AP Patan ery ens rae He fA \ a erent pid rn i Pa eerie A Haake Bil ti atv ; Huan A a aes ; inte} nh Bea Aa ia rth OM a Hi Diet se : FMA i HH GY Hn ke pre ian be EXPLANATIONS OF PLATES Plate 43 (See plates 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 51) TURKEY VULTURE Page 63 FALCON (DUCK HAWK) Page 98 ACCIPITER (COOPER HAWK) Page 77 MARSH HAWK Page 70 penity BALD EAGLE BUTEO (RED-TAILED HAWK) Page 91 Page 81 ARCHIBUTEO. (ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK) Page 88 FISH HAWK Page 106 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir 12. N.Y. State cian Rees Appearance of Diurnal Birds of Prey in Flight URKEY VULTURE BALD EAGLE BUT ace (goo K HAWK) ARCHIBUTEO (ROUGH- Lee@eD Hawi See eee k) FISH HAWK MARSH HAWK-FEMALE 1 # Plate 44 (See plates 43 and 46) SHARP-SHINNED HAWK COOPER HAWK Page 74 Page 77 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 44 . COOPER’S HAWK eI Accipiter cooper; (Bonaparte) “Aeciprice WAN ER HAWK IMMATURE FEMALE All } nat. size ADULT MALE Plate 45 GOSHAWK Page 78 - BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 45 _ .GOSHAWK P Astur atricapillus atricapillus (Wilson) f (MMATURE 3 nat. size ADULT Plate 46 (See plates 43, 44 and 47) RED-TAILED HAWK Page 81 COOPER HAWK Page 17 Plate 46 cen me tarR Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum RED-TAILED HAWK Buteo borealis borealis (Gmelin) ADULT GOOPER’S HAWK Accipiter cooperi (Bonaparte) ADULT FEMALE } nat. size Plate 47 (See plate 43) RED-TAILED HAWK RED-SHOULDERED HAWK Page 81 Page 83 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 47 RED-SHOULDERED HAWK RED-TAILED HAWK Buteo lineatus lineatus (Gmelin) Buteo borealis borealis (Gmelin) IMMATURE (ADULT IMMATURE All 4 nat. size Plate 48 (See plate 43) BROAD-WINGED HAWK Page 86 MARSH HAWK ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK Ee Page 70 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 48 BROAD-WINGED HAWK Buteo platypterus (Vieillot) ADULT IMMATURE .. ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK. 5 MARSH HAWK Circus hudsonius (Linnaeus) Archibuteo lagopus Sancti-johannis (Gmelin) i hese A All } nat. size MOE Plate 49 » (See plate 43) GOLDEN EAGLE Page 90 BALD EAGLE Page 91 DLN DpSe VUE NEW S77 ANS Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 49 Hows gas tie Peegfége won GOLDEN EAGLE Aquila chrysaétos (Linnaeus) } nat. size Mog, Cparin Fert, BALD EAGLE Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus (Linnaeus) IMMATURE 4 nat. size Plate 50 GYRFALCON WHITE GYRFALCON Page 95 Page 96 BLACK GYRFALCON Page 97 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum = TEM = 0" : GYRFALCON _. WHITE GYRFALCON Falco rusticolus gyrfalco Linnaeus Falco islandus Briinnich BLACK GYRFALCON Falco rusticolus obsoletus Gmelin All 2 nat. size Plate 51 (See plate 43) DUCK HAWK Page 98 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum = Plate 5! DUCK HAWK Falco peregrinus anatum Bonaparte FIRST YEAR MALE ADULT FEMALE CHICKS AND EGG All 4 nat. size Plate 52 SPARROW HAWK Page 103 PIGEON HAWK Page I0L BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum Plate 52 SPARROW HAWK Falco sparverius sparverius Linnaeus MALE FEMALE PIGEON HAWK Falco columbarius columbarius Linnaeus ADULT 5 r IMMATURE All } nat. size Plate 53 LONG-EARED OWL BARN OWL ° ; oie ; g Page 112 Page 109 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 53 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum : : , = apa ( Aes Agatti Guerl- BARN OWL LONG-EARED OWL Aluco pratincola (Bonaparte) Asio wilsonianus (Lesson) 4 nat. size Plate 54 GREAT GRAY OWL Page 116 BARRED OWL Page 115 SNOWY OWL Page 126 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir 12, N. Y. State Museum Plate 54 i - é tl ih: nae , Pe 45 es. Anus gasses Ace Me o GREAT GRAY OWL Scotiaplex nebulosa nebulosa (J. R. Forster) SNOWY OWL Nyctea nyctea (Linnaeus) BARRE i i i All } nat. size RRED OWL Striz varia varia Barton Plate 55 HAWK OWL Page 127 RICHARDSON OWL SAW-WHET OWL Page 117 Page 118 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum Plate 55 hous Gyerne G,erte a HAWK OWL Surnia ulula caparoch (Miller) SAW-WHET OWL 1 : RICHARDSON’S OWL Cryptoglaux acadica acadica (Gmelin) y Cryptoglaux funerea richardsont (Bonaparte) All } nat. size Plate 56 SCREECH OWL Page 120 SHORT-EARED OWL Page 113 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 56 Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum sabe CH OWL Otus asio asio (Linnaeus) Tay and red phases SCREE SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan) All 4 nat. size Plate 57 GREAT HORNED OWL Page 123 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 57 GREAT HORNED OWL Bubo virginianus virginianus (Gmelin) 3 nat. size Piate 58 BELTED KINGFISHER Page 136 YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO Page 131 Page 134 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12, N. Y. State Museum Plate 58 BELTED KINGFISHER Ceryle alcyon (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE BLACK-BiILLED CUCKOO r YELLOW-B! Coccyzus erythrophthalmus (Wilson) LLED CUCKOO 3 Coccyzus americanus americanus (Linnaeus) All 4 nat. size Plate 59 DOWNY WOODPECKER HAIRY WOODPECKER Page 142 Page 141 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum ; | ae 59 HAIRY WOODPECKER Dryobates villosus villosus (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE DOWNY WOODPECKER Dryobates pubescens medianus (Swainson) F FEMALE MALE All } nat. size Plate 60 ARCTIC THREE-TOED WOODPECKER Page 144 BIRD W YORK Memoir 12. N. Y, State Museum Plate 60 ARCTIC THREE-TOED WOODPECKER Picoides arcticus (Swainson) FEMALE MALE # nat. size Plate 61 AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER Page 146 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 61 fuss UGasstz Uf ofles. AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER Picoides americanus americanus Brehm MALE ; FEMA } nat, size LE Plate 62 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER RED-HEADED WOODPECKER Page 148 © Page 154 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 62 : : gf Bouts Clpeessi2 Ge vr les - RED-HEADED WOODPECKER YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER Melanerpes erythrocephalus (Linnaeus) Sphyrapicus varius varius (Linnaeu.) ADULT, . FEMALE IMMATURE , All } nat. size MALE Plate 63 NORTHERN PILEATED WOODPECKER Page IST BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum (ene 63 NORTHERN PILEATED WOODPECKER Piloeotomus pileatus abieticola (Bangs) MALE _ FEMALE About 3 nat, size Plate 64 NORTHERN FLICKER Page 158 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER Page 157 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum . Plate 64 NORTHERN FLICKER Colaptes auratus luteus Bangs FEMALE o MALE. RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER Centurus carolinus (Linnaeus) FEMALE | MALE } nat. size eer Se ae Plate 65 NIGHTHAWK Page 167 WHIP-POOR-WILL Page 164 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 65 NIGHTHAWK Chordeiles virginianus virginianus (Gmelin) ; MALE 4 Nat. size - WHIP-POOR-WILL Antrostomus vociferus vociferus (Wilson) MALE 4} nat. size Plate 66 RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD % Page 175 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 66 RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD Archilochus colubris (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE es MALE All life size Plate 67 OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER CRESTED FLYCATCHER Page 185 Page 189 \ PHOEBE KINGBIRD Page 187 Page 182 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 67 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum CRESTED FLYCATCHER OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER . Nuttallornis borealis (Swainson) Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) KINGBIRD Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus)- PHOEBE Savornis phoebe (Latham) All } nat. size Plate 68 WOOD PEWEE Page 190 LEAST FLYCATCHER ALDER FLYCATCHER Page 199 Page 196 ACADIAN FLYCATCHER Page 194 YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER Page 193 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 68 WOOD PEWEE Mytochanes virens (Linnaeus) ADULT IMMATURE _ ALDER FLYCATCHER Empidonaz trailli alnorum Brewster LEAST FLYCATCHER Empidonax minimus (W. M. & 8. F. Baird) ACADIAN FLYCATCHER YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER Empidonaz virescens (Vieillot) : Empidonaz flaviventris (W.M. & 8. F. Baird) al 2 nat, size Plate 69 PIPIT SKYLARK Page 469 Page 201 HORNED LARK Page 202 PRAIRIE HORNED LARK Page 203 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12, N. Y. State Museum Plate 69 SKYLARK PIPIT Anthus rubescens (Tunstall) Alauda arvensis Linnaeus BPRING AUTUMN All } nat. size HORNED LARK Otocoris alpestris alpestris (Linnaeus) MALE PRAIRIE HORNED LARK Otocoris alpestris praticola Henshaw MALE FEMALE . IMMATURE All 3 nat. size Plate 70 BLUE JAY Page 208 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum Plate 70 BLUE JAY Cyanocitta cristata cristata (Linnaeus) 3 nat. size Plate 71 NORTHERN RAVEN CANADA JAY Page 210 Page 212 exis “quu } YyI0g (SnovuUry]) Sisuappuno sis IPDUDI SNALOSLLIT Asmapny sypdiuisd rns00 snnsog AV? VAYNVO N3AVad NYAHLYON Safad?) f zy aby wy yy See ‘A ‘N TI sOWal\ 12 ajielg winasny) a}e1S MUMOA MON AO SGNIA Plate 72 FISH CROW eee ‘Page 218 aes ozis “yBu F ITV UOSTIM SNIDtfIsso snaso,) MOUYO HSId ell a1elq LUNASN|A] B}LIS LN ‘SI ALOW SD [Al MMOA MHN HO SAMI Plate 73 RUSTY BLACKBIRD Page 243 RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Page 230 BOBOLINK Page 222 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Plate Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum ate 73 sae ae ea "4 +2 be i = “4, RUSTY BLACKBIRD Euphagus carolinus (Miller) ADULT MALE IN SPRING IMMATURE IN AUTUMN a ADULT MALE IN AUTUMN RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus (Linnaeus) MALE IN AUTUMN MALE IN SPRING BOBOLINK Dolichonyz oryzivorus (Linnaeus) “All } nat. size FEMALE FEMALE Plate 74 STARLING Page 219 PURPLE GRACKLE Page 245 BRONZED GRACKLE Page 246 COWBIRD Page 225 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 74 Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum PURPLE GRACKLE STARLING . Quiscalus quiscula quiscula (Linnaeus) Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus MALE BRONZED GRACKLE Qutscalus quiscula aeneus Ridgway MALE FEMALE COWBIRD Molothrus ater ater (Boddaert) MALE | FEMALE All } nat. size Plate 75 BALTIMORE ORIOLE Page 238 ORCHARD ORIOLE Page 236 MEADOW LARK Page 233 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 75 BALTIMORE ORIOLE Iclerus galbula (Linnaeus) MALE : r FEMALE ORCHARD ORIOLE Icterus‘spurius (Linnaeus) FIRST YEAR MALE FEMALE ADULT MALE MEADOWLARK 9 Sturnella magna magna (Linnaeus) All } nat. size Plate 76 PINE GROSBEAK Page 255 PURPLE FINCH Page 262 BIRDS OF NEW YORI Plate 76 Memoir 12, N. Y. State Museum PINE GROSBEAK Pinicola enucleator leucura (Miller) ADULT MALE IMMATURE MALE i FEMALE PURPLE FINCH Carpodacus purpureus purpureus (Gmelin) MALE “ FEMALE OR IMMATURE MALE All 3 nat. size Plate 77 CROSSBILL Page’ 265 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL Page 268 BILRD NEW YORI Plate 77 Memoir 12 N. Y. State Museum a, eee a ae Wl a re. , rs ar x — , ole ma Aw. ~ inal BS CROSSBILL Lozia curvirostra minor (Brehm) IMMATURE MALE ADULT MALE WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL Lozia leucoptera Gmelin IMMATURE MALE FEMALE MALE All 3 nat. size Plate 78 REDPOLL Page 271 PINE SISKIN Page 278 GOLDFINCH “Page 276 GREATER REDPOLL Page 274 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir i2 . N.Y. State Museum - Mos (passiz Goarken. ; .,,., PINE SISKIN Spinus pinus (Wilson) REDPOLL . GOLDFINCH Astragalinus tristis tristis (Linnaeus) Acanthis linaria linaria (Linnaeus) MALE AND FEMALE IN WINTER __ FEMALE GREATER REDPOLL Acanthis linaria rostrata (Coues) MALE MALE All ¥ nat. size Plate 79 GOLDFINCH EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Page 276 Page 280 EVENING GROSBEAK Page 252 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 79 Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum z 4 las Gyers AW iorJes I h, EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH . GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus) Astragalinus tristis tristis (Linnaeus) i ‘ .__ FEMALE AND MALE IN SUMMER EVENING GROSBEAK Hesperiphona vespertina vespertina (W. Cooper) MALE FEMALE All 3 nat. size Plate 80 SNOW BUNTING TREE SPARROW Page 281 Page 306 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 80 Sie Sey TREE SPARROW Spizella monticola monticola (Gmelin) SNOW BUNTING Piectrophenazx nivalis nivalis (Linnaeus) 4 nat. size Plate 81 HENSLOW SPARROW Page 293 LECONTE SPARROW Page 295 IPSWICH SPARROW Page 287 SHARP-TAILED SPARROW Page 296 GRASSHOPPER SPARROW Page 291 SAVANNAH SPARROW Page 288 SEASIDE SPARROW Page 299 ACADIAN SHARP-TAILED SPARROW Page 298 NELSON SPARROW Page 297 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Plate 81 Memoir 12. N.Y. State Museum HENSLOW’S SPARROW GRASSHOPPER SPARROW Passerherbulus henslowi henslowi chudubes) Ammodramus savannarum australis Maynard LECONTE’S SPARRO SAVANNAH SPARROW Passerherbulus lecontet Cauduban) Passerculus sandwichensis savanna (Wilson ) ADULT SEASIDE SPARROW IMMATURE Passerherbulus maritimus maritimus (Wilson) IPSWICH SPARROW ACADIAN SHARP-TAILED SPARROW Passerculus princeps Maynard Passerherbulus nelsoni subvirgatus (Dwight) SHARP-TAILED SPARROW . NELSON’S SPARROW Passerherbulus caudacutus (Gmelin) Passerherbulus nelsoni nelsoni (Allen) All $ nat. size Plate 82 WHITE-THROATED SPARROW WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW Page 304 Page 301 VESPER SPARROW SLATE-COLORED JUNCO Page 285 Page 311 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum WHITE-THROATED, SPARROW ., WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin) Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys (J. R. Forster) ADULT IMMATURE VESPER SPARROW SLATE-COLOREB JUNCO Junco hyemalis hyemalis (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE Pooecetes gramineus gramineus (Gmelin) All ? nat. size Plate 82 Plate 83 FIELD SPARROW Page 310 CHIPPING SPARROW Page 308 FOX SPARROW Page 321 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Plate 83 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum FIELD SPARROW Spizella pusilla pusilla (Wilson) MALE f IMMATURE : e ft ’ CHIPPING SPARROW Spizella passerina passerina (Bechstein) ae IMMATURE MALE FOX, SPARROW Passerella iliaca iliaca (Merrem) All 3 nat. size ~ Plate 84 SONG SPARROW Page 315 SWAMP SPARROW . Page 319 LINCOLN SPARROW Page 318 TOWHEE Page 323 BIRDS OF NEW YORK late 8 Memoir 12. N.Y. State Museum Plate 84 SONG SPARROW Meliospiza melodia melodia (Wilson) SWAMP SPARROW Melospiza georgvanu (Latham) SPRING es TOWHEE AUTUMN Pipilo erythrophthalmus erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus) LINCOLN’S SPARROW. MALE Melospiza lincolni lincolni (Audubon) FEMALE All 2 nat, size Plate 85 ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK Page 327 CARDINAL Page 325 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12, N.Y, State Museum ‘ Plate 85 “ Gyewe Gi arfei ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK Zamelodia ludovici ADULT MALE IMMATURE MALE IN AUTUMN ce are atid FEMA\ CARDINAL Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) ana (Linnaeus) FEMALE : MALE All 3 nat. size Plate 86 BLUE GROSBEAK Page 329 INDIGO BUNTING Page 330 Plate 86 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum BLUE GROSBEAK Guiraca caerulea caerulea (Linnaeus) ADULT MALE CHANGING MALE FEMALE é INDIGO BUNTING Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) MALE IN SUMMER FEMALE : MALE IN AUTUMN All 3 nat. size Plate 87 SCARLET TANAGER Page 337 SUMMER TANAGER Page 339 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 87 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum ace corm ROOT SCARLET TANAGER Piranga erythromelas Vieillot CHANGING MALE MALE IN SUMMER MALE IN WINTER FEMALE SUMMER TANAGER Piranga rubra rubra (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE CHANGING MALE All 3 nat. size Plate 88 BARN SWALLOW Page 346 . CLIFF SWALLOW Page 345 ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW Page 352 BANK SWALLOW Page 350 PURPLE MARTIN Page 342 TREE SWALLOW Page 349 Plate 88 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum BARN SWALLOW Hirundo erythrogastra Boddaert FEMALE MALE : PURPLE MARTIN Progne subis subis (Linnaeus) CLIFF SWALLOW _ Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons (Say) MALE a ADULT IMMATURE FEMALE ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Audubon) TREE SWALLOW BANK SWALLOW Tridoprocne bicolor (Vieillot) Riparia riparia \ Linnaeus) 7 ADULT IMMATURE All } nat. size Plate 89 BOHEMIAN WAXWING Page 355 CEDAR WAXWING Page 356 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum Plate 89 feuds Cy ais Gaiies. BOHEMIAN WAXWING Bombycilla garrula (Linnaeus) FEMALE é MALE CEDAR WAXWING Bombycilla cedrorum Vieillot FEMALE ‘ IMMATURE MALE All } nat. size Plate 9o NORTHERN SHRIKE Page 358 MIGRANT SHRIKE Page 362 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12, N. Y. State Museum Plate go f oe @ a Lele ig lias Cyawie Fuerses NORTHERN SHRIKE Lanius borealis Vieillot ADULT MALE IMMATURE MIGRANT SHRIKE Lanius ludovicianus migrans W. Palmer IMMATURE ADULT. All} nat. size Plate g1 WARBLING VIREO . Page 370 RED-EYED VIREO Page 366 i ‘ YELLOW-THROATED VIREO Page 371 WHITE-EYED VIREO Page 375 PHILADELPHIA VIREO Page 368 Bs BLUE-HEADED VIREO Page 373 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 9! Memoir 12. N.Y. State Museum WARBLING VIREO Vireosylva gilua gilva (Vieillot) _ PHILADELPHIA VIREO ADULT Vireosylva philadelphica Cassin YOUNG . . _ , BLUE-HEADED VIREO RED-EYED VIREO Vireosylva olivacea (Linnaeus) Lanivireo solitarius solitarius (Wilson) YELLOW-THROATED VIREO Lanivireo flavifrons (Vieillot) _ _ _WHITE-EYED VIREO Vireo griseus griseus (Boddaert). All 4 nat. size Plate 92 BLACK AND WHITE WARBLER Page 378 WATER THRUSH Page 438 OVEN-BIRD Page 435 WORM-EATING WARBLER Page 382 PROTHONOTARY WARBLER Page 381 LOUISIANA WATER-THRUSH Page 441. BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir t2. N. Y. State Museum BLACK AND WHITE WARBLER Mniotilta varia (Linnaeus) WORM-EATING WARBLE 3 R MALE FEMALE Helmith i i qa Ea retiEn itheros vermivorus (Gmelin) Seiurus noveboracensis noveboracensis (Gmelin) ee WARBLER OVEN-BIRD Seiurus aurocapillus (Linnaeus) POUISTANI " waren uae eee JUVENAL Se.urus motacilla Vieillot All £ nat. size Plate 93 BLUE-WINGED WARBLER Page 384 BREWSTER WARBLER LAWRENCE WARBLER Page 389 Page 388 GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER Page 386 ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER NASHVILLE WARBLER Page 392 Page 390 TENNESSEE WARBLER Page 393 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 93 Foi Cpa, 2 rev Tas LUE-WINGED WARBLER Vermivora pinus (Linnaeus) BREWSTER’S WARBLER LAWRENCE’S WARBLER Vermivora leucobronchialis (Brewster) Vermuvora lawrenceri (Herrick) GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER Vermivora chrysoptera (Linnacus) MALE FEMALE ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER NASHVILLE WARBLER Vermivora rubricapilla rubricapilla (Wilson) Vermivora celata celata (Say) MALE IMMATURE TENNESSEE WARBLER Vermivora peregrina (Wilson) IMMATURE MALE All § nat, size Plate 94 PARULA WARBLER CERULEAN WARBLER Page 395 Page 411 MYRTLE WARBLER : Page 406 BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER CANADA WARBLER Page 403 Page 462 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 94 PARULA WARBLER CERULEAN WARBLER Compsothlypis americana americana (Linnaeus) Dendroica cerulea (Wilson) MALE MALE FEMALE FEMALE MYRTLE WARBLER Dendroica coronata (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER 2 CANADA WARBLER Dendroica caerulescens caerulescens (Gmelin) ; Wilsonra canadensis (Linnaeus) FEMALE MALE FEMALE All 4 nat. size Plate 95 CAPE MAY WARBLER Page 397 PRAIRIE WARBLER Page 432 PINE WARBLER Page 427 YELLOW WARBLER Page 400 PALM WARBLER Page 430 YELLOW PALM WARBLER Page 431 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 95 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum PINE WARBLER Dendroica vigorsi (Audubon) MALE FEMALE CAPE MAY WARBLER Dendroica tigrina (Gmelin) MALE FEMALE YELLOW WARBLER PRAIRIE. WARBLER Dendroica aestiva aestiva (Gmelin) Dendroica discolor (Vieillot) MALE FEMALE MALE PALM WARBLER Dendroica palmarum palmarum (Gmelin) FEMALE YELLOW PALM WARBLER. Dendro . wea palmarum hypochrysea Ridgway All } nat. size Plate 96 BAY-BREASTED WARBLER Page 416 BLACK-POLL WARBLER Page 418 CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER Page 413 SITIRDs OF NEW *U0eH™ Plate 96 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Gower Agassi? BAY-BREASTED WARBLER Dendroica castanea (Wilson) IMMATURE MALE FEMALE BLACK-POLL WARBLER Dendroica striata (J. R. Forster) IMMATURE MALE FEMALE CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER Dendroica pensylvanica (Linnaeus) IMMATURE MALE FEMALE All } nat. size Plate 97 BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER Page 420 BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER Page 424 REDSTART Page 464 MAGNOLIA WARBLER Page 408 BLKvpw VF NHW Fe” Plate 97 Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum 1 os f A SPEELlCr Flr i, 4 A, a 4 BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER Dendroica fusca (Miller) FEMALE MALE BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER Dendroica virens (Gmelin) MALE FEMALE REDSTART Setophaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE MAGNOLIA WARBLER Dendroica magnolia (Wilson) IMMATURE FEMALE All 3 nat. size Plate 98 YELLOW-BREASTED WARBLER Page 455 WILSON WARBLER Page 460 oe KENTUCKY WARBLER Page 445 : MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT HOODED WARBLER Page 452 Page 458 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 98 Huy Goase® Zoot WILSON’S WARBLER Wilsonia pusilla pusilla (Wilson) YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT FEMALE MALE Icteria virens virens (Linnaeus) KENTUCKY WARBLER Oporonis formosus (Wilson) MALE FEMALE MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT Geothlypis trichas trichas (Linnaeus) HOODED WARBLER Wilsonia citrina (Boddaert) FEMALE MALE MALE FEMALE All 4 nat. size Plate 99 CONNECTI CUT WARBLER Page 447 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 99 CONNECTICUT WARBLER Oporonis agilis (Wilson) ADULT _. IMMATURE Life size Plate 100 MOURNING WARBLER Page 448 Memoir 12. BIRDS OF NEW YORK N. Y. State Museum MOURNING WARBLER Oporonis philadelphia (Wilson) FEMALE ; Z MALE 3 nat. size Plate ror CATBIRD Page 473 MOCKING BIRD Page 471 BROWN THRASHER Page 476 are eer TD WV a aN Eu VY BoUuy an IX Memoir 12. N. Y, State Museum Plate 10) MOCKINGBIRD Mimus polyglottos polyglottos (Linnaeus) ? BROWN THRASHER Tozxostoma rufum (Li CATBIRD Dumetella carolinensis (Linnaeus a gimnaeus) All } nat. size Plate 102 HOUSE WREN Page 481 WINTER WREN Page 485 & SHORT-BILLED MARSH WREN Page 487 CAROLINA WREN Page 479 BROWN CREEPER Page 492 LONG-BILLED MARSH WREN - Page 489 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Plate 102 Memoir 12. N, Y. State Museum HOUSE WREN nee CAROLINA WREN Troglodytes aedon aedon Vieillot Thryotharus ludovicianus ludovcianus (Latham) WINTER WREN _ _ BROWN CREEPER Nannus hiemalis hiemalis (Vieillot) Certhia familiaris americana Bonaparte SHORT-BILLED MARSH WREN LONG-BILLED MARSH WREN Cistothorus stellaris (Naumann) Telmatodytes palustris palustris (Wilson) All 3 nat. size Plate 103 CHICKADEE ACADIAN CHICKADEE Page 503 Page 506 WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH : RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH Page 495 aes Page 499 TUFTED TITMOUSE Page 502 BIRDS OF NEW Memoir 12 N.Y. St Museum 103 ARCADIAN CHICKADEE CHICKADEE Penthestes hudsonicus lutoralis (H. Bryant) Penthestes atricapillus atricapillus (Linnaeus) RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH Sita canadensis Linnaeus FEMALE MALE WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH TUFTED TITMOUSE Sitla carolinensis carolinensis Latham Baeolophus bicolor (Linnaeus) MALE “FEMALE All 3 nat. Plate 104 GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET Page 508 RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET Page 510 BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER Page 512 Memoir te. BIRDS OF NEW YORK N. Y. State Museum MALE GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET Regulus satrapa satrapa Licht. MALE RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET Regulus calendula calendula (Linnaeus) MALE FEMALE _BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER Polioptila caerulea caerulea (Linnaeus) FEMALE FEMALE All 3 nat. size Plate 104 Plate 105 WOOD THRUSH Page 516 GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH HERMIT THRUSH f° é Page 521 Page 526 et OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH VEERY Page 524 Page 519 BIRDS OF NEW YORK Memoir 12. N.Y, State Museum Plate 105 WOOD THRUSH - Tylocichla nustelina (Gmelin) HERMIT THRUSH GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH Hylocichla guttata pallast (Cabanis) Hylocichla aliciae aliciae (Baird) VEER OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH Hylocichla fuscescens apices (Stephens) : Hylocichia ustulata swainsoni (Tschudi) ll 4 nat. size Plate 106 ROBIN Page 529 BLUEBIRD Page 537 BIRDS OF NEW YORE Plate 106 Memoir t2. N. Y, State Museum — ONS ROBIN Planesticus migratorius migratorius (Linnaeus) ADULT IN SPRING FALL “IMMATURE ___ BLUEBIRD Sialia sialis sialis (Linnaeus) MALE IMMATURE, FEMALE All 4 nat. size INDEX TO VOLUMES 1--2 Page numbers referring to descriptions of species are printed in black face type. acadica, Strix, 2:118. Ulula, 2:118. acadica acadica, Cryptoglaux, 2:118-20. Acanthis cannabina, 2:275. holboelli, 2:272; figure, 2:272. hornemanni exilipes, 2:270. linaria holboelli, 2:273. linaria, 2;271, 272; figure, 2:272. rostrata, 2:272, 274; figure, 2:272. Accidental visitants, 1:17-18. Accipiter cooperi, 2:77-78. velox, 2:74-77. Accipitres, 2:40. Accipitriformes, 1:89, go. Accipitrinae, 2:67. Actitis macularia, 1 :335-38. Actodromas bairdi, 1 :312. fuscicollis, 1 :311. maculata, 1:31. minutilla, 1:313. acuflavida, Sterna, I :140. acuta, Anas, 1:197. Dafila, 1 :197-99. Adirondacks, bird life, 1:42; preliminary list of birds in, by C. Hart Merriam, 1:77; summer birds of, in Franklin county, by Theodore Roosevelt jr and H. D. Minot, E277. Adney, cited, 2:325. aedon aedon, Troglodytes, 2:481. Aegialitis meloda, 1:354-55; figure, 1:354. semipalmata, I :352-53. vocifera, 1 :348. wilsonia, 1 :356. Aegiothus exilipes, 2:270. rostratus, 2:274. 43 aeneus, Quiscalus, 2:246. aestiva aestiva, Dendroica, 2 :400. Motacilla, 2:400. Pyranga, 2:339. Sylvicola, 2 :400. Aestrelata hasitata, 1 :160. scalaris, 1 :160-62; figure, I :16I. affinis, Aythya, 1:206. Fuligula, 1 :206. Marila, 1 :206-7. Agelaius phoeniceus fortis, 2 :233. phoeniceus phoeniceus, 2:230. agilis, Oporornis, 2:447. Sylvia, 2:447. A1x sponsa, I :1gg-201. Alauda alpestris, 2:202. arvensis, 2:201. cornuta, 2:202. magna, 2:233. rubescens, 2:469. Alaudidae, 2 :200. alba, Calidris, 1 :319. Gavia, 1:120. Guara, 1:242. Ibis, I :242, Pagophila, 1:120. Scolopax, 1:242. Albatross, 1:154. giant, 1:154. albeola, Anas, 1:211. Charitonetta, 1 :211-13. Fuligula, 1:211. albicollis, Fringilla, 2:304. Zonotrichia, 2 :304. albifrons, Anser, I :229. gambeli, Anser, 1 :229-30. 674 albus, Larus, 1:120. Alca alle, 1:111. arctica, I :105. grylle, 1:106. lomvia, I :107. torda, I :110-11. Alcedinidae, 2:135. Alcedo alcyon, 2:136. Alcidae, 1:90, 105, 112. Alciformes, 1:89, 90, 105-12. alcyon, Alcedo, 2:136. Ceryle, 2:136. Alcyones, 1:90. aliciae, Turdus, 2:521. aliciae, Hylocichla, 2 :521. bicknelli, Hylocichla, 2:522. Alle alle, 1:111-12. alle, Alca, I:111. Mergulus, 1:111. Alleghanian faunal area, 1:19, 33, 34, 36. Allen, acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1: 220; 2:99, 197, 279, 381, 530. Allison, cited, 2:428. alpestris, Alauda, 2 :202. alpestris, Otocoris, 2:202. praticola, Otocoris, 2:203. praticola, Otocorys, 2:203. alpina, Tringa, 1:314. alpina, Pelidna, 1:314-15. pacifica, Tringa, 1:315. sakhalina, Pelidna, 1 :315-16. Aluco pratincola, 2:109-11. Aluconidae, 2:109-11. americana, Anas, I :190. Ardea, 1:268. Aythya, 1:202. Certhia, 2:492. Clangula, 1 :208. Emberiza, 2 :334. Fulica, 1:286-88. Fuligula, 1:202, 221. Grus, I :268, 269. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1 americana, Loxia, 2:265. Mareca, I :190-91. Marila, 1 :202-3. Mycteria, 1:244-45. Oidemia, I :221-22. Recurvirostra, 1 :294-95; 2:542. Spiza, 2:334. Sula, 1:169. Sylvicola, 2 :395. americana americana, Compsothlypis, 2:395. usneae, Compsothlypis, 2 :395. americanus, Chordeiles, 2:167. Corvus, 2:214. Cuculus, 2:131. Cygnus, 1 :236. Merganser, 1:177. Mergus, 1:177-79. Numenius, I :338-39. Otus, 2 :112. Parus, 2:395. Phaéthon, 1:166-67. Picoides, 2:146. americanus americanus, Coccyzus, 2:131-34. Picoides, 2:146. Ames, cited, 1:309, 376. Ammodramus australis, 2:291. bairdi, 2:290. caudacutus, 2:296. var. nelsoni, 2 :297. subvirgatus, 2:298. maritimus, 2:299. palustris, 2:319. . savannarum australis, 2:291. Anas acuta, I :197. albeola, 1:21. americana, 1:190. boschas, 1 :183. caerulescens, 1 :228. canadensis, I :230. carolinensis, I :192. clypeata, 1:196. collaris, 1:207. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK 675 Anas columbianus, 1 :236. crecca, I:1QI. cyanoptera, I :195. discors, I :194. histrionica, I :214. hyemalis, 1 :213. islandica, I :210. jamaicensis, 1:225. labradoria, 1 :216. leucopsis, 1 :235. marila, 1:205. maxima, 1:184. nivalis, 1 :227. obscura, 1:185. rubripes, 1:185. penelope, 1:189. perspicillata, 1:224. platyrhynchos, 1 :183-85. rubripes, 1 :185-87. rufina, I :202. spectabilis, 1 :220. sponsa, I :199. strepera, 1 :187. vallisneria, 1 :203. Anatidae, 1:177. Anatinae, 1 :182-83, 202. anatum, Falco, 2:98. anglica, Sterna, 1 :137. Anhingidae, 1:165. Anser albifrons, I :229. bernicla, 1:233. gambeli, I :229-30. hutchinsii, I :232. hyperboreus, 1 :226, 227. nigricans, I :234. Anseres, 1:89, 90, 176-77. Anseriformes, 1:89, 90, 176. Anserinae, 1:177. Anthus ludovicianus, 2:469. rubescens, 2 :469. antillarum, Sterna, 1 :148. Antrostomus vociferus vociferus, 2:164. Apternus arcticus, see Picus (Apternus) arcticus. Aquila chrysaetos, 2:go. aquila, Fregata, 1:175, 176. aquilus, Pelecanus, 1 :176. Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis, 2 ;88-89. Archilochus colubris, 2:175. Arctic zone, 1:19. arctica, Alca, 1:105. Fratercula, 1:105-6. Gavia, I :102-3. Sterna, 1:146. arcticus, Colymbus, 1 :102. Larus, 1 :122. Mormon, 1:105. Picoides, 2 :144. Picus, 2:144. (Apternus) 2:144. Urinator, I :102. Ardea americana, I :268. caerulea, 1:259. candidissima, 1 :257. discors, 1 :264. egretta, 1:256. exilis, I :250. herodias, 1:253-56; figure of nest and eggs, 1:255. lentiginosa, 1 :246. leuce, 1:256. ludoviciana, 1:258. (Grus) mexicana, I :269. minor, I :246. naevia, 1 :264. tricolor ruficollis, 1:258. violacea, 1 :266. virescens, I :262. Ardeidae, 1 :245-46. Ardeiformes, 1:89, 90, 240. Ardetta exilis, 1:250. Arenaria interpres morinella, 1 :357-58. arenaria, Calidris, 1:319. Tringa, 1:319. 676 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Arenariidae, 1:357. argentatus, Larus, I :127-30. smithsonianus, Larus, 1 :127. argentea, Sterna, 1:148. Arquatella maritima, 1 :308. arquatus, Numenius, I :342-44. Scolopax, 1:342. arvensis, Alauda, 2:201. Ashbury, cited, 2:127. Asio flammeus, 2:113-15. wilsonianus, 2:112-13. asio, Bubo, 2:120. Strix, 2:120. ~asio asio, Otus, 2:120-22. Astragalinus tristis tristis, 2 :276. Astur atricapillus atricapillus, 2:78-80. cooperi, 2:77. fuscus, 2:74. ater, Oriolus, 2:225. ater ater, Molothrus, 2:225. atricapillus, Astur, 2:78. Falco, 2:78. Parus, 2:503. atricapillus atricapillus, Astur, 2:78-80. Penthestes, 2:503. atricilla, Larus, 1 :132-34. Audubon, cited, 1:142; 2:80. auduboni, Puffinus, 1:158. Auk, 1:90, 105; 2:40. razor-billed, 1:16, 110-11. aura septentrionalis, Cathartes, 2:63-65. Vultur, 2:63. auratus, Picus, 2:158. auratus luteus, Colaptes, 2:158. auritus, Carbo, 1:171. Colymbus, 1 :94-96. Phalacrocorax, I :171-72. aurocapilla, Motacilla, 2:435. aurocapillus, Seiurus, 2:435. Ausable lakes, bird life, 1:42. Austral region, 1:119. australis, Ammodramus, 2 :291. autumnalis, Plegadis, 1:242-43. Tringa, 1:242. Avocet, I :293-94. American, 1:18, 294-95; 2:542; figure, I :294. Aythya affinis, 1:206. americana, I :202. collaris, 1 :207. marila, 1:205. nearctica, I :205. vallisneria, 1 :203. Babson, W. A., cited, 2:98. Bacon, cited, 1:214. Badger, cited, 1:215. Baeolophus bicolor, 2 :502. Bagg, Egbert, cited, 1:78, 117, 153, 160, 238, 257, 290, 293, 313, 322, 340, 356; 2:80, 99, III, 119, 146, 254, 266, 330, 507, 542. Bailey, G. A., cited, 2:99. Baird, Spencer T., cited, 1:137, 142, 156, 282; 2:534, 530. bairdi, Actodromas, 1 :312. Ammodramus, 2:290. Pisobia, I :312-13. bairdii, Emberiza, 2 :290. Tringa, 1 :312. Baldpate, 1:15, 188, 190-91, 198, 199. baltimore, Icterus, 2:238. Barn community, 2:23. Barnum, Morgan K., cited, 1:78, 342. Barrows, Walter B., cited, 2:207. Bartramia longicauda, I :331-34. bartramius, Totanus, 1 :331. bassana, Sula, 1:169. bassanus, Pelecanus, 1 :169. Batty, 1, H., cited, 1:121; 2:99. Beach-bird, 1 :354. Beach-flea, 1:354. Beal, cited, 1:174. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Beal, F. E. L., cited, 2:222. Beard, cited, 2:11o. Beebe, cited, 1:345. Beetle-head, 1 :346. Bendire, cited, 2:141, 147, 234. Bergtold, W. H., cited, 1:78, 114, 356; 2: 110. Berier, cited, 1:111, 309, 335; 2:66, 68, 97, 513. Berlepsch, Baron von, cited, 2:56. bernicla, Anser, 1 :233. Branta, 1 :233. bernicla glaucogastra, Branta, 1 :233-34. bewicki, Troglodytes, 2:481. bewicki bewicki, Thryomanes, 2:481. Bicknell, Eugene Pintard, cited, 1:77; 2: TIO, 185, 195, 218, 267, 330, 333, 381. bicolor, Baeolophus, 2 :502. Hirundo, 2 :349. Iridoprocne, 2:349. Parus, 2:502. Bildersee, cited, 2:389. Biotic factors, 2:9. Bird box community, 2:23. laws, status, 2:51-52. refuges, 2:58-59. Birds, black list, 2:51; communities, 2:19- 23; culture operations, influence of, 2 :32- 38; dangers threatening bird life, 1 :51-58; economic value, 2:46-51 ; ecology, 2 :5-60; enemies, 2:12; food, 2:38-41, 46-50; fundamental factors of environment, 2 :6- 13; habitats, 2:13-15; injury done by, 2:41-46 ; migration, 1 :65-72; nesting sites, 2:15-18; of central lake ravines, 2 :29-32; of Potter Swamp, 2:25-27; of typical deciduous forest, 2:27-29; planting to at- tract, 2:57; special measures for increas- ing bird life, 2:52-58; species added since De Kay’s publication, 1:6; number of species in New York, 1:11; increase and decrease of species, 1:50-58; succession 677 of bird life, 2:23-25; suggestions to stu- dents, 1:57-64; water supply, 2:58. Birds of prey, 2:61-128. Bishop, cited, 2:97, 206, 521. Bittern, 1:51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 62, 65, 245-46, 285 ; 2:9, 24, 27, 30, 45. American, 1:13, 36, 43, 64, 246-50; 2:15, 20, 24, 26; figures, I :247, 249. Cory least, 1:253; 2:542. least, 1:13, 36, 64, 250-53; 2:16, 19, 24, 26; figure, 1:251. Black list of birds, 2:51. Blackbird, 1:54, 68, 70; 2:14, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 49, 221. crow, 1:51, 53, 72; 2:52, 221, 247. red-winged, 1:13, 39, 46, 51, 53, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 72; 2:16, 19, 24, 26, 42, 47, 49, 221, 230; figure of nest and eggs, 2:231. rusty, 1:14, 39; 2:16, 20, 243. thrush, 2:244. yellow-headed, 1:18; 2:229. blackburniae, Sylvicola, 2:420. Blackhead, 1 :206. Blackheart, 1 :316. Blaine, cited, 1:94. Blake, Maurice, cited, 2:99. Blue jay, 2:17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 44, 52, 207, 208; figure of nest and eggs, 2:209. Blue peter, 1:288. Bluebill, 1 :209. big, 1 :206. little, 1 :207. marsh, 1 :208. Bluebird, 1:12, 34, 42, 49, 51. 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 72; 2:7, 12, 14, 18, /, 22, 23, 27, 36, 46, 53, 5373 figures, 2:538, - 540. i Bluestocking, 1 :294. Boatswains, I :113, 116. Bobolink, 1:13, 35, 38, 46, 51, 63, 64, 67, 68; 2:15, 20, 26, 31, 37, 38, 47, 49, 222. 678 Bobwhite, 1:12, 31, 33, 37, 50, 57, 72, 299, 361-64; 2:10, 12, 15, 20, 41, 42, 50; figure of nest and eggs, I :362. southern, 1:34. Bog-bull, 1:250. -Bombycilla carolinensis, 2:356. cedrorum, 2:356. garrula, 2:355. Bombycillidae, 2:354. bonapartii, Larus, 1 :134. Bonasa umbellus togata, 1:367, 373-74. umbellus, 1 :366-73; figures, 1:368, 372; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :370. Booby, 1:17, 168-69; figure, 1:168. Booby-coot,” 1 :226. Boreal region, 1:19. borealis, Buteo, 2:81. Falco, 2:81. Lanius, 2:358. Linaria, 2:270. Numenius, 1 :341-42. Nuttallornis, 2 :189. Puffinus, 1:155-56. Scolopax, 1:341. Tyrannus, 2:189. borealis borealis, Buteo, 2 :81-83. boschas, Anas, 1 :183. Botaurus lentiginosus, 1:247, 249. Bowdish, B. S., cited, 1:325; 2:102. Bowfin, 1:55. Boy scouts, work suggested for, 2:53. brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos, Corvus, 2:214. Braislin, William C., cited, 1:80, 106, 109, III, I12, 117, 123, 124, 125, 136, 153, 156, 189, 191, 228, 230, 238, 257, 258, 262, 267, 290, 309, 313, 319, 321, 322, 335; 2:96, III, 201, 299, 300, 318, 388, 535. Brant, I :233-34. black, 1:18, 234-35. light-bellied, 1 :233-34. 1:246-50; figures, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Brant, white-bellied, 1:17. white-headed blue, 1 :229. Brant-bird, 1 :358. Branta bernicla, 1 :233. glaucogastra, 1 :233-34, 235. canadensis, I :230-32. hutchinsi, I :232-33. glaucogastra, I :233. leucopsis, I :235-36; figure, 1 :235. nigricans, I :234-35. Brass-eye, I :209. brevirostris, Troglodytes, 2:487. Brewer, cited, 1:108, 137, 142, 282; 2:253, 534, 536. Brewster, William, cited, 1:146, 161, 279, 282, 285; 2:33, 55, 86, 141, 271, 382, 388, 493. Brewster warbler, 2 :389. Bristle-tail, 1:226. Broadbill, 1 :206. bastard, 1 :208. Brownell, cited, 2:195. Bruce, cited, 2:99, 114, I19. Bruen, cited, 2:479. Bubo asio, 2:120. virginianus virginianus, 2:123-26. buccinator, Cygnus, 1 :239. Olor, 1:236, 239-40. Buffalo and vicinity, birds of, by W. H. Bergtold, 1:78. Buffle-head, 1:17, 209, 212. buffoni, Lestris, 1:117, 119. Bull-bat, 2 :169. bullocki, Icterus, 2:242. bullockii, Xanthornus, 2 :242. Bumpus, cited, 2:7. Bunting, bay-winged, 2:286. black-throated, 2:334. indigo, I :39; 2:22, 27, 330; figure, 2:331. lark, 1:18; 2:335, 330; figure, 2:336. painted, 1:17; 2:332. snow, 2:281. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Burgomaster, 1:123. Burroughs, John, cited, 1:386; 2:143, 201, 405. Burtch, Verdi, cited, 2:66, 79, 299, 450; study of birds of Potter Swamp, 2:25. Burtis, cited, 1:112; 2:111. Butcher bird, 2:260. Buteo borealis borealis, 2:81-83. hyemalis, 2:83. lineatus lineatus, 2 :83-85. pennsylvanicus, 2:86. platypterus, 2 :86-88. sancti-joannis, 2:88. swainsoni, 2:85-86; figure, 2:85. Buteonidae, 2 :66-94. Butorides virescens, 1 :262-64. Butterball, 1:212, 213. spoon-billed, 1:226. Butterbox, 1 :213. Buzzard, 2:66. caerulea, Ardea, 1:259. Florida, 1 :259-62. Loxia, 2:329. Motacilla, 2:512. Sylvicola, 2:411. caerulea caerulea, Guiraca, 2 :329. Polioptila, 2:512. caerulescens, Anas, 1 :228. Chen, 1 :228-209. Motacilla, 2:403. caerulescens caerulescens, Dendroica, 2 :403. Calamospiza melanocorys, 2:335, 336; fig- ure, 2:336. Calcarius lapponicus lapponicus, 2:283. ornatus, 2:284. calendula, Motacilla, 2:510. calendula calendula, Regulus, 2:510. Calico-back, 1:358. : Calidris alba, 1:319. arenaria, I :319. leucophaea, 1 :319-20. 679 Camp robber, 2:211. Camptolaimus labradorius, .1 :216. Camptorhynchus — labradorius, figure, 1:217. Canachites canadensis canace, I :365-66. canadensis, Anas, I :230. Branta, 1 :230-32. Corvus, 2:210. Dendragapus, 1 :365. Emberiza, 2 :306. Garrulus, 2:2I0. Muscicapa, 2:462. Sitta, 2:499. Sylvicola, 2:403. Tetrao, 1:365. Wilsonia, 2 :462. canadensis canace, Canachites, 1 :365-66. canadensis, Perisoreus, 2 :210. hutchinsi, Branta, I :232-33. Canandian zone, 1:19, 35; fauna, 1 :36-42. candidissima, Ardea, 1 :257. Egretta, 1:257-58. cannabina, Acanthis, 2:275. cantiaca, Sterna, I :140. canutus, Tringa, I :307-8. Canvasback, 1:16, 202, 203-5; 2:10. caparoch, Strix, 2:127. Capercaillie, 1:377. Caprimulgi, 2 :163. Caprimulgidae, 2:163. Caprimulgus carolinensis, 2:129. virginianus, 2:167. vociferus, 2:164. Carbo auritus, 1:171. carbo, Pelecanus, 1:170. Phalacrocorax, 1:170. Cardinal, 1:12, 32, 33, 39; 2:16, 22, 325. Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis, 2:325. cardinalis, Loxia, 2:325,. Pitylus, 2:325. Carduelis carduelis, 2:280. pinus, 2:278. tristis, 2:276. I :216-18; 680 Carinatae, 1 :89-90, 91. Carnivorous birds, 2:39. carolina, Ortygometra, 1 :276. Porzana, 1:276-80. carolinensis, Anas, I :192. Bombycilla, 2:356. Caprimulgus, 2:129. Columba, 1 :386. Conuropsis, 2 :129-30. Dumetella, 2:473. Ectopistes, 1 :386. Falco, 2:106. Hydroka, 1:96. Muscicapa, 2:473. Nettion, 1 :192-93. Orpheus, 2:473. Pandion, 2 :106. Parus, 2:5006. Psittacus, 2:129. carolinensis carolinensis, Penthestes, 2:506. Sitta, 2:495. Carolinian faunal area, 1:19, 32; fauna, 1 236-42. carolinus, Centurus, 2:157. Euphagus, 2 :243. Picus, 2:157. Rallus, 1:276. Turdus, 2:243. Carpodacus purpureus purpureus, 2 :262. Carrion crow, 2:65. caspia, Sterna, 1 :138-39. castanea, Dendroica, 2:416. Sylvia, 2:416. Sylvicola, 2:416. Cat, an enemy of birds, 1:52, 54. Catbird, 1:14, 34, 41, 48, 54, 63, 64, 68, 72; 2:16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 42, 47, 4733 figures of nest and eggs, 2:474, 475. Catharacta skua, I :113. Catharista urubu, 2:65-66; figure, 2:65. Cathartes aura septentrionalis, 2:63-65; figure, 2:64. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cathartidae, 2 :62-66. Cathartidiformes, 1:89, 90; 2:63. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus, 1 :328-29. inornatus, I :330. Catskill mountains, summer birds of, by Eugene Pintard Bicknell, 1:77. caudacutus, Ammodramus, 2:296. Oriolus, 2:296. Passerherbulus, 2 :296. caudacutus subvirgatus, 2 :208. var. nelsoni, Ammodromus, 2:297. caudata, Pica, 2:207. cayana, Sterna, 1:138, 140. Cedar bird, 2:10, 21, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50. cedrorum, Bombycilla, 2:356. celata celata, Vermivora, 2:392. celatus, Sylvia, 2:392. Centurus carolinus, 2:157. Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola, 2:151. Cepphus grylle, 1:106. mandti, 1 :106-7. Certhia americana, 2:492. familiaris americana, 2:492. palustris, 2:480. pinus, 2:384. Certhiidae, 2:491. cerulea, Dendroica, 2:411. Sylvia, 2:411. ceruleus, Coccoborus, 2 :329. Ceryle alcyon, 2:136. Chadbourne, cited, 1:156. Chaetura pelagica, 2:171; figures, 2:71, 173. pelasgia, 2:171. Chaffinch, 2:256. Chalk-line, 1 :263. Chamberlain, cited, 1:142. Chapin, cited, 2:380. Ammodramus, . Chapman, Frank M., acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1:78, 109, 123, 142, 330, 353, 355, 385; 2:32, 96, 99, 161, 166, 394, 456, 459, 479. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Charadriidae, 1 :343. Charadriiformes, 1:89, 90, 288. Charadrius dominicus, 1 :346-48. melodus, 1 :354. mexicanus, I :295. semipalmatus, 1 :352. squatarola, 1 :345. virginianus, I :346. vociferus, 1 :348. wilsonia, 1 :356. Charitonetta albeola, 1:211-13. Chat, 1:31. yellow-breasted, 1:14, 32, 33, 41, 69; 2:16, 22, 25, 31, 455; breeding range, 1:27. Chaulelasmus streperus, 1 :187-89. Chautauqua county, birds of, by John M. Edson, 1:78. Chebeck, 2:199. Chemung county, birds of, by William H. Gregg, 1:79. Chen caerulescens, I :228-29. hyperborea, 1 :226. hyperborea, 1 :226-27. nivalis, I :227-28. Chewink, 1:34, 47, 65; 2:7, 31, 324. Chickadee, 1:11, 41, 42, 49, 51, 60, 63; 2:12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 36, 54, 55, 5033 figure, 2:505. ‘ Acadian, 2:506. black-capped, 2:27. Carolina, 1:17, 76; 2:506. Hudsonian, I:11, 13, 41, 49, 50; 2:22. Chimney swift, 1:13, 38, 44, 60, 62, 63, 64, W2e BIZ, 18, 23, 20, 17 rs figutes,, 22171; 173. chloris, Ligurineus, 2:257. chloropygius, Totanus, 1 :326. Chondestes grammacus grammacus, 2 :300. Chordeiles americanus, 2:167. virginianus virginianus, 2:167. chrysaetos, Aquila, 2:90. Falco, 2:90. chrysoptera, Motacilla, 2:386. 681 chrysoptera, Vermivora, 2 :386. Ciconiidae, 1 :244. Ciconiiformes, I :89, go. cinclus, Tringa, 1:315. cinerea, Perdix, 1 :378. cinereum, Syrnium, 2:116. cinereus, Puffinus, 1:156. Circinae, 2:66. Circus hudsonius, 2 :70-73. uligenosus, 2:70. ciris, Emberiza, 2 :332. , Passerina, 2 :332. Cistothorus stellaris, 2:487. citrea, Motacilla, 2:381. Protonotaria, 2 :381. citrina, Muscicapa, 2 :458. Wilsonia, 2:458. Clamatores, 2:180. Clangula americana, 1 :208. clangula americana, I :208-I0. hyemalis, 1 :213. islandica, 1:210-11; figure, 1 :21T. clangula, Fuligula, 1 :208. clangula americana, Clangula, 1 :208-10. Glaucionetta, I :208. Clape, 2:160. Clarke, C. K., cited, 2:207. Clarke, John M., acknowledgments to, 1:6. Classification, 1 :88-go. Climate, effect on bird life, 2:6. Clinton, cited, 2:213. clypeata, Anas, 1:196. Spatula, 1 :196-97. Coccoborus ceruleus, 2 :3209. ludovicianus, 2 :327. Coccyges, 1:89, 90; 2:130-39. Coccyzus americanus americanus, 2 :131-34. erythrophthalmus, 2:134-35. Cock, black, 1 :364. coelebs, Fringilla, 2:256. coerulea, Culicivora, 2:512. Coffin-carrier, 1 :126. Colaptes auratus luteus, 2:158. 682 colchicus, Phasianus, 1 :378. Colinus virginianus, 1:361-64; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :362. collaris, Anas, 1:207. Aythya, 1:207. Marila, 1 :207-8. colubris, Archilochus, 2:175. Trochilus, 2:175. Columba carolinensis, 1 :386. migratoria, 1 :381. Columbae, 1:89, 90, 380. columbarius, Falco, 2:101. columbarius, Falco, 2:101-3. columbianus, Anas, I :236. Olor, 1 :236-39. Columbidae, 1 :381. Columbiformes, 1:89, go. Columbigallina passerina terrestris, 1:389- go. ' Colymbidae, 1 :g1-92. Colymbiformes, 1:89, 90, 98-99. Colymbus arcticus, I :102. auritus, I :94-96. glacialis, 1:99. holboelli, 1 :92-94. immer, 1:99. podiceps, 1:96. septentrionalis, I :103. stellatus, 1 :103. Compsothlypis americana americana, 2 :395. usneae, 2 :395. Conuropsis carolinensis, 2:129-30; figure, 2:129. Cook, cited, 2:538. Cooke, acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1: 226. Cooper hawk, 1:53. cooperi, Accipiter, 2:77-78. Astur, 2:77. Falco, 2:77. Pisobia, I :312. Tyrannus, 2 :189. SS NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Coot, 1:55, 270-713 2:15, 19. American, 1:14, 36, 286-88; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :287. black, 1:222. bumblebee, 1 :226. whistling, 1:222. white-winged, 1 :223. yellow-billed, 1 :222. Coracias galbula, 2:238. Coraciiformes, 1 :89, go. corax principalis, Corbus, 2:212. Cormorant, 1:15, 170; 2:40, 44. double-crested, 1:15, 171-72. cornuta, Alauda, 2:202. cornutus, Podiceps, 1:94. coronata, Dendroica, 2 :406. Motacilla, 2 :406. Sylvicola, 2:406. Corvidae, 2:206. Corvus americanus, 2:214. brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos, 2:214. canadensis, 2:2I0. corax principalis, 2:212. cristatus, 2:208. hudsonius, 2:207. ossifragus, 2:218. Corythus enucleator, 2:255. Coturnicops noveboracensis, 1 :280-81. Cowes, cited, £1133, 167, 162, a75; B2254, 534. County schedules, 1 :80-87. Cowbird, 1:12, 38, 46, 54, 62, 63, 64,72; 2:12, 15, 16, 18, 23, 26, 28, 44, 49, 52, 225. Coween, 1 :214. Crake, corn, 1:18, 282-83; figure, 1 :283. Crane, 1:90, 174, 267-68. sandhill, 1:18, 269. white, 1:256. whooping, 1:18, 239, 268. crecca, Anas, 1:IQI. Nettion, 1 :191-92. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Creciscus jamaicensis, 1 :281-82. Creeper, 2:12, 491. black and white, 2:379. brown, 1:12, 41, 42, 48, 63, 64; 2:7, 22, 27, 492; breeding range, I :29. crepitans, Rallus, 1:272-73. Crex crex, 1:282-83; figure, 1 :283. galeata, 1:284. crex, Rallus, 1:282. crinitus, Myiarchus, 2:185. Turdus, 2:185. Tyrannus, 2:185. cristata cristata, Cyanocitta, 2:208. cristatus, Corvus, 2:208. Garrulus, 2:208. Podiceps, 1:92. Crossbill, 1:35, 46; 2:10, 17, 22, 265. American, 1:12, 39. white-winged, 1:12, 39; 2:22, 268. Crow, 1:45, 53, 54, 60, 62, 63, 64, 71; 2:14, 17, 21, 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 206, 214. American, 1:11, 38. carrion, 2:65. fish, 1:12, 38; 2:17, 19, 218. Crow bill, 1:288. Crow duck, 1 :288. Crucirostra minor, 2:265. Cryptoglaux acadica acadica, 2:118-20. funerea richardsoni, 2:117-18. Cuckoo, 1:44, 54, 90; 2:37, 38, 47, 48, 130-31. black-billed, 1:13, 37, 64; 2:16, 21, 26, 28, 134-35- yellow-billed, 1:13, 37; 2:7, 16, 21, 26, 131-34; figure of nest and eggs, 2:133. Cuculidae, 2:130-35. cuculiformes, 1:89, 9o. cucullatus, Lophodytes, 1:181-82. Mergus, 1:181. Cuculus americanus, 2:131. erythrophthalmus, 2:134. Culicivora coerulea, 2:512. 683 Cultivating, effect on bird life, 2:37. Culture operations, influence of on birds, 2 332-38. cunicularia hypogaea, Speotyto, 2:128. cupido, Tetrao, 1:376. Tympanuchus, I :376-77. Curlew, 1 :322. big, 1 :338. Eskimo, 1:15, 341-42. European, 1:18, 342-44; figure, 1 :343. Hudsonian, 1:15, 339-40. jack, 1:339. long-billed, 1:15, 338-39, 342. short-billed, 1:340. sickle-bill, 1 :360. curvirostra minor, Loxia, 2:265. Cutwater, 1:153. cyanea, Passerina, 2 :330. Spiza, 2 :330. Tanagra, 2:330. : Cyanocitta cristata cristata, 2:208. cyanoptera, Anas, 1 :195. Querquedula, 1 :195-96. Cygninae, 1:177. Cygninus americanus, 1 :236. buccinator, 1:239. Cymophilus fulicarius, 1 :289. Cypseli, 2:169. Dabchick, 1:96. Dafila acuta, I :197-99. Dakin, J. A., cited, 2:193, 242. Darters, 1:165. Darwin, Charles, cited, 2:46. Davison, James L., cited, 1:78, 126, 165, 238, 257. Day, cited, 1:164. Dean, cited, 1 :330. deglandi, Oidemia, 1 :222-23. DeKay, cited 1:76, III, I41, 174, 293; 2:207, 330. delawarensis, Larus, 1 :130-32. delicata, Gallinago, 1 :300-3. 684 delicata, Scolopax, I :300. Dendragapus canadensis, 1 :365. Dendrocopus medianus, see Picus (Den- drocopus) medianus. Dendroica aestiva aestiva, 2:400. caerulescens caerulescens, 2:403. castanea, 2:416. cerulea, 2:411. coronata, 2:406. discolor, 2:432. dominica dominica, 2 :423. fusca, 2:420. magnolia, 2:408. palmarum hypochrysea, 2:431. palmarum, 2:430. pensylvanica, 2:413. striata, 2:418. tigrina, 1 :59-60; 2:397. vigorsi, 2:427. virens, 2:424. De Vries, cited, 1:268, 377, 380, 382. Dexter, cited, 1:235. Dickcissel, 1:14; 2:334. Didapper, 1:96. Diedapper, 1 :212. dilophus, Phalacrocorax, 1:171. Diomedeidae, 1:154. Dipper, 1:95, 96, 212. broad-billed, 1 :226. discolor, Dendroica, 2 :432. Sylvia, 2:432. Sylvicola, 2 :432. discors, Anas, I :194. Ardea, 1 :264. Querquedula, 1:194-95. Diver, 1:100. black-throated, I :102. great northern, I :100. lobe-footed, 1:92. pink-eyed, 1:95. red-throated, 1 :103. Diving birds, 1:91; 2:13. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 2:222. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM domesticus, Passer, 2:257. dominica, Motacilla, 2:423. dominica, Dendroica, 2 :423. dominicensis, Lanius, 2:184. Tyrannus, 2:184. dominicus, Charadrius, 1 :346-48. dougalli, Sterna, 1:147. Dough-bird, 1:341. Dove, ground, 1:17, 381, 389-90. little ground, 1 :381. mourning, 1:13, 37, 62, 64, 381, 386-88; 2:15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 49; figure, 1 :387; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :388. Dovekie, 1:16, 111-12. Dowitcher, 1:15, 303-5; figure, 1:304. long-billed, 1:15, 305-6; figure, 1 :304. dresseri, Somateria, I :218-19. Dryobates pubescens medianus, 2 :142. villosus leucomelas, 2:142. villosus, 2:141. Duck, 1:52, 53, 55, 68, 70, 177; 2:8, 14, 40, 41, 42, 45, 49, 543. American eider, I :218-19. baldpate, 1 :188, 190-91, 198, 199. bay, 1:201-2. black, 1:12, 36, 184, 185-87, 191, 193, 198, 199, 203, 205}; 2:15, 21, 24, 26, 27. buffle-headed, 1 :211-13. butter, 1:226. canvasback, 1:16, 202, 203-5; 2:10. chunk, 1 :226. common wild, 1:184. deaf, 1:226. diving, 2:13. dumpling, 1 :226. dusky, 1:186. golden-eye, 2:44. gray, 1:188. green-head, 1 :184. green-wing, 1 :195. harlequin, 1:16, 214-16. king eider, 1 :220-21. Labrador, 1:16, 216-18; figure, 1:217. INDEX TO BIRDS Duck, long-tailed, 1:214. mallard, 1:183-85, 187, 193, 199. muscovy, 1:184. old squaw, 2:44. pied, 1:216. pintail, 1:184, 188, 191, 193, 197-99, 213; 2:40. redhead, 1:202-3, 204, 205, 223. red-legged black, 1:16. ring-necked, 1:15, 207-8. river, 1:177, 182-83, 201, 202; 2:40. ruddy, 1:15, 36, 212, 225-26. rufous-crested, 1:18, 202. sand-shoal, 1 :218. scaup, I :52, 205-6, 223. lesser, 1 :206-7. sea, 1:177, 182, 201-23 2:41, 44. shoveler, 1:182, 188, 194, 196-97. skunk, I :216. spirit, 1:212. stiff-tailed, 1:177. summer, I :200. velvet, 1:223. wood, 1:13, 36, 43, 56, 177, 182, 199-201; 2:17, 18, 21, 26, 27, 35, 55, 58, 59, 543- Duckling, 1:55. Dumetella carolinensis, 2:473. Dunghunters, 1:113. , Dunlin, 1:18, 314-15, 316, 318. Dutcher, William, acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1:79, 102, 108, 110, III, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 133, 136, 138, 139, 149, 150, 156, 157, 158, 164, 169, 174, 211, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 235, 237, 238, 243, 245, 257, 258, 260, 262, 267, 271, 277, 283, 284, 290, 292, 293, 295, 296, 305, 306, 309, 313, 316, 319, 321, 322, 329, 335, 338, 339, 342, 345, 347, 355, 356, 360, 377; 2:86, 96, 99, IO, III, I19, 201, 287, 334, 381, 424, 445, 502, 513, 536. OF NEW YORK 685 Dwight, Jonathan, acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1:122, 125, 127; 2:111, 197, 206, 513, 516. Eagle, 1:43; 2:66. bald, 1:11, 37, 44; 2:17, 19, 40, 91-94; figure of nest and eggs, 2:93. golden, 1:16; 2:go. northern bald, 2:94. Earl, cited, 2:300. Eaton, Elon Howard, cited, 1:79, 257, 521; 2:90, 215. Economic value of birds, 2:46-51. Ectopistes carolinensis, 1 :386. migratorius, I :381-86. Edson, John M., cited, 1:78. Egret, American, I :17, 256-57. Egretta candidissima, 1 :257-58. ruficollis, 1:258. egretta, Ardea, 1:256. Herodias, 1 :256-57. Eider, American, 1:16, 218-19, 220. king, 1:16, 219, 220-21. Elanoides forficatus, 2:67-70; figure, 2:68. elegans, Rallus, 1 :271-72. Elliot, cited, 1:123; 2:254. Emberiza americana, 2:334. bairdii, 2 :290. canadensis, 2 :306. ciris, 22332. henslowil, 2 :293. leconteii, 2:295. leucophrys, 2:301. lincolni, 2:318. nivalis, 2:281. passerina, 2:291. pusilla, 2:310. savanna, 2:288. socialis, 2:308. Embody, G. C., cited, 1:79. Empidonax flaviventris, 2:193. minimus, 2:199. 686 Empidonax trailli alnorum, 2:196. virescens, 2 :194. Enemies of birds, 2:12. enucleator, Corythus, 2:255. leucura, Pinicola, 2:255. Ereunetes mauri, I :318-19. occidentalis, 1:318; figure of bill, 1:318. pusillus, 1:317-18; figure of bill, 1:318. Erismatura jamaicensis, 1 :225-26. rubida, 1 :225. Erismaturinae, 1:177, 2206. Erolia ferruginea, 1 :316; figure, 1 :317. erythrocephala, Fuligula, 1:202. erythrocephalus, Melanerpes, 2 :154. Picus, 22154. erythrogastra, Hirundo, 2:346. erythromelas, Piranga, 2:337. erythrophthalma, Fringilla, 2:323. erythrophthalmus, Coccyzus, 2 :134-35. Cuculus, 2:134. erythrophthalmus, Pipilo, 2 :323. erythrorhynchos, Pelecanus, 1:172-74. Erythrospiza purpurea, 2:262. Euphagus carolinus, 2 :243. European species, 1:18. Evans, cited, 2:336. exilipes, Aegicthus, 2 :270. exilis, Ardea, 1:250. Ardetta, 1 :250. Ixobrychus, 1 :250-53. Explanation of plates, 1:391-474; 2:545- 672. Falco anatum, 2:98. atricapillus, 2:78. borealis, 2:81. carolinensis, 2:106. chrysaetos, 2:90. columbarius columbarius, 2:101-3. cooperi, 2:77. forficatus, 2:67. gyrfalco, 2:96. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Falco hudsonius, 2:70. islandus, 2:95, 96. leucocephalus, 2:91. lineatus, 2:83. obsoletus, 2:97. peregrinus anatum, 2:98-101. rusticolus gyrfalco, 2:96-97. obsoletus, 2:97. rusticolus, 2:95. s. johannis, 2:88. sparverius sparverius, 2:103-5. velox, 2:74. Falcon, 2:66, 94-105. Falcones, 2:66. Falconidae, 2 :94-105. Falconiiformes, 1:89, go. familiaris americana, Certhia, 2 :492. fedoa, Limosa, 1 :320-21. Scolopax, I :320. ‘ferruginea, Erolia, 1 :316, 317. Tringa, 1:316. ferrugineus, Quiscalus, 2 :243. Finch, 1:54; 2:40, 41, 50, 251. grass, 2 :286. green, 1:18; 2:257. pine, 2:278. purple, 1:12, 39, 46, 62, 63, 64, 68; 2:9, 17, 23, 262. Fish, 1:55. destruction, 2:44. Fish-hawk, 1 :130. Fisher, A. K., acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1:79, 245, 256; 2:61, 71, 75, 93, I10, 128, 195, 253, 254, 274, 279, 299, 364. Flahive, cited, 1:309; 2:99. flammea, Strix, 2:113. flammeus, Asio, 2:113-15. flavifrons, Lanivireo, 2:371. Vireo, 2:371. flavipes, Scolopax, 1 :325. Totanus, 1 :325-26. flavirostris, Phaéthon, 1 :166. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK flaviventris, Empidonax, 2 :193. Muscicapa, 2:193. Tyrannula, 2:193. Fleming, J. H., cited, 1:103, 108, 109, 215, 239, 385; 2:543. Flicker, 1:44, 51, 54, 60, 62, 63, 64, 72, 276; 2:18, 23, 26, 28, 42, 50, 54, 55, 140, 160. northerfl, 1:12, 38; 2:21, 1583, figure, 2:150. Florida caerulea, 1 :259-62; figures, 1 :260, 261. Fly-up-the-creek, 1:263. Flycatcher, 1:50, 68; 2:14, 38, 41, 46. Acadian, 2:181, 194. alder, 1:11, 14, 38, 45, 62, 64; 2:16, 20, 26, 181, 196; breeding range, 1:20; figure of nest and eggs, 2:198. American, 2:180. crested, 1:13, 38, 44, 62, 63, 64, 72; 2307, 18, 21,26, 26; 27, 28, 31; 54). 555 181, 185. green-crested, 1:14, 38; 2:17, 21, 195; breeding range, 1:21. least, 1:13, 38, 45, 60, 62, 63, 64; 2:17, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 181, 199. olive-sided, 1:14, 38, 45; 2:17, 22, 181, 189; breeding range, 1:21. yellow-bellied, 1:14, 38, 45, 64; 2:16, 22, 181, 193; breeding range, 1:21. Food of birds, 2:38-41, 46-50. Forbush, E. H., cited, 2:55, 59. Forests, bird communities, 2:21, 22; birds of typical deciduous forest, 2:27-29; effect of timber cutting on bird life, 2332-34. forficatus, Elanoides, 2 :67-70. Falco, 2:67. formosa, Sylvia, 2:445. Sylvicola, 2:445. formosus, Oporornis, 2:445. forsteri, Sterna, I :142-43. 687 fortis, Agelaius phoeniceus, 2 :233. Foster, L. S., cited, 1:219, 282. Fowler, Gilbert, cited, 1:77, 149, 189, 238, 384. Fratercula arctica, 1:105-6. Frazar, cited, 2:8. Fregata aquila, 1:176; figure, 1:175. Fregatidae, 1 :175. Frigate-birds, 1 :166. Fringilla albicollis, 2:304. coelebs, 2:256. erythrophthalma, 2:323. gambelii, 2:303. georgiana, 2:319. graminea, 2:285. grammaca, 2:300. hyemalis, 2:311. iliaca, 2 :321. lapponica, 2:283. leucophrys, 2:301. linaria, 2:271. lincolnii, 2:318. maritima, 2 :299. melodia, 2:315. monticola, 2:306. oryzivora, 2:222. passerina, 2:308. pennsylvanica, 2 :304. pinus, 2:278. purpurea, 2:262. pusilla, 2:310. rubra, 2:339. savanna, 2 :288. tristis, 2:276. vespertina, 2:252. Fringillidae, 1:46; 2:251. Frogs, destruction, 2:44. Frost bird, 1 :348. Frugivorous species, 2:40. Fruit, cultivated, injury to, 2:42. seed, distributing, 2:50. Fuertes, L. A., cited, 1:243; 2:99, 254. 688 Fulica americana, 1 :286-88. martinica, 1 :283. noveboracensis, 1 :280. fulicaria, Tringa, 1:289. fulicarius, Cymophilus, 1 :289. Phalaropus, 1 :289-9o. Fuligula affinis, 1 :206. albeola, 1:211. americana, 1:202, 221. clangula, 1 :208. erythrocephala, 1 :202. fusca, I :222. glacialis, 1 :213. histrionicus, I :214. labradoria, 1:216. marila, 1 :205. minor, I :206. molissima, 1 :218. perspicillata, 1:224. rubida, 1:225. rufitorques, I :207. spectabilis, 1 :220. vallisneria, 1 :203. Fuligulinae, 1:177, 201-2. Fuller, cited, 1:384. Fulmar, 1 :154. tropical, 1:76. Fulmarinae, 1:154. Fulmarus glacialis, 1:154. fulva, Hirundo, 2:345. funerea, Surnia, 2:127. funerea richardsoni, Cryptoglaux, 2:117-18. furcatus, Nauclerus, 2:67. fusca, Dendroica, 2 :420. Fuligula, 1:222. Motacilla, 2:420. Muscicapa, 2:187. fuscata, Sterna, 1 :149. fuscescens, Turdus, 2:519. fuscescens fuscescens, Hylocichla, 2:519. ° salicicola, Hylocichla, 2:521. fuscicollis, Pisobia, 1:311, 312. Tringa, 1:311. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM fuscus, Astur, 2:74. Pelecanus, I :174. Fute, 1:341. Gadwall, 1:15, 187-89. galbula, Coracias, 2:238. Icterus, 2:238. galeata, Crex, 1:284. Gallinula, 1 :284-86. Galliformes, 1:89, 90, 360. Gallinaceous birds, 1 :360. Gallinae, 1:89, 90, 176, 360. Gallinago delicata, 1 :300-3. Gallinula galeata, 1 :284-86. Gallinule, 1:57, 62, 65, 40. American, 1:285. Florida, 1:14, 36, 64, 284-86; 2:15, 19, 24. purple, 1:17, 283-84. gallopavo, Meleagris, 1 :379. gallopavo silvestris, Meleagris, 1 :379-80. gambeli, Anser, 1 :229. gambelii, Fringilla, 2 :303. Game, destruction, 2:43. Gannet, 1:16, 167-68, 169; 2:44. Garden and shrubbery community, 2:23. Garrett, cited, 2:111. Garrot, 1:209. garrula, Bombycilla, 2 :355. Garrulus canadensis, 2:210. cristatus, 2:208. garrulus, Lanius, 2 355. Gavia alba, 1 :120. arctica, I :102-3. immer, I :99-102. stellata, 1 :103-4. Gaviidae, I :98-99. Geese, 1:90, 177, 182. Gelochelidon, 1:119. nilotica, I :137-38. georgiana, Fringilla, 2:3109. Melospiza, 2:319. 270-71; 2:24, INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Geothlypis trichas trichas, 2 :452. Gilbert, John, cited, 1:282; 2:110, 513. Gillett, Dana C., cited, 2:66. gilva, Muscicapa, 2:370. gilva gilva, Vireosylva, 2 :370. gilvus, Vireo, 2:370. Giraud, J. P., cited, 1:75, 111, 137, 142, 189, 259, 290, 293; 2:68. glacialis, Colymbus, 1 :99. Fuligula, 1 :213. Fulmarus, 1:154. Procellaria, 1:154. Glaucionetta clangula americana, 1 :208. islandica, I :210. glaucogastra, Branta, 1 :233. glaucus, Larus, 1:122. Gleason, cited, 1 :384. Gnatcatcher, 1:32. blue-gray, 1:14, 41; 2:512. Goatsuckers, 2:6, 38, 163. Godwit, Hudsonian, 1:15, 321-22. marbled, 1:15, 320-21, 322. Golden-eye, 2:17, 19. American, 1:12, 36, 208-10. barrow, 1:16, 210-11; figure, 211. Goldfinch, 1:55, 62, 63; 2:10, 16, 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 56, 276. 7g American, I:11, 39, 46, 64. European, 1:12; 2:280. Goosander, 1:178. Goose, 2:40, 42, 45, 49. American white-fronted, 1 :229-30. barnacle, 1:18, 235-36; figure, 1 :235. blue, 1:15, 226, 228-29, 230. blue snow, 1 :229.' blue wavy, 1 :229. blue-winged, 1 :229. Canada, 1:17, 230-32, 233, 234. ember, 1:99, 100. - greater snow, 1:15, 226, 227-28. Hutchins, 1:15, 232-33. lesser snow, 1:18, 226-27. 44 689 Goose, mud, 1 :233. Solan, 1:169. white-fronted, 1:15. white-headed, 1 :229. wild, 1:231; 2:40. Goshawk, 1:37, 43, 53, 363, 364, 3733 2:17, 22, 43, 51, 62, 77, 78-80, 82. American, 1:12. Grackle, 1:65; 2:14, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 51. bronzed, 1:13, 39, 46, 62, 63, 643; 2:10, 17, 22, 20, 44, 52, 246. purple, 1:14, 39; 2:17, 22, 52, 245. Gracula quiscula, 2:245. Grain, destruction, 2:41-42. graminea, Fringilla, 2:285. gramineus gramineus, Pooecetes, 2:285. grammaca, Fringilla, 2 :300. grammacus grammacus, Chondestes, 2 :300. Granivorous species, 2:40. Grassfinch, I :63. gravis, Procellaria, 1:156. Puffinus, 1:156-57. Great-head, 1 :209. Grebe, 1:53, 90, 91-92; 2:13, 40, 41, 44. crested, 1 :75-76. Holboell, 1:16, 92-94. horned, 1:16, 93, 94-96. pied-billed, 1:13, 36, 43, 62, 64, 96-98; 2:15, 19. western, I :92. Green, Morris M., cited, 1:292, 313. Green-back, 1 :348. Greenland dove, 1:111. Gregg, William H., cited, 1:79, 218. Grey-back, I :307. Grinnell, cited, 1:153, 282. grisea, Procellaria, 1 :158. Scolopax, 1 :303. Tanagra, 2:375. griseus, Macrorhamphus, 1 :303-5. Puffinus, 1 :158-59. 690 griseus griseus, Vireo, 2:375. scolopaceus, Macrorhamphus, 1 :304. Grosbeak, blue, 1:17; 2:329. evening, 1:16; 2:252. pine, 1:16; 2:10, 255. rose-breasted, 1:13, 39, 46, 62, 643 2:17, 21, 27, 28, 29, 327. Grouse, 1:51, 53, 50, 57, 299, 364; 2:10, 15, 40, 4I. black, 1:377. Canada, 1:13, 37, 71, 365-66; 2:22. Canadian ruffed, 1:13, 37, 42, 307, 373-74. cock, 1:55. pinnated, 1 :376. red, 1:364. ruffed, I:11, 37, 50, 63, 364, 366-73; 2:10, 15, 21, 26, 28, 20, 31, 34, 58, 59; figures, 1:368, 372; figure of nest and eggs, 1:370. spotted, 1:365. _ spruce, 1:35, 365-66. Grues, 1 :267. Gruidae, 1 :267-68. Gruiformes, 1:89, 90, 267. Grus americana, 1 :268, 269. mexicana, I :269. grylle, Alca, 1:106. : Cepphus, 1 :106. Uria, 1:106. Guara alba, 1 :242; figure, 1 :241. guarauna, Plegadis, 1 :243-44; 2:542. Scolopax, 1 :243. Guelf, George F., cited, 2:80. Guillemot, 1:105. black, 1:18, 106. mandt, I :106-7. thick-billed, 1:107. Guiraca caerulea caerulea, 2 :329. Gull, 1:90, 119-20; 2:13, 39, 40. Arctic hawk, 1 :116. black-headed, 1 :133. black-toed, 1:116. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Gull, Bonaparte, 1:16, 62, 119, 121, 131, 134-35. glaucous, 1:16, 122-23, 126. great black-backed, 1:16, 119, 125-26. herring, I :12, 36, 43, 62, 127-30, 131, 132, 135; 2:11, 15, 19. Pl on Hutchins, 1:76. ice, 1:123. Iceland, 1:16, 123-24, 127. ivory, 1:18, 120. Kumlien, 1:16, 124-25, 127, 128. laughing, 1:14, 36, 132-34; 2:19. little, 1:18, 135-36. ring-billed, 1:16, 62, 127, 128, 130-32; 2:11. Sabine, 1:15, 119, 136-37. white-winged, 1 :123. winter, 1 :129. guttata pallasi, Hylocichla, 2:526. gyrfalco, Falco, 2:96. Gyrfalcon, 1:16, 53; 2:51, 96-97. black, 1:16; 2:97. gray, 2:95. white, 1:18; 2:95. es Habitats, 2:13-15. haemastica, Limosa, 1 :321-22. Scolopax, 1 :321. Haematopodidae, 1 :358. Haematopus palliatus, 1:359-60; figure, 1: 359. Hagdon, black, 1 :159. Haight, Griffin, cited, 2:68. Hairy-head, 1:18. Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus, 2:94. leucocephalus leucocephalus, 2:91-94. Haliaetos leucocephalus, 2:91. haliaetus, Pandion, 106. haliaetus carolinensis, Pandion, 2:106-8. Hand-rail, 1 :283. Hardy, Gustavus S., cited, 1:330, 2:102. Harelda hyemalis, 1 :213-14. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Harrier, 2:66. hasitata, Aestrelata, 1 :160. Procellaria, 1 :160. Hawk, 1:43, 50, 51, 53, 68, 70, 90; 2:32, 39, 43, 51, 52, 62, 66; food 2:62; bene- ficial species, 2:43, 51, 62; injurious species, 2:43, 51, 62. American rough-legged, 1:16. American sparrow, 1:12, 64. broad-winged, 1:13, 37, 43, 62, 64; 2:17, 21, 22, 45, 62, 86-88. bullet, 2:102. Cooper, 1:12, 37, 43, 303, 364, 373; 2:17, 21, 26, 43, 51, 62, 77-78, 82. duck, 025g, 37) 43, 535 20, U5. 12; 4B, 51, 52, 62, 98-ror. fish, 2:17, 18, 40, 44, 105, 106-8. goshawk, 1:37, 43; 2:17, 22, 43, 51, 62, 77, 78-80, 82. hen, 2:82. marsh, 1:12, 37, 64; 2:15, 20, 24, 26, 27, 43, 44, 52, 62, 66, 70-73. night, 1:13, 64. pigeon, 1:14, 37, 43, 64; 2:43, 51, 62, 75, 101-3. red-shouldered, 1:12, 37, 43; 2:17, 21, 26, 40, 45, 51, 62, 83-85; figure of nest and eggs, 2:84. red-tailed, 1:12, 37, 43, 62, 63, 68; 2:17, 21, 26, 31, 43, 51, 52, 62, 81-83. rough-legged, 2:11, 51, 61, 62, 88-89. sharp-shinned, 1:12, 37, 43, 53, 62, 64, 464% ae, 17, 22, 26, 32, 43, $1, 62, 74-77, 260; figure of nest and eggs, 2:76. snake, 2:67. sparrow, 1:37, 43; 2:17, 21, 26, 39, 44, 55, 62, 103-5, 260. Swainson, 1:18, 2:85-86; figure, 2:85. true, 2:66, 67. Hawley, G., cited, 1:382. Heart-bird, 1 :358. 691 Heath hen, 1:12, 299, 376-77; figure, 1 :376. Hell-divers, 1:92, 95, 96. Helme, Arthur H., cited, 1:284; 2:95, 119, 195, 207, 300. Helmitheros vermivorus, 2 :382. Helodromas ochropus, 1 :327. solitarius, I :326-28. helvetica, Squatarola, 1 :345. Hemipalma himantopus, 1 :306. Hemipodes, 1 :289. Hen bill, 1 :288. Hendrickson, cited, 2:285. ’ Hens, 1:90. Henshaw, H. W., cited, 1:313. henslowi, Emberiza, 2 :293. henslowi henslowi, Passerherbulus, 2:293. Herodias egretta, I :256-57. herodias, Ardea, 1 :253-56. Herodiones, 1:89, 90, 240. Heron, 1:50, 53, 90, 182, 240, 245-46; 2:8, 14, 39, 40, 44. black-crowned night, 1:13, 36, 264-65; 2317, 21. great blue, 1:13, 36, 43, 253-56, 269; 2:17, 21, 26, 27, 44, 45, 52, 69; figure of nest and eggs, 1:255. green, 1:13, 36, 63, 262-64; 2:17, 20, 26; figure of nest and eggs, 1:263; figure of young, I :264. little blue, 1:17, 259-62; figures, 1 :260, 261. . Louisiana, 1:17, 258-59; figure, 1 :259. snowy, 1:14, 257-58, 259. white, 1:256. yellow-crowned night, figure, 1 :266. Hesperiphona vespertina vespertina, 2:252. Heteropoda semipalmata, 1 :317. Hickory-head, 1 :226. hiemalis, Troglodytes, 2:485,. hiemalis hiemalis, Nannus, 2:485. Higgins, cited, 2:111, 152. 1:17, 266-67; 692 High hole, 2:160. High holder, 2:160. Highlands, Hudson, list of birds of, 1:77. Himantopodidae, 1 :295. Himantopus mexicanus, 1:295-96; figure, 1 :290. nigricollis, 1 :295. himantopus, Hemipalma, 1 :306. Micropalama, 1 :306-7. Tringa, 1 :306. hirsutus, Picus, 2:146. Hirundinidae, 2:340. Hirundo bicolor, 2 :349. erythrogaster, 2:346. erythrogastra, 2 :346. fulva, 2:345. lunifrons, 2:345. pelagica, 2:171. purpurea, 2:342. riparia, 2:350. rufa, 2:346. serripennis, 2:352. subis, 2:342. hirundo, Sterna, 1 :143-45. histrionica, Anas, I :214. Histrionicus histrionicus, 1 :214-16. histrionicus, Fuligula, 1:214. Hix, cited, 2:389. Hoffman, cited, 2:528. holboelli, Acanthis, 2:272. Linaria, 2:273. > holboellii, Colymbus, 1 :92-94. Podiceps, 1 :92. Holopodius wilsoni, 1 :292. Hopkins, William, cited, 1:243, 256, 290; 2:270. hornemanni exilipes, Acanthis, 2:270. Hough, cited, 1:237. Howell, cited, 2:111, 195. Howell, G. W., acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1 :293. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM hoyti, Otocoris alpestris, 2:206. Hudson Highlands, list of birds of, by Edgar A. Mearns, 1:77. Hudsonian zone, 1:19. hudsonica, Limosa, 1 :321. hudsonicus, Numenius, 1 :339-40. -hudsonicus littoralis, Parus, 2:506. Penthestes, 2:506. hudsonius, Circus, 2:70-73. Corvus, 2:207. Falco, 2:70. Humidity, effect on bird life, 2:6. Hummers, 2:163. Hummingbird, 1:44, 56, 64, 72; 2:174, 176, 177, 178. ruby-throated, 1:13, 38, 63; 2:17, 21, 26, 175; figures of nest and eggs, 2:176, 177, 178. hutchinsii, Anser, 1 :232. Larus, I:122, 123. Hydranassa tricolor ruficollis, figure, 1 :259. Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 1 :149- 52; figure, I:151. Hydroka carolinensis, 1:96. hyemalis, Anas, 1 :213. Buteo, 2:83. Clangula, 1 :213. Fringilla, 2:311. Harelda, 1 :213-14. Struthus, 2:311. Troglodytes, 2:485. hyemalis carolinensis, Junco, 2 :314. hyemalis, Junco, 2:311. Hylocichla aliciae aliciae, 2:521. bicknelli, 2 :522. fuscescens fuscescens, 2:519. salicicola, 2:521. guttata pallasi, 2:526. mustelina, 2:516. ustulata swainsoni, 2:524. 1:258-59; INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK hyperborea, Chen, 1 :226. hyperborea, Chen, 1 :226-27. nivalis, Chen, I :227-28. hyperboreus, Anser, 1 :226, 227. Larus, I :119, 122-23, 124, 127. Lobipes, I :291. hypogaea, Strix, 2:128. Ibididae, 1 :240. Ibis, 1 :240. glossy, 1:17, 242-43; figure, 1 :243. white, 1:17, 242; figure, I :241. white-faced glossy, 1:17, 234-44; 2:542; figure, 1:244. wood, 1:17, 244-45; figure, 1:245. Ibis alba, 1 :242. mexicanus, I :242. Ice, effect on bird life, 2:7. Ice bird, I :111. Icteria virens virens, 2:455. viridis, 2:455. Icteridae, 2:49, 221. icterocephala, Sylvicola, 2:413. Icterus baltimore, 2:238. bullocki, 2:242. galbula, 2 :238. phoeniceus, 2:230. spurius, 2 :236. xanthocephalus, 2 :229. iliaca, Fringilla, 2:321. iliaca, Passerella, 2:321. imber, Urinator, 1:99. immer, Colymbus, 1:99. Gavia, I :99-102. Indigo bird, 1:13, 46, 63; 2:16, 25, 28, 20, 31, 60, 330. Ingersoll, Ernest, cited, 2:511. Injury done by birds, 2:41-46. Insectivorous species, 2:38; destruction of, BAe Insects, destruction, 2 :46-48 ; beneficial, de- struction, 2:45. 693 interpres, Strepsilas, 1:357. Tringa, 1 :357. interpres morinella, Arenaria, 1 :357-58. intrepidus, Tyrannus, 2:182. Ionornis martinica, 1 :283-84. Iridoprocne bicolor, 2:349. islandica, Anas, I :210. Clangula, 1 :210-11. Glaucionetta, I :2I0. islandus, Falco, 2:95. Ixobrychus exilis, 1:250-53; figure, 1:251. neoxenus, 1:253, 2:542. Ixoreus naevius, naevius, 27534. Jaeger, 1:113; 2:39, 40. Arctic, 1:118. buffon, 1:118. long-tailed, 1:15, 117-19. parasitic, 1:15, 76, 116-17, 118. pomarine, 1:15, 114-16. Richardson, 1 :116. jamaicensis, Anas, I :225. Creciscus, I :281-82. Erismatura, 1 :225-26. Porzana, 1 :281. Rallus, 1:281. Jay, 1:51, 53, 545 2:39, 40, 41, 206. blue, 1:11, 38, 42, 45, 63, 64, 68; 2:17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 44, 52, 207, 208; figure of nest and eggs, 2 :209. Canada, 1:13, 35, 38, 45; 2:22, 210. yellow, 2:160. Johnson, cited, 1:126, 385; 2:110, 117, 300. Judd, cited, 1:385, 386. Judd, Sylvester D., cited, 2:251, 340, 366. Junco, 1:12, 39, 46, 47, 62, 64, 65; 2:6, 14, 15,‘16, 31, 49, 57; breeding range, 1:23. ¥ Carolina, 1:14; 2:314. slate-colored, 237i, Junco hyemalis carolinensis, 2:314. hyemalis, 2:311. 694 Kennard, cited, 2:59, 267. Kibbe, A. E., cited, 2:99, 111. Kicker, 1 :282. Killdeer, 1:13, 37, 51, 63, 348-52; 2:15, 20, 25, 26; figure, 1:349; figure of nest and eggs, 1:351. King, cited, 2 :480. Kingbird, 1:13, 38, 44, 53, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72; 2:12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 41, 47, 181, 182, 186; figure, 2:182. Arkansas, 1:18; 2:184. gray, 1:17; 2:184. Kingfisher, 1:44, 62, 63, 68, 90, 130, 263; 2:8, 15, 40, 41, 44, 45, 52, 130, 1353 figure, 2:138. belted, 1:12, 38, 64; 2:20, 26, 136. Kinglet, 2:12, 14, 38, 46, 48, 508. golden-crowned, 1:12, 41, 49, 63; 2:17, 22, 508. ruby-crowned, 1:16, 41, 49, 50, 63, 64; 2: 510. Kirkover, cited, 1:243. Kite, 2:66. swallow-tailed, 1:17; 2:67-70; figure, 2: 68. Kittiwake, 1:16, 121-22, 134. Knight, cited, 2:99. Knot, 1:15, 307-8. Kobbe, cited, 1 :322. Kreeker, 1 :310. Krieker, 1:310. kumlieni, Larus, I :124-25. labradoria, Anas, 1:216. Fuligula, 1 :216. labradorius, Camptolaimus, 1 :216. Camptorhynchus, 1:216-18. , La Dow, cited, 2:458. Lagopus lagopus, 1:375-76; figures, 1 :374, 375: lagopus, Tetrao, 1:375. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lagopus sancti-johannis, Archibuteo, 2:88- 89. Lake ravines, central, birds of, 2:29-32. Lake shore communities, 2:19. Lamellirostral swimmers, 1:176-77. Langdon, cited, 1:170. Langille, J. H., cited, 1:78, 293; 2:99, 487. Laniidae, 2 :358. Lanius borealis, 2 :358. dominicensis, 2 :184. garrulus, 2:355. ludovicianus migrans, 2:362; figure, 2: 303. septentrionalis, 2:358. tyrannus, 2 :182. Lanivireo flavifrons, 2:371. solitarius plumbeus, 2:375. solitarius, 2:373. lapponica, Fringilla, 2 :283. lapponicus, Plectrophanes, 2 :283. lapponicus lapponicus, Calcarius, 2:283. Lapwing, 1:18, 344-45; figure, 1:344. Laridae, 1 :119-20. Lariformes, 1:89, 90, 112. Lark, 2:38, 40, 43, 200. horned, 1:16, 63; 2:25, 202. Hoyt horned, 1:18; 2:206. Meadow, 1:12, 39, 46, 51, 53, 55, 62, 63, 64, 653 2:7, 15, 20, 25, 26, 37, 38, 49, 233; figure of nest and eggs, 2:235. prairie horned, 1:11, 12, 38, 45, 62, 69; 2:15, 20, 26, 21, 37, 49, 202, 203; figure of nest and eggs, 2:205. Larus albus, 1:120. arcticus, I :122. argentatus, I :127-30. smithsonianus, 1 :127. atricilla, I 7132-34. bonapartii, 1:134. delawarensis, I :130-132. glaucus, 1:122. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Larus hutchinsii, 1:122, 123. hyperboreus, 1:119, 122-24, 127. kumlieni, 1:124-25. leucopterus, I :123-24, 125. marinus, I:I19, 125-26. minutus, 1:135-36; figure, 1:136. parasiticus, 1:116. philadelphia, 1 :134-35. pomarinus, I:114. sabinii, 1 :136. tridactylus, I :121. zonorhynchus, I :130. Lauderdale, W. E., cited, 2:124. Lawrence, cited, 2:96, 117, 253, 330, 424, 530. Lawrence, George N., cited, 1:76, 103, III, 141, 160, 236, 330. Lawrence, N. T., cited, 1:115, 116, 143, 153, 189, 260, 291, 293, 306, 309, 312, 335, 338, 342, 356; 2:513. Lawrence, R. B., cited, 1:111, 282, 290, 292, 360. Lawrence, Robert, cited, 2:65. lawrenci, Vermivora, 2:388. Laws relating to birds, status, 2:51-52. Lawyer, ‘I :296. leachi, Thalassidroma, 1 :163. Lead-back, 1:318. LeBerier, cited, 2:66, 68, 97, 513. lecontei, Passerherbulus, 2:295. leconteii, Emberiza, 2:295. ‘Lee, cited, 1 :169. lentiginosa, Ardea, 1 :246. lentiginosus, Botaurus, 1 :246-50. Lestris buffoni, 1:117, 119. parasiticus, 1:76, 118. pomarinus, 1 :114. richardsoni, 1:76, 116, 119. leuce, Ardea, 1:256. leucobronchialis, Vermivora, 2 :389. leucocephalus, Falco, 2:91. Haliaetos, 2:91. 695 leucocephalus alascanus, Haliaeetus, 2:94. leucocephalus, Haliaeetus, 2:91-94. leucogaster, Peiecanus, 1 :168. Sula, 1 :168-69. leucophaea, Calidris, 1:319-20. leucophrys, Emberiza, 2:301. Fringilla, 2:301. leucophrys gambel, Zonotrichia, 2:303. gambeli, Zonotrichia, 2:303. leucophrys, Zonotrichia, 2:301. leucopsis, Anas, 1 :235. Branta, I :235-36. leucoptera, Loxia, 2:268. leucopterus, Larus, 1:119, 123-24, 125. leucorhoa, Motacilla, 2:535. Oceanodroma, 1 :163-64. Procellaria, 1 :163. leucura, Loxia, 2:255. Lewis county birds, 1:77. Iherminieri, Puffinus, 1:158. Lice, attacks of, on birds, 1:56. Life zones of New York State, 1 :19-24. Light, effect on bird life, 2:6. Ligurineus chloris, 2:257. Limicolae, 1:89, 90, 112, 288-89. Limosa fedoa, I :320-21. haemastica, I :321-22. hudsonica, 1 :321. scolopacea, I :305. Linaria borealis, 2:270. holboelli, 2:273. minor, 2:271. linaria, Fringilla, 2:271. linaria holboelli, Acanthis, 2:273. linaria, Acanthis, 2:271, 272. rostrata, Acanthis, 2:272, 274. lincolni, Emberiza, 2:318. lincolni lincolni, Melospiza, 2:318. lincolnii, Fringilla, 2:318. Linden, Charles, cited, 1:230; 2:66. lineatus, Falco, 2:83. lineatus lineatus, Buteo, 2:83-85. 696 Linnet, European, 1:18; 2:275. Linnett, cited, 1:221. Lintner, cited, 2:99. Little blue corporal, 2:102. Little peep, 1:313. lobata, Tringa, 1 :291. lobatus, Lobipes, 1:2g1-92. Phalaropus, 1 :291. Lobipes hyperboreus, 1:291. lobatus, 1 :291-92. Local lists, 1:75-80. loculator, Tantalus, 1:244. lomvia, Alca, 1:107. Uria, 1:107-8. Long Island, birds of, by J. P. Giraud jr, 1:75; by William C. Braislin, 1:80; by William Dutcher, 1:79. longicauda, Bartramia, I :331-34. Tringa, 1 :331. longicaudus, Stercorarius, 1:117-19. Longipennes, 1:89, 90, 112. longirostris, Numenius, 1 :338. Longshanks, 1 :296. Longspur, 1:56; 2:8. chestnut-collared, 1:18; 2:284. Lapland, 1:16; 2:283. Loon, 1:12, 36, 62, 64, 90, 98-99; 2:13, 15, 19, 40, 44. big, 1 :100. black-throated, 1:18, 99, 102-3. common, I :99-102, 104. red-throated, 1':16, 99, 100, 103-4. sprat, I :103. Lophodytes cucullatus, 1:181-82. Lower Austral zone, 1:19. Loxia americana, 2:265. caerulea, 2:329. cardinalis, 2:325. curvirostra minor, 2:265. leucoptera, 2:268. leucura, 2:255. ludoviciana, 2 :327. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ludoviciana, Ardea, 1:258. Loxia, 2 :327. Piranga, 2:337. Sturnella, 2:233. Sylvia, 2:479. Tanagra, 2:337. Zamelodia, 2 :327. ludovicianus, Anthus, 2:469. Coccoborus, 2:327. Troglodytes, 2:479. ludovicianus ludovicianus, 2 :479. migrans, Lanius, 2 :362. lumme, Urinator, 1 :103. lunifrons, Hirundo, 2 :345. lunifrons lunifrons, Petrochelidon, 2:345. Lyrurus tetrix, 1 :377. Thryothorus, Macaw, 2:129-30. Mcllwraith, cited, 1:335. Mackay, cited, 1:308, 348. Macrochires, 1:89, 90; 2:163. Macrorhamphus griseus, 1:303-5; figure, I 2304. scolopaceus, I :305-6; figure, I :304. macroura, Zenaidura, 1 :386. carolinensis, Zenaidura, 1 :386-88. macularia, Actitis, I :335-38. Totanus, I :335. Tringa, 1:335. maculata, Actodromas, 1 :31T. Pisobia, I :309-10, 312. Tringa, 1 :309. maculosa, Sylvicola, 2:408. Madison county, birds Charles Embody, 1:79. magna, Alauda, 2:233. magna magna, Sturnella, 2 :233. magnolia, Dendroica, 2:408. Sylvia, 2:408. Magpie, 1:76; 2:206, 207. major, Puffinus, 1:156, 159. of, by George INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Mallard, 1:15, 36, 183-85, 187, 193, 199; 2:15. green-backed, 1:76, 184. Man-o’-war bird, 1:17, 175, 176; figure, 1: ae, mandti, Cepphus, 1 :106-7. Mareca americana, I :190-9I. penelope, 1:189. Marila affinis, 1 :206-7. americana, I :202-3. collaris, I :207-8. marila, 1 :205-6. vallisneria, I :203-5. marila, Anas, 1:205. Aythya, 1:205. Fuligula, 1:205. marila nearctica, Aythya, 1:205. marilandica, Trichas, 2:452. marinus, Larus, 1:119, 125-26. maritima, Arquatella, 1 :308-9. Fringilla, 2:299. Sylvicola, 2:397. Tringa, 1 :308. maritimus, Ammodramus, 2 :299. maritimus maritimus, Passerherbulus, 2: 299.. Marlin, brown, 1 :321. ring-tailed, 1 :322. Marling-spike, 1:116. Marsh birds, 1:50, 55, 267. Marsh hen, salt water, 1 :273. Marshall, cited, 1:342; 2:97, 254. Marshes, effect on bird life, 2:8; draining, effect on bird life, 2:34-35; fresh water, communities, 2:19. Marshland community, 2:24. Marten, 1:55. Martin, 1:56, 65, 68; 2:12, 53-54. purple, 1:13, 39; 2:17, 18, 23, 342. martinica, Fulica, 1 :283. Tonornis, I :283-84. mauri, Ereunetes, 1 :318-19. 697 maxima, Anas, 1 :184. Sterna, 1 :139-40. Maxon, William R., cited, 1:80; 2:190. Maynard, cited, 1:167. Meadow hen, 1 :288. Meadow mice, destruction, 2:51. Meadowland communities, 2:20. Meadowlark, 1:12, 39, 46, 51, 53, 55, 62, 63, 64, 65; 2:7, 15, 20, 25, 26, 37, 38, 49, 233; figure of nest and eggs, 2:235. Mearns, Edgar A., cited, 1:77, 123, 149; 2:90, 110, 337, 487, 493, 499. medianus, Picus (Dendrocopus), 2:142. Megalestris skua, I :113-14. Megapolensis, J., cited, 1:377, 380. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 2:154. melanocorys, Calamospiza, 2:335, 336. melanoleuca, Scolopax, 1 :323. melanoleucus, Totanus, 1 :323-24. Meleagridae, 1:379. Meleagris gallopavo, 1 :379. silvestris, I :379-80. silvestris, 1:379. meloda, Aegialitis, 1 :354-55. melodia, Fringilla, 2:315. melodia melodia, Melospiza, 2:315. melodus, Charadrius, 1 :354. Melospiza georgiana, 2:319. lincolni lincolni, 2:318. melodia melodia, 2:315. Merganser, 1:177; 2:40. American, 1:12, 36, 43, 177-79; 2:17, 20, 44. hooded, 1:13, 36, 181-82, 212; 2:17, 20, 44. red-breasted, 1:12, 36, 43, 62, 178, 179- 80; 2:20, 44. : Merganser americanus, 1 :177. serrator, I :1709. merganser, Mergus, 1 :177. Merginae, 1:177. 698 Mergulus alle, 1:111. Mergus americanus, 1 :177-79. cucullatus, 1:181. merganser, I :177. serrator, I :179-80. Merriam, C. Hart, acknowledgments to, I: 6; cited, 1:19, 34-35, 77, 123, 149, 169, 291, 376; 2:80, 127, 146, 147, 154, 266, 507. Mershon, cited, 1:385, 386. * Merula migratoria, 2:529. mustelina, 2:516. olivacea, 2:524. solitaria, 2:526. wilsoni, 2:519. Mesomyodi, 2 :180. mexicana, Ardea, 1:269. Grus, I :269. mexicanus, Charadrius, 1:295. Himantopus, 1 :295-96. Ibis, 1 :242. Mice, destruction, 2:51. Micropalama himantopus, I :306-7. Micropodidae, 2:169. Migration, 1 :65-72. migratoria, Columba, 1 :381. Merula, 2:529. migratorius, Ectopistes, 1 :381-86. Turdus, 2:529. migratorius migratorius, Planesticus, 2:529. Miller, acknowledgments to, 1:7; cited, 1: 109; 2:117, 197. Miller, DeWitt, cited, 2:197. Miller, Gerritt S., cited, 2:193. Miller, James H., 2:99. Miller, W. D. cited, 2:334. Milvinae, 2:66. Mimidae, 2:470. Mimus polyglottos polyglottos, 2:471. minima, Tyrannula, 2:199. minimus, Empidonax, 2 :199. Mink, 1:55. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM minor, Ardea, 1 :246. Crucirostra, 2:265. Fuligula, 1:206. Linaria, 2:271. Philohela, I :297-300. Rusticola, 1 :297. Scolopax, 1:297. Minot, H. D., cited, 1:77; 2:80, 394. minuta, Sterna, 1 :148. minutilla, Actodromas, 1 :313. Pisobia, I :313-14. Tringa, 1:313, 317. minutus, Larus, I :135-36. mitrata, Wilsonia, 2:458. Mniotilta varia, 2:378. Mniotiltidae, 2:377. Mockingbird, 1:12, 41; 2:471. mollissima, Fuligula, 1 :218. Molothrus ater ater, 2:225. pecoris, 2:225. monticola, Fringilla, 2:306. monticola monticola, Spizella, 2 :306. Moose bird, 2:211. Moran, Daniel E., cited, 1:312. Mormon arcticus, I :105. Motacilla aestiva, 2 :400. aurocapilla, 2:435. caerulea, 2:512. caerulescens, 2:403. calendula, 2:5 10. chrysoptera, 2:386. citrea, 2:381. coronata, 2:406. dominica, 2:423. fusca, 2:420. leucorhoa, 2 :535. noveboracensis, 2:438. palmarum, 2:430. pensylvanica, 2:413. ruticilla, 2:464. sialis, 2:537. tigrina, 2 :397. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Motacilla varia, 2:378. vermivora, 2:382. virens, 2:424. motacilla, Seiurus, 2:441. Turdus, 2:441. Motacillidae, 2 :468. Mother Carey’s chickens, 1:154, 165. Mt Marcy region, 1:42-50; bird life, 2:34. Mowing, effect on bird life, 2:37. Mud hens, 1 :270, 273, 288. little, 1:274. red-billed, 1 :285. white-billed, 1:288. Munsell, cited, 1:174. Murre, 1:107; 2:9. Briinnich, 1:16, 107-8. common, 1:76. Muscicapa canadensis, 2 :462. carolinensis, 2:473. citrina, 2:458. flaviventris, 2 :193. fusca, 2:187. gilva, 2:370. olivacea, 2 :366. phoebe, 2:187. pusilla, 2 :460. ruticilla, 2:464. solitaria, 2:373. striata, 2:418. virens, 2:190. mustelina, Hylocichla, 2:516. Merula, 2:516. Turdus, 2:516. Myadestes townsendi, 2:515. Mycteria americana, 1:244-45; figure, I: 245. Myiarchus crinitus, 2:185. Myiochanes virens, 2:190. naevia, Ardea, 1 :264. naevius naevius, [xoreus, 2:534. Nannus hiemalis hiemalis, 2:485. 699 Nauclerus furcatus, 2:67. nebulosa, Strix, 2:116. Ulula, 2:115. nebulosa nebulosa, Scotiaptex, 2 :116. nelsoni nelsoni, Passerherbulus, 2 :297. subvirgatus, Passerherbulus, 2:298. neoxenus, Ixobrychus, 1:253; 2:542. Nesting sites, 2:15-18; artificial, erection of, 2:36, 52. Netta rufina, I:202. Nettion carolinensis, I :192-93. crecca, 1:191; figure, I :192. New York city, birds of New York city and vicinity, by George N. Lawrence, 1:76; list of birds known to occur within fifty miles of, by Frank M. Chapman, 1:78. Niagara county, birds of, by James L. Davison, 1:78. Niagara frontier, birds, 2:542. Nicholas, G. N., cited, 2:68. Nighthawk, 1:38, 44; 2:14, 15, 18, 20, 163, 167; figure of nest and eggs, 2:168. Nightjars, 2 :163. nigra, Rynchops, 1 :152-53. Sterna, 1:149, 152. nigra surinamensis, Hydrochelidon, 1:149- 52. nigricans, Anser, I :234. Branta, I :234-35. nigricollis, Himantopus, 1 :295. nilotica, Gelochelidon, 1 :137-38. Sterna, 1 :137. nivalis, Anas, I :227. Emberiza, 2 :281. Plectrophanes, 2:28. nivalis nivalis, Plectrophenax, 2:28r1. Noddy, 1:154. noevius, Turdus, 2:534. noevius notabilis, Seiurus, 2:440. Nonpareil, 2:333. Northern species, 1:18. 700 NEW YORK Notebooks, 1:58. noveboracensis, Fulica, 1 :280. Motacilla, 2:438. Ortygometra, 1 :280. Porzana, I :280. Scolopax, 1 :303. Vireo, 2:375. noveboracensis notabilis, Seiurus, 2:440. noveboracensis, Seiurus, 2 :438. Numenius americanus, I :338-39. arquatus, 1 :342-44; figure, I :343. borealis, 1 :341-42. hudsonicus, I :339-40. longirostris, 1 :338. Nuthatch, 2:12, 38, 40, 41, 54, 55, 494. brown-headed, 1:17; 2:501. red-bellied, 1:12, 42, 49. red-breasted, 1:41, 63, 64; 2:17, 18, 22, 499; breeding range, I :30. white-bellied, 1:49. white-breasted, 1:11, 41, 63, 64; 2:17, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 495; figure, 2:497. Nuttall, cited, 2:270. Coturnicops, 1 :280-81. Nuttallornis borealis, 2 :189. Nyctale richardsoni, 2:117. Nyctanassa violacea, 1:266-67; figure, 1 :266. Nyctea nyctea, 2:126-27. nyctea, Strix, 2:126. Surnia, 2:126. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius, I :264-65. violaceus, 1 :266. Oberholzer, acknowledgments to, 1 :7; cited, 2:200. obscura, Anas, I :185. obscura rubripes, Anas, 1 :185. obscurus, Puffinus, 1 :158. Observers, list, 1 :73-74, 80-86. obsoletus, Falco, 2:97. occidentalis, Ereunetes, 1:318. oceanica, Procellaria, 1:164. STATE MUSEUM oceanicus, Oceanites, I :164-65. Oceanites oceanicus, 1 :164-65; figure, I :165. Oceanitinae, I :162. Oceanodroma leucorhoa, 1 :163-64; figure, 1 :163. ochropus, Helodromas, 1 :327. Ochthodromus wilsonius, 1:356-57; figure, 12350. Odontophorinae, 1 :361. oenanthe leucorhoa, Saxicola, 2:535. Oidemia americana, I :221-22. deglandi, 1 :222-23. perspicillata, 1 :224. Old-squaw, 1:16, 213-14, 220. Old wife, 1:214. olivacea, Merula, 2:524. Muscicapa, 2:366. Vireosylva, 2:366. olivaceus, Vireo, 2:366. Olor buccinator, 1 :236, 239-40. columbianus, I :236-39. Oneida county, birds, 2:542; birds of, by Ralph and Bagg, 1:78. Onondaga county, birds of, by Morgan K. Barnum, 1:78. Oporornis agilis, 2:447. formosus, 2:445. philadelphia, 2:448. Orchard community, 2:22. Orchards, pruning, effect on bird life, 2:36. Oriole, 1:46, 63, 68, 70; 2:37, 38, 41, 42, 47, 48, 221. Baltimore, 1:13, 34, 39, 46, 62, 64, 67; 2:9, 17, 22, 26, 238; spring en eaOn, 1:66. Bullock, 1:18; 2:242. orchard, 1:14, 33, 39, 46, 69; 2:17, 21, 23, 236; breeding range, I :22. Oriolus ater, 2:225. caudacutus, 2:2096. phoeniceus, 2:230. ~ spurius, 2 :236. ornata, Plectrophanes, 2:284. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK ornatus, Calcarius, 2:284. Orpheus carolinensis, 2:473. polyglottus, 2:471. rufus, 2:476. Ortolans, 1 :279. Ortygometra carolina, 1:276. noveboracensis, I :280. Ortyx virginiana, 1 :361. oryzivora, Fringilla, 2:222. oryzivorus, Dolichonyx, 2:222. Oscines, 2 :200. Osprey, 1:43; 2:19, 66, 105-8. American, 1:13, 37. ossifragus, Corvus, 2:218. Otocoris alpestris alpestris, 2 :202. hoyti, 2:206. praticola, 2:203. Otocorys alpestris praticola, 2:203. Otus americanus, 2:112. asio asio, 2:120-22. palustris, 2:113. wilsonianus,. 2 :112. Ovenbird, 1:14, 41, 42, 48, 63, 64; 2:15, 25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 435; figure of nest and eggs, 2:436. Owl, 1:43, 50, 51, 53, 90; 2:6, 32, 39, 51; 61, 62, 108-28; food, 2:62; beneficial and injurious species, 2:62. Acadian, 2:119. American barn, 1:12. American hawk, 1:16. American long-eared, I :11, 37. barn, 1:37; 2:18, 62, 10g-11. barred, 1:11, 37, 43; 2:17, 21, 26, 40, 43, 44, 52, 62, 115-16. burrowing, 1:18; 2:128; figure, 2:128. great gray, 1:16; 2:116. great horned, 1:11, 37, 53, 373; 2:17, 21, 26, 31, 40, 43, 51, 62, 123-26; figure of nest and eggs, 2:125. hawk, 2:127. horned, 2:111. long-eared, 2:17, 21, 22, 26, 62, 112-13. 701 Owl, marsh, 2:113. monkey, 2:109. Richardson, 1:16; 2:117-18. saw-whet, 1:12, 37; 2:17, 21, 22, 62, 118-20. screech, I:1I, 37, 62, 367; 2:17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 39, 44, 55, 62, 120-22. short-eared, 1:11, 37; 2:15, 20, 24, 62, 113-15. snowy, 1:16, 53; 2:40, 43, 44, 52, 62, 126-27. Oxeye, 1:313, 318. meadow, I :314, 318. sand, 1:318, 320. Oxyechus vociferus, 1:348-52; figure, 1 :349; figure of nest and eggs, 1:351. Oyster-catcher, 1 :358. American, 1:17, 359-60; figure, I :359. pacifica, Pelidna, 1 :315. Paddy-whack, 1 :226. Pagophila alba, 1 :120. pallasii, Turdus, 2:526. palliatus, Haematopus, 1 :359-60. palmarum, Motacilla, 2 :430. palmarum hypochrysea, Dendroica, 2:431. palmarum, Dendroica, 2:430. Palmer, cited, 1 :330. Paludicolae, 1:89, go, 267. palustris, Ammodramus, 2:319. Certhia, 2:489. Otus, 2:113. Troglodytes, 2:489. palustris palustris, Telmatodytes, 2 :489. Pandion carolinensis, 2 :106. haliaétus carolinensis, 2:106-8. Pandionidae, 2:105-8. paradisaea, Sterna, 1 :146. Parasites preying upon birds, 1:55; 2:13. parasiticus, Larus, 1:116. Lestris, 1:76, 118. Stercorarius, I :116-17. pardalina, Sylvicola, 2:462. 702 Paridae, 2:501. Park, cited, 1:164, 283. Parke, cited, 2:1Io. Parker, Foster, 2:72, 99, 100, Paroquet, 2:129-30. Carolina, 1:12, 22129. Parrot, I :90; 2:129-30. Partridge, 1:367, 377. American, 1 :361. European, 1 :378: Hungarian, 1 :378. spruce, 1:365. Parus americanus, 2 :395. atricapillus, 2:503. bicolor, 2:502. carolinensis, 2:506. ms hudsonicus var. littoralis, 2 :506. Passer domesticus, 2:257.. Passerculus princeps, 2:287. sandwichensis savanna, 2:288. Passerella iliaca iliaca, 2:321. Passeres, 1:89, 90; 2:38, 179. Passerherbulus caudacutus, 2:296. henslowi henslowi, 2:293. lecontei, 2:295. maritimus maritimus, 2 :299. nelsoni nelsoni, 2:297. subvirgatus,2 :298. Passeriformes, 1 :89, 90. Passerina ciris, 2:332. cyanea, 2:330. passerina, Emberiza, 2:291. Fringilla, 2:308. _passerina passerina, Spizella, 2 :308. terrestris, Columbigallina, -1 :389-go. Pasturing, effect on bird life, 2:35. Pavoncella pugnax, 1 :330. Payne, G. E., cited, 1:290. pecoris, Molothrus, 2:225. pectoralis, Tringa, I :309. Peep, 1 :318. little, 1:313. 76; figure, 2 1129-30; NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM pelagica, Chaetura, 2:171. Hirundo, 2:171. Thalassidroma, I :162. pelasgia, Chaetura, 2:171. Pelecanidae, 1:172. Pelecaniformes, 1:89, 90, 165. Pelecanoididae, 1:154. Pelecanus aquilus, 1:176. bassanus, 1 :169. carbo, I :170. erythrorhynchos, 1 :172-74; figure, 1:173. fuscus, 1:174. : leucogaster, 1 :168. Pelican, 1:90, 1723; 2:40. American white, 1:172-74; figure, I :173. brown, 1:17, 174. white, 1:15, 239. Pelidna alpina alpina, 1:314-15. sakhalina, 1 :315-16. pacifica, 1:315. Pember, F T., cited, 2:90, 99, 102, 193. penelope, Anas, 1 :189. Mareca, 1 :189. pensylvanica, Dendroica, 2:413. Motacilla, 2:413. pennsylvanica, Fringilla, 2:403. Vermivora, 2 :382. pennsylvanicus, Buteo, 2:86. Penthestes atricapillus atricapillus, 2 :503. carolinensis carolinensis, 2:506. hudsonicus littoralis, 2:506. Perching birds, 1:90; 2:179. Perdix cinerea, 1:378. peregrina, Sylvia, 2 :393. Vermivora, 2 :393. peregrinus anatum, Falco, 2 :98-101. Perisoreus canadensis canadensis, 2 :210. Peristeridae, 1 :381. perspicillata, Anas, 1:224. Fuligula, 1:224. Oidemia, 1 :224. Petrel, 1:90, 154. black-capped, 1:17, 160. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Petrel, diving, 1:154. forked-tail, 1 :163. leach, 1:15, 163-64; figure, I :163. least, 1 :162. little stormy, 1 :76. scaled, 1:17, 160-62; figure, 1:161. stormy, 1:18, 154, 162, 165; figure, 1:162. Wilson, 1:17, 162, 164-65; figure, 1:165. | Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons, 2:345. Pewee, wood, 1:13, 38, 45, 63, 64, 68; 2:17, 21, 26, 27, 31, 181, 190; figure of nest and eggs, 2:1QI. Phaéthon americanus, 1 :167. flavirostris, 1 :166. Phaéthontidae, 1 :166. Phalacrocoracidae, 1:170. Phalacrocorax auritus, I :171-72. carbo, I :170. dilophus, 1:171. Phalarope, 1 :289, 294. northern, 1:15, 291-92. red, 1:15, 289-90. red-necked, 1 :291. Wilson, 1:15, 292-93. Phalaropidae, 1 :289. Phalaropus fulicarius, 1 :289-go. lobatus, 1 :201. tricolor, I :292. Phasianidae, 1 :377. Phasianus colchicus, 1 :378. torquatus, 1 :378. Pheasant, 1:52, 63, 307, 377; 2:15, 40, 42. English, 1:12, 378. Mongolian, 1 :378. ring-necked, 1:12, 64, 378; 2:26, 41. water, 1:181. philadelphia, Larus, 1 :134-35. Oporornis, 2:448. Sterna, 1:134. Sylvia, 2:448. Trichas, 2:448. 1:166-67; figure, 793 philadelphica, Vireosylva, 2:368. Philohela minor, 1:297-300; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :299. Phloeotomus pileatus abieticola, 2:151. Phoebe, 1:13, 38, 45, 55, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72; 2:13, 18, 20, 23, 26, 31, 47, 181, 187, 260; figure of nest and eggs, 2:188. phoebe, Muscicapa, 2:187. Sayornis, 2:187. phoeniceus, Icterus, 2:230. Oriolus, 2:230. . Physiographic factors, 2:8. Pica caudata, 2:207. pica hudsonia, 2:207. hudsonia, Pica, 2:207. Pici, 1:89, 90; 2:139. Picidae, 2:139.+ Piciformes, 1 :89, go. Pickerel, 1:55. Picoides americanus, 2 :146. americanus, 2:146. arcticus, 2:144. Picus arcticus, 2:144. (Apternus) arcticus, 2:144. auratus, 2:158. carolinus, 2:157. erythrocephalus, 2:154. hirsutus, 2 :146. (Dendrocopus) medianus, 2:142. pileatus, 2:151. pubescens, 2 :142. varius, 2:148. villosus, 2:141. Pigeon, 1:70, 90, 380; 2:40, 41. passenger, 1:13, 299, 381-86, 387. Pigeon hawk, 1:53. Pike, 1:55. pileatus, Picus, 2:151. pileatus abieticola, Ceophloeus, 2:151. Phloeotomus, 2:151. Pinicola enucleator leucura, 2:255. Pintail, 1:15, 184, 188, I91, 193, 197-99, 213. 704 pinus, Carduelis, 2:278. Certhia, 2:384. Fringilla, 2:278. Spinus, 2:278. Sylvicola, 2:427. Vermivora, 2 :384. Pipilo erythrophthalmus erythrophthalmus, 2 3323. Pipit, 2:40, 469. American, 1:16. Piranga erythromelas, 2 :337. ludoviciana, 2 :337. rubra rubra, 2:339. Piscivorous species, 2:40. Pisobia bairdi, 1 :312-13. cooperi, I :312. fuscicollis, 1:311, 312. maculata, 1:309-10, 312. minutilla, I :313-14. Pitylus cardinalis, 2:325,. Planesticus migratorius migratorius, 2 :529. Planting to attract birds, 2:57. Plants, effect on bird life, 2:9. injurious, dispersal, 2:46. Plates, explanation of, 1:391-474; 2:545- 672. 5 platypterus, Buteo, 2 :86-88. Sparvius, 2:86. Platyrhynchos virescens, 2:194. platyrhynchos, Anas, I :183-85. Plectrophanes lapponicus, 2 :283. nivalis, 2:281. ornata, 2:284. Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis, 2:281. Plectropterinae, 1:177. Plegadis autumnalis, I 1243. guarauna, I :243-44; 2:542; figure, 1 :244. Plover, 1:70, 90, 288-89, 322, 326, 343. American golden, 1:16, 346-48. beach, 1:358. black-bellied, 1:15, 345-46, 358. bull-head, 1 :346. 1:242-43; figure, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Plover, golden, 1:289, 341, 346. gray, 1 :346. killdeer, 1:348-52; figure, 1:349; figure of nest and eggs, 1:351. piping, 1:14, 37, 354-553 2:15, 19; figure, °1:354- semipalmated, 1:16, 352-53. upland, 1:289, 331, 332, 333, 341. whistling, 1:71, 346, 358. Wilson, 1:17, 356-57; figure, 1 :356. Plowing, effect o bird life, 2:37. plumbeus, Vireo, 2:375. Pochard, 1 :203. Podiceps cornutus, 1 :94. cristatus, 1:92. holboellii, 1:92. rubricollis, 1 :92. podiceps, Colymbus, 1:96. Podilymbus, 1 :96-98. Podicipedidiformes, 1:89, 90, 9I. Podilymbus podiceps, 1 :96-98. Polioptila caerulea caerulea, 2:512. polyglottos, Turdus, 2:471. polyglottos, Mimus, 2:471. polyglottus, Orpheus, 2:471. pomarinus, Larus, 1:114. Lestris, I :114. Stercorarius, I :114-16. Pond communities, 2 :20. Pooecetes gramineus gramineus, 2:285. Porter, cited, 1 :124, 125. Porzana carolina, 1:276-80; figure, 1:277; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :278. jamaicensis, 1 :281. noveboracensis, I :280. Posson, Neil F., cited, 1:109, 139, 233, 243, 257, 313, 335, 340; 2:66, III, 253. Potter swamp, birds of, 2:25-27. Poultry, destruction, 2:43. Prairie hen, 1:364, 376. pratincola, Aluco, 2:109-11. Strix, 2:109. Preserves for birds, 2:58; private, 2:59. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK princeps, Passerculus, 2 :287. Private preserves, 2:59. Procellaria glacialis, 1 :154. gravis, 1:156. grisea, 1:158. hasitata, I :160. leucorhoa, 1 :163. oceanica, I: rocellariiformes, 1 :89, 90, 153. Proctor, cited, 2 :201. Progne subis subis, 2:342. Protonotaria citrea, 2:381. Psittaci, 1:89, 90; 2:129-30. Psittaciformes, 1:89, 9o. Psittacus carolinensis, 2:129. Ptarmigan, 1 :364. willow, 1:18, 375-76; figure, 1:374, 375. Ptilogonys townsendi, 2:515. pubescens, Picus, 2:142. pubescens medianus, Dryobates, 2:142. Puffin, 1:16, 105-6. Cinereus, 1:157. Puffinidae, 1:154. Puffininae, 1 :154. Puffinus auduboni, 1:158. borealis, 1:155-56; figure, 1:155. cinereus, I :156. gravis, 1:156-57; figure, 1:157. griseus, 1:158-59; figure, 1 :159. lherminieri, 1:158; figure, 1:158. major, 1 :156, 159. obscurus, 1:158. puffinus, I :157. stricklandi, 1 :158. puffinus, Procellaria, 1:157. pugnax, Pavoncella, 1 :330. Tringa, I :330. purpurea, Erythrospiza, 2:262. Fringilla, 2 :262. Hirundo, 2 :342. 45 795 purpureus purpureus, Carpodacus, 2:262. Purre, 1:316. pusilla, Emberiza, 2:310. Fringilla, 2:310. Muscicapa, 2:460. Sitta, 2:501. Tringa, 1:313, 317. pusilla pusilla, Spizella, 2:310. Wilsonia, 2 :460. pusillus, Ereunetes, 1 :317-18. Pygopodes, 1:89, 90, gI. Pyranga aestiva, 2:339. erythromelas, 2 :337. rubra, 2:337. Quail, 1:50, 361, 377; 2:7. sea, 1:358. Quawk, 1 :265. Querquedula cyanoptera, 1:195-96; figure, 12196. discors, 1 :194-95. Quiscalus aeneus, 2 :246. ferrugineus, 2:243. quiscula aeneus, 2:246. quiscula, 2:245. versicolor, 2:245, 246. quiscula, Gracula, 2:245. quiscula aeneus, Quiscalus, 2:246. quiscula, Quiscalus, 2:245. Rail, 1:51, 55, 57, 70, 90, 267, 270-71, 279; 2:9, 24, 27, 40. black, 1:17, 271, 282. Carolina, 1:36, 64, 276-80. clapper, 1:14, 36, 271, 272-73; 2:19. king, 1:14, 36, 271-72, 274; 2:15, 20, 24. little black, 1 :281-82. sora, 2:15. Virginia, 1:13, 36, 64, 270, 271, 274-76; 2:15, 20, 24, 26; figure, 1:274; figure of nest and eggs, 1:275,. yellow, 1:15, 280-81, 282. 706 Rainfall, effect on bird life, 2:7. Ralli, 1:267. Rallidae, 1 :270-71. Ralliformes, 1:89, 90, 267. Rallus carolinus, 1 :276. crepitans, I :272-73. crex, 1 :282. elegans, 1 :271-72. jamaicensis, 1 :281. virginianus, 1 :274-76; figures, I :274, 275. Ralph, William L., cited, 1:78, 117, 238, 257, 293, 356; 2:80, 90, 92, 119, 146, 266, 507. Raptores, 1:89, 90; 2:39, 61-62. Rathbun, Frank R., cited, 1:77, 189, 238. Rathbun, Samuel F., cited, 1:77, 189, 238. Raven, 1:45; 2:17, 22, 32. northern, 1:13, 38; 2:212. Ravines, effect on bird life, 2:8. Recurvirostra americana, 1 :294-95; 2:542; figure, I :294. Recurvirostridae, I :293-94. Red-head, 1:16, 202-3, 204, 205, 223; 2:10. Redpoll, 1:16; 2:271, 272; figure, 2:272. greater, 1:16; 2:272, 274; figure, 2:272. hoary, 1:18; 2:270. holboell, 1:16; 2:272, 273; figure, 2:272. Redstart, 1:41, 48, 63, 64; 2:16, 17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 464; figures of nest and eggs, 2:466, 467. American, 1:14. Redwing, 2 :230. thick billed, 2:233. Reed, cited, 2:390, 542. Reed birds, 2:224. Reffeix, cited, 1 :382. Refuges for birds, 2:58. Regulus calendula calendula, 2:510. satrapa satrapa, 2:508. Reinecke, Ottomar, cited, 2:66, 99, 152, 193, 542. Residents, I :11-13. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ricebird, 2:225,. Rich, cited, 1:143. richardsoni, Nyctale, 2:117. richardsonii, Lestris, 1:76, 116, 119. Richmond, acknowledgments to, 1 :6. Ridgway, acknowledgments to, 1:6; cited, 1:89, 137, 142, 202, 282; 2:395, 534, 536. Riley, acknowledgments to, 1:6. Ring-bill, 1 :208. Ring-neck, American, 1 :353. pale, 1:354. Riparia riparia, 2:350; figure, 2:351. riparia, Hirundo, 2:350. Rissa tridactyla, 1:121-22. Roberts, T. S., cited, 1:56. Robin, 1:12, 42, 49, 53, 54, 63, 64, 65, 68,-70;71, 725 2:04, 17, 18, 22, 27, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 260, 529. Robinson, F. B., cited, 2:64. Rodents, destruction, 2:51. Roosevelt, Theodore jr, cited, 1:77; 2:80, 195, 394, 433. Rostratula, 1 :289. rostratus, Aegiothus, 2 :274. Rowe, cited, 2:487. rubescens, Alauda, 2:469. Anthus, 2:469. rubida, Erismatura, 1 :225. Fuligula, 1 :225. rubra, Fringilla, 2 :339. Pyranga, 2:337. rubra rubra, Piranga, 2 :339. rubricappilla, Sylvia, 2:390. rubricappilla rubricappilla, 2 3390. rubricollis, Podiceps, 1:92. rubripes, Anas, 1 :185-87. rufa, Hirundo, 2:346. rufescens, Tringa, 1:334. Ruff, 1:18, 330. ruficapilla, Sylvicola, 2:431. ruficollis, Egretta, 1:258. Vermivora, INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK rufina, Anas, 1 :202. Netta, I :202. rufitorques, Fuligula, 1 :207. rufum, Toxostoma, 2:476. rufus, Orpheus, 2 :476. Turdus, 2 :476. Rusticola minor, 1:297. rusticola, Scolopax, 1 :296. rusticolus gyrfalco, Falco, 2 :96-97. obsoletus, Falco, 2:97. rusticolus, Falco, 2:95. ruticilla, Motacilla, 2:464. Muscicapa, 2 :464. Setophaga, 2:464. Rynchopidae, 1:152. Rynchops nigra, 1 :152-53. sabini, Xema, I :136-37. sabinii, Larus, 1 :136. Saddle-back, 1 :126. Salt marsh community, 2:19. Sampson, cited, 2:254. sancti-johannis, Buteo, 2:88. Falco, 2:88. ; Sanderling, 1:15, 319-20, 358. Sand-peep, 1:314. Sandpiper, 1:302, 358. baird, 1:15, 312-13. Bartram, 2:20, 37. Bartramian, 1:13, 37, 51, 331-34, 350; 2:15; breeding range, I :20. black-bellied, 1 :316. Bonaparte, I :311. buff-breasted, 1:15, 334-35. Cooper, 1:76, 312. curlew, 1:18, 316; figure, 1 :317. green, 1 :327. least, 1:15, 313-14, 318. pectoral, 1:15, 309-10, 314, 336. purple, 1:16, 308-9. red-backed, 1:15, 314, 315-16, 320. red-breasted, I :307. 707 Sandpiper, rock, I :309. Schinz, 1:311. semipalmated, 1:15, 313, 317-18. solitary, 1:14, 37, 63, 70, 326-28. spotted, 1:13, 37, 43, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72, 263, 327; 335-38, 350; 2:20, 25, 20; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :337. stilt, 1:15, 306. western, 1:15, 318-19. white-rumped, 1:15, 311. sandvicensis acuflavida, Sterna, I :140-41. sandwichensis savanna, Passerculus, 2:288. Sapsucker, 1:44, 62, 68. yellow-bellied, 1:12, 38, 42, 44; 2:22, 26, 41, 45, 140, 148; figure, 2:148. Sarcorhamphi, 2:62-66. Sargood, C., cited, 1 :282. satrapa satrapa, Regulus, 2 :508. Savage, James H., cited, 1:123, 126, 139, 174, 239, 243, 290, 307; 2:1II, I14, 152. savanna Emberiza, 2:288. Fringilla, 2:288. savannarum australis, Ammodramus, 2 :29gr. Sawbill, 1:43, 178, 180, 209. Saxicola oenanthe leucorhoa, 2 :535; figure, 2:535- Sayornis phoebe, 2:187. scalaris, Aestrelata, I :160-62. Scape-grace, I :103. Scaup, greater, 1:17, 206. lesser, 1:17. schinzi, Tringa, 1 :311. scolopacea, Limosa, I :305. Scissor bill, 1:153. scolopaceus, Macrorhamphus, 1 :305-6. Scolopacidae, 1 :296. Scolopacinae, 1 :296. Scolopax alba, 1:242. arquatus, I :342. borealis, 1 :341. delicata, I :300. fedoa, 1 :320. 708 Scolopax flavipes, 1 :325. grisea, I :303. guarauna, I :243. haemastica, 1:321. melanoleuca, 1 :323. minor, I :297. noveboracensis, I :303. rusticola, I :296. semipalmata, 1 :328. wilsoni, I :300. Scoter, American, 1:17, 221-22. surf, 1:17, 221, 224. white-winged, 1:17, 222-23, 224. Scotiaptex nebulosa nebulosa, 2:116. Sea dove, I :I1I. Sea-hawk, 1:113, 114. Sea parrot, 1 :106. Sea pigeon, §:106, IIT. Seashore communities, 2:19. Sea swallow, 1:144, 145. Seiurus aurocapillus, 2:435. motacilla, 2 :441. noevius notabilis, 2:440. noveboracensis notabilis, 2:440. noveboracensis, 2 :438. semipalmata, Aegialitis, 1:352-53. Heteropoda, I :317. Scolopax, 1 :328. Symphemia, 1 :328. semipalmatus, Catoptrophorus, 1 :328-30. Charadrius, I :352. Totanus, 1 :328. semipalmatus inornatus, I 2330. Sennett, cited, 1 :139, 238. septentrionalis, Colymbus, I :103. Lanius, 2 :358. serrator, Merganser, I :179. Mergus, 1 :179-80. serripennis, Hirundo, 2 :352. Stelgidopteryx, 2:352. Seton, cited, 1:215. on Cetoptrophorus, NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Setophaga ruticilla, 2:464. Shade tree community, 2:22. Shade trees, pruning, effect on bird life, 2:30. Shag, 1:170. Sharpe, cited, 1:89. Shattuck, cited, 1 :109. Shearwater, 1:153, 154. Audubon, 1:17, 157, 158; figure, 1:158. Cory, 1:17, 155-56, 159; figure, 1:155. dusky, 1:158. greater, I:17, 156-57, 159; figure, 1:157. little, 1 :158. Manx, 1:18, 76, 157. sooty, 1:17, 158-59; figure, 1:159. wandering, 1:157. Sheldrake, 1 :178. Indian, 1:180o. pied, 1:180. swamp, 1:181. Shitepoke, 1 :263. Shore birds, decrease of species, 1:50. Short, Ernest H., cited, 1:79, 126; 2:86, 102, I14, 513. Shot-pouch, 1 :226. Shoveler, 1:15, 182, 188, 194, 196-97. Shrike, 1:53; 2:39, 358. migrant, 1:11, 13, 40, 48, 62, 64, 69; 2:16, 21, 362; figure, 2:363. northern, 1:16, 2:260, 358. Sialia sialis sialis, 2:537. wilsoni, 2:537. sialis, Motacilla, 2:537. sialis sialis, Sialia, 2:537. Sickle-bill, 1 :338. silvestris, Meleagris, 1 :3709. Sing Sing, birds of, by A. K. Fisher, 1:79. Siskin, 2:17. pine, 1:12, 39, 46, 643; 2:22, 278. Sitta canadensis, 2:499. carolinensis carolinensis, 2:495. pusilla, 2:501. INDEX TO BIRDS Sittidae, 2 :494. Skimmer, I :152. black, 1:17, 152-53. Skua, 1:18, 113-14. skua, Catharacta, 1 :113. Megalestris, 1 :113-14. Skunk, 1:55. Skylark, 1:12; 2:201. Sleepy-head, 1 :226. Snake, black, 1:55. Snake birds, 1 :165. Snipe, 1:51, 70, 288-89, 296, 326, 333; 2:9. ~brown-back, 1 :305. Deutscher, 1 :305. Dowitcher, I :303-5. English, 1:302, 305. German, 1 :305. grass, I :310. gray-back, 1:305. horse-foot, 1:358. Jack, 1 :302. painted, 1 :289. quail, 1 :305. red-breasted, 1 :305. robin, 1:305, 307. surf, 1:320. Wilson, 1:14, 36, 300-3, 304, 305, 310; 2: 15, 20, 24, 26. winter, 1:309, 316. Snow, effect on bird life, 2:7. Snowbird, 2:312. Snowflake, 1:16; 2:49, 281. socialis, Emberiza, 2 :308. Soil factors, 2:9. Solitaire, Townsend, 1:18; 2:515. solitaria, Merula, 2:526. Muscicapa, 2 :373. Vermivora, 2:384. solitarius, Helodromas, 1 :326-28. Tringa, 1:326. Vireo, 2:373. solitarius plumbeus, Lanivireo, 2:375. solitarius, Lanivireo, 2:373. OF NEW YORK 709 Somateria dresseri, I :218-19. spectabilis, I :220-21. Songbirds, 2:200. Sora, 1:13, 62, 65, 273, 274, 276-80; 2:19, 24, 26; figure, 1:277; figure of nest and eggs, 1:278. Sorees, 1 :279. South-southerly, 1:214. Southern species, 1:17. Spanish curlew, 1 :242. Sparrow, 1:42, 50, 52, 53, 70; 2:10, 12, 14, 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 59, 251. Acadian sharp-tailed, 1:16; 2:298. Baird, 1:18; 2:2g90. chipping, 1:13, 39, 46, 62, 64, 72; 2:17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 49, 308. _ English, 1:46, 57, 60, 63, 64; 2:12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 27, 42, 44, 52, 53, 257 field, 1:13, 39, 46, 62, 64, 65; 2:7; 15, 16, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 49, 60, 310. fox, 1:16, 70; 2:321. Gambel, 1:18; 2:303. grasshopper, 1:14, 33,39, 63, 69: 2:15, 20, 26, 31, 291; breeding range, I :23; figure of nest and eggs, 2:292. Henslow, 1:14, 39, 2:20, 293. house, 1:11; 2:257. Ipswich, 1:16; 2:287. lark, 1:18; 2:300. Leconte, 1:18; 2:295. Lineola, tsr4, 36, a7, 62, 64, 65, 763 2:20, 318. Nelson, 1:16; 2:297. Savannah, 1:13, 39, 46, 62, 64; 2:7, 15, 20, 25, 26, 31, 49, 288. seaside, 1:14, 39; 2:16, 19, 299. sharp-tailed, 1:14, 39; 2:16, 19, 296. song, 1:12, 39, 46, 60, 62, 64, 68, 72; 2515, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 49, 87, 260, 315. swamp, 1:12, 39, 46, 57, 62, 64; 2:16, 20, 24, 27, 319; figure of nest and eggs, 2 3320. 710 Sparrow tree, 1:16; 2:49, 57, 306. vesper, 1:13, 39, 46, 51, 62, 64, 68; 2:15, 20, 25, 26, 37, 47, 49, 285. white-crowned, 1:16, 62, 64; 2:301. white-throated, 1:12, 35, 39,46, 47, 62, 64; 2:16, 27, 49, 304; breeding range, 1:22. yellow-winged, 2 :292. Sparrow hawk, 1:63. sparverius sparverius, Falco, 2:103-5. Sparvius platypterus, 2:86. Spatula clypeata, 1 :196-97. spectabilis, Anas, I :220. Fuligula, 1:220. Somateria, 1 :220-21. Spelman, Henry M., cited, 1:313. Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 2:128; fig- ure, 2:128. Sphyrapicus varius varius, 2:148; figure, 2:148. Spinus pinus, 2:278. Spiza americana, 2:334. cyanea, 2:330. Spizella monticola monticola, 2 :306. passerina passerina, 2 :308. pusilla pusilla, 2:310. sponsa, Aix, I :199-201. Anas, 1 :199. Spoon-bill, 1:197. Spraying of trees, effect on bird life, 2:36. Spring arrivals, 1:72-74. spurius, Icterus, 2:236. Oriolus, 2 :236. Squatarola helvetica, 1 :345. squatarola, 1:345-46. squatarola, Charadrius, 1:345. Tringa, 1 :345. Squirrel, red, an enemy of birds, 1:54. Stake-driver, 1:250. Starling, 1:12; 2:17, 18, 219. Steganopodes, 1:89, 90, 165. Steganopus tricolor, 1 :292-93. Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 2:352. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM stellaris, Cistothorus, 2 :487. Troglodytes, 2:487. stellata, Gavia, 1:103-4. stellatus, Colymbus, 1 :103. Stercorariidae, 1 :113. Stercorarius longicaudus, 1:117-19; figure, 1:118. parasiticus, 1:116-17; figure, 1:118. pomarinus, 1:114-16. Sterling, cited, 1:221. Sterna acuflavida, I :140. anglica, I :137. antillarum, 1 :148. arctica, I :146. argentea, 1:148. cantiaca, I :140. caspia, I :138-39. cayana, 1:138, 140. dougalli, 1:147. forsteri, 1:142-43; figure, I :141. fuscata, I :149. hirundo, I :143-45. maxima, I :139-40. minuta, 1:148. nigra, 1:149, 152. nilotica, 1 :137. paradisaea, 1 :146. philadelphia, 1:134. sandvicensis acuflavida, 1:140-41; figure, I :140. superciliaris, 1:148. surinamensis, I :149. trudeaui, 1:141-42; figure, 1:14I. tschegrava, 1 :138. | Stilt, 1 :295. black-necked, 1:18, 295-96; figure, 1 :296. Stint, 1:318. é Stone, Clarence F., cited, 1:126; 2:405, 410, 412, 422, 428, 434, 440, 442; study of birds of Potter Swamp, 2:25. Stork, 1:244. American wood, I :245. Stream margins, communities, 2:20. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Streams, influence on bird life, 2:8. strepera, Anas, 1:187. streperus, Chaulelasmus, 1 :187-89. Strepsilas interpres, 1 :357. striata, Dendroica, 2:418. Muscicapa, 2:418. Sylvicola, 2:418. stricklandi, Puffinus, 1:158. Striges, 1:90; 2:108-30. Strigidae, 2:111-28. Strigiformes, 1:89, go. Strix acadica, 2:118. asio, 2:120. caparoch, 2:127. flammea, 2:113. hypogaea, 2:128. nebulosa, 2:116. nyctea, 2:126. practincola, 2:109. varia varia, 2:115-16. varius, 2:115. virginiana, 2:123. Struthus hyemalis, 2:311. Sturnella ludoviciana, 2 :233. magna magna, 2:233. Sturnidae, 2:219. Sturnus vulgaris, 2:219. subarquata, Tringa, 1 :316. subis, Hirundo, 2 :342. subis subis, Progne, 2 :342. subruficollis, Tringa, 1 :334. Tryngites, I :334-35. Sula americana, 1 :169. bassana, I :169. leucogaster, 1:168-69; figure, I :168. sula, 1 :168. Sulidae, 1:167-68. Summary of the New York State avifauna, I:11-18, Summer residents, 1 :13-15. Summer visitants, 1:17. superciliaris, Sterna, 1:148. 711 surinamensis, Sterna, I :149. Surnia funerea, 2:127. nyctea, 2:126. ulula caparoch, 2:127. swainsoni, Buteo, 2 :85-86. Turdus, 2:524. Swallow, 1:51, 53, 55, 50, 57, 68, 70; 2:13, 14, 38, 56, 340. bank, 1:13, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:9, 15, 20, 350; figure, 2:351. barn, 1:13, 40, 47, 60, 62, 64, 68, 72; 2:18, 23, 26, 346; figure, 2:348; spring migration, 1:66. chimney, 2:171. cliff, 1:13, 40, 47, 63, 64; 2:18, 26, 345. eaves, 2:23, 50. rough-winged, I:1I, 14, 33, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:15, 18, 20, 31, 352; breeding range, 1:24. tree, 1:13, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:17, 18, 20, 54, 349. white-bellied, 1 :63. white-breasted, 2:23, 349. Swamp, wooded, community, 2:21. Swamps, birds of Potter swamp, 2:25-27; draining, effect on bird life, 2:34-35. Swans, 1:174, 177. American, 1 :236. trumpeter, 1:18, 236, 237, 239-40. whistling, 1 :15,236-39; 2:543. Swift, 1:53; 2:14, 38, 163, 169. chimney, 2:17, 18, 23, 26, 171. spine-tailed, 2:170. Swimmer, long-winged, 1 :112. tube-nosed, 1:153. Sylvia agilis, 2:447. castanea, 2:416. celatus, 2:392. cerulea, 2:411. discolor, 2:432. formosa, 2:445. ludoviciana, 2:479. wis Sylvia magnolia, 2:408. peregrina, 2 :393. philadeiphia, 2 :448. rubricapilla, 2:390. vigorsii, 2:427. Sylvicola aestiva, 2:400. americana, 2:395. blackburniae, 2:420. caerulea, 2:411. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Taylor, Tom, cited, 2:197. Teal, blue-winged, 1:14, 36, 193, 194-95, 196; 2:15, 24. cinnamon, 1:18, 195-96; figure, 1 :196. diving, 1:226. European, 1:18, 191; figure, 1 :192. green-winged, 1:15, 184, 192-93. spoon-bill, 1:197. summer, I :194. canadensis, 2:403. castanea, 2 :416. coronata, 2:406. discolor, 2:432. formosa, 2:445. Teaser, 1:113, 116. Teeter-tail, 1 :336. Telmatodytes palustris palustris, 2:489. Temperature, effect on bird life, 2:6. Tern, I:119-20; 2:13; first primaries, fig- icterocephala, 2:413. maculosa, 2:408. maritima, 2:397. pardalina, 2:462. pinus, 2:427. ruficapilla, 2:431. striata, 2:418. virens, 2:424. Sylviidae, 2:508. Symphemia semipalmata, 1 :328. Syrnium cinereum, 2:116. Tanager, 1:51; 2:38, 42, 336. Louisiana, 1:18. scarlet, 1:13, 39, 47, 62, 64; 2:17, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 337: summer, 1:17, 32; 2:339. western, 2:337. Tanagra cyanea, 2 :330. grisea, 2:375. ludoviciana, 2 :337. Tanagridae, 2:336. Tantalus loculator, 1:244. Tapeworms, 1:55. Tattler, semipalmated, 1 :329. varied, 1 :324. Taverner, cited, 2:457. Taylor, H. H., cited, 1:313. ure, 1:144; outer tail feathers, figure, 1 :144. Anglican, 1:138. Arctic, 1:15, 144, 145, 146. black, 1:14, 36, I19, 148, 149-52; 2:15, 19; figure, 1:151. Cabot, 1:17, 140-41; figure, I :140. Caspian, 1:15, 119, 138-39, 140. Cayenne, I :140. common, 1:14, 36, 142, 143-45, 146, 147; 2:19. Forster, 1:15, 142-43, 144, 145; figure, i ATS gull-billed, 1:17, 137-38. least, 1:14, 36, 148; 2:19. McDougall, 1:147. marsh, 1:138. Nuttall, 1:138. roseate, 1:14, 36, 145, 147; 2:19. royal, 1:17, 139-40. Sandwich, I :140. short-tailed, 1:150, 151. sooty, 1:17, 14g. Trudeau, 1:17, 141-42; figure, 1:141. white-headed, 1:42. Wilson, 1:144. Tetrao canadensis, I :365. cupido, 1:376. INDEX TO BIRDS Tetrao lagopus, 1:375. togatus, 1 :373. umbellus, 1:366. ‘ urogallus, 1:377. virginianus, 1 :361. Tetraonidae, 1 :364. tetrix, Lyrurus, 1 :377. Thalassidroma leachi, 1 :163. pelagica, 1:162; figure, 1 :162. wilsoni, 1 :164. Thayer, Gerald H., cited, 2:135, 273, 275, 417, 419, 426, 428, 446, 449, 462. Thrasher, 1:34, 65; 2:7, 38, 41, 42, 470. brown, 1:14, 41, 48, 63, 64, 72; 2:15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 31, 476; figure of nest and eggs, 2:477. : Threadworm, 1:56. Thrush, 1:42, 49, 50, 53, 70, 71; 2:38, 40, 41, 43, 50, 59, 60, 514. Bicknell, 1:15, 41, 49, 50, 2:22, 522. golden-crowned, 2:435. gray-cheeked, 1:11, 16; 2:521. Grinnell water, 2:440. hermit, 1:12, 35, 42, 49, 63, 64, 70, 73; 2:6, 15, 22, 31, 526; breeding range, 1:30; figure of nest and eggs, 2:528. large-billed water, 2:442. Louisiana water, 2:16, 21, 27, 31, 4413 figure of nest and eggs, 2:443. olive-backed, 1:15, 35, 41, 42, 49, 63, 64; 2:16, 22, 524. varied, 1:18; 2:534. water, 2:16, 21, 27, 438; figure of nest and eggs, 2 :439. willow, 2:521. Wilson, 1:14, 35, 41, 49, 57, 63, 643; 2:15, 21, 27, 520; figure of nest and eggs, 2: 520. wood, 1:14, 34, 41, 49, 63, 64; 2:6, 7, 17, bs, 27, 28, 20, 31, 56, 516; figure of nest and eggs, 2:518. ‘ OF NEW YORK 713 Thryomanes bewicki bewicki, 2 :481. Thryothorus ludovicianus ludovicianus, 2: 479. Thunder-pumper, 1:250. Ticks, 1:55. tigrina, Dendroica, 1:59-60; 2:397. Motacilla, 2:397. Timber, destruetion, 2:45. Timber cutting, effect on bird life, 2 :32-34. Tinker, 1:106, IIo. Tip-up, 1 :3306. Tit, tufted, 1:32; breeding range, I :30. Titmouse, 2:38, 40, 501. Carolina, 1:76. tufted, 1:12, 33, 41; 2:17, 21, 502. Todd, cited, 1:139, 281, 307, 311, 313, 329, BASE B05, 35h. togatus, Tetrao, I :373. torda, Alca, I :110-11. torquatus, Phasianus, 1:378. Totanus bartramius, 1 :331. chloropygius, I :326. flavipes, 1 :325-26. macularia, 1 :335. melanoleucus, I :323-24. semipalmatus, 1 :328. Totipalmate birds, 1 :165-66. Towhee, 1:13, 39, 62; 2:15, 22, 323. townsendi, Myadestes, 2:515. Ptilogonys, 2:515. Toxostoma rufum, 2:476. trailli alnorum, Empidonax, 2:196. Transients, I :15-16. Transition zone, I :19. Trees, destruction, 2:45; planting to attract birds, 2:57; spraying and pruning, effect on bird life, 2:36. Trichas marilandica, 2:452. philadelphia, 2:448. trichas, Turdus, 2:452. trichas trichas, Geothlypis, 2:452. 714 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM tricolor, Phalaropus, 1 :292. Steganopus, I :292-93. tricolor ruficollis, Ardea, 1:258. Hydranassa, 1 :258-59. tridactyla, Rissa, 1:121-22. tridactylus, Larus, 1:121. Tringa alpina, 1:314. pacifica, 1:315. arenaria, I :319. autumnalis, 1 :242. bairdii, 1 :312. canutus, I :307-8. cinclus, 1 :315. ferruginea, 1:316. fulicaria, 1 :289. fuscicollis, 1:311. himantopus, I :306. interpres, 1 :357. lobata, 1:291. longicauda, I :331. macularia, 1 :335. maculata, 1 :309. maritima, 1 :308. minutilla, 1:313, 317. ectoralis, I :309. pugnax, I :330. pusilla, 1:313, 317. rufescens, I :334. schinzi, 1:311. solitarius, 1 :326. squatarola, 1 :345. subarquata, 1 :316. subruficollis, 1 :334. vanellus, 1 :344. Tringae, 1 :296. tristis, Carduelis, 2:276. Fringilla, 2:276. tristis tristis, Astragalinus, 2:276. Trochili, 2:174. Trochilidae, 2:174. Trochilus colubris, 2:175. Troglodytes aedon aedon, 2:481. bewicki, 2:481. brevirostris, 2 :487. hiemalis, 2:485. hyemalis, 2:485. ludovicianus, 2:479. palustris, 2:489. stellaris, 2:487. Troglodytidae, 2:478. troile, Uria, 1:107. Tropic bird, 1:166. yellow-billed, 1:17, 166-67; figure, 1:167. Tropical region, 1:19. Trotter, cited, 2:380. trudeaui, Sterna, I :141-42. Tryngites subruficollis, 1 :334-35. tschegrava, Sterna, 1 :138. Tubinares, 1:89, 90, 153. Turdidae, 2:514. Turdus aliciae, 2:521. carolinus, 2 :243. crinitus, 2:185. fuscescens, 2:519. migratorius, 2:529. motacilla, 2:441. mustelinus, 2:516. noevius, 2:534. pallasii, 2:526. polyglottos, 2:471. rufus, 2:476. swainsoni, 2:524. trichas, 2:452. virens, 2:455. Turkey, 1:379. wild, 1:12, 50, 299, 379-80. Turner, cited, 2:147. Turnicidae, 1 :289. Turnstone, 1:16, 357. ruddy, 1 :357-58. Turtle, snapping, 1:55. Tweezer, 1:178. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Tympanuchus cupido, 1:376-77; figure, 1: 376. Tyrannidae, 2:180. Tyrannula flaviventris, 2:193. minima, 2:199. Tyrannus borealis, 2 :189. cooperi, 2:189. crinitus, 2:185. dominicensis, 2:184. intrepidus, 2:182. tyrannus, 2:182; figure, 2:182. verticalis, 2:184. tyrannus, Lanius, 2:182. Tyrannus, 2:182. uligenosus, Circus, 2:70. Ulula acadica, 2:118. nebulosa, 2:115. ulula caparoch, Surnia, 2:127. umbellus, Tetrao, 1 :366. togata, Bonasa, 1:367, 373-74. umbellus, Bonasa, I :366-73. Upper Austral zone, 1:19. Uria grylle, 1:106. lomvia, 1 :107-8. troile, I :107. Urinator arcticus, I :102. imber, 1:99. lumme, I :103. urogallus, Tetrao, 1 :377. urubu, Catharista, 2 :65-66. Vultur, 2:65. ustulata swainsoni, Hylocichla, 2:524. vallisneria, Anas, 1 :203. Aythya, 1:203. Fuligula, 1 :203. Marila, 1 :203-5. Vanellus vanellus, 1:344-45; figure, 1 :344. vanellus, Tringa, 1 :344. varia, Mniotilta, 2:378. Motacilla, 2 :378. varia varia, Strix, 2:115-16. 715 varius, Picus, 2:148. Strix, 2:115. varius varius, Sphyrapicus, 2:148. Vaughan, cited, 1 :313. Veery, 2:28, 29, 519; figure of nest and eggs, 2:520. velox, Accipiter, 2:74-77. Falco, 2:74. Vermivora celata celata, 2 :392. chrysoptera, 2 :386. lawrenci, 2 :388. leucobronchialis, 2 :389. pennsylvanica, 2 :382. peregrina, 2 :393. pinus, 2 :384. rubricapilla rubricapilla, 2 :390. solitaria, 2:384. vermivora, Motacilla, 2:382. vermivorus, Helmitheros, 2 :382. versicolor, Quiscalus, 2:245, 246. verticalis, Tyrannus, 2:184. vespertina, Fringilla, 2:252. vespertina vespertina, Hesperiphona, 2 :252. vigorsi, Dendroica, 2:427. vigorsii, Sylvia, 2:427. villosus, Picus, 2:141. villosus leucomelas, Dryobates, 2:142. villosus, Dryobates, 2:141. violacea, Ardea, 1 :266. Nyctanassa, I :266-67. violaceus, Nycticorax, 1 :266. virens, Dendroica, 2:424. Motacilla, 2:424. Muscicapa, 2:190. Myiochanes, 2:190. Sylvicola, 2:424. Turdus, 2:455. virens virens, Icteria, 2:455. Vireo, 1:52, 54, 68, 70; 2:38, 41, 46, 60, 365. blue-headed, 1:14, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:17, 22, 373; breeding range, 1:24. Philadelphia, 1:16, 63, 65; 2:368, 543. 716 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Vireo, plumbeous, 1:18; 2:375. red-eyed, 1:14, 40, 42, 47, 63, 64; 2:17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 366; figure, 2:367. solitary, 1:35. warbling, 1:14, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:17, 22, 27; 379. white-eyed, 1:14, 33, 40; 2:16, 22, 3753 breeding range, 1:24. yellow-throated, 1:14, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2: 17, 21, 27, 20; 371s. Vireo flavifrons, 2:371. gilvus, 2 :370. griseus griseus, 2:375. noveboracensis, 2:375. olivaceus, 2:366. plumbeus, 2 :375. solitarius, 2:373. Vireonidae, 2:365. Vireosylva gilva gilva, 2:370. olivacea, 2:366; figuro, 2:367. philadelphica, 2:368. virescens, Ardea, 1 :262. Butorides, 1 :262-64. Empidonax, 2:194. Platyrhynchos, 2:194. virginiana, Ortyx, 1:361. Strix, 2:123. virginianus, Caprimulgus, 2:167. Charadrius, 1:346. Colinus, 1 :361-64. Rallus, 1:274-76. Tetrao, 1 :361. virginianus virginianus, Bubo, 2:123-26. Chordeiles, 2:167. viridis, Icteria, 2:455. vocifera, Aegialitis, 1:348. vociferus, Caprimulgus, 2:164. Charadrius, 1 :348. Oxyechus, 1 :348-52. vociferus vociferus, Antrostomus, 2:164. Voorhees, cited, 2 :388. vulgaris, Sturnus, 2:219. Vultur aura septentrionalis, 2:63. urubu, 2:65. Vulture, American, 1:90; 2:39, 61, 62-66. black, 1:17; 2:65-66; figure, 2:65. turkey, 1:17; 2:63-65; figure, 2:64. Wagtails, 2:468. Wake-up, 2:160. Wallace, cited, 1:216. Warbler, 1:42, 48, 50, 52, 54, 65, 68, 70, 71; 2:8, II, 12, 14, 34, 39, 41, 43, 46, 60. bay-breasted, 1:16, 48, 64; 2:416, 543. black, 1:48. black and white, 1:14, 40, 62, 64; 2:15, 22, 31, 378. black-poll, 1:15, 40, 47, 48, 52, 64, 68; 2:16, 22, 34, 418. black-throated blue, 1:15, 40, 42, 48, 62, 64; 2:16, 21, 31, 403; breeding range, 1:25. black-throated green, 1:14, 40, 42, 48, 62, 64; 2:17, 22, 31, 34, 424; figure of nest and eggs, 2:426. Blackburnian, 1:15, 35, 40, 42, 48, 63, 64; 2:17, 22, 31, 34, 420; breeding range, 1:26. blue-winged, 1:14, 33, 40; 2:15, 16, 22, 384; breeding range, 1:25. Brewster, 1:14, 40; 2:389. Canada, 1:15, 41, 48, 63, 64; 2:6, 15, 21, 27, 31, 462; breeding range, 1:28. Cape May, 1:16, 48, 59-60, 64, 65; 2:33, 397- cerulean, 1:14, 40, 69; 2:17, 21, 27, 411; breeding range, 1:26. chestnut-sided, 1:14, 40, 48, 63, 64; 2: 16, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 413; figure of nest and eggs, 2:415. Connecticut, 1:11, 16, 65; 2:447. golden-winged, 1:14, 33, 40; 2:16, 21, 22, 27, 386; breeding range, 1:25; figure of nest and eggs, 2:387. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Warbler, hemlock, 1:76. hooded, P24, 33, AT, 643 210, 7 16, 21, 28, 29, 458; breeding range, 1:28. Kentucky, 1:14, 33, 41, 69; 2:15, 21, 445; breeding range, 1:28. Kirtland, 1:65. Lawrence, 1:14, 40; 2:388. magnolia, 1:15, 40, 48, 63, 64; 2:17, 22, 31, 34, 408; breeding range, 1:26; fig- ure of nest and eggs, 2:409. mourning, 1:15, 41, 48, 64, 68; 2:16, 21, 27, 31, 34, 448; breeding range, 1:28; figure of nest and eggs, 2:450. myrtle, 1:12, 40, 42, 47, 48, 62, 64; 2:16, 22, 34, 41, 406; breeding range, 1:27, Nashville, 1:14, 40, 62, 64; 2:15, 21, 33, 390. northern Parula, 1:14, 40; 2:395. old-world, 2:508. orange-crowned, 1:16; 2:392. palm, 1:16, 73; 2:430. Parula, 1:48, 62, 64; 2:17, 31, 395. pine, 1:14, 40; 2:17, 22, 31, 427. prairie, 1:14, 33, 40; 2:16, 22, 432; breeding range, 1:26. prothonotary, 1:17; 2:17, 21, 381. southern Parula, 1:14. Tennessee, 1:15, 40, 48, 63; 2:393. whistling, 1:76. white, 1:48. Wilson, 1:16, 48, 63; 2:460. wood, 2:38, 48, 377. ‘ worm-eating, 1:14, 40; 2:15, 22,. 382; breeding range, 1:25. yellow, 1:14, 40, 48, 62, 64, 72; 2:12, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 56, 400; figure of nest and eggs, 2:402. yellow palm, 1:16, 73; 2:431. yellow-rumped, 1:35. yellow-throated, 1:17; 2:423. Wassenaers, cited, 1 :381. 717 Water birds, 1:43. Water hen, 1:288. Water supply, 2:58. Waterfowl, 1:56, 176; 2:13, 14; decrease of species, 1:50. Water-thrush, 1:41, 48, 63, 64; 2:438; breeding range, 1 :27; figure of nest and eggs, 2-439. Grinnell, 1:18; 2:440. large-billed, 1:31. Louisiana, I:1I, 14, 33, 41, 63, 65, 69; 2:441; breeding range, 1:27; figure of nest and eggs, 2:443. northern, 1:15, 70. Water-witch, 1:95, 96. ‘Waxwing, 2:14, 38, 40, 48, 354- Bohemian, 1:16, 2:355. cedar, 1:11, 40, 47, 62, 64; 2:17, 22, 27, 356. Weasel, 1:55. Weber, cited, 2:513. Webster, Frederic S., cited, 1:174; 2:95. Weed seeds, destruction, 2 :48-50. Wekas, 1 :270. West, S. H., cited, 1:174. Western species, 1:18. Wheatear, 1:18. Greenland, 2:535; figure, 2:535. Wheaton, cited, 1:103, 309, 335. Wheezer, 1:178. Whimbrel, American, 1 :339. Whip-poor-will, 1:13, 38, 44, 62, 70; 2:14, 15, 21, 22, 39, 163, 164; figure of nest and eggs, 2:165. Whiskey jack, 2:211. Whistle-wing, I :209. Whistler, 1 :209. White-throat, 1:46, 65. Whitfield, cited, 1 :382. Widgeon, 1:18, 199. American, I :190-91. European, 1 :189. 718 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Widgeon-coot, 1:226. Wilbur, Addison P., cited, 2:99, 107. Willet, 1:15, 328-30. western, I :330. Wilson, Alexander, 2:33. wilsoni, Holopodius, 1 :292. Merula, 2:519. Scolopax, I :300. Sialia, 2:537. Thalassidroraa, 1 :164. Wilsonia canadensis, 2 :462. citrina, 2:458. mitrata, 2:458. pusilla pusilla pusilla, 2:460. wilsonia, Aegialitis, 1 :356. Charadrius, 1 :356. wilsonianus, Asio, 2 :112-13. Otus, 2:112. wilsonius, Ochthodromus, 1 :356-57. Winds, effect on bird life, 2:8. Winter visitants, 1:16-17. Wood, cited, 2:117. Woodcock, 1:43, 52, 70, 289, 327, 333; 2:6, 9, 15, 21, 26, 35, 58, 59. American, 1:13, 36, 296, 297-300; figure of nest and eggs, 1 :299. European, 1:76, 296. Woodland communities, 2:21. Woodpecker, 1:44, 51, 55, 90; 2:18, 36, 38, 40, 48, 52, 54, 139. American three-toed, 1:13, 38, 443; 2:22, 140, 146. Arctic three-toed, 1:13, 38; 2:22, I40, 144. banded-backed, 1:71. black-backed, 1:71. black-backed three-toed, 1:44. Canadian, 1:76. downy, 1:11, 38, 44, 51, 62, 63, 64; 2:12, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28, 36, 46, 54, 55, 140, 142. golden-winged, 2:160. Woodpecker, hairy, T:I1, 38, 44, 51, 63; 2:21, 26, 27, 46, 54, 140, 141. northern hairy, 1:76; 2:142. © northern pileated, 1:13, 38; 2:51. pigeon, 2:160, 161: pileated, 1:44, 51; 2:32, 140. .red-bellied, 1:12, 38; 2:21, 26, 140, 157. red-cockg@fed, 1:76. red-headed, 1:11, 38, 44, 51, 62, 643 2:14, 18, 21, 26, 28, 39, 42, 51, 54, 140, 154. Sapsucker, 1:44, 62, 68; 2:22, 26, 41, 45, 140, 148; figure, 2:148. three-toed, 1:35; 2:146. yellow-bellied, 1:64. Woodruff, cited, 1 :313. Worthington, cited, 1:108, 137, 215; 2:1II, \ II4, 300. Wren, I:51, 52, 54, 70; 2:12, 23, 38, 41, 53, 60, 478. Bewick, 2:481. Carolina, 1:12, 31-32, 33, 41, 69; 2:17, 18, 21, 479; breeding range, 1:29. house, 1:14, 41, 48, 63, 64, 76; 2:17, 18, 26, 481; figure, 2:483. long-billed marsh, 1:14, 41, 64; 2:16, 19, 27, 489. marsh, 1:51, 55, 57, 05; 2:24. short-billed marsh, 1:14, 41; 2:16, 20, 487; breeding range, 1:29; figure of nest, 2:488. winter, 1:12, 41, 42, 48, 49, 63; 2:22, 27, 485; breeding range, 1:29. wood, 1:76. Wright, A. H., cited, 2:542. Wright, Frank S., cited, 1:77, 189, 238, 243; 2:390, 542. xanthocephalus, Icterus, 2 :229. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 2:229. Xanthornus bullockii, 2:242. Xema sabini, 1:136-37. INDEX TO BIRDS OF NEW YORK Yarrup, 2:160. Yellow bird, summer, 2:401. Yellow-hammer, 2:160. Yellow-legs, 1:15, 305, 313; 2:40. greater, 1:15, 323-24. lesser, 1:324, 325-26. winter, 1:324. Yellow-throat, Maryland, 2:16, 20, 22, 23, 452; figure, 2:454. northern, 1:14, 41, 48, 63, 64, 2:7, 20, 27. 719 Young, cited, 1:315. Yucker, 2:160. Zamelodia ludoviciana, 2 :327. Zenaidura macroura, 1 :386. carolinensis, 1 :386-88; figure, figure of nest and eggs, 1 :388. zonorhynchus, Larus, 1 :130. Zonotrichia albicollis, 2:304. leucophrys gambel, 2:303. leucophrys, 2 :301. 123875 NRE Ant iui i eh HR DLT re nt it NEU teat HIS qe rita th faba teinis eet Buon OT SH h Hey sale laitaiaeh thei he 8 Beans i) bebe) Bal a ih ie sarin alaate Visual pe