CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY LABORATORY OF ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY Gift of The Boke of Saint Albans BY DAME JULIANA BERNERS CONTAINING TREATISES ON HAWKING, HUNTING, AND COTE ARMOUR: PRINTED AT SAINT ALBANS BY THE SCHOOLMASTER-PRINTER IN 1486 REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE With an Fntroduction by WILLIAM BLADES AUTHOR OF “THE LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON” LONDON ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C, 1881 OR PATH ine GENT ae BF ob 173 \ “Manhood J am, therefore J me delpghe Co Hunt and Hawke, to nourish up and fede Che grephounde to the course, the hatwke to th’ Aight, Anvd to hestrpde a good and lusty stede,” From Sir THomas More’s Poems. Jutroductton. EVERAL independent printing preffes were eftablifhed in England before the clofe of the fifteenth century ; and from them iffued numerous books which are invaluable to all ftudents of antiquity from the light they throw upon the focial habits and literary progrefs of our nation. Of thefe it may fafely be faid that not one exceeds in intereft that work of an unknown typographer, which is here prefented in facfimile, and which, from the town in which it was compiled, as well as printed, is known to all bibliographers as “The Book of St. Albans.” This work has-always been a favourite, partly becaufe our feelings ate appealed to in favour of the writer who for centuries has taken rank as England’s earlieft poetefs, and is ftill, in all our Biographical Dictionaries, reckoned among “noble , authors; and partly becaufe we love myfteries, and a myftery has always enfhrouded the namelefs printer. The fubjects, too, fo curioufly alliterative—Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry, have an enticing and antique flavour about them, being juft thofe with which, at that period, every man claiming to be “gentle” was expected to be familiar; while ignorance of their laws and language was to confefs himfelf a ‘“churl.” 6 Lutroduction. As to the language and orthography of the book, it is a never- failing fource of intereft, being quite different from any other printed work of the fifteenth century, except the St. Albans’ Chronicle from the fame prefs. Among bibliographers it ranks as “ variffimus,” the known copies being fo few that they might pro- bably be counted on the fingers of one hand. Looking at the book, then, all round, it will be a convenient plan to confider thefe fubjects feparately, and to treat the volume in its four afpects of Authorfhip, Typography and Bibliography, Subject-matter, and Philology. CHAPTER I. Authorship. Bey ISTORIANS and Biographers, together with Libra- rians and Bookfellers, have a natural antipathy to anonymous books; and, wherever they can, are willing to accept the smalleft amount of evidence as proof of paternity. It faves much trouble and avoids numerous errors in cataloguing, when a recognifed name can be affociated with an anonymous work. From this tendency a bad habit has arifen of attributing to particular writers books concerning which the evidence of authorfhip is doubtful, if not altogether untruftworthy. In this very book we have a ftriking inftance of fuch erroneous attribution. The three treatifes, of which the book is made up, are quite diftin¢t, and to a portion only of one of thefe is there any author’s name attached. Yet that name, “Dam Julyans Barnes,” altered by degrees to “Dame Juliana Berners,” is now univerfally received as the name of the authorefs of the whole volume. With even lefs fhow of reafon fhe is credited with the authorfhip of a “ Treatife on Fifhing” for which there is not the fhadow of evidence, that treatife having been added ten years later by Wynken de Worde, who, when reprinting the Book of St. Albans, thought that the subject of Fifhing would complete the work as a Gentleman’s Vade Mecum. There are really four diftin@t tractates in the Book of St. Albans, although the two laft being on Heraldry are generally counted as one. 8 Authorfhip. The firft is on Hawking; to this no name of the author is attached, but it has a prologue which no one acquainted with the other writings of the printer can doubt to be his. Of this we fhall have more to fay anon. The fecond tractate is on Hunting: it is fpecially affociated with the name of Dame Juliana Berners, and will require a more extended elucidation than the others. Here the evidence of authorfhip is as good as for moft pieces of fifteenth-century production—a period at which literary rights did not exift, and when the fcribe, if at all acquainted with the fubjeét upon which the book he was copying treated, did not fcruple to interpolate his own ideas, and that without any egotiftical vanity, but merely from a feeling that all books being written for the good of men, and not from vanity in the author, it was a duty to improve them where poffible. But as improvement moftly meant the addition of fomething on the fame fubject taken from another manufcript, we have the conftant occurrence of one MS. being a compilation of two or three others, and yet appearing under the name of the laft compiler. In this treatife on Hunting we have the exprefs ftatement at the end of the twenty-fourth page—“ Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes.” ‘This might certainly apply to the tranf{cription only, but, when taken with Wynken de Worde’s verfion, the probability is, that the lady compiled as well as wrote it. In the reprint by Wynken de Worde, only ten years later than the original, he varies the colophon thus :— “@. Explicit dame Julyans Bernes doétryne in her boke of huntynge,” the whole reprint ending ‘“ Enprynted at weftmeftre by Wynkyn the Worde the yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde. M.CCCC, Ixxxxvj.” So that he, a contemporary, evidently believed her to be the authorefs. Later authorities attributed the whole book to her pen, but as they were in poffeffion of no more evidence than we now are, and probably not fo much, we fhould attach no weight to fuch ftate- ments, which were founded fimply on a vivid imagination. Author fhip. 9 But what is known of the lady who is admitted to have com- piled the twenty-four pages on Hunting? Who was Dame Julians Barnes? Here, unlefs a fentimental and inventive fympathy be employed to throw an artificial light upon the darknefs, we are in total ignorance. A biography of her has certainly been written, and all our Dittionaries and Encyclopedias devote a page or two to her hiftory, which, in 1810, under Haflewood’s nurture, attained its full development. Even fo far back as 1549, or nearly a century after her fuppofed death, the learned Bale, who wrote an account of all our Englifh celebrities, allows his gallantry to bedeck her memory with garments fine. ‘“Foemina illuftris!” he exclaims, “corporis et animi dotibus abundans ac forma elegantia {pectabilis” (An illuftrious lady! abundantly gifted, both in body and mind, and charming in the elegance of her mien). Confidering that the name of the lady is the whole of the text upon which Bale had to build, this is by no means a bad fpecimen of imagina- tive biography, and became a good foundation for future commen- tators. The ftory, however, fared rather badly at firft; for Holinfhed, in 1577, while echoing Bale very exactly, is made, by a curious error of the printer, who miftook the letters vz for mz, to call the authorefs Julyan Bees; while Baker in his Chronicles, too carelefs even to refer to the original text, adds another blunder to the ftory, and, thinking that Julyan muft be a man’s name, dubs the authorefs “a gentleman of excellent gifts, who wrote certain treatifes of Hawking and Hunting.” Chauncy, in 1700 (Hiftory of Hertfordfhire), reftored her fex to the lady, and then fet to work upon making a family hiftory for her. His firft difcovery was that, being a “ Dame,” fhe was of noble blood. Finding alfo that the family name of Lord Berners was, in olden time, fpelt occafionally Barnes, he foon fupplied a father for our authorefs, in the perfon of Sir James Berners. And fo the game of making hiftory went on merrily up to the time of ‘ Jofeph Haflewood, who, in 1810, reprinted Wynken de Worde’s B 10 Author hip, edition of the Book of St. Albans, and fupplied a full-blown . biography of the authorefs, giving particulars of her birth and education, the occupations of her youthful days, and a moft impofing pedigree. Let us quote Haflewood’s own words: “Julyans, or Juliana, Barnes, otherwife Berners, who has been generally defignated as the authorefs of the prefent volume, is fuppofed to have been born, towards the latter end of the fourteenth century, at Roding- Berners, in the county of Effex. The received report is that fhe was the daughter of Sir James Berners, whofe fon was created Baron Berners, temp. Henry IV., and that fhe once held the fituation of Priorefs of Sopwell Nunnery, in Hertfordfhire.” He then attributes to her the authorfhip of all four works in the Book of St. Albans. The difficulty of accounting for a lady fo placed writing upon fuch fubjects, is cleverly, if not fatisfactorily fettled by affuming that fhe paffed her teens at court, partaking of the amufements of the field, and writing for her own ufe a common- place book on various fubjects. Then retiring through difappoint- ment (doubtlefs a love affair) to a cloifter, her rank raifed her to the pofition of priorefs. There in her feclufion, writing amidft the folitude of liftlefs hours and vain regrets, fhe verfified the gene- ral rules of fport from her own pleafant recollection, and from the diaries of her youthful happinefs, which fortunately fhe had preferved. If we remember the mania which feized all claffes for diary-keeping at the beginning of this century, when Haflewood wrote this, it will deepen our fenfe of humour to note that he attributes private diary- keeping to a young lady who lived aufe 1450. But enough of fuch fham biography ; let us return to facts, The word “Dame” did not in the fifteenth century, as it does now, imply any connection with a titled family, it meant fimply Miftrefs or Mrs. Chaucer fpeaks of Dame Partlet in this fenfe; and had the Dame Julyans Barnes of the fifteenth century lived now, fhe would have been juft “Mrs. Barnes.” Similarity of name in hiftory, like fimilarity of found in philology, Author[hip. II is a will-o’-the-wifp which has led many a writer into a bog. Allowing that Lord Berners’ name was fometimes fpelt Barnes, is that fufficient reafon for making our authorefs a member of his family? I think not. That the greater portion of the book on Hunting was compiled by Miftrefs Barnes, is probably correct,* and had fhe written much more, and produced even an original work on the fubjedt, fhe would not have ftood alone, even at that early period, as an authorefs. Cryftine de Pifan, two of whofe works were printed by Caxton, was contemporary with Julians Barnes, and left not only numerous original writings behind her—one of which was upon the Art of War—but left her mark, and that no mean nor ignoble one, upon the political courfe. and moral development of her countrymen. But Dame Julyans’ work upon Hunting is certainly not original, as indeed very few works upon any fubject were at that period. This is evident from a glance at the text and the grouping of the fubjects. It begins with diftinguifhing the varieties of beafts and their ages; the proper names by which to defignate the beafts, fingly and together; on hunting and dreffing a Roe, a Boar, a Hare; of flaying; of the horns of a Roebuck; of the Hart; of the feasons; of the Hare. Then follows, from another fource, an inter- polation of a difcourfe between a Mafter of the Hunt and his man, going over portions of the fame ground again; and this ended, we get back again to the original MS. and the difmemberment of various beafts. All through, with the exception of the interpolated conver- fation, the text is addreffed to “My deare childe.” Thus we read— “Do fo, my child;” “Think what I fay, my fon;” “My lief childer ;” “Say, child, where you go? my dame taught you fo.” Evidently that portion was originally written for a mother to ufe *® Taking Berners and Barnes to be the fame word, it is curious to note—in conneétion with the work attributed to Dame Juliana, viz., The Book of Hunting—that the matters of that {port employed men called Berners, to be ready with relays of horfes and to feed the hounds.—See Halliwell’s “ Ditionary of Archaic and Provincial Words.” 12 Author[hip. as a fchool-book, by which her fon would learn to read, and, at the fame time, become familiar with the terms of venery. In the Bodleian Library is a fmall manufcript on the Terms of the Chafe, the beginning of which is :— “« Mi dere fones, where ye fare, be frith or by fell, Take good hede in his tyme how Triftram wol tell.” This manufcript was probably copied by fome youth as a fchool- exercife, which would account for the following odd colophon— “Explicit, expliceat, ludere fcriptor eat.” Compare the above with the opening ftanza of the verfes we attribute to Miftrefs Barnes :— “« Wherefoever ye fare, by frith or by fell,* My dear child, take heed how Triftram doth you tell.” ¢ The reft of the Oxford MS. is in fimilar accord with the print, but nowhere in it is there a word about Miftrefs Barnes. The words “ Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes” have been confidered to prove that the lady was alive when the book was printed. If, however, Sir James Berners were her father, of which there is no evidence, fhe muft have been clofe upon a hundred years old in 1486, as he died in 1390. But this is importing a needlefs difficulty into the theory, which is not rendered more probable by making the authorefs and printer contemporary. It may here be as well to fay a few words about Sopwell Nunnery, over which, without a particle of evidence, our authorefs is fuppofed to have prefided. Sopwell Nunnery, Hertfordthire, was founded about 1140, under the rule of St. Benedict, and fubject to the Abbot of St. Albans, from which it was not far * « By frith or by fell” = by foreft or by plain; but fee Halliwell’s Dictionary. + Sir Triftram, the well-known knight of the Round. Table, was a mighty hunter, and the great authority upon all fubjeéts connected with the chafe. Popular belief attributed to him the origin of all the fpecial terms ufed in hunting, and his name was invoked to give authority to any ftatement upon this fubject, juft as in a later century the arithmetical rules of Cocker give rife to the popular phrafe—‘‘ According to Cocker.” Authorfhip. 13 diftant. The rule of life among the inmates was very fevere, and at the firft the nuns were enclofed under locks and bolts, made additionally fure by the feal, on the door, of the Abbot for the time being (Chauncy’s Hiftory, p. 466). How long this lafted, and how the nuns liked it, hiftory faith not; but, in 1338, a re-organifation had become imperative, and the Abbot of St. Albans, among other inftructions, ordered that no nun fhould lodge out of the houfe, and no gueft within it (Newcome, p. 468). There does not feem much fcope left here for the Priorefs to take an active part in field fports, though a hundred and fifty years later, which was about the period of our “Dame,” many relaxations of the ftri¢t rules may have become common. But, then, we have apparently accurate lifts of all the Prioreffes of Sopwell in the fifteenth century, and the name of Juliana Barnes does not appear at all in them. The known dates are these:—In 1416, Matilda de Flamftede was Priorefs. Four years before her death, which was in 1430, fhe was fucceeded by Letitia Wyttenham. The next whose name is known was Joan Chapell; the date of her appointment is not recorded, but as fhe was fet afide in 1480 on account of her age, fhe had probably occupied the pofition for many years, In 1480, Elizabeth Webb fucceeded Joan Chapell. What is really known of the Dame is almoft nothing, and may be fummed up in the following few words. She probably lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century, and fhe poffibly compiled from exifting MSS. fome rhymes on Hunting. There is ftill the authorfhip of the other parts of the book to determine, and if fimilarity of wording and phrafeology may be taken as evidence, they were all from one pen. “ie At the end of the book on Heraldry the printer has put the following—* Here endeth the book of Blafing of Arms tranflated and compiled together at Seynt Albons.” Here we have the printer's own ftatement as to the origin of his text, and doubtlefs this, as well as the treatife on Hawking, were made up or “compiled” from more 14 Authorfhip. than one manufcript in French. Haflewood gives a lift of fuch as are in the Britifh Mufeum, in feveral of which portions of the printed work are contained. Works on Hunting and Hawking were not uncommon in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and are {till found in all large collections of manufcripts. There were feveral in the libraries of the Dukes of Burgundy in the fifteenth century, and many are ftill extant in the national collections of England and France. The other tractates in the volume have an origin very fimilar to that of the Book of Hunting. The Book of Hawking is an evident compilation from feveral manufcripts, which accounts perhaps for its deficiency in arrangement and want of continuity. The Book of Coat Armour alfo has two diftinét fources in contemporary works, one of which was the “ De Officio Militari” of Nicholas Upton. From this the fchoolmafter copied Book IV. almoft word for word, fupple- menting it from ‘The Book of the Lineage of Coat Armour,” as ftated already. The only other literary work which can be attributed to our printer is the extenfive compilation known as the St. Albans’ Chronicle or the Fruétus Temporum. But neither in the Chronicle, where he fimply combined two hiftories into one, nor in the Book of St. Albans, which is alfo a compilation, does the fchoolmafter fhow any literary ability above the average of fcholars of his period. As fpecimens of the fchoolmafter’s powers of compofition we annex the following, the originals of which can be feen in the en- suing facfimile pages :— JOrologue to the Book of bathing. “In fo much that gentlemen and honeft perfons have great delight in Hawking, and defire to have the manner to take hawks: and alfo how and in what wife they fhould guide them ordinately : and to know the gentle terms in communing of their hawks: and to under- ftand their fickneffes and infirmities, and to know medicines for them according, and the many notable terms that be ufed in hawking Author {hip. 15 both of their hawks and of the fowls that their hawks fhall flay. Therefore this book following in a due form fhows very knowledge of fuch pleafure to gentlemen and perfons difpofed to fee it.” jPrologue to Wistress Barnes’ Compilation on bunting. “ Likewife, as in the Book of Hawking aforefaid are written and noted the terms of pleafure belonging to gentlemen having delight therein, in the fame manner this book following fhoweth to fuch gentle perfons the manner of Hunting for all manner of beafts, whether they be beafts of Venery, or of Chace, or Rascal. And-alfo it fhoweth all the terms convenient as well to the hounds as to the beafts aforefaid. And in certain there be many diverfe of them as it is declared in the book following.” JPrologue to the Book of Coat Armour. “Here in this book following is determined the lineage of Coat ’ Armours: and how gentlemen fhall be known from ungentle men, and how bondage began firft in angel and after fucceeded in man kind, as it is here fhowed in procefs, both in the childer of Adam and alfo of Noe, and how Noe divided the world in three parts to his three fons. Alfo there be fhowed the nine colours in Arms figured by the nine orders of Angels, and it is fhowed by the forefaid colours which be worthy and which be royal; and of regalities which be noble and which be excellent. And there be here the vertues of Chivalry, and many other notable and famous things, to the pleafure of noble perfons fhall be fhowed, as the works following witneffes, whofoever liketh to fee them and read them, which were too long now to rehearfe. And after thefe notable things aforefaid followeth the Blafing of all manner Arms in Latin, French, and Englifh.” So wrote the fchoolmafter. Let us now fee what kind of book this is typographically. CHAPTER II. Tppography and Bibliography. a) LL.D books mutt be loved, and their idiofyncrafies carefully ftudied, before they will yield up a// their treafures ; that done, the obfervant lover will obtain poffeffion of both foul and body; he may revel in the intellectual feaft provided by the author, or he may ftudy the material and mechanical features of the books as reprefented by the peculiarities of paper and the habits and cuftoms of the various printers. Then, by grouping thefe as a botanift does his flowers, according to their organifation into claffes, orders, genera, and fpecies, he may extract from his volumes true replies to queftions which otherwife would remain hidden for ever. So true is the dictum, “ The Mind it is which fees, and not the Eye alone.” Many bibliophiles, however, of education and tafte have been pofitively blind when outfide the circle of their own particular ftudies. So it was with the Rev. Dr. M‘Neille, a well-known critic and book- collector of fixty yearsago. Whenaddreffing Dr. Dibdin he wrote thus of “The Book of St. Albans ’—‘ This book is itfelf ufelefs, and only a bon morceau for the quizzical collector.” With fuch feelings towards one of the moft curious works which this country produced during the infancy of the printing prefs, it was fimply impoffible that the intereft of its pages fhould be revealed to him; and however rich in divinity and editiones principes of the claffics the library of the Typography and Bibliography. 17 worthy do¢tor may have been, it is evident that our Book of St. Albans could never have been aught but an alien on 4zs book-fhelves. The works printed by William Caxton were almoft without exception in the Englifh tongue, while the contemporary preffes of Oxford, St. Albans, and Machlinia were nearly all in Latin. Of the eight books at prefent known to have been printed at St. Albans, the only two in Englifh were the “Fructus Temporum” and the work under review. The “Fructus” or St. Albans’ Chronicle is the fame as that printed two years previoufly by Caxton, with the addition of certain ecclefiaftical events and Papal chronology, probably added‘ by the printer himfelf to pleafe the monks, The Book of St. Albans’ and the St. Albans’ Chronicle make a clafs of themfelves ; but as it is impoffible to underftand their pofition without a glance at the other works from the fame prefs, we will give a tabulated defcription of the whole eight. BOOKS PRINTED AT ST. ALBANS IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Date of] No. of Size of . . Lines : Lan- |: A : . Signa- | Printed . Wood- . Title of Book. Size.{ Print- | Printed|Type} Printed we Ink. | Device. in guage. ing. | Leaves. Page. tures. | Initials. cuts. | pa. ge. vv on ON Rw Auguftini Dacti ele- | Latin | qto| n.d. | 18 | 1 | 52x33 | none | none | black | none | none | 36 gancie Laur: de Saona Rhe- | Latin | 4to | 1480 | 181 | 2-1] 52x34 |signed| none | black | none | none | 24 torica nova Alberti modo | Latin | 4to| 1480 } 46 |3-1| 52x 3} |signed| none | black | none | none | 32 Significandi. z Joan: Canonici Queft. | Latin | fol.| 1481 | 174 | 3 | 8x5 |signed| none | black] none | none| 44 fup. Phys. Arift. Exempla facre fcrip- | Latin | gto| 1481 | 83 | 3 | 52% 3% |signed| none | black| none | none | 32 ture Ant. Andres fuper | Latin | 4to| 1482 | 335 | 3 | 52x34 |signed| none | black| none | none | 32 Logica Ariftotelis ode . Chronicles of Eng- | Engl. | fol. |14832} 295 | 2 | 8x5 lea? | yes |black| with | yes | 32 land signed & red “ The Book of St. | Engl. | fol.| 1486 | 88 |2-4] 8x5 |signed| yes | black] with | yes | 32 Albans & red But who was the printer? What was his name? Was he affociated with the great Abbey? and is there any internal or external evidence in his works to connect him with any other printer or any other town ? The only notice we have of the printer is an accidental one by Wynken de Worde, who, in reprinting the St. Albans’ Chronicle, fays c 18 Typography and Bibhography. Ss in the colophon, “Here endith this prefent Chronicle . . . compiled in a book and alfo enprinted by our fometime Schoolmafter of St. Alban.” He was a fchoolmatter, then, and this will account for the nature of his early works, all {cholaftic and all in Latin. Not till the end of his typographical career did he realife the fact that the print- ing-prefs, inftead of being the hobby of a few learned men, was the educator of the people, the whole nation ; and then he gave his country- men what they wanted—a hiftory of their own country and a book upon the whole (secular) duty of the gentleman, as then underftood. The name of the fchoolmafter-printer is quite unknown. No notice of him is found in the records of the Abbey, nor does he appear in any contemporary document. Yet here, as in Miftrefs Barnes's cafe, imagination has come to the refcue and a legendary name has been provided. Finding that the Prologue to the Book of Hawking began with the words, “Znfomuch as gentle men and honeft perfons have great delight in Hawking;” finding alfo that the St. Alban’s Chronicle from the fame prefs began thus: “Jz/omuch as it is neceffary;” and bearing in mind that certain old authors had veiled ¢hezy names in the firft words of their works, Dr. Chauncy arrived at the fagacious conclufion that the St. Albans printer wifhed to veil 42s name, which really was “Infomuch.” The joke, for it almoft feems like one, does not bear even the fcrutiny which itfelf invites, for although the fchool- mafter ufes the words in two other places, in neither cafe are they at the beginning of a chapter.* It fhould be added that in this the worthy hiftorian of Herefordfhire only followed the lead of both Bale and Pits. Was he connected with the Abbey? I think not. There is not a word to fuggeft fuch a connection, although we may take it for granted that the Abbot and his fraternity could not have frowned upon * On sig. a j recto of “ Cote Armour " is “ Infomuch as all gentlenefs comes of God ;’ and upon sig. b iij verfo is “ Infomuch that in the fifth quadrat,” &c. The ufe of the word in thefe cafes could have no veiled meaning, and it was probably only a peculiarity of diction which had become a habit with the {choolmafter. Typography and Bibliography. 19 the printer, or he would never have eftablifhed himfelf. His imprints all mention the town of St. Albans, but never the Abbey, and his pofi- tion was probably fimilar to that of Caxton, who was fimply a tenant of the Abbot of Weftminfter, but, fo far as is known, nothing more. Was he connected with Caxton and the Weftminfter prefs? With- out a fhadow of doubt I fay, No! Mr. E. Scott, of the MS, depart- ment in the Britifh Mufeum, has indeed ftrung together a number of furmifes to fhow that the Schoolmafter was employed by Caxton, and that all the books without date or place hitherto attributed to Weftminfter were really printed at St. Albans, But internal evidence is againft any fuch gratuitous affumption. There is nothing in common between the two printers in any of their habits or cuftoms except the poffeffion of Caxton’s No. 3 type. This is the only one of Caxton’s types ufed outfide his own office (for W. de Worde, his succeffor in houfe and bufinefs, muft not be regarded as a feparate printer). Caxton employed it from his arrival in England in 1477 till 1484, when it makes its laft appearance in the headings of “ A®fop,” the “Order of Chivalry,” and‘ The Golden Legend.” In 1485 Caxton obtained a new fount, fimilar in fhape and character, and from that time the old No. 3 difappears to make way for the new and fmaller type No. 5. This being more fuited to the tafte of the day, we _ find the larger and worn fount paffing over to the country prefs of St. Albans, where the Schoolmafter firft ufes it in 1486, being the identical year in which its fucceffor appears in Caxton’s “Royal Book.” We may here obferve that after the ftoppage of the St. Albans’ Prefs the fame fount finds its way back again and is feen in W. de Worde’s reprint, in 1496-97, of the two Englifh St. Albans books. But the difcovery of a copy of Caxton’s Boethius in the old Grammar School at St. Albans, and the numerous fragments of old books extracted from its covers, are quoted as confirming the idea. Yet the book itfelf and all thefe fragments were from Weftminfter, not a fingle one being from a known St. Albans book, and they included the Caxton “Chronicles,” 1480, the “ Dictes,” 1477, and the 20 Typography and Bibliography. ftill earlier “‘ Life of Jafon;” fo that we had better at once remove the whole Weftminfter prefs, dated and undated, to St. Albans, if fuch an argument is to have any force. Thefe fragments, indeed, can only point to the fact that the copy of Boethius was bound in the printing office, as was commonly the cafe with the books from Caxton’s prefs. Again, Mr. Scott draws attention to the fact that a page of the St. Albans’ Book, 1486, has been copied by a contemporary writer on to the blank leaves of one of Caxton’s earlieft books. ’Tis true; but this copying of part of one book into another, printed ten years before, has no typographical bearing whatever. Laftly, the name Caufton appears in an old St. Albans’ Regifter of the early part of the fifteenth century. But this, again, means pofitively nothing. Caxton’s name was not at all uncommon; there were Cauftons or Caxtons in nearly every Englifh county, and I have quite a long lift of them. It is highly probable that Caxton, while at Weftminfter, in the van of all the literature of his day, would have communications of fome fort with the important town of St. Albans; but that the two printers affifted one another in the production of books, is, fo far as any evidence goes, a pure fiction. Let us now glance at the bibliographical afpect of the book. The work itfelf has no title. It is difficult in our time, accuftomed as we are to “teeming millions” of books, each with its own title- page, to conceive a period when the prefs fent out works without even the fhadow of a title-page. Before the invention of printing, the author fimply headed his firft page with the name of the work, as “Here begins the Confeffio Amantis,” or “Hic incipit Parvus Catho,” and, without preface or more ado, the text commenced. Sometimes even this/little notification was omitted, and, as in Caxton’s “Jafon,” “The Chefs Book,” “Tulle,” and many other fifteenth-century books, the fubject of the work had to be learned by reading the text. So it is with the book now under review; ‘it comprifes four diftinét works, but to one only is there any heading, and that has the bare line “Incipit liber armorum.” Typography and Bibliography. 21 The firft, “The Book of Hawking,” ftarts ftraight off—*This is the manner to keep Hawks,” and occupies three fignatures, a, Db, and ¢, of eight leaves each, and fig. 0, which has but four leaves, on purpofe that this portion might be complete alone, if fo defired. The fame idea controlled the arrangement of “The Book of Hunting,” which, beginning on fig. e¢ j, ends with Dame Juliana’s “Explicit” on the recto of fig. f tftj. This left the laft feven pages of the quaternion to be filled up. Now it was a common practice, both with the fcribes and with the early printers, when they got to the end of their text and found that a page or two of blank paper was left, to occupy the blank pages with fuch common houfehold aphorifms or popular rhymes as came eafily to the memory, or were at. hand in fome other book. So here the fchoolmaster- printer fills up his vacant pages with a number of odd fentences and rhymes, moft of which occur over and over again in numerous manu- {cripts of early poetry. Among others we notice the well-known :— * Arife erly, ferue God deuouteli, and the world befily.”’ &ec. &c. Alfo the folks proverb :— “Too wyues in oon hous, Too cattys and oon mous, Too dogges and oon boon, Theis fhall nei accorde i oon.” Then the lift of proper terms to be ufed by gentlemen and thote curious in their fpeech is of very common occurrence :— “ An herde of Hertis An herde of all maf dere A pride of Lionys_, A fleuth of Beeris.” &c. &c. This was evidently copied from fome MS., and ends with “q Ex- plicit,” and nothing more. On the next page we have the proper terms for carving or dismembering beafts, fowls, and fifhes, followed on the laft leaf by a lift of bifhoprics and provinces. wv 32 Typography and Bibliography. Having thus filled up all his leaves, the printer begins his third fubjeé&t on a frefh fignature, and introduces the “ Liber Armorum” with the Preface (already printed). A long work on the “ Blafing of Arms” follows, beginning on fig. ¢ jf, and ending on fig. f 10. This is extremely interefting, both in matter and in the very rude woodcut reprefentations of armorial bearings with which the text is profufely illuftrated. Except in one or two cafes of uncommon tints, thefe are all colour-printed, as are the initials to paragraphs. In the Grenville copy, the preffman having forgotten to roll the “forme,” the initials all appear in that femi-tinted ftate which would be the natural refult of fuch an omiffion. We notice, too, that where the coats of arms require, say, three colours on one page, then the initials are alfo in three colours; but if only one colour is required for the arms, only one colour, and that the fame, is ufed for the initials. Occafionally, where a peculiar colour was neceffary, a brufh was ufed to infert that tint by hand. In workmanfhip the St. Albans printer, efpecially in the Englith books, is much inferior to the contemporary iffue from the Weft- minfter prefs. The types are worfe, the arrangement worfe, the preffwork worfe, and the ink worfe. From this point of view alone, the theory that he would print for Caxton fo much better than he did for himfelf, is not worth ferious confideration. The Book of St. Albans went through many editions, particu- lars of which are difficult to obtain. 1486. The Boke of St. Albans (Brit. Mus.). | 15—. By W. Copland. “In Lothebury” 149-. By Wynken de Worde “‘at the fygne 4to. / of the Sonne.”’ 15—. By W. Copland. “In faynt Martyns 1496. By Wynken de Worde (Brit. Mus.). parith in the Vinetre upon the three 15—. By W. Powell. “Imprinted at London crane wharfe.” in Fleteftrete at the fygne of George | 1548? By W. Copland. “Imprynted at next to faynt Dunfton’s Church by London in the Vyentre vppon the Wyllyam Powell. thre Craned Wharfe by Wyllyam 15—. By W. Copland. ‘Imprinted at Copland.” London in Flete Street at the fygne | 1550. By W. Powell. “ Hawkynge Hun- of the Rofe Garlande by Wylliam tynge and Fifhynge.”’ 8yvo. Lon- Copland for Richard Tottell”’ don. (Brit. Mus.). 1551? By Abraham Vele. Lypography and Bibliography. 23 15—. By. Henry Tab. ‘“Imprynted at G. M. (Gervafe Markham). Lon- London in Paul’s chyrch yarde by don. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). me Héry Tab” (Brit. Mus.). 1596. By Wolffe. 15—. By J. Waley. “Imprinted at Lon- |.1596. By Iflip. ‘“‘ Hawking Hunting Fowl- don in Fofter laen by Johfi Waley ” ing and Fifhing,” by Adam Iillip. 4to. 4to. 1563. By Copland. In this year Copland | 1596. By E. Alde. “ Hawking Hunting was fined for “a book of Hawkyng, Fowling and Fithing,’’ by Edward Huntyng, and fysfhynge cdtrary to Alde. the orders of this howse—iiij d” | 1600. By Wolffe. (Herbert, p. 367). 1606. By Wolffe. 1586. By E. Alde. 4to. (Bib. Dec.). ‘| 1614. By Helme. “A Jewell for Gentrie 1590. By John Wolfe “at the fygne of the by S. T.” 4to. (Brit. Mus.). Gunne.” 1793. ‘The Book of Cote Armour.’’ Lon- 1595. By H. Lownes. “The Gentleman’s don, 4to, reprinted by J. Dalla- Academie or the Booke of St. way, with an excellent introduction Albans * * * Compiled by Juliana (Brit. Mus.). Barnes in the year from the incar- | 1810. The Boke of Hawking Hunting and nation of Chrift 1486. And now Cote Armour. Hazlewood’s re- reduced into a better method by print. London. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). How did the fchoolmafter at St. Albans obtain his types? This is a puzzling queftion in the prefent ftate of paleeotypography. Mr. Bradfhaw of Cambridge has, by unwearied ftudy of early printed books, thrown great light upon the connection and genealogy of numerous founts ufed by fifteenth-century printers, and fyftematic attention to the minute peculiarities of each printer is doubtlefs the only way in which thofe old books can be forced to yield up their fecrets; but the tafk is immenfe, and beyond the powers of any one man to complete. Some day, however, when the paleotypography of this country, as well as of the Continental preffes, fhall have received that full technical and philofophical analyfis which time is fure to bring, the more fortunate bibliographer of the future will be able with certainty to track the footfteps and operations of the early typefounders, and will be enabled to ftate for certain to what extent Caxton and the St. Albans printer were their own typefounders, and to what extent and to whom they looked for outside help. As the cafe now ftands, we can only confefs our ignorance of where the St. Albans types came from. CHAPTER III. Che Subjects Created. N the rude civilifation of the fifteenth century, a year’s experience of which would fend moft of us to our graves, the mental occupation as well as the bodily recreation of our anceftors was almoft confined to hunting and hawking. “Fifhing with an Angle” came in as a bad third, being too tame a purfuit for men who were no men if not men of war. Mimic war—war on the beafts of the field and the fowls of the air—war which could be purfued in times of peace, and which yet required knowledge, patience, fortitude, and courage—this had great attractions, and we cannot wonder at the general popularity of thefe purfuits. The firft treatife in the following reprint is upon Hawking, a paftime effentially ariftocratic from the great expenfe it entailed in the purchafe, breeding, and maintenance of the birds. This, indeed, coupled with the diminution of game confequent on the progrefs of civilifation and the increafe of the population, led to the gradual decadence of the fport, and nearly to its extinction in the eighteenth century, although, in very rare cafes, falconry is even now practifed. As we have feen, one of the moft difficult objects in hawking was to obtain an eafy command of the proper vocabulary, and fo at firft ftart our author inftruéts us in “ The manner to fpeak of Hawks, from the egg.” We muft not fay a young hawk is hatched, but The Subjects Treated. 25 ‘‘difclofed ;” they do not breed but ‘“‘eyer;” it was a want of culture in any falconer to fay that hawks were building their neft, they “timbered” it. When the young could firft leave the neft they were ‘‘ Boweffes,” and when they could fly they were “ Branchers,” and then was the time to catch and train them. When the young were caught, which was with nets, the firft thing was to ‘“enfile” them, that is, to “take a needle and thread and few up the eyelids,” fo that they ‘fee never a dele.” After a night and a day the threads were cut foftly for fear of breaking the “lyddis of the ighen,” then they were fed with well-wafhed flefh, but kept awake the next night and day, after which they were fuppofed to be tame, or “ reclaimed.” The various difeafes to which Hawks are liable are then explained, and medicines prefcribed for them. Some of thefe are very abfurd and fome contradictory. Then comes a variety of terms for every movement and habit, for every limb or part of the body, and for almoft every feather in the plumage. In this minute defcription the author begins at the feet of the bird and fo works upwards, as when _ “Knyghttis been harneffide.” Next we are inftru¢ted how important it is to be careful of the manner of guiding the Hawk the firft time it is ready to “nomme” a partridge ; how to reward her by giving her the head and neck, after which on no account is fhe to fly again till fhe has “rejoiced,” ze., fharpened her beak and fhaken her feathers. More medicines follow, among which is how to get rid of “lies” (lice). ‘Take a piece of rough blanket and hold it to the fire till it is quite hot; wrap the hawk therein, and without hurting hold her ‘ foftely and ftylly’ in your hands, and all the vermin will creep into the cloth.” A happy thought this! The “ Geffe,” or ftrip of leather by which the Hawk is held when carrying her on the hand, is next defcribed, together with the creance or long line. More medicines ftill, and then how to treat Hawks when “in mew,” or moulting, a matter of great importance. To promote D 26 The Subjetis Treated. “mewing ” give the flefh of a kid, a young fwan, and efpecially rats’ flesh ; ftewed adders are alfo ftrongly recommended, or chickens which have been fed upon wheat foaked in broth of vipers. Gout feems a common difease in various parts of the Hawk’s body, which may be known by {welling and “ungladnefs ;” alfo rheum and fever and blains and agrum, which laft is cured by a red-hot filver needle thruft into the noftrils. Botches in the jaw fhould be “kutte with a knyfe.” More terms follow for various habits and actions, the laft paragraph being upon the variety of Bells ufed for Hawks. There fhould be two, one a “femytoyn” (femitone) below the other. ‘“ The Bells of Melen (Milan ?) were the beft, but,” fays the author, “there be now ufed Dutchland bells, of a town called durdright (Dordrecht), and they be paffing good, fonowre (fonorous) of ringing in fhrillnefs, and well lafting.” The whole ends with a lift of various fpecies of Hawks and their appropriatenefs to the various ftations of life, among which are— An Eagle for an Emperor. A Merlyon for a Lady. A Gerfalcon for a King. A Gofhawk for a Yeoman. A Peregrine for an Earl. A Sparehawk for a Prieft. A Mufkyte for “an holiwater clerke.” The fecond treatife is upon Hunting, and has a fhort preface, which probably came, like the firft, from the pen of the Schoolmafter. The work is all in metre, and evidently intended for boys to learn by heart. It begins by telling “my dere chylde” the various kinds of beaft to be hunted; the changes of name they take as they grow older; the variety of horns ; how to fkin and difmember ; the various cries and noifes to be ufed; the feafons of hunting various beatts. Then follow inftru@tions how to hunt the Hare, and what to fay to the hounds, who muft always be addreffed in French, as “arere!” when he enters the kennel-door; “this is the firft word, my fon, of venery.” ‘Sa fa cy auaunt,” “ Sweff mon amy sweff,” and other fimilar cries are noted down, fome to be fhouted twice only and fome thrice, The Subjecis Treated. 277 the chief cry being ‘So how.” The knowledge of when and how often thefe cries fhould be ufed was moft important, as their proper ufe would bring “worfhip among all men.” Here, apparently, in the midft of one effay, another is interpolated, and we are treated to a portion of fome old dialogue like ‘‘The Mafter of the Hunt,” in which the “Man” afks all forts of queftions and the “ Mafter” replies. It might indeed be dubbed “The Hunter’s Catechifm.” This occupies eight pages, and then we fall back upon the original rhyme again and the inftructions of the Dame to “my childe,” ending with the “ Explicit” of Dam Julyans Barnes. Some leaves remaining to be filled up, the moral and other fentences, as already defcribed at page 21, were added. Perhaps the third treatife upon Coat Armour and the Blafon of Arms is the moft interefting portion of the book. The quaintnefs of fome of the explanations is very amufing, and many people will find more points of fympathy, both hiftorical and technical, with this than with the others. The headline, ‘“Incipit Liber Armorum,” gives us at once the title of the manufcript from which the text was compiled. ‘“ Heraldry Run Mad” might indeed have been an appropriate title for this, as well as all fimilar tractates; for the author, in his anxiety to honour the fcience, does not fcruple to take the reader back hiftorically not to Noah only, but to Adam, whofe fpade, he tells us, was the firft fhield in Heraldry, and who was the firft to bear Coat Armour. The argu- ment, if it may fo be called, is:—All “gentilnes” comes from God ; there were originally in heaven ten Orders of Angels bearing Coat Armour, but now only nine, Lucifer with “mylionys of aungelis” having fallen out of heaven into hell and other places. As a bond- man might fay that all men come from Adam, fo might Lucifer fay he and his angels came from heaven. Cain, for his wickednefs, was the firft churl, and all his offfpring were churls alfo by the curfe of God. Seth, on the other hand, was a gentleman by his father’s bleffing; Noah, too, was a gentleman by nature, but of his three fons, “Sem, Cham, and Jafeth,” Cham, for 28 The Subjecis Treated. his unfilial conduct, was made “ungentle.” The addrefs of Noah to his three fons is curious, and is thus fupplemented :— “Of the offfpring of the gentleman Japhet came Abraham, Mofes, Aaron, and the prophets, and alfo the King of the right line of Mary, of whom that gentleman Jefus was born, very God and man, after his manhood King of the land of Judah and of Jews, a gentleman by his mother Mary, and Prince of Coat Armour.” Some fay that Coat Armour began at the fiege of Troy, but it was of far greater antiquity than that, and was founded upon the nine Orders of Angels, who were crowned each with a diadem of precious ftones—the Topaz (truth), Smaragdus (hardihood), Amethyft (chivalry), Loys (powerful), Ruby (courageous), Sapphire (wifdom), Diamond, a black ftone (durable), Carbuncle (doughty and glorious). | Thefe reprefent Gentleman, Squire, Knight, Baron, Lord, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and Prince. Here we probably have the origin of the fhape of various crowns and coronets. Everything is treated in nines, and the nine virtues and nine vices of gentlenefs follow, with nine rejoic- ings, nine articles that every knight fhould keep, and nine manner of gentlemen, in which we learn that the Evangelifts and Apoftles were all gentlemen of the right line of that worthy conqueror, Judas Machabeus, who in courfe of time had fallen to labour, and fo were not called gentlemen. The four doctors of the Church—St. Jerome, Ambrofe, Auguftine, and Gregory—were alfo gentlemen of blood and of Coat Armour. There are nine differences of Coat Armour and nine quadrats, all of which are explained. The “ Blafyng of Arms” comes next, the preface to which is by the author, and not by the printer. It begins with the varieties of the Crofs as borne in arms, each being illuftrated by a rude woodcut printed in its proper colours, and the blafon, or technical defcription of each is given in Latin, French, and Englifh. All varieties of arms follow, with the myfteries of bends, engrail, borders, chequers, balls, cakes, rings, &c., offering but little which can be quoted, but forming an interefting and ufeful book of reference. CHAPTER IV. Jbdilology. ; =" HERE is a ftrongly marked individuality in the fpelling 84) throughout all the treatifes in this work. If the Hunting rhymes belong to Dam Julyans, their ortho- graphy, like the profe portions, is that of the School- mafter, who appears to have been a North-countryman, many words leading to that conclufion. The formation of the plural by adding the letters “is” or “ys” ftrikes the attention at once. Thus the plural of bells is bellis; egg, eggis; vetch, fetchis; fulmert, ful- mertis; hawk, hawkys; herd, herdys; person, personys, and so on. The change of a y at the end of a word to anZz is common, as onli, fofteli, unthrefti; and for if; algate; awth for all the ; bowke; chylder ; clepit ; clees; knaw; ken; yowre ; and many others are Northern. As might be expected, many Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman words now obfolete are found, fuch as benymme, blynne, byzete, canell, clepit, colver, dagon, gobbit, kawe, kydde, liggen, merde, nafethrils, nym,* raton, and many others. The following vocabulary will fhow the chief words in which peculiarity of fpelling or dialeét are noticeable :— alfe, half and, used for “if” arn, are algate, always appillis, apples - affone, as foon * In the flang of thieves to /eeal is to nim at this day. 30 awntelere, antler awth, aught awth, all the barris, bars beeftys, beafts beke, beak bells, bells bene, be benymme, take away blynne, to ceafe boon, bone bodi, body bowellis, bowels bott, but bottre, butter bowke, crooked bridde, bird broght, brought byfprenged, {prinkled byzete, gain calt, called calde, called cattis flefh, cat’s flefh canell, cinnamon callifh, call (imper.) chycon, chick chykynnes, chickens chooce, choice chylder, children clepit, called cloos, close communelt, commonly commythe, cometh cowntenanfis, counte- nances Be Philology. coluer, a dove colode, cold cogh, cough contenyt, contained cowples, couples cyYoampe, cramp currage, courage cum, cumme, come dais, days dagon, a piece dayfes, daifies deewl, a portion defawte, default diuerts, divers dookes, ducks doon, do doys, does echeon, each one ech, each ee, €88 eegis, eggs _ ells, else elts, eels errabull, arable cfelt, eafily euert, every euerofe, rofewater euyn, eeuen, even eyre, air eygh, eyghen, eye, eyes Jebulnefs, feeblenefs JSechens, ftoats Jaukeneris, falconers feederis, federes, feathers fetchis, vetches feldis, fields Jofterys, forefters Solowys, follows Slee, flay forder, further forrgeet, forget Sofiewt, fott fowrith, fourth Sulmertis, polecats gedder, gather glayre, white ofan egg gobbit, piece gres, greafe groyn, grown gyde, guide habull, able hawkys, hawks hawtyn, proud hakke, hack haare, hare heepis, heeps heagis, hedges herdys, herds howndys, hounds hoole, whole hootd, holde, old hoom, home hudge, {mall huntid, hunted hunterys, hunters hennys, hens huicles oppon houghts hanylon, wiles of a fox hir igh,ughe,tyen, eye, eyes ingraylyt, engrailled tnowgh, enough tlich, alike zven, iron alke, each Juseé, juice kawe, call ken, know knaw, knawe, know knottis, knots kneys, knees kow, cow knyue, knife kydde, known kyndelt, natural Rut, cut layferly, \eifurely lew warme leppys, leaps leif, dear leuer, liver hes, lice linne, lynne, linen Littyl, little liggyn, lie luke water lyddis of the ighen, eyelids lymayall, iron filings Looff, loaf maake, make mary, marrow markerts, markers merade, dung Philology. medecyne, medefyn, meatide, mingled mecle, melis, meal, meals medill, mingle moch, much mony, many mowothe, mouth moyftour, moifture myddes, midft mynne, mine nafethrillis, noftrils nares, noftrils naamys, Names nathele/s, nevertheless neppe, catmint nettis, nets notabull, notable 20 moo, NO more nomour, number not, a nut nyghtis, nights nym, nomme, taken okys, oaks ontt, only ony, honey ones, onys, once oouen, oven oon, one oppyn, open ordenatilr owte, out take, ous 31 pennyd, feathered pervfonys, perfons pellittis, pellets prke, pick procets, procefs puttith, putteth praty, pretty propertets, properties quarter, quartered vad, ? afraid vaton, a rat refiith, refteth vede, ready vebuket, rebuked YOYS, TOES roungeth vow/e, roufe Jaauue, fave Jerven, few JSemytoyn, femitone Se, fee Jrewys, Thows Jtau, flow JSnakys, {nakes Jofteli, foftly Jomwatt, fomewhat Joore, fore JSowre, foar Soper, Tapper Jowkyng, fucking Jounys, fons Jpanyellis, {paniels JSnakys, {nakes partous, perlous, peril- taake, take. takys, takes 43 Philology. tempur, temper varri vede, very red = wroght, wrought termys, termis, terms verz, very wode, wold, would tho, thet, they unthrefti, unthrifty wight, Twift thridde, third vreyne, urine woddys, woods theyem, them warbellith, warbelleth wylzs, while threts, thrice watt, what yche, each theys, thighs weere, where yghes, eyes togeyder, together weere, weary yolow, yellow toon, two ware, were yowre, your tweys, twice wengys, Wings yowrts, yours tymeli, timely whaan, when thredis, threads whote nat, wot not We have now traced the various afpects in which this curious work may be viewed. There is not one of them that would not repay much deeper ftudy, and the reader will, doubtlefs, fympathife with the writer in the wifh that more could be difcovered concerning the {choolmafter-printer. That his pioneer attempts to eftablifh a printing prefs met with many difcouragements was a matter of courfe; and, doubtlefs, he had many technical, bufinefs, and even focial difficulties to overcome; for a reading public had to be created and patronage was {cantily afforded. Neverthelefs he ftruggled on for at leaft feven years, as we learn from the dates on his books, and whatever may have been his fhortcomings, either as author or as printer, the fact of his having been one of the earlieft promoters in this country of the grandeft difcovery which the mind of man has yet made, will unite all of us in honouring the memory and refpecting the name, fhadowy though it be, of the “Scole mayfter of St. Albon.” WILLIAM BLaDEs. =~ TIN Mu Py ete oelife m laukpne and wfire & taue the maner t take ubys: andalfo fot andm Raat Bye thep chulde ape cheps grdpnateli sande knal dhe oentitt dexmps m communpne of theps tauleps sand to (onterftonse they: feenefes and enflanit; trea s andaflfo foknate medianes for Hhepm acozdprig.and monp notabutf éeamyps that ten (fed i balbepna both of therr ne kyo and of the folbles that theiz tatleps phat flep . kesfore thps books folblotopinc ina wl forme phetbps wert knalblege of fuche plefure t qentitt men .and pfonps dsfpofed & fe rt - ak fo moch Chat qentill men and honofé perfortes tare cree’ ‘e seta balbips. hott oonli Gophalbkps : ah Cex: ‘ gli. of Coppaltieys and fpace talblips and) m Ratt manez thap phat te oe a Pe pope maner to tpehe of hawhis fo an ceg to thet be babill to be tahene « ph f pps. fist Hap ken Cones . andaf; | tar: Cyne difclofer bi and communeli cof afeeps keen fone asthe chouate and in fome place smote. epineli after Che contre is of fate .andéymels bradpng . {inn Re fhatk fay that jatblrs ron Eyer and not heer. Tee Bvoves ind tbe phat fap that hotels coon oral Kien tere tpmierrnig to thets nefées.and wot chep beld ne mas he thes nefécs Qindin the tyme of theis Loue chop aalf .crnd riot hauke . Gln e phatt fay that thep trove. Qind Bhen thep bene gnclofedand keagpnneth fo ferrs any ynes of lenosthe Blnoon be tepnde thep Doslt denlb fomikatt ou€ of the ne(é sand drat to come aghpn fo Herel & sy rire the manes t feapnne 6 kere balbleps : fot nok nd ther thap be clopit pSotbef fis CL Qtnd after fayné MNase — ay Dit A pe tree to Ceve . ind then Hap fone alte Beatnchens .Qind then itis ime fort Gkebm C_Bind . 3). mahtts be fore fapné Mazganhs mp ¢.07- siabts after te lefte Galapne, of fpare jalblies FR ow He thall demedn pow i takdng of hawhis & With wat intrumetis chow pe Chall hide them ae bo fo Blk toe tniblees he mufet taue nettis Wich ferrfal: Led wrines and ep muft te mar of 00d (mall thew . GND if bade ned fo be died other arreen o7 biKe for efpreng of hee: poldtee . and ke mole talec Bith bpm necrtl and theete to enfilethye: falbles that ker talesen. Qrid inthss maner thep sue be eifiled.’ Cale che neevtl and theer : and put r¢ thorol the oucs tah lid and fo of that othes > and make em fa(t onze the bebe : chatt she fe neues a welk andthe fije is enfiled as phe albthe to be. Sum (ofa Oo enfilelpn with che never rah (:We.a bone the keke on the nw afmoft : tot that ss the thos Dap {For of ceefon the ues ety Lider clofith more rufély then the netins be oxufe of £2 Laraeneffe . Doken phe ss enfiled then tere hi tatolee home on Che filec and aft his on a peech and let his flante deca mabe and @ mp and on that offes mp Cotoerde ceugtn. Alon take and cut efele the thors ano toke fem a Bap fofteli foz brepne of the Lpdores of de eqhen. Chen foftc and farce begynne fo fer ber .andfarz fave Werth bee erik (he Wilk fitte Leek Bayon tie fie. Foz this owe w forbhietpna of brs Renaps .Qtnd tien effame mabe aftes ee edprig Bake tes alk npabtand dhe mort alt mp. tha Ne ke prttit Frob ah t tereclamed.Qtnd the none ha tbe cath exte : lett ct be hoot | arid'pee bes Ynotiah ches of.” ihan Howre hawhe map be draw to reclapine and the maner o€ hic dpette Qld if polbre falbke be haste peunyd: phe maybe omatbne. to ke eclapmed. {Tot aft the Mahal hat phere dendergen npd : he 19 not babull ¢o tereclapmed CT QTd of phe ke a Gof tole 03 Cezcelk that halk be veclapmed cuez ferebym ith Ba fhe meete atthe deatbpne .cnd at the reclapmpna . bot Lote thné bithe foots amd m this mayer Rafijeit. Cake the meetand qo to the Bates and ftrike t€ exp and dolbne in the Kater .and Ban Ge the Raates cthte.and fer bts the: Bish and phe & a bran ches .Qind ef sf fone an Epeffe thos moft Barf the meete clen sex Eenpe v0 fo the bratonches.and With a lnne cloth diz: i€ and fers tes. Qlnd cuczmoce the chrd tap peuc ez altpng Bien thers flepna of he ka Gophalke o: Tere m this manes : Cake nel blanket cloth and ml. prlettrs thezof of an m: the Lome .Qindtake the fle(f and cutt .o.mozcals : and ithe a knpues pnt make an bole m cucts morcefl. and pu€thezm the pollettis of cloth . ard fate a fasz diff Birth Kater and put hem therm . © fen tare the batblee and peuc fpz a mozcetf of hoore meete the ntolbntenglans of balfe biz oop. Chen take hit chat Lptt in the Factor fee be fos all npaht. d,)1) a %: Fpolir be (Halll Eee Howre hawhe-and to knawe Hic, infirmitecis. 2 ther bene monp diueris of thent WI? {F potbre bolblee be a fare batches euer ere htz Bich on I 33 Kaf(h meet and looke thathis aftpna be'plimace: thar ote Ghat st be clepn tondez the perch and im the mom pe (hat fone the arfepne, (onres che pricy: and thes pe halk Livodbe Dobe ¢ ther the botbtze be clene oz noo. {For fur qobbit Bulk be polots: END (um qeane:andfum glaymous-andfum cleees Qlnd rf it€ be poloth fie enetnterrth the frounce . the Bycty ib axy cuett that “Wu viefe m the molbothe o7 sn the dete’ Qindif sé he euine fe wamnroth the Rp. Che andiaon of thre euetl s6 thre. € Mil aua(e m the ke andmalee the pe to floet @ the ipen aff alap; MOUS .andoprke and bolit baue flee : ELE ote m fo the Legaes i and maake the leqaes & manele . and if 1¢ 00 fto the Ledaes im to the ete a gapne. thi balbtee is bot Looft . Qind’ if ibe qlapmous and roping fly erxendenith an enetk alld the Crp .that ts Bian an babe map not mutepfe CD the wele powresmedicmes here -folowping CLA medicirie fo2 the Ecounce f the moweh Gee a filuesr fpoone and pict Ap fmeilk cite mn Fp Fore tilt ie © hoote. Chen bet bolts te aloe andoppen biz beke and hin the foore and andpnée it Reh the inary ofa qoofe Hat the Cyne Longe and che (tatt be hole | Qtnd iftthe freunce be Teo ts atrete as a noleS boy Hheris aamble theriirand chen. hold moft cutt i Bith a Kofure m this mares. Tette bole the balbke : and flitte thesthe frore is and theld ftalte Fyne the: as it Rare the malbe of a peacon. f ahe it olbte att hoole and take appre of pheeus and att the pole of the foore .andma; he sf as fapee os pe map Dith a Lynne cloth .and Wipe clene fhe bloom a Bap . and anopnt the foore toeth katbme. inj . dus crelbe and affersdbast Bith papplyen . eft tt beboole. Chow the trounce commpche. Dkk frounce ommpth Bion a man Froid bis jelbke Riche Porke oz cnttif flesh: tn caps to qeprez Chow the Kp commnpthe. ‘FCor vefadbte of hoote smevts this feliene(e the Rp conan Chow the Crap commpthe - "ole Corp commpth of Bart meete the Bid is Bajh Guehe Grote Water m che tefarote of hrote meete . QUifott commpthe Q it nis the tc ten in be Flifh Chant the putblee ta fodoe Sich for eh Ghote prlee che Flesh newes (0 clene. pit hots (hatte Fonee theeteg thes mt, acwban thin hake (hall bathe him - Dewermore ech thride mp lef chyn tthe bathe bym.alf | otf r¢ be mere Ketes - pnd onps.m a Beete in: Mphtes éf it be epee Rethes and nof ellis .QUnd Bhisy thot tates: chp Yatblae : cuer peuc hrz a moreclk of Hooke meee ndash chouay qhetenea Gophateke. ROW fe map cawle powre bawehe to fide withe & ciitage inthemmow. = | FF pe Bik that polbee palbke flye im fle mocolbtite . fer bis nypabt before. Ruth hoote mete .and Bah ¢hiffame mecte its corepue and beng olbt Gy Bates clene . and tiné phatk make bre fo tnue lpfé and casemae to flict the momlb in de eft panes pow pe thal ghde pow if Howre bake be full goorged and pe wode foone haue-a fldght - IK ff potore plblec be fit goorged and tnt pe bold foone (yp por. Gate a flighte tute. j.comnes of hele. andput bein in- a moserll of Fle(y and peud Aeffame mozerllie & the pakke « and ‘phe Rr axle ancoy aff tral (le pth With inter ano asioon af; tt that (lp path aft Rooke pe baue a mozertl of foote meete to poue bis Cindy xf pooore palbte teouerqoosged. pene hes Cheffamp medefpr . CA mederhne or the Bh the maples tecupss.and ftamp: fern ma morte and thr Bu th Jufe . and Kitha pune put tt in the bkts te Ones 02 Hopes Khan de tatke es fmalle goozqcd.anda non aftos let bez tere .and fle ghatt ke fpole as a fpft) ellis take qrxeelli Roots and ferue hiz Beth thepen infBef fame ma ; aies..qad Keb. fhe eurith Goble col i polbee onze Keth tle pring Gnd Ont chatk make br: foite . bot rete pealous to (fe r¢ often that the Yitee fat nes fpzpug mo brs pales « CRilfo and ge poue polber lntbke freffy butte: o2 te mamih of Gages chatis m the bone of the brette of porte .tf phatt ma, he bea Go. n(t Rater Bele atthe naces.andré Bill beg tena: seo oppn. kot tf Wilt make 12 rltpn and prhe CA moedechne fo? the Crap & moa low WF ake and date Bath potbee omdpar che fineamane of pothre batbtee With luke Barer alone eae that mie the po ueof Gapefrage or ellis the potbter of (Kelbe . anda quay; tate of wha and temper bit Beett Go geres tt hap ben cum medkire. han putte.t€ m a Littpl bop and ftogpe it fafte . as oftpn as pols fer polbre talbke an hoole mesle anopnt bize merée o (rttptt thes Dith and that (poll make bit b Lloue meet the bettie for loue of the opnlemmt.and it [taf faane biz fro the Crap and from monp or (ehenefes : Chat qender of te m an tabke. Cl QUlfo take the tpote bert of a fibpne oz of a piage and) feewe kez. . maps theztoth . and ftp ffatt te bpole . CE: Rilo take poste andy Reete it m hoote mplhe of a oe .6 fore the hatte Hhestth . and that halt make biz mutp{e até the be(e . CRU fo proske With the mazy of the oon of the but fatima bis muti @ fee bis Bit Sean. oe CAl fo (oft hiz &o fey butter and it Belk r00 theffome CT QGilfo oon mele 07.1 .0€ the mofe of te hoote lene of a prog (halk make bis & mulpfe Beck . be Bare pe peuc hiz not & qrete a qoorne therof . fos itis a pezlous mecte C Qilfo tate pt thbite of an cae . @ labuz fpffame t a fpoge as theele as ye Bole make qlopre fez wee Ynke tf ré be like Bak . put Geffameia cweffitt .¢ let the meefe py? phatt be for bis fop : Ip a {tepe thezin alt de mp be for. gatmiabt froebu ther! and that he Bid halt be for his dynes in the moanpna fet te lp alt the mpaht.totin anp Loyfe tat pe haue altap refit Glepce. and tf bez fedyne be pozke ctia the 16 proud O She bondeli termis that belong to hawhis (1 the beapnripae of kepnalt (pect of the texmys Hat be long Gohaliys frre pe map fyntethepmd Sip furl ts ple fafeatat amps .and fpeaallp Bhan phe tanth. Fe is aU tatpnig . fox he batch Beth his (elfe moft oftpn au(eles The (eeune te rebate poure talbke : & polbee fpft. @ Hatt t5 Blan porire balbke batiely . the lee(t meupne Gat pean mas ke Bith poder fpft phe Wilk rebate apen ompon poloee fple be thade is feet polet balbke.and not apue biz meete Ck fatbuty isan palbke (nptith.o2 felbith biz beke andy not Bipith bee beke C- The .0. poure fauke Joubith . and not [leprtt CT kp ot poure abke propmth.andnot prkith and (he pronpth not bot Bhon phe begpnnpth at bic leqaps and fef cheth mop(touz like ople. at brs mitk.and batometh bis fete ¢ ftukpt the ferns of biz Synges thorods kez teke.and-it is cole the note . han as che fetchis the ople.Qindpe halt on Cezftone anbabke Bold notbe letted of brs propnpng. AFor that tyme that (he papnpth (heislykpna andy lultp. andp Bhanne che bathe wone phe bize mpabtyly. 4 Qlndfarn dyme potbre tatblee aolbuenanfis as fizpilzen hr2 .and pet fiz prpnith not .and thr pe moft fap fle Refoenméh bez fer: 1B andnot pikethhu ferris. .C- Che.wy polbce botbkee ofp eth andnot teckpthq_ Thy . wiih. fie cotbfith and not rhakrth loz (elfer The. tp . fhe [trepnith and not Clithrth noz Crt; dithg” The.p flemantellith and no€ (Eretchrth Blan fle put bith fez leges frombt: oon after an othe : and biz Kpnaes fo: loth after brez Lega . then fle woth mantlt bis and Bran fie tath mantilled biz and bzpnarth booth bez Bynaes fo gee 0; ues biz backs. pe phal fap poder trtbke Bazbellith ire Bynaes. and Ghat ts oon terme whe dezfore CC The. ps. pe fhatt fap polore talbke mutef fith or mutith and not filpfieh. GT Che .on pe phatt fapaft podore talbke & the prad) .andnot (et pou we balolee oppon the perch. FER ere Chal He wendertonde furthermore other ma nec o€ termps that belong un to hawhis fo2 to cd mende them for dwerle of thepr propirteis ke a Longe pale .0 fhoztthike palble . ¢ fap not this ta & ogrebe balbtze. alfo pe ftntt fap this haute jas a lazae betee Os a fiostt bebe . and alt r¢ not budac ire 02 a f malt ln; & fapre fefoned pe phatt fap polbre tabblec ts ult qoozged and Mot cooyped.and polbre balokee puttithoues and ardueth . anop. Bet fip woth booth opussfelp. Ai pe ftatt fap Chie to a fapr balblkee . an hudoe tau How powre hawhe puctichouer Xn galoke pitétithoues Doles he cemeutth Ae mete from bes oo cage m 6 his botbillis . Wind thus pe phatt inate rt Bian che puttithoues fip trauez(ith bid his todi andfpedalls Leith the necke :aga Crane wofle o2 an ofig: budw CM whan pe thall (ad enduth £ embowellid Fn whke avuth neuer as long as tee bobillre bene ful at bos fedpnar. bot affone as phe te fedde . and ceftrth phe avmuthe {reat and lite . Qlndaf tee qoorge be Kite and the bobett anp thpng ( phat fap fie we emboddellid and both not fillp Med andas long as pe map fele anp thpna m bis Lodcllis itis pralous & apue kes anp mete. C MWerhe well theps ternnpe folowpng E509 2% batblee bath a lora thyaga faice long taplt Dosth wi tazcio obt . and (tondith wxpon dp .0n. Shes talblkee 19 entizpen neo That ws fo fay Bien te ferrcis of the Bpnaes bene bstben the boop and the thiabis. Chis lke ts an budge leage oz a flatles . 02 a colbnre leage.oz a farce enferrd leage To knawe the maill of an Ganke Krabkes mue Bhite mart. Canuafmoik o: Rex matt . QMnod form catt er mast Yeon maptt . Whrte maitt is (oone tn; albe. Canuafmartt is betdoene Dbite mail and Jon matt. Aw YonmakiswamRer. es es cr Plumage . and Cate powre yawhe- CT Gt Gorhawke noz a toreelt mare fore nage bane note thar maples named . bot tis calte theiz plumage.andaftes the cote ific alee thep: QNartt C7 Qlnd if polos falbke wear fo any folble bp countencner for & flee thes to pe phalf fap cafe Ge talvhe thes to . and nof lett flr hes fo. QNommme o2 Kelid . CL Bind if pothre Ho Kke (Momme a fotble . and the folble bre: ke a Way fro bir . rhe tath difeomfet mony fereres of the folble. ands brokpna Kap form kyneeli fpech pe phaft fap poure tub ke hath Momme oz feefid a folble and not take 1€ qr werfore an bawhe is calde a {i€elere. CL Bind oft tyme i€ bayprthy mony an-balbke for eqemnof fe Bh) ke chulze (lomme a fotble be feofith tot the ferris .andas ofte as lemon (ole Riflith . therfore (uch batbkps teen called Qeife- leres if thep s00 of fz fo . Feow He thall naame the memberes o€ powse yalohis in conuenient termes . Qh pe hatt onrea(tanre the nacmps off the membries Of talbkeps: to krapnne attr: fete andqoo wplbarte oz lngahitis ben prneffooand azmeed.cfo Be phatt enaemeber a.Salons. fe Clees tehpne . that the. a pe poak ok fn Cg ND theo em Whe Clas With i tle fote pe phatteatk of righthes Holes a Longe Sengles . Bote cortapnly the Clues tat are won Ae medpt (tectele us pe phalk alk the Loong ands apbetp Sengles. FAN> te cottermefe Cleespe chak af the Petp Seales The hep 02 Cloke . nezftond pe alfo thaé Serlees be alethe & ee ae Chole ea Bee hpnc fom exer rete e polbre Inlbke fteenpth : open that Sengle.and alf te foteis op pes fos te firenath thes of fortpfieth alk dp fote . cr Sets of water’ o2 wars colowre. Fenatoe pe - chat tle {upnnec. bolbte polbre fatbips lenges eee calees the Sens of btz leqaes and his fete. Whe- thes thap te Batesp belned o2 of app colodore poloive - C The Bere Feder. Hull Sommpa - Full Hee mpd . and GKeclapmende - | @ tatobe tnch . pi}. ferris (oppon his faple. and con pritt cipatt fers of toffame is in he mpddis . and m manet aff that oder bene couert:d (nres Eeffame fers . and thatis af (oo the Beme fere: of the taple . Bindther goath blocke bung oucrtbaree tly taple . and hoe fame kazris halk telle pot Dopatt ghe 16 futk furnmned .07 full feampd . For Bhan che is full baz nid) (he feondith oypon . Oy and then che is prafite rete Coke Recla ®. vi Pe phatk wneerftonre that az longe as an tatbhe (Coneth toner Ee nombre of . oh .bartis . Qind phe ke m bre fore cages it mofe be fapre that rhe snot full fummed. for fo lonae (heis bot tender Hampd Blrther phe be beatnicher o: Epes. CL Blind sf he be a metbed faible and (tone Mrehin co} . baz ris .pethatk fap fie is not fill fered. for ffeis not tabutt tobe. Meclapmed. be anufe fiz 1 vealbe to foone olbe of the melbe fox {ip is not port pennper .no more Chan cs foore balbke . CC Praples nr Wraplfederda . Megouted Zdo Rnalh fortermor of bathlee bath lone fmale Chite ferris. tangpng Condes tle taptk : from hiz boloetf atte Wasre . arid the fame ferris po chalk otf the braples 07 dy braple ferris. ind communelp euezp gorhabkeand euesp teralis braplis tene bpfprenaed ith blatee freckes. Like Qlzinpus and for alk Gat thay kene acoomphdneues the better . Wot and) a fpacetatotee be fo Ermpned wgpon the buaples oz a (tuple. odex ye ae fop fe 18 Decroutedto de wttermofe braple and much If betohkpnis baztmes « Cr Drek federps . Plumage. Warbe fenerda. endaunt federps: TS fe ferris abotote de formore prtepe of an balblee : bemllea the brele feererio . ¢ the fecteris cond the Bynges ace plumage The ferns (onrez the keke be calee tp bark: ferris. Qlnd the fer; tis that bene a€ the Yopnte : a€ the atbkes Rne thap (tone fon BEng andphaspme at dente . thos be mle te pentrunte fe? RUS, CZ Flagg o2 Caggic ederds . Hie ferris at the Bynes nept the bodp be calze de flags) o te faa fers. | AD Beme Federes of the wing SGercell- FL nd te lone ferris of the Wynaes of an bathe bere onlre the beme ferris of the ynex . Bind the ferris that fun att dp pp: Mpc feds . of c nodes folble . of ann bate sr is onloe dhe Sex clk CT Qind po Hhatk mnezftonee iffan batoke bem mele p! fame (ercelE feres phatk be the faft feo that fiz Kitk cafe. andy tpit thatthe café > rhe te neucz melbed . préié ns bene (eens thaé bntthes boue cafe that fame fisft as fnue herve fap fot tiné other Ketole ts condealk and Khon [ie path cafe brs fercellra int meth .ther and not cafe rts épme fos & Fer his Bich Raf me ete and to beaprine to cnfapme Hire. CMEnabme EL nfapme of an batktee is Ae crrece end kot if that be take a Wag Tidpferene of Bagh meee an otheslbp{e as it na ) aclaeed heee after. fhe Bik qeddor a ponctt Rich map be biz (oe fermofe confurfion . and fle flpe thertoith and tobe blood .and olde éhes Oypon . Co Couertis o2 conert Eederis - Cob: bene alfe ferris Chat cloos (ompon tp foscellio'. and) tlnffEme te calds ele couerti or Gp cucst fetus . and fo alk the Fodeuis be calte that bene nepé ones fie long teme fereris. and? the fags forwris Hypon the Bynges ABHache federis - CH Che ferris wypon the backe balfe tecalled thy tacke ferns LMeke Clape Nares Gere Che Weke of ce balbhe ic the wyper parte Hhat is croked Shp ners yarle of biz teke is alte the claps of th tke C Shp Boolis im te fakes keke kone ener the Mare . CZ Tk polo be thene p* eke & p* peaten is alee p° Sere TC Erpnekis. CZ Theske oon ay hulle Lone fmale bloke ferris : like fe; vis abotbte the (err & hoffame : ke alee Cuincttis of p* falbke TZ Sore age - Me hat wnresftone chat the fife pere ofan halbee Rips ther fir ke nlx WBraloneher or Epes that fiz(t pece ts cates biz fore cage .and alt dat pere fie i cole a fore jalbke. fox and fle efhapethat pere Bich good fedpne fhe io likly €o-edu relonae. | To Keclapme en hate le m.ti.melis . onto tyme that fir Bit eume fo Rees yme.and Than fle Wilk come fo (Keclapme enceece ber melis euerp map etter and keftes . QInd 07 fle come & the Reclame make bez that fip foloee not. {Fos choad jis be Bele Keclapmed bre map baywpn Chat fle Witt folbre : fo rah in & te Cpe. Ehat pe chatk Qlethes (ehisnozfpne biz. - aL Bitt Reclapmm potire table pe mol terte oon me CL ind iff potore talbke halk flie & tte partic Locke Ghat pe Enfapme bez oz fip flac. Wetethes (ip be Wratonches os Eyes ©z meted talbke. a bawhe is called an Epes - (1 taibke is alt an Epes of biz Epatyen . fiz an paute e ts bat op ont: a Wuflard oz a Puttocke: as mos np ke: bath Gated Cpgten. For Bhan thap te oeftlofeo and ke pit in ferme tpt hap te fut (ummpd. pe phatt Rnalbe thepm bp theps Bateri Epaten. Wind alfo br2 looke Bitk stot be fo quycke ag a QSralndberis ie.andfo ke mufe the befé knatlege to bp the Epah «cop & aloe Epofes 6) CPe map alfo Grathe on Epes. bi the malenefe of the (eres of bex leacres of ch fore ouer the keke QInd alfo by dp topn; tye that be coxpory ber taptk and ker Bengps Miele tapntys com for Lacke of fedpna. inn hap k Lpeo . What a tant is. Fh Coen 18 « Chyne that qooth ouesthazte Gp ferris 7 eWengrs.and of thy taplt {phe as andy it Bere eefpn Wirt Bormps and it begpnpth fir(t to beer at the Loop . m tie penne asd Chat fame pomne chit freée afontez . and falle a Wap thus’ roth theffame topnee andy chen 12 tle balbhe dfparanrd for att hat pers . Cliedechnds to En&pme powre hawke oie the Rote of (Rafue end ew tt in cline Later .and lap yy Flesh che: m .€o temper a crrete Mbple - and peue if & polbre balblie to exée . and if fle cece thezof . deem not fot hit halt bes nymmne bis avece bot Within «tx .amps fle phol not qrettely a7 a CL Llfo tobe pulink andy qarle: and (Camps it Bele & aes Mz.and Kapnae oll: the Yuce m a dpft.and chen Weete the (lef therm .and fer potbre tnibke therDpth.andp bot tt tem: pur polore balbkee that is to fap axfapme poloee baloke . With nt | att] ape. meruett Botlooke euerr mp that pe make new Jue and Byay pe fere hrs Wecte podore meete therm . [fo take the Yerce of yorcelp QNoris othertwife onleepers cellp ; oa nga Yop. vend polore flefty thea m andpolbre apined «and ¢ akate & de trlbke . emer eres oe eas CL Som (fe t lap Hare flefi in Cater almofta mp.andye ue toffamne to ty botbke at fopes.and that at Lpth alt npabt . & cous Co htt in de moznyng and thus to fee bey im melb o7 thap be Sealben a bolbfe a monpth 02.01 Bakps.and to enfa; pme Chepm o: thap am on fone as thap aft aps and Bees a mozcell of lortj team . tle molbnéenaunce of a Note. andpeue that mozcetk & te tabke.and that phatt make bis for 6 afebis oft ax[E tyng .and the potbke chatt b fafe . GA medecpne &2 an hawhe that will foure WE of the flesh Ahat potbre tatblee phalt fe fede Bitch = in pe Juce of fenett .and that phat take allay that prin from bis and make hts & leue ea folospna Whether fie te lene o7 fatte. i monp dynes an halble Neatk folbee Wehan [ip lackpth bas tens CCA medecpne for an hawhe that is lowe - Lap ake quycke filuez and put it im a kaffien of bemf(e . andp &% Ee: & faladpne : and aflips . andmedplt if Bele f gers . tptt aff Ale quycte filuer be wefe.and medptt therto fat of bors mys . and anopnte de tatbke thes Heth .and tang t€ aboute bis necke tytf 1¢ faika hap.and that chalk flee te ies. C_ Allo pothore of orpement blotden wp} ar halbke : Muth a penne ghatt flee te lies.. Qilfo take a mqon o7 peee of (Kouah blanket wnphor and bole it & te fire . onto tpime tthe Ghomual olbte Karme tnd Bragpe tle botolee thezin . and than holde tys2 foftelp and) feptl p. for burtpng m pole fopdps cand the Yezmpn Wilk ces . p mto th dot. C Bl fo hola bis m the fonne im a fapre up . ¢ pe phatk fe the wermpn crepe olbte wypon kes feoris.then take a kmpfe and Bete de oon fire of the blare Hherof B potbee moth. ¢ alBap as thay ayere lap the Bete fire of the tmpfe & tepm.and app Rill cleue thes & .and then pemap flee hap . a” The opingon of Oltrenivrs, fle2 th oppnpan of many Oftergiers : and pe fee polbre ke canégmrallp Bith Belt With Yapes . Wr yes. Oz efpeciallp bece his mech m Rayeny Berez thay Hhatt bk lotbfe . a © ftegeria . Speruiteris . Fanhenctis . B ol be mule y freke of Oftreceris : pe phalk tonees(tonre thay bale Oferegeris that tere Gophathbps.or Cex cellis . and tr that kere Srerhalbkps and mufeectis ben af les Speruiteris . and keperig of alk othes hatbkys bes enlliore Maukenerig e The length o€ the Sele . Townes . Taree {5 . and bow thes be fakined . Beweteie MRcrbeps taue atoute dys leanes Geffe mare of lever mole commynty . form of file Bich hula be no lenges bot tha che kits ottes of thopnr phulde.agpevs m mpddpe of te Lotte hone : tettbe ne the Longe fpnare and the leche fyngre . be cafe de felonies foule: be fafeened to they With a papre of tpreterss . Bich tpects tis shuld ret opp tie (etbnes . and not wypon te aeffes .fox NAPUS andfaftynpna wrpon teres When fhe flpeth cand thy me letbnes . vols chat faltpn than afolete poloer {pttytt fenate flackelp . in ammyfpne dp (oame m . fi . 07 «(0 folee . a6 a bolbfiepiia wnocuppere and fy terethpss ferme fo kepe : ee Bien beste Tae fame letheria a m Ore tellis 0d a boule bi foatt alle Betbettis . - oa ~ gc Creaunce . zx itt pe phat off fle lone fpne that pe t mi poure pulbkee & Reclazm Bich : pode Canoe Be fo cues tt he. CCA medecbrie for an Hawhe that will ca Eley et th € pollec balbke pha eetes mn. fapre Rater. at le rarest apd iar trie eee ar A medecbne for an hawhe dat has lok bere to2nage . 7 botbhe that uth loofé fez curmae s amon map knalbe it Buk tabe qoodkere . AFoz fiche te biz manes . Bhan fhe is ele toa folble . fle fleth « Baphare as thoat fiztnehe nott the fotle. Oz ellie fin LelE flie a iteptt Wap after.anvd. & noon fle peueth 16 Wyn * and fos fube an adie thes isa ogee mnederpy . CO Cake Ople of fpapne and fenmpere ié With clece Ryne ane Grth the pole of an eqae andput therm befe . and therof peue fo polbre tatblee . (0. mozcellis and chen fet. hrs in Ge fonne.and aé cut, ferx biz Bith an oft foée colues.and if pe femobts (9, tH tpmps that talbtee Kas newes fo lufty noz fo Folp fte SEitk te after and come Gobis olbne corege. CL Othiz make prude of mecles that Epnleith and putt de poudte on the fleft of a prenke and meditt the blow of the prouke among tppoudre.and make hee to ete the Flest . FL medecpne that an hawhe (hall not lie t mew fo2 wnlutpnele ° es Tap alee ferne Rotis Gat qntbith on an Oke .andoke ail lia and make ZJuce of thepm and Bete bis fleff therm .¢ feeve tz yatbhee .ij camps 02 .tHj amd that phatt male bis to Leuc that CL A medicine &2 an hawhe that hath the tepne Fn ible that tath the tepne a man map fone lermath if be take hw. forthis te hismane: Stp Bitt ante more foroon ag ice thes an other fos itt .0 if fie phulte flre a liteptt Bile che hurl almoft lefe brr beth. Bhetys fle be fatte or lene .cndal Rap tip wicikpth heup cere .and for that the te the medpcpne . alee enquamtoteof de (Reneeffeof hot ith ly pode of Kafre and.zoper and fombbet of apniges .andsmoate tle reof m fre(fy grace 13. zelleteps and bolted ke t the fire andy Bien fle felith de fete make hes fo foalote the - 3) pol lettps by ferenath and tinptte faft bee keke that [hp mft re nog olote. and to fo thucs.cnd fle chat be fofe . Alf take Mafneand Rubarte.and gree ct to qedee. and make Yuce tlesof and Kets the. Fle thesm .and peu if biz & ete.and fie chalk te booft. CL Btlfo take alifatbnore and the Roote of primarmfe andy the. Roote of ar qnauteles and feeth alk m the Lotte of a to and peue hz .th morcellis euerp ap nto the Epic that ftp te bocle . and lovke that. fle be Forte Mken pe pene biz tyme; wmcpne . Fow-a man hall take an hawhe fro the Sprer fo fo &ieps an table from fe Lpreces : bpm teloucth to wo Kifelp.m b:pnapng bpm eafeli.and t ker bm Bele from enlte .ahd from huzepna of eppr bonye . for thap be fatt cendre .andp hay mofe fave qrete oeft-anoy thay map not faue ftynkpna ¢ filthy Epre. bot as clene as my & map be thoght. andy euermore peue bim clene meete.and bote.@ a Litt ¢ often.¢ change oftpn chez meete bot loke it be kot and cutt fez meetein fo fmale mozcellic . for thay rhulde nol tpee on tonps éptt ep mtpabt flie. Chen after lon -fle begs pnnpth fo penne and plumpth .andfpaldith and prbith ke (ef fe . Putt bez m a cloofe Bare place that'no fulmestis nor fes deus . ne offer (oesmpn com nott m bo bis.and let the place be fecuce from Bynte and rapne.and then che Bit preue brs felfe QNDd ewes More pee biz qood kote meetps . {oz t¢19 better & a man fo Fer bis lbke Bhile fle tc fendre Kerth toote meets. to make bie qood Kith formme-coft . then to fer biz With euett meets to make (iz wntheefti Beth {ptptt aft. G-Bi nd looke Byon fie beapnnpth to ferme then peuchiz bathpna. FX mederpne &2 wormpe in an hawhe wiche & hene(@e is called the Splaunodris . CD exke Lele this febenefe and beKare therof . Chis is the merepnie tiesfore . pe phalk take an fe2be that is milled (expe and putt i€ ma fmatt qut of a Capos of an kenne.and hnpt 1¢ Bib a there and lethiz Refoue r€ boott.and fle (oatt be boottandfacfe do Thus pephatt knabe Kron polte talote bath Bormps in be: tothe. Zooke Bian fle potty aftpng and pe chalk Fyne oon 07.7.0 bolbte biz mfépng pla ce sff fhe tave onps A medecHne hoor an hawhe that caftps wor: mpea at the foundemet what wornis that thei be LH ake Ap (pmaptl of Youn : Z medpht 1€ KW flesh of poorke ~ pene it to pe pankee . i -eaps for & brete and fie phat fe fol FL medechne 2 an hawhe that hath a Ghenelé the wich is called the aggrettepne . Alban pe (c potoee falbke hurfe his fete Bith his Wcke and pullpth bea taptt chen phe bath the acoreftepne . {For this felon: nofe Gke Merde of a wope.andofa phem.and of an allo, and feronge wpneger andr all foftelp m a boffpn of braffe. & (Nedptt em Bele &o qeders fo ferue ti}. caps after. and pene re fle of a colucs Meth onp and Brth polbdes of pepez any fet brs maderke place andy wo fo. ty .mys .and Bley pe fee Molb Federica’ m the taptt Wort biz Kuh eucmfe.and fie shalt be boole andy foafe. Co A medecpne for an hawhke that hath the cro: aitipe in bir wpnges and how it cununpth. FAx this Cooampe fake a Bypte looff of beer furnbbat col wz thenté. commpth otbt of the oouen . and let bole the jatbke foof telp for Huztpng .and but te Loofe almooft Hhomld obbfe.and difplap te Bynae efelp.and holdeit bethene Ae. 5. postes of fhe loofe sandy ke it be bolt fo. fpace of alfe o quaztes of aw Kolber andy (fe phalf be fpole . Ctr¢e roampe commpth & arbateke Bith takpney of 094 {ot im tn: polbthe . Thezfore tt ta qoode for an tatbke to kes 7 bis Warme : ponge and hold. and this medptpne ts coor at att tpmes for bis Uilethes fle be ponae oz holde . TC et not an hawhe be put in mew to late bot in this tiianer a9 it Golowth.ié pe lone Soure Hawke “I fi pe loue Bele pornce tatohe. Repe fer Bele. amd put his nott Late m mete .fox Who fo fox corcetefnefe of fliene lefes tiz tyme of bis athlee mehpng and Kithboldie her to Long thezfro be map after putt hrs imelbe at autnture.for then a paste of fiz metbpno, tyme is pale. Delp fo puttpth bis talbke in mete in the keapnnpng of Zentyn if rhe be keprtas phe albth to be phe (halt be meted. im the beapnnpnes of Qluguite. Chow pe (hall difpoe andordayn powre mee ZZ ett tind difpo{e pote mefve . in this manez (0 .Ahata Be {ett nes puleatt nes non other wermpiy entre thes to (er none Bynd.nes no cceate colde (Her thatrt be ous hole . Zet that on poate of demelbe be turned toaree th forme. fo thati the mo oft poste of the mp + the fonne map ome Fane. CL Ailfo ye miofe (2 that phe be not aueped nes qeeued, Withe mpd) nopfe.nez With fong of men and that no mannez folkes come €0 biz. bot only fr that feopth bis. CFE beloupth that potbre albie baue a feopnes (eokke in biz metbe and a longe (tapner tped therto : Co faftyn bis mete Bith for cllig fiz Kitk carp ita bbe de lnus.andfople st Kith oufé QTnd percucnture fle Gat bpm i€ GUE s€ (Epnbe . and chen fer (pon 6. and hat mpabt be biz doth . end thesfor Vien s¢ is toitdpn fo the fapd feopne (Eocke . fhe pall netine at the feopna ner at the tprpng ne at te Linhtpng neat the Rpfyng hustte biz (clfe. Qtr Khan fle path fedde . take « Bap the remonauné tf any leene.and im anplopfe that fe true clenemete.and att. euerp meet fre(f.for of fale mets and excelk metis che phat engener monp fehenefes. CI ind loke pe co neues to polbre meld bot Telen pe phatt perce polbce patblee meete < en ellis 60.63; wn ln Laie. fn aon be i ft tpime.and pe map.andas for bis tathpng that chalk nothig hpndexhts melbyng. rar Ben qc Che maner How aman (hall put an bawke in @ mewe. and that is co be wele nooeed - eee ie OFF oon thpng pe moft tefore Bett pff fie taue anp feke: nes that pe make bez bole oz pe put hes m mele.fos as 3 wn terfEonre a feke tntbhe phatt neues mek Bett . for thouah fie me We fie phat not endeve bot hele fiz is avete and fintte . for at the akatynig of biz aftate fie map no lenges endure. Some fpine rth oth¢ any medicyne manp men tupfpn bow Hap mpahe med thes tatoteps for (um put. jalbeys im mel of biah eftate . and fum Bhen thap te right Lol . and fum Bhan hap be idk . andfiun Bhin dep ke Empty and lene. and fume Bien thap be mpfeenbulk lene . Bot therof ré19 no force - iff fle rae Meucrtheles «2 hatt fap myn ‘adupce asZ pus fene & ed. = J sa VOIh fo puttith a Gorhatole oz « Cercett ora fpere ulbhe in fo me a babe that ja be no highs: - fir Welt holtee. biz lo: noe m de popné : 02 that fle lefeor Lent anp fereris .Gind tbo fo wttith bis in mel lene <1€ Well be Lorna o7 fie be cemountedarid fo puttrth biz m met to bunarp and 6 lene : of fie faue me ete af hte Bett fhe voit cele to moch . be caufe of hunqce.andpa; wenture [he map be we Aes bp .as path ofte be fene KF ot Bho fo wet thatan jatble endure asd mel kpwoli . spn councelé st is that fie be saf Co Gictly nover to lof . notes mm gee ©) be trfbeef fe of hunger. to€ lite as fle Bolze flee tf thyen tale bate » of & moch cetyne . conto tpme that fle fe latonchid eae Ap er be bes fich meteas Y fpatt telk mo - replapnli fore aftes : Wn what maner and how a man (hall ede his bawke in inewe. XJ ole Pith Bat meets fie nth tene moft cofed fo ke fedt andy fer bis therhith .cosij. mps contpnualls.and tho .co13j aps pe; uchis bisdig Ynold . both mowk andeupn.and let biz plomme won tem Kole . and take mftong of the plomage .and that (h att talatbnéhr: Bele .andaufe bez & taue goomwapette and? it phatt clenfe Mele bis bobbillia and Bhan fie re Rect clenfer. pe map pou biz hac mette that pe Doitt fo if be clone and fresij C Bol tleiefte mete fo make an tale Co melbe mooft fone Byth otbte amp merecpne ts tle flephe of a bydtand of a pong Ghanne and of achtkpy andefpeaatt Ratonps flesh fo ther be not affaughte (Toon like t bst andof a pong aoos for (it meete ra hote of rt felfe. CL Sind toke qobretis of arete reff Elis. and fpecalli thy ent por neve the (Nauelk . and Keete if m hote blow of moton . if is oor to make fp2 fo mele. kot fpecialli tt phatt make kez Biaht offer biz foore aage | CH hres fapd flephes bene qaode & mele ay balbke : and fo hep biz m ftate tot loke fle hauc qoom plente euczp tap. fo that (hz Rather lene porte then lacke anp . and cuezp.13). dup let brz wt fle (pf a - CK Mr Bho fle Rayith mpaly ferme peue bis heonps andp oe ona eines 1S paffing good. Am palblee so nericz fut ferme noz vedp foz6o dmabbe olbée of meth Onto tyme biz fercelt fe full qropy . pet ruc Y ene [fi folups tole fem olbte of mete The the farcell eee tot talfe § frconge.and that to pozlous . fos ep ace not then fase mons RP. e Sam folkegs cwfen Bher an pWke jas aft bis fareetl bapnne and Waff hrs meete amd Fete bez fo it met With Lash mete « monpth oz . (01 .Weekps oz ewer Chap dralbe thapm . . CO Bot of alk flerhes after fie ts melbed.a cefenable qoorge of an hood juare te heeft .andalfo of a crotbe hoote . tot s€ mofte te Wat) m Water : and then ct 1a Gp better . For that Bik nol benpmmen hem taleelp dep: quece . nez pul ben) m1 no arete Febulnes « for t€ durith (mint With bic . oe ; My c €a make an bawhe to mew tpmeli with owe anp hurtpng of bit . Mb Toth thal tlt pol fezeap true medecpres fos co melbe an aga. hat pe chalk beleue for tomate and pe Welk af; CL Thex fe in Boddps 02 m fpogis Bormps ealteeoeers hat fen Tredee of nature > and be is alte Lopa .andalfo thes te fna eps of tieffame tepnte .and ep be Lear bittes . Cabe .i).02 «ti of dzpm and (mpte of Ges bres and haps of tp: taplis . Then take a nels eaten pot = that Bas newer [ed .andcut ber T € (ok qotedtps and put Hofforne thecin. and let fem (e7 the (Eronalich cc qrete Bhile.atqood lapfer . and let the poe be couered. that no ayre com olbte of tf nes no broth and ktit (e the fo long that the faanic colpone (eth 6 qrece . then oxfé s¢ orf and wo a Wap the Lonis.and qoves the arece.and put it mn-0 cle ne weffilk.and asoft as pe fete polbee balblee : antopt bez meets thesis . and let his ete as mod) as fir Kitk . and that meete phal medoe kez at polbre alone Wri . CX A nother medechne . ‘ Zep che Kiple s and put it in dp brothe chet dpoweis Were (07 then in con Bhan pe fe the Hixée teapnnptly to cleues ake s€ olb¢ and fer lennpe oz ebplpnnes thesioith . andfer polbre talbke Mrdh dpffame polayn . abo fo will that an hawhe mewe not no2 fall noon oF biz €ederis . therfore here is a medecdne ake plow: of Canefk.and the Yuce of franke aft andy "Fuce of pranpe. and take morcellis of fle( ii . tf pelufe and Bete tem derin and make the intbke bo [alols bem andfease biz fo monp tpmpe . KT Rilfo take Ae flaynne of a frake or of an dove. and ent t€ moo fale peces . and fompes t€ Bith hoote blows and aufe poloer falbkee oftyn Epme to fete derof and (ip yall notmeloe. Cr $02 the qevte in dhe threte - CAN ben pe fe porbre batdhe blatb of tpn tpmes : and that iteom mye of 110 batpng . pe map fe flee fle Inch the colte m dp hate Qind fos Hat Take the blow of a pekoc and Cucenfe mpens bolanana .and clalbis of gelofre.and anelt and apnaer.and take of att thes eupnlich and medptt lem Meth prakkps blo: ve . and {eth r€ épt t¢ be thycke -and therof make mozcellis . ie pene the balbke tiezof eucts mpdmozne and att oone . KO: the gowee in the hede andi the Kapnes. TH ben pe (e polbee gatbte map not endeld her sneeée oz eesofl fe fer aftate . the bath he qotste im de tree and m the Raps nes. Cake Mompay orrdbi(e called mompy .among sPoticas ties pe map tnue i¢.and fle flpnne of an haate and poue if é pobre talokee fo ects .ty .tpmes With the lef of amntt and iff {he mop boloe ebat meette fly (halk b faafe . CL A medecpne fr a Chenes called the falleva pefe hat polbee talblecs clees Rap White = chen fie js fallera . 4For thie fesenes take a blackefnake.and ate Wap the pte.and the capt + and coke te mpddpit and frp rf itt an exthyn pote.and cake the arece and (auc t¢. and anopnt tie fle(h of a pecoke Gestorth and peuc tf 60 te falbhe for ¢o a cw ecte (it. adage gaudes pele peue be Ref of © ald = after dhe. (otxj.mps oe Wash 6c ectil uett ee: and ye " peufe of ede Ate a dette cephell bone and lef bts ete tf.andif fp amente ary Pay fe al fa FL medecdne for the crampe in the thigh in he lenge and tn the fote of an bawke . oan pefe poure fate fap bis oon fot WES bez ore fot . fhe @ Gith te cramp . Shen deathe bys blow wypon- dp fol pt fies won chat othes Dig and won Cp legge affo . and (fe halk be Goole $02 the Cogh o2.the poole - Take pothoce of aps : and put ie wpon fle-flerh of a Col tier 5 and perre 1€ of €e & polbte falbke and With olbte sothte (he thakk te hoole . CA medechne fo2 the podagte . TWHiken pottive jatbhes fete be ftbollyn fh bath de pom Cake fre} nrap butter and ac moch of Optk of ana alon and dhaufe t€ Bele to qedre at te fiere and make tes of anropntemen€ and anopri€ the fete. im .caps.and feé hts in die fonne .and pene biz fled ofa mé.and fat auaytt nott fe cuttpna) of a Gpne-and Bragpe té & botbte the fies Uprg and fet her fié wepon a cole (tone and anopneé brs Rith buttes oz Freche arcece .amd fhe chatk be foolk . EL medechne 2 a Chenes within the boop of an hauke and i¢ Chewith not outewarde how (he hall be bolpen and in what manec . FAL man mop kenath by de clare. and enaladnes of an falb; he this infizmpte bot pre i€ 18 [ermrunge colnahe : pn that amar may not (e: mBné ekenes and Kiné manes thap ke qaupe and fpecalli Riana man Biote not Blezof t¢ ams myth CO Fore polbre talotze Bele eypon an fenne .aud den ma, oo fale tape aftes :& nite bie nae . e mp take honp foxy and fptl G14’ f . and bynee biz keke that fly m(e tt no€ otf of hrz Lodp and then (ct bre olbet in Ap fonne . and Khon t€ dealbith Coase cutn (ere bis Lith ay (note folble . fox as Y ferte mp map[tris (ap and fhe & note Gootk (rrof .loee nesses odes meteopne . | FXO: the pation that Gothawhis haue fading ake ofe of finatt 0 and mak nope thet a els ee male fe foete : - : Fo: hawhis that ben wonded . Woake « Kap the ferris alot de Bone ano take Ge White of an Cageand Opleof Olpuc.and medslk sé bo gets. and anopuc the Bonte and tacge té Desth Wohrte Bone . unto tyme pefe ere left and chen put m Ga eons € (compe (alk onto tpme de ¢ in wee lef be Laftpw after take encence : and clene as myche of thatoon as of that over . medsff it m fere . and Kian pe Wilk a; nopné Gy foore beece poloee opntement andanopnt tt With a pen : tptt the tpme che flepnne qrolh apeme . andsf pe fe wre flefh ther on: and Bott taue ttalkap Cake weneceebe ¢ then anopne ttt ith ds Opntemert afforfapee and fle phatt be boot CX & medecine fo2 an hauke that has the arteti TUT fen ye fe polbre tatblee fatatotbte ele bert truft i€ for frou & fle nth deartetbe . Cherfore o let biz blow mn de Origpnal ht and after that peue brz a frooere fox fo evte.@ fle phatt EXmedecine for an haukhe combred i the bowillia CO fen polbre talbkee is Encombred im de tobtllis pe phat &: nab it bp tnx Cpates .for biz Cighn Milk ke wake and fle Hilf Looke onqladli and biz meteffing Kell tfolble hrz fountement . Chen take de potokes mete and anopne 1¢ With plore of ans netk and peuc it hiz to eete and fle fpatt be bootk . CA medecpne for an hawhe that bas the goute nee botble Inith an Zubpn onps os Mhpes.¢ i€ halt CCA medecdne fo2 an hawhe that hath mites - Wake the Yuce of Bozmelvow and put it thes thay be and ther qhalk dpe . CC That an hauke ve bir craft all che &fon to fIpe o2 Ie€e TUT fen pe qo to the felee m the lattes enze of talbkpna and wfi ee that polore talbke phatt fe bsr crafte . Soo tobtz mthis ma ner let biz fle a folble.andlet biz plym (oypon tt afmodh as che Srtt . and Bien fle tach plpmmed {nough qo to bis oftelp for frapna,.and eelbare biz on the folble . andy after that pe map ale biz on a perch.g afthell (he map wfe brs craft fo . as that fie flet alk te pere. A medechne for an hauke that bas the Goon TH Anopne biz funsoment Bieh Optk . and put the plow: of afpm Bithan bole (erat . Tif take an fezke onllid ceiftia Gasdtez -@ anopne biz molb the Bithin and fhe chatt te hoott . CT QAtifo tokee fmale Flamte vofis andplipdt and fe comes of fpozqcand atine 1€ Beett and (eeth rt m buttez and drale 1€ thomab a clooth . and make throf .1 pellets of the qcette ; nes of a (Mot.andput st m bre moloth mm de morolotid .and lo he that fiz te borer .and then fet bez fale Gtk eurmfona and fev bts Littéthand ici and fie qhatk be hoot . Amedecine for vermpn., =. = alse tt ty te of Ffenell «end oo it hace ast ageyely 8 Cr UW medecine for che Keume that bankis haue Wilpn pe (e potore pauke cloofe ker &: ten and phaterth bis be; te. then oth i Ge Reume rei Fe nne peue te ese of a cote te firft tap and the feeunee pense hiz epotilee Beth ele fle i of achpeon andfle phalk be bolt . CA medecpne f2 haukis that bene dap and de (dte to D2opnhe , to hepe heim mopk in knde . CL Cake de Yuce of haazhounde and Keete thn tales me 2 oo fede bez heatbith onps o2 Mbpes . and fle phat Bi oz Ghenes that bankis haue i their Entrellis. (MN walbke that is (eke Brthm Hhentraples : is of ax ovex arnp then m odez fekenefes . for of fle bolde not het mes te tof oxft rt thatre tokepn of the foule alet .for fusfete of fedena hatte peut é thats m tleps polbth .and afterIbart Sken pes come Unto trouaptt and ten anope of le (Reuez ther ap Kaper fol to flpe and wfire forte reft.and Slen tyauke is (Oypon bra peach then (le With flepe forto putoues .atthartsiqn and if fhe Golte flop anp While m ber cpoorae = i€ Bilk Loke cig it Bor footn and Win fle te Kaked fle affapeth & pu€ ones of thentzyng.amd it te agluttia and olwd : With the atest pt fie bath enqendond.and if (he phule aftage fle moft put ottes. 02 ellis fiz moft dpe.oz aftit and if fiz eft ié fie map be bole ge Beth he mewcpne.. CA medecine he the Entepllis . Wake polkps of Cages ratbe . and Bay thep fe Bele beton do ners . put there fpanprhe falée. and afmpch honp there . ¢ Berke therin thp fleche and fer thpn tatbke.1ij. mys Hhesbith and tf fle make munger & ete t€.Let hole tpn taleke . andy mate iz 60 (Doalods. ti.07 tiny stnorcellis ma mp. and (ecuali fle phatk be tootk CI Mré F phatk fap & pol a nowez thyng . fa ke bony at tle chhounapng of the moon. anda kenenettp® andp ~ herof make fina pomdee and hin sé ts Belt qeofonte . cake p* bre(t toon of an fenne. and a nodes of a coluez.and inkhe tt Kerb a kup fe and alkap dp flpnne and cw dpzon the polbdee and alt hoote Beth the popdee fer biz.and w (0 hues . andy fie (atk be boot ‘ CZ Fo2 Khenes of Swellpng . Kf an Wicked felon be fibollpy m (ich amaner p* a may map irett €.thae ce alee phat nosoye Chuo a may map bel pe hiz (trnalp . and Leathe bir lyfe.tot the talbke Wilt ke te; ap eegre and alectous of tp feckencs . and therfoz pe mooft Tale te Rote of comfory and fugce slicdhe mpch . and fethe it im Frecty amvece With the thridte porte of bony .and cher deal it thorogh a fapre cloody,and oft peue sf & te bathe and fie gheetk amend . Fo blapnisi hankes monthes cald founches Hes fia dredm for batbkes.forié 16 ahopus au beac biz & wth = With boloeth hrz (Erency men fayn thatst commypth of colar . {For olde toth fab hes mpth fasme.and makpth fletome fatk obote of the brapne @ the Epatyn Ritk Melk and empepee in bez fee. and bot fle ba; we bofteli help it Belk (Coype lex nafe chullis. Qlnd therfor Cake Keonelk Marpatk and Rezfis ilih moch . and fethe tt ¢ Deal s¢ thorough a clo. and orbhiles: Kart her fee ther! and put fom im the Qoofe of ex mothth . and fle phalk be faafe CLA medicine fo2 an bauke that cakis hic eth << - fats an i hae as Rafuem Bates and C-A medechne fo the Keume clepid Aguun Bolen thou (eeth chp tauke wxpon his mouth and his che his blobbed .then fle tuth thpe fekenescalte Qlorum . Tt kerfor talze a neva of filuez and kete it ite fire.and bepnne fp (la: rallis thoumah olote.then anopntit Kath ople of Olyef . G+ 02 to hawhe grete and tatte . « Lepoke o quantpte of porke and onp and butter Fiche mp; che and m2nee arece pie % o Way the oe (ete len to gets .and anopnt thy fle) therm . and: few polbre tnibke dprtith and fiz chalk encrece mpahéelp.Cilic take the Byn: ars of an Cucd.and fer biz and kepe his from trauelt andy 0 fo of te Hhouat te euedbe neuer fo fatte . andif polbre bath; hee be not poffing fat Within a fortenet Rondee Y thpnte . * sa = “bal For boorhes that growe in an hawhis Jowe utt theps fotches Brlh anbnypfe and lee olbte the mates of Gym . and after clenfe depm clene Beth a fplues fpone ox eflic fille the hoolk With ao potidve of aenemelit Foeent.and wp pon that pordee oo a littl Larter s Hat is eeffiee and (o i¢ Ritk « Wap. Frere is a goode medechne €o2 an hawwhe chat WPL not coom to Kecladme . - I Takte frof butter and put Certo fuace and put if mace ne cloth and Reclapme tes fo tint and key ifm aby mpou re. bagae e ; , FL medecdne for Hankis that bene Ketrepned. TOlhen Wee hatbbe MMefpne and Caftyna Bat thomaty ies Wehieete oa wldteles fiz 16 (Refrancd . AFor that (chenes : tase pe qeapnes of phaffelegre and of ges pez and smn i¢ Beett ok aoe vr ae ¢ m bts (lars andm 00 % a is et osc oll fof = FL medecpne fi bawhps that haue papne in thepr coupes - - Le chalk ake fapre Corfu and pouree of gelefee sand meddelk if Go qedre . and prue ¢ fo polore halblee fm eefs . and if fhe Goloete poft the feaunte tap after fie chalk te boole . FL medechne for the ftoone in the fundement ZL "1elen other jathlae inay not medefe chon fie fathe chatt sof e[inpn eno degre ofa Fon sane tt Bi a {Yopne an qeece oF @ Flopne . a floth of Ge beat and fle halt befolpe « ‘LA menecHne for he oy Feounce - EX Ox thys ferences tobe he Roole of ghillimop that arodbeh Ops. ¢ tolee if . De Ui han as Gasle teas each cae ren Ehezm .and feore polbee palbiee .tij. domes . and fie be pole H A medechne for wounds called anguellis TS abe preffuce mare of a lombe that Bas home m wntpmne & piaaky therof .1fj . sporcellig and put if me gueofa sles cand fee fps theethith and Uolce fp tolblee fe Soite 18 en pe peu bis thpe medecpne . Alf take Juce of wagonpe: and put full the eget of a pes gion and then cut t€ and mnrte st as de bolbke map onerftbo lo s¢ . and put stm his todp.and knpée bis tke fo2 caftpng CL Qiifo pewe hrs tp tallockye of « Buc ts fofe asthap ben at olbte .. and mate potbdre of the ppnitylt and onfe it (ops the fleffj of a Cat. and fer les thermith ¢ (he chatt te fnott.: = a ae Az bawhe Cprith. Fedith . Gonrgith . MA Behith . Koulth. Endupth . Autith . Werchph . Jophith . Pucihoner . Hropnpeh . Dlommpth . She warbullith . and mantellith. Sp: ferith on atk manez of Sk prith oypon Rumpps « Fle} . She qoorgith When fhe fillith bez qoonce Wrth meete . Sip tetgth Wen be feDoith = hatte to (op fhe Beppith bus tke Dhe- Roufith Bhen fle hatch aff yz ferris and ht bodp fp gedee. Sle Endupth When biz meete m biz bodellys falk co v4 geftion . Ste mutith Bhen fle auopoith brs ortex. Babe peachith When fiz (condpth on anp manes totbe oz perch . Sle Joptach Then fle flepith - Ske puttithoues hen fle Erordsth her meete olbte of btz coozae m to bt: Lolrllis. Ske propnith Bhan fie fee chpth ople Bith brz tebe of brz taple and anopnttty hes feez biz fereris. Ste plompth hen fie pullith ferns of anp folble o7 of arty offzz and caftps kom from hex Sle Karbtel ph oe fhe oe lp: Bynape oues th a bps kocke . and des hep mete both and foftelp phatpth thm . and fet fom fat apen . Wind fhemantplleth Bhey (be (eretehith kes oon Byng a Lone aftes kez Lege. and after Base that odes Kyng and) moofe compnly fie roth that affore oz fhe Barbel pth bes « a The namps of a Spare hauke as ORrigers and Sparuitere haue detennpned CO" tec queftion aypd Bhélera man phat atk a fpace Pabke Oza fpere \ahke Oran afper able . ¢ Of’ trigers . and affo Sparurtess : fapen fie map & allio att 23). Qlamps . for thes wefongs.. Sie map be allio a Spore batoke for of alk te batblepe that ther be fie ss mooft fpere . that is & fap ati berioce 6 leepe . for the Lee (€ mpfopetpng and mpfenten dpng CZ Aifo rte may be mle an afpace batbke of charpeneffe of bis ovage and of biz Lokpna quiclp.and alfo of brs flepna Nox fle ts mooft afpez and hazpe im all dhpnop that belong gory biz of anp othes lalbkys . CL She map kralfo allid a fpace fathe fos.ij.Refones: oor 18 fle fpanth qophabkys and Cercellps both. ficgeas benm tiprz foore aage (ont tyme thay map be Reclaymyd.andma w wdp bo Hophabkeys and tescellys dnt be not ful Ip mebed: onto tome dep map be clene: enfaympd and mdp 6 flye. for aff the Bhple chap bene wnabutt /the fpare tatbke. occu prthe chef fefon «and /fleth the pratrich Beetk . hat is to fap froom fagnt Mazgaritys mp. wnto it be amnas.and fo forth in de pete Wind [he ptt lee Wertt pone fefadonti : pons feeb ‘cockpes In Ga keapnnpne of the pere . Bnd after Mtichelnes Bhan mes tuelgs paffe a munges F tare feen tiem maz (um t fle thepre fum to fle the T ele wypon the Reucs : at the Yutte . fue to fle te Book and fum for the blacke but andthe thrufle . CL Chr Kownk is mmboroue fo fle: tot if thes te cvafée. thes, fore Bley pe come & o Bor or aquedh of buphus.mfe polbre | fparchaltbtee m Eo a tre and teete fiz bufies dhen andtf anp Bo reoole arafe fle Nett be fure therof . epPe moft fizft make hrs & a folble mit wp olde of the burhes . and poloee bole mofé fit on loofte as pe make hts & a paztrch: . Qulfoas FY fapre pe may antl brz a (pare talbke : for an ote: aufe .foz and the: bees a phe fraght full of fabkis andro thpng ellis and ther Kes re a fpare talbke among thapm ther phuld no aiftom ke papd ke aufe of btz .Qind (o for the mofecomune name hapke ale (pa re balbkes foz de mfones a forfayd. ae n bawhe flieth to dhe wew to the Behe . 02 to the Toll. Na Crepe Querre Fer Jucp ve faible fleeth 6 the Rpuer dpuesfis Rays .and fle: “Hh the the folble dpucsli. Chatis & fap fie Flieth & the RM o7 fo fie bebe .o7 & tly matt .¢ aff ts bot pe phatk knahe tere after Fleeth alfoe the quaree : & fe crepe.and no mo ays bot tos... Qind fle I iprmmpth the fotole at the fer Qué tp nat de Yuttp (ere. 2 on : " aN See. Suge oie ove a Oe het Ysa Syow (hall pe hnaw what theis termes betehpn & Moo folowpng . as Duk Guay torrp . Counte Kaundon . Crepe. Ennewed - ? v9 fa Bohabke ora tercet that halt flee to th tib . & the NV Adtott 07 & tle che. m this manes fix te Caught pe mofe Fpnte a fotble m de (Reues.or ina pitte peoueli. and dheen (ett. poure baube a qrete fpace of, oxpon a moolt bel. 02 on tle gw; Tent andy corpe foftels eodoare the folble : from potore talbke {tceaht Bap and Bhen pe come almoft the: as the folble lpeth . locke backkeDbaste tofka2e te talbbe . and [Bith podbre tante oz Bett pobre tabuz ftpke = kecke polbre balblee €& come & pou .and Bhen phe 18. on Leng > and compth lols bs the qrount.andia af: moft at pold..chen Fmpte poure tabuz. and cep huff. buff buff and make the folble & fpzpna .and Berth chat nopfe dr folble Srl cs the ba lbte Spt nym r€.. And nob tate ew. FFF potber fable npm the folble at the: fas. fire of the Rpucs oz of the pret from polh Chen fie fleet the folble at the fes Yutty andif fle flee r¢ open Chat faethat pe bn on + as ttmap bape Spucs(e times. Chen pe chatt fap fle tath fle tn the folble at tp Yuttp ferry: ; rage ne Gf pobre balbkee npm tte folble a Lofte : pe phat fap (ty to/ ke tf at de mounte or atélefouce. * - TZ Mnog te forrle fprpng not tot flee a long after dr (Kem and te balbke np s¢ Chen. pe chatt fop (be (lelb stat de Raum. -_ OE ge. cet ei OMe FL nv potter table Fleeth ator to de Creege Bhen pe paue poth te lake on polbee fpft andcrez foftelp t& ty Rpuesoz & ep Pit.and feelith foftels bo tn bepnke therof .andy chen csp buff. and br hat meane Mpmafoible . Chen st ts / apn at he C2 - ote at the fea Juttp-or at che Yuttp ferrp .as a hooue 19 (as Bind if if tagppn as s¢ moth oftimes fe folble for fere of polose fatbze Wott fprpng and fatt aparm & the (Rpues - 02 the fotobe feeo bit.and fo lie (tpt and tare not ani(e . pe phat fop then poloee babe tath @melyed up folble m & tp Kpues ona fo halt pe fap and thes te moo fobles m te (Rpucs den host polbee talbies npmmpth if thap mrenot anfe for fem of pod; we Jodie CO theee . TLumefLone pe thata BGorhatbe phule not flie & anp fo; Dole of de Rpues Bich tellis m no Bile. ond desfors a Gots ahte toala a Get. CT Querre. FAL nd polbre pntbtec fleeth fo the quesee . SElen de: ke in a (to butt ¢pme Borres of mallases m Ge feler and leben fly efpith hepm and conmpth coueste kes felfe and/(Le preupli cones ed Gre or lal bi.the qmbne . and npm_ con of bem .o7 Hap afe then ps phatt fap that dp folble Bas flapn at the quese . ~ (Merke thie terme draw’ Ss" folke mpfufe Aya terme deab.andfop that thaps au ¢ Betk veal & the Rpues.ind thattesme ool to popusli Offigned t Gat bale that Bitt flee a Roke ra Cobo: o Reupn : won alone fittpng . and then sf moft bs (apd dat (id an table Kit vam Keett & a Rooke . oy M2 owe pe Chall wnderfonde i€ a man will make an bawhe to che querre in this maner be mott da Wake a tame Malar and (et hym ma faps plapn .and let bpm goo Where fe Mitk chen titre polbre talbtee (oxpon polbee fift .and qoo & that plapn and bole cop potbre tant a pratp Wap of from the Malar .and looke if the fable cin efpte i€. bp biz albpn mzage and if fle paue folbua dp folble and aff re fo flee the Go. let biz fle tt.and plpmme Bett omon rz . and feaue fer (0.1) . fpmes and then (le ig mame the quasce . A haue knalbyn centplmen that Blenfoeues and Biefoeues hap fe anp tame Sookees . and rf thepz batbkys Bole wfice fo thapm. then thap Kolz let thepm m comapna thep: houlips be Weelk flepna t the quasre ar over tpme. Fal pratp craft to take an hawhe that is brokpn owt of mew . and all maner of Hulda that (pt in treee if A man wll. Tooke Bipee an palbtee peschith for atk mpaht: in anp ma; nez plece . and fofte and lapfealp cdlymte & kez Beth a feon: ce oz a lantezne that tnth bo€ oon Light . in polbee-fante and le€ tp light be GoWarre the fatbiec fo Ahat fie fe not potore face Gnd pe map take his bp te leqaps o2 ot: Kile as pe (pit, and in Ipke Bile alk other mancs foldle . Of bawhps Bellps - Orn that polber talbtee phalt Bizes looke m anp Br: @ that thay be not to heup ouer bez poves t Keps-al fo tha€ noon be nupes then an other bot Like of Bepabe. Jlooke alfo that thap be fonolyee and Bett folondpna and hrf and not both of oon fotone : bot that oon be a femptopn wntz & nows. and that thap ke hoole and not brokpn and fpecialfi in te folondpna place. {or and thap ke bwkpn chap Kptt foe me fult oulls . fpare tnibke tellic thes is clooce and Lyttilt of charaa of thapm : fox thee keeth plenty . ot for Gophatkes fomtpme gBellis of MNelen Kere calee the eft .andthap be full aoor for hap comunelp te folb nten Beh filuez and fole ther after . Bot er te rol (fed of Sudhelan® tellpe : of a tolbne alte durdrighé- and thap te paffing qoot . for thap te Bele fortid Bett foloned. fonoly re of (Rpnayng m philuee andmffing Kell laftpna . Lere adpth de penceis of alblepna . Qind nol fologs tha naampe of afk manes of jatbkpsg 6 Thon trp telong. Ex Sheds haukes belong to an Emproure Beye be the names of aff manez of hatbhes . fisft an Eale.a Batbtere.a Melodrue . Ck fpmplefe of there tH Bett flee an Bpne alfe.a Lalby.a Roo a Rpdw . ax Clke.a Cane .a Buta a Storke.a Shay .a sop m fhe plapy qromute . Qnd thers be sot enlued . ne eclapmed . by mufe that thap te fo pnteeothfe to the peach postongt . Qlnd, thers .r3j. bp chez nature belong to an Emproloee . Theis hawhes belong to a png . Lope: te a Gerfathken .a TC ezcett of a qerfaulen . Qlnd the go kelong oa Rpng « . x F024 prpnee - Lop ler 18 a Kathleen gentit . and a Cercelt gent . andthe: pe be for a pzpnee . Jo? a duke . Cr Chez is o Falbken of He rock . na that is for a duke Hoan Cale . CL Cle: is a Farle peregzpne Qlnd Chatis fos an Late c fo a Baron. FX! fo the: im a Waftare and Hat aube is fez a Baroy Rrawhes f2 a hndght Che: is a Sacee andaBaceeé . Gnd theis ke fora Rnpabe . Rtawhis fora Squyer . LE kes isa Zanare and a Zancelt . Qtnd theps klong f a Soupe:. Kho? a ladp DS: is a (Merdpon . Wndp chat batike ie for a ladp $ALn bawhe fo2 a pong man Chez ws an Zobp . Wino that true ts for a yong man Bind thepe te oibkes of the Gofore : and ten both Yluud oo te G@AL®W and ceclapmed. J And pie cher be moo kindis of hawhes CT Che: io a Gophadke . and hat tadke ts for @ pemay ET Thris a Sercek . Wnd Hat ts for a plore man . EF Chez 18 a Saree habke . andke ts an palblee for a prefé CL Chez te a (Muflepte . Bind be is for an boliWlates cleke Qld Here te of an ores manes kpne . for thap Flic to Ouex Te and & fez Juttp anh & Jutty ffexzp . Eyplicit . + Fpke Bife asi the Looke of tabkipna aforefapd are Baty and noted de texmps of plefure telonapne to gentett men baupna wlife thes «Yn te(fame manez thps'booke folobpng thetbith = 60 fpch centitt perfonps the manes of huntpng fos att inancs of beeftps . Wether thap te wGeeltys of Lnezp . o2 of chare . 02 Raftatl . Qind alfo rt phelbith att the tezmps co ‘uenpent as Bett to the fondps as to the keeftps a fozfapd. Qlnv in certayn ther ke manp dpuer(e of thapm . as st 13 &: clared in the boooke fololbpna . Welds o€ venerp . Be pe fare bp fapth oz bp fell (Mp wre chplee cake wee bo TC uftram woth pou elf Folk manp manez keeftps of wenerp thee Were Tpftpn to pobre mame and fip phatk pol lece Afolbre manez teeftps of Genezp three ate | The firft of tepm ro the . bert. the feane rs dp bare Eke ow 1s oon of tp. the Belff and not oon moo Webs of the Chace . C_Qind Bere that pe cum in plapne oz mt place chalk pods celt Bhich te teeltps of enchace on of fixpm rs the. WBuche . a notles 2s the Sooo Tle Gop and tle Mazteon .and tte Lrle Koo Qnv pe chat mp wee chple other eeftps alt- Delere fo pe em fone (Raftatt pe phatt em all Yn fepth oz in Fett sox m fore(t FY pow tetf . @) Spoke here he aage of an bert . nd for & fpeke of the kext iff pe Wilk s€ lore et bhpm'a . Caffe . att af the fpr ft pore The feame perce a . Broket . fo phatt pe bpm afk Ele therre pece a. Sppad . lerneth thus alk Tle folbrith pere a . Stagge. atk bpm bp anp Wap Tle fithe perce a. quete Siagae . pouce came bix po fap Tle wi.pere mil pe bpm ay - kort. 7 Doth fo my dyilte Beis pe teen im quast Spo kinaw the hede of an hert . « that is dpuere And of te Gornp that be hen erith a bode. Tle for(t fre phatt be Yucqete Kpth obte Tkez m Fpndpn Wee fuche opucsfite . Matheles Ge. wi . pore eussmoore at Gp leefé Tho halt Betk Yuce the perche of Aeffame bee(e Helen be hath Blibntelere With ob€ anp lets Kyat andy Survialk alfo there fete Qind that m the Goppe fo Bh pe may bpm keen Elon phatk pe catt hm forchpo an beet of fenne Gino Then be nth m the Goype . i} of Ae felue | Then pe phatt alk hym trodd an kext of .wx. Bind afterBaite in the Coype When tips . imp . bene Zien hak pe call hym fontmpd an bez€ of . pvt . Qind from’. tity . fostBarre Watt fo befatt Se le neues of fo many pe phatt bym funmed anf Roaghé of the nombre eupn that fe is Callith bpm from . im . forth fammed Y¥ps QUUfo faue pe fele ar bert fred Weole . Fh Heeede .A Weve. A Somider.A Koute- CL IMNp chple allith ferope of fe2€ and of bpnee Qind of Bucke and of mo Klere po hem (pn nd a WBeue of Roos Bhat place hap be m nd a Sounwz pe halt of the Bploe fpne Qnda Roldte of Bolues Klee hap vffin mne Go phatt pe fem att as many as thay kne Ex Licill herde . A mpdpll heerd A grete heern 00 - 0 6 Littpf ferte Gough r¢ be of hpndis Gus . pl . ig @ mpdple kezte & catt bpm & kpnng nd . opp . ic a qrete fete fem fo Qe it bert ke it Hpnie buctke 02 ells m0 Faw pe Chall Gp a quet hert x not a fair pg oder CAE sete fant hen pe fmm fe fo rat pe bpm caf QBot nenexmoze a fapre tert for no thyna that map te fal QL qrete bpnee a qrete bucke anda fapre do (Mp fonnps Ree pe Lalke catk pe bem fo So pe phule naame fich wees and%w ag J polb lece what is a beud of Koos gqrete o7 (inal CUnd (ep is a bene of (Roos on a mbbe Gind.p. a mpopit beup fuk Wele J it kale Q& grete teup 16 . on . Hien chap 6 qedrw be Gind fo catt em fonnps Beere that pe hrm fe The moore nombres Gun plore : the quetter the teup is ey Whhat is a Gounder of hupne grete oz Hnall CL Tivelfe make a Gountes of the Wyle frpne Lrorea merdptt Sountes Bhat ploce thap te mne Ql. erete fountez of firpne . pp . pe phatt calf AForz geet not this leffion for Gpna that map fat Thpnke Bey fop : mp fonne npahe and wap CE the Koo huntpng . beehpng . and drel(png Chen pe hunt at de Roo chen phakk pefap hore He cwffies and eefones polbee hodndpo bpfoore @ acete Roobuche pe cat bpm not fo ot a fapre (Roobucke and a fapre oo Deith ce HBells and Bith He blood Retoarre pe porore folbntes wp fornyps fo coow CL Rnd eche foote pe phatk cutte mm. ini. F pow heme Take elz tohellis anv tte bloor and v0 alk t aedee then (Peupth hte than to polbee tolondpe fo And moche the qlaadrdes then hay Witt oo Tint to polbee bbnes a reKare ts call Afoz bit is eeten on the qrotbnte and on fe fleynne talée The Roo phatt te herrled bp weneri ¥ Beene Th . ij . fortine leqces the kpre Lape by tene Qind talee oon endez legge Op YF polo prap And Hat ors forte: legge ughtas Y po foy (yon he ows forrez legge booth pe tem pptte - Qlnd Bieh that offes forther legge cop pe kom tmptte Don thes manez thus When pe paue Booaht 5 Qik boole t te Reclen chen htt phatt te boabht — Gane hat polbee todnap ete : te boillis and dp fete. ® Mow dé chage f unidopng of ¢ boo ©» wa coe oft: lasmoc? gio ap CT (Mots bo fpcle of the boore Oe Fprft pore e ig 18> QE ppage of the Bounres aalled ale toue Jobe «¢ ® Tl fecun® pere anboage andfo hatte = sO Qlnd an hoageftere Ben fe 15 of pens . iri. Qlnd Bon be 10 of . in -pere a beore phett be ke Aro te Gounies of thy (opne then eptrith be QU Spnguler iv ty fo: for a lone ke Kitt goo. C_ Blan pe faue flapy the boove and Bitt vw bpm abe Pe phatk wns bpm wnflapne Bley ke phatt te aiahe Kop . berdps and. i. of bpm pe phatt make Bp the law of wenesp as J rare wnrez take Shurah potoee Houndpe bp (Upngth eff that be be we Tap chatt haue the totbpllic tople With the beeew Cale wmon the qutbne thes the hoore Was flapne Qind that ia alte a Relkarw fo hunters it {apne Wypon the exth fo faue J bli: for that fo etm 16 | X2 ow of the hare - CLAN fos fo fete of the have mp fornps fearreli iat keeft ee ce be calte of atk Wenesp Aor alf the fapre fpekpng and blabpna lef (ere Commpth of fechpng and fyndpng of te have t mp lef chpl os Y fake i€ on font e 6 the menuellefe bref that ia m ony lont Nor ke fpmaes and cots and (Kounceth euczmoore Qlnd beath taloh andans :and a boue teeth path be foor Qind other Bhile be 19 male: and fo pe chatt bpm tpn ind ofp; Whule female and kpndelig bp pnd en Cr And Bien fe to female and tynefis hpm With m Gn «ih . wqeves bp lem beath ot be Leth bem tpn 00 (Rough and . 1. (moth lp fett em fe i, And jj. knots alfo Hat keynotes Witt be vot, He) DGten be te female fo tell. | mp tale . ee oh. coe ‘ Sas, 2 ge SR oo C The rewarde & howndps . “°° ¥ A Wien pobre Hound%e by ferenath tath cone fez & Say | Eh hander att teats hm then Bich he he Bith che phulwre and the firs and Kith the ttbellis alf Gino att chpne With m the Bombe faue onli the qatt Ce saunche alfo : peue lem noon of thoo . Dich reKarr Khon oon th exth i¢ 16 mle DBieh att qoow hunters te .balow . it is oal€ Thy the lopnes of the hare loke pe not formece Bot bepng tem & the kechpyn for the lozdis mecée Qind of this ile hare fpeke Be no mam. ES Rs, oes on A iy ae 43 VPS aie ‘ Wliche beektes Chall be Elapne wich Gripte CL (Toth 6 fpetee of Ae toftes Bien hap fe flapne Tholb many be (tappte and bolo manp & flapne Qitt that tere flepne and Galo and Rounae leue me Dhak te flapne fafe the fare fox be phedt (tripte be And atk that tenth reece sand prles the: Von Cuer phatt bk (trppte Bhen Hap be wnnon © tepe manez play : thus pe phatt fap . wthiche beetis pay be tecibe worth the “ owabe ic, Boras (My wee fornipo oe nob Bilt’ Fp ois ec: Hy Iho manp mane: teefeps « ae Bih the: ipa Shak te wprespe m fepth om fete ae e Booth the feat and the bucke and tly boor es ae Gnd att othe: keftps that bunad chatt eo aye = Shatk te foughe ano founte Bit Ratcdhis offre” Gap thus Y pol cole : mp chltes fo tolee oN difereuyng o€ a Wuche - CM QAind pe fpcke of the Buche Ae.fp:ft pere bi is Ql fatone. folbepng on hie mam fay as Y pod Bie. Tle fecune pore o prekzet. the. i) pere a folbotk QU folbee af te.inr . pore te tlie J pob eff Tle. . pee all hym a GBuche of be fps ht The . Wr. pere aatt hpm a Wucke and ae pou we OF the honps of a Wuche - . CTke bomnys of a arete WBucke 07 fp fo be Mofe be fummpd as fap tezkenpth & me Too beaundyse fisft palbmpd fp mofé gaue Qind. inj .apauncers dp foth ff pe Witt faue Qlnd porn .efpelers and then pe map bpm alk DStrre fo pele a arete Bucte Y ett pol att Of the Koobucke - CAind tfF pe of the Roobucke Bik knath Apffame Th fir(t pore 2 16. Lkp® foukpng on bie same @ inj Elke feaine pere tp is g cerle : andfo fe fice af. Blo thiste perce an trmule loke pe bym afl (Robucke of the: fizit: pe & t6.a¢ the iit.pece ae by Tie. v- pose G (Roobuckee. bpm valk Y pod loves QlE fapnt anda mp bis bornps be Ustt ale. 5 teue.,. Jn moore or m moos be biopth bem fale « 8) don So that no man map hem fone fom 8s ie get Ellys m certayn ke mos not bis kpne a.) of Hts Elen chatt tp Roobucke qendce Bith the Roo Qind fo botolp the: as pe dusme Then is te ale a Roobucke gopng m bis arme Rnd ff pe map a KRobucke fle With olbt anp fapte Qind pe Fyne that true are at bre tayle Gls (um (Robuctps tae Gober pe tne Fonte len phatt pe weee if as pe r of kerxtandof Hpne (fo the (Robucke as tif is Beele kp a: t tol prom mp & goth & pe. ae Bind cofith te bre: When ke map qete hie ee Tow of the hert and of the hpnde . CL Sonnps of tip bezt and le bpnre leone pié pe map Chez thap oral to the bese at boli coom mp Zo the (tepe then thap goon phe kote mp af noo Shr) ftep thap wfen mp chilter'Y po fap sc Te hit be Mpdefomere at te laf Rap a Tle mufe of the (tere 6 & Beere hpi fro he flee DSin fo commpth t that place map fe bie With bis ine Gy other chong chap wfe mp cpler alfo - The fame (efon of te pee & foyle ao 8 ae ei Bye ~ Of che cripng of cheds berttps . CL Bin feet belodps and a bucke qrnps J fone Qind ice Roobucke certupne tellis bp epnte Tle nopes of thepes treltps dhus pe phatt att Kor pure of thepre make chap wfen bit alt Hap cyplze Veirre pe qoo: polbre mame taghé pou fo (Methe well hepa &fonpe Hlowpng. CL Cpine of areee keaprnpth at mpdfomes mp Qind tptk boli Root mp laftpth ac J pou fap COTE felon of the fop fro de Matupte Cpt - ae of pe: ladp fre for of cheat €ftez rhatl kapnne Gras mpchelmas laltith npaty oz . ie | CLE (efon of te (Roo kaynnpth at (Mictemas ind bit phatk enduce and loft wntilt Candidmas QE (Michlmas kapnnpth Guntyng of the hace nd la(tith GLE mpofomes thez nytt no man bit (pace Ele (eon of te Bolfe is m ihe canter € de (efon of tte fop and cuczmore shall be Se (efon of tte toore is from che (Matiupte Se dp purification of oloee Ladp fo fre o2 at he Matupte of olbee ladp oete r he fpnte Bore te qoth tones hs feete Booth m Bodps and felois ame and ow: fruke DBten be after foods maketh any fute. Crabbys and aminps and nottre hes thay grt Hadops and heeyes and other chpney prod Tat atk the purification laftpe as pe fe Bnd matepth the gBoore m fefon Eo te Mor While chat frute Map: lafe bis Gime se noucs malt Ot the buntong of the haare Ob bo fyohe of £ as ee hat be mea a alf bountes be foundpn and fo ‘Hike firle ay lps foundia Ghat the buntphalk olvé ort Jo af the kell nore Bien ke opsnpe if TZ bat alt map bpm tere: be phatt fep arere. Moz bis holontes Bole cum to faftelp Tint io Cy firz(t Borre mp fone of wenerp Gind Bhen ke tah couplyd bre baunws pehoon Qind rs forth With bem to dp felee goon Bind hey ke tas of aft hie cotdples at miff Tien chalk te fpeke and fap he Hone att 6 te couple auaunt fe auaunt . flrs fo Ghat d Ce 4 nd then fap . Sa facp auaunt So ho Ou prs ff pe fe polbee bolhntes baue on Witt od : nd wal o apart fro pol fap as ¥ po kome pee. both amp . agapne Iem calt fo . Hhoeff mony amp {bef . 6 make fem fofe oo And iff anp Fyne of the baare hez le fnth bene QWnod te hiaht Richez oz Bemount thus 6 bpm keeene Opes agSemoune fe Yaillant. and phatt pou abhe Dl quits troy la elbare on la court cole Cnt Bemonre the Vorthe Wsth ot anv faple Tot Kenpth Go fpnre the cobard Weeh Ae phoré tuple Rnd iff pe (e Where de war af poftuce path bene JF hie be m the epme of the come arene nod tff polbre Sounutes cynce Beet at potoee Kitt Then » if. mote flat pe bla tooth lobe and (hill Circe oon and there an other dere te mafturpre fas bmn fop Hlogues iloques ™ heffame place Se fay do fom m kpnie: conto tpme the pe biz fonte ind then tft a figne alt the feld abotoee 70 (2 a€ bte pufture Slere phe ath ke im oz obte Owz af hiz forme for qladt: to be phe is not lefe Thee fle both pafturid m tpme of Relefe Andany houns fynd oz mufpue of hit mace Tez ap fiz path bpne any is oon olbt of dhat place THe fe tous cp eft pil fo chat ve fop wenes aver, fo bom fa. alo lobe ag pe map Ba cp 2d efte fo bom . affer that a facp auanné and therof be not lat nd Bon pee (onto the plapne her at the loft Jn felde oz m exenbulk Lond: oz in & de Bor mft md polbre fount Wilk fynre of bez thez then Se la Douce amp La eff g, » ANd as gq polo ken ba€ is to fap fioete frend : ther is fe come Lol Noor & dzp bere and thez With pe chat fap (oom ames ep mouce ep Waplaung o hold fo fol he top hus map pé nol ere fonnpe lene of cwenerp Nd Ble pe come thes as pe trot be Hrtk ometf nd fo femeth to polo Ketk then fop ae Y pold tetf Te wouce 1a oft a wenus .foz & osirelk thooze nd Cherwith . ii . fol . {ov pe no moore ND iff i€ femes Boll pot Go Fynee all m fore md Benen (6 tor then (Op . rouce bol bere bold fre oth bere souce fot beve bod fece be fittps 0 (halk pe fap my chploce and fox no chpne lettpg, — Ate manez tfipe that euez chafer Sore — Faue oon manez of Wore . fo hoy . and no mors Co fulfik or wnfik eche manez of chaae 7 Cle bunt cuermoore in bis motth that Bore be face Qlnd iff potbee boundgs at a chafe cenne thes pe bunt Qind the keeft teqynne & cenne as tp2ttrs be Bont D2 for & fanplon as twos the foo Trth bre ales Or for & emoffe as the Woo rooth ov hile Orz vet fo that pobre honndps cannot olf go T bey chalk pe fop. boo fa amp (a fa complep fa.arere fo both . fich se the plap nd folplo as Moch is as fa inth & fap € for . folpth . i phozt im fpeclp Bian t€ io brouahé Tln2fore (ay Be . foto bo€ fato fap Be noghe Qind uF podre founds chafe at feat 02 af haare QUnd thay venne at Rfaute thus pe phatt fap thare Sep old affapne affapne (ton tako a affayne arere fold theis Borms and no moo nD iff polore ounces renne Bett a¢ foo o2 at 20: Qlnd fo faple at vefaute fap Ghus ferthe: 0: pe goo %° bo oze ftvef alup touce a lup . that thap kere o bop a(fapne affapne fa axere So lpi fo bole Menez cs coupler .and wae Y po kenne Tike moore Rorphyp map pe taue among alk meme (Potore croftrs let be pdt s anda as Y pod bpdw QE mp fonnps m fame : and dus map pe bonne of adme GS be book that the mapfter hunter mahpebe to His man now bere folopng pe. map here - , He mapfeer & his man maketh bis Kops That te tenolith te kynt Bye the kez¢ wpe QTe huntpng eucsmoore Kien ke qops “ Quod th may & bis maifter hat Bece good loore Aor & trad Bhat e.nos the hounds kefoor OShat oth be mapftez quod te man o moth quod ke eupyn as tholh mayft (¢ seek pty and fo woth no keft Lote MDoben brekpth fe quoditta'man Bhat is hatte fap Doith bre feete ke opynpe tle erth the: ke qooth aWap Bint te Che mufequod te man narftes ¥ ele pap T tnt the bert be foore the hountes Sibley thap bym bunt ap Tiné then & the Rpues fe Kelli for to goon Quod the marfles bo the may des arcaufes Goon Kio. fi-camea the hert detivich to the Gauer .n note wele theis termpa Glopng defcende n oder’ COon nue for the Rpuez wfcene fe is ap Qind (0 is ke tw the Mater Bhen ke tateih tle Wap DSbp allife Hhoto bpm . ufcen® .mapfter Y tle pray Afoz be popris of ic myght te footh % tle fap nothes ts & te Wate: She ke qooth othe: Kbyle The enwe that bpm (een & fount & kaple CL Pit of thio ter€ quod bis man maifter Bole Y ken n € fe Bate: Bhen be lespps Brat te mates chen ye peoferth quod de mapftez andfo pe phat fap For be Boe not bpm felfe put ho rU¥itta Bap - Dokethez ouez fe Water be Bit for paffe = = Ox curne apen theffame Bay ther ke fprft Bas Thesfore hit to profte as theps bunteas fapne Bind Reprofes fF thetfame Wap be arzne apme QUE hat ove: fire of Ap Bates iff op (erte Tien holt pe call hie Ge. foule of te bere d that io for Gp Mates of bis legoee Beete Tone m & the feepe the: fallpn of bra fete Biper the Bater bro Bap ceaen iff te bene When beegyth be Rates thes ¢o take polo tend Aino iff Wieh de Water go algate pom bit phat Sofoulent th Bates an beat fo bym calk Now of the Nomblis merhe wele che temps THe man t he mapfter foekepth fu blpth s Gp nombl ps of tip ber€ that tp Bolte bpm frith Roh mong endps-der chatt be hum Bich mne Gucd th maplter boe oon thpk nor thpune Qine that rs bot te Gasgiton . 6 fpeke of atk bi rene Qind att type otez crokes andy Roundtilis . bene Whe Auauncezs . the Forchezs git Boloe J Bie anv thot Boldeft me leore cmRes and te (Koundellia of fy (Momb *Dere Don croke of de (Nomblis {pth adele ee fe wuder the hemote bolle of the beele be fore Tat call? 16 anouncero . Who fo can fem bene aa ee wee the porte of me Mombus éhene mE tS © EB Chek nears that ligapn ener tefhene Th . » . theps of ae teeft that Beit euene : An Fe Mpoeef that allio ie the wnat alfo Aor the fitee wiht atobte ensuen if is fro (ip rere fonnge kee + fap of game FY dus por Cobre CL Pié Molde ¥ Bite maifeer Bhi ope Hounws atf PBapen and expen Tlen thap bpm ceche phatt 02 Chap Bold faue kelpe that te thay: (hytt 0% € flee Che eof that thap renne tpl E Letk me mapfeexquor:the man Bhat #6 the fhpld DMShp the rare Woolw fo fapnne enne apenefe the hilt CQauod the mapfter for bez leaps. br phozter be foore Thin te bpnte: hat is the fupll-of poore CC Wint re the cauife quod he man p* men fap of yp! beeff Bint the prace fittrth ape Wher fhe taketh kerr weft QUnd ors beeftpe [p : as ommuneli. men fapne Moz.Hj cafes quod he mayfter 3 eff the ployne Doy is fos fle burcles won tir ruahis ap Qlnd alk other eftps man Ahe firet the gwibnie fay Gin ors anfe ther ts and that 6 noo fees Avex fie brecitl Looth (elect and puce areece ET Aié Boley mapieer qttod he man fayne ite more Hotere loeb the fuce ofthe grave be hynde'or before Oues the lopne quor che mapfeer of ihe jaare cholo take Sp Aon the taple and the chyne euen oon the backe pit Bolae FY mapfter quod the man dhe at tp lees OSbat thot allele m the. febo: rch chy (pmecs Shox cs an bert pafeureed bath zon p* hod bym (2 o tnalve faatt or lene Winther that kp te PY can quody the maplter Welt tek che thps cane WE knife Hele Whee be bap : and Wkeee bp fumeped jane ole an lapmede iff that t¢ be aD is t fat ‘tp tett lexne theps of me Qind iff 2€ be baoth blacke and fart and clene len ko 1g meeare lazhre and leone Bind of thpe tlhe thpng iff Gob leue not me Talze here in the Sbpntre and then tho map r€ fe Pit mapfter of te faare faym Bolte FY Wit moore WB hat fp rooth Bien te qooth tle Hotondps tefooze ~ Be forth and veforth the: be goof a ap SPrpckypth and reprpckpth the footh for & fap QSot Kat te that quod tip man Kien thap fo wone Tint phatt Y quod the mapfter tell tp fut foone Jn tt feels Hheer be qooth no Kays teene Eker be forth Llyn kp ftewpth and bit map not be feene Qnd after len be wibblith and tusnpth agapnne' Tlen ke wefoorth as qoow hunteres fapnne . Qind Bien fe cennpth in th Kap dep o7 Bert. Then men map fone foftalp of clees oz of frets That prpckpth the waare ape Bon ke woth foo Gnd reprpclkepth then iff ke agaynne goo (Maifter pit quod the man Bhat is this & fay (MW wauntellap a lap .anda Relay. | iat phat q{ ett the quod kp : for a Lictitt bysete” DSlen che botndys a2 fet: an kert for & mete: Qind other bpm chafen and fololbpn & take * They alk the (Relate tho map won km make Crom at his ampne pf tholb les thp hobndps goo DBbile the over hat be tehpnee fez azn hem froo | Thal 16. a wauntelay . and fo cho phatt bit atk Sor thap are than fer before thoos ov ont att oz hap map not that tap nomore (etbe af itt nd bold thynhounde ftptt ff that tho fom is) tt alt te hountes that tebebynd braun he: 89s Tian let thynbounts alk qenr qoo we That alkdts an allap . and looke thotb fap fo 3 Qind that bynizpna is prt & them that be behpnte . he cefter Doth oucrao the Beere bptipn® 4 + QI celap is after Bln the ountes az pale cytes Fer be fore Bich the bert that hiet tem fale To let thpn hunts fe: aftes tem goon > - Qind that is then a fortherpne to bem: echoon Foz and thpn hountes aue oucstake thes ots bi oftres ©” Shey halk chep al€ foluc bpm of oon floeftnes : wot bat ia a forlopng - i an hpneerpna arete aff o&2 onatt (Pit maplEez Bole Y fayn thus a€ pot leece | Bee is @ forlopna for that te qoow to bere " Tint phatk F fap the quod ke the fort) a€ lefé -s Dekn thp Hounwes m the Bor fechpn any teef— = + + 16) And the kreft is (toft alkap obt of the froth Ox the Hounres that tho paft meten chespith Qind any other hounts kefore : than may thith fem me fe Tlees ows hounts arn then forlopned’y the teée AFo7 the kefte and the Gounwe arn fo fer tefore Bind the hounrs be hyne be Bere and foore So that hap map not at the beft cum af the: Bitk ~ Elke hounves be fore forlopne fem and that tc the flptk hap be ap fo fere be fore & me iff thot thitl truft Quo thps tw the foslogne lee bre sff hod luft = sa xo} F Uliche thee hinges caule the houndes to extDute t Bolte "y Beets mayftes iff it Body Bik 5 Ss ae oe cenne as beet ontlf | 3 ? Y Gind ap tip forther thep goo the aloore: thapbme ror . 1. caufes quod ke of tyme rs fene + Don te Bian the beat vennpe fale ona cefe . Be [retrth chat bre rennpth wine thooah obt his cles Tle hounwes Bien chap fynee of tné té te fIbete Elen ar thay leuer & venne and lothes to lete Qin ow2 mufe Blen the kext np no moore map ETloy Witk be Bhrte froth afte ther be qootf a hap *DBlgn thon ours fom of chat cher as ap gon Jn bore thap chalk bpm frue and cenne fo rad The . 1H . caufere of te kext Bhenke te npgh ste Chon ke aaftps ole of his molt fro) ardhlawe nw Tle Hunts knat hat be phat be take foone than Qind cues the fozthes dep aoo the qladdis thep cenne T kee as tle mules ..iij. that mddfes em aladoe & ke auch ae : bee ee tahis ac fone as afwiet bat beeft prt mapftex t¢ fos non &. mooft boole aff gate bbe me Qlndalfo fone de flotple halk hym oues talze Qls the ftopfafe phatt o Bhat Wap fo cues be tate Tint keeft a wBaufpn braht « WBrok o7 a Grap Tlyes 15}. namps be nth the footh for & fap Qind hte te mufe trrof : for ke Litk by kpnde Go Horugh ornpe a Wap the Ahphrefe ke may fonde Shes as de flopfaft houndes map ne forthe: x00 Then the flomvele of foots be be neues fo thy WUhs the hare frrmaps and croteis . CL pit map leer Bolde YF Bete Whi that men fapn te Tit Ge Haare fimape'and croteps bootl plapn © a ci roe aft ofhes manes beeftps that buntd be rs A empon) o: fenos as Be Wele hie fe bah. Tit halt Y Beetk tetk the quod the mapfter then. i Bhp hes kp femaps and cots Bat qe hen 3 femarth for kr terpth talok .thie is ae % Qind & ceocers man (apn fos ke tenth ove room Gi Routss on his houghis Shen ip te bins it go Wd beeftpe of fic lepnde fpnde Kee no moo Tos mony bee (tre femayer mapftes fapy 3 Bolde leve ind bolo many feno} that Bare goo & kere tk ihe & ett quod the mapfter 3 bole bit tot Lihat | tt kefers thaé ee talolh and (tone ae we AFemapen Bhan chap a fo fap as Y de tame “4 = afk otez fenoy that re Tine ehenne . . a re me, a Krow nop maner -beettis of venerp Selene Cor manp manes keftis pit mapftes me tett Off wenesp Keleren bp frpth oz by Ffett Co ths quod de mapiter Y phatt tke anfthare Off alk teeftis boé . H. Che bert and de nave m te Qlimunciacion of ofbce lady mp Hie kere chen celeues th footh fos 6 fap.. Ext fopnt Petrie mp and prule.ano the fare ight: AFeom the SPucificcon of. olbce ladp bright : Till dy a be (Releups : leue pe me Off oynt Thomas tre of Countusbune , fa 50 vudo the wylde Woore - CHIE imp chylee of the boore for & fpetze moore Doken fn hatk be corrtoon ¥ eetk pol be foore pops. bredis pe phatk of ym make Clot Bik pod mp fonnpe Wie Reece pe phatt them tobe PG GDOID, Th Fprlt of tepm is the ete Bhat cues & fat Qin ov 16 the coler and fo pe phatk Hit ib oie lp fielops on te fiolteas : therof phalk . 7). be Sion epres fits of the fIopne oepe2hd im . t9 . Tle preftellic and te gambons wpée teym . # Qlnd . i . feleteps be path: foraete not thoo Tien take is teagaes and is feete g finWeth potore fleahe * Hor cep foal of brs bredys be counkd fox . (ori . GOematith the chpne m . in . AS and notes nd take tie: polbee beds . ppp . and. 7. nd fapre put de queece Bion tf ts tobe a Kap Ar cy blevdes of the bore mp dhplee J pol pmp Afor bre 18 @ medecpne : for mony mane ppne cr bow pe thall bzeeke an Hert . x ND for to fpeke of the fext Bhile Be hye 007 ONp dhple: fp2ft pe phatt bpm fue Bien ke phatt te contooy Qind Ghat is for & fap 02 exer pe bpm dpabe - DWrth im bis olbne fornps & lap bom wpuabt € teffap cut bpm that lordpe may fee : noon fat oz leon Bintez Ghat be tee Than cut of te copdis Ae kelp euen froo © ve kegprne bpm & flees and‘ then (halk pe aeo a ~ was Qt Qt chaudis: 6 bapnne affone aspemap > nd flpttrth tym colone eu fo taffap . > nd fro Hhaffap cue celbne the kele chalk pe flue Zo Kh prffitt tes te mde Kas a hap eptt ». Then (let the lyfe leage cue fislt efor Bnd then the lpfte leage bp bpnte or pe % moore Glud thees ors legaes won the right (pe ” (xpon eFfame manez {pt pe Chat tpre ‘To goo bo Ae chetrps looke pe ke prefé Qind fo fleet hpm solbne cue bo the breft Gimd fo Fleeth bpm forth right nto ehfap ‘Eurn & te place here te mde The at a Ko Elen fleeth tiefame Lyfe afk that ors fpr Bot let the taptt of the heeft (ett dex oon bye Than hatk pe bpm Bnro mp chplo:Z pol er Rpaht wxpon bis alone flepnne and lap bet on breve Take keem of the cuttpna of theffame wee Bind keapnne fpaft oo make de Erker | Sun take oldt tle phuleria .and flyteth a nooy Te talp fo the fpe from the corbyn tone Tint ic corbpns fee : at the deeth te Ball be Ten take olde the felbet Hhat bit be not lofte AF-0z that mp chploe is qood for lechecrafe Sian put chyn Honve fofeelp conrez the bref tone Qtnd the: phatk pe take olbt therter a noon Tan put olbt tly muncle and from the muncle tans s QY Wap Rightly the Wate ke fras oole it bith a fyngre . % as J polb kenne Bind Bith de bloow and the qrece fillith Gre theme Tooke three that pe taue and nedetl therts s.-‘ Sor to (edo i¢ With aff os pe moore %. fm Ey fale quttia than pe phatt ot pet Som lem fake. the mab . forpet not te . lan tale otbt the leucz . and lap (yt on te flegnne , Gnd after hat the bledes Brth ot mooredpnne — x. Zhan deeffe te Mombles : firft that pe ceke DPodne dy aauncers tere that cleues & te necks Qlnd aotone With the tolthmte pul them a noon Qnd kezue wp de lest the: wp to Gp gad) hoy Qind fo forth te fillittis Ghat pe (op acere | E bat fallith & the nombles.and qhatt te tes: Lith te neres alfo and (eit : that thes ts Lum & the mpdzpf that wiper bpm ts Clon take cobne the mpdaf from te fire hoote Gnd paue wp te nombles boole by tp botk chente Gn thyn bond than dem holt . and looke and (ec Tint alk that lonerth dem bo 60 qete: hat thap be Ton take then to thy brows éo bole foz trifé MBhplis hod dem wibblp(t and osahtis as te Life Than a Lap tle (pahtis- and oo7 de flepmne dem lap Co a bpw te quezee mp chple Y po pmp . Than phatk pe fipt the flough ther as the tpt Lith Qlnd take a Bap the Cees from it and bp flpth de fid) puis tath bis kext ap if mon G men map (em the beeft Bien be is wonroy m (he mpddis of te kezt a boon hatt pe fpnte coke pe peue bit fo a lose.and chpla: be kpnte Mor bit 16 kepnee for mony malpdjes (lnd m the mpddis of the bert euctmore i€ Lies Than chalk pe kept the flaprtis the teeth euen feo Qn aftes the Raaae toon euttis eu alfo Th foubhis: and the (prs eun ketene Qind looke that potoce kmpfe ap Bettys kenge Chan airne (op the fords . and frote chim Beth bloote- - Mfor Go foue the qrece” fo vo men of qoot a Than phatk pe are the nels the (preg cue fro. Qnd the bere. fro the neke cuttpty alfo Tie trong the bropn he paunch andfip necke DSlen thap Wart) te Beett With Bates of the teckes Eke (male quttis é the Lights in the taps : ° ae QL koue the bert of the beefe Bhen how them aris DBith alf the blow that pe map gete and Byn QUE fo coder phatk te take and lope oof de fhyn. To acue polbee hounts . hat alld 169 Bis: Phe quprre . a bore the flipn for t¢ etpn is ind Bho sights bpm fo bp mp counfaple f tue th lefte phute: for bps trauaple. nd the Right phulwer Elere fo eues be tee (Deucth to the fofter for that is bic fee Qind the fpuez alfo of theffame teeft To the fofterys tnaue peuctl at the left The nombles teufficlh m the flpnne. and tarvell bpm faft Zip firs and the forces t aew: that thay lafé. DS 1th Gender lecaes . be m07 0 t€ phatt Vian bryng if hom . aud the fleynne Kith alt Cp nombles . and the boanes . at the lordis pate Eon bolalp blow the price tharat . (Podoee play for to mpnne. Ox chat pe came Ye wplicié Slam Yulpane Barnes m kez boke of huntpna. Gtttis of the chace of the fete Cewee & Ginhig: 4 tos tn broltns of tx chace 2 of the floete fetbée . QUnd Ou tte ete . che Doo the QBeere.. he Repnd the Clue . the Sppcard . the Ote -and the Maxteon. ote treftia of the chace of the fepnkpna fetote v oe ee ee papi me AFulmarn . ANreles . the Baur. the Grape . the Fop . the Aqupect ‘ the Blutme . the Gof. and the Pulmtte. CX The nampes of diner mane houndis Lahrio ke the naps of hunts. Fislt ther isa Beebobnd a Baftar.a Mengretl a Maftpfe.a Lemon .a Sas npelt . Radhps . Renettps . Ceroures . Bodyene hountes . MMpodpng wages . Crpneeltaples andy goukkend axis . and finale ladies popig that kere a Kap fle flee and opues tis imate falbtis . C The propreteis of a goode Grefjound. Hn Grelouns hula te head like a Snake . and necked like o SOrake . Fold like a Rat . Cayled like a Rat . Spo (yke a Teme . Chpned tke a Weme Ske fis le pore fe mofe lene to fer. Cle feaand pere to fel & bpm lew. CL Chet. pere be 13 felot lptee. Lhe - iin. gern thes to noon fikeCL Cp . to . pore be 16 good Ynough Ele . or, perete phatt folte te plough Co Sle con pore be Batt atvaple : Geeee bilttepe for toaffaple. CC The cwiiy . pere inlavitt, Oke . ip. pee asefadptt. CL nd hen be wom mpn é& tint pore : Fane bpm to the Cannes. CL Af or Ae keeft Grtonte Gyné cues biteke fade » af. . pore kris futk bave “s . a Congrganony of Hleuers a Coucrt of mots : a Suett of Turtllis ie a Titeats of Pies an Of€ of fpaclis a Dharne of kes a aft of baults of p*? Hus. a Tece of deffame prukis.t7 a Flrabe of Gophaukes a Gliaht of floalobes a teldpne of Rookes a@ Murmuracoy of (ares & Route of Boluess a Lepe of Zetards a Shebenes of Vipis a Skulke of Chrups a flulke of ffopis a (Melt of Rabetts a Labor of Mollis & (Mute of hounts a Renetk of Rachis a@ Sute of alpam & Cobazdnes of custis a Soundee of Krlee (Iopne a Sow of Maas a shale of Biff tn Hy . 2 t zs a GOroue of MMete a fflocke of Stepe a Gaale of Gomer a Pew of chpbenmps @ (Multipleeng of buftondis a Pontfialite of prelaas @ Soranpée of chanonps a Charae of arts - & Sorfcreaon of Preftis a Sake of frens a bhompnable fight of motis a Set of fi a Epample of Maifterg on Obfuans of euimpas on Cloquens of latbeperis an Lpecucion of Officerps 6 farth of (Mauhandie @ putfion of (eelKardy of bouf a Resff of Panteris a Catens of Sehens an wnbeelbpna of Rezuers a Bafegare of Porkus a Blalt of Huntests a Theetenyne of courteperig a Pomple of Capftens a peng of partnens a Unley of papnteris a Lah of Casteus a Boldopne of Remf{teris @ Wonrerpng of Cpnkers @ Laplbardnes of haphoartes a Bordhip of Butens a NMetthriupng of Joaoleris @ ffraund of (Npineris a Heftce of Wuberis a Gorpna of Wochuns a Trpnket of Comefens a Plocke of Shoauncens a Sdconkehep of Cobless a BSurtke of fovre a Clufece of Mots a Rage of the tothe. ‘a (Rafaatt of Sopes a Shfdorphip of Seetrg CO Espliat Er Ere blow the dew terxmps to (peke o€ breeh: png o2 drel(png of Dpuerte beekis and Hwlis a é And the(lame is (hewed o€ certapn Epl(hes . @ Bere brokenne . QR Goofe rw a Hrigge rm and (pxde a Camon fabbfede a Clreoon frufchpd a Conp wnlacede a Crane difplapde a Curle wnsopntede a Ffefalnet alee a Quayle Bpnaaed a Hlouez (Npnfed & PHeaeon thpahed eBratone leechpap a Shanne Lpfte a Tambe phulende a Ride chulwaw. an Ler fpoplere @ (Malare wnbrafid an Seon dpfmembad a Pecoke dif fiqued a WBeture contac a Partuch alet a Raale breftpre a Wormeake thpates an Egac Cprd @ ffpce Cpmbezed TN ow of fHl((hee QB Satbmon Chpned @ Syke fplatted an harvnke fird a Cheuen fpnned . a Sole toyned ao Gurnarz%e chpried a Tende fabecd an Cle tzoufoned a rme fplaped a Bazbitt eufepd— a Trught qobettrd pe (hall Cap this. FAL » kext Berbourahit a Bucke ae suit an Efqupe: lodoueh a Roo beroith G poman beddith an Haare in bes fozme chub; verpng o2 lenpng. a Conp fitpng. @ Worrake beekyng Ere nob folopng phatk be phebedy all the Shpre “Cand the GBypphopzpches of the molme of ena Qind po phatk wnresftonde that de HSbhpree be Busren before and tly biffhoprches of the(fame az Wat folobyng nept aft and then aftertard as helbed te Hroupneces of this londe. Chet . Cauntarbusp . Rouchefeze . C Houthefep ‘ Chypcheftre . Cr Bram hpre « Gutherep . DE prckpftee. C Wolwppe. — Bartuhper . Salpbusp . Cr Domerfete hpce. — Sdoafet hpee . Bathe . CL Meuenphpe . Cornelbaple .. Creeftus CElee . — Merelfep -” London. qr Morthfolke. . Guthefolte. Qoztopche . C_ Cambzpacphpre ‘ Elpe . CL Hapcetee . Huntynaroy. Northampton . Hertford. Wed ford . Bokpnaham . Oppnfozd . Lynertne . Upneolne Cr Cloucetu: - MS orcears . DN3rqorH. Ferfordchpee « erford . CF eairhye hoorhper pte of Limghue. Chie. —Porkrerhtce . Stafordchice . Darbipyere . Mofpraham ee hos of Zancaftrephiee. (Pozke. yoroupnees of England - Ccunturbuc and (Porte . Stafford Barbp Mofinaham. Qorthumbeslonize .GOuajany. DBeftmestond . Z arzale -Rastle we m Eps boole folotbpne ts wtermpned the (pnage of Cooke arthivis : and both gentlmen chaff te knolbyn from Ongtnble men . and hod bontage kegan fir(t im aungelt Gnd after fuccedd m man bynt . as tis phelhew m proceffe boothe m dp chilaez of Qlaam and alfo of (Moe . and fob (Moe TUT the Worlde m - ij. partio: & his.rij . fornps . Qe Gps ke phelopd Ge. ip. cololbuis m azmyps fiqueed bp crens of aungelis . and ié is fipthpd bp the forfapd alobug Bprh ten Bothy and pc ten Ropalt . and of rigalitets Mi? che ber noble and Bich ben epellent’. Qlnd thea ben bere the (er taupe of chpualsy andmanp other notable andfamolofe thpn: apes to the plefuce of noble pesfonps phatt be phetbpd as tr Bes bps foley rttenefes ho fo ences Liteptty 6 (ethaym and mete thapmi Upc Bere & longenoh toreers. Qlnd after theps notable tht aforelapze fololbpth te eBlafpna, of alt manes azmps m latpy frend) and Enalih . | CCA ncipit Tiberannocum Bie Borthenes aasmes for é keere by the Mopalf Be Dblow m ordpnance all nobulk and qertptt men from the pete agce tothe Latoylt i thy fooke phat te heme . and fo wefeuer Gentlnes from wnaentilnes « E-Fn fo mothe thet atk aentilnes cummpe of god of beupy at eupn YF Boyt brapn There Bere .p-ortreis of aungelis and noth (tonte bot. tp. in co of armuris of kmatbleae enceoloned fil bpe Bith preaous feo nos . Whece Lucifer ith mplionps of aungelio olof of feupn felt fonts fetf and odp2 places and fen boldpn the m bontage . and att Bhece creat m keupn of genttt nature . QT tone may oz « churle Bptt fap alt Be te armmypn of amam . So lucafex Bith hrs cumpurp map (op alt Wee be, cammyn of frupn . Cr Glam Ge at 3 of man Gpne Bas as a (lokke wnfprape and ton; sats : and m de brundes ig knotbleage Bide is rtun. and Biche is arene nS fam * ow Gentilmen (hall be hnawhn Erom churlis. & how thed Firt began . And how Noe deupdpa the world wt. tit. partit to his iit Connpe . Kk for & taupre aentilmen from chore m hnaft ¢ (talk ke poened. Cher Kas neues qentilmay noz churle oroenpd bp kyn w fot be tnd farce and modse . Glam and Lue bod nofhys fa dre noz moder.and in fe fornps of Glam and Cue Was foun w% bole gentilnan and chusle . Sp the foonnps of Glam and Cue Seth Welt and Capn wyupr fas the ropatt blow fro the wnamtlk . Ql brother to flep bia brotte: ocrasp oo the lat Bhere mpabe be more ongentelnes .gBp thators Capn beonme ackoile andatt hte offprpna after bpm bp de cuzfpnax of ood and bre olbne fadce atm Gr Qind Seth ths mar a aen Gilman thoooh bis faders and moweis bliffpng . Qrnd of te offprpne of Seth (Moe come a amtlngn by pnw ZX Noe fnd.15). fonnps beaetpn bp kpnee . bpthe modre . § . Bere namea Cham and Sem and bp the fadre the there the nampd Jafech . Prt m theys.ty.fornps aentilnes and ons | qmtiines Was fount CC Yn clam wnognttnes Bas fount & bis ofne fadre 0H fo difcuues bie preuples and lanah his fades & forne€ Ll Fafeth Bas the ponarft and repreued bis brodre . San tike a antlnan fate mypnte of Cham. fos bis ongentrlnes bp Rag bagme a chorle: and ind the cusfpng Of Kod and bis fadre (oe . Bind Kran (Moe atboke fe apse to Cham his fonne : knolbpft nott thots fom bit become of Can eam foon: and of bic chusliif blore . QUE the Worlre iG Drolbne faue Be . wig. Wind nob of tte & kapnne cnges tilnes anda mule bo wfempe we alt : wpon the hré phatt be « fo FY pray & cod that it phatt fatk . Mow & He Y apue mp cus(e Bpchen beptafe for et . andy apue Go the : the north porte of de Bozrlee G deathe thpn tabstacion for thes phatt tt be . Bipee foro ond are alte and mpfdyef as a thurle thot fhalt foue. im the ehtste paste of the Borlee Bikh pall be ccfce Europe thatrs t fap the wntre of Gurlps. CYafeth ei hee: mp fonne dhol phatk gate inp Bliffing Cee t feerw of Seth Wem fon FJ make thea aentilman é th Ke {te paste of the Worle .and & de occztent ente : Biere og Belt and gutter phatt te . thes thpn babrtacion phatk te .t take Hat otles theave porte of the World: Which phat be calm afia that ia & fap the contre of centclmen . And Sem mp on alo a genblinan Y th make é multipli alellis blow that fo Bpkkedli Was flapy . the orpente thols phat take that othe: theizee parte of the Worle: Which phatk be oalte aff om . that ts to fap the confer of fempusnes. CZ OF the of fpryney of the qenalman Yafeh cote Habrabam Mop(ea Quy and the profettps . and alfo the kpncp of pt ight Ipne of mazp. of Blom that gentlman YW hofue Bas borne werp Godand man : after bis mankore Rpna of the Lone, of Fur ¢ of Yuce qenelman by 16 modxe mary prpnes of Cote axmure . ER ow Longe Cote armures wer beguiine afore thincatnacion of ovvre Lorde Phelu evpe « Ta feth more finfe Warget anid Hheam be maze a balk in Cobsert aj of alk Ge Bolts . and affesart . 97 .pere and. pert .befo neansnacon of Cufte : Coteasmum Mas mar - an a at the (eae of trope Biere in geftps tcoianorum s¢ éetlich tip fisft kapnnpng of te late of azmps Bas . Ar Bice Bas effugueed andkegunne hefore anp latoe in Ge Korloe . hott the Latbe of natue.cnd before the. .comalbnrementis of god Rind thps late of aamps Ras qround oypon the .ty.02s tsps of angetios in heuen encrobyed Trth.ip. dpucts prenens feonps of colotbtis and of (wertups Spueris « alfo of than az fi: qund fie.ty.colouris m mnolombre bo keapnne dle fisft ftone te alld Comfion jh2im Lapis zohe fick Gone is calde Copation figndlipng golde in arnps - C_Chis (Cone Comfion is a femp ftone.and cole it ieenl; we marmps . Che wertue thes of is : het the aentlman He Bi; cy tne {fo em his mtcarmure kev a fare me(fangere mbis kpnep katptt phatk be . Che Bich (Cone te vefucd m the ancelis cone that Basa tthe maffancer anda fuce mbis kpnep ta: tap lf of heuen Bhan they fauahe Sith Tuc fer Seria lapis he Ccunde ftone is cald Smaragdus a grave Ip Gone Ggnifipng vert in amps CZ Ske feaunte flone is alte Smaragous a cconrcell (tone . esti€rs olde im armps . The westu tps of is : that dramtpl man the Bid) me cote azmuce it brrith kone and tasdp mbes Lynch batell phatt be. the Biche (tone is cefered mtharchangel kes croone hat fas kene and bardp m bis kpnate batusle of be, um Bhon hee faualt Beth lucifer x Cetcius lapis And this Kone is calde brute cofore i armpe gé be Chiste (toy iganlee an Gimehice a dufkeetli (tory buufle bit to aloe marmpe . Che woatu thes of to = hat he the Bich te; uth m hte Coteazmut that (tone. foztunable of wictor t hie bi ces bataytt phat te . the Wich ftone te ceferucd & the wrrttps crotone that Bae fortunable and wictoriods in bis kpnay bataif of feuen Bhan thap faucht Bith Zuafer cq Ouiartus lapis And this Gone is calde plibp color i annps ii -feone ig alta Marqarete o clobdp flone pilum by bi ts alte marmps . The werme lez of 16 . Byal qentilma thatibia Cotzarmure that ftoxchenith areée gounaloner of cht: ualrie m bis kpnape bataptt ie phatt tue . the Bich ftone is ref urd tp prée(tatis cwlne that Wos ceualtius of gounaune. mbte kpnaps bataptt of keupn Shan Chap fauaht With Zucifee intus lapis CA (ops ia calde Gnamer o2 fanquine i amps CE ke. - ho} is alte o Zope . & fanquine (tone oz fmamez bitte alee im armps. Che wertue teof te: the qaitilman that m bis Cotearmure this (tone terith mpahtfidt of polber im bis kpnapskataptt phattke . dp Bid) (Cone Was cofesucd m wmina aw clongs erothiie that Bae mpahe ful€ of poBere mbis kpnaye bx: caitk of frupn Bhan thei faucht With Znafes ertus lapis And thpe one ia calde gowlpa in arinpa CK The . wi. ftonc ig alee a Ruby a wdlp fone . qothlps it tolm m armps . the wertuc thefts . the qentplman halt bic Cofeasmure Gat flone rudy hote and full of corage in bie tynays tntoptt phat be . the Brey ftone 16 ceferucd m te pemet pas crotone that Bas tote btinnpng as fire m bio kpnape ba; taptt of rupn Bhan thap fauaht Beth Zucsfes Septins lapic A blue Rone tt 19 ¢ itis cad alure f annpe GH ke . i. [lone is alee a Savbpre a bel (tone QWfure hré is alts m amps. Che wertue theef to. he gentlman chat in. bis Cotearmuce tecith that tone : Bpfe and weitues mbhis Bes kong im lis byrne bataptt phatk be . the Heb te ceferued to trond crolone that Kas Bpfe andwertues mbis kpnaps kataylt of bs upn Bian thep faut ith Zucifes oe O tats lapis CG This fone is blate and it is callea Gabull a Th . wii} . tori isa Soyamond a blake tone . Sable «€ is alt marmps . Clr wcrtue thefts. Bat centilman that i bre Cotearmure Ghatt ftone tenth : ourabult @ Onfopné m bre kpngpe kataptt be phatt te . Che Bich ftone Bas cefesuedi the cheabpne coolone that Bas durable g confapnt mbes kpnays Lotaptt of eupn. Bhan thap fauahe Bich Zucfez . Xt lapis | A lhindng Gov and ie cae SituerTannpe LS |p. ip. Rone io male Carbuncle « chynys Rone . Sith bit teale im asmps . Clevertue thewf iD Bet oe yf m bre Cokarmure this ftonetenth . fult ahaha glorious ¢ fopnpng, in his kpnaye bataptt be phatt be Sty Bid) fone Kos ceferucd m Ele Hero phyns crofone sthatBas ful ouahtigloas & fhinig, + hig kicr bntaptt of rpm Bhan the fought Bt Zucifes «a OE the dil coloreit fer the feld o€ catearm rif. wu. bene worthd and-iiti. bene Ropall ie ke.ty .opiife mlons fos de felt of Cofeazmucs © PF Gorthy ¢. im .Ropatt . She. Worthy te theps : Gol % Berle Wrufk Hlumby ¢ Spnam. ind the. im. Ropatt be thas : Goblis ure Sable c Siucs Wot nok aft bla fous of armps ther be fof.coi. colors of pt Bich. i. be metall ¢ im colors . Goleeg Srl for metal . Hert Goulio Wfuce @ Sabutt for mlous . cthepe be wfid and no noo . GL Of nine preci9 (tonit.v. be noble & iiii.o€ dig C— The: be. .precious [Lonps .@ . noble ¢. ity .of diqnite Ekp.v.noble ftonps & heps Tomfion Smaraqmat Wma: tite Marqarel ¢ Qtlops . Che .iiti .of sqnite be theps Rubi yh oe and Casbunett CH Ol thorwderil of ierarch x. iiir.a6 SF bps ke.ig .ndpo of anqelis. (0. Yeoorhic . gin. Crolp - Tk » .Fernschpe be theps:-: Qlirerelias Wrchanaclis wirutes ghotefeates & cnmnamés The. inj. Coonli be ches Spuna; plo Cronp Chreubpn and Semphpn . Cr d-o€ the dDignitel o€ regalite be noble x .titi.né Ce Ther be ip .diqnites of Regalife . . nobleand. in ellené ke theys Gentlma SquierRnpaht wa ronand Jor: Qlnd. in .cpoellet be thes Erle Mark Sou ke andy D2pne Lp bne vertuel of precid (tonpe pre (vertres of pread flonps ben the: . to. general andy mi -fpedatt Sle w.qenatk ben theps Ql fure meffenges Ame @ hazdp fortunat of wictorr Clrralyd of gotinatince @ mpabtt: fult of pole: Che. im -fpeaalt be thes : tote of comge Lpfe ¢ wedp @ westuce m Beskpna Soucable ¢ wnfapne firtt ought ¢ glonofe phpnyng - Ge Che. titi. veatuel of cheualep SEX Olver Lertues of cheualry ben ther . Che firle is tufte m Kis beeftiss .clemnes of his plone .yrG to have of tle wore. fobe gracus & hts prefor.& be weucrentand fapthfull & bis god The feeun® is that ke be Wyfe ibis tataitl parwnt ibis fightig knobpng g wupna mpne ibis Urttio. T ke. inj .is p* be be nott flow ibis Berns loke be fore p* irs quill be frue thanke qode . ue2r of bis Victory o fos 6 fauc mefure i his fuftinace. Che im 45 Gobe [tx0g & (Eedfafe this qotindce. to hope to bane p* (oictorp nv wor not frome ey felt and not 6 hhame bis af aes te - QUO hatale be not to bofefidt of fre manboo Toke that be e curtes loiolp and qentitt and Krth otbte wbalbdep in bis langage . Ey ere (hall be (hewed the. ix-artihelia of gentil neg. u of them ar amozons and iiii fouerapn Cr Tiker be. ty. artpcles of gentiines . cind of eps .co. bene amozobs . and. i foueren . Ch.w . amowlbs qentilnefes ben thes Tosti of mtontenatonee T eeteable m langage PEpfe m his anftece Herfite mqouernalbner . and Chee s fut t fapthfulnes . Che. int foucrapn qentinefes ben thes Hebe othes m/iespng . Bosom to goddie bpvdpng . Rnoz Doprig bio olbne bizth in berpnc . and Co deere his fouctapn fo offende - cr Cher be iz. vices contrarp to gentilmen | CT rx ben . ip . ices ontrar t centilmen of the Biche... ben moetermpnable and inj .telermpnable Che (0. mntefermpnes ble ten cheps : oon Go be ful of flomthe m bis oties Go be fiult of Loft m bis manbore . th trite fo be full of colbasd; nes tis temp . Gp fausth & be fink of lechtr i bie body .¢ the fifthe &be full of drpnkpne @ deonckunli . Ches be. itr eles mpnable : on is 6 reuoke 16 ofbyj chalange an offes fo flep his prefones Bith hie ol) bondis the hut t Yopte from bis (rues rapanes banes in the Feld: . and dp fifthe & tetf bis fouerapane fale falps : eaeandit ae reas Gr Che: be. iz. teRimable retopngis in armps fp .ip meférmable ret asmps ben theps a aa gentilmay Boas npabe f ele felt: at bad ty Wat of i: ons of (op Op Ge Wit tot be ents (tore (viekerp for Co Bepy Cp the popnt of hie treet 6 Ae ates Done tle cuafed broths: Cham Sp the comes of bis tazaet « bout ee that othes eae Sm » Stat othts a to bpm felfe betokength that gentlman Yafeth the bf ech of Bhowe pa al man cone bp ught {pne She maner of inpahthodis ben.ii.oon with the Gwerde An other with the Bath Zep bhe be. Fj-manes of tnpahthorrs oon Brth th fiberte ant on othe: Bith the bath Sty nth is te Baby ue im .Ropalées . Oon ts Bran as wnaged prpnee is mar’ pabt or be cmuned kyng Che feane ts Bhan a Byne oz an Empewure te cvobned . The thprde is Bian aquene o an Emp iscrotbned. Chr ini .te Bana yng oz an Em grrolore cum 6 fpeke Bithan other of dpucs(e londps TL Hne maner o€ gentplmen ther bene Chez iso Gentplman of Oluncetee and of blow CL Bind Gz 1s a Gentylman of bloode = CO Th: ts « Gentylman of Cooteasmus : and theos be.iy Don of te Rynaps kage . Qn other of a lorerhep . Qnop the therde 26 of the bypllpng of a Sazplon | CH Aind ther is a aentplman contspalf Cr ind thes is agentylnan (Pycmfeé - Qind the isa gentolman Sperptuaté Shes is alfo a qentplman fperituatt and comperalé end alt Gmpo ben more playnlp wcland in thys booke Cr Sentilmen be calde.iiii- maner of HE one of awwncetreis and iii o€ Cotearmure GF hee be . inh. Diuerfe manes of centlsmen . Oon his a aentpl; man of aloneetreps : Bich multe nedte ke a aentimon of blom- Clez be. tj . entalen of Cofecrmuce and notof blow Don 16 « gentplman of Cotarmure of fhe qpnaes hnaae. that to to fap his Mutce bp an kerathd Yqouey . Bln other aentlman of Cotarmure ts and not of blow ahpng geupnaa lorphip & a poman Onws bis featl of patent to bym and 6 bre epzps fore uer more le map Bere a Cotasmure of the fame lordphip The thar his « pomancufeenyd pifte balk a qontplman fozfpy by map Bere the fazfinps Cofazmuce andnoo farfpn a farfprig cotarmuce nethir criftamps cotarmum bi feabtpna m noo Kyle (Pit fum men fay hat a ceifter man oucrcompng acuaften man Feabtpnig m the tilt dhatk bere the otazmure of him that is oues ampn . Oz fa foucrepn kpna make of a poman a knpaht that fame tnpabt te a aentpmtan of blow by He wpalte of the kpna and of knpabthood CA gentdinan (pirituall CLO Thrisa caentplinan a dusle fone a prefée & fe mae and that is a fprritual qenfplman to god and not of blow . Wutt 4f « centplmannpe fone be mare prefte fe18.a gentler both fpi cinatt and tempetl . Crufte Was a aentilman of bis modes be: baluc andkace cotazmuce of aunfeturis . Tle. inj .Cuangeli{é terith Biteenefe of Crftic Warkys m the qofpett With atk thap; poftilles . Clap Bere Yelps andof gentylmen come bp de uaght Ione of that Borthp oquemuce Yutns maces bot that bp fuc exffion of épme the pnmee fell Co poucstp after the mftrucaoy b1 mE Machbeus and then dep fell to ators ¢ Bareanl ; : a the. iit .doctoris of boli disc Sepne Bes wom Qiinbrofe Qluculepn and Gregori Was-centimen of blow Gnd of otasmuree CC Allo the dinifionps of cotarmuria be.iz.that iato wie .v.pertpte and. fiit.unpertpte ! Mer be ip. dguifionis of otasmures...o.perfile ¢. ii. KS Jonpafite . Che.o. prafite tetheps Cesmpnatt Colla dora Qibferakte Sivalk and WBaltard. Miferens Enbordpng CCermpnatt is alee in armps alk the bretheren of rine {97 ne kethiz by fadre or bp modee map kere the viaht kepris eotams: ure Sith o dsfferens ale Enkordpng DMpEerans Jemews CX Collateratt ia alee in azmps the fonnps of the beeen of the vight Inpre berpna the cofarmuric of hep: fadmis Sith dpfferans Jemehs x fiat C deal nies or : tpall m asmps is ale the thizre wave 6 vabélp: ne from the right lepre by line mate. bateartben ds faz Bris ofc asmuce With a ostferane molet Witerans countertrenis CO Tbe baflcrrie of fipatt dhatt bore bis faxns eofazmure m2 unturtrrups . thatis t fap Bint fo gues fe berth in bis felt fe patt bere an the clotoris dpucs(e and no more Aeow ther be.iiit. cotarmurps impertite and be borpn wth owte diferans Lolz: be | ii .cofcamizvis wonperfite s andy be borne With otbte differance. Che fiz(t cotazmure is af a Lordptyryp a fore (ape be Koucn Wnrez patent be thetyna..and ef be dxe Wreh oule hey his cotamnur is YH . Tk feaine is te mtasmuce of the kepnct) apfte vif ke dpe Bieh olbte eps his cofazmuite ta one .andpif eps. i.cotarmu wis bau wfphels forth : the fith waee of theam kering lyne by qncrle ke centelmen of blow bp Lathe of amps CLA heer eotarmure of the Sarfyn pif the criftyn man dpe Werth otote wf phel bre done , ands ke dof; held forth, conte the fith rare froin hen bp. tight {pne. of cof het male pis caentpimanof blow. Ske falorith tarmure of the chefe blow pif fe dpe Birth ot te onp Vf helo the hole etasmure ts Loft than st fallith 6 be a rotasmuce of thprnpe:fite bespney Teith « vifferans CEU Mo lnfeerdin of ait ‘atormurio halt baer a feffe SA mntt tné a ba(con of oon of the. int .dranites of colouris . eoeepte the baftorte of the fiprales end the bafeasre of the brethysne of Bye tchoue blow Blece thyeritaunce ig ema2Td & etipch brodyiz ¢ like mod theps baftazdis phalk ade more kaap Gobis azmps wr faze Sap akoay of arms pote here well who thall goue eotarmures CEG: Hak none of t= ip. oxduris of reqalite fot atf onli Hye fourreane Ryne qeue cootaamur. for that is to bpm impeo Oe bp perid bi Latbe of armps . Wind pit the kyng phalk nott make a bonpaht Bith obbte a coofazmuce by fore . SL tip kenpahé deftapn i the felt mat makea contasimz: knight “Kn how manp places a hnpght map be made Rupabé is mat m.c .dpuerfe plaas Yn mufeuung in lone of Kesus . Yn Semblyng ones tanengs . Yn liftpa of the bath Qind at de (epulas CA lated cotarmure is on the moderis parte CA Laffer cootarmuce is calte the coofe of a gentpliboman houpng {puclore Beddpd & aman faupng noo cootazmure - bis fone map Bere biz cootarmus Krth a differance of azmps duzpne bis liueby the arstefp of Lalb of aamps . and brs fone (batt none bere bot fo be that the aentpldvoman ke np: 07 nept of blow & Hhat cofarsmure. Ox ellis tepna biz byrth of the blow Ropatt and than phatt his kepre be2e bis cootarmute | Fpow Gentpll men be made of Gromis that be nO& o€ cootarmure nether bloae and thep be calo untriall and apocrifate as hit (hewith Hlopng Copherte.ij dpuczle Gentplmen mar of aromps ! that be nott gentilmen of oteazmure nother of blow . Don is alte mazm: ps agetplmay wontriatt that 13 & fap mae op emong ely: QPous men as prozps QWbkottis oz Bpfhowis . Cnt other 1eclled im azmps a aenttk man ampocufate Matic & fap ma 2 MIP and goupy bo hrm the name andthe (puerap of « entpl: wan. Fn annps be vi di€erences that ia to fap i. for excellent and itti-for nobullds Zpyez be . Wi. Differences m armps . 5 : for thepcellent . and. mi .for the nobles . Zatett and Entorduzpna for Lordi. aueee Molettys Flotore alpce and Qupntfoples for thee no .- ' n blafpng of armps be.iv.quadratis that is (ap.u.quadrate Einiall and iit. Gopal blafpng of azmpe the: be . ip . quadeattis for & an: (tex. .quadeaée fintall and. nn. (Ropalt . Fpue que deals finratt be Hheps . Geen .Geeundi. Leetlp. Geratlp and Envantlp. Geren is alles m armps Bhan motarmurie ar.ty quar; €eus Dpues(e cololbuis . _ GC Seunvs to malled m asmps Boon the cootariuce te of .ip ppuer(e cololbris : @ a firfitorcet Brth im the coofazmure of Wyott. colotore thathitte of = . CL Seedy re aleiasmps Bhan de ootarmuce ie counter(efrd - Bernélp to alte in armps Bhan dle cootazmure te polote:d of a blarfas halk not fap be eat) Erman. Siluer polbazd With Ermer got le phatk (ap fe kent E2men o7 ellis m furne camps be mufee fap temp Examen: Wich ro bo fat heels Carmen bm IF nfo moh that i the fife quareat finial itis wlermyned of the Gkenps of azmps . or Y procerr Git: is helbed Bhate mane of Ookenp a gertptt man map Bers. : FL gutlinan mai not Bees folpnys of armps tot of (teinig clodre that ts & fap bis cootasmure pnpat oz ellis J qeratt With peecioufe (tonpe ~ ? G eratipng ouc.ty .tagaes of cotarmurie . Firft With crof lettia .and of thepm the: dpucafe.and tho tene theps Cowes fipylp.Cms ptp Coe cmfletrs - and Cre florp CL The (ecunte tage is Flotre wlper . Co Cie three baage is roflettys The folbrith tnage 1s pspmarofe > Ty fifthe nage is qupnfole . CL Te fepthe baageis diaclpe a tk (tuemth tnage ig chaspelettps CL The . wii} . Laage te (MMolettps . CO Andéle.ip.tnage is Creffaints that is & fap talfe the moone . Hheps ke pl pais of cotaamuns. CL The fifthe quadeate is alte Cnandp of . in . diufe Kers that is é fay tetallp Lentallp and fpeffp . Bebally ts alriammps Bn a otcamue isale En Wnépre of .y.dpucrfe mlobus m the lenath of the mfearmuce CX entalts 16 calte m armps Lean p* cootannur ig Entned Worth 5) .dpuer(e colodoris m dhe bere of the cootazmure CO Seefly re calle Beye Fefptngy ° Fe[p tasqet and fefp general . efp bray is Bhan tohkenps of annyes be diffeiuered from the me of the coteasinuce Go tle right fpleper m the feelae CH Kelp tract ic Bhan a fogioy onan engifle 1s maw in the mpddutf of the cootazmure . CO ele generat ts calee m atmpo Bhan the cofarmuce is Enantd Bith . 5. spuer(e alouns from the tafe yopne of the cootasmure to the fplepes Zw chefe scale m armps te mpddpe of the cotarmur of te aght fpe © uadrat is caloe m armps Bhan the felde is (et With fon Gkpn of armps. CL A quadrant -finatt is calledin armps Bhan tle feloe is difcolounid With cokents of azmpo faupng no beef m dy felde. x Quadent Ropalt is calee Bhan the fede occuppeth p* _ token of a keeft 02 onp other token (et With m the coftasmure to the nolombre of fine . Th fislE quadsant is oon Golppn of armps altonli ett and) Byatt after bis bprthe be keerith . - CO Th (cane quadrant Ropatl is tezpng mhis cotarmu: in thpna) calee te cokenps of armps thatis & fap 1% .flom: rewlice ty) fplepals .14. vofis.1H chapplettes 17). lebardis .13) Lp ONPG . and fo he inj .quadent Ropatt ts to kere a beef Kauns pante ; bebaly -lentallp .and feffelp. ~ " me ere (hall be (hewed what Cootarntris retry: al ben and weer the blater (hall begin to bla . Dre cofarmuris be her alle wef~rpatk m armps . i on te Bhan a coofazmuce is base of dpuerle colobug €> the popnt . and Bhat alotore tle popné fe of .the popnt is the feler > Cher the blofes phatt teapnne. - Eke (ecune mofazmure eeftriatt is cale i a2mpe Bhan a@ cotasmuce ts pal of dpuerfe colouria & the ppne . ¢ Bintt pole medptt m the popnt p! colours is the felee Cle blaa(es phatt blafe from that colotore Gothe nept coloure pale, HL Tk hee ootarmuce reftriat iscalee m armps Bhan a motazmure ts fentsp of dpuerfe colotoris to the popnt and Binet Fettce mpdptt m ee popnt pt colotoer is the feloe . Che blafeps qhatt blafe from p* cololore fo fle newt colodore of the Lefte (ire of dhe coofazmure and bla(e the colotore fentet =” QD ethe what entre Fival Hangis Corgis r 07. ther diuerle here now. folowpng be calde i armps C: Bt Santee im armps is alld ftakar of éentis. AHipratt be alledm armps mplnez ppkes . CH Manaps te called m armps a fleue » CH Goraps te called im armps Later bulges - CL Elpnettis te caloe mazmps. iii quadrants tuncholis . EZ Dalps be caltemazmps qoneftonps . Tortlettis be calteem azmps Wofeett . CL Siaclps be called in asmps fomrellps . CMprus ke alte m armps membris 07 gloffes - Heons kecaldem amps bw% aro brops. CO Tronkyos te alt mazmps anp ke[tps re oz neck Fhyt chagikli a fonts . CL Hemp is alee marmpes talfea teft m tie felt. CCountertreuis is alw m armye Bhan galfe the helt ie of oon coloure and that other palfe of an offer colouce - ClEnp otarmure Hat tenth a croffe & the popné : the pyn te te the Sepnt Geozae tenth qollis folore angletis Siluez . tot apens thie urle fum blaferis of azmpe cepungne as bit se phelocd m the botee folopna . Chris 15. Cexmps . of - and. Bich Ghafk not ke relez(ed in Gzmpe bot onps anp of thapm Thee be diuer& berpngbs of reloads ‘(Cppuer(e bexpnarie of feeldis te: be GQ” Don is berpna bole Felw . bi¢ts cleppd mans clauzp CT feciize 19 bericg ro felis Hit iomle i armis € ofitli Coke theede is bezpng to feldte m. iin quarters : bit is aide m asmps quasilp Ther bene . iti. cote armurps gopap Lohee cootazmutis crptty fpr bene m armps . Donis al? led checlsp that 1a Byon the felee to clrtecsd (rth o1ti(e olourie CTke (earner ia aloe Bonds that ie & fay Btan te felde is made like Baltes of oon colours oz of Siuer{e colours C-Thp Hare is alde terry Bion Me felde is made like go foleteps of dpuerfe alobus . Kn armps be it-pindonpe . alfa it (hewpe wat claworp cowriterlp and quarterly bene with other Tle: & in armps aloe... ppnyponps Oon is Bian dp feeld bie a falbtu . Sepnt andeelps coffe map keclaur cos unterlp quartedp . Chlatr tz catled plapy of oon coloure . Colbnterdlp te Khan colohus quarterly be . 7). cololbbus (eet M.H.quarteris QZ. Tie (ecunz pynpoy is caller cheffrounce that is a couple of fpaae . and that map be clautp countedtp quarter aera and byally . CL Geren is Bian. ts .cheffrounce he & aedur 07 moo. CL Brak iscalle Bhan a tacse ig be thene.3 cheffrounc, Ryere enveth the moofte fpeaatk thynays of the boke of the Cpnage of Coole azmuns andiph aatplimen phatt ke kno? py from wngentylmen . and nok tere folopna beapmnpth the Whe of blafpna of affman aampe : i latpn frend ¢ Enalifff CT Lpplicé prima prs. rece hegormpth che blasting of armis A DHaue (tyelop? 6 polb in thpe ooke’a foore both gentilme anand both the lab of armpe Whe firftndané. and bod mont calotoria fips be m cootazmutis * and the ffecence of cootarmute Bith mony’ othes thpngaia that lyre needia not & bo celer(ed ‘. (Ilo FY méente fo procete of fiqnys m asmpg arid of the blafpng of alt asmpe - got for to celpzce aff te fignys thatta Lorne m azmps as Heck ppe Ea GOragon Lpon¢ GOolfpn and flotons andleoups it Bar @ longe a mayne . ner J can not to hit: thes te fo monp - Bot kere phat hortli be qhewpd éo blafe att asmps if pe entente diliguitli to poure ar; tye . Qlnd te aufe thetos is the mooft Borthi fiqne emong al fignys in armps: at de cros F Witt teqpnne . im the Bich thes nobutt did mpghtr prynce yng Wathuer ore geeee tru(t fo chat fp lefée his armpe that be tare of . ii). Dragonpe - and ot that an othe: helt of .tij.crobnys . and toke to bis armps G cvoffe of Siluer ma felts of Herte andon the uabt fixan pinage of olore bleffid ladp Bich bir fone mbiz arme . and¥Bé at fine of te cms be Op monp mazuelis after . as bit ig Lritpn m the bookis of cronpelis of his mops Qilfo J haue red thpe fiane of the cos Go be fende from add to that ble(fid man Marna ae wincenaus fayth.m (peailo hiftouali. of the maz: uellig rth of Fulian ttaypo(tita Emproure . bi° ov” . & fapthe thangele broughtcon € the forefapd (Mezn att , azmure neceffacn Bith a chelte of afure and) a crs flua Bith . inj .cofie of qolte . as tere ithis Gnd F fone neuez that cue: anp armys Waar Why fente from tupn tot im thepm tae the fpgne of | the cws .Cpcepid m tharmps of the png of fr: . aunce the Brele azmps certanli Whe (enze br an atonaett from fe: upy that ig. fay .1y flodris mmancs of Stherdie m a felee C4 of afure . ac bit (helbio bere . Aye Wid) certan as mype fare qeups Co the foxfapd png of fraunce in (pane of euertaftpna trotbbult andy that be and bis fuceffanee att thay Bith trea and foe eedops phuloe fe punpshid. XX athe bere moo queftionis of the crofis igne NOd F Gurne agayne to the fiqne of the ems and afke a queftion : lot monp croffis be borne marmnps. to the Bich quefé tion (nrer a ce2tan notombus YF tare not anfloere . fos croffis mnumerabutt ar bosne nolo mpli . tot cecndpne Eo eucti cros the Bic) a fore tpme % nue (een as fer as Y can Ff entente & difcrike emorig, Ae Bich fiz(t ty playn coo phatt be difcried of the Brith cz0e mo wits be mate then of monp odp2 ctoffies . for ae modyas Lyfe men mnblafpna of azmpe bole for a wes. ti mule that pe mooft keapnne to blafe at the Lobyft yopnt of the pheelds . if fe yopnt be of con coloure .and(o that coloure hat 1 m de mpnt of fy phole is the fel of Ae armps CL Bot im that uleto remeuea bap att wlhtis pe moft mers he Dpligentlp : that.that muleis true Bith a lictptl avdicion . p® 19 Go Hite that m azmps fo te blafed 1¢ 16 att Wap fo beapnne at tle popnt of de pheeloe: if the popnt be of con coloure . tutis tence : if thp coloure of the ppnt be more coptofe o2 quettes in thof armps .and then With olbte wibte pe phatt beapn ther. 02 oly bye not. CL Gino Beer tte colodores be equatt ptid other on len ory or ourzDoart then euermore pe phatt begpnne to blafe thoos azmpo m tle tight fit . andinthatmf{e pe phatt jaueno tefpe clr & the ppnt. CB iff it be aftten boty berith Sepnt george . it is tobe lenalb that pe moft fap. lafine . CE qPortat eo; num fufun ta cum quatam cnuce plana teembro . (- Gallic .¥ wrt meaent ong cos plan & goles . CT Qlnalic . He risa te of Silucs rth a plapn ews of gobbles . as te: ce ayperith m theps azmps FL nd dy fame manes of Bpfe az alk croffis upng a plopr ers to be blafen Shorzfore thap ez + p* fap Sepnt george kus the felte of gothles Bith . iii quarters of Selucz of home te eefonis F Lodowe not. fos bp thos refonis « plapn ctos phulte ne uct ke founds in azmps nex Belnp no diffeeens im asmyps . CL Off an cree of an equatk lene on eueri paste . Play ceosis founre in campo differyne from the firft Cros . and bit is of an equatt lenqth on cus poate as ct ap porith kere . and theps azmyps be faster then the 0; thes to blofeasthitts oppn . for thanpe of ps Te eros tolbchis not the kemmpe or fle (ottes paste of p* | hele i no paste m Wrch pe halt fap Hache :thae Ge buris thels aznpe .latine . fic ¢y- Zlleportat 0 afizo cum cona cece plana aurea equatic lonats wg tudinisep omnes parte col - Ul port mez cong ces pla; yn dung Longury Cont .7- Blnalice . Te terith afire With a plapn golten cros of equalt Length on ettp mete. Qind this te dp vifferans m blafyng. dhat att dhesdps of thpactos arne of ¢ quafk he Bid) mas not be ithe plapn ctos a fore . for Ay foote is the lencoft pacte . and bit te Welk mare. Qind this diffe cy r~ cons chatt aspece bettiz in a cootasnnuce : Chen i¢ ao in a pherle @fo thes ts an cuptent differens be tibip p°. 5. ctoffie aforfar Ce Off « plagn cme (eropée . Fhe: isan ober cee aqualt Rrapthps im Ae mpdoes chen O m thendops Rith oppn cosneria ac knee not Couchpng tp fotteri(t parte of the pleco: m anp paste thes of . and bifis mlm actos péent . Bind pe (halk fap thathe che Bid) kris tecws kasi this mar. CL batine fic . File postat nam ceucem azcgnta : tary patentem mamp nigo . CT Gallic . Yt port Defable ona cros pater muaent . CT ing a fic. Heeath Sable a cers mp of Splucs - CL Off a cme patent fipibptt . Ore mend is mate pucs(e m the footo of th fame ~F 38 Int apenith kere . Bindthen bit 12 onlte aces satée fiptble.fost the exth (pd) a crog map be ppabit . m tp Wich crs . ti) . of Oe bop: oppn m Gp miners and bradte: thhan im te mpdops:¢ bis forte t8 difpofid to picket the exthe . latine - CL File portat % eubio cum wna cmce figrtiua wall Co Galtier . Fl post w gullis tong coos gate fiche maqent CO Et anglice . He kath Gafllys and a cros matp fiprbrtt of Silues. Ql kenathe pe that diez be mo ny croffio te pc map k maat fipiditt as bet halk be phebd bee fololbpng m dpuez{c. Offa ploy cre a2dpd. (Mone odpz erffis oon is fornre the Brey t8 enlre a 03d ded ctog as bere tt is phelbedi this cros de Lid) is onl T @ EBDDID Crs : for htt tg maw of Bich vecton croe Y e tote late : im thazmps of a nobutt man ; dy Bid) m woezp Wed Bas fumme fp. me a caifip man a (Kops as tebpm (elfe fayd . Lad we apf bum thatthe aang lane = - Ble portat gotblies cum ona cruce ; plana 8 ascento . Gallice sh Cyl Be w% goutle, & Wa cos plapn cozdee arzerené . e guilis pave tae plapn aan ‘Sela ames Off actos playn pforatid . bes is an odp: cros plapn de Bid) mezueluflp fro ee pn c208 of Sapnt geoaae differs . as bere ayperith . = nd saa) it ts Gobemectspd . that hat tages of men : fapng is . chat thes azmypo ke cholesd azmps .and this opynpon ts (Otturls é be wpre pd fos azmps map not be cleckerd bot at ele lee m Gp nombus of . tit. and m a qrettp: nombu2 thep map Bele e maw. as afterfazs phat fe phe theo . Cinefos if te to be fard . latine fic. Filepatat wn am cacem argented pforatam m camp nigzo . Zt aallice fic . CF port & Gable eng ces mrcent ptee . Wnatice. CH He rath Gable and a crs pezforatrd of Srlues . c tit CL OF « kfantid ews. wor thets croffic Kee fue an odps crog the Kiehe Y (albe late in thasmpe of a certon Yanuens askere r€ phebis Berd tis te calee a tefan€ cros for t€ is mareatt of tifgnttes . and fpdh a coos may be maw als fo; ne With Lyttt mkps as Keth tefanttpe . for tefan tps and ptitl mbps diffex not bot m colore . fos bofanteis be eues of qoloen coloure .nethe clouce of le befant chat be eppeeffid m blafpna of as. mpe . for iénenis not & fap a befant of cold fox thes be nobe fantio tot of qolee Cherfor tfts & be (apd . Latine fie . {le postattonam carcem talentatam m cntiipo cubed . . allice fic . EE-GE port & qotles cong czog befaunter « Qlnalice fic, a & benth golukee and a cros befmntid CL Off a czos flucsp . SO folotbith an odp2cros fluzep . the Bich io fo caller as bit apperith bere . Wind thezfor hit is alae % flouh png 6208. for brtbas flours m eueri ante (par w that isto fap faue te foote . thps cros flure fem ¢pmeis borne m asmps fipabull + QUnd then itiomlemannpea crosfluse fipabulf . for mn A of bis endpe ere floviphyna andin te Foote pidabutt o7 fipabull . Chesfore it ts to be fapde of biry thatbeus hit. laane . CE Porat Wnam cuceem an ream floumm meamp afore. Béqallice . “Sy L port mfor {ona czops Floucetee 03 . Ginglice -< He benth afuce and @ Cros flasty of golre, } (Modo bree phatt be phetbpd of actos flied méchtt armps OwWw folotith a nod cro te Bich is nlled a eros flus | [zp patent . as bee it ayperith .Qind bit is mle a crs a Fluzt potent fos be bath bre endis oppn andi pt MpddpS of cued ante amperith an othes Hyde m the manesz of a floibre as it is oppnli phetbed in Gre coos . Chesforr it phatk be fapd that the be; res of theps azmps: ketis mthic Kpfe as foloth fis(t nf latpn Gus. CL Poreaé wnam carcem flo IMM patentem % auro mm camp afucco. Et callie fie . Chl Pott talor (ong, pater floucetee tos . Mnglice fic . ce bevith afuce tbsth o crs patent flusc of aole . ot hak onterfEand ee of a playn Rate evs. me~ Oe oucr po halk conrerftonee that der is ary othore lapn cos tle Wich certanlp te mld: a Watery crows . and mit ig mina Kater crop for bié 16 mare bt tema nex of Tater trothbulled mith pnt . aslpre hie shetopet dheps azmgs . Thusfor fe the Thich bevith }))) theps aampe teris in Chis pleas it phalk folods fiz(é mLatyn thus . cx CPoztat nam eaucery planam tenoofam % arqaiéo in campo tubo . ; Et crallice fic < gy Fl port w gobbles wong eroe plogn conde mrqent . Wnalice fic . « She uth goles and a plopn Eater cos of Splucs . . cm Cr Bile Ger ie & eros that ic calee muechpe. Ql armype alfo as fount: meo croffis de Bid) armat of colors muchbpt oz mente as bree m thys e108 ape; nth Bind r€ 16 calte acros muctept for the cau {t that hit tad.n.colduris . oon put mt & an 0; the: . @lnd of him chat ters thepe azmps pe dh: all fap firfé m latyn thus . CH Portat onam concem planom muectam & wloribug altio cm GUS Meampo mitvo . Et gallic fie. CY post & gobblez tong cros plapn (Peace mscent c fable . nalice . Cc y beath gobbles and 06208 of Silues and oie a uekkp ° A ot Off an offer maner ctoo that ig calt a eroe croflet . Cet folothith an othes crop the Biches cale acted c70f fi or croflet . and bret is anlee caoffit fos i cuz etek is Ceoffit aw bpee aperis . Bot thre cto te not fo oft borne m armpe bp bem felfe as other crof fie nencz Ap lees monp tpmpe tré 18 borne i d1: mpnutups that is 6 fap m titty croffis croffit Qirw then tharmps a: pemat With tittptl crof - fe cruaatt . Qind pe rhatt fap thus of bym pt ene heps armpe fiz(t m latyn . “Jr {le portat vnam crucem Cridictam & araento m camp afore . Bt qailicr fic { port tafos wna crows cropcee tmraent. BWnalice fic < ¢ beuth afuee¢ a cros-croflet of Silun > FL Bhan fuch croffis az borne and pubiasmps ag J friv afore i Dpmpnutiurps & Be othe anp cio nombre then hap az called m frond Croflettps . CX More cues thes is a crow. maftulatt as kere if fololbig - ldacroe makulatt ae iro tt aypecis -Anothisewe ie med a cos mafulatit fo: ris mate of maf culpes of the Bie) cerfan mafulio pe phatt (e af: CerWard in the chapitus of fufpllio mafculé: and lofpnaps Bree this mates att be moor plapnli tree, Qeno be that kas thre armpe teris ag if te heBed kere after. —fiz(t m latpn thus . CH Portatwnam cmeem makulatam & argent m ormp a. ferro . Etaallice fie. CG! prt mfoz wong crs mafulee wie Actes fic «qr He lerith afure and a cos mau Ct pe Belk pit p! thes 1¢ on othes cos the Bpch is lz EE Blo ther isa cros mofiulahe andperforntit as kere taht. mép makulps as it i = m the psfpna te ¢ bb . Gnd Aus pe moft blofe bpm . ce ie in thps Bpfe yr lle postat (onam caram makulatam pesforatam e atlzo imftulo LA AA aramnieo. &f qallice fic . gym Fl port tasgené K (ong cree & qulles moftule pee. Qinglice fic. VA Be eat Silue: Bith acres of cobbles mafculatt pafit - C= itknotke : that thps ems mafulatitfum (pme ispfo CL Ch: isa mpleris cros as ice if haltte photber . Ere frlodbisan other croe Khe Bich to lee de coos of : a@ milne for bi€ts mate & Ele fimplitute of « clon iftns ment of pene im mplnpe ¢he Wid) bervth the mylne fton by ¢he Wich ifecment: that fton m big are ts koene equally that fe welyne not oucs mpcdhe on Ap ght pte ner on de lefte parte. tot mpnifee apne & euert porte Ghat + that ic his equallp ' and Beth olbte frat . Qind thpsis' qeupn & = FYugis € kere im theps asmps : and o& thos hat taue Funfs Diction Wnts dhepm . That ic & fap as che forfapd iftcumeé is divecte : & the mplne [Eone equalli andy With ofee gyle . Spo thos Yuges ar tondyn & apffe equalli & euen man big vighé . Qind tt is to ke fapd p! te poffeffor of cheis azmp keris i this Byfe - fir(t i latpn thus : e7~ Portat wnam ceurem molé _ dnarm azganteam m arp me wer Ee sam gallic .- Ce Bt prt gobbles cong cros moleyne mrguné . Binalice. Fy * with gobbles anda mplnens coe of Splucs. ° Xp oh tb phatk be phelbed of acroe that ia Gusnpé a gayn stan Be gaue a crs Ge Bid is le aces Grenpt a? § apn . and this cre te mle mbostpt: for te cule p® thandys of thts croe on ucts fit as wetornpéc on bi tly manes of & (Ramps borne . Qlnd by tbat tris theie amps tris i this Wife ae a Wy n thus . o> ottat nam crucemauccam ik AF fam in (uty afuceco . Gallice fie « ey Fl post tfor rong cros vecerelee woz. Glnalice fic . Cl Be beris cfu With « cos vouesfit of ole . CL Offa ce fforkpd . Oe ftanze pe that: ther be other men te Bich bees m thy Pr cramps a coxtan fortepdcms as Eps te . Bind hi is MUD forkepd: for as mock ag Chat att den: dps of Hie az cloupn andforkpd. Cherfore hit (hak be fapd of thos men that tet theps armps m thie Bhife. pumo-latne. ‘qr mPortat pnam cee furntam % auw marmyp aferco . Gallice . syrk port mfox wngcrs we . . Linglice - Ge He tenth afure Ket a crog forkeyd of golt CLOFf a crve enaraplia oz cnoradid.. Sogo Chex be contapn nobull men the Bich beer a crop eng: Ase or tt aperis tere folohynag Qlnop i€'is cals a cr08 enampld fo2 bi¢ is not pla ge mt onp parte of bin bot enqraplid affo Metk ouer bis length as oucs bie breed’ (Mewes the ees his maraplyng t6 Ho propur langage afts the fight of chs cs : tot rather an ententpng as tart 16 Got it is de comune manes of fre: ; kpng mtheps acmpe . Cherfore pe molt fop ac fapdaforr . Qirw pe (hak fap of him Gat kus theps aonps m tps Bp (e . Afrafe mn latpne thus , “Adortat (onam ceucem matamtan x alto im camp mo .@t tam Gallice. : CCG! pee gulps ong cros maral margent . Qnalice . CL & brs gollys andacws mample of Spluer. Off a croes cutoff . a pet an othps ces : he Bich ic borne mony tims Hee re of nobult men . che Bid) 16 tea csos fell arid . "Qunbet 6 a teunkatid for bié t6 ma ; Rof .4.feeps dh bops cuta Kap + as hee. Shes: a focert ist be fayd that Gp offeffor of theps a3; mys teris.m latine thus . CC Portal onam cou com touncatam % ascento in campo tukro:. Et qablice . TL {prt ew qulles ong csoe recopee masoent . Singlice CL He truth qovbles With a eme as Gd of Sucs . Off a tmotty cree. Bien pe vit aftes theps czoffis thes is an othes cross the ithe ta calte a knotty cros : Fe Bich i cestan ig cade fo for bre tne meity enve certo tenottis . as bere . Ard it w Gole ‘aon of bpm that kus Heys as mps in thps Tepfe . sprimo late . IL ple pos: fat fonam eoncem autecn nodalatam i ftuto afo wo . Ct gallice. CO " port mfos tong c208 b fone v3. @inglice . OF bers afuce Krth « cx08 knotty of qeolte . FL nd ths cr0e is founte offes hele ppate oz fiaitpue t as IBS» candy then bi Fote is Fgitpue a8 fapd afore CL Off actos flusei tnotcia OF Chieo croffis Be taue a certan crs flusta of te Bis Aa che 16 is fpolepn a foore . the Biche crve fluze is fount tinottp a6 eve . Wind thatts as Y fopd a form Bhan lenottps a2 fount i tendps and dp anglis of Che fapd cros .Qlnd Ge bores of tle apd azmpe fatne. C Portat osam ceucem nodylatam flo Aram ataream m campo we afuro . Ee gallice fic CF! prt cafes cone crow flowiter bofone a2 . ingle. CH He bevith afure anda ctos fliurei knotty of gly, Off « cros athbuk pftitio . Cros sibbulk ts founte nthe asmps of dpuce(e nobulf mien the Tp estan cto is mide artbbull ptttd cros . Nor sf 1¢ be Wupyd:d o7 mrtid after te long Wap oz the bzote Wap ptt ther a bpdpe on nibbutt cros co Be map (¢ bere. (Hie F bare (een manp no; Be butt men colbttpng of thys crosmoee Hhenofanp | €206.0 fore faid : the Ibich neues te ees after Long i difputacdoms m thoppnton a forefayd ceftrd anoy concluord . Cheforele hat teria theps asmpe . latine fic . CL Portat (wonam caucem duplicntam ascqeiteas m campo niz gio - Gallrer fie . Ft port fable (ng ctos stbblepette mz qent . Bnalice fic. CE e tenth Sable and a ctos dotbble geatitid of Silues . C_ Off actos wihble ptitin florphiv apmI Tis coe wtbhle plitid is waried fam fimis .and then bné recalled a crop woloble prtind florighip . as here . CTeuestheles bit ig ale a eros flusct mpsopuslt | as fum men open fos bit faplith the mpdops of that flobeas a non bit phat foloh in th nept azm ps . the \bich certan mpddps bp no manes of Bpfe m that cro lbble pad may be . as a noon se (hatk be phetbed . Bot ke that tenth theis asmis . latine . C_ Portat wnam cram ruplam phfam auteam mn eamys wuteo . Gallice . Co Yl post & qovses cong cros rouble ptic florater tor . Qlnglice> CL He tenth gobbles and acwe tolbble ptitrd flard of qole . CL Offa cros trimatitin floriphid . Ot as is hetheda fore this cro is mlx a e208 dotbble Bes florigind fox thes faplith the mpddpe of de csog bp he Wich the cros flonphid is mae fee | bik ts oppy . the Bech costar mpdops putt thes to i¢ fhatk no€ te allen a cros dolbble ptitrd Floniphed F ot vathis it phat be nla: a eroo theefole ptitio Eg flusts . and then it is Betk blafed . fos and itbe dpurdtd after te lonanes oz after the brownes . alt Bap oon parte phalk a bpr triptityd m the mpodig of the ctos ag itis oppn i Hhazmps a fore Buttyn .Qlnd thezfore lp that be nih theis agmis . Latine . CI Portat wna ecucé (ripti€a te as Ge" icp % afuco. Gallice. cy- Fh port mafer ong cro trefos po pter floreter mrgent . Wnalice fic . qq THe berith of afure Bich acros triptetrd flosce of Silues . CLOFF amplneris cwe phacobyd or ombaitn . othte Hheer ta pit of a certayn parol of a thp{nerys cane as it phetoith kece folohyng . Qind knald pe that iC 18 GUD a pharodd of a cros for eucrmore thys Tharola is mare of blacke cloure.of Biné furne wer colorere he felre be of . the (harotb ia maze of blacke - and the toi of the fame phatolb is of pe fame colour With dp fel. Ce ind lpthat te nif theps asmps . latine . Porta nam cxtcem © (Wmbratam m camp guozo. Cl Galtice fic . Yl poxt dor wong cre molepne Gmbee , C-CWlnalice . He berith of colt With & mplnens coos qumbratid o7 pharolbpd . OFT a cre floree patent wmbrado . (Mothe: fomput ie (enc of the wmbracion of a certayy, (ice . andy thps crosio ale a cos Flore Ombrtm aS amorith kere . bot teulp fpekpng andpropurl, i€ ts no czog : Lott a pharolb of fudyactos . and therefor 15. for the bodi of the {ard fhadolb ic of the fame coloure With the felte . Qindfo the cole” re that is imehe felee phothith bp alk the Loop of the fapd (havo . Q-Wind thoo that bes thes armps . latine . Portant onam ceucé florimm mlentem tons bratam im cmp mibeo CI Callice fic .GU port & goles ong crow patee floritee ombre CT Qinatlice fic . He berth of aodss ies and acsos gotent floce mmbmepd . CLOFf actos flor méent jombentie and perfheatid.. Cues the les after furn men thps phatopd cre offyes Op: | 16 por [id marudlufly as be folobith Ieee and emmy hif ig mit aces floon patent ombmtyd andperfo; eatid for hit acordte Bith the coos preadpna eporypid the poafpng m tle mpddye of the fayd cha 0 . CI Qind tpn bit phatk te fapd that be the the Becky tecath this cows . latne . Porat ena crucem floutam mtentem Wmbratuh P2fomfan eum cubic m camp aureo Ct callice fic Yl port wz wngcmps ple flovoler tombs g parler & gobble, . — AT Miriglice He euith of golte a cme patent flusei fampd ¢ peafpd Bith aot, Taferic moofe te Ware of theis agmpes combratd of thr Bich : monp cetbles te phetbed a fore . Bo for tle bla s feng of theis certan asmpsfum ignorant me of tps crnfee talse thy cule gopng a fore Hat is & Bite of the aloderis tranf; mud as pe folb a foce Wot ther te cerfan nobule and qtntrl; men intnqlona the Bie beere phamps diuesfe in eye azmps 26 Zpon Qintlop and othes and thep thatthe hepe aamis and bit be a lyon pe phatt fatm lagen Gy Portatqnum leone @mbratum m amp arvo Cr” Gallice . Yl prt we et wng leon (ombaee - CT Qinglice . He beeath of gold anda fpon gombrato . CT Bind mer fap that fuche pfonps as beer theps Combratd armps fad Gere paentéoris bespng the fame not Om brakrd bot tole Bot te mf feffioris ¢ the patamonpes tcendrd to other mar . then the (leuops o Apnny/men leupne m goode kooe and tauftyna t baue tle pof(effionis of thetzmaenitocis : bees chess aemps ombratd . at odes dtffezar @ fore fate leuia . fox Bhen Axpgoue Chae mteimonp : that Chai fea(tit coy . for Gop map tees that lion 07 other beelt of the fame colouure the Br7; gE hep: srogenptoris tam. and tis betty: to beer hos axis wombmtit thenkoolly coleeff Apps progemtouns agrps . eciie manes of Sp{c of tezyng quazterit azmyps is : -m} .ditt(eaamye quastli te borne agizr ts chelopt 10 bp chat frig theys agmps : wus. nn . dit Pca eas — ~ ile prtatqua tu0z atma didifo quaztiats . Callicefic . ad ® “~§( port quaater asmes d1ii(c, quaztelec,. Fe nalece fic beuth i. azmys drufe Be quartl . Bind chen iF it be aflept tol theps az: ae mye hulee ke blafit. T ke bla(es molt keapn tele beplt cornet ott the right fe padpna to ety azmys . Hhasmpe m te night fie blafit : pe moft qo éo the odss fite ¢ then to the thirst fice gafé Gp laf . ind ye moft kno Hat theps azmps relpzfit afore be plapn azmps quaztent. | . is an othiz man of kezpng of amps quaztiéRien 5 as; quazteri€ te borne quastli . andit is Lorne moft iazmis of quenps and fo tar’ that noble quene of Enalond quene luna Rpfe co that ropatt proce png (Richard lp fecunte : the Bictp bace hazms of Znalondé of Fraunce and of chempoz of QE magn quastli c m.pirs .ptes . hatis & fap m de right (00 of ot elee in the fir(t quesster phe lace Hasmps of france 19 .flo a of on Ta felt of afuce. et dp fecunte quart .tH Zi tastis of qolteia felte of qotbles . ¢ i p* Gistequatéan Cale fplapd &..neckis . gicly. im .a blake Zpon ramppna ia fel % of Sila . and fo chaungeably phe kace theps azmps mm. pies. quastens the Bich (elopn te feen many azmype . CL Off camps quarterit andencuoylpt nod phatt be phetbptt Or ¥ held poth pt fur time Be boue armyps quasterie g Dee . Chat te & Witt Bhan etip amps this quast is engraplitastere amen > git phatk be (apd of him pthus theis asamp thus . fis tlatpn CL aile portat & auto ¢ mbro arma quarteriata ¢ mara: mata. Et aallice fic. C_ Fl portns et qoble, quastlee enercepler . Mnalice fe Cm She keuth of qoltee celbles quazteripenaraplit . Qlnd tet as ntte amps mngendse fos thep at mar of. .colomris the Bich gmdidp ax beoahtto cxedts con coloure in to an other enlouce Off aempsquaterit and izeafpt noth Y Till fpcke . Exton armyps der te quartecit and iztnfit as kee apens . de Bich com asmps ar cal ted quarterit ange trvafeé. for the colouris te wn; fit obfas oon elouce ti mafpng Bare take albap from an otfjts . Qtnd st phatt bx fapo of him pt be; tis thers azmps mlatpnthus. JOornt arma quasteriata trrofa walt gign -Gallice fic marqatet Sable quactler trenfe . Wlnalice fic . Cr pan ° mt tee « e se Sls and Sable quastecelp istafpd. oer Off amps quastent mucckyé nol frre it phafk le Pelbpe . Ox be pet folbnte armpe quaxéli inieckpe. or as furn thep be asmp quastecit of enlololbric mucckpt as love ayperis . te ee fo: foth az mloazmis quartent tuectat oz of alo tus MEaEATD fori them az.j.aloung quarts pu€ : p* door i €o the offs . 2 fo on colons ris iuthiti ay ofhis .T ke2fore i is (oid of bi ‘ters cheisarmps ithe Bele. fiz(t i latpy Gus Ue roatnt quarératim & afurio ef aur iucetis et allio fic. CX Ff port quaztli weave for et doz . Binalice fic . HBe tenth quazéli inueckpt of afuce and golte .. 2 olb of armpe quazterié momtpe if pal bere be phempd . Omer camps be founte dewesfe the Bpch ar calee inten tit ashore agpetic : and tiep as ale: moentit for.ij.0/ Lolveis oor in & an othe bp tip mani of Cth as mantit: as is oppn i dtp hele. Uw chus ge pho Blof Ghepn fiz{t im Laty . YO outat arma quasteriata teenta; fre mbto et dum. Gallic fic. Hl pst quartertlee mdmélee % gotbles et m3.QWrglice . x Ze tenth quasili arombt of goles and go Orff armpe pastit aftis te long Bap frre chalk be phetpe . ntente noth & wémpnof armps matit after th longe Wich corm martpne aft the Long Map os on len is erp man Sof of 0a ee fate fisft eticon fos (oth is 20 ‘of. coloutiom atmps after ie long Gap in Up plapne mat CL Chez 18 alfo a ptpna of azmpe of... coloutis mamdpt .- CH Binry alfo tle: is aptyng of .j-olotiuis ireafit . C. Culfo foxfoth thez19.0 maton of .5.cololbus mucckpt . CL Rind ths io an othis mztpng of .ij.cololbuis @rtentie . CL Shhris alfo aptyng of .j.coloteis clotbdit oz nbulatit . C_ Bind more ower thes tga ptyng of 5}. lolbus Kalerp . plt'Z phetpd & pol that ther be ceston armps parti aftes the long Wap of .j.clobris mae plapn fap as bere aypena i hepsarmpe . Qindthep az calze ptt annps fos thep te mar of .j.alouris equal li ptit. Qind ke that teria theis armps keris th9 Tlatpn. Che poatat asma pastin plana fecum; att a et me Gallice fic . , CL Fh post mafoz et mraentplapn ptee . Ginali ™ cefic. Kye tenth afuce and Spluer re . coe LC Off azmpe pastil the long Wap maralpt Y Bilt cher keee (fo ther'is pticon of asmps enqealpt the Lone Bap as ws . iD a fore bt cagraplyna of .j.colouris fo qedsz as kere apes. Qnd theps azmps ar cal azmps en ; a pit afters the long Wap of filucr and Ha le . Qlnd sf hall be fapd of him that tenith thes asnpe ilaten thus . J oztat arma ptita fear: dum longum igminta & arqento etiign . Gal: Lice fic C7 Fl port mzegent maraplee ct Sable p; ter du long . Blnalice fic Hope kerith Spluerand Sable in: groplpt ptt after te long Gap . eve nol if phatk be phetbpt of asmpe mati end serait .. Oe theid maner of Bife ar fount armpe matit of .3). 07 lodoris @ teeafit as bee. of the Bich it 18 0 ke (apd: ag afore of quastent armps izmfit . Qlndle that keris theps azmps : ers m this Bpfe as folobbys fiz(E m latpn hus . Yoortat arma ptt (ecundii Longum asvafa & ascent e mbio . Gallice fie . CF post pee du long mragent ef & adbles race Qnglice fie. Cy The keuth armps patit on length of Srlues and cqotbles trvnfits On camps ptit tie long Rap and iimeckp? now YF Bik fpeke fo Gp fourith manes of Bpfe: armpe parti¢as bosneaf tex the Longe Wap of .ij .colouris mucchyt as here opens Qind thers armpe be alte mucckpt for de colo us te put oon ih & an offiz on count Bpfe . Qlnd theps armps daffex moch fro thasmps nept Mey afore icvafit . Dekezfore te phatt tefapd of hp de Bich kus theps azmps Gus as it halt folow firft mlatpn thus . TECpfe postat arma = NE"; partite (ecuandusm longum & alonbus alto c cubio muectis . BGallice fic. Al post rater Were du long mame ef w qotiles, : Blnalice fic ye terith pacti¢imuectspt on lenegthe of Silues and gohles - Dai Off camps posti€ op dhe long Rope memntyt her ite phetopd theli an othiz mancz of mrtpta:mpe ther is the Bi fe 16 enlee Ap fofthe mance paztpt after de long Bap of n-colouris andtheps asmps a2 alle matptt inrentptt . for thys cufe that. 1. d1(¢ olobus az pitt fo aethis: Chat ts fo fop Bhite and blac az put & aed aft the man of menis tethe as tt is fagd afore m the quazterit armps mtentpe. ge Gesfore pe phatt fap of bem the Bich eas . eps armps m thpa Wyle. firltimlatpn thus. Oortat as ma metita fearndum longum & azqento e¢ nigro mdentate . Gallice fic . IL ( post partee endmter du Long mrqent g fable Et anglinfie. CC He enth azmps ptit ntentt on length of Spluez and Gable . Offf armps partpt aft the Long Bay clowbdp oz nebulatyd . Ae the (ept mari of Byfe thes te azmps tosne matpt aft long Bap nebu ee as kere it dhatt te phebpt mins Qnd theps amps bk: ale mnebulatyd fos. ot coir ar pul & qedre bp the manere of clotdge - Chee fore Ap pof (effor of theps asmpe te us m thps Bp(e as it chatt be fapd fisft ilatpn Gus . YO ontat arma partita (ecundum lonqusy % aratntr et aforio mnebulata . Et qallia fic . CS! post pti du Long miqant ¢ taforz mnewee . QHnglice fic . CU Be bens azmps pastptt on as of Si: ez and afure mnebulatpt - Off aemps pfyt Gatér of Splues and qelbles Shia Kodhon is Ore cues aff Hheps armps aforefopd pit Aer f& borne Acsimps partyt after tle Longe Wap .and hep & Racer as bee m thes ftocton tt amenth . and theps azmis az colts Batten: for.ij.clodus as mcaciet con méran other bp tie manerof Pater trobulte 1B Kpnt . Qind pe phatt fap of him that keris thes asmps m thre Byfe as fololope : fia(tan lagen . CL froztat arma ptpta onoofa feaandum lonafl te asgento et mbio. Galliafic. CoA! post ptice bu long targent of & golbles onde. Le analie fic. Co THe kath amps patyt tie Long Wop of Spluer and gotbles Kaiten . X Rob bere FY beapnne fo fpebse of azmps pastpt oucsibazt : TA See nob fololhpa fo (¢ of aamps ptpé ouerdoast . the Bich cextan partion ouczbast 13 maw as monp Bpfe as is the ptpaon on length. that is 6 fap on te plapn Wap ouer Bast . inqeaplpt . iseafit . mucckpé . manGt . innebula; it. and Batten . WGerfore of theps certapn (hott te rhelbpd bp fiqnps and fis(t FZ teapne at plapn aamps oulbast . ae bere et (hall be ptye Bd. And itphatt be (apd of bpm that eathe theps armp mthps Bpfe fife im latyy thus - CZ Portat arma prtita etanfiifo plana may 10g afouo . Gt gallica fic . 1 Fl port ptree ceanfuifie tor ¢ tafoz . Blnalle fic . ¢ berth qolte and afuce pit outhare | CL Rua pe that kere iano cobbte of that fiz(¢ mle : Hat 3 fap that aman halt teapn at thepopnt of the (held 6 blafe (os bee is ae mpd aloure of golt ag of afure . CL Off czimpsiscafit oittbare nol bree s€ phalk be (helbpe . Od of a nothiz mance of prztpcion of eolouris m asmic oibarte Y Witt fete . Rnd tt to ale trenfit ac tree sf ¢hatt ampere m this froclhion . of the Bech sf 16 be fapd Ghat te qentptt man de Bich keris cheps armps tens m this maner as folotbis - fiz(t m latpnthus . QC Poztat arma portita eotranf fo trmfaraunmefmbr ECtcallic fic. Ey Zl pout pastser tranfucsfe ervafe cor et qotble, . QInalice fre. Ge He teeith asmps partpt ouesdoast rrm/pé of gole and goldles . Kok of armys pasty ovthartt pe hak jue ar evemple . Ripe ther be alfo identyd ouhart andpartpt . Blnd hey be alee mtentpd fos thepre alolbus as te (apd afous ar put conm é ar otht: be te maner of menms | tethe . Qlnd it phatt be fapd of hrm that bens theps amps m thys Byfe fieft m latpn thus . Wrortat arma pita eptranfifo twntats & aur ef afore as afore te celesfit . Et qallice fic . “XC port plier % trauers doz et infor ententer - Binglic fre CL He. berth armps ptpt ottarte mrentpet of gole and afuce FAL nd & relpr(e moore of ptpt azmys otllbazte sf nedifnot fos. it is velzefpt fuffiacentli in the miles nept aforet anmps ptpt on length . Chesfor: rt phatk not be cetesfptt bree agapn . quia imitilic eff cepeticn toms ad etufdem . andthatie & fop Flic an onpfitabult cebpefpne of oon thyne to reberfe the faame a gapn m de neve fentang . Thesforr & fpette moore of acm: 2B MIat and fiquee thepm : othes of mamplit oz ixnfit muce upt mrenté nebulatpt and wnantpt : 1¢ nedps not . fos thep be taght fufficently i de long Bap. Go Rind ¥ teleue i¢ hatt be bazd € Fyn monp moo annpa ptpt aft the long Bap o7 ot hast thnaz celpsfita for (Mot the lees sf anp be forint oz (e; ne .m thepm the fame nutes att te obferust : as 16 celezfit a fore . and s¢ te enogh for aff azmps on that mai te & blafit tae anp amtptt man barith ptpt. Of aanips the Qid) az alee cheiff oz an kote Y Butt heme. NO theli certs men Bolt: p! heyps asmpa after wefesfite phulre be alee azmps ptpt > dp Bid certanls 12 for pts tet is no (Verti pfidon of fr alonus oz any liclenes of Dputfion of mlours . Cestanlp im asmpe ptitrt t6 requput althap that de ptps of de alouns ke equatt . and that is not teed m this figure . fos the meore pe bp mpc te Silucs. Chezforw ge chatt fay of hum that becie Gepe azmpe ths fisft m laten . Cl Hortt wazanto ct caput feuttite afonoci Suabus maadis pfomtts & aum. Gallic fic. CQ! port mzgent ong chesft mafor ct wetp molettis ptees v2. Ct anglice fie. He beath Siluesr a Chiff 02 a Chefcan of afuer and ij. molettpa pforat of gole. TH Qtnd pe halk nats Ghat i theps azmype the rule afore Bee fon moft ie anfixré thatis & fap : that at te Coonit ia& trapn & blafe if hat colotore of the Coon ke. gerttes 02 moze ppous colouce m asmps as it isfapd afore FX nd more ouer 1616 tp be meskpt that noasmic albe & ke alt ptpé asmis to¢ ff thep be mare of .9. colours onps paztit andno mor’. for az? mys palit az not allit: nozatbe not fo be mlte matpt azmps alt thoah thep be mare of j.coloucis fox the coloittis no€.al; fonls onps bot dpuer(e tpymps a2 petptas kere agers Qlnd B azmps be alr palit asmps for thep be ma ; w bt ele man of yalio. Blno zt halk be fapd of bpm that bens theps azmpsilatpy thus. JDoz “fat arma plata waum etaforio.. Gatlice fic - CF port pole cozet mfoz. nalece fic - De berth pale of gol and afure - Off armpe pli€tonantit not fpce it phatt be rhelbpé. Pe armps offpme at fount tontatpt that 10 6 fap Matter ag kere aperis . Qind.theps be calte pipe as; mps Wnrntpt & the differnnce of kaant armps Contntpe . the Wed azmpe bazcié map alfo be ton tatpt as afters halt be phetopt . Qind it phatt be fapd of bm that bens theps azmps thus m latpn FZ ortat a2ma palate wrmts vel (onr0fa dv eubte et arget . Et gallice fic. Ct prt ple (under te corbles ef meget. Ctanglie fic. C_ Be beuth pip wneatpt of qobles and Siluer . OFF aatngs palit crmrkept and phaspe not ¥ Bik fpeke . Oke and keboler for monp manes of Wpfe hes ralié ax 7 mpe be korne dpuesfeli ae its phetbptm thps toke . and hes asmps nol phetbpt here : be ale palit cookpt and phazpe - form theps asmps.i.colo; fi us ply az put 60 aethir : oon m han othiz cr; leptlp and harpe . Cheafore it dhatk be fapd of bi te Wich erie thes azmis m the Wepfe « fiz(ti la; tpn thus . CO Provtnt axma. polath fostuofa acu tx & nign daramto . Galler fic. CAL post mle mun(ete % Gable ct mame . Wnaler fic. Ce she truth pole crobpe mand gasp of Sable arm Spluer . Off annpe tareit plapy nod free if halk be phelbpe . Cre ithps chapphure afore te tefermpnyt of mlit armis | and im happture nolb folotdopna t¢ chatt be wtex; mypnpe of bazrié azmps . for dhe Rich t€ phat be tno that az: mys map bemonp manes of Tpfebaent. and the fiz(¢ mane: of Byfers plapn barrié . as lure aaperis . lndpe photk enol that ez be certay armps bait plapn . and then pe phatk nott new to fap i the blafpna of thepe armyps : he berth pla pneannps knzut . Botialk ofhp: difpexpne as; mpe barcit : pemofe nedps wclace fhe blafpne of depm inike thos bastit azmps differ from plapn . for filbe basrit Bia Zpon raumppng oxo qrebonte o7 od82 beeftise fii be basic polbterit Birth eros croflettps molettps Serefentie fmale briddies oz other difference bof ag fortheps plapy aunis afore pe phal fap m latpy m Ehps Bpfe. yopozta€ arma barrata tw argento ¢ ni; Lt cectlice fic . cr Fl port bare megent ef Bale - Ginalice fic. co Hekeuth tari of Siluerand Gable CLOff tacit aemps oneal nolh F Bplk hele ae amenth . nab pe for clan that acmps tnrvit ofbis Wile be tarnt g (nintt hatrs & fap Water . as ieee itagpenth . @ind ep bealled bait wnentit for hep be mate of 4. colours me tpn & qedce bp de manes of a flopna Kater as té 88 oppy afore - QUndpe phalt fap of bpm that bers thers armpsit this Kye . fic(t i lagen Gus CL SPoztat arma barrata wninta a nign etalk Ballice fic. q-Fl port bare wndee w Gable et marqent . Wnoltce fic. 7 He berio bastion tatit of Gable and Silues. CL Off aunyes bazeit and mueckpt pe phate faue ewemple : arnt asmps wtucckpt az bone of dines(e qentitt men. CC asker io phelbpd . Wndthap az axlled muectept for in euert karve .3j.colouris as put mueckpt bp te ma nes of @ round: Wap as ts fapd afore . Qlind hy p* kus thic armps kus im thps Bpfe . fizfém la; tpn thus. C7 Poztat arma tazzata % aloribus ruleo e€ albo mucctis . Ct qallice fic . {LE post bazei coereee t qolbles et arzaent . iakice fe. cy oa ate of qotbles and Sd ues. nd J keapy Bla hat colours ss fislt'n at cornet. * Off camps tarape crobpt and harwe ackere af€ is hetbie. x Ort men ties fe certonli the Wich bere amis bund cro Lptand phaspe as kere itamenth m theys asmpe . ana hap be alle azmps kastit for differance of as; myo th fame man of Bpfe mist : andthap be anf; ledcrolept and plharpe . foras itis apd a fore. clotors az put to gethp: crolptli and phazp: . Chefor it batt be fapd that the lost the Bich be as theps amps benth m thre Wyle . firft i lacpn Ile roztat azma bazeatn tostuofa ct acute te nigt et auto . Ct gallice fie { port bases cuneetee acute v Gable ef vos fic. Lie beuth tarris crokpt and chasp: of Sas le arm qolt . Aw tf hak be phelyd of armps chatas banly tarzyf. “ter be fosfothe cert asmyps bendli basnit . and thet be anf leo bendlp tasuit . andfoz this mule hep be ale badlp faacit . for. ij.nlouris a2 innpt 6 gether m ene ap bazre bendly . as itis oppn beee i theis annif Qrndthefore rt chalk be fapd of him that bers thew. armps : m thio Bye as fololves.. fiz(t im la ton thus. CLYpfe pstaé arma betwna & nt; bio e€ auwo . Et qallice fic. COYl port tasre besree ve gotbles ef tz . Qlnalierfic . C- BHe berth bares bendy of Fotses and colt . tentam rw rubio inary aurea. Gallice fie. EL Gt pet tos (Orig bende % qtolez .. Clnalice fie. Co Be kei gole ¢é a. bate of golbles . se Of lite bendys in aeimps noth frre is an evemputt - Oar pe lp afore itis fayd that contan lictpl€ bareis ax bozne ¢ azmps monp Epps . On the fame manez of Bife ax borne Littt endps as kere it phatk ke phebpt . Ginothep be calre bendplips to the differans of arete bendys eee asitisopyn . Bind of hpm that becis theps thd it halt be fayd - fizft m latpn as kere folotbys « FP oztatonam bentam @duas bendulas % auro icamp blomo . Lt qallrer fic . TI (prt mfox Gone bend e€ Dorp heurlestis: coz . @inalece fic . Ree berith afice a bente and.i. bendiles of colee . Qtnd thes buidpls az othistople floridppt ag is phetbpt in the fiquer a fore m btartis . ai m ditfe azmps thep be founre that thep be chenpt . andfion be potberit hich molettis . and fury} Bith odie vpfferans the Bid) nedps not to be fiqueit free CZ Off azmps plit arty Gendpe nob keer it dat be fietopte o*® bef maner of Dopfe certanly of bexpng of dpife az J mys in con chelee rs m theps bendys bering foz @ man that hae patrimony left bp bis fadps . as 07 Ls ther certan Londps bp bis modps cumpne fo bin to the Bid londps of bia motes ar arpmpurt armps of ofte tpme for i€ map bap that theps asmys com bo hirbp te Kap and diftent of Gir “progenpturs , then map fe bapre and bpm Life fore Celoott cxmpe of his fadps ip? boot pheelee . Gln i fp g2 bercte be may bere big mnodicis ce as leer in te ale aypeas . (Sind if halk befayd of bum Chat keris these armpe he Latpn thus - Dortat arma plata w arcento a tubo cum tori, tenia te niga . Gallice fie’. JRE! port paler tracent of & gots les et ong, bente wm fobutf . Wnalice fic. JERe berith paler of Splues and gotoles Greh « bende of fabatt . Ceo SthprtpleTfpdye « bende thes ts forte 13 moletps Off axings beste fufitlye bore noth Y Bilt epempult . Cree of ther be fence m armye othes eerthn bodys fo [1 man (texnge from theps . and face J Rplt held & yoth.a ene Oe Tuck is afore toni fufillié: as hreeaps gps p28 im this fockon . Qld st 16 odee fafullit fos i tt se mar alt of fufllis of the Bech certun flfllig more fhatt befpolyn aftthasd . aot bp the Bucy potheys asmpe kerio miatpn thus. Wo oitae (ram aap fiofidllatim ve anes in artigo aforio Gallice fic . EE post arfos cong tenvee firfillee coz - QBnglicn fic . CK Fe berith afucs «bores fupillit of cole. Poa nd Cys kente monp tpmps is borne Bith (Eonaeric ane fpeaallt in QBusgon « ¢ tt Keer noth if (halk be fpotzpn of dpucsfe borduris t a2zmps . DuLes manp and dpife as fountei aemps andaz bor? of manp nobutl mene of tle Bich furn ke plapn. fury é Graplit. fun calewe. fum plapn polbteré . fun ekekent. fum crotonettpt. fun mucckpt . of the Kick i¢ phalf te fpokyn gtipele oon after ordiz . Qlnd fiz(t of plapne tosduris FY Ritt focke as bere if aperis . QUnd the bordure ts alee plapne Len i¢ ts maz plapn of on mlolbie alooyn . as hace m thpe fochon . Bind tt Phatt be fapee of bpm that is poffeffor of thops armype fisft m latyn &9 CL Sorte free wfas rubsas mem argmteo ‘cum onaibordure o-rmbso. Lt qallice fic . c 3 pradmnrzcrent fis vofig te qoules ef tong kor ditee wae nes . Ef analiafic CE He tecith Silues.ty.vofic of ols leg and c bordure of golbles . OE) fi aamye bosdurié and mama plié now free folotbys qpemmple *Rmps With a borduce maraplit offes Bhite ar borne of TR certain nobulk men as bree nol is phelbit in tye Kochon. nd fpelp'a bordure ic ade a bordure marapli¢ for the colotoee of bpm is put are bp are in 6 th felz: of Charmps as stis oppn kere . Blnd the pof {effor of thepe armps krrisi latpn tong thus as folodops . Co Protat azma w aur fymbriata fi; nie bosdurata & niga marainta cum Cubus made: - Lie pesforntis & Maro . Gallice fic Co YL port tozgeore mult lettio perforatee & Gable wna boaducee mgmplee vw Hable - Bnalicr fic . Cr Be terith colts. tij mtolettio pesfomttiof Ba bulk and a boxdure marplit of Babulk NOL of rmpetorrerie and talenci€ Y Wikk pho pemple . Her is tome manmps a cert tordure falenGit as kere. ND i€ 1 Not neceffars kere Co eppres the cololoer of the tar/ tentis oi kfantis : for thap te ence of gold . end i6 halk be (apd of him that teria thes armis m Ehps lopfe fisft im latpnthus . OF ghortat to: Mum fignum orpuale w nrb16 in camp alto borde eatun cum cubic falentatim . Gallic fie. HCE post ascent (ong erueeon a gothles border? tee Dgotbles falenter . Ctanglie fie. q- He brrith filuer a Cleuccon of cotbles drone Beth qothles Stine CoO armps bordurié rupng.jj. Cheutrons of filueteé . mps polbwerif opues(e Waps otter Wple Wreh molettis Bich vofiS 02 Werth littplt cvoffis o7 ith tefantis o2 ode4 optife . Qind x€ 20 calte bordure polbmtié Bien any thpna is t - that tordure : of hat furn et figne sf eas it § 15 foyd'a. fore . and theps figups as tofis moletif am other a2 not counttt for clan nombut : for p* nombue of thet poloteapng cpeedss th nombur of ro Bind than pt tordure te onfde plbtrrié ag fees . | Wud pe hatk fay tyat te pol (ef fos of theps camps bens in this Byfe as fololups . fis[t m latgn thus «qq Porat wnum fi; Clr pe Chat orton tympe a bordur is home in az em tum & cubic arm duchus fignis apitalibus't alto ¢ na fos Sum pultrfota cum talentis. Ct allie fic. Gul pate goioles wup Cheuerons aegent et ong torduce & gobble, polb; dee lente . Ginglic fic. Frye tenth godles.. Chruemns of Splues anda tordurce plone ith bfontis. . . Cc Wit fez ig an othes manes oxdure hati mle Chrekert. E taut pitan other Lordure in azmps Me Bich io mle borduee cipkbent . Qind té is alea cheekerit bos dure for tf io mae of .}. colotbtia bp the manes of a Chakke: as boce tf apperia . Qin if phat be fapd of bpm the With bus the ps azmpa in this Byfe aa folohps . firft m la: ten thus. yODortnt wnam coucem abiarm pla; nam i amp argerfeo aim fona bordum fracmta Wimign ef argmt . Gt gallic fic. sgt prt msoent (ong crops plapn wt qolbles Lorducee chale be w Sable ct migené . Ef analice fic . FRE beuith Siler oon croe plagn of godoles a borduee ckekke 2 af tity Sabu @ Siluer . Off bordutie gobonatit nol Ire isan qpemputt - Late pe more ott that pif bp fite theps aemps the Turd 5 hous fpoke of afore B' bosduris : thes ia an otfes bo»: thatis alee, bosmdure qobonatt . ne free tt phalt be phetope 7 Chpe Keoehon neptfolompng . Gnd bit io alwqobonatpt for bitis maw of 5.mlouris quadmél topnpt -p! us ‘to fop of blacke @ Bhste . a of bpm that kus chops armype pe chaff fep im latpn thus as foloprs CZ Paatut & argento gs duas tents & nign cf and. bordura w nigm et alto gotouata . Ef gal lice fic. CH FY port maqent coup tender ef tong hor dure x fable e€ maint Guage fic. CL she teuth (flu bandps of Gable Gith a torduce qotonatt of Sable pfilues C. Bind thps fame borduce tnaer that nobult papner th dube ‘of Olouceftp: bethps & Hat nobuk Rerobee Ryng ene tp fifth : the Bich mpatt duke bare m his asmpo tp hoott azmpa of Feaunce and of Englond quastlp Brth a tosdure qotonatit of Srluce and fable ase phelbpt m dufe plaas . ind & blafe cheps asmps it nedis not. to be celpa{it . fos if se fuffifamtly taght afore m diuer(e plaas. ope FU Raat + > ue be : CL Ftem of torducis fad in asmype of colotbrig inueekpt . in ae eo a at “3 mF or te pit toxduris! astrps of §j.coloD: COE nce . ag kave m thps fiquer aype; tis . and bre 16 axle a borxdure mueckpe for bit #5 maze of ij .cololoas to gedps mucckpe . Qino pe phatt (op of bem de Bred) kerith theps armps m latpn thus * ostat arma quastiat wenbio wa et auto cai (orta Eoxduen te argent et nigno fimul imuects - Et gollice fic - Fl port quastelee golble, ct do; oul ¢ Wi) ona borduce erm dtaraenterefable. —_ @Lnqlicr fie C. He cith quarelp qololes and golem Bith a borduce muele byt of flues and fable . Ott ithes torduris ther is o quel differans emdg mes g pretendpne thepm eopte and Kpfem thye fine ae fpe: Gallp it 1 oppniGyarmpa m olte fpme of thle of (ascle Res thep phule be ole bordung anot. ashi thps figuee . QInd cerfan men fap p' men not puttpng a mezueles differans of blofyng fap : Chat dp fos fapd Cale of marche te Biche Bos mle Rogers (Moréememe: Bien that he leupd tace armpe in la tpn in Chps Bpfe@ fap CL Portauitarzma pla © ta inzenta ef confrrmnam waforo z auc arm (Ono fimplia fubo w araenen . Gallsce fic . Grol port pale barre qitone mfore tr e¢cong cfu fimple megent . Blnahafic. Co Hebnth p Ip bare antran conpt of afuce ¢ colt: Bith a fiple chelee of flit. Ci nd this oppnpon afore ceberfit m tp blafpne plefpe ma; np.a man élp Bid) m no man of (hile map be tat . {For of Hhee eampe as ttte fapd afore Bat antran onate : then te labbilt corner 07 the cone of Ghazmps thatie to fap the lalopft popnt of Ge hele map neu te of con cololoer ag certanly it ia of afure « oO theps thenaps afore rebnrfit m theps armis itis con t mall armpe oontran anpt att the onps of Bhat fin eu oo lodore thasmps te make thep mete 6 gedpr conally in the middis of te hele . asin de neps figure of the helt» oppulp it phat fe pheByd. Bier fore ag rt aypenth to my tefon tastes they phal be blafit on this vee > epoeppit thp qrettes outonee that th fo: fopd Ele of (Maze 2 tenth thus mlatpyn. JOoitauit arma basrato ¢ oxput kuti platim ¢ angulotum x aforo ¢ au cum quotam feuto fimplia & asamnto . Etaalliefic. IWC l port tazree ef cong Chreff miler ainede mnfos ¢ ms ot ona eftes fimple mrgent. Etanalice fic. CL ihe erith bun anda Cheeff m le anculatst of afure and cole With a [pmple pheler of Sila. Offf armps conteari conpt kere FY Bilt informe pow Oo” te pit for footh diuerfe noble men the Bich tore armpss nfan enpt . as kee m thys froclon aperith. ind thepe armpo ke alee contra conpt for hia aufe . fos att tle olouris of theps amps meete & qedis at con mone. thatis & fap aféle mpddplt popntt of Ge pholee conlp . {For eup todp triangulit i moore of lenathe ther of bret and naaimlp conpe (ot pz. Chaifore the oppnyon of thos men te Bp cle fapd that te azmps afore celpa(ié : that 19 6 Bitte of fez; les armys of (Marche War pulpt bazat and cntan onptts be ceporupt . fox fo mpch chat ee conge of Gp fosfapd azmps acenrte not the Wich of neceffite pfulee accorre éff dhe forfapdopp spon Berth . Gindof bym hat kus theps armpe pe chatt fapimlatpn. JO ortnt asnta ceutmnprnata % blodioe. alto Ct gallice fic. KU port qivone maforet mzqené . Ginalice fic. KR ec keuath ontears conpt of afure and (ilues. Opti piitccompe note fee it pho be puthpt ©: a8 mph as itis fpokpn afoce of azmps : m the Bich te colotoris mete & acdps in thempodift prpnt monly . Morb folotopth of cartm asmps int he Bich tj. pi: Lis mele 6 qudps int con mone. as kece m ths fi’ quee . nd it phatt be fapes of bpm ele Ricks be: ee thepe asmpe m Kp(e . Portat tees prlas nigms m camp aurto . “ Gallice fic . IC i rttos os ules & fable . Lt anglice fic . CO Be kerith goles .pilis of fable C- Off tallis in camps heve noth i€ phatt te phelbye “Tp Cuez the les pe moft confpdps a differons t Heys blofpn . are of heps aemps afore sand theps that am after Been r @ Gepm in latyn fong . foz other bile thys terme pila ¢ latm 10 tale fos to be o profe of tpmbre fo be pué tondes the palor of a brpae : 07 to fpciz alike Berke as itheveniputt afos Qlnd odp: Bhile this terme prla ts take for acerton mount Ife mét to plap WF :' de Bich ifteumet Fupe othes Rhile to Ge tante and then it 18 alteilatpy pila manualis as here Qlnd offs hile tea an mftcument fos tte Foote and ther it io alte m latpn pila pranlis a fotebat Theafozrté hatt ke (apd of hpm that teria thes at mysm latyn — Hortut tes pilas argmteas mamp ubto. Ctgalliafic. Goalpstw Golbley Cedis poletti¢ meaent . Ctanalies fic. CL He terithy qolbles ty .tallis of Silues . atanli pe moft meske hati ths fiaure of tallis ama map foon et . D6esfore phortly it 16 & be Lnal that fidy ballis map fare aff lotus bot the elotbee of golte . fo: g the be of qoldpy caloric : thep chulre be cate talents ox tefants tke Wiche be eis of golten colotoee . Off @rtellpe on fet Colpo mn armype - Fe: be alfo tortellic p*be UGE Catpe tin Bac be qeetter then tallys ¢ thazmps be feulp mat as kece s¢ 18 oppy . Gand be hat be vie Hepes armps beris in hia Upfe fizftilatpn. CL sprortat tree tortellas mbsasi amp auc. Gallic fic. Ce Fl port ts et trots Cozteuly w 7 qotales, . Et anglicr fic . CX Fp berith gol g .23.Cakps of qobks - ore ouermeske : thatas Bele tallps m aanys at kaki De befantio alt Wapas tnolf wibnte figuas @ not pforat Off fontans or Bellis keve Y witk fpeke. Trek Gp leo thes be com nobutk men ethic bees fiche counre ff quis: Gx Buh fiquris asanlte fontanps 0: Bellis ao frre ap prvi. the Bich fontans eiimore moft be of Bhple cotolore for ie thpna the Wich they eepeefent - AFbs thep ceprefent etimore Gp cololore of the Wa ter of a Tett te Wichita hte Qtndof bpm p* tevis thes azmps pe moft fap in Latpn thire | ortat free fontesi mmp auro . Ballice fic oe “LC! port vos et trois fontepne . Ginalice fie. qr He uth of golte and 1H. Bellis . Ott zynape Ee Bich be offer counde infteumentio F Witt fpeke mg? {Stes Chere mlbn® fiquris a for relp2fpé | the: be ct figutis te Bich te pforntit as | be eprops : as kere ayperis . Glnd r€ phaft te fapd oe) of bpm that tens theis azmps i Latpn 9. yOe2 ‘e tatters anulos aumosicamp mgr . Gallice fic Cl post & fable et trots anulettis oz. Qin alice fic . Wye terith Sabutt and.ij spnapsof qoloe — Off teactps in asmps . ove if is fapd of tordutis i asmps . nol if folotbsth to @ of tracts o2 (pnys . andfis(t of afpmple frat. and hop be onlte tractis for as mpeb a te feloe remap /, nyng of Charmps ac Hele Bith tas Bithobte.¢ FF ay othes Lyne is dratbyn of an other abbbrag bere : 0 the manof a pholte . Blndst halk ke fapop of bym that beris thes asmps ilatyn ° yoztat oni tacti fipleem plonam aurefi t cmp aforco Gallice fic. C-F! port mfoz wong trace playndoz. Wlnalice fee CL He berth afuce a playn tract of gole . ©) ff a tract maraplpt wii Looth Ay fpdpe fore is an mple. og tractor alpne ofhis Bhile 16 mataplpt on booth the ms @ tes ag kere méhps fpqure apenth . Gind then i€ (hatt be fapd of bpm that beris thepe azinps i ype fp fe feeft m latyn thus + Cr postat unum tractfi oe toque paste Tqtatetum % aup icamp) mubio Et qallice fre. GAL prt wqovles wna trace smaraple te cdyeltsm cofte to . Wnalice fre - Hx¢ beith qotbles bptha tract maraplpe on fos b& the frdps of goles . CL Off « teacl mtbbult and floriphpé i€ phatt be hetope . ox tract ie other Tple wibbutt as in hasmps of the Rpng of Senttelonze . as kere m this kochon arene * ¢ tl forfapd Ryne of Settelond berisi thps Bp (x fizfe im latpn us . Fortat suplioem tence tum am floubusgladioli contenpofitis et ono leone capac @ rubto mam aur. Lt calli ceftc . TCU port vosng sotbble trace floretee countree e¢ Conc leon rampant % gotbles Qin: alice fic. Che berith qolee « wmble trace floniphpt antrari and a Zpon rampyng of golbles . Off tracts triplatié andquatriplatit otfpsthple . (6 of theys armps afore celmsfit-¥ Fonte move dpueafite A fos ther be certannobutt mo the toed) bere thops tracts triplate ass tece in thps fpqure . and fum bere bit | quatciplititas to foun® i dste{2 aamis . Qlnd pe chatt fap of him thatbers cheps azmps tnplaté i latpn dhus «CL Sportat teactum tripliontit 2 af Loi camp aura. Gallice fic . TK Upoatoor eng écace triple tarognt . aa fic. CL Hebe: vith ole a trace of @rlucs. Off a teact (pmputt of .§.colothris and inueckpt an evemnple ©" te other nobult men the Bich bere a fimnpull ract of .3 coloferis mucclept as keee not if phatt be phelbpt in thys Trockon . Qind the pof (offer of theps axnps teria m this Byfeas folotbre fizft mlatpn . KO ortat | (uum texcéum fimplicem re oloribus aforio az; fen genteo muccts m frudoaureo . Et gallic fic . . CY! port mz ong trace fimple were mfor ef mraqet Qnalece fie. CL He tenth qoleand @ tract (pmple mucckpé of afuce and Srlues FU férx tenctiss nolb it halk be fpokepn of Foffuris or Raupe . fore theps fpffuria itis fpokpn of tendps : and theiz dif ferans . (ol it phalt te fpolspn of fpffars - the Lpdjc tan fpf furis or [taupe teapnne m the lefte horne of the helt: @ az deatone & the right paste of the phelte beneeth to the d:fferan ce of bendps the tpt oie m tke ight borne of the hele g az dratbne ie the lefte five of the phelte beneeth . andthys = mofe the fpffuce be dvratbne aghece ayers i thpa Foaure . Qindpe chalk ondisftone that theis fif funs diffesae monp Kops as the forfapd bendps Dpfferpt . bot sé nedps not & be cosh for t¢1g plapn chelopt afore. Chez be fpffuris oz ftauye plapn . mamdpt. mucckpt . and fufpllatt . as J fapd afore m the place of bendps . Bind theps (tarips balkas:, dps az Bont f& bere ox namls thap phulee be thaym . Gnd chen thps fpffure ws mlo a ftaffe . a frond iti is a @ tafton Bot commypnti it is ealde a fiffure fos as mpd that he cleupe bis fateris azmps m. i partes for that taftard 6 cloupnand Tupdpt from the patrimony of hrs fares. Wind fo fych a taftard tc foskedyn bo kere the loott azmps of bis fates for the ceucrans of bts blow . Lot his fateris asmps be map bebe Birth (ph a [ta ff as te fapd afore = m figne and finatt ceclaraaon of ba kaf tnrdp andp 6 the dsfferance of propus and naturatt fapre of bis fates. Qind Bien pe pate anp. (pha plapn fiffuce 07 fiaffe ¥ axmps ox morapli€ mucckpe o7 fufillate : of that fome feaffe pe phatt fap ac a fore to celesfit im the chapituce of budys moore plapnli® Qend Ae baftarde tle Bich terith theps asmps pof[effis in latpn on hype manez as nol Ince folobps . PVP ontat onam fiffucam fire baculum auteum i amp aforio . Dallece fic - WE port tafoz et ong fees wz. Qinalicefic Ee if sn and a fiffuce oz a [Eaffe of gol . Tob kere FJ teaqprine fo fpetze of armpe hropd as i€ asperis - 2 Thos be cerfan nobulf men fhe Bich tere.crmig fpoit as here © Dirt aypeuth . Bind pe moft knalb tha theis arms bk al led fpope : Hehen the Gpes paate of tp phelte Matis - to fay tig ket io nat of con’ ooloure 07 of moo then of con’. ¢ that paste epéendps not to the mpddis of ‘the phette ae atoon is phetbpt bp the phelae . | Qinvd tantbe pe that m de bidre azmps is a good mat of terpnicy of dptife armps as by fortune fi noble man tas mony Loridis.andqmte Lorrphupps bp bis mo: Dp for Khe Bch londpe of hio moteus kp mtentyo thew the camps of Hie modgs . and fole map wm for if te rightiops , Got fe that diftendps of a nobult fadps oz of a omni man . bp the Bpch be tad anp fimple prtimony . then fpdy a nobulk man: and be Wilk: map tere the boll asmps of hte moodps in the Latbps mete of bre helm . and m (pd) an ee as Y fayd @ fore be map and be Kil bere the Soolk azmps of bre fadps Qind té phat be fapd of bym that teus cheps armps i thps Bp fz fizft m latpn dhus . CE Hortatonum fiqnum mprtale o ni Qro mM np auceocum (ono mrpite mbto ef ¢ribus falentisi co wm . Et qallice fic. SIU pst ws ong cheucron & Sabull et ong Chreff x qotbles e€ frmis kefantis on la mefines - Wnalice fie. Coe terith aolte a ceucton of Sabult &' a Cheeff of gotoles and.tij.tefantis thes im. COGind Ghee be certan nobul pfones the Wich free in the chel % afore celgrfit of qolt as te fapd afore a Cleueron of Ba z butt oz of (um odpz color and. tif. rete voofis oz Bhpée oz fum othe: fpanps as croffis cee(fantic ba ddps oz flobus anda de eff fum of Sabull fum of other colotore Deth Ae fiane of mole ts 02 oder Colepnpne fp Bich ned not & be roles fit. Sind Gen phat eusrich oon of thepm be blafit mbis nombuz tikeas te felze and te fiqnes cequive : as bp fortune fum men bere thus fo fap . Te berith Sabutk a Cheuccon of qolee.ti vere wofps OF golbles a Chreff of afure Merth.tij .molettps prsforntitof wert andthus of alk other diffecanf pe . COLE cxmpes alice Bie oon quecztes of an othes cloure « Ertanly thes be fum nobutk men the pc bere m ther as Chive con quastes of another cololbee dpffezpna from te erloner oz the colotbriss of the shel: as kee . in Ae. Bid aanis it is & be fapd that the nobufk man ¢he Bich teris thepm kerith im chia Byp(e fis(¢ m latpn . YO ortal arma mlota & aferto g aur aun (ona quastena eremetia . Et gallica fie. yc port palee mforctios ng quart wampn - enatice fic « FRC eeih polp afos and qole Kerth eon quar’ of Ermyn . ‘And i€ is t be note Hat pe moft faue « mefpeblpt & th co lotore of that pole tte Bich phule aftender & the tight inane of the (hele iff that quarte: Ker not thes . andi that clowbre pe moft ett moore kapn f blafe thoos aampe like as thkquazt Bers not ther as afozis cefesfit . ; Kyoto armpe clebkent kove pe chakk awe an eoomple . tamerith m thps figure folopna and thep be ala az; ecié Bien hep arma of .j. coloutis to the mianet of a cleteter . Qind eps azmpa wefap ue manp differens as m brops o7 quasteris i tas Lisand tends and othe: bples i Cheuctone of p° Bich tt (hatt te fpokyn a noon fologng . Qind of. bpm de Bich pf (effis theps armpe pe thatt fap m- lata thus . yDastat armakatkata maferio et our . &¢ acllice fic . ont port fakke mforetrs. Qinglice fic. C the wrath Ciptetees of afirce and gol Om ouer other Bhple Be (e armpoclebkerit ashe nots f) Off Cheacrons tp Bich i negli a enlee eadbpuls of (patric €& tance fotheli in armps certan franpe the Bich ar ealee Chuewns m frend) . ind they be ale m latpn Signa capitlia wel bana .andimengh (fh a colbpulk of fparas ag kere ts phelopdi theps fiqnes = the Bich fiqnes bp lk tenes fir{t Wat borne of azpentanes and make; 116 of Kolofes. for an bolhfers nee maw p fite tptf thos fparcis ke put a pon bit: bp he manes of an kee. and. [pele fparus oz chrucrons tonpt & Gedp: male a orpitatk fpane . p* te to fay a co pull of fpartia . and other bile. ij .fpcle be Lorne Tazmps and othp: hile ty. odps hile. iin as 1€ 18 Wnalbpn . Qlndof him that wris theps armps afore pe phatt fap thus asfololbps fiz{t tlatpn . CL ortat & mubto e€ duo fiqna capifalia & ative tubus talentio. Et qallieefic . CCl port w% qos ct wup Cheucwons rs ef tis talené .Qinaliefic. Co He keuitl goles and.ij-Cheuerone of qolt With fj bfantis. ~~ Off « Cleu2rey 0: afpane mrpitatt enaraplyt foc io phelbpt . Io a Cheucron is othir Bhrle nampl pt ac bree and then this & be fapd of bpm the Bid) bes theps armpe m ia tpn m tho lepfe . C_Hortat onum fignum aps tale marmmtum wall m cup aforro . Et gal lice fc. Q-Y! port mfos ong Clrueron magent mamplee . Blnghieefic. CC Be berith afure and a Chucmn of Spluss naeaplpt. - Off dpuesfe and mezuclue Chruceons pit ¥ To (poke . Ore over pit ihheys fiqnys of Cheuerons other hile ia foton® a dolote m the blafyne of they. Klan thei be ma & of bpuer(e mlotbus tranfmutt as bere m this Kochon ayperth . Qlnd of bpm the Rpch teris thes amps pe phattfop m latyn. C- Portat arma quarterath & maw @ araenk arm (ono fiano a; prtali e otis aloubus tanfmumas . Baltic fic . WL port quasterlee we fable g mrgent cong Cloueron chaunaee Ling w laultce . Qlnalsce fic . GO Be ke: vith quarterly Sable and Silues Heth a Clrucwon of dp (apd cololbuis tranfmutt . Off Chrueuewne differpre on th Lonae Kap - T4o hepa fianes or Chrurvenc be differ? after the Lone Wap m armps askece m dis fiquee agperith . QUndthan of bpm te Bich beuis theps azmpe pe phatk fap m lati. Qo Portal arma matrta fechd logh w on: lonbus aries @ rulro cum (onto fiqno mpstols ve vets mlonbus tranfmutate . ace [ - { post pastre Bu Long & 2 ¢ qolbles Ong chy ; oan change lung & laultee . Gnglie fie . CL He beath pasty aft the Longe Wap of 5} elourio qole and qoutes Trth a Clauernn of the fopd cololbris tranfimutie - KL Off miotio emong kerrvdie iblofyng Aeps armys fuyng Onone othps wibtis : « tothe the blofpne of dhaamis tore Lpisorns nods neot J paue frat hesvodops pretndpng fi they felfe wert canpnia in blafpne of armyps mes uelufli t dreome m the blafpna of theys azmps . Bano fum bole oon oppnpon and fun an othpe . neuce the les t€ 16 no conte neem bo cibte m de. © blafpna of hep ase eonpng man. Thfore of bpm pens thes asmps pe phatk fapilatpn . PO ortnt duas pies apitis fut & mubto g faam péem walboad modum ftam aprtalia et tres rofas mw colonbus tranfmutats.. Lt gallica fic. GF port lez, muy ptres du chief dw qodoles et le trotfune rarcent plies enmanece du cleuetoy ct trois rofes lurig wlaultce . Wnaliceftc . yryeberith + prstiovof the beeve of the shelte gotles andthe Hude pte Siluerby the marier of a chez ern and.t.rofes of Hhe fame colotbus tran(mute . Off armps fufpllit in enalift fppndpllis nov ¥ Bilt (pete . Fer be certar genéplinen and nobule the Bich beeve im theyre amps fufellis : of the nombur ‘of the Wich : mp Loste of Glauceftur p* nobutt prince concle to Rpno hours tip (ept as - AF 02 be od m his azmps.ti) fufllesof qotles bp de man of « tar ima felte of flues te Sich ttanazmps this. nobult duke bace bp the cefon of cestan Londse be Lonapng t the mounte . Bot pe phatl fap of bym ) that tens theys-carmps i this fochon m tatpn 69 Poztnt & eubro et tees fiufulos a azaento . Chyallice fic . 9 t port we qotoles et ere fifules cascent. BWnaltee fie.” qy- "Be birch gotoles and.ty. fifuleo of spilier: zy nd othertolyple thepe:. 9 -firfules os . fiz .be borne bp the maner of a poate . Ue te Go benolit Hat Whom .i5 fufules 02.3). borne oz moo € nombut of .2p . he Bich nombus sf thes eocede : fap eucrmore that thos azmpe te pheeit With fufillic oz othee hpnays andy noon othps Kpfe . CL Gino fo genevalli pe moft tnath that iff any thpng te tome m azmps oues the nombu: of .ip then thoos Grmps Tbot funy ewes hep te thap az polbterit . © ff oon fif pth Lose in amps bee Y Wilk evemputt. O* Rhyile oon firfylt is tome allon in armps as keer i thys figure 1 agpecith.m Bid dee baue bead ce2tan ferreddis colte m theps oppnponps . (Tet the lees t61a Clan that pe chalk fap of bym the Bich ens theps asmps Werth ofete wibtei latpn thus as fos lofoie ° Dartt % rubto cum tono fufulo te auro LE qallice fic. IC post & gotbles tong fuufitt cos Qinalice fic. CL Fhe terith qotbles anda fufitt of colts. Of ay ff sht of opues(e calotoris nok kere Y Wik fpecke "ito thepe fifpllis fum tyme as tore of dpuesfe alotiris a teeg m thpe figure tt ia (hebbpd . A5ot itto a moore Dolhée hold theps azmps (hule k blafit then thar: mys afore . totpe phatt fap ilatpn of bpm the Bp fy fas thes amps m tins Wyle . Aree arma pastitn ep tranfuerfo oe albo ef mar cum (ono fufu lo epei[zem alonibus éranfmutats . Lt gallice fic. ILL port parte. ve trauczs Mrgent ef fable of ng, ant x mefmes alour ling & loultee. Ee anglice fic fy Kre terith armys mrtit oes Bare of Siluer g fabte ith a a firf pth of the foam ololous cant mutt. 2 } OF fafeltic by ae manes sof @ kent kere Y Tiff ff8 Wat fap. Or outr (pd) fifpltis az borne in amps by he manes of a bene . ac kere nolb ayperith a then pe as fop of hpi th Bich eifeffis thepe armes m thee Kpfe fiz(t m latpn thus .: EC Portat pram knam hrfillatam x auto manmpo auteo . Et qailice fic { por€ we qolbles (ong bene fufpt ws. €F analice fic. Ore keuth golles and a kent fafpllit of gole . CL OFF alas fifpllit m asmpe frre is an epemple . ‘ fo thes te borne im axmpe theps firfpllps im a bas flafpllie ae keer it agperith . Qind then r€ to to be fayd of bpm the ih bath theps azmpe in laton thus. qr poz: : a w bso cum (ona bare fufillata & azaené . Gallice fic. GCG port & qomles rong kasce fus fulee arqent. Etanalice fics re He kuth gotles and atas fufpllpt of Silver . Gind fum meni fap that tle forxfapd azmps keqay of Beueris foras mpd as Beucris tele fidy fufillys mazeof fponnpn Bott HE roieey vif iene afi esp Obi keer po hak knadd the differwns te thin fufilli maf culps and lofpnape: DElezfore tt is & be tnat that ube bay fief pllis at.cues moze long alfe ftrattps. cues sacl 5 the balp then Gr ONaftules . Qind Moafules as larger ait m tie bala : and hozter m length chen te fifplis . ae tere i thes rockon tt aypenth . Qind et phatt te fapd of bpm 5 that pf {effi cheps asmpa m chia Bpfe - fizfti la ton. B= oztat w ubiog (ep makulas & aus . Et gallice fic . XX post & gobbles et or .mafces eg wr: Et angliafic . G- He tuth govkes and fey mafulee of golte . - | FL nv theps makules other Bhilear pforatit as ¥ (apd ofore m the chapstuce of (izcoos maftulate . | Of an othps manez of mafules pit tere Y Wilk fpcke . fo othes Bhile ar Lorne armps mafeulatit as kee now m thie figure folodbpna is phebpt . Qlndpe phalk on werftane chat thos azmpe bk ali makulatt m the Bich Ae forfopd mafcules beapn moft plentupf tp in the cightangle of the (hele .and as andsd en Bare fie lefte pte . the Bich certan azmps m tip wed at palit. gar cwupdsti Co .i3j.palps pf ths be fubtile confopupt . Qindof bpm that beas Hype armps i€ chatt be fapd i chee Wpfe fizft m latpn . Prartata:: na mafculata & azamntogaforo . Et gallic fic IC ost tascent ef tafor. makule . Zt angler fic . Cer, berth of Silues and afure mafarlatit . | f tri Offtlofenaps bot and Bho wianer of pe they be mone: ‘SrPI fo lofonape ro maner of Bole be maze bot aemmpe brn Det. ner hep map not ke mare bp tin (elfe and chep be, maateatt Gap ac thepe ke manberet. Qlnd pe phatt baue ele mooft wecep defferane bp tip the peo forfagd mafulatit armps andbesdid m the prete Sd 33 tis of the forfapd armps . Qind pe moft take thys ] for a generatt enformacton and mftmccon thatt yr ~ eartanti lofpna eimore ftante wpaght: thatis to fap that Ge kept popn€ or the beght et: afcendis: €o faut o7 fo & marmpe bxed.. fo hat the kepft ppné epfendpa (ottialp & the be ed of the hele . and of th owes art corners oon eplendis (ot: eenlp t te ght [ite . and that other asner evtendye to the lef de (ite of the phelte . and the Lathift pazte eotendpa & tle labile parte of the piyclte Opamecraliéas tis oppn m the phele nept a fore . Bnd fo Lech otte wite Be parce the dsfferane of the fox for (ranes . thaé ts to Bete of MMafcules and Lofpnaes . Mota alfo the forfapd fufplis neuer be founte pfornat ner Lo; Frngps afor fopd be net pratt . K,2olb of a fignei armic p* is clea Saléoriaman of a cme her 18 an other maner of fiqne m asmpe : bp dpufe obutk men bome : the Rich ts alt a Saltori . and tt ts mare by the man of a cros of Gapntandwlh aotere nord tt ayperith . Qlnd thys crop is Lic; lepnt after ceztan men fo an m(tcument mar m Opuerfe prrtips the Wid 16 of a arete maqnpture o2 largenes : fo ey compmuifon of ths fiane . Qind it io Belk not of nobull gentlmen anoy buntteris that fpch faltatories az ormne m mony mrkps ¢ pla- as to tae Kilwe heeftys te Bich onps theis atezpna : bp dbace m{trumente map nek goo a gqayn.. Wlesfore m olts tyme thes fignpe Bere geupn fo ud) mar. andy otherlepfe mle auoris (Nygonps o2 keperis thy Bret) men fugfiz not there trefuces | Boat manes of Bpfe thepte getpn : & mffe from thepm . Qndoft bem te Bich poffeffic thope asmpe pe phat fap in latpy . yOoz fat waforo et Onum faltasoum Raum. Et gallicef - "YL | poré mafos (ong foulteer mr. Ct anglicfic. CC He berith afurs anda Saltorp o7 a fotbtr of qole, | Off asmape: (ati teic enqradst heer Y Wilt pemphe . — Orb knee pe mo(é nal that theps asmps Galbtreke o: M7 thes Bhile enqradit ac kere im thps figure nots ayperith nd hep thopte alt falbtce engrditas it ig fayd afore in monp placis . aeof tte cros momdit of taztis and kndps . Qlnd of bpm that tees thops armps pe phatt fap m laton . yD oztat wo; num faladoxum matoméum & auto m camp a; forio . Zt galllice fic - Spr l port mfos ong foul: ) Gee wr eaenple . Ctanglie fic . CO He euth afureand a cos falotee of cole angrdte . Off mang croffte ototce tozne im azmpa ingraapt an epemple Liar Bhile ther te borne monp croffis falbtve t axmye en; Opreni m oon cpelte ° othes While. . other Bhile.ty 2g fe fore - Qind of bpm thatferia Hepa camps thus it phatt te fapd im lotpn. “+ Horta onam kas ram planam ef faa ee a RWaurw t amp atho . Zt qaller fic Fi port & god; te3 tong tore plapn et tera faultrers enqreiles, tos Ct angle fic. He terrch qodoles oon bat plapn AND 13) falbtce croffis enqradpt of gold. On Cotknpe m armye borne bp the manes of a pale. Z ia diliqantls & bk markpé that Bien We fap fich a fos me beth in Ppcd fpanps . Bol theys. ti. fiqnes ax tos ne nrarmps Be fap not alk Bap . 402 other Bhile theps.11. fignge ar put ina pelt bp the maues of a pale. Qlnd then ther tronle fidnes palit . ac kere i the fiquee if ap; graith . Qindof bpm that tas theys asmpe pe ‘uty’ (alk fap.m latpn . Praitot tH. coronas Wauro “Ly palotaa-ntamp aforio. Et gallic fie. My at Otfs2 ef Erors corones v2 pales, . Qnalice fic "4 0 betith afuce and.sij crompe of aoltr palit . Orn crolonps m-asmpe toate kustit bere Y Well informe pot Oe theps iy: eral While te tor; ¢ barat leee nok agperith m thps fiqure. Qlnd then of bem thatteus theps ive pe ‘batt wow fay m latpn . e Portat tres coronas auceas i campo aforio . Et qatlice fic . ay post mafoz eet (mie mones barcez02 . Etanglice fie . 5 0 De kath afure c-49. crounps of cole barritt . On... Coonge toane in the Commeria of dp pheloe . Ce stonlp cheps:. ii} cronpe be borne ithe moft compn Bap dr comneris of the hele ac bere m thpe frochon if ap gerith .Qlnd then pe moft thus fap that thes .17 fianes be borne m the cornesio of te phele . fos a AAR) that se tte moft contune ¢ the mooft famuft manes of teapne of thee.19 fiqnes o2 ani manet fignef rg Theafore pe phatt fap hat (pd) alorde keri ila tpn in thps Bile as ree folobps . fortot % aforto et fees coronas auras’ non eppremends loa. Ee gallice fic. LY! prt mfosct tore mmones os. Et angis; co (uc. Ze teuith afure and.19 coobnpe of gole . OF fiftze borne m armpe m dpi(e Boyle free is a wclring neh olbée pit 1g fount im casmps . foracimpd) as thes NAofbs a certanman that irabt Petms & cupibus m tyme pa(fit the bef hop of Dopreteftes : toe Bich taasihrs asmpe ix (Rochpo after bps alone naam . im Bich armpe tf ic Olbhe. Binthes itis enoal to fap im the blafpne of them : that iz baw [pc i} fichpe allone ae bece m thps frochon . nd certantp Y thpnkenap . fos de ale gopng a fon . Bot 616 thus 6 be fopd : of the fapoy chegur m latyn. CL goortautt tere Guiufmods pifces argqntcos natantes in mmpo nigra - €¢ gallicefte - AI prt & Gable et trois Ro ches napan6 mgent . Et anglice fire . fe berith Sable and ty Roce (pmmpng of Giluer. Cin then & Hhazmps of Galfrre lucy as Tere nod axperissi this figuee Qlnd pe mofe fay p* fe bare thus in Latpn . ¢ feo fres lucos aureos m camp mbeo . Ct gallic fic. G-Yl po2t w qotbles e€ trora Lucez to2. Qnalice fic .. He terih qovoles and i} lucce of qolt ous certan blafpna Trth olbée wclaraaon hee ig enoah . i? fopd fiphes arin thace propus plads ae YF fapdm the afore . : of Bhat phat be fapd of Aya men then : the = ich keris .ij .bartellis arenpng thep: backs to qere2 as bere aypens . ipersofe fap m latpn 9 CL Portat du0s brbrilos auceos adinuicem ¢ Ge Wczkentes in kuto aforto puluerifato ci crucr buscrucatis figihurs auc .Etgalltce fie. HK! port enfor poudzee re, crops croceler fiches, ef eup baz: bule w26 an w26 2. Et angliee fic. C- Be terith afuce pobient Bith croffie coofletps ppcche and ..bartellis of colte tacke to backe . Off axmps Gp Krch az ealde frectic bere not YF Gplt fpeke . te Reame of Cnglonar haar in bis azmpe a frecée . tc certs frechis t monp azmps of dpuerfe qentift men ar founze . offer hile reeve oftyer Bhile qole . and othez Bhple blac overIobule fimple andp orertobile rolbble othe: Bbile taputt Gece nobult taton hat ts to fap the lord atboelep of and other Bhileit is multeplict ou alk the (held ,, 0.8 bere i€ apperth . and pe molt wndss(tanton gree differans by hip amps badit and thes armps the td be. mar Brith the forfapd frettps Rafowe tt 18 t& be mazkyt that im bendpt asmys te colouris contenpé equally at opupdit . ot i ! thes frecttss the felt alfvar abpdps tootf as frre . and this fos fopd lords autelep beric thus m latyn. Cy Poztat arma free tata Baurom amp mbeo. Ltgallice fic . ( por te god les tong frecte dos. Bnaltee fic. q- He beath goles ard Of amps fauprs beeftis folpentyna o2 raitppria . Heftis m thasmps of dpuer(e nobult ar bozne rarpyng & bere i thps figure folobpne amenith . of He Wadyi the afore faue maw nomaxion . Qind of bpm that te poffeffoz of theps azmps pe half fapilaten. qyPortat % rabto gonum kos nem margento . Ef qallree fic. GZ prt we golsles cong Zeon faliants meget . Et an; alice fic « cz lerith qotoles ga lion cams pena of fuluer. Qind by te calee a Lion mmeppne for Gye carr, (¢. for as mpdjas the vight foote afendpth co te right bozne of the chefte . and tp lefée foote whendpth m to fie foote of te helee ag amperith § the fiauce . ind this fame mai obferupt mm att Geoftia barsprey tity feete . that re to fap m longs leopar dis beens coqars WBrth other like to dem . = Oth certmly of aft dhe franpa de Bich as forme t armpe as of flolbus leups and other meruellps tokenps 3 can nol Mclace kere : dtaszbe fo monp . Bot pe phatk naw qeneral lp ehae fos att charmps th: Birdy {pathtly anp man tas fen ibis maps * pe baue cules fufficient,as J be leue . Co dpfezne and bla fe.anp of they: and ttbe fo that pe be not mm polbee mpn® & wn(ty oz Co fiopfte m de dpkernpne . (ee pe map not oue22py ftopfilp the fozfayd cules . tot dpliaend yp jnue hepm m polbes mpnt . andbe not to full of confortis . 4For by that Bilt une § boris toon ofbre : 02 007 While oon . an offer While an ofhes Lightly te Lofpe toth . Therfore takze brews the cules . Hf fo be bat thep be nota gencentt aoctrine : pet chalk that profecte for thys fins aretly - Merke pe Bele theps queftiongs bere nok folotopre . | PWilxthp: Garmpo of de gruntpng of a prpnce 07 of 0/ 2dpo as better o2 of (pc) diqnpte as asmps of a manif propus auctoriée take . Khen thatit tc leofull Go cucri nobutt man & take 6 bpmazmps athis plefure For the Brel queftr; on t€18 & beknat that. ii .manes of Lpfe Be jue azmyps . Qn 6a queftion Y Wilk prcete.and that is thys dpi oe fizfE mance of Bole Be taue olber albne axmis dy Bi ober of otbee ficdps.or of olbre moodps 07 of oloee prdps cefefforis . Ge Bpch manes of teapng is omumeand famus mn Gp Wepch FY Wilk not (conse long . fos dyat manes ie befe pupt CE feauncemaner Ke faue azmps by olbee mevitips ag qwecep plapnly t¢ agperith bp the addtcion of thazmps of Frater to thasmps of Cnalont getpn bp Eat mooft nobutt man pzpn ce Erkard tle fizft qetpn fone of Ryna Collard the thride p* tpme Lyng of Englond after de takpng of Rona Joby of Afrauneri the net of Hepters . The Bich certan addicion Kos lefirtEand righttdpfli dcon . and on the faame manes of Bhpfe mpabt a pore azclet taue tate aprzpnce oz fum nobult lore. & fo thazmpe of that pepfones : bp bpm fo take vightibifly be map put & bpm and & bis tapus . On te hee manez of Bhafe Bhe hace amps the Bich Be teeve bp the qrountpng of a prpnce 02 of fum othez lordpe wen pe mo(t knath that dros azmps the Bpch We haue of Gralontpng of a pzpnee o2 of a Lorde cefapue no queftion Bhp that be terith thas fame . for fbr the prpnce Wptt not : that fick aqueftion be afkepé . Bhi ke qaue G anp man Foch an armpes as it ts plapn m the lathe of nature and Ciuptt . {Foz that fame that plefes ther psynce tas the (erencrth of late . totif anp ma tace thes azmys afore . for that thpna the Bich ismpne Bith arighthps Gtptt With otbte wfercpna map not be sake frome . nex the pspnice map not wobit rixhtipflp . cetk fauridh manez of Thife Be fae Hos asmpe the Bich the falze on olbee albne ypuz auctorite . asim theps maps oppn: lp Be (e. holo manp poore men by Chaps arace fauoure latoure or Mfezupng 2 a% mare nobuls Sum by theps prrtens . SH bi Giez makod. fH be ches (trength . (1 bi thes conicg . (fi bi od heaps Qndof theps men mony bp Eyez albne autoute brustake at: mps to be borne to thepm and to ther tapas of Bhoom tt nedpe not bore éo whes(e p’ namyps . (Veit theleesazmpe that be fo tym thep map lefullp andfrelp beer . QBot pit Gey be not of fo avete diqnpte andautorile as teos azmps Ee Bich az qrauntpt aap bp mp by thrautorite of a prpnce oz of a lorte . Yet aampo bs a mannys propur auctorite take : if an othez man hone not tor ne Chepm afore : be of (trenath croah . CL Anditis de oppnpon of mont men hat an hezr0d of azrnif may apuc azmps . Wot F fap sf any fpch azmpe be boane bya np bpd apupn that thos camps be of no more auectocte then 6pos azmpe iy Wich be take bya mannys alone auctorite . | CL Gopliat . CL Here in chps boke afore at combenpe the boleps of haukpna and buntpne Bith othe: plefuria dpuerfe as in the toke amens and alfo of Cootazmutis « nobutt Berke . ind tere nob ens opth de bole of blafpna of arzmps tranflatpt and compptyt to qedp2 at Seynt altons de perce from thincaznaaon of olece lore FoR Cafe. Mn. CCCC . lypp wr. TZ Hic finio diifox geiiofis alee WAL toe ieretibs pirbt LScoensoaaeeaas CSanetus albante: " > t Se ¢ * bie 0 edi qh to : ‘ 4 Eb? 2 A