\ \\ ~~ \ ANS \\ R64 ‘DIS Ot FLOWER-SPRECHER gag Library ats ANE i cor nig ig 3 1924 84 931 31 DATE DUE VETERINARY OBSTETRICS A COMPENDIUM FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS BY W. H. DALRYMPLE Member Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (Eng.); Vice-President American Veterinary Medical Association ; Member American Public Health Assocta-~ tion; Member Royal Institute of Public Health (London); Member American Association for the Advancement of Science; Honorary Member Louisiana State Medical Society ; Member Louisiana Society of Naturalists; Secretary Louisiana State Agricul- tural Society and Louisiana Stockbreeders’ Associauon, Professor of Veterinary Medicine. Louisiana State University, Veterinarian Louisiana Agri- cultural Experiment Station, ete., etc. THIRD EDITION NEw YORE WILLIAM R. JENKINS CO. PUBLISHERS 851 AND 853 SIXTH AVENUE 1907 Copyright, 1898. 1907, by WILLIAM R. JENKINS COs. All Pights Reserved >RINTED BY THE ‘Press OF WILLIAM R. JENKINS Uo.. New York TO ALEXANDER LIAUTARD, M.D., V.S., AS A TOKEN OF PERSONAL ESTEEM, AS WELL AS FOR HIS UNTIRING EFFORTS TO ADVANCE THE INTERESTS OF OUR NOBLE PROFESSION IN AMERICA, IS THIS LITTLE VOLUME Respectfully Medicated BY THE AUTHOR. . PREFACE. In offering this little volume to the Veterinary Profession of America, it is not my desire to encourage the student in the neglect of the more voluminous works on Veterinary Obstetrics, but more with the idea of aiding him, when time is an object, in reviewing his studies on the subject. It is with the hope, also, that it may be of service to the busy obstetrician, in refreshing his memory when quick reference is required, or when larger works may be inaccessible. In the preparation of this compendium, the follow- ing literature has been consulted, and, in several of the sections, somewhat freely quoted: ‘“ Fleming’s Obstetrics,” ‘“‘Chauveau’s Comparative Anatomy” (Fleming), “Vade Mecum of Equine Anatomy” (Liautard), Friedberger & Frohner’s “Pathology and Therapeutics of the Domestic Animals,” ‘“ Moller’s Surgery,” “Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics” (McFadyean), articles in published reports of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (Law); and I am much indebted to my friend Mr. John Renfrew, M.R.C.V.S., of Glasgow, Scotland, for numerous and copious notes. I am under many obligations to Dr. George Fleming, C.B., of Higher Leigh, Combe Martin, North Devon, England, for his kindness in granting permission to use the cuts (from 5 4 vi PREFACE. his valuable work on obstetrics) for the purpose of illustrating the text. The printer and publisher, William R. Jenkins, New York City, deserves my thanks, not only for the style and neatness with which he has executed his work, but for the promptness with which he Bas facilitated the reading of the proof, etc. Should this little work seem to fill a gap, and find a modest but useful place in our veterinary literature, I will feel fully repaid for any time or troubie expended. W. H. DALRYMPLE. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE PREFACE, .....0 ‘ca wrhre Bae Siewies o'e'y eadiekeasiodan oii Bibs BR aay nace seseee V ANATOMY—FEMALE ORGANS CONCERNED IN GENERATION AND PARTURITION « eosixesucdas iss asnesielsssseas sees Pe sires 7 Phe Pelviss.«-ciasiaved.svaad dacs sealaeavacb tated aseelen’ Riwaiseeene: -7 The Os Innominatum or Coxa........cccecceeseesceeues wean TMU ss boss seaieee ae twueaticon e's eslgueeeuiensla ceded sealed 8 USCHIGHY ois:s'eecoeh ews eel eleteeees asisiaiaiwisie ad sie <\syoreveialon wists 9 PUDIS oe vicdcoedeusumives snes Saadae sei aeeeaRawne esses eases - 9 The Sacrum.............5:- dhs Rate Ae saci SSS US Rais eracsrereeis Io The: Coc y Xe. seis cnotectn geese s dsusaaaeisseuae tessie: Hee AE The differences in the pelvic bones of other animals.........0.+s+8 II The CowW...2..0escstecavee siecosaveve ave aie afarh eteilela jelovuie' Seeiesuinnei DE The Sheep and Goat. .....-.....04 biove/arlaloie eysiacewiers/ewiaisieia sidwrarier- 12) The Bitch and Cat...... dasinis acaieetetacs eialsievelaleajeidcasrarese baie eeialeve . I2 The Hos ssccaatiesine ste senjeereawaieees ons cay sisiaives eseaiine aes ks 13 Pelvic Articulations..............0005 Mesos Pasaatesecl cies oie eA ieee 13 Differences in other animals............ dss Oslegsoustels ile Sie Greseiesd SiwiaSiop0 14 The COW ists acsieriisls ses cine ieeareins, iatreaks ees e sialetaisiatentiaieteiey's - 14 The Sheep and Goat............. cvviewelimasiesana’ smistae's ssa 14 The Pig... ....ccccaccsesecnons reer ee re 14 The Bitch:and Cats v«. cscs ssiasise adn sie 0s siecle tisisdsiarinwed ewes 14 Pelvic Cavity........cccscessec este neeeeeenseeen een eeeneteenansees 15 Pelvic Tnlet dcieisisc science des 'sctoues ose sinieboss eres ectmiabianesaa% «. 15 Pelvic: Outlets scasgusucag sd s0cs eevee tee heey sa ewe ener eden las 16 Differences.....- ee eerie reer eee eee ree es 16 PHS ECO Wicd kiss oie 0:8 ois eae Sa oa le tates it erat eins Bveytraiacgie elajerare auasele onaleye\s 16 The Sheep and Goat..... eiisieid we Ob 18 ie ear ga Bes SS Rel Gre yure Wee Riggs Siieetore 17 The Pig.........sceeeecceeoees sve ab Gi PUbGhieweedise ener dtasieny 17 The Bitch and Cat.......ecccesecceccceccenseeescveces siecseee 1S The Vull vase sisissavscarecsiais epeiscaisyerscec0'e SHATNER Weer edeee’s wiate widens 18 The Clitoris...........sceeeeceeeees waa ie aledelevantigvelei sieves aig ietaveveiavarnieincaty 18 The Hymen..........ceeeeeeeeeeeeees Ove te ee eeeeensencs sigiisiienieivie 19 The Meatus Urinarius........+05 ssscseeees seine ewaes se iaielayetsrras ait 20 The Vagina.......sscaseceees dipidfeinuere(iratainaie as 696 Sa ewe 8 085 Ba coves 2E ~vii Viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ThE UGH a sscaricsiacscnasegueate eae Melee AE Sg hea Bate 6, crate Ne ARCOM ENS 22 Fatlopiam DOD eS is 5.t.sssyaseicosind eee fais suns n Sia taendvg one avatar ola ocean sass 23 The Ovarles.<.:.scicsesenesedeseg tater ie enlaces ooewanenenne Laan: 2A. Mammary ‘Glands: .22..cacaniiccgscwewatuineicstgnmnmene eee aguas 24. TasthesCowisce siuanssiendntodccaueven eadeyenaaaeaaangendieges 25. Tn’Simall Rauminants cgi cecoe is vos sae Sele eae vise Sa wise ses eles’ 26 Tn, the: Pigs, cisgaioesndigctenas gists gilersiaiele By gieaee comma wislgs averoRavealg 26 Inthe Bitches: «saendecscsdsiaspioumescio aguas aavansauede esa 26- CHAPTER IL PHYSIOLOGY 55 os. ose eRe Re iew eb awe de tenet a Sie awawe eon SA woaee eee 27° Age of Puberty.........seeeeeeee Ge saierseonsyees silelan d. Moorrebnnni enter 27° Tih tHE: COW sa vawcierheieuie ia ieisle de nanindinars atacand enetenia annie daborerts 27 Tnthe: Maren aixscucwawienivs ind das eda tarda doa ledicre areuspersiy alatichete ae nls 28° Perlodof CHstrum ws.eeee ss, siswieesivelsceigeees Saeeeeds Givesaazss 29 In the: Maréwasicsewncnge bi o4 4 eee eee eee reece ee ee eeveeiea sey 29- In thet Cows « <5 sai gas vases canned ve weed be dase Meeemewies inicious Ba 29 Jin thé: Bite hiv 0e-ewieis yx oie damadsia e's cchisesndacodsiie nieinaoie dvSeieierealonones 29 TM the HW ic0tsxceisleciviess oisVinieag p once souswsnedaueay conus awe 29: PEriOd GF GEStatiOnnsisind cin wees dlnaiaweah sacle heaginn se 4 euakeise 31 In the Different Anitals.... vi.cuncasacicuneeiscianinw ares dicsten’s 33. Foetal (Envelopes iiiawssa ce ccncuuatate sintanipaiesigievtestadimeyeiciewanws 33 The’ Chorions..auescsane ssa siideee eee raeeeestawesteinaweteaeiee 33. The Amniony «62s ccessecateas eastsaanqutoindaenconckaseiwhiee dees 33. Phe: Allantolss 34- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Pelvis of Mare...........0.0.ceeee05 saceesiasies spibisiteeieie Sais ames -- «8 Pelvisoh Cowie ssekciidawrswea ida tae eieebeuieevehasvexaune BE Pelvisiof Sheep ov xctwsauagivev few ansmamemenesnedos vareeeuaess 12 Lateral Ligaments of Sacrum and Pelvis............. Ga tisad econo 13 Ligaments of Lumbar Vertebrz, Sacrum and Pelvis.............+ 14 Diagram of Mare’s Pelvic AxisS............0ceecceceeceseecuesues 15 Inlet of Mare’s Pelvis..... 22.2... ccc cacusccaceactoveeccessacecs r€ Inlétiof COw’S: Pelvisisiiviweas ves ccak os ead easenuean s oda cwndsns 17 Generative Organs of Mare 27 Sifu... ..... ccc ccc cece eeee teceeee 21 Ovary Opened Vertically... ........ ccc ccc e eee eee cece eeneteeeee 24. Graafian Vesicles and Ovum ......... cece eee e nce cence eee eecee 24 Section. of Udder of Cows csiseses sos ceieie's saannuisewiav's oa 054 oes 25 Section of Cow's Tat: css sessesesec cases scaenereawwe seca baccws 26 Foetus of Mare and its Envelopes..........cccceececeeeeeeeeeseee 32 Chorion of Mare at Mid-term (Inflated)................. eee ee eee 34 Foetal Membranes of Cow at Mid-term............... ce ce eee eee 35 Maternal and Feetal Cotyledons of Cow............cceceeee eee ees 37 Foetal Circulation: Advanced Period .............ceeeee sees ees 39 Normal Position of Foetus in Mare (third stage).................. 43 Jointed Repellers ic. cicioriveiied beieet ead thediee eeeserenbs warren 62 Vertebro-Sacral Position (fore-limbs flexed at knees)............. 64 Anterior Presentation (extreme downward deviation of head)..... 67 Short Blunt Grotwhels: :svsesseerimaseeca ey tecisaevamieesaanwenne 67 Long Pointed Crotchet......-..seseeceereete ener ense ee ee rece rene 68 Vertebro-Sacral Position (deviation of head upwards and back- WAS) oo. ccc cece ec eee eee eee ee eee etna eee e entree ee ee ee eee 69 Lumbo-Sacral Position. .......00ceesee ee ee ere cere e eee eeeeeeeees 71 Hock Presentation: Hock Corded..........eccceeeeccececeeesees 72 Thigh and Croup Presentation: Thigh Corded .................. 73 Gunther’s Curved Porte-Cord and Blunt Crotchet................ 74 Sterno-Abdominal Presentation .......... cece cece ccc e ce enccaee 75 Dorso-Lumbar Presentation........ccccececccceccccccccecccecees 77 Straight Embryotom.........cccseesece cece ecccececceececcscuces 80 Cartwright’s Subcutaneous Spatula..... Sibi cane e Muae sioner: - 8E xiii wrech ea xiv FIG. 35+ 36. 37: 38. 39: 40. 41. 42. 43- 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50. SI. INDEX. Sysomian Monstrosity: Dicephalus bicollis (Gurlt) ........-2000+ PASC Ectopia Cordis: Schistocormus fissisternalis....ccsassecsereeenes 87 Skull of Hydrocephalic Calf........ ccc cs ceesseeeseeeees eile afeieiare 88 Anasarcus Foetal Calf....... ccc. cece cect cc eccccccceccvececssence 89- Pelvic ExostosisS..........cceeeeceeeceeses (ican amet Gee ete S gt Weerine Meera ss. syesa sesenicseueeieis sds 008 eae area eave ee aianie ee eee 92 Right Uterine Torsion: Manipulation..............cceseeeceeeeee 94. Left Uterine Torsion: Manipulation..........ccecsececcesecscece 94. Left Uterine Torsion 27 Sift .....cccececsoeceeeeene satin Wiowse%s 95. Barnes’ Uterine Dilator..........eccccceeceeceecreeeeetecsceeees 98 Pad Pessary...csssseecereseeeeeecs dsc eraiaewarare Helslsivewreiee x ca ss eek 106- Ring Pessary .........0.000008 A eilen aca cu Syaratajaraend wala cveveusamia oetaecirley ae 107 Zundel’s Labial Sutures............ce ec cecceccee eee seeeecnceees 107 Leather Truss........ Saisie disrwie les olde alas! swiawarem eee: Selstetate 108 Renault’s Truss......scseseeseeeeeees oe aie sclaielpwters cama seesees 108 Lund’s Truss Applied......... SiGieiefniae ees erates eee ccccesensescess IOG Ring Teat Syphon. .........+..0+- CER MNase OaOouly Nasu baie ewe 130 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS Cuarter I, ANATOMY. FEMALE ORGANS CONCERNED IN GENERATION AND PARTURITION : The Pelvis, Vulva, Clitoris, Vagina, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Ovarzes and Mammae. The Pelvis. This cavity is formed of bony and ligamentous walls, and contains a portion of the genito-urinary apparatus, as well as the terminal portion of the alimentary canal. It is situated towards the end of the spine, and is supported by the hinder extremities, with which it is connected by joints and muscles, It is composed of three principal bones—the two ossa tnnominata, or coxae, and the sacrum, and to gome extent of the coccygeal vertebrae, OS INNOMINATUM. The os znnominatum, or coxa, one on each side, is a flat bone, expanded at either extremity, some- what constricted in the middle, and curved in two different directions. At its middle it has a wide and deep articular depression surrounded by a high rim,—the acetabulum or cotyloid cavity,—in which the articular head of the femur is lodged and moves. Above this cavity there is a roughened thin ridge, the supra-cotyloid crest or ischiatic spine, into ‘8 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. which the sacro-sciatic ligament is fixed. Below the cavity, and inclining inwards, is a large circular open- ing, occupied by the obturator muscles and known as. the foramen ovale, or obturator foramen. The two. ossa innominata are united in the middle line inferiorly and posteriorly by a solid suture—the symphysis pubes, or eschio-pubic symphysts, Above they articulate with the sacrum. Fig. 1. PELVIS OF THE MARE, A, Ilium; B, Pubis; C, Ischium; D, Foramen Ovale; E, Tuberosity of the Ischium; F, Cotyloid Cavity. The os zxnominatum is composed of three portions. uniting at the acetabulum, and have received the names: the zlzum, tschium, and pubs. The zium, hip, or haunch, is the largest of the three bones. It is irregularly triangular in shape, and is. directed obliquely downwards, inwards and backwards, and has two faces, three borders, and three angles, The external face presents the external iliac fossa; the internal face the iliac surface, and an auricular ANATOMY. s 9 facet for articulation with the sacrum. The anterior border or crest is concave; the external has a medullary foramen and vascular grooves; the internal forms the great sciatic notch. The external angle or point of the hip has four tuberosities for muscular attachment. The internal, or antero-internal angle is a rough tuberosity curving upwards and backwards, forming, with the corresponding portion of the opposite ilium, the summit of the croup. The posterior or cotyloid angle offers a facet for the cotyloid cavity, the supra- cotyloid crest, the ilio-pectineal eminence, and some muscular imprints. The zschzum is the most posterior of the three bones. It is flat and irregularly quadrilateral in shape, and is composed of.a solid portion (the body) anda narrow part (the neck). It is divided into two faces, four borders, and four angles. The upper face is smooth, and forms the floor of the pelvic cavity; the inferior face is roughened for the attachment of muscles, and presents the ischial crest. The anterior border forms the obturator foramen, the external the small sciatic notch; the posterior forms the ischial arch, while the internal is articular. The antero- external or cotyloid angle presents a diarthrodial facet, and the posterior extremity of the supra-cotyloid crest ;, the antero-internal angle is articulated with the pubis ;, the postero-external forms the ischial tuberosity; and the postero-internal articulates with that of the opposite side. The fudzs is thé smallest of the three bones, and is situated between the ilium and ischium. It is divided 10 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. into two faces, three borders, and three angles. The superior face is smooth and concave; the inferior has a large groove for the pubiofemoral ligament. The anterior border is thin and rough, the posterior thick and concave, and assists in forming the obturator foramen; the internal border is thick and articular. The external or cotyloid angle forms the bottom of the cotyloid cavity; the internal and posterior angles are articular. The sacrum results from the fusion of five verte- bre into a single, voluminous, pyramidal or triangular mass. It may be said to terminate the vertebral spine posteriorly. It encloses the pelvic cavity above, and articulates in front with the last lumbar vertebra, behind with the first coccygeal, and laterally with the ossa innominata. It is divided into two faces, two borders, a base, an apex, and a central canal. The superior face presents the spinous processes forming the sacral spine, bent backwards and diminishing in length posteriorly; it offers on each side the four supra-sacral foramina. The inferior face is smooth _and shows the lines of separation of the vertebre, and on each side the four sub-sacral foramina. The borders are thick and concave, rough posteriorly, having forward a broad, rough auricular surface to articulate with the .ossa tnnominata, ‘The base offers, on the median line, the anterior orifice of the sacral canal, and the anterior | articular head of the body of the first sacral vertebra; ‘on the sides, the articular processes and the anterior notches of that vertebra, and the outside, the two large facets for articulation with the last lumbar vertebra. ANATOMY. Il The apex presents the posterior opening of the sacral canal, the posterior articular cavity, the body of the last sacral vertebra, the vestiges of the articular pro- cesses, and the posterior notches of that vertebra. The sacral canal is a part of the rachidian canal, triangular, and diminishes in width posteriorly. The coccyx is composed of from fifteen to eighteen coccygeal or caudal vertebre, situated’ behind the sacrum, the first three of which may be said to belong to the pelvis. Fic. 2. PELVIS OF THE Cow. A. lium; B, Pubis; C, Ischium; D, Foramen Ovale; E, Sciatic Spine; F, Cotyloid Cavity; G, Tuberosity of the Ischium. DIFFERENCES OF THE BONES OF THE PELVIS OF OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The coxe in all the domestic animals are more or less horizontal, and the z/zwm has a vertical direction. In the Cow, the space between the coxe is no greater before than behind; they are less solid and I2 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. voluminous than in the mare. The iliac concavity not so wide, and is more vertical than in the mare. The zschzum is thinner, but has a wider surface, is more curved from before to behind, and from side to side; while the ischiatic spine is prominent and thin. There are three tuberosities on the postero-external angle. The fudzs is wide and thin; the upper face is very concave, and on its inferior face it has no channel. The foramen ovale is large, There is earlier ossification of the symphysis than in the mare. The sacrum is longer, more curved and voluminous. Fic. 3. PELVIS OF THE SHEEP. A, Ilium; B, Pubis; C, Ischium; D, Foramen Ovale; E, Cotyloid Cavity. The caudal vertebre are stronger and more tuberous ; sixteen to twenty in number. The Zelvzs of the Sheep and Goat resembles that of the Cow, although, on the whole, it is more horizontal and longer. | In the Bitch and Cat, the lateral diameter is greater before than behind. The z/um is almost ANATOMY. 13 vertical. The sacrum is somewhat quadrangular; is composed of three bones which are consolidated at an ‘early age. Only three vertebral foramina. The bones of the coccyx are strong and tuberous, the first five or six being as perfect as the true vertebral bones. The pelvis of the Hog (Pig) resembles that of the ‘Sheep. The iliac crest is convex. The pubis is narrow, and the ischium has a tuberous prominence. ‘The sacrum is composed of four vertebra, which do not become entirely consolidated for a length of time. Fic. 4. LATERAL LIGAMENTS OF THE SACRUM AND PELVIS. a, Superior Sacro-iliac Ligament ; 5, Sacral Ligament; c, Lateral Sacro-iliac Ligament; d, Sacro-sciatic Ligament; ¢, Small Sciatic Notch; / Great Sciatic Notch. The spinous processes are absent. The spinal canal is open above, due to the neural arch being deficient on each side. THE PELVIC ARTICULATIONS. Five in number: sacro-lumbar, two sacro-iliac, the ischio-pubic symphysis, the sacro-coccygeal articulations and the ilio-sacral and sacro-sciatic ligaments. 14 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. With the exception of the equine species, the sacrum is joined to the last lumbar vertebra by three diarthrodial surfaces only—the head of the body and two transverse processes. The ischio-pubic symphysis in the Cow is con- siderably longer than in the Mare and not rectilinear; ossification of the symphysis is less complete, and takes place much later than in the Mare. Fic. 5. LIGAMENTS OF THE LUMBAR VERTEBR#&, SACRUM AND PELVIS. (Seen from below.) a, Intertransverse Ligament of the Lumbar Vertebre; 4, Capsular Ligament of the Spinous Process of the Fifth and Sixth Lumbar Vertebrz ; c, Capsular Ligament of the Sacrum; d, Inferior Sacro- iliac Ligament; ¢, Obturator Ligament; /, Transverse Ligament of the Ischio-pubic Symphysis. In the Sheep and Goat, the ischio-pubic symphysis. is rectilinear. Ossification very late in life, and almost: never in those animals which have had many young. These remarks apply also to the Pig. In the Bitch and Cat, the symphysis rarely ossifies. The sacro-sciatic ligament is attached superiorly to the lateral borders of the transverse processes of the ANATOMY. 15. sacrum and first two or three coccygeal vertebra; inferiorly, to the superior ischiatic spine and tuberosity of the ischium, The Mare’s pelvis represents a somewhat cone- shaped cavity at the posterior part of the trunk. continuing the abdominal cavity. It has an internal. and an external surface, and two openings. The anterior opening is termed the inlet of the: pelvis, by which the foetus enters the pelvic cavity. The posterior is known as the outlet or recto-urethral. opening. Fic. 6. DIAGRAM OF THE MARE’s PELvic Axis. A, Inlet; B, Outlet. The diameters of the inlet are generally recognized. as two: The supero-inferior or sacro-pubic, which is the width between the sacro-vertebral angle and the symphysis pubis. It varies with the size of the animal, ‘but is usually between eight and ten inches. The transverse or bis-iliac diameter is the distance between one ilio-pectineal crest and the other. From seven to nine inches. 16 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. The outlet of the Mare’s pelvis is limited above by the apex of the sacrum and the base of the coccyx, and below by the ischial arch formed by the junction of the two ischia; and laterally by the upper surface of the ischia, and posterior border of the sacro-sciatic ligaments. The diameters are usually less than those of the inlet. The pelvis of the Cow is longer than that of the Mare, and not so vertical; the ischio-pubic symphysis is longer, and is very curved, making the floor concave Fic. 7. INLET OF THE PELVIS OF THE MARE. a 6, Supero-inferior, or Sacro-pubic Diameter; c d, Superior Bis-iliac Diameter; ¢/, Inferior Bis-iliac Diameter; ¢ 7, £4, Oblique, Ilio-sacral or Sacro-iliac Diameters: J K, Middle Diameter. in every direction. Comparatively speaking, the bony structure is altogether more extensive. The sacral surface is more concave, and the sacro-sciatic ligaments, although narrower, are longer. Compared with its height, the Cow’s pelvis is less wide. The inlet being more oblique than in the Mare, the diameters are very unequal. ANATOMY. 17 The diameters of the outlet are more equal, being about those of the transverse diameter of the inlet. The cavity is more cylindrical. and less conical than that of the Mare. . In the Sheep and Goat, ossification occurring at a ‘much later period, allows of the pelvic cavity being increased during parturition, and permits of the act being performed with fewer difficulties in these -animals, In the Pig, the general conformation of the pelvis INLET OF THE Cow’s PELVIS. a 6, Supero-inferior, or Sacro-pubic Diameter. c d, Superior Bis-iliac Diameter; ¢/, Inferior Bis-iliac Diameter; ¢7, £4, Oblique, Ilio-sacral or Sacro-iliac Diameters. is not unlike that of ruminants. The promontory of the sacrum is more salient, the canal longer, the plane of its anterior circumference more oblique, and the direction of the ischio-pubic symphysis perfectly recti- linear, The cavity is very large in proportion to the size of the young at birth, hence accidents are rare during parturition. 18 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. In the Bitch and Cat, the promontory of the sacrum is still more marked than in the Pig, which diminishes notably the inlet of the pelvis; the directiom of the symphysis is rectilinear, and the general outline: of the cavity is nearly cylindrical, although the inlet is: larger below than above. The narrowest part of the: canal is immediately above the obturator foramen, where the ischium is wide and shallow, and rises abruptly to almost a right angle. The Vulva. This is the most external portion of the female reproductory organs, and presents posteriorly an opening situated vertically under the rectum, from which organ it is separated by a narrow space—the perineum. The labize form the lateral boundaries, and, in the. normal condition of the parts, are in contact with each other. They are lined on their internal surface with mucous membrane; externally with a very smooth skin devoid of hair. The cavity of the vulva varies in length in the cow and mare, from six to ten inches. At parturition, the walls become separated to allow of the escape of the foetus. The cavity contains several organs accessory ta reproduction, which we will now notice separately. The Clitoris. This organ is situated on the inferior commissure of the vulva, and corresponds to the corpus cavernosum. ANATOMY, 19 of the male. It is firmly held in position by a fold of ‘ligamentous tissue, to the floor of the vulva. It is «composed principally of erectile tissue, which tissue ‘becomes congested at the period of cestrum, rut, or heat. The clitoris is covered, on its free surface, with a pigmented membrane which is arranged in folds, and is very highly endowed with sensibility ; this membrane being believed to. perform an important function in the .act of copulation. The Hymen. This is a fold of mucous membrane which more or Jess completely separates the vulva from the vagina, and stretches across the passage at the division of these two organs. It is a very delicate mucous struc- ture, and for a long time it was believed that this ‘membrane was normally complete, and was only ruptured at the first act of copulation, and its presence .or absence was looked upon as a sign of virginity. Even to this day some authorities hold that laceration of this membrane denotes the absence of virginity. This, however, is a mistake in all animals, as some human females have been examined who never had .coition, and this membrane was represented simply by a small band; while others again have been examined and this membrane found complete after the female had given birth to several children. In our subjects, the hymen is often well developed ‘in Fillies, but is often absent, or only rudimentary, in Heifers. 20 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. The Meatus Urinarius. This is the external opening of the female urethra,, and is found on the floor of the vulva about five inches: from its external opening, but the distance varies in: different animals. The opening is guarded by a fold. of mucous membrane attached to the floor and sides of the vulva, having its free border placed in a backward, direction. This membrane is believed to prevent the passage of urine into the vagina. In the Cow, imme-- diately behind the opening of the meatus, there is a small fossa about half an inch in depth, also guarded. by a valve, the function of which is doubtful, but it. frequently causes difficulty in passing the catheter in that animal, being mistaken for the meatus. About one inch from the external opening of the: vulva in the Cow, are situated some almond-shaped. conglomerate glands whose ducts unite to form a sinus, by which the secretion from the glands is thrown into. the vulva about half an inch, from the external border, These glands are only active at the period of cestrum, and are believed to secrete a fluid having a character-. istic odor, which seems to attract the opposite sex at this period. In the female Pig, there is no vulvo-vaginal: membrane guarding the opening of the meatus, and in. this animal the clitoris is only rudimentary, and often absent altogether. In the female Cat, there is in the clitoris a small’ cartilaginous body which has not been seen in any other of the domestic animals, and has been believed! ANATOMY. 21 by some to be the means of prolonging the act of copulation in this feline, In the female Sheep, the hymen is often repre- sented by a delicate band stretching obliquely across the cavity, and even this is sometimes absent. The Vagina. This is the cavity which connects the vulva and uterus. It varies in length from nine to twelve inches, Fic. 9. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS OF THE MARE 7” Sifu. 1, Body of the Uterus; 2, 2, Cornua of the Uterus; 3, Vagina; 4, Bladder; 5, Rectum; 6, Sphincter of the Anus; 7, Constrictor Muscle of the Vulva; 8, Bulb of the Vagina; 9, Ovary and Fimbriated Body; 10, Fallopian Tubes; 11, Kidney; 12, 12, Broad Ligament. and the membrane of its walls is very loosely attached to the sub-mucous tissue. In the normal condition this membrane is thrown into folds, which in the Cow are always in a transverse direction, and in the Mare. 22 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. are longitudinal. These folds assist in enlarging the cavity at the period of parturition, and become oblite- rated then. Anteriorly the vagina receives into it the cervix or neck of the uterus, which is projected some distance into its cavity, and has its walls thrown into a number of folds or ridges. In the walls of the vagina in the Cow, and ‘sometimes also in the Mare, are found the canals of Geertner, which are believed to perform a function in fcetal life. By one extremity these canals open into the vulva at the lateral aspect of the meatus, and by their ‘other extremity they terminate in a blind cavity in the walls of the uterus. The Uterus. This is the most important female organ of reproduction, and is the cavity in which the healthy or normal development of the foetus takes place, and where it is retained and nourished until it is able to ‘maintain an independent existence outside of the body. This organ is divided into a body and two horns. The horns are situated anteriorly, and are slightly curved on themselves, presenting inferiorly a concave curvature in the Cow, and a convex one in the Mare. The internal cavity of the uterus, like the external, is also divided into a body and two horns, but in the non- pregnant animal, the horns are only very rudimentary, and become enlarged to accommodate the foetus after impregnation and growth take place. The walls of the uterus and horns are formed of three distinct layers, ANATOMY. 23 viz.: an internal, mucous; a middle, muscular; and an external, serous layer. The central or muscular layer has its fibres arranged in different directions, some longitudinal and others circular. The muscular fibres become considerably hypertrophied in the pregnant state, and by their contractions are largely responsible for the expulsion of the fcetus. In the Cow, the mucous membrane of the uterus, and more especially that of the horns, is studded with a great many processes, resembling very much the appearance of the half of a large English walnut. These processes are called the maternal cotyledons. They contact with opposing surfaces on the feetal membrane, and by means of this connection, circulation between the foetus and parent takes place in the uterus. In the Sheep and the Goat, these cotyledons are concave on their free surfaces, and in the Mare they are entirely absent, the connection being diffuse. The uterus is held in position to the sub-lumbar region, by two broad ligaments which are attached to the superior border of the horns, and between the folds of these are found the Fallopian tubes. Fallopian Tubes. Two in number, are situated between the folds and near to the anterior border of the broad ligaments. By their posterior extremities, they communicate with the uterine horn of their own side, and by their anterior extremities, indirectly with the ovary. 24 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. The Ovaries. These organs, two in number, resemble very much in shape and size the testes of male animals, but are always comparatively smaller. They are situated in the sub-lumbar region, being suspended at the anterior extremity by the broad ligament. Each ovary consists OE 28 oP i FIG. Io. OvARY OPENED VERTICALLY. a, a, 6, 6, Graafian Vesicles at different stages of development. of a serous covering externally, the tunic or covering proper of the ovary, a number of Graafian vesicles, each of which contains a number of ova, and on the presence of these vesicles and the ova the life of the future animal depends. GRAAFIAN VESICLE AND Ovum. Mammary Glands or Mamme. The mammz of the Mare are situated in the inguinal region, and are formed of two hemispherical ANATOMY, » 25 masses, distinct from each other, and having in their centre the teat, nipple, or mammille. They are composed of a yellow elastic fibrous envelope, glandular tissue made up of acini, clustered in groups around the lactiferous ducts, which by their union open into the galactophorous sinuses, from which arise the true excretory canals of the glands. | Fic. 12. SECTION oF UDDER oF Cow. a, Anterior Quarter; 4, Posterior Quarter; g, Septum between the Quarters;- c, ¢, Section of the Lactiferous Ducts; d, da, Lactiferous Sinus or Milk Cistern; ¢, ¢, Orifice of the Teat; 4 Large Lymph Gland in the Posterior Quarter. In the Cow the mammez are also inguinal, and are composed of two symmetrical halves placed one against the other. Each half is again dividedsinto two distinct glands, each with its own teat, so that the vessel consists of four mamme and four teats; behind this there may be two small rudimentary teats. In the centre of each quarter, just at the base of the teat, is a large galactophorous sinus, the general receptacle of all the lactiferous conduits. 26 _ VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. In the small ruminants there are two mammz and two teats, constructed like those of the Cow. Fic. 13. SECTION OF THE Cow’s TEAT. a, a, Principal Lactiferous Ducts; 6, Lactiferous Sinus; c, c, Acini; d, Elastic or Dartoid Tissue of the Teat; ¢, Orifice of the Teat. In the Pig the mamme are ten or twelve in number, disposed by pairs in two parallel rows, extending from the inguinal region to beneath the thorax, and distinguished ‘as inguinal, abdominal, and thoracic. They have no sinuses, the lactiferous ducts of each teat joining directly to form a variable number of excretory ducts which open at the free extremity of the teat by from five to ten orifices. The Bitch has from eight to ten mamme, arranged as in the Pig. The special function of these glands is the secretion of milk. CuaptTer II. PHYSIOLOGY. As a rule, it is necessary that before the female animal can become pregnant, copulation with the male must take place. There are exceptions to this rule, however, as it has been found possible by mediate or artificial means, 7. e¢., by collecting the seminal fluid of the male, and through the agency of an instrument (the Impregnator) injecting this fluid directly into the uterus of the female, to cause impregnation. The age or period of an animal’s life when copulation can take place with impregnation as the result, is termed the Age of Puberty. The appearance of puberty, and certain conditions which it gives rise to, takes place at different periods in different animals. In the human female, this condition appears at from ten to twelve years, and in the male, from eleven to fourteen years. In the Cow, nine months to two years, although in some exceptional cases it appears very much earlier. A case has been reported where the female gave birth to a calf at eleven months old, the sire of the calf being only twelve months old at this time. 27 28 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. In the Mare, about eighteen months to two anda half or three years, but where attention to improvement of breed is paid, the Mares should not become mothers till they are four years of age, as the parent and offspring are both more valuable. Certain characteristic changes take place in the female on the appearance of puberty. These changes remain for 4 short time only, then disappear, to appear again with more or less regularity throughout the whole fertile period of the animal’s life. When these conditions. mentioned are present, they indicate what is known as the period of cestrum, rut, or heat. Some of these changes can be recognized exter- nally, others can not. In the Cow, we notice an irregularity in feeding, partial loss of appetite at this period; roaring occasionally; pulse irritable and accelerated ; temperature slightly elevated, which may be from one to two degrees Fahrenheit. If the Cow be giving milk, the supply will be decreased, and in the Mare, which has never been in milk, the mammary glands become enlarged, congested, and sometimes secrete a fluid very much resembling healthy milk. The mucous-membrane of the vulva and vagina, in all animals, becomes injected, and red in color. The clitoris is enlarged, and frequent movements of that organ take place. There is also a discharge from the vulva of a gelatinous looking fluid, believed to come from the walls of the vulva, vagina and uterus, and in some animals, from the glands of Gertner, already described. If the animal be at liberty, there seems to be a natural desire for her to seek the opposite sex. PHYSIOLOGY. 29 The temper becomes altered. It occasionally happens that Mares which are vicious at any other period, are perfectly quiet at this; while others again are very troublesome when in this condition. Certain changes also take place in the ovaries. These organs become congested and considerably enlarged, One or more Graafian vesicles become fully developed, find their way to the surface of the ovary, and when tnere, rupture, their contents escaping into the Fallopian tubes. In animals which give birth to only one at a.time, only one Graafian vesicle is ruptured, and that generally in the right ovary; but in those that have several young at a birth, two or more vesicles are ruptured, the rupture taking place from right and left alternately. When these changes in the female are going on and an ovum has been liberated, if no contact with the male is allowed, impregnation can not take place (except as before stated), and the various organs resume their normal condition, and remain so for a time, which varies in the different animals. In the Cow, the period of cestrum is present from one to four days, and then disappears, to reappear in from twenty-one to twenty-two days. In the Mare, the period lasts from three to six days, and disappears, to return again in from twenty-one to twenty-two days. The Bitch is in heat generally twice a year, in early spring and autumn, and the period lasts from eight to fifteen days. In Great Britain, the Sheep appears in heat about the middle of September, the condition lasting for 30 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. twenty-four hours only, but appearing again every fourteen days until the end of December. While these periods may be accepted as the average, they are by no means definite, as some animals, more especially high-tempered Mares, appear always in heat; while others again, the closest examin- ation or manipulation fails to detect them in this. condition at any time, In a state of nature and free from artificial surroundings, it may be accepted as a rule, that the period of cestrum is so regulated that the young animal may be born at a time of the year when its maintenance can be most suitably provided for in its surroundings. If at this period contact with the male is allowed, certain changes take place which give rise to impreg- nation. The spermatic fluid of the male animal, either at or shortly after coition, finds its way to the uterus of the female, and from the uterus the spermatozoa enter the Fallopian tubes, and pass alone to the ovarian termination of these structures. While it is generally believed that contact with the ova of the female takes place in the Fallopian tube and at its ovarian extremity, still we have occasionally a foetus developed in the’ ovary, and in this case at least, impregnation must have taken place in the ovary and not in the tube. When impregnation has taken place, wherever it may be, the impregnated ovum immediately afterwards. commences to descend the tube, gains the horn of the uterus, becomes attached to the mucous membrane at PHYSIOLOGY. 31 this situation, and development of the embryo now commences. The time which must necessarily elapse between the periods of impregnation and parturition has been termed the period of gestation. The Period of Gestation. This period varies very much in different animals, and also in the same class of animals when subjected to different surroundings and treatment. In the Mare, the period of gestation is about forty-eight weeks, but varies more in this animal perhaps than in any other. Some brood mares foal regularly at a little over ten months, while others are pregnant nearly a year, and then give birth to a healthy foal. Note.—Mr. John Renfrew, M.R.C.V.S., Glasgow, has furnished me with the record of two cases, one, that of a Pony Mare belonging to Mr. Mitchell, Polmont, Scotland, which had been served for twelve months and three days, and was then said to be in season; was sent to the stallion and served, and the next day gave birth to a healthy colt foal. The other case was that of a thoroughbred Mare, the property of Mr. Stevenson, Hurlet, Scotland, which carried her foal twelve and a half months regularly. As a rule, a Mare carrying a colt-foal (horse-colt) is pregnant several dayselonger than with a filly-foal (mare-colt). If the animal be kept at gentle work, it will generally give birth several days earlier, and VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. 4 32 usually much more easily than if standing idle for some time previous. Fic. 14. Fatus oF MARE AND ITS ENVELOPES. A, Chorial Sac; C, Amniotic Sac withdrawn from the Allantoid Cavity, and opened to expose the Foetus; D, Infundibulum of the Urachus; B Allantoid portion of the Umbilical Cord; 4, Portion of the Extel Surface of the Chorion destitute of Placental Villosities, and corre- sponding to the point of insertion of three pediculated Hippomanes. A Mare with her first foal generally carries it for a shorter period than her next and successive ones, PHYSIOLOGY. 33 The period of gestation in the Cow. .... is 9 months, average 283 days. EMW@s.5%. § 5 ¢ 150 OW rai 4 = em iso «=O * BiG aces =| 2 o . 56-65 “ CAE oe ergy 2 et . 5s Ss Rabie Ge 2 . . oo 6 “a a“ HUMahecs § - 20 If we suppose, then, that impregnation has taken place, and the period of gestation has begun, in the interval certain structures responsible for the nourishment of the fcetus have been formed. (Fig. 13.) These are known as the “fcetal envelopes” or “placental membranes.” They consist of a membrane called the “chorion,” another the “amnion,” the “allantois,” the “umbilical vesicle,” and the “umbilical cord.” : The Chorion. This is the most externally situated of the placental membranes. By its external surface it is in contact with the inner aspect of the walls of the uterus. In shape it is a regular counterpart of the uterus, which it lines. (Fig. 14.) It is a closed sac, and is principally concerned in the supply of nutrition to the fcetus, the process going on from the external surface of this membrane. The Amnion. This is the most internally situated of the foetal envelopes, and, like the chorion, is a closed sac. It surrounds the foetus, and from its internal aspect a 34 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. fluid is secreted called the “liquor amnii,” or “amniotic fluid,” in which the foetus floats in the later period of pregnancy. This fluid assists in regulating the temperature of the foetus, also, by diffusing shock, prevents injury from external violence. It also assists CHORION OF THE MarE AT MID-TERM (INFLATED). A, Posterior portion occupying the Body of the Uterus; B, Left Cornu plicated and sacculated; C, Right Cornu, longer than the left, and con- taining 2 portion of the Foetus. in the act of parturition by dilating the passage, or cavity, and when the sac is ruptured the fluid assists in the lubrication of the vagina and vulva. The Allantois. This allantoid membrane is composed of two contiguous layers: a superficial one, which is applied to the inner aspect of the chorion; and an internal or deep layer, which is applied to the external aspect of the amnion. These two layers come together at the umbilical opening to form a constricted hollow passage or tube. This constricted portion passes into the PHYSIOLOGY. 35 abdomen of the foetus at the umbilical opening, and then passes backwards to join the anterior extremity of the bladder, with the cavity of which the space between the two layers of the allantois is in communication. It is believed that the allantoid sac or cavity acts the Fic. 16. FoeTAL MEMBRANES OF THE Cow AT MID-TERM. ened on its left side; B, B, Cotyledons of the Uterus; C, C, A, be tn D, D, Allantois; E, Vesicle of the Urachus; F, Amnion; G, Umbilical Cord. part of a urinary reservoir during fcetal life. The constricted portion, which passes in at the umbilical opening, has been called the “urachus.” 36 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. The Umbilical Vesicle. This is a small, pear-shaped structure, which is. only seen in the very early stages of foetal life. Its function is not very well understood, but it is believed. to supply the foetus with nourishment until the membranes have assumed that function. By its narrow extremity, the umbilical vesicle is in contact with the small intestine of the feetus; and by its other or broad extremity, it is in contact with or rests upon the inner aspect of the chorion. As soon as the placental circulation is established, this structure commences to undergo atrophy, and all that remains of it at birth isa brownish colored fibrous cord. The PLACENTAL CIRCULATION, or, as it is sometimes. called, the ‘‘vascularization,” varies in the fcetus of different animals. In the Cow, as already stated, there are a large. number of vascular processes in the pregnant animal, called cotyledons. These are in contact with the- external surface of the chorion, and the blood of the parent is thus brought into close contact with the: blood of the foetus at these situations. There is no direct continuity of the circulation, the blood of the parent being spread out in very small vessels on the. surface of the maternal cotyledons, while that of -the- foetus is distributed in a similar manner, on the: opposing surface of the chorion. Through the walls. of these opposing vessels the exchange takes place. In the Mare, instead of the blood-vessels being” found at certain parts, they are distributed. all over the. PHYSIOLOGY. . 37 external surface of the chorion, and arranged in small vascular tufts, which are received into depressions on the corresponding aspect of the uterus, and here the exchange of nutrition takes place. In the Sheep and Goat, cotyledons are present, but are concave instead of convex on their free surface, as in the Cow. Fic. 17. MATERNAL AND Fa:TAL COTYLEDONS OF THE Cow, A, Pedicle of the Maternal Cotyledon; B, B, Maternal Cotyledon; .C, Feetal Cotyledon; D, Placental Villi; E, Chorion. In the Pig, there are no cotyledons present, and the connection resembles that seen in the Mare, with this exception, that the vascular tufts are very 38 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. irregularly distributed, being very numerous, especially about the horns, while at other situations they may be absent. “In the Bitch, the vascular connection has been termed “zonular.” The tufts are arranged in a ring or circle around the external aspect of the chorion, contacting a similar circle on the internal aspect of the uterus. This zone or circle is from one and a half to two inches broad. In animals which give birth to more than one foetus at a time, each fcetus may have a separate chorion and umbilical cord complete, and in this case that portion of the chorion which is in contact with another chorion, and not in contact with the wall of the uterus, has no vascular tufts. In other cases, there is one common chorion, and from it each foetus is supplied with an umbilical cord, through which it derives its nourishment. Umbilical Cord. This forms the means of communication between the parent and feetus. In the Mare, besides the tissue proper of the cord, it consists of two arteries and one vein. The arteries are given off by the internal iliacs of the foetus, pass along the lateral aspect of the bladder, and leave the abdomen (of the foetus) at the umbilical opening. They then give off some small nutrient branches to the structure of the cord, pass outward, and break up into a great number of smaller vessels, which ramify between the external surface of the allantoid membrane PHYSIOLOGY. 39 and the inner aspect of the chorion; finally these vessels enter into the vascular tufts found on the external aspect of the chorion. From these vascular tufts the numerous branches which meet to form the umbilical vein take their origin. These unite to form one vein, which passes along the cord and enters the FcaTAL CIRCULATION: ADVANCED PERIOD. A, Placentule; B', B’, Umbilical Veins, with their Common Trunk, B; D, Vena Portz, and its Anastomosis, C; E, Ductus Venosus, F, Pos- terior Vena Cava; G, Right Ventricle of Heart; H, Pulmonary Artery; J, J, Aorta; I, Ductus Arteriosus; K, Umbilical Arteries, with their ‘Anastomosis at the extremity of the Umbilical Cord. abdomen of the fcetus at its umbilical opening. From this situation it passes forwards, discharging its contents into the foetal heart. 40 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. In the Cow, there are two distinct umbilical veins, and these only unite after they enter the abdomen of the foetus. While these structures are being developed in the: uterus of the parent, certain changes are visible externally, by which we are enabled to say whether the: animal is pregnant or not. Symptoms of Pregnancy and Parturition. The first, in the Mare and Cow, is the absence of the period of cestrum. This rule, however, has several. exceptions, as it often happens that this period may be absent, or present unnoticed, and still the animal remain non-pregnant. On the other hand, the animal. may show all the symptoms, except the menstrual discharge from the vulva, and may at this season allow copulation with the male, while being in a pregnant: condition, and may be again impregnated. The Mare soon becomes altered in general tem- perament and behaviour. If used for harness purposes, she becomes dull, lazy, and somewhat difficult to drive, and for the first three months after impregnation has a tendency to put on condition. The abdomen becomes. pendulous, a well marked hollow being seen at the- flank, In the Mare, the mamme often secrete a white, thin fluid, for a few days, about nine months after impregnation; afterwards, this secretion stops, the gland resumes its normal condition, but may again fill, and secrete this fluid, at varying intervals throughout. pregnancy. PHYSIOLOGY. 41 About five to six months in the Cow, and seven to eight in the Mare, the fcetus can be felt in the uterus, and positive evidence thus established. This can best be done by Jdallottement, 7. e., by pressing against the abdomen several times with the closed fist, so as to produce a swinging movement, when the fcetus can be felt falling against the hand. In the Cow, this method should be practised on the right side, as the large cavity of the stomach interferes with it on the left. In the Mare, percussion may be performed on either side, but the left is perhaps preferable. Another method adopted is to give the parent a drink of cold water, if possible, on an empty stomach. This often causes a movement of the fcetus in the uterus, which can be seen through the wall of the abdomen, by looking at the right flank of the Cow, and the left of the Mare. An examination per rectum or vagina may be resorted to, to confirm the diagnosis. There is no objection to the examination per rectum, if it is imperative that the condition should be known, but am examination per vagina, besides considerably irritating the parent, in some cases will lead to abortion. The method by auscultation is not satisfactory im our larger subjects. About the eighth month in the pregnant Cow, and’ about the tenth in the Mare, the external positive symptoms commence. The mucous membrane of the vulva becomes. congested; the mammary glands become enlarged, the 42 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. enlargement becoming gradually more marked until the period of parturition. About two weeks before parturition, in both these animals, a mucous discharge makes its appearance from the inferior commissure of the vulva, and at the same time the lateral aspect of the croup begins to fall, owing to relaxation of the pelvic ligaments. This condition is known as “slipping,” or “loosening.” When all these conditions are present, the animal has arrived at the termination of the period of gestation, and the more immediate symptoms of parturition commence. The animal becomes restless, continually on the move from one hind foot to the other, lying down occasionally ; and tthe Mare, especially if she has a hot temper, behaves much in the same way as shown in colic. The pulse, if felt in this condition, is quick, frequent, and irritable, and the mucous membrane of the eye may be injected. The uterine contractions now commence, the animal at this period apparently suffering an amount of pain. Each contraction may be accompanied by a groan, and last only for a few seconds. The interval between the contractions may be, at the primary stage of parturition, from five to ten minutes. The contractions now become more powerful and of longer duration, the interval between being shorter. The “os uteri” ‘becomes dilated, the uterine contractions having forced the foetal membranes through that opening. Shortly afterwards, the amniotic sac appears at the margin of the vulva, containing the “liquor amnii.” This sac is ‘sometimes called the ‘water bag,” sometimes the “sac containing the fluids.” The sac may rupture in the PHYSIOLOGY. 43 passage, or it may pass outside, without rupture. In any case, it is shortly followed by the two fore- feet of the foetus, with the head resting between them at the fetlocks. When the point of the withers of the foetus appears at the entrance of the pelvic cavity, a few more slight contractions complete parturition. = => & = z eS Fic. 19. NorMAL POSITION OF THE Fetus IN THE MARE (THIRD STAGE), VERTEBRO-SACRAL POSITION. Parturition is quite a normal function, when performed in the manner described. When the foetus has been fully developed in the uterus, there is a gradual determination of its blood supply to the mamme of the parent. A number of the vascular connections are then no longer needed between the uterus and the placental membranes, and fatty degene- ration of these takes place. This alteration is believed to have some special action on the nerve filaments in the uterine walls, which (filaments) become irritated, and through them the walls of the uterus are stimulated to 44 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. involuntary muscular contractions; the longitudinal fibres, in the primary stage of the act, and both longitudinal and circular, in the later stages, contracting, and thus the expulsion of the foetus is brought about. The umbilical cord is ruptured at the act of parturition, or immediately afterwards. Ina state of nature, the parent tears the cord with her teeth, if it is not ruptured in the act. The foetal membranes, or envelopes, may come away with the foetus, or may be retained in the uterus for several days, and require to be removed by hand. Parturition in the Cow may be completed in from half an hour to one anda half hours, but sometimes may be prolonged for five or six hours, and both mother and fcetus do well. In the Mare, how- ever, if the act is prolonged beyond two to two and a half hours, there is danger of the foetus dying, possibly also the parent. Parturition, as thus described, requires no assistance. Those cases in which mechanical or other inter- ference is necessary, is called “difficult parturition,” or “ difficult labor.” ‘ Cuarpter III. ANOMALIES OCCURRING IN GESTATION. Superfcetation. By this term is meant the conception of an already ‘pregnant animal. Facts have been recorded, by a number of com- ‘petent authorities, which go to prove that this condition is not only possible, but probable. Cases have been observed amongst the unipare, ‘one of which is where a Mare gave birth to a horse-foal and a mule-foal at the same parturition. Extra-Uterine Gestation. The fcetus here is developed in the abdomen, but outside of the uterine cavity. The fcetus may be healthy, and normally developed, for a certain period of its existence, but generally dies before the termination of gestation. Sometimes the foetus is developed in the ovary (‘‘Ovarian Gestation”); or, it may be outside the tissue, but inside the covering of the ovary. ‘Sometimes it is developed in one of the Fallopian ‘Tubes (“Tubal Gestation”); sometimes between the tissue of the walls of the uterus (‘‘ Interstitial Gesta- tion”). The most common situation, however, is in the abdomen (‘‘ Abdominal Gestation”). In this case the foetus is attached to some part of the abdominal wall, and is supplied with its membrane, and draws its 45 46 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. nourishment much in the same way as in the uterus, the blood-vessels in the neighborhood becoming enlarged to accommodate the new growth. In abdominal gestation, the foetus may undergo mummification, becoming dried up, and remaining attached to the abdomen for an indefinite period. In other varieties, the fcetus undergoes decomposition, and may destroy the parent by septicemia, or may destroy the abdominal wall and escape, the wound ultimately healing and leaving a fistula, or causing a hernia. In ovarian gestation, after development has gone on for some time, the mass falls into the abdominal cavity, the parent as a rule dying from hemorrhage from the large vessels in the neighborhood of the ovaries. Spurious Pregnancy. This is a disease which is at times seen in the human subject, and may be due to pathological, or other conditions; but, when seen in the lower animals, it is generally the result of the former. The history usually is, that the animal is believed to be pregnant, but at some time during the period of gestation it gives birth to a cyst, or irregular hollow mass, con- taining a quantity of fluid, degenerated tissues, some- times portions of teeth, partially formed bones, ete. This cyst, as a rule, is floating in a quantity of serous-looking fluid having a disagreeable odor. It has attachment to, and draws its nourishment from, some part of the abdominal and uterine walls. The ANOMALIES OCCURRING IN GESTATION. 47 causes are unknown. The condition is said to be oftenest observed in light, or roan-colored heifers, and most common where in-breeding is allowed. Treatment.—Remove the cyst and its contents, and wash out the uterus with antiseptic and astringent solutions. Hydrops Uteri. In this case, the animal is supposed to be pregnant, but, on examination, fluid instead of a foetus is found. It is due to some disease of the walls of the uterus, and. when the fluid is allowed to escape, it may, or may not, be again secreted. Remove any diseased product that may be found attached to the walls of the uterus, and wash the cavity out daily with antiseptics and astringents. The diétary should be easily digestible and nutritious, and a course of vegetable and mineral tonics should be: administered. CuHaptTer IV. SOME CONDITIONS INCIDENTAL TO PREGNANCY. Some of the conditions may be alluded to merely by name: Pica, or depraved appetite, constipation, ‘vomiting, colic, amaurosis, albuminuria, cough, mam- mitis, hysteria, eclampsia, and cramp. Hydrops Amnii. Here the amniotic fluid is in excess, and, by pressure or tension, may cause death of the foetus, and sometimes also the parent, from injury to the uterine walls. This condition may be brought about by an impoverished condition of the blood, with transudation ‘of its watery constituents, resulting in dropsy. The membrane should be punctured with a trocar and canula, to allow escape of the excess of fluid, and if abortion supervene, the cavity should be washed out with antiseptics and astringents. It is possible, however, for the full period of gestation to be completed, after withdrawal of the excess of fluid, should the wound in the membranes close. The dietary and medicinal ¢veatment is similar to that suggested in ‘“‘ Hydrops Uteri.” Rachitis and Osteomalacia. Softening or fragility of the bones has been observed, especially in young pregnant animals. The 48 CONDITIONS INCIDENTAL TO PREGNANCY. 49 bones are enlarged, friable and brittle. This condition hhas been noticed in Mares, Cows, and Ewes, as well as Bitches and Swine. The cause is due to an insufficiency of food, or to food that is lacking in mineral and nitrogenous elements. The treatment is, to supply food rich in the con- stituents required, and medicinally, nerve tonics and preparations of calcium. As a preventive, animals -should not be bred from too young. CGidema. Serous infiltration into the connective tissue, at -different parts of the body of pregnant animals, the Mare being the principal victim. The condition is ‘most marked in primipare, and appears much later in better bred animals, than in those of coarse breeding and lymphatic temperament. The cedema commences at the lower part of the hind limbs, gradually ascending to the hocks, or higher, and may extend to the dependent parts, such as along the floor of the abdomen, mamma, chest, and fore-arms. The condition is said to be due to pressure of the fcetus on the pelvi-crural vessels, and to an anemic condition of the system. The large mammary veins of the Cow, allowing of free return of blood from the hind limbs, is considered the reason why this animal ‘is exempt. Exercise and hand-rubbing are generally all that is necessary, the swelling disappearing a day or two after parturition. 50 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Ante-Partum Paresis. Paraplegia (posterior extremities) in the pregnant Cow, when near the time of parturition, is sometimes. seen. It is a rare occurrence in the Mare. It has been witnessed in the Sheep and Goat. The onset of the disease is sudden, and without premonitory symptoms. The condition seems to be evident only when the animal attempts to rise, and then the loss of power is observed in the hind extremities. All the other functions of the body appear to be normal. The cause and pathology do not seem to be well understood, but strain of the nerves and vessels of the posterior extremities by the heavy uterus, is supposed to be responsible. Treatment.— Attention to the comfort of the patient ; frequent turning over; careful dietary; laxa- tives and enemas, followed by stimulants, and afterwards tonics; a stimulating application to the spine may be found useful. Should the condition remain for any length of time after parturition, nerve stimulants, as nux vomica, or strychnza, the latter orally or subcutane- ously administered. Galvanism may also be resorted to with benefit. The induction of abortion has been recommended, should the paralysis continue, and parturition not due for some months. Cuaprer V. SOME ACCIDENTS OF PREGNANCY. Abnormal Retention of Foetus. In this case the foetus is not expelled at the termination of gestation. It may be due to loss of contractile power in the walls of the uterus, to a mal- presentation, or a mal-formation of the fcetus, or parent. The labor pains may be present for a time, and then cease, the foetus being retained ‘in the cavity for an indefinite period. It may become mummified, or undergo calcareous degeneration, and when either of these changes has taken place, the parent seems to suffer very little inconvenience. After a time, it sometimes decomposes, and may destroy the parent by septicemia, or pyemia. It is possible for an animal to give birth to a fully developed fcetus, while she has a mummified one in her uterus, The ¢reatment will depend upon the cause of the retention. Metrorrhagia. Hemorrhage from the Womb of a Pregnant Animal. This condition is rare in our subjects, but more common in the human female. When present, should be treated on similar lines to post-partum hemorrhage (which see), avoiding, of course, any part of the treatment which would cause irritation to the parts 51 52 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. and lead to abortion, which, however, frequently follows this condition. Prolapsus Vagine (ante-partum). This consists of a forcing backwards of the vagina by the gravid uterus. The condition has been observed. most frequently in the Cow and Ewe; rarely in the Mare and Bitch. It is peculiar to pregnancy, and may occur in well formed animals, in which the tissues of the genital organs are soft and relaxed—animals of lymphatic temperament, with a wide pelvis, and which may be fed on bulky, but innutritious food. Falls, injuries, distension of the rumen, etc., are all probable: causes of this condition in the pregnant animal. Prolapsus of the vagina is most frequently observed after the third or fourth gestation, and at the end of the seventh or eighth month. It is rare in primipare. The following case has just recently come under my observation: A Cow at pasture was noticed to have: inversion of the vagina, but the lad (a colored boy) forgot to mention the fact to the owner, and when I was called to the case, the condition had been in existence at least six days. The tumor was about the size of a man’s head, and in a very unfavorable condition for reduction. This, however, I accomplished, after bathing with a warm antiseptic solution (creo/n), and lubricating. A truss was then adjusted, and no further inversion occurred. The presumption was, that the animal had aborted, on account of some injury while at pasture, the vaginal prolapse following that accident. About a week, SOME ACCIDENTS OF PREGNANCY. 53. however, after reduction, the Cow gave birth to a foetus in a state of decomposition. Her pregnant condition was not suspected, and was not ascertained, on account of the callous and constricted state of the cervix, which rendered exploration of the uterus an impossibility. The Cow seemed to make a satisfactory recovery. The prolapse may be first observed only when the animal is in the recumbent position, and may or may not disappear when she rises to her feet, depending upon the volume of the tumor. Should the condition have been in- existence for some time, infiltration and. inflammation will most likely have taken place, the color passing through a dark red to a dark brown, due. to exposure and strangulation of the vessels. Prolapse of the uterus may follow, which makes the condition much more serious, and the reduction more difficult. Treatment.—In some cases, the vaginal tumor disappears after calving, without any interference being necessary. If treatment be required, the method of procedure will depend upon the condition of the everted organ. Elevation of the hind quarters; a rope or surcingle passed round the chest and tightened, to try to prevent straining. The dietary should be carefully attended to, and should be nutritious, but not bulky, and the bowels should be regulated. Should the prolapse be in a more advanced stage, with partial protrusion of the womb, return of the organ must be attempted, and the measures to be adopted, being on the same general plan as for inversion of the uterus, 54 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. eferer.ce can be made to the mechanical and medicinal means described under that head. It may sometimes happen, that after all available methods have been exhausted, the animal still continues to strain and evert the vagina, and that death, as a result, may appear imminent, so that. premature delivery has to be resorted to, to save the life of the parent, and if the 260th day of pregnancy has been reached, possibly the life of the young one (Calf) aiso. After the os has been dilated, the membranes may be perforated by the fingers. After delivery, great care should be exercised, for some days, to prevert subsequent inversion. In vaginal prolapse in the Ewe, similar methods can be adopted to those already described. A common custom with some is to knot a portion of wool, from each side of the vulva, together, to prevent. eversion. Hysterocele (Hernia of the Uterus), This condition has been observed in the Mare, Cow, Ewe, Goat and Bitch. It may be due to rupture of the musculo-fibrous floor of the abdomen, the gravid uterus escaping into a sac formed by the peritoneum and skin. In the Bitch, the womb is often displaced before conception, the foetus being developed in the hernia. With the exception of the Bitch, in which the hernia may be inguinal, it is always accidental and ventral, and usually towards the inferior portion of the abdomen. Its cause is generally violence, although it may start from an umbilical hernia,.or from natural or SOME ACCIDENTS OF: PREGNANCY. 55 spontaneous relaxation of the abdominal aponeuroses. It is rare in young animals, In the Bitch, ventral hysterocele has been observed above the mammary glands—simulating a scirrhous enlargement—-and in one of the labize of the vulva, beneath the skin. Treatment.—Support of the hernia by bandaging until the contents of the uterus have been expelled. Abortion may have to be artificially induced, or hysterotomy performed. As a mammary tumor may be mistaken for hernia in the Bitch, diagnosis should be very carefully made in this animal. Note-—Referred to also under “ Maternal Dystokia,” Chapter X, page, go. Rupture of the Uterus (ante-partum). This accident is not common before the termination of the period of gestation. It may occur before, and during parturition, due to injuries by the fcetus, or to ill-directed efforts to assist at the act, or in attempts to reduce the organ when eversion has occurred during the act. Other causes are attenuation of the uterine walls, hydrops amnii, and distension by the gas evolved from a putrefying foetus, etc. The dangers resulting from this condition are, hemorrhage from the womb, escape of the bowels through the opening, and peritonitis, from extension of inflammation:from the wound, or from the septic fluids escaping into the abdominal cavity. 56 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Symptoms of rupture of this organ may not be well defined. If due to external violence, the signs may be: apparent. After straining ceases, the animal may exhibit: all the symptoms of acute abdominal pain : inappetence,. suspension of rumination, quickened pulse, short, hurried breathing, looking round to the flanks, etc. The presence of fluid may be detected in the lower: third of the abdomen. Exploration per vagina may reveal an empty womb, and perhaps the discovery of the rupture itself. Treatment can not be said to be very satisfactory. If the uterus has been everted, the wound can be closed by sutures, the parts made thoroughly aseptic, and the organ carefully returned to its cavity. Should’ the foetus be alive, and the period of parturition close: at hand, it may, under certain conditions of the parent, be advisable to destroy her, and endeavor to save the: young one. Or, on the other hand, a surgical operation. might be performed for the extraction of the dead: foetus, with the chance of saving the life of the mother. Should peritonitis threaten, treatment for that: condition would necessarily follow. In favorable cases in the smaller animals, the Cesarian section might be practiced with considerable: success. Abortion. Premature Expulsion of the Fetus. There are two varieties of this condition, viz: Sporadic; and Epizootic, Enzootic, or Infectious. SOME ACCIDENTS OF PREGNANCY. 57 In the sforadic form, one pregnant animal gives birth to a foetus, some days, or perhaps months, before the normal period, and there the disease stops. In the zxzfectzous form, one animal after another is. affected, it may be for years, till it seems impossible to get any animal to carry her young the full period of gestation. The disease is most common amongst cattle, much less frequent in Mares. It has also been observed in the Sheep and Goat. The causes of the sforadic form are: excitement, sudden fright, either at pasture or in the stable; injuries by being thrown down, large doses of medicine, especially purgatives; injudicious feeding, as. large quantities of cold food in cold weather; and some varieties of pasture are believed to cause it. The disease may appear, or take place at any time during pregnancy. It is now recognized by the most competent authorities, that the zz/ectzous form may be transmitted, either directly, or through the intervention of certain media, as infected feces, urine, or litter; by attendants on the animals which have aborted; by the veterinary attendants, or even by the male animal in the act of coition. Abortion has been induced by the introductiom into the vagina of pregnant cows, mucus from that of — animals that had aborted accidently, also by inoculating- the purulent vaginal discharge from a cow just aborted,. and the matter obtained by scraping the surface of the chorion expelled by another animal which had likewise “Jost” her calf. Whether the infective material finds 58 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS access to the system through the digestive, respiratory, or circulatory channels, or has altogether a local action, has not yet been definitely ascertained, but it is thought probable that it finds its way to the interior of the uterus through the vagina and cervix. In 1896, Professor Bang, of Copenhagen, Denmark, succeeded in isolating thé specific germ of contagious abortion. He found it between the foetal envelopes, where it developed, bringing about a uterine catarrh, and setting up an inflammation of the membranes, and at the same time depositing a secretion between these tissues, gradually forcing them apart, destroying the circulation in the membranes and cutting off the nourishment of the foetus. ‘ The first symptom may be the presence of a partially developed foetus found on the pasture, or in the stable, but the symptoms generally are so slight as to escape observation. If the animal be very closely watched, there may be noticed a very slight relaxing of the pelvic ligaments, and congestion of the vulva for several hours before parturition, but even this is sometimes absent. ‘In the Mare, the condition occurs generally from the fourth to the ninth month of pregnancy; in the Cow, from the third to the seventh month. Treatment.—Complete isolation of all animals that are affected, and thorough disinfection of the stables or houses. Attendants on the affected animals should have their duties confined entirely .to those animals, and should have no connection whatever with the healthy stock. It has been recommended that SOME ACCIDENTS OF PREGNANCY 59 pregnant animals should have antiseptics administered internally, and careful attention paid to their feeding. Animals that have aborted should have their membranes removed as early as possible, and burnt, and the uterus, vagina, external genitals, and tail, as well as the hind limbs to the hoofs, should be carefully treated with antiseptics. Nocard recommends the following solution for sponging the anus, tail, vulva, etc.: , Distilled, or rain water, 2 gallons. Hydrochloric acid, . 2% ounces. Corrosive sublimate, 2% drachms. The ingredients to be thoroughly mixed. In Denmark, after the membranes and fcetus are removed, and buried in lime, the genital cavity receives repeated washings with a one per cent. solution of creolin, or half per cent. of Zysol, until all vaginal discharge has disappeared. Cows which have aborted are not again put to the bull until two or three months have elapsed, so as to prevent extension of the infection, and afford a better chance of their becoming pregnant afterwards. Even Cows and Halse in infected places, and apparently healthy, receive a vaginal injection before copulation; afterwards the parts about the tail and vulva are carefully washed, every day, with a mild disinfectant. The Bull in ais infected locality has the parts about the generative organs treated in a like ‘manner (cleanbes and disinfected) before and after service. Every precaution should be taken to prevent the introduction among healthy pregnant animals, of animals from infected localities. 60 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS Compressed Yeast Treatment. The results obtained from the yeast treatment hav- ing proved so flattering in the case sf the human female, Dr. A. T. Peters, of the Nebraska Experiment Statior, conducted experiments with it in cows that had aborted, and with encouraging success. The following is the method employed: In cows that have aborted, the placental membranes are removed immediately, or as soon as possible. The entire vaginal canal is then irrigated with a lukewarm 3 per cent. solution of potassium permanganate, after which a solution of yeast is injected into the vagina. The yeast solution is made as follows: Mixa cake of ordinary compressed yeast into a paste with a small quantity of warm water, and allow it to stand in a moderately warm place for about twelve hours. Then stir in one to one and one-half pints of freshly-boiled lukewarm water, and permit the mixture tostand for ten or twelve hours. It is then ready for use, and the whole quantity should be injected into the vagina of the animal. Before service, the vagina is first washed out with soapy water, and the yeast solution injected as previ- ously described. It is recommended that the injection be made at the first sign of the period of cestrum, and the animal bred toward the end of the period. CuaptTer VI, DYSTOKIA. Among the lower animals, and, in fact, among all females, a great many of the troubles and abnormal conditions met with at parturition, can be immediately traced to the habits, laws and fashions of domestica- DYSTOKIA 61 tion. In the majority of cases, when a cow, for ‘instance, is allowed to run at pasture, and the grass not too luxuriant and stimulating, parturition takes place ‘unattended, and both mother and young one do well. The same law holds good in the human subject. ‘When the female is in comfortable, but not too luxuriant circumstances, the percentage of cases of difficult parturition, or accidents after, is considerably less than it is in those who spend their time, while pregnant, in indolence and luxury. Actual Causes, other than Hygienic Treatment, which give rise to Difficult Parturition. FETAL DYSTOKIA. The first great cause is mal-presentation or mal- position of the feetus. The second, mal-formation of the fcetus. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. The third, mal-formation of the parent. The fourth, disease existing in the parent at the time of parturition, interfering with or preventing the expulsion of the foetus. Mal-presentation of the Foetus. For convenience of description, all presentations ‘met with are classified under four heads. ‘These are: 1st, Anterior. 2nd, Posteriox. 3rd, Sterno-abdominal. 4th, Dorso-lumbar. 62 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS Anterior Presentations. VERTEBRO-PUBIC. In this case the fcetus is lying on its back, with fore-feet up and backwards, and, if long neglected, this presentation will most likely terminate in injury to the ww _Suat735 AGNIVN Fic. 21. JoINTED REPELLER, roof of the vulva or vagina. If the head and feet have both entered the passage, cord the fetlocks, and apply traction in a downward dir- ection till the fore-feet are clear of the vulva. As soonas the fore-feet have escaped, elevate them, apply- ing traction in an upward direction, until the withers have entered the pelvic cavity. If the point of the withers should catch at the brim of the pelvis, pass in the hand, and. try, by leverage, to elevate it. It sometimes happens, however, that: the foetus is firmly wedged in the passage, caught at the withers, and. no amount of traction can extricate it. In this case the foetus must be pushed back into the cavity, by placing a repeller (fig. 21) against. the tissues, in front of the sternum ; and when it (the foetus) has entered the cavity, this presentation can be transformed into anormal one,when. delivery can be easily affected. VERTEBRO-ILIAC. In this case the foetus is lying in an oblique direction, the vertebral spines of the foetus being presented to the iliac shaft of the parent. If DYSTOKIA 63 parturition has only just started, this is easily reduced to a vertebro-sacral; but, if this is not practicable, cord the fetlocks and apply traction. The foetus may be delivered in this position; it (the position) has been divided into right and left vertebro-iliac, depending upon the direction, to the right or left. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. With Fore-Legs Over Neck, If the foetus is small, and the pelvic cavity ot parent large, delivery may be effected in this position. - If this fails, cord both fetlocks, also the head, then apply repeller to sternum of fcetus, push well into the- uterus, and have one or more assistants applying traction to the fetlock cords in the direction most. likely to bring the limbs into their normal position. By this means, the presentation is converted into. vertebro-sacral, when delivery is easily effected. VERTEBRO-SACRAL, With Fore-Legs Flexed at the Fetlocks and the Head Normal. This is generally a normal presentation, when parturition commences; but the fore-feet being caught at the brim of the pelvis, the fetlocks thus become flexed, and each successive Jabor pain only increases the abnormal condition. To deliver, cord the head, and if the fetlocks can b® secured, cord them also; then pass in the hand, if possible, grasp the fore-. limb at the fetlock, and, by powerfully flexing all the joints below the shoulder, try to bring it into the passage. Do the same with the other limb, If this. be found impossible, then apply a repeller to the front ‘64 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. of the sternum, push the foetus back into the uterus, while at the same time traction should be judiciously applied to the fetlocks, and thus convert into vertebro-sacral. VERTEBRO-SACRAL, With Fore-Limbs Flexed at the Knees, This is sometimes a most difficult presentation. If the head can be reached, cord it before anything else Fic. 22. VERTEBRO-SACRAL POSITION; FORE-LIMBS FLEXED AT THE KNEES, is done. Then elevate the quarters of the parent, and, with a repeller applied to the chest, endeavor to push the foetus into the womb. If the foetus has been returned, cord the fore-limbs as near the fetlocks as possible, and apply traction with the cord until the forelimbs can be grasped at the fetlocks. If the fetlock can be got hold of, grasp it firmly, flex that joint, and all the other joints above it, and by this DYSTOKIA. 65 means the foot will likely be got into the passage. If the parent be straining considerably, it may be nearly impossible to push the fcetus back; in this case it is advisable to inject into the passage some lubricating agent which may facilitate its movement. If, however, after this is done, the fcetus is so firmly wedged that it cannot be returned (the head having “been corded, as well as the fore-limbs at the knees), the foetus being ‘small, delivery may be effected in this position. If this fails, remove the head, and as much of the neck as can be got at, then remove one or both fore-limbs at the shoulder, when delivery will be effected VERTEBRO-SACRAL, With Head Normal, but Fore-Limbs Right Back Under the Body. If the head be fixed in the passage, and has been so for a length of time, the fcetus will likely have perished, more especially if it is a foal. If the head is not yet fixed, elevate the quarters of the parent, cord the head, and push the fcetus back into the uterus. When this is done, cord the fore-limbs, and proceed as directed in the last presentation. If this is not practicable, cord the head and apply powerful traction. The foetus may be delivered in this position, but will most likely,be dead. If the above means prove un- ‘successful, try to remove one or both fore-limbs at the shoulder, and then delivery will likely be effected. Note.— While these mal-presentations have “been. described in the vertebro-sacral position, they may also. occur in the vertebro-pubic and vertebro-iliac, and must 66 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. be treated on a similar plan, although in every case the treatment in the vertebro-pubic and vertebro-iliac is. much more difficult than in the position described. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. With Deviations of the Head, This is one of the most common causes of difficult parturition. The feet, one or both, are presented normally, and labor goes on for some time, but suddenly stops, and on examination, the head is found to be bent backwards, downwards, upwards, to the left or right. In the Mare, when this has taken place, the foetus as a rule perishes. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. With Head Bent Downwards, If called when the head is just caught at the brim of the pelvis, and both fore-feet are presented, cord them at the fetlocks; pass in the hand between the fore-limbs, grasp the foetus by the mouth, or under the chin, and raise the head, while traction is applied to the cords. If only one fore-limb is presented, the position is more difficult. It will be necessary to get both into. position before anything else can be done. A more serious presentation, however, is caused by the arch of the neck being presented to the pelvic cavity. In this case, cord the presented limbs, pass in the hand, and if the mouth can be reached, cord the upper jaw and push the fcetus back into the womb. Apply pressure to the neck, and at the same time traction to the cord round the upper jaw. If much traction is required, it is more than likely that the jaw DYSTOKIA. 67 will be fractured, and if this happens, or if the foetus be dead, traction hooks applied to the orbits are of great advantage. Sometimes a hook applied to the angle of Fic. 23. ANTERIOR PRESENTATION. ExTREME DowNwARD DEVIATION OF THE HEapD. the lower jaw may be used, but it also is easily drawn away (fig. 23). If, however, the neck be completely Fic. 24. SHORT BLUNT CROTCHET. doubled up, and the arch be in the passage, with or without the feet, the case is more difficult. In this presentation, good results have been obtained by 68 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. _ placing the parent on her back, and elevating her hind quarters while.in that position. If the vulva and vagina are hot and dry, inject some warm emollient fluid; cord the arch of the neck, or the mouth, or hook: the orbits, if they can be reached, then try to return the feetus. If this fails, cut through the neck at the portion presented, when delivery may be effected. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. With the Head Turned to One Side, If one or both fore-feet are in the passage, cord them, and also the jaw, upper or under, whichever can be reached, then try to push the foetus back into the uterus, and whilst this is being done, apply traction to the cord round the jaw. If the foetus be dead, a crotchet or traction hook in the orbit een none FIG. 25. Lone PoINTED CROTCHET. is useful in directing the head. If, however, the neck is well in the passage, it may be impossible to return the foetus; then cord the neck, and try, by powerful traction, to remove it (foetus) in this position. In practice, it is often possible to remove a foal with its head bent back in front of the withers, but it is more difficult to remove a calf. If these methods fail, cut through the neck, and remove as in the last. DYSTOKIA. 69. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. With the Head Bent Backwards and Upwards. This very much resembles the last, and requires similar treatment. Fic. 26. VERTEBRO-SACRAL POSITION. DEVIATION OF THE HEAD UPWARDS AND BACKWARDS. VERTEBRO-SACRAL. But the Obstruction Due to the Hind Limbs. It sometimes happens, that an apparently normal parturition suddenly becomes difficult, without any apparent cause. On examination being made, it is. found that the hind-limbs have become abducted, the. toes looking outward and forward, and the stifles caught at the brim of the pelvis. All that is required, is to. cord the feet already out, and traction and rotation,, 70, VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. applied simultaneously, will most likely complete delivery. VERTEBRO-SACRAL, With All Four Feet Presented. In this, we generally find the head and two fore-feet presented normally, until parturition has gone on for a time, when it suddenly stops. On examination, it is found that the hind-feet have become flexed under the fuetus, and are presented a certain distance in the pelvic cavity. If called early, pass a repeller between the fore-limbs, and, if possible, push back the hind-limbs, separately, into the uterus. If this fails, cord the hind-legs, draw them well under the body, then apply traction to all four limbs simultaneously, when delivery may be effected. If this fails, try to remove ‘the abdominal organs, either through the chest or abdominal walls, which will allow the hind- -legs to get further up under the spine, when delivery may be brought about. Failing this, remove the head and as much of the fore-limbs as can be secured, then push the remaining portion back into the uterus, at the same time applying traction to the hind-limbs, and deliver in the lumbo-pubic position. Posterior Presentations. LUMBO-SACRAL. In this, the hind-limbs are first presented, and the lumbar region of the foetus is applied to the sacrum of the parent. 4 DYSTOKIA. mI Cord the hind-limbs, at the fetlocks, and see that the tail of the foetus has entered the pelvic cavity; then apply traction downwards. The most difficult part of the act will be when the dorsal’ spines. of wlth AQ Ny, . ' \\ FIG. 27. LuMBO-SACRAL POSITION. the foetus enter the pelvic cavity; but, in every case, by forced traction, delivery may be effected. LUMBO-SACRAL. With Hind-limbs Flexed at the Fetlocks. This resembles very much the vertebro-sacral, with the fore-limbs caught at the fetlocks, and the same ‘means must be used to bring about delivery. LUMBO-SACRAL. With Hocks Flexed. In this, the hind-limbs are flexed at the hocks, and completely doubled under the fcetus. First elevate the 72 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. hind-quarters of the parent, cord any part of the hind- limbs that can be got at, as near the foot as possible, and try to push the fcetus into the uterus; then grasp: the hoof, if it can be reached, in the hollow of the hand, and, powerfully flexing all the joints above, try to get the foot into the passage; do the same with the other. . If ‘the Cow is down, and cannot rise, try to elevate her quarters, by a rope passed over Fic. 28. Hock PRESENTATION: Hock CorRDED. a pulley, and proceed as if standing. If the foetus be- dead, divide the tendons, just above the hock, when. delivery will be more easily effected. If the fcetus is. still alive, and these methods have failed, pass a cord. round the limbs, at the hocks, and one round the body, then apply traction, when delivery may be accom-- plished. If this fails, disarticulate the limbs at the- hocks, when delivery will be more easily brought about. DYSTOKIA. 73 LUMBO-PUBIC. In this, the foetus is lying on its back, with all the limbs pointing upwards. If called early, it may be possible to push the fcetus into the uterus. Having corded the limbs, by rotation, convert this into a lumbo- sacral. If this is not possible, cord the hind-limbs, and apply traction upwards. As the hocks come to the brim of the pubis, they will likely be caught; then pass in the hand and elevate them (hocks). When the point of the withers reaches the same situation, they will also be fixed, and it may require considerable traction, still upwards, to relieve chem. THIGH AND CROUP. Or Breach Presentation, This is looked upon as the most difficult presentation met with in practice, and both parent and foetus often die before delivery is completed. The hind-limbs are flexed under the body, and the hip of the fcetus is, FIG. 29. THIGH AND CROUP PRESENTATION: THIGH CORDED.: presented. If possible, push the foetus into the womb, cording the fetlocks, and proceed as in hock presentation. 74. VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. This is often not practical, however, and, as a rule, we find the foetus so firmly wedged, that it is perfectly impossible to move it, either one way or the other. In this case, the effort must be made to deliver the foetus as presented (fig. 28). First: of all, pass’a cord, in GUNTHER’S CURVED PorRTE-CorD AND BLUNT CROTCHET. front of each stifle (which is best done by an instrument called the porte-corde), through between the hind-limbs, DYSTOKIA. vas bringing it back on the outside of the stifle, then hitching the two ends of the rope together. Do likewise to the other limb. Then pass a rope round the body of the foetus, the rope having a running loop on one end; pass both ends between the hind- limbs, one up each side, there joining across its back, and, just at the lateral aspect of the spine, pass the end through the loop, and bring it backwards to the outside, then apply traction to the three ropes, when the fcetus may be delivered. If this fails, as it often does, “‘“embryotomy” must be performed, and the fcetus brought away in pieces. STERNO-ABDOMINAL. An examination reveals the foetus lying on its side; ‘the head may be in the right or left flank of the parent, FIG. 31. STERNO-ABDOMINAL PRESENTATION, and there may be one, two, three, or four feet presented in the passage. In some cases, the head is also 0 76 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. presented; in others, it is not. Here, as in the last presentation, it must be decided at once, the position of the head and neck, and, as it is rather common to have a fore and a hind foot presented, it is necessary to be particular in distinguishing the one from the other. Cord all the limbs presented, using cords of different colors for fore and hind limbs, and if the head is in the passage, cord it also; then, when this is done, with a repeller, push into the uterus the extremities not wanted, and apply gentle traction to the limbs to be deliverd first. In this, as in the previous case, the lumbo-sacral presentation should be adopted, if both extremities can be reached. If, however, all the limbs are firmly wedged in the passage, then a portion of both fore and hind limbs must be removed, at the knee, or further up. Sometimes it is then impossible to push back the foetus; cut into the abdomen and remove the organs, when it will be possible to return either extremity into the uterus, and complete delivery. DORSO-LU MBAR. In this, it is found that labor has been present fora time, and still no foetus presented. On examination per vagina, instead of the feet of the foetus, we find some portion of the vertebral column presented, and the head of the fcetus is found in the right or left flank, all four feet pointing in an anterior direction. Before delivery is attempted, it must be ascertained definitely the position of the head and neck, and of all the limbs; then decide whether the foetus has to be delivered in the anterior or posterior presentation. DYSTOKIA. “7 ‘When both pairs of limbs can be secured, it is preferable to deliver in the lumbo-sacral position, as, by doing so, we get rid of any difficulty which might be experienced with the head and neck. Having decided to remove the hind-limbs first, cord them, and also the fore-limbs, if they can be reached. ‘This done, apply gentle traction to the cords round the Fic. 32. DoORSO-LUMBAR PRESENTATION. feet wanted, and at the same time, with a repeller, endeavor to push the other extremity downwards and forwards to the opposite extremity of the womb to that in which the limbs wanted are situated. Should the fetlocks be beyond reach, it will be necessary to cord the limbs as near the fetlocks as possible, and traction applied till the fetlocks can be secured. Sometimes great advantage is derived from elevating the hind-quarters of the parent, in this presentation. Sometimes casting the patient, and placing her on her 78 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. back, may cause the foetus to change position. This should always be tried when other means fail. It occasionally happens that the foetus is so firmly wedged in the cavity that it cannot be made to alter its position; then we must cut through the spine at the part presented, remove the abdominal organs, and if delivery cannot then be effected, transect the abdominal wall, and deliver the two portions of the foetus separately. CuHaptTer VII. EMBRYOTOMY. A Few Operations. Embryotomy simply means the removal of the fcetus. from the uterus, through the natural opening, by a surgical operation. .It might here be stated, that while the various operations are easily described theoretically, the majority of them are performed with some difficulty, and in every case the practitioner must be guided by circumstances and the surroundings, as much as by theory. Ifthe parent be down, and in a weak condition, attend to her at once with stimulants and gruel, and, if she can stand at all, get her on her feet. If the operation is likely to be a serious one, great ‘advantage will be derived from placing the animal in a narrow stall, and having her hind-limbs tied forward from above the hocks, over a bar at her head, and the ends of the ropes given to an assistant to hold. The quarters can be raised or lowered according to the presentation, and, if a Mare, inclined to be ill-tempered, belt up one fore-limb, put a twitch on her nose, and, ‘if this fails, it may be necessary to throw and hobble her. Further movements will depend on the situation. “of the foetus, “79 80 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Decapitation. This is the removal of the head, which may be performed in the vaginal cavity, or in the uterus, and in various wavs. First of all, applv a hook, either to the angle of lower jaw, or to one or both of the orbits, and bring the head into the most favorable position; make a ‘circular incision just in front of the ears, and push back the skin, either with the fingers and a spatula, or the handle of a scalpel, for one and a half to two inches all round the neck; cut through the Fic, 33. STRAIGHT EMBRYOTOM. articulation between the atlas and dentata, divide the remaining tissues of the neck, bringing the skin together over the divided structures, using a traction hook to keep them together. With the hook, gentle traction may be applied. Another method is by making the incision further back, and dividing the articulation between the second and third, or the third and fourth, cervical vertebre, treating the divided borders as in the last. Another method is by removing the skin entirely from the head, and disarticulating the head at the first cervical vertebra, bringing the skin together over the divided structures. This is by far the longest ‘operation, and the only advantage to be derived from EMBRYOTOMY. 81 it is, that the skin, when thus treated, will stand more traction. Decapitation is at all times a difficult operation, as there is great danger of injuring the parent; if the head is firmly wedged, the operation is even more -difficult, Fic. 34. CARTWRIGHT’S SUBCUTANEOUS SPATULA. One or More Limbs Require to be Removed, Either Partially or Completely. This may have to be done either in the passage or in the uterus. If a fore-limb, cord it at the fetlock, extend it in the passage, if possible, and make a “Seieen lee incision through the skin above the knee or fetlock. From this incision, divide the skin, either in front, or on the inside of the limb, as far up as 82 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. possible. .Remove the skin from the subcutaneous tissues, with the fingers, or small spatula; apply a repeller to the sternum, and traction to the cord, at the fetlock, and tear away the muscular structures. Another method of removing a fore-limb, when within the uterus, is to make an incision through the skin, in front of the scapula and behind it, and, if possible, unite these incisions above and below; then an ordinary amount of traction will tear it away. Partial Amputation of a Fore-limb. This may occur at the knee or fetlock, and should always be performed subcutaneously. When partial amputation of a hind-limb is desired, it may be performed as in the fore. When it is to be completely removed, make a circular incision at the hock, if possible, divide the skin on the posterior or internal aspect of the limb, as far up as can be reached; separate the skin. from the tissues and apply traction, a larger amount being necessary than in the fore extremity. Detruncation. When adzvzszon of the body is required, it is always necessary to bring the skin together over the divided vertebre, and it is better to put a stitch or hook through ‘the divided surfaces to keep them in position. Evisceration. It may be necessary to remove some of the abdominal organs, either through the abdominal walls, or through ‘the thorax. In the anterior presentation, cut into the EMBRYOTOMY: 83 thorax, immediately above the sternum; rupture the structures in passing into the cavity; tear away the first pair of ribs, to allow free passage of the hand; remove the lungs and heart; puncture the diaphragm, and remove the abdominal organs through theopening. Rotation. Sometimes it is necessary to bring about rotation of the foetus, which means a partial turning of it to right or left. If either the fore or hind limbs are out of the passage, this is not so difficult of accomplishment, by cording the presented extremities, and applying traction in the direction the fcetus is desired to take. If all the limbs are in the uterus, it is much more difficult. Cord one pair, pass in the hand, and try to elevate the body of the fcetus, while traction on the cords is applied as directed. Failing in this, a sack or blanket, passed under the abdomen of the mother, and pressure applied, may bring about rotation. Version. It is sometimes necessary to cause verszon of the feetus. This means converting a posterior into an anterior presentation, and wzce versa. In this case, cord the limbs that are wanted into the passage, and, with a repeller, push the opposite extremity downwards and forwards into a horn of the uterus, at the same time applying traction to the cords. Sometimes great benefit is derived by elevating the body of the foetus with the hand, or by raising or lowering the hind- quarters of the parent; the treatment depending upon the case. 84 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Ceesarian Operation. It sometimes happens, that it is impossible to remove a foetus through the natural opening, and if it be considered necessary to attempt to save the lives of both mother and fcetus, the ‘‘ Cesarzan Operation,” sometimes technically termed ‘ Hysterotomia,” or “Gastro-hysterotomy,” has to be performed. There are two situations in which to operate. When the parent is useless, it can be performed as. follows, viz : Throw the patient on her back; make a crucial incision in the inferior aspect of the abdominal wall; bring the uterus to this opening; incise its walls, and remove the feetus. The other situation is in the right flank. The operation is a serious one, and while it is often successful in the Bitch, it is fraught with much gravity in the case of the Mare or Cow. Operation.— Have the animal gently and carefully cast on theleft side. Take the right hind limb out of the hobble and stretch it gently but firmly backwards; give-. the rope attached to it 4 turn round some fixture, and the end to an assistant to hold; then make an incision about six inches long, beginning from about three and a half to four inches below the spine of the ilium, cutting obliquely downwards and forwards. Care must be taken to prevent injury to any part of the intestines when making the incision, and for this. reason cut through the skin and muscles first ; puncture the peritoneum with a probe-pointed bistoury, cutting from within outwards. Bring the uterus to the external wound, puncture it, and, with a probe-pointed EMBRYOTOMY. 85, bistoury, enlarge the opening, cutting from within outwards. Remove the fcetus and its membranes; sponge out the cavity of the uterus, using every care to prevent escape of fluid into the peritoneal cavity. Wash out the uterus with an antiseptic solution, and bring the wound ‘together with antiseptic catgut sutures, The treatment of the external wound consists in bringing it together with quill sutures, over which is applied transverse stripes of pitch-plaster, leaving a. dependent orifice for drainage. Over all, apply a body-swiller, or broad bandage. If the patient is a Mare, put her in slings, and fix them so that most of the weight will be borne by the sternum. If a Cow, inclined to lie down, let her do so, but only on her left side. The dangers to be dreaded from this operation are: hemorrhage, death from nervous shock, metritis, septicemia, pyzemia, fistula, and hernia. Of course, previous to, and throughout the entire operation, the strictest antiseptic precautions, consistent with the general surroundings of our patients, must be: observed. This operation was successfully performed by Dr. A. Babb, M.D.C., of Springfield, Mo., on April 6th, 1895, the patient being a Cow. Cuapter VIII. MONSTROSITIES. The most common monstrosity is.ai foetus: with an abnormal number of limbs. They maybe too few, or. many. All four limbs may be presented, and one or more rudimentary limbs attached to each. Fic. 35.. Sysomran Monstrosity: Dicephalus bicollis (GuRLT). In some cases the head is only partially developed. The mouth or eyes may be entirely absent. Two heads may be present on one body, or two bodies only slightly connected to one another. In other cases, one body is present, apparently normal, with a small rudimentary foetus attached to it,—a parasite. 86 : MONSTROSITIES. 8 7 ‘The abdominal walls may be only partially developed, and the viscera floating about in the uterus. In other cases the ribs may be wanting, with only the muscular tissue of the walls present. The ribs may be curved: upwards and inwards, and united above instead of below. The skin may line instead of cover the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm is oftenabsent. A -very common monstrosity amongst cattle, consists in Ectopra Corvis: Schistocormus Fissisternalis. the spine being curved forwards, the coccygeal vertebra terminating about the withers, and the ribs springing from the spine upwards. This condition has received the name of “Schistocormus reflexus.” Sometimes the sternum is cleft in two throughout its length, this condition being termed “ Schzstocormus fisststernalis.” The brain may be absent entirely, or partially, and, in some cases, is outside the cranial cavity. The sternal and thoracic ribs are sometimes absent, the heart and 88 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. lungs being unprotected. This condition is known as. “ Ectopia cordzs.” Often the foetus is born with the cranial cavity enlarged with fluid,—‘ Hydrocephalus or “ Hydrops capitis.” First of all, fluid collects in the ventricles, and the diseased process may go on until SKULL oF HyDROCEPHALIC CALF: THE CRANIAL BONES ARE PARTIALLY: DESTROYED AND DEFECTIVE. the whole of the brain structure is displaced by fluid, and only retained in position by the skin. This. condition often gives rise to difficult parturition, and must be reduced by puncturing and allowing the fluid to escape. There are several other mal-formations of more or less importance, but which may be passed over here. Cuapter IX. DISEASES OF FETUS. Abdominal Ascites. This is rather common in large herds of cattle, and is believed to be due to some injury to the fcetus zx utero. The abdomen of the fcetus is considerably distended with fluid, and the fcetus is often dead. Before delivery can be effected in this case, the ee ANASARCOUS FETAL CALF, abdominal wall (of the foetus) must be punctured, and, if this is not possible, puncture through the chest with a long trocar and canula designed for the purpose. Anasarca. This is not socommon. The fcetus is always dead. It may be fully developed, but a collection of fluid has taken place in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. If it interferes with delivery, the skin must be freely incised, to allow the fluid to escape. 89 CHAPTER X. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA, Deformity of the Pelvis. Complete deformity of the pelvis is rare in our subjects. It is most frequently observed in the Pig, due, generally, to rachitis. Fractures. Callosities, resulting from fracture of some of the pelvic bones, may give rise to difficult parturition. Exostoses. When these occur on the bones of the pelvis, and project so as to cause narrowing of the passage, they may become an obstacle to the delivery of the foetus. Treatment.—This will depend upon circumstances, and expediency. If delivery be impossible, without serious injury to the parent, and the latter fit for food, then it may be advisable to callin the butcher. Or, if the animal is in poor condition and unfit for butching, artificial abortion may be produced while the foetus is small enough to easily pass through. Should par- ‘turition have commenced, it will then be necessary to resort to surgical or obstetrical measures before delivery can be effected. The indications are: forcible extraction of the foetus through the narrowed passage; widening of the go MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. gI passage; diminishing the size of the fcetus, or making an artificial opening. The methods of inducing artificial abortion are: irritation of the cervix by hand; puncture of the envelopes ; and vaginal irrigations. Fic. 39. Petvic ExosTosis. Before forcible extraction is contemplated, a very careful examination should be made, to ascertain whether such procedure is practicable. If such should be found to be the case, the parts should be well lubricated, to facilitate movement, Enlargement of the passage is not usually prac- ticable, unless the constriction be occasioned by a tumor, which may be removed by excision, or by the ecraseur. Diminution of the Size of the Feetus. See section on ‘“‘ Embryotomy.” Artificial Opening for Foetus. Refer to ‘“ Czsarian Operation.” 92 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Hernia of the Uterus. This condition is seldom seen; is easily detected in the Mare and Cow, but difficult to detect in the Bitch, in which animal it is probably more common than in the other two named. It is often caused by an acci- dent at some period of pregnancy, The abdominal Fic. 40. UTERINE HERNIA. A, B, Hernial Tumor; C, Teat carried down by Tumor. muscles become ruptured, the uterus and its contents passing through; and development of the foetus may ‘go on in this situation, or may be at once stopped. The condition will be recognized by the history, manipulation, and the general appearance, and the presentation of the foetus will be ascertained in the usual way. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. 93 The best method of delivery, is to support the hernia by a broad bandage or blanket, and then proceed as usual. Sometimes this can not be accom- plished, as the opening through which the hernia has passed may be constricted, and in this case “ Gastro- Hysterotomy” has to be performed. Note.—Referred to also under “Conditions Inci- dental to Pregnancy,” Chap. IV., p. 48. Deviation of the Uterus. This is more common in the human subject, pos- sibly due, in a great measure, to the use of tight garments. The . principal deviation met with in the lower animals, is the “inferior oblique,” which corresponds to the anterior oblique of the human subject. In this case, the body of the uterus is directed from above downwards, and slightly forward; and, in an anterior presentation, the head of the fcetus is presented to the spine of the parent. If the amount of deviation is not great, gentle traction may bring about delivery. If this fails, then apply steady pressure to the superior wall of the uterus, and try to force it into its natural position. Should this also fail, apply pressure, through the abdominal wails, to the uterus, at the same time applying traction to the foetus. If this is not successful, ‘cast the animal gently, and turn her on her back, when the uterus will, in all probability, assume its normal position. This condition is seen in old and poorly nourished animals. 94 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Torsion of the Uterus. This condition may be seen in any of the domestic animals, with the exception of the Bitch and Sow. The torsion may be partial or complete. As in the “previous case, the broad ligaments are relaxed, and the Fic. 4t. Fic. 42. RIGHT UTERINE TORSION: Lert UTERINE ToRSON: MANIPULATION. MANIPULATION. body of the uterus makes a partial or complete revo- lution on its own axis, so that the superior wall (of the uterus) may pass to the right or left, depending on which direction the torsion has taken. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. . 95. It is generally due to some accident in the later months of pregnancy, through falling or being cast. Some authorities think that the movements of a strong foetus may bring it about. The condition is often difficult to diagnose. The labor pains may have been present for some time, and the animal apparently very Fic. 43. LEFT UTERINE TORSION in situ. 1, Body of the Uterus; 2, Twisted cervix uteri, 3, Vagina; 4, Left Fallopian Ligament. uncomfortable, but still there is no appearance of the amniotic sac or fluid. If the abdomen of the patient be examined, it may be larger on one side than the other, the large side being that to which the uterus has turned. If explored per vagina, the os-uterd is constricted or closed. If the fingers can be passed into the ae the mucous membrane will be found to have: 96 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. assumed a spiral direction, and the direction of the twist will depend on the side to which the uterus has turned. If torsion be complete, the os may be perfectly closed. If only partial, it may be possible to pass in the hand. If the left ligament has passed over the right, the condition is termed “right torsion”, and vzce versa. There are various methods adopted to reduce the torsion. When only partial, it is often possible to do so by pressure of the hand in the uterus. Another method is, by making an incision through the flank of the parent, and at the side to which the uterus has turned; then, with a clean cloth, which has first been rendered aseptic, apply pressure to the walls -of the womb, through the opening. Another is, by making an incision in the roof of the vagina, as in oophorectomy, and applying pressure, with the hand, through the opening. Another,—and perhaps the best,—is rotation of the parent. When this plan is adopted, decide first which way the uterus has turned. When to the right side, cast the patient on that side; turn her over the back; gather her feet well under her, and turn her to the right. During the turning process, the hand should be kept in the vagina, with the fingers, if possible, in the spiral; and, by this means, reduction of the torsion will be detected. If left torsion has taken place, proceed in a similar way, but turn to the left. When the torsion has been reduced, the amniotic ‘fluid will escape, and the fcetus will be born in the usual “way. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. 97 Tumors, These neoplasms may be found growing from some part of the passage, and, before delivery can be effected, they must be removed by the scalpel or ecraseur. Hernia of the Bladder. If the condition is of quite recent occurrence, the bladder may be returned, but if the displacement has been in existence for some time, its blood vessels will most likely have become strangulated, and if it be deemed unadvisable to return the organ, it will be necessary to ligate and amputate it. The after treat- ment, of course, calls for strict antisepsis. As the sphincter will most likely have been injured in the operation, the flow of urine will afterwards be continuous. Spasm of the Os-uteri. This is a functional ailment, due to contraction of the muscular tissues at the neck of the womb. The labor pains may have been present for some hours, and when the fcetus fails to be presented, an examination of the os will reveal the fibres firmly contracted, so that the cavity may not admit one finger. This condition is oftenest seen in young well-bred animals at their first pregnancy, and those of nervous temperament. The ¢reatment depends on the condition of the patient. If the animal is not suffering much pain, little need be done for two or three hours, in the Cow, and half that time in the Mare; but if after that there is no improvement, try hot cloths across the quarters; ‘warm injections per vaginam et rectum, to which should 98 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. be added sedatives or anodynes, as tincture of opium, tincture or fluid extract of belladonna, or chloral hydrate. To the constriction apply equal parts of solid extract. of belladonna and vaseline. Internally administer chloroform, tincture of opium, or chloral, and keep the animal quiet as possible. These failing, try to dilate the os by force, as by the introduction of the fingers, which will sometimes bring about relaxation. Another method is by inserting a dry cone-shaped sponge, and then wetting it; as it increases in size, the os may dilate. Another is to insert a bladder into the opening of the os, and then distend it with hot water; or, insert a rubber bag, similar to a ‘“ Barnes’ Dilator” (used in human practice), and inflate it with air, or distend it with hot water. SS , ESS WEISS & SON Z LONDON. = A See, Fic. 44. BARNES’ UTERINE DILATOR. Should all these methods fail, make an oblique or lateral incision with a probe-pointed bistoury. Be careful that the incision is not made above or below, on account of injuring the contiguous structures in those situations. MATERNAL DYSTOKIA. 99 Induration of the Os-uteri. This is a diseased condition, due to degeneration of the muscular fibres of the os, the degeneration being fibroid, or cancerous, in its nature. Sometimes there is no increase, at others there is an enlargement. On examination by vagina, a hard, scirrhous mass is found at the situation of the os. This is often seen in old animals, and is believed to be the result of an injury to the os at some previous parturition. The only ¢reatment is to incise the obstruction, as in the last case. The hemorrhage is not usually dangerous, and, if the growth is not cancerous, the parts have a tendency to heal quickly. It is not advisable to breed from an animal in this condition, and, being believed by some to be here- ditary, it is scarcely advisable to breed from an offspring. Scirrhous Chorion. This is due to hypertrophy of the tissues of the chorion, these being morbidly adherent to the walls of the uterus. Sometimes morbid adhesions have also formed between the chorion and the foetus, through the other membranes. Should this condition interfere with parturition, the adhesions between the foetus and its membranes must be forcibly broken down; and, if the foetus is delivered, allow the membranes to remain for a time, to prevent hemorrhage, when they can be removed. Persistent Hymen. This is more common in the human subject. The tissues of the hymen, after impregnation, become 100 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS, hypertrophied, and must ke incised before delivery can be effected. A case of persistent, or imperforate, hymen was reported in a three-year-old shorthorn- Jersey heifer by Mr. J. H. Wilson, M.R.C.V.S., New- bury, Berkshire, England, in the Veterznary Record, December 2, 1899. Want of Muscular Power to Expel the Feetus. This condition is seldom, if ever, present at the beginning of parturition, but it is often found, that after an animal has been straining for a considerable length of time, with an abnormal presentation, that she becomes exhausted; the muscular fibres of the uterus, for the time being, being paralysed; and although the foetus be brought to a normal position, the parent makes no effort to expel it. In some animals, especially those in a plethoric condition, the muscular tissue of the uterus undergoes. fatty infiltration. During pregnancy, in such subjects, this paralysed condition is much more easily brought. about. In this case, the animal should be allowed to rest. for several hours, and stimulants and gruel judiciously administered. When her strength has been partially restored, traction, gently applied, will very often com- plete delivery. Cuarter XI. SOME ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. Post-Partum Hemorrhage—Flooding. Hemorrhage from the womb, after parturition, is quite frequently met with in the human subject, but not so often, relatively, in the lower animals. It may be due to the violent rupture of a number of. vessels, in a difficult case of labor. It is sometimes. seen when adhesions have taken place between the uterus and its membranes. It may also be due to an injury to the walls of the uterus at parturition, or may follow a healthy labor, but involution failing to occur: after expulsion of the fcetus. The symptoms are not always evident. While there is no difficulty in detecting it, should blood escape from the vulva, still, if the animal is standing, there may be’ no escape from the vulva, and only the signs of internal hemorrhage can be seen, which are a. quick, frequent, and fluttering pulse, very weak heart, which may beat irregularly and intermittently; pale-. ness of the visible mucous membranes, general uneasi- ness, shifting from one hind-limb to the other, sighing occasionally, the animal becomes unsteady in her gait. and staggers, respirations much increased, and she ultimately falls and is unable to rise ; a cold perspiration bedews the body, and death is preceded by convulsions. . IoL 102 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Treatment.—lf the foetal membranes have not been removed, have them taken away at once. Apply cold cloths, or ice bags, to the lumbar region; inject cold water into the rectum and womb, and _ internally administer styptics; and if the animal is weak, give stimulants. Should these fail, pass into the uterus a soft, clean cloth, or absorbent cotton tampon, saturated with a cold styptic solution; tincture of ergot, or ergotine, orally. As a revulsive, powerful counter- irritation may be tried over the chest wall. If the animal survives the acute stage, she should have food that is easy of digestion and assimilation, and stimu- lants ‘or several days. Retention of the Foetal Membranes. (Retentio Secundarum, ) This is one of the commonest conditions following parturition, being often due to weakness, or to a degenerate condition of the uterine walls; it may be due to an injury to the walls of the uterus, and is common in animals that have aborted; in which case the os contracts before the membranes are expelled. It is sometimes due to morbid adhesions. This is very easily diagnosed. A portion of the membrane may be seen hanging from the inferior commisure of the vulva, the appearance of which will depend upon the length of time it has been’ there. The odor is characteristic, and the mass often gives rise to an amount of irritation, exhibited by the strain- ing and general uneasiness of the animal. In other cases, nothing can be seen while the animal is standing, ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 103 ‘but, when lying down, a portion of the membranes may ‘be seen protruding from the vulvar orifice, When putrefaction of the membranes has taken place, the general health of the patient suffers. She feeds irregularly; the coat is harsh and dry; there is loss of condition; the secretion of milk is decreased, or may be stopped; there is hollowness at the eyes; the pulse is small, weak, quick, and frequent; and the condition may terminate in pyzmia or septicemia. Retention of the membranes is seldom seen, except in the Cow. Treatment.—The placental membranes should not be allowed to remain longer than from twenty-four to thirty-six hours after parturition. There are a.number of methods adopted to remove them. A common one is to fix a weight to the exposed part, until it mechanically brings them away. Another is to give a full dose of purgative medicine. The best, and most professional method, is to remove the mass by hand. Pass the hand into the uterus, and, with the thumb and index finger, break down the connections at the cotyledons. When these con- nections, or as many of them as can be reached, have been ruptured, gentle traction will often complete the removal. In any case, after the removal of the membranes, the womb should be washed out with an antiseptic solution. If the membranes have undergone decom- position, repeated washing or douching will be necessary, and the general health of the animal should be attended to. IO04 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Inversion, or Eversion, of the Uterus. (Procidentia Uler?.) This signifies the protrusion of the uterine mass: beyond the outside of the vulva. The size and appear- ance will depend upon the length of time the organ. has been in that situation. The cause is not always evident. It may be seen after a healthy case of labor, or an extremely difficult one. It is of much more frequent occur- rence in the Cow than in the Mare. Sometimes. it is due to lack of tone of the muscular system, the uterus failing to contract normally after parturi- tion. It is sometimes observed in animals that have calved immediately after coming off a railway journey, and is then believed to be due to excitement or injury. Occasionally it is caused by retention of of the foetal membranes. If the inversion be complete, the mass may be seen hanging as low down as the hocks. The color may vary from a bright, healthy red, to a dark brown, nearly black, depending entirely upon. the length of exposure, and the strangulation of the vessels. If the animal has been lying down for any length of time, the most dependent part will have the greatest: amount of discoloration. The ¢reatment will depend altogether on the length. of time the organ has been exposed. Ascertain exactly when it was expelled, and what treatment, if any, has. been adopted in the interval, and then decide whether: it is advisable to attempt to return it or not. If the mass be dark, cold to the feel, and a number ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 105 of the blood-vessels strangulated, then the chances are that the case will terminate fatally, although reduction of the condition has been successfully performed. If the womb is cold, and the vessels strangulated, it is advisable to immerse it in a hot antiseptic solution. If cedematous, the most dependent part should be scarified, to allow of escape of the fluid. In every case, if the membranes have not been removed, this should be done before any other treatment is adopted. When the animal is down, and it is impossible to persuade her to rise, have some clean bedding, on which should be placed a clean sheet, or piece of sacking, for the uterine mass to rest on, and when it has been satisfactorily treated, its return must be attempted. An assistant should elevate each corner of the sheet, and at the same time should press it towards the quarters of the patient, whilst the operator manipu- lates the mass at the lips of the vulva. As soon as the organ is partially returned, the best mode of treatment is to press the closed hand firmly against the most dependent part of the uterus, and, doubling its walls, push the mass before the hand into the normal cavity. If called at once, the uterus may - be returned; but if it has been out for several hours, or perhaps days, and the os is partly or firmly con- tracted, it may be impossible to return it. If the animal can stand, the operation is much simpler, on the same plan, the only difference being that the sheet is held by the assistants, and not laid on the ground or floor. When the uterus is returned, it 106 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. may be difficult to retain it in position. Various measures may be adopted for that purpose. The animal should have a full dose of sedative medicine, as opium, chloral hydrate, belladonna, or morphine; and, if she is very weak, it may be com- bined with stimulants. If this fails in preventing straining, then mechanical means must be adopted, viz.: Elevate the hind-quarters considerably; pass a sur- cingle, or rope, round the chest, and brace it up as tightly as possible. Another method is by passing a piece of wood, made smooth, with a circular head on it about three and a half inches in diameter, through the vulva and vagina, the head resting against the os; and to the external end of which two ropes are attached, one pass- ing along each side, to a roller or surcingle round the animal’s chest. A similar method to this is adopted in Fic. 45. PAD PESSARY. human practice, but an objection to it in veterinary practice is, that the animal is continually changing posi- tion, and, unless constantly watched, may injure herself. Instead of a circular solid head, one in the form of a ring is sometimes used, it being covered with some soft material, which embraces the os. These appli- ances are known as pessaries. Another, and one which is very common, is closing the vulvar opening by means of sutures. There are ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 107 two kinds, Hip and Labial. The former stretch RInG PESSARY. across from the prominent part of one quarter to that Fic. 47. ZUNDEL’s LABIAL SUTURES. of the other, crossing the vulva. For this purpose, 108 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. strong metallic wire, or antiseptic tape, may be used. Fic, 48. LEATHER TRUSS. The Labial sutures simply unite the lips of the vulva. They are less subject to strain than the hip AN Fic. 49. RENAULT’s TRUSS. sutures, but the parts being more sensitive, they cause more pain and irritation, and are more liable to slough. ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 109 ‘When sutures are adopted, it is better to use some of ‘each; two Hip, and two or three Labial, being quite sufficient to retain the uterus in position. Another very common method is by a truss, which may be composed of leather, webbing, or rope, and when the former of these is properly made, it is easy to affix it to a roller round the chest, or waist. Uli Fic. 50. Lunp’s Truss APPLIED. In the absence of a truss, a rope, 25 to 30 feet Jong, may be used. The rope must be doubled, and one end passed over each shoulder, making a knot between the animal’s fore-limbs, and another knot at the base of the neck; then passing one end on each side of the neck, joining them at the withers, and knotting them there. The ends are then passed back along the spine, making a knot every 15 or 16 inches, then enclosing the tail, and a knot at the superior and inferior com- 110 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. missures of the vulva (fig. 49). Both ends are then passed between the hind-limbs, one forward and upward on each side, to become attached to the rope passing along the spine, just behind the withers. Another appliance is known as Lund’s truss. It sometimes happens that the uterus has been so: long exposed, that it is not advisable to return it, and if saving the life of the patient must be attempted, it will be necessary to remove the uterus by a surgical operation, which is known technically as ‘‘ Metrotomy.” Metrotomy. This is always a serious operation, and the number of cases which terminate fatally is very considerable. It has been estimated at 95 per cent. It should only be attempted after the owner has been made aware of the danger. Having decided to operate, puncture the uterine mass, and ascertain that no part of the intestine has been enclosed in the inverted uterus. This done, pass. a ligature round the uterus, close up to the lips of the vulva, then pass a double ligature through the mass, and tie those ligatures so as to divide the tumor into. four portions, tying the circular and transverse liga- tures together. When the ligatures have been made fast, cut the mass with a scalpel;. cleanse the stump. with an antiseptic solution or dressing, and return it to. the cavity. The local treatment consists in keeping the parts. healthy with antiseptics. The general treatment ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. III depends on conditions. Febrifuges are generally always necessary. Inversion of the Vagina. This condition may accompany the last, or may . occur alone. When alone, the everted mass is much smaller, and may only be seen when the animal is. lying down. The color varies with the time the part has been exposed. The maternal cotyledons are absent, the inferior portion shows a groove leading to the meatus urinarius, and on the free extremity is found an opening corresponding to the os. If the hand be passed along the lateral aspects of the mass, the membrane is found to be continuous with the lips of the vulva, which will serve to distinguish this con- dition from inversion of the womb. Treatment.—This is similar to that prescribed in the previous case. If the sub-mucous tissue has been torn from its connections, or otherwise injured, it often leaves the parts in an irritable condition, and it will be necessary to apply a truss, styptics, or other means, to prevent a second prolapse. Inversion of the Bladder. (Prolapsus Vesice.) This condition is of somewhat rare occurrence, and is met with more frequently perhaps in the Cow than in the Mare. The protrusion of the bladder through a laceration in the floor of the vagina, sustained in the act of parturition, and its subsequent protrusion through the vulva, is occasionally met with. In such T12 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. a case, the bladder will be found to contain urine, which, however, could not occur in a complete eversion of the organ. If it is found difficult and impracticable to intro- duce a catheter, the bladder may be carefully punctured with a small trocar and canula, the urine drawn off, and the organ replaced. The laceration in the vaginal floor should be sutured; this complication, however, is very serious, although not always fatal. As the con- dition may recur at a subsequent parturition, the_ patient—if a Cow—should be prepared for the butcher. Amputation of the bladder may be performed, but there will be a continuous flow of urine ever after. Sometimes the walls of the uterus get ruptured; also the bladder, intestines, diaphragm, or tissues of the perineal region ;—all of which are very serious, and nearly always fatal, and the treatment must be accord- ing to the symptoms presented by the animal. Cuapter XII, SOME PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. Vaginitis._Inflammation of the Vaginal Mucous Membrane. The causes are injuries at parturition, unskilful use -of instruments, large foetus, extension of inflammation from metritis, etc. The inflammation may lead to, or: be complicated with, ulceration, gangrene, or mortification. Symptoms.—Swelling of the lips of the vulva and their membrane, which may become dark red or lead color. Mucous discharge, which increases, and becomes whitish, purulent, and may be fetid. Ulceration may supervene, and portions of the membrane slough, Treatment.—Simple cases may make a spontaneous recovery. Cleanliness, attention to diet, and injections of mild astringents, and anodynes, if necessary. For the more serious stages, antiseptics and general constitutional treatment. Metritis. This is an inflammation of a portion, or of all of the structures composing the walls of the uterus. It may be acute, or sub-acute. The causes of acute metritis are, injuries to the wall, in parturition, or injuries caused iby the contractions in mal-presentations. 113 II4 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. It is sometimes due to standing in draughts after labor, or lying on a wet, cold bed. Injudicious feeding is always a predisposing cause. The sub-acute form may be due to other, or similar causes, but often brought about by the absorption of some morbid material from the cavity of the uterus, or may extend from vaginitis, and is frequently due to retention of the placental membranes. When caused by the absorption of septic material, it is called ‘‘septic metritis”. In acute metritis, all the tissues become involved, —the muscular, mucous, and serous coats; while in sub-acute, only the mucous coat may be affected. Symptoms of Acute Metrzt?s—The animal stops feeding, and in cattle, ruminating. There is great restlessness, moving from one hind-limb to the other; straining occasionally, and frequent attempts to micturate. The mucous membrane of the vulva is congested; the visible mucous-emembranes are also injected. The pulse is quick, frequent, and sometimes irregular. The Mare behaves as with colic. The Cow gets down, and is disinclined to rise. She generally lies on her side, grunting occasionally, and grinding her teeth. In all animals there is a discharge from the vulva, which is seen several hours after the origin of the disease, and is then dark red in color, passing through a chocolate to a dark yellow. The ¢reatment depends upon the cause. If possible, have the animal made comfortable on a dry, clean bed, and avoid draughts of cold air. Elevate the hind- CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. II5 quarters a little. Reduce any fever present, and give sedatives. Regulate the bowels, and give antiseptics internally. Wash out the uterus twice daily with a hot antiseptic douche. Hot blankets should be applied round the quarters, and fixed so that they cannot be easily displaced. Some recommend a blister as a revulsive. If the appetite is not lost, the food given should be of an easily digestible nature. If the patient is unable to rise, she should be turned every four to six hours, When the acute symptoms have disappeared, an astringent may be added to the antiseptic solution. Tonics and stimulants should be given internally, and exercise as soon as possible. In the sub-acute form, the symptoms are, as a rule, confined to the uterus, and there is little constitutional disturbance. Treatment.—Use astringent and antiseptic douches, and give antiseptic and tonic medicine internally. In either form of the disease, if the animal appears to be suffering acutely, add an anodyne to the injections. In Sheep, septic metritis of an acute nature is common, and is believed in many cases to be due to infection carried by the shepherd from one ewe to another at parturition. The treatment is similar to that employed in cattle, but the use of hot blankets is not practicable. Remove the wool, and apply an external stimulant to the quarters. Leucorrheea. This is a sub-acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous-membrane of the uterus or vagina, or both. It 116 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. is most common in pregnant animals, but may remain after parturition, and sometimes it is only seen at that period. The causes are, copulation with an infected male, injury to any part of the passage, a case of neglected metritis, or the morbid products from retained membranes. Symptoms.—An almost continuous discharge from. the vulva of a glary white fluid, having a creamy consistence and an offensive odor. The animal may occasionally strain, when the discharge is most plentiful; indifferent appetite ; harsh, dry coat; loss of condition; hollow appearance at the eyes, and all the symptoms of anzmia are present. Treatment.—Wash out the uterus and the passage daily with antiseptics first, and afterwards astringents. The animal should have good food, and a plentiful supply of it, and she should have a course of tonic: medicine. The yeast treatment (mentioned under Abortion) has been used with satisfactory results, Parturient Apoplexy—Milk Fever. So nuinerous and diverse are the opinions with regard to the nature of this disease, that we will have to refer our readers to the iarger works on obstetrics and pathology, in which the. different theories, both ancient and modern, are discussed. As evidence of the difference of opinion which has. existed and still prevails, the following designations for the disease will go to show: vitulary fever, milk fever, parturition fever,. puerperal fever; inflammatory septicemia; nervous, paralytic and tympanic forms of CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 117 vitulary fever; septicaemia, puerperal eclampsia, drop- ping after calving, parturient apoplexy, parturient collapse, etc. Parturient apoplexy may be said to be an acute post-partum disease, observed in all the domestic animals, but especially in the Cow. Not only so, it may be said to be almost confined to the plethoric animals of the improved breeds. The disease is peculiar to the Cow in the parturient state, and to those animals that are the “deepest milkers”. Indifferent milkers are almost exempt. It is exceptional for the disease to. make its appearance before parturition. It usually occurs from about twelve to forty-eight hours after that act, and generally after giving birth to the third calf, the parturition being an easy one. Law says, that the- two factors, plethora and parturition, may be set apart as pre-eminently the causes of this disease. The same authority remarks that the condition of the blood- globules in the suffering Cow attest the extreme richness and density of the blood, and that he has never examined the blood of avictim of this disease without finding the red corpuscles reduced to little more than one-half their usual size, due to density of the liquid in which they float. Symptoms.—In many cases the disease sets in suddenly, and without any premonitory symptoms; running its course and terminating fatally in a very short space of time. In some instances, the lacteal secretion may be diminished or suspended before the - symptoms appear. The Cow hangs her head, stops. feeding, and there is an uneasy movement from one: 118 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. hind-limb to the other. There are indications of cerebral excitement, exhibited by frequent spasmodic contractions of the eye-lids, pricking of the ears, and the animal has a wild, staring appearance. Lacrymation is generally excessive, the tears coursing down the sides of the cheeks. Breathing becomes accelerated. After a time there is loss of power, the animal sinking down at the hocks, and ultimately falling to the ground. In the early stage the pulse is hard and full; later, however, it becomes quick and frequent. The horns are hot. The animal may fall into a comatose condition, lying with the muzzle turned round to the flank, the pupils widely dilated, and the eye insensible to light. Or, there may be excitement, the head being thrown violently about. Tympany seems to be invariably present. When death is imminent, the more serious symptoms become aggravated. Coma becomes more and more complete. The muzzle rests upon the ground; the animal, instead of lying on the sternum, is stretched at full length on her side. The eye-lids no longer respond when the cornea is touched; the pulse becomes smaller, irregular, intermittent, and quicker, until it is imperceptible. Tympanitis increases; the mouth is open, the breathing partially oral, with puffing of the cheeks at each expiratory act, and stertor becomes more marked, death taking place apparently without a struggle, or during slight convulsions. The ordinary duration of the disease is two or three days, but there are instances on record in which it has been less than twenty-four hours; rarely does it extend to five or six days. CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. IIg Causes.—The predisposing causes may be enumer- ated as follows: breed or individual predisposition, high temperature, confinement, constipation, electrical ‘disturbances, development of the lacteal function (age), and plethoric condition. As to the actual, or exciting cause or causes, although some authorities believe that the disease is chiefly due to infection, opinions vary as much as to its etiology as they do with regard to its pathology. The post-mortem appearances are varied in character. ‘The digestive organs are usually normal. The rumen generally distended with gas. Gall-bladder sometimes ‘much distended, Lungs normal, or slightly emphyse- matous; at other times congested, or in various stages of pneumonia from the inhalation of foreign matters. The nervous system has not exhibited any uniform or satisfactory lesions. Treatment.—Knowing the value of prophylactic measures, toomuch emphasis cannot be placed upon the necessity for strict hygiene of the pregnant Cow, especially during the later months, and more particularly in those animals whose breed, age, and lacteal develop- ment predisposes to this disease. The food should be easy of digestion, and sparing in amount. The animal should, if possible, be allowed exercise, and her condition should be made as natural and comfortable as circumstances will permit. Some recommend bleeding, a few days prior to parturition, as absolutely effective; while others advise a saline purgative. A number of other agents are suggested as useful preventives. 120 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. The agents and methods recommended for the cure of this disease, are about as numerous and varied as. are the theories regarding its pathology and cause. Bleeding, purgatives, stimulants, sedatives, nerve tonics, cutaneous stimulants, counter-irritants, electricity, etc.. In the present incomplete state of our knowledge regarding this disease, it would be useless to attempt. to map out any specific line of treatment. Cases. occasionally recover where no medicine is administered, and it is possible that a great many do so, independently of the drugs given, which has the effect of deluding the practitioner into the belief that the virtue lay in his medicaments. The following are the general directions given, as to medicinal treatment, in Zuill’s. translation of Friedburger & Frohner’s work on pathology: “The treatment must especially consist in com-. bating the more alarming symptoms,—the paralysis. of the voluntary and involuntary muscles, and the cerebral depression. Avoid, as much as_ possible, giving medicinal agents through the mouth, on account. of the danger of them going the wrong way, and pneumonia resulting. Subcutaneous administration is. much preferable. We should counteract the general paralysis and the nervous depression with stimulants, administered preferably hypodermically: veratrine,. caffeine, spirits of camphor, ether, nitrate of strychnine, sulphate of eserine (which excites also peristalsis).. This last, however, like other remedies, is often, absolutely inefficient. ‘The principal stimulants administered internally CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 121 are: wine, essence of turpentine, ammonia carbonate, brandy and dilute alcohol. These medicines are recommended to be given in the shape of clysters. The most used external stimulants, are frictions with turpentine, camphorated oil, oil of mustard, croton oil, diluted ammonia, etc.; and frictions of stibiated oint- ment (1:4), cold and warm compresses, cold douches upon the head, the application of Mayors hammer along the spinal cord, taking care to cover the skin with a woolen cloth, etc. Some veterinarians have ‘used electricity with advantage. Bleeding has been found useful in some cases, and valueless in others. . “We should use drastics to combat the cessation of intestinal peristalsis, those which likewise act as derivatives upon the digestive canal, such as eserine, tartar emetic, croton oil (in mucilaginous decoction), sulphate of soda, etc. Injections, or a rectal exploration, frequently repeated, and the manual extraction of fecal matters, have a similar action to that of these agents. “Spasms and general excitement should be combated by morphine injections, injections of chloral hydrate, inhalations of chloroform, etc.” Personally, I have had good results from the administration of a saline purgative (if deglutition was not impaired), or the hypodermic injection of sulphate of eserine, followed by nux vomica in diluted alcohol,, orally, or liquor strychnia, subcutaneously ; extraction: of fecal matters, also any retained membrane, and enemas; puncturing the rumen; catheterization of the bladder; cutaneous stimulation by the application of diluted acetic acid or vinegar; the body covered with 122 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. warm clothing; and antiseptic uterine douches. (Creolin is highly recommended.) Similar treatment has also been successful in the hands of other practitioners. Dr. Perley, of St. Albans, Vt., records a number of consecutive recoveries from the nux vomica, or strychnia treatment. When the animal is in an excited condition, it will be necessary to have her secured so as to prevent her injuring herself. When down and comatose, she should be propped on her sternum, with sacks filled with hay, or by some other means, and she should be changed from one side to the other every few hours. When convalesence, which is extremely rapid in some cases, is established, it is well that the diet should be judiciously regulated, and nerve tonics administered for several days. As this disease is liable to recur at subsequent parturitions, the advisability of breeding again from a. Cow is very questionable, unless every precaution is taken previous to the next calving period. Lodide of Potash Treatment (Schmidt). Based on the theory that the cause of parturient apoplexy (parturient paresis) was the absorption of leucomaines from the udder, Schmidt, of Kolding, Denmark, recommended the injection, into the mam- mary gland, of a solution of potassium iodide to pre- vent the further formation of the toxin, and to neutral- ize that already present. CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PALTURITION. 123 The solution censists of two to two and one-half drachms of potassium iodide dissolved in one quart of boiled water cooled to body temperature. One quar- ter of the solution is injected into each quarter of the gland. Before injection the udder is thoroughly emptied of milk, and the surface cleansed and disin- fected. Afterward the gland is carefully massaged in order to force the solution through all of the milk ducts if possible. If necessary, one or two subsequent injections may be made at intervals of about eight hours. Etherized Air Treatment (Kortman). Finding that distension of the gland seemed to exert a beneficial influence, whether with antiseptics or sterile water, Kortman tried antiseptic gas in the form of etherized air, to inflate the udder, with good results. Oxygen Treatment (Knusel} Kniisel subsequently used, oxygen with increasing SUCCESS. Atmospheric Air Treatment (Andersen) Andersen, of Scanderborg, Denmark, was the first to use plain atmospheric air as an agent to distend the gland, and with astonishing success. There is a special “milk fever” apparatus which sterilizes the air as it passes through into the udder. In cases of emergency, however, and when this 124 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS apparatus has not been available, small air-pumps, such as those used to inflate bicycle-tires, or the bulb and tube of a thermo-cautery, and with a miiking-tubde, or small plated canula attached, have been adopted with success. All instruments, the skin of the gland and teats, the hands of the operator, etc., should be thoroughly dis- infected, and the gland emptied of milk, previous to injection. After distension has been accomplished, a short length of clean white tape, passed and tied firmly round each teat, will assist in preventing escape of the air. Massage should then be employed to distend the smaller ducts. The author reported a case in the American Vet- erinary Review (Vol. xxix, No. 2, page 182), where, with the air treatment, the interval, from a state of coma, until the cow was on her feet and eating, was only two and one-half hours. Eclampsia. According to some authorities, this disease, if not identical, bears a strong resemblance to eclampsia of the human female. Eclampsia affects the Cow, Goat, Bitch, and per- haps the Sow. In these animals, convulsions may be looked upen as a constant symptom, simulating to a considerable degree the convulsive or epileptiform attacks in woman. Symptoms.—The disease may attack the Cow at any age ; occasionally prior to, but oftener after the act of CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 125 parturition. It is said to be most frequently observed in Cows in poor condition; primiparze often suffer. It is not always recurrent. If the pregnant Cow is attacked, it is thought to be usually about the middle of the period of gestation, when recovery may follow without premature labor being induced. Symptoms in the cases of Mr. Clark, recorded in the “Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics,” and referred to by Dr. George Fleming, are as follows: ‘Foaming at the mouth, champing of the jaws, prominent, staring eyes, excited expression, head very often turned to the side; sometimes licking at the fore- deg, stall, or some imaginary object. Some Cows I thave heard bellow, others do not do so; there was twitching of the body and limbs (clonic spasm), difficulty of respiration according to intensity of the attack. The convulsions generally last two or three hours, and in the majority of cases do not reach the ‘stage of coma, although I have had cases which have done so.” Few cases have been reported in the other animals. Opinions as to etiology and pathology differ: neurosis, due to reflex irritation of the spinal nervous system; albuminuria; acute cerebral anemia; irritation of the vasa-motor centre, resulting from an anaemic condition of the blood, produced by the retention of effete material which the kidneys had failed to remove ; renal insufficiency; reflex irritation of uterine nerve- centres; excessive lactation, etc. Treatment.—T he recommendations are: venesection, diuretics and laxatives, belladonna, chloral, etc. 126 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Parturient Paralysis (post-partum). This condition may be seen in any of the domestic animals, is most common in the Cow, and follows shortly after parturition. The cause and pathology are not well understood. Some authorities believe it is due to a strain of the pelvic ligaments. Others, that the spinal cord is at fault,-or, that the cord may not be affected, but the nerves supplying the hind extremities are, or that there is some derangement of the sympathetic nervous system. Symptoms.—The animal gets down, and is unable to rise. On an examination being made at once, it will be found that all the functions of the body appear normal, but the power of motion, and sometimes of sensation, is lost,—always motion first. There may be no response to stimuli beyond the lumbar region of the spinal cord. If the animal is allowed to lie, all the other functions soon become interfered with, and in twenty-four hours afterwards it may be very easy to confound this with one of “ parturient apoplexy.” The ¢rveatment consists in giving a laxative, to be followed by stimulants and afterwards tonics. A stimulating blister to the spine; the rectum and bladder to be kept relieved. Nerve tonics and galvanism will be found efficacious. Phlegmasia Dolens. This condition is more common in the human subject than in the lower animals. It appears generally a few days after parturition. It is due to an obstruction of the lymphatics of one or more limbs, or of the femoral, or femoral and iliac CONDITIONS FOLLOWING PARTURITION. 127 veins, aad is followed by cedema of the affected limbs. The cause is believed to be pressure of the uterus; or thrombus, due to obstruction by some foreign material from the uterus. Symptoms. — Several days after parturition the lymphatics on the inside of one or both hind-limbs become enlarged and corded, somewhat resembling “lymphangitis.” This is followed by cedema of the whole limb; the animal loses the power of the limb, first at the fetlock, then all of the joints become affected, and ultimately the patient gets down. On examination the limb is found to be swollen, hot, and very painful. The disturbance is considerable, and much fever is present. The pulse is hard, quick, and frequent. There is inappetence, and the secretion of milk is much diminished. If the patient is carefully treated, these symptoms may gradually disappear; but if neglected, and the animal allowed to lie too long in one position, inflammation of the tissues of the limb generally takes. place, and abscesses form, chiefly at the hock, and the animal may die from anaemia, septicemia, or traumatic fever. Treatment.—lf the patient be a Mare, put her in slings. Give a laxative in all animals, followed by febrifuges and diuretics. Where the limb ‘is very painful, hot fomentations may be used in the first stage,. and judicious scarification if the effusion is considerable. Patients that will not permit of slinging, should be turned every three or four hours. When the acute stage has: been passed, bandaging will assist absorption, and diuretics, absorbents, and tonics should be given. 28 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Parturient Laminitis. This disease does:not appear to be very common, although it has been mentioned by several writers, as occurring in the Mare. The cause, or causes, are imperfectly understood. The parturient state is generally recognized to be the predisposing cause, but there is wide difference of ‘opinion as to how the condition originates. Symptoms.—Those of ordinary laminitis. Sudden seizure on the second or third day after parturition or abortion. Complete stoppage of the lacteal secretion. The duration of the disease is from four to eight days; symptoms most intense between the fourth and eighth. Recovery is the usual termination, although the disease may assume a chronic form. Death, in rare instances, may ensue from nervous exhaustion, or suppuration may follow the inflammation, resulting in ‘pyemia. | Treatment,—Similar to that employed in ordinary {aminitis, and the diet should be carefully regulated. CuapTer XIII. DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLAND. Wounds and Bruises. Wounds and bruises of the udder and teats are most frequent in Cows, and generally caused by treads; animals with large pendulous, udders may even tread ‘on their own teats when rising. Injuries are caused by bites, or by sharp objects, like thorns. Surface wounds are usually unimportant, and may be treated on general principles. Bleeding is sometimes considerable at the base of the teat; and should the wound open into the gland, there may be danger of milk fistula, which may be feared only during the period of lactation. Injuries to the teat may produce cicatricial contraction, and consequent difficulty in milking. Bruises of the udder cause bleeding, either into the gland ducts, the milk then being mixed with blood, or into the gland tissue, the skin, and subcutaneous tissue. The blood may be absorbed, as in other soft parts, or lead to the formation of pus or to putrefactive changes. Treatment.—In all deep wounds of the udder, the ‘first object should be to obtain healing, by first inten- tion, to prevent the formation of milk fistula, In a fresh wound, the edges should be carefully disinfected and sutured. The escape of milk from gaping wounds of the teats can sometimes be prevented by the 129 130 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. application of a rubber ring, carefully fitted, and not too tight. Similar wounds on the udder can be dressed with adhesive plaster, collodion or wound gelatine, the hair first having been shaved off. The use of the teat, or milk syphon, assists in procuring healing by primary union. In wounds which have been in existence for some time, treatment must follow general principles. Bruises, accompanied by the passage of blood-stained milk, require strict cleanliness to prevent infection; Fic. 51. RinG TEAT SYPHON, blood and milk removed by catheter or milking tube, and resorption assisted by moist heat. Mammitis or Mastitis. INFLAMMATION OF THE MAMMARY GLAND OR UDDER. According to Maller (Dollar's translation), the causes of acute inflammation may be divided into. mechanical, chemical, thermal, and specific. In cattle, the first takes the form of horn thrusts and similar injuries, treads, etc. Chemical or thermal irritants are much less frequent, although irritant substances may produce acute mastitis. Chills may also be a possible cause. Specific irritants are the most important, and different bacteria have been described as the cause of acute mammitis. Infection may occur by three channels: (1) Through slight injuries to the skin. (2) From the mammary DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLAND. 13 duct; a drop of milk may form a suitable medium for pathogenic bacteria, the organisms passing ultimately to the smallest divisions of the affected portion of the gland; retention of milk in the gland, through its being asuitable medium for the development of bacteria. (3) Infection through the blood stream, which is probably rare. This author gives the following divisions of acute mammitis, viz.: Inflammation of the Stroma, of which there are the traumatic and phlegmonous forms. | TRAUMATIC INFLAMMATION. Only surface injuries remain confined to the con- nective tissue of the udder ; the deeper reaching involve the true gland tissue. PHLEGMONOUS MASTITIS. The disease generally starts from surface injuries; the bacteria entering the skin and sub-cutis, set up inflammation, which generally extends to the capsule and the stroma of the gland. The process may extend to several quarters, or may even attack the entire udder. The skin and sub-cutis are at first cedematous; later infiltrated with plastic material. We have then an erysipelatous or phlegmonous condition, of which the skin is the special seat. Symptoms.—Introduced by swelling and redness ; generally diffuse, seldom limited. Appears suddenly ; skin at first appears bright red, afterwards bluish. Swelling is then soft and doughy, later becomes hard and firm. Skin often exceedingly hot. Pain seldom 132 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. ‘severe. Quality of milk not much changed; quantity diminishes. Slight fever at commencement ;. swelling of the lymphatics of udder, which spreads. Condition may disappear in four to eight days. In other cases abscesses form in or just beneath the skin; less fre- quently, in the superficial portions of the gland, these break and discharge pus. Treatment.—Cold applications contra-indicated. Best results from infrictions with mild fats, like oil, or with carbolized oil, blue ointment, etc. The parts. washed with lukewarm disinfectant solutions, especially if the teats are injured. Udder kept warm, and may be suspended to assist resolution. Local injuries. cleansed and disinfected. Parenchymatous Inflammation, of which there are three forms, distinguished, viz.: mastztzs catarrhalis, mastit7s apostematosa, and mastitis gangrenosa. MASTITIS CATARRHALIS., This condition consists of inflammation of the lining membrane of the milk ducts. Symptoms.—Surface of udder little changed; swell- ing often wanting, while redness may be slight, but deep-seated pain can be detected on pressure, and by sensitiveness during milking. General condition little altered. The principal changes are found in the milk, which contains clots of varying sizes, and often drops of fat; sometimes it is slightly tinged with blood. The disease sets in suddenly, and may attack only one, or several sections of the gland. DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLAND. 133 In most cases it disappears in a few days, the milk becoming normal. Sometimes, however, it may assume a chronic character, the milk mixed with pus, whilst the mucous membrane of the galactophorous sinus becomes thickened and feels like a firm cord; the swelling extending from the sinus to the other parts of the gland. Localized thickening and induration of the udder may result from the disease in the smaller ducts. becoming chronic. In some cases the inflammation may lead to stenosis or occlusion of the milk ducts; the affected sections of the gland become changed, the induration extending as far as the skin. Abscess. formation is not often seen. Causes.—Chills, changes in the milk in the udder, causing it to become irritant ; micro-organisms. Treatment.—I\nstruments introduced into the ducts. and galactophorous sinuses should be carefully disin- fected. Withdraw milk frequently, and at the same time massage will be found to assist discharge from the finer ducts. The udder should be kept warm, annointed with some simple unguent, and protected with wad- ding. In enzootic outbreaks, it is better to segregate the diseased animals, and provide against transmission by the milker’s hands. Disinfectant injections can be used. when the disease is clearly infectious. MASTITIS APOSTEMATOSA (PURULENT INFLAMMATION OF THE UDDER). In this form the inflammation also originates in the milk ducts and alveoli, but instead of remaining con- 134 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. fined to their surface, spread to the depths and to the interstitial connective tissue. Symptoms.—Disease sets in suddenly, with pain and the other symptoms of mastitis. Swelling commences in the interior of the udder, but spreads as far as the skin, which is warm and reddened. Secretion of milk diminishes, or entirely stops, the milk is curdled, later becomes yellowish from pus, or red from bleeding; finally it may become more and more puriform, and contain curdled material, which blocks the milk ducts. Following these symptoms there is fever, inappetence, excessive thirst, and depression. Either resolution sets in, or the disease goes on to abscess formation. If the former, after four or five days, sometimes later, symptoms gradually begin to recede, while the secre- tion more and more becomes normal. In some cases there is no permanent disturbance left, though, as a rule, the affected section does not completely recover its functional activity until the next period of lactation. Abscesses, however, frequently form, and permanent thickening and milk fistulae are not infrequent results of the process. Hard swellings also sometimes result. These suppurative processes may at times lead to pyemia or septiczemia. Causes.—Infectious materials entering through the mammary ducts, syphons, catheters, and other instru- ments bearing infection, etc, Treatment.—Prevent infection, or combat it if already existing. Care in using instruments. When occurring enzootically, segregation of diseased animals, and disinfection of stables, etc. Frequent milking of DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS. 135 the diseased quarter. If not too sensitive, the udder should be gently rubbed and kneaded to favor discharge of diseased products from the acini, Diet should be ‘such as to diminish secretion of milk. In Cows, saline purgatives, like Glauber’s or Epsom salt, may be used. Destroy, or render innocuous, infective material in the udder, and combat inflammatory changes. Disinfect- ants injected are useful, but cannot reach the fine milk ‘ducts and alveoli. Four per cent. boric acid (Nocard); 2 per cent. alum or 2.5 per cent. carbolic solution (Franck); one-fifth to one-quarter per cent. sublimate solution (Eggeling). Poultices, hot fomentations; infriction with bland oils, or ointment of mercury is useful. As soon as the abscess appears superficial, it should be opened and the cavity cleansed and disin- fected. MASTITIS GANGRENOSA, OR GANGRENOUS INFLAMMATION OF THE UDDER. This form o. the disease is commonest in Sheep, though it occurs in the Cow and Goat. The nature of the specific poison is at present little understood. Symptoms.—The disease starts as a peracute paren- chymatous mastitis. Severe general symptoms, high fever, inappetence, great weakness, severe pain, and stiff, straggling gait first direct attention to the udder. Blueish-violet soft spots on the skin, which are insensi- tive and often abnormally cool. These spots quickly spread, They are surrounded by an inflammatory swelling, which may extend to the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh. Back arched, hind legs strad- 136 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. dled, great pain, groaning, and after a short time there. are well marked signs of septicemia; death not infre- quently takes place within twenty-four hours. Treatment.—Similar to that for purulent inflamma- tion. Care should be taken to prevent transmission Ly the shepherd. Disinfectant injections are generally too late and without effect in this form. Early incision into the necrotic parts and disinfection. If the process. has made much progress, even this treatment seldom. suffices, and the animal’s life can only be saved by amputation of the diseased portion. Stenosis and Occlusion of the Mammary Duct. In Cows, there is only one opening, at which point: the skin is reflected to cover the lower end of the duct. At the upper end of this canal, which is from three-~ sixteenths to one-quarter of an inch in length, the mucous membrane begins, and lines the galactophorous sinuses up to their termination. Ata point where the skin becomes continuous with the mucous membrane, z,é@, about three-eighths of an inch above the end of the teat, lies the valve, which, like the greater part of. the teat, consists of muscular fibres. Stenosis of the mammary duct in the Cow results. either from proliferation of the well developed epithel-. ium lining it, or from contraction of cicatricial tissue. The former of these conditions occurs while the animal. is “dry,” and stenosis only appears after next calving. Occlusion of the duct is sometimes congenital in Cows. (Furstenberg), or results from inflammation at the lower end of the teat. Diseases of the skin, injuries, cow-. DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS. 137 pox, aphtha, etc., may cause adhesion and obliteration of the opening of the duct and of a considerable portion of its length. In the upper sections, tumor formation occurs, and sometimes folds of mucous membrane fall into the lumen of the duct and produce closure. More fre- quently chronic inflammation, occurring during mastitis, causes stenosis or complete closure. Finally, the mammary duct and lower portion of the galactophorous, sinuses may grow together. Treatment.—Repeated introduction of bougies, or the use of small trocar. Division of the duct or amputa- tion of the end of the teat. Where there is closure of the upper parts of the teat by indurated masses of tissue, a passage may be made by passing a thin trocar, the canula being left in position for some time, so as to prevent adhesion, whilst the milk is prevented flowing away by stopping the canula with a cork. Mastitis Chronica. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE UDDER. Chronic inflammatory processes often result from acute diseases, and may give rise to localized induration, or to diffuse proliferation of the interstitial connective. tissue. The latter are generally produced by bacteria,. especially by tubercle bacilli, actinomyces, and other organisms. Sand discovered botryomycosis of the udder in a Mare. Tubercular enlargements of the mammary gland are commonest in Cows, and princi: pally affect the posterior quarters, being rare in the anterior (Bang). 138 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. Tumors of the udder are seen in Cows and Bitches, but seldom in other animals. They usually take the form of warts, and are more common on the teats than on the udder. Polypz occasionally occur on the mucous membrane of the mammary or milk ducts, and may interfere with the discharge of milk. If these neoplasms do not seriously interfere with milking, it is best to defer operation until lactation ceases. They can generally be removed. by scissors, ligature, ecraseur, or cautery. Some may require to be enucleated. FISSURED OR CHAPPED TEATS, This condition is chiefly caused by injuries, unim- portant at first, it may be, but if neglected may lead to more serious conditions, as mammitis, or septiczemia, besides rendering the animal uneasy during the process of milking, or when she is being sucked. Causes.—Any source of local irritation may bring about fissure. Symptoms.—Fissures are perhaps more often seen in primipare having fine and thin skin. The crack appears as a more or less deep, narrow sore, running in a transverse direction round the teat, the edges ‘being thickened and indurated. When the teat is distended with milk, the sores have a gaping appearance. When superficial, chaps may not cause much trouble, but when deep, they are very painful, as exhibited by ,the animal’s aversion to manipulation of the teat, or to milking, or sucking. DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS. 139 Treatment.—Emollient dressings, and perfect cleanli- ness, in the milder stage. When indolent, more efficient applications have to be resorted to. Carbolized vaseline, carbolized glycerine, tannate of glycerine, etc. Iodoform, tannic, or boric acid, in the form of powder, may be applied with good effect in some cases. Where the fissures have been tardy in healing, it may be well to stimulate them with a little silver nitrate cautiously applied. Agalactia or Agalorrhcea. SUPPRESSION OF MILK. The absence of milk in the mammary gland may result from debility, emaciation, chronic mastitis, atrophy of the gland from previous disease, etc. Treatment.—This often proves unsuccessful. If due to a removable cause, have that attended to. Give nutritious food combined with aromatic carminatives. Stimulate functional activity by massage and stripping of the udder, or by the use of some stimulating applica- tion. When disease of the gland is the cause, treatment will be directed by indications. CHAPTER XIV. MILK, ITS COMPOSITION, ETC. Albumin- Butter oid Water. Fat. Casein. Sugar. Salts. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. Woman......... 87.81 4.37 1.54 5-75 0.53 Mare semis seen 88.0 I.0 1.6 8.9 0.5 COW sc sa\en's palsies 87.0 4.6 4.0 3.8 0.6 HWieiecees 24 85.62 4.20 4.5 5.0 0.68 GOativiccassccvss 86.8 3-32 4.08 5-28 0.58 ASS ccanaicnde cans 90.0 I.4 1.7 6.4 0.5 DOW iesescceio eddie. ened 82.6 5.7 6.2 5.0 0.5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. WOMAR Ai... iuasedseicecuinesameeseaeed pes eee nase 1020 COW onaciienttev cigae # caawaaeedam na eedns ances 1030 EWE -tsseswumapatigne se peie. yes aceboaubhiuny oe sesoes 1035 GOabon wa odie vee said dedee juleavewana ceae ee vias 1035 ASS eisicena agus ss shewe bins nionwe Merener aw Be eooes ae I0Ig A galactia (previously referred to), watery milk, fat mk. Causes.—Too watery alimentation of poor quality, the exclusive feeding of malt, swill, turnips, etc.; stomachal or intestinal diseases, cahectic and hydremic Anomalies of Secretion. WATERY MILK. conditions ; peculiarity of breed. Lreatment.—According to case. Change of regimen. Stomachics. or of the b lood treated according to indications. 1,4V Diseases of the alimentary canal, MILK, ITS COMPOSITION, ETC. I4I FAT MILK. Observed in Ewes subjected to highly nutritious alimentation, May also be observed during cestrum. Treatment.—Regulation of the diet. Alterations in Milk Due to External Influences. CURDLED MILK. Seen in the Cow and Goat. Causes.— Diseases of the digestive organs, acid food, affections of the mammary gland, as mastitis, hyper- mia, tumefaction in advanced gestation, nymphomania overheating of the body. As the result of external influences: great heat, electrical conditions during thunder-storms, damp stables, uncleanliness of mangers, ‘“‘consumption of rusty grain” (Fleischmann), bacteria. Treatment.—Dependent upon cause. Regulated ventilation and temperature are essentially necessary. Perfect cleanliness of dairy utensils. Refrigerant apparatus recommended, and some alkali added to milk. Alkalies administered internally. Attention to digestive irregularities, and to the udder. Organisms observed which produee acidity and curdling of milk: Bacterium lactis, micrococcus of osteomyelitis, staphylococcus albus, S. citreus, S. cereus albus, S. cereus flavus; Streptococcus pyogenes, S. erysipelatosus, S. coli gracilis, Bacillus pyogenes fetidus, Bacterium lactis acidi, Bacterium lactis aerogenes, micrococcus ovalis, and micrococcus et Sphaerococcus lactis acidi. 142 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. MILK WHICH DOES NOT PRODUCE ANY BUTTER. Causes.—Digestive diseases, and certain morbid conditions, poor quality of nourishment, disease of the mamme, excessive heat or cold, and various alterations. of milk (curdled, rancid, putrid milk). Treatment.—Galactopoietics (fennel, antimony, cumin, etc.), ‘hydrochloric and acetic acids” (Haubner and Siedamgrotzky), “alum and chalk” (Harms). When the milk is bitter, add to these agents 15 grammes calcium chloride daily. PUTRID MILK. Causes.—This alteration is rare. Occasioned by introduction of agents of putrid fermentation in milk; unclean premises, and stable or dairy utensils ; processes of decomposition in alimentary canal after ingestion of tainted food. Bacteria: Bacterium termo, and B. lineola. Treatment.—Prophyllaxis; cleansing and disinfec- tion of stables and utensils. When due to gastro- intestinal troubles, give stomachics and antiseptics internally. FILAMENTOUS MILK. Causes.—Invasion of microbes. Treatment.—Thorough cleansing and disinfection of dairy and utensils. “A temperature of 65 degrees C. destroys the organisms (Schmidt-Muhlheim). Stomachics and anti-catarrhal agents internally. BLUE MILK. Causes.—Bacteria. The names given to the bac- terium are: “ Bacillus syncyanum” (Schroter), “ Vibrio MILK, ITS COMPOSITION, ETC. 143 cyanogenus” (Fuchs), “Vibrio syncyanus” (Ehren- berg). Milk which is very albuminous, due to nitro- genous alimentation, or very alkaline, with feeble coagulating properties, is predisposed to this alteration. “Certain diets, diseases of the udder, etc., by retarding the acidification of the milk, may have a certain influence upon its production” (Hueppe). Contamina- tion by the medium of air and flies may be a causative factor. Treatment.—Aeration, cleansing and disinfection of stables, dairy, and utensils, In certain cases change of diet is indicated, ‘‘ Washing of the gland with anti- septic solutions to destroy organisms” (Zurn). Other anomalies are: Red and yellow milk; foreign products in milk, such as abnormal substances, flavoring matters, coloring matters, medicinal substances, patho- genic organisms transmissible to the human subject, red blood corpuscles or hemoglobin, etc. CHAPTER XV. DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES OF THE YOUNG ANIMAL. Asphyxia or Suspended Breathing. Whenever the circulation between the mother and ‘offspring is stopped, either by rupture or occlusion of ‘the umbilical cord, respiration in the young animal must be carried on by the lungs, or death will speedily follow. The establishment of respiration is a purely reflex act. The sudden transition, from an intra-uterine existence ‘to that in the outer world, operating upon the skin, produces an impression which is transmitted to the respiratory nervous centres, and resulting in the respira- ‘tory muscles being called into action. Causes.—Among the obstacles to respiration may be mentioned suffocation, before or during birth, from compression of the umbilical cord and the arrest of its circulation ; intra-uterine respiration; detachment of the fcetal membranes from the womb before the birth of the foetus; a too free communication between the cardiac auricles ; envelopment of the head in the mem- branes; tenacious mucus in the mouth or nose, ete. Resuscttation.—Cold water thrown over body, and especially the head and chest. Inflating the lungs, performing artificial respiratory movements; rubbing of the limbs; the forcible introduction of air into the lungs ; tobacco smoke blown into the nose, etc. 144 DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 145 Umbilical Hemorrhage. This condition is not very often seen. It ensues immediately after birth, rarely after some days. In the Foal, bleeding may be from the artery, that vessel being firmly attached. to the umbilical ring. In ruminants, the hemorrhage is from the vein, because of the existence of the ductus Aranzi, and the retraction of the artery within the abdomen. Causes.—Cutting the cord off too close to the: umbilicus, or laceration of the vessels during difficult parturition, The cord may bleed when torn across naturally, due to sucking at the remains by the mother, the young one itself, or some other animal. Treatment.—lf the cord is short, apply astringents or styptics, or even caustics. Should the cord be ‘sufficiently long, it is better to ligate it. The precau- tion necessary here, is to see that the ligature does not includea portion of intestine. Should there be infiltra- tion, get rid of it as much as possible before applying the ligature. If much blood has been lost, it may be necessary to resort to the transfusion of blood, or of common salt ‘solution, into the umbilical vein. Persistent Urachus. During fcetal life the urachus is the tube through which urine passes from the urinary bladder of the foetus into the allantoid cavity. After birth this canal is obliterated, its walls becoming like a thin cord; the bladder is retracted within the pelvic cavity, the urine then passing through the urethra. It sometimes happens I 46 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. that through accident, or malformation, it may be oniy partially closed, the urine continuing to escape from the umbilical opening or cord. Seen oftener in Solipeds than in Ruminants, owing to the urachus,—like the umbilical artery of the former, —being firmly attached to the umbilical ring, and consequently not immediately withdrawn into the abdominal cavity. It is said to be of more frequent occurrence in males than in females, and more serious in the former. Treatment.—lf interference is necessary, ascertain if the urethra is pervious. If part of the umbilicus remains, ligate it and allow the whole to slough. Should the urachus protrude separately, ligate it. If the urachus is covered by skin, it must be secured by passing a curved needle through the skin and above the duct, and tying the ends. A cantharidin blister, or the cautery iron, will often close the orifice. Umbilical Hernia. (Omphalocele, Exomphalos), : This condition is, frequently observed in young animals; more often in Foals and Puppies than in Calves, Pigs and Lambs. The hernia may appear at: birth or some time after, and, if proper measures are not adopted for its reduction, may continue during the life of the animal. By union of the visceral plates in the linea alba, the abdomen closes during uterine life as far as the annulus umbilicalis, which remains open for the umbilical cord, and after birth ceases to exist on account of obliteration of these vessels. In new DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 147 born animals the umbilical ring not infrequently appears abnormally large, so that the umbilical cord does not completely fill it, in consequence of which, the skin and peritoneum either immediately, or in the first few weeks after birth, yield to the pressure of the abdominal contents, and allow the latter to pass through under the skin. Two forms recognized, viz., congenital, which is apparent-at birth ; and acquired, which appears during the first few weeks afterwards. As a rule, a portion of the colon, or cecum, and sometimes of the omentum, is found in the sac, which is composed of skin and peritoneum. Symptoms.— Umbilical hernia is recognized by the presence of a swelling, varying in size from a hazel-nut to that of a man’s head, and lying above the umbilicus ; is elastic, soft, sharply defined, and free from inflammatory symptoms. By pressing with the fingers or hand on the swelling, it entirely disappears. Some- times this condition is mistaken for an abscess, so that caution is required before using the knife, Where the umbilical ring cannot be felt, and its complete closure ascertained, every fluctuating enlargement must arouse suspicion of umbilical hernia. When the tumor is not reducible, it is generally due to the accumulation of fcecal . or other matters in the intestine. CAUSES OF ACQUIRED HERNIA. Acquired or accidental hernia may be due to severe or sudden muscular exertion on the part of the young 148 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. animal (Foal or Calf). Some authorities suggest heredity as a predisposing cause. Treatment,— Among the varied applications recommended in umbilical herniz are : local astringents, subcutaneous injections of solutions of sodium chloride, trusses of various kinds, caustic and blistering agents, as sulphuric and nitric acids, cantharides ointment, etc. For small herniz, nitric acid may be employed to destroy the skin and cause such swelling as to close the orifice before the skin is separated. Some authorities recommend the application of concentrated sulphuric or nitric acid with a glass rod in the form of lines, at least: three-eighths to three-quarters of aninch apart. Others use a brush, applying the acid to entire surface of the sac. Bandages, pads, simple or multiple ligation of the sac, clamps, as Combe’s or Bordonnat’s, herniotomy, etc. In small herniz, treatment is not always necessary, the enlargements frequently disappearing spontaneously, C&dema of the Umbilicus. This condition is due to the accumulation of serum, sometimes blood, in the connective tissue of the cord. It is usually due to laceration or contusion during: birth, but may frequently be caused by sucking and tearing at the remains of the cord, by other young animals. Symptoms.—The swelling is often of considerable size, and is always cold to the touch. In Calves it often remains for a length of time, and is said by Zundel to constitute a grave defect in young Bulls, which it mechanically prevents from copulating. DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 149 Treatment.—Cold applications and compresses ; scarification followed by hot fomentations, and after- wards astringents. Omphalitis—Inflammation of the Umbilical Cord. This is an inflammation of the umbilical vein (omphalo-phlebztrs), but may also involve the abdominal. portion of that structure, and as a consequence of extension of infection and inflammation, the condition may become very serious. Embolic infarction of the lungs, liver, or other organs is likely to ensue, with. gangrene, septicemia, and pyzmia. Causes.—Mechanical injury, admission of air or foreign material to the interior of the umbilical vessels, exposure, improper food to mother. Infection from a decomposed afterbirth, an abortion, a case of metritis, a foetid discharge from uterus, a case of erysipelas, accumulations of excreta, infected litter, etc. Symptoms.—\n the normal state, the umbilical cord. usually dries up and becomes separated a few days after the young one is born. When inflammation attacks it, however, the part appears moist, and projects from the. abdomen as an indurated enlargement, discharging from its centre a small quantity of thin, unhealthy, purulent- looking fluid. The umbilical vein usually remains open, and can be explored by a probe, passed at first upward, and then forward towards the liver. The general symptoms are: dulness, arched back, indifference to the teat, and to surrounding objects, constantly lying down, elevation of temperature, hurried, panting respiration. Later, great prostration, 150 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. enlargement at the umbilicus, which, if manipulated, causes great pain; eyes dull and injected, mouth hot and dry; pulse small, quick, and almost imperceptible. At first there may be constipation, diarrhcea usually supervening ; urine scanty; visible mucous membranes present a yellowish appearance; swellings, containing a gelatinous, yellow fluid, are sometimes seen on various portions of the body. Colic or peritonitis sometimes occurs, and, in the majority of cases, death rapidly follows. Sometimes a large swelling takes place at the umbilical ring, due to accumulation of pus in the canal, and which might be mistaken for hernia. It is now recognized by the most eminent authoris ties, that a great number of diseases of Foals, Calves, and’ Lambs take their origin in inflammation of the _umbilical cord. Some of these are: arthritis (pyemic, and septicemic inflammation of joints, — joint-ill), iritis, choroiditis, diarrhoea, adenitis, abscesses of muscle, etc. Treatment.—Prophylactic. Absolute cleanliness, protection of the young from septic infection, dressing of the cord immediately after birth with antiseptics, Curative.—Chiefly antiseptic. Local antiseptics combined with astringents. When general infection is probable, or has already taken place, internal antiseptics should be administered. The most serious complication, Franck notes, is inflammation of the umbilical artery, which is more frequent in the Foal than in the Calf. General infec- tion or pyemia rapidly follows umbilical arteritis, DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 151 Arthritis. This disease occurs in young animals soon after birth. Roloff has observed pyzmic arthritis in the Foal, the Calf, and the Lamb. It is much less frequently seen in Puppies and Pigs. Modern researches, especially those of Bollinger, have led us to recognize: (1) Pyemic arthritis, which is the most frequent form (Bollinger); it is consequent upon septic infection starting from the umbilical region. (2) Fatty degeneration of the red muscles, observed especially in young Pigs. (3) Acute articular rheuma- tism. (4) Acute or chronic muscular rheumatism. (5) Rachitis of young Pigs. (6) Tetanus and cerebro- spinal meningitis in Lambs. (7) Consumption (Darr- sucht), a disease of young horses which is probably only an intestinal or ganglionic (mesenteric) tuberculosis (?). (8) Various other affections of sucklings, such as intestinal catarrh, pleuro-pneumonia, general weakness of the extensors of the limbs with contraction of the flexors (Colt, Dog). Causes.—Pyzmic arthritis is due to the introduction into the blood of putrid matter coming from the suppuration of the thrombus of the umbilical vein. The starting point of the morbid processes is infection of the umbilical wound by the products of putrid decomposition otten to be found in the unclean stable, the lambing pen, etc. The disease sometimes runs an ‘enzootic course in flocks and stud farms, where it occa- ‘sions considerable loss. Pathological Anatomy.— Besides the changes already 152 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. noticed, the articular synovial membranes are injected, thickened and tumified; the synovia, which is very abundant, is suspicious when mixed with flaky clots; later it becomes entirely purulent. The articular carti- lages are ulcerated; the epiphyses may be necrosed. Purulent wasting of the tendons and neighboring muscles from peri-articular abscesses; these structures. are affected by fatty degeneraticn. Metastatic abscesses. in most of the organs and tissues (liver, lungs, brain,. kidneys, muscles, and subcutaneous connective tissue). Finally the heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles have undergone fatty degeneration. Symptoms.—Enlargement of one or more joints, which are hot and tender, general weakness, difficulty in moving, or even standing, extreme apathy ; high temperature ; pulse and respirations accelerated. Puru- lent, and often fetid discharge from the swollen umbilical region. Death may take place from coma. without any alarming premonitory symptoms; at times, however, it is preceded by diarrhoea, spasms, and paralysis. Symptoms may appear which indicate disease of other organs (already referred to). Treatment,—Curative measures are not at all satis- factory, and the greatest hope of success is to be found in prophylaxis. The utmost cleanliness should be observed in the surroundings of the young animals, the places thoroughly disinfected, etc., and the umbilical cord of all young animals (especially those most susceptible) should be treated antiseptically immediately after birth. DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 153 Constipation—Retention of the Meconium. The meconium (intestinal contents), is generally expelled immediately after birth. When retained, it becomes an abnormal condition, and interferes with the function of various organs. The colostrum, being rich in albumin and salts, is Nature’s laxative for the getting rid of this material from the intestines, and should never be withheld from the young animal. Causes.—The condition is said to be observed in Foals whose dams have been fed exclusively on dry fodder during the winter. Also that the result is likely to follow when the mother has been worked right up to foaling time, her milk being then deficient in laxative properties. Depriving the young animal of the colos- trum. Calves are likely to suffer from similar causes. Symptoms.—In the Foal, there is uneasiness, strain- ing, symptoms of colic, looks toward the flank, gets down and rolls, no inclination for the teat. Accelerated pulse and respirations, grinding of the teeth, and if relief is not given, death may take place from inflam- mation of the bowels. The Calf behaves similarly to the Foal. Treatment.—Prophylactic. The pregnant animab should receive proper aliment for some time previous. to parturition. The young one ought to be allowed the colostrum (the first milk), or if this cannot be done, it should be given a dose of an oleaginous laxative, as castor oil, linseed oil (raw), sweet oil, etc. If any portion of the meconium is within reach of the finger, it should be carefully removed; the finger should always be well lubricated. Enemas may have 154 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. to be given; glycerine in water, oil, soap-suds, are all useful. The mother should receive laxative diet. Should constipation arise in the young animal from any other cause, similar treatment should be adopted. Gastro-Intestinal Catarrh. “Friedberger & Frohner’s Pathology” (Zuill’s translation) says: ‘By its etiology, its course and treatment, gastro-intestinal catarrh of young animals differs essentially from the same affection in adults. It has often been confounded with dysentery and described under this name; but it must be distinguished from it.” Causes.—(1) Diseases of the mother, the alimenta- tion of the mother influencing the condition of the milk ; certain medicinal substances mixed with the milk, irritating the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane; over fatigue of the mother influencing the quality of the milk. Zuill remarks, that one of the most common causes of this disease among young animals on American farms is the careless and irregular manner in which they are fed. Kept for long periods without food while the mother is at work, they are allowed to take an unlimited quantity of milk furnished while the dam is overheated and fatigued. This is one of the reasons why so many of our animals are suffering from a chronic form of this disease. If the young animals are not nursing, they are allowed to take an overabundance of milk or other food, thus producing indigestion of the abomasum, —a common disease among Calves. 2. When the young animals are fed irregularly, at the time their mothers are used for work. DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 155 3. Colds (cold or damp stables, draughts, and cold udder of the mother). 4. Retention of intestinal mucus of the fcetus (meconium), when the first milk (colostrum) is not used, the result of which will be constipation and a decom- position of the contents of the stomach, the products of which irritate the mucous membrane. Among the circumstances capable of determining catarrh in weaned animals, we must especially point out: 1. Weaning when taking place under unfavorable conditions. 2, Substitutes for milk, particularly those contajn- ing starch, 3. Cold.and damp weather; also cold drinks. 4. Intestinal parasites, The predisposing causes are: hereditary weakness of the digestive apparatus, affections of the mesenteric ganglion, etc., and also extreme sensibility of the diges- tive organs in very young animals. Symptoms.—At the commencement of the disease the symptoms vary with the cause. Sometimes they appear suddenly, at other times gradually, and fail to attract attention for the first few days. In sucklings, the principal symptom-—diarrhcea—is usually preceded by slight anorexia, some depression and weakness; in weaned animals (when the disease is induced by the ingestion of very cold water, or external cold), it commences with fever and general troubles; body temperature irregularly distributed ; pronounced nervous depression, both sensory and motor. Diarrhoea soon 4 I 56 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. develops, the excrements become more and more liquid and clear; they then become fetid, mucous, yellow or greenish-grey spumous, and contain more or less fibrin- ous flakes or clots. They have an acid, putrid odor ; later they are streaked with blood or even bloody. There is ordinarily tenesmus and slight colic; back arched, and limbs gathered; skin dry, and hair erect; exhalations become fetid, and there is excessive weak- ness. Tympanites from abnormal fermentation, which may exist before, during, or after the diarrheic period. Death may occur in from a few days to several weeks, and is generally produced by exhaustion, anemia, or dropsy. Treatment.—Ascertain the cause, suppress it, or diminish its effects. In sucklings, the mother ought to receive attention; regulation of her diet; fatiguing work should be avoided, also too long intervals of milking. Another nurse may have to be selected. Regulation of the food and feeding of the young animal should be attended to. The diarrhcea combated by albuminous or mucil- aginous agents. A mild laxative may be necessary to clear the intestinal canal. When due to fermentation, the carbonates of soda or magnesia may be beneficial. Antiseptics, as creolin, salicylic acid, etc., have been recommended ; these medicaments may also have the desired effect should intestinal parasites be the cause of the diarrhcea. Other agents recommended are: opium and rhubarb, Dover’s powder, tincture of opium, chlorodyne. Styptics or astringents, and antiseptic and astringent enemas. DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 157 Dysentery. (Dysenteria Neonatorum.) Dysentery of the newly-born animal is the least known of all the infectious diseases which affect our subjects. It is observed in the Calf (white dysentery or scour), Lamb, Foal, Puppy, and Kitten. This affec- tion and pyemic polyarthritis are the most fatal diseases of young age. Causes.—Generally, it is developed from the first to the third day after birth; after the fourth day it is much less frequent ; young animals are often affected by it before having sucked ; milk, therefore, has nothing to do with the development of the disease. Although the infectious element is yet unknown, its exciting cause is evidently infection, contained in, and carried by, the excrements. It appears to be miasmatico-contagious, and seems to be transmissible from one animal species to another. It is thought that causal relations exist between epizootic abortion and dysentery of Calves, Intra-uterine infection may. probably occur by trans- mission to the digestive mucous membrane of young animals of an infectious product of the uterus and vagina. Symptoms.—Very similar in the different species. ‘The Calf stops sucking, shows symptoms of restless- ‘ness, bellows, and by violent efforts ejects excrements, ‘which may be whitish, mixed with clots of coagulated milk, or very often with blood ; later, involuntary evacu- ations. Exhaustion, convulsions at intervals; ptyalism ; fetid breath. Death takes place often within twenty- 1 58 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS. four hours, sometimes within three days. Mortality, 80 to 100 per cent. The Lamb becomes depressed, weak, and’ the ejected excrements are of a mucous liquid, with fetid odor. Tenesmus. Elevation of temperature in the beginning (41.5 C.), which afterwards drops abruptly. Breathing accelerated ; ptyalism, ete. In the Foal, the symptoms appear during the first three days. Depression and restlessness; the excre- ments are mucous or liquid in appearance, and extremely offensive. The breath and cutaneous exhalations have a disagreeable odor. Eyes are sunken in their sockets ; great weakness and thirst, etc, Gastro-intestinal catarrh may be distinguished by less severity, and from occurring at a slightly later period. Treatment.—Separation of the healthy from the sick, and disinfection of the premises, as well as the genital canals of the females both before and after parturition. When the disease exists in enzootic form, it is well to isolate, in a suitable place, pregnant animals a month or two previous to parturition. On the first indication of sickness, a mild laxative should be given. Rhubarb and opium is recommended, also Hertwig’s prescription is highly spoken of. It is. the following: Pulverized rhubarb, 4 grammes; mag- nesium carbonate, I gramme; pulverized | opium, 2 grammes (to be given at one time to the Calf in 100. grammes of infusion of chamomile, or in 50 grammes of whisky). Other agents suggested are: tannin, salicylic acid, DISEASES AND ABNORMALITIES. 159 cresol, creolin, tar-water, resorcin ; mucilaginous prepa- rations, as decoction of linseed, gum, marsh mallow, mucilage, gelatin water, etc., either alone or associated with opium. If the animal can partake of food, it should be given in small quantities, and be suitably prepared. Cyanosis—Blue Disease. This condition results from the mixing of the arterial and venous blood, and due to patency of the foramen ovale after birth. It is recognized by blueness of the visible mucous membranes, coldness of the surface ; and sensitiveness. to cold. The condition, when due to this cause, cannot be remedied. Eclampsia. Eclampsia of young animals, says Hering, is speci- ally observed in the Puppy, at the time of cutting teeth, and in young Pigs. It is expressed by convulsions, which are similar to: those of the eclampsia of children, by a turning of the eyeball in the orbit, trembling, spasms of the masseters, grinding of the teeth, ptyalism, with discharge of foamy saliva, etc. Causes. —Abnormally nervous disposition ; at other times peripheric irritations. Treatment.—Antispasmodics. Tetanus Neonatorum., Tetanus of young animals seems to be confined: more particularly to Lambs. The disease is caused by 160 VETERINARY OBSTETRICS an anerobic organism, the “Bacillus tetani,” gaining entrance, probably, at the umbilicus. Treatment.—Prophylactic. Attend to disinfection of the umbilicus. Curative Measures.—In valuable animals, tetanus antitoxin might be resorted to. Some other conditions occasionally met with, and requiring more or less surgical interference are: Imper- forate Prepuce; Atresia Ani; Imperforate Vulva and Vagina; Tongue-Tie; Occlusion of the Auditory Canal; Occlusion of the Eye-Lids; Cleft Palate, etc. ib, nS INDEX A «\bdominal gestation, 45, 46 Abnormal retention of foetus, 51 Abortion, 56-59 Agalactia, 139 Agalorrheea, 139 Albuminuria, 48 Allantoid membrane, 34 Allantois, 34 Amaurosis, 48 Amnion, 33 Amputation, partial, of fore-limb, 82 Anasarca, 89 Ante-partum paresis, 50 -Apoplexy, parturient, 116-122 Arthritis, 151, 152 — Articulations, pelvic, 13 of bitch, 14 of cat, 14 of goat, 14 of cow, 14 of pig, 14 of sheep, 14 Ascites, abdominal, 89 Asphyaia, 144 Atresia ani, 160 Auditory canal, occlusion of, 160 B ‘Ballottement, 41 Bladder, hernia of, 97 inversion of, I11 ‘Blue disease, 159 Cc Czesarian operation, 84, 85 ‘Canals of Gertner, 22 Catarrh, gastro-intestinal, 154-156 -Chapped teats, 138 Chorion, 33 scirrhous, 99 161 Circulation, foetal, 39, 40 placental, 36-39 Cleft palate, 160 Clitoris, 18 of cat, 20 of pig, 20 Coccyx, Ir Colic, 48 Constipation, 48 Cord, umbilical, 38 Cotyledons, maternal, 23, 36, 37 Cough, 48 Coxa, 7 Cramp, 48 Cyanosis, 159 D Decapitation, 80 Detruncation, 82 Deviation of uterus, 94 Dysentery, 157, 158 Dystokia, 60 causes of, 60 foetal, 60 maternal, 60, 90 E Eclampsia, 48, 124 of the young, 159 Embryotomy, 78 . Envelopes, fcetal, 33 Eversion of uterus, 104-110 Evisceration, 82 Exostosis, 90 Extra-uterine gestation, 45 Eyelids, occlusion of, 160 E Fallopian tubes, 23 Flooding, 101 162 INDEX Feetal circulation, 39, 40 envelopes, 33 membranes, retention of, 102, 103 Foetus, abnormal retention of, 5 manipulation of, 46 rotation of, 83 version of, 83 Fore-limb, partial amputation of, 82 Fractures, 90 G Geertner’s canals, 22 Gastro-hysterotomy, 84. 85 Gastro-intestinal catarih, 154-156 Gestation, abdominal, 45 extra-uterine, 45 interstitial, 45 ovarian, 45 period of, 31 in bitch, 33 in cat, 33 in cow, 33 in ewe, 33 in human, 33 in rabbit, 33 in sow, 33 tubal, 45 Glands, conglomerate, in vulva of cow, 20 mammary, 24-26 Graafian vesicles, 24 H Heat, 28 ¢ period of, in bitch, 29 in cow, 29 in ewe, 29 Hemorrhage, post-partum, Io1 Hemorrhage, umbilical, 143 Hernia. acquired, 147 of bladder, 97 of uterus, 54 umbilical, 146-147 Hydrops uteri, 47 Hymen, 19 "persistent, 99 Hysteria, 48 Hysterocele, 54 Hysterotomia, 84 Impregnation, 30 Impregnator, 27 Induration of os uteri, 99 Interstitial gestation, 45 Inversion of bladder, 111 of uterus, 104-110 of vagina (post-partum), 111 L Laminitis, parturient, 128 Leucorrhcea, 115 M Mammal, 24-26 polypi of, 138 a ot tumors of, 138 wounds and bruises of, 129, 130 Mammary duct, 136 stenosis of, 136, 137 glands, 24, 25, 26 Mammitis, 130 Mastitis apostematosa, 133, 135 catarrhalis, 132 chronica, 137 gangrenosa, 135 phlegmonous, 131 Maternal cotyledons, 23, 36, 37 Meatus urinarius. 20 in the cow, 20 Meconium, retention of, 153 Membrane, allantoid, 34 vulva-vaginal, 20 Metritis, 113-115 Metrorrhagia, 51 Metrotomy, Ito Milk, blue, 142 composition of, 140 curdled, 141 fat, 14t fever, 116-122 filamentous, 40 non-butter-producing, 142 putrid. 142 specific gravity of. 140 suppression of, 139 watery, 140 INDEX Monstrosities, 86 parasitic, 86 dicephalus bicollis, 86 ectopia cordis, 87 hydrocephalus, 88 hydrops capitis, 88 schistocormus fissisternalis, 87 schistocormus reflexus, 87 Mummification of foetus, 46 oO ‘Edema, 49 1 of umbilicus, 148 ‘CEstrum, 28 period of, in bitch, 29 in cow, 29 in ewe, 29 Omphalitis, 149, 150 ‘Os innominatum, 7 ‘Osteomalachia, 48 Os-uteri, induration of, 99 spasm of, 97, 98 Ovarian gestation, 45, 46 Ovaries, 24 P Paralysis, parturient (post-partum), 126 Paresis (ante-partum), 50 Parturient apoplexy, 116-122 treatment for, 122 laminitis, 128 paralysis (post-partum), 126 Parturition, symptoms of, 41-44 Pelvic articulations, 13 bitch and cat, 14 cow, 14 ewe and goat, 14 sow, 14 Pelvis, 7 of bitch and cat, 12 of cow, II of ewe and goat, 12 of sow, 13 deformity of, 90 diameters of, 15 inlet of, 15 outlet of, 15, 16 Persistent hymen, 99 urachus, 145 Phlegmasia dolens, 126, 127 Pica, 48 Placental circulation, 36-39 membranes, 33, 34 Polypi in milk ducts, 138 Pregnancy, spurious, 46 symptoms of, 40, 41 Prepuce, perforate, 160 Presentation, breach, 73 dorso-lumbar, 76 hock, 72 lumbo-pubic, 73 lumbo-sacral (hind limbs flexed at fetlocks), 71 lumbo-sacral (hocks flexed), 71 sterno-abdominal, 75 thigh and croup, 73 vertebro-iliac, 62 vertebro-pubic, 62 vertebro-sacral (forelegs neck), 63 vertebro-sacral (forelegs flexed at fetlocks ; head normal), 63 vertebro-sacral (forelegs flexed at knees), 64 vertebro-sacral (four feet pre- sented), 70 vertebro-sacral (head normal; forelegs back under body), 65 vertebro-sacral (head bent down- wards), 66 vertebro-sacral (head bent to one side), 68 vertebro-sacral (head bent back- wards and upwards), 69 Procidentia uteri, 104-110 Prolapsus, vaginal (ante-partum), 52, 53 vesical, III Puberty, 27, 28 over R Rachitis, 58 Retentis secundarum, 102, 103 Retention of foetal membranes, 102, 103; Rotation of fcetus, 83 Rupture of uterus (ante-partum), 55, 56 Rut, 28 164 Rut period in bitch, 29 in cow, 29 in ewe, 29 Ss Sacrum, Io Scirrhous chorion, 99 Spasm of os uteri, 97, 98 Spurious pregnancy, 46 Superfcetation, 45 Symptoms of parturition, 41-44 of pregnancy, 40, 41 T Teat, 25, 26 fissured or chapped, 138 Tetanus neonatorum, 159 Tongue-tie, 160 Torsion of uterus, 94-96 Tubal gestation, 45 Tubes of Fallopius, 23 Tumors, 97 of udder, 138 INDEX U Umbilical cord, 38 vesicle, 36 Umbilicus, cedema of, 148 Urachus, persistent, 145 Uterus, 22 deviation of, 93 * eversion or inversion of, 104-110: hernia of, 54, 92 rupture of, 55, 56 torsion of, 94, 95, 96 Vv Vagina, 21 ante-partum prolapse of, 52, 53 imperforate, 160 inversion of (post-partum), 11I. Vaginitis, 113 Vascularization, 36, 37, 38 Version of foetus, 83 Vesicle, Graafian, 24 umbilical, 36 Vomiting, 48 Vulva, 18 imperforate, 160 CATALOGUE OF William R. Jenkins Co.’s Works Concerning HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE, Etc. 1910 (*) Designates New Books. (t) Designates Recent Publications. ANDERSON. ‘Vice in the Horse” and other papers. on Horses and Riding. By E. L, Anderson. Size, 6 x 9, cloth, illustrated................ 0 cco wee 75- ARMSTEAD. “The Artistic Anatomy of the Horse.’ A brief description of the various Anatomical Struc- tures which may be distinguished during Life through the Skin. By Hugh W. Armstead, M.D., F.B.C.S. With illustrations from drawings by the author. Cloth oblong, 10 X12h...... ee cece ees 3°75: BACH. ‘How to Judge a Horse.” A concise treatise as to its Qualities and Soundness; Including Bits and Bitting, Saddles and Saddling, Stable Drainage, Driv- ing One Horse, a Pair, Four-in-hand, or Tandem, ete. By Capt. F.W. Bach. 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Cloth, size 6 x 9, 382: pages, 77 illustrations, .............. cece eee eee 5 00 Synopsis of the Essential Features of the Werk 1. Authorized translation. 2. The only obstetrical work which is up to date. 8. Written by Europe's leading authority on the subject. 4. Written by a man who has practiced the art a lifetime. 5. Written by a man who, on account of his eminence as. bovine practitioner and teacher of obstetrics, was selected by Prof. Dr. Frdhner and Prof. Dr. Bayer (Berlin and ienna), to discuss bovine obstetrics both practically and scientifically. 6. The only work containing a thorough differential dJag-. nosis of ante and post partum diseases, ; . The only work doing justice to modern obstetrical sure ee therapeutics. 8. ritten by a man whose practical suggestions revolu-- tionized the teaching of veterinary obstetrics even in the great schools of Hiurope. . The only work dealing fully with the now no longer- obscure contagious and infectious diseases of calves, 10. Absolutely original and no compilation. li. The only work dealing fully the difficult problem of teaching obstetrics in the colleges. 12. The euler where the practical part is not over-- shadowéd by theory. . . . Aveterinarian, particularly if his location brings him in contact with obstetrical practice, who makes any pretence toward being scientific and in possession of modern knowledge upon this- subject, will not be without this excellent work, as it is really a very valuable treatise.—Prof. Roscoe R. Bell, in the American Veterinary eview. 3 In translating into English Professor De Bruin’s excellent text- book on Bovine Obstetrics, Dr. Wyman has laid British and American veterinary surgeons and students under a debt of gratitude. The works represents the happy medium between the booklets which are adapted for cramming purposes by the student, and the ponderous. tomes which, although useful to the teacher, are not exactly suited to. the requirements of theeveryday practitioner . . . Wecan strongly recommend the work to veterinary students and practitioners.—-The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics. . DOLLAR. (*\‘Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Goats and: Swine.’ By G. Moussu and Jno. A, W. Dollar, M.R.C.V.S. Size 6 x 9 1-2, 785 pages, 329 illustrations in the text and 4 full page plates...... eecesecen en TO — ({)A Hand-book of Horse-Shoeing,” with introductory chapters on the anatomy and physiology of the- horse’s foot. By Jno. A. W. Dollar, M.R.C.V.S., with the collaboration of Albert Wheatley, F.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size 6 x 8 1-2, 433 pages, 406 illustrations ..4 75. DOLLAR (continued) — (t) Operative Technique.» Volume 1 of ‘The Practice of Veterinary Surgery.” Cloth, size 6 3-4 x 10, 264 pages, 272 illustrations. ......... ccc cece eee cence eee 3 75 —.**General Surgery.”? Volume 2 of ‘‘ The Practice of Vetere ? Ag inary Surgery.” In preparation. — ()* Regional Veterinary Surgery:” Volume 3 of ‘The Practice of Veterinary Surgery.” By Drs. Jno. A. W. Dollar and H. Mdller. Cloth, size 61-2 x 10 853 and xvi pages, 315 illustrations....... eesexeeese 6 25 — **Cadiot’s Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.” See ‘+ Cadiot.” — **Cadiot’s Roaring in Horses.” See ‘‘ Cadiot.” DUN. (*) ‘Veterinary Medicines, their Actions and Uses.” By Finldy Dun, V.8., late lecturer on Materia Medica and Dietetics at the Edinburgh Veterinary College, and Examiner in Chemistry to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Edited by James Macqueen, F.R.C.V.S., and Harold A. Woodruff, M.R.C.V.S. Twelfth English edition. Cloth, size OR Qos Geen cdensad enews cemaeeeee Vachere cee wads 3 75 FLEMING. “The Contagious Diseases of Animals.” Their influence on the wealth and health of nations and how they are to be combated. Paper, size 5 x 71-2, B80 PAGES .... cee seen seer ee eeeeee e Neyeaiaresn aca ae wees 26 — ‘Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domesticated Animals.” See ‘* Neumann.” — “Qperative Veterinary Surgery.” Vol. I, by Dr. Geo. Fleming, M.R.O.V.S. This valuable work, one of the most practical treatises yet issued on the subject in the English language,is devoted to the common opera- tions of Veterinary Surgery ; and the concise descrip- tions and directions of the text are illustrated with numerous wood engravings. Cloth, size 6 x 9 1-4, 285 and xviii pages, 348 illustrations........-.......- 2 75 (*)Vol. II, edited and passed through the press by W. Owen Williams, F.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size 6 x 9 1-4, 430 and xxxvii pages, 344 illustrations.......... ..3 25 — “Boaring in Horses.” By Dr. George Fleming, F.RC.V.S. Its history, nature, causes, prevention and treatment. Cloth, size 5 1-2 x 88-4, 160 pages, 21 engravings, 1 colored plate.......... siedeeeeren 1 50 oe 60 i Obstetrics.” Including the Accidents and Dis- Ye ecineldent tu Pregnancy, Parturition, and the Karly Age in Domesticated Animals. By Geo. Fleming, F.B.C.V.8. Cloth, size 6 x 8 3-4, 758 pages, illus .6 25 ‘ GOTTHIEL. (+)‘*A Manual of General Histology.’” By Win. 8. Gottheil, M.D., Professor of Pathology in the American Veterinary College, New York; etc., etc. Histology is the basis of the physician’s art, 438 Anatomy is the foundation of the surgeon’s science. The subject is presented in an accessible and simple: form. Second edition revised. Cloth, size 5 1-2 x 8, 152 pages, 68 illustrations.............0... eee eee 1 GO GRESSWELL, ‘Diseases and Disorders of the Horse.’” A Treatise on Equine Medicine and Surgery, being a contribution to the science of comparative pathology. By Albert, Jas. B. and Geo. Gresswell. Cloth, size- 5 3-4 x 8 3-4, 227 pages, illustrated.... .......... 1 75 — ‘The Bovine Prescriber.” For the use of Veterinarians and Veterinary Students. Second edition, revised and enlarged, by James B. and Albert Gresswell, M.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size, 5 x 7 1-2, 102 pages...... 75- — “The Equine Hospital Prescriber.” For the use of Veter- inary Practitioners and Students. Third edition re- vised and enlarged, by Drs. James B. and Albert Gresswell, M.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size 5 x 71-2, 165- PAG CS! i ce ease Sieee She ee ees VE Wa awes ee Hees 75 — Manual of “The Theory and Practice of Equine Medicine.” By James B. Gresswell, F.R.C.V.S., and Albert Gresswell, M.R.C.V.S. Second edition revised. Cloth, size 5 1-4 x 71-2, 539 pages................ 275 — (t) Veterinary Pharmacopeia and Manual of Comparative- Therapy.” By George and Charles Gresswell, with descriptions and physiological actions of medicines, by Albert Gresswell. Second edition revised and enlarged. Cloth, 6 x 8 3-4, 457 pages............ 3 50- e HASSLOCH. ‘A Compend.of Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics.” By A. C. Hassloch, V.S.,. Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and’ Professor of Veterinary Dentistry at the New York College of Veterinary Surgeons and School of Compa- rative Medicine, N. ¥Y. Cloth, size 5 1-4 x 71-2, 225. PAE CS e5 sc eisaurernmineesrar ears aaa eR SEB aes ceeeeel 50 HEATLEY. “ The Stock Owner’s Guide.” A handy Medi- cal Treatise for every man who owns an ox or cow, By George 8. Heatley, M.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size- 6 14 x18, 172 paresicnc.coccncesseneccsanne stayeraiesoa 1 25 HILT. (+)*The Diseases of the Cat.2? By J. Woodrofta Hill, F.B.C.V.8. Cloth, size 51-4 x7 1-2, 123 pages, Mlustrated excieciais scdsaccetend: 4 'tinesdcdpauaceen ses ecaisrers 1 25 Written from the experience of many years’ prac- tice and close pathological research. — “The Management and Diseases of the Dog.” By J. Woodroffe Hill, F.R.C.V.8. Cloth, size 5 x 7 1-2, extra fully illustrated. HINEBAUCH. “Veterinary Dental Surgery.” By T. D. Hinebauch, M.S.V.S. For the use of Students, Prac- titioners and Stockmen. Cloth, size 51-4 x 8, 256 pages, illustrated. HAIOARE. (*)‘‘A Manual of Veterinary Therapeutics and Pharmacology.” By E. Wallis Hoare, F.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size 5 1-4 x 7 1-4, xxvi plus 780 pages......4 75 HOBDAY. (+)“ The Castration of Cryptorchid Horses and tbe Ovarictomy of Troublesome Mares.” By Frederick ‘I. G. Hobday, F.R.C.V.S. Cloth, size 63-4x 83-4, 166 pages, 34 illustrations,..........1 75 HUNTING. (+) The Art of Horse-shoeing. A manual for Horseshoers. 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Horse, 384 parts.............. avalesvacaatie oneal Lenuevend:¥ Cow, 393 partS....... cece cece eee ener eee e eens Sheep, 364 parts 5 Dog, 364 partS........ ee eee eee eee eee © sieaiauatid Pig, in preparation. All tive models ordered at one time, prepaid..... With each modél and chart a descriptive book of the animal is supplied free. These books when sold separately are 25c. each. These models are not only of the utmost value to veterinarians, but every lecturer, student, owner ofa dairy, will be amazed at the resultant value and con- venience to him of a thing of the sort hanging for ready reference on the wall of hisroom or office. For clearness the model at once surpasses books and atlaser. re JONES . (“The Surgical Anatomy of the Horse.” By Jno. T. Share Jones, M.R.C.V.S. Parts I, Il and III ready. To be completed in four parts. Each part—paper, $4.25; cloth, $5.00. JORDAN. (*) The Gait of the American Trotter and Pacer.”? By Budolf Jordan, Jr. Size 61-4x 91-2, xii plus 324 pages, 217 illustrations, including 11 full page, and frontispiece in color..........-.+.---+ 3 50 Every lover of the harness horse should read this book. The most notable study of the trotting and pacing gaits ever published. It clears up the question of balance by « simple inquiry into cause and effect. It gives an exact analysis of the motion, action and extension of the two gaits, and with numerous illus- trations points the way to the proper adjustment of hoof and shoe for a square gait. It sets forth many important facts by a new and practical method of fixing the origin of a faulty gait. Its investigations for the rational development of speed by means of a corrected gait make it a valuable aid to every owner and trainer. A Classic.—Chicago Horseman. KOBERT. “Practical Toxicology for Physicians and KOCH. LAW. Students *? By Professor Dr. Rudolph Kobert, Medical Director of Dr. Brehmer’s Sanitarium for Pulmonary Diseases at Goerbersderf in Silesia (Prus- sia), late Director of the Pharmacological Institute, Dorpat, Kussia. Translated and edited by L. H. Friedburg, Ph.D. Authorized Edition. Practical knowledge by means of tables which occupy little space, but show at a glance similarities and differ- ences between poisons of the same group. Also rules for the Spelling and Pronunciation of Chemical Terms, as adopted by the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Cloth, 61-2x10, 201 pp..2 50 st tology of Tuberculosis.» By Dr. R. Koch. Translated by T. Saure. Cloth, size 6 x 91-4, 97 PALOSee wise viareiawise renee ed Os Beeies sind sNaistesajania 1 00 . e ‘* Farmers’ Veterinary Adyig;. ° A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of ~1sease in Domestic Animals. By Prof. James Law. Cloth, size 5 1-4 x 71-2, illustrated........... ce cece ee eee 3 00 LIAUTARD. (t)** Animal Castration.”? A concise and practical Treatise on the Castration of the Domestic Animals. The only work on the subject in’ the English language. By Alexander Liautard, M.D.,V.S. Having a fine portrait of the author. Tenth edition revised and enlarged. Cloth, size 6 1-4 x 71-2, 165 pages, 45 {llustrations,.............4. eeaerey «.-0-2 00 - |The most complete and comprehensive work on the subject in English veterinary literature.—American Agri- culturist. . -LIAUTARD (continued). — **Cadiot’s Exercises in Equine Surgery.” Translated by Prof. Bitting and edited by Dr. Liautard. See ‘* Cadiot.” — A Treatise on Surgical Therapeutics of the Domestic Animals.” By Prof. Dr. P. J. Cadiot and J. Almy. Translated by Prof. Liautard. See ‘* Cadiot.” — “How to Tell the Age of the Domestic Animal.» By Dr. A. Liautard, M.D., V.S. Standard work upon this subject, concise, helpful and containing many illustrations. Cloth, size 5 x 71-2, 35 pages, 42 Nlustra tions... « fdsnsxccewew ae bus aieatieeee heaiisie cee 50 — ‘*Lameness of Horses and Diseases of the Locomotory Apparatus.’ By A. Liautard, M.D.,V.S. This work is the result of Dr. Liautard’s many years of experi- ence. Cloth, size 5 1-4 x 7 1-2, 814 pages......... 2 50 -— (*)**Manual of Operative Veterinary Surgery.” By A. Liautard, M.D., V.M. Engaged for years in the work of teaching this special department of veterinary medicine, and having abundant opportunities of realizing the difficulties which the student who earnestly strives to perfect himself in his calling is obliged to encounter, the author formed the deter- mination to facilitate his acquisition of knowledge, and began the accumulation of material by the com- pilation of data and arrangement of memorandum, with the recorded notes of his own experience, the fruit of a long and extended practice and a careful study of the various authorities who have illustrated and organized veterinary literature. Revised edition, with complete index. Cloth, size 6 1-4 x 9, xxx and 803 pages, 563 illustrations...............00.. 0000 eee 5 00 — *Pellerin’s Median Neurotomy in the Treatment of Chronic Tendinitis and Periostosis of the Fetlock.” Transl- oy Dr. A. Liautard. See ‘‘ Pellerin.” -— **Vade Mecaom of Equine Anatomy.”? By A. Liautard, M.D.V.S. For the use of advanced students and veterinary surgeons. Third edition. Cloth, size 5 x 7 1-2, 30 pages and 10 full page illustrations of the arteries. ..... cece cece nee e cee eee tteee -2+-.2 00 — Zundel’s ** The Worse’s Foot and Its Diseases.” See ‘* Zundel.”’ NG. “Book of the Pig.” Its selection, Breeding, a? Feeding andManagement. Cloth.............. 4.00 LOWE. _ (t)** Breeding Racehorses by the Figure System.”? Compiled by the late C. Bruce Lowe. Edited by William Allison, ‘‘ The Special Commis- sioner,” London Sportsman, Hon. Secretary Sporting League, and Manager of the International Horse Agency and Exchange. With numerous fine illustra- tions of celebrated horses. Cloth, size 8 x 10, 262 pages...... Teie jase shandtdianeearaseltinie see Neitedceneree (DO LUDLOW. “Science in the Stable”; or How a Horse can be Kept in Perfect Health and be Used Without Shoes, in Harness or under the Saddle, With the Reason Why. Second Edition. By Jacob R. 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Paper, 2 60; cloth..... 2 75 (Part II in preparation.) MAGNER. ‘Standard Horse and Stock Book.” By D. Magner. Comprising over 1,000 pages, illustrated with 1756 engravings. Leather binding..........6 00: MILLS. “How to Keep a Dog in the City.’ By Wesley Mills, M.D., D.V.S. It tells how to choose, manage, house, feed, educate the pup, how to keep him clean and teach him cleanliness. Paper, size 5x 71-2,. 40 PAB OS sci aie sanwaiwaeeinee dasias's cm aeee see eine eels . 26 MOHLER. ‘Handbook of Meat Inspection.’ By Robert. Ostertag, M.D. ‘Translated by Earley Vernon. Wilcox, A.M., Ph.D. With an introduction by John R. Mohler, V.M.D., A.M. See ‘‘ Ostertag.” MOLLER — DOLLAR. _ (+)*Regional _ Veterinary: Surgery.” See ‘‘ Dollar.” MOSSELMAN-LIEN AUX. ‘¢Manual of Veterinary Microbiology.”? By Professors Mosselman and Liénaux, Nat. Veterinary College, Cureghem, Belgium. Translated and edited by R. R. Dinwiddie, Professor of Veterinary Science, College of Agriculture, Arkansas State University. Cloth, size 612 x 8, 342 pages, lustrated sivcussaenedvewcerwercieterang saa ese 2 00 MOUSSU. (‘) * Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Swine.” See ‘* Dollar.” NEUMANN. (*)“A Trentise on Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of the Domesticated Animals.” A work to which the students of human or veterinary medi- cine, the sanitarian, agriculturist or breeder or rearer of animals, may refer for full information regarding the external and internal Parasites—vegetable and: animal—which attack various species of Domestic Animals. A Treatise by L. G. Neumann, Professor at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse, Translated and edited by Geo. Fleming, 0,B., LL.D., F.RO.V.S. Second edition, revised and edited by James Macqueen, F.R.O.V.S., Professor at the Royal Veterinary College, London. Cloth, size 6 3.4 x 10, xvi + 698 pages, 365 illustrations ........... aee6 75 NOCARD. “The Animal Tuberculoses, and their Relation NUNN. to Human Tuberculosis.” By Ed. Nocard, Prof. of the - Alfort Veterinary College. Translated by H. Scurfield, M.D. Ed., Ph. Cumb. Cloth, 5x 71-9, 143 pages..1 00 Perhaps the chief interest to doctors of human medicine in Professor Nocard’s book lies in the- demonstration of the small part played by heredity, and the great part played by contagion in the propa- gation of bovine tuberculosis. (*)* Veterinary Toxicology.” By Joshua A. Nunn, F.RC.V.S. The study of toxicology is intimately blended with other biological sciences, particularly physiology and chemistry, both of which it on many occasions overlaps. A carefully arranged and com- pleto index is given in the front of the volume. Cloth, size 6x 83-4, vii + 191 pages.............- 1 76 OSTERTAG. (*) “Handbook of Meat Inspection.” | By R obert Ostertag, MD. Authorized Translation {by Earley Vernon Wilcox, A.M., Ph.D. With an intro- duction by John R. Mohler, V.M.D., A.M. The work is exhaustive and authorative and has at once become the standard authority upon the subject Second: edition, revised. Cloth, size 6 3-4 x 9 3-4, 920 pages, 260 illustrations and 1 colored plate. ............ 7 60- PALLIN. (t+) **A Treatise on Epizootic Lymphangitis.” By Capt, W. A. Pallin, F.R.C.V.S. In this work the author has endeavored to combine his own experience with that of other writers and so attempts to give a clear and complete account of a subject about which there is little at present in English veterinary liteza- ; ture. Cloth, size 5 3-4 x 8 1-2, 90 pages, with 17 fine full page illustrations. ......0.ccceseeeseeeeceees 1 25 PEGLER. “ Goat Keeping for Amateurs.”? Paper, oxide 77 pages, illustrated............. cece eee eee eee PELLERIN.. ‘Median Neurotomy in. the ae es of Chronic Tendinitis and Periostosis of the Fetlock.” By C. Pellerin, late repetitor of Clinic and Surgery to the Alfort Veterinary School. Translated, with Addi- tional Facts Relating to It, by Prof. A. Liautard, M.D., V.M. Having rendered good results when performed by himself, the author believes the operation, which consists in dividing the cubito-plantar nerve and in excising a portion of the peripherical end, the means of improving the conditions, and consequently the values of many apparently doomed animals. Agricul- ture in particular will be benefited. ’ The work is divided into two parts. The first covers the study of Median Neurotomy itself; the second, the exact relations of the facts as observed by the author. Boards, 6 x 9 1-2, 61 pages, illustrated. .1 00 PETERS. ‘A _ Tuberculous Herd tect with Tuber- culin.” By Austin Peters, M.R.C.V.S., Chief Inspector of Cattle for the New York State Board of Health during the winter of 1892-93. Pamphlet... .25 ROBERGE. ‘The Foot of the Horse,” or Lameness and all Diseases of the Feet traced to an Unbalanced Foot Bone, prevented or cured by balancing the foot. By David Roberge. Cloth, size 6x 91-4, 308 pages, PU LUStRA CEM icic ews sald crecoicords She eee a dewcaciewstend endeerces 5 00 _ SESSIONS. (*)** Cattle Tuberculosis,” a Practical Guide to the Agriculturist and Inspector. By Harold Sessions, F.R,C.V.S., etc. Second edition. Size 5x 71-4, vi + VL 20 PAS OS issocose wie ntecaratveractd wcide weloroyid bakeetevg narcceret ers 1 00 The subject can be understood by those who have to deal particularly with it, yet who, perhaps, have not had the necessary training to appreciate technical phraseology. ! -SEWELL. ‘The Examination of Horses as to Sound- ness and Selection as to Purchase.” By Edward Sewell, M.R.C.V.S. Paper, size 51-2 x 81.2, &6 pages, illustrated with 8 plates in color............... 1 60 It is a great advantage to the business man to know something of the elements of law, and nobody ought either to buy or own’a horse who does not know something about the animal. That something this book gives, and gives in a thoroughly excellent way.... SMITH. (*)** A Manual of Veterinary Physiology.” By Vet. Capt. F. Smith, C.M.S., M.R.C.V.S8., Examiner in. Physiology, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, author of ‘‘A Manual of Veterinary Hygiene.” A. completely revised and enlarged edition just pub- lished. Cloth, 6 x 8 3-4, 720 pp, 102 illust’ns..... 4 25.. The whole book has been carefully revised and brought up to date. All the important advances of the last few years have been embodied. The chapter on the nervous system has been specially revised by Prof. Sherrington, whose remarkable work on the ‘‘spinal dog” has been introduced.