PRUAL DETR DSRRLAL REAL TRG MTR) ‘ f Ht AIT X if nM IN na one LiTt iH ahi iy Hat } Matt itd BT tae UU LAP pete rte ys ETT la res i aft TSR Ee) diiditedia FLOWER-SPRECHER wig Library gh ALTE Tw CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DATE DUE THE SIDE-LINE. See page 350. CASTING, OR THROWING. See page 350. THE PRACTICAL STOCK DOCTOR Compiled from the most successful Veterinarians in the world, and also containing over Two Hundred Tried and Tested Remedies and Receipts of many of the most successful Farmers and Stock Owners in the United States and Canada. Edited by DR. GEO. A. WATERMAN, Professor of Veterinary Science, Michigan State Agricultural College. ILLUSTRATED. PUBLISHED BY F.B. DICKERSON COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. 1909 = Fi Cor aC Cl Vo Che ocr library Ta ty 8, eae : COPYRIGHTED 1904-1908 BY F, B. DICKERSON COMPANY. CONTENTS Horst DEPARTMENT. History tof thé Horse ic. sisec.ous td adadssacwundasseesveseunevesnsveersiee evacixene 9 Best Methods of Training...... ne ei sloeaga ES Aeame NEN Ac we eie sues sanaes 14 Anatomy of the Horse............cccsseseeeseees nahaos sananwenandds ce 27 Anatomy of Man and Horse ee ane - 54 Proportions of the Horse....... ‘isa » 55 Water and Watering.. dile’CataenoissWiedinice siagteale 56 Food and Feeding........60--ceseceseeceeeeeeeeseees sasouraaaaeuaepeseenanes 57 Antiseptics... ......66. dueg Seen sannedicbiens aus eacalesnbieg sneareesasiee 64 Disinfection. ..... its teste ethic atcinanctigaied 66 Fomentations ...........cceceessseeeeeeseeeees nies deedbeateesse:- OO Nursing and Feeding Sick Animals cise citaiceias ineatemoren 68 Forms of Medicine and Ways of Giving..... dn dancoeiseermetutevease 69 How Often to Give Medicines............cccccccceceeccersneeeseeteeseeneesenens 73 Some Points in Determining Nature of Disease. FA Pullseincssscceessis - 94 Temperature .....s..sssssseseesseeneenesseeseseeeceneeesecesesseeeeeseeeeenneeeeesanes 74 Diseases of the Respiratory, or Breathing Organs. .............csseeeeee 75 Diseases of the Mouth, Teeth, Salivary Glands and Gullet........... 97 Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels.......csscssssessssessesssstsersveververs 10g Diseases of the Liver and Spleen............... saa Seeianwacense 130 Diseases of the Urinary Organs...........csesceeee os suoneapeevads 132 Diseases of the Genital Organs of the Horse.......... See necamadans 143 Diseases of the Genital Organs of the Mare..... i weve 149 Foaling (Parturition) and Attendant Diseases.. + 152 Diseases and Care of Young Foals..............++ saubpanbawene 169 Castration; Diseases and Troubles Following......... see chiguegdlene 172 Rupture (Hernias) and Methods of Treatment....... sintalsadistcsls 182 Diseases and Injuries of the Ear............cccssscessseees icasleeesbaeen 185 Diseases and Injuries of the Eye ...............0065 i ee 186 Contagious Diseases and Fevers of the Horse... eisansctacsseians: LQ Diseases Of the: Slc10., - 2. cocsesicsesen dives ges nevvecisimawseuncaraed viaduanimerecelerd 203 Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System..........cscesssceceeeeseeneeeee 215 Diseases of the Lymphatic Systet...........cscsseseeseeeee 230 Diseases of the Heart, Arteries, and Blood-Vessels.... +1233 General Diseases of the Blood sees 240 Diseases of the Bones...........2068 Woundsand their Treatment Diseases and Injuries of Head, Neck, Shoulders, Body, and Hips. 266 Diseases of Front and Hind Legs..........:ccsseeeeeseecseeseeceeseeesansnenens 281 Diseases of the Feet............sssceeeeee so idwwatvne How to Break of Vices...........4+ Poisons and their Antidotes .. ... Miscellaneous Information....... Operations. .........ccccccsessenesercossseeneesseeeeeses CaTrLe DEPARTMENT. Anatomy’ of Cattlessiccsssciesiscssie sivesosaesscsssvesossesoasnivonseamasnersesieness Action of Remedies in Cattle... aseew ai ine Pulse, Respiration and Temperature bite Diseases of the Respiratory ae asia Diseases of the Digestive Organs... 4 CONTENTS Rupture; or Hernia. ca. 5. cesasecacdsssoledius saunsaasisnacs ssonieosanleasieveaaineredesss 399 Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels .. see 403 Diseases of the Liver and Spleen » 405 Diseases of the Urinary Organs...........s0000c00+ - 408 Calving (Parturition) and Diseases Attendant... 414 Diseases of Young Calves............scccseeeeeeeeeeeeee . 447 Diseases of the Generative Organs of the Bull.. - 454 Diseases of the Eye.u......cceesssceseseseeeeeseeeeeneceens + 459 Disedses:of the Hare. .cccncccvsnssescesdonocnwadianaarsaesessyaornsenssee Steves 468 Fractured Bones; Wounds; Sprains of Joints and Tendons.......... 471 Diseases: Of the: Slit vss cesccsceacssiawsacesaaeseaadeseencedeaneseaaeewee See « 478 Diseases:Of the: Feet sc scncscawsresy vocaaevey waeandecadeauonscdavessinasianes s+» 490 Diseases of the Nervous System. see 494 Contagious Diseases of Cattle... 505 General Diseases of the Blood.... we 528 Poisons and Their Antidotes...........c::cssccccsssecsseeeeceeeesceesenseeneeee 536 QPEPAtONS 5,