AS a GER . % : ie 2 Vs 0 Ti mateo Che Site Fo Rs os OR eS = bags woe 5 EN ey er er a GOR NEEL INE ES Ey PB Roel THE WORDSWORTH COLLECTION C10 " ee — & ‘ e yiee B Big 2 a fue it a7 Fa tt (oR Aunt _ Wuev this work commenced, it was Motendedl as a Guide and Directory to Carlislealone ; but | during its progress it was hinted to the Publish- “4 ers to extend their plan, and make it) = i _A PICTURE OF CUMBERLAND in general; with which suggestion they have complied. | " ‘ : THE FIRST PART —_~ (susT PUBLISHED) describes the East side of the County ; and se " ‘SECOND PART ~ , will contain an account of all the West Side, ineluding many topics concerning Traps, Commerce, Acricunturr, Srare or THE Scnoors, Lirerature, Manners of the Innast- TANTS, and improvements of various kinds that have either lately been made, or of which the — & , County is susceptible. "The Secoxp Part will be published with all convenient dispatch, and will contain large at : GRounp-PLans of Wurrenaven, WorkINGTON, &c. and a list of the shipping, inhabitants of the sea ports, and alsoa Directory of the other market towns. It is also intended to publish the counties of WrstMorLaxp and Lancaster on the same plan. if GRY ale ga ela Hl pt Aoftat ie Heat THE “Carlisle J ournal. This old diablabed Msesuadhy, (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING) — Is most extensively circulated throughout the _. COUNTIES of : | CUMBERLAND, _ Westmorland ,Lancashire, Northumberland, Durham, and the South of Scotland ; ' and, indeed, throughout all parts of the BRITISH EMPIRE. AS A VEHICLE FOR ADVERTISING, the increasing and unrivalled Suprort it meets ~ with, sufficiently testifies its pre-eminence OVER EVERY COMPETITION: Whilst the Independence with which it ig conducted, and the Diligence ised un collect- ie Communications, interesting to ever y _ Class, render it equally acceptable | To the Politician, Agriculturist, those engaged _ in Commercial Pursuits, or Miscellaneous Reader. Aad ihe Proprietors here pledge Apontlyes, that their exertion shall not be relaxed to ren- — der the Car.ise JOURNAL, more and more worthy of si great eee it has so long _Teceived. he ee _ Lottery Office, REGISTER OFFICE FOR: SERVANTS, Warehouse for Medicines, — baci ge asia ek cnbrter Scrtt onsen AND “OTHER PA TENT AR TICLES. gee ~- Printing: Office, “UPON AY EXTENSI VE SCALE, _ WHERE AUTHORS MAY HAVE THEIR WORKS Ne cally Printed, WITH f EXPEDITI on AND CH EAPNESS« Engraving, ad i in 4 great state of forwardness, RISO A NEW MAP oh CumBrRLAND, WerstMor ann; and the Dis- TRICT. OF FURNESS, LANCASHIRE; And the princi- pal part of Dumrrirs-smre, ona scale of half an inch to a mile ; containing, besides. the usual -articles in’ Maps, the different Soils, Mines, Minerals, marked and coloured on it ; also, the line of the proposed Canals, Waggon- | ways, new ‘Roads, and many other useful ap- . pendages.© The Plate is Engraving by Mr. R. Seorr, Edinburgh, and under the inspection of some eminent Land-surveyors, in this and the adjoining Counties. It is proposed to pub-: lish it by Subseription, at only Half-a-Guinea each, and the impression will be delivered as subscribed, and every, attention paid to render > | this an undertaking deserving the Patronage: of the Public. — as i we ; & % Hy, » Ns \ JOLLIE'S | » Be Saaetouy: tee ae 8 “in pom FIR Sg, en ' CONTAINING 4A LIST OF ALL THE PARISHES, CHAPELRIES, TOWNSHIPS, PRINCIPAL VILLAGES, GENTLEMEN’S SEATS; AND BIOGRAPHY OF EMINENT MEN, NATIVES OF THE COUNTY, OR WHO HAVE BEEN NEARLY CONNECTED WITH IT. Antiquities, &s. A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF THE ANCIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF CARLISLE; Ao Account of the Market Towns of Lonctowx, Brampton’ KirkoswaLp, Atstom, and PewriTH: WITH A TOUR THROUGA THE MOST INTERESTING PARTS OF THAT DISTRICT, Describing whatever Objests are most worthy of Notice. ANE 4 LIST OF PRINCIPAL PERSONS, AND THOSE IN TRADE AND PUBLIC SITUATIONS, In CaRLisLt€® and the Market Towns above mentioned. DPB PIP LPP LD LDL PLL Elustrated and Embellished with a Map of the County, Plays of the City and CaTHEpRAL, and a Number of other use ful Appendages. CARLISLE. PRINTED BY F. JOLLIE AND S0NS. I8il. } * A few dayss es Se house in New- | Spr Pee a: Wasdale, M.D. aged 76, for: Pe. ae fap Sie L O 3 tol a x Pee Me egy ‘ eg Ms “ or “2s heen ya P e DEDICATION. —— ee O( SIO oeee—— To HENRY HOWARD, Esq. OF CORBY CASTLE. SR, With profound Respect for the Qualities of your exalted and active Mind, which, im an eminent degree, combines the Virtvurs of your Nosie Ancestors, their Love of Lirerature, thew Enxmiry fo Desporism, and their strenuows Surrort of Civit and Rexicious Liserty,—As a : SMALL TRIBUTE OF GRATITUDE, To you I beg leave to inscribe this humble Attempt to direct the Stranger to the princi- pal Objects deserving his Attention, in this County, and to record the Merits of some of the most distinguished Persons to whom it has given birth. That you and your Lady, (whose many Virtues have entitled her to the Gratitude of the Poor and the Esteem of all) may long continue to enjoy that Domestic Happiness which you so well deserve, is the sincere wish of Your much Obliged And most Obedient Servant, F. JOLELIE. Carlisle, Dec. 24, 1810. 3 ‘ TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. List of Market Towns and Fairs ; 3 Lakes and Rivers; Table of Population, Ex- tent, &c.; Table of Freeholders in each Ward ;. an account of Prices of Grain in various periods, and relative Prices of Provisions in Carlisle Haarket, &c. CHAPS I. Approach to Carlisle from the North.-2-Page 1. CHAP. II. Ancient State of Carlisle.---Page 4, CHAP? Shite Present State of Carlisle---Trade, &c.---Page 8. CHARS LV Public Edifices, Institutions, &c.---Page 15. CHAP. V. Political History of Carllsle.---Page 33. . CHAP: VI. Antiquities---Roman Wall, &&c.---Page 36. CHAP. VII. List ef Eminent Men, Natives of the County of Cumberland, or whe have been nearly connected with it.---Page 45. CHAP. VIIL A List of all the Parishes, Chapelries, Townships, Villages, Gentlemen’s Seats, Mines, Minerals, &c. in the County.---Page 56. CHAP: LX. Route from Carlisle by the East. ---Page 65.---Brampton ; Naworth Castle, ---Abbey-Lanercost Priory; Page 6%,---Gilsland na; 67.--~Gelt Rock, Corby Castle ; Bo Weeral Cells and Priory; 73.---Low-House, Armathwaite, Nunnery; 74.---Staffold Hall, Kirkoswald; 7o,.- -Alston, Druidical Temple at Little Salkeld; '7'7.---Great Salkeld, iden Hall, Skir- with Abbey, Carleton Hall, Giant’s eave. 78. is CHAR aX. Route by Penrith back to Carlisle; 79.---Oid Castle, Penrith fell, Greystoke Castle, Plumpton Hall, Hutton Hall, &c.; 8".---Moorhouse, Barrock Lodge, Woodside, Carleton, Woodbank, &c. 81.---Re-enter Carlisle, and perainbulate the Streets. : KI. : / Beuleiaueal Milita: y, and Civil Departments---Lists of Pau public and private.---Page t). vi TOWNS, &. IN THE COUNTY, THEIR MARKETS, FAIRS, AND DISTANCE FROM CARLISLE. Miles. Albbey-=Holm; market;Sat! fair OctwQOthuiNote cies te) leo) NE AOR Y aS abe (hats is VibcNuie drs akan sys umpiet sal. wrote Mes eaaMen Wee) call st Miter one on Alston, Sat.3 fair last Thursday in May, and first Thursday in Sept. 28 Bootle, Wednesday ; fair April 5th, and September 2)th, . . . . 66 | Brampton, Tuesday ; fair 2d eee after Whitsun-week, and last gz Wednesday in August, . . . Ape eh z Carlisle city, Wednesday and Satna A a ise 26th, Seprembier ivth, Ist and 2d Saturday after October (ith, Cockermouth bosough, Monday 5 fair jst Monday in May, and Oct. !0, 27 Egremont, cee fair Sept. 19th, (0. HOUT Pe: Ge ce ALG) Treby, Thursday; fair February 23th, September 2st, , caommeltes Keswick, Saturday; fair August 2d, eae by Dalston, Warnels fell, and Longlands, 27 miles, ~ “by Penrith 36 Kirkoswald, Thursday 5 fair Thursday before a ininedey fas 5th, le Longtown, Thursday ; fair Whitsun-Thursday, Thursday after Martin- 9 ANAS ATG UINO VEN Sco Cs venti alii Retamronliit shai eyiiteruterm tcl ue ANT cane nt amour Maryport, Friday, . . LAE Miele Ma! Pea" RA ine Sea ok nine ee ONT: Penrith, Tuesday ; fair fe 5th, 26th, Whitsun-Tuesday, Sept. : 18 2th, Iii. (Meo ay os 6 ACM ct ca Ee Bao smn . Ravenglass, Sat. 5 fairs June eth Ane: 5th, adobe titel ute Nr Ry ule Sa gO) Whitehaven, Thursday ; fair Aug. ib oie a as tg RM AEA ae vole oPmere nae Wigton, Tuesday ; fair March 25 ‘ely, ‘ cyte Workington, Wednesday ; fair Holy Thibrddy, and Wednesday t heer 33 Octoker Stay olds) seen a tea kw i alee Wen oie ah Walger