HUNTINGTON FREE LIBRARY Native American Collection CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ii HUNTINGTON FREE LIBRARY AND READING ROOM MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN HEYE FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY The following publications dealing with archaeological and ethnological subjects issued under the direction of the Department of Anthropology aré sent in exchange for the publi- cations of anthropological departments and museums, and-for journals devoted to general anthropology or to archaeology and. ethnology. They are for sale at the prices. stated. Exchanges should be directed ‘to The Exchange Department, University Library, Berkeley, California, U.S. A. All orders and remittances should be addressed to the University. of: California Press, European agent for the series in ‘American Archaeology.and Ethnology, Classical Phil- ology, Education, Modern Philology, Philosophy, and Semitic Philology, Otto Harrassowits, Leipzig. For-the series in Botany, Geology, Pathology, Physiology, Zoology. and also: Amer- ican Archaeology and Ethnology, R. Friedlaender & Sohn, Berlin. AMERICAN~ ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY.—A. .L. Kroeber, Editor. . Prices, . Volume 1, $4.25; Volumes: 2 to A, dnclusins; $3, a each;. Volume 12 and following $5.09 each. ie Cited as Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch, Ethn, leek << Price Vol, 1... 1. Life and Culture of the Hupa, by eaey. Earle Goddard. Pp. sabe _- plates:1-80.” September, 1903 $1: 2. -Hupa Texts, by Pliny Earle Goddard. Pp. 89- 368, March, 1904 al fcnped 3.00 ~ Index, pp. 369-378. Vol. 2.1. The Exploration of the Potter Creek. Cave, by William J. Sinclair, Pp. 1-27; plates 1-14, April, 1904° 40 2. The Languages of the Coast of California South, of San Francisco, by, A.L. Kroeber. Pp.'29-80, with a-map... June, 1904 ...02...c.c a. 60. 3. Types of Indian Culture in California, by A. Ly Kroeber. ‘Pp. 81-103, - June, 1904 (925 4. Basket Designs of the Indians of: Northwestern. California, by Av Te Kroeber, “Pp. 105-164; plates 15-21. January, 1906 2.0.......2:2.... 715 6. The Yokuts Language of South Central Salton: by A. L. Kroeber. -: —-: Pp. 165-377. ~ January, 1907... a 2,25 5 ; Index, pp.-379-392> ae + Vol. 3. ‘The Morphology ‘of the Hupa Language, by Pliny ‘Earle Goddard. a e 344 pp. “June, 1905 3.50" Vol. 4. 1: The Harliest Historical Relations ‘between Mexico. and’ Japan,’ from - original documents preserved in Spain: and Japan, ‘by Zelia Nuttall. ; i Pp. 1-47. “April, 1906 50. 2. Contribution to*the Physical Anthropology of California, based on '‘col- lections in the Department of Anthropology of the University of California, and in the U, S.National Museum, by Ales Hrdlicka. | -- Pp. 49-64, with 6 tables; plates 1-10, and map. June, 1906 <..2....-..< ABA 3. The Shoshonean: Dialects of Ressoenlay: by Ae Ly Kroeber. Pp. 65-166. 2 February, 1907 voy BO: 4, Indian Myths from South ‘Central California, by A. Le Kroeber. =e, i i -- 167-250." May, 1907 16” ; 6 The Washo Language of Hast Central California and Nevada, by A: L. eae : - Kroeber. -Pp. 251-818. “September, 1907. tee cect enncescceecteed iB 6. The Religion ofthe Indians of al sorniey by Sy . her. ‘Pp. S10. eis 856. September, 1907 , eettomcae 60. : <> ‘Index, pp. 357-374. Posey “¥ol, 5. 1. The Phonology. of. the Hupa Lansiiee! Part L The ‘Inatviaual Sounds, =. = .. 5 -by- Pliny Earle Goddard. Pp: 1-20, plates 4-8, March, 1907 ..02-<... 85, 2: Navaho Myths, Prayers ‘and Songs, with Texts and Translations, by “Washington Matthews, edited by. Pliny Earle Goddard. - (Pp.-21-63. : September, 1907 15 8. Kato Texts, by Pliny Earle: Goddard. “Pp. 65-238, | plate: 9. ‘December, eae 1909 - 2.60.4 4. The Material Culture of. the Klamath Lake. and Modoc. Indians of Northeastern California: and Southem Sragiay by 8. A> Barrett Pp. 239-292, plates 10-26. -June,/1910 -..2 0 ck ee 316 5. The Chimariko Indians and Language, by Boland B. Dixon. Pp. 298. ; $80. “August, 1910 Mo 1,00 ~ Index, pp. 381-384. Ee ON te Ime Vol. 6,.° —1. ‘The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and ‘Neighboring Indians, ‘by: Sam. z uel Alfred Barrett... Pp.'1-832; maps 1-2..- February; 1908. .....-.....5.:. 3.25: 2, The Geography and: Dialects of the Miwok. Indians, by. Samuel. Aitred ; Barrett; Pp,-S33-368, map 3. : Sie 8. On the Evidence of the Occupation of Certain Regions by: the Miwok © = “Indians, by A. L. Rroeber, Pp. 369- 880. Nos. 2 and 3 in ome coer, RSet a February, 1908 S50. Tees, ‘pp. 381-400. a ED DEA Hi. OS a : UNIV. CALIF. PUBL, AM. ARCH. & ETHN. VOL, 18 [ WATERMAN ] MAP 1 A 8 Cc oD E F G H 1 s, K FALL RIVER MILLS 2 Cibup'k’ai madu v& ee : pit ‘ ye eo < a ee é Se we = GOOSE xa a» VALLEY =« ua = Me 2S é ie a ae SS § : v % = x 5 GS — se0r 5 lille $08 FpjyseBu2zAros ROOST 1980 AMIS COPPER CITY © 3 OSILVER LAKE. Teapulxa +Untcunaha , i STILLWATER cow CREEK) © y = CRATER PEAK f oP. AN 724 0 ianma . CHURNT( reek gaduiar ‘ ic) \Banxa : BUNCH GRASS mer VALLEY EDPOSON LAKE . SS. “Luwéiha GREAT SPRING e \ K = GREEK GREE m gt 26_coW 0s <2 REDDING @@ wW PROSPECTS Ze FAK ee neo yw .e BIQWELL \ \a peat CINDER CONE 3H $ E Hamadamte't Witcuma'na 6802 af $ = x 2 * { fone LAKE Dz. Be ay sw Fe + Odjinimauna HINGLE TOWN esme SSEN PEAK 109-37 es — Wahkan pas di NWS IN ms ie JUNIP. LOGANS FERRY famarawi aulpaae [taurine ER LAKE HOT SPRING HOTSPRINGS VALLEY es D t é BALLS FERRY MANTON TARTARUS , q AKE } SS hs ° GEYSER Soup, HOT SPRINGS a) Pilotuli rye ve = Ulptuli a me CREED BMORGAN 7€nxg - - SY 3% NEE DoMiNcD SPRINGS % = 2600 ‘ " BATTLE CREEK WELLYS FERRY. } MEADOWS 7 Es es . ) \ Bopmayé wi LyO! w/ DEER CREEK sip : MEADOWS ‘an 4 on WB ruscan BUTTES é y yee Pian ae. BIG MEADOWS N SPRINGS Sr —, "ONION HILL. / Se QVLCARTER er, “FIN = = ; 7S 8 RED BLUFF Sifmlosi iS Ai HUMBUG VALLEY an at AS FLATPRON MT. ae — *Kewite f DEER CREEK MINE