ee ee, jeans,” Scere mainsigtipome seeders Sake eae sein ienag i eominicitee During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the native born aud below it for those of foreign birth. It was especially high among the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was greatest among the Americans and lowest among the Gerinans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. .. SANITARY .DISTRICT H.—Bounded by West One hundred and tenth street, Eighth avenue, West One hundred and second street, and the Hudson river. Area, 168 acres, of which 13 acres were included in parks; number of dwellings, 365; population, 6,669; excluding the park area there were 43.03 persons to the acre and 18.27 persons to each dwelling. This was good land, sparsely populated. Large apartment houses and private dwellings, about equally divided, constituted the buildings in this district, which also contained one brewery. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 109 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: oS =z | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. : | | | ; Native. | Foreigu. : ANEAS: | Both parents : One or botin parents if | native. ' foreign. ; ! Under 5 : tele erates ‘ Under 5 Total. | years A i Total. years. Under 5 . | Under 5 4 || Total | years, | Total. | sears M4 | ' 4 S| ek) Narre are ees = The city ....--- | 31.01 110. 37 | 30.22! W242 | sh 38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District H | M74 52.19 9.32 | 9271 ! 20.57 | 66.22 23.48 74.07 } | DEATH RATES PER 1,0('0 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ’ | ' | United States f 1 | cc il 4] ! ; Eugland and oF (white). Treland. | Germany. | Vales. | Scotland. AREAS. If i i == tS oI nee ee ! eS ra {I rs et { i Under 15 years Under |15 years,| Under 15 years | Under sxe years|| Under ‘15 years 18; and || 15 and | 15; and and years. over. || years. ! over. | years. | over. ane: | over: years. - over. oe hs Soe NAT ea ant ot fb eagle ee Wises ie ake a seca ! | ‘ The city ....... 54.01 15.91 || 50.87) 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 20.78 43.71. 21.91 District H ..-.-. 24. 62 4.79 | 45. ne 23.12 44.01, 14.93 | 14.98 14. 63 | 17.36 | 19. 84 1 ss a rescaled DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘TO— AREAS. <7, et aw ; Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid Consump- | a Malarial and croup. | diseases. | fever. | tion. Pneumonia.) “fever, | ook [ope eee | ; eens The city ....... 181.63. 316.85 | 24.27 | 391.75 287. 89 a) 24. 62 District H..... 142. 42 145. 89 | 20. 84 | 156. 32 138.95 | 27.79 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was less than half the city average for the native and about the same as the city average for the foreign. The death rate of children under 5 years of age was remarkably low. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans, being only 4.79 per 1,000 as against 23.12 for the Irish, 19.84 for the Scotch, 14.93 for the Germans, and 14.63 for the English of the same age group. Malarial fever and old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIstRict 1.—Bounded by East Oue hundred and teith street, the Kast river, East One hundred and fifth street, and Fifth avenuc. Area, 126 acres; dwellings, 1,012; population, 23,358; persons to the acre, 185.38; persons to each dwelling, 23.08, About one-half of this district was made land. A swampy water course with its source to the northwest, cutting the corner of Central park, extended through the centre of this district to the East river. It contained some fine residences nearer the western end but was not solidly built up. East of Third avenue was a large colony of Italians, this part beiug known as “Little Italy”. On the northern boundary of the district, near the river, were some large gas houses.., The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 1 | 1 | eo 1 Native. | Foreign. 1 : i i 1 - AREAS: | Both parents One or both parents | i native. foreign. pitndes i Under 5 j; en ieee cep. Oe on et SAN eas Under 5 Total. | “ears. ae | ie Total. | \-ears. | Fe nder5 || qa. nder 5 Total. i years. || Total. years. || | | pb eh ee nl Fees agics = a The city ....... 31.01 | 110.37 30.22 ° 1241 | 3s 109.63 |! 93.15 | 74.28 | District I...... 40,65 | 143.56 4144 | 1ag.ze | 40.89 5 145.01 | 25.92 | 144.28 | i ! 110 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT I—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— seat , ; a l and | United States | | Ireland. Germany. Bogland an | Italy. AREAS. re | at 2 aaah j Under Ins 5years| Under |l5 years! Under 15 y ears, Under (15 years|/ Under (15 years ; a and |, 15 aud 15 and {15 and 15 au ‘ svinrae \ over. | years. over. | years.) over. | years. over. years, over. ! i i ———_i--. emsztlie Ses J pS | | | The city ....--- © 5A. 01 | 15.91 |! 50.87 | 28.01 t 46.97 | 17.04) 50.53) 20.78 76. 41 | 12, 27 " District T2222... ' 64.22 | 16. 67 ! 64.00 | 30.01 mf 53.66 | 14.56 o 58.95 | 18.71 || 109. 42 ele 17. 69 - DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— eee: “Diphtt Diarrheal | ‘Typhoid paces ikea | Malarial iphtheria iarrheal j Typhoi vonsump- ee | aria | and croup. diseases. | dover. | tion. Pnetnania: fever. | oe ee | | The city ..-.--- 181. 63 | 316, 85 | 24.27 | 391.75 | 287. 89 24. 62 District I....-- 271.71 | 471.03 | 29. 7. | 330, 22 321. 29 32. 72 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially for the native whites. For the foreign the deatl rate of the children under 5 years of age was nearly double the The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Germans, being 14.56 as against 30.01 for the Irish per 1,000 of population. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, childbirth, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of average rate for the city. deaths. SANITARY DistRict K.—Bounded by West One hundred and twentieth street, Seventh avenue, West One hundred and tenth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 279 acres, containing 321 dwellings, with a population of 4,700, being an average of 16.85 persons to the acre and 14.64 persons to each dwelling. parking, excluding which the population density rises to 19.58 persons to the acre. This district contained high ground, sparsely populated, aud may be termed suburban in character. brewery was in this district, also the Bloomingdale asylum for the insane. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PEK 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, Native. Foreign. AS Tr jie kk eras | aneAS | ‘ Both parents je One or both parents | | 1 d native. _| foreign. ' i 1" ‘Underd §_ pm Apel Es ate eet ony Under 5 Total. years. ae | oeded Lotal. years. ise nder5 9s ay) | Under Total. | years. | Total. | years. ' See Ve eee aie, The city --.... 31.01 110.37 | 30, 22 : V2 241 31.38 : 109. 63 23.15 | TA. 28 District K ..... 16.70 65.60 | 13.67 | 55.91 2.0L | 74.58 | 17.82 | 125.00 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSON¥ WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States I | England and Nite | Ireland. «Germany. {| “Ayr Scotland. eRe: (white). | | Wales. [er ae al ee at ase Under 415 years! Under 3 years|| Under 15 years | Under ‘5 years ender hs sate 1) and 15 and | 15 and 15 and | and years. | over. | years. ' over, | years. over. || years. | over. sete | over. peer cas Saat Deve cence [fee pee fle ee ikess, le 3 er The city ......- 54. 01 15.91). BUST 28.01 re 46.97 17.04 || 50.53 | ‘20.78 43.71 | 21.91 District K..... 29,56 9.85), 30.21 | 16.18 t 35. 44 - 48 i} 3143) 14.07 00. 18. 82 Fase ile teen : (eC oe 2 | DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— oe Dightbena iain Ayythoiw d . ! Diphtheria iarrhea \ phoic Sopsump- | 7 2 Naat: and croup. © diseases. fever. tion. i Pnenmonia, Childbirth. ~~ — = ~- a ae %, Shes The city 2.2... ; 181. 63 316, 85 oF 391.75 287. x0 26.72 District K.....; 103.49 | 23, 98 1.78 192.19 133. 06 29, 57 i i 1 i en moe se oe —— -_—_—--- Tt contained 39 acres of NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 111 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district. was low, being only a little over half the city average for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upwazd, according .to. birthplaces of mothers was. lowest among the Americans, being 9.85 as against 16.18 for the Irish. Childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT L.—Bounded by East and West One hundred and twentieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West One hundred and tenth streets, and Seventh avenue. Area, 166 acres, cuisine 530 dwellings, and a population of 7,471, giving an average of 45.01 persons to the acre and 14.10 persons to each dwelling. This district was mostly good, high ground, occupied by residences of a fine class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. s SS Se a in ae | AREAS: ’ | Both parents i One or both parents | : : native. foreign. i | on | Under 5 | | | Under 5d Total. : years. a i aa ‘| Total. | years. t . ; Under 5 under i ' | Total. years || Total. ears, | oeesieccall 1 i i - |---| —-—— \ ij | ‘The city. ...... | 31.01 ; 110.37 30.22 | 112.41 i 31.38 109. 63 | 23.15 | 74. 28 | District L ..... | 16.64 . 62.42 18. 80 | 59.34 || 14.89 | 65.35 17.06 | 55.56 fl | ! i _ a Fee i ' DEATH KATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— : 1 4 : i we) ao ‘a 7 { | United States. i Englond and || Other foreign : : Ireland. '!| Germany. ‘ ' ARBRE: (white). | Wales. | countries. 1 ! | | Ptenngimsies [ieee i \ Uader 1s years|| Under 13 years|| Un Under 15 yeare Under j15 years'| Under lis years ' and |; and || | | 15 and 15 and saape | over. Saas over. oe savin | oe a \| years. | over. years. | over. ae gong |e se abril |) Cee eee | Sees eee | eee The zity .-.---- 54.01, 15.91 50. 87 | 28.01 Hf 46.57 17.04 || 50.53 20.78 40.68 ; 13.00 ; District L -.--. 25.44. 11.49 || 33.65 | 19.79 36. 87 8.87 | 23.81 6.88 | 22.52 | 12. 58 : , I i i : 1 ae Ac - vv a - DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— oe a eee cae ca : Diphtheria jiarrheal ; yphoi ‘ousunp- a carle i | and croup. | diseases. ever. | tion. ; Pueumonia-| “fever. i ' en eed a a ee Se. | ‘The city ....--- 181. 63 316.85 | 107% 4 301.75 | 287 89 52.19 District L -.... 1 117.83 | 151.94 | 12.40 | 210.85 | 173, 64 65. 12 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very low, being about the same as that for the preceding district. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers,. was lowest among the English, being 6.88 as against 11.49 for the Americans and 19.79 for the lvish of the same age group. Scarlet fever and malarial fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT M.—Bounded by Kast One hundred and twentieth street, the East river, Hast One hundred and tenth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 214 acres, with 2,326 dwellings and a population of 39,520, the averaye density being 184.67 persons to the acre and 16.99 persons to each dwelling. All of this district may be said to have been good, firmland. Between Third and Fourth avenues were located private dwellings and apartment houses. East of Third avenue the buildings were principally tenements. There were some gas houses on the southern boundary near the East river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. aS ' EE = | NATIVE. i Foreign. | ! a sean: Sees) tiny meadeweassecialt Youle. Rica ie mesah saaeraien eeinasnetees {|-——-———— 7 : ARE ASS | Both parents pas or both parents j i ~| i native. foreign. | [as3, Ther 5 i Bene es Under 5 | \ Lotal. | years. | a ae Yotal. years. q Il rage nderi on, Tnder 5 . | Total. years. Total. years. Phe city .....-- 31.01 110.27 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 TA. 28 District M..-- =) 37.64 133.71 UB. AT 126, 30 37. 24 136. 87 2a 17 106. 06 112 native white of native parents. | ‘ i VITAL STATISTICS. : SANITARY DISTRICT M—Continued. 6 [ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | oe E United States | | England and | Ireland. » Germans. we Re, a] Italy. AREAS. i (white). _ | : Wales. Seas tence toar i See I Under \15 years} Rader 15 years|j Under 15 years | Under 115 years | Under -15 years 15 and and Ws and 15: and 15 5 and years, | over. pene over. |, years. over. || years. _ over. | years. | over, i | / | ; a re aa The city .....-- | 54.01 15.91 50.87 , 28.01 |; 46.97 17. 04 50. 533 20. 78 | 76.41 12.27 District M.-...- 60.86 20.40 | 63.50. 30.53 50.52 | 15.22 67.22 25.13 95.05 14. 80 AREAS. District M..- : , 239. 72 | ! 1 i 3 Hoe i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid i i Consump- a * : and croup. | diseases. i tever. tion. Pueumonia. i! ; et aoe ae ane | 181.63 | 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 287. 84 429. 62 21.10 374.535 $06. 54 | Malarial fever. 24.62 42.70 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, anc decidedly so for the The death rate for those 15 years of age aud upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was smallest among the Germans and greatest among the Irish. The death rate of the children under 15 years of age of Italian mothers was greater than the corresponding rate of any other race. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, caucer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths, SANITARY DIstRicr N.—Bounded by West One hundred and thirtieth street, Fifth aveuue, West One hundred and twentieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 385 acres, of which 21 acres were parks; population, 25,744; excluding the park area the average number of persons to the acre was 70.73. This district contained good, high land and was suburban in character. district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS, The city....... ; District N AREAS, The city.....-. District N ..... AREAS. The city-.....-- District N..... \ | One large car stable was in this DEATH RATES PEIC1(00 WHITE POPULATION. 1 | Foreign. | Native. Both parents i) One or both parents |, : native. foreign. : \ gua Under 5 zu f. Pemees Be Gast Under 5 fotal. years. = » Toul years. | oe + Under 5 Peer) Under 5 i Total. ve : Total: years. oe peered fs —— 31.01 110. 37 | 30, 22 W241 AL. 38 ‘ 109. Gis BAS | 74.28 i 20.19 84.82 | 18.00 72.64 ¢ 6 9.90 | ATT 105.56 tf i ‘ i sess. 5, Fe 2S == ae DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | ot es a England and _ (white). | Ireland. Germany. | Wales. Scotland. ——— i = Hose 2% ee 1 ! Under {15 years|| Under (5 years! uU nder” 1s years] Under |15 years|; Under |15 years! 15 | and jj) 15 | and | and i ls and | 15 and years. | over. years. over. ' sans over. "| years. | over. years. | over. ts * i i. y ce pel rm BAO 15.91 50.87 ROL 46.97 17.04) 80.53 20.78) TL 21 32.70 12.28 f 45.80 | 16.59 5 41.96; 12.89) 4283 15.67 1 21.61 z159 ‘ ; a a é L DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUK ‘tO— Di fees nae 1 Typ va C a8 iphtheria jarrheal | ‘yphoi Jonsump- «) | Malarial | and croup. diseases. , fever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. i ' er 181.63 16.85 W271 NOL. 75 247.89. | M62 107, 07 186.24 | 17, 99 2. 24 : 188. 04 a4. U9 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 113 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly below the city average, with the exception of the foreign children under 5 years of age, among whom the death rate was above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans and highest among the Scotch. Malarial fever and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT O.—Bounded by East One hundred and thirtieth street, the Harlem river, East One hundred and twentieth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 227 acres, 21 acres of which were contained in parks; population, 27,857; average number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the parking, was 135.23. Fine dwellings predominated in this district, built on good, high ground. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. -—- aenee: Both parents || One or both parents | native. ‘ foreign. : Under 5 i Under 5 Total. years. oy tial Total. | years. rder 5 nder 5 Total. years. | Total. years. | ' ‘ 1 The city....-.- 31.01 | 110.37 30. 22 112.41 || 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District O ..... 30.41 | 122.62 32. 95 124.67 || 28,29 121. 20 25. 37 77.78 | : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— i land eee aa Ireland. Germany. En, land and Scandinavia. AREAS. | Under |15 years|| Under /15 years|/ Under |15 years|/ Under |15 years Under |15 years 1 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years. | over. || years. | over. |} years. | over. |! years. | over. || years. | over. | The city ....-.-. 54, 01 | 15.91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 57.33 | 13.43 District O ..... 57. 69 | 20. 55 62. 90 | 26. 26 41.93 13. 96 47.07 | 22.96 86. 07 9.03 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. a ipbtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ‘ Malarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. The city ......- 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 | 287. 89 24. 62 District O ..... 195. 40 309. 32 25. 78 355. 05 | 266. 08 46. 56 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average for the native and a little above it for both the foreign adults and children. For the native white of native parents the death rate was a little above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was less for the Scandinavians, being 9.03 as against 20.55 for the Americans and 26.26 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICY P.—Bounded by West One hundred and fortieth street, Eighth avenue, West One hundred and thirtieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 237 acres; population, 4,891; number of persons to the acre, 20.64, This district was suburban in character, sparsely populated, and contained mostly dwellings of the better class, built on good, high ground. 938——8 fi 114 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. aeEte Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. ace Under 5 nder Total. | ears. | Total. | years. Under 5 Under 5 Total, | years. Total years. The city.....-- 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District P ..... 26. 72 104. 05 24. 94 89. 24, 27.78 112. 63 20. 13 37. 04 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States ! England and Russia and (white). Ireland. Germany. ales. Poland. AREAS. Under lis years|| Under /15 years|| Under |15 years'|| Under 15 years|| Under |15 years 15 and 15 and 15 an 15 and and years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. The city....... 54.01 | 15.91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 28. 67 6.21 District P..... 43.15 | 13.67 53.47 | 26.96 33.97 | 13.12 42.48 | 26,88 177 |ocsceese DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- . Scarlet croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. The city....... 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 287. 89 52.19 District P ..... 113. 64 194.13 9.47 336.17 241, 48 56. 82 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for both the native and the foreign except for children under 5 years of age having one or both parents foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 26.96 for the Irish, 26.88 for the English, 13.67 for the Americans, and 13.12 for the Germans. There were no deaths at this age reported among those having Russian or Polish mothers, of whom there were 65 on June 1, 1890. Scarlet fever, old age, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT R.—Bounded by East and West One hundred and fortieth streets, the Harlem river, East and West One hundred and thirtieth streets, and Eighth avenue. Area, 241 acres, with 1,086 dwellings, and a population of 11,328, the average density being 47.00 persons to the acre and 10.43 persons to each dwelling. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of sanitary district P. The district contained some - car stables and gas houses; also a large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES FER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. BES Both parents One or both parents native.) foreign. Under 5 Under 5 Total. dene nder o years. | ve ai | Total. years. ; nder 5 1 nder 5 Total. years. Total. years. The city...---. 31.01 110. 37 | 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District R...... 15.19 65. 21 | 14, 54 60. 38 16. 06 69. 80 18.98 18.52 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— f Tulied: States | | ll ss land and aare Ireland. Germany. necane ar Scotland. aReAS (white). | | Wales. { aa =k Under /15 years|| Under |15 y' oun Under |15 yeacs. Under 15 years | ‘Under 15 years 15 and 15 and ih and |/ 15 | aud || and years. over. years. over. fl years. over, a) years, | over. " cea over. " eee hell pares | J———— |——---- #1 - The city. ..-... 54.01 15. 91 50. 87 28. OL | 46,97 17. 04 50. 53 20. 78 i 43.71 21.91 District RN ...-.. 26. 73 10.46 52. 83 20, G3 i 21.74 11.03 | 35. 09 | 14.51 | 18. 52, 8.05 t i " NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 115 SANITARY DISTRICT R—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— wise 7 Diordiedl | Wypicid | Gon Diphtheria iarrheal ty phoi onsump- af . and croup. diseases. | fever. ! tion. Pneumonia. Old age. i——— The city......- 181. 63 | 316, 85 24,27 391. 75 287. 89 21.38 District R ..... 69. 30 141.09 18. 40 184. 03 | 145.18 22, 49 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was only a little over half the city average, and remarkably low for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest for the Scotch, being 8.05 as against 10.46 for the Americans, 11.03 for the Germans, and 20.63 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT S.—Bounded by Spuyten Duyvil creek, Harlem river, East and West One hundred and fortieth streets, and the Hudson river; it included the whole of Manhattan island lying north of One hundred and fortieth street, and contained 2,343 acres, of which 173 were included in High Bridge park. The total population was 16,510; excluding the park area the number of persons to the acre was 7.6L. This district was suburban, with a sparse population, and contained mostly dwellings of the better class; also some gas houses. : ° The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ABEAST! | | Both parents One or both parents | | native. foreign. | Under 5 Under 5 Total | years. | | ‘aha a Fotal; | years. ., i Under 5 nder 5 | ! Total. | years. Total. years. | Ros a The city....... 31.01 | 110. 37 | 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 | 109. 63 23,15 74. 28 } District S 19.0) : 67.91 | 19. 05 67. 24 18. 97 68. 36 19. 86 © 40.54 Lien ccs DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ! United St England and | : : g | mhitae Ireland. Germany. eles i Italy. AREAS | Under 15 years | Under :15 years|! Under Heit Under \15 years | Under Ws Years 15 and 1 | and 15 and 15 and 15 and | years. over. | years. | over. |) years. | over. |; years. | over. |! years. | over. pea apa | [Sete The city....--. 54. 01 15. 91 50. 87 | 28. 01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 | 76.41 L227 District S...... 27.61 | 12.95 34. 35, i 21.63 24.42} 12.384 28.59 | 15.72 | 7.31 6.14 SaaS SH cre == Le sues | DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ! op * | Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- ; Malarial | and croup. diseases. { fever. ! tion. Pneumonia. fever. : i eee | | =| i The city..----. ! 181. 63 i 316. 85 \ 24. 27 391.75 287. 89 | 24. 62 ' District S..... 116, 44 186. 59 i 16. 84 | 192. 20 180. 98 25. 25 | a ; Para ! e ‘ During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly below the city average for both the native and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 6.14 as against 12.95 for the Americans and 21.63 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Malarial fever and old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY Districr AB.—Included the islands in the East river opposite ward 12, containing the public institutions of the city. The area was 300 acres and the population 2,653, giving an average of 8.84 persons to each acre. 116 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. AREAS! | Both parents One or both parents ; native. foreign. 7 Under 5 So n Under 5 Total. sa — = Total. : : sie i | Under 5 | Under 5 Deron } Total. | years. | Total. years. | i ! Pear | The city. ...--. 81.01 * 110.37 4} 30.22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District AB ... 31.76 | 179, 08 | 11. 66 54. 64 | 58. 22 409. 09 23. 40 750. 00 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | United States " | England and Italy. ere (white). Ireland. Germany. |! Vales. y Under |15 years! Under |15 years| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years 15 | and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years. | over. || years. | over. || years.| over. || years. | over. |/ years. | over. | | a ° | i The city....... 54.01} 15.91 |} 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97] 17.04 |] 50.53 | 20.78 |) 76.41 | 12.27 | -- District AB . -.| 77.16 2. 89 44.67 9.76 || 124. 03 15.15 69.44 | 24.31 11.91 71. 43 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ~ hap Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typboid Consump- r and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Measles. The city....-.. 181. 63 | 216. 85 | 24,27 391.75 287. 89 45. 67 District AB... 43. 65 | 497. 64 43. 65 296. 84 323. 03 61.11 I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the total population, and much above the average for children under 5 years of age of foreign parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was very high for the Italians, being 71.43 against 2.89 for the Americans and 9.76 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, and measles caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 13. This ward was subdivided into two districts; it contained 109 acres, 1,431 dwellings, and a population of 45,884, giving an average of 420.95 persons to the acre and 32.06 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Rivington, Willett, Division, Grand, and Norfolk streets. Area, 52 acres; number of dwellings, 786; population, 27,664; number of persons to the acre, 532.00; and the number to each dwelling, 35.20 This district was well elevated and the houses, consisting mostly of stores and tenements, were built on good land. There were some factories iu this district and a large German population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. | Foreign. | ' Both parents |; One ee both parents li j native. I foreign. | ' : | Tote Under 5 dete pms ‘ ae ea . Under 5 Total years. ae 8 ea oa , Total. | seas: \ Vote nder q nder 5 : Total. years. Total | years. Oo eet ap ps eae A ; Se eusea 1 | ' el 31.01 110.37 |! 30. 22 | 112.41 \ 31.38 109.63 || 23.15 74.28 | 42.29 | 84.54 | 66.21 | 186.77 | 39. 45 TTT fl 13,45 | 47.89 | | ; | ! | ae NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 117 SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ; | ] | : Russia and Other foreign anaes Treland. Germany Poland. Hungary. countries. { . Under 15 years! Under |15 years)! Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years 15 | and | 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. i Se —-—| Sst ae ee The city ....... 50.87 | 28.01 | 46.97 | 17.04 || 28.67 6. 21 47. 21 8.45 || 40.68} 13.00 District A ..... 82. 80 | 49. 06 | 52.61 23. 13 28. 54 5 &5 || 107. 21 13. 89 36. 30 6.40 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— oer Dintitherts | Darel | typo ! @ iphtheria | Diarrhea! yphoid = Consump- : eee | and croup. diseases, | fever. ' tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. ; | eacereed Garena) Caron wae The city -.----. 181. 63 316. 85 24,27 ¢ 391.75 287. 89 ; 26. 72 District A ..---. 194. 76 318. 53 15. 96 | 248. 39 279. 68 35. 12 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was much above the: average for the native adults. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews, being 5.85 as against 49.06 for the Irish and 23.13. for the Germans per 1,000 of population of this age group. Diphtheria and croup aud childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Rivington street, the East river, and Grand and Willett streets; it: contained 57 acres, 645 dwellings, and a population of 18,220, giving 319.65 persons to the acre, and 28.25 to each dwelling. Nearly one-half of this district, on the east, was made land, reclaimed from the river. The district contained principally stores, tenements, and old dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native Foreign. AREAS. = i \ Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. n Under 5 anaes op, Under 5 Total. years. | : ae Total. | years. Under ; Under 5 Total. years. Total. years. | i | i ss The city......- 31.01 |; 110.37 30.22 | 112.41 |; 31.38 ; 109.63 23.15 | 74.28 District B..-.. 33. 83 : 97. 98 47. 25 135.03! 29.86 | 85. 63 21.78 | 57. 35 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | United States | | oR a al } Uni ates ; | ussia an - intae (white). Treland. Germany. Poland. Hungary. | | { aren ay so ' Under 153 cars ‘Under las years|| Under '15 years Under lisy years] Under his years Y and 15 and | | and 15 and over. years.| over. I or over. years.| over. | = sas 1 i | | ee one. | eink \ The city... a 34.01! ' 15.91 || 50. 87 District B ..... 66. 65 28.01 |; 46.97 | 17.04 28.67 | 6.21 47. 21 8. 45 33. 82 | 35.75) 14.88 25. 62 4.95 39. 66 6.41 19. 67 | 44.28 Lo DEATH RATES PER 100,0C0 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 1 ; ' Diphtheria ' Diarrheal Typhoid ! Consump- 2 gai dc ; andcroup, diseases. . fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. The city....... | 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 26.72 25,21 District B..... | 195.85 | 343, 22 338. 38 318. 98 31. 03 118 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, being slightly higher for the adults of native birth and lower for the children under 5 years of age and for the adults of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 4.95 for the Russian and Polish Jews and 6.41 for the Hungarians as against 33.82 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, whooping. cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 14. This ward was subdivided into two districts; it coutained 102 acres, 899 dwellings, and a population of 28,094, giving 275.43 persons to the acre and 31.25 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by East Houston, Mulberry, and Canal streets and Broadway. Area, 55 acres; number of dwellings, 352; population, 9,181, giving an average of 166.93 persons to the acre and 26.08 persons to each dwelling. This district may be described as a tenement district, that class of buildings predominating, and being crowded with Italians. Some business and manufacturing houses were found near Broadway. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. MEEAS! Both parents ! one or both parents |, native. foreign. | . Under 5 i , Under 5 Total. years; as ae Total. y ars. nder 5 || « nder 5 | Total. years. |! Total. years. | Pescity 2 sc0i02 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 | 112.41 | 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District A ..... 68. 35 182. 18 78. 25 | 227. 82 |. 66. 78 176.03 | 27.17 107. 00 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ! i United States |) | England and (white). : Treland. | Germany. Wales. Italy. AREAS. \ | \ Under |15 years | Under lis years) Un Upder 15 ears | Under {15 years Under [15 years 15 and |' 15 | 15 and 15 | and years.| over. || years. | over. | stars: one er. || years. | over. || years. | over. | | i Alaa aud The city .--.--- 54.01 15.91 |, 50.87) 28.01 |) 46.97 | i 17. 04 50.53 | 20.78 || 76.41 | 12. 27 District A... | 100.28 | 25.53 | 58.46 | 42.93 | 68.57 | 26.92 | 93.50) 17.68 | 95.72 13.62 | ! | \ | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— oe Shuisieds | Biuecient hoid | © | | iphtheria iarrhea phoi ener: andcroup. | diseases. i rer. tion. ; Pneumonia. | Measles. ae | | The city ------- 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 | 287. 89 45. 67 District A ..... 277.19 454. 87 26. 65 508.17 | 501.07 172. 35 ( During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and more than double the city average for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward according to birthplaces of mothers, was high for the Irish, being 42.93 as against 13.62 for the Italians, 17.68 for the English, 25.53 for the Americans, and 26.92 for the Germans. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY District B.—Bounded by East Houston street, the Bowery, and Canal and Mulberry streets. Area, 47 acres, containing 547 dwellings with a population of 18,913, giving an average of 402.40 persons to the acre and 34.58 persons to each dwelling. The same general characteristics as to buildiugs and population existed in this district as in district A. NEW YORK CI'TY AND BROOKLYN. 119 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. | BEBAS) Both parents | One or both parents | native. | foreign. i Under 5 Under 5 Total. years. Ga | fa Total. years. nder 5 |! nder 5 : ‘ Total. years. Total years i | ! a The city ....... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 |' 31.38 | 109. 63 | 23.15 i 74. 28 District B...... 58. 75 160. 70 58. 41 192. 93 | 58. 83 | 155. 49 i 25.91 j 120. 75 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States rs Russia and | (white). Ireland. Germany. Poland. Italy. AREAS. Under lis years; Under 15 years oe ly ears) Under 15 years'| Under |15 years 15 | and | and and and 15 an years. | over. sas. over. cone over. | seek over. |! years. | over. i ! li | ! | ' ‘ { The city....... 54.01 15.91 | 50.87 | 28.01 ' 46.97 | 17.04 28.67 | 6.21 | 76. 41 | 12. 27 District B -.... 88. 47 19. 32 | 62.22 | 44.84 |) 60.06 26.12 53.68 | 6.85 | 80. 91 9. 62 | ! : \ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ‘i ; a | et owas ee iphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid | ‘onsump- z and croup. | -diseases. fever. i tion. Fneumonia..| Measles, = The city ....... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 | 987.89 ! 45.67 | District B ..... 235. 48 412.31 26.74 | 502. 88 | 420. 07 ea 175. 97 ! During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for the native under 5 yearsof age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 6.85 for the Russian and Polish Jews as against 19.32 for the Americans, 26.12 for the Germans, and 44.84 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 15. This ward was subdivided into four districts, containing 229 acres, of which 10 acres were included in parks, 1,876 dwellings, and 25,399 population. Excluding the park area the average density was 115.98 persons to the acre, with 13.54 to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Fourth, Wooster, West Houston, Hancock, Bleecker, and Carmiue streets and Sixth avenue. Area, 37 acres; population, 9,671; number of persons to each acre, 261.38. This was a large tenement district and contained about equal numbers of Italians, French, and negroes crowded together. Many stables of a very poor class were found. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | | | | | 1 | } Native. | Foreign. or : “hi AREAS. Both parents One or both parents | i native. foreign. h . Under 5 |! Under 5 Total. years. ics Sa a | Total. years. | ion, Under 5 Under 5 ; \ i Total. | “years. Total. Sonics Pete ee i een l pe ie 2 ees | ae a A ae Thecity ..-.... | 31.01 110. 37 | 30, 22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 | District A ..... 47.83 153. 59 i 53. 34 200.58 | 44.56 \ 140. 78 22.02 88.89 | i i) 120 VITAL STATISTICS SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | feeote, See United States | . Ireland. | Germany. France. Italy. AREAS. (white). I [ Under |15 years | Under 15 years!| Under 15 years!| Under |15 ee Under i15 years 15 and and I and 15 |. and ; and years. | over. eee over. a over. || years. | over. scone | over. i ! { Br Sem ra i | 1 The city .....-. 54. 01 15. 91 50. 87 | 28.01 || 46.97 | 17.04 47.01 17. 86 | 76.41 12.27 | District A -.-.. 94.15 | 38.41 || 59.22 42.11!) 59.16 | 26.21 | 52.70 | 15.41 52.70 8,66! ii ' DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | en Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ;, | Malarial and croup. ' diseases. tever. tion. Pneumonia. ; fever. ¥ | | The city ...---. 181.63 | 316. 85 | 24. 27 391. 75 287. 89 | 24.62 District A -.... 117.51 367. 01 27. 36 523.15 310.67) | 25. 75 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average, and was especially so for the native whites. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.66 for the Italians and 15.41 for the French as against 38.41 for the Americans and 42.11 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by East and West Fourth streets, the Bowery, and East and West Houston and Wooster streets. Area, 48 acres, containing 315 dwellings, with a population of4,759, giving a density of 99.15 persons to an acre and 15.11 persons to each dwelling. This was largely a business and manufacturing district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. AREAS. Both parents | One oF both parents native. | foreign. Under 5 fates, asian sl|t Sahoo Underi Total. vesTa: bie sl 2 | Total. years. ! Under 5 nder5 : Total. years. ' Total. years. | | | | 1 5 : Sen eey te The city.....-. 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 i 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District B..... 44.49 | 175.57 38.52 | 366.67 | 47.75 150.86 | 28.85 | 111.11 | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | | United States 2 | ele (white). Ireland. Germany. France. Italy. Under |15 years|| Under }15 years|| Under )15 years Vaden 15 years|| Under i15 years 15 and 15 and 15 | and 1 years. | over. || years. | over. || years. oon am over, || years. | over. | The city 54.01 15. 91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 17.04 || 47.01 17. 86 76.41 12. 27 District B .. 96. 52 25.39 51.36 | 37.59 49.38 | 22.89 | 106. 84 50. 56 75.07 12. 67 I DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS, ‘fi tee weekly be hee ee Pe ' Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- 3 Scarlet ; and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. fover. ee | The city -..---- 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 ° 287. 89 52.19 District B....- 228.98 | 320. 58 29. 44 1 529. 93 327.12 | 58. 88 ! | ! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 12L During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for thenative whites and for native children under 5 years of age of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward. according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.67 among the Italians as against 50.56 among the French and 37.59 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by West Fourteenth and Wooster streets, University place, West Fourth street, and Sixth avenue. Area, 81 acres, of which 10 acres were included in parks; population, 7,031, in 663 dwellings. Excluding the park area there was an average of 99.73 persons to the acre and 10.68 persons to each dwelling. Business houses and residences were found in about equal numbers. Between University place and Broadway may be classed as a business section. West of University place was formerly a fine residence section and many fine dwellings occupied by old families are still found. There were many large hotels and boarding houses in the. district. Some stables of the worst kind were in the alleys of this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. | Nacaeenavees cata al Both parents | One or both parents ' | native. | foreign. | ! Under 5 | 3 . ; Under 5 Total. | years. i | Ree Total. | ‘years. nder 5 |; nder 5 Total. years. | Total. | years. | | | | | | ! The city....-.. 31.01 | 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District C ...-. 23. 23 112. 72 20. 62 90. 70 27. 41 128.98 |! 20.47 | 83. 33 i ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Ireland G a England and FE (white). relands ermany. | Wales. Trance. AREAS. ‘ | pS plea ren ue doers | a Th, G2, aad pete a A Under ‘15 years " Under {15 years|| Under |15 years/| Under ‘15 years| Under 15 years 15 | and | 15 and 15 and || 15 ‘ and | 15 an years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. | years. ' over. 1 \ [eee h foo po ‘ Raa | The city......-. 54. 01 | 15.91 |! 50. 87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 |} 50.53 | 20.78 | 47.01 | 17. 86 District C ..... 45.65 | 17.91 | 46. 24 | 18. 43 54.90 | 22.01 | 31. 65 | 23.81 || 32.26 | 19. 42 i i ff inte paeaull DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. G Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- | Cancer and |Heart disease and croup. Ciseases. ever. tion. tumor. and dropsy. The city ...-.-- 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391. 75 GO. 55 138. 24 District C ..... 92. 34 134, 11 17.59 290. 20 76.95 175. 88 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average for the adults, and slightly above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the English, being 23.81 as against 19.42 for the French and 17.91 for the Americans. Cancer and tumor and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIsTRicT D.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, the Bowery, East Fourth and Wooster streets, and University place. Area, 63 acres; population, 3,888, giving an average of 61.71 persons to each acre. This may be described as a business district, containing a number of hotels. 122 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ren Both parents | One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 |; Under 5 Total: years. |i aang | i Gaiters Total. years. nder 5° ! under 5 Total. years Total. | years. 1 ; : | | The city .....-- 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 | 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District D ..-.. 28.71 169. 40 27.17 123. 56 | 31. 29 | 210, 94 27.14 277.78 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | f land and United States || | England an abi | Ireland. Germany. |i France. AREAS. Kwhnite). 4) ! ‘Wales. : ] = { | Under |15 years;! Under |15 years!| Under |15 jos Under |15 years|| Under his years 15 and j}; 15 and 15 and | 15 and |} 15 | an years. | over. || years.) over. || years. | over. || years.| over. | years. | over. 1 1 Thecity -.-...- 54.01 | 15.91 |; 50.87] 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 | 50.53 | 20.78 47.01 | 17. 86 District D..... 47.95 | 21.95 || 46.30 21.91 |; 78.13 20.40 | 138.89; 32.30 |] 90.91 | 17.41 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— a Diphtheria | Diarked | Typheid | ¢ lc d iphtheria iarrheal ‘yphoi sons p- : ‘ancer an and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. Pneumonia. | tumor. Bich coer, oes | ' 1 ‘The city -.--... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 ' 60. 55 ! District D..--. 48.05 164.18 44.05 372. 42 230.31 88. 10 ! i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average, and considerably above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to ‘birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the English, being 32.30 as against 21.91 for the Irish, 21.95 for the Americans, and 17.41 for the French. Typhoid fever, cancer and. tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 16. This ward was subdivided into four districts, and contained 332 acres, 3,236 dwellings, and a population of 49,134, giving an average density of 147.99 persons to the acre and 15.18 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Twentieth street, Ninth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 66 acres, with 346 dwellings and a population of 8,001, giving 121.23 persons to the acre and 23.12 persons to each dwelling. The original shore line in this district followed about the course of Tenth avenue, and all that portion of the district east of Tenth avenue, amounting to more than one-half, was made land. Tenements predominated, and the district contained several gas houses and breweries. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i Native. Foreign. Both parents ! One or. both parents | AREAS. | native. foreign. | Under 5 gat aes i Total. years. | sa i ee years. nderid | nder 5 Total. years. | Total. years. Total. | Under 5 i | | 1 pees sl ey ' i 1 31.01 | 110.37 30. 22 112. 41 | 117.61 33.33 | 109.14 | The city .. District A 31.38 109, 63 23.15 74,28 32.10 © 121.76 | 34.06 | 89.74 | A NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. 123 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States |! England and 4 aa ; Ireland. Germany. Scotland. AREAS. (white). ‘ Vales. g a i Under |15 saul ee 15 years|| Under !15 years Ong 15 years!) Under 15 a 15 and lea and 15 and and | years. | over. gauss over. |i years.| over. ou over. | ye eens ore a i { { eee see The city -...... 54.01} 15.91 | 50. 87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 43.71 i 21.91 District A ..... 50. 98 16.70 || 55.38 | 29.92 54. 61 16. 24 59.14 17. 66 25.89 | 33.13 i : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— are Diphtheria | Diarrhea! | Typhoid | C | Malari 1 iphtheria iarrhea, ‘yphoi onsump- a alaria and croup. diseasas. fever. ‘ tion. | Pneumonia. fever. | sere / { The city ..-..-- 181. 63 | 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 \ 24,62 | District A.... 227.08 | 347. 78 36. 82 417.33 | 306. 86 38.87 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average, the excess occurring chiefly among the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the Scotch, being 33.13 as against 29.92 among the Irish, 17.66 among the English, 16.70 among the Americans, and 16.24 among the Germaus. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, aud whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. avenue. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by West Twentieth street, Sixth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and Ninth Area, 91 acres; population, 16,594; average density, 182.35 persons to the acre. tenements existed in about equal numbers in this. district. boarding houses, and one large brewery in this district. Dwellings, stores, and There were a number of fine dry goods stores, many The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS: | Both parents f One or both parents i. native. ; foreign. Under 5 |! i Under 5 Total. years. || ; aa i a Total. years. | nder 5! nder 5 | Total. years. 4 Total. years. ipeoecht eat fenced aes sage) | The city .....-. 31.01 110. 37 | 30. 22 112.41 j) 31.38 109. 63 23.15 | 74, 28 District B..... 27.86 | 116.41 | 2863 | 193.97 | 7.92 | i202 || s4s4 | 144.03 : ii Ne SAS ne DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States, | " ‘ England and | Wiehe (white). Ireland. ! Germany. Vales i France. oe =e ij. 1 | ! | I Under /15 years Wades 115 9 sears Under 15 years)| Under |15 years iy Under 15 years! 15 | and "a "45 and 15 and | and years. | over. cea. ' je | years. over. || years. | over. j | years, oP over. ele dee ay Bee The city......- 54.01} 15.91 |) 50.87 | 28.01 |) 46.97 | 17.04 |] 50.53 | 20.78 | 47.01 | 17.86 | District B ..-.. 57.82 | 17.27 | 47. 21 32.91 59. 74 19. 33 49. 02 | 26.91 | 45. 98 | 20. 45 » i | : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— j AREAS. : ' | | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid {| Consump- ., | Malarial | and croup. | diseases. fever. i tion. Pneumonia. | fever. : | 2 io ; i | The city ......- ; 181. 63 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 | 287.89 | 24.62 | District B ..... 157. 82 243.63 | 18.74 434.99 | 278. 16 35.51 124 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. It was above it for the native and considerably above it for the foreign, both adults and children. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the Irish, being 32.91 as against 20.45 among the French, 19.33 among the Germans, and 17.27 among the Americans. Malarial fever, consumption, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by West Twenty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Twentieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 82 acres; population, 6,834, giving 83.34 persons to the acre. West of Tenth avenue was all made land, reclaimed from the Hudson river. The houses in this portion were mostly tenements. The district contained also small dwellings and stores, with one car stable near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: T DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. <== - 2 AREAS. | | Both parents One or both parents | native. {| foreign. | Suave Underd Wns Stee “Totaly * ens er Total. years. |} | ae it ; aes | ; years. nder 5 ndler 5 | ! Total. | years. fotal: | years. The city....... 31.01 110.37 | 30. 22 | 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District C ..... 28.91 115. 68 25, 96 | 110. 84 31. 28 | 118. 40 30. 67 10. 42 pace giana ae oe DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MO!1HERS WERE BORN IN— | 1 United States England and | : Ireland. Germany. Scotland. AREAS: (white). Wales. seal Poy | ! : rie Under lis years|| Under |15 years|| Under /15 years Under 45 pean 5| Under j15 Years 15 and 15; and || 15 and ; 15 years. | over. |] years. | over. | Years. | over. | esas: one a || years. bo be er. | a The city ....... 54.01 | 15. 91 50. 87 | 28.01 46. 97 17. 04 50. 53 20. 78 43. 71 | 21.91 District C ..... 55. 71 | 17,94 48. 85 | 30. 63 50.51 18. 57 46.88 | 24.38 50. 00 | 23, 23 oe | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— cee Diphth Diarrheal | Typhoid | C Mal: iphtheria jarrheal phoi onsump- . alarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. The city ....... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 24. 62 District C ..... 124. 54 268. 24 26. 34 399. 96 277. 82 26. 34 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. It was very low for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 30.63 for the Irish as against 24.38 for the English, 18.57 for the Germans, and 17.94 for the Americans. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANIvagxy DISTRICT D.—Bounded by West Twenty-sixth street, Sixth avenue, West Twentieth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 93 acres; 1,328 dwellings; population, 17,705, the average number of persons to the acre being 190.38. In this district were some of the largest and finest dry goods stores. Dwellings and apartment houses existed in about equal numbers. One brewery and some houses of ill fame were in this district. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 125 The death rates in this district, as compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULA1ION. Native. : Foreign. EAS: | Both parents One or both parents * \ native. oreign. si ; Under 5 1 Under 5 Total. years. ae l a Total. years. nder | Under Total. years. cE Total. | years. | = The city ....... 31.01 | 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74.28 District D ..... 20.21 | 89.57 20. 47 91. 37 19. 98 88. 42, 19. 82 136, 36 i i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States 2 England and ee. (white). Ireland. Germany. Vales. France. | Under lis years Under 15 years Under ls years Under 15 years Under 15 yeare 15 |; an 1 an ani ani ani years. over. || years. | over. }) years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. test | i The city ....... | 54.01 15. 91 50.87 | 28.01 46. 97 | 17. 04 50. 53 20.78 47.01 17. 86 District D .-..-. | 42 81, 14.43 39.52 | 20.98 35. 43 11. 89 31.75 | 16.77 67.77 | 18.52 : l DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— < AREAS. eeiaeak | | i i Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- | Cancer and | and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. | Poeumonia. | tumor. : zl | ‘ | | The city ...-... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 | 287.89 | 60. 55 y | I District D ...-.. 96.15 146. 99 17.57 | 295. 84 | 194.14 | 87. 49 | I ! t During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, and especially so for the native white. It was above the average for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 20.98 among the Irish as against 11.89 among the Germans. Cancer and tumor caused inore than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 17. This ward was subdivided into six districts, and contained 290 acres and 3,689 dwellings, with a total population of 103,158. There were 10 acres of parks in this ward, excluding which the population density was 368.42 persons to the acre and 27.96 persons to each dwelling. This ward contained a very large proportion of German population. SANITARY DISTRICY A.—Bounded by East Fourth street, First avenue, Allen and Rivington streets, and the Bowery. Area, 51 acres; population, 17,778, giving 348.59 persons to the acre. This district contained tenements and small dwellings in about equal numbers, with a predominating proportion of German population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. Angas. | i im | Both parents |; One or both parents ‘ i native. ! foreign. ave) | Underd iy Bs cacee oul [aie Under 5 | | Total. | ‘\ears. ee i aon Total | years. { nder 5 uder 5 | | Lotal. < years. | Total. | years. |---— = i ee = = 3 i i = os al | : The city....-.. | 31,01 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 | 31.38 109. 63 23.15 i TA. 28 _ District A..... , 33.31 112. 72 40. 03 119. 40 | 31.78 111. 03 21.06 56. 86 ' | | ; 126 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | i | . Russia and i Other foreign © AREAS. (white). | Ireland. | Germany. Poland. ‘| countries. Under lis years: Under j15 years Under 15 years|| Under '15 years|| Under lis saga 15 and j 15 and and 15 and 15 and a years. | over. | years. | over. sens over. || years. | over. || years.| over. i ' The city.-...-. 54.01 15.91 50. 87 28. 01 46. 97 17. 04 28. 67 6.21 40. 68 13.00 ‘ District A..... 66.24 | 17.87 69.87 | 34.02 55.08 | 17.08 20. 33 4.98 42.36 | 12.80 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 1 é ce dca : Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid onsump- : ea isease | and croup. dieases. | fever. tion. Pneumonia. [ang dropsy. een | The city....... 181. 63 | 316, 85 24.27 391.75 287.89 138. 24 District A .. 170.73 | 302, 28 22. 39 365. 73 270. 56 159. 54 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average for the foreign and a little above it for the native, but highest among the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was only 4.98 among the Russian and Polish Jews as against 34.02 among the Irish and 17.87 among the Americans. Heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICYr B.—Bounded by East Fourth and Clinton streets, Avenue B, Rivington and Allen streets, and First avenue. Area, 54 acres; population, 30,100, making an average of 557.41 persons to the acre. Tenements and small dwellings existed in about equal numbers, with a German population predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: : | | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i * ran nena eA = an eee i Native. | Foreign. i Ze [es Se ses hd i i | | AREAS. Both parents f One or both parents i i | native. foreign. { lop Underi5 |}; are Bae ee nS Under 5 Total. years. sti = Total. years nder 5 nder 5 | | Total \ years. Total. years. | : d: = beiaal ' The CATS Seca 21.01 110. $7 30, 22 112, 41 31.38 109. 63 ‘ 23.15 74. 28 District B ._... 34. 96 95. 77 48.73 | 117.32 33. 05 92.18 ( 18. 95 45.61 i ! : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | : United States | Gentine | Russia and H ded ! Other foreign imine i (whitey || yo, Poland. | ungary. | countries. AREAS. | HI \ | i \ = | : Under lis years Under, 15 years| Under |15 years) Under '15 years|i Under ji5 years ' 15 and | and 15 and | 15 ; and I and | years. | over. | years. | over. | years. | over. || years. over. | years. | over. ‘ I : : ! Ses ee. == ra ! i i | i os) i : i The city....--- | 54.01} 15.91! 46.97! 37.04 | 2867] G21) 4721. 45 | 40.68 | 13.00 District B ....-. | 62. 20 17.19 | 51.71 22. 03 ‘| 18. 09 2.54 || 38.95 7.35 35.44 1 8.24 Shatde Petes kacieoll Baie soe “ : i . | ; DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— nae Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | © q Diphtheria jarrhea Yphoi onsump- | Scarlet ane and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. | fever. Childbirth. ' ass eo aes | yee eS | | The city....--- | 181. 63 316, 85 24.27 391, 75 52.19 26.72, District B -.... | 164. 76 340. 54 30. 86 338, 89 61.17 29. 20 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but considerably above it for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 2.54 among the Russian and Polish Jews and 7.35 among the Hungarians as against 22.03 among the Germans and 17.19 ainong the Americans. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 127 Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, and childbirth caused more than the average pooportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by East Ninth street, First avenue, East. Fourth street, and the Bowery. Area, 43 acres, with 515 dwellings, containing 11,772 persons, giving an average of 273.77 persons: te the acre and 22.86 persons to each dwelling. The characteristics of this district as to buildings and population were similar to those im the preceding. district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS: Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Total, | Under 5 Under 5.|' oF years. Gia Fa Total. years. nder 5 5, ‘ nder Total. years. | Total. years. The city.....-. 31,01 110. 37 30, 22 | 112. 41 31.38 1 109, 63 23.15 74. 28 District C ..... 23. 25 94.43 30. 12 | 90. 04 21.55 | 96. 12 | 21..09' 33. 33 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— be | | ' United States | ;| England and |, Other foreign (white). Ireland. Germany. | Wales. | countries. AREAS. | | i 1 ; j Uader 15 years | eager 15 years| Under /15 years Under 15 years|| Under /15 years, | and || 15 and and 15; | and | eau: | ne his over. || years. | over. ce, over. || years. | over. | ets The city.....-- 54.01 15. 91 | 50.87 | 28.01 d 46.97 17. 04 i 50. 53 20. 78: 40.68 | 13.00 District U -.... 46.47 | 12.18 4 51.7: 27.55 | 41.08 14.88 |; 66. 67 18. 69 53.99 | 20,22 ' { | ' DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | AREAS. ; F Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consunip- a awe 1 _ and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. | | The city....... | 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 287, 89 26.72" District C ..-.. 139. 49 202. 89 33. 82 322. 65 197. 26 36. 63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city avenage both among the children and the adults. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to. birthplaces of mothers, was 12.18 among the Americans as against 14.88 among the Germans.and 27.55 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRIcr D.—Bounded by East Ninth street, Avenue B, East Fourth street, and First avenue. Area, 41 acres, of which 6 acres were in parks; population, 15,651, excluding the park area, giving 447.17 persons; to the acre. The characteristics of the population and dwellings were the same in this district as in the preceding.. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city,. were as follows:. | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS» i Both parents | One or both parents | ; native. ee | | Under s po sites! wedgadvanecinece He Under 5 Total. years. | cia es | ay "| Total. | years. | ; nder nder ! d Total. | years. Total. | years. | “j (oases aon Wega 2a | The city....... ; stor | 10.37 30.22 | az41 fi 31.38: 109.63 | 93.15 | 74.28 | District D ..... | 96.29 © oa. 4 | 93.65 | 74.93 |) 25.30 | 99.92 20.12 | 123,46 \ I | 128 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States . ‘ Other forei (white). Ireland. Germany. | Bohemia. countri sae AREAS. \ Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 wal Under sor 1s years|| Under |15 years 15 and 15 | and 15 aud ‘ 15: and | 15 | an years. | over. || years. over. |] years. | over. . years. | over. |: years. | over. 5 | Wee | | The city....-.- 54.01 | 15.91 || 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97, 17.04 || 82.57 | 20.31 || 40.68 | 13.00 District D..... 47.31 | 9.05 || 103.77 | 49,21 || 44.33 | 14.27 | 135.74 | 49.75 | 25.13 | 12.85 i : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. enn ges “é iA ‘ as Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ; : scarle croup. diseases. fever, tion. | Pneumonia. fever. The city......- 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 i 287.89 | 52.19 District D ..... 173. 80 246. 92 24. 37 314. 75 | 201.35 | 57. 23 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 9.05 among the Americans as against 49.75 among the Bohemians and 49,2 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT E.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, First avenue, East Ninth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 59 acres; population, 10,947, being 185.54 persons to the acre. The principal characteristics of this district were similar to those in the preceding districts of this ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, Native. Foreign. AREAS | Both parents One or both parents I native. foreign. r Unders ; n Under5 Total. years. || ae md Total. years. ; Under 5 | Under 5 | Total | years. Total. | years. |. | on Bee | | The city. ...-.- 31.01 110.37 | 30. 22 112.41 > 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 i , f District E ...-- 27.57 125. 90 | 25. 43 | 114. 33 28.48 | 130.01 27. 38 79.17 1 I ' | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN-— | - ‘ United States “ ' England and | ‘ (white). Ireland. Germany. | Wales. Italy. AREAS. | Under 15 years'| Under 15 years|! Under 15 years | Under lis years gader 15 xe eats and 15 and 15; and ' 15 | and ies over. || years. over. || years. over. |! years. ; over. || ee aoe Lee net mr : a Sexes: Bitatcg dsetne oe ||| | ie ON The city. .-.-.- 54.01 15. 91 50. 87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17,04) 50.53 iy 20.78 | 76.41 12.27 District E ..... 56.27 | 13.90 j) 44.16 | 28.87 || 59.81 | 17.80 94.59 | 21,24 j, 17.37 11. 06 ! ! | i i! \ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheri | Diarrheal | Typhoid | ¢ ie ieee iphtheria jarrhea yphoid ‘onsump- A saaas and croup. | diseases. i fever. tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. — ins | pe ere etl ee The city ....-.- 181. 62 316. 85 | 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 26. 72 District E....- 166. 65 222. 71 22. 73 387, 84 262. 10 | 37. 88 1 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but somewhat above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11,06 among the Italians as against 13.90 among the Americans and 28.87 among the Irish. Cancer and tumor and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths, NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. . 129 SANITARY DISTRICT F.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, Avenue B, East Ninth street, and First avenue. Area, 42 acres, with 474 dwellings and a population of 16,910. There were 4 acres of parking in this district, excluding which the population density was 445.00 persons to the acre. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of the preceding. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. — ence Both parents | One or both parents | | native. | foreign. | a y Under 5 : n nder 5 Total. years. =| Total. | years Under 5 } | Under 5 , Total. years. | Total. years. ' ; jl | i. Sees The city....-.- 31.01 110. 37 30, 22 112.41 I 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District F ..... 33. 40 112. 91 | 42.56 104. 88 31. 66 | 115. 68 | 26. 01 | 88.71 1 ko a DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | - S Other foreign AREAS. (white). Treland: : Germany Italy. countries. a ee wees Z Under [15 years|' Under 15 years|' Under las years|| Under lis years | Under |15 years and |, 15 | and 15 |; and 15 =, and 15 and years. | over. | years. | over. |, years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. i ! ae = ae pees The city....... 54.01 | 15.91 |, 50.87 | 28.01 |) 46.97 { 17.04 |) 76.41 | 12.27 |) 40.68] 13.00 District F ..... 61.34: 13.72 | 53.10] 34.99 48.63 | 17.33 28.95 | 14.65 74.30 | 20.14 - ; ; DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. : Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- mi andcroup. ; diseases. fever. | tion. Fneamonia. | Measles. ae ao sacar ft Peapod re 1 | The city....-.. 181.63 316. 85 24.27 | 391. 75 287. 89 | 45.67 District F ..... 190,29 |! 367. 2 18.64 5 436.48 | 324. 66 | 47. 08 : i ! | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.65 among the Italians as against 34.99 among the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 18. This ward was subdivided into five districts, containing 431 acres, 63,270 population, and 3,373 dwellings. The average number of persous to the acre, exclusive of 20 acres of park area, was 153.94, and the number of persons to each dwelling was 18.76. The New York, Post Graduate, and Willard Parker hospitals were in this ward. SANITARY DISTRICr A.—Bounded by East and West Twentieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fourteenth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 66 acres, with about 7 acres of park; population, 3,864; number of persons to each acre, exclusive of the park area, 63.49. This was largely a business district, containing some fine residences and hotels and many large boarding houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. ; Foreign. i AREAS te og ‘| cea ae ; " Both parents One or both pareuts ° \ 1! native. foreign. I; i it Det acoder: ee : hes » Under 5 | Total. years. | ba a || Total. | years. t i ae * Under 5 5 nder 5 | | | Total. ; years. Total. years. coccons Inks --[--—— I peat | a, otha anil atint, ce ad : i The city.-...-- | 31.01 110.37 "30.22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 ‘\ 23.15 | 74.28 | ! i 17.49 | 666.67 | District A....- 94.95 133, 66 18. 41 65.36 | 39.81 ' 203.33 938——9 130 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. | \ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ' t | United States England and | : ' Ireland. Germany. France. AREAS. (white). i Svales. | ! ere, ! : : Under |15 years'| Under (15 years ee 15 years|! Under |15 years]: Under |15 years|' | 45 and | 15 and and 15 and 15 and, ; years. | over. years. | over. waar over. || years. | over. || years. | over. The city.-...-. 54.01 15.91 || 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 17. 04 50.53 | 20.78 47.01 17. 86 District A..... 42.71 | 18. 88 | 64.10 | 18.48 || 71.43 | 24.07 |) 100,00 | 15.78 |) 18.52) 19.35 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. j | : é : Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | Cancer and ean and croup. ! diseases. ever. tion. tumor. organs. | The city.-.---- 181. 63 316. 85 | 24. 27 391.75 | 60. 55 | 173. 72 District A..... 63. 71 | 84. 95 25. 48 293.07 | 89.70 254. 84 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but above it for the children under 5 years of age, especially for those of foreign birth, among whom it was 666.67 per 1,000 of population. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.78 among the English as against 24.07 among the Germans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. i“ SANITARY DISTRIcT B.—Bounded by East Twentieth street, First avenue, East Fourteenth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 83 acres; population, 11,089. There were 5 acres of parking, excluding which the average number of persons to the acre was 142.17. That portion of this district between Fourth and Second avenues was occupied by a fine class of residences. East of Second avenue the buildings were mostly tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows:. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. ! Foreign. pe ge Se ee yer tA hae AREAS: ' Both | arents One or both parents ! : native. foreign. | . Under 5 Under 5 Total. ‘years. Total, years. ; Under 5 » Under 5 Total. Sears: Total. | ears. | 1 : The city .....-. 31.01 i 110.37 30. 22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 | TA. 28 District B ..... 25. 07 | 133. 45 26.17 129, 97 24. 26 135, 50 22.79 133. 33 , ah | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN 1X— United States Irelaiid G England and ! Otlier foreign |, reland. any. aoe AREAS. (white). « me a SEs Vales.. countries. Sa Se ee ' : Under !15 years'| Under 15'yearal Under 15 years Under ly eal Under lis years 1 | and 15 and an and | 15} and years. | over. || years. | over. | soars, over. sen over. years. | over. eee el asf a, ieee = eee The city....-.- 54.01 | 15. 91 50. 87 28.01 || 46.97 17. 04 50. 53 | 20.78 40.68 - 13.00 District B °.... 60. 51 | 17.3% 56.39 | 23.00 | 43.34] 13.86 61. 83 | 17.33 55.56 | 17.19 ‘ ( ' DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. i J | Pom etat thee. ! ! Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Malarial | Cancer and | and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. | fever. | — tumor, | Saag wet all: eee a a sesh nee eo re rt pe Sa The city.......! 181. 63 316. 85, 24.27 391.75 24.62 | 60.55. | District B ..... 108, 033 170.19 | 19. 24 313.74 | 31.08 | 76.95 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 131 During ths 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for the adults and above it for the children under 5 years of age, both for the native and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.86 among the Germans as against 17.37 among the Americans and 23.00 among the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by East Twenty-sixth street, the East river, East Fourteenth street, and First avenue. Area 129 acres, containing 701 dwellings and a population of 24,445, giving an average of 189.50 persons to the acre and 34.87 persons to each dwelling. This district consisted almost entirely of land reclaimed from the river, there being but a small corner in the southeastern part within the original shore line. At Seventeenth street the shore line was more than 3 blocks beyond its original location. The tenement class of buildings predominated. Some large gas houses were located near the river. : The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ! Native. | Foreign. | AREAS: Both parents One or both parents ! native. toreign. | Under5 || ec? ! Under 5 Total. years. a i Total. years. 7 Under 5 Under 5 | Total years. Total. | years. | i | = | The city..-.--.. 31.01 110. 37 30.22 | 112.41 31.38 109.63 | 23.15 74. 28 District C ....-. 38. 88 134. 86 54.40 | 147. 73 36. 07 | 131. 08 | 32.58 87.30 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | | \ United States | | England and || Other foreign (white). Ce | eS a Wales. countries. AREAS. i , {errs } Tuder |15 years, Under 15 years! Under |15 years’ Under |15 years}! Under |15 years 15 and || 15 and 15 | and | and 15 and years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. |] years. | over. |} years. | over. ——— i——j-_| | The city......-. 54. OL 15.91 50.87 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 i 50. 53 20. 78 40.68 | 13.00 District C ..-.. 64.92 15. 62 | 55. 60 ' 34. 86 50.51 18. 36 63, 90 | 26. 26 | 49, 52 | 15. 66 : ! | 1 — | DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— | AREAS. as ‘ 7 ena ze a i Diphtheria | iarrhea: 'yphoid ‘onsump- ! : , and croup. | diseases. fever. | tion. | Pneumonia. | Measles. | ao | (white). | Ireland. | Germany. Vales, j Scandinavia. epee oe a8 ae rs 4 me Sinai aap ane I Bs eS | Under 15 venta! Under Gaara Under |15 years| Undon isasontel Under lis years 15 aud 1; and i 15 and and || 15 and years, over. years. ji over, iy, FEATS: over. oe over. years. ' over. 1 { sie ——I- se || heaps The dite. cocoss | 64.01 | 15.91 | 50.87, 28.01 | 46.97, 17. OL | 80.53 | “20.78 | $7.98" 13.43 District E 53. 6 | 15.36] 44.49 | 28.99 | 45.241 16.16] 4x02) 16.97 | 63.01 | 21.05 | : ; \ | i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 133 SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 0 | i a a iphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid + Consump- ; : eart disease and croup. diseases. ever. | tion. | Pneumonia. | and dropsy. a ao es Rn ey ie ae = ] The city ..--... 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 ( 391. 75 287.89 | 138. 24 District E ..... 146. 11 249. 37 30.20 | 421.78 238. 65 : 168. 52 i | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but above it for those of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.36 among the Americans, 16.16 among the Germans, and 28.39 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 19. This ward, was subdivided into sixteen districts and contained, including Blackwells island, 1,600 acres, 12,261 dwellings, aud a population of 234,846. That portion of Central park lying south of Highty-sixth street and east of Sixth avenue, containing 145 acres, was included in this ward, also the space known as Reservoir square, covering about 10 acres. Excluding the park area, there was an average of 162.52 persons to the acre and 19.15 persons to each dwelling. This was largely a residential ward, containing many fine dwellings situated, for the greater part, west of Third avenue. East of Third avenue were mostly flats or tenemeuts. There were many hospitals and public institutions in this ward, including the Presbyterian, German, Mount Sinai, Colored Home, Nursery and Child’s, and St. Luke’s hospitals, the Foundling asylum, and the institutions on Blackwells island. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by East and West Fiftieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fortieth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 117 acres; population, 7,275; giving 67.99 persons to the acre, excluding the area of Reservoir square. Fifth avenue in this district contained some fine residences. Almost all of one block, between Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets and Fifth and Sixth avenues, was covered by one Jarge car stable. On the north side of Forty-fourth street and south side of Forty-third street were many smaller stables. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. il Native. j__ Foreign. z 1 | AERASY i Both parents | One or both parents | | native. foreign. | | ’ - Under 5 || Unders Total. yeurs. | se eae || Total. | years. nder 5 nder | | Total. years. Total. | yeara. { Peete rate ip eat se | ! The city. .-...- 31.01 110. 37 | 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 4 District A..... 26. 66 109. 30 24. 61 ' 86. 78 ; BLT | 138. 30 16, 29 i N i { SS | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— i be i ! i i eg || 3 a i ‘ ere | Treland. | Germany. ut Hog land.and | France. AREAS. : | 4 | Say" rnbes || ete oars i ‘Under hs years,| Under 15 years}: Under |15 years} Under |15 years | Under 15 years 15 and | and 5 and 15 and | and ' years. | over. | years. | over. | years. | over. |] years. | over. | years. ; over. i i es | uf seen df 7 i | The city..--.-- 54. 01 15. 91 50. 87 28. 01 i 46. 97 | 17. 04 50.53 20.78 | 47.01. 17.86 District A....- 39. 26 ad 24.22 || 85.07 | 14.98 |, 2-78 | 18.15 53.92 21.38 |] 100. 00 | 12.61 ' i ' i | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO-- 1 ae ee us deetet AREAS. \ i i | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Cancer and Heart disease! , and croup. diseases. fever. i tion. tumor. and dropsy. a ee “ a = Ss ceri tacts, ENE eae ey The city...-..- | 181.63 | 316.85 | 24,27 391.75 60.55 138. 24 District A..... | 98. 01 | 126. 38 i 43.85 | 226. 97 87. 69 | 196. 02 ! | ‘ 134 VITAL STATISTICTS During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, especially for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.61 among the French, 14.98 among the Irish, and 24.22 among the Americans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by East Fiftieth street, Second avenue, East Fortieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 99 acres; population, 19,699; average number of persons to the acre, 198.98. _ This was a residential district and it contained one large car stable and a brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH rates PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS: Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 Under 5 Total. years. ms -|| Total. years. ' Under 5 || Under 5 Total. | years. |; Total. years. a oe The city -...... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112, 41 | 31.38 | 109.63 23.15 74. 28 District B ..... 29. 16 119.75 82.45 | 121.382 |; 27.77 { 119.17 24. 03 86. 81 | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ‘ ! i = United States | |. England and i \ Ireland. Germany. | Italy. AREKS: (white). | | Wal les. : ' Under |15 years!) Under '15 years | Under '15 years Under lis years!' Under |15 years 15 an 15 | and 15 and | and 15 and years. | over. |] years.' over. || years. | over. | wants: over. || years. | over. . { t { Sens} pele ee eee ! | The city...-.-. 54.01 : 15.91 i 50.87 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50. 53 20.78 || 76.41 12. 27 District B..... 53.15 i 19. 35 33.02 22.01 56.34 | 17.68 | f 53.76 | 15.46 i 30.11 14. 08 : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i AREAS. ; Bae 4 Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet / Malarial ' and croup. | diseases. tever. tion. fever. tever. ha Rene Se ae The city ....--.! 181. 63 | 316. 85 | 24.27 391.75 52.19 | 24. 62 District B .....! ae 238.14 | 20. 00 364. 82 58.11 | 31.48 | I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but slightly above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.08 for the Italians, 15.46 for the English, 19.35 for the Americans, and 22.01 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by East Fiftieth street, the East river, East Fortieth street, and Second avenue. Area, 81 acres; number of dwellings, 633; population, 15,550, giving an average of 191.98 persons to the acre and 24.57 persons to each dwelling. This district contained a large slaughterhouse on the river front; also some car stables and gas houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, Native. | Foreign. ro | | | AREAS. ‘ Both parents. | One or both parents | ‘ | native. ye ee foreign. | a | Under5:} _ ena? sind Under 5 Total | years. | = i. ; ar ! Total | years Inder 5 ! Under 5 ; | Total. | years. R Total. _ years. | a The city-...--- | 3101 | 10.37 | 80.22 24L | 3188 109.63 23.15 | 74.28 | District C .... 40. 06 4 1535. 10 31.89 = 147.09 37. 87 132.13 | 29.65 | 145.83 % ‘ I NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. 1 ' DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | England and : Ireland. Germany. France. AREAS. (white). Wales. Under |15 years’ Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years 15 and === s15 and 15 and 1 and and years. | over. years. | over. || years.| over. || years. | over. || years.| over. Se i | : The city.....-. 64. 01 15. 91 i 50. 87 | 28. 01 46.97 17. 04 50.53 | 20.78 47.01 17. 86 District C -.... 63.48 12.79 || 55.69 | 30.84 54,08 | 17.33 81.48 | 25.16 20. 33 13. 73 ! a | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— sisi Diphtt | Diarrheal Scarl iphtheria | Diarrhea Typhoid Consump- : carlet and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. DP’ | Pneumonia. fever. | a The city....... 181. 63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 52.19 District C ....- 302. 88 | 431.99 24.13 441. 64 322. 18 85. 67 135 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, and especially so among the native whites of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.73 for the French, 12.79 for the Americans, and 30.84 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, and whooping » Gip PD, ’ I » Pp 9 ’ cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by East and West Fifty-ninth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fiftieth streets, and Sixth avenue. persons to the acre. This district was almost entirely free from the usual nuisances. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. ! Foreign. SEEAS: Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. . { Under 5 Under 5 Total. years. i aa eaais Total. years. f : nder 5 nder | | Total. years. Total. years. i =| | 4 | The city.....-. 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31.28 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District D ..... 22. 33 106. 97 20. 66 _ 72.30 26. 01 | 179, 49 | 13.51 83. 34 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | England and cam . Treland. Germany. a Scandinavia. AREAS. (white). | Wales. ‘ Under |15 years|| Under /15 years|/ Under |15 years|| Under |15 years Under |15 years 15 and 15 and 15 and 1 and 15 and years. | over. |! years.| over. |) years. | over. years. | over. '| years.| over. ) The city....-.- 54. 01 15.91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17. 04 50.53 | 20.78 57.33 | 13.43 District D..... 35. 22 19. 09 68. 89 9.10 78.70 | 19.74 48.61 | 20.50 | eeete site 1.39 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— - AREAS. | i Hate sk Diphtheria ; Diarrheal , Typhoid Consump- | Malarial Cancer and and croup. diseases. ; tever. tion. i fever. tumor. fhe 2 ee gg al Oe [Set aa eee i 1 The city -.----- 181. 63 | 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 24.62 | 60. 55 District D..... 74. 34 | 104. 63 33. 04 162. 45 33. 04 99.12 Area, 100 acres; population, 6,815, giving an average density of 68.15 136 VITAL STATISTICS. ; During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above It for the children under 5 years of age of foreign parentage. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 1.39 for the Scandinavians, 9.10 for the Irish, and 19.09 for the Americans. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT E.—Bounded by East Fifty-ninth street. Second avenue, East Fiftieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 87 acres; population, 17,179, being an average of 197.46 persons to the acre. There was one large brewery in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i . Native. Foreign. AREAS; Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. | Under 5 ocr tanepew ee Total. | Undersd Total. years. i Ties years. | Underi nder5 | Total. | veare: Total. wears OU) | — - The city......- 31.01 110. 37 30.22 ; 112.41 31. 38 109.63 ‘| 23.15 74. 28 District E..... 30. 03 130. 48 | 32. 23 128.17 || 29.16 131. 36 \ 21. 45 75. 76 i | a DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States || England and Other foreign (white). Treland. Germany. I Vales. countries. AREAS. | | 1 Z| ; Under 115 y ears! Under 15 years|| Under lis y ears' Under j15 years Under {15 years} and || 15 and 15 and | and 16 and wears: over. || years.; over. || years.| over. | sae. over. || years.| over. ie | | | | | The city.-....- 54.01 15.91 ;| 50.87! 28.01 46,97 17.04 :| 50.53 20.78 || 40. 68 13. 00 District E ..... 55.33 | 17.16 | 44.27 ' 22.09 61.18 15.44 | 66.94 19,56 62. 02 cased a 11.05 sieceni ii | | su DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DCE TO— AREAS. i Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Malarial | Cancer and and croup. diseases. ever. tion. fever. tumor. ae ! The city....... 181. 63 316. 85 i 24,27 391.75 24. 62 60. 55 District E ..... 182. 42 271. 99 18. 57 289. 47 25.12 90. 66 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.44 among the Germans, 17.16 among the Americans, and 22.09 among the Irish. Malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIStTRIcr F.—Bounded by East Fifty-ninth street, the East river, East Fiftieth street, and Second avenue. Area, 82 acres; population, 19,834; being an average of 241.88 persons to the acre. This district contained many apartment houses and tenements and one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. [ AREAS: Both parents One oe both parents native. | foreign. Under5 |; ee ple ee Under 5 Total. years. ae ; Saree Total. years 7 nder nder | Totals years. | Total. 5 years. ae The city ..-.--- 31.01 110. 37 30, 22 112. 41 31. 38 | 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 District F ..... 30. 19 107. 82 34.00 107, 26 29. 33 | 107. 96 22, 97 69. 44 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 137 SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States I : | Other foreign ; reland. Germany. | Bohemia. relg AREAS. (white). | | countries. Under hsy years Under 15 years Under 15 see Wager 15 — Under |15 years | 15 | and | and | and 15 an sear, \ ove . ! years. | over. ara over. | fe over. |} years. | over. \ | . : . { tt US The city ..-.--- 54.01 | 15.91 | 50.87 , 28.01 | 46.97] 17.04 | 82.57 20.31 |! 40.68! 13.00 District F ..... 44.36 | 16.03 |! 57.95 28.17 | 45.29} 15.81 | 91.64] 25.67 |} 43.51 | 16.17 | ‘ | | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. j Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet | Childbirth and croup. diseases. Jever. tion. fever. The city ....--- 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391. 75 52.19 26.72 District F ..... 208. 13 321. 66 32.17 327. 24 58. 66 37. 84 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.03 for the Americans, 25.67 for the Bohemians, and 28.17 for the Irish. Scarlet. fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT G.—Bounded by Eighty-sixth street, Fifth avenue, East Seventieth street, Third avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and the line of Sixth avenue continued through Central park to Eighty-sixth street; it contained 279 acres, of which 145 acres were in Central park, 1,087 dwellings, and a population of 11,533. Excluding the park area there was an average of 86.07 persons to the acre and 10.61 persons to each dwelling. The buildings in this district were mostly dwellings of a fine class; there was one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 1 Native. ' Foreign. ; | een | Both parents One or_both parents | { native. foreign. | " Under 5 i Under 5 Total. years. ae eae Total. years. nder ‘ nder 5 |: Total. years. Total. years. | The city ......- 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 | 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 1 District G..... 36. 14. | 175. 21 | 30. 65 | 88.78 41.35 358.84 |} 17.22 | 266.67 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States s England and Other foreign Treland. Germany. Boas MRK: (white). Vales. countries. Under |15 au Under 15 years Under {15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years 15 and and 15 and 15 and 15 and years. | over. suave: over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. = | cane Y 1 The city ....-.- 54.01 | 15. 91 59. 87 i 28. 01 46.97 17. 04 50.53 | 20.78 40. 68 13, 00 District G ...-. 35.44; 16.73 53. 60 | 15,40 || 36.43 11. 81 39. 55 17.71 59. 83 14. 78 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ter Diphtl Diarcheal hoid | © | le i iphtheria iarcheal phoi onsum p- Jancer an and croup. diseases. | “ever. | tion. Measles. tumor. i 5 Ike = | The city .------ 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 | 391.75 15. 67 60. 55 District G..-.. 156. 20 | 388. 88 17.90 218. 04 55.32 63. 46 138 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average, but was below it for the foreign. The death rates for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.81 for the Germans, 15.40 for the Irish, and 16.73 for the Americans. Diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRIC’ H.—Bounded by East Seventieth street, First avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Third avenue; it contained 90 acres, 833 dwellings, and a population of 19,117, giving an average of 212.41 persons to the acre and 22.95 persons to each dwelling. This was a residential district, and contained the large car stables of the Third Avenue Railroad Company, covering the entire block between Sixty-fifth and Sixty-sixth streets and Second and Third avenues. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. | AREAS: Both parents , Oneor both parents native. | foreign. Upderssii|< int 8 fo) es he et Under 5 Total. years. a Total. years. Under 5 |; nder 5 Total. | years. Total years. | The city....... 31. 01 110. 37 30. 22 ' 4112. 41 31. 38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District H..... 34. 48 125. 52 35. 21 | 123. 22 34,28 | 126.14 | 24,52 94.77 { i ! ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 1 \ United States ° England and . eras (white). Treland. Germany. Vales. Bohemia. ‘ ' ----~- , -——] —_______ | Under |15 years|| Under |15’years|| Under |15 years|| Under lis years|| Under {15 years| | and 15 and 15 and I 15 | and 15 _ and years. | over. || years.} over. | years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. | The city ..-.... 54. 01 | 15. 91 50.87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 82.57 | 20.31 District H..... 57. 27 | 12. 80 49.35 | 27.58 | 42.77] 12.99 46.41 | 22.01 80.88 | 26.76 to) i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet Malarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. fever. fever. The city.....-. 181. 63 | 316. 85 24,27 391.75 52. 19 24. 62 District H ..... 262.07 | 369. 06 22. 58 357. 28 74. 60 33. 37 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average. ‘The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.80 for the Americans, 26.76 for the Bohemians, and 27.58 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT I_— Bounded by East Seventieth street, the East river, East Fifty-niuth street, and First avenue. Area, 77 acres; dwellings, 185; population, 6,471; persons to the acre, 84.04; persons to each dwelling, 34.98. This district contained some large gas houses on the eastern side near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. : Under 5 Under 5 Total. years. ee Total. years. i nder Under 5 | | Total. | ‘years. || Total. | ‘years. |! ! ica | sae | | The city .....-- 31.01 110. 37 30.22 | 112.41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 ' District I...... 40.31 116.05 39.83 = 126.26 40. 99 114.12 21.74 G5. 48 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT I—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States ; Other foreign Paes: | (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. eountiies: i Under |15 years|| Under hs years! Under }15 years! Under {15 years; Under |15 years) 15 and 15 and | 15 and 15 and and | years. | over. || years. | over. |; years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. | The city. ...-.. 54.01 | 15.91 |} 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97 | 17.04 || 82.57] 20.31] 40.68 | 13.00 | District I...... 64.49 5.45 58.59 | 32.05 || 45.82 i 16.40 || 41.95 | 13.04 | 103.66 | 17.48 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. - j Weeated aaa ie ‘iphtheria - iarrhea phoi omsump- * and croup. diseases. ee. tion. Pneumonia: Measles. The city .....-.. 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75 287. 89 45. 67 District I...... 301. 55 507. 42 | 26.10 365. 34 298. 65 63. 79 139 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.45 for the Americans, 13.04 for the Bohemians, and 32.05 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, and measles caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT K.—Bounded by East Seventy-sixth street, Third avenue, East Seventieth street, and Fifth avenue; it contained 69 acres, 718 dwellings, and a population of 7,275, to the acre and 10.13 persons to each dwelling. This district was all good high ground and contained fine dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. eats Both parents \ Te or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 Under 5 Total. years. ice aaaas Total. years. nder 5 uder | Total. years. Total. years. ! The city ..-.-.. 31. 01 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 | 31.38 109. 63 23.15 TA, 28 District K ..... 15. 37 74. 86 19. 91 58.17 12, 88 | 86. 99 MBAS): | oscisciois ccc DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Ireland. | Germany. Eu jand and | Other foreign “ARBAS: (white). \ ° ales. | countries. a —| -— |: Under syeare Under hs years), Under !15 years]! Pander 15 years ie Ader 15 years 15 and 15 and 15 and ; and |” years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. || week over. baad. | hoe | | | The city ....... 54. 01 15.91 50. 87 28.01 46.97 17. 04 50. 53 ; 20.78 | 40. 68 | 13.00 District K ..... 30. 54 i 12. 82 61.32 | 14. 62 32. 72 8. 89 54. 26 | 15. 69 | 10. 20 | 5. 63 | i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- | . Cancer and aud croup. diseases. ever. tion. | Pneumonia. tumor. The city..--.-- 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391. 75 | 287.89 | 60. 55 District K 92. 85 82.53 15. 48 | 103.17 | 144. 43 | 82. 53 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was only about half the city average. giving an average of 105.43 persons The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.89 for the Germans and 12.82 for the Americans. Cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 140 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT L.—Bounded by Seventy-sixth street, First avenue, East Seventieth street, and Third avenue; it contained 49 acres, 631 dwellings, and a population of 19,978. Number of persons to the acre, 407.71; to each dwelling, 31.66. This district was good, high ground, containing fine dwellings and first-class apartment houses in about equal. numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS, Both parents | One or both parents | native. foreign. ' Under 5 ! Under 5 Total. ; years. l ag ; ae | Total years. nder 5 nder Total. | years. | Total. years. | i -- The city ....... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 | 109. 63 | 23.15 74. 28 District L ..... 36. 45 116. 63 47. 58 139, 67 34. 58 112. 72 20. 70 45, 79 | | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States F | Other foreign AREAS. (white). | Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. | Gaantries: | Under /15 years | Under 15 years Under 15 years,! Under hs years | Under |15 years! 15 | and | a | 15 | and |! 15 and 15 and years. | over. |! wens: eens years.! over. |: years. ' over. |; Years. | over. 4 1 ! The city ....... 54.01 15.91 |, 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97 17.04 || 82.57 20.31 | 40.68 | 13.00 District L ....| 64.55 17.44 |; 52. a6 30. 67 | 46.01 13. 92 | 70. 48 | 12.27 | 35. 23 8.06 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— arene D heal | Typhoid | C Wh iphtheria Diarrhea ‘phoid onsump- ooping Wilde and croup. diseases. (rer. tion. cough. Childbirth, The city ....-.- 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 33.70 26. 72 District L ..-.. 236. 69 389. 78 15.97 358. 79 44.14 32. 87 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was above it for the native. for the Bohemians and 30.67 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT M.—Bounded by East Seventy-sixth street, the East river, East Seventieth street, and First avenue. Area, 52 acres; population, 10,571; average number of persons to the acre, 203.29. This district contained private dwellings and a good class of tenement or apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, aceording to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.27 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 |; das Sec, eed, Under 5 Total. | “Years. |! | ee as Total. years. | nder 5 nder 5 , Total. ' "years. Total venrs. | ; oh are n awed Se | The city ..---.- 31.01 , 110.37 30. 22 ) 112.41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 74, 28 | District M....: 42.74 | 105.78 54.89 135.88 || 41.08 102. 12 15.15 31.91 ! i ! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 141 SANITARY DISTRICT M—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Ireland Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign. (white). ‘ . countries. AREAS. Under {15 sear Under |15 years!! Under |15 years!! Under {15 years|! Under |15 years 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 an and years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. | [eae ‘ The city.......| 54.01} 15.91 |] 50.87] 28.01 | 46.97 | 17.04 |] 82.57 | 20.31 || 40.68] 13.00 District M..... 72.13 | 18.94 48.27 | 32.17 52.29 | 14.75 41.98 5. 89 42. 84 V.77 I oo kegel Mere Mp cll yee ae a | Slee a + DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. \ | . Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet Whooping and croup. diseases. fever. tion. | fever. cough. | 7 The city ....... 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 | 52.19 33. 70 District M..... 278. 69 | 457. 98 14.20 259. 17 | 72.78 40. 83 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average, but was much above it for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.89 for the Bohemians, 13.94 for the Americans, and 32.17 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIsTRIcT N.—Bounded by East Eighty-sixth street, Third avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and Fifth avenue, containing 114 acres, 1,135 dwellings, and a population of 14,421, giving an average of 126.50 persons to the acre and 12.71 persons to each dwelling. This district contained principally fine dwellings. The large car stables of the Fourth Avenue Railroad Company were located just south of Eighty-sixth street on Madison avenue. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. ‘ i Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5; percent Ryeg atetat te SEO Thee 6 Under 5 Total Scare ae eae Total. years. Waves. nder nder || Total. | "years. || Total. | years, ~a--- | The city....... 31.01 110.37 | 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District N..... 16. 41 | 85.05 17. 64 \ 78. 92 15. 61 | 89. 38 | 13. 66 64.10 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | | nited States < England and || Other foreign eae (white). | Treland: Germany. Wales. countries. ‘Under +s yeqes| Under Sibears Under |15 years|} Under lis years Under |15 years and [ dP | and 15 and 15 and 15 and is | over. | ye re over. || years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. SS | |—|—| - The city---.-.- 54. OL 15.91) 50.87 | 28.01 ; 46.97 , 17.04 | 50. 53 | 20. 78 40.68 | 13.00 District N....- 29. 91 | 10. 93 mf 40.16 15.82 | 31.21 | 8.53 | 43.14 | 14.53 | 14. 04 | 8.44 ae posts Xa oe Sesecictse a 1 , . ' od, ald sete = 2 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. © ae sctivart i: “ike i : ' Bde ae = Ne Ciera gan ape _ Diphtheria : iarrhea 'yphoi Consunp- | 2 Malarial and croup. | diseases. | fever. tion. | PReumonia. | “Fever, : | Se ere en Resins Las ReKeS I sei ee tre «heed sie ica a as \ The city ....-.. ! 181. 63 316. 85 | 24, 27 891.75 | 287. 89 i 24. 62 District N..... | 101.49 | 121. 42 26.02 : 191.27 130. 12 | 15. 61 \ \ 142 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, and was especially low for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.53 for the Germans, 10.93 for the Americans, and 15.82 for the Irish. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT O.—Bounded by East Eighty-sixth street, First avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and Third avenue. Area, 84 acres; population, 28,477; average number of persons to the acre, 339.01. In this district private dwellings and a good class of tenement or apartment houses were found in about equal numbers. It also contained some factories. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION... Native. Foreign. AREAS: | Both parents | One or both parents native. | foreign. Under 5 eee Under 5 Total. years. | ea Total. years. Under 5 | nder 5 Total. years. Total: years. { | The city -...-.- 31.01 110. 37 os 22 2 112. 41 | 31.38 | 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District O...... 25. 95 96. 41 79 | 107.34 '! 24.97 92, 80 18. 02 74.71 i | | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | England and Other foreign AREAS. (white). Ireland. || Germany. | Vales. countries. ; Under er [13 years| Vader [15 years|| Under 15 year Under |15 years|| Under |15 years | 15 and — and |! and 15 and 15 and years. over. eeaek over. | ete over. || years. | over. || years. | over. | | - a4 iets i i ‘| | The city....... 54.01! 15.91 | 50.87, 28.01" 46.97) 17.04 50.53 ' 20.78 | 40. 68 13. 00 District O...---. 48. 20 | 12.11 | 54, 20 I 22.290 ' 36.46 11.82 | 48. 15 14.77 | 61.76 | 11.19 | d 4 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i) “Amer Diphtheri | Diarrheal | Typhoid | © | i iphtheria. iarrhea phoi onsump- | . Malarial and croup. | diseases. | poi tion. Pneumonia. fever. |— _—— 1 —- | The city .-..--- 181. 63 | 316. 85 | 24. 27 391.75 | 287. 89 24. 62 District O.----- 197.02 | 253. 68 - | 15. 81 256. 32 | 212. 83 | 17.13 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.11 among the Americans and 22.20 amoung the Irish. Diphtheria and croup caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICr P.—Bounded by East. Eighty-sixth street, the East river, East Seventy-sixth street, and First avenue. Area 100 acres, containing 803 dwellings and a voputation of 23,741, giving an average of 237.41 persons to the acre and 29.57 persons to each dwelling. This district also embraced good, high land. 1t contained mostly tenement houses of a good class, with some factories. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | \ | | Native. | Foreign. t 1 i = AREAS. | Both parents One or both parencs i | i native. fi foreign. \ j tow | Sate ee tee oan ae Under 5 zt . 1 years in | Under5} ay Under 5 | : , | | | Total. years. Total. years. | [—- eer || —-—--- : ——___] ___—__|- sel ee ez cece j The Cn ee | 31.01 | 110.37 |} 30.22 u241 31.38 | 109.63 23.15 74. 28 District P..... 20.31 62.29 || 24.08 65. 26 19.26 | Ghat 13, 29 79. 23 he | wena i hee NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT P—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE-BORN 1IN— ; se at United States | x , iets . iene: (white). | Ireland. Germany. Hungary. Bohemia. Under lis years | Under ins years|} Under |15y ears}! Under |15 years}! Under |15 years| 15 and 15 an 15 and || 15 and 15 and years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. years. | over. || years. | over. ac nee ! oe The city ......- 54.01 | 15.915} 50.87 | 28. 01 46.97 | 17.04 47.21 8.45 82. 57 20. 31 District P ..-.. 34,95 | 10.14 | 39.39 | 18,19 27.79 8.51 12. 94 5. 59 45,87 | 11.85 I DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | ed : Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet . Malarial and croup. diseases. ever. tion. fever. fever. I The city ......- 181. 63 316. 85 | 24.27 391. 75 52.19 24. 62 District P ..-.. 165.19 234.74 23.71 198. 38 53.75 15. 02 143 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, and especially so for the native children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.59 for the Hungarians, 8.51 for the Germans, 10.14 for the Americans, and 18.19 for the Irish. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICL R.—This district included Blackwells island, which contained many of the public institutions of the city, such as prisons, reformatories, insane asylums, and hospitals, and had an area of 120 acres containing 16 dwellings, and a population on June 1, 1890, of 6,910. As far as could be determined from the records kept in the institutions the deaths of adults occurring on Blackwells island were distributed among the districts in the city according to the residences from which the decedents were sent to the island, hence the death rates of this district have no significance except for the children. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. ‘| Both parents One or both parents | native. foreign. Under 5 | Under 5 . Total. years. : pee ee Total. years. i nder o nder | Total. » years. Total. years. 7 1 The city....-.- 31.01 110. 37 | 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74. 28 District R ..... 21.06 | 763.57 | 14. 48 611.11 26. 07 845.24 - 2.54 166. 67 I | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States - England and : ' Ireland. Germany. | 7 Italy. AREAS. (white). ' Wales. 3 ———- ——j- 2 — Under 15 years ‘| Vader 15 years)! Under sy years| Under 15 years'| Under |15 years ; I, and |i 15 nd 15 and || 15 and saat. ae aie: ‘over. | years. | over: years. | over. |: years. | over. | me | hit * een | 5 The city....... 54.01 15.91, 50.87 ° 28.01 |: 46.97 | 17. 04 | 50.53 | 2U.78 . 76.41: 12.27 District R ..... 710. 78 3.21 1250.00! 2.29 1861.11 | 2.57 | 1055. 56 2.70 |,1000. 00 | 2.53 i ‘ = i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ARKAS. | =, 1 Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- ., |Heart disease’ and croup. diseases. | fever. tion, Eroumnonia: and dropsy. The city....--- 181. 63 316.85 | 24. 27 391.75 | 387. 89 138. 24 District R ...-. 2.72 62.45 | oe42 76. 03 | 51.50 13.58 | i 144 VITAL STATISTICS. Of the 431 deaths not assigned to other districts, which were reported from Blackwells island during the 6-year period, 159 were stillbirths and 166 were of infants under 3 months of age. This heavy death rate among the infants was not due to epidemic disease nor to unsanitary conditions of the environment, but mainly to congenital want of vitality, expressed by the terms debility, inanition, etc. The annual report of the board of health for the year ending December 31, 1890, shows 1,279 deaths as having occurred in institutions in this district during that period, giving a death rate of 185.09 per 1,000 of population as reported June 1, 1890. , WARD 20. This ward was subdivided into six districts, and contained 443 acres, 4,171 dwellings, and a population of 84,327, the population density being 190.35 persons to the acre and 20.22 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Thirty-first street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty-sixth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 78 acres, with 495 dwellings and a population of 12,134, being 155.56 persons to the acre and 24.51 persons to each dwelling. : Nearly one-half of this district was made land, reclaimed from the river. and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: The buildings were private dwellings DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ' AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents | ‘ native. foreign. i Under 5 ee Under 5| Total. years. Rae | ae Total. - years. nder nder | Total years. | Total | years. oneal) ere i ! et. ai : i 7 The city....... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31. 38 109. 63 23.15 | 74.28 ! District A..... 37. 29 134. 63 44,92 | 149.17 \ 34, 93 128. 97 34.18 90.91 | 1 i \ SS aoe | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | | >| United States England and | Eee Treland. Germany. Scotland. 4 AREAS. (white). | | Vales. aaa ag 1 Under hs years Under his rears Wades 15 years}; Under 16 years! Under hisy years 15 and ' and | and 15 and 15 an | years. | over. es, over. amy over. | years. |; over. |! years. | over. ' i i : \ Hwee The city..-.... 54.01 15.91 || 50.87 | 28.01 | 46.97 | 17.04 50. 53 | 20. 78 43.71 | 21.91 District A -...| 71.49 | 17.02 | 49.05 | 34.30 | 60.04 | 17.89 | 32.46 | 20.73 51. 85 | 13. 98 i é : i oe oe { DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ae Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | C | iphtberia iarrheal yphoi onsump- oe / and croup. diseases. ever. tion. | Pneumonia. | Measles. i The city. ------ 181. 63 316. 85 | 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 45. 67 District A....- 206.17 409. 60 | 34.13 544.77 320. 85 68. 27 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, acccording to birthplaces of mothers, was 17.02 among the Americans, 17.89 among the Germans, and 34.30 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIST Be B.—Bounded by West Thirty-first street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-sixth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 75 acres; number of dwellings, 1,019; population, 16,423, the average number of persons to each acre being 218.97: “ endl dwelling, 16.12. Between Sixth and Eighth aveuues was located a part of what was known as the “Tenderloin district”, containing the largest number of houses of ill fame of any district in the city. There was also a large settlement of colored people of a low class and many houses of ill fame frequented by this class. West of Eighth avenue the buildings consisted mostly of residences of the middle class aud tenements. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 145 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. { { Native. | Foreign. { pp ae ye Samay eae ae AREAS. | Both parents | One or both pareuts | | | native. It foreign. t | Under5'| __ 7 Poe 7 PENN ait Under 5 Total | years. |, Mente. 3 a Total. Years. i Tnderi! omy. * Under 5 ! Total. yeare, » Total. years. | i 1 ee aatae Gin The city ....... 31.01 | 110.37 30.22 ,; 112.41 © 31.38 | 109. 68 23.15 ! 74.28 ' District B ..... 32.67 | 140.18 34.86 | 157.79 "| 31.46 | 139.93 28.19 | 102.56 ' : t DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— aie Gee ll gains eh wy iy =e bebe i Ireland. Germany. | France. Italy. AREAS. ae | | i a tan, ies , | Under '15 years,) Under j15 years'| Under ‘13 years Under ak years| Under 15 years 15 and) 15; and | 15; and | 15 |} and . and years. i over. years. \ over. || years. | over. | years. over. || years. over. a Socillecs —_ es) an siaoace, Hee (See e ae eeye eae The city ......- 54.01 | 15.91 | 50.87 | 28.01 || 46.97 17.04] 47.01] 17.86], 76.41 | 12.97 District B ..... 64. 49 | 19.50 | 59.03 | 33.20 || 46.10. oe) 52.27 | 16.54) 56.62 37.61 i i ! ye i - e% i i DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— i Nanmaneuan Fas Site eae BN See i =a a : : | | ; | AREAS. : ! i Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- | Cancer and be and croup. 1 diseases. fever. tion. tumor. | organs. : tet sels ee a = i ies The city ......-. 181.63 | 316, 85 24.27 391. 75 60.55 173. 72 District B ..... 157. 38 304. 66 DoEAY 466. 07 76. 67 229. 00 During the 6-year period tle death rate the children under 5 years of age. in this district was somewhat above the city average, especially for The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 19.50 for the Americans, 33.20 for the Irish, 16.54 for the French, and 37.61 for the Italians. Consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused wore than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICLY C.—Bounded by West Thirty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-first street, and the Hudson river. persons to the acre and 24.15 persons to each dwelling. About one-third of this district was made land. Tenements predominated. Area, 84 acres, with 496 dwellings and a population of 11,979, giving an average of 142.61 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. District © AREAS, The city District € 9 935 10 The city . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. | Both parents One or both parents | ‘ ; native. foreigu. ore Underd |_| Votal. | years. | i MY pape Under 5 aie: Under s Total. years. Total. years. sel! SILO i W24L © 3138 109, 63 oevesh 31.77 29.41 | 110. 36 120.44 | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTITERS WERE United States (white). ~ England and | Wales. ) Lrelaud. Germany. Total. Under 15 eal Under li years Under ‘15 years Yoreign. ! | Under | i years. QS TA.238 0 | 20.39 ag.14 | BORN IN ~ Scotland. | 15 years Under 15 years | Under | 15 and [15 and 15 and 15 aud j and years. over. |) years, over. |, years. | over. years. over. |} y eu | over. j . \ ! | eee Rs, te Gated 4.01 15.9t | 50.87 28.01 AG. 97 17. 0+ 50. 53 20. 78 r 43. a 2198 iia de ANSE 91! 44.57 53.86 20.82 40.65 0,78 58. 25 Wee 26. 44 i 146 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. Sy Me Sie eas es DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— \ ene ts a eS Se os AREAS. ; | ‘ | | | Diphtheria | Diarrheal : Typhoid i Consump- | Scarlet Malarial ' andecroup. | diseases. { fever. i tion. : fever. fever. See, mime nape nt | ae Pom re | The city -....-. i 181. 63 316.85 | 24.27 | 391.75 | 52.19 24. 62 | District C -.--.- | 243. 45 326. 42 | 22.13 | 445. 37 76, 07 29. 05 i ' ' i i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.91 for the Americans and 26,44 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by West Thirty-sixth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirty-first street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 79 acres; number of dwellings, 995; population, 15,346; number of persons to the acre 194.25; to each dwelling, 15.42. ‘The buildings in this district were largely tenements and boarding houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 1 ‘ \ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. u i i ! = , : | Native. 1 Foreign AREAS. Bn te pees | ~- : Both parents || One or both parents |! i | / native. ‘ foreign. ‘| "1 CT Oo ea onan ad Vie aten anita a : Under 5 ‘Total. years. a ae abel i Total. + years. ta uder 5 nder 5 | \ Total. | years. | Total. ae | ~ f=} | [a et The city ....... 31.01 | 110. 37 1 30.22 | 112.41 || 31.38 109.63 || 23.13; 74.28 District D ..... 26.59 L 120. 83 eo 28.60 | 130.98 || 25.36 115.56 ; 24.02 ; 71.4% ! : i aes Wy seers coketMi ot tan so dcok eathice ae DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ! i rd ' United States | | England and | Se acaceaay ine (white). | Treland. Germany. Wales. | France. AREAS. \_ | 1 ' and || 15 | and 15 | an 15 and 15 and | years. | over. || years. ; over. || years. | over. || years. | over. : | : | 15.91 50. 87 | 28.01 46.97 | 17.04 50.33 | 23.57 43. 44 | 17. 03 |; } years. over. | i ! | | Under 15 sl Under [15 years Under -15 years|| Under |15 years! Under {15 years; \ | Afi ees Sead i 50.53 20.78 || 47.01 17.86 56.05 | 24.69 | 45.83 18.37 { | = DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ; AREAS. ; oe . / Sa : i ; a DinntberiaDyarsheat | Typha | Comsumy- | paununia | Cancer sm i.e Nee, Ga a peice al oe fig Me cadena sales te ee eS The city 22... : 316. 85 24,97 | 391.75. | 287.89 | 60.53. | District D ...-. 4 252.62 | 30.23 341.15 | 977.45 | er During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, and especially so for the native, being slightly in excess for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age aud upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.28 for the Americans, 18.37 for the French, and 23.57 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT E. —Bounded by West Fortieth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 65 acres; dwellings, 467; population, 15 82 20; making an average of 243.38 persons to the acre and 33.88 persons to each dwelling. The tenement class of buildings predominated in this district. It also contained some large slaughterhouses, fat rendering establishments, and an offal dock. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 147 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | { | Native. | Foreign. JS ces Jas a | : 1 | AREAS! ! Both parents One or both parents | | | | native. foreign. | i I Under 5 |} ‘ as | Under 5 Not: P 1 etree Total. | | ven | soe | unaers | i unaers | oe | years T, nder 5 |i, nder _ | Total. years. Total. - “Sears | | Se ae a ae | | | The city .....-- 31.01 110. 37 30, 22 112.41 | 31.38 109, 63 | 23.15 i 74.28 ‘ District FE ..... 35. 43 | 117. 80 42.23, 111.96 | 33. 59 i 120.13 | 29.05 | 75.16 pSta cee See = == Ses us | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States |: | : . England and ‘ San : Treland. Germany. ; Scotland. | MRE AS (white). i I ‘Wales. | | Under i15 years | Under 6 Site Under ‘15 yearsji Under ‘5igears| Under 15 years 1 15 | and 15 | and 15 | and 15 {j and 5 |; and ! years. , over. || years. | over. | years. | over. | years. over. | years.! over. Pease ‘ i i pf cele ern eed i i : ' : ! 1 Vhe city... 54.01 15,91 || 50.87 | 28.01, 46.97 17.04) 50.53) 20.78 | 43.71 | 21.91 | District EB ..... 62.51 | 17.52 44.18 : 31.06 52.01 | 19.24}, 62.96, 13.51 | 48.91 | 22.62 [oo ee : a : Wen : | i === SS SEE , DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i AREAS. aaa 4 | 7 : 5 ; Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid , Consump- , Scarlet | Whooping ! and croup. ; diseases. | fever. ; tion. fever. ‘cough. peas oe eee | SSRs See | Whe city ....... 181.63. | 316.83 24.97 391.73 | 52.19 | 33. 70 District E ..... 1 272. 30 | 395. 88 29. 32 | 52. 53 56.55 | 42.94 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. The death rates for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.51 for the English, 17.52 for the Americans, 19.24 for the Germans, and 31.06 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT I'.—Bounded by West Fortieth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 62 acres; dwellings, 699; population, 12,625. There was an average of 203.63 persons to the acre and 18.06 persons to each dwelling. This district contained many hotels and theaters, with private dwellings and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | ' DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | : ‘ pera epee = 3 eS ene, 7 iH | Native. | Forcign | : a \ eee ! | Both parents | One or both parents i ‘ : native. : foreign. i petal. Under 5 4s ear] Total, Under5 ‘ years. anes i Gia | years. i ras » Unders | oad, ‘ muder dj 3} ‘Total. years. | Total. | years. i a \ ! Sane ee Ne, cen I [pore eas | The city 022... Ly 01 110.37 | 30.22 | 112.41 | 21.38 . 109.63 |) 23.15 | 74.28 . : ‘ ' ‘ — oe ri District Fe... | y.10 124.07 | 28.26 | 115.58 | 29.55 | 127.93 26.45 | 106.67 : : ; ! { 4M ! [ ‘ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ‘ | : a pe | United States " ‘ England and | hit Treland, i Gernany. ! ae : ! France. | MiB (white). ; Wales. es “ 2 | aes mers Under 3 years | Tnder |15 years | Under 13 years! Under 15 years | Under 15 years wo and i 15 and 15 and | 5 and | 15 and , years. ; over." years. | over. | years. | over. years. over. “years. over. : 7 tate site 3 i sss 7 : P The eity ....--- 54. O1 15.91 |! 50.87 28.01 | 46.97 \ 17. 04 50. 03 20.78 , 47.01 17. 86 ldistrict Fl... od. 75 ; 15. 65 51.89 26. 50 45.24 | 20.91 41.28 7.31 ° 15.96 16.93 ! << 1 i 148 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. AREAS. | ! DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | ' | | : ' | ' Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid Consump- ia.) Childbi i | . and croup. diseascs. ; fever. tion. Pocumonia. | Childbirth. i esto | 8 ee oa = Satta |—— pies St | eee ee ea nl The city .....-. 181. 68 316. 85 24.27 391 75 287. 89 1 26. 72 ; District F...-.. 200. 79 297. 90 24. 93 368. 77 ) 255. 91 | 39. 37 I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat below the city average for the native white but slightly above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.65 for the Americans, 16,93 for the French, 17.31 for the English, 20.91 for the Germans, and 26.50 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 21. This ward was subdivided into eight districts, and contained 410 acres, with 4,003 dwellings and a total population of 63,019, the average density being 153.70 persons to the acre and 15.74 persons to each dwelling. Bellevue hospital was in this ward. SANITARY DIsTRicT A.—Bounded by East and West Thirty-first streets, Fourth avenue, Last and West Twenty-sixth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 58 acres; population, 5,071, the number of persons to each acre .being 87.43. This district contained many fine residences and also many large hotels. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | ‘ | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. [fe teem eee oS et a ey 1 Native. j Foreign. | i sige p= ig se en ee ee a och ian ee I oy 7 AREAS: ! | Both parents One or both parents |i i | i i! native. foreign. | | ps PUmderd eect | Under ; ‘total. | “Vears. |: ; | a | Total. | ‘vears. ! fd pay + Under d 7 Under 5 ‘ i i} Total. | “years Yotal | years i, ' es = A Sen 8 ae es bel ee The city ....-.- 31.01 11€. 37 ‘ 30.22 | 112,41 | 31. 38 109.63 |) | 23.15 District A ..... 22.45 98.04 | 19.42 54.46 33.09 | 182. 69 | 15.01 \ | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN [X— Peli at anag W CBacas | aplandiauil United States § “ 7 ogland and | ‘i Ireland. Germany. , : France. aqmage | (white). | Wales. | | | | Under |15 years|! Under ;15 years! Under [15 years)! Under lo years, Under '15 vears) 3 and i | and ! 5 and | 1; and 15 and years. | over. | years. | over. | years. i over. years. over. | Years. over. Jresee ] seca Nce ee ces ees Pence | ba 5 sete SH te ' | Whe city 2... | BAOL) 15.91 50/87 ROL | 46 97 | 1704.) 20, 7k) 47.01 17.86 ; District A..--- | AS54197 40.88 | 13.44 | 95.96 | 15. 87 62.50 25.75 i 7148 14.98 1 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | — ia perm eh pte ecient ceraimapencncmnesirt om | H AIMEAD. | 1 = i ' Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump Malarial Heart disease, : , and croup. diseases, | fever. tion. \ fever. j and dropsy. ‘The city .....-- , 181.63. | 316, 85 WOT BOL. 75 24.62 {ee td | District A...-- ‘ 6144. 67.91 38. $0 210,19 SQ td, 17.56 | H ' ' Il l During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, with the exception of the children under 5 years of age of the native white of foreign parents, for whom it was higher. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was’ 13.44 for the Irish, 15.87 for the Germaus, 19.17 for the Americans, and 25.75 for the English, Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy. and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 149 SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by East Thirty-first street, Second avenue, East Twenty-sixth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 50 acres, with a population of 9,777, giving an average of 195.54 persons to the acre. Tenements predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. . 2 aa oan rile 7 aa | iS aen ' pe Oe me ee erie) AREAS: | || Both parents | One or both parents ie! i native. | foreign. ' or 'Under5 | ' Prem Ace | ees . Under 5d ‘Total. i years. = jas | . = | Total years. 1 nder ote under o | Total. | “vears. || Total. | ‘years. . ogee ays Weenie: ees eee tes | The city ....-.- ' 31. 01 110. 37 30.22 |. 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74.28 ; District B ...-. 97.15 1138. 54 24. 32 101.85 | 28. 87 118. 90 | 23. 96 52. 08 | - a es = : a = DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Gieceete | eee, | deen ieuts [= une nited States | = Treland. || Germany. | Scandinavia. Italy, (white). ij | AREAS. | | i | Shtkeiassens i i pola is een Under ‘15 years/|| Under Lge Under 15 years | Under ‘15 years|| Under |15 years 15 | and 15 and : and || 15 | and 15 and years. | over. I years: | over. tie: over. | years. over. || years. | over. } | | eS Se af ——— \ Le eels se The city ....--- 34.01; 15.91 |, 50.87; 28.01 || 46.97) 17.04) 57.33 18.43 || 7641 1 12.27 ; | | : District B 95,97 | 16. 07 ' 45. 29 27.47 i 42.19 14.30 | 49.15 | 12.18 | il 28. ny i 14.25 i | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘ro— \ AREAS. caibectat on Uae: te Peis pe j i | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- | Malarial | Heart disease| and croup. diseases. | fever. i tion. fever. | and dropsy. BBgee easier So fe) ge Eh oh [= al ae perce, cassie at | AS The city ....... 181.63 | 316.85 | 24.27 | 391.75 24.62 | 138. 24 District B ....- 115.72 ; 159.32 | 31. 86 a7 392. 43 ! 25.16 179. 45 \ ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.07 for the Americans and 27.47 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by East Thirty-third street, the Kast river, East Twenty-sixth street, and Second avenue; it contained 58 acres, 392 dwellings, and a population of 11,786, making au average of 203.21 persons to the acre and 30.07 persons to each dwelling. Tenements predominated in this district, which also contained one large car stable and a brewery. Bellevue hospital was located in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | | Foreign. AREAS. wh “= [ ae We ee rar eee ! Sean ! Both parents - One or both parents i native. : foreign. oe | Under5 | 1 Ua Under 5 1 1 al. a en eh Gedy 1G Epa 266 ee. hoe ated 4g Total | years. | : a | I i | Total. years. | : om nder5 wooly Under 5 © / Total. years. i Tota | years. | ’ = 1 = [ee aly Fess Hato eA 5 : i \ ! Thecity ......- 31.01 110.37 30, 22 112.41 : 81.38 169. 63 25.15 74, 28 | ' District C...... 33. 72 | 120. 41 38,55 117.62 | S244: 121.48 29. 86 40. 00 | | i 150 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. | i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— was ms co | 1 aa St ead | Ireland. Germany. Hu ul fa | Scandinavia. AREAS. be fj ' i | Under 153 years| Under |15 yeas Under |15 years|| Under |15 Sil Under is years) 15 and | I 15 and 15 and 15 and i years. : over. i years. | ror years. over. years. | over. years. over. deze SD ‘ | Sees ite eee gsm The city ....... 54.01] 15.91, 50.87 | 28.01 |} 46.97 | 17.04 || 50.5% | 20. 1 ) 57.83 13.43 District C 16.54 | 56.48 | 33.08 | 45.13 | 14.54 |) 39.01 j | 17.86 j 61.81) 18.38 * | : pee i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— \ AREAS. _ wei | cee at peasere oomet Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump: | Malarial Cancer and and croup. | diseases. fever. | tion. | fever. tumor. J | mm nnn | el The city ....... 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 24. 62 60.55 | District C ..... | 178.07 | 350. 58 | 26. 43 495. 27 41.74 69. 56 i i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.54 among the Germans, 16.54 among the Americans, and 33.08 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, cancer aud tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by East and West Thirty-sixth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Thirty-first streets, and Sixth avenue. number of persons to the acre, 93.98; to each dwelling, 9.55. The district contained principally fine residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: The death rate for those Area, 58 acres; number of dwellings, 571; population, 5,451; average DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AKEAS. The city -..---- District D \ ) i DEATIL RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria : Diarrheal Typhoid Constmp. | Cancer and andcroup. , diseases. fever. tion. | tumor. and dropsy. eer es eee natty oy 23a te i | : 181.63 ° 316.85 | 24. 27 SOL. 75 60. 138, 24 43.13 | 75.21 | 15.04 90. 25 156. 44 141.40. Heart disease Native. Foreign. eSietage c | EAS | Both parents One or both parents | i | native. foreign. f ' Tot. Under 5 Io ; Under 5 Lotal. | “Vears. Lecaeae ed || Total. | “years. 1 er 1. Tnder 5 | } Total. ' years. Total. years. | | ' ! \ a ea ! The city .---.-. 31. 01 110. 37 30. 22 112. 41 31.38 109. 63 | 23.15 | 74, 28 | District D ...--. 17. 84 77. 63 i 15.98 | 50.72 | 23. 90 | 123. 46 | 11. 33 ; 55. 56 i \ | i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN 1N— ! i United States } England and |; ‘ | ‘| i “hi Ireland. : | Scotland. France. i AS (white). i ales. | || ! naar Under |15 years|) Under is xeare Under |15 years;, Under |15years|! Under |15 ae 15 and || 15 | and 15 and 15 and and years. | over. |i years. ; over. || years. | over. |} years. | over. || years.! over. 4 = | | I | | cect Beem The city ......- 54.01 15.91 |/ 50.87 | 28.01 | 50.53} 20. 78 | | 43.71) 21.9 | 47.01 | 17.86 District D .---. 28.63: 16.01 [ 64.10 8.46 333. 33 17. 83 41.67 I 22. 5’ a 47. 62 13.16 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 151 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, especially so for the native white of native parents and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.16 among the French, 16.01 among the Americans, 8.46 among the Irish, 17.83 among the English, and 22.57 among the Scotch. Cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT E.—Bounded by East Thirty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-first street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 52 acres; population, 8,268, the average number of persons to the acre being’ 159.00. Private dwellings and tenements existed in about equal numbers. There were some car stables in this district, uear Second avenue. , The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | : Foreign. = ee AREAS. | Both parents ! One or both parents i! | | native. | foreign. i a Under 5 |, q Under 5 Total. years. ous i ae i Total years. nder Inder 5 |, Detal, | Oeaes, | Total. | Sears. | | i The city -....-. 31.01 110. 37 | 30. 22 112.41 || 31.38 109. 63 i 23.15 7A, 28 District E .... 24.30 118. 35 22.51 95. 67 | 25. 53 134. 06 | 23. 60 71.43 l | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— { | United j | | woe Treland. || Germany. France. \| Scandinavia. AREAS. | | | | Under {15 yearsl Under hs years Under his years | Unger: 15 wears Under lis years, and || 15 | and | a 15 | and years. | over. || years. a sie or er. seat. on years. } over. See ! | The city ....... -54. 01 15.91 50.87 | 28. C1 | 46.97 | 17. 04 47.01 ! 17. 86 57. 33 | 13, 43 District E ...-. 44.81 15.11 53.76 | 23.32 51.87 | 11.84 27. 78 | 9.46 || 63,22 10. 81 } : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Canoe Cancer and | Diseases of and croup. | diseases. ever. tion. tumor. the liver. ents | | The city -..---- 181. 63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 60. 55 33. 03 District E ..... 144.77 188. 40 23. 80 303. 43 85. 28 35. 70 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but oe above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 10.81 for the Scandinavians, 9.46 for the French, 11.84 for the Germans, 15.11 for ‘the Americans, and 23.32 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT F.—Bounded by East and West Fortieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Thirty- sixth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 45 acres, with 419 dwellings containing a population of 3,183, making an average of 70.73 persons to the acre and 7.60 persons to each dwelling. The buildings in this district were principally fine residences of the wealthy class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. | Foreign. : ee fgte a, eon emt, LS | AREAS: . | Both parents | One or both parents | | | native. | | foreign. : ! (ope, ' Under 5 |: oe teeny ap | Underi: Total. ears: ; oe | a - Total. NOACS. | | ! 1 Toes | Unders5 mes ' Under 5 ' i | Total. | years. | Total. years. amar fp ene fee | The city..-.--. | 31.01 | 10. 37 30.22 | 112.41 | 31.58 109.63 8 23.15 74.28 | | | District F...... 271 | 89.20 | | 22.83 : 78.28 , 22.39 106.06 | 11.20 ff 41.67 152 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. t DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Sa Srey ee ta sierra Ireland. | Germany. Eu Englandand France. AREAS. | as Wess pleco "Under 15 years: Under ‘15 years|| Under 15 years| Under lisyears'| Under { 15 : and and 15 and “| 15 and ° | and | Years. over. || years.' over. | years. over. || years. ; over. || years.) over. i | : t : ia aati Tet! Papen aie Weed t Maas eae ae cece sai” ae lceanaicilewpaeig oa Retake hE cipal a patos He The city ' 54.01 | 15.92} 50.87 28.01 |] 46.97 17.04] 50.53 20.78) 47.01 | 17.86 ; : : i District F......) 42.35 19.37 || 74.56 8.66 || 116. 67 16.13 || 35.71 ° 16.99 ‘| 10,42 11.11 : : l! i ‘ Hl oie oe Nl cmt DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. cinbiadh pvt wins tec | Degen ype ce eR ee Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid , Consump- | Cancer and !Heart disease and croup. diseases. i fever. i tion. . tumor. and dropsy. The city.-..---. 181. 63 oi 316. 85 0 24.27 | 391.75 60. 55 138, 24 District F...... 92. 74 Be 56.67 | 30.91 | 164. 86 118. 50 216. 38 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, and especially so for the foreign and for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.11 among the French, 8.66 among the Irish, and 19.37 among the Americans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT G.—Bounded by East Fortieth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-sixth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 40 acres; population, 6,304; average number of persons to the acre, 157.60. The district contained residences and apartment houses in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ij Native. | Foreign. 7 : i | AREAS: : | Both parents | One or both parents | ' i native. oreign. % ' Unders | they sac etal that eh a eg Under5 Total. | “years. | ae H ba | Total. years. : : as | nders | 5 ; Underd |: i ; Aglal years. | Total | years. | = [22 - fo A es sees a The city ....... 3L01 | 110.37 |) 30.22 ) 11241 |] 31.38 109.63 | 23.15 74.28 District G 23.78 107. 44 hs 19. 08 roe 95.99 |) 27.54 112. 99 we | 23.07 ne 129. 63 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Scandinavia. Under 15 years| Under 15 years d : years. over. 37.33) 13.43 26.59 | 7.18 | by ,o a tree sng ee United States | L os England and; . ; reland. Germany. ‘ ‘pete: (white). | | Wales. : sees acGil ead a eal ' ander hs years Her I15 years) Under |15 years} | | and | | and 15 and |. and | ers: | over. | years. ie over. years. | over. | seia over. | tase i I. a —— The city ....-.- 54.01! 15.91 1) 50.87 | 28. 01 46.97 17.04 | 50.53.) 20. 78 | District G ...-- 41. 04 12.18 | 37.18 | 26.5 50.60 | 14.42 |} 28. ae 16.36 |! aa I Asst tape li DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Sap eeShete SOR ceed, oar ell 7 ns Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid Consump- Malarial and croup. diseases. , fever. ‘ tion. fever. aoe ee i- - —e The city -..--.- 181. 63 316.85 3 24.27 391.75 24.62 District G ..... 109. 24 | 200.27 | 13.00. | 299.11 33. 81 ! i | Cancer and | | 1. an se tumor, 60, 55 80. 63 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 153 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 7.18 among the Scandinavians, 12.18 for the Americans, 14.42 for the Germans, and 26.54 for the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion ot deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT H.—Bounded by East Fortieth street, the East river, East Thirty-third street, and Second avenue. Area, 49 acres, containing 408 dwellings and a population of 13,179, giving an average of 268,96 persons to the acre and 32.30 persons to each dwelling. A small portion of this district on the river front was made land. The buildings were principally tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. : Foreign. miesetee ates : css pioce AREAS. | ii Both parents | One or both parents ; I ative. | foreign. | ; 1 Under 5 |. ele cA NE cea RS ie tues Peale, 8a as Under id Total. : years. | ; tai | Total years. i io Under5; mm , Underi | | Total. years. Total. years. il Se eee | ees eee | aoa teseek ca sngs | The city......- 31.01 | 110.37 || 30.22 7 1241 |} 31.38 ) 109.63 | 23.15 + 74.28 District H..... 37.89 ' 145.73 | 53. 23 152.19 | 34.92 143. 65 |i 34. 66 126. 67 Eee ea kl Mecha a toe shh ellents i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— “United states | | | a, ea Ireland. Germany. | Bohemia. | Italy. AREAS. " l l | Under 15 years' Under 15 years|| Under ss year Ender ,15 years|; Under '15 years 15 | and | 15 | and 15 and | and || 15 | and years. | over. " years. "| over. | years. | over. eae. over. || years. | over. é | ae ool eee aye LINE ote kes a : | The city....... 54. 01 i 15.91 |, 50.8 28. 01 46.97 17. 04 82.57 | 20.31 | 76.41 \ 12.27 District H..... 71.19 13.46 i 49.06 | 29. 64 67.88 | 20.06 | 62.18 13.97 i 97.70 ; 21.02 | ! | ' } _t i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. : ; | Reis Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- | Scarlet Malarial and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. i fever. fever. : | 2 bo, | The city...----. | 181.63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 | 52.19 24. 62 District H.....) 220, 23 429. 26 13. 69 | 538.76 | 62.21 43.55 | | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, and especially so for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.46 for the Americans, 13.97 for the Bohemians, 20.06 for the Germans, 21.02 for the Italians, and 29.64 for the irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 22. This ward was subdivided into twelve districts. It contained 1,480 acres, including 311 acres of parking, 291 acres of which were embraced in Central park east of the line of Sixth avenue and below Kighty-sixth street. There were 7,766 dwellings, with a total population of 153,877. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 131.63, with 19.81 persons to each dwelling. This ward contained Roosevelt and Sloane maternity hospitals. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Tenth avenue, West Fortieth street, and tke Hudson river. Area, 116 acres; number of dwellings, 718; population, 22,586; average number of persons to the acre, 194.71; to each dwelling, 31.46. Pavements predominated in this district, which also contained some large gas houses aud slaughterhouses. 154 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. bf Native. Foreign. { i if | | ! a 1 | AREAS: | Both parents ‘ One or both parents i native. foreign. . Tote Underid ; eteare mul Sa oe ee ws hae ee ere Under 5 Total ears. I i | A | Total. | ‘years wks Under 5 |) , ! Under 5 , Total. | “years. | Total | years i 1 | | | i 7 “The city....... 31.01 | 110.37 |; 30.22 | 112.41 31.98 | 109.63 | 23.15 74. 28 District A ..... 34, 21 117.51 35. 46 115. 34 33.79 | 118. 42 i 29. 30 84. 58 | I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— f =i United States |: xf | England and Bi otc geeee (white). } Treland. Germany. ! Wales. ' Scotland. i AB aN ance atthe ease | i | Under |15 years|| Under hs years|| U aden j15 years | Under hg years! Under /15 years: 1 | and || 15 and [a a | | and 15 and years. | over. [ years. | over. | vets geen i sear | over. | years. | over. i | I wr el | i i \ ‘ The city....--. 54.01 i 15.91 50.87 , 28.01 46.97; 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 | 43.71, 21.91 ' District A ....-. 58.23! 8.61) 57.19 | 28,29 48.54 17.75 65.25 | 24.21) 48.13 23.81 | ! i i \ i : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ' VA = eS Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consunip- Scarlet | Malarial and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. | fever. ' fever. = | | | | The city.....-. 181. 63 316. 85 24,27 391.75 | 52.19 24. 62 District A 220. 21 395.72 24. 38 408. 72 | 82.07 | 38. 19 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average. The death ne for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.61 for the Americans and 28.29 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Eighth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 104 acres, containing 1,317 dwellings and a population of 34,307, being an average of 329.88 persons to the acre, and 26.05 persons to each dwelling. This district contained tenements and private dwellings in about equal numbers. There was one large car stable and many private stables in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. I | A ' AREAS: Both parents | One or both parents | \ native. foreign. | a Underd 0 cao . Under5 Total. | ‘Vears. >> | Total. | “years yj » Underi |, | Under 5 |} | i Total | years. f Total. years. |! iB | Foe Oy eget | eines! The city .....-- 31.01 | 110.37 30.22 | 112.41 |) 3138 109,63 23.15 74.28 District B .-.-.. 29. 37 110. 64 32. 27 | 108. 92 27.98 i 111.55 | 23. 35 127. 66 ! e I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States f I — | a 3 England and | ‘Linea (white). | Pehand. rermany. Wales. Neotland. 3 | | Under 15 ents Uader 15 years|) Under 15 years|| Under | 15 years | Under ‘15 years, | a | and (+ and [i 15 and | 1 | and save | cae i aia: over. |! years.’ over. |, years. | over. || years. | over. 6 | _—}—-———— The city ..- 54.01 15.91 | 50.87 | 28.01 |: 46.97 17.04) 50.53 0.78 |) 43.71 21.91 District B 55.65; 16.07 || 49.68 | 23,21 51.32 ; 16.90) 47.54 19,17 | 81.95 17.89 ! } d | \ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 155 SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued. District B ....- i 179. 21 ‘ | | DEATH RATES PEB 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO-- | AREAS. 1 | ; ee | Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- Scarlet =| Malarial | _ andcroup. ; diseases. | fever. i tion. fever. | fever. | | ! | | | | Phe city ....... | 181.63 | 316.85; 24,27 391.75, 52.19 24. 62 | | | gg6.89 | 14. 98 Po 360, 02 56.70 25.68 | | { i ! During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat below the city average, but was above it for the foreign, especially for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.07 for the Americans and 23.21 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Sixth avenue, West Fortieth street, aud Eighth avenue. Area, 104 acres; population, 14,262, the average number of persons to the acre being 137.13. The buildings consisted of tenements and private dwellings in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | | Native. Foreign. | : nee I 4 | i AREAS, ' ‘ Both parents || One or both parents \ i native. | foreign. | : 1. | Underd __ aes | Under 5 | Total. | years. page aye a Total. | years. ‘ " nder Tests : nder 5 | Total. years. Total. | years. | | —|-——-| —--—] —-- ] ——]J —— —— - ii The city....... 31.01 110.37 |! 30.22 | 112.41 $138 , 109.63 |) 23.15 | 74. 28 District € -.... 23.73 | 184.56 |) 21.45 | 143. 76 27.00 | 128.74 || 21.31 | 500. 00 \ I ' i | is | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN [N— | Unit as ? xngland and | Tnited States + ; England and , . ; : Ireland. Germany. j France. AREAS. (white). i Wales. | a te ee ! sa Under |15 years}| Under |15 years|| Under 15 years | Under {15 years|! Under |15 years 15 | and 15 and 15 and |; 15 and | 15 and years. over. |, years. | over. || years. | over. |) years.| over. || years. | over. ; : | a of ee —|j--— _— The city....... 54.01 | 15.91 50.87. 28.01 46.07 | 17. 04 |; 50.53 20, 78 47. 01 17. 86 District C.....- 53. 14 | 15. 84 | 71.79 i 22.93 45, 70 | 13. 99 | 68.18 18. 04 37, 63 15.91 | | : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ! Statens pol maee Beek ohn Min aes Te OW ET ero | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- Cancer and | Heart disease! | and croup. | diseases. fever. i tion. | tumor. | and dropsy. ! fee i soe teaagemes | The city....... 181.63 316, 85 24.27 | 391.75 | 60. 55 138.24 | District C 110. 67 147. 98 | 65.63 | 164.71 | I : i 21.88 | 276. 66 j i | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average for the adults, but above it for the children under 5 years of age, especially for the foreign. Tle death rate for those 15 years or age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.84 among the Americans, 13.99 for the Germans, and 22.93 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor, heart disease and. dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by West Fifty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 75 acres, with 443 dwellings and a population of 10,007, giving an average of 133.43 persons to the acre and 22.59 persons to each dwelling. The buiidings in this district were principally of the tenement class. 156 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. anlas, Ges aan 2 os Native. ‘ Foreign. i hes iy Gee ee | ern | | Both parents ' one or both parents | | native. foreign. ‘ oy Under 5 leas af Ske, « hdl Sep tore ol lege Under 5 Total. years. ae coo aie | Total. _ years. 5 nder5 nder 4 | Total. a. | years. | Total. years pa So fae | 1 : \ | | The city ....... 31.01 110. 37 30. 22 112.41 | 31.38 | 109.63 | 23.15 74. 28 District D..... 36. 86 129. 71 43. 50 121.73 | 34.70 | 133. 78 33.60 | 97,22 ca fa Ea 9 ens Veena eR | \ eeoes DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United states || _ Vgeecies || tnplanal aut Sages S . { " i Seead (white). Ireland. 7 Germany. ‘ales. Scotland. a a eae) at fue 2 hs icecll Rtas bantoeencbanetageataes, RACAL i Under |15 years}! Under |15 years! Dader 15 years Under 15 years) nde I15 years, 15 | and 15 | and | and | and years. ae er. | years.| over. || sone aver. eae oe | eee ee fe ee a: The city -....-. 54.01) 15.91 | 50. 87 28.01 46.97 i 17. 04 50.53 20.78 | 43.71 - 21.91 District D ..... 68.16 | 14.51 | 53. 13 | 30. 56 | 49.27 | 23.56 |) 41.27] 21.60 |' 30.43 | 16.90 i ! | : | i === — ees a : DEATH RATES PER 100,600 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ' yf 7 Woe ag eie hh Fo ae heen - ont i | Diphtheria | Diarrheal . Tiphowd , Consump- | Scarlet | Malarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. \ fever. ; fever. | 2 ee ee ee | The city ....... 181.63 ' 316. 85 24.27 | 391.75 52.19 24.62 | Distriet D 207. 23 429.14 | 27.51 | 451.14 106. 37 40, 35 { | : { i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.51 among the Americans as against 30.56 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT E.—Bounded by West Fifty-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 92 acres, and population 23,886, or an average of 259.63 persons to the acre. Private dwellings and tenements were found in about equal numbers. One large car stable in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. e. Foreign. | —_—— = ti | | ARES) i Both parents One or both parents I native. foreign. i Under 5 | ' Underd Total. years. 1 evar, Under’ I See ae ss. Total. | Years. " Under 5 q i Undersd ! 3 i Total years. || Total. | years. | sehetieaAea see Ege necee eee The city -.----- 31.01 110.37; 30.22 | 112.41 31.38 | 109. 63 : 215. F428 : 1 t District E ..... 27. 25 107. 10 i! 26.74 | 107.08 27.58 | 107. 12 | 23.11: 76.67 eid ennai nS Seg lula weaned oe ts Sgt ac | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN-- United States | il | England and : (white). | Treland. | Germany. L Vales. Scotland. AREAS. See SRE ee. Se ; -—_—-— ee ee ——-- fae Under 5 noel Under |15 years), | Under lis years!| Under 15 years| Under is years 15 | and I 15 an 15 and » and || 15 and years. over. | years. over. years. over. years. over, | years. over. - fee I -—- | — | Thecity ....--- 54.01} 15.91 | 50.87 | 28.01 | « 46.97 | 17.04 50.53} 20.78 || 43.71 | 21.91! ' District Eo...) 50.77 | 14. 00 48. 61 21.60") 54.11 | 17. 50 | B 17. 67 418.18 14.27 | | Y NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 157 SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ' | ' AREAS. ' 1 ; j | | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- | Scarlet | Malarial | , and croup. diseases. fever. ; tion. | fever. | fever. | se + ewes) Fv orteb ees) ee] Thecity ....... 181. 63 316, 85 | 24. 27 $91. 75 52.19 | 24. 62 | | District E ..... | 173. 64 252.01 | 13. 06 | 325. 00 | 79. 91 35. 34 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially among the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.00 for the Americans, 17.50 for the Germans, and 21.60 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICY F.—Bounded by West Fifty-ninth street, Sixth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Eighth avenue. Area, 92 acres; population, 9,844; average number of persons to the acre, 107.00. In that part of this district between Seventh and Eighth avenues were many first class residences and apartment houses. Between Sixth and Seventh avenues private stables were more numerous than in any similar area in the city. Many families were found living in rooms over stables. There was a large number of tenement houses in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. i . | 1 AREAS. r = arpa tate | Pe tment n was oe — ! ! Both parents {| One or both parents tt i native. foreign. | a Under 5: Seo ee etate a cea | Under id | Total. | years. | Ae ’ - {| ‘Total. d Aears, NY tak * Under 5 Tote I uder5 , ‘ i Total. years. ! Total. years. Sve ene i ies Wiis aoe ete bom \ | The city .....-. | 31.01 | 110.37 30. 22 | 112, 41 | 31.38 , 109.63 || 23.15 | 74.28 | District F ..... 21.74 | 112.17 17. 88 | 111.78 | 27.19 | 112.3 i 20. 74 266. 67 : 1 i DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ‘ e ] | [ : United States tougiand and |, Other foreign iS 1 (white). ! Ireland. J Germany. 3 Wales. | countries. AREAS, | | | SH eee he elec ge = ' Under lis years’ Under {15 ye ATS Under ‘5 ose Under 15 years! Vader 15 years Ts | and ; 1 4 ; and |! 45 and | and ' years. ( over. |. years. ; hens ' sonics over. || years. | over. jean over. os Pela ison peal Vesorens xt || Ee PeA lie él Peal || The city ..22.-- | 34. 01 15.9 il 50.87 | 28.01 i 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 |! 40.68 13.00 : | \ District F ..... | 39.15 12.88 88 {I 51.43 22.28 H 44.36 | 15.30 "i 23.81 | 20.58 58.82 6.85 cl | i =e a deste Sr ee | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘TrO— AREAS. ; 7 de Sa in Aa ee Sage ar eee . Diphtheria ; Diarrheal Typhoid Conswup- Malarial Cancer and | and croup. ; diseases. | ever. i tion. i fever. ; tamor. | = - _| peernee \ Fesstecacatl 4) @ ! The city ...--.- | 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391.75, 24. 62 60.55 © District F ..... 78. 30 152. 8&7 | 18. 64 272.18 26.10 63.39 During the 6-year period the death rate above it for the children under 5 years of in this district was much below the average, but was considerably age of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.88 for the Americans, 15.30 for the Germans, and 22.28 for the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY vistRicr G.—Bounded by West Sixty-fourth street. Tenth avenue, West Fifty-seventh street, and the Hudson river. acre aud 43.75 persons to each Tenements predominated in this district. dwelling. part of the district, near the river. Area, 80 acres; 234 dwellings; population, 10,237, giving an average of 127.96 persons to the A large slaughterhouse aud a brewery were located in the western 158 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 1 Native. Foreign. : | 1 ty ' BREAS: ! ' Both parents i One or both parents | i native. I foreign. 1. | Under 5 }: | Snoateaaeeerae apne my erieier . Under 5 Total. | opearst ae let aa Total. years. on, nder 5 |!. ! Under ! | Total. ! wear Total. 2 years, | on ae ace 1 | | i The city....... 31.01 © 110.37 j 30.22 | - 112. 41 | 31.38 109. 63 | 23.14 74. 28 District G 40, 80 | 108. 12 \ 57.93 | 127. 76 4 36. 56 102. 65 | 23.03 +» 103. 60 i i i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | England and } | 1 | i { a Aneks (white). ‘| Ireland. Germany. alese Scotland. : Is F 3 | i Under 15 years | Uu.t-> hs years | Under {15 years|| Under /15 years| Under /15 years 5 and i} 15 and i! 15 and 15 and , bb and years. | over. | years. | over. || years.| over. || years.) over. |; years. | over. oe hese | pe aN e|| | | ' | - The city ....... 54.01 15.91 || 50.87 | 28. 01 46.97 | 17.04 50.53 | 20.78 | 43. 71 “1 21.91 District G ..... 73.03 ; 36.67 | 40,82 | 23. 65 | 48.40 | 16.71 53.03 | 28.35 {I 91.91 sal 24. 08 1 : | i ‘ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS, ie | ; Diphtheria | Diarrbeal Typhoid Consump- | = Whooping and croup. diseases. tever. tion. i Measles; | cough a 1 1 ——ss Sete Se ea —'a ae - : -- = The city....-.. 181.63 | 316.85 | 24.27 391.75 45.67 | 33.70 District G..-.. | 195, 42 | 399. 81 | 30. 48 380.09 66.34 | 50. 20 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially so for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 36.67 for the Americans, 23.65 for the Irish, and 16.71 for the Germans. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT H.—Bounded by West Seventy-fourth street, Tenth avenue, West Sixty-fourth street, and the Hudson river. Area,116 acres, of which 4 acres were contained in parks; population, 6,457. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 57.65. Fine residences and handsome apartinent houses were the rule in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 1 Native. a Foreign. Seekers (ise seo Sessa Binet AREAS. ) Both parents One or both parents ' | native. ; foreign. ; | ons Under 5 ateetnyle, its aid Gesaa bloat. ere an Under 5 Total. years. [!-- are i | vor ‘Total. yews. | i ow » Undero | gay, ndler 9 . Lotal. | years. I Total. years. Se a ee Sula oor eee A ae oe sel oy | | : i ; The city 31.01 110,37 | 30.225 112.41), 33.38 109.63 | 23.15 | 74.28 District H.---,, 25.83) 83.75 | 28.52 100.75 24.44 | 75.25 (18.30, 39,22 a ee, Se = 4 ledtanad DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Pees Gee ee = + Nee come . United States : England and eau Ireland. | Germany. | Italy. ‘iRERS (white). : W ales. : : “Under ls years, Under 15 years) Under 15 years Mader 15 aaa U niler 15 years 15 and | 15 and 15; and . and | 3 and years. over. || years. | over. | years. | over. see. ' over, H ye ears. | over. ' = - | ot pooeinans an! i as j { The city ....--- M401 15.91 |) 50.87 | 28.01 | 46.97 | 17.04 | 50.53} 20.78) 76.41 12.27 | Distriet He... ; 46.76 8.37 | 30.15 | 19.06! 34.52 | 16.06 | 37.2%) 18,62 3.29 | 5.58 |. \ s if Big Ge) eget 8 : a NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 159 : SANITARY DISTRICT H—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | AREAS. ns eas i ; ote i Di shtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet Malarial and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. fever. fever. ib netaaachddantea cheat t uel | _ pals estkse | { | The city -.-..-- 181. 63 | 316. 85 24.27 391.75 52.19 | 24. 62 District H .._.. 144. 95 1 329. 70 11.2 216. 01 56. 84 51.16 fe ! | During the 6-year sented the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.58 for the Italians, 8.37 tor the Americans, 16.06 for the Germans, and 19.06 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT I.—Bounded by West Sixty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-ninth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 90 acres, with 532 dwellings and a population of 10,467. The number of persons to the acre was 116.30 and the number to each dwelling 19.67. This was a beautiful residence section, containing fine residences and apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. ts ante Coney = 7 Ee i Both parents |: Oneor both parents : Under d | Total. years. | Total. years. (meet die ed seo2 at BASS The city 31.01 | 110.37 30.22 | 112.41 31.38 | 109.63 23.15, 74.28 Ward 24 20,39 | 66.76 21.42 | 57.69 19,56 , 73.92 25.17 | 39.22 ( | | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. WARD 24—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN ty— 5 er | United States England and AREAS (white). Ireland: Germany: Wales. Italy. Under '15 years Under lis years Under ‘15 years | Under ier ts years | Under 15 years 15 and | and 15 | and ij} 15 | and 15} and years | over. I eae: | over. |} years. | over. |! years. | over. | years. ; over. pg | ee i The city....... | 34.01 15. 91 | 50. 87 28.01 46.97 17. 04 50. 53 20.78 76.41 12. 27 Ward 24......- , 28.09 i 16. 92 28.85 | 21.08 29.91 j 18.63 22.05 | 25 26 | 20.83 8.54 ' : ! | ' | | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | i i | Diphtheria Diarrheal ; Typhoid Cousump- Malarial | Cancer and ' and croup. diseases. | tever. tion. fever. i tumor. | | : SS The city......- i 181. 63 | 316.85 | 24. 27 391.75 24. 62 | 60.55 Ward 24....... | 101. 26 | 173 45 \ 15.00 327. 22 84. 38 | 76. 88 163 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was decidedly below the city average, but above it for the foreign. for the Italians, 16.92 for the Americans, 18.63 for the Germans, and 21.08 for the Irish. Malarial fever and cancer and tumor caused more thau the average proportion of deaths. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.54. ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. LEGEND Under 20 per 1000 coe MAP 1D N N 9 YORK Ww OF Y NG ATH RAT OF THE TOTAL POPULATION SHOWL oD Ss i DE LATIN u R districts different DURING THE in SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 187 1890 Scale 34 MORTALITY ios E eae leg CUBSO 0 UNS ano SA e se ERE ENR PQ a ni SDE O BHO De UU TEA F L; Q, : \ A.HOEN & CO.L/TH BALTOMD. Scale 9 1 MILE ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. LEGEND | 2, Under 90 per 1000 | ~ 4 goto M0. . ed] Ee Bea) no , Sg so | 150 ,, 170 and over .. MAP OF THE CITY or NEW YORK.N.-Y., SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 157 1890 Pn ‘Stataintatalnlaiaier yl | TPN it ainin cio H | hao AIL Le POMS ROULD eee uel ells Scale MORTALITY NOBOOCO0 nas a fa Scale 1 MILE A.HOEN & CO,L/TH.BALTOMD. ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. ) xEND LEC joi) Under 000, f 200 per 100. ) : " [] 200 to 300 , EF} 300, 400 , 9 ” 4 400 . 500 » 600 500 Ba 600 and over , rr SQUARE] i | N 8 YORK Bi Ate Yn ors fy ° bh 7 om ol GC o Zz 71 SHOW RAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES ~ a AVE rE TO MPTION CONSU in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 187 1890 Scale 0 1 34 MORTALITY 1 MILE HIGHBRIDGE FORT: GEORGE ALHOEN & CO.LITH BALTOMD ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. % LEGEND 2 Under 150 per 100000) | ff | 150 to 200, a | d 200 , 25 and over, M A P- CITY or NEW YORK,N.Y., SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO PNEUMONIA in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 187 © MORTALITY DOBOOOo0 Suni AHOEN 8 COL/TH te 0 1 MILE 150 per 100,000 | END ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. LEC | Under ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES | BH 150 to : 19 nu a 50, J ES a s Kk IR ATH RATI E NG UAL D E TO P V YC AL DISEASES \ HOW! A 4 ‘ Aa OF THE DU DIARRHOE N s AN M ae a x GE OF 4 DRA! wy 4 AVI 5andover , TY 9 a 3 I a: | | | | | J XN C different districts RING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 187 in Dt Scale oo 1890 MORTALITY POBOO0O0 A.HOEN & CO.L/TH BALTOMO, Scale o 1 MILE ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT. | LEGEND 4 Hess Under 100 per 100,000 | 4 y : [J wow wo, . | A [2] wo, 10, a. ee 3uvnds i jonisva es H_| Poort A | ae “al HH ; F | ay Bil al iggeae Say M A P CITY or NEW YORK.NLY,, AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO DIPHTHERIA ayp CROUP in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 187 1890 Scale 1 34 12 ‘0 MORTALITY A.HOEN & CO.4/TH BALTOMD. Scale oO 1 MILE BROOKLYN. Brooklyn is located at the western extremity of Long island, latitude 40° 41’ north, longitude 73° 59’ west from Greenwich. The elevations ranged from sea level to about 200 feet at several points in the Eighth ward. Except along the water front, and adjacent to the streams and estuaries, the land was of a gently rolling character, well elevated and drained, the most abrupt change in level being in the Eighth and Twenty-second wards, in the southwest part of the c’ty. Along Newtown creek there was an extensive salt water marsh, under water at high tide, and another extensive marsh existed along the old line between Williamsburg and Greenpoint. The whole of the area now covered by the navy yard was under water, one branch extending, with marshy banks, nearly to Washington park, and another followed about the tine of Kent avenue, Wallabout street, and Nostrand avenue as tar as Myrtle avenue, with more or less marsh on each side. Almost all of the Twelfth ward, excepting the point known as ** Red Hook”, was either wholly under water or overflowed by the tides, and the Gowanus canal was originally an inlet from the bay with marshy branches extending in all directions and spreading out over the lowlands. The space between First aud Fourth avenues, First and Fifth streets, iu the Tenth and Twenty-secoud wards, was a salt water pond. Generally speaking, the orginal shore line followed very closely the 1U-foot contour line indicated on the accompanying series of. maps, and it was gradually extended considerably beyond this line, along the whole water front, the extension being greatest in the Sixth, Eighth, and Twelfth wards and around Wallabout bay. Of the several inlets penetrating into the city, many have been entirely obliterated by filling, and others were tirst contracted and converted into canals, serving the double purpose of navigation and open sewerage. A special map of Brooklyn, upon tracing paper, is introduced, showing the original shore line, waterways, and marshy tracts. This map was reproduced by permission of the local board of health authorities from a similar map published in the report of the board of health for 1876, and by overlaying it upon the shaded maps the relations of filled ground to heavy death rates will be clearly seen. _The shaded maps show the location of each district and also the elevations in contour lines of 10 feet intervals. DENSITY OF POPULATION. The total area of the city, measured to the water line, was 15,084 acres, aud the population on June 1, 1890, was 806,343, giving an average of 44.59 persons to each acre of total area. The aetual building area, however, was much léss, there being actnally within the city limits 648 acres embraced in parks, 721 in cemeteries, 137 in the navy yard, and 410 acres covered by water in the bays, docks, and canals. In addition to these the Twenty-sixth ward contained about 1,000 acres of salt water marsh or neadow along Jamaica bay. xcluding these areas, the remainder is found to be 15,168 acres, and the population density rises to 53.16 persons to the acre. The area covered by streets and alleys was not reported by the local officials. There are great differences, however, in the density of population in different parts of the city, as will be seen in some of the tables as well as in the descriptious of the sanitary districts into which the city was subdivided. At the close of the census year, June 1, 1890, the number of dwellings in the city was 82.282, or 454 more than in New York. These dwellings contained 170,970 families, aggregating 806,343 persons, makiug au average of 4,72 persons to each family and 9.80 persons to each dwelling. SANITARY DISTRICTS. The characteristies of the several sanitary districts are shown in the description given below. These notes relate to the time the districts were determined, and may not now be entirely applicable to any particular locality, owing to changes since made. — — As in New York, the statement of the death rates in each district per 1,000 of white populatiou is exclusive of stillbirtlis, while the rates, according to birthplaces of mothers, include stillbirths. e 166 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 1. This ward contained 236 acres, 1,930 dwellings, and a total population of 20,040. There were 9 acres of parking, excluding which there was an average density of 88.28 persons and 8.50 dwellings to the acre, with 10.38 persons to each dwelling. The ward was divided into two sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Montague and Fulton streets, Boerum place, Atlantic avenue, and the Kast river. Area, 116 acres; park area, 9 acres; population, 10,530, being an average of 98.41 persons to each acre of area, exclusive of parking. Along the river front were many large stores and some tenements. Above, on the higher ground known as “Brooklyn Heights ”, were mostly fine residences and first-class apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native { -Foreign. | AREAS. | ; ! | Both parents One or both parents |! | native. ! foreign. | 5 Under 5 ‘ Dan Under 5 Total. , years. i exper SAA an ee it tale, ee SP _ Total. years. — i Under 5 || Under 5 | i Total | years: | Total. years. | | —s ae SEER.) ess coor fast “| | ett The city....-.. 25.00 93.78 | 25.48 91. 92 1 24.66 | 94. 99 , 22.26 ) 54.96 District A -..-. 20. 02 71.30 20. 12 74. 07 i 19.94 | 70.16 16. 33 ia 21.74 th | 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ba dae Ireland. { Germany. | Hngiand apd Scandinavia. AREAS. i pOnder 15 years|| Under }15 years]! | Under his y ears!) Under hs years'| Under 113 years 15 aud 1 and 15 | and {| 15 | and 15 | and | years. | over. |] years. | over. | years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. Secreta tees) | | | | 7 The city....... | 45.76 | 13.89 || 43.84 | 22.68 | 44.81) 15.46 f 32.42, 16.95 |] 45.50 9.13 District A ...-- | 82.07) 14.77 42.17 | 14. 79 33.52 | 12.50 28. 49 15, 18 41.15 5.32 aoa ee | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 3 Sear Po ] , ] z | Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consamp- | Cancer and Heart disease} | and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. | tumor. | and dropsy. | | Ree S|) ee 7 The city....-.- { 164.42 | 282.58 * 23.13 303. 24 4827 131. 16 District A ..... | 122. 75 145. 36 ; 22.61 219. 66 56.53 | 134. 06 ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average and especially so for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.32 for the Scandinavians, 12.50 for the Germans, 14.77 for the Americans, and 14.79 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY District B.—Bounded by Fulton and Montague streets aud the East river. Area, 120 acres; population, 9,510; number of persons to the acre, 79.25. On Brooklyn, or Columbia heights, were some of the finest residences in the city. The gardens of the private dwellings on Willow street, in many instances, were on the roofs of the buildings. The streets on the river frout contained many large storehouses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: SSS | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. | Foreign. | as aoe ee ! 1 | AREAS: ! | | Both parents —:' One or both parents : ! | native. ii * foreign. Ree a Under 5 [Bess ge hee DS Resta ee ade ; Unders : | Total. | years. | ' : Total. sales: | Total | eae? ane |, Cas aS pe Secnes ited | i! | _ ‘ | i The city... 25.00 | 93.78 || 25.48 ) 91.82 | 24.66 94.99 | 29.96 541.96 | District B 21.16 ; 92.81 | 21.85 99. 40 | 20.15 87.53 | 16. 82 150.00 | | _ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | | | nited States |: ; ore and - i Treland. ci ' gates (white), reland Germany : Vales. | Scotland. eee { | i i | ; | Under 15 years’ Under 15 years|' Under 15 sears Under i years, Under hs years 15 and 15 and || 15 and | 2 and | and years. | over. H years. | over. ‘ years.) over. | y care: | over. || senna over. Sosa st | Basse i fcecetiat | Bs The city....... 1 45, 76 | 13. 89 "4 8t ca 22. 68 44.31 15. 46 | 32.42 | 16.95 | 29.86] 16.41 District B..... | 47.95! 15.84 | as 95 | 14.07] 39.51} 12.60 |, 31.05] 13.23 | 32.05! 15.36 | | | i i i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 1 Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ; Malarial Cancer and and croup. diseases. fever. tion. ‘ tever. tumor. | | ae The city.--.... 164.42; 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 32 62 48. 27 District B ..... 96. 59 | 123, 42 16. 10 250. 41 33. 98 57. 24 i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.60 for the Germans, 14.07 for the Trish, and 15.84 for the Americans. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. This ward was not subdivided. WARD 2. of 8,986, giving au average of 94.59 persons to the acre and 14.35 persons to each dwelling. The original shore line in this ward was in the vicinity of Water street, and most of the land between that street and the river has been filled in. many tenements, and near the eastern boundary a large settlement of Italians was found. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. Sees Se cee ate ee nee eat ees BREAS: | 3 | | Both parents | One or both parents | ‘ i | native. | foreign. | 7 Under 5 | Bae Under5 | Total. | years. | =e | eS Total | years ' | os niler 5 r nder Total years. | Total. ears: ! ; Se Thecity -......, 25.00 | 93.78 || 25.48 91.92 24. 66 94. 99 22. 26 \ 54. 96 Ward2........ 38.86 © 137.28 43.92 124.53 i 37. 38 142.11 29. 12 51.95 Sos Sos == a nr Se 25 ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— \ U 1 St | : Ts Jand and | nited rates | England and he | Ireland. i Germany. Vales Italy. pwn? : (white). i | Wales. | i eomewseeet: || I ‘ ' | : Under 15 years | ‘Under 15 years) Under 15 years’ Under |15 sgn Uniler 15 years | 15 and i 15 and 15 and ; 15 and (| and { | years. | over. | years. over. | years. | over. | years. | over. |) cones: over. | | a The city....... 45.76 | 13.89) 43.84 22.68 | 44.31) 15.46 |, 32.42] 16.95 | 53.62 | 7.89 | Ward 2........ | 76.14] 16.25 |} 52.85 , 29.65 { 65.32} 14.83 |, 48.02 | 24.47 | 92.53) 11.83 | ' I i ' t | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE To | i Diphtheri Diarrh Te a | E Cc | iphtheria iarrhea phoi ousun: “ | | and croup. | + diseases. tren. tion. ! Pueumonia. Measles. : The city -....-. 164. 42 282, 58 23.13 | 303. 24 | 230. 06 | 17.71 Ward 2...----- 191.19 419.15 18.37 | 419.15 340. 10 51.47 | | 167 The death rate for The area was 95 acres, and it contained 626 dwellings, with a total population Above Water street was mostly good, firm ground. This ward coutained 168 - VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was much above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.83 for the Italians, 14.83 for the Germans, 16.25 for the Americans, and 29.65 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 3. The area of this ward was 160 acres, containing 2,080 dwellings and a total population of 18,754, the number of persons being 117.21 to the acre and 9.02 to each dwelling. It was subdivided into two sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Atlantic and Fourth avenues aud Bergen aud Court streets. Area, 76 acres; population, 10,582; number of persons to the acre, 139.24. This district was essentially residential, and contained private dwellings aud tenements in about equal proportions. - The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | "| R | Native. \| Foreign. =I it ara | | Both parents / One or both parents | | | | native. i foreign. a Under 5 ge eens St | Under5 Total. kf pears: re au ae ! Total. years. | Under 5 nderd |, | | Total. | years. | Total years. || | | Sie ee ee The city ....... 25.00 93. 78 25.48 91.92 i 24.66 | 94.99 |! 22.26 54. 96 District A..... 23.47 85. 72 29, 42 i 99. 62 [ 19. 89 | 78. 27 | 21. 82 | 80. 00 | 1 i i sett tekc acces Sit Ninn xaransns eae ala cies DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 1 , | { a j | epee Ireland. Germany. | Hogland. and | Scandinavia. | AREAS. | f | \ | i Under |15 years’ Under 15 years | Under hs years! Under |15 years Under |15 years » 15 and ‘| 15 9 and. 15 | and 15 and | 15 and _ years. | over. | years. | over. » years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. The city... 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 44, 31] [| 15.46 32.42 | 16.95 | 45. 50 9.13 4 ‘ 3 i t District A , 47.54 | 16.62 31.16; 21.85 42. 64 | 16.41 || 26.72 | 21.32 45, 63 | 8. 63 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO-- AREAS. | : \ | Diphtheria \ Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | Scarlet | Cancer and and croup. | diseases. | fever. | tion. fever. I tumor. 7 ! oi ieee E : | . The city ....... 164.42 | 282,58 | 23.13! 303.24 | 42.48 | 48.27 District A ..... | 147.62 | 230.16 | 17. 46 277.78 | 46.03 | 52. 38 I : i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.63 for the Scandinavians, 16.41 for the Germans, 16,62 for the Americans, and 21.85 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DisTRICT B.—Bounded by Fulton street, Flatbush, Fourth, and Atiantic avenues, and Boerum place. Area, 84 acres; population, 8,172; nuinber of persons to the acre, 97.29, This was almost wholly a sasidontial district. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 169 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. é | 3 Native. | Foreign. I Sean Gl AREAS: Both parents | One or both parents native. | foreign. : . Under 5 i Reed Under 5 1 Yotal. years oaks | eae To*al. years. q nder5 ||» nders . : Total. years. | Total; sae years. : eee Sacra econ \ sere Bet ee. eos af see ee ae | | : lee Giaes i The city ..-.... 25.00 | 93.78 23.48 | 91.92 || 24.66 | 94.99 ‘| 22.96 54.96 District B ...-. 19.85 | 83.02 19. 38 | 80.67 | 20. 44 84.63 | 18. 68 102. 56 : HS eee cae to lls ones mae x ! | DEATH RATES PER 1,00) PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ee ' United States * England and : fs Ireland. Germany. Scandinavia. AREAS. | (white). ; | Vales. pees : Under /15 years)} Under der 15 years Unger 15 sears Under |15 years 15 and 15 and | and and |/- 15 and ' years. | over. |; years. | over. |! aha over. sane. over. || years. | over. : ' a ' ' 7: ‘ i The city ......- 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 || 44.31 | 15. 46 32. 42 16.95 | 45. 50 9.13 District B -.... { 40.01} i421 || 43.e1} 19.78 40.54) 13.31] 43.06] 1a.04 | 43.35 | 9.95 f i t i \ y DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | : i AREAS. ; ( 1 Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- | Cancer and | Diseases of ! and croup. diseases. tever. tion. ! tumor. the liver. ee Ga a { The city ..-..- “ 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 303.24 | 48.27 35. 95 | District B.....) 133.61 168. 56 | 8,22 283.67 | 74. 00 41.11 I i ' I i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the children under 5 years of age of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward according to birthplaces of mothers, was 9.95 for the Scandinavians, 13.31 for the Germans, 14.21 for the Americans, and 19.78 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 4. This ward formed a single sanitary district, having an area of 112 acres, 1,223 dwellings, aud a total population of 12,324, giving a density of 110.04 persons to the acre and 10.08 persons to each dwelling: character and contained private residences aud tenements about equally divided. It was. residential in The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. The city Ward 4 [— DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. i Foreign. PhS . Pp ee ro HSH Se "Both parents Oue or both parents | \ i | native. foreign. [| metal, | Caters | | a Total. uals ! ) S. ! s. ; ' ‘ | Onder 5 |: Under 5 ; Total. | years. | Yotal. | years. | | on | i | ! pons 25. 00 93. 78 \ 25. 48 91 92 | 24.66 | 94.99 |: 22.26 54. 96 i is 25. 28 109, 84 i 2%, 89. 112.16 | 23.25 107. 86 24. 65 u AREAS. The city _ Ward 4 ' Unitea States esl (white). i i | | \ | Under 15) years, 15 | | ; and years. | over. ‘ | ped ; 45.76. 15.89 53. 16. 02 | ' England and ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 24.77 | 15. 38 Ireland. Germany. , Wales. é Scotland. Sie te ras are ae eee : = Under iS years Under | B-seans Under 15 years! Under |15 years and 15 | and 15 and and ' years. | over. | years. © over. || years. | uver. | years.| over. i | Bee eas Z -——! ——|--—.-| 43.84 99.68:| 44.31 15.46! 22.42! 16951 99.86! 16,41, i ‘ | 58. 22 23.20 35.71 , 15.78 | 62.62 | 18.65 \ 170 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 4—Continued. d DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ee : | ; [ : Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | ppeymonia. ' Malarial and croup. | diseases. | — fever. tion. 1 fever. ' arse a eet | The city......-! 164. 42 | 282.58 23.13 303,24 | 230.06 | 32. 62 i 221.87 | 33. 41 | ' Warll hicccssces | 121.63 | 248.60 | 18.71 359, 53 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was slightly above the city average, and especially so for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.38 for the Scotch, 16.02 for the Americans, and 23.20 for the Irish. Malarial fever, consumption, cancer aud tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 5. This ward contained 112 acres, with 1,510 dwellings and a total population of 20,175, making an average of 180.13 persons to the acre and 13.36 to each dwelling. It was subdivided into two sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by the East river, the navy yard, and Navy, Prospect, and Bridge streets. Area, 54 acres; population, 9,725; number of persons to the acre, 180.09. It contained some made land along the river front, and the dwellings were almost entirely tenements. Factories and manufacturing establishments of many kinds were numerons, with some slaughterhouses near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. . Native. | Foreign. Se Se ee nee che picesteeaieeesiey earateies) [fh ee AREAS. | Both parents | One or both parents |: | { : native. : foreign. | F Under 5 _—— i ji Under 5 Total. years. i | a ned ; Total. years. ! nder5 | m nder 5 ; Total. years. | Total. on. | Oa years. Sess ae zs es pocce es te The city ....... 25. 00 93.78 | 25.48 gi.o2 | 9486 | 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 District A..... 31.33 | 139.22 1 35.10 | 156.25 | 30.15 i 182.45 26.50 58.56 | : 1 1 | DEATH RATES PER 1,110) PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ieee tetas é ie eo | United States | | England and {i " + ae | Ireland. Germany. | or || Scandinavia. “REARS: (white). l } 1 Wales. | i ; ee pes ee call ee Se lee ee on J ; Under (15 years]! Under 15 years,’ Under 15 years! Under 15 years, Under 15 years ‘ 15 and HB . and | 15 and |! 15 and | and ‘ years. over. | years. over. \ years. over. l| yVears. over. cae Ss. Over, { pee ee ee ee ale ah The city....... | 45.76. 13.89 » 43.84 5 22.68 | 44.31 15. 46 | 32. 42 16.95 | 45.50 9.13 District A..... | 74.34. 7.39 | 52.57 26.53 i 75.58 13.80 | 38.46] 12.57 | 63.06] 7.74 1 ‘ 5 I | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — ese eee fay eet Sal a arp eed ee Rt AREAS, | , Sisto eek, ! Diphtheria . Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | Malarial ; P zs | aud croup. ; diseases | fever. tion. fever. nolmnonta:. | Seen Sa SESS JAP See Sie esa es eet en es ee et Cane : i The city....-.- 164.42 282.58 | 23.13 303, 24 | 32. 62 230. 06 District A ..... | 154.74 337. 62 ‘ 21.10 336. 97 | 47.48 | 269. 04 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, and especially for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans, being 7.39 as against 26.53 among the Irish. Malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumptica, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, aud diseases of the urihary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Prospect, Navy, Johnson, and Bridge streets. Area, 58 acres; ; population, 10,450; number of persons to the acre, 180.17. Tenement: houses were very numerous, and about one-third of the district, including that part between Prince and Hudson streets and the navy yard line, was originally marsh. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 171 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 7 5 i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i 7 Native. Forvign. AREAS: ! Both parents One or both parents 1 : : native. : foreign. Te ees ' Underid i Underd Total. years. rare er Total. | years. i 5 ' Under nder 5 ' Total. | years. |! Total. years. sees; a | | The city ...... 25. 00 93.78 25. 48 ! 91. 92 | 24.66 | 94.99 22, 26 | 54, 96 District B..... 31.42 | 120.99 39.22 | 116.52 | 28.07 | 124.17 31.08 | 13.51 i ae era : Meee le eee, ! DEATH RATES PER 1,090 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IX— 1 | i { | United States | : ' England and ' P ! Ireland ' Germany. , a Italy. ens: (white). \ ! Wales. see tf eae sea pee SE oe etree ee i | i ! ‘ ' Under '15 years!! Under hs years! Under 15years Under [15 years!| Under 15 years "15, and fi j; and = 15 and \ 15 and | 15 and i years. , over. | years. | over. ! years. over. . years. A over. i years. over. i i | | : ; 2 i i ' ‘ i The city ..-.-.- 45.76 , 13.89, 43.84 | 22. 68 iy 44.31 15.46 32.42, 16.95 || 53.62 7.89 District B ...-. 66.74 | 16.81, 46.57 , 28.75 | 40.56) 1391, 4278, 18.73. 88.80] 5.99 eer eae speeeeay Sp alana se Re) | | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATIOS DUE TO— AREAS. i | : ' | Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- Malarial . | D r yp ! pe 4 | anderoup. | diseases. | fever. tion. fi fever. Pneumonia. Aacsat — | | Ei | The city. ....-. 164. 42 i 282. 58 23.13 i 303. 24 32.62 | 230. 06 District B ...-- 193.09 | 333. 82 | 16. 36 | 386.19; 52. 36 | 271.64 | , : i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, but below it for the foreign under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 5.99 as against 16.81 for the Americans and 28.75 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 6. This ward contained 296 acres, 3,074 dwellings, and a total population of 37,693, giviug 127.34 persons to the acre and 12.26 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. About one-third of the ward area has been reclaimed from the river, the original shore line running between Hicks and Columbia streets, and near the center was also a marsh covering several blocks. SANITARY DISTRICY A.—Bounded by Degraw and Court streets, Fourth place (Coles street), and Hicks street. Area, 77 acres; population, 8,792; number of persons to the acre, 114.18. Private dwellings predominated in this district, which was well elevated, almost all the land lying above the 30. foot level. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. , | | Native. Foreign. AREAS: \ : Both parevts | One or both parents |, ! native. | foreign. i i 7 Under5 _ as IS sear ee seen jog Under 5 | | Total. years. | a i nee | Total. years od nder 5 |, nder | | Total years. f Total years. | : (a ef rll ey |- | | | Thecity ..-.--- : 25.00 93.738 | 25.48 91.92 I 24. 66 94,99 |) 22.26 54.96 | District A...-- 22.79 | 87.74 ' 28.82 85.71 | 19. 23 89. 04 | 16. 82 37. 04 | i { : 172 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | United States a England and s, . One (white). | Ireland. Germany. | Wales. Scandinavia. paehee | 7 | 1 ' ' ! Under hs years|| Under ‘15 years}; Under 15 years'| Under 15 years’ Under jb years 15 and 15 and |) 15° and |} 15 and | 15 | anc years. | over. || years. | over. | years, over. || years. | over. || years. ; over. . | i i | a te Hl |p eae! If eRe j-——--- | ———! | | : ! \ paleo The city....... 45.76 | 13.89 | 43.841 29.68) 44.31] 15.46 | 22.42) 16.95) 45.50 | 9.13 District A... 46.97 18. 74 | 39. 30 15. 54 ; 26. 63 12.39 | 20.66 14. 04 41.24: 7.37 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. "tech am filies i | é | i pi t iphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid ‘onsump- iq, _ Diseases 0 and croup. | diseases. fever. | tion. | Pneumonia. ‘the liver. * psota ts i eof ee £. | : ; : The city....... 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 | 303.24 j 230. 06 | 35. 95 District A ..... 148. 69 | 239. 45 48. 28 | 225.93 j 212. 41 | 38. 62 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years ot age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the Americans, being 18.74 as against 15.54 for the Irish, 12.39 for the Germans, and 7.37 for the Scandinavians. Typhoid fever and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIsrRicr B.—Bounded by Atlantic avenue, Hicks street, Hamilton avenue, and the East river. Area, 136 acres; population, 17,924; number of persons to the acre, 131.79. Nearly all of this district was made land, either reclaimed from the river or the marsh. Tenement houses predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. | Foreign. | I | —|| - ene Both parents I One or both parents | | native. | foreign. | | ; ta Under 5 Ibs a Under 5 Total. | "Sears. =a = | Total. | ‘eats, 5 nder 5 7. nderd | Total. years. Toral. years. |; | 1 = = 7 a =. an seeiell Poli nee) ata The city..-.-.- 25.00 93.78 | 25.48 ° 91,92 24.66 | 94.99 | 22.26 | 54.96 District B -.... 37. 78 | 114.95 | 56.50 ; 139.2 | 34.745 | 109.37 || 23.52 | 60.76 swe tt tegen te Ng pe a, ail | DEATH RATES PER 1,007 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ie United States | . ; eta \, We Trelaud. Germany. Scandinavia. Italy. AeEKE (white). J | y | Hea Pantaia am . J | Under 15 years; Under lis years Under ps years Under |15 years | Under 5 years) 1; and | 15 aud | and 15 and || 15 and years. over. | years. . over. years over. years, over. years. : over. I | fice acai Reco (erence aati \ my ‘Phe city.....-. 45.76 | 19.89 | 43.81 92.68 44.31 » WAG) 45.50 | 9.13 | 53.02 7. 89 District B..... 74.45 17.45 | 51.56 , 25.01 | 39.12) 18. 86 : 641.16 10. 04 46. 44 8.91 : { ! : i ne ee sate soe : DEATH RATES PER 160,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i AREAS. aa 1 | Diplitheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- . - Searlet and croup. | diseases. fever. | tion. Pneumonia. fever. The City ees was 164. 42 282, 58 23.13 | 303. 24 230. 06 42.48, District Bo... 210. 29 497.31 18. 60 \ 390. 48 288.91, 69. 15 1 i During the 6-year period the death rate iu this district was much above the city average, especially among the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 8.91 as against 25.01 for the Irish, 18.86 for the Germans, and 17.45 for the Americans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Atlantic avenue and Court, Degraw, and Hicks streets. number of persons to the acre, 132.25. Private dwellings and tenement houses were found in Most of the land was good, rising gently from the river. population, 10,977; about equal numbers. the original swamp lying near the center of the ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 173 Area, 83 acres; A small portion was embraced in DEATH RATES PER 1,00C WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. 1 1 AREAS: Both parents i One or both parents | native. 1 foreign, ' Under 5 ' n Under 5 Total. | “Years. ee i nae Total. | ‘years. 7 nider5 : nder : Total. years. | Total. years. |] | | | The city -.-.-.- 25. 00 93.78 || 25.48 + 91.92 i 24. 66 94. 99 22, 26 54.96 District C ..... 21.03 89. 61 | 21.21 | 78.92 : 20.91 94.83 18. 46 19. 23 PEE Aaah Rea npatene poten yen sect | a _ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ear oa i Ireland. Germany. Angrandland: Scandinavia. AREAS. : | | ; i ae. he allie ll Toes 7 Under 5 years Under 15 years;' | Under 15 years’ Under lis years’ Under |15 years) 15 | and » and 15, and, 15 | and | 15 and years.| over. . years.; over. |’ years. over, | years. | over. |, years. | over. | Be ee | t Dee ' | The city.....-- 45.76 | 13.89} 43.84 22.68 | 44, | 15. 46 I 32.42 16.95 ° 45.50) 9.13 District C ..... 36.96 | 13.97 i 41.67 17.26 | 42.83) 11.92 41.98 3| 10. 48 45.70 9. 11- DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | Diphtheria ; Diarrheal | Typhoid | Covsump- Malarial Cancer and and croup. | diseases. | tever. | tion. fever. tumor \ | i The city.-.....! 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 | 303. 24 32. 62 48.27 District C -....} 134. 57 | 184. 07 18. 56 | 227.38 | 27. 84 49.50 { During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially among the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 9.11 for the Scandinavians, 11.92 for the Germans, 13.97 for the Americans, and 17.26 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 7 This ward had an area of 447 acres, 4,398 dwellings, and a total population of 35,726. There were 9.84 dwellings to the acre, 8.12 districts. SANITARY DISTRICT equal proportion. persons’ to each dwelling, and 79.92 persons to the acre. A.—Bounded by Flushing, Bedford, Myrtie, and Washington avenues. population, 10,286; number of persons to the acre, 97.96. The dwellings were residences aud tenements in about It was subdivided into four sanitary Area, 105 acres; The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PLR 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. | ] -—— GEER: | | Both parents | One or both parents | i native. foreign. Under 5 rs eee a | Under 3 | | Total. years, | = apes otal: | yeurs. 4 nder 5 under i | | Total. | “years. f Tetal | "years. | | | iL, i The city .--.-.. | 95,00 93. 78 | 25. 48 91.92 24. 66 94.99 22. 26 54.96 District A ...- | 26.05 91. 84 i 34.09 107. 28 22. 09 82252 26.15 | 74.07 ! ' ‘ 174 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Tnited States a England and . ‘anne (white). Treland. Germany. Vales. Ttaly. Under 15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under [15 years|| Under 15 years) Under |15 years 15 | and |) 15 and 15 and 15 | and 15 | aud years. | over. | years. | over. |} years. | over. || years.! over. | years. | over. —-——} ——| | 4 ' The city ....... 45. 76 13. 89 43,84! 22:68 { 44.31 15. 46 32.42! 16.95 | 53.62 7.89 District A..... 57.64 5 16.31 38,47 | 23,23 | _ 39.77 12. 36 39. 80 18. 96 | 42. 64 5.31 ! ' i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | ba Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ., Heart disease and croup. diseases. ever. tion. Pneumonia: | and dropsy. nickoneae) deteth oR ae soe! = 1 The city ....... 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 | 303. 24 230.06 | 121. 16 District A -.... 188. 17 283. 94 20. 16 | 309, 14 233. 53 169. 69 | ' Duwing the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 5.31 as against 16.31 for the Americans and 23.23 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Myrtle, Classon, Gates, and Washington avenues. Area, 116 acres; population, 8,441; number of persons to the acre, 72.77. It was occupied principally by private dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. i i 3 ms | ! eee Both parents One or both parents | | x \ native. foreign. i | Under 5 Fes Beh Se i Under 5 | Total. SENT. | Total. | years. ' Under 5 ||, Under 5 1 : Total. years. |, ‘Total. | years. | i | I | — ; | ' | i The city.:..... , 25.00 93. 78 25.48 | 91.92 ' 24.66 | 94.99 22. 26 | 54.96 District B..... ; 18.70 82. 44 17.63 | 68.77 |: 20.47 | 104. 85 20.78 55. 56 ! i! t DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— i { | | ' United States England and = er (white). Ireland. | Germany. | Vales. Scotland. t | { | a dat 7 Vo : ~ II \ ! | Under /15 years}! Under 15 years) Under |15 years Under :15 years/|| Under |15 years, : ) 15 | and fi 15 and 15 and | and 15 and years. over. | years. over. || years. | over. || years. : over. || years. | over. awe nace — Seal | eerste The city-....-- 45.76 13.89 43.84 22. 48 | 44.31 15. 46 32. 42 16. 95 29. 86 16. 41 District B ...-. 37. 12 13. 90 | 51.84° 21.57 37. 04 | * 14.40 | 22.90 | 11.43 38. 10 19.90 i | i i } DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO-- * ‘ meer sees 0 a a eta AREAS. ed id sm j Gr Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Whooping Cancer and and croup. diseases. fever. tion, cough. tumor. Beso Ee ok hee | jo | - The city....... 164.42 282. 58 23.13 | 303, 24 26.18 48.27 District B..... 116. 69 120,79 30. 74 239, 53 30.71 67.56 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upwas4, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.43 for the English, 13.90 for the s, 14.40 for the German Americans, s, and 21.57 for the Irish. n Typhoid fever, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, aud diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 175 SANITARY DISTRICr C.—Bounded by Gates and Bedford avenues, Brevoort place, and Franklin, Atlantic, and Washington avenues. Area, 123 acres; population, 8,757; number of persons to the acre, 71.20. Private dwellings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. si | Native. if Foreign. . = ae | Both parents One or both parents ! | | native. foreign. I 3 Underd |_ _ os as pore Under 5 Total. | ‘years. ies ee So | Total. | ‘years. i H nder 5 | nders |; | Total years. | Total. years. | | ee eee The city simon re fo 25.00 | 93.78 25. 48 91.92; 24. 66 94. 99 | 22. 26 54, 96 District C ...-.. 16.97 | 68, 55 17. 54 64. 76 | 15.70 75. 51 ABG4 eudeenacn i i I | DEATH RATES PER 1,0(0 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | | England and | ~ A , are Treland. Germany. Scandinavia. AREAS. (white). Wales. | ‘ 1 Under |15 years); Under /15 years Under 15 years Under 1 years! Under }15 vears| and 15 | arid = and |! 15 and years. | over. || years. ae | jon over. || years. over. || years. | over. | ae The city .-..-. 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 15.46 | 32. 42 | 16.95 45. 50 9.13 District C ...-. 28.96 | 13. 89 40. 40 18.57 62.27] 8.61 | 18. 32 | 16.90 || 37.04 8. 33 *: 1 . t i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— rete Diphtiteriay | Dyarrbest | “Typbota | ¢ Heart disease’ iphtheria iarrbea phoi ‘onsump- eart disease and croup. | diseases. | iy er. tion. and dropsy. | Old age. ae | | | The city..-.-.. 164. 42 282. 58 | 23.13 303. 24 131.16 31.37 District C ..... 90. 78 | 122. 36 | 23. 68 211.17 138.15 | 43, 42 I 1 The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.33 for the Scandinavians, 8.61 for the Germ ans, 13.89 for the Americans, and 18.57 for the Irish. Heart disease and dropsy and old age caused inore than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by Myrtle, Bedford, Gates, and Classon avenues. Area, 103 acres; population, 8,242; number of persons to the acre, 80.02. The buildings were generally private residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION: Native. | Foreign. ; ad i i | AREAS. i Both parents One or both parents | native. foreign. | Under 5 ° 4 Under 5 Total. j years. i | Total. years. \ : Under 5 1, Under 5 ! : ; Total. | years. Total. years. | ep | hoes (ee ei Sa ety { ' Thecity .....-. 25. 00 93.78 2.48 | 91.92 24. 66 94.99 | 22.96 | 54.96 District D ..... 19.41 | 80.45 | 21.45 | 80.09 17.18 80.86 | 23.47 , 138.89 i ees aul polemic DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ik r United States |! ale 4 sy ! England and | sr : (white). Ireland. = Germany. Wales. | Scotland. AREAS. | | | u i I ili \, ! Under |15 years Under 15 years! | Under lis yi reat ude ls years| Under |15 years | 15 and and 15 | and 6 2 und } and | years.| oyer. | years. over. | years. over. | vears.! over. | years. | over. I Se Ssc ios, Vad g be Bo apt rts herb Bel os ed Thecity ..----- 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 22.68 44.31 15.46 32.42 16.95 29.86 | 16.41 ° District D..... 37.44 16.41 20. 66 18. 14 37.92 13. 04 | 35. 83 30. 1.85 5 | 30 | 12.40 | | 1 176 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | ! AREAS. j tee i Sar Sash atone te wag, o 1 a ad oF Pa at ' Diphtheria ; Diarrheal Typhoid | Consump- | Cancer and - Diseases of , and croup. | diseases. tever. : tion. | tumor, the liver. papa tne a | 2 i piers wont pee yee 4, Se Theeity sovse “yt gos _| Bees ' Paes feo a i ' | The city... 45.76 ' 13.89 i 43. 84 | 22. 68 44.31 15. 46 * 32.42 16.95 | 29. 86 16.41 District C 73. 06 17. 44 i 35.31 | 17. 02 17.09 8. 7! ' 16.26 34.01 || 166. 67: 11.90 tt epee eel _| i ! DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE 'TO— | eee “Diphe | dieses Typhoid | C a ie a iphtheria jarrhea yphoic onstmp- | Scarlet | and croup. discases. | fever. tion. | fever. Measles. | 7 ey ii ee oe “> Sell pu Ca se cece Seen ! | | [ae ee ee ee The city...-..- : 164.42 282.58 | 28.13 303. 24 | 42.48 | 17.71 | District C ..... 178. 39 B05.81 jeeeeeee sete eee | 280. 33 63.71 38.23 | i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 181 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly ‘above the city average and considerably above it for the native white of native parents, but was below it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Germans, being 8.77 as against 17.02 for the Irish, 17.44 for the Americans, and 34.01 for the English. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 10. This ward had a total area of 313 acres, with one park of about 4 acres. The total population was 34,031 in 3,116 dwellings, there being 10.08 dwellings to the acre, 10.92 persons to each dwelling, and 110.13 persons to the acre, exclusive of the park area. A marsh originally extended along the line of the Gowanus canal, and with its branches covered nearly one- half of the ward, which was divided into three sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Bergen, Hoyt, and Fifth streets, Fourth place, and Court street. Area, 109 acres, of which 4 acres were included in Carroll park. Population, 14,064; number of persons to the acre, 133.94. This district occupied the ridge of elevated ground on the west side of the ward, the old marsh covering only a small part of the northern end of the district. Most of the land was above the 30-foot contour line. The buildings were principally tenements and retail stores with dwellings above. The death rates for this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS a ee ee | | ‘ | Both parents | One or both parents i native. | foreign. \ 7 ; Under5 |} ed Fi Under5 Total. | "Years. a I soa | a Total | oe ! 5 nder Tnder i | sbotal: years. | Total. |. years. | ! ee The city .-.---- 25. 00 93.78 | 25. 48 0 24. 66 94.99 22.26 | 54.96 District A ..... 24. 87 96.65 28. 30 96. 49 22. 92 96. 76 23. 53 87. 30 \ i : = = DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ies pa aT Se United States |! ; fi _ || England and | (white). i Treland. i Germany. Vales. ‘| § AREAS. i ‘| u a! pes as a eaihee Under |15 y ears’ Under ‘5 years. Under ho > years, "Under by eats "Under lis x ean 15 and | 15 ; and | 15 | and | 15 | and ‘| te years. | over. | years. over. | years. | over. years. i over. | y' aes ov re i : SSS | ee {ES a ; + The city .-.---- 45.76 | 13.89, 43.84 i 22. 68 44.31) 15.46 § 32.42 16.95 " 45.50; 9.13 District A -.... * 48.33 | 16.71 i 41.72 21.60, 46.40 13. 81 44.32 | 16. 41 | 60. 21 6. 88 STnEEEEEEIEEEEETIEEEEEEEEEEEEEiR wet. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. mene Hise | a | | Wh iphtheria jiarrhea typhoid Consump- ooping and croup. diseases. + tever. | tion. "Pneumonia. cough. | | - | i | | The city -.-.... 164.42 | 282.58 5 23.13: 303. 24 230.06 |; 26.18 District A ..... 176. 29 | 258. 73 | 40.59 | 290, 44 218.15 | 31.71 ' I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Scandinavians, being 6.88 as against 13.81 for the Germans, 16.71 for the Americans, and 21.60 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, cancer and tumor, diseases of the nervous system, and old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 182 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Bergen street, Fourth avenue, Berkley place, and Sackett and Hoyt streets. Area, 109 acres; population, 13,189; number of persons to the acre, 121.00. ‘This was originally nearly all marsh or swamp land, covered by water at high tide, and had all been filled, except the part occupied by the Gowanus canal. The buildings were tenements and dwellings of the middle class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 2 Native. Foreign. ' | AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents | : native. foreign. i Total ' Under 5 - | Total. | Under s Out years. i i aiael eae ' " years. 7 nder , nder | | Total. | years, |! Total. years. i seeks a i The city ....-.- 25. 00 | 93.78 25.48 | 91.92 24. 66 94.99 22. 26 | 54.96 District B ..... 33.04 | 111.66 44.35 | 116. 82 28. 53 108. 57 26.40 | 39.86 i ' : ; : | ' DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | i | i ; United States |: England and a i é * i Ireland. Germany. _ Scandinavia. cnEae | (white). | Vales. i | i \ 7 : ; Under {15 years); Under \15 years Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|' Under \15 years 1 ; and || 15 | and 15 and 15 | and |) 15 and years. | over. || years. over. || years. | over. |! years. | over. | years. | over. 1 ! ! Ss i | \ The city ....-.. 45.76 13.89 |) 43.84) 22.68 )] 44.31, 15.46 || 92.42! 16.95, 45.50° 9.13 ' i i District B ....-. 63. 21 18.76 |) 48.54 ' 25.77 32. 93 13.33 41.88 14.94 66, 22 13. 00 ‘ 1 : \ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION _TE TO— AREAS. % | " ii é | iphtheria iarrheal | Typhoid onsump- | hen and croup. | diseases. | fever. tion. | Pneumonia. | Measles. i i The city ....--- 164. 42 282. 58 £3. 13 303. 24 230.06 | 17.71 District B ..... 225. 85 | 354.32 | 17. 58 319. 16 302. 93 ! 28. 40 i ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, but was below it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Scandinavians, being 13.00 as against 13.33 for the Germans, 18.76 for the Americans, and 25.77 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases ot the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Berkley place, Sackett street, Fourth avenue, First street, the Gowanus canal, and Fifth and Hoyt streets. Area, 95 acres; population, 6,778; number of persons to the acre, 71.35. The Gowanus canal runs through this district and most of it was within the marsh which originally occupied the lowlands along the line of the canal. The buildings were principally tenements. One large gas house was located in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Po eae ia Fete? — Kp ee et Native. \ Foreign. ! — eee aa AREAS: | ‘ | Both parents | One or both parents | uative. " foreign. ii Laas Under 5 Wicg casa a SO Under 5 | Total. | years. | ; ~~ 4, Total. | TeUS. i 1 Under5 | Under 5 ' me | Total. years. | Total. years. ReebeGy ee tea pce ote ree: rae | The city ........ 25.00 | 93.78 |) 25.48 , 9192 . 24.66 . 94.99 2. 96 54. 96 ; ‘ , District C ..... | 27.91 | 94.04 | 31.15 | 79.98 | 26. 48 103.24 | 25. 87 73, 53 : 1 I . NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 183 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | Ireland Germany England and | Italy 7, AREAS. (white). | Wales. | 3 i i | ] | | Under ‘15 years'| Under :15 years|' Under |15 years|| Under |15 years: Under (15 years, 15 | and 15 | and | 15 { an 15 and 15 | and years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. || years. | over. |! years. | over. ! | & | 7 | The city ...--.- 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 ; 15, 46 82.42 | 16,95 53. 62 | 7.89 District C ..... 46.83" 14.54 || 41.38 | 23.15 | 50.61 | 12.73 |] 33.33 | 14.15 || 116.28 | 13. 80 Ly SNe dadlan ea DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— sia | Diphth Diarhedl | ‘Typed | o og , Diphtheria jarrheal | ‘yphoi ; Consump- Sa earlet \ and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. Pneumonia. i fever. ; ieee ve ‘ 1 ! { | | The city.. 164.42 | 282. 58 | 23.13 | 303. 24 | 230. 06 42.48 District C 236. 85 | 365.81 26.32 | 278.96 | 265. 80 60. 53 1 | i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.80 for the Italians, 12.73 for the Germans, 14.54 for the Americans, and 23.15 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 11. According to the municipal ordinance defining the limits of this ward, the Portland avenue line extended through the navy yard to Wallabout bay, but on the series of maps accompanying this report this line stops at the navy yard, the area of which is excluded in calculating density of population, etc. The total areaof the ward was 253 acres, of which 45 acres were contained in the navy yard and 32 acres in the City park and Washington park. The total population was 22,693, contained in 2,411 dwellings, there being 13.70 dwellings to the acre, 9.41 persons to each dwelling, and 128.94 persous to the acre. Most of the ward between Johnson street and Wallabout bay was originally marsh. The ward was subdivided into two sanitary districts. SANITARY District A.—Bounded by Wallabout bay, North Portland avenue continued through the navy yard, Myrtle avenue, Canton street, Willoughby avenue, Bridge, Johnson, and Navy streets, and the navy yard line. Area, 130 acres; 45 acres in the navy yard and 7 acres in the City park. Excluding these, the number of persons to the acre was 153.91, the population being 12,005. That part of the district inside the navy yard was originally all under water, and most of it between the navy yard and Johnson street was covered by a marsh, which has been filled. The buildings were tenements and small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. \ | AREAS. ! i Both parents One or both parents |, native. foreign. : | Under 5 j Under 5 | Total. | ‘years. || ) a | ‘otal. | Genre Under 5 nder 5 | toll, years. Total, years. |} i \ 2 i | | The city.....-- ! 95,00 | 93.78 || 25.48 } 91.92 24. 66 94.99 |, 22.26 | 54. 96 District A..... 31, 09 | 124.80 |, 41.96 139,15 25. 78 i 114. 60 \ 28. 38 | 108. 33 | | I t t 184 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States " j 2 i England and AREAS. (white). rolana: Germany: Wales. Italy. i, Under |15 years}; Under |15 years|| Under 15 years’ Under 15 years! ee 15 years 15 and 15 and 1 and. 15 \ and | ; avd years. | over. | years. | over. | years. over. || years. ; over. ' a | over. { | | | 4 The city....--. 45. e 13. 89 | 43,84 | 22.68 |) 44.31 15.46 |) 32.42 16.95 4 53. 62 7.89 District A 68. ae | | 17. 00; | 48. 02 | 24.93 || 56.03 | 18.23 |: 47.92 i 21.42 | 85. 00 i 4.52 ! ' t |e : DEATH RATES*PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. i Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consume: i | Scarlet and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. Pueumonia,|| fever. | | | The city....... 164.42 282.58 | 23.13 | 303. 24 230.06 | 42. 48 332. 15 14.07 | 356. 08 | 257.56 | 63. 33 District A..... 195. 63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average. The deatir rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 4.52 as against 17.00 for the Americans, 18.23 for the Germans, and 24.93 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Willoughby avenue, Canton street, Myrtle, South Portland, Atlantic,,. and Flatbush avenues, and Fulton and Bridge streets. Area, 123 acres. Part of Washington park, amounting to. about 25 acres, was in this district. The population was 10,688 and the number of persons to the acre, excluding: the park area, 109.06. This was principally a tenement district and contained a considerable colored population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | | ! | Native. | Foreign. | AREAS: ! Both parents One or both parents |! | | native. : foreign. | : | Under 5 ! ” | Under 5 Total. years. | ie : x 1 nt | Total. j years. nder 5 | Under 5 | Total. | years. | Total. | years | ta aod ah ee i | mec ! 2 1 | The city ......- 25.00 | 93.78 || 25.48 | 91.92 24.66 | 94.99 22.26 54.96 | | District B..... 22.33 | 115.36 || 23.28 | 123. 49 4 * 21.06 106. 96 22.23 138.89 | ——— : ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ' | United States ocak England and ° | sans: (white). Ireland. | Germany. Wal ee ; Scotland. | So ae ' Under {15 years|} Under |15 years!) Under 15 years | Under 15 years! Under 45 years 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and * 15) | and years. | over. || years. | over. |] years. | over. years. . over. years. ° over. ! | i atee Oa | I Ne eet ak | The city ..-..-- 45. 76 13. 89 43.84 | 22.68 | 44.31 15. 46 32.42 16.95) 29.86 16.41 I { i District B ..... 55. 99 13. 61 47. 91 20. 58 39. 45 13.34 24.46! 16.06 30. 30 | 14.57 | = Bae eee : DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— | i | AREAS. led aes hl Scan pages liccagae ts 1 ea | Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid 463 Consump- | Cancer and Heart disease! | and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion, : tumor. and dropsy- Pay Se ere sl oe eh at at ae ' oe stance ne | ; | The city ....... 164.42 282. 58 23.13 sl 303.24 | 48. 27 131. 16 | District B..---. 153.35 | 224.50 | 18.97 | 300. 39 | 55.33 | 145. 45 ‘ y 4 : NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 185 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it fer the children under 5 years of age. 13.61 for the Americans, 11.34 for the Germans, and 20.58 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and heart disease und dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The total area of this ward was 756 acres, of which about 225 acres were water surface. WARD 12. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was The number of dwellings was 2,351 and the total population 27,368, making an average of 51.54 persons to the acre and 11.64 persons to each dwelling, with 4.43 dwellings to the acre. This ward was almost entirely made land, Red Hook point being almost the central part about the original water line. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. SANITARY District A.—Bounded by Hamilton avenue, Van Brunt street, and New York bay. Area, 169 acres, 50 acres being water surface. Population, 6,688; number of persons to the acre, 56.20. The original shore line in this district followed about the line of Van Brunt street as far south as Walcott street. Much of this had been filled in. The Atlantic docks and other wharves were in this district. The buildings in this district were mostly large storehouses and factories, with some tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: i 5 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. a pe Se Set ie dete STEEN | EEEEERIERIeeee Native. Foreign. AREAS. a Both parents One or both parents |! native. foreign. | ! Under 5 |; La pp Under 5 | Total. ! years. i : i er Total. | years. ; ae ! Under 5 | Under 5 | Total. , years. Total. | years. | | | | i \ | |i | The city ..-...- 25. 00 93.78 |: 25.48 i 91.92 24. 66 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 District A ..... 38. 30 112. 65 42. 02 | 121. 38 37. 28 110.17 23. 03 69. 44 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | " ‘1 ; , & i { ‘ ice Si ae i Treland. | Germany. | Scandinavia. Italy. : AREAS. “4 | ‘ eS an : aes = 1 ! Undee lis year Th Under 15 years: Vader 15 years'| Under i15 years ; Under las years| and | 15, and | and |) 15 and 15) and wens. over. |: years. | over. |) years: over. || years. | over. || years. | over. rf ' | ( . i... \ | The city ...-.. 45.76 | 13. 89 || 43.84 | 22. 68 | 44,31 15. 46 45. 50 9.13 53. 62 | 7.89 District A -...- 74. 64 14. 68 46.53 | 27.15 ; 57.17 16. 48 54. 86 11, 85 46. 80 | 9.08 | | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i AREAS. | ! Diphtheria | Diarrheal Ty phoid | Consump- | Scarlet | Malarial | and croup. diseases. fever. tion. \ fever. | fever. : | — os i , 1 The city ..--.-. 164, 42 282.58 | 23.13 303. 24 42.48 | $2.62 i District A ..... 169. 82 358.22 | 13.27 | 286.58 103.49 | 71.64 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. for the Italians, 14.68 for the Americans, 16.48 for the Germans, and 27.15 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 9.08 SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Sullivan and Bush streets, Gowanus canal, New York bay, and Van Brunt street. to the acre, 21.77. Area, 394 acres, of which only 219 acres were land surface. Population, 4,768; number of persons This district was originally almost covered by water or within the marsh in the vicinity of Gowanus bay, The Erie basin was located in the southern portion of the district, which contained storehouses and tenements in about equal proportion. 186 VITAL STATISTICS. ‘The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: i | DEATH RATES PER 1,C00 WHITE POPULATION. j Native. | Foreign. | AREAS. | | Both parents —_'| One or both parents | i native. ' foreign. | Under 5 Sobek Bidet eM one Ait 2 2) Under 5 Total. years. | eatinnré ae Total. years. | Jnder do | nder 9 Total. years. | Total years. | La : | ; | ; | + Thecity......., 25.00 93.78 25. 48 91.92 | 24.60 94.99: || 22.26 | 54.96 | District B..... 30. 6L 99.04 | 27.78 | 93.45 | 31.61 101.36 || 31.90 ; 62.50 ‘1 1 “ HT | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ' United States 1 i t I England and x g 4 2 i reland. i Germany. Scandinavia. AREAS. (white). i i Wales ! i cond | ; ier 15 years’ ‘Under as years) | Under 15 years Under 15 years | Under |15 years i and | Ih 15 and | 15 and i sigend: over. i ee. | over. |! years. | over. | ga: over. | years. | over. = i The city.--.-.. | 45. 76 13.89 || 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 15. 46 | 32. 4: 16.95 | 45. 50 9.13 District B ..-.. | 56, 82 10. 06 | 43.22 | 40.31 46.75 22.81 | 35. 52 22. 94 | 52. 99 | 25. 31 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— pee? Bia i Diarrheal | Typhoid | C i 8 iphtheria | iarrheal | yphoid | Consump- | si carlet ' and croup. ' diseases. | fever. . tion. Pneumonia. fever. ! ! : : 1 i : i The city.--.-.. 164, 42 282. 58 | 23.13 | 303.24 | 230. 06 42. 48 District B ..... 163. 76 327.52 | 22. 33 342.41 349.86 | 85. 60 1 ' ! During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest for the foreign. Americans, being 10.06 as against 22.81 for the Germans and 40.31 for the Irish. city average, especially for the Scarlet fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY bDISrRIcT C.—Bounded by Hamilton avenue, Coles street, Fourth place, Fifth street, Gowanus anal, and Bush, Sullivan, and Van Brunt streets. acre, 82.45. This was a large tenement district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: Area, 193 acres; population, 15,912; number of persons to the DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ; ' Native. I Foreign. i ! s sie i SEES Both parents , One om, both parents , i native. foreign. i » Under 5 hans a i Under 5 , Total. ‘years. ee, . it Total. | years i 5‘ | Under 3 OF) Saat Under 5 |! ! j Total. years. | Total. | years. ; ! i toa | anna i Ay met te 5 Peed The city..----- | 25.00 93. 78 | 25.48 : 91.92 | 24. 66 | 94.99 | 22. 26 54. 96 District C..... 31.90 , 113.31 40.46 { 116.67 || 99.59 | 111,93 | 26.75 86. 31 | wea acs ae uf : ‘ | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— feat gene Fda | om elie gae United States ; ‘ ‘| England and Be sk spas (white). | Ireland. Germany. Vales. Scandinavia. | ee | Under 15 years; Under |15 years | Under lis years|| Under hs years | Under ,15 years 15 and || 15 and |} 15) | and 15 | and / and | ears. over. years. | over. | year3 | over. years. | over. sears. © over. | i The city...-... | 45.76 13. 89 43. 84 | 22. 68 44.31 15. 46 ‘ S242 16.95 45.50 9.13 District C ..... 60. 28 10.67 | 48.36 | 24.86, 42.48 18.63 § 20.74 17.06 | 53. 81 7.16 I I ‘ t NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. i | | Diphtheria DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | i i Diarrbeal Typhoid Consump- © «. : Scarlet and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. : Pneumonia. | fever. : , f | : | ; | ! i | The city....... 164. 42 282.58 | 23.18 | 303. 24 230.06 | 42. 48 | District C ..... | 250. 94 371.39 | 21.19 | 288.86 | 298. 89 | 71.38 | ! | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.16 for the Scandinavians, 10.67 for the Americans, 24.86 for the Irish, and 18.63 for the Germans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 13. This ward formed a portion of the old city of Williamsburg prior to annexation. The ward contained 226 acres, with 2,232 dwellings and a total population of 21,628. There was an average of 95.70 persons to the acre and 9.69 persons to each dwelling. Most of the land in this ward was high and dry, being all above the 20-foot level except a small strip along the river front, occupied by wharves and docks. The ward was subdivided into three districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by South Sixth street, Broadway, Rodney street, Division avenue, and the East river. Area, 80 acres; population, 5,630; number of persons to the acre, 70.38. This was substantially a residential district, containing small dwellings for one or two families. river frout a small portion of the district consisted of made Jand, occupied by wharves and docks. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: Along the DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. W AREAS: | Boti: parents | One or both pabsniie tr native. | native. i Under 5 * 1 Under 5 Total. | ‘years. j: na ae Total. | ‘years. Under 7. nder5 | | Total. years. | Total. years. | i | : ‘| . i? i The city....... 25.00 | 93.78 | 95.48 91.92 |, 24, 66 94.99 || 22.26 | 54.96 District A ..-.. 25. 98 119. 16 28. 68 ‘ 108. 54 | 22. 89 134.12 | 26.16 20. 83 —-— a ¥ ' ; DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | ig ee | Ireland. | Germany. |! gland and Canada. AREAS. \ : : 8 i - Under |15 me Under |15 saatel Under |15 years | Under | ‘15 years, ‘Under 15 years 1 and | 15 and 15 and {i 15 | and jj and years. i over. i years. over. years. i over. i years. | over. years. : over. 1 | — cd poeess oe eee — The city....-.. 45. 76 | 13. 89 | i 43. 84 22, 68 44.31 15. 46 i 82. 42 16.95 | 33.44. 14.33 District A..... 53. 90 | 20. 20 | 56.79 | 23.61 | 58. 77 15. 59 | 43.59 23. 81 30. 30 8. 62 Iie an th of mepelbee Lt \ i a! DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TOo— AREAS. i i | Diséaseeok Diphtheria | Diarrheal ! Typhoid Consump- Heart disease Sheet oF and croup. diseases. | tever. tion. land dropsy. he Oran ary | ! organs. t \ The city....... 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 303.24 | 131.16 112. 87 District A..... 152. 25 i 253. 75 38. 81 286. 58 197. 03 134.3. A pee 4 ! During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average, but relatively greatest among the native children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Canadians, being 8.62 as against 15.59 for the Germans, 20.20 for the Americans, and 23.61 for the Irish. 188 VITAL STATISTICS. Typhoid fever, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases _ of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Grand and Driggs streets, Broadway, South Sixth street, and the East river. Area, 83 acres; population, 8,924; number of persons to the acre, 107.52. This district was also residential in character, containing medium sized houses. Near the river gas houses and sugar refineries were found. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 4 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. L Foreign. AREAS: | Both parents One or both parents |! =i | native. : foreign. : i Under5|; | aed ha! stant, bet | Under id ronal years. | i at : wale |: Hotale: 4 years. i — } nder5 - « ‘ nder 9 ’ ! otal. : years.” Total. years. - aed Le es a ey —-— = - The city ....... 25.00 93.78 || 25.48 91.92 . 24.66. 94.99 I 22.26 | 54.96 i ; : District B -...- 23.19 91. 14 | 25, 24 91.40 | 21.50 © 90. 97 | 21.37 ; 45.98 \ ‘i ‘ Sees ee AL == Lees Fa i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United State t | England and | Russia and i . 5 Ireland. | German {i ‘ AREAS. L (white). | 5 i ales. i Poland. Nh eo eel, Fee eee ge engin) eran al = sins { ' i { | ‘Under is yearé!; (Under e years’ Under (15 years| Under }15 years)) Under 1S years | 15 fe and |i and | 15 and || 15 and 15 nd years. over. | we over. || years. | over. |! years. ; over. || years. ie over. ' | | Ik | ij : | i — ee — I “- j t . H The city ....... 45. 76 13. 89 0 43. 84 22. 68 44.31 | 15. 46 | 32. 42 16.95 || 27.03 5. 85 District B ..... 41.85 17.57 | 37.76 | 22.62 if 48, 69 | 13. 72 | 28.53 19.11 |) 56.07 | 4.15 } { | : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘ToO— aa Diphtheri Di , heal Typhoid Cc = | iphtheria jiarrheal yphoid . Consump- and croup. diseases. | fever. f tion. Pneumonia. | Childbirth. — i= The city ..-..-- 164.42 | 282.58 | 23.13 | 303.24 230. 06 | 20. 02 | 216.60 | 9.42 | 295.70 231.66 | 22. 60 | District B ....- 131. 84 i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was smallest among the Russians, being 4.15 as against 13.72 for the Germans, 17.57 for the Americans, and 22.62 for the Irish. Malarial fever, pneumonia, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Grand and Rodney streets, Broadway, and Driggs street. Area, 63 acres; population, 7,074; number of persons to the acre, 112.29. This district was also almost entirely marsh land, since filled in and largely built up with tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: 1 : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION ich a ee ale eee a Sitios eee Native. Foreign. : a Se Ss = _ ; AREAS: i | Borth parents One or both parents ' | i native. foreign. ' : 3 Under 5 |) ee Gattictoeecaaee | ,) | Under5 Total. | years. |! ; 7 : i Total. | years. beng: PES) Dog. SS | ane aie eee Tee rillign.. Scar hl ey oa |; | The city....-.- 25.00 ; 93.78 | 25.48 91.92 | 24.66 91.99 | 22.26 | 54.96 \ District C ..-.. 21.36 | 89.06 | 22.82 81.53 19.56 , 101.32 |} 24.03 | 93.33 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. = | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | amen 2 eens United States | England and f o sae (white). Ireland. Germany. ales. [. Scotland. b. patos ay Se Under ‘15 years,|| Under |15 years|| Under 15 years Under 15 vears |o Under |15 years 15, and 1 and i and and || 15 and | years. ; over. || years. | over. || wens over. wonne: | over. ji years. ek. Bye | Si | Seep chee ed eee The city ....... 45.76 | 13.80 || 43.84} 22,68 || 44.31] 15.46 | g2.42| 16.95 | 29.86] 16.41 District C ..... 41. 52 | 16. 09 52.08 | 25.37 32.94 | 32.14 7 50.39 | 21,54 |) 12.33 | 14.67 1 i ty | a i | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. j \ tlie oepaies at ’ Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- | Scarlet ‘ Cancer and and croup. diseases. fever. tion. | fever. \ tumor. as a eri ! — | | The city -.----- 164. 42 | 282. 58 | 23.13 303. 24 | 42. 48 | 48.27 District C ..-.- i 102.16 |! 206. 70 26.13 351. 63 | 45.14 | 57. 02 i 1 I 189 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign. Germans, 16.09 for the Americans, and 25.37 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, consumption, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 14. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.14 for the This ward forms part of the old city of Williamsburg. The area of the ward was 280 acres, containing 1,931 dwellings, and a total population of 27,246. The number of persons to the acre was 97.31, with 14.11 persons to each dwelling. Considerable of this ward along the northern and eastern lines was original swamp land, and along the river front there has also been considerable land reclaimed from the water. The ward was subdivided into four districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by North Thirteenth street, Kent avenue, North Fourteenth street, Bedford avenue, North Seventh street, and the East river. acre, 81.22. Area, 82 acres; population, 6,660; number of persons to the This district contained a small portion of swamp land along the northern boundary; also considerable made land along the river front. The buildings in this district were principally factories and tenements, with some large oil works, and breweries. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows The city .....-. | 25. 00 District A..... 28. 65 DEATH RATES PER 1,C00 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. ae Rf etme er] el a ee easel | Both parents = [| ' One or both parents | | native. foreign. Wer | = ere) me ee tes | . Under 5 “| years. : | Total. | years, | Under 5 Under 5 ! Total, years. Total. years. | ‘ { tala i—— | 93.78 25. 48 91. 92 ‘ 24. 66 7 94.99 22.26 , 54.96 oe gia & | 97. 97 \ 35. 61 106. 67 E 26. 83 | 94.77 23. 93 | 66. 67 lll Neen =e | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States |; Ireland. | Germany. England and | AMEAS: (white). | Wales. \ fh atl fs eee | e en | Under |15 years) Under 15 years Under j15 years: Under 15 years 1 and and | and i 15 | and years. | over. arbi: over. | years. | over. | years. | over. Be (ot Sat, a i S52, | The city ....-.. 45.76 | 13.89 43.84 22. 68 44.31 | 15.46) 32.42 | 16.95 1 District A..... 52.98 | 10.59 || 38.67 | 22.37 46.41 | 16.67 || 29.85 | 297.39 ie i i : Russia and Poland Under /15 years 15 and | years. over. 27.03 51.72 oN ae ore gas houses, 190 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— t AREAS, ‘ : Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid i Consump- | pyeymonia. Childbirth. ! and croup. diseases. ‘ever. tion. | ; ) The city....... 164.42 | 282. 58 93.13, 303. 24 - 230. 06 20. 02 District A .._.. | 165. 80 339. 25 15. 30 288, 24 $26. 50 51. 02 I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was smallest among the Russians, being 5.91 as against 10.59 for the Americans, 16.67 for the Germans, and 22.37 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRIGY B.—Bounded by North Seventh street, Bedford avenue, Grand street, and the East river. Area, 83 acres; population, 8,843; number of persons to the acre, 106.54. The original shore line in this district ran about the present location of Kent avenue, that portion west of Kent avenue being principally made land. This district also contains factories and tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | eee Native. Foreign. ; ; 5 BREAS: Both parents il One or both parents ' | native. i toreign. { | { iq Under 5 : : Under 5 | Total years Re | ; He Total. years. s } Under 5 || a | nder5 | | | Total. | years. ‘| Total. | years. j : ‘ ' ' aoe - ipoane | Pie Cit ¥ cca. 25.00 93.78 23.48 91. 92 24. 66 94.99 |) 22.26 | 54. 96 District B ...-. 39.54 | 128.11 35.71 | Wage | 44,97 | 133. 42 | 25. 54 | 50. 85 i es | i ‘ | = i DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States | Ireland. G 5 | Russia and i ae ; beens (white). relan¢ ermany. Poland. ) Hungary. | = = Under ISyeara ) U Under bye are Under isyexrs| Under 15 years|| Under |15 years and 4 and and || 15 and 1 45 and ra over. |) ean rs. over. || years. over. | years. | over. |; years. | over. W i z | | ee | The city..----- 45. 76 | 13. 89 43. B4 | 22.68: 44.31 15. 46 27.03 | 5.85 |) 21.16 | 5. 20 District B ....- 60. 53 14, 6o | 68. 64 | 33. 66 58.20) 13.98 39.11 | 10.14 if 24. 69 | 3.57 1 : | ‘ <3 SaaS = === = a = = | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE 'to-~ i aoe ae! i ee Diphth Diarrheal | Typhoid = © i iphtheria iarrheal | ‘yphoid Jonsump- ; Searlet ! and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. Pneumonia. i fever. ' { | ‘The eity....... 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 | 303. 24 230. 06 | 42, 48 District B..--. 203. 65 501. 44 | 21,15 330. 45 361.19 74.93 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was smallest among the Hung garians, being 3.57 as against 10.14 for the Russians, 13.98 for the Germans, 14.60 for the Americans, and 33.66 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by North Seventh, North Second, Rodney, aud Grand streets and Bedford avenue. Area, 61 acres; population, 9,149; number of persons to the acre, 149.98. There was but little swamp land in this district, most of it lying above the 20-foot level. The buildings were principally tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 19k were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ; ea sil Native. f Foreign. \ AREAS) | Both parents One or both parents 2 | native. foreign. | 1 Under 5 | 5 o Under 5. Total. years. | anes ae Total. years. . nder nder 5 | | Total. | ‘years. j; Total. | GREE. i |-—~ ae ae The city ....-.. 25. 00 | 93.78 3| 25.48 } 91. 24.66 | 94. 99 22. 26 54. 96 District C...... 29.54 | 112. 24 | 31.95 | 117.7 28. 13 | 108. 55 | 26. 28 39.47 eat DEATH RATES PER 1,00) PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORS IN— ' ad $ 1 i England and | United States | i mngland and |! ‘ “ white). ' ireland. | Germany. +) ‘Wales. | Teas: AREAS. | : | | | 1 1 Seiatie i i } Under lis years|| Under }15 years! Under l15 years Under |15 years) | Under j15 years 15 and 15 | aud | 15 and 15 aud years. | over. |) years. | over. i years. ee years. | over. || years. | over. | 4 | ! t | i \ i | ' The city ..-..-- 45.76 | 13.89 || 43.84; 22.68; 44.31 | 15.46 || 32.42 | 16.95 | 53.62 | 7.89 | ' i Is District C...... 50.15 | 14.58 |! 50.09 29.80 | 39.47 | 19. 67 | 28 67 | 25.91 54. 89 | 8. 67 ' Bi | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | are Diphtheria | Diarrheal ? Typhoid | © | Malarial iphtheria iarrheal + yphoid onsum)- a. alaria and croup. | “diseases. : fever. | tion. Pneumonia. fever. 1 | ess: 4 | | | d i The city -.-...- 164. 42 | 282. 58 23.13 1 303. 24 230.06 | 32. 62. | District C.....- 137. 42 330. 55 26. 00 389. 97 297.12 ! 35. 28 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, the death rate was smallest among the Italians, being 8.67 as against 14.58 for the Americans, 19.67 for the Germans, and 29.80 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by North Fourteenth street, Van Cott and Union avenues, North Seventh Area, 54 acres; population 2,594; number of persons to the acre, 48.04. Almost all of this district was originally marsh land, since filled and occupied by tenement houses and factories street, and Bedford avenue. in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: The city District D ) | : {i | i I Coe. ee | i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ' : | | Native. | Foreign. i | AREAS: | Both parents || One or both parents ' i native. foreign. | | i : Under 5 ! | oy / Under 3 | | Total. | years. || en | Y es » Fotal. | years. | \ i | Underd nt t nders5 « ' : } total ' years. Total years. i ¥ 4 “a | FEN a ee i The city ....... 25.00 | 93.78 | 25.48 91.92 | 24.66 94.99 92.26 | 54.96 | 4 1 ' i District D ..... gi.g9 | 138.81 i 34.06 126.62 48. 06 149.17 i 35.2L ; 83.33 | Z s | : 1 ‘ t ' = oe os = ———S S| DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN ! fs : i "ay ite | M Ireland. i Germany i yy england and | } Italy : AREAS. : ' ; Under 15 y ears: Under ‘15 Ne eure! Under '15 years ' Under \15 ¥ vars) Under 15 years © 1 | and “15 and | 15 ani 15) and 15 1 and years. ' over. ij years. | over. years. over. years. "over, | years. over. | seat ‘| 1 ead Pata! 2 Set ne Md ; : i eeares 45.76 | 13.89 43.84) 92.68 44.31, 15.46 3242 16.95 53.62 7.89 1 | | i : Bases 65. 90 10. 50 72.78 42.36 74.23 3B. 87 19.44 22.06 | TILL 10 42 192 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. 7 ' Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- ; + Malarial and croup. diseases. tever. | tion. | Pheonionia: fever. | | The city ....... 164. 42 282. 58 | 23,13 | 303.24 | 230. 06 32, 62 District D..... 248. 85 | 510.81 32.74 | 432. 22 | 438.77 85, 13 i For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 10.42 as against 10.50 for the Americans, 33.87 for the Germans, and 42.36 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 15. This ward adjoined ward 14 on the east and contained a considerable portion of swamp land lying along the water course, separating the old city of Williamsburg from Greenpoint. The area of the ward was 234 acres and the total population 27,630. It contained 2,559 dwellings, the number of dwellings to the acre being 10.94, with 10.80 persons to each dwelling and 118.08 persons to the acre. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Van Pelt, Leonard, Richardson, Humboldt, and Jackson streets and Union avenue. Area, 69 acres; population, 5,025; number of persons to the acre, 72.83. This district was for the greater part formerly swamp land, now filled in and built upon with tenements and small dwellings, the tenements predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS: Both parents One ox both parents native. foreign. Under5|; Under 5 Total. years. sseeat epi nok years. nder nder Total. years. Total. years. The city...-.-. 25. 00 93. 78 25. 48 91. 92 24. 66 94. 99 22. 26 54. 96 District A ...-- 20. 98 i 109. 93 38.10 | 112,24 27.00 108. 08 26. 67 83. 33 ate : i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— U: saat t cal Tee | England and i nited States ngland and ' Ireland. | Germany. + : i Italy. AREAS: (white). Wales. are yeci 1 Under in years; Under | 15 years | Under his years Under 15 xe care Dudes 15 x ons 15 | and }! | and 15 and |! Loa years. | over. | years. over. | years.' over. ie ae | Sees: ae | fc oa ee eae - bined The city ....--- 45.76 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 15.46 | 32.42 i 16. 95 8 53, 62 7.89 ‘ I District A ..-.-. 57. 04 | 15. 53 { 39, 44 29. 64 39.81. 12.81 74.68 15.93) 58.02 9, 26 ior eee } | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ee Di hth i 1 “Di 5 | Typhoid a | re iphtheria iarrhea ‘vyphoi Consump- s Scarlet and croup. os diseases. fever. tion. y Pnenmonia. | fever. RRS [eee po eae. Nee as The city....... 164.42 | 282.58 | 23.13 303.24 |) 230.06 | 42.48 District A ..... 250. 16 a s71.76 | m3.21 | 97.02 | 83. 39 17.37 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 9.26 as agaiust 15.53 for the Americans, and 29.64 for the Irish. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 193 Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Jackson, Humboldt, and North Second streets, Bushwick avenue, Ainslie, Rodney, and North Second streets, and Union avenue. Area, 77 acres; population, 9,492; number of persons to the acre, 123.27, This district was mostly good land and the buildings were tenement houses and private dwellings in about equal proportion. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents \ native. foreign. | ! Under 5 Under 5 Total | “years a ick - Total. years. | nder 5 5 nder Total. years. Total. years. i| | | i The city...---- 25.00 | 93.78 25. 48 91.92 24. 66 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 District B ..... 23. 75 &7. 75 25. 66 84. 59 21.77 92. 28 28. 45 64. 82 I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— we ean in. United States ' England ard 7 Ireland. | Germany. ' Scotland. Pore (white). | | Wales. ae > | Under hs ea Under '15 years| Under a2 sears | Under 15 years) Under |15 years 15 an ll ' an 15 li an 15 aud years. | over. '|) years. over. || years. ae | aire: over. || years. | over. | tl | | | The city...-... 45. 76 i 13.89 i 43. 84 i 22. 68 | 44.31 | 15.46 82.42 | 16.95 29.86 | 16.41 District B ..... 43.21 15. 63 28.46 | 27.62 i 40.03 | 19.20 Pa 19: 13 |; 20.80 34.72 | 22.73 I : i ! DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— eres Divhtheria | Diercbaat | teoboia | 6 iphtheria | jiarrheal | 'y phoi ‘onsump- «. ' Malarial and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. Fneumonia; fever. {= The city..--..- 164. 42 282.58 | 23.13 303. 24 230. 06 32. 62 District B ..... 125.11 | 250.21 | 31. 28 309. 08 272. 29 47. 83 i : ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans, being 15.63 as against 19.20 for the Germans and 27.02 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Ainslie street, Bushwick avenue, Ten Eyck street, Union avenue, South . Second, and Rodney streets. Area, 88 acres; population, 13,113; number of persons to the acre, 149.01. This district contained tenement houses, with stores beneath, and small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | | \ ! | | Native. Foreign. | AREAS: | Both parents One or both parents : i native. foreign. " ; UnderS | _ ner sea lS 18 a3 Under 5 Ee Total. | years. : cai ' | ae Total. years. | Under 5 5 nder5 | Total. | years. Total. years. | pees | al =| = --| The city ..----- | 25.00 93. 78 25.48 91.92 24.63 94.99. 22. 26 54.96 | ' * | District C ..-.. 23. 90 97.32 28. 27 | 100. 61 21.17 94. 74 24. 33 S22) ; | | 938——13 194 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH EATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— i| United States | England and Italy ears | (white). Treland. Germany. eal les. ' ye | = i Under |15 years}; Under |15 years]! Under }15 years Pade i15 years Under {15 years and 15 and 15 and * and 15 and years. | over. | years. | over. || years.| over. | Sek \ over. | years.| over. i : i The city .. -..- | 45.76) 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 |] 15. ie | 32. 42 ' 16.95 || 53. 62 7.89 District C | 45.61 | 18.38 || 44.70 | 24.44 | 43.19] 16.34 sea | 23.03 ; 23.00 | 63.93 5.42 | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS i oe ere és ' | aiedaciap ! Diphtheria Diarrheal | ‘yphoi ‘onsump- ja. | Malaria ' and croup. diseases. | tever. tion. ; Pacumona, | fever. | , | ce : | The city.......-! 164. 42 282. 58 | 23.13 303.24 230. 06 | 32. 62 District C....-- | 151. 81 275.65 | 21.31 292. 96 231.70 | 34. 62 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 5.42 as against 13.38 for the Americans, 16.34 for the Germans, and 24.44 for the Irish. Malarial fever, measles, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 16. The area of this ward was 250 acres, containing 2,849 dwellings and a total population of 45,720. There was an average of 182.88 persons and 11.40 dwellings to the acre, with 16.05 persons to each awelling. : This was largely a manufacturing ward, containing many factories of different kinds, and a large number of Polish Jews, located east of Union avenue. It was subdivided into four districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by South Second street, Union avenue, Broadway, Division avenue, and Rodney street. Area, 45 acres; population, 5,585; number of persons to the acre, 124.11. Private residences predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. AREAS: | | : Both parents | One or both parents { | | ! native. foreign. ! ming: Wine bio 5 «oo iy eS eo Sood Bg | Underd Total. years. | Asi ae Total. | years. Ang ! Underd | mm nder 5 1 | Total. = Peas: | Total. | Sears. 1 | See | ' The city ....... 25.00 93.78 | 25.48 91.92 |} 24.66 | 94.99 22.26 | 54.96 District A ...-- 18. 23 | 66. 45 i 20. 76 66. 57 | 16. 23 | 66. 30 23.47 | = 33.33 | a | = ae Soren = ———— : DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN 1N— Maegan Be ete area dat! | i : ' il | United States : England and | 1 Treland. Germany. | S a ‘MRA | (white). ' y 3 | Wales. cotland. Sea =e tectaee hy GN Ge Hsede speeeeie pSees do | I, c Under 15 years | Under 15 years): Under {15 years | Under sae eats | | Under 15 years | 15 and | i |! and |) 15 and» 15; and ; 15 and years. | over, | years. | over. |: : Years. | over. || years. over, :) years. over. ees enh a = te tance, i | a | ; i i The city 0.0... 45.76 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 } 44.31 15.46 || 32.42 16.95; 29.86 16.41 District A...-. 33.17 10.28 $1.63; 19.97) a 4d | 14.76 |! 14.04 14.51) 23.81 22.73 : sel 7 aan: ee i t i a DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. € : i a aa Wma Sere 5 Diphtheria | iarrhea YP roic Consuinp- 3 Searlet. | and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. ; Pneumonia. ‘ fiver - - a Cp J Saale sce ee 3 eran ae 5; a : The city .....-- : 164.42 | 282.58 | 23.13 303, 24 230,06 | 42.48 District A ..... | 115. 74 225.39 12,18 ' 234. 53 207. 12 | 48. 73, ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest.among the Americans, being 10.38 as against 14.76 for the Germans and 19.97 for the Ivish. above it for the forei NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. gn. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Ten Eyck, Ewen, and McKibben streets, Broadway, and Union avenue. Area, 59 acres; population, 12,494; number of persons to the acre, 211.76. The dwellings in this district were mostly tenement houses, inhabited largely by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. AREAS: | Both parents native. 7 Under 5 Total years. |i—— \ ! | Under 5 5 | Total. | ‘years. I The city.-.-.-. 25. 00 93. 78 | 25. 48 91.92 District B -.-.- 33. 42 104.17 | 39.82 105. 72 | Foreign. 4 = pos One or both parents | foreign. | a ee eee: Under 5 aus | Total years. . nder5 | Total years. | Bets Sioa, i 24. 66 94.99 | 22.26 | 54.96 31. 94 103.68 | 22. 43 54. 60 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— : | | | United States |! ! “4 e Englant | and | Russia and (white). | Ireland. ! Germany. ‘Wales. | Poland. AREAS. ! ; ieee ees SR eH eae | Se ae a eS Under l15 years Under Wercateal Under (15 years, Under 15 years|| Under |15 years 15 and 15 and || 15 and an 15 and years. | over. || years. | over. |: years. | over. cates. over. || years. ; over. | i Pa i Ay 1 The city....... 45.76 , 13.89 ; 1 43.84: 22.68 |! 44.31) 13.46] 92.42] 16.95 || 27.03! 5.85 District B ...-. 56. 05 ; 14. 29 | 39.09 37.61 | 50.36 | 18. 68 27.13 | 10.03 13. 99 4.23 i t i t 1 ea : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. : ! i | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | a Scarlet , andcroup. | diseases. | fever. tion. i Pneumonia. fever. The city ..-.-.- 164. 42 282. 58 | 23.13 303. 24 230. 06 42.48 District B ..... 197. 42 453.39 20. 42 329.49 | 287.29 | 53.10 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Russians and.Poles, being 4.23 as against 14.29 for the Americans, 18.68 for the Germans, and 37.61 for white of native parents. the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, cancer aud tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Ten Eyck street, Bushwick avenue (Old Bushwick place or road), Area, 69 acres; population, 14,164; number of persons to the acre, 205.28. As in the preceding district the buildings were mostly tenement houses, largely inhabited by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: and McKibben and Ewen streets. AREAS. | Total. 25. 00 35. 41 Thecity s<<22 District C DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents Que or both parents ' native. foreign. Under5 :__ As Under 5 | years. | = a e 7 a Total. years. 3 i Under ! nder 5 | Total years. Total. | years. easy aves 95. 78 25.48 91.92 24.06 | 94.99 | 22.26 | + 54.96 118.77 | 46.76 120. 27 33. 04 | 118. 27 | 25. 49 63, 22 { 1 196 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | a United States ; Russia and Other foreign AREAS. (white). Ireland. Germany. Poland. countries. i | Under |15 years|/ Under [15 years | ‘Under : eats Under |15 years | Under /15 weer 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and | years. | over. || years. | over. Pin ou years. | over. || years.| ‘over. | Le fal ; | ' ! : The city.......| 45.76; 13.89 43. 84 i 22. 68 ; 44. 31 | , 15.46 27. 03 i 5. 85 56.11 18. 96 ° District C ..... 56.94 | 8.08 || 52,29! 52.85 || 53.97 20.31 | 14, 29 4,50 |] 92.59} 24.05 i | ad. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— omne Diphtheria | Diarrheal | ‘Typhoid | | | Seariet iphtheria | Diarrhea typhoi onsump- | : carle and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. | Pneumonia. fever. { 1 meet Lee | Jess The city -...-.-. 164.42 | 282.58 | 23.13 303, 24 230. 06 42. 48 District C -..-. 171. 73 422. 73 | 20. 42 ! 343.47 375. 89 44, 43 I i I During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 4.50 for the Russian and Polish Jews, 8.08 for the Americans, 20.31 for the Germans, and 52.85 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pueumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was excessive, being 297.83 per 100,000 of population as against 179.01, the city average. SANITARY DiIsTRIcT D.—Bounded by McKibben street, Bushwick and Flushing avenues, and Broadway. Area, 77 acres; population, 13,477; number of persons to the acre, 175.03. This district also contained principally tenement houses, inhabited for the greater part by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. i | i | AREAS. ! ! Both parents |; One or both parents ! | native. | foreign. ; Under5 |) ese SY | Under5 Total. | years. | ‘Sate : | Total. | years. : | Total. t eure. | Total. ee | : | =——7e 4 i The city ....... 25.00 | 93.78 25. 48 91.92 24. 66 | 94.99 22.26 | 54.96 District D..... 32.29 |} 93.50 43.75 108. 70 29. 81 | 89. 07 | 20.35 + 26.352 | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States |, R | nited States |, rh J ussia and Other foreign fete (white). ; Treland. Germany. Poland. | countries, i ! i se | i | Under 15 separa Under lis years) Under lis years); Under is years); Under } 15 ental ; 1 ; and 15 and | 15 and 15 and || 15 | and | | years. . over. i years. | over. | years. | over. |! years. | over. |) years. | over. | i : ! Spe 5 rsa ; See a 1 _— The city ....-.. 45.75 | 13.89 |) 43.84 | 22.68 || 44.31) 15.46 || 27.03} 5.85 || 56.11) 18.96 District D..... 35. 88 ' 14.04 | 72.22 | 33.96 | 45. 90 19. 69 8. 63 0.50 18. 21 | 14, 37 oe aes i - y ee DEATH RATES VER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Eat et Rd eae. i ; 7 Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- | 7 and croup. diseases. | fever. i tion. Pneumonia. Measles. a ry ~} Ena 23 Unt Seti it, The city ....-.- 164.42 | | 23.13 ; 303. 24 | 230. 06 17.71 District D 174.18 | 15.15 | 297. 87 313. 01 22. 72 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 197 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, but below it fur the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 0.50 for the Russian Jews (of whom there were on June 1, 1890, but 676) as against 14.04 for the Americans, 19.69 for the Germans, and 33.96 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, measles, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 17. This ward includes the greater part of the area known before annexation as Greenpoint, lying between the old city of Williamsburg and Newtown creek. The area of the ward was 755 acres and the total population was 41,424, contained in 3,407 dwellings. 12.16 persons to the dwelling. There was an average of 54.87 persons and 4.51 dwellings to the acre, with Considerable filling had been done along the river front in this ward, and on the north side along the Newtown creek there was originally an extensive salt water marsh. originally covered by water at high tide. The ward was subdivided into six sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A. river. Probably more than one-half of this ward was —Bounded by Newtown creek, Manhattan avenue, Greenpoint avenue, and the East Area, 116 acres; population, 9,512; number of persons to the acre, 82.00. Private dwellings and tenements, about equally divided, constituted the character of the dwellings in this district, except along the river front, which contained many factories. district, the original shore line following about the course of Commercial street and West avenue. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: There was considerable made land in this | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Se ee Native. ! Foreign | ea anes) | | Both parents | One or both pare nts |! | | j native. foreign. | i . Under5 |__ a Brees = . | Under 5 ' Total. | years. | he : —— Shoes ae Total. | years. | ' I Under 5 r | Underd | : i Total. | years. Total. years. { j | aera ee ee ee | The city ..-.-.- 25. 00 93. 78 25.48 | 91. 92 24.66 | 94.99 22. 26 | 54. 96 \ ' i j District A -..--. 28.71 99. 44 | 31.99 104.65 , 26.99 96.77 | 21, 84 | 96.15, t | | ” | j= as = ate : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ; ! a | United States | i 7 England and | (white). i Treland. Germany. Wales. Scotland. 4 AREAS. ' i Under li yer vrs) Under 115 years! Under '15 years’! Under 15 sean 0 Under) 15 years i 15 and and 15 and ij 1 d || i and } ate] over. || years. | over. || years. | over. i y et eer, | years. | | over. | i ise el lea ieee a | The city....--. 45.76 ; 13.89 43.84 5 22.68 44.31 15. 46 i 32.42 16.95 29. 86 16. 41 | | | District A...-- 54.86 | 16.63 45.56 ! 22.08 49.08 | 13.24 36.90 | 18.80 | 39.47 | 10.15 | | noe | ! \ | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUEL TO— : | | cee Diphtheri | Diucheil 4 aepheid: ae 8 let iphtheria jarrheal | yphoic onsump- Searle ' and croup. | diseases. | fever. tion. Pneumu iss fever. ee ee Pc The city ..-.-.- 164. 42 | 282. 58 \ 23.13 303. 24 i 220.06 | 42.48 ' District A ..--- 216.00 | 337. 50 | 9. 64 | 277.71 | 285. 43 81.00 | ! A | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, but was below it for the foreign. for the Scotch, 13.24 for the Germans, 16.63 for the Americans, and 22.08 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheai diseases, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.15 SANITARY DistRicT B.—Bounded by Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues, Van Pelt street, Van Cott avenue, North Fourteenth street, Kent avenue, North Thirteenth street, and the East river. 6,867; number of persons to the acre, 55.83. More than half of this district was originally under water. between private dwellings and tenements, Area, 1 23 acres; population, The class of buildings was about equally divided with large manufacturing establishments on the water front. 198 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. |. Native. © Foreign. SEES: : Both parents ' One or both parents | 1 native. foreign. ‘ | Un ens Me pote icelak, parti fageat wa eee eee Under 5 Total. | ved 3. | | i Total. years. | Yoo Under 5 Under 5 | Total. years. j Total. ; years. ! - | | ! } |- | eae | The city....--. 25.00 | 92.78 | 25.48 | 91.92 | 2466 ! 94.99 | 22.26 | 54.96 District B....- 23:81 | 10261 | 24.07 10271 | 24.55 102.52 ; 17. 08 44.44 i i : ' DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— : 1 — United States || ' ‘Ingland and Treland. Germany. Wales Scotland. ‘BRS: (white). pao | Wales. pt Seo eae = 8 eh suet ae a Under \15 years Under 13 years Under 15 years. Under 15 years Widen 15 years | and 15 and || 15 and | 15 and | and See, | over. |} years. | over. | years. | over. | years. over. |) oe | over. | ‘| | ’ { ! The city....--. 45.76 13.89 43.84 | 22.68 | 44.31 15. 46 ; 32.42. 16.95 | 29.86; 16.41 District B ...-. 46.55 | 14. 40 | 53.72 16.14 39. 62 : 13. 68 28.11 | 13.68 i 16. 39 | 14.31 | | i 1 ' : 4 ; DEATH RATES PER 100,001) POPULATION DUE TO— Aue Diphtheria? maces | 1 | € Wh ! Diphtheria | iarrhea Typhoid sonsump- hooping a ; andcroup. diseases. fever. | tion. ' cough. ~ Childbirth. 4 i 4 1 li door netsere nus oon. bictenn eagnae ted maee ig te : ! : The city..----- 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 ; 303.24 2 26.18 20. 02 District B ..... 184.32 | 221.72 5.34 | 248.44 ¢ 53. 43 24.04 ! t i 4 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it-was 13.68 for the Germans, 14.40 for the Americans, and 16.14 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria aud croup, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, aud diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Newtown creek, Provost street, aud Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues. Area, 102 acres; population, 9,701; number of persons to the acre, 95.11. Nearly one-half of this district was originally swamp land. It was a large manufacturing district and contained many buildings used in refining oil. The dwelling houses were principally tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. AREAS. pee Both parents ; One or both parents : native. } foreign. \ as Under 5 enrres hy oe Bt Fan | || | Under 5 Total. years. ae f ai | Total. *venra, 1 nder5 |, nder 5 Lotal years. |; pe. | Years. | i ee i (Ee ' {! Sea etl ' The city .....-. 25. 00 93. 78 25. 48 91. 92 | 24. 66 94.99 || 22.26 | 54.96 District C ..... 37. 24 121.48 45. 66 125. 64 f 34.84 | 120.01 25. 31 65. 66 1 ! ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Galtok ttates : England anit nae a | we (white). , Ireland. i Germany. | Vales. F Poland. AREAS. : \ _| = ip as 7 8e tee Se Under ‘15 years. Under loyears Under l5years U miler by ears! \ Under i ia eats 15 | and | 15 , and |) 15 and and |i A years. | over. i years. over, i years. over. ° nn over. [se re ove ee ‘ ! : { { oe Se ee a So eh we) oe ' ‘ i The city .------ 45. 76 13.89' 43.84 22.68 | 44.31 15. 46 a4) 16.95 27.03 | 5. 85 ; ' \ District C ..... | 63.64 | 17.89 | 56. 76 24. 20 | 58.25 14.59 8) 22,22 | 45.31 | 7.8: | ‘ ‘ 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— 495. 42 20. 80 Malarial Divas | Uineienl , pg “Growin | parson, | Mala selects pA ose | J eee fp 164.42 282.58 93.13 | 303.24 | 230.00 | 32. 62 230. 69 | 312. 00 | 272.29 56. 73 | i 199 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. ot deaths. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.88 for the Russian Jews as against 14.59 for the Germans, 17.89 for the Americans, and 24.20 for the Ivish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pueumonia, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, aud diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by Greenpoint avenue, Jewell and Humboldt streets, Meeker avenue, Richardson, Leonard, and Van Pelt streets, and Manhattan avenue. Area, 130 acres; population, 13,149; number ot persons to the acre, 101.15. The buildings in this district were about equally divided between private dwellings and tenement houses. Most of the land was above the 10-foot level. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for-the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. | AREAS. : il +, Gad i | | Both parents , Oue or both parents \ | | native. ' foreign. 1 \ ‘UnderS i hs OF eee IY appt : Under 5 } Total. i years. | ers ie Total. years. | ony oder 5 nder 5 ! : ; Total. years. Total. years. ‘ : y i i eee Pease ergy lee: The city ...---. 25. 00 \ 93. 78 / 25.48 91.92 24. 66 94.99 22.26 | 54.96 District D.... 21.69 | 77.22 | 22. 64 77.59 | 20.79 76. 69 22.57 | 44.48 DEATH RATES PER 1,060 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Tnited States | ax. | Roneteed | , United States || i 4: e ngland ap = et? (white). | Ireland. Germany. | Wales. | Scotland. We ect retgar ke see led «Sete eee le, oe ' Under lis senre Under ‘15 years! Under |15 years | Under ‘15 years|| Under |15 years | 450 | and | 15) | and - 15 | ana 15 | and 15 | and years.) over. ' years. : over. , yeurs. | over. | years. over. || years. | over. TE cert eee ee lent caves) ecereceh. ated || va pei : \ : i The city .......! 45.76 | 13.89 |] 43.84 | 22. 68 i 44.31] 15.46 | 3242; 16.95 | 29.86! 16 41 } District D.-..- 40.90; 12.70 } 38.02 | 20.78 | 34.87 | 13. 90 35. 41 18. 64 | 28.46 21.10 —— ae ee en eer 1 7 ee ep ai se is citer aie: 7 es : DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ' cae ee Sepa ished, AREAS. Meee, Bela eee fe my nae : - | Diphtheria © Diarrheal Typhoid ; Consump- | — Scarlet | Cancer and ; and croup. ; diseases. fever. i tion. | fever. | tumor BS. Maes aa eR EN ee 6 Mah on case ors | a eee Theeity ssc : 164.42! 282.58 23.13 303.24 j 42.48 | 48.27 District D_._.., 188.33 235. 7 228. 79 ( 53. 01 54. 41 i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.10 for the Americans, 13.90 for the Germans, and 20,78 for the Irish. t Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRicT E.—Bounded by Norman, Kingsland, and Meeker avenues and Humboldt and Jewell streets. Area, 53 acres; population, 1,914; number of persous to the acre, 36.11. This district contaized some large car stables, and the dwellings were principally of the tenement house class. 200 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | : a DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. oie Native. i Foreign. i tp eee | me Epes e mate hs AREAS: | Both parents | One or both parents | native. | foreign. Under 5 pas at etsl hicamy Se detec = Under5 Total. | ‘Years. || ae | Pine Hotel: | “yeaa. | | Underd ; mm nders | Total | years: I Total years. | ‘ \, | be ne are irene Sc A Wakes #2 |! | Bala ey ee i The city ....--- 25.00 93. 78 | 25.48 | 91.92 || 24.66 | 94.99 |} 22.26 5456 ' District E ..... 17.16 64. 34 | 11.57 ; 51.44 | 21.36 | w214 |] 17.47 27. 78 | 1 { ‘ DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | “i Is i ij 7 Tnited States | England and | Other foreign i) Iveland. j, Germany. i iH ¢ AREAS. (white). ‘ i ales. i countries. | i . \ | Under jsyears Under 115 years’ Under j15 years: Under |15 years Under /15 years 16 and | 15 and © 15 and | 15 and | 15 | and years. over. jes | over. |) years. | over. || years. | over. i years. ; over. i “ : t i a i Se The city .....--. 45.76 | 13.89 |} 43.84 | 22.68 | 44.31 15.46 | 22.42 16.95 i 56.11 \ 18. 96 District E ..... 22. 56 3.84: | 28.41 | 20.89 i 46.78 | 12.82) 43.01 | 12.50 i mesons | geaatses ' { i It ' == — — - — | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— : i i AREAS. 1 _ Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- ;, . Malarial ' and croup. diseases. fever. tion. } Eneamonias ! fever. = oe The city ....... 164. 42 282.58 23.13 303.24 | 230. C6 32.62, District E ..... 143. 84 | 230. 15 | 28.77 124.66 | 201.38 |. 9.59 | 1 I a During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 3.84 for the Americans, 12.82 for the Germans, and 20.89 for the Irish. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT F.—Bounded by Newtown creek, Meeker, Kingslaud, and Norman avenues, Jewell street, Greenpoint avenue, and Provost street. Area, 231 acres. This was the most sparsely settled district in the city, and the number of persons to the acre was 1.22, the total population of the district being but 281. Probably three-fourths of this district were included in the swamp which originally existed in the northern part of the ward. The district contained some factories and a few tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents , ‘ | native. | foreign. re ' Under 5 i} 7 Under 5 Total. years. ‘| a a Total years. : : oy ; Under 5 ., nder 5 Total. | vers | Total. Sears. : | eee shchee es | ee | The city ...---- 25.00 | 93.78 25. 48 | 91. 92 24. 66 94. 99 . 1 i District F ..... 43.48 | 184.52 || 111.11 | 145.83 36.53 | 200.00 |; 47.87 fess a ee ell tnt ae eer I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— U: " State: | ae England mT: nites States z se 3 © England and Bak 8 anne (white). | Ireland Germany. Valea, France. eee eine [teens Scary a tee , Under 1S years; Under 15 years | Under years’ Under ‘15 years ; Under 15 years, eb) and | 15 and 15 and 150; and and years. — over. 1 years. | over. years. , over, | years. over. years. over. : 1 : se bp ee a oe Sa on eee I nie The city ..-.-.. ; 45.76 13. 89 43. 84 22. 68 44.31 13.46 || 32.42 16.95 27.81 14,43 District F ..... 87.04 ' 76.58 28,23 1138.89 9 31.75 |}... G2. 50 |].---.-- 2-2 eee eee 122. 81 31.75 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 201 SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS, : . ; Diphtheria | Diarrheal ; Typhoid Consump- | Cancer and Scarlet | and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. | tumor. fever. | 1 | The city .....-. 164, 42 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 48.27 | 42. 48 District F ..... 326. 80 O98 IB Soccer camemnna 1,045. 75 130. 72 | 65. 36 : | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greatly above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents, but the population was so small that the rates have no special significance. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 18. This ward contained an area of 2,065 acres, 125 of which were embraced in cemeteries. The number of dwellings was 6,704, and the total population was 74,960. Excluding the area embraced in the cemeteries, there were 3.46 dwellings and 38.64 persons to the acre, with 11.18 persons to each dwelling. A considerable tract of land about the headwaters of Newtown creek was originally swamp land. The ward was subdivided into ten sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Meeker and Kingsland avenues, Parker street, Morgan avenue, Ten Eyck street, Bushwick avenue, and North Second, Humboldt, and Richardson streets. Area, 141 acres; population, 10,521; number of persons to the acre, 74.62. ‘The buildings in this district were principally tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. i Foreign. ; ! i i —| | i | ' ARBAS. | Both parents One or both parents || ' | native. | foreign. I ; , Under 5 | 1 Underd Total. years. * | ao | Total years. Under5 nder5 |! | Total. years. Total years. [ i : I] eff The city ....... 25. 00 93.78 (2 25.48 91.92 24. 66 94.99 || 22.96 | 54.96 | District A..... 40.32 | 138.23 | 53.74 | 144.08 35.30 135.08 | 32.71 | 41.67 | | \ | ! ae SA | betek DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United Stat England and | nited States er " . England an ‘ ‘hee (white). Ireland. } Germany. Wales. | Italy. brasil aioe aioe geste Under 15 years|} Under i15 years! Under Vote Under j15 years)! Under 1B years 15, and 15 and 15 and 15 | and {i 15 and years. over. || years. | over. || years. over. || years. | over. |! years. | over. eek Ee: pe alpaca i eg) _ if ore il eo 1 ba ee oe ee PS ; : The city -...... 45.76 ; 13. 89 43, 84 22. 68 | 44.31 15. 46 | 32. 42 i 16. 95 f 53. 62 ' 7.89 | District A..... 73. 69 | 18, 44 66. 05 | 41.80 | 60.99 | 20.47 33. 02 | 15.27 |. 65.66; 15.58 i —— i ' | | dl fe Se Bho | | ; DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | | —_ —— eee ee oop goer AREAS. i d ; \ | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- . ; | i and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. j Pueumonia.! Measles. | i i | \ — -- ' 1 | (= Asa mei Set The city ....... 164.42 | 282.58 | 23,13 | 303.24 | 230.06, 17.71 | District A ..-. 278. 93 | 457.45 | 24.55 | 428. 44 348.11 | 44.63 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greater than that of any other district in Brookiyn except district F of ward 17, the rates of which have no significance, and district D of ward 14. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 15.58 for the Italians, 18.44 four the Americans, 20.47 for the Germans, aud 41.80 for the Dish. 202 VITAL STATISTICS. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was very great, being 283.39 per 100,000 of population as against 179.10, the city average. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Ten Eyck street and Morgan, Johuson, and Bushwick (Old Bushwick place or road) avenues. Area, 61 acres; population, 2,435; number of persons to the acre, 39.92. Tenements:predominated in this district which also:contained a good many factories and one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: \ : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. | Both parents One or both parents | ! ‘5 native. foreign. : i Under 5 | | . Under 5 | Total. years. | ae | a | Total years. i nder 5 nder 5 Total years. Total. years. | | | 1 i | ; = | | : | The city....... 25.00 | 93.78 25.48 | 91.92 24. 66 94.99 |) 22.26 | 54.96 | District B ..... 31. 68 | 84. 70 48.90 ! 84.47 | 28.41 84.77 22.97 23.81, | i : : | { DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN-- i ! : i United States || Other foreign hi Treland. Germany. France. il | nes (white). y countries. i | one ee ' | Under |15 years Under 15 years’ Under 15 years] Under |15 years! Under iB yeaa 1 » and 15 and || 15 and | 15 and +} 15 | and years. } over. || years. | over. years. over. | years. | over. li years. ' over. pees gat len |—-|---- mas The city .....- 45.76 | 13.89 | 43.84] 22.68 | 44.31 15.46] 27.81) 14.43 | 36.11; 18.96 District B..... 51.46 | 30.70 | 30.30 | 45.14 | 40.21 17.41 I 37.04 71.48 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— seas io oe 7 iphtheria | Diarrheal , Typhoi > Consump- -, | Whooping and croup. diseases. i fever. ; tion. | _ Pneumonia, , cough. ie ! ; [oReeeh os = gel? eee | [ | j The city ....... 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 | 303.24 | 230.06. 26.18 i District B ..... 183.15 ; 530.17 38.56 | 240, 99 | 318. 10 | 38. 56 i - : : During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 17.41 for the Germans, 30.70 for the Americans, and 45.14 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Johnson, Morgan, Flushing, and Bushwick avenues. Area, 77 acres; population, 3,950; number of persons to the acre, 51.30. This was also a tenement district and it contained a number of factories; also a slaughter house. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. | PRERS ! | Both parents , One or both parents | | | | i! native. 1 foreign. I | | Total, Unders/) vesees fee a Under 5 | years. |; ae ! 7 ‘| years. io al. nder 9 nider 5 i | | Total years. Total. years. el a ee ae ee i The city....... | 25. 00 93. 78 | 25. 48 4 91. 92 24.66 | 94.99 |; 22.26 | 54.96 j District C..... } 36.99 112.65 56.26; 121.21 32.75 | 109.32 || 95.89 | 74.07 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 203 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— a 1 ein ! United States j | Other foreign ‘ (white). lreland. Germany. France. I aounbries: AREAS. | " i | age | U mer Legere Under 15 sos Under his oe uaeer 15 years)’ Under hs years and | 15 © and | and and 15 | nd : S aneae ' over. | years. over. | ears. | over. | years ver years. | et er. : ! 4} i { | eh Se ' s i ' { 4 : i The city....... 45.76 | 13.89 43 84 | 22.68 iS 44. i | 15. ia i) 27.81 1 14. 43 | 56.11: 18.96 District C..... 67.42 11.49" 52.08 | 51.11 | 33 | | 1 18. 84 | | 5.05 | SGrieciets ! 41.67 ; 26.67 | I: : 1 ' | DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— | | { { AREAS. | , ! } | Diphtheria ; Diarrheal | Typhoid {| Consump-. | : and croup. diseases. | fever. | tion. Pueumonia. | Measles. | i i : | The city ..-...- j 164.42 3 282.58 : 23.13 | 303. 24 230. 06 | 17.71 District C ..... | 267. 48 493.34 | 17.83 | ! 380.41 | 368.52 | 41.61 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 11.49 for the Americans, against 18.84 for the Germans, and 51.11 for the Ivish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT D.—Bounded by Flushing and Knickerbocker avenues, Jefferson street, aud Broadway. Area, 99 acres; population, 13,566; number of persons to the acre, 137.03. The district was occupied by numerous tenement houses and contained a number of breweries. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Feats De cas sta i Native. . Fereign. i eaeye | Both parents | One or both parents | | native. foreign. i Under 3 |; a Under 5 Total. Care: ; ; Total. | ‘years. ' Under 5 Under 5 | Total. | “years, |, Total. years. —-- ——]} -——--—-}-- —- ------- : : ' The city ....... 25. 00 93.78 25.48 91.92 | 24.66 94.99 i| 22, 26 54.96 — District D..... 37. 69 117.46 || 56.22 , 126.03 34.09 | 112.35 |! 50 36.67, eae! . ==. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WEE BORN IN— Tied Stitiee © , n:ted States ‘ - : England and || Other foreign ‘ante (white). Ireland. ‘ Germany. Wales. | countries. | ee ore Se |e a ne Under 15 years Under '15 years Tnder 153 years| Under :15 years | Under |15 years | 15 and , 15 | and j 15 | and 15 | and 15 and | years. | over. , years. | over. | years. | over. | years. ; over. |! years. | over. The city ...... 45.76! 13.89 43. 84 | 22. 68 44.31 15.46 |. 32.42: 16.95 56. 11 18. 96 District D ..... 67. 74 i 25, 37 31.45 ; 41.91 | 48.44} 14.49 53. 76 | 15. 56 42.64 | 28.99 sect a Bie Sense Rete) oh tc : - : 3 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— { AREAS. ett oo casey iad a Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid : Consump- : Whooping and croup. , digeases. fever. j tion. Pneumonia. cough. a 5 _ | ane i The city ..-.... 164. 42 282.58 23.13 | 302,24 | 230. 06 26.18 District D -._.. 249. 20 529. 54 6.92 | 323.61 | 271. 69 | 48.45 During .the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those of 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 14.49 for the Germans, 25.37 for the Americans, and 41.91 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 204 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DIsTRict E.—Bounded by. Jefferson street, Knickerbocker avenue, De Kalb avenue, De Kalb place, and Broadway. Area, 128 acres; population, 13,588; number of persons to the acre, 106.16. Private dwellings and tenements were about equally divided. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. . | AVEAS: Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. a nde Town, | Undere are pees | Total. | years. ¢ { | Under 5 | * Under 5 Total. ! years. || Total. | years. | ' Ge Ne eS Sl hice eee } The city ..----- 25. 00 93. 78 25.48 ' 91.92 | 24.66 ; 94, 99 22.26 | 54.96 District E --_.. 27.59 84. 86 39.29 ' 112.73 | 23.75 t 74,75 18.77 | 61. 11 | | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN tN— United States ' England and |! 2 seas: (white). Ireland. I Germany. ‘ales. France. | ; ; Under |15 years|| Under [15 years, Under 15 years; Under |15 years! Under [15 years 15 and 15 and | and || 15 and 15 | and years. | over. || years. | over. || estes, over. |; years. ; over. ; years. | over. 1, i = | | | The city ....... 45.76 | 13.89 43. 84 22. 68 3 || 44.31 | 15. 46 82. 42 16.95 | 27.81; 14.43 District E ..... 58.67 | 15.52 || 56.71 | 36.91. 32.14 | 12.76}, 65.10 | 27.39) 49.02 , Bad i i ' DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. : eae i. 1 | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | ‘ypDhoi : Consump- Scarlet. md croup. | diseases. | tever. | tion. | ; “Pneumonia. | fever. | ' © het iho: ' ' i The city -.---.. 164. 42 | 282.58 i 23.13 | 303. 24 i 230, 06 42. 48 District E ..... 157.23 | 350. 75 17.28 288. 55 | 229. 80 | 46. 65 1 1 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was decidedly above it for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.76 for the Germans, 15.52 for the Americans, and 36.91 for the Irish. Scarlet fever and diarrheal diseases caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIsTRIcT F.—Bounded by De Kalb place, De Kalb and Knickerbocker avenues, Himrod and Hamburg streets, Greene avenue, and Broadway. Area, 96 acres; population, 7,238; number of persons to the acre, 75.40. This was a residential district containing principally dwellings of the middle class. The death rates for this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 7 pee oe A ey, : Native. | Foreign. AREAS: | Both parents | One or both parents | native. foreign. i | Under 5 i eens ioe Under 5 Total. | years. | Gaaeee i Under § ! Total. years. , nder5 | ,., nder 5 | a Total. | years. | totals | years. : | 5 ee tae The city..-----. 25. 00 93.78 25.48 ' 91.92 24.66 | 94.99 22, 26 54. 96 District F -.... 21. 02 73. 92 24.17 \ 79. 34 | 18. 41 | 69. 72 | 16. 14 53.56 1 | ! DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— a stg ares ' ' Unita States | Ireland. ‘Germany. a eco Scotland. AREAS. | = = poesia ey Under ital Oiler ‘15 years): Under 18 years'| Under !15 years|} Under |15 years 15 and | » and [ 15 and 15. and 15 and years. | over. |e | over. | years. | over. yen: over. || years. | over. oe | --!-— Paces ees eee The city...---- 45.76 15. 89 | 43. 84 22. 4.31 15. 46 32.42. 16.95 29, 86 16. 41 6 District F ..... 38. 53 15.07 | 43.77 13.8 1 aged 12.01 | 36.53 13. 26 44.44] 10. G4 I NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. : - Diphtheria | Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- | Cancer and | Diseases of and croup. diseases. fever. tion. tumor. the liver. | The city..-...- 164. 42 282. 58 | 23, 13 303. 24 48. 27 35. 95 | District F ..... 149. 22 201. 12 | 19. 46 181. 65 61. 63 51.90 | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was slightly above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.64 for the Scotch, 12.01 for the Germans, 13.80 for the Irish, and 15.97 for the Americans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT G.—Bounded by Greene and Hamburg avenues, Palmetto street, and Broadway. Area, 101 acres; population, 6,268; number of persons to the acre, 62.06. This was also a residential district containing dwellings of the middle class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS; | Both parents i) One or both parents | native. foreign. . Under 5|| bape Under 5 fotals | years. Gat adecs Total: years. nder 5 nder i Hotal: years. ‘Total. years. |. The city ....... 25.00 | 93. 78 25.48 91.92 24. 66 94.99 |, 22.26 54.96 : District G ...-. 15.17 | 48. 23 | 17. 24 44. 80 13. 58 50.86 || 10.98 83. 33 IESE Niles ee i | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— z i any United States || | England and . aa \ Ireland. Germany. Scotland. AREAS. (white). | f Vales. “| i I Under |15 years} Under ;15years'| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years 15 and | 15 | an ' 15 an 15 and 5 and years. | over. |! years. ; over. || years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. : The city ....... 45.76 | 13.89 43. 84 | 22.68 |, 44.31} 15.46 32.42 | 16.95 29.86 | 16.41 District G ..... 24.48 | 11.42 53. 88 | 20.40 |! 14.60 5.07 25. 25 6.05 31.75 | 10.87 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— oe Diphth Diarrheal | Typhoid | C iphtheria iarrhea ‘vphois onsump- : Malarial and croup. diseases. tever. tion. Pneumonia. fever. The city -- 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 | 303. 24 | 230. 06 32. 62 District G 93.63 | 205. 99 3.75 | 1S 108.61 j 11. 24 \ | i i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greatly below the city average, but was above it The death rates from all causes were below the average. for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 5.07 for the Germans, 6.05 for the English, 10.87 for the Scotch, 11.42 for the Americans, and 20.40 for the Irish. t SANITARY DisTRict H.—Bounded by Palmetto street, Hamburg avenue, Jacob street, Evergreen avenue, Schaffer street, and Broadway. Area, 120 acres; population, 6,919; number of persons to the acre, 57.66. This district was residential in character, the dwellings being principally of the middle class. 206 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: VITAL STATISTICS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ‘ Native. Foreign. r I AREAS. Both parents \ One or both parents | native. | foreign. | 5 Under5 Under 5 : Total. years, rae | ee || Total. years. nder 5 | nder 5° i Total: | years. | Aotals years. i See a ees The city -._..-. 5. 00 | 93. 78 25. 48 , 91.92 24.66 | 94.99 22. 26. 54. 96 District H ..... 12.51 9 42.51 13.02 | 36.64 11.87 ! 52. 32 14.92 33.33 | | { ! | eee eee pb ‘ | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN-- 7 | i 1 ~ t United States England and ‘Muouse (white). : Ireland. | Germany. Wales. Scotland. i Under {15 years Under 5 years Under 15 years Under '15 years} Under )15 years -15 | and ; and and | 15 and |!, 15 and years. | over. | eae, | over. i es ; over. | years. over i| years. | over. Pee eee Thecity. .....- 45.76 ' 13.89 43. 84 | 22.68 || 44. 31) ) 15.46 32.42, 16.95 29.86 | 16.41 District A ..... 20.01 | 8.49 |) 36.51} 19.23 | 20.44 | | 7.59 || 20.99} 9.44 |] 9.80| 9.06 ll ; i Dias Spb i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. i | | “ i | Diphtheria | Diarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- | Malarial | Cancer and | and croup. diseases. | tever. tion. | fever. | tumor. i | | Thecity -.-..-- 164.42 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 32.62 | 48. 27 ' District H..... 98. 40 132. 33 20. 36 128. 94 10.18 | 27.14 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 19.23 for the Irish. The rates from all the specified causes were below the city average. SANITARY DISTRicrT I.—Bounded by Schaffer street, Evergreen avenue, old city line, and Broadway. 97 acres, of which 10 acres were within the limits of the cemetery. embraced in the cemetery, there was an average of 36.46 persons to the acre. Tlie district was suburban in character, devoted to purposes of residence and coutaining principally small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ( ‘ | ' AREAS. The city District I AREAS. The city ..-.--- District I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. 15 aud and |! 15 and 15 and | and al ears. over. jee a over. years. over, years. over. tars over. 45.76 5 13.89 43.84 22.68 44.311 15.46 | 32.42) 16.95 83.44 | 14.33 20.22; 4.85 29.57 13.16 il 11.20 ! | 8.16 10.42 | 13.33 Native. { Foreign. Both pareuts i One or both parents | ‘ | native. i foreign. ’ Under 5° _ ' eta te Se | ; Under 5 Total. . years. ee ee | : arr Total. years. s ‘ . Under s 1 i under ‘ : Total. years. |) Total. © years. | : ee [Hs Sere penta a TP a 25. 00 93.78 || 95.48 | 91, 92 24. 66 94.99 22.26 54.96 9.48 34.86 |! 10.72 , 36.71 | 8.22 32. 61 13. 03 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States 7 4 (white). Ireland. i 1 ’ Eneland and " Wales. Canada. ! Germany. I, Under 15 yein's Under 15 years) Under 15 years’ Under 415 years | , Under 15 years 8.67 | 12.82 For those 15 years 7.59 for the Germans, 8.49 for the Americans, and The population was 3,172 and, excluding the area NEW YORY CITY AND BROOKLYN. 207 SANITARY DISTRICT I—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. ! | ae | Risa! | Tee | ean | Meg | coun {——__ | 1 hiner (Sarai? ney De Saas arog ae a ae ; The city ....... oa. | 280.58 23.13 | 308.24 26. 18 20. 02 ' District I 44.40 | 140.62 | 7.40 | 96. 21 37.00 22. 20 : ' | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was the lowest of any district in the city, except district D of ward 24, and less than half the city average, and was remarkably low for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 4.85 tor the Americans, 8.16 for the English, 8.67 for the Germans, aud 13.16 for the Irish. Whooping cough and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY District K.—Bounded by Newtown creek, city line, Evergreen avenue, Jacob street, Hamburg avenue, Himrod street, Knickerbocker, Flushing, and Morgan avenues, Parker street, and Kingsland and Meeker avenues. Area, 1,145 acres, 115 acres of which were included in the cemeteries in this district. The population was 7,303 and the number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the area included in the cemeteries, was 7.09. This district was largely suburban in character and in the western portion about 300 acres, in the vicinity of Newtown creek, was originally marsh land, which had been filled in to a large extent. The district contained a large glue factory, chemical works, and some car stables, which might be classed as nuisances. The residences were for the greater part small dwellings with suburban surroundings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign AREAS. | Both parents . :| One or both parents | i native. \ foreign. | Under5" RIA enn eh hog) ot oe Under 5 Total. | ‘years. 1 | aaa oe | Total. | years. | nder 5! ' Under 5 | ‘i Total. years. | Total. years. | | | | The city..----- 25.00 93. 78 | 25.48 91.92 24.66 , 94.99 | 22.296 54.96 District K..... 23.77 67. 87 | 27. 69 | 68. 30 22.18 | 67. 67 | 17.33 | 2L.74 | ‘ DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Ireland. ' Germany. i pela and United States | ei wanes (white). | | ales: | Scotland. , W ed do Aes, ! ; : ; Under his years:, I Under )15 years | Under (15 years | Under |15 years'| Under l5 5 years 15 and | 15 and 15 and || 15 and | 15°! and years. | over. |' years. | over. || years. over. | years.! over. || years. | over. | peecttieiactdes HP saan nasal ; ae | ! : I : The city....... 45. 76 13. 89 43. 84 | 22.68 | 44.31 15.46 jj 32.42 | 16.95 | 29.86} 16.41 District K -.... 39.10 | 13. 23 54, 35 | 23.45 { 26. 38 11.44 | 22. 09 10.42 | 11.90 8.55 f 17 I = DEA1H RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— { AREAS. bie D i ! iphtheria | iarrheal | Typhoid | Consump- | -. ° Matarial ‘ and croup. | diseases. fever. tion. } Eneumania, ‘ fever. | p I i oe Bc Fin = oh ‘The city...-... | 164. 42 | 282.58 © 23.13 303.24 | 230.06 | 32. 62 ' District K....-. ' 138. 22 366. 44 6.43 202. 51 215. 36 32.14 i s During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 8.55 for the Scotch, 10.42 for the English, 11.44 for the Germans, 13.23 for the Americans, and 23.45 for the Irish. Diarrheal diseases caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 208 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 19. This ward contained 422 acres, 3,497 dweliiugs, and a total population of 36,244, giving 8.29 dwellings and 85.89 persons to the acre, with 10.36 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by the old division line between Brooklyn and Williamsburg, Bedford, Flushing, and Washington avenues, and Wallabout canal and channel. Area, 178 acres; population, 8,775; mambo of persons to the acre, 49.30. A considerable portion of this district was originally below the 10-foot contour line, and in the vicinity of Wallabout bay was marshy in character, the marsh extendiug entirely through the district on about the line now occupied by Kent avenue and Wallabout street. This was originally a residential district with small dwellings and coutained some factories within the eastern boundary. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | a DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. | Foreign. { fesse AREAS. ti ; | I, Both parents | One or both. parents | i & | native. | foreign. | ates Under 5 | 5 nder Total. years. | ce |e = bi | Total. | “years iis Under 5 || ; Under 5 : Ii Total. years. || Total | years. jj : i i i rei owe . a os me Ses era, Tae El aoa t The city.-.---.- 25. 00 93.78 | 25.48 91.92 | 24. 66 | 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 District A -.--. 23, 24 87.98 | 22.70 76. 51 | 23.71 | 97.49 24. 03 75.76 h | es | i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHRERS WERE BORN IN—- 1 | i | ‘ ' United States : + England and 4 oth Ireland. Germany. | Scotland. + AREAS, (white). ‘ W Vales. Under {15 years|| Under 15 years| Under |15 years nen 15 years' Under |15 y eed 5 and 15 | and 15 and and | 15 an years. | over. | years. | over. |) years. | over. pears over. | years. | over. ' tscead|e oe | I ' The city-.----- 45.76 13.89 |, 43.84 | 22.68 44.31 15. 46 32.42 16.95 | 29.86 16.41 District A ...-. 41.19 14. 80 | 40. 44 | 23. 32 54. 74 15. 30 43.01 19. 30 | 49.38: 14.07 ' DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. aS | Hj 7 Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Cancer and iseases 0 and croup. | diseases. 1 fever. tion. | tumor. the urinary | | organs. Av ae: were | In | The city..-.--- 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 393. 24 | 48.27 112. 87 District A -.-.-. 119. 46 218. 32 | 30. 89 282.17 | 63. 85 131. 82 During the 6-year period the death: rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest for the Scotch and Americans and highest for the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DIstRicr B.—Bounded by the old division line between Brooklyn and Williamsburg, Broadway, Rutledge street, and Bedford avenue. Area, 140 acres; population, 9,541; number of persons to the acre, 68.15. This district occupied the highest land inthe ward, gently sloping on all sides. Private dwellings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | | { i | - Native. pote eat = Bs cessed a AREAS. Both parents | One or both parents |, | ; native. t foreign. I : fe ene Underi sel “e . Under 5 | Total. years. | aay | Total. years, | Total. Under 5 Total. Under 5 | | , years. years. ae os lak I, ‘ ts | ; | 7 F The city ...---. 25.00 1 94.78 25.48 91,92 24. 66 94.99 222/26. 54. 96 District B....-. \ 15.53 | 62.57 17.16 12. 90 74.81 | BOG ag geass I are} Foreign. | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much below NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SANITARY DISTRICT B-—-Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States ss England and | (white). Ireland. | Germany. Wales. | Scotland. AREAS. Under /15 years Under 15 years]; Under |15 years | Under ‘15 years Ec Under 1s pears 15 and aud 15 and | 15 ; and jan , years. | over. ears: over. | years. | over. |! years. | over. |; seach | oy a Sea, — The city....... 45. 76 | 13,99 | 48.84 | 22.68 |) 44.31! 15.46] 32.42, 16.95 | 29.86, 16.41 District B 29. 42 13.15 I 33. 33 16.89 |i 44.03 11. 04 12035 UIT |tossecces 20. 23 i | i | AREAS. The city - District B DEATH RATES PER 100,00 0 POPULATION DE TO-- Diphtheria and croup. | i “phoi le Diseases of ee | ee eee | Sere dens “ ‘ | : organs. | ese =I es 282.58 , 23.13 303.2 48.27 | 112. 87 134, 50 | 24. 63 229. 22 73. 85 115. 56 the city average. 209 For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans and Americans and highest among the Irish and English. For those under 15 years of age the highest death rate occurred ainong the Germans. has little significance as the mean population on which this rate is based was only 173. Typhoid fever, cancer and tunor, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Rutledge street, Broadway, and Flushing and Bedford avenues. 104 acres; population, 17,928; number of persons to the acre, 172.38. A small portion of this district along the boundary between this and the Twenty-first ward was originally swamp land, since filled in. were principally of the tenement class. 938——14 In the eastern portion of the district was a small colored population. The district contained a large varnish factory. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Poe Oe ae ‘ = AREAS. | Both parents : One or both parents | | native. | foreign. Total, | Cader 8 j ——________/_-_________..] gota. | Eades s ! |e ngs Under 5 | Under 5 ; 1 Total. Sears, | Total. years. | } es pdr ee a eS Se | The city.... .. 25.00 ' 93.78 i 25.48 i 91.92 24. 66 94.99 | 22. 26 54. 96 District C ..... 26. 14 86. 70 ‘ 30, 60 | 20. 74 24. 4% / 84. G4 18. 70 44.72 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States ) a f i ea and | Other foreign Riicas. “—(white). | Ireland. | Germany. ! Poland. | ~ countries. ——— | eR eee Se smelt | ey. By = nae at ea aa Under j15 years’ Under 15 years, Under |15 years Under ‘15 years|| Under \15 years aud | 15 and | 15 and 15 and 15) and years. | over. years. | over. || years. ; over. ' years. | over. years. | over. i ’ bal = : : a. = = im aia ee cee! : oa. The city...-... 45. 76 13. 89 ; 43. 84 22.68) 44.81 15.46 . 2703) 5.85 56.11 18. 96 District C ..... 44.61 | 12.05 34.59 | 20. 36 47. 54 | 16.12 19.28 b........ 26. 08 9.76 = + sae ' ae see i a saeco caetaserle tees eos ees ee DEATH RATES PEN 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. i | ee od - “{ Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Cousump- | : Whooping | { and croup, diseases. fever. niga : Pneumonia. cout ° | aaa tl See’ ae 4 - | Cast The city....... 164.42 282.58 ¢ 23.13 303, IL 230.06 | 26.18 District C ..... 149. 21 315,55 . 14.11 324 62 254. 90 35. 29 The rate for those 15 years of age and over whose mothers were born in Scotland was 20.23, but this Area, The dwellings 210 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was above it for the native and below it for the children under 5 years of age of all classes. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, no deaths occurred among the Russians, who numbered 174 on June 1, 1890. For the Americans the death rate was 12.05; for the Germans, 16.12; for the Irish, 20.36. Diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 20. This ward covered an area of 410 acres, including 92 acres in the United States navy yard and 15 acres in Washington park. The number of dwellings was 3,150, containing a total population of 24,136, making an average of 79.66 persons and 10.40 dwellings to the acre, with 7.66 persous to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. SANITARY: DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Flushing, Washington, Myrtle, and North Portland avenues. Area, 186 acres; population, 10,043, The navy yard was located, in part, in this district, excluding which the number of persons to the acre was 106.84. . A small portion of the district near the navy yard line was formerly marsh land. The buildings were principally tenements and small dwellings, the first mentioned class predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | Native. Foreign. areas. [| i i! ' i 2 | ! ! Both parents —_| One or both parents \ ; ; native. q foreign. | Under 5 | : ss Under 5 Total. years. i ea ; oe Total. | years. nder 5 » Under 5 * i Total. years. Total. . years. i i \ ne jo Db ty esse. » 25.00 | 93.78 (jf 25.48 91.92 * 24. 66 | 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 ; District As...) 23.21 | 83.90 | 25.52 | 82.67 21.29 | 85.68 27.26 | 33,33 |= Ane Le ul i : i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | | United States " Ireland \ German | England and . Canada | ' (white). | = y- Wal les. 1 Daca: I AREAS. I tt i ! ‘| { ‘ l ratiug 15 years Under ‘15 years, Under }15 years|| Under 15 years. Under /15 years i 15 and 1! and | and I 15 | and | and | 1 | | years. | over. eats | over. pa years. | over. } years. over. | years. | over. |. 2 | | asc | ; ’ The city....... 45.76 13.89 | 43,84! 22.68’ 44.31! 15.46 | 32.42 16.95 | 35 3.44 | 14.33 District A ..... | 40.64 | 15.96 | 43.08! 29.02 | 55,56] 15.11 |) 33.71; 22.34 PL 5.72 | 18.78 i i . I ' | | 3 ; | i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | “Dis f | Diphtheria , Diarrheal | Typhoid Consump- | Malarial Shee o , and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. fever. CTD ALY) i organs. | | | Thei¢ity.ccs05 : 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 303, 24 32.62 | 112. 87 District A. .-. 184. C8 218.91; 18.24 315.09 34.83 | 142. 62 \ ( ‘ | During the 6-year period the death rate m this district was slightly above the city avera ge, and was above it for the foreign, but was much below it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans, being 15.11 as against 15.96 for the Americans and 22.02 for the Irish. Malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, consumption, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT B.—Bounded by Myrtle, Washington, La Fayette, and South Bartana avenues, and line of latter continued through Washington park. Area 112 acres, 15 acres of which were.included in Washington park. The population was 6,213 and the number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the park area, was 64.05. This district contaived for the most part fine residences. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 241 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much below the city average. years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. a as AREAS: d | Both parents One or both parents | s native. foreign. : Under 5 Under 5 Total. | years. te Poa Total. years. | nder 5 , | Under | | Total. | “years. Total. years. (aaa hen iss ee ee |—---—~ Ss Agee Aen “alee i i The city ..----- 25.00 | 93.78 | 25.48 | 91,92 24.66 |; 94.99 || 22. 26 54. 96 District B . 16.08 | 63.38 | 16. 97 | 63.75 Wee) 62.71 | 167 lec oeees i c Bo ees United States Ireland. | Germany. England and DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 1 a ' | i Scandinavia. aREKS: (white). | Wales. R Vander sels years|| Under |15 years|| Under |15 years | Under liggearel! Under |15 years! wand 15 and 15 and | 15 | and |! 15 and weit over. | years. | over. || years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. ~ j ‘ : ' | | | The city.....-- 45.76 | 13.89] 43.84) 22.68 '| 44.31 15. 46 i 32.42 | 16,95 45.50 | 9.13 District B -...- 27.63 | 14.19 25.46 | 10.96 27.78 | 11. 59 i 29.91 | 19.38 | sees 7.44 ' ee } | 1 i DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. . 1 Diphtheria Diarrbeal Typhoid | Consump- | Malarial Cancer and and croup. diseases. fever. | tion. fever. tumor. | | escent 1 The city ..-...- 164. 42 | 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 32. 62 48.27 District B ..... 58. 98 | 75. 06 34. 85 ; 142. 08 40. 21 72. 38 Trish, 11.59 for the Germans, 14.19 for the Americans, and 19.38 for the English. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused, more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by La Fayette, Washington, Atlantic, and South Portland avenues. 112 acres; population, 7,880; number of persons to the acre, 70.36. The buildings were principally private dwellings, with some tenements inhabited by a small colored population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: For those 15 7.44 for the Scandinavians, 10.96 for the Area, DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. I" Native. i Foreign. ; f AREAS: | Both parents | One or both parents i | native. | foreign. | | Total. | Ware. ‘| | toll. |S 7 < - | Under 5 | Under 5 | | Total. | years. | Total. | “Years. | SS leceee! The city ....... 25.00 | 93.78 |) 25.48 91.92 |, 24.66 : 94.99 22.26 | 54.96 District C..... 18. 07 76. 04 i 19.12 | 93.14 {| 16.07 | 60. 12 | 17.92 83. 33 a Se ee | DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United Stat | nited States | pes Me (white). Ireland. | Germany. | Scandinavia. Italy. Under | 15 years Under 15 ves Under hs years|| Under |15 years|| Under /15 years 15 | and and | and 15 and 15 and years. | over. aw, over. sae over. || years. | over. years. | over. y y | 4 The city ..-..-. 45.76 | 13.89 43. 84 22. 68 44.31, 15.46 45. 50 9.13 53. 62 7.89 District C..... 38. 81 | 14.11 45.58 | 19.52 35. 35 | 10. 49 31.75 6.76 27.21 3.06 ' I i 1 212 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. 1 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid © Consump- | Cancer and lHeart disease} and croup. diseases. ; fever. ' tion. , tumor. and dropsy. j ! Sense 5 Pees eet a The city -. 164. 42 | 282. 58 | 23.13 | 303.24 : 48.27 |! 131.16 District C.. 63.41 150,07 126.82 j 8.45 | 249. 42 59.18 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 3.06 as against 6.76 for the Scandinavians, 10.49 for the Germans, 14.11 for the Americans, and 19.52 for the Irish. ; Cancer and tumor and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 21. This ward contained 475 acres, 4,814 dwellings, and a total population of 50,118, making an average of 105.51 persons and 10.13 dwellings to the acre, with 10.41 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into five districts. SANITARY DISTRICT A.—Bounded by Flushing, Marcy, Myrtle, and Bedford avenues. Area, 71 acres; population, 9,982; number of persons to the acre, 140.59. Tenements predominated in this district which contained a considerable German population. The death rates iu this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. | 4 eran Native. Foreign. Wy perc tse aes “a ene ee ae AREAS. ' I Both parents | one or both parents : { b 1 native. foreigu. i aa Suder 5 |! | Underd Total. | years. | | een Total. years. IB ery ; Under a boy Under 5! ! i | Total | years. Hotel, 2 years. | d 2: -| | selec Jr poe ees The city -..-..- 25. 00 93.78 | 25. 48 91.92. 24.66 | 94.99 22.26 ' 54.96 District A ..... , 29,86 82.58 | 37.26 113.64 | 21,53 + 68.87 | 90.06 | 36.59 | | | cana ee eye DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— oie aa ei keh Sa eres United States | England and . | AREAS. (white). Ireland. Germany. | Wales. ' Italy. ! al = Piensa ss Under lb years; Under |15 years] Under |15 ceed Under 15 years|| Under [15 years 15 aud 15 and 15 and = | = 15 and 15 | and years. over. I years. | over. || years. | over. | years. | over. |] years. | over. ts, ' | —— ‘ eer anaes The city ..-.-.. 45. 76 ; 13. 89 | 43. 84, 22. 68 | 44.3). 15.46 | 32.42 i 16. 95 53.62 | 7.89 District A..... 53. 95 13. 04 | 36. 73, os 22.56 || 24. 62 | 11.69 | 32.54 | 15.15 26. 04 5.8 a | ' | : | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE To— 7 1 { AREAS. sie haweae cies I denotes | : bee iat ee j iphtheria iarrheal Typhoid Consunyp- | Grae Whooping and croup. diseases. | fever, tion. | Meusles. | cong i ' | | |_ The cily ------- 164.42 | 282.58 | 23,13 303.24 | 17.71 | 26.18 | District A ..... 158.62 | 330. 62 15.29 | 286.66 | 26.76 | 28.67 | ‘ ! | : ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was considerably above it for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 5.38 as against 11.69 for the Germans, 13.04 for the Americans, and 22.56 for the Ivish. Diarrheal diseases, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was 210.22 per 100,000 of population as against 179.01, the city average. SANITARY DISTRICT B—Bounded by Myrtle, Marey, La Fayette, and Bedford avenues. Area, 80 acres; population, 6,697; number of persons to the acre, 83,71. ‘This district contained first class residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. 7 a AREAS. i| Both parents One or both parents : | native. foreign. : . Minder:55|)) ee ‘ Under 5 Pol | yeure Under 5 | Unaers os | ae naer o n nader Total. years. Total. I years. || we atest oe | i. u 1 The city ....... 25. 00 93. 78 | 95.48 1 91.92 24. 66 | 94.99 22. 26 54. 96 District B ..... 23.55 93. 39 | 25. 84 ; 98. 15 20.67 | 87.52 23.29 | 9.80 | ‘ i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERKE BORN IN— United States ‘ England and H ies (white). Ireland. Germany. Vales. Scotland. ‘ 5 Hl Under "5 years| Under ‘15 years|| Under hs years|| Under |15 years} Under |15 years | | and 15 | and 15 | and 15 and 15 and ; years. | over. |] years. | over. |] years. | over. || years. | over. |) years. | over. | esse i fees ek oe | ; | The city ..---.- 45.76 | 13.89 | 43.84 22.68 || 44.31 ; 15.46 || 32.42. 16.95 || 29.86] 16.41 District B ..... 42.30 | 16. 94 38.14: 21.98 39.68 13.72 28.30 | 22.63 \| 84.72 | 22.36 ‘ : \ | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i AREAS. | s eva ( Beets acdc eal Diphtheria Diarrheal | Typhoid ' Consump- | Malarial Heart disease croup. | diseases. - tever. | tion. j fever. and dropsy. | | ee | The city ..----- 164.42 | 282. 58 23.13 303.24 | 32 62 ' 131.16 District B ..... 148.12 | 213.64 | 31.33 | 259. 21 39.88 | 219. 34 { i 213 During the 6-year period the death rate in this distyict was below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents, and for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans, being 13.72 as against 16.94 for the Americans and 21.98 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. SANITARY DISTRICT C.—Bounded by Flushing avenue, Broadway, aud Sumner, Myrtie, and Marcy avenues. Area, 92 acres; population, 14,918; nuinber of persons to the acre, 162.15. The population of this district was largely German, living in tenements, which class of buildings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS, District C The city .... DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. | Foreign. | i ge T a) fy : : Both parents |, One or both parents | ‘| i | { native. i foreign. i | \ log ee s| : years. | if, cab ee nnansicpenmanteat: ee (ea ass fpciads Siedpeheeeesed | ne a = | ; ‘ i 1 i | : i i The city ....... 25.0) 93.78 | 2548 9.92 | 24.66 94.99 | 29.96 54.96 i District E..... © 1535 4.02 | 15.99 | 56.13 t 14. 67 31.55 | 1648, Isa9 | | DEATM RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN [N— | | Piss f | | Peco ster (ip Om 2 7 wt | United States ° ‘ ; England : { sem is Ireland, } any mgland and, scotla | ee | (white). i Germany. | Wales. H Scotland. ee |e ae =| = | Bae t | | i Under js years; Under 15 years yuger 115 years?! Under 15 years | Uhder 15 ye ars | and 1 and | ! and 15 i and 15 1 and | | i years.) over. | years. over, |] eae "over... years.” over. | years. over Sick ipsa Baa aK eakceeg abies: ndains ES Beene: eo aoe eebeetie). - etek tetediiiet i aay € ‘ nee hee cana a \ Mheveityesceseec 45.76 | 13.89 | 43.84 22.68 44.31 15.46), 32.42, 16.95 | 29.86 16. 41 1 District B..... \ 2764 %,52°* 2.37 ° 13.99 11.430!) 38.46 W111 228 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— | AREAS. | i. Diphtheria ! Diarrheal Typhoid Ves Cousump- Whooping and croup. | diseases. ever. tion. ' heumonia. ‘cou epee a = pea Pee ed ‘| | : es. ee The Snescdl 164.42 | 282.58 | 23.13 | 303.24 | 230.06. | 26. 18 Distriet EK ..... | §2. 18 | 177. 51 19. 72, i 147. 93 144. G4 | 36.16 iB me ! | During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.52 for the Americans, 12.37 for the Germans, and 14.30 for the Irish. Whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARI 26. This ward, which formed a part of the town of New Lots prior to annexation, was the largest in the city, and. “measured to the city limits on Jamaica bay, contained 4,225 acres. There were several cemeteries in the district, ‘aggregating 157 acres. Of the total area given above, very nearly 1,000 acres along the water front constituted a salt water marsh or meadow. The number of dwellings was 4,412 and the total population was 29,505. Excluding the cemetery area, there was an average of 7.25 persous to the acre. In what is known as “ Brownsville”, in this district, was a large settlement of Russian and Polish Jews. dwellings were generally small and many of them frame. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: The DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. , 25.00 21.59 | t iv nder 3: years. 93. 78 74. 30 | a Both parents One or both parents i | = st | i ' ! native. ' foreign. i ; F i ‘Total. | Flies Under 5 | 3 Under 5 Total. years. | Total. | years. | | hoe | 95.48 91.92 | 2466 | 94.99 | 29.96 23.16 7.66} 20.53 | t » Under 5 years. 54. 96 G1. 40 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— mE ' Tnited States H : ‘ England and Russia and , (white). | Treland. Germany. i Vales. | Poland. AREAS. | ' a t= eee I Ee, Segoe pees | Under ‘5 years; Under 15 years’ Under lM years! Under 15 years} Under (15 years 1! 15 } and \ and 15 and 15 and 1 and | years. over. j Fears. over. | years. over. | years. | over. | years. over. | : t : ro soso: ee et: emma amet paanieateir ti coarse ientanortbe The city..----- 45. 76 | , 15.89 43. 84 22. 68 | 44.31 15. 46 32.42 16.95 27.08 5.85 Ward 26......- 37.06 ' 10,42 | 33.56 20. 04 || 36.19 Hen 15.61, 1A] Aw 4 ! i . =. - = = =s sizecess < eae = -- | DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE ‘TO— ANKAS. i ‘ 7 mene ! ! ' Diphtheria , Diarrheal Typhoid Consumy- Malarial Whooping | and croup. diseases. fever. tious fever. cough. . | 2 tutes RSI GES) cas Fa = \ om agesaes i The city..-.--. 164. 42 282. dS 23.18 308. 24 32. 62 26.18 ; Ward 26.... 127.41 239, 86 21.35 230. 61 4.09 30, G1 ' During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. mothers, it was 4.64 for the Russians and Poles, 10.42 for the Americans, Trish. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of Malarial fever and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 17.00 for the Germans, and 20.04 for the MORTALITY ZTLEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT, LEGEND Under 20 per looo 20 to 24 a~ i 3: a 8 = OF THE CITY or BROOKLYN,NY., SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE IST 1890. | MAP LITH.A.HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE 1 MILE ZIVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES i ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT, MORTALIT LEGEND {| Under 80 per 1000 fo] 80tolwo . . 100. HO , : 10, 20 , . —§ 20,40. .« 140 and over. MAP OF THE CITY or BROOKLYN,N.Y., SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 18T 1890. UITH.A.HOEN & CO. BALTIM 0 1 MILE. ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT, 1 MILE MORTALITY. LEGEND Under 200 per 100,000 | 200 to 250 250 . 300 300. 350 350 . 400 400 and over . MAP OF THE CITY or BROOKLYN, N.Y, SHOWING 4 AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CONSUMPTION in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE IST 1890. ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES oe ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. MORTALITY. LEGEND Under 140 per 100,000 140 to 180 4 ” 180 ,, 220 220, 260 260, 300 , 300 and over,, > 2 7 130.72 MAP Wit OF THE ) | CITY or BROOKLYN, NY, SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO PNEUMONIA in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1ST 1890. . LITH.A.HOEN & BALTIMORE. Scale REN Oe OFT The UNITED STATES | | ” ” MORTALITY. LEGEND Under 150 per 100,000 50 to 225 f= 3 ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT, TAR We WARS" . 7 00000" 00 IE Ue Es 425 andover ,, 08 Wi o a > a = B a 3 4 e S } o fe fy : ° > S oO LY, LN AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES Y SHOWING DUE TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES in different districts DURING HE SIX YEARS T Scale 41MILE. Ys, MORTALIT* ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. ” ” , , ” ” LEGEND Under 100 per 100,000 Bey 220 , 250 JV | 100 to 140 BBB 250 and over, SSS 4 LONT ova gj >t i ” MAP OF THE ee : Yi Sioeee A LNIOA, ¥, > Za ica ios - A So ¢ m mee wo Cl ae om Bee O98. 4e8e O:ssgee= 3 M4 moos Hs KZ on o 8 ee ' a Eee rae © LITH.A.HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE. Scale 1 MILE. Va cada fo ee are GENERAL TABLES. 230 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 78.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, | AGGREGATE. WHITE. Total. Native born. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. ti 1 All ages. Under 5 |5 yearsand i Total. NENTS: over. | Under 5 /5 years and! 7 | Allages. years over . | ia ‘ 7 OW soihagus. Under 5 |5 years and ‘1 : tf ear eee years. over. i \ Ser = ar es ae eee a i It co | <1 TGA snd toaneacammiamesee nn otau mene 1, 515, 301 164,686 | 1,350,615 |. 1,489,627 || 162,994 | 1,326,633 ' 852, 647 |) 156, 993 695, 618 | Bae 4 ee am il = tee | A ee ee : 2 11, 122 1, 055 10, 067 |; 10,971 || 1, 051 9, 920 L 5, 888 |' 1,038 4,850 | 8, 129 817 7,312 || 8,105 817 7, 288 i 4,189 |, 804 3, 385 | 2, 521 199 2, 822 || 2,411 195 2,216 I 1, 394 |) 195 1, 199 | AT, 39 433 |: 455 39 416 | 305 |. 39 266 d 929 |; 47 882 906 46 860 |" 467 |, 46 421 : 3, 765, 200 3, 565 |) 3, 735 199 3,536 - 2, 085 |: 196 1, 869 | 17, 809 1, 857 15, 952 |] 17,712 1, 853 15, 859 | 9,401 |! 1, 784 7,617 | 7, 183 641 6,542 |: 7, 136 641 6. 495 | 3, 992 |; 630 3, 362 | 10 10, 626 1.216 9, 410 10. 576 1,212 9, 364 5, 409 |: 1, 154! 4,255 | i 12, 385 1, 308 11, 077 || 12, 304 1, 308 10, 996 6, 855 1,287 | 5, 568 12 7, 259 751 6, 508 |! 7, 244 73 6, 493 4,052 739 | 3,313 | 13 5, 126 557 4, 569 || 5, 060 537 4,503 ;° 2,803 |, 548 | 2, 255 ' ri : 4 23, 119 20, 214 |! 22, 663 2, 897 19, 766 9, 633 |: 2,711 6,922 | 15 1, 957 1, 798 |] 1, 940 59 1.781 969 |, 154 | 815 | 16 6, 576 5, 763 6,518 813 | 5, 705 3, 216 765 2,451 7 14, 586 || 12) 653 ; 14, 205, 1,925 | 12. 289 5, 443 1.792 | 3, 656 i i ‘ 18 57, 266 || 50, 152 57, 290 || 7,214 } 50, 076 31,922 6, 883 | 24,339 19 9, 959 |! 8, 735 9, 947 |) 1, 224 8, 723 5, 368 1, 166 4, 202 20 11, 420 9, 919 11, 417 1,501 9,916 | 6, 610 | 1, 407 5, 203 | 21 22, 484 19, 610 22, 437 2, 874 | 19,563 | 11, 219 2, 754 8,465 22 13, 503 11, 888 |! 13, 489 1,615, 11, 874 8, 025 1,556 | 6, 469 ' { 23 31, 220 | 27,777 30, 483 |! 3,412 | 27,071 16, 945 3, 321 | 13, 624 24 10, 872 || 9,817 10, 815 |; 1, 053 9, 762 |, 6, 594 J, 041 | 5, 553 25 8, 520 || 7,466 |: 8, 149 |’ 1, 038 9,111 |- 4, 008 997 ! 3,011 26 11, 828 |) 10. 494 |i 11,519 1,321 10, 198 |’ 6,343 1, 283 | 5, 060 27 5, 425 |, 49,336 || 53, 287 |. 5, 008 48, 229 | 36, 725 || 4,938 | 31, 787 28 9, 137 |! 8, 162 9, 120 |, 975 8, 145 |, 6, 196 964 | 5, 232 29 21, 230 || 19, 197 20, 268 |) 1, 958 18, 310 | 13, 951 1,928 | 12; 023 30 10, 013 |) 8, 885 9,979 |) 1, 125, Bot | 6, 699 |! 1, 109 | 5, 390) 31 14, 045 |! cs 13, 092 13, 870 | 950 | 12, 920 | 9, 879 |! 937 8, 942 | . i 1 { t 4 32 57, 596 |, 49, 343 57, 422 |: 8,245. | 49,177 |: 20,040 |! 7,374 | 12, 666 33 30, 490 |/ 25, 954 30, 426 |; 4, 533 | 25, 893 || 9, 838 || 4, 004 ! 5, 834 34 27, 106 | 23, 389 26. 996 3,712 | 23, 284 10, 202 |! 3, 370 6, 832 35 75, 426 |; 65, 184 75, 364 10, 242 - 65, 122 © 37,527 |; 9, 079 , 27, S48 36 24, 435 |) 3,772 20, 663 24.404 3,772 | 20, 632 | 8, 968 |) 3,427 5, 541 37 19, 785 | 2,405 17, 380 19. 774 2, 405 17, 369 | 10, 451 |. 2,297 | 8, 154 38 12, 694 | 1, 664 11, 030 12, 683 1, 664 11, 019 7,146 |! 1,595 | 5, 551 39 18, 512 | 2.401 16, 111 18, 503 2,401 | 16, 102 10, 962 2, 360 | 8,602 40 | Ward 12's cceueeseeeeevexwewsiosnesverscheersses 245, 046 27, 249 217,797 240, 820 26,879 213,941 || 155, 468 26.173 129, 295 41 A.. : : 5, 107 395 4,712 ; 394 4, 653 3, 503 389 | 3,114 42 B.. 13, 345 1, 232 12, 113 1,231 12, 047 | 8,404 1, 220 | 7,184 43 Ce 11, 936 1. 686 10, 250 1, 643 10, 003 6,471 ; 1, 596 | 4, 875 44 D : 778 6, 223 773 | 6,211 4,533 | 754 3, 784 | i 1 45 1, 336 9,312 1,333 | 9, 267 7,234 1,279 , 5, 955, 46 940 7,492 913 7, 339 5, 240 891 | 4,349 47 2,765 15, 111 2, 607 13. 964 8, 766 2,518 | 6, 248 48 721 5, 942 723 5, 865, 4,555 710 | 3,845 49 3,010 20, 348 | 3,010 20,305 | —-13, 828 2,917 | 10, 911 ; : 50 482 4,218 |! 482 4,205 3, 203 477 | 2,726 51 766 6,705 || 766 6, 653 5, 219 754. | 4,465 52 4,786 34, 734 4,771 34,517 24,103 | 4, 603 19, 500 53 : 2, 247 23, 497 2, 293 22, 998 17, 976 2, 182 15,794 54 2, 673 25, 184 2, 624 24, 707 18, 784 |. 2, 582 | 16, 201 \ | 55 495 | 4,396 494 4, 381 3, 069 481 2,538 56 978 10, 350 965 10, 221 8, 282 952 | 7, 330 57 1, 686 14, 824 1, 658 14, 310 10, 615 1, 606 | 9, 009 58 : 267 2, 386 |) 264 2,295 1, 678 |; 261 1,417 I : \ i ‘ 59 45. 884 | 6,991 | 38, 893 6, 991 38, 831 20, 591 6,516 | 14, 075 60 +27, O64 | 4, 480 | 23, 184 |: 4,480 23, 135 10, 309 |. 4,104 | 6, 205 61 18, 220 || 2,511. 15, 709 |i 2,511 15, 696 10, 282 2,412 7, 870 | ! 62 28. 094 || 3, 680 24,414 |: 27, 925 3, 671 24, 254 11, 691 |: 3, 333 ! 8, 358 63 9,181 1, 230 7,951 |: 9,109 ) 1.225 | 7, 884 3, 886 1,146 | 2,740 64 18, 913 | 2, 450 16, 463 |} 18, 816 2. 446 16, 370 7.805 2,187 . 5,618 65 25, 399 1,792 23, 607 23, 134 i 1, 625 21, 509 12, 569 1,554. 11,015 66 9, 671 941 8, 730 7, 907 | 792 7,15 | 3, 786 750 | 3,036 67 . 4, 759 387 4,372 | 4,665 |: 384 | 4,281 | 2,345 367 | 1, 978 68 7, 081 || 343 6,738 || 6,737 | $33 ° 6, 404. | 4,249 323 3,919 69 3, 888 |. 121 3, 767 |) 3, 825 | 116 | 3,709 | 2,196 14 2, 082 i | i 70 49, 134 3,928 | 45,206 | 46, 856 | 3, 783 | 43, 073 | 29,797 |" 3, 708 26, 089 71 8, 001 |! 950 7,031 |! 7, 968 950 | 018 | 5, O84 924 | 4,160 72 16, 594 1, 307 15, 287 | 15, 791 | 1,247 14 544 10, 029 |! 1,224 | 8) 805 3 6, 834 5i7 6,257 | 6, 809 | 577 6.939 || 4,376 |i 562 | 3,814 14 17, 705 || 1, 094 16,611" 16, 288 fl 1, 009 15,279 |i 10, 303 |. 998 | 9, 310 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. - WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. 231 WHITE—continued. COLORED. 7 ; eae i Native born—Continued. Foreign born. ! = an SK —F ' Both parents native. | One or both parents foreign. ee Under 5 '5 years and Ws Tay Under 5 |5 years and HEATS: eMeks 1 Under 5 5 years and : Under 5 5 years and ren years: ONer: Allages. | ‘vears. over. All ages. years. over. h 42, 185 228, 302 582, 154 114, 808 467, 346 636, 986 6, 001 630, 985 25, 674 1, 692 23,982 | 1 1, 293 ! 323 970 4,595, 715 3, 880 5, 070 a7} 2 633 | 201 482 3, 506 603 2, 903 3, 903 241 3 381 | 93 288 1,013 102 911 1,017 106 | 4 229 | 29 200 76 10 66 |; 150 171.5 159 21) 138 308 95 283 |! 429 ||....-- 2.2: 439 2/1 6 738 39 699 1, 347 157 1, 190 |! 1, 650 3 1, 647 291 7 2, 045 417 1, 628 7, 356 1, 367 5, 989 || 8,311 69 8, 242 93; 8 873 | 188 685 3,119 2 2, 677 3,144 | 3, 133 47 9 1,172: 229 943 4,237 925 3,312 5, 167 58 | 5, 109 46 | 10 1, 453 293 1, 160 5, 402 994 4,408 5, 449 21 5, 428 81 | 11 854 188 666 3,198 551 2,647 | 3, 192 12 3, 180 15 | 12 599 105 494 2, 204 443 1,761 | 2, 257 9 2, 248 66 | 13 | i It 1, 161 200 961 8, 472 2,511 | 5,961 | 13, 030 186 ! 12, 844 448 | 14 176 25. 31 793 129 | 664 | 971 5 | 966 17 | 15 495 104 | 391 2.721 661 | 2, 060 | 3, 302 48 | 3, 254 58 | 16 490 |; 71 419 4,958 Ge, 3. 237 8, 757 133 | 8, 624 373 | 17 ! : i | | 1 1 5, 659 |: 1,553 | 4,106 25, 563 5, 330 | 20, 233 26, 068 |) 331 | 25, 737 76 | 18 853 282 | 571 4.515 884 | 3, 631 4,579 58 | 4,521 12 | 19 1,406 4253 983 5, 204 984 | 4, 220 4, 807 94 | 4,713 3 | 20 1, 436 403 | 1, 033 | 9, 783 2.351 | 7,432 11, 218 120 | 11, 098 47 | 21 1, 964 15 | 1,519 | 6, 061 | 1,111: 4,950 5, 464 59 5, 405 14 | 22 ! I | 4,643 319 ! 3, B24 12, 302 | 2,502 » 9, 800 13, 538 91 13, 447 706 , 23 1, 937 342 1,595 | 4, 657 | 699 3, 958 4,221 12 4, 209 55 | 24 877 159 ! 718 | 3,131 | 838 2, 293 4,141 41 4,100 355 | 25 1, 829 318 1,511 | 4,514 | 965 3, 549 5,176 38 5, 138 296 | 26 17, 061 |! 2,124 | 14, 937 | 19, 664 2,814 16, 850 16, 512 70 16, 442 1,107 | 27 2, 782 || 424 | 2,358 | 3,414 | 540 2, 874 2,924 VW 2,913 17 | 28 6, 332 || 807 | 5, 525 7,619 | 1,121 6, 498 6, 317 30 6, 287 887 | 29 2,612 || 409 | 2, 203 4,087 | 700 | 3, 387 3, 280 16 3, 264 31 | 30 5, 335 | 484 4,851 4, pa 453 4,091 3, 991 13 3, 978 172 | 31 429 | 1, 563 18, 048 | 6, 945 11, 103 37, 382 871 36, 511 166 | 32 ; 104 588 9, 146 | 3, 900 5, 246 |) 20, 588 529 20, 059 61 | 33 325 | 975 8, 902 3,045 5, 857 | 16, 794 342 16, 452 105 | 34 i i ' 1, 891 | 4, 469 31, 207 | 7, 828 23, 379 | 37, 837 |) 563 37, 274 62 | 35. ! 259 696 8.013 | 3, 168 4, 845 15, 436 || 345 15, 091 31 | 36 437 1,105 8, 909 | 1, 860 7, 049 9, 323 |) 108 9,215 ; 11 | 37 419 | 1, 166 5, 561 1,176 4,385 5, 537 || 69 5, 468 | 11 | 38 736 1,502 | 8, 724 1, 624 | 7, 100 7,541 41 7, 500 9 | 39 i ; 9, 067 | 53, 037 93, 364 17, 106 76, 258 85, 352 |! 706 84, 646 | 3,856 | 40 197 | 1,988 5 1,318 192 | 1,126 1,544 |) 5 1, 539 | 59 | 41 449 | 2, 452 || 5, 503 771 4,732 4, 874 |) 11 4, 863 66 | 42 352 | 1, 013 |! 5, 106 1, 244 3, 862 5,175 |! 47 5, 128 247 | 43 205 981 |; 2, 352 549 2, 803 2,451 |) 24 2, 497 12 | 44 567 2, 724 | 3, 943 712 3,231 |) 3, 366 |. 54 3, 812 45 | 45 287 | 1, 228 || 3,725 604 3, 121 3,012 || 22 2,990 153 | 46 482 | 1, 192 7, 092 2, 036 5, 056 7, 805 |! 89 7,716 1, 147 | 47 297 | 2, 062 2,196 413 1, 783 |: 2,033 |: 13 2, 020 77 | 48 714 2,785 |) 10, 329 2, 203 8, 126 || 9, 487 93! _ 9,394 43 | 49 216 1, 462 1,525 261 1, 264 | 1, 484 5 1,479 13 | 50 368 1,973 | 2, 878 386 2, 492 |) 2, 200 |) 12 2, 188 52 | 51 1,377 6,553 || 16, 173 3, 226 12, 947 || 15, 185 || 168 15, 017 217 | 52 1, 039 8, 983 || 7, 954 1, 143 6,811 |! 7, 245 |) 41 7, 204 499 | 53 1,059 | 7,475 | 10, 250 1,524 8, 726 | 8,547 41 8, 506 477 | 54 i 176 | 966 1,927 305 1, 622 |} 1, 806 13 1, 793 15 | 55 465 j 4,284 3, 533 487 3, 046 || 2, 904 13 2,891 129 | 56 647 | 4, 132 |, 5, 836 959 4, 877 |! 5, 353 |! 52 | 5, 301 514 | 57 170! 784 |) 724 91 633 881 |) Be 878 91 | 58 875 2, 566 || 17, 150 |! 5, 641 11,509) 25, 231 475' 24,756 , ot 62 | 59 272 | 321 |! 9, 216 |; 3, 832 5, 384 17, 306 |; 376 16, 930 |, . : 49 | GO 603 | 1, 745 7, 934 | 1, 809 6, 125 7,925 99 7, 826 i 13 | 61 440 1,444 9,807 |: 2, 893 6,914 16, 234 |! 338 | 15, 896 | 160 | 62 136 | 394 8.356 || 1,010 2,346 | 5, 223 |! 79 | 5, 144 || 67 | 63 304. 1, 050 6,451 |! 1, 883 4, 568 | 11, 011 |, 259 | 10, 752 | 93 | 64 394 5, G16 | 6, 559 1, 160 5,399) 10,565 |} 71; 10,494 | 2,098 | 65 161 1, 033 |! 2,592 | 589 2,003 |! 4,121 42, 4,079!) 1,615 | 66 42 787 1, 516 325 | 1,191 4) 2,320 | 17 2, 303° 91 | 67 137 2,475 1, 630 186 | 1,444 |) 2.495 10 2,485 334 | 68 54 1,321 821,)| 60 761 1, 629 | 2 1, 627 | ‘ 58 | 69 i V : 1,331 11,274 | 17,192 | 2,377 14,815 | 17,939 1S. 16, 984 / 2,133 | 70 305 1, 267 | 8, 512 || 619 2, 893 4, 884 26 2, 858 | i 33 | 71 437 3,714 |! 5, 878 787 5,091 | 5, 762 23 5,739 i 743 | 72 202 | 1, 746 | 2) 498 | 360 2, 068 2,433 15 | 2,418 | 25 | 73 387 | 4,547 |, 5, 374 611 4,763 | 5, 930 1 5, 969 1,417 85 | 1,332 | 74 232 : VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 78.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WITH AGGREGATE. WHITE: | Total. ' Native born. 1 WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. | i ff u Underd 5 years and Total. All ages. years. | over. | e the ‘ i | Alla Under 5 ‘5 years and ES oS ies so eS io tear 1 ages. years. over. hi U a a i Mil-aves Tnder 5 5 years an @ years. ! over. es te yee ee Pe eI 1 103, 158 11, 269 91, 889 | 102, 934 | 11, 264 91, 670 30, 647 10, 743 | 39, 904 2 17, 778 1, 766 16, 012 | 17, 725 | 1, 766 15, 959 8, 305 1, 682 6, 623 3 30, 160 4,025 26, 075 | 30, 072 | 4,025 26, 047 | 13, 128 3, 741 9, 387 4 11, 772 959 10, 813 | 11, 749 | 959 10, 790 : 6,079 935 5, 144 5 15, 651 1. 662 13, 989 15, 634 | 1, 662 13, 972 | 7,944 1, 635 6, 309 G 10, 947 828 10, 119 10, 855 | 825 10, 030 6, 148 785 5, 363 7 16.910 2, 029 ! 14, 881 16, 299 ; 2,027 14, 872 « 9, 043 1, 965 7, 078 8 63, 270 5, 202 i 58, 068 + 62, 774 5, 192 57, 582 ; 36, 889 5, 079 31, 810 Q 3, 864 102 3, 762 | 3, 773 100 3, 673 { 2, 281 99 2,182 10 11, 089 586 10, 503 | 10, 972 583 10, 389 | 6, 428 578 5, 850 11 24, 445 2,951 21, 494 24, 429 | 2,951 21,478 | 13, 880 2, 869 11,011 12 7, 024 74 6, 950 6, 819 | 70 6, 749 4,2 69 | 4,151 13 16, 848 |; 1, 489 15. 359 16, 781 1, 488 15, 293 10, 080 1,464 | 8, 616 | ; : 14 234. 846 |, 24, 697 210,149 232, 711 i 24, 591 208, 120 130, 482 23, 958 106, 524 15 7, 275 |) 250 7, 025, 7,026 | 245 6,781 4,181 242 3,939 16 19, 699 1, 858 17, 841 19, 532 | 1, 850 17, 682 11, 575 1, 796 9,779 17 15, 550 2,018 13, 532 15, 509 | 2, 016 13, 493 8, 731 1,979 6, 752 18 6, 815 229 6, 586 6, 699 229 6, 470 4, 102 297 3, 875 19 17,179 1, 537 15, 642 16, 994 1,523 15, 471 9, 996 1, 498 8, 498 20 19, 834 . 2, 302 17, 532 19, 800 2, 299 17, 501 i 10, 970 2,245 8, 725 21 11, 533 1, 001 10, 532 11, 402 994 10, 408 |! 6,900 988 5,912 22 19, 117 2, 300 16, 817 19, 062 2, 297 16, 765 | 10, 766 2, 240 8, 526 23 6,471 976 5, 495 6, 232 969 5, 263 |! 3, 325 938 2, 387 24 “9,275 ; 406 6, 869 7,192 AOL 6, 788 |, 4, 236 398 3, 838 25 19, 978 2,596 17, 382 19, 939 2.596 ! 17, 343 || 10, 085 2,494 7,591 26 10, 571 1, 736 8, 835 10, 569 1, 736 i 8, 833 || 4,671 1, 630 3, 041 27 879 13, 542 13,951 835 13,116 |j 8, 578 820 7, 758 28 3, 083 25, 394 28, 281 3, 072 25, 209 | 16, 148 3, 007 13, 141 29 3, 476 20, 265 23, 726 3, 476 20, 250 |! 14, 151 3,407 10, 744 30 50 6, 860 6, 797 50 6,747 || 2, 067 49 2,018 1 31 8, 542 75, 785 79,459 &, 222 71, 237 | AT, 823 8, 017 39, 804 32 1, 388 10, 746 12, 048 1, 383 10, 665 31 7,1 1,350 5, 821 33 1, 316 15, 107 14, 192 1,177 13, 015 | 8, 326 1,151 7,175 34 1,412 10, 567 11, 951 1,411 10, 540 |) 7, 307 1, 368 5, 939 35 4,177 14, 169 13, 974 1,101 12, 873 |, 8,518 1, 073 7,445 36 2,109 13,711 15, 720 || 2, 098 13, 622 || 9, 320 2, 048 7, 272 37 1,140 11, 485 |! 11, 574 | 1, 052 10, 522 7,179 1, 027 6, 152 ! { 38 4, 929 58, 090 G2, 3&2 | 4,922 57, 460 36, 256 4,772 31, 484 39 154 4'917 4,929 || 4,776 2, 995 150 2) B45 40 695 9, 082 9, 690 | 692 8, 998 5,563 676 4, 887 41 1,315 10, 471 11, 766 || 1,314 10, 452 6, 428 1, 241 5.187 42 150 5, 301 5, 303 i 0 5, 153 3, 262 144 3, 118 43 550 7,718 8, 204 | 550 7, 654 || 4,918 536 4, 382 44 113 3, 070 3,073 |, 112 2,961 |) 1, 784 108 1, 676 45 486 5, 818 6, 260 |: 485 5, 775 |! 3, 780 476 3, 304 | 46 1, 466 11, 713 13, 157 1, 466 11, 691 4 7,526 | 1,441 6, 085 47 153, 877 16, 110 137, 767 149, 472 15, 754 133, 718 ; 94, 675 15, 422 79, 253 48 22, 586 3, 027 19, 559 22, 572 3, 027 19.545 | 14, 023 2, 953 11, 070 49 34, 307 3, 697 30, 610 33, 910 3, 661 30, 249 21, 037 3, 610 17, 427 50 14, 262 697 18, 565 12, 714 603 12,111 ; 8, 322 600 7,722 5] 10, 007 1,301 8.706 9, 894 1, 286 | 8, 608 ' 6, 103 1, 246 4, 857 52 23, 886 2,455 21, 431 | 23, 405 2,422 | 20, 983 | 14, 133 2,366 12, 367 53 5 ' 545 9, 299 9,378 527 8,851 || 6, 070 |: 522 5, 548 54 10, 237 |i 1,594 8, 643. 9, 466 1,492 7,974 5, 322 | 1, 451 3, 871 af 6, 457 || 924 5, 533 ° 6, 422 923 5, 499 | 4,015 \ 886 3,129 | 1 56 10, 467 1, 069 9,398 | 10, 124 1, 025 9, 099 7,118 II 1, 008 6, 105 57 4. 853 258 4,595 ' 4, 688 246 | 4,442 3, 128 | 244 2, 884 | 58 2,343 227 2,116 2,312 227 2, 085 1, 672 227 1,445 59 4, 628 316 ; 4,312 4, 587 315 | 4, 272 3, 137 309 2, 828 60 | Ward 23...-0--2.--2-- 53, 948 |) 6, 697 47.251 53, 407 6,619 | 46,758 35, 403 6,524 28, 879 Gi | WardOl cccccseccccc: 20, 187 |}! 1,987 18, 150 19, 844 1,976 | 17, 868 13, 564 | 1, 937 11, 627 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 233 DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continned. WHITE—continued. COLORED. | | Native born—Continued. Foreign born. | Sr eS See i i ! ; ; 7 ! Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. ‘ ' “All ages | Underd |5 years iG beeen See . | Bee Bes. || years. over. ! Bee B eraeral ae ; To AlLages. Under 5 [5 uears and’ , Under 5 | S years and coe. Underd | d5yearsand | ERTS | || ver: All ages. | years. over. All ages. years. | ~ over. ; ‘ ol | ps bb ‘ 2,182 6, 387 8, 561 33, 517 | 52, 287 521 51, 219 1 S41 | 1, 205 1,341 5,418 9, 420 84 9; 53) 2 S34 | 1, 062 3,207 8, 325 | 16, 944 284 16, 28003 260 | 946 675 4,198 5, 670 24 5, 23.~«4 35 | 591 1, 290 5, 718 7, 690 27 ey 17; 5 206 1, 633 579 3, 730 4, 707 40 4, 89 OG 4 496 950 1, 469 6,128 7, 856 62 Te 9 #7 i ; 1 1,357 12,110 | 3, 722 19,700 ' 25, 885 113 25, 486 8 : 50 1, 608 49 574 | 1, 492 1 1, 491 | i 89, 9 i 215 2,520 | | 363 3, 330 | 4,544 5 4,539 | 117 |: 114 | 10 i 650 1,474 2.219 9,537 | 10, 549 82 10, 467 16 | 16 | fl ! 40 3,516 29 635 | 2, 599 1 2, 598 205 201 | 12 ‘ 402 2,992 1, 062 5,624 | 6, 701 24 6, 677 67 66 | 13 i ‘ r { : 5, 976 30, 650 17, 982 73, 874 | 102, 229 633, 101, 596 2,029 : 14 ! 136 2, 845 | 106 1, 094 | 2, 845 |! 3 | , 842 244 | 15 | A8L | 2, 956 | 1,312 6, 823 | 7,957 54 | 7, 903 159 | 16 393 971! 1, 586 5.781 | 6, 78 37 6, 741 39 | 17 | 133 2, 672 : 74 1, 203 | 2, 597 2 | 2, 595 116 | 18 : 414 2.420 | 1, 084 6,078 | 6, 998 25 6, 973 171 | 19 % 439 1, 586 1, 806 7,139 8, 830 54; 8, 776 31 | 20 672 2, 688 | 316 3, 224 4, 502 6 4, 496 124 | 21 475 1, 785 1, 765 6,741 8, 296 57 8, 239 52 ; 22 149 388 789 1,999 |! 2,907 310 2, 876 232 | 23 167 1,331 231 | 2, 507 | 2, 956 6 2.950 81 | 24 362 1, 090 2,182 6,501 | 9, 854 102; 9, 752 39 | 25 1i7 384 1,453 2, 657 | 5, 898 106 | 5, 79: 2 | 26 340 3, 022 480 4, 736 5, 373 15 5, 358 426 | 27 WAT 3, 392 2,260 | 9. 749 f 12, 133 65 12, 068 185 | 28 851 2, 243 2, 556 8, 501° 9,575 69 9, 506 15 | 29 | 17 8i7 32° 1,141 4,730 ] 4,729 11u | 30 | 2, 396 11, 920 5, 621 27, 884 31, 638 205 31, 433 4,548 | 31 379 1,214 })- 971 4,507 4,877 | 33 81 | 32 i 336 2, 629 815 | 4, 546 5, 866 | 26 5, 840 2,092 | 33 409 1, 506 959 4, 433 4, 644 43 4,601 27'| 34 366 2,872 (07 4.573 5, 456 : 28 5, 428 1,296 | 35 585 1, 405 1, 463 5, 867 6, 400 | 50 6, 350 89 36 321 2,194 706 3, 958 4,395 25 4, 370 963 | 37 1,537 12, 933 3, 235 18, 551 26, 126 150 25, 97 630 | 38 99 2, 232 51 613 1, 934 | 3 1, 931 141 | 39 j 2183 1, 891 403 2,996 4,127 | 16 4,111 84 | 40 344 1, 008 897 4,179 5, 338 73 5, 265 | 19 | 41 91 2, 403 33 715 2, 041° 6 2, 035 i 148 | 42 " 219 1,777 317 2, 605 3. 286 14 3, 272 64 | 43 65 1, 206 43 470 1, 289 4 1, 285 | 109 ; 44 \ 155 1,547 321 1, 757 2, 480 9 2,471 i 43 | 45 351 869 1, 080 5. 216 5, 631 25 5, G06 | 22 | 46 5, 272 31, 176 ‘ 10, 150 48, 077 54, 797 332 54, 465 | 4,049 | 47 869 2, 656 | 2, 084 8,414 8, 549 7 8,475 |) 14 | 48 1, 285 5, 529 | 2, 355 11, 898 | 12, 873 51 | 12, 822 || 361 | 49 232 4, 670 368 3, 052 4, 392 3 i 4, 389 |} 1,454 : 50 421 1,077 825 3, 780 3, 791 40 | 3, 751 | 98 | 51 819 4,945, 1,547 7, 422 8, 672 36 8, 616 |! 448 | 52 184 3, 369 338 2,179 3,¢ 3 3, 303 |! 448 | 53 316 739 i} 1,135 3,132 | 4, 103 | 669 | 54 295 1, 069 || 591 2, 060 2, 370 i 34 | 55 it . 1 438 2, 956 570 3, 149 2, 994 || 299 | 56 153 1, 705 91 1,179 1,558 | 153 | 57 ill 745 116 700 640 | <1 640 31 | 58 179 \ 1, 716 130 1,112 1, 450 | 6 1,444 | 40 | 59 \ ‘i 4 | 2,435 | 9, 613 : 4, 089 19, 266 18, 004 j; 125 17, 879 |! 493 | 60 854 | 5, 121 I 1, 083 6, 506 6, 280 | 39 6, 241 282 | 61 | ul ! 234 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 79.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, ; - | UNITED STATES (WHITE). ‘| ENGLAND AND WALES. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. 1, WARDS AND [~~ --—4.-——-— ~~ : it == aah | SANITARY DIs- : 15 | 15 a 1B} 4B : uw 13 TRICTS. an aad years i Al | Onder years All pUaeery years All [tiger years i All. eee years | All Under yoars «ft ges. og in i age and ages. |. , ages e an = i years. eee ASS. | Vears. Gok RECS I ree aor ages. years.| Asay | ag ; years.| over. 3 years.| Oo. Bj ialas ae evn ! ett | [arc be ' = -| Sei oe ' oN oe oe aE eee el ons oe 8) 4 ls ‘ i ‘ | 1 Total. .|334, 725 |{145, 354 |189, 371 (55, 572 | 12, 991 |42, 581 a0, 348 179, 105 (820, 243 | 116, 239 3, 032 13, 207 |:403, 784 7, 795 |305, 989 i = | > Vee | ; eines 2 / 1,055] 672 || 396 83} 313 | 5,911 "4497] 4,714 | mi 22] 49 /| 1,983 | 495 | 1,558 3 3 || 707 266 252; 69; «183 |: 4,607 | 1,011 | 3,596 | » BLE oo 38 || 1,542 357 | 1,185 4 » 291 221 |! 1 9; 118] 1,187" 170] 1,017 | 19 9 10 |; 401 | 68 333 5 \ 57 185 |. my 2 12 7 16 101 i Heise 1}: 40 fleeee--- 40 6 | jf ams] 53) | ae Ba | 18 | _ 366 a 3) 192} 20) 172 7 | 192 671 165 3 | ; 150 || 1,568; 163) 1,405 20: |Paeae ace 20 819 |i 140 679 81 » 1,244 | 1,095 592 | 115 | 437 || 8,267 |! 1,475 | 6,792 | 81 13 e 1, a a9 1,528 jest ' ret 1 a Dee } z a 36 a 4 578 422 276 73 » 203 4, 056 | 793° 3, 263 | 37 : i 136 741 671 673 | 276 42 234 || 4,211 682, 3.529 | 44 : 787 i : RS) AB) Sah aah ase 8) 8) ge) Re) ae ts 2 | 583 464 209 |, ‘4 4,057 || 951, 3,106 : , 462 5} 1, 13 i 409 367 | 127 | 31/ 96] 2, 0s | 539 «1, 767 » 19 3 16 983 | 264° 719 ‘ ' ! \ 14 | 931 388 | 468 |! 120 | 338 || 4,508 || 638 3,870 ga 17 67 |) 2,155 | 530. 1,625 15 i 95 lz] 39 | 3! 36 540 | 38 502 || 4, 28 1 22] 434.) 68) 366 16 | 424 225 || 161, 50, 111 | 1,999 || 323 1,676 1 16 5 iL 882° 265 617 17 | 812 46 268), 77, «191 || 1,969 || 277 1,692 34) 45 11 | 34] 839 | 197 642 as 4,864 | 3,000 1, 356 i 485 ! go. | 21,818 4,209 17, 519 | 212 || 101 i 90 6, 78 he 1, os 4, = 899 326 303; 112) 191 | 5,001 | 1,058 3, 943 |! | 2 pe 20 1, 270 717 265) - 9 | 174 5, 198 i 1,100} 4,098 21 | , 20 iaee : 209 tt oo 21 1, 360 764 425) 140} 285 | 6,657 | 1,220: 5,437 1 29 5 |; 2, 1825 22 1,335; 1,193 363122} 241 4,962 | 921 4, 041 |) | 36 4 32 || 1,989 | Bie 1,470 ft u ; ' { ‘| : | ' 23 2,799} 3,106 || 1,160, 274! 886° 9,625 | 1,772 7,853 | | 869 |! ng ont : a it a 24 1,164 | 1,302 493 126; 367! 5,578 } 1,085; 4,493 | 64 1,383 | » 1,109 25 | 517 598 246 52 | 194 1! 464 { "251. 1,213 |! 158 38° 120) 1,546 | 315 1,231 26 | 1,118) 4,206 421 96: 325 2,583 | 436: 2,147 |) 647 132; 515» 2,261 | 452 1,809 y ' " i ! 2 ee 7 ; Qi | 6,775 | 12,755 || 8,110 | 624 | 2,486 |, 18, 293 i 3,779 | 14,514 |; 1,269 | 201 | 1.068 825, 155' 670! 7,634! 1,522 6,112 28 L 285 | 1,926 |) 47 113 | 366 3,738 | 809) 2,929 |) 168 ; 3 137 || 61 7 541, 071 | 15, 826 29 2,623 | 4,503 |) 1, 195 237 | 958: 6,672 || 1,394 | 5,278 410'| 60 © 330 449 93. $56; 3,165 581 | 2,584 30 1,220 | 1,852 139 | 340 | 4,316 | 1,108] 3,208 235); SR: 197 68 16 52] 1,521) 413! 4,108 31 1,647 | 4,474 || 957 | 135 | 822 | 3,567 || 468 | 3,099) 436 52) 384 || 247 39} 208 |, 1,877 | 283 | 1,594 32 1,591 | 1,189 || 680’! 11! 499! 9,173) 261! 1,909 72 3. 69|' 130 20 110 ; ag 460 u 8, 497 | 10, 903 33 436 442 252 70: 182i 1,168 |) 355 | 1,013 B94 hes oe el 32 5L : | 4,336 1,123 3,213 34 1,155 TAT 428\| 111 317) 1,005 || 109 496 |} 40 | 3 37 79 | 13 | 66 | 10,066 | 2.374) 7, 692 | lg : 35 i) 6,121 | 3,139 867 | 316 | B51 | 6, os | 1,079 | 5,589 071 65 | 12 392 ug i he : a Hee 4 foe \ 23,275 36 6 883 384 73] 36; 39 5) 209 27 24 75 2 7,959 |) 2, 5,511 37 |, 1,747 850 219) 71. 148 | 1, 042 149 893 31 | 2 29 129 7 | 102 |' 10, 608 2,757 | 7,851 38 || 1,363 856 279 94; 185 | 1,423 220 | 1,203 62 | 8 54 90 24} 66 |} 4,260} 1,111 3,149 39 2,128 | 1,049 294 115 «179, 3, 964 680 , 3, 284 87 31! 56 98 31| 67 |; 9,344 | 2,580 6, 764 t 1 | | 40 | Ward 12...---- 75, 625 |] 31,915 | 43, 710 lhe, 892 | 3,273 | 9,619 58, 721 |/12, 480 | 46,241 || 4,373 | 1,094 | 3,279 || 1,778 394 | 1,584 63, = 15,813 47.478 41 4 | 747 11,704 326 66 260 |, 981 131 850 | 157 14 | 89] 756" 133, BB 42 ‘| 1,694 2,318 592 | 104} 488, 2,579 387 | 2,192 dd | 20/ 124 102 21! gi | 4,924 ' 859° 4,065 43 i] 1,186 812 409, 118, 291 | 2,983 749 | 2,234 | 218 || 75} 143 14 16) 58 |, 5,376 1,629 3,747 44 | 797 618 220) 4377) 1, 678 574 1,104 57 | 19 38 49 12) 37 f 2,841 | 869 1,972 ' i i i . j i i | i { ‘| 1,789 2, = 734 175-530 || 2,455 485: 1, 970 | 368 || 108) 260 148 27' 121 |, 2,206] 515° 1,691! 553 || 171 382 || 2,201 484-1, 717 || 124 30 94 82 19 63 || 2,430], 532° 1,898 | 892 386] 506) 5,461 || 1,559) 3, 902 299 118} 181 100 35 65 |} 5,403 |} 1,783. 3)620 - 457 || 93 | 364 i) 1.197 185 | 1,012 | 242 67 | 175 47 7, 40 |) 1,527 395 | 1,132, 1,225 |! 433} 792 || 5,925 || 1,510 | 4,415 | 372 || 117) 255 |) 179 37-142 |) 7, 420 |] 2,042 | 5,378 iN | ! | | 287 73| 214 | 1,239 238 1,001 || 109 23 86 || 34 10 24 861 242 619 564 || 127} 437 || 1,654 206' 1,358) 142) 18) 124 || 69 12, 57 || 1,594 ]] 314 | 1,280 1,671; 417 | 1,254 || 9,499 | 2,050! 7,449 | 579 || 136} 443 2147) 46, 168 | 10, 814 |! 2,563 | 8,251 1,520 263 | 1,257 | 5,503 855} 4,648) 418 |) 75 | 343 164 42; 1221! 4,696 | 977 | 3,719 | Ay S1L 301 | 1,210 | 6,517 | 1,241; 5,276 444) 69) 875 166 33} 133 || 6,348 |' 1,320! 5,028 ee . 245 i 172 | 1,416 333 | 1, 083 107 || 33 74 32 5 a7 || 946 | 293 653 659 132 | 527 || 1,995 311 | 1,684 239 |; 387, 202 93 14 79 '|) 1,991 416 | 1,575 946, 284} 662 | 4,448 957 | 3,491 333 || 103; 230 170 |; 51] 119) 2, 900 872) 2,028 83: 16 67 | 990 135, 855 |) 21 | 3, 18 12 | 3 | 9) 238]. 59 199 f q \ | : ' ! 732' 258! 474 | 5,396 |) 890; 4,506 106 |i 22 84 197 39} 158 || 12,824: 3,937] 8,887 299 1244) 175 | 1,316 164, 1,152 we 1 21 rm lo} 65) 6,252} 1,877 | 4,375 433 | 134) 299 4,080 |! 726 ' 3,354 st} 211 «68 122 |, 29 ; 93 | 6,572] 2,060 | 4,512 : ‘ | | 529} 0: 389 |) 7,258 | 1,267 5,991 |} 19, 78 132); 27! 105, 3,112 606 | 2,506 | 169 40 | 129 || 2,332 394 1, 938 24 |) 1? (23 7) 17, 59° 9385171 764 360! 100 260 |! 4° 926 873; 4,053 || 73] 18 55 56 lo; 46 | 3177 |) 435) 1,742 } | : 1, 159 157 | 1.002 || 4, 655 540} 4,115 | 310 |) 29-281 ||: 1, 850 341 | 1,509 fi 3,472 | G41 | 2,831 299 51 { 248 |) 1,230 184 | 1,046 | 82 |, 8 74 || 1, 206 3361 970 |) 946 | 216 730 149 15 | 134 || 1,001 161° 840 38 10 28 203 37! 166} 972; 176 796 453 Th) 379 | 1, 564 145) 1,419 |) 128 9 119 306 BS, 248 838 | 159 679 258 7 Mt BHO} BU "B10 |] 88 2 60 135 WwW) 125 716 | 90 626 : | | 2,775 479 © 2,296 17,601 | 3,196 ‘ 14,405 | 1,520 |! 260 . 1,260 || 1, 136 154, 982] 6,256 , 1,230; 5,026 418 122296 ' 4,053 || 940 | 3,118 || y6e), LOL, "163 4) 36 876) "231. | | 645 874 |! 150, 724 || 6,013 |] 1,019 | 4,994 |) 468, 49) 419 |] 433 S71 376) 2141 430) 1,712 392 63 329 -2,686 || 570, 2,116 |) 201 | 39! 162 61 |i 45. BT 823 162 661 1,091 |) 144 947! 4,849 667 | 4,182 587 || 71, 516 602 |) 89513 |! 2, 416 407 | 2,009 : j ' | ! | ’ | . 1,567 || 315 1,252 | 10,815 | 1,658 9,157) 266); 31. 235 682 |; 136, 546 |: 58,831 112,780 | 46,051 373 |) 82 BOL] 1,640) 197 | 1, 443 38! 1 37 116 18 98 || 10,685 "2,219 8, 466 148 26. 122 | 558 78 480 20 |! By 17 140 || 43 97 |, 16,500 3,987 | 121513 258] 45213 | 1,399 189 1,210 68 12 56 104} 93] 7,078 | 1,203} 5,875 Ld 33, 76, 366 53 BIB G) | vecoens 6 M3 | 18 95 | 11,910 | 2,413 | 9,497 396 |) 87 359 |) 3,281 466° 9,815] 91 | 8! 8 103} 15: 88] 3,179 333! 2,646 27a gz | gl | 3,571 675° 2,896] 48 | 7s 36 106) 8 75! 9,479 {| 2,425 | 7,054 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 239 WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. CANADA, SCANDINAVIA. HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. : ITALY. OTHER THEE COUN 15 | 15 ‘ 15 15 1 1 1 15 15 : All pase years; All es yeas All ease or Alt ae years All ‘Uaer! Sears | All Vader zeae Al jOnder years , ages. Se 28. ages. = ‘a ge: a a Ss years. at ages. | years ok ages | years. etee: ABS years. oars Bee | seat en Bees: ! ea. ane ASCS. |, vears. nd ! | 4 : | | h* : Sea SSR SS ae ee ee le ~ a oes ——— pos ’ ' i ‘ r 4 ' ' 80, 235 130, 859 [49, 376 |) 9, 637 |, 13,311 | 3,078 |10, 233 15,555 || 5,595 | 9,960 12,287 |] 4,597 | 7,690 I54, 384 a 485 '34. 849 161,835 [18,997 43,438! 1 ore - = Reese | ae : ( ol 63 | 26 37 52] 22 30 || 278 40| 238 20 7 9° aT}, 291), 34) 260) 2 61 26 35 23 7: 16) 213 30] 183 12 4 7; 3B} 244 298 216) 3 | di ilecsecee 1 15 |, 91 6 61 10 51 | 7 3 : i" 6} 45 |: 6 39] 4 Ty, ose ry Wy 6 8 di Hii So 4 aad Vulsieinss H 3 5. | vsaiscen 1 515 ' 1 + i ! 5 2 ilianons: al Sele atte ay abe 19 2 |ieeeeee- (PCa | ears ' 45! 6 | 4 16} 32) 3 2) 56) 0 45 5 8 Pc geBe ey 61) 7 | 580} 209) 371; 88] 62 |, 281]. 50) 231 30 10 | 383 48-335) 8 » 58 3 56 | 43] 13 30 93}: 15 78 |) 8 4 , 162 25 1s} 9 522, 207 | 315 40) 8 32] 188] 35 | 153 22 6 , 22h 23-198) 10 1 : \ 1 49) a 38 | © 391 184 33] 151 16 1 137 |, 8' 129] lL , 39 ll 28 | 25 |; 133 241 109 ae 50 || 2 48° 12 HT ease 10 | 4 SL 9 42 10 1 87 6 81 13 t i i ti 3,245 |) 1,284 | 1,961 2; 60! 16 44 42 12 , TL 81 37 | "15 gh wi. 12]| 10 5 | 1B) 28 318 | 105 213 i 20 || 9 11 5 3 i 101, 18 2,890 © 1, 164 | 1,726 | 10 28 || 7 22 17 4 | 537 | 35, ' 16,295 | 6,482 | 9, 813 130; 344'! ag] osc)! 18!) 96 ' | 1,199 | 340 1, 896 | 826 | 1,070 31; 168 | 151153 Tl scenic » 135 34 2,054 | 749 | 1, 305 | 22; 59. 20; 39 37 15 | 126 44 9,425 ) 3,791 | 5, 634 | 4. 06083 | os] 65 55 9 | 633 | 183 2, 920 | 1,16 | 1° 804 | 35a 5) 29 35 2 300) 79 272) 95) aq! W2) oj 42! 129) 42 8 | 529 90 94) 27 67 51 105 | 23) 79) 2: 86 ir 9 30! 6g 48 | 25 | 3) 92'| 1) | 154 23 Bb 38 | 48 43 41 i 13, 28} 417 5. | 289 50 j ' ‘ " we | 66! 136 414! 259), 65 ie |g 1! ' ¢66 |! 96 23 97. 14 57 $4 15 29 | I || ewieceel 87 lu M2) 39! 73 1333) 73 oi} 638 | Wltic! ana 58 31 8) 23 49 | 59) 27 32 | 2 + | 44 7 36 10 26 i357, 78 i 8' 70 Oe we i | 221 21 ' : ‘ | i : 30.476 '11,862 18,614) 51) 18) 33, uli 7! 10s) 313 }} aa! 5,902 © 1,911 21.311 | 8.534 12,777 | 30 i 15) BL i 1; 60 183 62 | [1,922 . 660 1 9,165 | 3,328 | 5/837 21 3 i! 50" 6) 44 130 49 | | 8,980 ) 1,251 ft 1 i u ! | 3,149 || 1, 248 | 1,901 | 113 |! 34! 9) gL 98 68 |; 7,708 || 3,068 | 4,640 !} 1.102 || 404 | 698 373 149-224 [12,522 | 4,717 2.267 | 936! 1/331] 17) 10 Pi AW hasan 10 | 4,274 |] 1,671 ; 2, 603 52 17 35 157 70 87 || 7,305 | 2,849 _ 380] 137; "243 23 2) Qty 2k u 13 | 2,280 || ‘955 | 1,375 |} 905 340 | 565 410 15 26] 1,547 |) dsl j 365) 180) 235, 50 |! 9, 411 OL sasaeee 9] 925 |} 417: 508 39 14 25 By Od 54 |] 2,858 |! 1,072 . | 37 45 | 92 23) 18) Wy 48° 2B 36 279 195: 154 106 33 73 87 30 57 812 |) 315 2 oll ! ' i : ' ba, 954} 693 1,961 | 2,346] 715! 1,631 | 2,827) 735! 2.092), 74 |) og7. 547 || 843] 339) 504 | 7,436 © 2,759 4,677 || 5,203 | 1,287 | 3, | 24 i} 2: 5 | 97 |, 26 71 61 |! 6| 53 5 3 9 5 2 4 | 13 25 | Wo” 7 93) 125) a4) OL 91 || 221 69 42 4 38 66 30 36 71} 28 431! 375 |, 83 121 40 si] 85} 33: 52! 88 | 30 58 18 8 10 14 4 10 92 37 55 |) 211 59 38 10} 45) 13) 32 } 23 || 6 Wi 59 26 33 Ty cerene 1 91 73 16! 155 47 ‘ ¥ at 1 a 1 14 |! as wu} wtf 45 ; 106 || 196 L o4a! ae i) on 9! 9 6 1 5 5219 33 1g2 |) 33} 49] 45 113) 26 87 73 36) 39 83 23° 560 RR 15 57 Dace 2 61 24 sa | 287 fi 73. | 214] 46 oe | 77 136 80 32 48 169 50; 119 | 17 8 | 9} 60s |] 251] 353 479, 171 BOB, BAZ, 135) B87 | 87 5 17 90 29; 6ly 45 17 28 7 2 Be [ea auccce| lsensaeepel cen 0a Ip ed 4 14 | 136 32 | 104} 48 sas | 118 230} 189 76 «113 || 188 47 138 85 20 65 43 21 22 |] 1,699 || 639 ° 1,060 || , 609 176 | 433} 49 ( : ‘ j I! y ' ; | ef 1 4) 47{ ww ft 4 wi oe he lice ail] Sel le ss celica eae 5) 47 at | 36] 50 30! 6 24!) 113 |. 40 73) 78 20! 58 26 7: 19 9 2 a 82 2 55 | 199 51} 8] 51 209) 78 8 376 ill 265 448 134, 314 143 36. 107 33 13 20 13,924 | 1,404 | 2,520 788 203 | 585] 52 5B 13, 45 || 211 51/ 160, 246 40: 206] 54 9! 45 17 5 12 i 30! 461) 457 83} 374] 53 195 i) 85. 160 |] 286 59 | 227; 683 170 513 94 20, 74 17 eee se: 17; 286) 112.74 | 470 73 | 392] 54 I: ' 2 . 7 : | 196° 131,65 60'} 2; 35: 56 24' 32 7 6 1. 134, 6 7 116 51 63 | 55 19 i; 5 14| 153 39) 114° 187 58 | 129 | Oli che 9 | 18 | 15} 203 31 oie | 56 130 88 42 145 '] 49; 96 130 28 102 |! i 5 || 2 3 | 423 || 159 264), 277 79-193} 57 31) 15 16) 18 1 Ve 3 | 14 J ih ewes 1: 39 | 19 20 38 17 21) 53 es ‘ if | ; i 13,190 ; 5,207 ' 7,983 i 82), 33) aT 51 16 | 35 | | a7 7 20 | 132 | 39-93. | 6,631 | 2,578 4,053 | 59 11, 810}: 4,648 | 7,162, 16 | 8! 8 30 12 18 16 ]| 6 1) 46) 12, Bd |! 5,610] 2,224 3,396 | 60 1,380) 559, “821 |) 66} 27; 39, at 4| 417! ; ai uu 10 || 86 |) 27 59 | 1,021 | 364 | 637 | 61 i i 4 | : » 803}, 2961 507 48 9! 39 48 aa | 4 » dk | 4 10 |'12,821 4 4,669 | 8, 152 i 394 95; 299} 62 , 89; 3d 55 13 4| 9 G6 |i... 6: ae | Everlast ane | 4,541 ' 1,679 | 2,62 || 126, 25° 101! 63 74 262452 |) 35 5, 30 42 4 | 38 | ; iy r 10 | 8,280 2,990 | 5,290 || 268 |; 70 168) G4 | ' ; | | | i | 281 94 187] 276 39-237) 192 | 84158 | 24 |! 7 7 3,134 |! 1,079 | 2, 035 | g82:| 140; 742! 65 sl 33 48 106 1° 88) 48) 4 Reeedt[bmeeo lh kewd |aies' ' 727} 1,437) 376 1 63) 313] 66 83 30 53). 36 10, 26 28 | 6 22 ; il 3 8 87L | BAO) SAL) SL | 2d | 460] 67 78 28 50 83 6) 7! OB} ag! 80 | ae eee By 69) 14 j 53) 229) 49; 180 | 63 39 s 36 51 5 46 23 | 1! 93] 10 || 4 6 | 30 8; 2 | 96 | 7{ 89) 69 = ; ! : i \: : i ; 185 52} 133 47 97; 450 | 4555) 77, 378 57 12 45 20 u. +9! 445!) 154° 291 | 772] 79! 693] 70 Bocuse 3 G4 B 51 58113, 45 De lecetepoeeete ' 1 8 . 1) 86 dti 42 |B | 13 50 | 71 48 M4 34}, 176) 32] 14s 110 19 91 il 1; 10 13 |! 6 7; Wt, G1: 103} 291!) 32 259] 72 23 9 19), 75} 16 59 102 19 83 12 2 10. Scenes! lediijaraveetonse | 621 15 37 57 | 4 53 | 73 106 29 77, 232 36, 196] 185 6 86159} 33 |, 9 24 0 1 | : 1} 443 34-109 361‘! 305 331 | 74 Sein | | | 5,673 2,074 | 3,599 |} 190 | i WAL] Ban 152! 389} 2,511 |) 854 1,657 : 1,021, 350! 671 '| 1,665 | 623. 1,042 1,883 4,213 | 75 1,100} 367] 733 | 44 | 38 152 46' 106 || '139 |) 39. "100 36; 10; 26} 230 73 455 239° 713| 76 ; 4.205 | 1,595 | 2,610) 16 9 80) 85, 45) 1,904 | 686 1,218 54 20 102 45 57 1,165 ° 2,093 | 77 | 83 18 6 47 | 37 86) we) af To] 8s 8 | 54. IL 43 || 63 | 30 35 71 369} 73 131 43 93° 6 |. ! 6 26 6} 20 182] 48 04 | 296} 96 200 20. 3 Li 251 516 | 79 54 re 43 51 33 Md) 27 87 60 12 48 18) 3 15 708 258 450 75. 233) 80 100 35 G5 26 18 831 26) 57 116 44 72.\ G34 22 41 540 212328 , 82. 239! BL VITAL STATISTICS. &- TABLE 79.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, UNITED STATES (WHITE). 1 | WARDS AND Sa are - | SANITARY DIS- { 15 ‘ TRICTS. an | Rade years ages. |j .¢. and o years. over. 1 | 5,098 | 10,594 2 ' 196 | 1,428 3 816 | 2,372 4 2.344 | 1,030 5 |. 267} 3,328 6 1,475 | 2,436 7 21,408 | 26, 252 8 526 | 2,471 9 ; 1,998 | 2,405 10 1, 436 822 i ' 655 | 2,497 12 + 1,641} 2,110 13 ' 1,883 | 1,288 4 | 1,032 | 2,468 15 | 1,710 | 1,451 16 448 241 17 71 | 1,463 18 ; 1,433 893 19 i 570 296 20 ! 1,612) 2.798 21 i 2,874 | 2.851 22 ; 2,771 | 1,555 23 : 38 643 4 , 8,031 | 9,547 25 | 1,245 934 26 | 1,266 | 2,218 27 ! 1,326 | 1,208 28 1,237 | 2, G01 29 1, 786 776 30 1,171 | 1,810 31 5,098 | 11,155 32 241 | 1,959 33 794 | 1,735 34 1, 040 G44 35 321, 2.953 36 809 | 1,551 37 240 | 1,134 3 587 | 1,306 39 1, 066 573 40 17, 567 | 26,505 41 | 2,771] 1,982 42 3,980 | 4,558 43 | 964 | 4,414 44 1, 228 759 | 45 | 2,733 | 4,235 4G | 877 | 3,021 47 917 441 48 918 834 49 | 1,433 | 2,600 50 | 689 | 1,557 51 | 389 | 624 52 ' 668 | 1,480 53 | Ward 23.....-. 16,216' 8,438 | 7,778 54 | Ward 24.....-. 7.181 3,119 | 4, 062 ENGLAND AND WALES. JW All Under years ages. || oo, anc Years.) over, 2, 427 432 | 1,995 249 10 239 553 61 492 515 190 325 354 15 339 756 156 600 7,743 || 1,868 | 5,875 336 38 298 877 210 667 340 10] 239 311 27 284 579 138 441 409 133 276 427 67 360 595 178 417 123 45 78 240 48 192 626 207 419 174 80 94 587 96 491 1, 054 253 801 784 244 540 281 3 278 3, 424 843 2,581 581 189 392 695 140 555 551 159 392 649 112 537 428 134 294 520 109 411 2.592 440 2,152 258 16 2 395 53 442 139 242 3 453 65 168 14 317 46 317 104 6, 749 || 1,574 721 258 1, 502 344 713 72 353 115 1, 044 203 540 85 407 194 311 114 555 105 204 a 127 \ 27 272 | 38 i 2.410 ' 539 1.430 f 368 | IRELAND. SCOTLAND | oo wb | 45 All oun years || All yous year All ges 5 § 5 and ges. ages. || years. ane ages | years. iver. rs sheer ee ; Lee 23,373 || 4,177! 19,196 || G64 || 107 | 557 || 855 993 51 | 942 (68) || sseeee 68 |; 119 3,347 || 393 | 2,954 || 166 20| 146] 188 10, 372 || 2,467 | 7,905 || 119 36 93 |! 127 1,744 3 | 1,714 76 1 75 |, 175 ; 6,917 |! 1,236 | 5,681 || 235 50 | 185| 246 ‘ 61, 858 |]12, 703 | 49, 155 || 2,057 |] 448 | 1,609 | 2, 079 ‘2/225 || 108} 2,117 || | 102 6 96 | "140 8,172 2,08 | 6,164 || 209 36 | 173) 200 5,421 || 3,435 | 3,986 99 26 73 | 142 2, 043 84 1,959 82 6 76] 102 | 5,026) 1,170; 3,836) 1304] 33 97 || 174 3,330 |} 706, 2,624 |) 116) 20 96 || 201 2,570 |] 256; 2.314 |) 1014) 18 gx|/ 132 7,066 || 2,046 ' 5,020 |} 139] 38] 101 ]| 123 1,457 || 432 | 1,095 48 17 31 25 1,364) 119) 1,245 81 8 73 94 |) 4,590 || 1,232, 3,358) 129 41| 98 | 1,509 || 9412 | 1,097 38 14 24 2,959 || 374 | 2,585 || 199 52] 147 6,607 || 1,340 | 5,267 || 216 | 39 177 3,979 || ‘967 3,012 |} 279] 94| 185 3,540 14) 3,526}; 89 |. 89 | 28,992 | 6,467 22,455 |i 1,914 |. 446 | 1,468 3801 | 1,554 | 4,747 |] 430 || 134 | 296 4,202 || 763 | 3,439 || 353] 60 | 293 || 809 5,719 |] 1,327 | 4,392 352 | 82 | 270 57 4,100 || '655 | 3,445 || 324.) 40] 284 |] 449 5,714 | 1.564 4,150 || 231 | 92] 139 76 2)gs6 |} (S04 2,982 |) 224 || 38] 186) 279 ' | 26,606 | 4,567 22,039 || 702 | 101] 601 |! 1,000 i 63 | 1| 62] ‘189 uz} 10} 107 || 17 126) 37 89 |} 105 | 98 4 94 || 119 | wr} 17} 90 | 168 ee 24 || 90 a1 || 10 81 || 80 76; 22 541 72 Ae ¥ 3,785! 982 | 2,773 | 1,496 591 || 206} (385 || “122 sig) 170] 646 || 332 a7 || 16] 201) 276 366; 127] 239!) 45 ‘ 1 578 || 141 | 437 | 198 153; 16] 1371) 117 325} 134] 191 76 199 | 68] 131) 58 : | 280 .' 66] 214 )| 120 We 4 C6 i 55 69; 619 50,37 gs; 12 76-60 3 7431 191 | 552) 450 439 | 109 E 206 et FRANCE. Under 15 years, 15 years and over. GERMANY. 15 years and over. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continued. 237 RUSSIA AND POLAND. |. CANADA. * SCANDINAVIA. Zia : ee \" 15 |; i 15 : 15 All i. vader years / All Unge"| years All nae years ges. ! 1 ag . aSes. \ years. oer 1 8SC8. Il Vears. | ang. : ABCs. |! years. one : = il 188 | 378 87/291 768 |! 147} 621 3 41 3 38 55 3 52 60 7 i! 99!) 195 )) 1) 14 73 58 | 23, 301) iii 49] 102 4 co" 64) 56} 68 |! 3 65 48 lo2 | 34) = 6B} S369 || BL | 288 i | ! i, 442 |] 1,640) 489 | 1,151 || 1,968 |; 440 | 1,528 6 69; Gj 6] 80 4 76 78 102 «-Oh7, 75} 275 | 69 206 4 67), 31, 36 97 {87 70 6 42 O} 83) 138 ey, 135 100 130) 27; 103 || 297 58) 169 107 50 | 16 34 |} 150 54 96 67 72 16 56 83 | 2 81 wh OL 26; 65 || 205 65 | 140 a4 hg 25 7 39} 4 25 50; 76 7, 49) ol 5 58 213 86; 127) 218 96° 122]: 102} 32 70 66 22: 44 | 47 24! 23 |! ag) OL 28 101 21; gol 219 | 4B! 171 98 6 92 454 139! 315 |; 245.) 81, 164] 175], © 32] 143 216 6! 11} 155) 53] 102) 147 51 96 70 1' 69 48 scence 48 43 |o------ 43 : el ' ai} 130° a43 azz | asa aed | gg |! 959 28 12) 16) BB | OBS 342 || 103 37 13! 939! 150) 33) 117] 202 |} 40 41 14) 27; 68 16; 47] 163 53 lit 4! 73: 169 43 | 126 85 9 38 24 34 82 33 49 118 38 73 21 54/78) 18 ; 79 16 402 134) 268 |, 422) 96 | 326) 1,578 || 369 23 4 19] 40 2) 38) "131 2 96 32 64 | 82 15) 67 |; 299 17 113 35 78 |; 38° 10 | 28 |i 416 1} 148 7 2 15) 38) 1} 87 ff a6 Ii... 24 6! wi or) wi ya! an] 29 5 1 4a) 43) 7 36 |i 69 2 31 16 15 54 | 16; 38 154 40 s 38 35 || -66 26! 40! 290 1 399 101; 298 || 1,103 |) 318] 785 || 1,329 |) 306 27 6 21 79 39 40 138 52 162 26} 136 || 235 81] 154 |) 273 71 39 27 32] 135 go} 15 | 414 14 24 12 12 61 2%, 41 53 18 55 13 42 173 39, | 166 37 16 2 4 84 4 | 95 1 13 3! 10 39 19 ! 78 32 el sashes ; 4 37 18 132 36 22° 6° (16 110 ab 9g 101 23 10 310 F 40 ul of a7 1 TP usczaes 1 35 12; 33 24 1 6 Bi 3if 75 12! 3 78 1 igo || 56 ! 133 |} 413 152} 261 547 || 158 Bi] 17 68 || 221 76) 145 |! 164 36 HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. " Onder 15 lcs 1 15 All || 13 seers ; All | 15 my sears aves, |, and ' ages. and eee -years.| over, |i © ee aver Sie ety 7m} 13] 61 901 32, 58 wi) a) ay, i. Ih seat 22h eeseaens 22. Hl peeeee - 3 | 14! 3 1! 69 31 38 bo beets Ejeo -Pilspesees 7 , 2) 6 16) 10 i} 9 14,499 || 433 | heals ae : 56 | 18 | 35 k Il e ileeeeeee : 73) 15 \ 81 | 19 { 36 | 6 ig | 169 51] 118]! 539.) 230) 309 34; il 23} 1,097) 492; 605 QT i... 27 4°06 9, ol 177 il 56} 121 |, 1,752, 620 | 1,132 69 20} 49 || 2894" 1,046 | 1,848 86 i 5 | | 20 | 55 316 99| 217 || 268 86, 182 317} 116: 201 || 360! 123° 237 10, akon 10 dS akc 4 | i 308 1, 939 ITALY. 15 years and over. 559 | Aap. «| Sader ages. © 1, 244 90 | | OTHER FOREIGN COUN- TRIES. bo rr ISR REO eSoe Sai ay S 2S an So o years. ay | i \ | i 1,01 1 7 2 3443 2624 15 oO He 6 am76(7 66 «8 284 9 j92 «10 13 407 12 720 13 31g; ii 397; 15 161, 16 267 «17 1,675 | 18 1,183 | 19 422 | 20 754 * 21 675 22 93, 23 1,511 24 90 25 402 26 1s, 27 318 28 220 29 300 , 30 1 955 31 110 32 186 «33 158 34 98 35 128 36 64 37 136 38 75, 39 2 ie 40 255 | 41 530 42 205 43 87 | 44 314 | 45 161, 46 159, 47 78 | 48 167 | 49 65: 50 8° 51 68, 52 see | 53 wads 238 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 80.—POPULATION OF BROOKLYN, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, AGGREGATE. WHITE | \ i ‘ WARDS AND SANITARY DISTHICTS. | ts , ' ey ope ; Under 5 |S yearsand : Yotal | All ages years. } ~ over. | 1 ; Allages. i! Piers 4 3 years and : SS ; : | SEA oi ene Allages, | Usder5 Sd years and! : i | : Bes. years. ° — over. | ‘s bn pee een foes i a , 1) 90, 811 715, 582 795, 397 || 89, 869 | . 705, 528 534,672 — 7, 706 446, 966 { a ee =|_- : a 1.344 18, 696 19, 738 } 1,330 | 18. 408 12, 453 1,296 11,157 | 3! 813 G, 717 10, 360 || 808 | 9, 552 6, 362 785 5,577 4 331 8,979 9, 378 |) 522 , 8, 856 | 6, 091 511 5, 580 | 1 ti . 3 1, 040 7,946 |) 8, 908 1,032 7, 876 | 4, 846 956 3, 890 , u 1,612 17.142 18.537 |), 1601 i 16, 936 12, 058 1, 563 10, 495 | 7 3, 053 9.529 10, 463 || 1. 044 | 9.419 | 6, 591 1,019 5,572 5: 559 7,613 8.074 || 557 | 7.5 5. 467 544 4, 923 9. Ward 4 12, 324 975) 11,349 11,794 || go! 10. 872 | 7, 804 | 907 10; Ward 5 20.175 2.037 18,118 | 19, 593 || 2,025 | 17. 568 | 12, 191 | 1,949 M A.. 9, 725, 909 8,816 | 9, 488 |) 904 | 8. 584 5.437 | 866 12 10, 450 1.148 9, 302 | 10, 105, | 1,121 | 8.984 6, 754 | 1, 083 | 13 37. 693 4,089 33, 604 37, 585 4,080 } 33, 505 21, 830 4 3 928 lt 8, 792 759 8, 033 8, 769 739 | 8,010 5, 550) 732 15 17, 924 2.415 15, 509 17,912 2.415 | 15, 497 9, 450 | 2.317 | 16 10, 977 915 |- 10, 062 10, 904 906 | 9, 998 6, 830 879 | 17 35, 726 3, 006 32, 720 35, 076 2,951 32, 125 25, 772 2.913 | is 10. 286 1,227 9.059 10, 211 1.218 8,993 : 6, 800 | 1.399 | 19 8,441 603 7, 838 8, 301 592 7, 709 | 6, 322 583 2) 8, 757 560 8,197 8, 459 |, 536 7,923 | 6,577 532 | 21 8. 242 616 7, 626 8.105 605 7, 500 | 6, 073 599 | 22 31, 239 | 4,209 27,030 || 31. 176 | 4. 206 26, 970 ; 19, 541 4.057 ; 23 4,317 | 530 3, 787 4.303 || 530 3.7738 2. 930 519 , 24 14, 844¢ 1,982 12, 862 14,812 1,980 12, 832 8, 798 1,890 | 25 10, 410 | 1459 8,951 10,401 |! 1,459 8, 942 6, 797 1.419 | 26 1, 668 | 238 1.430 1, 660) 237 1, 423 1.016 | 229 | 1 ai, : ! é 27 17. 696 ,, 1, 964 35, 732 17, 262 1,919 15, 343 11, 284 1,867 | 28 8.815 |i 697 7.618 8.022 | 664 7, 358 5.537 |i 637 29 8,008 | 1,120 6. 888 7.867 || 1,108 6.759 4, 867 |! 1, 087 20 1.373 | 147 1,226 1, 1,373 147 1 226 880 143 31 34, 031 3,881 30, 150 33, 309 3,813 | 29, 496 21, 283 3,705, Be 14, 064 1,323 12.741 |) 13, 990 1.322 12, 668 9, 100 1, 299 | 33 13,189 | 1,633 11. 556 |! 12, 649 1,580 11, 069 7, 926 ji 1,531 | of 6.778 925 5, 853 |) 6, 670 911 5.759 4957 || 875 35 22,693: 1,912 20, 781 |. 20, 762 1,738 ; 14, 285 |! 1,711 | 36 12,005 | 1.190 10.815 | 10, 78°. 1,070 | 6, 990 |: 1, 049 | a7 10, 688 722 9,966 |, 9,979 668 | 7,295 "| 662 , | ‘ 5 3, 562 93, 806 | 27,355 3, 562 16,117 | 3,447 922 5, 766 || 6, 680 922 3.521; B84 | G44 4, 124 |) 4,768 644 2, 905 7627 | 1.996 13.916 |j 15, 907 1.996 9, 691 1,936 ; : 1, 916 19,712 || toa 4 1, 904 15 748 1.363 | 420 5, 210 5.599 419 | 4,198 | 411: 879 8.045 |) 4.913 879 6,066: 850 | 6.457 | 7.001 | 606 3 484 j 602 | 3,467 16, 765. | 873 | 4,104 | 1, 206 j 3, 061 1.038 | 5.913 | i 350 1,687 | 4241 315 20, 142 707 . 4.309 |; 3.517 | 1, O80 8.592 | 7, 360. 1.448 M614 | 9, 265 6,530 38,780 | 26, 625 G45 4.780. 3.975 — 1°7B2 | 10, 560 | 6.958 2 051 110% 5 2.052 1,321 7 5, 152 3G, 235 97. | 1,145 8.358 f- 075 lr G64 | G 185 |! 4, 937 | 1, 404 | 38,292 |! 5, 862 | i 1.661 | 11,480 | 9.633 | | 244 | 1.670 |) 1, 294 | : 31 250 178 | \\ 63, 866 49, 394 |, 10, 794 | 6, 964 |: 1, 486 | 43: | 1,474 |. 430 2,450 609 50 | ; 8 ¢: 2,095 ; é 8, Bo | 1,995 | 31M | 873 | 4.442 823 | 9.443 | 839 2,303 | 430 | 4701 | 1,214 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. se 289 Native born— Continned. WHITE—continued. Both parents native. So 7 Uuder 5 All ages. years. ee eas 222, 573 |: 34, 742 6, 679 | 457 3.053 | 230 3, 626 297 1, 098 263 5,512 | 576 2.478 | 256 3. 034 220 3, 419 417 3, 323 710 ! 1, 296 |. 246 | 2.027 | 464 | 6.114 2. 062 1, 322 |. 2,730 4; 13,913.) 2246 | 3, 949 4.552 | 3.166 | 6.921 | 1.339 | 3.041 2.266 |) | 275 || ! | 3,787 | 621 | 373 | 307 | 1,267 i 286 | M7 28 i! Wide i 528 i Sah ' 346 6,457 | =3| 2,291 436 | 4,166 | 337 | 3, 582 44 760 196 761 18+ 2.061 364 | 8.023 957 2245 240 | ar 473 5, 342 1, 132 | Bit 229 | 1. 570 43 | 2,180 403 5 743 337 | 8, 562 1.588 1, 260 308 | 3, 744 628 | 3.558 612 5,813 1,706 1, 783 355 1 ML 410 | 1,419 495 7, 330 a6 tian, a ' 5 years and over. 187, 831 mee Oak AO ower ey oO - 5 1, 3. ea) y S Wwe 1 a so RO ZWSs = One or both parents foreign. All ages. Under 5 /3 years and |, years. over. 312, 099 52, 964 259, 135 =}: a 5,774 j 839 4.935 3309 |! 585 2.754 2,465 | 284 2,181 i 3, 748 693 3.055 6,546 | 987 5,559 4,113 | 663 3, 450 2,433 | 324 2,109 4.385 a 490 3, 895 1.239 7, 629 | 620 3.521 | 619 4,108 | 2, 922 12, 794 447 3,041 | i, 884 6, 244 | 591 3, 509 1, 436 10, 423 748 3, 806 221 2,152 , 188 1, 837 2 907 279 2, 628 | 12, 620 2. 565 10, 055 1,591 283 1. 308 5,757 1,241 4,516 4531 888 3, 643 TAL 153 588 7,497 1, 246 6, 251 3.164 330 2, 834 3. 600 801 _ 2.799 Tt 5 618 14,419 2, 258 12, 161 5, 798 771 5, 027 5, 670 958 4,712 2.951 529 2 429 7.828 | 938 6, 890 4,699 | G13 | 4, 086 - 3,129 325 2, 804 ' 2, 503 10, 032 : 688 | 2,073 | 443 | 1,701 | 1.372 ! 6, 258 : 906 6, 819 : 171 | 1, 782 : 506 2, 816 | ' 229 2,221 ' 2.907 9,216 | j 624 | 2,631 802 2, 689 596 3,137 | 185 759 | 1, 627 | 385 | 439 803 20,812 : +..618 9,299 | 280 5, 647 | 1,313 | 6, 776 1, 497 | 6.167 | 1,528 | | 16, 852 3, 976 2,453 ‘ 4.564 1,010 4.950 857 | 739 | 148 iol 22 139 33.612 | 7.143 26, 469 5, 06 j 4. 102 . ase Q12 2 438 | 1,5 6.701 1, 643 5. 058 6.396 | 1,463 ° 4,933 | | ' 2.793 492° 2, 301 2. j 466 | 2, 042 2,412 314 | 2.099 1.14 194 949 | 3. 344 240 2504 Allages. 260,725 | 7, 285 | 3,998 3, 287 G44 5. 978 2.485 3, 000 493 12, 026 L Under 5 years on “ we ened s sy L a Oo years and over. 7 3 3 Nean Roe SD FRY O SRNL Soe wg eo MARE mie. wo DQ a moe epen 8. 1 5, 5 5 wrk All ages. i COLORED. | | i ! Under 5 |; ® years and| years. | over. i Ne =i 10, 004 L a —— ) 28g 165 3 ‘ 12304 : By ww 5 ' 11 | 206 «6 9° lo 7 aS 96 8 i : 53 | 9 ! a | 10- | 5 4 iL i 27! 5 Le \ i | 99 8 23° 14 mR 1 64 16 55 | 595 17 9) 66 18. 11 | 129 ; 19 24; 274 20. ! 11? 126 21 3 60 22 (Siecee abs 14. 23 2 30 24 Una Jeet eee vel i 9 2. A 1} 7 26 45. 38927 ; 33 | 260 | 28 | 12 | 129 | 29 sieeh on dese ieagesenaes 2 .| 38 | 68 654 | 31 } 73 | 32° | 33 487 | 33. | 14! 94 | 34 240 VITAL STATISTICS. ‘LaABLE S0.—POPULATION OF BROOKLYN, JUN“ 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, : C ‘Total. Native bain. ‘ 4 Behar aie ee st ated pe BE PRT ee ercgieeeias Mapa “he eit ionnk WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, ! | lj ' ; ' Under 5 6 years seal i! Total. ; Allages. |) years. i “over. | ; ed we 7 ieee | ee eee Ti : \ a iE eats: ae: Aiiaees Under 5 |5 years and | i \ } i ass years. | ” over. ! 4 ' ! ‘ a cee era ae “ll ee meee epee —] -—- -—— ] -- ——— _— 1 36, 244 3, 871 32, 373 | 35, 629 | 3, 821 31, 808 24,537 3, 761 20, 77 2 8,775 ||- 830 | . 7,945 | 8,743 | 829 7,914 6, 080 817 5, 263 3 9, 541 640 8,901 9,504 , 640 8, 864 7,531 636 6, 895 4 17, 928 2,401 15, 527 | 17, 382 2, 352 15, 020 10, 926 2, 308 8, 618 5 i 24, 136 1,828 22, 308 | 23,315 | 1, 762 21, 553 17, 034 1, 737 15, 297 6 | 10, 043 1.050 8,993 |) 9,968 1,045 | 8, 923 7,242 i 1, 030 6, 212 val 6, 213 289 5, 924 |; 6, 086 286 | 5, 800 4,519 | 284 4, 235 o} 7, 880 489 7, 391 |} 7, 261 1) 431: 6, 830 5,273 |! 42’ 4,859 ; | 9; 50, 118 5, 882 44, 236 49, 858 | 5, 872 43, 986 33, 892 | 5, 737 28, 155 1: 9. 982 1,445 8,537 | 9,958 |! 1,445 8,513 6, 277 ! 1,298 4,879 i: 6, 697 || 579 6, 118 | 6, 670 || 579 6, 091 4,999 | 560 4, 43' 12 14,918 |! 1. 963 12, 955 | 14-776 1.955, 12, 821 8,979 | 1.919 7, 060 Ww 7, 312 | 587 6,725 | 7, 289 |! 58/ 6, 702 5.795 5u7 5,218 14 11, 208 || 1, 308 9, 901 11, 165 1,306 | - 9, 859 7. 842 | 1, 283 6, 559 | 1 | i 15 50, 256 5, 282 44,968 | 50, 041 | 5, 275 | 44. 766 $5, 665° 5,173 30, 492 16 14, 122 1, 248 12, 874 | 14. 023 \ 1.247 12, 776 10, 094 ! 1,214 8, 880 iv 5, 984 551 5, 433 5, 955 1 551 5,404 4.337 » 5do 3,792 i8 4.390 41a 31976 | Fr a a 411 3.950 S21 | 404 2, $87 19 12, 378 | 1,425 10, ¥4o | o 1,435 10, 913 8.770 | i, 408 7, 362 20 2. 640 || 316 2,524 | y ss | ( 316 2, 322 1,796 310 1, 4x6 21 10, 736 |! 1,318 9,418 | 20, 716 1.315 9,40. 7.427 | 1, 292 | 6. 135 I ! j ( 22 20, 348 | £,191 27, 157 jj 29.113 |! 2.184 | 26, 929 23, 236 | 2,159 | 21,077 23 9, 553 733 8, 820 9, 507 731 | 8.776 | 7.703 724 | 6,979 24 9,479 |i O44 8,835 | 9, 400 |, 643 | 8, 757 || 7. G16 639 | 7, 007 25 10, 315 || 814 9.502 | 10, 206 |! 810 | 9,396 7. 887 796 | 7,031 26 16, 71 | 1.681 15, 090 | 15, 790 || 1.3575 | 14,213 | 11,035 1,588 | 9.497 27 3,555 262 . 8,293» 3.501 262 3, 239 | 2,677 258 : 2,419 28 6,210 | 631 5,579 : 5, 656 |) 564 | 5,092 | 3. 9CO 553 | 3, 405 29 2,081 3 1,777 | 1,921 |. 279 | 1, 642 | 1,270 270! 1, 000 30 1, 683 184 1,499 , i, 654 181! 1,473 || 1. 085 16% | 917 31 3, 242 200 2.942 3, 058 289 2, 769 2,043 287 1,756 . } 44, 638 5, 070 39, 568 43, 400 | 4,937 33, 469 | 33, 345 4,866 28,479 12, 584 1, 247 11, 337 11, 952 | 1, 167 | 10, 785 | 9. 03u 1, 152 7,878 8, 665 877 7, 788 8. 638 |, 877 | 7, 761 6,805 , 870 5, 935 8.896 | 903 7,993 8, 732 | 883 | 4%, 849 7. 164 873 6,291 7,948 | 1, 090 6, 858 7,591 | 1, 062 | 6.529 | 5. 328 |, 1, 039 4,289 6,545 953 | 5,592 | 6, 493 48 5.545 | 3.018 932 _ 08” 29,505 | 3,987 | 25,518 * 29, 265 aA 25,310 | 19.811 | 3. B83 , G28 | | : NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continucd. WHITE—continued. Native born—Continued. Foreign born. . = sods pr eae Both parents native. Oue or both prrents foreign. a eo athamaey, | Dader’ Undcr 5 5 years ard UnderS | 4 years and eS Ali ages. years. 3 over. All ages. i years. ' over. : ' | a il | | i ! 10, 467 | 1,596 8, €71 14, 070 2, 165 11, 905 11, 092 60 2, 787 | 370 2,417 3, 293 447 | 2, 846 | 2, 663 12 | 4,G44 445 4,199 2, 887 191 2, 696 1,973 4 8, 036 | 781 2, 255 7,890 1,527 6, 363 6, 456 44 | 9, 758 | 893 8, 865, 7, 276 844 6, 432 6, 281 25 3,276 | 506 2, 770 3, 966 524 3, 442 2, 726 15 | 3, 033 | 183 2, 850 1, 486 101 1, 385 1,567 2) 3,449 | 204 3, 245 1, 824 229 1. 605 1, 988 8 | ! 13, 314 | 2, 232 11. 082 20, 578 3, 505 17, 073 15, 966 135 1,701 428 1, 303 4, 546 970 3, 576 3, 681 47; 2,784 © 009 2,475 2, 215 251 1.964 1, 671 19: 1,971: 574 1,397 7, 008 1,345 5, 663 5, 797 36: 3. 641 | 369 3, 272 2, 154 208 1,946 1, 494 10 3,187 ° 552 2. 635 4, 655 731 3, 924 3, 323 23 | i. 1 ! | 18. 729 » 2,572 16, 167 16, 926 2, 601 14, 325 14, 376 102 5, 820 | 636 5, 184 4, 274 578 3, 696 3, 929 33 2.463 | 335 2,128 1,874 210 1, 664 1. 618 6 2, 050 \ 231 1,819 1,191 173 1,018 1 120 7 4,468 | 708 3, 760 4, 302 700 3, 602 3. 578 27 71s, 114 i 600 1,082 196 | 886 842 6 3, 224 \ 548 | 2, 676 4,203 744 3, 459 3, 289 23 16. 096 j 1,405 14, 691 7,140 T54 6. 386 5, 877 25 5,318 i 488 4, 830 2,385 236 2,149 1, 804 7 5, 520 | 455 5, 065 2,126 184 1, 942 1,754 4 5, 258 \ 462 4,796 ' 2, 629 334 2, 295 2,319 14 \ 4, 892 639 4, 253 6, 143 899 5, 244 4,755 37 1, 855 164 1,691 822 94 728 824 4 1, 539 | 211 1, 328 | 2,421 344 2,077 1, 696 9 401 | 84 317 869 186 683 651 9 352 | 72 280 733 96 637 569 13 745 108 637 1. 298 179 1,119 1.015 2 ! 4 19, 002 } 2, 682 16, 320 | 14, 343 2, 184 12,159 10, 061 71 5.375 | 633 4, 742 3, 655 519 3, 136 2,922 15 4,218 503 3 715 , 2,587 367 2, 220 |! 1, 833 7 4,776 | 595 4,181 | 2, 388 278 ?, L10 |} 1. 568 10 2,050 | 449 1, 601 3, 278 590 2, 688 2, 263 23 2,583 | 502 2,081 2, 435 430 2, 005 1 475 16 7, 987 1,611 6, 376 11, $24 2,275 9. 552 9, 454 |! 72 COLORED. | | | a years and over. ‘i 9,382 i All ages. \ Under 6 years. \5 years and! over. 242 VITAL STATISTICS. 2 $1.— 7 TABLE . oO ATIO 0 a N ? ? UNITED STATE: t . S (WHITE). i ae ). | ENGLAND AND WALES : i eee ‘ IRELAND. i CTS. Io iy on : 4 it SCOTLAND i = All || Under ib: ‘ i . it . | FRANCE ; } ages. | ae years | An [Under ls Hi ' ‘ i ; GERMANY fa years aud || ages. | 45 (| Sears | “All | Under wb i 1 7 1 poe Nes, ae ‘years. — ages. |! 1° years { an [Under 15 - Total. ./268, 097 : ore 1, SEATS ae aoa 15 | Years); All Under} 29 | 268, 097 1115, 073 i i ete il years,| and |) ages. 15 | years | All Unaer; 29 2 |__| — ''50, 379 | 11, 675 : ; : over. years and | a =, | years 3 7,565 ! eas 1 , 675 |38, 704 | 196, 372 I: | if “Peser on ye \ | “and 4 3620 | 1,770 sy gee cee 2 {41,570 154, 802 jad 195 13 s : years.| Ant sous | 799 224} 1,147 | 6,806 | i B94 (10, 801 |] 4,77 || 1, 017 5 0 | sua |) sous || ord 7 || 1.017 | 3,760 [195, 663 | 52 | 7 hau ms oa] Gis | 2703 | 857 6o| 379|| 101} 2 i= se reer 567 I) 2. 5 34 157 21 = 8 3° 080 | 2, 066 117] 358 36 | : G4 140 | 1.793 %! Y 31) 3 = ‘ sas? | "880 zai 1,108 | Lost | fos ier] Teh MA) ee) as Ae i 539 - 762 48 = 4 3 13 if 10 4,030 || 1,388 9 | $39!) ian | s7i M05 ee a8 | fe UL £219 || 2175 871 + 191 24) 163 92 9] 8 866 |] 220 i 11622 || "789 im | 971], 3.650 | 17! 199 43 ap 83 3,334 || 614 | 2 ore 2,597 || 1,38 aera aera eee . 49 3 7 || 2,038 | 390 ne 13 . 386 147] 258 eae 1 2,052 9 |) 73 | 321 BG a) ynene | ert lo 14 7,951 3,379 192 548 pes | 1.145 a 191 366 96 10 86° fo ate 4 2,612 |} "936 hope, aue ot | 60) toe a) BE jj 1.453 | 263 16 2:067 || 1,396 8 | 443 | 1,355 || 16, 986 |} i 107 | 230 |} 45 9 a 1303 || 989 1/100 3.272 6 6 i 123 460 2 a | 3.997 | 13,059 | _ { 55 G 64 571 88 7221 W 1047 es || Cae ae Se ae scone aay 69 491 932) 19 483 18 15,507 || 4,906 138] 518 eet ay pea eee) tae sel aaa oe) ta 19 Se eos | See Sey | eh ae | 88 oe ae eS 20 Daa ll eee | eee 850 | 549 | 2.901 640 | 92 a al ae Be aa ae oe | See 21 Sooo | qaie | gee |. ieee 208 | 505 | 8,218 Lice Bl eel eee ae 377 2 eee ae | Ged at 620 | pe Gee Me) Be Lag ites (| lez | "ong 22 1 2 § i z it 2, 2, “3 8. 622 \ 634, U1 ae i 1,87 4 175 o3 142 | 29 24 128 |; 3,28 i 2 O22 Il asoie 5 i 1,210) 15; 36) 139 Fe Apne aen 99 | 1 Til 712] 2 24 Tai sre | 4,030 | 2,022, | 709 be ae ot ae ge soy 20 | te) Be , 569 25 3.776 || 1,987 ey iegs t aee | age ' y60} a4, 196 |) 33 zi ea B67 26 9632 | 1563 1,789 || 936 | a 408 7,033 | § 26], 52 1 0 697 i 95 504 : oe Aa) Sa ee mio | 664 033; gis || ar Sa | reo) va | 596 27 119 | 217 BY | G15 3, 307 pala ee ets 29| 110) 5 a 28 4,740) 2,226] 2,5 5) 142 D624 | 295 8} 185 |) i ey | NG 2s B88 Ge ao 29 . 9/813 | 1.137 514 | 1,039 | 27 aT Fs yi! 474 |! 37 7 5 , 586 ual 94 30 C ee oe ee oe) ; Hoi} 38) 72) 73] 16 30) S180 | 952) 2 ie sipkctaiaie Sisieie 244 = 748 || 37. 2 417 6, 302 | = c: \ 7 i) 1,918 )) 56 i 31 | War ip E-sts oes a3 | 295 | Sia amy 79 oe i SAB. « BBE: | nae 5 rad10 : 94 4B e £30 174 228 | 58 32] A an ' 31 | 3276 | 11 | fal 4) 32 aid 33 B. 1733 $184) 2.197 5 i 596 | ii 43 74 18 3 2 | 1,652 438 ie : 1738 piaes Al aaeal 548 1,649 | 16 1 13 15 tees a ' 685 | 159 | 4, a seteeetes | 1,634] 1,217 | 822 i, 185 | 150 11,179 3 Boo py REY i pee : mis! eer] o/h | 80, cae ec ee ee 2) at) “aot 36 sia ! 290 |! 4,625 ag 69; 203) 75 20 ! i a ge aos) 1504, 27a | 1.20 Co | Hof az) aay do's 100 | 4050 | #58 | 3.00 2 "501 | 667, 1 1231 |: S ; 1 075 | nee 38 [ie | gar || sor) il!) 36 aol a2 133i] “5 |! 33 eer | ee ee : pe) aan | Ms, “720 eel salt cael ae teal 3|) est | 205; 476 a0 i; | 592 ,670 |) 1,377 | 46 2126 || 208 53 | 179 | 31 25 | 106 y 448 fh . | 515 375 || 256 1 916 32| eel as aie av ee seesseees [eee een te fas 9,403 | 48 | 83 joe ee Aap | Pred aoe 42 ‘ 1,048 940 atk , 6 1, 745 as 180 308 1,021 | 171 ! 908 as 3,130! 5 BIBT 028 Per ll aos 37] 80 | 3] 38) 39 | 850 ae 779 902 | 1472 | 2 6,417 || 95 56 65 19 | 7 3,336} 1,117 45 Lo | 72 | 390 264 1,209 250 | 87) 163 jo Bille c ee 12 |) 1,322 |) 475 2,219 1173) 1.804 |) 552 | 65 | 825 3,289 Pak TOF 85 soz | 302 | 405 46 ra| 2990. Ba | BT | 440 | et See. tg See L165 5} 1.247) 380) Sor 47 3 i 7) 444 1,56 = 12 ah: AGS: 3 367 3,563 | 2 : i 1560 185 | 70 |! an! ae 128 aes 48 2 2.988 || ( 5 8 |, 40 5 43 - 855 - ; 702 | ir | 1,003 | 305 ee 875 | 151 |; 25 fe |. 46 13i|| ee ji 120 ae en 30 861 eee si 185 386 |: . 76 1 2.917 | 046 1,382 | 1,305 | 251 || sii oli | 7,386 |' 303 | 4 62 |: 515 | 1 » 805 99 | 1; 170 9) 415 || J 78 5 2}: 1,418 515 | 1,702 51 ig | ue! ind | 834 aaa0 lt | ae | eal ee 2] 95 ay ae 52 5.129 | 5,43 i [GL 88 2,138 |! ie af ah 16 48 || 6, 448 |) 2, 024 53 940 5,435 | 1, 761 at j 673 8 31 By | 23 3 48 I 1.370 ||" 483 4,424 54 a eae la een | ee a fae oe we ee Be RE eke Bee ee nears ete | ae aig | ae | ats | 3.470 | 483 | I besos a) Varo] ae 1408 %6 52 2) 323 | 744 |} 139 au \ 984. || o | 150] 333, 161 a} 379] tat nee 6 ! 585 | 1.150 |! | 48 i 35 8 2 fe ' 6.020} 2498 | s20 Pe tee ai) “wl 6 126) 8,798 || 2 4 / 1,093 4 820; 216 1 336 18 2 138 | y 2,123 58 | 1490 1,066 | 4374) 97 we | aer|, 56) a3 | oo 2) ary 1,352 |] 329 on btS 59 572 | RO | 7 40) 1, 29 sel 4 78° i741 2,251 U2 i i ae eG poe H | 136 mit oko 33 | 109 Wh ore T+ GLP 3.195 1 | ae 60 ee ee ail 8 eee bile Rea cae | oil 67; 204 ie le a 61 ' 6.393} 7,213. a 126 a ie eae ae Ne eateee Tosa ea 62 Bel he 2.544) 636! 270 rood Bf Be Mh | ARS I oO et bli 6s I aeaai 1,368 583 || Lay i old8 2 ae i 61] 9,000 |] 2, 662 1,418 (i eed eae ee a 1,080 BL) ash a8) "ahaa ast | 7.146 65 eee 77 | oi : ] te 2907; 7 | i "095 || 2.735 us ae Yaa Sle Ca Bey et a ae | ae 320 | gg | ae 2.735 | 6,360 ag Joa | 679 ave rt 10 88 282 | 9,114 | 2 2 a9! SLi 1 1 2a , 2,6 67) Ward 13 , ME WO, 18 ne at oS 98 ay aa! Ail. fae bon | 1787 58 - ‘ : 9 | 4 ee ae Go aoe , 1,708 | 8,938 | 3, 499 |) % ae | ey at dL | 2,076 || emer ahh Ee | awess | UD M50 | oh | 2 505 Bi sees aa, Catal) oad 63 | 3,027 || ae Z | 305 5 ai) 150} 85s Bait ‘ ls ‘ 19 368 7) 2.190 a1 D | 560 vt 19 | 9 1.256 1 055 |! ; 9) 2 { 128 ‘ Tig 204 3G || ! ai elt 166 | - 30 243 1.58 36){ 13 | 275 5 we] 489) 588 | 7 : 72 E : Bp aul. ee \ EDD are : 6? | tal. ae | a6 S88 190/08 |, 29 = 3 F. be ay 1,168 pee | 106} 10 || 91 10) 96, 31 | 83 i 3ctis 12, 848 | 27, 372 74 G 4 dete 390 99 | ! 1 241! ay 2 | 8) 4 Ww) 46 ? a8 1,570 | 3 B45 75 : 7 AG | ATL a go7 |! AM Wewgaaae SBA Re 8 46 | 5 8d 6 ‘5 3) H- - ne ae sor | ta! ue | 74] Me 80 652.776 ey tee 7 : (haa! 2019) 762 | Mo) | Es me) ae ae | 48 10,722 | 3,673 Tog 677) 3nl ‘ beet : ‘ mi 6! 24 | , : 1 31 734 i OAL 6 ai oF : 78 , G36 35 a | a eel. Gk 1B 5 | 63 mh 4 ot ‘2,871 | 5.998 9 Savin Es 1173 3 | gr] w | 130 1) BSi |, "789 2,052 } 1,150! 913 agg 1,550 | 5 i u eo ris) ¥ 43 : ( a3! 1! 388 i 59 11573 eu 1, 505 | ans 11 “i i 5.407 1,037 | 4.85 - , a 2 24 ab 791 299 | 1, 083 2564 TUS Rx 112 2,665 | 626 3850 4) O77 S 14 168 F : Ge Ww FR Se oes dae a 2, 039 | 196 | 90 487 290 i 3.609 1, 291,' 2 318 ? is BIS nis | 204 29; 16738 474) 19, 718 | ye eb ae trl oo 4s ge ae eae | Saeed ee 5 182M a ge 1695 | a Lal os 9.308 © 2,570 ' 523 - 9.570 6.738 WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. ! | RUSSIA AND POLAND. | t OTHER FOREIGN COUN-, CANADA. | SCANDINAVIA, HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. ITALY. TRIES <3) HY scsi eye chsh _ ae) i | 48 Las | 1 1 1 te 3 5 | 15 5 5 15 15 All ea years || All | “is | years \ All Unde years || All cnder years || All Raeon years || All Under years || All ‘Under years ages. | an ages. |). an ages. ||. and ages.! 37 and || ages. and || ages. and es. “and gy spears: Over. § ! Fearsy: over, | 2 years. over, 2 years.) over, 8 years.| over, =. years. | over, ag years. es bi ; " ‘ ‘ eee | Se eee 7,581 |; 2,894 | 4, 687 || 7, 200 i 2,166 : 5,034 21, 178 |] 6, 027 |15, 151 896 343] 553 205 || 69} 136 |/12, 454 || 4,410 | 8, 044 11,197 |] 2, 633 | 8.564 loa Se |e 43 |! i 82 226 |} BB} 188] GA 100 62} 355 10 | i 7 1s i} 22 86 || 467 83 30} 157 33 / 25] 118 i} 16 | 002174 W7 32] 198 114 |! 67 Bl i] 16 35') isa il . 63 25} 109 14l |: 5 96 177 || = 82. | 145 |} 1, 909 524 42 | 267 62% 21 40 103 |) 25 78 || 1,245 350 15] 125 79. BBG 74: 7! 67 664 174 o7| 142 ' a ! me 9) 52 176 |) 934) 142 193 32 54] 250 7 ii 70, 117 204] 57/147 527 li 30 | 277 16 { 45, 81 102 |} 35 67 407 76 5] 115 6l 5 35 36 102 99 80 120 35 251 103 401 117] 284 |! 3, 263 911 11| 276 180 '| 57 | 123 773 197 19 73 108 | 43 65 || 1,678 461 41 | 103 W317 96 812 253 11} 100 319; 72] 247 546 118 101 | 328 jw) 19 51}, 91 31 28 89 96) 18 78 || 134 23 30 89 80 | 23 57 || 173 28 19 86 73 t 32 G1} 148 36 24 64 442) 139 | 283 || 1,439 466 | 941 225 124 51 73 || 222 63 | 16) 56 202; 60) 142]! 747 227 | 42) 102 97° 4t| 56]! 378 |] 137 | 84: | 58 19 7 12} 112 39 2! 9 ya 42] gt || 602 |) ana 29) 91 68, 20 43!) 411 139 1, 52 | 49 19 30 | 190 75 9) 27 7) 4 3 |: Tees ; 2, 12 128 || 44 84: 368 134 | 234 |i 1,882 608 93' 348 74 || 28 461 197) GL} 133 | 697 205 37/179 4 il 16 33) 113} 45 70 |) 927 309 33} 123 B eetats 5} 36 85 31 258 94 23) 46 121 29 92 | 213 55 | 158 369 86 42) 265 91} 19 721 121 "| 36 85 158 47 30} 132 30:1 tof 20! gp 19! 93) ait 39 yo! 133 ‘ 1 i 80 16 64 | 291 17} 174 || 2,720 930 41) 148 28 | 4 Mi 8T 18 39 || 1,059 340 2} 62 Bidice ties s 5 3 8 22} 387 184 4) 47'| 12 35°} 204 OL} 113 |] 1,274 | 406 7 74 i H 439 139 | 309) 936 51] 185 161 39 42} 275 22 6 16 i169 lL 58 56 4 5 76 3511 108] 243 |] 90 3 7 81 19 221) 105 66 25 4.0 97 17 60 24 6 15 94 1 ty 76) 321) 475 | 102] 34 68 49! 71 83) 209 232 89} 143, 39} 17 24) 90 81 2 30 451 183} 268) 23, 7 16 i 15 | 34 88 ial 24 47, 32; 6 26 44 9 4G 86 ne) 17) 8 4 4 41 16 ‘ iL 5 173! 61] a2] a7 49 | 193 142 39 7 Ts | 257 20 5 15 | 7: 2 5 19 5 | 3}, 15 28 53 28 255/788]. 27 51 45 15 g 7 12 58 100 28 2 | 87 20 67 8 19 59 | Tet Sgeinaes 1 UM acs 7 206 77 | 129 217 46, 171 ' i i | . i i e 1,715 | 732; 983 '| 101) 93 78 118 43 7 i) 11d 52 59 13 | 4 9 198 108 90; 592 204 | 388 45} 1d) 31 | 38 | 6 22 35!) 1 a Dil ciustac OF rece be ie Bad 26 11 15] 31 5 6 335 134; 201 46 | 5 4. {| 37>] 45 wi] 35 14 21 13 4 9 21 10 u 126 41) 85 147 72 75 Dba ction 9 8 | 5 3) 1 3 Tell ieee. leeaedes| deen 97 69 28 136 37,99 1, 188 512! 676 8 | 2 6 38: 26° 61 3a¢| 128} 208) 429] 142 | 287 32 8 2. 126 53 3 Ei licoeceeut 1° 88 26 62 276 113! 163: 36] 7 29 19 7 12); 160 |! 50} 110 5 sonemes 5 19] 6 13 eesbeee lllC a raadal eae ie acai Hl seteeceahag aoe 154 GO; 94 15 1 8 3 fs 2) 24 8! 16}; ull 16; 19) 39 lo) 29 15 fs 8 xg! ; | Eoeee Lf 2) 464 20) 26) Soilcesad a #52 | 7 45 | 9 6 i 3 | 33), 3 35 9 5 #, 40; 19 oh 385/156 | 299 | 298 | 3] 165 5 67! Bh} aR 47 3 42 | 32: 101 28 100 26 74 | 286 2174 sl a 49 | 244 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLy $1.—POPULATION OF BROOKLYN, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, | { | : { . “NITED STATES (WHITE). " ENGLAND AND WALES. || IRELAND. ; SCOTLAND. FRANCE. i GERMANY. r WARDS AND | —-- ils cea ete pee | oe ee ee nee eee SANITARY DIs- | : | 45 15 | i 15 145 1b ii THICTSs | All Ca years | All ne years | All Under, years |} All Pager years || All euder) years |; All o ty e: 1a 1 ag . ages ges. he cae Sees. ' nee he years. | over, | es seus: | be | ae ‘years. ee ee years, ee | nee | ! : ! 3 sel emer eens S 3,191 | 284 | 1,517 || 5,764 mt! 4,987 |] 533 ]/ 82) 451] 123 2 MW 2,315 |) 1,586 | 2) 306 178 | ‘648 || 3,356 |] 588) 2,768 |) 220) 47; 179 Bb), 4; 52 1, 005 | 760 | 2,699 39 | 344 || 1,105 72| 1,033 || 119 || 10! 109 go} 8. 82 671 845 ) 2,976 67| 525 || 1,303) 117] 1,186; 194), 31 163 OF [sawn 27 | 639 ! | 7,674 | 8,809 740 | 2,354 |] 8,652 |) 1, 982 | 6,670 || 633 || 165! 468] 336 81-452 | 18,062 1,393 | 936 240 | 479 | 3,366 || 888i 2478 i! 140], ay! 9 67 17 30 | 2.689 1,127 | 2,263 1! 464) 1,537 || 270; 1,267] Ii} 27) 94 aio 2. 797 fi 1,959 | 1.113 125! 450] 942 | 180! 762 54 13; 41 120) 34) 869,304 1,278 | 2,439 123 492 | 1,191) 315° 876 |] 160 32. 128 41) 12; 29; 1,043 1,917 | 2,058 “| BI 469 | 1,616 | 329, 1,287] 158 4) 4; 81 19° 62 | 4,299 | ! : i i i 8.423 | 13,567 | 897 | 3,267 || 10,646 || 1,825 , 8,821 '] 1.339 | 311 | 1,028 |, 307 3057 | 6.843 2,188} 4,527 1.212 | 230) 882 |) 2,875 |; 395; 2,480 7 306 55 | 251 81 2 69 ' 1,520 1,048 | i865 | 40g m1| 333 | 1206 || 175; Tori |} 146 a1! 195 || 34 3 31; 676 | 765 1,569; 411 67); 344] G73) 74 599]; 123 31] 92 38 9° 29 407 | 2,216 | 2,937 1.128 |] 251 | 877 || 2,766 || 534 2,232 |) 366 98 | 268 99: 13. 86 1,981; 474} 517 || 208 38! 170'| ‘745 169! 576]! 96 23 73 10" Selene! © 10) 855 1,732 | 2,152) 901! , 40) 661 |} 2,341 | 478 | 1.863 |] B02]; 83) 219 45. 13) 32, 1.904 i ‘| i i : : 1 5,053 | 12,959 | 2,294 /' 309; 1,985 || 3,940, 480, 3,460 || 520]; 68 i 450 | 124 13; WL! 2,619 | 1,614 | 4,289 || 810 |! 108 i 1215) 172] 1043]; 149) 28) 12t')_5 2) 23} 1,021 1741 | 4363/7153 |' 81! 634) 1,099 79+ 1,020 |' 188 3; 103 35) 4] at 796 |i 1.698 » 4,207 769 | 12¢: 649 |] 1,626 || 229 1.397 | 183 15; 168 67 57, 802 |; i ‘ i i , i 1 2,523 | 3,172 | 1.310 |) 398) 912 | 5,558 | 1,612) 3,946; 251 |) 47) 204, 100) 29 | TL | 1,755 | 446 1,309 58a/ 11475] "209 || 38| ii! "736 ||" 94) 642 ST i eeseers 57) 18 | 2) 165 258) 54, 204 1,031; (762 | 408 |) 137} 271 | 2,380 | 997 | 1,483 51 | 8} 4 4 28 | 548 || 186) 362 307; 234], 226] 78} 148 467 119} | 348 37) 23) Wi 2 9| 39711 97! 300 950; 199] 27] 77, 170) 5a7f| 89! 463| 38 7: 31! 6 | poeaeae 6} 230 61; 169 SL} 502, 220 |) 6B 152 |, 1,48) BS 11S 68 | 18, 50; 2; 12) 12) 322 48° 274 | 1 | ! qi i i : ‘ 1 i 8,796 | 13, 06 | 3,786 |) 842 2,944 |) 6,315 | 1.290, 5,025] 986 | 194; 792) 262) 25 | 237 | 7,473 | 1,652; 5,821 2,129 | 3,838 || 1,165 243 | 922 || 1,872 | 340) 1,532 |, 277 || 57 |. 220 4 i 7 67 || 1,621 || 353. 1,268 1,677 | 3,194 || ‘694 |} 128! 566) 1,369] 278) 1091 |) 190 i) 1) am as, 33 i] 1,108 ]} 1881 920 1,995 | 3,313) 74 |) 123) 501), 975) 69 | 806 || 201) 39 | 165 29 |lnweeaas 29 |) 1,032 |} 200} 832 1,416 | 1,146 |) 514 |! 138{ 376) toss]! 276; 768}; 165) 45) 120) oLil 13 48 |] 2,753 |} 718 | 2.035 1,619 | 1,573 || 699 // 210 | 489], 1,055 || 227) 828 |) 150) 34/6 | GE 4 60 |} 959} 193; — 766 5,180 | 4,757 |] 2,065 | 618 | 1,447 3,638 |; 914 | 2,724 |f 456 || 131) 325) 34k) 112 ze 10, 147 | 2, 808 | 7,339 { ' i | H fe NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continued. 245 i RUSSIA AND POLAND. i CANADA. CCANDINAVIA. | . ne fa bee 15 1 3 15 : All bee years | All age years || All Uaioe yee ages. and || ages. i an = wears | over. | — H Years: noe me years.) over. 14 1 13} 2991 100] 199 || 554 || 122} 482 Silko 5 || 124 53/71 || 141 43 4 foci. 4) 78 15 | 63 || 128 16 5 1 4) 97 32] 65 || 285 63 363 || 130; 233 | 254 66| 198 |} 472 || 145 63 27 | 36 36 16! 20 91 31 15 2| 13 21 5/16 77 21 215 821 133 40 10! 30]/ 118 40 14 |j...-... | 68 14/54 || 109 24 56 19) B79 17 29 | 280 90 390, g18) 281| 587 | 2,234 || 578 | 1,656 27 7! 21] 198 43) 155} 905 || 252 7 2 5) 94 29| 65 |) 224 36 10 1 gi 91 2; 66 || 134 15 90 27 | 63) 102 481 54 |; 326 73 16 5): IL 70 2g) 42] 193 |) 37 130 a8} 82] 263; 108] 155], 522 jj 165 27 9; 3s} 412'| 93) 319]! 402 58 10 4 6 oi) 21] 73 92 8 6 |e... G | wil 30) 11 || 104 Ww u 5 6} 177] 42) 135 | 206 39 i 87 20: 37; 162) 49! 113] 286 90 1 ile...-- |. 1 30; 6) 2% 64 4 12 4 81 7 22) 49], 113 41 27 9; 1! 3] i 9 14 28 2 7 5] 19) 5] 44 20 12 iS lweaeea 5; iil 2) 4 | 15 5 175 74 | 101}. 464'| 149] 315 |) 766 || 220 60|/ 33; 27] 144 36| 108 |) 279 72 ul 4 TI 74 a4} 50] 11 16 {| 8; 18] 102]) 32) 7 86 22 57)/ 22; «35 |) 58} «©6220 | 33 || 187 11 ai) 67! wi sr 37, 54]! 103 33 Tet |, sa1 | 488 | 28! 72] 136]/ 312) 109 \ 1 | | OTHER FOREIGN COUN-| { | HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. ITALY. ‘TRIES. i q : Bre se see aes fade ate Reece ye | ERP y a Be ets teat to 15 ‘ 15 ! 15 All Winder years | All Under years || All jC ader years | All jo uder years AY " t eh : = eee I i ' if — | il f 3 1 234 || 77) 157)! 304) 57; M7) 2 1 T4 | 28 46°} 112) 28 a4} 2 2 2 | lesisicees ; 2 89 9 80 | 3 2 158 || 49} 109; 1031) 20 83, 4 q + 514 || 195! 319 627 || 152} 475; 5 323 | 110) 213 113) 39 74 | 6 48] 14 34 58 | 1 51| 7 76 || 30 46 234/59} 1751 8 : 31 | 30 1 7 15 62| 9 i 8 36 | 11 25 145 || 32 | 113 | 10 I if 1 98} 6 2 343 106! 237 829 140/ 689] 11 : 5 | 1 48 17 31 268 = 887 |: 229} 12 i 4| 1 25 9 16 10d} 18 go | 13 1 13 | 2 ll 113 || 19 94 | 14 7 117 | 36 81 Msi; 27 | 12h I 12: 4 8 43 | 1 36 | 1 10 128 | 38 90) 155'| 32} 123 | 17 62! 20 42! 384] 76| 308, 18 5 |i 1 4) 66! 8 58 | 19 12 | 1 wi] 116 23 93 | 20 45 1 18 27) 2025 45) 157 | BL 186 |} 107; 79) 292 77 | 215) 22 17 2 15 |} 82 6 26 | 23 99 80 19] 100 24 76 | 24 9) 4 5 || 82); 30 52 | 25 6) 5 1 354) 15 40 | 26 55 | 16 39! 33 2 21 | 27 ; Wii} 41} 130 |) 41) 220! 524 | 28 67 | 16 51 | 261 | 85 176 | 29 18 |! 45 14!) 1005 14 86 | 30 21 |! 7. 14'] 119 30 89 | 31 45) 10' = 35 143 60 83 | 32 20 | 4° 16 118 31 87 | 33 530 133° 397 || 694 | 202 | 492 | 34 | i 246 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE $2.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. | sdeaeul Gene Dis- | yy | Diph- | Di Can- | Heart; birt Dis- 5 is- WARDS AND |Scear-; Ty- a- pd. | haar’ | Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- and 1S | CA8eS | cases . All SANITARY as ! Jet |phoid| lavial, “BeriB rm sump- Pneu- | veasies. ine and | ease | puer- cr the ofthe ot the ole Be other seule DISTRICTS. “| fever. fever. fever.! ane 1S" | tion, | mona. cough.| tu- and | peral liver ery urinary} “©” * | causes. 4 : | croup.. eases. mor. ldropsy.| dis- ‘le ous organs. : t eases. y 7 Total .|/250, 359° '4, 267 |2, 031 2, 060 |15, 199 (26,514 !32, 781 (24, 090 8, 822 | 2,820 °5, 067 |11,568 | 2,236 |2, 764 | 20,247 | 14,537 |1, 789 |18, 862 | 59, 522 83 3, 320 TO 25 37 150 259 494 336 48 34 51 150 27 47 217 203 19 17. 2, 626 59 25, 26 4115 203 408 263 4l 31 35 104 23 44 167 165 14 154 638 || 8 |...-.. 11 31 50 85 69 7 3| 16 45 4 3 45 36 5 17 56], 3 fe... pee aes 4 6 1 BN fe cceeceelintSocual tacos dls eszcccicien ee stessic 5 2h Lesiciaaid 3 1 1 363 |i 3 5 2 16 21 51 39 3 1 3 27 2 6 32 22 6 16 694 |! 5 10 5 33 40 102 54 7 2 9 58 3 6 56 53 5 31 4,622 || 62 20 38 230 383 738 563 70 30 63 197 35 65 339 333 28 253 1,862 |! 30 8 16 91 149 312 203 15 14 31 88 18 26 132 143 13 95 32 12 22 139 234 426 360 55 16, 32 109 17 39 207 190 15 158 42 33 18 156 312 408 325 58 34 | 35 127 21 39 236 160 14 215 30 21 12 97 193 254 202 34 23 24 73 8 24 164 100 9 123 12 12 6 59 119 154 123 24 ll 1) 52 13 15 72 60 5 92 57 51 30 309 516 767 656 212 49 57 196 46 48 426 291 22 359 4 5 4 20 24 49 30 2 5 23 4 10 32 22 2 14 13 15 4 84 128 209 186 55 19 22 57 14 12 116 95 7 92 3,510 40 31 22 205 364 509 440 150 28 30 116 28 26 278 174 13 253 9, 943 175 oT 50 577 | 1,079 | 1,233 | 1,209 121 123! 141 846 89 | 106 791 581 64 731 36 12 12 142 227 265 282 26 25, 25 59 7 24 212 124 8 148 34 10 9 115 227 270 298 33 33 28 59 25 21 153 141 15 152 68 23 13 201 369 414 367 31 35 49 127 39 37 268 186 28 276 37 12 16 119 | (256 284 262 31 30 39 101 18 24 158 130; 13 155 ! | 104 44 32 376, 600 976 624 95 63 92 294 69 80 606 408° 3 534 16 12) 93 190 331 194 27 26 27 105 23 34 203 136 7 128 23 18 11 137 205 307 225 46 17 29 89 22 17 191 144 10 223 37 10 9 146 205 338 205 22 20 36 100 24 29 212 128: 14 183 149 78 85 474 799 | 1,270 729 116 108 186 470 79 | 142 848 523 72 576 26 14 18 83 144 211 142 26 19 23 76 14 32 160 101 15 106 58 32 31 189 327 543 279 47 37 60 178 30 53 289 218 27 236 28 14 i5 118! 178 205 123 25 30 31 70 17 21 164 73 18 107 37 18 21 89 \ 150 31l 185 18 22 72 146 18 36 225 131 17 127 i L 195 65 27; 612. 997 | 1,001 903 124 81 141 348 99 85 626 446 45 943 » 115 33, 10 349 530 491 513 78 41 61, 184 57 40 358 252 22 535 ' 80 | 32! 17 263 467 507 390 46 40 80 ; 164 42 45 268 194 23 408 ' 219 | 86 53 800 | 1,389 | 1.442 1,240 196 115 221 471 108 141 967 598 59 | 1, 044 64, 22 12 298 460 429 | 83 38 70 ' 137 43 39 312 153 21 404 60 21; 14! 178 355 368 | 291 39 29 68 120 22 36 224 T54 14 240 23, 19 16 128 228 259 245 28 18 38 90 id 24 181 135 14 196 G3 24) IL: 196 3d6 386 302 46 30 455 12 29 42 250 156 10 204 625 204! 349 1,943 | 3,269 | 3,033 ; 2,578 434 333 590 | 1,175 290 236) 2,205 | 1,336 213 | 2,193 12 3 5 2 39 2 7 2 7 2 26 13 bs i 7. Ww, Ui 126 151! 137 24 18 45 80 16 20 105 106 11 109 34 14: 10! 131 209 159.) 147 19 l4 24 | 60 16 10 122 73 12 144 21, 6 | 7 i 7 104 108 | 74 12 6 20 46 5 4 69 39 3 37 19| 2; 10! 58 75 82 68 3 7| 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 7 27 4 13 | 83 105 108 | 91 1k 8 15 38 7 10 80 59 8 72 64 | 10 38' 208 404 266, 253 41 46 35 10 27 19 202 103 8 193 8 | 6 8 41 42 45 40 2 3 13 37 3 56 39 9 55 96 30 33 274 475 333 324 78 48 58 138 40 26 253 339 17 311 8} 3 4°02 42 39 27 3 2; 17 6 1 22 23 3 32 85 1 21 4 9) 38 49 68 56 7 9 m4 4 5 33 40 2 21 TID eccceces 122; 36) 73) 409] 733) 639! 523 136 81] 105} 195 62; 47 419 243 | 42 | 475, 1,323 1 42 | 20| 38! 119] 207] 237; 209 13 21 68) 127 23] 20 181 3] 22] 136! "532 Joo... 65! 31] 56) 235] 72] 497; 390 42 33| 951 160 39| 35 306 175; 29 70 808 |... i | | 12) 2 1) 24 41 7 51 2 8 13 18 4 4 48 27 5 35 145 1 14 93 10 20 69 90 71 & 8 22 46 8 10 ! 82 45 ; ll 78 | 205 1 23 | 12 18 | 83 133 137 129 16 13 31 58 18 16 | 120 57 22 94: 377 1 3! 5 2 5 57 34 37 7 2 2 DN tictincnlesaoss: los 19, 124 becccccee f ' \ | 1160-51 |) «0384' 507} «845; 738] 767 104 76 | 118} 239 87 | 74 571 301' «45! «720. 4,573 3 7 | 25 14 305 491 389 438 58 36 78 139 55 32 318 | 159 31 443 873 1 39 \ 26 20! 202 354 349 329 46 40 40 100 | 32 42 253 | 142 lt 277 700 2 | 95! 46] 29] 429] 734] 869! 769 301 98} 84} 235} 49| 60 492 387 | 32! 581] 1,880 4 37' 15 8] 156] 256' 226] 282 97 33] 32 89 | 15} 24 186; 122 9. 210! ‘673 2 | 31} 21] 273) 478) 583} 487 204 60} 52] 146 34/36 306; 265| 23 371; 1,207 2 1 | 45] 35] 197] 498; 712} 462 55 45! 91] 338 46) 55 463 361} 36: 353 1,190 2 | a7| 16 73) 226! 325] 193 24 23) a1] 134 21) 21 184; 120] 13° Jal! ‘522 1 / 9 5 70 98 162) 100 20 2] 13 65 10) 16 96 94 7! 70 B84 1 | 8 8 42. 61 132 99 8 9) 35 80 8 10 107 84 8 70 DOH oeeascw | Il 6 12 41 93 70 3 1 22 59 7 8 16 63 8 32 AGL |eicesecen i 67 82 427 688 | 1, 132 738 63 Tis 194 479 72 | 101 698 571 90 547 1 1,921 5 } 18) 19} lint) 170} 204 150 ll 25) 16 69 12} 24 135 89 15 90 402 1 1 19 36 160 247 441 282 20 21 80 198 21 36 275 208 37 217 TW) 1 | il 52 112 167 | 116 12 10 25 72 16 10 113 87] 13 96 299 2 | 19 16 104 159 320 210 20 18 73 140 23 31 175 187 25 144 519 1 | 161 67 | 1,049 | 1,841 | 2,284 1,579 200 166 | 382 843 170 | 200 1, 330 906 98 | 1,563 | 3,479 3 | 24 10 183 24 392 | 290 47 30 64 171 27 31 226 175 10; 302 611 1 56 18 299 618 615 455 56 43 108 225 53 55 382 228 31! 489) 1,008 |......-. | 24 6 99 144 229 140 11 13 49: 93 26 21 137 98 9: 14 332 1 23: 5 164 233 297 190 20 18: 59 111 23 24 204 130 16) 194 ABS iced aticiaiere 15 1d 110 147 256 173 18 15 | 47 | 111 25 18 | 144 135 2/142 415 1 wo! 141 194] 3751 445! 331 48 47: 55} 132 16{ 51] 237 140! 20] 282 655 [..2..--- NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 247 TaBLE 82.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. 3 | ‘ | Can- | H Girth Dis | p : | Diph-| Diar. an-| Heart} birth | 1... is- WARDS AND | '|Sear-: Ty- | Ma- DO: ) 22att Gon: Whoop-| cer | dis- and 1s" | €a8es | eases a All SANITARY eas | \phoid | larial there. Thea sump- net ‘Measles.| in and | ease | puer- of the of the of the Old ob other ene DISTRICTS. ”~“\lfever.|tever. fever, croup. eases.| Hon- LOT ae cough.) tu- | and | peral |); ne) Nerv" Jurinary| 28° ™- | causes. : i Bs SASe8: mor. |dropsy.| dis- | 'V€? es oe organs. ‘ eases. ve NOBt 104 86 608 | 1,078 | 1,508 | 1,021 131 119 | 217 605 86; 160 874 727 73 810 | 2,547 6 6 4 15 20 69 53 TD Wevedinsarepas 19 44 2 9 45 60 4 26 111 |.------- 13 21 73 115 212 153 15 16 52 118 23 18 136 121 10 138 396 2 44 32 356 660 BT 506 76 73 69 208 35 74 419 296 28 406 1, 298 3 10 4 14 27 57 G4 OD lledeisien wee 16 62 8 14 61 55 6 46 119 1 31 25 150 256 433 245 36 30 |- 61 173 18 45 213 195 25 224 623 |.------- 270 | 252 | 2,406 | 3,585 | 3,514 | 2,835 446 412 | 713 | 1,474 305 | 308] 2,434 1, 597 187 | 2,610 | 7,138 9 17 6 38 49 88 89 4 4 34 76 8 10 87 79 6 53 194 |.---.--- 21 33 204 230 383 252 38 43 54 142 31 42 231 147 21 227 679 |.---.--- 20 28 251 | ~ 358 366 267 54 50 42 125 29 23 204 143 10 210 683 1 12 12 27 38 59 59 11 4 36 69 3 10 17 57 5 59 157 |- : 17 23 167 249 265 198 45 36 83 130 28 28 176 136 21 211 595 |-------- 34 10 220 340 346 267 38 39 53 131 40 24 224 163 18 209 628 |.------- 11 11 96 239 13. 162 34 29 39 72 11 15 101 110 19 114 519 2 23 34 267 376 364 324 58 34 56 123 31 38 202 156 11 238 700 | 1 ‘ 9 8 104 175 126 103 22 9 17 38 7 8 73 37 2 94 262 | 1 , 6 6 36 32 40 56 2 5 32 41 7 5 57 44 5 48 IST vsescsese i | 1T 16 252 415 382 294 44 47 73 112 35 23 255 122 19 302 i 8 8) 157 258 146 134 19 23 18 49 10 9 127 57 qT 112 \ 2u 12! 78 101 147 100 8 13 40 82 16 13 93 70 13 87 | 24 26 : 299 385 389 323 35 47 87 189 27 37 320 178 19 265 ; 30 19: 209 297 251 188 34 29 47 90 22 22 184 89 10 222 A fawsese | 1! 23 28 IG esse ste ctl seseecae 2 DP Vseaeeseeors 1 23 9 1 159 138 114 | 1,012 | 1,677 | 2,193 | 1,427 182 212 327 726 150 218 1, 222 999 99 | 1,222 25 ' 20 ' 151! 300 399 235, 50 39 37 101 30 44 187 183 12 183 22 19; 156 302 462 282 29 49 16 186 30 37 275 227 22 241 16, 21 176 236 322 194 29 33 51 96 15 35 160 122 16 155 28, 17 116 234 316 257 19 25 70 125 17 33 204 153 25 208 28 23 260 378 413 264 42 41 52 114 28 44 225 188 10 279 19 ' 14 153 227 281 195 13 25 41 104 30 25 171 126 1d 156 ; 89 | 120 | 542 921 | 1,435 928 107 132 | 270 606 81 140 856 685 79 830 1 12 10 19 21 65 58 2 21 58 7 10 62 66 6 36 19 15 69 95 234 145 14 21 33 107 11 26 129 102 18 i73 19 30, = 128 252 356 181 23 35 50 102 13 32 169 109 16 234 5 4 f 16 25 47 AG. | sp ooceece 3 30 52 4 11 54 59 10 39 12 lu! 73 95 153 120 12 11 43 65 10° 18 118 71 9° 88 Gi 2: ii il) 32 OG |nasaccaw. 2, 23) 42 3) 4 38 30) 2) 29) 5 13 | 42 77 115 88 11 13 31 70 9: Il 70 63 8 | 53 11 35 | 177 345 433 254 45 45 | 39 110 24! 28 216 185 10 | 178 154 | 253 i 1, 341 | 2,303 ; 2,679 | 1,954 291 297 | 432 | 1,029 211! 237 1, 852 1, 254 165 | 1,797 30 AT |} 7 487 503 346 49 64; 42 172 33 42 316 198 26 334 28 48 335 555 673 493 G4 74} 117 222 56 47 436 318 45 427 17 19 i 86 115 215 157 12 13 | 51 128 19 25 154 151 15 116 15 22; 113 234 246 174 34 201 28 67 11 25 182 105 13 133 17 46 226 328 423 307 44 48 | 87 174 36 41 292 197 18 262 10 14 | 42 42 146 102 12 12 34 83 13 19 88 75 13 84 17 12! 109 223 212 165 37 28 | 23 67 12 13 132 81 6 132 4 18 | 51 116 16 63 17 14 | 9 30 14 8 92 32 6 71 7 9 | 57 107 120 91 5 12 20 43 9 10 81 56 ll 171 292 1 i 4 Gj 13 13 13 16 2 3 9 18 3 2 28 15 5 11 57 |.----05 | 2 2 8° 23| 26 23 4 5 8 13 3 4 27 18 6 29 2 1 H 3 3 a 21 20 26 17 1 4 | 4 12 2 al. 24 & 1 27 68 | cenasiees 6,352 || 136) 60 15! 479 656 735 586 67 17 | 130 223 64 | 53 532 309 52 508 1,570 Jesens ce 2,290 | aL 16 90: 108 185 349 192 |} 23 40 82 100 11 | 24 240 128 30 105 533 j.------- 17,139 838 152 57 | 418 | 1,969 | 3,168 | 1,556 © 368 | 99 438 812 36 | 133 1, 334 1, 358 225 117 4. 861 | 10 1 i ' 1 248 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 83.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT - DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. Can-| Heart] birth Dis- | pj : ' Diph- | Diar- an-| Heart) birth | nis | eases | Dis: WARDS AND | ayy |; Sear-| Ty. || Ma- theca rheal | ©” | pneu. Whoop- cer | dis- | and | casea| of the | ©88°8 | o1a | sein. | All Un- SANITARY | anges, ||, let hoidilarial ad lai sump- ~, |Measles.| ing and | ease | puer- of the nerv- of the | 5 6:|"born other i nown, DISTRICTS. llfever. |fever. |fever.| 22 Oe | Yon. | MOR: cough.| tu- | and | peral |}; urinary| 28° * | causes. ” CPOUD | SABES: mor. |dropsy.| dis. |"Y€|_ US lorgans. ° system. I eases. - Total .1112, 467 : 1,840 |1, 002 !1,413 | 7,122 12,240 13,135 | 9,965 767 1,134 |2,091 | 5, 681 867 |1,557 | 11,724 | 4,889 {1,359 | 7,754 | 27,804 123 Ward 1....... 2, 257 26]; 23) 31) 130: 159] 276) 170 12 15 | 67] 159 4] 41 270 127] 44] 124 567 2 1,154 13 14 12 76 90 136 79 10 9 35 83 7 19 26 58 23 61 302 1 1.103 13 9 19 54 69 140 91 2 6 22 76 VG 22 144 69 21 63 265 1 1 1,915 12 10 17 ! 104 228 228 185 28 9; 4 94 7 h 27 209 87 19 123 502 2 2, 455 38 15 19 ' 158 227 313 199 12 19 | 69 145 18; 47 295 107 45 168 559 2 1, 474 29 11 8, 93 145 175 128 6 15 33 83 13, 27 179 56 31 96 344 2 981 9 4; il i 65 82 138 71! 6 4, 36 62 5j; 20 116 51 14 72 215 |.-.---.- i \ 21 i 91 186 269 166 8 12 | 44 112 16 26 224 92 27 138 483 4 38 22° 59 | 206 396 439 319 24 41 | 48 160 25 57 426 195 29 236 926 2 9 12; 27: 88: 192 203 153 13 19! 21 59 12 25 195 89 12 7 427 1 29 10: 32: 118 204 236 166 Ad 22: 27 101 13 32 231 106 17 139 499 1 115 56 771 386 673: 634 524 60 49 92 261 41 82 556 234 82 388 1,474 7 20 | 25 \ 15 | TW 124 | 117 110 6 7 19 49 2 20 102 50 20 12 252 3 73; 19; 44% 929 430 370 305 48 33 41 134 28 43 301 123 29 246 902 2 22) 12; 38, a7] ug! 147] 109 6 9| 32] 78 | i9! 153 61} 33] 7o{ 320 2 i 1 62 48; 53 ! 277 369 530 361 23 40 | 112 289 23 82 493 238 88 319} 1,040 3 16 2: 14 { Ts 169 184 139 10 13 27 101 9 30 173 71 16 128 | BOO Pceiassiaiaiais tt id: 143 57 59 117 62 6 15 33 57 3 15 107 58 19 81 : 223 2 st 12° «14! 46 62 107 70 3 3 25 70 5 15 128 49 22 540 196 | a a; 9 1! co} 9! 122) 90! 4 9| a7] 61 6} 22. 85 60! 31] 56) 239]... i ' ' : ' 105 35 73 | 432 462 469 356 35 50 A7 186 41 48 385 162 33 293; 1,116 ' 3 i 5 5 11 | 44 34 39 24 2 6 8 24 5 4 25 15 4 23 | 129 | 1, 59 20 46 239 249 228 186 19 21 23, 93 18 34 210 95 19 151 610 | z i 38 9 13 | 112 156 184 128 13 20 14 58 16 8 123 43 7 103 BU dl Scoportarseons ; 3 1 3 ' 37 25 18 18 I 3 2 il 2 2 27 9 3 16 BU ccodues 41 25; 29: 189 300 318 178 23 36 54 141 19. 37 282 125 34 Vi 629 3 22 | 10 80 106 164 69 11 14 22 78 6; 14 121 62 18 74 24 1 ee 1400617 95 170 182 95 9 21 27 37 8! 419 135 56 13 87 301 = PB besecee 2} | 24 92/ 14 3! 1 5 6 5] 4 26 7 3 16 Sh gasieae: ft | | 95 55 47 396 605 571 497 42 69 92 257 31 68 573 227 76 340 1,277 z 41 32 22) 139 204 229 172 9 25; 39 109 16 29 218 89 33 118 489° 22 ohcdes 31 13 19 167 262 236 224 21 29 37 107 8 29 245 95 21 145 599 2. 23 10 6 90 139 106 101 12 15 16 41 7 10 110 43 17 7 PAB) cca cies 69 22 46 236 378 443 290 19 44 73 221 1% 57 400 143 35 227 920 45 10 26 139 236 253 183 13 30 38 129 11 42 241 83 13 149 546 24 12 20 97 142 190 107 6 14 35 92 6 15 159 60 22 78 374 126 30 77 333 556 459 472 48 Lo 53 194 55, 62 456 200 43 292 1.272 39 5 27 64 135 108 110 20 23 12 39 16 17 108 46 8 96 347 23 6 q 88 92 94 6 10 15 35 12 12 72 38 8 59 240 GL 19 43, 225 333 259 268 22 22: 26 120 27 33 276 116 27 137: 685 : 53 29 36 164 287 401 297 17 20 64 183 26 40 340 177 50 203 | O77 13 10 7 51 85 96 81 3 5 16 66 9 11 92 45 19 68 | 219 21 5 18 70 115 157 123 ll 11 24 70 12 15 145 74 12 78 | 264 19 ll 11 43 87 148 93 3 4 24 47 5 14 103 58 19 57 ' 194 \ 92 3 62 283 650 561 543 22 43 56 215 53 47 566 233 35 316) 1,235 15 6 10 65 133 113 128 2 14 8 42 20 9 118 49 9 63: 268 39 11 20 106 261 172 188 9 12 20 66 11 16 210 87 11 1l4 439 30 14 19 7 178 210 160 8 14 19 80 19 21 176 66 13} es. 364 8 5 13 | 38 78 66 67 3 3 9 27 3 1 62 31 Dh 41 | 164 79 38 63 254 450 458 419 34 37 57 199 33 48 405 203 35 ‘ 307 1, 020 24 5 11 72 107 70 97 4 7 6 33 5 10 88 49 4) 59 280 ace snasicis 26 17 26 68 136 168 148 10 18 23 54 17 18 143 87 19 ! 99 310 2 29 16 26 114 207 220 174 20 12 28 112 ll 20 | 174 67 12) 149 480 3 i | t 117 48 61 464 | 1, 074 841 810 h2 79 132 311 53 106 : 794 249 68 | 2° 1,957 10 16 4 6 38 4 V7 68 3 4 13 38 5 5 75 30 8 | 61 168 . 2 39| 15] 13] 145] 333] 242] 210 13 22) 38] 87 2%} 26! 197 63) 13) 180. 549! 3 37 17 23 143 352 286 313 18 42 46 110 14 40 267 70 25! 248 707 2 25 12 19 138 315 236 248 18 21 35 76 9 35 255 86 22: { 154 | 533 3 1 ' t 132 30 72 458 719 595 536 30 72 107 254 | 51 75 586 252 44 | 416 5 42 5 15 112 175 144 148 a 12 21 54 | 10 19 143 67 17 | 102 | 1 17 2 7 69 83 93 78 5 20 19 42 | 9 6 110 28 6) 59° 1 31 11 30 122 262 165 144 Q 17 23 69 | 17 25 141 V7 9! 113: 38 9 19 135 169 164 143 9 22 39 83 \ 14 22 171 64; 10! 120! gt ae ase] eel Cag en) seeke Hea 3 6 1] 19 uo.) 2B. A; |sseaeelescees 5 6 16 daca ste ae 1 O Nhese ues } eacumeed 1 2! 5 1! 9: ! | 131 48 83 573 | 1,141 846 740 St 110 113 335 | 67 i 95 854 264 55, 631 26 11 20 125 205 192 156 20 31, 57 15 lt 182 65 10 | 127 3 4 1 19 55 25 33 1 4. 3 | 8 1 ' 4 32 ld 5 | 29 5} 3{ 3] 45] 83] 64] 62 7 9; 4{ 16 7; 8 52 17 |e... | #2 28 4 20 144 306 187 157 12 28 : 15 63 13) 18 192 46 9) 142 27 10 12; 91 203 167 133 5 13 oF 75 10 17 150 49 | 12 112 16 6, i : 46 62 56 61 3 7 19 34 6 16 65 20 7 42 10 1} 3, 25 55 41 29 2 5! 7 18 3 4 47 17 4 34, 2 6 3 29 39 38 34 2 6 | 8 26 5 4 38 15 7 28: 4 1 | wieaisiats 6 19 13 Bs Macs Geceeh 5 i 1 12 3 2 19 G fewest 7! 10 2 | 10 43 114 63 67 | 2 20 6 26 4 8 q7 15 1 58 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 249 TaBLu $3.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. \ i ; ra chia. | tors | i * . ‘an- | Heart} birth | py; ¢ Dis- WARDS AND \Scar-; Ty- | Ma- | Diph-| Diar- | 9, Whoop-| cer | dis- | and | Dit] e@ses | oases é All SANITARY eet : let | phoid|larial ie rhea sunip- ene Measles.| ing | and | ease | puer- weata pes of the oo Sal: other Ue DISTRICTS. tever. fever. fever. iS tion. cough.| tu- | and | peral :. 7 urinary Be. * | causes, 4 croup.! eases. mor. |dropsy.| dis- liver.) ous organs. | 7) eagea, | system. bass eee = | 68 42 36 245 490 580 418 21 48 | 101 223 38! 56 497 208 46 356 ll 15 12 58 106 137 103 4 iL 31 55 11 | 18 134 64 i 76 19 13 9 39 71 121 82 5 2 39 54 5| 16 98 61 20 55 38 14 15 148 313 322 233 12 35 31 114 22) 22 265 83 15 225 33 28 47 163 220 361 234 9 21 85 191 26 51 329 173 72 185 19 ll 21 111 132 190 | 125 7 10 30 71 12 25 154 86 41 82 7 13 15 22 28 53 45 1 4 27 49 8) 13 73 39 12 33 7 4 11 30 60 118 64 1 7 28 71 6! 13 102 48 19 70 ' 80; 53! 93] 487: 765) 7371 533 36 68| 127] 359 61, 82 683 2241 78; 487 16 8 8 83 173 150 119 14 15 18 57 10° 15 | 135 41 12 110 5| uw} ww 52 15 91 65 3 10] 14 17 8 ol ill 2s} 20! 43 22 13 24 189 309 285 171 13 25 47 99 23 24 215 14 18! 203 ll 10 18 37 49 68 62 2 3 19 51 7! 9 86 29 13 41 26 i 29 76 159 143 116 4 15 29 15 13°23 136 52 15 a6 93 35 60 395 479 514 379 42 48 | 104 245 47 | 66 579 201 81 409 1 13 13 67 85 111 76 11 9 27 50 10 16 137 44 33 70 6 5 5 37 36 58 33 2 4 8 28 3 4 46 20 4 36 5 6 2 27 29 30 26 2 2 15 18 4 7 43 19 4 37 25 6 17 110 131 130 87 9 13 23 73 13 23 134 46 22 94 7 5 6 35 36 38 6 2 12 26 2 3 39 17 9 60 39 jeunes 17 119 162 147 129 12 18 19 50 15 13 180 55 9 112 32 59 46 133 162 301 214 15 24 66 193 22 46 280 139 56 162 669 5 7 13 18 44 73 96 76 8 9 31 T7 6 16 96 55 18 64 QO iseish cis 17 32 13 41 38 98 67 4 3 1 47 8 14 B4 46 25 42 176 2 8 14 15 48 51 107 vel 3 w2| 18 69 8 16 100 \ 38 13 56 193 3 34 21 22 87 199 174 136 5 1; 45 89 5 37 162 67 17 99 | 5 6 2 | 6 14 39 1D: |eraeediend 1 15 15 1 6 34 24 5 16 13 5. ll 39 105 58 64 2 8! 16 AT | neenincee 18 | 53 | 19 6 40 9; 5} 3] 15) 37] 30) 26 2 21 8 9 1 5) 9) 13 5 15 | A ae a ae} aa Scheer a0 a 3 eos 1 10 | 5/1 CG) 6 By 5 i 20 31 36 23 1 3) 5 15 7 36 | Gi bacaae s 22 | 68 49 t 6s! 277 480 479 394 | 25 41 | 100 225 38 59 449 | 174 53 239 | 999 6 20 OL; 23 89 141 146 139 | 7 14 36 73 8 16 142 | 61 14 98 326 1 16 11 | 7 43 Ts ve 63 2 3 | 20 42 6 13 67 28 12 57 157 2 ll 8; 19; 61 95 98 64 7 7 16 42 | 9 16 108 | 33 11 3 185 i......-- 15 3: 10 | 59 114 119 84 | 8 6 18 40 | 11 9! 87 | 30 11 3 | 187 | 2 6 6! 5 25 54 45 44 1 | 10 28 | 4 5S 45 | 22) 5 48) 1445 1 { : ! Ward 26 5 53! 30, 76 179 337 324 212 | 19 43 | 57 116 | 27 49 | 307 ' 103 54 195 | 871 7 Unlocated....; 4,626 27) 101 | 39 4 248 | 1,014 353 | 52 25 | 102 324 13 66 324 \ 285 60 181 1, 328 10 1 4 , 1 1% 250 VITAL STATISTICS. 1 TABLE 84.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. 1 | | Child- | Dis . iph-| Di Can-| Heart | birth : A is- WARDS AND hagas: Ty- |Mala-| Diph-} Diar-| Qo) Whoop-| cer | dis- | and | Di) 255 | eases | o, i All SANITARY ete let |phoid! rial oigria rhea ‘ sump- nen: Measles.| ing and | ease | puer- rie cine of the a — other hee DISTRICTS. fever. |fever.' fever. croup.! eases. tion. cough.| tu- | and ta dindr ous urinars causes. ‘gans. system. ' | | : mor. |drepsy | I eases. ' 26.72 93, 03 | 241.96! 173.72 | 21.38 | 225.41] 711.32 0.99 ' Total.. .| 2,991.90 || 52.19 | 24.27 | 24.62 181.63 | 316.85 391.75 | 287.89 45.67] 33.70 | 60.55 | 138.24 4,310.46 || 90.88 | 32.46 | 48.04 | 194.75 | 336.27 | 641.38 | 436.24 62.32) 44.14] 66.21 | 194.75 | 35.05. 61.02 | 281.74; 263.56 | 24.67 | 225.91 1,271. 67 4,664.96 1104.87 | 44.41 | 46.19 | 204.29 | 360.62 | 724.79 | 467.21 72.83 55.07 | 62.18 | 184.75 | 40.86) 78.16 ; 296.67 | 293.11 | 24.87 | 273.57 | 1,330.56 |. 3,654.08 |} 45.82 |...... 63.00 | 177.55 | 286.37 | 486.83 | 395.19 40.09 17.18 | 91.64 , 257.73 | 22.91; 17.18 | 257.75) 206.19 ] 28.64, 97.37 | 1,162.66 |. 1,712.54 || 91.74 1.-....1..-... 122.32 | 183.49 | 30.58 | 122.32 |.-.......].-..--..]----6- 30.58 |.....--].----- 152.91; 61.16 }...... 91.74} 825.69 |. x 5,525.11 || 45.66 | 76.10 | 30.44 | 243.53 | 319.63 '776.26 | 593.61) 45.66} 15.22 | 45.66 410.96: 30.44| 91.32, 487.06] 334.86 | 91.32 | 243.53 | 1.643.84 3,118.54 179.74 | 458 34 | 242.65 31.46 8.99 | 40.44 | 260.63 | 13.48 | 26.96, 251.64) 238.16 | 22.47 | 139.30] 966.12).. 4,117.01 z 341.15 | 657.37 | 501.49 62.35 | 26.72 | 56.12 | 175.48} 31.18 | 57.90 ; 301.96 | 296.62 | 24.94 | 225.36 | 1,043.95 -| 4,112.01 § | 329.05 | G89 02 | 448.30 33.13 | 30.92 | 68.46 | 194.34 | 39.75 | 57.42 | 291.51 | 315.80 | 28.71 | 209.80 | 1,053.40 ' 4,120.39 349.34 | 635.97 | 537.44 82.11] 23.89 | 47.77 | 162.73 | 25.38 | 58.22! 309.03 | 283.65 | 22.39 | 235.88 , 1,037.56 3,652.04 389.95 | 509.94 | 406.20 72.49; 42.49 | 43.74 | 158.73 | 26.25 | 48.74) 294.96 | 199.98) 17.50 | 268.72 | 859.89 3,863.87 411.55 | 541.62 | 430.74 72.50, 49.04 | 51.18 | 159.93 | 17.06 | 51.18] 349.71] 213.24 | 19.19 | 262.28) 893.46 )..__... 3,352.06 359.36 | 465.06 | 371.44 72.48! 33.22 | 33.22, 157.03 | 39.26 | 45.30) 217.43 | 181.19] 15.10 | 277.83} 812.35 3.02 4,010.51 387.39 | 575.83 | 492.49 159.16; 36.79 | 42.79 | 147.15 | 34.53 | 36.04; 319.82) 218.47) 16.52 269.52; 938.44]. 3,139.97 212.88 | 434.63 | 266.10 62.09 | 17.74 | 44.35 | 204.01 | 35.48 | 88.70 | 283.84] 195.14 | 17.74 | 124.18 3,900.77 337.82 | 551.69 | 490.89 145.16 | 50.15 | 58.06 | 150.44] 36.95 | 31.67) 306.15 | 250.73 | 18.47 | 242.81 4,176.78 |, 47.60 36.89 | 26.18 | 243.94 433.15 | 605.69 | 523.59 178.49; 33.32 | 35.70 | 138.04 | 33.32) 30.94] 330.81 | 207.05 | 15.47 | 301.06 3,009.15 || 52.96 | 17.25 | 15.13 | 174.62 | 326.55 | 373.15 | 365.89 36.62; 37.22 | 42.67 | 104.71 | 26.93 | 32.08] 239.39) 175.83 | 19.37 | 221.23 746.91 0.61 3,882.09 || 62.75 | 20.42 | 20.92 | 247.53 | 395.70 | 461.95 | 491.58 45.32 | 43.58 | 43.58 | 102.85 | 12.20 | 41.84] 36956} 216.16 | 13.95 | 257.99 | 1,030.23 3.49 3,248.81 || 51.69 | 15.20 | 13.68 | 174.83 | 345.10 | 410.47 | 453.04 50.17} 50.17 | 42.57] 89.70; 38.01 | 31.93 | 242.60! 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21.34 | 42.68| 266.75; 155.31 | 20.15 | 150.57 492.01 |. 2,626.01 || 59.77 | 19.92 | 8.28 | 187.57 | 3035.57 | 306.80 | 276.76 38.00; 24.83 | 43.22 | 106.66} 20.34] 26.05] 191.86] 136.69) 13.79 | 289.02 | 560.27 0.61 2,699.71 || 66.58 | 19.21] 5.79 | 202.06 | 306.85 | 286.01 | 297.01 45.16 | 23.74 | 35.32 | 106.53 | 83.00 | 23.16 | 207.27! 145.90 | 12.74 | 309.75 573.75 |_| 2,543.11 | 52.10 | 20.84 | 11.07 | 171.28 | 304.13 | 330.18 | 254.99 29.96} 26.05 ; 52.10 | 106.80 | 27.35 | 29.31] 174.53| 126.34 | 14.98 | 265.71 545 09 181.73 | 315.54 | 327.58 | 281.69 44.53 | 26.12 50.20) 107.00| 24.53 | 32.03! 219.67! 135.85] 13.40 | 237.16 | 581.32 208.96 | 322.56 | 300.82 | 281.89 58.20} 26.65'49.09| 96.07} 30.15 |27.35| 218.78 | 107.29 | 14.73 | 283.29 | 537.84 154.15 | 307.44 | 318.70 | 252.01 33.78 | 25.11 | 58.89 | 103.92] 19.05 | 31.18] 193.99) 133.37] 12.12 | 207.85] 503.16 |. 172.78 | 307.77 | 349.61 | 330.71 37.80 | 24.30 | 51.29) 121.49] 18.90] 32.40] 244.32; 182.93] 18.90] 264.57| 750.52 181.41 | 320.25 | 357.27 | 279.52 42.58 | 27.77 | 41.65 | 114.77] 26.84 | 38.87} 231.39, 144.39] 9.26]188.82] 606.25 - 2,607.49 59.08 | 19.28 | 32.99 | 183.66 309.00 | 286.70 | 243.69 41.02) 31.48 | 55.77 | 111.07 | 27.41 | 22.31} 208.43} 126.29 | 20.18 | 207.29 621.22 1,442.18 |j 54.42 | 13.61 | 22.68 | 49.89 | 117.91) 176.87] 95.24] 31.75] 9.07 | 31.75 | 104.31} 9.07/ 4.54| 117.91 58.96] 22.68 | 104.31 | 417.23 2,501.22 |, 59.02 | 12.15 | 24.30 | 203.08 | 218.70 | 262.10] 237.80| 41.66] 31.24] 78.11 | 138.86] 27.771 34.71| 182.25| 183.99] 19.09|189.20| 557.18 |. 2,928.50 |! 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' | | i “ Child- Dias 4 5 as : Jan-: Heart} birth . eh is- ‘ Diph. | Diar- oe Dis- | eases | WAEDS AND Scar- Ma- a ‘ Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- | and : ' eases . Au SANITARY wee let pial! larial uherio, ae ump- Enea: Measles.| ing | and | ease | puer- oh of the of the Ola, otk other pone DISTRICTS. * |:fever.'fever. -|fever. ane éasen tion. ‘i cough. tu- | and | peral Si a aoe urinary, 28° | 2°T?- | causes. . | ' OND Sa mor. !dropsy.| dis- | VT , aes peneane i i | eases. y ! ‘ 2,835.10 || 36.31 | 26.98 ) 22.31 | 157.71 | 279.62 | 391.16 | 264.83 2098.20 25.48 ; 25.48) 16.99 | 63.71] 84.95 | 293.07 | 225.11 2,437.40 || 22.20 | 19.24 | 31.08 | 108.03 | 170.19 | 313.74 | 226.43 3,620.68 || 49.01 | 29.54 | 21.48 | 239.01 | 443,10 ! 494.80 | 339.71 1,331.84 || 7.01 | 23.37} 9.35] 32.71] 63.09 | 133.18 | 149.54 2,752.78 || 41.89 | 30.20 | 24.35 | 146.11 | 249.37 | 421.78 | 238.65 2,488.49 |] 51.94 | 21.57 | 20.13 | 192.24 | 286.44 | 280.77 | 226.52 126.38 | 226.97 | 229.55 238.14 | 364.82 | 240.04 Do. “| 1930-17 || 16.52 | 33.04 | 33.04) 74.34 | 104.63 | 162.45 | 162.45 -| 2,679.47 || 49.15 | 18.57 | 25.12 | 182.42 | 271.99 | 289.47 | 216.28 -| 2,692.48 |] 58.66 | 32.17] 9.46 | 208.13 | 321.66 | 327.34 | 252.60 -| 2,836.08 || 40.68 | 17.90 | 17.90 | 156.20 | 388.88 | 218.04 | 263.59 -| 3,054.57 || 74.60 | 22.58 | 33.37 | 262.07 | 269.06 | 357.28 | 318.02 3,212.71 || 37.69 | 26.10 | 23.20 | 301.55 | 507.42 | 365.34 | 298.65 1,475.29 |] 33.53 | 15.48 | 15.48 | 92.85) 82.53 | 103.17 | 144.43 0 188.57 | 18.94 | 217.89 B| 254.84 | 16.99 | 110.43 7! 179.07 | 14.80 | 204.23 46.32! 139.64 23.50! 49.68] 281.30! 198.72 | 18.80 | 279.57 3! 128.51 | 14.02 | 107.48 8! 189.95 | 24.35 | 218.20 q 56.97 | 117.77 | 24.87 | 24.61} 194.48 127.60 | 14.94 | 208.54 87.69 | 196.02 | 20.63 | 95.79 | 224.39 203.76 | 15.48 | 136.70 51.44 | 135 26| 29.53 | 40.01] 220.04; 140.02 | 20.00 | 216.23 50.68 | 150.84] 34.99] 27.75 | 246.16, 172.56 | 12.07 | 253.40 99.12 | 189.99] 8.26] 27.53| 212.02: 156.95 | 13.77 | 162.45 90.66 | 142.00] 30.59] 30.59] 192.25; 148.56 | 22.94 | 230.48 50.14 | 123.93 | 37.84] 29.71] 211.92| 154.21 | 17.03 | 197.73 63.46 | 117.15 | 17.90 | 24.41] 164.34] 178.98 | 30.92 | 185.49 54.97 | 120.73 | 30.43 | 37.30 | 198.27] 153.12 | 10.80 | 233.61 49.29 | 110.18 | 20.30 | 23.20] 211.67] 107.28] 5.80 | 272.56 82.53 | 105.75 | 18.05] 12.90| 147.01] 113.48 | 12.90 | 123.80 68.56 | 105.19 | 32.87 | 21.60) 239.50] 114.59 | 17.85 | 283.65 31.95} 86.98] 17.75] 15.98 | 225.44] 101.18 | 12.43 | 198.81 52.05 | 106.70] 20.82] 16.92] 121.01] 91.08 | 16.92 | 113.20 57.33 | 124.54 | 17.79 | 24.38] 210.85] 117.29 | 12.52 | 174.61 37.15 | 71.13] 17.39} 17.39| 145.43] 70.34) 7.90 | 175.46 5.43] 13.58]...---- 2.72| 62.45] 24.44] 2.72 | 431.74 2,938.86 || 46.96 | 15.97 | 15.03 | 236.69 | 389.78 | 358.79 | 276.13 -| 2,723.04 || 72.78 | 14.20 | 14.20 | 273.69 | 457.98 | 259.17 | 237.87 1,128.87 || 42 94 | 26.02 | 15.61 | 101.49 | 131.42 | 191.27 | 130.12 2,260.75 || 52.05 | 15.81 | 17.13 | 197.02 | 253.68 | 256. 1,792.57 || 53.75 | 23.71 | 15.02 | 165.19 | 234.74 | 198. 1,170.32 || 2.72] 2.72 2.72) 62.45] 76.03 | 51.59 ae © ye wo oo 6 3, 116.43 430.86 | 280.36 544.77 | 320.85 466.07 | 284.49 445.37 | 268.33 341.15 | 277.45 " : Ss i 432.53 | 276.49 Fo ..2. 2... 2:788.71 |] 51.18 | 24.98 18.37 | 200.79 | 297.90 | 368.77 |. 255.91 Ward 21. 64.25 | 149.64 | 29.47 | 49.83) 240.09) 196.27] 19.45 | 240.09 50.52 | 137.90] 40.96 | 60.07 | 255.32] 249.86 | 16.38 | 249.86 76.67 | 187.64 | 30.26 | 37.33| 277.42] 229.00 | 22.19 | 243.12 70.54 | 132.78 | 20.75 | 48.41| 221.30) 168.74 | 22.13 | 214.38 75.57 | 134.95 | 18.35 | 35.63) 220.24] 165.18 | 26.99 | 224.55 54.46 | 119.39 | 29.32 | 46.08| 235.64] 196.89 | 10.47 | 292.20 53.81 | 136.48 | 39.37 | 32.81) 224.41| 165.35 | 18.37 | 204.72 2,707.87 || 39.29 | 23.16 | 31.22 | 141.03 | 239.64 | 373.38 | 241.46 70.25 | 157.68 | 21.08 | 36.43 | 222.73 | 178.24 | 20.56 | 215.96 A ---; 1,894.97 |] 19.40 | 28 80 | 32.34] 61.44] 67.91 | 210.19 | 187.56 67.91 | 187.56 | 22.64] 32.24] 200.49} 213.43 | 19.40 | 116.41 B. -{ 2,691.69 |] 51.99 | 31.86 | 25.16 | 115.72 | 159.32 | 292.43 | 243.17 55.34 | 179.45| 18.45 | 43.60] 216.34] 171.06 | 30.19 | 290.13 Cc. -| 8,284.64 || 41.74 | 26.43 | 41.74 | 178.07 | 350.58 | 495.27 | 251.81 69.56 | 141.90] 18.09 | 44.52} 235.11] 151.64) 22.26 | 325.54 DB cecacgce 1,534.30 |] 12.03 | 15.04 | 12.03 | 48.13) 75.21 | 141.40 | 138.39 90.25 | 156.44 | 12.03 | 33.09: 162.45] 177.50 | 30.08 | 117.3: A asain ents ‘ 2,397.67 || 13.88 | 23.80 | 21.82 | 144.77 | 188.40 | 303.43 | 237.98 85.28 | 128.91! 19.83 | 35.70: 234.02} 140.81 | 17.85 | 174.52 F. -| 1,798.04 || 25.76 | 30.91 | 10.30] 92.74] 56.67 | 164.86 | 185.47 118 50 | 216.38 | 15.46 | 20.61 195.7 154.56 | 10.30 | 149.41 G. - 2,314.81 | 46.82 | 13.00 | 33.81 | 109.24 | 200.27 | 299.11 | 228.88 80.63 | 182.06 23.41 | 28.61} 182.06) 163.86 | 20.81 | 137.85 Be case * 3,604.58 || 62.21 | 13.69 | 43.55 | 220.23 | 429.26 | 538.76 | 316.04 48.53 | 136.87 | 29.86 | 34.84 | 268.76 | 230.19 | 12.44 | 221.48 1 -° 2,602.89 || 59.99 | 18.37 | 30.17 | 159.94 | 274.67 | 319.52 | 233.05 { $.273.85 || 82.07 | 24.38 | 38.19 | 220.21 | 395.72 | 408.72 | 281.15 -' 2,762.44 || 56.70 | 14.98 | 25.68 | 179.21 | 296.89 | 360.02 | 263.73 -| 2,239.04 || 32.17 | 21.88 | 24.45 | 110.67 | 147.98 | 276.66 | 202.03 D e.cettes | 3,528.46 [106.37 | 27.51 | 40.35 | 207.23 | 429.14 | 451.14 | 319.10 ‘ 2,602.34 || 79.91 | 13.06 | 35.34 | 173.64 | 252.01 | 325.00 | 235.88 2,138.33 |; 46.61 | 18.64 | 26.10 | 78.30 | 152.87 | 272.18 | 190.16. -| 3,110.66 || 51.99 | 30.48 | 21.51 | 195.42 | 399.81 | 380.09 | 295.83 | 2,333.45») 56.84 | 11.37 | 51.16 | 144.95 | 329.70 | 216.01 | 179.06 51.52 | 122.73 | 25.17 | 28.27] 220.88; 149.56 | 19.68 | 214.32 34.13 | 139.76 | 26.81] 34.13 | 256.77; 160.89 | 21.13 | 271.40 62.59 | 118.76] 29.96 | 25.14! 233.23} 170.11 | 24.07 | 228.42 65.63 | 164.71 | 24.45] 32.17! 19817; 194.31] 19.30 | 149.27 51.35 | 122.87] 20.17 | 45.85 | 333.77] 192.56 | 23.84 | 243.91 66.84 | 133.69] 27.66 | 31.50; 224.35) 151.36 | 13.83 | 201.30 63.39 | 154.74 | 24.24] 35.42| 164.06 | 139.82 | 24.24 | 156.60 41.24] 120.12} 21.51] 23.31] 236.66} 145.22 | 10.76 | 236.66 2558) 85.27] 39.79! 29.74! 261.48] 90.95 | 17.05 | 201.80 1,969.14 |) 36.82 | 12.27 | 15.78 | 99.95 | 187.62 | 210.42 | 159.57 \ 858.48 || 34.04 | 15.13 | 22.69 | 49.16] 49.16] 49.16] 60.51 -| 2,200.81 || 15.66 | 15.66 | 62.66 | 133.15 | 180.14 | 203.63 | 180.14 975.49 || 11.90 | 11.90 | 15.86) 83.27) 79.31] 103.10] 67.41 35.07} 75.40] 15.78) 17.53! 142.03] 98.19 | 19.29 | 299.84 34.04) 6807] 11.35) 7.56) 10589) 56.73) 18.91] 41.60 62.66 | 101.82 | 23.50 | 31.33] 211.47] 140.98 | 46.99 | 227.13 15.86] 47.59} 7.93| 3.97] 95.17| 31.72! 3.97 | 107.07 | 48.72] 83.57] 23.98) 19.86/ 199.37] 115.80) 19.49] 190.38 588.37 76.88 | 93.76 | 10.31 | 22.50] 225.02] 120.01 | 28.13} 98.15 , 499.74 !.. Ward 23...-.. | 2,380.47 || 50.97 | 22.49 | 43.10 | 179.51 | 245.84 | 275.45 | 219.61 Ward 24.. w! 2147. 09 || 31.88 | 15.00 | 84.38 | 101.26 | 173.45 | 327.22 | 180.02 252 VITAL STATISTICS. Taste 85.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. 222! 3)343.17 “| 21268:35 +} 1:74.07 | -| 2.596.560 AN Scar- causes, fecar -| 1,853.88 -| 2,616.95 -| 2,908.49 -| 2104.82 -| 3,213.98 |; -| 2:710.01 -| 1,973.55 -| 1,768.30 -| 1877.93 |! -| 21434.76 -| 2,779.60 -| 3,079.43 -| 3,239.93 | 3,212.00 -| 3,017.93 || 71.38 --| 2,686.73 -| 2:309-11 «| 2,734.41 | -| 3,442.84 | -| 2,902.51 | -| 3,060.94 -| 21555.47 -| 2)116.84 -| 3,014.46 -| 3,302.59 -| 2197.88 “| 3)411.79 :| 1691.67 1.915.60 1,972.88 3, 520.48 2,198.88 -| 2,389.68 || 46.03 2,016.53 3,092.10 3,262.97 2,608.49 2/023.20 2,151.60 | 2,044.28 2,754.€7 || 3,107.93 | 9618.72 2)728.14 2,610.50 40.54 2,688.58 || 2,788.44 |! 2,490.93 3,096.94 2'803.41 2,712.50 2'300.32 3,105.99 2,384.17 2238.06 3,147.64 , 4,066.79 | 2,618.94 2/495.46 |) 38.62 2,938.88 2827.21 2,614.59 2'709.64 2/257.31 4,901.96 ; 2,558.13 3,909.49 | - = S oc} 3,127.05 2'526.09 2014.40 1/464 .42 1,343.65 1,132.33 2/253.30 2,260.49 2393.31 2,498.19 | Ma- phos! larial fever. ‘fever. 23.13 | 32.62 19.52 | 26.31 2°61 | 19.38 i610 | 33.98 18.37 | 31.25 13.44 | 17.02 17.46 | 12.70 8.22 ° 22.61 18.71 | 33.41 18.65 | 50.01 21.10 | 47.48 16.36 | 52.36 34.68 28.97 41.68 27.84 25.64 Chie. ae Diph- | Diar- Can-| Heart) birth | nis. | eases ae theria| rheal} ©" | pnen. fWhoop-| cer | dis- | and |¢asea| of the sf the | Old | Still- an Un- and | dis. |S"™P-jmonia,| Measles | ing | and | ease | puer- ortne! nery. | Of the | aoe. | born. | OYMeT hnown. croup.| eases. tion. cough.| tu- | and | peral liver.) ous [Urinary causes. mor. |dropsy.; dis- system, | °'S4n8. : eases SEED es | ae pen Soden 164.42 | 282.58 | 303.24 | 230.06 | 17.71 26.18 | 48.27 | 131.16 | 20.02 | 35.95 | 270.67) 112.87 | 31.37 | 179.01 641.90 2.84 110.34 | 134.95 | 234.25 | 144.29 10.18 12.73 | 56.87 | 134.95 | 11.88 | 34.80 | 229.16 | 107.79 | 87.34] 105.24] 481.23 1.70 122.75 | 145.36 | 219.66 | 127.60 16.15 14.53 | 46.53 | 184.06 | 11.31 | 30.69 | 203.51 93.68 | 37.15 | 98.52 487.77 1.62 96.59 | 123.42 | 250.41 | 162.77 3.58 10.73 | 57.24 | 135.94 | 12.52 | 39.35 | 257.57] 123.42 | 37.56 | 112.69 473.99 1.79 191.19 | 419.15 | 419.15 | 340.10 51.47 16.55 | 44.12 | 172.81 | 12.87 | 49.64 | 384.22) 159.94 | 34.93 | 226.12; 922.86 3.68 141.52 | 203.32 | 280.35 | 178.24 10.75 17.02 | G1.80 | 129.87 | 16.12) 42.10 | 264.22 95.84 | 40.31 | 150.47 500.68 1.79 147.62 | 230.16 | 277.78 | 203.17 9.52 23.81 | 52.38 | 131.75 | 20.63 | 42.86 | 284.13 88.89 | 49.21 | 152.38 546.03 3.17 133.61 | 168.56 | 283.67 ; 145.95 12.33 8.22 | 74.00 | 127.45 | 10.28 | 41.11; 238.45] 104.83 | 28.78 | 148.00 441.95 |.-. 2... { 121.63 | 248.60 | 359.53 | 221.87 F 10.69 16.04 | 58.81 | 149.69) 21.38 | 34.75, 299.39] 122.96 | 36.09 | 184.44 645.55 5.35 174.61 | 335.66 | 372.10 | 270.39 20.34 34.75 | 40.69 | 135.62 | 21.19 | 48.31, 361.08] 165.29 | 24.58 | 200.04 784.89 1.70 154.74 | 337.62 | 356.97 | 269.04 22.86 33.41 | 36.93 | 103.75 | 21.10 | 43.96 | 342.90} 156.50 | 21.10 | 170.57 750.86 1.76 193.09 | 333.82 | 386.19 | 271.64 18.00 36.00 | 44.18 | 165.28 | 21.27 | 52.36 | 378.01 | 173.46 | 27.82 | 227.46 816.56 1.64 i 1733.87 | 303.14 ) 285.58 | 236.03 27.03 2.07 | 41.44} 117.56 | 18-47 | 36.94; 250.44] 165.40 | 36.94] 174.77, 663.95 3.15 148.69 | 239.45 | 225.93 | 212.41 11.59 13.52 | 36.69 | 94.62 3.86 | 38.62 , 196.96 96.55 | 38.62 | 139.03 486.62 5.79 210.29 | 407.31 | 350.48 | 288.91 45.47| 31.26 | 38.84] 126.93 | 26.52 | 40.73 | 285.12] 116.51 | 27.47 | 233.02 854.41 1.89 134.57 | 184.07 | 227.38 | 168.60 9.28 13.92 | 49.50 | 120.65 | 17.01 | 29.39] 236.66 94.35 | 51.04 | 108.28 494.97 3.09 133.02 , 178.49 | 256.37 | 174.62 11.13 19.35 | 54.18 | 139.80 | 11.13 | 39.67] 238.48) 115.13 | 42.57 ; 154.31 503.07 1.45 188.17 | j 283. 94 | 309.14 | 233.53 16.80 21.84 | 45.36 | 169.69 | 15.12! 50.40] 290.66) 119.29) 26.88 215.05 653.56 |------. 116.69 ! 120.79 | 239.53 126.93 12.28 30.71 | 67.56 | 116.69 6.14 | 30.71 | 219.06] 118.74 | 38.90 | 165.83 456.54 4.09 90.78 | 122.36 | 211.17 | 138.15 5.92 5.92 | 49.34 | 138.15 9.87 | 29.60 | 252.61 96.70 | 43.42 | 106.57 386.82 1.97 125 80 165.64 | 255.80 | 188.70 8.39 18.87 | 56.61 | 127.90! 12.58] 46.13 | 178.22} 125.80 | 65.00 | 117.42 486.43 )....... 74.77 293.85 | 298.30 | 226.43 22.26 31.80 | 29.89 | 118.30, 26.08 | 30.53 | 244.87 | 103.04 | 20.99 | 186.36 709.82 1.91 202.52 1 156.49 | 179.51 | 110.47 9.21 27.62 | 36.82 | 110.47 | 23.01) 18.41] 115.07 69 OL) 18.41 | 105.86 593.76 4.60 319.90 | 333.28 | 305.17 | 248.96 25.43 28.11 | 30.78 | 124.48} 24.09 | 45.51] 281.C8| 127.15 | 25.43 l 202.11 816.47 2.68 213.77 | 297.76 | 351.20 | 244.31 24.81 38.17 | 26.72 | 110.70 | 30.54 | 15 27] 234.77 82.07 13.36 | 196.59 624.14 |.....-. 440.79 274.01 | 214.44 | 214.44 11.91 35.74 | 23.83 | 131.05] 23.83 | 23.83 | 321.66! 107. 22, 35.74 190.61 595.66 !......- 186.89 | 296.65 | 314.45 | 176.01 22.74 35.60 | 53.40 | 189.42 | 18.79 | 36.59) 278.85; 123. 60 | 33, 62 | | 175.02 621.97 97 168.35 | 223.06 | 345.12 | 145.20 23.15 29.46 | 46.30 | 164.14] 12.63 | 29.46] 254.63 30.47 | 37.88 | 155.72 576.60 2.10 207.60 | 371.49 | 288.45 | 207.60 19.67 45.89 | 59.00 | 124.56] 17.48 | 41.52) 295.00 | 122.37 / 28.41 | 190.11 637.75 | 37 178.39 | 305.81 | 280.33 | 178.39 38.23 12.74 | 63.71 | 76.45! 63.71 | 50.97 | 331.29 89 19 | 38.23 | 203.87 688207 ecccen 207.56 | 317.11 | 299.29 | 260.50 22.01 36.17 | 48.22 | 134.70} 16.25 | 35.64; 300.33} 118.98 ; 39.83 | 178.21 669.33 1.05 176.29 | 258.73 | 290.44 | 218.15 11.41 31.71 | 49.46 | 138.24 | 20.29 | 36.78 | 276.49) 112.88 | 48.20 | 149.66 551.71 |...---- 225.85 | 354.32 | 319.16 | 302.93 28.40 29.22 | 50.04 | 144.70 | 10.82 | 39.22 | 331.33 | 128.48 | 28.40 | 196.09 810.07 2.70 236.85 | 365.81 | 278.96 | 265.80 31.58 39.48 | 42.11 | 107.90 | 18.42} 26.32} 289.49; 113.16 | 44.74 | 202.64 639.51 !_...... 175.72 | 281.45 | 329.85 | 215.93 14.15 32.76 | 54.35 | 164.55 12.66 | 42.44: 297.83) 106.47 | 26.06 | 169.02 685.01! 2.23 195.63 | 332.15 | 356.08 | 257.56 18.30 42.92 | 53.48 | 181. 56 | 15.48 | 59.11 | 339.19] 116.82 | 18.30 | 209.71 768.45! 1.41 153.35 | 224.50 | 300.39 | 169.16 9.49 22.13 | 55.33 | 145.45, 9.49) 23.71 | 251.08 94.86 | 34.78 | 123.32 591.29 3.16 215.93 | 360.53 | 297.63 | 306.06 31.12 35.66 | 34.37 ; 125.80 | 35 66 40.201 295.69 129.69 | 27.88 | 189.34 824.81 4.54 169.82 | 358.22 | 286.58 , 291.89 53.07 61.03 | 31.84 | 103.49} 42.46 | 45.11) 28658! 122.06 | 21.23 | 254.74 920.77 2.65 163.76 | 327.53 | 342.41 | 349.86 22.33 37.21 | 55.83 | 130.27) 44.66 | 44.66} 267.97, 141.43 | 29.77 | 219.59 893.26 AA 250.94 | 371.39 | 288.86 | 298.89 24.54 24.54 | 29.00 | 133.83 | 30.11 | 36.80! 307.82; 129.37 | 80.11 | 152.79 763.96 4.46 1 127.45 | 223.03 | 311.62 | 230.80 13.21 15.54 | 49.74 | 142.21; 20.20 | 31.08 | 264.22 | 127.55 | 38.86 | 157.75 526.10 3.11 152.25 | 253.75 | 286.58 | 241.81 8.96 14.93 | 47.76 | 197.03 | 26.87 | 32.84} 274.64) 124.34 | 56.72 | 203.00 653.77 2.99 131.84 | 216.60 | 295.70 | 231.66 20.72 20.72 | 45.20 | 131.84 | 22.60 | 28 25! 273.10] 139.38 | 22.60 | 146.91 497.237 1.88 102.16 | 206.70 | 351.63 | 220.96 7.13 9.50 | 57.02 | 111.67] 11.88 | 33.26) 244.71} 137.80 | 45.14 | 135.42 460.92 4.75 176.46 | 405.30 | 349.81 | 338.58 13 72 26.81 | 34.92 | 134.06 | 33.05 : 29.31 | 452.93 |} 145.29 | 21.82 | 197.04 770.07 165.80 | 339.25 | 288.24 | 326.50 5.10 35.71 | 20.41 | 107.13 | 51.02 | 22.96 | 300.99 ; 124.99 | 22.96 | 160.70 683.60 | .- 203.65 | 501.44 | 330.45 | 361.19 17.29 23.05 | 38.42 | 126.80 | 21.13 | 30.74! 408.46 | 167.15 | 21.13 | 219.02 843.42 |. 137.42 | 330.55 | 389.97 | 297.12 14.86 26.00 | 35.28 | 148.56 | 35.28 | 39.00 | 326.83 | 122.56 ' 24.14 | 181.99 675.95 248.85 | 510.81 | 432.22 | 438.77 19.65 19.65 | 58.94 | 176.82! 19.65; 6.55! 406.02! 203.01 13.10 | 268.50 | 1,074.00 160.52 | 284.39 | 289.45 | 264.80 21.49 23.38 | 36.02 | 125.76 | 20.86 | 30.34 255.95 | 128.29 , 22.12 | 194.02 644.62 250.16 | 371.76 | 243.21 | 337.02 13.90 24.32 | 20.85 | 114.65 | 17.37 | 34.74 ; 305.75 | 170.25 . 13.90 | 204.99 799.11 |.....-- 125.11 | 250.21 | 309.08 | 272.29 18.40 33.12 | 42.32 | 99.35} 31.28 | 33.12; 263.09) 160.06 | 34.96 | 182.14 570,34 3.68 151.81 | 275.65 | 292.96 | 231.70 26.63 15.98 | 37.29 | 149.14, 14.65 | 26.63 ; 231.70 89.22 | 15.98 | 198.41 639 18 3.99 172.63 | 399.59 | 312.90 | 312.53 19.35 29.39 | 49.11] 115.71 | 19.72 | 39.44] 295.41 92.64 | 25.30 | 239.23 728.12 3.72 115.74 | 225.39 | 234.53 | 207.12 9.14 12.18 | 39.60 | 115.741 15.23 | 15.23 | 228.44 91.37 | 24.37 | 185.79 511.70 6.09 197.42 | 453.39 | 329.49 | 287.29 17.70 29.95 | 51.74 | 118.45 | 34.04 | 35.40 | 268.22 85. 78 | 17.70 | 245.08 T4A7T.AD 4.08 171.73 | 422.73 | 343.47 | 375.89 21.62 38.43 | 55.24 | 132.10] 16.81] 48.04] 320.65, 84.07 | 30.02 | 297.83 849.07 2.40 174.18 | 397.58 | 297.87 | 313.01 22.72 26.51 | 44.18) 95.92! 11.36 | 44.18] 321.85! 108.54 | 27.77 | 194.37 672.72 3.79 202.83 | 318.41 | 263.50 | 237.37 13.29 31.89 | 47.38 | 112.48 | 22.59 | 33.21) 259.51] 111.60! 19.49 | 184.23 650.99 2.21 216.00 | 337.50 | 277.71 | 285.43 13.50 23.14 | 40.50 | 104.14] 19.29 | 36.64] 275.78 | 129.21 ' 32.79 | 196.71 599.78 1.93 184.32 | 221.72 | 248.44 | 208.37 13.36 53.43 | 50.76 | 112.20 | 24.04 16.03] 293.85 74.80 | 16.03 | 157.61 510.23 2.67 230.69 | 495.42 | 312.00 , 272.29 17.02 32.15 | 43.49 | 180.47 | 32.15 | 47.27) 266.62 | 145.60 | 17.02 | 213.68 951.14 |.-..--- 188.33 | 235.76 | 228.79 | 199.49 12.56 30.69 | 54.41] 115.79 | 19.53 | 32.09 | 238.55 89.28 | 13.95 | 167.41 545.47 4.19 143.84 | 230.15 | 124.66 201.38 |.......-.}.-..---. 28.77 | 57.54 9.59 | 9.59 | 182.20} 105.49] 9.59 | 124.66 479.48 |..----- 326.80 | 392.16)1045.75 » 130.72 |..-..---. 65.36 |130.72 |...--.-]....--- 65.36 | 130.72 | 326.80 | 65.36 | 588.24 | 1,568.63 |.-.-.-- 179.46 | 357.35 | 264.96 | 231.76 16.91 20.98 | 29.75 | 267.46 82.68 | 17.23 | 197.62 278.93 | 457.45 | 428.44 | 348.11 44.63 33.47 | 31.24 | 406.12] 145.04 | 22.31 | 283.39 183.15 | 530.17 | 240.99 | 318.10 9.64 9.64 | 38.56 | 308.46 | 134.95 , 48.20 | 279.55 267.48 | 493.34 | 380.41 | 368.52 41.61 41.61 47,55 | 309.08] 101.05 ].....- 249.64 249.20 | 529.54 | 323.61 | 271.69 20.77 22.50 | 31.15 | 332.26 79.60 | 15.57 | 245.73 157.23 | 350.75 | 288.55 | 229.80 8.64 17.28 | 29. 37 | 259.17 84.66 | 20.73 | 193.52 149.22 , 201.12 | 181.65 | 197.87 9.73 19.46 | 51,90 210.85 G4.88 | 22.71 | 136.24 93.63 | 205.99 | 153.56 | 108.61 7.49 11.24 , , 98} 176.03 63.67 | 14.98 | 127.34 98.40 , 132.33 | 128.94 | 115.36 6.79 1697 13.571 128.94 50.90 | 28.75; 95.01 44.40 | 140.62} 96.21] 59.21 ]......... » 22.201 14.80 | 140.62 4440 ]...... 1125.81 138.22 | 366.44 | 202.51 | 215.36 6.43 12.86 25.72 | 247.51 48.22 | 3.21 | 186.44 613.95 6.43 | 122.18 | 244.35 | 289.23 | 208.45 10.47 3.6 i 95 | 27.93 | 247.84 103.72 | 22.94 | 177.53 525.60 2.99 119.46 | 218.32 | 282.17 fe 8.24 2.6 3 Bi | 2 66 | 37.07 | 275.99 | 131.82 | 22.66 ' 156.53 624.07 4.12 73.88 | 134.50 | 229.22 | 155.34 9.47 3. 3. 9.47 | 30.31 | 185.65! 115.56 | 37.89 : 104,19 344.78 3.79 149.21 | 315.55 | 824.62 | 234.90 12.10 35.29 | 31.25.1114.93 | 22.18! 22,18 | 267.16 83.68 | 15.12 ' 226.83 573.63 2.02 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 253 TaBLE 85.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. 1 -_ | Gime | Heat} ua Dis ag Dipb- | Diar. an- | Heart] birth | nis | eases | Dis- WARDS AND Scar-: Ty- | Ma- Ps Con- Whoop-| cer dis- and s eases 3 All SANITARY al a let | hoid|larial are heal sump- ane n Measles. | ing and | ease | pucr- eet ae of the Old ‘Stl other |, Une pistricts. | © * |ifever.|fever.ifever.| A" | aagoa, | tion. i jcough. | tu. and | peral [15.5 TV" lurinary| 2S& | PTY. | causes, |M20W2- FOUp.:easel at | mor. |dropsy.| dis- E: . te organs. | { ; eages. y g alae | | | = -| 2,028.82 || 22.77 | 19.32 | 32.43 | 112.48 | 151.82 | 249.12 | 161.48 6.21; 14.49 | 58.66 | 131.80 17.94 | 35.19 | 227.03 | 119.38 2,457.71 .| 31.51 | 18.24 | 34.83 | 184.08 | 218.91 | 315.09 | 207.30 11.61! 16.58 | 49.75 | 117.74] 19.90; 41.46 | 255.39| 142.62 1,557.56 | 18.77 | 34.85 | 40.21| 58.98] 75.06 | 142.08 | 120.64 2.68, 10.72 | 72.38 | 131.36] 21.45 | 34.85] 195.70] 104.55 1,853.73 | 14.80 | 8.45 | 23.25 | 63.41 | 126.82 | 249.42 | 135.28 2.11 i 14.8 | 59.18 | 150.07 12.68 | 27.48 | 215.60] 101.46 2,465.67 | 30.45 | 20.17 | 35.40 | 166.33 | 291.18 | 280.52 | 202.87 13.70 25.88 | 48.34 | 136.64} 23.22 | 31.21} 259.96 85.26 --| 2,509.27 | 30.58 ! 15.29 | 15.29 | 158.62 | 330.62 | 286.66 | 227.42 26.76; 28.67 | 34.40 | 108.93 | 19.11 | 28.67; 258.00 78.35 -} 2,864.27 | 14.24 , 31.33 | 39.88 | 148.12 | 213.64 | 259.21 | 185.15 8.55 28.49 | 39.88 | 219.34] 22.79 | 31.33; 316.19 79.76 2,979.39 || 28.13 | 16.62 | 30.69 | 241.68 | 895.12 | 364.43 | 218.66 16.62 31.97 | 60.10 | 126.59 | 29.41 | 30.69 | 274.92 94.62 1,703.45 |} 28.70 | 26.09 | 46.96 | 96.52 | 127.82 | 177.39 ; 161.74 5.22 | 7.83 | 49.56 | 133.04) 18.26 | 23.481 224.34 75.65 2,300.96 || 44.25 | 18.72 | 49.35 | 129.34 | 270.60 | 243.37 | 197.42 6.81 | 25.53 | 49.35 | 127.64 | 22.12 | 39.14 | 231.46 88.50 I 2,003.17 || 37.82 , 14.23 | 24.40 | 160.63 | 194.79 | 209.02 | 154.12 17.08 19.52 | 42.29! 99.63] 19.11 | 26.84, 235.45 81.7 -| 1,480.29 || 15.92 , 18.81! 18.81] 96.95 ! 123.00 | 160.62 | 109.97 15.92 \ 13.02 | 39.07 | 72.35) 14.47 | 23.15 | 198.24 63.67 -| 1,481.94 || 20.49 17.07 | 17.07 | 126.34 | 122.93 | 198.05 112.68 6.83 18.66 | 27.32] 95.61] 10.24'15.66, 157.07 68.29 -| 1,722.05 || 23.27 27.93 | 9.31 | 125.66 | 134.97 | 139.63 121.01 9.31 | 9.31 | 69.81] 83.78] 18.62 . 32.58 200.13 88.43 -| 2,037.11 41.27 | 9.90 | 28.06 | 181.59 | 216.26 | 214.61 143.62 14.86 21.46 | 37.97 | 120.51 | 21.46 37.97! 221.21 75.94 «| 3,328.69 || 74.19 38.71 | 46.45 | 270.94 | 278.68 | 294.16 216.75 46.45, 15.48 | 92.89 | 201.27] 15.48 , 23.22, 301.90 131.60 2,731.46 |] 74.23 |... 2. - 32.36 | 226.51 | 308.36 | 279.81 245.55 22.84; 34.26 | 36.171 95.17] 28.55 ; 24.74 342.62) 104.69 1,774.82 |) 22.50 , 41.49 | 52.35 | 93.52 | 113.91 | 211.66 150.48 10.55 16.88 | 46.41 i 135.71 | 15.47 | 32.35 | 196.89 97.74 -| 1,959.39 || 15.12 : 28.08 | 38.89 | 95.05 | 157.70 | 207.39 164.18 17.28 | 19.44 | 66.97 | 166.34 | 12.96 | 34.56, 207.39] 118.82 1,684.95 || 37.01 69.66 | 28.30| 89.25 | 82.72] 213.34 145.86 8.71 6.53 | 37.01 | 102.32 | 17.42 | 30.48| 182.86] 100.14 1,686.47 |: 16.00 | 28.01 | 30.01 | 96.03 ' 102.03 | 214.06 142.04 6.00 24.01 | 36.01 | 138.04 | 16.00 | 32.01 | 200.06 76.02 1,970.07 :| 40.97 , 25.30 | 26.51 | 104.83 239.78 | 209.66 | 163.87 | 6.02 | 19.28 54.22 | 107 24 6.02 | 44.58 | 195.20 80.73 .| 1,568.89 |] 28.42 34.11 | 11.37] 34.11 79.58 | 221.69) 85.27 -.....-..) 5.68 | 85.27 | 85.27 5.68 | 34.11 | 193.27] 136.43 2,167.12 || 42.30 : 16.27 | 35.79 | 126.90 341 66 | 188.73 | 208.25 , 6.51 | 26.03 52.06 | 152.94 |...-.--. 58.57 | 172.46 61.82 2,884.62 || 87.41 | 48.56 | 29.14 | 145.69 359.36 | 291.38 | 252.53 | 19.43 | 19.43 77.70 | 87.41 9.71 | 48.56 | 281.66] 126.26 1,020.65 |] 12.01 | 24.02 | 12.01 | 84.05 144.09 | 132.08 | 96.06 ..-...... i 24.02 12.01] 36.02)......- 12.01! 120.08 60.04 -| 1,938.42 |] 37.40 | 18.70 | 31.16 | 124.66 193.22 | 224.38 | 143.36 , 6.23 18.70 | 31.16 | 93.49} 18.70 | 43.63 | 224.38 37.40 ' : 2,081.77 || 32.78 ; 23.62 | 30.85 | 133.51 231.36 | 230.88 | 189.91 12.05 19.76 48.20 | 108.45] 18.32 | 28.44 | 216.42 83.87 -; 2,350.91 || 34.20 ' 35.90 | 39.32 | 152.17 241.08 | 249.62 | 237.66 11.97, 23.94 61.55 | 124.81} 13.68 | 27.36] 242.78] 104.29 -| 1,728.25 || 39.73 | 27.31 | 17.38 | 106.77 188.72 | 176.30 | 156.44 | 4.97 | 7.45 49.66 | 104.29] 14.90 | 32.28) 166.37 69.53 -| 2,063.08 || 26.60 | 19.35 © 45.95 | 147.54 229.77 | 237.02 | 154.79 | 16.93! 16.93 38.70 | 101.58 21.77 | 38.70 | 261.21 79.81 -| 2,398.35 || 40.60 | 8.12 27.07 | 159.71 308.59 | 822.13 | 227.38 | 21.66; 16.24 48.73 | 108.28 | 29.78 | 24.36 | 235.50 81.21 1,673.24 | 19.72 | 19.72 16.44 | 82.18 177.51 | 147.93 | 144.64 3.29 36.16 ‘ 32.87 | 92.04] 13.15] 16.44] 147.93 72.32 1 4 : Ward 26...... 2,177.29 || 37.72 | 21.35 54.09 | 127.41 239.86 | 230.61 | 150.89 | 13.52 | 30.61! 40.57 | 82.56) 19.22) 34.88; 218.51 73.31 Dnlocated....|.........|]...---|------ ei nia awapebacciieseeitinia | asioreasets | eis eisai Gpeicreteaeie fare ch hint panics esac ait ea sinialesSeeietel ierarsiaisnae 1 254 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Allages. Under3| 3 to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 || Total | Cnders| 5 to 15 |15 to 25/25 to 65) Over 65 |, Ue 1 Grand total .......222-2.c020eeeeeeeeees 250, 359 | 44,156 | 13,750 | 11,549| 9,567 || 79,022 | 117,993] 10,476 | 14,509] 84,975 | 22,200! 206 2 Malesia Go /ccesetedotenccuetenarea. 134,233 || 24,956 | 7.484] 6,062] 5,020 || 43,522 | 63,791] 5,317| 7,336] 47,556 | 10,094] 139 3 116,126 |} 19,200 | 6,266 | 5,487] 4,547 || 35,500) 54,202 | 5,159) 7,173 | 37,419 | 12,106 67 4 245,567 || 43,337! 13,500] 11,360| 9,425}! 77,622 |) 116,126 | 10,313 | 14,100 82, 982 | 21, 851 195 5 Native born.........2202.-0e0eeee02202 160,097 || 42,309 | 12,779 | 10,748! 8,940 | 74,771 || 110,694] 8,921] 9,198 | 25,944] 5,285 35 i ; M..| 24,432 |] 6,209; 1,786] 1,358; 1,060 || 10,413 |] 15,320} 1,208 g60| 5,190} 1,845 9 . Both parents native -........ iF “} onaor || 757) 1471 | 11981! to20 || “g'538 || i2'953) 1171 gai! 4/011) 2,197 8 : M..; 57,303 || 16,184] 4,780] 4,067} 3,497 |; 28,528 || 41,898, 3,446! 3,612] 8,159 368 20 t Oneor both parents foreign..$""| {9'971 || iz206| 3.984 | 31619 31060 | 32/959 | a5v4is| sites] 31533 | 61629 511 1B : M..| 42,988 31 61 93 108 293 || 1,297 704 | 2,384 | 31,056! 7,524 23 8 Foreign born § F 38, 382 26 51 73 91 241 1,074 660 | 2,469] 23,163 | 8,990 26 9 Colored ..... 2.2.00 2eeeeeeccececeeeeec senses 4,792 819 250 189 142 || 1,400 |] 1,867 163 409: 1,993 349 u Birthplaces of mothers: : nea te M..| 33,768 || 8.885 | 2.568) 1,969] 1,544 || 14,966] 22,087! 1,773] 1,252| 6,570! 2,068 18 10 United States.....--...--.------- ie Ti! a0'565 |] 6.894} 2.115, 1,902] 1,502 ]/ i943 |’ igisey} 3.731] 1.998] 5,259!| 2505 13 { : M..| 4,474 671 185 160 142 || 1,158 || 1,719 153 219! 1,810! 572. 1 at, England and Wales......-...---- 5 Fo! 3/847 523 183 131 127 963 | 1,467 180 199: 1436! © 564 1 i Faia M..} 35,721 || 3,905 | 1, 166 gig! att || 6,931 |) 10,519] 1,312! 2.750] 17,880! 3,243 7 aistedipaaiatieaerasiaeseees F..! 36,654 || 3,037 944 857; 697 |, 5,535 |] 9,152] 1.311! 2933] 18,ueL} 5.179 18 ; i : M..| 1.542 190 51 46 | 431 3301. 486 58 | 80 716 202 |.-...--- is Sequland.cesnecnenateceserantcses SF) 1300 (4 ns 408 19’ 86 508 239 foo... 1 k | i ' M..1 1,240 |) 167 48 37 2779 388 37! 52 596 166 1 M4 Erances: 22 ssncats+sintentes tants ty) “eas | iss 9! 39! 2255 349 ss re eee i ' 1, | s ereee M../ 30,378 |) 4,731} 1.582; 1,240, 975° gse8 1 12,407! 1,177! 1,731] 12.312; 2,742 9 7 German yaciiioteviessesienastnls SP 23,432 || 3,534] 1,312 1.121; 878 6,815) 10,436 | 1114; 1,591 | 7,798 2,484 9 os a..| 3,863 |! 1,109 229 | 235 267 | 1,840 || 2,676 162 182 684 158 1 16 Russia and Poland. <2 .sccce322% Po) soos ; 774 165 165 238 |, 11342 || 2) 068 137 183 428 i 1 | ; M.. 737 122 40 47 25" 934 354 39 53 259 30 2 7 Canadas. cosine sndsccrsecrettotthe YF GB 89 32 2 34 | 182 312 | 49 39 201 ae eneret I : com 6M... 990 145 58 44 46; 293 fi 452 37 61} 409 31 ckeeee 18 Seandinavad, 2. csccnensinress ches VFL 736 148 46 87 45] 296 | 441 29 55; 180 20 i | \ M.., 1,076 290 69 | 81 Tif Bi 177 46 43; 178! So lhe geno 19 FLUN ary =< acim nasi secina nities =a 5 K.| "920 203 74 j 83 63 4293) 641 31 60! 152 16. |oicences 1] s M..| 1,603 374 155 138 105) = -772.)—«1,092 56 47 345 62 1 20 Bohemia ...----------------+0000+ Se] 1295 270 120 uw sol 57k) B6E 40 a] 264 64 1 Ital M..| 6,233 1,454 379 482 460 || 2,775 | 4, 446 241 264 1,158 | 119 5 21 OY. cased satntor nce neat essesees= F..| 4,829 1, 098 312 412 358 || 2, 180 i 3,711 199 231 591 | 94 3 : 5 M..| 4,303 908 255 221 191) 1,573) 2.200 131 233] 1493) 244 2 22 Other foreign countries. .-..--.-- ; F..| 3,064 669 214 136 176] 1195 | 1724 146 218 71) 222 3 : | pac M..| 8,305 2,005 699 446 280 3.430 | 4,188 95 369 | 3, 146 425 82 23 Unknown go24ccnnensieseesacan: iP “| 6,010} 1,675 651 416 291 | 8,033 | 3.809 85 26] 1,423 439 7 2a enim ashe = DP rinieecceninnis (reese =~ gl a | | =| 3 eee oo ; H 98 | Ward! bisccceceesecsedan scmintincsonedantioawssansa| 3, 320 449 132 118 112 BIL} 1.273 133 234] 1, 458 209 12 25 Males « .----+-+--+2002- 22 0e er ere ecee 1, 928 236 66 ar 56 425 | O17 7 135 928 ! 104 13 26 sore esceeocesee 4,392 213 66 a1 56 386 | 596 | 62 | 99 530 105 |......-- 27 WI UtG2s 22s na ceseseaerserceeste: senescence ; 3,259 47 me 118 uo! sur} 268, 93, a3] 4s) 207 g 8 Sativeivoniiecsseus:escedesearepealees ‘1.843 go} 12603 99) 777 tee 0) | LL ‘ M.. 268 58 19, 13 18 10s | 464 10 10 68 G\oseesn 29 Both parents native ---..--.- f PF. 197 47 1 a 15 91 | ito ay 5 us Se i 1 f ‘ } site, ENE 721 157 43 30 28 | 278 | 464 54 G3! 138 2 30 Onc or both parents foreign.. VF 587 151 47 31 35 | 264 45 1 60 a1... 2 M.. 809 | 5 3 3 7 18 23 6 52 G45 Sllisseased 31 Foreign born -.+-++++++---+++-2+- ; Fo. 587 2 2 2 3 9 | 18 : 31 433 | 9g |.22 2222! si a heehee asks Santon aed at 9 Naeger ae eae ales a +)! Bh gcaeGalses 1 13 Bi iactecad irtliplaces of mothers: | i obs me gM.. 315 | 7 26 20 23 | 141 jj 218 20 1 33 United States LF. 248 | a 19 18 a 123 i 197 21 3 M.. a | a i ‘ - 34 England and Wales.....----.+-+- it 3 oe a : a 2 18 19 2 4 Mo} 869! a 15 21) 16 3 || ato 36 78 35 | Ireland ...-------++0+2reeere rr in a 796 67 | Ww 19 21 126 |! 219 27 2 ; GML: 343 51 | 1b 23 9 98 |) 134 20 36 Germany -2-0-2-2eserscerteees es F.. 198 43 | 16 10 | 5 74/100 7 14 ee eer 6M. 35 Vis vestcceuds Basecs 1 2 5 io 1 37 Scandinavia .-..-.------------+-- VE... 1t4 Qe 1 1 1 3 6 Dl secshgyarisers MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 255 COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, = CAUSE OF DEATH. ! | i | i ; % ‘ i | \ : ! Can- | Heart Child- ; Dis- | pis ; | i ' : Diar- ; birth | Dis-' cases a ! | All | | sear. Ty.) Ma- Diph- rheal | © | Pneu- Whoop-| cer | dis- [ang pu-feases! of the | ©@8°S gid | Stall- All Un- | causes. let _|phoid |larial} jtheria. Croup. dis- |S"™P-) monia Measles.|_ ing aud | ease erperal/ofthe. nerv- so. age. | born other known.! ||fever.' lever. fever.| eri papas tion. 2 cough.| tu- | and is. |liver.' ons jurivary: a * |causes. | | | ! . mor. dropsy-) gases. system.| C'Eans- : ; ) | | | ae cs pee ee oe oe | Wels host | 250, 359 1/4, 367 2 031 |2, 060 ho, 134 | 5,065 26,514 |32, 781 | 24,090 | 3,822 | 2,820 {5,067 11,568 | 2, 236 |2, 764 | 20, ost 14.537 1.789 18, 862 | 59,522 83 1 | ! = deat oh = be ee ee 184, 233 2, 180 ‘1, 208 oos | 5,103 | 2,679 113,774 118,408 | 13,441 | 1,966 | 1,267 [1,678 | 5,903 |..-2..../1,535 | 11,061 8,031 620 ‘10, 809 | 33,526 40 2 116, 126 1.2, 187: "823 /1, 056 615) ual 2! 386 112'740 14,373 | 10,649} 1,856 | 1,553 [3,389 | 5,665 | 2,236 |1,229} 9,186 6,506 1,169 ' 8.053 | 25,996 43° 3 i d ! ' 245, 567 th 351 2,005 (2,023 ji. 088 | 5,046 26,163 /31, 666 | 23,623 3,800 | 2,763 5,002 111,297 | 2.202 |. 746 | 19,901 14,138 1,740 ;18, 429 | 58, 455 m4 360,097 1/3, 972 , 910 j1, 259 9,211 | 4,677 (22,307 [14,433 | 13,867! 3,369 | 2,617 11,356 | 4.358 siz | 83 12.807 5,132. 377 118, 429 39, 181 485 i 1 | | ' . o4,432 | 585 159! 2161 1.2969! 590! 2.706} 1,798 | 2.078 386 352 | 201! 973 ]....... 194 | 2.346 1,939, 78 2,560 6,694 8 6 21,101 | 555! 99} 226 1,261 | 536 | 2.499 | 1,484] 1,761 376 | 401 | 550 | 823 20 136 | 1,955 766° 187 1,902 5,357 7 ‘ 1 4 ' { 57,303 11,370 ; 339 | 399 | 3.247) 1,870 | 8.505 | 5.553 | 5,245 | 1,250 797 | 148 | 1,156 |.--...-. , 271 | 1,481. 18 7,809 18.935 | Bl, 49,271 11,405 | 271} 400 | 3,237! 1,635 | 7,593 | 4,792 | 4,218) 1,171 1,015! 372) 1.180 589 183 | 1.314 41 «5,420 10. 766 | 16 § | Z | ' | 42.988 || 177 665 | 350 307 149 | 1,430 | 9,802 | 5,261 123 97 |1,277 | 3,460 |........ (1, 023 | 3.744 4,82, 491 Lee 9.860 | ie, 38,382 || 172 425 | 410 307 152 | 1,682 | 7,298 | 3,928 97 31 [2,356 | 3,422 nae $82) 3.196 4.106 | 869...) 7.689 1315 4,792 16° 96] 37 46 19} 351 | 1.115 467 29 a7} 65.271 34°18! B46 349) 49-4331, 067 4, 9 . 33,768 || $31 204] 278 | 1,857 854 | 3.922 | 2.610 | 2,905 561 501 | 231: 1.224 |........ 235 | 3,066 1.546 | G8 3,768 9,036 1 yo 29,565 || 800 157 | 308 | 1,831 765 | 3,639 | 2.188 | 2,501 509 603 | 653 1,095 309) 155 2,592 1.050! 224 2.819 7,374 ey 4,474] 74; 59} 81) 148 71); 373] 559 461 60 Bo] B34] 255 Jee scree. 48 386 379-285) 1! 1,137 4 lay 3, 847 92! 28) 56! 161 63} 351] 411 348 60 46 | 164; 238 69| 52 338 24 49 O84 | 44 21¢ : ' ! i i 35,721 || 460} 299 | 329] 988 450: 2,551 | 7,335] 4,135 324 283 | 4121 1,714 |.-...... 510. -2,608 «= 2.857286 «1,759 | 8, 464 | 7 1240 36,654 || 453} 270 | 386 | 978 417 | 2,740 | 7,042 | 3,524 339 344 [1,133 | 2,289 682; 662 2,790 3,209 573° 1,243 ° 7,570 lw 9) 1,542] 29! 19] 13 33 20} 110) 235 162 23 8: 24 O41 | caved | 28 ws! 187,10 Ti ORT edo ds 1,290 || 19 7] 16 44 14: 108} 174 116 12 | Gi 51 89 351 9 134 | 91 3 Bi. DIB pace 5 ! i i : 1, 240 3] ul] u 43 10! 105; 205 104 6 51 6 i 31, 110 95 9, 4 923 |) 8 6| 13 27 15 97 97 64 8 4| 57 14 | 93 4 Wi 65! ' 1 ' 30,378 | 454 | 372] 202 | 1,138 623 | 3,321 | 4,587 | 2,790 275 199 | 618 477! 2.563 1,940 149 | 2,179 | 23,432 | 471 | 249] 191 | 1,137 543 | 2,918 | 2,704 | 1,958 265 273 | 959 M1) 181d 1,204 174 | 1, 662 , 3,863 |) 83] 26] 15: 172 148° 476 | 301 453 73 33] 62 18317 1218! 541 2.928 |i 96] 16 3/149 129| 418) 148 325 49 33) 49 8 221 99 12 390 i | ; ; 737 20} 10 6 44 2: 95| 103 49 | 1) 6; 4, a 39 45. SecSen » BF ij 643 25 5 9° 41 16: 76 80 61 10 9; 21 54 43 25 1* 304 990 15| 20} 47 40 1s‘ 138] 162 90 | 7 9 8 | 9) 73 53 lL 55. 726 || wo; 12 5 34 19 «104 99 64 | 16 wi 12) 3) 30 25 2) 60 1,076 |} 23 5 1 63 46-143 75 140 30 gj} ol 17 33 26 2 | 106 920 || 27 6 3 37 37; 49 63 109 24 wi} ou 2! 8s 20 1 69 1. 603 15 7} ou 22 46 271, 173 123 21 20) 23 ll; M3 61 9, 19 ; 1, 295 19 5 6 7 44-939! 159 110 29 16} 23 9 81 42 5! 13! 5 ! ‘ 6, 233 53] s7| 42] 178 217-737] 428 876 329 521 33! 47; 460/136 4, 685: 4,829 || 54! 25] 24] 193 188 597} 305 553 204 73 | 45 15, 351 94 7 | 516 | 1 1 4.303 65; 51] 28] 140 102 | 513 | 701 418 33 29| 48 351i 330 180 426 ! 3,064 || 53; 31] 19] 137 81} 443) 299 293 41 31; 99 94) 245 1250 2T | BOL | 1 1 . | : 8,305 || 45! 68 | 30) 162 72/1,029; 904 735 | 183 68} 63 | sii gis! 43a 33.) Ga | 6,010 50; 26] 15 | 191 53 | 841! GIL 623 | 207 76 112 | 320-346 26 OT 503 | SNe 2 ee i ee eet ——) | | : ; =| 3, 320 70} 25] 37} 101 49) 2959 | 494 336 | 48 34° 51 ie ai 203 «19 | 174 | ae yet ' Epa sel pues se ae 1, 928 37 15 22 58 27! 132 300 210 | a7 lt | 18 29! 120 116 7 90 | 613 25 1,392 | 33! ao] 15 43 22) 127] 194 126 | 21 20; 33 18 | 97 a BR at! 366 26 | i . ‘ 3,209 || 70! 25] 37] 101 49 258) 490 331 | 48 | 34, OL, 47 217 42, 191 172 | 078-2 ease 27 site eA NTN aot SB Ey pated. es seston ire pen ees 8 Op eee st we es 1, 843 65 5] 16 96; 47) 209 | 181 165 | 46 yo 10 121 66 1, G2? SA ees 28 | { ; : ‘ 5; ! : 268 41. |eeeeed|seeeci: Lb 6 8 13 21 j 4° BP ivccage 3 19 1B Sen fetes 00 sag ssene t 177] 10 fe... 41 31 1G» 8 12 3 6| 2 15 BP eect | ied Meg iS §29 ' : ; i : i ' i 721 24 2 9 49: 20} 76 80 72 | 9 | Oe Bi. Aer ueece b 8 42 Mies | 58 916) bec 587 |} 20; 3] 3) 37 iS} 86) G7 32 | MW 4 | es haat a] 3 a8 i hf OOS ee {30 1 i | ' 809 2 13 13: 3 13 24! 192 107 | Sitee ieieeteas | 15. SMa neces Ya 52 7 ee an QT co nats d3 587 $1 elo’ 2 | rt 33! ! 116 | 30: 4k | i ee au eed fn Baers go ' ' f 91 || veseee| wazege| Seeues | 1 4 1 : 345 15 |.--- 12 314 G6: 38; 16 4 248 {15 |...... 4) 30] 6; 3B: 1B 2 3 7 uy Oy a Sillscaets 1 4 8 bj 6 39 3 1 3, Bib ccnaccd it 1 : ie 2) 2 860 13 5; oR 29° 4) 42) 180 94 | ML 2 Sus 1m fl 796 12 5 ia Woy ole 55 149 76: 10 | 10°) 20; 39 13 66 343 7 4 6) 3 6 31 48 46° 5 i 3 6; Bb 9 ri 198 3 jit eee 5 59 19 Ww 3) ae Cd 8 a 8 35 1 1 i Bae 3 11 | at 52 1 2 1 17 lessens i 2 dates 2 3 1 1 1D Gere eked 256 TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY VITAL STATISTICS. » ao wh 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 |. 22 25 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | Months. Years BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. \ 2 gat - All ages. | | : | | ta Under 8! 8t06 | Gto9 |9to12 | THAL,! Cnderd 5 to 15 /15 to 25 25 to65 | Over G3 avin, tt ; \| ' 7 asd | i ! \ \ Ward 1—Continued. : | : i z Sanitary district A-.........-.-2----2---+-- 2, 626 387 lod | 95 97 | 683 || 1, 073 100 186 1,117 143 7 i \ - = | Males 1, 492 202 55 56 50 |j 363 | 579 \ * 62 107 681 66 qT Females 1.134 185 | 49 39 47 320 | 494 | 48 79 436 Tt \ecaese's: | | W hitencisisccceonieparecoleuatsiesuea: 2, 621 387 | 104 95 95 681 | 1,071 100 1s6' 1,115 142 7 Native born.......222--20022-.20005 4,461} 382 99 ou 86 637 | 1,031 91 113 218 8 | cases 3 i M.. 178 46 12 10 16 84 121 5 5 36 Beaver Both parents native....-- j P. 12 39 ll 8 2 70 104 q 3 7 DD heeeoew One or both parents for- {eo 605 141 39 42 25 247 416 43 49 eign. Be BOL 136 35 26 30 227 358 34 | 49 ; M. 638 4 3 3 6 16 23 3 45 Forelput orm is92-: ots { F.. 486 1 1 2 3 7 16 6 24 Colorédsscesaccsd ndacascacsesease ecard Sil eee oe tnt Coase meets 2 2. Dalley atte cteisapseiaie a} PT gocadsee Birthplaces of mothers: M | : i - 227 59 19 15 21 114 | 167 12 6 : ‘United States scsnswieset ir 679 |, 59 13 16 20 108 193 21 | 61 zis 295 46 id 20 8 19 5 16 Germany sgaeaes Sepa = sis: o- 163 | 40 12 9 4 65 89 G| 10 Scandinavia...-.-...--------- SP ie d i seteieiiee tee H 1 4 i 1 Sanitary district B..-...-.---.----------+-- 638 57 23 23 13 116 180 27 46 321 61 3 Males 359 30 9 lL 5 55 86 16 26 234 34 3 Females 239 27 lt 12 8 61 94 ll 20 7 OF leweecaes White ...22..ceccceeecees-stecsteceas 622 55 23 23 13 lid 177 27 45 310 60 3 Native born ....-.-..--------------- 344 | 53 22 23 1 109 172 24 32 98 AG ss ieSocis Both parents native...... f Me: Be | u ° 3 ‘ a 7 - ‘ 2 y sguMosied Gi) pee) ER ON I ed) oe ee, | ey One or both parents for- {ee 111 14 4 | 8 3 29 44 10 14 f 42 Del sisicnereeaet eign. Fe: 73 | 15 9 5 4 33 50 6 lL AD eseceincar|cocissarass ar m..| 160 | di? see ans 1 2 2 2 6 131 19 Jo... Foreign born..-...-----++---- f Fee 101 1 Ti eec gece died coset 2 2 1 7 68 8 ocscwes Colored. 16 2) |posvexees| wovesdeed|heenngesd ! 2 Bell sia tcraenardior 1 11 De i ecteere aes Birthplaces of mothers: sp | | = 106 13 5 5 1 24 44 7 6 Upited: States -2ccaerceaerce {eo | 2B 5 6 4 27 49 5 2. Se ie 1 2 | twice 1) Le. evsisiaister aie 2 10 5 13 22 5 11 14 3 3 10 1 4 Dosw tearsec| owenbened | esrersmiars or | Sireemroanna 20 6 2 20 5 3 12 3 2 13 4 3 8 3 [basses vi Lt asoeetes | 20 6 2 20 5 3 Native born.... 19 5 1 12 ! Both parents native...... P $ : 1 : . One or both parents for- 4 Vi eedercprsent Gone eign. 7 1 ‘Poreign bortec-c2ssavsakincealgy Ah eee ee eee ee ee aN a ea ee eae 1 1 5 4 }..-.. eee Colored ....----0-2 eee eee ecccere eerste ee ceeteecee[ esses eseeleeece sees ects ee ceele eee eee eel cree ee ees | gcceaxal sep eandes| uemoextes|beaadexs «]eosaeosse|tencsins z | Birthplaces of mothecs: \ peaauene M.. 12 United States .....----------- j F.. 6 || me 8 Ireland .....----------------- § At a3 7 M..! 3 Germany .-----+--+----++5--- i} wie 2). ? F M.. is Seandinavia....------------+- j on 1 (M 2 Ltalyispensscantssreetetseesees UF etecesnt were exe NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 257 COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, CAUSE OF DEATH. iT : ‘ i | Diar- | i ! Scar-; Ty- | Ma- | 7, ‘on sence | let‘ phoid! larial ppb Croup. | Theal | stunp ; o jforers ever-|tever. ‘ eases. | tion | pH i , 2626) 59 | 26! 75 40 408 Pnen- “| monia. | Can. | Heart} GIN | pis. Whoop-| cer ~ land pu-|eases Measles.| ing | and | ease |¢ eral| ofthe cough.| tu- | and dis. liver mor. dropsy-| gases. : | 41 31] 35 | 104 23 a Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. 167 Dis- eases of the urinary| organs. other |) oie | | 258 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE $6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | AGE | . Months. | Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND = BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. | ce | ee eae a eS All ! ! | | i alta: . Biss oh osece 7 ! 3 to6 6to9 | 9tol2 donee Under 5: 5 to 15 415 to 25 | 25 to 65 | Over 65 oe At WAT ls occa h-tate ape cha ate ce ttn rc ie cepa Sia 4 7 216 40 1 2 Males 2 3 171 28 1 3 Females 2 4 45 12 |ecoseced 4 Wiles sce!oscissvenistslacscbdeeeseveeneye 4 7 214 38 1 5 Native born 4 7 TA FQ )| serciac sicie decratg rer) saterearerpcs 31 Wl secesecs 6 Both parents native pees 5 4 2 5 2 3 24 eM eie wirerenes 7 Oue or both parents foreign. . f EF 2 9 BF tetas elcwedcboe : M.. M12 Wigs cents es cm ante nw ilae Seer ete 90 DG: tos vege 8 Foreign born.--......--++-----+-+ {F = 45 | 33 Gilt os | : | 9 Clove diss xissic cis sawiee sane sale Carew Sagat cteseiat 10 | G |nccecinnedece sen eenile als siete ay i 5 6 | coccecealeweweaaion 2 i Birthplaces of mothers: : a5 10 United Statew. a. .c.-nsscerceces {Fo 4 9 bs aot England and Wales........-..--- ; at i BF |peaocece. 5 0 7 56 12 TERGA sco nckcncvepidiaweasuageie ir 3 : 7 3 38 B G : § M.. 53 3 3 6 4 4 OLIM ANY Lo Haase ony weceezsiiciesiess UF. 5 1 3 6 1 asia’ (M.. Le Tslapesscens Ws Scandinavia...--......-2--..----- LE. > 1h 3635 61 4 16 283 45 4 17 §2 16 feevexsect 18 364 61 4 19 129 20 i 20 Both parents native ...-..-.. f of a anes A —_ 5 31 21 One or both parents foreign -. 2 18 157 29 22 Foreign born ...-.--2------------ § on 2 23 COlOtC Oe erect canes shade eae moaceieins, : o E Ay esetats, die alhinarcicrei Sl Birthplaces of mothers: bs, “a 4 38 2 United States......22222..022222- § el } 25 England and Wales....--..-----. s ub Peceort of 4 92 5. 26 Tvelatdl oescssneersecsse aeesecice: ; om 13 rf . ; $ 35 6! 27 Germany ---------.-------------- ’ 12 i , 6 Ile 28 Scandinavia ...--..-------------- ; Tl secon OONe MWearil Binns ceteueoieavercee ete tare | 4,622 i 5 58 | i 26 22) 2,024 293 1 30 Males . | 312 96 92 94} 594 956 86 165; 1,198 ! 152 1 31 Females | i 272 83 97 Wi 526 : 870 70 157 826 ' MAT Hs gece sere 32 383 | 179 189 | 168 1,19: 1,824 156 33 580 178 | 18s | 163 ' 1,105") 1.779 138 ‘ ' i ' ' 1 ' 1 1 . 2 Af. 351 68° 30 | 20 Ws, 133 | 3 14 34 Both puirents native.......-.. ie : | 269 +5 | 27 | 7 i ‘ 140, | 9 ' i 1 | \ j \ : fe bt MM... 1,070 306 Ot | 68 Tt 435 | 676 | 6a 35 One ov both parents foreign. . ; EF. | 916 187 | 34 66 61 368 | 616 ee f a M.. 1, 028 Oe Visictersis aerd 2 3 Tt 26 12 36 Foreign born ....---------+------ ie * BIE Mleadcwcene lie cee 3 1 | 4 ; 1B 3 i i ‘ 37 Colored ..--- 2220+ ee eee e eee ee eee eee eee 2 J | rss Sis Sr Ses arene eS Pee erate na ] i 2 | Birthplaces of mothers: “5 fay ag | o i i Fre “i sis ‘ . M.. 2. 7 : 9 38 Wnited States: s2ieensatseesnaes tro] fas OL | 31 31 19 172 283 uM 15 0 2]. re 86 | 9 2 4 3 18 QE [esarescienéciciel 2 3 .- 39 England and Wales. .------------ f ue 63 9 2 | Bocce B | 35 3 7 26 21. §M.. 1,160 , t4 30 19 28 145 | 236 34 96 715 79 |. 40 Ireland ..--------++--2-ee0e-2--25 0B || 1103 66 21 7 16 120 OL 39 105 637 | 113 CMa 39 | 31 6 | 6 8 51 | 71 10 15 119 | al. 41 Germany. sopsameescsneascsiaaee VF..| 155; 19 3 10 8 40) 66 4 ul 61 | 13 | §M.. 239 | 82 13 27 36 158 | 258 21 12 39 | 9 42 Italy. -------+---2+-2+-+0eeseeree Fol 352i) G86 22 26 we} 23 7 8 21 | 3 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 259 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION Of COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | | | hi Child. | Dis- . ‘ : Can- | Heart * 2 Dis- Diar- 7 birth | Dis- | eases Scar-| Ty- | Ma- Con- ‘Whoop-| cer | dis- : eases . All eae let | phoid!larial Ph Croup. nheal sump- ener: Measles.| ing | and | ease ood ut eared ohne of the OM eels other aes ”* lifever.'tever.| fever. | eases. | ton. f cough.| tu- | and Me. ‘liver!’ ous * jarinary| “°* * | causes. i - mor. |dropsy. eases: ’ system. organs. am — 363 3 5 2 13 3 1 bl 39 3 1 3 27 2! 6 32 22 6 16 108 |.....-.. 1 261 | 9 102 3 | 353 176 i 694 peel 478 | 216 | 691 | 382 86 41 132 85 | 200 84 3 116 53 | 19 | ey 147! 93 94 36 oT 3 : ! : | s ' ' 1 4 ‘ ' 4,622|| 62> 20, 38} 135} 95) 383) 3B] 56a 70 Bo; 63; 197/85, 65 339) 383) 2B) BE) 1,172 | 3 | 29 ass pals Epes eins eee ees i ene 2,558) 28; Mm] 2 66 52} 205| 449! 339 34 te eee | 30 199 | 185 5) 13d, 6x1 1 | 30 2064 | 34); 9! 16 69 43' 178 | 269 224 36 18; 38) 70 35 | 35 wo! ug] 23) 319! 5a 21 31 4,97] 1; 20] 38) 5 95 | 382) 728) 538 70 30; 63 196' 35 65} 338; 333) 28] 252) 1,167! 31 32 : i i Ree ye ‘ a 2696') 54’ 8] Js! 128 89} 303) 318 296 63 29) 10 / 76; IL} ag 219; 108 1} 252! 696 3! 33 f : 331 f (pone 2 7 19 40 2 29 2) mi LG 42 * 300039, By 32 Th jeseens 2 | 100! cons acs i) ee si 34] 20 20 3 | ieee 8 27 9b so, BI. | ee Ea 1,070!) 16 4, 8{| 44: 31: 12, wo! 136 “7 8] Gi BO ence hi 8 eR aa S 99 260 | 12 916 || 24 wt o7 6/8 99 100 103 29 ny; 3! 19 81 5) Tt B64... go 2e7 | 35 ! i : ' 1, 028 3 fe Wh ow. 2 37 | 958 159 4 RP de. 8p enon. | wi} 7. M9: 4h. 242 | 834 3 5; 8 3] 4) M1} se 99 a Ped 35! 46 BM) 287i 46 | 3 | 215 | ‘ \ | ' ; | SBP Bgealecs aces Le W ehdeader i 3 10 Bill epree a | geea cand stale athe etree | pA : 2 | | f ! \ ' | : i 423 eons A a aly 91 a1! oF | 345 8 1} it 37 9 44 2 2, 3B} Bo, 2] 1... 4 lle al 18 1 | B 5 1 1 2 1 2) AR. Bieegete > eee BU rd ase 5 | 1, 160 8 3 9 18 10 66 273 131 87 1105 | 1 5 9 7 15 67; 200 91 (67 | 5 2 2 24 2 23) 40 Gi 33 4 or 8 6 | 6 15] . 19 2! 17 wll he 10! 16 45 21 4. 19 i a] wl ud 7 12 Sh a7 260 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. ears; BIRTHP1.ACES OF MOTHERS. AN = & ae —- 3 ages. . inde ace Un- = Under3| 3 to6 6to9 | 9to 12 ae Under 3| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25) 25 to 65 | Over 65 lesen Bos |-———-_-—- | ——— =| | Ward 4—Continued. ! / : 1 Sanitary district A...-..........2.....2-06- 1, 862 224 75 67 48 414 667 2 Males 1,017 | 113 38 31 27 209 340 3 Females 845 |! nil 37 36 21 205 327 4 Whites 204s Sat sos asekausedaseacesec 1,852 | 223 5 67 48 413 666 |. sien og Racha gt eases 5 Native born....-.....--.-.-2-.2+-+- 1,062 || 223 74 67 48 412 660 | - = 155 |: 36 12 9 6 63 108 6 Both parents native.--... § Fr. 115 37 11 10 4 62 94 7 One or both parents for. M.. 385 2 24 22 K 139 218 GCN scone dese aceeaseaes FE. 338 || 68 24 26 17 135 222: | i 4 3 Foreign born.......-.-------- f ue : au : t | 9 Colored... jieceineen's ccwcce cecenecicimeenne 10: Aol see tcacleawsicisec|emamenues 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: a 40 ff ie | ‘3 6 6 aae j a United States -.-..-.--------- § Fl] ous 43 4 B 8 7 ig. M.. 47 | sacasvaes 3 | 2 4 19 11 England and Wales .....----- ; F oy 29 8 i Bt ee 1 mw ue 502 32 1 Ti 7 57: 12 Treland....-----+++--+-+---++- fy 527 31 16 10 | 8 65 ;| 108 B 116 16 4 4) 4 28 | 37: 64 7 1 5 | 3 16 29 14 46 10 4 1 5 20 34 26 12 1 3 1 17 26 i i : : : i t 1 : i 15 Aci Pacy liste Ba weeeeueareseeen eee | 2,760) — 360 104 122 120); m6 |} 1,259 93! 189) 1,162: 154 1 Sanitary : | ! ‘ ! 16 Males ....- 1,541 199 58 | 61 67 385; «616 59 4 689 | 82 it 17 Females... 1,219 161 46 61 53 321 | 543 36 93 473 92 cilia ! i ' i ‘ ' 18 White... --------+-2--2e cree reece rere : 2, 745 | 360 | 104 | 122 | 120 706 1,158 95 188 1,149 154 ti ' | | ites oe ellie a a ' i 19 WAtive born suceleddes dcasasasaces | q634 | 357 104 | 117 115 3 | 1,119 82 127 295 | i een : i ‘ ; ; es M.. 176 | 32 18 u 9 |! 70 | uz 9 6 39 | Blase: 20 Both parents native... --- 5 ; 154 | 38 16 17 7 78: 129 6 6 A% Losced 5 xe : i ‘ ; 21 One or both parents for- f M.. 685 157 40 46 53 296 | 458 41 53 132 | I .++----- BiG ecu ctecmdcs seats - 558 119 | 30 40 44 233 | 394 25 56 Bi 3 |. : : M..! 611 Bile ence 2 3 7/ » 9 31 474 74 1 22 Foreign born.--..---++++++--++++- iF 482"1 oi kdhcme2|oaeente on 3 1 4 uM 4 29 366 69 | snacnore : | 3 ColGredcseaeinsateszeerseectes sent eaeeee I15¢ | iaekersl occ seed eee asl cae oes learns A: [eee sesiecia Le 13 aisisin syhnts all are Gas | i f mothers: Birbhplaces Ohme M..| 233 53 22 15 u w2 |) 164 13 8 24 United States .--.------------ iF x 199 48 17 19 11 95 | 164 10 7 Be 358 42 19 12 15 88 138 18 53 25 Treland.....-+-+++-2+2-++-2+0+ F.. 578 |! 35 5 7 8 55 103 15 59 | M.. 123 15 2 2 4 23 34 6 10, 26 Germany...----++--+---+-++- if 7 91 12 2 5 5 24 37 2 6} : . : M. 26 4 1 1 1 7 8) | eenaeSece 3: 27 Russia and Poland ...-.------ § r 19 1 2 5 2 10 15) | eras a 1] M. 293 72 9 26 31 138 224 21 5 28 | Ttaly...------2++-ss-eec eres iF ws 226 56 ls 9 25 115 187 7 8! { ; 1 isa aah ite aoa anaes ass ea es Lae ae 2, 922 482! 150 126; U3 871 | 42 107 | Ww 1,118 183 1 r oor oe pr fe en | + A ere eer hen ee H ae | id ey + =v. on 1, 629 : 280 85 61. 55 || 484 730 i 92! 661 98 | occecoad } Bo | ee 1,294 199 65 65 | 58 3887 612 ba | 79) 457 a 1: : | | ee aie asdutasciece’s tenacryeeeats 2,900 | 478 10, 16, S| 807 age wey We tue 8h 1| be aki Wel tiiesoncvaee ee eacee! | q,e22] 476 9) 195860] 1,315 ooo! og] | \ a - : a » 2 al i . M.. 256 | 72 16 13 16 7 179 6: u' 50 34 | Roth parents native....--.--- {F. ii | 45)° 26 | 8 | Bb 92 129 9 83 28 em..| oma | 192 6; 47:88 42 516 1 goo | a [eeeeeeee 35 | One oc both parents foreign. oe 601 ! 142 33 ! 54 | 43 272 ‘ 453 ; an be ) ue see | Bee aaa 1 iy | : | : e i : i M.. 571 |! Des Sides isbaGces 1 3 | 6 7 go! 452 Wt Hosen 46 : Foreign born. .----------+-+-+++++ iP i 419 |e eee efeee eee | 1 | 2 3 | 8 2) 31 355 82 ; 1 ' ! I i y ; ‘ 37) “Colored ....-22200ceereceeeeeeeereeeecertt? 2 |, 4 ieee ees |oveceeeecleeeeeeees 4] 10 bocsseceis L 9 2 i | | i ‘ irth plac f thers: 1 i | o ee Cages ga 356 105 24 | " w 168 || 256 u 13. 63 | 3 |, 38 | nited States. ..--------+---+++++ F 263 18 j l 137 203 LB 8 | 33 6'. | sesniagel wilt sled o 55 2 acclate : 1 19 | 25 | oeeeneds 2 | 23 | 5 39 ngland anc ABN aisicicss sie nateie F 3 id 19 2 1: 8 3 2 M 694 73 37 19 19 148 230 32 46, 343 43 40 [roland ....2.22e¢2eeeeeeeeeeetees {P| ora 65 16} ik 21 120 214 24 57! 326 57 M 286 46 1 10 5 76 112 4 23 126 21 i 41 Germany --------++--+2rr0r crt Si 157 | 22 Hi ty 8 48 78 10 4 49 | 15 M 73 22 3 6 3 34 57 3 li 10 2 42 Italy... ....2-20eeeceeeeeeeee crete ; F 64 i 15 3 6 7 31 Bot cgethens 4) 6 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 261 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. i 1 1 Child- Dis- : A Can- | Heart . . Dis- Diar- r : birth | Dis- | eases . ||Sear-] Ty- | Ma- c Con- ds Whoop-| cer | dis- eases ‘ All oe let | phoid)larial ape Croup. ag sump- Pneu- Measles.) ing and | ease and pu- eases| of the of the Old | Still- other Un. ‘Uses. | fever.|fever.|fever.| Pera. leasege | thon.. | OP cough.| tu- | and {© eral ae mera. {urinary 78° Lorn: causes. enon : mor. |dropsy. agen: system. organs. pe aap ds i cee af Ns omen Se Ae ' i 1,862 | 30 8] 16 59 32; 149) 312 203 15 14} 31 88 18] 26 132 43! 13 950 ATT i 2 1,017 10 3 6 32 16 84} 193 122 5 6| 13 BB: jiszceeced 13 17 83 1 49! 946 |.-....-- 2 5 20 5| 10 27 16 65 | 119 81 10 8| 18 30 18] 13 55 60} 12 46! 231 1| 3 1, 852 | 30 8| 16 59 32} 149} 2308 201 15 4] 31 88 18| 26 132 143; 13 94 | 474 1| 4 sere, ———— Da crease + shes jeen 1, 062 | 28 2 7 58 | 31} 115] 138 98 14 14 7 31 3! 10 87 47 1 94! 276 1) 5 t t 155 Lopsseics seme 10 8 25 9 12 1 2 1 G ilies saree sateen Ww 7 13 43 |seseaesi 6 WG 9: hecoan|secsee 10 | 2 16 9 8 1 De es2se| thas odlecsamene 1 5 4 13 40) |saweamess e | 385 M6 cere 3B) ns 8 41 59 43 3 4 3 Taal since 5 36 14 1 32 90 |....-- 7 358 12 2 4) 716 13 31 47 32 9 7 3 10 3 4 27 15s [eden 30 92 417 |.....- 3 3} Dl etecasas 17} 108 62 I eseecene 9 83i|icecuce 8 22 Bal sckes|swecked 96 |xeowasias 8 352 2 3 6 Leno 1 16 60 Tl iededete leh ee 15 20 15 8 22 88) 12! | soe .cas 93 |. cesene a0) laine a eerernc torial 83 oo pallets tect 4 OD emtnideea|tete wed bagh onl atenomdltesosced steal 2 cena d|Me cate n aie 1 8 locsenesis 9 i . 2, 760 32; 12! 22 16 63 | 2341 426 360 35 16! 32] 109 17} 39 207 190} 15} 158 695 2] 15 1,541 18 8} 16| 34 36] 121] 256 217 29 9| 12 69 |.------- 17 122 102 4 85 385 1} 16 1,219 14 4 6! 42 27} 113{ 170 143 26 7/ 20 40 7] 22; 85 88} 11 3 310 1) 47 s1| 12 E86 63| 233] 420 357 35 16} 321 108 17} 39 206 190 | 15) 158 693 2| 18 26 6} i 70 58| 188) 175 198 49 15 3 45 8 9 132 62 sceexs 158 420 21 19 Bi lisceed 7 i 15 13 7 1 3 6: | eeesee 3 15 10: | sexes u 1 1 1 10 6 18 ll 12 2 3 3 2 1 15 Ti egeeke 17 685] 8 4 5 23 23 81 81 93 24 4 3 29: asiemed 3 52 OT tenes 67 558 12 1 3 29 18 68 62 71 20 By lees 9 5 if 44 21 ieovewe Bt 611 3 4 9 3 2 20 |} 150 97 é 1 9 86 | aces: ll 49 65 a eee 482 1 2 2 3 3 25 92 58 Slesaeeess 20 26 9] 19 24 62; i { 15 Tso nos |encid|teataeel stone bee | 1 6 Bp tetas atte ce Te a Wlassence | eieeet Tilagsetens [aorta cotcne! %, 1 233 6. | eeweae 2 10 4!) 21 16 21 2 4. Ti Miser: 3 20 12: |eneaus 21 1 7 25 13 21 2 3 4 2 1 15 8 |seswex 22 5 5 36) 154 117 2 2 6 Beene 7 51 57 4 13 2 6 36 | 113 72 5 1} 16 22 5| 18 37 61| 10 14 1 2 re 23 3 2 s 5 | 1 3 10 9 3 2 7 2 2 4 1 1 6 3 1 38 14 35 24 12 27 312} 408 325- 58 34] 35] 127 21} 39 236 | 160; 14} 215 688 1| 29 1,629 | 16| 16] 13: 50 29! 162) 231 175 30 19 9 70 \eseeanee 24 130 87 4! 432 432 \scoseeiz 30 1, 293 26| 17 5! 48 29 150! 177 150 28 15| 26 57 21] 15 106 73] 10! 83 256 1] 31 2,900} 42, 33] 18: 98 58| 312! 406 320 58 34 | 35] 125 21] 39 236 18} 14, 211 681 1| 32 Lae des be NS yao eee elie eS pa Eg ees 1, 822 fo; 10] MW: 97 56 260} 164 189 56 34] 10 42 5 7 162 51 1) Qu 416 |.-...--- 33 256 5 3 1 9 Ti 39 12 16 6 4 2 Tlie sa 1 pz TE sess 33 96: ecasaa a 177 5 1 1j 5 5 32 13 21 6 2 2 6 ce eee 18 3 1 15 BBA esae accel 115 9 2 7 40 22; 100 7 2B 22 15 1 Olen orth 2 62 151 | oases 84 169 |.....--. 35 601 | 20 4 2! 41 22) 86 54 66 20 13 5 14 2 3 54 i 56 120 |....---- say, to 5 | Gee eshs | 90 ; 134 76 Tee eee 6 a0 dee =e 20 39 57 Aa tik tars 152 |.....--. 5 1 2 | ; 306 55 Dieceesene 19 37 16; 12 34 | 49 Ol seme 94| teams cee oe By egacedeh eceeieyll sees Oe teade eenaas|sesdslae aaa 4 Tilcsevace 37 ; ‘ \ i | 356) 5 3! a! 4 10i 50 ; 1 29 8 Td | sewer ears 1 32° 263 9 2 1 il 6! 49 17 34 8 6 3 lesen 27 56 |e... loan 1 Hees 3g | 5 3 3 1 Ut ociorctas 1 1 5 2 694 7 8 9 26 9 | 52) 135 54 678 8} i 2 20 13; 61] 130 58 286 Dilendes 1 6 5: 84 47 24 157 7 |e dewis 9 5 | 18 17 5 13: lhe a 1 1 4 10 4 5 64 lee saadlteeoe 2 31 2) 4 4 262 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | Months. Mears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. aoe : ' ! ! All ages. ‘ 1 i Unders| 3106 | 6too | 9to12 |, Tol | onder 5! 5 to 15 |15 to 25|25 to 65! Over 65|, U% Ward 5—Continued. | | 4 Sanitary district A.........2--22002...000-. 1,812 288 99 | 74 67 528 817 | 64 108 713 110) bis caesar | 2 Males o.20c0<25. 1, 036 176 54 33 34 297 448 | 33 | 56 440 BO Peeise dace 3 Females 776 112 45 41 33 231 369 31 52 273 BL Wl samaeece ‘ | 4 1,804 287 99 ! 14 67 | 527 815 | 64 107 709 109 j.-..---- ‘ ‘ 5 1, 116 |i 286 98 | 73 64 | 521 806 63! 66 71 AO. cosets | ; és 160 || 50 6 1 8 75 118 4} 5 7 Cir sere 3 113 |: 30 | 20 3 8 61 90 5 2 15 Te nsec : | j ron § M.- 434 |! i, 45 21 251 202 304 28 20 72 Tl 7 One a both parents for- § ¥. 359 || 5 24 36 23 158 265 26 29 89 Gesewacs cele ‘ iaatlen Noni igure Gm A) 3 a | 2. Colored) siiedeiss Scceoas we aenecssebt eae gh: A. beeen, Pevsisiznegeers|stisastomrere | 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 8 ro i : M 72 13 13 110 10 United States -...-..--..-.-.. Sf : 161 43 22 11 11 | 87 | 1 England and Wales....-..... ie fe . ite i| : | } ! a M.. 472 46. 27: 10 12 95 12 Ireland «--2.---20--2200------ fro] 430 43 mz wl @ 81 || 182 28 8 | 4 6 46 13 96 10 4 6 5 25 14 || 2 Te lacedg seo 1 4 a 13 |, 2 2 3 1 8 | | 15 1,110 194 51 52 46 343 || 16 593 107 31 28 21 187 |: 17 517 87 20 24 25 156 |. 18 1,096 191 51 52 46) 340 |: f 19 Native born scsi asec weisivaciccesciess 706 ‘190 51 52 46 339 2 2 8 9, 2. 20 Both parents native...... {F- a 2 1 5 5 a 4 21 One or both parents for- §M.. 281 81 20 26 13 140 212 13 19 eign. { r.. 242 67 9 18 20 114 188 16 13 3 6 22 Foreign born..-.-.-.--------- Fo 4 2 7 23 Colored 14 OD Nece cecincclemeinteaentessseses 3 8 i[aweeesiccalich denein i | ! Birthplaces of mothers aa ass |} 33 u 4 10 58 36 3 7 go! & 24 United States .....----.----.- f F_ 102 28 9 7 6 50 72 5 3 17; 5 | 21 4 2 ks 8 Wo acaedueseis 25 England and Wales .-.-..----- iF 18 || % ot it 6 7 sa i 0 \ i : x. 222 | 27 10 9 53 83 13 16 93 14 26 Treland..--.-------+---++-++-- YP. 239 |! 22 4 4 9 39 68 9 18 4 20 M. 104 | 18 5 6 1 30 42 8 47 Ti 27 Germany ; FE. 61 || 12 3 a 3 23 || 34 li 5. 6M. 62 |! 19 3 6 2 30 52 6 | Lt 28 Teal fiecscsevecsas iF. 55 | 13 zy 5 6 26 46 5 li. 0 AV ard eee uk tie Seiad cheese geaueecereegiasees 5, 342 |; 787 248 285 285 | 1,605 2.727 180 332 1 aro Ss | es : 3,154 |, 459 135 150 159 | 903 |} 1,495 7 204 2 Males = 2] 2h 1ge gg, us! a5} a8 |, 702] 1,932] 103 | aa 32 AV Hit Oiessctesrstese iste ak mis ate tonaicte sae Aa ee 5,147 780 247 283 283 1,593 2,711 179 312 = fs eee ee [ee oe ea 33 Watite borne. . : , nye! : Diar- | Can- | He birth | Dis-; eases al |{Sear-; Ty-. Ma. | Con- Whoop-! cer | dis- : causes, ||, let |phoid lariat Diph-| Croup. rho sump- Pneu- |Measles. ing | and | ease and a oP the of the fever.|tever. fever. theria. enses.| tion. | moma cough.| tu- | and |°TR'' \Viver. "Gee. ! mor. |dropsy. eases. system. Sst a 1 | pectic hen Ves a fg —--|- | | ' | 334 4 5 4 13 7 24: 49 30 7 2 5 23 4! 10 32, a Fs ; 8 6 5 10 32 14 loseceks 5 "4 7 2 14 17. 9 4 5 349 4/5] 4 | B 7/94) az! 23 4} 10 32 = —, a as pone cs ea te ies Set + 185 4]... ; 3) ! tiiel “ld 21 9 1 3 | 15 | : 1 : ‘ BL | -se-s-foeeoes 1} 4 24. (aa 3 : Sxiciecte! as : DD iesepemeas cee 2 1 1 68 i a gd 9 5 2 Dice @ Nexeeeeds 2 8 63 1 6 | 2 6 8 6 4 acescese 1 1 1 1 4 925 || ..05 ci0i0 4 1 oe 4 18 ON cicmietiswms | aieroaciziars 2 7 Pees 3 lt HOM sararecase Wl bnrzent saiccisiss|lsarte ia 6 \ 8 le sick) tre elec ieee: 2 TI 3 4 3 | | 5) line pealt games| ceeee tented | amc ae | 9 iy Be.asoaddl acess ‘feesesleoeoun Tees ORE aN kG aud 1,478 me _ Bi] 15 4 47 37! 128: 209 865 |! 5] 5]... f 30] 22) 74 136 613 8| 10 4! 47 15 54°78 1,462} 13] 15 4! 47 37| 128) 202 889 10 5 3 46 33 102: 79 0G! | ch ci olcawetes exec 3 5 11 | 48: eoeeee 2 1 2 1 7 398 B scnens |pcewex 26 lf 51 44 313 7! 3 2 ut 13 31 19 an DO bi hiecore saecee 3 ul 74 233 1 5 1 1 1; Ye 47 16 |...... moaes Mich etlt oes alee eman esl ceed GN oie el adel eared ate eon | Sete 128 73 290 213 15 33 28 20 250 236 3, 510 2,086 | 20' 22] 16 55 50; 197] 365 267 73 12] 16 69 |....--.. | 1,424 | 20. 9 6 50 50 | 167} 144 173 17 16] 14 47 28 | 3,336) 40 31; 18! 104 99} 363} 387 433 2, 135 6 89 84} 307] 139 261 107 1 3 3 12 20 10 54 2 4 Be 4 10 4 1, 036 17 4 1 43 36] 149 60 129 883 20 4 2 36 44] 135 40 111 714 3| 17] 10 8 9 29) 156 110 7 |sccswace) 14. BB |esonee : 449 |... 5 2 7 6 21 91 54 6 12 36 23 78 eto ad |e 4 1 1 1% 198 TN) eed eae 2 Becwandes 149 ||...2.. ga 6 3 18) 3 93 ee 2; 7 1 14/10 322 Dj 2ilgeese Silesian 16 81 275 Bi JS sevens 1 2 12 60 99 Oa - Boleeewee 6 1 5 18 40 3 2 eeseer 2 1| 4 7 238 3 1! 2 12 9: 37 19 176 8) |peeeee loa 7 16° 39 7 962 wa] o13: 9! 27 31! 110 1 763 | 8 4 3) 2B 30 84 53 | ee here Broke onwous Dis- eases of the urinary organs. 22 14 8 22 Old . Still. age.‘ born. _ All other causes. 26 Un- known. 3 8 | s| 3 | 5 | 51 3 | % 2} 1 i 20 | G lees 20 | | 174 13 253 | 803) jsmcwcoue art eet ' uz! 5; 150, 484 8; | d | a 266 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Mears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. —-- =e Allages. \ - Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9t012 || Tetl || Onaers| 5 to 16 | 15 to 25 | 25 to 65 | Over 65 |, UE nder 3 to bto9 | § under 19! Under 4 | 5 to =4 ” | known. | Boe Ward Pisseusereaetioattes ami as cadaatecaaesess 9,943 | 1,741 520 430 413, 3,104 |) 4,774 epee ee | RE pee epee © 2) Males 5, 205 994 266 233 208! 1,701 |) 2,568 3) Females 4,738 747 254 197 205 |' 1,403 | 2,211 a 9,933 || 1,740 520 430 412, 3,102 4,771 5) Native born .........22.020202.0- 02s ee ee 6,523 |] 1,735 514 419 405 |) 3,073 4. 682 i, M.. 944 289 92 63 52/496 || 773 aa Hoth parentsinablvessenasdae tro] gs} Be 8t 73 6i |; 439; 672 ; M..| 2,387 665 16 161 us| 1,137 |) 1,672 4 One or both parents foreign.) 7) 3.159 4s; 158} 116! 139], “goa |] 1.447 t A >, oe 4 2 6 44 4 Horeign' born. sevaiessseeoe see Seo] test ese 2 3 2 7 23 9 COlGHEO 5 22.23 c:2 gcc tceciecstesgenedaaerseeasee 10 Tl eect ae dleeeecces, 1 3 3 Birthplaces of mothers: ae 4350 ' a9 154 : 6 ahs raat é ia - 250 | 7 5 ; W United States .......------------- {Fo} ihe 286 | 117 7 86 586 896 | 1) England and Wales ....-.-------- te i ae ‘ : a a o4 PS te M:.| 2,120; 204 57 | 54 | 48 363 || 568 a a ee F..] 2,263 178 50 | 33 | 47 308 548 13 ; és M.. 547 |! 108 23 19 21 166 || 236 CGetina Nl yceese sachet Pate caa issih: Fol 421} 62 24 21 19 126 181 ‘ M.. 585 186 41 40 33 300 |) 422 af Russia and Poland ......--..----- SF] det 115 25 26 30 196 | 308 15 Sanitary district A........22..2-ee-22ee-20+ 2,297) 874 127 87 92 680 || 1, 060 16 MAIGS- coiueeaweeceneeete 1,174 | 202 66 46 57 371 | 564 45 61 470 42 2 7 Females 1,053! 172 61 41 35 309 |) 506 48 71 374 | 53 1 18 2, 229 374 197 87 92 680 || 1,059 93 132 840 | 95 3 19 1, 450 371 124 86 89 670 || 1,040 89 95 216 | 9 1 ‘ M.. 293 |! 66 31 11 15 123 179 7 3 20 Roth parents native ----- iF a 187 51 i 21 15 10 97} 156 18 7 | i | M. 522 125 33 34 38 230 | 348 26 34 101 2 1 21 ar both parents for-} Fr 472 108 33 26 23 190 324 28 49 68 Bh ese eaten) M.. Be ia casie enced pape avo ease tiandeen 1 1 7 2 23 314 | 36 1 22 Foreign born ...-.----------- f y.. 361 Bae caked A icctatane 1 3 4 1 14 292 | 50 \ocecee ee | ' 23 Colored 5 [eeeeee eee PSG SE RiG oGincisieiaiare Re ie ate [aimee os Lessee senses eee Birthplaces of mothers: a ae a is " af Pm = ‘ k . 3 5 i 5 4 24 United States.-.----------+-- ; F.. 258 3 27 23 18 ' 141 220 20 9 | - 7 ; M. 539 48 16 16 16 ; 96 156 21 | 40 25 Trelamd -..-----------2++2+2+ F. 585 58 14 9 8 89 164 20 | 48 ; M. 100 17 5: 2 4° 28 | 38 8! 5 26 Germany -------+---+--2+0+0++ ; Po. 50 8 3B) 2 2. 15 | 21! 3 | 7 2 16 5 30 5 4 27 Russia and Poland ........-- a 2 | 8 3 z i a : 3 I 1 ‘ | M.. 28 | LU detente : 4 3! 18 | 24 i 28 Utalvcascrapdenate sae eeenes? F.. 22 3 i 3 1 g | 16 ; i: ' i d I h ; ra Saiiitany district Bisiie- eas es 2,137 | 345; 120 105 80 | 65 1,007 | 99 | 131 | 748! 145 7 ‘ “ | eee | a a SS ees — Mialésisicd cajree’ iS Speers 1, 144 | 215 | 61 56 36 || 368 © 552 41) 58 | 420 , 66 a 31 Pomaless..2,..5scaeweusasenare 993 131 59 49 44 |) 283 455 BR 73 I . 1 | a 120 105 79 | 619, 1,005 | 99 131 pl a Baek tances Vesti “| beeeecl 53 : 120 102 78 |) 644 979 | 89 | 97 f I 2 Bs 297 i4 on 1 : 7 34 Both parents native....-- Pi ay \ me 239 a a : 1s : 130 i ai é 2 : i : i , : i i $6 M.| | 498" 188 40 38 23 229 32 < 35 One or both parents for. § Yr. 432. 84, 36 23, 33 | 176 | bs eh | 3 cigu. : | | | ' I i i 36 Foreign born..--.------------ {Po a ° a ' i 37 Colored ....---+++ 2+ 222s reese cere eee 2 eee eee ee [eeeteenes Birthplaces of mothers: seawalenescc|escesa's 1 1 2 B |. --2 eee ee lee eee e ee [eee eee 2 lexeawas dlc 2 1 23 36 58 35 51 20 24 32 54 a 46 18 1 10 5 6 2) 18 8 3 3 25 20 56 27 27. 24 26 12 8 25 28 28 1 5 2 3 1 9 3 @ lineation 5 1 27 10 29 Ml 3 2 8 9 leecesuers 1 ll 10 28 12 8 @ leeeeeeden 4 8 7 1 1 13 3 8, 568 | 195 65 27 347 265 997 | 1,001 903 124 81 141 348 99 85 626 446 45 943 1,828 ! 2| 29 1‘ i 4,972 | 101 34 16 198 145 526 641 537 71 35 67 207 |-------- 57 373 263 28 573 1, 098 2] 30 3, 596 | 94 31 11 "149 120 471 360 366 53 46 74 141 99 28 253 183 17 370 130: io sascaisre 31 8, 550 : 195 65 27 | 3d7 265 996 994 903 124 81 141 347 99 85 625 444 45 942 5, 609 175 23 | 45 ) 314 251 917 359 586 107 5 11 85 14 17 392 133 2 942 431 | 15 i festene | 23 14 59 38 43 3 8 2 TS: |ocasicasaas 2 33 21 aoa 52 re Do 18 10 43 27 25 4 6 1 5 2 1 24 u 1 29 2, 665 | 7 9 6 153 127 420 154 282 55 23 1 39) |encuces 8 186 92} [eae 492 580 1 35 2, 064 | 7 10 8 120 | 100 378 122 224 43 38 5 22 12 5 140 41 1 326 S95: | scceeses 1.741 8| -24 9 92 | 4 41 | 429 204 13 4{ 62] 148 ]........ 47 143 176} 28 |... 378 1 | 29g 1.163 |} 12] 18} 3 yw! 10! a7] 201 11 4 2} 68| 113 85 | 21 88 126] 15 |... OBB I sec 2 ce 18 eaacing| vSeaae sede acini: Bice: 1 T |e ween ee e|eee ene needa nee e netfee ene Al Ni aercrevenll eaten 1/ OF liste’ 1 j ese 37 \ | | 616 20 DQ seaes 38 | 2 93 ; 44 | 52 9 9 2 TOM ls atetastacaye 3 47 24s | eset 79 433 14 2 1 27 i 21 62 | 36 38 10 1 7 4 1 29 16 1 47 DO if ssaisies L, |iseeen De raise ciniens 7} 18 8 Dl ewwemies 2 6 |. scseeesleceees 4 7 2 7 67 BF [exes alleen 2 1 8 ow 6 Deseo: us 1 1 6 Also) 5! 370 6 4 3 4! 5 12} 84 46 3 2 3 1D} Paciocwisias 1 31 42 5 14 345 4 5 2 Grabigcsines 16 | 92 37 Vf seienssaee 5 23 4 8 27 40 6 8 1,718 29 18 6 53 | 37 170 304 182 15 8 36° DAO! circa 37 123 113 10 126 1,145 26 16 7 45 i 35 148 129 104 11 12 46 60 27 11 81 58 6 93 1, 469 41 5 3 81 57 185 102 183 31 11 17: Bhar Sie 7 101 46 5 236 1, 099 39 | 7 1 53 51 161 46 128 17 16 16 20 50 |... 81 45 | 3 149 276 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE $6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN ZACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6. YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. | | | ; i 5 : SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. ; f Years. ' BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. BSB a a ae ah a al (a a I a a a a eee Allages. : | tf ‘ Under3| 8t06 | 6to9 | 9to12 || Tofl | Under s| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25] 25 to-Gs | Over 65), UO ! — pee innate oa 3 Sl | See ee SS yr | Ward 10—Continued. ' : : 1 Sanitary district A ........2222.22222.--0-- 4, 663 1. 054 293 233 278 | 1,788}; 2,718 157 279 1, 248 255 CG. ee oa a as aes era ae 2 Males ...... | 2,702 618 | 132 133]. 155 1,038 |! 1,548 92 | 153 760 | 146 3 Females. . 1,961 436 | 91 100 123 |, 750 || 1,170 65 | 126 488 109 3 | i ; 4 White: sa ccaenccdseuiesewaniiee neler 4, 657 1,054 | 223 233 277 |) «1,787 | 2, 716 157 | 279; 1,244 255 6: ¢ mm pppcar est aaa ee . es, [cee 5 | Native bon ......22..22.02202 ee 3,091 || 1,052 220 227 265 | 1,764 |) 2,594 wf, 11L 261 7 4 | : 6 ne M.. 190 48 22 12 ll 93 122 8 | 7 47 6 Toth parents native...... {F 2 196 23 9! 8 15 |. 37 | a7 3 4 26 5 may One or both parents for-¢ M..| 1,515 544 103 113 139 |! 899 || 1,317 52 | 51 90 3 2 cign. iF | 1,141 391 17 87 98 |! 633 | 934 39 42 Coidecenace 1 Fe | : M 908 OM Gite sees 5 5 12 |! 69 30 87 387 134 re 8 Foreign horn .....----.--.---.--- ; F. 634 ||.-... 2 2 | Te 10 | 51 23 7 381 102 oo 9 Colored: 22 eee 4icaeccnme nade (igsamead GF | ieigctepare, tees aiaesieis lneteated 1 1} | neces call sap 8 4 eee 5 i i H Birthplaces of mothers: | fas 3 rr i aoe M.. 264 76 27 17 16 126 9 : 7! 2 10 United States...........-.--. fr e 179 42 12 B 20 a7 |) 131 6° 6 | 30 11 England and Wales....-..... ; m an ' 4 3 Aaa ‘ : ; i : | 4 18 ‘ M 218 13 2 6 3 24 |) 40 9 19 128 12 Arglaud --}R 202 1 2 4 2 if, 37 3 93 120 : M.. 671 99 23 25 1s 165 236 22 50 301 13 Genmany scasraceseteee sss fF. 433 74 18 25 | 13 130 15 1B 25 192 : ot 312 60 6B | 92 530 830 44 47 1 14 Russia and Poland........-.- ie 1S ne 42 42! 69 a | 612 36 47 111 | , 4 1 15 Sanitary district B -........2..222.2222 222-2. 3, 905 852 242 187 170 1,451 || 2,090 129 229, 1,226 226 5: 16 Maleate. o2c6. 52 aes 2, 270 506 132 99! 35] gaa) 1,185 58 113/788 122 4} 17 Females 1. 635 346 110 88 85 629 | 905 71 116 | 438 104 A, 18 WIKIS soseuae ewes Sekceeeccte dese cecn 3, 893 851 241 187 170 || 1,449 | 2,086 129 229 «1,218 296 5 19 Native born...-2..2--22-22.220000-- 2,518 ° 850 238 185 165 || 1,438 2,018 99 121 : 2 i 5 eo 7 2 Dork pacontenative... fF] 38) BEB) BT PB wy Lg | M..| 1,150 418 112 76 71 677 ' 945 33 58 21 a both parents for- Sy] 1033 )| 3g 87 76 74 535 | 741 49 | 46 - | ( 7 M 833 ||.. 2 1 3 6. 34 | 15 48 22 Foreign born .....---.------++++- iF 529 1 1 2 3 | 34! 15 60 | | | 23 Colored cc.sciuesanesasnswsawowreasiary 12 1} di aawimagialereteacte ai @ cAsheoeeostuseuve Birthplaces of mothers: | . 332 107 32 29 |- 19 187 | 285° 13 8 24 254 70 25 7 15 127 | 192 15 11, . 54 8 2 3 1 14) 21 | 1 4! 25 28 5 1 1 1 8 | 1 2 1 152 7 6 Fle etenaicte 20 | 36 2 1 26 143 8 2 2 2 14 | 19 3 19 , ; 1, 047 162 50 36 31 279 | 403 24 64 5+ 27 712 126 49 39 31 245 346 28 47 359 134 25 12 19 190 267 12 13 28 267 75 15, 16 27 133 195 16 16 | ; ' . ! I "99, | Wattd tecsvecescenarzaey ade dissidsciseisieds diesen 11,706 || 2,256 713 642 606 |, 4,217) 6,517 | 524 662 3,340 | 855 8 30 Males .. 6, 364 | 1,275 391 353 ail |) 2.330 | 3,439 | 273 351 1,886 | 409 6 | 31 Females 5, 342 i 981 322 289 295) 1,887] 2,878 | 251 3111, 454: 446 ae 32 Willits Weegee oo eee sakakeceees eeeme 11,693 | 2,254) 713 642 Goo | 4,915 | 6314, 524 661 3,352] 854 8 33 Native Donitc.: o2..cc0sc0 ce ecee cece cores + 7,812 | 2, 248 700 629 584 }' 4.161: 6,117 | 423 406 807 56 | 3 | < | i . , : M aso |! 264 7 BT 60 | 458 691 41 27 62 | 1G: fey sil 34 Both parents native..-..---.. iP 701 || 189 68 49 65 |, STi * 588 46 6. 4! 19 1; : i 1 ‘ \ * : M..} 3,351 |: 974 299 283 230 1.795 || 2,570 183 192 400 | 5 1 35 One or both parents foreign i = 3338 i oe ° 535 Si | i ay 2133 150 173 269 | 10 ' 1 t | | | ’ Mig! 017 ||-ccncesss 7 G! 5 18 9s 46 126 1,364 382 | 1| 36 Foreign born of ge 1,812 |! 3 | 5 14 96 | 82° 53 19° 11d TD fee hee j { | | i \ eee esa aiantt alata Sane nacndain eee ean ye wi 2B feoeeeense We cGiidais aalnaegnaeen 2 it Saraegncy 1 8 Uy eeeest ; pees rela 1,205 || 374 | 11 89 a7 cat | 999 | 704 a 28 | Gnited States. .--.----- sees eee § | 270 | 93 rr M1, 531 B44 | GL 10 30 | 10 i 20, 91 | 143! 22 G4 : 39 Ireland. -..2...-+--2 22 000ee ere 5 54 | 37 15 15 7 ik 119 | 7 a7 i 5 339 | 150 112 90 | an 1,047 | ie 165 i 40 Germany tag! 212 |i 290 120 83 Rs | Agt 922 | 102 160 | . M..| 188 46 x 13 Hy 78 96 4: 6 9 | 41; Russia and Poland ...---+-+-++++- ii sil 122 | WG a 11 lies 66 94 4 ? M Sal | 160 | 34 44 a7 | 275 439 23 16 | i 42 Ttungary..--2-- 22-22 eee enero tr 458 | 109 23 | 48 36 221 | 335 26 21 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 277 MAY 31, 1890, AT, CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. i : | ; | ! | : ee i E . 1 : as : Child- Dis- | ; ' Sear- : ' Diar- | Can- | Hearty jinn | Dis- | eases | Dis- All aie Ty- | Ma- Diph- | Flieal Con- Pies Whvop-| cer | dis- Ai: lease fthe | etses 1d : All Un. : boid|larial, 22." | Croup. | "2! | sump-| 7" (Measles... ing | and | ease |2BC P| eases) of the | ofthe ° Still | other is causes. ' . . {su 3. e USES. |ifever.itever. fever, ‘neria.| se tion, | oma. cough.| tu- | and erperal ee the En urinary] 28°: born. | canses, HDOWR- mor. |dropsy.] eases. system.| TS2n8. i io eet — oe 4,663 || 115/ 331 10 | 192 | 157, 330 | 494 513 78 41; 61] 184 57; 40| 358 952 | 22! 535 991 |.---2--- 1 a inci Aeeintinialies $RORAS SRR TEG ASS, Geanlelain er casein i as. cms 2,702} 56 19 6| us} 6! a7! ger 308 44 15] 31 96 |..--..-- 25 221 139] 16; 329 603 |......-. 2 4 | 257 | 173 203 34 a) 88 571 15 137 113 6] 206 $88 |seces a5 3 | 529 | 491 513 78 41; 61] 184 S71 40 357 952 | 22] 535 990 Jeeesee ss 4 439 | 174| 345 68 a7) al 58 8. 8] 235 68 |... sap | 645 Lee. 5 | 26 19 2 3 5 7 ee Od eee es 15 10 ese 20 41 23; 13 4 2 5 | seen 4 1 1 8 5: |aceven ih 34 : 217 | 74 176 34 7 1 Dhl Seles 3 116 26: feces 289 932. |asincsenr 7 ; 208 52 132 7 2 1 4 7 3 81 OT lesenes 183 213 |secee=e4 ' 24 | 213 104 2) Bt BB OT ects 22 ge 96 16 |cnenes| B07 [scans he 15| 101 63 3 49| 10 48 83 6 isc sncee 197 \oscaaan 1 Beare all Gemeeeinas heaton at ateacreesen cele eaeiags ae sees AA A sess! acta oes et i lates 9 i : 39 22 24 3 1 WB edie aclesenes 24 | 33! . 17 10 BR) -Gtrecees | 5 3 1 10 2 10 2 1 Act Bale ke salbecees 2 i 5 3 4 2: Vecrccemiatsis | Beaeine : 5 1 1 R i 6: 88 25 2 |. Ts, 2832 aedeacs 1 2 ' 6. 58 23 1 1’) 1B 3 3 18 | 57 | 109 72 8 11 Ch Beenie ww} 51 | 53 41 28 5 16; 31 il 5 32 i. 140 79 147 23 13 ieee sas 5 84 119 31 99 1 11 18 Bee 62 : i | 1 t t . i . i I i 467! 507 390 | 46 4o| “80 164 42) 45 268 \ ‘ | —_ i | 2,270) 45] 15 to st: 59-253 | 320 223 7 20] 36, Utl........ 32 152 a} 12] 1,635 |) 35; 1 7io 71! 4g | 21a | 187 161 19 20} 44) 53 42| 2 116 70 | 11) 164 B12 eacniieet 1. | 3,893 | 80} 32 | 53! tos $67 , 503 390 46/. 40) 80 192, 23 407 833 | 218 | ene: 1 1 sect | ae aa ce ; 2518] 75] 13, MW) 6, tor 428, 185) a} 39 3a} 7 65) 2) 407] 545 i 19 ' q t i ¥ i eat |] 10 1 a a | 8, 33) 19 Of, peareccre 3 1j ee | 32 GL. isenceee to | iz! 3] 2 , 2 | 5/20) 21 2 al sa 6[ 1; 38 13-3 opens ' ie . : | ; aisoi| 32] 3] 4! 6) 50 203: 80] 106 21 Geese 96 |... | 203] 248 1 doy | “"y33 ) 2 7: 6! 53 38/170; 70 92 6; 18 4: 201 > 1, M3 169) catuenie i [ i : ' | 823 oa | pi 8 1) 17, 216 100 Gy 1; 34 | go; 12 | neces ll 1 boo {| 529 3 8 | 1 6, 6 22) 100 48 1 1) 39. 43 OD ecerne TT ansusess iB Ic licess. bese (eae eae Tbe poe anaes) adsaeleeren tant | Ca Eeer | 1 be ees sees 23 { : } | | | | | ' 352 || 13 27: 13 Bt; 22 28 6 4 1 | 13; esses ee) \ 254 | 20 | 12 29; 019 28 oe 4 i 10 1; 28 1 54 | 2] 5 | 8 6 Als j 2 2 | 5 | : 3 7 3 | ites poe tal| ee rd 2 |... 8 i 6 a 21 1 2 21 2; 4 | 10; 34 14 | piecemeal enanes 4 wz! o3! fg 1 ‘4b | 195 110 q 8) 25] OL f ae 72 ' | 95 88 66 6 5 | 30 2: Gi OL ; 45 23 36 8 4; 4 B, 1} 69 : 42 15 29 2 6; 5) eA 41 i a i ' : | 11,706 | 212] 86 33: 483 317 | 1,389 11,442.) 1, 240 196 U5} 220) 471 8M 59 | 1,044 | eset | uo] si{ 24 238! ava! cos! sar] ova wo7' | pT | 989]... st! 598] 380k | 59D | 5,342} 102] 32° 29) 245 139 | sol | 395 566 89. «G1 | 134) 232 108 = 54} 439 28-35] 451 11,693 || 212} 86 5348317 | 1, 388 | 1,435 | 1,240 196 us! 91471 108 | 141 967 50059 | 1.043 ee a oe eas ene nash peas aati TPs si i a e Sr ae om as i 2 7,812 || 184 36) 34) 436 | 296 | 1.231 | 652 804 181 | 108 21) 144 22; 35 649 164 5 1, 043 ! \ : ; ‘ : | 840] 24 ae 44588 86, 39,87 25 9 2 VBP adarses 5 81 18 2; 110 01 | 20 2° 4 Go; 2G) 104, 23!) 6B 1) 16 5 MY 1 3 68 18 1 8 4 I | ' ! : ' 3351] 7 20. Ii 15! 133 531) 334 | Me G8" -cackinn 459 j 2,758 - 61 9° 15. We 104 | 495, 42 : By 2 Bal 1 ; 2017! 10 29, 9 7 ll 69 | 457 OBE” 99) .gescee ; W812i 18, 21; 10 10 8! 83) 326° 19f BU ceanad i ; i : 13 | okie eae lseteetaisee at ba i Ol 8 oe 1 2 : = | 1,205] 34° 4 5 al $3153 61 23 2. 155 i "994 | 30) 4 4 89 39 «1GL; 8 2 1 1 | m3); 2B, 8° 9 2B 6 36° 174 7 go 238 gal 4: 3, 8 13 | 4 44, 135 x2 9 16 | 2.579} 34; 27, 10 i4 6 6B: 4382 175 1G HG ao2! 38) 13! 13 87 $6 UT) 813 Wa. 1 WT » tpg | oa! 2 4 a) 95 6 pptonat “4 | 129 1! “4 s 23 7 3h 13 | 551 |! | 40 28 70|; 32 9 1 66 458 || 20: 21 79 35 Pw 37 278 VITAL STATISTICS. TasLe 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND = me wl 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 AGE. | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND i Months. : Years BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. i Allages.' | ! | | Tunaers! sto6 | 6to9 | 9to12 || Total | rnacrs! 5 to15 | 15025 | 25 to 65 |Over 65 |, UB | “ under 12) | I | known. — aa | f and 1 ! Ward 11—Continued. | | | of | i ' Sanitary district A... ...2....0..220.0200-5- 3,758 || 833 au! 218 234 | 1,526 |; 2,286; = 150| 208 | 9 208 | a t Ie i Males .... 2,015 473 136 118 112 839 |’ 1,240 | 70! 100; 498 10s ! 1 Females 1,743 360 105 100 122 G87 |i 1046 | 89/108, 406 102 | 1 5 i | I Wihiteese ssid aaeteceaconperescsucsecedd 3,751 93s 241 218 234 |) 1,525} 2,284} 150 j| 28 89208 | 2 esa 1 1 Native born.........22.222-22220--- 2, 567 830 236 | 213 995} 1,504] 2, 191 | 110 91 | 165 8 | 2 i ! | ‘ M.. 195 | 68 16 | 12 17 3; 175 6 3 7 a rseeaets Both parents native.-...- iF a 149 35 1g ! 12 16 79 |. 128 10 2 Seton i 1 One or both parents for-5M..| 1,168 399 13 100 92 704 |, 994 43 42 86 2! 1 eign. F.. 99g, 311 85 85 99 580! 854 49 42 | 52 Te fizccence é M.. G1L |pccsegees 3 3 2 8 |, 49 19 53 | 392 ORE | ey. a viet Roreign borniasssssswee seein {Fo 360 2 1 2 7 | Rl 43 2 6i| 340 Wl 2222212 (Coleredl cnivlsaieieree easyer ceed 7 dD setae et a bees 1f 2 lets wet serene | ods. theca : | Birthplaces of mothers: : : | : M. 290 100 26 21 92 | 169 | 259 Wl 5 United States scesocae sues eee iF. 228 54 21 14 2%) us] 16 5 | M. 762 104 50 25 7 20 300 25 48 Germany {Eo} 663 76 36 26 ve || 164 277 27 47 | : M. 86 32 4 12 9 57 69 3 2 Russia and Poland........-.- iF “i 92 | 28 5 6 9! 48 72 4 ca soft 6M. 357 || 100 24 2% 26 173 285 13 1 Hungaty sesse2+ {Fl 461 |i i 1 1 4 7 16 i 28 308 | 98 |... 9 Colored .........-------+-2-22200- 2220+ 2 |i Piscean jeuanenen|HateRETES 1] Ulocascae se I eaisickaadjer Dj occorpada|adacscee 1 | Birthplaces uf mothers: tf | ' : | | : 2 327 93 | 37 28 22 180 280 4 8 20 10 Unit Mista testeeesncsraeanny (Fr a 276 | 70 35 27 | 24 156 |) 241 19 1 ll 11 England and Wales .....-.--. SP : as : Mae if Ui....... 3 i a8 g 4 ; 2 359 26 4 8 4 52 |) 81 12 38 191 12 PQA weseeeeseerceer aes oats “| 399 | 16 ui 9 | 5 41 67 12 34 176 675 105 4 36 | 26 207 305 36 39 245 13 Germany... ----- B45 || 85 31 mB) BL 170 264 29 46 161 ‘ a 13 2 3 3 10 10 ai arckidacenes 2 We Hungary.....-----------+--++ me 20 |! 3 1 4 Be agecees 8 TG! |saocleSvcren! 1 3 | | 15 | Ward 12.......s.ceeeesceeceeseseeneeeteeeeneee aise | amb | asl | 1.406 1,094) 9,500 j_ tat 1,498] 1,468; 8,006 2, 488 a i : ! | i Baier 16. 14,411} 2,926; 995; = 716 573, | 5,140 |) 7,544 774 712, 4,274 1,093 14 17! 13,174) 2,343, = 806; GU, «= 521] 41360] 6.607 724 756' 3,732 «1,345 10 r ! ; ' Y 18 | 27,1388 5,193; 1,696 1,375: 1,071 | 9,335| 13,910] 1,469! 1,425 7,889 2,493 22 ! | | : i | ; ; 19 | 19,8275; 5,171 | 1,665’ 1,344 ° 1,084] 9,214) 13,505] 1,299! 995! 3,098 866 9 1 | f 1 5 M..| 3,610) 916: 282 223 141 || 1,562 |) 2.234 239 152, 699 284 2 2¢ | Both parents native...-....-- i F..} 3,345 | 71 37197 140 1.275 | 1.919 220 139 671 394 2 : a §M..| 6,370 | 1,801 574 450° 387 |) 3,212 || 4,765 497 315s 810° 51 2 21 One or both parents foreign. j Fi) 51740 | 1449 512 | 438 344 || 2'743 |] a 68 396 385! 753. 69 q : \ : i oh ps M..| 3,675 | 5 9 | 7 13 30 |]. 126 R0 195! 2,548, 724 2 22 Poreign boris: cease sree iF --| 3,437 2 5 : 10 7 24 115 86 232° «2.171 i 829 4 i | 23 Colored ..-.--+--+++++202 seer eere eres 447 76 35 | 31 23 165 on 29 43 | 117 | 15 2 1 Birthplaces of mothers: a : ‘ --| 4,845 |) 1, 264 391 |, 308 209 || 2,172 |) 3, 152 333 204 838 24 United States screces sacar sameete i. 4,491 997 341 290 205 || 1,833 |} 2) 778 313 190 786 . bs 105 34 2 32 200 307 39 26 213 25 England and Wales .....-...-.--- iF ie 618 88 37 21 28 17. 246 30 25 202 | Testun a {ue 3, 542 all 139 113 109 872 || 1,328 153 238 | 1,504 | 20) ARR MSDE Eset eese SCE See Sone F..| 3,606 400 111 7 9s 722 || 1,172 166 281! 1,567 | 7 3,035 521 205 147 123 994 || 1,470 152 338 | 1,032 2i 2) 548 431 176 136 9. 837 || 1,974 134 171 742 743 170 55 49 45 319 523 37 26 146 | 28 572 156 50 56 41 303 452 | 22 18 | 69. ; : : a9 318 G4 18 9 6 97 || 133 16 18 115 | 35 1 ' | a 161 43 8 6 4 61 5 6 ll 58 | 10 1 oo Females -... 157 21 10 3 2 36 58 10 7 BT |B | eseee ee 31 : 37 | 25 32 W Bltescgciendnnuniartesecedudetunie ries 317 63 18 9 6| 96 ie Ag is ae gs e : | 33 Native born........-------------+-- 221 | 63 7 9 6 95 130 l4 15 50 15 loccsenen i M.. 40 || 12 3 2 1 18 22 2 2 Both parents native.....- i 1 { 2 3 12 dk | aeaauees 34 ee ir a 8 2 2 1 || 13 2s 5 1 2B Bie cesee 35 One or both parents for- ie 66° 28 3 4 3} 40 48 | 8 6 GQ) ceca coeds Hata refi eign. B. 56 ll 1 1 4 4 16 Ts avaaratasa iste s M.. : ! 3%, Foreign ---2++e0e20--2000000- SP i , 2 li as Bhs / | i Se ier i ' 1 37 Colored ..--.--------+-22225 2-0 reser terres : ! jsseseele aoqgachawugeeeaam Wieetainad eae Seki | Birthplaces of mothers: +i ! \ 38 United States 00.0... trl 20 England and Wales ...--...-. § Mes M.. 40 Tréland -cccesciesdes sesecvcnss ; r.. M.. 41 Scotland .....---------------- pe M.. 42 Germany..--------------+--+- § Pe NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 281 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 | Child. | Dis. ; ho Sh is Can- | Heart] 7; A Dis- Scar-; Ty- | Ma- |. | Diar-' Con. Whoop-| cer | dis- | birth | Dis- | eases | gaseg , All All A -.)| Diph- rheal Pneu- OOP and pu-|eases| of the Old | Still- Un- let |phoid|larial D Croup. : sump- « |Measles.! in and | ease ~ | of the other causes. |! «ver | fever |fever. theria. ae. ioe monia. cough: tue | cand. eupeent pe the aE? urinary| 28¢ born. | causes. known. mor. \dropsy-) gases, 4 system] O'B2ns- ; 2; 920 63 24 11 128 68 346 386 302 46 30 45 124 29 42 250 156 10 204 655 1 I 1,587 29 17 7 62 37 192 224 175 31 11 15 GE ccna sen 21 127 80 4 103 387 1 2 1, 333 34 7 4 66 $1 154 162 327 15 19 30 60 29 21 123 76 6 101 268 |-.------ 3 2,918 1, 935 228 208 815 644 511 461 2 40 66 56 282 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLY 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mouths. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. . ae Pee Allages, vu Under 8] 3to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 |) Tl |! cnaer 5] 5 to 15 [15 to 25] 25 to65 | Over 65 | roy, Ward 12—Continued. 1 Sanitary district B 4,441 250 63 59 48 420 656 74 84 459 167 1 2 Males) acini ioeaedemecennaeeees 717 137 40 33 22 232 345 41 32 233 65 1 3 “724 113 23 26 26 188 ay a 52 226 We lec 4 1, 424 250 61 58 48 417 651 7A 83 458 167 1 5 1, 003 250 61 57 45 413 639 65 65 184 49 1 M.. 208 35 2 a 5 87 128 18 5 44 6 Both parents native.-.... y 190 i Al 8 7 63 99 10 3 42 7 One or both parents for- io 278 71 25 18 16 130 193 17 21 42 eign. F. 290 68 15 16 16 115 199 19 24 44 ; M.. ONS Nis osemiseaa an ehGreulvedacaees ae | i 7 6 - 139 2 Foreign -.---.---------------- gar) ee ce i 1 2 4 3 3 131 9 Colored) sc-ccecanansaesmenetueciwed seeccs 0" | ereecctncicns 2 TL lseewderce 3 Di loewoe dae 1 Dales aie ahetensral|opcpata oragaes Birthplaces of mothers: saa oy * 4 ‘0 ‘ 7 7 10 Tatted:States 28 52 9 12 iL 8 li England and Wales .----.-....--. j M , d ° 12 Tnelaiid ee acaecces one cenuts § Me i 2 13 Scotland 222s. .sccsecsasece ses ; al. Cea. Ls 14 Germany..----.-----------+-- ; ay 4 ae 15 1, 509 336 113 83 , * 602 906 85 72 373 Detained 16 Males 114 175 66 40 32 313 464 38 31 210 31 |.. = 7 Females 735 161 47 43 38 289 442 AT 41 163 BD cictiss craters 18 Wrohiteta500 cscs tutes seae aaa 1, 460 322 107 78 69 576 872 83 70 364 WAL) hercecteacrcyedl 19 Native HOU snccyncwadauseenwnennan 1,077 321 104 7 68 570 853 68 41 108 We teva cue Z M.. 130 42 10 7 3 62 96 7 1 21 20 Both parents native. --... ; FE. 136 39 8 6 W 64 93 9 6 22 21 One or both parents for- § M.. 411 121 52 29 27 229 332 25 . 37 |.- eign. j Bs 384 109 34 33 27 203 319 26 17 22 . : MM. 198 1 1 1 1 4 13° 5 BI 145 BE cewecatgs 22 Foreign born.....-.---------- ie i‘ TRL: ||paaneewed | Saeed ees 2 5 10 a 114 BB loc emciccel 23 *. I@OLOEEM, ssicuiocriemaiieanioe tals acan seine ae 49 14 6 5 1 26 34 2 2: 9 2: lesen Birthplaces of mothers: Ie ce M. 197 60 17 1B 7 97 47 12 2 29 7 24 United States ..-..----.------ 23 89 uw 10 13 93 148 14 9 25 7 |: 2 2 My as Mlescte eratercies 25 England and Wales - 18 3 2 1 i \ 7 i See : G a a 183 42 15 7 9 || 78 91 5 13 65 9 25 Holand ssisisetn ete eeeneea ees | 32 2 2 10 9 | 48 72 8 “4 73 15 |! a TS) |B hciseeemlamevcuacalaeewaeas 3 7 a 2 2|. 27 Scotland ....--.------.------- i 10 1 OAS it abareshien tas sck | 3 5 21. 1 2 os 287 53 28 16 il 108 | 175 13 &L 9 28 Germany. inc issnneseese xe sey Ful 264 61 24 18 12 | 115} 170 15 15 53 ni 29 Sanitary district D..-.......---2----+2+-++- 837 139 57 | 41 26 | 263 406 72 45 249 63 a fe ; 30 Males 411 75 26 23 11 | 135 | 190 41 21 126 3l 2 31 Females 426 G4 31 18 15 128 216 31 24 123 Bo tle ceward 32 While: cece sccceantatdeneneeceeecoeaese 834 138 57 41 26 262 || 404 72 45 248 63 2 33 india Babine cece cor saeco aee 590 137 57 40 25 259 | 397 64 30! 86 13 |... i M.. 83 22 9 6 1 38 48 14 y 15 4]. 34 Boelparentemaiyessts=2 iF. 97 22 uN 5 6 44 bz 13 3 13 él: 35 Oue or both parents for- ¢M.. 181 44 17 17 10 88 131 21 10 18 Til eceneced eign. F.. 193 33 19 12 8 72 133 13 12 34 Tistacaes 3 M.. 125 36 Foreign born.....------------ ; Fr 310 37 COleRO ccncceaaccnsccie¥en seen nornaee 3 Birthplaces of mothers: M ag 38 United States..-.------------ § : 134 1 39 England and Wales a3 is 7 40 Treland....-----------+++++++- oh 99 fe 142 41 Germany .-.-------------+--+- x 128 4 42 Italy ....------------- 22 eee 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 283 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. ° i CAUSE OF DEATH. ; . Child- Dis- : j Can- | Heart | y. . Dis- Scar-| Ty- | Ma- |. Diar- . : -<. | birth | Dis- | eases 2S let hoid larial ee Croup. the al os Pneu- Measles. ae and an and: pus Sf the of the of ‘the Old | Still- 2 Un- fever.|fever.|fever. ; eaee. tion, | 70028. cough.| tu- | and | ee Neeser Maes urinary} "8° born. | causes. | EBOWE- : mor..|dropsy.| eases. # eystem. organs. 1,441 |: 34 7| 44 80 37 | 126] 181 137 24 18; 45 80 16 | 20 105 106|{ 1:{ 109 321 1 717! 21 3 6 40 12 64 63 16 13 7} 18 88 | catacs. 9 45 39 2 65 176 |........ 2 724 |: 13 4 8 40 25 62 88 61 iL 11} 27 42 16] 11 60 47 9 44 145 foo... 3 ' 1,434 |, 34 7) 14 80 37 | 124] 150 137 24 is | 45 80 16} 20 105 103 | 1] 109 Bibs sencces 4 1,003 |) 31 5| iw] 7 36) 12! 81; 87 2 1) 19/34 s| 9 59 50] 3! 19} 232 |... 5 1 208) 7]... 1 18 1 24 19 21 3 2 3 6 stows 1 10 9 1 25 85 il uaten sence! L6 190 |; 7 1 2 13 7 7 16 18 2 3 i 9 4 1 9 14 2 16 49) seca 5 5 5 4 8 741i 16 9|' 3 40 24| 105] 85 79 10 9 6 26 lessee 5 66 40 4 76 171 735 || 18 5 7 54 13 | 104 4 68 9 5| 18 34 16 5 56 33 8 68 140 1,460 |} 34; 12) 10 92 37| 206| 151 143 19 2] 94 87 16} 10 120 1; wit 135 300 1,077 || 321 8 8 89 34) 193 67 97 19 i 4 15 | 7 1 94 7 1{ 135: 235 130 4 1 1 5 3 19 5 11 4 Bliss can Diss 12 11 42 136 BH leeucad 1 17 1 16 7 14 Bil santos 2 3 12 14 36 411 11 5 2 34 19 76 27 39 6 5 1 Di otras aaa 36 58 81 384 |} 14 2 4 32 11 80 28 33 6 4 1 8 5 1 33 45 72 198 1 9 lnsdeds 1 2 8 48 26) sccnmaced 1 5 of || csgsee. 5 16 22 a tees 37 181 1 2 2 2 1 5 36 19 | Lewiedooslacaneond 15 21 9 4 10 21 Ti lcedesoe 26 49 [oes at... Dh erase scp 3 8 Bil secrh ees pi Dl aciatle 30 scence laces 2 2 1 9 aii le cerca 23 | 9 5 26 cP 23 4 25 11 3 ilcieeraes 3 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 29 32 12 3 11 37 9) | eaeeserniet 1 1 Tasso Drees 18 | 15 43 33 4 15 | 3 36 19 4 | | ; B37 | aL 6 7 42 | 15} 104] 108 74 12 6) 20 46 5 4 6989 3 57 198 1| 29 411 | 4; 4! 18] 6: 53] 48 35 9 a} bi) 2 cgeeacs 1 ee a eee O7: | ALB eeeyen 30 426 |) 13 2 3 24 9 51 60 39 3 3/ 35; 2% 5 3 30! 28 3 30 85 1| 31 1 | 107 74 12 G{ 20' 46 5 4 69 38 3 57 197 1| 32 ) i --— —| — — E 9 | 4 61 47 12 6 8 li 4 i, 50 Uf lexewes 57 135 1| 33 | 83 | 3 a eer 4 ty i 3 A cicahedledaare Assi pdaulsassae 9 a tivedas 6 27 |. 97 3 1 7 2, 181 9 5 1 2 5 Pi Geeeas 10 @ieeecar 10 19 |. | 46 | 40 : | ; 33 ' 21 . | 1 32 31 |. 5 2 27 ! 16 i 35 27 284 TaB_e 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN VITAL STATISTICS. EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND e om Gh 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 36 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Ward 12—Continued. Sanitary district E.......---.-------------- Males Females Whiterccasicicnescniasteccesewaneceasme Native born .......----------2------ Both parents native. ..-..- § a One or both parents for- 4 M.. eign. ; Ei Foreign born..--.--.---------- { a. Colored iss. siceaesscacaacieseniceciceese see Birthplaces of mothers: United States..........------ f M.: England and Wales.......--- ; Me: Treland -z2sseeeecssewsesensess ; ae M.. Scotland sccscecccess se cee dees ; PF. Germany .......-.-.-------+-+ ; Mes Sanitary district F.......--..--------+--+-- Males Females WWII <0c:c-sescssinicieisis cee nice ARE Native born.......... ------------- Both parents native .-..- ; se One or both parents he eign. Foreign boru Colored..-....--- fig pert torejsielbiataerducisiaitaleisiaie Birthplaces of mothers: United States..-....--------- § ae England and Wales .--..-.--- {eo Phin e yaciaecasseewawes § pee M.. Scotlandcadic-haccecescsesincs ; ae ; M. Germany..-..--.----+--0- ++ Ss Males Females White... .--.---.- 2-20 - cence econ ee cc eeee Native born...--..2-+--2-20eeeeeee+ Both parents native...-.. ; Mes One or both parents for- § M.. eign. F.. Foreign born..-...----------- f Bes Colored ...---------2eeeeeee eens errr eee Birthplaces of mothers: ui United States ......-----226-- ; ai England and Wales ...------- ; ae Treland....----------------++- ; Me M.. Germany...----------+-+++-+- ; Fr. M. Months. Years. Allages. A 9 Total ~ Cae ay z Un- Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9tol2 under 12 Under 4| 5 to 15 |15 to 25 25 to 65 | Over 65 known. 761 175 49 30 18 272 385 56 37 215 67. 1 415 113 25 | 22 rt 171 222 25 15 117 30: | eciniee 346 62 24 8 7 101 163 |# = 31 22 98 31 1 760 175 49 . 30 18 272 385 56 37 214 67 1 568 174 48 30 18 270 376 50 27! 94 2h. |Laceccad 130 2 12! 10 4 68 90 13 6 “4 103 23 8 5 3 39 59 ca 4 22 158 62 12 1 6 91 116 10 5 26 160 36 16 3 4 59 97 16 12 31 4 Dele 4 16 6 acl Saece 3 3 6 4 19 1 Te och ecteesl i ccesuadelbenehonde leeeevensy f| sccanigintet | eean vita [asinine |spSeete de dill eeaeasueelscieeares | 155 | 52 i #29 31 12 34 10 4° 19 3 2 90 15 1 95 6 4 16 6 1 6 ee seceee 84 17 2 67 12 6 | 952 161 38 dl 41) 291 473 4 49 293 G35 |) Ses sceae 477° 6 26 25 26 | 146 237 34 22 154 30 |... 475 92 12 26 15 | 145 236 30 27 139 BB ces ees 927 160 37 50 37 | 284 460 63 45 286 (ie eres 656 160 37 49 35 281 454 53 31 101 7 oeccan: 1 105 25 7 8 9 49 76 5 4 16 flee 116 28 4 10 3 45 5 7 6 20 Bereta! 210 41 18 16 13 88 148 25 8 28 Tf oness 203 55 7 15 19 87 142 15 13 32 Die acncise 139 WWeciszcece| — ieweseces 1 1 1 3 7 103 Qo ieee J9B Wceeecece eens: dy [aeeesee te 1 2 7 7 81 Ol iemnes | on 1 1 1 4 7 13 1 4 2 bee eeee ee | 155 36 11 13 12 72 114 10 7 : 163 36 9 7 6 68 114 9 g 19 1 ch eee eee 2 4 6 3 2 25 4 1 1 2 8 10 Si dees 152 5 40 66 14 5 156 1 32 59 9 5 13 2 3 4 Ms sebebeact 6 1}. aise 4 5, leaweeints [essence 101 5 3 4 19 34 5 5 88 15 1 2 2 20 30 8 i 2,570 518 202 171 139 | 1,030 || 1,569 135 119 641 104 2 1,310 277 95 87 67 526 811 58 60 333 47 1 1,260 241 107 84 72 504 758 7 59 308 57 1 2, 394 486 192 162 130 970 || 1,478 126 105 589 95 | 1 1,781 484 189 158 127 958 |} 1,439 106 63 162 PL eeoee 229 61 23 18 14 116 183 10 7 24 Dassen 228 51 32 22 17 122 168 15 11 32 Qieecedane 662 190 G4 63 45 362 551 36 26 49: lesiet eas acad st 612 165 64 52 48 329 503 44 17 46 oF Reweaares 301 1 1 2 15 8 19 221 OS: kee sand 293 2 leescanets 2 9 12 23 202 46 1 176 9 9 60 91 9 14 52 9 1 398 108 31 27 24 188 57 8) 1 403 94 50 3d 25° 203 56 48 12 4 4! 4H 24 | 7 48 8 3 ge a 16 17 409 55 29 a1: i i 12, 392 Dt 17 16 19 jj) 106 287 Sd 24 21 18} 117! 252 49 22 16 | 16; 103 | 16 3 1 3) 1 Il 10 13 25 1 1} 2 |, 6 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION BIRTHPLACES; OF MOTHERS—Continued. 285 OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, CAUSE OF DEATH. i i : x Child- Dis- : | Diar- Can-| Heart) Virth | Dis. ! eases | Dis- An | SP lpndia taint | Diph- heal |C°2- | Pnen- Whoop cer | dis: land pu-/eases, of the | °88¢8 | oa | sti | A | on. _{| let |phoid Jarial |Y)2P2-) Croup. | T24* Isump.- | U- | Measles.| in and | ease pu e2 © | of the other - causes. paces Gover! fevers: theria. D dis- Hon, ; monia. pail tus and |& peral oF the nerv- urinary’ age. | born. pause: known. | \ PORES: | mor. |dropsy.| G1. |"Ver| 08 | organs. | | : “| eases. system.|~ > i 1 a | 5 a eas a | el — | pee ee el ee oe seal es ' eee : 761 3; 19 2 10 44 14 75 82 | 68 3 7 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 7 190 |. 1 re | sai peices 415 |, 7 i 1 6 20 7 43 38 | 45 2 2 9 13, |. -cceo2s 2 | 41 20 1 49 109 |.. 2 346 | 12. 1 4 24 7 32 44 | 23 1 5 9 18 10 3 32 15 3 22 81 3 760 |; #19. 2 10 44 14 75 82"; 68 3 7 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 TL 189 |.-.-.... 4 3 15 37 me ca aes 3c "3p 42 ll 6 i i 4 5 2 G. 202 202 387 358 41 42 134 134 ll 14 17 26 90 10 85 jocmesea Hee 47 16 200 25 35, a7; 1 ee a | 24, «18, 192 93 81 .6 137,28 Ltda eth 19 3 3! 2) 30 6 oe be ge 6 | 4) 2) 88 13 i | \ | 16 34 19 31 10 10 ‘ 30 | 7 46) 12 25 3 4 Y 29 23 39 29 9 8 4 3 2 2 5 4 1 9 3 9 2 we mr 140 73 53 aassiaas 30 ; at 1, 32) 286 TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN VITAL STATISTICS. EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. ‘| SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months: Toats: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. nial U Tota a = ‘ne Under 3] 3to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 under 12 Under 5| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25| 25 to 65| Over 65 Kaowi: Ward 12—Continued. i Sanitary district H...........-222.02200--6- 519 97 23 20 11 151 212 29 22 144 AID) [eae nee 2 Males ..--. 256 || , 53 12 13 5 83 115 15 10 70 46) |. acassee 3 Females. 263 44 11 7 6 68 97 14 12 74 66 |........ 4 White........... 516 97 22 20 Bb 150 211 29 22 142 112+|6 cece 5 Native Word sieseecescsiccensnceonw 325 96 22 20 W 149 204 26 18 53 Oh sascnt F M.. 65 18 5 8 1 32 41 5 4 11 @e |e ciecssek 6 Both parents native..--.. ; p_. 41 1 4 ooo sk 17 93 6 a 5 Gul. once 1 7 One or both parents for- § M.. 93 34 i 6 5 4 49 68 7 5 12 TL leacsetee eign. : F.. 103 7 7 5 6 45 65 8 7 22 Dl cscmieimaide 8 Foreign borm..-.---++---+-+-- ec ee eee) Sealeee | OIE) cane) ees 9 COOTER sco caneseciciccccscct cose nance, S| saat sts fl. |seeviececal occ sorciayctes 1 ] j--------- [eee eee eee DN aisesesisiscereleareaunerie Birthplaces of mothers: an ‘ “ r 4 ara aa 85 a 8 42 57 14 10 United States -..-...-----.--- § F.. 56 ib 4 3 2 4 34 7 2 7 il England and Wales ......--.- {e- <4 z 3 pores L : 12 ‘Yreland. .....2...22-22----22+ ; aes Be 13 3 Z 2 13 Scotland -.-..-----se-ceeeess troy) ou eee OF M.. 79 42 3 4 20 a German yeierece esa sone see ; F.. 64 27 2 1 20 15 Sanitary district I -.----.----------..------ 3, 519 735 241 204 182 1, 362 2,075 189 159 895 206 1 16 Males 1,87 401 136 99 91 727 1,136 100 16 472 883 Sacre 17 Females...-...----- Snsid 1, 647 334 105 105 91 635 939 89 83 423 1g 1 18 3, 512 733 241 204 182 || 1,360 || -2,072 188 158 893 200 1 19 Native born -.22 002222. 25 ee eee 2.577 727 234 194 176 1,331 2, 002 160 112 266 36 1 ; M.. 343 99 38 21 19 177 252 25 11 46 9 leceasced 20 Both parents native...... ; F.. 294 85 4 22 14 145 216 15 10 39 fades ocd 21 One or both parents for- ; M.. 1, 004 278 90 72 67 507 813 56 44 87 4 Veale eign. F. 858 235 78 5 BB 461 673 61 43 17 34 1 . . M. 465 |l.-....--- 4 4 3 aby 31 15 20 327 72 | asa: 22 Foreign born..--..----------- iF 444 1 1 9 ivseissiece 5 19 12 26 296 alee aes 2B Colored) siaissisiessiseecice texeeraees cies =e 7 2 [eee eee ee [eee eee [eee eee eee 2 3 1 1 Deans cassia | sewaeses Birthplaces of methers: ai a 65 48 . is e 493 1H 51 2 38 377 12 56 4 United States .------- ------- § F. 421 115 37 2 26 210 318 28 2 48 : 22 2 35 61 25 England and Wales...--.---.- ; po s 18 3 5 a 33 2 3 i 2 ; M.. 470 68 20 16. 13 117 204 16 33 187 26 Ireland .-.------+-2+-+2e000+ ; EF 437 49 12 23 2 105 169 20 31 189 oh 2 414 7 29 1 141 231 20 17 117 27 Germany... --+--++++-+-22200+- j F. 371 66 28 1B 13 125, 196 20 2 102 nese ie 204 38 | 18 14 18 88 149 13 5 33 28 BY SEC Rae RAR ERIE R Ao F. 169 52: 4 16 4 96 131 6 Ti. 2h 29 Sanitary district K........2..2..020002e 20 350 68 | 23 u ll 116 163 15 7 117 38 licdeoeee 30 Males 178 39 | 9 4 7 59 84 7 10 58 19 j.....2.. 31 Females 172 29 | id 10 4 57 79 8 7 59 19 areeeecd i 32 Whit@sccs cenceseectecacecrmscnecesaciet 349 68 | 23, 14 11 116 163 15 7 116 98° srcimscicse 33 Native born......-2--2+0-20222020- 247 67 22 14 ll 114 157 4 13 52 Tsetse 7 M.. 49 15 | 3 1 5 24 31 3 BH) se eles 34 Both parents native. ----- iF - 52 10! 3 4 1 18 29 3 2 AS 7 aes 35 One or both parents = 73 22 | 6 2 2 33 50 4 4 TO cccratedGaamian eign. F.. 65 16 10 6 3 | 35 43 3 4 14 T | eaaeenee 3 M.. BO! Ill saeeices cedars [Sienna iat Sete mite Sure aeons cee Toe kree sel 3 32 a cr iaeisd 36 | Foreign born.....--..-----+-+- SP ee 48, || soseaidian|oxexes eecle ee 5 62 3 516 || 21 4 9 30 8: 49 68 | 56 7 9 8 | 24 4 5 | 33 39, 2 BL 119 jeesenee 4 373 21 2 4; 99 7! 45 43 | 36 7 9 5 10 | 3 2 23 | : x9 Boia ' 6 | 1: 16 % TO: ae. pee 2D lhe Dhak stern 1 10 0 ee 83 6 i 8. 2 3 12 5 3 4 4 3 1 1 5 4 De - i y TO eo hacksks| ed | 5 4 16 10 11 3 Hed ete Bl eceseichaseny adele 5 9 aoe. 41) Dd aoe be - 0 1 3 Cling acs 5 BO ge Skee: 6 1 11 aif 1 22, 22 3 4 a 2 2 1 2 +23 |. s 1|- aa 3 |. 2 5 15 eroeraae 2 11 5,662 || 122] 36) 73 269 140 | 733) 639 523 136 gli 105 195; 62' 47' 419 243 42! «473 | 1,323 1] 15 pe eee | eee nae oa ae 3. 001 6t| 24] 24! 142 88 | 358; 349 299 67 39) 33 OF sce, 24 229 128014 | 276 740 1] 16 2, 661 | 58. 12| 49! 197 52| 375 290 224 69 42] 72 103 62! 23 190 105-28} 197 583. |nctenar 17 5,631 || 122 36] 73! 269 140) 729, 632 518 | 136 80! 105 195 62 46 417 24300 41] 472) 1,314 1| 18 atta et eee, \ pomeans as bgt ee Wes ad 4,125 || 113: 722! 50) 249 127| 646} 362 307 | 127 78 37 93 | 15; 291 109: 17] 472 981 1| 19 aol 3’ 56! 31 75} 183 |... 336 || 16 | 2) al 36 ig; oa; 55 5 3 9 | give) 2a at; 10! 60) Mat (202007 R20 5 26 | 5 2 0 346 1 1,462 || 41° 11! 10 93 58 | 228: 126 111 49 26 3 95 ania ee 6; 104 32 21 19 346 21 1,233 |) 40 5 (QL 79 28 | 225; 107 84 41 g| wi 18 20 4 86 20 1) 129; 281 |......-. | I | | | 753 6 9 4° 10 8 27! 150 120 4 28 fy a eer 14 | 63 69 Be | scseees 182 705 2 5 19 10 4 37; 120 81 2 40; 51 34) 17: 63 63] 16 |...--.. 141 |. $ i ; : : BT eecee Bo Maat sdoyoona bee oe are 4; 7 al eee 1 | epsteseeeecinelbiccaises 1: OF ae aiend 1 1 9]. 23 E { : i | ' meet ae | : : ; By a7 7 10! BS 31] 14 71 76 20 12 1 Anessa 6 | T3 37 4: 102, 33 35 2 12> 80 93] 130 67 32! 26 15; 2 37 12 2: 53 2} 10, 90 120 1! 9° 4] 6 4 14 13 7! i 2 d i yas ie = a 7 1 ‘ : ; 14 od BA Pa eee 16: 8 14! 2 ‘ 3 4 : ae 16 - Bi 4) 30 5 57! 137 76 | 4 ll; 13 BOI cies re ox 10} 56 39 6! 41l =a37 Bi 4! 20, 8B 6 67) 129 70 10 | 11} 16 26 1} wi 50 5) 8, 22 567 11 | 4 5 3 19 91 78 a 4 i § 13 = ees a 5 38 : 1 2 13 7 21 10 63 40 20. 5 418 | 4 I 13 22 44 21 82 31 | Delco Ot haaiteced 2 26 S 302 1 | 1 2 10 rv i) 38 15. 2 1 5 10 |..---- 19 2,132 |) 42 | 20; 38 91 28} 207) 237 209 13 25) 68 127 23 | 20 181 ; soe} | | | | 120 || 24) 12) 16 43 9! 102! 121 104 Go TO) 835) Ac coset ad 13 4 ow iB 8 | 22 48 9! 105 116 103 | ie 15; 45 57 23 7 87 ' : f ! 2,102 | 41! 20 | 3g 91 28! 206! 232 202 | 13 | 2: 68) 126! 93! 20 180 eee re et ee ee en 3 Vy Eee o 1 a oa ee 1 Bi F ze oa ea 1,608 | 41: 12) 31 85 27! 190| 154 148 | 13 | 23) 34 72 3) 12 133 | 3 36 | tL 96 | 4 44 416 9° 4] -7 17 7 36 32 36 4} 4) 96s rasaases 4 339 te aca 12 19 2 28 34 38 | 2! 9 6 3 27 | ; ! 4 25 18 ll octets 39 420 14 4 6 23 12 60 46 6 37g | 10 4 6 25 6 61 39 8° 1 35 5 |....-- 29 : 22 32 @.csnaee 2239 |oc.e- 4 3 Bi lence 3 40 BB |e. ce- | 4 4 4 1 11 38 25 16 9 |... : 1 Tiloesdes 2 30 te tet aeeasleddaaaaheatiarseid 1 5 | : 52° OT 2 44 one Bf 36, 2; 4| 34 4s a 4 i 3 3 3 os 8 5 | O44 2 Ba 45 1 | 20 1} 16 245 45 my 2 | 9 | 16 i 3 | ated u og | 20 1M 21 7! a : Boe 290 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLy 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. ! SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Mears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ‘ All ages. | 2 : Under) Bto6 | 6 tod | 9 to 12 ||, TO ,| Under S| 5 to 15 |16 to 25 | 26 to 65 | Over 65 |, UB Ward 12—Continued. \ 1 Sanitary district O...-.....--.222-00--020+- 3, 493 635 182 165 105 |} 1.087 || 1, 605 173 208 | 1,102 400 5 \ | 2 1, 802 | 351 103 78 57 369 | 817 90 101 588 173 3 3 1,691 , 284 79 87 48 498 i 758 83 107 514 227 2 { 4 3,429 626 174 157 101 |} 1,038 |} 1,570 167 200 | 1,089 398 5 5 2, 585 625 171 156 98 |} 1,050 || 3,555 155 145 524 203 3 : M.. 602 139 4d 32 20 235 335 38 30 137 61 1 6 Both parents ayy e..s-y° tec) 33 Hoi 28 33 12 190 289 34 By 141 100 Soest: One or both parents be 70 186 49 40 34 309 456 44 37 121 11 1 7 eign. F.. 636 | 151 47 49 32 279 430 39 54 92 ss : _§M.. or Hy eaters 1 2 4 5 27 294 98 j....-2-- 8 Foreign born.....---.++--+-+- ; Bue BOG |- cance ear Wekeaae ce lesoueecee 2 2 7 7 27 258 96 i 9 Colored sas cccssacnceneacecdaxtine secdeess 64 | 9 8 8 4 29 35 6 8 13 Del nea Birthplaces of mothers: a , oe ; ee : i 765 185 54 45 310 44 50 2 69 2 10 United States: ..ncxesesseoe iF ; 739 152 40 42 20 254 392 49 36 153 109 ; ss 83 12 2 5 1 20 27 3 6 1 16 11 England and Wales.......-.- ; y! 85 | 9 6 1 3 19 26 4 5 29 21 Tecan e 453 66 21 iL 13 1 164 14 28 211 36 12 PEPARO voceininisige since S55 F.. 42) | 47 12 18 8 85 133 20 34 186 47 G oo 283 | 45 16 10 10 81 115 16 16 104 32 13 SRO ass ect ero ee 238 ° 37 9 16 7 69 99 6 20 86 27 Ssandiness ee 32 | DS ka cteleas 1 4 7 22 2 2 5 1 14 SCADGINANNAS 2 cist cacE tees Pe 43 | 7 4 6 3 20 85 hoswies 5 BO hjchea ons 15 Sanitary district P .......------0--2-2+-2+++ 512 100 33 21 20 az | 243 99 46 aes u - 16 Males 268 53 13 14 14 6 | 129 12 16 90 20 1 ie 244 45 20 7 6 78 4 7 24 65 Dd esi 18 509 100 33 20 20 173 241 29 40 154 44 1 19 369 100 33 20 20 173 240 26 28 63 12: liveaves. ‘ M.. 64 20 2 4 5 a1 40 2 3 5 20 Both parents native...... { P 57 8 3 7 3 30 a 8 : \ One or both parents for- ie 117 34 | ll 9 9 63 86 10 5 15 1 eee 2) eign. Ee 116 34 10 6 4 54 75 8 16 16 I iisasekes 3 M.. TA: occas oh annie acon [cade aaisicis | saeadcins: |[Sacawecend | deacte ola eases 5 Be PG eee 29 Foreign born....--.------+--- f F.. GFA eg hse eee iy? a 7 35 | 3 eeen | 23 Golored <. 21. [essex 83 | 9 8 5. 20 21 1 28 | 1 6) 12 | 7 | 8 581 | 401 2055] TeV yeeeepeee | 3e aot | 990! a | 58 61 14 49! 24 228. «188 BO 9D | , 96) 8] 232 49 60 490, B74! tors oul 63, 0a! ot 574 | : - 1 1 i 1 So sea weels ba 26 | 35, 15 1 ie Se Th 34, 33 98 3 Oh le canes ' 8 143 | 287 , 38 6 26 9 i 116 | 190 : | | 19 Bi cswmnene | 97 Sd 80; 37, 16 B sue te iy ade anes 10 | 1 10 |.------- 1 1s R 8 3 1 8 8 49: ecicten's 18 | 9 29 67 9} 15 2 5 5° 6 4 2 296 TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN VITAL STATISTICS. EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND we 10 ll 12 13 14 16 V7 18 19 20 21 a 23 AGE. e Months. Years. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND sais -— BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Allages | \ Under3, $to6 | 6to9 | 9 to12 aaetal ,|| Under | 6 to 15 |15 to 25/25 to 65| Over 65], UB I Ward 14—Continued. Sanitary district A.....22222.0.200 00202222. 2, 537 MTT 152 147 144 | 920 1, 472 100 150 682 131 2 Males 1,379 290 | 84 81 7 525 | 810 42 83 392 51 1 : Females... 1,158 187 | 68 66 74 395 | 662 38 67 290 80 1 Wihitencdov ees Aatetacostaatadatoca: 2,591 473 152 147 144 916] 1,465 100 148 677 130 1 NE SE DORN ooade enced acne: 1.732 471 150 142 138 || 901 | 1,407 70 76 172 6 1 : M. 125 40 10 7 3 60 99 2 4 17 Bel sccee a Both parents native.___.. ie : 130. 34 12 7 14 67 | 102 11 1 15 Ade Seceisiarciooe One or both parents for-§ M. 788 235 72 69 62 438 | 661 27 30 68 1 1 eign. F 642 149 52 55 58 314 521 30 36 80: adeaecsas|sseesees ' M. 416 | soecar cee 1 3 5 23 13 42 292 Foreign born'es:ceedesss-..-+' ie 361 |}. i 1 2 4 24 7 30 212 Colored icc sacceccms ssnaee ceeucees aeemcice 16 Bel eecranravinelleteiccses | aoroeceod 4 D Nae viebcizcvs 2 5 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 2 8 werent M. 176 59 13 aol 6 89 141 22 United States ...----..--..... SF. 173 43 4 7 16 80 vi M4 20 2 England and Wales .......... ; ae : au zy } t yaa i ‘ 10 3 1 i Treland...--.----222-222..--+- ie a i 4 2 3 36 34 i 30 108 56 ‘ GOUMABY vas ences eee eannoneee ey 8 i s/t be 5 | 38 4 Italy M. 680 186 49 52 56 | 343 526 20 30 93 11 Hiny “SPER AES SRE SEAS ee ; F. 516 105 38 48 45 236 409 24 21 49 13 Sanitary district B..2.2.2....0..22.0-00000 4, 637 597 247 291 255 | 1,590 |] 2. 605 160 2611 1,373 236 | 2 NAGS ois fsiSe is Shoes scecueee 2,509 453 136 157 141 | 887 || 1,426 74 123 785 101 |.....-.. Females.......2...000--00000--- 2,128 344 M1 134 114 703 || 1,179 86 138 588 135 2 Wiiite!..oso.2a22scc2cesudisssoseeieees 4,599 789 242 290 252 | 1,573 || 2,585 159 260! 1,357 36 2 Native born...........22.2220-0002- 3, 001 781 236 273 232 | 1.522 |: 2,388 105 151 337 20 asses ‘ M. 259 | 72 17 20 16 125 189 8 5 44 Gahan Both parents native.....- j F.. 232 | 62 22 13 | 17 118 188 i 10 15 Bigeee da i | - One or both parents for-¢M..| 1,340 | 353 ui. 127 | 108 , 699 1, 083 34 63 151 40. eign. F..| 1,095 267 81 106 | 85 539 75 47 69 101 3) 1" 1 | 5 m M.. 825 |i 3 1 gu 10: 21 99 31 51 556 BB Spaces Foreign born...--...-.-.-+--- feo) tcc. 3 7! 6 15 79 23 37 135 127 | 2 eile ted eens sl tata aera 38 8 5 1 3 17 | 20 1 1 16" |p eskiseeee pence ! Birthplaces of mothers: A 5 “ i ' United States ----.--..--.-0- ec ee ee eee eat M.. 662 42 25 13 Ag 3 97 166 16 63 359 58 |. Spanweeeabhesseetee a = f : 3 : : y m3 |/ ot] | é| a] cal 's| wl is! B Germany a 166 |, 15 7 5 10 37 GO 6 12 71 17 j Rassia and Poland........... trol fol) is > ; Sie abe deg a. al Ml) 982 238 6) 96 79 || 473 780 ~ 36 25} 133 | 81 DY ain sioicinn Bid nite ciniee tine F.. 117 167 47 80 60 | 354 619 | 40 | 32 | 73 12° 1 i ' | | ! fl NV Ara Sse ence ona eantee eSaeimaeecmmeneeeten 4, 987 787 233 190 138 | 1,348 |] 1,981 | 178 oat! 9.049 497: 7 aos : : Set i Malosissc22,cuccenauehsadgsseshaa! 2, 736 460} 195 95 6 45 || 1075; too | sk) 76 | ey Oma leS soo nice oesyirs sieicererdtcrdsniensscinssttc | 2,251 327 108 95 73 | 603 906» 78 V7 | 867 253 fowccicwie 1 7 ‘ { Mehiltenuaane necaseseancase asa vaaes ne oe 4,538 697 206 173 122 || 1,198}; 1,780 161 252° 1,873 466 | 6 Native botn:..ceesees aaeecsegocessacns 3,007 692 201 169 19}; 1181! 1,727, 10 we! 787 202 3 ) i | a 1 | ; M. 615 122 26 lo Wy} 174 258 97 26 295 Oho Both parents native...-...-.- iF, 513 | 73 30 23 18 i 14d 209 21 28 181 74 | SeszAte \ ! ! Sato. fe M. 804 | 256 7 61 $1 435 629 45 38! 471 8 | 3 One or both parents forvign.. iF : 790 192 54 G4 47 | 357 546 33 53 | 137 21 \ as besyotens i ’ . M. BOB Whence 2 3 3 8 29, 18 47 637 133 | 1 Foreign born ...---------+-+2+++- tr 633 | si | Deerranted lente envee | ured tent Li 19 | 13 45 | 427 | 1290 [2S se | i : QTE re dae ase ote eee ea nee Dra 449 90 27 17 16} = is0 |, 201 17 | 29! 170 31° 1 Dirthplaces of mothers: : i i ‘ eae M. 43 |} 11 50 | 38 20 319 || 456 38 | 44) 316! United States...-----+----------- F 813 |, 126 53 38 28 245 |! 353 37 43 | 276 | M 438 | 37 5) 6 4 59 90 i! 27) 61 | Treland ....---+-----220eereer ree SP 436 | 24 7 12 5 48 4 10. 40 258 | M. 175 |) 26 Be 4 3 41 63 | 2| 6 90 | Frauce...-----+2+2+-+00222220-->- ; F 120 | a 5 ae 30 35 51 43 4 50 M. 383 |) 58 13, 1: 8 | 95 117 12 | 21 195 | Germany -..------+---2-+2-22007- re 246 || 36 8. 11 | I 60 99 8 | 20 91) M 293 || G6 18 | 19 23 126 203 20 | 12 52 | Vtaly cccs:sccvece2 peveeuasiiees ee: ie 247 || 53 10 | 19 | oli 101 189 | 7 | u 36 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 297 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. Chila ! nild- Dis- 3 ' 7 Diar- Whoop: Can- | Heart) jirth | Dis- | eases | Dis- | i an Scar-| Ty- | Ma- Diph- heal | Con cer | dis- eases j a All i let [phoid |larial| + 2P2° | Croup. | T3:c?' | sump- Pneu- |yreasles.: 7& | and | ease and pu-jeases) of the | or the | Old | Still- Un- causes. | tever,|fever. fever. Pere he Hed mone. 1 cough. tu- | and |°7I eral of the pia urinary age. | born. eee ak known, mor. |dropsy-| cases, system.| Tans. 2, 537 37] 15 8 90 66 | 256] 286 282 97 38} 32 89 15) 24 186 122 9! 210 673 2| 2 1,379 16 9 7 45 34} 139] 174 166 48 os A 49. |osccaictes 12 102 62 2| 132 353 Be. 32 1,158 21 6 1 45 32) 17] 112 116 49 15 | 21 46 15] 12 84 60 7 78 320 1| 3 2,521 37] 15 8 90 66 |" 256] 282 282 96 38 | 32 89 15) 24 184 122 9| 207 667 2) 4 1, 732 33 5 5 83 62; 216] 110 178 91 37 3 20 3 6 125 AT \onswax 207 BOD Seriiee 5 125 B lcoces 1 12 5 19 9 1 4 4 T, |egeoeealbiceth be 1 4 6 14 130 5 A Wrndacd 9 3 12 1 5 6 4 1 1 1 12 3 1 | 788 || 11 3 4 30 26} 101 50 88 42 TW ecsnea Bee deare 1 64 1G |leceeee 110 219 j..-..--- 7 642) 14 il sore 31 27 81 37 14 38 il 2 10 2 3 43 17 |-ecner 64 187 |pcaienie i 416] 2 6 2 2 3 16| 106 65 1}. 10 D4: segezeze 10 31 37 i enna 88 1/2. 361 2 4 1 5 1 22 66 33 3 |- 19 35 12 8 28 37 Ti lerdngan 17 1|$ 16: saseealsceieiallscadeelpencnas aeebesse fescue ds |beseesen Dt Wssicecaan oegace Shemsndyyiaeend| seoesa Dil Ssaenceledeeine 3 Oo hacese 9 176 | sii eee 1 14 7 27 13 1 173 6 Tes nea 13 5 15 9} 6) A faeces 20 iWletsetese|neeere 1 T, loesesicns 2, 3 a 15 1 D pascscces 1} 2 os 281 1 5 5 13 70 3 319 4 2 22 61 8 13] 2 Teleseees 9 22 4 7%} 1: 4 3 2 7 .4 680 || 6 3 4 22 21 78 46 96 | 35 11 2 516) 9 2 1 20 19 63 25 62: 37 10 6 I | 4, 637 58; 31| 21| 146 127| 4781} 583 487 204 60; 52 2,509 26! 23 G 68 68} 258] 321 288 108 17. 72 TB \eeisecul 24 162 137 s8/ 24! 688 2} 16 2, 128 32 8i 14 78 59 | 220] 262 199 96 43 | 40 68 34| 12 144 128; 15| 157 519 |.--..-- 17 4,599 58; 31} 21! 146 127} 473] 571 481 204 58 52| 143 34} 36 306 265 | 23 | 367 | 1,198 2] 18 3,001} 49{ 12] 12] 124 110; 389! 238 296 182 54 8 45 9; Uu 202 78 1! 367 812 2] 19 252 6 Daas 16 6 28 19 20 12 lesan SA see cleaves 22) 6 | secrais [4 82 1 | 99 232 8 1 2 14 6 26 13 19 9 11 1 6 2 Loads 90% Sill eeieces 22 67 lbaseeracs 5 1,340 17 8 4 44 54} 181] 104 14 83 n 3 13+ | senses. 7 79 | 30 || seca 177 1.095 17 1 6 48 43} 148 89 108 14 27 4 16 7 4 73 29) casters 126 825 31 12 3 7 6 43] 180 U6 | 10} Seperate 9 Bela eae pce 57 | 985) 9) |eaenrcon 743 6 6 6 15 8 39} 151 67 10 2) 35 5 25 | 47 | OF 15 \yecaees | 98 aceweeleesoms|zagece said aclbaeeaed 5 12 Sol seacan es Disewaita! 3 asaaaaa Wl efeceecoi| Geert ae | emsaued lpelene | 4 342 9 Bt ee 18 123 37 24 23 16 5 26 | if scianiai | 36 313 8 1 2 18 10 36 23 28 14 14 27 | Bernese] 35 662 3 4 1 16 4 38 | 160 80 5 4 46 | 66} 5 23 674 1 1 3 15 8 43 | 168 56 12 9 49 | WM: 12 255 5 3 2 5 3 31 48 22 R 2 15 | 26 j...-5- | 6 165 7 4 2 5 2 15 15 14 5 5 6 17 3° 4) 5! dihtescer 1 [fesse 3 9 2 6 2 |. 2 [| ai o7 AVG Nswseeelezeaed 5 2 8 2 Wf \ascintenes 2 | 8 982 1G 9 1 24 43] 127 51 137 71 61 : 121 7 | 9 2 32 33] 102 40 83 5 12 43 86 4, 987 73! 45] 35] 123 ™4/ 426 / 712 462 53 45 463. 36136353 | 1,190 2} 29 oes : ie ' fee 1 go] 97} 21 66 7} 238] 409 280 20 261 | 200: 5 02 656 11 30 33) 18) 14 57 37} 190] 303 182 25 202 161) 31 151 534 1} 31 | ‘ 73] 42] 30{ 119 70} 383] G42 421 40 435} 828 34 B07 |, 074 2) 32 o7| 22) 18 102 63 339} 313 267 39) 35) 9 ; 1) ou 290! 175 ray 307: 749 1 | 33 ! } | | s ' 5 615 13 3 6 16 12 40 70 70 5 6. 5 38. jantsaceues bE 62 j 34 2) 54 313] 13 4 3 8 3 42 47 49 7 7: 231 BL] 9 3 | 58 j 40 | a :) 1 ' 1 894 20 7 6 39 18 133 87 81 4 ll 2 204] caeosed 41 85 | Jil neaen 2 108 790 18 5 2 34 27} 106 82 53 i 20 14 5 19 | 12 | 3c 71 | 25 | | 93 ' 1 | i 85: 7 6 4 25 907 89 2 t{ 2 a0s cee ; 19; a8 | 82 | 3 ]------- 633 ‘ a 5 ll 3 18 121 Bit: cuawinedmmutecauoeicel 29 | 7 22! 17 f 55 | 67 AG lteseeenee\s 449 |... 3 5 4 4 45 70 41 3 3 4 35 3 2 28 33 2 | 46 I ! | | | 943 18 4 9 21 15 82 | 106 14 9 8 7 82 72 2) 91 | gis) 47) 7) 7] B w} 71! 86 76 10 16| 26 7 a ne 478. 5 2 1 8 7 20} 108 | 4A Reatabas 1 8 44 49 2) 20 436 2 2 1 2 3 23 94 | 35 1 2} i] 40 35 9, 2 175 Ph cece 4 7 2 17 30 | 17 Ty. eevadons 2M 12 10... 10 120 1 1 Vecsecs 4 3 7\ Ww! B: dateshegiee|atercn 7 | 8 a7. 383 6 7 3 11 5 35° 63 | DF aan sicieestciei 1 3 46 | 30.22. 2 a 246 5 1 3 10 2 22 354 18 4 3 3 24 1 3} eS 23 3 3 2 9 4 41) 26, 36 10 5 i 3L tones eee 247 ff 1 Balls cache 14 16 31} 20 16 9 2 24 Li 4 lj o24t 298 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 1 AGE. i 2 ; eel SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. eres | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AE ee a Sorc cmeh es - Allages. 4 ! i Under3| 8to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 | Lot. Unders| 5 to 15 | 15 to25 25 to 65 | Over 6s -, UN nder 06 b to § | oO ‘under 12 SSD eRe tees known. fi : wade a “Yee 3 as Ward 15—Continued. x ; | - | 2 i 1 Sanitary district A.....2..2.2222222-22ee eee 25139 409 128 On 74) we} 1,025 76 | 107 788 141 2 : ed a ae poms ls 2 Males sc2ccascancoseass asa seass 1,171 245 66 45 | a7 |, 393 568 48 51 438 64 2 3 FPemalesiv.coccsccndccnececaane es 968 164 62 | 46 | 37 309 |) 457 28 36 330 Ge eae tee 1 £ 4 Wihiites.)aecccangscacseseatace sec elaes 1, 806 339 107 | 76 64 586 869 61 91 667 17 1 5 Native born.........2...-2--20eeeee 1, 238 338 103 74 62 || 577 842 48 59 263 %5 1 6 : M 217 53 15 3 8 79 | 119 1L 14 63 JO eeccese Both parents native ....- F 177 33 19 7 10 69 | 103 5 9 a4 6)...----- Mo. 418 140 37 28 20 225 |, 326 19 13 56 3 1 : act for Syl 3a5 90 26 31 23 170 || 355 1 2} 56 Bh adceneey gn. | : M 907) I eaatoneretee 1 1 2 4) 12 95 15) 299 Bot 8 Foreign born .....--------- iF 244 Thad ogee Kecaeee ee thet re 9 4: 7 166 4B foo. i 1 9 Coloredl sc 55. accuareshesnetabsscicads 333 70 21 15 10 116 156 15 16 | 121 ou 1 Birthplaces of mothers: | a Deer eee M.. 433 110 29 19 15 178 244 19 22 130 v United States..-.----.++--+-- {Fo 362 | 70 33 18 15 136 196 18 16 109 7 M.. 163 |: 18 5 2 1 26 43 4 10 88 Z Ireland ...-..-----+-+++++++-- f EF. 162 |: 9 2 5 3 19 93 hs eres 15 106 M.. 92 |} 16 8 2 24) 28 40 1 1 8 12 France...-----02+++2-++- 200+ te 2| 19 3 1 2'| 35] a 3 2, 6 ' M.. 122 27 2 6 2 | 37 AT 5 3 GL 18 Germany ..------------------ {eo 75 | ll 3 6 4 || 24 90 lata 4| 32 . 171 | 44 1 9 12 76 118 12 8 31 | if Italy. ---+--+-2e2seec ec eenoee iF im 147 | 28 5 9 12 54 109 6 7 22 | 15 : 167 48 55 42 |) 31 488 50 58 466 | 84 4 16 102 29 25 | 22) 178 267 28 33 995 | 43 4 7 65 19 30 20 fi 134 221 22 25 Vl: We cecese i 18 161 46 55 38 300 470 49 51 441 | 81 4 9 158 46 54 37 295 456 39 27 148 | B i : py 6 6 1 37 58 7 3 35 | 9. 20 {ec 8 6 9 4 | 27 42 5 3] 7 Bi i M.. 249 63 20 17 18 118 172 15 7 59 | 9! 1 21 One or both parents for: 213 50 12 31 14 |! 97 161 10 9 31 Silene! eign. : . M. 241 | ...--2---|--2- ee eee 1 1 2 6 6 4 185 : 29 22 Foreign born ...------------+ ; PF. MG eee al ccc aylesett ane beaeks feel leeorc nee 4 4 9 104 ; o> : | 23 Colored --.-..-. wiahacesSistnais aie Saisie cies sieves } 54 6 Qi eaorecsciery ay 12 18 1 7 25 | a4 irthplaces of mothers: | : ' \ Bir places of an M.. 166 |, 33 12 11 3 || 59 91 8 11 47 | 9). 24 United States...--.--.------- {e a 118 |, 14 9 12 6 41 62 6 5 34° li M.. 127 |i 8 2 1 2 13 19 5 4 90 9 25 Ireland) ¢.205+scs.ateeesetese te 109 |! 8 2 3 1 4 22 6 9! 58 iM - M.. 44 |: 1, ([eses Seat aecfeciciadalensccyst 1 8 14. ie Swtace's at 27 1 26 France..-----+++++++-+++-2++ ih ne 28 |! 2 2 1| 1 6 tT lisdenaresalacieeuns 16 | 2 4 : M. 103 || 16 21 2 4 24 26 3 9 54! 1 27 Germany ...--------------+-- ; EF. 62 |) cl Perea 2! a 12 23 3 4) 24 8 M. 107 | 19 7| 6: 11 43 75 8 3 17 | 2 28 Ttaly.-----.-+---2+-0-0ee eee i} oe 9241 23 5 | 10 , 6 | 44 4 1 2 14} 1 | i ' ; ‘ i ot er. | | 29 Sanitary district C..-.....-...2---2--22225) 1,014 © 139 35° 25 16 215 | 311 37 63 435 : 167 | Males ...- 487 7 14; 13! 4 102 | 152 17 21 93/ 3i ao Females. - 57 68 1 12 2 113 | 159 20 42 212 | 94 ace 32 Wihiteisncors séscacan dtu umeaccaanais 961 : 125 2 286 36 59 416 163 | 1 33 Native born. ....----+-..0+2.22-2- 659 135 93 | 280 32] 4 207 | 95 1 {I | ! s M.. 155 |! 27 4 52 5 4 59 | 34 Both parents native.-.... ; P_. 177 : 26 | 4 418 10 in ag or §M..| 136 | 9 7 81 9 10 34 | One or both parents for- § 2 =a i 0 i 35 sige. Vo. 155 | 32 8 88 8 15 32 ; Tas M.. Tia asa csails anear acl 1 3 2 5 114 | 36 Foreign born...-.-----+---+-+ it pa 142 1 MN ecreceg oe igh oot A eelheh aceite 9 2 10 91 ae Gbloneduxereseatnaeoe ence edaaaetee 53 | 14 1 25 i + 19 | é ' 1 Birthplaces of mothers: p 5 i ‘ : i oe | 46 a: 83 7 ie 69 | 38 United States ~.cssseressaea: if of ar 33 5 hs ul 18 83! 39 1 © => 39 England and Wales.......... iP 3 1 4 , ; 5 : i ; i : i ¢M.. 84 | 6) 2 20 | a” 4! 49 40 Ireland ....----------+00-0ee YE .. Mo" 4 4 ira a) 10 | 62 6M... 24 3 tile 7! Z 24 10 | Al Prance..----------+-++-----+- UF. 16 2 il 5 2° 7 ; M. 80 7 2 2° 41 2 AQ Germany...--- 0 .------5 see ii 7 65 10 1° 28 % 5 23: NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 299 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF C SE Ba 3 OLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTH!YLACES OF MOTHERS—Continned. ca : CAUSE OF DEATH. | | ae: a — 1 1 4 Child- | Dis- 7 ' 1 sie Can- Heart + . Dis- | Sear-| Ty- | Ma- | p; Diar- | Con- I Je -,. | birth | Dis- | eases | AL Yet |phoid larial' 2'P!| Croup. | ™Be#! | sump, PB" |ateasl [Whoop cer dis: and pu- eases! of the | ©88¢8 | gia | sean. | AU ne causes. tf. vey |tev “rls” theria. P-| dis- WMD monia, | Measles.) ing and ease ceaerall oftliel nee of the other 1. fever. ever. fey er. cases, | tion. cough.| tu- | and ie rane Aas urinary} 28€ | POTD. | causes. known. mor. Alropsy. eases. | system.) CTS20s- ee ee a | | : 2,139) 22) 17) 16 41 32} 228| 395 21 184 120 | 13| 181 522 rf ———— || ——_- |—— ——— }---— eae i171 | 13] 10' 12 24 17] 122 | 176 13 106 o7' 2 2 i |) os f u2| 273 1] 2 968 9 7 4 M7 15 | 106} 149 8 78 53] Vi Ch VIO! Seeneene 3 1,906, 22] 16 37 BL 398) 205 20, 162 100, 28 431 1| 4 1238/21 8° 6 34 28} 172} 144 7[ me; 43! 3. Me 321 | 5 i | : t | az |i 4 il 2 4 8 16) 29 3! ae a) 4 2 5i ! 2, 27 iB cited alcia 117 Slices | ee 1 2; a! 8 1) 2 6} 1 R See $ 6 asi 3{ 3! 4] 13 6| m2) 37 2 | Bp 8) on B} wl 56] 39 ae Se) ee Se | 307] 1 6| 5 2 ou Vali 80 7) 7 27 ii... 59 244 Datu 1 1: 9 50 6; 36] a TIT 43. 1 | 50 1 22 20 1 33 1! Sages 9 52 4 33 23 1° 49 | 81 1 29 15 2, 26! 1 15 Ta Aieeeee th a1 5 16 u| 3 5 | 2 7 9 Wiese. 7! 04 0 Picecdlewacadll “BL CGR dlesses: 5 4 2 8 | 18 2 12 10 |...... 13 | 1 3 6 1 8. 2 1 19, lesjacccccules sve 18 | 11 1 B 3 1 10: 162 100 2; 121 1B} 65 lo} 16 96 | 94 ade a - \ . Faces csi asa aed Sit | esas 102 67 | 6b 5: | 9 [eeaegat 9 52 53) 21 40 60 33 9) 6: gs! 2%, wi] 7 44 4 5° 30 : i | ; | 150 97 2%. 12 | 43 61 8) 16 95 gs! 6! 68 273 1| 18 59 54 w, 12) 4) 19 £8 61 di) SF) OB ABT easeeeed 19 1 13 8 2) 2 1 9 1! 1 a 35) [aseaten se 5 2 8 3 saieece 2 4, 1B 7; 1 4 Tos. {20 | : ' 249 5 Bil aees 13 7 31 22 27 7 4 1 6 Warsi 1 20 26 G0; eects oi 213.) 4 tee ce 13 11 26 14 16 7 4| 2 4! 3 1 20 24 56 |-------- ; M1) 2 ae Bl ries 6 58 28 DF de du 4! 26 aici 8 23 25. 1 [eee | 50 dicaies 09 148 1 | ee 5 1 3 33 13 shiaseees|Secceee 5] 15 4/5 il 19 Blececnd | 29 1|s" Bo casieis ee ee 1 7 12 Bi eereec eel summed ieee 4 2 Jeweeee 1 9 i 2 11 |..-.---- 23 : | 9 3) 20) 21 13 2 2). 5 wl Ww. 1) 23 3 3 13 10 5 1 3 i 6 | 3) Ww. 2 5 1 2 4 1 3) 9. al 4 1 3 8 3 12 10 2 3 | 4 1 1 1 gt! Ai Ht eet cece 2 2 3 |. 2. ar 4 2 7 1 i 13 3 i 6 1 3 1 1 7 4 1 14 1 5 u ‘ 8 4 6B 1 6 Licance 13 y | . La 1 * 26 i 61] 132! 999 8 9! 35! 80 8! 10 107 : | 223, 29 { | a ste Selene ee - 2 5S wi tl 3; 2 re sg! 30] 7! 521 3 #5) BE cadets | 3 BS 57,2 3. 6! 1B 8; 31 58 | 7 5 5; 30| 46 8 3 54 i , ' i i } | gi! 22’ 8! 8) 26 14} 59] 126, 93 8 8| 33) 78 Cp aii, SUS i =a ot ee eee easel a hee hk x 5 6 | ll 49 70 | 59 if 8| 417 36 6: 4 76 : : | 2 8} 20 23 1 1 ie ao es eeen | 4» 17 J 5 9 18 1 1] mi 1b 4| 18 1 1 I 4] 14] 15 9 | Qi Bhecezes haces 1 5 4 iw! 8! 3 3 2 8 Deemer 22 2 5 36 Gott yeceeaesa Seta toe OT cueteds , 3 16 1 5 20 T6 sic cxcoenel meee 2 20 1) 2 rr 2 9 2 tye a 3 2 aT if Te gesis eae 4° 22° 5 10 rm "7 5 1 22 ewer wis 1 3 2 1 ] 1 5 2 x4 q 13 eset st oe! 8 He 9 } 4 2 ae 1 lswense 4 1 3 4 7 6 meoeden 7 45 10, 300 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ry mem LS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 AGE, SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. eats BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. - All ages. | ; | Total | = | as eh ge - -| Un- Under 8) 8to6 | 6to9 | 9tol2 Irae de a a ald Over 65 | own. Ward 15—Continued. Sanitary district D....-.--..........020-05 684 72 22 19 6: 119 157 15 53 354 Males ..... 408 42 16 12 2 72 88 7 29 220 Females 276 30 6 7 4 47 69 8 24 134 Wihiter sores tietseastcoucue ecesnatses 675 72 aL 18 6 117 155 15 51 349 Native born.......-..-..2020.00000 414 71 20 18 6 115 149 11 28 169 avo OG M--] 9] a] Ee fee 4 Both parents native....-. { Me. 1 HB ; 2 Rea 28 a 1 s One or both parents for- 4 M.. 91 21 9 9 1. 40 50 2 8 29 eign. Pic 17 20 3! 4 4! 31 42 4 9 18 1 Foreign born....-..---.------ { a I : 1 3 a rd élored soi nde sos Seo coon 9, lls ccezknns 1 ts |ecsseeted 2 Bi este 2 Bill te eee, eee Birthplaces of mothers: 2 x % j United States.....0.....2.4-. cee) ane 2 : A ene 3 3 ; ; England and Wales.......... ; ae } ; : t : 2 ° D pews 2 ; Ireland 7 5 1 i : 8 euahigiete = 8 1 2 1 1 BYan@@scccs se enisscu see ce cic ‘i 1 9 Te ec eee ake: M.. 19 22 2 5 Germany........-.-.--.--.++- Se 15 19 2 i | Ward 1Gy 235044083204 ageaeenerenan ences cece 8,088 || 1,226 342 276 223 i] 2,067 || 3,052 352 327; 3,100} 1,046 il ! i i Males 4,102 682 199 144 115] 1,140] 1, 660 185 257! 1,582] = 412 6 | Females 3, 986 544 143 132 1os | ° 927 |) 1,392 167 270 | 1,518; 634 5! White: casanccecaisinsginhseaneeseacescasencs 7,761 || 1,163 314 257 24] 1,948 || 2,897 337 497 | 3, 000 1,020 10 | Native born.......0.2.20220000eeeeeeeee 5,010 || 1,162 311 254 210 | 1,937 2, 852 301 365) 1,150 | 337 5 : | i 23 M..! 1,009 218 66 40 35 339 524 36 46° 264 | 118 1 Both parents native .....-.-.. iF < 936] 174 40 39 43°} 296 460 47 49, 20] 140 |. | : mek M..| 1,557 395 114 89 72 670 989 101 139! 300 | 27 1 One or both parents foreign {f =| 1841 322 86 82 57\| B47 | 809 95 5278 31 3 sen M. i 1 1° 3) 16 22 59 | 909 DAS 2a Morelgn Dorn seenaemnnicsnctas YP 2 1 1| 4 20 uu 72; 918 433 1 ' Colordiliveseseotss-menmcentan ay veer eoenee 327 63 | 28 19 9 119 155 15 30 100 26 1 \ ; i Birthpiaces of mothers: i ‘ Sa Se - a3 i a ae a és : “ : --| 1,40 2: 4 2 55. 7 : 27 United States scp -aranassetedcsi fel] 1395 261/65 66 37 449 667 73 85, 307 M.. 207 20 | 9 4 3 59 9 88 England and Wales.......-..-.-- ; F.. 193 17 | 8 5 3 33 56 | 9 10 | 81! Ireland 1, 491 172 | 44 45 34 295 438 7 134, 706 Pere ancrer ee reeie ti 1, 705 129 39 30 26 224 361 | 56 130: 833 Scotland $2 7 5 | Mega 13 19 2 6 j 48 eotland :2 94 10 4 feet 18 OB) feseceean 5 39 G 474 7 15 13 14 119 187 16 24-203 OAR eis seit a eicer ieee 351 | 56 4 17 9: 96 w7}° 17 2%) 123 d % | : | ; ! Sanitary district A ..--.2-2-2-20--202eeee0- 1, 587 | 242 68 62 68 440 730 17 104° 18 123 5 Males . 844 137 46 37 39 259 417 43 55 281 43 2 Females 746 105 22 25 29 181 313 34 49-267} + 80! 3 Wihitezdesecoccasssdaunsesetannisaesneics 1,582 242 68 61 68 439 729 77 104 544 123 | 5 Native born.......2-2--22e0eeeeee e+ 1, 036 242 68 59 64 433 714 65 74 150 30 3 ‘ M. 176 32 16 6 W 65 119 12 6 27 ll 1 Both parents native.....- f F. 134 30 3 6 7 46 90 10 3 16 15: | seisrnes One or both parents ee 389 95 | 28 30 26 179 280 23 36 48 Obese coats eign. EF. 304 72 19 17 18 126 207 18 28 48 1 2 ea M.. 247 | eedea ss: Spee 1 1 2 4 7 13 193 20 |. Foreign bornsssrsseesyecnes ; F. DBT || atssine aars | Kareena neater 1 1 7 5 17 196 62 Colored 58 I ecssseianiie Melee De estesseed 1 I: | Sayeeciend| aceeasane @ hiicaecmcics| someneme ee te aisle ¢M. 236 50 | 22 11 12 95 166 15 9 33 United States............---- UF. 168 36 | 5 12 9 62 113 li 9 20 M.. 33 3 4 3 3 13 201 fedicinc ase 1 9 England and Wales .......... ; ro. 39 | 7! 2 3 1 1B 19 d 3 B M. 418 | 58 | 14 18 16 106 157 22 | 38 178 Ireland ...----------------++- iP : 409 38 | Ml 6 10 65 120 ‘13 | 30 192 6M... 20 1, Tl ssaeenaten | dwamcecinc 2 7 ty 1 10 Scotland Ur .. 25 33 Tel etesneenledcaetaay 4 DM aetattctae eo 2 M.. 72 12 2 3 5 22 38 25 4 26 German Sacioeesiuancate ns P82 iF a Gs | 12 3 2 4 21 33 3! € 7 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 301 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. | CAUSE OF DEATH. . | Child Di : : Can- | Heart| Ve | p; is” | Dis- : Diar- i ag birth | Dis- | eases \Scar-| Ty- | Ma- |. Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases . All an | let |phoid larial ee Croup. reel sump-| P2€U- |Measles.| ing | and | ease ee Pes of the of the te oe other a * | fever.|fever.|fever. : cuiges, | ton. | MOM cough.| tu- | and ie iver| ous [urinary] 28° | P°F- | causes, | “POWP mor. \Aropsy-| gases, ‘|system. organs. 684 11 11 6 10 2 41 93 70 3 1 22 59 7 8 76 63 8 32 161 |....-..- 1 408 6 6 3 5 2 29 57 45 lzcseceaes|esesssee 10 38 | cece 2 50 41 1 17 96 |......-- 2 276 5 5 3 S: |issaneers 12 36 25 3 1 12 21 qT 6 26 22 7 15 G5 |-.---.6- 3 { j 675 11 10 6 10 2 40 414 11 5 3 q 2 36 129 3B Wesdaae 1 2 1 6 84 2 2 1 1 |esesescs: 4 91 3 1 1 3 1 17 V7 3 1 1) | oeearees 6 155 j].----- 3 De Ncsdccen| senses 3 997 seme 2 2 St leseeitan 1 9 iectews Ll eavarsl|scaces Suses 1 8 4 1 3 4 1 1 ae ny 8, 088 119 67 82 316 111 688 | 1,132 758 63 4 194 479 72 101 698 571 90 547 1,921 5 | 15 4, 102 63 39 34 171 72 352 5386 383 31 40 57 VOR | eseanimae 45 354 302 24: 314 1, 004 3 | 16 3, 986 56 28 48 145 39 336 546 375 32 34 137 251 72 56 344 269 66. 233 917 2] 17 q, T61 118 65 78 316 111 653 | 1,078 721 60 70 190 457 70 99 | 680 546 89 515 1, 840 5 | 18 5, 010 109 36 50 290 105 571 601 419 59 67 14 216 38 34 : 396 229 23 (515 1,172 1] 19 ¥ | 1,009 28 5 5 60 18 92 92 81 9 11 VL GCG Nese eeueee 9. 98 63 6. 91 264 |- 21 10 11 49 14 7 95 89 10 10 3d 60 10 8 : 87 41 ll. 70 4 229 |- 1, 557 31 14 19 101 49 202 224 126 18 25 8 SO wees 4 : 100 59 2 | 183 | 353 1,341 29 5 15 76 24 191 174 111 22 20 18 41 26 9 84 | 57 4 140 294 1, 254 4 18 9 9 5 31 237 148 1 2 36 LOG | esseiean, 238 | 129 | 161 13 | pees. 313 1, 458 5 11 19 15 1 48 239 152: late cetyesisic 1 80 134 32 37 153 ! 154 4B fecemses 329 ‘ i : 327 1 2 4 | ascii e ise! 35 54 37 3 4 4 22 2 2 18 25 1, 32 81 |-------- 23 | I 1,407 |) 40} 7 76 27} 145] 130] 118 15 13 | 184 vosseat 3] ug: wil 7) 146 : bog 1, 295 27 10 15 60 18 121 139 120 15 40 TA 15 8 108 60 12 107 a7] 1] BI... 12 3] 15] 31 18 i 6] 10 ].....-.. 1 18 22] 3 9 tos 193 6 1 3 7 4 19 21 15 2 11 » 13 6 3 18 i 13 3 10 1, 4} 15] 18] 55 25) 113] “282) 153 5 19] "68 |... 23] 18} 13] 7] 83 $o6 1, 705 15 10 21 44 6 115 306 178 10 54 117 31 38 131 149 41 49 e Dy acts 1 1 Llc a enes 5 18 ll 2 2 4 leeweesng 2 6; J} |ssacne 2 -| Sa7 Yt |... ee 1 3 2 2 4 13 8 |acscescen 6 4 Bi |eaiwiausia! 11° 5 3 4 474 |; 3 20 qT 18 12 39 69 48 3 11 20 We ecpeareces 4 45° 32 3 32 28 351 | 5 3 3 18 6 39 31 30 5 14 20 14 2 40. 20 4 | 32 = : \ ‘ | 1, 587 26 18 19 82 29 170 204 150 li 16 69 12 24 135 ! 89 15 | 90 402 1 | 29 : Jie math ee wa nee = ho i = ' ee aie 841 14 11 5 42 18 101 97 81 5 7 $3 lescseswe 8 70 50 3 ! 55 228 | sonerees 30 746 12 7 14 40 ll 62 107 69 6 9 36 12 16 63 39. 12 | 5 174 1] 31 ; : 1,582, 26 18 19 | 2 29 170 201 150 11 16 69 12 24 134 89 \ 15 90 401 1} 32 Bee N days ene Me eee ee eae eolue | _ _ 1,036}, 24] uu] uj 76 2% 150}; 95). 93 ul 5} 23 7] 8 83 32; 3) 90) 266 )-...--..] 38 176 Git) 23! [oc sea 17 6 27] 398} aa RE Re leas 5 8) ol 14 52 134 7 2 4 10 4 oy OB eB a Ghee oleewees 15 2 1 8 35 389 7 4 3 22 11 7 eee 2) 27 13 1 34 103 304 4 1 4 25 7 46 ; 7 3 18 i eaceae 27 val | 247 1 4 2 2 1 12 \ 6 24 27 . 62 287 || <1 3 6 9 |eaceanes 7 1B 27 30 65 Bi Wi. cucicbceesepacciectelokecieu|occtneBeediseeee tH Pees ae, ok Sel icmeeearivoseticeeeee feeeieel aes A "| sisizsctehs sie |reererevell qcacere wie) 1!. 37 ( | 23 fy Blasteee 20 | 8 32 14 20 } 168 8, 2/5 1| 5 600, 15 13 Boi Pcouses | loser 35 2 eres 3 39 Delete i leet 4°05 1 418 5) 6 3 13 | 6, 43° 68 43 409 | i2-| 3 q 17 3 “2a 76 42 2 i = 2 1 2 |. 25 | 1 1 2 |) 9 9 9° gl 5 G 302 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW. YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. j SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. | Meare. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. SS SS Serr are ees hs SI | ‘ [All ages. | Under 3] sto6 | 6to9 | 9to12 || Total | cnaer 5! 5 to 15 |15 to 25| 25 to 63 | Over 65 |, U2- nder 06 0 § 2 llunder 12 ‘ 5 2 i known. Ward 16—Continued. | 1 Sanitary district B..........--.-.202--0-06- 3,049 |; 467 124 104 73 768 || 1,099 134 180 | 1,179 456 1 2 Mallee ecpreawads tnsasepeecemetsee | 1,459 j| 255 70 50 36 | 4i1 577 64 84. 566 168 |........ 3 1,590 212 54 54 37 357 522 70 96 613 288 1 4 2, 934 444 115 99 70 | 728 || 1,047 127 169} 1,144 446 1 5 1,819 | 444 114 98 70 | 726 1,027 110 125 438 119 |-osecese ' | . M.. 370 | 104 25 15 11 155 201 22 16 94 BTii| haps 8 Both parenternatiyes-..:: {fr 357 60 22 19 16 117 175 7 18 96 Bit |secenees 7 One or both parents for-§M.. 532 134 39 29 24 226 328 29 45 117 eign. F.. 506 135 26 32 19 212 3u4 42 45 104 : M.. 9 11 19 322 113 sis 5 Foreign born ....--------+++- iP. 8 6 25 380 214 i 9 Colored sss tanaceeseesenseeccocteszice: 52 7 11 35 10: |sescewes Birthplaces of mothers: r a 7 a i i ae aa : } 5 139 4 : 2 30 22 il4 19 United States: sescanesginsnes tr 498 99 29 29 23) 180 || 258 31 29 118 ul England and Wales ........-- ; Mes 3 $ 2 lessees se ete i 2 2 . o M.. 503 52 13 1 10 86 19 19 44 246 2 Trelands 2498: sacetnscad aaah ; F. 696 47 12 12 7 78 120 21 50 343 cu D5 His nrc 1 1 2 3 1 1 12 3 Scotlands: ssascataasanensnnts Pl 37 6 1 1 z 8 Bose: 2 14 . M.. 194 3 4 4 7 49 78 5 10 82 M4 Germanyinrsneisaes or aatonaeh tFo] 151 : 28 5 8 3 44 61 u 9 51 \ 15 Sanitary district C......-.--..--2--+2ee-2++ 1,242 189 | 64 45 38 336 473 51 83 471 161 3 ; 16 Malésiesigcis scesseseeancteececd 671 ||. 103 | 32 23 2 178 253 31 44 267 74 2 17 Females: oc secaccesc-22ese00ee0s 571 86 | 32 22 18 158 220 2¢ 39 2u4 87 1 18 Wihileos. scanestassemsaeieetennsadorenes 1, 236 189 63 45 38, 335 472 31 83 467 | 160 3 19 Native born ...--------------------- 819 188 63 45 38 334 70 48 57 V7 66 1 2 M.. 158 9 9 7 52 7 3: 20 Both parents native. ---. i 7 130 a 3 : ‘ a a 0 i + - Sie One or both parents for-§ M.. 266 68 23 15 13 119 168 18 22 54 MAE Sate ciel A 21 eign. F.. 213 fl 23 7 9 90 128 13 24 37: 10 1 . M. O15 lle nck Janfuma sees eesuisage dss cosaneh | Seancecea|lasscessag BL; 46 |.---e ee 22 Foreign born ...---++------+- fy 188 9j|e co a [ cette gee etal Poe wall et all ah reclsts teak 2 42 135 ge ress 23 Colored ...-.0-----+ ceeens scence nce ceeee 6 sensi AS eascenealladcassene 1 TD tactvseraleese |seatmintcrin ; 4) fete Birthplaces of mothers: ae iss i Lo Fr ‘i : Es 3 9 9 72 103 12 9 49 Wea cteteas 24 Tuited States ..........------ iF 7 191 , 46 it 8 il 76 107 ta i . 2 i 25 England aud Wales.........- ; ates ai 2 Ble s 2 ‘ 1 1 2 20 7 |----s-+- M. 270 | 30 10 Tipo ie 54 794 6 2 2 Biles 26 Ireland : 256 | 21 1 8 4 a a 1 Be 18 2 ; ‘ M.. 19 5 il seo os ed 7 ll | 1 lex 27 Scotland .-..------+---2--2++- ti Bowe. 1 Se 3 Vy a wt M.. 76 | abl 3 5 1 20 40! : 28 Germanys st Srersaceinsececsl } F. ae) 5 2 3 1 11 8 A ieee 29 Sanitary district D.....--....-------------- 2,210 | 328 86 65 44 §23 750 90 160 902 306 2 30 Males... 1,131 187 51 34 20 292 413 47 74 468 127 2 31 Females 1,079 141 35 31 24 231 337 43 86 434 179 |sactoece 32 White. -.-.2222002eeeeeeercetreesee: 2, 009 288 68 52 38 446 649 eek ct] ee “Sen i 23 Native born....--2..-2-+22202 020s 1,336 | 288 66 52 38 444 G41 78 109 385 | 129. 1 ‘ \ ro M.. 205 | 33 16 2 6 87 127 12 17 100 34 Both, parents uativers; sss ro) 8. 47 7 9 u u 12 13 | 25 97 35 One or both parents for- § M.. 370 98 24 15 9 146 213 31 36 81: 8 1 eign. F. 318 74 18 16 ul 119 170 2; 28 8) 9 [icecses | ‘ oM.. BIB hrwoeeers fT | psweecoxs peace 1 3 1! 12! 243 60. |iccesece 36 Foreign born...-----++-++++++ UE... 349 |... 00s. Dh I eae eee ear ctcae 1 5 3 19; 2B wo (2000 | 37 Colored ....------+-+++ 220-200-222 e ere 201 |: 40 Is | 13 6 7 101 8 19 | 5T 1b 1 y i ' Birthplaces of mothers: cM jal re s i : : \ i ‘ M.. 3 |! 0: 29 , 1 2 161 2 20 28 131 55 1 38 United States ...------------- VEL. 438 |. 80 20 | 7 14! 131 189 21 41 131 56 58 |) G Oo eine 1} 9 13 2 4 25 l4 39 a7 | 4 2° 1 iI 8 10 2 4 28 13 300 |! 32 i 9 1! 49 73 14 95 149 28 40 344 |! 23 5 4 5! 37 58 13 25 16 72 48 |) 7 2. 3 a! 14 DS e acces 1 25 5 41 40 || 10 oa 1 1 14 18 1 5 11 5 132 20 6 1 1 28 42 7 8 65 10 42 92 || il 4 4 1 2 35 | 3 4 37 13 we NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 303 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. ; i ; Can.|Heart| Child-| Dis: Dis- | Scar-| Ty- | Ma-| 7. Diar- | Con. Whoop-| cer | dis- Virth | Dis- | eases | cases : All Ps let phoid/larial ph Croup. eae sump- nee Measles.| ing | and | ease ey Le bot OF the of the | Old eull other un ( * \\fever.'fever.|fever.| © ‘ S- | tion, a cough.) tu- | and eraljof the uerv- | orinary| 28@ LOTD. causes. | SNOW: Oeste: mor. dropsy.| 448: [hiver. | tem ,{OPEaRs 5 “| eases. isystem. 3,049 || 49) 19] 36] 114 46) 247) 441 282 20 21; 80) 198 21}; 36' 275 208-87, 217 701 1 oe ‘ ie 1,459; 26] 10] 16 62 29} 109! 295 143 13 13] 22 Ta arse: 15 130! 102; 1g 336 1 1,590 |] 23; 9] 20 52 17] 138 | 216 139 7 g| 58) 121 a1! 21 1455 «106-6 9g | 365 |.....-.- 2,934 || 49) 18| 34! 414 46| 235! 428 266 20 9) 7 188: 20} 36) «271, «200-87; 205 lea en, bi acnimeepnlic th tases ae: sc Gas, cataht cara tecnieaiotamatel |-—--- % 1,819 || 46 s| 21] 106 41 | 200}; 225 135 19 19] 30 ss! ou] as 145/82} 10 | 205 | 370 |] an |... 2| 22 e| 32! 32 30 4 ald eas, ie leceacad! 2 so, 2! a! 43 357 7 3 5 19 4 33) 35 28 2 ah 18) 87" 4 4) 33) 1G) 4 t i 4 1 fl 532] 14} 2] g| 37 17) 62| 89 39 R s| 4 13 tsccsenee f 2) 30 ne 506 |) 14 3 5 27 12} 70 63 35 5 4; 8] 2) 7 33 22 2) 65 ava} at 7] 4] 3 4! 9] of @ Taree ay ibe 10] 56,0 2! Be 634 2 3 9 4 1 25] 107 68; lnonsidecae|ibsceeca 35 64 | 9| 13 70' 6. 19]....... ! : 115" |eeveex 1 ® Ns. oe cleichatoas 12 13 16° |. ciexidees 2 10 lot 4 Bi Veeae 12 sul] 19, 1 3 27 13] 50 40 45 | 6 5 4 97! lL oiceck 2 445 29) 1: 6 498 |) 9 3 6 4 5| 52] 43 41! 4 5| 15 36 | 5 4 42; 2) 5] 44 75 laden ns WU, [edeues B hedaceess 4) 22 7 Nocatee Lj, 2 dileateree 1 7) 6 21 38 WW) 2 |... 1 1 4 7 6 9. (og ener Sagat 4 9 1 2 8 4 1. 4 503 1 4 4 8 20 8, 34] 112 53 2 4 6 19: dussusiege 10 30 4 4; 23 646 t 5 8 16 2| 52] 132 63 1 3} 25] 37! 9! ou 56. 268i |B DO PPereseeiecns cal) cccca eeeeeeslesaree es lakes 6 5 De leemeiesnsficniazice Oh Seine oe yaa 2: Damen eee B70 leveces 1 leverage Seetsaes 2 3 Bhatia aiwrnces 3 oe A lecees 3 i 4 2 194 1 4 4 9 6 LB 33 19 1 1 5 hp aeeereey I wi 2' 16 151 Ble hes 2 7 3 4 13 14 2 |e. 7 6 | 5 1) .23. 6 2 18 wl) ou! ou 41 ul} 112) 167 116 12 yo! 23 8 7 6 23 7 55} 95 59 5 6 9 10 4 5 18 4 57, 72 57 7 4) 16 w! ou; mi 41 nian es | 118 rr] 10! 95 819 17 6 9 36 ll 99 93 67 12 10 9 158 3 1 1 i 1 15; 13 15 1 3 1 150 4 1 1 Oorernc 2 18 11 2 3 4 266 4 2 4 13 6 33! 42 19 4 3 1 213 6 1 3 7 4) 39; 2 20 5 1 2 215 1} 4/41 3 6 38 24 loose pororialherns 7 188 ||....-- 1 1 2 6° 35 Di sauna leeeamese 9 @ Wccciac|scosed epoetallgsasaeel eee! | 1 leseedadl tered dees i 198 1 9 2 21; 17 16 2 4 1 19 7 1 9 1 16 7 14 5 3| 4 20 | 9) ea 3 1 1 9 3 | Sgssco: 1 2 | 5 | a 1 2 3 4 etic s teal tcdec nnd 1 2: 2 5 8 21 48 26 1 1 4 22! 33) 3 5 22 42 28 1 1 7 22, 35 2 4 1 1° 4 |. 1 1 2, ‘Ee 6 9 ll | 6]. 8 5 2 ieeaveeed 2,210 || 26] 19! 16 79 25| 159] 320 210 20 1g} 73| 140 230 31 173, 187/25 Lk 519 1 Boe ane septa |g are (NE Ieee + 443i || as] a 7| 44 18 87} 169} 100 8 8) 19 96 |....---- 15 92 102| 6 90 1,079 || 8 9 35 7 72| 151 ' 110 2 10° 54] G64 23 16 83 8. 19 34 2,009 || 25 | 18] 14 79 25} 137| 983° 190 7 ie 71 | 129! 124 1,336 2) 9 72 25; 192) 188 124 17 15° 30 66 | 124 1 | 305 || 8 1 2 14 3, 24 | 38 z 2 1 4 96 lef A 28 27, 3 21 295 || 3 4 1 noi 6, 19 41 38 3 Li} 48 a1 t 2 22 16, 4 17 sw || 6! 6{| 3: 29 15) 40] 5d 29 3 aan
  • causes. \ i mor. dropsy) o.ges, system, |OT Sans. : ! ! =e - ea pie Sa | pa Rey RS 7 4 ee Seen lie eae ad ' i | ‘ I | 1 1 } 1647) 15] wl] gt) at Mm) 1d, 212 138 13 16 118 23{ 18 136 | yt} 10} 138 | 396 2) 2 s3|i 6! 6); 9! 33 nj 54! aol 80 7 4i ul 61|.--...-. taj 6o ot] 3! sz} 208 a| 2 824 |! 9 0 12 : 18 | ll GL 102 | 73 8 | 12; Al oT 23 ' Tj 76 | 57 7 51 102 taedwawns 5 i ! | i i 5; ' | 1, 635 : 15 13 21; bl i 22 114 208 | 133 i b | 16: 51 117 23 i 18 { 136 | 120 10 136 ; 394 | 2 4 ‘} 2003] 12] +6] a3) 43] 92° aot} 110 90 | 5 16] 21; 51 1’ 68 86 | 55/6} 136 | Bab wo eGuzes 5 211 3 1 Sc, By 2 20' 414 25 Dil tied al aes D. wieeesemes ish 6: ft 1 23) 211 £ ieee 2. 8 3 1; WW 16 | 2 2 9 11 6 2 21) 11 4 16 | 1 i i ‘ 304 2 2 5; 26 9. 22. 40 19 5 4} 1! 1) 16 | 50, 274 | 2 3 2: 7 7 31 36 29 4 10 9 1 | 26 30 i 3 52, 39 jeccececcs 10 BL: |eaieatos , 6° 21! 32 2 |ocecone | 4 46 QF | cwarisintivns 20 3d : 12 4 13), 33 2 fecsasies ; | &: | ovesee oe easiecece|eeeeeced 1 1 cretttteeleeeeeeferee eens DL fensece 2 ; i | | 19 26 Bel Saeae.aes 1 23 | seeeeeee 5 f 19 ; 24 1 37 20 21 3 6; 13] 11] 6; 2! 2 By 4] 24 3 2 2 30 2 2 | 6 1 3 3 {- 1 3 | il 57 2 4 3) 14 | 15 14 | 45 34 1] 4} ll 15 10 3) 28 27 2 11 | 3 | Se: 1j 2 1 18 | ! 18 | | | | : | | | 5, 393 73 i 44) 32 227 129 660 737 ' | 3B] 15 2,829 || 40; 29] 19] 116 60| 344] 398 283 32 33 OL jaeses x 36 221 151 3] 33} zu 2) 16 2, 564 i 33) 15 13 ML 69 316 339 223 44 40 117 35 38 198 145 20 172 587 1| 17 5, 391 73 44 32 227 129 659 737 506 76 73 208 35 TA 419 296 28 406 1, 297 J] 138 3, 490 68 22 17 213 125 605 316 285 412 8 | 2 2 31 9 67 22 29 313 6 jessscs ee 20 16 | 55 11 23 i 1 1,415 27 42 10 76 48; 247 146 130 ‘ 1, 245 25 j 6 5. 83 49 i 225 130 98 i 1 4 1 \ i i | eID Se Qonnmwis dl TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY H me WN 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 2 Sanitary d Fo: Ward 19...... White. .-. eo oe SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Ward 18—Continned. Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States .-. ron England and Wales ..-..-..--- ; a. , ¢M. Trélanil jsicctssicemaacecadiawancar } F Germany.--.---------+---+----- j Fr. Scandinavia ....-------.------ ; Me ‘ Native born Both parents native..-.------ ; ae One or both pareuts foreign. -- ; 7 - Foreign born..-..---------------- fe Colored. ..-.----2--0-0--2 eee ee ee eee seers! Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ti United States ........-.------2--+ {Pl England and Wales .--.--.------- ie Ireland Germany..--.----+-++------2----++ Bohemia Sanitary district A istrict E MALGS: s235 csccsehancmecweecenes BemMalesic2 sis Sseiciegaaueseeces Both parents native... -- One or both parents for- ¢ eign. reigu born VITAL STATISTICS. IISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Males sccgcncntssunenastonetees Females....---------- ---+++-+- White accsccesccsscccc cnc Se ' I Native born........-.-------------- | Both parents native..---- f ae I One or both parents for-§ M.. eign. UF ag Foreign boru...-------------- ; Mes Colored ..---.2------- 222202 eee eee ee: Birthplaces of mothers: ‘i Cuited States. ..<.crccncemss f F.. M.. England and Wales .--.------ ie oy M.. Treland ...-----------+-+---+- ir ¢M.. France. -.-.--------+----+++-- iP. M.. Gerwany..-----------+--+-++- ; F.. AGE Saas ey pi ee aes 5 ehgatade, ' Months. | Years. ee SES tee ab ee ge cs 6 9 ‘ 9to 12 Total [eee er 5 | 5 todd | 15 to 245 251065 Over 65 Un- mito i 7 FO"* Vunder 12)! Re PUN cise thes nan Mey ae ae apa o , known, ; i i i : Pre pers Bice t So 7 | | 99 |t 00 1,125 103 181! 1,120}. 288 «2.2... Ge | 451 | 616 52 88 | 629 | 126) “sxsawe 39 |, 349 | 509 51 93 | 500 | 100 cexxcines é : ! | | 119 98. 795 || 1,118 103 180; 1,120! 288\ “saesaesy 1771 455 ! 119 118 96 |! 788 J, 102 95 136 364 4 TL 208 see : ' \ 286 80 14 19 12; 198 170 18 8 64 | 20 potest 293 52 15 15 8 |i 90 127 12 7 53 | 24 [roveeeee . 640 160 53 41 44 fi 298 | 410 33 59 132 O ontsuiss | 542 136 33 37 30 |! 246 | 351 33 37 92 Dh aeons \ i \ 1 |! 3 8 3 16 410 88 1 1} 4 27 345 125. \ ; 17 2 Ol aine hea 1 5 | @ |eacekacs 1 Ue eerie ese eee! 387 107 31 23 23 | 121 | 247 20 12 74 321 2 22 23 16 140 | 199 WwW 11 65 54 1 3 2 14 Di le atecens 2 22 "7 9 1 1 2 13 | 21 B leekeecrs 16 601 60 18 13 li 108 | 147 19 45 335, 619 57 16 7 8 98 | 150 13 57 308 267 40 4 15 14 | 83 | 119 9 13 4 180 30 7 7 6 || 50 | 73 10 16 63 30 5 3 Wl lheceeeces 9) 12 2 5 9 29 Dee saneon [ousted 3 8, 12 3 1 12 31, 145 6,191; 1,947] 1,614]. 1,229] 10,981} 16,179] 1,452] 1,621] 9,172 | 3,512! 1,071 854 640 6,077 || 8,718 187 754} 4,792 | 2,679 876 760 589 4,904 | 7,461 695 867| 4,380 30,916; 6,140; 1,938; 1.602] 1,218 || 10,898 16,071) 1.441) 1,612] 9, 088 21, 064 5,927 | 1,787) 1,495 | 1,158 |] 10,367) 15,260) 1,295] 1,063/ 2,761 G79 6 2,935 834 210 188 UL 1,343; 1,931 151 87 524 PAD vc tans 2. 645, 617 175 | 166 118 1, 076 1,585 132 106 524 297 1 7,778 | 2,354 739 575 482 | 4,150 | 6, 013 523 410 787 | 4. 1 6.946 | 1,789 92 515 419 |} 3.315 Il 5.164 477 430 799 | a3 3 4,701 {222 ..- ar 7 7 3 1 102 72 933 956 ° 5 4,474 | 3 | 7 9 6 25 91 | i 314 1,040 | 6 | 229! 51 | 9 12 WL 33 108 Ww 9 84, IG. 1 i | i 4,049 || 1,203 260 182 1,940 2, 804 250 127 610 D5). enace se 3, 716 | 925 233 171] 1.581 2, 362 214 148 656 334 | 2 | OF HR) OM) Be) 8) BR) ie) Bec 3 2 30 25 147 69 a 635 130 122 | 1,056 | 1, 582 195 290} 1,727 333 | 2 ‘ 485 139 106 | 857 1,372 194 323 | 1,896 502 4 823 201 163} 1,473 || 2,154 207 198 | 1,575 “460 2 605 201 164) 1.192 | 1, 842 183 249 | 1,137 363: 2 179 1 63 4g | 367 | 524 26 21 135 25. 1 : 116 | | 45 40 255 | 413 15 29 120 28° 1 100 | 15: 10 7; 132 | 190 28 58 | 389 | 182 | 1 | ' i |7 S GaSe 55 6) 6} 3! 70 300 13 26 206 96° sesso | 407 45 | a 4) 4 62, : 3 } sc ae 1 | 837 99 | 15 10! Fi 131 | 180 1 rah ey ce ecient ne po ert cae asec | Sans og ah Beers, i 616 99 15 10 7 | 131 | 121. essay 185 20 1 2 l 24 53 182 20 4 2 3! 2g | 45 M7 28 5 4 2 39 | 53 6 14 37 7 19 | 3 2 1 2 |; "i Be u | 80 33 64 26: i | 7a 2 ' : Hi ; 204 24 1 2 2 || 29 Ie) a, 9 | 87 36 |. 214 | 29 | 5 3 4 |i 41 a2 | Ti 16 87 52 a . 2 2) seotestee 1 5 Bi ecweistanajes seers 15 6 104 2 2 : 8 2 | = 3 5 i ss 2 22 | | 7 99 | 14 |. 97 5 |. 2 5 13 74 10, 4 | 13 5 1). : 1 1! ' 3 1 6 De aeous teal = 2 oe ' 1 2 1 48 4 : 7 ui! 1i 5 23 8 27 | 1 4 | T icciaeinee ‘ 1 12 6 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 313 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATYI. | | 7 1 7 ; ; i a Reva ' Child Di | 4 | : Can-|Heart YOU |. is" | Dis- | : Diar- | lees : birth | Dis-| eases i Sear: Ty. | Ma. |.,. : iT) Con. | Whoop-, cer | dis- eases ‘ All | wall. let phoid |larial Dipl Croup neal sump: | Een: Measles.| ing | and | ease aoe Seale uf ite of the Old Sell: other el * |\fever. tever.|fever. ag aes tion. ; cough.; tu- | and yi 43 ( urinary] 28° * | causes. 4 IBES: ! leno dropsy. 028 liver; ous | organ | : | i am * eases. 'system,! OT8ans. ' i : 1 i \ \ | | t ; 2,826 i 43 : 31 | bates Wendt Nalcecee Syne end eerie ere » 1,511 it 23 i 19 14 59 24 ! 129! 231 135 | / Ua! 20; 12! uj) aE 2 «6 1a7! «202/110 2,809: 43 31] 25! 101! 49 BA, 428 243 | aq 41° ig! a7 | 96) dei 815) ot] 197 | 286 |, 5) 1 1 18 $ 8h BO] ey 223 D4 1 3 9 9. 26 i 21 19 640] 17, 8] 8} 39 19; 84] 80 45 pi |] 14i 7] 4) 7 1) 73,71 37 525 1' 9 4 2 1; 4] ug 65 506 Ae 4 4 BD lesssaacs 24 | 106 él 17 jj------ | sotecdelbeanee)oeesiees|ascaeeas 2 | 5 | 387 9) 3 25 6 40| 23 30 3a} 10| 1{ 5) 13 nl 40) 97 7 54 Gy odors A fceeken 3 31 9 2 47 ||... iioeeg |eseey 3 2 4, 6 1 601 9; 12 7 16 & 31 135 65 619 71 5 3 12 G 42| 130 59 267 3 | 1 1 10 6 41 32, 23 180 2! 5 2 9 4 23 17 L 30 1 | L. jeosted 2 1 2 3 2 29) tee aaicis Ly a dl Pe ciaSeeiesa SE S/o 3| 10 2 | | ee : 31,145, 630} 270] 252 ] 1,731 675 | 3,585 | Bolt | 835) AG | 41Z | 713] 1,474] 805] eR | 2,434] 1,507 | 187 | 2, 610 16,293 || 330| 161| 124] ses) 350 |4,913 1,854] 1,521; 226 196 | 231 157 | 1,307 852 | 69 | 1,485 14, 852, 320 | 109 128 867 325 | 1, 672 1, 660 1,314 220 216 4820 151 1,127 745 118 i 1,125 | | 30, 916 647 | 269 252 | 1,727 675 ) 3,567 3,479 2, 809 444 A050 711 i 1,451 | 303 306 2,420 1, 587 187 2,578 | of See ' "Sy oy, { ‘as { Pre Z i 21,064 || Goo | 152; 167] 1,601) G24) 3,125! 1,593! 1.741) 405; BTL) 188) 59 ta9) 92 | 1,592; Gor | 42 | 2,578 2, 935 a4 | 175 68 338) 168] 260 49 Bi 16) WL pee. 24} 2} al sl 359 2) 645 22] 169 74 | 307! 169 295 45 41: go! Ml; 36| 24, 230 106} 20! 266 7,778 || 210 49! a7] id! 956) 1,299 | 5791 48 wo! 135} i! M6)... 95 | 573 | 6, 946 234 °° 38 | 53, 610 230 | 1,087 | 544 553 142 146 66 166 98 17 487 i 4,701 |} 19! 84 32 3 19} 127} 3,046] 531 7 1] 104.) 485° eopseoey oa] 437! 4,474 17 | 53 52 42 | 19 147 | “894 460 8 4 329 i 435 163 108 74. : ' \ 229 ge Ak i peeemere 18; 35 % 2 Sh eh) Sue 2; 2 M i ' ' 4,049 || 134 30, 37] 294 97) 484) 224) 362 68 62) Is) 16 |... 28) 337, 160} 10) 518 3, 716 108-24; 30 263 108 442 237 312 62 62 94 143 48 26 305 140 22 402 503 8 6 | 4 20 ll 51 56 50 7 4 a AL. |[oeweicecs 3 ]- 38 D2) iced ewres Al 489 10 5 8 32 10 44 37 36 Ww 3 25 27 5 12 - 36 24 11 33 4,129 T4386 34 173 62 333 748 451 47 48 48 194 | csaeaies, 49 271 276 27 298 4,291 || 66 24) 47] 182 54] 325} 777 | 424 46 50; 153] 283 91) 68| 302) 321] 37] 209 4,596 |} 79, 6&| 35/ 236| wi] Sot] 547] 389 53 43) Ud | 257 Jo... 53| 405] 276] 21] 354 3,776 || 97! 40) 28) 233 89 | 479] 366] 294 46 55 | 149) 193] 118] 35] 297! 176| 26] 278 732 q | 2) 6 40 27 133 73 65 9 12 8 WY bewsscee 5 59 23 7 82 606 9. 2 | 2 40 23 98 31 62 13 10 7 16 8 4 38 19 4 50 314 VITAL STATISTICS. Tale 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING me wh on 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. 29. 30 31 32 33 38. 39 40 41 Ward 19—Contiuued. Sanitary district B Males Females WAKE: so .sescczesciasicectns sels Native born .........-.-----.------- Both parents native...... oe One or both parents fur- 5 M.. eign. SF ee Foreign born.......-..------- Me: Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States ............---- {ee England and Wales .-.-.....- {eo Ireland ...-------------++---- ; Fr. Germany ..---..---++++++-++-- ; Fr. Italy Sanitary district C Males ---- Females... White Native born Goth parents native One or both parents for- eign. {Po Foreign born Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States .....-.-.------- fF: 7 England and Wales ---...---- § ue i Treland ...-------------+-+--- ; ue i Germany..-----------------+-- ; al : Rally. 5 neseeetecsteeced eres ; at a Sanitary district D..-.--.-.-----------+---- MACS 123 ciacsiz:ssseiersisisvenes Saswlacae Penrales 22cccccccncccscsccmsiecce s W ites aecqcos scar sacsemersreestec scent Native: Dorn nc.20.0-eecd2esieeter set Both parents native..---- ; a i One or both parents for-§M.. eign. Ur.. Foreign born...-------------- ee Colored ..---+------- +2222 2222 seer reer Birthplaces of mothers: United States ...--.---------- j ahs M. England and Wales .....----- ; Yr. Ireland ...-----+-++------++-- s Mt Germany .-----+-++--+72-r5ee- : Scandiuavia PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months. Years. All ages.| | | | f | U Under 3 to 6 | 6 to9 | 9 to 12 | ate Under 5 | 5 to 15 | 15 to 25] 25 to 65] Over 65]. nwa. 1 —|;-—-—- | —-» aac ees eS} | 2,850 | 500 161 148 | 88 | so7 | 1,340 127 175! 965, 250 2 Moe tees rate eel aa eedy eee Seen eek as 264 83 | at | 41 472 |i 690 63 | 36! 509! 113 2 1,391 236 | 78 | 64 | 47 425 | 650 39 | 89 456 | 137 \essieaie bs ; : ! 2, 836 $95, 16k, 147 88 | 391! 1,329 125 14, 957 249 2 ! | : ] eg — pee —eerees EET AS. 5 a seer | Om 1,913) 495 157 144 | 87) 883} 1,300 113 us 3 Fit. [sewen a 206 || 81 2° 6 6 133 | 191 9. Bi 385 Leese: 292 |! 61 19, 19 | i 110! 163 13 15 65: 3G" fcsnneiee E \ i ! 636 171 59) 88 35 gia! 460! 4245 85 | Elnsteouen 617 166 53 43 34 206) 455 38 | 40 81, Bile caeceea Wit | Paaoere |e boee df eeteeced 1 13 4, 27 342 | BAS Wocdcsaayees lengenapealscedeeeet 1 1 ; 8 7j 32 300 ' 23 5: \eeavacieed Disses 6 ll 2 1 8 iD |asesteces | { | 406], 118 27 338 uf 189: 271 28 | ree 71 410 |: 93 30 31 wz{) am. 252 21, 20 Vi 60 || 9 4 6 3] 22) 28 2 3 19 43 |, 2 3 1 1 |! 17 24 Bi (ssitetes 15 | 598 |: 70 23 16 9]| asl 184 21 48 232 527 66 16 14 13} 109 || ~—s 180 15 45! 298 299 | 41 22 u 12 || g6 |! 125 Ml 15 | 118 255 37 15 13 12 || T WL 12 18 87 34 |) 7 2 4 1 | 4 23 1 1 7 38 B ncsswaices 4 2]; 14 30 Ti |encustese 6 2,935 523 173 150 141 987}, 1,586 154 180 gs | 161 6 \acomadsiceak ott. 1,547 283 | 85 78 72 518 814 82 90 486 | 70 5 1,388 240 | 88 72 69) 469 772 72 90 372 | 81 1 ‘ 2.929 522 172 150 141)! 985; 1,588 153 180 8849 6 1, 953 sal 166 146 136); 969 |, 1,546 139 107 150 | 10 ] 198 | 58 | 7 15 14. 104 164 9 6 18 | leased 176 ‘| AT | 18 14 16) 95. 150 8 2 13 | DS -[ercictsenae 792 215 | 66 61 57 399 622 62 43 5p hace ccclteceeate 739), 179 64 54 48 345 576 58 54 46 4 1 i | : 4 : 282 | ai | 21 23 20 148 || 257 |; 71 | 25 20 20/1 136 40 |) 6 1 elacebeens: Bh 32 |! 6 | 2 | 1 3 |! 2 506 |; 62 | 20 | 11 24 117 505 |! 55 16 | 13 13 97 513 |: 85 | 30 | 26 7 | 158 |: 437 73 | 33 30 21 157 14 5 | di lossseed 1 7 8 2 | 1 1 1 |, 5 |, : | i 1 701 98 1b 18 10}, 141 hasan ‘ some Sanad | | oy 356 39 | i 6 5 |, gL | 345 39 4 12 5h 60 | 4 i 636 93 15 | 16 10 134 | ie : Sie ge eet 519 3 15! 16 10 h 134 ; \ 156 25 5 3 1 34! 153 19 2) Blt ico 26 | 90 2t G. 4 4 340 97 |, 16 2 5 5 28 90 |... 76 |, 15 179 \ 4! 196 40 19 : 1 16 |. 1 |: 1 57 a." 2 1 1 HW Eh 1 e. 5 5 1 6 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 315 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. \ \ | | fees | a fro Fl | ' Can- | Heart Child. Dis- Di ! | i Diar- “art! pirth | Dis- | eases ine Sear-| Ty- | Ma- |, Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- . eases 3 All ae let | phoid!larial ae Croup. ay sump- Eee Measles.| ing | and | ease end pi ofthe of the of the ole. Sali: other om | * ||fever. fever.ifever. i gases, tion. = cough.| tu- | and Ve liver. ous |¥tinary Be. * | causes. ' “| 2 ie mor. |dropsy. eitses. system.| organs. | | : , : ! | ooh pe fo eae gg ae a i ; | \ | | | 2, 859 61 21 i 33 153 51 250 383 252 38 43 54 142 31; 42 \ 231 ; 679 aeatataravese 1 \ 3 | Bes cilahae 1, 468 35 13 19 74 17 137 206 145 i 19 20 20 Cs 21 | 118 247 [secescee 2 1,391 26 8 14 79 34 113 177 107 19 23 34 73 3i 21 : 113 B82) [sees See: 3 i 1 2. 836 61 21 33 153 51 247 378 245 38 42 54 141 31 42 | 230. CIB t 2222222 4 pig ee Hos < 4 1.913] 52° 9) | 16 45| 215) 378) M42 36 ai 12] 60 3] ul | 493 |... eee 5 306 11! 3 9 21 3 31 18 25, ! 7 a see AUS essere 2! 23 | 292 5 2 4 22 9 20 24 23 | 1 ¢ 5 14 7 3 29 ' | : : 636 18 2 6 \ 49 13 88 66 54 | 1l 13 2 19 Jesecweyes 5 37 | 617 7, 2 5 32 21 72 62 38 | 15 14 3, 15} 8 3 | 42 | : | 470 5 8 4 3 > 3) ma: G60. | nese naces|eneeee ss 17 OS liweeneee 13 | 49 443 4 4 4 4 4 15 86 42 1 faceciecaic 25 43 ! 16 15 | 39 3 3 T beemsansies 1 |------ 1 ! uapaianmee ts asian : 1 i | i 44 24 35 a 5 1 i 24 32 31 32 31 4 10 5 3; 38 7 5 8: losieacecad 2 It “Belcdastaenlileacse ‘ 5 3 6 2 1 Tse 1, 3 30 114 55, 3 6 4 10 | 35 30 102 45 3 8 14 | 37 12 10; 37 36 38 32 2 5 a 15) le cece eves 6 \ 26 37 23 14 | 5 2| 10 Lj 9 7 22 5 3 74 Pau sf La Ie i ; 2 3 3 5 4}. I" 3 | 2 : | 316 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ee ete ie sip nd race ub? x gated Sane i Allages. | l | Under3| 8to6é | 6to9 | 9tor2 || Zot o|lunder 5, 5 to 15 [15 to 25 25 toGa | Over 65 | nen ; ; i Ward 19--Continued. Sanitary district E ...........2..2..22..2--. 2, 453 S71 1,212 | 117 134 21 Males ....2....- 1, 248 | 491 670 | 58 53 3 | Females ....--.- 1, 205 j 380 542 | 59 79 4 WHEE acsceewen eects te vets tet eerie 2,435 | gol) 1,201} 116 LD os ; Ee Bi arte od SS Al ees er Cole es ae | Rages oad 5 ' ative VOVII.22~ ede derersnesaaee wien 1,711 | 462 173 149 70 | 856 1, 188 | 110 J00 1 i 1 * i M.. 245: 73 19 28 7 127 167 11 8 G a 3 ne Y oaeSow | Both parents untae {Fro) Re, 54 28 21 6} 109 149 6 13 7! One ov both parents for- § M-.. 608 ‘ 187 68 44 28 227 458 44 39 | eign. UF 546 | 124 54 49 a7 | 254 368 49 | 412 | 8 | Foreign born....------------- } a 2 Y : ! at 9 COO red scisec oe season besnde seeeemezaczees 10 0% al | 1 : Birthplaces of mothers: i | Inited S$ fy. 340 108 29 34 12 183 245 211 ll a0 United States -eccetirsncense EF. 338 | 8 36 2% a 131 208 16 | 16 11 | Borerlauil Wales << oc-s0-: ff .. 39 4 1 2 18 23 1 3 England and Wales iF: 2 | 3 3 Q 1 18 20 F | 3 9 | 7 - she 24 I Trelantncssaastes ee eb aeons Fo) 365 uu 11 1 9 71 109 2] 3 , Seuivaliy : 399 28 11 | 136 197 12! 11 d GeTMANYoebscenretenecreee ats iF. 320 43 20 18 10. 91 134 ui! 38 : AL 10 2 D. seseuveac| edocs, 4 | petScceen at Italien teisecenanieetsecinse ae sie 18 | 3 3 9 1 3 || » Dee Role a 15 ' Sanitary cistrict F ..-----...--------------- 2,846: 170 130 131 965 | 1, 447 2 155 : pribeaey ee oes VaSiesetca sisi a : 16 | Nee ge rea ee net | 1,544 1 93 7 71 354), 802 Bio 17 (3 FemaleSseo H 26 | i 42 | Germany Vel! os] 22 | 36 | fi 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. o17 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continned. CAUSE OF DEATH. | ro. 4 eye ee ere | | | | : san. | Chila- i Dis- | Di ) Can- | Heart) firey | Di a Dis- Scar-| Ty- | Ma. ia) Con Whoop-| cer | dis- | ?y 0) S| Gases | eases : All cae | let. phoid, larial Div Croup. rheal Lan Pneu- Measles.| ing and | ease an or the! of she | of the Olt Sell other Kiowa SCS. | tover.|fever. fever. \ S| tion. penne cough.}| tu- | and ye lurinary Be - | causes. ; \ i eases. i ; 1 . is- |liver.) ous « i | | mor. ( rayisy. | eases. | sy stem. org ‘ans. i | t i i Sod ee a Len Siero: ml { ee mad a eR pen Ble | i i ' ao ort ae a er 2,453) 45 7) a! ns 18) 49) 265198 45 36] 8) 10 176 136 1 pistes eae a 7h all> ye : ? Bi a aie oe a at rn nt) af i ie 0 as 3 | 1,248} 18 | 103 19 | 23! 65 /........ | 6' gf) 72 2 1 1,203] 27 93 26 17} 60; 65 2K | 12 83} OL 3 2,435] 45 3 i711 || 42 l | 245 7 : i 252, | 4 | 608) 9 | BAG |] 2 | | 344 2 | | 370 | H 1g |]...... 1 7 41 16 | 8 34 24 ! 1 4 4 : 1} 2! 4 4 23) 55 1 6 23, 65 ; 6: 521 39 0 35! 26 ! Were: i 4) 1 | ; 1 L 2,846 | 62 340/846 | “1544 | 38] 197 | 202 1,302 || 24 143; 144 2.813 | 62 340, 346! 1.867 | 60 204) 150 a3} 8 99°17 158 | 6 AG 10 I . 795 || 29 wg. TL 662 || 16 107, 49 519 1 92 118 448 1 13 83 he adliaee 2 cet 2 opel once cas dl ean tes sites | ! 40; 28 | a1{ 16 4/5 6 3 oD) 61 2 3B 82° OL 53° dt i 3° 8B 12 4. 13 » oo} oii ge HM. 939°)«134 i 6 7| 33 7, 137 69 78 | 30 838 i8 5 4) 49 7. W2| 65 84 th i i 9 : r 7 1 1,729] 25 i} i! Bt, W987 | 133) 161 33 20039) 71 WM) 15) tol, 0) 19 2) 32 psf oof ya | 2! 90; G7! 7 13 1 16) 38 gs! 9] 59° 55° 4: m4! 933 1! 33 1 ; : ‘ | j 160 3 2 Aa fh eo! ou | 14 | 11 esate ses | tees fe 10h adapts ec Ww; 20 eel | ea) 30 oe tsa | 161 5 1 1 GC! 3 8 2, 16 2 | 1 10 4. ah at a iy 8!) 1B; 36 | I ' \ ‘ { i | 1 P ' I ! i | : 195 2 2 ae 5 6} IT 16) 4) Li 4 Ro geeeeas 2: 15 Oi LY REG | Be cesteaes 2g5 192 10 1 2 15 | re 17 2 4] 5 6. 8: levees ' 12 | Tai czinee , 26) 30 [ic weneee 5 | DP | | i { 1 3] TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT 8 SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. me who ll 12 13 14 16 v7 18 19 21 22 23 29 20 31 32 33 34 Ward 19—Continued. Sanitary district H.............-22.022.-2-- Both parents native...... f uM me One or both parents or eign. Fes Foreign born........--------- § ut i (OLONGU, | staiz eiaicresizaintsicicinic Re pieelstsisiciialsia ce Birthplaces of mothers: United States ........2..22-2- s ates England and Wales........-- ie 7 Prelan@: ec saccde cdececicsiende 5 a Germany M Bohemia .. Sanitary district I...-...2----2-----.-----. Mal GS coersaisies-cteieecines aiexicaid | Females: sceezeccecacesseeasay st White NATIVE DORR: coc ch secwatccensianciicn Both parents native ..... a One or both parents for-§ M.. eign. F. Foreign born .---.-...-.-.--- i GUlOPeU x 2 ceursssiewisesinee sense sessecee Birthplaces of mothers: United States...---...-...--. ; Mes England and Wales......--.. se Treland 2 ose. eceesieeeeeteins ie 5 M.. Germany ..--------------+---- r. Bohemia ...------------------ ae Sanitary district K ......-..--------------- Males ..-.-.- Females Both parents native ..... ; ae One or both parents for- ¢M.. eign. UP... Foreign born ...------------- ; as Colored ...-----+---02- ee eee eee ee eee eee Birthplaces of mothers : A . §M.. United States...---.--------- PL, Eugland and Wales.....----- ; ies Treland VITAL STATISTICS. DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. == =" fal : j Months. Years. pS ela tees GaeaC iaiE teee, , Senes Seedee Allages. | | | i Under 3} 3 to6 6to9 to 12 | total | Under 5) 5 to 15 {15 tu B52 25 to vo er 65 Pam | : late wee heen tages asset eect enn oe Nh seagate ea a | i | : i | 3,112 a7 | 205 159 | 146 1,087 1,687 . 145 155 ! 1,610 337 M1 83 I 78 609 | 915 75 75 1, 502 | 240 94 76 | 68 48 772, 70 80 ' i ‘ 3, 071 367 204 58 | 144 1, 073 | 1, 672 | 144 152 2, 028 545 188 147 | 133 1,013 | 1,579 128 39 218 64 16 a1! 9 110 || 169 9 5 194 30 15 17} 8 90 | 145 8 3 \ 827 238 82 54 61 435 654 38 4l 693 157 61 48 4g 315 || 530 32 38 | 456 1 11) ii 25 514 ‘ 13 9 38 41 15 1 3 351 109 30 28 16 183 275 21 1L 299 73 24 21 18 136 220 16 5 31 9 3 2 1 15 QGN lessee oa 3 26 1 9B tcl shctstou [oe . 4 15 2 2 592 89 26 15 152 254 32 38 605 65 19 22 1 212 30 42 328 35 17 15 103 161 17 16 312 50 13 14 92 156 18 19 76 4 12 6 48 57 2 1 65 10 5 5 29 30) |esaccee a 3 1 } 1, 108 216 84 5 65 440 661 33 44 298 50 2 605 130 51 36 37 254 373 32 24 153 29 1 503 86 33 39 28 186 288 21 20 145 28 1 1, 074 208 83 72 64 4297 647 33 44 282 46 2 767 206 82 68 G4 420 634 47 30 5b Voeey vale | 2 6G 16 8 6 5 33 39 Bill siesta 32 19 4 6 5 34 47 3 1 357 99 41 27 31 198 ; 288 26 Ww 266 37 26 29 23 135 | 220 15 i idl Paseancece|s a ae texcnes 1! 4 3 6 158 1 1 -| 2 5 3 8 34 | 8 1} 3 1 1B. Sel eaecascasie xl beatae | 110 342 13 7 10 j 62 , 90, 3 21 a3 83 26 6 9 6 47 69 4 2) 7 9 4 oe 4) B. | cpeicirssienera tmaarciscies : 4 12 [awvenees Saacneas 1 4 1 1] $ 51 25 7 4 3 | 41 68 9 10 | 3 14 13 7 9 2 are 49 7 7 | 58 163 | 30 18 3 lL G4 92 12 10 | : 146 | 26 7 9 13 | 35 33 6 8 | 89 18 5 1 8 44 62 4 1 | 61 | 8 6 4 4. 22 42 P [sbiiscicron dl i F t 572 | 1w3 | 7 10 9: 139 202 36 | 32 | ata EAE ey ite das talice a pa ir ell | gen ee = 294 | 37! 9 4 4 | 74 104 24 19 | 278 16) 8 6 Fy 65 | 98 12 13 | 568 102 | 7 10 9° 138 198 36 32 svt} 102: 17 10 gil 438 197 wel 4! 1 ‘ i : i 79 19 | te) l 1 25 | 39 9 | sl la! 2 1 1 : 25 5 3) : ' lot 36 | 3 3 3 47 Go 1B 7 108 30 | 6 3 4 |! 45 70 6 8 105 g 6 | 85 ! 1 3 | Hi) UW atdeeeee cetawanssmcmmsemor) AME A Pesta erchedmatee N cdeaaiaam ‘ i ut $1 ie 3| 1 40. 60 ee 8 | 17 | 12 112 27 | d 1| 1 |) 33 47 3 5 | 32 | yi. M4 : \ i. es ae Di uW 1 5 1 59 4 ; 29 8 67 2 30 15 3 1 2 3 Bleach Pa 31 21 62 23 14 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 319 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continned. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. 101 108 | i | | ‘|Sear-| Ty- | Ma- : : hanes ‘ | let ‘phoid laria \fever. tever.ifever. 76 38 | 38 18 | 16° 14 | 9 76° 73 23 34 | te me itheria. | Diph- | 193 , 94 | 99° 193 | Child- t 1 | ! | ' Can- | Heart Dis- | pig. | | Diar- ; i A birth | Dis- | eases : Con-': Whoop-| cer | dis- sl of the} eases +7! All i Croup rheal ‘sump | Pueu- ‘yfeasles. ing | and | ease and pu-eases| of the) of the | Old | Still | gine, | Un- | dis- tion, ; Monia. Gourh:| ta: | and erperal of the! nerv- nrinary| #¢ born. Naawecs known. ‘ eases. ea hy mor. \dropsy dis- liver.| ous Seaanes A i | | “y **) eases. | system. | OTSans- i 1 Bie sk a! El Aah ee : 74 376 364 324 56 123 ot’ 88 156 1 238) 700. 1: 12 43 187! 174: 162 19 | 55 |ooceeee | oa gl Bel ass 410 1) 2 31! 189 190° 162 37, «68 gi!) 17 Bi | 8} 101 290 Seton 3 14 375 353-319 BBS 34 56) 119; a1 | 36 201 w2| i] 229 | 696 li 4 67; 333} 132 192 a 33 8 38 | 11 | 10 118 4t| 3] 229 MGS tiaends 3 { Bi 64 9° Bag eddie tl 3 10 Oi eascs 7) G02 chon a 7 6) 31! 1} 2 : cee 19, BO dawns sae .o ; \ 30} 0! 54) 15." S2eee 97 OB eeeee bg 21; 125) 49! 14¢ 2 $21 138 beveue een Ly ! ! 2 9: 100) 32 | 105 1'y 8 4 19) 119: 58 ; BB heat ene 5 | | bce | i aes foseeeee) o W Keneeaees. 1) i i | i i | | | ‘ 10 5! 18 Fi dandve | 46 u 4592) 2 1 1 31 pgsatans om 6 | 2 3 pescer| 3 Lgauenaa 5 | 3 20 1 Tees 11 533) 89! 5 1 6 36, 2) Bs! 8 35 | 102 | 66 7! s| 23. pt £7 23 12; 38 36 29 6 | 1; 10 17 Li 27) 6; 431 37| 29 3 | a) 7 16; 1 26 1p af FH 8 eee eee 1: 8 [aves u 1 9 11; 8 T Syesweed 1 Dlewemcae 4 { : | ‘ Be) 175 | 126) 103, 22 | 37 2 94 Nisha oe a a ro a 20; 92! 65! 0 16 | 7 #41, 61 Wi 83 61 43 6! | 20 1 33 34-173: 10] 108 2 9 | 3402«, a “ - Ltstiom Sete ste tle Rerawssi ee 320 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe $6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING ‘ PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | AGE. i "SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, ANT |! Mone BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. oer ' — All ages. 1 Under3| 3to6 | Gto9 | 9toI2 | aes Under | | i vo ios | — ee ae nar ‘ Ward 19—Continued. | | | i Sanitary district L..... 2.222. .0222..222---- 3,129 | 659 228 176 138 |; 1,201 |! 1,792 7 — — }j- wo tae 1, 646 395 124 90 69 || 678 989 1,483 : 264 104 | 86 | 69 |i 523 ' 8033 I ' lI ‘ ‘ 3,121 | 659 228 176 136 j 1,199 1,789 ——$—==| - mt SSS] = ih Lives a rent) | pean 2,135. , 658 204 | 171: IL |, 1,184) L734 i \ | | {! we M.. 219 68 a1 13° eae 14: 171 Both parents native. ...-. ‘e “ 173 » 51 17 | 7 10 | 95 134 i 5 One or both parents for- 5M. 922 323 100 | 72 58 SAS 1 789 eign. 794 | 207 85 66 . 3 413: G42 | . ‘ | se 481 I|--------- 2 Ieseaetese | 3) 10 Foreign born 489 | Stace 1, 1: 3) 4, 10 ' i i ' Wolovelushassmseaws tosses siceciotgecines 8 See call i ccotesalsiecencie eis 2 2 $ Birthplaces of mothers: ar | 6g | i | Duss ‘ M. 309 | 28 17! 19 163 255 Tite Stites es yessuense ir. 264 | BL A, 20 | F 35 i foglent and Wales ff] BYR) A) BE ee ee 2 eae 2) ee ; ; M. 433 97 34 21} 14 |} 166 | 240 CEE AI yeasty iF. 380 58 | 7 25 | 18 | 128 | 188 A M. 170 49 22 2° 8! 91 118 olioni al cegssves se aeedsbassee tr: 133 BL, 1B ve 10 | 70 | 101 i i i I e | | Wh Sanitary district M.........--.------+---+-- 1,534 | 317 | 129 109 | & 640 996 soe pen oe ee [- - tae es Males 818 180 , 76 62: 43 | 361 532 Females... 716 |] 137 | 53 47 42 279 464 Wiit@s ccc cece ee eceeeweewedtec ccc 1,53. 317 129 | 109 8&5 640 996 Pree I a ws Native. born .....--.--------+-----+- 1, 108 317 ; 7 { a i , Both parents native....-- i ef a One or both parents for- ¢ M.. 491 143 cign. Rae 429 114 ba pat M. 220 Foreign born....------------- FE. 197 GUIOREU sos 2524 ceencsngiee? sete meeedec| semen yeee Teese Bee ies we wie Birthplaces of mothers: a si } United States......-..00--- ie 106) 30 be 8 i England and Wales ..-..----- iP: 9 | i oe = M. 142 || 2 ee get ae ae hg M 229 |" 51 | i Ria Germanys ces seeceeee ee coon irl im? wt | pe ao gt ies M.. 134 29 14 | 15 | 1 jj 69 | 109 OMS Sar SERS HEIs F 154 |: 33) 10° 13 i 67 | 114 2 ; ah | Sanitary district N .--.-------------++---+- 1, 178 190 | M 41 45 il 307 , 457 611 1 2y 25 U5 lv! 18) 961 564 6s 16 16 Is 118 y 196 White. ..--. 2222-22222 eee eee eee eee 1, 148 138 38 aK 39 206 | i Native Dutttiicc-.ccncc-ce.aned aeseeses 790 ‘i 1ny a7 : a7 al 292 | dar i ' 7 : bats M..i 1635 46 a 9 3 Gao 92 Both parents native.....- ie : a7! 9g | ; | 5 6 i 2 ! | 1 : 7 M.. 70 16 1 8 107 | 149 or both parents for. 5M ae ‘ eR ye Yas #8 9 10 | nC socmncl M..: 151 | 9 i Foreign born...---------++--- Bas 172 i 3 i | i i Colored... 02. .2--20222- 22 eee erste cece ‘ 27 2 | 3 3 3 11 15 ; ; ‘ i Birthplaces of mothers : 2s ve ' | 0 | : ‘ United States... see | oe a Oe a ae England aud Wales ..--.----- He] 2 5 fe - Lae J Lg 809 . ; M.. 25° u“ 4 Declares : xy 37 Ireland .-.----+------+++--0-- {i a iss 10 | erene 3 siesinsits a i : ir gMo] 10, 19: 6 2 1! a1 1 ASETRIRHY seneeeys etessese cs om a a 7 2 4 4 3 33 M.. IS : J ‘ Ganndat.. s2scesceeeacciesss seus ; ae = Years. 5 to 15 [15 to 25 138 | 142 eh iain % we 68 65 70 7 135 | ie 2 ay th 112 | 84 W 2 ox 4 71 14 | woot ag | 45 39 65 9! 28 348 13 | 30 320 \ Js | outa etiers 1 | 134 3 29 19 1 10 7 3) 5 16 2 | 2 16 16) 27 162 | 16 27 182 20 16 127 20 | 21 112 | 9 | $ 36 | 3 | 7 19 | i 65 | 39 51 | 38: a9! yar | 7 | 37 154 i 1 ‘ 65 | 59 351 } | 6 1 8 Ja val it 2 6 | T° 68 il 3 12 56 1 ll \ 5 71 9! 10 38 5 | 4 18 4 7 23 ! ‘ : 66 | TL +399 o4 a1 213 42 40 | As6 65 69 392 : G4 36 175 Go! 1 : \ ral al 30 18 [asdszices 4! s 33 25 ' 1 : i : Ww 7 47: a peer 24 | 20 49 i 6 | biatch arte ee 3 121 : 53 [eed 1 | 7 96 | 66 {22.227 We 2 7 Dal Conese \ 1 1: ul 19 | 9 vy 1 By 2 4 8. 13 | 10 2 7 5 ll: ae |seeseers a NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 321 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | i | | \ ci Child- Dis- | p, | | Di Can- | Heart birth | Dis- | ease: Dis- Sear-; Ty- | Ma- : 1OE) Gon. Whoop-| cer dis- ae = eases ‘ All eee | let [phoid larial pip Croup. ome sump- Enews Measles.| ing and | ease anil Buy ot the! othe of the Old ool other ee " |fever. fever. fever, |e". es tion 5 cough.) tu. | and ee iver] ous [Urinary] “&° *| causes. ' ' mor. (dropsy. ingen: isystem. organs. — a — Jj — oe | \ | | 3129) 50, 17) 36) a7 gi] 415. 382] 294 44 47) 73; 12 35; 93 235 122} 19] 302’ 671 ]......-. hg —)— BA BS —-! —- — 1616} 22! 14] 10 82 44} 215! 180 164 23 Dic} 296 — RTE eases 9 129 66 9| 189 380 |. 2 1, 483 | 28 3 6 89 37| 200: 202 130 21 20) 47 55’ 35} 14 126 56 10) 113 291 3 3,121)! 50; 17| 16] 170 gl} 415 381 670 |........ 4 2,135 |) 47 8 9| 163 74 | 301 138 471 219 |, 9 |... 2} 13 6] 36 5 54 |. 173 || B levessxlecseas 13 4 41 il 33 |... 922 12 8 4 66 33 16254 214 |.. 794 |) Bee. 3 69 31] 147. 60 168 |. 481 1 6 4 2 5 2 119 110 489 2 3 3 5 2) 9) 128° 87 BW ove aateuveesileeeens! 1. legeweeesleedsese : FE 1 Ls p 9 53) 5B, 74 8} 53 15 ; B83 Ol. CAT | 7 15 3 | 31 1 17 | 8 37 | 88 79 4; 33| 94 65 9) 49, 35 107 9 56 | 48 13 7 25; 93 44 |. 3 22. 20 28 52! 258) 146 134 19 23 °° «18 49. 10 9 127 57 7/12 350 1/15 i |— inca ae ies in| eteorepene nce - Seal sheet pinnae 23{ ye] 94 82 i 9! 6 92 |e. ie 69 32 3 57/190 | 1) 16 29) 16) 82 52 8 uw; 1 7; 10; 6 58 25 4 55 160 balan 17 1 } : | ! ‘ i 52 258 46 134 19 23 18. 49; 10) 9 rr 7] 2; 350, 1| 18 Sl 240 37 74 19 3) 3 4 a 4 99! 16 1. 112 | 273 1) 19 ' i ‘ ' i | , 87 5 |. 2 8 21 2 3 3 | fie tego BY 5 inaumles West 7 Yeneed 3 29 1 | 299 79 2 10 | 3} B) 5 Ly 2 Vp Adeaeewelicecse Tig © a ihren i I { t J ' I i : 491] 14 3 2) 45 19) nl 19 41 8 8 2 AS saageantelll aac 49 he Pe se 49 1G: jxceiate i iv 1| 39 24 7 | 34 | (ease 41 | iT cg eee i 3 4 0 95 SH enent LBA eects ; 2 3 6) 16g occ c es BE eto ad | 23 : | ! 6| a 0 1 2 5 1 4 8 14 1 27! 15 5.1 12° 21 2a) a 6: 7° 3 14) 7) 613 | e7 PAY! een ees 29 earns eee | FS pes go oP! Bb TAD |e 30 a1. 9° OS [aw reams: 31 70, 18, 83j ML]... 32 305 | 8S rs | 33 : i | eva) CRE) B0-\exeotcs iQ Si BHP Bey, SL [baneaee 134 Fi bp ee 10 ' i 15 1 rier [ses 16 Useussen | t 2 i St ae Bee 6 al an) 3 2 1 2 7 | 5 13 i 5 | 15 6 | 7 4 Ts 4 | 322 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND m ote | | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Ward 19—Continued. Sanitary district O Both parents native. ....- ; Ales One or both parents for-§ M.. eign. Fes Foreign born.......---------- § Ms " COTE cc aeso spose eeesees tessa Birthplaces of mothers: United States ........--.-.--- j § a Germans se: secccscsssceseces ; Russia and Poland.....------ 5 Sanitary district P....-..---------------+-- Mal@s\. cscccease's: oth parents native ....- j at a One or both parents for- 4 M.-. eign. U Bice Foreign born ....------------ j Ales Golorédl is s59 sezeeseeees eee teereeewece oe Birthplaces of mothers: United States -...-.---..----- j As 7 M.. England and Wales...--.---- ; Pl Trelands ccicccsiesccecercceee { oe Germany .----------------- ; ve 3 M.. Bohemia .....-------.-------+ ; Fo sanitary district R..-..--------------+----- Males ..- Females. --..----- White. .-...-...--- 2s eee eee eee eee eee Both parents native Que or both parents for-¢§ M-. eign. ck Foreign born Colored Hirthplaces of notbers: a United States ..-..--.--.--- ih : ¢M. 2s Treland....-2.---. + eee eee ee ‘ at : Sevotland ......0--055-25555- ; at = es ; § Mee Germany .-----------2222 25> UF... AGE. [ | | Months. a Years. [ie aoe eee ea es UE eee Allages.|: : gta | : in ‘ ' 2 . ero) 5 5 [15 to 25 | 25 to 65 | Over 65 : pes 3 to 6 6to9 i 9 to 12 under 12 Under ‘ 5 to 15 |15 to 25 | 25 to 65 | Over 65 known: Sees gas, ep) Pao gaan eck lag Bee Ae ee | ; : 3,431 |! 657 201 185 4 1,187 || 1.756 | 167 188 | 1,034 283 3 j——-j- -—-}—-—— i - 1,763 364 119 99 | 37 639 | 942 | 86 80 516 138 1 ' y 1, 668 293 82 86 | 37 518 | 814 | 81 108 518 145 2 3,412 | 655 201 184 | Md ff 1,154) 1,748 | 167 186 | 1,026 283 2 ees 1 it ale hen Vl ica NE eas aren ees | ee Semler a Savages 2,363 | 653 199 181 | 112] 1,146 1,720 | 152 131 311 48 1 ' 356 115 34 19 | 16 184 262 a1 | 9 48 WG) Iseseanca 295 | 72 22 23: 16 133 2u5 17 | 15 37 2h seascses ‘ : : i 853 | 237 St 76 | 39 436 613 56 49 103 Deana | : 812 | 211 55 62 | 39 367 | 579 37 56 113 G Vi | | 516s le evernyaad | tadedtaset 1| 1 2 | 13 9 183 356 119 1; 324 1 2 IL Nyssitiazes 4] 9 6 37 356 T16 |eeeesac i 19 | Be atte it cea 3} bil pecewtied hd ener 1 | ‘ : 1 : ‘ : | ‘ 481 | 149 246 363 32 i2. 58 HO: 12 196 311 31 24 48 | 33 if 12 23 4 4 16 ' 69 | 7 21 32 5 6 19 | 446 63 123 | 186 23 29 176 | 499 33 99 | 157 4 35 234 397 103 189 | 272 21 21 214 467 80 135 | 214 21 33 160 | 92 2 5 | 9 1 2 7 17 3 4 |! 9 1 2 3! 2, 268 478 876 |! 1,319 121 us | 568 146, 1i 1,203 253 467 m1 Go | sa! 402) 4G: xe cnatas i 1,065 295 409 608 61! 591 966 70 ; i | i 2. 266 £7 875 1,317 121 | 113 | 568 146 | 1 _— — : 1,635 | $77 867 |) 1,284 110 77 | I 227 | 62 118 188 12 a i91 | 58 100 142 13 i 625 | 182 | 335 496 41 28 | 582 | 162 | 299 438 44 32 | BBL ipccseaceient 4 13 7 17 | 221 TB sas DGB icomncesec 2 12 4 19 | 174 59 | Beeases i 2 1 1 D | cwemuae slecceensiet b sidiawereae| See ences peseets | I 319, 87 166 || 964 22 qo 19 4 272 |, 86 138 | 206 20 10 28 8 34 | i 8 14 4 3 10 3 47 | 7 Mu 7 1 1 12 6 230 |: 36 65 87 10 9 99 25 234 | 39 64 89 13 17 95 20 478 | 95 172 261 21 22 | 134 40 | 336 | 63 147 |; 215 20 25 | 100 26 26 | 8 | 13 Ji DOs Nescesaeear 1| 4 1 18 | 5! 5 |i 7 Silese dees ; SUbsscasiese | i \ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 323 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 625 21 5 582 23 3 331° 2 1l 268 2 4 2. VW losackew 319 || 20 3 272 1 3 34 Mt Tetciaicrans 47 | De farsicrane:s: 230 | 3 i 234 5 1 478 11 11 386 10 5 26 Dewees i 1 1 # Sear- | Ty- Ma- | All | ay a | let jphoid|larial: SBURES. fever.\fever.|fever. \ i : ; ee 8,431 | 79; 2%’ 6 1,763| 31! iG! 14 le6s; 48 8 1 3-412; 79° 94, 96 2,363] 75) 12! 16 336 G2) 4: 295 cieeenes 2 853 | 25 5 4 g12 | 34 5 G (516 |... - 9! 6 524 4 3 | # Di wee Draw aE wis 29 ph- | theria.| CTOUP: | wn SWOeBoOoOwe 153 144 297 281 38 34 106 100 sD | i on- sump- ' 389 198 | 191 | 107 251 Pneu- monia. 323 185 138 Measles. 1 REWNEH we in Whoop- cough. ; Child Cer Palen [bth | Die seek and pu-| eases tu- | and [eTperal ae .| dis- jliver. mor. ee eases. ! sence poe iS | 87 18y ! ar, 38 7 8T [zx 60 102 | ni Dis. eases of the nerv- ous system. i | | : Dis- | eases | old | Still | AU | un. lurinary| age. | born. causeRt known. organs. 178 | TOE focnnvans 1 99 | 2 79 3 4 5 169 167 454 3) 15 245 1| 16 209 2] 17 454 3) 18 346 3149 { 44 1 47 1 (0 Wee he 2 d 107 1 ova 324 VITAL STATISTICS. TasLe 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mouths. ie BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. j ——— "I ’ All ages. ! TU: : Gerla reall eteat aes , 2H Under 3! 3to6 Gto9 | 9to12 reer ' Under 3! 5 ty 15 | 15 to 25/25 to 65 | Over 65 own, - ~ i | tel) NERO LO iraneising Yeti dieweic cancun na cag uce@ek sue 15, 862 2.796 £08 692 564 4,960 |; 7,389 | O74 | 9s7 | 5,473 1,329 10 H | ’ i i H 2 Malegt.scsnetaectacac se abaieuses 8,313 |) 1,555 491 361 soz |) ama], 4019} 3a 472| 2,941 pol 2 3 PeOmales 25035012620 dnnnencinns vexen 7,549 1, 241 417 331 257 || 2,246 3,370 353 515; 2.522 778 1 , 1 I | | 4 Whites sc cocetevesee een sterecessesce dhe 14,933 |} 2,567 844 642 526 | 4,579 | 6,891 646 | 931, 5,181; 1.274] 30 4 eae pee Oops 5 Native born .......-..0...22..---22000- 9,872 || 2,559 832 634 512 || 4,537 | 6,779 590 , 655 | 1,594 250 3 872 | 537 |: i i : - = iy M 1, 624 |; 410 151 93 68; 722} ~—-1, 099 72 56 321 G6 |i sae sea & Bothy parents nates. ans0:% tro] Tao ; 373119 81 71 |; 644) 944 Bhi 233 408'| ooo cs m 5 a 5 It 962 296 230 ‘4691 |) 2,508 207 260 504 13 3 ’ One or both parents foreign . { Po. 2979 | 700 253 212 is7 i 11338 | 2037 239 258 429 93 | uicee ‘ M 2,516 i i eee 1 ch 9 46 28 125 | 1,885 430 2 5 MOn eine DObtu ate saees ete eure fro) 3a | 2 i 4 if 8 47 28 149 | 1676 592 |... | t | “ I 9 Colores vom cae eee tend nae ee Sec 929 |) 999 64 50 38 381! 498 28 56 299 55 |... ee. Birthplaces of mothers: ! : 6 United Stat M..} 2,532 | 678 237 158 119! 1,192} 1,753 107 92 484 8-2-2022 e seers e eee ee Sh 2) 294 605 188 141 110 |i 1,044 |) 1,523 131 115 te M.. 276 52 15 8 10 85 || 121 14 4 10 11 England and Wales......--...--. § ve 251 | 35 16 13 4 | 68 99 i 12 92 M..| 2, 685 | 334 110 70 67 581 907 108 213 | 1,240 12° Treland .-.+--+++-s00-sesesee seers ; F.-] 2,805 || 228 95 66 58 fi a7 |) 797 118 230} 15381 a ’ M.. 132 | 20 3 4 6 |i 33 |' 55 8 9 45 13 Seoulan de saiecer:Syrse se treaty iro] 7! 19 3 6 3) 33 52 8 11 45 : M..| 1,818 304 84 79 a1 538 781 60 115 712 14 Germany --.-----.+--2-+ +e sees ee iF } i340 | 208 71 72 46 |, 397 || «G07 56 105 423 i 15 Sanitary district A .........--.-2.2222-2--- 2,640 | 441 164 116 93 814 1, 243 114 169 928 ISG! | scare ainiee 16 Maies 1, 334 241 83 51 54 431 |. 663 49 78 466 BE | szncveen 17 Females .. 1, 306 200 i 65 39 393 «50 65 91 462 OB! | anc ce. 18 Whi beck sacl siaciciictodeeehe orig ' 2,613 | 436 164 115 92 807 1, 234 113 165 919 9 Native born .......200002-.00eeeees lerl @ 161 15) 88 796 |, 1,210 104 uz 240 Dial cock 1 | : | i a ! Zar M..! 246 56 31 92 19 128 | 190 10 3 18) Niioie se 20 Both parents native ...-. f Pl, 204. 67 23 li | 9 113 || 1i6 17 8 i Ws; tt eee ; | One or both parents fur-¢M..' 627 | 171 53 29 ! 33 286 | 443 4 51 97 Lid Rear | 21. eign. Fo. 546 115 54 48 25 242 || 367 42 54 al O:lheceke a ' | | : s M. 417 | ecemeqses|iencanasee|eacas tes 2 2 10 3 99 315 67 22. Horeisn born zaessusesseeeess § F. 488 eee TL |e sccsiecen lesevevers 1 5 6 26 360 91 { H | 23 | Colored! cccassestecieietucewsetenseacans 37 | B leseaueae a 1 Th 9 1 4 9 el ore aw i i | Birthplaces of mothers: i ' i ; tea States {Me 343 81 40 28 25 | 174 266 16 5 49 24 mu ane ees eater FE. 304 88 25 25 | 15 153 238 20 15 18 | 25 | England and Wales.......... ie a3 ip eee a boar’ au a 20 , : 18 : M. 661 | 92 24 14 | wi (147 296 23 56 208 | 26 | Prelend seas aisecha esate iF 3 682 37 a i | 12 | 115 175 28 57 351 | M. 28 BB AGI ase a 7 16 27 Scotlam le ates ocrh eee iP 4 35 9 3 4 | 2 18 a1 3 oer eS 5 7 M. 164 30 M4 6 8 58 88 3 10 32 28 German scsceans-sgcsersiasiys iF 142 17 11 15 3 48 7 10 10 41 1 : I 29| Sanitary district B........eeeeeeeeeee eee sa7 |} 864) 66] tat) a6} 967 a.se5| 23} 203 | aya — 2 a6 Males Soop ade aueeestauin caed 1, 686 327 92 wo! 62 551] 770 65 96 622| 131 2 ot Females....-...-.-------000---- 1,531 237 a 61 | 44 416 616 38 107 552 108 eccceea- 1 1 32 | Witte seeseesecisc omen cb aeeeousn eee 2,714 446 133 104 | 86} = 769} 1,121 108 168, 1,017 | 293 2 Nai e Dob ideas saccseschat eeldipen 1,757 444 w2! jon fag 764 | 1,107 92 193 302; ql od 33 | | ' fc M 333 75 25 18 | 10 128 185 l4 18 a4! DO oes 34 Both parents native -.... iF 584 || 66 33 | 19 | 8 116 161 B 17 a 3 + | i ‘ ' One or both parents for- § M. 593 | 167 52 | 35! 36 290 416 | 36 48 89 3 1 ao | eign. ir 460 | 114 al | 25 26 196 308 | 28 39 | 73 Ty lomwasves ae M.. 465 } 3 ae 5 Bad . 36 Boreign: born .ac:24itoesass { ¥ “| 486 | 1 6 | 7| pe: baagce) geet sack ‘ ‘ ' : ‘97 Colored : 503 : : 198 265, 15 | 35 137 Oi ese es. i | i ( : i Birthplaces of mothers: af ail a és st | gat gt ! i ; ; 545 5 ‘ : ! 74 | 385 | 5 33 172 38 United States.---..---+--+++- iP sgl || 2a | 40 38 | > 293 | 331. 30! dg i . M.. 65 |) 13 4 1 7 i 7 39 | England and Wales...--.---. ie 7 BL | 10 3 5 : deee is ze is : ao ' 3 i a | M 414 47 17 12 i 83 137 35 183 40. Ireland ..--------+-++++rs+-++ F 477 31 12 9, 12 64 |: 99 39 2350 | i M.. % | 13 6 2 3 My 31 | 4 35 41) Pr ant scnc22% cececeeeececnces EF. 33 |! 6 5° 1 | i: 13 || 18 | 2 1! ; tie 287 | 50 Bu! 4 10 72 | 97° 9° 16 197 | 42 | Germany .-.2---- 2. 2eerre eee Fai 193 |i 33 | fi 4} 3 47 | 10 85 8 i i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 325 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 Chila oe | ; ‘ Can-! Heart) You" aff (aeos* Dis- | i Diar- . birth | Dis-, eases j Sear-| Ty- | Ma- . Con- Whoop-| cer dis- [Se eases >, | All ae | let |phoid|larial papi Croup Thea! sump- aueu Measles.| ing | and | ease ant Marie oF Alte : of the ola Sul | other ene “| fever.|fever.itever. ; eases. | tion. i cough.| tu- | and is. |liver | ous Urinary ee: * causes. mor. dropsy. eases. jaystem. organs. | ! l i ' i aa Tien fe. se! #7 enol ees | i i | 15, 862 || 252] 138] 114 | 679 333 | 1,677 | 2,193 | 1,427 182 212! 327] 726 150} 218} 1,222) 999 | 99 1,222 | 3,686 6 | 1 8,313 || 128) 7 55 | 336 180 | 901 | 1,177 776 99 95 | 110] 356 }.......- 4! 651 538 | 28 | 707 | 1,990 2} 2 7,549 | 14] 68) 59) 343 153! 776 1, 016 651 83 17; 217] 370 150} 104571 461] 71) 5151 1,696 4 3 t I 14,933 || 250} 133 | 108, 672 329 | 1,583 | 2,038) 1,324 178 195 | 314] 689 U1] 215} 4,142; 944} 97) 1,113 | 3, 464 4: 4 9,872 |} 931] 55] 68} 645 316 | 1,434! 965 767 172 189! 771 270 sv 53) 724 324} 20 1,113 | 2,388 4 5 1,624 || 32 9); u 88 52] 2071) 128 126 30 351 19 eee 8 | 139 67 2' 180 AAT So ceinaes 26 1,440 || 28 3| 15 98 40} 187-101 130 18 32] 30 35 18 8; 103 44] 13) 135 371 is ' | | ! i 3,495 81 21 18 234 121 560! $75 272 59 9, 6 TO: |ueensece 19 | 239 | 111 ecco ! 499 837 1); 2,979!) 76| 20! 19] 219 101} 450; 333 212 61 73) 29 17 39} iv] 217 81 2) 298 660 25 i : | i : : 2,516! 9! 37) 18 14 4 62 573 311 4 3 85] S10 |seccenas 84} 217 BIB) Olas ssc 548 |..-....- ‘de 2,482 | 9o| 41] 22 13 a 781 497 240 1 2) 152] 206 81; 78) 198 301] 53 Joo. 5U0 i-------. 1g i ' ' | goo || 8 5 6 7 4 94} 155 103 4 17, 13 37 9 3 £0 551 2! 109 299 | og. 9 { | ! 2. 532 43| a| 21{| 124 74j 331) 224 207 39 35° (19 Bi lige sauee 12 217 102; 2! 291 2, 294 60 6| 22] 142 56} 294} 186 212 27 56 39 88 28} 10! 178 66) wu! 216 276 6 4 3 9 4 27 | 25 29 4 2. 18 feces 3 19 24; 1! 16 251 5 Tel eeapsee 8 2 24 25 25 1 43 13 19 7 2 | 21 7i 6, «16 2, 685 37 | 94] 20 88 43) 219] 519 275 31 19} 30] 122 44 183 228 121 153 2, 805, 35 | 32{ 26 17 39| 195 | 554 239 24 31) 91] 167 64] 63; 203 267; 35 | 94 132 3 3 pecsaen 13: eceeeioes 10 10 16 1 2 1 Bi fuexcecs 37) 10 15 jasceens R 137 7 ee 7 1 11 18 12 5 3] 5 8 Bi llsence 12 Th 2 8 1,818 25 | 19 1 75 42; 210 | 275 163 7 ll} 38 99 |sneveee 40, 151 wi; 8 145 1,340 14} 21 9 7 38 | 172) 152 106 14 38 | 47 37 38 92 64; 8 112 ! { 1 2, 640 34) 951] 20: 110 AL) S00 j; 399} 235 50 39° 387} 101 30 | 44 187 183 | 12! 183 1.334) 18} 10 5! 5B 201 156 | 9061 130 27 wi a! 49 fees. 16 98 8, «2 98 1, 306 | we} 15) 45 38 21° 144} 193 105 | 23 21) 26! 52 30) 28 89 | 95: 10 85 2,613 | 3; 9} 2 110 41, 298, 394 233 | 30 39° 37) 300! 29] 44° 184 1g2' 12 381 1 1 1 1 enn ne a eset er ag SSS YS rwror oa 1, 694 | 28 7 | 13 | 105 40) 268 181 130 49 37 3| 39 10 S 124 61 1 181 , i " i ‘ 246 Godse: me | 4 38 18; 2 10 6) 4 j 8 23 1 enc ces 92 224 4 1 3 2 31 9 24 6 7 5} 9} 1 2 1, 30 | 627 9 4 2! 1G. 101! 77 46 WwW it eesen8 D Wigliesse's 4 39 23 | 69 5416 9 2 4 | 18°; 91} | 93 36 15 14 8 | 10 3 45 20 1 46 : : ‘ i | j i 417 2 6) ou 12° 107 | Ghee acces Gi ag) epee! 12 29 49 Bivsce 488 | a} I>, 6, 15 105 | AF loca cacwuliecnacies a a 19; 23 31 1 Oe sass OT Li eset Vou sigetacee eau 5 | 2 1 i 3 Thine 9 } 1 ! ! 16 7, Bi 2 26 12 ee, Wiese P be 86 13 31 26. 5) 46); 16 26 10 9) seces 3 21, a4 17 4, 25 2° fg 5 4 2 ge [Pedeead 3 5 4 Lge ce yes 25 4 Arecedacaas iv os 5 Wedel 1 3g 2 18 | 8; 54) 141 a 9 5 Cd Oras eee [aa 39 35 | 37 12: 9 | al | i 32 6 7: 1! 26 19 23 | 37 id 18 | SD degues ce : 1 1 2 1 1: 1 jexceses: | 5 | 4 2 3 4, 4 9, ; 29) 88 | 10 6 17 10: 5:98! 9 5 12 ' i | 110 | 46 302} 462 282 29 49 76 75 (7) 88 aad ! a 53 2; 166 | 245 137 19 go. 20 | 1BF | ws} 12 150 \ 37 M4 ' 136] 217 145 10 27: 52 ! 2 138 113; 10 91 ‘ : Il 107 43 245] BTL) 223 25 37°68] 162 24 $7 235 | 199, 21185 104 41! 298 | 187 119 23 371 17 76 12! 10 139 | Ta ARS 333; 3 4 2: 7 4, 42 43 25 4 9) 5 By later 2 25 15: eaties 30 284' = 6 1 25 8 9 28 27 29 1 81 6 14 4 2 27 | 13 3: 20 sa ou] 4) 4 ET] 35 8 9% A] dbl eeoves 5 46 | i 460 | 7 2' 3! 44 ll' ug 52 23 8 11 17 8 35 ' 46 | ; | : j 465, 4) 4 | 4a = a ae 93 47) | eases 1d) abr paeeeuees 16 49 486; 2 5/3 1 1} 10 91 50} |esendeeis foactrestel 16 40 ws at 47 F 1 503 1 2 [8 2 3 | 57 91 57 a! 12 8 24 fe tases 40 a} " 3 4 ; ! ' : i i ; | 645 / 5 8 85 | 87 | 3 40 SU lege wis se : 7 ; 501 9 13 60! 71 i 21 38 28 3 46 65 2 34 di 5 14 3 5 1 3 Bh Irccxioes 1| 9) Pe RN EB haeenmert) MER) - i TPisentemenetonmens 3 DS least 3 414 |; 8, 6G 25 | 72 oR Jd 36 5 es 477 [i 4 3| 2%) M4 1 6 39 36 4 9 Welccs: Blech ioreeet 9; Wi 4, 6 ee 6 sp al 1} 5 6 wR ae ae 1; 6° A lisse: 2. 987; 38 2] 19! 40/4 3) 34. a 4 a 193 |\caecs | 21 19! 18 ; & la 1 1 7 326 VITAL STATISTICS. Taste 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN FKACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mouths. | nears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ; 1 j . Allages.” i i ‘ | Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9 to 12 te Under d| 5 to 15 | 151025 25 to65 | Over 65 Hewes i ~ og a ee |r nee ear ee err i sl Ward 20—Continued. : ' | | i i 1 Sanitary district C.....2.....-.--2222-2005. 2. 264 371 110 95 82, 658 1, 062 119 | 123 | 77 | 185 4 un Nicsaacmemetace ; = | 2 Malesia witnesses 1.201 | 208 63 47 44) 302 588 sink! aI] 3 Penialesysc 92 psviarenmcsttione = 285 1, 063 163 47} 48 38 ; 296 | 474 64 65 | 3359 | IL j-------- : \ ; { : 4 WANES oe ee col aca oe See teee ae 2, 244 ; 368 110 | 93 80 651) 1,053 119 | 121 | 762 + 185 | 4 i i, | ' is ra ; 5 Native ort seoxes ne arceaeeeseenaess 1, 468 367 108 89 80 | Gi4.| 1,035 m1} 87 | 203} 32 | ere I : i | en 247 72 22 | 15 8 | ‘ 183 14: 8 | 33! Wo oec! 6 Both parents native.-.... 203 j 3° 9 13 339 18 a 23 | AGH oon 7 One or both parents for- 523 129 16 31 35 |, 381 35 se | ee 1 | ese eign. 452 12 32 31 23 ! 203 43 40 64 eee ; es = = eal 8 Foreign born ......---------- | 7 2 1 be 3 emcee’ a | 9 Colored : 0’ hncBinew cee 2 | DN fiaxe setteraenssie, ues ste ; i | Birthplaces of mothers: ae ; ' ; a ! i ‘ ji | : M.. 333 |! 101 29 21 13 |i 1 252 16 13 | 4 Oe cele ay United States: sesos se ees s 1Fo| 360 73 18 16 Bi 1M 192 | 92 u 28 3 |! H 2, [wemanacsis ' ll England and Wales ..-.-.... he 3 : ° ; 2] : sok iB 8 | 2 ! 3 2) i M. 485 | 7 14 9 13 91) 162 | 29 34:29 od Treland cos c-e-2ts<¥y padeae's iF 500 |} 44 13 B 0! 52 138 | 58 40 239 2 29 |: 2 2) 7 16 ig 9 aS Septlands asst assesesesedsres iP 24 oa re aetanat an he 3 y i 3 II 7 2 2° 9 ‘many M.. 193 28 | 9 rh 9 37 |i 82 | 10 8! 79 14 German yevsrrsnoe os eee iF 146 26 8 7 3) 44 70 | 5 9. 50 | | ‘ 5 i t 15 Sanitary district D......-.--2--2.-2--22---- 2, 428 |; 4:8 139 90 6G 743 || 1, 048 78 154 885 263: \ rise 16 MALbHy cicee ose recteaneee any 1,292 |) 969 | 80 50 as | 437 || | 37 vol 479 WOT ese ws 17 Female : 1, 156 |; 179 59 $0 28 306 |! 449 | 41 84 | 406 T5Gs seces sea . I \ ; 18 WHO dew wes ee gepeweeeuigcensr cidade 2,210 |i 379 124 79 56 638 924 | 73 147 | 812 Dont Sara 19 ' INATIVO DOEN cx cecice sss veheotemuesan 1,469 |, 379 123 7 53 652 i 911 70 106 | 308 OAS Les copacay Sears | a ‘ ‘ X 300 9 2 12 128 182 | i 7 20 Both parents native.---.- it >60 |; ae 3 13 i a : Ae - Hy | is | 21 Oue or both parents for- § M-.. 474 1' 142 | 46 31 18 237 |) 328 | 25 36 80 Di ecerece! eign. F.. 375 |: 86 | 27 21 2 146 || 231 26 40 tae TNichetbad any M.. 367 |... | 1 : i 27 itil eSyerdio ee 22 Poet Dots csveeeneees ee Bes | od, 4) ab PB) Bhocs 23 Colored .oc.2edeeccaaesenauracumsenetise 218 | Ce 3 fa AT ested Birthplaces of mothers: | 5 ; se : | ; HG 37 23 22 |) 99 305 | 12 15 15} 31 24 UMM SACS saessasereneace 2! 35 21 15 || 173 a) 19 2} 96) 38 25 England and Wales...--..--- 1 2 1 i 14 19 | 4 ! 2 | < ! : 26 Treland.-.246 22.2226 Reamer | 131 a0 27 | Branc@.o222 25 i aseseeeerer sie 4 | 28 2 : i 9 : 96 | Cente, coscrreexeevencnen ! ! ot = i ‘ 29 Sanitary district Bacascceeesc2oeecc sce ccs 1,007 166 2 1 pence 1 Sey ei sath 20 | Maies ....-----.2----- 5 571 3 | 1 31 i Femuales:...cse2-20te22- ! 436 91 1 i i | 32:4 White....--.------------- +--+ +e eee eee ‘ \ 1,000 166 | 2 i -—— ‘| co Mite ea J 33. Native born.....------------------- | O44 9 1 | | ; 34 Toth parents native....-. fe. I si 4 . ; * | 1 35. One or both parents for-§ M.. 811 230 02 69 48 409 616 46 a6 1 1: 1 i vign. Ur. 746 17 76 54 47 34 549 4s a0 93 1 elecasien 4 M. 1 21, 2 4 L: ieee 36 Foreign bor... ees esses ie Ye 4 : i | 37 | Colowell Saeee sie seas acetate el ake | rf SOE ua eae cetnedsas | ; ; ; | \ : \ Birthplaces of mothers: I | | | : | | Pees M.. nov! 20 | an! 33 | wi 3 | 332 : 33 3° 38 United States i a 368 || 113 | 211 301) 2055 808 O14 J M.. : 3 3 2 51. 39 England and Wales ....---.-- ee ae I is | re : 1 ! a g M.. 576 | 75 | 7 17 il ist! 197 272 4 40 Lveland.------++-+-+-+02e2+e0+ ; F.. 349: 4 7 15 Ij 92 | 166 205 51 |. “3 M.. 20 1 e ae 2 9 ll 6 1}. 41 Scotland ...-------+++++2-+ 2+ Sir ie 23 1 4 11 5: 12 - 5 i - M.. 532 |; 102 18 |! wi 274 203 28 a) Germany...----+---++--++ oes ; Bip 398 0 il 2h 1484 216 101 27 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 327 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. Child-| .- Dis- ‘ % Can- | Heart | ;; . Dis- e Diar- . birth | Dis- | eases Sear-| Ty- | Ma- i Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases 2 All 5 aa let phoid larial pink Croup. rhea sump- poet Measles.| ing | and | ease cr Serna oF the of the Old Sul: other |y sown ba 3 lltever.ltever. fever. eases.| tion. i cough.| tu- | and Vie. liver.) ous. |"tinmary; “P™" “Jeanses.! " mor. |dropsy:| oases, system,| OTS4ns. ' eee 2X eed oe | jee a fi | 2,264) 55; 16) 21] 124 52 | 236] 322) 194 29 33] 51 96 15] 35 160 122! 16 1,21) 24! uf] ou 68 27{ 123] 170!) 105 13 W!} 18) 41 J...-...- 20 90 72 2 1, 063 | 31 5} 10 56 95] 1s] 152 89 16 22| 33 55 15| 15 70 50] 14 2d) 55) 15) a1] 123 52 | 235] 318 193 29 32) 51 95 15} 34 160 118} 16 1,468 | 53 5} 312} us! 51] 209; 138] 116 28 ar] oa 36 4 8 98 32 4 | uz og] a] 8] 6) 8| 30| 16 11 2 i 3 De ate 1 27 9 |... 20541 12 beoeace 3 19 | 7 32 13 15 2 6 4 8 Ay vee il 3 4 523 | 16 1 4} 49 18 73 63 42 10 10 1 8 [costes 4 27 9 fence 452017 2] 3 32 17 67) 44 43 | rr uj} 3 15 3| 3 29 9 fees "SRR eeceiog 7 5 Bileeciucci 12 86 377 2 3 4 2 1 2! 94 | OO oasese dlacoee ai losis oy 1 4 19 | 40. 297 1 21 ww) 43 16 4 lowe eeeee 4; 3 Ds sessed 3. OC#8 25 6; 42) 89 20 6} 34) 103 | errs 2° 3 2 1 Le 4 7 3 2336 5 6 20! 417 ; 2,428, 32] 28] 17 78 38} 234 316 | 548 1 1292) 2%] wu] 1) 36 2} 133! 170! 150 i 16! 4) 62 L222... | 45 | uz2' gg 9 aed ot |, | 14 6 42 Mw] Wl; 146) 107 8 91 46: 68: 17! 18) 92° 7! 16 84-270 1 tt . 1 1 I : . ' 26] 16) 76 38} 215} er! 939 19 2) 66) 119, 16) 81; 80) as 24 «173 496 1) ' 9} 8 73 37{ 191! 62! 138 19 a! 92) 56 6 6G , 53' 6 173 \ : i i i ! 1 300 5 2 Oo a5) 8 42 3 28 4 Tile cde! S leensees : 1: 30 13 | 1. 34!) 260 Dee al ah is 2/38 27 29 3 4! 8 15 4 3) 2% a 3 20 s i j i : \ i 3 Lor Di 16) TL) BL 53 7 Glee DO A: oe nete DD B90" AB sessee 60 , ip ees 285 ll 45 54 21 5 4 5. 16 2! a 28 Bi 1 43) i. O:|) a secees[betmcced 7 4S AB Acasa ag Bales WM) 87 45 | eee | ba 8 gh OA eda 15 46 AG ssxcastee Liat) BE 10; 4} 82 HE IO ese cs | 4 1 ! I | 218 2} 1 He had 1938 DD Ttdaedeag 2{ a! 6! 1) 2! at | i! 35 i i 1 ; \ 62; 37 50, 5 9 6) IB feewsenes | 3 52 1; 1 62 | 4300 44 40 | 3 6} 11 19 5; 3 34 ml 4 40 2h ae : a) Sed [evens 4 f heteases 3 2 4 1 3 | 7 3, 2) 1 Bid 3 2% 65 : 4 2 5 15 eccomaes » BY 22 30° 8 18 27 48 31 1 1] 14 | 23 6! 7) 37 30/4 12 | 5: 8 T herman gata |paeny auly Lp eseweass te 2 3) 1 4. | ecenmgaty a de [Paceecae os aesoee Ths) ak Th Gestion Ll ress. 2 26! 33 93 | i Bl S80 CB bec vee ee Sr a ot 3/3 19. 34 12 | 3 Bel eR Oe ge 4s 5 3] 2] 1: | | | | i i i ‘ | ; ‘ \ eet ! i i | I BiB} 413) 264 42 a1! o52/ ae} 9a! 4d 1 935 188 | 10} 279 193 | 223) 16, 20 wl a! sa}... 24{ ia7| 109 | 2 | 6s] as]... | 185/190; 118 22 235 31 36 93 | 20 98 799; 8| -116| 331 1] 1 i i 376) 411, 260. 42 a 38 | 114 28} 44) 223) 186 | 10] 278 735 1 343! 177 | 154 | 41 41 | 8 | 7 ul owl ous Bi warsse 27g | 397 1 29 | wo} 17 6 aeeree | | 44 } Wyo 4 31 2 W575] 68 14 | 3} 122) 76 56 7 2 <3. | 13) 134 18 | 16 100 26 21 8, Sot aad ea hatease eee ( | : 48, a7] 97 7 Ww) 1! 61] 17 | 34 sell) | 30e; 9 | 1| S| seein cyeraplis/cietsie, sear 1 6; 28} BE bcncmceed 1 1 46! 113 | 51 8 5 il 40 | 5! 39 5 6} 13 | 3 1 1 Hk le wae sa L} oot 3 Ti seas 1| mM: 73) 48 4 3 9 | 38 401 32 7 9! 13 328 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND _ -~ wre 20 21 22 31 32 33 34 36 aT 39 40 41 42 AGE. ; SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. | i Allages. ' 1 i ; 4 , Total | ola tan pelle “ Un- 9 to 12 Ls 3 5M 25 ; i ' Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 jnnder 12 | Under 5| 5 to 15 |15 to 25/25 to Ch 65 |: nown. : aig aes | | Lae gies Ward 20—Continued. | Sanitary district F..........2..------------ 2,125 370 130 97 79 676 | 961 102 152 708 200 2 Males ..-« 1,098 179 5 52 44 | 950 505 52 | 72 | 391 | 76 2 Pom ales svc. iowccacatiaese canes 1,027 191 55 45 35 | 326 456 50 80; 317 | ee AVA tea svedepe ee esearch emma aaos 1,986 338 116 89 761 G19 883 9 14d ol, 19 2 | * ' Native ormecs.c.s snes secesessccasce 1, 335 337 116 89 | 74 616 868 88 99 | 937 | 42 | 1 1 i 1 | ‘ M..| 208 39 | 19 5) 6 co || 18 13 | 9 | 55 qo aeilace Both parents native....-. iP at 315 57 | 15° 12 | 9! 93 493 7 ty I 30 | DA ease accel . i One or both parents fur-§ M.. 467 123 47 i 35 | 33 238 324 31 37 73 1 1 eign. F. 400 106 33 | 33 By 196 279 35 35 47 tooled ; M.. DDD) Wha smcnea 8 3 1 8 4 18 934 Bi oacaccee FORGIgM DORI; a2 seade sensi! {Fo | a3 i | 1 6 3 ar} 197 90) [ees Coloret asses. ss ees eae 139 32 14 8 3 | 37 78 7| 8 | 37 | 9 |oeeee Birthplaces of mothers: | | | : M.. 33 nT 39 17 12 139 16 | 73 United States................ ous) cme | 103 29 20 14 166 18 a M.. 31 4 3 OE | ee cigei ogee Ol TD Newioeeeevelas siete as 15.) England and Wales.....-.--- Se es 34 7 Lloceeecccs i 9 1 16 | asi : z 2 Treland oe. sesseeeesecsee Fe] BiB] 8] aT 2) 1 M.. 17 |! 1 | idesaeicinslecece ta 1 2 1 8! Scotland ......-.--.----.----- IF! 16 |; 5 lesesae derlpoei ee . 5 at 2 “ M.. 361 35 18 | 100 147 | Germanys aise scehaasatedadis ie i 239 | 37 11 15 10 ! 33 23 78 | | Weandioljovucnsccshetes iccesasee aesseeaneeee seed 10, 407 1, 700 470 401 336 ‘| 2,907 664 3,966 1,102 13 ABCs ees ve ante eseetenivee. 5, 364 940 242 212 169 |) 1,563 345, 2,106 474 7 WeIMnaleS; ore en menweaessemeeer oan 5,043 760 228 189 167°] 1,344 | 319! 1) 860 628 6 WY Dité wcces:seeneesececesseeseaeee Seepeeten | 10, 349 1, 685 469 399 336 2. 889 | ‘ G61 3,936 1,101 12 Native born.........22002202e2eeeeeee es | 6,702 | 1,679! 438 390 331] 2,858) 4.176 350 $04) 1,982! 497 3 { ! \ | i a8 M..| 1,169 268 | 67 60 41 436° 632 34 37 | : Ce ae Both parcnis Malye. zaiesiss {P.| 7’ g86 183 | 33 30 2 328) 489 | 48 i 176 i | 1 } i wince 6 Met B08 508 | 161142 120 | 1,021 | 1,477 127 181 38% 31 | 1 One or bothsparents fOrelenss yp “| 2) 035 518 | 19) 128114 gig || 1,382 140 162: 305, 45 1 i | ; ei Ne “PEGS cae cease 1} 3] 1 3 92 15 | nm; 1328] 278! 4 Moreign DOB ssteceevaeees Heke SPl Tear: 1 | ay 2 : aeons 3 | 7 18; 106 1991} 398 | 3 3 { | { t i ; Colored ..2:- 2-20 se seeseees noeceeeesieen erin 58 15 | i OMogauinnct 5 18 | 92 1 3 | 30 | 1! 14 Birthplaces of mothers: | \ | | - M.. ' 375 | 92 7 52 596 | 2, rail United States... c2-202-e2ceece5 es ir ee i ae | one | os a : 7 au | a2 #9 $5 an | England and Wales...-.-.------. si ae | 33 | 8 ‘ 1 a | ie i 2 e eat oct ceneee Be) ae gi 8) 8) By BL St Bh nas j siiaehdeygevememeepsie 3at || 205 | 2; | ; 5 4 184 7.182 : 6 ! 2 : 5 \ 7 ects odesecaed neat aR) @) 8 8 a) @) Rl BR yeah : 94 20 5 | 6 | 6 37 50 2 8 31 Seandinavii-aeasazeaeessee4 s+: iF : 87 a4 3 2. 5 34 | 60 3 4 18 . { i i t 1 i 1 i Sanitary district A ...-..--------++++------ j 586 | 63 lly 8! 4 90 | 192 15 39 | 288 | 121 1 jem: lea en x at — ——— |—- 8 st jeu's ieee! Spee Males....-- : egan! 323 |, 36 5 4 5 |: 30 | 65 7 if 175 | 61 1 Females..-..---------- 263 | 27 6 4 34, 40 | 57 8 i 25 113 | 60 a . ; " \ d : 1 White ...----- ++ +222 222s seer e creer ; 581° 62 lL 3 | 8 89 121 15 | 38°" 28h 121 1 iz a ase, pap ee Mice = see potets 2 | i S Native born..-....2--2---++0+-1-7++ 420 | 62 u 8 | 8 |) soi 120 a2 M1: 86) caeasted ae M.. 7 1 1 ay 9, |! 25 | 30 3 4 ia 36 Boel Tas ents aa easee ss iF. 109 10 ee 2 ae) re 17 2 10, i | 30 Sedaaees ; ; One or both parents for- ¢M.. 62 | 1. 4) 2 25 19 I 26 4 31 24 | eign. Ur... 66 13 6 | DB esta 21 \ 31 3 3 az i t ' | | Foreign born ..-. ---.--++--- {ee R | ae 18 Peat r ! | Colored ..---..----- 0-22-20 eer ereerteee on ! y 1 | Boe sea gs telly eae 1 i 0 i Birthplaces of mothers: Si i | ; | ; i | ite : ] 24 2 gi 30 | 38 ‘ pte BRE. eaers fe ity 8,8) 8, a] BE 99 | 1 Qf: i England and Wales...-.-.--- ite 18. i i 1 ee a ; | 1 7 ; 7 ‘ t a ; gM 48 +4) 3, 1| 2: 32 8) Tela a lists cnca tones e838 oes UF. “9 3 | Bi 2 9 2 10 | ETAMCO saesnstbeert one ago 86 F : 10 : i Pecos be pea ie a M.. 28 1 2 | ge ap 2 16 | 4 Germany .--.----------+++-+- SP 23 6! | eeatmose Ho leeased he ' 7 u! oe) il 8, 1! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 329 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. 259 10, 407 5, 043 10, 349 1, 169 986 586 323 263 5,364 6, 702 | Sear- | let fever.| 138 26 20 41 48 a 581 | oO ne ~ Nanwwrpn wed i | ' | Child- Dis- ‘ i | z Can- | Heart | 5; . Dis- i Diar- , + birth | Dis-! eases i Ty- | Ma- i : i Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- “ eases I aye ‘All |phoid | larial dee Goon | rheal i sump- BG Measles.) ing | and | ease ee riko of ee of the | Old | ae other ot fever.| fever.|°net!4- | tion. ‘ cough.| tu and pe + * Jurinary| 28° | 2°TD. | cauges, | S2OWD- eases. | mor. |drons dis- jliver.| ous : J ' * |CTOPSY-| cages. a Organ e: ! | | 1 t 19{ 14] 100 53-227 281 195 13 25 | 41] 104 30) 25 171 126] 14/ 156 492 | oes open 1 8 9 48 29; 130' 163 108 9 10} 12 Ob setes oe 16 87 72 1 80 ll 3 52 41 97° «118 87 4 15] 29; 55 30 9 84 54] 13!) 76 | ' . lo} 32 99 52214 260 81° 13 23} 40; 99! 291 25 160: 16] 4. 1 / 42 9 93 48, 195 120 110 | 12 92] 44 36 di 8 95 | 47 — Wl / af oa] 44 7! 26) 18 24 | 4 d ossaed 1S feces 2 1. 1} 15 | el! 733 13 4) 24 14 16 2 4{ 10 6 7 1 19 1 2 19 3 1 3 20 7! BL 34 3 4 1 Tliotau sees 1 31 TG: |posces 56 7 2 35 Wi ob 34 33 2 10 33 8 7 3 25 8 1; 45 i : 3 3 4 1) 9 7 43 1l tai D6 ie secede 12 30 | 95. |usaace eee 4 |e sfe.aces 2 3! 10) 61 OT | oacicn asa) ceeaaas | 45 34 15 5 34 B32") 3D) skeauen 1 | eee 2 1 i 8 21 1 ee 2 1 5 Posies i Wi... 15 ; 1] 4] 18 433 33 | ec a 4 20 41 29 31 7° eerste datese| aoe 5 4 4 hh rad ae eionectae Decscee 2). os D> [ache essen eel aoa aee 2 2 9 27. 39 26 1 2 7 1 i 17 49 25 |. 6 9! TWsceees 2 1 2 3 Hacks eile idee 1 1 3 1 sedan rhyastccaees 2 1 16 39 69 USE on ADE eerste 10 | | Bilewewes 1 13 30 32 20 2 8 l 5 | 89} 120] 364 178 | 921 | 1,435 928 107, 182 | 270 856 685' 79 8301 2,432 3] 15 hice | dates aided , 1 es i 54) 58] 175 79| 433! 800; 510 51 55°, 721 452 346} 26 470 | 1,343 2} 16. 35} 62) 189 99| 488] 635: 418 56 77) 198 | 404 339 53 360; 1,089 1} 17 89; 120] 364 178 | 918 | 1,425 917 107 132 269' 604 80; 140 854 679 | 79 aig | 2, 422 3 | 18 50} 68] 343 172) 824] 621 531 99 131 100-253 32) 52 561 266) 22 819 1,618 2] 19 | ou 51 20 93 67 102 | 18 Ww 19 TE leaemnces 20 132 76 6 url 308 1 | 259, 1 9 53 23 96 61 104 | 14 wT 56 13 6 86 49) 12 B83 295 |swecsasc 16; 4] 114 56) 289] 258 181 29 36-10 50! | suave 15 156 64 1 308 Boe i asses 21 13| 24| 118 7 320] 205 124 32 58 15 66 1810 156 63 re) 461 1] $° 24) 23 7 1 7 | 452 195 9) | eee 30° 140 braces 48 137! 194 | 18 |... 403 1 dos 15 | 29 12 3 50} 352 184 5 1. 129. 200 47-40 WF, 217 | 339 jawseazs 360 |........ i sidevies eaaina [esis freaeece!) S| a0t A \erswualces 2) 8 ie ee eee 10 lesscxe) 23 : ‘ | : ! 6b) ou 69 29; 131 g1! 133 20 2 «20! 80 |... 199458 | gx! 7] 197 9} 12 78 33 | 139 79 121 16 30 «49! 66 1/67 118 60; 4] 131 2 5 5 3 21 28 25 4 1 Dl AS lesuceererse, 3 13 | 201 3 19 2 1 6 4 10 14 20 4 3i Mj 18 if 3 20 | 3! 4 a 18 | 26 52 26! 187] 493 228 14 25.0 224. BOO |eoeeeee | 42 134 158; 13| 138 16! 40 53 30, 164] 497 187 16 31, 79: 183 42! 38 5213832 88 9 8 25 6 70 94 52 5 4h MO: 69 eee gem | 8 52 fie 29) 60 4 3 34 7 79 51 37 7 6, 30; 35 10 7 43 32 | 2 49 1 1 3 2 13 23 BY eter os Dek RE, “Cg [erence 1: 9. Theraees 8 Tews 2 5 13 9 5 4 eis viet ‘| <2 3 B lheaece 3 11 14 2} 10° 4 5 21 65 58 2 a Sie 58 7/ oO. 62 66 6 36 as | eee —— See eee _—--' = |—— lg! 6, 9 2} 12] 37} — 30 | Lee iaoea ae fo 9. 38]. 7 32 33; 3] - 4 4 3 3 9 28 28 | 25 at 12 23 7 3 30 2: 3 15 | 12) 10; 1} 5 21 G4 56 2 2 2 58 7| 10 61 6, 6 35 uty ; Sy we = 9 | i 330 TaBLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY m wb 10 11 12 13 14 16 +17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 VITAL STATISTICS. DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. i i, a < rl SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NACIVITY, AND ; Months. e ‘Fears BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. SS : i ; i Allages.| ; rt i | i | j ei ‘Under 3! 3to6 | 6 tod . 9 to 12 liunder 12 Under 5} 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 63) Over 65 iowa. ete SETS a, 4 pal be ee steel CH ead ey Gallaees ae = a | a Ward 21—Continued. i | J 59 | | ! Sanitary diatriet ics e we tetsceSae eae. 1, 605 328 43 31 | 3G 458 | 628 63 180613 169 | 2 | iS aor ese = | Males ... 827 181 29 31 | 1) 58 a8 32 731 3n1| 61}... Females 778 147 14 20 | 19 |: 200 © 280 31 55 | 302 | 108 | 2 ' I Will teases aoe ta 1, 587 |, 823 42 50 36 || 451 i 618 62 ; 129 608 169 1 i es —— i ee iva Donicteteoasceacink 1, 038 323 41 49 36 ji 449 | 613 58 | 103 209 | 5d 1 Native born’: s2222sse SS ad 2 Males .....-. L771} 397 95 1} 63 556 m2; |! 66] 129]... | Females. ...- 1,616 , 273 88 380 53 496 73. 111 | 506 162 1 4 Whites 22ckiadetiecne ee 32091 876 175 M8 12 || 1,011 |: 143; 192] 1,100 288 1 es See ea | Sa ease (ssa Sete a ee Re 5 Native born 2,312 | 575 lid 148 nif 1,668 fj 120 139 408 93) |ssameines «a, 1 6 os M.. 434 112 29 24 2! 185 |. 21 cs 92 29) aiceemaiais Both parents native....-. ie ais | 93 D4 13 a4 158 | 25 isis 89 | I, | ssrisisiesscs 7 One or both parents for- 5 M.. 74 | 190 61 46 37 || 334 i 42 57 | 118 eligi. capo oman SP. 643 | 156 58 56 31 | 301 |! 31 37 92 i ' : ie | : ' 8 : M.. 502 mesic esettape ecules | secstaiee 1 1) 8 17: 383 86 |------ MONEE DORE esses eset ee: iF ro se ee ere Peeemeree 1 15 36, 307 109 ah " 9 Colorédlinissuad sax say tusdcaseeosalins a 8 3 G 41 | 4 4) 99 pia Birthplaces of mothers: 3 \ i 10 canaate | SB Bl og) BB) a ee &a 353 | 231 | : iW . M.. 70. 13 1 1 4 19 4 3 1 England aud Wales.......--. iP ts 6a ! af | RS 2 Nae ie a | 2 5. 20 12 M.. Gt : | 2 19 36 | 268 Trelaitdsscse vase: seseeenere SPo] 602 og) 8B 20 15 126 | 29 Go! 247 13 M.. 33 1 2) B j--------- 6 3 23 9 Scotland -----.++---++0-+200+: SP 33 | 7} 2 u 1 11 ji 1 2 | i 14 . M. 368 45: 1 86 | 17 25 | 154 Germany «-...-+++---+-+0+++- is 28 43 | 14 13 7! 77 | 13 18 , 98 15 Sanitary district F .....2.......2..2000eeee ; Ts 1B; 41 47 19 285 | 54 72) 457 16 Malet caccreiaiervaa sce 586 WG 5 26 10 167 a1 32 OR 17 Pena leseesiesais.cee soci oe sinsiaias 561 | 72 16 21 9 118 | 23 40; 229 \ 18 WiIt6: osnzessasesiildoe ss seaeescode ou 1,098 : 165 — 38 47 19 269 i 385 53 68 438 153 1 hina Seemers | eae elk, Giese meet eeetans 19 INATING VOD sscico% sasecacvead means 756 | 164 | 36 45 19 264 376 48 43 213 73 1 i i 1 i ' il | | ar li @ Hawt M.. 166 || 33 7 12 3 55 72} 12 4 52 26 20 Both parents native ...... ie 166 | 30 | 5 7 : 3 45 | 56 1 5 65 29 | | 21: One or both parents for-§ M..' 196 | g 6 125 | 15 14 a9 a Noah hae ; eign. UF ..; 188 6 106 | 10 18 43 10 | 1 ‘ M..| 174 | 4 | 4 12 15 89 Pic saci 22 Foreign born ...-----------+- it ae 164 3 1 13 108 39 |......-- 23 | Colored: cssicciccusaadeniennsseses boeee: 49) 22 | 1 4 19 B Verosy satis , Birthplaces of mothers: | ; | i ee M..: 214 102 13 5 67 24. United States Ful 390 H a 14 12 77 25 | England and Wales..--.-.--- ie | a } 4 eas t i M.. 296 | 74 | 12 19 101 26 Treland .....----+-2+--+2e-004 iF. 213 i 69 8 16 97 27 Scotland. ..scsseseeeececes es ie se 3 i Ba oe : fesse | 4 M.. 56 |: 15 | ay 4) 26 28 Germany aseeeeseaeaseeemateets if 4 49 | 7 | 1 7" 15 ; . | 29 Sanitary district G--. --...---------+ee eee © 1,735 ; 974 89 | 86 507 78 1 Sa ey ee @ ate (ot Niele catsebdaie {cen Seciecseeetht 30 Mfaleaiccewnnaliai tes seuamseeeese : 928 : 180 | 71 481 45) 344, 530 | 42 42 280 33 1 31 PemMAaleSiice:ssagusce dese occws oes 807 135 47 46: t6 296 444 47 44 227 AD: |sicrecs crass ; i | : 32 White ......-.---.-- 2-22 eee eee eee — 1,709 | 326 116 93 | 91 |; 626 957 . 87 86 300 78 | 1 Vo peeie afbiy oes ae Fe pee fT Pea eateefth sone a ee ee ee ety 2 ee 33 Native born ....2.2.2-2022002-2022 1,234 324 m1! 87 | 617 928 73 | 58 154 19. Lesenen? | \ ‘ ‘ M..: 179 46 11 9 73 125 1 6 : 34 Both parents native...... ie ‘a 164 31 12° 5 N4 lis 18 | 9 ae 35 One or both pareuts for-¢M... 474.) 125 36 | 33 | 230 371 ou 53 Bl ese es eign. UF... 392 | 95 32 39 |! 194 296 26 44 Be eseeace i ; ee M.. 999) |esseyss va spa deaies o2|zeeionscnelicsevcwsslsans coves ; 12 3 | 2 184 25 1 36 Foreign born scercesceess« oe ; Pp 00) 4 | Keeciiel Oe [Reece te loeobentaatad 1|, 1 | 8 . | 16 | 159 BH Mccecoes ae GSI RNA z-aosseeeteamaeah a osaiaeusens 26: 9 2 1 2 14 7 2 | See 7 steidivecs peaueeed | ‘ | Birthplaces of mother - soe Ai 5 a " ; . \ / a 6M... 25 1 2 \ 110 |! 181 17 9 39 38 United States UE. 217 65 21 18 WwW. 114 | 162 19 4, 26 NE 49 9 4) 1 6 | 20 | 34 2 39 | England aud Wales..-.--..--. ; F a 36 6 2 hahaa | # i d Vi 9 ; | ih ¢M.. 357 47 23 | 15 | 14 |! 99 151 : 17 | 24 149 40 | Trelaud .-------+++2- 2505000 UE 350 41 16 | ay ; i : ie ! 138 : 15 30 189 (M.. 4D 8 2 : 3 DS saan 1 9 41 Scotland ..-...---+--+-+--+-° VES 2 : 1 Roe = 9 8 2 i 2 : i : 6M... 168 | 6 | 1 0 4 64 4 6 6 53 43 ec eee es VE. 195 29 | 3 9 | 12 46 7 8 4 42 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 339 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | : ft | ; i Child- ‘Dis. sca Ba ol Can- | Heart! ;. i Dis- | a Diar- : ! z birth | Dis- | eases { Scar-| Ty- | Ma- . | Con- : Whoop-| cer | dis- 2 eases ere All Bei let 'phoid/larial Dink: Croup. real | sum p- paait ‘Measles.| ing and | ease and pu: Wethe oF tne of the eh ; aul other eu |[fever.lfover.|fever.|*7° 4 eases,| ton cough.| tu- | and rae liver.) ous [Urinary Se. f * | causes. = mor. |dropsy. easoe, system. organs. 1 i 7 | | ees | Deaktels | | ; 3,387 | 104] 17| 46 | 156 70 | 328) 423 307 44 4g} 87] 174 36} 41 292 | 197! 18. 262 TT Vesceniezsl A | Fe 1,771 | 54 9| 22: 88 35 | 169 | 239 172 22 i] 25 83: jeneeaee 22 163; 103 4. 143 402. |ncseeare 2 1,616 || 50 8: Ut 68 35} 159 | 184 135 22 34] 62 91 36] 19 129 | 9} if!) 47 895. |escscee 3 3,299 '| lt] 16) 46 155: 69} 323) 414 291 43 46] 85] 171 35} 41' 280; 192) 18° 249 FOL emeesocs 4 or 4 ees | i . 1 1 i 2,312 || 90 S| 87 aaa 68 | 2991 200 176 41 46! 32 76 15} 15} 208 | 9} 4 249 i ; fi A 434 | vs] 2} 6 33) 8] 42) 2] 39 6 5 Gib 16) sksseee 3 43! eg) 1) 52 415 || 14 1 8 22 | 13 40 23 32 | 9 8] 18 3 6 1 44 22 2 3s | ! | ‘ \ i 154 23 4 8 49 | 26) ali 7% 61 | 15 9 3 19) esos: 5, a! 22 |... 1497 643 29 1 5 36 | tL! 103, 69 dl: ll 22 4 22 9 3 45 | TS; tesases 70 i | 1 i . i : 502 7: 3{ 8, 4) a; al ay 62 eatee ed bu zacels 16:|| delat 2) 39) 46) 0B eee eee | 479 7 5| i Dea teaes 12i 86 51 1. |beesceme 37 51 20) We 33 50] Al |iesenss 1 i { 88 Glace A asses - Fa 1 5) 9 16 1 2 2 3; We eees ae Gihecaces J d3e | ! i i | ‘ 585 29 2 9} 45 11 57 | 38 51 9 5 59 | 36 li 75° 553 16 2 9° 27 19; 57, 31 47 1 13 56 28 21 51, 70 ons ll acea ce | 4 3 6 12 leeeastew cel bies acer 6 , Olea. | 5. 60 OA oeauce 1 1 1 Mh 5 3 1 2 Ti Baca 14 600 4 4 406i 9. 53: LIT, 68 | 7 4 50 | 29 1; 32j 62 21 6 6 22 8 4499 | 33 | 6 12 35 4u 7| 28 43; |ocasdsliolancwaiges 1 22 4 3 i 4 1 1 2 Sic | 1| 33 D lesot ea leceuine 2 1 5." 2° He chealees 1 1 Ble seas 6: 368 7 3 6 15 el 451) 59 | 30 3 3 33 23 3. 18 282 PWiceman 6; 12 4) 29, 38 18 2 6 26 19 4} 21 | | ! é } | yu7| 2: i] mw, 3 11] 82 ; Me; 102 12 12) 34 33 13} 19} 88 75| 13 84 295) lesinsin cen 15 dans ppticaes aa lil ee pans 2 oes boc aed 586 13 | 8 8 12 fan 44 | 69 55 ! “) 4/41 46 |_....... 9° 46 39 1) 57 150 16 361 wil 2 6! 19 4) 38] 77 47 5 8° 23, 37 13] 10 42 36| 12 27 143° 17 1, 098 %| 1) wi 3 IL 79 | 136° 96 12 12, 34 80 | 12| 18 | 87 72} 13) 76 BOT eiteseee 18 -——*| ——. | —_——j ——— H 756 24 3] 10. a1! ww, 7 75 | 53 10 Wl} a, 46 3 9! 61 38 6 16 197 js vsekue 19 166 4 2 ; 5! gu cae 8 | ll 3 2 4 TG lec Seton 3 12 13 1 18 AA |e wore es hoo 166 5 1 2 40 1. 9 4 12 evacuees 4) i 13 3 5 14 9 4 7 48 leche sas I 196] 9 2| 2 7! «34 3 i eetee 24 57 on 188 |, 6 f...... Bi 18 21 | 8 1 7 37 ‘ i i 1 174. esta 4 3. 4 17 lleeweiss teceves cd doe 164 1 1 1 1 5 3 16 7, |ewssex. AON ersceria woe 1 49 | 20212. [e eee eel ee ee ee eee ee crete eee 3° Blac aaee 8 19}! evase ves 23 i | ; 1, 735 29] 17] 12. 69 40; 223 212 165 37 28! 23 67 12; 13 132 928 15 9 7] 33 18; 108 106! wo 20 lt 9 32" |. sancene 7 82 807 14 8 5) 36 22) 115, 106 | 65 17 vw} ou 35 12 6 | 50 1,709 29/ 16] 12 | 69 40! 221° 209 161 37 2) 23 67 | 2) 13; 131 80 6 127 48 looseccise 32 4,934 26 7 8 | 61 37, 199; 102 103 34 27 8| 36 5 4 94 22 1 «127 303: |ooeeeeusd 33 i ; ! I | 4 79 3 I aesess | 8 3 16 ; 6 19 5 3 3 10: ligdaeee 2 27 5 leas 17 SU leaneateacd boa 164 7 |esswce i | 8 51 21 | 9 | 10 5 3 2! 10 3! | 14 2 te ey AO cydaitiacs E | | | | 474 10 3 5 | 22 13/ 83) 44! 39 12 10 2 8 lcakcea. ; oo. 32 Ch ee 46 tas 392 6} 3) 25 at | Mu, 7%) Al BB 12 wy} 1 8 Dimedae 20 A oseee 35 | ee | ' | ! ' 5: 2) 52 | : 2 30 Bi Nireteal 53 |acciaceoas 239 2 4 2 3 2} 6: 52° 35 iD easaea se ae Waa hoeaay 4 23 | 3 bse 224 1 5 2° 4 Li wt} 53) D1: | sddedavtens |puadeder 1L 17 7 2s 14 28 Ol euadaec 3G i[tabeseee 26 |]...--- di Mave i istoaed|oeesteey] | 22 Ge) aceasta eee fo 4 Leet | ee 37 | 7 | : . ' 1 1 | ; 12 4. 2 | 15 26 | 6 5 3 12s | acetates 31 G6 fssienae | 26 12 3) 32] 13 15 5 4 2 10 3 1 22 3 1 OF i 3 3 5 6} © | cosnesdes|acmnzeedl esses Ml saceedlasceas 2 TE Wocavaee | 2 4! ge 8 4] L. |scisdenciais 1 1 2 2 1 1 Acta 3 12°: Be. 36 61 40 | 6 5 2 AL ilnecie Bee 3 28 2%: 2, 21 12; 5, 44 70 36 | 4 5 9 19 2 3 16 2) a 12 3) HT anicsaaaw 1 6 | 7g ie eeniee erraeet (Sic vreiee eee me | Besetetics 2 rd eee 2 1 ti Ok 9 Oe deena 1 Tillgpase 5 Ore es Recewa 2 7) 38 18 11 | 3 2 SB leesdee. 2 16 | 9 1 13 e 7° ol o44 ge 4 3 2 3 4 1 a 4 1 ib 340 VITAL STATISTICS. > ‘ i ~ TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | AGE. ‘| SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mouths. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. | ——--— ——---- preach Meee Rata te oie SRS eee tre ereerntinreeem meine teeny 'AlLages. | i : | Under 8; 3to6 | Gtoo 9012 eget Underd 5 tv 15 15 to 25, 25 t065/ Over 65 ae | | | Ward 22—Continued. i | 1 Sanitary district H........222.....00...000- 821 156 53 , ary 463 45 1B i 293 2 Moaleey aces cockcussrasweSare 443 8a! 33°80 257 | 95 6! 9! 3 378 68 20, 17 13 | 120 206 | 20 22. 104, i | i \ 4 817 155 53 47 37 | 292 i 461 45 37) 229 os et by igetatoes 1 GG epee: fea saath ah ek St ti: st 5 599 155 | 52 44 36 987 | 450 39 2 6) j t ‘ M 309 29 12 9 s! 38 | 8s | x 1} ‘i Bihiesknncan 6 B ents peice s oD: i 2 ! oth parents native iF 108 30 9. 8 3 50 85 ; 1j 10 5 Jecessces 7 One or both parents for- ie 206 56 a1 18 12 wor} 157 2 9! 7 1 | eign. F. i n 62 | 108 IL: 14 22 3 4 a M. 2 | st 4 3 82 9a . POLIS MIDOEN Ges Fegade tees it tp a 1 + 9 6, 69 Ta Pswiens: 29 TON oad vaicegdagaea.t dapaendonbades i 2 nein 1 Fit pceaeecereellaectetcitte 2 Birthplaces of mothers: ; | : , - j 6M 141 38 12 | 13 10 73 14 | 10° 2 10 United States-sccsecres tances VE. 130 35 a 9° 1 Oe a | 4 : ~ x i. Wile Bs Mle eae 1 1 4 6 | V leeeraeeee 11 England and Wales .....-.--- i. 3 I 6 | 1! 2 10 1B loweee ee. i| , 98 12 ; 4 | 4} 26 40 2 9 a2 Treland).nncsacsceceentsceestes iF: 95 7 2 | Bsc eter 1 22 6 | 8 | : : 110 20 i D emartncaes : 31 45 6) 3, as Germany. cieienszecaesntteste iF : 73 re 1 feesiean | 6}. 18 30 5 6 ; 39 | 3 5 23 33° Delete see az ie Ttalysccascinnasenenenstes eee it 29 7: 1 | Beatie 10 IF xen 1| | i ' | “15 Sanitary district I ...........-------------- 1, 123 352 37 59 34 502 i 635 36 | 50 16 Males ..-..22.--0002ee2eseeeeeee 626 200 38 | 31 i 20 289 | 369 32! 21 | 17 Females. ... ae 497 152 19 | 28 , 14 213}: 266 “4 29 | , | ! ' | 18 White ccuuiensgacea tert tek ees 1.096 245 56° 56 | oe 621 53 4g | es fe USA ae, eal a ees : = \ Hs cerkech iaeee te : ae 19 Native VOPD! ccecavecascscsincesscesex i 842 344 35 | 36 | 32 610 5) 35 i ' 8 Ae M. 902 80 1! 9. W 14 140 15 6! | Both parents native. ..... iP 148 31 7 | 10, 6 74 99 t, 255 One or both parents for-¢M..! 359 ws! ae ag! a! 4st 197 2 9 30 | 2. . eign. Bx, 205 |) 85 IL, 18 6 120 145 16 13 30 | ie ! : ' I bs ‘ M..! aa 2 5 1 By eset =a Foreign born -..------------- if a 5 eed: 2 ee os Pai 4 i : 23 § CUlTENagsevesse ccc csdzem ess tewecaeed ; { Bitthplaces of mothers: 24 United States ..----------.--- j a 25 England and Wales .....-..-- te 26 Treland.....-..-.---2--2--2-- ; tes 27 Seotland) 2.ccceseasesgancee Seiten § ae Germany....-.-------++-2+e0- iy 28 ; ¥ 29 Sanitary district K.....-.------------------ 30 31 32 233 34 Both parents native...--.- ; Mes 35 One or both parents ae a eign. F.. 36 Foreign born.......--.------- ; Me 37 Colored .scscis seeecis cast ccceiseeeoasese ed Birthplaces of mothers: 38 United States .-....-..------- ; Als 39 England and Wales ...------- § M.. 40 Jreland ...522:+-2-2+++-2+-22-- j a M. 41 Germany....-------+++--++++- ; a2, sScaudinavia..... ------------ ; a NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 341 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION QF COLOR. Sih. NATIVITY,. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | | Chita. | Dis. | ars : [aes Diar- ! Can-| Heart) Hirth | Dis-| eases _ Dis: | ‘ Scar-; Ty- | Ma- . Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- i ; ! F All; All poral ens) | Diph- heal Pneu- aaee 1 pu- f the | C888 | gy : i: Un. | let“ pl ‘ rheal _| Pneu- |, i fe and pu- eases| of the ! / Ola Still .:. Un causes. Neck. pheid ae theria. Croup. dis- Cai mouia. Measles., cent and ae erperal of the; nerv- | a eee age. born. ote known,), 1 ; j eases. i eet ee ldamay| dis: diver... ous tUinary CARES: | i : : PSY) eases. | system.|OTS4ns-| | Pe ne he ee ee ea asrelliea ten sd PA ct . Pe | I 4 : | ! 821 201 4 | 18 32 19 6 76 63 17 d4 9 30 lt 8 92° 32.* 6° 7 178 2: Fr 443; 8) 4] WW] 15 8} 63) 4 36 8 BR AR esac ae | 5 sti a7) 2] aa tae i! a 378 U2 eee sea 8 17 | 11 53 32 27 9! 9 7 15 14 | 3 38 15 4 29 74 1/1 3. ' t 817 20 | 4 18 32 19 115 76 63 7 14 9 29 14 8 92 32 6 71 176 , 2 4 rine fu ae eS cat SUN ea et Se fata cute peer ee : 599 } 19 2 9 a1) 19 99 40 39 | 7 uu 2 17 4 5 ml 413 1 71 123 | 21 5 i ! ! : \ Ue a cee 2 | 1 15: 8 3! 1 Blocks L edovtemsatears 19 . 3 ye----2] 18 D9 easter! be 108 | ll sesso tare 1 a. 2 19 3 10 5 He licgre tees 3 By sconce 10 , BD [serene Il 22 1 1123. 21 7] 9 ATF 107,120 91 5 12} 20! ~ Je RR a eee tae pn tes i he Re cevaeess a6! 10, 6 3 29 j 8 62 62 59 25 i. oF 497) Wy o1 6i 18: 9 45 38 32 3 3 13 1 1,096 |) 21 7i 9 37! 16} 06) 117 88 3 1B | ed egy ee yee 842 f wo} 5! 6{ 36! 16/ ii] 66 63 4! wi Gl 202 | 2; 4 7 1| sate 148 | 16 8 7 1: ri ae 250 | 36] 18 23 1j ot) aa 205 7) 26 15 laepeaaes #12 | ‘ 33 2; 30 16. seca ted Al Seererct 4 | 115 2) 21 9 ilececmaaeal eeene ae 8 aT | 1 a7 Sashes elon 21 | ' { : 5) 1! 25! 1 34 ae 4] oi; oy ’ 3 4 1! 1 4 4 | 2 Bi ow! 3]. w| RB ii. 4 1| 1|. Ay eden 1 4 9 | 8 3 91 5 ws 2 3: 2B 16 2 3 9 esate 6 9 4 9 1 5p Pag phaser 2 3, 1 3 1 1 2 cuierinacs 4 di 56) 11 261 6 30: 5 Sa; oil 23 4 6 2 6 1 5 4 14 4 17 3 Oo ania eee Gi 62 ih ak os wae woe RAT lois 342 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE G YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ay ~~ wh 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 21 37 38 39 40 41 42 AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. : ng = All ages. | : ! Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9 to12 || TAL | Qnaers| 5 to 15 | 15 to25| 25 to 63 Over 65 |, UD 7 . = lunder 12 mee known. : | : a i peel Sees i i Ward 22—Continued. | | ; i 1 Sanitary district L ....2..2..2.2..2---2-0005 281 60 7 9 14 90 122 12 | 7! 92 BB cis vateie ages a eel Sox Males ... 146 35 3 6 8 |; 52 73 oe 10 | 43 1G: oie i Females. 135 25 | 4 3 6 |; 38 49 8 rae 49 DD) act ag | | | ' White. . 280 60 | 7 9 14 |i 90 122 12 17 | 91 BB asivanis ; ' odie i es Native DORN, «220.0001 cose. sesceeas 201 60 7 9 14 ji 90 120 11 ! 10 46! Tt eee sages $ i | i i a M.. 49 14 2 3 4 |i 23 31 9! 1 12! Bleceeces Both parents native..... Jp a 56 14, 1 1 21 18 24 3 Tj 19 Giles aeaeecd ‘ es I One or both parents for- 5M. 49 7 1 3 4 25 36 | 1 4! 8°. eign. F. 37 2 2 4} 7 22 5 3| 7 1 ‘ M.. AOA cade salccmses a4 eeaaciscclesioawiet||madocaaed 1 1| 3 | 22 1s soso ee Foreign vorn.........--- ---- ; Bes BQH oc. ween ee Mee wae [oh ete ed cctlleemcetguueaatl Pecans ay cA gs ies So ed ysl tomers | Ss 93 Tels cj cece COlOEM 2. eeecss seep ssseewsuasasareesesd 1 | i Birthplaces of mothers: E | United States a 6 ; States ...222....20.20. ¥ ss 65 : é a 3 Eugland and Wales .......-... ; FE. ‘ 4 , es 25 island scsequieetaia inet ene ; F 2 es 3 Scotland...2.scsssescescsscsece ; F.. 3 me 31 Germany ®.:.2:2220scescersaaes ; F_. 20 Sanitary district M.....-..-.----------+++-- 246 |! Males 1.2.0. 2.2c0eeeeeeee 148 34 8 7 6 55 73 9 3 45 | 14 2 Females........-.-..------ 98 22 5 1 2 30 |) 42 5 8; 33 WO tespa te arora 5; White 245 |) 55 13 8 8 84 |) 114 u 13 78 a: 2 ‘ ct | | Native born ......-.--.---------+--- 183 |i 55 13 8 7 83 |. 112 14° 6 34) ‘ ‘ ‘ i : i M.. 58 18 2 3 4y 7 | 35 5 oy n Bota parents native. ..--. iP a B 7 5 Teo 13 I 16 3 ie 12. 6M... 43 12 6 3 1 29 || 31, 4: 1 5. ae both parents for iP - 29 G2 Wedsies vou tees setios 1], 13 19 | 2 2 5 Sih a M. 38 1! i 2 28 | Foreign born...----.--------- ar skeet [pe Sebteieedidisielf aietmrmis ceo eee cette eisialls 7 -{{-- ers | 2 28 | TU liscaterspe arena = Yk : De sceem tai tetebacenefesanencee lio I sebeokues eceaee ed j 5 15, Hi, | eaiceenssg COPE oo ncn cuseiarad ueeRnaiestienecen 1 TN essa dea taise eaetaa tha ioaas ou 1] ice coes Vvedtmpsieichgackes dail | K pea ales feaacedthage Birthplaces of mothers: iu i : bs 72 24 3 4 4! 35 |i : United States....-.--.....+-- ao 49 9 5 | 1 z | 16 | i England and Wales......---- if a 5 21. F 1 : 3 Treland......-..-------------- ; ate a Scotland -........--..----2-+- te - < Germany...--.eeeseeeeeee ees ie] Oe b ! i i Ward 5.22.0. 2 222 eee eee ee erence eee teers 6,352 |} 1,159 349 293 952. 2.053 | | Males ....... 3,361 63: 197 141 136 1,106 |} 1,627 | 173 174! 1,073! 209 1 Females....- 29 507 152 152 116 | 917 | Nab 183 Ly $33 3a 1 6, 283 1,146 345 285 250; 2,026 3, 046 358 381) 1,883 663 2 ae ene Seer as oe NatiNG Dott gecccentnn wearleee ds geek sas 4,448 1,142 345 284 U7} 2,018 ; 3,012 323” 258 | 676 178 1 zs M.. 851 | 239 61! 47 47; agg! ote 52 39 125 59 1 Both parents native. .-...--- if a 78 200 | 44 31: 9 | pee 520 a a ve a L askead | ; a Orit M..} 1,401 363 130 87 34 | 664 |! 981 98 98 208 1G [...-..- One oF betle parents foreign: ir --| 71333 306 106 96 | 73 sal} gg8, ag Ww Dut 23 [ences | agi M.. 993 A) Ssiebeiiat siete asin 2 | 3) 18 25 22 G86 232 oes Foreign born ...--.-------+--+++- SF = BIS Wl coteneeleceeeetlesmecces: [aac eite I sages fod h v 10 39 BU 253 Lee | ' ‘ | Colored ...------------+++++2+2+-ererteeeeeee 69 13 4 8! 24 27 | Birthplaces of mothers: 4 ! f | oe etn M..{ 1141 316 93 G4 64 547 United States .--.----------++---. F..| 1,078 269 67 33 5d | 473 6 M.. 125 13 5 6 2h 26 |; England and Wales......-..----- ir : 18 as 9 | Se 6 ; 39 | M. 670 16 23 i. 13 |, 123 Ireland ..-..----+++++++ererere res ; Fr. 648 69 13 | 18 9: 109 M..| 1,078 | 169 37 | 37 42) 308 |i 915 |! 134 Bt 36 37 | 261 || 50 || 7 4 5 5 a1 |) 11 |! 2 1 1 decsmears 4 || NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 343 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. ‘ \ ! ‘ . A 1 Child- Dis- ¢ : { : Can- | Heart! 7; : Dis- ' care Diar- | js. | birth | Dis-| eases { ! ol a pti yatial Diphs Croup rheal shies Puew- |yreasles ae and oes and pu-jeases| of the of the Ola, jell jalies ! Une meee ifever. fever.|fever.| *heria. ae tion, | MOMA- cough.; tu- | and one Ay te as urinary] “8° i born, causes. Known . mor. /dropsy.| oi geg. ‘lsystem.| OTE408- f _ asi! 8| 4 ' 46 1 135° i; 1 2g0 |) 9 201 1 19 liceecicn 56 49 37 40 38 1 69 | 65 4 25 32 3 3 31 20: : ome 246 3 3 4 17 4 : 20 ‘ 26 | 17 1 4 4 | 12 i 2 1 24 8 Ly 27 68 |........ 15 ae Ls ‘ i pee —, 148 1; 2; 3 12 | af a7? owes 7 1 3 BA hal eemceed Sd |, as Ms Newest 15 4 I[ealscisaios 16 98 2 1 1 5! | 3 12) LO: | semeeiege 1 a 8. 2. eveave a i 10 4 1 12 21 17 i ! | i | ‘ | : 245 3 ae! 4. 17 oi 20 26 | 17 1 4) 4 12; 2 1) 24 8 1, 26 G8 cise sisic 18 183 ae 2 acl 17! 4| 18; 12 10 1 4 3 | 7| 2 1! 19 5! 1: 6 44 |........1 19 | # | | | 2 3 . 1 i | 344 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe $86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ob _ rs 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND -BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Waite tececise hose sisasces tones paemaossciess Male8 .. s» i deg M.. B62. secede ace Ty Meant co) 3 4 25 13 42 638 142 2 22 Foreign horn...--------+------+++ iP ad 923 | ity arenes (neneene 1 2 19 18 45 623 STB. laSoneyeee th i 23 Colored .....2222.222+++ iseisklae Ja satesiulniaaied | WwW 2 1 BE cegeiyaias oo 5 Di [ee tutes 5 Discusses oa i Birthplaces of mothers: ™ | . ‘ pm ‘ ; ‘ s as | ie ” : : = 761 || 5 4 4 : 2 47 104 24 United States -------------------- f F.. 760 |} 171 58 47 43 319 | 477 33 34 5 ist (M..] 1,283 174 43 43 al | 301 520 57 89 532 25 Ireland ..-.----------+2-2++-- 0000+ VF..| 1,289 120 48 40 41 249 426 66 87 569 : (M.. 246 37 9 9 2 57 | 86 lt 1B 103 26 Germany... ----------2- 22-02-0200 VE.. 211 28 2 6 9 49 76 15 12 74 Boe M.. 217 1 1 oe 17 | 98 142 9} 9 55 27 Scandinavia..-.-..-------+--+--- § F.. 180 45 18 t 9! 83 126 ral 2 33 bs 153 || 36 12 | 2 9 | 69 109 8 6 24 28 142 | 28 8 10 lL | 37 | 107 9 4 18 ' | a ! t 29 Shliftany dintrlebel, auscessshacdencncedesee 1,090 | 170 45 | 39 43 297 || 449 65 74 352 150 J eeeseee, ere — a -|—- —— ,;-- = 2 Richest tc Sat Sa cone ae 20 Nala cot rgan aerate areca 547 | 90 ae 20 28 160 | 245 31 31 187 Bee 31 Pei aleSissgmsecesomers vemcce tae 543 |) x0 23 19 15 |: 137 204 34 | 43 165 VE Hn ivesscereand 32 AN NOs os bp oeeee eam eeen deren emes 1, 087 | 170 45, BY 43 296 | 448 65 | 74 350 150 |-..... 33 HAN Lia Vg RE sees ee, Se 794 169 45 BS v95 |} 449, 6062 160 | HO snes | 1 . ‘ M.. 183 | 41 4 13 67 | 92 IL | 10 : 26 34 | Goth parents native. ...-- ir ae 1x8 i 4 1 3 5 66 t 38 a 3 is i 35° One or both parents ror-¢ M.. 217 | 47 pe 16 | 15 91 147 17! 18 33 neeeeeee ; eign. UF. 191 | 38 ret 10 | 10 69) 21 | 21 33 MF heat 1 | eens Meal) Cold Gacetecee le sere e| ate as prsstene|eeeey 4) 3 | 3 105 Bl sivsese 36 | Foreign bern... ---.----+-+-+- K.. 154 1 | Sbeerattcsstase leet. sicec passed 1 oF 2 | 9 8 56 cose t : 1 - 37 Colored. ....--.+-222222- eee eee eee ee eee Soseeeee eee | teteeeeee | 1i.....e ee. 1 U cesdipicce | eee eeeeee sate seted acess Birthplaces of mothers: eit Z ! - at o a | ah a | i : 36 | United States ..-----.+----+-- ER cin 13 8° c 75 || 105 | 16 | 16 : 3 M.. 3 ‘ 1/ 1 5 || 10s guances 3 | 1 39 ; England and Wales .--------- § I. 1 | 2 ae ae ty 3 7 us ' M.. 19 9 73 i 2 66 9 | 14 40 | Ireland ...------------+----+-- ii A 15 8 5 5 33 Ad as 19 M.. 5 1 8 iL. 4 21 41 | Germany ....2+202 22222222 ie an 61 ms ig 2 | ae “ oM.. 8 1 Seponeee: 4 13 |) 21 | 2) 1 42 Seandinavia..-----+++-----+-+ UF. 10 | 2 3 | 34 18 I, all 1! 4 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 355 CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, CAUSE OF DEATH. : | Child Di i ; : Can- | Heart | GNC ‘ 35s Dis- | \ ae Diar- A birth | Dis-| eases | i \|Sear-| Ty- | Ma- 7 Con- Whoop-} cer | dis- : eases | Tees All call, | ftet”[phoia tation) D'PT| Croup.| "PEA" |sump.| PME afeastes ing” and | ease an2Pu cases) of the | GPthe Old | SHI | other |, Ue, * Jfever.|fever. fever.//0°" eases, | tion. Be cough.| tu- | and a liver! ous. (otinary: ge. born. | causes. 7 ; mor. dropsy-) oases, ‘system.| OFS8ns- licence = eee Paes a aa él pee { i } 1,994} 29] 10] 32 75 43 | 204 | 236 166 ll 22] 287) lL 13} 42/9 931 106; 17, 139 499 1:1 1, 028 12 5; 38 19} 126; 129 "86 4 9 8 Bis erectctarneatd 14 124 47 5. 68 266 1, | 2 966 7 51 18 37 ar 78 | 107 80 7 13} 19 48 13} 18 107 59) 12) 71 298. ecteencts 3 1,906 | 29 8| 20 Ti 42; 197) 224 161 10 21) 26 96 12.) 31 217 w2, 17: 136 475 1,341 28 4{| 19 68 41/175! 121 102 9 20 1 39 5} 10 151 48. 1) 136 362 | 275 Syl eectee 4 12 8 39 18 DD Ue Cpe Ty aeean S 33 81 229 dee eed 2 u 10 31 10 15 2 cS 4 D Woes 27 G4! i : 426 7 2 3 22 11 72 43 37 3 13) ccnssaen | 3 51 103 ! 376 12 1 8 19 12 9 43 28 4 1. 6: a; 4 38 106 | | ; 256 |]....-. 3 4 Desens) 9 5 24 1 1 | DD fed cease At tt 30 304 1 1 a 1 1 13 46 GO! Is'eeaences swaciars | V7 34 7 | 14 36 BS lees 2 2 4 T4 7 12 5 1 ay 5 ae M4 9| 37! 99 30 1 Les 1B (paieeees | 3 53 B scezen) 42 13 42 16 au 4 4 1 9 | 3 1 36 4} 1 39 2 8 7 ; 2 Deities 2 12 irae ! 3 1 5 2 : 3) Vi as 8 1; #1, 43 Fy 43 62 1 5 DSriNe pated | Bo 43 22; 4; 12} 7 22 70 AS) | sderee teats 5} 13 31 | 7 | «ag 49 34° «6 18 | sienaisis 2h 5 9 1 ll : a} : 1} 21 2 3 6 1 3 3 1) 4} 2 6; 4 31 1 2, 3 l 3 } ! i 91 | 673 | 634 524 | 60 49} 92) 261° 41} 82° 556, 234. 82 ~~ Sae | \ : 54} 334 | 329 276 | 35 wl 33; wel... | 32; 201 oT! BL) a2: 37 339 305 248 | 25 30; 59/1 1389 41) 50 265 | 17 51 176 ! : ! i 1 ‘ 91] 672 633 | 523 60 49 M1 261 | aL} 82 556, 232, BL 388, 85: 589' 296) agg | 56 48 19-96 13 | 31! 387" 86 20388 13 85 32 Bd | Ti oh AR WOT oa a | / 55 7 8 a4 1L 82) 32 49 | aa 6 7, Bi 4 ti 70 1 ol 57: 38} 209) 118 gg | 7 | 14 3 OG staged 6) 146 DOF ears 132 | 23°] 206 97 B4 | i! 24 5 28 9/ 12 107 29, 1 ui | bs 3 37; 170 116 | ls 1} 25 {Serer 19 | 84 3 45] 166 3 3 mekeaats 47 92 2) 31) 84 ia wel oT Epes My Weg aut Nacunt aaleetated| Suess ae | | 761 vw} oi 5 52 igs} 114 33 59 iL} 6 4 OB) Peete. 6! 723 1 760 2] U1 8 36 15 | 108 40 56 8 | 11 7 20 4] 10} 87 f 1, 283 22 6) 60 23] 113] 195 145 9. 7| 16 5D: eset as wy 17 1, 289 23 9) 23 58 8 | 140] 188 124 5 | lo! 35 81 23} 34! 102 3 246 3 2 1 4 6 20 4] 16 2 3 5 15 {........ Ba 25 is 211 8 | 4 2 li 4 18 23 ls Tile loo » 5 fo 20 39 |... STF Wacccd’ ot 7 14 3 43 22 15 4}. ‘ 1 FT Wiseiecas 1; 15 180 6, 1 3 12 6 32 15 13 2 2 1 Ai loccne ol 16 2 |. 153 3] 9 6 4 Ti 23 5 14 7 1 A gis cca 1: 19 5 142 ees’ beh 4 6 2 13 5 19 Oi eb lebee ay 3 Ble... : 10, i 3 |.. : \ i ' | 1, 090 20; 25; 15 60 wz} it] uz! 110 G 7} 19 49 | 2 | 20 | 52 | 3, 29° ' 1 ‘ ' ee ro eee oa ‘saat * nisl - = = ——-. : Y a : re yo Se DAT 9| 10 | 9 36: nu! 63! a7! 51 6 5 Gi) We sasen ace fou 56 25 6! 37! 129: 2) 30: b43 Wy I. 4 6! 61 Go | Die eiasance | 2) 13! 31 21g, 46 | O5- ag" 85 123 1} 31 ' i i i ' 1, 087 20%, 95, 1S 60 7 133.5 7 | 109 6 7] 9} 49 2+ 20 102 49. 20] 72 252 pT 38 ‘ ; EP eicak \ hy piped ete rs = | | am? ae OR] oe? i 17; 6 2) 2. Bi 19 6 5) deg i i | ' 19! 2 Jeseeee 1s j i 12 | 8) 1 18 1% 16), Hn wscce : 3 4 10% BS tiecesae Pseeaea ests i gucci cakes 924 6 i 24 2 | 9° 6 20 | Doge S ete 1j 5 1 2 1 21 10 2 a 12 ul A i! A 5 1 3 2 1 3 al Tragsetexs 2 ! 2 Theos di: 856 VITAL STATISTICS. Taste 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND - G wo Pp wr 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 AGE. bd ss 5 ea eae SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. | Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ae SSS Sra eal eee: 7 a vam Allages. ; | ‘ ; : r Under3]} 3to6 | 6too | 9to12 | Tl Onder s| 5 to 15 [15 to 25] 25 to G5: Over Gs |, UE \ | ! at Neale eal | es ee ty Sos ae Oya E ay ee Vom Ward 6—Continued i i i ' Sanitary district B.........--.-02--222-26-- 3, 393 | 603 197 173 159 || 1,134 ! 1, 821 173 187 | 1,010 | 199 3 Males coos nosis oaesaeeaed 1, 765 | 330 | 300 86 73 | 598 [ 936 33 98 340 | 85 3 Peniales:.c2--accascmsngace seeks 1, 628 | 264 97 39 86 536 i 865 90 89 470 | 11d: Sac 4 i \, Whites: 2232 sesececmiesesiesy saucadiecices 3,390 |: 602 197 175 159 | 1,133 j 1,820 187 1,010 | Native born........202-2:2ee0eeeee 2,293 |; GOL 196 175 1355 || 1,197 |) 1.783 121 226 | I, ! i : a) M.. 251 69 23 24 19 | 135 211 10 4 19 | T lessees Both parents native...... iF =ith 283 66 21 26 24 i 137 |: 196 13 5 15 if Petraes One or both parents. for- u._| 927 260 76 62 51 449 712 62 55 eign. F.. 830 192 75 60 60 |: 387 642 62 50 2 | i M.. DAT lecceccu. T |sssneccee 3 4 20 10 36 403 76 2 Poreigu born sxese2 senaizseahe { F.. Soe ike etme |aaadedeed 1 1 15 12 30 372 W9 |... Colored us oiscccscsccssecsceseecesseseees 3 |! D |livisraesensians pam aecteaie| eee tare’ 1 1 A bined ale Stoel nsialciesgisiere pie erence Birthplaces of mothers: ie ‘ F ' tl . on 33 99 34 30 25! 188 283 16 3 a2 United States) seaisy sass iF ss 334 91 33 3 39 186 oe 20 in i Ireland M.. 846 123 26 a7 29 || 205 354 39 65 340 BELG cisco sae RSS STaSERS F.. 806 83 30 30 28 171 291 42 5G 347 : M.. 147 a4 6 WARiseeteeesin 37 37 7 11 37 GERMAN oc <2 Hanson a teesies tro] a 15 4 4 8 31 47 | 7 7 38 9 = ST | 7 = 4 Scandinavia... fF] ts, of te]! oe SE ETSY a 144 36 12 10 8 66 |, 103 8 6 21 138 7 8 10 il 56 | 106 7 4 18 | 4 \ Sanitary district C ......2..-22----2--+-++- 1. 308 175 64 44 36 | 319 | SOL | 78 56 Males 651 101 33 7 18 179 | 301 35 20 Females 6357 14 31 17 18 | 140 |; 230 43 36 White....-- 1,300 174 63 44 36 |] 317 | 528 7 56 ! | po = NitiVe: DOPDLs saisjsaisieeieemieeicioaeeien 890 174 63 44 36 |: 317 | 525 73 47 159 | BG ckec ns i M. 173 36 10 3 3 | 52 i 82 12 i 33 Both parents native ..---. iF 3 173 29 7 5 5 46 74 11 | 4 5 One or both parents for-§ M.. 285 64 21 24 15 124 212 23 10 35 i eee eign. Ke 240 44 22 12 13 91 |: 151 7 23 38 De inetincek sents M. 176 9, isieecees 3 130 494 ese Foreign born ...-.----+-+-++5 SF : 231 | 5 a 3 1a ey eee Colored vsSsnzpsncesietwsansdsees deuaenaad 8 |. Lj Ut | seein leauisienses 2 3 iene 3 Teese 1 \ Birthplaces of mothers : ‘tr 563 ‘ ( il | . . 40! lL: j 4 60 7 7 United States.-.-.----------- iF : 207 33 12 | 6 Tit 58 14 Ie 7! ! 2 : : England and Wales...-...-.- se 19 1 : 5 1 a 46 i cesses - M. 32 | 3) 9 5) 54 | g Q Treland eoeseeeeeeseeeeceseen ir. oe 2c Ob fo a oe) Se M.. 7 2) pu 1}. 12 Germany -----------++-++++7+ Sy = 7 I 2: 9 1} 12 |! is : Ace 3 ss Ren M.. 9 R. 5 6 28 43 1: te Scandinavia. ----------------- ty : 5 : a 2 1 iL 21 3 1 i | ‘ ; : ! * 2 ; Ward 7....- 2-0-2022 2 eee cece ec tee e eee eet eee 4, 448 | 699 | 182 178 126 1,185 |' 1,740 254 268 1,489 71 1 Mila raecke ca deteteecdausesd wf 2942) aay | 98 99! 53 | 639 | 935 un 12 736 ‘305 | 1 Females.-...-.--------------- . 2, 206 ' 310 34 ve) 73 S46 | 805 Vi 131 Tits BOG Tae cence AV Tid tiie wow rein come seeometescnaseesgestaeds ! 4,388 | 686 | 178 175 121 1, 160 17 250 239. 1.471 696 1 aa el sheen ene i, oY eee ee Native born ..---.--++----------2eeee eee | 3, 256 686 | M7 | 174 119, 1,156 1. 694 2 old 737 336 1 | | i Cee M. 881 | 207 | 48 | 52 20 | 327 459 By nT 9 Both pareuts native...-..---. ; K 830 148 | 44 28 33 2G 80 67 1S Ae i ; TOA frat M... 737 169 wg! 45 30 ow |, 44s as! ge, 2 Que or both parents foreign... ir 5 681 | ll ! 37 48 36 : 262 | N94 66 | 6L ae ' 1 . ¢M.. : = ; 1 By 10 g | 29 362 146 \ Voreign born..-..--------------+- .. 1 1 | 8 a a 8 a . 6 . 3 | We 348 ft : Coloved. ...-----+- 2022052 er ett reece t rete ; aes aay 2 4) 4 18 DC irthplaces of mothers: | : i : i \ : Birt places ¢ M..[ 1041 | 251 | 64 295 400 B61 | Gu! 50 j United States --.--+----+-------+- Bo.) 1.035 | 131 | 43 445 B24 464 78 58 M.. 145 |, 16 4 3 26 2 ; i England and Wales...--------+++ ; bs. 163 | 18 | 3 6. 29 3 w 10 cM. 662 | 64 16 1254 13 188 | 25 | 46 Treland .-.---.+-++-2r2-ee0r terres F.. 683 56 14 12 93 159 36 | 42 M.. 40 |! Cl atedesie| wat agad 1 5 9 3 2 Scotland .....----------------+++- Fr. 26 4 MCihshtett aye 5 6 Dy are sacia ti Gs eee cecal ce eka iu. 183 a7 11 5 56 76 10 | 13 Hermany..-------++e20+7+ i 159 26 10 9 56 |. 76, 91 1 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 357 FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, ; : | Diar- Sear-| Ty- | Ma- |. Con- dete let | phoid)larial DIph Croup. ee gump- * |lfever.'fever.|fever. 1 tion. | | eases. i i | ! | ‘es 44; 163; 59! 430 | 370 ij st| a1] 212] 197 26 79° 38] BS} 178 44 | 163 30 | 430] 369 5| 27] qeL) at; B77] 162 1, w. 9) 49| eee | 40: 7) 80 8 si 60! 19) 435 76 18 65 19{ 137 55 9 8 3; 27) 102 8 4 2; 26} 104 L enelcastece lie aauen aseuk: 1 1 22 10} 65 12 1 15 nr) rr 5 37 13/76 | 197 15; 35 7{ 83} 121 Lies 2 2 1B 7 2 6 9 P 13 4 8 1 28 9 3 3 5] 93 8 6 4 1 13 4 ' 4 6 2 13 5 | 1 | 1,908] 221 12, 18| 72 15) 119} 147 =e aay 1 = | 59 | 75 | 60 72 19] 147 103 67 16 10 1 38 37 28 3e 8 t 4, 41 11} 39 | 19° 10 16; 10 Bai 4 4 16 44 30) 43 5 6 4 4 2 9 5 3 ; 369 | 530 : a 1s3 | 256 g906 | 29] 24] 32!) 117 34) 186 | 274 4gas | 62] 48} 51 69 | 361) 521 P 3, 256 60 36 35 197 68 3i4 49 ssl | 22 7 9 41 13 su | 65 gsu | 16] 14! 12 61 rt 81 x9 wz) 9] (wo! CG 42 41) al 91 sl | 13 3) Ti al 29 69 42 348 2 ae 8 | ences ig} oxo Grr tees 7i Mi 8 1 2 ge ‘ ' GO” Lasse sicccisiess [oe Risislesieed 8 9 | ; : | 47 W 98 | 2 | 6 18 95 | 107 t 4 1 10 14 8 2 6! 16 21 9 46 | 106 99 8 36 | 108 3 | 2 1! 5 1 wesnxeue 2) 4 6, 1 9-40 Hn! 4 iB, Pneu- monia. 305 171 134 CAUSE OF DEATH. pea a AS era ee 35 hild- Dis- : eval OM | ears birth | Dis- | eases De ue cate ae eae . and pu-|eases} of the dt till- n- Measles. eaae and aor erperal lof the] nerv- oF they age. | born. other known. gh. ela < jas (liver.| ous: |2 ‘inary causes. or. |dropsy.| gases. system. organs. : | ea ee be San eM | | 48 33) 41] 134 28) 43 301 123 | 29{ 246 902 2} 1 ices Peal aoe eed pees | 25 | 18 6Tieeate se 12 158 63 9| 139 510 ike 2 23 22 | 23 67 28} 31 143 60 | 20! 107 392 cee) 48 33] 41] 134 28 43 301 123 | 29 246 900 2] 4 44 32 6 43 Th a 209 38 1/246 651 it 6 3 uy 8 | sceaseee| 15 3; 11 36 73 6 4 1 4 A cata 21 8 ceo 27 7 | 21 8 1 a6: [-seise eee Bi 94: 16 |....-- | 96 283 1 by 14 18 2 aT | 6 Bi 76 | co | 78 oT 1 } i 1 1} 15 : Bll sean 20 4 3 oe 6 K i 7 4} 10 5 8} 13 2 2 4 ii Peeeene 3 Bl raanectae 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 9 a lteras 6 9! 32, 78 | ll] 19 153 | 3 9 37 lenueonae 9 7 2 61 23 41! 11} 1 76» I 6 9; 31 mi ou} ag 153 6 9} 10 29 5 8 107 1 9 [i049 loose 1 23 2 3 6 2 30 4 2 2 § seeete at 2 331; Ads otc 4 } 6 3 3 19 Sh aed scree 4 19 reseasa. 6 20 Bete cfonnced 17 29 6. 5 26 Lyd ctor coe Tl soepoaiel tratelateaie siete oe padakoees 2 1 2 13 |. 1 28 2 3 5 6 4 32 2 2 5 : 2 3 1 1 3 ll 30 i ieletessrars 1] 16 26 29 1 i rt 4 6 $j 4 4: 1 3 23 40] 112; 289|/ 23] 82 493 | He 95} 96. 4a8) |ecssewss 47| 277! 10 25) 86} 154 93) 35 216 | 23 go} uo!) 287 93) a1!) 488 22 40] 59| 139 di) 45 6 10 | 10 | ry eens 17 127 51 | 9, 92 220 | 1 } 6 16| 38) 52 6} 10 91 BB} 25 66! 186 |..-.---. 34 t i 7 6 52 AL Bi leeveewss 10 69 ae 8 78 | 4 9; 9] ai 4 4 60 | 2zt 3 76 1 . eee bpeity ia aheteevend 7 a! 9) i anccca 193 1 ; Seapets ncmcaea | 36) 8G 12 19 | 60 | 52 $B comemes 109 1 | §36 2 2 Dl sszewsd 1 at BV seecs s i: jesarsie 37 Ts 1z2j 10 144 36; 11 107 7} 20) 40 109 | 41) 26 78 es | 7} 11! 2; 4 a | a ee | 64: 42 7 30 Go 51 19 25 SS pipemcaels. 1 2 i Tih) a 1 at 4 creiclrses 14 4 5, 4 7 358 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING ? PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mouths. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. sa ; jAllages. i | U 3 9 | 9 Total |] Under s| 5 to15 | 15 to25 |25 to 65 | Over 65 |, U™ t nder3| 3to6 6to9 | 9to 12 under 12 a e 5 to 25 [25 to 65 5 | enown. f , Nee Gee a weed sell ~~ =| — +] ----— |---| -——-- — ‘Ward 7—Continued. | 1 A Sanitary district A.> 1,613 297 86 78 52 513 766 81 84 516 165 1 2 Males .... 832 || 164 49 42 22 277 418 37 42 258 76 | 1 3 Females 781 | 133 37 36 30 236 348 44 42 258 o eaienneted 4 W hit@cnsvseckseevevecessss hsesn anced 1, 602 295 85 78 51 509 760 80 83 : ° Native born...--..----------+++---+ 1, 124 295 85 78 50 508 732 73 69 ; M.. 245 183 13 5 6 RICO coc ws 73 22 23 12 130 5 Both parents native iF de 298 57 20 7 rh 105 140 16 14 7 One or both parents a 342 90 27 19 10 146 229 20 23° eign. F.. 290 B 16 19 17 125 196 24 24 44 2 greceees ; ; M.. 228.'|| Sirol veccven beomy sence leaugedawel beecataces 3 3 10 158 . OrSIeN bern F.. 2D Nocona seneaes loenevewss i 1 5 4 4, 169 3 Colored .--.--------+++++---+-e-eee eee lL 2 W hicsasased 1 4 6 1 1! 2 Birthplaces of mothers: ae Sag ‘ : 88 26 26 13 153 226 17 7 30 a0 United States saiecesiediessc8 § Fe) 268 68 2" 18 16 126 172 19 Ww B 11 England and Wales. ..-..---- ; ee 61 ae ; 4 ue ag A : 18 7 M.. 344 44 12 10 5 7 111 12 21 156 te Tnglind sash anketyscahsePeey ; a . a 30 6 9 6 31 89 iu 16 163 - 11 7 3 3 5 26 = SPE eerste iF “| 3 9 4 4 4 21 21 3 4; B ‘ ef TY BN ecw ccee il |eadeacore 9 3: lsposctucs|ebosucrus ' 2 a PhalyssscncararnessasesHste is tr 23 9 i Te ae a Re sae ae 2 | : 15 Sanitary district B ...........--.----+------ 964 145 35 32 25 237 |" 358 30 68 | 808 TTL: lesions 16 478 80 14 21 12 127 |! 189 22 35 | 159 73 17 486 65 21 1 13 110 | 169 37 331 149 ag |. | i : 18 959 5 35 32 24 | 236 357 _ 58 | 68 306 oe I = ene | pot eee 19 Native born.c2.2. 52.00 essceaasacess 742 145 34 32 24 235 | 354 58 | 53 178 GO. teemeauee I . | Bee Mi. 206 44 7 11 4 66 95 1! 12 54 B4 |-- 20 Both parents native...--. 5 : 215 28 i 7 7|l 33 86 22 | 9 3 Tel a1 One or both parents for- pe 147 34 6 10 8 |: 58 89 10 17 295 6 eign. Bie 156 35 10 4 5 |; 54 79 15 15 39 8 |-- ; M.. 2 6 71 39 22 Foreign born ..--.----------- {f me I 9 55 30 - I 23 Colored .- 1 AN | essay gases 2 Air caieiais fates ' Birthplaces of mothers: rr sii | | M.. 4 54 8; * 6 82 |: 116 ld 15 58 a IV nthe Staten si reregsasnen ts {F.| %o 36 15 8 10 69 | 105 26 il 37 M.. 25 9: laceccs 1 1 4 || 8) \ateccect 3 9 25 England and Wales.....-... F_. 32 Geo eee 3 7 3 2| iB ul] 129 iL Sots: shoo a afoot 4 lj 59 26 Tela ss sechese see stssseae es tes. i 14 3 2 20 |: 33 6 14 51 27 Sootland ...-..--------++---+- Seo] 10 Plea ores iE Br) celeste = ee M.. 36 |! 4 2 Billoo seen 2 9 |, 13 {) 4 15 28 Germany. -----+--+++-----+-+- if be 36 || 6 2 3 1 wt 15 2 4 | 10 i i i : 29 Santtary district Ci. - pew dnnci 22 584 5 9 { 20 9 1 28 113 55 Tits saysiets 23 63 16 15 59 50 15): |srererreete 100 2 : 13 || seeeas ledetedereewcltoeecnaltaasexed 1 2 jcstcnsa|->-tesncel ed steews IT teecse: gleweeeguelsseves|acexsece Deeaaae 1 Gr fase dece 23 ' ' ' ' | 747 30 6 10 87 11 87 35 50 6 11 1 10) | -weve ce 2 67 12 3 76 24 704 12 2 7 81 14 97 42 Si 7 16 6 19 9 1 74 13 4 62 144 2 Di | seatctecs 8 3 14 22 11 2 opeeean 3 A, | easinemrare 3 12 LL leecieeee 8 25 159 2 L 8 11 1 18 18 10 1 1 2 8 4 1 19 7 1 5 631 16 6 10 49 5 a7 113 68 1 3 3 BD! | sctera cee 10 45 38 6 34 26 642 18 3 17 35 6 50 102 62 2 4 10 49 16 12 57 40 8 24 373 5 2 5 28 8 39 36 AD, | 2 Pevasercices 3.51 5 3 AT [sscewrce 9 28 13 4 17 27 335 7 5 6 30 5 54 29 21 5 2 14 13 8 4 34 10 6 15 75 5 2 2 5 1 8 4 10 2 lsaeueearn sesame T lssesaeex 1 6 2 tesa 7 28 75 <2; lNisiwierciexs 3 5 2 11 10 6 2 hare areca eeera| eeacerarsl 2 |esetescoltesaes' 6 Ol eserare 7 § \ 408 5 5 1 42 a 34 39 24 2 6 8 24 5 4 25 15 4 23 i 129 1] 29 16 18 11 2 3} 2 6: |sscseean 3 15 10 1 ui 67, 30 18 21 AS ose 3 6 18 5 1 10 5 3 12 | 62 | 31 t 34 39 24 2 6 7 24 | 5 4 25 15 4 23, 128, 1} 32 32 21 17 2 6 3 10 3 1 13 { 3 6, 2 1 TL. feewieey 2 |navaneets 3 6 51 BD |zovedeces: 2 1 2 1 3 12 4 5 1 2 1 Li lseceeecerease 4 ll 6 5: |exerexens i 1 5 2 1 3 I 8 Ay Seevineenaleesewne 1 Be lane. 3 8 1 10 Boca ate selects 3 il Desens 4 D tl sewsce| ease cral psisicbis lear atoseemiguloe sea allen esc | satiate ac) saiesieisinal (sieeulsuiae. 4. lisecen:. | saceeeseleeeserl beeenser 4 5 76 2 7 6 4 5 | 78 9 10 6 6 3 16 Desens Zz 1 28 2 3 3 2 ] 37 5 |. 1! 6 3 |. 3 53 5. 3: 7, 2 3 33 4 3 2 1}. 3 25 3 1 3 10 1 Lt. 10 1 1 2 362 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ae SES = ' AGE + : FP evn | SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND , Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS ii = \ Sia get les Sta Allages.|. | 1 \ 2 | Under | 3106 | 6109 | 12 |, telat g|| Under d) 5 to 15 | 15 to 25) 25 to 65 Over 65 pone : | wa ef oe ae = | Ward 8—Continued. eas 1 \ Sanitary district B........22.-..---.------- 2,322 408 140 126 108 i 782 1, 263 187 127 597 | TAB | assess 2) Males ..... 1, 222 236 72 | 66 | Bd 428 669 96 il 308 | 8: sera 3 Females. . - 1, 100 |’ 172 68 | 60 54 354 594 91 56 289 10" Vitneaeas t : ! ! 4. WIR. cccnessassancee vs arenenescecasese 2,315 407 140 123 | 108 | VW 1, 258 186 | 126 597 | 148 |.....-.- i : | eee A a i 5 Native born... ..22-.-222e2ee0e220 0! 105 | 771 || 1,226 167 85 wo! ow. i 1 I r | \ : M 13 | ll 144 221 29 8 26 | 8 |nsecsees 6) Both parents native ...-- § F 17 | 9 197 200 17 7 35 at [hoses ere : : 7 One or both parents for-¢M.. 49 | 42 276 423 58 41 2 A | eccaes | eign. F.. 41 | 34 218 373 62 24 40 | Deco 1 : | Ae M 1] 1 2 7 8 18 222 es Foreign born ....------------ SP 3 | 2 | 5 15 u 23 205 | i i 1 9 | Colored jaccucssase end ostanccimarnacess nee i 4 | 5 1 GA tdpatlecs mare naciapias | Birthplaces of mothers: ? Se 3 | 5 | is waa as ‘ | a5 i : M.. 37 117 33 | 2 285 7 - United States :cveuetarenhie.s Sec) 338 78 41; | oat 168 271 23 | 9 ‘ M.. 73 13 2) 2} 1 18 28 4 | 4 TL England and Wales. -.....-.-- iF = 63 5 3 | 3. 2 3 24 6 af \ M.. 348 41 7 13 | 1B 74 127 26 | 6 2) Trelantl ....----222s22e002200- {yp 318 29 9 | 13. 4 55 93 5) M.. 241 37 15 | 18. 15 85 127 1 9 i3 Germany .---.+-+-+---2+--+ ++ Sel ig3 28 7° Mi! 0 59 || 103 | 5 6 3 M.. 55 12 3. 6 5 28 43 : a8 Teal Nr eenaeaaheeeeae ben eats 3 iP. 41 ul 3 a 2 18 34 a 1 | ' J j 15 Sanitary district C.....2-22.2222--20eee eee 1,372 249 80 j 69 6, 463 748 86 15 370 92 1 16 Males 674 131 38. at | OT (880 378 35 36 186° 38 1 7 Females 698 118 420 35 | 38 | 233 370 5L 39 184 BE Ilscisactial 18 WWI Egosnee acauaiay see atclalatataistainetelatsas ' 1,368 249 80 | 69 | a or 85 be) 367 92 1 {___——— | ——______ aos Syaeaee ' I C acaasalate «Wma te 19 Native born......-2-2-22-02eee2-02+ 1,012 249 | 76 69 G4 4580737 17 a4 126 | 18 j xousees j 1 | 1 To M.. 210 55 15 12: Ws! 99 | 163 1L 5 23 20 Both Parents HAUL sss as iF “6 187 50 | 13: 12 | 15 90) 134 18 3 26 | or § M.. 283 7 20 2 | 10 128! 207 19 19 36 | 21 Que “or HOt BERENS tor- § F. 314 66 7 22 | 22 137 | 225 29 5 34 aa RSet . 4 : aan M. 168 4 u 121 | 27 1 22 Yoreign born .....-.--------- if [| qe7 | 4 10 119 | AT }....2 08. 23° Golretl’ meas neseawe ae anee tretisin tinietiniess oo 4 | BD Wissetitiersiea 3 | paueaeeealincesation : | . | Birthplaces of mothers: ; ‘ : I | 5 F Lg 261 72 | 2. 13 | 18 12, 205 16 8 2 24 : 240 | 63 | 18 , 20 | 1” ug) 178 2 5 29 4 5s 41 5 | 4 2) 1 12 |! 22 1 2 12 | . | ge oa} F a) a) BF gl a} al B ane 3 2 | \ 74 14 15 99 | 26 : 235 24 | 7 5 | 10 46 | 83 15 18 91 ‘ ; gM... 78 13 | 2 3 | 2 20 | 37 3) 7 23! aT GenMany onaicss ese s- e+ eeee= LF.) 8 Bl on 6 5 36 Bd 8 7 31 ; sateen te: a 5 SO si cee 4 Ly |seledieee 3 28 Scandinavia ..--------------- iy i 14 3 ico cere 1 1|' 5B Re CO ' 2 | I | | 29) Sanitary district D 229 38 {4 18 10 | 8 v1: 124 21 15 49 2 Lace. | ieee = sea te a eet aS tea teutacte | re 30 Males ....-------++---- 12 20 | 10 | 6 4 40 68 8} 9 96 | 10 31 Yemales 108 18 8 4! 4 34 56 1B 6 | 23 10 i ' ‘ \ : 32 Wii tG ac scsiaencemacim as ddcwemineeccesase 229 $8 18 10: \ 74 124 21 | 15 | 49 | 20 pow | Shs TD fem caren Safe ieee eee : =a 33 | Native born...2.-22-00202202ee0ee 172 a8 18 10; 8 74 123 1 | ni 16 | a | 2 9 5 34 Both parents native ..... {7 Hi ab, |e 3 ae eh. abt a? Ie 1 . \ : | 35 One or both parents for-§ M.. 62 10. 6 4! 3 23 45 5 5 it sReineclas state | aa mat ws ; eign. Fo: 5 4 9 ite ge OO ee 36 ‘ Foreign boru .--------------- {ee | _ 37 Colored .-..-----++ +--+ -22220 eer ee rere Birthplaces of mothers: re 38 United States..------.------- {i ne ii 2 ae 39 England and Wales.....-.--- j ut - : : M.. 40 Ireland .....--------+-+e2-55- if a ‘ ; G M.. 2il 8 Al Germany ..--------+---+57770- if ot 4 | 8 : M.. : 4 42 | Scandinavia ...--------+++++- it : ae a] : S NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 363 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | | Child- | _- Dis . ( one | Can- | Heart! j; : Dis | Sear-| Ty- | Ma- . j Diar- | fioas | Whoop-| cer | dis- Dirth | Dis.) eases eases ore All an | phoid)larial iph- Genie Theal | sump-| P24 lyeasles.| ing | and } ease and pu-jeases| of the | ofthe | Old: Still. | other |, Un causes. |i rover. |fever.|tever. theria, i dis- | "tion lie cough. | tu- | ona |S here ohthe mers urinary age. born. causes. known, ‘ ' ;: | eases. | E lace | dis- |liver.| ous : | ! ee éaséa, system organs ic — Ay a Se SS 1 alae re ' aaa q ; oa 71 ; : | | ! 2,322, 59| 20] 46] 205 34 249 / ! 610 2} 1 u ' i - a 1 1,222 |; 36 i 17 99 21 | 122 | | B47 \eseeseies 2 1,100 |) 23 9 29 106 13) 127) i 263 2 3 4 \ 2,315 i 59 20 46 205 34 248 : 607 2 4 23 196 29 220 486 1 5 3 29 Ti 34) 99 | e*" OTN. } causes. noe organs. - 7 1 Jeaenee 2 7 3. 57 45 40 109 100 83 68 123 87 134 125 17 12 52 73 57 50 16 19 9 14 156 117 163 132 27 19 12 16 15 ul 17 12 229 172 ug9{ 92 110 80 226 169 131 | 90 21 | 19 20: ll 47 36 33 21 | 43 32 | Be $6: 3 3 2s 24 23 16 | 9 i. 5 39 36 | 60 43 13 ‘ oa 9 4 4, 19} 13 4 18 1 12 18} 10 2 1} 25 3 1! 35 Buenas 3) 1 9 12 4 4 25] 15 ba rage ppoeabery 7 Wn} 15 6 8| 32 3 3 5 deoseened 2 4 1 1 2 3 3 2 9 25} 39 5 3] 14 4 12) 25 9 23] 239 9 oo} ou 2 4 2 4 3 iy |e dais? 2 7 5 ee a eA tedts Meer 12 Sere aes 1| 16 | oF ne: 2 2! 6 3 o 20 esis 26 | 2 ON eas neicien 18 10 78 desma mi 18 | GO iasisseaed 99 |. 34 | 2 6 j--2----- 6 | 2 OB Feticccies 71 | Ww 16 Lisisieltou 10 \ 5 4 sates 1/ 2 108 | 16 38 | 7 Ne pcescmal 12 | 2 218 109 109 Be = de Gee USD 213 15: 6 79 210 ieee... 1p) 8 68 M3 ollie. 27/1] 100 288 [scone 32 1 83 (243 1} 37! 151 |... 67 | 178 SF ek 2 BU [eens 22 | 8 94 261 9| 82 5{ 2 6 bl 1 4 49 14 2: 71/ 35 36 1) 2 16 8 1| 18 gett ace 9 Sil caes 3! : 8) a8) UB) 485)... 36| 15]; 59 236. 530 BD WD ay ' 40.! 19 1h 30 cane 36 Li! 29 2 12 7, 18 368 VITAL STATISTICS. TabLe 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS. ENDING ‘ PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ‘ AGE. H it SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND i Mouths. i wears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. _—_—_ oO & eos wee ees my, pres sees Allages.|, ' i i= ; i Un ‘Under3) 3to6 | 6tod | 9 to 12 wndorts ees 5 to 15 |15 to 25] 25 to 65 | Over 65 | Oe 1 | | a eee ! | | Ward 10—Continued. \ i ae 9 1! Sanitary district B...-.....0.02-..22..e cee. 2,290 | 402) 151 98 102 753 |, 1,122 Wt 135 693; 194 2 MALES uo. bavacs Sans ce hess sass 1,133 | 296 | 7 48 63} 411), 593 65 | Ww 336 | 68 1 Bo POS 108.55 onwsennskaeennnee oy a57 | \ 77 50 39 442 |, 529 79 65 357 126 L : \ 176 | | | ' ; | ie 4 | Wit se este cn sisi einicins Semis oe adaiccicnet 2,219 395 146 96 98 7235 1,093 138 130 671 | 185 2 ‘i i ‘ ~ FE 5 | Native born......----------2-------{ 1,569 i 395 146 96 97 734 | 1, 082 128 101 229 28 1 i | iv M.. 307 | 91 31 1 25 || 160 || 230 18 14 6 Both parents native...... Se na 287 70 33 15 15 132 | 397 28 10 7 One or both parents he 475 127 36 83 34 | 230 || 331 37 36 eign. P.. 453 96 43 35 22 196 305 41 40 8 4 Foreign born......----------- {% 2 Z 2 W 9 COLORED sh csisccidisncaciecemscinceieseeeued 71 |! 7 5 2 4 18 | 29 6 5 ' ! Birthplaces of mothers: ! : 3 = M.. 394 |: 110 38 20 34 202 296 25 16 a Dnited States:--2--2sep caps: iF: 379 |) 1 40 19 20 170 2a a0 i i Ene e 3 56 |; 8 2 4 1 15 4 li England and Wales .......--- ; F 42 | 5 4 9 3 | 13 | 3 2 Ndbavad i : 438 |: 62 4 11 19 106 3 2 PRSUANEL devisees oer ipaite iF 531 |) 52 5 9 6|| 82 185 3 2 a : “f 79 10 7 1 4] 22 13 Germany. ...00-2-4 2+ s0esse2%2 ir 54 8 4 5 3 |! 20 30 2 4 ui os 28 72 |, 18 4 10 3 | f 14 Scandinavia......---.--.----. F.. 30 |! Gq 7 11 q | 32 |, 53 4 2 fl 15 Sanitary district C ........-..-22.22-22-2005 1, 066 187 68 45 56 | 356 | 554 73 49 16 Males .... 559 114 26 22 26 || 188 293 4L 21 172 31 1 47 Females 507 73 42 23 30 168 || 261 32 28 147. 18 NMUIfe: ceshececcaaecomeeeais soca ara 1,050! 187 66 49 55 |) 350 543 73 49 313 69 1 19 Native born ....-2.-----2-------+++- 795 | 187 66 40 52 |! 345 | 529 66 | 31 86 | 137 oceced ; |. ! ; : | , > veh M.. 126 i 46 9 3 Ti a 7 iT heaaraediaeed 7 5 20 + Both parents native -...- it “ 18 i ‘ x7 G 3 9 | 58 ; a 13 a 13 7 j One or both parents for- a 251 | 68 16 13 16 us | 180 29 10 a1 | Til asedaed 21 eign. Da 209 | 45 24 14 19 102 161 16 14 UBS etc sircdlosssiecied 7 ae M.. 1 2 3 7 4 9 us| py 1 ao Foreign Vornessseseeeetees LT 1 1 2 7 “3 9 109 | 31 |........ 23 COlOrOd osc aceese cee dceeisedaiccioaninend i 3 1 6 Ut: |gesniceteel saaeoeise. 4 Th aeginenit : Rirthplaces of mothers: | : : 24 | f 137 55 12 6 8 || 81 21 : i ss 164 |, 30 20 8 16 74 19 | - 26 6 2 1 1 10 4 25 England and Wales ........-- 1E.: 24 4 |p ey 3 | g! 10 | eel 227 |: 20 5 9 3 42. 109 a drole tere pss te iF: 218 19 B 6 7 44 94 | ‘ ie 58 lL 8: |aesrtines 3 17: 15 2 : 27 Germany .-----+++--2+--+---+ iF 33 | é 5 Byes. i B | 7 i a 4 1 4 25 5 285 Teal yercreereeererisrsretos2 YF 29 9 |ieeotered 4 4 15 | 3 | | | 29 | Ward 11 3, 643 585 181 144 M45] 1,055 | 1.597 227 230} 1,176! 30 Males ccscoseesiccie ier tet ieiece ess 1, 842 | B45 94 73 64 |! 576 846 103 iu 605 31 Pemalesincscecccesscu deeeigsscs vets 1, 801 |, 240 87 71 al 479 , TAL J24 119 571 32: AV lite sc ccae ecedoeeac caus tocete nomena ocebee 3,313 |) 529 153 122 130 | 944) 1,439 205 199 | 1, 080 es Pred ose = jes Tree es ee gas 33 . Native born......--2.----22-..-22-2- ee | 2.401 | 539 | 121 129 |. 940 |) 1,421 196 156 481 ates M.. 586 174 42 2B 93 | 267 365 43 29 Mm! 34, Both parents native.-...-.-.- ft 606 lis 42 29 37 | 207 ML aa 38 113 | | : en M.. 604 139 32 m4 33 | 238 | 373 ay 59 M1; Bl tetaidis 35 One Or both parents foreign: ie 1 529 98 32 30 a 194 | 323 49 40 109 BS lisassns Bs ees M.. | ul 30 103 1 36 Foreign born......-..----------+- f r = | 7 i ae oe 139 |........ | 1 37 Colored .-...-2---------22eeeee eet ece ere eee | 158 we 31 96 22 1 Birthplaces of mothers: sé | . ae ‘< ‘| 45 } | : - 26 2 y 45 34 3 522 55 38 United States ..-..------0+--22000+ ir oe B37 148 | 62 44 54 208 i 453 a4 z M.. 96 9 2 2 3 | 16 i, QT 4 39 England and Wales ...-..--------- i 93 Ri i 2 1 1! 10 95 5 M.. i 2 9 17 98 148 32 40 Troland), sgssesnazan7 sa oussenakaaes ie B00 51 13 13 12: ao}, 155 a1 a 156 | 25 5 6 42 || 67 3 41, Gormany «.-...22.22e22e-eeeee oo iF =) 108 8 3 5 5) ot! ge 5 M. 38 MW 2 $ 3 19 29 1 42 { Italy ... re ‘ 33 | 9 4 3 2! 19 || 28 4 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. -369 MAY 31, 1890, AT’ CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. | CAUSE OF DEATH. i | ] Cail ena. | | ' ; Can. | Hear ild- Dis- é ' ‘ \ | an- |; Heart) jirth | Dis-| case: Dis- i Sear-| Ty-| Ma- |... | Diar-| Con | ‘Whoop-| cer | dis- |, 7IPED © IS: | Cases | Qa seg 5 All All J. * | Diph- rheal Pnen- |S and pu-jeases| of the Old | Still- Un- = let hoid) larial P2 | Crow . | sump-} win | Measles.; ing and | vase ee Sies Bs of the other |,_ CAUSES: fever: fever.|fever. thet. " (fie | tion foals | cough. tu- | and empires’ pce urinary| #8° born. | causes, | DOWD. ; | ' SE TU { | mor. |dropsy. Ages: system. organs ' | : | og Aged We SN : Satay ey a, ence ent ore pee 7 | Ly artxe i i | I | ! | | ; a ' ‘ | ‘ 2,290 31; 13] 19} 138 | 29 262, 236 24 a1, 39 | 37] 107 | 8) 2; 85; 95; at 145 599 2) 4 1,183 a1 7| 9 s3/ ul wel a5. nT! ll wi 12 BS) be dence 17 139 51 4/82 303 |.-......] 2 1,157" 10 6} 10 8! 18! 139! 121 107 10 19° 35 52 8’ Ww 115 44/17) 63 294 2) 3 : | : i | 209} 31} 33] 19| 135 | 29 254) 295 215 21 27} 36) 103 gs! 29 235 90} 21] 143 583 2/4 > es ne el are Se ; 1,569' 29 9' 10} 130! 8 299: 115 129 | 19 26} 10 43 i, 19 159 40) 6: 143 430 1] 5 1 | 4 1 ' | 307 7 2! 3 1 4 36: 17 28 | 3 3.1 10 |... 2.2. » 30 53 43 88 |. Blig 27} Bj... i 3 34 3 gai 19, wv | 2 7) 5 Li, inemsate . oad 34 5 4 23 79 419 4751 14 3 | 2 a7! 6 74) 36. 50 | 8 deb sass Dich Stic uo ae 35 BP acl 36 13d. ceaesee } 7 453 5 3 3 a aL 34 6 w| 3 8 3) 2 39 | TB tie ose , 37 109 1 i i 1 BSG | vc waa li 4 HO echeuee Rae e) IB) ABBE ee tery A) TO" 29 eamczes hat 38 OBL . Ol oesaees GO): dit eas ds 361 2 3 | 5 3 | 1; 18 | 57 | 53 | 37 22 13 | seence 86 1i¢ : ! | : TH estes haste | haved 3 | iisessoSe gk a 9! 10 | Baa a) 1@)|sn meow: 9 34° 10] 2, 3 oe | 6, 52, 23> 39 41 8 8 4g 3 1; 2) 46] 6; 53: 36! aL | a4 a $j 30 2 1 3] 1 4 6 iesuwesemd|sacarcasteccca! 91 253 | 106 79} 68 500 776 105 a7 | | | t ! | : M.. 784 i eee 24 1! 5 I: 29 18 4 36 Foreign born...---+2-06-2eeeeeee iP Z FG lovdacuaes | 1 13 LI 3 f 20 16 39 | : t \ a7 Golareily xekaa seach ces eA Meee Bo pescreee: | Vheeceeeeee eee ye D jeeeeeeeefoeecceees ; i laces of mothers: | a: \ | i | Barth ; 6M. 6m) 170) Sey 7 4 18; 499 47 71 38 Tnited States -.----++--2-2-200 ’ e 7 535 | 34 | 37 | 10 41 298" 432 38 1 | M.. 10: 5 4 5 29 45 3 6 39 England and Wales .------------- SP v4! 9 | 3) ii 5 i 2 : ft GM. 1,101 | 128 | 36 | 33 By 237 3BR 65 88 | 40 Ireland... ..00ecceeeeeeeeeeeeteee PPL Low? 16} BG) a} ioe 381 70 87 | 6M.. 972 49 | 19! 13 11 92 14 19 15 | 4l Germany. sec veaset 36 ositese micas PF! 260 | 38 | 25: 19 19 | 101. 142 16 oh ' adnate Nan 6M | 216 | 49 | 1. rae 19 98) 140 9 5 42 | Scandinavia... ..-+-+-+-eeere ere UF..) 11 40 | 18 | 10 9), 7: 1s 10 12 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 371 NAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, TiRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. ' i gree | Child- | Dis- r i : Can- | Heart] 7; . Dis- Diar- ‘ birth | Dis- | eases Scar-| Ty- | Ma- : on- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases : Ali All . ~ 7 | Diph- rheal Pnen- _ and pu-|eases| of the Old | Still- : let Iphoid|larial| 77?" | Croup. ss sump- ., |Measles.; ing | and | ease : apy. | of the other causes: fever.' fever.|fever. teria: ie: | tion, | 70718- cough. tu- | and euperet iver cote urinary} 8° born. causes, | KHOWB, | eases. mor. |Aropsy.} gases, “I system. organs. ieee : : fess eal | | 2188! 45: 10! 26] 102 37 | 236, 253 183 13 30; 38] 129 lly 42 | 1092, 19) 6/ ou 47 21; 116 | 128 100 3 ai wi] a3|........ 2) 1,096 |; | 26 4] 15 55 1G} 120!) 125 83 10 221 26 61 11{ 20, / t . i 1,982) 45} 10} 23 98 36] 214 9 217 169 13 26 | 3G; 112 9} 40 | 1, 392 44 | 3] 14 94 34} 175) 129 94 13 26 8! 7 for AG 296 T feSaees 2 19 8 43 15 18 1 3 2: Bi lesicas set a 312 Wie caces 5 27 8 38 21 17, 3 9 410 a 2 | ' | 393 12 1 4 25 ll 48 46 32° 2 del oes Spe kt. 3 | 248 lL 1 si o3 7) 42 39 ort 7 10 ie i ay ak ‘ tf ! 275 |.....- 4 | eee 1{ oa] 45 92 BW eeeeeee 1B 312 1 3 5 j 4 1 25 42 19) 37 5 | 12 906 |.2sces[esosee gi 4 1| 22] 36 2! a7 a) 8 i | é : 2 90) 252223 4) 6 lt 3 5 Qi Dee 1 de fs Saeoesu Meee ee ! 2 1 2 2 54 BOs stees 3 16 31 | 3 8] 37, 34 3] 18 OS ushatess 1 2 i Dr fies abies 1j 3 1) 04% ee 4 i li. 5 107 6 wu} 35} 92 6! 15) 139 so} 22 78, B74. 2 (sascnitcict rd (gel ood aay : | 6u 2 a) 3] gol... 6 86 a2} 11, 50 200 J..--e-e } 47 4 6] 20 53 6 9 73 28 | Ik 8s 174 | 2 i ¢ ; | 96 6 lj 35 86 5] 15, 47 56/ 21, 75 cece : ‘ ! , 1,009 |, 24 | 10; 2b 17 ww] 115} 105 65 6 10] 18 bu 9 8 110 37 {18 75 ! : i fe 290 || 9 3 5 16 2! 3 20 20 1 3 5 IT jasczsees 3 33 wm! 4 29 15) lbcducete 294 4 2 1 27 3 | 37 21 22 1 2 9 17 1 2 32 12 7/4 74 1 211 3 3} 29] 31 13 1 4, 1 Ailgeeteeel o2zs2 7 8; 1 | 18 89 |Seaeuass 181 8 4 15 32 1 3 1 3 10 1 3 20 Ds ce siec 8 36 1 163 5 32 AG! ety insmaneeycosimccee 9 f3; Vesciedes 3 25 7 Bele ss sacs 40. |ocese cine 159 8 31 Wistert caeea! csicemien 8 23 3 4 12 12 2 £0: | cemsaer 124 M 22 Ulsacscenes be | sacs 6 A eke Sad 12 4 1s 3 Bi [asceeaee i 388 44 32 29 i 388 48 33 29 47 1 8 oh 35 1 6 5 |. 173 12 36 it 183 9 38 8 54 9 9 4}. 40 2 8 3}. 16 Oloseace 4]. 13 3 4 Sone 4,790 556 | 459 472 2. 530 62; 19} 42) 13% 45° 975 | 932} 287 20 30) 14 BEl [asec te 34 243 gx! 15 | 154 726 6 2, 260 64; Wt 35] 111 $60 281) 227) 185 19 25; 39) 106 55| 28 213 102, 228 j 138 546 1 : i 4,785 | 126; 30| 77; 242° 1 855! 459; 472 48 55 | 53] 194 55 | 62 456 200, 43; 292] 1,268 tt ey : ’ \ ‘ if ten , Stee eile, “eveney, re Po al 3 leas 3,208 | 115| 16; 40; 232 83; 493) 207: 244 45 52 7 63 ww] is] 397 37 5! 992 s92 3 i i 1 a 444 20 2 1; 34 wu! 53 ll; 33 5 TL jigesk< 6) sou seee 2 51 wy; 1} 46 143 1 392 || 15 1 +) 26 8; 64 ai! 20 4 5 4 6 5 3 45 2) Bi 62 104, fetearions \ 1, 229 35 7} 18 88 27) 185 a0; 121 23 18) |eceke | tend 6 124 25 li 105 351 | 1 1, 081 45 5| 17 2 33} 185 87 | 69 13 18 3 24 12 6 102 16 | eens 84) 279 | 1 784 7 9| 23 7 4 34] 184; 223 1 1} ou Dt piste ad 26 65 60! IBV... | yori 4 164 4 5} i 3 4 28) liz: 94 as a) 32) 75 38| 18 G4 BIN) 125 eeecton | 196 feevere ss | ! ' 5 llsmonesteseevaeacece Wsssedlestoasion T [ewteres | iewecnieacillacs ives tellne cep et| Senet dye aceeambar anaes! | deme anf nereal ie gneies I steiedaieeas pre levats AN aeceaaldeass | e | | ( d | | | 600 26 3 1; 49 20 81 17 | 49 7 16 |...-.- 9 Nees 2 62 ae ay bag 525 23 2 6 | 40 10 83 2: 29 4 u 5 6 | a 3 63 2 | Bi 62 103 7 eee I 4 1 14 GC: 18 DF ls venteeers 1 i ppaiclepenet oe 10 Cilieees:e 1! Th il Sb lessass 1 6 1 7 9 | 7 Dllyreins ed 1 3 | 1 1 10 | 4 | erica be 8 1,101] 18 8| 26 45 14 | 89) 188 160 13 GC) BR) ae esa 21 103 oo 1k | 42 1,097 '| 17 7! 49 19! Bs} 144 113 6 | $2 83 | Bi 93 731 19! 28 272 8 4 3 14 2: 36 27 26 3 6 1 1S: Saeesies 3 QT 3 Dit 260 13: |aneas 1 & 7 | 47 23 15 3 4 5 9 | ll 24 20 | 4 17! 216 3 34 5 BN 4! 36 26 | 20 DV Sedeaierd 1 3. bes reeas 2 20 a 15 161 7 2 1 6 Ti 32 10 9 4 3 31 li a Qs 16 15 a7 2 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe $7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND me wre 10 41 712 As ad 45 16 17 18 | 19° 29 30 31 32 33 BL a 36 37! 38 | 39 40 41 42, 1 ! AGE. i _ fl ~ SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | A Months. : ears BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. : as aaa i fs i ? |All ages.) “i | | | Under 3| B8to6 | Gto9 PYiolz | nets Under 5 5 to 15 [15 to 25.25 to 65! Over 65 hinove ' ¢ i i Poe nai ip asa ees tae a ee ee i Ward 12—Continued. i | ; a : Sanitary district: A.:<..02.cs.csevssesenees 1, 221 253 | 71! 67 58 449 f 661 76 57 375 52 |...-2--- : Beceem all i a : Mallss steecsten tee ote: | 630 145 | 34 a 33 | 24a 64 47 33 220 | Wei aleS s2coses a ceeemeceresuss | 532 108 | 37 | 36 | 23 206 , 297 22 | 24 155 | ; i ‘ . | Wiliteseses oo eee eee: 288 il 67 | 58 | 449) 661 | 76 | 57 8783 5B jeswaces Greene fall Waseca aps el hy fees ee oa ee! Native Vorn-sccsseseh.ncagseneeteban 253 | 70 66 53) dT GHG | 65 32 83 iG cecehasen : i ; i ; ne M.. : 2 6 5 ; i 60 | 83 | HO esi ees 12 Di sree Both parents native. -..-- ie cS 36 | iW 8 9° 5k | 72 | 3 9 10 cerns we i 1 i 1 One or both parents for- ¢ M. 101 | 7 25 26 } 179 | 262 | 31 16 eign. ¥F ..; 82 | 24 2B 16 5 150 | 217 20 | 12 ! i | Foreign born.....-.------.--- ; Me | COlOred vo vesis cleesscie co eeatlsiade sleet clei : 2 | ! ; | Birthplaces of mother: ! ‘| ' | { S30 9 9 2 ‘ United States ales i Be ' B | i e We | - ae 202 27 | 2 9 4 42 |! 62 | 15 J Tpgland os ereiehts sseecuets S} a5 18 | 5 | 4) 3 30 50 | u ri M.. 123 22: 5 10 7 4 43 63 WY GERMANYS sean sides diene ners iP = 113 23 | 8 | 2B 9 53 72 | 6 Pee a tnd M. 3 25 | 7 5 8 45 60 | 3 BeAUCNAVIA, seacc2utesietits iP : 53 15 | 5 | 3 1 24 37: 3 7 M 35 8 | 1 2 4 15 |’ Oe | 3 Mal yovences tteactemacnetacatss Po 15 4 2 2 1 9 12 1 | Sanitary district. B cs..ccc6 eee caaeeucecsese: 151 | 52 | Bt a) 21 409 46 53 Goer 1 S hoe bp 180 aol el = Males -....2.22.222200eeeeeeeees | ae! »! 18 18 141 220 29 We males -jsescicaiccessee aaa sis 23) 66 | 82 | 16 WwW 131 189 24 AY itev st Sacdae ane ens Lae "860 51 | a1 | 3h 35 271 408 46 Bn i | - pate Mie erage eee boc, 53] enh a Sst 2 a Native ben yeecesesgeceeveeseseace: S542 wo! 51! a 34 269 400 40 35 : M..| 64 28 G 3 9 36 iB) Diesen Both parents native ..... it a 66 |: 33 | 1! . ca ; si : ; One or both parents for- a..! 221 b4 | 15 1: lt 94, 156 W 7 eign. F.j 43 21 : 13 i 128 | 4 16 | | bb Foreign born ....--.------+-+ Po { : 1 19 ! 1 Colored cos s-sucsesepeeeeeee se sates \ PD asmatanen os aaeeies Birthplaces of mothers: 2 : \ e United States ....--....------ ; Abs: - . : : 3 | ae 4 sabeweee. - i Englaud and Wales.......--- oe . ij 4 | | 1 ¢ I Feacadl 6M. 202 |! aq7e3 5: 3, 5 30 | BOC 4 10° 2 POLED Sete nie anata ele rae UF... 184 20° 5! 4 4 33 | 47° 9 1 : M.. 60 15. 3 a 4 25 | 35° 4 GCP AlN eataaennceepe ces eee: F.. 59 | 5 | 7 4 4| 20 | 25 5 eadinath M.. 44 |! 7 4: z, 3) 17 |: 5 1 Scandinavia. ..---.----------+ Too 36 9 5 3! 1! 7 36 >? i 2 3 : ' i ' ' Sanitary district C 2, 706 | 423 | 176 | 124 , 135 858 1.378 179 160 AMalOe aston We eee ds | 1383/ 20! 9! Go, 79 45s 737 8 7° Females ..-2ccceeeesevcas see 1, 323 203 | 87 | 53 | 56 404 G4 HY 90 h i 1 ' White....----------------------------+- 2, 706 423 | 176 ' 124 | 165 858 1.378 179 160 ; Native born... 2-.2.02-seeeeeeee ees 1,835, 422 7G; 12k BL 8531, 880 162 19 184 20 1 sescaies 1 ' i ae M.. 268 | 66 7 26 | 23 | 142 220 20 1 16 8 oamrgeae Both parents native.--.- it : 237 72 36 5 a1 30 | 139 193 16 a 12 Britee doa : , ! One or both parents fur-¢M.. 679 » 152 | 62 BR 560 308 496 53 4G 82 2), [id Serctaes eel eign. Prise 626 128 61 36. ad F 259 431, TL 59 G4. Es areseench sy | : \ j : M.. A220 2 eee ! 3 7 10 20 313 62 Foreign born ..-..---+------- Sir a $49 | 1 Li 2 il 7 ai 317 93 | i : . Colored .-.--------- 220 6-- 2-22 e eee eee ee cee eee stinie «lanes grape ect ha aoe yeas beeeeee eee : eteanireea teal " Sse cans | Pde ow yin ans aan le ety ieee seeiliesveuds 1 it ' Birthplaces of mothers: | | : : ‘ f oa aaa M.. 358 | 85 37 34 27 183 299 | 29 G: United States ..-----------2++ Fo. 311 | 93 - 30 23 25 171 253 a7 9 M.. 64 i 3 4 2 5 ‘ 26 ! = England and Wales.....----- ii rie 416) 5 J 3 : 4 i _ 3 3 M. 6o7 84 29 23 295 165 270 | At 51 Treland ..--2----2+220ee ere eee KF. 728 63. 29 20 14 BL 224 i 30 G4 M. 89 42 G 3 3 241 36 | 4 5! Germany ..---+++ +2002 e072 Sir. ' 838 10 | 10 ? 6) 29 43: 5 3) : M. 7 7 | 8 3 8. 36 55 3 1s, Scandinavia. .-.-..---+-++-+-- F. 72 16 | @s 5 a 36 mar 5 4) NBW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 373 MAY 31, 1880, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | i | ! | ine fea ioe th Rae ‘os ul t | ' f Child- Dis- “ ' i ln | | Rae ts Can- | Heart] ‘firth | Dj Dis- | wr be | Diar- | Ww dis. | birth | Dis- | eases i Aan |)Scar-, | rheal | “O" | Pneu- loop) cer | OS" \and pu-|euses| of the | °48¢5 | oa | stin-| AM: on. let | halal eal Croup. | 7). sump- ~. |Measles.| ing | and | ease ~ | of the other | causes. |lp con. Fevers Rewer’ thet. | dis- | tion, | Monia. cough.| tue | and |{& etal oe nerv- lorinary| 28° | born. causes, | Known ' | eases. ! mor. (dropsy. ver.] ous [organs ' | i \ | ?*) eases. system. ‘ i | \ ; ' i ! i ; \ i i 1,221 39 © 5 \ 27 40 24; 185 108 110 20 23 12 39 16 17 108 40 8 i 96 | 347 1 L a P nanteente pecan, ee | anaes ieee viata till . 689; 2° 4) 1 18 nl! om: 59 78 | u 12 3 1g |....-...) 9 64 27 3! 48! 209 a) ae 532 4G | li 6 22 13 64, 49 32 | 9 il 9 21 | 8 44 19 5 | 48 | 138 |.---.--. 3 j | ' | 1,219), 39! 5 27 «40 24} 135) 108 110 20 23) 12 39/6} 417 108 46 8 96{ 345 1| 4 — a ) — | 20/ 120! 46 54 | 18 D8 ieee 9 5} 8 84 2) 1] 96) 2464... 5 ! ! [oo 2 | 8 | 3 1 1 17 2 15 : a: 15 5 | 3 2 de Wiersiaatina’| anacstovatend 2 AS! |iaaausinss: 15 Bh ! 51 55 21) 29 9 | 9.0... 5 (eee ae 2 31 Tiles 31 102 |. a i 7 10°: 40 1 14 Gh 10} |e aence 3 2 2 21 @ lesesse 33 83 “ ai 67 6 2 8 3 WWW MOR WE 458 860 |, 2 ee 2 SB Wemesare 3 3 a : i 221 6 2) 1 13 6 33 16 28 2 tl afacertons Ah losin: 3 2 15 DF [eee sic: 24! CL] -sicciccere 21 180 9 li 2! 6 6 30 20 10 3 3 3 3 5 2 13 Dh eceees) 17 46 |...-22.. ' } | \ 2 | 2+ 30 28 are mioaiale we liseiarpscisis i 4 TD |ecseyscex 6 14 12 | D sisters 42 1 hoe : 1 | 19 22 | 1 14 6 13 7 3 15 16 | 1G Niavsierninins 29) | aie sis ciere Jetees Geaszoe at |eceexdl seatiets| scented cauaces [seems | ye see| beetearatiee fans terra lace a ger Reecwcitieaaahis Dh ewe 2e 28 f a 9 6 7). 1 2 3 1}. 27 32 25 | 23 3 5 |: 6, 2]. 6! 8}. 3 3 259 , 268 22 22 26 120 27 33 276 | 116 27 137 685 4) 29 i26 | 153 16 12 7 Sih seis-cisaae 18 146 | 52 10 13 ' 375 3 | 36 133 \ 115 6 10 19 67 27 15 130 | 64 Tit 64; 310 1} 31 4 2 358 40 WW) 36.0 AL 26 5 We leaesed 6 |.-...-. 38 8 1 28: 311 29 Bi 86% 4B 17 2 6 2 4 9 Li 33 1 2 33 G4 Drees foo 5 4 1 -f od igraciai fh oad 5 Bt lies Sts estne 46 5 i! 4 5; 6 Tl genet 1 1) Teed! 7 Bi luce sce 2 697 | 37! 7) 62 91; 99 4 3 4 90 Naakeacea 12 68 26: 6 29 728 39 15 2 4 7 2 2) 12 54/17} 11 | 66 50; 1 16 8 1 : 8 lewsaweaae 2 Toecaccedanse 1) 11 5 2 4 88 4 1 18 6! Oe rantecn | 4| 4 2} 6 5 2 4 79 7 1 5 7h 43 ih eae for o4n Ol edcalt, | 1K 72 | 3 1 17 3 i 3 1 1 1' 1 1. 2 4 374 VITAL STATISTICS. TanLe §Y.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ‘ AGE. : ! Months. Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AN 1 \ 0 ages. | : Total =| = ~M, = =| Un- » ! a; os to 2 Under3! 2t06 | Gtod \° 012 | ander 12]] Onder 5 | 5 to 15 | 15 1025 725 to.65| Over 65 | Aten, ic fee ee eee od . | Ts NVaR 1B os. pec aon oc eee aaa 3, 068 476 156 137 107 |, 876 |] 1, 268 138 19g | 1,044 £19 | 1 2 Mia 8 cece se cz-pvdiarasias's Gee haweslaes 1, 606 257 | 93 2B 66 |, 489 683 64 96 579 184 |... 3 Feinalesscescsy easecesgecesteosenane 1, 462 219 | 63 64 41 387 585 14 102 465 235 i 4 White degen tc teen tate et Aenea LL Ie 3,047 475 155 136 106 872 |} 1,263 138 197 | 1,036 412 1 pee = 5 Native Yorn...---:e+-c--se+eeseessenes ass | 45/154} sk} 106 |; geo 1,250) a2) ase | 56 i : M 6412 130 | 38 41: 28 237 327 29 40 173 6 Both parents native..--...--- F 610 M4; 35 40 21 alu 295 36 33 137 52 34z 30 31 116 7 One or both parents foreign. iP uae ‘ be 277 34 50 14 ‘ a 1 5 4 22 261 8 Foreign born....----------------- ; ee il 7 3 7 313 9 Colored) ssscscexeescseczsateceecacsewsees 4 all as cerecces 1 8 Birthplaces of mothers: a in a9 i | 400 10 United States. .-..-----.-----+--- {Po 339 347 38 37! 155 6 11 England and Wales...--.-------- ; Mes 1 a ‘ j a M.. 47 68 10 17 135 ie Trehiadl seohesseseiivencerectnenet § F.. 38 69 10 35 148 13 Scotland cdc-cncaveclometdeesioes ; ats . 3 3 Wipes 1 3 ae i M. 93 125 14 14 126 if Germany -------22--re ec reee seen ; F. 68 100 19 18 86 15 Sanitary district A..........-2--2--2220.20 900 252 356 41 64 305 3d ee cs 16 Males 478 |! 69 30 8 7 | 144 200 21 32 175 7 Females 422 59 20 20 9 108 156 20 32 130 = 18 SW ate cinch see hewecetncaemectect 895) «127 50 47 26 230 354 41 64 303 135 ee : ore -| ! 19 Native born oot 197 49 47 26) 249 352 40 53 178 TL fesayseee C 3 | as M.. 211 36 12 16 9" 73 107 9 16 58 fr eaeucee | 20 Both parents native --..-. ; r.. 187 | 30 4 14 3 61 80 li 5 b i 21 One or both parents for- 5M. 144 30 17 11 66 88 11 8 35 eign. F.. 135 26 6 6 $4 72 9 22 30 | 2 Foreign born .2+.2+e-s-ee---- iret) Ce ie ee ess 3] 23 Coloted..2: 2 .escncseuntdetecacckasancse 5 1 De leissercise oe | u 2 2 Birthplaces of mothers: ae \ : 3 243 43 18 1! 89 129 11 17 G4 24 United States..-...---..----- ; F.| 216 36 4 4 il 3 98 11 8 51 39 i 25 England and Wales.....-..-- ioe ‘ oe 4).- : aieeeee ‘ 3 : Z i 2 M.. id 2 1 14 19 3 6 39 26 Ireland .--..-.--------------- ; r_. 33 2/ 9 20 3 12 33 27 Scotland ....2.2---22-22e02e02 ee . 7 oy f pa : M.. 81 24 | 3 4 3 25 ee ay a) | A ea oe | | ! 29 Sanitary district B.....---..2-22-202022222 | 1, 286 207 62 54, 44) 307 538 a1 73 418 146 |.-...... Vee Seal FPF! an A ] | . are anne oo 30 MONG s .cxauneearewecenereadtnc | 635 111 33 29 | ag | 201 |! 280 21 33 227 31 Pemalésis cceseceessqeeccenessies ‘ 591 96 29 25 i 16 |. 166 258 30 40 191 32 207 62 i | S4 367 538 51 72 418 M5 jee... 33 207 (oo 53 | 44 366 |; 530 46 Bt 197 | G4 [eee re M.. 219 50 10 15 10 |! 85 110 9 u 66 | 2 34 Both pareuts uative...--- ie 208 - 44 | rel 2 8 | 75 2 14 R re | 1 35 One or both parents ale a 231 | 60 23 13 18 114 165 9 ll 40 GF figeascce eign. F.. 212 50 18 13 8 | 89 140 13 16 35 Pees cet : M.. da Vsecade saelcncaceees 1 liveness z ag BOIL SST oirpetetrs Soe te 100 | pensoelget arene ev Nad ache! Lees i A aad) caged) Seg eee : | ‘ i 37 Colored .-..----+-----+----5++0- ee ete ee f 24 es desdzilagsiteee vs |oukdeenien esas eee ae RSet tera cone 1 seeeeeeee| Iieeeoncs Birthplaces of mothers: " a a ; - is | s : | 7 : 255 | 1 14 9 15 68 38 United States ..-.+.---.----+- if as 907 | 43 | R 14 8, 82 124 14 bP 49 39 England and Wales.....----- om ‘i 1 A 40 Prclandeascsseesconsceseeseeee § a S 41 Scotland ... } \ 3 re 59 42 Germany ....-----------0e0004 ie NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 375 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. Chila | { : hild. | Dis- . | 7 Can- | Hear’ A | Di Dis- Diar- : birth | Dis- | eases Scar-| Ty- | Ma- ‘ Con- Whoop-| cer dis- : eases . All All 3 =.) | Diph- rheal Pneu- + and pu-j| eases! of the Old | Still- . Un- canses. }|, let phoid larial theria.| CPUP-| “dis. [S¥™P-| monia. /Measles.|_ ing | and | ease | eneral ofthe! nerv. | of the age. | born. | ther | pawen.! fever.|tever.'fever. eases. | tn- cough.: tu- | and is. |liver.| ons [Utinary causes. mor. dropsy.] gases. system. organs. | oe eae eee a feces tl ner SS Foe 3, 068 53 29 36 102 62 287 401 297 17 20 64 183 26; 40 340 177 | 50 203 677 | 4 1 1,606 || 27] 18] 16 41 32] 150] 228 163 8 13] 19 92s |e aie | 22 181 95| 15/ 114/370! a) 2 1, 462 | 26 ll 20 61 30 137 173 134 9 7 45 91 26 | 18 159 82 35 89 } 307 + 2 3 3, 047 53 29 36 102 62 287 398 294 li 20 64 181 26 | 39 337 174 50 202 ' 4 2,315 521 18 25 98 57 263 283 196 16 20 29 94 22! 20 257 | 100 33 202 i ! : : : 642 13 | 2 9 19 12 68 76 62 2 7 8! 90: | ecacecctait f 4 70 | 31 8 63 | | 610 | 10 3 8 30 10 58 60 44 4 2 16 31 ll 6 65 28 21 49. 528 | 14 7 4 20 18 G4 72 48 5 6 |.-.--- | GY odode 5 60 17 1 49 | 484 | 15 4 4 29 17 61 65 41 5 5 5 16 il 3 52 21 3 36 | | 390 ||..---- 7 3 2 2 % 72 52 de WN cescarseceae 11 BO externas 10 44 43 Gi iecrsiaissos i ! 338 1 8 1 3 17 43 AG ls:3 aicisiseint|aresaversn 24 42 4 8 36 31 TD scenes | Meera stede call Canal ekesatl canted aceiad 3 | gl a eed all soe Stl eal Q |... 1 3 3 lasserse 1/ | | 735 | 18 4 9 24 16 | 80 89 7 3 9 8 88 |sescee ss 5 87 37 8 72 | : 694 | 14 3 8 36 13 66 65 53 5 2 16 36, id 6 17 34 21 54 108 © 1 2 1 2 1 6 20 15 1 12 4 8 9 4 2 2 6 3 2 13 4 3 3 2. 4 15 4 32 17 2 10 6 6 27 7 24 28 9 12 2 Dee raietoce 2 4 Tt reratiere= 1 naeisepsl e 1 | 124 2: 19 2 5 2 3 7 1 oa 9 i : 70 | 2 15 145 m1 12 7 264 | 1/99 635 | 9 4 4! 15 13 60; a7! 76: 6 | 7 7 ra haa saaee 7 7! 36 4 46° 134 1........1 30 591 | 2 1| uw 35 17 Bot a7 5 44 17 26 12 8 69' 38 8 32 130 1; 31 124) a} 5] is] 40 30/115; 156! | | = —, 891} 20 1} i 38 Cs a ; { 219 | Ora 2 8 3 a1! 25} 208 Bl etacls 6 RB 5 Ie | 19) 231! Ff Tlessee 6 9 34 25 | 22) 6 jee... 3 12 10 31: 23: il H i ! 173 |1.-.2-- 3/2 1 1! 5° 3g! 160 ys!) cob 5 2 6) 7, ee liesiade [unease naan [baat Nala Pau t | 1 ! i ! : 23° 265 21 22 | 32° a 2 6 i 9 29 | Ti 294 Lape 3% ee 1 2 18, 16° 18) iL 316 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months | cears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. i 7 1 | < Allages. H ‘ il hee | | | * Dele Bto6 | 6to9 | 9tor2 Junder 12 Under 5| 8 to 14 |15 to 25/25 to “e Over 651, 00" | ‘ eee ei one feet se aaa : : Ward 13—Coutinued. i i ' ' i i : ' 1 Sanitary district C......2..20.2-26.20eee2e+ 942 11 i 44 35 | 37 257 374 | 46 61 | 321 | 139 1 2 ' ine eal { | ; 7 2 Males ...2..0..2.200e0ee cee ee ee 493 77 | 30 | 16 | A} lad ! 203 | 22 31! azz 60 |... 3 Females......----..2-2++20020+ 449 64 14! 19 | 16 | 113 i 171 24 30 | 144 | 79 1 i ff 1 , ! ' i ! i 4 Wihiteus: = 5. renee ee eae 928 141 | 43 | 35 | 36 255 1 371 46 61 315 | 134 1 2 fae Gates 3 al Suess ee 5 730 qi! 43 | 34 | 36 254 |! 368 46° Bl: 186 : 19 bec soto : | Ht ! ; ; 2 M. 212 44 16 19 9 79 | 110 | 1 10: 49 BD |e nana 8 Both parents native... . iF Zz 215 | 40 10 4 10 | T4103 | 11 | 16 | 50 | 85: |eaorneed 1 ‘ 7 One or both parents for- 4M. 153 33 43 6 uj a 89 10 12 | 41! DY ean eign. iF 137 24 4 4 5 i 37 | 65 12 12 39 Oisesecec x M.. DIG soe tee gate eel cece eet Nhe \ | ncecicsetee 9 | 77 | 8 Foreign born...-..--.-------- § F.. 8B i looonseaalaseancoes Viksca ae ii Bl Sediecs i} 52 | 9 Colored ... u |). tol soesecnt 1 24 Bs Ogaden | 6 | 5 lead Birthplaces of mothers: ue oat 7 ae 38 < 46 | 8 | : O. - oc 19 United States....-..--.----.- if Ty) 851 47 84 395 B 17 | 55 2 i 1 England and Wales .... . ae a4 ; t ve ponte i z | wi ; M 83 6 19 2: 4 4 37 | Ce Ireland ....---.--++-++-2+00+- ; F. Bt 6 9 23 2 6 a | B M 7 1 1 1 ei 2 4 | F.. 6 |l.-- 1 1 soneees 4. ‘a M.. 74 19 25 5 33 | F.. 56 10 14 | 4 23. 15 5, 048 864 323 267 243} 1,697 || 2,606 : 277 | 300! 1.516 ! i : 4 t : 1 aera Se ea 16 2, 656 501 151 147 132 | 931 1,393 | 150 151 816 17 2, 392 363 172 120 111 766 | 1,213 | 127 | 149 700 18 5, 044 864 322 267 | 243°] 1,696) 2,605 276 | 300° 1,514 : lana ee fee ae a 19 3, 536 863 317 261 238 1,679 || 2,561 ! 246 , 218 451 | 58 2 ' M.. 588 183 43: 49 44 319 451 36 24 61. 15 1 20 Both parents native........- iF > 540 129 59 | 35 40) 263 | 408 28 | 17! 58 29. fusseecins i : | : 21 pata 1,257 312 106: 903 97 79 | M74 | Laos One or both parents foreign. . ; ¥ 1/089 230 106 775 | 82 94 132 | 5 i i i : M. 755 || dsepseaes fosereeee 21 13 44 | 556 | TO olan coke 22 Roreign born s-22enecuseaseesseees iF : 741 5 18 17 37 501 , 168 |.....--- 23 Colored cox sscerscas acenoves sescescsdmecnwen af |lheceses 1 1 leant 2 evasistsiarraiall otis de bien Birthplaces of mothers: sf Sal sie Ps sai ap ‘ i : : , , . ai | Z 24 United: States. cas2:scnArsntaecee Ye.) 6 134 73 B01 35 22 | a | M.. 78 9 4 25 4 4 32 25 England and Wales ....-...-..--. j F. 14 6 2 93 9 2 | 36 | M. 953 120 29 320 52 66 | 447 26 Treland...----+---++2+2+2r0ree++- ie 946 73 31 273 49 80! 436 CM. 567 101 32 209 24 34 178 ' 27 UF. 486 11 47 259 28 32 195 | es 92 26 9 64 3 3 21 | 28 “ee 3 63 a 4 51 1 45 5 29 | Sanitary district A ..-.-...2.--2---2-20- 20 1,072 | 161 70! 553 65 61. 324 67 2 i yeaa) i 30 Males 567 88 29 297 37 34 | 168 30 1 31 505 73 41 256 28 a7 156 37 1 32 1, 071 161 70 553 65 61 | 323 | 67 2 as 735} 161 69 543 62 3): 5,2 : = 9 2 ‘ 5 34 Both parents native ..... {ee ah oh i 8 Z a A Be zy ' 35 One or both parents for- {he 291 | 60 22 203 30 20! 37 | Dh Wierda ead eign. F. 27 45 31 180 21 19 | OGhocgaeeae 1 ; M. WO? 4 aici ia|aoadesees 4 2 2 | 91 | 36 Foreign born...-------------- f F. 166 Woes: i 4 1 « ee | | 37 Colored ..----------- +0000 seer 2 rr eeee ee DV leee terse cdeeeeee eee Birthplaces of mothers: a United States.....----------- ; PF. 38 M. 39 England and Wales...-.-.---. Sir cl M.. Treland ..---.--+--+--+------- ; FF. 40 ni Scotland ....----------- ----- § Ro 41 M.. a5 Germany ------ -----+--++--7- ; F.. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 317 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | i j \ 1 ' Child- Dis- F ! Can- | Heart} 7: 7 Dis- Diar- . birth | Dis- | eases Scar-| Ty- | Ma- . ‘on- Whoop-| cer | dis- ‘ t eases . All All ¥: 2) Diph- rheal Pneu- 5 and pu-| eases] of the Old | Still- Un- let | phoid! larial -. | Croup.| g;. |sump- ;. |Measles.| ing j; and | ease srallot tl ~ | of the other causes. |irever.|fever.|fever. theria. estes tion. ; 20m cough.| tu- | and ae eae pate urinary| *8° bora. causes, | FROWN. mor. |dropsy-| eases. | system.| CT62n8- j 1 Dc ape cee el and lea = | | | 58 19 57 194 | 2 1 34 7 33 102 2 2 24 12 24 92! lacie ease 3 i i 55 19 57 | 191 2 4 29; 9, 57. 154 i| 6 i 10 3 20 | 47 1l[l¢™ 8 4 17 | 28 Teecenene 5 6) lorena 13 Bin 2 7 Tope) cMepeesoad 11 1G | sisierereie 95, | uisivareiatfierserare sie 257 5 3 5 7 5 27 38 23 1 2 2 WO eenaess 24 30 14 3 23 251 2 2 13% 4 22 32 26 2 1 6 12 Be heicceates | 31 9 4 18 47 1 1 1! 1 2 10 @ Ise TU Wescsiee oles 2! 5 4 i 1 s 4 1 2 |- 1: 3 3 a 3 8 |. 2 9 2 7 |. 5 5 S 2 2, 656 40 21 27 82 62 317 301 332 10 19 18 TUB ilies eceees 22 305 111 8 191 GID sialic 16, 2,392 52 15 35 91 48 333 260 211 12 24 38 97 53 25 261 122 27 125 563} | sisi ccises 17 5, 044 92 36 62 172 110 650 561 542 22, 43 56 215 53, 47 565 233 35 316 | 1,234 |..--.-.. 18 Eo eh mers aes cleat ig eae , ' soni palace 3, 536 89 19 39 166 108 577 286 312 | 20 40 14 | 15 21 13 416 1 6 316 DLE? | esceacazsiae 19: 588 1l 3 3 22 9 88 29 ‘ 52 2 11 1 VEE he siesassce 1 89 11 2 66 540 16 2 i 19 18 83 31 | 36 4 8 6 | 12 3 3 67 14 4 42 i ' | 1. 257 27 7) 59 52) 195 | 119 143 | 8 6 Dy BB eee a 136 A aise 123 1. 089 | 35 4 17 66 29 209 93 719 6 14 5 | 25 17: 3 118 QD ficesiss 81 755 || 2 Bl TD aece ee 1 32) 143 195: lenses 1! 15! 80°. 1 15 73 15 156 741 | 1 8} ll 6 1 40! 131 95 2 21 26: 60; ; 19, 75 83 127 ! ; | Pilate | Sopaiesloeeee iy Ones | needle Ano tea eel tees atts lstebacy, Radia Mise Be ligase he seen Vl escere ss 23 | | I i f 732 | 15 3 3 33 13} 118 37 hj, Wales " 1) 10; 15 o 76 tog 652 | 23 2 8 25 18 107 39 6} 12 4 3 84 | 15 4) 46° 78 |...---|------|----2-] eee eee 1 7 8 3 9 nee couee 2 | 12, Deas ! 5 {25 14 Wassauctosecce 2 3 1 8 10 7 ae 7 2 1) qe? 4 1! 3, r 953 13 8 15 26 24 68 151 129 1 1 8) Day Weenie accross 13 100 , 62 4, 45 : {26 946 21 6 15 34 12 78 146 91 1 7 18 ; 53 26 14; 110} 17 15: 27 567 9 5 6 14 77 69 74 2 4 6 OL ijezecsecs 2 | 58 : 26 21 39 : hor 486 6 4 8 UL 93 42 49 4 7 10 19 14 | 5 47 ' 19 5 22 y 92 2) 1). 1) 12 3 18 3 seers ae[hse cc Diane, 1| 5 Bilixseee iBT . bog 63: |lecea celeste 2} 10 5 Ot We acerca Aa letos 30 Dexa | Bel ceboenale 12 1 1, 072 15 6 10 43 22 133 113 : : 49 9 63 : 567 6 3 5 26 14 57 64 i 27 2 38 | 505 9 3 5 17 8 16 49 22 t 25 : 1,071 15 6 10 43 22 133 113 49 9. 63 | Crema ite — ot - tilt cnnosiiu a | icbetae —— 735 |) 15! 2] 6! 42 22) 4g] 56 ul 2) 63: i 1 99! asietvea| coec cell teeeis 5 2 13 3 1 ts di! 90 2 | sine eases 1 4 ll 5 3 1! 7; i i 291 6 2 2 21 12 39 28 38 I, |wssasses|eceass Go ps snautaies foie 31 Gi [acta 27 | 247 Pleas ees! 4 15 4 55 19 Oi Scaaeewas 2 oe 6 8 2 26 Ic lewces 18 | 167 ||.....- 1 Bi | sicseieaiafesitese= 5 32 $8 lesescuass|sxeareen 4 TG} |c2ssce 35 | 3 15 20 dsr sce 166 |].-..-. 3 1 DU Nesepeiaeintae 10 25 7 ded 1 2 12 12, 2 16 15 Ci lemaciavs DY ected 5 gece ocieek He te Geet Aled ef oe edt bora tar Reh ee SC SI ool Eee | cere. te, [peo Blass | cece sel eceese eee | 391. 43 |. 7 4 54 50 1 1 fe 29 19 378 VITAL STATISTICS. TasLy 8Y.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND a m De 16 17 18 19 20 38 39 40 4l 42° AGE. | | ae SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ; Months. ! SATB: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. | peers " i Allages.! | | a |Unaers| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9 to12 |! TO | Unders] 5 to 15 |15 to 25 | 25 to 65 | Over 65 | own, i 1 ! I : ! = ae oo ey oer Stoll a 7 tik 1 Ward 14—Continued. : | | | | i Sanitary district b..... ..--.-.------+----- 1,792 357 118 102 93 | 650 | 980 | 96 104 ; 491 T21 leeeeceas ‘ae 2 See Sa ee Males 943 | 201 oT 55 48, 361 | 518 45 | 60} 268 | G3 deaicsaeua Females 549 | 136 61 4 45 | 289 | 462 al | 44) 233 CO: leanacea Wihlitesdgschence ees csemseeecarens aged 1,791 337 1i7 102 93 649 | 979 | S6' 104 491 DOTS irccrres tak Native boru.....-.---..--2-222----- 1, 257 336 116 99 89 640 | 957 | 77 7 133 Iu eseeeaae 1 \ i i M.. 71 53 14 lk 10 91 127 8! 10 21 Blea Bock parents sAiive:scbs iF ai 11 33 7 13 14 || T7! 130 10 5 7 OD leeweeves One or both parents fur-¢ M.. 473 | 145 42 37 34 | 258 | 373 28 ; 28 42 eign. VF. 409 | 10 41 24 21, 206: 316 30 | 25 36 I { : M. FAV Wored sae cactaian’sesrs 2 3 |. 5 ul 8 | 19 188 44; lonoeneee Foreign born. .----.---------- 5 F. 258 | A | ete iecr ebremmertod 1 7 U1 | 14 168 58 |..------ { 1 | @oloréd:.c.-2% se sececesteesansicaeeeeees= 1 j pst aevatus Th pier ese ecee 5 1 J \eesaceses ven eee eel eee e) eee ec leeee eee Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ 5 . ' és 3 a sg : (iis 223 63 20 19 16 118 173 | a: , United States a.5 nts sosie she YE. a1 | 44 8 7 7 101 168 | 12 6 19 England and Wales.....----- ; ale i ; fectdast 2 pinks 1} it é ala es i 10 M; 304 | 53 10 7 9! 79 117 17 23 U1 Tpeland..-nc-2aceesndends ase ; EF. 326 25 40 12 ul 58 |/ 100 16 | 21 M5 . M. 243 54 18 18 17 | 107 150 6 16 0 Germany ....------.--2---20+ ; F. 210 | 48 20 13 12 | 93 136 14 | ll 38 | Russia and Poland ....------ e $8 | : 3 : : | y | at 3 | i s a 20 | O fleeveds : Sanitary district © ..........020-222-20025- 1,563 | 258 94 78 71 | 501 | G54 v4! 108 504 {OGM wine Ly: | i | | i ON 823 | 153 47 41 37 | o7g || 412 44 | 40 27 eee Females...2.2- 2220000220022 20- 740 | 103 47 37 34 | 225) BR 30 63 297 Br henvnwes Wihitenicuccscdadcduaqeaeaeasccencnecen 1,561 | 258 94 738 mi) Bor || 734 73! 108 503 TPB) eeveatouin zt i Native DOr e:s22s2es26en5cee8 eset ' 4,097 | 258 92 76 WW i 497 TAA 66 | 82 14, OL, |eeegecee 4 i 4 M. 245 | 74 17 19 1d |; 124 |) iz or" 11 23° 8 Both parents native -...- iP : 191 | 44 23 13 16 |" 96 137 5 10 23 16 One or both parents for- § M-.. 332 | 78 29 19 23. 149 225 19, 20 67 ; Lf csveses) eign. Fr. 312 GL 22 23 18 124 199 20 40 51 Deane : M.. ieee 1 5 2! 9 179 37° ase sieht To etedats 3 4 3 12 149 69) aeiegemed t i Colored 2seescescrccsveseszeapiaeeceee ee i Oe ecsereadiemnsenie |emelice eettoeteosene, Seecedadalicinctes eer Alm crete dt) vooekees: sue! Birthplaces of mothers: | Baty a aa M 287 82 21 23 18 14d 208 25 12 34 8 United States {ro | 36 50 26 18 7 1 163 a B 26 7 M.. 3 2 2 1 leaker sec 5 Gs Vesey Lgeseteees 17 7 | England and Wales.......--- iP 35 2 i 1 1. 5 8 2 i| B 9 M. 247 30 3 4 6. 45 72 9 7 132 17 Ireland ..----.22--2-22e0eree ; F. 259 16 10 5 5 36 62 12 98{ 197 30 |. . M 149 15 7 6 9 37 61 6 6 G4 12 |. Germany seveeneescea settee iF 137 P 6 6 4 2 4h 8° 44 16 |. Thal 6M 65 18 6 4 2 30 43 2 3 16 Li. PALIN Siete tsea center 2h stots oii UF. 42 17 2 4 3 my 36 li 25 2 1 Sanitary district D 621 108 41 38 27 214 | 319 42} sa! 197 3L Malestiiasfdiags iddaadaceousete 323 | 59 18 19 19 151166 | a4! 7! 103 13 Females.......----+-++-++---+-- 298 | 49 23 19 8 99 153 | 138, 15 | 94 18 Wihitesicavedicasseseicsdaenatteeeet: 621 | 108 41 a 27 | 214 319 | 435" 32 197 Oi“ adieeas Native born.......-2---+2-2202ee0 es 447 |] 108 40 | 38 7 213 315 i) 29 66 | se i | ; 1 f | : 7 ‘ Both parents uative....-- ie a ! 2 3 2 1 . | iL : : ee 1 " : maser | os One or both parents eg 161 | 29 131 es 9 65 | 102 | 20 ay DA Pacha eign. Boas 2 | 13 4 | | Foreign born.-..--.------+--- § Ake Colored wadeyroatse cia neaneemarane ss fas 22 Birthplaces of mothers : os | i ae 7 es = TMIGAG SMES sce sceeenaen cH ne # a. | Do 2 ; 1 I Uapeecteete, ed ope a) | 1 1 England and Wales ..-..--.-- Tot ecko ipobeee Soest doa 1) Oi cura ewee ave aas 9 =, . ar | 7 eee ee a) ae ey eee 10 2 T lhscetares ss 13 on G 5 Germany..---------- 275 ++ 3 6 a . us a i : 5 Li 1 1 8 | LE ae ti ee Seemvace Italy ----------- 2-2 e creer 4 1! Teed etees 6 Boer eee 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 379 . MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. ¢ i j ' Child- | Dis- . . : Can-| Heart; 7. +o! Dis- ! Diar- i : birth | Dis- ! eases Sear-| Ty. | Ma- faa, th ion: } Whoop-' cer | d i eases re All ca let | phoid] arial ent | Croup rhea sump-| Pnen- Measles.| ing | and | ease land pu. ortho i of the of the Old Bul: other ee * lfever.|fever.|fever tion. ; ! cough.| tu- | and j ye + we, urinary] 28° | P°TD- | causes.| DOWER i eases mor. ldropsy, “is: |liver.| ous | Oro: | ( ! . P eo eases. system, | T3208. i t ; i i | \ 1, 792 ¢ 39 11 20 62 188 | 9 12 | 20 66 ll; 16 210 87 11 lit | 943 18 8 8 26 | 120 | 2 6! 5 BE cenode! 6 104 42 3 69 8419 21 3 12) 36 68 ‘ 7 6' 15 32 il 10 106 45 8i 45 1, 791 39 11 20 | 62 | 188 | 9 12 | 20 66 1L 16 210 87 ll 114 1, 257 36 9 Il | 57 111 8 M1) 5 27 3 3 | 151 22° al 114 171 5 BP fessess | 7 3 27 10 AP fscecw sic! 8 [hese B |e 2aiGa wal seine 20 D tocicarars 18 i 171 GS losses 4 | 6 9 22, 10 14 2 Wcmeckon 3 4 | eccseses|eonces 26 3 1 13 | | ' i 473 | 11 4 2) 19 23 88 32 52 2 S scwees SB ileseee ees lee cions | 55 ©. wincvermis 50 ! 409 14 1 4 24 7 87 23 26 4 5 2 9 3 1 \ 48 TD Beccpsrsie 31 | 270 2 1 ee 1 18 51 BO: | ecabaawe second 5 90 |..2...-. 4 } 27 30" Beleeaweac | ' 258 1 1 4 | 5 1 14 42 27 1 1 10 19 8 915 31 35 th | Sealant | | i 1 i eee namin leprae lists seme hevnecee cals seanee sievedaa| weeesevs facsesnsalateaeexelscsaical ssisctsreleseeise| aszicien | vdinels(azis | peeieetatne- tices pee ' | - | Cf ' | 3 ; 22 | 14 | 1! 2 12 | 9 23 13 4] 4| | ; 98 | 823 | 14; 6! 10! 26 a7! 10 89 6 SMB seu 11; 96 29, 3°) | 740 16 8) 9 20 14 91 100 71 8 14 32 | 19 80 37, «10 38 | 159 | G21 ° 323 | 380 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE $7-—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND se AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. if Allages. | . Unders| Sto6 | 6to9 | 9to12 |, TOA) | Onder s| 5 to 15 |15 to25 | 25 t0 65 | Over GA ae 1 721 272 193 170 | 1,356 || 2,068 217 253 | 1,184 420 2 2 Males 406 143 92 107 748 || 1.139 112 111 617 185 1 3 Females 315 129 101 63 608 929 105 142 567 235 1 4 Wilber Soccer ea nalutace Seeeeee bees 721 271 193 169 | 1,354 || 2,065 217 253! 1,179 419 2 5 Native born 721 271 193 166} 1,351] 2,043 203 220 491 156 2 ‘ M 201 80 50 55 i 386 554 55 24 113 53 1 & Both parents native F 171 57 42 24 || 294 460 38 37 98 a scien : M.. 817 199 62 42 51 | 354 564 51 68 130 i Neieiee i One or both parents foreign.. iF “] we]}. 142 1 56 36} 305 447 59 87 130 u i ‘ M BU |l......--- z 1] 1 12 6 17 355 PP joe ccecics 8 Foreign born...-.---.------+--+-- ip | iS ohece: 2 2 9 8 16 328 G40 eas 9 Colored! ax.c acscadcacencsieewscaseanciceeose!s Oil eaqsinanes A. |Sccewmees 1 2 Bb | sadsseeend| Stoseteat 5 Mei oaoaaer Birthplaces of mothers: M gg m 4 é es é i ; : = 9 45 9 54 5 4 88 7 30 10 United States... 2-- ! s2 B27 | 52 76 132-303 B74 583 | 48° «75, 18 90 2, 61 | 4 We hea: 9: Bt 68 4 18 | 4, 10) j asi ise! 9’ 221 5) 29 135 230 : 19 30) 5 89 283 | 156 | ah ot) cat aps 2 39! 153 | ro 1. 9 29 | ' ; ' { 31} 190 51 ‘ 35 164 41 | chaos 3 6 1 2 2 3 | leerriseea Ww) 31] { 1 8 | 22 | 65) 346| 399 | 41} 302) 237 | | 3! 4 1 \ / 1 | Dl saemenws | | | i 19! Ts 17 Pee ' 8 4250 470 ion 32 30 ' 4g 18 x 8 4 | i 4) 18, 417 10 le vaeseseelbeeee oe 1 4 2! 42 8 12 2 Tce eG I 34 9} : 1 i I | 1 ' | i Ww low hee OLD 411 3) 2 359 4 383 96! 42 284 892 | 6 730 245, 65 © G4. | «1,927 10 ‘ f tess Soncaeasies 4 366) 8 6 641 | 1,387 | 4 | ! 85 uu 2 116) 200)... 92 | 9 2 gi 187 |... 196 | 26 1 240! 598 1 i901 1 194 445 3 | 123 110 312 3 2 3) «63 226 3 ’ i 4 t 3 2 80 Lacssee. ' j 119 | 7, 3; (142 : it) ol: 3! lod 6. 2 1 3 é ‘ Z| ao Ag 3 fe ile Bi 1 1 Posted 20) Wi 7 5 | 2 255 120° «38187 692 | 3 207! G2 29160 527 3 4) eh lamin 6 | 1 |.- oe 5 DM cacy 2 | 4]. "75 30; 8 61 168 2 49 13 2°85 85) [Nexiicen 36 i 6 26 83 | 2 71 29 7 60 160. 2 46 HW) 3 60 122 2 14 Bilt 26 u 4 2 u re iets 8 10 3 1 12 42 6 Aes 13 #3 4 1 1 1 20 Cee, 29 iM 5 2 rv 6 1 if svete A 2 eae aj 2 Seg y i 1 2 1 384 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE $7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND \ ! AGE. i | XY | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months: are BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. . Allages. | 4. . “ A n- Under 8] Sto6 | 6to9 | 9 to 12 ||, 10h oll Under 5] 5 to 15 115 to 25/25 to 65) Over 65] known, : eee | | Ward 16—Continued. | 7 Sanitary district B.........2...2-22..----- 2,214 424 175 137 il4 850 || 1,246 108 106 2 Maleg weno c tee enn 1,151 236 | 90 2 60 448 619 54 56 3 Wemales igen.) 2senwvesesereceae 1, 063 188 i 85 vis 54 402 597 54 50 4 WHit@ies-einee es yooeteasoegiaeni seek ; 2,178 420 | 173 | 1387 112 842 1, 234 108 101 5 Native thorn se gesendshcen wiemarees-s ! 1,513 47; 172 136 112 837 || 1,215 92 75 | | - | 5 3 G “ M 199 aa 18 14 15 124 175 3B 3 5 | Both parents native....-- it 136 ia | 19 17 id 94 139 7 1 7 | One or both parents for- § M 573 | 152 | 71 48 43 B14 454 39 30 | CloNeswsen sees eee reece. vE 573 142 | 64 57 40 303 451 40 38 1 . M 350 2. AD Vepeeeevetcalall naaionticcstoss 3 11 9 17 8 Foreign born....---..-.------ iP 311 lease Ff 2 8 7 9 9 Colbert eos eee dees eer enen 36 4} Dh escrey 2 8 19 Vecaniveoee 5 | Birthpiaces of mothers: : i if do, United States ......22.222.2-- iF = 11, England and Wales ....-..--- § Ale . 12 | Trelanida.csens eeceamenser eas ie 13 GreIMA DY eaten snce eae ccc ir 5 \ a a4 | Qussia and Poland ........--- te 15 Sanitary district C ......2....22--200-2-0--- ; 16 MEALGS: iA cate cscieteacidacewie radii oe 17 Females...-...------+22-+--- 20+ 1, 260 | 264 91) 90 } 68 i! 18 Whites. scceerdacataetaedieeaieets sete id 2, 749 |! 598 ! 193 | 172 | 141 672 SSI 135 pm oopene: oe ieee | cit mei - 19 Native born 1,914 f 397 | 193 170 138 109 2 | a aesses ; oes Me) 20 | 83 7! 13 14 137 201 12 2 OV tosis oes 2 Both parents native.-.-.- ; FE. 233 7 | 25 | 24 ul 135 205 il 3 Bi 1 joa | ! 21 One or both parents ss ALL 775 " 248 75 66 58 447 632 48 38 56° 7! |seracend eign. ig 673 1 183 66 65 55 369 ° 556 43 30 44. icseined|sameta ae t | 1 i 5 M 482 Tie eenees 1 1 3 9 5 15 348 105: |=22050:- i Foreign born..------+---++++- iF 5a lee eeeedlcemmanes 1 2 3 B 8 24 215 92 [2222 23 CoOlOnedysc.2.2:20 soaseaeeee Res Gases 1 | eswsavies lnakeneaes pe agasce aera eee as Segdine mac eeening yl Eeeeee As (istierterorers [cine aici Birthplaces of others: a 24 United States...........----- yi a 202 25 England and Wales ....------ ; F 26 Trelatd s.scscvsaasesececcasee ; F.. : 27 Geman ysarssesccieescanceaee ; Abe: Bee 28 Russia and Poland .---.--.---- ; ake. fi 29 Sanitary district D....-.-.--.-------------- 420 166 149 112 | 847 30 Males ... 227 7 13 55 442 3 , Females - 193 79 76 57 405 32 WitOAcs lees ae ae ee es 144 112 836 pies nee See: [hates It 35 Native: bornsoe cso: woscnaneteet <2 een 142 112 } 832 5G | ! on Both parents uative...... {eo ie , a 2 1 2 ig ! | i 35 One or both parents for-§ M.. 606 | 167 « 64 54 43 1 328 | 470 41 32 62 Te Weeeecerce eign. UP Sa 182 | 54 63 40 |; 289 fF 495 aM 38 WG |bodoeases [occ ' : M.. aro" I |edcaaomen Miles couse | 3 9 7 5 S70 Byieeces. se Boy Foreign born..----..-------- { F DE! | wleqeumese Le hexyd wed acwccswd 1 3 5 Z 184 7 adecsiaddos an Colored...-------+-+2225+eeees erste eee: 44 2 4 5 | ll 20 1 3 17 Ol @acaene a i | ‘ Birthplaces of mothers: \ ' : M.. 281 79 33 "4 237 5 33 | United States......--.+-+0.- fro] Sor | ! ie al) 2a : E M. 5 : | 39 England and Wales .....-..-. ir a 7 fi | 3 anes atin arse Sisal - M. 40 10 Bw) 2 8 40 | Ireland ....-------++++++20800° ir 36 | Q! 9 | 1: 9 ! fs M. G94 245 355 | 38 37 41 Fermany.---.----++e- 202220 in 643 215 310 | 30 | 45 M.. 7 0 5. ' 42 Russia and Poland. ....------ Sh +3 10 % 1e Sere Bp hcoose! BR 2 : ‘| NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 385 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. . CAUSE OF DEATH. Child | Di ; i : : Can- | Heart) V2" | 1p. 18" | Dis- Diar- : birth | Dis- | eases Scar-| Ty- | Ma- : on- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases i All mee let |phoid larial oe Croup. a sump- —_ Measles.) ing and | ease pole pare ot AHS of the Old } pelle other ios * fever.'fever.|fever. A eases, | ‘100 : cough.| tu- and ; igs, liver.| ous [Uzimary| °°" * | causes. | 7 mor. dropsy. ‘nisest iaystem. organs. ' ! i I ' i een: _—— a mateo ee en : be | ‘ I ' { | | 2,214 |) 39] 15! 13 83 62| 333 | 242 211 13 22) 38) 87 | 3) %6 | 197 os! 13 180, 549 3] 1 ae Pew te fous poe oes et eee eye eed es ate La | 1.151 18 1 | 8 35 37 174 | 140 102 7 9 11 41 [eek 15 106 36 | 3 104 ; 293 2 2 1, 063 21 50 5 48 25 159 | 102 109 6 13 27 46 ' 25 11 91 27; 10 76 | 256 1 3 ! ; | 2.178 39 15; 13 | 83 62 332 231 206 13 20 38 83° 25 26 194 6112 : 180 i 542 3 4 jcc feaeens $1 cetceeeeit ie be 63 Sees as Sata aceaet sxcasnteene Hits 1513) 38) > 3, 9] 75 58 | 303 | us| 139 12 wy} 6 2% ao Bo ASL 12: Jeees es 1s0 376 1} 5 : | y 199 |} 5 u 4} 32, 6 17 1 Vitedcs Bette ig 22 it |svees 301° Bf leazessee z 156 || 2 10 5) i 5; 1 1 Oa Gas arene Lissa! i re pee 19! 46 [esses 573 || 13 3 4 21 31] 128 BL 49 5 4 fee. Sift ewtese tte 41 Dy iat 64 146 1 i 7 573 | 18 |ascece : 5 33 1 115 47 59 5 9 4 11 6: 5, 49 3 |------ 57 129 !.------- : ‘ i I i 330 11.22... 7| 4 3 2) 14] 70 33 1 A Sp ao ase: fa) 4 B00 SS ‘| ee 2 i8 | Oi. BR) 2404. “Sia, | 4g | 24 | 2 | 21 1. 49 | 47 | ge 2: i | 248107 2 | 15 : | : 3] 10. ee eee 16 1, 260 , 19 8 10 | 54 20 160 109 | 151 y 16 32 52 14, 12 129 19; 13 109 , 324 2 | 17 2,749 4 37 17 23 i 91 52 352 286 313 18 32 46 110 14 40 : 267 70, 25 248 706 estan o —— |——_' | | i oe i t 1914 | 35 3 9 88 52] 324} 1d 208 16 32 6 22 4 | 6 206 93} lesz. 28) 518 220) 7 1 10 5 37 Re BB 1 seas 1 aly cath, a5 3 Je--e ee 34) 6L ae 8 jy oe 4 33 4; 22 1 4 I lewekace 1 ie, BON east enetes 33 | 64 \ z | 775 10 3 3) 37 27/ 138 60 | 81. 8 12 4 Tie botnet 2 | B | 1 | vee2s 104! 198 12 tose 5 i 34 16 115 42 | 82 6 12 a 10 3 | 2, 75 6 |.----- 73 179 |- Bi 2 386 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. : : j Months | Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND : i . | BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. \ | if Allages.| \under3! 8to6 | 6to9 91012 }) Tetal |) Onaers| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25) 25 to 65 |Over 63 |, UD | ' f under 12) known. a a i \ A) Ward Uiscceasdossecacet wieecte caccsecesee eters 5, 904 1,019 334 295 266 1,914 3, 082 373 | 312 | 1,662 473 2 2 Males 3, 019 571 172 145 142 1, 030 1, 627 184 148 851 197 2 3 Females 2, 885 448 162 150 124 884 1,445 189 164 sll 276) | esx aciecs 4 Wile 42 eriex vem emsnereeoexnsevnanenn cee’ 5,899 || 1,017 234 295 266 1,912 3, 080 373 312) 1,659 473 2 5 Native Uonits osceiccdedacceumasekexsanege 4, 387 1,017 332 291 263 1,903 3, 038 242 224 614 168 1 | ; M.. 890 237 63 62 sili 418 614 52 24 139 i ee . Both! parents nates see ; F..| 869 181 52 53 s7| 333 546 64 41 130 BB cee ca . ; M..) 1,348 323 108 82 ssi 601 988 115 79 158 7 1 : One oriboth parents foreiem so: ; F..) 1,219 261 109 94 % 539 e71 110 77 152 Oi Hesseees : M.. 18 |oonsckesn 1 Wi |eoaeceae 2 20 17 41 530 128 1 5 BOTEISN DONA range sess te ase ; Be 710 [TIT 1 3 1 5 20 4 45 514 177 | eos: 9 Colored 22 ..ceediat aero ose occas ake 5 Ds Se ep re ara eal ect 2, 2 | csiesiewesilfeaew sacs s B pwawes awit Birthplaces of mothers: 4 3 --} 1,105 298 86 15 65 524 790 71 30 149 5 af United States F-| 3,055 204 76 61 57 418 684 87 45 148 a1 oe 174 29 6 2 5 42 67 11 7 63 2 11 England and Wales ...........-.. ; F cy 140 30 3 6 3 39 51 5 6 56 2 = 895 119 33 28 30 210 360 54 67 365 47 R Anelan dl seidssiededsisiiienrs estes ; F.| 932 95 40 26 27 188 329 41 63 392 107 M.. 5d 3 1 5 2 11 20 6 20 6 18 Scotland -....-.--++:0-seereeee ees ; F.. 72 7 4 2 2 15 21 s 8 29 10 : M.. 600 82 37 30 30 179 299 3 30 190 43 a4 Germany pete sadaretiese yeas iF. 523 68 30 40 29 167 271 45 34 137 36 15 Sanitary district A ......22--22-2e00ee2--- 1, 405 229 65 7 56 414 71 94 86 396 117 1 16 Males 702 116 31 32 31 210 358 53 45 200 45 1 17 Females 703 106 34 39 25 204 353 41 41 196 WO a ees 18 White! 2:2 aicderscsscncsectdaesnanuens 1.405 292 65 1 56 414 71 94 86 396 117 1 19 Native bortscs2. NUS * Salt esek tae ‘ 4 | 4: LW acstistenec : M. 72 10 31 4 36 1 4) ee Germany --------+------+++-+ i} hs 47 | 5 2. 12 |I 17° 4 3. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 387 ' MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. 1,103 1,055 179 162 170 156 aaa ee 12 | 30 2 cat 5. 2 14 6" i 16 2 we Bure wsnewne i ; | | : : \ i : Child- Dis- " ‘ ‘ i ‘ Can- | Heart} |; - Dis- | ' Diar- - birth | Dis- | eases Sear-| Ty- | Ma- . on- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases ‘ All ‘. 4 let |phoid}larial aipk Croup. ee sump-| PC |yeasles.| ing | and | ease ead ofthe or the of the oe Sul other igen fever.|tever.|fever.| eases. | tion. moma: cough.| tu- | and is. liver.| ong |¥timary Be * | causes. | ‘ * < 1 ™ 1 ; mor. |dropsy,| oases. system. organs. 1 Ps | i i Pte al fee ook ' a ae I} | ' ' 132 \ 30 72. | 311 147 719 \ 595 536 30 72 107 254 51 75 586 252 44 | 416 1, 470 5 1 i ao . ' / 65: 16 34 | 158 74 368 280 288 18 29 43 134 ead 42 329 119 15 | 232 i 772 3 2 67 14 38 | 153 | 73 351, 315 248 12 43 64 120 51: 33 257 133 29; 184, 698 2 3 : : : | 132 30 72 311 147 i 719° = 594 535 30 72: 106, 254 51 75 585 252 44, 416 | 1, 469 5 4 SS fa ——: eel pete | — oo cet pecmene enacting] Secanssinipatepintils gia coihall wanna ——- ———— ‘ i _————$=. 120° «19° 45} 207! 145} 3B; 320] 336 30 mis 32" ATG o7| 26: 450] 16! 12. 416! 1,150 | al 5 ' : i ! \ : : 22 i 3 5 i 59 | 22 103 | 47 6 35 |. 4) 108 24 4 109 | 243 | 1 6 33 : 4/5 105 35 28 117 61 1d 33 5: 84 25 7 83 | 223 | 1 ; t ! ' 34. 6. 16° 93° 50 225: 101 3 26) | cesiecie:s 9 | 139 BD |axcee | 115 | 358 | saccriecs gid 7 31/3] 13 90° 45] 26, 103 8| 18 | 7 il 27 eeuees | 98; 314 | i ; * | | 95 6; 13; 6. 2 38 129 32 GUC lee cares oi 28 4 562 I. beseeses 161 | 2 8 iz 5 14! No srapsienssy 28 144 42 68 24 21 61 78 | 21 | seiettees 155 isch wre re ; wigad]ezeited |nnc eileen Ah I sesuhat| Soccer) Dillan poe it issapuhtaedlewees] Level B ; 4 ! i ‘ i { ' ' : 30 4 9 t 74: 29 146 52 87 | 7 17 8 40: | 5 catew ene 7. 132 124 37 6 11 71° 34 147 72 72 | 5 18 18 35 12 6° 102 96 Bh [sacisied 24 5; 2 18 21 Ww 1 1 3 12) | sinsicaen 2, 21 12 1 2 2, 7 3 15 | 14 1D! |inceseceee 1 6 15 6 2 ll 6 16 7 12 35 | 17 8 123 112 5 5 13 38 |sseceee: 18 82 42 13 2 9: 38 | Iz 78! 147 96 2 13 17 48 21 19 77 33 Tages 1 2) 1 7 7 3: [emcicreacies 2 3 BK Lanai iasisrese 7 2 Doce esa es @ckcaas 5 9 7 6 2 3| 3 5 5 9 4 9 33 | 20 92 60 48 3 4 13 28 Jeseccicns 11 71 34 12 2 14 | 29 20 85 50 42 5 7 17 18 4 1 42 35 \ ! 1 | ¢ 1 1 42) 2 15 | 69 43 175 144 148 7 12 21 54 10 : 19 143 67 17 | 102 311 1, 15 19{ 3) vi 40! gf se] on 85 4 5: 9{ 26|........1 10 80 31! 4! 48] 51 1, 16 23 2 8) 29: 23 87 73 3 3 7: 12 28 10: 9 63 36; 13 : 54 160: \ezceneae | 17 : t ! : i i : t ; \ ' i 28 ere 27 20 6 4| 83 {24 3 2 2° 4 2 3 ii 2 : \26 20 16 2 2 3 18 184 5 Ser {26 g ker 4 {oa 110 2% 866; 59. I91} 1] 29 54 16)||sekexe 34.101 j--- 30 56 12 6 25 90 | 1! 3L 110 2} 6! 59. 191 1| 32 85 17 2 59 163 1} 33 388 TaBLE 8'7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY VITAL STATISTICS. DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 oD SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Ward 17—Continued. Sanitary district C........-22----2-+.---0-- Males Pemialesizes.2¢-2cc02ecceacossean White........... Native born Both parents native.-.... { ats One or both parents for-¢M. eign. F.. Foreign born.......-..-.-.-.. 5 a 2 Colored nice oc ccscccccewde secasvesmaigeness Birthplaces of mothers: United States..........-2..-. 5e- England and Wales -......-.- 5 at: Breland! 222: 2.250eiceiedcosa cae ; Mt: Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States......-..-.+---- § Me England and Wales ..-......- th TPS anil ven shack auntie ; MM. Seo tlaid ascag veesdaeeeeweans ; Me : Germany.-..--.---------2--+- ; ae ' Both parents native --.._ j Me. One or both parents for- f M. eign. r.. Foreign born.....------------ § Mes Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States.........22. --- f Hes Sanitary district D......-..----.----2-+-+-. ' Males .....-.--. Females. Wit Gocec sceeanecoscemccaneeesae abe : Native bornisc2e.2.5 css vedesesseoss Both parents native.-.---. {Pe One or both parents for- § M.. eign. F.. Foreign born .--------------- ie AGE, | Months. Years. Allages i ! | | Under 3} sto6 ; 6to9 | 91012 jf Total | onder s! 5 10.15 [15 to 25|25 to65 | Over 65|, OU : fee | * * ylunder 12; : = known. | e t gmat, | ge es | i | | 1,768 |) 825 118 94 | 98 635 | 1,016 88 90 476 | 97 1 abi A ccanleackieniaaes ‘eadeesactvectesmapealt taceeneitheis kilns Wnt id 3 7 908} 185° 63 46 | 55 349 | 544 | 45 41 241 32 1 864 \ 140 55 48 43 286 472 | 43 49 235 65) |ytesrees 1 1.766 | 324 118 94 | 98 634! 1,015 | 88 90 475 97 1 1.974, a4; 118 93 98 633} 1,002 | 77 59 121 15s bovere eee ‘ 186: 30 21 22 B 115 152 | 7 2 167 ! 46 13 9 11 79 129 i 9 481 | 123 | 42° 24 42 231; 381 | 31 4 430 93 | 42 28 32 205 337 | 31 24 i 8: 7 14 173 | 26 1 5 4 16 181 | 5B ecco ee eae : | Saal iased 250% 81 31 25 19 , 156 || 209 | 10 5 a1 | Beware 214 37 21» 13 cea 105 |; 165 | 15 10 16 | 8 40 | 9 Da sicc 2 13 | 22 2 3 12 L|- 34 |! Bue ven 1 oe 9), 19: | saseceicee 2 10 | 3.|- 377 | 62 13 12 16 | 103 | 176 18 21 144 17 304 44 20 14 13 91} 157 15 23 152 | 47 4 Te lerpsiey a Di cesses 3 |i 7 dL: |b SSeeseay 5 1 16 | lewndax uae sa enieedbin baeautinnasass ' 1 Dt catwaikieigen 3 10 | Ts 165 | 20 14, 5 16 55 |) 95 14 6 43 7 |. 155 i 20 9! 15 11 55 94 11 10 36 | 4]. i ! : es 7 | 1,626,272 | 90 | 82 ov} ant B02; 116 79 478; 151 |... os i 838 160 39 43 32 274 | 427 | 49 33 256 | 788 | 112 51 39 35) 237 375 j 67 46 222° | i | : 1, 624 271 90 382 67 ‘ 510 801 | 116 79 477 1 oar = tee ~ Yo 1, 226 i 271 | 89 | 81 67 |! 508 ! 795 107 |° 66 199 . 59 lec ceaes Hi = ' i 300 76 | 4 23 17} 130; 200 22 7 48 3) es cenen ' 319 | 63 21 23 18) 135 | 190 30 7 56 26 loscnctaw ' i . i ; 313 |, 81 25 | 20 14 | 140 | 220 23 20 47 S, |scteuses 277 48 29 i5 17 | 109 [ 180 32 21 38 6: bacaccs : i 210 Il taccasedls aaa a Meee wie : 2 4 5 ' 186 |]e.. 6M. 22 eee 1 Li 4 ON casitonane 2 7 England and Wales.....----- YF. 20 2 1s Delamere) 5 9 Be aera | 6! M.. 142 | 15 4) 5 3. 27 42 8 | 9| 75: Arelantssssneseseesasesenesct ir - lid 16 2 5 3 28 45 9 | 34 85 M.. il 62 21 | a4 20 |! 127 183 19 | 25 | 107 Germiany ------------2--+20+ ; ¥.. 330 52 20 22 15 |: 109 179 19 19 85 M. 22 GO Nee ine 1 2 9 14 | Ds llosacateee 4 Italy .-.----2-2+ 2-2-2222 eee iF be 13 DB leNecaenns Ts, 1} 7 Wilesssceiusliescnces 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 391 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH., All causes. Scar- let fever. Ts. noid Ma- larial ever. |fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal is- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the Old urinary| “°° organs. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. ' | 8,168 | 131 48 83 345 228 | 1,141 846 740 54 110; 113 335 67 95 854 264 55 631 4, 376 59! 33 46 157 130 626 | 489 368 25 50 41 1IG | cisisisisincs 2 54 478 147 | 20 348 3,792" 72 15 37 188 98) 515 357 372 29 60 72 159 67 41 376 117 | 35 283 r \ 8,155 | 131 48 83 345 228 | 1,140 842 739 54 110} 113 334 67 95 853 264 | 55 630 | 6,155 |! 193 28 44 332 225 | 1,069! 498 | 515 52 109 25 128 32 30 667 tor! 13 630 | 1, 132 27 7 11 51 41 172 63 97 8 29 a 5 146 22! 4 124 | 1, 031 34 1 8 62 29 147 59 107 9 22 16! 38 8 5 121 19: 6 110 | | i 2, 087 27! 13 13 101 86} 418 157 147 16 Besa LBS hi cercemnioes 10 230 30! 0... 222 1, 826 35 7 sul 116 69 324 138 160 19 Pa 6 43 24 10 164 2. «2 170 ' | 1, 102 5) 13 22 4 3 30 257 119 sees RE TIS lected 39 99 95°) Wb.) cZccas 897 3 7 17 D \icueesnls 41 157 105 1 1 49 88 35 26 87 G8 BE acres i | TS lll savbowageeislonsl ud Seal eased oemenas 1 4 AC dcejseicsl caesee ee ! Te sasaena La Oe ligastesceloac nce! 1 ‘ ' | 1, 473 30 | 9 14 75 49 246 76 118 12 $2 Diy = 20 wena 5 185 29 4 155 1,331 ae 8 11 89 46 200 68 127 12 30 20; 36 12 7 158 24 6 126 136 dsencs 3 6 2 13 15 43 |Lodveepcal netics 21 WW}... 1 16 12 1 5 BBL essen: Pe ase eccala 7 2 10 9 10 2 2 4; lol’ 2 2 11 6 1 Ti 452 61 8 8 12 4 40 5 46 1 1 7 | 26 Iearsaneee 10 39 24 4 33 | 493 5: 8 9 7 2) .. 44 7 58 1 3 10!. 35 13 9 39 34 9 25 | 34 TsSscee|aenecel 1}. 24 4 4 ilies cal eter 2) A essere cal] ees OL a ciaines esa 1 2 29: || scscecteesned i eee i sigs 2 4 | ecieiac ra geese 1s 3 2 1 Bt eaecocrers 3 3 2, 068 19 13] 21 57 71 303 | 290 176 11 17 25" OF ieee 38 217 | 69 7 140 1, 645 26 9 4 64 45 232 183 161 12 25/ 32 68 36 19 147 | 47 15 115 \ 1, 752 26 u 20 78 47 205 192 156 20 31 23 37 15 14 182 65 10 939 11 5 14 38 22 108 118 | 84 8 wow! egy. 9 105 34 3 813 15 6 6 40 25 7 74 72 12 17 13.80 15 5 7 31 % ‘ 1 1 | 1,751 26 11 20 78 47 205 192! 156 20 31) 23 | 56 15 14 182 65 Lo 1, 293 26 6 8 q7 47 189 92 108 19 31 3 19 6 3 135 22 2 267 We esenise 4 18 9 37 lL 22 3 Bee ace 9 eee 1 33 5 1 198 Bil .oteee[owinainn 17 10 25 8 19 3 9| 2 Die actusa 1 16 ae erste | t 423 4 3 3 20 13 66 41 32 5 B Vast AD ceinded 1 44 © meas 393 7 3 1 22 15 59 30 34 8 8 Pessiansaja 10 Gree sace 41 4 1 2 3 392 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. ears BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Allages. | a vr Under3| 3to6 | 6to9 | 9 to12 ene Under 5| 6 to 15 | 15 to 25|25 to 65| Over 65 |) 0 ! | Ward 18—Continued. I 1 Sanitary district B........-----.---2.---e- 311 57 26 20 17 120 | 182 17 9 85 17 1 2 16: 34 14 12 8 68 | 103 8 4 46 6 1 3 13 23 12 8 9 52 | 79 9 5 39 AL jescev ese 4 Whiter 2. coc acpscaccieutnenaisceaxieonseciact: 311 57 26 20 17 120: 182 7 9 85 17 1 3 Native born ......2.2-2222-2-2220-+- 993 37 | 26 19 17 119 | 181 15 5 19 8 linsisrculsee ! Il | 3 M.. 31 jj 7 6 3 1 17 | 25 1 1 2 2 6 Both parents native. ..... § Pl 2 |! 4 6 3 1 14 | te D: (Reine wesc 1 Lis 7 One or both parents for- i 9u 26 8 9 7 50 77 5 2 eign. ae 76 19 6 4 8 37 59 6 2 8 Foreign born -..-.-.--.-.-... ., 2 PRES ohare ga eee oo Ge 9 COO esescumnsucdawdcdadenssesasdaey Icongadeadlloccwweoce 3 pe oe all aces ll halen pea NN gga aad bead a Seen Birthplaces of mothers: Uni a M. 44 12 7 3 3 25 10 nited States -...-... -...... i F_ 29 a 7 3 1 7 England and W 4 1 1}- 2 1 gland an ales } 2 ; 1 Trel: ae 2 |- 2 12 reland j 7 i : 13 Scotland ...----.-.----------- ; eid eerie 14 Germanyiss.-<2292008ecdesmen 15 Sanitary district C.-.....------------------- 23 s 333 40 26 i 24 jects 16 Males 175 19 8 95 i eee 17 158 21 18 56 8 [SEE 18 White. ..---..2-2---2-2seeeeeeeee eee 4 ; : 332 40 25 150 Of vcceveds 19 Native born...-.---.--------------- i 328 39 7 | | a M.. f ‘ 20 Both parents native .-.... f F oy | - ? ; ‘ a os 4 Lema i 21 One or both parents for- {Fr i 148 46 16 13 9 84 115 lt 3 eign. sy 1487) 37 15 8 lu 70 110 17 13 22 Foreign born..----.2-s0++ --- eo ae ee ee Eiiwaa FS 23 Colored -.-- 3 A lade casiecdeectisccakstaneencce 1 BP ecard 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 7 h 24 United States..-....--------- P : a 25 England and Wales 26 Ireland...-----------------+-- ce 1 : 7 27 Scotland .....-----------+-+-- e 4 peneetes 28 Germany .-------------------- ee i | | a 29 Sanitary district D ...--------------++------ 33 2 773 30 Malegi2iz2c3 cca ganecccunansccts | 959 || 210 62 79 69 420 31 Females 4 848 186 bu a4 53 1 453 32 White...---------2+ 20 sere ec rceeret cree , 1,804: 393, 128 rise | 772 4 33 Native born ..-.-.------------------ , 1,396 395 121 | 133 | 117 766 ‘ 35 : | 34 Both parents native....-.. ir ae i a0 | 18 1 i : a ! | One or both parents tor. § M.. 532 | 145 46 | 62 | 54 3) 307 35 eign tr. 503 |) 142 42 47 | 35 i 266 , | | ti a6 |” Foreign born....-.2.2+20000 fro) ifn ft pF | 37 Colored..----------- +--+ 2-222 errr e eee 3 1 ]---.--.-- | pare gaiee sonatas f Vy Denese eeedeeer ee ees ' ! : Birthplaces of mothers: 4p ang | as 24 = i as 1 ae é 248 | : 25 12 38 | United States..-.-..-.------- fr: 47 |. 70 oT 1 2 se 14 i M.. 8 3 - 39 | England and Wales ...------- it = 9 | 9 : 3 M 20 1 2 9 40 Wreland socsc2sce0 cnacace na tte ; Fr 30 : 2 M.. 4 2 41 Scotland ...-...-------2------ ir 3 mies 2 M.. 642 374 30 30 173 42 Germauysazssegeet sete sence iP - 527 321 28 24 113 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 393 CAUSE OF DEATH. Child- Dis- ‘ 2 Can- | Heart} y. . Dis- Diar- : birth | Dis- | eases Sear-} Ty- | Ma- | p. Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- ¥ , | eases ‘i All es let. ,[phoid |larial Epes Croup. thea i sump- nea Measles.| ing | and | ease and pu: st the eg of the Ole pale other a * |lfever.ifever.ifever. : tion. ‘ cough.| tu- | and is. |i 7 urinary! “© * | causes. ‘| eases. |. la is iver.| ous \ mor. (Topsy) oaseg, system, | OTE2n8:| | 311 3 4 1 12 7 55 25 33 1 4 3 8 1 4 32 14 | 5 29 69 1 wei} 1; 2| 1 8 3} 33] 44 TBee ctges tafe 1 5 [sean dee 3 19 fe 15 36 1 143 2 2) [acs 4 4 22 11 15 1 4 2 3 1 1 13 6 5 14 BS. | an 2z ens 311 3 4 1 12 7 55 25 33 4 3 8 1 4 32 14 5 29 69 1 141 | 394 TaBLE §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING VITAL STATISTICS. PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND em WON o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 Al | \ AGE. | Months. Years. . SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 1 BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ; | sea Ah Allages.; 1 | Tunders} 8t06 | 6to9 | 9to12 || Tt) | nders! 5 to 15 [15 025 | 25 to65| Over 65 |, O™ | | soe ae: under 12 re % = ‘known. : ; | i Ward 18—Continued. i | Sanitary district E .........2...20..---..--- 1,462 285 123 109 68 | 585 831 1 Sea meas -Males 785 | 162 68 68! 32 330 | 449 Females 677 | 123 55, 41 j 36 “255 |) 382 i | White......... 1.461 | 285 123 109 68 585 |! 830 Native born ...--...2....2202-2220081 1,086 | 285 121 109 68 583 819 | \ ! ; : M. 186 | 56 aL! 29 5 |) lil 142 | Both parents native...... iF. 187 | 48 | 26 21 8], 103 U1 | ! | i One or both parents for- 4M. 374 |) 106 | 46 38 27 |! 217 297 eign. F 326 |' 74 23 20 28 150 234 a M Bt Wace ecae 1 1 6 Foreign born............-.--- f F.. 16] | Be 1 1 5 Colored 5ceccecissciccimcudenciveeicecuenes AD eoeesta eh eerste ae ciel lee de ciel |e eet asta DD asoeceeer! | Birthplaces of mothers: ‘f | | ji ea 257 | 153 |! 202 United States .-.............. ; F 239 ; 182 |) 385 : 238 8 || 13 England and Wales .......... iF 30 5 7 “ 59 14 DO lo sisaasaroe ETEMM NA acipepieisdoensne since te 78 12 22 | ia 7 1 Ds asarataraaees| S France ....---.-------+-+----+ § F . 3 L 1 i M. 396 140 189 Germany ne ieveceds nine hss iT 305 97 || 187 ‘| Sanitary district F.............------------ 621 117 28 30 25 200 | 314 Males tienen uta eed 321 65 17 16 16 us!) 176 300 32 li 14 9 86 138 619 116 28 30 25 199) 313 486 116 28 29 25 |! 198 311 : M. 124 | 29 8 9 8 i 54 82 Both parents native...... ; F_ 126 32 7 7 5h 51 66 | One or both parents for-§ Mf. 127 | 35 9 7 8 59 93 eign. F 100 18 4; 6 4, 32 67 Foreign born..-.2-2-2-2--+++- || ae eee ee cele e et ees eee hee Colovetls. sass tac<5scascesetinassvae sacs 2 A |asise ce amcloesasecica teehee 1 Ps Hee inte tis Birthplaces of mothers: + 48 on 5 ‘i Fr ‘i i : 102 United States...-.-..-....-.. f EF. 149 7 56 79 England and Wales -...----.- iF a I 3 7 32 2 7 ll Tréland. ::2secessee2ee2 yee 29 ie 4 a! Scotland ‘ te ee Germany Ba i 3 1 : i : Sanitary disttiet Gvcssseeed-aeele mye: 391 76 | 30 | 5 12 143 208 28 M108 37 1 202 4g{ 19 13 7 87 119 17 5 Bg 0: | acess 189 28 | 11 12 5 56 | 84 lL 9 56 28 1 White 391 16 | 30 | 25 12 143 203 28 14 108 37 1 eee jj _ =, = _*- Native born....-.------------2-206 313 | 76 30 | 25 12 ; 143 | 200 26 lL 3 53 19 1 ' | ; M. 78 24° 8 6 1! 39 53 6 2 eo «Tamia Both parents native...... Si : 68 10 4! 4 1; 19 26 8 8 12 ‘ iP oor ee One or both parents for-§ M.. 85 24 IL | 7 5 i 47 |, 64 9 2 | TOON eae. eign. F.. 73 18 7 : 37 |, 54 3 1! 12 2 1 ‘ M.. | 2 Foreign born...-..----------- { F. , miswiesis A ee - | 33 u : Colored. ...-----2eseseee eee e reece este cece ener leet e cette leeee ee celine eeeee feet eeee ef eceeee neds cceceeae coccceees[eceecccee [Sere a aieeettad tals: Rirthplaces of mothers: ‘ ‘ gM... 68 United States..-..---..------ UE.. 35 England and Wales........-. i ‘ M.. 15 Ireland .....------------+----- ie 21 Scotland ....----+---+2+--2+-- § | ah ren k PERM) Pe estate mcitacieneeew oe linet ciemaise [eet 3" M.. Germany ..-..---------- -+-- {7 o a 42 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 395 OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, CAUSE OF DEATH. ; Can-| Heart, Child-| | Dis- | pig. Diar- 1 ‘ birtb | Dis- | eases ; Scar-| Ty- | Ma- . Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- ' eases Yee All gk let phoid larial eae Croup. rhea i sump- Enen- Measles.| ing | and | ease and oe ceene of the of the oe pull other Us : ‘fever. ftever.|fever. F eases.| tion. - cough. ae eee | dis. |liver.| ous uninaey * ) causes. i | ‘ ‘ P _ eases. system.| 0TS4u- 1, 462 27 10 12 56 35 203 167 133 5 13 27 15 10 17 150 49 12 112 349 J.-...2.- 1 785 16 9 10 23 19 ill 90 67 1 6 14 4). |esieacsise 11 86 29 6 61 2 6717 11 1 2 33 16 92 WT 66 4 7 13 34 10 6 64 20 6 51 3 1, 461 27 10 12 56 35 202 167 133 5 13 27 715 10 17 150 49 12 112 $49 [_-.----- 4 1, 086 26 6 4 54 34 188 89 97 5 13 3 24 7 3 117 20 1 112 283 |.---.... 5 186 7 1 1 7 23 32 12 19 1 2 iL 2 30 187 Ae leniscec|iseee. 13 5 30 13 19 1 3 1 5 21 374 9 4 3 15 15 74 28 80 Yesisccccis 4b locos 8 bce sccee 1 38 326 6 | eee 18 11 51 35 29 3 4 1 9 5 2 28 214 |/.-.... 4 6G | asciccioe 1 3 49 TS (cise cetera os 13 BE ihrtne sas 10 18 161 Dy | asisiziare 2 seamed ll 29 DB eivcarcisoaralis sewage 11 20 3 4 15 Li ||ecereccel cictea al eapeed | rewia cies D: esceieee|seineaised| ee ceases] oimamalonccns eeeeedslwene sealeedisanl|t teaeies|ledecees lawmase Gee lh sone cc atone 9 396 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL MATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months: Meares BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. = Allages. ‘ : : | e| . . . ‘ | Total Under 3} 3to6 | G6to9 Ytol2 under 12 i on Under *| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25/25 to 65 |Over 65 ee | { a ; | . Ward 18—Continued. wee | eee 2 | | 126 |’ 179 | 26 | 21 116 54 | monsacee 1 Sanitary district H.....---.--2.......20..6- 396 68 27 26 5 at eee 1 i 2 Males 210 |' 39 18 12 | oo} 97. 12 | 13 57 31 3 Females 186 | 29 gy 14 ; 5 37 82 | 14: 8. 59 23 | Saermcctatal i ‘ ! ; 4 WEG -:ccexcsanecsunawerrmakeaacce sarciciaen 395 68 7 26 | 5 126 |! 179 | 26 21 115 BA feces. 5 Native DOM 4.ssss0esewvernserencencs : ; ) 6 Both parents native ..-.... ; 7 One or both parents se eign. 8 Foreign born. -.......-...---. § = ve 9 COlOTER seis cas coseecieeiceeaaavan nes Birthplaces of mothers: 10 United States. ...-...22...... { n England and Wales .......... § 12 Treliand | 4 3 | aL a | ay a Aaa “| B46 35 | 5 | 3 cal 50 86 | Li 33 | 26 Bel AIM cisieicine Geis 7S ESOS 2 380 | 24 | 6 | 7 5 42 G7 | 95 | 23 | Sia ate eames neato .| 131 21 | 9 6 5 4 54 | 5 9 21 FErMANy «----- 22ers eee 113 11 | 6 i 6 2 | 25 37 7 i ae - . - a 17 1 2) qe chick pabeeeee aves | « 1 28 Scandinavia..------+++-----7+77+ a: iG : ‘4, 1 1 yoo 1; ° Uso 2 : | : ' : : ‘ é 29 Sanitary district A ...-.---2++-02-22-22207- 1, 489 27 67 45 | 49 |i 378 597 80 | 81! 508 218 1 20 MATES Te Bache aheaeeaee ens 1 135! ° 361 24 40} 295 347 ah 40) O57" NS [oacnance 31 Females .-.------------+-------- 1 82 31 21. 19 153 | 250 46. 41 248 125 1 : : 32 White ......--0-0eeeeeeeereeeee eter 1,471. 215 | 67 | 45 49) 376 | 504 78 | 73! BOL 218 1 33 Native Dotnics. cu. 2.203013 248820: 1, 060 215 66 oy 375] a) we 233 9) 1 | 4 aks M.. : ‘ 52 36 34 Both parents native ..--- {P. i 8 54 41 |" 35 One or both parents for- § M.. 91 49 7 ie eign. Ee. 26 61 Deere cesar ; M. 1 138 © 47 36 Foreign born .--------+-+---- SP. 5 129 | wm 37 Colored....----++--+++-250 rrr = fee fee Birthplaces of mothers: is i t . i CM 2s 314" 79 20 13 16 128 197 16 | & 36° ST || atecsavsees 38 United States.-.---+--------+ a ue iv : 5 ; 8B 95 150 23 1: 63. 42 i a -: 1 2 t 26° 39 England and Wales.....----- ae L 12 is] 2 a M.. 7 41 70! & 21 108 | 28 |. 40 Trelaud) -.22-sesencsenss cctat te 4 31 32 18 | 15 | 124 47 |. Me. 1 4° 2 | 3 10 2]. 41 Scotland. ...--------+2010220- pa le 1 | eeseaed ' 4 3 |. é os 28 40 4 i 26 6 |. 42 Genta ieseseacuitie sane UF...| 2 i 20 | 3 é| ot 3 |. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 401 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continuced. CAUSE OF DEATH. | peg) Ore a ie eee Re Pay = aera 1 | toc oe | a fd | - see Can. | Heart Child | ig | Dis | Dis | | car-| Ty- | Ma- . ea) | Cou- Whoop-| cer is- x @.{ eases | eases | eee All eos let. phoid: Jarial! DiPD- Croup. rhea sump- nen: Measles.| ing | and | ease eee Seta of the | of the | ole pull other me aS “” \'fever. fever. fever.| Pun | aes tion. 7 cough.| tu- | and Me. liver,| BerY- urinary “5° * | causes. Own: ' SS OSS mor. |dropsy.! ses ‘| ous | organs. | ! eras system: | } ed sip he ee aie | oie en 2478] U8; | 1b) OL 57 | 313 | 322 233 12 35 31) 14 22) 22 265 | se) 15 225; 569 2); 1 eit ' - : 1 eee ee ie ed pe Ne ce eee tones cee He hi 1,331 {: 20 8 | go 46 | ot 160 190 137 4 16 | 12 AT Weucscmtaieie 18 148 44 7 132 | 299 1! 2 1,147 |; 18 6; a! 45 23, 158 132 96 8 19 19 67 22 4) ll 39 8 93 | 270 1: 3 ‘ | | i | i | i i \ 2.379 38 14 14) 90 | 305 300 219 12 st | \ : 546 2 4 284 318 fi 5B} jee. | ll, 43 262 (Po di lveduetlpuccns ; 9 4 su] is; 3} 5! 32° 16! 103 538, 13) 4) 1) Bk) 16,80 I ! \ 1 335 |! 4 bg u 282 |; 2 1 10 99 448 49 384 61 OO Veeeseclie ch eau hae gece lester. OT Niwas cocci, Do ljwesrecel esos 94 7. 96 7 677 95 70 79 6 ae 6 sete eee 2.940 220 | 361 234 1, 488 us] io} ass] 4] 5} 93! ge)... 1.452 105 | 181 110 f b ; 2. 861 213) 343 230 2.132 189! 234 143 615 BL: SL 30) ef 2 gl ahh. 619 42 54 | HON Co Ieee 430 5 54 Set Heyy) Grp. ge ay aes 410 46 66, 32 1 358 wu, 56) 368 3 53 79 7) 18 | 4 1 730 71) 68 37 2 3 8 35) jodeeeas- | ll: 90 732 54, 69 50 2 iu) 32 49 Ce rae 91 124 6° 15 u 1 1 2 Gh cspcte te a 4) 4 108 OCW |e: AB came ts Samees 5 5 4 33 12 346 19) 56 BU Wonca. | sccmsoes 6 Bis loses 6 | 33 380 2; 67; Bl i 27 ul 37 q!oo3! 37 131 uso ow 1 | og 3 113 13; 15 1 6 al 17 3 | : : 16 a “ 5 i I 1, 482 132} 190 125 71 ml 92 7 Til 57 \ 98 bt L471 131 | 186 14 By = af Stiinta. Ue e meee 1. 060 120! 113 72 979 a! 33 272 33 15 1 244 Me 344 14 ‘ J 267 35 S, <2 247 29) 38 BY | 204 6) 39) 37 504 Si Bh) 15 i WW z 4 - 3 Md, 8S 2, 6 BO G6 4th tei ag i Babu 1! 7 w! 6 37 293; °F l 3 37 2, 31, WwW ii Bio o8t At 1 8s 12 20 63 | 1 i| 1, 1; 1 4! lo 5 1 1! 1 2 7| 1 3 56 1 L jeeeeee cece eee je eee ees he 7 2 3 1 3 6 1 235 | 1 af 3 8 1 1539 5 9 4 moO. a, m6 1. 3! 2) i 3 16 43: 8, 48 A 26 2 7 2 Oye SD a talecer are sl Secmreeris ef eens | 2 2 Be ccs cicsese L* Viewer | 0 Besse 0, 2 5 13 8 : 938——26 402 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND & wr 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AGE, . i! ees SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. E cars, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. n Allages. | 9 Total ~ = 4s =|] on to ax eorex |. Un- Under3| 3to6 6to9 | 9to12 eaten Under 5| 5 to 15 | 15 to 26] 25 to 65 | Over 65 re Ward 20—Continued. Sanitary district B.....--..-.--..----22.--++ 581 61 10 7 12 100 141 29 48 220 142 1 Males ... 300 36 4 lL 4 55 80 10 7 113 69 1 Females . 281 25 6 6 8 45 61 19 21 107 ah yoo seed Wihiteus:2osed.cncesscastgeseenn sd sees | 575 39 10 16 12 97 || 138 29 47 218 142 1 Native born ..........--2-.2222-2--- i 452 59 10 16 12 97 || 138 28 42 144 100 |--...--- ‘ M.. 151 | 99 hss auead 6 3 31 9 4 8 5 BBi ssc ece Both parentamative...--2: {P] 163 21 4 2 4 31 | i 19 16 PA qliliciscees j | = ss 7 oy a - 3 M.. 69 v1 4 4 1 20 27 5 15 16 Gi cases eed both parents for-{ 5” 39 | 4 2 4 3 13 19 7 3 2 Giacesee Rireiead box M.. 68 i ‘oreigu born .-..-.---------- e 55 Golored: .2:ica3es2 seteeescteicendgecinees 6 3 Birthplaces of mothers: United States..........222--- ; ab = 16 Ba E 3 M.. 25 3 mgland and Wales...---.---} p77 20 1 TPA Giwscacsceced aan ceate ; MS 4 a ; M.. 30 6 Germany .--.---------------- ; yo 34 5 Scandinavia- ii See i a i se Se 3 eet pes ee as ah ag Si) , | ' \ Sanitary district C .....------2----2--2--+- 877 136 | 26 30 22 1) 214 Males 417 75 | 13 13 wi 15 Females 460 61 | 13 17 8 ‘ 99 NU Sees acces tee ec otege Jad 815 126 | 23 a4 18} 191 Native Lorn...-..22--2--02--022202+ 620 196 93 23 1s || 199 | Both parents native....-- j Mes ae ru 8 2 3s ee | i One or both parents for- 4M. 94 |. 26 5 4 3! 38 eign. Bs 104 |! 27 5 6 3 41 1 Foreign born .--.------------ {e- oe a i : Gul nel see ascevswuss co feeeesiecee ssid 62 10 3 6 4) 93 Birthplaces of mothers: é a Me ‘ és : Bos 4 ll 12 80 United States...--...---..--- j F_. 961 37 10 0 é 63 16 England and Wales .-.-.----- § te 3 A esccincese = : eee e 1 Treland .....------+---------- {ee aa : 31 q : te 23 7 2 Seana er ; 2 é oh ts oM.. 8: Z 2 1 Seandinavia...--------------- UPL, nj ji ; A { i 6,478 | 1.215 | 405 331 245 | 2,196 | 377 eee rae 7 bets 3, 349 670 | 209 171 131, 1,201 i 1,749 182 | 171 3, 129 545 | 176 160 lid | 995) 1.474 188 206 1 1 Wilit@nseceage pues tiepas oa Slice ees | 6.420 1,207 ; 404 326 241 2,178 3, 196 362 376 SPitiGo Mjobn sas acoaosecesceeeheadezes "4,790 | 1,205' — 399 326 240 | 2,170) 3,163 340 303: 764 a9) 1 | \ Te spe -/ 1,019. 275 89 65 30 485 083 65 44 152 Ga swicentee Both parents mative UF..! 958 245 67 53 46 411 i 578 C4 45,1 173 93 Seeedioe e i q 2 Darah M..| 1,431 ' 381 138 104 72. 695 1, 024 99 99 | 191 18 oe One or beth parents foreign . iP = 1302 291 105 103 66 565 | 857 109 109 | 209 7 i oP Mic! eri cae P| eghaintes rt 2 2 10 26 569 200 Foreign born .--.--+-+-+++--++-+- i eel 799 2 Ae lsc antgoeatienelattesieoceees 4 6 2 11 4G | G90 298 : ed aes SoS Sane eae eo 58 8 | 5 + 18: 27 8 , i aA el emenne ad { Birthplaces of mothers: i aes S ae ¢M..| 1,309 346 16 | 91 7 63 916 33 tt) aa, United States.--------------+-++- VE.) 1,197 288 | 83 81 oo! bl 77 | 88 61 208 145 14 7 | 4 3 | 28° 41 | 4 7 56 145 12 6! 3 4. 25 48 8 5 56 537 V7 19 | 16 2 124 186 17 49 227 572 48 15 | 11 S| 83 132 27 61 263 52 4 Dellcitczces 1} 7% 14 4 1 18 37 6 2 | Dh eat | 10 | 16: eacaae wed 1 1B 1,127 | 198 17 | 35 | 31 361 | 515 61 56 397 975 158 58 53 | 35 304 | 433 i 36 69 299 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 403 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. ‘ CAUSE OF DEATH. Child- Dis- : A Can- | Heart | /; ‘ Dis- Diar- ; birth | Dis- | eases Sear-| Ty- | Ma |p. . 1) | Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- q eases re All call, | Met" lpnota iacian| DEP | croup. [THEA |sump-| PBX easles|" ng’ | and | ease [2™dpu lenses] of the | cPthe | Ol | ull | ther |, UR, “°S+ iifever.|fever.|fever.| ¢2eT2- tion. 2 cough.| tu- | and ys : urinary! Be. * | causes. 4 \ eases. anor. GOOEY. is- jliver.| ous Gisane = PSY+) eases. system. Bans. i ea 581) 7| 13! 45 19 3 28 53 45 1 4| 27 49 8] 13 73 39] 12 33 139 |...2..2. 1 300 3 7/ 40 ul 2 10 29 24 1 1 7 D6" |szacadd 9 36 24 3 22 TG | seemed 2 281 4 6 a 8 1 18 24 21, |esezeusce: 3 20 23 8 4 37 15 9 11 GL | aes nince’ 3 575 7 13 15 19 3 26 52 45 1 4 27 49 8 13 73 38 12 33 137 Secor 4 452 7 8 ld 18 3 21 43 36 1 4 18 32 5 8 58 26 8 33 5 COON HO LO OF 34 6 5 7 6 21. 6 2 i | | 683 | ; 1 50 | 336 | 4 , 347 4 \ i Int wee : = J i ' i ga) 272) 162} 739] 728! — 530 36 68} 126) 352 59} 82) 673) 983} 78, 486 | 1,552 g | 32 is oe fie eal = at Fe a cae le ee Sa a el ee eh ee lr 64 690} 439 | 356 35 65| 43| 160 g2{ 34, sis! 97] 38} 486; 1,201 5 | 33 , I { 1 1838 32| 130; 68 87 8 3] 4] 394.00... 8} 17 MM] Wi 109, 276 2h 46 a1] 127] 36 76 5 | 23) 36 | 9} yt! 5] 95: 106! 237 |e o34 15) 81 66) 231 152 101 10 18 3 46 |ezrenscs 8 138 oe 1 158° 9854 Je scence ’ 3! 41/197 | 144 90 u 20} 13 35 is{ 8| 140 26] 4 8. 313 | 3 bss { ! 7 | leas! 93] 147 13 Tecasesens 1| 36] 92]. 24 81 Bil) “ABE ioetsen, igi | 2 45 4 4) 46] 140 79 i 2! 47} 97 24 78 $8} 26 (22077. | 157 1 {36 GB esas Paccuassiccs | 2 1 6 9 3 yeeeeseee- bouts tek a bel 7 DO beeede 10 Ie pesesee 1 TA farcicisels 2a 37 ‘ ‘ 4 s f I vse: ooh ak Se) Se so} msi} 87} 101 uj iwi ¢ 141 93| 12, as7i 351 2 Vie7|) iz! ao! a7 | 59 31 | 157 74 94 7) 19: 26 152 SL) go. te! S01 bvswcees 8 He aii) (ane ay PP bovcicaee 10} 18 16 tases wy 22 u| 2 7; 6 12. 145 Bi) as eB 2] 12 13 1 Do 20 BL PA gE 87 Fades cee {39 537 | 2 2; 1; 14 13 fe 91 51 4 2 10 45 34 5 36 134 eeeeses si 3) 7! a 8 7/44) 108 57 4 4. 12 61 a} 7) 1d) 126 3jfH9 52 |'.....- | ilsesces 2 1 2 G6 10 | eeiecineect]e cei Sec f 4 7 | 2 DP Vecsis rece a WA |eeeacn.. NT cee css Ad ceased Morseege apoeer eee 2 6 4 1 2 “age ed OY naa 2 2 9! lEeietens tat 1.127 8 | Ti at| dd | 188155 93 3/0 84 wi; 48] 8 1 267 i 975| 18} 2, 12) 42 “of 441 131 67 A 7 31 88 39° «10° 7809 1 f42 404 VITAL STATISTICS. x TaBLe 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE, I SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. | ALeADy: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. [| —___ |f------- Says See eee = &, (3 Stee eh - ast Allages. i under3) 3t06 | 6to9 | ator2 | Tl | Onders| 5 to 15 [15 to 25/25 to65 Over 65), UN Do yp TO vto io under 12 ndery| 2 ad Bi > known. | | Seo, & | -f- ]-- zat : Ward 21—Continued. i | 1 Sanitary district A .. 1,313 281 gl 66 38 486 72 | 56 67 2 45 a 28 258 382 | 25 33 m4 2 36 30 30 298 340 31 34 4 White... .-- 22-22-22. -eeseeee eee seen ee 1, 299 277 81 62 58 478; 712 | 56 66 5 Native D0tiis..0..0.-e0genciescssand 93 “977 81 62 38 473 || 703 | 53 49 1 : : M..| 192 62 2 13 13 110 |} 158 10 6 ents ative.....- a Toth parents native iF a 135 ' 71 15 10 12 108 148 11 7 One or both parents for-¢ M.. 290 82 2 22. 15 142 216 13 23 eign. Bas 2 2 : 182 | 13: 16 i ce : M.. I 1 8 Foreign born .......--------- § Pl $ : 3 n a) Culuwed). = < scccccceneecescesdeenestesess i 1 ec esionss | Birthplaces of mothers: 10°! Tnited States......-------.-- sM.. i 194 li Tnited States... d Fr 3 6 180 73 I - ae ' WG ote cian a1 | England and Wales-..-.--..-- iF -, | 2 20 Pp licoccs, al 5: : 227 34 9, 6) 6 |, 55 |i 88 1 2 12) Treland,...~.-s2s2s1ssesteeses iF. 213 21 4. 4) 6 || 35 @ ul 1 13 | nd |), a1 10 6 1 | 38 5a 102 |! 14 8 5 8 35 3 Tih OH et Seat 1 2 5 4 | 13 | 7 Shes Sead 7 i 15 80 125 41 82° 20 | 216 315 4 5 1 aa ONE ES ra Rae os | Fee 16: Males 412 |! 72! 18 15 wr 7 167 20 34 17° Females 418 || 51 23 a 8). 99 148 25 | 25 : 1 i | \ 18 White $26 |) 123 40 38 5 20 7: 215 313 53 59 i A pe ee SPS ak” cect sl Scien call ce SNA Al as oath 19 Native born..--..--+-------2-22-0+- 610 | 123 39 32 20 214 312 BI | Bi { I 20 x : 5g M.. 190 47 9 T 6 | 69 101 1 1 | Both parents native....-. fe a 197 | 9 13 4 4 | 53 99 Bb | rif | ' ; 21 ; One or both parents ae 122 | 2 8 8 6 45 | 62 1, 16 eign. F. 119 | 18 9 7 4 |i 38 |: 63 i 10 € f e M.. 93) edeneye sledsccscee|zeweadieda Ws 5 Stesoa| eseeasece pastels 1! 3 22 Foreign born.....---------+-+ it a 91 parca HNictet leone i | i 7 3, | | i 23 Colored ..------------++++---+--22 0527+ i Ay eanincees' 3 ls seeideie | Lieibased 1 |! 2 Ms eerteres | | \ ( ! Birthplaces of mothers: ‘x | ; { | ; J “ : cS 922 52 3 &. 9 82 124 7 16 24 United States. -..----+-++++-- Ve 223 23 15 | i.” 4 63 || 91 7 14 ea Beets es sie 39 | P lisacepced 1 1 4 5 2 i 25 England and Wales..-.------) p77 32 at 3 1 i 1 6 a 5 | 3 i 4 9 , 1 1 20 3 lu 26° Ireland... 2e2ssseseseeeer es 9 5 3 1 18 | 26 4, a y 1 a7 | Seutland aessseaeseeuecesbees | zh “ 1 | 2 1! 1 28° Germany.-.2.2---2--2-022 202+ | ole || ue 6; 4 ; lee setidied | i | 29 | Sanitary district C.-..-----------+----+-++- ! 87L |) 1,297 130 lis | 30 Males ..----.----+-- | 481 |} 709 60° a0 | 31 Females....-------- 390 588 70 68 32 White... 65 | 1,287 my; us! 609) 156 3 2 : i Pasa aes sage 8. ns fy Seok” | Si bt) ateoe 33 Native born. ...-2222-22200eeeeeees mL | 4 92 a60 | 1,268 Ml avi 188 | Tete des! : = . | | ; ; ; fees M.. mW 26 20 7 135 199 12 a oO 6 ficde eck a4 Both parents uative...-. ir i i i a) 19 iL 14 175 bP 6, 26 | Secon ' ; | "5 Que or both parents for-§ M.. 631 | 139 69 45 | wt] ga7 tage 37 35 | 66° ll ies sad | cign. iF .. 5a5 | 132 51 48 | 30 |, 261 397 49 , 44 ‘Of A Wowace } 26 Foreign boru....------------- ; Meg - om) 1 Ne Colored ...--------+--+++----2- 222222 | Pirthplaces of mothers: 38 United States..---.---------- ; Me 39 England and Wales .....---.- § ut a 40 Lielanil o.c.cceeee eeaeuees iP 4 ¢M.. 41 Germany..---+-+--------+----- iF. 42 Russia and Poland. ..------.- ; Ales NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 405 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | | | Can es i" Child- Dis- Di : | Diar- : ) etart) pirth- 1 Dis-| eases a8 Sear-: Ty- | Ma-| 7, heap | Con- Whoop-| cer | dis- eases . All eke | let |phoid! larial onl Croup. | eel sump- Bla Measles.| ing and ! ease andny, Se ie Bf Sue of the old aul other lenown A jfever. fever. fever." GkReS tion. i ,cough.| tu- | and dis |liver.| ous urinary| “8° - | causes. | ? | | mor. ay eases. ia organs. oe a i aerate ds matinee dinsnis - | i ‘ ' | | | feat ss : | 1.313 | 16 8 8 48 35 \ 173 150 119 14 i 15; 18 | 57 10 15 135 a1 12 110 327 2 1 66} sl} ai 4! 93 a| 3] 76 co] 4] 68] 174 bene eee 2 O37) 8B 5 4 25 i 80 74 i V7 8 47 153 | 2) 3 ; : \ 1. 299 ‘ 16 8 8 48 34 170 147 41 12 110 323 | 2 4 938 ats) 5 6 44 34 153 74 7 4 110 240 ; 3 192 As |oeors 1 8 10 34 13 di |eedea' 24 Role asctenk | 185 1 ay |nseocs 3 6: 30 7 2} 3] > 30 50 oo 6 ‘ 3 2 2 13 13 49 25 2 1 38 68 |.------- : 252) 7 2 2 15 5 38 23 Deane 17 65 1 3 £ Ww} 1 1 1 2 7/0 34 21 Tedlesdezecs : 188 lesess, 2| a 10} 38 13 35 lis? 1 7 ; { Ti Hecate Nhs oe fue Sea tes ee al 1 3 Abid otal et eae ete toe be HL achil caaeker Eieht tulsa Soles vesedlved 4 iwceewet a) 238 peaeetes 1 11 13 44 15 19 3 1 1 (‘BAsssesesdyeemeee : i asdiecsns 7 al. cs = 3 sats cisitatiellladseraw| Dadarccdieasee ewe ~ Boul: al]. — Wi Jemteeeeee od eed 1 evatecaraes 100 18 24 7 34 12 6 155 25 3 202 426 1) 33 1 13 3 Ot Aetacics Date iaiarsises 2 22 3 2 36 16 2 i 2 1 3 |.----- 23 9 |------ 34 of 7! 31 3) 39) Sey us] my] 39 4 — 1 | cae. 2| 60 — it) "989) Least tas 555 9 5 37 25 100 6L 31 3 8 j 5 14 9 2 50 8 |.----- 56 126 1 | 1 3:33 | al 4 8 je eee eens 7 64 35 |.-------- 1 18 2. | erecco 10 33 3 T Nonsense 79 2 236 1 3 20 21 8 24 | 19 BS iicctesn 59 |.------- 5 Bl caweuleccetd 1! Be cited at 37 41 1 2 47 36 Di [assim 37 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 Ge Vio wie 8 7 6 |------ 3 57 26 6 52 49 7 6 44 ai 1 406 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE $%.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN KACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ! Months. Mears: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Hl 7 All ages.]|| Uv ‘Under 8} 3to6 | Gto9 | 9to12 |) Tl onder ds) 5 to 15 |15 to 25 25 toG5 | Over 65), oon, ee | ES Samar i Sew ‘Ward 21—Continued. eZ 1 Sanitary district D 653 92 7 21 23 163 236 39 49 24 115 |e eeaeces 2 Males 322 48 7 12 14 91 128 18 18 99 WO ewan cece 3 Females 331 10 9 9 72 | 108 21 31 115 56 |... | 4 Will 6 snesed eevee ceecuy as dee ieankeuiber! 652 92 97 OL 93 163 236 39 49 213 115! [obeelecee 5 Native born......--.2---0e0-e2e20+ 523 91 7 21 23 162 |, - 234 38 41 144 66 |..-..2-. ‘ . i M.. 161 33 10 7 u 61 80 9 10 33 29 |... -e- 6 Both parents native .--.. iF i 159 24 4 ah 7 39 63 12 12 48 OE | Morse ase 7 One or hoth parents for- § M.. 90 4 7 5 3 29 46 9 6 25 4 eign. F.. 106 18 6 5 2 31 41 8 13 a 7 4 25 Nate eeane 8 Foreign born. ..-----eee-o- PaO oi eee ee pooap ae, By) pa ei 9 Colored, 52. s.ssscesecesccusacsccsiceesees 1 jrecetertefew ee sees eleeesce ee fee ee eee cee eee Wee eee ee] eee ee eee efeeeeee ees Dy Me teeth ewe ete Birthplaces of mothers: i 18 5 7 rc é of 5 | 40 ae Pr ett dis 3 1 9 2 7 10 United States... {FE 4 5 46 7 15 15 34 94 |. gy 11 England and Wales. -....-.-.. ee alk si 2 . } i u é 12 Tréland ssasasasacsceudiasians ee 2 i ; 3 2 £ : 18 Seotland .----.-.----eee-oe- om i ans a oe ae a M.. 47 | 4 4 2 1 iL 1t 4 3 18 5 |. it Germany -------+++----202+04 iF 2s 47 8 3 2 1 4 21 1 7 10 8 15, Sanitary district E..-....2.2.---2-020-2+-- 1,352]; 249 85 78 48 460 653 91 a4 385 138 1 16 Males 697 137 53 41 23 254 363 30 36 200 AB lseeeskies 17 Females 655 112 32 37 25 206 290 41 48 185 90 1 18 Wilites sscaceaaecnmageguyaceeuseelssewies 1, 346 248 85 7 47 457 | 648 90 84 385 138 1 19 Native born.....-.-.-----0¢------+- 1,018 247 85 7 47 456 646 87 iL 169 44 1 a M.. 233 63 29 16 9 110 148 29 12 40 As Nexen’ 20 Roth parents native. -...- f F.. 194 45 14 il 2 82 710 17 11 35 Mili cseeced 21 One or both parents for-¢M.. 298 73 31 24 14 142 ° 210 25 19 42 Dis asc amiciaia eign. F.. 270 63 18 26 12 119 74 23 26 40 6 1 2 Foreign born ... Se) ae ae t] S| doe), Sule 23 Colored vesocecasasaaesovecs teen ceeee sees 6 Weegee as 1 1 3 a UE nctces eee lecsaneemen sce aneee deetewend Birthplaces of mothers: Fe oe a3 i ‘4 ay : s 2 3 7 193 23 44 4 United States -..-.---.------. ; F.. 248 58 19 ct 16 110 149 2% 38 25 England and Wales. ....-.--+- |e S| ones ake i ib M.. 96 16 5 4 s 27 39 5 42 26 Treland -.-.-+----2++++22220+ iP = 100 | 8 1 2 1 12 21 5 39 3 27 Scotland ......-2---+--++--++: ie i i 2 7 3 3 . Ml] 244 41 7 ii 6 75 11 85 28 Germany..------+++2+-202+0- ; F.. 223 |) 37 10 15 6 68 96 73 99 | Ward 22. ..... 22. ++ 22-2--ee cree re et teectec sete 4,926 || 858 250 186 156] 1.450 | 2,014 313 307) 1,475 616 1 30 Males ....- 2,474 || 471 139 93 84 787! 1,168 147 153; 737 274 |... 31 2.452 |) 387 111 93 72 663 | 1,51 166 154 738 342 1 32 4,909 I 858 250 184 156 || 1,448. 2,910. 312} 305 | 1, 468 613 1 33 3. 630 || 856 246 183 153 |; 1,438 2,174 | 293 232 659 92 Do anuen ss7 || 223 59 44 a4]! 360 |} 583: 65 36 166 97 ecuee a4 913 184 47 i 36 a3 300 ! 474 | 63 45 187 144 foes. ‘ i : 1 a M.. gag || 936 78 46 49/409, 609! 7 7 32 35 One or both parents foreign. - iF pe 836 | 197 59 57 | a7 | 350 k B46 | BY ie ie o eaaans } i | . ; | 4 M.. G19 Yon se scayd] gs asinine f 1; 1}: 2 13! 10 83 410 153 |.. 2... 36 Foreign horn......----.+-++++-+++- § F.. 630 | 1 Bl tictienies | 21) 6 20 8 39 295 167 1 | 7 31 Gab EOAL cost ease lie ote eS AT |fieseaiiesn| vances. | De esha ed ot 4 1 2 7 3} | sn Sook ' | Birthplaces of mothers: | | , aboot ae M..| 1,076 | 273 “it 59 | ao || ass gor 81 39 188 38 United States .-.......-2------+++ ; F..| 1107 296 61 | 52 37 376) out | 86 5D 212 {.. 155 16 3 4 I 24 |, 40 5 39 England and Wales -....---.----- i 7 165 26 5 | 9 | 3 2 i Sai 13 i . M.. 548 72 21 91 12 14 |) 158 26 51 244 40 Treland.-..-.--+-+-++---+2+++-000- ; F.. 589 38 13 | 15 14 80 |) 187 28 48 991 M.. 322 48 25 14 i Wl, 146 18 19 11 41 Germany ..--+--+---2+----+ 20200 ; F.. 298 |) 49 10 | 10 6 85 |: 133 21 21 85 ue 6M... 76 |), 19 3 23 21 26 | 47 4 4 18 42 Scandinavia ..-..-.---- --+-+--+- qF 73 || 10 6! 4: 2 {i 22 41 5 9 1b NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 407 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. i | ae t ' ei 4 | i i Can- | Heart} Child-| Dis Dis- : t Diar- | ¢ Whoop- r | dis- birth | Dis- | eases éases All An |:Sear-| Ty.) Ma- | pinn. rheal | ©°2- | pyen- aoOP Cer hs and pa-|eases| of the : Old | Still Un- ‘ let | phoid!larial P| Croup. * sump- -. iMeasles.| ing | and | ‘ease _ | of the other |). ' causes. ifever.|fever.|fever,|tHeria- P| dis- are. monia. cough.| tu. | and |& eral jof the nerv urinary| 28° born. causes, | E2OW2- ' eases. Wor \daps is- jliver.| ous organs ! | . P8Y-| eases. system. gans. I oes aye ions esas ee pf | 653 : 11 10 18 29 g 49 68 62 2 3 19 51 7 9 86 29 13 41 138 |oomeeens 1 322 | 7 8 9 13 3 21 34 31 iL eae 7 QE eisigaicies 3 38 16 7 22 331 |, 4 2 9 16 5 28 34 31 1 3 | 12 30 7 6 48 13 6 19 62! 1] 10) 18 29 8 49 68 62 2 3 19 50 4 9 86 29} 13 41 523 |) 11 10 14 27 8 47 | 53 49 ' 2 2 | 13 24 6 6 65 22 10 AL i i ‘ . , 161; 6 6 8 5 12! 9 1b | Al sciyeiee's 2 OV cgscas 2 22 5 5 16 "9 9 4 | 8 9 3 2 26 4 2 i iD [iste cioteie ieee! sisisis cis 4 6 |------ 6 3 3 2 12 7 3 & Dh sia ciancinvais 1 11 5 De eealsieitans 17 1 2 10 2 DL eseetees LS cies toa) deeese eee eezs ec less |sceguee | Paeeesat leases 9 9 11 5 3 4 9 1 1 Ee 4 1 | 75 13] 23 136 15 90 338 2] 15 pies ' AT lasts: 12 78 26 3 49 170 2! 16 \ 34 13) 11 58 26; 12 41 168 |.2..2... 17 j 7 | 23] 138 51| 15| 90) 336 9 | 18 : —— gee | 1/9] 36 51 a3] 305} a) 6) 90] 267 2! 19 \ i 233) 5 4 WW 5 34 16 96 | otal aged 3 1 194] hs domeee 2 19 5; li 19 61 2 | og ioe |) 7 g 4 6 4 25 10 18) sii ccasae 5 5 5 4 4 18 4 ‘| 17 BO lien, 5 ; Bf 8 2 9 12 12] 49 99 W7 1 Wiebe u 4 ; 2% 1 10 3 4 13 6 34 32 18 3 6 2 5 149’ Hececed t 5 leer sine 6 24 19: liccchecedteccepan 7 16 175 |} 1 1 Sl eaceodl ces acter 10 27 Li lecca tenes i] 13 23 || eat ell hare oat tall atk esndowldessadlest ae Wetec es iancae Wore) tonpos | 12 5 4 4|. 6 5 1 2 |. 244 3 6 10 9 28 29 18 1 1 6 13 |. 293 7 1 1 9 4 26 29 12) asgaeisa cilodewonct 7 13 4,926 |} 93! 35] Gol 317 78; 479) 514 379 42 48! 104] 245 9474 \| 42} 20] 31) 153 40| 249] 257 210 23 20: 34] uel... 2.452 |} 51} 15] 29] 164 38 | 230] 957 169 19 28° 70 | 133 4,909 || 93! 35] 59] 317 78) 479/ sio! 378 42 48 | 104 | 243 te |e saiaisseesl ats 3, 650 l ss| 25] 38] 300 75} 427| 302 245 41 47' 358] 112 887 16 8! 13 66 18 96} 65 16 10 0; 1 86! leestheas 913 || 25 1 7 71 16 99 39 35 i 15 i 24 36 298 25 6 9 78 20| 127 83 56 12 10! 6 OD) 5 dase 856 22 7 9 83 21} 106 80 54 8! mi 12 19 { ! 619; 1 6 9 8 2) 21 97 ' 15 1 | rasta tegte 14 59) Hawexees 630) 4 4} 12 8 1 | a1] ou: ROY aonenesns 1 3 70 E 4 BG Mice lee ete 1 Meeedee thie ccs licekaodd 4 A fede ctoeste | Rite te be ieeeMereteatd De Visceral dll ccc cia | i 1 ! | hh we | | | ; \ 1.076 | 4 9° 15 83 21; 197 74 90 | 1 agth a B1 hheevges 4 wi 498r 1,107 || 32 2) 9! 94 22) 115 68 68 | 4[ 191 41} 20 5j 149 155 || 2 Be ahs 1 1 18 14 | 1 1 3 1B acts ac 51 (83 165} 1 |.----- ae | 9 1 10 7 9: 1 il 8 12 4 3 24 548) 1 6; 9 23 5 45 88 63 | 2 3] 10 29 |...2.-.- 19 45 589; 5 6) 15 26 6 50 95 54 leeseoeer 1} 22 35 15 7 71 322] 7 1 19 7 30 36 16 5 1 2 1 8 28 298) 7 1; 1 Ww 7 29 36 19 3 2 7 25 4 3 33 76 ji B Jecenee 2 6 1 iL 5 5 9! | cecesines lee dea salaiens 2 5 73 3 1 1 6 rn) 7 4 1! g' 9 2 Oecd 6: 408 TABLE 8%.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND cen - 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 26 27 29 30 31 32 Colored Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ M.. United States ..22--.--.2-02+- {i 1. . England and Wales .--.------ ie = M.. Ireland ...----------+--+--+-- ip a M.. Scotland vevesccssscseces ees ; r.. + §M.-.- Germany .--------------+200- a Biss AGE. SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Moths: BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. = foot eee eee eee eee ore Sy Oe ee is pe ere eon Allages. 1 | | seat ; ; Under 3! 8to6 ) 6 tod ; 9to lz later da, Under 5) 5 to 15 115 to 25/25 to 65 ; i : | rete ate re dha SA liecxWeee a pao a Wett Neais Gn awase ffheeteins |e Seeatelee = vehi Came 5 i ! i Ward 22—Continued. | : i Sanitary district A.......--.----22-.2---+-- 1.023 |j 165 41 30 | 33 269 | 383 63 62 330 99 21 14 | rt) 153 || 207 28 30 169 66 20 16 14 116 | 176 40 32 161 i 165 41 29 | 33 268 | 381 63 62 326 gee crnig i] denepiipinaesanik Wel ohmnaiapese genes Setneetith endl saaovsal | ecccons ---j asian hci 165 41 29 | 32 267 377 6L 48 187 | ea ei ‘ = = z Both parents native ..... {eo so 5 : + | 2 s He at ; aT ! One or both parents for- ¢M.. 166 41 12 6 12 7 107 ' i 17 : eign. QF .. 161 33 12 9 6 60 89° 14 15 1 2 q M.. V7 s|---------|------ eee ae at 1) ai 3° ] 5 Foreigu born .....---..-.----- s : ' \ Ses Ue .. 122 Bi eet 9 Colored Seta BE 8 | Ws) secede Deer | Birthplaces of mothers: 3 4 = 4 9 22 United States .....--22-22222. f a oa aa 26 8 England and Wales ...22-.... ‘e- a ; } 3 i 97 23 Bi 9 Ireland Ey 100 15 4 | 14 9 24 2 5 Germany... ---++-+--+----+-- § a : Fe 21 - 4 9 9 Scandinavia......--..-...-.-- ; Me 3 Mr Wesree i 3 i -e i 3 i ; Sanitary district B..-..........-.----.---.- 434 16 21 10 13 | 120 183 | 33 Males ... ong 40 13 8 6 | 67: 99 13 18 Females ....-..----- 221 36 8 2 7 53} 84 10 15 } WhiltGascvessecusecastents seeaseeseace 433 |! 76 21 10 13. 120 i 183 23 33, Native born ....c--ceccece2eeecceeee 335 76 21 wo 10! 181 29 29 69 ' ] a: M.. 7 3 Gy Hejarcecceecgre 32 | 11 3 12 Both parents native. --.. ie a 1s i aaaer ke ‘ i | o i i ¥ - ' i | One or both parents sa 81 21 4 2 6 33 49 2 11 17 eign. Bes 66 16 4 2 4 26 36 7 6 14 \ i Anessa eiwle esi : 2 2 Forcign Dorn...-.--2-2--0e0++ {fry # Tene Ponce : | 2 5 WOlOUON csc-cie seins sich Se Rete cecsscingcaee Mh Micysta,cvesepore Ol aimee eta ae era etre ciel eae i 2 8 ae ee ncaa eas Se T We eoags reich ss ' Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ United States..-..-..-------- oe England and Wales..-.---.-- ee Treland. ----2--sescesss2e5< 22 ; Ht Germany-.------------------- ‘ A Scandinavia. --..-----.------- ; al - Sanitary district C ------------------------- Males ..- ‘ Females --.------- White. ..... 0222+ - 22-22 -e ee ee eee eee eee 137 20 22 125 Gh whereas Native born ...22¢-0-.-eeeeeeeeee eee 134 Is 16 | ua BT sedis : M.. 36 5 2) Both parents native...-.- ; Pp. 46 : One or both parents for- § M.. 9g 4 4 eign. i UP. 18 6 5 Ba ¢M.. 1 1 3 Foreign Dorn..------------++- PE 2 } 3 1 1 35! 49 Bat 53 3 3 J 1 + RB 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 5 8 2 3 g 5 i 409 SEX, NATIVITY, NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. COLOR, | WITH DISTINCTION OF d ES CAUS MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. EATH. CAUSE OF D 2 = 4 : Peo ae LE i ‘ ‘ Bs : : . : m5 j | : é : : x INEM OOSOnMINM 2 2S : SsSereRransere 2/18S S & ase ! ! “Sa : S \ i : S ‘ i ad wR ANaMHKIH! © !1wme © & No taenANe WORM IN Cte ; Sa an : Oo), = aa — : Vt : nS : ; : : i 39 i DOIN MHA st f : 5 4 . Oa i : ‘ Lat ee tit £m OD WI ‘ ROAR CONS 2ogea8 wie a ‘ BGS Zs ‘ A San of t . \ pa i °es5s : I z = ar ' Oot oR ¥ fF 2D OM AM & wot oo me ' g8aeas | & 3 8S &2% Fs ce oe Ears ee i ; =. hee eu 2on | ! tos vor eee (ao. ; wi 2355 Bee Agss * Oo wo Bo 2528.3 ARU Soe OSaES - & OD ' 2 Lb ce eagee2 vo ona am no mUose pa mis | : ‘ ee b FS & 1 4H AN oO a ine i agysk | & TR SS “o 10 4 inoue | ovata | : : a A : Swe GS HD ate AM vt : +o See mak : aGe i ae : : aS eae Oe : Fe! P48 : G ° ee a : : g = ow ay SS ee onal sf t ae . Z : fo Me a ' ' : : : 4 i 2 ' Om Di x RH rH aM DAN tonmhan 19D 1 Tk MD DORM OMNAA “ 3a ; De a Oo Ae ae . San (35 & ar.) ol en = mie editing & ! \ ; ' i as y ' { . : ag i cs i : : : ! f ‘ : Sys cejisee ale © 19 IH oo noe or aoe r [33 2:18 @ “2 8a ae ae eee Ses a = | Oss | ! ‘ ar i i . ss 1 , Hae O° HA > 1 : © Notas a82¢ 2.99 2:2 23 az ot ¢ aan um PSs Bese \ | ‘ Arys | | i a ’ = tie alc am om at : AA tea PAM 5 : nes 6 ‘i 5 | ed ag 8 : | | rose ; : 4 : 2 o!lt on no tn ' PAA Hoe ac i 6 | qa ae Some ' ma ES ' ! : : Ee | | ft ~~ " a densesecniokeeiseeaeilanate > ADasitaetes Lah olat ale mi aw en a WA IAA ba 2S So! or ' wd i > 4 ! ‘ ite : | ass 2 ’ : as | Lee ' er ee Ee ‘ ' so eat | Hes i : | an 2 4 t in a oR oe . ara ya | gee BUR RO Tere a | Sb ; : : on | nos ; a ep eat ot i 7“ HBSKregens FONMASHOAA ac = 410 VITAL STATISTICS. TasLe §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND wn 10 11 13 Me 15° 18 19 2G | 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 AGE, os = : ‘A Mouths. ! Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND aso BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Se a a i i Allages. \ ; : » || Total | 31% to15 118 to 25125 to 63|Over 63 |, U® Under 3! 3 to6 6 tod 9to 12 ‘under 12! Under 4| 5 to 14 | 15 to 25) 25 to 65| Over 65 known. \ ‘ So, wear | Bok ere a cea —— -- i Ward 22—Continued. | ne se 5 Sanitary district D | 1, 234 209 57 59 | 42 |: 367 562 107 75 355 ASD. ti secenss Mal 634 |! 112 32 26 i 22 |! 192 298 56 39 178 G3i Vice ascen, Females 600 |: 97 25 33 | 20 | 175 264 51 36 177 TD! (sae ceca WAGE eee ate son coke csisypaaeseisys 6S 1,231 |} 209 57 59 42 367 561 107 73 355 13S) fesecicaes Native bot A Be 224 |. 58 13 14 9 94 143 25 8 30 Wile ciated’ Both parents native.....- {F 204 |! 49 7 re 8 78 116 W7 10 38 TMcaisees t One or both parents for- 4 M.- 230 |i 51 18 11 13 93 47 a7 19 eign. § F.. 297 47 16 19 10 92 139 30 17 . 104) 0 44 jee eee Perot ra Pg fg] pes COlOTEOD: wee cosets iscxccaussccuuie soe, GP |lsmseatisind) ickisinar oe leceuiore dulexencesesl leeceenies: 1 \eseseuees DF Nioaeieutemclnaxten cantebenemaaee Birthplaces of mothers: és ie 7 ay aan ai Pe a‘ 5 M.. 270 D 7 United States Pp 263 63 / 1 9 100 152 28 14 * M.. 38 1 1 5 10 3 7 England and Wales .......... § ¥_. re 4 1 3 1 8 il 3 1 M.. 154 1 7 3 4 32 42 10 13 Trelandl 2 -prarareanentnies sc Sec] ol 10 4 4 3 21 36 10 8 G 7 M.. 83 12 5 4 4 25 |! 29 4 4 SORMMVAY soo sense sake asoaats } F.. 87 “ 3 6 2 25 |} 39 4 10 _ A r M.. 1B Po 4 pence eee ele ne ee eee lees eens 4}: 7 Tl ceweetieee Scandinavia. .-.-..----------- if ee 9 Decreased \ 1 1) 4 |: 4 2 1 | | Sanitary district F ......-..----2---22002005 430 87 18 19 13 | 137 214 20 32 Males os 208 41 9 9 8 67 102 7 16 Females.--..--..-- 222 46 9 { 10 5 70 112 13 16 Wihlté: faaerrsiccen! irthplaces of mothers: i | | bai as M..| 272 79 rf 10; 38 United States .--.------------ § F ia 21 | au ' u 18 i 4 | England and Wales.......... tir eo 53 ae ey ra wie es 1 3 3 | 18 | M.. 170 26 9 3 4 | 8 WV; 69 Treland. ....------------+----- it a 193 ll 6 5 6: 10 14 j 93 M.. 121 18 13 van 5 9 4: 36. Germany ----------+--++--++- iP 8 97 25 2 2) 2 9 3% 21 i . : M.. 42 iT 3 | Dc lhesicia sienasare 3 a 8° Scandinavia....-------------- iP 3 30 |: 3 1: 9 Te 1 a 3° NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. CAUSE OF DEATH. 411 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. wee ooe mr ee Om “1-1 mw Child- Dis- < é Can- | Heart} ;; . Dis- Diar- h di birth | Dis- | eases All An ||Sear-| Ty- | Ma- | pinn. rheal} ©™ | Pneu- Whoop, cer | dis- jand pu-|eases| of the | ©25¢5 | oid | still Un- let hoid| larial pr Croup. = sump- :. {Measles ing and | ease ~ | of the other Cansess fever.|fever.|fever. theria. ales tion. | Mon. cough.| tu- | and orperal pethe a urinary age. | born. causes. known. mor. |dropsy.) oases. system,| O°Sans. 1, 234 25 6 17 96 14 131 130 87 9 13 23 73 13 23 184 46 22 94 218 \asscosey 634]. 14 4 7 54 8 65 62 56 4 7 9 34 |. = 18 69 18 9 54 142 600 |! IL 2 10 42 6 66 68 3h 5 6 14 39 13 5 65 28 13 40 136 i 1,231 25 6 17 96 14 131 130 86 9 13 23 73 13 23 134 46 22 94 Q7G6 bee wacizind 908 25 3 13 92 12 118 82, 54 9 13 10 29 10 6 95 20 9 94 Q12- |aiseniviees 224 | 5 2 3 25 1 24 14 16 2 4 1 Tle. lL 30 1 3 28 57 204 5 6 beeen 5 13 2 23 14 10 2 3 2 10 1 22 5 3 18 5 230 9 1 3 25 6 33 27 17 2 3 1 Bl sicicaieicins 4 20 D [esr 24 Ao xaemisiarerd 227 a 3 2 2 28 3 35 26 9 3 3 3 2 4 \scscsd 21 8 2 21 50 aiaisieie 163 |e... 1 1 3 1 8 20 22: |nocecexe| easazedt 5 1S eiasss.siss 13 19 IL 6 Weceice.s 35 | aseeeacic 136: WWecsese losses 3 1 1 5 28 10! |cicoecwes | asaaseaic 8 25 3 4 20 15 4 Moscone 2G |cecineen Gi |b ater (ebenate tot senna hs Seesteie |otecae ha te deh A ed UO a a ea aera lie | eee aoa Meee Soe 29 2 3h 14 23 2 5 1 OF lecizaees 1 35 iL 3 32 22 4 30 19 12 3 5 2 11 qT 1 28 9 5 21 3 1 2 3 4 Te | sarscesiectiacces 21 sistent 2 4 4 excises 1 4 1 5 5 3 2 7 0 14 9 4 7 7 2 14 10 3 4 4 4 10 1 1 4 4]. 1 40 3 1 10 1 A 1 3 1 1 430 27 8 36 38 28 6 2 12 26 2 3 39 M7 9 60 99 eeee ca 208 9 4 19 23 17 4 1 6 10 |.------- 2 18 8 1 25 50. asowses 222 18 4 17 15 11 2 1 6 16 2 1 21 9 8 35 49. || sewers 428 25 8 36 37 28 6 2 12 25 2 3 39 17 9 60 99: |ecocesey 306 25 8 31 20 16 6 2 6 Ge sl crea essere fiance cae! 26 9 2 60 OF dcccges 67 1 lseecas 1 3 8 3 8 2 Votrelte kia 2 5 BP tenses 10 16 hecsiceee:s 72 3 DT isemeees 7 2 5 3 3 Alacer mcad 1 7 3 1 16 16 tances 1 74 Bice. | 6 i] 10 6 3 2 4 | a ill ea ecNad 5 L |asseze 15 dB) seeds Blo Yegececficanace 1 10 2 8 4 2 1 1 1 DW eszvataiatvecallepatg lass! 7 2 1 19 20 |scecceci 58 H...--- 3 1 2 |. 1 10 GC liseaue sect astadaece! 2 He ee mrecrans 2 6 4 bi Rees 16 |sccccces G2. Wowearies dL. Ml sjars rast i 4 7 Gio oere sees facrccemce 4 7 2 1 t 4 6 lesan se 12 |semsuses I 2 fe ee-- lee eee et eee ede eee eee ee ee leone eee Dl Howes se gheecnen-ctelene cine Dy Jo msiseees [eiccicinel|eresicepeee| tcaccan |eecese] tia selee:d icine cgeliowaraad 19 87 65 7 8 5 4 Di penetes 8 83 31 5 65 179 1 19 75 82 58 4 13) 15 93 15 5 97 24 4 47 159 |-s2-02%: ! 38} 162) 147 129 12 ww) 19 50 15] 13 180 54 9} 112 338 1 Le Seek ty 38] 142 80 112 259) | dewareen Tt 30 12 i 27 Baten ced 8 27 20 20 50 emaearca 8 48 22 ; 38 TSH leeeiewces 1L 36 23 27 67 |sewneeee peated 8 29 Lethaia 45 1 Lanes 12 38 ——— Aly | pacenere 33 4 30 35. 21 | 22 2 5 3 4 4| Fy 18 27 15 | 7 31 6 | 12 1L 9} 10 8 | 10 ' 7 1} 31 3 4, i 412 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. a SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ; Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. a a a fe aaa shag Ace ae Bes SER 9 Stes eae Cet All ages.) | ' ; 0 Unders, 3to6 | 6to9 | 9to12 | Total | onaers| 5 to 15 115 to 25 [25 to 65| Over G5 |, CO | | : under 12} known. ates = Hesperian liip Se, int) patda) | eS et eo I es ieee geet Ge | eas ete 1 363 88 70 62 | 583 R56 142 159 | 832 534 1 2 Males 218 49 43 34 | 344 491 68 | 7 | 416 210 1 3 Females 145 39 27 28 | a39 || 365 74! 82! 416 324 |.....--. 4 361 87 10 60 578 851 142 157 | 825 532 1 5 Native born 361 86 70 53h: BAG 139 141568 377 1 6 =. 145 30 29 16 jj 220 312 42 30 | 212 127 1 Bothsparontematiye § 103 15 rt 12 149 230 52 45 | 192 i 7 4 5 Paweter M.. 309 70 17 13 16 116 171 26 20 78 Ta fcc ieiediace One or both parents foreign... ; Po 364 58 24 10 71 85 198 19 33 | «3 grees 0H at : i , 8 DP oret sr, M.. 176 I a Oe aun dys a 108 GL | cncccee Foreign bom: pscsonsctcencie dss iP x 256 ||. 1i 2! 3 n: 146 GLa ges eces ; i i ! 9 Colored! sscesscesscuescceeessesessieeereeeces 16! ido. eS apate es 2 | 7 DP looseness t I Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ ' i 10 BRP SB iieceness | 5 1 ; eign. VUF.. 50 9 Mocca eed 22 Foreign born......--.-------- {ir : 1! 24 8 a 3 i 21 9 23 i COlGEOU, axicsiscedeeiaedsccisses soma eicisaizcic 46 e SRE NES P rt Gillis wesee d Birthplaces of mothers: xi i : : . id : i . M.. 7 19 Wl 4) ul 37 i 54° 24 United’ States: .us-sschar sy? VE: 62 11 4 8 6 | 29 |! 41, : . 2 il Bile dengue’ Todas sees 3H i 25 England and Wales...-..---- iF) 10 3 ease Se : "| ail a M.. 27 5 lebeeides : 1 F 26 Treland .....------2---+--+--+ ie 7 Tees ‘i 2 | 1 i L is ‘ a 37 i : : 7 Germany ..------------------ iF i 3 g : ; seeseee 3 a 1 28 Stondin Avion sanncssescenas tel Sl eescias eee aa ce Na | | 4 29 Sanitary district D.....2----.2.-2-2-------- 83 12 a 6 3 | 28 | at | 2 t = Abe ¢ easter | a 30 Males... ..220-2000+ 47 7) 4) 4 oh gil a5 | 31 Females 38 o a : 2 1 ki 11s 1s: ‘ 4 4 32 White 83 12) 7 G a a3 ° 40 | ik Sa i ] yepess: a @ oiceee 33 Native: WG? seca coniioracariemiie ss) 64 12) 5 7 i 6 3 | 28 | 40 | i \ 4 34 Both pareuts native ..-.. it w ; : I beret a } ; 35 Que or both parents for-¢ M.. 26 5 | ce a i | 2 ‘ W7 eign. Fe. oO a le UU eae oct 3 a 36 Voreign born .---..-.-------- 37 GOLOREU, access ssitinrdadccisiee easement ' . i Birthplaces of mothers : 38 | United States .........22202- | d 39 | England and Wales..-...---- YF 40 ; Ireland 41 Scotland 42 Germany .... .--------2 20025 417 NATIVITY, 7 WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX ’ CAUSES, CAUSE OF DEATH. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. AGES AND FROM CERTAIN oT AT CERTAIN ? 1890. 938— All causes. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. MAY 31, al Ne on wo nr Led a ae coal = a Nn ma — 8 afte : j i ab : ‘ : : bs ; : ‘ a ‘ : Aa ‘ . . ne sige Oir 10 lo ” ~O S23 2° on a ic 3S aa ag. © qos os ° jeres ° ° an et ag 2 | ae ee i er aé “a NA : a se RO) Peieet a4 ot : : im on : : nora 2a2ilooa wom MA Lot od e100 2viad a = cal a= bb AStEE 3° « os i oe |/oeo i eae ag 2/88 a Azo 325 pee ° ee nD Gar 2 | ono Res, > Zane Sie Ay. 8? Su. Agss os 7 ; cect. @ : tea ee aa Ao ‘ : BEL 252 2 : 335 aS ‘ : : oO ag o ' : ; pes Ss Fic oem elle + a a io oa on bt tote a; = : a 2 ‘ : fats ~ I~ 1 : ido S5ts8 2 | +2 a ' aS iat cy Coarse i : : ead 1 . ‘ oe a | ae im afer ta ue oo : < ve é2 to “ noe ans ss zB 8 : oie z | ala ia ola tA ia : = { . ' . g i : oO 3 ! : . . . . Lf x |e wd A} oD INH MN Me gg 2/a2 aA NI] A Ro Ae : an ola mw an an . ae a cal a a> SH Nt O BQ Nomnren tr lone «la wo om am om ° ra GN = BAS S)/an ale = a ‘ RS H ° i ms Moa so tte te tle w]e Ht aR 5 Te " 3 : i i oe . ' 2 : As Pore Ona ian | = =o Aza 2S ess a Cy Ags ae = Ze ‘4 10 moe i Aas ia bod yo ae a 37 8 : anes weenee 20 b ro Se nN 418 VITAL STATISTICS. , TaBLe §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Hears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. |All ages. : Under3] 3t06 | 6to9 | 91012 | Tl | Unders| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25 | 25 to 65| Over 65 | un ! Ward 24—Continued. | 1 Sanitary district E.........2..2.222---.2.--- 311 67 13 15 17 | 112 161 23 13 87 QT esinaases 2 Males sean ysenseceevcsbenacecece 147 31 6 5 8 50 16 12 6 41 TPN ecemcesa 3 Females.......20200.c00-0ccseee 164 36 7 10 9 £2 85 il 7 46 15: Veniseoes 4 WiDIt62c22ccmre see ve eee SeecSeee accel 284 63 12 15 4 104 | 149 20 12 79 24 |...----- 5 Native born .....0....02--000000e-0 216 63 12 15 14 ws | 149 20 8 30 9 access 4 M.. 39 1 4 1 3 21 32 4 Ui lsceescace Di eeaeacs 6 Both parents native...... ; F 50 4 2 3 4 93 35 3 } 7 Wl ee ale One or both parents for-§M.. 59 17 2 4 2 25 37 7 1 13 T feaawcnee 7 eign. F.. 61 20 4 7 3 34 42 4 5 9 del totetane | M.. 3 aN 3 23 6 8 Foreign born....-.-..---.-... § F_. ae 1 26 9 9 COlOrED: sence see cer sesereesieeneeusasy see 27 1 8 8 | ssroeaioans Birthplaces of mothers: aa 2 gd 59 2 4 10 United States .............-.- { P_. 75 1 py 11 England and Wales ...- sf iP u i 3 M.. 53 26 12 Treland.:c.ci353 ondacasoeccers iF a 58 35 13 Scotland .....22..2220022220+- ie: 2 14 Germany .....-....-.-------- § at ee is 15 4,319 515 3 16 2, 189 212 1 17 2, 130 303 2 18 4,131 187 243 168 150 1,318} 1,971 253 214} 1.1921 500 1 19 Native born.....-...2.-.-2------22+---- 3, 259 756 243 168 149 |, 1,316 | = 1,953 240 188 630 O48 [scisnewe 5 M. 963 244 82 52 40 418 614 63 34 169 - 83 20 Both parents native....-...-- iF eo 878 167 46 43 42 298 462 60 46 ii; 119 : ; M. 666 lod 54 43 35 | 326 460 54 48 93 | 9 |e... ee 2 One or both parents foreign. $f 657] 136 61 30 31] 258 392 56 57 138 | BE osc ; M $20 ciiste ovat lhe eed mete 1 1 10 8 17 291| 103 |... 22 ROreionl LOT ys evi nedtsbeeeaesee tr) dolce seuaces |euaninetss beeeacectl|ae tenes 7 5 9 an| 47 i ! 23 Goloredsactcsccbaccacci nase aceteenehoscedatu 188 33 10 17 10 | 70 98 | 12 18 43 | 15 2 Birthplaces of mothers: ue ens ao ei e a | she i P : 1173 0 518 81 44 193 24 United States -...-------++---- ++. } F..| 1,107 215 64 6 51 391 597 78 67 234 | : ss 178 25 8 1 40 58 9 7 65 25 England and Wales..-...---.---- if 154 1B 6 3 3 mn = 2 9 5 67 | 316 57 10 10 8 85 122 19 18 133 | 26 Ireland -..---------+0+ereereeeees 343 31 13 6 8 58 95 16 18 158 32 1s bedherece Bu lieauetese 4 7! 4 3 13 27 Scotland 34 3 | DO Wesekee At 1 6 9! 2 1 14 | 327 49 17 17 97 134 13 27 122 | 28 Germany 333 451 BBY 9 8 83 | 197 19 27 2 | : 4 i 1 29 Sanitary district A....-..-22-2-02-2e2e02ee+ 1,375 245 | 78 59 51 133 | 642 85 83 391 | 172 2 30 Maleaccenss! irra eras: 709} 9! 39 31 30 mil a) wei of aa) 1 31 Females....---------+----++2+++ 666 96 | 39 28 21 184 |! 279 | 39 | 46 | 201 | 100 1 1 i ' : i 32 52) 901 | a 45 45 382], 571 | 80 TL) 366, 163 1 aa Native oni esto kwacoemwenes 995 22 | TL 45 45 381 567 | 73 59° 99) bese secs “) M. 316 80 | 24 u 14 129 195 | 22 6 58 35 34 Both parents uative ..--- ie : 263 48 15 | 13 1D aa i a4 aes a 8 : : { ' 35 One or both parents for- § M.. 195 54 | 13 13 12 92 127 | 16 19 | 30; Ot einieiwiennisis Ed eign. {i ba 194 aH 19 | 8 7 68 | ie | 14 22 | 43 Br [omer : M. 18 Ness, I dada aseNetedantes Meadeaind: ete | 2) | 8 |... 36 Foreign born..--.------+------ oe 128 I). cxciszci yanaweuce 1660 vaialtea paces Wes acters i i! 3 | 79 it “L | i \ i 37 Coloretlccscacee cers cesses core eantevee® 123 2 7 qt 6 BL 1 al 2 25 | Q 1 ' 4 “ ‘ : i Birthplaces of mothers: } | i | eee M. 394 100 30 20 17 167 | 49: 29 aq! 67. 38 United States ..-.-.---------- j EF. 36u 63 | M4 20 16 123 i 179 25 24 | al. M.. 7 1. 2 2. ! : 39 England and Wales......-.-- it "s Be , 2 tees om 18 ‘ 2 23 6M. 120 | 18 2 4 1 23 | ie 8 114 18 | 49 Ireland ..-.2-+.----+-25ee Bo, 113 | 8 2 4 Z 16 30 | 4 8 50 ; M.. 63 | 9 4 3 4 a0 | 7 1 7 et 41 Germany..-..2s.¢nerseeers se Beas 7B | 10 7 3 2 | 22) 34 | 2 : 25 Pa gM... 16 3 Wh 2eceiecn 1 5 5 4 42 Scandinavia ....-----+--+-++- UF .. 1241 4 Ti isecanemcn 1k: 6. 9 24 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 419 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | eo i Child- Dis- - , ' Can- | Heart| 7; ; Dis- Diar- i . birth | Dis- | eases scar-| Ty- a ae : : : , n An |/Sear-| Ty: | Ma- | inn. rheal | ©™ | pneu. Whoop-) cer | dis: 4nd pu-jeases| of the | ©28€8 | oid | stin- | 4! Un- causes, ||, let |phoid/larial én chia | Croup. | “aig. | S¥™P-! monia. |Measles.| ing | and | ease (Oooeral lof the| nerv- | Of the age. | born. | er linown. fever.ifever.|fever. eaneas tion. cough.| tu- | and dis- |liver.| ous |!timary, causes. mor. |dropsy. elses. system. | S208. i 311 6 3 5 13 7 31 36 23 1 3 5 15 3 7 36 6 |...--- 22 BO aeeeanes 1 147 2} 1! 3 8 | 3} | Ww 1p [eee 2} 3 T3 3 20 2 164 4 2 2 5! 4 20 22 8 1 1 2 8 4 16 3 | 284 5] 3! si 12: 7] 97) 34 22 | 1 2) 4] 4.4 2) 6 33 4 a ew, er Sebeeees a acres a ( 5} 2] 3] 2. 7] 2%, 47 17 | 1 2 |e... 6 2) 3 21 5 i ' 39 50 39 61 32 36 27 59 75 12 4 33 58 2 1 11 13 4319, 68! 49! 64] 200 77} 480| 479; 3945 25 41| 100; 225 3859; 49, TA | 89 999 6] 15 qu : ' | nie. aS ny Uh See 7 mune tk Seer oe + tee i | ‘ 1 2.189 38] 25!) 29] 102} 35} 258] 294; 196 | 17 a1} 25] 109 /........ o7' a8; 9 | 527 2) 16 2180, 30] 2. 35 98 42] 227! 255) 198 8 2| 75, M6! 38) 33) on 88 34} 198 472 4| 17 i 4,131) 65] 48; 62] 197; 76) $59 | 44d 380 24 39} 97) 218 ; 37, 52; 499; 17. 511 336 941 6| 18 ! | t 1 i = Bae = pe pee . a 3.259} 61| 36! 42! 187 74! 493 | 287 270 24 39! 51} 125! 24 ' 30 B44) 9525} 86 780 19 963 | 19 9 10! 60 23) 17 60 86 8 1/10 40 |..2..... | 8 109 | 29 6) an si} 11 co! wu! 58 26 95 i 81 1 8] 25 36 OG ad 977; 23 «18 2 666 | 15 8; 7 34 9| 107 ¢ 51 8 9 OY AGH setaeuty 4 72 15 1 96 6x7 | 15] a} ou 35 16 98 td 48 6 wo} ii a 13 5 60 OF s.ceus 51 429 21 7|/ 10 6 2! 16] 83 Ba edcec.teliaens Ww) 43 |... 10 47 2 of. 440 2 5] 10 de leeeye oun 20 3 BT |oeceeecec[ecsceees 34 48 13} 12 38 83° AT [iseeaee 188 3 1 2 3 1 21 35 14 1 2 3 7 1 7 20 4i 9 3 BB Se devabe 23 ‘ ! 1,173] 25] 10] 13 69 28} 150 79 102 12 2} 1 50! encase 10 131 31; 8] 126 of 1,107 || 12 g| 14 67 33] 131} 102 98 3 i} 31 41 io} 14 122 30° 14 86 178 5 2 5 3 1 15 19 13 1 4 2 15) jose sene 5 u 15 2 12 oe 154 4 1 2 7 2 10 21 16 |.. 2 7 12 4 4 15 4 3 3 316 3 7 3 12 1 27 46 39 1 2 4 190 | gaclaega 4 30 5° 1 34 ‘ 343 5 6 5 8 1 31 67 39 3 1} out 17 9 9 29 22' 8 Mu BU eakon Bleecker 3 1 4 5 heh cera =f lemeticed 1 We yeses ad ccece 3 ee 1 . 34 jo... 2 2 Ie lsdeays 2 4 Doda (een ses 2 1 ai aaa 3 | 2 327 4 2 5 ll 3 41 54 30 3 2 4 19) |. ceanasd 5 29 Wi 6 24 98 333 5 3| 10 13 5 32 42 31 1 4! 44 28 ll 4 33 1b} 5 18 i i ; i : : 1,375] 20; 21 93) 67 22! is | 146 139 7 14i 36 73 8 16 142 sl; 14; 98 326 1| 29 joa esse Nae aU as ndidia condi brett mae See oes 709} 10] 12 12] 34 10 14 65 73 3 9| 10 36: buctelind 6 87 a7} 7 62 173 |scwcsee 30 666) 10 9: i 33 2 67 81 66 4 B26 37 | 8| 10 55 a7 36 154 1| 31 1,252 | 19; 20) 21 | 66 22; 125 | 128 127 6 12) 34 69 | Ti 13 127 60 | 13 96 286 1! 32 |__| ———— | - - ae et Pea Pans ited ties 995 || 17] 43] 16; 61 22 17 81 94 | 6 2° 21 44 5 8 102 96 233 1! 33 i 316'| 6 3 _ 18 7) 28 16 32 1 3/5 tel... 4 44 32 263 || 4 1 5 20 71 96 21 | D7 leaner tailasstanes | 1 14 | 3: 2 24 20 1 195 3! 4] 4 | u 351 16) 20 1 5) 1 Me cet lest: 19 28 194 3 4 4/12 26 zu 14 3 4 | 3 6. 2 2 12 14 : i ft al af 3] 4 GB Bie Tahaan ( eaves 3) fees. al wi om! ah. 128 1 3 2 | 1 4:17 | TG s|eccizecsee lactones 10 14 21 4 wl Wd, 44... ' ' 123 Wty Bp Tbe 1 we} owl oa 1 ' 9 4 te 8 15 2 j ’ ! ! ; i 41] 21] 39 3 4]; 5 19 |sevecsxe 4 54 37 42) 36 37 2 3: 16 M4 4 4 33 22 5! 8 5 1) 1 obese 1 4 5 a 10 1.4 3 5 1 iI) CB etesichin cist 1 20 Tt) Qo Bese | Legere i 9 7 16 4 3 3 3 7 4 12 7 1 Perea roorn 7 5 K 9 2 10 2 7 4 see, Sie iene Pied Saat aed 5 1 3 OA | ely ae ree Santee oe tecce eA [eae alee stall teaches eed 2 420 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE $7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. e Months. Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ; -_——— i Allages. i ' { { : { ' ‘ ell oe ae Sel oe S “2 -| Un- ! Under8, 3to6 | Gto9 | 9tol2 | one Under 5| Sto 15 15 to 25 | 25 to 64 | Over 65 Waawii. ' ! ! il i : SS i Or Sees Seams er cae = fe ae Eg Ward 25— Continued. ‘ i % . 1 Sanitary district B..........2..-22-222----- 696 | 14 35 20 17! 186 28 36 38 220 M13 eeiceeron oes a a el ae eed cea pee ts = 2 MALON cnn senexeraenemansonct 347 | 73 21 16 s. 118 170 18 17 103 80 escdaaee 3 Femal 349 i! 41 14 4 9 68 |) 119 18 | 21 | 7! Tal avenvenesaie 4 604, 1d 35 20 7 186 289 36 ST, 220 5 555, 4 35 20 17 186 || 285 36 | 23 137 i | i : : 9 M4 us 5 69 |! 99 iL 10 42 Di eek 6 oth parents native...... ee Pa 2 6 9 | 8: 42 4 60 WW 15 i 43 BH leceacues ; ‘ ‘ { € One or both parents for-§M.. 93 3l 7 5 3: 46 |! 66 7 3 16 Lactate eign. a te : 101 24 8 2 Ll, 35 | 56 B, 8 30 | Asem 2 31 2 To deeigeed 8 Foreign born....------------+ ie on 1 | 41! 32 acesoacd ae i ' 9 j Colored secse wear ececcaseevadude vetoes 2 ; 1 besecees’s fl Speeseepensl \ Birthplaces of mothers: ‘ “2 an ae | io ss 2 10 Tnited States oe ar ; 3! Bs 10 | 16 | 8 ‘ 35.4. ggeee ell cab Sudaa el 10 2| 2) wl oo 11 England and Wales ....--.--- ‘ oer Giietel eae buted \ 6. 7 2 ' 2.1 2 12 Tréland sc ccesensccetassesecs a ! ZI ' a a SoatlANG. oe cece SM) A ieee seeeec lest ooeeed pee veceenporsremesal he adsine tocaanesies fsceisemiecss Neeaceeiad 3} 1 13 Scotland .--. i 7 3 7 4 Germany......------2-------- Hy pease 15 Sanitary district C........---2----2-------- ‘97d. 65: 16 Males 202 | 29 17 Females. 172 | 36 | 1 18 Wihilte vesessvesvecrepesessseeesseesssees 372 64 19 Native born ..... .0-.-..00-.--2--6- i i 366 | 63 | " ; : i 2 M..! 214 47 17 9 oy 80 119 18 20 Both parents native.-...- {F a {92 35 9 9 iid ca a7! 19 | \ 21 One or both parents for oe 127 37 ML 7 C 62 81! 11 | eign. Fes 121 27 9 G7 | 13 | i 22 Porcigu, but. ses. sccxnwnevese {Fo et | 2 perc i . He 1 23 Colotetl:cseccices secs seeeemesescseestonst 6 |! 2 lecaiaiain:|seitenetwalemay ean ; 2 2 1 | | Birthplaces of mothers: a a6 | : 7 4 5 ss is a | ; -- 57 7 : 4. j 4 United Statesssexsseesnteee- tro] 37 44 10 ul ni wf 18 23 | F | 25 England and Wales ..--.----- iP 3 : : : Pere a ! v " Ms 3 65 12 2 1 2 17 23 31 26 Ireland ..-..---------+------- 57 7 A esaieaiwaes 2 | 13 | 16 4] 27 Scotland t I ! i : Sea 51 8 4 3 2 {I 17 | 2 4 28 Germany 53 9 2 2 3] 16 a 5 99 Sanitary district D.....-...2--.22-02-e002++ 836 162 67 50 34] 313 481 57 30 Males .........--------- 440 90 39 28 19 176 29 31 Females 446 72 28 22 15 137 28 32 837 ‘ 155 65 49 30 299 400 SL i 42 214 TO caters 33 Native born ...-.-..------2+---2++++ 632 | 155 65 49 29 298 457 44 | 38 76 Te lserecoke ee M.. 137 | 37 21 13 6 wil 109 10 | 3 12 3 34 Both parents native. ..-.-- iF at 163 38 10 il 3 67 | ine 7! : oF : 35 One or both parents ee 166 ! 47 16 15 9 87 125 MW 12 17 Dil ee os eign. Ess 150 29 18 1U | 6 63 || 99 15 15 18 D) jessuewes er sM.. 104 1 1 |: 5 2 72 OF feck k oe 36 Foreign born. .----.--2-++--+- YFo| jor ots. Seal ie tr jon 2 2 ; o a Be 37 Colored. -.-.------------++2e2erttttt tte : 5 13 eee gam Birthplaces of mothers: ba sey M.. 16 38 United States .--------------- F.. 34 o M. 39 England and Wales ---------- ; ie : ( + 40 Treland...------------+---+--- 3 : 53 41 Germany. 30 . r i M. 9 42 seandimavia...--------+-+---+++ SP : 3! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. CAUSE OF DEATH. 42] MAY 31,. 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. Chitd- | Dis- 8 : * Can- | Heart | /-; . Dis- } . = || A birth | Dis- | eases | ! Sear-} Ty- | Ma- . Diar ‘on: Whoop-) cer | dis- eases ikea All s. a- | Diph- rheal | Pneu- 4 : s- land pu-|eases| of the Ola | Stil. | All Un- causes. ee phon ae. theria.| CZ°"P: | dis- jeumD monia, [B{easles: earch tad and. erperal jof the] nerv- crane age. | born.| other /known. : : : ; eases. | ST COTE is- |liver.| ous [rary | causes. i " PSY-) eases. system. 6 % ; eed : pod ; | | 3 : j . It 696 4 16 Il}* 7 32 IL 76 val 63 2 3 | 20 42 6 13 67 28; 12) 57 157 2 i 347) 11 5 9 4 7 36) 34 28 1 1 2 1B: levee pce 6 36 7! 2! 40 B74 eset 349 ' 5 6 5 18 4 40 37 35 1 2 18 24 6 7 31 ls o10 ' 17 70 2) | : 694 | 15 \ ll 7 32 11 76 | 70 63 2 3 20 42 6 13 67 28 12 57 157 , 2] ame I ‘ . ' ne a oo { 555 | 15 9 6 31 10 67 53 42 2 3 11 27 3 7 51 19 8 57 130 at 183 3 4 2 11 4 23 16 1£ 1 1 1 AO: |estoiecieez 3 16 10 1 22 39 ‘ edeistnnceyg 162 2 1 1 12 3 22 13 14 1 2 7 6 2 3 19 4 4 7 37 2 2 1 214 192 127 ee 25 te Hee wy 422 VITAL STATISTICS. TanLE 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING ” me wh 10 11 12 13 14 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ! AGE. | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | Months. oe BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. \ 1 : ‘All ages. Fetal | a ‘ . otal ~ iar = lon = n- ‘ Under3|) 8to6 | Gto9 | 9tol12 hinder 12 Under 5| 5 to 15 | 15 to 25 | 25 to gsi Over 65 |) vown. | Ward 25—Continued. | Sanitary district E 509 119 27 26 27 199 28% 22 18 142° 43 1 Males ....-.- 257 66 13 12 12 103 156 11 8: 65 VE laces Females 252 53 14 14 15 96 127 IL 10 | 77 26 1! White scerecacscsanveieinerestceeessecees 501 | 119 2€ 24 aT 196 279 22 18 140 2 bce sletgicicia ! aie, eee eet peel) ae eemel) ee po tial Native Dorit 2: .c2.0222seee5eee-e0% 397 119 | 26 24 27 196 | 278 22 17 i 62 | 183) ecance i 1 " 4 | ' =f M.. 113 41 6 8 8 63 921 pi i; 14} HW eaierelctclay Both parents native. ..... {f ee 98 30 6 8 4 48 | 63 | 3 | 1 19 rt ly : | ; One or both parents for-§M.. 85 25 7 3 4 39 Gt | 9 6 : eign. E's 91 22 7 5 10 44 |. 58 | 6 9 Foreign born. .....-----.----- § Ms oe . i COlORCO se ee cree eae spiy crea ciasesecee see 8 Birthplaces of mothers: i United States ........02222+- ae E M.. ogland and Wales .......--- f ¥ Treland si CANCE cxnscecacaiacasa § F..| 1,356 | 2 5} 1 Diaedas 10 30 45} 92) 156] 175] 217 172 159 293 d | M.. 70 |i 1 4] 1 3 a 7% 3 8: 4 4 4 4 5 6 15 Hey TUMOR an eaansinnnteens {P. 72 |... Be Be 1 3 3 6; 4 6 5 8 6 5 21 i 1 1 : 70 20 25 eee 3 2 3 6} 2 5 2 6 9 1 5 8. Anwmia....--.---...... 7 |, 5 | 10 | 4 1 6 10 4 5 6 Bi esc 2 2 2 15 54 | 4 1 2 = S 5 3 6 1 6 6 7 9. Dropsy.- 78 | 2 | 4 2 1 1 4 a 5 1 4 8 35 1 ; M..| 103; 2 || 1 5 5 3 9 6 9 10 11 9 25 10s. Diabetes: cosines tanec {Pl| 67, 2 || 1 4 1 4 4 7 2 7 7 9 12 ! | . 11. Others of this group .... {e “ ! rl : l 3 i a Bf Lee |? 1 1 i 12. Others of this class .... {9° 2 : aera: il, eo it 1 i i II.—Diseases of the nervous system....., 11, 724 } 3,746 | 5,795 | 440 186 133, 178! 171 | “f poet |e ea Males .. 5 | 2,085 |] 3, 140 232 95 76 96 95 141 182 189 219 246 272, 301 921 Females... 1.661 || 2,655 || 208 91 57 82 76} 102] 126) 148] 195: 248 259. 273 999 : in. §M--] 1.750} 592 || 1,222 ]/ 156; 57] 37| 2: 26| or! 42] 31; 24] 34) 21, 19 29 1, Inflammation of the brain. iF 2] 1,548! 505] 1136 |] i27} 57] 31) 90: I7] 2) 95! 6] 21 ge} i) 44 29 M..| 1.178: 9 17 3 2 5 8: 18 33 42 57 s2} 14] 143] 165 489 2, Apoplexy ...-.......--.--- iF. 1, 206 | 9 21 5 2 1 12, 13] 27] 37] 58} 88} 143! 140] 160 499 : M..| 521; 6 18 5 1 2 4 6 17 35 32 39 35 54 58 215 3. Paralysis....-............. {F Tf} 559 | 8 11 5 1 1 8; 9| 14: 17] 35] 44! 51) 48 304 : - 4. Tetanus and trismus nas-¢§M.. 164 | 122 123 5 8 4 4) 5 4 5 1 Sle esses Dy aca il erenestseats centium. F. 103 | 91 91 1 1 2 rf Tl ceeserNcese! | ate caree D | erwesguecdss 1 1 2 2 M.. 99 j 3 7 5 5 wl oa 5 10 7 3 4 5 7 5. Epilepsy --.-.-.--.-..----. if i 96 | 3 5 10 6 7 io 4 10 10 6 5 3 8 . ¢M..| 1,233 1,009 || 1,208 |! 13 2 fl seace 8 i ia 1 1 1 6. Convulsions. .........--... UF.| 101 782 973 || 15 5 alae am 4 Ti |sseeate ; | 7. Mental diseases ..........- § Mee i 4 " a 3 : : Z : ut : . M..| 1,003} 328 500 35 13 10 28° 23 32 35 45 44 36 37 33 134 8. Diseases of the brain...... if | 764 243 383 33 1 7 BR, 13 4 24 28 21 35 28 31 124 : ’ : M..! 181 16 45 8 5 4 455 13 u! 13 13 16 10 9 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. ie a 140 20 35 ll 1 1! 5 | ; a 13 ? i ; i a e i 10. Others of this class........ {e- ae jeeSsseae || Mets is : 2 aise - i : 5 : : f : a ‘ . ' ; IL.—Diseases of the circulatory system..| 6,305 667 755 |; 185) 221! 186! 196, 218! 281| 371| 360) 440! 472] sis 584] 1,533 Malas, SAS 3,177 377 431 89 94 99; 101° 106] 146/ 180| 176| 216| 242] 270] 296 731 eimal essasenccanecass Ag seeee 3, 128 290 || 324 96 | 127 87 9 112] 135! 191] 174] 224] 230] 2431 998 802 1. Angina pectoris........--. {F “ : 2 | ‘ . : 4 - = i ; M.. 48 lissiswential|esecansflicenetelecsacta 1 9D) ae: 8 3 8 6 9 6 4 1 25: AMOUMSM fe caas Se ceiedtcad {F ie 95 stn coe M aaececcerillgeaeredles Paha Gaeta 1 1 |... 1 1 7 4 3 3 4 ‘ M..| 2,755 68 120 89 93 98 99! 106/ 135] 174] 162] 204] 207) 257} 986 705 3. Diseases of the heart.....- f Fo. 2794 55 8 96} 126] 87, 91; 108} 130) 186| 167! 215| 220] 238] 975 773 ; M..| 325 || 309 S11) (toss. 1 | Bade [eaweesa ta sda l 2 2 1 fs eeoas 6 4. Others of this class.......-. iP “rs 259 || 235 I 242 | Needs Sere eouleé 2 I 2 1 1 Le Weseases l 1 8 430 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 89.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | 65 i years All Under Total || Sto | 10to | 15 to | 20to | 25 to | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50to | 55to | 60to | and CAUSE OF DEATH. oes. |i 1 vear, ||"Eder 10 15 20 25 80 35 4 46 50 55 60 65 over Bees: 2 “|| years.|| years. | years. | years, | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| and ‘ y: y y ¥ y vi ¥ y' | un- i : known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system -| 19,367 4,417 9, 566 | 953 195 286 | 463 578 ' 685 651 668° 675 786 728 837 2, 296 Malés i oeecctsewcaeteeccnecise 10, 333 2, 398 5,194 | 479 95 151 273 342 412 ' 426 379 421 953 i 2,019 4,372 || 474 100 135 190 236 273 360 349 416 1, 343 1,143 111 947 | 186 Doi ieaiecimel ab amaeill Soeisacs’l ie cccneass [baie cceull erie Scie Sreaee paeiewia| aemeiard dD lceeonses 961 100 | 784° 163 8 1 Bile 1 lecoascal|nsceiciessesenceos 252 30 |} 191 ‘| 93 2 4 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 202 28 |" 153 32 if romance 1 2 | 3 2 A, osecace ‘ 1 2,483 | 1,097 | 1,690 | 39 9 17 30 26; 21 51 63 97° 342 2, 485 i 939 1, 495 | 39 15 5 15 36 38 65 78 106 501 5,437 | 806 || 1,930 | 200 63] 117] 213: 283: 338] 326) 318; 304 | 321 | 270] 261 493 4,528 690 |! 1, 614 216 60 117 142} 173 ; 207 184 192; 217 248 234 265 659 232 11 a1) 7 3 9 22, 16 23 QF l4 15 15 10 19 21 177 5 i 16 | 13 6 G 14 i 15 9 17 10; 5 i 11 9 a. 38 | : : ' 104 9! oa | 2 3 5} 7 11 12 1: a7 122 9 |i ll ' \ 2 2 8 IL | 13 12 12 | 49 , ! I | 682 334 | 393 | 24 8 4 6) 16 24 25 23 25) 2% 21 28 | 58 559 248 |! 299 | 10 7 6 16 | 10 14 I 15 16! 11 | 20 15 25 | 95. ' ; 5, 293 1,218 |, 1,826 | 117 97 116 161 | 204 | 234 250 308 ! 333 : 345 324 302 676 Se reas a ad 2, 665 668 || 1,008 | 59 58 64 69 | 81 | 95, 97 153 171 | 168 177 162 303 2, 628 550 | 818 | 58 39 52 92 123 139 153 155 162 i 177 147 140 372 | se (M..; 4381 || 280] 481 | 1. Dentition............-..-. YF. 415 249 |, 415 : { * M. 46 |! 8 32 | | 2p ANB soos betes eeesesses SF. 42 |! 8 22 3 i| : t ' 1 ! . M..| 350 |) 74 6! 11 1 2 4 6 14 4 a) 3. Diseases of the stomach..{""| 39 BBY 100 | 10 3 8 8} a! 3, 35) 35! 33! 301 a8 OS ‘ 1 t i | \ : =| mat | 4. Obstruction of the bowels. {eo a | if ! Fy 2 ; 5 at § 3 . . i } iy : ne 1 at é 1 = : M.| 94 15 | 5. Hernia .- {Po 70 2 2 i f 1 | % | 6. Other diseases of the m..! 33 5 ? 3 2 | 5 bowels. F..| 18 |, 9 jj 1 Go| acess ‘ 3 | a eh, M. 86 55 |! \ : Te DAUD ES race saws sonnninen Seo 76 37 | Ee | 3 } : Fe 8. Inflammation and abscess (M..| 187 | 7 13 3 5 166 6; i] 12 7 of the liver. iF ee 202 || 4 6 2 lo pewscal| see teend 3 12 7 20 a oi oe ne a 9. Other diseases of the liver. {a pee | f | a ; 2 ; u a a # ee et | a 3 oe | 85 Ba i | prsASe = Q | 92 1 I 2 sae M.. 326 |: 25 |: 38 |, 26 36 31 28 26 19 | 20 20 10. Peritonitis ......------.-- {P| Be 2; 34| 2%] 25] 3! «3! @! 6: e, aa} of of | B at ! 1 ; M..| 235 23 | 3 1 3 2)... | Lis ASCHOS sess siette recess iF = BY Wl ccinaier 1 | aaalaot |apseead 2 1 pec ee 3 : Be hos. :) Be i ' t 1 or M.. 324 173 |; 206 5 8 11 5 5 4 5 1 | 12. Otbers of this class .-.... iF : ‘ | 3 7 6 7 13 | 29 ie 256 140 160 | 9 5 BD | ociatocs 3 4 6 | 4 } 7 4 10 i 5 | 29 | \ ' ! a et spate and | 4,889 67 232 |; 139 83 99 182 284 | 339 | 392 384 | 426 474 402 442 (1,011 male or; . - == a ES iy ecm - as Males ...:..0cscvesereeseosceem 129 73 35 45 77} 134! 154: 175] 290 3 ont! S Rei alGa eesti ee ene 103 |) 66) 48; 54} 15! 150) ass ayy g| 22 | 260) 2i8| 264 572 ; | 176 208; 214 18k 178 439 ' : 1. Bright's disease -.--.------ 5x. Beever Ueimieersiate |e eaieicis:< i 250 22) d28S). |seareana feaetsinge 253 2. Calculus, urinary...-.-..-- ie. 2 3. Diseases of the kidney-.-- ; Me 4. Diseases of the bladder. -.- ; Mes 5. Others of this class -..-.-- ; ue : VII.—Diseases of the female organs of VIII. generation. 1. Ovarian tumors --- 2. Ovarian diseases 3. Uterine tumors .- 4. Uterine diseases. 5. Others of this class —Affections ceunected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion .-..-.-- 2. Childbirth.--..-.-- 3. Puerperal septicemic . Extra-uterine pregnancy . 4 ei 5. Others of this class..--..------- NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. | 431 TABLE 89.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | i | 65 i years Under || Total | 5 to | 10 to | 18 to | 20 to | 25 to | 80 to | 35 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 65 to | 60 to | “and under || 10 | 15 | 20 | 26 | 30 | 85 |°40 | 43 | 50 5s | 60 | 65 5 years.| years. years. years-| years.) years.| years.| years. Yeates years. years.’ years.) years. and All CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. || 1 year. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints....) 217 9 29! Males .......220222eeeeeeee 116 | 6] 45 Femalés.ccscseces esse sae 101 | 3 14 1. Diseases of the spine. --... ome a : : : 9 2. Diseases of the bones ..... {eo i Loisee » 2 3. Diseases of the hip joint .. {r 2 See i : 4. Others of this class.......7{ 7" a i 7 i %&.—Diseases of the skin -- 188 | | Males 102 | Females. jcn2ecenecgoeseeaes 86 1, Abscess: <22s2 ie i a. 4. Others of this class 2.0... SR ie 433 “TABLE 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS HE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. fr Total r nder jj under year i pare: 9, 098 4,997 4,101 2, 090 1, 794 | Cleat hale dat | i . | Bto | 1010 | 15t0 | 20to | 2% to | 80 to | 35 to | 4010 | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to 10 | 15 | 20 | 2 | 80 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 1) 55 | 6O | 65 years. | years. years. years. ly years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. en | : } : ! SS tis ee ot, Sh AID, See \ | 4 1 : 1 | 1 i , 5,220 | 4,542 | 4,331 | 3,740 | 3, 172 2 To1 | 2,089 1,852 ! ai 1 { “ 2 | 2,723 | 2,522 | 2,380 | 2,122 | 1,772 | 1,457 |. 136934 | 6 | 2,497 | 2,020} 1,951 | 1,618 | 1,400 1,244) 953 918 i | i | : i ; 24! 35] 36. 32 33) 51 48, 83 48 7; 25, 16 22, 20) BT Od AT 3! 3 | 11 | 109 | 790 a 2,606 | 2,376 | 2,211 | 1,918 | 1,400 1,128 8438 GL 136 | 223} 949 | bee tee 1,802 1,588 1.175 | °88) "688459 4T1 128 | aL; 19) oy) a ae 97; 21 12. 7 | g | 4 7 5 4 1! 2 2 ' i : | i! ‘ a a Se ce a 8! 4 Bi x0 76 158, wee | $89) 40 | 443 | 418, 385 fog g 7 9 6: 9 7| wi wl 9 2 2 4°00 9 ro | 520 wd | 226 275; m0! 14 245! 124! 112 172} 60! 40 5! 75] 44 a 4 9 [| 4 13 a: 3| Bi 8 3! ; a] 5 7 ie Dsl ete 16; 1 25 7! o-B 19 18 29 1 20 19 | I 11 6 4! 5) 2! 4! Seren ame 30s , 2 35 3 | ai | 311 | 384) 450 | 1 pos 132; 159 236 ! 179-985) ald | ae 250 6 65 years and | over | and }, un- Eats ' | 2,773 1, 286 1, 487 76 W5 351 729, «809857 | 994 | 1.038 1,001 | 3,098 DP cet ae ae he ebiBes oases crease g30! 454, 496! 516] 580. 553 5741 1,487 221, 275. 313) B41) ald) 485517 | 1,551 i } ‘ 2. 7 6, 68) 67 46 27/ . 47. 42a | HB 63 87 | 137; 204) 232] 296. 275. 386 803 58} 83 136! 162] 2251 306; 315/ B91 i ' | ; 45) 70; 71 20) 25) 38 { gi gt 4 1 4h oa ' | 18’ 16! 44 17 | 21 15 1 2 3 2 3 at piaaseu 30! 53, 82 2° 85) 45 4} 61 54 mi 27 85 2) 26, 29 2. 27; 16 5) OB 4 8 1 ; 5 j : ' { 682! 853 | 947 | 1,072 eae | 1057 11,153. 2,490 aaae nee eS gaa! 466| 566| 578 605! 582| ses! 1,192 2od; 387) 381 | 494 509475.) 5651, 298 | : I 6) 9f 9 2% 1 1 183 4t 7] OL GR by sa 2 | 26 41 445° 42°50 43,27 22 17 7/12) 10, 12; 6, 10 a | 18 34 41d 512 | S14 595, «5384, 837 | 1, 108 280.' 363! 365 | 466' 491) 455. 531 | 1, 238 2, 2 1 2 gi ee TS 31 fesnene ‘ a! 3 6 6! 12! 20 434 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | ‘ | : 65 ; ll Wey (az. ! | years All Under | Total | Sto | 10 to | 1loto 20 to | 25 to! 30 to | 35 to 40 to | 4510 ' 50 to | 55 to | GOto | and CAUSE OF DEATH. aces. 1 year. | Under || 10 15 20 2 | 30 | 35 | 40 45 | 50 | 58 | 65 | over Ses. | 1 VEAT- ls years. || years. | years. | years. | years. years. years. ! years. | years.’ years. years. | years. years. | and i | ’ \ ; \ ( \ : un- . | : ; i known. eth I ety peta se = eset ea a Vapec it? sats ee 1 : i | ‘ ‘ A IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system .| 43,146 || 11,746 |] 22,934 '| 1,365! 335 | 606 | 1,071 | 1,432 | 1,401 | 1,536 | 1,569 | 1,594 | 1,655 | 1,453 | 1,620 | 4,575 fs eine , 1 { 1 { : Male§ ....4.2-scenseesesenes 23,273 || 6,464 |] 12,832 | 707]| 165 | 322) 6d1 7) 864} 971) 983! 986; 895) BOG] 782 | 1,912 . Females... ..........---2-000++ 19, 873 5, 282 |) 10, 602 658 170 284 420 535 537 | 565 586 608 760: 647 838 | 2. 663 \ 1 i Gporn: M..) 2,669 390 |, 2,330 i} 287 7 6 4 4 2) 8) 7 4 af 3 | 3 ECYOUP ee ercseceeerey sation: F..| 2377 300 | 2,053 | 271 14 4 5 3 3 2 3 3 me “ 5 e de Ma 9M. 203 44) 187 | 19 2 1 1 8 4 8 7 5 4} 4 2 1 2. Laryngitis ---.-----------y PT] 164 99} ai 417 3 1 5 3 2 | B Mes teaiae 2 1) ® " 3 ‘ i ; aaah M..| 5,356) 2.568 | 3,678. 72 16 24 52 75 66} 66 92} 108] 145° 138: 170; 654 whee ROIRG A MEL Sins St Rinse ne ote F..] 5,442 || 2,135 | 3,206 65 13 35 47) 272 46; 66! 109) 112) 161, 153) 245! 1,112 ° . i . + ; | 4: Puevivonia M..| 13,181 2,681 || 5,292 | 303 125 261 548 750 712 | 817 796 774 648 | 592: 510 \ 1, 053 Con aR AE te a F..' 10,442 2,211 4,520 || 286 132 220 344 416 49! 452 429 442 532 428 : 510 ' 1,282 i ' l \ j 5. Pl eas M... 516 53 108 13 6 20 7 35 46, 38 37 36 40 | 26) 27 57 ted VEREELY caenee ants eave? F “ 352 | 43 | 84 10 1 15 12 21 25 ad Ww ae di, hi Be 61 ' ‘i I H “ ¢ : M..) 121 | 6. 7 2 6 6 7 12 Bi 13) 44 Syakptlobe seseciemanayrd Pt: {Foi ie 4 5 5 2 5 6i 10] 12) 161 82 i ' | : s Daa being M..| 1,227 722 780 13 9 10 19 23 28 31 37 47 47 | 30) 100 ‘. Others of this class. ..---- {i “1 "asa || 560] 613 8 7 7 7| 1] 1, wl 2) 7] 35} 88 118 | | t 1 \ V.—Diseases uf the digestive system... 7, 980 1,260.| 1,716) 174} 177} 200] 320/ 407] 461] 555; 564) G63} 668 ; 36° SIT) 1,012 ( | a sf SE eee : | i . Fy Spr Oe Males 4,088 - 722 977 104 104 116 130 | 194 217 266 302 358 340; 272; 29 459 Females. - - 3, 892 | 538 739 ; 70 73 84 190! 213 244 289 262 305 328 | 274 | 268 © 553 | ; | , sa (M..] 126 77 | 1, Dentition ..---.------.--- UF... 103 63 ! 1 HE 6M... 76 19 | 2. Angina .-----.------+----- UF... 41 7! 3. Diseases of the stomach. . {x os 1s oa 4. Obstruction of the bowels - ee Se ! 4 | 5, Hii lasovs se centeardawees io) ee Se 6. Other diseases of the §M-. 36 10 vowels. UF .. 27 7 q. Jaundice ....--...--250-+ {Po ae 78 8, Inflammation and abscess f M | 260 9 of the liver. F..) 270 | 5 i 9, Other diseases of the liver § at sail 1, Aen 7 Af i fi : 10. Peritonitis ...----.------- (i - ea 34 ‘ 6 1 | i F M..: 2 [ aia qi. RgALNR sooreowerteracsand yc 8 ; 4 | a | ‘ ‘ ' : | | ; ! na | 4 ayia ye 6M... 497, | 19 | 23h! 16 25 261 24) wl iw; 6 i' a3! Wi 15} 12. Others of this class.----- UE al 5 170 202 } re 11 | 8 | in| 13 13 | 3 it iB 33 Wa a: i 4 | W \ i ‘ 4 Li : 3 \ ' ' : ’ z t r ‘ : ! : i : : VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and | 14. 188 i 208 |, 638 | 235 134} 230-490 838 | 991 ! 1,222 ' 1,345 | 1,364 1,458 | 1,216 1,269 | 2,758 male organs of generation. : — _ (say ee ar iiaieedal uaa at —} Pisses antes Ps Males «| 7,847 i! 886) NT | 7G 99 B90 | 4B 5G, TOL 72H} HBP, TSI} 715 | 719) 1, 586 Females 6, 341 84, 282) 118 58! 131} 270] Ald | 465) 521 G20) BAZ, GOT! OL 530!) 1172 ! | | ' é 4 | ' ' r Ae a Fa a, §M..) 3,579 46 109; 183 | 255 358 | 349) 412 384 335 349° 7 1. Bright's disease. --------- VF ..| 3/217 7 125 207 | 242 254. 319} 314 391 236 308 | us 3 dae oM.. 30 3, 3 | i 1! 1 2° Hey 1 1 7: 8. 2, Caleulus, urinary .-.----- UR. 14 1 ‘ Bed Ot as) seh: Sen 2 1 2) i 3 1 ‘ b to kidney... § M--| 3.663 wl! 324) 80 43 48 95 | 224] 252] 327: 350, 393] 346) 3061 301 | 57 3. Diseases of the kiduey..-) - --{| 2,961 75 |) 263 |i a 38 55 | 137] 193} 212] 28; 263 219 | 204} 207] 226 | ta7 : ; ..| 326 1 Si, Blase. 2 5/7 6 6 : j 4. Diseases of the bladder...) 9} 77] 725 ral “ ee Ee a a ee a | 183 ae M.., 249 ; - WwW 12 2 5. Others of this class ...--- ; Fr. 13 \ v 4 | F s i, Ad rs 6 2 a i ' VIU.—Diseases of the female organs of | 43 69 | 76 | generation. poo 1. Ovarian tumors .--.------+-++-- 3h 15 | 8 2. Ovarian diseases - 7 i | 3 3. Uterine tumors. L: 8 9 4. Uterine diseases. - : Li ae i a 5. Others of this class .---------- 95 26 37 VILL.—Atféctions connected with preg- 535 626 | 420 paucy. emrtaot as ar supe 1. Abortion 36 a 54 2. Childbirth.--- 87 143 | 38 3. Puerperal septicamia SAL 356 | 220 ! 4, Extra-uterine preguanc a } paar oh 5. Others of this class. --------+--- GO, Bi 53, NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 435 TABLE 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | ts ey ao | | 1 ; |. ta adel eal | Cy Elis years ; | an | under | Total |] 5 to | 1010 | Sto | 20 to | 25 to | 80 tv | 35 to Pa 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to | “and CAUSE OF DEATH. sae, lal year. [ls under |} 10 1: 2 25 30 35 4 45 | 50 55 60 65 | over . y |6 years.|| years. | years. yeats.| years. years. | years. | years. | years. | yeare years. ! years./years.!| and 5 c 1 un- ; \ i Hy known. \ { pF i Ss Sa Un i ee oe same ste} Keres peat (le onset gol an IX.—Diseases of the bones siniiloiniicc| 663 23 | 103 136 92 39} 4 | 2B) 8 30 a 38 28 | 23 7 17 33 i ' Se ro asta Rete a SAR hee 1 1 —— . ee Malés issccceecndesce seme tsts 381 7! 58 | 68 55 26 | 28 20 15 22 5 20 | 17 15 17 10 10 Females ..-...----.---------+- 282 ° 16 ; 45 | 68 37 13 | 13 8 13 8) 18 | M1 8 10 7 23 i ai Py “12 ‘; ‘ a M.. 144 1 33, 31 18 10 10 10 1 ' 6 | 5 3 2 3 1. Diseases of the spine .... ; P a 112 a 16 | 34 12 4 { 5 3 | 5 5 | es | 5 9 5 2 7 t i 2 . | 3 M..| 0 it 1! yo} 44 16 6 7 3/ lw 6 10 i 6 7 7 5 2. Diseases of the hones ...- ; P_ 81 3 10 : 13 6 4 | 7 2 | 7 9 | 6 3 4 3 4 10 3. Diseases of the hip joint. § a es 3 | : | , 4 | +. Others of this class ....-. {‘F ig : | X.—Diseases of the skin ......-..-.------ ‘ Malésy.- hed sce sctecnsioteeee ee Femaless ssecs scents reesesse se 1. Abscess....-.-.---------- ee Carbuncle ......--------- ; Mt ke 3. Others of this class .---.- ‘e * XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system Males Females.......-.------ 1. Addison’s disease..-.---- ‘x au 2, Diseases of the spleen ..- {i T . 3. Others of this class .----- e ‘ | XIL.— Accidents and injuries .....--..--- 9, 396 626 | 1,318 | 461/ 285! so, so] 879! gst! 920: a77) 721 610} 452) 338 620 —_——_! - --—! - Ce saves ~ i -—— ees = pone — Males: ccecoscestcceces sen eees 7,013 342 754 326 230} 304; 520 TOA 662 | 770} 701 584 471 i 351 240 396 Females....-..-.---+--++-+--- 2, 383 284 564 135 55 100 | 160 175; 169 | 159 176 137 139! 101 98 224 “md : cM 260 13} 142 17! sewed 6 iw! aw! 9; wil 7. 6] 9 5 8 13 1. Burns and sealds ....-..- UF 358 92 | 14 39 5 29 30 1 20 16 | 14 | 14 | 2L! 6 5 26 1 t 1 1 i ! aa Mt 1 2. Drowned .....-.--------- oy | | | | 1 ° i = 1 ' | | i 3. Exposure and neglect. ... ‘F ai | 1 4. Gupshot wounds.....---- iy = 5. Homicide .........--.---- oe 6. Infanticide. ..........---- ‘e ei 7. Injuries by machinery... ie sai 8. Railroad accidents ---..-- {% on 9. Suffocation. .------------- se. 10. Suicide by shooting. ...-- {x 11, Suicide by drowning -.-. iv ix 12. Suicide by poison .------- i a4 13. Other suicides ....------- See 14. Saustroke -.-..--.------- {ue 15. Surgical operations .....- 5 a at 16. Wounds ...---.. --.-.--- {¥ 17. Other accideuts aud in- ¢M.. juries. UF .. 436 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE oa DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. Males Males I.—General diseases. General diseases—A .. Males nevis sec csaedetased 1, me 2s 3 ie De MEASLES 503 292000! ce sisinie fe. 3. Scarlet fever ...-.--.-.- ie 4. Diphtheria .....2.2..--- {e. o. Whooping cough. ....-- {a Go ROVE 2:50 2acccaslsciccee {ie 7. Cerebro-spinal fever... - ; at & Typhoid fever.....-..-. {e 9. Diarrheal diseases --.... ie 10. Cholera infantum ...... ae 11. Malarial fever......---- {x if 12. Erysipelias ..-..--..---- iS 13. Septicemia....---...--- ie 14. Veneveal diseases ..--- i 15. Others of this group .-. cn General diseayes— 1H. -.- il re T Ne be ae ae 65 | ' j j ! years All Under | Total || Sto | 10to | lito | 20 to | 5 to | 30 to a eh 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | bi to | 6Oto and aces. fil year. | under || 10 15 25 30 35 0 | 45 50 55 60 65 over a ‘ P years.|| years. | years. : ; years. | years. | ca rs. jeer) Letra! years. = years. | years. | years.| years.; and \ un- ! known. as | Sn re ee Pee al ee Se ee | eI ea Spa ere a rey [110, 616 34, 459 || 52, 094 || 4,562 | 1,658 = 2,392 | 4,043 ! 4, 648 | 4, 608 | 4,370 4,195 | 4,079 | 4,211 | 3,872 | 4,004 11, 880 18, 819 || 28, 028 |) 2,252 | 798 | 1, 2,037 7 | 2,372 | 2, 435 ic 2,325 | 2,330 | 2,275 | 2,216 | 2,093 | 2,092] 5, 260 15, 640 |] 24, 066 |] 2, 310 860 jh 2, 00 i 276 | 2,173 | 2, 045 ' 1,865 | 1.804 | 1,995 | 1.779 | 1,912 62 i ' 25 7 ae 3 Ti 3 5 3 4 10 4 9 8 27 2 hel aeseae 3 1 i} aj 3! 3 B leeiaes 5 3 18 13 6 2 2 6. a | 4 2 i 1 5 4 4 5 9 = ai Fae ead te fe, ia age eee 17, 337 |] 2, 291 516 375 567, 496 403 328 292 263 317 270 294 892 &, 947 || 1,096 249 177 303 1 202, 168! 157 135 158 139 147 352 8,390 || 1,195 267 198 264, 243 201, 160. 135 128 159 131 17 540 MALES cscs sis ciecisinsesieae®! Females.....--------------- 1. Parasitic diseases ..---- {e 2. Alcoholism. .....-.----- coe 3. Lead poison ....-.------ {Po 4 Other poisons .....- ej oe 5. Inauition.....-..------- ie General diseases—C.....----------- MaleS:s-pecesseisdeeesteerse Vemales.......--.----.---0- 1. Premature birth ...-... § Ms 2, Stillborn -.-.-------++-- {i 3. Malformation ....------ ; Ms | 4. Debility and atrophy. ; Ms 5. Old ago. -.----------+--- {ee 102 | 412 1, 402 |, 849 553 319 105 24 2 50 28 453 | 417 15, 380 |! 8,099 |! 7, 281 848 646 4,338 3, 370 214 153 2,261 2,210 438 2 M1 422 ay 370 1 214 150 6 6 6 3 6 6 4 3 7 4 4 oF] | é seeeeee [rrttege serene ” 1 1 4 3! 2 3 2° 6 9 i 7 3 6 i 8: it 32 20 4 4 6 1 1 3 6 4 15 5 10 35 6 12 2 5 ! Wy cospotests 10 32 i 48 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 437 TABLE 91.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. teste “ All | Under |: Total |! 5 tu 10 to CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. 1 year. eae oats oe i : | | | i stack i” 3 I.—General diseases—Continued. i I General diseases—D | 1,339 | 2,337 233 242 "OME ES seve s ae udtentet sea gus} 734] 1,281 | 109} 85 Females .2.22+. .-2sess 8. 726 |! 605 | 1.056 | 124 157 . M 230 7 15 | 9 14 J. Rheumatism ........--. {fs : oH 2 3 16 12 2. Serofula and tabes .-... H. ! | 1g : 2 ; + 3. Leprosy : 39 | 4. Consumption ...... .--- cu , ee a ae a ' ae ¥ \ 1 : i 9s 5. Hydrocephalus .-.. ---- in een ! ae es : 18 la ae 3 M..) 584! 1 2 2 1 Bi Caticen ses secrete FS 1.334 | 2 5 1 4 7 i er M..| 68 1 3 | 1}. 38 SPINOR senceiciss sense asians a ‘ . § F j 9D \ [ez aicioc® 24 2 jane , M..| 66 19 a | L jecceeee 8. | 13 5 10 i 4| 1 ead M..! 52 4 8. 1 4 9. Dropsy .--.-------+---+- {F na (Ag 2 3° 1 2 1 | 9 10, Diabetes.....222-222-6-- fe 1g # 4 | as ‘ 1 a : ! i 11, Others of this group --. {e- : 4 ; 28 12. Others of this class... $7" : ie oes ac i 11.—Diseases of the nervous system ..-.| 11,521 3, 674 | 5,693 | Males 6,110 |, 2,038 3,079 | 230 93 Females 5.411 |, 1,686 | 2,614 204 90 | | : ‘ = M..) 1,731 585 1, 207 155 56) br: . . . 3 1. Inflammation of the brain it ol 1519 496 1116 124 36 M..) 1,160 9 Ww 3 2 2. Apoplexy -..------------- it yaaa 9 a1! 5 | 1 Seni} |. 2, Para coce a ee 4. Tetanus and trismus nas- gM... 161 119 120 5 8! ecentium. UF. 103 91 91 1 di i ee M.. 99 3 ae 5 5 5. Epilepsy -----------+----- {} a 93 3 5 Fi 3 ! _ ms | 6. Convulsions... .....-..---. {e- 1 ae 1G uw : ! 7. Mental diseases -..- ¥ iF a Scceiti ° & Diseases of the brain .... m aoe ae | a a : : | 9. Diseases of the spinal ¢M. 180 |: 16° 45 8 4 cord. UF. 140 20 5 35 11 Ay 10. Others of this class ...--- ie. - : : 2 \ UI.—Diseases of the circulatory system .| 6, 195 655 , TAL | 184 217 ee i bs Males 3,123 |) 370 || 422] 88 92 Females.....--- 3.072 285 tj 319 © 96 125 | 1 ii 1 Angipa pectoris....------ {eo 2 | 2. Aneuriam -....-.--------- i. a : { i | | pdaeh: : ¢M..! 2.705 | 65 ! 115° 88 91 3. Diseases of the heart... -. VEL] 743 53 20 ; 96 324 4. Others of this clase ...-.. {Fr oer ye i oo 15 to years. 1.009 460 549 a ra 20 to 26 25 to 30 1 years. | years. | years. i 1,870 | 2, 084 938 932 904 883 98 90 1,099 985 1, 063 932 Hh 103 102 : | 65 i i : years 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60to | and 35 | 40 | 45 | 55 | 60 | 65 | over ‘years. | years. ! years. | years. | years.|years.| and : | \ . | un 1 ' = "i \ : jknown. acs Es aa ; - | 1,894 | 1,577 | 1,425 | 1,162 1,068] 871) 736) 1,336 1,025] ges, 747! 637| 525| 450| ase 576 s6g! 749: 678; 595] 543] 421] 378 760 10 0 Ql, 7 22 17 23. 43 19 wi 15 11 20 17 53 i Sieeeae Reeeres 2 1 4 5 6 ee 3 1 2 5 o7s| 758! 666! sa4| 3e0/ si2! 231! — 303 732; 620! 481 314! 298| 211) 179 325 ge) Oleic adel TA! 1, 3 a" a 1° A satccchst dice Soest Wemonte 4 ! | i 13 7 40; 63! 90 | 88° 78 ~=—-170 43 89 «154172! 841M 158, 289 8 4 4 4| 4 5 6 14 6 4: 6 5: 8 6 5 21 5) 2) 3. 2h 6 ey 5 4 6} TF seeeees 2 2 2 15 1 3 S| 2 G! 1 6 4 7 1 4i 6. 4 | 1 4 8 34 9! 6 | 9; 10 11 9 25 4! 7. 2 | 7 7 9 2 ! 1 3 i Mestre 2 1 1 OY sage | 3: 1 laesaden 1 2 beonests Lt Syetend Niisea ale ede Leta Sigheiet ewedioate [yee [esses aepoeteas| Wee a en cn ee ! 5 405 380-406 | 484) 518.) | B7L 1, 887 139| 180! 1g¢! 215/| o44| 270! 300 912 99/125) 146) 191 | 240 | 248 | 271 975 %! 42! 30° 24 34 21 19 29 4) 28 5 20 8 12 14 28 33 42° «453! 79! 8 | 141 | 164 484 7 37 58 87 138) 133) 159 482 | 7 348 3934 54 58 211 ul MH, 16 35; 42, 47 48298 4 Son (i aoe im) Te aeeed Leeeeadg pete adele tert Vilsack “he 2 | ( | ! } ! 10 z 3 * 6 Dh 5 7 9 9 6 5 4, 8 3) 8 ; ; Pere 1| 1] rape 1 1 3 1 eee T livetis paiviciosia| seenideecs | I 1 2 si at ogy kk is u 2, a: Bf 8! 3 fi 8 9. | : \ | 31) Bt) 45 | 44/36! 3788 134 4, 2; 28) 20! 35 28! 30 | 124 3 ul wt 4a | wl 10 12) 22 6 3 7) on 7 2 9) 13 D ceedakies a) 4 ho Py Be 13 3 i ges (gue asd 520 4 rat | ' J Ratio annie. aun 24 864 B43] 429 | 462, 805. 8771, 512 107 | 172 | a1! 238; 267' 292 723 1330«187 | «171,218 | 224238. RH 789 » 4 4 3 si 6 19 3,5 1 6 1 9° 17 3{ 6) 6 9 6’ 4 1 1 4 6. 4 2 3 4 i ‘i ' | 130 im! 158; 199 | 223 254) 262 697 128; 182) 164, 210! 214 234) 272 760 | it Dy 2 [ 4 Tn aeees | 6 1! Ti Poles aery ‘ 1! 1) 8 438 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 91.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. . Ovarian tumors . Ovarian diseases - . Uterine tumors . Uterine diseases --- . Others of this class 1 2 3. 4 5. VIII .—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion 2. Childbirth 2 . Puerperal septicemia .. . Extra-uterine pregnancy - . Others of this class .... 3, 4 5. - ; ; | | 65 ; ‘ ; ‘ years An | Under || Total |} & to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | $0 to | $5 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50-to | 55 to | 60 to | “and CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. ||1 year. ||U2der |] 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 53 | 60 | 65 | over . vee NWS years.|| years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. years. | years. /years.| and i | : uo- : | | | : known. eS - fp foe ep = 2 be i { IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system | 19,040 |! 4,315 | 9,381 |) 9411 191 | 282 | 451 | 566! 677] 638 660 665 | 773; 715, 832] 2, 268 \ canaaaeaeeaee Pince aig Ae Males 10,173 || 2,349 || 5,099 | 473/ 92! 149. 970! 338/ 407] 405/ 309! 3e5| 417! 374 419 946 bi ! i i Females 8,867 || 1,966 |] 4.282 |] 468! 99: ' 133 181; 228} 270] 233; 261; 280! 356, 341 413) 1,322 \ \ : i M..| 1,137 108 941 |] 186 | Dy CYORD oie aeetetaaeeseen ; F. 957 100 781 162 : | i aa M. 250 30 190 22 1 2. Laryngitis ...........-... iF Bis 201 27 152 32 ' \ : 2s M..| 2,427 }} 1,069 || 1.640 37 | 3. Bronchitis ............... i “| 9'459 913 | 1454 i 38 : i :: , 1 é M..| 5,355 792 || 1,898:| 197; 62] 16! 211! 280 334] 317/ 315, 299] 313| 265. 260 488 fo PMOUMONIA .24 snaeseese rts iF oft 4,437 671 |! 1.577 | 212 60! 115} 134} 167; 207) 181 | 188) 213) 245) 229262 647 : M..| 229 u 30 |} 7 2 9} 22! 1; 22! 2a; 4w 1) 15 10. 19 21 5. Plourisy .....--+++-+e-00- F.| 176 ed 6 6] 1) 45 9! it] 10 5] il 9 8 38 M..| 103 9° lf. A [case llisoaenced [pscee 2 3 5 7/ ui wou 36 6 Asthma .....-.2----.---+- Fo] ong 9; | Hil idee cotleneee ts 1 Vesceeee 1 2 8! ul 1} im 12) 48 1 1 é 1 e i M..| 672 330 398 || 24 7 3 6} 15! 24! 2!) 23] 24) 26 21 23 58 7. Others of this class ...... iF Tl 548 on} sei) to, 6| 16 9; | i! 6; Wl 2%! 13. 35 93 V.—Diseases of the digestive system..... 5,193 || 1,190 1,788 | 113; 96} 414] 157) 202! 230) 247; 304; 331] 336) 315 299 661 ' | = ze Males 2,611 650 || 983 56| 57} 63| 66: 80/ 93] 97/ 151/ 170] 164] 174 161 296 Females 2) 582 540 |! 805 57: 39) 51/ ot; 192| 137] 150) 153; 161) 472] 141, 138; 365 1. Dentition...........-.--.-. {e- ri ate I . i M. 46 | 8}. 2. Angima..........-...------ ie : 42 || 8]. ; ; M. 340 mw) ani on 1 2 4 6; wi 13° 1 22 34.8 59 3. Diseases of the stomach ...{ "| fig 53 || 97 |! 10 3 8 8} i| 2%} 23: 2%, 33] 28! 2, 30 9 . M..| 129 18 | 26) 2 4 s| 10 6 5 8 $5 7 8 9 7 21 4. Obstruction of the bowels... {F = 136 4 15 5 3 6 4 i 2 3 iG i i : i at M.. 92 15, Tb ll adasas ysineaars 1 5 3 6 2 3 «6 9 8 10 | 24 5. Hermia .-.----++.--+++2+--- f F.. 69 2 | PAs caida Satoh anal sea ey: lata el ouease 1 5 6, wu 8 8 14! 4 d | 6. Other diseases of the i 33 5 19" esezic dle acee I paishoseed © 1 2 2 4 Lf setees 3 2° 5 bowels. F. 18. 9} Olle secamsluectece Bo ezeecant 1 Dols adtarsts eek PT evicnachedercans : 3 4 i b : M.. 85 55, 6! 8 gi 8 5) 5 7, Taundice..--+---++--+-++++- ee 36 | of 3 a] Be 8 3 8. Inflammation and abscess { M.. 182 7 ¥ 13 |: 21 5 a 5: 6 i4 12 | "7 21 13 | 28 tee! ay of the liver. VE ..| 198 4 6 OMe cecediatdan ; 20 8 6, 2 18) BB} My 85] 20, 39 i i j i : i : var §M..! 576 6° all og 2 7 WW 2% | 228! 32: 66 gt 89: 71 7 84 9. Other diseases of the liver. yr") 416 9 16 Bel ctes 3 8) i] 29) 2%, 45, 52] 52 ! 40! 35 90 Henk (M..| 319 4) 387 26! 35! 30; 26; 2%] 1} 2%! 2». 2» 8 Ml 12 BY 10; Periboniistessrsareere sree UF.) 521 20) 34 19' 25} 27; 6) 65] Gt; GO; 42, 2; 2] om 45 39 i t 1 | , M.. 23 2 2 2 Bilesdscosl ole cceelpacious OV ccictciae 1 4 3 1 2 iy ARCHEE corexmmsstereeneg eel | By lca) | gaadetleae 2 i Accs 2 1 2 4 lesaes a 2B ; , M. 320 | 170 || 202 5 8 ul 5 5 4 3 13 7 6 ; 12. Others of this class -...-.- ie 3 250 | 137 |) 156 9! 5 Silasiene. 3 i 2 | i ic i iW 3 I a | 1 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and , 4,815 66 || 226|| 139; 82| 97; 180]; 282] 331] 386| 379 | 414] 4€4| 395. 436) 1,004 male organs of generation. -—. en | Paes 7 42 126 73 | 35] 44) 77] 133| 150] 111 206 | 214] 254] 213] 261 568 24 100 66; 47) 53; 103] 149] 181]| 215; 173! 200] 210) 189] 175' 436 ear M aa ! 1. Bright's disease.....-...-- 123 146 24 rig’ § F. 103) 104. 252 2. Calculus, urinary.-.-.--.--- tr ie shasta Vibes banat (NEN ltssnia loaned Waste! (an ies cae ea 1 . : ! M..| 1,009 38 9 |) 51 [20] 23 | 43] 58 a 66 | 28 a8 gh jssttas: : 3. Diseases of the kidney...- ; F. 980 23 98 43 24 25] 47 66 78 81 61 86 | a 67 66 ‘ 153 4. Diseases of the bladder... $7] 195 : Te Theale) Bd Bl Be OR ae dee, Ue s M. 102 3 5 4 af ay ay 3 0 i 5 5. Others of this class........ ; F.. 62 ||........ 1 poe 2 4 6 : 10 6 ; ; 3 : i a 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 439 TaBLE 91.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. SS 7 ae! = a ee | : arial aa. tibad Ida | sak ia 30 to CAUSE OF DEATH. Ree pee under 10 15 20 | 25 : 80 35 See : 5 years.|) years. | years.| years.| years.; years.| years. } | a i | as one ee eeree | Peer | [ee aa | eco eee | Spel are aT |--— [X.—Diseases of the bones and joints..-. 214 9 29 47 33 | 13; 16 5 i. mee pees: nea oe eh eee, nese Males ...... 115 6 | 9! 9! 6! 10 7! 3 Females 99 3 14 27 14 ' 7! 6 | 4. i | 1. Diseases of the spine ...... e: ae ‘ : iS ‘ A 4 | : ‘ : ! a ; | ‘ 2 | 26 Diseases of the bones...... {-- a i 1| 5 s 5| i 25 2 ae wis Neves eee t “eBE tamed Baemboe [steetee i ' | | ‘ | 5. Diseases of the hip joint .. os 7 ee “| : . 8 : ' 1 | 1. i | i | i 4. Others of this class........ i‘: Hn 1 {| f \ LS X.—Diseases of the skin.........2------- 185 | 68 | at! Males 102 ! 35 44 | Females 83 ‘i 33 40 {, Fi : M.. 51 18 25 i -ADGCOSS 2c ccc vescosccen yes Se 42 19 | 24 2. Carbuncle 0.2... . eee... {Re te oe ‘ od fleseeeeealfeceeeree rh 3. Others of the class ....-... fe ‘ _ | 1 1 XI.— Diseases of the absorbent system -. 4s || 4 10 Males 21 | 3 7 Females 27 | 1 3 1. Addison's disease ......... { a 2. Diseases of the spleen..... {eo 3 en L ; i 3. Others of this class ....... {e a g 2 ° ! XIJ.—Accidents and injuries .......-...- 2.971 211 444 Males -....... 2,307 | 120; 267 90 7 gs| iar} 211! 208 Females 664 91 |) 177 46 13 23 32 50 | 38 qy 1 iI 1 M.. 161 6) 82 10 ; 2 5 7 8 6 1. Burns and scalds ....-..... ie S 140 | 6 | 46 20 | 5 9 6 i | 6 2. Drowned ....--.----..+.--- {¥.- 5 7 « 3. Exposure and neglect ..... {Po 2 4. Gunshot wounds .......... {eo 5. Homicide.........-.---.... ae 6. Infanticide.....-.......-+- f Mes 7. Injuries by machinery .... ‘e- ‘i 8. Railroad accidents .-...... ir | ! 9. Suffocation ..........-.--.- to 10. Suicide by shooting ......- io 11. Suicide by drowning ...... ; Me 12. Suicide by poison .......-. {Fo 13. Other suicides..-------.--. ie 14. Sunstroke.....--..-------- {Re um | { ! 4 I 15. Surgical operations........ § M: 56 > i YR. Wane ox ccsciccoee encased {eo a | 17. Other accidents aud in- M..| 054 juries. TR cs | 279 a t 35 5 10 | 40 fo anh, oars 2] 5 ra 3 | Ilse css a 2 rn | 3 43 to 5 ' 50 to; 55 years. vears. 55 to 60 years. “1 = 225 222 36 39 9 7 6 7 234 mo 65 years 60 to} and 65 over years.{ and un- known. 2 17 a 10 1 7 jepiaysbe 4 1 2 1) 4 lyseszyds's 3 440 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 92.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. | ou a 65 \ ( years \ All Una jj Total | 5t¢ | 10 to : 15 to 20 to | 25 to 30 to , 35to 40 to |; 45to, OO 1s Se tr OO ge and CAUSE OF DEATH. | meee thee under |, 10 15. 20 25 35 40, 45 |_ 50 | 55 | 60 ‘over | ges. year. ils years.|i years.| years. years. years. | yeara. years., years. years. | years. | years. Deane pera and . ; : ! | un- ! ' i known. Aa ee ee oe Sali pot = fee aed sa Pie rae ne =~ All camses........2.. 022.0202 eee ee 4,792 |} 1,400 , 1,867 | 94 | 69. 181 278 370 | 299 333 276 215 | 206, 148 146 360 Fo af eal at steegpe ns Males 2. 626 | 767 | 997 an 33} 72 160 ; 219 190 206 174 10 i 116, 80 ' 63 127 Females.....- 2.166 | 633" . 870 47 | 36 | 59 118 ' 51 109 i 127 102 P| 90! 68 i 8l 233 Unknown causes.......------------ 4} 2 g i i i | Males 2 | 1 1 Females 2). 1 1 i BS — 1.—General diseases. i | General diseases—A .........---.-- i 626 334° 449 14 28 Males 334 186 241 7 10 Females.... 292 148 208 i 7 18 : 2 1. Smallpox -.....--.-..--- 2. Measles: -) Ra Hernia: ccsee ccicensgccetees a 6. Other diseases of thegM-.. bowels. B.2 7. Jaundice......----------+- &. Inflammation and abscess of the liver. =e oe Ae 9. Other diseases of the liver. 10. Peritonitis ....-.----.----- mie ade ll, Ascites...--.-------------- an RM, ORR RRO esa“ mm 12. Others of this class ------- VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and | male organs of generation. Males --.-- Females... 1. Bright's disease. ...------- ae 2, Calculus, urinary ...------ Mes 3. Diseases of the kidney-... Se 4. Diseases of the bladder... ee 5. Others of this class ...-.-. ie VIl.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 1. Ovarian tumors.....--------- ae 2. Ovarian diseases. 3. Uterine tumors. 4. Uterine diseases... 5. Others of this class. -.----------- VIIL.--Affections connected with preg: naney. 1. Abortion 2. Childbirth...-.--- 3. Puerperal septicemia -.--- 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy .- 3. Others of this class ---..------+- ' NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 443 TaB_e 92,.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND ‘CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. - ‘ i : 1 "eg : | | 65 | Total |; Sto | 10 to! 15 te 20to | 25 to | 30to | 35 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50to | 55 to | 8Oto ; “and | under | 10 | 15 20 | 25 | 30 35 40 | 45 50 | 55 60 | G5 : over All Under CAUSE OF DEATH.” ages. 11 year 5 years.|| years. | years. | years. years. | years. | years, | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years.’ and i | IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints. ... Males ....------ Females.....--- 1. Diseases of the spine ..... 2. Diseases of the bones .. .. 3. Diseases of thehip joint... +. Others of this class........ X.—Diseases of the skin ......-...--.--- Males ...- Females... Ji; AbSCOSSe222220 aewevelcns Males... Females. 1, Addisou's disease ..-.-..-- 2. Diseases of the spleen ...-. 3 BU 3. Others of this class ...... XII.—Accidents aud injuries ........---- : Males Females _ . Burns and scalds ......--.. 2. Drowiiell, ccisscceceatiescsaw 3. Exposure and neglect 4. Gunshot wounds.....-..... . Homieide ...s252550-5-05 005 or . Infanticide ...2......-222.. o _ « Injaries by machiuery . Railroad accidents......... ao 9. Sutfocation ..---..-------.. 10. Suicide by shooting ..-..... 11, Suicide by drowning...... 12. Suicide by poison -....-.-- Pee 13. Other suicides. ...-..------ ~~ Jd. Sunstroke...2.-.2.2-2226-- ed 15. Surgical operations ..-..-. =E 16. Wounds mE 17. Other accidents and in- juries. IE 444 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 93.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. Bi i | | 65 | : ‘ ' | : ' ae f | years AD Una Total |, 5 to ‘10 to | 15 to, 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 35 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to 60 to: and CAUSE OF DEATH. | ages. \dpear.|under ; 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 |"35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 |_ 60 | 65 | over » Ages. | 1 ear. ils years.|i years. years. years. ; years. | years. | years. Beara: | ears. | VENTS: | Hears. (oats years. | aud i t : : i : known, Bao bil Ee MA. ies, { asda ee, ghee bol Le ote seat) eh hee = hah ae ete ok pbs eee he Se ree De ie ——— ; } | i H ’ AD CaNBOBSeicscesntnccteisissiisieeeeexeisuc 1, 851 567 812 | 95 44 64 | 95 | 85 83 83 61 76 ; 70 : 76 48 v7 mae ee pe RY a ft -—y eel Males .......... | 909 |) 298) 42a) 41a]! aa ge! ge | go} af as) a6! | 61 Females..... 942 269 384 34 27 4) i 51 | 43) 39 43 32: 31 34 42 25 116 Unknown causes Males Females I.—General diseases. General diseases—A o - oad . Diphtheria ...........-- § M.. 23 a . Whooping cough Gy, ener cicccecececeescce 7. 8. Typhoid fever...-.-.--- 9. 14. 15. General diseases—B.....----------- Males Females 1. Parasitic diseases 2. Aleoholism...-...-----++ 2. Stillborn ..-------------- 3. Malformation -..-------- 4. Debility and atrophy..-. , | 5 I 7 12 5. Old age..-------e0+0- 22+ te TOS ceicsectraava le eAcnizel laceretiondl eas tcadlseaameralioes aces lsat clleeccnce NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 445 TABLE 93.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. a | 1 ‘| Total , All Under CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. [a year. sv, | I years.| ea! 2 serie \i— I—General diseases —Continued. i i General diseases—D.....-..-------- 419 | 30 } fame | ommianie|| Males 215 | ld | Females i ! , 1. Rheumatism ....-.....- {ee 2. Scrofula and tabes....-. { i 3. Leprosy-...------.--.-- {eo 4. Congumption.........-- {e- Me z 5. Hydrocephalus. ....---- {eo i 2 6. Cameer vase eeeeeeeeees fro) od te LUMOPsccavecssecs eee {ee Lmodias 2 . 2 = 1. cS 2 Females. .-..- 1. Inflanmation of the brain. {eo 2. Apoplexy ..-..-----.------ ; Me 3. Paralysis ..--------------- ite 4. Tetanus and trismus nas- ceutiunm 5. Epilepsy ------------------ G. Convulsiongs....-.-----+--- 7. Mental diseases --- 9, Diseases of the spinal cord. {it-- e 0. Others of this class -.-.--- ; ‘ Males Females 1, Augina pectoris 2, Aneurisio .-..-...--------- 3. Diseases of the heart..-..- fe 4. Others of this class .....-. pe | 5 | | 10 to | es per genre | | i I 15 to | 20 to | 25 to 20 | 25 | 30 years. | years. | years. ' | 65 i | years 58 to 60 to | and | 60 | 64 | over | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 35 | 40 | 45 | years. | years. | years. lyears. yates Ss 45 to | 50 to | 58 years. | years. and ! ! un. | Known. 108 4413 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 93.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION. OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | | | | | 2 3 to 20 to | 25 to 80 to | 85 to | 40 to | 43 to | 50 to 3 20 25 | 1 35 4 50 55 |_6 years.| years. | years.‘ years.| years. sere years. | years. ; yeas ee ‘and i : i \ : Total || 5 to | 10to ae ao be ie : All Under 2 4 under 10 15 ages. |; 1 year. 6 years.|| years. | years. CAUSE OF DEATH. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system... Males Females ls, COFOU Psion e5 ets eee 2. Laryngitis -...-....-.---- {e- 3. Bronchitis eho {ee 4. Poeumonia.........-.---. {e.- 5. Pleurisy....-------------- {f. 6. Asthma .......22222.-22-. Se +. Others of this class....... M.- V.—Diseases of the digestive system .... Males) cecac = ” . Suicide by shooting 11. Suicide by drowning a to . Suicide by poison....-.-- 13. Other suicides. ....-.----- ; pers ene apace ee | ot ae ee ee 15. Surgical operations. ..---- ; aes ; ery 16. Wounds ...-..-.--. 0 ------ ; Bo ? 17. Other accidents und in-§ M.. juries. Un 448 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. { : ‘j) Total | 5 to | 10to | 15 to |20to | 25 te 30 t0 | B5te 40 to | 45 to | 50 to 55 to | 60 to CAUSE OF DEATH, \ j under | 10 | 15 20 25 | 30 35 40 45 5 | 55, 60 | «65 i 5 years.| years. years. | years. | years. | years. i years.| years. years. years" Years: years. | years, : ‘ # 1 | ' : : | i , ' z | Seton tee | ees vacdl etna dis Wiens) Seana Ghent saa ee Se ‘ 1 , \ \ i All causes...... 2.2222 .0eeee eens eee 63. 333 || 27, 379 || 40, 916 |] 2,693 | 811 ; 1,016 | 1, 464 ; 1,732 1,551 1,409 409 | 1.435 MMGE oo codes ccccenandasend 33,768 || 14,966 || 22,087 | 1,355 418! 509 “148 867 | 831 Ba ! 860 Females......-....-.-...--. 29, 565 || 12.413 || 18.829 |/ 1,338 393 507 721 i 865 ! 720 a 573 Unknown causes.......-----.------ 24 16 ; 20 = = Males ........----.-----2.-- | bt 7 9 Females ..............2----- 4 9 1l I.—General diseases: General diseases—A ---..--......-. 16, 969 Males 8, 685 Females .....-......- --| 8.284 1. Smallpox .-........----- ie 2. Measles .............--- ec ee 6, Fever ssc scncvsxcecvcren oe i 7. Cerebro-spinal fever. ... vo : 8. Typhoid fever. . 9. Diarrheal diseases... .-. fii 10. Cholera infantum 2.2... oe 11. Malarial fever. .....-... oar. 12. Erysipelas ..-.... a {e- 13. Septiceemia .....--...-. ie 14. Venereal diseases -....- {Fo 15. Others of this group .-- § at 254 227 rae 6,363. 5, 152 | 1,257 925 | 1. Parasitic diseases .----. j cae 2. Alcoholism .....-.------ ; M 3. Lead poison ...-.-...--- {he 4. Other poisons .--.--.--- Fon 5. Inanition......--------- ie General diseases—C ...-..-----+---- Malés s2ccsqv0s esse caciediecs. Females.-.....-----+----+--- 1. Premature birth ....--. {x 2. Stillborn ....2...2.----- io | 3. Malformation ..--.----- ro a. Debility and atrophy. .- 5. Oli age 3, 768 | 2) 819 | : 113 112: 1,127 | 1,072 | 98 I. 224 ||. years and over and | un- | known. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 449 TABLE 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. fi i | | | 65 4 | years Au |l una Total || Sto | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to} 45 to; 40 to! 55 to; 60 to | and CAU! j ndéet |! under; 10 16 20 25 | 30 3d | 4 dD 50 ad 60 | 65 | over USE OF DEATH. ages. || 1 year. i i Eee | para B years. | years.; years.| years.) years.! years , years.' years.| years.) years. years.) years. years. and i : ! | un- | i : iN ' known. pS s Seas | | oe i i | ! ' i ! 1 1.— General discases—Continued. ! " He | i 1 : “General diseases =U... abscesses 7,938 || 1,103 || 2,190 207 1451 415) 649 | 784} 633] 600} 472] 402] 358) 302] 250 531 Males .....- 4,111 | 630 |; 1, 232 i 100! 58} 180 | 327 | 394; 340] 319: 271] out 200; 147 | 115 217 Females 3, 827 | 473 958 i 107 5 87 235 322 | 390 293 281! 201 191 158 155 135 314 | i i | fi FA 8! 5 | 9 2, Bhamatiom cesses fe) RG og | a | 22 | 2 ko 2. Scrofula aud tabes -...- ie 5 a a \ i ~ | i { 3. Leprosy .-......-------- ee 4. Consumption._........- {ee 5. Hydrocephalus. .-....-- {Fe (a Oc {¥- Fe DMUNOTccctey os sictaicinicisane ie Re AAU Asoo 20 sasseciess ; Me 9. Dropsy aseee {eo 10, Diabetes.....-...2222.-. ee 11. Others of this group ... os 12. Others of this class .-.. { Mrs we oo 1I.—Diseases of the nervous system..... Sy 192 57 43 42 60 | 93 91) 135 131 173 206 191 781 u = 7 : ‘ Males -- ” | 4,894 99 7 a4 20 32! 56: ot! 73: 7} 1w6| 117 105 371 Females......--.--..-----+- , 6 1,569 | 93 30 16 22 28] 37. 30} 62,83 67 89 86 410 I ‘ i | ! aoe . 6M. 982) 435, = 800 | 60 14 12 8 5, 18, 13! da] 18 ll 3 5 12 1 Inflammation: of the brainy ip: BIB} sab! 680.78} AT 7 8 3: 8. 3] 5; 6 3 6 1 10 | | i | \ . M.. 515 | 20 | 28 | 1 1 4 3 8) 2: 2 | 27} 29 52 65 60 195 2. Apoplexy ---------------- iF 4 | 14 90: sage Lo Aseeitaes 3 8) 8; Wy 3h, 2k 40 53 54 223 | : i : 7 i at. 176 | 2 ll. 5 1 Le asec 2| 3) ,8] 13] 15 7 58t 15 74 3. Paralysis.-.-.------------- iP vi 150 | 5 Bie gale ell geaccia’ 2 1 2: 6 | 4. 6! 8) 9 8 89 ; ' i 4. Tetanus and trismus nas. § Me. 75 | | centium. F a 47 i | | I ! saa! 58 : 5. Epilepsy ----..----+-+--+-- Po 51 | ' | ; 6. Convulsions..--.-..------- {y 7 oy : ' | | ; ae ' 2 ) 7. Mental diseases.--..----.- {ee 3 | 3 J 3 ; | . perloe : P M..' 385} 129; ~— 206 15 7 3 3 5. 9 10 | 6 14 9 21 16 61 8. Diseases of the brain...... irs 3201 10d} 177 15 4 5 4 6 5 | dig 7! 6 8 13 57 t | 7 5 é 85 8 18 |! 5 1 1 1 5 6 2) 5 3 i lL 4 16 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. j Fl. 16 6 10 7 3 | nea 1 a 1 | i | i 3 | é 6 4 5 : 4 i t a M.. 12 1 2]; Disease ‘sjotteamalneatess 1 1 1 AD ise Saenenecem pal eeneen 3 10. Others of this clase .-.-.-. if 95 1 1}; Tlic cece te 3 i 3 | 2, 1 aM ecgee 3 3 5 1 ! | | | Aree III.—Diseases of the circulatory system.) 2, 829 | 422 490 119 118 89 76 93 103 | 152 | 151 174 | 196. 187 194 687 ' E rs i) eee © earl Males | 1,593 f 231 || 268 48 52 47 39 52/58 83 | 86 91; 123 | ag] 104 358, | 1,306 | 191 || 222 7 66 42 37 5 69 | 65 8; 73, 73 90 329 : . ites 35 | ae! 1 2i 4! 4 3 19 1. Angina pectoris..-.------- F.| 30 S Peas 2 ot as Pa 4 12 : a. 61 j nt es 6! 9 8 | og . 8 4 9 2, Aneurism --.---------+-++- F..| 14 9 9 | 2 as ts : 1 1 4 x. 1, 222 |! 45 52 47 33/50! 50] 76! 76 81 | WL, 102 94 321 3. Diseases of the heart.....- iF “1 Toso | o ! en 3 | i 61 79 84 307 ats | 205 186 189 i 3 4. Others of this class ....... iP oy 173 i 157 162 | 1 2 29 938 450 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 5 | 65 i 7 j years All Una Total Sto | 10 to | 16 to | 20to | 25 to | 30to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50to | SSto | GOto and CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. | 1 year. ||tader || 10 15 20 | 25 30 | 35 40 45 50 | 55 60 | 65 | over ges. year. 'l5 years.|| years.| years.| years.| years.| years.| years.| years.| years. arare years.| years.! years.| and un- ; known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.) 10, 964 3, 965 7, 736 462 ! Males 5, 813 2,152 4, 134 238 Females 5.151 1.813 3, 602 224 fog a Wersasee M. 854 109 758 86 POUL sce tginsdemmasaenaeen ; ¥ 765 92 660 95 5 ae M. 63 14 | 48 7 2. Laryngitis -........22..--. i} . 60 12 | 48 | 7 ' i a | 3h sae. M..| 1,519 946 | 1,338 26 Ponehitlsseseaeseannncse2: {yl 1433 | ts | 410} 19 6 : ei 4. P Baits eae reais M..| 2,905 789 i 1, 652 107 28 50 100; 107 97 112 103 95° 95 66 73 220 MOM MONT A arses tince ase {F. 2.501 | 673 |) 4,445 98 36 40}. 64) 65 69 59 49 511 58 55 87 325 ii I a 5 Kee M. 96 | 19: 37 Oy [ee Siciciere 3 7 1 8 3 2 10 3 2: 3 10 js PICOLIS Ys sseeeeoeece tcc a i 2 i oe sElearisy, iF, gy] 10] 1p 2] 2] a} Bf 2] 3 Bol Bel sy gts a, 7 M. re 2) Bl ch eal eee a dind et ee eh eA) 1 l 1 Pfs ga Mth a) Ai 6 6, Asthma ....2..0.2.2-0000-- ie a5 =| 1 feces eae Ghia coca U bigeceas 2 Plssea 9 7 ; M. 362 273 || 298 7 5 2 1 3 3 5 4 7 9 ze 4 10 ‘, Others of this class ....... ie 301 230 || 354 3 1 3) 0041 Bil Sa. 4 1 1 4 tio 22 V.—Diseases of the digestive system... .. 1, 636 i 476 643 58 53 36 58 63 17 80 81 75 84 66 | 66 196 Males Sissies sian Seay ee Ree 892 : 272 367 38 34 23, 30 28 41 30 42 47 53 44 : 36 79 Females.........-.-...-.--. 744 | 204 276 20 19 13 28 35 36 50 39 28 31 22 | 30 117 ans MM.) 41 4 AL S 1. Dentitions: 2220 cacendekea iF oS 38 33 38 ; M.. 25 6 17 2. Angina.....-..---.-----.- tel 17! 2, 12 : : 4 M. 147 57 76 £ | eaoeted 4 2 1 abt 5 7 6 8 7} 4 12 3. Diseases of the stomach.. if 140 : 36 51 9 3 9 5 5 6 6 6 6 9 3! 7 34 ! Sioa ao a AT 3 30 36 1 2 3 2 1 2 Tees: 3 2 i) Se 4. Obstruction of the bowels { 61 33 : aT Tihcaatiesl ape Ngee ; 5 : Blo oet a1 ae . é M.. 39 13°) 9: Hernia occacxsecienestec soem ie aa Aocilesinask z : 6. Other diseases of the §M.. 12 6 : bowels. F.. 10 5 | q. Jaundice .-......-...-..-- {iF oe 5 | Aa 22 20 | i 8. Inflammation aud abscess § M.. 43 3, Bsc Dei arab 2 3 4 4 2 3 | of the liver. i | 31 3 7 Doo aot tal eee 2 Tnileeteieine 3 2: 1 : : 3 | ; . é 7 z M..| 163 5 6 4 3 IT jascenes 8 4 11 21 22, 20 2 | 2 . > ses of the liver} : 2 24 16 23 9. Other diseases of the iver $3 =| 102 6 6 h....... : o I 3 6 3 9 i 8 13 9 9 | 34 1 1 ! ” ie M..! 159 |; 22 40 20 14 7 16 9 10 7 7 5 6 4 | ROTOR eRe eae {P| 7]; 6] «= 3} to] «| =o | 6k] ot | «oot sas] | «| S| SEO | 2 | ' TDs ASCHESy sinc.2c2ehetincede {eo 3 | : t pero eee rr in ne Ow ceed RG IEReSS ee i. | 12. Others of this class..-..... ie 168 | a a o | . VI.— Diseases of the urinary systemand | 2.596 | 83 224 70 43 58 91 115 128 200 193 212 230 | ' I or VII.—Diseases of the female organs of Sik Oty et . Diseases of the kidney -.. . Diseases of the bladder... . Ovarian tumors -. . Ovarian diseases - . Uterine disease Z . Others of this class...--.....--- male organs of generation. Males Females . Bright's disease . Calculus. urinary generation. Uterine tumors. VIII.—Affections connected with preg: Oe wt ~ Childbirth . Extra-uterine pregnane . Others of this class nancy. Abortion ..-- NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 451 TaBLE 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACII SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. ‘ | ] | ' 65 \ : 2 i ' _ years ' AN | Under || Total |] 5 to | 10 to! 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | GOto and CAUSE OF DEATH. | ages. ji1 year under 10 |; 14 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 | 55 60 65° over | ages. - | ® year. lls years.|| years. | years. years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years. | years. | years. | years. | and ; ! ' ! un- ! : : i j known. . pa Gpstoats teow ge ste 9 ema OR ies Baas eae y i eae IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints...) 165, 8] 40 30; 8 i 4 2 7 5 4 at ow] ot 7 Males. hed eedaaceoiakadden 104 | 2) ai wi da) Cae eee 6 4 4 1 3/2! 5 Females. .....2-0+2js00enciescee 61 | 6) 16 12 Wiessscies | 1 2 1 I |ksseaee 2 4 | 3) 2 1. Diseases of the spine..... {ee a ' 7 \ a 3 i : 2. Diseases of the bones .-... {Po Fe PISS, L } 3. Diseases of the hip joint.. eo a 1 d 4. Others of this class ...... se. s see ay 1 a 3 23 11 12. 3 3. Others of this class. .-.... fe a XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system -. 28 Males: scexsnseasenecnsaiivsid 15 Females.... TS |lseteceeeatl) 2 Die! Dee eectegy OB WR AL eet || ebteeeclemseeeeis 1. Addison's disease ..---.--- {F ; 2. Diseases of the spleen -..- ie : ews 3. Others of this class......- ; ae 4 XII.—Accidents and injuries ..-.-..----- 1, 643 Males .-.- “4, 108 £ Remales:csecoscaces 535 21 36 25 20 14 ML 33 1. Burnsand scalds..--.---.2 m7] eg |} Sg HER iter ere cfeeeeeze] 0 2 octetrae emeeee bot a 2 2. Drowned ..-.....--------- 3. Exposure and neglect ..-. - Gunshot wounds rs on q ¢ 5 g = ® o 4 s B & 8 &. a z ‘ as ~ Injuries by machinery -.. . Railroad accidents --.---- Dp . Suffocation ...------------ © 10. Suicide by shooting ------ J1. Suicide by drowning ----- 12. Suicide by poison -------- 2 28 ; , 13. Other suicides.----------- Bey 3 i ll eb ellen td | 3 1 maces M..' 31 G 12 «| 14. Sunstroke-.----++-+07 075+ {FP ie 19 7 i3 5 4 | aS Bran nee 2, : ; . ou.) bt 3 6 i 15. Surgical operations --.--- VF. 132 3 eon 3 a AON Aes 1 1G. Wounds .-...----------- “ j ale 3 1! 1 1 Juries. iv. Other accidents and in- § M-. 44 49, 132 Ur. 89 452 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 95.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. | | 63 i ‘ { i a years : Al k i .5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 26 to 30 to | 34 to | 40 to | 45 to one 55 to | 60to}] and ‘ages. |f1 vear./[tuder f/ 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 45 5 30 35 40 50 60 65 over '§ years.|| years. , years.| years.| years,! years.| years. | years. | years. | years. | years. years.| years.) and a . ‘ i i : : un- : known. CAUSE OF DEATH. 17,483 , 26, 040 ‘ ! All causes 734, 761 822 | 873 3, 856 Males ...- “91,197 |, 9,587 | 14,061 4o1| 382] 425] 469] 1,598 Females... 19.906 |, 7,896 | 11,979 333: 379| 397] 404] 2,258 Unknown causes..----..--------- 35 7 9 Males i 5 Females ..-.----- 4 1I.—General diseases. General diseases—A ...------------ Malés: 225-55 e02486 -' 5,484 Females 5, 230 1. Smallpox..-.----------- Ae : 5 Se nc oo! 2. Measles .-.------------- pu. ie ‘ 3. Searlet fever..---.------ pies a 4. Diphtheria ....-....2-- ce tee 5. Whooping cough-...--- ie a 6. Fever ..--.------------- ie q 7. Cerebro-spinal fever. - -- ; Mes 8. Typhoid fever...-.----- {fF uy 9. Diarrheal diseases. -- --- {Fo 1 10. Cholera infantum ..---- {e " z a 11, Malarial fever-..-2----- {Fol op | 12. Erysipelas ....---.--++- {F] & 13. Septiczemia..--.-------- {ee a 14. Venereal diseases -.----- ; Me as 15. Others of this group --- f Me a General diseases—B ..-.------------ 543 Males Tr 303 Females 240 1. Parasitic diseases..-.--- iF eras i j 3 5. Inanition .-------------- ; y.. eee General diseases—C -.-------------- 7, 524 Males .--------------------- 3,970 Females ..------------------ 3, 554 J. Premature birth.-...---- ie a ' M. 2477 9, Stillborn....--------+2+ {tet Pag xt... 35 3. Malformation..--------- ; a. a 185 M.. 1,029 4. Debility and atrophy... f ¥ : | 1093 i | M..: 132 5. Old age -----------+---+- ; Fi 313 |! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 453 TABLE 95.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Contiuued. | ‘i ce ee 65 | lies | : i years All } Under | Total || 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 26 to | 25 to | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to: 50 to 55 to | 60 to | and CAUSE OF DEATH. seen. (NG Ear } under 10 16 20 25 30 35 | 40 45 50: 55 60 65 over Bea eee 5 years.|lyears. | years. years. | years. | years. | years. , years. ; years. | years. years.) years.|years.| and ‘ | | { un- ' | ' known. ae } | at. — Yi aa i i ; ! i I.—General diseases—Continued. 1 1 : i i i General diseases—D....-.--.-..--. 4,777 i 678 |. 1,191 U7 96 i 308 i 463 421 364 326 278 ' 239 198 183 173 420 Males . 2, 297 354 : 642 | 56 31 | 138 232 208 186 156 139 127 | 66 81 79 162 Females. 2,480 324 549 : 61 65 : 170 231 213 184 170 139 112; = 182 102 94 258 5: 2 M.i 0 71 5 |! 67 5 4 3 2 1 4 5 5,8 3 7 W 1. Rheumatism........2... te 59 1 |! 6 | & 5 6 af Nl ssiaeevate’s 3 3 al I 2 4 1 15 5 7 | 2 % Herofulaand tabes.....fF | Teh ae “wel sf af abn f CRP OURENIOEInp a pigL ppd 3. Leprosy ..-...--.-...--- os : | i | 4. Consumption........... ie Ave i ue 1 " i i i | 5. Hydrocephalus ..-..---- ; at are ‘ es San 6. Canoe eo Goce ceeccee a , M.. 21 Te PUM OBec ane nese Aactcies 3 | iF s 23 | \ 8 Anwemia.......2...----- {eo a : 13 ] ' 1 9. Dropsy ssesessscccad: coe {eo Be ice Sills te 2 M.. 40 | 2 10. Diabetes..........-..--- Sarl inbetes iF = 29 | 1! i i 4 M.. 22 | 8 |: 12 11. Others of this group... . ji § F. 4 | gi 45 12. Otbers of this class..... § i. c “TI pee voy | sg i ! II.—Diseases of the nervous system...-... 4, 826 i 1, 922 2, 986 : ; F era 4) sumer ais peor : Males 2.534 |] 1,071 || 1,618: 119 32 16 9! 95! 95] 39 38 47 so! 96 332 Females..-.---..------ 2. 292 851 1, 368 H 107 36 15 27 | 20 20 | 37 40 38 | 47 68 7 398 4 ; i : : 5° 55 | 5 . 5 | 5 1. Inflammation of the brain. {eo oe \ ae oe ee a8 | c : : ! ° 4 q ! 3 ql ° ie q rs i 7 i : ) ! | i oe M.. 355 | 5 9 Vic cencslepyeere a 4! 6 | 1 14 17! 22 45 5+ 170 2» Apoplexy? varsen 1 1 j.------ 2 : 2 3 3 1 I Ape sates|ssaeckes |b feseeeefeseeeesfeeeeens ae esha ete ae eet ats tees (udp daelhseetei| saeenied I 3. Bronchitis ...........-.--- M..; 987 400 573 | 12 4 4 gi 5 13 20 iF ~| 862 342 500 v7 4 3 5: 9 4 ; 7} is! ao} ao] 39 185 az M..| 2,790 443 948 69 7 5 7 E 4. Pneumonia.....--.-.------ ube 6 32 6 112 152 141 1 1 {F --| 1,958 360 794 3G 36 3 67 80 107 78 35 te BA ioe il ae tai M.. 122 : 8 ; : SS Pleunis ys a sececreur essere fro) poe : : : a] 8 : : f| 8 a G. Asthina.....---2-.---2-.-- {xe a HM ssspeacieee: iW Fi 1 1 2 3 4 a 6 12 ae means 3 1 2 5 5 2 a a 1 5 3 20. = ‘ i 57 | 143 5 1 2 5 Z 7. Others of this class.....--. it e 183 | 97 TOL 7 : : ¢ e | : 2 15 0 A s 23 —Di F i ivi - j 230 |: 5 | V.—Diseases of the digestive system ....| 1,994 250 |! 331 46 52 70 89 87 OL | 132 131 173 185 145 | 175 287 Males Luz} us 190) 27) o8| 46] 36| 40] 43! 73 os Al 5 9 43 75 79 116 109 83 95 1 Females 8t7 | 105 141 19 24 24 33 47 48 57 52 57 76 62: 80 on 1 1 I 1. Dentition............-.2--. {eo 3 ig 20 Hy et ral 2. ANGINA - = 2222s 11. Malarial fever......---. {3 s 12. Erysipelas {e 13. Septiceemia.-....-.---.- ie Ee 14. Venereal diseases..-..-. {F a 15. Others of this group ... {y | General diseases—B Mal€S scucindenocesccosnnees Penal es sia cisais cicsaiececiaceneres x 1. Parasitic diseases... --- {er ce 2. Alcoholism --.--------- ip ie 3. Lead poison...-.------- ; a : 4, Other poisons....-.---- {Pr a 5. Inanition ...-.-....---- {e es General diseases—C........-.---.---- Males ...---.--------------- Females.-----.------------- 1. Premature birth ..--..-. {x = 9. Stillborn..-2----2----+- {F- 2, Malformation.....----- ie: 4. Debility and atrophy -- ix 5. Old age ..-------------- ; a 4 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 477 TaBLE LOU.—DEATHAS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 10. Others of this class ....-. i a I1I.—Diseases of the circulatory system. Males .....--- Females 1. Angina pectoris 2. Aneurism......---------- 3. Diseases of the heart 4. Others of this class ...... 65 years All Under || Total || 5 to 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 35 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to! and CAUSE OF DEATH. ages. || 1 year. || under 10 15 20 25 30 36 40 45 50 55 60 65 over Bos year: lls years.|| years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years.| years.’ and un- known. I.—General disenses—Continued. General diseases—D ....-..-------+ 48 | 5 1 1 lemeresies, 3 l 6 7 4 2 6 1 2 lecss sen 4 Males | Females | 1. Rheumatism ..........- {fF By 2: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 Ansmin 2.0. eee 9. Dropsy -.-.------20000+ el eee 10. Diabetes ...-.--.-.----- {x eros ig [eines 1 11. Others of this group ... {eo ee le pee aed i 12. Others of this class ..-. {eo peers eee el } | I1.—Diseases of the nervous system ...--. 62 |! 32 Males ...-- 33 18 Females 29 14 1. Inflammation ofthe brain . {Fo v | 4 2. Apoplesy ssecsenserennnn ol ee | 3. Paralysis -.seceeeseseees iro. seen 4. Tetanus and trismus sl M 2 II 1 centium. F. 4 4 5. Epilepsy .--..---------.--- {pr 7 é 6. Convulsions .-.---...---- {x a " \ 7. Mental diseases.-..--..-. {Po 8. Diseases of the brain..-.. ir as 478 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 101.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 65 2 - " years Total || 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 80 to | 85 to | 40t0 | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to | “and gen. || Paver.||under || 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 36 | 40 55 | 60 | 63. | over : “|S years.|| years.) years. |years. |years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years | years. | years.| years.| and : un- known. CAUSE OF DEATH. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.. 103 32 78 A. | secaross 2 3 1 2 7 5 |eeeeee- [eee eee eee eee ' Dy | ececstovirs Mala isacca aneinaowscinniniaaoneies 69 22 53 D. |ememes 1 fhe. esisreiciens 1 6 § |-------]---2---|------- 1 lscciciocic: POMalestscudacmnnseswarracwnese 34 10 25 B lhercnad 1 2 1 1 dl ese,2 eisieaillesisic ares wewenen[ssceees[eorecee| scenes A CrOUb weanee vase ereunerel (ro Oe ‘ 1S 2. Laryngitis....--......----- ; M eri es a lliecceacans Ports tale 3. Bronchitis...........------ j 7 ~ ut a ao ‘ M.. 35 8 22 WD i cisercinacs 1 J. earecimese 1 GO Bl awseeweliewaeds|eeoccetioeee 2 EDO MMONIM. =o oes Shceetons {F 18 4 10 Bc cesed 1 2 1 DP By fessins Se 5. Pleurisy 6. Asthma ..-. 7. Others of this class ..-.-.- V.— Diseases of the digestive system -... Males...---- Females As DentitiGnes.scexcsscesexrcss j a ie 2. Angina....-.--.----+--++-- § a oF M ¥ 3. Diseases of the stomach. -. ; 4. Obstruction of the bowels. . f a = < M 5S) Hérhia ssescscccewsesawmace ae & ; BP ste 6. Other diseases of the bowels § M ne (sD MD i ieececcunweaeesce ss § ae 8. Inflammation and abscess§M .. of the liver. j ass 9. Other diseases of the liver... ‘¥ of 10. Peritonitis.---..-..-.------ seteeee|eeeeeee Do lhesecse es Ay i eevtebaleys | aca Se tssesyee! feces Ce bepearia cl aden leech Die ABC cccciccccaemcsteciciccic 2 ae a ee eee Se ania | chaise sateies es aka S eh Paie a frat aie ha at ees ae ia aii ete | RTS [RENE nae tle Winn n {Siete 3 Sin nll a savaes cetace 12. Others of this class........ § M S d B |e-s-s--|-sseeeefeeeeee fesse V1.—Diseases of the urinary system and 20 ||-------- Dl |Seeeteiletecead 2 cece 2 3 3 9 male organs of generation. 2 7 3... 1 2 Males ....--- bs 2 | Saka tete | Females oe = 1. Bright’s disease......-.--. 2. Caleulus, urinary -.------. 3. Diseases of the kidney..... 4. Diseases of the bladder -.- 5. Others of this class.....--- VII.—Diseases of the female organs of; —s 1 |)--------]|-------. ! generation. i 1. Ovarian tumors. .......---+------ 2. Ovarian diseases. 5 3. Uterine tumors .-- 4. Uterine diseases .-- 5. Others of this class -. VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. . Abortion -- . Childbirth. ..-.-.------ Puerperal septicemia . -- Extra-uterine pregnancy . Others of this class Ce ie NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 479 TaBLE 101.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 4 65 All Under Total || 5 to | 10 to| 15 to| 20 to | 25 to | 80 to| 35 to | 40 to 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to ai CAUSE OF DEATH. ares NT eae under || 10 16 20 26 80 3a 40 45 | 50 55 60 65 over Bes. i) * Year-l6 years. || years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years. years. | years, | years.| years.) and un- j ‘ known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints. ...|-------- eeee cer [|e ween ees leeee nec [eenee ee fe reece cferee cet |e cere ee|ee cece [eee eee elece eee alee eee eee eee eels eres cle e eee ee ceeeeeee Males ....---.----------- +++ Females ...-...---+--++-++++ 1 Diseases of the spine 4. Others of this class.. -..-- X.—Diseases of the skin ....-..---------- 7 Males ...--.2----eceeennee efor neers feo t ence [eee ce elton cee [ee eee ce [eee c eee [rcr ere cde eee eefece eee Leeen enc leeee eel cece esl ee eee sfeceee ce] o rte recleeeeence Females........--.-----02--[osrerroprrr rt Jroretetillssescec[eceeces erence e [rece eee fee eee |e eee ene |ee ee ee lee eee eel eee eee [eee [eee ee [eee e eee [e ence eee Dee MERRY ee soeenanonaieys Be ree cel carne eee ae ce ed eee Nee ee ee ee By CEU BUBAG ces terete: Se ee rire ene ee ae Fate or ee Bi Otiversiof this clase)=sc2nsic* et et ec a ccc core eee eee XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system -.|--------l|---+----]leeereee[eeeeee fee free fee ip fer feceee pee Males .....-------------+--- Females. .-.---------------- 1. Addison's disease -...-..-- 2. Diseases of the spleen 3. Otbers of this class....-.-- XII.—Accidents and injuries. -.-..------- Males .......---+------- Females a . Burns and scalds....------ § », Drowned vecseeessseseneses ne wo . Exposure and neglect ..--. 4. Gunshot wounds.....-.--- . Homicide....-.-.-.-.------ wo a . Infanticide......-.-....-.. _ . Injuries by machinery .... f wo . Railroad accidents...-..... . Suffocation .-..--.--------- 2 10. Suicide by shooting .-...-- 11. = Suicide by drowning ...--- 12. Suicide by poison.-------.- 13. Other suicides.--.---.----- 14. Sunstroke .-..-.--------+-- 15. Surgical operations ..---- 16. Wounds ......--..-+-+---- 17. Other accidents and in- §M.. juries. Fi pa ee ete EE 480 VITAL STATISTICS. “TABLE 162.—DEWTHS IN _NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN “IN-ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND ‘SEX. 1 : ; 65 2 3 years All | ‘Tne Total |; 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 35 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 65to | GOto | “and CAUSE OF DEATH. f Lyeae, [under |) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 | over ages. ||! year. ‘ls years.| years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years. | years. | years. years.| years.| and 4 un i known. All causes. ---..--------.-.-------| 11, 062 4,955 || -8, 157 323 117 177 318 344 304 292 258 168 158 105 : 120 221 1 Miplesi ict ccesmecrmmedacaumacd “6, 233 2,775 4, 446 177 64 92 172 207 197 202 169 119 117 65 82 124 Pemalesisasccaviaceccwesaeeats - 4, 829 |) -2,180 || -3,711 146 53 1-85 146 137 107 90 89 49 41 40 38 97 Unknown ‘causes.....--+-.------- 8 1 A] [sees callie seree haeemer eimai dL) ecipieteiayll stamina cman, 1 Dh icessicinees De ssssasciausse Males ar OP Hiaseieciosciaes Females 3, 1 A.—General discases. a? General diseases—A -....--....---- -2, 934 1,301 Males 715 Females 586 1. Smallpox .-...--.....--- 4 5 2. Measles -----.---------- 4 th a as 3. Scarlet ‘fever --......-.. ee Be 7 4. Diphtheria ----......--- {y ae 4 5. Whooping cough ....--. {eo °F 2 6. Fever .-cnsceeceeeee SRY 2 Pct 7. Cerebro-spinal fever. ... {e- nal as 8. Typhoid fever ......---- oe wv | 9. Diarrheal diseases .-.-.. {e 386 | 10, Cholera infantum ...-.. ee ace 186 | “el i 11. Malarial fever..-......- {F- Be be. 5 12. Erysipelas .---..------- {He e nae 13. Septicamia...---------- {eo ; a 14. Venerew]- diseases .-...-. 2 Mt as 6 a | 15. Others-uFf this group...) We 2 \ General diseases—D ....-.----------- “112 87 Males “1 i) 33] 59 ee eee [eeiaell Seka Bh eh) Pearce | it [eceeaes eee Females .__- 41 34 88 ||.sere0s AC Secesac pore focesespecreeefessecesteosse I ee are Willison sl ona an “1. Parasitic diseases ....-. ie, 2 2 4 1 [astenie| nesses porte fees Dl eonsvegpevene exanes| insane] patseg aates-|secsan ee -2, Alcoholism .-......----- : 3. Lead poison. 4. Other poisons.------.--- {F ews: S Sl eeewas J x JE 5. Inanition-...----------- ee # ay BB General diseases—C ...-----------++---| 1,736 || °1,640 || 1,694 f 1 1 Pee 3 1 f lloxece wi 1 jee 2 21 Males ...- 973 930 950 ||-...... 1! 1 i leswzural mAb lcleok fl onbaeds 2 6 Femalcs 753 710 735 1 1 | salsa a lawea wien swerve feseaea 1 |-------]------- 15 Fi =e 125 125 1. Premature birth --..... {7 15 | 195 95 sacs snare 3 a ween | | aie “485 |" 685 2. Stillborn..--.----------- {e are | B18 ti|ecte see] ieee seeps eee eee | pf 28D [rcersetpscsec estes stele ese [es ee ee later es fects ee ef eeteeeeferee ee s|eeeeee sete eec|eeeee eel eee e es { é 3. 23 |: 21 ~ Malfermuition.....------ { Mes 3 ; 19 — : s : : | 99 , a. Delality ind atrophy...\§ A. 288 80 ‘ QE.. » CR ARE | leer finenmemctenvenen| DL degiaweateaenecalnsecon|oeeagan| © lememapaleweyen I M.. AF Ue estbiatane | setae iets icielle ieinieraed| Saiecacinpal actsnvel a gatsrcat boner a lmeemsniss| waigjeisleeneae-st [eee oe -5. Old Hipnnseassaoromocnaaocash Bey ie Hepatitis 7 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 481 TABLE 102.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 1. Rheumatism ........-.- I | 1 | | 65 i . | years All || Under ‘otal || 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to | 35 to | 40 to | 44 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to | and CAUSE OF DEATH. ages Vy year. under 10 15 | 20 25 30 35 40 46 60 | 55 60 65 | over = men lb years.|| years. ona years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. years. | years.' and i i | | un- \ I | | t i ‘known. = iter t ee Siiedh sedan Nicest ee ianeeee! | mot ent ! 1 | i haat aca a | | 1.—General diseases—Coutinued. ‘ i I u } ! { General diseases—D .....-.-.------ 1, 035 |: 112 i 264 37 | - 36 \ vil) 116 11s 95 ' 74 7 45 ; 39 25 24 20 Males’. 25 ssccocudecaseesites sso|, 69, 144] 17] 18] 35] 3} 69 | 057; 0 4] «| 40 | 07 | 2 | 8 9 Females, .:.050--nsicns 280932 2 20 | 37 | 18 ate | 1 | w . Scrofula and tabes .-... - . Cancer ...--.. 0 "Tumor a.22653 22 des hoe 5 Fi 3. Anemia “« So = 3° s i — ~ ke or 10. Diabetes .-...---------- iy - 1 - Others of this group... ; M Si 12, Others of this elise FF eae eee ee ee JI.—Diseases of the nervous system -..... "BL: Males ....-.------- Females.-.---- --- 1. Inflammation of the brain- 2. Apoplexy --------+------- 4. ‘Tetanus and trismus nas- centium. i 3. Paralysis. .....02-2ee00- § i i 5. Epilepsy .---------------- Males Females .....-------- 82 1, Angina pieetonisecs-. shake ; at a ‘ ! 2. Aneurism ..--..--+-------- {Fe . : 3. Diseases of the heart..-. ; M : va 4. Others of this class.-.-... ; - | 3 i 938 3 482 TABLE 102.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ‘ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Contiuued. CAUSE OF DEATH. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system. MACS temnerseysis -asuitis onic cine 1 2. Laryngitis .......-..-.... ie - 3. Bronchitis ...........-.-- {Po 4, Pneumonia..-....--...-.- { at = Ss Dleurisy ssessceseeeseceees { a eS 6. Asthma............222-0- ‘e “= 7. Others of this class -.-.- : ie es V.—Diseases of the digestive system... IMACS 2 cc dort a dneedeescueie Females .-..-. Siewinwemmeletsiade 1. Dentition .............-... § Mt 2. Angina ...-.-.-----.------ 5 if 3. Diseases of the stomach .. ie 4. Obstruction of the bowels- {eo 5. Hernia 5 a 6. Other diseases of the bowels § a Ge Vaundites..2: -cs2sceces0-4 ie 8. Inflammation and abscess § M.. of the liver. Bio 9. Other diseases of the liver $ Mee 10. Peritonitis....-.-.-.-..+.- {e- 11. Ascites ..----.----2--4.+2- {Hers | 12. Otners of this class......- fie i VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and ; male organs of generation. : Males . 268 Females. 1. Bright's disease -........ i 2, Caleulus, urinary.....-.- ; fhe: 3. Diseases of the kiduey - . ; Ms, 4. Diseases of the bladder - . ie 5. Others of this class ..... ; a ei VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 1 Ovarian tumors .,......----..- 2. Ovarian diseases . 3. Uterine tumors. .- 4. Uterine diseases. - 5. Others of this class ..--..--. VIII.— Affections connected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion 2. Childbirth ..-.-.--. 3. Puerperal septicemia - 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy .-.---- 5. Others of this clags......-.+ ees VITAL STATISTICS. 3 f , years All Under Total || 5 to | 10 to| 15 to: 20to | Zito 380to |; 85to | 40te 45 to 50 to | 55 to | 60 to ed ages. ‘| 1 year. || Under || 10 15 0 | 25 3 35 40 45 | 50 55 60 65 over Brae eae 5 years. | years. | years. | years. years. years. | years. | years. years. years. years. | years. | years. and | | Hl poen teed al are ee cee frterrese \ sets Saeis a des NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 483 TABLE 402.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Contin \ ) Total || 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to CAUSE OF DEATH. all Pander |! ander | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 Bes | *|\5 years.|| years. | years. | years. | years. | HO . f j ! ets ae ey See ceuet IS ' | IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints... 23 i 1 | 6 6 2 jowsesee | i | : Males ..... Females... 1. Diseases of the spine... 2. Diseases of the bones ..- 3. Diseases of the hip joint - 3. Others of this class ....- X.— Diseases of the skin.-........- Males 1s ADSCCBR eeepc oe 2. Carbuncle 3. Others of this class ..... 5 XL—Diseases of the absorbent, system. | NIBIGS 22 Sscose2 sececce Females......-....--- ued. 25 to | 30 to 30 35 years. | years. | DN aiem.o ince 85 to years. 40 to 45 years. I : i 50 to | 55 to} 60 to | 55 | 60 | 65 years. | years. | years. 65 years and over and me oe mi 1. Addison's disease .....-- UF 2. Diseases of the spleen... 3. Others of this class ---.- . Burns and sealds...--..- + DVOWNEd «ceceeyeces seers 3. Exposure and neglect --. 4. Gunshot wounds ~ Monte sccessnsess cots on > i onl = g. ¢ = ed E 2 & a g Ei nl = é = S . Suicide hy shooting . Suicide by drowning ---- . Suicide by poison 13. 14. Sunstroke 15. Surgical operations... --. 16, Wounds..--------------- Z. Other accidents and iu- juries. Other suicides...-------- P 6M... 1 Bec re se ode hoe = Plome ie ton 484 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. AIGA USCS sc ainsi Sin cota eeenncabe Males Females 1.—General diseases. General diseases—A ‘ Males -* Females........--.- 1. Smallpox.......-------- 2. Measles..........----+- {eo 3. Searlet fever...-------- it a vot 7 4. Diphtheria....--------- iF 7 ». Whooping cough .----- § Mu a Under 1 year. \ 1 | Total || 5 to . 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to | 30 to under || 10 | 15 20 25 | 5 vears.|| years. | years. | years. | years. ; years. iy = 0 Females ..--.--- 1. Parasitic diseases. .---- 2, Alcoholism .-- -------- 3. Lead poison. --.-------- 4. Other poisons. .-.------- 5. Inanition ..------------ a General diseases—C.- --------+--7 +5 --- Males - Females. . M.. 1. Premature birth..----- f Kr. 3 65M. %, Stillboru...-----------+ Ue. ; M +. Malformation. -..------ ‘FP moe wre 30 65 years and over and un- known. 48 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. ; |) Total || 5 to | 10 to | 15 to | 20 to | 25 to CAUSE OF DEATH. \ jail | Pe } under 10 15 | 20 3 30 Be x 18 years.|| years. | years. : years. | years. | years. i | Pian wal ceed eee I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases—D..-.--.--.------ Males Females... 1, Rheumatism .......----.- {e- 2. Scrofula and tabes ......- on 3) Léprosyee: eseceseesssses {e- 4. Cousumption -........---. {ee 5. Hydrocephalus..........- fe. 6. Cancer ...-.-.---------+-- § ae % LUMoe incu seeccasseeses? ; “ 8 Anwmia........---------- { ae 9. Dropsy..----------------- ‘ ae 10. Diabetes.......---------.- ; a 11. Others of this group -.-.. ae 12. Others of this class ...... ae ie - II.—Diseases of the nervous system ..... Males 3.20 3n-sendccincnc cate Females..-...-----------++- 1 Infammation of the brain. { ies 2. Apoplexy ...----.-------- ee 3. Paralysis.--..------------ {e- 4. Tetanus and trismus nas- {e- centium. F.. 5. Epilepsy --.-- 6. Convulsious.......------- {e- 7. Mental diseases ....-.---- (ee 8. Diseases of the brain....- ie / 9. Diseasesof thespinal cord. ; ae : 10. Others of this class ...... { ae: 1JI.—Diseases of the circulatory system : 38 Mal6S sosorseeeueeeeseeeaees 30° Females ....-.---------+---- 8 J. Angina pectoris....--.... {ye tase 2. Ameurism .--------------- re : 3. Diseases of the heart..-.- ; Mee 2 4. Others of this class .--..- ; ate 3 485 TABLE 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 30 to 35 years. 35 to years. 40 to : 45 to 45 | 50 years. | years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. | 65 i years | “and | over and un- known 11 2 Tlieseees 1 4 3 1 3 1 |esawer's 1 7 9 1 |-teewelevecaecfieeetce 4 3 1 2 1 |.------ 1 5 2 1 I fossxae: dN eekoeeocsessfeotenne 1 licensee Seca [gexeeedl emer ee 2 eeadces | soars semwelearese- Lucan Theeked 1} DPlssesesd leeveene|ssceres|oecerens 486 ~ VITAL STATISTICS. : TaBLE 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | al iaz 9 = = = Shee Sebearn All || Under || Tot 5 to | 10 to 15 to | 20 to | 24 to | 30 to | 85 to | 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 56 to | GOto | and 1 1 ages. || 1 year. under 10 16 20 25 80 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 over = “\\5 years.|| years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. | yoars. | years. | years. | years. | years. | years. and 4 ‘ 1 un : : known. os celle pond cone oeenicitis Sa | apa a een] Keron aoe — a IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system - 445 175 : 348 | 23 2 uy Gi | 16 g 7 4 1 | 7 2 6 11 - ——|/-- pag eel este | 3 piso! | pee | le Males av 246 95 183 9 a 2 61 13 5 5 4 |lassenes 6 2 4! 6 Females 199 80 165 14 1 1 3 4 OD) ectesiccst 1 elecatan! 2 5 1. Croup .-----.--------+--- 2. Laryngitis 3. Bronchitis 5: SPICULIS isso cmcicdemenex 6. Asthma .....-...-------- 7. Others of this class ..--- {F V.—Diseases of the digestive system .... Males .... Females......-..-..0--++---+- 1. Dentition.---..---.------- 2. Angina......-.-----+----+ 3. Diseases ot the stomach .- Te ee Pe 4. Obstruction of the bowels. yt i z M. 5, Hernia-ccccsccncsecosaces F.. 6. Other diseases of thes M.. bowels. Ec 7. Jaundice ...-.------------ {F- 8. Inflammation and abscess § M.-. of the liver. Bn —s_ man 9. Other diseases of the liver. as 10. Peritonitis ....------.---- ll. Ascites...-.--------+---+- 12. Others of this class VI.—Diseases of the urinary system aud male organs of generation. Males Females 1. Bright's disease....-.---- 2. Calculus, urinary 3. Diseases of the kidney ... ie. 4. Diseases of the bladder... a . 5. Others of this class...---- ; a | VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 1. Ovarian tumors ....------++-+-- 2. Ovarian diseases - 3. Uterine tumors... 4. Uterine diseases --.- 5. Others of this class... Vil1.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 7 . Abortion .--.. . Childbirth ....----- . Puerperal septicamia. - . Extra-uterine pregnancy. . Others of this class oR Ore NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 487 TaBLE 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. | i : i i | | 65 ‘ ‘ yeara Total |! 5 to | 10to | 15 to | 20 to aie | mt te a ae 40 to | 45 to | 50 to | 55 to | 60 to | ‘and CAUSE OF DEATH. All || Under |) under | 10 16 20 25 | 45 50 55 60 65 over ages. || 1 year. rears: Penis years. | years. | years. oan | Years years. | years. | years. | years. | years.| years.| and un- | / known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints. ... Bil |eemeceael | wcre siete, 1 1 f--- +++ -[ee-e ee -[eee eee | saseeee[erceseclecsereclece eres Vee ne ee [esse ee c|eeee ee Jerse eens i Males wcisae se siesiceanisecaccies j Females. ..<..-000+-s0se0025+- 1 Diseases of the spine 2. Diseases of the bones 3 Diseases of the hip joint.. ie peasant. 4. Others of this class.....-. § X.—Diseases of the skin .........-------- Males acvesees dete westetenas aa Hemalesinnsnsnnaseacrisiecieeretice Js ADSCOSS sexe xeverereceeses 2, Catbineles sesieceascewncs 3. Others of this class....... XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... Males oes scsnciccecawcwesew tess : Females. ....2..2-+0s0-0c08s+ 1. Addison's disease ........ f 2. Diseases of the spleen. ... 3. Others of this class. ....-- 5 XII.—Accidents and injuries .........--- Males .....-...-- Females. 1. Burns and scalds.....-..- 2. Drowned ............---++ 3. Exposure and neglect .... 4. Gunshot wounds......... 5. Homicide......-----...... ~~ = 5 oS = 5 a ® @ c io “ 5 Pp = . 5 oD os A ~ oO _ cc i) m 3 QP = 2 ° 3. Ss o 5 + G oS UE = & eg = x 2 10. Suicide by shooting ...... 11. = Suicide by drowning ..... 12. Suicide by poison ........ 13. Other suicides............ 14. Sunstroke........-.-.---- 15. Surgical operations....-.-. 16. Wounds.........-.--..--- juries. : 17. Other accidents and in. f M.. F.. 488 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS | y : COLOR. { MOTHERS BORN IN— i ! |-—— i aa —— Agere. | : ‘ Rus- CAUSE OF DEATH. Lae Eng- ! 5% ia ERE | Cite,| Col || United [land |Scot-| Tre. | Ger- | Cam- lpranee,|aina | and [PORE] HUB: | teary, cou |e | *| ored. || States. | and |land.| land. | many.' ada. el ia. | Po: mia. | gary. "| tes | known. | Wales i “liand. Se ae ae ae ee ee pe ep eee yee i =a ee apo es ee fee eee : eee SESS See =e Heo on So AWCAUSES soe desicndaseeeedendces 250, 359 i o45, 567 4,792 i} 63, 333 le 321 '2, 832 |72, 375 '53, 810 |1,380 2,163 |1,716 |6, 791 |2, 898 |1,996 |11,062 | 7,367 | 14,315 | 1 t | li cesieatta pelt | || ae ae Males ..-- 134,233 |131, 607 '2, 626 j| 33,768 |4, 474 11, 542 |35, 721 30,378 | 737 | 1,240 | 990 [3,863 |1, 603 |1,076 | 6,233 | 4.305 | 8,305 Females... 116, 126 }!113; 960 '2'166 || 29/565 3,847 [1.290 |36, 654 (23,432 | 643) 923 | 726 [2,928 [1,295 | 920 | 4,829 | 3,064] 6,010 Unknown causes..-.---.--------- 83 79 4) 24 12 ee 1 1 8 1} 11 Males -- 40 38 25 Il 6 1 1 3 \ewasao < 5 Females. ...2.-:sesct2e ting 43 41 2] 13 6 Ty [posse Meee | MAS 3 1 6 I.-~General diseases. : a SS on ee | eta a Rae ete one General diseases— A 626 | 16, 969 13,588 ‘12,195 | 379 393 | 488 '1,750 | 833 | 599 ; 2,934 | 1,748 3, 293 8,685 | 860 | 273 | 5,647| 6,391! 195| 210] 259) 945| 442] 313) 1.589! 951! 1,750 i] 2 8,284 | 854 | 242 | 5,941 5,804 | 184 183 | 229! 905 | 391) 286/1.345! 797| 1.548 - Ma.) 163 | 35/6 153) 8Bi.ccces il) tel, Ste kad 1) 13 4 9 1. Smallpox ..---------.--- {eo 87 | 25 2 1 9 25 | 2 it lisse 2 2 Siar § 3 1 12 gM..| 1,966! 561| 60| 23] 324; 275) 11 6| 17] 73! 21] 30] 329' 53 183 2. Measles ..--.----------- VF_|| 1,856 | 509! 60| 12; 339: 265 | 10 s| 16| 49/ 22] 241 294 41 207 cs u..| 2,180 | g31/ 74] 29) 460) 454) 20 13| 15/ 83) 15] 23 53 65 45 Su Starlet fever weeqseeeses ie TT] 23187 | goo | 92| 19) 453| 471| 25 8} 20) 96] 19) 27] 54! 33 50 ; : M..| 3,103 ! 1,857] 143| 53] osaliase! 44 43| 40! 172] 982] 63; 178] 140 162 4. Dipbtheria..-.......- fPl] Soa 1831} 161) 44} 9784137) 41 o7| 34/ 49] 71) 371 193) 137! 191 : Z pak M..| 1,267 1 502| 35/ 8! 283! 199; 6 | 5. Whooping congh......- ie “} 11538 | 603 | 46) 16) 344| 273: 9 : M.. 4° 1 1 eters leeeeed pane ee Vy aahodl ig Gy Fev? srenceeccawexseees {Fl 7! 1 ll ced ON ree Sed 4 i pence * i 589 199 27 3 122; 131: 7 7. Cerebro-spinal fever.. ie 597 187 } 3 ia | 33 | a 1 peat alnel M..| 1,208 204] 59| 19| 299} 372: 10 nu} 20! 26 7| 31 37; SL 68 By RY plOid Seversccssasens iF 823 137| 28| 7) 270) 29} 5 6| 12] 16; 51) 6! 2%! 31 26 Taek ae tad M..| 8,845 2,266 | 233) 72] 1.646 | 2,174; 42 co] 87} 286! 147} 991 473} 340 9u 9, Diarelieal diseases sssss SF.) #319 2105 | 219 | 70] 1,886) 1.874; 37 33/ 70/ 261! 136] 105! 386) 278 737 ! t tech ¢M..| 4,929 1,656] 140} 38| 905!1,147; 43 so! 51, 190! 1%] 44) 264; 173 118 10; Cheleneinfaatany se1s<2 VF. 4/521 ! 1,534 | 132} 38] 854) 1,044! 39 $2| 54] 157) 103] 44] 211) 165 104 bite M..| 1,004 os; 23! a7a| 31] 13| 329] 202; 6 n 7) oa] on 1 42) 2% 30 Ile Malatial lever eyssseser {Ro 11036 |! 1,052 14) 308| 36{ 16] 386) 91} 9 3; 35] 5; 6] af 2%} 19 15 i ; a M..| 471) 470 1 ol} 22: 2| 9! 6° 2 6; 3] 2% 3) 15 45 27 19 12s Erysipelasssaesgesaz ss fF] 5 143005 99| 21; G| 103, 8: 3 Gillcae a! 4] 30} 3a] a 18 alah M.. 61 | 9 2 3 u 1B sect weccromadllseanee! 4i 4 3 3 13. Septicaemia..-...-..- wele et 34 fiz leeehacall ckneece 17 i cence es A iecsrace 1 | 1 7 1 ns M..| 519!) 300! 19 132] 16 7) bt] 94 3 5 9; 2 6 41 4 102 14. Venereal diseases -.---- iF iv, 348 | 339 | 9 6: 5 6 3 1 3 5 15 15. Others of this group. .-. § Ae ae | e i 4 General] diseases—B.....---.--------- 3,019 | 44 2,002 : 1,017 | 1. Parasitic diseases ...--- ; Mz 18 i 2. Alcoholismn..--..------- {ie 12068 3. Lead poison ...-.------- § Me : 9 fs M. 125 m8 ’ ‘ 26 4. Other poisons .-..------ § Ee. 81 | , a : 36 13 I : a 6M. 763;| 750, 13 254) 34 6, 13) 99 5 4) 6 16 61? sega ' 32) a 147 SpA nan NOR ecensem ssa UF. 6s | 641) 13] 227 | 21 105 BU 6 1} 12! 20 3 Y) 36 ; 14 124 : : | General diseases—C....2-2. 20-22-0255 | 34,014 |] 35,316 | 698 | 11,515 | 972) 294! 6,395 | 6,230 | 148 260 | 186 11,289 | 483 | 258! 1,726 | 1,183 |, 3,125 1... oe sere tales peeing ene heirs 4 we eee ‘____ Males .--------------------- | 18, 465 |) 18, 109 i 356 } 6.363 | 515 | 153 | 3,201 | 3,438 83 | 130 92| 757) 275 | 149 | 973 | 649 1, 687 Females <= 22=.2000.-4+--%01 | 15, 549 : 15, 207 | 342°] 5,152] 457°] 141 | 3,194 | 2,792 1 65 ! 130 94 | 532; 208! 109 753 | 484 1, 438 | i ' | Leds M..; 2,649 || 2,614 35 | 1,257 84 29 475 376 235 5 10 74 21 By, Ws! 7 7 1, Prematare birth..-.--.. iF --| 1,990 {| 1).952 | 38] 925 | 62] 23! 401) 255; 17, 17) 18] a7] i] 15! 9] 50 59 | { 1 : x M..| 10,809 | 10,560, 249] 3,768 | 291| 77 2179! 37! 55| 541} 159! 106} 685! 436 CAI 2. Stillborn ---.----++-+++- ; F..| 8,033 | 7,869 184 | 2,819 | 234) 57 3, 1,662 | 21 03 | 60} 390! 1a] 69] 516 | 301 503 1 | | 4 oM..| 278 75; 3 1B 8 9: 45 1 3 1 3; i] 6 2 Ay Malforiiatigmsssseace UF es 39/2 tl 28 8 [eens 2| 20 : 3 6 igeeavae _ §M.j 4.109] 4,056] 53 ] 1,127; 107] 28! 678! ogo] 2 og| 951 uz] a3} 291 136) 17 993 4. Debility and atrophy...) 77} 47092] 012 | 80 | 1072] 105] a7! 933] Goa | 24 | |] et] mi 2] m5! 108 813 7 ; M..| 620] Got] 16. 98} 23} 10; 936; gl... i 9 1] we; 9° 2! 4 16 42 9. Old WE Gearsvennceres st Pol ato] aiso| apd ook] aol as) Bel Maeva! owl af al 3 aio. om a7 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 489 TABLE 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases—D ...-------+-+--- Malea ...--.--------+-s-eee- & % a 3 b 2 5 & me Pe 2p 3 Sc = 5 > J ~_ 3s 5 g pe nf ow < “a a 3 3 8 o oo a > a a aA ty oa ~ ge w 3 ° ay rs, wn al a | 2 iS BE Sis - : aK ws, me Te 2 Dropsy -- 1¢ Diabetes.....----------- 11. Others of this group--.- f 12. Others of this class....- § IT.—Diseases of the nervous system -.-.. Males --. Females . Inflammation of thebrain... f M F 2. Apoplexy --.-------------- ie 3, Paralysis.---.-.-.--------- {F 4. Tetanus and trismas nas- 5 M.-. centium. } F. 5. Epilepsy -------.-.- S aoe erene {fF 6. Convulsions ..---.--------- te 7. Mental diseases ........-.. {ee 8. Diseases of the brain....... { Mes 9. Diseases of the spinal cord ; Me: 10. Others of this class........ (ae IIT.—Diseases of the circulatory system - Males sazcexaecnccnsscusisiae Females: «<<. 0-002 s-0e0se0i00 1, Angina pectoris ..----.---- ‘e. 2, Aneurism .---------------- {y- 3. Diseases of the heart..-..- ‘F: 4. Others of this class ........ iF. . MOTHERS BORN IN— Scan- dina- via. 4 me RO WR RD oer Be ~101 2,829 | 553; 206 ‘17,694; 714°] 2,640 ‘431972. 401 | 2,188 i 2,089; 564) 867 1,632 29 677 1,545 | 17 209 3,237! 44 625 us; 1 92 105; 3 28 39. 14 110! 2 28 i 7, 1 2 29 lesewas 6 294; 3 71 233: ~1) 63 : 51 : 33 | | 2 1) a ; 1 | 5, 658 | ; 3, 066 9.024 | 162 |] 2,592 | 2,956] 56 982 | 2442) 28 813 2, 560 31 515 319 | 58 473 | 780 | 16 176 | 608} 14 150 241 4]}° 75 144 1 47 293 8 38 | 281 4 51 | 2,054 | 32 743 | 1, 661 29 624 | ; 336 6 35 334] 4 43 | 1,241; 18 385 932! 19 320 365) 1 85 222 5 46 51 2 12 81 fetews 25 42,712 | 305 6,636 | 152 |] 1,523 6,076 | 153 || 1,306 134 4 35 85 3 30 275) 44 61 89 6 4 5.755 | 130 j| 1,222 5.496 | 140 || 1,089 472 4 205 | 406 41 173 | COLOR. 1 | Col United I a Ol- ; nites re- Witte, | ored.! States. land. i i ! if -—--— lati hace : ul 42, 940 11,322 |] 7,938 17, 363 992,792 | 815 || 4,101 8, 461 20, 148 | 507 3, 827 8, 902 49g{ 9} 11 164 452 | “4 94 220 995 | 10 122 49 237) 10 84 52 2, 420 28 1, 035 | 1 359 1, 908 4,346 | 3,314 1,926 | 1,864 22 BA wr on Se wo Oe mor BR wn Other coun- tries. Un- known. ' \ i i 589 883 1,071 446! 476 837 | 18 7 ne: 19 oe) 15 ? 10 701 | 904 199 611 67 67 55 Gt 65 59 97 | 108: 3| og 2 4 Sits tayeetas 3 | 5 1 3 460 | 330! 745 351, 245, 346 176077! 118- 130; 60: 67 72! 155 58 92 9: 26 150° 3 | 9- 36 8 2 4 2 10 45: 7 17 91 | 52. 73 | 40: 4) 132 7! 48 33° 67 21: 30 | 9) 19 4! 12 1 seen ! 5 2: 2 9 16 2 3 183; 279 13 | 177 12 | 14 9 6 490 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continned. [o | @ [Bohe-| mia. 512 | COLOR. MOTHERS BORN IN— : a on 1 { ‘ ga = Mae eel . Aggre- : } ates. CAUSE OF DRATH. = : i Eng- f = gate. i White. | Col- ‘United | land | Seot. | Ire- | Ger- | Can- MRicande Seen, Bt sia ! 1-1 ored. || States.| and | land.| land. |many.} ada. i Oo eae and ios ' [rales : P iad. | =: | eo ae IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system..| 43,939 || 43,146 | 793 |, 10,964 '1,401 | 464 {13,048 | 8,556 | 199 284 270 p. 412 - Males 2-4 vevenxrsees-veer 23,694 |) 23,273 | 421 || 5,813! 761| 262 | 6,643 | 4,866| 90| 1069 Females -} 20, 245 || 19,873 372 5, 151 637 202 | 6,405 | 3, 690 j 109 115° : 2,679 || 2,669; 10 854; 71) 20° 450! 623; 2 10 Ae AIOUD ensainentneenmnconnant “| 2'386 |] o'377' 9 75 63| 14| 417! 543} 16 15 | 0 see M..| 203] 203! 9) 63! 8; 3| 37] 53 Ips 6 2. Laryngitis ...- § 166; 164.0 2 60; 4 2 39 BL) Lye. eee i 7. re M..| 5,467 |! 5,336. 11/1 1,519! 135] 49 | 1,496 ay 27 40! 32) 148! SB TOMO es: speaieese neve ir. 5.571 |; 5,492 | 129) 1,425] 166! s6|i,966/ 862: %4| 27; 26] 94! ‘ \ i ak M..| 13,441 |] 13,181 | 260 2.905! 461! 162: 4,135/2,790' 49 104 | 90 453 | Es SHMO ION Misc osdeer oer {¥ | 1oc649 || 10443 | 207 ; 2501 | 348) 116 | 3.5241 1.958! 61 6i| 64! 395 i f | 1 e — M..) 531 516} 15}, 96] 17; 9! 181; 122, 2 6) 1) w Os Bleuassien coe seavier saeeea i --| 356 352 4 83] 18! 3! 47: 7. i | | 1 ‘ r M..) 124 121 37 wl] ut 2! 52’ 34 3 | 6. Asthina .....4..-se0eeeees- iF --| 166 M2 2 i TE |B fence gi 41 | , 1 i . ae M..; 1,247/] 1,227] 201! 362! 41' 17: 992 257 50 | 7. Others of this class .......- i es 951 934 7 301; 30. «11. 950; 183 i ; ‘ ii f i Y.—Diseases of the digestive system ..-.. 8,085 | 7,980 | 105 i} 1,636 | 322] 106 | 2,742 | 1.994 pe ee Ea ee eRe bor lee tees Coie col MAGS » seeeenuesaten ous ena oA 4, 149 | 4, 088 61, 892 150 55 | 1,183 | 1,117 Females. ....-...----------- | 3,936 | 3,892 44) 44) 72) 51 | 1,559 | 1877 | | 1 i ae M../ 128 | 126 2 41 3 1 251 30 He Dentitiottacs2 sexs zee sentice iF : 103 103 |....--) 38] 2]. 20} 85 a Mi Ti mw) i'l a] 2} 2] a9! 2 Pe vAN EMMA soca seemeneoe ne iF "| 41, | seems 17 |) 1, |seeees iw; 4 . ‘ : M..! 692 683 9 147 | 28 5} 292; 170 3. Diseases of the stomach... iy “| 782 T71 u1 | 140 30 18 335 131 ! | \ M..| 258 254 4) 63 6 6 5965. 4. Obstruction of the bowels Sj FR ri 218 215 3 | 61 5 9 68 50 | I 2 : M..: 264 236 8. 39] 13 1 77| 80 9. Herm ittassens cociedacemees f Fl; 993 a2! 1 a] i 4] 87) 7 6. Other diseases of thes M. 36 BG | aviewus ‘ 12 if @ 3. 5 bowels. F. 28 |. 27 1 10 Ay [ewesies 5: 6 2 ae M..| 93st 92} 1) 9 a9... 1; 10) 2t 7. Paundice .-----+-+e0+-- 2-4 iF 2 66 |) 6) a Be. 20 | 12 8. Inflammation and abscess §M.. 264 260 4) 43; 1 1 80; 78 of the liver. F. 272 270 21 3L 12 1 137 ! 67 F i i : M..| 1,178} 1,169; 9° 163 27 21 420; 3 9. Other diseases of theliver. {Fe = 391 | 390 | 1! 100 38 - eng 78 { | ‘ | i é S3 M..: 16° 159 29 8 165 172 10. Peritonitis --.-.-..-.----- if : 17° 187 42) 14 254 228 i | ‘ M.. Toy 11. Ascites.....------+------- {Po er " si és M.. 6 ! 3 3 2 99 | 42. Others of this class ...... ir a a oe) ee 1 2) @ { ' VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and 349 | 6, 066 | 3,144 70 | 140 78 | 221% male organs of generation. ot |e | Miss x 4 ‘Males : (7,947) 194 | 2,857} 1.940) 45: 95} 53] 122 | Females ...-.--------.----- 506 6,341 | 165, 3,209 | 1,204) 95 45 i 9 {! si ipa’ M..' 3,644 | 3,579 65 | 1, 428 i 1. Bright’s disease --+------- iF wall 3 204 i 3,217 | G : 1.728 \ 2. Calculus, urinary .-..------ eo 4 i oe L vacnoe é 3. Diseases of the kidney .... ; es z Aue \I : 961 | i | ( 1 4. Diseases of the bladder... eo aor oe Cd ; 8 : -| OL. a 76 5. Others of this class......-- eo al “sy 1| ie VII.—Diseases of the female organs of 561 | 536, 25 144 generation. “| PS eae, 1. Ovarian tumors ..---..----.----- 140; 134 | 6 a5 2. Ovarian diseases a4 83 | 1 16 3. Uterine tumors. - 99 88 4 4. Uterine diseases .- 48 47° 1. 1! 3. Others of this class ....-.------- 190 184° 6 58 VIII.—Affections connected with preg-; 2, 236 2, 202 3d 6382 nancy. name ae | “= easels 1, Abortion ........-------+---+-+--- 208 | 66 2. Childbirth..-.....- 487! 7 176 | 3. Puerperal septicamia - 1,232, 18 350 | 4. Extra-uterine pregnan 2 14 eeeaee 9 5. Others of this class.......-.----- 206' 7 gy | [2 i i i | Hun- : | otter! gary. ' Italy. i pee jie Bhs tied 40k | 270 1,195 | 950 | 696 | 1, 865 | 1841 1,408 499 ; 46) 217: lw 37/188. Bl 5 M4 | 5 4 i 9} 1 40) 648 | ang 25 591 | 86 0! 876! 418 109 | 553 | 293 $! 38: og 1; 14 | 9 94 | ( i 6 10: 2 8 14 46} 930; 305 | 26/ 136! 180 195 Un- own. 1,927 1, 024 903 72 5S 4 4 125 161 735 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 491 TABLE 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. COLOR. i MOTHERS BORN IN— { ae _*| aes a case piste ea ERS Bee has aoe Sel, Be eee oe a ar Oe : . eee Aggre- 1 Ene- ' » Rus- 1 CAUSE OF DEATH. | | n \ 3 ae i gate. | white ! Col- || United land| Scot-. Ire- | Ger- | Can- iFganes Sean and Bohe-| Hun- Italy Other Un- wate. | ored. || States. | and |land.! land. | many.| ada. | ia. | Po. | Mia. | gary. | tries, | Known. < | \ ! Wales ’ ; ‘ land , : : ! ne ea, a Na ea, ghey or ~ ele IX.-—Diseases of the bones and joints. -..: 675 i 663, 12 : 165 es 5; 210 149 _ 3y 4 j iM se 6 = 23 A a fl . Males “3g0 |) asl! a} to! i| 4 | tor; a7} 8 5} 3! 8] a1| 5! wd] Io 24 Females -.-- 286 282 4) 61 ; 10 i : 103 G2? | aisiceaiare 2 1 6 3 1 9 10 17 : ; : M. 146 144.02 47 44) 28 |... 1 Bi eh A 1} 2 1 6 1. Diseases of the spine... -- { F. 15 ! 12 «3 30 | 45/18]... Wl, Ube asec . 4 5 5 4 @ lich sarees ' 2, Diseases of the bones.....{H-. gj at! tlt By Sa eel a | Oe. Oe ' \ \ ; 7 : i 3 26 3 Qisemetielaceccel scsisis 2 6 3 6 3. Diseases of the hip joint.. {F- Ee eS ee | WL : 4 ta patos i}... eck nal 3 1 6 Pe Sage]! gol te ag) geld ew eoesakea! | Sales dlostaed ed 1 2 4 Others of this classe {RI | MLE LE ah ee De Poa) at le ! H 1 “X.— Diseases of the skin .......----.----- 675 |. 667 | 8 | 177 21 170 164 es ; 9 |. 10) 7, mw 88 37 Males . 356 |, 352! 4 94) 14° 76| 985| 2 5 6| 6! 16; 13 23 Females. a19 315 : 4 83 q. 94 79 1 4 4 aL 8° 10 14 M..| 199) 1961 3 53 6: 42 41 | 8 3 2, 13 6 17 dg bates secrete: {Fo} 306. 2082 56] 5 52; 50| 1 7] 47 a: 7] 8 9 2. Carbuncle... --seese: {Fo} a3], ec : oles | 3. Others of this class... [Mo] BE) 3 | | 2 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... 88 |i 87 | 1 Males ..-- 45 44 | 1 Females... 43 43 | Leese 1, Addison's disease ....--.. {Po 2 te Lo } 2. Diseases of the spleen . -- {Fe a } 1 ieaed , 3. Others of this class...-... rl as IF | XII.— Accidents and injuries -.....-..... 9,523 |! 9,396 | 127 | Males icccnecscs sentsncedess 7,096 || 7,013| 83 |! 1,108 | 249] 102 | 2,341 | 1,692 36 64} g2/ 144] 52! 40 | 221 | 174 791 Females....---------+++++-- | 1 44 7 13 20 | ‘ ; M.. ae: 4 1. Burns and seals... f R 7 8 2.. Drowned wcccssesnscaxess {fe 5 5 3. Exposure and neglect -.-- j a 4. Gunshot wounds ......--- {Fr 5. Homicide. ................ {eo 6. Infanticide ..........2---- {Fo 7. {njuries-by machinery ... {f. ‘ 8. Railroad accidents ....... io 9. Suffocation ...-..-.------- ie. 10. Suicide by shooting -.-.-- f pe "4 Se Sane — M..' 37 OF sesh Ha ve, Be Ra Bib eeceoee sh eer pacer eer 2 2 4 11. Suicide by drowning ..--. if a 10 TO [occ leo tee 1 eee ie a ke hs alee eo 5 st diac on M.. oi a24 |. 35} 15 31/102 |... 2: 5| 2] 3 2 6, 13 12. Suicide by poison ..--.--. j Fl. 149 138 | ‘| 19 : ; 70 a 3 ae as 2 fi 3 a : 7 i | ' | | é i a M.. 355) 347 8 37. 10 4 43-178 3 oe F 9 9 1 4 28 26 18, OSNGR BAICILSR es siee <+225> iF -} MY WL 1 5) 2] 61] Bb. alk de 2h Bt Theses 2 5 | 5 \ i 1 : i 1 ‘ fi : 457 | 454) 3 3L. 18 9 en: arenes ' 4 5) 4 Al seas 12 14 27 Ds SuBseg ise M6, 3,3 uk 2 | 2) wee Be feces | A Tego foes s| sect ou 1 1 B ; | 4 é, . { odie eas A870. 199% 4 BL, ol 2 5. G 15. Surgical operations : 346 | 333, 13 132; 22 4 ll. 10 : F | ! { 7% M.. 94 |, 915 3 19 | 3 2 4 1G. W Gund Sze: secnmic sie se ret ir 18 |: li ; 1 5. 1 Aaa 17. Other accidents and fe 2,973 | 2,943} 30 | 4os| 118 56 161 juries. F | 19 14 26 “4 880 | 869 | 11 181 492 “VITAL STATISTICS. TAELE 105.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. | i COLOR. MOTHERS BORN IN— | de ate) eg eae eee eee ‘ t voeed | oe | Rus. ‘AUSE OF DEATH. ‘ = ' Dg- ‘ J 7 ! gate. Whit | Col- United! land | Swot: Ire- | Ger- | Can- l prance ioe a Bohe-| Hun- Italy. Other Un- : | ate. ' ored. || States. | and land. land. ;many.| ada. via. | Po. | ™MJa- | gary. "| tries, |Hnown. ‘ Wales. | * |hana ' I % ay ex - geet os Sone feo is oat ity a: wae Wace fee ectasao AN causes...2..2..2-0.0200 eee eee '112, 467 !/110, 616 ‘1, 851+|] 41,103 5,519 1, 501 [29, 428 [23,790 | 775 | 436 ‘2,276 | 581/ 60} 56 | 1,686] 1.654] 3, 602 Db ac AU 5 cee id ae ee IN Le a 2 Peni WN ye Males csesenesazsennscences ; 88,601 |! 57,692 | 909 || 21,197 2,889 | 830 [14.379 112,937 | 401 249 1,241 | 336] 31] 321 929) 942 |* 2,208 Females........2.0-0-2----- 53, 866 || 52,924 | 942 || 19,906 2,630 | 671 |15.049 [10,853 | 374 187 |1,035 | 245) 29] 24, 757] 712) 41,394 Unknown causes......----------- ; 134) 12d 2 35 | 10 2 26 28 2 1 3 3 10 Te ccuerwarewereeuenesas 56 | BO ce 15} 4 2 9 16 The tee 1 1 6 Bemiles.innccesscccecacienes 67 | 65 2 20 G Meese ce 17 12 1 1 2 2 4 I.—General diseases. al aa elie aon : General diseases—A ---.--.--.----- 24,641 | 360 |] 10,714 1,008 | 267 | 5,032 | 5,403 ; 203 86} 712] 158; 18] 22] 414] 380 584 1 a a Males 12,483} 168 )| 5,484] 501 | 147] 2,397] 2,778 | 104 49} 369| 47 9 9} 218] 184 325 Females..-..... 12,158 | 192 || 5,230 | 507! 120] 2,635 | 2,625! 99 37| 343 | 81 9/ 13] 196] 196 259 | sears ne iF --| 2,557 |) 2,541] 16 |] 1,243! 117) 28) 515] 452] 25 8| 65}; 16 2 1 25 36 24 é s M. 510 501 9 287 | 17 7 73 95 5 1 1 8 5 6 5. Whooping cough ..---.. te] a 603 21] 336] 22) 6| 106/ 106| 9 4| ul 32 7 7 5 ‘ M.. 10 10 2 1 2 2 6. BOVE n- 22 nemn nines es iP 6 6 |. 1 1 2 1, delat sale M..{ 151 148 3 81 7 2 28 re eran kee eee 2 2 1 7. Cerebro-spinal fever. -.. ; P.. 343 137 6 78 T loo. 29 i ls Testes 2 1 1 viieatesioa Toalcoes M..| 569 566 3 177} 30 9] 127 24 ee 6 10 39 8. Typhoid, fever see iB] BB de! | i 138} 30; 6) 115 uw) 6 fl! i 1 6 36 : ies ¢M..) 3,357 || 3,310 | 47 || 1,317] 132] 34] 682) 838] 2 13] 96] 17 4 2) 51 57 74 Se DESeneHL REREES coos ym Bier || Baie] avi 1190) aay | 31) soo] Fa] Bo 8{ 82] 21] 3) 3: 49! 6 ra ent M..| 2,902 |] 2,855; 47) 1,341; 97) 23} 436! 729) 92 7| 100} 27 4 2; 46 48 20 10. Cholera infantum ...... 97” 2,724 || 2673 51 i) 1221! 99) 93, 415| 681] 20 6! o7] 299] 3; 6: 51] 50 33 . I i eeu M. 698 689 9 225| 43! 12! 192] 144 8 4] 2 Osan nace: 15 10 21 Uy Malarial tever-escaaxss iF ne) 698 | 17 219 41| 12! 258] 34] 9 Ml HY Neoct lsc couleootes | 9) 32 9 “ M. 236 231 5 7} 9 7 47 66 3 3 7 OMS diocese 9 4 9 1p EEVei elas pes ccuxeess st: iF 176 m4} 2 | aw} 2] 41; 37] 2h... B llosseuke a. iio] 4 1 fee 6M. 112 110 2 29; 8 4 23 30 Ts Veen 3 3 7 1 5 13. Septicermia ------------ VE. 139 132} 7 $6} 2) 1] 38] 3a]... 1 3 Baie 1 i I | 1 etuyte M. 101 98 3 40; 5 2) Tt | cawaan'| seousrsed 2 Oe litle ee 3 i 4 13 14. Venereal diseases -.-.-- if a) 68 63 5 25 Tl eeecs | 13 Hi fee Glee ee : \ 3 . | 2 gt M. 104 2 9 15. Others of this group- --- f F 7 5 5 General diseases—B..---.-----.------ 1, 427 Males ciccnsscecenemcecncesss 861 en ales 'saecacessie-eiesGierseiieiee eer 566 1. Parasitic diseases .-.-..-. {e ‘| ; | | : 2 2. Alcoholism .--.---.----- § Mo oat 5 i 3. Lead poison .-..--------- eo % : 4. Other poisons .---------- ive ae = ee M. 463 : } 5. Inanition..-.....-------- iP : 430 i 1 1 | | General diseases—C......------------ J8s048 15,380 | 168 | 7,524 | 617 | 169 | 2,753 | 2,963 | 95 _ 50 | og] 110 6 8} 321 | 174 474 Males ...-..22--2222220000-+ 8,184 || 8,090 | 85 || 3,970) 321 | 94] 1,409 | 1,50a| 51; 241 101} 08 | a 3 | amt eo | bas Female yc; ncvesescs-ss ---| 7,364 |) 7,281} 83!) 3,554] 296) 75/1,350] 1.419] 44 26 | 123 | 44 1° 3 | 150 "5 su ry M..| 862 37 &| 133] 116 GF eben 22 itl Pee eae es 4g 1. Premature birth .....--.. ir . 652 19 3 97 87 2 1 122 4 ne V5 7 ‘ ; (M..{ 4.359 | 136 | 39] 687| 830] 97 w} 90] 45 ]...... 2} 100} 51 165 2p SUNDNTN ss sseganecneeeer UF ..] 3.395 4 10! 28] 494) 686 | 22 Nn} 7] 2%) 3 1 2 | 37 87 1 fe cM. 214 | wf 2! a] awl. 3 as 1 lj 2 a, Malfonuationicesss oy || Toe 4) 1] 28! 46 1 qe 7 | 5 $ 1 iatte : §M..| 2,304 I 97) 29| 417) 493 41 44) 98 23 4. Debility and atrophy... UF 2,249 || 84 23 418 487 35 36 23 81 | gM..] 445 | | 38) 16] 135 89 3 HOE ty Rey 2 9 5. Ol age suri! gat 902! 12) aia! Got 0! gis) 143 Bill czas maaan lezen! 5 ” NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 493 TaBLE 105.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. ! I Pape ote te Ce Re a aa ee ; COoLor. = |i MOTHERS BORN IN— 1 i Heels Bee sient wrt oe a ee ee te napa Tia A 1 Rus. ! AL : ggere- |: Eng- : ie i CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 - gate. wWhite,| Col: || United land |Scot-| Ire- | Ger- | Can- Reaves one Pan Bohe-/Hun-| 7441 Other Un- a ored. |! States.! and ! land.| land. !many.i ada. a mia. | gary. y- ae known. ; {Wales' | via. | Po- ean) tries. : | : ; ! land. : | i : : - Sees eee a Se J |] eee pe at stone I.—General diseases—Continued. ! t ! j General diseases—D...-.-..-------- 18, 263 |] 17.844 | 419 || 4,777} 930! 300) 6,111) 4,271) M1 87 | 341 48 | a 8| 133] 308 801 Males ......-.-- | since ciara 9, 333 9,118 | 215 \ 2,297 | 42) 145 | 2,899 | 2, 419 i 71 53 | 182{ 29 4 6 69 186 481 Females...-.-2-2-2¢-20-0-0+ 8,930 || 8,726} 204 | 2,480 | 458} 155 | 3,212 ie 70 34] 159) 19 3 2 64-122 320 ‘ M..| 238 20! 3i| a! a) 1) 3] 64) 1 if 5 5 6 1. Rheumatism ......-...- ir tl] 247 241; 6 | ae) ! 0; 93} 46, 1 1, o4i. 3 5 : M 272 263 9 136 9 1 37 62: 2 1 7 6 3 2. Scrofula and tabes. fF 236 293 3B 115 i | 3 37 Bo oa i < 1 : 1 : 1 | SSNS ayrnisohe [RSasiia| RSE aera] stems at passes eee jens se | eas aR SRARS [enc nn PEN Sian 3. Leprosy ; i i oe | milca det nanaewl ce wi Nec hct, 1 | : iG 3 M... 7,065) 6,890 | 175 | 4,460 359 | 116 | 2.438] 1,818! 97 39; 141; 21: 3] 6, 47! 136 424 4. Consumption TE, 6,070 || 5,923 | 147 1,443 | 270, 90} 2,471); 1.216; 46 2° 115 11 Tl seseex | 39 89 254 ' ! { | 1 : M. 822 gil! 1 378; 32; 6; 124! 219, 3 4| 16 4 Plows: 10 16 | 9 5. Hydrocephalus......... ; r. | 681 674) 7 328; 17] 8) 105); 182; 2 0 12] Wlieveasleneans 10 5, 6 ecg M. | 593 584; 9 u7i 4g! ul az7l 186 ti 5 5 3 5 12! 19 BP ACANEEE, seintisclsnecasieas {ir 1,356 || 1,334! 22 404; 99! 43] 413; 291) 18 4| 16 1 3 20 | 42 1 | ! | : M. 70 6 2 21 7 1 15 ge EA Seay 1 3 8 7, Tumor -.-....---------- SP ea 72 Wms : OB Beanies 26 Mise ds 1 1 4 3 ! ‘ | é M..! 70 66) 4) 34 4 1 14 4 8. Anwmia...-..-.---.-.-. {he | 3B; 2; 29, 3 2] 2 3 t u..| 54 21 18 4 1 9 af Se DrOpsy ssexsaviomacssete SFl| ow 4) 93) 8 ceseas 27 2 ‘ M. 103 40} 10 19 2 10. Diabetes .....-.-..---.- ; r. 67 29 9 2 1 | i : : oM. 49 49 ‘ 3 11. Others of this group .-. YF. 47 44 ! 1 ! 12. Others of this class ..-. fate ; ; | | | 1I.—Diseases of the nervous system..... | 11,724 |] 11,521 | 203 || 4,826) 665 | 155 | 2,791 | 2,298 60 53} 215 62 | 7 3 144 163: 282 Gur asta —-\;>--- Ymca a | ee eel a a= Males 6,110] 95 |] 2,534 | 346] 88 1,270 | 27 35] 195] 33) 4 1 82 96 172 ' Females | 5.411) 108 || 2,202] 319 | 67 | 1,399 | 1,028 | 33 18| 90; 291 3 2 62 67 110 | 1 Das _ ¢M..| 1,750 1] 1,731| 19 815/ s4! 19) 335| 350; 11 4} 42| 12 Tigreisad 28 30 19 1. Inflammation the brains ; Fy 1,548 || 1.519] 29 749! 63| 21}; 975! 309; 9 4) 43) Jo) 1, 1f a) 18 ‘3 as M..) 1,178 |} 1,160] 18 3a5| 99! 31] 395! 974 5 15] 13 5 eae lest 9 20 ! 27 2s SA DORON sor scanenivnstic {F.] 206] min] 32) So! gs | ul 44| 937/ 9 7/8 Bk leases 5] 18 31 s ave ll | i ; tet ea M..| 521 515 6 1599; 50; ll] 148 4 9 3 6 46 Hei STAIN Si reseg Are seat {Fo | 550] sa) asl) ate, 8) 6 2) 2] 1 4, 18 4. Tetanus and trismus nas: § M.. 164 | 161 3 i 63 | 5 Batdeu 434. -Boiesscudlicse) Bh (Bijeklees! Fane. 2 centium. F.. 103 | 103 |.----- | 42 6 reese 225 20 a) eee Pe eer } 1 1 | i ' | eee fM..) 99 99 |evesas [ 29] 9} 2! 97 3 | 2 Se EDU CHS Secspacteneedenies YF.) © 967] 93) 3 30; 8) 3) se a { i i ! ' pees < M..| 1,235 1 1,199] 36 6o7' 31! 10} 167} 307 F 5 | 30 Si. 7 i! 95 19 | 17 6. Convulsions ......-..-..-. iF --| Lolli 992] 19), 498: 32! 8 | 164! 297 3 2) 21 Top cle ease 24 10. 4 aealt i | | : ; = : M.. 36 35 1': 10; 5 jee. tf Sill aiotss | peelcnay' ae shal eceres aaeeel evans teseriate 1 3 #, Mental diseases, ..c2522-00 {F 46 46 llscents Sage SG ar aaa eee ace i ee ocd hen ieee ' { | ; . i M..| 1,005 gs} uf) 404) 44! 12} 204] 164 1 5} 20 3 DEN seg ' 40 11: 35 8. Diseases of the brain... fF] Mog! Be] 13 , 333 45) 12) 935/ 93, 6 OTE wo SSS Gore 61. 67 27.85 SNSok 2a oe 9. 66 1.14 an S 2 28.99 350.07 | 358.16 20. 12 531.14 '1, 046. 94 684.05 | 5 1, 669. 89 1, 409. 39 | 787,20 172.37 5.81 151.07 410. 59 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 501 TABLE 108.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. United |England Russia . Other CAUSE OF DEATH. States | and |Ireland. Scot France. 5 Ger an Canada, | Scandi. | Hun- | Bohe- | yyayy_ | foreign (white).| Wales. 4 Y- | Poland. Mavlas | Bary. mua? friae ‘V.—Diseases of the digestive system.----- 91.99 81. 84 79. 86 82. 96 63. 68 80. 18 54.57 | 131.18 77.71 | 105.96 68.40 | 113.76 89. 09 i. Dentition wee cece eee 9. 81 7.18 10. 27 4.37 5.79 10. 28 3.98 13. 81 9.78 11. 62 2. Angina. es . 4. 84 2. 87 4.79 8. 73 11. 58 2. 06 2,27 20. 71 2. 67 1.94 3. Diseases of mach. 16. 69 18. 67 18. 48 13.10 11.58 19. 06 8.53 13. 81 |. 43.55 30. 99 4. Obstruction of the bowels.. 8. 66 2. 87 5. 95 17.47 5.79 8. 04 5.12 27. 62 4.44 4. 84 Os HOP nities -occiscadar sie eiasaza'sieci 1.66 1.44 2.0 0.93 1.71 |. 3.55 0.97 6. Other diseases of the bowels. 1.78 1.44 1.1 0. 75 0.57 B59 leissececee T., DAUNAICE 3.5.45 sce caves eee 5.73 1.44 3.4 5. 23 3.41 |. 13. 33 3. 87 8. dnflammation and abscess of the 1.53 1.44 1. 1.12 0. 57 2. 67 2,91 iver. 9. Other diseases of the liver ....-- DOO hosted sha 1.37 ABT || cicicse cise 0.93 |....-.--- ASESY: | sneererwze! QBS | sere casrereie 1. 1.94 10. Peritonitis E 7 i 5 3 : 17. 10. 65 1 Ascites : VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. . Bright's disease -- - Calculus, urinary.--..-- . Diseases of the kidney. . Diseases of the bladder. . Others of this class OR OD VII.—Diseases of the female organs of gen- eration. 1. Ovarian tumors -.-.-.-- 2. Ovarian diseases - 3. Uterine tumors... 4. Uterine diseases. --- 5. Others of this class .... VIII.—Afiections connected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion 2. Childbirth .-. Sdpche 3. Puerperal septicemia. . 4, Extra-uterine pregnancy - 5. Others of this class 1IX.—Diseases of the bones aud joints . Diseases of the spine . Diseases of the bones - . Diseases of the hip joint . Others of this class 1 2 3 4 X.—Diseases of the skin... 1. Abscess --- 2. Carbuncle --...---- 3. Others of this class XI1.—Diseases of the absorbent system 1. Addison's disease...... . 2. Diseases of the spleen 3. Others of this class-... . XIJ.— Accidents and injuries . Burns and scalds Drowned...--.-.----- Exposure and neglect Gunshot wounds Homicide Cuscsnoi Infanticide . Injuries by machinery. . Railroad accidents . Suffocation ... Ooms . Suicide by shooting. - . Suicide by drowning. . Suicide by poison. - . Other suicides ......------------- . Sunstroke . Surgical operations . Wounds . Other accidents and injuries 83. 32 | 109.08 | 20.71 ; 29.89 56. 10 36. 21 76 87.33 52.10 83. 54 65. 37 69. OF 59. 78 92. 55 71.10 10. 57 17. 23 10.50 |.......-. 11. 58 16. 82 17. 05 6.90 17. 93 31. 16 12. 07 23. 11 . 260} 29.283 [222 22c- 2s 8. 04 BOB: | accewe see 2. 502 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 109.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER ‘100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. é it Z | | * i i 3 Other United |England 3 Russia s . Sng CAUSE OF DEATH. States | and | Ireland. rot France. Jor and | Canada. poate ( ad Hohe Italy. neler (white).| Wales. als Y- | Poland. | & y : tiles: | bith | AIL CAUSCS acces ccceusseoescoeeeeaece 4, 575.74 |3, 241.95 5 It, 383. 57 2,780. 93 |4, 431.12 2, 703. 38 |3. 343.73 |4, aD. i 38 116. 40 |9, 090. 91 |5, 362.04 | 5, 610. 63 Unknown causes........---...-..-. 2.46 |..... TOD le cerausseisscd ara caarciarees DUBS A iyareienoaned 8.66 2: eicieistesaiGuel see ysizsesiale 4.03 7.18 I.—General diseases. i | General'diséases— A ..........--2..-. 1, 528. 47 |1, 141. 46 {1,546.76 11,013.59 |1, 210.75 |1, 607.64 ; 880.17 |1, 386.00 |1, 811.73 |1,058.20 4,545.45 11,519.92 | 2, 140.80 : i 1. Smallpox .........22..eceeeeeeees o.98] 646) 1.75|- 5.48 |00.0..... 3.64{ 6.20 ]......... BOL ances Meera ees | PReaRee Ibsenaeeat 2. Measles ... 53. 33 35. 52 56. 85 32. 87 75. 67 49.16 37. 72 17. 33 96.30 ; 105.82 :. -| 253. 99 : 71. 84 3. Scarlet fever 147.51 90. 41 153. 93 82.18 | 113.51 119. 44 62.87 | 129,94 133.43 ; 52.91 | 48. 38 | 86.21 4. Diphtheria ..-. -| 387.90 | 330.98 | 433.37 | 306.82 | 378.36 | 312.42 | 157.17] 433.13! 388.23 | 211.64 | 209.64 | 488.51 5. Whooping cough ..........--.--. 96. 48 62. 97 77.40 71.23 | 94.59 72. 46 FS804 AQIS GFA Semone, soe weeny GU. 47 | 86. 21 d G., RONG? woos owereccenent te geeeusess O16 |ocecesne,s Ds ee Neo ayd | Soon deeal Marehem cael Gereened lineeaes ! ee 7. Cerebro-spinal fever pe 22.97 17.76 20. 99 10. 96 37. 84 12. 74 | 6.29 17.33 12.09 | 21.55 8. typhoid fever eeooreisie i 10. 83 3. 23 10.06 j.....22.. 18.92 12. 02 6.29 8. 66 be é S 8.06 © 14. 37 9. Diarrheal diseases = 7 7 =, einer | se oa Be ia 4 10. Cholera infantum....$§°7777777"" 749.55 | 553.78 719. 81 460.22 | 491.87 ; 977.33 | 572.11 | 580.39 /1,032.26 634.92 2 535. 35 749. 88 1,314. 66 11. Malarial fever..........-....---- 29.54] 20.99 21.48 ........., 51.98 | 36.11 | 72. 57 28. 74 12. Erysipelas sees as 13.78 4. 84 12. 02 6.29 25.99 24. 08 60. 47 7.18 13. Septiczeemia 3.77 6. 46 i 16.13 |-------.. 14. Venereal diseas 8. 20 6. 46 20.16 21.55 15. Others of this group 3.45 1.61 8.06 |.--.---.. Generai diseases—B ............2222--- | 1. Parasitic diseases. | 2. Alcoholism. --- 8. Lead poison . 4. Other poisons - ave 5. Inanition. 22660 sece see nscosciees General diseases—C..--.-.--------+---- 1,102.17 | 720.07 | 890.80 | 624.59 586. 45 | 917.98 | 672.70 | 753.64 | 821.60 | 423.28 11, 262. 63 i. 261. 89 1, 077. 59 a iach tae ' 1. 143. 74 90. 41 100. 58 60. 27 18.92 73. 92 62. 87 69. 30 WOZ IBN) eizsecece ecard 252. 53 157. 23 114. 94 2. Stillborn ...... Fs : 3. Malformation - 4. Debility and atrop ae BD MOMIAC, cc sccctronoewiepswdemeerasis (Ceneral diseases—D.........-.-.------- 1. Rheumatism. -...---------- 2. Scrofula and tabes 3. Leprosy ------- 4. Consumption -...-....----------- Ay 6. eae 8 9. Dropsy 10. Diabetes. - 11. Others of this. group 12. Others of this class. | II.—Diseases of the nervous system....--. 519.99 | 343.89] 466.61! 367.08 | 151.34) 465.00] 295.49] 277.20] 487.54! 158.73 1,010.10 | 479.76 | 581.60 1. Inflammation of the brain.....- -} 228.74] 161.45 | 189.25 | 175.382] 18.92 | 192.63 | 2. Apoplexy - 3.61 2. 23 a 4 4.01 3. Paralysis - - 3. 28 4.84 2 3.64 4. Tetanusand rismusnascentium. 16. 74 16. 15 Ee | 16.02 5. Epilepsy ------------------+----- 3.61 3.23 . 1 2.85 6. Convulsions 170.98 | 100.10) 141.25°} 98.62] 132.43 191.90 7. Mental diseases. ... | 0.36 8. Diseases of the brain. - _.| 49.16 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. ‘ ee 4.01 10. Others of this class ......----.--- 0.73 III.— Diseases of the circulatory system. . | 99.99 | 67.81 i 105. 83 71. 23 | 1. Angina pectoris .....-. i 2. Aneurism ...-.-..- s | = Sess 3. Diseases of the heart rete | 54.79 ] 4. Others of this class.......-..--.. 16. 44 i i} i ea ! ni Age ate IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system...) 784.17 | 555. 39 | 832.65 | 531.45 “ “158. a1 | ‘98. 49 146. 06 82. 18 . Croup .-.---------22ee eee cree ee 2 tarynane -| 28.39! 25. 83 | 32. 80 5. 48 3. Bronchitis 243. at \ 167.91 | 300. 87 | 164.87 4, Pneumonia 204.04) 211.50 , 284.69 | 224.63 | 5. Pleurisy .----------------------- 4.59 ! 1.61) 7. gn : 5.48 6. Asthma. e 1.97; 1.61 Heol isthe a 7. Others of this Clas Seo nscinae gine 57.76 | 48.44 59.91 49.31 - NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 503 TABLE 109,.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. | 1 United |England . Russia i i Other CAUSE OF DEATH. States | and |Ireland. eat: France. j Ger and |Canada. | Scandi. Hun- | Bohe- | yea), | foreign (white).| Wales. . J+ | Poland. | mavia, | gary. | mia. * | conn. a 8 | e = V.—Diseases of the digestive system ..---- 161.79 | 103.33 | 151.31] 104.10| 56.75] 146.38] 144.60! 355.93 152.42 |... 252.53} 161.26| 299.70 . Dentition . Angina és - Diseases of the stomach .. . Obstruction of the bowels HORni® ncecesuscmeniinstcmesamsxic . Other diseases of the bowels. ... oD AUNGICO cise seicras isisiniamasessieccigs - Inflammation and abscess of the liver. DAR Pwroe 9. Other diseases of the liver...... 10. Peritonitis ..........-.. . 11. Ascites...... are 12. Others of this class...........-. VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and 34, 62 29. 06 39. 36 16.44 37. 84 33.14 6.29 17.33 | 33.10 be occc2ses Tae meiais i 32.95: 335.92 male organs of generation. : 1, Bright's disease -......... \ 2, Calculus, urinary. .-... 3. Diseases of the kidney 4. Diseases of the bladder 5. Others of this class VII.—Diseases of the female organs of gen- 0.33 i seers eration. 1, Ovarian tumors .....-.....------ 2. Ovarian diseases 3. Uterine tumors 4. Uterine diseases. 5. Others of this clas: VIII.—Affections connected with preg- |..-.--.-.--------- nancy. AVOrti ON. von os eau eseciage acess eis . Childbirth . : . Puerperal septi % . Extra-uterine pregnancy . Others of this class....-.........!.-.+-+++- oR Ne 2 IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints...-.. 1. Diseases of the spine .....-....-. 2. Diseases of the bones... 3. Diseases of the hip join s 4. Others of this class.............. Sil Se. X.—Diseases of the skin ........-.--.--..-- Hey AND SC OS Sis. wjdccssieserojereisa Saecemisigisneine 2. Carbuncle . e 3. Others of th Celene tneseey ae sor XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system .-.. 0. 1. Addison's disease 2. Diseases of the spleen. 3. Others of this class.... XIJ.—Accidents and injuries...........--. 46. 1. Burns and scalds.............--- 2, Drowned .........-.--- 3. Exposure and neglect. 4. Gunshot wounds. me Dy HOM ICIMe aiasesic cients camer ¢ Dna nti cide -)-0a1csnsieisactecis worsen . Injuries by machinery. . Railroad accidents -- Z . Suffocation .-------.....-----..-- SONS 10. Suicide by shooting ............. 11. Suicide by drowning -. 12. Suicide by poison .- 13. Other suicides..-..-..-.... 14. Sunstroke ..... ween teste eee ra 15. Surgical operations A 16. Wounds.....-------.------ 2 17. Other accidents and injuries .... 504 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 110.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN MONTH AND SEX. | | | CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. January. : February. | March. April. i May. ‘ ; j | ; Males. | Females. i Males. Females. Males. | Females. Males. | Females. '} Males. | Females, | | 1 Grand) tOtall en cesmemmess we chek eS scacoeced 12, 084 10,603 || 10,775 9, 309 11.982» 10,316 11, 339 9, 686 10, 784 | 9,371 i 1 anes 2 Under 5._.....-2-.--.-2-e2ee seen -| 5,239 4,378 4, 801 4,127 5,248 | 4,380 4,963 4,115 4,647 | 4,033 é 60 and over . 1.384 1.691 |! 1.313 1.433 | 1.498 | 1.710 1,393 1,485 || 1,263 | 1, 334 MODE TOW 0 i as ccisisiearia aisioge nie -aininysia. clever ner 3 5 8 4! 10, 6 10 3 4 | 5 Unknown causes: : 5 . All ages i 6 Under 5 . ane 7 60 and over - ee 8 MIRE OW. Ds =x iwinscis sininin aydiniaysieseievnicie valan tated ‘ I.—~General diseases. : | General diseases A: ik : ; ; 9 Allages. . sy é ! 10 Under 5.. 11 60 and ove: 12 Unknown 13 1 14 15 60 and over 16 Unknown 7 2. Scarlet fever 18 Under 5.. 19 60 and ove! 20 Unkvown 21 3. Diphtheria 22, nder 5..-. 23 60 and over - 24 Unk WN. - 3 2s\ectic nce eneedstewniteaens 25 4 ! | 26 i 27 60 and over : 28 Unknown.. | 29 5. Cerebro-spinal fever ... 43 so | go wi ot a 63 52 63 | 51 30 Under be-22< x esners \ 2 G0 and over ails 32 Unknown ‘ | 33 6. Typhoid fever 7 45 =! 34 mnder 5....-. : 3 35 60 and over - d 3 36 Unknown ‘ ‘ | 37 7. Diarrheal diseases - - 282 277 | 267 231 | 294 244 318 ; 274 fi 402 318 38 Under 5........- | : 243 1 186 |! 309 230 39 60 and over ~ : 30 45 |) 25 \ 42 40 UnknOWilew: secciiisnisescmiscrnememememae St Peseraneyeisetyee reais ec od W tee doacrayard t "i i 41} 8. Malarial fever iT | 79 70 | a 42: Under 5....-- 4 a 25 30 | 13 43 | 60 and over “| 10 5 a9. | 10 44° Unknown.... obs \ dL prsmeeres rl eeans ae i ! | General diseases B: | i 454 All ages ... 2 | 174 87 142 | 89 46 | Under 5.... 5 ! 74 58 31 58 47 60 and over i BD Vacate 4! 2 48 | Wink nowt) avenasaseneseme desde tues dete acne lees sitar reiatecumass Te cl Pie See dae etcetera aval eee lll gseeseCemegedl ac oc ae 49 | 1. Inanition | 57 | 66 39 Th | 59 53 60 50 | Under 5..-. - 54 || 64 38 1 =! 58 48 57 51! 60 and over =e | a | 1 1 2 1 52° Unknown TL |fsetemadecaleamrssease 1 ; General diseases Cc: ! BiG i ; 53 | WAM ABS... n:anedameaumaaaeceaneeercaeani ' 1,519 1,297 1,369 | 1,193 | 1,550 1,331 || 1,475 | 1ai9 |i 1,446 | 1,974 54 Under 5. . . 1AT2 1.099 1.269 | 1.009 | 1,438 1.088 |) 1,361 1,039} 1,344 ett Bs | 60 and ove: 100 209 20; 15 96 224 102 164 92 150 56 | Unknown Do |e se eeeeee Peter Voje ee sees eles reese ; 1 57° 1. Debility and atrophy............-.2...-- 302 393 O44 250 | H35 | 297 283 283 29 38 | Under 5.....-..-- 2 211 199 17 | 985 | 333 | ay ous Sot 59 | 60 and over - 103, 36 74 43 i 41 S81 39 55 60 UME DOWN sieck py ccaeedinemerie esis Sue beeen Fe anes fs wvemorerera Sl arenes mey elles ace claw ceecnmtant lacs Sx maeaam 1, Whsewsees cA Stee ‘ ; 5 Nite hey Pe tate, ole any ait 2. Old age ....--- 5. 106} 54 101 3 139 | 61 | 5 62 | 60 and over - 3 106, ot 101 53 | 139 61 5 y 3 63 | Unknown ' ; General diseases D: sah t ; | 64 All ages .. 2,25 1, 965 2,046 1,662 | 2,981 | 1,859 | 9,152 ! 1,800 2,031 | 1,829 6 Under 5. 260 241 24 202 200 204 | 271, fg 222 |] "270 “347 ae GOana Ox 219 239 206 196 aI 234 | 183 210 | 174 195 67 | WN kNOW D228. egeidcecbemne eaecnniesie| Ascmeces a D sge we a ae! Ls} 1 I) | yeahs teers | adeeeeniceaes 1 \ | 68 1, Consumption 1, 825, 1, 405 1, 623 1, 164 1775 (| 1,293 1.703 1, 261 1,578 ° 69 Under 5... 67 5a | 61 59 ‘Tr | 47 | ‘70 79 2 | 8B 70 60 and over - 139 135 |; 138 | 90 130 11 14 100 | 104! 12 7 Unknown... DW seen a We s'tide reset ; 1 Ie staves: eg Nseries | 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 505 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES. MONTH AND SEX—continued. July. August. September. October. November. December. Unknown. | Males. Females | Males. | Females.|; Males. | Females. || Males. | Females. || Males. | Females. Males. | Females.|} Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 ‘ | 10, 872 9, 187 14, 523 12, 587 11,418 |. 9,933 9, 970 8, 707 9, 759 | 8,565 9, 554 8, 431 11, 144 9, 417 29 14 1 1 | 5,657 4,712 8, 784 7, 664 6, 066 5,283 || 4,957 4,409 || 4,368 | 3,635 || 4,116 3, 488 4,943 | 3,977 2 2 | 1044 1,105 1,187 1,328 1,081 1,148 |] 1,012 1,10 |) 1,073 | 1,278 |i 1,142 1,319 1,269 | 1,491 eee 3 21 14 13 9 14 4 8 2 5} 5 10 4 3 5 10 4 1, 526 1,270 1, 738 1,461 1, 643 1,350 1,617 1,339) 1,567 1,318 || 1,493 1,206 | 1,521 | 1,255 Te 6 '53 1, 432 1, 128 1, 633 1,266 | 1,540 1, 188 1,516 1,149 | 1,461 1,134 | 1,397 1,016 || 1,433. 1,063 1 6 54 73 130 94 179 |, 990 146 89 179 | 90 169 82 12 | 80 VIB |jeeesseesfeeeeseney 55 3 1 aeeeeseees Die il sca err he tian naiie| (Messner cMonsaanecey WWseaesecents 1 1 Ti ck Pepe A cre cnontnt hal apteneaec el geomet ier 56 ' 1 It | 324 335 534 526 437 433 [437 406 366 257 |, 875 288 | 245 263: ilceusern 1 587 279 270 | 490 420 : i 26 53 | 33 91 2 Bi veaw seed 1 48 i 61 89 47 17 61 88 J. | ptetecizaea|oamtanmeet 1 1,815 1, 606 1,778 1, 684 | 283 215 264 224 171 199 | 179 189 | 1 25 2 3 » 1,851 | 1,052 i] 1,355 1,169 | 57 2 | 63 56 92 | 80 | 109 93 [ 1 ji 2 y 2 2 5306 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 110.—DEATHS: IN NEW YORK BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN MONTH AND SEX. ! | CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. f January. February. | March. ! April. May. i i | i Males. |Females.|} Males. |Females.|! Males. |Females.'| Males. |Females.,| Males. | Females. | | 1 979 737 976 810 1,049 881 1, 043, 846 907 835 2 438 340 440 395 483 407 496 373 |i 383 360 3 201 174 207 176 193 210 203 193 168 211 4 | sscslorererore | fecyesercepees lege nraencteccel [foe aroialzes| aldararctoneees 1 1 D5 | Ghiaiases 1 5 3,189 2, 701 2,493 | 2,144 2, 832 2,459 | 2,525 2, 098 2, 072 1,736 6 1, 526 1,215 1, 344 1, 188 1, 459 1,270 | 1,256 1,070 1. 043 941 7 60 and over $ 344 55) | 260 376 354 480 326 388 276 278 8 Unknown. x 1 TV cere eewe 1 4 2 Ty | oicwisecinen A [oss stionvin \ IvV.—Affections connected with pregnancy: | i 9 ANN ACS) ccjescenet cer weseece sessed csernier eee 215 Vospeeeeeey 21> |eemienraes! 264, llnwweveciectsl 283. ||acowaccnel 200 V.—Accidents and injuries: \ 10 All 485 193 || 433 178 476 208 559 193 672 230 il = 53 go 49 4l 54 43 66 73 12 60 and over 43 29 54 21 38 30 50 ai 47 22 13 Unknown DL |hecwrecwcesteeeewecs 3 |peeeeccees 5. | esemer=sies 16 2 | 14 1. Burnsand scalds..........-..22.22-.2--2-25- 2 37 27 | 37 21 37 18 28 14 24 15 Under 5........ ae 5 3 16 60 and over 5 4 17 Unknown 18 2. Drowned 19 Under 5... 20 60 and over 21 Unknown 22 3. Exposure and neglect. 23 Under 5.-.....-.--- 24 60 and over 25 Unknown... as 26 4. Gunshot wounds 3 2 DO) Sire aerclsaaia EK jeveeneeecs 2! Venter 3 leensestean 27 Under 5.....--.-- dle ' 28 60 and over .. als 29 Unknown A 30 5. Homicides é 31 Under 20.-.... 32 60 and over .-. 33 Unknown 34 6. Injumes by machinery -.- 35 TOOL Disiersrciaiceaceceniaces 36 60 and over 37 38 39 Under 5...........- 40 60 and over Al Unknown 42) 7 8. Suicide by shooting 43 Under 20... asses 44 60 and over 45 Unknown 46 9. Suicide by drowning..--..---- 47 Under 20.........-- 48 60 and over - 49 Unknown.... 30 10. Suicide by poisoning SL Under 5.......--.---- 52 60 and over 53 Wnknowhwccses: semcvcermacinienie 54 55 56 60 and over - 57 Unknown 58 12. Sunstroke.... 59 Under 5... 60 60 and over .- 61 Unknown NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 507 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES—Continued. MONTH AND SEX—continued. June. July. August. September. October November. | December Unknown. | Males. | Females.|| Males. | Females.:| Males. | Females. |} Males. | Females. || Males. | Females. || Males. U serreiaes Males. |Females. Males. |Females. 982 726 1, 032 856 890 707 756 654 779 642 774 654 891 787 3 1 1 488 343 421 465 358 326 314 354 262 334 260 3€7 326 ||......-. 1 2 156 155 152 192 142 134 147 135 139 155 157 170 178 200 2 Neeemes eee ’ sateen eee Lo fpe-e eee en [eee eee elf ee eee eee [eee eee ee elfen ae eee eee eee elle eee eee lene ee elon ne cence eee eee 2 lessee veel me weredleeeows see | 1, 347 1, 092 1, 061 903 993 901 1,118 1, 008 1,554 1,395 1,945 1, 657 2,570 1 2,151 5 785 655 627 557 565 551 642 585 E 71 1,045 910 1, 422 1,159 6 144 149 118 119 115 113 111 158 176 272 210 294. 267 383 4 1 4 1: deseatcieed ce || cochuaty coped |bebmes pers |pamianeractse 1 3: |e seccenen d's cereal atom sees ATs! eowata eines 508 ” mon WOH VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLE 111.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTIAN MONTH AND SEX. Under 5... 60 and over Unknown ow fe Dipti Giciss. nee oni apeiege sie inergis alee SSUES nder 5 .-- 60 and over Dunkin iticees tcseng ace eeremesaes 4. Whooping cough -.. Under 5... 60 and over Unknown on . Cerebro-spinal fever . Under 5 60 and over Unknown a . Lyphoid fever Uhder 5 60 and over Unknown a . Diarrheal diseases . -. Under 5 60 and over Unknown - Malarial fever Under 5... 60 and over Unknown ... oo General diseases B: ll ages - Under 5..-- 60 and over Unknown 1. Inanition Under 5 ... 60 and over Unknown General diseases C: Under 60 and over Unknown...- 2. Old age 60 aud over Unknown. - General diseases D: All ages Under 5..-- 60 and over Unknown 1. Consumption - Under 5..---- 60 and over Unknown..-.- CAUSE OF: DEATH AND AGE. January. | February. March. | April. May. tea | ee 1 dl Males. | Females.'| Males. | Females.|; Males. | Females. | Males. | Females. || Males. | Females. t . ! | ! I 5, 138 4.873 | 4, 522 4,195 5, 092 4, 655 i 4, 875 4,301 4,559 4, 060 \ = I 2, 153 1, 848 2,012 1, 753 2, 207 1, 838 2,106 1, 761 2,013 1, 668 732 868 626 763 TAL 890 | 703 T77 642 720 4 4 2 1 3 2 | 5 1 1 5 7 4 1 I.—General diseases. i 5S = General diseases A: \ All ages... 665 TA | 607 651 693 669 670 646 666 652 Under 5 ..-. * 405 414 | 393 407 417 403 429 408 | 449 428 60 and over zi 26 31 22 32 42 49 35 44 \ 31 42 Unknown To Ncmees cons |lleoeescoxal sone cane Devaney |e Sheree 1 Ip MCAS 68 oc wieisjceceis momaicinasciccemaaciantene Under 5. : 60 and over Unknown 2. Scarlet ‘ever... NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 509 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES. MONTH AND SEX—continued. October. November. December. Unknown. Males. | Females. || Males. ; Females. |} Males. | Females. | Males. | Females. July. | August. September. | | 1 i ' | Males. | Females.’ Males. | Females. || Males. | Females. | | aoe June. | 1 | 1 Males. | Females. ! | | i | | | 4,817 4,306} 6,495 | 6,087 | 8,111 4,784 || 4,686 4,254 |} 4,327 4,082 || 4,161 3,801 || 4,805 4,463 13 5] 1 2,629 | 2,202 ,, 4,103 3,768 | 2,863 2,610 | 2,526 2,197 || 1,981 1,678 |] 1,703 1,384 || 2,109 1,741 | air. 2] 2 531, 592 580 676 | 520 621 || 505 567 535 643 577 722 689 806 | 3 3 | 8 8 | 1 5 3 4 : 3 1 2 1 | 6 |- 4 ; i I If 7 | 5 4 5 1 510: VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 111.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS- ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FRCM CERTAIN mone Ors MONTH AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. January. | February. March. , April. t May. Males. Females. | \ ! i i ! t 1 ‘ i i Males. ‘Females.|| Males. ,Females.'| Males. | Females. || Males. j Bemales: TI.—Diseases of the nervous system: f i Tia estas ossesccras aetyactciclacce areata bos 560 | 477 490. 478 G10; 55 555 495 |; 530 | 472 Under 5... 290 226 | 253 | 232 295 ! 238 | 276 233 |i 244 | 207 60 and over - 114 98 110 ; 113 1y 134 | 106 119 |! iol 105 Unknown GA besser es | De ace eae i Hb ill Bosses tie Peoeeece.2e | 1, 396 1,318 |; 1,158 : 961 1,271 ; 1,060 1,073 | 909 4 915. 731 642 | 556 |) ' 466 oan 498 510 440 | 445, 337 60 and over - 179 | 270 = |; 151 | 203 169 214 i 160 191 | 132 146 Unknown UW [eeveevere i 1 | wgwisis ore Ds. |etwietaratseacccea i Dm) Benes cusses l aveinta iene vibe i 1 ' ' : IV.—Affections connected with pregnancy: i : ! i | MFA OS scoreiarsscreisioianbararacicizicteteraicisiais ciate p : | \ ! ; Wt 75 V.—Accidents and injuries: ll ages Under 5. 60 and ov an UnknOw 5 sicso-cssiscrercsate sarareiecnaiecticianie 1. Burns and scalds...........22..2222-----205+ Under 5......- 60 and over - 3 DuknOwW iss xcsscncsciancacannowsmsessseamess wv . Drowned Under 5... 60 and over . Unknown.... 3. Exposure and neglect Under 5..........-. 60 and over - DM km OWN cise cerca ceuuneaeamesenicenienmeis 4. Gunshot wounds a ciosbie fare eyaecyys SER ERLE fcsantremuse. | 1 Under 5.-.-... ! | 60 and over - Unknown.. o Homicides ......-.--.-------- Under 20.. 60 aud over - Unknown...- a . Injuries by machinery ....-.-..-...--------- Under 5.........--- 60 and over - aes Unknowii....cscwveceeneaers caseeeceemceer = . Railroad accidents ......-....-.--2---.0--+-+ Under 5... 60 and over - Unknownisxcs soc seecceeeecceeenceectwesask es) oe Suicide by shooting... Under 20.......---- 60 and over - bol lo Wn 0 Wi ssctesis sioner canecmnrnenannae tater © . Suicide by drowning. -.....-----------+----- Under 20....---.--- 60 and over - Unknown.... 10. Suicide by poisoning. ..- Under $..020. ux. 60 and over .-...-.- 2-2-0222 e eee e eee e ee cael eee Wk DO Wastsccercisenanieiernmr nism iercieiamn sein nie iw'neiedia| ore eeauerniens 11. 60 and over . Unknown | | 12. Sunstroke......-----------------++-- Under 5... 60 and over . Unknown NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 511 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES~Continued. MONTH AND SEX—continued. 1 1 June. July. i Angust. | September. i October. | November \ December. ; Unknown. Males. | Females. || Males. ! ' | : i ' ' Females. |! Males Female. Males. | Females. ij Males. | Females. |; Males. ; Females Males. Females. | Males. Females. 1 7 | . | | | | | | =} = oti we ; | | 477 454 461 391 | 470 403 | 419 380 521 | 447 1. 3 1 286 230 349 287 39 3 7 3 225! 204 dy 2 2 5 88 1 96 73 81 91 3 lL. “igeseemraa|lbevecescx| eseeces vee 1 4 | | | | 502 460 609 529 i j 5 ; | 239 251 | 277 205 4} = -208 wos 177 146 | | | 1 512 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLe §12.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND i] \ | WHITE i AGE PERIODS. | 1 t ! Native born. |! \ 1 SEX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggre | Total | Total — SSS Colored.|, gate. || males. | females. | i | Foreign Under | Total. Both | “to One pe hori a 15 15 to 20/20 to 25 ‘ ! ( DATE ULE eas ‘ i | 2 native. Yoreign \ i t | | 1 i bees areata ' a Grand total ..........02cc02eeceeeeeee 250, 359 134,238 | 116,126 |] 245,567 | 45, 533 | 106,574 |. 81,370 =) i : i i : M.., 90,355 88,793} 19,090; 52,540 | 11,882 2 BUN E)S coenaaaeeseccundarns {F | 71) 156 | 69, 856 | 15,700 | 42,636 |, 7,192 1 i t “ 6M..| 32,615 | 31,960 1 4.103! 3,968 | 23.282 = Married csccnee eSacenaeaies YF..! 26,377 25, 979 | 2,978 5,343 |) 17,271 ; M..| 9,000 8,834! 1,126; 662]: 6,845 . Widowedesnccn sere. iF “| MBE | 17.377 | -2,362: 1,209 |, 13,443 | : t : M.. 7 ee ; 2 1 2 45 Divorced BSS PAs Ss eee f Bcc 3 Licek aaa cach A 6 2. t Dee wees sige i D. NF i 1 M..) 2,058) 2,058 |......... 2,015) = 1k 137} 977 8 RUM RDO WE heateoeane Atos te) Tes i 1 749 57 BB 474 — ee fj 7| Consuniption -.........--.-------+ +222 eee ee ' 39,781 |' 18,408' 14,373 | 31,666 OEE 10, 345 |' 17,100 ‘ i Tacs |S M..| 8,995) 8,995 j......... “g593, 968; 3,929) 3,333 Bh) sBUM BION esi eesinmetorce esc atae {el} S21 eases "5°593") 5098 ' ooo, 2°50) 1.614 : M..! 7,448 | 7,448 0.2... 7,199 | = 651. | 1,383) 5,060 | Oi. GviaETiedieeeeeeet ee eee ns {Fo} Gti Leoaeareoe PE qe) 6.581 ; 8 184 | 3,934 | “ M..| 1,697 |) 1,697)......... ow) wel 194] 1,200, au Wy ulo mode eet ear {ro 3508 peer 29308| 2937 |} 210; «= 307 1,662 | a M.. 1} oT tesco i 1 Le ssicd dle inc a1 Divorced occcisascscnacccecsenescae {Fo 3 | hae | 3 3 2 | Pees | i M..| 267 267 |...2002: 253 | 20 47! 149 R SUI RTO wise chelate encase nears iF ee est | eee 134 128 rt 4 87 } | ! ‘ : | ‘ | 13| Cancer and tumor..........----------------+- _ 5,067] 1,678} 3,389 5, 002 | 781 | 520 3, 633 = Lee Leese =| ete alles: Bon bea ; M 280 ORO encase 278 37 | 72) 157 2) 280 39 16. 25 a4 Single ...-.----------+--+-eeee eee § : o7 | 95 |! = on | 15 Marri¢d ccs osneeseern meee eeene ' 16 Widowed ...-. : 17 Divorced i 18 Unknown 19 | Diseases of the nervous system.....-...----- ' 20,247 || 11,061, 9,186 || 19,901 |} 4,281) 7,950 || 6,940 346 | 20, 247 |] 10, 005 236 340 | ‘cis pewelis P ; ¢M..! 6,605 |] 1,633 | 3,971 739 125 || 6,730 |] 5, 469 121 158 20 Single -....------+--+2-erceee rece ee YF... 5, 284 1,334 | 3,270 544 81 | 5,365 4,534 110 109 | : M..! 3,131 528 261 || 2,209 44) 3,175 Bee ca 19 21 MAI RIed sin pte vanin pede eemnite {F 24 1.765 233 260 || 1,236 25 || 1° 790 1 | 5 ad . M..; 977 22] Widowed......-.1eeee eee {P = a ne 23 Divorced j M..! 179 |! 179 ramsey 176 o0r 6 95 3 7 | ig TInknown _.--.--------+-e-eeeereees oS as i ql TTD ewe cee [oe enor 3 24 Unknown ......- {h Dp casera 53 | 34 | 4 5 34 1 | 35 peseens ea 1 4 ' i | i i ' 25 | Diseases of the circulatory system --~ 13, 017 12, 712 2.912 7,319 305 '| 13,017 : 1, 767 457 511 So ae Spree | a ei eErese ae t os Stel : <3 M..' 2,503 2.446 | 485 | 1,085 785 a 503 |! : G Single ..-..------------+-------0-- eo) ! a7 2,503 |! : 240 | 226 26 ingle iP = 1,916 | 1,877 | doo} "920 | 529 so | 1916 875 21 156 I i ; M.. 3,247; 3,173 530 321 || 2.257 41 3,247 : an DEATH Size gies esr bare nee tre: 2, 366 2,329 296, BBL] LOLS a7 | 366 “4 3 99 . Ais gsq |. 872 | 150 | 66 631 17 889 - 2 SM 9 ! i Nicnas natn sie arartvatayaratarenmtaracmnus betel 28 AV MOM Sik aketnaee en meeoae Si 1897 1,821 270; 123 || 1,387 | 76 | 1.897 lle | fi 3 ‘ 1 q | Motos cthagshl| | gcoeshatcesextatellScesih steal Parents . . 1 ' | 29 Divorced ...--------0+2+222eee eres {eo 1 aaah ao | Pools 36 | aden oa aa ae peas | ae iee | epost es nanersthle ; {seamen 828 rem ‘cuumoes jeamumaren Veiavavan rey . i M.. 149 145 || 13 8 85 |' 4 149 |: | Qo} Umknown ..----seeeenssseseescees {rol Me wl 8 si 80 1 ie. i} 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 513 OF CAUSES, BY CONJUGAL CONDITION AND SEX, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. mee AGE PERIODS—continued. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. |--- ~~ | ed 4 a. oi an =a : ‘oth ! ‘ : ; i : : : Other | ‘ Eng. | Rus- ’ Sean- | | for- =lox exe ja .-/65 and| Un- || United) land | Ire- | Scot- ‘ Ger- |.; Can- | Hun! Bo- f Un- B to 85)85 wo 43.45 1555 65) over. |known.||States.| and | land. | land. France. many. eaund ada. eel | gary. |hemia. Italy. een known | | - aria. : Wales. | land. i | i tries ! ; } i ! | : ! ' i : i ‘ ; eee ee oe Sie ae eed a Teo : i \ i 23, 367 | 23,104 | 20,837 | 17, 667 | 22, 200 206 |) 63,333 | 8,321 | 72,375 | 2,832) 2,163 | 53,810 | 6,791 | 1,380 | 1,716 | 1,996 | 2.898 | 11,062 | 7,367 | 14,315] 41 eee din gh aot : { i pet ATi sella s i ee I 6,861! 3,845; 2,143; 1,052; 841! 34 27,205 | 2,024 | 20,496 / sr] G40 | 18,153] 3,122 50, 719 893 1,298! 5,298 | 3,041 | 5,748.12 , 2,538 | 1,382, 1,032 92«21.225; 29 22,769 | 2,018 | 16,418. 6)1 459 | 13,283 | 2,318 430 | 563! 728 958! 4,015 | 2,085 | 4) 5u1 } 2 : ' i it | : 1 ; : ; | 5,185. 8,007; 7,689; 6,054; 5,111 14 {| 4,966 | 1,365 | 10, 963 ! 517 | 466 | 9,780); 647} 152! 214! 156 334) 839 | 1, 020 | 1,198 | 7,290 6,542. 4,774 | 3,295) 2.129 14) 3,741 | 1,063 | 11,178) 385; 264) 6, 662 | 457 | 138 | 116, 152, 220 660 | 661 | 680 3 3 i ' ! | \ | ! | ) 341 992° 1,653 2,085. 3,903 7: | Ti 192! 389 | 689) 1,579 , 2.937; 3,919. 8,599 35 | 358 | 303) 643 } 4 1! Ti ocacernys 3 2 1 saneeers on 2 Ceceseeketcasedslinvecece|iaecseal| (| dilssassens|imtatosalecsnvclanabanae|saneancel| Vi Irmomunelinanaeualacewcsdlenesced|saveunns (aeerehe 1 5 1 ¥ ! * | 356) 599; 447 242 49 970 ; | 104! 153) 125 15, 185 4 6 yy — ' i i -—— | 9,496: 7,156 | 4,291! 2,370 993 1,515 7 i ear aerate i 2 ee aa F i = | 9,953 1,435) 606 8; 1 6 1,481 244) 2,732; 97 731,901 134 56 92 26 53 230' 346 528 é 1.182 447 207 117 | 95 7 | 1.044 127 | 2.467 51 | 18° 788, 60 31 45, 2 44 114.05 290 & ‘ 7 | t ! ' i ‘ 4 . 2,034 2,416 | 1,566 851) 456 | 2 244 2,692 108 105 | 2,275 153 39 61 45-108 170-296 230 | 2.727 | 1.835; (853! 331 1 2) 835, 2133, 226! OL, 58 | 1,502; 74: 36 43 30° (97 168 150) 193 9 161, 400463383 5 337/519 509 #4) 475 i} Al wrens : | 1: 2 : } 66 , 67 31: 34. 28 27, 15 | 11 i : | 267 "943 | 1,329 1,286 969 ra elias hen A ea Baers 47. 49 BL; 26 | 27 48, 93 95 92 | 51 : i , i i 65°: 170 297 | 326 DUD rane.cecaes 148 | 44 240 | 13 20 425 44 5 8 21: 21 49 34 ' 179 ' 464 543 386 140 ‘ 1 327 | 85 481: 26 3d 576 31 L 3 8 lt 33 64 38 15 5 i . 1 | 1,899 | 2,162] 3,038 | 7} 5,658 | 724 | 5,308 252) 208 | 4,377] 538] 102, 123 ATL) «224 811] 575 | 1,091 | 49 | Seats | 303 279 174 114 u0 | 2| 2,254| 212) 1,376 | s7° 43] 131] 26° 40° 31: 68 17} 396| 218 341 } 428112 95 100] 177 pdecweia 1, 854 | 156] 1246, 58: 42) 970 | 176 ek TIT O87 | 163! 175 | § 20 i : i i 1 } i : | 957; a7} 765 759 | 785 | 2 596; 119; 853) 87) BA] TL le 18.18, ag! 268 | 238 | 878 | 409 420} 298 | 2 239-86} G84 | 87 2%) 47188 13 gt 4 4 2 47 Go | § 21 i / ' | | 46 53 135! 233 | 540 |... 203, 50} 8508 11 297 9 3 3 : } Bo! 93, B63» 493 | 1,090 |... 445 93} 83739 23, 365 n 6 4 ll. 34 97 , $22 1 ! i i i ‘ 1370 1,873 2,244 | 2,255) 2,531) 9, 2.829 | 553 | 4,346 206 199 | : J ce | eee |} _ See Be seek i ee | “5 385 305-221 | 135 , 99 1! 676 4: 744! 38! a! 553) 53 23; 19 16 14! 68! 70 131 2 163. 139, «115 M4) 143 | gee | 368 70 7231 19 M1 315: 388, 7 12 14 ll 7 48 45 $26 } ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ | | 308 636 808 796! G58 je... 654 156 867; 49 741 °1,04) 71 11 24 15 24 62: 108 88 435 512: 572 | 454) 290 | 1; 365 105 855 (33 RLi 738) 29 11: 4 18 19 43! 58 57 bar 4 t i 1 3 : { \ 17 7; 143! 930: 421 | liu 52 283 23 4 | 232 4 4 | 8 1 0: 2 49 41-147} (335 | 484 886 | 1 364 89 825; 41 31 385 19 8 1 6 a 12 29 76 4 ! | bi 4 ! 1 \ § 30 938——33 o14 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLE 112.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND ; \ WHITE | AGE PERIODS. tl ed oo ay ee SS We | ! t | Native born. ; i i : 7 | 1 SEX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggre- ee | Ty Colored. ; a ") votal. | One or |] Foreign: Jatlages.| U24er | 15 to 20 | 20 to 25 oe Both both born. ! 5 16 ‘| parents | parents | i ,| mative. foreign. | ' HI | pis econ 2 i he ey a we reer . pease 1 | Diseases of the digestive system ......------ i 8, 085 || 3,936 7,980 | 1,270 2, 267 4,247 105 \ 202 325 2 Sinel M../ 1,925 # 1,995 |......... 1,894 44! 1.040 375 31 | 118 105 Single .--------+-----+++-+++--2-+++ F..| 1383 1, 383 1, 360 300 | 714 296 23 | 1,883 896 17 96 \ : H sake M..| 1,811 | 1.792 gay! 181 1,811 | Sei 25 Bid PRAM e Chore ratinrnsicrenee aan tr) isso | 1,541 155; 245 1,536 | y 91 1 ' < 6M. 371 BT, Noeneates 364 41 | 24 4 Willow eds ajmsmienteemnabenmncsinay ie mel AOL eceeieenes 971 939 197 57 5 Divorced -...--2-220eeeeeere renee ie Deets eect F 2 6] Umknown so. eeseeeeeeeeceeeceees (Fo OBL Bbw] BS) ' i 7 | Diseases of the urinary system. ---------.--- 14, 537 8, O31 6, 506 14, 188 ‘ 2, 005 2,795 8, 930 | 14. 537 | 1,017 236 503 2 i : ! ees , Be (M..| 2,496 2,426 |........ 2,382 | 402 907 955 |! 2,426! 554 99 204 Pg ctvisesinieel selene meine tier QE cal! 1 y487 Nsereuces 1,437 | 1,399 | 222 5e4 542 || 1,437 |! 463 126 137 ' Hh : Mo.) 4,095 | 4,095 |......... 3,929 | 643! 452 || 2. 768 || $095 [iveescns eoesen-ce 18 2 Married cna onesie sa ERS ; Fo} 91887 |....2--- 2,987] 2,837 || 298 585 || 1,921 | 2,887 [lo ssoweas 9 131 | tl “ : : M..{| 1.313" 1.315 |......... 1, 281 175; 106 |) 967 | 341,315 1 10 Willa well -sind-nta not anitiaseeniaes Po] 2036 lowes 2,036 i] 1, 982 242 137 || 1,574 14! 21056 . t i | : 1 2 OB cus ttcccote | | EE Rexenyaretedtjers! 2 11 Divorced... asset tec neweereey ie i 2 |----+-- i ra 1 1 f 1 Pi ee Ue ee sk aia til | cacao || cara anal [' ' M.. 263 a 253 | 18 16] 138 |! ww! 963 fees! 2 3 2 Unknow s...2,asmwseteseseses =" Pi Te licens. 135 |] 133 | ai 8 |, 69 Sh TO5 esee Ue soit 4 i : f i ; i 13 AGL 336 128 96 300 | 25 361 2, 15 46 f ¢ 1 be fuer ier et = 14 120 ez 31 | 29 | 48 gl 120 | 2 | 9 18 : | ‘ : ‘ ‘ 15 Ride e dees cance seeeeerenereser (ABO feeeeeeees 350 338 7 53) 199 4! WHE G0 deans 5 28 | i : 16 Widowed....... 2-22. 2+2200eeeeeee eee ee Ba alae tea 84 80 qi 12 49 4 coca Hs | desea i ! | 17 Disorced 2:cccaaccccakeiseseneces reece se cmeaws Ieee = age assemnnici| [a ewcrsteten: foe ae ees | chuiainiateanyp Newsioreeae ia pescersees ae H csasvecectnners Serene cuars lavewene a 1 H ‘| : 18 Unknown ..220-%-.essaceseeseessese ees 7 7 6 Li ieeacaucies: 4 1 TF | Su ctcisintencts aera ne iieatendareed dav Saicidessin 5. .u can egameememne ree 1, 054 267 || 1,299 11148 | ; . S08 fecwessuae 357 63° 67 20 Single. .--.------------+--22000002+ ; Weed 1 70 iL 16 495 : a 21 Married -oscicicisccmacuunneaieGin dee seins TA ot a GH | "Wide W0ll ce sncnencnnnandtawumssenss cae ei 72 ee ia i 23 Divorced ...-----2-0+22ee2+ e222 ee Res ess [eesaaaes ceesteeedfee ne ees Raima ot 24 Unknown... ..32s a 2 rot) ye xy S ” 2 a i< 524 VITAL STATISTICS. TasLe 114.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY, WITH CLASS G—continucd. Cigar Clock Com- 1 Engi smicby CAUSE OF DEATH. Car- |makers| 2% post- Cotton | Electro- ng | Flax | Gas luck: ’ : penters| and Sea tore Coop- | mill typers pene mill | works Glass: Glass smiths, _ and. tobacco jewelers, ees ana| eT | Pera-| stereo. |(not locu-| (Pera |_ em: ers Gs ") and joiners.| work- ands | SrGES tives. | toners motive) tives. | ployés. ‘ 7 bell ches opticians er citi : hang- : : ers. NEW YORK........----.0-++ 2,016 | 1,097 300) 772} ad |... Mu 887 |-...0--- 10 a} 50/98 iG iicanetomkaewte ees 2,008 | 1,067 goo} 772 | 244 | mi 581 |.....-.. 10 a| 50; 98 Native born....22.....-000022eeee0- 547 191 210 4 4 19 9 Both parents native...... a 245 30 101 2 1 2 2 One or both parents foreign. ..-. 255 144 88 |. 1 3 17 7 Foreign born ...<:<.s u 2 3 650 63 21 1, 003 15 366 | Lapncnemaebmemesem lo Hil Please sce Mee detect Bs lec ahceteh hee | t MALES ENGAGED IN CERTAIN SELECTED OCCUPATIONS AND CLASSES OF OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF r NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. SPECIFICATION OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH—Continued. 527 CLASS H—continued. Steam ilroad Gardeners, ray i ro Telegraph Farmers, Fisher- florists, Livery | pumber- : Miners ae Ee aon Telegraph cd u planters, Farm |menand| nursery- stable wien and Miners (not | pijots. Quar- Sailors.| conductors, hardars and telep hone and over-|laborers.| oyster- | men, and {keepers and raftemen (coal). speci- rymen. bralenien aud: telephone | linemen seers. men. vine hostlers. 4 tied). engineers. | drovers, | 0Perators. and electric growers. nea fire. wat light men. . men). 275 13 122 220 408 10 1 32 16 7 525 516 19 85 12 274 12 121 217 387 10 1 29 15 7 501 511 19 85 12 528 VITAL STATISTICS. TaBLeE 115.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG NATIVITY, WITH SPECIFICATION | | | | ‘ _— Account- 3 Mupicians | Teachers Stenogn @ | ants, book- patel al aan Nurses | CAUSE OF DEATH. Total. |j,.. 30 i Pp keepers, 3 : and Servants. teachers of | and type- house dresses. gaan | 5 schools. aeriters clerks, and keepers midwives. | MUSIC. * | copyists. ; : ! i NEW YORK cscmscciesccaccex 15, 164 45 | 136 11 105 28 573 230 11, 512 WONG Sas Seo ase eee! AT da 43 | 136 nu | 103 oz | 468 220 10,920 Native born. ...222.2.0200000000eeceeeees 3, 883 29 | 95 10 70 10 101 53 2,426 Both: parents native.......... 1. 054 14 36 3 23 5 29 22 664 One or both parents fo: : 2,505 |! 4 57 7 46 5 51 20 1, 552 Foreign born -.-.......22---.2eeeeece eee 10, 513 14! 4t 1 33 Vi 364 166 8,477 COlOTED sees an Soc crecaeegecaeade Bee hoid fever rial feve Heart disease Consumption - Diabetes..-.... Diseases of the nervous system... Diseases of the respiratory system Other diseases of the digestive system. . Bright's disease ............----..------- . Other diseases of‘ the urinary system.-..........- Diseases of the bones and joimts...........-....-. WINS 2 ojo atcatc aie te citcte icc Injuries by machinery Sule: ess ca ci Movccsccanis Other accidents andiinjuries. Diseases of the fémale-organs of generation Affections connected'with pregnancy........--.-- Cancer of the stomach. ...--.- Cancer of the uterus.:. Cancer of the breast. ...-.--.- Cancer of the liver. ..........--22-.22..000s2cceeee Cancer of the head, face;.and neck. Cancer of the abdomen..-........-.-.--.- Cancer of the mouth, tongue. and throat - a Unknown Causes -...........22. 22 ecco eee eee ee eee Native born: Both parents native One or:both parents foreign es Foreign born ....----.-------+e0.s----5- Colored se cccescscossec cree ccesnemseuneaseust Typhoid fever. alarial fever Lead poison . Rheumatism. Dropsy Heart disease. ..- Consumption Diabetes Diseases of the nervous system. -- Diseases of the respiratory,system -.- Other diseases of ‘the ‘digestive system. Bright's disease ......-.-------.-.---- Other diseases of the urinary system... Diseases of the bones and Injuries. by machinery: Suicides joints. .-..... Diseases of the female organs-of generation Affectious connected: with pregnancy Cancer of the stomach. . Cancer of the uterus: Cancer of the breast... Cancer of the liver Cancer of the head, face; airdineck Cancer of the abdomen ....-----.-------.- Cancer of the mouta, tongue, and' throat. - i Unknown Causes : eseee cece cece cece ceeee 1 1 4 16 4 149 1 1 1 1 teestnc opr 8 4 7! 415 1 cee | 6 2 358 113 1 4 4 90 299 5 13 8 223 135 1 4 3 99 73: 5 1 61 16 ye 1 1 9 31: 2 1 21 OT ceceercerontottn | edeny, murielllaca eemenmney eternal | a. if 6 13 [pte eee cele e eee eee eel eee eee ee fee eee eee eee teen ee cee eee elie eee eee eee 10 5,003 | 10 a2 | 6 30 4 86 67 4,161 4,860 || 10 90 | 6 30 4 61 62 4, 063 1,418 | 4 72 5 24 3 13 21 1,012 ~ 530 3 39 3 9 2 4 13 379 702 | 1 28 2 14 1 2 3 488 3,423 || 6 18 ~: 1 6 1 47 40 3, 035 see NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 529 FEMALES ENGAGED IN THE SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH. eae Mill and Artificia! a 4 Ee Telegraph flower and [Cigar makers) Cotton mill | Flax will | "2e'0ry aper- Beek Woolen iuill | “and tele: paper box workers operatives. | operatives. tiles not operators operatives. phone makers. | apecified). operatives. z| : 4 poh Fal peace | { : 0 181 We Newectadimarrencies ; 58 7 | 688 453 a ad. 1 oT r 1 80 481 A Pacem eae 58 76 | 678 47 5 Ey 1 a7 i 2 _— st | 31 45 | 302 18 4 | 1 a5: 38 3 2 6) 1 GRE Wea a 2 aaa es 4. emeemde seeeests a. i 5 6 34 < 938 OUTLINE MAP of MANHATTAN ISLAND showing Present and original shore lines and marshy tracts. A r ra & aa! - . a ca u ees neuea carne en rmon , ; ee ee Cpe faint ti Ree tre Maia mar, ptioteth Ref ta ati Rl OMe M eM ars ness