Tssued October 6, tae. U. S. DEPARTMENT. OF . AGRICULTURE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY — BULLETIN No. 35 Hi W. HENSHAW, Chief DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION OF NORTH AMERICAN SHOREBIRDS BY! " WHLES Ww: (COOKE Assistant, Biological: Survey - WASHINGTON - GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE . 1910" Issued October 6, 1910. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY—BULLETIN No. 35 H. W. HENSHAW, Chief DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION OF NORTH AMERICAN SHOREBIRDS BY WELLS W. COOKE Assistant, Biological Survey WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S. Department or AGRICULTURE, Brotocicat SuRVEY, Washington, D. C., June 28, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for publication as Bulletin No. 35 of the Biological Survey, a report on the Distribution and Migration of North American Shorebirds, by Wells W. Cooke, assistant, Biological Survey. Many species of shorebirds inhabit the United States or pass through our territory in migration. These birds possess considerable economic importance, and as other wild game like ducks, geese, and swans diminish in numbers their value for food and as a means for sport will increase. J.arge numbers are annually killed, and unless prompt measures are taken adequately to protect them some of the larger and more important kinds are likely to become extinct, especially in the region east of the Missis- sippi River. A knowledge of the summer and winter abodes of the several species and of the routes they take in migration is essential to intelligent legislation in their behalf, and, accordingly, all the known facts in regard to this part of their life history are here brought together. Respectfully, H. W. Hensnaw, Chief, Biological Survey. Hon. James WItson, Secretary of Agriculture. 2 CONTENTS. Introduction: Sssc4 Giaswidg dew cebicmnsiincengidaduamekeeene ences caveat mec Distribublone ya... tees uh ematyereeeendes Aeeaeae Tatatal ac atA tl AS Migration North American shorebirds...............0. 00200 cece cece eet ee cece eeeeceeeeee European woodcock............ 20 eee cece eee cece eee eee eee ceees Woodcock............- iG aRaniyabesan Ac cecehrosteciir ade Aa amee Ae ete tala HUPOpeCal SNMP. oc civecgeccssedadamids csewamah pomieenwcleenwewice sree irate Wilson Snipe sass. ae acca scusauw diaehtlsarudiiys mada t ene deneenns Great ENIDG sicjo52.:rtcspion ood aewaberesenewdeaebeesweesmieeeeeee thee ecmei’ Dowitch eft sins cen wiee sssicinienedss aa csieisies oe bis ares ba isiescseusid weawieieteene Purple Sarid pipet ccc ccacmoxas cece aaueion cio einetananee Soeee genie Aleutian sandpiper.......-........2..-- ieorssteiioniets S eaboayadlas Gieieteeanwen Pribi lof cand pipet cscs aiconasndae as soem gene scanner ere aaeeecerenes Sharp-tailed sandpiper........+.-....-- 2220 2eeeeee eee e cece eee e eee ees Red-backed sand piper: .c2sccccssceee a caeeeeee ress eesseanw eee eens Curlew sandpiper........... gay Seed Seatac deca s thcie Broeas tiem nie permeate Aeneas ual enaya eee Spoon-bill sand piper so.s.2.05ccccbssiwiesenwiaded eee pbac needa bebe cen Semipalmated sandpiper............-..-..2.020-200 eee eee Lesotencuaces ‘Western: sand pipe? icccacccpencsdoncencecwnsiet won reancedieeeneensents Sanderling oes saiickieni sare angers s Seip dota tele oe octal ewe sadetds Marbled god Wit-