ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York State Colleges OF Agriculture and Home Economics AT Cornell University Cornell University Library QD 85.W5 Tables for qualitative Shemte^^^^^^^ The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. TABLES FOR ' QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS WITH AN INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER ' 02Sr THE COURSE OF ANALYSIS. BY Professor HEIMICH WILL, OF GIESSEN, GEKMANT. THIRD AMERICAN, FROM THE ELEVENTH GERMAN EDITION. EDITED BY CHARLES F. HIMES, Ph.D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL BOIEHOE, DICKISSOH COLLEGE, CARLISLE, PA. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY CAREY BAIRD & CO., INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND IMPORTERS, 810 "WALNUT STREET. 1881. Copyright by HENRY CARET BAIRD & CO. 1881. COLLINS, PRINT EB. EDITOR'S PREFACE. The growing opinion in favor of increased attention to the study of Natural Science, as a branch of liberal education, on account of its disciplinary value, as well as the practical character of the knowledge acquired, led to a modification of the curriculum of study required for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in this in- stitution, in so far as to allow of the election of more extensive and practical study of Natural Science in lieu of the Latin and Greek of the Junior and Senior years. The expectation is not in this way to turn out Bachelors of Arts as chemists, etc., but simply to make this branch of a liberal education as thorough as the times seem to demand, and to afford a foundation, if desired, for subsequent scientific pursuits. In adapting a course of chemical analysis to this purpose the accompanying tables seemed peculiarly suited. Whilst compact, they are sufHcientl^' explicit, and the summary view of the gene- ral course of qualitative analysis, and of the classification of com- pounds according to the properties relied upon for their detection, afibrds a thread, as it were, around which ciiemical facts may crystallize as they accumulate. For details of properties, etc., in addition to instruction in the laboratory, the student is constantly referred to some one of the manuals of analytical chemistry placed in the laboratoiy for this purpose. Whilst these tables seem thus well adapted to a course of college studies, their general popularity, as well as scientific character, is indicated bj' their extensive adoption in the German universities, and their indorsement by many of the most eminent chemists in this country, and their introduction, iij part at least, into many laboratory handbooks. The second American edition, prepared from the ninth German edition, contains, besides the marks of careful revision, two new tables by the author embodying Bunsen's valuable flame reactions. 4 editor's pkefacb. and whilst nothing in the original has been omitted or changed, new matter has been freely added by the editor, generally placed in [ J. Thus other methods for the separation of the alkaline earths are given, and an additional table (XIY), which may re- place parts of Tables VI and VIII with the advantage of greater simplicity and directness. The note in regard to the detection of titanic acid is inserted on account of its frequent occurrence in iron ores. The chapter on the "Course of Analysis," from the original, is added with the hope that it may relieve any incon- venience in directing the use of the tables. In adopting a new nomenclature for a book of this character, compactness, completeness, and general intelligibility have been mainly considered. Acknowledgment is made to many practical instructors for suggestions, especially to Professor P. A. Genth, of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. CHAKLES F. HIMES. Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., 1874. \ The third American edition, from the eleventh Grei-man edition, contains, besides a few changes and additions by the author, some verbal changes that may render it more readily intelligible, and such modifications of nomenclature as may cause it to confoi'm more fully to what seems most general usage in text-books and books of reference. C. F. H. Dickinson College, 1881. CONTENTS. Course of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, page ' Table I. Preliminary Examination. — Behavior of solid inorganic sub- stances at a high temperature, alone and with reducing agents. Preliminary Examination. — Flame reactions. Preliminary Examination. — Flame reactions (Incrustations). Preliminary Examination. — Behavior of metallic- oxides with phosphorus salt and borax. Fluxing. — Conversion of insoluble compounds into soluble. Detection of Metallic Oxides. — General statement of their be- havior with hydrochloric acid, 'hydrogen sulphide, ammonic sulphide, ammonia, and ammonic carbonate. Detection of Metallic Oxides. — Treatment of the precipitate ob- tained by hydrogen sulphide. Detection of Metallic Oxides. — Treatment of the precipitate ob- tained by ammonic sulphide. and X. Detection of Metallic Oxides. — IX. Treatment of the precipitate obtained by ammonic carbonate, (carbonates of the alkaline earths.) X. Treatment of the fluid which is not pre- cipitated by hydrogen sulphide, ammonic sulphide, or ammonic carbonate (magnesia and the alkalies). Detection of Acids or Halogens. Preliminary Examination. — Behavior of the more important acids, upon heating their salts with concentrated sulphuric acid. Detection of Acids. — Behavior of the more important acids with the precipitants, hydrochloric or nitric acid, baric chloride, calcic chloride, and magnesic sulphate. Detection of Acids. — Behavior of the more important acids with ferric chloride, argentic nitrate, and indigo solution. [Table XIV. Detection of Metallic Oxides. — Additional method for the treat- ment of the filtrate from the precipitate by HjS, that may replace portions of Tables VI and VIII.] C. F. H. Table II. Table III. Table IV, Table V. Table VI. Table VII. Table VIII. Table IX. Table XI. Table XII. Table XIII. COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. I. Preliminary Examination and Solution of Solids. — In the qualitative examination of a solid, its general nature must first of all be ascertained. This is accomplished by an examination in the dry way, which always necessarily precedes the qualitative analysis proper, in the wet way, and which includes with the care- ful observation of its physical characteristics (form, color, lustre, hardness, specific gravity, etc.) that of its deportment at high ternperatures, either alone, with access of air, in the flame, or in the presence of other compounds, which may effect its decompo- sition or solution. The preliminary examination is conducted according to Tables I to IV, and serves not only to determine the general chemical nature of the body, and the quality of the metals and metallic oxides, but may also indicate the quality of some metalloids. Table XI serves exclusively for tiie prelimi- nary examination for acids, and especially for volatile acids, or such as afford volatile products of decomposition with concentrated sulphuric acid. These tabular statements require no elucidation for their appli- cation, as they explain themselves, and continued practical em- ployment of them will impart the necessary degree of certainty to conclusions obtained by means of them. After the determina- tion of the class of compounds, to which the substance under examination belongs, hy the preliminary examination in the dry way, the conversion of. it into the liquid form, alone suitable for analysis in the humid way, must be considered. In many cases this operation must be preceded bj' the preparation of the sub- stance, bj' giving it the form best adapted to solution. If its nature permits, it must be finely pulverized, and sometimes also elutriated. This is especially indispensable with minerals, espe- cially with silicates, as well as with all other compounds that are difficultly soluble, insoluble, or decomposable with difficulty. 8 COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. ' It must then first be ascertained whether the substance is wholly or partially soluble, or totally insoluble iii water. If partially soluble, the filtrate from the undissolved portion will leave a clearly perceptible residue, when evaporated on clean platinum foil or in a capsule, whilst if totally insoluble no such residue will be left. The reaction of the aqueous solution, whether it be neutral, acid, or alkaline, must also be determined by test-paper. If the substance dissolves only partially in water, the constituents of the dissolved and undissolved portions must be ascertained separately. If it is insoluble in water, the effect of dilute and concentrated hydrochloric acid must be tried, whilst note is taken of any evolution of gas in the operation; carbonates develop COj with effervescence; superoxides or c/iromates, chlorine gas; cyanides, prussic acid; many sulphides, H^S ; sulphites and hypo- sulphites, SO^, the latter with the separation of sulphur; some reguline metals (Zn, Fe, Sn, etc.) develop hydrogen gas with HCl, or, in presence of arsenic, arsenetted hj'drogen ; in presence of antimony, antimonetted hydrogen. J|' solution in -HCl is only partial, as a rule a separation of one or more constituents is effected by it, and the insoluble residue must be separated from the liquid, and dissolved by further treatment (Table Y). A sub- stance (or the residue) insoluble in HCl, must be treated with nitric acid or aqua regia. Many sulphides yield, with nitric acid, sulphur, which by sufficiently prolonged action collects as yellow globules, or disappears entirely, when newly formed sulphuric acid is always detected, unless the metallic oxide produced forms a compound with it insoluble in the acid. 'Yhns plumbic sulphide (galena) affords plumbic sulphate with nitric, acid; sulphides of tin and antimony are converted into vjhite oxides ; whilst mercuric sulphide is entirely unaffected by nitric acid, but dissolves very readily in aqua regia. The reguline metals are almost all soluble in nitric acid, and such a metal unaffected by HNO3 must contain Au, Pt, Ir, or the rarer metals in platinum ores. Oold a.i\d platinum are soluble in aqua regia; palladium, also in HNO3; tin and antimo7iy are converted by HN 0, into white oxides (insoluble in excess of the acid), and are readily dissolved in aqua regia (or in HCl with KClOj), if excess of HNO, is avoided. A substance insoluble in and undecomposable by any of the acids mentioned, even by prolonged digestion at a moderate tem- perature, will be found in Table Y, and must be rendered soluble (by fluxing), according to that table, after its general chemical COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. \) nature has been ascertained by a preliminary examination in tlie dry way (according to Tables I to IV). II. Qualitative Examination of the Substances in Solution. — In a qualitative examination of a liquid (not a solution prepared by tlio investigator), it is necessary first to ascertain — 1. Whether volatile or non-volatile ingredients are present, by evaporating a portion of the liquid on platinum foil, or in a cap- sule. If a fixed residuum remain it must be subjected to the pro- cesses for the preliminary examination of solids, except of course such as relate only to solution. 2. Whether its reaction with test-paper is neutral, acid, or alkaline. These tests should never be omitted, since, with care, the pre- sence or absence of whole groups of substances can be inferred fr6m the results. Thus it is plain that no fixed substance need be sought for in a solution which leaves no residuum upon care- ful evaporation (that is, not produced by violent ebullition). A neutral liquid as a rule can only contain salts of the alkalies or alkaline earths, since the salts of nearlj' all other metallic oxides have an acid reaction. The presence of free alkali (especially in the absence of non-volatile organic compounds) excludes all oxides insoluble in alkaline liquids, and if the alkaline reaction is due to an alkaline carbonate no alkaline earth can be present. (Among the exceptions to this rule are Fe.^0,,, CuO, etc., in pre- sence of non-volatile organic matter, as well as oxides, cyanides, sulphides, etc., soluble inpotassic cyanide and alkaline sulphides.) The presence of certain metals also indicates the absence of cer- tain acids, and vice versa; thus Ag need not be sougiit for in a reguline metal completely soluble in HCl, nor Au, Sn, or Sb, etc., in one soluble in HNO.,. A portion of the solution of a solid, produced in any way, is employed for the detection of the metals, and another portion for the detection of the acid. A. Detection of the Metals. Table VI sets forth in a compact form the reactions of thfe metals with general reagents, and therefore serves as the chief guide to their detection. Whilst the course prescribed by it is easilj' understood with a little reflection, it is, however, absolutely necessary that the following rules be kept in view in the qualita- tive examination of complex compounds. 1. The Precipitation by each of the General Beagents employed 10 CO0ESE OF QDALITA.TIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. must he complete. The precipitant is therefore added gradually as long as a precipitate is produced by it, or with H^S, until the liquid smells strongly of it even after shaking. The separation of the insoluble compound formed is promoted, in almost all cases, by gently warming the liquid. Some metallic oxides (As.p., M0O3, oxides of Pt, Ir, and Rh) are but slowly precipi- tated by H^S, often only after warming the liquid, supersaturated with it, from twelve to twenty-four hours. (As^O^ much more rapidly, however, if heated to 60'^-'70° C.) 2. The precipitates which characterize the several groups must be completely freed from the members of the remaining groups, still in solution, by washing with water. This is accomplished, according to circumstances, either upon a filter, or also in a test- tube by allowing the precipitate to subside and pouring off the clear liquid, and repeating the operation a number of times with fresh water. By carefully evaporating on platinum foil a portion of the filtrate from the precipitate of any group, not too small, the presence of members of the remaining groups may at once be ascertained. When easily oxidizable sulphides insoluble in dilute acids are present, some H^S solution is added to the wash water, or in case of ferric and manganic suli)hides a few drops of am- monic sulphide, to prevent oxidation when the washing is pro- longed. By inattention to the two preceding conditions (complete pre- cipitation and thorough washing)^ it is evident the members of the various groups may remain partiallj' mixed with each other, and reactions may be obtained in the subsequent analytical opera- tions which are not noticed in these tables, and which are in- explicable to the inexperienced. 3. The mineral acid employed for acidulaiion of the liquid (if it is not already sufficiently acid) is either HC'l, or HNO.^, either dilute or concentrated, but not in such a quantity as to prevent the formation of insoluble sulphides. The first is usually pre- ferred, when the possible precipitation of AgCl, Hg^Cl.,, PbCl^, etc., as indicated in Table VI, must be considered. 4. If, in following the systematic course of qualitative analysis, the presence of one or more members of the different groups is recognized and proved by the reagents suggested in the tables, the analyst (especially the beginner) must make a series of con- firmatory experiments with the original substance, or its separate constituents, which may control the results already obtained. Such experiments should never be omitted by the beginner, since COURSE OF QUALITATIVE- CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 11 it is the principal aim of analytical exercises not only to become acquainted with the simple course of analysis, but to become familiar with the deportment of a body in all its relations. Only by following this important rule will the less experienced be pro- tected from errors and deceptions. For these continually arise from ignorance of the deportment of bodies, or the non-observance of the conditions upon which the result of an experiment — the appearance of the phenomenon which we regard as the proof of the presence of a substance — rests. The metals are further distinguished and separated according to Tables VII to X. [Or the course may be much simplified without sacrifice of accuracj', by proceeding according to Table XIV with the filtrate from the H^S precipitate of Table VI, in- stead of treating it according to the method of that table.] C. F. H. B. Detection of Acids or Representatives of them. The qualitative analj'sis of acids is quite as simple as that of metals. In almost all cases the preliminarj^ examination accord- ing to Tables I and XI, in connection with the quality of the metals previously detected, indicates in what class of acids, specially, tests are to be made. The knowledge of the deportment of a salt toward solvents, and the reaction of its aqrieous solution with test-paper, are especially important for this inference. By igniting the substance alone, as well as by heating it with con- centrated sulphuric acid (according to Table XI), the presence of organic as well as volatile inorganic acids is ascertained. If there is reason to suspect the presence of several acids, or their salts, the circumstances must be, considered, in the preliminary testing, which may possibly occasion deception, since changes may occur, or phenomena present themselves upon ignition or ti'eatment with sulphuric acid different from those afforded by the several acids alone. Thus salts of organic acids, when mixed with nitrates or chlorates, decompose upon ignition without blackening, but generally with deflagration, and if suflScient organic matter is present no nitrate can then be detected after ignition, but only a carbonate, if the base is an alkali or alkaline earth. A mixture of a nitrate with a chloride develops, on treatment with concen- trated sulpljiuric acid, neither pure hydrochloric nor nitric acid, but chlorine and red nitrous vapors; in a mixture Of a sulphite with a nitrate (chromate, chlorate, etc.) the sulphurous is con- verted into sulphuric acid ; and sulphur is separated from most sulphides. 12 COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. That the presence of volatile organic acids in an uncombiiiecl condition may not lie overlooked, the acid solution is neutralized with sodic carbonate, evaporated and ignited, when organic acids will decompose with blackening, whilst they might otherwise be volatilized undecomposed. For the detection of the more important acids in the wet way, in substances in solution, the course in Tables XII and XIII is followed. The use of general reagents for acids in most cases is only intended to determine the presence or absence of the mem- ibers of a whole group of acids. The examination for the separate acids of these groups requires in addition the employment of the special tests of the tables. If the examination for acids must take place in neutral liquids, acid solutions are neutralized with ammonia, alkaline ones with HNO„ or also with HCl if AgNOg is not to be used as a precipi- tant. If the compound was not originally soluble in water, but was soluble in acids without visible decomposition, and the base is an alkaline earth or an earth, then the acid solution (as in case of phosphates or oxalates of the alkaline earthy) cannot be tested in a neutral condition by CaCl,, since, on neutralization with am- monia, the whole salt would be precipitated. In ^such cases (to which besides attention is directed in the precipitate of metallic oxides by HCNHJS), the test for the acids is made in acetic acid solutions, (with CaCl^ for oxalic acid, and Fe.^Clg for phosphoric acid), or the base is first removed in the proper way, (alkaline earths by H,SO„ heavy metals by H,S or H(NHJS). From the salts of oi'ganic acids, insoluble in water, the acids are removed by boiling with sodic carbonate, and the neutralized filtrate is tested with HCl. If a liquid, which contains H.^S, or a soluble sulphide, is to be tested for such acids as are precipitated from acid solutions by AgNO, but not by ferric salts (HCl,HBr,HI), the sulphur, is removed by addition of ferric sulphate, and the filtrate acidified with HNO3 is tested for these acids. Compounds in- soluble in water and acids are decomposed according to Tables V and XII to be tested for acids. TABLE I. Pkeliminaky Examination. Behavior of Inorganic Solid Sul Substances of rare occurrence aJ- 1 . Easily volatilized when heated upon charcoal {or upon platinum foil, or in a dry test-tube) : — 2. Fusible without volatilizing, and without changing color ; — 3. Deflagrate when heated upon charcoals — 4. Infusible, or difficultly fusible, without changing color : — Compounds of ammonia aiid mercury, and some of a the air; all organic compounds are decomposed when hea Most of the salts of the alkalies and some of those o|!i brown. Some silicates, »s Zeolites. — Borates and alum sm antimony, Wad, ihalhum, cadmium, tellurium, bismuth, sine, in,'j former metals at the same time give incrustations. (See a Nitrates, chlorates, perohlorates, iodates, brom!| The earths and their salts; the alkaline earths and j, after ignition. Silica, and many of its compounds.— Of tlj| and rhodium are infusible before the blowpipe. \ 5. Assume a darker color when heated: — ' Many metallic oxides and their salts, as: zinc oxiji and antimonic acid, yellow; plumbic oxide, bismutij 6. Color the flame of a Bunsen gas-lamp, or the point of the blue flarke of the blowpipe {upon plati- num wire, or in case of metallic compounds upon charcoal) : — Violet. « Fotassfti Eahidia, Yellow.* r * \ Soda, or a mixture of salts of the alkalies. * The colored flames may be distiaguished with most certainty by prismatic analysis. Crimson. ;! Lithia, ;' Btrontia.*< the:aS t Especi»li Blue Glass. 7. Cfive, when moistened with a solution of cobalt, and strongly heated upon charcoal: — BoiateSi Silioates, ''"'lot the Alkalies. Blce or Bluish- Violet Infusible I;\ , « ti- Alumlna. and many of its compounds, i: Phosphates of the Earths, Silicio Acid and some Silicates of the El' a Garlic Odor. Hepar.* Metallic Gufii 8. Give, when ignited with sodic carbonate [or sodic carbonate and potassic cyanide), in the reducing flame, upon charcoal: — Most of the Com- AH Componnds of Snlphnr Bright malleable 8,^5 pounds of Aisenio, (seleninm, teUnrinm) r without exception. * The mass when moistened blackens silver, and with acids, develops sulphuretted (sele- niuretted or tellurettedj hydrogen. Tin, white. 1 Silver, whitej. Copper, 'ed. i Gold, yellow.) Odorous Gases. 9. Give, when heated in a glass tube open at both er^ds, and held obliquely : — Metallic Sulphides,— of burning sulphur. " Seleaides, — of decaying radishes. " Arsenides,— of garlic. Some ammoniacal compounds,- of ammonia. Metallic fluorides (upon addition of phos- phorus salt). Metallic Coatihi Some Arsenides, ; Some comuounds of Me'rt (especially with 's carbonate). 10. In contact with zinc and hydrochloric {or sulphuric) acid color the fluid: — Violet or Lilac. Blue, then Copper red. Blue th Titanic Acid.' Tnngstic Acid. * The coloration with zinc and HCl takes pla( )stances in the Preliminary Tests. ■e placed in [ ] in the Tables. rsenic [and thallium], sulphur and its acids, ■water, etc. Carbon burns upon ignition in .ted, most of them with the separation of carboa (blackeniDg). ' the alkaline earths. After iotense ignition in the reducing flame, they color turmeric paper ell up ; oommon salt and other salts, also many minerals, decrepitate. — Of the reguline metals, dium, and tin fuse easily before the blowpipe ; silver, copper, and giold, with more difficulty ; the elow, 8, and Table III.) ates, etc. :i their salts. When heated they glow with white light. The earths show no alkaline reaction le reguline metals, iron, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten, platinum, iridium, palladium, de, yellow (glows with yellowish-green light) ; stannic oxide, titanic acid, niobic acid, tious oxide, chromates, mercuric oxide, etc., brown. Orange. Yellowish-Gbben. Green. Blue. I Lime.** Baryta,** Onpriq oxide,t Arsenic, '* Molybdio Acid, Phosphoric Acid,tt Antimony, ' Boraoio Acid, tt Lead, I ' Tellurons Acid, Seleninm, billy after moistenmg with hydrocljloric acid, or Compounds of Thallium. ' Ouprio ohlorideit lUdition of argentic cliloride, transitory. Indinm. idly after the addition of some argentic chloride. tt I" '^"^ ^^I's ^f'®"^ moistening with sutphurio acid. IHass. Green Mass. Flesh-red Mass. Brown or Brick-red Mass. Gray Mass. Zincio oxide, (yellowish- Mac^nesia, Baryta, Glncina, Titanic Aoid, ' green. Tantalio Acid, Lime, iliarths. Stannic oxide, BluiBh-greea. Strontia. Antim mio Aoid, ) Muddy- j Niobic Acid, ' green. luiiNS WITHOUT Incrustation. MetallicGrains with Incrustation. Incrustation without J ^ , , " , Metal. Iiinmigles. Gray infusible powder. Metal brittle. Metal malleahle. , ^ , J. . , , -^ , Antimony, Lead, Zinc, white, not volatile ( Magnetic. Non-magnetic, j ^hjte, volatile. I. yellow. In the outer flame. Bij Iron, Molybdenum, Bismuth, Thallium, Cadmium, reddish-brown. i Nickel, ^ngsten, j, brownish-yellow. Tarnishes, I. yellow. Tellurium, white. jr. Cobalt. Platinum, Indium, Iridium, I. white. illSO. White Coating. Fused Sublimate. Drops of Water. "' ' Met llio arsenides, crystalline. \ Higher Metallic snlpbides, brownish-yellow. AH hydrates, (Wiry " antimonides, ( f„aii,ie Metallic selenides ahd selenium, dark red. (More distinct in a lliiodlc " tellurides, ' ' (Also sulphide of arsenic.) bulb tube.) i Plumbic sulphide, I Some salts of ammonia, \ Blue, then Green and Blue, then Muddt , ^m Green and Violet. Dark Brown. or Brown. Ubebn. '' j i ^ » ^ , * ^ , ^ ^ "Tv^dioAoid. Molybdio Aoid. Tantalio and Kiobio Acids.* Chromic Aoid, 1 M more readily after fusion of the insoluble substance with acid potassium sulphate. ' TABLE II. Pkeliminakt Examination. 11. Flame Reactions wittfJ a. 1.. ft c ^' B °^ &- D a.. / \^«■ \. J '■ l r 1 ci/, ti, a, a„ the dark nucleus, a/,, e, a/, &, tlie flame mantle, u, &, a, the luminous point not in the normal flame,- but formed, when needed, hy partially turning the collar. Most of the tests described in Table I can be made more easily than with the blowpipe, by means of the non-luminous flame of a Bunsen gas-lamp, provided with a movable collar (by turning which the access of air may be regulated), and a conical chimney d, d, d, d. The flame should have the form shown in the annexed figure. The portions which serve for conducting the difi^erent reac- tions are distinguished as fol- lows: 1. Tl'hebaseoftheflaineat A, having the lowest tempera- ture ; 2. The zone of fusion at B, having the highest tempera- ture ; 3. The lower oxidizing flame at G; 4. The upper oxi- dizing flame at E, the tip of the non-luminous flame (serves for cases of roasting and oxi- dation that do not require ex- cessively high temperature). 6. The lower reducing flame ai i following, and serving for reduf of fused salts ; 6. The upper, ret^] point formed on diminishing tl closing the draught holes, by specimen may be snpportediiin no thiclcer than a hor.?ehair, o) fastened in a small glass tube, Substances may be tested witl! gard to : — 1 . Emissive power for lighl, b of the zone of fusion. The ei(| low, medium, or high, accordM specimen falls below, equals, oil wire introduced at the same tiiij ' 2. Fusibility, which is expreiU with the following six grades, c I ance of a thin platinum wire in as below red heat, incipient red hi ,i white heat, intense white heat. 3. Volatility, by determining a weighed bead (0.01 grm.) in paring it with the time require!; of sodio chloride, the volat" tility^l 4. Flame coloration, by placj \< [* See Bunsen's Flame Reactions, for fuller explanation and more complete list of special reactions, translat ■f Forty of these may be made by drawing out an ordinary sized test-tuba and cutting it with, a diamond into le ^ the Bunsen Gas-lamp.* t Z>, less energetic than the Btion on charcoal, cr in beads lucing flame at C, the luminous le supply of air, by partially turning the collar. The test the flame on a platinum wire, *|r on a small fibre of asbestos, and held by a suitable holder. 1 very small specimens in re- i ly holding in the hottest part nissive power is estimated as ing as the luminosity of the r exceeds that of the platinum k le. ised on a scale of temperature listinguishable by the appear- cfi^'erent portions of the flame, \at, red heat, incipient white heat. the time required to volatilize the zone of fusion, and com- d to volatilize an equal weight of which is taken as unity. lit ng the test specimen in the upper reducing flame. The coloration appears in the upper oxidizing flame. Mixtures of substances are first tested in the base of the flame to obtain in the flame mantle (for an in- stant), the coloration produced by the more volatile, unmixed with that of the less volatile. 5. Reduction and .oxidation in beads of fused salts. See Table IV. 6. Reduction by charcoal dr a metal. This is accomplished, in testing for mercury, arsenic, phosphorus, sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, by heating the thoroughly dried test-specimen in a thin glass tubef 3 cm. long, 2 to 3 mm. wide, to the point of fusion of the glass, with a mixture of sodic carbonate and carbon (soot from turpentine), or with a piece of magne- sium wire, or of sodium. Reduction of other metallic com- pounds is efl^ected, by first preparing a small charcoal rod, by coating a small wooden rod (as an ordinary match) three- quarters of its length with fused crystallized sodic carbonate, and charring it carefully in the flame, and then placing the test-specimen, about the size of a mustard seed, mixed with a , drop of fused sodic carbonate,' upon the point of it, heating it to fusion in the lower oxidizing flame, and then passing it into the hotter portion of the lower reducing flame opposite. The products of reduction may then be further examined. ed by the editor of these Tables. ngths double the size of the tubes, and dividing these over the lamp and rounding the closed ends h F. H. TABLE III. Pbeliminaky Examination. III. Flame Reactions. The incrustations, if collected on porcelain or glass, afford with further tests decidedly charac|erij ot the substance on an asbestos fibre in the upper reducing flame (not too large, and perfectly if' filled with water, immediately above it, on which any volatile metals present will be deposited, as m these with a drop of dilute nitric acid (containing 20 per cent, anhydride), on a glass rod, they arm Instantly dissolved. Slowly and wUli difficulty f « , A - ^ --^-^ — — \ Lead, cadmium, zinc, indium. Bismuth, mercury, i th^ 2. Oxide Incrustations, formed by holding the porcelain capsule, in the preceding experi; (a) by touching it with drops of stannous chloride, and then with caustic soda ; (A) by touching wi tlon, formed by placing the oxide incrustation on the capsule [when cold], over a wide-mouthen It may be tested by the moist breiith (solubility), and by ammonia blown upon it.f 4. Sulphit ll gently warming the capsule; characterized by its insolubility in water,^ color, and deportmeht^iti \ Volatile Elements Separable I .,.„„„„„ „„^ — i Tellurium, Metallic Incrustation and Coating. Oxide Inorastation and Coating. Oxide Incrnsta- tion with BnCk. Oxide Incrusta- tion with" SnOk and NaHO, Oxi^eii witU/Agll Black; with brown coating. White. Black. Black. White, Idwii Selenium, Cherry-red; with brick-red coating. White. Brick-red. Black. V Antimony, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. Black ; in N Arsenic, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. Lemon bra\i solul Bismuth, Black; with soot- brown coating. Yellowish-white. White. Black. 1 Mercury, Gray, incoherent coating. Thallium, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. 1 % Lead, Black; with brown coating. Light ochre-yel- low. White. White. Cadmium, Black ; with brown qoating. Brownish-black; with white coating. White. White. Coatinil blue| Zinc, Black; with brown coating. White. White. White. 1 Indium, Black ; with brown coating. Yellowish-white. White. White. \ r* Witli a small quantity of the substance the lamp should he suitably turnetd t By blowing through ammonia water in a small wash bottle, with exit tubel L j By an apparatus similar to that for ammonia. See t- § Generally inaolij IS. (Incrustations.) Btenstic reactions. 1. Metallic incrustations, obtained by heating a very small particle Free from smoke), and at the same time holding a glazed porcelain capsule, 0.1 metre in diameter, a dark incrustation, surrounded by a thinner coating [often of a diflferent tint]. On touching r packed, h'tUium. Or unaffected. Tellurium, selenium, arsenic, antimony. iniient, at some distance from the test-specimen, in the upper oxidizing flame.* It may be tested : ittt drops of argentic nitrate solution, and blowing ammonia upon it f 3. Iodide incrusta- id vessel containing fuming HI (deliquesced phosphoric triiodide), and aflerward gently warming it. iile Incrustation, obtained from the last by blowing ammonic sulphide upon it,J and then lith ammonic sulphide (blown or dropped on it). liy Eeduction as Incrustations. , fchorustition ijNOsaudlIHa Iodide Incrnstatioa and Coating. Iodide Incrnstation with NHs (blown upon it). Sulphide Incrnsta- tion and Coating. Sulphide Inornata- tion with HdlflJS. H tinged yel- liih. Brown ; breathed upon dis- appears for a time. Disappears perma- nently. Black to blackish- brown. Disappears for a time. ffhite. Brown ; breathed upon does not wholly disappear. Does not disap- pear. Yellow to orange. Orange, then dis- appears for a time. t; Insoluble SHa. Orange ; breathed upon dis- appears for a time. Disappears perma- nently. Orange. Disappears for a, time. ■ yellow or ■mish-red ; lUeinNHa. Orange-yellow ; breathed upon disappears for a time. Disappears perma- nently. Lemon-yellow. Disappears for a time. Ifhite. Bluish-brown; with light redc6ating; breathed upon disappears for a' time. Rose- red to orange yellow; chestnut- brown when dry. Umber-brown ; with coflFee- brown coating. Does not disap- pear. Carmine and lemon-yellow ; breathed upon does not disappear. Disappears for a time. Black. Does not disap- pear. 1/hite. Lemon-yellow ; breathed upon does not disappear. Does not disap- pear. Black; with blu- ish gray coating. Does not disap- pear. ^ IVhite. Orange-yellow to lemon- yellow; breathed upon does not disappear. Disappears for a time. Through brown- ish-red to black. Does not disap- pear. ; becomes ^black. White. White. Lemon-yellow. Does not disap- pear. fhite. White. White. White. Does not disap- pear. ?hite. Yellowish-white. Yellowish-white. White. Does not disap- pear. i down so that the coating may not be spread over too mucli surface. -i just below the cork. It may also be treated with drops o£ ammonia. G, F. H. ible in the breath, but possessing different degrees of solubility in drops of water. J TABLE IV. Preliminary Examination. TV. Behavior of Metallic Oxides before the Blowpipe i^ and : The bead (formed on a loop of platinum wire, or, in experiments with the reducing flame, luminous gas-flame, the bead, fused on a platinum wire as thick as a horsehair, is introduceopj The colors of the beads frequently differ, according to their temperature, and to the quantity ot t saturated, s. s. strongly saturated.) CoLOB or THE Beads. With Phosphorus Salt. In the Oxidizing Flame. In the Reduein Colorless : — Silica gives skeleton of silica. Alu- mina, stannic oxide. — h. c. all alkaline earths, and earths (s. s. not clear). Tan- talic, niobic, titanic, iungstic acids, zindc, cadmic, plumbic, bismuthous, antimoni- ous oxides (f. s.); 8. s. yellowish. Silica gives skeleto mina. All alkaliml (s.s. not clear), eerie, d and stannic oxides. Yellow: — (to broyn). h. ff. B.) Ferric oxide, eerie oxide — h. Vanadic acid, uranic oxide, argentic oxide. — c. Nickelous oxide. h. Ferric oxide (yeli acid. Red:— h. (s. s.) Ferric oxide, eerie oxide, h. Nickelous oxide, chromic oxide. h. Ferric oxide, c .H acid, containing iron ( Violet : — (amethyst). h. c. Manganic oxide, didymic oxide. c. Titanic acid, niab Blite : — h. e. Cobaltous oxide, c. Cupric oxide: h. c. Cobaltous oxide niobic add (s. s.). Geeen : — * h. Cupric oxide, molybdic acid. c. Chromic oxide, uranic oxide, h. Ferric oxide containing cobalt or copper. c. Chromic oxide, v, die add, molybdic ad Geat: — (cloudy). c. Argentic, zindc, bismuthous, and antiv lurous add, nickelous * Reduction geaerallj takes place more easily with phosphorus salt. In case of ferric oxide, titani test specimett th Sodic Ammonic Hydric Phosphate (Phosphorus Salt), >orax, Iso upon charcoal) is graduUy saturated with the finely-powdered substance. In using the non- meana of a holder into the lower reducing, or into the lower oxidizing flame. (Compare Table II.) e dissolved oxide. (The following abbreviations are — h. hot, c. cold, h. o. hot and cold, f. s. feebly With Borax. Flame* In the Oxidizing Flame. In the Reducing Flame. of silica. Alu- arlha and earths iymie, manganic, h.c. Silica, alumina, stannic oxide, h.c. (s. s. not clear); all alkaline earths and earths,argentic oxide, ianialic, niobic, and tellurous acids.— t s. Titanic, tungstic, and molybdic acids, zincic, cadmic, plum- bic, biamuthous, and antimonious oxides. h. c. Silica, alumina, stannic oxide — h. c. (as. not clear); all alkaline earths knd eartha, lanthanic oxide, eerie oxide, iantalic acid.—h. e. Manganic oxide, didymic oxide, h. Cupric oxide. w to red}, titanic h. Ferric oxide, uranic oxide (f. s.). h. Vanadic acid. h. Plumbic, biamuthous, and antimonious oxides (s. s. ). h. Tungatic acid. (h. Titanic, vanadic, and molybdic acids yellow to'brown.) arefc and iungatic lood-red). h. Oeric and ferric oxidea. c. Nickel- oua oxide (reddish-brown). c. Cupric oxide (opaque s. s.). J acid (s. s.). h. c. Manganic and didymic oxidea. Nickeloua oxide containing cobalt. c. Tungstic add, h. c. Cobaltous oxide, c. Cupric oxide. h. c. Cobaltous oxide. inic oxide, vana- c. Chromic oxide, vanadic acid. h. Cupric oxide, ferric oxide, containing cobalt or copper. h. c. Ferric, uranic, and chromic oxidea. a. Vanadic acid. ',admic, plumbic, nious oxides, tel- xide. As with phosphorus salt. Also niobic add (s. s ). and tungstic acids, the reduction is hastened 1}y the addition of a very small quantity of tinio the pon charcoal). TABLE V. Fluxing Insoluble Compounds. V. Conversion of Insolubl( If a finely pulverized compound, after successive treatment with water, dilute and concenti or attacked by the acids in such a way aS to afford decisive conclusions as to the nature of thi constituents may be determined in tlie humid way. The mode of fluxing in many cases depen( with great care. If no decisive indication for the treatment gt the insoluble compound aceordi of mixed sodic and potassic carbonates, and the fused mass should be treated with water, si for any substances containing arsenic or any easily reducible metal (antimony, tin, lead, bismutn a. Sulphates. (Barie, strontic, and plumbic Sulphates. ) b. Silicic Acid and Silicates. 0. Flu {Fluor^ With sodic carbonate upon char- coal they give Hepar. Baric and strontic sulphates are de- composed by fusing with 4 parts of alkaline carbonate. After treatment with water and washing, the solution contains the acid, the residue the base (now soluble in hydrochloric acid). Plumbic sulphate gives a metallic globule with sodic carbonate, is blackened by ammonic sulphide, and dissolves in ammonic tartrate with excess of ammonia. Qypsum is somewhat soluble in water. Give with phosphorus salt skeleton of silica. The solution of the decomposable silicates is efl'ected by hydrochloric acid ; of the undecomposable by fu- 'sion with 3 — 4 parts of alkaline car- bonate (or baric hydrate), treatment with hydrochloric acid, and separa- tion of the silicic acid by evaporation with free hydrochloric acid. Or by means of hydrofluoric acid. The substance must always be very finely powdered. With concentra they give hydrofluo etches glass; in ] acid, silicic fluori precipitate with ^ The solution is with 4 parts of a (completely by a and boiling with i tion contains the residue the base, hydrochloric acid. f, Stannic Oxide, Anti- monic Acid. g. Titanic, Tugstic, Tan- talic, Niohic Acids. h. Chlorides' ( ride, Bromid phides {^oh etc.) ^ With sodic carbonate upon char- coal tbey give malleable or brittle metallic grains, and are colored by ammonic sulphide. . By fusion with 3^1 parts alkaline carbonate they become soluble in acids. They are also soluble in ex- cess of yellow ammonic sulphide. Moistened with hydrochloric acid in contact with zinc, in a, platinum capsule, they are reduced to metals ; with the production of a black stain upon the platinum when antimony is present. With phosphorus salt they give a blu£, violet, or (those containing iron) blood-red bead, and with zinc and hydrochloric acid a coloration, espe- cially after fusion with acid potas- sium sulphate. (Compare Table I, 10.) The solution is eff'ected by fusing with 6 parts of hydrio potassic or hydric sodic sulphate, (or also of carbonate.) [See note to Table XIV.] Argenticchloride, give with sodic c granule. The dect effected by means sulphuric acid, o lime or alkaline ca being separated^ gives a metallio nitric acid, pluinb a.) Molybdic su phosphorus salt, beads, and is ch« into molybdic ac with zinc and hyi le Compounds into Soluble. nirated hydrochloric acid, Mtric acid, and aqua regia, remains undissolved, or is not,dooomposed Ike insoluble compound, then the latter must be rendered soluble by fluxing, in order that its (ods upon the result of the preliminary examination ; the latter should therefore be conducted tding to this table be given, then it is always to be fused in form of fine powder .with four parts land the washed residue with hydrochloric acid. Platinum crucibles should never be employed *, etc.). liorides. ifar, etc.) luted sulphuric acid i/ioric dcidgas, which in presence of silicic iiiide, which gives a llifater. IB effected by fusing olilkaline carbonate ijidditioQ of silica) ilwater. The Bolu- k acid, the washed m, (now soluble in i.) d. Alumina or Aluminates. When ignited with solution of co- balt they give a blue, infusible mass. The solution is effected by fusing with 3 to 4 parts of hydricpotassic, or hydrio sodic sulphate (or also of carbonate), and treating with water, or hydrochloric acid. [See note, Table XIV.] Chromic Oxide. ( Chromic Iron. ) Gives with phosphorus salt and borax green beads in the outer and inner flame. The solution is effected by fusing with hydric potassic sulphate, or with a mixture of potassic nitrate (or chlorate), and alkaline carbonate. Chromic iron ore, very finely pow- dered, requires successive treatment by both methods ; the mass result- ing from the last fusion with alka- line carbonate (and the oxidizing agent) contains the chromium as an alkaline chromate, soluble in'water. [See also note. Table XIV.] \l^[Ar gentle Ghlo- 4, Iodide). Sul- ^jbdic Sulphide, ^bromide, and iodide iiarbonate a silver iiomposition may be an of zinc and dilute ■IT by igniting with gsrbonate, the metal di Plumbic sulphide iljranule, and with ale sulphate. (See iphide gives, with il, yellowish -green inged by roasting Kid, becoming blue (Jroohloric acid. i, Reguline metals. {Osm- iridium, or residue from platinum ores.) The insoluble mass has metallic lustre or is blalck, pulverulent, and not changeable by ignition. The solution is effected by igniting the powder, mixed with common salt, in chlorine gas, or by fusing with a mixture Of potaasio hydrate and potassic chlorate. k. Carbon. The insoluble mass is black (as diamond, also colorless), and dis- appears when strongly ignited in an open platinum crucible, or before the blowpipe. It deflagrates when fused with potassic nitrate with the formation of potassic carbonate, and when ignited with cupric oxide (in case of graphite in a stream of oxygen), gives carbonic acid. TABLE VI. Detection of Metallic Oxides. VI. Deportment of Solutions of Metallic Oxides with Hf (Ammonia), and Ammonic C (For different treatment of the filtrate fromt Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrogen Sulphide. Oxides which are. pre cipitated from a neutral or acid solution by hy drochloric acid, as chlorides.* Plumbic oxide, white, crystalline, solu- ble in much water, pre- cipitable by sulphuric acid. Argentic oxide white, curdy ; soluble in ammonia, whence it is precipitable by nitric acid. Mercnrous oxide- white, pulverulent ; is blackened by ammonia. [Thallious oxide], white, curdy ; more com pletely precipitated b^ potassic iodide. Uxides which are partially reduced in an acid solution whilst sulphur is precipitated.* Oxides which are precipitated by hydrogen sulphide from their solutions, acidulated bj hydrochloric or nitric acid, as sulphides. Ferric oxide, the fluid is decolor ized, and contains ferrous oxide. Manganic oxide. Permanganic acid, the fluid be- comes joolorless, and contains man- ganous oxide. Chromic acid, the fluid becomes green, and con tains chromic oxide. Autimonious * In an alkaline solution hydrochloric acid (and also nitric acid^ may cause a pre- cipitate when any of the following are present :— ^ Silicic acid, Soraeic acid, Antimon^c acid, Tungstic acid, Molyhdic acid, also oxides soluble in alka- lies {plumMc oxide, alu- mina, soluble in excess of nitric acid) as well as metal- lic cyanides and ferrocya- niden, and all fnetallic sul- phides soluble In ammonic sulphide. A precipitate of sulphur may also be forified in soluble polysnlphides and hyposulphites (thiosul phates). * A precipitation of sulphur may also oc- cur by the presence of free chlorine, bro- mine, iodine, sulphur: ous, nitrous, hypo- chlorous, chloric, broniic, or iodic acid, etc., or generally by the presence of any of the easily reducible higher " oxides which are not precipitated as sulphides from acid solutions. Soluble in Ammonic Sulphide. 1 i oxide, I M Antimonic \ g acid, -' ArseniouB ] i acid, Arsenic acid, Stannous oxide, brown. Stannic oxide, yellow. Auric oxide, Flatinic . _^ oxide, I § M Iridic oxide, [Oxides of Molybde num],* brown. [Selenious acid], red- dish-yellow. [Tellnrium acids], black. * The oxides of tungs- ten and of vanadium are precipitated as sulph- ides only when their solution mixed with d.mmonic sulphide is de- composed by an acid. The solution of SnS in ammonic sulphide is precipitated by acids, yellow, as SuSq. Insoluble in Ammonic Sulphide. Mercurous oxide, mercuric oxide,* Argentic oxide, Plumbic oxide,** Cupric oxide, - Cadmic oxide, yellow. Bismuthous oxide, brown. • [Oxides of palladium], [Oxides of osmium], [Oxides of rhodium], [Buthenic oxide],*** icl(t oxi CobSl ox;i Ferio oxi Feni 4 Tlraji oxi Tlraii oxi Uaiig Zincii [In^: y61 [IhAl oiiii * Mercuric oxide is pre- cipitated white or yel- lowish by a little hydro- gen sulphide ; by an excess, black. ** Plumbic oxide is only completely precipi- tated by hydrogen sul- phide out of dilute, .and not too acid solutions. * * * The platinum- metals are precipitated with difficulty by TI^S. BWro awEc sulpli drochloric Acid, Hydrogen Sulphide, Amnionic Sulphide arbonate, used successively. he HjS precipitate see Table XIV. C. F. H ) Ammonic Sulphide and Ammonia. 'des which are precipitated from neutral solutions (in the pre- of ammonic chloride) by ammonic sulphide. le solution should be supersaturated with ammonia before Idition of the ammonic sulphide.) Oxides, which are neither pre- cipitated by hydrogen sulphide nor by ammonic sulphide, are by ammonic carbonate, in the presence of ammonic chloride, s Sulphides.* 3I0US de, Itous de, >us Ab, Ic ide, .ous ide, ic. |J.S ■de, J ^ ^anous oJiide, ih-red. c oxide, white. oxidel,** Ipwiah. llious oxide],** ok. !-•« incic sulphide Is in- le in acetic acid, .tous and' nickelous tide are witli difli- solubie in dilute ichlorfc acid, and in : acidj nickelous ide is sliglitly solu- a yellow ammonic lide (containing am- i)witlial>rown color halliumand Indium 3t noticed further in Tables, (traces of only occur, and they iBily detected by the roscope.)' As Oxides : ,0 precipitlble by ammonia. a. Soluble in Potassa. Alumina,* )^„,„,^^3, [Glucina], ' Chromic oxide, green. [Tantalio acid].** [Mobic acid]. b. Insoluble in Potassa. [Cerous oxide], [Iianthanic oxide], [Sidymic oxide], [Yttria], [Zirconia], [Thoria], [Titanic acid], As Salts:* also precipitable by ammonia. a. In presence of Phosphoric Acid. Magnesia, crystal- line. b. In the presence of Phosphoric or Oxa lie Acid. lime, J Strontia, > white. Baryta, J Ammonic Carbonate. precipitated:* white. Baryta, Strontia, Lime, as carbon- ates. as phosphates or oxalates. * In presence of phos- phoricacid, also'aluminic phosphate. ** Soluble after being fused with potassic hy- drate. * The phosphates of the alkaline earths are insoluble in potassa, and soluble in acetic acid , the calcic oxalate is also insoluble in acetic acid. Aluminic phosphate ia soluble In potassa. * The precipi- tation is only complete in the presence of am- monia and upon heating the so. lution to boil- ing. not precipitated : a. Preoipitable by Hydricdi- sodio Phos- phate (and Ammonia). Magnesia, (crystalline,) b. Not preoipi- table by Sodic Phosphate. Potassa. Soda. [Lithia].* [Ceesia]. [Bubidia]. Ammonia. * Lithia is only precipitated from concentrated so- lutions upon heating by hy- 4ric-disodic phosphate. TABLE VII. Detection of Metallic Oxides. VII. Treatment of the Precipitate formed by A portion of the washed precipitate is digested with ammoDic sulphide (with potassio sul to the liquid. (If the solution be partial, the remainiDg portion of the precipitate is subjected dilute sulphuric acid be not white, milky (of sulphur alone), hut floceulent, and more or less a according to A. — The precipitate insoluble in amnionic siilphide is examined according to B. A. The Portion soluble The yellow or orange-red precipitate (containing arsenious, stannic, or antimonious snlph with concentrated solution of ammonic carbonate, and the sol (a.) Solution contains : Arsenious (a little stannic) sulphide. Add some HjS solution, supersaturate with hydrochloric acid, and warm ; dissolve the separated sulphide in fuming nitric acid, or in hydrochloric acid and (a little) potassic chlorate. When arsenic is present, a precipitate is formed in the solution (after it has been supersaturE^ted with .ammonia, and filtered from any separated stannic oxide), by a mixture of magnesic sulphate, ammonic chloride, and ammonia. Traces of arsenic are detected by converting into AsHg in Marsh's apparatus, (arsenic spots disappear in sodic hypochlorite.) Antimonic Dissolve the sulphide in hv and test the solution for:— 1. Antimony, by bringing zinc on platinum foil (antim( tion of SblJj (antimony spbti blackened by ammonio-nitir! acid cautiously evaporated) 2. Tin, by warming thei Si black metallic powder, wash chloric acid, and adding me gray precipitate indicates' tii * By treatment of the sulphides with cODceotrated hydrochloric acid with aid of heat, arsenious suJ antimony and tin (according to {&)). The separation is more complete by digesting the solution of the Rul arsenic alone will remain in solution, as an arsenite. B, The Portion insoluble The well-washed precipitate is treated by aid of heat, with concentrated nitric acid (fi (before precipitation by hydrogen sulphide) was acidulated with hydrochloric acid, then 1 mercurous oxide (though it might from mercuric oxide), and but little plumbic sulphide. Osi Residue may consist of; Sulphur. Yellow or gray, floc- eulent, or balled up, often inclosing metal- lic sulphides. Mercuric sulphide. Black, floceulent. — The solution in aqua regia, somewhat eva porated, is precipi- tated by stannous chloride. Pluvibic sulphate. White, pulverulent, soluble in ammonic tartrate with excess of ammonia. 1' sulphide of mercury is found, the original fluid is tested for mercuric and mercurous oxide. Hydrochloric acid is added to the fluid. Precipitate. Mercurous chloride. Becomes black with ammonia or potassa. Filtrate. Mercuric chloride. Excess of stannous chloride pre- cipitatesmetallic mercury; recog nized by rubbing on clean copper. Solution may c Precipitate Plumbic sul- phate. Preetpitat Soluble in Argentittcl amnionic tar- ride. ' trate with ex- Soluble cess of ammo- ammonia, i nia, arid preci- reprecipita pitable by by nitrioiai potassic chro- mate from the solution. For the recognition of i solution, until the color v tated sulphides are heate Hydrogen Sulphide in warmed acid solution. phide if copper be present), filtered, if there be a residuum, and dilute sulpliurio acid added the same treatment; if it be complete, this ia not necessary.) If the precipitate formed by lored, it (or the original precipitate, if it is entirely soluble in ammonic sulphide) is treated / in Ammonic Sulphide. de, or a mixture of them) is genlly warmed ition filtered.* Residue contains : IS sulphide, alannic sulphide. irochlorio acid and (a little) potassic chlorate, several drops in contact with a fragment of ny produces a deep black stain) ; or by forma- do not dissolve in sodic hypochlorite, and are te of silver, after oxidation by dilute nitric ilution with zinc, dissolving the precipitated 3d off of the undissolved zinc, in warm hydro- curie chloride to the solution. (A white or The brown or brownish black precipitate may contain : Oupric sulphide (traces), Platinic sulphide, Iridic sulphide, Auric sulphide, Tellurous sulphide, Molybdic sulphide, Tungsiic sulphide, Vanadic sulphide. To be detected, if their pre- sence is sus- pected, by the methods of the preliminary examination. phide remaius undissolved (to be further tested accordiap to (a)), whilst the solution may be tested for phides in potassic sulphide with excess of sulphurous acid, finally expelling the latter by boiling ; the in Ammanic Sulphide. ee from chlorine). It is either fully dissolved, or there is a residue. If the original fluid he precipitate can contain no argentic sulphide, and no sulphide of mercury arising from lium, rhodium, and ruthenium need only be considered in the investigation of platinum ore ontain ; Plumbic, argentic, bismuthous, cupric, cadmic [and palladious] oxides. Dilute sulphuric acid is added to it. Hydrochloric acid is added to the filtrate. The filtrate is supersaturated with ammonia Precipitate. Bismuthous oxide. Us solution in a little hydrochloric acid acquires a whitish turbidity with water, a black with stannous oxide in potassa. The filtrate may contain : Cupric oxide. The blue ammoniacal -olution is (after acid- ulation) precipitated reddish-brown by po- tassic ferrocyanide. Cadmic oxide. The coloj'less am- moniacal solution is precipitated yellow by hydrogen sulphide. [Palladious oxide.] The original (brown) fluid is precipitated black by potassic iodide. admic oxide inpresenee of cupric oxide, potassic cyanide is added to the blue ammoniacal misbes ; when only cadmium will be precipitated by hydrogen sulphide. Or the precipi- 1 to boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, in which case only the cadmium is dissolved. TABLE VIII. Detection of Metallic Oxides. VIII. Treatment of the Precipitate formed by Ammor [For a different treatment co If nickel is present the filtrate, from the amnionic sulphide precipitate, is brown, -i the resulting solution is heated with (not too much) nitric acid or potassic chlornte, in ferric salt. If, upon dissolving the nmmonio sulphide precipitate in hydrochloric aci dissolved in aqua regia, and the solution added to the hydrochloric acid solution. (If o table. It serves also for determining, when iron is present, whether it is in the form i The Solution is strongly supersaturated with Caustic Potassa, I The Fluid or Filtrate may contain :*- Chromic oxide, zincic oxide, alumina, aluminic phosphate,. [gluoina]. Boll the (green) potassa [or soda] solution for some time. Precipitate : Chromic oxide. (Also glucina and zincic oxide.) Test by the blowpipe. Filtrate may contain : — Zincic oxide, Alumina, Aluminic phosphate,* [Glucina]. Separate the filtrate into two portions and add : — To one part. Hydrogen sulphide. Precipitate : Zincic sulphide. To the other (after super- saturating with hydrochloric acid), Ammonic carbonate. Precipitate : Alumina, aluminic phosphate, [glucina]. (Test by the blowpipe. Glucina is soluble in ammonic carbonate. ) * Chromic and zincic oxjde cannot both be present in the alkaline solution at the same time, as in that case, they form the compoand ZnOCrgOg insoluble in potassa. Chromic and ferric oxides are suc- cessively precipitated according to their relative quantities. Out of a solution which contains magnesia in connection with alumina or chromic oxide, a part of the magnesia is always precipitated by ammonia or amnionic sulphide with those oxides as a gelatinous compound insoluble in potassa. They are separated by boiling with KH4CI, or by dissolving repeatedly in HCl and precipitating by NH4HO in presence of much NH4CI ; the separation of chromic oxide, the presence of which in the residue insolubje in potassa is easily recognized by the blowpipe (by the green color of the bead), from magnesia, zincic and ferjic oxide, and alumina is more per- fectly effected by fusion with potassic carbonate and nitrate or by beating the precipitate with sodic hypochlorite. For the detection of a small quantity of alumina in connection with ferric oxide, the precipitate by ammonic sulphide is boiled with potassa, the filtrate supersaturated with HCI, and the clear liquid neutralized by am- monic carbonate. The detection of phosphoric acid in connection with alumina is effected by ammonic molybdate. Cobaltous, nickelou calcic oxalate; calcic magnesia and zincic Dissolve the Filtrate m Cobaltous, nickelous, and i ma Precipitate the fluid, sligh with hydrogen si Precipitate : Cobaltous sulphide. Nickelous sulphide. (Zincic sulphide). Test for cobalt by the bio pipe, or by potassic nitril for nickel by mixingtheliqu heated with excess of potas cyanide, with sodic carboni iind hypochlorite.-f- * The separation of zincic potassa is not complete, on w latter, some zincic oxide alwaj and is found as zincic sulphide zincic oxide, as well as from r oxide, is more complete, and dt tain, by boiling_ the aliglWi acetate ; all the iron being pr( A solution containing mangani monia, deposits, when expos manganese may easily pass in t If nickel be present, a floe after some time in the cold, which must be tested by the tates, from the slightly acii nitrite. ide, or Ammonia, in presence of Ammonic Chloride. B XIV, and notes. C. F. H.] hed, the precipitate is treated upon the filter with warm, dilute hydrochloric acid, and jy the hydrogen sulphide, and to convert any ferrous salt that may be present into a idue remain. (CoS or NiS), it is first to be tested before the blowpipe for cobalt, then to be sought for, the original fluid may also be employed for testing according to this irric oxide.) Sodaj] and gently heated and filtered, if a Precipitate remain. The Precipitate may contain : , ferric, and uranic oxides; baric, strontic, calcic, and magnesic phosphates; rare earths insoluble in potassa.] (Also alumina and chromic oxide with xide with ferric oxide.*) litate in a little hydrochloric acid, add ammonic chloride and ammonia. ides, (zinclc oxide, with acetic acid, I of heal. Filtrate : ;anou3 oxide, lagnesia). te to dryness, and idue by fusing with innate and nitre lum foil. A bluish I indicates manga test the original with plumbic per- aitric acid. c oxide by means of the presence of the ,he ammouiacal fluid, 1 otftirric oxide from elous, and cobaltous quantities more cer- after adding sodic isent as ferric oxide. QIC chloride, and am- rauic oxide, so that precipitate, jli precipitate forms, on gently_ warming, ,a-sic nitrite precipi- )w potassio-cobaltic Precipitate may contain : — Ferric and uranic oxides ; baric, strontic, calcic, and magnesic phosphates; calcic oxalate ; calcic fluoride; (all rare earths ;) (also alumina, chromic and manganic oxides). Digest the precipitate with concentrated solution of ammonic carbonate. ■)- Residue may contain : — Ferric oxide; baric, strontic, calcic, and magnesic phosphates'; calcic oxalate, (and fluoride.) Dissolve in a little hydrochloric acid, and test the solution in separate portions for : a. Ferric oxide (with potassic ferrocya-, uide). b. Baryta and strontia (with solution of calcic sulphate). c. Lime (with potassic [or ammonic] oxa late and sodic acetate). d. Magnesia (add sodic acetate, then ferric chloride until reddish color is produced, heat to boiling, precipitate the filtrate with ammonic carbonate, and test with sodic phosphate. e. Phosphoric acid (add, whilst cold, sodic acetate, then a drop of ferric chloride ; or with ammonic molybdate). /. Oxalic acid (calcic oxalate is precipi- tated white by sodic acetate ; the preci- pitate is insoluble in acetic acid, and is changed by ignition into calcic carbo- nate).* g. Fluorine (with the original substance). * Also ferric phosphate is, when cold, precipi- tated from the hydrochloric acid solution (made as neutral as possible) by sodic acetate. (Yel- lowish, floctiulent or gelatinous.) Solution may con- tain : — Uranic oxide,* Cerous oxide, Lanthanic oxide, Didymic oxide, Yttria, Thoria, Zirconia, * When uranic oxide is present, the solution, af- ter supersaturation with hydrochloric acid, gives a brown precipitate with potassic ferrocyanide. ** They almost all form with potassic sulphate difficultly soluble double salts. t Digestion with am- monic carbonate is only employed when there is reason to examine for rare oxides. TABLES IX. AND X. Detection of Metallic Oxides. IX. Precipitate by Amnionic Carbonate in p^ Baric, Strontic, Calcic Oc The washed precipitate is dissolved upon the filter in a little hydrochloric acid [or in three portions. If only one base is to be sought the original solution can also be employed I. Portion, II. Portion. III. Portion. Add caldc sulphate. Precipitate with excess of dilute sulphuric acid,* supersaturate the filtrate with ammonia, and add potassic [or ammonic] oxalate. Precipitate insoluble in acetic acid. a. When baryta is present. — Eva-' porate to dryness, digest the residue with alcohol, and ignite the .^Z^ra^e. i Crimson flame : — Immediate precipitation : Strontia. \ b. When barytfl is absent.— &tTont\a, is then also recognized with certainty by the entire absence of turbidity, even * after a long time, upon the addition of strontio sulphate to the hydro- 1 chloric acid solution, whilst calcic!! sulphate produces in it a precipitate i in a short time. •% Baryta. Turbidity after some time: Lime. Strontia. Fluid remains clear : * In the absence of baryta and stroutia precipitation by sulphuric acid ia unneces- sary. * Or add not too little dilate solution o: Add to the liquid dilute sulphuric acid, flit and add ammonic oxalate. Precipitate (ii Lime. X. Fluid which is Precipitated neither by Hydrogen It may contain : — Magnesia, Potassa, Soda, Lithia, ^ Evaporate a portion (not too small) of the fluid-upon platinum foil; if after ignition no r( Test for Ammonia. Test for Magnesia. II Warm the origing,l substance, or its solution, (not the fluid X.,) with calcic hydrate. The presence of Ammonia is recognized by the odor, as well as by the white cloud which arises when a glass rod moistened with hydro- chloric acid is brought near. Slight traces may be detected by condensing the vapor, developed bj calcic hydrate, in a test-tribe, and adding to it an alkaline soltition of mercuric iodide in potassic iodide; ammonia producing a brownish-red precipitate. 1 > Add sodie phosphate (and free ammonia if not already .present) to a portion of the fluid X. (or to the original solution if it contain no oxides of the heavy metals or allta- line earths). The presence of magnesia is manifested by a crystalline preci- pitate, which forms slowly when only traces of magnesia are pre- sent. (If the separation of the alkaline earths by ammonia and ammonic carbonate did not take place at a boiling heat, sodic phos- phate will always give a small, flocculent precipitate of a phos- phate of an alkaline earth.) a. When magri ignite gently (to| overflowing with: a crimson of lithii^ residue for potai solution ; for litm or by a mixture t flame. b. When magnt and warm with w Remove the exce acid), and evapor by the spectrosco * Potassa [rubidl upon their colored f envelope of a (pure flat glass bottle witl the flame will entim or lithia. If the fla [rubidia and csesia] [Traces of sodiun from organic acids f of PtCli, and gentl needles, best distiui Snce of Amnionic Chloride and Free Ammonia. ^ate, or a mixture of them. etio acid if the Second Method below is to be used], and the solution divided into ir this purpose. [Second Method, c. f. h.] Hssolve the precipitate by ammonie carbonate dilute acetic acid, and add to the solution •Ural polaasic chromate. Precipitate (yellow). Baryta. Supersaturate the filtrate with ammonia, and U ammonie carbonate, wash the precipitate Irontia and lime), dissolve in a little acetic d, and to a portion of the solution add, not I little, calcic sulphate.* Turbidity after some time. Strontia. Precipitate the strontia from another portion dilute sulphuric acid, filter, supersaturate the rate (or acetic acid solution, if stronti.a be !ent_) with ammonia, and add ammonie oxalate. Precipitate (insoluble in acetic acid), Iiime. Eemarks. If no metallic oxide preeipitable by hydrogen sulphide or ammonie sulphide be present, the original solution may also be used for these tests (except that of Portion 111. a), the presence of magnesia or of the alkalies not interfering with the result. Baryta is also recognized with certainty in presence of strontia and lime, by a solution of ctrontic sulphate, which causes a white precipi- tate with it, appearing only after some time with traces of baryta. Separation of baryta from strontia is effected by hydrofluosilicio acid, with addition of alcohol, in which baric silicofluoride is quite insoluble. The alkaline earths may also be detected by the spectroscope. lotassic sulphate fl part by weight to 200 by measure of water). TurMdity after some time, Strontia. . supersaturate the iiitrate (or liquid if uo turbidity was produced by potassio sulphate) with ammonia, iluble in acetic acid). Lime. lulphide, Ammonie Sulphide, nor Ammonie Carbonate. ubidia, Ocesia, Ammonia, or a mixture of these bases. due remains, neither magnesia nor the alkies need be considered, but ammonia should be. Test for Potassa, Soda, Lithia, Rubidia, and Csesia. I is absent. Evaporate fluid X. (to which no sodic phosphate has been added) to dryness, move the ammonie salts), test the residue before the blowpipe upon platinum wire, or by iohol and igniting. A violet flame indicates presence of jt)otesjft„[rubidia and ciBsiaj alone, I yellow of soda, or a mixture of soda with potassa or lithia.* lti"'ti^le latter case, test the [rubidia and csesia], by tartaric acid, or platinic chloride and alcohol in not too dilute by boiling with sodic carbonate and phosphate, whereby a salt forms, soluble with difficulty ; Einhydrous ether and alcohol, in which lithic chloride dissolves, recogn^able by the crimson I is present. Evaporate to dryness, ignite the residue gently, to remove ammonie salts, ir. Add to the solution baryta-water, or milk of lime to alkaline reaction, boil, and filter, of baryta or lime by ammonia and ammonio carbonate (or of baryta by dilute sulphuric I the filtrate to dryness. If there is a residue, proceed witli it as in a. Or test for alkalies ;£esia], soda, and lithia can also be distinguished by the effeqt of transmission through colored media les. If the substance to be tested (best as a sulphate) is held in theioop or^j^latinum wire in the outer e) gas or alcohol flame, if sodn be present the whole upper part of the flame will be colored yellow. If a arallel sides containing a solution of indigo is now brougl^hetween the eye aad the flame, the color of disappear, in case only soda be present; a simple changf, however, to violet or red indicates potassa, I is then observed through deeply colored cobalt glass, thj violet color remains by presence of potassa -g last two as well as the alkalies in general are detected wim most certainty by means of the spectroscope re most readily detected, and distinguished from potassium, when both are in f^rm of chlojides (frei other bases), by placing a drop of the concentrated aqueWs solutipn on a slip of glass, adding " ^-"■ t^aporatiug, when potassic platinic chloride will crystalilz^ in octahedra, and the sodic s^ in ahable by a magnifier.] ' .£ 4 potassa poscope. I I es (free^ ^ a dro^H . orang^H =3 TABLE Detection ob Acids. Prelim Examination. • XL BeHavior of )f mefflore important Acids, or.of t1 : ." ' • " CcAentratedJ A quantity of the dry compound, abrown» or g^Sn, Givgs a gre phospfc lead with Hypos' Trithio; Tetrat! 'Peutathio^ 8 'of which only th% hypo- ■asulpharic)l8 of frequent volve^ith sulphuric acid, id, J^th'Bei^aratiou of sul- iGH'of 'the alk'alies give in a glass tub'e. 4 ■ "■ a.' Acids rmt volatij^per se. ',AU. compounds (jf thas^oids are de- composed ^y cOKentrat'd sulphuric acid, blackening. th^Tety, and developing CO., CO, ain.d SOj. Tartaric Acid, theanid potasaic suit \B .soluble with difficulty ; the lime s^It is soluble' in caustic po- tassit. Race'mic Acid; tift lime salt is atjimonic chloride, g Gi^ric Acid<; give^lprecipitate with excess of lime^lKer only on 'boiling. /. • . . Malic Acidr is n^t preci^tat^ by lime-water,' either cold or warm. Lactic Acid, dissolves readily lin ether. .The lime salt is easily, the zipc difficultly> soluble in water. Tannic Acid, gives a white, visoqua (Precipitate with' gelatine, a blue-black with ferric saUs. Gallic Acid, not precipifeble by gelatine ; lerric salts njoduoe a blatfk precipitate. IJric Acid, gives a»red color with • ammonia, after ataporation with nitric acid. v ; b. Acids volatite perse. I Asi jouilc The compoiThdidoes not blacken, or but slightly, with s.ulphuric acid.' Acetic Acid, gives, with sul- phuric acid and alcohol, ace,tio ether. Their neutral salts are 'preci- pitated a light brown b^erri(| chloride.™ i Benzdic -Acid, Succinic- *" combined With a' metals In a mixture of salts other reac^ns often take place ; thus a metallic chloride ohlo'i^hroin^ acid, etc. The chlorides of mercury %re hdrdlxdecpmposed by sulphuric acid. Metallic ■ a, ' ':'''lw, v _ .' ^ _;: : [ , TABLE XII. Detection of Acids. Xll. Behavior of the more impo- A. Detection of acids in soluble compounds.— The aqueous solution is neutral, acid, or alka one as neutral as possible, it is often necessary to remove the heavy metallic oxides or the ea well as phosphoric or oxalic acid combined vfith alkaline earths. The quality of the base oti generally an acid cannot be present in a neutral or acid solution which already contains the ss by baryta, can be present in a soluble baryta compound; no chlorine in a silver com pound, sol that in any compound such acids as have been added (for solution or neutralization) "ff <* n( halogen), the nitrate is used ; e. g., in compounds of silver, of lead, or of mercurous oxide, bi Precipitated by Hydro- chloric or Nitric Acid : From their soluble compounds, gene- rally showing alkaline reactions. Silicic Acid, gelatinous ; in di- lute solution only after evaporating the acid fluid ; also precipitable by amnionic cnrhonate or chloride. Boracic Acid, crystalline, only from cuuceutrated solutions. Colors the alcohol flume green upon addi- tion of sulphuric acid. Antimonic Acid, white, soluble in tartaric acid. Tungstic Acid, white ; by boil- ing, yellow; with zinc and hydro- chloric acid, blue. Molybdic Acid, white, soluble in excess, with zinc and hydrochlo- ric acid blue, finally brown. Sulphur, yellowish or white ; with the evolution ofSOj from hypo- sulphites, [thiosulphates] and H^S from metallic polysulphides. lodiile, out of a solution of an iodide and an iodate or nitrite. Also several oxides and sulphides soluble in potassa, and cyanides or chlorides soluble in potassic cyanide. If the alkaline fluid be saturated with hydrogen sulphide, all the acids of the metals which form sulphides insoluble in acids, are precipitated, after acidulation, as sulphides. Of the organic acids, benzoic, uric, and tartaric acid (the latter as acid potassa salt) may be precipitated by acids from alkaline solution. Precipitated by Baric Chloride (or Baric Nitrate) : From the solution previously acidulated with hydrochloric or nitric acid. Sulphuric Acid, white, pulveru- lent; quite insoluble in water and ip acids. (In the presence of too much and concentrated free acid, baric chloride or baric nitrate is precipi- tated; soluble in much water.) The original compound gives hepar with sodic carbonate upon charcoal. Selenic Acid, like the preced ing. The precipitate, when boiled with concentrated hydrochlpr|c acid, evolves, chlorine, and ^^murous acid, then ''precipitate^^^^K the solution red selenium. ^^^Higinal compound gives upon fflHRoal be- fore the blowpipe the characteristic selenium odor. Hydrofluosilicic Acid, like the preceding, not out of very dilute so- lution. The original compound gives upon heating silicic fluoride and a metallic fluoride, with plkalies a silicate and a fluoride. Only from m The precipitate i Phosphoric freshly precipital acid without eflei Arsenic Acii also easily solubl ride. The soluti acid is precipitab phide with the ai Boracic Aci( luble in ammX)uii: cipitated.Ksom dil meric paptr dipj hydrocHbric acid dryinjp' Carbonic A( in acids with elt'e Sulphurous from coucehtrati zinc and hydroci hydrogen sulphif Tartaric Aci ammouiu chlorij] tassa ; the potai precipitate becot ing. Citric Acidv boiling the fluid t lime-water or an Hydroferroj forms slowly, si in acetic acid. ' Iirtant Acids towards Precipitants. '^ne, to be determined by test paper. If the acid is to be sought in an ammoniaoal solution, or '"»ths that may be present (according to Table VI.), by which means metallic acids are fouLd, as *ifen excludes the presence of one or more acids, thus rendering search for them unnecessary; 1»»ne metallic oxide that must serve as precipitant for this acid ; e. g., no sulphuric acid, detected 'Wble in acids, etc. (For exceptions in alkaline solutions, see Table XII. below.) It is evident '% be sought ; in all compounds where the reagent can act as precipitant through its acid (or "'(kric nitrate is used (instead of baric chloride). (See continuation, Table XIII.) Irecipitated by Calcic Chloride ! itutral solution. iki soluble in acetic lid. taiiioicl, white, when MiJd soluble in acetic iilivesceace. icW, like phosphoric; f«i* in ammonic chlo- liw in hydrochloric ii|ie by hydrogen sul- \H of heat. ijJi, white, easily so- uiohloride; not pre- tahte solution. Tur- jlf^dnn a solution in liiidbetMunes brown on litlid, white, soluble niiivescence. ginaLCid, white, only (did solutions; with Ijiijorio acid, evolves j{jj, white, soluble in {lbs and caustic po- ii(ia solution of the ,l(«es turbid by boil- jjjivhite, but only by ijilipersaturated with ,,»iouia. jg0aia.c Acid, i|,*ble with difficulty From neutral and from acetic solution. Precipitate is insoluble in acetic acid. Oxalic Acid, white; insoluble in ammonic chloride ; the precipi- tate also forms with calcic sulphate solution ; the original compound evolves with concentrated sulphuric acid CO and CO^ without blackening. Racemic Acid, white, insoluble in ammonic chloride. Also formed with solution of calcic sulphate. Hydrofluoric Acid, gelatin- ous ; the precipitate evolves, with concentrated sulphuric acid, hydro- fiuoric acid, which etches glass. Sulphuric Acid, white ; not From ^J||^ solutions; completely upon a^^on of alcohol. from Uj||e upon a^Rc Precipitated by Magnesic Sulphate (or Magnesic Chloride) : . In the presence of ammoriic chloride and free ammonia. Phosphoric Acid, white, crys- tnlliue; slowly if the solution be very dilute, soluble'in all acids. Arsenic Acid, like the. preced- ing. The acid solution of the preci- pitate is precipitated by hydrogen sulphide by the aid of heat. Tartaric Acid, white. Tie precipitate forms slowly and only in concentrated solution ; it blackens on ignition. Separation of Oxalic, Tartaric, Citric, and Malic Acid. Calcic chloride and lime water are added to alkaline reaction. ~V Fluid contains aS salt of lime: — Citric Acid. Malic Acid. Heat to boiling. Filtrate : Calcic Citrate. Soluble in cupric chloride. Calcic Malate. Precipitahle, after evaporation, by alcohol (and then to be further tesled). Precipitate soDtaina as salt of lime : Oxalic Acid. Tartaric Acid. Treated with cold, not too dilute potassa solution. Residue. Filtrate. Calcic Oxalate. Insoluble in acetic acid and in cupric chloride ; soluble in hydro chloric acid. Calcic Tartrate. By boiling the pot.assa solution is precipitated gelatinous. ■ TABLE XIII. Detection of Acids. XIII. Behavior of the more important Aci( B. Detection of acids in compounds which are insoluble in water and in acids. — From the ^ must have been ascertained. — Inorganic compounds (which, ignited alone, afford no carbon) s aqueous extract (neutralized by hydrochloric, nitric, or acetic acid) is examined according decomposed by digestion with ammonic sulpjiide, the sulphates of the alkaline earths by hoi sulphides afford sulphuric acid by treatment with nitric acid, aqua regia, or hydrochloric acid with alkaline carbonate ; and the ferrTc salts of volatile organic acids, also by ammonia; the and XIII. Acids recognizable by Ferric Chloride. A precipitate is formed. a. In the presence of free hydrochloric acid. Hydroferrocyanic Acid, blue ; the precipitate i-s decomposed by potassa into ferric oxide and potassic ferrocyanide. b. In neutral solutions, or those con- taining only free acetic acid. (If free hydrochloric acid be present, add sodic acetate.) Phosphoric Acid, yellowish- white ; iiiooluble in acetic acid, solu- ble in hydrochloric acid and in ferric acetate and in ferric chloride. Arsenic Acid, like the preced- ing; the original compound gives with sodic carbonate an alliaceous odor. Tarmic Acid, dark blue. The original compound is precipitated by gelatine. 0. Only in neutral solution. Boracic Acid, yellowish. Tur- meric paper dipped in the hydro chloric acid solution becomes, after drying, brown, and then upon moist- ening with a drop of potassa solu- tion black. Benzoic Acid, light brown. The original couceutrated solution is precipitated crystalline by hydro- chloric acid. Succinic Acid, like the pre- ceding. Tne concentrated solution of the ammonia salt (obtained by digestion of the ferric salt with am- monia) is precipitated by baric chlo- ride in the presence of alcohol and free ammonia. A color is produced. a. In the presence of free hydrochloric add. Hydroferricyanic Acid, brownish. Ferrous salts produce a blue precipitate, Hydrosulphocyanio Acid, [Sulphocyanic] intense blood-red, not removed by much hydrochloric acid, but is by mercuric chloride. b. Only in neutral solution. (The color vani.shes oq addition of hydro- chloric acid.) Acetic Acid, reddish-brown ; the original salt warmed with alco- hol and sulphuric acid gives the odor of acetic ether. Formic Acid, like thejpreced- ing. The original compound reduces argentic or mercuric oxide with evolution of carbonic acid. Sulphurous Acid, like the pre- ceding; on boiling, the color van- ishes without precipitation. The original compound, upon the addi- tion of hydrochloric acid, gives the odor of sulphurous acid. Meconic Acid, blood-red, un- changeable by auric chloride. Gallic Acid, black. The origi- nal solution is not precipitated by gelatine. Acid-s /: Only from net The precipitate ii nitrm Phosphoric yellow; also pee monic chloride,!^ nesic sulphate. Arsenic Aci the original com] table by H^S. Arsenious Ac wise like the pre© Chromic Acii nal yellow or rede green by SOj. Oxalic Acid^ acetic acid. The wise insoluble in i Boracic Acid acetic acid ; grje after the addition Sulphurous ,A ening on boiling. Hyposulp]3i|r sulphuric Acid] ? pidly ; soluble in e sulphite. * All these preciji ammonia. The saltt and •metaphosphatef nitrate white ; the I addition of acetic aci albumen. In concei tates are also prec nitrate. is towards Precipitants and Indigo Solution. feliminary examination, the general nature of the compound and the acids possibly present, re finely pulverized, and fused with fourfold weight of pure sodic-potassio carbonate, and the |to Tables XII. and XIII. Insoluble compounds of the heavy metallic oxides may also be ling with a concentrated solution of sodic carbonate ; the filtrate contains the acid. Metallic iind potassic chlorate. The salts of organic acids insoluble in water are decomposed by boiling (filtrate contains the acids combined with the alkali, and is examined according to Tables XII. Precipitable by Argentic Nitrate. utral solution. e soluble in dilute lacid.* iAcid, (tribasic) pipitable by am- bmonia, and mag- i Id, brownish-red ; Bound is precipi- itid, yellow; other- I lading. a, red : the origi [itompouud becomes ((white, insoluble in I lime salt is like- liBcetio acid. Jl, white, soluble in ;|en alcohol flame iof sulphuric acid. oicid, white, black- i |tous Acid, [Thio- jlifhite, darkens ra- litxcess of the hypo- Likewise from acid solution. jitates are soluble ia ;,s of pyrophosphates Jntrated solution ace^ |Hpitated by argentic Acids decolorizing Indigo Solution. The precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid. Hydrochloric Acid, white, so- luble in ammouia and iu sodic hypo- sulphite. Hydrobromic Acid, like the pieceUinii. Toe origiual compound colors carbon bisulphide reddish- yellow after the addition of some chlorine wnter. Hydriodic Acid, yellowish, insolut)lu in ammonia (with removal of color). The origimil compound ren- ders starcli blue, with nitrous acid. Iodic Acid, white, soluble in ammonia, precipitable therefrom by SO2 as Agl. The original compound gives (if a metallic iodide be pre- sent), with acetic acid and starch, blue iodide of starch. Hydrocyanic Acid, white, so- luble in ammonia and in sodic hypo- sulphite. The original fluid gives, with a mixture of ferrous and ferric salts, potassa, and hydrochloric acid, Prussian blue. Hydroferrocyanic Acid, white, insoluble lu ammonia. The original compound gives iramedi- aMyamih ferric salts, Prussfan blue. I^Broferricyanic Acid, red- dimj^rowQ. Ferrous salts give a dark blue precipitate. Hydrosulphocyanic Acid, [Sulphocyanic Acid] white; diffi- cultly soluble in ammonia; the ori- ginal solution becomes, with ferric chloride, blood-red. Hydrogen Sulphide, black, insoluble lu ammonia; plumbic and cupric salts also give black precipitates. Alkaline sulphides give, with sodic nitroprusside, a purple color. a. Alone, without addition of an acid. Free Chlorine nnd Bromine; Hypochloric, Chlorous, and Hypochlorous Acid, as well as Hypochlorites ; and free Nitric Acid not too dilute. Also alkaline Metallic Sulph- ides and Caustic Alkalies. b. On the addition of an acid [hydro- chloric or sulphuric) and heating. Chlorates ; they leave by igni- tion metallic chlorides. Nitrates; dark color with fer- rous sulphate and sulphuric acid; the nitrates of the heavy metals and earths when heated alone, those of the alkalies and alkaline earths when heated with dry cupric sul- phate give red fumes. lodates ; the dry compound gives with sulphuric acid and ferrous sul- phate violet vapor of iodine. Bromates ; give with sulphuric acid brown vapor of bromine. 0. By boiling or warming with con- •ctntrated hydrochloric acid evolve (bleaching) chlorine: — All the preceding compounds, further : — Chromates and Vanadates, Seleniates, Tellurates, Superoxides, and the Acids of Manganese. TABLE XIV. fSBCONDl Detection of Metallic Oxides. *- ' For the treatment of the Filtrate from the H2S precipitate The substances precipitated, according to Table VI. by ammonio sulphide ''■"^ ^"^'f°^ff examination according to Table VIII., may be as readily and completely ^^P'i'''*., Vg gltratettri presence of ammonio chloride, successively/, instead of together, as follows: "°^\ , Amw for an instant (to convert ferrous into ferric salts), and add Ammonio Chlonde m Precipitate may contain Ferric, chromic, uranic oxides; alumina, glucina; baric, strontic, calcic phosphates and oxalates; magnesic phosphate; aluminic, chromic, iron, and manganous phosphates; (man- ganous oxide, traces ; calcic fluoride ; borates of alkaline earths, in part ;) [cerous, lan- thanic, didymic oxides; yttria, thoria, zirconia, titanic acid.]']" ' Digest with concentrated solution of amnionic carbonate. 1^ Solution contains Uranic oxide, [Cerous oxide,] [Lanthanic oxide,] [Didymic oxide,] [Yttria,] [Thoria,] [Zirconia,] [Glucina,] * See remarks, Table VIII., on these substances. Dissolve the Residue , in {boiling) hydrochloric acid, and boil until all COj has been expelled, and add when cold NaHO (or KHO). Boil the filtrate for some time Precipitate, Chromic oxide [Glucina]. Chromic phosphate. Test with blowpipe. Filtrate, Acidulate with HCl, and add ammonio car- bonate: — Precipitate, Alumina, aluminic phosphate. Filtrate, [Glucina] present only if the digestion with ammonio carbonate has been omitted. Test with blowpipe Preoipitate may contain ferric oxide,) ferric phosphate ;>' baric, strontic, cal- cic, magnesic phos- phates, etc. Dissolve in a little HCl, and test in se- parate portions as di- rected in. Table VIII ■f- Whilst chromic oxide and phosphate, in a pure state, precipitated in the cold 1 _ unless present in very great excess, will pass into solution, ilT ferric oxide be present, and, will precipitate on boiling, or remain in solution with Al^Oj, depends on the concentratio' enough with ammonic carbonate, the glucina will be found in the solution, and not in thep The following treatment of the ammonia precipitate includes also the detection of titat Dissolve the ammonia precipitate in as little sulphuric acid as possible (or fuse theiori largely with water (about 1000 c. o. for 0.2 gramme TiO^ in nearly neutral solution), saf acid ; filtrate, FeO, CrjOj, H3PO4, and small quantities of alkaline earths, phosphates, eto.1;(j oxides if they are present in sufiScient quantity; and the earths will be found in the ammoi drying the precipitate, fuse it with NajCO, and NaNOj, and treat with water. The resii- alkalies. Add NH^Cl: Precipitate AljO^; and part or all of the HjPOj (to be detected by % BaCrO^; filtrate BaHPO^ (if phosphates were present) precipitable by ammonia. Absent of the fused mass, provided the fusion has been prolonged enough. ^ 'tETHOD.J ' bf Table VI. instead of the method of that Table, (c. f. n.) ••in presence of ammonic chloride, and which are subsequently separated into two groups, in "tiups in the precipitation of the HjS filtrate, by employing ammonia and ammonic sulphide, in "tm HjS precipitate, until all the UjS is expelled, then add a few drops of nitric acid, and boil 'ionic Hydrate (ammonia). To the filtrate add ammonic sulphide and warm until the supernatant liquid is clear, (if of a dark brown color the presence of nickel is indicated.) In . Frecipilate, 'I'Cobaltous sulphide, 3 , , , Manganous sulphide, flesh-colored. Nickelous sulphide, 5 ' Zincio sulphide, white. Treat with cold, dilute, hydrochloric acid: — ^ Boil the soliiiion (Mn, Zn) to expel HjS, and add NaHO to excess : Frecipilate, 14 Manganese (traces of ■ i^Ii and Co). Test with jlowpipe, and as di- ■ected in Table VIII. il 1! Filtrate, Zinc. Add HjS ; white precipitate. Test with the blow- pipe. Residue (Ni, Co). Wash, dissolve in aqua regia, evaporate al- most to dryness, boil with KCy, and add, when cold, slight ex- cess of sulphuric acid. Non-crystalline preci- pitate. Nickel. Test with the blow- pipe, or potassic ni- trite, etc. See Table VIII. Filtrate. Treat as directed for filtrate from ammonic sulphide precipitate in Table VI., by precipi- tating Ba, Sr, Ca by ammonic carbonate, and examining the fil- trate for magnesia and the alkalies. "~ III alkalies redissolve easily and completely, and reprecipitate on boiling, not a trace of Cr^Oj, jiits separation from FBjO, in this way is impossible. Whether glucina in solution in KHO of the liquid as well as a moderate alkalinity. (If the precipitate has been treated long iifecipitate of the sesquioxides.) Aa acid, a matter of importance in many cases. Ijginal finely pulverized substance with' KHSO4, ""'' extract the mass with cold water), dilute jirate the liquid with HjS gas, and boil thoroughly for about an hour. Precipitate, Titanic jf alkaline earths were originally present, the HjPO^ will remain completely with the sesqui- Ijia filtrate.) Oxidize the filtrate from TiOj with HNO3; precipitate it by ammonia, and after Lie will contain FejO,; the solution alumina, chromic and phosphoric acids, combined with jkimonio raolybdate). Acidulate the filtrate with dilute acetic acid, and add BaCl : Precipitate lof TiOj would simplify the process. If AljOj is present, it wilPaiZ be found in the solution