lhWiUH.HmM*(ll«l«irtliH'imtlNatttH»l1,M*t»Mil«« Q|arncU Hmuctaitg Hihrarg atljaca, Sfeiu ^arU THE JAMES VERNER SCAIFE COLLECTION CIVIL WAR LITERATURE THE GIFT OF JAMES VERNER SCAIFE CLASS OF 1889 1919 xne date shows when this volume was taken. To renew ^s book copy the call No. and give to the hbrariau. HOME USE RULES All Books subject to Recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of pollege year for inspection and repairs. Limited books must be re- turned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all' books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the benefit of other persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it. are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of books marked or mutilated. Do not deface books by marks and writing. #1 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Corneii University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924092461395 MRS. AMARINTHA SNOWDEN, CHARLESTON. SOUTH CAROLINA WOMEN IN THE CONFEDERACY. RECORDS COLLECTED BY MRS. A. T. SMYTHE, MISS M. B. POPPENHEIM AND MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR. EDITfiD AND PUBLISHED BY MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, Chairman, MRS. SMYTHE, MRS. AUGUST KOHN, MISS POPPENHEIM, MISS MARTHA B. WASHINGTON, State Committee Daughters of the Confederacy. COLUMBIA, S. C. THE STATE COMPANY 1903. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1903, By MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, Chairman Publishing Committee South Carolina Daughters of the Confederacy, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction , Report of the Work of the Women of South Carolina During the Con- federate War 7 A Sketch of the Work at Greenville. . . . Mrs. Jane Carson Brunson 26 Bethany Hospital and Soldiers' Aid Association, Edgefield County, Mrs. C. P. Poppenheim 67 Black Oak Soldiers' Relief Association Minutes 56 Correspondence of Mr. Richard Caldwell, Commissary-General of South Carolina y6 Correspondence of Mrs. M. A. Snowden '.. 70 General Work I2i Minutes of the Ladies' Relief Association of Fairfield Mrs. Robert Ellison 36 Proceedings of Soldiers' Relief Association 11 The Hospital at Florence Dr. P. B. Bacot 53 Woman's Work at Abbeville Mrs. Joseph Marshall 69 Woman's Work at Beaufort Mrs. C. O. Barnwell 34 Woman's Work at Camden Miss Emma C. Reynolds, Mrs. John Johnson 64 Woman's Work at Cheraw Mrs. Virginia C. Tarrh 28 Woman's Work at Eutawville Miss Anna S. Sinkler 58 Woman's Work at Grahamville Miss S. S. Seabrook 63 Woman's Work at Hopewell and Mars Bluff, Mrs. Martha J. Harlee 30 Woman's Work at Marion Mrs. Ellen L. Gregg 30 Woman's Work at Marlboro Mrs. D. D. McColl 35 Woman's Work at Pendleton Mrs. Mary Simpson Williams, Miss Anne Simpson 31 Woman's Work at Sumter 54 Woman's Work at Union Miss F. M. Blamyer 55 Women's Associations in South Carolina for the Relief of Soldiers 21 "The Days That Are Dead" Mrs. Lee C. Harby 156 A South Carolina Girl's Recollections of the First Year of the War. . . . Mrs. Martha B. Washington 168 Coast Women in the War Mrs. Virginia C. Tarrh 175 Our First Confederate Flag Miss A. S. Thomas 178 Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas Mrs. Grace C. Cochran 181 Some of My Reminiscences of the War Mrs. Virginia C. Tarrh 190 A Southern Household During the Years i860 to 1865 Miss Ellen S. Elmore 195 Tales of a Grandmother ; or. Recollections of the Confederate War . . Mrs. Margaret Crawford Adams 209 Why I Am a Daughter of the Confederacy .... Mrs. Eleanor S. Ivey 225 Some Heroic Women Mrs. James H. White 228 2 Table of Contents. PAGE. cences of the Confederate War Mrs. W. B. Dunlap 231 h of Life During the War Between the States Mrs. Anna Cureton Stevens 232 als of a Confederate Officer's Wife in 1864 Mrs. Charlotte Palmer Capers 23S The Last Bazar Miss Grace Elmore 247 Experiences During the Civil War Mrs. Mary Janney Leaphart 24,7 Two Equipages Mrs. Thomas Taylor 250 Personal Experiences with Sherman's Army at Liberty Hill Mrs. C. P. Poppenheim 254 Burning of Columbia Madame S. Sosnowski 261 A Confederate Girl's Diary Mrs. Clark Waring 272 The Burning of Columbia An Ursuline Nun 288 The Burning of the Ursuline Convent by Sherman Mrs. Sara Aldrich Richardson 298 When Columbia Burned Mrs. Harriott H. Ravenel 319 The Sack of Columbia Mrs. S. A. Crittenden 328 Recollections of the Burning of Columbia Mrs. Fannie E. Allen 334 A Southern Woman's Recollections A Southern Woman 336 Mrs. Lottie L. Green's Experience Mrs. Lottie L. Green 338 The Response to the Negroes' Call Miss Grace Elmore 342 When Sherman Passed Through Lancaster Mrs. I. H. Foster 344 Reminiscences of Sherman's Raid Mrs. M. V. Green 351 In the Track of the Raiders Mrs. Lulah Ayer Vandiver 356 Recollections of the War Mrs. Sylvester Bleckley 360 With Stoneman's Raiders Mrs. Sylvester Bleckley 366 The Yankee Raid Through Anderson Mrs. R. C. Hoyt 369 Incidents of the Anderson Raid Mrs. Olive Cochran Minor 372 Reconstruction Mrs. Thomas Taylor 376 History of the Orangeburg County Monument Association 386 Index by Localities 390 Index by Surnames 3Q3 Illustrations. Mrs. Amarintha Snowden (Charleston) Opposite 6 Mrs. John McKenzie (Columbia) Opposite 80 Mrs. D. J. McCord (Columbia) Opposite 144 Mrs. Jane Fisher (Columbia) Opposite 208 Mother Theresa (Charleston) Opposite 288 Mrs. Sarah Watts (Charleston) Opposite ■?68 INTRODUCTION. Carlo Botta, the Italian historian, in his History of the War for Independence, says : "In that fierce struggle, the War of the Ameri- can Revolution, the women of Carolina presented an example of fortitude more than manly. I know not the history, ancient or modern, which has recorded a story of devotion exceeding or equal- ing that exhibited by these heroic beings to their American country. Far from considering the epithet a reproach, they gloried and ex- ulted in the name of Rebel women. * * * Their example was inspiring, and it is owing principally to the firmness of these patriotic Carolinians that the name, as well as the love of liberty, was not extinguished in the Southern States." In the not distant future, let us hope that some foreign historian, reading this record of facts, and touched by the witchery of the theme, may, like Botta, tell another continent, in another tongue, how the descendants of those Carolina women of the Revolution, in the third and fourth generation, "presented an example of fortitude more than manly." But he will have to add that, while the heroines of the first Revolution lived to exult with their surviving sons and brothers in a victory glorious and complete, the South Carolina Women of the Confederacy saw their cause go down in gloom and defeat; that cause which, throughout all the horrors of the Recon- struction era, they regarded and still hold in "boundless love and reverence and regret." The purpose of this book is to record, in part, the work of South Carolina women during the War for Southern Independence, not only in making banners, "binding her warriors' sash," and those offices which the cold-blooded materialist classes as "sentimental"; but woman as a potent factor in furnishing food and clothing for the men on the battle line, and for the wounded and dying in the hospital. It is confidently expected that this book will furnish abundant ma- terial not only for the poet and novelist who would forcibly portray "the strength and beauty of woman's devotion," but for the statis- tician and political economist who seeks to explain how the armies 4 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. of the Confederate States could for over four years win many vic- tories and hold Richmond and Charleston against tremendous odds on land and sea, the Northern ports all the time drawing freely upon Europe for men and supplies. The Commissary and Quartermaster Departments of the new gov- ernment, the first year of the war, were unable to clothe and feed the armies of the South, and probably the majority of the soldiers had not the means to furnish their own uniforms. When the commis- saries and quartermasters had organized their departments in 1862, 1863 and 1864, the supplies of food, clothing, and medicine scarcely ever equaled the demand, and during the last year of the war cracked corn was the chief support of many a starving regiment. It may be questioned if the war could have been prolonged for four years but for the constant and untiring aid of the women of the South. An officer, closely identified with South Carolinians, who doffed the garb of a minister of God to wear the Confederate uniform, describes the work of the women of the South in terms which, in the minutest detail, will be amply verified by letters and reports in this book. He says : "Houses were stripped of their blankets and carpets that the shivering soldier might be protected against the winter's cold. Delicately nurtured women, unaccustomed to labor, toiled the livelong day for the soldier. The morning dawn lighted them to their labors, and the midnight lamp witnessed their close. The factories being inadequate to the emergency, the handloom was made to supply the deficiency. The spinning wheel again uttered its once familiar music as it was turned by hands accustomed only to the instruments of the drawing room. Fairy fingers, used alone to toy with delicate embroidery, boldly seized and made the coarse gar- ment of the soldier. The ordinary pursuits of life were interrupted and ordinary associations ceased." No "Sanitary" or "Christian Commission," heavily endowed by leading capitalists or government funds, brought nourishing food and medicine to the wounded or fever-stricken Confederate. South of the Potomac, it was the mission of woman to attempt, and in hundreds of thousands of cases to successfully perform, this self- imposed and unprecedented task. Introduction. 5 There can be no question of the need for such a work as this, in justice to those who are gone, and that those who come after us may rightly estimate the character and services of the womanhood of South CaroHna during 1861-65 5 but a brief account of the origin of this book may be of interest. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, as early as 1896, had urged upon Wade Hampton Chapter, Daughters of the Con- federacy, of Columbia, the importance of collecting the photographs and records of women who had been active in Confederate work during the war, and, assisted by zealous co-workers, gathered valu- able data regarding the establishment of Wayside Homes at the State Capital. At the Convention of the State Division, held in Abbeville in 1897, on motion of Mrs. Augustine T. Smythe, a committee was appointed "to collect statistics of Woman's Work in the War." Mrs. Smythe was appointed chairman and, with two other members of the com- mittee — Mrs. W. W. Williams, of Greenville, and Mrs. James Evans, of Florence — immediately began the work. These ladies diligently and persistently sought throughout the State for records, and invited reports from those who had taken active part in soldiers' relief work. The section of this book relating to Hospital and Soldiers' Relief Societies is proof of the assiduity and rare judgment of Mrs. Smythe and her associates, and a cursory perusal of their report is sufficient to prove its value to the future historian. At the Convention in Greenville, in 1899, Mrs. Thomas Taylor was elected President of the South Carolina Division. By resolution, offered by Miss Bythewood, of Greenville, a State Division his- torical committee was created "to collect historical material with reference to publishing the same" — Miss M. B. Poppenheim, Chair- man. During the years 1900, 1901, and 1902, Mrs. Taylor gave close attention to. this enterprise, believing that the invaluable ser- vices of the women as a factor in the war should be demonstrated as a part of the power of the commonwealth. The subject was kept before the Chapters, and in each Annual Convention was presented in the President's address as an important consideration. At the Convention held in Sumter, Mrs. Taylor, the retiring Presi- dent, recommended the appointment of "a committee, who should 6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. petition the Legislature to appropriate a sufficient sum of money to enable the Daughters of the Confederacy to publish the records of the South Carolina women, these records being necessary for the presentation of a complete history of the war." Mrs. James Conner, the President, appointed Mrs. Thomas Taylor as Chairman of such committee, with power to act. Circumstances making it imprac- ticable to call together the representatives of the Chapters, Mrs. Taylor, accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Flinn, in January, 1902, ap- peared before the joint committee of the two chambers and, with the hearty cooperation of Senator J. Q. Marshall, of Richland, success- fully proved to the satisfaction of the committee that the House and Senate, "in the State's interest, might consider the question whether it were worth the expenditure of the State's money to enable the association of her daughters to put into the country's history the story of her womanhood as it was displayed in the war." The com- mittee agreed to recommend, and the Legislature subsequently con- firmed, the appropriation of $500 for the purchase of 300 copies, which should be distributed to schools and institutions. The editing committee appointed by the President — Mrs. James Conner — in 1902, consisted of Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Chairman; Miss M. B. Poppenheim, Mrs. August Kohn, Miss M. B. Washington, and Mrs. A. T. Smythe, and to the excellent editorial judgment and unremitting labors of this committee, and that appointed under Mrs. Smythe's resolution in 1898, the merit and value of this work are due. The committee is indebted to Mr. A. E. Gonzales, of The State, who has offered every facility, advantage and aid at his command, and to Mr. August Kohn, of The News and Courier, whose judg- ment and advice have been of material assistance. Holding in lifelong recollection the constancy and devotion of those "South Carolina Women in the Confederacy" who are dead, the writer of this introduction would say to each and every survivor of that noble band : Forgive this feeble script which doth thee wrong, Measuring with little wit thy lofty love. Yates Snowden. Report of tKe Work of tKe Women of SoutH Carolina During tHe Confederate War. At the Annual Convention of the South Carolina Division, Daugh- ters of the Confederacy, held in Abbeville in December, 1898, a com- mittee was appointed to collect statistics and facts in regard to the work of the women of this State during the Confederate War. This committee consisted of the following members : Mrs. Augustine T. Smythe, Charleston. Mrs. James Evans, Florence. Mrs. W. W. Williams, Greenville. It was intended that the report of the committee should embrace the work done by the women at their homes, whether in towns or on plantations, in soldiers' relief associations and in hospitals. Their report is now presented to you, and is necessarily very in- complete and unsatisfactory in many ways. This incompleteness comes from no want of effort on the part of the committee, as they have done everything in their power, by correspondence and other- wise, to elicit the desired information. Many of their letters were never answered, but such answers as were received were valuable and interesting. As before reported, it has been impossible to find files or even many stray numbers of newspapers published during the war, except the Charleston Mercury and the Charleston Courier, of which complete files are kept in the Library of that city. Because of this, our information as regards the lower districts is fuller. In fact, a complete history of the relief associations of Charleston could be had, but much has been omitted. Mrs. Augustine T. Smythe. Mrs. James Evans. Mrs. W. W. Williams. 8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. The State of South Carolina seceded from the Union on December 20, i860. In the Charleston Mercury of January 3, 1861, we see the following : Charleston Mercury, January 3, 1861. "The Surgeon-General respectfully and gratefully acknowledges the patriotic response of the ladies to the suggestion to supply band- ages. They are rapidly coming in. They should be two and one- half and three inches wide, and six yards long. The ladies of Colonel Jacobs' family have the honor of having made the first contribution." One of the "ladies of Colonel Jacobs' family" is Mrs. Philip Wine- man, of Charleston, who remembers well the making of those band- ages. While no time was lost in making preparations, the following edi- torial shows how little the terrible events and necessities of the coming days were generally realized: Charleston Mercury, January 3, 1861. "the brave and the fair. "We suppose that everybody knows by this time that all the good ladies of Charleston are busy preparing creature comforts for the gallant men who are keeping watch and ward on the ramparts and breastworks which defend our city. "We might enumerate a host of good things which we have been the happy instruments of transmitting to worthy recipients — good things of every imaginable kind, from mattresses to lint. For the last named articles we hope that our volunteers may have no special use, unless it be to stuff the mattresses." That some hearts were less confident, and felt the need of help and support, is shown by a gentle suggestion from a "devoted daugh- ter of South Carolina" {Mercury, January 4th) of daily prayer meetings. So it is seen that the women began early with prayers and work that were never to cease for four long, weary years. Charleston Mercury, January 5, 1861. A day later we read that : "The Columbia ladies are receiving contributions for the purpose of aiding in furnishing members of the rifle company with such articles of uniform and equipment as may be necessary, at short notice. Several ladies have agreed to make up the uniforms, and are now engaged in the patriotic work. All honor to the ladies of Columbia." The Work at Charleston. 9 The ladies of Savannah had already made sacks to be filled with straw, and sent to the forts for beds. The Quartermaster-General, L. M. Hatch, acknowledges many articles for his department; among others, bed sacks from Miss Toye, and a Palmetto flag for Fort Morris, from the ladies of Mr. Hugh E. Vincent's family. Charleston Mercury, January 8, 1861. Surgeon-General Gibbes tenders his thanks for a contribution to his department from "an old lady born the day Charleston was sur- rendered to the British — May 12th, 1780." Charleston Mercury, January g, 1861. F. F. Warley, of the Darlington Guards, thanks "three ladies" for an "appreciated gift" to that company, then on Sullivan's Island. New Orleans Delta, January 14, 1861. The Mercury copies the following extract from a letter of the aged widow of Gen. Nathaniel Green to one of her descendants in New Orleans : "Rather than hear that Fort Moultrie was taken from South Caro- lina, I would have myself dragged there, and sit on the parapet till the last gun was fired." Charleston Mercury, January 16, 1861. Another woman writes of herself as "a poor, weak woman who can do nothing for her country unless to nurse the sick and wounded, which I would do to the best of my ability. * * * My boys are healthy, strong fellows. I wish they were old enough to do duty." Charleston Mercury, January 18, 1861. Surgeon-General Gibbes thanks a lady of Charleston for two dozen undershirts for the Richland Rifle Company. Charleston Mercury, January 18, 1861. Some women ingeniously turned their minds at once to the home manufacture of articles for ladies' dress, as for instance Miss Nixon advertises home-made furs — "a variety of articles of excellent quality." About this time, the natural desire of the women to be doing found relief in making and giving flags to the forts, or to those com- panies in which they were chiefly interested. Charleston Mercury, January 19, 1861. The ladies of Charleston sent a flag to the Hon. D. F. Jamieson, the "Minister of War," which was made to be opened for the first time on Fort Sumter. lo South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, January 25, 1861. The Fairfield Volunteers thank "several ladies of Charleston for acceptable gifts," while the Palmetto Guard are "indebted to ladies of Summerville." The cadets at Fort Morris return thanks to ladies for hoods, gloves, lint, bandages, etc. Charleston Mercury, January 30, 1861. Surgeon-General Gibbes thanks Mrs. John Bryce, of Columbia, for liberal contributions of lint and linen, and acknowledges the receipt of $5.00 from a lady, for purchase of surgical instruments. Charleston Mercury, February 12, 1861. The Rev. A. Toomer Porter asks ladies willing to work gratui- tously for the soldiers to apply to him. He assures them that they need feel no fear of interfering with those who work for a support. "There is work enough for all." Charleston Mercury, February 25, 1861. Mr. James Tupper presents, in the name of a young lady of Charleston, a stand of colors, to the First Regiment of Rifles. Charleston Mercury, March 6 and 11, 1861. Surgeon-General Gibbes acknowledges the receipt of $40.00 from a lady of South Carolina, living in New York ; $20.00 from a lady in Charleston ; and $5.00 from a young lady ; and calls for more band- ages, on account of the large number of troops ordered out; and returns thanks for $261.00, given by a lady, for the purchase of sur- gical instruments. Charleston Courier, May 8, 1861. Copied from Columbia, S. C. "We learn that the ladies of the little town of Pendleton, hearing that some of the volunteers were in need of uniforms, have offered to make 500 uniforms, in five days, if needed. This is practical pa- triotism, and shows the spirit animating the fair daughters of the upper districts. Besides this, they have raised a subscription for a handsome flag, to be presented to Captain Kilpatrick's company, now encamped here, and another for a company in Pickens District, under the command of Capt. J. L. Shanklin." Charleston Courier, May 29, 1861. The readiness of the women to help in any way is showed by their offer at this date to make cartridges. As flannel and other material became scarce, dresses and other woolen garments were cut up to make woolen bags for cannon cartridges. These, as well as the small cartridges, were made in large numbers by women. Many Soldiers' Relief Association. i i rough, strong bags had also to be made, to be filled with sand, and used in constructing and mending fortifications. Later on, when the bombardment had become heavy, telegraphic orders for these bags would be sent to Columbia and, no doubt, to other towns, and the women would work night and day, and when necessary on Sunday, to complete them. Charleston Mercury, June ii, 1861. A suggestion is made that "mothers, wives, sisters, and sweet- hearts" should begin to knit socks for soldiers. This work had already been begun and, as time passed, every one knitted, some women becoming such adepts that a pair of socks, or even three feet, became their daily task. Charleston Courier, June 18, 1861. Thanks are returned for "a lot of vegetables, kindly contributed for the use of the troops, by Margaret Noisette" (a colored woman). Charleston Mercury, July 17, 1861. "The ladies of Augusta, Ga., are preparing sick tents, to be sent to Virginia." Charleston Mercury, July 18, 1861. Our Western sisters were much more enterprising in some ways, for we see an extract from a Vicksburg paper giving an account of a Woman's Home Guard, "all good shots, and good riders." On July 2ist was fought the first Battle of Manassas, and from that times dates the systematic, organized work of Southern women. Charleston Mercury, July 23, 1861. On July 23d there is a call for families to prepare and set aside blankets for the use of soldiers. Proceedings of Soldiers* Relief Association. ^Preserved by Mr. Richard Caldwell, and ^ven by his daughter to the D. of C, of Charleston.) The ladies of the Calhoun Monument Association had met on July 20th for the purpose of effecting an organization to work for the soldiers. A call was issued for a general meeting, with the follow- ing result: Charleston Mercury, July 24, 1861. "The good work of raising help for our gallant volunteers goes bravely on. Notwithstanding unfavorable weather, a large attend- ance of ladies took place at the Depository, Chalmers street, in ac- cordance with previous notice. Dr. Bachman presiding. The meet- ing was addressed by a number of the clergy of this city. 12 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "The objects of the association were stated by the Chair, and con- tributions invited. One hundred and twenty names were handed in as members, and cash donations of $700, which, with previous dona- tions, make the sum of $1,200. We refer to advertisement of the association. "There was also a full attendance at Trinity Church yesterday, all eager to get to work. Contributions filled the doorway. Boxes upon boxes of comforts for the poor sick soldiers have been con- tributed, and Dr. E. Bissell kindly offered to go to Virginia to take these gifts. "A committee will be at the Young Men's Hall, in King street, corner of Hasell, this morning, from nine to eleven, to receive con- tributions. Boxes close at 12 m. "Another meeting will be held today at the Young Men's Hall, when the ladies who have been cutting out will supply work to those who wish to help. "The meeting yesterday was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Girardeau, who requested the ladies to spend the rest of the day collecting sheets, bandages, underclothing and books." On the same day appears the first advertisement of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, which from that time never ceased its work until the evacuation of the city. "The Depository, in Chalmers street, Charleston, will be open today, and on every Wednesday, to receive contributions from those who desire to aid our sick and wounded soldiers. Old sheets, pillow- cases, undergarments, old or new, linen or cotton rags, housekeeping stores, rice, barley, arrowroot, flaxseed, tea, sugar, brandy, wine, especially blackberry, etc., are desired. These will be forwarded to Virginia immediately. "Let every family in the city aid in providing for the relief of our defenders. Any contributions will constitute membership in the association. Ladies wishing to aid are invited to meet at the Deposi- tory every day from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., and from 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. Work will be provided for those who will undertake it. "President — Mrs. George Robertson. "Vice-President — Mrs. Wm. Snowden. "Corresponding Secretaries — Miss Laura Porter and Miss Blamyer. "Secretary and Treasurer — Miss E. P. Hayne. "Other ladies have cheerfully consented to act as Managers in their respective Wards." Soldiers' Relief Association. 13 Charleston Mercury, July 24 and 26, 1861. The following list of Managers is published : WARD I. Miss Brown South Battery, corner Church street Mrs. J. Snowden 7 Church street Mrs. R. Screven Water, near Church street Miss Blake 10 Water street Mrs. Dewar 39 Church street Mrs. T. Tupper 52 Tradd street Mrs. C. DeSaussure 26 Meeting street Mrs. F. Y. Porcher 13 East Battery Mrs. D. Stocking Meeting and Chalmers streets WARD 2. Mrs. H. W. Conner 23 Meeting street Mrs. Fred Frasef Tradd and Legare streets Mrs. Brownfield Anson street Miss Joye King street Mrs. Nagel New street Mrs. Cowlam Gravely 5 Short street Mrs. R. W. Bacot Tradd and King streets Miss Mary Simons 10 Tradd street Miss Aim Bacot S Orange street WARD 3. Mrs. Wiltberger 23 Laurens street Mrs. H; Wigfall 293 East Bay Mrs. Trescot 4 Anson street Mrs. Laval 12 John street Mrs. James Gibbes Meeting and George streets Mrs. Myers Wentworth street Miss J. Elliott 10 George street Mrs. Dr. Robertson i Maiden lane Mrs. Simons Mrs. Mofifett 198 East Bay WARD 4. Mrs. Fitch 12 Smith street Mrs. Gray Rutledge street Mrs. Just 34 Hasell street Mrs. Graeser 256 King street Mrs. W. Johnson 74 Wentworth street Mrs. H. Price Queen and Meeting streets Mrs. Lynch and Wentworth Mrs. Wineman Smith and Bull streets Mrs. M. Lee Bull, near Pitt street Miss Horlbeck Meeting and Calhoun streets Mrs. D. Ingraham Beaufain street Mrs. Jos. Walker 52 Wentworth street Mrs. D. Leixas Pitt street 14 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Miss J. Robb Rutledge street Miss O. M. Robertson Smith street Mrs. S. S. Miles 6 Green street WAMD S. Mrs. M. Mathieson Alexander street Miss K. Lee Alexander street Miss C. Gadsden Wentworth street WASD 6. Mrs. Bachman Rutledge street Miss E. Chisolm Rutledge street Miss A. M. Lucas Rutledge street Mrs. Pickens Smith Coming street Mrs. Charlotte Walker Calhoun street Mrs. Bennett Lucas ^. . Calhoun street Mrs. Bentham Vanderhorst street Mrs. Dr. Carrere 37 Radcliffe street Mrs. Dr. Geiger Ashley and Doughty streets Miss McKensie Ashley and Doughty streets Mrs. F. Blum St. Philip street Mrs. Bowman Mrs. J. Cunningham Smith street WARD 7. Miss Weston Hampstead Miss Tucker Hampstead Miss Windsor 18 Drake street Miss Rose Torre Hampstead WARD 8. Miss Whilden Ashley street Miss Wagner Rutledge street Mrs. Wash. Ancrum '. ..Bee street Mrs. Tisher Bee street Mrs. Allan Rutledge street Miss C. Smith Rutledge street "Persons desiring work apply to any of these ladies." Charleston Mercury, July 25^ 1861. A notice of the meeting of the Ladies' Association in Aid of Volun- teer Soldiers, held at the South Carolina Hall. The hall was over- flowing. Nearly $1,000 collected. Officers were elected, but the list was not ready for publication. Objects of this association, to procure proper clothing for volunteers, who in many instances are in need of the veriest necessities. Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association. 15 The same paper has the following : "help for soldiers. "While our sons and brothers are exposing their lives upon the plains of Virginia for our safety, and while many are languishing in hospitals on beds of pain and suffering, it is gratifying to know that our wives, sisters and mothers are laboring so zealously in their attempts to provide help for the soldiers. It has been again verified that the ladies are the most energetic portion of every community, as the work they have performed in twenty-four hours has been truly marvelous. "A preparatory meeting of the members of the Ladies' Christian Association Auxiliary to the Young Men's Christian Association, and many other ladies of the city, was held on Tuesday, when first steps were taken, and by yesterday at two o'clock they had prepared enough luxuries and necessaries for soldiers to fill twelve cases, and valued at over $1,000. These were immediately dispatched to Vir- ginia in the care of Dr. E. H. Bissell. "Up to dark last evening the ladies had cut out, and given out to be made, over 400 garments, and will today resume their work. A meeting of the ladies will be held at ten o'clock today at the Young Men's Hall, for the purpose of more thorough organization, appoint- ment of committees, etc. Merchants and others have responded nobly to the call, and fabrics have been sent in valued at nearly $2,000, while over $1,000 in money has been subscribed. The goods have been forwarded by Adams Southern Express, through their agent — Woodward — free of charge. It is the intention of the ladies to send forward all articles in charge of some responsible person who will attend faithfully to their proper and judicious distribution." Charleston Mercury, July 26, 1861. "The Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association is now thoroughly prepared to furnish whatever aid may be required by our sick and wounded soldiers. "The committees are organized and working efficiently. Those appointed to cut out and fit work will meet daily at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, in King Street, opposite Beau- fain. Several ladies will be in attendance at the same place every day from ten to twelve in the morning, and from six to seven in the afternoon, to receive contributions, distribute work and materials to those wishing to contribute labor, and to receive the garments which have been made. i6 South 'Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "Money is needed to purchase materials and to pay transportation expenses, but donations of old sheets, pillow cases, undergarments, morning gowns, rice, barley, wine, blackberry brandy, jellies, jams or any nourishing articles for a hospital will be thankfully received. The following ladies have been appointed the Committee on Dona- tions, to whom the contributions may be sent, as well as to the officers of the association : Miss Mary Campbell, President. Mrs. Wm. J. Johnson, Vice-President. Mrs. Dr. Pettigrew. Mrs. B. R. Carroll. Mrs. Venning. Mrs. E. M. Grimke. Mrs. Limbecker. Mrs. Frank Pelzer. Mrs. David Bell. Mrs. Cuttino. Mrs. Benj. Evans. Mrs. Browning. Mrs. Wm. A. Courtenay. Mrs. W. Walter Smith. Mrs. Wm. Greer. Mrs. Fleetwood Lanneau. Mrs. Jas. K. Robinson. Mrs. S. T. Potter. Mrs. Samuel Burrows. Mrs. James Copes. Mrs. Pickens Smith. Mrs. Paxton. Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mrs. Dr. Mood. Mrs. Palmer Lawrence. Mrs. Henry Venning. Mrs. T. W. Bliss. Mrs. Currell. Miss S. S. Gantt. Miss Mary Moffett. Miss M. W. Hagan. Miss C. E. Gadsden. Miss Mary Robinson. Miss K. A. Tupper. Miss G. Moore. COM.MITTEE. Miss Brodie. Miss S. Perronneau. Miss M. Seabrook. Miss Huntington. Miss E. Johnson. Miss H. Parker. Miss M. J. Legare. Miss M. J. Ross. Miss Bissell. Misses Whitney. Miss Marian Robertson. Miss Euphemia Gordon. Miss Rosa Dibble. Miss Rebecca Armstrong. Miss Olivia Sass. Misses Wilkie. Mrs. Fuller. Mrs. Fludd. Mrs. Wm. J. Smith. Mrs. H. Sollee. Mrs. T. O. Bennett. Mrs. E. Q. Rell. Mrs. J. B. Bissell. Mrs. Wilbur. Mrs. S. Cogswell. Mrs. Margaret Will. Mrs. S. G. Courtenay. Mrs. Jas. Gilliland. Mrs. Wm. Dillingham. Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Wm. Bell. Mrs. McDowell. Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Maria Lebby. Mrs. Z. Davis. Mrs. Thos. Mathews. Mrs. Greenfield. Mrs. Dr. Carrere. Mrs. C. H. Simonton. Mrs. A. J. Salinas. Miss Martha Buist. Miss Elizabeth Hammond Miss S. J. Robinson. Miss Sallie Davis. Miss Carrie Webb. Miss Alice Mathews. Miss H. L. Hall. Miss H. Miller. Miss Rosa Cliflford. Miss Harsey. Miss Douglass. Miss Elizabeth Dewees. Misses Nelson. Miss S. Adger. Miss Laval. Miss Jessie Kirkwood. Miss Wilbur. Miss Wotton. Miss Burgess. Miss Mary Walsh. Miss Catherine Stuart. Miss Catharine Murrell. Misses Bee. Miss Eliza Johnson." Charleston Mercury, July 27, 1861. A notice that Dr. Logan will go on to Richmond in charge of articles sent by Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association. Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association. 17 Charleston Mercury, July 29, 1861. Additional names are published of the committee of the Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association. Mrs. Charles Graves. Mrs. H. Mitchell. Mrs. John Martin. Mrs. L. Chapin. Mrs. Theo. Jeflfords. Mrs. Jos. T. Caldwell. Mrs. D. Dibble. Mrs. Jas. M. Caldwell. Mrs. Doucin. Mrs. L. Eason. Mrs. Ellen M. Heidt. Mrs. Geo. W. Williams. Mrs. John Bowie. Mrs. Rich. Butler. Mrs. L. Wheeler. Mrs. James Steedman. Mrs. J. W. Stoy. Mrs. Walsh. Mrs. Wm. Laval. Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. E. E. Courtenay. Mrs. C. E. Chichester. Mrs. L. B. Whitney. Mrs. Dr. Bruns. Mrs. Thayer. Mrs. Whilden. Mrs. Dr. Cain. Mrs. C. H. Ingraham. Mrs. O. A. Bowen. Mrs. John Dukes. Mrs. Wm. Vardell. Mrs. Thomas Smith. Mrs. O. L. Dobson. Mrs. Titus Bissell Jr. Mrs. T. R. Walsh. Miss A. A. Rodger. Miss Lydia Mowry. Miss Eliza Dukes. Mrs. E. DeTreville. Mrs. Dr. Honour. Mrs. Wm. Harrall. Mrs. T. A. Whitney. Miss Bates. Miss Enslow. Miss C. Stuart. Miss Martha Buist. Miss S. L. Gantt. Miss E. Hammond. Miss M. Moffett. Miss S. J. Robinson. Miss M. Von Hagen. Mrs. James Lamb. Mrs. A. S. J. Perry. Mrs. A. S. Johnson. Mrs. W. Lambert. Mrs. Trapier. Mrs. W. W. Hughes. Charleston Mercury, July 29, 1861. "Another large shipment was made on Saturday by the Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association, consisting of ten cases, containing a variety of articles for the use of our soldiers now lying in hospitals at Richmond, Charlottesville, Culpeper, Louisa and Manassas. They were placed under special care of Dr. Legare. "The ladies will continue their labors as long as the wants of our soldiers require, which will doubtless be to the end of the war. A meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock, by order of the President, Miss Mary B. Campbell." Charleston Mercury, July 30, 1861. There is a notice that boxes containing articles for the wounded had been sent on from Summerville. Charleston Mercury, July 31, 1861. "Helena, a small station on the Greenville Railroad, recently con- tributed the sum of $90 for the relief of soldiers in Virginia. Among the contributors were a number of negroes, who were as anxious to add their mite as any one." Charleston Mercury, August i, 1861. "The treasurer of the Association for the Relief of Families of Volunteers acknowledges the receipt of $io from Miss A. S. Porcher, the superintendent of a society of schoolgirls." i8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, August i, 1861. "Richmond papers notice the arrival of Dr. Isaac Branch and wife, Mrs. Dr. Turner, and J. M. Latimer, of South Carolina, who will act as volunteer nurses. They brought with them fifty boxes of hospital supplies." Charleston Mercury, August 3, 1861. An account of a little girls' entertainment for the benefit of wounded soldiers at Mme. Togno's, 46 Meeting street. A collation, prepared by themselves, to which they invite all ladies and gentlemen on their way to and from the Battery. Two evenings of the week, Friday and Saturday, from six to ten. Mme. Togno's was at that time the fashionable boarding school of Charleston. The young girls of the State did their full share of work for the soldiers, not only by assisting their mothers, but by originating so- cieties and entertainments of their own, planned and carried out by themselves. Letter from Miss S. E. Waring, written in 1899. We are told of an entertainment in Charleston, gotten up by two little girls very early in the year '6i. Seeing the earnestness of the children, housekeepers interested themselves, and a large sum of money was made. It is claimed, though modestly, and with the acknowledged possi- bility of a mistake, that the first entertainment of a musical kind given for Confederate purposes was suggested and carried out by a few Columbia girls. Letter from Miss Grace Elmore, written April 8, 1898. "Miss Garnett, a music teacher in Columbia, and a valued friend of all the best people, had a class of young girls, none over sixteen, who, under her direction, gave the first concert that I ever heard of in the Confederacy. It was given between the 15th of June and the i8th of July, 1861. It was intended that the proceeds should be used in sending supplies to Hampton's Legion, then in the field in daily expectation of a battle. The girls were Susan Preston, Rosa Elmore, Annie Hampton, Kate Bauskett, Helen Niernsee, and Sallie Hampton. They would have no help from any but those of their own age, but finding that not one of them could sing, they asked me to join them for that purpose only. "All arrangements were made entirely by these girls. The con- cert was given in the chapel of the Methodist College, and the result Ladies' Clothing Association. 19 was $150.00 in silver, and Miss Garnett, I remember, kept the money tied up in a silk stocking till called for by the girls. I think a part of it was used in sending a box to the Legion after the first Battle of Manassas. I believe the remnant of the $150.00 was the first money put into the Treasury of the Young Ladies' Hospital Asso- ciation, from which sprang the Wayside Hospital." Charleston Mercury, August 6, 1861. Entertainments for the purpose of making money were promptly given all over the State. We see in the newspaper that the Charles- ton Brass Band, F. MuUer, leader, offers to give a concert at White Point Garden for the ladies' societies. The Ladies' Auxiliary mentions another shipment of boxes to Vir- ginia, "the most valuable yet." Charleston Mercury, August 7, 1861. The Ladies' Relief Association speaks of the before mentioned concert, and says that the amount of money received from it will be immediately sent to Virginia. On the same date we see the following notice from the "ladies' clothing ASSOCIATION. "Mr. Editor: Having been informed that the object of our asso- ciation is misunderstood, permit me, through your columns, to ex- plain. This society, to avoid confusion, shall be designated as the Ladies' Qothing Association for Troops in Active Service. This association is for the purpose of purchasing materials, cutting and making warm undergarments for our troops in active service, not confined to those of this city, but the soldiers of South Carolina. We are industriously employed, and invite the aid of ladies and gen- tlemen of the country and city. "There will be a committee of gentlemen who will distribute the clothing judiciously. "We solicit donations of money and materials from the State at large. "Such ladies as were unable to subscribe on the 25th ult., from the large assemblages, are requested to send in their subscriptions and donations, which will be gratefully received by "Miss Hester T. Drayton, President, "No. 2 Ladson Court. "Miss Hess D. Drayton, Vice-President, "No. 2 Ladson Court. "Miss Emily Rutledge, Secretary and Treasurer, "West End Calhoun Street. 20 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "constitution. "Art. I. This association shall be called the Ladies' Clothing As- sociation for Troops in Active Service, and shall meet monthly. The subscription shall be fifty cents per quarter, or $2.00 per year, payable in advance, and whatever amount of labor each lady is able to give. Donations of any amount, either of money or material, from gentlemen as well as ladies, will be gratefully received and ap- plied to objects of the association. "Art. II. The management of the association shall be entrusted to a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and twelve managers. The President shall preside, preserve order, and see that the rules are carried out. She shall also give all orders on the Treasury, and the casting vote, when required. Vacancies in the Board may be filled by President and Board at their regular meet- ings. "In case of sickness or absence of President and Vice-President, the Board may select one of their members to preside, and fulfill the duties of President. "Art. III. The Secretary and Treasurer must take charge of the books and accounts, keeping a journal of each meeting, also taking charge of and accounting for all money received and paid out. The books and accounts to be open for the inspection of the managers at every monthly meeting, and annually to the members at the anni- versary. "The Treasurer must have written order for the payment of all money. "Art. V. After a sufficient quantity of clothing shall be com- pleted, the captains of various companies shall be invited to make known to the President, by writing, the number of men in their command who require aid of the association, when it will be placed in the hands of a committee of gentlemen for distribution. Work given out on Wednesdays until 3 p. m. by Miss Hess D. Drayton, No. 2 Ladson Court ; Mrs. E. M. Fuller, St. Philip street, four doors above Morris street ; and Miss C. E. Gadsden, corner Charlotte and Alexander streets." Having seen the account of the organization and first work of three societies in Charleston, it should be realized that at the same time, a little earlier or later, similar societies were being formed all over the State, not only in the larger towns, but in villages, and even in country neighborhoods, where neighbors met together at stated Relief of Soldiers. 2i times to distribute and return work for the soldiers and to pack boxes of clothes and provisions to be sent to Virginia either direct or through the larger societies. Almost immediately, the Hospital Aid Association of South Caro- lina was formed by gentlemen of the State. Of this Dr. M. LaBorde, of Columbia, was President. The Rev. Robt. W. Barnwell was es- tablished at Charlottesville, Va., in charge of the work there, and to him were sent all articles for the sick and wounded soldiers of South Carolina. The various societies throughout this State sent their supplies to him, to be distributed as needed. We give here a list of names of such of these women's societies as we have been able to collect by a close scanning of the newspapers available. Of course, and greatly to our regret, many names are missing from the list. Where possible, we give the names of Presidents or other officers, or, failing these, of any ladies mentioned in connection with the work of a society. It should be recorded that, after the war, in many places these relief associations became memorial associations, caring for the dead as they had done for the living. VToxnen's Associations in So«xth Carolina, for tKe Relief of Soldiers. Date of Name of Organization. Association. Officers, Etc. Location. Soldiers' Relief Mrs. Steedman, Pres Aiken Soldiers' Relief Mrs. E. Bradley, Pres Claremont Soldiers' Relief Mrs. R. R. Yongue Orangeburg Soldiers' Relief Mrs. S. Williams Society Hill Soldiers' Relief John's Island Mrs. Ellen Gregg Marion Aux. Soldiers' Relief. .Mrs. Tracy, Miss S. S. Seabrook, Pres'ts. Miss Phoebe Morral, Sec. Mrs. T. E. Screven, Local. . . .Grahamville Aux. Soldiers' Relief Wadmalaw Aux. Soldiers' ReHef. .Mrs. Wm. Sinkler, Pres Eutawville Mrs. Catherine Palmer, ist Div. Mrs. Thos. W. Porcher, 2d Div. Mrs. James Gaillard, Sec. and Treas. Mrs. T. W. Porcher was presi- dent later. 22 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Date of Name of Organization. Association. Officers, Etc. Location. Aug. 14, Black Oak Soldiers' Re- Mrs. Morton Waring, Pres. . . .Black Oak 1861. lief Mrs. J. S. Porcher, Vice-Pres. Aug. 9, Mrs. T. F. Porcher, Sec. and i86i. Treas Pinopolis July 19, Ladies' Aid Mrs. Perry Duncan, PreS. . . .Greenville 1861. Mrs. Pinckney McBee, Vice-Pres. 1861. Soldiers' Relief Presidents in order of service: Mrs. D. J. McCord Columbia Miss Hampton. Mrs. Campbell Bryce, Sec. and Treas. Mrs. Rufus Johnson. 1861. Ladies' Hospital Presidents in order of service: Mrs. George Howe Columbia Mrs. John Bryce. Mrs. J. P. Adams, Sec. Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Treas. July 26, Young Ladies' Hospital. .Miss Preston, Pres Columbia 1861. Miss Isabella D. Martin, Sec. Miss E. Goodwyn, Treas. Ladies' Clothing Mrs. D. J. McCord, Pres. . . .Columbia Ladies' Industrial. . . .Mrs Levy, Pres Columbia Young Girls Mrs. Monteith Columbia Mrs. Lauchlin. Miss C. Veal. Aug. 3, Aux. Soldiers' Relief. . .Mrs. Ladd, Pres Summerville 1861. Mrs. J. S. Stewart, Sec. and Treas. Aug. — , Soldiers' Relief. . . . Mrs. James Hemphill, Pres Chester 1861. Mrs. A. Q. Dunnovant, Vice-Pres. Mrs. A. G. Stacey, Vice-Pres. Mrs. S. W. Mobley, Treas. Miss M. E. McKee, Cor. Sec. Mrs. J. J. McLure, Rec. Sec. 1861. Soldiers' Aid Mrs. W. W. Harlee, Pres Mars Bluff and Hopewell Aug. 27, Soldiers' Relief Miss H. M. Trapier, Pres. . .Georgetown 1861. Mrs. P. C. J. Weston, Vice-Pres. Miss S. T. Atkinson, Cor. Sec. Miss Anna White, Rec. Sec. Relief of Soldiers. 23 Date of Name of Organization. Association. Officers, Etc. Location. 1861. Soldiers' Relief Mrs. W. W. Graham Williston Young Ladies' Aid Winnsboro July 20, Soldiers' Relief Mrs. Geo. Robertson, Pres. . .Charleston 1861. Mrs. Wm. Snowden, Vice-Pres. Miss E. Hayne, Sec. and Treas. Miss F. M. Blamyer and Miss L. Porter, Sees. July 23, Ladies' Aux. Christian. . Miss Campbell Charleston 1861. Mrs. Leonard Chapin, Presi- idents in order of service. July 23, Ladies' Clothing Miss Hester T. Drayton, Pres .. Charleston 1861. Miss Hess D. Drayton, Vice-Pres. School Girls Miss A. Porcher Charleston 1861. Ladies Mrs. Gregg Marion Mrs. Mclntyre. Soldiers' Aid Mrs. Thompson New Hope, Fairfield Soldiers' Aid Mrs. Lemon Jackson Creek, Fairfield Soldiers' Aid Mrs. Winter St. James Goose Creek 1861. Ladies' Aid Presidents in order of service : Miss Harriet Chesnut Grant. . . .Camden Miss Sally Chesnut. Mrs. Walker, Vice-Pres. Miss L. Salmond, Treas. Miss E. C. Reynolds, Sec. Miss Harriet Lang, Sec. Ladies Woodville Soldiers' Relief Hamburg Aid Society Carmel, Anderson District Mrs. J. A. Fripp Legareville Ladies' Aid Mechrnicsville 1861. Ladies Pinegrove 1861. Ladies Mrs. Walker, Vice-Pres Kershaw 1861. Soldiers' Aid Mrs. M. E. Godfrey Cheraw Soldiers' Aid Barnwell 1861. Allgood Society Spartanburg District Soldiers' Aid Pendleton Ladies' Aid and Relief Marlboro 24 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Date of Name of Organization. Association. Officers, Etc. J^ocation. 1861. Ladies Florence Ladies Mizpah Ladies Christ Church Volunteers' Aid Beech Island Ladies' Relief Darlington Juvenile Summerville Soldiers' Relief Mrs. R. H. Inabinet, Vice- Pres.Edisto Fork Soldiers' Rest A. F. Dickson, Treas Orangeburg Mrs. Salley. Mrs. Albergotti. Sabbath School Relief. .Mrs. R. A. Carlisle, Sec. . . .Spartanburg Aux. Relief Mrs. Julius DuBose, Pres. . . .Pineville Mrs. R. Couturier, ist Dir. Mrs. H. M. Snowden, 2d Dir. Ladies' Aid Oak Lawn, St. Pauls Parish Ladies' Aid Miss N. McLausrhlin Newberry Ladies' Aid Sumter Ladies' Aid Bishopville Ladies' Sewing Mrs. Wm. C. Wardlaw, Pres. .Liberty Hill Soldiers' Relief Allendale Baptist Edisto Soldiers' Aid Hills Church Ladies' Aid Miss M. E. Boyd Newchapel Ladies' Aid Timmonsville Mar. 12, Soldiers' Rest (Branch Mrs. Catharine Lee, Pres Camden 1862. of Ladies' Aid) .... Mrs. Bonney, Treas. Ladies' Hospital Mrs. J. A. Bradley, Pres Chester Miss H. E. Henry, Sec. Soldiers' Relief Mrs. John C. Peay, Pres. . . .Longtown, Fairfield District Ladies' Aid Mrs. M. P. Mayes Brick Church, Sumter District Soldiers' Relief Beaufort Soldiers' Relief BluflFton Ladies' Aid Anderson Ladies' Relief Miss S. W. Henderson Walterboro Ladies' Hospital M. E. Y. Powelson Plantersville Relief of Soldiers. 25 Date of Name of Organization. Association. Officers, Etc. Location. 1862. Soldiers' Relief Mrs. W. H. Wallace, Pres Union Mrs. Jeter, Treas. Miss F. M. Blamyer, Sec. Soldiers' Aid Mrs. Armstead Burt, Pres Abbeville Mrs. Thos. Perrin, Vice-Pres. Knitting Society Mrs. J. W. Marshall, Pres. . . .Abbeville Mrs. W. H. Parker, Vice-Pres. Hospital Mrs. Robt. Wardlaw, Pres. . . .Abbeville Mrs. M. C. Tilman, Pres. . .Calhoun Mills, Abbeville District Mrs. Squire Giles Monterey, Mrs. Chas. Haskell. Abbeville District Mrs. Tilman. Hospital Mrs. Johnson, Pres Grahamville Miss S. E. Seabrook, Vice-Pres. Bethany Relief Edgefield Betheden Aid Newberry Soldiers' Relief •. . .SuUivans Island Palmetto Girls Charleston Ladies' Aid Cokesbury Soldiers' Aid Cedar Springs Soldiers' Aid Dantonsville Soldiers' Aid Enoree Mill Hospital Club Anderson Ladies' Relief Indian Town Lamont Grahams Soldiers' Aid Lowndesville Home Guard Mountain Creek Soldiers' Aid Manning Ladies' Aid Milford Military Aid Laurens District Soldiers' Aid Oakland Palmetto Aid Rehoboth Aid Edgefield States' Risrhts Charleston Upper Three Runs Warrenton Aid Abbeville Wadsworth Aid Waterloo Ladies' 26 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. A SKetcK of the VTorK at Greenville. Paper by Mrs. Brunson, written in 1899. When the South felt that she was gradually losing that for which she had fought in the war with Great Britain, she raised her stand- ard for States' Rights, and her men and boys rallied with the greatest enthusiasm to its defense. We all felt that the South had been un- justly treated, and we hoped to withdraw from our sister States in peace, but we did not intend to be governed by the North as if the United States were a monarchy. So our homes were saddened by the departure of most of our men, and the women began to work for them. The "Butler Guards" left Greenville early in April, 1861. Soon after, the "Brooks Troop" followed, both going to Virginia. Other companies from Greenville County also went. The ladies of our town met at McBee's Hall, and the basement of the Baptist Church, to sew for soldiers. Country neighbors also formed sewing circles, and some of the old ladies were so expert as to be able to knit as they walked or rode along. Miss Ann McCall, a descendant of Isaac Hayne, of Revolutionary fame, had inherited a set of gold needles, and I doubt if she could have counted the socks she knit. Her fingers fairly flew, and she never stopped to count. Mr. Bussy, an old English tailor, would cut and assist in making fatigue suits for two companies from town. The ladies and girls put pin-cushions, soap and handkerchiefs in the pockets of these clothes, and then they were packed and sent on. I think it was twice a year that a member of the Butler Guards would come on with measurements for the men's clothes, and then the ladies would work hard until these uniforms were finished. The woolen socks were most acceptable to the infantry, as they were soft to their feet while marching. Good knitting is quite an art among old ladies. Boxes filled with hams, sausages, dried beef, butter, bread, dried fruit, pickles, etc., were sent on to the soldiers by their families. Cloth was woven by small hand looms, both cotton and wool. Miss Rydes, a country lady, spun and wove a nice gray woolen cloth and sent it on to General Beauregard as a present. He wrote her a very courteous and grateful letter for the acceptable suit of clothes. Good boots and shoes were made in Greenville, and other parts of the South, for soldiers. There was a tanyard in the town of Green- ville which had long shipped leather to New York, and now worked exclusively for home people, making fine leather of goat and calf skins. The Work at Greenville. 27 Ladies of Greenville made nice buckskin gloves, also knit many gloves and scarfs for men of the Cavalry and artillery. I could go into the woods now and find the same kinds of leaves with which we colored the wool and cotton. Indigo was planted and used for color- ing both wool and cotton. A mixture for gray cloth was, one-third of blue wool, one-third of black, and one-third of white, carded to- gether, spun by hand and woven on a slate-colored chain of cotton thread, making a fine cloth for the loved ones who stood on guard through storms of sleet and snow. Maidens found, in chests and drawers, a few skeins of scarlet wool, to crochet and knit stripes in scarfs for young friends in artillery service. The flocks of sheep seemed to grow patriotic, giving us fine wool. A family from Rappahannock County came to Greenville County as refugees, bringing a large flock of sheep. Those sheep produced ele- • gant wool. Captain Willis, the owner, had received a wound in the arm, and had to retire from service for a while. His wife wrote and distributed religious tracts to soldiers, showing that she had a heart filled with reverence to God and kindness to her fellow creatures. Churches in the South had services several times a week, and earnest prayers ascended on high for the safety of our armies, and for consolation to those who had lost their dear ones. Women had been told of their grandmothers' loyalty and industry during the war with England, and were trying now to show the same love to their defenders. Such confidence we felt in our soldiers ! If one, six, or more men sought shelter and food at private houses while passing through town, they were invited in and entertained. We greatly admired the people of Virginia for their kindness to the soldiers. Many times have we been told of the bonny-clabber, bread, butter, etc., given to our friends by the ladies of Virginia. We could but exclaim, with the negroes: "Ole Virginny neber tire." Housekeepers gave away their blankets to any soldiers whO' needed them. Men of experience and age were appointed in neighborhoods to distribute provisions to the wives and children of men who had to labor with their own hands for the support of their families, but were now in the army. Dr. Buist, a Presbyterian minister, went every afternoon to the Greenville and Columbia depot to meet the train. Quickly the conductor handed him a newspaper, and he read it so that a large crowd of anxious people could hear every word. Gen. M. C. Butler's mother had seven sons in service. Col. Wm. Butler at one time commanded at Fort Sumter. She heard at the depot that her youngest child had lost an arm, and fainted. No one 28 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. saw her but two young girls, who were with her in her carriage. They took her home, where she soon revived and set to work sewing and doing everything in her power for needy soldiers. Frequently she took feeble looking men in her carriage and had them driven to their homes, or to the hospital. Her brother had fought the Battle of Lake Erie. The first hospital in Greenville was in the Male Academy. Mrs. W. Pinckney McBee was president. To that building all sick and wounded soldiers were carried and personally attended by the ladies of the Soldiers' Relief Association and the kind physicians of the town. Nice, clean beds and good food were provided, and servants to assist in caring for them. Quilts were made and kept washed for the use of the hospital. Committees of ladies relieved each other. Housekeepers were notified when their turn came to provide meals. Good milk, and any delicacy a soldier fancied, was provided, if possible. All over the South, ladies met trains, provided with baskets of food and hot, steaming rye coffee for traveling soldiers. When the Confederate Government established a hospital in the Marion House in Greenville, the ladies assisted there in caring for sick and wounded men, visited them, and provided nice food for them, taking it to the bedside themselves. One lady was highly amused at the request of a sick man, who asked her to bring him some "tater custard." She went to the doctor and got permission and then provided the man with the most dainty looking sweet potato custard, which he ate with great relish. Ladies scraped lint off old linen, rolled bandages of soft, white cloth, and sent them on to the Richmond Hospital. All the land devoting itself to the army ! Such an inspiration of patriotic devotion to the defenders of our homes ! I look back to it with admiration. (Signed) Jane Carson Brunson. February 2, 1899. IVoman's WorR at CHeraiv. Written by Mrs. Virginia C. Tarrli, of Cheraw, October 6, 1898. Cheraw, South Carolina, although a place small in size, was equal to all the demands made upon its patriotism, and these demands continued from the first of the struggle unto the bitter end. Soon after the fall of Sumter, when the best and bravest were making ready to go, the women established a society for making The Work at Cheraw. 29 clothes for the soldiers. Mrs. Inglis, the wife of Chancellor Inglis, one of the signers of the Ordinance of Secession, took a most active part as president. I seem to see her giving out different articles to the numerous applicants waiting for them, and her maid sitting at a little distance, knitting industriously for these same soldiers. Mrs. Inglis' daughter-in-law, whose husband gave his life for his country, and who was a Philadelphian, worked most indefatigably for the South during the entire struggle. A friend of mine went for her weekly share of sewing and, being very apt with her needle, took the arduous task of making a soldier's coat. The next time, when she returned with it finished, some of the more experienced found she had put the sleeves in hind part before; but the novice most good-naturedly took it home to make alterations. Every woman learned to knit — even little girls — and I recall one friend, now the wife of a veteran, who learned to spin and weave, and who turned her knowledge to good advantage. I recollect, too, to have seen two ladies, each knitting a pair of stockings, at the same time — ^that is to say, with two feet of the socks set up on the same needles together. One of these ladies was the sister of General Maxcy Gregg, and was staying in Cheraw at the time. At first we had no need of a hospital, so a committee of two ladies was appointed to go each week to the hospital in Florence. Miss Harriet Black was the matron there, and the physicians in charge were Dr. Dargan, of Darlington, and Dr. Bacot, of Florence. Towards the end, however, when many sick and wounded were at our doors, we converted our Town Hall into a hospital, and gave every comfort in our power — our time and our presence. Entertainments took place every now and then, mostly participated in by the young people, and many of them refugees far from home ; but in this way they could best aid the suffering soldiers. Nor was the women's work done when the fighting was over. As soon as possible, we began to raise funds for a monument to those who had died, and this we accomplished after several years of labor — but it was a labor of love, and the monument stands now in the cemetery of the Episcopal Church, to mark the resting place of many a Confederate soldier. 30 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. 'Woman's "WorR at Hopewell and Mars Bluff. Written by Mrs. W. W. Harlee, 1899. There is very little tEat I can remember about the "Ladies' Aid Society," of which I was president, and which was carried on during the War of the Confederacy, for the benefit of the Southern soldiers. I can only recollect that such a society existed and flourished and had many zealous adherents in the Hopewell and Mars Bluff neigh- borhood, and that there was great enthusiasm in the work; that it met at regular intervals at Hopewell Session House, and we made chiefly underclothing and knitted socks. Boxes full of these were sent to the companies commanded by Capt. Robt. Singletary and Col. Richard Howard. Twice we held entertainments to raise money for the soldiers — one, an exhibition of tableaux, was held in the house at Mars Bluff Depot, and the second was a fair, held in the "Goodwin house," as it was then called, having been occupied by Colonel Goodwin's family. Mrs. Goodwin was the sister of the poet Timrod, who was often a pleasant guest of the neighborhood. The family moved to Columbia afterwards. This fair was quite a success, the articles for sale having been contributed by the ladies of the neighborhood; and we still have in our household a writing-desk purchased on that occasion. (Signed) Martha J. Harlee. 'Woman's '^VorH at Marion. Dictated by Mrs. Gregg, i8gg. When the company from Marion was organized, Mrs. Sophia Mclntyre and I assumed the responsibility of having the uniforms of the entire company made. We secured the services of a very reliable and competent tailor, who took the measurements and cut the garments. The ladies of the town and surrounding country cheerfully rendered their services in making them, and in a very short time the company was well uni- formed, and presented a very creditable appearance. My eldest daughter, Nannette, now Mrs. W. F. Carter, of Macon, Ga., solicited aid in procuring socks and blankets for the company. When they disbanded and returned home, the men were in very destitute circumstances; and many of them, far distant from their homes, and unable to reach them for want of means, remained in Marion for some time. By request of my son William (one of the company), a dinner was given them. Mrs. Thomas Evans and I The Work at Pendleton. 31 undertook this deserved compliment to the patriotic sons of Marion and, ably assisted by the ladies in and around the town, we spread a sumptuous feast, which was greatly enjoyed by the soldiers. Marion was always found ready and willing to do what she could for the noble sons of whom she is proud, who went to the front to fight for what they believed was right, and still feel is a just cause. (Signed) Ellen L. Gregg, Marion, S. C. \iroxnan*s IVorK at Pendleton. Written by Mrs. M. S. Williams, 1901. In the year 1861, we, the ladies of Pendleton, met at. the old Farmers' Hall and organized a Soldiers' Aid Society. Miss Harriet E. Maxwell was elected President; Mrs. F. P. (Elizabeth Adger) Mullally, Treasurer, and Miss Mary Simpson, Secretary. We met every week and transacted business in the way of shipping supplies to the Fourth Regiment, to Jenkins', and to others, I forget which, now. Transportation, etc., became so confused as the war went on that we were advised by Mrs. Martin, of Columbia, to send all sup- plies to Columbia. There they were received (probably by the "Central Committee"), assorted, and all intended for one especial regiment or person were put in boxes or packages and sent directly to their proper destination. This simplified matters very much. Hard by the railroad station at Pendleton was a little room, or rather, a house of one room, in which Miss Mary Hunter, an aged lady, had taug^ht many of our fathers their A B C's. She retired and left the house vacant. The Aid Society captured it and had beds, couches, etc., put into it, with kettles for heating water. An old-fashioned country fireplace, with a generous fire burning, was always ready to welcome the suffering and hungry soldier returning from the seat of war, who had no one to come to the train for him. When the gentlemen of the District heard what our plans were they entered into them with true zest and offered their carriages for the purposes we had in view. Just fancy the handsome carriages of Mrs. Latta, the Adgers (a legion of them), Mrs. Calhoun, and many others, at the door of this little Wayside Hospital, taking our suffering soldiers to their homes, poisoned with gangrene and eaten up by vermin ! This little hospital was kept up until poverty closed its door, for we had at last not so much as a pot of cowpeas to send down. Alas ! (Signed) Mary Simpson Williams. 32 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Extracts from an article written by Miss Anna Simpson, of Pendleton, published in The News and Courier, 1885, and afterwards in -a book called "Our Women in the War." "* * * As I look back now, it seems strange that wardrobes should have been so speedily exhausted. * * * I think the solution of the mystery, however, will be found in the fact that girls in their teens will grow. * * * At first, old trunks and bureau drawers, top shelves in out-of-the-way closets were ransacked, and antiquated garments, long since cast aside as worthless, or laid away as relics of our mothers' and grandmothers' younger days, were brought out to light. * * * Each feeling of regret was hushed and swallowed up in the necessity of the hour as these articles were lifted from their various hiding places, and then, with right good will and persever- ance, ripped up, sponged and pressed, turned upside down, inside out, twisted and stretched and pieced, and, finally, converted into most respectable articles of apparel. None of your shabby genteel affairs, either, for we would have the girls of the day understand that, sorely pressed as we were, we felt quite as much appreciation of the neat, tidy girl, as they, who now have every material to supply their needs, and money wherewith to buy. * * * Children grew apace. * * * Our village stores were emptied and deserted. * * * Our armies in the field became grand realities. * * * All resources were cut off. Our government could poorly provide food, clothing and ammunition for its armies. Then it was that our mothers' wit was tested, and did in no sort disappoint our expectations. "Spinning wheels, looms and dye pots were brought into requi- sition. Wool of home production was speedily converted by loving hands into warm flannels and heavy garments, with soft scarfs and snugly-fitted leggings to shield our dear boys from Virginia's wintry blast and fast-falling snows. * * * Later on, societies were formed to provide supplies for the general demand. * * * Every available fragment of material was converted into some kind of garment. After the store of blankets in each home had been cheerfully given, carpets were utilized in their stead, and portioned out to the suffering soldiers. Wool mattresses were ripped up, recarded, and woven into coverings and clothing. Bits of new woolen fabrics left from former garments were raveled, carded, mixed with cotton, spun, arid knitted into socks. Old and worn garments were carried through the same process. Even rabbits' fur was mixed with cotton and silk and appeared again in the form of neat, comfortable gloves. "Begging committees went forth (and, be it truthfully said, the writer never knew of one being turned away empty-handed) to The Work at Pendleton. 33 gather up the offerings from mansion and hamlet, * * * soon to be packed and forwarded with all speed to the soldiers. "And who can tell what pleasure we took in filling boxes with sub- stantials and such dainties as we could gather for the hospitals. Old men and little boys were occupied in winding thread, and holding 'brooches,' and even knitting on the socks when the mystery of 'turning the heel' had been passed. "The little spindle wheel, turned by a treadle, became a fascination to the girls, and with its busy hum was mingled often merry strains of patriotic song. "During all that time, when every woman vied with the other in working for soldiers, there were needs at home too urgent to be dis- regarded. These, too, had to be met, and how, was not long the question. * * * We replaced our worn dresses with homespun, planning and devising checks and plaids, and intermingling colors with the skill of professional designers. * * * The samples we interchanged were homespun of our last weaving. Our mothers' silk stockings of ante-bellum days were unraveled and transformed into the prettiest of neat-fitting gloves. The writer remembers never to have been more pleased than she was by the possession of a trim pair of boots made of the tanned skins of squirrels. Our hats, made of palmetto and rye straw, were pretty and be- coming. * * * Our jackets were made of the father's old-fashioned cloaks, * * * those of the style represented in the pictures of Mr. Calhoun doing splendid service by supplying all the girls in the family. * * * We even made jewelry of palmetto intermingled with hair, that we might keep even with the boys, who wore pal- metto cockades ! * * * For our calico dresses, if we were fortunate enough to find one, we sometimes paid one hundred dollars, and for the spool of cotton that made it, from ten to twenty dollars. "The buttons we used were often from a gourd, cut into sizes re- quired, and covered with cloth. -* * * On children's clothes, per- simmon seeds in the natural state, with two holes drilled through them, were found both neat and durable. "The things we ate and drank came in, too, for a prominent po- sition. * * * Coffee was made of rye, wheat and sweet potatoes, chipped, dried and parched — also okra seed, etc. It was sweet- ened, if at all, with sorghum or honey. For tea, the leaves of black- berry vines were gathered and dried. Fruit cakes were made of dried apples, cherries, pears and plums, without any spices at all. "For medicines we used roots and herbs. * * * Salt, white and pure, was obtained by digging up the earthen floors of long-used 3 34 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. smokehouses, dripping water through this earth in hoppers, and boihng it down. "When the long winter evenings closed in, the lights we used were simple curiosities. * * * Our best lights were tallow candles, but they were too scarce to be used except on special occasions. The ordinary lights were knots of pine, supported on racks of iron at the back of the chimney, to let the smoke fly up. Another odd light, known as a wax taper, was made by winding thirty yards of wick, previously dipped in melted wax, round an old candlestick. * * * "A favorite night's employment was found in making envelopes. * * * No bits of white paper suitable for writing with pen and ink could be wasted in envelopes. * * * Thus it happened that wall paper and sheets with pictures on one side, taken from 'United States Explorations,' served to make envelopes, neat enough. * * * These we stuck together with gum from peach trees. Ink was made from oak balls and green persimmons, with rusty nails, instead of copperas, to deepen the color. The noisy goose supplied our pens. "Every battle brought its list of dead and dying to our village, when at last its fatal results were known, and one by one each home within its borders was desolated. "Ill news came heralded by signals well understood. Loud, pro- longed and piercing screams (I might call them) from the 'iron horse,' which broke the stillness of the night as it came rushing in. * * * Each quivering heart stood still — waiting for the aged father, with slow, dragging steps, to return from where the news was read, with messages which gave relief to some, and confirmed the bitterest and most dreaded fears of others." IVoman's V^orK at Beaufort. Extract from letter from Miss C. O. Barnwell, dated March 14, 1898. In the summer of 1861, the ladies of this town organized a society for the purpose of working for soldiers. They made coats, pants, caps, comfortables and shirts, which were given to Dunnovant's Regiment, stationed near town. They also sent, in answer to an appeal from the Rev. R. W. Barnwell, for the hospitals in Virginia, boxes containing a variety of hospital stores. After they were obliged to abandon their homes, I can answer for it that as individuals they connected themselves with the different organizations throughout the State, and rendered all the service in their power to the cause. The Work at Marlboro. 35 VToman's IVorK at Marlboro. Letter from Mrs. D. D. McColI, of Bennettsville, June 29, 1898. I can recall no startling heroines of Marlboro during the Con- federate War, yet hundreds proved themselves heroines of the every- day kind, because they met laborious occupations, stern duties, in- creased cares, and sad privations, with unfaltering bravery and un- changing patience. I have often thought my own mother's (Mrs. Thomas) life was a daily struggle and a certain triumph. Left by my father with seven young children, she managed to make the farm produce enough for their support, gave a tithe for army support, and was shrewd enough and wise enough to pay almost all of a small debt, which seemed very large to us. Our clothes were spun and woven under her directions, and of this homespun cloth she made frequent contributions to the companies from our county. Though very timid, she was brave enough to meet that terror — Sherman's Army — in a self-possessed and dignified manner. She and her daughters received respectful treatment at their hands, and they granted her request to leave a portion of her store of groceries for her family. How she eked it out through that memorable sum- mer, and how scanty were the meals to which we sat down for some months, is one of my heartache memories, and that page would have to be written through tears. This record of my dear mother's experiences would be that of hundreds of others, except that in some homes there was more Con- federate money. My father's salary as captain was about all we had, and "the wolf" seemed seldom very far from the door. Miss Harriet Black, of this county, served as matron in the hos- pital at Florence, and was greatly valued by the soldiers. Miss Martha Miller, an inexperienced girl, went alone to Lookout Mountain to nurse a brother in the hospital, who had lost a limb. But, really, I do not know that any one woman from this county is entitled to conspicuous mention. 36 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Minutes of the Ladies* Relief Association of Fairfield. Copy given by Mrs. Robert Ellison, of Winnsboro. The ladies of Fairfield held a meeting this day to form an organi- zation for the purpose of assisting, as far as it is in their power, the sick and wounded soldiers of South Carolina, now in Virginia. On motion, Mrs. Ladd was called to the chair, and J. S. Stewart re- quested to act as secretary. Resolved, That this meeting shall be called the Ladies' Relief As- sociation of Fairfield District. Mrs. Ladd was chosen permanent president. The under named ladies compose this association : Mrs. E. M. Porcher. Mrs. J. Cremer. Mrs. Wyatt Aiken. Miss M. Boyce. Mrs. Baum. Mrs. J. H. Rion. Mrs. H. B. McMaster. Mrs. D. Clarke. Mrs. W. H. Ellison. Mrs. John McMaster. Mrs. S. Jackson. Miss M. McMaster. Mrs. E. Woodward. Mrs. J. R. McMaster. Mrs. T. S. DuBose. Mrs. Dr. Robertson. Mrs. Jno. Adger. Mrs. W. R. Robertson. Mrs. H. L. Elliott. Mrs. McK. Elliott. Miss M. Crawford. Mrs. C. Neil. Mrs. Cohen. Mrs. Couturier. Mrs. G. H. McMaster. Mrs. John Bratton. Mrs. S. Wolfe. Miss F. Boyce. Mrs. M. A. Laughlin. Mrs. W. A. Morrison. Mrs. C. Ladd. Mrs. T. G. Robertson. Mrs. R. Buchanan. Mrs. T. Ligon. Miss Eunice Aiken. Mrs. E. F. Lyles. Miss Sarah Clarke. Mrs. J. N. Shedd. Miss R. Ketchin. Mrs. B. W. Means. Mrs. W. W. Boyce. Mrs. Wm. Adger. Mrs. Dwight. Mrs. Wm. Rabb. Mrs. Thos. Jordan. Mrs. D. Cremer. Mrs. J. S. Stewart. Mrs. O. Woodward. Mrs. Moore. Mrs. R. B. Boylston. Mrs. Ellen Barber. Mrs. D. Lauderdale. Mrs. Couturier was chosen treasurer. A resolution was passed that the association shall last during the war. Rev. C. B. Betts addressed the association. Mrs. David Gaillard reported $37-75 collected. Resolved, That all moneys in the hands of the treasurer be ex- pended for such articles as are needed for sick and wounded soldiers, and shipped to them immediately. Mrs. D. Gaillard, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. C. J. Stewart, and the treasurer were appointed a committee to attend to purchase and shipment. The following committees were appointed to collect contributions and see to work done for the association : First.— Miss M. Crawford, Chairman. Miss J. McCants. Mrs. Geo. Robertson. Mrs. J. B. McCants. Mrs. J. S. Stewart. Mrs. S. Cathcart. Mrs. S. Center. Mrs. S. Jackson. Mrs. M. D. Eraser. The Work at Fairfield. 37 Second.— Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Chairman. Mrs. W. H. Ellison. Mrs. Geo. McMaster. Mrs. Neil. Mrs. Moore. Mrs. B. Cockrell. Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Jordan. Mrs. C. F. Lyles. Mrs. C. Fawcet. Third. — Mrs. O. Woodward, Chairman. Mrs. R. B. Boylston. Mrs. Dr. Buchanan. Mrs. Woodward. Mrs. Ladd. Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Lauderdale. Fourth.— Mrs. J. N. Shedd, Chairman. Mrs. A. M. Aiken. Mrs. E. A. Woodward. Mrs. S. Wolfe. Mrs. W. Rabb. Mrs. O. R. Thompson. Mrs. Baum. Mrs. Wyatt Aiken. Fifth. — Mrs. John McMaster, Chairman. Mrs. T. S. DuBose. Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. Gaillard. Mrs. Means. Mrs. Bratton. Mrs. Dwight. Mrs. T. T. Robertson. Sixth. — Mrs. McCants, Chairman. Mrs. Thos. Robertson. Mrs. Lau^hlin. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. T. W. Woodward. Mrs. W. W. Boyce. Mrs. R. E. Ellison. Mrs. Dr. Aiken. Resolved, That this association meet in this place on Saturday next, at 10 a. m. J. S. Stewart, Winnsboro. Secretary. Aug. 3, 1861. — The association met this day. Letters read from Mrs. E. Glover, contributing four bushels of ground rice; from Miss Finney, enclosing $10.95, ^ contribution from the young ladies of Mr. Obear's school. Mrs. Couturier declining to act as treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Stewart was appointed. The Rev. Messrs. Powell and Workman were appointed a com- mittee to solicit and receive contributions throughout the district. On motion of Mrs. Wolfe, Resolved, That the chairmen of the standing committees should form an executive committee. Association met on August 15th. Letters read from Mrs. Rion, acknowledging receipt of contribu- tions from the merchants of Winnsboro ; and from Rev. R. W. Barn- well, acknowledging receipt of part of the boxes sent him, from rail- road agent, in reference to freight. On motion of Miss Crawford, Resolved, That the thanks of the association be tendered to Miss M. Caldwell and Mrs. Dr. John Mobley for their exertions in behalf of this association. 38 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Resolved, That the articles now on hand, and that may be got ready by Saturday, be sent to the captains of companies from this District. Resolved, That the association meet on first Thursday of Septem- ber, and on the first Thursday of each month thereafter, until the war is brought to a close. J. S. Stewart, Secretary. September 5, 1861. — The association held its first regular monthly meeting. Letter read from Mrs. Davis, enclosing $103.00, con- tributed by the ladies of Monticello, in part. Also a letter from Mrs. Edward Mobley, contributing $100.00. Mrs. Woodward moved that a committee of five be appointed to draft rules for the government of this association. Carried. The president appointed Mrs. O. Woodward, Mrs. J. W. Shedd, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Mrs. J. H. Rion, Mrs. H. B. McMaster. Resolved, To notify the quartermaster that the association will make 300 garments for the soldiers in camp. Association adjourned till Saturday, the 7th, to meet hereafter on the first Saturday. J. S. Stewart, Secretary. September 7, 1861. — Report of committee to draft by-laws and constitution read and adopted. Mrs. C. Felder was placed on Mrs. Boyce's committee; Mrs. Douglass on Mrs. Shedd's; Mrs. John Mobley on Mrs. O. Woodward's ; Mrs. Baum and Mrs. Ed. Wood- ward were placed on Mrs. J. N. Shedd's committee. Committee No. 4 was dissolved. Mrs. Lauderdale was added to Mrs. Woodward's committee. Mrs. R. E. Ellison and Mrs. M. A. Laughlin added to Mrs. Boyce's committee. Officers were elected: President — Mrs. Ladd. Vice-President — Mrs. Sarah McCants. Corresponding Secretary — Mrs. J. H. Rion. Treasurer — Mrs. J. S. Stewart. Secretary— J. S. Stewart. J. S. Stewart, Secretary. September 30, 1861. — The association held a called meeting. Resolved, That the executive committee send to the volunteers in Virginia, by Mr. Creighton, such articles as they think necessary. That one and one-half dozen pairs of socks be sent to Colonel Winder, of the Sixth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. The Work at Fairfield. 39 That the corresponding secretary be requested to ascertain what hospital stores are wanted by the volunteers from the District, now at Lightwood Knot Springs; and that the executive committee be instructed to furnish the same as they believe to be consistent with their means. October 5, 1861. — Association met. Letters read. Mrs. Thomp- son, of New Hope Association, and Mrs. Lemon, of Jackson Creek Association, being present, were invited to seats. Mrs. Dr. McCants moved that the place of meeting should be the Thespian Hall. All work done by committees should be sent to that place on days of meeting. November 6, 1861. — Association met. Letters from J. B. Davis and Colonel Winder read. On motion of Mrs. McCants, Resolved, That all the ready-made clothing on hand, and $50 in money, be sent to Maryland volunteers. That three pairs wool socks and one necktie and two colored shirts be given to Mr. Christ- mas. That the executive committee be authorized to draw sufficient money for the materials for twenty-four mattresses, twenty-four comforts, twenty-four pillows. November 13, 1861. — The motion in reference to the Maryland volunteers was rescinded, and the clothing sent to the volunteers from the District, now on the coast. One hundred dollars appro- priated to purchase cloth for the volunteers. Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Mrs. J. S. Stewart, and Mrs. Dr. McCants appointed a committee to carry out this resolution. Resolved, That Mrs. Laughlin and Miss Wolfe be a committee to send off immediately all clothing on hand. December 7, 1861. — The corresponding secretary read letters from B. Huger Jr. and Captain B. Davis, acknowledging receipt of clothing. A letter was read asking aid for McPhersonville Hospital. On motion of Miss L. McCants, Resolved, To send ten pairs blankets to Captain Rion. The corresponding secretary declining to serve. Miss Fannie Boyce was elected. Miss Ellen Barber offered to make four com- forts, and received material. Resolved, To meet every two weeks. 40 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. December 21, 1861. — Letters of acknowledgement were read from Captains Rion and Clarke. Resolved, To send part of clothing now on hand to Captain Clarke, of Maryland Volunteers. January 4, 1862. — Ten pairs of blankets sent to Captain Irby's company. March i, 1862. — Association met. Letter read from McPherson- ville Hospital acknowledging receipt of sundry articles sent, also giving information regarding needs of the hospital. Also letter from J. L. Clarke, Winchester, Va., acknowledging box of clothing. Committee appointed to send to hospitals in Columbia such articles as they think best. Election of officers : Mrs. Ladd, President. Mrs. Wolfe, Vice-President. Mrs. Dwight, Recording Secretary. Mrs. H. B. McMaster, Treasurer. Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Corresponding Secretary. April 12, 1862. — Association met. One hundred dollars, on motion of Mrs. Hugh McMaster, appropriated for buying cloth for volunteers. Resolved, To meet on Thursday, 17th, to cut out and distribute work. May 3, 1862. — Association met. Resolved, That the association pay for making the remaining uni- forms of Boyce's Guards. That two blankets be given to Mr. Yongue and Mr. Olney. June 7, 1862. — Association met. Corresponding secretary in- structed to inquire if Boyce Guards stand in need of clothing. Seventy-five dollars appropriated to buy cloth. June 12, 1862. — At a called meeting, $10 was appropriated to buy stove for Columbia Hospital. E. P. Dwight, Secretary. July 5, 1862. — Letter from Mr. Gregg, of Graniteville factory, taking one-third off bill for cloth sent the association. The Work at Fairfield. 41 Committee appointed to cut work on Monday, 7th — Mrs. Boyce, Mrs. McMaster, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. McCants, Mrs. Gaillard, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Rivers, Mrs. W. Robertson. One-half dozen shirts and drawers sent to Columbia Hospital; also resolved to send monthly box of private contributions to the same place. Resolved, To write to Medical Director of the State (Dr. Kin- loch) to ascertain whether the wishes of the ladies to establish a hospital at Winnsboro meet with his approval. A committee, of Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. McMaster, and Mrs. Porcher, was formed for the purpose of making necessary arrangements, should the offer be favorably received. August 2, 1862. — Resolved, To send part of clothing in hand to Columbia Hospital. Letter received from Dr. Kinloch declining the offer made him, and suggesting that they should assist Columbia Hospital. Later on in August, a meeting was held to establish a Wayside Hospital in Winnsboro, and to form committees to send refresh- ments daily to the sick and wounded on their way from Virginia. September 5, 1862. — Resolved, To retain clothing intended for Columbia Hospital, for use of Wayside Hospital, in Winnsboro. October 4, 1862. — Resolved, to make up all cloth in hand, and to purchase thirteen pairs socks. November i, 1862. — ^Resolved, To meet again on 5th for pur- pose of arranging for making up soldiers' clothing. August I, 1863. — Resolved, That this society cooperate with that in Chester in furnishing refreshments to the wounded soldiers. Letter was read from secretary of Charleston society, thanking the ladies for $ichd sent for relief of wounded at that place. November i, 1863. — Donations : To D. Miller, two pairs drawers, shirts and socks. To John Neil, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. To G. Ladd, two pairs socks. E. M. Porcher, Secretary. December, 1863.— Donations : Mrs. Lauderdale, three pairs socks. Mrs. Wolfe, stocking yarn. Mrs. Aiken and Miss Crawford, three 42 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. pairs socks. Miss Porcher, paper of tea and one pair socks, fifty- shirts, fifty pairs socks, twenty-six pairs drawers. To Mrs. Harris, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. C. Johnson, two shirts, two pairs drawers. Mr. Lewis, two shirts, two pairs drawers. January, 1864. — Donations from association: Mr. Murphy, Fif- teenth regiment, two shirts, two pairs drawers. October, 1864.— To Mr. Yates : Twelve pairs drawers, eight pairs socks. Crocheted and given by Mrs. Fanny and Minnie Boyce, for Boyce Guard, seventy-two wool comforters. March, 1862. — List of articles sent to hospital at Columbia: Four dressing-gowns, twelve pairs drawers, twelve shirts, twelve pairs socks, one scarf, twelve comforts, twelve pillows, eight pillow-cases, four bottles brandy, three of whiskey, two bottles blackberry vinegar, one bottle cordial, one bottle tomato catsup, four bottles port wine, two quarts blackberry wine, five pints blackberry wine, four dozen candles, two packages dried fruit, one cake of salve, one small bundle soap, one package herbs. Sent to Dr. Robertson, at Richmond : Sixteen white shirts, twelve colored shirts, thirty-five pairs drawers, twenty pairs socks, two packages sage, various private contributions, filling several boxes. November 3, 1862. — Sent to Sixth Regiment by Mr. McCully: Twenty-three pairs cotton socks, one dozen wool socks, five pairs gloves, three dozen dark drawers, two and one-half dozen light drawers, twenty-two colored shirts, one and one-half dozen shirts, thirteen pairs wool socks, four blankets, four comforts, six white shirts, twelve drawers, twenty-five drawers, five pairs socks, ten shirts, five pairs socks, three comforts, seven pairs pants, two quilts, two pairs socks. February, 1863. — Sent to Ladies' New Hospital, Columbia: Six comforts, six mattresses, three cots, twelve pillows, six pairs sheets, three pairs pillow cases, three spittoons, three basins, dried fruit and herbs. February, 1863. — Sent to Colonel Bratton: Fifty pairs drawers, fifty pairs socks, seven carpet blankets, sixteen blankets, four pairs gloves, sixty shirts. The Work at Fairfield. 43 Sent to the coast : Four shirts, four pairs drawers, two pairs socks. Given to Mr. Williams : Two shirts, two pairs drawers. Sent to Ladies' Hospital, Columbia : Twenty- four shirts. April, 1863. — Sent to Central Association: Eight pairs mitts, eighteen woolen blankets. Given to soldiers: W. Williams, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. Glass, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. Romedy, the same. To two soldiers in Captain Thompson's company: Four pairs drawers, four shirts. James Fraser, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks. Mr. McCants, three pairs socks. Mr. Corstin, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks, two shirts. July, 1863. — Sent to hospital in Charleston: Four dozen shirts, one dozen drawers. Four shirts and two pairs socks given to two soldiers named Harris. To Mr. Yarborough, two shirts, two pairs socks. March, 1864. — Sent to Central Association : One hundred shirts. Sent to Wayside Hospital : $100.00. Sent to hospital, Columbia : $100.00. Sent to Wayside Home, Charleston : $100.00. Sent to Rev. Mr. Yates, for sailors : $100.00. To soldier: Two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Finley, i shirt, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Alabama: Two shirts, two pairs drawers, two pairs socks. To Blake, two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. To Murphy : Two shirts, two pairs drawers, one pair socks. September, 1864. — Sent to hospital in Virginia: Forty shirts. To Mrs. Howe's hospital : Two shirts. To hospital, through Mrs. Morrison: Two shirts. Given to soldiers : Two shirts, one pair drawers, two pairs socks. To Gladden : Two shirts, one pair drawers, one pair socks. To soldiers thrown from cars : Three shirts, two pairs socks, two pairs drawers. To sick men last left here : Two shirts, one pair socks. To Murphy : One shirt, one pair drawers, two pairs socks. 44 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. January, 1865. — Articles donated to society : Mrs. W. Robertson, six pairs socks. Clifton, five pairs socks, four pairs gloves. Mrs. S. DuBose, six pairs socks. Miss Crawford, four pairs socks. February, 1865. — Horeb Society, eight pairs mitts. Mrs. Martin, one bolt jeans, two pairs socks. Miss M. Caldwell, seven pairs socks. Mrs. Lauderdale, six pairs socks. Miss Dantzler, six pairs socks. Mrs. T. Woodward, three pairs socks. Mrs. M. Barber, one bushel dried apples. Bought, fifty cents, ten pairs socks. March, 1865. — Mrs. Martin, two pairs socks. April, 1865. — Mrs. McElroy, five pairs socks. Miss Bacot, six toilet mats. Miss Crawford, three pairs socks. Mrs. Felder, one pair socks. Miss Crawford, four pairs socks. Articles Sent A-way. TO VIRGINIA. To Hospital at Charlottesville, Virginia — First shipment, five boxes. Second shipment, seven boxes. Third shipment, by crate, one bottle port wine, twenty-seven bot- tles blackberry wine, two bottles medicine, one of plum cordial, one of cherry cordial, two of damson plums, one package of cream tartar, one dozen powders. TO FAIRFIELD COMPANY. First Box — One dozen Jacob's cordial, one blackberry cordial, one bottle camphor, four pounds coffee, one package sage, one bag sugar, one bag rice, one box salt. Second Box — Breads, cakes, and biscuits. Third Box — One tin coffee pot, ground coffee, three cans preserves, four loaves bread, biscuits, caltes, package Hyson tea, bag sugar, two Testa- ments, newspapers. Fourth Box — Bag rice, flour, sweet cakes, ninety-nine undershirts — flannel and cotton. The Work at Fairfield. 45 Fifth Box, sent to Hospital — Package mosquito netting, two and one-half dozen plates, one dozen knives and forks, lot books, one teakettle, one teapot, three packages, containing five mattresses, with pillows, quilts, bedspreads, and sheets, cloth for bandages. Thirteenth Box, to Hospital, Mrs. Oxner's Contribution — One quilt, two counterpanes, one bed tick, three sheets, one pair pillow-slips, two towels, two pairs drawers, four pairs hose, four pairs men's slippers, six table and six teaspoons, one paper pins, one package cornstarch, spice, cloves, nutmegs, three mugs, three bars soap, four bottles wine, one brandy peaches, preserves, jelly, band- ages. Sent to Captain McMeekin's Company — Two bottles turpentine, one bottle Hives' syrup, one bottle cam- phor, one box mustard, one package mustard seed, wine, jelly, pre- serves, herbs, cornstarch, bread, biscuits, and cake. Sent to Sick at Same Place — Two dozen pairs drawers, one shirt, six yards flannel, cloth for spreading blisters, fifteen mattresses, twelve and one-half pairs blan- kets, fourteen pillows, fourteen long sheets. Sent to Hospital — Six shirts, four dozen pairs drawers, one pair blankets, thirteen dozen pairs sheets. Sent to Captain Shedd's Company' — Five dozen pairs drawers, six and one-half dozen pairs socks, one pair blankets for a sick soldier, thirty-one shirts, forty pairs drawers, thirteen scarfs. November — To Coast — One hundred and thirty-two pairs socks, one pair mitts. To Virginia, to Capt. L. Clarke's Company, Maryland Volunteers — Three dozen shirts, three dozen pairs drawers, three dozen pairs socks, one pair gloves — ^the last article being sent by little Kate Crawford to Capt. L. Qarke. Articles Contributed. By Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. J. S. Stewart — One bushel hominy, five bottles blackberry cordial, one pound black tea, one bottle blackberry jam, two bottles honey, two bottles wine, two bottles acid, one bottle acid drink, one-half dozen pairs socks, six pillow cases, four sheets, two bedspreads, six towels, six old sheets, ten pounds soap, four pounds ground coffee, slippery elm. 46 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Mrs. Dr. Clark — Sag«, red pepper, two fans, one bag rice, one bag sugar, two bot- tles lime juice, two bundles mint and sage, one jar of jelly (black- berry), four bottles blackberry wine, one bag rice. Mrs. McNeil — Four bottles lime juice, one bottle blackberry cordial, two pack- ages gelatine, one package rice flour. Mrs. M. Jordan and Miss E. Laughlin — Three pairs slippers, one bottle turpentine, one bottle No. 6. Mrs. Gaillard and Mrs. D wight — One gallon blackberry wine, two bottles blackberry cordial, one bottle lime juice, one bottle rosewater, one bottle each of Hyson and black tea, loaf sugar, six pounds crushed sugar, one bottle brandy, eleven sheets, sixteen handkerchiefs, twelve pillow-cases, four shirts, four pairs flannel drawers, old cloth. Mrs. E. J. Hall— Four pairs drawers, two shirts, two pairs socks, three packages coffee, three packages tea, candles, one bottle blackberry wine. Mrs. G. H. McMaster — Four sheets, four pillow-cases, three pillow-cases, two comforts, two towels, eight pairs socks, four pairs drawers, three shirts, three handkerchiefs, one jar blackberry jelly, one bottle acid. Mrs. Mobley — Six shirts, four pairs drawers, four pairs socks, old linen cloth for bandages, dressing-gowns. Mrs. McK. Elliott- One shirt, two pairs drawers, two pairs pants, two shirts, two pairs socks, towels, pillow-slips, old cloth for bandages, loaf sugar, tea, sweet oil, and sage. Mrs. Gamble — Two quilts, twelve yards cloth for bandages, six pillow-cases. Mrs. E. Barber — One gallon wine, one gallon grape wine, towels, sheets, linen, sage, and catnip. Mrs. R. McMaster — Pillow-cases, sheets, pillows, shirts, drawers, old cloth for band- ages, tin plates, spoons, pans, coffee, ginger, sugar, fans, sage, and mint. The Work at Fairfield. 47 Mrs. Buchanan^ Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Weir — Pillows, sheets, shirts and fly brushes. Sugar, coffee, rice, tea, crackers, and nutmegs. Sheets, tin cups, shirts, four pairs socks, four handkerchiefs, towels, and slippery elm. Mrs. H. McMaster— Six iron spoons, six tumblers, one dozen tea-plates, two bundles chocolate, two bars soap, one bottle cordial, four bottles acid, three sheets, four pairs drawers, one sheet, rice flour. Mrs. W. Ellison — Three bars castile soap, nutmegs, three bottles of wine, one bundle cloth, three boxes mustard. Mrs. Dr. Buchanan, Mrs. Thos. Jordan — Two shirts, one bundle old linen, four rolls bandages, two bottles camphor, two bottles peppermint. Four shirts, one bundle old linen and cotton, six towels, sage, balm, one-half bushel rice, two bottles cordial, three bottles lime juice. Mrs. Dr. Cremer — Four pillow-slips, old cloth, rock candy, citron, raisins, nutmegs, prunes, two papers of ground ginger, salt. Mrs. 0. Woodward — Four pairs socks, four tablecloths, two bedspreads, four shirts, one-half peck rice, salt, one bushel grits. Mrs. Boylston, Mrs. Rion, and Mrs. Laughlin — Two pillows, two packages gelatine, one of arrowroot, farina, castile soap, six towels, two pillow-cases, two bottles cordial, three bottles lime juice, one bag grits, six pairs socks. Mrs. Ladd — Barley, five shirts, one bundle sheets, three bottles blackberry cordial, one bundle sage. Mrs. Lyon — Two sheets, one spread, two shirts, six pillow-cases, four towels, two pairs drawers, six spoons, soap, one jar honey, sage, old cotton cloth. Mrs. E. T. Lyles, Miss Crawford, and Mrs. Eraser — Sugar, coffee, two bottles blackberry wine, thirty-six pounds sugar, two pounds tea, twelve pounds coffee, three pecks rice, dried apples, one-half bushel grits, one jar blackberry preserves, sage, pepper, four pairs sheets, four pairs pillow-slips, six fans, four 48 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. towels, four handkerchiefs, four shirts, seven bundles of linen for bandages, four Testaments, four Hymn Books, three gallons wine. Miss Barkley — One pillow, one pair sheets, one pair pillow-slips, one bedspread, one package gelatine, one package herbs. Mrs. Hammond — Two shirts, one pair drawers, one undershirt. Mrs. John Adger — Six pillow-slips, six tov/els, six sheets, six shirts, two linen cambric handkerchiefs, six pairs socks, two pairs drawers, two undershirts, two nightshirts, one paper of pins, two curled hair pads, one flaxseed, four rolls of bandages and- pads, cotton, one pound tea, eight pounds rice flour, two pounds Hyson tea, two pounds tapioca, two packages rice, two bottles cordial, one bottle ginger, three bottles wine, one bottle camphor, one gallon jelly, one pair buckskin slippers, one pair worsted slippers. Mrs. H err on — Four sheets, three shirts, two pillow-slips, two towels, two hand- kerchiefs, one package strip cloth, one jar blackberry jelly, ten pounds rice. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Baum, and Mrs. Wolfe — One bedspread, two shirts. One bottle blackberry wine, twelve pounds coffee. One bottle wine, one blackberry jelly, six pounds tea, twelve quarts rice, one box grits, one box mustard, one lot balm, one lot sugar. Mrs. J. W. Shedd— Two bottles wine, one bottle cordial, two boxes gelatine, one jar preserves, three pairs sheets, three pillow-cases, one pillow, four towels, two shirts, sage. Mrs. O. R. Thompson — Six packages blackberry jelly, four bottles wine, six towels, three books, one paper ginger, two spittoons, one fly brush, one bundle bandages, one package tracts. Mrs. J. Lemon — One dozen wine, one package bedclothes, sheets, comforts, weav- ing cloths. Mrs. D. Aiken — Six jars preserves, six jars mustard, one quart cologne, one quart rosewater, two jars brandy peaches, two pounds Hyson tea, three The Work at Fairfield. 49 pounds root ginger, four pounds tapioca, one bottle each of laud- anum, paregoric, hartshorn, and No. 6, one bag spices, one tin slop tub, one tin water bucket, one coffeepot, two mugs, one pound gum camphor, two spittoons, one jar ginger preserves. Mrs. J. R. McMaster — Two bedspreads, four sheets, four slips, two quilts, nine towels, one bag sage, one pound black tea, three pounds rice flour, two pounds candy, one pound gumdrops, two tin cups, two mugs, six spoons, two pounds farina, sugar, cloth for bandages, soap, ladle. Mrs. R. E. Ellison — Six pillows, six pairs pillow-cases, six sheets, one shirt, one quilt, two counterpanes, one spread, three hospital sheets. Mrs. D. Oxner — Six pairs pillow-cases, two towels, two pairs drawers, four pairs hose, four pairs men's slippers, six spoons, six teaspoons, one paper pins, one package cornstarch, spices, cloves, nutmegs, three mugs, three bars soap, four bottles blackberry wine, one bottle brandy peaches, preserves, jelly, one lot netting bandages. Mrs. W. Rabb— Four papers flaxseed, one package gelatine, two pounds salt, grits, rice, sugar, old linen, wine, cordials, pickles, liquorice, rice flour, chloroform, two blankets, one pair sheets, cotton. Mrs. T. S. DuBose — One jar preserves, twelve hospital sheets, eleven pairs drawers. Mrs. S. McCants — Three shirts, two pairs socks, one mattress tick, two pillows, three sheets, one bedspread, six yards domestics, two pairs pillow-cases, one bottle Madeira wine, one bottle cologne, one bottle porter, one bottle Hive syrup, dried peaches, arrowroot, slippery elm, tapioca, five pounds Java coffee, one package soda. Mrs. J. B. McCants — Six pillows, six pillow-slips, four shirts, four pairs drawers, six tablespoons, six teaspoons, six combs and brushes, bundle red pepper, sage, two bottles blackberry wine, cloth for bandages. Mrs. E. Barber, Miss E. Cloud, Miss Dantzler, Mrs. K. Caldwell, and Mrs. W. K. Robertson — Six pairs woolen socks. Six blankets. (To be held for the Boyce Guard until called for.) Three blankets. (To be held for the Boyce Guard until called for.) Five pairs socks. Eight pairs socks. 50 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Mrs. W. W. Boyce, Mrs. DuBcse, Mrs. Cook, Miss C. and Mrs. Yongue — Four bottles blackberry wine, one package herbs, four dressing- gowns, eight pairs woolen socks. Two colored blankets, one white blanket. Twenty pairs socks. Mrs. Wolfe — Two bottles brandy, one pair blankets. Mrs. Tom Woodward, Mrs. Baum, Mrs. Boyce — Four pairs woolen socks. Four pairs socks. Four dressing-gowns, eight pairs socks, one bottle cordial, one catsup, two bottles fruit vinegar, one package plum, one package cornstarch, one package green sage, red pepper. Miss Finney — Twelve pairs socks, eight pairs woolen socks. Mrs. B. Lyles — Twelve woolen scarfs, four pairs socks. Miss Dantsler — Four pairs socks. Miss Gaillard — Ten pairs socks. Mrs. W. Robertson — Seven pairs socks. Mrs. H. B. McMaster— Ten pairs socks. Mrs. Cook — One pair socks, two neckties, herbs. Mrs. J. S. Stewart — Three pairs socks. Mrs. Dr. Aiken — Two shirts. Mrs. Leland — One pair blankets. Mrs. C. Cathcart — Four bottles brandy, four bottles whiskey. Mrs. Boyce — Two bottles blackberry vinegar, one bottle cordial, one bottle catsup, one bottle brandy. The Work at Fairfield. 51 Mrs. E. Barber — Three pairs socks, two pairs gloves. Mrs. D. Lauderdale — Four pairs socks. Mrs. W. A. Moore — One pair blankets for Maryland Volunteers. December 21, 1862. Miss R. Wolfe- One pair socks. Mrs. Felder — One pair gloves, scarf. Mrs. Stewart — Sage. Miss C. McCall — One pair socks. Mrs. D. McCants — One bushel wheat for hospital in Columbia. Miss E. Felder — Two pairs socks. May 3, 1862. Mrs. Wolfe — Three pairs socks. Mrs. Felder — Two pairs socks. June 7, 1862. Miss Boylston — Socks. Mrs. Boyce — Three pairs socks. Mrs. P. Cook — Package herbs. August 2, 1862. Mrs. Mob ley — Package herbs, one pair socks, crocheted shawls. September 6, 1862. Mrs. Felder — Two pairs socks. 52 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. October 4, 1862. Mrs. T. Woodward — Three pairs socks. Mrs. Felder — Two pairs socks. November i, 1862. Mrs. Rabb — Two blankets, two comforts. December 6, 1862. Mrs. Bacot — One dozen socks, two pairs socks. Miss Barkley — Four carpet blankets. Mrs. Martin — Two carpet blankets. Mrs. Mobley — Two blankets, two pairs socks, two quilts, one piece carpet. Mrs. Robertson — Seven pairs pants. Mrs. Boylston — Thirty-six pairs socks. Mrs. 0. Woodward — Two pairs socks. money contributions. October, 1862. Mrs. W.Robertson $0.50 Mrs. M. Dwight 50 Mrs. Gaillard 50 Mrs. W. Aiken 50 Mrs. Fraser 50 Miss Crawford 50 Mrs. Cohen 50 Mrs. Ladd 50 November, 1862. Miss Porcher i .00 Miss DuBose i .00 Mrs. Bratton i .00 Mrs. Means i .00 Mrs. Wolfe i.oo Miss M. Crawford 50 Mrs. Fraser 50 Mrs. W.Robertson 50 The Hospital at Florence. 53 November, 1862. Mrs. Boyce $1.50 Mrs. Ladd 50 December, 1862. Mrs. Lauderdale 5.00 Mrs. W. Robertson 50 Mrs. Thompson i.oo Mrs. Wolfe 50 Mrs. Porcher 50 Mrs. Bratton 50 Mrs. Means 50 Miss DuBose 50 Miss Aiken i .00 Miss E. Aiken i .00 Mrs. Rivers 5 . 00 Mrs. McMaster 5.00 Miss Crawford 50 Mrs. Horlbeck 5-oo January, 1863. Mrs. Boyce i.oo Mrs. Ladd 50 Mrs. Fraser i . 00 Miss Crawford 50 Mrs. Porcher 50 Mrs. Bratton 50 Mrs. Means 50 Miss DuBose 50 Mrs. Wolfe 50 Mrs. Cohen 50 February, 1863. Mrs. Ladd 50 Mrs. W.Robertson 1.50 Mrs. Means i.oo Mrs. Porcher 50 Miss Fraser 50 Miss Crawford 50 The Hospital at Florence. Written by Dr. P. B. Bacot, Surgeon C. S. A. According to my recollection, the hospital at Florence was estab- lished as a wayside home, by the ladies of the Pee Dee section, for the relief of needy soldiers passing over the lines of roads passing through Florence. The home was supported by the ladies of Florence, Darlington, Society Hill, and Cheraw, and probably other localities. 54 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. In the latter part of 1862, or the first of 1863, it was found that, owing to the number of sick and wounded soldiers who had to be taken into the home, a medical officer was required to attend them. The home was then turned over to the Confederate government as a Wayside Hospital. Dr. Theodore A. Dargan, of Darlington, was appointed surgeon- in-charge; Mrs. Chandler was appointed matron, and Mr. Lawrence Prince, of Cheraw, steward. During the summer of 1863, I was assigned to the hospital as as- sistant to Dr. Dargan. Some time during the winter of 1863, Mrs. Chandler resigned the position of matron, and Mrs. Martha Jordan was appointed to her place. After serving in that position for a few months, she resigned, and Miss Harriet Black, of Cheraw, a very estimable lady, was appointed to fill the position. In April, 1864, my command being ordered to Virginia, I had to leave the hospital. After that, it became necessary to enlarge the hospital, and the building afterwards known as the restaurant was added. The original hospital was in the Norris building, on the corner of Front and Coit streets. Our office was a small building, across the railroad track, in front of Gamble's Hotel. The office is still standing — the only building left that had any connection with the hospital. After the increase of the hospital, Dr. Washington was appointed to assist Dr. Dargan. After the government took charge, the ladies still continued to visit the hospital, and render such aid as was in their power. Many poor soldiers had cause to remember the maternal aid ren- dered them by the kind and patriotic ladies of the Pee Dee section. (Signed) P. B. Bacot, M. D., Acting Assistant Surgeon, Florence Hospital. IVoman's MrorR at Sumter. Written in igoi, unsigned. The churches in Sumter were used as hospitals. Mrs. Montgomery Moses daily visited the hospital at the Baptist Church, carrying waiters of delicacies for the sick. One of the men was so pleased at her kindness, and felt so sure she could help in anything, that he appealed to her to get him a furlough. She had a very ill soldier removed to her house, in hopes of saving his life, but, notwithstanding all the good nursing, he died. In his The Work at Union. 55 delirium, he kept calling, "Sue, Sue, I am only four miles off; I am coming." It was never known who he was ! Many soldiers from the hospitals came at meal times to the houses of the ladies to be fed ; also, many brought their rations to be cooked and, of course, the ladies made many additions to what they brought. An old lady — Miss Rachel Suares — used to board the trains each morning, as they passed, and wash the sick soldiers on board, re- turning home by the next train. At one time, the ladies used to set tables of food at the depot, for the soldiers, as they passed through. Mrs. M. Moses and her daughter — Miss A. P. Moses — did much good work at the Baptist Church Hospital, taking a servant daily to attend the sick, mending the surgeons' clothes, making lightwood tea, rolling quinine pills, stuck together with flour and hominy. Hominy was used, too, to seal letters, during the war. One soldier, to show his gratitude, would wait on Mrs. Moses' cook, bringing her wood, etc. The flag used at Manassas and other battles, by Kershaw's men, was made by Mrs. Bossard, Miss A. P. Moses, Miss Garden, the Misses Bartlett, and other ladies of Sumter. IVoman's WorR at Union. Letter from Miss F. M. Blamyer, dated August, 1901. Miss Blamyer was the secretary of the Soldiers' Relief Associa- tion, of Charleston, but made her home in Union during a part of the war. She writes : "As to the association in Union, it was formed when there was no time for red tape. Mrs. W. H. Wallace was the presi- dent ; Mrs. Jeter, treasurer. I was the vice-president. We bought cotton in bale with great difficulty, as the planters refused to let us have it. They said, with true country honesty, that they had pledged themselves not to let their cotton run the blockade. Yet, through the influence of Mrs. Wallace, the president, we bought the cotton and sent it to the factory in exchange for homespun, sending part of this to the Soldiers' Relief Association in Charleston ; and with the rest, in Union, we made clothes for our men. We then got a large, empty room, put some beds in it, and col- lected what supplies we could. When Governor Magrath could no longer find a refuge in South Carolina (at the end of the war), he disbanded his bodyguard, formed of boys from the Arsenal in Columbia, and told them they S6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. must make their way home. Some of them came to us, tired and muddy, and the ladies immediately sent them ready-made soldiers' clothes, but found they had to be shortened and the seams taken in. When Cheatham came through, we had some of his sick men. One poor fellow, who they thought could not swallow, when I gave him a few spoonfuls, said : "It takes a gal to feed me." BlacK OaK Soldiers' Relief Association. Minutes of Black Oak Soldiers' Relief Association. In the South Carolina Room of the Confederate Museum, in Rich- mond, marked on the catalogue as No. 312, is another old book, the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Black Oak Soldiers' Relief Association of St. John's, Berkeley Parish, Charleston District, South Carolina. This book was sent to the Museum by Miss Edith Waring, now of Florence, daughter of the president of the association, Mrs. Morton (Anne) Waring. A few items from it have been sent us. On the first and fifth pages are the name of the association and the dates of its organi- zation, first at Pinopolis, August 9, 1861, and again at Black Oak, August 14, 1861. The officers were : Mrs. Morton Waring, President ; Mrs. Isabella S. Porcher, Vice-President; Mrs. Thos. F. Porcher, Secretary and Treasurer; Directresses, Mrs. C. L. Porcher, Mrs. T. P. Ravenel, Mrs. W. H. Markley, Mrs. J. C. Cain, Mrs. H. L. Stevens. Miss Louisa A. Porcher was appointed Treasurer on August 23, 1861, Mrs. Porcher having resigned. On pages seven and eight there is a list of fifty-nine members. Some reports of the work had been sent us, as follows : September 5, 1861. — Eighty dollars spent for purchase of ma- terial. October 2, 1861. — One hundred and eighteen pairs drawers and three hundred shirts were cut out and made. September 24, 1861. — Made up for Hampton's Legion, three hun- dred overcoats. October 2, 1861. — Made for Ladies' Christian Association, sixty- seven shirts, thirty-five coats, and twenty uniforms. December 3, 1861. — One hundred and thirty-eight articles made. January i, 1862. — Two hundred pieces of clothing made. January 19, 1862. — Two hundred and fifty pieces of clothing made. The Work at Black Oak. 57 February 12, 1862. — One hundred and twenty-one articles made. December 11, 1861. — Sent to Coosawhatchie Hospital, $100.00. September 23, 1862. — Sent to Virginia, for sick and wounded, $133.50. To soldiers in the West, $245.00. Twelve boxes, containing wine, brandy, whiskey, and food, sent to hospitals. June 21, 1864. — The last entry of a box sent to the sick and wounded in Virginia is on June 21, 1864. But it must not be supposed that the work ended there. Miss Waring, Mrs. R. Y. Hennegan, 1901. "The work of the association was continued until the close of the war, but, owing to the unsettled state of the country, they were un- able to hold the usual meetings, and no minutes were kept. Supplies of socks, clothes of every kind, and also of cooked provisions, were kept in hand, ready to supply any passing soldiers, or to send off, in case of need." This is the testimony of the daughters of the president. Another member writes : Miss Marianne Porcher, 1901. "It would be impossible, at the end of thirty-six years, to give the number of boxes and articles of clothing and cash contributed during the whole war, for, besides what was sent by the association proper, quantities were contributed by individuals. "After the war, we were requested to send our book to Richmond, where it is entered on the Catalogue as No. 313." Miss Waring also writes : Miss S. C. Waring, 1899. "Soldiers' Relief Associations were formed all over the Confeder- acy, and a great deal of needlework accomplished by mistress and maid throughout the country. At" Black Oak and Pinopolis was organized the society called the Ladies' Auxiliary of Black Oak. "This society first bought material and made a quantity of clothing for soldiers, then offered to help other societies in Charleston, and on some occasions made as many as one thousand pieces in three weeks. "The ladies knit and kept supplied many companies in socks and gloves, caps, shirts, and comforters. For four years we worked un- ceasingly, and even at evening parties the knitting needle was a regular attendant. "Work for our soldiers was nothing but pleasure, and while the cards were being dealt, our knitting proceeded rapidly — tongues and 58 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. fingers moved alike. The writer of this paper in one week knit six pairs of socks. "As time passed on, and every man and boy was taken to keep up the ranks of our army, the 'times' seemed hard indeed. Women were obliged to look after the welfare of home matters, and then many a woman showed herself a heroine. "One day a wounded Confederate came to our house, asking for shelter and concealment. 'But,' said he to my mother, 'Madam, it may cost you your house.' 'Sir,' said she, 'go to your room ; a Con- federate woman can suffer for her country.' The soldier rested quietly, and the next morning was taken off by his comrades. We heard nothing of his pursuers. "Later in the war came a call from the government for cooked food for the prisoners who had been brought to Florence. They were dying of typhoid fever. "Then came a rush ! Five thousand starving men, dying of dis- ease, though they were the enemy, appealed strongly to the hearts of our women. Large boxes were filled with well-cooked food and sent to Florence, three hours being the time required for transporta- tion. Seven large boxes of food made quite a formidable appear- ance, being carted from the house of the president of the society. "When the final stroke came, we found ourselves an overpowered people, and working to the last." 'Woman's IVorK at Etxtaivville. Letter from Miss Anna S. Sinkler, 1901. "This society, besides a great deal of other work, made uniforms for the companies commanded by Capt. Christopher Gaillard, and Capt. Julius Porcher. "Mrs. William Sinkler was the first president; Mrs. Thomas W. Porcher, the second. "That good work was expected and required in these societies is shown by the following anecdote : Mrs. Harriet Gourdin had seven uniform coats as her share, and made them, as she thought, quite beautifully, and sent them off proudly. The next day, back they came, with the buttonhole side neatly cut off, and a request from Mrs. Porcher that she would put the buttons and buttonholes in their proper places." EuTAwviLLE Aid Association. . 59 Rules of tHe Eutavrville Aid Association. Minutes of the Eutawville Aid Association, in possession of — . Rule first. The officers of the association shall be a president, sec- retary, treasurer, and two directresses. Rule second. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the association. When application is made to the asso- ciation for assistance in work, it shall be her duty to ascertain their ability and pleasure to do the same ; to carry out all correspondence with other associations or persons relative to their application; to give notice to the members of the association for all extra meetings, and to call extra meetings when necessary. Rule third. It shall be the duty of the secretary and treasurer to keep all accounts of donations made to the association, all money expended, what materials purchased, what garments made, and how disposed of; what work done for other associations or persons not members of this association. Rule fourth. It shall be the duty of the directresses to purchase such material as directed by the association for clothing, etc., to cut all garments, and distribute them to be made, and report to the sec- retary how many, and to whom sent. Rule fifth. The association shall meet every alternate Saturday, at the residence of one of the members, in regular rotation. Each member to bring to the place of meeting the work done, yarn spun, socks knit, or anything done for the benefit of the cause. Rule sixth. Each member to contribute the sum of 25 cents at every regular meeting. Six members shall form a quorum and transact ordinary business matters. These rules not to be changed but by a majority of the association. N. B. Gentlemen may become members of the association by con- tributing the sum stated in Rule 6, but not entitled to a vote, as they can't participate in the pleasure of sewing, cutting, etc. All donations thankfully received. Memorandum of transactions and donations of the association from August i to November 9, 1861 : In August, made forty shirts, twenty-two hickory shirts, fifty pairs of drawers, eighteen comforts, eighteen pillow-cases, which articles were sent to the Soldiers' Relief Association, in Charleston. In September, made for the quartermaster's department, one hun- dred pairs drawers and fifty-eight shirts. In October, made eighteen flannel shirts, which were given to the Santee Artillery, Capt. Gaillard; also six pairs woolen socks. 6o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. There was also distributed, at diflferent times, sufficient yarn for one hundred and sixty-five pairs of socks, and twenty-two pairs of socks were sent to the Eutaw Volunteers, Capt. Porcher. There were also given thirty-six pairs of socks, at another time, to the Santee Artillery. Previous to the 9th of November, there were sixteen coats and seventeen pairs of pants made for Eutaw Volunteers. November 23, 1861. — The association met this day at the Rocks, when it was resolved that this asociation withdraw from the Charles- ton Association. The sixth rule was amended so as to read as follows : There shall be both paying and working members. The paying members to contribute 25 cents at each regular meeting, and all mem- bers to be fined 10 cents for absence from any regular meeting with- out sufficient excuse. On the 20th inst., yarn for fifteen pairs of socks was sent to Charleston. Since the last meeting there have been made by the association coats, pants, and twenty-two flannel shirts for Eutaw Volunteers. November 30, 1861. — An extra meeting of the association held at Numertia to take into consideration the propriety of getting up ar- ticles for use of hospital in our State. Donations for the above were received as follows : Two pairs sheets and twelve pillow-cases from Mrs. H. Gourdin and Mr. James Gaillard; also cloth sufficient for four comforts and two shirts from Miss C. Gaillard. Since the last meeting, twelve flannel shirts have been made for the Eutaw Volunteers, and nine hanks of wool have been sent to Charleston, to be knit into socks and gloves. December 21, 1861. — Association met at Wampee. The following donations were received : Eight pillows from Mrs. T. W. Porcher, six pillows from Mrs. J. Gaillard, and one comfort from Mrs. T. T. Gourdin. Twenty-seven scarfs and sixteen pairs of socks were given to the Santee Artillery, Capt. Gaillard. January 4, 1862. — The association met at Walnut Grove. An appeal was made by the Charleston Association for articles of clothing for soldiers from Eastern Virginia. The following work was done for the Santee Artillery, viz. : Thirty flannel shirts and eleven pairs of drawers. The following articles, contributions from members of the asso- ciation, were sent to the hospital at McPhersonville, viz. : One tureen, six dishes, twenty-six plates, one teapot, four coffeepots, four hot plates, five ladles, forty teacups, sixty-three saucers, eight mugs, two EuTAwviLLE Aid Association. 6i basins, three chambers, two covered jars, five milk pots, one jug vinegar, one phial red pepper, one bag flaxseed, eight sheets, ten comforts, forty-five pillov^r-cases, nineteen pillows, two shirts, eight pairs slippers, six handkerchiefs, rug. Miss Jane Melford joined the association. January i8, 1862. — Association met at Pond Bluff. Miss Qer- mont Gaillard joined the association, and Mrs. Sydney Kirk with- drew her name from the association. February i, 1862. — Association met at Eutaw. February 15, 1862. — ^Association met at Belvedere. The following articles were sent to Mrs. Dr. W. Snowden for the use of a Georgia regiment, viz. : Twenty-five shirts, sixteen pairs drawers, fifty pairs socks, and two pairs gloves. March i, 1862. — Association met at Walworth. Letters were read acknowledging the receipt of things sent to the Georgia regi- ment through the Soldiers' Relief Association of Charleston.' March 22, 1862. — Association met at Numertia. April 12, 1862. — Association met at the Rocks. A note of thanks from Captain Porcher's company (Tenth Regiment), for an offer of socks, was read, in which they declined receiving them, as they were well supplied at that time. Forty-four pairs socks were sent to the Holcombe Legion. April 26, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. P. C. Hicks'. May 24, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. J. Gaillard's. June 7, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher's. Mrs. W. Sinkler having resigned as president, Mrs. C. Gaillard was elected in her place. Mrs. F. M. Dwight and Miss Alice Gaillard were elected members of the association. June 21, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. Palmer's. Miss C. S. Gaillard and Mrs. H. M. Boyan were elected members. A letter from Mrs. Snowden, calling on the ladies, was read, and the association determined to send such things as were wanted for the hospitals. July 5, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. W. Sinkler's. The following donations were made to the association for the hospitals, viz. : Mrs. C. Palmer, four sheets, four pillow-cases, bundle of rags ; Mrs. C. Sinkler, bundle of rags ; Mrs. James Gaillard, eight sheets, thirteen pillow-cases, two counterpanes, one tablecloth, bundle of rags ; Mrs. C. J. Snowden, five bottles red pepper, bundle of rags. 62 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. two bags sago, one bottle of wine ; Mrs. K. Simons Jr., one counter- pane; Mrs. T. W. Porcher, seven counterpanes, bundle of rags, six bottles of wine; Mrs. C. Gaillard, two sheets, one counterpane; Miss C. S. Gaillard, four sheets, two counterpanes, two pillow-cases, bundle of rags. The following articles were sent from the association for hospitals : Eight bottles medicated blackberry, two jars blackberry jelly, five bottles red pepper, two bags sago, and forty-four chickens. July 19, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. K. Simons'. August 16, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. C. Gaillard's. Mrs. T. W. Porcher offered a resolution that in future any one, not a member of this association, applying for work should be fur- nished with the same; which was agreed to. August 30, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. Gourdin's. The following contributions were made to the hospital in Charles- ton : Mrs. C. C. Palmer, fifteen fowls and one and one-half dozen eggs; Mrs. Gourdin, four dozen eggs, and butter; Mrs. T. W. Porcher, ten dozen eggs, okra, and butter; Mrs. C. Sinkler, twelve fowls. September 13, 1862. — The following contributions were made to the hospital in Charleston : Mrs. C. Sinkler, four pounds butter, and one dozen eggs ; Mrs. T. W. Porcher, one jar lard, and bundle corn- starch ; Miss Alice Gaillard, six fowls ; Mrs. Simons, one dozen eggs, and bag okra ; Mrs. C. C. Palmer, four dozen eggs, one bushel grits, and seven fowls. October 11, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher's. Mrs. Gourdin resigned. October 25, 1862. — Association forwarded to the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, one hundred and thirty-nine shirts, the same having been made from material furnished by that association. The following articles received from the ladies and gentlemen of Eutawville were sent to Mrs. Snowden, in Charleston, for the Qiim- borazo Hospital, near Richmond, Va., viz. : Mrs. C. Gaillard, four bottles wine ; Mrs. Gourdin, four bottles wine ; Miss Alice Gaillard, two bottles wine, and two pounds starch ; Mrs. T. W. Porcher, one dozen wine, four pounds corn and potato starch; Dr. Jos. Palmer, two dozen wine; Mr. J. Gaillard, one dozen wine, and two bottles red pepper. Also two dozen blackberry syrup, made by the association. (Mr. J. J. Cross, four pairs woolen socks, a donation to this associa- tion. ) November 15, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. T. W. Porcher's. The Work at Grahamville. 63 Received since last meeting, one bushel rice, and three bottles red pepper, for Chimborazo Hospital, from Mrs. Simons. November 29, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. C. Gaillard's. Mrs. P. C. Kirk withdrew from association, and Mrs. A. L. Sinkler and Miss Deas Sinkler were elected members. December 13, 1862. — Association met at Mrs. Chas. Sinkler's. January 19, 1863. — Association met at Mrs. Simons'. Sent to Captain Furlis' company, Twenty-first South Carolina Regiment, sixty shirts, sixty pairs drawers, and sixty pairs socks. February 14, 1863. — Association met at Seagewood. Sent to Captain Land's company, South Carolina Regi- ment, sixty shirts, six pairs drawers, three pairs socks. List of members of Eutawville Association : Mrs. T. W. Porcher. H. P. Gourdin. Miss Alice A. Gaillard. S. H. Kirk. E. A. Gaillard. Mrs. F. M. Dwight. S. M. Kirk. M. L. Scott. Mrs. H. M. Bryan. W. Sinkler. Emily Sinkler. M. C. Allen. C. C. Palmer. Lizzie Sinkler. A. L. Sinkler. L. C. Gaillard. Miss Jane Melford. Deas Sinkler. Mrs. L. F. Guerry. Miss Clermona Gaillard. E. K. Simons. In the Record Book of the Eutawville Aid Association there are several pages of beautifully kept accounts, running from July 31, 1861, to February 14, 1863. These accounts include all purchases, the dues of members, and many donations, among others, from "the Communion Alms, through the Rev. R. Johnson." 'Woman's WorK at GraKamville. Letter from Miss S. S. Seabrook, 1901. "In reply to your questions, * * * I was president of our clothing society, and vice-president of our hospital committee. "We had three regiments on our hands to care for — two from North Carolina, Colonel Clingman's, and the Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Radcliffe — also one from Georgia, Colonel Gibson. * * * The North Carolina regiments, especially Clingman's, had a great deal of sickness — measles and typhoid fever. I visited the hospitals daily, assisted in nursing, and furnished such nourishment as was needed and could not be had in camp. "We furnished all clothing needed — and it was sadly needed in- deed ! We knitted socks, and we had showered on us the blessings of the well, as well as of the convalescent. "I cut up my best wool mattress for Colonel Radcliffe's hospital. 64 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "The ladies of our community ably assisted Mrs. Johnson and myself in our work. Mrs. Johnson was the head of our hospital committee. She was the wife of the lieutenant-colonel of Qing- man's regiment. "(Signed) S. S. Seabrook." Woman's V^orK at Camden. Letter from Miss Emma C. Reynolds, 1901. I have in my possession papers relating to "The Ladies' Aid As- sociation," of Camden. They belonged to my aunt, Miss Sally Chesnut. The association was organized in 1861. Miss Harriet Chesnut Grant was the first president. I cannot find the list of the other officers of that time. In January, 1862, the following officers were elected : Miss Sally Chesnut, President. Mrs. Walker, Vice-President. Miss Louisa Salmond, Treasurer. Miss Emma C. Reynolds, Secretary. The secretary resigned on June 25, 1862, and Miss Harriet Lang was appointed in her place. The letters from different officers show that quantities of clothes, supplies and comforts of all kinds were sent to the soldiers in the army and in the hospital. There is a list of the members of the association. On March 12, 1862, the association decided to establish the "Sol- diers' Rest." "The ladies and a committee of gentlemen are to have a general supervision. They are to furnish the room, provide nurses when they are needed, and meet whatever expenses may be in- curred." I remember well that Mrs. Katherine Lee took special super- vision of "the Soldiers' Rest." My aunt. Miss Sally Chesnut, I am sure, continued to be presi- dent of the association until the end of the war. Her heart was in it, and her interest never flagged. "Miss Bouney was appointed treasurer of the 'Soldiers' Rest'." With the book of the association are many letters from soldiers. (Signed) Emma C. Reynolds. The Work at Camden. 65 Letter from Mrs. John Johnson, igoi. t* * * What I am writing is from memory. * * * Miss Harriet Grant was president of the Aid Association of Camden a part of the time, and was very active and energetic. Another officer was Miss Louisa Salmond, who, with steadfast de- votion, had rare good judgment. We had quite a number of members, some of the refugees among them— Miss Elliott and the Misses Stuart, of Beaufort, S. C. I know much work was done. We sent oi3E boxes to the companies from Kershaw County, or District, as it was then called, supplying them with shirts, drawers, socks, etc. I also know we made pants, coats, caps, overcoats, haver- sacks. I think most of the material for these outer garments came from the quartermaster's department. I recall some overcoats we made for the cavalry — brown, with yellow cording. Boxes were sent to the hospitals of such stores as the housewives could give — usually comforts, blankets, pillows and cases, rags, blackberry wine, dried fruits, and anything useful. * * * When one of the last boxes was to be sent to Richmond, four ladies from the society were sent from house to house to gather up what could be gleaned, even to a string of red peppers. Two of the ladies took the town — Miss Brevard and I were given Kirkwood and Hobkirk, suburbs of Camden, and we took two days, each day returning with the large family carriage filled with valuable things much needed in the hospitals. Besides these boxes, fresh vegetables were sent through the society to the hospitals in Charles- ton — at one time during the summer as often as once a week. During the early part of the war, Camden being only the terminus of the railroad, we did not find the need of a Soldiers' Rest, but later on, sick and returning soldiers had to be provided for, and such a place was arranged, being under the control of the ladies living near enough to look after it. We were often applied to, more especially by soldiers from my brother's (Captain Cantey) company, and they were never turned away without food and shelter from my mother's house. (Signed) C. Floride Johnson. 66 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. List of members of the Kershaw Ladies' Aid Association, formed in July, 1861, and lasting until the close of the war: From the book of the Association, in possession of Miss C. C. Reynolds. Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Goodwyn. Miss Harriet C. Grant. Miss Gatewood. Mrs. S. H. Hay. Miss Fanny Hay. Miss Esther S. Reynolds. Mrs. Wm. M. Shannon. Miss Mattie Shannon. Miss Harriet Shannon. Mrs. A. C. Salmond. Mrs. T. W. Salmond. Miss Louisa Salmond. Mrs. Paul Trapier. Miss Sarah Trapier. Miss Mary Trapier. Miss Zee Trapier. Miss Valk. Mrs. L. L. Whitaker. Miss M. J. Whitaker. Miss H. Whitaker. Miss Ellen Whitaker. Miss Sally Whitaker. Miss Lenoir. Mrs. H. Oppenheim. Mrs. George Reynolds. Miss Ellen C. Reynolds. Copy of letter from Stephen Elliott, in possession of Miss Reynolds. Fort Sumter, January 4, 1864. Richard E. Screven, Esq. Dear Sir: Allow me, in behalf of the garrison of this fort, to return thanks for the most bountiful present of luxuries sent to us, through you, by the ladies of Camden. Even the fair donors themselves can scarcely understand the full extent of the pleasure it gives us to receive such tokens of female interest and sympathy. You can assure them that while we are in- vigorated by the good cheer thus spread before us we are made doubly strong in spirit to defend those who thus remember us. I am very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Stephen Elliott Jr. Miss Reynolds has many other letters referring to the work of this association. Mrs. T. J. Ancrum. Mrs. Antony Kennedy. Miss Ancrum. Mrs. Robt. Kennedy. Miss Ellen Ancrum. Miss Eliza Lee. Miss Harriet Boykin. Mrs. Joseph Lee. Miss M. L. Boykin. Mrs. A. M. Lee. Miss Charlotte Boykin. Miss Maggie Lee. Miss M. McRa Boykin. Mrs. Ben Lee. Mrs. Bouney. Miss Susan Lang. Miss S. Bouney. Mrs. Leitner. Miss Barnwell. Miss Levy. Mrs. H. W. Conner. Miss M. E. Donald. Mrs. H. W. Conner Jr. Miss McCaa. Mrs. Chesnut. Miss Julia Oppenheim. Miss Sally Chesnut. Miss Emma C. Reynolds. Mrs. J. Cantey. Mrs. Louis DeSaussure. Miss Florida Cantey. Miss Octavia DeSaussure Mrs. Deas. Miss Fannie DeSaussure. Miss Meta Deas. Mrs. Thomas F. Davis. Mrs. John DeSaussure. Mrs. Thos. F. Davis Jr. Mrs. H. W. DeSaussure. Miss A. E. Davis. Miss Holmes. Miss Sally Davis. Miss Habersham. Mrs. James M. Davis. Miss Emma Holmes. Mrs. Dunlap. Miss Eliza Holmes. Miss Dunlap. Miss Rebecca Holmes. Mrs. Alfred Doby. Mrs. W. E. Johnson. Mrs. Sally DeSaussure. Mrs. Robt. Johnson. Mrs. Wm. Depass. Bethany Hospital. 67 BetKany Hospital and Soldiers* Aid Association, £dgefield County, S. C. Paper by Mrs. C. P. Poppenheim, written 1901. In the month of June, 1861, a number of ladies of Bethany Church, Edgefield County, S. C, met at Bouknight's Ferry, on Saluda River, at the home of Mr. William Bouknight, and there organized a society for the aid of our soldiers in camp and the sick in the hospitals. The following constitution was adopted: Whereas, Many of our soldiers are laid low by the hand of dis- ease, and thereby prevented from attending to the necessary duties which are so essential to the protection and welfare of our beloved and common country, and as it is a duty binding upon us to furnish all necessary articles, and aid, which are in any way conducive to the welfare of our soldiers ; therefore, Resolved, First. That we, the ladies of this community, near and about Bethany Church, do sympathize deeply with our sick soldiers. Second. That we form ourselves into an association, known and distinguished by the name of Bethany Hospital and Soldiers' Aid Association. Third. That the principal object of this association be for the im- mediate relief of the sick soldiers from our midst, and then our service be indiscriminately favored to all weary soldiers in our cause. Fourth. That this association be organized by appointing officers, viz. : President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. Fifth. That each member of this association pay into the hands of the treasurer a certain sum, concluded upon by the association, for the purpose of purchasing medicine and all other necessary articles which the society feels it in their power to purchase. Sixth. That each member be punctual in attending the meetings, which shall be monthly, or oftener, if the president deems it neces- sary. The following officers were elected: President— Mrs. W. Abney. Vice-President — Mrs. Geo. Long. Secretary— Miss Louisa M. Bouknight. Treasurer — Miss Mary E. Bouknight. General Manager— Mrs. G. D. Huiet. 68 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. MANAGERS. Mrs. H. Livingston. Mrs. Wm. Merchant. Miss E. H. Huiet. Mrs. S. Smith. Mrs. C. Perry. Mrs. J. Berry. Mrs. S. Coppock. Mrs. M. Gilder. Mrs. G. Rutherford. Miss Mary Livingston. Mrs. A. Coleman. Mrs. J. Abney. Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. T. D. Purifoy. Mrs. M. Long. Mrs. B. Culbreath. Mrs. D. Smith. Mrs. J. Schumpert. Mrs. W. Strother. Mrs. Wm. Clark. Mrs. W. Clary. This association met every two weeks, each member bringing their contributions, and when sufficient had accumulated, large boxes were packed and shipped by way of Newberry Courthouse, ten miles dis- tant, to R. W. Barnwell Jr., Charlottesville, Va. The Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier of August and September, 1861, has letters published acknowledging the receipt of these boxes, containing shirts, drawers, socks, pants and coats, handkerchiefs, vests, dressing-gowns, slippers, sheets and pillow-cases, pillows, blankets, comforts, towels, counterpanes, bandages and rags, tea, coffee, sugar, preserves, brandy, wine, cordial, whiskey, porter and ale, cologne, lemon syrup, sage and tapioca, arrowroot, cornstarch, mustard and flaxseed, ginger and nutmeg, rice and rice flour, basins and pans, cups and saucers, coffee and teapots, knives and forks, plates and dishes, fans, brooms, cards and brushes, bowls and mugs, soap, and starch, gelatine and isinglass. Bibles and tracts and other books, bedticking, pickles, butter. Cigars, tobacco and pipes were also sent. One good mother said : "By all means let our boys have their tobacco, pipes, and cigars." Loving hands knit socks and gloves during the long, anxious hours, awaiting news from the battlefield in Virginia. Homespun garments, all spun, dyed and woven, cut and made on the plantation, were brought in large packages, to be sent to the needy soldiers. This devoted work went cheerfully on during the long and anxious days that our loved ones in camp were exposed to so many dangers ; nor did it cease until the desolation of Sherman's march through South Carolina and the destroying of the railroads by Sherman's men put a stop to all transportation. Mary Bouknight Poppenheim, (Mrs. C. p. Poppenheim,) Charleston, S. C. March 20, 1901. The Work at Abbeville. 69 "Woman's VTorK at Abbeville. Written by Mrs. Joseph Marshall, igoi. A society was formed in Abbeville to send supplies to soldiers in our army. Mrs. Armstead Burt was the President; Mrs. Thomas Perrin, Vice-President. Two ladies were appointed each week to send a box of clothing, provisions and comforts for the sick and wounded. A knitting society was formed, Mrs. J. W. Marshall, President; Mrs. W. H. Parker, Vice-President. About fifty pairs of socks were sent away every two weeks. In 1865, a hospital was fixed up for the sick and wounded passing through Abbeville, which was then the most direct route west. Mrs. Robert Wardlaw was the president. Two ladies met each train that came in, and if the soldiers were too sick to go on, they were cared for in the hospital. If they were able to go on, a hack was furnished, often to Washington and El- berton, Georgia, a distance of thirty and forty miles. Twenty soldiers died here and were buried in the Episcopal Churchyard, and at Long Cane Cemetery. After the war, Mrs. Samuel McGowan and Mrs. J. W. Marshall got up an entertainment, the proceeds of which were used to mark each grave with a marble upright piece at head and foot. One soldier came with smallpox. He was taken to a vacant house near Magazine Hill. A negro man, who had had the disease, nursed him, and others did all they could, but in a few days he died, never able to tell his name. He was buried near the house in which he died, and a cedar tree, planted by a little girl, is all that marks the resting place of, no doubt, a true and brave soldier. At Calhoun Mills, Abbeville District, a society was formed, with Mrs. M. C. Tilman as president. All supplies were sent to her home, where they were packed and sent to Abbeville — twelve miles — to be shipped on the railroad. True and patriotic old farmers sent all they could think of — provisions and clothing, and all sorts of herbs — for the sick. One old man brought two immense slippery elm trees. At first, he was laughed at, but Mrs. Tilman said it was the very thing for the wounded. She set the little negroes to work to take off the rough bark, and tie up the soft inside into small bundles and, with two days' work, four large bales were sent to Virginia. The surgeon wrote saying that nothing had ever done more good, and begging that they would send all that could be had. 70 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Letter from Mrs. L. C. Haskell, 190J. There was a society ten miles west of Abbeville, at Monterey. Mrs. Squire Giles, Mrs. Haskell, and Mrs. Tilman were promi- nent members and, I think, officers. Correspondence of Mrs. M. A. Snoivden. In possession of Mrs. Yates Snowden. We have had the privilege of looking over a number of letters to Mrs. Snowden, Vice-President of the Soldiers' Relief Association of Charleston, which, in the absence of other papers of that society, would show how thorough and far-reaching was its work. Un- fortunately, these letters are but a small part of her correspondence, the rest having been destroyed or lost at the time of the earthquake, in 1886. That the sick and wounded were cared for is proved by letters from many Confederate surgeons, either asking for or acknowledg- ing assistance. We find a letter from Dr. Simon Baruch, of the Confederate Hospital at Rikersville, giving directions for collecting and pre- serving medicinal herbs. Letters from Dr. W. C. Ravenel, Surgeon of Hagood's Brigade, in Virginia; and Dr. E. M. Seabrook, of Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, acknowledging stimulants. November lo, 1862. — A letter from Dr. J. F. M. Geddings, at Adams Run, acknowledges bedding, etc. November, 1862. — Dr. M. S. Moore writes from Fort Sumter about chickens sent. April 10, 1863. — Dr. E. Ravenel Jr., house physician of the Roper Hospital, writes to ask for one sour orange for a very ill patient. There are letters from Dr. J. W. Bowen, of Qiimborazo Hos- pital, Richmond; Dr. A. G. Lane, surgeon-in-charge of Winder Hospital, Richmond; Dr. Lebby and Dr. Ogier, of Charleston Hospital. August, 1862.— Dr. Thomas S. Thompson, Assistant Surgeon Sixth Battalion of Cavalry of South Carolina, at Chisholmsville. December, 1864. — Dr. F. Peyre Pbrcher, at Danville; Dr. P. Gervais Robinson, Surgeon of McGowan's Brigade. April, 1864. — Dr. Post, of Summerville Hospital; Dr. R. W. Gibbes; Dr. S. H. Sanders, Boykin's Depot; all speaking of help received or looked for. Soldiers' Relief Association. 71 Among these letters is one from Mr. Robert Gourdin, referring to citric acid he has sent to make cool drinks for the sick and wounded. The Rev. E. T. Winkler, Post Chaplain, writes in the name of Mrs. Osborn, at the Citadel Square Hospital, for brandy for typhoid patients. There are letters from officers and privates, asking for or return- ing thanks for every sort of article, from uniforms to "a few ground- nuts" — or a clothes boiler, which was very much needed, by T. B. Collins, Steward of the First Georgia Hospital. To supply these demands, contributions were sent from far and near. Many of the letters referred to are written on scraps of paper, and are without dates. Some, however, are dated. September, 1861. — On this date, Mrs. or Miss C. Porcher sends one hundred pairs of drawers and forty pairs of pants, evidently work done by a society at Eutawville. She begs that no more work will be sent them at present, they having on hand a large number of pantaloons for Hampton's Legion. November 25, 1864. — That the children were not idle or indif- ferent is shown by a letter from Gen. Robert E. Lee, at Petersburg, returning thanks to the following young people for a "sojer kitchen" sent to him : Master Gilbert Tennant. Master J. Yates Snow- Miss Aimy Burgess. Master L. M. Stoney. den. Miss Clara Cheesebor- Master C. S. Mathieson. Miss Flora Mathieson. ough. Master W. C. Fisher. Miss May Snowden. Miss Annie Mordecai. A letter, without date, evidently the summer of 1861, from Miss S. S. Seabrook, of Grahamville, is as follows : "We have been working diligently all summer for the Soldiers, and have already sent a quantity of haversacks. As soon as the news of the battle reached us, we sent on two large, valuable boxes for the wounded, and $200.00. "Our officers are: Mrs. Tracey, President; Miss S. S. Seabrook, Vice-President; Miss Phoebe Morrall, Secretary; Mrs. T. C. Screven, Treasurer." She goes on to speak of special work for the "Beaufort Troop." March 4, 1863. — There is a letter from W. States Lee, at Granite- ville, addressed to Dr. Bachman, and sending $10, "from my daugh- ters," for the suffering soldiers. January 25, 1863. — We see a donation of cottonseed cofifee. Also a letter from Mrs. George Robertson, at Pendleton, speaking ^2 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. of a wayside hospital there "for the many wounded passing from Richmond." October 6, 1863. — Miss Louisa Mcintosh sends from Society Hill donations for hospitals, to Dr. Bachman. Mrs. or Miss M. J. C. Witherspoon, of Society Hill, sends com- forts, etc. Mrs. E. C. Porcher, Walnut Grove, sends yarn, and directions for spinning. Miss Mary E. Boykin, of Boykin's Turnout, writes to say that she has sent potatoes and flour. October, 1862. — Miss Nannie Perroneau writes from Anderson, sending "yarn made from scraps of shawls, cut up, carded, and spun with cotton." A. N. S., of Pinopolis, sends a long list of articles sent, among others, shirts made from curtains. A. Ravenel sends from Hampton "a sum of money — the result of raffling a dress." November 18, 1862. — Mrs. Susan Lee writes from Camden, send- ing sixty-five shirts, made by her household. She speaks of getting soap made. October, 1862. — A. S. Caldwell writes from Statesburg, sending articles for hospital, and saying that she could not get the eggs and chickens desired, for love or money. Miss Marianne Porcher sends gloves for soldiers. Another letter from her mentions forty-two pairs of gloves, "the work of four of the family, and the overseer's wife." She speaks of their society being very busy, having made seventy pairs of pants for the Legion, thirty-five coats for the Island Company, and twenty suits for the Eutaw Company; but says they will not stop work while the war lasts. October 30, 1862. — The ladies of Temperance Hill send to Dr. Bachman a long list of articles sent by them for the hospitals. Mrs. Christopher Gadsden (M. M. Gadsden) writes, sending from Mr. Gadsden a prayer and hymn, "probably to be used in a little book of prayer that was published by the Ladies' Tract So- ciety," copies of which are extant. September 15, 1862.— Mrs. L. C. King, of Perry, Ga., reports the condition of a wounded soldier, and says the neighborhood is getting quite independent, making their own cloth, syrvip, shoes, and sugar. Soldiers' Relief Association. 73 There is a long list of men of the Seventh South Carolina Bat- talion to whom were given shirts and socks. M. Gregg, of Kalmia, S. C, refers in a letter to Mrs. McMeekin, of Fairfield, who made all the shoes for herself and five children. Mrs. McMeekin sends a pair of these shoes to put in a box that was to be sent to England. Miss Virginia Quattlebaum sent a palmetto hat, made by herself; and Mrs. Chappell, a pair of silk gloves, made from her own silk- worms. Mrs. Gregg sends, in the same box, a doll, dressed, in homespun, as a Confederate lady. October 25, 1862. — A letter, dated at Greenville, from Mrs. Anne E. Hume to her man-servant in Charleston, directs him to give to Dr. Bachman, for the soldiers, four mattresses, a carpet and a rug. The letter begins "My dear Will," and closes with these words: "Remember me kindly to all. I often think of and pray for you all, and trust, God willing, we may all meet in peace in our beloved home once more, but if not, that we may meet in Heaven. "Your attached friend and mistress, "Anne E. Hume." January 5, 186 — . — A letter from Rosa Barnwell reports all doing well at the Trapman Street Hospital, Charleston; that the visiting ladies were very attentive, and that they had had a good Christmas dinner for the patients. A footnote by Mrs. Snowden says that Rosa Barnwell was a colored woman, in entire charge of bedding, etc., at Trapman Street Hospital. August 22, 1 86 1. — W. W. Harlee writes from Marsh Bluff, say- ing that nine military companies had gone from Marion District, and that every mother, sister, relative and friend among the women had gone to work to supply their wants, and those of other soldiers. Mrs. W. W. Harlee was president of the Soldiers' Aid Society. There are many letters from Miss Elizabeth P. Huger, from Society Hill, always speaking of work and help for soldiers in the field or hospital. There are long lists of articles sent from the ladies of St. John's, The Barrows, Charleston, Eutawville, Society Hill. These lists mention every imaginable article, but "curtain shirts" figure largely. Letters mention articles sent and work done by Mrs. Gatewood, Miss R. Holmes, Miss Fannie DeSaussure, Miss Sue Screven, and Mrs. Bachman. 74 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. November, 1862. — Mrs. W. K. Bachman writes from Columbia, giving prices of woolen yarns, and going into details showing that she was giving much attention to the work of spinning and weaving. October 13, 1862. — Miss Sue Perroneau, in a letter from Ander- son, S. C, asks where she can get the wool of a mattress spun and woven into cloth for soldiers. She also asks where thread and buttons could possibly be bought, and mentions that the Anderson ladies have just raised three hundred dollars for soldiers' shoes. Mrs. L. Porcher sends her curtains to be made into shirts, and says she "shivers" as she thinks of "our poor soldiers." August 12, 1863. — Mrs. Annie Mathews writes from Walterboro of valuable boxes and money sent by the Ladies' Association of that place. She refers to Wayside Homes Nos. i and 2 ; also to cooked food to be sent to Battery Wagner, "where the suffering is intense," of men shut up in the heat, without fresh air, and with no way of preparing food. November 19.— There is a letter from Thomas Wagner, Major commanding at Fort Sumter, asking that two hundred yards of worsted goods be made up into cartridge bags. And a note from Dr. Bachman asking Mr. Peake, Superintendent of the South Carolina Railroad, for a pass for himself and Mrs. Snowden, who were endeavoring to establish wayside hospitals at Branchville and Kingville. March 17, 1863. — A letter of this date speaks of tea at $6.50 per pound. There are letters from wounded men, and from mothers and widows of soldiers. One woman begs to know if her dying hus- band said anything about her and the children, and returns thanks for money sent her. M. E. Y. Powelson, Secretary of Ladies' Hospital Association, of Plantersville, returns thanks for offers of help. October 28, 1862. — E. E. Porcher, Director of Eutawville Aid Association, sends a list of stores sent by the people of Eutawville — among other articles, four and one-half dozen of Madeira wine. She deplores the scarcity of wool and cards. That the churches, too, gave their help is shown by letters from Mr. J. K. Sass. In one, which bears no date, he sends $110.00, a collection taken up in St. Michael's Church for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers. May 4, 1864. — In another, Mr. Sass sends $67.90, from the Com- munion Alms of old St. Andrew's Church, in St. Andrew's Parish, Soldiers' Relief Association. 75 for the use of the Ladies' ReHef Association. This money had been handed to him by the Rev. Mr. Drayton. A Httle note says that "some of the ladies had been to visit the hospitals at Adams Run, in answer to an earnest appeal from Dr. Yates. They had done what they could for the comfort of the men, and had assisted in preparing the Confederate Hospital, under the care of Dr. P. Porcher, Medical Director, and Drs. Evans and Bailey." July 26, 1 86 1. — Among the letters is a circular from the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, to all workers, asking that shirts for the wounded should be open all the way down, with strings. The sleeves should be made the same way. Many letters from various people in Nassau and Liverpool show the constant efforts to keep up the supplies of clothing, medicines, etc., for our soldiers. Among these correspondents are Messrs. Jervey and Miller, of Nassau; Mr. John B. Lafitte, of Nassau; M. M. Simpson, Secretary and Treasurer of a committee in Nassau, and Mr. James M. Calder, of Liverpool. There are also letters from Messrs. W. C. Bee & Co., of Charleston; and many from the Rev. Dr. Bachman show his untiring work in conjunction with the ladies in the hospitals. July 25, 1864. — General Beauregard writes from Petersburg, Va., sending thanks to the ladies of Charleston for a full suit of Con- federate uniform. Mrs. S. C. Williams sends eggs and vegetables. There is a little memorandum thus : "For the sick and wounded of our army : "Mrs. James Rose $100.00 "A Confederate lady abroad 100.00 "A gentleman 20.00" August 5, 1863. — Mrs. Anne F. Caldwell sends, from Statesburg, $20.C0. December 27, 1862. — Miss Eliza Hayne sends, from Barnwell, dried fruit, for soldiers in hospital — half to go to Richmond. July 28, 1863.— Mrs. Ed. W. Mathews, of Walterboro, $166.00, from the raffle of "Ermenie." 76 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Correspondence of Mr. Richaircl Caldivell, Commissary* General of South Carolina. Correspondence and proceedings of Soldier's Relief Association, in possession of the Daughters of the Confederacy of Charleston. Given them by the daughter of Mr. Caldwell. Among the valued possessions of the Daughters of the Con- federacy of Charleston are two books, in which have been preserved newspaper reports of the proceedings of the Soldiers' Relief Asso- ciation of Charleston, and letters referring to the business of that society. Some of these letters are addressed to Mr. Caldwell, others to the association. From them we gather a few items. August 1 6, 1 86 1. — J. N. Maffitt, commanding Confederate States Steamer "Savannah," writes, asking for clothes "for the much-neg- lected sailors." August 21, i86i. — W. Gilmore Simms, in the name of the ladies of Midway, Barnwell District, sends contributions of supplies and money. August 23, 1861. — In a letter from Charlottesville, to the associa- tion, the Rev. R. W. Barnwell, while thanking the ladies for what they have already done, says : "Remember that our hands are no longer nor stronger than you make them, and then you will feel that all we do is in your name, and to your credit. We simply disburse what your hearts suggest and your hands bestow." August 23, 1861. — A copy of a letter from Miss F. M. Blamyer and Miss L. S. Porter, Secretaries of the association, to Quarter- master L. M. Hatch, asking for work. September 14, 1861. — Miss Catherine H. CoiSn writes to Mrs. Robertson, sending $20.00, part of proceeds of an afghan made by her, and raffled. A note, signed "Lizzie," encloses $90.00, the proceeds of the rafHe of a piece of embroidery. In one of the weekly reports of the association, $2.50 is mentioned as "handed in by a clergyman as a legacy from a little girl who died last week," and, in dying, had begged that her gift should not be for- gotten. October i, 1861. — Reference is made to a society of schoolgirls formed for the relief of soldiers. This society did its work in the intervals of study, and had already sent a box to Mr. Barnwell. Soldiers' Relief Association. "j"] The following women's associations are referred to : Auxiliary Association, Eutawville — Mrs. Wm. Sinkler, President. Mrs. Catherine Palmer, First Director. Mrs. Thos. W. Porcher, Second Director. Mrs. Jas. Gaillard, Secretary and Treasurer. Pineville Association — Mrs. Julius DuBose, President. Mrs. R. Couturier, First Director. Mrs. H. M. Snowden, Second Director. Grahamville Association — Miss S. S. Seabrook, President. Claremont Association — Miss E. Bradley, President. St. James Goosecreek — Mrs. Winter. Woodville Association. Hamburg Association. Associations of Camden, Johns Island, Orangeburg, Beaufort, Mechanicsville, Carmel (Aid Society), Anderson, Pine Grove, Cheraw, Kershaw (Vice-President, Mrs. Walker), Williston (things sent through Mrs. W. W. Graham), Legareville (things sent through Mrs. J. A. Fripp). There are also reports of valuable donations "from ladies of Sum- terville, Walhalla, Pendleton, Statesburg." Probably these ladies represented associations, but it is not so stated. September 23, 1861. — There is of this date a printed programme of an entertainment given in Charleston for the Soldiers' Relief As- sociation, by Messrs. Couturier and Reeves, and "a lady from Georgia." Among the letters of great interest is one from Dr. J. J. Chisolm to the Soldiers' Relief Association, in which he says : "Should it be the intention of the association, as events progress, to establish hospitals for sick and wounded in Charleston, it will give me much pleasure to put at their disposal my private hospital in Trapman street, which, having all the necessary appurtenances, will make very comfortable quarters for from eighty to one hundred men." December 6, 1861. — Dr. W. C. Horlbeck writes, inviting the ladies to come to the Marine Hospital, and suggesting the formation of visiting committees. 78 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. In the association reports, we see that these committees were formed in the latter part of the year to visit at the Marine and Relief Hospitals. December 4, 1861. — There are many letters in this collection from ofHcers of all ranks, among others one from Gen. R. E. Lee, from Coosawhatchie, where he was then stationed. Some of these are letters of thanks from captains of companies who have been helped, and are most touching, written, as they were, with the zeal and hopefulness of youth. Feb. 17, 1862. — A list is given of the visiting committee for Rikers- ville Hospital, Charleston, as follows : Mrs. H. W. Conner. Mme. Girard. Mrs. J. R. Robinson. Mrs. Isabella S. Snow- Miss Joye. Miss Toomer. den. Mrs. A. M. Lee. Miss Porter. Mrs. Dr. Carrere. Mrs. Dr. Roberts. Miss McKinsey. Mrs. C. Fitzsimmons. Mrs. Jas. R. Pringle. Mrs. Wm. Snowden. Mrs. Dr. Geiger. April 21, 1862. — The report of the Soldiers' Relief Association mentions the Soldiers' Relief Hospital, under the care of Dr. Wm. H. Huger; also speaks of committees visiting, almost daily, the Marine, Roper, and Rikersville Hospitals. This report also says that, at the meeting, members of the associa- tion had contributed $437.00 for the Ladies' Gunboat, and that Miss C. P. Chapman had sent eleven surgical pads, made of carded hemp rope. A pathetic item of this report is the acknowledgement of the re- ceipt from Dr. Leslie Owen of the uniform of his deceased son, late sergeant of the Washington Artillery. May 2, 1862. — There is another programme of an entertainment given for the Soldiers' Relief Association. This was a soiree musical e, and the performers were Miss North, Miss Petit (now Mme. Barbot), Miss Walter (now Mrs. W. J. McCormack), Mrs. Warley, and Mr. Walker. May 5, 1862. — Miss Hester T. Drayton, President of the Ladies' Qothing Association, writes to Mrs. Robertson that, being about to move from Charleston, she sends to the Soldiers' Relief Association the clothes and materials belonging to her society. She congratu- lates the Relief Association on the success of their work, and prays for the "blessing of God on our cause." The Work at Columbia. . 79 VTomen's Activities at the Capital. 1 861. — Columbia, our State Capital, was not laggard in working for the soldiers. Early in the summer of 1861, a Soldiers' Relief Association was formed there, of which Mrs. David J. (Louisa S.) McCord was the first President. This association met first, and for some time, at Gracey's store, in Main Street — afterwards at Kinsler's Hall, and later at the chapel of the Theological Seminary. The Seminary was then emptied of its students, and gave a home to many low- country refugees. Much work was done free, as well as that done for the quarter- master, for which pay was received. This pay work was given to the wives of poor soldiers, many of whom would walk into town to get it, long distances from the neighboring sandhills; On one occasion, a young woman begged that she might be given work for a certain company, of which her husband was a member. A gar- ment was handed her with the kindly but jesting speech, "I shouldn't wonder if that were for him now." As the poor thing opened the parcel, she saw, sewed to the garment, a little tag, put there by the tailor, with the name of her husband. She began to cry pitifully, and there were few dry eyes about her. Mrs. Campbell Bryce's Reminiscences. Mrs. Bryce recalls Mrs. Parker and her daughter Lena, Mrs. G. M. Goodwin, Mrs. Nurse, Mrs. Beard, as faithful in this work, as well as many others whose names she cannot remember. Others mentioned to us Mrs. Howe, Mrs. James P. Adams, two Mrs. Bryces, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Bachman, Misses Elmore, Miss LaBorde, Misses Goodwyn, Mrs. Jefi: Goodwyn, Misses Stark, Miss Lucy Green, Mrs. Macfie, Misses Reynolds, and Palmer, as earnest workers, either in this association or others. Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Mrs. Thomas Taylor says : "At Gracey's store, I remember 'cut- ting out' with Mrs. Samuel Beard, Mrs. Rufus Johnston, and Miss Louisa Graeser." Mrs. J. P. Adams. Letter written 1901. Another member says : "In those days, we had no sewing ma- chines, and the work was done by ourselves and our seamstresses. Mine made fourteen pairs of drawers in a week for that association, and never seemed hurried. The negroes were faithful and kind. They did not believe our troops would ever be beaten." 8o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Mrs. Adams remembers that "this association made the uniforms for the company commanded by Capt. L. Cheves McCord, his mother, Mrs. McCord, furnishing the material" — gray cloth. "I remember my suit was stitched with silk, and that the company pre- sented a most attractive appearance. Mrs. Dr. Parker did most of our cutting." Not only did the elder women of Columbia work hard for this association. Some of the young girls met there on regular days, and not only sewed there for hours, but took work home with them. Their elders, most of them practiced seamstresses, were very pa- tient in their instructions and criticisms, though they exacted good work. More than one girl of that day — grandmothers now — look back with respect and affection to their instructors, and to many happy hours spent under their guidance. Of course, the girls in Columbia, as everywhere else, learned how to knit. Even children could manage suspenders. Some of the girls were expert enough to read aloud while knitting, and in this way the few new books that reached us during the war (Les Miser- ables and Great Expectations, among others) were often read to an absorbed but industrious group. Later on, Mrs. McCord, wishing to be freer for hospital work, resigned the presidency of the Soldiers' Relief Association, and Miss Kate Hampton was her successor. She was followed by Mrs. Campbell Bryce. Mrs. Rufus Johnson was secretary. Of other officers, we have no record. Columbia, May 17, 1863. — In an old paper, we see the following names of societies — ^part of a directory for soldiers : Soldiers' Relief Association — President, Mrs. Campbell Bryce. Soldiers' Qothing Association — President, Mrs. McCord. Ladies' Industrial Association — President, Mrs. Levy. Young Ladies' Hospital Association — President, Miss Preston. Wayside Hospital — President, Mrs. John Bryce. MRS. JOHN McKENZIE, COLUMBIA. The Work at Columbia. 8i Mrs. J. P. Adams, 1901. In 1861, there was also organized, in Columbia, a Ladies' Hospital Association. Of this, Mrs. James P. Adams was the secretary. She says : "My book was full of incidents and records of work done and dis- tributed in many ways, but it was burned with Columbia. The asso- ciation met monthly, at the Methodist Sunday School room, and was always opened with prayer by Dr. George Howe, Mr. Gamewell, or the Rev. Mr. Martin. Mrs. S. A. Howe (Mrs. George Howe) was president and, I think, Mrs. William Wallace was treasurer. Our work was to send boxes of clothing to the soldiers — in Virginia, principally. One old lady interested in the Hampton Legion in- variably piped out, in a shrill tone, 'Anything for the Hampton Legion ?' "We also gave orders for food to a certain amount, to the wives of soldiers. These orders were given on a Mr. Edward Hope." Mrs. Adams mentions, besides those names already given, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Andrew Wallace, Mrs. Alfred Wallace, Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. Squiers, Mrs. Lysander Childs, Mrs. Mc- Kenzie, as good workers, and goes on thus: "We met to work at the house of Mrs. John Bryce. Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Bryce were active in getting the Fair Grounds building for a hospital. "* * * We all attended on our own respective days at the hos- pital. Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Miss Mary McKenzie, Mrs. John Le- Conte and I were on the same committee, attending weekly. Mrs. LeConte was the soul of fun, and gave us many a hearty laugh." Mrs. Adams says, also: "I think almost every woman, high or low, was in the ranks as a worker, and there are those whose names will never be known, who, in silence, anxiety and sorrow, by their patriotism and endurance, gave as much aid as those whose acts were more in evidence." Mrs. Thomas Taylor, igoi. "Outside of these associations in sewing bodies, the women made up clothing for the soldiers. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, wife of Captain Taylor, of the Congaree Troop, Hampton Legion, took charge of the outfit of the company. Materials were issued by the govern- ment, and, to secure the commutation money for the men, the uni- forms were cut by Mr. Swaffield, and the tailoring done by friends of the members of the command, and it was in their homes that these ladies worked, surrounded and aided by their trained negro seamstresses. Added to this, the blankets of the united households, 82 • South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. and the ply carpets, were given to the soldiers, cotton comforts re- placing blankets for family use. Mrs. Stephen Goodwyn DeVeaux was a great worker in tailoring. All the socks of the company were supplied by the knitting of the women who had friends in the Congaree Troop, for that winter. When completed, the uniforms were inspected by Mr. SwafEeld, whose kindness and instructions were frequent and valuable. He reported to Mrs. Taylor that one pair of trousers had to be ripped up and again sewed, under his directions, as the seams had been so deepened that the man wearing them could not have moved to go forward, or to run away. Mrs. Taylor acknowledged the work to be hers, and the old Englishman remarked, 'I don't want to rip an- other pair you make, for you meant that sewing to stay.' T did, indeed,' was the reply ; 'witness the raw edge on my hand, made by drawing the flax thread to a pull'." Mrs. J. P. Adams. "Houses were denuded of blankets to make into drawers and undershirts, and socks were knit by the hundreds, Mrs. McCord being notable for her industry in that line." (Mrs. McCord knit with large needles and coarse yam, and tasked herself three socks every day, Sundays and week days.) Mrs. Campbell Bryce's Reminiscences, Published 1897. In September, 1861, the first soldiers' hospital was established in Columbia by ladies, at the Fair Grounds. "Measles had broken out at the camp near the town, where about 3,000 men were being drilled and prepared for service." To quote from Mrs. Bryce: "With our contributions, we (Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Bryce) purchased cots, bedding, etc., calling in the services of Mrs. John Bryce, who, for the next four years, gave her whole heart and time to the aid and comfort of our soldiers. "After we had all things in readiness, we informed the officers that they might bring their men in, but, to our intense astonishment, we were told that they would not come, that they had no desire to go to a 'hors-pitul.' * * * "So we formed ourselves into a committee of three — Mrs. Howe, Mrs. John Bryce, and myself — and took the cars for the camp. Here the officers met us, begging us to go into some of the tents, and tell the men what we had done for them. We did this and, with one accord, they decided to go and be taken care of. "The men were brought in by the officers and, as we had not yet found nurses for them, Mrs. Howe and Mrs. John Bryce assisted The Work at Columbia. 83 the very sick to undress, untying their shoes, and pulling off their shoes and stockings. "We were not long without help, however, for the ladies of Co- lumbia formed themselves into committees of four, or six, or eight, for each day, and Dr. Fair had an appointment as a kind of local Confederate Surgeon, with several young doctors under him. "During the winter following, some forty soldiers died, many from pneumonia, some from typhoid fever, and others from ery- sipelas. Although we had a corps of hired nurses, our ladies were still indefatigable in their attentions. "Mrs. Howe and Mrs. John Bryce, the President and Vice-Presi- dent of the Hospital Association, were faithful in their attendance at all times. Mrs. Howe contracted erysipelas from her close attention to the patients with that disease. "Later on, the government took charge of the hospital, but the ladies did not cease their care." Mrs. Rawles, Mrs. Friday, and Mrs. Heise have been named to us as earnest in this work, and Mrs. Daniel Crawford, from the vicinity of her home, as having been able often to add to the comforts of the soldiers. Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Mrs. F. H. Elmore and Mrs. John Caldwell served together at the Fair Grounds. Mrs. Elmore was always accompanied on her hos- pital days by one of her six daughters. There was an alarm of erysipelas on one occasion, and Mrs. Elmore dispatched Mrs. Thomas Taylor to her home, on the outskirts of Columbia, to prepare the dining-room, a large, airy apartment, for two young Mississippians, one wounded in the thigh, the other in the shoulder. The two beds were up by the time the soldiers arrived. A fine negro family nurse was installed, and for months the invalids had their comforts and wounds cared for by the family and Phyllis. Other houses became temporary homes for the sick who could get no farther on their way until strengthened. Mrs. Thomas Taylor took into her carriage, one day on her way from the Wayside Hos- pital, two fever patients, who were lying in the hot sun, on a car- penter's bench, in the street, with desolate look upturned towards the sky. These were received by Dr. Wm. Reynolds in the room appropriated for such, in his house, and were cared for by Mrs. Reynolds. 84 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Minutes of Young Ladies' Hospital Association of Columbia, in possession of Miss I. D. Martin. A shabby old blankbook has been lent this committee, bearing on its flyleaf the words, "Young Ladies' Hospital Association, July 26, 1861." This book contains the partial record of a work begun by the girls of Columbia, which afterwards branched out over a much wider field, and was instrumental in the founding of the Wayside Hospital in Columbia, the first of its kind in the world, or- ganized and carried out by women. Naturally, the management of this hospital (often surgical prac- tice) passed into the hands of older women, assisted by gentlemen who, from their age, were non-combatants — ^the girls, however, con- tinuing their services as auxiliaries. The Rev. Wm. Martin was one of the first to suggest and help in this work, and he it was who met every train coming in from Vir- ginia, and directed the soldiers to the Wayside Hospital, transporta- tion being furnished by private means, the ladies going to the depot in their own carriages for the sick men; and afterwards, as the de- mand became greater, by the Central Committee for Soldiers' Relief. Extracts from a paper by Mrs. H. W. Frost, in the Woman's Edition of the Columbia State, June 4, 1895. In reference to the Wayside Hospital, we quote the following : "In the summer of 1861, the young girls of Columbia, including, of course, those from the low-country who had taken refuge there, organized the 'Young Girls' Hospital Association.' "At one of their meetings, the great need of relief at the railroad depots was brought up — how wounded soldiers arrived and were unavoidably detained, without preparation being made, or being pos- sible, for their comfort, in any way. "It was then proposed or suggested by (I do not remember whom) that a Wayside Hospital should be started. This name was only given later. Two girls, Sally B. Hampton, daughter of General Wade Hampton, and afterwards Mrs. John C. Haskell, and Susan Hampton Preston, now Mrs. Henry W. Frost, undertook to start the enterprise and raise the means of so doing : which they success- fully accomplished by canvassing the town and being met, as all such things were in those days of enthusiasm, by hearty and generous re- sponse to the proposed movement. * * * Such was the origin of the first Wayside Hospital. * * * The scheme soon outgrew the originators, and as in those days girls were strictly hedged in, it was found desirable to turn the Hospital into older hands." The Work at Columbia. 85 After recalling some names of ladies who attended at the hos- pital — all of them being mentioned elsewhere in this report, Mrs. Frost says, "Mrs. Hampton Sr. and her daughter, Mrs. John S. Preston, were contributors only, the one on account of her great age, and Mrs. Preston being absent in Virginia when not in attendance on her mother." Extracts from paper by Miss I. D. Martin, published first in Charleston News and Courier, afterwards in Woman's Edition of Columbia State, June 4, 1895. Miss Martin tells of the organization of the Young Ladies' Hos- pital Association, and goes on thus: "During the winter of 1861-62 numbers of soldiers were coming home sick, * * * and the poor fellows would be obliged to remain in Columbia for hours, and sometimes a day and a night. Some ladies of the city resolved to meet the trains as they arrived from Virginia and minister as best they could to the needs of the suffering men. But there was no organized plan. * * * "A clergyman who was in the habit of meeting the trains to afford assistance, called the attention of the Young Ladies' Hospital Asso- ciation to this * * * and suggested the propriety of applying some of their funds to arranging a room at the Charlotte Depot. "This suggestion was immediately carried out. * * * The place was styled the Soldiers' Rest. It was concluded to transfer the Soldiers' Rest to the South Carolina Depot. But the affair had now assumed dimensions far beyond anything its originators had ever dreamed of, and the elder ladies, to whom the girls were accustomed to defer, thought it best to take matters into their own hands. The Soldiers' Rest was changed into the Wayside Hospital. "The girls 'were very indignant,' but became pacified when allowed to accompany the older ladies. * * * The outgoing trains left at a very early hour in the morning, but never, through the whole exist- ence of the hospital, did these women and girls fail to be at their post." The object of the Wayside Hospital was limited in intention. It was to receive and minister to the needs of the sick, and especially the wounded from battlefields, whose wounds might be dressed, and some more comfort insured them on their further journey to their homes, or to a permanent hospital. Address by Dr. Darby, 1873. We give an extract from an address by Dr. John T. Darby, Sur- geon Confederate States Army, before the South Carolina Medical Association, in 1873. 86 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Speaking of the ameliorations of modern warfare, Dr. Darby says : "On the route from the army to the general hospital, wounds are dressed and the soldiers refreshed at wayside homes ; and here, be it said with justice and pride, that the credit of originating this system is due to the women of South Carolina. In a small room in the capital of this State the first wayside home was founded, and during the war some 75,000 soldiers were relieved by having their wounds dressed, their ailments attended, and very frequently by being clothed, through the patriotic services and good offices of a few un- tiring ladies of Columbia. From this little nucleus spread that grand system of wayside hospitals which was established during our own and the late European wars, and it is beautiful to see and know that, though implements of war are made more and more effective for the destruction of life, the progress and advance of surgery gives com- fort and restores health to the servant in arms who has suffered for his country." Mrs. H. W. Frost, in the Woman's Edition of The State, Columbia, 189s. "In 1866, Dr. John T. Darby went as volunteer surgeon to the Red Cross Corps in the Austro-Russian War. Being an American, and neutral, his skill and help were recognized and appreciated by the eminent surgeons in both armies. He suggested (I think) to Langenback and Elsmarck, the eminent German surgeons, this sys- tem of wayside hospitals, which, with their means and most effective methods, were carried out with a success that make a world-known and most beloved name of wayside hospital." Charleston Mercury, January 4, 6, and 7, 1862. "CHARLESTON WAYSIDE HOSPITAL AND SOLDIERS' DEPOT. "Every train will bring large numbers of soldiers, hungry, fa- tigued, many, perhaps, sick and faint. Refreshments are essential immediately upon their arrival. Our City Council has appointed the undersigned a committee to attend to this matter. "The new building erected as a depot for the South Carolina Rail- road Company has been kindly given up for the reception of the sol- diers, and ample accommodations prepared for the sick and disabled. We want cooks, waiters, nurses, fuel, hospital stores, etc. Our citi- zens, we are sure, will come to our aid. "All communications should be addressed to Prof. F. S. Holmes, at his residence, at the corner of Calhoun and St. Philip Streets, or at the depot of the South Carolina Railroad. H. R. Banks, "F. S. Holmes, "J. S. RiGGS, "Committee." Charleston Wayside Hospital. 87 Charleston Mercury, January 7, 1862. "The following contributions are acknowledged for the Wayside : "Mr. W. Roman, laudanum, paregoric, and other medicines. "Mrs. E. H. Rodgers, comforts, and hospital stores. "Mrs. Emily J. Tew, Hillsboro, N. C, $5.00. "Mrs. T. M. P., rags for surgeons' use. "Mrs. John H. Porcher, Black Oak, grits, lard, and services of a negro man for nurse. "J. DuBose Porcher, jar of lard and a man nurse. "Mrs. Isabella J. Porcher, Black Oak, lard, and potatoes. "Mrs. A. R. Drayton, bath tub. "Col. J. D. Aiken, load of wood. "The committee tender their grateful thanks to Messrs. John Eraser & Company for their contribution towards the establishment of the Wayside Hospital at the Citadel Square, consisting of mat- tresses, fifty pillows, ten washstands, basins, etc. Also to General DeSaussure and oiificers of the Fourth Brigade, for the use of their building on the Citadel Square as a branch of the Wayside Hospital. To Professor Hume, of the Citadel, we acknowledge our obligations for many favors. F. S. Holmes, "Superintendent." "Acknowledgements to "Mrs. F., six bottles pickles. "Master Wm. Hummel, two bottles brandy. "Mrs. Harriet Erwin, one bale cotton. "Miss Julia Mulligan, coffee, tea, etc. "Mrs. M. E. Tanno, Pendleton, S. C, six pillow-cases. "Mrs. John Fripp, one pair turkeys, bag meal. "Miss S. Tunno, coverlets. "From absent citizens of Charleston, through Mr. W. P. Holmes, two demijohns of gin. "Mrs. S. C. Williams, Society Hill, ten mattresses, four litters, and a barrel of hospital stores. "Anonymous, by railroads, bale containing six mattresses, five sheets, three comforts, six pillows and cases, and several bundles of dried herbs. "Death — W. R. Childs, a private in Calhoun's Battery, died Jan- uary 3d, and was buried at Magnolia Cemetery. "F. S. Holmes, ' ' Superintendent." 88 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, January 13, 1862. The Wayside Hospital and Soldiers' Home is reported fully organ- ized and ready for sixty patients at a time — forty-eight were there at the time. A long list of donations is published — large sums of money from the men, and numberless articles, from beds to slippers, sent by the women. "It is impossible to name the large number of ladies who daily provide milk, soup, and refreshments of every kind." Charleston Mercury, January 31, 1862. The Wayside Hospital Committee acknowledges many donations, and publishes a number of deaths, among others, that of "one of our faithful nurses — Scye — the property of Wm. Ravenel, Esq., of Black Oak." Charleston Mercury, July 14, 1863. The Wayside Hospital in Charleston continued under that name, with what modification of its work we do not know. Whether the patients received there were only those in transit to other places (as was the case in Columbia), or were kept there, we do not know; but in the newspaper of July 14, 1863 (Mercury), we see a call for another Wayside Hospital or Home. Charleston Mercury, July 25, 1863. The announcement follows shortly that the need had been filled, and a home established at the old American Hotel, King Street. Charleston Courier, September 15, 1864. Soon after, we see that the first Wayside Hospital changes its name (to prevent confusion), and becomes the first Louisiana Re- ceiving and Distributing and Transient Hospital, located at 564 King Street, Surgeon Robert Lebby. Mrs. Bryce's Reminiscences. Minutes of Young Ladies' Hospital Association. Mrs. Bryce reports the thorough organization of the Wayside, in Columbia, in October, 1862 ; but in the report of the Young Ladies' Hospital Association for July, 1862, we see a donation to the Way- side Hospital, which probably may fix the date of its going into operation. Minutes of Young Ladies' Hospital Association, of Columbia, in possession of Miss I. D. Martin. We return now to the "old book" and give from it the list of mem- bers of the Young Ladies' Hospital Association. It is a pathetic little roll to those of us who can recall the fresh, bright faces, one by one, as we see the names. Young Ladies' Hospital Association. 89 List of members : Miss Black. Miss M. Watson. Miss Herndon. Miss Brown. Miss C. Watson. Miss N. Heyward. Miss Sallie Bryce. Miss Thornwell. Miss A. Heyward. Miss Maggie Bryce. Miss E. Levy. Miss DeSaussure. Miss E. Clarkson. Miss Gracey. Miss M. Crawford. Miss J. Clarkson. Miss Adams. Miss Trenholm. Miss S. Clarkson. Miss R. Shand. Miss H. Trenholm. Miss Davis. Miss Crawford. Miss A. Taylor. Miss Elmore. Miss Scott. Miss B. Sims. Miss Echols. Miss Martin. Miss Fowles. Miss Edwards. Miss J. Mordecai. Miss M. Fowles. Miss McLean. Miss Fisher. Miss Glaze. Miss McCuUy. Miss Gibbes. Miss Annie Leverett. Miss E. McCully. Miss Guignard. Miss Howe. Miss Niemsee. Miss Goodwyn. Miss H. Parker, Miss A. Parker. Miss A. Hampton. Miss Baker. Miss Powell. Miss S. Hampton. Miss A. Huggins. Miss Preston. Miss Huggins. Miss P. Rhett. Miss S. Preston. Miss Harris. Miss Hayne. Miss Scarborough. Miss Lyons. Miss Mary Leverett. Miss Stark. Miss Manning. Miss Holmes. Miss Sims. Miss McCord. Miss Mordecai. Miss E. Seibels. Miss Reynolds. Mrs. DeSaussure. Miss S. Seibels. Miss Murdoch. Miss Kelly. Miss F. Smith. July, 1861.— Minutes of the Y. L. H. A. : Committees for the Month. Cutting Committee. Miss Edwards. Miss Parker. Shopping Committee. Miss Stark. Miss McCord. Miss Thomwell. Forwarding Committee. Miss Sims. Miss Niernsee. Miss Hampton. Miss Reynolds. Miss Davis. Miss M. Watson. Miss E. Clarkson. Miss Scarborough. Superintendents of Work for the Month. Miss Guignard. Miss Bryce. August, 1861. — Committees for the Month. Shopping Committee. Forwarding Committee. Cutting Committee. Miss Davis. Miss McLean. Miss Lyons. Miss Shand. Miss Edwards. Miss Guignard. Miss Huggins. Miss Manning. Miss S. Preston. Miss Crawford. Miss Stark. Miss Martin. Miss McCully. Miss Gracey. Miss Echols. 90 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Superintendents for the Month. Miss Martin. Miss Goodwyn. Miss Black. Articles forwarded : August I, 1861.— To Dr. Cabell, at Charlottesville, through Mrs. Price, one box of hospital clothing. August 9, 1861. — To Dr. Cabell, through Mrs. Price, one box of clothing and stores. September, 1861. — Committees unchanged. Articles forwarded: September i, 1861. — One box to Kershaw's Regiment, containing hospital clothing and stores. September 15, 1861. — One tierce rice, to Hampton's Legion. September 20, 1861. — To Mr. Barnwell, at Charlottesville, one box hospital clothing and one box hospital stores. September 29, 1861. — Twenty-five flannel shirts to Captain Wal- lace, one box medicine to Hampton's Legion, twenty-five flannel shirts to Captain Carson. October, 1861. — Committees. Forwarding Committee. Miss Taylor. Miss McLean. Miss Stark. Shopping Gommittee. Miss Elmore. Miss Edwards. Miss Shand. Cutting Committee. Miss Fisher. Miss Gracey. Miss Davis. Miss Adams. Miss Niernsee. Superintendents of Work. Miss Lyons. Miss Scott. Articles forwarded : To Captain Taylor's Troop, twenty-five shirts. To Mrs. McCord, six pairs canton flannel drawers. Mrs. Bryce, for town hospital, three flannel shirts. Dr. Wallace, for "Lightwood Knot," two bedtickings, two home- spun shirts, one pair sheets. Mrs. Bryce, twelve pairs drawers, and six shirts. November, 1861. — Committees. Forwarding Committee. Miss Elmore. Miss Scarborough. Miss Echols. Shopping Committee, Miss Martin. Miss Gracey. Miss Preston. Cutting Committee. Miss Taylor. Miss Herndon. Miss Bryce. Miss Crawford. Miss Black. Miss Murdoch. Young Ladies' Hospital Association. 91 Superintendents of Work. Miss Stark. Miss Fisher. Articles forwarded: November 4, 1861. — One box to Gregg's Regiment. November 10, 1861. — Twenty gray flannel shirts, eight pairs drawers, to Captain Radcliffe's company. November 29, 1861.— Three boxes of whiskey to Hampton's Legion. December, 1861. — Committees unchanged. December 2, 1861. — ^Articles forwarded: One box hospital clothing, to Rev. Munroe Anderson, for hospital at Pocataligo (not acknowledged). December 12, 1861. — One box to Rev. R. H. Phillips, Staunton, Va., for the sick of Maryland Regiment (not acknowledged). January, 1862. — Committees. Shopping Committee. Forwarding Committee. Cutting Committee. Miss Huggins. Miss Manning. Miss N. Heyward. Miss K. Crawford. Miss A. Heyward. Miss Trenholm. Miss Niernsee. Miss E. Clarkson. Miss McCully. Miss Edwards. Miss Elmore. Miss Crawford. Superintendents of Work. Miss Scarborough. Miss Shand. Articles forwarded : January i, 1862. — Twenty-five flannel shirts to Captain Sligh's company. June, 1862. — Some pages are here torn out, but in June is re- ported : Twenty-one sheets, two shirts, soap, sugar, one bushel rice, band- ages, sent to Richmond, through Mrs. J. Bryce. June 3, 1862. — Officers were reelected, and the following rules adopted : I. The society must meet every Tuesday morning at 9 :30 o'clock. II. Every member who is absent shall pay 10 cents fine, if she cannot give a sufficient excuse. July, 1862. — To Mrs. McCord, for the College Hospital: One box, containing thirty-four shirts, fifteen sheets, twenty-nine drawers, fifteen pillow-slips, thirty-eight pillow-cases, six bed-ticks, thirty-six 92 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. towels, two packages sugar, ten fans, soap, hominy, rice, cologne, one hundred and forty-four bandages. To Wayside Hospital, six shirts, six pairs drawers. To individuals, two shirts. One box ligatures to Miss Norton, Richmond. August, 1862. — The society has been employed in making bed sacks, etc., for the hospital at the college. September 5, 1862.— One box to Rev. R. Barnwell, through Dr. LaBorde, containing hospital stores and clothing for South Carolina sick at Richmond, Va. September 25, 1862.— Eighteen shirts, eighteen pairs drawers to hospital of Capt. T. Ferguson's battery, Summerville, S. C. July, 1863. — The treasurer reports that she has received, during the year, $1,062, of which $664.75 has been spent, leaving on hand a balance of $397.25. Articles forwarded during the past year : To Richmond, for South Carolina soldiers, two bales of hospital stores. Major Huger's battery. Army of Potomac, one bale. Major Ferguson's battery, Summerville, one bale. McPhersonville Hospital, one bale. Wayside and Ladies' Hospital, various small donations. College Hospital, shirts and drawers. Fredericksburg sufferers, two pieces of cloth, bandages, and lint. Yellow Sulphur Springs, Va., one piece of cloth, thirty shirts, and twenty-four drawers. Trapman Street Hospital, Charleston, one bale. Sums received by association from Dr. R. W. Gibbes. . .$ 88.00 Work done for College Hospital, through Mrs. McCord. 29.00 South Carolina Railroad Company 250.00 Industrial Association 50.00 Industrial Association 5.00 Mrs. Huger i5-oo Proceeds of concert by Sig. Torriani 25.00 August 7, 1863. — Fifty pairs socks. Captain Calhoun's battery. One package books to Howard Grove Hospital. August 15, 1863. — One bale shirts and drawers to hospital of Sixth Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, at Adams Run. September 18, 1863. — Sold to Mrs. White, at cost price, two pieces of cloth, for Fredericksburg Orphan Asylum. Columbia Wayside Hospital. 93 September 24, 1863. — Eighteen sheets, eighteen pillow-cases, eight dozen bandages, four dozen towels, seventeen shirts, twenty-four pairs drawers, two packages dried fruit, one package green tea, three bottles whiskey, one bag flour, four packages lint, linen and cotton rags, to hospitals in the West. October, 1863. — Fifty pairs socks to Nineteenth Regiment, Colonel Wallace. December, 1863. — To Jimmie, two shirts, two pairs drawers. February, 1864. — To Arkansas troops, Johnston's Army, twenty- one shirts, eight pairs drawers, twenty-four towels, five pairs socks, one pair wristlets. March, 1864. — To Stafford's Louisiana Brigade, twenty pairs drawers, eight pairs socks, eight shirts. April, 1864. — To Mrs. Proctor, for her son, four pairs drawers. May, 1864. — To private Brazil, one shirt, two pairs drawers. To private Fenton, two shirts, two pairs drawers. To Jimmie, two suits of clothes. To Rev. Mr. Yates, for sailors, $500.00. June, 1864. — To the committee for transporting wounded soldiers from Charlotte Depot, $100.00. To Jimmie Mathews, two shirts. To Wayside Hospital, twenty-seven pillow-slips. To Atlanta, through Central Association, twenty slings. From this time the reports cease, whether because the work was merged into the Wayside Hospital or because the secretary was too busy to write reports, we do not know. A member of the associa- tion — Miss Grace Elmore — says: "Miss Amanda Graeser was our chief cutter, but we soon deferred to Mrs. John Fisher in all our difficulties, and a most lovely and efficient adviser she was." The old book from which these records have been taken has been lent by us to Miss Isabella D. Martin, the Secretary of the Young Ladies' Hospital Association. Miss Mary Cantey Preston, after- wards the wife of Dr. John T. Darby, Surgeon Confederate States Army, was the President ; Miss Eugenia Goodwyn, the Treasurer. Mrs. Bryce's Reminiscences. Mrs. Campbell Bryce says that Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. John Bryce, and herself, found the first patients for the Columbia Wayside Hospital, in four men, sick with the measles, sitting on the platform at the South Carolina Railroad Depot. Mrs. Stratton, living on Gervais street, consented to take them in. These ladies then applied to Mr. Bollin for a little room at the depot, which he gave them. 94 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. This room was furnished with a bed, bedding, etc., by the Young Ladies' Hospital Association. Mrs. Bryce says : "I made that bed with my own hands." After this, an old ice-house, which had been floored and repaired by Mr. Campbell Bryce, for this purpose, was made ready to receive the sick, and give them lodgings for a few days, if necessary. The original officers of the Wayside were Mrs. George Howe, President ; Mrs. John Bryce, Vice-President; Mrs. John Fisher, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Wm. Martin, Miss Mary Stark, Miss Amanda Graeser, Mrs. Campbell Bryce. Two of these ladies met the early train each day, and gave break- fast to the sick and wounded. Again in the evening, two met the incoming train, and gave the sick supper and lodging for the night. Mrs. Bryce speaks gratefully of their cook — Dinah Collins — a free colored woman. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, 1901. Mrs. Taylor speaks of a day when, "being notified by Mr. Halcott Green of a battle in Virginia, that a large number of wounded men would pass through Columbia, and that nurses, with supplies of food, lint, bandages, etc., must be at the Wayside to meet and take care of them," she remembers "seeing Mrs. Bryce with a huge coffeepot in her hand, standing in the Wayside kitchen ; Mrs. Fisher, with a long spoon, stirring something cooking on the stove ; the invaluable Dinah Collins making up something, and turning a portly figure and kindly face to one and any who spoke to her, at the same time giving direc- tions which kettle to get warm water from. "Dr. Robert Wilson, kind and devoted, had asked me (Mrs. Taylor) to help him dress a head. I was to hold the basin. Then we passed on to a cot to attend to an arm of one who was in from the recent battle." Mrs. Bryce's Reminiscences. Many ladies volunteered and were appointed on committees to serve in this hospital, having each her day for receiving and caring for sick and wounded soldiers. Gradually, accommodations were increased and quarters enlarged. An old building, formerly a car factory, near the Charlotte Depot. was fitted up by the efforts of the ladies and the liberality of several gentlemen who gave work and material. It was capable of accom- modating seventy or eighty patients. Mrs. Bryce says that Mr. Brown, the glazier, when glass gave out, literally pieced the window glasses out of strips not wider than two fingers. Columbia Wayside Hospital. 95 Dr. Edmunds was appointed surgeon-in-charge in September, 1862 ; and Dr. Alfred Wallace, his assistant. The ladies employed hired nurses and ward masters, but continued their own labor of love, frequently sitting up with ill patients, and assisted often by theological students, until they too went to the field. Sometimes some of the ladies would dress the wounds of the soldiers. Mrs. Rhett and Mrs. Squier, both with tender and deft hands, would perform this office greatly to the admiration of the surgeons. A tablet should be erected to Mrs. Squier for her constant and unfailing kindness to the sick and wounded, day and night." Mjrs. Thomas Taylor, igoi. "At this hospital, Schofield's Car Factory, Mrs. A. C. Squier gave herself, body and soul, to as complete and perfect hospital services as are in the possibilities of a woman's devotion. Her culinary skill was exquisite, and the patients reaped the benefit. Till the day of her death, in 1894 or 1895, when she suddenly fell dead, on her way from a Presbyterian Church festival, with a coffeepot in her hand, she was a famous dependance as a coffee maker." Mrs. Bryce's Reminiscences. In 1863, Mrs. Campbell Bryce resigned her place on the Board to Mrs. Macfie, who was a most efficient help. Seventy-five thousand soldiers passed through the Wayside Hos- pital. Early in 1863, Dr. Wilson was appointed surgeon, and Mr. R. L. Bryan gave devoted attention for months. The first year's report was as follows : Admitted into hospital to date 1,000 Furloughed 200 Number returned to duty 55^ Discharged from service 20 Deserted 18 Died 23 Remaining in hospital 9^ The amount expended for building and repairs and servants' hire was $2,229. The reports of the following years were destroyed when Sherman burned Columbia. The next year, the buildings were enlarged, and they were able to receive three times as many sick. The Rev. B. M. Palmer was se- lected by the ladies as their chaplain. Mrs. Bryce remembers the devotion of the steward — Mr. Henry Nichols— and also of their last surgeons— Drs. Edmunds and Almon. 96 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Horace Nichols, Mrs. Henry Nichols, Mrs. Elmore, Mrs. Rhett, Mrs. Squier, two Mrs. Fridays, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Kenerly, Mrs. Heise, and Mrs. Beard are men- tioned by Mrs. Bryce as regular nurses, she herself being one also. She refers, too, to Mrs. Dr. Fair as nursing at the Wayside. It is probable that, of the 75,000 men reported by Mrs. Bryce and Dr. Darby, many only stopped for the interval between trains. Dr. LaBorde's History of the South Carolina College. "On June 16, 1862, application was made by Confederate authori- ties for the South Carolina College buildings, to use as a hospital for the sick and wounded on the coast of South Carolina, on the ground that the hospital accommodation in Charleston was already exhausted." This arrangement was supposed to be only for the summer, but by October the necessity for the hospital was even greater, and the students had all gone into the army. The Legislature approved of this use of the building, and it was continued to the end of the war. Mrs. Bryce mentions, as nurses there, Mrs. McCord, Mrs. Ken- erly, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. W. K. Bachman ; also the two Mrs. Snow- dens, of Charleston. Miss Lucy Green, Mrs. Thomas Taylor and many others also served there. Mrs. McCord's home was very near the college, and in this way she became entirely absorbed in the care of the men there. Although a government hospital, the surgeons in charge were glad of the help of judicious women, and, besides the ladies mentioned, many were unwearying in help. Dr. Horlbeck was first at the head of the Col- lege Hospital; afterwards, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, and under them were many other surgeons. The Rev. Mr. Ambler of Virginia and the Rev. Mr. Jenkins were the chaplains. At one time Mrs. McCord had her own house made a ward of the hospital, in which she nursed cases that specially appealed to her. Her days were spent among the sick and dying, but her knitting was always at hand for any idle or sleepless moment, day or night. Her friends, knowing her zeal, sent her any available provisions, delicacies, or the plainer food. The resources of her own establish- ment, and of her plantation, were strained to the uttermost, and in this way she was able to take many little comforts to the very sick men and, in the piazza of her own house, every day to, give one meal to any convalescents who could come for it. As many as one hun- dred would sometimes come in the course of the day, some of them limping pitifully across the street, for this little extra indulgence Columbia Wayside Hospital. 97 which, after all, only consisted generally of cornbread and a stew, made of anything and everything — but always made with the greatest care. It is pitiful to remember that buttermilk and sweet potatoes became so precious that they had to be reserved for the very sick. In all of this, Mrs. McCord met with the greatest kindness from the hospital authorities, and boxes of food were sent to her from all over the State. Among the gentlemen who helped her are recalled the Rev. Mr. Martin, Dr. LaBorde, Mr. E. L. Kerrison, and many others. Later in the war, as already mentioned, the two Mrs. Snowdens, of Charleston, were earnest and efficient helpers in this hospital. No doubt other women from the low-country did their share, but it is impossible to recall names. At different times, women from all over the State went on to Vir- ginia to nurse their own sick and wounded. While there in the hospitals, they did what they could, with loving hearts and hands, for the suffering around them. Some volunteered as nurses. We recall Mrs. Amarinthia Snowden, of Charleston ; Mrs. Macfie, of Columbia, and Mrs. George McMaster (nee Flenniken), of Winnsboro. We would gladly be enabled to add to this list. We are indebted to Miss Martin, of Columbia, for a few extracts from the journal of Mrs. Chesnut, wife of Colonel James Chesnut, Aid to General Beauregard and to President Davis. They give a vivid picture of hospital work. Journal of Mrs. Chesnut. "Richmond (no date). Went today to Miss Sally Tompkins' Hospital, and was rebuked, as I deserved. "I — 'Are there any Carolinians here?' "Miss S. T. — 'I never ask where the sick and wounded come from.'* "Captain S. called. He has not yet been under fire, but is keen to see the flashing of the guns. He seemed to find my knitting a pair of socks a day for the soldiers droll in some way. The yarn is coarse. He has been so short a time from home he doesn't know how the poor soldiers need them. "A little later, went to the hospital with a carriage-load of peaches and grapes. Made glad the hearts of some men thereby. When my supply gave out, those who had none looked so wistfully at me *Miss Sally Tompkins is living, and holds a captain's commission from Mr. Jefferson Davis— the only woman holding a military commission in the Confederate service, I have heard. — Mrs. Tiomas Taylor, igoi. 98 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. as I passed out that I made a second raid on the market. Those eyes, sunk in cavernous depths, haunted me, as they followed me from bed to bed. (No date.) "Oh, such a day ! I have been with Mrs. Randolph to all the hospitals. I can never again shut out of view the sights I saw of human misery. I sit thinking ; shut my eyes and see it all. "Thinking — yes, and there is enough to think about now, God knows. * * * We went to the St. Charles. Horrors upon horrors again ! Long rows of men, dead and dying I * * * A boy from home had sent for me. He was lying on a cot, ill of fever. Next him, a man died in convulsions while we stood there. I was making ar- rangements for a nurse — hiring him to take charge of this lad. I remember nothing more, for I fainted. * * *" A letter to Mrs. Chesnut, from Mrs. McCord, written in 1863, ac- knowledges $100.00 for the College Hospital. Returning to the journal, we see — Journal of Mrs. Chesnut. "August 19, 1864. — Began my regular attendance at the Wayside Hospital, which is carried on by that good woman — ^Jane Coles Fisher. Today, we gave wounded men, as they stopped for an hour at the station, their breakfasts. Tliose able to come to the table did so. The badly wounded remained in wards, prepared for them, where their wounds are dressed by nurses and surgeons ; and we take bread and butter, beef, ham, hot coffee, etc., to them. They were awfully smashed-up objects of misery — wounded, maimed, diseased. "August 29, 1864. — I take my hospital duty in the morning. I get up at four o'clock and go down to my carriage, laden with provisions. Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Bryan generally go with me. The provisions are sent by people to Mrs. Fisher. I am so glad to be a hospital nurse once more. "August, 1864. — Spent today with Mrs. McCord at her (the col- lege) hospital. She is dedicating her grief for her son — sanctifying it, one might say — by giving her soul and body, her days and nights, to the wounded soldiers at her hospital." Miss Kate Crawford, igoi. In Columbia, as elsewhere, even the children worked. "Mary was a member of a sewing society of young girls, or children rather, that met at Kinsler's Hall, where they made quilts. Mrs. Monteith, Mrs. Lauchlin, and Miss Cordelia Veal had charge. She does not remember other ladies. * * * Katy and Ella Burroughs, and Emma Templeton, were there, and The Work at Columbia. 99 some girls named Morris — one of them, Ella Morris, being the most expert among the children. She cut out a palmetto tree and sewed it on one of the quilts. * * * Lily Levy was also among them. "Mary says that an hour each day, or so many times during the week, was set apart at Madame Sosnowski's school, where she was a scholar. The girls, among whom were Sophie Carroll, Emma Guignard, and others she cannot now recall, made drawers for sol- diers. * * * You remember that the very babies made sand bags. Even our little negroes worked at these." Mrs. Thomas Taylor, 1901. "Columbians assumed other charges imposed by the hand of Provi- dence. Besides solicitude for the army, the high duty to women and children, driven from their homes in the low-country, was painfully pressed upon their hearts. Famished refugees arrived at all hours, and lodged as they might — some with sickness among them, all with consternation and inconvenience, and many with immediate need. Delicacy in ministration by those who were more fortunate in being, at that time of refugeeing, at their own homes, but who later had all the pangs of the like experience, was thrown to the winds. A half of a small beef was delivered at the cellar door of Mrs. Elmore's house, brought from the plantation, just as the information was given to her of a large family, of old and young, who had taken refuge the night before in a house in the country, two miles from her home. Quickly a pony carriage was made ready, and the beef quartered, a cloth snatched up from the table, and with the unsightly cargo set across the driver's feet, Mrs. Elmore drove off to the relief of the strangers, with every crumb of cooked bread that was in the house. "Glad she was indeed to find her rough hospitality acceptable. There was no food for the children, who had been foraging in a field nearby for what had been left in the ground by the potato diggers. "Shelter was the uppermost thought in the minds of those expelled mercilessly from the low-country. About in the woods and sand- hills families sought roofs, and then the homes of residents were ransacked and wagon trains started to these forlorn houses, and women went to them with full hearts and tenderest sympathy and helpfulness. "Another call upon the woman heart came with the removal of the Confederate Treasury Department from Richmond to Columbia. loo South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Social welcome was hearty, and homes offered among the Colum- bians. Thankfully it is remembered that this was done when Co- lumbians had no anticipation of the dire calls of a burnt city, and their own expatriation was not burdening their souls. "What has been said of the care of refugees by the Columbians applies equally to all the upper sections of the State. All who came had to be accommodated, and many were the makeshifts necessary on both sides, but with good will and kindness — and necessity — ^all things are possible. Friendships were formed in those days never to be forgotten." In the section of country not far below Columbia, around what was then called Gadsdens, now Congaree and Wedgefield, the work of women went on with the same unswerving fidelity. We are fortunate in having a few extracts from letters referring to it, and only regret that we have not information from all the dis- tricts, for everywhere the women did their duty. Letters from Mrs. John Singleton, 1899, and Mrs. J. P. Adams, 1901. "Mrs. John Brown, of Wedgefield, knit, during the war, 750 pairs of socks, tasking herself a sock each day, including Stmdays. The cotton was grown, carded and spun on her place. When Sherman's soldiers were here, Mrs. Brown horrified them by knitting on Sunday, and one of them exclaimed : 'You a Christian and work on Sunday !' "Mrs. Frances M. Hopkins, of Gadsden, clothed an entire com- pany with woolen cloth, from the wool of her sheep, carded, spun, and made up on her plantation. I think it was Dr. Ray's company." "Mrs. Hopkins was indefatigable, going around to all the neigh- bors, soliciting contributions, when the boys at the front needed clothing. "Mrs. Jones, mother of Mrs. Governor Adams, Mrs. Adams her- self, her daughter Laura (afterwards Mrs. Hanahan), and Mrs. Amy G. Adams were earnest, devoted workers, not only for the sol- diers but for their unfortunate families, who were often in great need. "Dr. and Mrs. Rose, refugees from Beaufort, were most kind to the sandhill poor about them. Dr. Rose giving medicines and his services as a physician free. "Dr. and Mrs. Ray fed, from their steam mill, many families of soldiers from the sandhills." It was not an unusual thing for women, who were able to do so, to uniform and in a measure equip the companies commanded by their The Work at Columbia. ioi husbands, sons or brothers. Mrs. S. C. Williams, of Society Hill, undertook to make the clothes for the company of her son. He met with a sudden death, under most tragic circumstances, before his company was ready for service — but this made no difference. The company was uniformed by his mother. We give here part of a letter, written by her at our request : Letter from Mrs. S. C. Williams, 1899. "I am much obliged to you for wanting to put anything that I have done on record, but I do not think it is worth recording in his- tory. I envy your zeal and patriotism. At eighty-eight one has out- lived the enthusiasm of youth. "My memories of secession and its consequences are most mourn- ful and sad. "My son George was on his plantation in Louisiana when Port Royal was taken. He had just time to get to my house Friday night, and to the courthouse Saturday. The colonel called for volunteers, and my son was one of the first to step out. Sixteen men went to him and asked him to form a company; he declined, but, others joining, he was finally induced to agree. He had been for eight years away from home, at school and college, and had few acquaintances in our district, and we were quite surprised. He soon had his eighty-five men. We gave each of the men two pairs of socks, two pairs drawers, two pairs trousers, two shirts, a blanket, a pair of shoes, and a hat. One of the men was a widower, with two children — a little boy, and a girl. My son asked me to take the children, which I did. "Their father returned unwounded from the war. "The first time my son drilled his men, the first sixteen told him that another captain claimed them, but they said they did not belong to him. George told them that he would not take them if the other man had a right to them. They told him that this captain had written to the adjutant-general, who told them if they joined my son's company, he would send a file of soldiers to take them to Co- lumbia in irons. My son told them he would write to the adjutant- general, and read to them his answer the next time he drilled them. He drilled them the next week, and afterwards was seated on the back steps of a closed hotel, when he was shot. He was shot through the throat, and was unable to speak, though conscious. He lived about ten minutes. The man who shot him stood looking on. • "They brought him home that night, and the mail brought the letter from the adjutant-general, saying that he had written no such I02 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. letter, and that the men were at perfect liberty to go with George if they would. "After my son's death, the company called themselves the Wil- liams Guard. The first lieutenant was made captain. I do not re- member his name. He was a stranger in the country. Edward C. Stockton was made lieutenant. He was a cousin of Mrs. Nelson, and the company joined Nelson's Battalion. I never heard anything of them after they went to Virginia." The company was for a while on the coast, and in the papers of the day we see acknowledgements of articles sent by Mrs. Williams to them and to others. Papers by Mrs. T. H. Brooks, 1900. Mrs. Whitfield Brooks equipped the company commanded by her son, Capt. T. H. Brooks. Letter from Mrs. I. Keitt Hane, 1901. Mrs. L. S. McCord equipped the company commanded by her son, Capt. L. Cheves McCord. We now return to the chronological record of events, as gathered from the newspapers of 1861-65. Charleston Courier, May 29, 1861. H. T. Sloan, Chaplain of Orr's Regiment, acknowledges books and tracts, etc., sent by the Young Ladies' Christian Association, of Charleston, and by others. Charleston Mercury, August 8, 1861. The concert on the Battery, that had been proposed some days before, was brilliantly successful. Two hundred and seven dollars and seventy-three cents had been made, and was to be distributed between the different societies of ladies. Charleston Mercury, August 8, 1861,. The Rev. R. W. Barnwell, at Charlottesville, Virginia, acknowl- edges boxes sent on by Dr. Bissell, from the Ladies' Auxiliary Chris- tian Association, of Charleston. Charleston Mercury, August 10, 1861. The Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, report the follow- ing articles sent to Virginia : To Mr. R. W. Barnwell, at Charlottesville, six packages. To H. A. Dudley, Richmond, Culpeper Hospital, seven packages. Orange Courthouse, seven packages. Also clothing sent to two of the crew of the Privateer Savannah, in the Tombs in New York, and to soldiers in many directions. Soldiers' Relief Association. 103 Donations received from friends in the country, $121.00, money from Edisto. It is mentioned that the ladies of Grahamville have formed an Auxihary Association. Further donations had been received from Summerville Auxihary Association, from Eutawville, Upper St. Johns, and Wadmalaw Auxihary Associations. From the httle girls of St. Philip Street Public School, a box of needlebooks and pincushions. From the children of Friend Street School, $91.00. Eight thousand four hundred and sixty-four yards of various ma- terials have been purchased during the past week for distribution in the different wards. Charleston Mercury, August 12, 1861. The ladies of Mount Pleasant send $115.00 and three boxes to the Rev. R. W. Barnwell, for sick and wounded soldiers in Virginia. Charleston Mercury, August 13, 1861. A list is published of the officers of the Soldiers' Relief Associa- tion, of Chester. Mrs. James Hemphill, President. Mrs. A. Q. Dunnovant, Vice-President. Mrs. A. G. Stacey, Vice-President. Mrs. S. W. Mobley, Treasurer. Miss Mary E. McKee, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. John J. McLure, Recording Secretary. Mrs. Eliza J. Hinton, Mrs. John A. Bradly, Mrs. A. P. WyHe, Mrs. John R. Allen, Executive Committee. Before going further, it is proper that we should give a fuller and more correct account of the Hospital Aid Association of South Carolina, formed of gentlemen of the State. While this work does not come under the head of that of women, still the two were so associated, and were so dependent upon each other, that a knowledge of both is necessary. Written by Miss E. LaBorde, 1901. "At the close of the college sessions, in June, 1861, Mr. Barnwell and Dr. LaBorde went to Virginia, with the view of devoting the vacation to the relief of the sick of our army. (Dr. LaBorde and Mr. Barnwell were professors of the South Carolina College.) Mr. Barnwell conceived the idea of an Aid Association, consisting of gentlemen of Carolina, of establishing a bureau of supply, hospitals 104 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. for the sick and wounded, which was soon accompHshed and placed in a condition of the highest efficiency. "The headquarters were at Charlottesville, and no hospital of the time was more perfect in its appointments and better conducted. The association extended its aid to Orange, Culpeper, Manassas, Fairfax, and other places. Mr. Barnwell directed every movement and assumed all the responsibility, remaining in Charlottesville by leave of the board of trustees. "The progress of the war made Richmond a more favorable place for Mr. Barnwell's operations, and he removed there during the year 1862." As we have seen, nearly all hospital stores were sent by the women's associations to Mr. Barnwell. Charleston Mercury, August 14, 1861. The Ladies' Clothing Association, of Charleston, acknowledges the receipt of $14.00 from the children of the primary department of the Morris Street School. Charleston Mercury, August is, 1861. This interest and effort on the part of school children was not uncommon, and we see in the paper the next day an acknowledge- ment of $33.00 sent to the Ladies' Auxiliary Association, of Charles- ton, from the primary department of St. Philip Street School. "This sum was got by the exertions of a little boy and girl." The same association also acknowledges $31.00 from the Friend Street School, collected by a little girl. This association reports 1,820 garments ready for soldiers, in ad- dition to large shipments lately made. The large associations were helped by contributions from smaller ones. In this instance, a letter from the society of Legareville is reported as having been received, enclosing a consignment of boxes. Charleston Mercury, August i6, 1861. We are glad to find at this date a full report of the Ladies' Relief Association, of Aiken, as given below : Report of the Ladies' Relief Association of Aiken. "Aiken, S. C, Aug. 14, 1861. "Your board of managers would respectfully report to the society that, on Wednesday, the 17th instant, they forwarded to Colonel Bacon's Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, the following ar- ticles, viz. : Eighty-six pairs cotton jeans drawers, sixty flannel shirts, twelve cotton shirts, thirty-six pairs knitted socks, twenty- four bottles Jamaica ginger, twelve bottles Davis' pain killer, six Ladies' Clothing Association. 105 bottles mustang liniment, four bottles cherry cordial, one jai black- berry jam, sage, dried ginger, books and papers, and old linen, with the request that these stores should be distributed to the most needy members of Captain Denny's and Captain Hand's companies. They would also report that they are now engaged in making up heavy plains into pants and jackets, having cut one hundred and fifty gar- ments of the same, in knitting socks, and making various other ar- ticles which they trust will contribute to the comfort of our brave volunteers. "It affords your board much gratification to announce the general interest manifested by our community in the objects for which this society was formed. Feeling assured that the consciousness of being prayerfully and carefully and lovingly remembered 'at home' will nerve the soldier to deeds of daring and bravery, and will strengthen the hands and cheer the hearts of the brave men who are now en- during the hardships and privations incident to camp life, we would earnestly solicit the continued exertions of all the members of this association in order that we may be enabled to send repeated sub- stantial souvenirs to the noble defenders of Southern independence. "M. A. Farrington, "Secretary and Treasurer L. R. A. A." Charleston Courier, August 2g, 1861. First monthly report of the Ladies' Clothing Association, of Charleston : "This association was organized on July 24th, at the South Caro- lina Hall. "A large attendance promised success, and we gratefully acknowl- edge the kindness the community has exhibited, thereby assuring us of their approbation and interest. "We trust we shall be able to continue in well-doing as long as there is need. "At our first meeting, nearly three hundred became members by subscriptions and donations. Seven hundred and forty-nine dollars was received. Up to this date, $1,743.18 has been received. The German Band has liberally given us their services. All are laboring with cheerfulness and assiduity to protect our gallant soldiers from the severities of the coming season. Our purchases of flannel, Graniteville drill, thread, and sundries, have been very large, and since the 29th ult. we have cut and made 2,301 pieces — 834 pairs of drawers, 822 flannel shirts; 1,606 sent away on the 26th inst.— 200 flannel shirts, 200 pairs of drawers (given to German Fusiliers, io6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Captain Bachman), 150 flannel shirts, 79 pairs of drawers (given to First Regiment South CaroHna Volunteers, through Captain Haskell). "We conclude our report with the hope of a continuance of that industry and patriotism which has enabled us to do so much. "Hester T. Drayton, "President." Charleston Courier, copied from Edgefield Advertiser, August 29, 1861. "A lady of this vicinity oflfers a Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma- chine, only in use a year, and uninjured, for one hundred pairs of woolen socks. The machine cost $90, and is as good as new. Any one taking up this offer, guaranteeing to deliver the socks by October 1st, may get the machine at once. We vouch for the above in every particular. It is needless to add that the socks are for our soldiers in the war." To show the pressure of necessity under which the women of our State carried on their work at this time, we include in our report the following, taken from a Charleston paper : Charleston Courier, August 29, i86r. "The following dispatch was received in this city yesterday from Charlottesville, Va. : " 'To Wm. C. Bee, Esq. : " 'Five of us off with forty boxes for Fairfax. Storehouse almost empty. Shelves still full. Earnest appeal from camp for aid. " 'R. W. Barnwell Jr.' " Charleston Courier, August 29, 1861. "appeal from medical director. "To the Ladies of Charleston : "In view of the great and daily recurring demands upon your liberality and industry by our suffering fellow citizens in Virginia, I have hitherto declined making an appeal to you in behalf of the Medical Department of this State. In calling your attention to the wants of this department, I would in no wise be understood to wish a diversion of your most noble and praiseworthy benevolence from its present channels, but purpose merely to indicate a new direction in which your assistance may be opportune. "Holding the position of medical director and purveyor for the Confederate forces in this State, it devolves upon me, as soon as a regiment is mustered into service (whether that service is in Vir- ginia, or within our own borders) to receive, approve and supply Georgetown Relief Association. 107 their demands for medicines, instruments, hospital stores, dress- ings, etc. "To meet these demands, the Confederate Government has placed in my hands the necessary funds, out of an appropriation made by Congress for the Medical Department of this State. But, you will readily comprehend, many of the articles required cannot be pur- chased, the supply having been long since exhausted, and to a very few of these I beg to call attention, with the view of soliciting your kindly aid in supplying them. "On assuming the duties of my office, I found the department without a pound of lint or a roll of bandages, and to meet the daily requisitions for these has greatly exceeded my ability, relying, as I did, upon an impoverished and necessarily expensive market. To a regiment about to enter on a campaign, the above articles, it is need- less to say, are essential and, inasmuch as they may both be' furnished by the community at the cost merely of their preparation, and as they are designed exclusively for our own troops, I have presumed to make the want known, and accompany it by an appeal for aid to the generosity of our ladies. With great respect, "I am your obedient servant, "A. N. Talley, "Med. Director and Pur. Confed. Forces in S. C." It should be remembered that, up to this time, cotton was never used in dressing wounds. A desperate effort was made to keep up the supply of lint made from old linen, but as time went on, this be- came impossible, and cotton had to be used. Charleston Courier, August 30, 1861. At this date we find mention of a Soldiers' Aid Society at Bluffton ; also of a contribution of $50.00 for the sick and wounded soldiers, from Chick Springs. In the same paper appears the following letter : Organization of Georgetown Relief Association. "Georgetown, August 27th. "The ladies of this district held a meeting this morning in the Indigo Hall, for the purpose of organizing an association for the relief of volunteer soldiers in active service. Dr. W. R. T. Prior, in behalf of the ladies, invited the Rev. R. T. Howard to act as chair- man, Rev. W. T. Capers as secretary. "The following ladies were appointed a committee to draft a con- stitution : Mrs. W. McNulty, Mrs. A. J. Shaw, Miss M. C. Thomas Mrs. J. Rees Ford, Mrs. Stark Heriot. io8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "The constitution was adopted and the following officers elected : Miss H. M. Trapier, President. Mrs. P. C. J. Weston, Vice-President. Mrs. S. T. Atkinson, Corresponding Secretary. Miss Anna White, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. MANAGERS. Mrs. R. T. Howard. Miss S. B. Wilson. Mrs. J. H. Read. Mrs. W. R. T. Prior. Mrs. J. R. Ford. Mrs. M. Walker. Mrs. D. A. Sperry. Mrs. J. C. Porter. Mrs. E. P. Coachman. Mrs. M. H. Lance. Mrs. J. G. Honing. Mrs. G. J. Labruce. Mrs. R. Sherman. Mrs. B. H. Wilson. Mrs. W. McNulty. "The ladies of Georgetown, God bless them, from the beginning have manifested the greatest interest in the cause of Southern inde- pendence, cheering the volunteers with their sweet approval and generous assistance. They have made clothes for the soldiers, have added largely to the fund for the relief of their families, and now are ready and eager to do all they can to make the brave volunteers in this holy war of defense, comfortable in camp." Charleston Courier, September 6, 1861. REPORT OF ladies' AUXILIARY ASSOCIATION, OF CHARLESTON. "The weekly business meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary Association (of Charleston) was held at the Young Men's Room on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Campbell, at five o'clock, and opened with prayer by the Rev. A. P. Smith. "A verbal report was made by Captain Chichester, who had re- turned that day from an extended tour of inspection of the hospitals in Virginia. Much information was derived from this report, which will prove of practical assistance to the ladies in their efforts. * * * "Interesting letters were also read from the Rev. R. W. Barnwell, of Charlottesville, calling for continued assistance. "The sum of $112.00 was reported as having been collected by one of the members, to be devoted to the employment of nurses. "The following ladies were appointed to deliver work to those who wish to assist the quartermaster in accordance with his adver- tisement : Mrs. L. Chapin. Mrs. J. Caldwell. Miss S. Y. Perroneau. Mrs. Chas. Graves. Mrs. Wm. Thayer. Mrs. Chas. Frazer. Mrs. S. Burrows. Mrs. W. Gilliland. Mrs. Albergotti. Mrs. R. S. Chrietzberg. Mrs. Judge Gilchrist. Miss Catherine Stuart. Miss Mary Robertson. Soldiers' Relief Association. 109 "The association shipped yesterday seventy-four boxes and one barrel, containing over sixteen hundred garments, many of them of flannel, besides wine, brandy, books, medicines, etc. Additional do- nations are earnestly solicited." Charleston Courier, September 17, 1861. We see published the fifth vi^eekly report of the South Carolina Hospital Association, at Charlottesville, Va. Among many other acknowledgements of contributions received from individuals, those from the following Aid Associations are mentioned: Florence, Mizpah, Christ Church, Orangeburg (sent through Mrs. Yongue),. Cheraw (through M. E. Godfrey), Society Hill (through Mrs. S. E. W.) The report says that boxes and money have been received from every part of the State. FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT OF SOLDIERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION, OF CHARLESTON. October 28, 1861. — The first quarterly report of the Soldiers' Relief Association is of this date, and is found in the papers a day or two later. We have also seen the original manuscript of this report,. in which, in addition to the names of officers, the following names of an executive committee are given : "Mrs. Geo. Robertson, President; Mrs. Wm. Snowden, Vice- President; Miss E. P. Hayne, Secretary and Treasurer; Miss L. S. Porter, Miss F. M. Blamyer, Corresponding Secretaries. "Executive Committee — Mrs. Thomas Smyth, Mrs. John Forrest, Miss Cromwell. "This association was formed on July 20, 1861 — the day before the Battle of Manassas. Its first public meeting was held on July 23d. According to the constitution, the object of the association is to provide garments for our soldiers in the field, and hospital stores and other comforts for the sick and wounded. "Liberal contributions of money and articles were freely made by our citizens, and on the 24th, four large cases of clothing were packed and forwarded by express to the surgeon-general at Richmond, for distribution among the sick and wounded of our soldiers. "Materials for clothing, etc., were also purchased and given out to the members to be made up. These first efforts have been followed up with great energy and perseverance on the part of the members, from the matron of 88 to the child of 4 years, through whose exer- tions, with the efficient aid rendered by several auxiliary societies in the country and neighboring islands, the Soldiers' Relief Associa- tion has been able to accomplish much towards adding to the comfort no South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. of all, and alleviating the sufferings of the sick and wounded soldiers of our army, whenever and wherever needed. "We would here acknowledge that much of the prosperity of the association has been attributable to the untiring efforts of Mr. Richard Caldwell, who, from the commencement of the undertaking, has identified himself with its interests. His varied knowledge and experience have been invaluable, while his urbane and conciliating manners have rendered all our intercourse agreeable. "Weekly meetings of the association have been held, at each of which an address has been delivered by a gentleman invited for the purpose. These meetings have always been opened with prayer, and have been found both beneficial and interesting. While we have every reason to feel thankful for the great success which has crowned our efforts, and are willing and anxious to continue our labors in behalf of the soldiers, who, as the winter is fast approaching, stand more in need of assistance than ever, we regret that the situation of our treasury is such as to call forth an appeal to the public for aid. As this is a call in which one and all are deeply interested, we feel satisfied that it is only necessary to lay before the public the low state of our funds, and the result of our labors for the first three months, to insure us that support and aid which the liberal public of Charleston knows so well how to bestow. "Any contribution or donation will be thankfully received by either of the officers, or at the Depository, Chalmers street, every day, Sunday excepted, between the hours of ten and two o'clock. "All requests for aid should be handed in before twelve o'clock, at which hour the officers meet. "Mrs. Geo. Robertson, President. "E. P. Hayne, Secretary. "Treasurer's Statement. By amount received from donations $7,457.24 By amount received from concert on Battery, given by Charleston Brass Band 132.00 By amount received from entertainment given by Messrs. Couturier & Reeves 87.50 $7,676.74 To amount sent St. Charles Hospital $100.00 To amount sent Rev. R. W. Barnwell 132.00 To amount of insurance 25.00 Soldiers' Relief Association. hi To expenses to Charlottesville of steward and matron of hospital $85.00 To amount of expenses to Richmond of two sol- diers, Captain McCrady's company 12.00 To amount of postage 7.44 To amount of blank books, paper, etc 21.28 To amount of spinning wheels 10.00 To amount of hospital stores 75-21 To amount of material for clothing, etc 6,198.07 To amount of drayages 42.50 To amount of freights 944.28 To amount of petty hall expenses 26.12 $7,658.99 $7,676.74 7.658.99 Balance on hand $i7-75 "Materials purchased: 6,276 yards woolen flannel, 2,258 yards cotton flannel, 3,219 yards osnaburgs, 11,135 yards shirtings and drillings, 2,257 yards mariners' stripes, 621 yards bedticking, 1,215 yards striped osnaburgs, 4,295 yards calico, 210 yards cambric and poplin, 1,425 yards tweeds and kerseys, 46 dozen spools and fifty-six pounds sewing cotton, 23 pounds of flax thread, 58 dozen tape, and 65 gross buttons. "Donations of clothing and hospital stores made to General Bon- ham's Brigade, in Virginia, consisting of Colonel Kershaw's Regi- ment, Colonel Williams' Regiment, Colonel Bacon's Regiment, Colonel Cash's Regiment, twenty packages. "To General Jones' Brigade, in Virginia, consisting of Colonel Sloan's Regiment, Colonel Jenkins' Regiment, Colonel Winder's Regiment, Colonel Blanding's Regiment, nineteen packages. "To Colonel Hampton's Legion, in Virginia, nineteen packages. "To Colonel Gregg's Regiment, five packages. "To Maryland Volunteers, three packages. "To Richardson Guards, one package. "To Captain Haskell's Regiment, in Virginia, one package. "To Brooks' Guards, two packages. "To Carolina Light Infantry, one package. "To German Rifles, one package. 112 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "To Horry Rebels, one package. "To Irish Volunteers, one package. "To Washington Artillery, one package. "To Colonel White's Battalion, at Summerville, five packages. "To Colonel Hagood's Regiment, on the coast, three packages. "To Colonel Manigault's Regiment, five packages. "To Colonel Heyward's Regiment, one package. "To Colonel Orr's Regiment, one package. "To Eutaw Rifles, one package. "To St. Paul's Rifles, one package. "To marines of Steamer Savannah, one package. "To Surgeon-General DeLeon, in Virginia, for the Charlottesville Hospital, forty-eight packages. "To the Manchester Hospital, in Virginia, under Doctors Chisolm and Fishburne, sixteen packages. "To Captain F. G. Ruffin, in Virginia, six packages. "To H. A. Dudley, Esq., for St. Charles Hotel Hospital, Virginia, eight packages. "To Dr. P. E. Hines' hospital at Yorktown, Virginia, twenty-four packages. "To Dr. Madison, Orange Courthouse, Virginia, twelve packages. "To the hospital at Culpeper, seven packages. "Three private packages forwarded to Virginia. "Making in all 262 packages, consisting of tierces, barrels, kegs, cases, boxes, baskets, containing as follows: 1,025 flannel shirts, 1,424 cotton shirts, 1,522 cotton drawers, 534 flannel drawers, 84 pairs pantaloons, 54 sacks and coats, 656 pairs socks and stockings, 204 linen shirts, 108 pairs slippers, no dressing-gowns, 209 blankets, 32 quilts, 145 comforts, no mattresses, 205 bed sacks, 306 sheets, 523 pillow-cases, 163 pillows, 34 pillow-sacks, 516 towels, 592 pocket handkerchiefs, 134 needlebooks, 15 gallons wine, brandies, etc., 51 bags rice (equal to 11 tierces), a large quantity of hospital nourish- ment; also medicines, bandages, rags, lint, etc.. Bibles, Testaments, books, magazines, and papers. "In addition to the regular ward work which has been made up every week, the association have completed — "For the marines of Confederate States Steamer Savannah, 60 blue flannel shirts. "For Fort Moultrie, 150 overcoats. "For Zouave Volunteers, 153 pieces of clothing, viz.: 51 jackets, 51 vests, 51 pairs pantaloons. Soldiers' Relief Association. 113 "For the Horry Rebels, 112 pairs cotton drawers. "For the quartermaster, 93 pairs socks and 2,509 pieces of clothing, viz.: 300 pairs pantaloons, 894 shirts, 1,315 pairs drawers. "We are now making, for Hatch's Battalion, 144 coats, no pairs pantaloons. "Charleston, October 28, 1861." In the latter part of the year, a hospital was organized in Charles- ton by the Soldiers' Relief Association. We do not know the exact date, but we have seen in Mr. Caldwell's correspondence the letter in which Dr. Chisolm offers his house in Trapman street for this purpose. Dr. W. H. Huger was requested by the ladies to take charge of this hospital. After the shelling of the city began, the hospital was moved uptown, out of range of the shells. Written by Miss Anna Simpson, October, 1901. From Miss Anna Simpson, a prominent worker in the Relief As- sociation and the hospitals, we learn that Mr. Caldwell was most earnest in his efforts for the hospital, which, she says, "was founded and furnished by the Soldiers' Relief Association. Officers were appointed for it, and committees of ladies visited it daily. They also attended all the other hospitals in the city, doing all they could for the comfort of the poor suffering men. It was truly the deepest of tragedies to visit the hospital and try to cheer the brave and patient sufferers. "The Soldiers' Relief Association was, after a while, turned over to the Confederate Government, in order to enlarge its usefulness." Of the ladies prominent in this work, Miss Simpson recalls the two Mrs. Snowdens, Mrs. Forrest, Miss Blamyer, Mrs. Wigfall, Mrs. George Trenholm, Mrs. J. K. Robinson, Miss Ann Robertson, Miss Catherine Robertson, Miss Rebecca Holmes, Mrs. Blackman, Miss Laura Porter, Mrs. Georg'ei Robertson, Mrs. James Qllifend, Mrs. Samuel Stoney, Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs. Sarah Watts. Dr. W. H. Huger speaks of Mrs. Watts with grateful remem- brance. Although an English woman, she was devoted in her care of our soldiers. Miss F. M. Blamyer, secretary of the Soldiers' Relief Association, says: Letter from Miss F. M. Blamyer, August, 1901. "The Roper Hospital and the Marine were the only two I visited, and then only as a casual visitor. My sister — Mrs. Wigfall— and I were always at the Depository for work. Mrs. Thos. Smith, Miss 8 114 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Aajer, and Mrs. Forrest were with us constantly. * * * Any lady belonging to the society who went to the hospitals could apply for articles for the sick soldiers. "Our hands were so full then that we had not time to take up our neighbors' load, and therefore I can recall but a few of those who regularly visited the hospitals. I remember Mrs. Daniel Lesesne, Mrs. Gidiere (most of the time at the Roper Hospital), Mme. Girard (at the Soldiers' Relief), and Miss Simpson, Miss Caroline Ball, and Mrs. James Gilliland. "Mr. Richard Caldwell was the first to suggest a hospital. He generously established it in the name of the Soldiers' Relief Associa- tion. His heart was in it, and he worked hard for it and in it." Miss Blamyer also says : "During the last year of the war, when the other officers of the association were absent, Mrs. Henry Wigfall and Miss Laura Porter continued the work of the association in Charleston. Mrs. Henry Wigfall was a constant visitor at the hos- pitals. When Charleston was evacuated, these ladies divided all articles among the hospitals, and closed our doors." Miss Simpson, 1901. Of the many contrivances caused by the exigencies of the time. Miss Simpson recalls the overcoats and blankets made of carpets, curtains— anything — and interlined with newspapers. She also tells of the use of a quantity of red flannel scraps left from the linings of uniform caps, and given to the association by a Mr. Williams, who had the contract for making the caps. These scraps were raveled out, and Judge Glover, of Orangeburg, had them spun by his servants, and sent back to the ladies in the shape of yarn for knitting. The long strips of flannel were pieced together and managed to make two shirts. Miss Simpson was present at the organization of an auxiliary so- ciety of women, on Sullivans Island, the first meeting of which was held at the house of Mrs. Fitzsimmons, a few days after the first Battle of Manassas. ■ From many who recall these troublous days, we hear of the work of Mme. Girard, and at the request of some who remember her, we have succeeded in getting the following short sketch by her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Alexander, of Charleston : Sketcli of Mme. Girard, by Mrs. G. W. Alexander, 1900. "Mother always told me the Confederate War was so like her own Polish War of 1830, through which she herself had passed, that her Sisters of Mercy. 115 whole heart and soul went out to the Southern people, and she felt that their cause was her own. "She assisted Mrs. Snowdenin all her work of caring for and nursing the sick and wounded soldiers in the different hospitals under charge of the Ladies' Relief Association; in the hospital in Trapman street, afterwards in care of Dr. W. H. Huger, who re- moved it subsequently to Mr. Bishop's residence, in the Mall, out of the way of the shelling, to which place she transferred her work. "In the Misses Slomans' house, in Meeting street, which was used as a hospital, mother nursed the Louisiana soldiers, even taking a number of them to her own home. "In the hospital over Dr. Aimar's drug store, she nursed the North Carolina soldiers, and in the Trapman Street Hospital, in both loca- tions, she cared for the Forty-seventh Georgians, Colonel Colquitt's Regiment. "Mother helped Mrs. Snowden in every way she could in the bazars and other entertainments held for the benefit of the Confed- erate soldiers, and all her spare time was spent in knitting socks for soldiers. "(Signed) Mrs. G. W. Alexander. "(Madame Girard's daughter.)" Mrs. Norton Hunter, 1901. ^ We have been told by one of the family how the back rooms of Mme. Girard's house, on the comer of Wentworth and Rutledge streets, were filled with sick soldiers (French-speaking Louisianians, who could not easily be understood elsewhere), while the front rooms were uninhabitable, from having been struck by a shell. Mrs. Alexander (then Mrs. Dowell) and her sister, Mrs. Pinkind, followed as far as they were able in their mother's steps. Both were fine musicians, living in the upper part of the State, and many still living recall the concerts they repeatedly gave for the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers. In those days, as always, "Sisters of Mercy" proved themselves worthy of the name. We have collected here a few facts from obituary notices of these devoted women, for apparently only when death came was public attention attracted to their work. Charleston Mercury, November 28, 1863. "Died, at the Convent of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy, on Thursday, the 26th inst.. Sister Mary Bernard Frank, aged 39 years. * * * In December, 1861, she went to Virginia, where she passed eighteen months in the sedulous discharge of her duties as a Sister ii6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. of Mercy. To her kind offices many a poor soldier is indebted for a care which may have saved his life. While engaged in this mission of love, she contracted a disease which made it necessary for her to return to the Convent in Charleston. There she resided in a state of ill health until her death." Charleston News and Courier, March 5, 1899. "Sister Mary Frances died at the Convent of the Sisters of Mercy yesterday, in the sixty-sixth year of her age. Forty-five years ago she entered the community of Sisters in this city as Miss Catherine Kyle. * * * During the war, she was one of that band of sisters whom this community sent out, and who, from the beginning to the end of the war, ministered to the sick and wounded Confederate officers and soldiers in Virginia." Charleston Sunday News, June 3, 1900; In the paper of this date there is an editorial notice of the death, on May i8th, at a good old age, of Mary Theresa Barry, better known as Mother Theresa, Superioress of the Convent of our Lady of Mercy in Charleston. Many deeds of mercy are accredited to this devoted woman, but we have only to notice one. "During the war, nurses being sorely needed at the front. Mother Theresa and five of the other sisters went on to Virginia and were put in charge of hospital wards at Greenbriar Springs and other places ; and many of the noble women of Virginia gladly placed themselves under their instructions, in order to learn from them how to care for the wounded and for those suffering from the malignant diseases that ever follow in the track of an army. Of these six ladies, only two remain, one of them almost incapacitated by age and suffering, the other the still active and capable directress of the St. Xavier Hospital." Charleston News and Courier, July 20, 1901. "Sister Mary Agatha, of the order of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy, died yesterday morning in the seventy-second year of her age. Sister Agatha was known to the world as Miss Louisa McNamara. * * * At the outbreak of the war. Sister Agatha was one of that noble band of Sisters who for four years, on the field of battle and in the hospitals of Virginia, nursed and cared for the soldiers of the Lost Cause." Charlotte Observer, August 16, 1901. "Died, August 15th, at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Belmont, N. C, Mother Mary Augustine Kent. More than fifty years ago. Flags Presented. 117 Mother Augustine came over from Ireland. * * * j^ -^^as in Charles- ton that she commenced the labor of love that ended only with her death. * * * War and pestilence swept over her adopted country, and we find her in hospitals by the side of the sick and dying. During the epidemic of yellow fever in Wilmington, N. C, in 1862, she, with two companions, now dead, were sent to nurse the fever-stricken people. There again her gentle and sincere Christian charity won the love and respect of all." Charleston News and Courier, September 20, 1901. In the notice of the death of Sister De Chantal, who had been ac- tively engaged as a nurse at the St. Xavier Hospital, Charleston, we find the following: "Sister De Chantal, born in Troy, New York, entered the Convent of our Lady of Mercy, in Charleston, at the age of 24. "During the war, she formed one of the band of Sisters of Mercy who nursed the sick and wounded soldiers of the Lost Cause in the hospitals of Virginia during the entire war. It was said of her that her touch was a Lalm, and her smile carried hope to many a weary and suffering soldier." December ll and iz, 1861. In December, 1861, occurred the great fire, by which a large part of the City of Charleston was destroyed, many of its inhabitants made homeless and deprived of their all. This, of course, doubled the work of the women of Charleston, while it diminished greatly their means and ability to help. Before closing our record for the year i86r, it may be of interest to give a list of the flags we see mentioned in the newspapers as having been presented by the women of the State to various military organizations. Probably, as in all our lists, the names we have secured are very few, compared with those we know nothing of. L.ist of Flags Presented to Soldiers by Women of SoutK Carolina. Charleston Mercury, January 5, 1861. Palmetto Flag, for Fort Morris, presented by the ladies of Mr. Hugh E. Vincent's family. Charleston Mercury, January 19, 1861. Flag presented by the ladies of Charleston, for Fort Sumter. ii8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, February 15, 1861. Flag presented by ladies to the Sumter Guards. General Jamison makes the presentation. Charleston Mercury, February 22, 1861. Flag presented by a young lady to the Washington Light In- fantry. Charleston Mercury, February 25, 1861. Stand of colors, presented by a young lady of Charleston to the First Regiment of Rifles, through Mr. James Tupper. Charleston Mercury, March 7, 1861. Flag presented by the ladies of Newberry to the Newberry Rangers. Charleston Mercury, March 11, 1861. Flag presented by the ladies of Anderson to the Piercetown Guard. Charleston Mercury, April 23, 1861. Flag presented to Gregg's Regiment on the occasion of their going to Virginia, by the ladies of Charleston. Charleston Mercury, May i and 7, 1861. Flag, and gold medal, presented to the Palmetto Guard, in remem- brance of Fort Sumter, by ladies. Charleston Mercury, May, 1861. Flag presented to the Bamberg Guards by the ladies of Bamberg. Charleston Mercury, May 16, 1861. Flag presented by ladies to the Calhoun Guards. Major Stevens makes the presentation. Charleston Mercury, May 23, 1861. Flag presented to the Marion Artillery by Narcissa Washington, after the Battle of Fort Sumter. In the report of this presentation, it is mentioned that, after the Battle of Fort Moultrie, their ancestors had been presented with a flag by Sabina Elliott. Charleston Courier, May 8, 1861. Flags presented by the ladies of Pendleton to the companies com- manded by Captains Shanklin and Kilpatrick. Charleston Mercury, May 25, 1861. Flag presented to the Musgrove Volunteers by the ladies of Clinton. Flags Presented. 119 Charleston Mercury, May 31, 1861. Flag presented by ladies to the Washington Light Infantry. In the report of the presentation of a flag to the Washington Light Infantry, it is said: "In April, 1827, Mrs. Jane Washington, the widow of Col. Wm. Washington, had presented a precious relic of her husband to the Washington Light Infantry. In 1861, her only surviving representative, Mrs. Jane Ancrum, leaves her home, though an octogenarian, to present, through Col. T. Y. Simons, this flag, given by the ladies." Charleston Mercury, July 4, 1861. Flag presented by ladies to the Charleston Riflemen. Charleston Mercury, August 14, 1861. Flag presented to Captain Wagner's company by the ladies of Cheraw. Charleston Mercury, September 10, 1861. Flag presented to the Irish Volunteers by the Sisters of Mercy of Charleston, painted and lettered by themselves and their pupils. Charleston Mercury, October 6, 1861. Flag presented to Orr's Regiment by two ladies of Charleston. From a paper written for Wade Hampton Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, by Bishop Capers, formerly Lieutenant Capers, this is inserted here as typical of the way in which many of these flags were made: "The flag of Orr's Rifles, South Carolina Volunteers, Confederate States of America, was made by two ladies of Charleston, and in their name presented to the regiment by Colonel Isaac W. Hayne, of Charleston, October 4, 1861, the presentation taking place on Sul- livans Island, where the regiment was encamped. "The two ladies who made the flag were Mrs. Ellison Capers (nee Charlotte R. Palmer, of St. Johns Berkeley, wife of Lieutenant Elli- son Capers, assistant professor at the Citadel Academy), and Mrs. Alexander H. Mazyck (nee Annie Hume, of Charleston), wife of Lieut. A. H. Mazyck, Quartermaster at the Citadel Academy. "The flag was made of silk, showing the Confederate 'Stars and Bars' on one side, and on the other a white crescent and palmetto tree. "The white silk stars, crescent and palmetto were made from a white silk dress of Mrs. Mazyck's ; the blue ground from a silk dress of Mrs. Capers'. The work was done entirely by these two ladies. The shaft of the flag was taken from an old nullification banner." I20 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, October 21, 1861. Flag presented by the ladies of Columbia to Capt. L. Cheves Mc- Cord's company, the South Carolina Zouaves. The presentation was made by Judge Longstreet, and the flag committed to the care of Private William Gardner. This flag was of blue silk. On one side, embroidered by the Nuns of Columbia, was a white silk pal- metto and crescent. On the reverse was a tiger's head, painted by Monsieur Dovilliers, of Columbia. Letter in possession of the Daughters of the Confederacy of Charleston. February, 1861. — Flag presented to the garrison of Fort Moultrie by Mrs. Chas. A. Scanlan, Mrs. Julia Reinhardt, and Miss Kate Hall, of Charleston. From paper by Mrs. T. H. Brooks, written 1900, in possession of the Daughters of the Con- federacy. 1861. — Palmetto flag presented to Brooks Guard (Capt. T. H. Brooks) by ladies. The flag was of blue silk, embroidered in silver, and was delivered to the company by Mary Brooks, daughter of Hon. Preston S. Brooks. From papers in possession of the Daughters of the Confederacy of Columbia. 1861. — Flag presented by ladies to the Butler Guards, of Green- ville. 1 86 1. — Flag given to Captain Robert Adams' company, presented to the company by Miss Emma Bates. From paper by Mrs. Bachman, April, 1900. 1861. — Guidon presented to Bachman 's Battery by German Women of Charleston, through Gen. T. A. Wagener. The flag was received by Captain Bachman and put in charge of A. W. Jaeger, color bearer. It bore the Confederate colors on one side and the German on the other, was heavily embroidered, and had a handsome fringe. 1861. — Flag presented to Darlington Guards by J. A. Dargan, for ladies of Darlington. Received by Captain Warley, and committed to the care of Color Bearer E. B. Brunson. From Charleston Mercury or Charleston Courier. April 7, 1862. — Flag presented to the Bee Rifles, Captain Kinloch, by ladies. May 31, 1862. — Flag presented by the ladies of Barnwell to Hagood's Regiment. The presentation was made by Miss Ryan, through Mr. Maher, to Colonel Hagood. General Work. 121 June 17, 1862. — Flag presented by ladies of Charleston to the Brooks Guard. The flag was committed to the care of Private Phillips, to be taken to the company. June 20, 1862. — Flag presented by the ladies of Beaufort to the Beaufort Troop. The presentation made by the Hon. F. W. Fickling, to Capt. T. E. Screven. October 30, 1862. — Flag presented by the ladies of Charleston to the First Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. November 14. — Flag presented by the ladies of Charleston to the Beauregard Light Infantry, Captain Lalane. This flag was made by Mrs. Schuckman. General MTorK. Charleston Courier, January i, 1862. The year begins with an appeal for a work not strictly that of women, but still one of the many efforts in which they joined to re- lieve and help the men who were fighting for their homes. As is seen by the list of contributions, women did their share in this, too. "Please acknowledge the receipt of the following sums for the relief of privateers' and seamen's families : ''November 20. — From a captain $5.00 November 20. — From a gentleman 5.00 November 20. — From a lady 20.00 November 20. — From a lady 2.00 November 21. — From Palmetto Girls' Society 30.00 November 22. — From a planter 50.00 November 23. — From a lady 20.00 November 26. — From a gentleman 5.00 December — . — From a Jew, who desired me so to ac- knowledge 5-00 December — . — From a young lady 3.00 December 11. — From a lady 2.00 December 11. — From a sailmaker 10.00 "It is with gratitude I acknowledge the receipt of the above sums, which, under a kind Providence, has enabled me to supply the wants of many who would otherwise have greatly suffered. I am com- pelled to appeal again to a generous people to replenish my almost exhausted treasury. 'The last shot in the locker' will this week be gone, and I have a number whose husbands are in prison still at the 122 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. North, who must be cared for until the Northern despotism be taught the true condition of the consorts of the 'Sumter.' "Wm. B. Yates, "Chaplain." In the same paper there is a reference to the homespuns made by the women in the upper districts. At this time it was a matter of pride and principle to wear homespun, both as an encouragement to home manufacture, and to discourage blockade runners from loading their vessels with articles for women's wear, instead of necessities for the army. Charleston Courier, January i, 1862. "truly southern. "Those who wish to show by the outer man that they are disposed to encourage the patriotic ladies of Anderson, Greenville and Pickens Districts, who, with their own hands, manufacture a superior goods, thereby exhibiting the fact that we can be independent of the North, or the balance of the world, can procure a suit of excellent jeans (woolen), suitable for winter wear, by calling on Messrs. Cothran, Jeffers & Co., on Eraser's Wharf. "We should certainly feel proud of such an exhibition of inde- pendence. "December loth." Charleston Courier, January 12, 1862. How to provide blankets for the army was beginning to be a matter of very serious consideration, and various suggestions are made, such as, "Blankets have been made near Wilmington, N. C, from the well-known long moss of the seaboard." Also, "Mrs. Frances B. Fogg, of Nashville, Tenn. (who, by the way, we may mention, is a lineal descendant of two of the Carolina signers of the Declaration of Independence — Rutledge on one side, and Middleton on the other), has published the following notice : "Having discovered, on frequent application to the quarter- master's department, that there is a lamentable deficiency of blankets for the soldiers of the Confederate Army, an experiment has been made, with the greatest possible success, in the manufacture of that indispensable article of comfort, by a few patriotic and enterprising ladies, who are now ready to commence operations on a large scale, the moment they receive contributions of a few bales of raw cotton ; and also the manufacture of knit shirts and drawers for the soldiers, through the medium of an English weaving machine, as soon as they receive a few thousand pounds of wool from the South." Soldiers' Relief Association. 123 Charleston Courier, January 12, 1862. The suffering caused by the great fire was intense, and at this time Mayor Charles Macbeth, of Charleston, issued a proclamation offering help to sufferers from the fire, and saying that the ladies had offered to collect and distribute clothing at the Theological Library, in Chalmers street. A committee was appointed to take charge of this work of relief, and in their acknowledgements of contributions sent them, names of women are constantly seen, and also names of many soldiers in the field. Charleston Courier, January 3, 1862. Among the first items of interest this year is the weekly report of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston. "The regular weekly meeting of this association was held on Mon- day, December 30th. It was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Kendrick, who, after the reading of several reports and letters, made a very animated and cheering address. "During the past week there have been eighteen donations re- ceived, among them, one package drawers and shirts, from Johns Island Relief Association, twelve pairs woolen socks, through Mrs. C. A. G., from Mrs. H. English, the work of her servants. One package of lint from a little girl, prepared by her. "This association is indebted for much work done by the ladies of the Orangeburg Relief Association, to the ladies of the Claremont Relief Association, who have also sent a woolen shirt, with full di- rections for the same, knit by the president, Mrs. E. Bradley. "A donation was handed in by Mrs. G. M. Coffin, given by Mrs. Edward Trenholm, to be used by the ladies of the hospital. Several other donations have been received. "The following donations have been made : "To the Marine Hospital, fifteen flannel shirts, forty pairs drawers, twenty-five cotton shirts, twenty pillow-cases. "To the Moultrie Guard, Captain Palmer, fifty cotton shirts, fifty pairs drawers, fifty pairs socks, tracts, etc. "Letters of thanks were read from Miss S. S. Seabrook, President of Soldiers' Relief Association of Grahamville, and from Mr. John W. Evans, Steward of Marine Hospital. "The weekly committees of ladies were appointed to visit the Sol- diers' Relief Hospital and the Marine Hospital." By this time, the question of procuring shoes, not only for the sol- diers, but for those at home, was becoming a serious one. Many women made shoes for themselves and their young children, of 124 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. black cloth, and we have seen some dainty little black velvet shoes made by young mothers for their babies. For the plantation negroes, wooden shoes, or shoes with canvas tops and wooden soles, were often made. Charleston Mercury, January 4, 1862. "The manufactory of wooden shoes is now carried on quite exten- sively in Raleigh, N. C, by Messrs. Thum & Traps. The enter- prising manufacturers have in their employment some thirty hands, and are turning out about one hundred pairs of shoes per day. The shape and size of the shoe are first marked out, and then it is bored and scooped out and fashioned at the bottom and sandpapered and lined and painted and tipped with leather, and thus finished, in various rooms in the same building. Most of the work is done by machinery, driven by steam. The wood used is gum and poplar, which is well steamed before the shoe is made." On this date is published the first call for a Wayside Hospital in Charleston. Charleston Mercury, January 5 and 7, 1862. We see acknowledgements of contributions for the Wayside Hos- pital. Charleston Mercury, January 10, 1862. "report of the GREENVILLE LADIES' AID ASSOCIATION. "This association, in aid of our suffering soldiers, has been in operation since July 19, 1861. During this time, it has been well sustained by the citizens of Greenville, the following donations having been received : "From Vardry McBee, Esq., $109; Dr. J. Boyce, $50, thirty-one bolts cloth, eighty-four silk handkerchiefs; Mr. J. David, $30; Dr. Thos. Lyles, $10; Miss L. Kern, $10; Mr. Collins, $10; Miss E. Johnston, $10. "Mrs. W. C. Price, $10; Mrs. Norton, $6; Dr. J. Kern, $5; Mrs. Chaplin, $5 ; Mrs. Waddell, $5 ; Dr. Johnson, $5 ; Mr. Whitefoord Smith, $5 ; Mrs. Rowland, $5 ; Mrs. Choice, $5 ; Mrs. C. Pool, $5 ; Mrs. T. Roberts, $5 ; Mrs. Wallace loor, $5 ; Mrs. J. H. Cleveland, $5 ; Mrs. Glass, $5 ; Mrs. Jordan, $5 ; Mrs. J. F. Hein, $5. "Twenty boxes and three bales have been forwarded by this asso- ciation to Virginia, Columbia and Coosawhatchie Hospitals, con- taining 280 shirts, 180 pairs drawers, 160 pairs socks, fourteen dressing-gowns, forty pairs pants, one vest, one scarf, 120 handker- Greenville Ladies' Aid Association. 125 chiefs, 190 sheets, five counterpanes, seventy comforters, ten bed- ticks, fourteen blankets, two quilts, fifty pillows, 165 pillow-cases, two curtains, 144 towels, fifteen pounds tea, two pounds spice, eighty pounds sugar, three pounds arrowroot, eight pounds hoarhound candy, twenty jars jelly, fourteen cans fruit, four jars pickles, sixteen bottles tomatoes, 100 bottles wine, brandy and cordial, twenty-five pounds soap, two dozen teaspoons, six dozen tin cups, seven dozen tin plates, six dozen tin pans, one and one-half bushels apples, one- half bushel sweet potatoes, one ham, twenty loaves bread, three dozen eggs, 150 pounds crackers, one and one-half bushels flaxseed, sixty chickens, twelve pounds herbs, linen, pins, needles, six Bibles, nine Testaments. "This association would be thankful for contributions of cotton to make up comforters, which are greatly needed in the hospitals. Annexed are the names of the officers and directresses, to any one of whom donations may be sent : OFFICERS. Mrs. Perry E. Duncan, President. Mrs. Pinckney McBee, Vice-President. Mrs. Charles J. Radford, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTRESSES. Mrs. Dr. Anderson. Mrs. Gerard. Mrs. The. Thompson. Mrs. F. F. Beattie. Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Col. Ed. Ware. Mrs. Thad Boiling. Mrs. S. Mauldin. Miss Edna David. Mrs. Dr. A. Broaddus. Mrs. Alice McKee. Miss Dora Furman. Mrs. D. E. Buist. Mrs. W. Roberts. Miss Eliza Johnson. Miss Julia Markley." Charleston Mercury, January lo, 1862. "The Eutaw (Ala.) Observer says that a lady of that place, being desirous of obtaining a military scarf for a relative, and not being able to buy one, cut up and carded a silk dress, spun it into thread, and crocheted it into a beautiful scarf." Rabbits' hair was sometimes carded up with scraps of black silk and just enough wool to combine the two, thus making a very pretty gray silk yarn, used for officers' gloves. These gloves were some- times really handsome, with large, stiff gauntlets, crocheted. The stitching on the backs of the gloves and the edge of the gauntlets was done in the colors of the various branches of the service — ^blue for infantry, red for artillery, yellow for cavalry, and buff for staff. Every little scrap and shred of colored worsted was saved for such purposes. 126 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercury, January 8, 1862. In one of the weekly reports of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, we see acknowledged a box of lint, from a little girl, and a pair of woolen socks, knit by a little girl of seven. Contributions to the sufferers by fire are acknowledged from the Soldiers' Relief Association of Longtown, Fairfield District, Mrs. John C. Peay, President; from Ladies' Aid Society, Brick Church, Sumter, through Mrs. M. P. Mayes ; and from Soldiers' Relief Asso- ciation, Aiken, Mrs. Steedman, President. Charleston Mercury, January 21, 1862. A letter is published from General Beauregard, thanking Mrs. John Dunbar, of Dunbarton, for woolen socks sent him. In a report of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, men- tion is made of a Soldiers' Relief Association in Beaufort. Charleston Mercury, January 30, 1862. The Soldiers' Relief Association publish their second quarterly report, as follows : "Though many of our members were severe sufferers by the late fire, their interest in the welfare of the soldiers has not abated. "The private hospital of Dr. J. J. Chisolm, in Trapman street, having been generously offered to the association, it has been fur- nished by them and opened as a Confederate Hospital, under Dr. W. H. Huger, as the Soldiers' Relief Hospital. A committee of ladies are in daily attendance. Committees also visit daily the Marine and Rikersville Hospitals." J. C. Gray, of the Chesterfield Dragoons, thanks Mrs. John Wither- spoon and Mrs. Mcintosh, of Society Hill, for large donations of clothing and provisions. Charleston Mercury, January 31, 1862. Notice of Wayside Hospital. Columbia Guardian, February 10, 1862. In one of the few Columbia papers we have been able to find appears the following notice : "The regular monthly meeting of the Soldiers' Relief Association will be held on Monday morning, February loth, at lo 130 a. m., at Kinsler's Hall. A full attendance is required, as there is work on hand for members. They will remember that the regular subscrip- tion will be received, and also that of those who did not pay last month. . Cecelia L. Johnston, "Secretary and Treasurer." Work foe the Gunboats. 127 Charleston Courier, February 27, 1862. We find, in the Charleston Courier of this date, the question, "Can- not the women of Charleston give an order for a gunboat?" This is apparently the first signal for an undertaking of the women of the entire State, an undertaking which was soon brought to a successful close. • The women not only raised money enough for one gunboat, but helped in the purchase of another. There was much discussion as to the names of these boats. They were finally called the "Pal- metto State" and the "Chicora," but many other names were advo- cated. "Vixen" and "Spitfire" were rather liked by some, these being the names by which our opponents delighted to characterize Southern women. Charleston Courier, February 28, 1862. The love of the mothers for their country was fully shared by their daughters — even the little ones. We see quoted this little incident : "the spirit of our children. "An interesting girl of eight, who is npt without a deep sense of the condition of our country, resolved to observe the fast prescribed by the town authorities for Friday, 21st inst. Her mother tried to dissuade her, but for some time without success. In the afternoon, however, the little Hattie was persuaded to break her fast by the argument that fasting was like concert tickets — grown people, so much ; children, half price." In the spring of 1862, the women of South Carolina undertook to provide, for the service of the Confederacy, a gunboat, to be paid for entirely by themselves. The first contribution we see noticed for this purpose was sent to the Charleston Courier, with the following letter to the editor : Charleston Courier, March 3, 1862. "Summerville, March ist. "My Dear Sir : Having observed a few days since in The Courier that the ladies of New Orleans had given an order for a gunboat, and also the idea suggested to the ladies of Charleston to emulate their example, I immediately concluded to send you my mite to assist in the good cause, and only regret that it is not a larger sum. If every true woman in our beloved State would contribute the same amount ($5.00), we would soon be enabled to give an order for more than one gunboat. "Several of my friends are most willing to. assist, and are anxious to know through what source to remit to you. I most respectfully 128 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. propose then that you should open a list for contributions, and inform the public through your columns. "With the earnest hope of success in your good undertaking, "Respectfully yours, "Sue G. Gebyer." With this The Courier opens a list for contributors to the gunboat "Palmetto State," and suggests that a second be built and named "The Lovely Sue." Charleston Courier, March 4, 1862. Every form of contribution is now made for this purpose. Mrs. Theresa McDonald gives a large and complete set of china, just from Havre, valued at $200. "A Sailor's Wife" sends six silver table- spoons and three forks. Charleston Courier, March 6, 1862. A report is published of the Aid and Relief Association of Marl- boro: "report of the MARLBORO LADIES' AID AND RELIEF ASSOCIATION. "This association was organized on August 31, 1861. The whole amount of money received is $511.53. The following is the list of articles contributed up to March, 1862 : 120 blankets, thirty counter- panes, 625 pairs socks, 319 pairs drawers, 280 shirts, thirty-six pairs gloves, nineteen pairs suspenders, thirty-four pairs pants, one over- coat, one vest, two merino undervests, loi yards of flannel, twelve flannel shirts, two pounds wool, fifteen cotton mattresses, twenty-five bed sacks, thirty-five quilts, fifty-nine comforts, eighty-three sheets, 188 pillow-cases, seventy-one pillows, sixty-five towels, three dressing gowns, thirty-six rolls bandages, fifty packages of herbs, three pounds tea, four pounds coffee, five cakes beeswax, one cake mutton suet, six candles, two pounds soap, two boxes starch, six linen tablecloths, one pair slippers, twenty jars and one keg of pickles, twenty-nine bottles and two gallons of wine, thirty-six bottles of catsup, two bottles brandy, one bottle cough syrup, three jars jelly, three jars preserves, three cans tomatoes, fifteen bottles cough syrup, six packages lint, three handkerchiefs, two Bibles and Testaments, fourteen religious books, three packages tracts. "These were distributed to the following companies: Marlboro Guards, Captain Harrison; McQueen Guards, Captain McLeod; Thomas Guards, Captain Thomas; Douglas Rifles, Capt. R. E. Emanuel; Pee Dee Rifles, Captain Spear; Cavalry, Capt. W. P. Emanuel ; Irby Rifles, Captain Smith. Work for the Gunboats. 129 "Uniforms and overcoats have been made: Marlboro Guards, Thomas Guards, and Pee Dee Rifles. "Five boxes of hospital stores have been sent to Rev. R. W. Barn- well, in Virginia, and to Prof. F. S. Holmes, Charleston." Charleston Courier, March 6, 1862. Donations for the gunboat come in rapidly. "A Sea Captain's Wife" sends a silver bowl, valued at $60. "A Daughter of the Old Palmetto State" sends silver wedding presents. Mrs. Eliza R. Lee Jr., of Camden, sends the silver fork used by herself as a little child. A German lady sends a musical box. Seven hundred and ninety- one dollars in cash had already been sent, and other sums were pour- ing in. Two young girls sent $10. A captain's two daughters, $74, they had collected. At this date, the Ladies' Christian Association, of Charleston, reports a long list of articles received and dispensed during the past month — among others, railway fares for soldiers going home on furlough. Charleston Courier, March 8, 1862. The sum received by that paper already amounted to $1,203.93. Contributions came in steadily after this, from every part of the State. Men, women and children, and often soldiers in the field, sent money and every variety of articles. Charleston Courier, March ii, 1862. General Wade Hampton acknowledges a silk flag sent to Hamp- ton's Legion by the ladies of Matanzas, Cuba. Dr. Gibbes ac- knowledges large box of lint from ladies of Habana. Housekeepers were beginning to feel the want of many of the simplest articles of domestic use, and one ingenious woman suggests that lye made from ashes of burned corncobs, used with a little sour milk or vinegar, could be used as a substitute for soda, in making bread. Mrs. M. E. Russell, of Church street, earnestly entreats the privi- . lege of making gratuitously the flags of the gunboat. "A Rebel's Yankee Wife" sends a contribution to the gunboat. "Mrs. Yeadon's Servant, Joe," sends $i ; "Other Servants," $1.70. Two pairs of vases, valued each at $100, are contributed, one pair by "Little Hennie." Charleston Courier, March 15, 1862. "A. H." sends $20 for the gunboat fund, and makes the sensible suggestion that the boat be got, with no more parley about names. 130 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Courier, March 22, 1862. "A True Southern Woman" sends, from Clarendon, four silver ladles, to assist in building the gunboat "Palmetto State." Charleston Courier, March 11, 1862, Jewelry, watches, silverware, money, diamonds, spy-glasses, oil paintings, etc., continue to pour in for the gunboat from every part of the State — towns and country. Two little boys, aged, respec- tively, 5 and 7, send $1.25, the price of their game hen. A widow sends the sword of her husband, to be raffled. A little negro girl sends "a free will offering of 25 cents." But with all this generosity to a new object, the soldiers were not forgotten, and the reports of various societies go on as usual. Charleston Mercury, March 15, 1862. In this paper is a letter, signed "Nemesis," suggesting this name for the boat, and sending $io for the fund. There is also ac- knowledged a handsome set of coral, sent by a young lady to be raffled for the boat. Charleston Courier, March 22, 1862. There was by this time a call for metal for military purposes. Brass, copper, bell metal, etc., were needed for cannon, and lead for bullets. The response came, and it is pitiful to see the women throughout the State sending their preserving kettles, to be made into cannon. Charleston Courier, March 24, 1862. Mrs. Mary E. Perry, of threescore years and ten, a refugee from Charleston in Sumter, sends 526 musket balls, cast by herself from scraps of lead picked up by herself. "An Old Lady" says : "I cheerfully consent to give the lead from the windows of my house for the use of the army. I only wish I had a lead mine." It is proposed that, by way of disposing of the many valuable ar- ticles contributed to the gunboat fund, a Fair should be given in Charleston. The public school children were sending contributions, little children in the nursery their toys, while their mothers con- tribute even their pretty, dainty baby clothes. Letter from Mrs. W. P. DeSaussure, February, 1899. Among the articles of silver given to this Fair was a very hand- some old cream pot and sugar dish — old family silver. This was given by Miss Honoria Muldrop Logan. It was raffled, and sent by the person winning it to a jeweler, to be sold. It was then bought by Miss Lizzie Logan, and is now in the possession of her sister, Mrs. W. P. DeSaussure. Work for the Gunboats. 131 Charleston Mercury, March 24, 1862. The proceeds of two amateur performances, amounting to $327, are acknowledged for the gunboat. Charleston Mercury, March 31, 1862. The Ladies' Association, of Mars BluflF, sends a contribution to the Georgetown hospitals. Not only did individuals contribute to the needs of the army any metal that could be used for ammunition, but stripped themselves of their bells, and of any lead that could possibly be dispensed with. Trinity Church (Episcopal), of Columbia, was stripped of a quantity of ornamental leadwork on its roof. Charleston Mercury, April 2, 1862. Capt. F. L. Childs, commanding Arsenal in Charleston, and in charge of ordnance, publishes a letter to the secretary of war from four clergymen of Marietta, Ga., offering the bells of their churches for cannon — as below : E. Porter Palmer, Presbyterian, weight of bell, 740 pounds. I. B. Cooper, Baptist, weight of bell, 150 pounds. Samuel Benedict, St. James Episcopal, weight of bell, 333 pounds. Alexander Graham, Methodist, weight of bell,, 400 pounds. At this date is published a list of managers, senior and junior, who are requested to act for the Ladies' Gunboat Fair, in Charleston. Charleston Mercury, April 3, 1862. Another amateur concert is advertised, with the band from Fort Sumter assisting. Charleston Mercury, April 4, 1862. "We hear that during the next week a number of young ladies in Columbia will hold a Fair in aid of the gunboat fund." Charleston Mercury, April 5, 1862, "The Fair in Columbia will be held on Thursday, April loth, at the Athenaeum. The entertainment will be conducted in such style that visitors cannot fail to be pleased * * *." Charleston Mercury, April 7, 1862. The neighborhood of Georgetown is referred to as having given most liberally of bell metal — about four thousand pounds. The Relief Societies had not relaxed their efforts. A. F. Free- man, of St. Philip's Aid Hospital, at Atlanta, Ga., acknowledges a liberal contribution from the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston. 132 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Courier, April 9, 1862. "E. S. B.," from Bradford Springs, S. C, sends $20 for the gun- boat, from "my little brother and myself." "Mrs. E. S. Sheely and Others" send $55 from Rockingham, N. C. Charleston Mercury, April lo, l86z. One thousand three hundred and seventy-seven dollars, the profits of three concerts in Charleston, is acknowledged for the gunboat. Charleston Mercury, April 12, 1862. The Gunboat Fair, in Columbia, opened on Thursday, and was a wonderful success. This Fair was suggested and originated among the young girls of Columbia. Letter from Miss Grace Elmore, written . "A party of girls— Mary Preston, Grace Elmore, and Isabella Martin — first interested themselves and called a meeting of all the girls of Columbia. The object was very popular, and every one, old and young, was enthusiastic. Money, silverware, jewelry, supplies of all sorts, poured in from all over the State. The Fair was very handsome, and the hall was crowded for an entire week. The pro- ceeds, a goodly sum in specie, were devoted to the gunboat, as in- tended." A member of this committee still has several articles bought at that Fair, among others a small piece of silver given by Mrs. M — , of Columbia. The woods near Columbia were at that season full of wild violets, and some of the younger girls made a good deal of money by gather- ing large basketfuls at "Rocky Branch," and selling them. The same zealous effort extended all over the State. We find the following letter from Abbeville : Charleston Courier, April 12, 1862. "Editors Courier: I have the pleasure to inform you that the ladies of Abbeville and the vicinity have placed in my hands the sum of $437, for building the gunboat. The money has been de- posited in the Branch Bank, of Abbeville, and will be promptly handed to the committee or person to whom will be confided the expenditure of the fund which the daughters of Carolina have con- tributed for a purpose so patriotic. • "Martha Calhoun Burt. "Abbeville, S. C, April 2, 1862." Grahamville Relief Association. 133 Charleston Courier, April 15, 1862. The Ladies' Christian Association, of Charleston, was at this date still meeting and working. The Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, mentions, in its report, contributions received from the Relief Association, of Ham- burg, and the Volunteers' Aid Association, of Beech Island. The ladies of St. Matthew's Parish send $200 for the gunboat, and a large contribution of hospital stores. It should be noticed that the ladies of St. Matthew's Parish were apparently indefatigable and generous. Constant contributions are sent and acknowledged from them, often through Mrs. C. A. Graeser, who apparently never rested while there was work to do. The ladies of Bishopville send a large box of stores for hospitals in Charleston. Charleston Courier, April 20, 1862. The ladies and gentlemen, managers of the Gunboat Fair in Charleston, met and decided to open the Fair at the Military Hall, on the first Tuesday in May. The Ladies' Gunboat Fair in Columbia was reported to have made $2,300. Charleston Courier, April 22, 1862. Notice of Tableaux Vivants, held at the Military Hall, Charleston, for the gunboat, the band from Fort Sumter assisting. Charleston Courier, April 29, 1862. At this date is published the second and third quarterly reports of the Ladies' Soldiers' Relief Association, of Grahamville, S. C, as follows : "report of grahamville ASSOCIATION. "When, in November, the association read the report of their first quarter's work, amid the troubles and distresses incident upon the taking of Port Royal, very few dreamed of possessing a home here, much less of being able to work together for the common cause. But 'God has been better to us than our fears,' and, after the lapse of six months, we still continue our association, and trust our report of two quarters will prove we have, not been idle. The first three months, the means of the association were very limited, but by mani- fold sacrifices on the part of individuals and, after awhile, help from without, we were able to support nine hospitals, in which there were as many as three hundred and forty sick at one time. These were 134 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. supplied with two meals a day for two months. Now the govern- ment has established hospitals in our village, ours have been dis- continued, and we wait, ready and willing to help when help is needed. "The association has given in this time — "To Hospitals : Twenty-one comforts, ninety-three beds, forty-one pillows, thirty-eight shirts, twenty-six pairs drawers, twenty-five flannels, eighteen pairs socks, eighteen towels, eight sheets, eighteen handkerchiefs, with hospital stores from time to time, independent of meals. "To Twenty-Fifth North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Clingman: Twenty-five comforts, forty-four beds, fourteen pillows, two coats, two pairs pants, ninety-six shirts, io6 pairs drawers, thirteen flan- nels, seventy pairs socks, eighteen carpet blankets. "To Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Radcliffe: Twenty beds, twenty pillows, sixteen towels, thirteen handkerchiefs, two boxes of biscuits, two gallons of brandy, seven pounds of mutton, one bag rice flour, tv/o boxes of hospital stores. "To Beaufort District Troop, Capt. I. H. Howard : One pair pants, three shirts, three pairs drawers, seven pairs socks. "To Chicora Rifles, Captain Whilden : Twelve coats, eighteen pairs pants, four shirts, ten pairs drawers, seven pairs socks. "To Captain Stokes : Blackberry wine, cordial, and preserves. "To Captain Barber : Wine and cordial. "To Destitute Soldiers : One coat, three pairs pants, ten shirts, twelve pairs drawers, eight flannels, eight pairs socks. "Letters of thanks have been received from some of those who had sick at the hospitals ; also letters of help. "Our thanks are due Soldiers' Relief Association, and Ladies' Christian Association, and Miss Huger, of Charleston, for aid for hospitals; to the Black Oak Association, for $30 for flannels; to Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Dowell, for blackberry wines, etc., and slippers ; to some of the gentlemen of Colonel Radcliffe's regiment, and the Charleston Light Dragoons, and some ladies of the village, for a concert, by which $211 was realized." Charleston Mercury, May 6, 1862. The Gunboat Fair, in Charleston, opened on this day. The Mer- cury says of it: "The ladies emulate the example of the noble daughters of the Old Dominion, who have formed an association for similar purposes, with this spirited and womanly proviso, 'That the work and contribution may be more peculiarly ours, as women. Soldiers' Relief Association. 135 we will give such ornaments of gold and articles of silver as are our private personal property; for should it be our sad fate to be- come slaves, ornaments will ill become our state of bondage, while if God, in His infinite mercy, shall crown our efforts with success, we will be contented to wear the laurel crown of victory, and to give to our children our civil and religious liberty, so gloriously achieved, and say. These be your jewels.' " Charleston Mercury, May 7, 1862. There is an enthusiastic report of the Fair held the night before. Further reports say that it was kept open five evenings. The last evening — May loth — Governor Pickens was present, and the news of the victory at Corinth, which was received at about half past ten o'clock, caused many to give vent to their delight in enthusiastic cheers. The cause of religion was always upheld in the Confederate Army. With all this rush of enthusiasm about the gunboat, etc., we see the Rev. W. T. Farrow acknowledging a quantity of money, jewelry and silverware sent for the South Carolina Tract Society. Charleston Courier, May 28, 1862. In the weekly report of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, reference is made to committees of ladies — members of the association — who were helping at the different military hospitals of the city. Charieston Courier, June 17, 1862. At this date the Soldiers' Directory, published monthly in the daily Charleston papers, mentions the Soldiers' Relief Association, President, Mrs. George Robertson; the Ladies' Auxiliary Christian Association, President, Mrs. Leonard Chapin, and the Ladies' Cloth- ing Association, President, Miss Hester T. Drayton, showing that the three societies were still at work. Charleston Mercury, June 18, 1862. "soldiers' relief ASSOCIATION. "The regular meeting of this association was held on Monday last, when various reports were read. During the week, the follow- ing articles have been received : From Mrs. M — , seven pillow-cases, nine handkerchiefs, books and linen; Mrs. C. Porcher and family, one bag grits, one bag peas, one bag cornmeal; 'A Friend,' black- berry and other wines ; Mrs. T — , feather bed ; The Charleston Fire Engine Company, through their President, John Kenefick, Esq., $14.44, handed in by Mrs. James Gilliland. 136 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "The following donations have been made : "To Soldiers' Relief Hospital : One case adhesive plaster, ten beds, six hospital shirts, seventeen pairs socks. "To Marine Hospital : One case adhesive plaster. "To Mazyck Street Hospital: Twelve shirts, six pairs drawers, twelve pairs socks, six towels, six handkerchiefs, two pairs slippers, six fans, one bottle brandy, tracts, and books. "To Captain Henry C. King, Sumter Guards, Charleston Bat- talion : Three pairs socles, twenty cotton shirts, twenty pairs drawers. "To private applications : Eight cotton shirts, one flannel shirt, four pairs drawers, six pairs socks, seven pairs slippers. "To the ladies of the committees visiting the various hospitals, articles of nourishment have been furnished." Columbia Southern Guardian, June 20, 1862. In this paper is found the following advertisement : "for the ladies' gunboat. "We invite attention to a superb oil painting now on exhibition at our store, and to be disposed of by lot or chsmce, the proceeds to be given to the noble cause of building the gunboat 'Palmetto State.' The painting represents 'Black Hall,' the late residence of Senator Townsend, now occupied by the Federals as 'Headquarters,' exquis- itely executed from nature by Miss K. Sosnowski, of this city ; val- ued at $125; 250 chances, at 50 cents. "Also, to be disposed of for the same purpose, a very superior painting in oil (artist unknown) of the Spanish Beggar Boys, from the collection of the late General Gadsden — now on exhibition at our store — presented by a patriotic lady of Columbia, valued at $54 ; $1 per chance. "We trust that the fair donors will have the gratification in a few days of transmitting the amount of the proceeds to the proper com- mittees. "The lists are being rapidly filled, but a few chances yet remain to be taken, at the book store of P. B. Glass & Co." "concert of vocal and instrumental music. "Mr. Koepper, assisted by several ladies and gentlemen of this city, will give a concert on Wednesday evening, the 2Sth inst., for the benefit of the Ladies' Industrial Association, to enable them to extend their assistance to a larger number of needy families than their present limited means will permit." The same paper, of the same date, quotes this from the Charleston Courier: General Work. 137 Charleston Courier, 1862. "The majority of our own wounded in the late battle (Secession- ville) , from the interior of the State and elsewhere, are now at the Soldiers' Relief Hospital and Marine Hospital. Noble-hearted ladies are continually visiting, dispensing comfort to all, moving si- lently about, cheering both sick and wounded." Columbia Southern Guardian, June 20, 1862. "The president of the Ladies' Hospital Association acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions for hospital purposes, viz. : $30 from the communion offerings of Christ Church, through Rev. Mr. Pringle; $3 from Mrs. McDonald, $5 from Mme. Fillette, $3 from Mrs. P. B. Glass, $2 and a package of tea from Mrs. Pearce, $5 from a lady of Columbia. "Also a box of edibles from Mrs. Fraser, of Winnsboro; a bale, containing sheets, pillows, shirts, pantaloons, bandages, one counter- pane, one towel, old linen, and sage, from Mrs. Rosemond, Mrs. Pegg, Mrs. Wyatt, Mrs. Carne, and Mrs. Atkinson, Equality, An- derson District ; five sheets, six pillow-slips, two spreads, from Mrs. S — , Columbia; one mosquito net, and package of herbs, from Mrs. English ; two boxes and two bags, containing in all blackberry wine, catsup, lemon syrup, brandy cherries, crab-apple preserves, eggs, hominy, sage, pepper, rice meal crackers, dried fruit, flour, and butter. "Also a coop of chickens, from the Aid Society, of Winnsboro; one tierce of rice, from Mr. Polland, of Columbia. Chickens, butter, and milk are now the chief articles in demand at the hospital." There are also the following acknowledgments : "The president of the Soldiers' Relief Association gratefully ac- knowledges a donation of 900 yards of Graniteville sheeting, from a lady and gentleman; also forty yards of calico and thirty yards of striped homespun, from Mrs. G. Trenholm. "Received, at the Confederate Hospital, June i8th, of Mrs. S. A. Howe, president of the Ladies' Hospital Association, a bucket and box of butter, several small bags of rice, rye, and dried fruit, and a bag of flour. H. McKee, "Steward." Charleston Mercury, June 19, 1862. Occasional suggestions were made in the papers of makeshift substitutes for articles fast becoming scarce. Two are here given, the second of which would seem to be of manly invention : 138 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "Light. — Spirits of turpentine, in a lamp lately invented, and cost- ing about $3, makes a beautiful gas light, very brilliant, very safe, costs about 3 cents per night. . "Blacking. — Fill a snuff bottle nearly full of soot from a common chimney, put in a good drink of whiskey, and same quantity of vinegar, shake well, and you have a first-rate glossy blacking." Charleston Mercury, July i, 1862. Acknowledgment is made of a supply of lint sent by "two Caro- lina ladies." Charleston Mercury, July 2, 1862. We see a reference to Mechanicsville Aid Society. The Relief Association, of Charleston, announce that they will supply soldiers with light reading, at the Depository, Chalmers street, and also mention in their weekly report that the ladies of Upper and Middle St. Johns have for the week past supplied six hos- pitals with mutton, beef, fowls, and other stores. Charleston Mercury, July 7, 1862. The ladies of the Relief Association, of Darlington, notify Medical Director Kinloch that they will receive and care for lOO sick or wounded men. Charleston Mercury, July, 1862. "fourth quarterly report of the soldiers' relief association, of charleston. "On the 20th of July, 1861, several ladies met for the purpose of forming an association to provide, by voluntary contributions and labor, garments for our soldiers in the field, hospital stores, and other comforts for the sick and wounded. From this meeting, the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, dates its commencement, and now has the pleasure of presenting to the public its fourth quar- terly report, with a statement of its work for the year. * * * Under all the difficulties and trying circumstances of the last quarter, we have abundant cause to feel grateful to a kind Providence, who has, in His great mercy, not only spared our beloved city from the hand of the ruthless invader, but has continued our health and strength, and enabled us to carry on our good work as formerly. Owing to the great scarcity of material for clothing, and the absence of many of our members, we have not been able to prepare and dis- tribute as many garments as before, consequently our attention has been more particularly directed to the procuring of hospital stores Soldiers' Relief Association. 139 and nourishment, and the distribution of the same by our committees personally among the various hospitals in our city. "In this work, we have been nobly sustained and encouraged by our friends, both in the city and country, by their liberal contribu- tions in money, provisions, etc., all of which have been already ac- knowledged. We can only repeat our sincere thanks for the same, and renew our promise to do all in our power to carry out the objects of this association, as long as our means will enable, and our health and strength permit. "The Depository, in Chalmers street, is still the headquarters of this association, and is open every day, Sundays excepted, from nine to two, when contributions will be thankfully received. "Mrs. W. Snowden, "President pro tem. "Miss F. M. Blamyer, "Treasurer pro tem. "Donations made during fourth quarter : Fifty-two flannel shirts, 506 cotton shirts, 314 pairs of drawers, 384 pairs of socks, thirty- three handkerchiefs, forty towels, sixty-two mattresses, fifty-five bed sacks, eight pairs pantaloons, sixty-nine sheets, seventy-one pil- lows, ninety-nine pillow-cases, thirty-eight fans, five dressing-gowns, ninety-one mosquito nets, ten pairs of slippers, twelve caps, thirty quilts, four comforts, besides a large amount of wine, liquors and hospital nourishment of all kinds. "Donations of clothing have been made to the following regi- ments, companies, and hospitals : Colonel Means' regiment ; Captain Warren's company; Irish Volunteers, Captain Ryan; Charleston Riflemen Volunteers, Captain Blake; Washington Artillery, Captain Walker ; Charleston Light Infantry, Captain Simons ; Company A, St. James Mounted Riflemen, Captain Whilden; Washington Light Infantry; Lieutenant Hall, Confederate Navy, for Gunboat No. 3; Captain Smith's company, White's Battalion; Rikersville Hospital; Soldiers' Relief Hospital ; Summerville Hospital ; Adams Run Hos- pital ; Roper Hospital ; Citadel Green Hospital ; South Bay Hospital ; Washington Light Infantry Hospital ; Marine Hospital. "List of clothing, bedding, etc., distributed through the year from the 20th July, 1861, to the 20th July, 1862: 4,718 pairs drawers, 3,495 cotton shirts, 2,483 flannel shirts, sixteen undershirts, 219 linen shirts, 193 shawl shirts, 339 pairs of pantaloons, 3,359 pairs of socks, 283 pairs of slippers, 263 pairs of gloves, i,ao6 pocket hand- kerchiefs, 447 mattresses, 306 comforts, 141 blankets, sixty-seven 140 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. quilts, thirty-eight fans, sixty-two coats, 221 dressing-gowns, 238 scarfs, seventy-seven caps, twenty-two havelocks, 806 sheets, 55° bed sacks, 673 pillow sacks, 497 pillows, 673 tierces rice, hospital nourishment, and over one hundred dozen wines and brandy, cor- dials, etc., besides making up seven bales of cotton into mattresses, and making of uniforms and overcoats for several companies. "Treasurer's Statement. April 20, 1862, by cash balance on hand from third quarter $92.72 By cash received from private concert 200.00 By cash received from private concert 80.00 By cash received from donations 1,010.00 By cash received from sale of rags 8.00 Total $1,390.72 "Expenditures. To cash paid for clothing and bedding materials, etc. $132.01 To cash for advertising 10.40 To cash for hospital expenses and stores 105.97 To cash for stationery, postage, etc 3.75 To cash for freight and drayage 39-30 To cash for telegram i.io To cash for insurance Soldiers' Relief Hospital .... 40.00 To cash for hall expenses 42.00 $374-53 "Recapitulation for the four quarters from July 20, 1861, to July 20, 1862 : By amount received during first quarter $7,676.74 By amount received during second quarter 2,794.13 By amount received during third quarter 1.599-35 By amount received during fourth quarter 1,298.97 $13,369.19 To amount of cash expended during first quarter . . $7,658.99 To amount of cash expended during second quarter 2,794.13 To amount of cash expended during third quarter. 1,498.73 To amount of cash expended during fourth quarter 375.14 $12,326.99 Leaving on hand a balance of 1,042.20 "July 21, 1862." General Work. 141 Charleston Mercury, July 9, 1862. The division surgeon acknowledges a generous donation of bed- ding, etc., from the Ladies' Relief Association, of Aiken. Charleston Mercury, July 10, 1862. Mention is made of contributions from the Summerville Ladies' Association, and the Summerville Juvenile Association, to the Sum- merville Hospital. A notice is also given of a Fair held by ladies of Allendale, for the benefit of the Savannah River Guard, who had done long service on the coast, and were suffering greatly from disease. Charleston Mercury, July 12, 1862. A Wayside Hospital is reported as established at Kingville. The letter given below shows what has been before stated, that lead from private houses, churches, etc., wherever available, was sent to be made into shot and shell : "C. S. Mining and Niter Bureau Office, "Sup. Dep., S. C. College, "July 12, 1862. "In behalf of this Bureau, we beg to tender to Mrs. McCord our profound thanks for the very handsome donation of lead received yesterday from her plantation. "We are sure it will be gratifying to know that more than two tons of lead have been forwarded from my office to the chief of the Bureau since our appeal last week to the citizens of Columbia; and the greater part has been contributed by the energetic and patriotic women of our country. "With the highest respect and esteem, "Your humble servant, "Frances S. Holmes, "Supt. M. and N. Works Dept., S. C. "Mrs. Louisa S. McCord, Present." Charleston Mercury, July 14, i86z. A card is published by Dr. John Bachman, acknowledging money for soldiers from Charleston ladies and children, refugees in Spar- tanburg. Part of it is $88, made by tableaux. He also acknowl- edges fruit sent by Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. Fleming, and others, from Kalmia and Aiken, and mosquito nets for hospitals, sent from Charleston, Newberry, Spartanburg, and other places — 600 nets in all. Dr. Bachman says Miss Cobia, of Charleston, sent two sacks of wool, cotton, cards, etc. ; thirty-six pairs of cotton cards were sent 142 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. by the ladies of Charleston, Columbia, and Newberry, and six pairs by Gravely & Pringle. "These I have distributed according to wishes of donors — in every case to those only who were manufac- turing clothing for sons, husbands, or brothers, in the army. The six pairs of cotton cards for the lady in Spartanburg District who, by her own industry, clothed her four sons in the Army of Virginia, I carried to her family on the day when the mournful tidings arrived that one of these boys had fallen in battle." Charleston Mercury, July 17, 1862. The surgeon of Mazyck Street Hospital acknowledges supplies from ladies of Midway and Barnwell. Charleston Mercury, July 19, 1862. A correspondent from Columbia says: "I have just come from Richmond, without seeing a single intoxicated person, though the cars were crowded with soldiers, and at every depot there were large crowds to meet the train. At Goldsboro and Magnolia, N. C, and at Sumter, S. C, the sick and wounded were liberally cared for." During all this time the daily papers are filled with long lists of dead and wounded ; but the women went on working steadily, though often in need of the simplest and most necessary implements. Help was sometimes sent from outside — whenever possible, from the warm-hearted women of Maryland. Charleston Mercury, July 23, 1862. We see the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, acknowl- edging sewing machine needles sent them by ladies of Baltimore, to be used in working for Confederate soldiers. Salt at this time was got by digging up the floors of smokehouses, and boiling the earth until the dirt and salt were separated. This re- quired many boilings and skimmings before the salt was left clean. Curtains were used for soldiers' shirts and children's dresses. Chil- dren's shoes were made by their mothers, of scraps of cloth ; and women — many of them — made their own shoes. Tumblers of lard, with little cotton wicks, were burned for lamps. Candles were made of everything available, including myrtle wax made from the wild myrtle berries. As every one was wearing mourning, gloves were mended to the utmost possibility, covered with ink, and then rubbed over with lard until the black ceased to come off and the kid re- mained pliable. Among the many charitable organizations of that time in Charles- ton was a Free Market, for the relief of the destitute families of sol- diers. This was not an enterprise of the women, but we find in Soldiers' Relief Association. 143 the papers that they contributed to it freely. At this date we see the following: Charleston Mercury, July 31, 1862. "At a meeting of the executive committee of the Free Market of Charleston, held yesterday morning, John E. Phillips, Esq., was unanimously elected a member of the executive committee, in place of the lamented George M. Coffin, deceased." We also find the Rev. W. T. Farrow, general agent of the South Carolina Tract Society, acknowledging "$81.50 from Orangeburg, to furnish our soldiers with religious reading." Mr. E. T. Kerrison was secretary and treasurer of this society. It is a cause of wonder and admiration that in these few months, so full of excitement, confusion and suffering, every need seems to have been considered, and every want, as far as possible, provided for. In all these charitable works we see constantly the name of the Rev. W. S. Bowman. With these other acknowledgements is one from the surgeon of Mazyck Street Hospital, Charleston, who has received from Mrs. Hamilton Waring, Walterboro, a box of rice and eggs; Colonel Leadon, from proceeds of tableaux, $10; Mrs. Roberts, a supply of fruit ; planters of St. Johns Berkeley, through Soldiers' Relief Association, various articles. Charleston Mercury, July 31, 1862. "report of the soldiers' relief association, CHARLESTON. "The regTilar weekly meeting of this association was held on Mon- day afternoon, when various reports were read. During this week, the following donations have been received : From Mrs. I. P., of Pinopolis, two bed coverlets, one bag apples, for hospital ; from Miss McColl, two pounds wild cherry bark; two pairs socks from Miss S. H. B. ; two mosquito nets from Mrs. Schreiner and Mrs. Foran ; from a friend, six fans; Dr. Wineman, two bottles brandy, one bottle port wine; a member in Columbia, two pairs socks; a friend in Greenville, a valuable donation of linen; Mrs. I. P., of Cedar Springs, one barrel grits, one mutton ; Mrs. W. M. Porcher, one bag meal ; Miss C, ten pillow-cases ; Mrs. F. D. Fanning, a bundle of pavilions, and five fans ; P. T., three nets, and a gross of buttons ; Mrs. Bachman, seven bottles blackberry wine, fruit, two pairs drawers, and rags; Miss C. E. Godfrey, secretary of Cheraw Aid Society, two boxes, containing tapioca, sugar, cornstarch, gelatine, cocoa; fifteen bottles, containing wine, honey, jelly, preserves, to- matoes ; two tumblers, packages of dogwood bark, wild cherry bark, 144 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. and sage, one bag rice, one package rice flour, two hams, three bags grits, one bag meal, starch, and sage, seventeen pairs drawers, two shirts, five pairs socks, one pair slippers, one pillow-case, six pairs drawers ; from a lady in Pendleton, eight bottles blackberry syrup, one bottle sherry ; from Mrs. George Robertson, president of this so- ciety, and several members, eighty-six nets, four shirts, two pairs socks, three bed sacks, one bundle for James Island; from Mrs. C. W., St. Johns Berkeley, one bag okra; Mrs. T. P. R., Middle St. Johns, one bag grits, one bag meal, two coops chickens; Mrs. Dr. J. S. P., St. Stephens, three barrels and three baskets of peaches; from Lynchburg, through Dr. Bachman, one box hospital stores, and two pavilions. "The following donations have been made during the week : "To Wayside Hospital, Columbia: $ioo. "To Eutaw Regiment, James Island : Twenty bed sacks, twenty pillows, twenty pillow-cases, fifteen sheets, thirty shirts, one jar pickles, one bottle catsup, one bottle blackberry wine, and one bottle cordial. "To privates in Marine Hospital : Six shirts, five pairs drawers, three pairs socks. "To private applications : Seventeen cotton shirts, four flannel shirts, seventeen pairs drawers, and twenty-seven pairs socks. "The ladies visiting the hospitals on committees have been supplied with various articles of nourishment. "The following amounts have been received : From Mr. Quimby, lithographist, $5; Mr. B. D. Boyd, of Newberry, $io; through Mr. Leadon, part of the proceeds of tableaux for Soldiers' Relief Hos- pital, $20 ; from five members in Columbia, $75 ; from a member, 50 cents; through , $1.49; from Miss McCrady, through Rev. W. Dehon, $5. "As beds are required for the sick soldiers, any one who will supply the cotton will have the gratification of adding much to the comfort of our brave defenders." Charleston Mercury, July 31, 1862. The following letter makes a timely suggestion : "Home, July 27. "To THE Editor of The Mercury : Will you not urge upon our Southern people the necessity of putting up fruits and vegetables and drying herbs to send to our hospitals, reserving some for winter use. Every one should now, and as long as the material lasts, be making pickles, catsup, drying apples, peaches, figs, and any other MRS. D. J. McCORD, COLUMBIA. General Work. 145 fruit they may have. Among the vegetables, okra is easily dried, and lima beans will keep all winter, put away after they have been fully dried on the vines (a little sassafras will keep insects away), and tomatoes may be kept in bottles. Let each one think for a moment how acceptable all this will be to our soldiers, from whom vegetables are debarred by the prices asked for them, and none will hesitate. Let no one think, 'it is but little I can do,' but each one go to work in earnest, and much can be accomplished. I will give you an easy way of putting up tomatoes : Wash and cut the tomatoes; when sufficiently cooked, run them through a sieve or colander, add salt and a few pods of red pepper, cook till the consistency of syrup, then bottle and seal. I sent these to camp all winter in the 'boxes from home,' and nothing was more accept- able. "Now, Mr. Editor, do write a piece that will set our people to work. All they need is that they should be reminded of what is both a pleasure and a duty — working for our soldiers. "Annie." Charleston Courier, July 31, 1862. "A box, containing two dozen mosquito nets, kindly sent to Com- pany C, Eighteenth Regiment, S. C. V., by one of the most patriotic young ladies of the Soldiers' Relief Association, of Charleston, ar- rived after the departure of the regiment for another field of service. The box, however, was forwarded to one of the officers of the Twenty-fourth regiment, and the nets duly distributed. We are very grateful to our fair friends for so useful a present, and promise to do our picket duty now in contempt as well of the mosquitoes and sandflies as of the Yankees." The nets referred to were evidently small ones, protecting the head. The frequent references to nets and fans for the hospitals at this time painfully suggests the terrible sufferings of the poor men from heat and mosquitoes. Charleston Courier, July 31, 1862. "We take pleasure in adding Fair Bluff, N. C, to the list of places and railway stations ennobled and honored by the tender hands and ministering attentions of fair patriots who do all they can to relieve the wants and demands of the soldiers passing over the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad." Charleston Mercury, August 4, 1862. Mrs. Kennedy of the Kingville Hotel is mentioned as devoting her entire time to the care of sick and wounded soldiers. 146 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. At this time, it is touching to see how, with all their deprivations and hardships, soldiers in the field are constantly sending home con- tributions to assist sufferers by fire, or from other causes. Mrs. C. A. Graeser and other ladies of Fort Motte and its vicinity are constant workers for soldiers. Reference is made to the Cheraw Soldiers' Aid Society. Charleston Mercury, August 7, 1862. The anniversary report of the Board of Managers of the Aiken Relief Association is published— Mrs. J. G. Steadman, President, and Mrs. M. A. Farrington, Secretary. "Your Board would respectfully report that a meeting was held on August 1st, on which day we received, by donations and subscrip- tions, $221. Our association was formed immediately after the Battle of Manassas, and every one was eager to help our suffering soldiers. We have ever since been working industriously, and gratefully report the prosperous condition of our affairs. For re- plenishing our treasury we have mainly depended on fairs. * * * We have been favored by Graniteville and Vaucluse factories in being supplied with goods at lowered rates. * * * We ought not to omit mention of donations of money, cloth, and blankets. During the year, we have distributed clothing and hospital stores to the following companies : Captain Denny's, Captain Hard's, Allen Guards, Richardson Guards, Bonham's Brigade, Ryan Guards, Maryland Guards, Pickens Guards, crew of 'Rattlesnake,' Capt. A. Jones' company. Captain William Gregg's, Pickens Rangers, Captain Croft, Lucas Battalion. "We have also relieved several individuals and sent stores in July to hospitals in South Carolina ; in August, to hospitals in Virginia ; to Dr. Ogier, for hospitals in Charleston ; to Augusta Wayside Hos- pital ; in August, two boxes of brandy to Rev. R. W. Barnwell, for soldiers in Virginia. "In all, we have distributed 2,535 garments, ninety-two blankets, twenty-six comforts, thirty spreads, fourteen sheets, 166 pillows, three mattresses. "Our stock on hand consists of one bed sack, eighteen mattresses, 136 pillow-cases, fifteen spreads, thirty-five pillows, fifteen pairs linsey pants, four jackets, eleven scarfs, forty-five handkerchiefs, eighty-eight cotton shirts, six osnaburg shirts, twenty-seven pairs drawers, sixteen gloves, four pairs wool socks, nine pairs cotton socks, one pound wool yarn, two gross china buttons, twelve spools cotton, two balls sewing thread, forty-four pounds raw cotton, five Mrs. Sarah K. Rowe. 147 and one-half pounds wool, 165 yards osnaburg, 357 yards palmetto shirting, fifty-six yards drill, eighty-five yards chintz, 194 yards paper cambric. "Money received throughout the year, $2,809.25. Money ex- pended, $2,324.50." Charleston Mercury, August 9, 1862. The following advertisement is suggestive of difficulties to house- keepers : "Housekeepers will be pleased to know that good brooms can be bought at the grocery at the corner of King and Broad streets." About this time, Dr. Bachman publishes a list of hospitals and refers to the work of women in all of them. At Branchville there was no hospital, but committees from Orangeburg got on the trains, which passed twice a day, and went as far as Branchville, carrying with them food and other comforts for the sick and wounded sol- diers on the cars. Mrs. Rowe, of Rowes Pump, near Orangeburg, was most active in this work, and was known far and near for her tender care of our suffering men. The following sketch of her, which has been sent this committee, must interest all : Written in 1900. No signature. "MRS. SARAH K. ROWE. "Among the many thousands of noble, self-sacrificing and pa- triotic women of the Confederacy, the name of Mrs. Donald Rowe, of Orangeburg, S. C, stands out conspicuously, and there are hun- dreds of old soldiers of both the Lost Cause and the Federal army who can still bear witness to her acts of kindness and charity, and her untiring and unswerving devotion to the sacred cause of the gallant nation that fell, 'foiled by numbers.' "Her maiden name was Moss — Sarah Keziah Moss. She was the daughter of Stephen and Ann (Erwin) Moss, of Orangeburg Dis- trict, and granddaughter of John Moss, who came from Virginia to South Carolina just prior to the Revolution, and Mary Keziah Wright. She was born May i8, 1814, and was married to Donald C. Rowe, a scion of good old colonial and Revolutionary stock, of Orangeburg District. "When the die of war was cast, and the sons of Carolina were responding as only Carolinians can to the call of patriotic duty, Mrs. Rowe deemed it her duty to respond also to the call — as a minister to the comforts of the hungry, the sick, and the wounded. Day after day, throughout almost the entire war, this noble woman re- paired to the depot in Orangeburg and boarded the upbound train. 148 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. bearing baskets and boxes of food, medicines, bandages, and other comforting articles for the soldiers. From. Orangeburg to Kingville she would pass up and down the cars, handing food and offering words of cheer to the well ; to the sick she gave delicacies and medi- cines; she bandaged the wounds of the wounded and gave them strengthening cordials, and to all she was as a mother. At King- ville, she would take the down train and go as far as Branchville, ministering now to the soldiers passing downward. In the evening, she would return to Orangeburg by the up train, and again she would give her tender care to those passing upward. She was kind and generous to Northern soldiers and prisoners as well as to her own loved boys in gray. "The ladies of Orangeburg and the surrounding country would every day send food, clothes and other things, prepared by their own hands, or under their direction, often taxing their resources, for Mrs. Rowe to use on her trips. Besides, she had much prepared at her own home, which was at that time a miniature commissary de- partment. Often she would have assistance from the sweet young girls of Orangeburg and other towns along the railroad which she traveled, and sometimes matrons of maturer years would lend their assistance. There was at Orangeburg, during a part of the war, a hospital for sick soldiers, and to this she frequently went and assisted in caring for the sick. She was so sympathetic that often, when she witnessed the sufferings and agony of wounded men, she would burst into tears, and a lady contemporary says that, upon one oc- casion, just after one of the great battles, she saw Mrs. Rowe so deeply affected by the sight of the mangled and bleeding men that she herself was moved to pity for the good lady. "When Sherman's army was approaching Orangeburg, Mrs. Rowe secured a car from the South Carolina Railroad and packed all of her household goods into it and shipped them to Columbia for safe keeping, her two daughters accompanying the car. A few days later, a Federal officer, with a detachment of troops, came to her house and called for her. She fully expected to be arrested when she appeared ; but the officer politely asked her what had be- come of her household effects. She told him what she had done with them, whereupon he expressed regret, for he said that his su- periors had heard of her kindness to Federal prisoners, and had de- tailed them to protect her and her property. He farther expressed a fear that the property would not be so safe in Columbia. He was right. Not only did the great pyrotechnists destroy the car and its Incident on the Cars. 149 contents, but actually entered a private apartment, where one of Mrs. Rowe's daughters was lying ill, and sprinkled powder about the room and set it on fire, forcing the girl to fly for her life. And here it might be mentioned that the two Rowe girls, with several other young ladies from Orangeburg, had to make their way back to that place — a distance of fifty miles — with one old horse and a little gig. They took turns at riding and walking, and reached home a footsore and weary party. "Just after the war, the Rowes lost all their property, and Wm. Rowe died in 1876; but Mrs. Rowe secured a place in the country, about six miles from town, and, directing her own farming affairs, managed to struggle along. She always had some of her children or grandchildren with her at the farm, and thus the last years of her life were happily spent ; but in all her life, her happiest and her saddest days were doubtless those spent among the boys who wore the gray. She died June i, 1884, and was buried in the churchyard of the Church of the Redeemer, in Orangeburg. A modest little stone marks the place where both she and her husband lie; and on each Memorial Day, when flowers are placed upon the graves of the Confederates who sleep beneath the sod of the same churchyard, some one always remembers to drop a wreath and a tear on the grave of 'Aunt Sarah'." Charleston Mercury, August lo, 1862. "incident on the cars. "On the down train from Columbia, I've witnessed a scene, be- tween Orangeburg and Branchville, well worth describing. A sick soldier, unable to keep his seat, was stretched out on the floor, across the doorway, panting with heat, wasted with disease, resting his head on his knapsack. With the committee of ladies and gentlemen who got on at Orangeburg was a young lady, a refugee, with a basket of phials, bandages, etc., and when she entered the door where lay the poor sick man, she, with the aid of one of the gentlemen, took charge of him in the tenderest and most practical manner. Wine and milk were given, reviving stimulants used. At first she stood stooping over and fanning him, but at last she sat on the floor, and in the most modest, sisterly way, bathed his forehead and cheeks and fanned him with the utmost patience — and all in silence. There was scarcely a murmur heard in the crowded car. As I stood near, I saw the big tears gather in the man's eyes. Gentlemen in the cars dropped money into her lap. She quietly took it and put it into the man's pocket before seeing him put on the train for Augusta. I 150 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. mention no names, and only wish to show that our women are ready to do all they can in these days of calamity and peril." Charleston Mercury, August 9, 1862. A list of places is published where salt was made in Charleston. Messrs. Chisholm, whose salt works were at the foot of Tradd street, were commended for refusing to ask more than $5 per bushel for salt, in spite of enormous prices asked by others. Mrs. Snowden — Correspondence in possession of Mr. Yates Snowden, August l8, 1862. The following letter shows how well the women of South Carolina had progressed in their efforts to pay for a gunboat: "Confederate States of America. "Navy Department. "Richmond, August i8, 1862. "Richard Yeadon, Esq., Editor of The Courier, Charleston, S. C. "Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th inst., asking, in behalf of the ladies of South Carolina, that the new steam sloop being constructed by this department in the City of Charleston be named the 'Palmetto State.' Captain Ingra- ham, before the receipt of your letter, had been instructed to name this vessel the 'Charleston,' but, in deference to the wishes of the noble women of Carolina, this order is revoked, and he has this day been directed to call her the 'Palmetto State.' The funds referred to will be received and appropriated according to your wishes. If, however, you will permit me to make a suggestion, I would present to your consideration the expediency of devoting them to the next vessel to be built by Captain Ingraham. "If we can identify the patriotic women of your State with the construction of a new vessel, an impulse will be given to her speedy completion. I will with pleasure, however, adopt the course you may desire. I am respectfully, Your obedient servant, "S. B. Mallory, "Secretary of the Navy." To this letter a note is appended in another hand, perhaps Colonel Yeadon's, to this effect : "the ladies' gunboat. "We are happy to announce to the noble and patriotic women of South Carolina, as will appear by the subjoined letter, that the sec- retary of the navy has, in the most complimentary terms, richly de- served by them, consented that the ironclad Confederate gunboat Work for the Gunboats. 151 recently launched in our waters shall, in deference to their wishes, be named the 'Palmetto State,' suggesting, however, that it may be preferable, and leaving it to their option, to confer that glorious time-honored name on the next gunboat to be built by Captain In- graham. A final decision will be delayed until a consultation can be had with the hero of the Kotzu exploit." Charleston Mercury, August 19, 1862. Directions are given for making portable soup. This was made in quantities and sent on to Virginia. It was in hard, brown cakes, which were to be melted down in hot water. A pitiful piece of advice is given to soldiers — to fill their pockets with slippery elm bark, with which to allay hunger and thirst. Dr. Bachman, in another report, says : "In passing along the line of the South Carolina Railroad, I had further opportunity of witness- ing the devotion of the ladies of Orangeburg to the sick and wounded, a committee going daily to Kingville and Branchville. * * * At Greenwood, on the Greenville road, the daily practice is to set tables under the trees to give a meal to every soldier passing through. * * * I don't know how long resources can hold out, but if self-denial and effort can accomplish it, it will last for a long time yet. Blessed Christian women !" "Notice is given that the Winnsboro ladies have established a Wayside Hospital in one of the largest halls — a brick building, airy, comfortable, with clean beds and bedding and, more than all, dear women to daily attend and supervise; all soldiers too sick to proceed are carefully attended to." Charleston Mercury, August 20, 1862. The Charleston Relief Association acknowledges contributions from Williston Relief Association, through Mrs. Graham. Charleston Courier, August 23, 1862. A concert in Cheraw is noticed as having been given for the benefit of the soldiers, by Miss M. B. Williams, of Charleston, and the late Mr. M. S. Reeves, and several ladies of Cheraw. Dr. Morrall, from Palmetto Camp, acknowledges help to sick and wounded, from the ladies of Mt. Pleasant. Charleston Mercury, August 30, 1862. "We understand that the funds raised by the ladies of South Caro- lina for construction of a gunboat for the defense of Charleston will soon be paid to the Confederate government, under whose direction the gunboat 'Palmetto State' has been built. The christening will 152 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. take place in a day or two. The sum received by The Mercury is $6,929.60." In the same paper, James M. Eason is referred to as the builder of this boat, and as having succeeded when it had been supposed that such a thing was impossible in Charleston, for want of proper me- chanics. A box of lint from children of the Church Home is acknowledged. Charleston Mercury, September 4, 1862. The women of the State are urged to renewed and continued efforts in knitting. Dr. Bachman is still going his rounds of Wayside Hospitals, col- lecting and distributing relief, and urging still greater effort, as "the cars will be crowded with wounded from the late battles." Charleston Mercury, September 10, 1862. An account is given of tableaux vivants at Pineville. All arrange- ments were guided by Miss Huger. Colonel Edwin DuBose acted as master of ceremonies, aided by W. D. Bonneau, W. Mazyck Porcher, Esqs., and the Hon. S. Warren Palmer. The tables were presided over by Miss Camilla Cordes and other "angels of Pine- ville." Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. Jeffords, of Orangeburg, acknowledge ar- ticles sent for sick soldiers. Correspondence Charleston Courier, September 11, 1862. "Cheraw, September 2, 1862. "R. Yeadon, Esq. : "Dear Sir: I enclose you $4 for the gunboat 'Palmetto State,' contributed by two ladies of this village. The amount is additional to $135 collected here by a young lady, and sent several months ago to The Mercury office through Mrs. J. H. Mclver. "J. M. BOSTICK." Charleston Mercury, September 15, 1862. Our mothers were not accustomed to "society columns," and a card is published objecting strongly to the use of names in the ac- count of the Pineville entertainment. Charleston Mercury, September 16, 1862. Dr. Bachman mentions that Mrs. Snowden, president of the Sol- diers' Relief Association, of Charleston, had gone to Virginia, carry- ing hospital stores. After every battle, some women went on to care for their own wounded relatives. Mrs. Mason Smith, of Charleston, was one of General Work. 153 those who, going on to nurse her son, was able to do much to com- fort others. At this time, pieces of cotton shirting, drill, etc., are quoted as from 40 to 60 cents per yard. At about this date, yellow fever broke out in Wilmington, N. C. General Beauregard's staff surgeon, Dr. Choppin, from New Or- leans, went on to Wilmington with nurses from Charleston. Charleston Mercury or Charleston Courier, September 25, 1862. In one of the Charleston papers is an army letter, signed "P. W. A.," written from Winchester, Va. It contains an appeal ending in the following words. It is difficult for those who have not been tried as were the women of 1861 to 1865 to realize how such words moved them to the profoundest emotion and most desperate effort: "If the Army of Virginia could march through the South just as it is, ragged and almost barefooted and hatless, many of the men limping along, and not quite well of their wounds or sickness, and yet cheerful and not willing to abandon their places in the ranks — their clothes riddled with balls, and their banners covered with the smoke and dust of battle, and shot into tatters; many of them in- scribed with 'Williamsburg,' 'Seven Pines,' 'Gaines' Mill,' 'Garnett's Farm,' 'Front Royal,' 'McDowell,' 'Cedar Run,' and other vic- torious fields — if this army of veterans, thus clad and shod, with tattered uniforms and banners, could march from Richmond to the Mississippi, it would produce a sensation that has no parallel in his- tory since Peter the Hermit led his swelling hosts across Europe to the Holy Sepulcher." Charleston Mjercury, September 30, 1862. A letter is published from the Soldiers' Rest Association, in Or- angeburg, acknowledging help for the Wayside Hospital and Sol- diers' Rest, and for sick soldiers on the cars. It is signed "A. F. Dickson, Treasurer." In the Charleston Courier, about this date, "W." says : "Let every church, public hall and private dwelling be stripped of their carpets to cover our suffering soldiers." Probably this had already been done in many cases, but certainly it became very general, and carpet blankets, with curtain shirts, are mentioned often in the lists of ar- ticles forwarded to camps and hospitals. Charleston Mercury, October 3, 1862. Mention is made of physicians, nurses and Sisters of Charity who have gone from Charleston to Wilmington. The Ladies' Soldiers Aid Society, of Barnwell, thank W. Gilmore Simms for a lecture given by him to help their work. 154 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Charleston Mercuiy, October i6, 1862. An account is given of the "christening" of the ladies' gunboat at Marsh's Wharf, Charleston. Mr. Richard Yeadon was the orator of the occasion. The young lady who had been the first contributor had the honor of breaking the bottle of wine. Capt. D. N. Ingraham received the orator and others on board the vessel. Capt. Rutledge, C. S. N., who was to command the boat, was pres- ent, with other officers. General Beauregard and staff, and General Gist and staff, were also present. Mr. Yeadon addressed the officers, and made a separate address to the "matrons and maids" who had raised the $30,000 necessary. Prayers were made by the Rev. Thomas Smyth and the Rev. Chris- topher P. Gadsden. Marsh & Sons are spoken of as the builders of the boat. During the ceremony, the gunboat "Chicora" came up and saluted, with her builder, James M. Eason, on deck. Charleston Mercury, October 17, 1862. Mrs. D. R., living at the southeast corner of Cannon and Rut- ledge streets, gives, to be raffled for the benefit of soldiers, a collec- tion of plants which she has been gathering for seven years. There are five hundred plants — japonicas, geraniums, roses, etc. We see an acknowledgement from the Commissioners of the State Marine Battery of $3,579.56, sent by ladies of Columbia to aid in building the gunboat "Chicora." Ladies thus apparently helped with two gunboats. At this date, contributions of money were being sent on to yellow fever sufferers at Wilmington. Charleston Mercury, October 30, 1862. Dr. M. LaBorde, of Columbia, gives notice of the formation of the Central Relief Association for the Soldiers of South Carolina, through which packages may be sent to soldiers in the field. He says that he can say no word of exhortation to the women. "They are doing all they can ; their devotion and patriotism is exhaustless." This Central Association was a committee of ten gentlemen. Their depot was on Main street, Columbia. They publish at this time an earnest entreaty for carpet blankets, etc. It will interest Charlestonians to know that all through this the Ladies' Benevolent Society was carrying on its work for the sick poor. General Work. 155 Charleston Mercury, November i, 1862. At this date, we see the first notice of the removal of non-combat- ants from the City of Charleston. Provisions were beginning to be very scarce, and fuel hard to get. A committee was appointed to care for the women and children who could not get away. Charleston Mercury, November 8, 1862. A flag for the Brooks Guard is spoken of. It had been begun long before, but was delayed by want of material. Charleston Mercury, November 19, 1862. The Free Market is reported as feeding entirely the families of six hundred soldiers, but threatening to close for want of money. Subscriptions to it begin again immediately, from women as well as men. Salt is becoming very scarce. Professor Hume advises the boiling of rice and hominy in half fresh and half sea water. Mrs. Dr. Sally, of the Orangeburg Relief Association, says that as long as the war lasts they will not tire. The Ladies' Garment Society, of Charleston, continued its work for the poor. The Central Committee, through Dr. LaBorde, reports that during the three weeks of its existence it had collected $20,000, blankets, garments, etc., within Richland District. We find the following suggestions for lights : "a confederate candle. "Melt one pound of beeswax and one-quarter pound of rosin; make a wick forty yards long, of three threads of loosely spun cotton ; saturate well with the mixture, and draw through the fingers, press- ing closely to keep the size even; repeat till the size of a quill, then wrap round a bottle. Six inches of this, elevated, will burn fifteen minutes. Forty yards have sufficed a small family all summer for bed-room light." "a confederate lamp. "A tumbler full of lard. Draw a soft, long wick through the stem part of an old steel pen ; imbed the wick in the lard, with about half the pen rising above the lard. The wick can be raised when neces- sary by pulling it up with a pin." Charleston Mercury, November 19, 1862. Ladies of Baltimore send a cord and tassels for the Brooks Guard flag. iS6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "The Days That Are Dead." The story of the War Between the States, in all its political and martial phases, has been told and retold by abler pens than mine. Looking back to i860, to the scenes through which I myself have passed, it is a child's point of view, perhaps, that has become en- graved upon my mind ; but, as that has seldom been given, I will re- count to you the impressions made upon me then, which have but strengthened with my years and experience. The atmosphere of Charleston rippled and swelled with excitement all through that memorable fall. The Minute Men, who had or- ganized on every side, made the streets gay with their uniforms, and the young girls devoted their time to manufacturing every kind of patriotic device in palmetto and silk ribbon. Military buttons were in demand, and every young woman was as defiant, as ardent, and as determined, as her brother, or her sweetheart. They were ready for all emergencies, and when the first troops were ordered down to the islands, they packed knapsacks, sewed on straps and buckles, and chattered cheerfully of all things to hide their own dread and sorrow from the older women, the mothers who were sending their all into the great unknown of the future — ready to answer what- ever call their country made. The older men 'met and talked. Constitution, Secession, State Rights, Self-Protection, Union, Usurpation, Imposition, were words that fell upon childish ears, that soon learned to understand their full import. Mottoes were flung to the winds on hundreds of flags. "There is a point beyond which endurance ceases to be a virtue" was one that carried with it the whole gist of the occasion. The people had determined not to "endure" any longer and, as another motto said, were willing to give "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute." The building of the harbor defenses was begun. Stevens' Iron Battery was discussed and dilated upon until every boy in town could build it in miniature, for the children had caught the fever, and all their games were based upon war and engineering. So passed the months until the winter came, with excitement ever grow- ing, enthusiasm ever increasing. Each m'an knew he would reply when his State called; each woman felt she was ready to sacrifice her own heart on the altar of her country ; both believed that their State was right, and had faith that a just cause must succeed. "The Days That Are Dead." 157 Secession became an accomplished fact; the cannon roared; the populace shouted ; in mammoth lettering, the papers announced "The Union is dissolved." The Palmetto Banner hung upon the outer wall, and every man, woman and child in Carolina knew that the future was big with im- port, and that their fiery State stood ready for "freedom or death." "Hurrah for the rattlesnake bold," sang the girls, and the men joined in with "Again 'tis preparing to spring," and even the children chanted, "For fearful its wrath to the foe in its path, be he President, peasant or king." Young people grew up quickly then : each week was so crowded with feeling, emotions, events. Each occurrence was so portentous that months were years. Children matured in thought and deed; fourteen-year-old boys were men, ready to bear arms ; little girls were women, capable to work, to plan, to hope, fear and suffer. The night after Christmas, when Anderson, under cover of dark- ness and storm, stole into Fort Sumter, dishonorably, clandestinely, in flagrant violation of the promise made by his government at Wash- ington, the glove was flung down to Carolina, and she needs must lift it or be craven in her contention for the right. Her answer to this defiance rang out when, on January 9, 1861, "Tucker" (George E.) Haynesworth, of Sumter, S. C, of the Cadet Battery, sent a ball splashing into the waves directly in front of the "Star of the West." And the world stood still and listened to the protest and assertion of our dear mother State. For miles in every direction, the noise of this cannonading was heard, and stirred one's very heart. On every plantation, anxious groups of planters' families discussed its meaning — for no man could tell what a day might bring forth. Many sent their colored boys on horseback to the city posthaste to learn the news, bidding them not to spare their animals, but to hasten, and then, imagining a thousand evils, paced with growing impatience to and fro, until hoofbeats told of the courier's return. The news meant war, to every thinking man, and every woman tried to steel her heart and nerves for all that was to come. The excitement increased. Various companies were ordered down to the islands, and the work of fortifying went on unceasingly. In the city, speeches were made from every vantage point, and each orator tried to be more eloquent, more fiery, more convincing and warlike than the last, until their audiences thrilled in response, giving back cheers and words of encouragement and determination. About 158 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. this time, in the middle of Meeting street, opposite Hayne, a lofty Liberty Pole was raised, from which flew the Palmetto flag. A plat- form for speakers was erected at its foot, and here the crowds gathered and were harangued until they burned with excited patriot- ism. One of the speakers who attracted great attention, and stirred the people to fever heat by his earnest eloquence, was Sam Ham- mond, who had been a resident of Aiken. His speeches were ad- mired, and his example followed. He became a lieutenant in the Richardson Guards, was in one of the first regiments that went to Virginia, and gave his life for the cause, being killed in battle near Chester, in that State. South Carolinians were not selfish in their patriotism ; their blood dyed the battlefields of many States. This Liberty Pole stood, and its flag waved through all the long four years of siege and shot and shell that Charleston braved; but after the city, emptied of its defenders, capitulated on the i8th of February, the flag was hauled down, and some time between then and April ist, the pole was removed, cut shorter and otherwise dis- figured. Afterwards, the enemy raised it as a flagstaff on the Bat- tery, from which flew the Stars and Stripes over White Point Garden. Time led on to the Battle of Fort Sumter, when the population of Charleston sought the water fronts, and men went wild with excite- ment and patriotism, and women prayed and wept, smiled and en- couraged all at one time, waiting in agony of heart lest some dear one be the one to claim the honor of being first to lay his life down for his country. But when the two days' fight was over, when the Palmetto Stars and Bars replaced the flag which had come to mean to us op- pression and wrong, when "the boys came home," and not one was missing, nor injured, then arose a very babble of exultation and thanksgiving, while sweethearts embraced without shame (for do not the brave deserve the fair?), and mothers clasped their sons, and fathers wrung their hands and felt proud of their boys, just passed through such a baptism of fire. The ladies of Charleston had made a Confederate flag, for the special and particular purpose of being hoisted over Sumter, for no one doubted our success. When the fort surrendered. Captain Ferguson, of General Beaure- gard's staff, and Colonels Moses and Dearing, of Governor Pickens' staff, raised, at the same moment, the national and State emblems above its ramparts — the Stars and Bars, given by the ladies, was "The Days That Are Dead." 159 raised by Captain Ferguson, the Palmetto by the Governor's aids. That was on the 13th of April. On the 17th, to the joy of all, came the news of Virginia's secession, and immediately our young men began to agitate the question of volunteering for service in that State, believing it would be the bloodiest battlefield of the Con- federacy. The Washington Artillery, of Charleston, formed a company of volunteers from their ranks, which, with the Washington Light In- fantry, became a part of Hampton's Legion. The first named com- pany was led then by Stephen D. Lee, but it soon changed com- manders and name, and will stand forever gloriously upon the records of fame as "Hart's Battery." The Carolina Rifles, the Irish Volunteers, and the Richardson Guards also volunteered, and helped form Gregg's Regiment, which was the first command to leave Charleston for Virginia. Many were the hands that had labored to make them comfortable, and many were the hearts that were wrung with anguish as they bid their dear ones farewell — an eternal good-bye, as it proved with but too great a number ; yet no woman there but was brave and cheerful when the time came for the last handclasp, the last word; and no man in all the ranks but knew he was right, and had confidence in the result. They were heroines then, forgetting themselves and their fears, and their heroism made each man eager to be a hero. The Southern women put their Southern men upon a lofty height, and every man rose to the occasion and justified the belief she had in him. It was in June, 1861, when Hart's Battery went to the front in Vir- ginia. The fair daughter of Mr. M. C. Mordecai, of Charleston, headed the committee of ladies who presented them with the now celebrated guidon, which Sherfessee, the young colorbearer, took into his keeping, pledging his sacred honor to bring it back unsullied when the war should be over. How well he kept his word, our peer- less Hampton can testify. The battery was a part of his legion, and through 143 engagements the guidon led it on, and Sherfessee brought it home at last, unsullied and unsurrendered, a memorial of the brave men who fought beneath its folds, a relic to be preserved forever, crowned with the glory of a cause grander in defeat than any cause that ever yet was won ! E. Lindsay Halsey, then a private in the Washington Artillery, but afterwards commander of Hart's Battery, came near bringing on the battle of Fort Sumter a month or more before it did occur. Each day his company had to practice with the guns of the iron i6o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. battery, aiming at Fort Sumter, and using blank cartridges. Halsey wearied of this at last, and told a comrade he "was tired of the foolishness," and just to watch him "put an end to it." So one night he slipped a round shot into the mouth of one of the dogs of war, and the next day when at practice, it barked to better account, for the shot struck Sumter fair and square. Immediately all was in commotion. Anderson fancied himself attacked, opened his port- holes, and prepared for action. Beauregard did not know how it came about, supposed it an accident, and sent Stephen D. Lee to the fort to explain the affair. Are not all the details in the records of the War Between the States? The men enjoyed these pranks. They were the leaven that light- ened the dread realities of war, and many a funny incident broke the monotony of their duties. It was of a Sumter (S. C.) man — Sum- merford — of whom they tell that, having been enlisted as a private, and put upon guard, he was warned that he must not give up his gun to any one, on any pretext. One night, some time after. Lieutenant James Salvo, of his company, came up while Summerford was on guard, and said : "Here, let me see that gun ?" The private saluted and gave it. Instantly Salvo called for the corporal of the guard and ordered him under arrest. "What for?" asked the man. "For giving up your arms," said the officer. "But you were my lieutenant, I thought." "No matter what you thought; your instructions were plain ; you had no right to surrender your gun." "Do you mean to tell me that you will have me arrested and put in the guard house for that?" said Summerford. "I do," said Salvo. "Then," said Summerford, drawing his revolver (ladies, excuse the language), "Damn you; drop that gun, or you're a dead man," and he aimed point blank for Salvo's head. The gun was dropped, the sentry picked up his weapon, resumed his beat, and no arrest was made that night ! The daily life of every Charleston home was now a preparation for what must surely come — years of war and trial, battle, death, wounds, and want. Every household was getting in order all that a soldier could need in camp, or in hospital. Mrs. Robertson, as President, and Mrs. Snowden, as Vice-President, had started in Charleston, on Chalmers street, the Soldiers' Relief Association. There the matrons and maids, and even the children, congregated, to make bandages and scrape lint. Garments that were cut out there were taken home, to be made for the soldiers ; and they knit socks, woolen comforters, and warm caps and gloves, and these were distributed to the men "The Days That Are Dead." i6i as they came through the city, or went to the rehef headquarters and made known their wants. This place was first opened in July, 1861, the day after the first Battle of Manassas. It was after this battle that we saw our first sadly glorious spec- tacle of a military funeral, when the bodies of General Bee and Colonel Johnson were brought home from the battlefield of Manassas. "Sweet and proper it is to die for one's country" was borne into the onlooker's mind by pomp and carnival of war, joined to the sobs, the tears, the anguish of the mourners. Old St. Paul's Church did honor to the full to the knightly gentle- men, "the holy dead," "the brave who sank to rest by all their coun- try's wishes blest." On May 11, 1861, the blockade of Charleston was begun by the United States frigate "Niagara," and then commenced the lessons of thrift, makeshift and invention, which developed so wonderfully through the four years of struggle, and stood the women of Charles- ton in such good stead when the final crash came and left them broken, bruised, and helpless, upon the barren shore of a seemingly hopeless future. All commodities went up enormously in price, and those who had such things as coffee, tea, etc., on hand, put them away for sickness, and resorted to poorer beverages. This "Postum coffee," so highly recommended now for the nerves, is but our poor mixture of parched wheat and rye, ground and dripped, or boiled, as one may have fancied. The seed of the okra, parched light brown, and ground, was used, and sweet potatoes, too, were cut into tiny squares, dried in the sun, then parched and ground and used in the same way, while corn was also made use of as a substitute, and was said to be a cure for dyspepsia ; but certainly the first mixture was the best of all the substitutes for coffee, and happy the housewife who, when company came, could find one tablespoon- ful of Java to add to the pot for flavor. The leaves of the blackberry vine, dried in the sun, and kept close shut from the atmosphere, did duty ordinarily for tea, while others made the leaves of the cassena or yaupon do duty, and still others used sassafras, or some of the many herbs. The ladies on the plantations soon learned how to make their own toilet soaps, as well as all the coarser kinds for laundry and kitchen. A substitute for cooking soda was found by burning corn- cobs to ashes in a clean Dutch oven. This was put in a jar, covered with water, and allowed to stand until clear. One part of this to i62 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. two of sour milk, mixed into cake, or the various Southern breads, made them delightfully light. Out of the berries of the mistletoe, the young girls made the daintiest of white wax for their fancy work, while from the profuse growth of myrtle was gathered, by the wagonload, the berries, close- clustered on their stems, from which was boiled and refined a clear, green, aromatic wax, which made candles fit for the candelabra of a king. These and lightwood knots only illuminated many a house- hold, and were packed into many a soldier's box and sent off to the camps all over the land, to remind the boys of the dear ones at home, and light the evening hour while they wrote to sister, sweetheart, or mother. The girls learned to card and spin, and to knit socks, stockings and gloves for the men and old people at home. Every woven stocking was treasured, and when the feet were utterly worn out, the legs were carefully unraveled, their thread twisted smoothly and firm on the spinning wheel, and knitted into new stockings, or into gloves and mits. Old underwear was treated in the same way, and helped out wonderfully in the family economy, while every knitted woolen thing was valued for its possibilities in contributing material for soldiers' caps, comforters, and chest protectors. From the waters that laved our coast, planters made their own salt, and the children soon knew how to roll and pulverize it into the fine table article to which the family were accustomed. Mustard seed was raised, and the best and purest table preparation manu- factured from it by the young girls, who regarded an old Swiss muslin dress as a real treasure, for it yielded the bolting cloths that were necessary in its preparation. Palmetto, corn shucks, and many grasses and straws, were plaited and woven into pretty, graceful hats and bonnets, while for their trimming, bits of ribbon were saved and washed and dyed, twisted and turned, and served times innumerable through all those four years. The girls learned to fashion and sole their own bedroom and house slippers, and became adepts in all the household arts, first making their own vinegar and then putting up their own pickles. The ladies manufactured wine and superintended and directed the making of syrup from cane and sorghum, using this in lieu of sugar in preserves. They soon learned all the dyewoods of the forest, and made purples, yellows, crimsons, and browns at pleasure. It would take too much space to go further into details ; suffice it to say that the women of the household on every plantation were "The Days That Are Dead." 163 the power that evolved something out of nothing, and from the slimmest materials fashioned great comforts, rendering it possible for all the men to be away at the front while they ran the plantations, and raised the crops that fed the armies. On the 2ist of August, 1863, at two o'clock in the morning, with- out warning to the sleeping women and children, the first shell was thrown into Charleston. It came from the "Swamp Angel," a Parrott gun mounted on a battery built in the marsh between Morris Island and James Island, where the enemy had obtained a foothold. This gun soon burst, but daily the town was shelled from the Yankee fleet and batteries, and it was on the five hundred and sixty-eighth day of this siege, as it was chronicled, that the ungarrisoned city was entered. All through this dire experience, many women and children re- mained, for here were their homes, and here they had to stay, or go shelterless out in the world. Numerous families had refugeed into the upper part of the State, facing hardships and want among those who were strangers to them, but oftener yet receiving kindness and assistance from the people among whom they sought refuge. Casualties were reported from time to time among the women and children left behind; their homes were shattered sometimes, and sometimes burned, but they became at length used to the condition of things. That part of the city within range of the enemy was de- serted by its inhabitants, who took up their abode in houses beyond the firing line ; and soon the little children learned to laugh and clap their hands while they watched the shells fly over upon their futile mission. During all this time, the blockade runners came and went with almost the regularity of packet lines, and beyond the reach of the shells was established, in Bull street, in Charleston, the famous Bee Store, which put on sale the entire cargo of each vessel as she came in. Everything was there, and all to be had for a price in Con- federate money, which was plentiful'; whether millinery or gro- ceries, it could all be found in the Bee Store, for the vessels entered with their cargoes and departed with their cotton, and laughed at the fleet lying big, threatening -and belligerent before the city's Seagate. Two of these blockade runners, the "Let Her Be" and the "Let Her Rip," seemed to bear a charmed life. They were endeared to the childish heart by the very impudence of their names, while to the Chicora Company, that owned them, they were little mines of wealth, bringing, besides, many comforts and necessaries to the people who toiled and the men who fought. 164 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Wherever the soldiers went, and women could reach them, they were fed and tended and served. They came into the plantations singly, in couples, in squads, in companies ; still, they were fed, and the best given them that the place could furnish — their haversacks were filled, and they went their way rejoicing and grateful, only to be followed by others and others, as the days, weeks, months and years passed on. Oh ! they were a light-hearted company, and enjoyed the passing hour, and made every girl in sight enjoy it with them, I trow — talk- ing, singing, dancing, flirting, with each successive one. The young people made the most of the present, and looked not into the future, for he who was there today, tomorrow might be seen lying stark and stiff — his soul to God, his body on his native earth, his life an offering for the freedom of his country. How we loved them all, those soldier boys, tattered and torn, earnest and brave, making love as they fought — with dash and daring, and hopeful ever that the best must come to the cause for which they were willing to die. God bless them all — the sacred dead in their graves, and the old veterans that are left to us, living monuments of the spirit and the glory of the South ! For four years we believed entirely, we, the youth of the land, soldier and maid, in the power of our cause to conquer and rise superior to numbers. In February, 1865, however, the end was very near. The neighboring planters, too old to join the army, but raising food to feed it, sent their young women into the City of Charleston to find safety in numbers, and be with their kind out of the way of Sherman's marauders. For days previous to February i8th, stores were being removed and ammunition sent away with each successive body of men who left the city. On the i6th, cotton was piled on the public square and burned, that it might not enrich the enemy. The rice — tens of thousands of bushels — at Lucas' Mill was set on fire. On the 17th, the Northeastern Depot, where a large amount of military stores had been collected and abandoned, was thronged with a motley crowd of people, who bore away to their homes provisions of every kind. As the day wore on, explosions were heard on every side ; the gunboats "Charleston" and "Chicora" were blown up at their wharves ; the "big gun" at the comer of South and East Battery was exploded, and tore out the windows and doors and shattered the roof and piazzas of Mr. "The Days That Are Dead." 165 Louis DeSaussure's residence, at the opposite corner. The night which followed was a fearful one; no one slept; few went to bed. Fires started everywhere, and there were only negroes to put them out. and they knew the end had come ; that the white men had gone or were going, and that the city was helpless and expecting its foe on the morrow. Yet, be it said to their honor, not a case of out- rage or violence disgraced their record that night. They hauled the engines about to the tune and words of "Massa run away; nigger stay at home," but they put out the fires, and helped the whites, and did their duty manfully. Late in the night of the 17th, the "Palmetto State," the gunboat that the ladies built, was blown up at the Gas Company's Wharf, where she lay. Women who had worked and striven and contributed to its building stood at their windows and viewed the flames from the burning boat color the sky, and lo ! as the last detonation sounded, the smoke arose and, upon the red glare of the heavens, formed a palmetto tree, perfect and fair, that stood out against the sky, then wavered and broke apart as we watched it through our tears, then crumbled into wreck and ruin and was lost in the darkness and gloom ! It was a terrible, heart-breaking, awful night. The men who were garrisoning Sumter had come over in their small boats, bringing their flags. In the early morning of the i8th, they were gathered in the city on the wharf, and there they cast themselves down on the earth and wept aloud. Some prayed; some cursed; all said they would rather have died in the fort they had so long defended, than have her ramparts desecrated by the invader's tread. About eight o'clock in the morning of the i8th, a terrible accident occurred through the carelessness of boys who went back and forth from the Northeastern Depot stores, carrying powder in their hands and throwing it upon the burning cotton in the yard. The place was crowded with plunderers, people of all sorts and conditions, and as the powder trickled through their fingers, the boys unconsciously laid a train from the burning mass to the depot. There was a fear- ful explosion, and the place was torn to atoms ; a hundred and fifty persons were killed, and about two hundred wounded ; but no one had time to concern himself with it — the flames spread, and soon the fire was raging down the entire length of Alexander street, wiping out some of the handsomest residences in the city. All day on the 17th, the evacuation of our troops had proceeded. On the 1 8th, at ten o'clock, on Meeting street, near Anne, the last i66 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. body of armed Confederates we were ever to see said good-bye to the weeping women who pressed around them. Yet, even then, some laughed and jested, for, God pity us, we were hopeful still, and they were brave, and we could not think that the end had really come. We knew we were right, and we still believed that a just cause must triumph ; but even then the enemy was landing on our shore. With lingering steps and heavy hearts, our men left us there, and on that same morning, about twelve o'clock, or later, on the same street, and at the same corner where she had told good-bye to the men and the flag she loved so well, a young girl came face to face with the Yankee column, marching down into the heart of the city, with ban- ners flying, bands playing, a victorious army indeed! Could she stand and watch them pass ? Could she make her way through their ranks? She turned and fled from the hateful sight, shocked, dis- tressed, by the untoward incident. Over the west side of Charleston, in the vicinity of the Arsenal, every inhabitant of the neighborhood had fled, terror-stricken, from their homes, to the Christ Church Chapel, up Rutledge avenue. The warning had gone out that a train of powder had been laid, and a slow match applied, and that the magazine and building would be blown up. They set wide open every door, and raised every window in their homes, then fled for their lives. In dread they listened for the explosion that would doubtless have left them homeless. The minutes passed, but no detonation was heard; all was still. Soon came another messenger, crying that the enemy were in the city, and the arsenal was saved ; the Federals had hurried to take pos- session of it, and were just in time, it was said, to extinguish the fuse. But another danger threatened, for they were told that all unoccu- pied houses would be immediately taken possession of by the troops. Back rushed the harrassed crowd of women, children, and servants, to go to their homes, close windows, lock doors, and await in dread what would be next. That day (Saturday) passed without event, but Sunday ushered in an era of outrages. They were mostly negro troops, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Bennett, who entered Charleston, and these, on the 19th, were permitted to go and liberate their "brothers in bondage." They entered everywhere ; they thrust them- selves into the apartments of delicate women, cursing and raving at them, and ordering them to give up the slaves they were "conceal- ing." In the meantime, the house negroes, shaking with fear "The Days That Are Dead." 167 came out from wheresoever they were, and meekly allowed them- selves to be escorted off. Then began the new life for the women of Charleston — the life of service to family necessities. They did their whole duty in that sphere, cheerfully and well, in spite of the traditions and training of generations of gentlewomen. They cooked, swept, and scrubbed; they split wood, fed horses, milked and watered the cattle, and took upon themselves the duties of not only the servants of the family, while filling their own places, but they had to be the men of the household as well, for some slept on the battlefields, some in the burying grounds of distant prisons, and others were incapacitated by sickness and wounds, and came home to be cared for, and be a precious, loved, but additional burden, upon the devoted women who were then, and for long years after, the mainstay of the home. But the young boys, bless them! of ten, twelve, fourteen, were a comfort indeed. They were everywhere, lending a helping hand to this old lady or splitting wood and carrying water for some girl who had not yet learned how to handle an axe or lift a heavy bucket ; going "down town" on many an errand, when women shrank from being in the crowded streets, jostled by the negro soldiery. And how we valued them ! how glad we were to save for them a nice tid-bit, a dainty Cake, a part of whatever we had that was best ! We were grateful to them, and tried to show it, and I trust that every boy who helped us then, found some help in turn when, grown to man- hood, life's stress and strain made him need it most. The negroes came straggling back after some days ; but they did not stay. There was no money to pay them regular wages, and their uniformed friends had taught them that to work without a compen- sation in money was still to be in slavery. Some very few were fond enough of their "white people" to stay by the children they had helped raise; a good many lingered for a month or two, and then went off to some one who could pay them well. No one blamed them for that: every human being seeks to better his condition. There were some cases of bad behavior, but those were comparatively few, and applied to those who, like the woman throwing her arms above her head, and dancing down the sidewalk, screamed out : "I'm free ; I'm free; I'm free till I'm fool!" It was the negro soldiery and their white brethren in arms who committed the dastardly outrages but too common in the city. One poor lady with a babe but two or three days old was turned out of her bed, her mattresses and blankets taken, her house looted, and 1 68 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. she was sent out into the street to seek succor. Some kind friend took her in and cared for her ; but mother and child both died. That was but one instance ; there were many others as dreadful. Here is one in lighter vein : Mrs. Laura Postell Geddings wrote to a friend that she had just come out of the kitchen, where she had been cooking Dr. Geddings' supper, while her maid, who had possessed herself of her mistress' best silk gown, sat down in her parlor and entertained the Yankee officers ! This paper has stretched to too great a length, and yet there is much more to tell, of how the end came, and of those many years after, which tried men's souls. But my tale is done, for to us in that sorrowful city the sword had fallen, and we could know neither hope nor joy. We drew our sable garments of affliction about us and mourned our dead, working on meanwhile for the living who were dear to us. Our hearts were the sepulcher of our hopes, and even as we loved our heroes and gloried in their faith, honor and bravery, so we loved our country and gloried in the deeds and principles that were hers. Principles never die; those of that day live on in the memory, heart and soul of every true Southerner. Lee C. Harby. Charleston, S. C, November 14, 1901. [Written by request of Dick Anderson Chapter, to be read at State Convention, U. D. C, held at Sumter, November 27-28, 1901.] A South Carolina Girl's R.ecollections of the First Year of the War. Nullification, States' rights, etc., and the principles thereof were as household words to most South Carolina children; but I having had the misfortune to lose my father when little more than a baby, knew nothing of politics; although I had often heard the days of 1832 discussed, and how the State should have nullified and did not. Therefore, it was not surprising that secession was almost an ac- complished fact before I knew very much about it. My brother, a young man of 23, was most enthusiastic, and in his eyes South Caro- lina could never be wrong; but even from him, I heard but little. The English teacher at the school I attended was a red-hot seces- sionist, and from her I may say I received my political impressions ; and can recall when, one day at dinner, a political discussion going on, I, a shy, awkward, silent girl, ventured a remark, my brother's The First Year of the War. 169 surprise as he asked me, "Where did you hear that?" "At school," I replied ; "Mrs. W — told us so." He laughed heartily, and said, "I had no idea politics was a branch of your education ; I must treat your opinion with more deference hereafter !" With the voting for delegates to the convention called by the State, and the almost immediate passage of the Ordinance of Secession on the 20th of December, i860, the whole State became enthusiastic; although many were grave, and realized there was a terrible issue at stake. At this time, I had gone on a Christmas visit to a friend in the country, and as we read of the enthusiasm in Charleston, torch- light processions, speeches, firing of cannon, flags flying, etc., we thought we would not be behind the times, but try to have a patriotic emblem with our Christmas decorations; so a long board was got, covered with blue, on which we pasted, in yellow letters, "Dum spiro spero," and nailed to the pillars of the piazza that, as visitors turned into the avenue, it would be the first thing to meet their view. This was the 24th of December, and with great impatience we awaited arrivals from the city, expected that evening. As we ran out to greet our host, a genial, good-tempered, warm-hearted gentleman, we eagerly asked, "Did you see our motto? don't you like it?" and were crestfallen at his answer, "It looks like a tavern sign — cakes and ale ; welcome, all !" However, he was kind enough to let it re- main, although it was evidently an eyesore. On the 26th of December, i860, Major Robert Anderson evacuated Fort Moultrie and occupied Fort Sumter, never before garrisoned. This was regarded by Governor Pickens as an overt act of war, and a detachment of the Marion Artillery, with other companies of the State militia, was ordered to occupy Fort Moultrie. My brother, an officer of the Marion Artillery, went with this detachment; thus, to me the war commenced from the first, for he was on duty all that winter, being among the first appointed as an ofRcer in the "Pro- visional Army of South Carolina," and in May received from the Confederate Congress, at Montgomery, a commission in the regular service of the Confederate States, was ordered to Gen. R. S. Gar- nett's staff, and with him shared the dangers, trials, and untold pri- vations of that ill-starred campaign in Northwestern Virginia. No men in the Confederate Army suffered more than these. Badly supplied commissary; reinforcements denied them; overpowered by the enemy ; sickness rife in their camp ; General Garnett killed at the Battle of Rich Mountain; their forces almost entirely demoralized 170 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. hy their reverses, it needed the news of General Beauregard's splendid victory at Manassas to cheer their drooping spirits. It was the defeat of this small band of starving men which, in 1861, made McClellan a toast throughout the North ! It was under these painful circumstances that my brother yielded up his life for the cause he held so dear ! — and he was all the war to us. But to return to South Carolina. By the middle of January, Charleston seemed transformed into a military camp, companies from the upper counties came hurrying to the seacoast, batteries were being erected at all points, there was a constant drilling, and nightly patrolling the streets — all was changed. In Charleston, it was decided that the issues at stake were of too serious a nature to admit of a gay winter; therefore, the St. Cecilia and Jockey Club societies determined to give no balls; and great was the chagrin of the expected debutantes at a season being scored against them of which they had had no enjoyment ; but as the horses had all arrived, the Jockey Club in February held their annual three days meet ; and the pleasure of racing was enhanced by the then new sight of our every-day acquaintances being dressed in uniform, and plain "Mr." transformed to "Captain," etc. January 26, 1861, saw our first war experience, when the "Star of the West," bearing provisions to the garrison of Sumter, was fired into by the Morris Island batteries. The special battery which did most of the firing was manned by the cadets from the State Military Academy. These boys, being the beaux of our little Friday evening dances, the girls felt special interest, and were proud to hear their coolness spoken of by their elders as worthy of veterans ! It was about this time that General Beauregard first came among us, and from then to the close of the war. South Carolina seemed to claim him as her very own. He was a small, erect, handsome man, of great personal magnetism — all he approached, he made his own. All Charleston remembers the first Battle of Sumter — how, before daylight, on the 12th of April, we were aroused from sleep by the signal gun fired from Fort Johnson. Although some miles from Charleston, the sound seems to have passed like an electric shock through the length and breadth of the city, rousing even the heaviest sleepers. I do not think any would have been found willing to con- fess they did not hear that gun! The whole community with one accord seemed to crowd to the Battery, and adjacent houses, where, with strained eyes, or the aid of opera glasses, telescopes — whatever one was fortunate enough to The First Year of 1'he War. 171 possess — for two days we watched the bloodless battle, wondering what would be the fate of our loved ones, for every house sent its youth; there was scarcely a family that had not at least one son in the fight. Slowly and steadily our batteries fired, and sullenly Sumter answered them ; and when, on the second day, the white flag was hoisted, on all sides came the cry, "They surrender! they sur- render!" and soon we saw the little boat shoot out from Morris Island, with those to make the terms. On Sunday, the 14th, the transports came up for Major Anderson and his men ; as they passed Morris Island, our troops were drawn in line on the beach, and saluted their late foe. This first battle of the war had many trying circumstances con- nected with it — ^those on whom our guns were turned had lived among us as friends and honored guests, and all in one day, as it were, they became deadly enemies; the change was too sudden to engender much bitterness of feeling. After the battle, we heard many amusing anecdotes of occur- rences. One, I remember: the Charleston Light Dragoons, with other cavalrymen, had been ordered to the eastern end of Sullivans Island, known then as the Myrtles (from the thick growth of this shrub), with orders to prevent the landing of the fleet, should it be attempted. After all was over, and they came riding down the island, they were greeted with the taunt from some countrymen, "You'ms look right pert and brave ; now that we'uns have done the fiteing, you'ms come out to see !" I smile now as I remember the indignation of the young Dragoons who told us the story. After the fall of Sumter, nearly all of our volunteer companies were relieved from duty, and a season of recreation followed. An elegant fete champetre, in honor of General Beauregard, was given by Mr. Wm. Izard Bull, at his beautiful home, "Ashley Hall," which had been the home of the Bulls since colonial days, when Governor Bull was one of the Governors of the Province of Carolina. Ashley Hall, on this April day, seemed to have donned its fairest dress, as though there could not be too much beauty to do honor to the oc- casion ; or perhaps there was a foreknowledge that this would be the last fete day under those grand old oaks ! though no such feeling clouded the gayety of those who joined the brilliant throng that day, and in spite of there being comparatively few civilians to be seen, none seemed to realize that grim-visaged war was near at hand, and that ere the close of the year, many of those with us would have sac- rificed their lives on the altar of their country ! 172 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. That spring was marked by flag presentations to the different military companies, for it was in May that the companies intending to join the Hampton Legion left for their rendezvous in Columbia, prior to going on to Virginia. My grandaunt, Mrs. Jane Ancrum, a lady of over seventy years, following the example set by her mother, Mrs. Jane Washington, who presented the battleflag of her husband. Colonel William Washington, to the Washington Light Infantry, emerged from her retirement, and personally presented the Washington Light Infantry, on the eve of their departure, with a flag that had been embroidered by some of her young grand- daughters. The flag of the Legion was embroidered by a cousin of mine, and was made of a crimson silk dress presented by one of the Hampton family, the design a wreath of oak leaves encircling "Hampton Legion." Great was the interest with which we watched the daily- growth of those leaves and acorns ! It was not finished in time for presentation before they left for Virginia — this ceremony took place at Richmond, President Davis making the speech. Some years later, the flag, tattered, stained, and bullet-riddled, was returned to my cousin with the request she would add their most conspicuous battles' — -a goodly number ! The Battle of Manassas brought sorrow and gloom to many a home in South Carolina, for our regiments suffered terribly, the Hampton Legion being no exception; and when General Bee and Colonel Johnson were brought home and laid to rest, where they first saw the light, Charleston felt she could not do enough to honor her dead heroes. After Manassas, things were quiet for a time, and attention was turned to provi(^ing for our boys in camp, hospitals, and those preparing to go ; pickles and preserves were made, socks knit ; all material possible was brought into use, for it was incredible how soon after the blockade was established articles of every-day use became scarce. The "Bermuda" was, I think, the first English vessel that ran the blockade into Charleston, and for the first time we realized the tre- mendous advance in prices; it seemed as though we were not the same people, nor these the same stores. Up to this time, the Charles- ton merchants had either kept the same scale of prices or advanced them so little it was not worth complaining of ; but when the advance once commenced, it did not soon stop and, in comparison with things of today, it reads like a page from the Arabian Nights Entertain- ment. I often wish I had kept a diary of the times — ^there is so The First Year of the War. 173 much, both grave and gay, forgotten that would have been worth re- membering. Many a laugh have we had in talking over the outre things we, as well as our friends, were delighted to get, and the marvelous prices paid. What a bonanza the war must have been to the English merchants, in clearing off the unsalable stock that had accumulated for years, and that we blockaded Southerners were only too glad to get. In the fall of i86r, the enemy landed upon our seacoast, and the planters, with their families, had to make a hasty exit from Edisto, St. Helena, Beaufort — in fact, all the sea islands. In most cases, the flight was so sudden they were compelled to leave all household effects behind; everything had to be concentrated in moving the negroes and, if possible, the cotton ; in many instances, this had to be burned, and at night the seacoast for miles would be illuminated with fires from the burning cotton that meant so much loss of credit to the Confederacy ! Fort Walker was the first reverse we met with in South Carolina, and a terrible one it was, for we were never able to regain what was there lost. It was here, too, that was first brought home to us the cruel sight of brother arrayed against brother, when the two Dray- tons (brothers), one commanded the Federal, and the other the Con- federate forces. Our sympathies were much excited for those who were driven from their homes at this time, who in one day fell from wealth to poverty. Later in the war we saw refugees living in box- cars (and glad to get them), but by that time we had all had our share of suffering, and were able to resign ourselves to whatever came. Nothing ever seemed as pitiful as the woes of the sea island refugees. Many of them came to Charleston only in time to undergo the horrors of the great fire of December 11, 1861, which swept Charleston from east to west — from the Cooper to the Ashley ! Although December, the night was warm enough for us to stand bareheaded, and without discomfort, on the piazza, and watch an apparently unimportant fire that had broken out in a machine shop, not more than a square away. As though Pandora had opened her box, before 11 o'clock the wind commenced to rise, and we could see the flames reach higher and higher, and burn steadily in a south- westerly course. All night long vehicles of every kind were passing, laden with the effects of those seeking safety, and when some stopped at our door and asked shelter for furniture moved from the south- western part of the city, it was hard to understand how so much damage had been done in so short a time. Direful, indeed, was the 174 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. tale we heard next day ; many near and dear to us were homeless ; the public buildings, the pride of the city, were, many of them, in ashes. The Institute Hall, where the Ordinance of Secession had been passed, the Circular Church (Presbyterian), St. Finbar's Cathedral, St. Peter's (Episcopal), covering an area of certainly a half-mile apart, were all in ruins 1 This, coming so soon after the fall of Fort Walker, and all the re- verses we had met with that season, seemed more than our share. The working people, in many instances, having lost their all, means for their relief had to be immediately thought of, and, in providing them with shelter, food and raiment, the woes of the richer were, for the time, thrust out of sight. Many of those who had lost their homes now commenced their refugee life, the military advising the removal of noncombatants from Charleston. Columbia was the point of safety ( ?) agreed upon by nearly all of the first refugees as being nearer communication with their friends — only a few families at this time sought refuge in the upper counties. By May, 1862, almost all Charleston were refugees. The up-coun- try towns were overcrowded, food was scarce, prices exorbitant; in many instances Confederate money was refused at any price, the farmers preferring to hoard their provisions rather than sell for money they deemed worthless. The refugees all over the State had a hard time, although at the hands of many they met with unlimited kindnesses which could never be forgotten or repaid. The men all away at the war, only those over or under age were left to plant the crops. The struggle for food was terrible, and many were the shifts the low-country people were put to. Among the ig- norant farmers were many who regarded a "refugee" as a bitter foe, who was personally responsible for the war, and the privations they and theirs were enduring. They refused to sell us provisions, except in the way of barter, and in that light, almost everything, particularly clothing, had a market, but with no means of replenish- ing, it was not often we could spare our clothing. Going out into the country on one occasion to see what we could get to eat, we had stopped at a farmhouse where the woman refused all overtures we had made her. On this day I wore a white waist, known as a "Gari- baldi," and then considered most stylish, somewhat on the order of the shirtwaist of today. The woman suddenly turned to me, and said : "I will give you a turkey for your jacket." I replied : "It is not for sale." She kept on urging the exchange ; at last she said : Coast Women in the War. 175 "I will give you two turkeys." After hesitating some time, as to whether my wardrobe would allow of the exchange, I consented. Our household consisted of thirteen women and children, and turkeys were a rarity with us ! Almost the greatest privation the refugees had was the want of wood. The severity of the climate in the upper counties was especi- ally hard to them. The farmers having their stock of mules or oxen much reduced, needed their services for farmwork, so that it was only during a spell of bad weather they would consent to haul wood. I am afraid many were the heartfelt prayers put up for a rainy day, particularly if the woodpile was growing beautifully less ! After this, events came so thick and fast, it is impossible to recall them in anything like order, and, until Sherman overran South Caro- lina in 1865, most of us were removed from the seat of war. We were constantly cheered by rumors of England's recognition, and never lost hope. Poles never loved their cause more deathlessly than we Southerners our "Lost Cause," although today we may forgive and tiy to forget. Forget the rage of the hostile years, And the scars of a wrong unshriven, Forgive the torture that thrilled to tears The angels calm in heaven. Forgive and forget? Yes, be it so, From the hills to the broad sea waves, But mournful and low are the winds that blow, By the slope of a thousand graves. Martha B. Washington. Coast "Wonken in the War. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Columbia, S. C. My Dear Mrs. Taylor: During your term of office as president of the South Carolina division. Daughters of the Confederacy, you urged me if possible to give you some outline of the work done by the women of St. Helena Parish for the relief of our soldiers during the War of Secession, in order that it may be incorporated with others now in your possession. I hesitated thus long to comply, as the task seemed well nigh hopeless after the expiration of so many years, and was disposed to leave it to some one more able than I to do justice to the subject; but how can I consult my own inclination when I may recall a few incidents which perhaps will be of interest 176 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. to some persons and of assistance to you. It is with great pride and gratification I am at last enabled through the courtesy of friends to preserve for future reference what was accomplished by these noble women in six short months for the comfort of our men in the field and in hospitals — a record second to none, and should be handed down to generations "in letters of gold and pictures of silver." To understand the enormous amount of work done, it must be borne in mind that the parish was composed of islands on our coast with two summer resorts — Beaufort and St. Helenaville — and it was during the summer of 1861 only they had concerted action, or the means to carry it out, for in November of that year the whole section was abandoned to hordes of negroes and unscrupulous confiscators. Surely "doth the city sit solitary that was full of people. How is she become as a widow, she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary !" The first endeavor to effect any definite plan of action for the relief of our soldiers was in the town of Beaufort, in the Baptist Taber- nacle, August 14, 1861. The Rev. Dr. Jos. R. Walker, the vener- able Episcopal clergyman, opened the meeting with prayer. The Hon. Edmund Rhett organized the association to be called the Sol- diers' Relief Association, and wrote the constitution and by-laws for its governance. The following ladies were elected : President, Mrs. Wm. A. Mor- cock; Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas Fuller; Corresponding Secre- tary, Mrs. Edward Barnwell ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Thomas J. Wells; Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Barnwell. Enthusiasm was at fever heat and work was immediately begun to uniform the Whippy Swamp Company. I quote from a letter of one of the co-workers : "About this time cloth was becoming scarce. The pants were made of bed ticking, all blue, except some which looked like peppermint candy and were reserved for the non-commissioned officers." Blan- kets also were lined and quilted before distributing them. Dunno- vant's Regiment and a command from Kershaw County were in- debted to these same untiring workers for caps, uniforms and "clothes" marked with the owner's names. In many instances, shoes and socks were also provided. Besides the work pledged as members of the association, circles of willing workers were formed, meeting at private residences. Mrs. Stephen Elliott's parlor was converted into a cap manufactory at short notice; and the home of the Rev. Wm. H. Barnwell, "The Castle," was a depot for rival cotton com- forts, "which were freewill offerings outside of the society, amount- Coast Women in the War. 177 ing to a round dozen." These were made and quilted by his daugh- ters and their friends. Mrs. Middleton Stuart is particularly men- tioned "as having done much apart from the Relief Society." Fancy work and delicate stitches were things of the past, giving place to sewing machines and knitting needles, which had undivided attention, and were in great demand, as no material was too rough or work too arduous to supply the soldiers' needs. Mrs. Paul Hamilton was treasurer and quartermaster-general for all the organizations, great and small. She received moneys from those outside and supplied promptly the demands for funds as the occasions presented them- selves. She also packed and shipped supplies to several destina- tions, seeing personally to this important branch of the work and sending the right thing at the proper time, when most needed. Just about this time, the Hon. C. G. Memminger (at the instance of Rev. Robt. W. Barnwell, then in Richland doing hospital work), wrote to Mrs. Jos. D. Pope, describing the sufferings and dire need of our sick and wounded soldiers after the Battle of Bull Run, and asked her aid in their behalf. No time was lost in bringing this communi- cation to the notice of the ladies, and a hospital committee was es- tablished, consisting of Mrs. Pope, chairman; Mrs. Stephen Elliott, Mrs. Louis DeSaussure, Mrs. Prioleau and Mrs. James Verdier, her able and indefatigable associates. In a short while, lint, bandages, sheets, pillows, towels and blankets were packed and hauled thirty miles distant to reach the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and sent with all possible speed to the hospitals in Virginia. Delicacies also which could bear transportation were not forgotten. But work now nearer home demanded their attention. Under their super- vision, two rooms on Murray's wharf were secured and fitted up as a hospital for the use of the soldiers from the up-country, then sta- tioned at Bay Point and Hilton Head. This move was the result of a suggestion from Dr. Turnipseed, who was army surgeon, and from his experience in the Crimean War recognized the great necessity of more comfortable quarters for the fovfcr-stricken volunteers from the interior of the State. In a few days, the hospital was reported ready. Dr. Jos. T. Johnson, the able practitioner and their towns- man, offered his services as local physician, which were gratefully accepted by these earnest though sadly inexperienced women in their self-appointed task. The care of the sick at home did not prevent, however, their continuing their monthly consignments of necessaries to Richmond, which only ceased when they themselves, in common with the whole community, were homeless and almost destitute 178 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. refugees, bravely bearing untold privations for the cause they loved so well. Ten miles away, at St. Helenaville, the ladies were equally busy, having the mounted riflemen of that island as their especial charge. These men mounted and equipped themselves for service at their own expense. The only thing lacking was a flag. This defi- ciency the ladies determined to supply. Contributions were solicited and a generous amount realized, which was sent to Charleston for the purchase of the necessary materials. Before many weeks had elapsed, the handsome banner, the work of the deft fingers of Mrs. Jos. D. Pope, Mrs. Daniel T. Pope, Misses Caroline and Ellen Pope and Miss Edwards, was completed. This was made of heavy blue silk, with the Palmetto tree and crescent on one side; on the other the star (emblem of State sovereignty) and motto "Vive Libertas in Patria, organized January 20, 1861," and was presented by Rev. Robert W. Fuller in the name of the ladies of St. Helena Island. Mr. Jos. D. Pope received the flag in behalf of his comrades. As one part of an army always receives the hottest fire and bears the brunt of the battle, so too this section of our State experienced the most disastrous consequences of our great struggle, and no people in our broad Southland gave more in blood and treasure, or of the work of their hands, to our glorious cause than these patriots — the women of St. Helena Parish. The current of our history has not flowed as we once hoped, but there must be a future for us, with such heroic men and public- spirited women as we have. "He may be unwise who is sanguine, but he is unpatriotic and unchristian who despairs." Hoping that this sketch, imperfect though it be, may serve your purpose, and wishing you every success for the book you are en- gaged in compiling, I am, very sincerely. Your friend, Adeline P. Stoney. Columbia, S. C, May 15, 1902. Otir First Confederate Flag. Would you know why I am a "Veteran" "Daughter of the Con- federacy," and of the making of our first flag ? Then must I tell you something of my story. My father, an eminent lawyer, active in public work, and a mem- ber of the Legislature, died at the age of thirty-three,- leaving my mother and three little children. Our First Confederate Flag. 179 His State honored his memory by the monument which marks his grave, and his name is held in loving memory by his associates. My mother belonged to quite an old family, that can count its ten quarterings. My great-grandfather owned the first brick house in the city of Savannah. There it was that the first General Assembly of the State of Georgia was convened by Governor Reynolds, Janu- 'LTy 7, 1755. Up to my young girlhood the place still bore the name of the old Eppinger house. My grandfather, James Eppinger, was Marshal of the State of Georgia during the war of 1812. He occu- pied afterwards many positions of trust in his native city. Savannah, and was for twenty-eight years Senior Judge of Pike County. My mother was the most intellectual woman in her community, and often the referee of committees of gentlemen on matters of pub- lic business. She belonged to the old school, and thought children should be taught early. I do not know when I learned to read. I seem always to have known, and loved it. My mother taught my sister, brother and myself, and a feature in her instruction was "con- versations" on topics of interest, local, literary or historical. While we read and talked of those who had done brave deeds, my heart would burn within me. I almost envied every Revolutionary heroine, and longed to prove my love of country. When the war clouds of i860 began to lower, we looked, and listened, and read with interest every item on the situation. We were all States' Rights Southerners, and the blue cockades of the "Minute Men" decorated not only the lapels of the coats, but the girls also thus attested their readiness to give themselves to the young Con- federacy of States that followed so quickly the lead of South Carolina. When the tidings flashed over the country that the Confederacy was formed and her flag flung to the breeze, every town floated a banner. My mother was asked to make the one for ours, and I, among others, helped to make the first Stars and Bars ever kissed by the sunlight in our Courthouse Square. Now the roll of the drum was heard daily. The blue-cockaded "Minute Men" were organizing into companies; the women into "Soldiers' Aid Societies." One day every week, for four years, these societies met to do anything they could for the soldiers. While at home they were still first in our thoughts — study of anything per- sonal came afterwards. We made tents, uniforms, caps, underwear, knit socks, gloves, comforters, all with our fingers, and often spun and wove the thread i8o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. and cloth from which they were manufactured. Lessons were learned at night when the day's work was done ; or, we memorized lessons and poetry as we walked to and fro at the spinning wheel drawing out the soft thread for soldiers' jeans. We conned French; Latin and English grammar as we carded the cotton into snowy rolls; read Shakspeare, Scott and other standard authors while we plaited palmetto to fashion into hats. Even as we walked in the gloaming, the busy needles clicked, knitting for the soldiers, and those who stayed at home were also in active service for our country. My mother was the Treasurer and Secretary of our Aid Society ; therefore, our home was the depot for the supplies sent through that channel. As the war continued, we scraped lint, rolled bandages, scoured the country for old, soft cloth, packed boxes of vegetables and dainties for the hospital service, and collected for the comfort of the wounded whatever we could find. But all this came later. I was asked to tell you of the flag of our first company, "The Confederate Guards," Company A, Thirteenth Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Gordon's Brigade. I had early been taught to sew very nicely. As soon as the com- pany was formed, aided by contributions from some ladies, I pur- chased the materials and made a beautiful company flag, embroider- ing on it the name of the company. When it was finished I wished to get one of the young ladies to present it, but my uncle and other officers said they knew I had made it, and they wished me to give it to them myself. The day selected was a militia drill, and there were thousands present. My chosen attendants were little girls, dressed in white with red and blue sashes, each representing a Confederate State. My bouquet was a floral Stars and Bars ; my address, that of a child with a woman's heart, responded to by one of the company. A beautiful May morning it was. The bright sunlight "shone on fair women and brave men," with faces all aglow with patriotic feel- ing. The company in their beautiful new uniforms of Confederate gray, arms glittering, colors flying, faces illumined and ennobled by the high, brave spirit within, marching, marching away. Away from home and love, into danger and death ; away from the sunshine of hope, into the darkness of the shadows. Ah ! 'twas a picture to stir the soul, that of those gallant heroes marching away. Few, few shall return of the many who pass from us, with the thrilling sounds of martial music. Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas. i8i Women gave their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers and lovers, and then themselves took up the work left at home. I had seven uncles in the Confederate service. Nobly, too, did the faithful slaves perform the work given to them — true to "Massa," "Missis," and "the chillen" — servants, pro- tectors, friends. 'Tis sad to know that the mutual love of master and servant passed away with the Confederacy. Such devotion should never die. Forty years of change do not lessen our sorrow for the unreturn- ing brave or the death of the fair young Confederacy, sleeping 'neath her trailing banners. Time, the healer, soothes our pain, and while our eyes are dimmed by age and tears, faith sees more clearly now, and the rainbow of hope spans the sky. We know the dark things will be made plain on the other side, where the loved, who have left us, dwell. We know it is well, for God rules. A. S. Arnold. Johnston, S. C. Incidents of tKe First Battle of Manassas. No fairer land under the sun has ever been baptized with the life- blood of heroes than the grand old commonwealth of Virginia. Vir- ginia ! the very name thrills the heart of every true South Carolinian with pride and pleasure — pride in her glorious past and pleasure in the remembrance of what she was to us in the dark days of the Civil War. Her daughters bound up the wounds of our loved ones, cheered the sick and fed the hungry, comforting as only woman can, and this unparalleled devotion to those dear to us by the ties of blood binds the heart of every daughter of South Carolina to them with "bands of iron and hooks of steel," that were forged in the fires of Adversity and hammered into beauty and strength on the anvil of Destiny. Look backward with me — skip the long years this afternoon, and we find ourselves in full view of the historic plains which lie in the mountain-crowned and sun-kissed land of Virginia. Whilst I give you a brief and impartial history of the First Battle of Manassas, I would, if it were possible, carve in imperishable char- acters the name of every member of the glorious Fourth South Caro- lina Regiment, composed of the chivalry and strength of Anderson, Pickens and Greenville. Oconee was at that time part of Pickens, so our sister County, that sits enthroned on a thousand hills, is justly entitled to her part of the glory achieved in the great drama. i82 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. My heart thrills with an exultant pride to be able to speak to you of your countrymen and mine, born and brought up under the very shadows of our own lofty Blue Ridge Mountains. They sprang to arms as one man when the tocsin of war sounded the call, and no braver regiment ever looked into the jaws of death. Rallying under the leadership of their matchless commander. Col. J. B. E. Sloan, they covered themselves with glory, and to his brav- ery, and that of the gallant soldiers who loved him so well, is due much of the honor of the triumphal victory in this, our first great battle. Colonel Sloan is an Anderson County man, and now lives in Charleston, South Carolina. The mothers, wives and sisters of those who served under him most especially delight to do him honor, and it is a pleasure to lay a tribute to his valor in the archives of the Dixie Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Let me urge you, my dear compatriots, to hand down these tradi- tions, if I may call them so, to your sons and daughters, that they, in turn, may do likewise, and thus perpetuate the memories of those brave defenders of our rights as effectually as the epitaphs chiseled on the hard, cold face of the marble shaft. Let me call your attention to this important fact : the Confederate Army was composed of volunteers, all newly-drilled men, fresh from the cities, villages and farms, whilst a large number of the Federal Army was composed of Regulars, veterans who had been drilled for years ; were, in reality, what is known as seasoned troops. It is a well-known fact that Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, who was then the general-in-chief of the army of the United States, was considered by far the ablest and most distinguished military officer on the Western Continent, and the movements of this army of invasion were directed by him. Brigadier-General Irvin Mc- Dowell, who was placed in immediate command, had the reputation of being an able officer also. So you will perceive the great ad- vantage of the enemy in numbers of men, experienced officers, battle maneuvers, in commanding in battle, and in numberless other things — and to combat all this, and wring victory out of such odds, we had — what? that peerless Southern chivalry that has been made im- mortal by peerless Southern heroes ! This army of McDowell's advanced from Washington City and other points along the Potomac toward Manassas. It is conceded by competent authority that it was intended by the Federal forces to make the attack. In the meantime. General Patterson, who, with Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas. 183 a large force, was in the lower part of the Shenandoah Valley, had been instructed to prevent General Joseph E. Johnston, who, with his force, was in the upper valley, from joining General Beauregard before or during the battle the Federal officers knew was soon to be fought. In answer to an appeal from General Beauregard, President Davis telegraphed General Johnston to join his forces with those of Beauregard at once and, with skilled cavalrymen, who skirmished between his marching army and General Patterson's, he covered his departure and kept the Federal general in ignorance of the whole movement until Johnston was on the field of battle. This intrepid general double-quicked his men much of the way and, using the cars that had been sent up the Manassas Gap Railroad to meet him, dis- embarked, double-quicked his men into the left flank of the Federal Army. As they rushed into the fight, the terrific "rebel yell" they gave was heard amidst the roar of artillery and musketry, screaming shells, and hissing minie balls. Although Johnston was the senior officer, his courtesy conceded a continuance in command to Beaure- gard until the battle was over. A slight engagement took place on the i8th of July. It was thought the Federals were trying to force a passage of Bull Run, although they deny this. Beauregard claims that this slight encounter was of immense advantage to his men, as they were raw troops; it certainly made McDowell more cautious in laying his plans for attack. And we now find ourselves ready to study the positions on the morning of the 2ist of July, 1861 — the day of the great conflict. The Confederate forces engaged were Wheat's Battalion, Hamp- ton's Legion, the Sixth Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty- seventh, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-third, and Forty-ninth Virginia Regiments, the Second and Fourth South Carolina, Seventh and Eighth Georgia, Fourth Alabama, and Second Mississippi, and Elzey's and Early's Brigades. I do not think it would interest you to know the different com- mands under the Federal officers, but will simply give the estimate of numbers made by General Beauregard, who tells us in a published statement that the combined Confederate Army at Manassas mus- tered 29,188 men, rank and file, and fifty-five guns — that of these, 21,923 infantry, cavalry, and artillery, and twenty-nine guns, be- longed to his Army of the Potomac. It is estimated that only about 184 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. 18,000 Confederates were actually engaged in the battle, while Gen- eral Beauregard estimated the Federal force at 50,000 men, well equipped for offensive service. Many judges consider Johnston's coming the turning tide of battle. General Beauregard arranged his men so that the many fords across Bull Run, where it was thought the Federals might cross, were guarded by the different brigades, until over a dozen miles were covered ; this line extended to the Stone Bridge, which was a promi- nent point in this battle. Of the maneuvers of the two armies, and their positions, outside of the brief sketch I have made, I think it useless to speak, so will bring you at once to the orders of General Beauregard when he con- cluded to make an offensive movement. The different commanders were well instructed, as commanding in battle was new to them. At half-past four a. m., on the 21st, the different brigades were ordered to be in readiness to move at short notice. The plans were changed by the altered tactics of the Federals, who were making a feint of attack to cover a movement to fall on the left flank of our army. Wheat's Tigers attacked the skirmishers of the enemy and drove them back into the woods, but they were rapidly reinforced and rallied, but General Evans held them in check until General Bee went to his assistance. The increasing forces of McDowell, with their batteries of rifled ten-pounders, caused the conflict to be a deadly one ; our forces retreated in confusion across Young's Branch. About 2,000 men under Evans and Bee could not be rallied, al- though the commanding generals joined in the effort. The enemy, steadily advancing, were thinning our ranks, when Gen- eral Bee galloped up to Jackson and, in a voice pathetic in its tones of despair, cried out, "General, they are beating us back!" The reply is characteristic of the immortal hero, who, with his eyes glowing with the fires of defiance, said, "Then we will give them the bayonet!" This inspired the intrepid Bee and, riding back to his disordered men, cried, "Look ! there is Jackson standing like a stone wall ! rally behind the Virginians ! let us determine to die here, and we will conquer ! follow me !" his clarion notes rang out on the sum- mer air, and his men followed him to the charge which was the death knell of the gallant Bee. From this time on, Jackson was called Stonewall Jackson, and his command the Stonewall Brigade; the name, christened as it were by the life-blood of the heroic Bee, will go down in history as one of the most famous of modern times. Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas. 185 Our own Fourth Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, under Col. J. B. E. Sloan, was marched from near Centerville and crossed the stone bridge which is over Bull Run at this point, and encamped on a small stream beyond the bridge. Being short of rations, the soldiers stripped the bark from the elm trees that grew on the banks, and chewed it to appease their hunger. The body servants of Captain Prue Benson, Wilton Earle and Dave Gaillard, of the Palmetto Riflemen, were faithful foragers, and many a good fat sheep was pressed into service and divided among the members of that company; this mutton was the only meat they had for forty-eight hours before the battle. The regiment was formed in line near Stone Bridge, and General Evans rode up to give last instructions to the men, saying: "When you see a puff of smoke across the Run, fall to the ground at once, for you can see the smoke before you hear the report, or the shell or cannon ball can reach you." Just as he was concluding, the men saw two or three puffs of smoke in the direction of Centerville; they at once fell to the ground; when they arose, Lieutenant Gus McCalister, whom some of you know, saluted General Evans, and said, "That order was prornptly obeyed!" A grim smile went over the face of the general that those who saw will never forget. The forming of this line was to prevent the enemy from crossing Stone Bridge; unfor- tunately, it was near a Confederate signal station, which the enemy shelled so furiously that the officer in charge beat a hasty retreat, leaving his hat behind him. Between the regiment and the Van Pelt house, a battery of Confederate artillery was stationed. One of the caissons being disabled, the officer in charge prepared to blow it up. Seeing this would endanger the lives of our own men, Major James Whitner and Mr. James A. Hoyt, both Ander- son men, protested so vigorously that the idea was abandoned. When it was discovered that the Federals had crossed the Run above, and were marching down the left flank, six companies of the Fourth South Carolina Volunteers and Wheat's Battalion of Tigers were sent to meet them, whilst four companies were left to guard the bridge. One company, under Captain Kilpatrick, was sent above the bridge to watch the movements of the enemy and, by annoying them, lead them to believe we had a large force there. The six com- panies and Wheat's Tigers endeavored to drive back ten times their number, charging at double-quick ; they held the enemy at bay until the heavy reinforcements of the Federals forced a retreat. The Federals were all the while shelling above and below the bridge. i86 South Carolina Women, in the Confederacy. following with grape and canister, until the earth was in places literally plowed up; still the four companies referred to held their position. In the meantime, a courier came galloping up and called for a volunteer who would face that rain of shot and shell and take a message to Captain Kilpatrick, telling him to retire, or his company was in danger of being cut off by the enemy. As the officer rode up and down, not a man answered the stirring appeal, for all saw pos- sible death in the effort. A fair-faced lad of seventeen stepped out of the ranks and offered to carry the message. As the brave young soldier started on the dangerous mission, a shout of admiration rent the air — brave men who knew him well wept as he sped with flying feet over the open plain. As if he bore a charmed life, the scream- ing shells and hissing minie balls, that rained like a besom of de- struction around and about him, touched him not, and he reached the beleaguered company in safety and delivered the message to the captain. Before retiring. Captain Kilpatrick took a Mississippi rifle from the hands of his servant, deliberately walked to a tree that leaned over the Run, and took a farewell shot at the Federals, who could be plainly seen, thousands and thousands of them, marching and countermarching, a short distance away. The boy who carried that message was John R. Cochran, of An- derson, a member of the Palmetto Rifles, of the gallant Fourth. He was severely wounded in battle that selfsame day, and as he lay in the hospital at Culpeper Courthouse,^ Virginia, Captain Kilpatrick went there to see him and, with eyes brimming in tears, thanked him for saving his company; he also said he would have a man de- tailed to wait on him until he was able to go home, and would see that he had every care whilst in the hospital. This pledge of the gallant Kilpatrick was carried out to the letter. A brave young Irishman — George Martin — was detailed for this service, and the big-hearted soldier tenderly nursed the wounded boy for months. No more loving hands could have tended a brother, and when a devoted mother and sister took his place, he went back to his com- pany to face the common enemy. Loyal and brave Confederate soldier ! True as the native born, he did his duty nobly. His body lies in Virginia soil, waiting for the resurrection morn! Father, mother, sister, brother, in far-off Erin, wept over the news from one Southern battle. Their loved one died for our country. The four companies were driven from above the bridge, and fell back a short distance below it, the Federals pouring out a deadly fire of shot and shell. It was here the gallant young Wilton Earle was Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas. 187 shot and, supposed to be dead, was left on the field until later in the fight, or probably until the battle was over. We will now keep in touch with the Palmetto Riflemen of the Fourth Regiment. This, you will remember, was our own town company, made up of men here and in the county. This company bore no colors into the battle, as many suppose. The color-bearer of the regiment bore the only flag that was used. First Lieutenant Claude Earle commanded the company in the battle; Lieutenant Felton was second, and Lieutenant Mike McGee was third; Mr. Prue Benson was orderly sergeant, and Mr. James A. Hoyt was second sergeant. From some slight cause — perhaps indisposition — Capt. W. W. Humphrey did not command his company during the battle; nevertheless, when his company was ready for the fight, he shouldered a Mississippi rifle and joined them. His gallantry on that blood-stained field endeared him forever to every member of the Palmetto Riflemen, and laid the founda.tion for the reputation among his superior officers as being one of the best commanders of a skir- mish line in the Army of the Potomac. He was often placed in po- sitions where only the most efficient and trusted officers were sent. A wreath of laurel, graved in granite, should be placed by Anderson women on his tomb. The four companies of the Fourth, with some companies of other regiments, who were separated from their commands (the Palmetto Riflemen were included in these four companies) were placed under command of Colonel Thomas, of Maryland, a brave feoldier and a gallant officer ; he led in the grand charge on Rickett's Battery, which had been captured and recaptured by the Federals. The ground around the battery was covered with dead men and dead horses from both armies. The uniforms of blue and of gray, the bright, fancy dress of the New York Zouaves,, and the plain homespun suits of the Confederates, the glittering bayonets, and the blood-stained swords, all made the deadly field a gorgeous picture — one that im- pressed those actors so vividly, the memory only goes out with death. In the charge of our soldiers through the pines up to this battery. Colonel Thomas called out, "Boys, give them hell!" In a short while, the ringing voice that gave that order was stilled in death. It was near this battery that our Anderson men were wounded, most probably by the New York Zouaves, who were in a clump of pines on the left of the company. From the most authentic information I have received, I am convinced the four companies who were in the charge on Rickett's Battery got back in line with the other com- panies of their own regiment. i88 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Major James Whitner rode up and down the line, calling on the men to cease firing — the Federals were using a Confederate flag, and in this way deceived Major Whitner; but in a few minutes the deception was apparent, and the firing was renewed with interest. Our men suffered fearfully for water; they had fought nearly all day, under the scorching rays of a midsummer Southern sun. Water ! water ! was the cry of the wounded and suffering soldiers. We recall with pain one particularly pathetic scene: one of the handsomest men of Anderson County, the brave adjutant of the Fourth Regiment — Sam Wilkes — with more than a dozen canteens swung on his shoulders, galloped away toward "Free Robinson Spring," thinking only of his suffering men. On, on, he swept, and when near the spring, a voice suddenly called out, "Surrender!" the click of a hundred guns was heard, by a man hidden in the bushes clpse by ; instead of surrendering to his hidden foe, he drove the rowels into his gallant steed, which sprang almost upright into the air, and before he barely reached the ground, the bodies of steed and master were riddled with bullets from a whole company of Fed- erals. This death was witnessed by a man who lived on the battle- field, and in 1880 he gave a graphic account of it to my informant. After the shooting, a Federal soldier came out of the woods and cut the shoulder straps off, took off the boots and spurs, and possibly his coat; taking the military saddle and trappings from the dead horse, he put them on the horse he brought with him, mounted, and rode away, leaving half-dressed the body of one beloved by all who knew him. Brave, handsome, talented Sam Wilkes ! Time heals all wounds, but the memory of your priceless sacrifice still lives in the hearts of your old-time friends. Lieutenant Felton, of the Palmetto Riflemen, was too sick to go into the fight, but he dragged himself out to hospital headquarters and rendered invaluable assistance to the wounded men; his big, warm heart full of love and sympathy, he would lift them in his great, strong arms and place them in the ambulance with all the tenderness of a mother for her sick babe. All honor to his memory. His brave deeds are still remembered, and whenever the glorious old Fourth is spoken of his name will shine with a luster that only time can dim. Our boys were wounded near the place where Bartow and Bee were killed. This was close to the "Henry House," where most of the short-range fighting was done. When the Confederates began to yield before the mighty Federal host, this order was passed along the line : "Stand firm ! President Incidents of the First Battle of Manassas. 189 Davis is on the field, and in command !" Note the magic in a name ! The Southern soldiers idolized the President of the Confederacy, and this appeal made wavering men stand firm and contest every inch of ground against the most fearful odds. The very thought that the man whose hravery had been tested on the bloody fields of Mexico was in command inspired them with a courage such as the world has never rivaled, and the palm of victory was the reward ! This incident took place just before Johnston's army joined Beau- regard — ^but it was not true. I do not know how the mistake oc- curred. You will remember that the first session of Congress met in Richmond, the new capital, on Saturday, the 20th of July, and it was impossible for Mr. Davis to leave until he had delivered his mes- sage, which law and precedent required. He left the capitol on Sunday, the 21st, for Manassas, but did not reach the field until after the tide of battle was turned in our favor. As Mr. Davis' work, "The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy," gives you the most minute details, I will not weary you with anything more on the sub- ject. Between three and five o'clock the decisive blows were struck, and to grand old Early's brigade of Virginians belongs the honor of starting the rout of McDowell's army. To show you how complete was our victory, I will quote a few lines from an article in the Cen- tury Magazine, written by Major-General James B. Fry, who was a member of McDowell's staff at the time of the battle : "About half-past three, Beauregard extended his left to outflank McDowell's shattered, shortened and disconnected line, and the Fed- erals left the field about half-past four." "Cohesion was lost; the organizations, with some exceptions, disintegrated, and the men walked quietly off — no excitement, except the frantic efforts of of- ficers to stop men who paid little or no attention to them. There was no panic until the retiring soldiers, guns, wagons, congressmen and carriages were fired upon on the road east of Bull Run." Then the panic begun, and the most disgraceful rout ever recorded in history left a stain on the army of the Federal government which time will never remove. Walt Whitman, a noted Northern writer, says : "The defeated troops poured into Washington over the long bridge at daylight, on Monday, the 22d, a day drizzling all through with rain, but the hour, the day, the night, passed, and whatever returns, an hour, a day, a night, like that can never return — it was indeed a day bitterer than gall — a crucifixion day." This closes that day for us. 190 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. When Congress received the dispatch from President Davis on the day after the victory, it adopted resolutions of "thanks to the most high God, and invited the people of the Confederate States to offer up their united thanksgiving and praise for the mighty de- liverance." Grace G. Cochran, Historian of the Dixie Chapter, U. D. C. Anderson, S. C. Some of My Reminiscences of the "War. In looking back through the long vista of years, I think I must always have had quite a big spark of patriotic feeling, for I sang the "Star Spangled Banner" at each recurring Fourth of July cele- bration with unabated enthusiasm, and listened with equal interest to the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence. And so, by the time the Ordinance of Secession was passed, and the year 1861 had dawned upon us, the spark of ardor had developed into a flame of rebellion, and I was at once a full-fledged Secession- ist, and I determined to do all in my power to further the cause of the Confederacy. Cheraw, which was my native place, and which was also one of the oldest towns in the State, had always taken prominence in mat- ters of patriotism, and she now proved no exception in allegiance to the cause she deemed right. One of the first things attempted was to establish a women's sewing club, under the leadership of Mrs. Inglis, she being chosen on account of her husband's prominent position in South Carolina. I was very zealous, and at this period had my first experience in knitting socks. My zeal came very near overreaching any service I might have rendered, if there had not been an unusually large man in the Twenty-first Regiment, to which command my husband be- longed, and that we knew of, so I was much comforted in being told I might send this special pair of socks to him, as they were of such tremendous proportions we did not know if they would find any other owner so worthy. I refer to Colonel Graham, a connection of our treasurer, Mrs. Harllee. As -time passed on, I must have improved wonderfully, for I soon became quite an adept in tailoring. I remember, one Saturday afternoon, I assisted my sister and a friend in town to turn a coat for the friend's brother, which had to be accomplished in those few hours, as the soldier had to leave on Monday to join his regiment. Some of My Reminiscences of the War. 191 After that, at different times, I made two suits of uniform, with my sister's help, for my husband, and if I may be pardoned for saying so, both were very creditable. I suppose we were like everybody else in making all sorts of con- trivances, and using substitutes, and though on several occasions we were quite fortunate in receiving some presents from more favored friends, as I look back I often wonder how we made both ends meet. The last calico dress I had cost $175, and was purchased in Au- gusta, Ga., and in the same place I got two bunches of yarn for having some homespun dresses made, paying for each $175. One bonnet did me during the whole war. It underwent many changes and divers colors of trimmings. Sometimes it would have a piece of pasteboard put on in front to give the additional height known in those days as sky-scrapers ; then when fashion changed, the pasteboard could be taken off to diminish the shape. I was the fortunate possessor of a black and brown silk, and as it had seen good service, towards the end of the war a friend gave me a puff of black silk, which she had ripped from one of her own dresses, and which I was charmed to put on the bottom of mine. There was a dress with a similar trimming worn by a lady in Cheraw during the invasion, where she secreted valuable papers in said wonderful puff. A friend of mine sat knitting very com- placently while the house was being searched, and had her watch concealed in her ball of kpitting cotton. At the same time, she had a bag of flour slipped into each pillow-case on the bed, and they es- caped detection. Lucky escape, as my mother at that time was paying $500 for a sack. Cowpeas and rice were two of the prin- cipal articles of diet, and we sometimes had molasses pies for dessert. We tried all kinds of substitutes for coffee, and I wonder now, even with all my patriotism, how I drank it — and it sweetened with sorghum. Unlike the provision for coffee, however, we were so fortunate as always to have a small supply of genuine tea on hand, generally sent as a present to my mother. We chanced to have a diminutive teapot, whose capacity was only for a small-sized cup, and after my mother and sister had the first and second drawings, I came in for the third. This was a luxury almost unsurpassed, and I doubt if, even now, I would think of it in comparison with the most cheering cup dispensed from a five o'clock tea table. All this time my husband was stationed on Morris Island, and once or twice had the good fortune to procure a few articles from a blockade runner, and from the "Keokuk," which was sunk off 192 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. its coast. As long as these lasted, we indulged in extras on special occasions, one of these being when he came home on a furlough; and I recollect once I bought some other ingredients I needed for a whortleberry pudding, costing me $30, and still another time I had a poundcake for which I paid out $25. Towards the end of the struggle, our work was diversified by a hospital being established in the town hall, that being the largest and most central place' to be found. I recall very distinctly a young soldier who was brought in, and who had been shot in the skirmish on the river bridge, just as our troops were evacuating the town. Rather than let the enemy use this bridge, it was, just after the skirmish, set on fire. The poor fellow spoken of was so badly wounded as to have one of his legs amputated. He was so boyish looking, and withal so good looking, I felt much drawn to him. And, I am very glad to say, he finally recovered. His name was Charlie Bruce, and I have often won- dered where his lot has since been cast. The soldiers who died in the hospital were buried in the old ceme- tery of St. David's, and the devoted women of Cheraw raised a monument to their memory. Their poor dust is cared for every spring by loving hands. Some of the mounds are marked "Un- known," but the living remember always that "somebody's darling lies buried here.'' I do not think it will be out of place for me to mention that the Episcopal Church in Cheraw is one of its landmarks, and is one of the very oldest colonial churches in the South. It is venerable, his- toric, and interesting. The same old wrought nails, the foundation of imported English brick, and the identical sash, glass and shutters are as sound and perfect today as they were in 1770 and 1772, al- though the erection of the church was begun in 1768. During the War of the Revolution, after General Gates' defeat at the Battle of Camden, the British troops converted the church into barracks and stabled their horses there. The burial ground around the church is associated with many endearing memories, and in it there are many old and moss-grown stones, among them an ancient looking mound composed of brick, said to be that of General McArthur, a British officer. But with all our privations, trials, anxieties, and troubles, so far, nothing was equivalent to the greater sorrow still in- store for us, and which fell upon us in the afternoon of the 3d of March, 1865. The town was filled to overflowing with our troops, leaving in al Some of My Reminiscences of the War 193 directions, and my little nephew, in going to see a soldier cousin stationed near town, met with a terrible accident. It has been sup- posed he lost his footing in crossing the railroad track, and fell back- wards, while a car loaded with heavy artillery passed over his left leg. Could there be a greater climax of misery? He was borne to his home by four soldiers, and immediately visited by several physicians from the hospital, who gave orders for him to be kept perfectly quiet until the next morning. Then the town becaAie infested with Sherman's army, and 60,000 entered during the day. Our soldiers left by one way as they en- tered by another, and it was while a Georgia regiment was passing our door, headed by a band of most elegant music, that the amputa- tion took place, I standing by and holding the little sufferer's hand. In a few hours our miseries increased, for crowds of rough and rude soldiers besieged us most continuously. Most unfortunately, we had buried all the valuables we were possessed of — most of them put in the cellar for greater security — and everything was found. One thing I particularly regretted was the capture of one of the uniforms before spoken of, as being so proud of having helped to make. It was perfectly new, and had been left behind when my husband was ordered to Virginia. When found, it was claimed by a Lieutenant Dayton, of Ohio, and by a strange coincidence, was spoken of some years after in Cheraw by a Northerner as having been exhibited by Lieutenant Dayton as a trophy. For several days, all we had to eat was what our servants shared with us, of what had been given them by the Yankees. We were in great anxiety as to getting something to eat for our little boy, and several times were annoyed by calls at the door, telling us they were sure we had a rebel concealed upstairs. After fruitless at- tempts to persuade them of the untruth of such a thing. Dr. Kol- lock, our family physician, sought out a Dr. Rose, a surgeon in the Northern army, and brought him in to see for himself. I think when he did see the terrible sight, and that it really was a little boy only ten years old, he was moved to pity, and afterwards sent him something suitable to eat. We were also indebted to his influence in having a guard placed at our front gate to stay interruptions from that quarter. About the third morning after the operation, the news flew through the town that preparations were being made to shell it, and we were all panic-stricken, and did not know what to do our- selves, nor with our little cripple. So, after a consultation with the doctor, it was decided to remove him to the upper part of town, 13 194 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. which was about a mile from our home. His faithful nurse lifted him in her arms, though at the peril of her life, and carried him to Dr. Kollock's house, where a shutter was unhinged and he was laid upon it, and borne on it until an open field was reached, where, after several hours were passed, and only one shell had been fired, he was taken to a friend's house, and kept the rest of the day. This same shell killed several Northern soldiers in its explosion, and they were taken to St. David's for burial, and one of them actually placed in our family lot. When I found it out, I had the fence moved, thereby putting him outside. He was afterwards brought to the National Cemetery here, as well as the others. For several days the immense army remained in Cheraw, one of those days being Sunday. On the morning of that day, as we lived just across the street from the Presbyterian Church, we were forced to listen to sounds painful in the extreme, but intended for high revelry. A band was placed in the pulpit, so many times adorned by the illustrious Thornwell and the gifted Coit, to furnish music for a company of dancers in the body of the church. If any of us chanced to be peeping from a window, for we never dared to take a deliberate view, it was very usual to recognize some friend's carriage piled high inside with bacon, or filled with negro women, probably lured from their old homes, and going to follow the army. The larger portion of our house, during all these dreadful days, was occupied by a number of officers and men, and oftentimes the back yard swarmed with the rougher class of privates, intent on plunder. They destroyed a quantity of furniture, and entirely laid waste the contents of a china closet that they broke into. My room happened to open on a side piazza, and I suppose they must have found out my name, for one afternoon they knocked at my mother's room, where I was, and asked for me. I went to the door, and saw one of the most pompous of small men — a very sprig of military — who told me he had been informed that I had whiskey concealed in my room. I assured him it was not so. In fact, if I had wanted to be at all communicative, I certainly could have added I had not seen any for several years. But I simply offered him my key, and to go with him to the suspected place, which, from my view, standing on the threshold, I thought he searched thoroughly, and he appeared satisfied, so went his way. In about an hour's time, he came back again, assuring me he had been told beyond a doubt that I did have liquor. So a second time we made a tour of investigation, he still doing the searching very diligently. He A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. 195 looked into everything available except the stove, which, as he was on the point of leaving, I suggested he should do, but he did not notice me, and went out, and I saw him no more. It was during this raid that the flag of the Eighth South Carolina Regiment, which had been made by some ladies of the Pee Dee sec- tion, was concealed in the house of a most loyal and enthusiastic matron of Carolina, who sent six sons to its defense. Last year it was carried to the Richmond Museum by a captain belonging to the regiment, and who is now a prominent veteran in Cheraw. All this time, and for several months, I had heard nothing of my husband, who, however, was making his way home, under many difficulties. He had served throughout the entire war — on Morris Island and James Island, near Charleston, and at different points near Georgetown, and afterwards was ordered to Virginia. He raised his own company in Chesterfield County, promising at the same time never to leave them. Once, when at Georgetown, the position of lieutenant-colonel was offered him, but he refused, re- membering his promise, and preferring faithfulness to his word, and fidelity to his men, to an added honor. I have the original roll of his company now in my possession, also his commission as captain in the Army of the Confederate States, signed by General Harllee, when he was Lieutenant-Governor of the State — ^both of which I intend sending to the Confederate Memorial Institute, as soon as it is established, in order to preserve forever the memory of his duty and service to his adopted State and to his country. Loyal in life — faithful unto death ! And it is in his memory, too, that I am, and always will be, a devoted Daughter of the Confederacy. Mrs. Virginia C. Tarrh. Florence, S. C. A Southern Houselnold During the Years I860 to 1805. I am told it is my duty to write what I can personally recall of the days of our hard struggle with fate, and because it is so con- sidered, I shall make the effort to penetrate the dark chambers of my heart and brain for what I know lies there, hidden away from even my present consciousness. To bring it back, I must take myself to the beginning of events that bore immediately upon the grand tragedy of the century, to the summer of i860, the last time 196 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. our whole family was gathered together under our mother's roof. Our home was on the outskirts of Columbia, a very large, square house, great rooms, opening by French windows, on long double piazzas, extending along the whole front, and supported by col- umns from the ground to the roof. The steps were of rough granite, the first stone quarried in this county, and came from "Tickle- bury Farm," now the State Fair Grounds and Elmwood Cemetery, then owned by my grandfather — Governor Taylor. Ours was one of the family places only once out of such possession, and bought back by my mother on her return to Columbia, after the death of my father — Colonel Elmore — in 1850. We made a large home circle — my mother and six daughters: the eldest, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, being often with us, for her own home was quite near; the youngest. Rose, a schoolgirl, and two sons, Frank and Albert, living with us; the second, Albert, a stu- dent of the South Carolina College. Mrs. Taylor and two of the sisters spent part of the summer of i860 in Virginia and New York. To us at home it was a quiet time, for, although we felt the dis- turbed condition of the political atmosphere, nobody really expected what did happen. And when the boys would come in and tell us of new military organizations and weekly drilling, and when Albert's cap was decorated with a great "M. M.," and he told me it meant "Minute Men," ready at a moment's call to fight the "Yankees," I only smiled, as I thought how impossible was a war between the States ! By the time the Legislature met, the leaven had worked ; the Con- vention was called, and passed the Ordinance of Secession, which placed South Carolina just where she had been before her entrance into the "Confederation of the United States of America." From that time, all was movement around us. Our home became a center of gathering for not only the boys of the family, but for their young college friends, who, being away from their own homes, depended upon our activity to supply them with army fittings and comforts, for all had joined some one or other of the organizations made up during the summer. Most of the young boys belonged to the "College Cadets," who offered their services among the first, and were preparing to take the field. All were working for them — black and white. My business, as general housekeeper and provider, was to see to the parching and grinding of coffee, making of crackers, and filling of haversacks, in which I was heartily aided by our faith- ful cook, Cynthia; while the other girls, being clever workwomen. A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. ^97 with Nellie, Phillis, Phoebe, and others, made up the flannel Gari- baldis and gray wool hunting shirts, which were thought indis- pensable at that time. Ah ! how much good material and energy we wasted in making our heroes fit for the camp ! But, after all, was it not buckling on the sword, fastening on the spurs, throwing on the mantle, placing our colors, and, lastly, bidding "God speed, and do your devoir," to our knights? And did not they do their duty all the more gloriously for the spirit which our sympathy put into them? I can see the splendid young fellows as I saw them then, running up and down the stairs, seeking what and whom they wanted, in any room they pleased to enter, for the whole "Castle" was theirs to command ; and my mother, moving in her grand way from group to group of workers, suggesting this or that of comfort or convenience to be added to the boys' knapsacks, tearless and quite like a Roman Cornelia, sending her sons to do their duty; she who, the summer before, at the first suggestion of the possibility of war, had passion- ately cried out that her "country was nothing in comparison with her children." And when Captain Radcliffe's company, of which her favorite nephew — James Taylor — was a member, was called, she made me go with her in her little pony carriage to look him up, and when she found him on the streets, and called him to the carriage she said, "James, you are too young ; sixteen is too young." But she had no reply to make when he looked into her face and said, "Why, Aunt Harriet, I am the very one to go, for I leave behind me no one dependent on me; the fellows with wife and children ought to stay at home and take care of them." She felt that he had judged for himself and believed himself to be on the line, of duty. When the other companies were called, we went to the South Carolina Depot to see them off, and as the train pulled out of the shed, we could hear a deep, continuous rumbling, which we later knew was the bombardment of Fort Sumter. The house seemed empty of everything when we returned to it; but soon the loud and continuous ringing of the big dinner bell outside startled us, and we all came running from our rooms to see what could be the matter; and there was our dear old mother, walking up and down the piazza, and ringing the bell as hard as she could. "Why," she called out, "Texas has seceded ! and I want you all to know it ; come and see the star McDonald (our Scottish gardener) has laid out in her honor!" And there it was — a beautiful star garden bed, with a fine young magnolia in the center, just under the dining-room windows. 198 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Such was our mother, from first to last — brave, energetic, thought- ful, helpful, always ready to sacrifice and to work, and never a word of weakness or of unwillingness to give her best and dearest to the country she loved next to her God ; and such were the matrons, old and young, all over our land. My mother owned a large cotton and grain plantation on Broad River, in York County, and a mill place, with a provision farm, in Lexington County, about ten miles from Columbia. On both of these places she had first-rate overseers ; but they had to be super- vised, and my mother, with one or other of us girls, visited them fre- quently : later we had to give these men up, as they were required in the army; and the plantations were carried on by our faithful negroes, under the sole management of my mother and myself. I recall my consternation when my Uncle Alex. Taylor told my mother that I could manage a lumber mill and make all the lumber accounts. My brother Frank, who had been keeping the books for a year, gave me encouragement, and promised to coach me; and thus I be- came my mother's business agent to the close of the war, and had the honor of supplying to the government most of the heavy timbers re- quired here ; and, moreover, had the satisfaction of hearing from all parties that the business had never been so satisfactorily conducted. This was truly a feather to my woman's cap ; but we feminines, be- fore the war ended, were to pick up many a one dropped from the helmets of our brave fellows who had work to do beyond our powers, and in which we could aid them only by doing what it had been theirs to do hitherto. Soon there came to be a systematic division of labor in our house- hold, and so little did we cross into each other's fields that I really cannot say how my sisters were distributed in the work — but work they did, as every man, woman and child worked during these years. I do know that some were engaged in hospital and relief work; others, being clever workwomen, in making clothes, and in spare time knitting socks. I remember that I helped with some uniforms and shirts; but my main energies during the four years were concen- trated on the matter of supplies, and to secure these, the mill and plantation affairs required most careful consideration, and a large amount of foresight. So long as we could retain our efficient over- seers, the routine of both places was well kept up, and I owe much to the application of their practical knowledge, and to the docility and faithfulness of the negroes I was called on to manage — for this part of the business my mother turned entirely over to me. Both A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. ^99 men belonged to the class that knew the details of labor, and had not yet been removed from dependence upon home supply for the necessities of life ; and their use of this knowledge on our plantations made us independent, and gave me many lessons. In 1861, at the mill, our man Walker was able to fit up wheels and looms and set our women to spinning and weaving ; made a tan vat to cure the leather obtained from our cattle, which he butchered and sold in the market, but which I had to see properly cut up, as he did not know how to prepare the meat for city kitchens. He also readily took in new crops of such things as could not be procured from the stores. Rice, sorghum, and sweet potatoes never failed, and fruit and vegetables were secured to our table. At the York place, Inman did even more, for it was a large planta- tion, and had to sustain many souls, a large number of them old people and children. Being more remote from a city, there was less opportunity to secure, before they should be exhausted, the con- veniences nece^ary to the carrying on of such work as was now required to be done. But he was clever and resourceful. The cow- kettles did double duty, for they were turned into molasses boilers, and when barrels could not be procured, he cut down four immense gum trees, and from their boles dug out troughs for the syrups and to put away the meat in ashes, to secure it from flies. Both men made their own cane-presses. Salt failing, the dirt floor of the smokehouse was dug up, and the clay washed, to recover the salt that had been absorbed. We raised the sheep, spun and wove the wool and cotton for our negroes' clothes, tanned the leather for shoes, and made them, our old car- penter, Daddy John, making the wooden soles. He even improved upon the pattern sent us, by making a transverse diagonal cut in the sole, which made it move a little under the foot. But, oh ! the clatter of those wooden soles on the wooden floors ! Some of our wool my mother had dyed and woven by skilful women in the neighborhood, and each of us was presented with a lovely black and white winter suit. How I wish I had mine now, to send to the relic and record room exhibit in Charleston ! It was a skirt and long coat, trimmed with great smoke-pearl buttons, presented by my childhood's friend. "Daddy Moses," who brought me a quart when he heard me say I wanted some buttons just like those on his coat. I think it was in 1862 that we had to give up our overseers. And, although we found two white men to stay on the places, we soon dis- covered they were of no service, and my mother and I had to be 200 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. constantly on the alert. Finally my mother decided to give up the York man, and to depend upon ourselves, and three specially compe- tent and faithful men — Ben, Charlie, and Gabriel — not leaving out good old Daddy John, who was general supervisor, and truly a gen- tleman in bearing and unfailing in devotion to "mistress and young mistress." I think our interests were well cared for by these people, and certainly they had much in their hands, especially towards the last. Indeed, throughout the war, our negroes were our friends, and I believe if they had not been meddled with for political pur- poses, we should never have had the terrible disturbances which con- tinue to this time ( 1901 ) . At home we employed a white gardener, who himself suggested that the thirteen acres around the dwelling could be made to pay all the expenses of the garden, and give the table all of the fruit and vegetables we could require. My mother was willing he should make the experiment, provided she had none of the troubles, and gave him what help he wished, and a little pony and wagon to Raul his truck to market. This was our first effort in these small businesses, which have since become so familiar to our ken. One great benefit we had then was that we had plenty to give to the hospitals and to our unfor- tunate friends who had taken refuge in Columbia when driven from the coast. Sad as these days were, taken as a whole, we were not without some happy hours. Concerts, fairs and bazaars gave relief from the strain upon our hearts and brains, and when our soldier boys came on furlough and wanted to dance and sing, who of us would refuse to do their bidding, even though there were some croakers who talked about the sin and shame of such proceedings when calamity might be so near. My good, wise mother was of a different mind, and opened her hospitable doors to all the social calls of the situation. The city was full of people from the low country and elsewhere who desired something more than mere shelter, and soon a pleasant society grew up, out of which could be gotten, at any moment, the material for a good concert, the proceeds of which would go to some wartime necessity. To Signor Torriani, of the Italian Opera, stranded here in i860, we owe many delightful evenings, and much valuable assist- ance in our musical entertainments. Our first concert was given to help the hospital service, by Miss Garnett and her young pupils, all school girls, but well worth listening to. Can we forget the splendid Gunboat Fair, when our parlors were emptied of pretty things, to be supplied again by the purchase at the stalls, of what had adorned A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. 201 the tables and mantels of our friends ? And so the war-tide rolled on to the last heavy days of dread and terror, when we were told to pre- pare for the worst, for Savannah had fallen, and the next objective point of Sherman's terrible army would be our dear little city — the "cradle of secession." I will not tell you of the great bazar held in the State House, nor yet of the last one, a section of the first, in the City Hall, for others have written of them ; but hasten on to the last day I spent in our home. My uncle, who planted near us in Lexington, came one day to tell my mother that their places were on what would be the enemy's line of march, and she must do as she meant to do — get off all stock, sup- plies and able-bodied men to the upper plantations. "And the girls had better go, too," he added. How was it to be done? "The girls" could go by rail — but the rest? And so little time! It was decided that the stock, etc., should be brought over and make the start under charge of one of the most reliable men we owned — Nick ; and later in the day, I and my youngest sister, Rosa, in a little carry-all, with two pet ponies, driven by our regular coachman, Dick, and accom- panied by my sister's (Mrs. Taylor's) team, should follow and catch up with the caravan, consisting of wagons, cattle, sheep, and about fifteen young negroes. This plan was carried out to the letter. Before night, three of the girls were off by rail, and my party was on the road next morning. One of the party — Nick's wife, Liddy — did not wish to go, and, to my surprise, slipped off after making the start, and went back to the mill. I was sorry on Nick's account, for he was a great favorite of mine, and devoted to me. I am told he said she "might do as she pleased ; but he had done said he would stick to Miss Ellen as long as he lived, and he meant to do it." The city was in a furore. Rumors on every side of a most alarming character. General Hampton was in command. I knew my brother-in-law. Captain Thomas Taylor, was with him, and my brother Albert scouting, but I had not time really to attend to anybody's business but my own. Mrs. Taylor, and Grace, who was to remain with my mother, though she had not told her deter- mination to any one but myself, were waiting that last evening in the dining-room, and had placed some supper at the fire for Captain Taylor, when two young men came in — Peter Trezevant and Julius Pringle. My mother offered them supper, but both declined; and Mrs. Taylor said that was a most unsoldierlike thing to do, for how did either know when he would get the chance to eat another meal. 202 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Whereupon both agreed with her, and immediately took up the plate, saying they had eaten nothing all day, but had declined because they thought they would be taking what was intended for another. Cap- tain Taylor came in and said the enemy were indeed upon us, and whoever expected to leave had better not delay. I told him I was all ready, and my cattle train would be on the road by daylight, and his wagon and people with them, but that I would not start with the carriage before lo a. m. He told me to stop the first night with an old friend of his — Mr. Nelson — and say I was Tom Taylor's sister, and he must give me shelter. How we spent the night I do not re- member, nor what we did next morning till the hour came for starting. Isaiah came up with his pretty team of black Morgan mares, and announced to his mistress, in his best style, that he was ready to take her orders, which were to meet her at Chester, where she would go by rail. Then came Rosa's and my little carriage and our homer raised pet ponies, Selim and Nettie, and our good Dick on the driver's seat. What I did, and how I got in the carriage, I do not know. I seemed to be turned to stone, and I knew I forgot to say good-bye to any one, even to my mother, for she came to the steps, saying, "Why, Ellen, you have forgotten to say good-bye to me." All of us were deathly quiet, for God only knew if we should ever meet again. Outside of town, I met Olivia Middleton, of Charleston, with somebody in a carriage, and we put them in their right road; and farther on we came upon our travelers, moving along quietly, for the cattle were not yet worried, and the sheep were, as yet, quite docile, the men as lively as though on a picnic, for my mother had seen to their provisions. We traveled slowly, and reached Mr. Nel- son's at 9 o'clock p. m. He declined to take me in until I told him Captain Taylor had promised for him that he would not refuse to receive his sister ; then he could not get us out of the carriage fast enough, but said he could only give me shelter, as his house was taken possession of by a rough lot of cavalry, but he could not let Tom Taylor's sister camp out, as I had said I must do if he sent me away. We were taken into a neat parlor, where was a handsome piano, and Mrs. Nelson asked if either of us played, that she did want to hear her daughter's instrument once more before it was de- stroyed, as she understood the Yankees always did with such articles as were too heavy to be carried away. Rosa was a beautiful pianist, and immediately got up and played for the good, kind woman, who A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. 203 longed for one more touch of the sweetness of life before it should be torn from her forever. When I next passed that road, returning to Columbia, in October, only the chimneys of the kind, hospitable home were left. At daylight I was on the road, for little sleep could we get, and I think both Nick and Dick were uneasy lest the soldiers of whom Mr. Nelson spoke should make a grab at our horses. Dick came under my window to tell me we had best be moving, and please to hurry. We drew some tea, and ate some cold biscuits and bade adieu to our entertainers; and, to the music of our lowing cattle, and baaing sheep, pursued our way, as 1 said, slowly, reaching the house of Mr. Brice, beyond Winnsboro, where we usually stopped on our way to the plantation. Old Mr. Brice said he was very sorry, but illness in the house compelled him to refuse, and recom- mended us to the house of a widow lady at White Oak, a mere coun- try settlement, where we spent the night. The poor woman had not the remotest idea that she was in any danger, and I advised her to secure all valuables, and not to remain in the house alone. These houses also were gone when I next passed that way, leaving only the tall chimneys like sentinels over the hearthstones. At Mr. Brice's, the gateposts were standing, but no friendly roof to shelter those who might pass between them. Many, many times have those gateposts and those chimneys come to me in appeal against those whose cruel hands destroyed the happy homes they represented. At this moment, I recall a set of iron steps in Columbia, up which I had often gone on festive occasions, and which, with the chimneys, was all that was left of the gay, bright home of Mr. Wm. DeSaussure. But to my journey : We reached Chester about 2 p. m. and, sending the caravan around the town, we in the carriages proceeded to look up Mrs. Taylor. We found her, and my sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Elmore, at Mrs. Anderson's ; but she decided to wait in Chester till Captain Taylor should pass with the troops, and turned her carriage over to Mrs. Elmore and her two children. After much difHculty, we induced Mrs. Elmore to accept the opportunity of reaching the plantation, as I told her there could be no certainty of when I could be able to send for her. I told her if she did not hasten, we might be forced to camp out with the children, as there were few houses on the road at which we could stay. To be on the safe side, we had stopped at a house and bought a lot of fodder, for we had used up our supply of horse feed, and stowed it away in and about the car- riage till Rosa and I could scarcely breathe ; but the smell was sweet 204 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. and clean. Night caught us about halfway, and Dick, who knew the road and every house on it, recommended that I should try at Mrs. Montgomery's, who might take us in. Alas ! She could not, and came to my carriage to tell me she was sorry, etc. "Then," I said, "can you tell me a good place to camp, and will you let me have food for my horses and mules ?" As she was about to answer, I heard a tired little whimper from the other carriage, and a child's voice crying, "Mamma, I am so tired ; and I want my milk." Instantly the woman's voice and manner changed, and she ex- claimed : "Have you got children (she saw our faces dimly through the fodder blades) in there? Where are they? No, I can't turn children from my door this time o' night; git right out and take them children in to the fire." We got out, and so did the fodder, and I told her the children, with mother and nurse, were in the other carriage; but the size of the party did not change her welcome, for she left us and went to the other party, telling Mary and her nurse, Margaret, to "bring them children right into the house, and she would git them their milk in a hurry." We were ushered into a large, what you might designate truly a "living room," on one end of which was an immense fireplace, occu- pied by a very old man, and numerous little barefooted children, in- terspersed with cats and small dogs. At the other end were two large beds, which I felt sure were occupied. Poor Mary Elmore was one of the impossible kind ; a new situation was something she could not take hold of, and here was one utterly foreign to her town- bred experience. It was different with us, for we were brought up to "take the bull by the horns" and, besides, our experience of life had made us acquainted with all sorts and kinds of peopk. How I blessed the teachings of my father and mother, which made us able at once to understand the simple nobleness and mother heart of this good woman who took us in because that baby cried — our dear dear little Hallie. After a while, the door between the big beds was thrown open, and we were invited into a large parlor, with a splendid fire, neatly furnished in mahogany, and a handsome rosewood piano, whose legs were well wrapped as though it were in danger -of taking cold. On one side, a shake-down on the floor was assigned to Mary and the babies, and an adjoining room to me and Rosa. Milk was brought for the children, and Mary managed a private inquiry of me as to its wholesomeness, etc. Poor woman ! how little she knew of the unwholesomeness the changed conditions of the country A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. 205 would bring to us all. Notwithstanding my protests, and only by insistence, could I make the good lady take pay, except for the large quantity of feed our horses had consumed. Again we were on the road, and reached the plantation about mid- day, finding the girls preparing to return, as they had heard nothing since they left Columbia, and concluded they had been sent off under an unnecessary alarm. A strange redness in the sky had, however, made them anxious, but they never dreamed that its true cause was the burning of the city by Sherman's soldiers. A sad but excited party we made — six young women and two babies — Hallie and May — guarded and supported by nearly two hundred negroes, and not an idea but that we were safe from all but Yankees. And so we were. There were several families upon whom we rested absolutely. Dick, Nick, Phoebe, Elizabeth, Africa, and Charles Prioleau, and their brother, our old butler, Horace, among his company known as Dr. Prioleau, a name he fancied to adopt from our old neighbor in Charleston, Dr. S. G. Prioleau, and which Horace fitted to his brothers and sisters as they came into house-service, were our per- sonal attendants. Dick was our coachman; Nick my teamster; Charles and Africa, carpenters, and Phoebe and Elizabeth, our maids. The others belonged to the plantations, and all were faithful through- out our time of trial. And now began our strange life as refugees, full of anxiety and work, for we could hear only rumors from below, but must keep up heart and make preparations for the probable necessities of the future. We divided our household, one taking possession of the little cottage that had been built for my mother's use, and I, with three of the girls, of the overseer's house ; but we all took our meals together at the cottage. I took up the roll of overseer systematically, as I had seen it practised by Inman. Dick, Gabriel, Nick, Charlie, and old Ben and John, were my coadjutors. At daylight, the call was made at the overseer's house by old John, for the hands to go out; after breakfast, I went to the lot, looked over the cattle and hogs, and learned that Paul was off with the sheep; looked into the corn houses; called at the children's house, and carpenter's and blacksmith shops; and looked up the sick, but before prescribing, went to the house and looked up the case in the old doctor's book, which, fortunately, had been brought with us. Thank God! I was not called upon for any dangerous case, except once, when I was told old "Aunt Rachel was just a-bleeding to death, and she said please to come and stop it." I flew down to the cabin and found 2o6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. the report not much exaggerated, so flew back to consult Dr. Ewell, who told me to administer saltpetre in broken doses, which I verily believe saved the good old woman's life. Afterwards I gave her quinine and kept up its equivalent — dogwood bark tea — for some time. I also had gathered certain roots and bark suggested by m)' advisor, and whether they were rightly administered or not, the negroes believed they were, and asserted that "Miss Ellen was just as good as Dr. Sims," in whom they thought all medical wisdom was concentrated. I speak of these things because I am told that it is desired to have the experiences of our women under new and difficult conditions so expressed as to convey a true conception of what was being carried on by their steady and systematic work at home. For myself, I never questioned if I could do the work that came to my hands, but did it as well as I had ability for, and never looking backward with heartbreaking regrets, which I felt would take from me all strength. But to go back to my day's routine : After dinner, the cows came in, and feeding time came round^ and Paul brought in his "sheep tally," which was compared with mine; and John brought in the keys ; and he, Dick and Gabriel came to give me private information and advice. Food began to be a serious consideration, and I found it necessary to make many horseback journeys through the ap- parently deserted country in search of corn. I frequently rode from ten to thirty miles a day, under the escort of Dick, Gabriel, or Charles, who always rode as a groom would ride, at my horse's tail. One day, passing a blacksmith's where was a group of rough looking men, I felt Dick pushing between me and the party. He explained, "I was afraid, Miss Ellen, those men might speak to you; but I think they knew who you was." Evidently, I was a great somebody in Dick's estimation. I thought I might find corn in Union County, on Pacolet River, and determined to make the effort through our friend — Major Sims — who lived there; but it was too long a journey to make on horseback, and Dick advised the carryall, which was light and easy- going. Nick was to drive me ; but the night before, the sick nurse — Minda — sent me word that Nick was too sick to leave home ; and I ordered that Gabriel take his place. I heard the cai-riage come up, and told Phoebe to take Gabriel a cup of coffee and some breakfast and she came back grinning, and said, " 'Taint Gabriel ; it's Brother Nick; and he say he ain't gwine to git off the seat for nobody — A Southern Household During the Years 1860-65. 207 nobody ain't gwine but him, for he done said in Columbia he ain't gwine to leflf you tell he die ; and, Miss Ellen, Brother Nick won't let anybody else go with you today." I went out, and there were both the men ready, but I — the mistress — had to give way, and truly I was not sorry, for I felt such absolute trust in Nick's ability to steer through the difficulties. He seemed to be doubly endowed with eyes, ears and intuition. He and Dick were the most intelligent negroes I ever saw, and never seemed at a loss for a way to do a thing if I — their mistress — said it had to be done. When we got to the river, we found the flat had gone a-visiting down below, as it was in the habit of doing, and staying there till some one had occasion to bring it back. What was to be done? Nick soon solved the difficulty. There was a small bateau, a pole and the ferryman. "So," said Nick, "git out, Miss Ellen, and I will take the body of the carriage off the wheels, and we will take it over on the bateau, and come back for the wheels, and then we'll swim over the horses, and come back for you." I suggested going in the bateau at the same time, but he said no, for the horses might upset the bateau, and I would fall in the river ; and so it was all done much after the transit of the goose, the fox and the bag of corn; but we got to Mr. Sims' all safe. Nick became too ill to return with me, and I was driven home by a reliable man belonging to Major Sims. My poor, faithful, devoted servant and friend never came back alive, but I sent for his remains, and had him laid to rest in the little planta- tion cemetery, reading the burial service over him, and doing all I could to honor the memory of one who had been truly "faithful unto death." As I said, the problem of how to feed so many mouths began to press heavily upon my mind. I had had the wheat ground whole, and we ate that at our table, leaving the corn for the negroes and stock. A neighbor — Mr. Smarr — sent us a wagonload of peas, and helped us in many ways. But at last I had to put both negroes and stock on short allowance, which measure the less intelligent of our people could not understand, their idea being that their owners could command everything. Then began my first difficulties in managing them, and I had to go among them in their cabins, and where they were at work; but although they would accept all that I would say, it would be forgotten, and their privations and needs be all that they could apprehend at the moment. Our neighbors, with the exception of Mr. Smarr, held aloof, evidently ranking us as rich people, who 2o8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. could not be in need of their assistance. After a while, it became known that we had valuable stores of household goods and wearing apparel, and from day to day, one or another young woman would come with a chicken, or a pound of butter, or something to trade. The first day a girl came in, she caught sight of an artificial rose, which, among other ball finery, had been rammed into a chest to keep things steady ; and upon that she set her heart and offered her chicken in exchange. Imagine the joy of my sister Cornelia, a quick, impulsive nature, at the discovery of the direction in which the girl's desires tended. Out of the room she rushed, and hauled out a lot of flowers, ball dresses, and hats; and from that time we did quite an extensive millinery business, and had chickens and butter quite often on the table. Some came for crockery and clothing. One day a woman took a fancy to some heavy delftware, the remains of an old dinner set, that had been sent to the plantation years before; and as I emptied the plates on the cloth (for we were at breakfast when she came), my little niece said softly, "LoUa" (as she called me) "is going to sell all the plates ; I spec' we will have to eat off the leaves." In March, we began to hear frequently from Columbia, and I knew all that had taken place there. My brother's man — Billy — had re- turned from the army to Columbia very soon, for, he said, he "could not rest tell he knew how Mistis and Miss Grace were getting on." My mother had kept with her Cynthia, the cook ; an old family ser- vant, Nellie ; our butler, Horace, and a man she thought a great deal of, Jim, a good enough fellow, but who would always think of him- self first, and was the only one to fail her, for she lost sight of him, and a beautiful black pony, entirely. My mother afterwards saw the pony and a handsome Gordon setter of Dr. Taylor's — "Jet" by name — moving in the Yankee line, as the property of General Logan. My sister Grace has a diary of what she and my mother passed through in Columbia, and I shall only allude to what I have heard of. Billy did faithful service, securing to them salt and a hog, which he cut up and stored ; then, weighting himself with all sorts of things, he took his way to the plantation to see what had come to us. I shall never forget his appearance on the Quarter street, and his happiness as he emptied his pockets of his gifts — a pound of coffee to one, sugar for the children, a candle to another, and a lot of preserves from Miss Grace to all — not one was forgotten. Billy, good Billy I do not say one among a thousand, for there were many, perhaps MRS. JANE FISHER, COLUMBIA. Tales of a Grandmother. 209 thousands, of such among the best grade of our slaves ; but he was "our Billy" to the day of his death. But my narrative must close, since I have brought it so nearly to the close of all the beautiful life that had hitherto been ours. The spring brought changes ; some of us returned to Columbia to see what could be made out of what was left to us there. Our house was not burned, owing to the guard my mother had secured from General Sherman ; but our mill place was destroyed utterly. I remained on the York plantation till fall, when I left to go to Chester, having secured the p'osition of principal of the Female Academy. The death of my mother caused an entire break-up of the family, each going to work in his or her own way, for there was little left of old wealth and comfort, and necessity compelled. I am grateful that the way was opened to me for self-support in the school at Chester, and later in my native city — Columbia — where for thirty odd years I had a "Home School for Young Ladies," which was well patron- ized from all parts of the State. And this ends my story of a "Household During the War." Ellen S. Elmore. Columbia, S. C, December, 1901. Tales of a Grandmother, or, Recollections of tHe Confederate V^ar. NO. I. You have asked me, dear grandchildren, as one of the women of the war, to write you my recollections. Were you sitting by me, I could tell you pages, but my eyes are weary and dim, and my fingers stiffening with age, so I will open the book of my memory and write you but one or two chapters. To write of war is to write of horrors. No pen can draw a true picture of it. No matter how graphic the description, it would fall far short of the reality. I will not tell you of shelled cities, of burn- ing towns and villages, of miles of country with nothing left of the dwellings but the chimneys, all desolated by a powerful, merciless, conquering foe. During four years our women lived through the anguish of this terrible strife. When the first blast of war was sounded, we, almost as one, gave our fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons, to duty, to honor, to that which we believed was right in God's sight. 14 2IO South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. In your schoolbooks you have read of the "Act of Secession," and know what is meant by it. Soon after it was passed, a friend called to see me. (I was living at Columbia at that time.) The only topic of conversation then was the prospect of war. My friend said : "I do not approve of this thing. What do I care for patriotism? My husband is my country. What is country to me if he be killed? If your husband should be killed, you will be left provided for; I will have poverty and my children for my share." Not long after this conversation, coming out of church, on a day appointed for fasting and prayer, where we had listened to one of the great Dr. Thornwell's stirring appeals, this friend — Mrs. F. W. McMaster — said to me : "I feel that I could do deeds of heroism." God spared her husband to her, who fought through many bloody battles; and for years after, they walked hand in hand through life's journey, without a break in their household of fourteen children. The daily life of the women of the war was one of trial, of priva- tion, of sorrow ; but it was borne by women of patience, of fortitude, of trust. Many of us did not see our husbands and sons for months — sometimes for more than a year. But our hearts were brave. We concealed our cares and bore our trials without complaint. One day, a splendid young soldier — Captain William Haskell, of Abbe- ville, S. C. — called to see me, with news from your grandfather. I said something to him about the privations of camp life. "Ah ! madam," said he, "the soldiers do not need pity; it is you uncom- plaining women, left at home to struggle with poverty, weary wait- ing, ceaseless anxiety, who have the greater hardships." That was the last visit of this gallant young man to his home. After his return to the Army of Northern Virginia, his father and mother drove to their postoffice to hear from their soldier sons. That mail brought them triple sorrow. The son above referred to — Captain William Haskell — was killed at Gettysburg, and another son and their mother's brother — Langdon Cheves — were killed at Battery Wagner. No mail came without bringing sad news to some home, and the telegraph wires would flash the report of the deaths of hundreds and thousands of loved ones, who had lost their lives for the "Cause." You go to a funeral now, dear children ; the solemn burial service is read in a church; mourning friends follow the beloved form to the grave, and put it away with all the tenderness of the human heart. Do you think such was the burial of our brave, dead soldiers ? Ah ! no ! no ! Some there were whose mortal remains were brought home in rude coffins, and now rest in peaceful churchyards or cemeteries, Tales of a Grandmother. 211 and year by year you go with those who strew their graves with garlands and flowers, and thus keep green their memories ; but thou- sands fill unknown graves ; thousands were piled in heaps together, without even the poor blanket wrapped around them, for a winding sheet; some were blown to atoms, and no trace left of them; hun- dreds languished and perished in Northern prisons. Did all these events, wringing our hearts with anguish and dis- tress, daunt us and make us give up our "Cause?" No. We but clung the more closely to it ; our sorrows purified us ; our necessities kept us from sloth and selfishness ; our thousands of hands were as one pair. 'Twere idle to try to tell of the sandbags, socks, havelocks, shirts, drawers, etc., we made for our soldiers. As secretary of "The Woman's Auxiliary" during the war, my book could have fur- nished most interesting items of tents made and given, of boxes of food, clothing, medicine, blankets, etc. Alas 1 like too many other more valuable things, it perished with the burning of Columbia. At our meetings we were always furnished with a laugh by one member interested in the Hampton Legion, whose invariable in- quiry after my report was in a piping voice: "Anything for the Hampton Legion?" We lived through the fiery tribulation. We lost our "Cause"; we seemed to have lost all that life was worth living for ; we passed into poverty and degradation under the rod. But the smoke and din of battle have rolled away. Peace is in our land, and we women have again taken up our role. We look back to the days "before the war" as a pleasure enjoyed; we think of them with emotion, but not with despair. But, my children, my refiections are for myself, my memories for you. I have kept no dates, turned down no cor- ners. I try to forget all those dark days. When your grandfather, James Pickett Adams, major of a bat- talion of cavalry, was with the army, there was always one thought present with me — he will be wounded, and I shall have to go to him. Believing this, I kept my trunk packed, ready for departure at short notice — not with many . clothes, dears, for our garments were few, and we had to take care that they "waxed not old." (I saw a bill not long ago, that I paid a milliner, during the war, of $100 for re- trimming a straw bonnet with pink tarlatan.) But I had in it also sheets, towels, bandages, old linen, soap, candles, a bottle of pure French brandy — all the things I could collect that, in my many trips to the hospital, I saw were so necessary for the sick and wounded. At the beginning of the war, many soldiers were brought 212 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. in from the camps near Columbia to the hospital (the buildings at the Fair Grounds being used for the purpose), sick with measles. Mrs. William Wallace, the dear friend of my girlhood and after life, of whom you have often heard me speak, and I had our days at hospital together. On one of our days, we had gone around, dis- tributed mulled wine, arrowroot custard, clean underclothing, etc., and spoken all the pleasant words we could to the poor sick fel- lows, and we were about to say good-night when one poor fellow said to me, "Please, ma'am, look at my blister; it has been on my throat all day." Mrs. Wallace held the candle, and I looked at the blister. You need not laugh, children, for though your "nanma" cannot bear to look at your cut fingers and stumped toes, she did look at that soldier's blister. It was large and painful. I had no scissors with which to clip it, and it needed it much. An- other soldier took his old, dull knife from his pocket, rubbed the blade back and forth on his dusty shoe, and handed it to me. I picked the watery sacks, dipped some soft cloth in hot water, and applied it to his throat, receiving many thanks from the grateful man. The news I was always dreading came at last — ^your grandfather, then a staff officer, was wounded in the Battle of Trevilian Station, and was at the house of a gentleman, near Charlottesville, Va. Your mother was a little girl then, and was playing at Sidney Park. I did not think there was time for her to get home before I would • have to leave on the train ; but she got there in time for me to press her to my heart, say good-bye, and leave her with my kind relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crawford. In an hour after I had received the telegram, I was, with my old nurse, Selina, hurrying on my way to Richmond. At Winnsboro, Mrs. H. K. Aiken got on the train, going on to her husband, who was also wounded at Trevilian Sta- tion. How glad I was to have her company ! How long seemed the night! How the rapidly turning wheels seemed to say, "Coming, coming, coming!" How the frogs screamed all along the road! I never hear them now without living over that night. When we reached Charlotte next morning, the train had gone. We could do nothing but wait until late in the day for the next one. As we were about to get on, we were told that the Yankees had cut the road at Greensboro. I said to Mrs. Aiken, "Shall we go back?" "No, indeed," she replied, "I am going to Hugh," meaning her hus- band. The news of the Yankees proved to be untrue. We met, however, with another detention at Danville. I was most fortunate Tales of a Grandmother. 213 in having fallen in with Mrs. Aiken, who, when we arrived at Rich- mond, took me with her to the house of her sister, Mrs. Gorgas, whose husband was chief of the Ordnance Department. Railroad communication with Charlottesville was broken. I could not go to your grandfather ; and a few days after my arrival at Rich- inond, the Yankees cut the railroad at Burkeville Junction. Thus I was shut up at Richmond, unable to go to my husband, unable to get back to my child. I do not know how many days passed, nor how long, but I can hear it now, as I heard it then, one night, when waiting, hoping, a footstep. "Oh ! Mrs. Gorgas," I cried, "it is he," and away I ran to be clasped in the arms of your grandfather. His wound was in the neck, the place over which your curious little fingers have so often passed. It was another of those hairbreadth escapes, which so many of our soldiers made. The slightest devia- tion from the course of the ball would have caused instant death. I wish I had kept the coat he wore; it was pierced with bullet holes, in the skirt, sleeve and collar, in six places. The wound was ex- ceedingly painful, and for a time your "old da" was a very stiff- necked fellow. As danger of erysipelas disappeared, I felt anxious to return home. How to get there was now the question, for the road between Richmond and Danville was not open, and the enemy held a portion of the Petersburg and Weldon road. Colonel Armis- tead Burt, of Abbeville, of whose sad death we heard some time ago, was at Richmond, and was made the bearer of important govern- ment dispatches to Wilmington, N. C. Your grandfather placed me under his care to return home. We went by rail to Lynchburg, and there we took a government ambulance for Danville. It was a shabby affair, all stained with blood of wounded soldiers; but we seated ourselves in it. Colonel Burt by the driver, and Selina and I on the floor, without even any straw, propping ourselves against the trunks, without a thought of discomfort. We were told before leaving Lynchburg that we would overtake a number of Yankee prisoners, who were on their way to Danville. All morning we were on the lookout for them — said to number 2,700, besides the guard; at midday, we overtook them, and, as we could not pass them, we jogged on behind. A prisoner broke away and ran down the road towards us. That was not jolly for us, as the guard fired at him as he ran. The man escaped into the woods. Our driver thought he had a chance to get ahead, and tried to drive between two trees. They 'were too close together, and the ambulance became fastened. Instantly several of the prisoners jumped on the wheels, loosened 214 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. the top, and lifted us out of our embarrassment. Again we got in motion with the prisoners before us. If we passed a house, they would go to the well for water, and they would drink it dry ; if we crossed a stream, it was the same case, and no water was left for us ; if there happened to be any vegetables in a garden, as far as they would go around, every man, "Reb." and "Yank.," helped himself; and as they walked along, peeling the turnips and onions, we could hear them address each other familiarly as "Yank." and "Reb." When I think of this trip noWj I feel afraid; I did not then. Finally Colonel Burt said we must stop and allow them to get a good distance ahead of us. We did this at the first house we came to. Colonel Burt went in to make inquiries about the roads, distances, etc. The good lady of the house refreshed us with hot biscuits and apples, a kindness which we greatly appreciated. Colonel Burt had talked a little, Selina had smoked her pipe, and our tired old horses napped while resting. So we resumed our journey and again over- took the prisoners. They no doubt thought, as well as their guard, that we had food, medicine, etc. One of the ofificers of the guard asked Colonel Burt to give him something to revive a dying prisoner. He had really nothing but a phial of brandy, of which he gave him part. The officer said he would have to leave a Confederate with him, for he would die on the roadside. That evening at dark we crossed Stanton River. The prisoners had all crossed over, and were in a field, knocking down shocks of wheat, on which to make their beds. I pitied the poor farmer to whom the wheat belonged. The old horses seemed to think they should stop too, as they were with soldiers, and could hardly be urged to drag us a half-mile farther on, where we found a very humble house. The owners were very poor, and unwilling for us to stop with them. But Colonel Burt found the "open sesame," and we were allowed to go into the house. Better by far to have remained in the ambulance. Mark Tapley would have certainly been gratified, in finding an occasion on which he could "come out strong." We could not have slept under such circumstances; but the fact that there were over 2,500 of our enemies at the foot of the hill kept our eyes wide open, and at daybreak we once more resumed our journey. It was clear, and soon got very warm. I heard Colonel Burt say, "William, that horse is sick; lookout, he will fall on the pole." Both jumped to the ground, and Colonel Burt bled him in the mouth. Turning to me, he said, "You see, I know something of phlebotomy." Our journey had become one of anxiety; we were in a strange and Tales of a Grandmother. 215 sparsely settled country ; if the horse failed us, where could we g'et another? We drove over miles without hearing a cock crow. At length we reached a house, at the sight of which we "thanked God and took courage." But we congratulated ourselves too soon, for the man of the house, who came out to us, was very surly. He said, "You must go on ; I do not want you to stop ; do not want you to water your horses at my well." The horse was still bleeding at the mouth, and was feeble. Colonel Burt asked the man to sell him some salt, to stanch the bleeding. He refused flatly, and not until after a long parley, and when he found that we could not "go on," did he yield, and sell us the small quantity of salt needed. His family knew the hardships of living, had little or no money, were far away from a town, and husbanded with jealous care the little they had. We moved on very slowly, for we feared we would lose both horses from the great heat and insufficient food. At midday, we halted. Colonel Burt chewed a piece of tobacco for his dinner; I ate a green apple, one left from those our friend of the hot biscuits had given us ; William and the horses looked as if life were a burden to them, and they did not care how long they remained where they were ; Selina sauntered off to smoke her pipe, but she found not the comfort she looked for in her "smoke," for in a few moments she came running back, terrified, crying out, "Oh! Miss Ma'gret, Miss Ma'gret, they'se coming, they'se coming!" "Who are coming ?" I asked. "Oh ! de Yankees, de Yankees ! I seed ^em wid de guns in deir hands, and deir lamsacks (knapsacks) on deir backs !" And she clung to me in her fright. They proved to be a relay from Pittsylvania, detailed to assist the guard in charge of the prisoners. At dark, we reached Composition, a town of ambitious space. The houses were so far apart, one almost required a vehicle to visit her next door neighbor. The townspeople had heard of the coming of the prisoners, and when the ambulance was seen, great curiosity was excited. A crowd collected and followed us to the tavern, where we were to spend the night. They thought I was the wife of a Yankee officer. Colonel Burt had often made me laugh by re- peating to persons on the road that he was the bearer of important dispatches to Wilmington, and that I was the wife of a wounded Confederate officer, whom I had left at Richmond. It probably helped us on a little. After another long, fatiguing day in the am- •bulance, we reached Danville, where we took the train for Columbia. We met with frequent delays, and did not arrive at Columbia for 2i6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. two days. There I parted with kind, courteous Colonel Burt, with whom I never met but once again. Now, children, you will think that this trip to Richmond and back to Columbia, of which I have written you an account, was not much of a feat. It was, however. It was one of peril, of anxiety. I left home not knowing where I should meet your grandfather. Con- federate money was not worth much, and it took a great deal to cover the expense of such a trip. I left your grandfather, on my return to Columbia, unfit for service, and did not know when I would see him again. We had then "hearts for every fate." I will write you one more letter of my "Recollections of the War," and I hope you may never know anything of war — ^hideous, shocking war — but what you may read from the experience of others. Your affectionate grandmother, Margaret Crawford Adams. Wavering Place, Congaree, S. C. NO. II. My Dear Grandchildren : "From the sessions of silent thought I summon up remembrance" and resume my narrative. As early as 1863, after our repulse at Gettysburg, our men began to lose hope of success. Their best efforts had been put forth ; the bravest of the brave had been laid on the "altars of sacrifice." Those who were left were courageous and true, and the "Cause" for which they were fighting was as dear to them as ever. Our noble army was still making a gallant defense in front of Richmond, but was gradually weakening under repeated assaults of a superior force, which, like a mighty serpent, was slowly but surely tightening its coils around the throat of the Confederacy. What was there to encourage a hope of ultimate success ? The wide world was open to our enemy, from which to gather forces, supplies, etc., without limit. The Confeder- ate States were orphans to all the world, shut in to themselves. France and England sympathized with them in their heroic struggle, but what did that avail? The few men who were left at home, the women, and the negroes, were all to whom the army could look to raise supplies. Of the negroes, I can say they were, all through the war, our humble friends, and on the plantations, where there were but unprotected women and children, with here and there a white man, these people worked as cheerfully as they had ever done, and not for a moment believed that Southern men, their masters, could Tales of a Grandmother. 217 be overcome. They knew nothing of superior numbers, of superior advantages. They knew that Southern men were brave and honest, and the thought, with the majority of them, that they were slaves, in the aboHtionist's sense of the word, had never dawned on their minds. Our trouble was in our own midst. There was waste of the pro- visions contributed for government suppUes, which made want and discontent. Our horses were "impressed" without even "by your leave." I had already given two to the cavalry service, and the two that I had still were too old, except for my own driving about town. One day, my old coachman, Louis, was returning from Main street, when he saw a man riding one of his horses, as he called them. He said nothing until he came to me, when he said, "Ma'am, I saw a man riding old 'Dick Allan' on the streets." On inquiry, one of the servants told me that a man had gone into the stables and ridden him off, saying "he was to be sent to Georgia for the artillery." I remonstrated against this, saying the horse was unfit for service, for if he were, my husband, who was a cavalry ofiScer, would have used him himself. I appealed in vain. Colonel William Wallace told me he was very sorry "Old Dick" was taken, for he felt a curiosity to see how long the old pair would live, treated as they were. They were eighteen years old then. To mention defeat to our women was an insult. They would not believe it even when it was a reality. Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, was, towards the close of the war, a city of refuge for wanderers from all parts of the dis- tracted South; a depository for public and private treasure, and where were established bureaus, with their attendant ofificials, no- tably the Treasury Department, which furnished means of living for many ladies who had lost their property by the war. Its popu- lation was quadrupled, and the beautiful city, far from the seat of war, was gay and festive. Like Belgium's capital before the Battle of Waterloo, it was soon to witness a scene of flight and disorder, and the life of the unsuspecting little city was- to go out like z, bril- liant feu d'artifice. In January, 1865, the ladies planned and held a bazar at the old State House, thereby to raise means for aiding the soldiers. Garrets and cellars, closets and trunks, were ransacked, and products of the needle and culinary department were brought forth, which as- tonished those who made and those who bought. There was no Barmecide Feast, but an abundance of tempting food and delicacies. 2i8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. For a week, the old State House was a transformation scene, bril- liant and changing. Each Southern State was represented by name, having booths arranged tent-shape, draped with the Confederate colors, and surmounted by the shield or coat-of-arms of the State represented. When I think now of the blockade of the ports of the South, its isolation, how long since a ship had brought in aught of beauty or fashion, the splendor of the bazar seems marvelous. Stately matrons presided at the various booths, assisted by bevies of pretty girls, who sold their wares at fabulous prices. My State was Mississippi, and, with my assistants, we made $17,000. Does this sum seem large to you? It was very small in value, owing to the great depreciation of Confederate currency. In our sales, we forgot all else but to make money for our soldiers, and we received some- times withering glances and angry words. An old man wanted to buy of me a piece of cake for his wife. "Now, give me," he said, "a good sizable slice." The cake represented to me, not butter and eggs, sugar and flour, but something delicious, almost unattainable, and when I cut the good man a slice from the center out, and half- inch thick, I thought it was indeed "a good sizable slice," and was stunned when he said, " 'Tain't worth my money !" Mrs. Lallah Adams had given me a jar of sliced peaches, beautiful, yellow peaches, the like of which had almost faded from the memory of Confederates. For each slice 1 asked, and got readily, $5. An old couple came to the table, looked around, and the old lady's eyes lighted on the bright, yellow slices. "I will take a saucer of peaches," she said. I handed her one slice, saying, "The price is $5." She took it and asked her husband to pay for it. "No, I won't," he said ; "it is robbery" ; and, taking her by the arm, led her out, looking back at me, muttering, and I imagined they were very bad words he was saying. I have never known what became of all the money made at that bazar. It was perhaps too worthless to be accounted for; or there was too little time before the Confederacy expired in which to ex- pend it. Who that was a looker-on in that vast assemblage could believe that in a few weeks all would be scattered, fleeing they knew not where, or remaining to see the city laid in ashes? Such was the case. The 17th of February, 1865, witnessed the destruction, by fire, of Columbia, by Sherman's invading army. Who can describe the dismay of the people when it was known that Sherman was thun- dering at her gates, like Alaric, with his horde of Goths, before the Tales of a Grandmother. 219 ancient city of Rome, who, however, barbarian though he was, in sacking the city, spared her churches, while this modern Goth burnt them? To flee, to get away from the approaching host, was the feeling communicated from one to another, and few remained who could get away. Oh! the wild confusion, the headlong haste. Many, who had not thought of leaving their homes, caught the con- tagious panic, and, at the eleventh hour, determined to flee too, though it was then possible for them to take with them but a few necessary articles, the railroads having more than they could do to take off government supplies and treasure. Among this number were your mother and myself. On Thursday morning, February 1 6th, we went to the Charlotte depot, intending to go to Winnsboro and decide there on our future movements. What a crowd was there, shoving, pushing, cursing, swearing, trying to find room on the train for their worldly goods. I saw a man with a box so heavj^ that six men were staggering under its weight; one of these men moved aside for a lady, when the owner of the box rushed at him and beat him furiously with an umbrella. It was very cold, and sleet covered the ground and trees. I was told, after I had secured passage, that I could take no luggage. Your mother said she would not go without her clothes, so we returned home. Late in the day, we heard from a gentleman, Mr. Rufus Johnston, who had char- tered a box car for transportation of his servants and their effects, that we could go in the same box, and take two trunks with us, and also that that was the last train which would leave Columbia. We decided at once to go. In one trunk I packed my silver ; in the other, summer and winter clothing. To give more room in the trunk, your mother and I put on as many of our clothes as possible — Wem- meck like, making our property "portable." I was so much incom- moded by the weight and tightness of each successive garment that I took them off; but your mother kept hers on. She wore a half- dozen pairs of stockings, and underclothing in proportion, several dresses, two cloaks, and two hats. She was a picture of fun, not easily recognized. When she passed through a door, she had to go sideways. She was just recovering from measles, and this great weight of clothing, which she wore for twenty-four hours, gave her a severe cold, from which she did not recover for months. I was glad I had not gone on the morning train, as I had now a little time to arrange my household which I had left as if going to pay a call. I put some blankets and a few other things, a bag of flour and some bacon, in a wagon of a friend, and sent them off to Winnsboro with 220 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. my faithful old servant, Louis Brooks. It was a trial for me to leave your grandfather's well-selected library, my furniture, valuable pictures, bought in Rome ; my glass and china, one set of which had been brought from Ireland, of exceeding beauty, and I was the fifth Margaret who had inherited it; my father's portrait, painted by Scarborough, after he was eighty years of age ; all to be left for the destroyer. I tore up all the letters which I had received during the war from your grandfather, a matter I now much regret, and pro- vided for the servants, who were to be left behind. Only one of them — Charlie Brown — showed any fear. The city was shelled at intervals through the day, and whenever he would hear an explosion he would sink to the floor, overcome with alarm and blanched with terror. Some of the negroes had no conception of what was meant by "Yankee," and on first sight of them, one said, "Why, dey's folks !" I parted with my servants with sorrow, taking with me only my cook — Hannah — a servant whom my Grandfather Crawford gave me when I was a child, who had no children. About dark, your grandfather, who was then in the city, went to the depot with us, and saw us safely packed in the aforesaid box car. In it was a family of six or eight negroes, with their possessions. At each end, they had chicken coops, piled one above the other, which, when the train got in motion, threatened to topple over on our heads. It was the last box of the train, except the one next, which was filled with gunpowder. Wheeler's Cavalry, a noisy set, was encamped all around the depot, and occasionally one of his men would come to our car door, saying, "Fellows, let me in ; I say, fel- lows, let me in." I had the door closed except about an inch, left open for air, and held a lighted candle in my hand. When these prowling soldiers came near, I would have the door fastened, and then we would almost suffocate. Your grandfather had left us, thinking the train had moved off ; but it was simply to run a short distance, then return to our starting point. We kept up this see- sawing until midnight, when we went on to Winnsboro. Meantime, we did not know what was going on in the city, but in our occasional sliding of the door, we saw that it was lighted up, and heard that it was from the burning of Congaree bridge. Arriving at or near Winnsboro, we found the train which had pre- ceded us broken down on the track, and no probability of its early departure. We got out of our train, atid into a wagon which was there, and went to the house of a relative. My purpose, when I left Tales of a Grandmother. 221 Columbia, was to go to Union with my uncle, Mr. Andrew Crawford, but we found that there was risk of being overtaken by the Yankees, and we determined to remain at Winnsboro. The wind blew a furious gale all day, and with the storm without, and the distraction within, I was without hope. Vainly did I wish I had remained at home. Some time after dark, we saw the horizon towards Colum- bia reddening, and until a late hour we watched it growing brighter. We doubted if it could be Columbia burning, as we did not suppose we could see light from a fire thirty miles away; but we were not long in doubt, for evil news flies fast, and next day we heard that Sherman had laid "the cradle of the rebellion" in ashes. On Sunday morning, our army, under Beauregard and Hampton, entered the town of Winnsboro. Was it from this handful of men we looked for victory? I could but admire the sublimity of their courage. This army was near to Winnsboro for several days, and thus we saw your grandfather and many of our soldier friends. Knowing that Sherman would soon be upon us, we busied ourselves in hiding our valuables. My aunts dug holes and put into them their silver and watches, which, when they took them up, they found seriously injured by being soaked in water. I called to my aid my faithful servant — Louis Brooks — and gave into his charge my silver, which he hid securely, and my watch and jewelry, which he concealed on his person. He told me he thought it best for us that he should go off the premises and stay away until Sherman's army had passed through, to which I assented. My aunt sent all of her servants into the country also, leaving in the yard only my cook and a strange young woman, with a baby a few weeks old. In the house there were eight females, including one very sick lady, who had asked to be brought there from her own home, and who died a day or two after Sherman left the town. Into the room occupied by her we carried most of our wearing apparel. Our first intimation of the approach of the army was seeing a "bluecoat" rush into the house, and commence a search. He was soon followed by a number of others. The house, located on the outskirts of town, was first reached. I had "laid the table" and put on it two cooked hams, a large quantity of biscuits, and other food, supposing these men would eat like other people. One man came in, stuck his bayonet in a ham, and marched out with it ; another did the same; and in a moment everything was swept off the table — plates, knives, forks, everything. A hundred men were in the house at a time, searching every part of it, breaking open doors, closets. 222 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. drawers, trunks, in their "search for arms." The noise they made was as if they were a herd of cattle. Finally, my aunt said to a new arrival of them, "There is indeed nothing left in the house for you to take; suppose you remain here below and send one man up to search." They did this, and their fellow soon came back with empty hands. The sick lady was lying insensible, unconscious of what was going on around her. All of us took refuge in her room, as it seemed to be respected. One fellow came to the door, putting his hands on either side, and said, "I'm a bummer, I am; I'm a bucktail." I thought he should have said he was "the flower of the land," as he wore a girl's hat, with a wreath of flowers around it. I said to him, "Please do not come in here, for you will disturb that lady, who is very ill." He looked at her and said, "Oh ! I have seen plenty like that ; she's pretending." But he did go away. A young soldier took his seat by her bedside, and remained there all day, watching her, wiping the damp from her face, raising her up when she was deathly sick, and caring for her as tenderly as if he had been her son. He was ashamed of the conduct of his comrades. He was from New Haven, and gave us news of the family of Dr. Wills, who had formerly lived at Columbia, and was our family physician. These men came in advance of the army. What a contrast was its entry to that of the Confederates, a few days before ! An army sixty thousand strong, with bands playing, banners flying, wagons two and three abreast, disregarding roads, but driving right across the fields. The burning of Columbia seemed about to be repeated, but the burn- ing of a number of houses seemed to satisfy hate, and the fire was stopped. The lady of the house where I was staying — Mrs. Fraser — a fragile, timid woman, when she saw the approach of the head of the column, went out alone, stood in the road by the Presbyterian Church, waved her hand, and halted it. An officer rode up to her and said, "What do you want, madam?" "I want a guard for my house, and for two others," pointing to them. "You shall have them," he said, and he told a soldier to follow her. An officer went with her also. On their way, he saw a soldier carrying off a box of tobacco on his back. He rode against him, knocking him down, and cursing him as he rode on. When he got into the yard, he found a soldier setting fire to the kitchen. He had him arrested at once. In his fury, he called for an axe to cut away the burning part. The axe had been taken ; but he thought we withheld it, and shouted at us, "Will you do nothing to help me save your own property ?" He Tales of a Grandmother. 223 was a huge man, sunk low in his saddle, on a sheepskin. He soon restored order in the yard, and left two men to guard the house. The cats and goats seemed to feel it in the air that something was approaching, for they had disappeared, and did not reappear for days. The watchdog had, in fear, crouched under the dining table, when a soldier, spying him there, shot him ! All day the bummers were passing through the yard and garden, searching, prodding, digging, for hidden treasure, which, happily, they did not find. They did find, and took off, everything we had to eat. ' One man carried off sorghum in a trunk. Hundreds of them passed through, loaded with poultry of every kind, which hung in strings from their saddles to the ground. They could not catch the guineas ("little speckled chickens," as they called them) ; they were too fast for them. Others drove herds of cattle. They turned my aunt's cow out of her house, which, when my aunt saw, she rushed out, crying to them, "Oh! don't drive off our cow ; we have nothing left but her !" Seeing her distress, one of the men said to her, "If you can separate your cow from the others, you may have her." Think of an old woman, over seventy, going through this crowd of rough men, with their drove of cattle, with a stick in her hand, trying to save her cow ! One fellow laughed and called to her, when he saw her cape falling off from her shoulders, "Look out, old woman, you are losing your coat!" She followed after a long time, but at last returned, exhausted, failing to get her cow. Night closed in on us, hungry and uncomfortable. None of us went to bed, and we had no light but firelight. I was watching the sick woman and had made my cook and the woman with the young baby come into the room with me. The baby began to fret, and, having seen a bottle of asafetida on the table, I dropped, as I sup- posed, a few drops into a spoon, and gave it to the mother to give her baby. Before putting the bottle down, I looked at the label, and great was my consternation when I found it was "elixir of vitriol." I did not speak, but sat down by the woman and her child, staring at it, fearing every moment it would go into convulsions. If it moved, I jumped. I was afraid, if the child died, those dreadful Yankees would think I had given it the dose intentionally, and would murder me. Putting my hand to its neck, I found it all wet, and then I knew that the sleepy mother had spilt the medicine. While Sherman's army remained in Winnsboro, none of us left the house. For days after it left, we lived on bread, which we made with meal, sifted from wheat bran, or on corn, which was gathered 224 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. up from where the horses had been most abundantly fed, and which was scattered on the ground. Our guard told us we had more to fear from stragglers than from the army ; but after it moved out, we were not again molested. When the people began to mingle together again, each one had a thrilling tale to tell, some indeed shocking — of old men who were hung up, time and again, by the neck, to force them to disclose the hiding place of their treasure ; of women who had spoken sharply to some of the soldiers, who, for so doing, were tied in chairs in their yards and made to witness the burning of their own houses. When one of the ladies in our house said something to a gay young Prince Rupert of an officer about the unnecessary destruc- tion of the articles in the house, he laughingly said, as he, too, pro- ceeded to put into his pocket an elegant copy of Campbell's Poems, "Sich is the fate of war." The coming, the going, of this army was a horrible nightmare. We awoke from it to realize we were destitute. Your grandfather bought us some supplies at Yorkville; among them, I remember a bandbox, filled with lard, and some com. A lady from Charleston had a hand-mill (every mill in the country was burnt), and with this we ground our corn into hominy. We would boil a small piece of bacon with hominy, for our breakfast, and for dinner we had a small slice of bacon each, with bread. We did not have even the luxury of rye coffee or parched sweet potato or persimmon seed. I noticed that my aunt, the old lady who tried to recover her cow, did not eat her allowance of bacon, and that every day after dinner she went out. I said to her, "Aunt Margaret (Miss Margaret Craw- ford, of Winnsboro) , why don't you eat your bacon ? You are getting thin and feeble." "Oh!" she said, "I take it to Elymos (a negro), who is sick; and today he was very vexed, and told me if that was all I could bring him, I had better not come." She was always doing something for somebody and forgetting herself. Louis came back after the army had gone. I did not recognize him, he was so thin and haggard. A Yankee soldier had taken his shoes from him, and my watch and chain were at the time in his sock, which he restored to me, with my jewelry. A negro man, who belonged to one of our family, in returning to his home, called at the yard to see Louis. When I was telling him of how the house had been pillaged, he exclaimed, "My God ! Miss Margaret, where was Mas' Jimmy?" showing, as I have sa;id before, the confidence the negroes had in the power of Southern men. Why I Am a Daughter of the Confederacy. 225 The Confederacy seemed suddenly to have changed, a glory had passed from it, and, without acknowledging it, we felt the end was near. It came sooner than we expected. In April, 1865, the war ended. Would that with it all the heartburnings, caused by the deluge of blood which flowed from the first drop shed, could in some wise have ended; that the millions of property lost could in some wise have been restored. But it was not to be so. Long years of toil were before us, with all the corruption and demoralization of interstate war. We have rebuilt on the ruins of our buried hopes. The lava of time encrusts the past. We poor "Rebels" have found new homes, new hopes, and we strive to forget the bitterness of defeat. But memory often carries us back over the bloody chasm to that other life, to commune in those then happy homes with loved ones now absent and dead. Your affectionate grandmother, Margaret Crawford Adams. Wavering Place, Congaree, S. C. "Why I Am a Daughter of the Confederacy. (A few extracts from a diary.) I was in the country when the first sound of the war bugle reached my ears. This is an extract from my diary at that time: "How bright the sun shone on this, my natal day. How the birds seem trying to welcome its coming with their songs. But alas ! I am far away from home and loved ones, and it is a sad time with us all. News is rife even in the country : even here,- the sound of the tocsin of war has reached the ears of old men, young men, and even boys ; and as every mail brings some account of added provocation from the North, they rise up in the glory of their manhood and feel that they must go forth and fight for the rights of our own fair Southland. The quiet of the country is broken; confusion runs riot. Each day some pupil leaves the school, and soon I feel that I will have to close, as the patrons have become demoralized and think they will soon be on the verge of starvation, and fear to spend a dollar." In a few weeks from the time this entry was made I was at home. I found our village full of enthusiasm, and the ladies and girls busy as bees, making a Confederate flag. Oh! how many hopes were stitched into the folds of those Stars and Bars ! often with bleeding fingers, for that was before the day of sewing machines in the South. How proudly we watched the men run it to the top of an immense 15 226 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. pole, while our voices joined in the huzzas as its folds floated to the breeze. There was no time to sit with folded hands and grieve over the situation. Indeed, we of the younger class felt it almost a picnic to assist in making fatigue shirts, knitting socks, and cooking dainties to send to "our boys" in gray. My home, being on the W. & W. R. R., a great number of the soldiers had to pass there, en route to Richmond. A committee of nearly every one in the village was formed to have lunch for the troops, whenever the train would stop to take on wood and water. The older ladies would have something substantial ; the girls, flowers for the gallant boys ; while the boys too young to take up arms would take buckets of water for all. Until now I had only sympathized with others in parting with loved ones. My father had been dead many years, and my oldest brother was just twelve years old; but his youth was no drawback to his patriotism. When the first company left, my mother appealed to the captain to tell him he could not go. Another company was soon raised and, the colonel being from our town, words, tears, nor anything else, could keep him at home. A proud boy he was when Colonel Parker made him his orderly. He soon marched away to Virginia, where so many of our brave boys fought, bled and died. Now came a time of dire trouble and suspense. We feared to scan the list of dead and wounded after each battle. One day, news came that Colonel Parker's orderly had been wounded while carrying dis- patches during the fight around Richmond. Alas ! the news proved only two true, and a widowed mother boarded the outgoing train with a sad, anxious heart. But fate was kind, and she was so happy to find her soldier boy only slightly hurt. There was a warm welcome for both when she reached home again, bringing Orderly Wallar S. Turner, who had been honorably discharged from duty on account of his youth. I think he was glad to be back with mother, for awhile, at least. Those terrible years of war crept on, as a wounded snake drags its weary length along. Slow, tedious, as they were, each day was full of interest and work for those left at home. Soldiers were passing constantly. Sometimes we would hear that several regiments were on the way to the "seat of war." What a lively, hurrying time we had then. The women made cakes — the best our material afforded ; the older ones would tie up packages, socks, or woolen comforters, to give to those who needed them ; the girls would gather huge bouquets, to be divided into small boutonnieres, to pin on the pockets of the Why I Am a Daughter of the Confederacy. 227 brave soldier boys ; while each small boy considered himself a com- mittee to see that buckets of fresh water were ready for them. Then we would meet near the depot or "water tank" and wait their coming. The trains did not tarry long, but sometimes long enough for an ex- change of hearts, and on one occasion that I knew of resulted in marriage. At that time, I had no soldier sweetheart, but was more interested in the conductor who had charge of the train than in the soldiers; so my buttonhole bouquet was generally pinned on the lapel of "Captain Ivey's" coat whenever he was aboard. Just here let me say that Captain Ivey raised a company of cavalry and reported for duty, but the president and superintendent of the W. & W. R. R. would not let him leave the road ; he was detailed and brought back, and served in the civil service during the war. Those were times that tried women's souls as well as men's, and though we worked hard and prayed often for those who were giving their lives for us, there were times when the young folks, at least, had fun. A soldier boy would come home on furlough and persuade his sweetheart to marry him before he returned. Then we were all alive. Old trunks were opened and ransacked for remains of finery that had been long hid away. Sometimes we were fortunate enough to find white slippers, discolored by age ; we would chalk them, mend the holes, or would beg or pay the old negro shoemaker "at the quarters" to put soles on jeans uppers. Happy the girl whose mother or aunt had once been a belle, and had left some embroidered or India muslins. Sometimes a light silk would be found and utilized. An old threadbare black silk apron was considered a treasure ; when picked to pieces and mixed with wool, it made a nice filling for cotton warp ; and when woven, such a lovely soft gray dress the bride would have, trimmed with persimmon seed, or with buttons made of round bits of pasteboard, covered. Then the hat was made of shucks or oat and wheat straw, plaited and trimmed with paper or feather flowers. Having secured the dress, now we turned our attention to the wedding supper. The old black "maumers" would try their skill in this and, with preserved watermelon rind for citron, dried cherries, and other small fruits, we would have a delicious fruitcake. So the years rolled on — sometimes sunshine, sometimes shadow, but with never a doubt as to the final success of our Cause. I can never forget the first news we had of Lee's surrender. It was a warm Sunday afternoon in April. Several girls were down by the river bank, where the falls make a miniature Niagara. We were 228 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. chatting or singing, all thinking of loved ones and wishing "this cruel war was over" when we saw a ragged, sick-looking soldier coming slowly along the dusty road. A spring of cool water bubbled near; he saw the gourd hanging by a nail that was driven in a tree, and stopped and asked for a drink. We soon gathered around him, each one with a question. One girl asked why he was coming home alone. "Indeed, Miss," he replied, "I am not alone ; others are behind, and all that are left of the army are coming, for the war is over ; General Lee has surrendered." In a few moments, two other soldiers came up and confirmed what the first had told. We were quite indignant, turned away from the "deserters," as we called them, and then hastened home to repeat the news. In a few days, our worst fears were confirmed. The soldiers continued to come, all • telling the same story. Lee had indeed surrendered. He was con- fronted with overwhelming odds. Our boys were compelled to lay down their arms ; but never conquered. To this day, the Lost Cause is ever green in the memory of those who lived and acted through the vicissitudes of that cruel war. For this reason we are banded together, that our children, and their children, may not forget our wrongs. Our flag is furled; but the bravery of the men on the field, and the women at home, will live in the memories of the lovers of freedom while the sun shines on our beloved Southland. Eleanor S. Ivey, nee Turner. Some Heroic "Women. As historian of this Chapter, I feel it an honor, as well as a privi- lege, to be able to testify to the many acts of heroism among the women of the South during that trying period of the four years' war. As my life at that time was not cast among the hills of old Edgefield, I must beg that I be not confined to that County, not even to the State of South Carolina, in telling some of the reminiscences of heroic deeds. Those of you whose lives have dawned since the blessed Angel of Peace spread her wings over our dear Southland, or even those who were children at that time, can have no adequate conception of the labor and trials the wives and mothers, and even the young girls, endured. There was work for all. While the mothers were looking after the carding and spinning that had to be done, not only to supply the family with clothing, but to send to the soldiers ; or riding over the farm, directing the hands, so that the crops would not fail ; the Some Heroic Women. 229 young girls were busy knitting socks, or making garments to send to the loved ones in the camp. "They also serve who only stand and wait." And those brave women who took the part of man, as well as woman, deserve as much praise for their heroism as those who left home and followed the loved ones in the battlefield. History does not tell of those, but they deserve more than praise for their patience in waiting, and their energy in doing. There are others who won for themselves names that will live so long as the historian's pen shall immortalize their bravery in giving up the comforts of their homes, leaving all that a woman holds most dear, to share the dangers, trials and privations of a soldier's life. Edgefield had one daughter whose name will be honored together with her generals and great men while a veteran of the Rebel army lives : Mrs. Neal Horn, who left her home and went with her hus- band and son to Virginia and, sharing their tent life with them, served through the war — ^not with guns, pistols, and swords, but ever by their side, to supply, as far as she could, home comforts in cooking, and keeping their clothes clean and mended. When the God of Battle held high carnival, and the wounded and dying were all around, her womanly ministrations were not confined to her own loved ones, but many a mother's boy was comforted, and his dying hour made easier, by her presence. There are many in Edgefield who know and love the name of Mary Ann Bowie, "the soldier's friend," as she was called. While she was never amid the frightful scenes of the battlefield, still she gave her time and life, and traveled all over the country, soliciting contributions of money, clothing, or anything that could be used for their comfort. Among those whose deeds were prompted by. charity and love of country, there were others who were wild over the excitement and romance that the war offered. Belle Boyd sprang into notoriety first as a Southern spy and newspaper reporter. Many were the acts of bravery she did in obtaining useful information for our generals. About a year before the close of the war, she was on the privateer "Greyhound," bound for Nassau, when she was captured by the Yankees and suffered all the privations of a prison until she was ex- changed. Of all who have gained a reputation for reckless daring and deeds of valor during the Civil War, there are none who outrank the brave Cuban girl, Loretta Valesque. Naturally of a romantic turn of mind, she became so enthused over the wrongs of the South that she 230 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. determined to have a part in the tragedy there being played. The first act in her life of adventure was to marry a young American officer who was serving in the United States Army. She was only fourteen at that time ; but the girls of Cuba mature so much earlier than here, she had a woman's form and a woman's heart. When war between the States was declared, his regiment was ordered back to the United States, and such was her influence over him that, yielding to her persuasion, he left the Union Army and enlisted with the South. Loretta, full of the excitement pertaining to war, wanted to share the danger with him. She longed to be where she could hear the music of the bullets as they whistled past, and see the lightning of the swords as they flashed from the scabbards. Pleading with him to let her accompany him, she was, as she thought, justly indignant when he refused his consent. Womanlike, she concealed her impatience, and while he thought she had given up the idea, she only bided her time. "When a woman wills, she wills," and you may depend on it. His farewell kiss was scarcely cold on her lips when she sought a tailor, to have him make and pad a suit of clothes for her. Thus disguised, she boarded a train for New Orleans. Alas ! Lieutenant Harry Buford, her "nom de guerre," had not calculated on the heat of the city, consequently the padded garments became un- endurable; so she had to find another tailor to substitute wire for cotton in the padding ; these she fastened under her arms, giving her the necessary squareness to her figure. After getting rigged up, her next step was to raise a company of recruits, and, at the head of these, she made her way to Pensacola, to join her husband. Words cannot express his surprise and chagrin when she was shown into his presence and made herself known to him ; but he was a wise man, and appreciated the romantic side of the situation, so instead of giving her away and opposing her, he helped to drill her soldiers. Unfor- tunately for her, her husband was killed not long after by the burst- ing of his carbine. Nothing daunted, she succeeded in having her company transferred to Virginia, and marched into line at the Battle of Bull Run. A writer, in speaking of her on that occasion, says, "No man on the field fought with more energy than she did; fear was not known to her." Getting tired of active duties, she decided to assume her female dress and take the part of a spy. Having bribed an old negro to ferry her across the Potomac one freezing cold night, she arrived safely in Washington. There she renewed her acquaintance with some officers of the Northern Army. Bringing all her powers of Reminiscences of the Confederate War. 231 fascination to bear upon them, she gained what valuable information she could and then returned to the Confederate lines. In giving us a short history of her life as soldier and spy, the writer remarks that, in the midst of her varied experiences, she found time to be married three times, and left the romantic adventures of her life as a legacy to her children. A wound on her arm caused her sex to be discovered. Once known, she managed to escape to some other section of the country, and again assumed her masculine garb. The last that was heard of this wonderful woman, she had gone to California as a miner. Mrs. James H. White. Johnston, S. C. Kexniniscences of the Confederate 'War. I can recall the four years of the Civil War with many sad and some pleasant recollections. I was young, and the dark days, inter- spersed with those of sunshine, kept us ever watching and wishing for the "silver lining" to deck our clouds of despair. We did not realize the suffering and privation that would inevitably befall the South until 1864-65; then, being deprived of any foreign aid, as recruits for our army, clothing and the usual luxuries in our culinary department, we resorted to devices which would at the present day seem quite commonplace and ludicrous. Coffee was not in store; therefore, wheat, rye, and sweet potatoes were substituted; syrup made from the sugarcane; the ripe pulp of watermelons and per- simmons were used for sugar; our choicest cakes were made with syrup; corncobs burnt, and the ashes were used for soda. Clothing also exercised our ingenuity. Silks, worsteds, and even calico, were seen in a few tattered garments left to remind us of the "days gone by." All of the old cards and spinning wheels, looms which had been stored away so many years, covered with the cobwebs of antiquity, were brought into use, and homespun was the most fashion- able material, dyed in all of the colors of the rainbow ; and although we had no Paris Delineator from which we could cull patterns, we imagined our costumes adorned us quite becomingly. Gloves, hose, shawls, and scarfs were knit with Confederate thread, not only for our use, but our soldiers. Hats and bonnets were made of wheat and rye straw, bleached or dyed, braided and fashioned into shape; our domestic feathery tribe were deprived of some of their plumage, a small bow of faded ribbon (if such an article could be found among the war wreck) ; and we donned our Confederate tiara with as much 232 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. self-conscious loveliness as some of our Rock Hill butterflies of fashion do nowadays. Buttons were made of wood, seed of per- simmons, and palma-Christi ; quite a pretty button was made with a needle and thread. I was living twelve miles northeast of the town of Chester, within three miles of the Southern Railroad, about ten miles west of Lands - ford, on the Catawba River. It was surmised that Sherman's army would pass through our vicinity. Oh ! the horrible suspense ! I can recall each day and night as a dreadful nightmare ; sleep seemed to haunt us, and when Morpheus wrapped his alluring mantle around us, visions of bluecoats would startle us in our dreams. Our silver was deposited in a spring near our home, by one of the servants, and all other valuables hidden. The rain poured in torrents un- ceasingly for two weeks ; the Catawba River and creeks were over- flowing their banks; bridges demolished; roads impassable, which impeded Sherman's march through that portion of Chester County. It would consume pages to unravel some of those thrilling experi- ences; yet we were blessed in comparison with those unfortunate ones whose homes were within the line of Sherman's march from the sea to Virginia. "May the night of sectional hate be rolled away, and our beautiful Southland stand in perfect day," with face ablaze, with eye hope-lit, that Peace will spread her wings abroad, heralding forth the tidings of a free field under the favor of a just God. Mrs. W. B. Dunlap. Rock Hill, S. C, February 7, 1901. A SKetch of Life During the IVar Between tlie States. What a blessing it is to us that God, our Heavenly Father, has so ordered it that time softens our sorrows. When a great grief comes to us, it seems as if it is more than we can bear, and so it would be if the pain continued as sharp as we first feel it. But time, while it cannot obliterate our troubles from our memories, rubs off the sharp points that are so painful at first. As the shadows of the evening subdue the fierce rays of the noonday sun, and give us the soft, beautiful glow of twilight, so the events of our lives, if we live submissive to God's will, soften the pangs of grief and make our lives as beautiful as the light at eventide. Living now in peace and prosperity, the time of trial and peril through which we passed during the Civil War seems like a troubled A Sketch of Life During the War. 233 dream, from which we have slowly awakened. Time has softened our grief for the loss of dear ones who gave their precious lives for the Cause so dear to every true son and daughter of our loved Southland, and we can now see how merciful God has been to us through it all. At the beginning of the war, in 1861, both of my brothers volun- teered, which left my mother and myself alone on our farm. It was very lonely for us, but the Cause was so dear to us that we were willing to make any sacrifice. But little did we then think, when we bade them good-bye, that it would be four long years of anxiety be- fore they would live in the old home again. Many of the leading men of the South thought the war would not last more than six months or a year; some of our more thoughtful statesmen read the future better, and predicted a long and bloody contest. The South only thought of establishing her rights, or dying in the struggle. My mother, being almost an invalid, the whole care of the farm, as well as most of the housekeeping, devolved on me. I managed the farm, with a great deal of worry ; but had it not been for the faithful negroes, I could not have done it. We made not only an abundance of food for ourselves, negroes and stock, but, at the close of the war, had $1,800 worth of cotton. We welcomed to our home sick and wounded soldiers. We gave them all the dainties we could make, tenderly nursed them, and, as far as we could, replenished their ward- robes. We had yarn spun, and cloth woven, to make them clothes. I knitted undervests of homespun yam, also socks and comforters. In the summer of 1861, I asked the mothers and sisters whose sons and brothers belonged to Waxhaw Jackson Grey's company — Com- pany B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment — ^to assist me in getting a flag for the company. We got a beautiful silk flag, and I was selected to present it to the company July 4, 1861. My brother belonged to this company. The first year of the war, we had not learned what war meant to a country, nor what a soldier's life was. When we sent our loved ones to the army, we thought that they must have all the luxuries of home except the house, so we packed trunks with everything we could put in, that we thought a gentleman going on a pleasure camping trip ought to have ; and as we could not put a servant in a trunk, we sent him outside, to look after the trunk and its master. The two last years of the struggle, we learned what war meant, and how a soldier lived. One was considered well equipped who had shoes and clothing, though they were threadbare, or well patched, and not ragged ; a blanket, gun, and a canteen. 234 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. My brother, Thomas Cureton, who was captain of Company B, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, was wounded four times during the war. Once he was disabled for five months, and he was with us most of the time during his sickness, and what a comfort it was! My younger brother, Taylor Cureton, took fever at Peters- burg, Va., and was at one time very ill. I heard of his sickness one Saturday night. The next day, I went twenty-five miles alone in a carriage, with a colored man driving, to my uncle's plantation, to get him to go with me to my brother. We didn't get to Petersburg until Wednesday. Oh ! the dreadful suspense of those three days no one can ever realize unless they have had a similar experience ! I knew the regiment had left Petersburg, and my poor, sick brother left alone among strangers. It seemed that I would never get to him. I brought him home and nursed him for weeks. Long ere he was well, he would return to his regiment. It was always so with the Con- federate soldiers ; they felt that every man was needed at the front, and many died from returning to the army before they were well enough to bear the hardships and exposures of camp life. Thus the days, months and years passed wearily by, the remnant of our brave army fighting overwhelming numbers to protect us, and we praying, with hearts full of trouble and anxiety, and busy hands, trying to make food for the army and keep homes for those dear ones who would come to us when the cruel war would end. In February, 1865, came news that struck terror to every woman's heart, viz. : that Sherman, a cowardly monster in human form, was coming through our State. The few, very few, men (for the Yankees said we robbed the cradle and the grave to fight them) too old to join the army, tried to protect us by moving us out of that portion of the State through which he was passing. It was sad indeed to see frail women and little children camping out in cold, wet weather, risking their lives rather than meet the bluecoated fiends of Sherman's army. I was persuaded to start with a few friends, leaving my mother at home, as we then thought, with very devoted and faithful servants. In a few hours, I grew so uneasy about mother that I could not go any farther. I got a horse and rode twelve miles alone to get back home. That was a ride of terror to me. I was afraid to look before, for fear I should see a bluecoat. The joy that came into my mother's face when she saw me ride up to the door, I shall never forget. It more than repaid me for that dreadful ride. The life of the Confederacy was now drawing to a close. We still hoped, but it really seemed in vain to do so. I cannot describe Trials of a Confederate Officer's Wife. 235 my feelings when the news of Lee's surrender reached me. Otir cause was right, just, and noble. For it was not the question of slavery for which the brave men of the South poured out their life blood on the battlefields of Virginia, Tennessee, the Carolinas, and the States of the West. It was the right given us by our forefathers, in the Constitution of the United States of America, of separate State action. How reluctantly the Yankees acknowledged this ! Our fathers and brothers were brave patriots, fighting for their rights. This is the truth that every Southern mother should instill into the hearts and minds of her children, as did Jochebed teach the little Moses to love the Hebrew people and give his life for their freedom. God bless the memory of our dead Southern heroes, and may it ever be kept fresh in the hearts of their children in all the coming years. Mrs. Anna Cureton Stevens. The Trials of a Confederate Officer's IVife in I8O4. From the four years of our Confederate history I select a brief period of the last, the summer of 1864, as embracing some of my most trying experiences. My husband was the colonel of one of the four South Carolina regiments of infantry that belonged to the Western Army — ^the Twenty-fourth S. C. V. — regiments that did as hard fighting and lost as many gallant men as any four of the regi- ments of our State that followed the glorious banner of Lee, and were true and faithful soldiers to the last. I cannot restrain the promptings of my heart, and must mention the names of two heroes who belonged to that band of Carolinians in the Western Army, both of whom fell in the forefront of their brigades, dying, as said the gallant Gregg, "for South Carolina." The names of Brigadier-Generals States Righ'ts Gist and Clement H. Stevens, written by the women of Charleston in enduring brass, will never be forgotten by their children while the spirit of their State animates the hearts of their mothers. At the period of which I write Atlanta was invested by the army of General Sherman. To be near my husband, I had removed, with my little boy, then just three years old, to Oxford, near the Atlanta and Augusta Railroad, and forty miles from the besieged city. Here I had a comfortable house, and here I could receive letters or telegrams from my husband, and we thought ourselves 236 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. most fortunate in the arrangement. His letters had apprised me of the results of General Johnston's campaign, and of the battle of the 20th of July under General Hood. I was given fully to understand that Atlanta was in danger, and that hard fighting for it was before our army. We could hear the great guns occasionally, and now that the siege had commenced, my letters did not come, and I was in all the anxiety of constant suspense. Those only who have felt this anxiety know what it is. With nothing but the great fact ever before us, that any moment might record our deepest sor- row and loss, what had we to relieve our hearts but a sense of His protection, whose providence could cover the heads of our loved ones in the day of battle and deliver us from trouble. From my husband's letters I was encouraged to hope for the best. It was impossible for me to remove from the place where I was living, as our little daughter was but six days old. On this day, as I lay in bed, the only white adult in the house, a lady friend rushed into my chamber and exclaimed, "Mrs. Capers, the town is full of Yankees !" The famous raiders were indeed upon us ! I had no one with me but my nurse, Maria Wall, a faithful free colored woman from Charles- ton, two young servants, my little boy and babe. Vivid pictures of the cruelty to which so many of my countrywomen and their children had been subjected rose to my mind and agitated my heart. I felt almost overcome. One thing saved me — a powerful sense of God's omnipresence, and an almost immediate remembrance of an incident of which I had recently read in the wars of Napoleon. A cottage lay right in the path of his conquering army, the inmates of which consisted of an aged grandmother and her grandchildren. Dreading the approach of Napoleon's army, and trembling with apprehension, the aged Christian, at family prayers that night, had prayed that God would raise up a wall of defense for them against their dev- astating foe! This was the prayer of faith, but the young people ridiculed the prayer and told her that this was not the day of mira- cles. During the night, however, the snow fell heavily and drifted before the winds in great banks, so that the cottage was literally hidden from the highway by a "wall of snow," and the invader passed by ! This incident came to my mind with so much force that I felt strengthened for the terrible ordeal that was before me. Nothing, I felt, could harm me unless it was the will of my Heavenly Father, and if it was His will that I should be molested, it was my duty to submit. Trials of a Confederate Officer's Wife. 237 I was nerved to think what I had best do to save the huge flag of my husband's regiment, which he had sent me to work the names of battles on, and which hung from the staff in one corner of our chamber. I got the nurse to tear it from the staff, which she hid under the house, and, taking the flag from her hands, I folded it up and wrapped it around a little pillow, sewed one case over it, and slipped it in another in the usual way, and put the little pillow under my baby's head. I then concealed some pictures and little articles I valued about my person, but, finding I became feverish and over- excited, I determined to let everything else go, for I was looking for the soldiers to come in and rob the house every moment. My nurse saved our silver. This was her expedient: Taking it from a trunk in an adjoining shed-room, she put it into a carpetbag, mean- ing to bury it in the garden, but while in the act of leaving the room the soldiers entered the house. Hearing them, she threw the bag into a barrel containing some bran, and threw a number of old stockings and socks over them. One of the soldiers walked up to the barrel and took a pair of socks. The nurse pleaded with him to spare me the stockings, as they could be of no use to him. Her earnestness overcame him and, throwing back the old socks, he ran his hand round among them and turned away from the barrel, little dreaming what was hidden there. As soon as he left the room, Maria took the silver and concealed it more effectually. But for her activity and intelligent thoughtful- ness, all of it, including the valued and valuable gifts of our mar- riage, must have gone into the treasures of the raiders, for the trunk from which Maria took it was broken open and robbed of every- thing in it. The lady who brought me the news of the presence of the soldiers had promised to spend the night with me, but her heart failed her, and well it might. She resided in the family of a most excellent gentleman, a Methodist minister, the Rev. Walter Branham, whose house was immediately opposite ours. He promptly proposed that I should be brought over to his house for safety, and, accordingly, I was put into an easy chair and carried across the street, Maria bring- ing the baby, with her flag pillow, the house and its contents being surrendered to General Gerrard's soldiers, who made good use of their opportunity, breaking every trunk open and emptying them of their contents. At Mr. Branham's, I was put on a bed in a chamber on the first floor, the baby on another, and the excitement being intense, every 238 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. one rushed out to be absorbed in the scenes of disorder and confusion. As I lay on my bed, I heard the uproar of voices in the street and the passageway, the tramp of horses on the stone pavement of the yard leading to the smokehouse, the rude demands of the soldiers, and the pleadings of the ladies to be spared something for the family to live on. I feared every moment that the door would be forced open, and that these raiding soldiers would enter my room. Alone in the chamber with my baby, too weak to take her from the bed on which she was to my arms, and my heart beating at fever heat, I remembered my little boy Frank, and wondered where he was, for in the haste and confusion of my removal he had escaped from my chamber before I had time to tell him to remain. He was only three years old, and he might be trampled by the soldiers under their horses' feet ; or, for their amusement, they might have taken him up for a ride. I could not call to any one, and my only refuge was in prayer. Too weak to stir, and fearing the worst, I resigned my boy to God's holy keeping, and tried to compose my anxious heart. At this moment the door opened, my little son came running in, his face beaming with intense excitement, and exclaimed, "Ma! you know pa is come !" I cannot describe my feelings at this announce- ment. How could he escape capture, or death ! Every man capable 8f bearing arms was being seized, and resistance was death, for he must be the only Confederate soldier in the town ! Revolving these thoughts in hurried succession in my mind, the door again opened, and my husband entered the room, kissed me and the baby, hastily explained that he had just arrived; that the raiders had cut the railroad and torn up the track for miles; that the soldiers in town were only stragglers from Stoneman's com- mand ; that our cavalry were after them ; that to prevent capture, he and his faithful servant had left the cars, and had walked more than forty miles since the night before, and had been "dodging Yankees all the morning!" He told me that, learning from General Hardee that "Red Jackson" was in the track of Stoneman's raid, and taking advantage of the time when our army had fallen back to tlie trenches of Atlanta, he had obtained leave for a few days to remove me, if possible, to South Carolina. At this moment we were warned that a squad of cavalrymen were approaching the front door, and in another moment my husband was gone. He had arranged with Ben where he would be, and, going into a wood back of the house, he passed the night there, his faithful servant taking him a blanket and something to eat. Trials of a Confederate Officer's Wife. 239 Oh! the horrors of that night! When the morning came, my husband again entered the room and assured me that the cavalry were all gone. But how was I to get away from the town? Now that my removal seemed impossible, the perplexity of my husband, and his anxiety to return to his regiment, only made me feel more miserable. The baby grew sick and cried incessantly, and hourly alarms of "Yankees coming !" kept me fearfully nervous, for I knew not at what moment I might be apprised of my husband's capture or death. After four such days, Mr. Capers told me that he must either risk my removal or return to his command. We resolved on the risk. Ben was commissioned to pick up an old broken-down horse, left by the raiders, to take what was left to us, with our young servants, in a cart to Madison, and to wait for us there. Mr. Capers obtained a carriage from a kind friend who resided nine miles from Oxford, on our way to Madison, and, putting me into it, with our children and Maria, we bade adieu to our friends in Oxford, and I was driven safely to Mr. Graves', the kind old gentleman who had loaned us the carriage and invited us to stop at his home to rest. My baby was only ten days old, and it was evident that I could not go on to Madison. The delay was necessary to my life, but it made me more unhappy, for the Federal cavalry was reported within a few miles of us, being in retreat after their defeat and the capture of their general at Macon. The cavalry actually passed at night, and my husband again left me to escape capture; and again was I in dread of the presence of the soldiers in my chamber. After a few days of such anxiety of mind, we learned that the cars were now coming within five miles of us, and we determined to go on, for Mr. Capers told me he could not remain another day. But what were we to do for horses ? The retreating raiders had stripped the place of every available horse and mule, and left only poor, jaded and broken-down creatures in their places. Selecting a pair of these, Mr. Capers hitched them to the carriage, and again we were on the road. It was a terribly rough way, full of stumps, and great hills to climb. To reach the train for Augusta, it was necessary to drive fast, and the jolting at one time was fearful to endure! A thunder and rain storm coming up, the horses refused to pull on a steep hill, and the carriage commenced to descend the hill. Mr. Capers jumped down and held it, and, after working to no purpose with the horses, he took us out in the rain, forced the horses up the hill, carried me up and put me back on the pallet in the carriage. We 240 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. knew that all this was running a fearful risk of my life, but I had deliberately chosen it rather than be left in the country which my husband feared would be overrun by the Federal cavalry. We reached the railroad just in time to get on the train about starting for Augusta. At Madison, we took up Ben, who told us that the retreating raiders had robbed him of his money and of all he had to eat ; had "swapped" horses with him ; had again ransacked our effects, and that he had shipped the remnants on to Augusta. I cannot express my sense of relief, the power of hope, the feeling of restfulness, that came over me when, as we left Madison, Mr. Capers told me all danger of his capture was now over, and that we would be in South Carolina by morning. Arriving at Kalmia, near Aiken, very early the next morning, my ever kind uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yeadon, were waiting to greet us. I was made as comfortable as the tenderest love and kindness could make me, and at three o'clock I bade farewell to my husband, who took the train for Augusta and returned to his regiment, leaving Ben to rest a few days, and to bring him tidings from me. My nerves were shattered. The reaction came, and I was fearfully prostrated. But for the loving care of my sister Eliza, and my ever kind aunt, I must have died. Every emotion that can stir the heart had kept me up under the excitement of hourly dangers, but now that I was safe under the roof of affection, my bodily weakness made itself felt. The mails were interrupted, and I could not hear from Atlanta, except that the city was closely besieged, and that our gallant men were falling daily in the trenches. This burden of anxiety which I was now to bear in my weakness none can ever know but those of my Southern sisters with whom I shared it in common. The remainder of the summer of 1864 was passed at Kalmia, and in the fall I went to my mother's plantation, "Cherry Grove," in the upper part of Charleston District, to spend the winter. Atlanta had fallen, and my husband was now with General Hood on his unfor- tunate Tennessee campaign. Early in December, I received, by tele- gram, intelligence of his being severely wounded in the Battle of Franklin, where so many of our soldiers gave their lives for the Con- federacy — and among them the able and gallant Brigadier-General Gist. The army of General Sherman was investing Savannah, and it became apparent that our low country would be overrun by the enemy. Arrangements were being made by my mother to remove Trials of a Confederate Officer's Wife. 241 from the plantation, and before they were perfected, my husband arrived from the West, badly wounded and worn down from the long journey. He decided to take me to the up-country of our State, and as soon as he could travel, we went to Charleston, and thence to Columbia. A friend had imported successfully through the blockade supplies of provisions from Habana, and offered to share with us if we would go up to Spartanburg; and this decided our destination. We re- mained in Columbia until it was announced that General Sherman's army was approaching the city, and were among those who left on a crowded train, probably the last to leave from the Charlotte depot before the arrival of Sherman. It was intensely cold, the freight car in which we were being without doors, and crowded with people. My baby was very unwell and fretful, my husband too lame to be of much use to me, and my head throbbing with a violent sick head- ache ! We could get no milk for the baby, and some kind ladies fed her with bread and water. Our route was to Blackstock, then by stage across to the Spar- tanburg and Union Railroad. The journey was terrible to con- template in such weather. Arrived at night at Blackstock, there was but one room for the accommodation of every one, black and white, with no chairs, and no bed. A lady from Spartanburg had a lounge mattress which she kindly put at my disposal. I was too sick to hold my head up, and most thankfully rested on this mattress in one corner of this crowded room. The next day, we crossed Broad River and took the train for Spartanburg, where we arrived in safety, and were most kindly welcomed and cared for by our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chapin, until my husband could make arrangements for our living. A cottage was taken together with a brother soldier, Capt. C. C. Chichester, and we arranged to live together, my husband thinking it fortunate that he could leave me in good hands when he returned to his command. Nothing worthy of note occurred here except our visit from the brigade of the Federal General Palmer immediately after the surrender of our armies. At Oxford, near Atlanta, I had not seen a single soldier, though they were in the same house with me. Now that they were riding into Spartanburg, I was intensely excited, for we had not heard of the arrangement between Generals Johnston and Sherman, by which hostilities had ceased east of the Mississippi River. My knees trem- bled with excitement. I walked out into the piazza to witness their approach, and to make the best of it. 16 242 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. The sight of those soldiers changed my feelings and fired me with indignation. I realized for the first time how men could fight with zest in a war like ours. All my fear left me, and, ridiculous as it now seems, I felt an impulse, hard to suppress, to hurl defiance at the whole of them. Captain Chichester, with whom my husband had rented our cottage, was too much disabled from his wound, re- ceived at Battery Wagner, to rejoin his command, and we were now under his protection. To secure us from harm, he invited two officers to make their quarters in our house. One of these officers, an Ohio man, asked my little boy to come and sit by him. This was too much for my indignation to stand, and I promptly forbade his complying with the request. I had fully purposed not to speak to, or be spoken to by, these officers, but my resolution was overcome when the Ohio man said to Captain Chichester, "I would like to talk this whole matter over with you, but it would seem mean, now that we have whipped you." "I would be ashamed," I said, "to mention it, since you have taken four years, with the help of every nation under the sun, to crush, not to whip, a handful of Confederate soldiers." He looked amazed, made no reply, and resumed his talk with Captain Chichester. I astonished him again at supper. He remarked that he admired "the pluck of Southern women," and said if he were not a married man he would like to marry one of them. I could not keep quiet, and, in spite of my resolution not to open my mouth to these officers, I exclaimed, boiling over with indigna- tion, "And what Southern woman do you suppose would marry a Yankee?" The other officer, a lieutenant from Massachusetts, looked daggers at me; but the Ohio captain, who was evidently a gentleman, behaved very well. Palmer's Brigade did not remain long in Spartanburg. The gen- eral, as we learned, was in pursuit of President Davis; and it was with great satisfaction I saw our Ohio and Massachusetts protectors leave the cottage. This is but the record of a few facts. It tells not of the long pri- vation of wholesome food which our families endured; and of the pain we suffered in seeing our little ones languish and die for the sheer want of proper nourishment and comforts ; of the heartaches which telegrams and letters brought in from Virginia and from the West; of the sad bereavements which befell us in the loss of those we loved most dearly; of the ruin of our homes, and the wreck of our property; of the grief and disappointment which defeat and surrender brought. Here I leave the record. I write with no The Last Bazar. 243 bitterness, and without the feeling of resentment which I once felt at the bare mention of the events I have referred to. The sense of duty done, and the knowledge of God's providence overruling all things have brought peace and quiet to my heart, and many blessings have come to my life to make me feel abundant gratitude to Him who is the God and Father of us all, and whose sovereign will orders all things well. Charlotte Palmer Capers, Wife of General Ellison Capers, afterwards Bishop of South Caro- lina. The Last Bazar. A young soldier on furlough passed through the streets of Colum- bia on the 26th of January, 1865. When he reached the State House, he entered the open portals, and, mounting the stairs, passed into the Hall of Representatives. The midday sun streams in through the red-draped windows. In front of the entrance is the Speaker's desk, canopied with gray moss ; the delicate tendrils over- hang it, and give a fairy lightness to the structure, increased by garlands of evergreens, flowers and vines which decorate the white pillars by which it is upheld. From among these shine out, in letters of gold : "A tribute to our sick and wounded soldiers." From this center extended a half-circle of booths, each marked by the shield of one of the Confederate States, the lady in charge being, in most instances, from the State designated. Each held equal rights, and exercised her own ingenuity in making the booth attractive. The variety was wonderful — green garlands every- where; the rich embroidery of a white crepe shawl, caught in with tiny Confederate flags, which had run the blockade ; groups of gaily dressed dolls which, on inspection, proved to be of cloth or paste- board in tissue paper ; flowers closely watched in the garden till they opened their hearts to serve the soldier. But, besides many make-ups, there were many articles of intrinsic value. Much had been received from over the waters; and much had been sent from depleted stores of hquseholds where there was ever willingness to spare a blanket, some yards of calico or flannel, .a. pair of shoes, home-knit socks and stockings, and homespun. , As the young soldier glanced around that semi-circle, he recog- nized, among the cheery matrons and girls, many whom he knew 244 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. to be bereft of home and fortune. Columbia had been for some time the city of refuge for the women and children of other States which had been subjected to the horrors of war. Elegance of bearing in plainest of attire there was in plenty in this assemblage in the State House of South Carolina. There was youth, beauty, joyous laughter, fuss, feathers, and fun. Our soldier, Frank Elden, sees his Cousin Nellie coming across the hall, with her hands full of small wares and strips of colored ribbons; he draws away from her sight as she nears the Virginia table, next to which he stands, under the gallery. "See!" she says to the starry-eyed matron in charge, "I've suc- ceeded; give me the book to make an entry. Here are four pen- knives, two four-bladed knives, ten papers of pins — now this box of hairpins must be divided up, six in a parcel — and — oh ! Mrs. Ches- nut, look at these sugarplums ! Only one box. Aren't they lovely ! Two almonds and two creams, to be tied in the papers stamped with the Confederate flag, did you say was enough ? My gracious !" she exclaimed, as she lifted the dainty bits from their nest. " 'Tis like drawing her eye-teeth to get these blockade goods from Mrs. Snowden." Mrs. Chesnut laughs. "Virginia appreciates the spirit that re- signs individual rights when a common interest demands it; so go and ask Mrs. Snowden if she wants some eggs. The supply from Camden is more than I need." Nellie leaves the booth as Frank puts himself in range of her vision. She comes rushing toward him with a glad cry. His first inquiry is : "Where is Alice ?" "Oh, you can't see her just now. She is in the Louisiana restau- rant, giving breakfast to the officers who are on their way to Beaure- gard; they have only till the next train leaves, and Mrs. Slocum has put Alice and one of the Goodwyn girls to serve them." "How long do you suppose that breakfast will last, Nell ?" "As long as they will eat. The length of time depends upon their capacity. They have been living on rancid bacon and moldy hard- tack for weeks, and on nothing at all for the last twenty-four hours. That is the kind we love to serve, and see them enjoy the best we have. And how they rave over real coffee !" She leaves him to deliver Mrs. Chesnut's message. On her return Frank says : "Nellie, that last letter of yours played the mischief with my peace of mind; till Alice's letter set all straight, I was jealous enough to have killed Harry Heyward." The Last Bazar. 245 They saunter around the hall, pausing at the booths as Nell points out distinctive features in each. "See this baby house; isn't it beau- tiful ? The handiwork of Dr. Julian Chisolm ; as skilful in making doll furniture as he is at the Wayside Hospital, healing wounds." Frank tries to keep up with the keen interest of his cousin, but he is longing for the moment when Alice's guests shall be seated. "You haven't seen the crepe shawl given to the bazar by Mrs. Joe John- ston. We had a live calf given to our table; as we can't serve it whole, we mean to raffle it. Won't you take a chance?" Their course is frequently broken into by the girls who flit about, robin redbreasts, with white caps. They give Frank joyous greet- ing, and make him take chances on baby dresses, berry spoons, and grabs from bags, which bring up horns of popcorn and peanut candy; but one grab brings him recompense; he recognizes the to- bacco bag as a piece of one of Alice's well-remembered silk gowns. Reaching the booth on the right of the Speaker's desk, Nellie pauses and says : "No woman here ever passes this spot without paying homage to those Paris bonnets. All admire, but none buy. What could we do with that lovely pink velvet, or that blue, with ostrich plumes, gowned, as we are, in calico, homespun or woolens of four years' wear?" While inspecting the bonnets, Frank and Nell overheard a warm discussion between the lady of this and the matron of the adjoining booth. Designating the spot with a majestic sweep of the hand, the first said: "Indeed, this space is not common property. Louisiana is taking more than belongs to her." "That is as it ought to be," answered the Louisiana lady, standing on her border with arms full of bundles, ready to be lodged on the disputed territory, "when she has more than Carolina has to show ; said Carolina being dreadfully stuck up with Paris bonnets and blockade goods ! She does just what she pleases to, anyway." Louisiana withdraws into her boundaries, but not before the South Carolina lady remarks : "Well, South Carolina didn't choose any of the best places, and if she does choose to be stuck up in a corner, she doesn't intend to be hemmed in, and if you don't infringe upon her rights she will never meddle with yours." Nell enjoys the spat between her elders, and answers to Frank's question: "What part do you take in this affair?" "Everything by turns. I pick up news mostly for the 'Night Blooming Cereus,' the bazar paper published by Virginia. Tonight I'll have in it that funny dispute on States' rights." 246 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Suddenly turning, Frank meets the stare of a great wax doll. "Why, Nell! Where did this come from? All the finery of the country seems collected on this child." "A wonderful doll ! I would be envious of its silk and lace if not so grateful for its safe arrival. It braved the whole United States fleet, and the swamp angel besides, to be present at the bazar." Familiar voices call his attention. In the doorway of a committee room stand two sisters — Mrs. Isabella and Mrs. Amie Snowden. They take each a hand of the young soldier, and he stands linked with the genius that brought forth the bazar. The younger lady — "Miss Amie," as everybody called her — from her girlhood had taken part in works of charity and patriotism. Among the very last to serve the Confederate soldier, her voice was the first raised after the war in behalf of a home for Confederate widows and orphans. "Now, Bella," said Miss Amie to her sister, "be sure you give Frank a cup of Mrs. Huger's cafe au lait — made by her own hands, Frank, in the very coffee pot Mr. Huger brought years ago from France." Then she reads a number of notes handed to her. "Oh, my ! how am I to manage everything ? Here, Bella, is a letter about those Calhoun bonds that I have sewed in the lining of my frock, and another to say there is a trunk from Liverpool in Charleston awaiting my orders ; and Dr. Chisolm wants brands ; and there is a box of eggs at the Greenville depot and two muttons at the other. I'll take Mrs. Singleton's carriage — but, Nell, you girls must eat. Eat chicken salad, if you can cut around Ellen Elmore. She is at the Texas table, but Carolina feeds from Texas, and she won't let you girls have it if the supply is low." Nell finds Alice and secures an interview for' her cousin. Leaving them, she encounters the gaze of a handsome man, whose figure is well set off by a new uniform. He accosts her abruptly : "The bazar seems little patronized by military men." "Of course not ; they are at the front, which I judge you have not visited lately," looking at his fresh uniform. "Perhaps not; I have been walking the streets of your beautiful city for some days, and I'll not forget its handsomest residences." "It is lovely ; I wish we could entertain visitors as we used to." "Yes, I've heard of Columbia's hospitality, and some day I shall partake of it. Now my friends here are few, but in a short time I shall have lots of them." "In Hampton's command, I suppose ?" He did not answer, but is deeply interested in all that she tells him of the city, its prominent Experiences During the Civil War. 247 people and their homes. Nell has forgotten her suspicions of his being a sneak or a quartermaster, when they return in full force with his next words : "This gayety is ill-timed. It is like Nero fiddling while Rome was burning." "We have smiles for our men; our tears are for ourselves." "Your self-control is wonderful," he replied, sneeringly, "when you know that the Confederacy is at its last gasp, and Sherman is almost here." Nell flashes her eyes upon him. "Thinking this, your duty is out- side of the city, to guard it." A cynical expression passed over his countenance. "My duty is here, though it subjects me to the sharpness of a woman's tongue." Anger leaps into her eyes. "And to being taken for a well- whipped man, or perhaps — a spy." His face turned white, and he hurried' away. She saw him several times talking with Eugenia Goodwyn, after which the mysterious stranger was not seen again in the State House bazar. Several days later, a New York Herald, which came by under- ground railway, was received in Columbia. It contained a graphic description of the bazar, and among the beauties was mentioned Eugenia Goodwyn and her glossy curls. The 17th of February, Sherman was in Columbia. Grace Elmore. Experiences During the Civil "War. I went to the depot the day before Columbia was burned — on the 1 6th of February. My father and mother went with me; but as I got on the train, I looked back and saw mother all alone, so I got out and went back home. After we got home, it wasn't very long before they began shelling the city. The shells were falling so that we got a stage and horses and hitched up and started out towards the sand hills, got as far as the Hopsons, where we thought that would be far enough, so we went in and asked them if we could stay in the yard. They said no, but we must come in the house; spent part of the next night there and about four went back home. The next morning the Yankees came in. The delegation that went to meet them was composed of Mr. McKenzie, Mayor Goodwyn, Mr. Bates, and Mr. Stork. Mr. Stork is the only one living. These went to the bridge to meet the Union forces, carrying a flag of 248 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. truce, and surrendered the city, and asked for protection, which was promised. Our house was Janney's Hotel, on the corner where the Jerome Hotel used to be. It was about eleven o'clock when the Union forces got into the city. People asked for guards ; my father asked for guards to protect his property, and they gave them to him, but they did no good. The negroes were demoralized. Colonel Stone came and took up his quarters at our house, and as nearly every one had left, father invited Colonel Stone in to tea with us; We were sitting at the tea table when the fire alarm was rung ; some one told Colonel Stone, and he said he would go and see ; he got up and went out. We never saw him after that. Among the guards, we had one named Allen. This young man told father he was of a Quaker family (father, being a Quaker, was opposed to the war). Allen did his best to protect everything he could. When the house was nearly falling in, we went to the Hitch- cocks. While there, Colonel Cohen, from Augusta, came and sat by me the whole evening, and protected me. While sitting on the Hitchcock steps, the guard Allen came to me and said if there was anything he could bring to me from the house he would do so. I told him I wanted a trunk and shawl, told him where he would find them, and, to my surprise, he brought them. While the place was burning, my parents stayed to see if they could save something. Two of our servants were helping, when two Yankees came in the room and seized father, one on either side, and tried to wrest his watch and chain from him ; but he proved to be more than a match for them, and saved it. They saved a great quantity of provisions, about fifty barrels of flour, twenty-four of sugar, several tierces of rice, and hogsheads of molasses, and numbers of boxes of candles. All of this the Yankees took, immediately he had piled it in the middle of the street. When father said to them, "It cannot be pos- sible that you are going to take all of my provisions, and leave my family to starve," one of them said, "Oh ! no ; we'll give you some." They did give him some rice, flour and molasses, and three sides of bacon. This was divided among our fellow sufferers until we had barely enough to last till father could get supplies from Alston. The piano was saved. The Yankees danced over it, but it was not seri- ously injured ; it was carried into the Lumsdens' house ; we have the piano now. Near midnight, father and mother came for me and said that I must come with them; they had gotten two omnibuses from a stableman, who wanted father to save the horses, who told him to take the omnibuses and put his trunks between the seats ; so we did Experiences During the Civil War. 349 that, and rolled up the beds, etc., and put them in also; saved four featherbeds, four mattresses, etc. As we got in the omnibuses, one of the Yankee colonels rode up and asked where we were going. Father said, "I don't know where." The colonel said, "If you go with me, I'll take care of you ; you can go to camp." Father said he would go. Colonel Maddox called up an orderly and told hinj to take us to camp, and tell the general that Colonel Maddox sent them. We went to the camp, and the soldiers tried to steal everything ; the orderly had to drive them away by main force. The camp_ was at Fisher's millpond. The orderly told the officer that Colonel Maddox had sent us, and they treated us well. They offered us (father and mother) wine, coffee, and crackers; but I wouldn't touch a thing ; father and mother gladly accepted the coffee. We stayed there until some time in the morning ; we lay down in the omnibus with our clothes on. The next day, they told us that the regiment had to move. The colonel said he would take us back to town; told father to select a place — any place he wanted — and he would see that he had it. Father said the only place he had a right to go was the Methodist Female College — ^he had given a good deal of money to it. The place was full; we had the use of the dining hall; we stayed there until the following Thursday — about a week. The officers were very kind to father all that week; they came back to see that he was not disturbed. They were Orderly Davis Terrell, Surgeon J. W. Hostetter, and Colonel Maddox. At the end of the week, Caroline Randall, a colored woman (Joe Randall, her husband, was given $5,000 for informing about the in- surrection in Charleston), came to us. She owned two or three houses between the Lumsdens' and the Roses' Hotel. The Buists and the Lambs lived in the colored woman's house; they had left before Columbia was burned ; they left their furniture, and Caroline came to father and begged him to move in the house where the Buists had lived; said she didn't want any money; all she wanted was protection. We went there, and carried our belongings ; were there about two months, until the ferry was built ; and then we went to Mr. Leaphart's father's and stayed there. Before we left the college, the omnibuses were taken away from us. Some one brought an order for the horses, and emptied everything we had out; they carried some people North in the omnibuses. The man that went North lost nothing; his house was not burned ; but they had relatives there, and went to them. 250. South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. I carried money in my shoes — two twenty dollar gold pieces, one in each shoe. The day Columbia was burned, I said I was going to take a bath and put on clean clothes, so I would be ready for what- ever happened. Father brought me the money, and I took off my shoes and put the money in them. Had my clothes on for a whole week. The Yankees were just as gentlemanly as rough men could well be. At,the Hitchcocks, the rabble tried to come up on the steps, but Colonel Cohen told them he would knock their brains out if they didn't stay away. My father's bookkeeper — Mr. Schuler — came back from the war ; he lost his leg, and was unfit for service ; he also sat by me, with Colonel Cohen, and helped protect me. I didn't see any bad behavior. I remember when Hampton left Columbia. It was in the morning before the Yankees came in. Also remember when the cotton was burned; saw the people running with the engines; the Yankees cut the hose; they prowled around and looked into everything. Our best things had been sent to Charlotte ; but few things were saved out of the house — an armchair, looking-glass, and piano. There were about one hundred and twenty sleeping rooms in the hotel. Father had corn, flour, etc., stored at Alston, where the train had been wrecked. He got a wagon and brought down several loads. Mrs. Mary Janney Leaphart. Tmto Ecttiipages. In the year of unblessed memory to Carolinians, there stood on the outskirts of Columbia a residence of broad white front, with a colonnade springing up from arches, well set back from the public road, in grounds ornamented with forest trees, magnolias and flower beds. On the left of the house grew a red oak, under the shade of which the family children of several generations had located their doll village, where they passed the sunny hours of the days, as was the general Southern custom, watched and checked by the "maumers," who, placidly stitching their own work, sat by, on guard, so that nothing dangerous or unseemly might come into the children's play of the game of life and village visiting tattle. Under this same oak took place an interview which was the his- torical finale of views taken by the owner of a toy which had for many years been a treasure to Mrs. Elmore, the lady of the mansion, and an appanage well known in Columbia. Colonel Elmore, in a late year of his life, had superintended the building of a light vehicle, to Two Equipages. 251 suit a pair of tiny marsh tackeys ; and this personal equipage of his widow was ever regarded with a species of reverence by the daugh- ters of the household; the great family compliment was conferred when one of them was invited to a seat in this phaeton with their mother. Many tackeys had dragged that carriage, and the last pair of the series had made their exit some weeks before the 17th of Feb- ruary, 1865, being retired, for safe keeping, to the plantation in York District. ********* There was a chariot of very different dimensions, style and majesty in the city. Columbians called it "the Boozer glass case." The summer evening dissipation of Columbians before the war was the drive — and soda water. Old ladies went out in demure caps, and the girls appeared bareheaded. The coachmen knew, with- out orders, that they were to draw up in front of the druggists' stores, from which the waiters dashed, tray in hand, with the foaming beverage. I remember an old lady of unmitigated right- mindedness who always called for pepper, sassafras and ginger. She said she liked to put together profit and pleasure ! Later in the season, the heads of the girls were covered with gay hats. Light wraps added tints to the picture, which made the heart of the wayfarer give thanks that Youth was a part of Life. The Boozer coach, with the glass windows partly folded back on hinges, "exploited" a rare vision. A mother and daughter — Mrs. Feaster and Marie Boozer — the one rich, dark in coloring and cos- tume, the other (occupying the whole front seat) a girl of golden hair, rose shades, blue orbs, healthy, poised, delicious, pressing into the soft cushions, wrapped in ciel blue and swansdown, leghorn hat, from which the white plumes fell, curling under upon the white and pink throat. It was an angel's seeming — and she, beautiful as Venus, the goddess of the chariot. 'P ^ fiV* 'l^ ^ ^ *!* *!* *i* These scenes are changed. Pale tints of tenderness and peace give place to fierce, lapping, red flames of burning cotton bales, charring homes, and toppling chimneys. Sherman was entering the town. Mrs. Elmore walked down the stone steps of her dwelling, and on through a crowd of terrified people for a mile, to seek General Sherman. A number of old men, women and children had come to her home, fearing the bombard- ment, and Mrs. Elmore hastened to secure protection from the in- coming army. 252 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. General Sherman rode several blocks after turning into the Main street with his forces. Mrs. Elmore took her stand at a comer, watching her chance. She reached over the shoulders of the crowd, and with her umbrella touched the foot of the "great enemy." He looked towards her and, answering her request for a guard, said, "I will see you at headquarters." In telling of this, an irresistible flash of fun sprang into the haughty face of the lady as she said, "And it was a cotton umbrella I poked him with." We all know the ignominy a cotton umbrella bore in days of yore. General Sherman was scarcely at the house of Blanton Duncan before Mrs. Elmore also was there. He recalled politely enough having met a gentleman of her name in Washington, and promised to send a guard. Mrs. Elmore replied, "I will wait for them." The general smiled, and ordered a lieutenant to see to the detail ; and Mrs. Elmore marched out of town at the head of the men, a long crepe veil hanging to her feet behind her deep poke bonnet. Good and civil the men proved. The second day of the occupation, the city was given over to pillage. From an upper window, Grace Elmore saw the pony car- riage being dragged off by men, through the lane from the stables to the road which ran along in front of the grounds towards Cam- den — the memorable road by which our army preceded the Yankees — just to the spot where Mrs. Elmore gave to Gen. M. C. Butler a sword of General Leonidas Polk, which Mrs. Polk left in the house when on her way after the death of her husband. The carriage was going, and within it was moving flour, bacon — everything the men could stow away inside — and on the top, with tied legs, jerking heads, and sad eyes — sad as those beholding them from the upstairs window — were the turkeys, geese, and chickens — every one. The trees intercepted the view; but other conveyance must have been at the road, for the contents never reappeared in the yard, though the carriage was left at the bridge over the drain, and was rehauled by Horace and Billy, the house boys, to the red oak tree, where had flourished the baby town of ante-bellum times. Yet a day ! — and Mrs. Elmore saw a second grip upon her treasure. She went to the dining-room to speak to a guard. He was lying upon the sofa where her sacred head was wont to rest. He asked if she had had her coffee. "No," replied the lady ; "it is months since we have used coffee." "Then you shall have some now," said the kindly young fellow, springing to the table. Mrs. Elmore says, "He Two Equipages. 253 didn't even wash the cup he had been drinking from, either, and the coffee was hot ; but I wanted him to save my carriage, and I drank to the dregs." He did his best, but the detail had the order of (I think, General Howard) for a "light carriage." He seemed particular! One must understand that choice of vehicles was limited just then: most of any sort were on the road — gone off on private travels, heavy with old men, feeble women, babies, flour, hominy, candles, sauce- pans, as many and as much of such things as make up a home, chucked and filled in with despair and anxiety and suffering — and strange consternation. ********* "That is my carriage," said Mrs. Elmore, on reaching the tree. "What are you doing with it?" "We want it for a good Union lady," said No. i. "Then you do not want it for any one you will find here," said Mrs. Elmore. "Oh ! yes ; we've got two loyal ladies, and we've got to have a carriage for them to go along with us," spoke No. 2. "But that is my carriage," persisted Mrs. Elmore, "and your loyal ladies have no business with it. If you have any Union ladies, you must have brought them with you." "No, we didn't; they've been here all the time," replied the soldier. So they had been, and hiding a spy in their home, under the shadow of the State House. Meanwhile the vehicle was being gotten ready for departure. Then the owner asked a question. She says she fixed what she meant to be an eloquent eye upon the marauder and asked, "Young man, have you a mother ?" He looked at her saucily, but respectfully, and replied, "Yes, ma'am — a nice, sweet looking old lady, just like you." She laughed, and recognized how small a thing is self in face of universal calamity. "The carriage must go," said the guard — the fortune of war. It went, but whether Mrs. Feaster and Marie Boozer went in it I cannot tell. But they also went, and must have enchanted those amongst whom they settled. We heard they got $10,000 for burnt cotton which they never owned. Miss Boozer made a rich marriage, much world-wide reputation — of a sort — a second real marriage with Count Portales. And the glass coach was sent by the Mayor — Dr. Goodwyn — in exchange for that little carriage. For years it remained in the carriage house, big as a boat cabin, and useless as any big thing which cannot fit to a small need. A daughter of the house married and moved to Fort Motte. One winter, a faithful adherent of her husband's arrived at the old man- sion with two animals. "1 come for de Boozer," he announced. Hitching up his mismatched, scrawny horses, with patched reins. 254 South Carolina Women in The Confederacy. himself arrayed in old boots and dilapidated military vesture, he drove to the door. We heard him murmur from the high seat of dignity, "Now, I tell you, if Miss Rosa 'spects me to git up here, wid all de winds whistlin' 'round, she got to find me a overcoat some- whar." The humor was, where was the possible "whar"? Later the car of Venus fell from its high estate, and was used for hauling between the station and home. In after years, the material still reappeared in sundry carts, wagons, etc., till all its usefulness followed its glories into nothingness. Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Personal Experiences "^vitli SKerman's Army at Liberty Hill. My Dear Children : What I write today seems more a dream than a reality of thirty-five years ago. In fact, it seemed then a dream that we were passing through. As you know, I was married November 24, 1864; and your father, being retired on account of the unhealed wound in his arm, that he received while carrying the flag at the Battle of Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862, he was placed on duty in the quartermaster's department in Charleston, and we lived at your grandfather's plantation, old "Gallant Hill," twenty miles from Charleston. He would go in town every morning at five o'clock, returning at five in the afternoon. The whole country was in a most unsettled condition, and we had become reconciled to the war continuing this way for ten years, or longer. One day we had reports of a victory ; the next day of disaster to our scantily clothed and poorly fed soldiers. Prisoners were often carried by the plantation gates, and your dear grandmother was often terrified at the thought of some of them escaping and entering the house. When your father left us at 5 a. m., we would busy ourselves knitting and sewing for the soldiers, helping to make Confederate coffee of potatoes, cut in little squares, dried, parched, and ground ; and Confederate candles of myrtle wax, until he returned at 5 p. m. for dinner. The evenings were spent by glowing pine-knot fires, in exchanging the hopes and disappointments of the day. One after- noon he came in with a look of anxious distress on his face, and told me to pack my trunks, ready to leave by the next train. Sherman was marching through Georgia ; South Carolina would soon be invaded ; Charleston was to be evacuated, and everything to be destroyed; the enemy had threatened to lay the city in ashes and sow it in salt. We must leave for a place of safety; must try and get up to your Experiences With Sherman at Liberty Hill. 255 Grandfather Bouknight's plantation, on Saluda River, fifty miles above Columbia. We took the train at Mt. Holly, a small station on the N. E. R. R. My six trunks and four servants were hurried on in great confusion, for all the plantations were unsafe, and every one trying to get away. At Strawberry, the conductor put all our servants off, to give place to soldiers. I told Frances, the oldest woman, to find her way back to the plantation, and take my room and contents into her possession, if I never saw her again, as the Yankees were destroying everything in their march. At Florence, the confusion and crowd was terrible; conflicting rumors flying everywhere; trains running all night; soldiers hurried from place to place. When we reached Kingville, there was a long wait, and we did not realize the condition or the cause until we saw a great red glare in the sky towards Columbia. Sherman had reached Co- lumbia, and the city was burning. The railroad was all torn up between Kingville and Columbia, and we must find a way to get around and above Columbia before Sherman and his army left. Miss Fanny DeSaussure and father, and the two Misses Drayton, were with me in the depot at Kingville. We all looked in dismay on the fire of burning Columbia, and felt a horror at the thought of Sherman and his cruel army being there. The railroad being torn up, we could go no farther in that direction, but must find a way to get above Columbia and strike the C. C. & A. R. R. at Blackstock, and cross the country to reach the home of your Grandfather Bouk- night's, which I had left not three months before as a bride. We took the train for Camden, and saw one of the most gorgeous sunsets on the way; once there, we found a small hotel that could barely feed the hungry people on the piazzas. We all sat around a table in the little parlor, with dimly lighted tallow candles on it, and asked each other what was best to do. When we went to our room, fatigue and anxiety struggled, until finally we fell asleep under difficulties, and awoke early in the morning to make hurried preparations for the day's journey, not knowing where it would end. A two-horse wagon was secured (all other vehicles, carriages, buggies, and everything on ' wheels, had been driven out of town by people seeking places of safety), for the baggage — my six trunks and a few others belonging to the men of the party, who were wounded soldiers on furlough, and trying to reach their families in the up-country. Only one woman — myself — was the safeguard, for the men said wherever your father went they would go, and be safe; and their chance to go through Sherman's army, or surround it, would be 256 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. sure if they followed Mr. Poppenheim and his wife. Now, after thirty-five years, I can recall the names of five of the men, viz. : Dr. R. A. Kinloch, Dr. Aimar, Captain Atkinson, Mr. Wm. Steinmyer, and a Mr. King ; one man servant — Adam — and one woman servant — Rachel — who stood faithfully by me under the most trying cir- cumstances, in the midst of Sherman's army. The trunks were piled in the wagon, and I was seated one one of the trunks, and Rachel, the maid, near me. How queer I felt, riding through the streets of Camden, seated on a trunk in a wagon ! We traveled all day, cheering each other as best we could, the men walking and taking turns to rest themselves in the wagon. At nighty we came to a deserted plantation house, with comforts and con- veniences enough to give us a good night's rest. The family had hastily taken their flight, on hearing Sherman was burning Co- lumbia. Here we made ourselves comfortable for the night. One of the party, a blockade runner, presented me with a five-pound package of green tea, which made a deep and lasting impression, as I had not tasted a cup of "bought tea" for a year. It was stored carefully away in one of my trunks, amongst my valuables, and a few days later was stolen by the Yankee who plundered my trunk and carried the tea off as valuable "booty." The baby's empty carriage in that deserted home told its pathetic story. As we approached the old plantation home, a grand and glorious sunset spread out before us, giving pleasure and a topic of conver- sation to the thoughts of many; to me it seemed a harbinger of joy and protection, a promise of safety; and I slept sweetly, dreaming the everlasting arms were still around us. The morning came, bright, balmy and beautiful. I was happy, full of hope, and con- fident all would be well. I mounted my seat in the wagon as if I were going on a drive with a gay party in a coach, with four-in- hand. I had my world, my joy, my protector, by my side ; and there was no fear of danger, no dread of fatigue. The above was written from memory, after thirty-five years ; and today I find an old diary, from which I copy : "February 16, 1865. — Leave Mt. Holly an exile; everything left; nine o'clock at Florence ; great excitement ; everything in confusion. The question, must we go to Wilmington, then to Goldsboro, Charlotte and Winnsboro and then to Newberry, or go to King- ville and risk getting through Columbia, is being eagerly discussed when the glorious news reaches Florence that we have fought and Experiences With Sherman at Liberty Hill. 257 defeated Sherman at Columbia and at Kingville ; so we go the King- ville route. Leave Florence at half-past eleven o'clock at night, travel all night, arrive at Kingville at 5 a. m. "Friday, February 17th.— The prospect not cheering to go to Co- lumbia. General Qayton is camped here ; hundreds of soldiers and negroes light the place with their campfires ; couriers from Colum- bia bring very discouraging news; Sherman shelling the city, and every one leaving in confusion; much uncertainty which is safest, Wilmington or Camden; at Kingville, old Mr. DeSaussure, his daughter — Miss Fanny — the Misses Drayton, and their father, were in the party. At 2.30 p. m., we leave Kingville for Camden ; a blind musician on board adds to the novelty and excitement as we ride through a beautiful country; and many on the cars are attracted to a most magnificent view of sunset. Arrive at Camden at 6.30 p. m. ; the depot half-mile from the town ; the party go in search of a con- veyance, and I feel very lonely in this quiet depot, with a package of over one hundred thousand dollars on my lap. At Florence, Christie introduced me to Capt. I. A. Atkinson, who immediately joined us; and tonight Mr. Charles Steinmyer also joins us, and all try to get one conveyance to carry us to Blackstock, on the Charlotte and Columbia Railroad; Christie in search of a convey- ance; Messrs. Atkinson and Steinmyer attending to baggage; I am alone, with only Rachel, in the depot. Mr. Atkinson goes with me to the stage and gets our baggage, on the way to the hotel. The Draytons also stop at Robertson's Hotel with us, and we have a quiet, pleasant time before retiring. Have a miser- able, small, poorly ventilated room to stay in, so we are up early. Am trying to get off. 'At 10.15 a. m., we leave Camden, I having a most comfortable seat that Mr. Atkinson took great pains to prepare for me; take my first view of a beautiful country from a wagon. Camden is a lovely little town, with considerable wealth. The long, long road to Liberty Hill has few houses to relieve the monotony; but most beautiful scenery on both sides of the Wateree River. We wind along the bends of the river and in view of the water for many miles ; at last we near Liberty Hill and, through the kindness of a Mr. Cureton, put up at his unoccu- pied house, well furnished and comfortable. There we find a train of refugees from Columbia, including Governor Adams' daughter; and very unexpectedly I meet my old schoolmate and friend, Harriet Sophia Clarkson. Spend a pleasant night. Stopped there at 6 p. m. and leave next morning at 5.45 o'clock; in a little while we 17 258 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. reach Liberty Hill, and must stop awhile, admiring the grandest and most extensive view my eyes ever feasted on; told Christie I could spend one month on that spot and my eyes would never tire of the scene, little dreaming then how many days of fearful anxiety I would spend at this lovely place. "Sunday morning, ride through the place and lose our way for two miles ; but it surely gives us a splendid view of the Hill ; return and cross at Peay's ferry; a miserable road, a tiresome jolting in the wagon, and excitement grows greater every mile. Stop a few minutes at Mr. James Caldwell's. Dr. Kinloch kindly invites us in ; his wife sends us out a hot lunch, and we conclude to go on as far as possible, though every one is wild with excitement and hourly looking for the Yankees. Arrive at General Clayton's headquarters at dark ; have a beautiful view of campfires ; all stop and doubt the safety of going on to Blackstock; Christie goes in to see General Clayton, who advises him not to go on, as the Yankees are very near, and Kilpatrick's raiders all through the woods. All hopes are dis- appointed; with heavy hearts and tired limbs, we turn our course back to Liberty Hill as the only place of safety, there to remain until the Yankees pass through and we have a safe road. In the wagon until 10 p. m. Stop at a large brick house — Dr. Hall's — and there we find two lunatics from the lunatic asylum in Columbia, placed there to preserve the house from destruction by the Yankees. It was a night of horrors; the crazy woman walked into my room, with a candle in her hand, after I was in bed, drew the curtains aside, and peered into my face to see if I was asleep, I suppose, which I did pretend to be. We left the place bright and early, and felt that our escape from danger had been very narrow. A long, tiresome day's ride; recross Peay's ferry; much excitement all the way; met many of Butler's men, and do not feel safe until we cross the ferry ; joy that we have crossed the river. Arrive at Liberty Hill at 4 p. m., put up at Mr. John Brown's ; very kind people ; large house, and every appearance of abundant means ; large grounds, and hun- dreds of poultry around. "Tuesday, February 21st. — The excitement has even reached here, and the place that we thought, of all others, safest, seems to fear the Yankees ; so we calmly resign ourselves to our fate of meeting them. "February 22d. — Great anxiety; many of the citizens send off trunks and bury all their valuables. Mrs. Brown feeds a great many of our soldiers. Several scouts come in, and Christie wants to go to Columbia with one 'Orchard,' who lives in Columbia. At 4 p. m., Experiences With Sherman at Liberty Hill. 259 several horsemen came dashing in; we are eager for the news; I beg Christie to go and hear ; he had not left me five minutes before I §aw the bluecoats and realized I had sent him to meet the Yankees ; I ran to the front door and down the steps ; saw them halt him, then pass and seize a negro boy, take his horse and made him lead them to the lot. In a few moments, a band of rujffians, a wild, savage looking set, dashed in the house, into the dining-room, and swept all the silver from the table, that was set for dinner ; ran upstairs, broke open doors, locks and drawers, and the utmost confusion prevailed ; the hammering sounded like one dozen carpenters were at work, and soon all the floors were covered with scattered papers, in their search for money and valuables. I go to the commanding officer and ask for assistance; he promises protection. Christie and myself go upstairs; my trunks broken open, and everything scattered in con- fusion over the floor. Oh! what a scene, impossible to describe! Money, jewelry and clothing of every description taken by these demons ! Lieut. B. Ulrich gives us a guard, and stays himself in the house, to protect us ; but little sleep for any of us this night. "February 23d. — Thousands of Yankees coming in ; one command follows another in quick succession; all robbing and plundering; poor Mrs. Brown is robbed of provisions, silver, and almost every- thing; they go down in the cellar and pour kerosene oil, molasses and feathers all together, then stir them up with their bayonets. Mrs. Brown and myself go out to meet General Logan. What an awful feeling to come so close to hundreds of Yankees who are burning and destroying everything on the face of the land ! Several staff officers tell us General Logan has just passed; but if we wait long enough, another corps will pass, and we can see General Wood. While waiting for the Yankees to pass, and looking on their fine horses, and hundreds of stolen cattle, the refugees from Columbia who followed Sherman's army began to pass ; among them, I recog- nized Mary Boozer and her mother in a carriage, she in a lively con- versation with a gay looking officer riding by the carriage; the scene is so sickening, I beg Mrs. Brown to let's return ; waiting for the general won't pay ! "Friday, February 24th. — Today, Yankees throng the house, search and rob what others left. They ask Christie repeatedly how he keeps out of the army. Mrs. Brown and myself again go out and wait to see the general, but again he has just passed ; the staff officers whom we meet look and speak as heartless as stones. Another sleepless night of suspense. 26o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "Saturday, February 2Sth. — Still they go through — hundreds and thousands — all gayety, with bands of music, and burning houses light their march; last night we could count twelve burning residences,, and imagine the horror of those who dwelt in them. Mr. Brown's large mill burnt. "Sunday, February 26th. — Anything but a quiet Sabbath; Yankees still plundering, and the negroes following them. Mr. Brown's large store burnt. A sleepless night of suspense, expecting every hour to have the torch set to the house we were in. "Monday, February 27th. — The wicked Yankees ! How they tor- ment the people! The brutal wretches! How they insult helpless women ! they take every morsel of food that is being cooked in the kitchen; every fowl and every living thing they have killed and destroyed but one lone goose hidden in the cellar by a faithful servant. We had no meat for three days, when this servant at- tempted to save and cook the goose for us by cooking it in the dining-room; the savory smell of roast goose was perceived by Mrs. Brown and myself, who go to the dining-room and find a horde of ruffians devouring the last remnants of the goose, and we only say, 'The last morsel of meat gone!' A foraging party, led by a lieutenant, and a squad, led by a captain, plunder every corner of the house that has not been already searched. Christie goes up in the garret to keep them from setting fire; they want to arrest and carry him off to camp; they say he is a captain in the Rebel army by his gray vest, with brass buttons ; and they find an old sword up in the garret, which they swear is his. I fear he is up with them too long ; I fear foul play, and tell Mrs. Brown I must go up and see what they are doing, although my knees tremble at every step, and I fear they will hear the bumps made by the sound of the money sewed up in the lining of my dress ; I had over one hundred thousand dollars sewed up in this lining, to save it from the Yankees; they had taken four thousand dollars out of one of my trunks, and thought that was all. When I reached the top of the stairs, the sharp little captain had him, and Christie said, 'Mary, this man thinks I am a captain in the Rebel army, and wants to take me prisoner to camp.' I had to swear that he was not, and that we had been married a very short time, and now were on our way to my father's plantation. Then I gave him the Masonic sign of dis- tress (which my brother gave me before going to war) ; he looked down, shut his mouth tight, then said, 'Go on.' And we lost no time in going. When this party came downstairs they captured Burning of Columbia. 261 Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Steinmyer and took them off to camp. How we all pitied their fate ! "Tuesday, February 28th. — Still harassed by the vile Yankees, and spend sleepless nights, seeing the skies lit by burning fires ; at midnight, the academy is in flames, and we expect every moment to see the flames burst out from the house we are in ; once a vile Yankee was caught with the torch applied; the flames were put out, and I appealed to an officer to give us a guard for the night. "Wednesday, March ist. — Dr. Robert Kinloch and Lieutenant Swinton Bissell come in quite early and tell us of their escape from the Yankees, after having marched several days through mud knee deep. The Yankees were pushing rapidly for Camden, to plunder and rob the peaceful, quiet little town. We are starving here; have nothing left to eat but sorghum molasses and black shorts bread. Sherman's army has left no living thing on their route ; nothing but blackened chimneys and smoking ruins mark his path from Colum- bia here ; pillage, robbery, fire and ruin marked their footsteps here ; a sigh of relief and a prayer of thankfulness that our lives were spared was breathed as we saw the last Yankee soldier disappear from the devastated little village." Mrs. C. P. Poppenheim. Charleston, S. C. Burning of Columbia. Many friends insist upon my giving a narrative of that sad event, the burning of the capital of South Carolina by General Sherman. In introducing my subject, I must state that we occupied at that eventful crisis the beautiful buildings known as Barhamville, for years an institute of learning, where the daughters of the South received a polished and thorough education. The venerable head, Dr. Marks, and his lady, feeling the need of repose, placed the build- ings in our hands, to which we moved from Columbia, with our boarding pupils. We had around us the daughters of many families of the Southern States, the loveliest flowers that could adorn a nation, as well as the firesides of cultivated homes. The scouts of General Hampton giving information that General Sherman undoubtedly aimed at Columbia, the question became very serious how to protect the dear young beings placed under our charge, and we resolved to send them, with a few exceptions, to North Carolina. Willing and trustworthy protectors we found at 262 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. once in Columbia, for many persons of standing, as well as military men, felt the necessity of sudden flight, and to some of them we confided these precious young beings. Packing of trunks, the cer- tainty of approaching dangers, the fear lest they might fail in reach- ing their homes in safety, all these occupations and varied powerful emotions kept our little community during the entire day in a state of agitation; until the long train of cars, stopping at Barhamville depot (where already a mountain of trunks was ready), arrived to receive our pupils on board. We had still some ladies with us, whose parents were residing in the upper part of South Carolina. They were lovely children, doubly dear to us by long friendship with their parents. To send them safely to their homes was now my first duty, and I rode at an early hour to Columbia, to find a conveyance. For some time my en- deavors were fruitless, until I saw the son of Major Lipscomb, a cousin of the young ladies. I beckoned that I wished to see him, and on approaching, asked him to find, at any cost or pains, a safe conveyance for his cousins. He informed me that Governor Bon- ham's carriage must just be passing the Congaree bridge on its way to Newberry. Not a moment was to be lost; so without ceremony I requested a friend just advancing on horseback to permit Frank to use his horse for a short time ; then I told the young man to ride with the utmost speed to reach the carriage, and with it return di- rectly to Barhamville, and take his cousins on the safest way to their homes. The young soldier acted upon my suggestion with as much prompt- ness as discretion ; the carriage secured, he returned directly to Bar- hamville. The young ladies had only a few moments to gather the neces- sary clothing; the faithful housekeeper provided our youthful refugees with some provisions, and upon my return to my home I met the travelers, already on their way to Newberry. This meeting and immediate parting was very touching; they were so eager to meet their friends, yet fearful to fall into the advancing enemy's hands. Columbia, which I had just left, presented a picture of commotion no pen could depict. Military men hastening to join their posts; goods of all sorts sent to the cars in such quantities that no trans- portation could be had for them. Car after car left with the officials of the treasury department, and hundreds of individuals who feared to be captured by the enemy. Burning of Columbia. 263 The great anxiety removed to have our pupils in safety (as far as we could see), and as such extravagant stories were reported of the excesses of the Federal troops, I thought now of saving provisions and other valuables. Where should we hide them? We had no gentleman near us, and the negroes could not be trusted, so we relied on our own strength and carried our provisions into the attic, under the roof, tearing off boards, while we placed others on to hide them, to our own satisfaction. We considered these safe, unless fire should sweep everything away. A box with silver, which would have been safer in the building, we, after serious reflection, entrusted to the negro cook — for, thought we, would these great champions of lib- erty, these advocates of general emancipation, touch the negro's trunks, or chests ? Oh ! no ; that would have been too flagrant a con- tradiction of their boasted philanthropy! So the box was hidden among the garments of our colored domestic, who really proved herself honest enough in that instance. The advance of Sherman, and the imperfect breastworks along the Congaree River, drove a large number of people from that lo- cality, seeking shelter in other parts. They came like a heavy tide upon us. We gave them the large drawing room and several other adjoining places for their night's rest. The feeling of terror and distress seemed to wear off as they found themselves sheltered in these comfortable quarters, and as the evening advanced we were amused by the noise and merriment of these refugees. The near approach of shells and the incessant cannonading drove them, how- ever, at the dawn of day, to more distant places, while we remained. I must recur now to the earlier part of Thursday, when Captain Strawinski, one of the exiles of the Polish revolution of 1830, wished to speak to me; he was our near neighbor, and for several years a teacher in our institutions at Barhamville and Columbia. He informed me that Captain A — , the son of an honored Governor of South Carolina, had charged him with the protection of Mrs. A — , his lady, and his widowed sister. This surprised me consider- ably, as Captain Strawinski had a large family of his own to care for. But I presently learned that this was at the command of a superior Free Mason to a brother Mason. He requested that these ladies should find a refuge with us, and I assented, of course, most cheer- fully — trusting, nay, even certain, that we should not be much mo- lested. This was my opinion as a European lady, who relied upon the honor of the military profession in respecting women and private property. 264 South Carolina Women in the . Confederacy. In asking for our friend's own family, he confessed that he felt great anxiety regarding his daughter; the boys, quite a number, would take care of their mother. We begged he would send Miss Bell to us, also; and with her our number became larger, and we found her a true Polish woman in courage and determination. Sherman had now taken his position opposite Columbia, and the shelling and cannonading were incessant. Like a man who catches at any appearance of help, we followed the advice of Mr. Strawinski, to have a Free Mason's flag (very hastily manufactured) on the front door and rear passages; and they received soon after the curses of several troops of soldiers, saying but for those "rags" the house would be burnt to ashes at any moment. We who for the first time witnessed a defeated army, and the distress of the men fleeing from the enemy, felt great sympathy for them. A number of our most respected citizens gave us, in passing, affectionate messages for their friends, and to us a kind farewell, whilst we already heard the drum, the din of the entering enemy; and the work of the incendiary had already begun. How prearranged the burning of Columbia must have been was proved by the scattering of Sherman's soldiers in every direction. These soldiers were led by negroes, who not only guided them, but by whom they must have been already informed of the residences of "prominent Rebels." The eagerness and confidence by which these creatures, who called themselves soldiers, were animated, was as- tonishing. They flew about inquiring, "Is this the home of Mr. Rhett?" pointing in the right direction; or, "Is that the dwelling of Mr. Middleton?" also indicating exactly the locality, with many other like questions. It was surprising to see the readiness with which these incendiaries succeeded in their work of destruction. They had hardly passed out of sight when columns of smoke and flames rose to bring the sad news that another home had been sacrificed to the demon of malice and arrogance. It was in the middle of the day which wit- nessed the Federal entrance into it, when Columbia was already en- veloped in an overshadowing cloud of smoke, and the flames were already rising like columns of fire from a volcano. The terrible spectacle grew more harrowing as night set in, and although we lived over one mile from that city, yet from the roof of the Barham- ville building the whole town of Columbia could be plainly and dis- tinctly described. Burning of Columbia. 265 Through the exertions of Dr. Marks, the proprietor of Barham- ville, who had remained in the town, guards were procured, who, during the day, barely succeeded in protecting us from the many at- tempts of the soldiery to rifle and burn the female college. Our protectors proved of unequal temperaments and dispositions, as sol- diers. Only one may be said to have been active in the discharge of his duty, and, if my readers will pardon a slight digression from the main narrative, this was owing to a concurrence of circumstances at once touching and amusing. The sight was very grand, for it was a large mansion, and quite near to Barhamville; but grander and more impressing was the heroic calmness with which the ladies of this mansion contemplated the destruction of the old homestead of their family, with all that wealth and desire for comfort had been enabled to accumulate. These ladies stood perfectly composed upon the rear of our piazza. Finding the guard to whom I refer pleasant and kindly inclined (the other two were dogged, mean looking men), we entered into conversation with him about his political views, his native State, and found that he was a Tennessean, and resided at Knoxville. This brought to our mind the recollection of the Rev. Mr. H — , whose acquaintance we had made some years since — a gentleman who combined with genuine piety high cultivation and refinement. We made inquiries regarding our friend, and were informed by our new protector that Mr. H — had died before the war, and that his father (the guard's) had furnished the coffin on the sad occasion. Owing to that simple connection of facts we found a sympathizing protector and friend, without whom we should have been that night subjected to who knows what suffering? — certainly to the loss of all we possessed. Columbia was then enveloped in one sheet of flame ; we could hear the cries and lamentations of the people, even at this great distance. It was a terrible night ! Soon the building of Captain A — , whose wife and sister had taken refuge with us, was set on fire by the sol- diers ; they watched the flames as they rose ; but there was a deeper anxiety in their hearts ; their fainds followed the retreat of their hus- band and brother, and the flight of their daughters, who were sub- sequently overtaken by the invaders and subjected to great hardship and mortification. Whilst with horror and indignation we watched all these scenes, Mr. Strawinski rushed towards us, in a greatly excited state of mind. He had remained at his post at Captain A — 's residence 266 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. until convinced that nothing could be saved by his intervention. No appeals on his part could divert the fury of the soldiery. The scenes enacted at that dwelling in connection with the negro servants are not fit for female pen to dwell upon ; yet that same soldiery has been lauded to the skies for its moderation and virtues, and has been styled the finest body of troops in the world ! The finest body, indeed, when we understand by it a band of most expert robbers and incen- diaries ! The negroes informing the soldiers of some valuable wines stored away, thus was given the signal for general bacchanalia. When the intoxicated servants disclosed to the reveling soldiery the hiding place of the family silverware and other valuables, the tumult reached its height. Suspicion seemed to have taken hold of the minds of the soldiers that poison might be mixed with the tempting bottles. Be- fore they tasted, Mr. Strawinski was first compelled to drink of each kind. Being a temperate man, and totally averse to low asso- ciations, he resisted, but with threats and blows, he was compelled to yield. At last the negroes themselves became thoroughly dis- gusted, and although enriched by the booty the soldiers could not carry off — which was generously given them by the robbers — they vowed vengeance for the base treatment their women had been sub- jected to. Now, a wave of that corrupted mass, inflamed by liquor and every other excess, moved towards our home, Barhamville. There were about eighty men. They were led by a tall negro — one of those towering individuals we meet sometimes. He held in one hand a torch; in the other a large cowhide; and he demanded of me to examine the basement, partly open, as they knew Captain A — 's lady had hidden some valuables here. The ladies being too much frightened, only one of my daughters could come to my assistance. The other had to guard the front door of the building, whilst some of the ladies endeavored to wake up the guards, who had gone to sleep (it was then eleven o'clock). This attempt we resisted — ^by what power I do not now under- stand, for we were in a vast crowd of, shall I say men, or furious beasts? — until our Tennessean friend came to our assistance. The other guards pretended to be still asleep. It was some time before that rabble could be made to understand that there was a Federal soldier present; and only after he struck his bayonet violently upon the ground, threatening to report them for contempt of military orders, they slunk away. Burning of Columbia. 267 Still, party after party came upon the grounds, looking with ma- licious eyes upon the large building, so tempting to their cupidity. Toward two o'clock in the morning, we heard the blows of axes, and seeing lights in the direction of our stables, a considerable dis- tance from the main building, I hastened to the spot. Under ordi- nary circumstances such an undertaking would have caused great hesitation of mind ; but we were aroused to such a degree of energy and indignation that we had become unmindful of our personal safety. I found at the stables more than twenty men, with torches, axes and their muskets. They were partly intoxicated, and seemed to look fagged out after their day's work of destruction. When I appeared, they looked with astonishment at the coming of a single lady, and really seemed then ashamed of themselves, as well they might be. I asked them, "What are you, thieves or soldiers?" and told them, furthermore, that ever}^ person of honor must consider them a disgrace to the military profession; although I felt in my heart that they had not the slightest conception of such a sentiment. I still remember with considerable amusement the attitude of that crowd, and the reply of the chief leader : "Yes, ma'am ; yes, ma'am," to all I said. When our East Tennessean came to my assistance, the axes of the assailants were already at rest. The following morning, an individual entered the house with the air of a conqueror. It was a Mr. McDowell, a bloated, lymphatic looking man. He had nothing of manly politeness about him; he was either destitute of that natural deference which a gentleman pays to ladies or, in the style of General Butler, he considered ladies in sympathy with the Southern cause unworthy of his urbanity. Whatever, though, his views or feelings were, he behaved very rudely. It was that very officer who afterwards expressed his opinion at his headquarters that he did not know why these European ladies should have that place left standing, when every other building in the neighborhood had been destroyed; and we believed that our re- newed troubles were caused by that same individual. During Saturday and Sunday the Charlotte railroad was broken up, and we were continually molested. Drunken and infuriated sol- diers, some with saber in hand, endeavored to open the side doors. Another hour brought a party of soldiers who were inclined to ha- rangue us on political questions. One among them, evidently not very fanatical on the negro question, made a regular stump speech, in which he endeavored to demonstrate that this country was destined 268 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. only for the white man, and that the Indian, as well as the negro, had to be, or in the course of events would be, exterminated ; further- more, he expressed his own wish to have the entire negro race on an immense platform and power sufficient to blow them all to atoms. This latter remark was received with repeated cheers by his com- panions-in-arms. Like the rapid shifting of scenes in a panorama, only a short time passed when on the front of the building appeared a party of Ger- mans on a foraging expedition. They, like the rest, demanded the right to enter the house. Their political creeds were quite at vari- ance. Some were Union men, others Democrats; these latter ex- pressed themselves ready to fight for the South if the aim of the war was to be emancipation of the negro. One young man, just im- ported from Saxony, expressed his opinion that we would soon have another revolution, to which his companions agreed. To this inter- esting information we made, of course, no reply; but I took the liberty of saying that I considered it the height of folly for any Euro- pean to fight on the side of the North. That party were men of intelligence and considerable refinement, and, to our relief, their captain ordered one of the men to the rear of the building, to see "that these ladies should not be molested." So one party moved off, to give place to others of lower caste. We were soon contending with a half-drunken set of men at the main entrance of the building, using arguments and displaying firm- ness in preventing them from entering the house, when our faithful shepherd dog, Cora, was seen running through the house, and tes- tified by whining and anxious ways that there must be something wrong at the rear of the building. Some of us followed our friend and, to our astonishment, found that some party had thrown fire brands under the stairs, which had already caught fire. With the assistance of our servants, we were enabled to extinguish the fire; but we then despaired of success in resisting these incendiaries, and were expecting every moment to be compelled to leave the home we had no power to save. These marauders threatened to kill the cook should she not tell them where valuables or provisions were hidden. Others went into the houses of the poor negro women, cut and tore their bundles, and even cut their clothes wantonly to pieces; and thus, unfortunately, our box with silver, containing many old family relics, fell into the hands of these vandals. Toward evening there arrived directly from Columbia a number of officers ; and seeing one of them wearing a Mason's breastpin, I Burning of Columbia. 269 told him that, being a Mason's widow, I held it to be his duty to protect us from the marauders of his army. He seemed to hesitate ; but, having for such an emergency Mr. Sosnowski's papers in hand, establishing his former connection with an American lodge, I placed them in his hands, again demanding protection. The party, how- ever, left without giving us a glimmer of hope, and we looked with terror upon the declining day, when, to our joy and relief, a young gentleman came on a horse, telling us that a squad of men would presently arrive, and that we should not be disturbed that night. Words could not express our relief and gratitude. The young man, evidently of refinement, received with great satisfaction the demonstrations of relief our little party expressed. We gave him full leave to walk through the building, and, being young, his imagi- nation perhaps depicted to him all the lovely Southern young ladies who only a short time since made these halls resound with their musical exercises and cheerfulness. The promised guard arriving, they prepared their supper, to which we loaned all the assistance we could. Feeling comparatively at ease, we watched with interest the regular lights which lit up the entire horizon (as far as our view per- mitted) with the campfires of Sherman's army. With the dawn of day, the reveille called our guards away; and we were reminded by the remarks of passing soldiers that the house was still in danger. I determined, therefore, to walk to Columbia (Sunday morning) at an early hour to obtain a guard; and soon after breakfast, accompanied by a few servants, I left Barhamville. The appearance of the citizens was despondent and weary. On reaching the Preston property, long the residence of the father of General Wade Hampton, I felt that I was in the midst of military life ; but I must here remark that it was not like meeting the martial bearing of trained soldiers, such as I have seen during grand reviews in Europe. They appeared to me rather a kind of shambling set of men, squatting on the sidewalks, or in the squares made by the burned streets. It was difficult to pass, as these cavaliers had no idea of giving way to a lady. The outer gate of General Preston's house was guarded by a sol- dier holding the United States flag. To my question if General Howard or General Blair was in, the man could give me no satis- factory answer. I presume these gentlemen enjoyed then the sweet repose to which their glorious achievements entitled them. I passed in, however, under another United States flag of immensfe size, float- ing over the front of the building. 270 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. The piazza was literally crowded with men — a vulgar, debauched set. The question arose in my mind, can there be one high-toned gentleman among them ? I was met by a colored man, perhaps one of the family servants ; he looked frightened and sad. The sitting-room which I entered was enlivened by various passing scenes. It was crowded with women of the lowest sort, arranging to go North with the army. Several officers came in with books and statuettes in their hands, evidently considering what to pack up among their booty. These were their war trophies. I wonder whether they are not ashamed now to possess them. Seeing no prospect of attaining what I came for, I left the place; and now advancing through the city, the work of destruction met my eyes. It would have struck the most careless observers that all around the localities where headquarters were established (these arrange- ments were made through loyal whites, before Sherman entered) no buildings were destroyed, nor were any attempts made to disturb , the quiet enjoyment of Sherman and his officers during their stay in Columbia. The headquarters of General Wood being at the old family resi- dence of Mrs. Lucy Pride Green, we had only a few steps to reach it. We found the general surrounded by a motley crowd. Owing to some mistake of my friend, my object to obtain a guard was defeated. Although in manner the general was much of a gentleman, I was sorry to learn afterward that he stripped the old mansion of its paint- ings and many other valuables. Unsuccessful so far in obtaining a guard, I resolved to go to head- quarters. Reaching that locality — Mr. Myer's property, corner of Gervais and Pickens streets — I found the street virtually ob- structed by soldiers of every grade; every one brimful of im- portance. It would have been interesting, had time permitted, to study the various characters of that crowd. The guard, a stately Western man, held with great pride the often displayed flag of the Stars and Stripes ; and being, no doubt, a good Union man, it was natural that he should uphold with considerable satisfaction the emblem of his country, as it was natural that I should at the time with deep regret look upon the same standard of the founders of this republic, then waving in triumph over one of the blackest scenes of crime and desolation in the history of mankind. On being informed that General Sherman was in, I mounted the steps and found that gentleman giving directions to a soldier. My friend, Mr. W — , Burning of Columbia. 271 having left me, I introduced myself, and he politely led me into the apartment where already a number of persons had assembled. I stated to him my errand, which had so far been unsuccessful, the troubles which we had already passed through, at the same time expressing my surprise — even more, my indignation — at the course the army had pursued towards a conquered, unresisting and sur- rendered city. I told him further that previous to the surrender of Columbia I had always expressed the opinion that we had nothing to fear except the accidents of war (to which, though, I did not consider the deliberate burning of a city) ; that in a civilized country battles would be fought, but private property and females would be pro- tected, but instead of this a warfare was waged which would make it a disgrace to our present history. He showed great temper, and said, "What do you mean by that, madam?" to which I merely re- phed that I meant exactly what I had said. He then spoke in strong terms of the responsibility of Columbia, of South Carolina, of the sufferings caused by secession ; indeed, as he only advocated one side of the question, he spoke well. In conclusion, he said, "You have suffered much already, but if I have to come back again — " — leaving his threat unfinished. To my repeated request for a guard. General Sherman assured me there would be no need, as he expected to leave the following morn- ing, and therefore required the whole army to be at their posts. At this, I rose, saying that I would detain him no longer. He escorted me to the steps. On my return home, I met Dr. Fair. His looks were those of supreme suffering; and he gave me an account of the destruction of his property, a large block of tenement houses, the corner of which had been his own residence. In that home everything had been collected which refinement and comfort might desire. A long and successful practice had placed Dr. Fair in the rank of influential and wealthy citizens. His lady being, during the fire, surrounded by a rude soldiery, endeavored to save but one valuable article, and that was a portrait of a beloved mother. With this in her arms, she tried to make her escape from the flames and from the robbers, but she was not permitted to save even this, as a soldier cut the picture in pieces and only then allowed her to gain the streets. I again entered General Preston's residence, the headquarters of General Howard. At length, a young officer promised to send out a guard ; but none came. My mission had been totally fruitless. With the advancing night, however, we found an unexpected protection, 272 • South Carolhsta Women in the Confederacy. namely, a number of Irishmen, a part of those of Sherman's troops he would not allow to enter Columbia; and this, as the men assured us, was to prevent them from protecting Roman Catholic property. The men had lost their way, and fearing to fall into an ambush, they entreated us not to expose them to danger. This unexpected arrival was a great relief, and we assured them of perfect safety. We requested our faithful friend and housekeeper, Hannah, to give to them as substantial a supper as the stores permitted. The ac- counts of these men were really interesting, and as in such uncom- mon scenes of life the susceptibility of men finds ample scope, there was a declaration of love, of love at first sight, before supper was over — the subject of which was, of course. Miss Hannah. Towards eleven we heard yells from the direction of Columbia, and through the woods advanced a crowd of soldiers towards our residence. We immediately called our new friends to our assistance. This startled the marauders, and they gradually slunk back in the shade of the forest. This was the end of our dangers from Sherman's troops. We owed our safety, at least, to these warm-hearted Irishmen, and I think now without them our home would have shared that night the fate of all the residences for miles around us. Madame S. Sosnowski. A Confederate Girl's Diary. Columbia, S. C, February 6, 1865. — This wild talk about the Fed- eral Army and what it's going to do is all nonsense. Coming here ! Sherman ! Why not say he's going to Paramaribo? One is about as likely as the other, notwithstanding that papa shakes his head so solemnly over it, and mamma looks so grave. He is always shaking his head over something, it seems to me, and she forever looking grave. I do hope I shall be able to get around being old, somehow. Old people's weather is all bad weather; their horoscope all back- ground ; their expectation all disappointment ; their probabilities all failures. No doubt I am foolish — mamma says I am — but there's a certain satisfaction in being young and foolish rather than old and wise. February 7. — While I cannot sign the bills as rapidly as Nannie Giles can, today I finished up four packages of the denomination of fifty dollars. Mr. Tellifiere says I am a treasury girl worth having, and that I did a big day's work, and a good day's work. Took my A Confederate Girl's Diary. 273 vocal lesson and paid Signor Torriani for my last quarter. He is gloriously handsome in the Italian way, which is a very striking way. I also sent check to the milliner for the $200 due on my new bonnet, and paid $80 for the old lilac barege bought from Mary L — . Miss P — does not yet agree to let me have the congress gaiters for $75, and unless she does she may keep them herself, to the end of time ! 'Tis a pretty come to pass when $75 of Confederate cur- rency is not the equivalent of an ordinary pair of Massachusetts - made shoes ! J. C. called this evening. He is pleasant, but stops right there, and that isn't the placeto stop. A man must know how to be disagreeable to be dangerously attractive, I think. February 8. — Saw that young Englishman again today. He isn't half the idle dreamer he pretends to be. In truth (but let me whisper it softly), / believe he's a spy! I can't see, otherwise, why he is so tremendously and eagerly interested in matters Confederate. Nor is he smart enough to make me believe it's me! February 9. — Finished Les Miserables, Victor Hugo's grand work. What munificence of power! What eloquence! What strength! How sublime even its absurdities ! A waggish acquaintance of mine calls it Lee's miserables. I must write a little note to James Wood Davidson and thank him for this treat. He is ever kind to think of me when it comes to a literary tid-bit. Friday, February 10. — This being German day, I went as usual for my lesson. If I must say it, the old Frau's dressing is all top-dress- ing, and her conversation never more than a mild diversion. Its ab- sorbing theme today was the same as with every one else — Sherman's movements ; is he coming here? And what will he do when he does? These are the little questions which embody the vague forebodings, the monstrous prophecies that fill the air. I marvel at the ease with which some people lose their heads. You would think Sherman was a three-tailed bashaw, to hear some of them talk. February 11. — The dawning of a doubt is a troublesome thing, for if a doubt does not out and out destroy faith, it assuredly chastens it to an uncomfortable degree. Is he coming, that terrible Sherman, with all his legions ? Well, and if he does, Beauregard is coming too, and Hampton and Butler are already here, so where's the sense of getting worried? I shall continue to possess my soul in peace. February 12. — The situation becomes more alarming— that much I am fain to confess. My father's head is not the only one shaking now ; they are all shaking— all the men's heads in town. No one can tell what a day will bring forth. Steady now, nerves! Courage •18 274 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. now, heart ! My grandsires fought for liberty in the war of the Revolution ; my great-grandmother faced the British, nor quailed so much as an eyelash before them ! Is it for me to be afraid ? I am not afraid. Monday, February 13. — We were greatly startled yesterday by the firing of cannon in the upper part of the city. It proved to be a call for Colonel Thomas' Regiment of Reserves. I am sorry the weather is so cold. Our ill-clothed, ill-fed troops must suffer acutely in such bitter weather. Today I accompanied my mother to the Wayside Hospital, carrying some jelly and wafers for the sick. One of the inmates, a convalescent soldier, played with much taste and skill on the banjo. Came home to find my father much excited about me, having heard Mayor Goodwyn say that he has no hope at all of holding the city. And my father does not consider the track of a great army the safest place for young women ; hence he wants me to leave ; go ; get out of the way ! But where ? Where shall I fly from Sherman's army? Tuesday, February 14. — Such a day ! It was like "a winnowing of chaos." Very little work was done at the Treasury Department in the midst of such excitement and confusion. We are to remove at once to Richmond, and I am told Colonel Joseph Daniel Pope, Mr. Jamison, and many of the employees of the printing establish- ment, have already departed. I do not know if this be true ; I hear too many contradictory reports for all of them to be true. One thing, however, appears to be quite true — Sherman is coming! And I never believed it before. This afternoon, we could distinctly hear firing in the distance, and at this writing (8.30 p. m.) we can see the sky arched with fire in the direction of the Saluda factory. Must I go with the department to Richmond? In such case, my parents will be entirely alone, Johnny having gone, also, to the front. Does this not clearly show the dire extremity to which we are reduced, when boys of sixteen shoulder the musket? There are other reasons why I should like to remain here to receive Sherman : it is high time I was having some experiences out of the ordinary, and if anything remarkable is going to happen, I want to know something about it ; it might be worth relating to my grandchildren! Anyhow, it is frightfully monotonous, just because you are a woman, to be always tucked away in the safe places. I want to stay. I want to have a taste of danger. Midnight. — But I am overruled ; I must go. My father says so ; my mother says so. Everything is in readiness — my trunks packed, my traveling clothes laid out upon the chair, and now A Confederate Girl's Diary. 275 I must try to catch a little sleep. And then on the morrow— what ? What will be the next stroke upon the Labensuhr? God only knows. February 15. — (Waiting at the depot). Going as usual to the department this morning, I found orders had been issued for our immediate removal to Richmond. Barely had I time to run home, dash a few more articles into my trunk, say good-bye, and join the others here. We girls are all together — Elise, Ernestine, Sadie, Bet, and myself. We have been seated in the train for hours and hours. Oh ! this long waiting ; it is weary work ! A reign of terror prevails in the city, and the scene about me will ever live in memory. Government employees are hastening to and fro, military stores are being packed, troops in motion, aids-de-camp flying hither and thither, and anxious fugitives crowding about the train, begging for transportation. All kinds of rumors are afloat, every newcomer bringing a new version. The latest is that Hardee has refused to evacuate Charleston, and will not combine forces with Hampton in order to save the capital. I am strangely laden; I feel weighted down. Six gold watches are secreted about my person, and more miscellaneous articles of jewelry than would fill a small jewelry shop — ^pins, rings, bracelets, etc. One of my trunks is packed with valuables and another with provisions. Shelling has begun from the Lexington heights, and under such conditions this waiting at the depot has a degree of nervousness mixed with impatience. We catch, now and again, peculiar whizzing sounds — shells, they say. Sherman has come ; he is knocking at the gate. Oh, God ! turn him back! Fight on our side, and turn Sherman back! Charlotte, N. C. — We stopped in Winnsboro awhile, but at last came on here. That was a sad, sad parting ! Shall I ever look into their dear faces again — my father and mother, and poor little Johnnie, wrested by the exigencies of war from his mother's knee? People who have never been through a war don't know anything about war. May I never pass through another. Why will men fight? Especially brothers? Why cannot they adjust their differ- ences and redress their wrongs without the shedding of woman's tears and the spilling of each other's blood? But I dare not write, nor even think much on this strain. My old friend J. B. L. is along. He is very kind. Think of his lifting our heavy trunks into the baggage car with his own hands ! Otherwise they would be sitting on the railroad platform in Columbia yet. Say what you please, it is, after all, the men whom we women have to depend on in this world.' J. B. L's. friend, whom he asked 276 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. permission to present to us, is a graduate of the Medical College of New York, a young Hippocrates of profoundly scientific attainments. Nor is that all — he is possessed of all that ease of manner and well- bred poise for which the F. F. V.'s are noted. Saturday, February 18. — The people of Charlotte received us with unbounded kindness, and are treating us with royal hospitality. They met us in their carriages and, although utter strangers, con- ducted us, as honored guests, to their beautiful homes. How is that for Confederate Treasury girls ? Bet has gone to General Young's, but the others of us have fallen to the lot of Mr. Davidson, and a very enviable lot it is for us, in a home so well ordered and abounding in plenty. I do not know how long we shall be here. Mr. Duncan, who has charge of our division, says until transportation can be se- cured. Tonight some troops were passing through the city, and I could hear in the far, faint distance, a band playing "Dixie" and "Old Folks at Home." It made me cry, the sound was so sweet, so mournful, so heart-breaking. How fare my old folks at home? Are there any old folks left at my home ? Maybe not ! Alas ! we can hear nothing definite ! February 20. — The adulation we receive in this city is enough to turn our heads completely. But for this dreadful suspense I believe it would. The most appalling rumors reach us, but nothing more. Dr. S — saw one of Wheeler's cavalrymen, who left Columbia on Friday morning, at which time Hampton had notified the Mayor that the Reserves could no longer hold the city. The South Carolina depot was already in ruins, and the Congaree bridge burned, while thousands of the inhabitants were flying from the enemy. On Fri- day night, at Winnsboro, this same soldier reports having seen a tre- mendous illumination in the sky, which all who saw believed to be Columbia in flames. My God! How terrible, if true! What has been the fate of my parents, and Johnnie ! Despite this horrible un- certainty, we have been to church, and are trying to keep calm and hopeful. But why was I ever persuaded to leave my home and dear ones in this time of danger ! Greensboro, N. C, February 23. — We positively hated to leave Charlotte, so many friends did we make there. Howbeit, a Treas- ury signer, like a good soldier, must obey orders. At this place, we are not half so pleasantly situated, being all crowded together in one small room. But we are in no mood to cavil ; our soldiers fare worse. We begin to realize, as we never before have done, their hardships, and the thankfulness which ought to fill the heart of each A Confederate Girl's Diary. 277 one whose head is roof-covered. Daily blessings are not mere mat- ters of course. We are too apt to think so until times like these come our way. General John S. Preston has just been in to see us_. He is a grand looking man — not only that, he has the look of being some- body in particular, which he is. He could tell us nothing on the sub- ject nearest our hearts — the fate of Columbia. But he fears the worst. February 24. — "On to Richmond !" is the rallying cry of the period ; but this end of the Confederate Treasury can't go on without the means of transportation. The whole South seems to be rallying there. Thursday, February 25.^Mr. Duncan, the doctor, and J. B. L. are indefatigable in their efforts to make us comfortable and happy. We see them every day and, to be more explicit, almost every hour in the day. We call ourselves "The Happy Family." If you ask me wherefore, I can only say, probably because we have so much reason to be unhappy, and yet are not — exactly. February 26. — Still in Greensboro, and I do not see how we have managed to live through these homeless and anxious days so agree- ably to ourselves. It is the gentlemen who keep us cheered up and allow us no chance to fret. There is no doubt, however, that Colum- bia is in ashes. People who have never been through a war know nothing about what war is. It is a crushing machine, whose main- spring is anxiety, whose turnscrew is apprehension. Are my brothers all dead? Are my father and mother still living? These questions put me to the rack when I allow myself to ask them. Ballard House, Richmond, March :.— We have taken Richmond, if the Yankees haven't ! Yes, we are here ; but had some trouble to get settled. The fashionable mode of living is room-keeping, and we are strictly in the fashion. And now how nicely comes in that trunk of provisions my thoughtful papa made me bring, much against my own wishes. On opening it, we found meal, hominy, flour, a side of bacon, some coffee, tea, and a quantity of potatoes. They will help us along wonderfully, as all food products bring a tremendous price in this beleaguered city. Ernestine went to market this morning and paid $10 for a steak for our breakfast. At that rate we can only afford to take a savory smell occasionally ! Ernie is simply angelic in spirit— she never loses patience, never gets cross, never says anything she oughtn't to say, even against the Yankees ! The city is crowded to suffocation, the streets thronged with soldiers in uniform, officers gaily caparisoned, and beautiful women, beauti- fully dressed, though not in the latest Parisian toilettes. I should 278 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. say there is no more brilliant capital among all the nations. Are there great and somber tragedies going on around us? Is there a war ? I thought so before I reached Richmond ! March 2. — Our department quarters here are not nearly so com- fortable as those left behind in Columbia. They do well enough, however. I have not had a chance to mention that handsome officer we saw on the train after leaving Greensboro. He was of the blonde type, with tawny, flowing mustache, and hair bright as "streaks from Aurora's fingers." Tall and broad-shouldered, he was attired in a captain's uniform, and deeply absorbed in reading a book. What was the book? Lise and I were wild to find out. We did find out, and, I hope, without exciting the least suspicion on his part. The book was "Quits." Knowing the story so well, and his face being so expressive, we could almost guess the contents of the pages as he turned them over. But after awhile he did not appear so deeply in- terested in it, and when our train had to be exchanged for another he stepped forward, raised his hat, and asked to be allowed to remove our packages. He was very grave and dignified. Were we wrong in accepting the attention ? Sadie says we must not accept the slight- est attention from unknown men while thus traveling. We have been thrust forth from the safe environment of our homes and can- not afford to take any risks. Sadie is as proper as a dowager duchess of eighty. But, ah ! the strange exigencies of these times ! What is to become of us? There is no longer the shadow of a doubt — our homes are in ashes. March 3. — I find myself regarding Lise with increasing admira- tion and affection. She is surely the most graceful girl in existence, combining a lot of downright amiability with a vast amount of tact. Also, she has a deal of fun and mischief. That blonde stranger must have noticed all of this with his eyes, so darkly blue. March 4. — A letter from home ! A letter from home ! It reached me by hand through the department — is most reassuring and at the same time most delightfully comprehensive. They are all safe — thank God, my dear ones. Johnny came through without a scratch, and so did my new Steinway. It was a night of untold horrors (the 17th), but in the general conflagration our house was saved. My father and mother made friends even among their enemies, and through their exertions and old Maum Nancy's the family were fed and protected during the whole time. A number of Federal officers were quartered with the family until the morning of the 20th. One of them, whom mamma describes as "a most attractive young A Confederate Girl's Diary. 279 lieutenant," examined my music, tried my piano, playing with no little skill, and then inquired, "Where is she ; the young lady who plays ?" And when my father answered, "Gone to Richmond," he laughingly rejoined, "Ran away from the Yankees! Now, where was the use of that? We are just as sure to catch her there as here." Are you, Mr. Lieutenant ? I fancy not ; Sherman's army can't expect to over- run the whole earth ; we are safe enough in Richmond. And yet I regret again not being there. I might have conducted the argument on both sides, for awhile, with that attractive young lieutenant, and who knows ? perchance make one Yankee's heart ache a little. What fun ! What an opportunity ! What a chance to get even have I lost ! March 5. — Oh! the seduction, the novelty, the fascination of this life in Richmond! If patriotism is its master-chord, pleasure is no less its dominant note, and while it is as indescribable as the sparkle of champagne, it is no less intoxicating. Last night the parlor was full of visitors, and the same may be said of almost every night — officers, privates, congressmen, senators, old friends and new ones, from all parts of the country. They are finding out our whereabouts and paying their devoirs. And what do you think, my little book? The blonde captain was among them. Strange things are the most natural, I have begun to think, for our strange acquaintance has come about in the most natural way. Dr. S — knows his relatives in Maryland, and we are acquainted with his relatives in Carolina, so not even Sadie could gainsay the fitness of the acquaintance — nor Ernestine, who is an anxious mother to the last one of us. March 7. — He is just as charming a gentleman as I thought he would be — I refer to the captain, of course. Last night I saw him gazing at Bet's hair in the most admiring manner. It is magnificent. I should be awfully vain of it, were it mine — ^but she is not. Bet is as level-headed' as a girl can be, and as sweet and modest as a violet. March 8. — Wish I had been taught to cook instead of how to play on the piano. A practical knowledge of the preparation of food products would stand me in better stead at this juncture than any amount of information regarding the scientific principles of music. I adore music, but I can't live without eating — and I'm hungry ! I want some chicken salad, and some charlotte russe, and some ox- palate, and com muffins ! These are the things I want ; but I'll eat anything I can get. Honestly, our cuisine has become a burning question. Dear, sweet Ernie bears the brunt, and has to, because the rest of us are simpletons! She'll be canonized some of these days, or deserves to be, if she isn't. 28o South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. March 9. — Little book, give me your ear. Qose ! There ! Prom- ise me never to breathe it! Blank loves Blank! Yes, he does! And she doesn't care for him — not a pennyworth ! It is a dreadful state of affairs, to be sure. Why must there be so much loving and making of love? How much nicer to just keep on being friends with everybody (except one!) and nothing more. It is a shame that I have so little time to devote to my journal. We meet so many delightful people and so many famous people. The other day, at- tended a review of Gary's Brigade, by Generals Fitzhugh Lee and Longstreet, in an open field between the Nine Mile and Darby Town roads. We went in an army ambulance, attended by a number of our gentlemen friends. Fitz. Lee passed very near us. It was the sight of a lifetime; it thrilled and pulsated all through me. When the review was over, we were speedily surrounded by a throng of gallants, ofJficers and privates — the noble privates, heroes, I love them! They bear the yoke and do the fighting, while some of the officers don't do anything but ornament the army. Mind, I don't say all — some. Do you think we women give no heed to these things ? I know what kind of a heart a man carries under his brass buttons. We spoke to many of our own State troops, some of them gaunt and battle-scarred veterans, and some of them young in ser- vice but with the courage of veterans in them. Whether we get whipped in this fight or not, one thing will be forever indisputable — our soldiers are true soldiers and good fighters. Sometimes I fear that we are going to get the worst of it — but away with all fears ! To doubt the end were want of trust in God. So says Henry Timrod, in his Ethnogenesis, and he is a poet, and the poet has a far-seeing eye. It open beautifully — this poem, I mean — Hath not the morning dawned with added light? And shall not evening call another star Out of the infinite regions of the night To mark this day in Heaven? I hear Timrod's health is poor. What a pity ! I hope he will live to sing us many songs. I must not forget to chronicle the fact that I saw my gallant cousin, Robert D — , out at the review. We greeted each other with unfeigned pleasure. March 10. — The drawing room was again crowded last night, and we got up an important dance on the spur of the moment. General Kershaw, General Gary, and General Ruggles were present; also A Confederate Girl's Diary. 281 our friends, the congressman, the captain, the major, and the M. P. Oh! yes. We know Mr. Connelly, an Irish M. P. and Southern sympathizer. He seems to have plenty of money, and lives here in great style for war times ; owns a steam yacht, and we are to have an outing on it before long. There are so many interesting things I could and ought to write about, but just can't, because I am so hungry ! And having nothing to eat, I am going to bed to fill up on sleep. March 11. — Thank goodness! I'm not hungry tonight, and for a very good reason : we dined with the Secretary of the Treasury and his family, the Trenholms. It was a symposium to us poor Treasury girls, attractive and impressive. We discussed the varied menu, elegantly prepared and daintily served, with a Confederate appetite, sharply whetted for long-denied delicacies. Mr. Morgan, the young midshipman, was there, quite en famille. I did not hear when the wedding is to be. I suppose after the war. Everything is going to take place after the war. As we arose from the table. President and Mrs. Davis were announced. This famous man honoris causa, I had already seen before in Columbia, but this was my first glimpse of his wife. She was graciousness itself. Some people whom I have heard talk, and who look upon Mr. Davis as a mere function of gov- ernment, are disposed to regard him as a conspicuous failure, but, in the name of reason, how can one man please everybody ? His role is certainly one of great difficulty. Socially, he may rub some persons the wrong way, but not so with us. He was pleasant, polished, and entertaining. March 12. — ^A delicate piece of business is this managing of so many men in one lump ! They will have ideas of their own, the most stupid among them! And they all want to be first in importance. I feel in a humor to "size up" some of them tonight, not ill-naturedly, but only for my own amusement. Major W — is a squire of dames and admirable as a raconteur; Colonel P — laughs and flatters, and flatters and laughs, and positively that is all he ever does or knows how to do; B — is an amiable, domesticated creature; T — has ex- cellent intentions, and a great many of them, and no doubt, in due course of time, he'll find that place where such things are said to abound ; C — just falls short of everything — but can he help it, poor fellow? P — is a man who has risen superior to himself; Z — is a dead level of dulness; as to C — 's manners, he is a debtor "both to the Greeks and the barbarians" ; K — is a Joseph Surface ; General "enjoys" bad health; L — is a negative instance; F — is a 282 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. mosaic of sentiment ; and as for the others, it being so late, and I so sleepy, they will happily escape this time ! March 15. — The Trenholms are exceedingly kind to us. When- ever that majordomo of theirs makes his appearance with that big basket of his, plenty prevails in this section of the Ballard. Heaven bless them ! To demolish the contents of that basket is like getting into a home kitchen. Will the time ever come when we can have real coffee to drink again? Our trunk of provisions is gone, and we often feel gone without them! Ernestine says Lise and I are completely spoiled for any other life than this surging, intoxicating stream of brass buttons, epaulettes, and sword-belted manhood. It may be so; X am afraid it is. There is an air of military inspiration around us; it pervades our being; we exist in a tremor of ecstasy, or else foreboding. Our Richmond life holds a little of everything, save ennui — not a grain of that in it. March 16. — It is a hard thing to say, but I am going to say it. I don't admire all the men who wear the Confederate uniform ! I would rather dig holes in the ground than talk to some of them ! March 17. — I could eat a tallow candle if I had a good one. But I have accepted an invitation to dine with the Trenholms — in my dreams ! March 18. — There now ! Somebody was as cross today as Sir Fret- ful himself, and as cold as an irate step-grandmother. How ridicu- lous ! Especially when we don't do anything to make other people like us and pay us attention. March 19. — Made two new acquaintances today. One is a soporific, and the other — well, I don't understand him, and I haven't got time to try to understand everybody. March 20. — A great joy has come to me this day, an unlooked-for, an inexpressible joy ! A card was brought to me, and I took it with a sigh, because so many cards are brought in and we have so little time for rest. But the name upon that particular card made my heart thump and thump so fast I thought it would thump clean out of my body. It was my dear brother's name — ^the scout, who has been in prison two years, first at Camp Chase and recently at Fort Delaware. Without stopping as usual to give a last touch to my hair, I rushed into his presence and into his arms. He's the rowdiest, shabbiest, patchiest looking fellow you ever saw, but as handsome as ever, and the same old darling. We talked and talked; we crowded the talk of two long years of separation into two short hours of face to face. It is a thrilling romance, the way he escaped from A Confederate Girl's Diary. 283 prison. In a dead man's shoes it was! That man's name was Jesse Tredway, and he died in his bunk after his name had been entered on the list of exchange. My brother put his dead comrade in his own bunk and said nothing. He answered to his name in the roll call and quietly took his place in the ranks of the outgoing prisoners. The details of that journey homeward, the recital of his adventures and narrow escapes from detection all along the route, is something to be heard from his own lips in order to be appreciated. The recital made the blood tingle in my veins and then suddenly run cold ; made my pulses throb and then suddenly cease almost to throb at all. Think of it! The recklessness of the deed, and his subsequent anxiety and fear of detection every moment. In the soft veil of the night, in the white light of the morning, under the noonday sun, under the midnight stars, even in the stillness of sleep, never to be rid of the fear of detection. His very life hung upon the issue, for he had made up his mind to shoot down the first man who remanded him back to prison. Thank God ! he was never detected, never re- manded back! He will now journey on without delay, on foot, for the most part. He has no money to pay his passage — but what of that ? It is a pleasure to him to walk on God's fair earth again, no longer a shut-up animal in a cage ; the earth is full of a new glory for him, the glory of sweet liberty. The exile has returned to his home. March 23. — Congressman Farrow asked me today if I were feeling well. Come to think of it, I do not feel well. My nerve forces seem to be all out of tune, and my digestion is impaired — in fact, a general malaise appears to be the result of hardtack on my constitution. March 25. — My head aches; I have no appetite (and nothing fit to eat, either) ; my senses are dull. Heaven grant I may not be ill in Richmond! At this particular epoch, it is the place for every- thing else, but no place to be sick in. March 29. — Mr. Duncan brings us the weightiest news. The Confederacy is going to the dogs — or, did he say the devil? That young lieutenant was right. We may have to fly from Richmond as we did from Columbia. It is a profound secret as yet; but he warns us to be ready to leave on quick notice. Are we to be driven to the wall ? I can't believe it ! But somehow — somehow — my heart is as barren of hope tonight as the great Sahara of water. March 30. — Indeed, something very serious is astir in military circles. After arranging everything, the M. P. has had to give up the projected outing on the James ? It is not safe— a fight is brewing. 284 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Doubtless I should worry more if I felt better; when the head is so confused with pain, and the nerves unstrung, all other matters are secondary. March 31. — Feel better today. Mr. Connelly gave us a collation in the hotel in lieu of the abandoned picnic. Very swell, despite the blockade. Must have cost him a pretty sum. I told Mr. Duncan I would not leave Richmond, so full of a certain charm is the life here ; but of course have had to give in, and now am ready for another flight as soon as he notifies us. Charlotte, N. C, April 3. — We barely escaped with the skin of our teeth ! The flight from Richmond was even more hasty and exciting than the exodus from Columbia, only I am not equal to writing about it. Congressman F — accompanied us and other friends. I fear it is all up with the Confederacy, and with me also. I am ill; I have fever — typhoid. April 8. — I have neglected you, my little book, but don't you know how sick I am? And how they have all been busy nursing me, so tenderly, so. patiently, so untiringly — Ernestine, Elise, and the mem- bers of this kind family, the Davidsons. We are back in our old quarters with them, and I count myself blessed that such is the case. Never can I repay them for their kindness ! God, you pay them for me ! Heaven, if ever they come to troublous days, and dark nights, send down thy tender light upon them ! I cannot pay them ; I am a miserable, weak thing, with very little moral strength and very much body (all aching). I wish my spirit didn't have to be pent up in this body. My brother told me of his prison house; we all have a prison house. Death is the escape — so why should any one dread death? April 10. — The wires being up again, I have been sending tele- grams home to allay anxiety. Have been sitting up a little, and the doctor finally consents for me to be removed home. He — and every one here — ^treats me as a dear friend, not as a stranger. When I asked him for my bill, he said, "I have none," and when I' insisted, he made out one for ten dollars. Ten dollars in Confederate money ! It wouldn't buy enough salt to season his egg for breakfast ! I could not keep back the tears while handing him the money, and not long ago, when I was well, I never used to. cry for anything. But kind- ness touches where nothing else does. I do like doctors, and men in general, men of high nature, and true. Perhaps I have spoken flip- pantly of them sortietimes, but, bless you, not a word of it was seriously intended. Whatever their foibles, men as a class are A Confederate Girl's Diary. 285 more gienerous than women ; they don't laugh so much in their sleeve at other people ; they are not so full of paradoxical conceits and petty animosities; they are not so apt to be distanced in the first heat of goodness ; and are altogether more tolerant in mind and catholic in spirit. I say again, I like men. This world would be a very stupid place without them. The other girls have gone, but Lise and Ernestine have waited for me, and we will be off as soon as may be. Chester, April 11. — I have borne the journey thus far well, and as the railroad stops here, the rest having been destroyed by Sher- man's army, we will travel the remainder of the journey in a govern- ment train of wagons. Many, many friends have we encountered here, trying, like ourselves, to get back home. Lise's brother is to go in our party, and Mr. West. Newberry, April 15. — The wagon trip across country was glori- ous! I, the invalid, was made comfortable on a cotton mattress, spread on the body of the wagon, and Lise and Ernestine, and the gentlemen in attendance, did all thiiigs possible for my comfort and well-being. Even the wagon drivers were good to me, and the very mules seemed to regard "the sick lady" compassionately out of mild eyes and patient. One night, we slept in the beautiful country home of the Means' ; another at the Subers' ; and the other — oh ! night of nights — we camped out! Vividly do I recall the minutest detail connected with that night in the woods — the pink line that flushed the western sky, the slowly descending twilight, the soft curves of the hills, the winding courses of the roadways, the sleeping cattle, the sloping meadows, the flitting figures of the teamsters about the blazing fire, the brooding solitude, the stillness of the midnight hour. The others breathed softly, in deep repose, and I lay with face up- turned and eyes opened to the tender benediction of the stars, and then it was that, with every mysterious inspiration of the night, a picture of the scene was painted on the canvas of memory. I must put on record a very singular incident which occurred during this cross-country joutney : We stopped at midday near a farmhouse, to rest the teams and procure a drink of cool water. Seeing us, the farmer came out to the well and cordially invited us to 'enter, which we gladly did, and while conversing quietly together on the piazza, one of us — it must have been Lise, for she is always the first to see everything — happening to look overhead, espied the United States flag, and the American eagle, drawn in colors on the ceiling. The sight was electrical ; it struck us with a shock. 286 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. "But why should it shock us?" asked one of the gentlemen. "It is merely an evidence that our host is a Unionist. Every man to his own notion, say I ! But it means nothing to us." It did to me ; it meant a great deal ; I looked upon those emblems with a superstitious eye. "We are invincible!" was their language to me; "we are over your heads, and there we are going to stay!" Little did I dream how soon this imaginative interpretation would be literally verified. We had heard before leaving Charlotte that the advance guard of the Union forces had entered Richmond a day or two after our departure, but that was all we knew. Now, another singular thing happened. While we still sat together on that piazza, under the wings of the American eagle and the folds of the star spangled banner, there came along a soldier in gray. He was dirty, and ragged, and barefooted, and he looked on the ground sadly as he moved upon his way, walking slowly, as if he had come from afar and felt footsore and weary. Mr. C — ran out upon the roadside and accosted him. Was there any news? The man answered, "News ? Wall, yes ; I reckon there is ! Ain't yer beared it?" "No, indeed. We have heard nothing. What is it?" There was a ghastly silence. This piece of news seemed to be an unutterable thing for the soldier in gray. "Do speak ! For God's sake, what is it ?" Then the man in gray lifted his bowed head slowly, and replied : "Lee has surrendered !" "It is not true ! It cannot be true !" But it was true. "Wasn't I there?" asked the soldier, whose voice sounded as if his heart were broken. "Wasn't I there when it happened on the gth of April?" What more was there to be said ? Failure is a bitter thing, but I think the only way to meet it is in silence and with courage. Newberry, April 25. — Lise and Ernestine are long since home, but my dear friends here will not listen to my leaving until I have grown stronger. I do not get on physically as fast as I ought. It is very restful here, after the exciting life in Richmond. What of the city now? What of the sunshiny pavements, where I prome- naded but so lately, amid scenes of such brilHancy and life? There came a sudden darkening in her sky, and I know not how weak A Confederate Girl's Diary. 287 I am until I undertake to touch upon these themes. Surely the feeling of utter helplessness is the worst feeling in the world. May 5. — Home again ! But, ah ! how changed a home ! All but God is changing day by day. Changed are we, and changed our home, in everything but loving hearts. We are all here; nobody killed in battle; nobody dead from disease. Have we not something, after all, to be thankful for ? Now Johnny must go to college and exchange the arts of war for the arts of peace. Judge Aldrich took charge of me from Newberry. We came as far as Alston on the train, but the railroad being destroyed thence, we hired an old ambulance, which, although in a state of chronic dilapi- dation, luckily held together for the trip. We entered the city from the Main street road, our way being marked with desolation and ruin on all sides. One solitary house is all that is left upon that whole street above the State House. Turning out of that street, we lost our bearings in the surrounding mass of brick and ashes. There are few landmarks left in the heart of the city to enable the wayfarer to distinguish one locality from another. It is all so strange, so sad, so hard to realize. "How doth the city sit solitary that was full of people ! How has she became as a widow !" The relief to my overwrought feelings as we drove through the silent streets was in a woman's refuge — tears ; my companion's in a man's — silence. We said little to each other; we only drew long, deep, sighing breaths of pain. War has no pity, yet, oh! the pity of it! Thus we reached home. -Old mammy was the first to see, the first to greet me. "Lawd! Lawd! young missis, dem Yankees ain't kill ye, sure enough !" "No," said I ; "they must catch before they kill." "Bless Gawd fer dat! But I hope yer fetched yer rashuns wid yer." "No," T was obliged to admit, "I only brought an appetite, and, I regret to state, a very good one." "Den Lawd hab mercy on yer!" she remarked, "fer de black- berries, dey ain't got ripe yit." And old Nancy shook her head mournfully. 288 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. As to my dear mother, she is so happy in my safe return that she scarcely reverts to our hardships. We still have each other. We two, and old mammy, are the only ones at home at present, the gen- tlemen of the family having gone up to the Broad River section in a wagon, in the hope of being able to procure some provisions. It is next door to starvation with us, and no mistake. Each day we send to headquarters for a little bacon and some meal, and that is what we live on, if it may be called living. It is true, we have a little sugar, and a small quantity of real tea a dear old lady gave me in Newberry, but the sugar was buried while the Federal army was here, and in consequence is infested with those pestiferous little creatures who never fail to make the best of their opportunities. Now, some who may chance to read these lines might say that they couldn't go ant-tea. But I go it! It is much better than no tea at all. Moreover, I manage it after a way of my own which vastly increases its palatability. I found out how to do it. I skim all I can conveniently off the top, then I shut my eyes tight and fast, then I open my mouth (which is a good-sized mouth) and it all runs down (ants too), and then I open my eyes and put the cup down and say to myself, "Good ! Very good ! I like tea." June 20. — Sadie came to see me yesterday, and today it is Lise and Ernestine. We often see each other, and surely we girls are never so happy as when seeing each other. We often wish for Bet, who is far away, and we read each other's letters, and talk about the generals, the colonels, and the majors, and the captains, and the no less dear, delightful privates we used to know in those days of ex- citement, those nights of enchantment, passed in fair Richmond, on the James. It is thus we live over again the stirring events of those stirring times, when together we fled from Sherman. Malvina S. Waring, (Mrs. Clark Waring). Columbia, S. C. The Burning of Columbia. [Extract from a circular letter addressed to the "Congregation de Paris" by the "Monastere de Sainte-Ursuk de Valle Crucis," near Columbia, S. C] In the year 1861, when the war broke out between the North and South, a great number of girls — not only children, but girls of twenty and over — came to take refuge in the Convent, their parents wishing MOTHER THERESA, CHARLESTON. The Burning of Columbia. 289 to avoid for them the mixed state of society brought about by the war. f^ * * The boarding school has never been more flourishing than at the opening of the year 1865. Nevertheless, we were then in great anxiety, as well from the absence of our bishop, who had gone to Rome, as from the approach of the Northern Army, which brought desolation along its route. A telegram had announced the fall of Chattanooga. Charleston and Savannah were threatened, and Columbia was in great alarm. Soon the army marched across Georgia into South Carolina, carry- ing destruction everywhere, burning all houses and mills along its road. The 15th of February, the enemy occupied the heights of Lexington and commenced the bombardment of Columbia. After twenty- four hours of this bombardment, which caused much damage, the commanding general of the Northern Army, William Tecumseh Sherman, received a deputation from the mayor, giving him peace- able possession of the city. About ten o'clock in the morning eight hundred cavalrymen entered Columbia, and found it occupied only by women, children, and old men. Columbia had also been considered so absolutely safe that it had been made a depot for many of the treasures of the Confederacy. Bankers had deposited there their funds; merchants had brought their merchandise, and families their valuables. All these circum- stances were known, and therefore the destruction of Columbia had been resolved upon. We here give an account of the burning of the Convent and Boarding School, from the testimony of a friend and one who witnessed these occurrences. The Convent was, unfortunately, in the middle of the town, and could only have been saved with great difficulty from the surround- ing conflagration, even had efforts been made to that end. When the town was taken possession of by General Sherman, Father O'Connell had obtained a guard for our protection, and thus while stores and private houses were being pillaged by soldiers, the nuns were not even disturbed. Towards midday, a cavalry officer arrived, who, after questioning the sentinel, rang the door bell. The door was opened by the portress and her companion, whereupon he introduced himself as Major FitzGibbons, and wished to see the superior of the establish- ment. Having presented himself to the reverend mother as a Catholic, he offered any necessary help. The nuns not understand- ing him, and having no suspicion of the dangers threatening them, 19 290 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. declined his offers with thanks; but he insisted earnestly, telling them that the ruin of Columbia had been determined ; or that at least the army thought so, and that he himself doubted if one house would be spared. While this announcement terrified the nuns, they still believed that their Convent could not be threatened with such disaster, as Gen- eral Sherman had assured a lady in Savannah, whose daughter was in the Convent, that she was perfectly safe there. "Certainly," said Major FitzGibbons, "I cannot say that your Convent is going to be burned; but," he added with a meaning look, "we can't answer for what may happen." The lady in Savannah had consulted General Sherman as to the safety of her daughter, and he had answered that she was in the safest place. But, with the natural anxiety of a mother, she per- sisted, "General, to speak candidly, my daughter is in the Convent. Now, we know the terrible threats of your army against Columbia, and I am afraid for my daughter." Again he answered, "Leave your daughter where she is, madam; all religious institutions will be respected." Mrs. Daniel Huger, whose daughter was also a scholar with the Ursulines, and whose brother-in-law had just left Savannah after its capture by Sherman, had received a similar assurance, and had com- municated it to the nuns. Major FitzGibbons listened with apparent interest to all this, and said, "I wish, ladies, that you would write this to the general ; I know he will do what he can for you." But, in spite of this assurance, the major made every effort to excite the fears of the nuns, who, knowing nothing of the outside world, could not believe in the threat- ened danger. He also made many inquiries, apparently well-inten- tioned, as to the members of the community of nuns, and he learned that most of us were strangers, having no other home on this side of the Atlantic; that we had been here only seven years, and had spent all of our resources on the building we occupied ; that some of the nuns had formerly lived in the Convent of Ohio, where relatives of General Sherman had been brought up ; and that the daughter and sister of General Sherman were still there during the last months spent by these nuns in Ohio. On learning this, the major again urged that it should be written to the general, and offered to carry the letter himself. The nuns consented, and while the letter was being prepared he said, frowning and sternly, "You did wrong,- sis- ,ters, very wrong, to make your house a place of deposit for valu- The Burning of Columbia. 291 ables." This showed he had had information about the town. "You make a great mistake," replied a nun ; "we have refused to receive anything hke silver or jewels, because we are in charge of what is much more precious— the daughters of our friends— and we would not risk their safety by receiving what might invite to pillage. We have taken fine pictures, books, etc., but nothing that could be called valuables." The major left us, expressing his surprise at the calm- ness of the sisters, which he contrasted to the alarm of the people of Savannah. He did not know that this calm was caused by their ignorance of the outside world, and the fact that they had not a suspicion of what they were to witness. Faithful to his promise, he returned about three in the afternoon, looking much pleased, and accompanied by seven men. "Here," said he, "is a treasure, written by the general's own hand." Saying this, he gave the nuns the envelope of their letter, on which was written, in pencil: "Com: Tofficier voisin de proteger the Convent avec zele. Sherman, Maj.- Gene. Col. Palmer, 25me loua, fournira une compagnie (96 hommes) pour ce service. J. W. Jenkins, P. M. Sergt., S. C. Mott, Co. 25 la."* "Now," said Major FitzGibbons, with satisfaction, "I can answer for your safety and for the safety of all in the Convent. I have brought with me seven picked men, on whom you can rely. I have chosen purposely American Protestants as better fitted to de- fend you against those with whom they will come in conflict, and if you have need of my help you will find me at the Rev. Dr. O'Con- nell's." At this moment Dr. O'Connell was announced. He looked tired and preoccupied, but the happy major did not seem to notice it, for he saluted him cheerfully, adding, with a laugh, as he went out, "I have taken your house for my lodging." For the first time, the sisters began to suspect that some mys- terious trouble was impending. They became very uneasy for the welfare of about forty of their pupils, who, being far from their families, were, on that account, a great responsibility. These pupils, with several nuns, had been sent the day before to Valle Crucis, about three miles from the town, to avoid the shells which were falling round and about the Convent. When the town was occupied in the morning, a vain effort had been made to get a pass and a guard to bring this party back to the Convent. To the surprise of the sisters, nuns and scholars, all *This order is given here in French, as it appears in the circular letter. The nuns having translated it from English into French, a retranslation might not he exactly in General Sherman's words. 292 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. returned, having as protectors a cavalry officer in front, and another in the rear of their ranks. This is what had happened : While they were waiting at Valle Crucis for some one to escort them back to town, two soldiers on horseback appeared in the avenue, flourishing their weapons in the air, and shouting, "Bum it ! burn it ! Hampton's palace ! burn it !" One of them, jumping off his horse, ran towards the front step; the other ran into one of the front halls, to set fire to it. At this moment, the sister on guard came out to meet the man at the front door, who, amazed at the sight of a nun, bowed very politely and excused himself, saying, "Pardon me, madam, is not this the house of General Hampton ?" "No," she replied, point- ing to the cross and the words "Convent of Valle Crucis" ; "don't you see it is a Convent?" "No, sister, I am very sorry, I assure you ; if I had known it I would never have approached it, much less come in. I beg your pardon. Can I be of any use to you ?" "Cer- tainly," replied the nun; "I accept your offer and will be very glad of an escort to accompany us to town, if you can get us one. I have just received a letter from my superior, who is anxious to see us all reunited, and is much troubled that she cannot get us an escort." "Here we are, sister!" And the two soldiers put themselves at their disposal and took them safely to the Convent. On the way, they were much frightened by hearing cries of terror from the people whose burning houses they saw in every direction, with soldiers going about everywhere, as their two escorts had done at Valle Crucis. At one place, a young girl, almost crazed with fright, ran to take refuge and protection among the nuns. You may judge of the thankfulness that filled all hearts when the Convent door opened to this party. Their escort returned to them politely their little baggage, which they had insisted upon carrying. In the town, scenes were enacted distressing beyond the imagina- tion of these cloistered nuns. All were invited to the pillage of the town — negroes, criminals of the jails, etc. The sisters feared that the neighborhood of some government buildings might put their home in danger, and on this account they put some clothes into bags that could be easily carried ; but certainly they were not prepared for what they were to witness that night. Men, running along like lamplighters, carried pots of combustibles and lighted torches, which they applied ever)rwher€. After giving supper to the sentinels, the sisters all met in the hall of recreation, where they were congratulating themselves on their reunion, and even laughing over the walk from Valle Crucis, when The Burning of Columbia. 293 one of their number came in, saying that she thought there was a fire in town. "Don't be frightened," said another ; "we are so happy at being all together again." "And," said another sister, "you must be mistaken, for we haven't heard the alarm bell." However, they went to look, and what was their astonishment to see the sky filled with the light of flames which, though far off, were frightful. The silence of death reigned around them ; not a bell was heard ; not the sound of a human voice in the condemned town. They only saw soldiers and officers going about with an expression of triumph. However, down near the depot, where flames had been set, things were not so calm. There confusion reigned, for the soldiers were preventing the townspeople from using the fire engines. In the awful silence of this terrible night, the sisters could hear nothing but the roar of flames and the fall of buildings ; and these flames, carried by a violent wind, seemed to hasten on their way to the Convent. The nuns begged one of the guards to send for Major FitzGibbons, but he refused, saying, in a sullen tone, that he did not know where to find him. They begged two others to go on the roof, which was flat, to see what might be done in case the fire came near ; they showed them buckets of water, which had been pre- pared in case of need ; but the cold indifference of some of these men, and the undisguised pleasure of others, made the sisters understand that they had nothing to hope from them. The Rev. Dr. O'Connell had come early, accompanied by the Rev. Wm. McNeal, to carry away the Holy Sacrament. The nuns, hoping against hope, begged him not to deprive them of so great a consolation, as the danger was not yet imminent. They were much impressed by the expression of the priests' faces, but being ignorant of much that was passing out- side, they still comforted themselves. Soon the two priests came back, and then they could no longer doubt. They went with lighted tapers to the chapel, where the almoner gave them for the last tirpe the benediction of the Holy Sacrament. The silence was broken only by sobs from the youngest sisters — a feeble testimony to the emotion felt by all. The two priests then went out, and the resting place of the Holy Sacrament during this eventful night was the breast of the young and devout priest, who was obliged, in order to avoid the insults of the soldiers, to go by the most out-of-the-way streets. This priest was the Rev. Father McNeal. As danger approached, the parents of the scholars came to find their children, and the nuns, at last understanding their situation. 294 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. prepared to save some clothes and other articles, dragging the trunks which contained them out into the middle of the court. The guards, seeing them exhausted by this work, said, "You deserve it; you brought it on yourselves," and, with the greatest hardness, refused any help. Three of them, however, touched by the sweet patience with which the nuns bore this rudeness, came at last to their assist- ance. The danger now was imminent, and so great a number of soldiers were crowding about the house that it was thought best to send the scholars and the younger nuns to a place of safety. Each scholar was given a package, and they were told to form into ranks, so that, in spite of fright and confusion, any one who happened not to be there would be missed. The signal was given, and they went out' in the same order always observed in their walks. Their good con- duct excited the admiration of the soldiers, who said, "Those girls are as well disciplined as our troops ; they do credit to their school." The Rev. Dr. O'Connell accompanied them to the Catholic Church, which stood in the midst of the conflagration, but far from other buildings. By this time, sparks and pieces of burning wood were falling all around the Convent, and the nuns still remaining were advised to leave while it was yet possible. Fortunately, none of them wene aged; but one was helpless from rheumatism. What could be done with her ? She could not walk, and no carriage was to be had. Our anxiety was becoming terrible, when a young officer found a car- riage, and we were able to take her to rejoin the others at the church. Dr. Gallagher, a surgeon, expressed his regret that his regiment was not in town, as, being composed of Catholics, it would have helped us. Several of the lay sisters had been shocked at the conduct of the sentinels. One of them, from Connecticut, had lost two nephews in the Northern Army. Another, from Cincinnati, thinking that her brother was in the ranks, said aloud, "I didn't believe there were such bad people in Cincinnati; at least I have never seen them." "Are you from Cincinnati ?" asked a soldier ; "then I will help you." * * * But he could do nothing, as we were then obliged to leave the Convent on account of the extreme danger. A third sister, with almost girlish pleasure, was looking forward to the entrance of the army, in hopes that she might see her five brothers, from whom she had heard nothing since the beginning of the war. Her joy was short, for the shock she received that night caused her death 1 The Burning of Columbia. 295 The pillage of the Convent had commenced at about midnight, by the light of the flames. The guards, thinking all had gone, went upstairs, opened the pianos, and played and danced. One of them ran downstairs to the dormitory of the scholars, carrying with him a pretty little holy water font, which he, laughing, insultingly shook in the face of a nun. Then he, with others, rushed to the dor- mitory of the sisters ; but they were stopped by a venerable old man, whose daughter was in the Convent, and who did his best to protect those nuns who were still in the building. "Those rooms," said he, "are sacred; you can't go in." The majestic manner and gray hair of Mr. S. C. stopped them for one moment; but they rushed off in another direction. Hatchets and crowbars came into play, and doors soon gave way. The handsome dresses of the pupils were thrown all over the courts ; book*, music, etc., were tossed in every direction, and the trunks broken and emptied. Of all the provisions, gathered with so much foresight, nothing was left but a little box of coffee, brought to the nuns by Dr. Gallagher, of Ohio. We owe thanks to this gentleman for his services to us through this night. The guard promised us by General Sherman and Major Fitz- Gibbons were most likely engaged in a more lucrative manner during those hours. When the first nuns left the Convent, they thought it would be only for a few hours. The first salutation they heard in the street was, "Well, ladies, what you think of the Yankees — cruel, eh?" But this was only from the common people. Father O'Connell wanted to conduct the second group through the principal streets, thinking, in the goodness of his heart, that such a scene must touch all be- holders; but the increase of the fire made it too dangerous. They were met by men on horseback, who called out, with great politeness, "Go on, sisters ; we will take you to a safe place." Fire was falling so thick that it burned the veils and dresses of the nuns on their way to join their sisters in the graveyard. Deceived by false promises of protection, by ignorance of what was passing in the town, and by the cold tranquility of their guards, the nuns thought they were safe in leaving all they possessed in the house, saving only their scholars and themselves from fire, and from contact with the soldiery. In this way they lost everything. At three o'clock in the morning, they saw the fall of the cross which had stood on the cupola of the Convent. Up to this time, some of them still thought their home would escape; but it was destroyed with the rest. 296 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. While the nuns from their place of safety stood watching the progress of the flames and the incendiaries as they ran from house to house, setting them on fire, a friend came to them to say that he had just seen the Convent set on fire. He had watched all that time, in the hope that it might providentially be saved ; but a man — one of the guards, he thought — called out, probably in derision, "Where can I find water?" Our friend ran forward to help; but he saw the soldier himself set a torch to the building, and realized that an offer of help was useless. The nuns, seeing and feeling the flames, thought there would soon be no safety even among the graves. Outside the graveyard, sen- tinels were walking, and others were grouped in front of Mrs. Ringgold's house, adjoining the church. She was the wife of a United States officer, and her house was occupied by soldiers. Others of the men, half drunk, staggered down the streets, blowing the smoke of their cigars into the nuns' faces, saying, "Holy ! oh ! yes ; holy ! We are just as holy as you are !" Two came into the church, carrying fire and inflammables, but seeing themselves watched, they went off after a moment's hesitation, and hid their incendiary ma- terials in a ditch in the graveyard, leaving Colonel Curley, who seemed determined to save the church, walking backward and for- ward, looking very unhappy. Two of the nuns, having gone apart to consult whether it was not better to take their scholars to the neighboring woods, were gtartled by hearing a voice behind them say, "Your position is most distressing to me." It was an officer, who had heard their conver- sation, and seemed deeply distressed. The sisters, distinguishing his figure by the light of the fire, said, "You seem to pity us." "Truly I do," he answered. "Are you a CathoHc?" they asked. "No, madam." "From what State do you come?" "From Indi- ana." When the nuns expressed their surprise and gratitude at his sympathy, he went on to say, "There was a time when I was proud of being a United States officer, but when I see such things as this I am ashamed * * *." When day broke, we were still at the door of the church, suffer- ing from cold and hunger — without a home, without shelter, food, a bed to lie on after so much fatigue, and not even clothes enough to keep us warm ! The crowd looked at us through the railings of the church — some with sympathy, some with surprise and curiosity. One good man brought us, with tears in his eyes, a crucifix and a cloak, the only The Burning of Columbia. 297 things saved from the fire. Another, unable to speak, went off wiping away his tears, to find General Sherman and plead our cause with him. Three neighboring families, whose houses had escaped, sent the nuns hot coffee, which they received with gratitude. They also in- vited them to their homes ; but, sooner than separate, they preferred to wait in the churchyard until refuge could be found for all. Some Irish soldiers coming to see if mass were to be held in the church, cried out, on seeing the nuns, "This will never do! The general would not allow this if he knew it ! Send for the general !" One of them, from Rochester, brought to a lay sister a letter from her father, and waited for her to write an answer on the blank page of a book. She wrote, sitting on the cold stone of the church step, while the man stood looking at her sadly. What could he tell her people of their daughter? Perhaps he was one who had caused the night's disaster! At this moment General Sherman came up on horseback, with several officers, and stopped at Mr. Ringgold's door. "There is the general," cried out the Irishman ; "go and speak to him." Remem- bering that the general had promised the day before to come to see them, and remembering his promises of protection, the nuns depu- tized two of their number to go and tell him that he would find them all in the churchyard. A crowd of officers and soldiers were talking to Mrs. Ringgold and her family at her house door. The general, on horseback, smoked his cigar, and seemed in very good spirits. He received the news very civilly, but kept his seat on his horse. He said he intended going to see them. After some minutes, he dismounted and went into the graveyard to the mother superior. She came forward to meet him as he approached. He pressed her hand and said, in a very cheerful tone, "Ah ! there are times when one must practice patience and Christian endurance." "You have prepared for us one of those moments, general," said the superior. "I am really very sorry," he said, "that your Convent is burned." They then had some moments of conversation. Meantime, a number of ladies came into the graveyard. The of- ficers dismounted and stood respectfully, holding the bridles of their horses. The nuns and scholars drew close to look at one of the greatest living generals — the Attila of his day. All around were broken and empty trunks and boxes, which strewed the ground. On the porch of the church stood a harp, with broken strings. 298 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. The comments of some of the ladies did not seem very agreeable to General Sherman, who called out, raising his voice, "Ladies, it is all the fault of your negroes, who gave my soldiers liquor; it is the fault of your mayor, who ought to have sent off all the liquor before the army entered the town." Then, turning to the nuns, he offered them their choice of houses in the town, promising them a strong guard to protect them. A day earlier the nuns might have asked protection for their home and property. It was now too late. However, the offer was kindly made, and received with gratitude. From here the account goes on to say that the nuns took refuge in the Methodist Female College, and from there moved to the house of General John S. Preston, thus, no doubt, saving those buildings from destruction. The paper closes with various letters, one being from General Preston, expressing his thanks for the preservation of his house. The Burning of the Urstiline Convent by Sherman. Only a schoolgirl, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, February seventeenth, Columbia, South Carolina, Ursuline Convent. What do these dates recall to the woman of today ? A terrible "army with banners," clad in blue, burnished blades and well polished guns, an endless stream of soldiers — infantry, cavalry, and artillery — from various countries of this globe, entering a beautiful city, situated on the banks of a tawny river, which had been formally surrendered by the Mayor and Aldermen, and thus, by the laws of civilized war- fare, was entitled to protection from the conqueror's soldiery. From behind the shuttered windows of a sacred edifice, a group of schoolgirls viewed Sherman's army as it filed below on the Main street of the fair capital of South Carolina. Well disciplined, and well accoutered, on and on they marched through the city of sup- pressed woe, giving no omen of the awful night awaiting us, no prophecy of the dark events to be enacted in a few hours, never to be forgotten by those of us who suffered from the swift, cruel demolition of Columbia. Some of these events I am going to dis- passionately portray. So soon as the army entered Columbia, on the morning of the 17th of February, 1865, Rev. Father O'Connell, the revered and be- , loved chaplain of the Convent for many years, interested himself to The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 299 obtain a guard for us. The Convent was kept free from intrusion whilst other portions of the city suffered from pillage and insults. Later in the day, a cavalry officer sought admittance to the Convent, and introduced himself to our mother superior. This elegant, ac- complished woman was Miss Ellen Lynch, sister of Bishop Lynch, one of South Carolina's most distinguished prelates and students, whose works have been translated into several languages. Dr. John Lynch, another brother, who bears a conspicuous part in this narra- tive, was also representatively connected with his State. He was born at sea; thus it will be seen his eventful life began out of the usual auspices. "Dr. Lynch graduated at the South Carolina Medical College, and practiced the last twenty-one years of his life in Colum- bia. A member of the Richland Medical Society, of the Pee Dee Medical Association, of the South Carolina Medical State Society. In 1852, a delegate to the National Medical Association. In 1865, was appointed by Governor Magrath surgeon-general of the State of South Carolina. In 1877, reappointed by Governor Wade Hamp- ton. He was physician to the State Hospital of the State Peniten- tiary, and professor of physiology and materia medica in the Medi- cal School of the University of South Carolina, filling this chair until the close of the University, in 1877." — Extract from "Physicians and Surgeons of the United States." In 1858, the second attempt to establish the Ursulines in South Carolina was made by Rt. Rev. P. N. Lynch, Bishop England having failed. The Convent in Columbia was established by a colony from St. Martins, Brown County, Ohio — Sister Baptista Lynch the superioress. The trip was a trying and tedious one for these saintly women of God, resting with the Carmelite nuns at Bal- timore, in whose community another sister of Bishop Lynch was found. The Ursulines reached Columbia the first of September, and settled in a house recently vacated by the Sisters of Mercy, who had gone to Charleston. After many trials and discomforts in the passing years, we find this saintly order of nuns prosperous and happily successful on the 17th day of February, when the cavalry officer proffered assistance to the mother superior, as an "individual," which puzzled her very much. General Sherman's promise, through Father O'Connell and Dr. Lynch, of protection to the Convent having completely satisfied our superioress, and lured her into the belief that our Convent home would be safe, this officer was thanked for his kindly interest, and his offer declined. He continued to press his services, telling the 300 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. mother superior that Columbia was a doomed city, and the whole army knew it, and he doubted if a house would be left standing. Quite a lengthy conversation ensued, the officer showing much prophetic knowledge, and concern for our safety. After he left, the mother superior asked her brother. Dr. John Lynch, to go to General Sherman and find out if the Convent would be safe, and to give him the number of pupils and nuns she was responsible for. Dr. Lynch was assured by General Sherman the Convent was to be protected, and advised him "to keep his sister where she was — outside the city limits he could not control stragglers." The poor confiding religieuses, unused to falsity, calmly settled into renewed security and resisted all advice of friends in the city to move from the Convent. Later on in this eventful day the mother superior was again warned of the impending fate of the city. She then wrote General Sherman a letter, reminding him of "her personal as well as religious claim upon his protection, because of her friendship with his sister, her former classmate, and his daughter having been her pupil." To this note. General Sherman replied, advising her to remain where she was; that her Convent should be protected. Although the necessity of war compelled the destruction of certain public build- ings, she need fear no harm to her Convent. About 3 p. m.. Major FitzGibbons returned to the Convent (the same officer referred to) , and brought with him several guards. He gave the mother superior an envelope, on which was written, in Gen- eral Sherman's handwriting: "Commanding officer near: Protect the Convent. Colonel Palmer, 25th Iowa, furnish ninety-six men for this duty. J. W. Jenkins, P. M. Sergt., J. C. Motte, Co. 25, 26." "Now," said the major, with a joyful air; "I can assure you of the safety of all in this Convent; I bring with me seven picked men; I have chosen them for a purpose — American Protestants." We learned from several soldiers that the Catholic regiment had been left over the river. The note from General Sherman was signed by his name, as commander-in-chief U. S. A. Father O'Connell returned at this time, looking very sad and anxious. His kindly old face aroused forebodings in the nuns ; they began interviewing us in sections, and preparing small bundles of clothing for each pupil, with instruction how to act should we have to leave the Convent. We were ignorant of the wild pillaging and sacking going on all over the city. Our Convent was situated at the comer of Main and Blanding streets, remote from most of the The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 301 dwelling houses. It is needless to dwell upon the details of that dreadful day. Magdeburg never endured greater danger and suf- fering. As darkness crept on, the roar as of a mighty wind over seething waters penetrated the thick walls of the Convent. Flames began to shoot up simultaneously in opposite parts of the doomed city, yet no warning note of the fire bell proclaimed the destroying tongues of flame now fast and furiously ascending. A pathetic silence prevailed in the Convent, unbroken by the sweet Angelus bell, which we had heard for the last time, and answered by devout prayers of both nuns and pupils. Later in the even- ing the venerable Father O'Connell, accompanied by his assistant, young Father McNeal, came to remove the blessed sacrament, this being the second attempt to do so, the nuns wishing to keep the host near them as long as possible on their altar. Realizing now our great danger, they sadly consented to let the sacred host be taken to a place of greater safety, should one be found. Father McNeal is an aged and beloved priest, now residing in Sumter, S. C. I can never forget the solemn, piteous sight of the black-robed nuns following their aged chaplain into the pretty little chapel to receive their last benediction of the blessed sacrament before that sacredly guarded altar. Stifled sobs, disjointed responses to the "Dominus vobiscum," evidenced the emotion of their breaking hearts. Some of us, although not Catholics at that time, instinctively fol- lowed the nuns into their chapel and witnessed a scene "nor time, nor tide, nor circumstance" will ever erase. When we returned from the chapel, after these harrowing min- utes, Protestant as well as Catholic children knelt with the nun, Madame Ursula, in a classroom very near the little "altar of God," and recited the rosary. These pious nuns, believing "more things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of," had constant recourse to the rosary. While we were on our knees, we were brought standing by the most unearthly battering in of the chapel door behind us, and reached by a stairway from the Main street side. It was like the crash of doom. Drunken soldiers piled over each other, rushing for the sacred gold vessels of the altar, not know- ing they were safe in the keeping of one blessed of God. The summons just then came for Madame Ursula to march her girls into the long main hall; we gladly obeyed, not knowing when the door between us and the soldiers would give way to their demoniacal batterings. Curses and threats filled the Convent when they found the gold chalice had escaped their polluted hands. 302 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Mrs. Warren Adams, Mrs. B. W. Taylor, Mrs. Seignious (nee Heyward), Belle Cohen, myself, and two little sisters, took counsel together and decided to make one last attempt to rescue our jewels from trunks in the "trunk room" nearby. While hastily gathering a few valuables, we were rudely accosted by a soldier anxious to begin his pillaging, and ordered to "get out" — and we did. I threw around me a large circular, part of my married sister's trousseau, and many times afterwards found it a great comfort, as we used it to cover us during the cold nights that followed. I took it from the trunk, however, more to conceal my case of jewels than for use. The signal was given by the mother superior to get into ranks. We marched through the blazing streets with the precision of a military band. It was our safety. Father O'Connell led the pro- cession, a crucifix held high above his head. The main body of nuns followed (a few remained, hoping still to save something), then the pupils, the smaller between the larger for protection. Not a cry; not a moan. Even the drunken soldiers seemed silenced for a little while by this grand sight of Church triumphing over War! The roaring of the fire, the scorching flames on either side as we marched down Blanding street, did not create the least disorder. That majestic figure of the mother superior, in the graceful black habit of the Ursuline order, following where the sacred crucifix led; the long line of anxious, white young faces of the schoolgirls, in wake of the community of religieuses, will stand out vividly before me unto my last day on earth. It was a scene worthy a Rubens or a Durer. Reaching the intersection of Blanding and Assembly streets. Father O'Connell halted. The rioting soldiers filled him with dismay. He hesitated between the church on our left and the park on our right. He decided on the church. I do not remember how long it was before the nuns who remained in the Convent got to us. They did, though, in safety, although several of them had large holes burned in their veils. Some officers, seeing their timidity in the streets, yet unknown to them, reined in their horses and, with our faithful Father O'Connell, acted as an escort to them. Our first band left the Convent about up. m., with beating hearts. It was not until about 3 a. m. that the cross above the Convent fell, and not until after other buildings near had succumbed. Some of the piously faithful believed to the last that the Convent would be miraculously spared. The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 303 Soldiers were seen with torches to fire it from the roof. Some of the ruder soldiers asked the good nuns, as they watched their home being destroyed, "What do you think of God now? Is not Sherman greater? Do you think now you are sanctified? We are as sanctified as you." It seemed at one time as if our resting place among the tombs was to be taken from us. The old churchyard was destined to be the arena of strange enactments — the dignified religieuse, the noble sister of our great bishop, calmly and bravely and righteously facing the Attila of the day; a meeting between a soldier and his nun sister, to whom he had brought a letter from their father in Rochester, N. Y. On the porch of the church leaned a harp, with its chords snapped. We were utterly worn out by the long strain of the bombardment, the taking and sacking of the city, the onslaught on the Convent, the march to the church, so, like the daughters of Judah "by the rivers of Babylon, we sat down and wept." The ever-watchful nuns soothed and cheered us as best they could. Some of the pupils only numbered seven and six years of age ; one little girl, five. We did not need much persuasion to lie down in the cushioned pews and sleep, while, like the Master of old, "they would watch." God bless them ! They did watch with a tenderness born of Him they served and loved so well. We had not enjoyed the sweet oblivion of slumber very long when we were aroused by the fearful cry of a thieving party of "bluecoats" that the church was "going to be blown up ! Get out all who don't want to be killed!" This diabolical cry was raised to cause the panic that ensued in order to get our little parcels of valuables. The nuns themselves knew not what to do. Over the graves, against tombstones, and into hedges, the frantic children flew. Officers passing the church stopped and inquired the cause of this wild rush. On being told, they quickly came to our aid, cursed the soldiers, and threatened them with punishment. A guard was then stationed around the church. But none of the promises made by these better disposed officers could induce us to return within. It was nearly daybreak, so we clung around the nuns in the yard, under the trees, and in the vestibule of the church. That morning the interview referred to took place between General Sherman and the mother superior, midway of the walk leading to the steps of the church. She was leaning against the door of the church, tired and faint, when informed that General Sherman was coming, in answer to her request that he should do so. She stood erect, like an injured 304 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. empress dethroned. With graceful, dignified bearing, she pro- ceeded to the spot designated, and stood there in the majesty of her sacred order, and her own grand womanhood, awaiting the approach of the commander of the United States Army, who had betrayed her confidence in his truth and honor. How plainly I see that splendid, intellectual face, the intelligent gray eyes full of fire and self-reliance. Surrounded by her nuns and some of her pupils, she received General Sherman. He was not so calm. A guilty conscience evidently rendered him nervous, and he greeted her con- fusedly. As he approached the mother superior, he removed the cigar he was smoking; in his embarrassment, he restored it to his lips, nervously chewing it. Our great respect and deference for our superioress caused me to remark to the nun beside me, "Smoking in the mother superior's presence." General Sherman removed the cigar for the second time, with an apology, holding it, throughout the interview, slightly behind him. The mother superior's hands were folded in the loose, flowing sleeves of her habit until General Sherman began explaining how the fire got beyond his control from buildings he had to burn, and blamed our men for leaving liquor in the city, etc. This irritated rather than pacified the mother superior. With a sweep of the strong, aristocratic hand, in the direction of her Convent, and the still burning city, she said, "General, this is how you kept your promise to me, a cloistered nun." The sweet, low voice, filled with injured pathos, touched even his heart, for he left oflf excusing himself and began immediately to speak, offering her any of the houses "left standing" as a gift. Slightly bowing her head, and with a sad, sarcastic curve of her lips, she answered, "Gen- eral Sherman, I do not think the houses left are yours to give, but when I do make arrangements for my community and pupils, I will thank you to move us and provide food for the large number it will be hard to feed." Our sufferings would never have been what they were had Gen- eral Sherman left us to the advice of the priests, and other friends, who wished the mother superior to move out to Bishop Lynch's villa. This distinguished prelate was in Rome. Dr. John Lynch discussed our removal with General Sherman, but he steadfastly ad- vised keeping the nuns in the city. We were subjected to vandalism worse than that of the Middle Ages, for then vestal shrines were spared. The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 305 General Sherman had with him at this interview, standing in the rear, Col. Charles Ewing and Captain Andenreid, and others. I remember their names, for the former was deputed to take charge of us, and the latter was a great friend and classmate of Gen. P. M. B. Young, on whose staff my brother Robert was, and he talked much of Captain Andenreid to me after the war. Colonel Ewing proved kind and sympathetic. He brought ambulances to move us to the Methodist College later in the day. Mrs. Ringgold, the widow of a United States officer, lived in a little cottage next to the church, and was protected early in the night from all intrusion because of her husband's rank in the United States Army. She and Mrs. John Lynch, in whose house an officer had made himself and staff comfortable, sent us hot coffee and bread, which, after our fatigue, proved most acceptable. Dr. Solomons, a refugee from Charleston, and a great admirer of my father, Judge Alfred Proctor Aldrich, found us in the church- yard. After getting the mother superior's consent to take the Hey- wards, my sisters and myself (for we would not separate) over to Mrs. Ringgold's, he insisted that we must sleep. We consented to do so after his promise to sit outside the door until we called him. This he did, and we had several hours of blessed sleep. The doctor then restored us to the mother superior, in the church. Towards noon, the ambulances arrived — Colonel Ewing in charge — and we moved to the Methodist Female College. Colonel Ewing turned one floor over to us, placing a strong guard of soldiers around it, thereby saving it for us, as well as the unwilling neighbors on the other floors. We were given army bedding ; thin pads of cotton, and a few blankets were also issued to us ; rations of hardtack, by Colonel Ewing's order, and a small supply of groceries. We were very wretched and uncomfortable. This college having been a Con- federate hospital, we were in constant dread of its being fired, and another routing out. We had one pot to cook the meager rations in, and a broken tongs, washed and scoured, to stir the mess we called a meal — rice, or hominy, and a piece of meat, when so fortunate as to get a scrap given us, to flavor the cereal. This conglomeration was doled out to us in little tin cups, a legacy from the stores of the wealthy United States government. Wooden paddles, on the order of "chopsticks," took the place of spoons and forks. Two of the nuns, too delicate for such hardships, finally entered "into that peace which passeth all understanding." The morning 3o6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. of the army's departure, two things transpired of moment : Captain Comyn, of the commissary department, brought us "ten days rations," as he termed a kind offering of meat, sugar, coffee, tea, flour, and hardtack. But for these things we would have suffered greatly, the rice and meal Colonel Ewing gave us having been exhausted. The second event was that which led to the saving of the Preston home. Sister Agnes — one of the lay sisters — and I went down to the hydrant to fill our bucket. Being fearless, I was often sent by the nuns on errands. While we were waiting, we heard the in- coming guard cursing his luck that he would not be on hand to help burn the house of the d — old rebel. Wade Hampton, and get his share of plunder, swearing the "old traitor" would not find a wall standing if he ever got home. Sister Agnes and I hastened to repeat this to the mother superior, a true friend of the Hamptons and Pres- tons, these two families having sympathized and protected the nuns in their early settlement in Columbia. The mother superior was lost in thought for a few minutes, after which she said, in her self-reliant way, "This cannot be permitted," and retired, with several of her nuns, into her room. She soon returned, with a little scrap of paper in her hand — an old book leaf, it looked to be. She asked if I was afraid to go with Sister Agnes and get the guard, or any soldier, to take the note quickly to General Sherman. We all felt that anything asked by the mother superior it was an honor and privilege to comply with. We were seeking a messenger; the guard refused to leave his post. In our search, we were stopped by an officer riding up, followed by an orderly. I ran to him and repeated the mother superior's wish. He said, rather indifferently, "I guess my orderly may take the note." I handed it to him, he having dis- mounted by this time. He read the little piece of writing, and hastily remounted his fine horse, saying, "Tell the superioress I will take the note myself, and deliver it." He galloped off, and that was the last I ever saw of that gentlemanly soldier. Recalling Sherman's handsome offer "of any house standing," the mother superior in that note asked for the Preston home. Very soon Colonel Ewing and Captain Comyn called. The former looked excited, and talked rapidly. He was dressed like a cavalryman, and had a crop in his hand, and struck his boot top while he talked. He asked the mother superior if she knew the Preston house was Gen- eral Logan's headquarters. She said, "Yes; but General Sherman offered me any house I wished, and this one suits me better than any The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 307 other." Colonel Ewing replied, "Well, I have come to move you; but that house, I know, has been ordered to be burned tomorrow morning, when the army leaves ; but if you will take it for a convent, I will ask the general to countermand the order." This was done, and the following morning Dr. John Lynch, Madame Charles, Madame Josephine, and other nuns, some of the pupils, my two little sisters, and several of the girls stopping with the nuns, were asked to accompany the party to take possession of the Preston house, the ofificer in charge having sent us word that his order was to "fire it unless the nuns were in possession." When we reached the beautiful old place, we found $re had been built, and the servants were rapidly moving out things ; indeed, with the exception of the two front parlors, all the rooms had been cleared. The lovely statue of Eve, a gift from Powers to, Colonel Preston, in gratitude for his help when the gifted sculptor was struggling for his education in art, stood arrayed, in the corner of one of the par- lors, in an old army coat and cap, and a black mustache desecrating her "faultily faultless lips." Mother Etienne, assistant to the mother superior, was placed in charge of this portion of the Ursuline community. After many years, the nuns paid their debt of gratitude to the Prestons right royally by saving their elegant home from the torch of Sherman's soldiers. Every Sunday, we assembled in the chapel of the Metho- dist Female College for the holy sacrifice of the mass. Rev. Father McNeal, celebrant. Later in the day, the Methodists held their ser- vices in the same room. In May, 1865, General John S. Preston returned to Columbia and took possession of his house, expressing sincere gratitude to the nuns for saving it. This community then returned to the Methodist College and rejoined their sisters. August i6th of this year. Sister de Sales (Miss Clark) and Sister Camilla received the "white veil" at the hands of Rev. Father H. F. Gasche, S. J., he having traveled from Savannah, Ga., at his own ex- pense, in a government ambulance, to conduct the annual retreat of the nuns. The railroads had been destroyed by Sherman's army on their devastating "march to the sea." This was truly a remarkable epoch in the history of our dear nuns. Their vicissitudes, so quietly, courageously endured, could only have been thus suffered through the goodness of God and their sublime faith in Him, Their vows of self-abnegation were sorely tried in 1865-66-67. Yet, like pure gold, they passed through the fiery furnace, and today the Ursuline Convent and Academy, a handsome 3o8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. brick building, in the same Columbia, gives proof of the Master's care of those who "keep His laws." Thirty or forty Protestant families were still in the Methodist College when the nuns rejoined the mother superior there. Episco- palians, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others, all united in showing respect — some of them reverence — to the religieuses and the kind Jesuit father. A room on the second floor was assigned him as a parlor, and it was often the pleasure of the Protestant ladies to leave on his little pine table any delicacy they had the good fortune to secure. Some days the lives of the nuns were brightened by gifts of flowers for their altar. War is a great leveler, and in one way a great humanizer. I could give pages connected with the Convent, but space is limited. Some day, perhaps, the Ursulines may give up "Annals of the Ursuline Convent" for publication. Much of it contains a diary kept by Madame Charles, begun soon after the burning of the Convent, and from which, together with my schoolgirl notes, I have been able to give this authentic account. Many were the privations and distresses of the nuns crowded to- gether on the third floor. It was a blessing in disguise when Dr. Parker, president of the college, notified them they must vacate the house by September ist, as it had been rented for a hotel. The nuns had been refused the lease of the college, and no other house in the city large enough for their number being found, they were obliged to abandon their day school, a small source of revenue, and move out to Valle Crucis, the country villa of Rt. Rev. Bishop Lynch, whose absence in Rome left his beloved sister entirely on the care of Dr. John Lynch, and other true hearts devoted to her in- terest. Dr. Lynch secured from the commandant of the post. Colonel Haughton, wagons to move the nuns, and their little furniture, kindly given or lent them by their more fortunate friends. Among the seacoast refugees who aided them were Mrs. Nathaniel Hey- ward, mother of the three daughters in the Convent, and Mrs. Daniel Huger. These ladies came nobly to their assistance, as well as other Columbia ladies and gentlemen. Daily, dinners of properly cooked food were sent in to the nuns and shared with the sick, the delicate nuns, and schoolgirls. Dr. Lynch had a very hard time finding sufficient food for the Convent, so little was left in the country. Through the interest of the Visitation nuns, of Washington, D. C, and Miss Meade, sister The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 309 of General Meade, U. S. A., and other influential parties, the nuns obtained from the military in charge of Columbia an order for "rations." The Carmelites, of Baltimore, were the first religious community to send succor to their sisters, the Ursulines, and con- tinued their ministrations for a very long time. Oh ! the blessedness of the spiritual bond that knows no secular lines. It will be re- membered that the mother prioress of the Carmelites at this time was our mother superior's sister. The Visitation nuns, of George- town, D. C, were equally loyal and generous. For several years our nuns lived largely on the assistance rendered by the "Household of Faith." This charity was shared by their homeless pupils, some of them Northern girls, and many families around Valle Crucis, for all were needy alike. The great luxuries of tea, coffee, sugar, crackers, and some dainties were divided with the sick and destitute in the city. I regret I have not space to enter more into details, and portray the Christian battle these grand women fought, against fearful odds, to keep their community up and carry on their boarding school. The walk from Columbia to Barnwell was the most emphasized event in our history, next to the burning of Columbia. I had been a pupil for a year at the Ursuline Convent, but was recalled by my mother to our home. The Oaks, near Barnwell Courthouse, in her anxiety to keep us all together. But God willed it otherwise. The warp and woof of our young lives were threaded too strangely for her maternal hands to guide us. My father, then Colonel Aldrich, was on Judge Gordon Magrath's staff, having been disabled while serving with Gen. M. L. Bonham in Virginia. Being one of Gover- nor Magrath's advisory board, my father was constantly away from home, in Columbia, although his maimed arm was in a sling for many months. My mother was advised by him to restore me to the keeping of the nuns, and also to send my two younger sisters with me, and to send us by private conveyance. Faithful old Daddy Jupiter (a thunderbolt himself, when angered) was given the custody of us. He had followed "marster" in the war, and felt himself peculiarly fitted to do battle for us, if neces- sary. While the carriage was being made ready and packed with our valuables, I remembered my brother's fine horse, "Stanton." He had been wounded in the Battle of Trevilian. I quickly changed my dress for a riding habit of gray homespun and Confederate brass buttons. When I returned to the yard, "Stanton" was ready for me — an iron gray horse. Kilpatrick's wing was entering our lawn, so I 3IO South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. had no time to lose. The carriage had preceded me, which I soon overtook, for the faithful animal knew me atld responded to the nervous, quick shake of my rein with a rapid, eager stride. When we reached Hair's mill, five miles from The Oaks, Daddy Jupe, with the cunning instinct of his race, made several turns where the roads crossed, then diverged into the woods in a winding way before he again got back into the road. He had pledged himself to "missus" that her children should reach "marster" safely. But for this clever pieCe of woodcraft on the part of our old "daddy" we should have been captured by Kilpatrick's marauders, who followed the fresh tracks of the horses until they got confused at Hair's mill and gave up the chase in order "to get into the booty from the old secess' big house," they informed the miller at Hair's mill. We joined my father at our plantation. He had reached there by the last car that came over the S. C. R. R. The next morning we started on our way, having been soaked by the rain of the pre- vious afternoon. I reluctantly left the "gallant gray" for the Yankees at last, and got into the carriage with my father and the little girls. This is how we got to Columbia, and now for our return, one month later. After the destruction of Columbia, my mother was well nigh crazed by the dreadful accounts which reached her of the destitution and peril of the hapless denizens of the capital. Knowiflg my father was with Governor Magrath, engaged in efforts to save the State archives, she hoped nothing from him for us. She tortured herself over methods to convey us to her until she became exhausted, men- tally and physically — strong woman as she was when she faced Kilpatrick's two wings, as they camped in separate sections on our beautiful lawn. In this sore stress of anguish. Dr. Frank Pope, a refugee from Edisto Island, to whom my mother had been kind, came to her rescue, stating his intention to go to Columbia for his three sisters and their two servants, and that he would escort us home. My poor mother gladly accepted the offer, and gave him all the coin money she could gather — very little. Alas ! the "well-laid plan" Dr. Pope narrated for getting the party back went sadly "agley"! A letter to the mother superior from my mother gave her the intelligence that "three mouths less to feed" would be takfen from her. The hour of parting came sadly and tearfully. Notwithstanding the scanty meals and hard floors for beds, we hated to leave our devoted nuilfe and young fellow sufferers. The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 311 The mother superior and each nun in turn folded us to their heairts, gave us their blessings and assurances of constant prayers for a safe journey. We went to tell Mrs. Wm. Lebby good- bye, and thank her for much kindness we had received from her and her aged mother, Mrs. Smith, refugees from Charleston. This dear old lady made us underwear from yellow sea island homespun, with her own hands, stitching away by torch light far into the night, to give us a change of raiment. These kind women packed a generous supply of cooked food in a large market basket for us, and pressed raw things on our party ; but Dr. Pope, thinking we would find the "relief wagons" our true-hearted sister city — Augusta — sent weekly supplies in, over the river, declined Mrs. Lebby's offer. With our bundles and the hamper of provisions, Dr. Pope, his three sisters — Anne, Julia, and Martha — man and maidservants, myself, and two little sisters, we said good-bye to the family who helped us to the very last, and set out on foot for the river. When we got there, the demoralizing news greeted us that the ferryboat had been condemned. Some negroes, with little skiffs and shallops, were trying to make what they could by rowing people across the overflowing, angry Congaree, with the courage of igno- rance that emboldens them to try what the white man would not. There we stood, the raging, yellow river before us, in the early, murky morning, raw and cold, and the blackened ruins of a starving city behind — a dilemma hard to meet and judge by the old and the young. Two of the Misses Pope wished to return ; the younger and more self-reliant Julia (Mrs. Anthon Wright, of Thomasville, Ga.), myself, and the doctor urged the onward march. We began to select the ones for the trial trip in the uncanny looking boats. Taking the larger one, Julia, the younger of my two sisters, and myself, with a gentleman we found waiting to cross the river too, we started. I persuaded Mamie to remain, feeling that, in event of the boat being capsized, one should be left to my mother. It seemed an age, while our boat rocked and darted between the huge boulders in the river, and seemed at times hopelessly beyond the darkey's control. The cool head and strong arm of our fellow traveler was a great assistance. The rushing, swirling current made by the rocks carried us down the stream, so that when we finally reached the shore we were away out oi line with the starting point. I was so distressed at Mamie's forlorn little face — for, though a very young girl myself, I had the feeling I must give them safely back to 312 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. our mother — I asked the kind, strong man if he would not return and bring my Httle sister over. He promptly said yes, and did give his valuable protection to the next party. Our safe transit emboldened the others, and another boat was pressed into service, so that all the party landed. About the same time, oh! horror of horrors! we found the Au- gusta wagons had left at dawn. Not one was willing to cross the rapid, rolling waters again, so we decided, with the strength of despair, to try the long, dreary stretch of seventy miles. Dr. Pope had driven from Barnwell in an old buggy, drawn by a pair of lean horses (for food was as scant for beast as man). "Diamond" and "Starlight" were the encouraging names of the pair responding to them. The sick sister, and our bundles and basket of food were put in the buggy, and the promise of "turn about" in riding was given. A Lexington farmer gave us instructions how to go, crossing Con- garee Creek about ten miles below Columbia, the most direct way to Barnwell. The road was full of water in many places, from constant rains; but youth is brave, and ignorance hopeful. So we tramped along very cheerfully until we reached the creek and beheld a sea of water. Dr. Pope arranged for three at a time to go over in the buggy, one bringing it back. Some one suggested sound- ing the way first. The tall young servant, Johnnie, a seacoast lad, willingly agreed to go, rolling up his trousers, and sounding with a long stick he had provided himself with in starting, and for those of us who cared for one likewise. Johnnie set forth ; the water grew deeper and deeper, until it reached the boy's hips. Finally, to our grief, he disappeared, just as Dr. Pope yelled to him to "come back." Cries went up from us all, until we saw the young fellow's head bob up. Thank God! his good swimming and seacoast fearlessness of water saved him, and he returned good naturedly, laughing, saying, "Dr. Pope, you alls better be t'ankful de Lx>rd sen' me fuss" — and we were. The strong current had washed away the bridge over the main stream. The horses were unhitched on the narrow causeway, and the old buggy turned by hand. Imagine our poor downcast hearts when we began to retrace our steps, reaching a house near the river we had buoyantly left that morning, long after dark had set in. The people took us in, gave us plenty of wood for fires, but no food could they offer; indeed, we gave them some of our supper, which we touched frugally. Early next morning, at the first glint of light, we again started forth over another and longer route. We The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 313 tried in vain to catch one more glimpse of the black chimneys that kept sentinel watch over the old city. We waved another good-bye to the loved ones within her ruins. We could not go very far that day, we were so stiff and footsore. We rested oftener than on the succeeding days. At dusk we reached a little log cabin and sought rest. The man told us we could stay, but he had scarcely any food for himself and little daughter. The man, waxing kind, soon renewed the fire in his wide clay chimney, and gave us full freedom in his house, which was divided into two rooms. One he offered the ladies, and said he and Dr. Pope and the servants would "nod over the fire," around which we all sat for a long time, answering his deeply interested queries about Columbia's destruction. Just before we separated for the night, his little girl said something to her father in an undertone, whereupon he got up and went out, returning with an old battered pan full of sweet po- tatoes, saying, "My little gal said she kaint sleep ef them little gals don't git some pertaters." Oh ! the sweet blessedness of young, un- selfish hearts, beating in unison with others! Very soon the hot ashes had our potatoes as sumptuously prepared as General Marion's dinner, and we supped as contentedly as he dined with the British officer. We divided our ham with the "little gal" and her father, and all retired, happier for the "touch of nature that makes the whole world kin." We had a fine night's rest. Dr. Pope and our host keeping up the fire ; and by daybreak we were ready to start. More potatoes roasted for us, and a potation of something that tasted like straw tea, the good man's substitute for coffee. The heat enabled us to drink a little of it. He and his "ewe lamb" accompanied us several miles, glad to break their desolation, the one animal he owned to make a crop having been taken. When the couple parted from us, the poor, uncouth fellow expressed deep interest in us, giving us minute di- rections as to our keeping the straight road, "and mind them turns, or you will git lost agin." Roasted potatoes were added to our fast vanishing provisions by the child, in sympathy with our children. So we lunched fairly well. Long after dark this third day, we caught sight of a light — a "glow worm" it seemed in the dim distance. But for Johnnie's racial sight, seeing through darkness, we would not have threaded our way to the well built, comfortable house from which the glimmer of light came. A fence surrounded the yard, behind which two dogs, one dragging a block, barked furiously. My love, and 314 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. Johnnie's, for dogs soon quieted them into a friendliness we failed to awaken in the breasts of their owners. Dr. Pope, Julia, and I, ventured to the small house behind the dwelling house, from which the light shone through the chinks. We saw a big fire, and several children. Dr. Pope asked admittance, which was refused, the boy yelling, "Mar and par's gone to mill, and told we childun not to let anybody in and not to unbar dis do' fur ennybody, you hear, and I ainter gwine to do it, nuther." We persisted in our arguments for entertainment. The stalwart boy again had recourse to his lungs, ordering us away, or he would "set Plunger" on us. One of us sug- gested that Dr. Pope should threaten to blow open the door with his pistol. It had the desired effect, and the door was quickly unbarred. A long bar, sunk in iron sockets, closed it. Soon the children left, and we heard muffled sounds in the larger house. Next morning, we discovered the man and his wife had never left the place, and adopted that hostile ruse to keep off way- farers. In the house we occupied, evidently their kitchen, we found a lot of dried meat, and tried to buy some, but they refused us, and gave us a very small piece. We added it to our slim larder, which we did not draw on for breakfast, having found some potatoes in the ashes which the children had forgotten in their hasty exit. About noon this day we came to a well settled place, off the main road, out of which we had gotten, not paying attention "to them turns." It was a kind fate that directed us to this home, where we were so well treated, and given plenty of milk, cornbread, and other food, that refreshed us. We struck out at a right good pace and reached another house that night, and found a hospitable host this time, whose wife filled our pockets with dried apples which, she assured us, were "mighty filling up" ; also some corndodgers. Thus reinforced, we felt prepared for the rest of the difficulties ahead of us. At the next home we found kindly greeting and lodgment, but no food. Our fourth day's march dawned cold and drizzly. The newly made friends seemed in deep sympathy with us, and offered to hitch a "critter to the oxcart and spell us a piece," The "critter" proved to be a big red and white ox. We were glad to crouch in the cart, covered with pine straw, and snuggle up against the March winds, that reminded us of the fateful ides that brought our ruin. It was very slow traveling, yet we were loath. to surrender the cart and ox to the owners. We had some amusing incidents to brighten our long journey before we reached our next stopping The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 315 place. Darkness befell us. We encountered an awfully bbggy slush in the road ; rotten logs on one side formed a crossing ; we de^ cided to walk over them and spare poor "Diamond" and "Starlight," whose vitality was fast giving out on the dried vines, their only food. Midway of this crossing, Mamie gave a despairing wail and informed • us her shoe had gone. We made no effort to recover it. Indeed, the mate was such a pitiful sight, no tears were shed for her loss. Stockings were comforts of the past. The day was so cold and raw we got out the big black velvet circular, with "angel sleeves," guipure lace, and white silk linings. We tried walking three abreast under its ample folds, but found our progress impeded, so decided to change around until our blood began to heat up. Our fourth night's rest was in a house we found just as our late friends described. We were kindly cared for, given cornbread, fried pork, and sorghum syrup for supper and breakfast. At each house, the burning of Columbia was eagerly asked about. Words of horror and sympathy interrupted the oft-told tale. When we left this house, the entire family walked "a piece" with us, and we en- joyed their company. The fifth day was marked by a sad occurrence : We had not gone over two miles after leaving our friends and entertainers when the doleful cry came from Johnnie that "po' ole 'Diamond' dun give out sure nuff." The buggy followed our cavalcade always. We ran back and, sure enough, the faithful beast tottered from side to side and panted like a stricken creature. My love for horses made me quick to do something for his relief. Hurriedly I got out the tin cups from our basket, and bade the children fill them from a ditch, in which the rains had left a brook of water. We poured water over his head while Johnnie unhitched him. As soon as he was freed from the harness he stretched himself, we feared, to die; but it proved weakness from hunger. No green food in the woods; only the dried vines spared us for our poor horses. We all sat around "Diamond" and waited. Not one suggested leaving him "while life lasted. After a few hours' rest, the good creature got up and renewed his duty. Whenever we came to the slightest elevation of ground, we got behind the buggy and pushed it forward, leaving the tired animals no load to take from their rap- idly waning strength. The long stop put us far into the night. Our next "halloo" was given timidly, fearing another warm reception from dogs, and we were greatly relieved when an old man put his head out of the window and asked, " Whar you cum from ?" When 3i6 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. told Columbia, he urged us to "come right een, for Lord knows you must be putty well dun up." He routed his entire family. When we remonstrated over giving too much trouble, he replied, "Don't say a word; me and the ole 'oman, and the childun, will be proud to hear bout the burnen of Columby; is it a fact Sherman burnt it'r" We asked, first thing, for some food for our horses, offering Confed- erate money. The true-hearted gentleman he proved himself re- fused compensation. Turner was his name — one of the few I re- member until we reached our home county, where they were fa- miliar to us. Our joy was great when Mr. Turner produced some corn for the horses, and himself saw to feeding and bedding them. The next morning, our sixth day, we shared with the family a pot of well cooked hominy, cornbread, sorghum syrup, and some cured beef, made into a stew with sweet potatoes. We regarded this a grand meal, and were grateful for the generous spread, but more so for the sincere good will with which the hospitality was offered. Our traveling was much better, for both man and beast had been greatly refreshed, and the roads improved. No steel rails crossed mother earth, over which snorting engines pulled elegant parlor cars, with millionaire tourists. The stillness of the woods was unbroken save by the song of birds, and occasion- ally a woodman's ax. So we were much surprised at noon of this day when we saw a large, well-built house in the middle of a fine oak grove, and horses and vehicles under the wide-spreading limbs. It was Sunday, and the people had repaired after church to their neighbor's home, as is customary in the country. One of our party suggested a "lame girl" would excite the sympathy of the people and add to the certainty of a vehicle being offered to us. It was de- cided my attempt was the best, and I should perform the lame role. On reaching the broad piazza, where a large company were sitting, a gentleman met us at the steps, his face full of kindness and cordial welcome. Hearing our names, he took us by the hand and called to his wife and daughters to "come and get Colonel Aldrich's children and give them the best in the house," showing great feeling and in- dignation over our rough walk from Columbia. These hospitable, true-hearted ladies carried us into rooms, brought warm foot baths and fresh hosiery, and would have shod us anew had they been supplied themselves, but did produce one pair for my sister, whose loss I mentioned. We rested on the first soft beds since the Convent was burned. Mr. Salley, our kind host, was out of the line of Sherman's army. The Burning of the Ursuline Convent. 317 When summoned to dinner, we were surprised to find the goodly- company much reduced. They refused to stay and take any of the attention of the family from the weary travelers. A golden-crusted chicken pie always takes me back to that bountiful dinner Mrs. Salley and her daughters vied with each other in making us enjoy. Mr. Salley, failing to induce us to spend the night with them, pro- ceeded to map out the next stage of our journey, and placed convey- ances at our service. "Go to Dr. Odom's, a little over five miles from here ; sleep there tonight. He is your father's plantation doc- tor, and will take care of you and send you on to the colonel's place in the morning." We bade our kind friends good-bye with sincere thanks. In my eagerness to climb into one of the buggies, I forgot my lameness, until Dr. Pope, in smothered tones, reminded me of my affliction. It was a starlit night, and a little moon shone, and we were so happy over our progress we sang old songs until we reached Dr. Odom's gate. More dogs rushed out, but their deep notes were soon hushed by the doctor's command, and he and his daughters made us comfortable on hearing who we were. Big fires were built, and the ladies with their own hands made good beds for us. As soon as we rested, the "burning of Columbia" was called for by this family. The sun rose resplendently the next morning, on our last day of this long, footsore journey. Dr. Odom had a large wagon, hitched to a pair of big, strong mules, to send us to my father's Edisto plan- tation. He bade us God speed and we left him watching us as far as we could perceive him. As we crossed the river, I felt for the first time that we were in touch with home. This river is the dividing line between Orangeburg and Barnwell Counties. It did not take long to cover the few miles between the Odom place and our planta- tion. As we drove into our avenue, the ruins of the house and prem- ises greeted our eyes, although occupied by a family routed from their own home early in the war. The negroes began gathering. Very soon the cries of these emo- tional creatures resounded over the plantation, proclaiming the ar- rival of "missus and massa chillun, clar from Columbia," each one jostling the other to bear us ofif to the houses for "suthen tur eat." My old "maumer," who had nursed several of us, all her life a family servant, uttered not a word, but the tears streamed down the sad, dusky face. After the tumultuous greeting subsided, she took us in her arms, one after the other, in silent greeting, and with a dig- nity acquired by her intimate association with my mother, she gave 3i8 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. directions for the entertainment of the travelers. The Popes were to go to the overseer's house, which had escaped, and be provided for comfortably. She greeted them with the politeness of a well- bred hostess. "My three children will come with me." Upon reach- ing her neatly kept cabin, Venus and Katherine were promptly or- dered to prepare dinner for us. These well-trained daughters of "Maum Hannah" needed no other directions. We were taken into her bedroom, seated on her tidy bed, and our long-suffering ex- periences since we left her a month before were drawn from us. The white turbaned head ("maumer" always wore a white head handkerchief, and another crossed over her faithful bosom, and long white apron; white was a sign of distinction, over the ban- dana headgear) nodded constantly, expressive of her feelings, the clasped hands unfolding and making gestures in agreement. The two little girls fell asleep on the bed, so tempting to slumber wrought of long fatigue, and "maumer" and I held speech together. She constantly leaned over the sleeping ones and said, "Poor little children! poor little souls!" The good nuns were blessed by her throughout the recital of our woes. Our dinner proved a splendid feast in comparison with our month's "rations." Each negro on the place contributed eggs, chickens, or whatever they had saved from "dem Yankee soldiers." They stood outside Maum Hannah's door and watched with delight our enjoy- ment of the well-cooked meal. Only seventeen miles now between us and home — ^that blessed word ! What it conveyed to our longing, hungry hearts no one will ever know. All my father's stock had been taken or scattered into the Edisto swamp; therefore, we began the fag end of our journey on foot again, many of the servants going with us as far as Blackville, a distance of seven miles. At this little town, Charlie Stewart, a great friend and admirer of my honored father, hearing of our con- dition, came gallantly to our help. He managed, after much hunt- ing, to procure an old mule and little pony, which he hitched to a small wagon, into which we thankfully tucked ourselves and pro- ceeded to Barnwell, ten miles, over a very heavy, sandy road. No Atlantic Coast Line nor Southern Railway dreamed of. We reached "the village" (still called village by the old people) about eleven o'clock that night, and put the Popes out at their house, where we parted, after this most eventful month of our lives, and promised lifelong friendship with each other. Crossing Turkey When Columbia Burned. 319 Creek, which divided the village and suburban homes, we first reached "Hard Times," a little cottage at the entrance to my father's lawn, my married sister fitted up when she left her handsome home in the country to be near The Oaks. This name, given the im- promptu home, proved more prophetic than she dreamed of, for she and her children saw hard times indeed. The home, Sandy Run, hastily deserted, was burned to the ground, with all in it. We aroused my sister's household and soon fell into each other's em- braces. At the cottage my strength and will power left me. The strange reaction of tired nerves, when safely anchored and cared for, came over me, and my two sisters drove on to The Oaks without me. My wounded brother, Alfred, who returned from the hospital in Augusta, under the kind treatment of that gifted surgeon. Dr. Paul L. Eve, and our trusted friend, Mrs. Martha Emlyn, with the two youngest children, were sleeping in the house, when all were awakened by the girls rushing into my poor unprepared mother's room, before which I draw the curtain 1 My mother could not be persuaded to wait until morning, nor that something serious had not happened to me. Leaving her house- hold, she and true-hearted Mrs. Emlyn set forth down the long, oak- lined avenue, and reached "Hard Times" to find me in my sister's bed, she sitting on one side drawing from me the details of our checkered lives since our parting, and from which we "suffered and grew strong," to battle with the many trials of our War for States' Rights. Sara Aldrich Richardson. (Mrs. Henry Warren Richardson.) IVlien Columbia Burned. Mrs. President and Ladies, Daughters of the Confederacy : It is with great hesitation that I address you this afternoon, for what I have been asked to do is to give you my personal narrative of the burning of Columbia, in 1865 — ^what I there saw, heard and knew. Now, it is essential that a personal narrative should be in the first person, and therefore the charge of egotism is not to be escaped. Moreover, the story of this burning has been written by abler pens than mine, and you may well weary of an oft-told tale. Yet, as our president assures me that she is aiming to preserve the truth of his- tory, I am reminded of what an artist friend of mine tells me of photography.. He says that, in order to photograph a large picture perfectly, it is necessary to put the camera in three or four positions 320 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. in front of it, and take as many photographs, each from its own focus or, as we should say, point of view. These four negatives are then placed together and another made which unites them all and gives a real and correct picture, in true and perfect proportions. So I hope, by combining these various accounts, each given from its own standpoint, our Confederate history may come to be written with the force of sincerity and truth. I must begin my narrative at that very distressing period of our history in the month of January, 1865, when we learned that General Sherman, having left Savannah, was marching northward, along the west bank of the Ashley, leaving a broad swath of desolation behind him. The prospect of checking his progress was extremely small at any time, and when we heard that the troops in and about Charles- ton, instead of falling back on Columbia and uniting with the small force under General Beauregard, were to fall back to North Caro- lina, by way of Cheraw, even that hope vanished, and every man looked at his neighbor and asked : What next ? I should premise that at this time we were living in the north- eastern part of Columbia. I can't tell the name of the street, for there were never any names on the streets, and you had to guess at them ; but we were a little southwest of the asylum, and of the then Charlotte Depot, and just across the street from the Columbia Male Academy, a large brick building in the center of a large, open square. I mention these points because they were of importance at the time. The family consisted of my mother (Mrs. Edward C. Rutledge), my husband, and myself, our six children, my white nurse, Mrs. Collins, and a number of servants. Dr. Ravenel was then chemist in charge of the very large labora- tory in the Fair Grounds buildings, where were prepared almost all the drugs, medicines, styptics, etc., used by the army, and also a quantity of alcohol and whiskey — for medical purposes only. The first thing that showed us how near the danger was was an order from Richmond, "Prepare to remove all chemical and medical stores to some convenient point in North Carolina. Chemist in charge to go with them and establish his laboratory as soon as possible, wher- ever he may find suitable." We at once considered as to what was to be done. Probably every other woman in Columbia was consider- ing the same question. Shall we go, or shall we stay ? To go meant horrible discomfort. To stay meant — we did not quite know what! For ourselves I promptly decided to stay. It would have been almost impossible to move such a family as ours When Columbia Burned. 321 single-handed — and clearly Dr. Ravenel could not go with us. We had no shelter elsewhere provided, and we, like most other families, had already laid in stores of provisions and fuel which it would have been impossible to move, and very bad to leave behind. Alto- gether, to us to stay seemed best, though many of our friends de- cided otherwise. In this we were very much iniiuenced by what we had heard of the condition of Savannah. That city had been in the possession of the Federals for some months. Families had (we heard) been protected ; no very great injury had been done to person or property. This was hearsay, and we were glad when we heard that Mrs. John Church, who had been in Savannah all during the occupation, had come up to Columbia, traveling on a safe conduct from General Sherman. She was staying with Mrs. McCord, the mother of our president, and I at once went to see her. She con- firmed what we had heard of the comparative immunity of Savannah, but looked alarmingly grave when I told her of our intention of re- maining. She "could not advise us to do so," she said. On the contrary, if possible, go. A Federal officer whom she had known well in former years, and who had befriended her in Savannah, had advised her, while giving her her passports, not to be caught by the Union Army in any city or town of South Carolina, and most especially not in Columbia — "it was the cradle of secession and must be punished." She herself meant to leave at once. I went home with a very heavy heart; but for us the die was cast. The laboratory train was to go in the morn- ing, and we had to remain. For the next three days, it was nothing but going — vehicles of every kind and trains loaded with every con- ceivable thing. We busied ourselves with bringing into the house, and storing in the upper rooms, whatever we could. It was sug- gested by my httle daughter that "Yankees did not eat rice, and would not be apt to trouble it" ; so we put our small supply of tea, sugar, and coffee, and also bacon and flour, in the bottom of the tierces, heaped the rice on top, and it proved a useful device. We sent away, by the laboratory train, a big box of valuables, which we never saw again. And we tried to convert our Confed- erate money into anything of any value whatever. I have never understood why one man should have made me a present of two pairs of children's shoes in return for three hundred dollars of Con- federate money, unless he knew that the shoes would be stolen when the enemy came, and preferred that a compatriot should have them. Some things that we wished to keep with us, we sewed around 322 South Carolina Women in the Confederacy. our waists, and these we saved, but it was very uncomfortable — a belt of double eagles is as disagreeable a girdle as a penitential iron one could be. We had also to dispose of some silver half-dollars, for which I had exchanged an ever-to-be-regretted silver waiter. The half-dollars were sent from Richmond to the laboratory, to be made into lunar caustic, with which to cauterize the soldiers' wounds. Dr. Ravenel suggested that he could, if I wished, have my big waiter weighed and exchanged for an equal weight in coin — it would be better for the caustic, being made of purer silver. I most certainly did not wish it. I hated to part with my waiter; but things were very black then, and the thought of six starving children was dread- ful, so with groans I consented. When the canvas bags came home — ^five hundred dollars in silver — we were in consternation. I had quite forgotten the size and weight. And where could it be hidden ? At last we decided that each person old enough should put ten dollars in her pocket, and I solemnly called in old Martha, the housekeeper, and confided the teaspoons and twenty-five dollars to her care, and she was absolutely faithful. The rest I sewed up in black cloth and buried, going into the garden at two in the morning, in a rainstorm, when no one would be about, and digging a trench with a fire shovel (the only tool to be had with- out waking the gardener). It made me feel like Guy Fawkes! I may observe here that we nearly lost this buried treasure, for when, a month later, we went to look for it, we found that the ground- moles had cut the cloth and carried off many of the dollars. We had to dig for them, and found them at intervals all along their runs, some as much as thirty feet away. We found all but five or six. But I am making too long a story of it. At last (when you are expecting anything, however horrible, the time seems long until it comes) at last we heard the sound of guns across the river, and knew that Sherman was approaching, shelling as he came. We lived, as I have already said, in the northeastern part of the city, and he, of course, came from the south. The shells did not at first reach us, but they fell thickly enough around the State House and college buildings, then used as a hospital. I was on the front porch early in the morning, listening to the guns, when I saw a buggy, driven by a servant, stop at the front door. A young lady, who looked very ill, was lying back in it, with a baby in her arms ; and the servant called out to ask if I would take them in, as their house was under fire, and they had been obliged to leave it. Of course I brought them in, and found the baby was only one week old and When Columbia Burned. 323