eeseiererecest Sate a sone Srey eae Seed pees baba ee eee ee Eee Teter eatl sania giao HUNTINGTON FREE LIBRARY Native American Collection CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bulletin No, 222 Series G, Miscellaneous, 26 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director ET 097 655 975 __ 3 1924 097 655 CATALOGUE AND INDEX OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE HAYDEN, KING, POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF THE FORTIETH PARALLEL * GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN deg BY L. F. SCUMECKEBIER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1904 DN Enya o se MPLS Our, oe : mes Ae ~ oO ' Y zs ron w3 (e ast —_— =) Das (904 CONTENTS. Lettériof transmittal case» 2 7 ucts sesteetecie os os 5 es Meee aeeewne Tintrod Uctionipweehasetiue cowed Iota ht ons ce TE ath Ban ea Catalogue’: occ. cccek coke cece Ley une aeieeeewle 2 cena aun Gausieewenaueee ae United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Hayden) esasacee ede assess needed Soe Veo accadeseianiecaecee ATT UAL We Porte. oases seh coo en ftaee Caneel aaa aoe ce oes Final reports or monographs ....--..---.------------------- eee eee TB Letina eee latele te aie oe yee eee ne ee ee re ee mie Miscellaneous publications ..........---------------------e-e eee eee Unclassified publications... -_-- Seeteisiasy tan Sa eee Cee eee Mla pais secihais cise cians ec laas ota et ess peys poe e Sa ene Aci eh enes, Atlas Of: ColOTad 02 x.ccsateremendaeegeoeed Late huataaeesreteececes Géierall Sess eeeesceen nese oe Oo as eee seccees W Young) 2s 2 foes ees ceeemin aie dace temnmigha eee woe United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (King) -.-- ATNUAL YEPOLrts:. 3.5255 cco hheeeseeaedese2t Cakes Syne eaedemscees Final reports or monographs .......-..-.----------+-+---2---2-----+- Atlas accesses ee sec cicrcmcineccememe es eee e es cmmcrminmeceenmm Special publication... ccccicgacee dances es ees oe acca taiteegeuls United States Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. (Powell) .u 2 =ssscsseseccee cox vets sos aces eeeesecieeections Karly reports by ds We Powell scecceseeese ss see stemeesidetedce cn In AL PEPOPUG ois <3 eset eee seoed es sets ede se eee Secigeed Contributions to North American Ethnology --..-....--..---------- United States Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian (Wheeler) 0.22 esccee tcc s oe soneniectenmine sees ees aececeseeseseecen Annwal TEPOrtS ie %cc 2s ejgrseee gee eee cee. os oF clecldaienece ee eee Final xeports or’ monographs es.% secenecees ots +s seosseeesseteeeeeex Unclassified publications..........2.2222-2+2+s-4 oesscseeees veeeeese MAPS cisancssicwinsine soo S ce cmea decider ee bagsemeneneticeme: Atlas BHECtS 2. 22.n.2.6 2 acerca ciaidinn ote oe ses eeeeeltee. cedace PoposrapMiCMMaPess s=eeecccs erred kd olLeaenescceeesceres Geologie MAPS . j2sccqscccccceeemee evs oe Seeeeceeazereen Land classification maps ... 0-5). 2+ ++ +22. sceetecweuien os Special Waps) cows: 2cceeieecseseecees bes veeereeesredeeeeewer 2 20 21 31 32 385 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 52 57 60 60 60 63 64 65 67 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Untrep Srates GrouocicaL SuRVEY, Washington, D. C., November 11, 1903. Str: I transmit herewith the manuscript for a ‘‘ Catalogue and Index of the Publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Sur- veys,” prepared by Mr. L. F. Schmeckebier, of the editorial division of the Geological Survey, and recommend that it be published in the Bulletin series of the Survey. The publications of these early Government organizations consti- tute a storehouse of geographic, geologic, ethnologic, and archeologic information concerning the western. portion of the United States; and though their usefulness may have diminished as a result of more detailed surveys and more precise work, I believe that this complete catalogue and consolidated index will be welcomed by many students, investigators, and librarians. Very respectfully, P. C. Warman, Editor. Hon. Cuartes D. Watcorrt, Director United States Geologieal Survey. INTRODUCTION. The field work of the four great surveys whose publications are catalogued and indexed herein was done between 1867 and 1879, when the United States Geological Survey was organized. The office work, such as the preparation of maps and reports, continued until several years later. As far as known to the writer, no complete list of the publications of these surveys has been issued. The last edition of the catalogue of the Hayden survey was published in 1879, and the last edition of the catalogue of the Wheeler survey was issued in 1881. These cata- logues are necessarily incomplete, as all the publications of these surveys had not been issued at the time the catalogues were printed. The index is general in character, giving a bird’s-eye view of the pub- lications, and ix not a compilation of details such as would be found in the indexes to the individual reports. For instance, it has been found impracticable to index generic and specific names in botany and zool- ogy. The few specific or generic names appearing in the index are portions of the titles of papers. However, in order to give a general view of publications on zoology and botany, all entries referring to these subjects are subordinated under the headings: ‘‘ Vertebrates;” ‘*Vertebrates, fossil;” ‘‘Invertebrates;” ‘‘Invertebrates, fossil;” ‘**Plants;” and ‘‘ Plants, fossil.” Likewise, all entries relating to eth- nologic and archeologic subjects are included in the group ‘* Ethnology and Archeology.” All geographic entries are classified under names of States and Territories. The United States Geological Survey has no copies of these publi- cations for distribution. For many suggestions at various stages of the work the writer is indebted to Mr. P. C. Warman. L. F. S. 7 CATALOGUE AND INDEX OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE HAYDEN, KING, POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS. By L. F. Scumeckesirr. CATALOGUE. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES (HAYDEN), ANNUAL REPORTS. 1867. ‘\ [First Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Nebraska, by F. V. Hayden, U.S. geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 1867.] Pages 124-177 of the Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the year 1867. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office. 1867. [NoTE.—Reprinted in 1873 in ‘First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories.’ See page 10.] \ 1868. [Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Wyoming, by F. V. Hayden, U. S. geolo- gist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 1868.] Pages 220-255 of the Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the year 1868. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1868. [Notr.—Reprinted in 1873 in ‘ First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories.” See page 10.] Report of F. V. Hayden on the geography of the Missouri Valley, pp. 220-229. Geological explorations in Wyoming Territory [by F. V. Hayden], pp. 229-255. 1869. \ [Third Annual] Preliminary Field Report of the United States Geo- logical Survey of Colorado and New Mexico, conducted under the 9 10 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [RULn. 222, authority of Hon. J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, by F. V. Hay- den, United States geologist. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1869. 8° 155 pp. Letter to the Secretary, pp. 3-5. Geological report, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 7-99. Mines and minerals of Colorado [and New Mexico], by Persifor Frazer, jr., pp. 101-130. Agriculture of Colorado, by Cyrus Thomas, pp. 131-155. (Nore.—Reprinted in 1873 in First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the Geolog- ical Survey of the Territories (see next entry).| First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geo- logical Survey of the Territories for the years 1867, 1868, and 1869, under the Department of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873. 8°. 261 pp., 11. Prefatory note, by F. V. Hayden, p. 3. First Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Nebraska, by F. V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 1867. pp. 5-64. [NotE.—Reprinted from the ‘‘ Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the year 1867,” pp. 124-177.] Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. embracing Wyoming, by F. V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 1868. pp. 65-102. [NorE.—Reprinted from the ‘‘ Report of the Commissioner of the Gencral Land Office for the year 1868,’ pp. 220-255.] Report of F. V. Hayden on the geography of the Missouri Valley, pp. 67-76. Geological explorations in Wyoming Territory [by F. V. Hayden], pp. 76-102. Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and New Mexico. Conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior, by F. V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist. pp. 103-251. (Note.—Reprint of ‘Preliminary Field Report of the United States Geological Survey of Colorado and New Mexico.”’] Letter to the Secretary, pp. 105-107. Geological report, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 109-199. Mines and minerals of Colorado [and New Mexico], by Persifor Frazer, jr., pp. 201-228. Agriculture of Colorado, by Cyrus Thomas, pp. 229-251. Index, pp. 253-261. Table of contents. 1870. [Fourth Annual] Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous Territories (being a second annual report of progress), conducted under the authority of SCHMECKEBIER. ] ANNUAL REPORTS. 11 the Secretary of the Interior, by F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1871. (Nore.—Though called in the title a Second Annual Report, this is really the Fourth Annual Report, as the informal reports for 1867 and 1868 were considered the first and second of the series. There is another edition of this report, exactly identical, but with the date 1872.] 8°. 511 pp. Letter to the Secretary, pp. 3-8. Part I. Report of F. V. Hayden, pp. 9-81. Part II. Geology of the Missouri Valley [by F. V. Hayden], pp. 83-188. Part III. Report of Professor Cyrus Thomas, pp. 189-284. Agriculture [in Wyoming and adjacent territory], pp. 189-264. List and description of new species of Orthoptera, by Prof. Cyrus Thomas, pp. 265-284. Part IV. Special reports, pp. 285-458. I. Preliminary paleontological report, consisting of lists of fossils, with descriptions of some new types, etc., by F. B. Meek, pp. 287-318. II. On the Tertiary coals of the West, by Jas. T. Hodge, geologist, pp. 318-329. III. The ancient lakes of western America: Their deposits and drainage, by J. 8. Newberry, LL. D., pp. 329-339. IV. Report on the vertebrate fossils of the Tertiary formations of the West, by Prof. Joseph Leidy, pp. 340-370. VY. On the fossil plants of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of Kansas and Nebraska, by L. Lesquereux, pp. 370-385. VI. On the fossil reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous rocks of Kansas, by Prof. E. D. Cope, pp. 385-424. VII. On the fishes’of the Tertiary shales of Green River, Wyoming Territory, by Professor Edward D. Cope, pp. 425-432. VIII. Recent reptiles and fishes. Report on the reptiles and fishes obtained by the naturalists of the expedition, by E. D. Cope, A. M., pp. 432-442. IX. Material resources. Report on the industrial resources of western Kansas and eastern Colorado, by R. 8. Elliott, pp. 442-458. Part V. Catalogues, pp. 459-487. I. Mammals and birds. A list of mammals and birds collected in Wyoming Territory, by Mr. H. D. Smith and Mr. James Stevenson, during the expedition of 1870, by James Stevenson, pp. 461-467. II. Report on Mollusca, by 8. R. Roberts, recorder conchological section, Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, pp. 467-469. III. Coleoptera. A list of Coleoptera collected by C. Thomas, in eastern Col- orado and northeastern New Mexico, during the survey of 1869, by Dr. G. H. Horn, pp. 469-470. IV. Hemiptera. A listof Hemiptera collected in eastern Colorado and north- eastern New Mexico, by C. Thomas, during the expedition of 1869, by P. R. Uhler, Esq., pp. 471-72. V. Catalogue of plants, by Thomas C. Porter, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, pp. 472-483. ™~ VI. Catalogue of plants. A list of plants collected by C. Thomas, in eastern Colorado and northeastern New Mexico, during the survey of 1869, by Dr. C. C. Parry, pp. 484-487. Appendix. Meteorology, etc., by Mr. J. W. Beaman, pp. 488-501. Index, pp. 503-511. 12 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL 222, 1871. [Fifth Annual] Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Montana and portions of adjacent Territories; being a fifth annual report of progress. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Conducted under authority of the Secretary of the Inte- rior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1872. [NoTE.—This volume was also issued in quarto, only 30 copies being printed. The only annual issued in quarto.] 8°. vi, 3-538 pp., 21., 5 maps, 2 pls. Letter to the Secretary, pp. 3-9. Part I. Report of F. V. Hayden, pp. 11-204, 5 maps. Part II. Agricultural resources of the Territories, by Professor Cyrus Thomas, pp. 205-279. [Irrigation methods in Santa Clara Valley, California.] Letter of Professor G. N. Allen, pp. 269-271. : Short descriptions of some of the valleys of Nevada, by Mr. Haskell, of Reno, Nevada, pp. 271-273. Experiments in cultivation on the plains along the line of the Kansas Pacific Railway, by R. 8. Elliott, pp. 274-279. Part III. Paleontology, pp. 281-377. Fossil flora, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 283. I. Enumeration and description of the fossil plants from the specimens obtained in the explorations of Dr. F. V. Hayden, 1870 and 1871, pp. 283-303. II. Remarks on the Cretaceous species described above, pp. 303-304. III. Tertiary flora of North America, pp. 304-318. On the geology and paleontology of the Cretaceous strata of Kansas, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 318-349. On the vertebrate fossils of the Wahsatch strata, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 350-353. On the fossil vertebrates of the early Tertiary formation of Wyoming, by Prof. Joseph Leidy, pp. 353-372. Preliminary list of the fossils collected by Dr. Hayden’s exploring expedi- tion of 1871, in Utah and Wyoming Territories, with descriptions of a few new species, by F. B. Meek, pp. 373-377. Part IV. Zoology and botany, pp. 379-498. Notice of some worms collected during Professor Hayden’s expedition to the Yellowstone River in the summer of 1871, by Prof. Joseph Leidy, of Philadelphia, pp. 381-382. Coleoptera, by George H. Horn, M. D., Philadelphia, pp. 382-392. Notices of the Hemiptera of the western Territories of the United States, chiefly from the surveys of Dr. F. V. Hayden, by P. R. Uhler, pp. 392-- 423. Notes on the saltatorial Orthoptera of the Rocky Mountain regions, by Pro- fessor Cyrus Thomas, pp. 423-466, pls. i-ii. List of species of butterflies collected by Campbell Carrington and William B. Logan, of the expedition, in 1871, by W. H. Edwards, pp. 466467. Report on the Recent reptiles and fishes of the survey, collected by Campbell Carrington and OC. M. Dawes, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 467-476. ™ Catalogue of plants, by Prof. Thomas C. Porter, pp. 477-498. Part V. Meteorology, by J. W. Beaman, pp.‘ 499-524. Index, pp. 525-538. SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 1d Supplement to the Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geo- logical Survey of the Territories for 1871. F. V. Hayden, United States geologist in charge. Report on fossil flora. By Leo Lesque- reux. Conducted under authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1872. 8°. 22 pp. An enumeration with descriptions of some Tertiary fossil plants, from speci- mens procured in the explorations of Dr. F. V. Hayden, in 1870, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 5-22. 1872. Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, being a report of progress of the explorations for the year 1872. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873. 8°. xi, 844 pp., 12 pls., 5 maps, 4 leaves containing figs. 10, 14, 15, 34. Letter to the Secretary, 1-10 pp. f Part I. 11-313 pp., 5 maps, 4 leaves containing figs. 10, 14, 15. 34. Report of F. V. Hayden [on explorations in Yellowstone Valley and adja- cent region], pp. 11-85, 3 maps, 3-leaves containing figs. 10, 14, 15. Report of N. P. Langford on the resources of Snake River Valley, pp. 86-91. Means of access to the Yellowstone National Park by railroad, by R. Hering, pp. 92-95. Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., [on explorations in Colorado, Utah, and Wyo- ming], pp. 97-187, 1 leaf containing fig. 34. Report of Frank H. Bradley, geologist of the Snake River division, pp. 189-271, 2 maps. Physical geography and agricultural resources of Minnesota, Dakota, and 3 Nebraska, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D., pp. 273-318. J Part II. Special reports on geology and paleontology, pp. 315-658, pls. 1-12. Lignitic formation and fossil flora, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 317-427. Preliminary paleontological report, consisting of lists and descriptions of fossils, with remarks on the ages of the rocks in which they were found, etc., by F. B. Meek, paleontologist, pp. 429-518. Report of a geological reconnaissance along the Union Pacific Railroad, by H. M. Bannister, M. D., pp. 519-641. On the extinct vertebrata of the Eocene of Wyoming, observed by the expe- dition of 1872, with notes on the geology, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. a 543-649, pls. 1-6. On remains of primitive art in the Bridger Basin of southern Wyoming, by a Professor Joseph Leidy, pp. 651-654, pls. 7-12. “SS Ancient mounds of Dakota, by C. Thomas, Ph. D., pp. 655-658. Part III. Special reports on zoology and botany, pp. 659-792. Report on the mammals and birds of the expedition, by C. H. Merriam, pp. 661-715. 7 Coleoptera, by George H. Horn, M. D., Philadelphia, p. 717. Notes on Orthoptera, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D., pp. 719-725. Odonata from the Yellowstone, by Dr. H. Hagen, pp. 727-729. 14 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL. 222. Descriptions of new species of Mallophaga collected by C. H. Merriam while in the Government geological survey of the Rocky Mountains, Pro- fessor F. V. Hayden, United States geologist, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 731-734. Description of new parasitic worms found in the brain and other parts of birds, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 735-737. Description of new insects, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 739-741. Insects inhabiting Great Salt Lake and other saline or alkaline lakes in the West, by A. S. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 744-746. Botany, by John M. Coulter, pp. 747-792. Part IY. Report on astronomy and hypsometry, pp. 793-817. Report on astronomy and hypsometry, by Henry Gannett, M. E., pp. 795-807. Notes on the climate of Montana, by Mr. Granville Stuart, of Deer Lodge, Montana Territory, pp. 809-817. Index, pp. 819-844. 18738. [Seventh] Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado, being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1873, by F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. xii, 718 pp., 54 pls. and maps, 44 leaves containing figures and other illustra- tions. Letter to the Secretary, pp. 1-14. Part I. Geology, mineralogy, and mining industry, pp. 15-361. Report of F. V. Hayden, United States geologist, [on geology of central por- tion of Colorado], pp. 17-82, figs. 1-18, sections i-iy. Report of Arch. R. Marvine, assistant geologist directing the Middle Park division, pp. 83-192, pls. i-iii, figs. 1-17 (fig. 4 misnamed pl. 4; fig. 6 mis- named fig. 4; fig. 17 misnamed fig. 16). Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., geologist of the South Park division, pp. 193-273, pls. 1-20. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D. [geologist of the San Luis division], pp. 275-361, pls. A, B, viii, x, xii-xv, figs. 1-13; illustrations A and B, and 3 not numbered. Part II. Special reports on paleontology, pp. 365-533, pls. i-viii. The Lignitic formation and its fossil flora, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 365-425. Report on the vertebrate paleontology of Colorado, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 427-533, pls. 1-8. Part III. Zoology, pp. 535-623, pls. i-vi. Report of Lieut. W. L. Carpenter on the collections made by him in 1873, while connected with the United States Geological Survey, pp. 537-538. Destruction of pine-timber in the Rocky Mountains, by Lieut. W. L. Car- penter, U. 8. A., pp. 538-539, Report on the alpine insect-fauna of Colorado, by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U.S. A., pp. 539-542. List of species of butterflies collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U. 8. A., for the United States geological survey of Colorado, 1873, by W. H. Edwards, p. 542. SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 15 On the geographical distribution of the moths of Colorado, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 543-560. Report on the Diptera collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter in Colorado dur- ing the summer of 1873, by C. R. Osten Sacken, pp. 561-566. Notice on the galls collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, by C. R. Osten Sacken, p. 567. List of species of Coleoptera, collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, United States Army, for the United States geological survey of Colorado, 1873, pp. 567-571. Report on the Pseudo-Neuroptera and Neuroptera collected by Lieut. W. L. -Carpenter in 1873 in Colorado, by Dr. H. A. Hagen, pp. 571-606. Report on the myriopods collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., p. 607. Report on the amphipod Crustaceans, by S. I. Smith, pp. 608-611, pls. i-ii. Description of a lernwcan Crustacean (Achthernes carpenteri) obtained by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, in 1873, in Colorado, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., p. 612. Synopsis of the fresh-water phyllopod Crustacea of North America, by A. 5. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 618-622, pls. i-iv. List of leeches collected by Hayden’s expedition, 1873, by A. E. Verrill, p. 623, List of terrestrial mollusks collected by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U. 8. A., for the United States geological survey of Colorado, 1873, by William G. Binney, p. 623. Part IV. Geography and topography, pp. 625-681, 3 maps. Sketch of the methods of survey in the geographical department, hy James T. Gardner, geographer, pp. 627-628, 1 map. The elevations of certain datum-points on the Great Lakes and rivers and in the Rocky Mountains, by James T. Gardner, geographer, pp. 629-659, 1 map. Topographical report of Middle Park division, 1878, by 8. B. Ladd, M. E., pp. 661-669. Geographical report of Henry Gannett, M. E., [on central Colorado], pp. 670-681, 1 map. Appendix, pp. 683-691, 1 map. Gold Hill mining region, its position and general geology, by Arch. R. Mar- vine, pp. 685-687, 1 map. The telluride ores of the Red Cloud and Cold Spring mines, Gold Hill, by B. Silliman, pp. 689-691. Index, pp. 693-718. 1s74. [Eighth] Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories; being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1874. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Con- ducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1876. 8°. ix, 515 pp. 82 leaves containing illustrations, 8 leaves containing plate descriptions. Letter to the Secretary, pp. 1-17. 16 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL. 222 [Geology, mineralogy and mining industry], pp. 19-269. [Report of F. V. Hayden on Lignitic group, geology of eastern base of Front Range, and geography and geology of Elk Mountains], pp. 19-71; 34 leaves. Report on the geology of the northwestern portion of the Elk Range, by W. H. Holmes, pp. 59-71, 12 leaves containing illustrations. Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., geologist of Middle division, pp. 73-180, 20 leaves containing illustrations. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., 1874 [geologist of San Juan division], pp. 181-240, figs. 1-3, sections i-viii. Report of Samuel Aughey, Ph. D., The superficial deposits of Nebraska, pp. 241-269. Paleontology. Report of Leo Lesquereux, pp. 271-365. On the Tertiary flora of the North American lignitic, considered as evidence of the age of the formation, pp. 275-315. A review of the Cretaceous flora of North America, pp. 316-365, pls. i-viii. [Archeology], pp. 367-381. -Report of W. H. Jackson on ancient ruins in southwestern Colorado, pp. 367-381, pls. i-viii. : Zoology. Report of Ernest Ingersoll on the natural history of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 1874, pp. 383-410. Topography and geography. Reports of Henry Gannett, 8. B. Ladd, and A. D. Wilson, pp. 411-496, 1 map. : Geographical report of Henry Gannett, M. E., topographer directing Mid- dle division, pp. 413-433, 1 map. Topographical report of Northern division, 1874; by Story B. Ladd, M. E., pp. 435-442, Means of communication between Denver and San Juan mines, by A. D. Wil- son, topographer directing, pp. 443-449. Report on the topography of the San Juan country, by Franklin Rhoda, assistant topographer, pp. 451-496. Index, pp. 497-515. 1875. v Ninth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories; being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1875. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Con- ducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1877. 8°. vii, 827 pp., 10 ll. unpaged, 75 pls. and maps. Report of F. V. Hayden, United States geologist in charge. Letter to the Secretary. pp. 1-28. Part I. Geology, pp. 29-294, pls. i-xxii, xxiv, xxvi-xlix. Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., geologist of the Grand River division, 1875, on the Grand River district, pp. 31-101, pls. i-viii. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., geologist of the Southeastern division, 1875, on the Southeastern district, pp. 103-235, pls. ix-xxii, xxiv, xxvi- xxxiii. Report of William H. Holmes, geologist of the San Juan division, 1875, on the San Juan district, pp. 237-276, pls. xxxiv—xlix. Geological report of B. F. Mudge. Notes on the Tertiary and Cretaceous periods of Kansas, pp. 277-294. : SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 17 Part II. Geography and topography. pp. 295-440, pls. 1-Ixi, 2 maps. Report of A. D. Wilson, topographer of the Southeastern division, 1875, on the Southeastern district, pp. 297-333. Topographical report on the Southeastern district, by Franklin Rhoda, assistant topographer, pp. 302-333, pl. 1. Report of Henry Gannett, M. E., topographer of the Grand River division, 1875, on the Grand River district, pp. 335-350, pls. li-lii. Report of George B. Chittenden, topographer of the San Juan division, 1875, on the San Juan district, pp. 351-368, pls. liii-lvi. Report of Gustavus R. Bechler, topographer, 1873, ’74, ’75, on the Middle and South Parks, Colorado, and adjacent country, pp. 369-440, pls. lvii- lxi, 2 maps. Part III. Zoology, pp. 441-815, pls. lxii-lxx, 5 maps. History of the American bison, Bison americanus, by J. A. Allen, pp. 443-587, 11. errata. Report on the Rocky Mountain iocust and other insects now injuring or likely to injure field and garden crops in the western States and Terri- tories, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 589-809, 9 unpaged leaves, pls. lxii-lxx. Appendix. List of Coleoptera collected in 1875, in Colorado and Utah, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 811-815. Index, pp. 817-827. 1876. ‘Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geo- grapical Survey of the Territories, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1876. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 8°. xxix, 546 pp., 79 pls., 3 maps. Letter to the Secretary, pp. xili-xxix. Part I. Geology, pp. 1-272, pls. i-xvi. Report of C. A. White, M. D., on the geology of a portion of northwestern Colorado, pp. 3-60, pls. i-ii. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., geologist of the White River division, on the geology of the White River district, pp. 61-131, pls. iii-vii. Mineralogical report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D.: Catalogue of minerals found in Colorado, pp. 133-159. Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., geologist of the Grand River division, 1876, on the Grand River district, pp. 161-185, pls. viii—xii. Report of William H. Holmes, on the geology of the Sierra Abajo and West San Miguel Mountains, pp. 187-195, pls. xiii-xvi. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., on the erupted rocks of Colorado, pp. 197-272. Part II. Topography, pp. 273-378, pls. xvii-xxix. Report of A. D. Wilson, chief topographer, on the primary triangulation of Colorado, pp. 275-309, pls. xvii-xxi. Report of Henry Gannett, M. E., on the arable and pasture lands of Colo- rado, pp. 311-347. Bull. 222—04—_2 18 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. (BULL, 222. Report of George B. Chittenden, C. E., topographer of the White River division, 1876, on the White River district, pp. 349-357. Report of Gustavus R. Bechler, topographer of the Yampa division, 1876, on the Yampa River district, pp. 359-378, pls. xxii-xxix. “~~ Part IIL) Archeology and ethnology, pp. 379-478, pls. xxx-]xxix. -Report of William H. Holmes on the ancient ruins of southwestern Colo- rado, examined during the summers of 1875 and 1876, pp. 381-408, pls. xxx-xlvi. - Report of William H. Jackson on the ancient ruins examined in 1875 and -1877, pp. 409-450, pls. xlvii-lxxiv. 2 Report of W. J. Hoffman, M. D., on the Chaco cranium, pp. 451-457, pls. co = SO Ixxy-lxxvi. Report of W. J. Hoffman, M. D.: Miscellaneous ethnographic observations on Indians inhabiting Nevada, California, and Arizona, pp. 459-478, pls. [xxvii-lxxix. Part IV. Paleontology and zoology, pp. 479-531. Report of Leo Lesquereux: Remarks on specimens of Cretaceous and Ter- tiary plants secured by the Survey in 1877, with a list of the species hitherto descriked, pp. 481-520. Report of A. 8. Packard, jr.: Insects affecting the cranberry, with remarks on other injurious insects, pp. 521-531. Index, pp. 533-546. [Geologic, economic, and drainage maps of Colorado west of one hundred and second meridian, at end. ] 1877. Eleventh Annual Report of United States Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories embracing Idaho and Wyoming, being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1877. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office. 1879. 8°. xxviii, 720 pp., 10 11., 89 pls. and maps. Letter to the Secretary, pp. ix—xxviii. Part I. Geology and paleontology, pp. 1-646, pls. i-vi, 1-10, vii-lxvi, Ixvia, Ixvii-lxxv, Ixxva, Ixxvi. Report of F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., on the geology of the Sweetwater district, pp. 3-158, pls. i-vi. Report of C. A. White, M. D., on the paleontological field work for the season of 1877, pp. 159-272. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology, No. 1: Cretaceous fossils of the western States and Territories, by C. A. White, M.’D., pp. 273-319, pls. 1-10. Report of Orestes St. John, geologist of the Teton division, on the geological field work of the Teton division, pp. 321-508, pls-vii-xlvi. Report of A. C. Peale, M. D., geologist of the Green River division, on the geology of the Green River district, pp. 509-646, pls. xlvii-Ixvi, Ixvia, Ixvii-lxxy, Ixxva, lxxvi. Part II. Topography, pp. 647-710, 1 map. Report of A. D. Wilson, chief topographer, on the primary triangulation of 1877 and 1878, pp. 649-671, 1 map. Report of Henry Gannett, M. E., topographer, pp. 673-710. Index, pp. 711-720. SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 19 1878. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geo- graphical Survey of the Territories: A report of progress of the exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the year 1878. In two parts. Part I [Part II]. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. Con- ducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1883. 8°. 2 pts. and case for maps. xviii, 809 pp., 32 11, 155 pls. and maps; xxv, 503 pp. 2 1l., 151 pls., figs., and maps; map case containing 10 maps. Part I. Geology, paleontology, and zoology, xviii, 809 pp., 32 1., 155 pls. and maps. Letter to the Secretary, pp. xiii-xviii. Part [Section] I. Geology and paleontology, pp. 1-293, 32 IL, pls. 11-42, i-xlix, 2 maps, 7 unnumbered illustrations. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology, No. 2: Cretaceous fossils of the western States and Territories, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 3-39, pls. 11-18. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology, No. 3: Certain Tertiary Mollusca from Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 41-48, pl. 19. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology No. 4: Fossils of the Lara- mie group, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 49-103, pls. 20-30. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology No. 5; Triassic fossils of southeastern Idaho, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 105-118, pls. 31-32. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology No. 6; Certain Carbonifer- ous fossils from the western States and Territories, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 119-141, pls. 33-36. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology No. 7; Jurassic fossils from the Western Territories, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 143-153, pls. 37-38. Contributions to invertebrate paleontology No. 8; Fossils from the Carboniferous rocks of the Interior States, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 155-171, pls. 39-42. : Report of Orestes St. John, on the geology of the Wind River district, pp. 173-269, pls. i-xlix, 1 map, and 6 unnumbered illustrations. The Tertiary Lake basin at Florissant, Colo., between South and Hay- den parks, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 271-293, map. Section II. Zoology, pp. 295-806, pls. i-xxxix, i-xxiv, 1 map, 1 illustration unnumbered. A monograph of the phyllopod Crustacea of North America, with re- marks on the order Phyllocarida, by A. 8. Packard, jr., pp. 295-592, pls. i-xxxix, 1 map. Appendix A.—On Artemia fertilis Verrill, from Great Salt Lake, Utah Territory, by Prof. C. Th. von Siebold, of Munich. Trans- lated by Dr. Phil. Carl F. Gissler, of Providence, R. I., pp. 459-463. B.—Prof. Carl Theodor von Siebold on parthenogenesis in Arte- mia salina. Abstract by Dr. C. F. Gissler, pp. 463-466. C.—On the relation of Artemia salina Milne-Edwards to Arte- mia muehlhausenii Milne-Edwards and to the genus Branchi- pus Schaefer, by W. J. Schmankewitsch, pp. 466-473. 20 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL. 222, D.—Contribution to a knowledge of the influence of external conditions of life upon the organization of animals, by Wladimir Schmankewitsch, pp. 473-514. Osteology of Speotyto cunicularia hypogea, by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., captain, Medical Department, United States Army, pp. 593-626, pls. i-iii. Osteology of Eremophila alpestris, by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., captain, Medical Department, United States Army, pp. 627-652, pl. iv. Osteology of the North American Tetraonide, by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., captain, Medical Department, United States Army, pp. 653-718, pls. v-xiii. Osteology of Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., captain, Medical Department, United States Army, pp. 719-725, pl. xiv. Osteology of the Cathartide, by R. W. Shufeldt, M. D., captain, Medi- cal Department, United States Army, pp. 727-806, pls. xv—xxiv, 1 un- numbered illustration. Index, pp. 807-809. . Part II. Yellowstone National Park. xxv, 503 pp., 2 ll., 151 pls. and other illustrations. Letter to the Secretary, pp. xvii-xxiv. Section I. Geology, pp. xxv, 1-62, 2 1l., pls. A, B, i-xxxii, and map. Report on the geology of the Yellowstone National Park, by W. H. Holmes, pp. 1-62, pls. A, B, i-xxxii, and map. Section II. Thermal springs, pp. 63-454, pls. C, D, i, ia, ii-iv, v-vd, vi-vid, vii-xi, xia, xii-xiii, xiiia, xiv, xiva, xv—xviii, xix, xixa, xx-xxxil, xxxiia, XXxiii, xxxiiia, xxxiv-xl, xla, xl), xli, xlia, xlii—xlv, figs. 1-32, 11 maps. The thermal springs of Yellowstone National Park, by A. C. Peale, M. D., pp. 65-454, pls. C, D, i, ia, ii-iv, v, vd, vi-vid, vii-xi, xia, xii-xiii, xiiia, xxiv-xl, xla, xlb, xli, xlia, xlii-xlv, figs. 1-32, 11 maps. Section III. Topography, pp. 455-490, 8 pls. Geographical field work of the Yellowstone Park division, by Henry Gannett, E. M., pp. 455-490, 8 pls. Index, pp. 491-503. FINAL REPORTS OR MONOGRAPHS. Department of the Interior. Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, United States geologist- in-charge. In five volumes“ [Volume II-III, V-XIII] Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873 [-1890] 4°. 12 vols. I. Fossil vertebrates. Part I. Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the western Territories, by Prof. Joseph Leidy. 1873. 358 pp., 37 IL, 37 pls. Il. The vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of the West, by E. D. Cope. 1875. 302 pp., 58 11, 57 pls. Ill. The vertebrata of the Tertiary formations of the West. Book I.o By Edward D. Cope, member of the National Academy of Sciences. 1883. xxxiv, 1009 pp., 186 IL, 134 pls. a When the series was commenced it was intended to complete it in five volumes, >No other part. SCHMECKEBIER, ] MONOGRAPHS AND BULLETINS. 91 IV. Not published. VY. Zoology and Botany. Part I.¢ Synopsis of the Acridide of North America, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D. 1873. x, 262 pp., 1 pl. VI. Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories. Part I. The Cretaceous flora, by Leo Lesquereux. 1874. 136 pp., 3411, 30 pls. VII. Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories. PartII. The Tertiary flora, by Leo Lesquereux. 1878. xv, 366 pp., 66 ll., 65 pls. VIII. Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories. Part III. ‘The Cretaceous and Tertiary floras, by Leo Lesquereux. 1883. xii, 283 pp., 60 11., 60 pls. IX. A report on the invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils of the upper Missouri country, by F. B. Meek. 1876. Ixiv, 629 pp., 45 11, 45 pls. X. A monograph of the geometrid moths.or Phalnide of the United States, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., 1876. iv, 607 pp., 15 11., 13 pls. XI. Monographs of North American Rodentia, by Elliott Coues, captain and assistant surgeon, United States Army, secretary and naturalist of the survey; and Joel Asaph Allen, assistant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, special collaborator of the survey. 1877. xii*, x, 1,091 pp., 11. (265 bis), 7 pls. XII. Fresh-water rhizopods of North America, by Joseph Leidy, M. D., pro- fessor of anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania and of natural history in Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. 1879. xi, 324 pp., 48 ll., 48 pls. XIII. The Tertiary insects of North America, by Samuel H. Scudder. 1890. 734 pp., 28 pls. BULLETINS. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geologi- cal and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist-in-charge. 1874 and 1875. Volume I. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office. 1875. 8°. xiii, 28, 77, 499 pp., 26 ll., 25 pls., 2 maps. [First series], No.1. 1874. 28 pp., 11. List of members and collaborators of the survey for 1873, pp. 3-4. List of the publications of the Geological Survey of the Territories, pp. 5-6. Report on the stratigraphy and Pliocene vertebrate paleontology of northern Colorado, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 7-28. [First series], No. 2. April 9, 1874. 77 pp., 2 Il. Review of the vertebrata of the Cretaceous period found west of the Missis- sippi River, by Edward D. Cope, A. M., pp. 3-48. Supplementary notices of fishes from the freshwater Tertiaries of the Rocky Mountains [by E. D. Cope], pp. 49-51. On the general character and relation of the flora of the Dakota group, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 52-62. Descriptions of some new Orthoptera, and notes on some species but little known, by Cyrus Thomas, pp. 63-71. Notes on the Rocky Mountain ranges in Colorado Territory, [by James T. Gardner], pp. 72-77. aNo other part. 22 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL. 222, Second series, No. 1. 1875. 47 pp., 11., 3 pls. On the fishes of the Tertiary shales of the South Park [Colorado], by E. D. Cope, pp. 3-5. On the cranial and dental characters of Mephitine, with description of Mephitis frontata, n. sp. foss., by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 7-15. — Ancient ruins in southwestern Colorado, by W. H. Jackson, pp. 17-38, pls. i-iii. Note on some fossils from near the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, west of Greeley and Evans, Colorado, and others from about'two hundred miles farther eastward, with descriptions of a few new species, by F. B. Meek, paleontologist, pp. 39-47. No. 2, second series. May 14, 1875. 49-142 pp., 11. A monograph on the genus Leucosticte, Swainson; or gray-crowned purple finches, by Robert Ridgway, pp. 51-82. The cranial and dental characters of Geomyide, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S. Army, pp. 83-90. Synopsis of insectivorous mammals, by Theodore Gill, pp. 91-120. Report on the natural history of the United States Geological and Geograph- ical Survey of the Territories, 1874, by Ernest Ingersoll, zodlogist, pp. 121-124. Special report on the Mollusca, by Ernest Ingersool, zodlogist, pp. 125-142. No. 8, second series. May 15,1875. 143-211 pp., 2 ll., 2 maps, vii-viii pls., 2 other illustrations. Means of communication between Denver and the San Juan mines, by A. D. Wilson, topographer directing, pp. 145-149, 1 map. Report on the mines and geology of the San Juan country, by F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., pp. 151-164, 1 map. Report on the topography of the San Juan country, by Franklin Rhoda, assistant topographer, pp. 165-209, 2 illustrations. Note on some peculiar forms of erosion in eastern Colorado, with heliotype illustrations, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 210-211, pls. vii-viii. No. 4, second series. June 10, 1875. 215-231 pp., 1011, ix—xviii pls. Notes on the surface features of the Colorado or Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 215-220, pls. ix—x. The Tertiary Physopoda of Colorado, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 221-223. Outlines of a natural arrangement of the Falconide, by Robert Ridgway, pp. 225-231, pls. xi-xviii. No. 5, Second series. January 8, 1876. 233-414 pp., 3 ll., 19-21 pls. A review of the fossil flora of North America, by Leo Lesquereux, pp. 233-248. Notes on the geology of some localities near Cafion City, Fremont Co., Colo., by 8. G. Williams, pp. 249-251. Some account, critical, descriptive, and historical, of Zapus hudsonius, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. Army, pp. 253-262. On the breeding-habits, nest, and eggs of the white-tailed ptarmigan (La- gopus leucurus), by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. Army, pp. 263-266. List of Hemiptera of the region west of the Mississippi River, including those collected during the Hayden explorations of 1873, by P. R. Uhler, pp. 267- 361, pls. 19-21. . On some new species of fossil plants from the Lignitic formations, [by Leo Lesquereux], pp. 363-389. ; New species of fossil plants from the Cretaceous formation of the Dakota group, [by Leo Lesquereux], pp. 391-400. Notes on the Lignitic group of eastern Colorado and portions of Wyoming, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 401-411. SCHMECKEBIEX.] BULLETINS. 28 On the supposed ancient outlet of Great Salt Lake, by A. 8. Packard, jr., pp. 413-414. No. 6, second series. February 8, 1876. 415-499 pp., 6 Il., 22-26 pls. - An account of the various publications relating to the travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a commentary on the zoological results of their expedition, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 417-444. Notice of a very large goniatite from eastern Kansas, by F. B. Meek, p. 445. Fossil Orthoptera from the Rocky Mountain Tertiaries, by Samuel H. Scud- der, pp. 447-449. Studies of the American Falconide, by Robert Ridgway, pp. 451-473, 22-26 pls. Index. 475-499 pp. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geolog- ical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U.S. geologist-in-charge. 1876. Volume II. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office. 1876. 8°. xii, 392 pp., 13 11, 55 pls., 2 maps. —> No.1 March 21, 1876. 1-87 pp., 1 1., 1-29 pls., 1 map. - A notice of the ancient ruins of southwestern Colorado, examined during the summer of 1875, by W. H. Holmes, pp. 3-24, pls. 1-14. — A notice of the ancient ruins in Arizona and Utah lying about the Rio San Juan, by W. H. Jackson, pp. 25-45, pls. 15-22, 1 map. — The human remains found among the ancient ruins of southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico, by Dr. Emil Bessels, pp. 47-63, pls. 23-29. - Ancient art in northwestern Colorado, by Edwin A. Barber, pp. 65-66. — Bead ornaments employed by the ancient tribes of Utah and Arizona, by E. A. Barber, pp. 67-69. — Language and utensils of the modern Utes, by E. A. Barber, pp. 71-76. Fossil Coleoptera from the Rocky Mountain Tertiaries, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 77-87. No. 2. April 1, 1876. 89-195 pp., 2 ll., 30-31 pls. Studies of the American Falconidz, by Robert Ridgway, pp. 91-182. Ornithology of Guadeloupe Island, based on notes and collections made by Dr. Edward Palmer, by Robert Ridgway, pp. 183-195, pls. 30-31. No. 38. June 5, 1876. 197-277 pp., 2 ll., i-x pls., 1 map. Notes descriptive of some geological sections of the country about the head- waters of the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 197-209, pls. i-x. Notes on the Tertiary and Cretaceous periods of Kansas, by B. F. Mudge, pp. 211-221. Notes in relation to the accompanying contour-map of the United States, by Henry Gannett, M. E., pp. 223-226, 1 map. The flora of southwestern Colorado, by T. 8. Brandegee, pp. 227-248. Brief synopsis of North American-earwigs, with an appendix on the fossil species, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 249-260. List of the Orthoptera collected by Dr. A. 8. Packard, in Colorado and the neighboring Territories, during the summer of 1875, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 261-267. Notice of a small collection of butterflies, made by Dr. A. 8S. Packard, in Colorado and Utah, in 1875, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 269-270. ~e Notes on the grammar of the Nez Percés language, by Rev. George Ainslie, pp. 271-277. 24 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. {BULL 222. No. 4. August 4, 1876. 279-878 pp., 8 ll., 42-49 pls., i-vi. Notes on the geology of northeastern New Mexico, by O. St. John, pp. 279- 308, pls. 42-49. Geographical variation among North American mammals, especially in respect to size, by J. A. Allen, pp. 309-344. Sexual, individual, and geographical variation in Leucosticte tephrocotis, by J. A. Allen, pp. 345-350. Descriptions and illustrations of fossils from Vancouver’s and Sucia islands, and other northwestern localities, by F. B. Meek, paleontologist, pp. 351-374, pls. i-vi. Note on the new genus Uintacrinus, Grinnell, by F. B. Meek, pp. 375-378. Index. 379-392 pp. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist-in-charge. 1877. Volume III. Washington: Gov- ernment Printing Office. 1877. 8°. ix, 856 pp., 4 11., 39 pls., 1 map. veto. No. 1. April 5, 1877. 1-185 pp., 1 1., 1-26 pls. - Art. I. A calendar of the Dakota Nation, by Brevet Lieut. Col. Garrick Mallery, captain, First United States Infantry, act- ing signal officer, pp. 3-25, pl. 1. — Art. IJ. Researches in the kj6kkenméddings and graves of a former population of the coast of Oregon, by Paul Schumacher, pp. 27-35, pls. 2-8. — Art. IIT. Researches in the kjékkenméddings and graves of a former population of the Santa Barbara Islands and the adjacent mainland, by Paul Schumacher, pp. 37-56, pls. 9-22. — Art. IV. The Twana Indians of the Skokomish Reservation in Wash- ington Territory, by Rev. M. Eells, missionary among these Indians, pp. 57-114, pls. 23-25. Art. V. Notes on a collection of noctuid moths made in Colorado in 1875, by Dr. A. 8. Packard, jr., by Aug. R. Grote, pp. 115-120. Art. VI. The Tineina of Colorado, by V. T. Chambers, pp. 121-142. Art. VII. Notes on a collection of tineid moths made in Colorado in 1875 by A. 8S. Packard, jr., M. D., by V. T. Chambers, pp. 148-145. ; Art. VIII. On the distribution of Tineina in Colorado, by V. T. Cham- bers, pp. 147-150. Art. IX. New Entomostraca from Colorado, by V. T. Chambers, pp. 151-155. Art. X. On a new cave fauna in Utah, by A. S. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 157-169. Art. XI. Descriptions of new phyllopod Crustacea from the West, by A. 8. Packard, jr., M. D., pp. 171-179. Art. XII. Notes on some artesian borings along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad in Wyoming Territory, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 181-185, pl. 26. No. 2. April 30, 1877. 187-529 pp., 1 1., 27-28 pls. Art. XIII. Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi, and especially from California, by C. R. Osten Sacken, pp. 189-354. SCHMECKEBIER. | Art. XIV. Art. XV. BULLETINS. 25 Report upon the insects collected by P. R. Uhler during the explorations of 1875, including monographs of the fami- lies Cydnidee and Saldz, and the Hemiptera collected by A. 8. Packard, jr.. M. D., by P. R. Ubler, pp. 355-475, pls. 27-28. [Continued on p. 765.] Descriptions of the Araneze collected in Colorado in 1875 by A. S. Packard, jr, M. D., by T. Thorell, Ph. D., junior professor of zoology in the Universty of Upsala, Sweden, pp. 477-529. No. 3. May 15, 1877. 531-737 pp., 1 1., 29-39 pls. ~ Art. XVI V~ Art. XVIL Art. XVII. Art. XIX. Art. XX. Art. X XI. Art. XXII. Art. XXIII. Art. XXIV. Art. XXV. Art. XXVI. Art. XXVIII. Art. XXVTIL. Comparative vocabulary of Utah dialects, by Edwin A. Bar- ber, pp. 533-545. Methods of making stone weapons, by Paul Schumacher, pp. 547-549, pl. 29. On a peculiar type of eruptive mountains in Colorado, by A. C. Peale, pp. 551-564. Report on the geology of the region of the Judith River, Montana, and on vertebrate fossils obtained on or near the Missouri River, by E. D. Cope, pp. 565-597, pls. 30-34. Paleontological papers No. 1.—Descriptions of Unionidee and Physide, collected by Professor E. D. Cope from the Judith River group of Montana Territory during the sum- mer of 1876, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 599-602. Paleontological papers No. 2.—Descriptions of new species of Uniones and a new genus of fresh-water Gasteropoda from the Tertiary strata of Wyoming and Utah, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 603-606. Paleontological papers No. 3.—Catalogue of the invertebrate fossils hitherto published from the fresh- and brackish- water deposits of the western portion of North America, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 607-614. Paleontological papers No. 4.—Comparison of the North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic Unionide and associated mollusks with living species, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 613-624. Paleontological papers No. 5.—Remarks on the paleonto- logical characteristics of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic groups as developed in the Green River region, by C. A. White, M. D.., pp. 625-629. Precursory notes on American insectivorous mammals, with descriptions of new species, by Elliott Coues, captain and assistant surgeon, U. 8. A., secretary and naturalist of- the survey, pp. 631-653. Notes on the ornithology of the region about the source of the Red River of Texas, from observations made during the exploration conducted by Lieut. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, U.S. A., by C. A. H. McCauley, lieutenant, Third United States Artillery, annotated by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 655-695. Catalogue of the land and fresh-water shells of Nebraska, by Samuel Aughey, Ph. D., pp. 697-704. Notes on the geographical work of the United States Geolog- ical and Geographical Survey of the Territories, by A. D. Wilson, chief topographer, pp. 705-737, pls. 35-39, 1 map. . 26 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL 223, No. 4. August 15, 1877. 739-856 pp., 11. Art. XXIX. The first discovered traces of fossil insects in the American Tertiaries, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 741-762. Art. XXX. Description of two species of Carabidze found in the inter- glacial deposits of Scarboro Heights, near Toronto, Canada, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 763-764. Art. XX XI. Report upon the insects collected by P. R. Uhler during the ; explorations of 1875, including monographs of the families Cydnide and Saldz and the Hemiptera collected by A. S. Packard, jr.. M. D., by P. R. Uhler, pp. 765-801. [Con- tinued from p. 475. ] Art. XXXII. Description of Cambarus couesi, a new species of crawfish from Dakota, by Thos. H. Streets, M. D., U.S. N., pp. 803-804. Art. XX XIII. On a carnivorous dinosaurian from the Dakota beds of Colo- rado, by E. D. Cope, pp. 805-806. Art. XXXIV. A contribution to the knowledge of the ichthyological fauna of the Green River shales, by E. D. Cope, pp. 807-819. Art. XX XV. On the genus Erisichte, by E. D. Cope, pp. 821-823. Index. 825-856 pp. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geolog- ical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U. 5. geologist-in-charge. 1878. Volume 1V. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 8°. vii, 908 pp., 8 IL, 1 pl. No.1. February 5, 1878. 1-311 pp., 2 11. Art. I. Notes on the ornithology of the lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observations made during the season of 1877, by George B. Sennett, of Erie, Pa., edited, with annotations, by Dr. Ellivtt Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 1-66. Art. II. Descriptions of fishes from the Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits west of the Mississippi River, by E. D. Cope, pp. 67-77. Art. III. Descriptions of new Tineina from Texas, and others from more northern localities, by V. T. Chambers, pp. 79-106. Art. IV. Tineina and their food plants, by V. T. Chambers, pp. 107- 123. Art. V. Index to the described Tineina of the United States and Canada, by V. T. Chambers, pp. 125-167. Art. VI. Descriptions of Noctuidee, chiefly from California, by A. R. Grote, pp. 169-187. Art. VII. A synopsis of the North American species of the genus Alpheus, by J. 8. Kingsley, pp. 189-199. Art. VIII. Notes on the mammals of Fort Sisseton, Dakota, by C. E. McChesney, M. D., Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. 8S. A., annotated by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 201-218. Art. IX. Studies of the American Herodiones. Part I. Synopsis of the American genera of Ardeide and Ciconiide; including description of three new genera and a monograph of the American species of the genus Ardea, Linn., by Robert Ridgway, pp. 219-251. SCHMECKEBIER.] BULLETINS. 2 7 Art. X. Notice of the butterflies collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in the arid regions of southern Utah and northern Arizona during the summer of 1877, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 253-258. Art. XI. Notes on the herpetology of Dakota and Montana, by Drs. Elliott Coues and H. C. Yarrow, pp. 259-291. Art, XII. On consolidation of the hoofs in the Virginian deer, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., pp. 293-294. Art. XIII. On a breed of solid-hoofed pigs apparently established in Texas, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 295-297. Art. XIV. Professor Owen on the Pythonomorpha, by E. D. Cope, pp. 299-311. No. 2. May 3, 1878. 313-543 pp., 2 IL, pl. 1. Art. XV. The geographical distribution of the Mammalia, considered in relation to the principal ontological regions of the earth, and the laws that govern the distribution of animal life, ‘ by Joel Asaph Allen, pp. 313-377. _ Art. XVI. Descriptions of new extinct vertebrata from the upper Ter- tiary and Dakota formations, by E. D. Cope, pp. 379-396. Art. XVII. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Rio Grande, at Brownsville, Texas, by David 8. Jordan, M. D., pp. 397- 406. [Continued on p. 663. ] Art. XVIII. A catalogue of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America, by David 8. Jordan, M. D., pp. 405-442. Art. XIX. Description of a fossil passerine bird from the insect-bearing shales of Colorado, by J. A. Allen, pp. 443-445, pl. 1. Art. XX. The Coleoptera of the alpine regions of the Rocky Moun- tains, by John L. Le Conte, M. D., pp. 447-480. Art. XXIJI. On the Orthoptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S. A., in Dakota and Montana during 1873-74, by Prof. Cyrus Thomas, pp. 481-501. Art. XXII. On the Hemiptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S. A., in Dakota and Montana during 1873-74, by P. R. Uhler, pp. 503-512. Art. XXIII. On the Lepidoptera collected by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S. A., in Montana, during 1874, by W. H. Edwards, pp. 513-517. Art. XXIV. An account of some insects of unusual interest from the Tertiary rocks of Colorado and Wyoming, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 519-543. No. 3. July 29, 1878. 545-745 pp., 2 ll. Art. XXV. Field notes on birds observed in Dakota and Montana along the forty-ninth parallel during the seasons of 1873 and 1874, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., late surgeon and naturalist, U. S. Northern Boundary Commission, pp. 545-661. Art. XX VI. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Rio Grande, at Brownsville, Texas, continued [from p. 406], by D. S. Jordan, M. D., pp. 663-667. Art. XXVII. Preliminary studies on the North American Pyralide, by A. R. Grote, pp. 669-705. Art. XXVIII. Paleontological papers No. 6: Descriptions of new species of invertebrate fossils from the Laramie group, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 707-719. 28 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. (BULL, 222, Art. XXIX. Paleontological papers No. 7: On the distribution of mol- lusean species in the Laramie group, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 721-724. Art. XXX. On some dark shale recently discovered below the Devonian limestones, at Independence, Iowa; with a notice of its fossils and description of new species, by 8. Calvin, pro- fessor of geology, State University of Iowa, pp. 725-730. Art. XX XI. On the mineralogy of Nevada, by W. J. Hoffman, M. D., pp. 731-745. No. 4. December 11, 1878. 747-908 pp., 2 ll. Art. XXXII. The fossil insects of the Green River shales, by Samuel H. Scudder, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 747-776. Art. XX XIII. Report on the collection of fishes made by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S. A., in Dakota and Montana during the seasons of 1873 and 1874, by David 8. Jordan, M. D., pp. 777-799. Art. XXXIV. Catalogue of phenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants collected during the summers of 1873 and 1874 in Dakota and Montana along the forty-ninth parallel, by Dr- Elliott Coues, U. 8. A.: with which are incorporated those collected in the same region at the same times by Mr. George M. Dawson, by Prof. J. W. Chickering, pp. 801-830. ; Art. XXXV. On some striking products of erosion in Colorado, by F. M. Endlich, 8. N. D., pp. 831-864. Art. XXXVI. Paleontological papers No. 8: Remarks upon the Laramie group, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 865-876. Art. XXX VII. Synonymatic list of American Sciuri, or arboreal squirrels, by J. A. Allen, pp. 877-887. Index. 889-908 pp. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U.S. geologist-in-charge. 1879-80. Volume V. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office. 1880. 8°. vii, 1072 pp., 8 ll, 4 pls. No. 1. February 28, 1879. 1-152 pp., 411, i-ii pls. Art. I. Notes on the Aphidide of the United States, with descrip- tions of species occurring west of the Mississippi, by Chas. V. Riley and J. Monell, pp. 1-32, pls. i-ii. Art. II. The relations of the horizons of extinct vertebrata of Europe and North America, by E. D. Cope, pp. 33-54. Art. III. Observations on the faunz of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon, by E. D. Cope, pp. 55-69. / Art. IV. Notes on the birds of Fort Sisseton, Dakota Territory, by Chas. E. McChesney, acting assistant surgeon, U. 8. A., pp. 71-103. Art. V. Paleontological papers No. 9: Fossils of the Jura-Trias of southeastern Idaho, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 105-117. Art. VI Jura-Trias section of southeastern Idaho and western Wyo- ming, by A. CO. Peale, M. D., pp. 119-123. Art. VII. Fossil forests of the volcanic Tertiary formations of the Yel- lowstone National Park, by W. H. Holmes, pp. 125-132. SCHMECKEBIER.] Art. VIII. Art. IX. No. 2. September 6, 1879. Art. X. Art. XI. Art. XIT. Art. XIII. Art. XIV. Art. XV. Art. XVI. Art. XVII. BULLETINS. 29 Paleontological Papers No. 10: Conditions of preservation of invertebrate fossils, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 133-141. Supplement to the bibliography of North American inverte- brate paleontology, by C. A. White and H. Alleyne Nich- olson, pp. 143-152. 153-330 pp., 2 IL, ili-iv pls. On the Coatis (genus Nasua, Storr), by J. A. Allen, pp. 153-174. On the present status of Passer domesticus in America, with special reference to the Western States and Territories, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 175-193. The Laramie group of western Wyoming and adjacent regions, by A. C. Peale, M. D., pp. 195-200. On Lithophane and new Noctuide, by A. R. Grote, pp. 201- 208. Paleontological papers No. 11: Remarks upon certain Carbon- iferous fossils from Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and certain Cretaceous corals from Colorado, together with descriptions of new forms, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. 209-221. The so-called Two-Ocean Pass, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 228-225, pls. iii-iv. On the extinct species of Rhinoceride of North America and their allies, by E. D. Cope, pp. 227-237. Second installment of American ornithological bibliography, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., pp. 239-330. No. 3. November 30, 1879. 331-520 pp., 11. Art. XVIII. Art. XIX. Art. XX. Art. XXI. Art. XXII. Art. XXJII. Art. XXIV. Art. XXV. On the species of the genus Bassaris, by J. A. Allen, pp. 331- 340. The American Bembecide: tribe Stizini, by W. H. Patton, pp. 341-347. List of a collection of aculeate Hymenoptera made by Mr. S. W. Williston in northwestern Kansas, by W. H. Patton, pp. 849-370. Further notes on the ornithology of the lower Rio Grande of Texas, from observations made during the spring of 1878, by George B. Sennett; edited, with annotations, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 371-440. Additional lists of elevations, by Henry Gannett, pp. 441-470. Generic arrangement of the bees allied to Melissodes and An- thophora, by W. H. Patton, pp. 471-479. Annotated list of the birds of Michigan, by Dr. Morris Gibbs, pp. 481-497. The Coleoptera of the alpine Rocky Mountain regions.—Part II, by John L. Le Conte, M. D., pp. 499-520 [continued from vol. 4, p. 480]. No. 4. September 30, 1880. 521-1072 pp., 11. Art. XXVI. Third installment of American ornithological bibliography, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8. A., pp. 521-1066. Index, pp. 1067-1072. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geo- logical and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, 30 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL, 222, U. S. geologist-in-charge. 1882. Volume VI. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office. 1882. 8°. vi, 598 pp., 10 11, 14 pls., 2 maps, 3 illustrations. No. 1. February 11, 1881. 1-202 pp., 6 11, i-iv pls. Art. I. The vegetation of the Rocky Mountain region and a com- parison with that of other parts of the world, by Asa Gray and Joseph D. Hooker, pp. 1-77. Art. IJ. On some new Batrachia and Reptilia from the Permian beds of Texas, by E. D. Cope, pp. 79-82. Art. III. On a wading bird from the Amyzon shales, by E. D. Cope, pp. 83-85. Art. IV. Osteology of Speotyto cunicularia var. hypogeea, by R. W. Schufeldt, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, pp. 87- 117, pls. i-ii. Art. V. Osteology of Eremophila alpestris, by R. W. Shufeldt, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. 8. Army, pp. 119-147, pls. iii-iv. Art. VI. Preliminary list of the North American species of Agrotis, with descriptions, by A. R. Grote, pp. 149-164. Art. VII. On the Nimravide and Canide of the Miocene period, by E. D. Cope, pp. 165-181. Art. VIII. On the vertebrata of the Wind River Eocene beds of Wyoming, by E. D. Cope, pp. 183-202. No. 2. September 19, 1881. 203-397 pp., 2 1l., v-xiv pls., 2 maps, 3 illustrations. Art. IX. Annotated list of the birds of Nevada, by W. J. Hoffman, M.D., pp. 203-256, 1 map, 2 illustrations. Art. X. North American moths, with a preliminary catalogue of species of Hadena and Polia, by Aug. R. Grote, pp. 257-277. Art. XI. The Tertiary lake-basin at Florissant, Colorado, between South and Hayden parks, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 279-300, 1 map. Art. XII. Revision of the genus Sciurus, by Dr. E. L. Trouessart; trans- lated, with notes, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. 8S. Army, pp. 301-307. Art. XIII. Osteology of the North American Tetraonide, by R. W. Shu- feldt, M. D., First Lieut. Med. Dept., U. S. A., pp. 309-350, pls. v—xili. Art. XIV. Osteology of Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, by R. W. Shu- feldt, M. D., First Lieut. Med. Dept., U.S. A., pp. 351-359, pl. xiv. Art. XV. Review of the Rodentia of the Miocene period of North America, by E. D. Cope, N. A. 8., pp. 361-386. Art. XVI. On the Canidz of the Loup Fork epoch, by E. D. Cope, pp. 387-390. / Art. XVII. On a crayfish from the lower Tertiary beds of western Wyom- ing, by A. S. Packard, jr., pp. 391-397, 1 illustration. No. 3. August 30, 1882. 399-598 pp., 2 Il. Art. XVIII. Preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mam- malian orders Cete and Sirenia, by Joel Asaph Allen, pp. 399-562. Art. XIX. New moths, with partial catalogue of Noctue, by A. R. Grote, A. M., pp. 563-578. Art. XX. New moths, principally collected by Mr. Roland Thaxter in Maine, with notes on noxious species and remarks on classi- fication, pp. 579-591. Index. 593-598 pp. SCHMECKEBIER. | PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. 381 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U.S. Geologist in charge. Miscel- laneous publications. No. 1[-12]. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1873[-1880]. 8°. 15 vols. 1. Lists of elevations in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. [Second edition.¢] Collated and arranged by Henry Gannett, Assistant. 1873. 47 pp. 1. List of elevations principally in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Third edition. Collated and arranged by Henry Gan- nett. 1875. 72, ii pp. 1. List of elevations principally in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Fourth edition. Collated and arranged by Henry Gan- nett, M. E. 1877. x, 167 pp., 1 map. 2, Meteorological observations during the year 1872 in Utah, Idaho, and Mon- tana, prepared for publication by Henry Gannett, Assistant. 1873. 120 pp. 3. Birds of the Northwest: A hand-book of the ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its tributaries. By Elliott Coues, captain and assistant surgeon, U.S. Army. 1874. xi, 791 pp. 4. Synopsis of the flora of Colorado, by Thomas C. Porter and John M. Coulter. March 20, 1874. 5 11., 180 pp. 5. Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological Sur- vey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1873, inclusive. W. H. Jack- son, photographer. 1874. 83 pp. 5. Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological Sur- vey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive. Second edition. W. H. Jackson, photographer. 1875. 81 pp., 14 illustrations. 6. Meteorological observations made during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1874 in Colorado and Montana Territories. Prepared for publica- tion by George B. Chittenden. 1874. 57 pp. 7, Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians, by Washington Mat- thews, assistant surgeon United States Army. 1877. vi, 239 pp. 8. Fur-bearing animals: A monograph of North American Mustelide, in which an account of the wolverine, the martens or sables, the ermine, the mink and various other kinds of weasels, several species of skunks, the badger, the land and sea otters, and numerous exotic allies of these ani- mals, is contributed to the history of North American mammals. By Elliott Coues, captain and assistant surgeon, United States Army, secretary and naturalist of the Survey. Illustrated with sixty figures on twenty plates. 1877. xiv, 348 pp., 20 pls. 9. Descriptive catalogue of photographs of North American Indians, by W. H. ./. Jackson, photographer of the Survey. 1877. vi, 124 pp. 10. Bibliography of North American invertebrate paleontology, being a report upon the publications that have hitherto been made upon the invertebrate paleontology of North America, including the West Indies and Greenland. By C. A. White, M. D., paleontologist of the United States Geological Sur- vey, and H. Alleyne Nicholson, M. D., D. 8c., professor at the University of Saint Andrews, Scotland. 1878. 132 pp. aThe first edition of this publication was by Cyrus Thomas, and is catalogued under unclassified publications, p. 32. 7 32 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL. 222, 11. Birds of the Colorado Valley: A repository of scientific and popular informa- tion concerning North American ornithology, by Elliott Coues. HAG nde yeliSdy yards Spas kyovoa, Part first, Passeres to Laniide. Bibliographical Appendix, seventy illustrations. 1878. xvi, 807 pp. 12. History of North American pinnipeds: A monograph of the walruses, sea- lions, sea-bears, and seals of North America, by Joel Asaph Allen, assist- ant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, special collabo- rator of the Survey. 1880. xvi, 785 pp. UNCLASSIFIED PUBLICATIONS.* [1] Forty-second Congress, first session, House of Representatives Ex. Doc. No. 19. Final Report of the United States Geological Sur- vey of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent Territories, made under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. By F. V. Hayden, United States geologist. March 23, 1871. Ordered to be printed. Washington: Government Printing Office 1872. 8°. 264 pp., 11 il., 11 pls., 1 map. [Part I.] Geology, by F. V. Hayden, pp. 3-79. Part II. Paleontology, Report on the paleontology of eastern Nebraska, with some remarks on the Carboniferous rocks of that district, by F. B. Meek. pp. 81-245, pls. I-11. Part III. Entomology, Notes on the Orthoptera collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden in Nebraska, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 247-261. Index, pp. 263-264. : [2] List of elevations and distances in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Collated and arranged by Prof. C. Thomas, Asst. U. 8S. Geol. Surv., under Dr. F. V. Hayden. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1872. 12mo. 31 pp. [3] Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F.V. Hayden, U.S. geologist in charge. Profiles, sections and other illustrations, designed to accompany the final report of the chief geologist of the Survey and sketched under his directions by Henry W. Elliott. Under authority of the Secretary of the Inte- rior. New York. Julius Bien. 1872. 4°. 2 pp., 65 pls. [4] Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U.S. Geologist in charge. Syn- opsis of new vertebrata from the Tertiary of Colorado, obtained during the summer of 1873. By Professor E. D. Cope. [Extracted from the Seventh Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, F. V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist-in-charge.] Washington: Government Printing Office. October, 1873. 8°. 19 pp. Norr.—Only quasi-extracted from the report of which it ostensibly forms part. It was published in advance of the Seventh Annual Report as a separate pamphlet, and finally appears in that report so much modified as to be in effect a different article. aNumbered arbitrarily for convenience in reference. SCHMECKEBIER.] UNCLASSIFIED PUBLICATIONS. 33 [5] Department of the Interior. Catalogue of the publications of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hay- den, geologist-in-charge. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 20 pp. ‘ [6] Department of the Interior. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, in charge. Catalogue of the photographs of the U. 8. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. By W. H. Jackson, photographer. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1875. 18mo. 51 pp. [7] Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist-in-charge. The Grotto Geyser of the Yellowstone National Park. Witha descrip- tive note and map, and an illustration by the Albert-type process. [n. d.,n. p. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1876.] Oblong folio. 1p. 1., 2 1] of text, 1 illustration, 1 map. [8] Department of the Interior. Catalogue of the publications of the U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, geologist in charge. Second edition. (Revised to December 31, 1876.) Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877, . 8°. 38 pp. [9] Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F.V. Hayden, in charge. Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission. Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts. No. 1. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877. 8°. 12 pp. [10] Department of the Interior. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Pies U. S. geologist-in-charge. Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission. On the natural history of the Rocky Mountain locust, and on the habits of the young or unfledged insects as they occur in the more fertile country in which they will hatch the present year. No. 2. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. May, 1877. 8° 15 pp. [11] Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological and Geograph- ical Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, in charge. Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission. Destruction of the young or unfledged locusts. No. 1. Second edition. Washington: Government Printing Office. June 1877. 8°. 15 pp. Note.—Somewhat ee from the first edition. Bull. 222—04 34 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. [BULL, 222. [12] Department of the Interior. U. 8. Geological and Geograph- ical Survey of the Territories. F.V. Hayden, U. 5. geologist-in- charge. Bulletin of the United States Entomological Commission. On the natural history of the Rocky Mountain locust and on the hab- its of the young or unfledged insects as they occur in the more fertile country in which they will hatch the present year. No. 2. Second edition. Washington: Government Printing Office. June, 1877. 8°. 14 pp. Nore.—Somewhat modified from the first edition. [13] Department of the Interior. Preliminary report of the field work of the U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri- tories for the season of 1877. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877. 8°. 35 pp. [14] Department of the Interior. United States Geological Survey. F.V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist-in-charge. First “Annual Report of the United States Entomological Commission for the year 1877 relat- ing to the Rocky Mountain locust and the best methods of preventing its injuries and of guarding against its invasions, in pursuance of an appropriation made by Congress for this purpose. With maps and illustrations. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 8° xvi, 477. 295 pp., 5 11., 5 pls., 3 maps. [15] Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological and Geographi- cal Survey of the Territories. F. V. Hayden, U. 8. geologist-in- charge. Illustrations of Cretaceous and Tertiary plants of the western Territories of the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 4°, 28 ll., 28 pls. [16] Department of the Interior. United States Geological and Geographical Survey. F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist-in-charge. Preliminary report of the field work of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories for the season of 1878. By F. V. Hayden. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 8°. 29 pp. [17] Department of the Interior Catalogue of the publications of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories F. V. Hayden, United States geologist Third edition Revised to Decem- ber 31, 1878. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1879. 8°. 54 pp. aThe Second Annual Report of the Entomological Commission was published by the Department of the Interior; the Third Annual Report was published by the Department of Agriculture, SCHMECKEBIER. ] PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. 85 MAPS. ATLAS OF COLORADO. [FIRST EDITION. ] [Vignette] Department of the Interior. United States Geological and Geographical Surveys of the Territories. Geological and Geo- graphical Atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory by F. V. Hayden U. 8S. Geologist in charge. 1877 Julius Bien, Lith. Folio, 2 ll. (title page and legend), 20 double folio atlas sheets. Sheets I-IV are triangulation, drainage, land classification, and geologic maps of Colorado west of longitude 102°, on the scale of 12 miles to the inch. Sheets V-XVI are topographic (contour) and geologic maps of Colorado and adja- cent States, between meridians 104° 30’ and 109° 30’ and parallels 36° 45’ and 40° 30’, on the scale of 4 miles to the inch. Sheets XVII and XVIII contain three geologic sections across the State, west of the longitude 104° 307. Sheets XIX and XX are panoramic views of the Pikes Peak group, Sawatch Range, central portion of West Elk Mountains, Twin Lakes, southwestern border of the Mesa Verde, San Juan Mountains, and La Plata Mountains. [SECOND EDITION. ] [Vignette] Department of the Interior. United States Geological and Geographical Surveys of the Territories. Geographical and Geo- logical atlas of Colorado and portions of adjacent territory by F. V. Hayden U. S. Geologist in charge Corrected to date and printed in accordance with an act of Congress approved February 9th, 1881. Julius Bien, Lith. Folio, 2 ll. (title page and legend), 20 double folio atlas sheets. Contents same as first edition. SEPARATE MAPS. GENERAL. Map showing primary triangulation of 1877. General geologic map of area explored from 1869 to 1880. Limit- ing meridians, 90° and 114°; limiting parallels, 35° and 48°. Scale, 41.03 miles to the inch. COLORADO. Land survey work in Colorado. Scale, 4 miles to the inch. Pub- lished for field use of Survey only. Central Colorado, showing regions surveyed in 1873. Showsdrain- age only. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. Also in report for 1873. aIn the list below are given the maps issued independent of other publications. Maps accompany- ing the reports are listed in the “ Index,” pages 134-189. ° 36 PUBLICATIONS OF HAYDEN SURVEY. (BULL. 222, Map showing primary and secondary triangulation of 1878. Lim- iting meridians, LO£° 15’ and 1077; limiting parallels, 38° and 40° 380’. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. Also in report for 1873. Preliminary inap of the San Juan country. Shows drainage only. Limiting meridians, 106° 10! and 108°; limiting parallels, 87° 15’ and 88° 15’. Scale, 4 miles to the inch. Also in Bull., vol. 1, No. 3, 2d series. Preliminary map of central Colorado, showing region surveyed in 1873 and 1874. Limiting meridians, 104° 30’ and 107° 30’; limiting parallels, 87° and 40° 30’. Also in report for 1874. Drainage map of Colorado. Portion of State west of one hundred and second meridian. Scale, 12 miles to the inch. Also in Atlas of Colorado. Economic map of Colorado, showing areas of arable, pasture, timber, desert, coal, and other Jands. Portion of State west of one hundred and second meridian. Scale, 12 miles to the inch. Published also in Atlas of Colorado. General geologic map of Colorado. Portion west of one hundred and second meridian. Scale, 12 miles to the inch. Also in Atlas of Colorado. IDAHO. Parts of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Limiting meridians, 109- and 114°; limiting parallels, 48° and 46°. Hachure. Scale, 10 miles to the inch. Sources of Snake River and portions of headwaters of Madison and Yellowstone rivers. Topography shown by brush work. Scale, 5 miles to the inch. Geologic map on above base. Drainage map of portions of Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. Limiting meridians, 107° and 112° 30’; limiting parallels, 42° 45’ and 44°. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. MONTANA. Parts of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Limiting meridians, 109° and 114°; limiting parallels, 43° and 46°. Hachure. Scale, 10 miles to the inch. : Montana and Wyoming Territories, embracing most of the country drained by Madison, Gallatin, and Upper Yellowstone rivers. Contour interval, 100 feet. Scale, 4 miles to the inch. Geologic map on same base. UTAH, Drainage map of portions of Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. Limit- ing meridians, 107° and 112° 30’; limiting parallels, 42° £5’ and 44°. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. SCHMECKEBIER.] MAPS. BT WYOMING. Yellowstone National Park. Limiting meridians, 110° and 111-: limiting parallels, 44°10’ and 45°. Scale, 2 miles tothe inch. Contour interval, 100 feet. , Geologic map on above base. Yellowstone National Park. Hachure map. Scale, 10 miles to the inch. Also in report for 1871. Upper Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 600 feet to the inch. Upper Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 880 feet to the inch. Upper Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 500 feet to the inch. Lower Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 1,500 feet to the inch. Lower Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 880 feet to the inch. Lower Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 800 feet to the inch. Gibbon Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 200 feet to the inch. Gibbon Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 400 feet to the inch. Shoshone Geyser Basin. Hachure. Scale, 125 feet to the inch. Egeria Springs, Firehole River. Hachure. Scale, 250 feet to the inch. Mammoth Hot Springs. Hachure. Scale, 400 feet to the inch. -Hot Springs on Witch Creek. Scale, 1,600 feet to the inch. Yellowstone Lake. Scale, 2 miles to the inch. Parts of Idaho, Montana,and Wyoming. Limiting meridians, 109° and 114°; limiting parallels, 43° and 46°. Hachure. Scale, 10 miles to the inch. Montana and Wyoming Territories, embracing most of the country drained by Madison, Gallatin, and Upper Yellowstone rivers. Con- tour interval, 100 feet. Scale, 4 miles to the inch. Geologic map on same base. Sources of Snake River and portions of headwaters of Madison and Yellowstone rivers. Topography shown by brush work. Scale, 5 miles to the inch. Geologic map on above base. Geologic map of parts of central Wyoming. Limiting meridians, 107° and 109° 80’; limiting parallels, 41° 45’ and 43°. Scale, + miles to the inch. Map showing primary triangulation of 1877-78. Scale, 12 miles to the inch. Drainage map of portions of Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah. Limiting meridians, 107° and 119° 30’; limiting parallels, 42° 45’ and 44°. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF THE FORTIETH PARALLEL (KING). ANNUAL REPORTS. 1871. [Report of Clarence King, geologist in charge of the Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel.]|| Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the year 1871. Appendix Z, pp. 1027-1030. 1872. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, from the Sierra Nevada to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. Annual Report of Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the year 1872, pp. 101-102. 1873. Report of Mr. Clarence King, geologist, in charge of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, from Sierra Nevada to the east- ern slope of the Rocky Mountains. Annual Report of the ‘Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1873, Appendix DD, pp. 1203-1210. 1874. Annual Report of Mr. Clarence King, geologist, for the fiseal year ending June 30, 1874. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1874, Part IL, Appendix EE, pp. 477-480. 1875. Annual Report of Mr. Clarence King, geologist, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1875. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1875, Part II, Appendix KK, pp 919-920. 1876. Annual Report of Mr. Clarence King, geologist, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1876, Part III, Appendix IL, pp. 217-218. 38 SCHMECKEBIER.] PUBLICATIONS OF KING SURVEY. 39 1877. Annual Report of Mr. Clarence King, geologist, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1877, Part II], Appendix MM, p. 1207. 1878. Annual Report of Clarence King, geologist, for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1878. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1878, Part III, Appendix MM, p. 1419. FINAL REPORTS OR MONOGRAPHS. [Vignette] Professional Papers of the Engineer Department, U. 8.. Army. No. 18. Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel made by order of the Secretary of War according to acts of Congress of March 2, 1867, and March 3, 1869, under the direction of Brig. and Bvt. Major General A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, by Clarence King, U. 8. geologist. Volume I [-VIT]. 4°. 7 vols. I. Systematic geology, by Clarence King, U.S. Geologist. 1878. xii, 803 pp., 16 tables, 28 pls. (2 pls. marked ‘‘ Plate J,’’ 1 pl. not numbered), 12 maps and atlas of 12 sheets folio. @ II. Descriptive geology, by Arnold Hague and 8. F. Emmons. 1877. xiii, 890 pp., 26 pls. III. Mining industry, by James D. Hague, with geological contributions by Clarence King. 1870. xy, 647 pp., 87 pls, frontispiece, and atlas of 14 sheets folio. ¢ IV. Part I, Paleontology, by F. B. Meek. Part II, Paleontology, by James Hall and R. P. Whitfield. Part III, Ornithology, by Robert Ridgway. 1877. xii, 669 pp., 18 ll., 24 pls. V. Botany, by Sereno Watson, aided by Prof. Daniel CO. Eaton and others. 1871. liii, 525 pp., 1 map, 40 pls. VI. Microscopical petrography, by Ferdinand Zirkel. 1876. xv, 297 pp., 12 pls. VII. Odontornithes: A monograph on the extinct toothed birds of North America, by Othniel Charles Marsh, professor of paleontology in Yale College. 1880. xv, 201 pp., 3411, 34 pls. ATLAS. [Vignette] Engineer Department, U. S. A., Geological and Topo- graphical Atlas accompanying the report of the Geological Explora- tion of the Fortieth Parallel, made by authority of the Honorable Sec- retary of War, under the direction of Brig. and Byt. Major General aSee p 40. 40 PUBLICATIONS OF KING SURVEY. [BULL. 222. A. A. Humphreys, Chief,of Engineers, U. 8. A., by Clarence King, U.S. geologist-in-charge. 1876. Julius Bien Lith. Folio, 2 ll., (title and legend), 1 single and 11 double folio sheets (1 single folio map, 10 double folio maps, 1 double folio section). Contains topographic (shaded) map of Cordilleran region, limiting meridians 104° and 124°; limiting parallels 29° and 50°. Scale, 60 miles to the inch. Also contains four geologic and four topographic (shaded) maps, on scale of 4 miles to the inch, of the following areas: Sheet I. Longitude, 104° 30’-107° 37’; latitude, 40° 20’-41° 54’. Sheet II. Longitude, 107° 37’-110° 43/; latitude, 40° 16”7-41° 50’. Sheet III. Longitude, 110° 43’-113° 50/; latitude, 40° 137-41° 467. Sheet IV. Longitude, 113° 50’-116° 56’; latitude, 39° 557-41° 297. [Vignette] United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Clarence King, Geologist in charge. Atlas accompanying Volume JI on mining industry. [List of plates.] Engraved and printed by Julius Bien, New York. Folio, 11. (title page), 14 pls. SPECIAL PUBLICATION. United States Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel. Clarence King, U. 8. geologist-in-charge. List of plants collected in Nevada and “Uteli, 1867-69; numbered as distributed. Sereno Watson, col- lector. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (POWELL). EARLY REPORTS BY J. W. POWELL.* Forty-second Congress, second session, House of Representatives, Mis. Doc. No 173. Survey of the Colorado River of the West. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, transmitting report preliminary for continuing the survey of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries, by Professor Powell. April 5, 1872.— Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. 8°. 12 pp. Forty-second Congress, third session, House of Representatives, Mis. Doc. No 76. Report of the survey of the Colorado of the West. Letter fromthe Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, transmitting a report of the survey of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries. January 31, 1873.—Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. 8°. 16 pp. Forty-third Congress, first session, House of Representatives, Mis. Doc. No 265. Professor Powell’s Report on the survey of the Colorado of the West. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, transmitting a report of Professor Powell on the survey of the Colorado River of the West and its tributaries, etc., etc. May 2, 1874. Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. 8°. 29 pp. Report of explorations in 1873 of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries, by Professor J. W. Powell, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 36 pp. (Same as House Mis Doc. 265, 43d Cong., Ist sess. ). Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its tributaries. Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, under the direction of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. [By J. W. Powell.] Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1875 4°, xi, 291 pp., 2 1l., 72 illustrations. aThese reports were issued before the Powell survey was organized, but they are preliminary to the publications of that organization. 41 42 PUBLICATIONS OF POWELL SURVEY. (BULL. 222, FINAL REPORTS. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Second division.—J. W. Powell, geologist in charge. Report on the geology of the eastern portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto. With atlas. By J. W. Powell. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1876 4°, vii, 218 pp., 4 illustrations and atlas of 8 sheets folio. Report on the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Rocky Mountain region, by J. W. Powell. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1877. 8°. 19 pp., 1 map. U. 8. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. J. W. Powell, in charge. Preliminary report on the paleon- tology of the Black Hills, by R. P. Whitfield, containing descriptions of new species of fossils from the Potsdam, Jurassic, and Cretaceous formations of the Black Hills of Dakota. Washington: Government Printing Office. July, 1877. 8° 49 pp. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. J. W. Powell, in charge. Report on the geology of the Henry Mountains. By G. K. Gilbert. [Seal of the Department] Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877 [second edition, 1880] 4° x, 160 pp., 27 ll. containing illustrations » Report on the lands of the arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah. With maps. By J. W. Powell. Second edition.¢ Washington: Government Printing Office. 1879. 4°. xv, 195 pp., 5 maps. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. J. W. Powell, in charge. Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota, with atlas, by Henry Newton, EK. M.,and Walter P. Jenney, E. M. [Seal of the Department] Washington. Government Printing Office. 1880. 4°. xvii, 566 pp., 23 11, frontispiece, 28 illustrations and atlas containing 3 sheets folio. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. J. W. Powell, in charge, Report on the geology of the high plateaus of Utah, with atlas, by C. E. «First edition was published as a document of Congress. SCHMECKEBIER.] PUBLICATIONS OF POWELL SURVEY. 43 Dutton, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. A. [Seal of the Department] Washington Government Printing Office 1880 4°, xxxii, 307 pp., 11 heliotypes, 2 pls., 2 unnumbered illustrations, atlas of 8 sheets folio. CONTRIBUTIONS TO NORTH AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region. J. W. Powell in charge. [Vol. I, geologist in charge] Contributions to North American Eth- nology. Volume I [-VII, IX] [Seal of the Department] Washing- ton: Government Printing Office. 1877 [-1893] 4° 9 vols. a I. Tribes of the extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall. Tribes of western Washing- ton and northwestern Oregon, by Geo. Gibbs. 1877. xiv, 361 pp., 10 illus- trations, 2 maps. Part I. Tribes of the extreme Northwest, by W. H. Dall, pp. 1-106. Appendix to Part I. Linguistics. Notes on the natives of Alaska (communicated to the late George Gibbs, M. D., in 1862), by his excellency J. Furuhelm, late governor of the Russian-American colonies, pp. 111-116. Terms of relationship used by the Innuit: A series obtained from natives of Cumberland Inlet, by W. H. Dall, pp. 117-119. Comparative vocabularies [by George Gibbs and W. H. Dall], pp. 121- 153. Note on the use of numerals among the T’sim Si an’, by George Gibbs, M. D., pp. 155-156. Part II. Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon; by George Gibbs, M. D., pp. 157-241. . Appendix to Part II. Linguistics, pp. 243-361. Comparative vocabularies [by George Gibbs, W. F. Tolmie, and Gregory MengariniJ, pp. 243-283. Dictionary of the Niskwalli, by George Gibbs, M. D., pp. 285-361. V II. The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon, by Albert Samuel Gatschet. 1890. 2 parts. cvii, 711 pp., 1 map; iii, 711 pp. Vv III. Tribes of California, by Stephens Powers. 1877. 311, 645 pp., frontispiece, 45 11. containing illustrations, pocket map. Vv IV. Houses and house life of the American aborigines, by Lewis H. Morgan. 1881. xiv, 281 pp., frontispiece, 28 ll. containing figures. VY. 1881. iii, 112, 32, xxxvii, 237 pp., 18 pls., 35 1. containing figures. Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old World and in America, by Charles Rau, iii, 112 pp., 35 11. On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets, by Robert Fletcher, M. R.C. 8. Eng. Act. Asst. Surgeon U. 8. Army, 32 pp., 9 pls. A study of the manuscript Troano, by Cyrus Thomas, Ph. D., with an intro- duction by D. G. Brinton, M. D., xxxvii, 237 pp., 9 pls. VY VI. The Qegiha language, by James Owen Dorsey. 1890. xviii, 794 pp. J VIL. A Dakota-English dictionary, by Stephen Return Riggs; edited by James Owen Dorsey. 1890, x, 665 pp. VIII. Not published. * J IX. Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography, by Stephen Return Riggs; edited by James Owen Dorsey. 1893. pp. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS WEST OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN (WHEELER). ANNUAL REPORTS. 1869. - Engineer Department, U. S. Army. Preliminary report upon a reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada, made in 1869, by First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, assisted by First Lieut. D. W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, under the orders of Brig. Gen. E. O. C. Ord, Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Army, commanding Department of California. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1875. 4°, 72 pp. oo 1871. Preliminary report concerning explorations and surveys principally in Nevada and Arizona. Prosecuted in accordance with paragraph 2, special orders No. 109, War Department, March 18, 1871, and letter of instructions of March 23, 1871, from Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers. Conducted under the immediate direction of Ist Lieut. George M. Wheelér, Corps of Engineers. 1871. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1872. 4°. 96 pp., 1 map. [Progress report], pp. 11-62. Appendix A. Report of Daniel W. Lockwood, First Lieutenant of Engineers, pp. 62-76. Appendix B. Report of Second Lieutenant D. A. Lyle, United States Artillery, pp. 76-90. Appendix C. Report of Edward P. Austin, astronomical assistant, pp. 91-92. Appendix D. Report of G. K. Gilbert, geological assistant, pp. 92--96. 1872. Engineer Department, United States Army. Progress report upon geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, in 1872, under the direction of Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, United States Army, by First Lieut. George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 4°. 56 pp., 5 pls. and 1 map. [Progress report], pp. 7-43; pls. i-v, map. Appendix A. Preliminary astronomical report, by John H. Clark, astronomical assistant, pp. 44-45. 44 SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 45 Appendix B. Preliminary astronomical report, by William W. Maryatt, astro- nomical assistant, pp. 45-47. Appendix C. Report by First Lieut. W. L. Marshall concerning the sextant astronomical observations, pp. 47-48. Appendix D. Preliminary geological report, by G. K. Gilbert, chief geological assistant, expedition of 1872, pp. 48-52. Appendix E. Report upon natural history collections, by Acting Assistant Sur- geon H. C. Yarrow, surgeon and naturalist, pp. 52-55. ~ Appendix F. Preliminary ethnological report by M. S. Severance, pp. 55-56, 1873. Annual report upon the geographical surveys and explorations west of the one hundredth meridian, in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mex- ico, and Arizona, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engi- neers, U.S. A.; being Appendix EE of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1873. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1873. 8°. 11 pp., 1 map. 1874. _ Annual report upon the geographical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Montana, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. A.; being Appendix FF of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1874. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 130 pp., 1 map. [Progress report], pp. 3-112, map. Plan for publication of reports and maps, with estimates. Summary of publica- tions to present time, pp. 112-114. Notes on the Eocene and Pliocene lacustrine formations of New Mexico, includ- ing descriptions of certain new species of vertebrates, by Prof. E. D. Cope, paleontologist to the expedition, pp. 115-130. 1875. ,~ Annual report upon the geographical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian in California, Nevada, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and Montana, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engineers, U. 8. A.; being Appendix LL of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1875. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1875 8°. iv, 196 pp., 2 11., 9 pls., 2 maps, 1 diagram. [Progress report], pp. 3-37, pl. i, 2 maps. Appendix A. Executive report of Lieutenant William L. Marshall, Corps of Engincers, on the operations of party No. 1, division 1, field season of 1874, pp. 87-40. Appendix B. Executive report of Lieutenant P. M. Price, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, second division, field season of 1874, pp. 40-41. 46 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222, Appendix C. Executive report of Lieutenant R. Birnie, jr., Thirteenth United States Infantry, on the operations of party No. 2, first division, field season of 1874, pp. 41-43. Appendix D. Executive report of Lieutenant Stanhope E. Blunt, Ordnance Corps, on the operations of party No. 2, second division, field season of 1874, pp. 43-44, ; Appendix E. Executive report of Lieutenant C. W. Whipple, Third United States Artillery, on the operations of party No. 1, first division, and subparties, field season of 1874, pp. 44446. Appendix F. Meteorology and hypsometry, field season of 1874, by Lieutenant W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, pp. 47-60, diagram. Appendix G 1. Report on the geology of that part of northwestern New Mexico examined during the field season of 1874, by E. D. Cope, paleontologist and geologist, pp. 61-97, pls. ii-vi. Appendix G 2. Geological and mineralogical report on portions of Colorado and New Mexico, by Dr. 0. Loew, mineralogist and chemist, pp. 97-116. — Appendix H 1. Preliminary botanical report, with remarks upon the general topography of the region traversed in New Mexico and Arizona; its climatology, forage plants, timber, irrigation, sanitary conditions, ete., by Dr. J. T. Roth- rock, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, pp. 117-129, pls. vil, viii. Appendix H 2. Report upon the agricultural resources of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, with analyses of soils, plants, etc., by Dr. O. Loew, pp. 129-139. Appendix I 1. Zoological report, field season of 1874. I. General itinerary, by Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Yarrow, U. 8. Army, pp. 139-148. II. Notes upon the ornithology of the regions traversed, by H. W. Hen- shaw, ornithological assistant, pp. 149-150. III. Notes on the ornithology observed by Mr. C. E. Aiken, assistant, pp. 150-153. Appendix I 2. Annotated list of the birds of Arizona, by H. W. Henshaw, orni- thological assistant, pp. 153-166. =~ Appendix J. Ethnology, philology, and ruins. JV 1. Report on the remains of population observed on and near the Eocene Plateau of northwestern New Mexico, by Prof. E. D. Cope, pp. 166-173. EVA 2. Report on the ruins of New Mexico, by Dr. Oscar Loew, pp. 174-178. yee 8. Report on certain ruins visited in New Mexico, by Lieutenant Rogers Birnie, jr., Thirteenth United States Infantry, pp. 178-180, pl. ix. VE +. Report on the Pueblo languages of New Mexico and of the Moquis in Arizona; their affinity to each other and to the languages of the other Indian tribes, by Alb. 8. Gatchet, philologist, pp. 180-187. Appendix K. Publications, maps, reports, photographs, pp. 187-188. Index, pp. 189-196. 1876. JV Annual report upon the geographical surveys west of the one hun- dredth meridian in California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, and Montana, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. A:; being Appendix JJ of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1876. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1876. 8°. vi, 355 pp., 2 1l., 11 illustrations and maps. [Progress report], pp. 1-79, 3 maps. SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 47 Appendix A. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant William L. Mar- shall, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, Colorado section, field season of 1875, pp. 80-109. Appendix B. Preliminary report upon the operations of party No. 3, California section, season of 1875-76, with a view. to determine the feasibility of diverting the Colorado River for purposes of irrigation, by Lieutenant Eric Bergland, Corps of Engineers, pp. 109-125, 7 maps and illustrations. Appendix C. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant W. L. Carpenter, Ninth Infantry, on the operations of party No. 3, Colorado section, field season of 1875, pp. 126-130. Appendix D. Executive report of Lieutenant R. Birnie, jr., Thirteenth United States Infantry, on the operations of part No. 2, California section, field season of 1875, pp. 130-135. Appendix E. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant C. C. Morrison, Sixth Cavalry, on the operations of party No. 2, Colorado section, field season of 1875, pp. 136-147. Appendix F. Executive report of Lieutenant C. W. Whipple, Ordnance Corps, on the operations of special party, California section, field season of 1875, pp. 147-150. Appendix G 1. Meteorology and hypsometry, field season of 1875, by Lieutenant W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, pp. 150-152. Appendix G 2. On the meteorlogical conditions of the Mohave Desert, [by Oscar Loew], pp. 152-157. ; Appendix H 1. Report on the geology of southern California, by Prof. Jules Marcou, pp. 158-172. Appendix H 2. Report on the geological and mineralogical character of south- eastern California and adjacent regions, pp. 173-188. Appendix H 3. Report on the alkaline lakes, thermal springs, mineral springs, and brackish waters of southern California and adjacent country [by Oscar Loew], pp. 188-199. Appendix H 4. Report on the geology of the mountain ranges from La Veta Pass to the head of the Pecos, by A. R. Conkling, pp. 199-202. Appendix H 5. Report upon the operations of a special natural-history party and main field party No. 1, California section, field season of 1875, being the results of observations upon the economic botany and agriculture of portions of southern California, by Dr. J. T. Rothrock, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, pp. 202-213. Appendix H 6. Report on the physical and agricultural features of southern California, and especially of the Mohave Desert, [by Oscar Loew], pp. 214-222. Appendix H. 7. Report on the geographical distribution of vegetation in the Mohave Desert, [by Oscar Leow], pp. 222-224. Appendix H 8. Report on the ornithology of the portions of California visited during the field season of 1875, by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 224-278. Appendix H 9. Report on the Orthoptera, collected by the United States geo- graphical surveys west of the one-hundredth meridian, under the direction of Lieutenant George M. Wheeler, during the season of 1875, by Samuel H. Scudder, pp. 278-295. Appendix H 10. New species of Coleoptera, collected by the expeditions for geographical surveys west of one-hundredth meridian, in charge of Lieut. George M. Wheeler, United States Engineers, by John L. Leconte, M. D., pp. 296-300. : Appendix H 11. Report on the alpine insect fauna of Colorado and New Mexico, season of 1875, by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, Ninth Infantry, pp. 301-305. Appendix H 12. Notes on the mammals taken and observed in California in 1875, by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 305-312. 48 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. ’ (BULL. 222, Appendix H 13. Report on the operations of a special party for making ethno- logical researches in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, Cal., with an historical account of the region explored, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, pp. 312-321. Appendix H 14. Notes upon ethnology of southern California and adjacent regions, by Dr. O. Loew, pp. 321-327, 1 illustration. Appendix H 15. On the physiological effects of a very hot climate, by Dr. O. Loew, pp. 328-330. Appendix H 16. Analytical report on eleven idioms spoken in southern Cali- fornia, Nevada, and on the lower Colorado River, their phonetic elements, grammatical structure, and mutual affinites, by Alb. 8. Gatschet, pp. 330-343. Index, pp. 345-355. 1877. J Annual report upon the geographical surveys west of the one- hundredth meridan in the States and Territories of California, Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. A., being Appendix NN of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1877. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1877. 8°. iv, 1209-1334, v pp., 3 illustrations. [Progress Report], pp. 1211-1250, 3 illustrations. Appendix A. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Eric Bergland, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, Colorado section, field season of 1876, pp. 1250-1252. Appendix B. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Saml. E. Tillman, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, California section, field season of 1876, pp. 1253-1256. a Appendix C. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Thomas W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 3, California section, field season of 1876, pp. 1257-1262. Appendix D. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant R. Birnie, jr., Thir- teenth Infantry, on the operations of party No. 4, California section, field season of 1876, pp. 1262-1272. Appendix E. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Charles C. Mor- vison, Sixth Cavalry, on the operations of party No. 2, Colorado section, field season of 1876, pp. 1273-1278. Appendix F. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant M. M. Macomb, Fourth Artillery, on the operations of party No. 2, California section, field season of 1876, pp. 1278-1284. ; Appendix G. Preliminary report on examination at the Comstock lode, by John A. Church, pp. 1284-1285. Appendix H. Geological report on the portions of western Nevada and eastern California between the parallels of 39° 30/ and 38° 30’, explored in the field season of 1876, by Mr. A. R. Conkling, pp. 1285-1295. Appendix H 1. Report on the lithology of portions of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, by A. R. Conkling, pp. 1295-1298. Appendix H 2. Report on the foothills facing the plains from latitude 35° 30’ to 38° approximately, by Mr. .A. R. Conkling, pp. 1298-1303. SCHMECK EBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 4y Appendix I. Report on the ornithology of portions of Nevada and California, by Mr. H. W. Henshaw, pp. 1303-1322. Appendix J. Report upon the hemiptera collected during the years 1874 and 1875, by Mr. P. R. Uhler, pp. 1322-1334. Index, i-v. 1878. Annual report upon the geographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, by George M. Wheeler, First Lieutenant Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. Army, being Appendix NN of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1878. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1878. 8°. x, 234 pp., 8 illustrations and maps. [Progress report], pp. 1-103, map. Appendix A. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Eric Bergland, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, Colorado section, field season of 1877, pp. 103-106. Appendix B. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Samuel E. Till- man, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, Utah section, field season of 1877, pp. 107-112. Appendix C. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Thomas W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, California sec- tion, field season of 1877, pp. 113-120. Appendix D. Brief executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Willard Young, Corps of Engineers, on the operations of party No. 1, Utah section, field season of 1877, pp. 120-122. Appendix E. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant R. Birnie, jr., Ord- nance Department, on the operations of party No. 2, Utah section, field sea- son of 1877, pp. 122-131. Appendix F. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant Charles C. Mor- rison, Sixth Cavalry, on the operations of party No. 2, Colorado section, field season of 1877,.pp. 131-139, 2 illustrations. Appendix G. Executive and descriptive report of Lieutenant M. M. Macomb, Fourth Artillery, on the operations of party No. 2, California section, field season of 1877, pp. 139-145. Appendix H. Report-upon examination of the Comstock lode, by John A. Church, pp. 145-166. Appendix I. Geological report on portions of western Nevada and eastern Cali- fornia, including part of the Sierra Nevada Range, by A. R. Conkling, field season of 1877, pp. 167-183. Appendix I11. Report on the lithology and mineralogy of portions of Nevada and California, by A. R. Conkling, field season of 1877, pp. 184-185. Appendix J. Preliminary report on the ornithology of portions of California and Nevada, by H. W. Henshaw, field season of 1877, pp. 185-186. Appendix K. Report upon the fishes collected during the year 1875, 1876, and 1877, in California and Nevada, by Prof. David 8. Jordan and H. W. Hen- shaw, pp. 187-200, pls. i-iv. Bull. 222—04——_-+ 50 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222, Appendix K 1. List of marine fishes collected on the coast of California, near Santa Barbara, in 1875, with notes by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, acting assistant sur- geon, U.S. A., and H. W. Henshaw, pp. 201-205. Appendix L. Report upon the reptiles and batrachians collected during the years of 1875, 1876, and 1877 in California, Arizona, and Nevada, by Dr. H. C. Yar- row, acting assistant surgeon, U. 8. A., and H. W. Henshaw, pp. 206-226. fs (_- Appendix M. Notes upon the first discoveries of California and the origin of its name, by Prof. Jules Marcou, pp. 226-229, map. Index, pp. 231-234. 1879. Annual report upon the geographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Terri- tories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. By George M. Wheeler, Captain Corps of Engi- neers, U.S. Army; being Appendix OO of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1879. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1879. 8°. vi, 340 pp., 4 maps. [Progress report], pp. i-vi, 1-209, 3 maps. Appendix A. Report of Lieutenant 8. E. Tillman, Corps of Engineers, in charge of party No. 1, Utah section, field season of 1878, pp. 209-214, map. Appendix B. Report of Lieutenant T. W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, in charge of party No. 1, California section, season of 1878, pp. 214-223. Appendix C. Report of Lieutenant Eugene Griffin, Corps of Engineers, in charge of party No. 2, Colorado section, season of 1878, pp. 223-228. Appendix D. Report of Lieutenant Willard Young, Corps of Engineers, in charge of party No. 2, Utah section, field season of 1878, pp. 228-235. Appendix D (sub). Report of Lieutenant Willard Young, Corps of Engineers, in charge of a special party engaged in the survey of great Salt Lake and vicinity, field season of 1879, pp. 235-237. Appendix E. Report of Lieutenant Rogers Birnie, jr., Ordnance Corps, in charge of party No. 1, Colorado section, field season of 1878, pp. 237-253. Appendix F. Report of Lieutenant M. M. Macomb, Fourth Artillery, in charge of party No. 2, California section, field seasons of 1878 and 1879, pp. 253-261. Appendix G. Report of Lieut. H. H. Ludlow, Third Artillery, in charge of party No. 3, Utah section, field season of 1878, pp. 261-264. Appendix H. Report of special astronomical party at Ogden, Utah, season of 1878, by T. H. Safford, Ph. D., assistant, pp. 264-265. Appendix I. Report of special astronomical party operating in California, Oregon, and Washington Territory, by John H. Clark, astronomical assistant, pp. 265-268. Appendix J. Report of special astronomical party operating in New Mexico and Texas, field season of 1878, by Miles Rock, assistant, pp. 268-270. Appendix K. Preliminary report of a special geological party operating in Colorado and New Mexico, from Spanish Peaks to the south, field season of 1878, by Professor John J. Stevenson, assistant, pp. 271-281. Appendix K (sub). Preliminary report of a special geological party operating in Colorado and New Mexico, field season of 1879, by Prof. John J. Steven- son, assistant, p. 281. SCHMECKEBIER.] ANNUAL REPORTS. 51 Appendix L. Ornithological report from observations and collections made in portions of California, Nevada, and Oregon, by Assistant H. W. Henshaw, pp. 282-335. {ndex, pp. 337-340. 1880. Annual report upon the geographical and topographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, by George M. Wheeler, Captain Corps of Engineers, U.S. A.; being Appendix PP of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1880. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1880. 8°. v, 40 pp., 1 map. 1881. Annual report upon the geographical and topographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, in charge of George M. Wheeler, Cap- tain Corps of Engineers, U.S. A. Report of M. M. Macomb, First Lieutenant, Fourth U. 8. Artillery, intemporary charge; being Appen- dix UU of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1881. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1881. 8°. iv, 2805-2808 pp., 1 map. 1882. Annual report upon the geographical and topographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, in charge of George M. Wheeler, Cap- tain Corps of Engineers, U. 8. A. Report of M. M. Macomb, First Lieutenant, Fourth U.S. Artillery, in temporary charge; being Appen- dix TT of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1882. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1882. 8°. 2821-2824 pp., 2 Il. 1883. Annual report upon the geographical and topographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, 52 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. (BULL, 222, Washington, and Wyoming, in charge of George M. Wheeler, Cap- tain Corps of Engineers, U. 8S. A.; Report of M. M. Macomh, First Lieutenant, Fourth U.S. Artillery, in temporary charge; being Appen- dix UU of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1883. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1883. 8°. 2379-2381 pp., 2 IL. 1884. Annual report upon the geographical and topographical surveys of the territory of the United States west of the 100th meridian, in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, in charge of George M. Wheeler, Captain Corps of Engineers, U. 8. A.; being Appendix VV of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 188+. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office. 1884. 8°. v, 2375-2378 pp. FINAL REPORTS OR MONOGRAPHS. [Vignette] [in Vol. I only]. Engineer Department, U.S. [Vols. III and V, United States] Army. Report upon United States Geograph- ical Surveys [Vols. III and V, Report upon Geographical and Geologi- cal Explorations and Surveys] west of the one hundredth meridian, in charge of Capt. [Vols. I, IJ, 1V-VII, First Lieut. ] Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. 8. Army, under the direction of the Chief of Engineers [Vols. I], IJ, 1V-VIU, Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers; Vol. III, Supplement, Brig. Gen. H. G. Wright, Chief of Engineers] U. 5. Army. Published by authority of the honora- ble the Secretary of War [Vol. III, Hon. Wm. W. Belknap, Secre- tary of War], in accordance with acts of Congress of June 23, 1874, and February 15,1875. In seven volumes and one supplement [Vols. I, I, Supplement IV, VI, VI, in seven volumes; Vols. III and V, in six volumes], accompanied by one topographical and one geological atlas. Volume I [II-III, III Supplement, IV-VII], Geographical Report. [Vol. II, Astronomy and barometric hypsometry; Vols. III and III, Supplement, Geology; Vol, IV, Paleontology; Vol. V, Zoology; Vol. VI, Botany; Vol. VII, Archeology]. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1889 [Vols. II and IV, 1877; Vols. III and V,1875; Vol. II], Supplement, 1881; Vol. VL, 1878; Vol. VII, 1879.] 4°. 8 Vols. I. Geographical Report. 1889, 780 pp., 24 pls., 17 illustrations (maps, ete. ). [Part I], pp. 9-512. Introduction, pp. 9-20. Areas occupied, pp. 21-146, pls. i-xv. Itinerary of Colorado Grand Canyon and River trip of 1871, pp. 147-171, pls. XVi-Xxiv, map. SCHMECKEBIER.] MONOGRAPHS. 53 Population, industries, communications, irrigation, and artesian wells, pp. 172- 210. aoe | Indians, pp. 211-222. Land classification, pp. 225-227. Appendix A. Special list of latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, etc., of certain mili- tary posts west of the 100th meridian, pp. 229-233. Appendix B. Description of atlas sheets, pp. 235-329. Appendix C. Methods of survey, pp. 331-404, + illustrations. Appendix D. Notes on the survey and disposal of the public lands, pp. 405-4138, map. Appendix E. Considerations upon National Government land and marine sur- veys, pp. 415-479, map. , Appendix F. Memoir upon the voyages, discoveries, explorations, and surveys to and at the west coast of North America and interior of the United States west of the Mississippi River, between 1500 and 1880, including later biblio- graphical and other references to determine latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes available for the basis of the permanent official topographic atlas of the United States, pp. 451-512, 10 maps. i Part II. Epitome of Warren’s Memoir, giving a brief account of each of the exploring expeditions since 4. D. 1800, by Lieut. Gouverneur K. Warren, corps of topographicai engineers, U.S. A., pp. 518-597. joes III. Explorations and surveys, 1857-1880, pp. 599-745. Appendix G. Synoptical table of contents of quarto reports, in eight volumes, including vol. iii, Geology (supplement), pp. 747-755. { Synoptical list of maps, pp. 757-760. ) Appendix H. Geographic-topographic surveys west of the one hundredth meri- dian, pp. 761-764. Index, pp. 765-780. II. Astronomy and barometric hypsometry. 1877. xiii, 571 pp, 15 ll, 22 pls. Part [. Reports upon the astronomical determinations at main stations in Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico, occupied in the years 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Dr. F. Kampf, John H. Clark, Wm. W. Maryatt, and Prof. T. H. Safford, pp. 1-491, pls. 1-6. Part II. Results in barometric hypsometry, obtained during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, and 1875, reported by. First Lieutenant Wm. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, U. 8. Army, pp. 493-566, pls. vii-xxii. Index, pp. 567-571. III. Geology. 1875. 681 pp, 13 pls., and 4 1l., containing figs. 82, 101, 145, 167. Part I. Report on the geology of portions of Nevada, Utah, California, and Arizona examined in the years 1871 and 1872, by G. K. Gilbert, A. M., pp. 17-187, pls. i-iii. Part II. Report on the geology of route from St. George, Utah, to Gila River, Arizona, examined in 1871, by A. R. Marvine, pp. 189-225, pl. iv. Part III. Report on the geology of portions of Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico examined in the years 1872 and 1873, by Edwin E. Howell, pp. 227-301, pls. v—vii. Part IV. Report on the geology of-a portion of Colorado examined in 1873, by Prof. John J. Stevenson, pp. 303-501. Part V. Report on the geology of portions of New Mexico and Arizona exam- ined in 1878, by G. K. Gilbert, A. M., pp. 503-567, pls. viii-xii. Part VI. Report upon mineralogical, agricultural, and chemical conditions observed in portions of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona in 1873, by Oscar Loew, Ph. D., pp. 569-661, pl. xiii. Index, pp. 663-681. 54 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222, III. Supplement—Geology. 1881. 420, xxxviii pp., 2 ll., 4 pls., and 3 maps. Report upon geological examinations in southern Colorado and northern New ~ Mexico during the years 1878 and 1879, by John J. Stevenson, Ph. D., pro- fessor of geology in the University of the city of New York, geological assistant to expeditions of 1873, 1878, and 1879, pp. 3-420, 3 maps. Appendix. Report on the Carboniferous invertebrate fossils of New Mexico, by C. A. White, M. D., pp. i-xxxviii, pls. i-iv. IV. Paleontology. 1877. xv, 3-219, iv, 1-36, 36a, 36b, 37-370 pp., 83 11., 83 pls. Part I. Report upon the invertebrate fossils collected in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona by parties of the expedi- tions of 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Charles A. White, M. D., xv, pp. 3-219, pls. 1-21. Part II. Report upon the extinct vertebrata obtained in New Mexico by parties of the expedition of 1874, by Prof. E. D. Cope, pp. i-iv, 1-36, 36a, 36b, 37-370 pls. 22-83. V. Zoology. 1875. 1021 pp., 3 ]l., 45 pls. Notes upon geographical distribution and variation with regard to the zoology of the Western United States, as relates more particularly to mammals and birds, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 23-34, 2 11. Report upon the collections of mammals made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874 by Dr. Elliott Coues and Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 35-129. Report upon the ornithological collections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 131-507, pls. i-xv. Report upon the collections of batrachians and reptiles made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 509-584. Synopsis of the reptiles and batrachians of Arizona, with critical and field notes and an extensive synonymy, by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. Army, pp. 585-633, pls. xvi-xxv. Report upon the collections of fishes made in portions of Nevada, Utah, Cali- fornia, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Prof. E. D. Cope and Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 635-703, pls. xxvi- XXxil. Report upon the collections of Hymenoptera made in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1872, 1873, and 1874, by E. T. Cresson, with list of Formicidee by Edward Norton, pp. 705-736, pls. xxxili-xxxiv. Report upon the collections of diurnal Lepidoptera made in portions of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, with notes upon all species known to inhabit Colorado, by Theodore L. Mead, and a list of all species collected, by W. H. Edwards, pp. 737-794, pls. xxxv-x]. Report upon new species of Zygeenidsze and Bombycide collected in portions of California and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, and 1878, by Richard H. Stretch, pp. 795-802. Report upon the collection of Diptera made in portions of Colorado and Arizona during the year 1873, by C. R. Osten-Sacken, pp. 803-807. Report upon the collections of Coleoptera made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Henry Ulke, pp. 809-827, pl. xli. Report upon the collections of Hemiptera made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1873, and 1874, by Prof. P. R. Uhbler, pp. 829-842, 11., pl. xlii. SCH MECKEBIER.] MONOGRAPHS. 55 VI. Report upon the collections of Orthoptera made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Prof. Cyrus Thomas, pp. 843-908, pls. xliii-xly. Report upon the collections of Neuroptera and Pseudo-Neuroptera, made in por- tions of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Dr. H. A. Hagen, pp. 909-922. Report upon the collections of terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca made in por- tions of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 923-954. Report upon the collections of fresh-water Jeeches made in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1872, 1873, and 1874, by Prof. A. E. Verrill, pp. 955-967. Index, pp. 969-1021. Botany. 1878. xx, 404 pp., 30 pls. Notes on Colorado, by J. T. Rothrock, surgeon and botanist to the expeditions of 1873, 1874, and 1875, pp. 1-14. Notes on New Mexico, by J. T. Rothrock, camged and botanist to the expedi- tions of 1873, 1874, and 1875, pp. 15-37. Notes on economic botany, by J. T. Rothrock, surgeon and botanist to the expe- ditions of 1873, 1874, and 1875, pp. 39-52. Catalogue of plants collected in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, with descriptions of those not contained in Gray’s Manual of the Northern U. 8., and Vol. V, Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, by J. T. Rothrock, surgeon and botanist to the expeditions of 1873, 1874, and 1875, and the following botanists: Sereno Watson, Cambridge, Mass.; George Engelmann, M. D., St. Louis, Mo.; Prof. T. C. Porter, Easton, Pa.; M.S. Bebb, Fountaindale, Ill.; Wm. Boott, Boston, Mass.; George Vasey, M. D., Agri- cultural Department, Washington, D. C.; Prof. D. C. Eaton, Yale College, New Haven, Conn.; Thos. P. James, Cambridge, Mass.; Prof. Edward Tuckerman, Amherst, Mass., pp. 53-351. [Notes on that portion of California traversed by the botanists of the expeditions of 1875, with enumeration of plants collected during that year], pp. 353-378. Table of orders, p. 379. Index, pp. 381-400. Description of plates, pp. 401-404. VII. Archeology. 1879. xxi, 497 pp., 20 pls., frontispiece. 1 map. Part I. Reports upon archeological and ethnological collections, by Frederick W. Putnam, curator of the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., assisted by C. C. Abbott, M. D.; 8.8. Haldeman, LL. D.; H.C. Yarrow, M. D.; H. W. Henshaw, and Lucien Carr, assistant curator Peabody Museum. The southern Californians, pp. 1-31. Report on the operations of a special party for making ethnological researches in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, Cal., with a short historical account of the region explored, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow, acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, pp. 32-47. Chipped stone implements, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 49-69, pls. i-iv. Mortars and pestles, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 70-92, pl. v. Steatite cooking pots, plates, and food vessels, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 93-116, . pil. vi. The method of manufacture of soapstone pots, by Paul Schumacher, pp. 117-121. Articles made of wood, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 122-124. PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222. Smoking pipes of stone, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 125-134, pls. vii-ix. Perforated stones, pp. 135-189, pl. x. Miscellaneous objects made of stone, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 190-217. Sculptures, pp. 218-221. Implements and weapons made of bone and wood, by C. C. Abbott and F.W. Putnam, pp. 222-233, pl. xi. Musical instruments made of bones, by C. C. Abbott, pp. 234-238. Textile fabrics, basket work, etc., pp. 239-250, pl. xiv. Ornaments, pp. 251-262, pl. xii. Beads, by 8. S. Haldeman, pp. 263-271, pl. xiii. Iron implements and other articles obtained by contact with Europeans, pp. 272-276, pl. xy. Observations on the crania from the Santa Barbara Islands, California, by Lucien Carr, assistant curator of the Peabody Museum American Arche- ology and Ethnology, pp. 277-292. Translation from the Spanish of the account by the pilot Ferrel of the voyage of Cabrillo along the west coast of North America in 1542, with introduc- tory notes by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 293-314. 1 map. Part II. The pueblo ruins and the interior tribes, by Frederick W. Putnam, curator of the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 315-397. Notes on the pueblos and their inhabitants, by G. Thompson, topographer, pp. 319-324. The pueblo of Acoma, by Dr. Oscar Loew, pp. 325-326. The pueblo of Taos, by H. C. Yarrow, assistant surgeon, U. 8. A., pp. 327-330. The pueblo of San Juan, by H. C. Yarrow, assistant surgeon, U. S. A., p. 331. The cachina, a dance at the pueblo of Zufii, by Francis Klett, assistant United States Geographical Surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, pp. 332-336. Report on the ruins in New Mexico, by Dr. Oscar Loew, pp. 337-345. Report on ruins visited in New Mexico, by Lieut. Rogers Birnie, jr., Thir- teenth United States Infantry, pp. 346-350. Report on the remains of population observed in northwestern New Mexico, by Prof. E. D. Cope, paleeontologist of expedition of 1874, pp. 351-361. Notice of a ruined pueblo and an ancient burial place in the valley of the Rio Chama, hy H. C. Yarrow, assistant surgeon, U. 8. A., pp. 362-365. Notice of the pueblo Pintado and of other ruins in the Chaco Canyon, by Lieut. C. C. Morrison, Sixth United States Cavalry, pp. 366-369. Cliff house and cave on Diamond Creek, New Mexico, by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 370-371. Ruins in the Cafion de Chelle, pp. 372-373, pl. xx. Notes on the implements of stone, pottery, and other objects obtained in New Mexico and Arizona, pp. 374-390, pls. xvi-xix. Notes upon human crania and skeletons collected by the expeditions of 1872-1874, by Mark Sibley Severance and Dr. H. C. Yarrow, pp. 391-397. Appendix. Linguistics, pp. 399-485. Classification into 7 linguistic stocks of western Indian dialects contained in 40 vocabularies, by Albert 8. Gatschet, pp. 403-485. Index, pp. 487-497. SCHMECKEBIER.] PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. 57 UNCLASSIFIED PUBLICATIONS. [1] Tables of camps, distances, lines of march, etc. Surveys and explorations in Nevada and Arizona, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, U. S. Army, in charge. Washington, 1871. Oblong folio, 14 pp. [2] Tables containing camps, distances, lines of march, latitudes, longitudes, attitudes, etc. Explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meredian in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona, in charge of 1st Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, assisted by 1st Lieuts. R. L. Hoxie and Wim. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers. Accompanied byamap. Field season of 1872. Washington: Government Printing» Office, 1873. 4°, 20 double pages, 11., map. [3] [Vignette] Report upon the determination of the astronomical coordinates of the primary stations at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, and Colorado Springs, Colorado Territory, made during the years 1872 and 1873, geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. First Lieutenant George M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Dr. F. Kampf and J. H. Clark, civilian astronomical assistants. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 4°. 82 pp. [4] Engineer Department, U. S. Army. Geographical and geo- logical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Report upon ornithological specimens collected in the years 1871, 1872, and 1873. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 148 pp. Report upon and list of birds collected by the expedition for explorations west of the one hundredth meridian in 1872; Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge, by Dr. H. C. Yarrow and Henry W. Henshaw, pp. 5-38. I. An annotated list of the birds of Utah, by H. W. Henshaw, pp. 39-148. [5] Engineer Department, U. 8. Army. Geographical and geo- logical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. First Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Catalogue of plants collected in the years 1871, 1872, and 1873, with descriptions of new species. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 62 pp. Botanical report, by Sereno Watson, pp. 5-19. Preliminary report on the botany of central Colorado, pp. 23-62. [6] Engineer Department, U.S. Army. Geographical and geolog- ical explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. a Numbered arbitrarily for convenience in reference. 58 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222, First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Pre- liminary report upon invertebrate fossils collected by the expeditions of 1871, 1872, and 1873, with descriptions of new species. C. A. White, M. D. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1874. 8°. 27 pp. [7] Geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian. First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Annotated list of birds of Utah, by H. W. Henshaw, ornithologist to the expedition. [From Annals New York Lyceum Natural History, Vol. XI.] Salem: Printed at the Salem Press. 1874. 8°. 14 pp. [8] Geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian. First Lieutenant G. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. 8: A., in charge. On the Plagopterinz and the ichtby- ology of Utah, by Edward D. Cope, A. M. Reprinted from the Proceedings of American Philosophical Society, of Philad’a. Phila- delphia: McCalla & Stavely, Prs., 237-9 Dock street. 1874. 8°. 14 pp. [9] Engineer Department, U.S. Army. Geographical explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian. First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, in charge. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. E,. D. Cope, A. M., paleontologist. Washington: Government Printing Office. April 17, 1875. 8°. 37 pp. [10] Engineer Department, U. 8. Army. Instructions for taking and recording meteorological observations and for preserving and repairing the instruments; prepared for the use of field and astro- nomical parties of the expeditions for geographical surveys and explo- rations west of the one hundredth meridian. Compiled from Colonel Williamson’s Use of the Barometer, and from the published instruc- tions of the United States lake survey, with such additions and modi- fications as have been suggested by the experience of this survey; by First Lieutenants R. L. Hoxie and Wm. L. Marshall, Corps of Engi- neers, U.S. Army. To which are appended barometrical Tables I to XI, inclusive, of Professional Papers Corps of Engineers, No. 12. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1875. 16°. 64 pp. [11] Geographical explorations and surveys west of the 100th merid- ian. Logarithm, Traverse, and Altitude tables. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office. 1875. 8°. 30 pp. SCHMECKEBIER, ] UNCLASSIFIED PUBLICATIONS. 59 [12] Engineer Department, U.S. Army. Instructions for taking, recording, and reducing meteorological observations, and for pre- serving and repairing the instruments. Prepared for the use of United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th meridian. First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, in charge. By First Lieutenants R. L. Hoxie and Wm. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. To which areappended barometical Tables I to XI, inclusive, of Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, No. 12, Washington: Government Printing Office. 1876. 8°. 88 pp. [13] Field list of time stars, for the use of the U. 8. Geographical Surveys west of the 100th meridian. Washington. 1878. 8°. 13 pp. [14] U. S. Geographical Surveys west of the 100th meridian, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, U. 8. Army, in charge. List of longitudes, lati- tudes, and altitudes, being an extract from Vol. II. Washington. 1878. 4°. 22 pp., with blank tables. [15] Engineer Department, United States Army. Catalogue of the mean declination of 2,018 stars between 0" to 2° and 12" to 24” right ascension, and 10° and 70° of north declination, for January 1, 1875. Prepared under the direction of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. 8. Army, in charge of U. 8. Geographical Surveys west of the 100th meridian, by T. H. Safford, Ph. D., Field Memorial Professor of Astronomy in Williams College, Mass. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1879. 4°, 207 pp., 11. [16] [Vignette.] Engineer Department, U. S. Army. Tables of geographic positions, azimuths, and distances, together with lists of barometric altitudes, magnetic declinations, and itineraries of impor- tant routes, prepared principally by First Lieut. M. M. Macomb, 4th U. S. Artillery, assistant, from data gathered by parties of the United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th meridian, operating in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming, under the direction of Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, in charge. 1883. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1885. 4°. 261 pp. 60 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. (BULL, 222, MAPS. The following maps were issued in addition to those accompanying the annual reports and other publications. The greater part of these constitute parts of an atlas which it was intended should embrace all of the United States west of the one hundredth meridian. These sheets include topographic, geologic, and land-classification maps. The others are maps of special areas. All the atlas sheets and special maps issued are listed below. ATLAS SHEETS. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Topographic atlas sheets, arranged by States. ARIZONA. No. Limiting meridians. aac Area. Scale. Remarks. ° , WW ° ton ° t ov Sq. miles, 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map, 4 editions. 111 0 0 to.118 45 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1:506880 | 2 editions, hachure and shaded. 75@ 22.20. 111 0 0 to 113 45 0 | 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map. TG Orsecaseiern 108 15 0 to 111 0 0 | 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 Do. BBG eeeee 108 15 0 to 111 0 0/ 32 20 to 384 0 18,302 | 1: 506880 Do. CALIFORNIA. BBB...) 119 15 6 to 120 37 30 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 388D...... 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 40 40 to 41 30 4,127 | 1: 253440 Do. 47A 0....| 120 37 30 to 122 0 0 | 39 50 to 40 40 4,178 | 1: 253440 Do. aT Becccss 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 39 50 to 40 40 4,178 | 1: 253440 Do. 4D eevee 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 258440 Do. 47B and | 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 38 55 to 40 40 8,832 | 1: 253440 | 2 editions; 1 with and 1 with- 47 Db out hachure. BO Bacwece 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 66D...... 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 Do. 116 30 0 to 11915 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,209 | 1: 506880 Do. ----| 116 30 0 to 119 15 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 1: 506880 Do. 65 D>....| 116 30 0 to 117 52 30 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 253440 Do. -| 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 406880 Hachure map; 4 editions. 116 30 0 to 119 15 0/| 31 00 to 35 40 15,167 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map. -| 117 52 30 to 119 15 0 | 34 50 to 35 40 4,466 | 1: 253440 ' Do. -| 117 52 80 to 119 15 0 | 34 0 to 34 50 4,510 | 1: 253440 | Do. aGeologic map also issued for this area, bLand classification map also issued for this area. SCHMECKEBIER. ] MAPS. 61 Topographic atlus sheets, arranged by States—Continued. COLORADO, No. Limiting meridians. parallels, Area. Scale. Remarks. ° t “ ° ton ° , Oo # Sq. miles. * -| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 253440 Do. 106 52 80 to 108 15 0 | 3810 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 263440 | 2 editions; hachure map and contour map. 61 Ba....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 258440 | Hachure map, 3 editions. 61 Ca....| 106 52 30 to 108 15 0 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 | 3 editions, first without re- lief, other 2 hachured. 61Ca....| 107 15 0 to 107 57 0 | 37 42 to 38 7 1,100 | 1: 126720 | Contour map; 3 editions. 61 Da....; 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 62 Aa....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map; 2 editions. 62 Ca....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 37 20 to 38-10 4,326 | 1: 258440 Do. 62D..... 102 45 0 to 104 7 30 | 87 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. G9E sccisisie’s 105 30 0 to 108 15 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 Do. 69 Bb....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 263440 Do. ms 70 Ab....| 104 7 80 to 105 30 0 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 Do. IDAHO. 82 Ca....| 112 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 32 Da_...) 111 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023.| 1: 253440 Do. 41 Aa....| 112 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. 41 Ba_...| 111 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. NEVADA. 38B...... 119 15 0 to 120 37 80 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 88 Da....) 11915 0 to 120 37 30 | 40 40 to 41 30 4,127 | 1: 253440 Do. 47 B ca 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 39 50 to 40 40 4,178 | 1: 2538440 Do. AT Diviciniain’ 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1:253440|]- Do. 47 Band | 119 15 0 to 120 87 30 | 38 55 to 40 40 8,832 | 1: 253440 | 2 editions; 1 with and 1 with- 47 D.a out hachures, 48.2 seee 117 52 30 to 119 15 0} 89 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. ABD: cisco 116 30 0 to 117 52 30 | 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 253440 Do. Ais crn etnie 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 39 0 to 40 40 16,814 | 1: 506880 | 2 editions; hachure and shaded. 56B...... 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 253440. Do. Blick ss dtercis 116 30 0 to 11915 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,209 | 1: 506880 Do. 88 es seceree 118 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,208 | 1: 506880 | 4 editions; 3 hachured and 1 shaded. GB sdeoicess 116 30 0 to 11915 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map. 66 jeseeeee 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map; 4 editions. a Land classification map also issued for this area. b Land classification and geologic maps also issued for this area. 62 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL. 222. Topographic atlas sheets, arranged by States—Continued. NEW MEXICO. No. Limiting meridians. pratele Area, Scale. Remarks. ° , n" ° t Ww}. Oo , or Sq. miles. i 105 80 0 to 108 15 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map. 69 Ba..:.| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 386 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 Do. 69Da....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 17253440 | Hachure map; 3 editions. 70Ab....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 70Cb....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 253440 Do. WG Crs: nee 108 15 Oto 1ll1 0 0} 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 Do. WED gi az 105 30 0 to 108 15 0 | 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 Do. 77Ba....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 34 50 to 35 40 4,465 | 1: 253440 Do. 77Da....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 34 0 to 34 50 4,510 | 1: 258440 Do. 7Aac....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 34 50 to 35 40 4,465 | 1: 253440 Do. 8Be¢...... 108 15 0 to1ll 0 0 | 32 20 to 34 0 18,302 | 1: 506880 Do. 84a 20.22. 105 30 0 to 108 15 0 | 32 20 to 34 0 18,302 | 1: 506880 Do. 84Ba....| 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 33 10 to 34 0 4, 554 1: 253440 |} Hachure map; 2 editions. @4A Ca ....| 106 52 30 to 108 15 0 | 32 20 to 33 10 4,597 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. OREGON. 39 Birwesse 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. UTAH. 41 Aa....| 112 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 41 Ba....| 111 0 0 to 112 22 80 | 40 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. : | re 113 45 0 to 116 30 0/ 39 0 to 40 40 16,814 | 1: 506880 | 2 editions; hachure and shaded. 500 2.2... 111 0 0 to 113 45 0] 39 0 to 40 40 16,814 | 1: 506880 | 4 editions; 3hachure 1shaded. 5B. s.2cc0% 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,208 | 1: 506880 Do. 590 LL... 111 0 Oto 113 45 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,208 | 1: 506880 } 6editions; 5hachure 1shaded. 66. see cies 113 45 0 to 116 30 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure map; 4 editions. Gf eoskaccs 111 0 0 to 118 45 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 | Hachure and shaded. WYOMING. 32 Da....| 110 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. aLand classification map also issued for this area. b>Land classification and geologic maps also issued for this area. e Geologic maps also issued for this area, SCHMECKEBIER. ] MAPS. GEOLOGIC MAPS. 63 Geologic maps, arranged by States.@ ARIZONA. No. Limiting meridians. Se par- | area. Scale. Remarks. ° , ow ° , wm ° t fo} , Sq. miles. G62 eee eced 113 45 0 to 114 48 40 | 35 40 to 37 20 6,960 | 1: 506880 | On sheet with part of 58. Ofeseweses 111 0 0 to 113 45 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 Wcsnceee 111 0 0 to 113 45 0 | 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 WO sinckidiardis 10815 0 to 111 0 0] 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 88 ccxsicees 10815 Oto lll 0 0 | 32 20 to 34 0 18,302 | 1: 506880 COLORADO. 69 cece 105 30 0 to 105 50 0 | 36 35 to 37 20 988 | 1: 253440 | On sheet With parts of 69 D, 77 B, and 78 A. 70 Ab....| 104 7 30 to 105 80 0 | 86 30 to 37 20 4,874 | 1: 253440 NEVADA. DB es eceiee: 118 45 0 to 114 50 40 | 37 20 to 39 0 6,860 | 1: 506880 | On sheet with portion of 66. G6 cecees 113 45 0 to 114 48 40 | 35 40 to 37 20 6,960 | 1: 506880 | On sheet with portion of 58. NEW MEXICO. 69B..... 105 30 0 to 105 50 0 | 36 35 to 37 20 988 | 1: 253440 | On sheet with parts of 69 D, 77 B, and 78 A. 69D -.... 105 380 0 to 105 58 0 | 35 40 to 36 30 935 | 1: 253440 | Northwest quarter not mapped. 70A6....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,874 | 1: 258440 | On sheet with parts of 69 B, 77 B, and 78 A. 70Cb....| 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 253440 TWGissciccams 10815 0 to lll 0 0| 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 12 Byeiscise! P On sheet: with parts of 69 B ake fr0s 5 0 to 10615 0 | 35 15 to 35 40 1,834 | 1: 253440 | and 69 D. 83. .| 10815 Oto 111 0 0 | 82 20 to 34 0 18,302 | 1: 506880 UTAH. 111 0 0 to 113 45 0] 39 0 to 40 40 16,814 | 1: 506880 113 45 0 to 114 50 40 | 37 20 to 39 0 6,860 | 1: 506880 | On sheet with portion of 66. 111 0 0 to 113 45 0 | 37 20 to 39 0 17,208 | 1: 506880 113 45 0 to 114 48 40 | 35 40 to 37 20 6,960 | 1: 506880 | On sheet with portion of 58, 111 0 0 to 118 45 0 | 35 40 to 37 20 17,588 | 1: 506880 a Topographic maps issued for all these areas. b Land classification map also issued for this area. 64 PUBLICATIONS OF WHEELER SURVEY. [BULL, 222, LAND CLASSIFICATION MAPS. Land classification maps, arranged by States. CALIFORNIA. No. Limiting meridians. Eerie wae Area, Scale, Remarks. ° tthe ° # aw ° t oe + SY. miles, BRODY cased: 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 40 40 to 41 30 4,127 | 1: 258440 | Hachure map. AUT aX. stem 120 37 80 to 122 0 0 | 39 50 to 40 40 4,178 | 1: 253440 Do. 47 Band | 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 88 55 to 40 40 8,832 | 1: 253440 Do. 47D. : G5: D sccind 116 30 0 te 117 52 80 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map; 3 editions. BA. | 117 52 30 to 119 15 0 | 34 50 to 35 40 4,465 | 1: 258440 | Hachure map. 18 @isceoes 117 52 80 to 119 15 0} 34 0 to 34 50 4,510 | 1: 253440 Do. | 4 Sceatiemtpig © senate COLORADO. 105 30 0 to 106 52 30) 39 0 to 39 50 4,228 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 106 52 30 to 108 15 0 | 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 243440 | Contour map. 105 80 0 to 106 52 30 | 38 10 te 39 0 4,278 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 106 52 30 to 108 15 0 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 Do. | 107 15 0 te 107 57 0 | 37 2 to 38 7 1,100 | 1: 126720 | Contour map, ' 105 80 0 to 106 52 30 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 38 10 to 39 0 4,278 | 1: 253440 Do. 104 7 30 to 105 380 0 | 37 20 to 38 10 4,326 | 1: 253440 Do. 105 30 0 to 106 42 30 | 36 80 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 Do. 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map; 2 editions. IDAHO. 82 CS cae | 712 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. B21): seciente 111 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023 | 1: 253440 Do. 4M. seven 112 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. 41B tees 111 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. NEVADA. 88D ...22 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 40 40 to 41 30 4,127 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 47Band | 119 15 0 to 120 37 30 | 38 55 to 40 40 8,832 | 1: 253440 Do. 47 D. NEW MEXICO. 69 B) ened 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 36 30 to 37 20 4, 874 1: 253440 | Hachure map. GOUD saps 105 80 0 to 106 52 30 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 253440 Do. 70.\ dace 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 36 30 to 37 20 4,374 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map; 2 editions. 70Ca.... 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 35 40 to 36 30 4,420 | 1: 243440 | Hachure map. 105 30 0 to 108 15 0] 34 0 to 35 40 17,952 | 1: 506880 Do. 105 30 0 to 106 52 80 | 34 50 to 85 40 4,464 | 1: 253440 Do. 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 34 0 to 34 50 4,510 | 1: 253440 Do. | 104 7 30 to 105 30 0 | 34 50 to 35 40 4,465 | 1: 253440 Do. 1105 80 0 to 108 15 0 | 32 20 to 34 0 18,302 | 1 : 506880 Do. 105 30 0 to 106 52 30 | 33 10 to 34 0 4,454 | 1: 253440 Do. 84 Chisccrcias oe 52 30 to 108 15 0 | 82 20 to 33 10 4,597 | 1: 263440 Do. a Geologic map also issued for these areas. SCHMECKEBIER.] MAPS. 65 Land classification maps, arranged by States—Continued. UTAH. No. Limiting meridians. ae par-) area. Seale. Remarks, oO # wm oO , “ fo} f oO t Sq. miles. 41 A ..... 112 22 30 to 113 45 0 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. 41 B..... 111 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 41 30 to 42 20 4,075 | 1: 253440 Do. WYOMING. 32D cs a: 110 0 0 to 112 22 30 | 42 20 to 43 10 4,023 | 1: 253440 | Hachure map. SPECIAL MAPS. Map of the United States west of the Mississippi River, showing drainage areas. Scale, 1: 6,000,000. Yosemite Valley, California. Hachure map. Limiting meridians, 119° 28’ and 119° 43’; limiting parallels, 37° 40’ and 37° 48’. Scale, 1: 42,240. . Lake Tahoe region, California-Nevada. Hachure map. Limiting meridians, 119° 33’ and 120° 29’ 30”; limiting parallels, 38° 45’ and 39° 32’. Scale, 1: 84,480. Lake Tahoe region, California-Nevada. Hachure map. Limiting meridians, 119° 33’ and 120° 29’ 30”; limiting parallels, 838° 45’ and 39° 32’. Scale, 1: 126,720. Washoe district, Nevada, showing Comstock lode. Limiting merid- ians, 119° 34’ and 119° 41’ 30”; limiting parallels, 39° 13’ 30” and 39° 20’ 20’. Scale, 1: 24,000. Washoe district, Nevada. Contour map. Limiting meridians, 119° 82' 30” and 119° 43’; limiting parallels, 39° 10’ 10” and 39° 21’ 15”, Scale, 1: 24,000. Washoe mining region, Nevada. Contour map, 2 sheets. Limiting meridians, 119° 32’ 30” and 119° 43’; limiting parallels, 39° 10’ 10” and 39° 21’. Scale, 1: 18,000. Reconnaissance map of southeastern Nevada. Scale, 1: 760,320. Map showing extent of Lake Bonneville, Utah-Nevada. Shaded. map. Limiting meridians, 111° 45’ and 115° 15’; limiting parallels, 87° 30’ and 42°. Scale, 1:.887,040. Map showing distances, camps, etc., in Utah, field season of 1872. Scale, 1: 950,400. Map of part of southwestern New Mexico. Limiting meridians, 106° 36’ and 109°; limiting parallels, 32° 20’ and 34°. Scale, 1: 633,600. Bull. 222—04—_5 INDEX. AL=Lands of the Arid region (see p. 42). BH=Geology of Black Hills of Dakota (see p. 42). ECR=Exploration of Colorado River of the West (see p. 41). Eth, 1, ete=Contributions to American Ethnology, vol 1, etc. (see p. 48). HM=Geology of Henry Mountains of Utah (see p. 42). HP=Geology of High Plateaus of Utah (see p. 42). H, Ann 1, ete=Annual Reports of Hayden Survey (see pp. 9-20). H, Bull, vol 1, ete=Bulletins of the Hayden Survey (see pp. 21-30). H, Miscl 1, ete=Miscellaneous publications of the Hayden Survey (see pp. 31-32). H, Mon 3, etec=Monographs or final reports of the Hayden Survey (see pp. 20-21). H, Unel 1, ete=Unclassified publications of the Hayden Survey, numbered arbitrarily (see pp. 32-34). K, 1871 ete=Administrative reports of the King Survey for the year mentioned (see pp. 38-39). K, 1, ete=Final Reports of the King Survey (see p. 39). LOR=Land Office Report for the year mentioned. PBH=Preliminary Report on the Paleontology of the Black Hills (see p. 42). UM=Geology of Uinta Mountains (see p. 42). W, 1869, etec=Annual reports of Wheeler Survey for the year mentioned (see pp. 44-52). W, I, ete= Volumes of Final Reports of Wheeler Survey (see pp. 52-56). W, Uncl1, ete=Unclassified publications of the Wheeler Survey, numbered arbitrarily (see pp. 57-59). Abajo Mountains, Utah, geology of...-.....-...--..------------------- H, Ann 10, pp 189-193, 239; H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, p 558 Abbott (C. C.), articles made of wood, found in graves in southern Cali- LOTMA 2s os adaggecsc ses sessaeeetesacweleaseee yess W, vu, pp 122-124 miscellaneous objects made of stone, from graves of southern Cali- fOMMI asec asccscccoewcu acne joceotdsuenseneeaees W, vu, pp 190-217 mortars and pestles from graves in southern California..-..... W, vil, pp 70-92 musical instruments made of bones. ...--.---------------+-- W, vil, pp 234-238 steatite cooking pots, plates, and food vessels ..........------ W, vu, pp 93-116 stone implements of southern California..+.........-.-..+.--- W, vu, pp 49-69 Abbott (C. C.) and Putnam (F. W.), implements and weapons made of bone ANG, WOO 2. <6 wis be ademas atinnaianied Sensei « W, vil, pp 222-233 Abiquiu region, New Mexico, geology of......-..------------- W, 1875, pp 101-103 Aborigines, houses and house-life of the American ._._.-...-------.-------- Eth, 1v of southern California............------.2--------- 2-2 eee eee W, vu, pp 1-31 (See, also, Ethnology and archeology.) Acoma, New Mexico, pueblo at_....---....--.---------------+- W, vu, pp 325-326 Acridide of North America, synopsis of.....-..-----------2----------- eee H, Mon v (See, also, Invertebrates. ) Agricultural resources of Arizona, eastern, and New Mexico, western......_- W, WI, pp 573-597 of Colorado ....-.----.-------+- H, Ann 3, pp 131-155; H, Ann 1-3, pp 229-251 southern, and New Mexico, northern.......-.--.-----.--2--------- W, in, Supp, pp 360-388; W, 1875, pp 129-139 of Colorado and Wyoming........---.----------2-e-e5- H, Ann 4, pp 191-264 of New Mexico, northern, and Colorado, southern..............-.--.... W, m1, _Supp, pp 360-388; W, 1875, pp 129-139 western, and Arizona, eastern .-.---...-.2.. ee eeee scenes W, 1, pp 573-597 67 68 INDEX TO HAYDEN, KING, [BULL. 222. Agricultural resources of Territories .....--...--------------- H, Ann 5, pp 205-279 of Wyoming and Colorado......-..-..----2------------- H, Ann 4, pp 191-264 Agricultural and physical features of southern California, especially of the Mohave: DéStrt sacnccneenecccaed coueawameuiceet W, 1876, pp 214-222 Agriculture and economic botany of portions of southern California ....... W, 1876, . pp 202-213 Agrostis, North American species of, preliminary list and descriptions of ...H, Bull, vol v1, No 1, pp 149-164 (See, also, Plants. ) Aiken (C. E.), notes on ornithology of portions of New Mexico and Ari- GOWMA spat tah Sotelo kes specs SSeS aes, saere tian syel See zeae W, 1875, pp 150-153 Ainslie (G.), notes on the grammar of the Nez Perces language. ---- H, Bull, vol 1, No 3, pp 271-277 Alaska, Aleutian Islands, shell heaps of..._.....------------------ Eth, 1, pp 41-91 In@ianetribes: Ol ses sasien aie cee eaters ss agineele TANASE ics Eth, 1, pp 1-106 natives of; notes Oi: s ssascceceuesseedes ey se s2 se oseseexseees Eth, 1, pp 111-116 Aleutian Islands, shell heaps of, on succession in ...--.------------ Eth, 1, pp 41-91 Alida district, Nevada, notes on ...--...-.-------------------- ee eee W, 1871, p 47 Alkali, analysis of, from Wyoming, Independence Rock, Pacific Springs, and Sweetwater Valley -.......------------------- H, Ann 4, pp 187, 188 Alkaline efflorescences, analysis of, from Wyoming, Sweetwater district..H, Ann 11, p 150 Allen (G. N.), irrigation in Santa Clara Valley, California ....H, Ann 5, pp 269-271 Allen (J. A.), description of a fossil passerine bird from the insect-bearing shales of Colorado .....-.--.--.---- H, Bull, vol iv, No 2, pp 443-445 geographical distribution of the Mammalia, considered in relation to the principal ontological regions of the earth, dnd the laws that govern the distribution of animal life.........- H, Bull, vol iv, No 2, pp 313-377 geographical variation among North American mammals, especially in respect to size -.----.-.------------ H, Bull, vol 1, No 4, pp 308-344 history of North American Pinnipeds -.....-........-------------- H, Miscl 12 history of the American bison -.._..-..-.--------------- H, Ann 9, pp 443-558 on the Coatis (genus Nasua Storr) ..-.-.------ H, Bull, vol vy, No 2, pp 153-174 on the species of the genus Bassaris..........-- H, Bull, vol v, No 3, pp 331-340 preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mammalian orders Cete and Sirenia........-.--.------ H, Bull, vol v1, No 3, pp 399-562 sexual, mecolual; and geographical variation in Leucosticte tephrocotis H, Bull, vol u, No 4, pp 345-350 synonymatic list of American Sciuri or arboreal squirrels. .1J, Bull, vol 1v, No 4, pp 877-887 Allen (J. A.) and Coues (E.), monograph of North American Rodentia..H, Mon x1 Alluvium, analyses of, from Nebraska, Blue River, Dakota City, Elkhorn River, Platte River, and Republican River -......... H, Ann 8, p 258 Of Ne braske) 22.2 scsic miss ose acetic eatbasgetess 42 hae. H, Ann 8, pp 256-259 of New Mexico, north-central ...... --..----..------- W, un, Supp, pp 182-188 (See, also, Soils. ) Alpheus, synopsis of North American species of ..-H, Bull, vol tv, No 1, pp 189-199 (See, also, Invertebrates. ) Alpine district, California, notes on.......-..-----..002202200--- W, 1878, pp 85-86 Alpine regions of Rocky Mountains, Coleoptera of..H, Bull, vol 1v, No 2, pp 447-480 Altaite, analysis of, from Colorado, Gold Hill, Red Cloud mine....H, Ann 10, p 136 Altitude, logarithm and traverse tables.......-...-----.-------------+- W, Unel 11 Altitudes, determination of, by means of the barometer......-.....---. W, Uncl 10, pp 29-64; W, Uncl 12, pp 43-88 SCHMECKEBIER.] POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS. 69 Altitudes, determination of, methods of.........-....------- H, Ann 10, pp 299-303 fer lige WINN acon erce saaec eect aen coset Gos aauieeee ceed BH, pp 551-553 iN 'COlGrad Oi. s2ciios bat see ey ed age deren eee Leesa oe H, Ann 7, pp 667-669, 678-681; H, Ann 8, pp 429-433, 441-442; H, Bull, vol 1, ser1, No 2, pp 75-77 Sangre de Cristo Range .........--..---------------- H, Ann 9, pp 299-300 in Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska _.....-..-.--------- H, Ann 6, pp 286-297 in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah............--.--.-------- H, Ann 6, pp 799-802 in Yellowstone Park...........-...---..---.-------- H, Ann 12, 11, pp 457-463 list of... W, 1878, pp 68-78; W, Uncl 16, pp 121-261; H, Bull, vol v, No 3, pp 441-470 of datum points on the Great Lakes and in the Rocky Mountains ....H, Ann 7, pp 629-659 west of Mississippi River..............--..-.---------------------- H, Miscl 1 west of one hundredth meridian -..-...........--.-----.---- W, 1, pp 556-566 Aium, analysis of, from Utah, Benada Peak, vicinity of --.-..---------- K, 1, p 424 Amargosa mines, California, notes on .........-..--.--------.------- W, 1871, p 52 American aborigines, houses and house life of .............---.------------- Eth, 1v (See, also, Ethnology and archeology.) Amulets, cranial, and prehistoric trephining-.-...-.--.--.---- pene ees 2 Eth, v (See, also, Ethnology and archeology. ) Amyzon beds, vertebrata of -.......--.2-22---2------------- H, Mon 11, pp 742-757 Amyzon shales, wading bird from ...--..-- audiences H, Bull, vol v1, No 1, pp 83-85 Analyses. (See name of substance. ) Ancient art. (See Art, ancient.) Ancient ruins. (See Ruins, ancient. ) Andesite, analysis of, from Cziffar.............-.....--0------------- K, v1, p 124 analysis of, from Germany, Siebengebirge .-...-......-.-.-------- K, vi, p 124 from Hungary, Macska and Tokay ..............-..-----.---- K, vi, p 124 from Italy, Monte Sieva ...............-.----------------0eee K, vi, p 124 from Java, Gunung Patna .........-...--..----------------e- K, vi, p 124 from Nevada, Comstock lode ..........--..--..----.---------- K, 1, p 90 Gold “Hill Peak. cctcise gece meats e's etieeeeeucteatie ees K, v1, p 123 Pappoose Peak-repion'. H, Ann 6, pp 809-812 SCUMECKEBIER.] POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS. 143 Montana, elevations in.........222..2222-22.2--------- H, Bull, vol v, No 3, pp 458; H, Miscl 1 (3d ed), p 15; H, Miscl 1 (4th ed), pp 92-93 EXPlOKatiONs: Ui eon noe oe iicce ge cee iSeiee 2 vie Maleie ehaeeuwmine ss SE -H, Ann 5 in parts of Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and, for year 1872........--- H, Ann 6 fishes of Dakota and, collected in 1873 and 1874, report on..-.-------- H, Bull, vol iv, No 4, pp 777-799 Fort Ellis, geology between Fort Hall, Idaho, and__...-..- H, Ann 5, pp 27-44 geology between Gardiner River and..-...---------- H, Ann 6, pp 108-125 Gallatin River, geology near......-...---..-----------+---- H, Ann 5, pp 44-49 Gallatin Valley and Canyon, geology of...---.----- LH, Ann 6, pp 26-28, 76-81 Gardiner River, geology between Fort Kilis and...-..-..-. H, Ann 6, pp 108-125 geological sections near headwaters of Missouri and Yellowstone rivers, NOtES Ollinaj see oss « Soest ee eeekey st H, Bull, vol 11, No 3, pp 197-209 Helena, geology between Three Forks and........-....---- H, Ann 6, pp 81-82 Hemiptera collected in Dakota and, in 1873-74.........--..------- _.--H, Bull, vol tv, No 2, pp 503-512 herpetology of Dakota and........-.---.-.--- H, Bull, vol iv, No 1, pp 259-291 Judith River region, geology of_-...--..----- H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, pp 565-577 Lepidoptera collected in, in 1874, discussion of..H, Bull, vol rv, No 2, pp 513-517 JOCUStS: IN oo epee phe tee cle ie as elesaresoetee ents ec, H, Ann 9, pp 623-625; H, Uncl 14, pp 92-96, 153-156, App, pp 248-253 Madison River, geology along........------------------- H, Ann 6, pp 160-167 meteorological observations in Colorado and......-........--------- H, Miscl 6 in: Utah, Idaho; and, in: 1872. icc eee cele eee a's a's i Reiqaate K, ur, p 304 Parleys' Canyon 222s cecescel ic coewece kde lseesSeeeeseess K, 1, p 542 Three, Wakes: 2-226 co2 sk cicaoe peels. one s.25 5 caaermaweetnste K, 1, p 542 Uinta Mountains: 2. ccc wnteue nace csansca ethos teakees o K, 1, p 542 Weber Canyon......------- Se cere Goes on eee ceceee K, 1, p 542 from Wyoming, Black Butte.............--------.------------ K, 1, p 542 Bridger: BasiM sue secretes ss eee vases ewe wishes Reeds K, 1, p 246 Cathedral Bluffs. ss-cwoscciceen dees seiewreaceeeeee teens K, 1, p 542 St. Marys: Peale <5 :s.eicceascaigieid erwin wieinisiars tieisiereie K, 1, p 155; K, 3, p 542 Wal ba Ch S pring os qinta ceive cites cS asec seids tee ee aie ite 0S Set aCe ere K, u, p 41 Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado, genlony Of i ea nonacbenisa H, Ann 9, pp 108-139 Sanidine-trachyte of Black Hills, petrography of .......------.---- BH, pp 496-499, 505-510, 512-514, 515-523 thin section of, from Black Hills.........---.---------------------- BH, p 528 Santa Barbara, California, ethnological researches near........-.-- W, vil, pp 32-47; W, 1876, pp 312-321 Santa Barbara Islands, California, crania from, observations on...W, vu, pp 277-292 kjokkenméddings and graves of a former population of........- H, Bull, vol 11, No 1, pp 37-56 Santa Clara Valley, California, irrigation in-.......-.---.---- H, Ann 5, pp 269-271 Santa Cruz Island, California, physical features of.......-.----- W, 1876, pp 215-216 Santa Fe, New Mexico, astronomical determinations at..-......-- W, u, pp 337-369 mines near............-.------- H, Ann 3, pp 121-123; H, Ann 1-3, pp 119-121 Santa Fe marls of New Mexico, Galisteo Creek region..-.-.. W, iu, Supp, pp 162-163 vertebrate paleontology of........----------------------+---- W, 1875, pp 68-76 Santa Monica Range, California, geology of..........-..------- W, 1876, pp 159-160 Savory Plateau region, Wyoming, geology of...........-.--2.--.- K, u, pp 164-166 Sawatch Range, Colorado, geology of...........--.---------- H, Ann 9, pp 150-175 Schirmerite, analysis of, from Colorado, Gold Hill........-.----.- H, Ann 10, p 151 Schists, crystalline, genesis of granite and.............-..--2.2-.-- K, 1, pp 112-121 of Fortieth Parallel region, microscopical petrography of....----. K, vi, pp 14-38 Schit-zui language, vocabulary of.........-.-------------------- Eth, 1, pp 267-283 (See, also, Ethnology and archeeology. ) Schmankewitsch (W. J.), contribution to a knowledge of the influence of external conditions of life upon the organization of animals..H, Ann 12, 1, pp 473-514 on the relation of Artemia salina Milne-Edwards to Artemia muehlhausenii Milne-Edwards and to the genus Branchipus Schaefer....H, Ann 12, I, pp 466-473 Schumacher (P.), method of manufacture of soapstone pots. .--... W, vit, pp 117-121 methods of making stone weapons....--.--.---- H, Bull, vol 111, No 8, pp 547-549 researches in the kj6kkenmdéddings and graves of a former population of the coast of Oregon.....-.-...------- H, Bull, vol m1, No 1, pp 27-35 researches in the kjdkkenméddings and graves of a former population of the Santa Barbara Islands and the adjacent mainland....._. H, Bull, vol 111, No 1, pp 37-56 Sciuri, synonymatic list of American.....-......-- H, Bull, voliv, No 4, pp 877-887 (See, also, Vertebrates. ) : Sciurus, revision of the genus.......-.--...----.-- H, Bull, vol vr, No 2, pp 301-307 (See, also, Vertebrates. ) 166 INDEX TO HAYDEN, KING, (BULL. 222. Scotland, primitive lapidarian sculptures in......-....------------- Eth, v, pp 9-15 Scudder (8. H.), account of some insects of unusual interest from the Tertiary rocks of Colorado and Wyoming....H, Bull, vol rv, No 2, pp 519-543 brief synopsis of North American earwigs, with an appendix on the fossil SPECIES an aeceie eee seems cet H, Bull, vol 1, No 3, pp 249-260 description of two species of Carabide found in the interglacial deposits of Scarboro Heights, near Toronto, Canada.....-.- H, Bull, vol 111, No 4, pp 763-764 first-discovered traces of fossil insects in the American Tertiaries....... H, Bull, vol 111, No 4, pp 741-762 fossil Coleoptera from the Rocky Mountain Tertiaries-.... H, Bull, vol i, No 1, pp 77-87 fossil insects of the Green River shales_....--- H, Bull, vol tv, No 4, pp 747-776 fossil Orthoptera from the Rocky Mountain Tertiaries- - --.. H, Bull, vol 1, ser 2, No 6, pp 447-449 list of Orthoptera collected by Dr. A. 8. Packard in Colorado and the neighboring Territories in 1875.....- H, Bull, vol u, No 3, pp 261-267 notes on Orthoptera collected in Nebraska........------- H, Uncl 1, pp 249-261 notice of a small collection of butterflies, made by Dr. A. 8. Packard in Colorado and Utah in 1875.......-- H, Bull, vol 11, No 3, pp 269-270 notice of the butterflies collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in the arid regions of southern Utah and northern Arizona during summer of DONA 22S OATS IEe Sahin eneeeees H, Bull, vol rv, No 1, pp 253-258 report on Orthoptera collected in California, New Mexico, and Colorado. .W, 1876, pp 278-295 Tertiary insects of North America........--.----.---------------- H, Mon xm Tertiary lake basin at Florissant, Colorado, between South and Hayden parks ...H, Ann 12, 1, pp 271-293; H, Bull, vol v1, No 2, pp 279-300 Tertiary Physopoda of Colorado .....---- H, Bull, vol 1, ser 2, No 4, pp 221-223 Sculptures made by Indians of California..........--.-.---.---- W, vir, pp 218-221 Sea bears, seals, walruses, and sea lions, monograph of.....- -.--.----- H, Miscel 12 Secret Canyon district, Nevada, notes on.......----.---------------- W, 1871, p 37 Section of a laccolite.........-..-.-.---- HM, fig 8 (p 19), fig 9 (p 20), fig 10 (p 21) OF SHIMALUM PsOrOu p xjealereizsetaraie:g'siaaicieistainis VERON ea eco aeayesmanee ses UM, p53 of Vermilion Cliff proup <= ses eemeeentanness ss 3s UM, p53 of White Cliff group -= ve qeweyeneiereene ee oes sed Gee ciecie canine cae oe UM, p53 Section, geologic, in Alabama, Cretaceous rocks......----- H, Mon 1x, pp xxxix-xl I AMIZONG it's Fees soa eisd bye a ROSA eee H, Ann 8, p 134 Apache and Pinal mountains -..-.--..-.--2-2-------- W, 1, fig 93 (p 221) Aubrey Clift vsvsccecaeeused sd oeeaasescccenkees eee es W, 11, fig 67 (p 163) Pine CMP (Oss W, ut, pp 297-299 vf Fortieth Parallel region.......-..-.--+----------------0---- K, 1, pp 545-725 olGréen River Basin - 2.00. oc eeesess Geese eee ss cecenseces K, 1, pp 236-238 of Nevada, Pifion Range........---.---------------- eee eee K, u, pp 558-562 of Utah, High platéatis.<5..05-cceiceccet steccieeccaaceees se s's'as HP, pp 55-142 quantitative chemical relations of .......-..--.--------------- K, 1, pp 678-681 Vulture mine, Arizona, notes on........--------------- eee ee eee eee W, 1871, p 56 Wachoe Mountains, Nevada, geology of -..-..-.------------------ Ku, pp 476-483 efaniterole -enckes s aecls en csccacecenesi-we sss vee ase oe eee ae K, 1, pp 59-60 Wahweah Range, Nevada, geology of.....-.--------------------- K, 0, pp 566-569 eranite-Of sc.220.00 206 eec owes Le es dasseesseeeee dares comeeaseocsee es K, 1, p 74 Wakynakaine language, vocabulary of .....-.--.---------------- Eth, 1, pp 248-265 (See, also, Ethnology and archeology. ) Walla’Walla, Wash., astronomical work at....-.....------------ W, 1879, pp 10-17 Walnut Grove district, Arizona, notes on __--------------------- W, 1871, pp 55-56 Walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears, and sealsof North America, monograph of..H, Misc] 12 (See, also, Vertebrates. ) Warm Springs Creek, Wyoming, geology near -...-.....-. H, Ann 12, 1, pp 235-237 Wasatch group, extent and character of ..._-...-.-------------- H, Mon m1, pp 7-11 fossils of, from White River Valley, Colorado.......---- H, Ann 1} pp 226-229 fossils, invertebrate, of, list of......----.-.-------- H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, p 611 fossils; vertebrate, Of ia. ccceccleeesees oe 65s dkledceemeace H, Ann 5, pp 350-353 of Bridger proup aNd... 22.2 csc.ccnnneeccciecioeisecec« H, Mon 11, pp 49-742 fromiN@w M@SiC6s <.2<..0cccscs00esemenreaceeaaasn W, rv, pt ii, pp 269-282 OcCUTrENces AN ARE OF... os ccc scsi Howmaneceeneben se dome ee ee H, Ann 8, p 147 of Colorado, Grand River district ...-.----.--...------------ H, Ann 10, p 184 NOrthWesteril a iioe oe g ae ee welche Oeeoenire satis Betas H, Ann 10, p 35 White River district:.2..2+.2-2+2scsscseesexesse H, Ann 10, pp 79-82, 110 of Utah, White River district.........-.2-..-2-2------ H, Ann 10, pp 79-82, 110 of Wyoming, Green River region -...-.....-.---.---.-- H, Ann 11, pp 635-636 Salt Wells; vicinity sot. 2 es scenes seeteee ds H, Ann 11, pp 127-133 Wind River Range, vicinity of .......---.-.-------------- H, Ann 11, p 88 Wasatch limestone of Great Basin..........-.------------ K, 1, pp 195-212, 235-240 Wasatch Plateau, Utah, geology of..........-....-.--------------.HP, pp 160-168 Wasatch Range, Utah, Archean rocks of......-...------------------ K, 1,-pp 44-54 FATTER OR a: zi ccsecancrasaesialile 2 2 statis ected a ectlalets o'siinig sate teas hae W, wl, pp 233-237 PeOlOsy Ol pu eitew ds tassviaaageabelne cies K, u, pp 340-391; H, Ann 6, pp 192-197 glaciers, extinct, of...-.....---- (aawieinnoe ei eedeeite ee e's cslaieels K, 1, pp 473-474 JUrdssie TOCKS Of Vests: os seeeeeseeetcd eck Lc e en Seeet hen wees cde K, 1, p 293 PaleozOiGTOCks Of je 521.2032 coca e Stak secre ciee SoRSOSRE K, 1, pp 154181 TrAChyLesOl 2. .seeicdlescis se 5s acacandGheaicceunaes oRabaeoeneeed K, 1, pp 586-591 Triassi¢ TOCKS. Of. 222. .ssdceeiieacuien ce cay aeeewanieesacancuesss K, 1, pp 264-266 Wasatch region, northern, Utah, geology of ........-..--.-...-..- K, u, pp 393-419 Washakie, Wyoming, Vermilion Creek group near ...-..........-- K, 1, pp 362-365 Washakie Basin, Wyoming, geology of....-.-.-------.---..------ K, u, pp 207-222 Washakie group, occurrences and age of .-..--------2-----.--22022-- H, Ann 8, p 146 Washakie Lake (Tertiary), extent of ....------...----.---...2200.. K, 1, pp 447-49 Washburn Range, Wyoming, geology of ........-.-------.- H, Ann 12, 11, pp 32-35 topographic features of.......----------.------------ 22 -e- H, Ann 12, 11, p 478 Washington, astronomical work in California, Oregon, and_...- W, 1879, pp 265-268 elevations in .-..-.-..----- H, Miscl 1 (3d ed), p 19; H, Miscl 1 (4th ed), p 108 tribes of northwestern Oregon and western.................. Eth, 1, pp 157-241 SCHMECKEBIER.] POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS. 201 Washington, Twana Indians of Skokomish Reservation, customs, language, ete) Of sateeeeecet se ceeeuseeetee ser H, Bull, vol mt, No 1, pp 57-114 Walla Walla, astronomical work at........-.--..----------- W, 1879, pp 10-17 Washington district, California, notes on...........----------------- W, 1878, p 84 Washoe district, Nevada, geology of .....------------------------- K, 11, pp 11-36 NOLES: OD 2 215 5 eeiclsjen sie itocec csme mele oeebeninspecceeuei eee ae W, 1876, pp 54-55 Water, analysis of, from Arizona, Mineral Park ......-...-.---.---- W, 1876, p 197 analysis of, from Arizona, northwestern, gypsum spring. ..--.--. W, 1876, p 197 from Arizona, San Francisco River (mineral) ..------.------- W, ul, p 616 from Atlantic Ocean ..._..-----.-----. 2220-22 e eee eee eee eee K, u, p 436° from Bavaria, Isar River_.......--..----.-------------------- W, m1, p 576 from California, Black Lake...........-..----------------- W, 1876, p 191 Cabezon Valley (hot spring) ---.---- ngpet oe scuieeeiawien W, 1876, p 193 Coahuila Valleys. cnncdceus ween ene yess eeedaess tee ve W, 1876, p 196 Coso Range (thermal spring) ......--...--------------- W, 1876, p 194 Inyo County (thermal spring) ....-..-....---2.-------- W, 1876, p 194 Little Yosemite (soda spring) -...-...-.--------------- W, 1876, p 195 Mohave River, saline flats of ......-...-..------------- W, 1876, p 197 Owens Wakes. xanjsckecdtinsi aes cee oe dcleeraree W, 1876, p 190 San Bernarding-. . sseaccsacesseousce ten eaes oes eects W, 1876, p 193 San Diego (thermal springs) .........--..-.--.--------- W, 1876, p 193 San Fernando Mountain (sulphur spring) ............-- W, 1876, p 195 San Fernando Valley (mineral spring) .......-....-..-- W, 1876, p 195 Santa Barbara (thermal springs) ..............2.22..-- W, 1876, p 192 from Colorado, Canyon (mineral)...-.-.........-2222-2.---- W, 11, p 617 Carlisle Springs (inineral)........-.222.--.-------------- W, 11, p 622 Idaho Springs (mineral) ......--.-..-222..0-2-222-2.---- W, in, p 485 Manitou (mineral) 2 sscsccnsacdckedewes sect uececeseeees W, ul, p 619 Bathing Spring (mineral)......... jbjnisue cic ese Se, H, Ann 6, p 102 Pagosa Springs (mineral)_..-........-.- H, Ann 9, p 185; W, 1m, p 627 Parnassus Springs (mineral) ..............2.22--20------- W, 111, p 620 Wagon Wheel Gap (mineral)........... H, Ann 9, p 155; W, m1, p 623 from Idaho, Soda Springs (mineral) .................---- H, Ann 11, p 592 from Mediterranean 8a. 22. oo pc agsdesse ecw eesas's k, 1, p 436 from Nevada, Comstock vein .....-..-.---222--.2--2------- W, 1878, p 156 Humboldt Lake ...........2..222222222------ K, 1, p 528; K, u, p 743 Pyramid “Lake ccc esvs'sdujcjccsdansceses see tes andacnwons K, 1, p 528 Soda Makeds. ose 20.. cise bw sceaecemeetancces K, 1, p 528; K, m1, p 747 Stones Ferry, salt well near .......-.......2-.22-22-2-- W, 1876, p 192 Vitein River cou: 4. skasaaeeuoe oeevueesigsenavinedeeeeee W, 1876, p 191 WATgInla RANGE: 2 oa. sc camels ewes Sener eagdeteniee leeks K, u, p 824 Washoe district, Savage mine...-.-...-...222-.2222222.--- K, 111, p 87 from New Mexico, Abiquiu (mineral) ......_- eo 8 sda nemneeseue W, 1, p 625 Las Vegas (mineral)........_.. W, 11, p 624; W, m1, Supp, pp 405-406 Ojos Calientes (mineral) ..-.......22...22222-22220-22--- W, ur, p 614 Pajarito River (mineral) ........-..--....22.2.22-222-2-- W, m1, p 626 Rio Grande del Norte..-... 222222220. 0 eee ee eee ee eee eee W, 1, p 576 San Isidro (mineral) ............202-02.02--2-2---------2-- -W, 1, p 616 from Palestine, Dead Sea............22222.0-2---------- eee ee K, 1, p 436 from Persia, Oroomiah Sea.............--.-2--.---------2- eee K, n, p 436 from Utah, Great Salt Lake..-...-.....-....- K, 1, p 502; K, 11, pp 433-436 Salt Lake City (mineral).......-...2222222222 2222222 lee K, 1, p 438 202 INDEX TO HAYDEN, KING, [BULL 222, Water, analysis of, from Utah, Sevier Lake.......--.---------------++- K, 1, p 436 analysis of, from various localities (mineral) .......-- H, Ann 12, 11, pp 387-398 deposit from, analysis of, from Colorado, Idaho Springs -..-..----- W, 1, p 485 analysis of, from Colorado, Manitou .......-.--.---------- H, Ann 5, p 159 from Idaho, Soda Springs...-.....---------+--------- H, Ann 11, p 590 Water supply of Black Hills........-...-------------------------- BH, pp 311-313 Of Great’ Basin a= ~eecsasss uxaceesss seeeeicles'scacdscestese W, 11, pp 105-117 of Kansas, western, and Colorado, eastern.......-------- H, Ann 4, pp 448-452 OF UHAW 2. .ocgeice deeb 2s dc senddendcocshiclas vaneueeeereewce sree aed, pp 67-80 Watson (S.), botany of Fortieth Parallel region.......-.-.-.----.-+----.----- K,v catalogue of plants collected in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona..W, Uncl 5, pp 5-19 descriptions of plants collected in the Southwest..........--- W, VI, pp 358-359 Waverly group, invertebrate fossils of, of Fortieth Parallel region..K, 1v, pp 251-264 Weapons, stone, methods of making ieee Seats H, Bull, vol 11, No 3, pp 547-549 (See, also, Implements; Ethnology and archeology.) Weaver district, Arizona, notes on_-...----------. ------- eee ee eee eee W, 1871, p 55 Weber Canyon, Utah, geology of .....-..------------------- eee K, 1, pp 384-392 PAleOZ01C TOCKS IM. saci Soe e hbk eas oe Gece eeehce demos sea Kk, 1, pp 156-165 Weber quartzite of Colorado, northwestern. ......-.-------.------- H, Ann 10, p 23 OL Great Bastien <2 dccnddedwsens Cone wad an eieeecuieee oe K, 1, pp 213-221, 240-241 Weevil, cranberry, description of ....-.-------------------- H, Ann 10, pp 525-526 Wells, artesian. (See Artesian wells. ) West Humboldt Range, Nevada, Archean rocks of .-....-..--------- K, 1, pp 85-87 POOlOB MOP: jie ee seve epertgd IA g das aak wicking io cla ttgoon eee K, 1, pp 713-781 TIMINGS I sneer eek aa Ledeen ees wre een Sharla posts, K, ut, pp 308-316 Triassi¢ TOCKSiOF spas tence ene sem stises euiseemeweaseikerces te K, 1, pp 267-278 West Indies, springs, thermal, in.-........-.------------------ H, Ann 12, 11, p 328 West Plum Creek, Colorado, geology near...-..- H, Ann 8, p 40; H, Ann 1-3, p 140 West Walker River district, California, notes on.........-..--.------ W, 1878, p 86 Wheeler (G. M.), reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada. . W, 1869 surveys in charge of, reports on. See pp. 44-65. Wheeler Survey, work of, sketch of.........-....--0----.-2------- W, 1, pp 21-146 Wheelerite, analysis of, from New Mexico.__-.-----....--.------ H, Ann 10, p 153 Whipple (C. W.), report of -.......------- W, 1875, pp 4446; W, 1876, pp 147-150 White (C. A.), catalogue of the invertebrate fossils hitherto published from the fresh and brackish water deposits of the western portion of North America..............-.---- H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, pp 607-614 certain Carboniferous fossils from the Western States and Territories..H, Ann 12, I, pp 119-141 certain Tertiary Mollusca from Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming...... H, Ann 12. I, pp 41-48 comparison of the North American Mesozoic and Cenozoic Unionide and associated mollusks with living species............-- H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, pp 615-624 conditions of preservation of invertebrate fossils ................ H, Bull, vol v, / No 1, pp 183-141 Cretaceous fossils of Western States and Territories................. H, Ann 11, pp 273-319; H, Ann 12, 1, pp 3-39 descriptions of new species of invertebrate fossils from the Laramie group H, Bull, vol rv, No 3, pp 707-719 descriptions of new species of Uniones and a new genus of fresh-water Gasteropoda from the Tertiary strata of Wyoming and Utah H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, pp 603-606 SCHMECKEBIER.] POWELL, AND WHEELER SURVEYS. 203 White (C. A.), descriptions of Unionide and Physide collected by Prof. E. D. Cope from the Judith River group of Montana Territory during the summer of 1876...........--.- H, Bull, vol ur, No 3, pp 599-602 fossils of the Juratrias of southeastern Idaho....H, Bull, vol v, No 1, pp 105-117 fossils from the Carboniferous rocks of the Interior States..........- H, Ann 12, I, pp 155-171 fossils of the Laramie group.....-....-.-.------------- H, Ann 12, 1, pp 49-103 invertebrate paleontology of the Plateau province .....-.--..--. UM, pp 74-135 Jurassic fossils frou the western Territories..........-. H, Ann 12, 1, pp 143-153 on the distribution of molluscan species in the Laramie group .-.-.-.-.--- H, Bull, vol iv, No 3, pp 721-724 preliminary report on invertebrate fossils............---.2---------- W, Uncl 6 remarks on the paleontological characteristics of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic groups as developed in the Green River region ..........-.-. H, Bull, vol 111, No 3, pp 625-629 remarks upon certain Carboniferous fossils from Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and certain Cretaceous corals from Colo- rado, together with descriptions of new forms ......---...-- H, Bull, vol v, No 2, pp 209-221 remarks upon the Laramie group.........---. H, Bull, vol rv, No 4, pp 865-876 report on the Carboniferous invertebrate fossils of New Mexico .......-. W, 1, Supp, pp iii-xxxvi report on the geology of a portion of northwestern Colorado. .H, Ann 10, pp 3-60 report on the paleontological field work for the season of 1877....... H, Ann u, pp 159-265 report upon the invertebrate fossils collected in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, aud Arizona in 1871-74.._... W, rv, pp 1-219 Triassic fossils of southeastern Idaho......-...-...---- H, Ann 12,1, pp 105-118 White (C. A.) and Nicholson (H. A.), bibliography of North American inver- tebrate paleontology -..-......-+222---.---2---2eee eee e ee H, Miscl 10 supplement to the bibliography of North American invertebrate paleon- tolOgY as eesesseceemeeaes sa daccciecns H, Bull, vol v, No 1, pp 143-152 White Cliff group, exposures of ...-.....222 22200202 e cece eee ee eee UM, pp 51-52 White Pine district, Nevada, geology of, and mining and milling in ....._.-- K, 11, pp 409-444; W, 1871, p 39 White Pine Mountains, Nevada, geology of ..............2--2---- K, 11, pp 542-547 White River district, Colorado-Utah, geology of..........-.-. H, Ann 10, pp 61-131 Topography Ol. somite deere ewe seed iaineSaecenencce H, Ann 10, pp 349-357 White River group, invertebrate fossils of..........-...2---- H, Mon 1x, pp 598-605 invertebrate fossils of, list of .........--..--22-2--- H, Bull, vol 11, No 3, p 612 occurrences and character of -....2.2 220-222-222 ee eee eee eee eee H, Ann 8, p 150; ; H, Mon m1, pp 13-16 of Fortieth Parallel region..........--.---.20..0¢.-02200200-- K, 1, pp 408-412 of Missouri region, upper ...........-.-.02020e2eee eee H, Mon 1x, pp lxi-lxiv of Wyoming, eastériies ..ccccee ov sqeiiex eens . Be OE Wa eB 208. Bibliography and index of Nor merican geology, paleontolo; etrolo; ine y for the Fear 1901, by Fred Boughton Weeks. 1902. 144 pp. ae RSE SERRATE 215. Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey, 1901 to 1903 by pene Creve See a 34 pp. ; i ; » 221. Bibliography and index of Nor merican geology, paleontolo; etrolo; and mi for (ne year. 1902, by Fred Boughton Weeks, "1903. _300-pp eas By aad mileralogy 222. Catalogue and index of the publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheel Ts FF Schmeckebier. 1904. 208 pp. : , : er surveys, by Correspondence should be addressed to The Drrecror, Unitep Starrs GEoLoGIcaL SuRvEy, Marca, 1904. Wasuineton, D. C. Bull. 222—04——14 : = soe = ce POE Cera eae pees Shibsdetiteete rte pele arene heads ren Benepe ernie e emeperr eens i ii i i pai on FS i