e176 “t/5 CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE L . = an. Hlower Veterinary Library FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of the N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 ‘sa of Pennsylvania ' pirkcroRY “ OR THE. ee B44 VETERINARIANS OF THE STATE _ OF PENNSYLVANIA fit \ OF THE STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS A "SYNOPSIS OF VETERINARY REGISTRATION. UNDER THE Le as ) ACT: OF. 1905, 4 e uf Ph ba, pal! a yah a" pe ULES OF TRE, BORRD et 5 3 7 es a! ie 7 , ie eh : \ a The Act of May 5th 1915, Now Repbiasing Veterinary Practice in the State of Hennig lyatiay ‘ al igh " 1 : Opinion of Attorney General concerning , Veterinary - Dentistry, Castrators and County egenr, fy Page B % T hak i ae bs a Go og et "Compiled By J. W. SALLADE; Secretary, AUBURN, PA: 4 % @ a ide fy Bg. e - HARRISBURG, PA: | ! we. (STANLEY RAY, STAT PRINTER | 1916. /).. oo ca Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DIRECTORY OF THE VETERINARIANS oF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA INCLUDING SEVERAL CASTRATORS MEMBERS OF THE STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS A SYNOPSIS OF VETERINARY REGISTRATION UNDER THE ACT OF 1905 RULES OF THE BOARD The Act of May 5th, 1915, Now Regulating Veterinary Practice in the State of Pennsylvania Opinion of Attorney General concerning Veterinary Dentistry, Castrators and County Agents Compiled By J. W. SALLADE, Secretary, AUBURN, PA. HARRISBURG, PA.: WM. STANLEY RAY, STATE PRINTER 1916. MEMBERS OF THE STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS President W. O. RIDGE, Somerton Secretary-Treasurer J. W. SALLADE, Auburn A. J. McCLOSKEY, Chestnut Hill c. W. BOYD, Pittsburgh FREDERICK H. SCHNEIDER, Philadelphia. Examinations for license to practice Veterinary Medicine third Monday of June and December of each, year, at Philadelphia, Pa. All communications regarding information pertaining to laws, “To regulate the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, veterinary dentistry and castration of domestic animals, and in ref- erence to examinations, ete., etc. should be addressed to Dr. J. W. SALLADE, Auburn, Pa. we 2 oe SYNOPSIS OF REGISTRATION UNDER THE ACT OF APRIL 18th, A.D. 1905 Grand total number of names registered, ..............0005 1,235 Number deceased, ..cccskg nave sedaces av cwarcsunevens 173 Number removed from State, ............ 0... c eee ee eee 67 Number retired from practice, ....... 0... cece eee 56 Number practicing Human Medicine, .................. 4 299 Number remaining, ........... 00... eee eee eee 936 NuUmbE@r LGGHSEd,.. 6:cacinel sane se eras dae ees 845 Number delinquent, ............ 0.000.000 ue 91 Of whom 64 are graduates. And 27 non-graduates. Many of those delinquent and retained on the books as unaccounted for no doubt have either retired, removed from the State, engaged in other fields of endeavor or else have passed to the great beyond. Some, however, are known to be flagrant violators, who ignore the Board and disrespect the law. The object of including all names not otherwise accounted for in this publication is for the purpose of locating and if possible accounting for them. Those to whom this list is addressed are requested to look it over carefully and report to the Secretary on such as they may possess information about. The list will also be sent to all delinquents, to their last known address, who either themselves or those in whose hands the same may come are re- quested to correspond with the Secretary accounting either for them- selves or those for whom the matter was intended. Every effort is being made to purge the record of all those names who now appear thereon and who are not engaged in practice. The list of names contained in this Directory represent 615 grad- uates, 815 non-graduates and 6 registered as Castrators. Colleges. University of Pennsylvania, .................00, 305 Ontario Vetinary College, ............... 0.00000, 149 NG we States ccleaner g? Mantiaweemecuvnwintiaee ts 2 Gp Ss College. os wwinndaie ie panama etoageesina eeu 12 NL CN.. College, nc.ccevwavarwreawe reese sored ewe 25 Bengal and Ohio, 1... ... cee eee nee 1 AIMETICA TN 9. 2a Yaar y genho wala ee EG Oe CRT ESS 31 Chicabos. wiseuwisGa sree wom gine tee ws 29 Berlin, sissies cseaa dee ages eee Seeded tiw eee ds 2 Grand Rapids, ....... 0... cece cece eee eee eens 10 CiiGINN ati: os Saye se Meeker eee eo oka Gee 2 ROVE csgei sce eel es Lee ee Ge Mew Soke Ee eee ele Ne 2 Ohi0) States ociivee seine sews Hew CES SNe ees 9 George Washington, .....0... cece cece ee eee eee T MCKiN ips wag Sauces wR Aa aia eee Rear 7 Kansas Crtyy. eurccin averse stds de eee oo cue ees 4 MODI ,. -gihicci acid ee ae ee ae Dee eae’ 2 COlMMDIATS. «cases a wad a ea iain Ca eos seek Vee qT Ti GNAMNAy zk allah esa ce ha agnanied ares ph planiy tay oie aheDale 2 Naples, sinasaser seni eee dia ERs Sale wama wie eos 2 Royal SUWttCart,, 6 key oss eds Bee ee ee eS 1 Of the total number of registrations 752 were graduates and 483 non-graduates, who were recognized under the original act under cer- tain conditions. Those marked with a Star are delinquents. LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Adams, John W., ....--.e0. 89th St. & Woodland Ave., | Philadelphia, ....... | U. P. Philadelphia. | Agnew, Michael J., 233 TW. York St., Phila., | Philadelphia, I Ainsworth, F. W., Harrisburg, Dauphin, .| Iowa State. Albright, John C., Greensburg, Westmoreland, ..... | Aldrich, Carl C., Alford, Susquehanna, . aah TORR S Aldrich, Ellery E., New Bloomfield, Perry, <.2aces Us Ps Allen, David V.,* Moscow, .....+5 Lackawanna, Allis, Ned H., ......+. Wryalusing, Bradford, .....-..45 Ontario. Althouse, Edward P., Sunbury, ‘ Northumberland, 1: SPS Ames, Arthamer, Jr., Saltsburg, R. F. D. No. 4, | Westmoreland, ..... Anderson, Alexander R., ....| Johnstown, .......ceeeeeeeee Cambria, ...... itt U. S. College. Andress, Wm. Russell,* ....| 4922 Clarissa St., Phila., ..| Philadelphia, “ Uy PB Ankeney, C. A.,* ..ceeeeeeeee Harnedsville, ...... Somerset, 2 Appel, William W., Pleasant Valley, .-| Bucks, N. Y. College. Ardary, Robert W., Penn Ave. & 3ist St., Pitts-| Allegheny, ...... see! Ontario. burgh, Arnold, William, Wapwallopen, R. F. D. 1,..| Luzerne. Ash, Arthur C., Meadville, ....c ccs ceceeeneere Crawford, ....... ,..| Castrator. Ashmore, C. D., Newville, csivacnuiadsanntona Cumberland, ........ U. S. College. Atorthy, N. C., GaN PIC) ecuiassarneasraedennae Allegheny, ......--+- Bengal & Ohio. Bachman, Leidy J., South Bethlehem, Northampton, American. Bagnall, Charles H., Franklin, Venango, Chicago. Bagnall, William P., Oil City, Venango, Chicago. Baker, Eli A., Bspy, ....--- Columbia, Ontario. Baldwin, Clayton 8., --.-.. Laceyville, Wyoming, Ontario. Balliett, B, J., Balliettsville, Lehigh. ... U. P. Balliett, Harvey J., Bowmanstown, ... Carbon, ... Ontario. Balthaser, Harry B., 39th St. & Woodland Ave., | Philadelphia, U. P. Phila. Bane, M. Ac, cesecerereeenere Fredericktown, ...-.+.+++++ Washington. Barclay, Francis J., Industry, R. FY. D. 1, ..--- Beaver, jrvccereeees Castrator, Bardes, Otto C., Pittston, TNZELNE, ~ saneeneaeets U. P. Barker, Frank P., Coburn, ..-.--. Centre. Barnard, Harry W., ..-+++- Lancaster, ....-.++ Lancaster, ...-.eeae U. P. Barnes, H. W., ..-- Thompson, R. D. 1, .. Susquehanna, ......: U. P. Barr, George A., . Marion Centre, R. D. 3, Indiana. | Barrett, Edson A., Susquehanna, ........ Susquehanna. Bassler, Daniel F., .| Woodbury, Bedford. Baum, Abraham L., Pennsburg, Montgomery. .....- Ontario. Baum, Howard L., Shelly, .....- Bucks, .c.eeeereeeeee Ontario. Baumgardner, J. C., ...--- «.| Cottage, Huntingdon. Bausman, Abraham B., Millersville, Lancaster. 8 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PHNNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Bausticker, Edward S&., ....| York, .......c.ccccececeeenees York, Baver, Alvin F., 3 Stony Run, Berks, ccnvsignsnenss Chicago. Beachy, Rufus M., Meyersdale, Somerset. Bear, Harry H., Mount Joy, Lancaster, ........ s-| American. Beattie, R. M., Chambersburg, Franklin, Dy Py Beck, Francis W. Emaus, Lehigh, U.P. Beck, Wm., Royersford, Montgomery. Becker, Henry N., ... Elizabethtown, R. F. D. 2, | Lancaster. Becker, Jacob N., .. Palmyra, .+.| Lebanon. Becker, Stehman S., . Manheim, .. a Lancaster, .. Chicago. Beecher, William H., Brodbecks, R. F. D. York, Behrens, Edward B., 2121 N. 7th St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Bell, Boyd, w.00ss« Turnip Hole, .. Clarion. Bender, Harry E., Gitte, ~ saasorsre Lancaster, .......... GP. Bender, John R., Lititz, Lancaster. Bender, Wiedler K., Lititz, . Lancaster. Benner, James A.,* .. South Bethlehem, Northampton, Uy PB; Bennett, Dwight H., SOMCHEGIY »..dcspsineanieadieatws Philadelphia, U.P. Bennett, Norval C., Laceyville, R. F. D. 36, Wyoming. Berg, Adolph, Doylestown, ..........eeeeee Bucks, .,...... waisieies Berlin. Berger, R. L., Shartlesville, ....... Berks, Grand Rapids. Bethune, J. G., .........0008 Punxsutawney, ........ Jefferson, Cincinnati. Betz, Jacob W., .. Palmyra, R. F. D. 1, ..... Lebanon. Bickel, Daniel G., Green Lane, R. F. D. 1,..| Montgomery. Bickley, John S.,* .......... 1703 Green St., Phila., Philadelphia. Bieber, U. S. G., .. Kutztown, BORG! skys ciosatineavee American. Biehl, Walter G., Loyalsock, Lycoming, .......... American, Bigelow, F. C., ........ Carlisle, Cumberland, ........ U.P. Biggs, William M., Gettysburg, ...............4. Adams. Bilger, Enos,* ........ Middlebatg, casmieseneses wees Snyder. Bilger, W. David, Middleburg, R. F. D. 3, ..| Snyder. Birch, W. A.,* ..... 1124 N, 4th St., Phila., .... Philadelphia, N. Y. College. Bishop, Chas. P., ... Manheim, ...............00. Lancaster, Bitler, Sherman H., Turbotville, Northumberland, Ontario. Bitner, Samuel A., .... Spring Mills, R. D. 3, Centre. Bittles, Edmund E., ... New Castle, .............0. Lawrence, .......... Ontario. Black, Alvin F., ...... Emleton, R, D. 3, Venango. Blank, Gillmore G., ........ Allentown, ......., Lehigh, Ontario. Blank, Henry L., Lehighton, ......., Carbon. Boerner, Fred, Jr., 5632 Pine St., Phila Philadelphia, ....... U.P; Bolich, Harry P., ........... Mt. Carmel, ..... Northumberland, WP. Bonner, James C., ......... Garland, ...... Warren. Booker, S. F., Kittanning, 5 Armstrong. Boorem, John,* .. Moutain Home, .... Monroe. Booth, BE. T., 5009 Willow St., Phil Philadelphia, U.P. Borneman, Harris 8., Norristown, ......... Montgomery, Ontario, Bostock, Charles B., New Britain, ... Bueks, ....... Royal. Boston, H. 0O., Centremoreland, ...... WYOMIDE, sesaecince U. P. Bowen, William J., Wellsboro, R. F. D. 9, ...| Tioga. Bower, Henry, ........ 1901 Passyunk Ave., Phila.,| Philadelphia, ....... U. P. Bowersox, David F., Aaronsburg, ..............., Centre, Bowersox, John F. D., 371 W. Market St., York, .. York, ...... Ontario. Boyd, Charles W., North Side, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, U.P. Boyd, Franklin B., Columbia, swsvas deme acsccacas Lancaster, U. P. Boylan, John L., .. 763 N. 43d St. Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Brackbill, John C., Soudersburg, Lancaster, Bradley, John L., . Mercersburg, . RYANEMN,, sss vecccsns American, Brady, Howard B., DAG GBTAD, a cwaiss Ceduranevas Lancaster, ......,., Ontario. Bredt, Martin, ...... 1626 S. 4th St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Brehm, Samuel D., ., Hummelstown, Dauphin. Breidenthal, William H., TOYSDUWEE,. Jiscievensaacieay ...| Bedford. Breneman, Henry F., Mount Joy, R. F, D. 4, Lancaster. Bridge, Charles T., ... 228 N. 58d St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... American, Brigham, Geo. W., .. Tioga, vscysies nubeieewaise sea{ Tioga. a ae - ere, +«| Franklin, ........... Ontario. » W. Grant, ....... wee SRURIERS esos ieancedes -+s| Butler, Ontario. 9 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. | NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGH Brod, William, ...........065 ' Lancaster, ooes Lancaster, ....---005 U.P. Brodhead, Charles W., ..... Montrose, Susquehanna. Brossman, Charles W., . Womelsdorf, Berks; csssiedaaneure + Ontario. Brosnan, BE. ., .... MOadis,, sesesy Bradford, U.P. Broude, Harry F., Harrisburg, - Dauphin, U. P. Brown, Phares, Penbrook, Dauphin. Brubaker, Edwin §., Ephrata, R. .» Lancaster. Bruner, Samuel B., . Harrisburg, Dauphin, ............ U. P. Bryan, Milton M., ' Altoona, Blair. Bryce, Jobn, Erie, AD RIGE, « <2 sccarece' eid vineseatdcein Ontario. Bryson, John B., .........+6 Ephrata, .. Lancaster. Buchanan, John W,, .....-. Liverpool, R. F. D. 2, Perry. Buckwalter, Dorous, Lancaster, R. F. D. 6, ....! Lancaster. Burd, Harvey W.,* 1515 Thompson St., Phila.,.) Philadelphia, ....... U. P, Burk, James A., ....eeeeeeee Shippensburg, .....-......066 Cumberland, ........ Ohio. Burke; Hs Toy. sscmacias 805 Vine St., Phila., . Philadelphia, ....... Chicago. Burkett, Simon T.,* ... Falls Creek, ......+... Clearfield. Burkhart, Christian,* ., Newville, ............ Cumberland. Bush, Irving M., ..... Altoona, Blairs. ccosuswewricuage Chicago. Bushong, G. L., Lancaster, Lancaster, TU. Ps Bushong, J. W., ... West Grove, Chester, U. P. Butler, Horace L., ........ Ariel, ...| Wayne. MOHELIN;, ES). windiacianasinddaine 1015 Allegheny Ave., N. §.,| Allegheny. Pittsburgh. Cade, George L., ...---...e0e Galilee, Wayne, ....:- Chicago. Campbell, H. C., ....--..eeee 39th St. & Woodland Ave., | Philadelphia, U. P. Phila. Card, Bowen O., ..-.....eee Sylvania, .....:eceeeeeeeeeeee Bradford, ...... Ontario. Carlisle, Thomas §., .. 112 B, Grant Line, Phila.,.| Philadelphia, U.P. Carter, Barclay F., 21 W. Fornance St., Nor- | Montgomery, U.P. ristown. Cassel, Bli,* c.ccsccsesseeeans NorristOwD, ...--ssseeeseeeee Montgomery. Castor, J. H., 4631 Griscow St., Phila., ..| Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Catlin, Fred, Uniondale, ...--.++.sseeeeeeee Susquehanna, ....... Ontario. Cavenaugh, Earl C., ....... Johnstown, Cambria, U. P. Cawley, Amos 0O., ..-.++- ..| Lewisburg, Union, American. Cawley, William W., Lewisburg, ... Union. Chandler, Fred H., ......... Miners Mills, TUZeENe,, csevsisacicess U. P. Chodes, B, P., ..-seeeeeeeeee Gapy. sca -.| Lancaster, .| UL Pe. Chrisman, Merton J., Warren, Warren, -| Ontario. Church, H. R., ....- Wilkes-Barre, .......++-+++ -.| Luzerne, ..... -, Ontario. Clark, Edward P., Strasburg, Lancaster, U. P. Clark, William B., ... Strasburg, . Lancaster. Clark, Williard S.,* .. Bradford, . McKean, Chicago. Cleaver, Kilburn H., «.| Reading, .....cscceceeeceeeeee Berks, ...-..eeeeeeeee | Ontario, Cline, William, .........+.. ..| Lancaster, --| Lancaster. i Coble, Ira G., .| Berwick, .... . Columbia, | Cole, A. B., Montrose, R. D. 2, ...-+++ Susquehanna, ...... | Ontario, Cole, G. P. . Monongahela City, 222 Chess} Washington, ........ | Ontario, St. | Coleman, David H., ......- .| 8988 Frankford Ave., Tor- | Philadelphia, ....... ' Ontario, resdale, Phila. Colflesh, Joseph H., ...-++++ Ursina, ...--sescesaveees seeoe( Somerset, .....-..005 Geo, Wash. 10 J LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continuea. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Collins, Charles O., ........ West Leesport, ...........5. | B@rkS,. oss csenaee se sine Ontario. Collins, Horace H., ..| Elizabethyille, Daupliny assaes seco | Ontario. Collins, Milton J., ... .. Myerstown, Lebanon. { Collner, Levi, ..... ng (PSE Petersburg, Clarion. Collom, William B., Doylestown, Bucks, N. Y. College. Conard, Milton E., West Grove, .| Chester, . U.P. Congdon, Wiley W., .. Athens, ' Bradford, Ue Pk Cooke, H, T. B., + 1249 N, 28th St., Phila., ....| Philadelphia. Cooke, Wm. A., Jr., . -., 1249 N. 28th St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... DRE Coover, Eugene MclL., . TOPIC), ajctias haaicaws eeninn Erie, ...... Chicago. Corkill, Joseph J., Mauch Chunk, ...... Carbon, ... Grand Rapids. Corn, Samuel, 5518 Market St., Phila. Philadelphia, . U.P. Cornman, Ernest L., Marietta, Lancaster, .........., U. P Cory, Ara O., ., Coryville, ..| McKean. | Cox, Harry B., ... 1516 Snyder Ave., Phila., ..| Philadelphia, ....... American. Craft, William S., Brockwayville, .............. Jefferson. Craig, Norman C., ....... Chester, ..| Delaware, .......... Geo. Wash Craumer, Wesley E., ' Hanover, ' York. Craven, Harry T., Reynoldsville, .............. | TOTASOD, ecu nnnca ' Chicago Crawford, Eli M., Athens, Bradfords. sesauisens Ontario Critchfield, Norman B., Johnstown, Cambria. ! Crossley, David E., .. Harrisburg, Dauphin. Crouse, James W., Cupola, ..... Chester, ..........., U. P. Culp, Francis R., ............ Arendtsville, Adams. | Cummings, James D., ...... Monroeton, Bradford. Curley, E. M., ‘Tremont, Schuylkill, ........, | UP Curry, Basil G., LE. Huntingdon, Huntingdon, ........ | Ontario. Custis, Howard H., ......... Malvern, ChOeOR), sacanedenas | U. P, Daub, Samuel E., ......... Spring City; 04 sa. Chester. Davidheiscr, Allen K., Pottstown, Montgomery, ....... N. Y. College. Davies, Montague . Larzelere, Samuel D., Jenkintown, Montgomery, U.P. Leber, Jacob G., ..... Ephrata, .... Lancaster. Lehman, Pius A., York, York, Leighton, Harry F., Braddock, Allegheny. We.Ps Lenhart, Charles, York, S| MONIC. cccivanaacawencunatnay Columbia. Lenhart, Matthias P.,* ..... Trin, ssis.ancayay Westmoreland. Lens, Samuel W.,* 517 Pine St., Phila. a ee Philadelphia, ....... U.P Lentz, Frank E., 38715. Woodlana Ave., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Lentz, John B., o| Lebamon,. sacs saws vee U. P. Lentz, William J., .......,... 39th St. & Woodland ‘Ave., , | Philadelphia, ....... U. P Phila. Leutholt, Henry, Maylor; zeae sews s ..| Lackawanna, ....... Chicago. LeVan, David B., Kutztown, -| Berks, ...... Chicago. Lidstone, Vance R., Honesdale, .| Wayne, U.P. Lienhardt, Richard P., Wayne, ....... , s -| Delaware, .... U. P. Linberg, J. Wm., 1727 N, 55th St., Phila., Philadelphia, U.P. Linderman, P. C., Mifflinburg, ........... Union, ..... U. P. Lintz, Charles, ...... Chester, Delaware, U.P. Little, Harry J., ‘ Williamsport, Lycoming, U.P. Livingston, Frank J., . Nanticoke, Luzerne, ..........66 U. S. College Loller, Jesse G., ....... .| Kennett Square, R. F. D. 3, Chester. Longacre, Edwin D., | Shenandoah, -| Schuylkill, .......... Ontario Longacre, William S., . Sittler, ..... Schuylkill, .......... Ontario Longenecker, Abraham, 4 Manheim, Lancaster, Longenecker, William, .| Lititz, ...... Laneaster, .......... Ontario. Lossie, Fred H., «| Monessen, ..........-000c0eee Westmoreland, ..... Chicago. Lutes, Emory, ....... JJ Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, McKillip. Lutz, Charles V., ............ Perryopolis, .....:esesssseeas Fayette, Ontario and McK2l- Lutz, Nathaniel F., ......., Tulpehocken, Berks. es Lydick, Thos, B., | Love Joy, R. D. Indiana, Lynaugh, William, .| Pottsville, Schuylkill. Lynett, J. F., | Scranton, Lackawanna, ....... U. P. Lyter, Emanuel W., ........ | Berrysburg, Dauphin. LIST OF LICENSED 17 VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE MacColey, Thomas, ....... ae] COENERIG:. ciccas vrann ve yeas Allegheny. MacFayden, John, 5215 Reinhart St., Phila.,..| Philadelphia. Mackey, Daniel M., Cameron, es Greene. | Mackie, ©. L., Lewisville, Chester, ...-.....068 U.P. Magee, George, ......... Uniontown, -.-| Fayette. Maher, John J., ........ 1336 Marshall St., Phila.,..| Philadelphia, ....... U. P. Mahon, James, ..... 413 Main St., Irwin, ........ Westmoreland, ..... | Kansas City, Mansbach, Louis A., ........ 1515 N. Franklin St., Phila.) Philadelphia. Maricill; Ds Ds). 2.4 asians tine Downingtown, .........--668. CHESTER. -ssuicsperionguaie ' U.P. Marlin, Edgar, 4054 Powelton Ave., Phila.,| Philadelphia, U. P. Marshall, Clarence J., 5081 Pine St., Phila., ...... Philadelphia, U.P. Marshall, Leslie G., TOWANDA, neeiecapmdismajwine sats Bradford, U. P. Martien, Henry D.,* . 735 N. 48d St., Phila., ...... Philadelphia, U. P. Martin, David, ......... 12718 Walnut St., McKees- | Allegheny. port. Martin, David G., Lancaster, ....sssereereeeeee Lancaster. Massinger, Eber M., Phoenixville, .. Chester: — aaccnssacs N. Y. College. Massinger, Wesley, Chalfont, Bucks, N. Y. College. Mather, John W.,* .... Berwick, Columbia, Ontario. Matheus, S. W., .....-...00e West Chester, Chester, N. Y. College. Matthews, Frank V., McKeesport, : Allegheny, Chicago. Mattson, William H., Chester Heights, .....-..... Delaware, U. P. Maurer, Franklin J.,* . Lanstord,. wxacarciaasriaaen Carbon). dacaes snncors U.P. May, Alfred R., Boiling Springs, Cumberland. Mayer, F. B., 7 Canton, .... aa Bradford, ...... McKillip. MecAnulty, Chas. J. 1447 S. 8th St., Phila., ..... Philadelphia, U.P. McAnulty, John F., 2832 N. Sixth St., Phila., ..| Philadelphia, ...... ‘| U.P. McBreen, Philip L., New Kensington, -.-| Westmoreland, ..... trand Rapids, McCarthy, Frank H., Pottsville, .......cceeeceeeees Schuylkill, ..... Ontario. McCarthy, Philip J., ...... 8507 N. 27th St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... GP. McCloskey, Anthony J., Chestnut Hill, Phila., ..... Philadelphia, ....... U.P. McClure, Floyd I., Dunkard, .........-.-00- Greene, Geo, Wash. McCord, Ralph B., North East, Erie, N.Y, College. MeCurdy;,, GC, Ls, sss ss ieaacas Creekside, Indiana, ... Grand Rapids. McDonough, J. F., 3061 Richmond St., Phila...) Philadelphia, U.P McGroarty, Bernard,* .. Norristown, ..............008 Montgomery, U. P. McGroarty, Wm. V., BoothwyD, .....-eeece eee eee Delaware, U.P. McGugan, James, .......... 1626 Park Ave., Phila., Philadelphia. McKenna, Charles 8., ...... Washington, Washington, - Chicago. McKibbon, Robert W., Waynesboro, Franklin, -' Ontario. McKinley, Stephen R., Elk Lick, ..... Somerset. | McKissick, William G., Millersburg, Dauphin. | McLean, GC. C.,* Meadville, ..........-++- -| Crawford, ....--...6 | Ontario. McMillen, Sylvester S., Spring Boro, R. F. D. 36,..| Crawford. | McMillen, William, Home, Rs.Pe Da ty. cssedveee Indiana. | McMullen, Hugh H., Linesville, Crawford. McNeal, Frank J., Wilkes-Barre, ..........-.55. LUzerve,. 2i0 veeaaes s ! Ontario. McNeal, Harry T., Sunbury, 7 Northumberland, ...| Ontario. MeNeal, Peter N., Shamokin, Northumberland, ... Ontario. McNeil, James C.,* 3349 Webster Ave., Pitts- Allegheny, al U.P. burgh. | Meade, Louis E., ............ Tunkhannock, WyOmMingy. 2: saneney Columbian. Meckley, Urias L., ......... Littlestown, Adams. Meiser, William A., ......... Newport, ..cc:ccccsecseeceres Perryincs sass Ontario and McKil- lip. Mertz, Peter J., ..----++-+++ «| Honeybrook, .......+ssseeeeee Chester, .....seeee eee Ontario. Metzger, Abram H., Millersville, Lancaster, .......... U.P. Metzger, John F., ...-- 2222 N. Marshall St., Phila., », Philadelphia. Michener, Hiram M., 3722 N. Broad St., Phila. »+-| Philadelphia, U. P. Miller, Daniel 8., ..----- Baltimore Ave. & 41st St., | Philadelphia, U. P. Miller, F. Bi, ..cceeeee eevee Phila. Susquehanna, Ontario. Brooklyn, ....+-sceseceesseees) Miller, Franklin W., ....-.-. Sinking Springs, R. F. D. 2,’ Berks, Miller, Harvey H., ...--- ...| Rebersburg, a -.| Centre. Miller, John P., ..--- Reading, Berks, gncvaaseegenes U. P. Miller, Pierce M., Sinking Springs, R. D. 2,.,' Berks, 18 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGH | Miller, Samuel §., ......... SDERS, caaiensiedecaaie coda | Adams Milroy, Andrew L., ......... ( Tivans: City. scceyscoeeces Butler. sccasccecias pedi Ontario. Minich, Benjamin F., . Columbia, Lancaster, American. Mitchell, Adrian J., ........| Erie, ........ Erie, ....... Ontario. Mitchell, Adrian J., Jr., | CUSRP Ss ciccas eee Erie, Chicago. Mitchell, Harry B., ........ Wellsboro, Tioga, .. .| UP. Mitterling, Ira, .... Hollidaysburg, peBLOUD asec guprendaes | U.P. Mock, William, Z | Easton, Northampton, ....... Ontario. Monroe, Franklin, ..... ..| Plymouth, Luzerne. | Montgomery, Anthony, ie Elderton, Armstrong. Moore, John M.,* .... Danville, R. F. D, 3, .... Montour. Moore, Joseph W., | Waynesboro, .............505 Franklin. : Morette, E. M. C., st COPLISIGS sumeccan saiitinieaticeeus Cumberland, ........ | U. S. College. Morgan, W. B., : 6728 Woodland Ave., Phila.,! Philadelphia, ....... | U.P; Moriarty, Michael, Gettysburg, ' Adams, | Morris, BE. E.,* .... | Waynesburg, ., Greene. Morris, Franklin § cal Revere, 2.22.04: . Bucks, N. Y. American. Moyer, Calvin W., Quakertown, .| Bucks, U. PB Moyer, Enos S., POREASIE, seie discs denier | Bucks, N. Y. College. Moyer, Henry B., ... Alburtis, R. F. D. 2, “| Lehigh. Moyer, H. Clayton, Blooming Glen, ivinal DUCKY Vantinne pa caucia U. PY Moyer, J. W., ..... Sunbury, R. D. 3. ..{ Northumberland. Moyer, Samuel C., ... of CAEDOHDALE,. ssid comcsaphenece Lackawanna, ....... Ontario. Moyer, Theodore W., al SLCSEIEMy. castor ay sesiste caiimsiscr Northampton, ...... American. Moyer, Vincent C., ...| Southampton, . : Bucks, Moyer, William G., .........) Mechanicsburg, ............. Cumberland, Moyer, William H., .. .| Mechanicsburg, ............5 Cumberland, ........ Ontario, Muir, E, Stanton, ‘| 2145 N. Second St., Phila,,,. Philadelphia, U. P. Munce, T. Edward, .. “| Harrisburg, ..........006 ....| Dauphin, ...... U.P. Munce, Thomas W., ..| Washington, R. D. 2, ..... ' Washington, .. U. P. Murphy, Francis P., 1813 N, Second St., Phila... .| Philadelphia, ..,.,..| U. P. Murphy, Patrick F., 1607 N. Fourth St., Phila.,! Philadelphia. Myers, George A., Albion, R. F. D. 1, 0.0... | Brie, Martin, Arthur D., East Stroudsburg, ......... MONTOS,. Sesiseantiian Indiana. Naughton, John J., SOLAN? cas tiiovlsn weaeie tics Lackawanna, ....... Ontario. Neff, William H. C., 2211 N. Second 8 Philadelphia, ......, N. Y. College. Nestor, Jacob Bs, s.icace sein Frederick, Montgomery. Neuhaus, Charles Owen, Glen Rock, NOU, sus-otchaceesic | UP. Newcomer, Christian, Henrietta, ... Blair. Newcomer, Ezra W., ....... Mount Joy, Lancaster, U.P. Newhard, Irwin C., ......... Ashland, Schuyikill, N, Y. College. Newton, Charles,* 1220 Locust St., Phila., Philadelphia, U. P. Nice, Frank K., 3514 N. 15th St., Tioga, | Philadelphia, ....... American, Phila. Niece, William: Bie; siaomssarg 6212 Baynton St., German- | Philadelphia, ....... American, town, Phila. Nicholas, William &., Bedminster, .........-....., Bueks:... Qrisschirayeauas Columbia, Nicholson, Samuel J., ...... Allegheny Aye., East of | Philadelphia, U. P. Richmond, Phila. Nicholson, Wm., 1313 Boyle St., Allegheny,.| Allegheny, ........,. Ontario, Nick, Charles W., TIES. eyactnanaes aneeigatedtraiibss au Brie, ......., Nissley, S. M., Bellefonte, ...| Centre, ... U.P. Noack, Otto G., RGAMin gy saicediesiens vce .| Berks, .. Berlin. Noll, Lawrence G., Annville, R. F, D. 2, ....,,| Lebanon, Nugent, Thomas F., NOM Castles swiens aes siccce Lawrence, .......... Ontario. 19 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Oat, Charles F., .. -| West Chester, ... Chester, ... UB Olding, Frank R., .. Pittsburgh, ...... Allegheny, U. P. Olweiler, Jacob F., ........ Elizabethtown, .-| Lancaster, McKillip. Ormiston, Adam W.,, ........ 102 Herman St., German- | Philadelphia, ....... American. town, Phila. Osborne, Russell, Peckyille;: sosiswesds waearwe Lackawanna, ....... N. ¥. College. Osler, Horace N., Dushore, Sullivan, Ontario. Oyler, John H.,* Harrisburg, ...--.cceee neces Dauphin, .....-..... Ontario. Paget, Harry A., .. Sevanton, ....ceeccee veeeees Lackawanna, ....--. Ontario. Palmer, Clinton B., Waston, ...eeeeeeeecevees sees} Northampton, .....- Chicago. Paolone, M., ...-...+-++5- 1031 Winton St., Phila., ...| Philadelphia, Parker, BH. A., ..-.--eeee 1940 S. 13th St., Phila., ....| Philadelphia, Parker, Walter C. Clark’s Summit, R. F. D.1,) Lackawanna, Patrick, M. B., ...---..eee ee Greensburg, Westmoreland, Paxson, William H., ....... Marietta, Lancaster, ....--+..- Peace, Chas. V., “ Coatesville, Chester, ...----s0005 Pease, Harry S., ..-----.+0+ Canonsburg, Washington, Ohio. Pease, W. W., seercreeceeeee Meadville, Crawford, Chicago. Pegan, H. Bi, csceeceeceeeees Cochranton, Crawford, Ontario and McKil- lip. Perdue, W. M., .....-e+eeeeee Bllwood City, Lawrence, Ontario. Pettibon, David F., Burgettstown, .. Washington. Petersheim, Samuel M., .. Morgantown, ....| Berks, Pfarr, A, W., wscceereeee 202 Cedar St., Pittsburgh,.| Allegheny, Ontario. Phelan, Richard M.,* Sharon, Mercer, Ontario. Phillips, George S8., Newmanstown, . Lebanon. Phillips, J. R., 4 Library, ...... Allegheny. Phillips, John R., North Hast, .. Erie. Piersol, Warren R., ..- New Holland, .. Lancaster, ....seeeee U.P, Pifer, William J., Punxsutawney, R. F. D, 3,| Jefferson. Porter, Edmund C., New Castle, Lawrence, ...-..668. Ontario. Potteiger, Albert B., ....... Selins Grove, Snyder, Ontario. Potteiger, Clarence R., Reading, ...... Berks, ..... Geo. Wash. Powell, Edgar W., .....+..s Bryn Mawr, .. Montgomery, U. P. Powell, I. B.,* Bromall, Delaware, ... U.P. Prather, John V., Titusville, Crawford, American. Price, Benjamin, West Chester, CHESEET,.. ca gisgatemues U.P. Price, Samuel G., . Doylestown, Bucks. Price, Samuel H., ... Collegeville, Montgomery. Prothero, William B., Johnstown, Cambria, ..........65 N. Y. College. Purington, B. M., ........00. CONG: svieticeaieateiscny aGrccwniete Brie. Quarll, Joseph T., ..--++eeee Avondale, Chester, snwasaesvevins U. P. Quigley, R, M., seeeeee| Tyrone, Blair, U.P. Quinn, T. J., ..cceecereeeeeee| DALDY, ceceereeeeees Sanaa +++; Delaware, ........... U. P. 20 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Radley, Aaron W., ......... Bethlehem, ................4. Nortbampton, ....... : American, Rahn, Oswell B., TeOSpUEL, ccancmngenes co rancee Berks, ...... deceerege Ui Ratcliffe, William, Waynesburg, ...........00005 Greene. | Record, Edward, Glenolden, ...............0005 Delaware, .......... U. P Rectenwald, Nicholas, 11 Arlington Ave., Pitts- | Allegheny. j burgh. | Reed, Chas. W., Jr., .....- AT ATIOTE') vase sieyaee. ove, saver nies Montgomery, ....... U. P. Reed, J. Orville, ............ Danville, Montour, .... Ontario. Reichel, John, Glenolden, Delaware, Uz. P. Reichley, J. R., DOVER). acacevacsasals nian ciayts MORK, — astinnanstninres Ontario, Reid, Walter, ges nacaswiccods Shadeland, .................. Crawford. Reifsnyder, I. S., .........05 Collegeville, Montgomery, ....... U. P. Reinert, Daniel E. Nazareth, Northampton, ...... U.P: Reish, Samuel, «( Pleasant Gap, ... Centre. Rentschler, M. D., . .| Punxsutawney, . Jefferson, McKillip. Reynolds, Howard C. Factoryville, ............ Wyoming, Ohio. Reynolds, Roy, ..| Dikland, .......... ¢y| Ptoga,, scores Grand Rapids. Rhoads, Warren L., Lansdowne, . .| Delaware, .... American. Rhodes, John M., -| Barbara, ....... ..| Blair, Rice, Horace, .| Union City, ..| Erie. Richards, H. S., +) 6828 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh,/ Allegheny, ........., Ontario, Richards, John, Eldorado, ........... ..| Blair. Richards, John L., Reading, Berks. Ridge, William H., Somerton, Philadelphia, ....... De Bs Riley, Garrie W., New Hope, ... Bueks,: ieatenasuisn ies U. P. Rink, John, Factoryville, Wyoming. Ontario. Ritter, Albert B., . Pennsburg, Montgomery, ....... Ontario. Rivers, Reuben, Lansdale, . Montgomery, ....... Roberts, Owen B., Blandon, Berks. Roberts, Walter H., 2334 N. 25th St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Robison, Ephraim, Steckman, Bedford. Robison, Reynolds, Piney Creek, . Bedford, Rockey, Wm. A., .,.. Punxsutawney, ... Jefferson, Chicago. Rogers, Lambert, Newtown, ......... BUCKS; swisaazsddcesin U. P. Rogers, Sherman 8., .... WANN: AYN ca sirns seeaeterc ss Franklin. Romig, BG, vcsscce Beaver Springs, ............. Snyder, .isccevsssane U. P. Rook, Willard G., Selinsgrove, Snyder. Rosenberger, J. N., WOME,» ciiscisngsiiitien cooarme Bucks, U.P. Roshon, Harry B., .. ROAMIN E25 velit savaioni tains Berks, .. U. P. Ross, James T., ............ 481g Frankford Avye., Frank-| Philadelphia. ford, Phila. Roswell, William L., ....... CORNY’, «wis wells outer tten Bley: acca aevaloantans wie Os Pe Roueche, 8. H., .. ++} Meadville, 0... Crawford, . Chicago. Roxberry, George W., ...... 3618 N. 16th St., Tioga, Philadelphia. Phila. Royer, David R., Jamestown, Mercer, Ontario. Royer, M, B., Leola, spsssicanieny ve Lancaster, vO. B, Ruch, H. B., . i Portland, ess neves es ax "| Northampton, ...... U. P. Ruhl, Jonathan, .. Tylersville, .. Clinton. Ruhl, John &., Tylersville, ......., Clinton, Rushworth, Edward, . ee} Malvern, wocceves.,. Chester. Rutter, Vincent M. Franconia, || Montgomery, ......, Ontario. Ryder, Daniel, Chambersburg, ‘| Franklin, .... .. ..| Ontario. | | LIST OF LICENSKED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME ADDRESS COUNTY COLLEGE Sallade, J. G., Middleburg, Snyder, Ontario, Sallade, James W., Auburn, Schuylkill, .... Ontario. Salmon, Henry, Shippensburg, ..... Cumberland. Salvucci, Luigi, 1906 Park Ave., Phila. Philadeipiia, ....... Naples. Sands, Harry G., ... BENtON, wares veeinne sisiaswegies Columbia, ... ....... Ontario, Schaeffer, John H., .. Pine Grove, R. I. D. No, 2,| Sebuylkill. Schaeffer, Nicholas L., Fleetwood, .....c.c.cscensees Berks. sccm dewanwis Chicago. Schall, Henry B.,* Kittanning, R. FP. D. 3,..| Armstrong. Schantz, A. L., ... Allentown, R. IF. D. 1, ...| Lehigh. Schaufler, Chas. A., 1338 Hunting Park Ave., | Philadelphia, .... .. Royal, Stutgart. Phila. Schleicher, Frank L., ....... Riegelsville, Bucks. Schmidt, W. P., Saltsburg, Indiana, ..... ...., Chicago. Schmoyer, Albert H., .| Boyertown, .... Berks, ... Chicago. Schneider, Frederick H., Old York Road & Erie Ave.,| Philadelphia, ....... Columbian. Phila. Sclineider, Rudolph H., 536 W. Rockland St., ; Philadelphia, ....... U.P. Philadelphia. is Schnell, A. W., Wycombe, Bucks, «sw ancy gasses U. P. Schretiler, Aaron,* . Millersburg, ... Dauphin. Schreiber, Albert F., 62nd St. & Elmwood Ave., | Philadelphia, U. P. Phila. Schrock, Edwin D., New Kensington, Westmoreland, ..... U.P. Sehuey, Geo. B., ... Kittanning, ....... ..| Almstroug, ... 22... Ontario. Schwartz, Geo. A., Altoona, ........ BIBt2s. aia bs ager sales | U..Bs Schwindt, Ambrose E. Silver Creek, Schuylkill, Sebastian, George B., Rehrersburg, Berks. Seidel, Edward, Bryn Mawr, Montgomery, U. P. Seidel, Frank, Lancaster, Lancaster, U. P. Seitter, Joseph B., 1817 BE. Tioga Philadelphia, U. P. Seitz, Elmer E., Glen Rock, .... MOP. ssi sisthicies oF sears Columbian, Seitzinger, William H., Wernersville, ... Berks. Sell, John, ss soxeasasaiceens Hollidaysburg, R. F, D. 3,.| Blair. Senseman, Benjamin F., 1723 N. 55th St., Phila., Philade!phia, ... ... U.P. Service, Don C., ......... BUTE 3 sSeisdee.h 5nd eave sie aisioena’s Butler, ..........6.. Grand Rapids. Shaffer, William H., . Progress, Dauphin. Sheckler, Wm. E., Catasauqua, wel Behigh,. icaacasiwssins U. P. Sheffer, John A., .. BaP). sprains 3a York. Sherrick, Franklin N., Connellsville, Fayette, ............ Ontario. Shiffert, John, ..... 6 Chambersburg, Franklin. Shiffert, John C., Jr, . Chambersburg, .. Franklin, ........... N. Y, College. Shimer, Allen S., Tyrone, ...... Blaibs ya cyskieeeesaices Ontario. Shimer, W. S., AIOONE;. vesswanwraadwiexemedes Blair, Ontario. Shively, Wm. G., Lamartine, oo. ccscsenceediens Clarion, ‘ Ontario. Shoemaker, Henry © ..| 1718 Wallace S Philadelphia, N. Y. College. Shook, Warren B., ....... ...| Greencastle, Franklin, WcP: Shue, F. F., Hanover, York, .. U. P. Shugar, Harry B., Lebanon, ns Lebanon, American. Sieber, Cyrus, Mifflintown, Juniata. Sill, Joseph E., Union City, R. F. D. 5,..| Brie. Simmons, Jacob W., . Mechanicsburg, R. F. D. 6,| Cumberland. Simpson, Ernest L., Westfield, caniccsscnciwsreaienes Di0g ay, sustenance sare N. Y. College. Sitterly, John R., .... Scranton, .......... Lackawanna, ....... Ontario. Slaughter. William T.,* . Bristol). sees. Bucks. Sloan, Lewis D., Conneautville, .. Crawford, Smith, Albert N., 1926 Camac St.,-Phila., ...| Philadelphia, ......, Oe-P. Smitb, Clement V., .. West Newton, Rt. F. D. 1,.| Westmoreland. Smith, @. P., Hughesville, ...| Lycoming, U. P. Smith, Jeremiah, . Lawsonham, R. P. D. 1,...| Clarion. smith, John D., Dallastowey cssccsiscacceieogs York. Smith, J. J.,* .. 1730 S. Sth St., Phila., Philadelphia, ....... U. P. Smith, O. P., . Greensburg, R. F. D. 4, Westmoreland. Smith, William F., Renfrew, R. F. D. 29, ....} Butler. Smith, Wm. J., Stillwater, .......... Columbia. Snow, William C., Petrolia Lk. ¥. Butler. Snyder, John, ...... sesseeees}| Shelocta, .| Indiana, ...... Cincinnati. Jackson Centre, R. D. 17,.| Mercer. Snyder, Joseph G., .. 22 LIST OF LICENSED VETERINARIANS IN PENNSYLVANIA—Continued. NAME, ADDRESS. COUNTY. COLLEGE Snyder, Noah 8., sree! COLMAT, .csseeeseereeeseseeeee| Montgomery, | Snyder, Owen W., Lehighton, .........0.- = Carbon. seiscssgaciaens Ontario Snyder, S. David, Mercer, R. F. D. 1, ......| Mercer, Spangler, William H., ....../ Lewisberry, ...........+ York. Speck, A. Harvey, .. -| Hershey, ........ Dauphin. Speck, John A., . Shermansdale, Perry. Spencer, A, H., Girard, .....6.65 Erie, U.P. Spicer, Charles A., Coraopolis, .....-ceeceeeeeeee Allegheny, Ontario. Spitz, Arthur, ..... 3216 Columbia Ave., Phila.,.) Philadelphia, U.P. Springer, Charles W., .... Uniontown, Fayette, «| “UR PR Staley, Raymon M., Camp Hill, Cumberland, ...... | U.P. Stambaugh, Jobn, .. Spring Grove, R. F. D. 3,.| York, Stambaugh, Nathan, . Hanover, York. Standen, Frank, 1220 Locust St., Philadelphia, Stark, Marcus W., Tunkhannock, Wyoming, ...... seee| Chicago. Stark, Theron R., Mill City, . Wyoming. St. Clair, James B., . Indiana, Indiana. Stehle, Fred, Jr., ...... ‘| 5026 Pine St., Philadelphia, U. P. Stein, Clarence D.,* .. Sharpsburg, Allegheny, ..... U.P. Stein, Howard L., ..... WMIAUS): sw adisaiawganrion yar iaepese DCHIZD, isjecciesicis aw ere Onterio, Sterner, Conrad D., ....... 82 COMOLUBY - Norristown. I Davidheiser, Allen K., . Davis, Evan R., .... Davis, R. Lewis, Dengler, Harry 0O., Detwiler, David C., Deubler, E. S., .... Fox, Robert J., .... Gilbert, Elwood G., Harkins, M. J., ..... aia vata Keeler, Jesse H., .. Keelor, Allen Z., .. Keelor, J. Rein, Keely, Horace P., . Larzelere, Samuel D McGroarty, Bernard, Nester, Jacob B., .. Powell, Edgar W., Price, Samuel H., Reed, Charles W., Jr., Reifsnyder, I. 8., .. Richards, John L., Ritter, Albert B., Rivers, Reuben, .... Rutter, Vincent M., Seidel, Edward, Snyder, Noah §., .. VanBuskirk, G. T., ... Wilson, W. Howard, ” Pottstown, Hatboro. Hatboro. Norristown, Iron Bridge, Narberth, Bryn Mawr, Poitstown, Conshohocken, Kulpsville. Telford, Harleysville, Schwenksville, Jenkintown, Norristown, Frederick. Bryn: Mawits sssssesy seman cae nae sean: eos UNS Collegeville. Ardmore, Collegeville, Pottstown. Pennsburg, Lansdale, Franconia, Brya Mawr, Colmar. Willow Grove, Roslyn, N. Y. College. Ontario. Ontario. U. Ps N. Y. College. American, U.P. Ontario. Ontario, a mM Hh Ontario, U. P. Ontario. U. P. U. Pz N. Y. College. 50 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. NAMB ADDRESS COLLEGHD Bachman, Leidy J., ......... South Bethlehem, .| American. Benner, James A., ......+45 -| South Bethlehem, U. P. Groner, Lewis R., Bath, Ontario. Keim, Samuel C., ...... Bethlehem. Koehler, Hdward F., ..... --| Easton, ... American. Koehler, Theodore J., .. -| Easton. Mock, William, ........ Easton, Ontario. Moyer, Theodore W., ...... «| Siegfried, ... American, Palmer, Clinton B., ....... ot Bastomy. -occiecesieaten encase Chicago. Radley, Aaron W., ... Bethlehem, American. Reinert, Daniel H., .... Nazareth, U. P. Ruch, HH. Bi, sasscnonese .| Portland, U. P. Stover, Mahlon G., .. «| Nazareth, Ontario. Waidner, Charles J., ..... ..| Hellertown, N. Y. College. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Althouse, Bdward P., ...... Sunbury, U. P. Bitler, Sherman H., ... Turbotville, Ontario. Bolich, Harry P., Mt. Carmel, U. P. Duncheskie, Jesse, Jr., .| Shamokin, .. Ontario. Dorning, Jos. V., .....se0. ..| Shamokin, .. U.P. Kauffman, Harvey F., .... Shamokin, .. Ontario. McNeal, Harry T., SUMDULY;, soe vesaaiweasiers Ontario. McNeal, Peter N., ... SB amo kn creeper ninecnod ciaodarninienaai ae amine acer Ontario. Moyer, J. W., .---.06- Sunbury, R. F. D. No. 3. Wagner, Arthur C., MAltON. cmsanicnsngginimarcanainiantinwonnesiiaats - U.P. Weikel, Lemuel, ..........06.| Watsontown. No. 144. AN ACT Regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, erinary surgery and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof: and establishing, as incidental thereto, a State Board of Vet. erinary Medical Examiners, and defining its powers and duties. including vet- Section 1. act,— 1. The word “Board” means the State Board of Veterinary Medica] Mxaminers created by this act. 2. The term “Veterinary schools” means any veter- inary school, or any college or any department of a university, maintaining a proper yeterinary medical standard, and legally incorporated. The term “veter- inary medicine” includes veterinary medicine, veter- inary surgery, and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof. 4, “Veterinarian” includes a veterinary physician, or veterinary surgeon, or veterinary dentist. 5. A standard high school unit represents a year’s study in any subject in a secondary school, consisting of four or five periods of from forty to sixty minutes in length each week, for thirty-six to forty weeks. Section 2. A State Board of Veterinary Medical Ex- aminers is hereby established. The Board shall consist of five members appointed by the Governor, and shall have power to adopt by-laws and regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Section 8. The members of the Board shall be of good standing in the veterinary profession, and shall be graduates of a legally inccrporated and reputable veterinary school. They shall have practiced veterinary medicine for at least the five years immediately pre- ceding their appointment. Section 4. The members of the Board shall serve for a term of four years from the first Monday of Sep- tember after their appointment, and shall hold office until their successors are appointed and duly qualified. Those first appointed shall serve as follows: Two for two years, and three for four years, from the first Mon- day in September, one thousand nine hundred fifteen. In such first appointment the Governor shall designate the respective term. Section 5. The Governor shall fill a vacancy in the Board by an appointment for the unexpired term. He may remove any member of the Board for continued neglect of the duties required by this act, for incom- petence, or for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct. Section 6. Every person who shall be appointed to serve on the Board shall receive from the Secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate of appointment. Be it enacted, &c., That as used in this (63 ) Veterinary medicine. Definitions. Board. Veterinary school Veterinary medicine. Veterinarian, High scbool unit. State Board of Veterinary Med- ical Examiners. Qualifications of members. Terms of members. Vacancies. Certificate of appointment. 52 PHILADELPHIA COUNTY—Continued. Ferron, Eugene, Fitzpatrick, Dennis B., Flood, Edward H., Fuller, George 8., Gerety, J. P., Gladfelter, Robert, Glass, Alexander, Graham, James, ... Graham, John J., . Guilfoyle, Harold N. Gunner, Benjamin, Hackler, H. D., Haigh, H. H., Haley, Peter J., Hardenbergh, James B., .... Hartman, Guldin R., Head, Richard P., Hendren, Oliver T., Herbott, Julius W., Hoedt, W. H., Hoskins, Cheston M., Hoskins, W. Horace, st Houldsworth, Joseph D., ... Ivens, W. H., Jarrett, Henry T Johnson, Jobn J., ... Johnston, Samuel H., Kalodner, Howard M., Kelly, Thomas, ...... Kimball, Victor G. Klein, Louis A., Lens, Samuel W., Lentz, Frank E., Lentz, William J., . Linberg, J. Wm., .. MacFayden, John, Maher, John J., .... Mansbach, Louis A., . Marlin, Edgar, Marshall, Clarence J., Martien, Henry D., .. McAnulty, Chas. J., . MecAnulty, John F., .... McCarthy, Philip J., ....... McCloskey, Anthony J., ... McDonough, J. F., ........5. McGugan, James, McKibbin, D., Jr., Metzger, John I., Michener, Hiram M. Miller, Daniel %., Morgan, W. B., Muir, E, Stanton, Murpliy, Francis P., Murphy, Patrick F., Neff, William H. C., . Newton, Charles, ... Nice, Frank K., .... Nice, William T., Nicholson, Samuel J., Ormiston, Adam W., Paolone, M., Parker, EB. A., Ridge, W. 4., Roberts, Walter E., ' Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Somerton, 2384 N. 2th St., ... ADDRESS COLLEGE Philadelphia, 1718 Spring Garden St., ........... G..;Be Philadelphia, 3214 Woodland Ave., ... U; Py Philadelphia, 215 N. 59th St., : U. Ps Philadelphia, 1715 N. 12th St., ‘i N. Y. College. Philadelphia, 3433 Lancaster Ave., ....-.-..:e.00e U. P. Philadelphia, 1230 N, 18th St. Philadelphia, 2821 Spruce St., ........-...eeeeeeee Montreal. Philadelphia, 115 Queen Lane, Germantown, .. Royal. Philadelphia, 115 Queen Lane, Germantown, U. P. Philadelphia, 1526 N. Gratz St., U. S. College. Philadelphia, 329 H. Lehigh Ave., ..............8 U. P. Philadelphia, 2055 FE. Susquehanna Ave., Ontario. Philadelphia, 3488 N. Broad St., ........ U. P. Philadelphia, 3733 Market St., ............- U, P. Philadelphia, 39th St. & Woodland Ave., U.P. Philadelphia, 934 Diamond St., .............- U. P. Philadelphia, 39th St. & Woodland Ave., U. P. Philadelphia, 6645 Ridge Ave., Roxborough, ...| U, Pp, Philadelphia, 1217 N. Wighth St., .. arrhis U. P. Philadelphia, Wissahickon U. P. Philadelphia, 3452 Ludlow St., UU PR: Philadelphia, 3452 Ludlow St., American. Philadelphia, Manayunk, U. P. Philadelphia, 5328 Haverford Ave., U. Pp. Philadelphia, 311 S. 18th St., ..... U pe. Philadelphia, 2869 W. Dauphin St., ... Philadelphia, 2285 N. Franklin St., N. Y. College. Philadelphia, 416 Federal St., ..... U. P. Philadelphia, 120 Pine St., ........... U.P. Philadelphia, 39th St. & Woodland Ave., N. Y. College. Philadelphia, 39theSt. & Woodland Aye., U. P. Philadelphia, 517 Pine St., .............. U.P. Philadelphia, 3715 Woodland Ave., U. P. Philadelphia, 39th St. & Woodland Av U. P. Philadelphia, 1727 N. 55th St., U. P. Philadelphia, 5215 Reinhart St, Philadelphia, 1336 Marshall St., ................. U. P. Philadelphia, 1515 N. Franklin St. Philadelphia, 4054 Powelton Ave., ...........00.. U. P. Philadelphia, 5031 Pine St., U. P. Philadelphia, 735 N. 43d St., U.P. Philadelphia, 1447 S. Highth St., U. P. Philadelphia, 2832 N. Sixth St., U.P. Philadelphia, S507 N. 25th St.. ......c.c.cc eee U.P. T'‘hiladelphia, Chestnut Hill, U. P. Philadelphia, 8061 Richmond St., U.P. Philadelphia, 1626 Park Ave, Philadelphia, 296) Frankford Ave., .............. U.P. Philadelphia, 2222 N. Marshall St. Philadelphia, 8722 N. Broad St., U.P. Philadelphia, Baltimore Ave. U. P. Philadelphia, 6728 Woodland Aye., U.P. ,| Philadelphia, 2145 N, Second St., U. P. Philadelphia, 1813 N. Second St., U. P. Philadelphia, 1607 N. Fourth St. \ Philadelphia, 2211 N. Second St., ............... INO y, College. Philadelphia, 1220 Locust St., ........ tT Pp, Philadelphia, 3514 N. 15th St., Tioga, a American Philadelphia, 6212 Baynton St., Germantown, i American. Philadelphia, Allegheny Ave. Fast of Richmond, | UTP, : _ Philadelphia, 102 Herman St., Gern.antown, American. Philadelphia, 1031 Winton St., Philadelphia, 140 S. 18th St., 53 PHILADELPHIA COUNTY—Continued. NAMB ADDRESS COLLEGE Ross, James T., «.--...00- ...| Philadelphia, 4818 Frankford Ave. Roxberry, George W., ...... Philadelphia, 3618 N. 16th St., Tioga. Salvucci, Luigi, .............| Philadelphia, 1906 N, Park Ave., Naples. Schaufler, Charles A., ...... Philadelphia, 1888 Hunting Park Ave., Royal, Stutgart. Schneider, Frederick H., ...| Philadelphia, Old York Rd. & Erie Ave., ...| Columbian. Schneider, Rudolph H., ..... Philadelphia, 536 W. Rockland St., ............. U. Ps Schreiber, Albert F., .......| Philadelphia, 62d St. & Elmwood Ave., wT. P. Seitter, Joseph Bix aks a Philadelphia, 1817 E. Tioga St., ...... U. P. Senseman, Benjamin F., . Philadelphia, 1723 N, 55th St., U. P. Shoemaker, Henry C., ....6.| Philadelphia, 1718 Wallace St., N. Y. College. Smith, Albert N., .......... Philadelphia, 1926 Camac St., oo Us Pz Smith, J. To, ..cceeesenescees Philadelphia, 1730 S. Eighth St., awl’ Us. Be Spitz, Arthur, .. Philadelphia, 3216 Columbia Ave., ............+-+ U. P. Standen, Frank, .... Philadelphia, 1220 Locust St. Stehle, Fred., Jr., ... Philadelphia, 5026 Pine St., .......sseeseeeeeeeees U. P. Storm, William J., Philadelphia, 5141 Hazel Ave., .......+008 Gane Teas U. P. Terry, Edward, B., . Philadelphia, 2830 Welsh Rd., Holmesburg, ....| U. P. Tintsman, John Z., Philadelphia, 335 W. Girard Ave., ...ssssseceeees Ga PB. Vansant, Joseph W., Philadelphia, 500 Rhawn St., Fox Chase, ...... U. P. Philadelphia, 1120 Nevada St. Philadelphia, 820 Dauphin St. Vasey, J. Price, .. Walls, John J., .. Weinberg, Herman H., Philadelphia, 2250 N. 21st St., ......:-seseeeeeee = Ps Whitney, Clifford C., Philadelphia, 39th St. & Woodland Ave., ... je, cB Williams, Charles, ...| Philadelphia, 1321 Thompson St., ........ ays i Ps Winstanley, John H., ....... Philadelphia, 119 S. 87th St., ...--seseeeee esse eee a ES Yunker, Elkan H., Philadelphia, 2344 N. 18th St., .......eeeeeeee eee Ts Ps. POTTER COUNTY. Woodward, James A., .....- Shinglehouse, ......:seseeseeveeseene nematic reer .| Ontario. 54 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. NAMB ADDRESS COLLEGE Curley, HB. M., ...esseree aeoe| TreMont, cee ceecee cece ence eee n een erent eee n eset enes Us BP, Driesbach, Lewis, . Schuylkill Haven. Fessler, R. H., ....- Pine Grove, U. P, Fridirici, Ulysses G., Tamaqua, Ontario. Friel, Francis J., Pottsville, Uy BR Gwinner, Charles W., Pottsville, U. P. Klein, Fred S., ..... Shenandoah, U. P. Kuder, Eugene E., Mahanoy City. Longacre, Edwin D., Shenandoab, Ontario. Longacre, William S., SHEL ORs scernstica sfeuinses sag aejgysacter yesrrsiinls Haraiccioie aeklalamntinn we dias Ontario. Lynaugh, William, .......... Pottsville. McCarthy, Frank H., ....... Pottsville, Ontario. Newhard, Irwin C., ... Ashland, N. Y. College. Sallade, James W., Auburn, Ontario. Schaeffer, John H., Pine Grove, R. F. D. No. 2. Schwindt, Ambrose H., ..... Silver Creek. SNYDER COUNTY. Bilger, Winds). ss: cegancs «wanes Middleburg. Bilger, W. David, Middleburg, R. F. D. No. 3. Hummel, Willian A., ...... Globe - Mills. Potteiger, Albert B., Selinsgrove, Ontario. Romig, F, C., Beaver Springs, U. P. Rook, Willard G., Selinsgrove. Sallade, J. G., Middleburg, Ontario. Troutman, Walker A., ...... Port Treverton, .. Ontario. Zimmerman, B. R., .......55 SCHMSETOVE,, suc cemiedootaiidac Midadin wingaceemeaneres Ontario. 55 SOMERSET COUNTY. NAME ADDRESS COLLEGE Ankeney, OC. Avy csceeeeeeeeee Harnedsville. Beachy, Rufus M., Meyersdale. ss Colflesh, Joseph H., ........ ULES tila’, “verses sven nacseceae ile aia ahem teen Ab aanes Geo. Washington. Folk, Simon S., ...sseesseeee West Salisbury. Friedline, Jacob P., . -| Somerset, R, BF. D. NO. 4, cece ce eee e eee eee ee cece Castrator. Fritz, Simon P., ....... ..' Pine Hill, Castrator. Fuller, Willis D., .... er Somerset, U. P. King, Green B., Scullton. King, Ross R., ......-.+ Rockwood, R. F, D. No. 3. McKinley, Stephen R., ..... Elk Lick. Weller, John O., ....... «..| Meyersdale. Wilson, Samuel, ...-...... ..-| Somerfield. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Haverly, William D., ...... Campbellsville. Osler, Horace N., ...-...05 AD USTORER”. (aisjarsieiseededia shiva assiounnaraisus Ginde sislbarerpseo a aceysideanesis Ontario. NAMB 56 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. ADDRESS COLLEGE Aldrich, Carl C., AIPORG, . «2 -siccarepaisieragiensinsne Cease SOS Barnes, H. W., ... Thompson, R. F. D. No. 1, Barrett, Edson A., Susquehanna. = Brodhead, Charles W. .-| Montrose. ' Catlin, Fred, UNiONGO1S,. cecereniacerawsagarina vanes seeps seaee ’ Ontario. Cole, A. B., Montrose, R. F. D, No. 2, c.cceescecscevseevenees | Ontario. Bill, Isaae C., Susquehanna, R. F. D. No. 5. Hollister, A. E., Montrose, Ontario. Miller, F. B., .. Brooklyn, Ontario. Tower, Elmer E., Hallstead, Columbian. TIOGA COUNTY. Bowen, William J., .... Wellsboro, R. F. D. No. 9. Brigham, Geo. W., .| Tioga. Davis, Elisha J., ....... Little Marsh. Mitchell, Harry B., MY -CLUS DOT Oey arses eco scet to sniaasstezqalGas ies dcannaoibeivecavanedwenstictere UD. Ps Reynolds, Roy, ..... Elkland, .... Grand Rapids. Simpson, Ernest L., . Westfield, N. Y. College. Stone, Chas. B., . Westfield, Grand Rapids. Strang, Frank, Westfield. Turner, John H., WElISDODO,. a snwas secant nce egncrinenasremen sete ces U. P. Washburn, Silas S., ........ Wellsboro. Wilcox, Parris, Covington. Yahn, Homer A., Wellsboro, U. P. 57 UNION COUNTY. NAME ADDRESS COLLEGE Cawley, Amos O., ..... swuaee| LOWISDURGE, sxe saneses ci ciisinaiars Catena ne aamaielee Femmes American. Cawley, William W., Lewisburg. Grove, Philip H., .... Lewisburg, R, F. D. No. 1. Linderman, P. C., ... Mifllinbure, scsicaenerrnasees cciaeenen eeeebos areas U.P. Sypher, Henry J., ........06 Allenwood, R. F. D. No. 1. VENANGO COUNTY. Bagnall, Charles H., ......- DEAD ecenacesaiowiatedveniawae aid semanas a yenleees .| Chicago. Bagnall, William P. Oil City, 1.02... seeee eens Seis Meiegette cotta Meyers ee Chicago. Black, A. F., Korbb, Adam F,, ... Emlenton, R. F. D. No. 3. Venus. 58 WARREN COUNTY. NAME ADDRESS COLLEGE Bonner, James C., ... Garland. Chrisman, Merton J., Warren, Ontario. Wallace, Samuel J., Warren, .. Ontario. Wheeler, Joseph J., ......06 Sugar Grove, R. F. D. No. 4. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Bate, Mi Ass sacacavaciwosiara Fredericktown. Cole, G. P., Monongahela City, 222 Chess St., ....s.eseeseees Ontario. Frazee, David L., .......... Washington, R. F. D. No. 4. Harris, Albert E., ......... Speers, R. F. D. No. 1. Hastings, Stephen B., . Herron, Moore B., Kaufman, Isaac H., McKenna, Charles §., Munce, ‘Thomas W., Pease, Harry S., ...-..s.08- Pettibon, David F., Ullery, A. J., Ullery, W. H., Waugh, David, Waugh, William J., West Finley. Canonsburg, Washington, Washington, Washington, R. F. D. No. Canonsburg, Burgettstown. Scenery Hill, R. F. D. No, 3. Scenery Hill, R. F. D. No, 3. West Finley, R. F. D. No. Washington, Indiana. Ontario. 59 WAYNE COUNTY. NAMB ADDRESS COLLEGE Butler, Horace L., .....++++«| Ariel. Cade, George L., ....... Galilee. 5 sidusnieauis edictarauns name man ase wa mernoale Shi Chicago. Lidstone, Vance R., PLOMESUAIES - scciseciiiud vosatery hanomaiweden ideas Ma xaibineanads UL BP. WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Albright, John C., ..........| Greensburg. Ames, Arthamer, Jr., Saltsburg, R. F. D. No. 4. Faivre, A. L., .....- ..| Latrobe. Faivre, Clovis I., . a Batrobe,: csacsaass saioinaasaannt sauunieeedwnciees seeee| Ontario. Fulmer, Solomon, ..........- Smithton. Lenhart, Matthias P., ...... Irwin. Lossie, Fred H., .... o|-MOM@SSOM, sis disdeeis vecawias ne aeeiee eer Chicago. Mahon, James, .... TUN. iakees cozaar Kansas City. McBreen, Philip l., .. New Kensington, Grand Rapids, Patrick, Murray E., Greensburg; aiinaiwicsiseaines sitios. tinier U. P. Schrock, Edwin D., New Kensington, BBY Smith, Clement V., ........ West Newton, R. IF. D, No. 1. Smith, O. P., ........ seeeees| Greensburg, R. F. D. No. 4. Waldron, R. M., ... Fg) GUOCHSDULEY,... yssciecatan siniarerda trainees eked ¥albedmaeuines Ontario Whiteman, Harry J, .......| Latrobe, ....cc cece ce eie ences ec necenescaeseeeseneeces U. P. Wright, Harry S., ........ ..| Latrobe. : 60 WYOMING COUNTY. NAMB ADDRESS COLLEGE Baldwin, Clayton S., ......- LaGeyville, w2pasictiynceneewenseneeneoanseunnns vey a Ontario. Bennett, Norval C., .. Laceyville, R. F. D. No. 36. Boston, H. O., ..| Centremoreland, U, P. Meade, Louis E., .| Tunkhannock, Columbian, Reynolds, Howard C., ...... Factoryville, Obio. Rink, John, ........ce0008 ...| Factoryville, . Ontario. Stark, Marcus W., Tunkhannock, ... Chicago. Stark, Theron, R., Mill City. { | I YORK COUNTY. Bausticker, Edward §S., ....| York. Beecher, William H., ...... Brodbecks, R. F. D. No, 2. Bowersox, John F. D., ..... Mork), warseueenatisneaas ms axeeniranscaenaeaiolien Ontario. Craumer, Wesley E., .......| Hanover. FPlickinger, Chas. H., IJr.,..| Hanover, ...-.cccccccceecseceetaeteetenteteentertcese U. &. College. Gladfelter, Michael H., ....| Jacobus. Hartenstein, F. H.,-........] New Freedom, U. P. Herbert, William L., .. Red Lion, U. P. Kain, Charles A., .... ..| York. Kain, Franklin M., ..... wail MOPKy | cateimaiegistacissguislewinwaaliaalohtans pavranre keteemutage American. Kline, Harry E., York. Lehman, Pius A., .. York. Lenhart, Charles, York, . Columbian. Neuhaus, Charles O., .......| Glen Rock, U. P. Reichley, J, R., Dover, Ontario. Seitz, Elmer E,, ... ...| Glen Rock, Columbian. Sheffer, John A., ........5 ..| Bair. Shue, B. Be, cesseseesesees ..| Hanover, U. P. Smith, John D., . Dallastown. Spangler, William H., Lewisberry. Stambaugh, John, .. Spring Grove, R. F. D. No. 3. Stambaugh, Nathan, Hanover. Sterner, Conrad D., .. Codorus. Wiley, Andrew M., Delta, R. F, D. No. 4. Winter, Emanuel A., York. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD. 1. The Board will hold two (2) examinations annually. One on the third Monday and Tuesday in June and one on the third Monday and Tuesday of December, at Philadelphia, Pa. 2. Applicants must be eligible under the act of May 5th, 1915. They must furnish two letters from reputable citizens vouching for their good moral character. Show their diploma, and be on hand at 9 o’clock A. M. and they are required to make a general average of 65% and at least 50% on each subject. They must also possess a certificate from the Bureau of Professional Education of Pennsylvania, certifying that the applicant has received a preliminary education covering at least fifteen standard high school units or their equivalent. 3. The Examination Fee is ten dollars ($10.00). Upon filing ap- plication. Payment of fee, Exhibition of Diploma Certificate as above and vouchers on day of examination; applicants will be given cards admitting them to the class. As soon as class is organized, rules governing the examination will be handed each applicant. 4. Castrators of Domestic Animais who have been engaged in this line of practice prior to and on the date of the passage of the act of May 5th, 1915, wiil be granted licenses upon application to con- tinue their vocation. This license however is only for castration. Any other surgery or prescribing done under this license will be sufficient cause to revoke the license and make him liable to prosecu- tion, as they are not permitted to use the title of Veterinarian or an analagous title. Before such license can be obtained, it will be necessary for such applicant to appear before the Board and make satisfactory proof of their legibility; pay a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) register annually and pay the license fee assessed by the Board. 5. The Board will hereafter hold quarterly meetings. The an- nual meeting being the September meeting, and the semi-annual, the March meeting. The June and December meetings being examina- tion sessions. Special meetings may be called by the President at his own option, or at the request of the secretary, or two members, on urgent business and may be held anywhere in the State. The following order of business shall be observed: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of Previous Minutes. 3. Communications and Correspondence. 4. Report of Committees. (al) 62 Unfinished Business. New Business. Secretary’s Report. Treasurer’s Report. Report of Auditors. 10. Election of Officers. 11. Adjournment. CONAN 6. The Board will not, as a matter of duty, but as a matter of courtesy and convenience, mail to each one registered, to his last known address, annually and at least thirty days prior to January ist, a renewal application and return envelope, in which application may be made for license for the succeeding year. Members of the profession and Castrators should bear in mind that the duty under the law to hold license devolves on them. They are therefore requested to give the matter of registration their individual and prompt attention. 7. In order that the list may be always kept accurate, changes of residence; removals from the State; deaths and retirements should be promptly reported to the secretary. 8. Violations should be promptly reported to the Secretary. Cor- roborative evidence furnished, for which blanks will be supplied. The hearty co-operation of the profession is solicited in the enforce- ment of the law. 9. Veterinary Dentistry is a recognized branch of Veterinary Sur- gery. None as such are now registered; and none will be registered under the act of May 5th, 1915, which now governs the practice of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Surgery and Veterinary Dentistry. 10. The act of May 5th, 1915, section 11, provides that hereafter no person shall practice Veterinary Medicine; or assume or use the title of Veterinarian, or the title of Veterinary Medicine, unless he sh-ll;—a. Taye been a registered and licensed Veterinarian prior to the approval of this act. or b. Be registered and licensed in ac- cordance with this act. THIS LAW WILL BE ENFORCED. These rules and regulations were adopted September 27th, 1915. W. H. RIDGE, President, J. W. SALLADE, Secretary, Treasurer, ANTHONY McCLOSKEY, CHARLES W. BOYD, F. H. SCHNEIDER. No. 144. AN ACT Regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, erinary surgery and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof: and establishing, as incidental thereto, a State Board of Vet. erinary Medical Examiners, and defining its powers and duties. including vet- Section 1. act,— 1. The word “Board” means the State Board of Veterinary Medical Mxaminers created by this act. 2. The term “Veterinary schools” means any veter- inary school, or any college or any department of a university, maintaining a proper yeterinary medical standard, and legally incorporated. The term “veter- inary medicine” includes veterinary medicine, veter- inary surgery, and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof. 4. “Veterinarian” includes a veterinary physician, or veterinary surgeon, or veterinary dentist. 5. A standard high school unit represents a year’s study in any subject in a secondary school, consisting of four or five periods of from forty to sixty minutes in length each week, for thirty-six to forty weeks. Section 2. A State Board of Veterinary Medical Ex- aminers is hereby established. The Board shall consist of five members appointed by the Governor, and shall have power to adopt by-laws and regulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Section 3. The members of the Board shall be of good standing in the veterinary profession, and shall be graduates of a legally incorporated and reputable veterinary school. They shall have practiced veterinary medicine for at least the five years immediately pre- ceding their appointment. Section 4. The members of the Board shall serve for a term of four years from the first Monday of Sep- tember after their appointment, and shall hold office until their successors are appointed and duly qualified. Those first appointed shall serve as follows: Two for two years, and three for four years, from the first Mon- day in September, one thousand nine hundred fifteen. In such first appointment the Governor shall designate the respective term. Section 5. The Governor shall fill a vacancy in the Board by an appointment for the unexpired term. He may remove any member of the Board for continued neglect of the duties required by this act, for incom- petence, or for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct. Section 6. Every person who shall be appointed to serve on the Board shall receive from the Secretary of the Commonwealth a certificate of appointment. Be it enacted, &c., That as used in this (63 ) Veterinary medicine. Definitions. Board. Veterinary school Veterinary medicine, Veterinarian. High school unit. State Doard of Veterinary Med- jeal Examiners, Qualifications of members. Terms of members. Vacancies. Certificate of appointment. Expenses. First meeting. Organization. Meetings. Quorum. Practice of veterinary medicine. Titles. Sojourner. Existing practitioner. Application for license. 64 Section 7. From the fees provided by this act the Board may pay all proper expenses incurred by its provisions. If any surplus above the expenses shall remain, each member of the Board shall receive a reasonable compensation for his services for each day during the sessions of the Board, and his expenses ac- tually and necessarily incurred in the performance of his duties. Section 8. The first meeting of the Board shall be held on the first Monday in September, one thousand nine hundred fifteen. Suitable notice of this meeting, in the usual form, shall be given by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to each of the members, specifying the time and place of meeting, together with the notice of the appointment. Section 9. At the first meeting of the Board an or- ganization shall be effected by the election from the members of a president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Section 10. The Board, for the purpose of examin- ing applicants for license, shall hold two or more stated or special meetings in each year. Due notice of these meetings shall be made public at such time and places as the Board may determine. The Board may authorize a committee of one or more members to conduct the examinations. The Board may hold such other meetings as the business of the Board may require. At any meeting of the Board a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Section 11. Hereafter no person shall practice veterinary medicine, or assume or use the title of veterinarian, or the title of doctor of veterinary medi- cine, unless be shall— 1. Have been a registered and licensed veteri- narian prior to the approval of this act; or, 2. Be registered and licensed in accordance with this act. Any person registered and licensed heretofore may be recorded as an “existing practitioner.” Nothing in this act shall prevent any veterinarian, if legally qualified to use a title, from using such title; but if such veterinarian opens an office, or uses the title for the transaction of business, ue shall be deemed a “sojourner,” and shall conform to the re- quirements of this act. Section 12. Any person who at the time of the passage of this act shall be legally licensed to prac- tice veterinary medicine shall be entitled to receive a license to continue such practice upon making appli- cation to the Board and paying proper fee and con- forming to its requirements. Section 13. Any person not heretofore authorized to practice veterinary medicine, and desiring to prac- tice, may deliver to the secretary of the Board, upon the payment of a fee of ten dollars, a written applica- 65 tion for license. The application shall be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant: (a) Is twenty- one years of age or upwards; (b) is of good moral character; (c) possesses a certificate from the Bureau of Professional Education of Pennsylvania, certifying that the applicant has received a preliminary educa- tion covering at least fifteen standard high school units, or their equivalent; (d) has received a diploma conferring the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine, or its equivalent, from some legally incorporated and reputable veterinary school of the United States, or a diploma or license conferring the full right to practice all the branches of veterinary medicine in some for- eign country; (e) and any other requirements that the Board may deem just and advisable. Such proof shail be made, if required, upon affidavit. The provisions of clause (c) in this section shall not apply to any person who, prior to the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred fifteen, shall have in good faith registered as a student in, and on said date is in regular attendance at, a reputable veteri- nary school. Section 14. Persons applying for license, who have received their degrees in veterinary medicine after the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, must have pursued the study of veterinary medicine for at least three years, including three reg- ular courses of lectures of at least six months each, in different years, in some reputable veterinary schoo] or schools, prior to the granting of the diploma or li- cense. Such proof shall be made, if required, upon affidavit. Section 15. Upon paying the required fee and ex. hibiting the required proof, the Board, if satisfied, shall issue to the applicant for the license an order for examination. Section 16. Every applicant for a license shall sub- mit to a theoretical and practical examination. The examination may be written or oral, or both, and shall include the following subjects: Veterinary anatomy, surgery, practice of medicine, obstetrics, pathology, chemistry, veterinary diagnosis, materia medica, therapeutics, physiology, animal husbandry, sanitary medicine, and meat and milk hygiene, and _ bac- teriology. Section 17. The Board shall issue to every applicant who has successfully passed the required examination, and who shall have been adjudged to be duly qualified for the practice of veterinary medicine, a license to practice. The license shall be subscribed by the of- ficers of the Board and shall have affixed to it by the proper person the seal of the Commonwealth. The li- cense, before issued, shall be recorded in a book to be kept in the office which the board shall establish for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Proof. Students. Degrees. Order for examination. Examinations, Issue of Neense. Record. Examination failure, Foreign State licenses. Registration book. Annual regis- tration. Negistration fee. Certificate. Penalties. 66 The number of the book, and the page therein contain- ing the recorded copy of the license, shall be noted upon the face of the license. These records shall be open to public inspection, with proper restrictions as to their pruservation. Section 18. In case of failure at any examination, the candidate, after the expiration of six months and within two years, shall have the privilege of a second examination by the Board, without the payment of an additional fee. Section 19. Persons examined and licensed by State Boards of Veterinary Medical Examiners or analogous bodies of other States, on payment of a fee of ten dol- lars to the Board, and on filing in the office of the Board a copy of the license, certified by the affidavit of the president or secretary of the Board of such other State, and showing that the standard of exami- nations and other requirements adopted by that State board of veterinary medical examiners is substantially the same as that provided for by this act, may, with- out further examination, receive a license to practice veterinary medicine in Pennsylvania. Section 20. The Board shall keep in its office a book of registration, in which shall be registered the name and address of each and every person duly qualified under existing laws, or who may hereafter become qualified, to conduct the practice of veterinary medicine. Section 21. Each person now qualified and engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine, or who shall hereafter be licensed by the Board to engage in such practice, shall register with the Board annually, be fore the first day of January of each year. The form and method of such registration shall be regulated by the Board in such manner as will enable the Board to carry into effect the purpose of this act. Section 22. The Board shall demand and receive for each annual registration, and for the certificate hereinafter provided, a fee not to exceed three dollars ($3.00), which fee shall accompany the application for such registration. Section 23. Upon receiving a proper application for registration, accompanied by the required fee, the Board may issue its certificate of registration to the applicant, upon which shall be noted the number of the book and the page therein containing the record of such registration. The certificate and its renewals shall be good and sufficient evidence of registration under the provisions of this act. The books of regis- tration shall constitute a part of the records of the Board. Section 24. Any person who shall present to the Board a veterinary diploma which has been obtained fraudulently, or which is in whole or in part a forgery, or shall make affidavit to any false statement which statement is to be filed with the Board, or shall other- 67 wise violate or neglect to comply with any of the pro- visions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for the first offense, and of not more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. The Board or its legally au- thorized agent, acting for the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, shall be the prosecutor in all such cases. All fines and penalties for violation of this act shall be for the use of the Commonwealth, and shall be paid to the Board or its duly authorized agent, and by the Board paid into the State Treasury. Section 25. This act is not intended to interfere with or punish commissioned veterinarians in the United States Army, or any lawfully qualified veter- inarian residing in other States or countries, meeting registered veterinarians of this State in consultation; or any veterinarian residing on the border of a neigh- boring State and duly authorized under the laws there- of to practice veterinary medicine therein, whose prac- tice extends into the limits of this State, and who does not open an office or appoint a place to meet patients or receive calls within the limits of this State. Section 26. This act shall go into effect on the jirst day of September, in the year one thousand nine hun- dred and fifteen. Section 27. The act approved the eleventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred eighty-nine, entitled “An act to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in Pennsylvania,” and the act approved the twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, entitled “An act to amend the fourth section of an act, entitled ‘An act to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in Pennsylvania,’ approved the eleventh day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty- nine, so that practitioners shall be admitted to reg- ister as such and to pay registration fee at any time prior to the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, but not on or after that day,” and the act approved the sixteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred ninety-five, entitled “An act to establish a State Board of Veteririary Medical Ex- aminers, and to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the State of Pennsylvania,” and the act approved the eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred five, entitled “An act to pro- vide for the registration of veterinary surgeons, and to further regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are repealed. Approvep—The 5th day of May, A. D. 1915. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH. Exemptions. Repeals. April 11, 1889. (P. L., 28). April 29, 1891. (P. L., 36). April 11, 1889. (P. L., 28). May 16, 1895. (P. L., 79). April 18, 1905. (P. L., 209). (68) Office of PENNSLYVANIA STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS Auburn, Pa., Sept. 16, 1915. Hon. Francis Shunk Brown, Attorney-General, Commonwealth of Penna., Harrisburg, Pa. Dear Sir :-— Under the Act No. 144, May 5th, 1915, regulating the practice of Veterinary Medicine, &c. First:—How can the Board regulate Veterinary Dentistry? It has always been contended and so ruled by Courts that Veterinary Dentistry was a branch of Veterinary Surgery. Now in the new Act it is specially mentioned. There are men engaged in this work who are not licensed Veterinarians and I dare say the majority of them are imposters, yet, there may be, and I presume there are, some who have followed this for a number of years and, perhaps, depended on its revenue for a livelihood. The Act does not provide for any special examination or license for them. The Board is given power to make rules and regulations. We are not sure could we, under the law, require such to appear before the Board and make proof, pay an examination fee and the usual license fee, this for the purpose of re- serving the rights of such as possessed any under the Constitution, and, thereafter barring others from engaging in this branch of Veteri- nary Surgery without taking the full course. Second:—The Castrators are a class who, under some of the old Acts were exempt. There are many engaged in this work who have followed it for years, and, who, perhaps have constitutional rights that must be respected. However, the intent of the law is to regu- late them and prevent in the future the assumption of such rights. At the present time, perhaps, there are not a sufficient number of com- petent Veterinarians in all sections of the State to do this work, and, the same questions as with the Dentists arises only that the Castra- tors are a more legitimate class and do not as a rule pretend to do other Veterinary work like the Dentists. There are no pseudo col- leges issuing Correspondence School Diplomas like there are for Den- tists. Third:—In the matter of prosecutions, does this Act permit us to appoint County Agents to carry on the work somewhat on the same (69) 70 principle that the Society to prevent Cruelties to Animals now does! We find that local agents could do more effective work. In many Counties, Court and Juries look upon us as outside meddlers, inter- fering with their local business and convictions of flagrant violators are difficult and at times impossible. Another feature about these prosecutions is the delay caused by the fact that the Board must first meet and authorize the prosecu- tion. By the time the case is in shape for action, the pretender is gone, as many of these are of a migratory character. If this Act per- mits us to appoint County Agents to proceed promptly, it will be by far more effective. As I understand matters, it is to your Office we are obliged to look for legal advise, and, in order to have these several matters adjusted so that the Board may be enabled to act intelligently upon all such questions, I hope you will favor us with an opinion on these matters that now confront us. Yours truly, J. W. SALLADE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Harrisburg, Pa. September 23, 1915. Dr. J. W. Sallade, Secretary Pennsylvania State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, Auburn, Pa. Sip: This Department is in receipt of your several inquiries relative to the Act of May 5, 1915, P. L. 248, regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, ete. In answer to your first inquiry, to wit, “How can the Board regu- late veterinary dentistry,” you are advised as follows: The title of the Act is: “An Act reculating the practice of \eterinary medicine, in- cluding veterinary surgery, and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof,” ete. 71 Section 2 of the Act provides: oe * * * The term ‘veterinary medicine’ includes vet- erinary medicine, veterinary surgery, and veterinary dentistry or any branch thereof.” And Section 4 provides: “ ‘veterinarian’ includes a veterinary physician or veterinary surgeon or veterinary dentist.” You will note that the regulation of the practice of veterinary dentistry is specifically provided for by this Act. Section 26 of the Act provides that the Act shall go into effect on the first day of September, 1915, and Section 11 of the Act provides that thereafter fon ee no person shall practice veterinary medicine or assume to use the title of veterinarian or the title of doctor of veterinary medicine, unless he shall” comply with the provi- sions of the Act as therein provided. You are, therefore, advised that all the provisions of this Act of Assembly apply alike to the practice of veterinary medicine, veteri- nary surgery and veterinary dentistry. Relative to your second inquiry, you are advised as follows: As already indicated, the Act of Assembly is one “regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, including veterinary surgery and veterinary dentistry, or any branch thereof.” It is obvious that the practice of castration of animals is clearly a branch of veterinary surgery. More- over, the Act of 1915 seems to be a complete and comprehensive regu- lation of the entire subject matter therein referred to, inasmuch as all the previous Acts of Assembly relating to the same subject matter are therein repealed. An examination of the repealed Acts shows that the Act of May 29, 1901, P. L. 36, in Section 1 thereof, amended Section 4 of the Act of 1889, P. L. 28, as follows: “Provided, that nothing in this Act shall apply or be taken or constructed to apply to persons who practice castration of domestic animals and no other form of veterinary medicine or surgery.” The same exception was made by Section 10 of the Act of May 16, 1895, P. L. 79. Inasmuch as these Acts are repealed by the Act of 1915 and the latter Act does not include the same exemption or exception, the Act of 1915 applies to persons who practice castration of domestic ani- mals, 72 However, Section 12 of the Act provides that “Any persons who, at the time of the passage of this Act shall be legally licensed to practice veterinary medicine shall be entitled to a license to continue such practice upon making application to the Board and pay proper fee and conform to its requirements.” : This provision, so far as it applies to persons who practiced castra- tion of domestic animals heretofore must not be construed literally. Inasmuch as such persons were specifically exempted from the re- quirement to register under the prior Acts of Assembly repealed, they had the legal right to engage in such practice without formal regis- tration of any kind at the time of the passage of the Act of 1915, and therefore any person who was legally engaged in the practice of cas- tration of domestic animals at the time of the passage of the Act of 1915, is entitled to receive a license to continue such practice under the Act upon making application to the Board and paying proper fee and conforming to its requirements. As to persons, however, not heretofore engaged in this practice, all the provisions of the Act of 1915 apply for the reasons above set forth and if it was not intended that this Act shouid be so comprehensive it must be remedied by future legislation. Answering your third inquiry as to whether or not the Act permits your Board to appoint agents to carry on prosecutions in the various counties of the State, your attention is called to Section 22 of the Act, which provides that “a * * * the Board or its legally authorized agent, act- ing for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall be the prose- cutor in all such cases.” You are advised that under this Section your Board may appoint agents to carry on prosecutions under the Act. Very truly yours, JOSEPH L. KUN, Deputy Attorney General.