t^^wfo* **■* MW* .*c.O p* *l »- f-A^** ajornell Imustattg ffiibratg Mjaea, Jfew fork FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library 3 1924 031 351 020 olin.anx The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031351020 jiMwtkwa framto rt (Butuwa. CATALOGUE OF THE umam OF J. H. V. ARN OLD, E S-Q. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS, ASTOE PLACE. TWO SESSIONS DAILY, At $*4 o'clock and 7^ o'clock. THE BOOKS WILL BE ON EXHIBITION ONE WEEK PREVIOUS TO SALE. ■ - > ADMISSION BY CARJD ONLY. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. New York, 1879. CATALOGUE, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. LIBRARY J.H.V. arnofd. GEO. A. LEAVITT &> CO., AUCTIONEERS. NEW YORK. 1879- Hi l-\ v> w -■ V o CONDITIONS Of SALE. i. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five percent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Risk • within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the re- mainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendors, on or before delivery : in default of which Messrs. Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to en- force the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. INTRODUCTION. Since the dispersion of the library of W. E. Burton, the comedian, in i860, no collection as complete in the line of Dramatic literature has been offered on this continent as that described in the pages of this catalogue, not that it is deficient in other departments of general literature, but rather that its rare completeness in matter relating particularly to the History of the Stage both in England and America, secure for the library a prominence only second to the famous collec- tions of Geo. Daniel, John Dillon, and John Field ; indeed many of the choicest books from these libraries are here included. It is exceedingly doubtful if Geneste, Doran, or Ireland were en- abled to consult so extensive a collection, while engaged in the com- pilation of their dramatic histories. In spite of the evident devotion which the owner has shown to the literature of the Drama, the omnipresent features of a good reading library are visible on nearly every page of this catalogue, plentifully besprinkled with unique gems in the shape of extra illus- trated works, which lend an interest to, and illuminate every collec- tion over which a true lover of books has presided, not merely that they are unique, but because they appeal to more senses than one, gratifying the eye and educating the mind at the same time. The unique books are of course led by the famous OLD NEW YORK, the greatest local curiosity ever prepared by the hand of the illustrator, being an illustrated history of the Empire City brought into a compass where it may be examined with the utmost con- venience, and done wjth such evident care and taste that even the greatest man whose portrait is here enshrined is honored by the association with its pages. It is a book which should find a resting- place in some public library of this city, for there it would be freely 4 Introduction. consulted for information, and illustrative matter, relating to the legislative, religious, dramatic, artistic, and social events in the his- tory of New York which have no permanent record elsewhere. After this marvelous book it would be hard to accord the second place to any of the richly illustrated works with which this collection teems. Every important DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY seems to have been through the hands of an experienced collector, and, as a rule, free from the imperfections which are too often forced into similar works, by inserting irrelevant matter. The wealth of material which has been at the disposal of the earnest collector up to the last ten years, but which is now so scarce as to be obtainable only when opportunities like the present place them within reach of the illustrator, has been wisely and liberally availed of. The two phases in the preparation of UNIQUE BOOKS are admirably illustrated by the care which has been bestowed on the Life of Stothard [No. 3005], Memoirs of Charles Mathews [2047J, Gen. Riedesel's Letters [2586], and Raymond's Life of Elliston on the one hand, and the evident want of care in preparing Gait's Lives of the Players [1297], although the last-mentioned work contains an extraordinary assemblage of the rarest dramatic portraits and auto- graphs, and particularly the old mezzotint engravings so popular during the last century, and now rarely met with. A finer gathering of works relating to that Admirable Crichton of the stage —the elder Charles Mathews — has never been seen in one collection ; and BoswelPs Life of Johnson is so replete with valuable illustrations that the crusty lexicographer would not withhold a grunt of satisfaction if materialized for the occasion. One of the most remarkable books, however, is G. P. Putnam's own copy of the Homes of American Authors. In this volume will be found inserted no less than 75 autograph letters from the authors whose Homes are here illustrated and described, addressed to the distinguished publisher with whom the name of Washington Irving will always be associated. Introduction. 5 Ct would be no common task to select from the balance of the catalogue, items which should demand a prominence over their neighbors ; the dramatic biographies, which include memoirs of the Keans, Kembles, Mrs. Siddcns, Jordan, Bellamy, Oldfield, and Inch- bald, Garrick, Betterton, Wilks, Cibber the castigator, Munden, Lewes, Quin, De Castro, Young, Charke, Forrest, Hamblin, Cooke, and the rare Tate Wilkinson, the excellent collection of Cruik- shankiana, specimens of Blake's weird designs, and of Kay's quaint portraits of Scottish celebrities, the many rare and useful assistants to the study of BIBLIOGRAPHY, including the valuable second edition of Brydges' Censura Literaria, Ames' Typographical Antiquities, and a large number of Auction Sale Catalogues of Private Libraries, many with the prices and purchasers' names in MS. ; the extensive selection of the lesser lights in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FICTION, including Theo. Hook, Douglas Jerrold, Albert Smith, Laman Blanchard, Brough, Reach, and Brockden Brown, Timothy Flint, etc., and the complete sets of PERIODICAL LITERATURE, including Ainsworth's Magazine, the Cornhill, Gentleman's, Temple Bar, London Society, etc. All these show that the collector began in no ordinary spirit, and has only left off when there were no more worlds to conquer, capable of yielding him either pleasure or profit. The superb set of Jesse's Works, the large paper Irving, the fine illustrated Bible, the large-paper set of Dickens' Works and of the Aldine Poets, and the large collection of Johnsonia, Byroniana, etc., are only a few instances of the general completeness of this library, and many fine and rare examples of AMERICANA, including a collection of rare Burr Tracts ; Josselyn's Two Voyages to New England ; Beverley's Virginia ; Acosta's West Indies ; Cicero's Cato Major, printed by Benj. Franklin ; Mrs. Coghlan's Memoirs, 6 Introduction. the original edition ; the unique copy of the " Croakers," etc., etc., should find ready purchasers who have so lately been encouraged by the immense prices paid for this class of books. For the epicure in so-called FACETLE, there is a range of selection which extends from the juvenile ex- periences of the Chevalier de Faublas, to the octogenarian pleasures of Old Q., the Piccadilly Ambulator, and whether Mr. Gradgrind wants facts, or a certain Bulwerian character seeks stimulants during his " anecdotage," there is material here sufficient for both. It is to be hoped that a proper recognition of the merit of this collection will place its chiefest treasures where they will be appre- ciated. The recent dispersion of several important libraries has proven to many, that of all luxuries, books are the best investment, for while much of the literature with which a busy world has been afflicted, is born but to live a day, good books in their best editions are so much pleasure while retained, and not necessarily a loss, when desire of accumulation wanes. j. o. w. CATALOGUE :a BBOT (Abiel). History of Andover from its Settle- ment to 1829. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Andover, 1829 2 A'Beckett (Gilbert A.) Comic History ok Eng- land. 20 coloured etchings and 200 wood-cuts, by John Leech. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, calf extra. London, 1864 3 A'Beckett (Gilbert A.) Comic History of Rome. 10 J coloured etchings and 98 wood-cuts, by John Leech. 8vo, calf extra. London, n. d. Uniform with the above. 4 A'Beckett (G. A.) Quizziology of the British Drama. 3 Frontispiece, etc., by John Leech. Post 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1846 5 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic Blackstone. Vignette and tail- 1 £j piece, by George Cruikshank. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. London, 1864 ■> q 6 A'Beckett. The same. Half calf gilt. London, 1866 Abelard and Heloise. Letters. With a particular Ac- count of their Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes, by John Hughes, and the Poems by Pope and Mrs. Madan. 1 21110, calf. London, 1783 Abercrombie (John). Inquiries concerning the Intellect- ual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1835 Abercromble. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1833 Abingdon (Earl of). Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Oxford, n. d. Abingdon. Thoughts, etc. Second Edition. 8vo, half morocco. Oxford, [1777] ^ 'd (7 '4 J 4 12 About (Edmond). Works. King of the Mountains ; Man ^ ' & with the Broken Ear; The Nose of a Notary. Trans- lated by Mary L. Booth, etc. 3 vols. i2mo, half mo- rocco. New York and Boston, 1861-67 Portrait inserted. Three clever and most amusing volumes. 13 Academy of Design (National). Ceremonies on the Occasion ') 3 of Laying the Corner-Stone, etc. Plate on India paper, and a drawing inserted. Royal 8vo, paper. N. Y., 1865 Only 200 copies printed. No. 50. 14 Accepted Addresses ; or, Prcemium Poetarum, to which are >2>J" added Macbeth Travestie, also the Irish Lover, Paddy's Courtship in London, etc. i2mo, boards. London, 1813 15 ACKERMANN (R.) POETICAL MAGAZINE; contain- .OO ing the Tour'of Dr. Syntax, etc. Colored plates by Rowland- son. 4 vols. 8vo, mottled calf extra, crimson linings and gilt edges. London, 1 809-1 1 Very scarce ; comprising the original edition of Br. Syntax's Tour, with first impressions of the celebrated designs by Eowlandson. 16 ACKERMANN (R.) WESTMINSTER ABBEY: its History, . OO Antiquities, and Monuments, with 70 finely colored engrav- ings from drawings by Pugin, Mackenzie, etc. 2 vols, imperial 4to, half russia (cover loose). London, 1812 Published at £15. 17 ACOSTA (JOSEPH). THE NATVRALL and MORALE /g, q o HISTORIE of the EAST and WEST INDIES. Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants, and Beasts which are proper to that Country ; together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governements, and Warres of the . Indians. Written in Spanish, and Translated into English by E[dward] G[rimstone], Small 410, mottled calf extra. London, 1604 This work has been translated into almost every language in Europe ; it is replete with details of the aborigines. 18 ACRELIUS (ISRAEL). SERMON explaining the Duties of Christian Subjects to their Sovereign, preached in Christiana Church, Newcastle County, 1755. 8vo, half calf. Franklin and Hall, Phila., 1756 This copy sold for $7 in the Menzies sale, the compiler of the catalogue stating that " we have never seen another copy of this very rare BOOK." '3f 19 Actors as they Are ; a Series of Sketches of the most J & Eminent Performers now on the Stage. 8vo. N. Y., 1856 With interesting letter from John T. Ford (May 19, 1856), in ref- erence to " a libel upon the Holliday Street Theatre," contained in the article on Mas. Vernon. Of the 34 favorites of the New York Stage twenty years ago, whose memoirs are given in this pamphlet, none survive but Mrs. Hoey, Mrs. Maeder, Mad. Ponisi, Agnes Robertson, John Brougham, and J. W. Lester [Wallack]. 20 Actor (The). Treatise on the Art of Playing. Interspersed ■J v with Theatrical Anecdotes, Critical Remarks on Plays, etc. i2mo, calf. London, 1750 21 Adams (Mrs. Hannah). Memoir of, written by herself, 2->J with Additional Notices by a Friend. Portrait. 121110, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 22 Adams (H. G.) Our Feathered Families ; also, Game ft O and Wild Birds. Illustrated with over 100 wood-cuts. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth gilt. London, n. d. 23 Adams (J. Q.) Eulogy on the Life and Character of James f 9f Madison. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1836 Presentation copy to " Martin Van Buren from John Quincy Adams." 24 Adams (J. Q.) Oration on the Life and Character of Gil- "v bert Motier de Lafayette. 8vo, boards. Wash., 1835 25 Adams (Miss). Journal and Correspondence of, Daughter &Q of John Adams, Second President of the United States. Written in France and England, in 1785. Edited by her Daughter. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 12 mo, cloth. N. Y., 1841-42 26 Adams (Moses). What I Did with Fifty Millions. 'J 121110, wrapper. Phila., 1874 "For Virginians only." 27 Adams (Nat.) Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a Pe- '■) jf riod of 200 Years from its First Settlement, with Bio- graphical Sketches of its Inhabitants. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Portsmouth, 1825 28 Adamson (John). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of C? O Luis de Camcens. Portraits, etc. 2 vols, royal 8vo, purple morocco extra. London, 1820 Large paper. Fine copy. S 29 Addison .(C. G.) The Knights Templars, a History of; from their Rise to the Abolition of the Order. Third edition, with illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1854 30 Addison (C. G.) Knights Templars (History of the). > O Second Edition. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, mor. extra, gilt edges. London, 1842 Fine copy of the best edition. Scarce. r 31 Addison (Joseph). Works. Edited with Notes by Bp. « Hurd. Fine portrait. 6 vols, royal 8vo, calf, red mor. back. London, 1811 32 Addisoniana. [A Collection of Anecdotes and Facts con- 7£> nected with the Life of Joseph Addison, by Sir Richard Phillips]. Portraits and facsimile letters. 2 vols. 12 mo, boards, uncut. London, 1804 33 Addison (Joseph). Life of: by Lucy Aikin. Portrait. iO 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 34 Adlard (Geo.) Amy Robsart, and the Earl of Leycester, J'g? a Critical Inquiry, and a History of Kenilworth Castle, etc., etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870 35 Adlard (Geo.) Sutton-Dudleys of England and the Dud- ,. 0A~~~ leys of Mass., from the Norman Conquest. 8vo, cloth. Printed for the Author, N. Y., 1872 Presentation copy to D. T. Valentine. 36 ADOLPHUS (JOHN). MEMOIRS OF JOHN BANNIS- ff/i TER, Comedian. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo (extended to 4), olive crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs, edges, and inside borders, by Riviere. London, 1839 Unique and elegant copy, extended from 2 to 4 vols, (with extra title- pages), and having 296 'beautiful Plates inserted, consisting of Portraits of eminent Actors, Authors, Statesmen, etc , among which may be especially mentioned Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Billington, Miss Farren, Henderson, Cooke, Liston, Matthews, John and Charles Bannister, Master Burke, Kemble as " Rolla," Felice Giardini (fine mezzotint, after Reynolds), Godwin, Fox, Southey, Scott, Byron, Campbell, Sir Josh. Reynolds, etc., etc. , and a fine autograph letter (1831) of John Bannister. 37 Adolphus (John). Memoirs of John Bannister, Com- ^'0 edian. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1839 38 Adolphus. Another copy. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf gilt, 'j? London, (1838) J'(J 39 Adolphus (John). History of England, from the Acces- sion to the Decease of King George the Third. 7 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra. London, 1840-45 Best edition of the best history of this interesting period, comprising the fullest accounts'of the American and Indian Wars, the French Revolution, etc. . .^y. 40 Adolphus (J.) History of England, from the Accession of George III. to 1783. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1802 41 Adventures of an Actor, in the Characters of a Merry- OO Andrew, a Methodist Preacher, and a Fortune-Teller. Founded on Facts. 12 mo, half calf. London, n. d. A facetious and somewhat broad little volume from W. E. Burton's library. 42 Adventures of a Hackney Coach, as related by the Coach- / J-* man, containing a great variety of Curious Occurrences taken chiefly from the Present times, nrao, boards, uncut. London, 1813 n ,^A3 Aikin (John). Biographical Memoirs of Medicine in Great ^" Britain. 8vo, calf. London, 1780 44 AIKIN (LUCY). MEMOIRS OF THE COURT OF / 00 KING CHARLES THE FIRST. Second edition. Por- trait. 2 vols, thick 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1833 Unique copy, profusely illustrated, having 200 plates inserted, con- sisting of Portraits of historical and other characters, some proofs, many rare, and including many specimens of old engravers, Vaughan, Bouche, Elder, Earlom, etc. 45 Aikin (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of King James the > (70 First. Second edition. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1822 46 Aikin. Another copy. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1822 47 Aikin. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. V £/ Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1823 48 Aikin. Another (second) edition. 2 vols, boards, uncut. O C London, 1818 49 Ainslie (W.) Clemenza ; or, the Tuscan Orphan : a Tragic 7 yf~~ Drama. 8vo, uncut. Bath, 1822 Presentation copy from the author. ?0 /^ 50 Ainsworth (W. H.) Ballads. Illustrated by Gilbert. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1855 /o5' AINSWORTH (WILLIAM HARRISON). HISTOR- ICAL ROMANCES AND NOVELS. Illustrated by George Cruikshank, John Gilbert, and Hablot K. Browne ("Phiz"). Numerous engravings on steel and wood. 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853-60 Comprises : Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Old Saint Paul's, The Star Chamber, Crichton, Guy Fawkes, Jack Sheppard, Rookwood, Miser's Daughter, Lancashire Witches, The Spendthrift, Oving- dean Grange, and Mervyn Clitheroe. 9^7 52 Ainsworth (W. H.) John Law, the Projector. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. . London, 1866 _, S3 Ainsworth's Magazine. Complete from its Commencement / " to 1844. A miscellany of Romance, etc. Edited by Wm. Harrison Ainsworth. Illustrated by George Cruik- shank, "Phiz,'' etc. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. London, 1842-4 Contains: The Miser's Daughter, "Windsor Castle, Elliston Papers, Modern Chivalry, John Manesty, St James, etc., 'etc., with the original impressions of the illustrations by Cruikshank, etc. Vol. 5 is unfortunately stained. ' 54 AINSWORTH'S MAGAZINE. Edited by William Harrison Ainsworth. A miscellany of Romance, General Litera- ture, and Art, from its commencement in 1842 to 1854, both inclusive. Most profusely illustrated with etchings and wood-cuts, including the original impressions of the celebrated series of plates by George Cruikshank. 26 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. London, 1842-54 # *# Fine set, sought for by collectors of Cruikshank's plates as con- taining the original impressions of the plates to the " Miser's Daughter," " Modern Chivalry " " Elliston Papers," " John Man- esty," " St. James," " Guy Fawkes," " Auriol," etc., also numerous plates by Phiz, Franklin, Tony ( Johannot, etc. 55 Albany Directory for 1834-5. Compiled by Loomis and J? j Wait. Map and wood-cuts, including cut of the old Al- bany Theatre. 121110, boards. Albany, 1834 56 Albin (Eleazer). History of Esculent Fish, and an Es- 2, (70 say on Breeding of Fish, and Construction of Fish-Ponds, by the Hon. Roger North, with a fine series of plates colored by the author. Royal 4to, half calf extra. London, 1 794 An interesting volume. Inserted in the present copy are the exquisite series of plates of fish by Wood, colored, and an original drawing in water-colors, and in pencil ; also numerous fine old views, etc. 57 [Albin (J.)] History of the Isle of Wight, from the JZjJ Earliest Times to the Present Period. Large map. Royal 8vo, calf gilt. Newport (I. of W.), 1795 Fine copy, with autograph and MSS. of B. Edwards, author of " Me- moirs of Libraries," etc. 58 ALBUM OF ERNRICUS STAUFFER. Containing about / y r - 70 autographs of Illustrious Personages, English and For- eign, with Sentences and Mottoes attached in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and Persian, also a few exquisite drawings, two emblazoned coats of arms, etc. Small oblong i2mo, old morocco, gilt edges. 1632-40 This pretty little volume contains some beautiful specimens of calig- raphy as well as the autographs of many celebrated persons. Among these are Frederick, Duke of Wurtemburg, dated 1640 ; John, Count of Hainault, 1633 ; John Freinshemius, the celebrated scholar, 1633 ; Saint George, 1634 ; Carolus de Montigni, 1633 ; Matthias Bernegger, 1634 ; Conrad Withmar, London, 1633 ; George Stewart, 1633 ; Steven and John Lingelshemius, 1633 ; Henry Harrison, Anglicus Cantabrigiensis, 1633 ; J. Podensteiner, Cambridge, 1633 ; Daniel Erastus Hurmobrodensis, Cambridge, 1633 ; J. W. Sartorius, 1633 ; also some foreign potentate signed Paul Frederic, 1633, and others. 59 Album. Blank Leaves, with occasional engravings. 4to, mor. 60 Alden (T.) Collection of American Epitaphs and In- / . scriptions, with occasional Notes. 4 Portraits. 5 vols. 161110, boards, uncut. N. Y., 18 14 Very rare in an uncut state as above. The Menzies copy brought $4.25 per vol., and is not described as possessing the portraits. 61 Alexander (J. A.) Life of, by H. C. Alexander. Portrait. ' ^ 2 vols, small 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1870 62 Alfieri (Victor). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, ~/J~~~ written by himself. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1810 Contains a full account of the author's amours with the fair, but frail, Penelope Pitt, Lady Ligonier, which led to her divorce from her husband. , 63 Alford (Henry). Plea for the Queen's English ; also the • \) O Dean's English, or Answer to Alford by Moon. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. London, 1865 64 Aldridge. Memoir and Theatrical Career of Ira Aldridge, ?/ - — the African Roscius. Portrait, as " Othello." 8vo. London, n. d. Presentation copy to J. H. Lacy, with autograph of the author, " 25th July, 1851." IO ^^ 65 Alger (W. R.) Poetry of the East. Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1856 66 Alison (Archibald). Essays on the Nature and Principles • ^ * of Taste. 2 vols. 8vo, half mor. Edinburgh, 18 11 The beautiful and refined fancy, and melodious style of this writer, render his works deserving of a conspicuous place in every well- chosen library. — Djbdin. 67 Allan. Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, Engravings, o^t/ etc., belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. Vig- nette Portrait. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. N. Y., 1864 The vignette was engraved by Mr. Allan's friend, also, an octoge- narian, the celebrated wood engraver, Dr. Anderson. See Duyckinck. 68 Allan (John). Catalogue of the " Silver Cabinet." ^^ Illustrated. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1870 69 Allen (Ethan). Narrative of the Capture of Ticon- ; v ^g j — Olive Branch in Nov., 1796, laden with Cannon, Musk- ets, etc., by H. M. Ship, the Audacious. 8vo, half mor. extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1797 72 Allen (Wm.) Memoir of, by James Sherman. Crown 8vo, J£J- — mor. neat, gilt edges. London, 185 1 " Few men have deserved to have their character and efforts more widely diffused than Wm. Allen." 73 Alligator (The). Stephen H. Branch's, from April 24 to /■£■ October 2, 1858. 25 Numbers, all published. 4to, half roan. N. Y., 1858 The editor of this delectable paper will be remembered as a scurrillous ■writer, who was imprisoned for libels contained in the Alligator. II r -, 74 Allom (Thos.) Illustrations of the Counties of Chester, / " Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Rutland, and Lincoln ; with 73 fine steel engravings on 37 plates. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1836 The Text is by Noble and Eose. ,- 75 [Allston (Washington)]. Monaldi: a Tale. 76 Almack's : a Novel. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. \J^O Designed to expose the vices of fashionable life. London, 1826 77 Amaranth (The); a Miscellany of Original Prose and Verse. /) O Edited by T. K. Hervey; with 13 exquisite steel engrav- ings. Folio, cloth. London, 1839 78 Amatory Works of Tom Shuffi.eton of the Middle Temple, : 2- / (70 from a.t>. 1525 to 1848, with Memoirs of Tyndale and his Contemporaries and Successors; a copious. History of the various Translations and Editions. Portrait and fac- similes. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Pickering, London, 1845 This is the only History of the English Bible, and of its progress in England and Scotland ; the author traces its course under extreme difficulties from its first translation down to our own times. The characters of many of the great men of the time, such as Henry VIII., Wolsey, Warnham, Tunstall, Mojre', Cromwell, Cranmer, etc., appear under different aspects when brought into immediate contact or contrast with the printing and circulating the Script- ures. —, 94 Anderson. Annals of the English Bible. Portrait of ■<- & Tyndale, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Pickering, London, 1845 95 Andre. An Authentic Narrative of the causes which led 108 Anthon (Charles). Classical Dictionary, containing an account of the principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. Thick royal 8vo, sheep. N. Y., 1868 /"77 109 Anthon (Henry). Historical Notices of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1845 i5 no Antiquity, Honor, and Dignity of Trade; particularly as & } connected with the City of London. Written by a Peer of England. 8vo, stamped calf gilt. Westminster, 1813 Unique copy, having 56 inserted Plates, comprising a number of old and curious Illustrations. I" Antrim (B. J.) Pantography; or, Universal Drawings, in ^ comparison with Pasigraphy, as the Science of Letters. 121110, uncut. Phila., 1843 112 Apollo (Ihe) : a Collection of the most Popular Songs, 00 Recitations, Duets, Glees, etc. Fine full-length Portraits, and 15 humorous wood-cuts. 3 vols, post 8vo, half roan, carmine top, uncut. London, 1830 Scarce ; comprising portraits of Liston, Reeve, Miss Bartolozzi, Wood, the vocalist ; Keeley, Braham, Master Burke, and others, nearly all of whom appeared at the old Park Theatre, New Tork. 113 Apperley (Chas. James). "Nimrod." Hunting Reminis- ?y^7 cences; comprising Memoirs of Masters of Hounds; notices of Crack Riders, etc. Numerous fine plates by Wildrake, Henderson, and Aiken. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Original Edition ; scarce. London, 1843 114 Apparitions, etc. The Unseen World, and Communications with it. i2mo, cloth. London, 1853 ^115 Appleton's Handy- Volume Series. Lights of the Old En- 7$ glish Stage ; Lamb's Essays of Elia, etc. 7 vols. i6mo, wrapper. New York, 1878 116 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Translated from the y, o ^r~ Arabic, with copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. Illustrated by many hundred Engravings on wood, from Original Designs by William Harvey. New Edition, by Edward Stanley Poole. 3 vols. 8vo, half blue calf extra. Murray, London, 1859 " Mr. Lane's version is, beyond all doubt, a most valuable, praise- worthy, painstaking, learned, and delightful work. The Notes throw more light upon the mystery of Arab Life than perhaps all other works in the language." 117 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Translated by E. Forster. 2- \f~ 600 illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 118 Arbuthnot (Dr. John). Miscellaneous Works, with Life, etc. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1770 ^ " Bought at David Gtarrick's sale, April 23, 1823, by G. Daniel." MS. on fly-leaf. Also Autograph of David Qarrick. # '0 \6 119 Arey (H. W.) Girard College, and its Founder, with Biography and Will of Stephen Girard. Portrait and plate. 121110, cloth. Phila., 1861 120 Ariel (The). A Literary Gazette, from May 5, 1827, to C April 18, 1829. Numerous scarce American Views and Portraits. 4to, half roan. Phila., 1827-9 121 Ariosto (Ludovico). Orlando Furioso. Translated, with Notes, by John Hoole. Portraits and Illustrations. 6 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1807 122 Ariosto. Panizzi (A.) Bibliographical Notices of some f~~~g early editions of the Orlando Inamorato and Furioso. Portrait on India paper. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Very scarce. Pickering, London, 1831 Only 24 copies printed. Presentation copy to Mr. Foss (Payne & Foss), by Mr. Panizzi. 123 Aristophanes. Comedies. Translated with Notes, etc., by OO C. A. Wheelwright. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Oxford, 1837 124 Aristocracy of New York : who they are and what they /0 were. Portrait of J. J. Astor. Part I. 8vo, wrapper. New York, 1848 125 Armiger (Charles). Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet. Songs CO relative to Angling, Racing, Hunting, etc. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1831 126 Armitage (Thomas). Funeral Sermon on the Death of /(P Spencer Houghton Cone. Portrait, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855 127 Armstrong (John). Art of Preserving Health. A ^?t/'~~~ Poem. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1757 128 Arnett (J. A.) Bibliopegia ; or, the Art of Bookbinding in ■y sy all its branches. Illustrated. 121110, half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1835 From the Menzies Library, where it brought $3.75. 129 Arnett (J. A.) Inquiry into the Nature and Form of the S jf Books of the Ancients. Illustrated. Post 8vo, half mo- rocco, uncut. London, 1837 Includes a History of the Art of Bookbinding. This copy sold in the Menzies sale for $7. 130 Arnold (Benedict). A Biography by G. C. Hill. Illustrated, ./t? i8mo, cloth. Boston, 1858 i7 /(fcAS 1 Arnold (Major-General). Proceedings of a General Court-Martial for the Trial of, with Notes, Index, etc. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, uncut. New York, 1865 Privately printed, only 100 copies. 132 Arnold (George). Drift, and other Poems. Portrait. ' " i2tno, cloth (2 copies). Boston, 1866 133 Arnold. Poems, grave and gay ; Drift, etc., etc. Portrait. '0 2 vols, nmo, cloth. Boston, 1866-7 i33*Arnold (Josias Lyndon). Poems. [Edited by James Bur / „ r — - rill, Jr.] 8vo, half calf. Providence, 179/ Contains many carious pieces relative to local history, etc. Arnold' was a tutor in E. I. College. /-PT34 Arnold. Another copy. Sheep, yellow edges. Providence, 1797 i->,i35 Arnold. The same. Sheep. Providence, 1797 136 Arnold. Another. Sheep. Providence, 1797 137 Arnold (Matthew). Poems. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1856 '" j 38 Arnold (S. G.) History of the State of Rhode Island ' P^7 and Providence Plantations. Large maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. * New York, 1859 Presentation copy to Albt. &. Greene from the author. 139 Arnold (Thos.) Life and Correspondence of, by A. P. v Stanley. 2 vols, r 21110, cloth. Boston, i860 140 Arnot (Hugo). History cf Edinburgh, its Public Build- C?; J~~ ings, Colleges, Manners, Literature, Processions, etc. Plates. Thick 4to, calf gilt. Edinburgh, 1 788 141 ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. History of that Valiant :/ (7 £? Knight, Arthur of Little Britain. A Romance of Chivalry. Translated by Lord Berners ; with a series of plates in outline, by Heath, of illuminated drawings from an ancient MS. 4to, handsomely bound in levant morocco extra. Only 175 copies printed. Reprinted, London, 18 14 The work was edited from the extremely rare original edition [printed by Robert Redbourne, the sole production of his press, and with- out date] by E. V. Utterson, who uses extraordinary diligence in tracing out the name of the original writer of the Romance, the time of its composition, and other much-wished-for particulars. i8 142 ART JOURNAL (London), from January, 1867, to De- cember, 1877; with upwards of 500 exquisite steel en- gravings, and many hundred elegant wood-cuts. 1 1 vols. 4to, in the original numbers. London, 1867-77 This famons Art publication contains the best works of Gerome, Dore, Frith, Leslie, Meissonier, Faed, Maclise, Landseer, Constable, Mul- ready, Delaroche, Schaeffer, Stanfield, Turner, Portaels, Coomans, Le Jeune , Gerard, Metzmacher , Boughton , Ansdell , Alma-Tadema , Vibert/De Coninck, Bierstadt,Cropsey, Bertrand, Bougerean, Toul- mouche, Rosa Bonheur, etc., etc. 143 Art Union. Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming, illustrated in 13 beautiful outline engravings from designs by Hicks. Oblong folio, unbound. London, 1846 144 Ashe {Captain, Author of the "-Spirit of the Book" etc.) Memoirs and Confessions. 3 vols. 1 21110, boards, un- cut. London, 1815 145 Asher (G. M.) Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New-Nether- land, etc. Maps. Royal 4to, uncut. Amsterdam, T854-67 Large Paper copy, printed on heavy drawing paper. Only a few issued. 146 Astor Library. Annual Reports from 1850 (the first) to ^^ — 1867. Complete, 18 parts. 8vo, wrappers. ^~°~C- New York, 1850-67 147 Astor Place Opera-House Riots. Account of, with the Quarrels of Forrest and Macready, May 10th, 1849. Wood-cuts. 8vo, pp. 32, (2 copies). N. Y., 1849 148 Atall (Peter). Hermit in Philadelphia. Containing ■J~~ ' Some Account of Young Belles and Coquettes, Old Maids and Old Bachelors, Dandy Slang and Lady Slang, etc. Second Series. i2mo, boards. Phila., 1821 Very scarce and curious. _i49 Atherton (Wm.) Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the North-Western Army under General Winchester. i2mo, boards. Frankfort (Ky.), 1842 150 Atlantic Cable. Alderman Rooney at the Cable Banquet : ? an improvised Epic, humorously illustrated. Royal 8vo, wrapper. N. Y., 1866 19 iS i Atlantic Telegraph. Report of the Proceedings at a Ban- & quet given to Cyrus W. Field by the Chamber of Com- merce, N. Y. Portraits and plates inserted, also an auto- graph invitation signed by C. W. Field, Henry Grinnell, B. H. Field, Peter Cooper, and Geo. Folsom. 4to, boards. N. Y., 1866 / o 152 Aubrey. Miscellanies,' by John Aubrey, Esq. 8vo, calf. ^ Scarce. London, 1696 Contains curious accounts of Apparitions, Converse with Angels and Spirits, Corpse Candles in Wales, Second-Sighted Persons, Dis- coveries of Murders by Apparitions, etc., etc. A copy seldom oc- curs for sale. 153 Aungier (G. J.) History and Antiquities of Syon Mon- f'^7 astery, the Parish of Isleworth, and the Chapeiry of Hounslow, with Appendix of Original Documents ; and 1 7 plates on steel. . Roy. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1840 154 Authentic Memoirs of the Green-Room ; including Sketch- ^ J es, Biographical, Critical, and Characteristic, of the Per- formers of the Theatres Royal, with Original Lives and Anecdotes. i2mo, boards. London, 18T4 T55 Authentic Memoirs of the Green- Room ; including Sketch- , — — es, Biographical, Critical, and Characteristic, of the Per- <"^ formers of the Theatres Royal, Drury-Lane, Covent Gar- den, and the Haymarket, with Anecdotes, etc. 121110, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. Unique. 28 fine Portraits inserted ; Kean, Oxberry, Mathews, etc. 156 Authors of England : a Series of Medallion Portraits of (7 modern Literary Characters, machine-engraved by Collas, with Notices by Chorley. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1861 Although the text, in above vols, is duplicated, the portraits are all different. 157 Autographi Holographiana. By William Brotherhead. Phila- / -j delphia, 1867. Being a Description of a visit to F. J. Dreer's Collection of Autographs. 410, half morocco. 25 copies privately printed. Philadelphia, 1867 158 Autographs for Freedom. Prose and Poetry on Slavery, by O ,f popular American writers, with facsimiles of their Auto- graphs. i2mo, cloth. Auburn, 1854 159 Aytoun (W. E.) Memoir of, by Theo. Martin. Portrait {& Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1867 Over 100 pages of this book are devoted to selections from Aytoun's works. , 160 Aytoun (W. E.) Life and Times of Richafd the First, V~~~ surnamed Cceur-de-Lion. Portrait. i2mo. half morocco extra. London, 1840 Jo -7 J- J- *0 BACON'S and Ingram's Rebellion. History of, in Vir- ginia, in 1675 and 1676. 8vo, half mor., gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1867 200 copies printed in separate form, from the "Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for 1866-1867." 162 Bage (Robert). Man as He is Not; or, Hermsprong. Vignette. i2mo, calf extra, gilt edges. Chiswick, 1828 163 Bailey (John J.) Waldimar : a Tragedy. 8vo, cloth. [JVbt Published]. N. Y., 1834 Dedicated to the Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War, and written for Charles Kean, who performed the title-character in New York and Philadelphia, with considerable success. 164 Bailey (J. F.) Historical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, etc. i2mo, wrapper. Brooklyn, 1840 165 Bailey (Thos.) Records of Longevity. Portraits of the Ancients. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1857 A marvelous catalogue of centenarians. 166 Baird (Sir David). Life of, [by Theodore Hook]. Por- trait by Finden. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1832 167 Baker (W. S.) American Engravers and their Works. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., 1875 Large Paper copy, only a few printed. 168 [Balch (Thomas)]. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania, with some Notices of the Writers. 8vo, uncut. Rare. Presentation copy from the author. Privately printed, Phila., 1855 169 Baldwin (Eben.) Annals of Yale College, from its Foundation to 1831 : with an Appendix to 1838. Por- trait. 8vo, cloth. New Haven, 1838 170 Baldwin (J. G.) Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1861 171 Baldwin. Flush Times. Another Edition. i2mo, cloth. San Francisco, 1876 21 ^ f 172 Ball (B. L.) Three Days on the White Mountains, a Perilous Adventure on Mount Washington. i2mo, wrap- per. Boston, 1856 173 Ballads and Broadsides (Ancient). A Collection of 79, '/J 1 printed in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, between the years 1559-97, with Introduction and illustrative Notes. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867 This is a reprint of the famous collection of rare Ballads belonging to the late Mr. G. Daniel, of Canonbury, and which was sold by auc- tion for upwards of £700. " It may be confidently asserted that the present collection is not less interesting and is certainly much more curious than any that have preceded it, illustrating as it does the Language, Opinions, Man- ners, Usages, the Peelings and passing Events of the greater part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth." 174 BALLADS AND BROADSIDES. Curiosities of Street Liter- & ature ; a Collection of over 4,200 Ballads, etc., founded on the most famous (or infamous) Murders, Robberies, Rapes, and general Scandal, pertaining to the present Century. Bound in 12 vols. 4to, mor. ant., gilt tops. v. d. Includes a complete set of that scandalous periodical " The Town," which was suppressed soon after its appearance, verses on the Baby Farming business, Heroes of the Scaffold, Demoniacism, Prize Fights, Mordaunt Scandal, Byron Mystery, Fenian Plot, Crimes of the Aristocracy, London Spy, The Devil, Chaps and Gals of London, Disclosures of the Men- Women (Boulton and Parke), and a vast amount of other kindred matter. 1 75 Baltimore. Discourse on the Life and Character of Geo. *-/ Calvert, the First Lord Baltimore. By J. P. Kennedy. 8vo, wrapper. Baltimore, 1845 1 76 Baltimore (Lord). Tour to the East, with Remarks on ' (7 the City of Constantinople, the manners and customs of the Turks, Seraglios, etc. 8vo, calf gilt. Privately printed, London, 1767 On his Lordship's return he made in Piccadilly a Harem on the model of the Vizier Hassem, and furnished it with fine women. Its ex- istence was soon discovered, and the caricaturists amused them- selves with the English Pasha. Sold in Baker's sale for £2 8s. 22 . 177 Bancroft (Aaron). Essay on the Life of George Wash- ington, Commander-in-Chief of the American Army through the American War, and First President of the United States. Fine portrait by Edwin. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Worcester, 1807 Beautiful copy. , 178 Bancroft (George). Poems. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1823 Fine Portrait of the author on India paper, and view of his residence at Northampton, Mass., inserted. _i79 Banim (John). Works. Peep o' Day, Boyne Water, Mayor of Wind-Gap, Bit o' Writin', etc. New Edition, with Introduction and Notes by Michael Banim. 6 vols, post 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Dublin, 1865-6 __ 180 [Banim]. Mayor of Wind-Gap; and Bit o' Writin'. 3 vols. i2mo, boards. N. Y., 1835-8 181 Banks (J.) Anna Bullen ; or, Vertue Betray'd. 4to, half ' vellum. London, 1692 Title missing, and last leaf in MS. 182 Bannister. Portraits and Autograph Letter of John Bannister, the Comedian,' with numerous newspaper and other cuttings relating to his Theatrical Career. The whole neatly mounted and arranged in one volume, 4to, half morocco. The autograph letter is 3 pages 4to (1810), and addressed to John Taylor, author of " Monsieur Tonson," etc. Among the portraits is a fine one by G. Clint, and that from the " Thespian Magazine," 1793, well known to be rare. 183 Banvard (J.) Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1851 184 Bardsley (C. W.) Our English Surnames, their sources and significations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1869 185 [Barham (R. H.)] My Cousin Nicholas, by Thomas In- — goldsby. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. London, 1856 186 Barker. Complete List of Plays, with dates, authors, etc., 5 from the Commencement of Theatrical Performances to the year 1803. 12 mo, half morocco. London, [1803] Compiled by W. C. Oulton, author of the " History of the London Theatres." 23 7 187 Barker (E. H.) Literary Anecdotes and Contemporary Reminiscences of Prof. Porson and others. Portrait, etc., inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1852 Only 100 copies printed. Many of these Anecdotes are excessively amusing. .- 188 Barker (Jacob). Incidents in the Life of, from 1800 to 1855. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1855 Privately printed. 189 Barker (J.N.) Sketches of the Primitive Settlements on the \J River Delaware. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Portrait of Penn and the Treaty plate inserted. Phila., 1827 7^190 Barber (J. W.) History and Antiquities of New Haven (Conn.), from its Earliest Settlement. Illustrated with map and plates (colored). i2mo, cloth, uncut. Fine clean copy. New Haven, 1831 191 Bari.ow (Joel). The Coltjmbiad : a Poem. Beautiful por- trait of Barlow, and numerous plates by Smirke, engraved by Heath, Bromley, etc. Thick 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila., 1807 Fine copy ; very scarce in uncut condition, and having three portraits of the author inserted, including a rare French engraving ; also an interesting autograph lettor, % pp., 4to, March 26, 1811. This copy also contains the facsimile of the signatures to the Declaration of Independence, often wanting. 192 Barnard (E.) History of England, with upwards of 100 engravings on copper : portraits, battle-scenes, coins, seals, etc. Folio, calf. London, 1783 Now very scarce, so many copies having been destroyed for the sake of the portraits with which the volume abounds. 193 Barnes (William). Settlement and early History of Albany. Illustrations . 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. Munsell, Albany, 1864 194 Barnes (William). The Settlement and early History of 7 Albany. Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1864 j 95 Barney. Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Joshua Barney, from Autographical Notes and Journals. Edited by Mary Barney. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 24 O ^ /■— 196 Barnum (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked ; or, Memoirs of Enoch \ Crosby, alias Harvey Birch : being an authentic Account of the Secret Services which he rendered his Country dur- ing the Revolutionary War (taken from his own lips in short-hand), etc. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1828 Mne copy; scarce. O r r/ J 97 Barnum (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of ^ Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of the " Spy " by Fennimore Cooper. 2 vols. i2mo, half morocco. London, 1829 />? 198 Barnum (P. T.) Humbugs of the World. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1866 199 Barnum (P. T.) Life, written by Himself. Showing his early History as Clerk, Merchant, and Editor, and his later career as Showman. Portrait, view of the Old Museum, and other illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 200 Barnum's Parnassus : being Confidential Disclosures of the ^jO Prize Committee on the Jenny Lind Song. i2mo, wrapper. N. Y, 1850 The Barnumtopsis was written by William Allen Butler. 201 Barnum's Parnassus, and another Pamphlet entitled " The ^2jO Jenny Lind Mania in Boston," by Asmodeus. Wood-cuts. 121110, paper. N. Y. and Boston, 1850 202 BARON-WILSON (MRS. CORNWELL). MEMOIRS OF & ' O HARRIOT, DUCHESS OF ST. ALBANS. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1839 Unique copy. Beautifully illustrated by the insertion of nearly 100 portraits of dramatic and other celebrities, including rare ones of the " elder " Wallack (when young), Edmund Kean, engraved by Heath (original impression), Grimaldi, several of Mrs. Jordan, etc. c*3 (/O 2 °3 Baron- Wilson (Mrs. Cornwell). Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans. Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1839 /n 204 Baron-Wilson. Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. -»' Albans. 2 vols, nmo, cloth. Phila., 1840 205 Baron-Wilson. Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. ^ \ O O Albans. Portraits and facsimile. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1840 <#. 25 206 Baron- Wilson. Our Actresses ; or, Glances at Stage \l Piedmont, Dauphiny, etc. 72 beautifully executed engrav- ings, after drawings by Bartlett, Brockedon, Stanfield, etc. 4to, half green morocco gilt. London, 1838 236 Beau Brummell. Life of George Brummell, Esq., corn- ed' 1/ monly called Beau Brummell, by Captain Jesse. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1844 237 BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. DRAMATIC WORKS, _'. (f~~^7 the Text formed from a new Collation of the early Edi- ^ tions, with a Biographical Memoir and Notes, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Portraits, n vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco. Moxon, London, 1843 Best edition. Scarce. /.^IT /O0 28 U d 238 Beau Nash. Life of Richard Nash, of Bath, extracted prin- cipally from his Original Papers. [By Oliver Goldsmith]. Portrait. 8vo, calf. London, 1762 ,? t-yy 239 Beau Nash. Another copy, with an additional portrait in- serted, and some newspaper cuttings. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1762 ^_24o Beauties of the Opera and Ballet. Ten beautiful portraits on steel, numerous Wood-cuts, and Ornamental Borders in colors. Royal 8vo, morocco gilt. London, n. d. Among the favorite operas illustrated are " Norma," " Barber of Se- ville," " Don Juan," and the " Huguenots." The Portraits include those of Grisi, Fanny Ellsler, Sontag, etc. . ,_24i Beauvallet (Leon). Rachel and the New World. A Trip '" to the United States and Cuba. Translated from the French. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1856 242 Becket (Andrew). Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies. Edited by William Beattie, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1838 243 Beckford (Wm., of FonthiW). Biographical Memoirs of ou Extraordinary Painters. i2mo, half morocco. Very scarce. London, 1780 First edition. This very curious satirical work was published anony- mously, of which a notice will be found t in the Eetrop. Eev. x. 173-9. /o, 244 Beckford. Another copy, half calf. London, 1 780 Bound in with this copy will be found " Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils." /_^_ 245 Beckford. Another edition. Satirical frontispiece. i2mo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 " These Memoirs would have excited considerable attention under any circumstances." 57/^246 [Beckford]. Extraordinary Painters. Post 8vo, boards, ,c> " uncut. London, 1780 p y .--247 Beckford (William). Italy, with Sketches of Spain and , Portugal, by the author of Vathek. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1834 This is the Second Edition, revised, of a work originally published in 1783 under the title of Breams and Waking Thought*. ■ff 2 29 ^2 ( /"248 Beckford. Memoirs of William Beckford, of Fonthill ; author of " Vathek." Portrait on India paper. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1859 249 Beckford (William). Memoirs of. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, 'V cloth. London, 1859 250 Beckford (William). Recollections of and Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. Beautiful por- trait of Mr. Beckford when a young man, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1835 Pleasing and picturesque as the clime and place visited, this is just the book for the indulgence of the dolcefa/r niente. y 2Si [Beckford (William)]. Vathek. Translated from the Orig- inal French. Third edition. Frontispiece by Isaac Taylor. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1816 P ,^252 Beckford. Vathek. i6mo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 253 Beddoes (T. L.) Poems, with a Memoir. Post 8vo, cloth, ' j> j— uncut. Pickering, London, 185 1 The above copy belonged to Thomas Noon Talfourd. His autograph appears on the title, and many passages have been marked. ^ 254 Bede (Cuthbert). Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. ^" Humorous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. London. , 255 Beethoven (L. Van) . Letters, translated by Lady Wallace. ^ C Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1867 256 Beets (Nicolaas). Life and Character of J. H. Van Der 2_ calL London, 1700 The works of this famous lady are too well known for their excessive freedom, to be commented upon. 260 Belden (E. P.) New York : past, present, and future ; com- p r— prising a History of the City of New York, a description of its present condition, and an estimate of its future in- crease. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1849 30 jp 261 Belknap (J.) American Biography. 3 vols. i6mo, cloth V (stained). New York, 1855 ^ 262 Bell's British Theatre. A Collection of the best Plays, Operas, etc., etc., in Dramatic Literature. 20 vols. 121110, half calf. London, 1776 This contains all the beautiful plate3 representing the most celebrated actors in their most celebrated characters. This copy is in good condition, and the plates are fine early impressions. 263 Bell (Andrew). Historical Sketches of Feudalism. Post _ 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 / 264 Bell (John and Chas.) Anatomy of the Human Body, etc. Frofusely illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. N. Y., 1822 265 Bell (Robert). Wayside Pictures through France, Belgium, ■ 7 y and Holland. Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco extra. London, 1849 Presentation copy to G. P. R. James, the Novelist, with autograph of the author. 266 Bellamy (George Anne). Apology for the Life of Mrs. <~~p Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. Written by Herself, with her Letter to John Calcraft, originally sup- pressed. Fine portrait by Bartolozzi, and other fine plates. Second Edition. 5 vols. i2mo, half calf gilt. Lon., 1785 A Defence (?) of her infamous life. 267 Bellamy (George Anne). Apology for the Life of Mrs. 2, i/"~~ Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. Writen by Her- self, with her Letter to John Calcraft, originally suppressed. Second Edition. 5 vols. i2mo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1785 268 Bellamy (George Anne, celebrated Actress). Memoirs of, r/~£7 including all her intrigues, with genuine anecdotes of all her public and private connections. Post 8vo, boards. Very scarce. London, 1785 Quite a different Book from her Memoirs in 5 vols. 269 Bellamy (Thomas). Life of Mr. William Parsons, Com- edian ; with his Dramatic Character, by John Litchfield. Crown 8vo, half crimson levant mor., gilt top, uncut. London, 1795 A scarce Theatrical Biography, the present copy rendered unique by the insertion of 52 Plates, including, among portraits of Garrick, Mrs. Siddons and other eminent Performers, a fine old mezzotint of Parsons, after Dighton, published in 1779. This volume also contains " The London Theaters, a Poem by Thomas Bellamy." /<&o' 31 270 BELLOwa (H. W.) Relation of Public Amusements to Pub- 2~ from its Foundation to the Present; including, also, Biographies of the Knights, and many particulars relating to English and French History. Cuts of Arms. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Pickering, London, 1841 " Beltz's Memorials deserve, for research and ability, to be ranked with the works of his predecessors (Camden, Anstice, Dugdale), and no historical library can be complete without them." — Athe- naeum. 275 Benger (Miss). Memoirs of John Tobin, author of "The if Honey Moon." With a selection from his unpublished Writings. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1820 276 Benger (Miss). Memoirs of the Life of Mary, Queen of //L/ (3 Scots. Portrait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1823 277 Benjamin (S. G. W.) The Turk and the Greek; or, Creeds, , C/\J Races, Society, etc. 1 21110, cloth. N. Y., 1867 278 Bennett (C. H.) and Brough (R. B.) Substance and -■4^ O Shadow ; with 30 humorous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, i860 279 Bennett (J. C.) History of the Saints; or, an Expose C/~27 of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Portraits, etc. 12 mo, cloth. Scarce. Boston, 1842 280 Bennett (J. G.) Life and Adventures of Editor Bom- / J> if t> ast James G-r-n B-n-n-t; a Scotch Pedlar's Tale as related by him to Mrs. Clark. Wood-cut. 8vo, 24 pages. Very rare. N. Y., n. d. A singular history of the " cross-eyed loon." 32 y 281 Benson (Egbert). Dutch and Indian Names. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the 'State of New York, December 31, 1816. Second Edition, with Notes. 1 2 mo, half calf, uncut. Jamaica, 1825 Fine copy, with manuscript corrections by the author. ,^282 Benton (Thomas H.) Thirty Years' View ; or, a History of the working of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850. With Historical Notes and Illustrations. Portrait and View. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf. gilt. N. Y, 1854-56 *) 283 Beranger. Lyrical Poems. Translated by W. Young. Por- trait. i2mo, cloth gilt. N. Y, 1850 - 284 Beranger. Songs of the Empire, the Peace and the Res- toration. Translated into verse, by R. B. Brough. Post 8vo, half mor. antique. London, 1856 285 Beresford (James). Miseries of Human Life ; or, the 7 Groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy, in 12 Dialogues; curious frontispieces. 2 vols. i2mo, half mor. Scarce. London; 1826 r 286 Berkeley (Hon. Grantley F.) My LrFE and Recollec- tions. Portrait. 2 vols. 8 vo, half calf gilt. Lond., 1865 Mas many blank pages interleaved. 287 BERNARD (JOHN). RETROSPECTIONS OF THE f~~£) STAGE. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8 vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1830 Unique copy, having 50 inserted plates, including Portraits of Macblin as " Shylock," Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Melmoth, Mrs. Mattocks, Mrs. Billington, Kemble, Farren, and others; some being from paintings by Stothard and Loutherbourg. 288 Bernard. Retrospections of the Stage. By the late j* John Bernard, Manager of the American Theatres, and formerly Secretary to the Beefsteak Club. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1830 289 Bernard. Retrospections of the Stage. 2 vols. 121110, boards, uncut. Boston, 1832 290 Berrian (Rev. Wm.) Trinity Church, New York : an His- - torical Sketch of. Numerous steel plates. 8vo, cloth. v New York, 1847 33 ,__29i BETTERTON. LIFE of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late Eminent Tragedian. To which is added the Amorous Widow, or the Wanton Wife : A Comedy, by Mr. Better- ton. Portrait after Kneller. 8vo, crimson levant mo- rocco extra, gilt back and edges, by Zahnsdorf. London, 1710 An exceedingly choice and valuable copy, having 25 Portraits inserted, all fine, and some of which are excessively rare : Kynaston, the Comedian, Mrs. Barry, Davenant, Wycherley, Mrs. Bracegirdle, Robert Wilks, Purcell, Otway, etc. 292 BETTERTON (THOMAS). HISTORY OF THE EN- 3 36 306 Bigelow (Wm.) History of the Town of Natick, Mass., 3 from the Days of the Apostolic Eliot (1650), to the Present Time (1830). Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1830 307 Billington (Mrs.) Memoirs of, containing a Variety of 'O Matter, Ludicrous, Theatrical, Musical, etc. Portrait in- serted. 8vo, uncut. London, 1792 Very scarce. A most extraordinary book. " Miss had such a general turn to music that it was impossible to keep her from attempting to play upon any little flagelet which she could get at." p. 8. 308 Billington (Mrs.) Memoirs, from her Birth : containing -/ /— a variety of matter, Ludicrous, Theatrical, Musical, and , with copies of several Original Letters, written by Mrs. Billington, etc., etc. Portrait. 8vo. London : Printed for James Ridgway, 1 792 Life and Amours of Lady Ann F(o)l(e)y : developing the whole of her Intrigues, from the Time of her Marriage, in October, 1778, till the Present Time. Including the whole Substance of the Trial for Crim. Con. between the Hon. Mrs. Foley and the Earl of Peterborough, wherein Damages of ^2,500 were given to the Plaintiff, etc. 8vo, London, n. d. In one vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1792, etc. 309 Biographia Dramatica ; or, a Companion to the Playhouse ; ~ containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic writers, with Account of the Rise and Progress of the British Stage. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 7812 Compiled by D. E. Baker, Isaac Eeed, and Stephen Jones. 310 Biography of the British Stage : being correct Narra- 7) tives of the Lives of all the principal Actors and Actresses at Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, the Haymarket, and other Theatres, Frontispiece and numerous vignettes. 121110, half calf. London, 1824 _3ii Biographical Sketches of Eccentric Characters. Portraits. ' i6mo, half calf. Boston, 1832 312 Bishop (Madame Anna). Travels in Mexico in 1849. Illustrated, nmo, wrapper. Phila., 1852 313 Blackbeard. A Page from the Colonial History of Phila- ,/-""" delphia. 2 vols. 12 mo, half morocco gilt. N. Y., 1835 Scarce. Y- 37 -314 Blackburn (Henry). Travelling in Spain in the Present Day. Beautifully illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 315 Blackmantle (Bernard). Fitzalleyne of Berkeley. A 2, if'' Romance of the Present Times. Vignettes. 2 vols, in 1, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 This facetious work, by the author of " The English Spy," was sup- pressed, and the plates destroyed. ._3i6 Blackwell (A. B.) Sexes throughout Nature. i2mo, v cloth. N. Y., 1875 317 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. General Index for lO Vols. 1 to 50. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1855 318 Blades (W.) How to Tell a Caxton : with some Hints •J'ff where and how the same might be found. 15 plates. 121110, boards. London, 1870 319 Blake (Charles). Historical Account of the Provi- JJ /,*? dence Stage. 121110, cloth. Providence, R. I., 1868 Scarce ; only 500 copies having been printed. The above was origi- nally prepared for and read before the B. I. His. Society, October 25, 1880, and printed in this form, with additions. 320 BLAKE. BLAIR (ROBT.) THE GRAVE : A Poem ; illus- n A m trated by 12 engravings from the designs of Blake, and a superb portrait of that artist, engraved by Schiavonetii ; fine proof impressions. Folio, cloth, uncut. Bensley, London, 1813 Large Paper. Large paper copies of the above are extremely rare ; only four of them have ever been offered for sale in this country. 321 Blake. Blair. The Grave : A Poem ; illustrated by 1 2 en- n/n gravings from the designs of Blake, and a superb portrait of that artist, engraved by Schiavonetti. Royal 4to, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Bensley, London, 1813 332 Blake (W.) Life of, with Selections from his Poems, and - /-77 other Writings, by A. Gilchrist. Extensively illustrated from Blake's own Works in facsimile and in Photolithography (including the whole of the Book of Job, and Songs of Inno- cence), and with a few of Blake's original plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1863 ' Biography is by nature the most universally profitable, universally pleasant of all things ; especially biography of distinguished indi- viduals." — Caklyle. 38 ( *- 323 BLAKE. YOUNG (EDWARD). NIGHT THOUGHTS : ' ^ ^ the Complaint and Consolation. Illustrated by 43 plates in engraved borders, by William Blake. Royal 4to, half calf. Very rare. London, 1797 Among the most wonderful productions of Blake's weird imagination. 324 Blakey (Robert). Old Faces and New Masks. Frontis- (7(7 piece and vignette, by Geo. Cruikshank. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 Contains : Sketches of Fishwives, Eels, Symbolical Representation of Fish, Pike, etc., and on the Dance of Death, British Caricature, etc., etc. ^ 325 Blanchard (Laman). Sketches from Life, with a Memoir, " ' by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Portrait by Maclise, and wood- cuts after Geo. Cruikshank, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Scarce. London, 1849 326 Blanchard (Laman). Sketches from Life. Edited, with /,/-' Memoir of the author, by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. 2 vols. in 1, i2mo, half morocco gilt. New York, 1846 327 Blasis (C.) Notes upon Dancing, Historical and Practical, , with Passages on Theatrical Art, etc. Edited and trans- ■'" V lated by R. Barton. Portrait, etc. 8vo, uncut. London, 1847 328 Bleecker (Ann Eliza). Posthumous Works of, in Prose / /"77 and Verse, with a collection of Essays, Prose and Poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres. Portrait by Tiebout. 121110, crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges in the round, with rich inside borders, by Bedford. Fine, clean copy. New York, 1 793 329 Blessington (Countess of). Literary Life and Corre- , s^s, spondence, by R. R. Madden. Fine portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1855 Includes Letters, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences of a host of literary celebrities of the present day. 330 Bligh (Wm.) Narrative of the Mutiny on Board the ' ^7 " Bounty " ; and the subsequent Voyage of Part of the Crew in the Ship's Boat from Tofoa to Timor. Charts. 4to, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce. London, 1790 i-s) 33 T Blitz (Signor). Fifty Years in the Magic Circle. Numer- ous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1871 /— 7. 2Z 2 Blitz (Signor). Life and Adventures of. Illustrated. i2mo, ^ & cloth. Hartford, 1872 „333 Bloodgood (S. de W.) Sexagenary ; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolution. Portraits. 8vo, uncut. Albany, 1866 334 Bloodgood. Sexagenary. Portrait. Royal 8vo, uncut. Large paper copy. Only 50 printed. Albany, 1866 335 Bloomfield (Robert). Poetical Works. Plustrated by Birket Foster. Post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1857 336 Blunt (Joseph). Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc. 8vo, l{ /-~~ cloth. N. Y., 1843 Contains a Review of " Ivanhoe," the Cherokee Question, and other matters of interest. 337 BOADEN (JAMES). MEMOIRS of MRS. INCHBALD,^ n Q including her Familiar Correspondence with Distinguished Persons. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1833 Unique Copy, having numerous portraits and other illustrations in- serted, consisting of fine and rare portraits of Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Siddons, several of Garrick, Mrs. Jordan, Macklin, Henderson, Con- way, and other theatrical personages, including a scarce one of Fanny Kemble, on India paper ; also, Mad. de Stael, Samuel Rogers, Sheridan, Horace Walpole, and other literary characters, and views of Theatres, some colored. 338 Boaden (James). Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald, including } n her Familiar Correspondence with the most Distinguished Persons of her Time. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1833 339 BOADEN (JAMES). LIFE OF MRS. JORDAN, including 1' /7/? Original Private Correspondence, and numerous Anec- dotes of her Contemporaries. Portrait. 2 vols, (extend- ed to 4), 8vo, crimson morocco extra, inside borders hand- somely tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1831 Unique Copy, elegantly illustrated by the insertion of 187 Portraits, and Autographs, many inlaid, and including a number of choice proofs on India paper. Among the autographs are letters, etc , of Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Inch- bald, Mrs. Billington, Macready, Barley, and Chas. Kemble. Many rare and choice Portraits enrich this beautiful copy, among which is a fine old mezzotint of Mrs. Young, Master Betty as " Douglas " (colored), Mrs. Yates, Miss O'Neill, Mrs. Alsop and Lady Mary Fox (daughters of Mrs. Jordan), Mrs. Oldfield, Cata- lani, Kean, Garrick, Kemble, Gen. Burgoyne, Lord Rawdon, Cob- bett, Sheridan, scarce ones of Robt. Wilks and Barton Booth, and several of Mrs. Jordan. 40 34° Boaden (James). Life of Mrs. Jordan, including Original ' (J Private Correspondence, and numerous Anecdotes of her Contemporaries. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1831 341 BOADEN (JAMES). LIFE OF MRS. JORDAN, including z 00 original Private Correspondence, and numerous Anec- dotes of her Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1831 Unique Copy ; illustrated by the insertion of 150 rare and beautiful plates, some proofs, and including Portraits of the most celebrated actors and actresses of the day, also Views of Theatres and old Play Bills. The volumes are specially rich in portraits of eminent actresses, famous for their beauty as well as their genius. 342 Boaden (James). Memoirs of the Life of John Philip fl {J Kemble, including a History of the Stage, from the Time of Garrick to the Present Period. Fine portrait after Lawrence, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1825 343 Boaden (James). Memoirs of the Life of John Philip rt (J Kemble, including a History of the Stage, from the Time of Garrick to the Present Period. Fine portrait after Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 344 Bobbin. (Tim.) [i.e. John Collier]. Miscellaneous Works, X /J containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect, with large additions and Glossary ; Poem on the Flying Dragon and the Man at Heaton, together with other Whimsical Amusements. Portrait and curious plates. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1806 345 Bobbin (Tim). Works, in Prose and Verse, with Glossary of f f Lancashire Words and Phrases, and a Memoir of the Author by John Carry. Curious illustrations. 8vo, half calf gilt. Rochdale, 1819 Scarce. 346 BOCCACCIO. DECAMERON ; or, Ten Days' Entertain * () ment. Translated [by Dubois], with Remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccaccio. Portrait. 8vo, calf extra, gilt back, yellow edges. London, 1820 Charming copy, with a series of beautiful Engravings (proofs on India paper) after Stothard's designs, published by Pickering, inserted. 347 Boccaccio. Decameron, with 18 steel engravings. i2mo, f ~-. cloth. N. Y., 1858 4i _348 Boese (Thomas). Public Education in the City of New ' York. History, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1869 349 Boisgelin (Chev. Louis de). Ancient and Modern q Malta, with the History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and the Conquest of the Island by the English. Large map and fine plates of antiquities, portraits of the Grand Masters, etc. 3 vols, in 2, 4to, calf gilt. . London, 1804 350 Boismont (A. B. de). On Hallucinations. Translated by 7, J Hulme. i2mo, cloth. Columbus, i860 Apparitions, Visions, Dreams, Ecstasy, Magnetism, and Somnambu- lism. 351 Bolton (R.) History of the Protestant Episcopal Church if O in Westchester Co., from 1693 to 1853. Numerous il- lustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1855 352 Bombet (L. A. C.) Lives of Haydn and Mozart; with Ob- 7 r/ servations on Metastasio, and on the Present State of Music in France and Italy. Translated, with Notes. 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 1818 353 Bond (Henry). Genealogies of the Families and Descend- _ n ants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. Portraits, maps, and wood-cuts. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855 354 Bon Gaultier. Book of Ballads. Illustrations by Doyle, J~~@ Leech, and Crowquill. Eighth Edition. Square crown 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1864 355 Bonney (Rev. H. K.) Historic Notices in reference to n r) Fotheringhay. Illustrations. 8 vo, half calf gilt. ^Two extra plates are inserted in this volume. Oundle, 1821 356 Book of Roxburghe Ballads (Popular Ballads of the Reigns /, (j 7 of Elizabeth, James, and Charles). Edited by Collier. Elegantly printed in antique type by C. Whittingham, with 50 curious wood-cuts. Small 4to, calf extra. London, 1847 357 Bookseller (The). A Handbook of British and Foreign 7 ,— - Literature, from 1866 to December, 1878. 13 vols. 8vo, (4 in half mor., the rest in numbers). London, 1866-78 Includes the illustrated Christmas numbers. Ys 42 iv 358 Booth (Barton). Life of that Excellent Tragedian, Barton " Booth, Esq., late one of the Managers at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane ; his Amour with Miss Mountfort, etc. To which is added, a Poem to his Memory. London, 1733 Memoirs of the Life of Barton Booth, Esq. ; with his Character. Also, several Poetical Pieces, written by Himself. To which is likewise annex' d, the Case of Mr. Booth's last Illness, and what was observ'd upon opening of his body in the Presence of Sir Hans Slone, etc. Por- trait. In 1 vol. 8vo, half mor. Scarce. London, 1773 359 Booth (Edwin). Pictorial Illustrations of his Characters in Tragedy and Comedy. Drawn in Costume, by W. J. Hennessy, from Life. With Biographical and Critical Sketch of the Actor, by William Winter. Folio, cloth gilt. Boston, 1:872 Beautifully printed, and containing portraits of Mr. Booth, as Hamlet, Richelieu, Macbeth, Othello, and other characters. Published at $10. 360 [Booth (J.)] Biographical Memoir of the much lamented Jy - Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales and Saxe Coburg. Portraits on India Paper, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 18 18 361 Booth (J. B.) The Actor; or, a Peep behind the Curtain: Y $ being passages in the Lives of Booth and some of his Contemporaries. i2tno, wrapper. N. Y., 1846 362 Booth. The same. N. Y., 1846 363 Booth Memorial. Passages, Incidents, and Anecdotes in the Life of Junius Brutus Booth (the elder). By his Daughter. ' '^'^ Portrait, as Richard III. 121110, cloth. New York, 1866 First edition, having the " Copies of old Play-bills," omitted in subse- quent editions. The authoress, the tragedian's youngest daughter, is the wife of the celebrated comedian, Mr. J. S. Clarke. 364 Booth (Mary L.) History of the City of New York, • (? from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Illus- trated with over 100 engravings. Royal 8vo, half calf antique. New York, i860 365 Borrow (George). Works. Fine portrait. 13 vols, crown vOO 8vo, half calf extra. Murray, London, 1843-62 The Zincali ; or, An Account of the Gypsies of Spain, 2 vols. The Bible in Spain, 3 vols. Lavengro, 3 vols. The Eommany Bye, 2 vols. Wild Wales, 3 vols. Best edition. 43 , ^g66 Boruwlaski (Count Joseph). Memoirs of the celebrated Dwarf. Text in French and English. Plate. 8vo, calf gilt. Rare. London, 1788 Also inserted in this volume, the rare account (2 pp.) of the dwarf, Joseph Cardozo, with portrait, and two other inserted portraits. This book is from the Libraries of George Daniel and John Dillon, both of whom are represented by autographs and MS3. 367 Boruwlaski (Count). Memoirs of, containing his Travels, ',/ 77 Receptions, etc. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Durham, 1820 Inserted in this copy is a most interesting autograph letter from the celebrated dwarf to Samuel Amory. Joseph Boruwlaski was 42 inches in height. 368 Boston Book (The) ; or, Specimens of Metropolitan Litera- '/1/J ture. Edited by B. B. Thatcher, etc. Frontispieces. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1837-50 369 Boston Book. (1850). Frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. / ZF Boston, 1850 370 Boston Railroad Jubilee. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1852 « 371 Boston Tea- Party. Retrospect of, with a Memoir of Geo. , — R. T. Hewes [one of the uninvited guests]. Portrait. i2mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1834 Fine clean copy, unusually tall. 372 Boston Tea-Party. Traits of the Tea-Party : being a f. ~ Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last survivors, with Reminiscences of the " Boston Massacre," etc. Por- trait. i2mo. New York, 1835 A rare plate of the incident is inserted in this copy. 373 Boswell (James). Account of Corsica. Large Map. 8vo, 2_ t(~~~ ca ^- Foulis, Glasgow, 1768 Contains Memoirs of Bascal Paoli. 374 BOSWELL (JAMES). LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, 'y \p77 LL.D. Including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker. Illustrations. 5 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt backs and yellow edges. Best Edition. Murray, London, 1831 Unique copy ; with 215 rare and beautiful Portraits, Views, etc., in- serted, including Literary, Dramatic, and other celebrities, many of the engravings being very fine impressions. 44 375 Botfield Gallery. Catalogue of Pictures in the pos- -" J session of Beriah Botfield, Esq., at Norton Hall. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1848 Privately printed. Presentation copy "from the Author.'' 376 Botjdinot (Elias). Star in the West ; or, a Humble / ij Attempt to Discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their Return to their Beloved City, Jerusa- lem. 8vo, sheep. Trenton, N. J., 1816 377 Bourne (Vincent). Poetical Works. Originals and "~7 , - Translations, with his Letters. 2 vols. i2mo, calf gilt. / Oxford, 1808 " I love the memory of Vinny Bourne. I think him a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him." — Cowper. 378 Bowditch (N. I.) Suffolk Surnames. Portrait on India J'O paper. Thick 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1861 379 Bower (J.) Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and / /J Old Melrose. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, uncut. Printed for the author, Kelso, 1813 380 Bowles (Samuel). Our New West. Map, portraits, and ?j- — 12 plates. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1869 381 Bowman and Irwin. Sherman and his Campaigns. Por- J^f — traits. 8vo, unbound. New York, 1865 382 Bowyer (Wm., Printer). Miscellaneous Tracts and , Literary Correspondence, edited by J. Nicholls. Thick / 400 Brayley (E. W.) Londiniana, or Reminiscences of the @ British Metropolis, historical, antiquarian, topographical, and anecdotal. 100 engravings of famous Buildings, etc. 4 vols, post 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1828 / _j 401 Brayley (E. W.) Theatres of London. Historical and . / V Descriptive Accounts of. Illustrated with 16 engravings / by Daniel Havell. 4to, cloth. London, 1833 Very scarce. _j.02 Brenton (J. J.) Voices from the Press : a Collection of ~->v Sketches, Essays, and Poems, by Practical Printers. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1850 , 403 Bridgman (Richard W.) Short View of Legal Bibliog- -A U O raphy, containing some Critical Observations on the Authority of the Reporters and other Law Writers. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1807 404 Bridgman (T.) Memorials of the Dead in Boston, with / OO an exact transcription of Inscriptions, Epitaphs, etc. Frontispiece- i2mo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1852 '/z'//$ numerous portraits and engravings. 3 parts in 2 vols. imp. 8vo, half mor., uncut. Scarce. London, 1850 Only 500 copies privately printed. Britton. Autobiography. Second and Third Parts com- plete. Portraits and plates. 4to, half calf. Lon., 1849 Britton. Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately printed, London, 1825 Presentation copy " to the Rev. Geo. Crabbe from the author." Brodhead (L. W.) Delaware Water Gap, and its Scenery, with Sketches of the Early Settlers, etc. Col- ored frontispiece. i2mo, cloth. Phila., 1870 Bromley (Henry). Catalogue of Engraved British Por- traits, from Egbert the Great to the present time, with Appendix of Foreign Portraits. 4to, calf. Lon., 1793 Bronte. Bell (Currer): Jane Eyre ; Shirley ; Villette. 3 vols. i2mo, half calf antique. N. Y., 1858-59 Bronte. Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Agnes Grey, by " Acton Bell " and Wuthering Heights, by " Ellis Bell." 2 vols, post 8vo, half mor. gilt. London, 1858-9 Brooke (Mrs.) Rosin a : a Comic Opera. 8vo, half red mor. London, n. d. The fable of this piece is taken from the Book of Ruth, which also furnished the subject for Thomson's Palemon and Lavinia. Brooke. Rosina. Fourth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1783 Post 8vo, half morocco gilt. Dublin, 1783 Post 8vo, half morocco. Belfast, 1784 Eighth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1784 Ninth Edition. 8vo, half mor. London, 1784 Tenth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1784 Eleventh Edition. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1786 Twelfth Edition. 8vo, half calf. London, 1788 Brooke. Rosina. Brooke. Brooke. Rosina. Rosina. 425 Brooke. Rosina. Brooke. Rosina. Brooke. Rosina. Brooke. Rosina. 4y 429 Brooke (Mrs.) / (/" mor. 430 Brooke. Rosina. 431 Brooke. Rosina. /{J Large Paper. 432 Brooke. Rosina. / C? 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 * Privately printed. Mr. Brown was a member of the well-known firm of booksellers, Messrs. Little, Brown & Co. 451 Brown (T. Allston). History of the American Stage, / /j st containing Biographical Sketches of nearly every mem- ber of the Profession that has appeared on the American Stage, from 1733 to 1870. Nearly 100 Portraits on •wood of Actors and Actresses. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1870 Published by subscription. Autograph letter of the author inserted. 452 Brown (Thomas). Remains, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse, with a Key. Frontispiece. i2mo, (ffl boards. London, 1720 See page 808 for the virgin who " gnaw'd the sheets these twenty years." 5i 453 Brown. Tom Brown's Works, comical, satirical, serious, /(/77 and moral, in Prose and Verse, with Life and Notes by ' Dr. Drake. With Supplement. 4 vols, post 8vo, half calf. London, 1719-30 454 Brown University. Celebration of the One Hundredth . Anniversary of the Founding of, Sept., 1864. Portrait °f James Manning on India paper. Roy. 4to, uncut. Large Paper. Providence, 1865 455 Brown (W. H.) Portrait Gallery of Distinguished '///7/7 American Citizens, with Biographical Sketches, fac- '^~. similes of Original Letters, and 28 silhouette portraits. Imp. 4to, half morocco. Hartford, 1845 Very rare ; the portraits, in many instances, have dealt so truly with the subject, as to bear the stamp of a caricature ; even the atti- tudes will be recognized, for all these portraits are full-length. 456 [Browne (C. F.)] Artemus Ward's Panorama. 24 wood- ■2s O cuts. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1869 457 Browne (Irving). Our Best Society: a Parlor Comedy. n s — 8vo, wrapper. Troy, 1868 Privately printed ; presentation copy from the author. 458 Browne (James). History of the Highlands, and of / ^ the Highland Clans. Portraits, Armorial Bearings, , " ^ e tc. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Glasgow, 1838 459 Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). Poems. 3 vols, umo, O ' (7 morocco extra, gilt sides and edges. N. Y., 1858 460 Browning (Robert). Men and Women. Poems, izmo, *ZjJ~ cloth. Boston, 1856 461 Bryant (W. C.) Discourse on the Life, Character, and (7 if~~ Writings of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1870 Printed for the N. Y. Hist. Society, before whom the Discourse was delivered. 462 Bryant Festival at " The Century," Nov. 5, 1864. 4to, / if " prints of the various editions of the Life and Works of Burns in the Private Library of James M'Kie. 8vo r boards. Kilmarnock, 1866 519 Burns. Letters Addressed to [Mrs. M'Lehose] Cla- V rinda, etc. nnio, uncut. Glasgow, 1802 First edition ; very rare, having been suppressed. 520 Burns (R.) Correspondence between Burns and Cla- 6^f rinda (Mrs. M'Lehose), with a Life of that lady. Por- traits and engraved title. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, r843 521 Burns and Clarinda. Another copy. Cloth, uncut. /" Edinburgh, 1843 522 Burns. Another Edition. i2mo, uncut. j?^ Bixby, New York, 1845 523 Burns. Chronicle of the Hundredth Birthday of Robert '/- (J Bum's. Edited by J. Ballantine. Portrait and vignette. Royal 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, T859 524 Burns (Robert). Complete Poetical and Prose • V Works, with Life, Notes, and Correspondence, by Al- lan Cunningham. Illustrations. 8vo, half calf antique. New York, 1859 525 Burns. Winter with Robert Burns. Outline plate of s his inauguration as Poet-Laureate of the Clan Kil. 121110, & ~ 2 " cloth. Edinburgh, 1846 58 526 Burr. Blennerhassett Papers, embodying the Private ^ Journal of Harman Blennerhassett, the Wilkinson and Burr Revolution, etc. ; with Memoir by W. H. Safford. Portraits on steel. 8vo, cloth. Cinn., 1861 527 Burr. Examination of the Various Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States ; and a Development of the Characters and Views of his Political Opponents. New edition, revised and corrected, with Additions. By Aristides. 8vo, half morocco. Printed for the Author, [New York], 1804 , n /-£28 Burr. Reply to Aristides. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1804 529 Burr. Letter to a Friend on the Conduct of the Ad- (7 O herents to Mr. Burr. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., r8o3 530 Burr. Nine Letters on the Subject of Colonel Burr's J yf77 Political Defection, with an Appendix. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1803 531 Burr. Clark (Daniel). Proofs of the Corruption of 7 _^ Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connection with , Aaron Burr, with a Full Refutation of his Slanderous Allegations in relation to the character of the Principal Witness against him. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1809 __ 532 Burr. Parton (James). Life and Times of Aaron Burr. y " Portraits, and other illustrations. i2mo, half calf antique. N. Y.,, 1858 533 Burr (Aaron). Memoirs of, with Miscellaneous Selec- (/'7T tions from his Correspondence by Mat. L. Davis. Por- trait, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1837-38 534 BuRr.. Margaret Moncrieffe; the First Love of Aaron / / /7 Burr. A Romance of the Revolution by C. Burdett. Facsimile of Burr's cipher letter. i2mo, cloth. New York, i860 535 Burr. Narrative of the Suppression, by Colonel Burr, of , / 7j~~~~~ the History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. Written by John Wood, with a Biography of Thomas Jefferson and of General Hamilton, with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the Character of Gen. C. C- Pinckney, by a Citizen of New York. By James Cheetham. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1802 59 536 BURR and WILKINSON. ' t/ I. Memoirs of My Own Time. By Gen. James Wilkinson. 3 vols. 8vo, with Diagrams and Plans, in i vol. 4to. Together, 4 vols. Phila., 1816 Fine clean copy, with autograph letter (one page folio, Ft. Washing- ton, April 12, 1795,) of Gen. Wilkinson inserted. II. Trial of Col. Aaron Burr (late Vice-President of the United States), for Treason, and for a Misdemeanor, etc., etc. By David Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1808 III. Trial of Col. Aaron Burr, on an Indictment for Trea- son, before the Circuit Court of the United States, held in Richmond (Virginia), May Term, 1807 ; including Arguments and Decisions on all the motions made dur- ing the Examination and Trial, etc. Taken in Short- hand by T. Carpenter. 3 vols. 8vo. Very scarce. Washington City, 1807-08 Vol. III. ends with Appendix, p. xlviii. IV. Memoirs of General Wilkinson ; comprising " Burr's Conspiracy Exposed, and General Wilkinson Vindicated and the Slanders of his Enemies on that Important Oc- casion." Vol. 2, 8vo. Printed for the Author, Washington City, 181 1 Autograph letter of Gen. Wilkinson inserted, dated " Camp, 4 miles west of the Big Spring, under the Hill, Aug't 16th, 12 o'clock, p.m., 1791." Also, autograph of Alex. Hamilton, as Sec'y of Treasury. V. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, etc. By Daniel Clark. 8vo. Phila., 1809 Together, ii vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia and Washington City, 1807-16 537 Burr. Strictures upon the Narrative of the Suppression, f ^. by Col. Burr, of Wood's History of the Administration of John Adams. By a Yeoman. 8vo, half morocco. Very scarce. S. L. et A. 6o 538 Burr (Aaron). Private Journal, during Four Years' 00 Residence in Europe, etc. Edited by M. L. Davis. 2 vols.'8vo, cloth. Scarce. N. Y., 1838 539 Burr. View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, 1 (JO Es q-> Vice-President of the "United States. By the au- thor of the Narrative, [James Cheetham]. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y., 1802 540 [Burrell (Lady)]. Poems, dedicated to the Earl of Mans- J"0 field. 2 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1793 541 Burritt (Elihu, the learned Blacksmith). Walk from 'j^rf" " London to John O'Groat's, with Notes by the Way. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1864 542 Burton (John Hill). Book-Hunter, etc. ; with Addi- J~~0 tional Notes, by Richard Grant White. i2mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. N. Y., 1863 " This little volume, the Book-Hunter, charming in its original mat- ter, is the very epic of Bibliography and Bibliomania." 543 Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy. Fac- simile ? . J~7i the Earliest Times to the Present ; comprising the lives of Eminent Composers and Musical Writers, with Notes and Observations. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 181.9 6i 548 Busk (M. M.) History of Spain and Portugal. 8vo, {j'tf cloth. London, 1832 549 Butler (Rev. Alban). Lives of the Fathers, Mar- /-/■ Q tyrs, and other Principal Saints, compiled from Orig- inal Monuments and other Authentic Records. Por- traits. 2 thick vols, royal 8vo, cloth. Dublin, r833 550 Butler (Mrs. [Fanny Kemble\.) Year of Consolation. Z>/(J~' [Travels in Italy]. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. / Moxon, London, 1847 _ 551 Butler (Frances Anne. Fanny Kemble). Journal. 2 -fO (7 vols, nmo, half calf antique, red edges. Phila., 1835 552 Butler. Journal. 2 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. /' 556 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras, with Dr. Grey's Annota- 1 7 C?0 tions. New edition, corrected and enlarged. Portraits, ' etc., and Vignettes on wood. 3 vols. London, r8i9 Also : Genuine Poetical Remains, with Notes, by Robert Thyer. Portraits and full-page illustrations on wood. London, 1827 Together, 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt edges- London, 1819-27 _ _557 "Buz." Dolby and Father. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 558 [Byerley (John Scott)]. Relics of Literature by 9 9 r " Stephen Collett" Facsimiles of autographs. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1823 Byerley was also the Reuben Percy of the Percy Anecdotes. The 200 articles in this volume contain, amongst other items : Praise of Kissing, Ancient Value of Books, Book Destroyers, Epitaphs, etc., etc. 559 Byrd (William). Westover Manuscripts ; containing the 7 r — - History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina ; a Journey to the Land of Eden, a.d. 1733; and a Progress to the Mines, written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published. Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco extra, uncut. Petersburg, 1841 First Edition, scarce ; Fisher, 86.25. 62 560 Byron (Lord). Childe Harold. A Series of 30 illustra- '. (? & tions after drawings by Gilbert, Duncan, Cope, Goodall, Corbould, Faed, etc., etc., finely engraved on wood. 4to, boards. Art Union, London, 1855 561 Byron. Childe Harold, with the Notes. Murray's beau- 0* ( r~77 tiful Illustrated Edition, printed on thick paper, with 62 exquisite vignette engravings by Finden. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1841 Perfect gems of the Art of Engraving ; from pictures by Creswick, Warren, and other eminent painters. / 562 Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, with Notes. 30 fi^jf beautiful illustrations on wood, engraved by Linton, Dal- ziel, Thompson, etc., from Original Drawings by Faed, Gilbert, Selous, Corbould, and others. 4to, half morocco. London, 1855 The Drawings were made expressly for the Art Union of London. 563 Byron. Medwin (Thomas). Conversations of Lord ( 2? Byron noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa in 1821 and 1822. Facsimile of letter- 8vo, half calf. London, 1824 564 Byron. Countess of Blessington's Journal of Conver- (f~7) sations with Lord Byron, with a sketch of the Author's Life. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 choice illustrated copy. 565 BYRON. ENGLISH BARDS and SCOTCH REVIEW- f /J /J ERS. Fourth Edition. (London, 1811), the i2mo Text inlaid throughout on fine drawing paper, and ruled with red lines. Illustrated with an unusually extensive and interesting series of Portraits, Views, etc., etc., including many rare plates. Roy. 4to, handsomely bound in full morocco extra, crushed and polished and elegantly tooled, gilt leaves, etc London, 181 1 unique copy. 566 BYRON. ENGLISH BARDS and SCOTCH REVIEW- ' ERS : A Satire by Lord Byron. Illustrated and ex- tended by the insertion of upwards of 95 portraits of the most celebrated characters alluded to in the work, beautifully in- laid. 4to, half turkey morocco extra, uncut edges. New York, 1865 Of this magnificent edition (edited by E. A. Duyckinck, Esq.) only 75 copies were printed in the above form, of which this is No. 24. j 63 ^ 567 Byron. Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord z J~~~ " Byron, with Poetry, Recollections, etc., of Lady Caro- line Lamb. By I. Nathan. Illustrations. i2mo, half calf. Scarce. London, 1829 Portrait and interesting Autograph Letter of Lady Caroline inserted. 568 Byron Gallery. A Series of 50 highly finished steel en- ' (P gravings, illustrating Byron's Poems, with Selections from the Text. Life, etc., by R. B. McGregor. 4to, morocco gilt. N. Y., 1849 569 Byron (Lord). Hours of Idleness. Original edition. / P'J^ Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Newark, (Eng.,) 1807 • The first publication of Lord Byron, written between the ages of 16 and 19. The following prophecy by the critic of the Edinburgh Review, in an article on the " Hours of Idleness," has hardly been realized : "But whatever judgment may be passed on the poems of this noble minor, it seems we must take them as we find them, and be content ; for they are the last we shall ever have from him." 570 Byron. Works. Illustrated with upwards of 200 Engrav- i/7/7 i n i s > from Original Designs by Kenny Meadows, Birket Foster, Hablot K. Browne, and others. Royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 571 BYRON (LORD). JOURNAL OF THE CONVERSA- NT! TIONS of, noted during a Residence with his Lordship at Pisa, 1821-22. By Thomas Medwin. 4to, half mo- rocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Matthews. London, 1824 Unique copy, illustrated by the insertion of 57 fine plates, including 15 portraits of Byron, numerous views and portraits of all the illustrious contemporaries spoken of in this volume. 572 Byron. Lady Byron Vindicated. By Harriet Beecher ~2j [f ' Stowe. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1870 573 Byron. Finden (E.) Landscape and Portrait II- y */-.. . lustrations to the Life and Works of Byron, with Descriptions by Brockedon. Upwards of 150 highly- finished engravings. 3 vols, royal 8vo, half calf, gilt edges. London, 1833-4 These beautiful engravings are from Drawings by Stanfield, Roberts, Cattermole, Calcott, Westall, and other distinguished artists. Early impressions of the plates. »' 6 4 _ 574 Byron (Lord). Letters and Journals of, with Notices V of his Life, by Tom Moore. Portrait by Finden. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1830 Fine copy on thick paper, with 11 portraits inserted. 575 Byron. Letters and Journals; with Notices of his 7j~~ Life, by Thomas Moore. Third Edition ; with 44 beau- tiful Engravings on steel, by the Findens, from Designs by Turner, Stanfield, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Murray, London, 1833 576 Byron. Brydges (Sir Egerton). Letters on the Char- ^2 1/ acter and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron. Crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1824 577 Byron. Galt (John). Life of Lord Byron. Portraits 7 '/— of Byron and the Countess Guiccioli, and Engraved Title. Post 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. London, 1830 578 Byron. Elze (Karl). Lord Byron. A Biography ; with fa* a Critical Essay on his Place in Literature ; with Notes. Portrait, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872 579 Byron. Medora Leigh; a History and an Autobiography. //j" Edited by C. Mackay, with a Commentary on Mrs. Stowe's Charges against Lord Byron. 8vo, wrapper. N. Y., 1870 580 Byron. Narrative of Lord Byron's Last Journey to c/27 Greece, extracted from the Journal of Count Gamba. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 581 Byron Painted by his Compeers. Post 8vo, cloth. / O London, 1869 582 Byron (Lord). Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, Jljyf — etc. 8vo, sewed. Hone, London, 1816 Second Edition. 583 Byron. Poems, with his Memoirs. 8vo, cloth, uncut. ■f O Jones, London, n. d. 584 Byron (Lord). Poetical Works, 10 vols.; Life by p si Thomas Moore, with his Letters and Journals, 6 vols. ; with beautiful illustrations on steel, by Finden, from De- signs by Stanfield, Turner, and other eminent artists. To- gether, 16 vols, post 8vo, half calf gilt. Boston (London), 1851 65 ■ 585 BYRONIANA. Narrative of Byron's Last Journey 00 to Greece, from the Journal of Count Gamba. 1825 Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron, by J. Ken- nedy. 1830 Byron's Correspondence with a Friend. Edited by Dal- las. 3 vols, in 1. 1825 These letters were suppressed in England. Lord Byron and Some of his Contemporaries. By Leigh Hunt. Portrait. 3 vols, in 2. 1828 The Vampire; a Tale by Byron. 1819 Impartial Portrait of Byron, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 1825 Byron's Voyage to Corsica and Sardinia. 1825 Greece, during Byron's Residence, 1823-4. By Col. Stan- hope. 2 vols, in 1. 1825 Last Days of Byron, by Wm. Parry. 1826 Together, 14 vols, in 8, post 8vo, crimped calf gilt. Paris, 1819-30 586 BYRON (LORD). POETICAL WORKS. New Edition. 7 ~ _ Portrait. 6 vols, thick 8vo, Cambridge paneled calf extra, gilt backs and edges. Murray, London, 1855-56 Unique and Beautiful Copt ; having 200 choice plates inserted, comprising the series of Finden's Landscape Illustrations, and Finden's Byron Beauties, also proofs from Designs hy Corbould, Romney, and others ; and numerous portraits, among which are several rare ones of Lord Byron. The plates inserted in volume 4 are unfortunately somewhat water-stained. 587 Byron. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from (fl 1808 to 1814. By R. C. Dallas. Facsimile. 8vo, half calf. Knight, London, 1824 588 Bysshe (Edward). Art of English Poetry. Best edi ,-yj tion. 8vo, calf. London, 17 10 " An excellent collection of old English poetry." W^M xL-,-l?S^«^K|^^pa / // c ABINET (The) ; or, Monthly Report of Polite Litera- ture, complete from February, 1807, to December, 1808, with the volume of Cabinet Plays. Illustrated with 44 fine portraits, principally dramatic. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Very scarce. London, 1807-08 ^590 Cagliostro (Count). Life and Particular Anecdotes of, > v dedicated to Madame Cagliostro. 8vo, boards. Scarce. London, 1787 591 Calabrella (Baroness de). Evenings at Haddon Hall ; U (7 with 24 exquisite illustrations by Cattermole. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1846 Original edition ; scarce. 592 Calcraft (J. W.) Defence of the Stage ; or, an Inquiry ^7^7 i nt0 tne Real Qualities of Theatrical Entertainments, their Scope and Tendency. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Dublin, 1839 Presentation copy to " Sterling Coyne," with autograph of the author, J. W. Cole, Calcraft being a pseudonym only. This work is a Reply to a Sermon by the Rev. Dr. J. B. Bennett, on " The Evil of Theatrical Amusements, etc." 593 Caldwell (T.) Epitaphs. Select Collection, Ancient and /$ Modern. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1796 " Life is only pain below, When Christ appears, then — up we go ! " 594 Calvert (Geo. H.) Arnold and Andr£ : an Historical ./ {J Drama. i2mo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1864 595 Camden Society. Political Songs of England, from John C? to Edward II. Edited by T. Wright. 4:0, cloth. Camden Society, London, 1839 596 Campbell (Alex.) Sequel to Bulkeley and Curamins's Voy- age to ,the South-Seas, and Adventures of Capt. Cheap, the Hon. Mr. Byron, etc. 8vo, calf. Rare. London, 1747 Jo 6 7 ■) 597 Campbell (Hugh). Love Letters of Mary, Queen of ', v (7 Scots, to James, Earl of Both well ; with her Love Sonnets and Marriage Contracts ; explained by State Papers, and the Writings of Buchanan, Hume, Walpole, Chalmers, and others. Portrait of Queen Mary, in the ifith year of her age. 8vo, half calf gilt. London, (1824) 598 Campbell (Hugh). The Case of Mary, Queen of Scots, '-/ 2~ 676 Catalogue. Meyrick. and Gough. Books and MSS. / *j Priced. 2 vols, in i, 8vo, half calf. London, 1806-10 74 677 Catalogue of the Midgeley Library. Prices and names " added. 8vo, uncut. London, 1818 678 Catalogue of the Choice Collection of Books belonging to A£j T. H. Morrell. Priced. 4to, uncut. N. Y., 1866 Large Paper, only 12 printed. 679 Catalogue of the N. Y. State Library. 2 vols. 8vo, half n sj morocco. Albany, 1856-7 Comprises Books, Maps, Coins, etc. 680 Catalogue of the Library of George Offor, Esq. 8vo, uncut. London, 1865 This Library was destroyed by fire while at Sotheby's. 681 Catalogue. Parr (Dr. Samuel). Bibliotheca Parriana. /j O Edited by Lynes. 8vo, cloth. London, 1827 682 Catalogue of the American Portion of the Library of the / Rev. Thomas Prince, with Memoir, etc. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1868 Only a limited edition. 683 Catalogue of the Library of Queen Caroline. Portrait in- 00 serted, and red-lined. 8vo, half calf. London, 181 9 684 Catalogue of the Library of John A. Rice, with list of prices. 7 / (2,687 lots). Thick 8vo. New York, 1870 685 Catalogue of the Library of R. W. Roche. 8vo, half mor. 1 /J Priced and ruled. New York, 1867 686 Catalogue. Roxburghe (Duke of). Books. With prices. /J // 8vo, half calf. London, 1812 687 Catalogue of the Books, etc., of Lord Rutherford, with / ,^f) the printed prices. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. ' ? U Edinburgh, 1855 Large paper copy ; only 30 printed for presents. The above copy be- longed to Lord Cockburn. 688 Catalogue of the Autographs, Books, etc., of John Sains- / (J U bury. Priced. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1865 689 Catalogue of the Smets' Collection — Books, Autographs, / ( /-"~' Manuscripts, etc. Complete in 3 parts. 8vo, uncut. N. Y. and Savannah, i860 690 Catalogue. The same. Another set, complete 75 691 Catalogue. Smith (J. R.) Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue I tf (y of a Valuable Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Maps, Manuscripts, etc. Illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America, and the West Indies. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1865 JJ92 Catalogue of the Society Library. 8vo, half morocco. Iff N. Y., 1850 693 Catalogues. Col. Stanley, Alchorne, Richard Porson, //•^l"""' and Ralph Willett. Priced. 4 vols, in r, 8vo, half mo- y rocco. London, 1809-13 694 Catalogue. Steevens (Geo.) Bibliotheca Steevensiana. (/ Prices and names. 8vo, half russia, uncut. London, 1800 695 Catalogue of Wm. Stewart's Books and Prints. 8vo, half Iff morocco. Perth, 181 7 696 Catalogue. Sykes (Sir M. M.) Collection of Books, Prints, 7 /y yV and Portraits. The Three Parts. Portrait. Royal 8vo, "^ half russia. London, 1824 697 Catalogue of the Autographs collected by I. K. Tefft. 07 Prices in MS. 8vo, uncut. N. Y., 1867 698 Catalogue of the Towneley Collection of Prints (Hollar's, 1 „ i"""" etc.) Prices and names. 4to, uncut. London, 1818 699 Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets belonging to D. M. Tred- •? - si well, relating to the Great Civil War. 8vo, uncut. ^y Brooklyn, N. Y., 1874 700 Catalogue of the Library of Dawson Turner. Books, MSS., etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Scarce. London, 1853-59 701 Catalogue of the Library of A. Wight, of Philadelphia. 8vo. New York, 1864 702 Catalogue of the Library of Richard Grant White. 8vo. ,/ New York, 1870 703 Catalogue of the Libraries of Theo. Williams and Thos. Edwards. 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo, boards, uncut. John Allan's copy, with his autograph. London, 1827—28 704 Catalogue of the Library of James Winston, some time //\ Manager of Drury Lane Theatre. 4to, uncut. An exceedingly valuable Dramatic Library. London, 1849 705 Catalogue of the Library [Dramatic] of James Winston, ■with prices and names in MS. 4to, half vellum. London, 1849 Dawson Turner's copy on Large Paper (only 12 printed), with MS. note on cover. ■fat; /o 10 v^ #0 7 6 706 Catalogue of the Woodward Collection. Priced, with "/(J names of purchasers. 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1869 707 Catlin (Geo.) Breath of Life ; or, Mal-respiration, and r e -" its Effects on Man ; spirited illustrations. 8vo, cloth. )v N. Y., 1872 708 Cattermole (George). Illustrated History of the f -p Great Civil War between Charles I. and the Parlia- ment ; only 5 engravings. 4to, half morocco extra. London, n. d. 709 Catskill Association. History of. Formed for improv- i/l ing, etc., the Town of Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y. Maps. i2mo, cloth. Very scarce. N. Y., 1837 710 Caulfield (James). Calcographiana : the Printseller's Chronicle and Collector's Guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British Portraits. Portrait (and neat MS. Index inserted). 8vo, half calf. London, 1814 711 Caulfield (James). High Court of Justice; compris- ,/ ing Memoirs of the Principal Persons who sat in judg- ment on King Charles the First, and signed his Death- warrant, etc. Portraits, Autographs, and Seals, collected from Authentic Materials, 24 Illustrations. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 1820 712 Caulfield (James). Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Reign of Edward the Third to the Revolution, collected from the most Au- thentic Accounts extant. New edition, with many ad- ditional Rare Portraits. 107 Curious Portraits. 3 vols, in 1, 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1813 713 Caulfield. Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Re- markable Persons, from 1688 to the Reign of Q. Anne- Curious portraits of eccentric and notorious persons of Great Britain, etc., with 30 curious and scarce portraits of re- markable characters added at the end of the volume. 4to, half calf gilt. London, 181 9, etc. Large paper. Of the 30 additional plates inserted in the above volume, many of the most interesting and curious are colored. Amongst others are to be found the Bow Street Office, and Country Execution, by Row- landson ; also the Pig-faced Lady of Manchester, and the Spanish Mule of Madrid, by Cruikshank. >rt> fjC> 77 7 H CAULFIELD (JAMES). PORTRAITS, Memoirs, and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the Reign of George II., collected from the most authentic accounts extant. 155 curious portraits of eccentric and notorious persons of Great Brit ain. 4 vols. 4to, hf. roan, uncut edges. Lond., 1819-20 Large paper copy. /fffO J0' 715 Caxton (Wm., England's First Printer). Life and Typog- ' -y/ raphy, with Evidence of his Connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer, at Bruges ; compiled from Orig- inal Sources by Wm. Blades; with 62 Plates, comprising Facsimile Pages from most of Caxton' s Books, and other illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half purple levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1861-3 Very scarce. Of this valuable work only 250 copies were printed. It describes ninety-four separate works or editions, being thirty-one more than are noticed in Dibdin's "Typographical Antiquities," with colla- tions of them, and a list of those now in public and private libraries. It also includes the whole of his prologues and epilogues, and his own historical work, " Policrouicon." 7j6 Cayley (G. J.) Bridle Roads of Spain. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 717 Celebrated Claimants, from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur l^tf" Orton. Post 8vo, boards. London, 1874 718 Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the earliest records to 1825 ; with numerous fine plates and portraits. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Scarce. London, 1825 The most important collection of " Causes Oelebres " ever published. /V? Eminent Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and Ireland, from Shakespeare to the Present Time. Inter- spersed with a General History of the Stage, with Fa- miliar Epistle to Mr. William Warburton. 8vo, uncut. Scarce. London, 1753 Part I. (said to be all ever published), arid comprising the " Life and Character of that Excellent Actor, Barton Booth, Esq." 763 Cibber (Theophilus). The same, comprising " Life and 7 Q Character of Barton Booth," etc. Parti. London, 1753 In same volume also, " Mrs. Montagu's Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, etc." London, 1769. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo, half calf. London, i753~ 6 9 76A CICERO (M. T.) CATO MAJOR, or his Discourse of Old n (/ Age ; with Explanatory Notes. (By John Logan). 8vo, ♦ crimson crushed levant morocco extra. Printed and sold by B. Franklin, Philadelphia, 1744 Fine, clean, and tall copy of the chef d 'ceuisre of Franklin's Press. Very scarce. 765 CIRCUS. Astley's Theatre Illustrated, being a very extensive Collection of the Play-Bills of this House from rr $ U 1790 to 1846, illustrated with Portraits of the principal Equestrian Performers in their several Entertainments, Views of the Theatre on special occasions, inlaid in 1 vol., royal folio, calf, super extra, gilt back, gilt roll on the sides, borders and gilt leaves in the round. A most interesting volume. Illustrations for this department of amusement are excessively scarce. A fine interior view of Aetley's Theatre (colored) by Rowlandson, and an autograph letter of Ast- ley himself, add to the interest of this volume. 766 Cist (Charles). Cincinnati in 1841 : its early Annals, J fl Pioneer Sketches, etc. Plates. i2mo, cloth. First edition. Cincinnati, 184 1 767 Cist. Cincinnati in 185 i. Plates, i2mo, cloth. •; sy Cincinnati, 1851 'Is Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 768 Cist. Cincinnati in 1859. Tinted plates. i2mo, cloth. C^w Cincinnati, 1859 769 Cist (L. J.) Trifles in Verse ; a Collection of Fugitive Poems. Portrait. 12 mo, cloth. Cinn!, 1845 Privately printed, and autograph (P. C.) inserted. 6 Jt 8 4 77© Clancy (Michael). Memoirs of, with the Sharper, a 7 J^ Comedy. 2 vols, in i, 8vo, calf. Scarce. Printed for the Author, Dublin, 1750 771 Clapp (W. W., Jr.) Record of the Boston Stage, /If) from 1749 to 1853. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1853 Has interesting facts relating to Edmund Kean's first appearance, / — Cooke, Cooper, Booth, Forrest, Wallack, and others. /' 2 COPIES. 772 Clarendon (Earl of). History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England ; upwards of 100 fine portraits (r by Van der Gucht, maps, plans, etc. 6 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. Oxford, 1732 unique copy. 773 CLARENDON (EARL OF). HISTORY OF THE ,^~ REBELLION and Civil Wars in England ; illustrated V by the insertion of over 370 fine portraits by Vertue, Har- ding, Hollar, Picart, Droeshout, Sturt, White, Worlidge, Houbraken, Faithome, Marshall, Van der Gucht, etc. 1 vol. extended to 3, imperial 8vo, half russia (binding damaged). Oxford, 1839 The portraits in these volumes are in very many cases both rare and valuable, and comprise many fine etchings and mezzotints. 774 Clark (Richard). Account of the National Anthem, ', ft , entitled God Save the King ! with Authorities taken from Sion College Library, the Ancient Records of the Merchant Tailors' Company, etc. Portraits, Music, and other Illustrations. 8vo, half blue morocco. Lond., 1822 A curious work, attributing the authorship of the anthem to Carey, the composer of that classic melody, " Sally in our Alley." 775 Clark (R.) Words of the most Favorite Pieces per- "Jj-^ formed at the Glee Club, the Catch Club, etc. 8vo, calf. London, 1814 Privately printed. Scarce. 776 Clarke (Adam). Bibliographical Dictionary, and Mis- / f] cellany, containing a Chronological Account of the « , most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and Important Books in all Departments of Literature, etc. 8 vols. i2mo, half morocco, carmine tops, uncut. Liverpool, 1802-06 Includes the Supplement. An exceedingly valuable reference-book, containing a history of Print- ing, etc., etc. ■v 70 85 777 Clark. Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown, Mass. 1640-1866. Numerous steel por- traits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866 Privately printed. 778 Clarke (M'Donald). Poems. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. fj) Scarce. New York, 1839 779 Clarke (M'Donald). Sketches. [Poetical]. i6mo, 128 pp. half calf. New York, June 18, 1826 Very scarce. The works of the " Mad Poet " are now rarely met with. 780 Clarke (Mary Anne). Rival Princes; or, a Faithful Narrative of Facts, relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke's Political Acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, etc., etc., etc., who were concerned in the Charges against the Duke of York. Second Edition. Fine Portrait, with original autograph signature of the Authoress. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 1810 781 Clarke (Mary Cowden). Girlhood of Shakespeare's U- Heroines; steel portraits. 4 parts, i2mo, wrappers. / N. Y., 1851 782 [CLARKE (W.)] REPERTORIUM BIBLIOGRAPHI- „ ,1 CUM ; or, Some Account of the most Celebrated Brit- " " ish Libraries. Plates on india paper, Portraits of Jon- athan Boucher, and other eminent Book-collectors. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 181 9 Large Paper copy ; with fine proof plates inserted. Scarce. Contains much curious Bibliographical information. Also, "Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall " and " A Dialogue in the Shades," with the engraving after Behnes. The author was assisted ma- terially by William Beckford, of Fonthill. 783 Clarkson (T.) History of the Rise, Progress, and Accom- ^ plishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. 2 vols. 8vo, calf (minus the title to Vol. I.) London, 1808 784 [Clason (Isaac Starr)]. Horace tn New York, nmo, <> / — uncut. New York, 1826 The author, who belonged to a well-known New York family, com- mitted suicide while in London (1834), together with his mistress, by inhaling the fumes of burning charcoal in a closed room. 785 Clay (Hon. .Henry). Report of the Obsequies of. Por- - ^_ trait, etc. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1852 86 786 Clay (Rev. John C.) Annals of the Swedes on the Dela- ■ ri ware. Curious portrait of W. Colin, D.D., generally called Father Colin, an eccentric Divine, with autograph. i8mo, cloth. Scarce. Phila, 1835 787 Clayton (Ellen C) Queens of Song. Memoirs of the .. most celebrated Female Vocalists who have appeared on the Lyric Stage ; with Lists of all the Operas that have been performed in Europe. Fine portraits on steel, of Malibran, Grisi, Mrs. Billington, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863 788 Clayton (Ellen C.) Queens of Song; being Memoirs of ? Celebrated Female Vocalists. Portraits on wood of Malibran, Grisi, Alboni, etc. 121110, cloth. New York, 1865 789 Clayton (J. W.) Personal Memoirs of Charles the Second, , with Sketches of his Court, etc. Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1859 790 Cleaveland (Nehemiah). Greenwood Illustrated. 20 fine r~ engravings by Smillie. 4to, morocco extra. N. Y., 1847 791 Cleaveland (N.) Greenwood Cemetery : a History of ,^- the Institution from 1838 to 1864. Illustrations. 8vo, ' cloth. New York, 1866 792 [Clemens (Samuel L.)] Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad ; 1 & or, the Pilgrim's Progress ; with 234 illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1869 793 Clemens (S. L. " Mark Twain"). Sketches, New and if Old. Profusely illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth gilt. New York, 1875 794 Clinton and Cornwallis. Narrative of Sir Henry Clin- <""" ton, relative to his Conduct during Part of his Command of the King's Troops in North America, etc. Answer to that part of the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton which relates to the Conduct of Earl Cornwallis during the Campaign in North America in 1781. Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1783 Fine, clean copies, with rare portraits of Clinton and Cornwallis in- serted. 37 ^795 Cloncurry (Lord). Personal Recollections of the Life and Times of. 8vo, cloth. Dublin, 1850 796 Clubs of London, with Anecdotes of their Members, Sketches ■, Q of Character and Conversations. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, 1828 The most amusing reminiscences of the Wits, Politicians, and Bon- Vivants, contemporary with Fox, Sheridan, Beau Brummell, Prince of Wales, etc. 797 Cobbett (William). Two-Penny Trash ; or, Politics for the U Poor (from July, 1830, to Jul}', 1832). 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf gilt. Very rare. London, 183 1 798 Cockton (Henry). Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. II- 7 lustrations. Post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. London, 1857 799 Coddington (David S). Speeches and Addresses : with a ' /f Biographical Sketch. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, r866 800 Coffin (Joshua). Sketch of the History of Newbury, /J Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. Map and wood-cut. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1845 801 Coffin (Paul). Memoir and Journals of, by C. Wood- f man. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Portland, 1855 Privately printed. 802 Coghlan (Margaret). Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan >f /T (daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe), written by herself. Interspersed with Anecdotes of the late Ameri- can and present French War. 2 vols, in 1, small 8vo, calf gilt. Printed for the Author, London, 1794 Original and best Edition ; very scarce. 803 Coghlan. Memoirs. The same. 2 vols, in 1, half russia, ' (J yellow edges. London, 1794 804 Coghlan (Mrs.) Memoirs of, written by herself, and inter- r / '■' spersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. Post 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1794 Very rare. 805 Coghlan (Mrs.) Memoirs of, written by Herself ; with an ^ Introduction and Notes. Portrait inserted. 8vo, uncut. ' V Only 100 copies printed. N. Y., 1864 88 806 COGHLAN (MRS.) MEMOIRS of, {Daughter of the late O Major Moncrieffe), written by Herself, and Dedicated to the British Nation ; being interspersed with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War ; with Re- marks, Moral and Political. i2mo, half mor., gilt top, uncut, by Fawson &= Nicholson. New York, 1 795 Unique Copt, having 31 inserted plates, including fine and scarce Portraits of Col. Burr, Gens. Gage, Cornwallis, Amherst, etc. ; Trinity Church, New York, and other views. 807 Coghi.an (Mrs.) Memoirs of, (Daughter of the late Major f" Moncrieffe), written by Herself; with Introduction and Notes. 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. N. Y., 1864 100 copies only reprinted, in this form, from the original N. Y. Edition, 1795, the notes having been written by Dr. J. G. Shea, and others. No. 12. 808 Colburn (Warren). Memoir of, by T. Edson. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1856 809 Colburn (Zerah, the boy arithmetician). Memoir, written by himself; with Account of his Remarkable Powers, Travels, etc. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Springfield, 1833 810 Colburn. Another copy. Cloth, uncut. Springfield, 1833 811 Colden (Cadwallader). History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, etc. Fine map. 8vo, half russia. Pine copy of the Second Edition. London, 1750 812 Colden (C. D ) Memoir of the Celebration of the Com- J pletion of the New York Canals, with Narrative of the Festivities at the Completion of the Grand Erie Canal, by W. L. Stone. Portraits (including a proof of Stone), maps, and numerous illustrations. 4to, boards, uncut. N. Y, 1825 8x3 Cole (John). History and Antiquities of Ecton in England. 8vo, wrapper. Phila., 1865 Only 70 copies printed. No. 49. 814 Cole (Thomas, the Artist). Life and Works of, by L. L. Noble. 1 2 mo, cloth. N. Y., 1853 815 Cole. Another copy. Cloth. N. Y., 1853 89 816 [Coleman (William).] Collection of the Facts and '0 Documents relative to the Death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton, with comments, together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies that have been published or written on his life and character. 8vo, morocco gilt. New York, 1804 Unique Copy; having a number of Plates inserted, illustrative of the text, including an original autograph note of Col. Burr, Portraits of Col. Burr and his father ; also several of Gen. Hamilton, one of Mrs. Hamilton ; fine portraits of Dr. Hosack and Rev. Dr. Nott. Engraved by Durand, etc. ^ 817 [Coleman (William).J Collection of Facts and Docu- ments relative to the Death of Major-General Alex- ander Hamilton, with Comment;, together with the various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies that have been published or written on his life and character. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. New York, 1804 #18 Coleridge (S. T.) Specimens of the Table-talk of. " i2mo, cloth. New York, 1835 819 Coleridge (S. T.) Works in Prose and Verse, with a ft Memoir. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Phila. n.d. 820 COLLES (CHRISTOPHER). SURVEY of the Roads of the United States of America. 86 maps, mounted on drawing paper. 4to, half morocco. N. Y., 1789 Excessively rare. The original published " Proposals for the Survey" is here inserted. ■ifD 9 00 821 Collier (J. Payne). Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English lan- guage, alphabetically arranged. 4 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, r866 Large Paper Copt ; only 75 printed. This valuable and interesting work describes books which, for the most part, are so scarce that but few American libraries contain them. 822 Collier (J. Payne). History of English Poetry to n y> the time of Shakespeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the V " Restoration. Vignettes. 3 vols, crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1831 The best work on the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, and scarce in uncut condition. 9 o 823 Collier (J. Payne). Poetical Decameron; or, Ten U Conversations of English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1820 824 Collier. Antient and Modern Stages survey'd, or , Mr. (Jeremy) Collier's view of the Immorality and Pro- faneness of the English Stage, set in a True Light, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1699 825 Collins (Arthur). Peerage of England : Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, greatly augmented and continued to the present time, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 9 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 181 2 Best Edition. Fine copy ; very scarce. Tha standard work of English Nobility and Family History. " Sir Egerton Brydges brought to his task the imagination of a Poet and the industry of an Antiquary." /3 ? those which he designed for the Press. Now published out of the Author's Original Copies. Portrait, en- graved by Faithorne, after painting by Grenhill. 2 vols, in 1, thick folio, calf. London, 1673 Fine impression of the scarce portrait, frequently wanting. Has auto- graph, on fly-leaf, of " Hannah Flatman, 1672," wife of Flatman, the poet. 954 Davenport Brothers. Biography of, and Adventures. II- f lustrated. 121110, cloth. Boston, 1869 The Davenports will be remembered as the most successful of the many " Spirit raisers." 955 Davenport (R. A.) History of the Bastile, and of its f^ Principal Captives. Plate and plan. Post 8vo, half morocco gilt. London, 1838 956 Davidge (Wm.) Footlight Flashes. Illustrations. 121110, ? cloth. New York, 1866 Dedicated to Edwin Forrest. Presentation copy, with autograph of the author, May 26, 1866. 957 Davidge. Another copy. 121110, cloth. N. Y., 1866 958 Davids (Thaddeus). History of Ink, including its Etymol- ogy, Chemistry, and Bibliography. 15 facsimiles. i2mo, cloth gilt. New York, n. d. +0' ?7J >00 1/-Q 107 959 Davidson (J. W.) Living Writers of the South. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1869 960 Davidson (Margaret M.) Biography and Poetical Re- n Q mains of, by Washington Irving. 12 mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 961 Davies (Thomas). Dramatic Miscellanies, comprising Critical Observations on Plays of Shakespeare, with Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, etc. Portrait of Betterton. 3 vols. 121110, calf. London, 1785 962 Davis (A.) History of New Amsterdam ; or, New York as it was in the Days of the Dutch Governors ; wood-cut il- lustrations. i6mo, cloth. N. Y., 1854 Includes Philadelphia in the Days of William Penn. Scarce. 963 Davis (Henry Winter). War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo, calf antique. Baltimore, 1852 964. Davis (Mrs.) Waiting for the Verdict : a Novel. Illus- /V trated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., 1868 965 Davis (Thos.) Poems (Irish), with Notes, etc., by John ,-, t^~ Mitchel. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., i860 966 Davis (Wm. Jackson). In Memoriam, [by H. B. Dawson]. 1 s\ Portrait inserted. 4to, uncut. N. Y., 1869 967 Dawe (G.) Life of George Morland, with Remarks on , J* his Works. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, half calf. / U London, 1807 968 Dawes (Rufus). Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and Miscellaneous Poems. Portrait and vignette. i2mo, cloth. N. Y., 1839 969 Dawkes (T.) Prodigium'Willinghamense ; or, Authentic , Memoirs of the more Remarkable Passages in the Life of I (J a Boy, who before he was three years old was 3 ft. 8 in. high, and had the marks of Puberty. Crown 8vo, calf. Rare. London, 1747 970 Dawson (Flora). Princes, Public Men, and Pretty Women. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864 Contains interesting matter relating to Washington Irving. 971 Dawson (Henry B.) Major-General Israel Putnam; a Correspondence on this Subject with the Editor of The Hartford Daily Post by " Selah," of that City, and Henry B. Dawson, of White Plains, N. Y. Royal 8vo, half mor. Privately printed, Morrisania, N. Y., i860 '0 (70 io8 972 Dawson (Henry B.) Assault on Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York Historical Society, and Read at its Regular Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1862. Map and numerous facsimiles. Royal 8vo, uncut. Morrisania, N. Y., 1863 Only 250 copies printed. No. 21. 973 [Dawson (H. B.)]. Reminiscences of the City of New s~ /I York and its vicinity. 12010, uncut. ' Privately printed, N. Y., 1855 Only 50 copies of this book were printed. The above copy (No. 4) was a present to Washington Irving, from the author. 974 Dawson (H. B.) Sons of Liberty in New York. Portrait fsft inserted. 8vo, sewed. ' U Printed for private circulation, N. Y., 1859 Presentation copy to " C. A. Davis, Jlsq., with kind regards of Frederic de Peyster." 975 D'Azeglio (M.) Ettore Fieramosca ; or, the Challenge of (1 Barletta. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1859 976 [Deane]. Spurious Reprints of Early .Books, by Delta. Reprinted from the Boston Advertiser, March 24, 1865. Small 4to, uncut. Privately printed, Boston, 1865 75 copies printed. 977 De Castro. Memoirs of J. De Castro, Comedian, with -7 Anecdotes of various Eminently Distinguished Characters, / ,(J U Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Bannister, Dibdin, Sheridan, Cooke, Kemble, etc. ; accompanied by the Life of the late Philip Astley, Founder of the Royal Amphitheatre. Edited by R. Humphreys. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half crimson mor., gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1824 TJotqub copy, having 28 portraits inserted, consisting of Dramatic and other celebrities, many fine and desirable, and some rare. 978 DE CASTRO. MEMOIRS of J. De Castro, Comedian, , ^ with Anecdotes, etc., and Life of Philip Astley. ) I) (/ Edited by R. Humphreys. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1824 Unique copy, having 84 insetted, plates, including portraits of Gar- rick, Cooke, Baddeley, Mrs. Barry, Mons. Vestris, etc., etc. I 109 979 De Castro. Memoirs of J. De Castro, Comedian, compris- <7 ' n g Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Bannister, Dibdin, Barrymore, Cooke, Sheridan, and others ; with Life of the late Philip Astley, History of the Royal Circus, etc. Edited by R. Humphreys. Portrait and facsimile . Post 8vo, roan. London, 1824 980 De Castro. The same. Portrait, etc. Boards, uncut. \u London, 1824 981 Decatur (Commodore Stephen). Life and Character of, etc. By S. Putnam Waldo. Portraits and plates . 121110, sheep. Middletown, 1822 982 Decatur (Stephen). Life of, by Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846 Large paper copt, only a few printed. d'O oo 983 D'Eon (Chevalier). Lettres, Memoires, and Negocia- / /-p tions, Particulieres du. 3 parts in 1, 4to, calf, Large Paper, from Strawberry Hill ; annexed is a long Autograph Letter, four qto pages, signed by D Eon, and a Translation of the same. Imprime chez l'Auteur, 1764 This is the volume for which D'Eon was tried, containing some severe comments on De Guerchy, and disclosing certain State secrets. His trial took place in the King's Bench, when he was convicted and outlawed. An autograph letter was sold some time ago in London for £5. 6^ 984 Defence of the Drama, containing Mansel's Free Thoughts, a Discourse on the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays, by the celebrated Father Caffaro, etc. 121110, half calf antique. New York, 1826 From the library of E. S. Conner, the accomplished gentleman and actor. 985 De Foe (Danl.) Life of, by George Chalmers. Portrait. I (J Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1841 986 De Foe (Daniel). Robinson Crusoe, with Memoir, and ^ Q beautiful illustrations, proofs on India Paper. 2 vols. ' post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Valpy, London, 1831 Very scarce. 987 De Forest (J. W.) History of the Indians of Connecticut. / -* Illustrated with maps, etc. i2mo, cloth. Hartford, 1853 no 988 De Grasse. Operations of the French Fleet, under the •if) Count De Grasse in 178 1-2, as described in two contem- poraneous journals. Portrait on India Paper, etc., with jo plates inserted, including fine portraits of De Grasse, D^Estaing, Rochambeau, and others, and three very rare Prints representing the " Defeat of De Grasse by Lord Rodney, in 1782." Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bradford Club Series, New York, 1864 150 copies privately printed. No. 3. Morrell, extra plates, $25. 989 Delany (Mrs.) Letters to Mrs. Frances Hamilton (1779- yi 88), with Anecdotes of their late Majesties (Geo. III., etc.) Portrait. Post 8 vo, calf gilt. London, 1820 From the library of the Duke of York. 990 Deleplaine (J.) Repository of the Lives and Portraits of , ^ 1 Distinguished American Characters. 18 portraits : {-/ Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Henry Laurens, Peyton Randolph, etc. 3 vols. 4to, boards uncut, rough edges. Philadelphia, 1815-18 Fine copy in the parts, as originally published. Beautiful impressions of the plates. 991 Dennistoun (J.) Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange [the 'if ' Engraver] and Andrew Lumisden. Portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1855 992 De Quincey (T.) Klosterheim ; or, the Masque. 12010, 'J cloth. Boston, 1855 993 De Quincey (Thomas). Works. Portrait. 14 vols, crown , <7A 8vo, half mor. gilt. • London, 1853 '/ Contents : Autobiographic Sketches, Miscellanies, Opium-Eater, Sketches, Secret Records, Essays, Leaders in Literature, Classic Records, Style and Rhetoric, Speculations, Letters, etc. 994 [Derby (Capt. G. H.) J Phcenixiana ; or, Sketches and Burlesques by " John Phcenix.'' Wood-cuts. 121110, cloth. Scarce. New York, 1856 995 Dermody (Thomas). Life of, interspersed with pieces of / -pi Original Poetry, many exhibiting unexampled prematurity of genuine poetical talent. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf. London, 1806 996 Dermody. The same. 2 vols, half calf, London, 1806 . ^ From the Library of Lord Farnham. u 0- f/ cA? U ro or %> Royal, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, Haymarket, etc.r ' V Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1827 Autograph letter (1817) inserted ; contains the Index. 1009 Dibdin (T.) Last Lays of the Last of the Thref, Dib- ///"' diss : containing Fifty New Songs, Poems, etc. Por- trait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 1010 DIBDIN (Rev: T. F.) AEDES ALTHORPIANAE ; or, p rj an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Al- thorp, the Residence of George John, Earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a Supplement to the Bibli- otheca Spenceriana. Numerous elegant Portraits, etc., some on India paper ; also engravings on wood. 2 vols, royal 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt edges. London, 1822 ion Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical Antiquarian, and Pic- ? jj turesque Tour in France and Germany. Second edi- tion. Portrait and numerous engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Major, London, 1829 H3 ^ loiz DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DE- ' U CAMERON ; or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects connected with early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. Nu- merous Portraits and other illustrations, some on India paper. 3 vols, royal 8vo, calf, gilt edges. London, 181 7 From the Library of John Mathew Gutch, with book-plate. " Both the copper-plates and the wood-cuts which embellished the work have been destroyed." — Lowndes. ^> 1013 Dibdin. Bibliomania, or Book-Madness. Rubricated title, ' ^ with vignette. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges, by Lewis. London, 1809 1014 Dibdin (Rev. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book-Madness : a „ ,( y Bibliographical Romance. Numerous engravings and • typographical embellishments. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1842 Best edition ; scarce. " The great value of this work is in the Notes, which abound with anecdotes of books and book collectors, and an account of the rarer articles in their collections, the prices at which they were sold," etc. ) 1015 [Dibdin]. Cranmer ; by a Member of the Roxburghe Club. U 3 vols, crown 8vo, calf extra. London, 1839 1 Fine copy, very scarce. 1016 [Dibdin (T. F.)J History of Cheltenham and its En- 7 J virons. Frontispiece and vignette. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. Cheltenham, 1802 1017 Dibdin (Rev. T. F.) Poems. Vignette. 8vo, calf gilt. I*//? Printed for the Author, London, 1797 , Very scarce ; having been suppressed by the author. In the first edition of the Bibliomania is a curious note respecting these Poems, from which it appears that 500 copies were printed, the major part of which were destroyed. " ' My only consolation is ' (says the author), ' that the volume is exceedingly rare ! ' " — Lowndes. 1018 Dickens (Chas.) Works. Library Editions. Comprising, Oliver Twist, Bleak House, Sketches, Tale of Two Cities, Martin Chuzzlewit, Dombey & Son, Nicholas Nickleby, Pickwick Papers, Little Dorrit, Bamaby Rudge, Old Curiosity Shop, and David Copperfield. Profusely illus- trated with etchings by Cruikshank and " Phiz" wood- cuts, etc. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864, etc. >/Q& 114 1019 DICKENS (CHARLES). WORKS. Illustrated with a series of beautiful engravings, proofs on India paper, from designs by Darley, Gilbert, Cruikshank, " Phiz" etc. 55 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1867-71 Lahge Paper ; one hundred copies printed for subscribers. Pickwick Papers, 4 vols. David Copperfield, 4 vols. Donibey & Son, 4 vols. Nicholas Nickleby, 4 vols. Martin Chuzzlewit, 4 vols. Bleak House, 4 vols. Little Dorrit, 4 vols. Our Mutual Friend, 4 vols. Oliver Twist, 2 vols. Barnaby Rudge, 3 vols. Old Curiosity Shop, 3 vols. Sketches by Boz, 2 vols. American Notes, 2 vols. ChriBtmas Books, 2 vols. Tale of Two Cities, 2 vols. Hard Times, 2 vols. Great Expectations, 2 vols. ^Uncommercial Traveller, 1 vol. Master Humphrey's Clock, 1 Edwin Drood, 1 vol. vol. 1020 Dickens. Works. Illustrated by Darley, Gilbert, Cruik- r i Q shank, "Phiz" etc. 12 vols, square 121110, cloth. Riverside edition, New York, 1868 Comprises : Dombey & Son, Bleak House, Nicholas Nickleby, Martin Chuzzlewit, Sketches by Boz, Christmas Stories, and Oliver Twist. 1 02 1 Dickens. Haunted Man, and the Ghost's Bargain. Illus- trated by Leech, Tenniel, and Stanfield. Post 8vo, cloth. Original edition ; rare. London, 1848 1022 Dickens. Little Dorrit. Illustrated by " Phiz." 4 vols. / (J in *, i2mo, half morocco. Leipzig, 1856 1023 Dickens. Life of, by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Portrait. ,° 2-/J' W F n8 io6t [Downes (John).] Roscius. Anglicanus ; or, an Historical .^Yj Review of the Stage from 1641 to 1660, with Additions by ' Thomas Davies. 8vo, sewed. London, 1789 But for this work much of our present knowledge of toe Stage would have been lost in oblivion. 1062 Downing (Major Jack). Letters to his Old Friend, Mr. /,? D wight. Illustrations, ifimo, half calf gilt. N. Y., 1834 Original Edition. Scarce. 1063 Drake (J. Rodman). Culprit Fay, and other Poems. J Portrait and vignette. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1835 1064 Drake. Another copy. Cleaner than the last, cloth. 1 New York, 1835 1065 Drake (Jos. Rodman). Culprit Fay, and other Poems. / 9 Fine portrait and vignette on steel. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1847 1066 Drake (Nathan). Essays, Biographical, Critical, and His- 1^ torical, illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, and f^ Idler. Portrait. 2 vols. Also, Essays illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. Portraits, etc. 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. 121110, calf gilt. London, 1809-14 From the Library of Lord Ashburton, with book-plate. 1067 Drake (S. A.) Nooks and Corners of the New England "~~@ Coast. Numerous illustrations. Svo, cloth. New York, 1875 1068 Drake (S. A.) Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Nearly 100 illustrations on wood. 121110, cloth. Boston, 1873 1069 Drake (S. A.) Old Landmarks and Historic Fields of Mid- {y dlesex. Map, etc. 121110, cloth. Boston, 1876 1070 Drake (Samuel G.) Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh, prepared for and published in the " N. E. His- torical and Genealogical Register " for April, 1862 ; now reprinted with additions. Portrait, after Zucchero. Royal 4to, crimson levant morocco, richly gilt sides and inside borders, by Pawson &> Nicholson. Printed for the Author, for private distribution, Boston, 1862 Laege paper copy; only 10 said to have been printed. Bare por- trait of Baleigh, engraved by Simon Paas (original impression), inserted. The volume is a choice specimen of Pawson & Nichol son's binding. rf '.(JO II 9 107 1 Drake (Samuel G.) Founders of New England. Result ,\ atrical Report. Comprising a Complete Chronicle of the U British Stage. 3 vols. 8vo, half green calf gilt. London, 1 800-1 11 16 [Duyckinck (Evert A.)] Memorial of John Allan. Poi-trait on India paper. Royal 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1864 250 copies printed by the Bradford Club, for private distribution. 1117 Dwight (Timothy). Greenfield Hill: a Poem. 8vo, ft half morocco. New York, 1794 Exceedingly scarce. 1118 Dwight (Theo.) History of the Hartford Convention, with a Review of the Policy of the United States Govern- ment, which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth. Scarce, New York, 1833 1119- DYER (George). History of the University and COL- , {'ft LEGES OF CAMBRIDGE; including Notices relating ^^ • to the Founders and Eminent Men. 32 fine engravings by John Greig. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1814 In addition to the engravings published for the work this copy con- tains fifty-one inserted plates, making in all 83 illustra- tions. The extra plates include many scarce historical portraits and views. 1 1 20 Dyer (George). Poetics, or a Series of Poems and Dis- 7 ( /""" quisitions on Poetry. 2 vols, in 1, post 8vo, half calf gilt. London, 181 2 x\2\ Dyer (Robert). Nine Years of an Actor's Life. Crown / " 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1833 1 122 Dyer. Another copy. ',0 77 E 7 ATON (Cyrus). History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from 1605. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Hallovvell, 1865 1^ 1 124 Eaton (D. B.) Should Judges be elected? 8vo, wrapper. ^ New York, 1873 ir25 Eaton (Gen. William). Life of the late, collected from -, H his Correspondence and other MSS. Portrait in- serted. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce. Brook field, 181 3 Eaton commanded the forces that marched from Egypt through the Desert of Barca in 1803, and conquered the City of Darne. 1126 Ebers (John). Seven Years of the King's Theatre. /"" Portraits of Pasta, Sontag, Caradori Allan, and others 8vo, boards, uncut. • London, 1828 Sontag and Caradori Allan sang in New York, the latter at the old Park Theatre. Her portrait is quite uncommon. 1127 Ebers. Another copy, with all the portraits. 8 vo, half calf ■7/0 gilt. London, 1828 1 128 Eccentric Biography; or, Memoirs of Remarkable Cliarac- n A^ ters i with & portraits. i6mo, old sheep. Boston, 1804 1129 Eccentric Biography ; frontispiece. 161110, boards. Boston, 1825 1 130 Edgeworth (Richard Lovell). Memoirs of, begun by n jj himself, and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edge- worth. Fine portraits of R. L. Edgeworth, Thomas Day (author of Sandford and Merton), Erasmus Darwin, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844 j.131 Edwards (B. B.) Biography of Self-Taught Men. Portrait of Roger Sherman. 121110, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832 1 132 Edwards (Carlton). In Memory of. Portrait. 121110, 1 p cloth. Albany, 1863 Privately printed. 1 133 Edwards (Charles). History and Poetry of Finger /O Rings, with frontispiece {illuminated') of Shakespeare' s Signet Ring, and other illustrations. 121110, calf extra, gilt edges. New York, 1855 H' ij /. 127 1 134 Edwards (E., Librarian). Libraries and Founders of Li- i Q braries. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York (London), 1865 Now out of print, and scarce. 1 135 Edwards (E.) Memoirs of Libraries, including a Hand- w f.o / (J (y book of Library Economy, with numerous engravings of early MSS- ; Facsimiles of types, bookbindings, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1859 This important work was in preparation during upwards of thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with a similar comprehensiveness, and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. 1 136 Edwards (H.) Collection of Old English Customs, q n an d Curious Bequests and Charities. Crown 8vo, cloth. *^ London, 1842 ' Contents : Petticoats, Encouragement for Maid Servants, Old Bach- elors, Lucky Maidens, Hospital for Bastards, Bequest to Awaken Sleepers in Church, etc., etc. 1 137 Edwards. Old English Customs. Crown 8vo, cloth, un- 7 Q O cut. London, 1842 , 1 138 Edwards (Sutherland). History of the Opera, from si Monteverde to Donizetti. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1862 Second Edition. 1139 Edwards (T.) Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, the / £7 U Trial of the Letter W, alias Y, and Sonnets. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1765 Edwards was assisted by Richard Roderick in compiling this work. 1 140 Edwards. Canons of Criticism. Another edition. 8vo, 1sd~~ half calf. London, 1758 1141 EDWIN (JOHN). ECCENTRICITIES. Collected from his Manuscripts, and enriched with several hundred Original Anecdotes. Arranged and Digested by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols. 8vo, mottled calf extra, gilt backs and edges. London, [1791] Unique copy, with 75 inserted plates, many fine and rare, including Portraits of Colley Cibber, Mossop, Mrs. Bellamy, " Perdita " Rob- inson, etc., and several of Edwin. 1 142 Edwin (John). Eccentricities. Collected from his Manu- 1 s, /) scripts, and enriched with several hundred Original Anec- dotes, by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, [1791] 1 143 Edwin. Another copy. 2 vols, half calf. London, [1 791] toe 1.28 U44 Egan (Pierce). Boxiana ; or, Sketches of Ancient and ; / -// Modern Pugilism, with portraits of all the most celebrated "^ Pugilists, and sketches of their encounters. 5 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. London, 1829, etc. 1145 Egan (Pierce). Life in London; or, the Day and Night A ^7) Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Ram- bles and Sprees through the Metropolis. New edition. Embellished with 36 colored illustrations, designed and etched by J. R. and G. Cruikshank, also numerous Original Designs on wood, by the same artists. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. 1 146 Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes. Frontispieces. Q 2 vols. i6mo, boards, uncut. N. Y., 1823 1 147 Egan (Pierce). The Show Folks. With 9 wood-cuts by f Q Lane, nmo, wrapper. London, 183 1 1 148 "Elizabeth (Charlotte)." Chapters on Flowers. Post / @ 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1838 1149 Ellet (Mrs. E. F.) Poems, translated and original. i6mo, ^J ' cloth. Phila., 1835 1 150 Ellet and Mack. Court Circles of the Republic, or J " the Beauties and Celebrities of the Nation. 15 steel por- traits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1870 1 15 1 Elliott (Ebenezer). Poems. i6mo, cloth. /O Leavitt, N. Y., 1850 1 152 Elliott (Robt.) Gretna Green Memoirs, with Intro- ■ n duction by Caleb Brown. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1842 Published by the Gretna Green Parson- Blacksmith. 1 153 Ellis (George). Specimens of Early English Metri- (J cal Romances, with Historical Introduction, etc. New edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell. Illuminated frontis- piece. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bohn, London, 1848 1154 Ellis (Hon. G. A.) True History of the State Prisoner, ' fj commonly called the Iron Mask. Post 8vo, cloth. Scarce. London, 1826 1155 Elliston. Raymond (George). Life and Enter- j, prises of Robert William Elliston, Comedian. Illus- U U trated by George Cruikskank and " Phiz." Post 8vo, boards. London, 1857 129 1156 ELLISTON. Raymond (George). MEMOIRS of Robert ' (I ~0 William Elliston, Comedian, 1774 to 1810; with illus- trations by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1844 Unique copy, having 35 portraits of Theatrical Celebrities inserted, some unusually fine and scarce, including a rare one of Master Betty as Richard III. 1157 ELLISTON (Robert William). MEMOIRS of the Life n r) O °^' ky George Raymond. Both series, 2 vols. 8vo. (Si The Text neatly inlaid throughout, forming an elegant royal 4to. The 2 vols, extended to 4, by the insertion of an extraordinary assemblage of rare, curious, and inter- esting portraits, views, facsimiles, etc., nearly five hun- dred in number. 4 vols, royal 4to, richly bound in full green levant mor., super-extra, with elegantly tooled sides, backs, and broad inside borders of gold, by Riviere. London, 1845 The author's own copy, illustrated by himself. Perhaps the most noticeable feature in these elegant volumes is the very curious assemblage of Views of Theatres, etc., with which the author has enriched his work ; in fact, it were next to im- possible to get together a similar collection at the present time. As regards the other plates, it is only necessary to say, that they are all in the best state, a large proportion being in proof con- dition, and including many of excessive rarity. 1158 Ellsler (Fanny). Letters and Journal, written be- Q Q fore and after her Operatic Campaign in the United States. Including her Letters from New York, London, Paris, Havana, etc. 8vo, uncut. (Somewhat stained). New York, 1845 1 159 [Elssler (Fanny)]. No Slur, Else-Slur: a Dancing //? Poem or Satyr, by Nobody. i2mo, wrapper. New York, 1840 1 160 Elssler (Fanny). Memoir of the Public and Private ^/J Life of. i2mo, wrapper. New York, 1840 1 161 Elmes (J.) Memoirs of the Life and Works of Sir /""^" Christopher Wren. Portrait by Scriven, and numer- ^ ous illustrations. 4to, half mor. gilt. London, 1823 1 162 Elwes (John, the Notorious Miser). Life of, with many r; y, singular Anecdotes, by Edw. Topham. Folding pedigree and portrait inserted. 8vo, half russia. Scarce. London, n. d. 13° 1163 Elwes (John). Life of. Pedigree only. 8vo, half bound. London, 1790 1 164 Elwes (John). Life of, with Anecdotes and Appendix, '(J by E. Topham. Folding Pedigree of the Elwes Family, portrait of Topham. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1805 1165 Elwes. Topham (Edward). Life of the late John jj Elwes. Portrait. 1 2mo, half sheep. Poughkeepsie, 1815 ij.66 Elwes. Another copy. Portrait. 121110, half roan. J Poughkeepsie, 1815 1 167 Emerson (R. W.) Essays. Portrait, etc. Royal 8vo, J " wrapper. 1 168 Emerson (R. W.) Poems. i2mo, half calf gilt. ^0 Boston, 1858 1 169 Eminent Women of the Age. Lives by Parton, Greeley, Abbott, etc. 14 steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1868 Includes Portraits of Queen Victoria, Empress Eugenie, Rosa Bonheur, Mrs. Browning, Ristori, Harriet Hosmer, etc., etc. 1170 Emmet (T. Addis). Memoir of, by C. G. Haines, with a (J Biographical Notice of Mr. Haines. i2mo, boards un- cut. Scarce. New York, 1829 117 1 Emmons (Col. Wm.) Battle of Bunker Hill : a Poem. ' Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1862 1172 England (Bank of), and the Organization of Credit in ,('' England, with the evidence on the Inquiry into the Bank of France, etc. Second edition, revised and en- larged. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. Longmans, London, 1866 An important contribution to the literature of finance. 1 1 73 English and Scotch Ballads. Edited by Francis James fl Child. 8 vols. 121BO, half mor., gilt tops, uncut. Large Paper copy ; only 100 printed. Boston, i860 " These volumes have been compiled from the numerous collections of Ballads printed since the beginning of the last century. They contain all but two or three of the ancient Ballads of England and Scotland, and nearly all those ballads which, in either coun- try, have been gathered from oral tradition, whether ancient or not." JE174 Enigmas, Charades, Transpositions, etc. New Collection (/ of. i2mo, cloth. London, 1810 JO 4< 131 1 1 75 Engravings. Liverseege (Henry). A series of 37 large and beautifully executed engravings in mezzotint by Bromley, Cousins, Ward, etc., comprising illustrations to the Waver ley Navels, Shakespeare, Don Quixote, etc., etc- Brilliant impressions. Folio, mor. extra, gilt edges. Fine original- copy. See also Liverseege. London, 1832 1 1 76 Engraving. Sculptura Historico-Technica ; or, the ,/ y History and Art of Engraving; with 10 plates and 200 marks and ciphers. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1766 Contains the compiler's " Idea of a Fine Collection of Prints." 1 177 Engraving. Same work. Another edition. Plates and {0 marks. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1747 1 178 Epigrams. The British Martial; or, the Anthology of English Epigrams. 2 vols. i2mo, calf gilt. London, 1806 1 1 79 Epigrams. A Collection of; to which is prefixed a Dis- f^A sertation on this Species of Poetry. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1735-7 According to Lowndes, Mr. Oldys may be credited with the above. Many of the Epigrams are decidedly free. 1 1 80 Epitaphs; or, a Collection of Memorials inscribed to the Memory of Good arid Faithful Servants. Post 8vo, half russia. London, 1826 1 181 Epitaphs. Hackett (John). Select and Remarkable ) n Epitaphs on Illustrious and other Persons in Several f Parts of Europe. Frontispiece. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1757 1 182 Epitaphs. Select Epitaphs collected by W. Toldervy. [/ (/ Frontispieces by Worlidge. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Scarce. London, 1754 A very remarkable and curious collection of Epitaphs. , 1 183 Erasmus. Colloquia Vita Erasmi. Frontispiece. i6mo, vellum. L. Elzevir, Amst., 1650 1184 Essay on Capacity and Genius; also, an Enquiry into ■ n the Nature of Ghosts and other Appearances supposed ^ to be Supernatural. 8vo, boards, uncut. Scarce. London, n. d. 1 185 Essay on the Science of Acting. By a Veteran ' „ Stager. Portrait of Shakespeare. Post 8vo, half red calf. London, 1828 9 U rf 132 ir 86 Essay towards a General History of Whoring, from the Creation of the World to the Reign of Augustulus, and from thence down to the Present Year, 1697. i2mo (8vo) calf. Very rare. London, 1697 Damaged and minus the title-page. 1 187 Etonian (The). 3 vols, crown 8vo, calf gilt. ■j (} London, 1824 Fine copy. This work was edited and conducted by W. M. Praed, and contains many of his early efforts. It is rarely met with. 1188 Eute^piad (The). An Album of Music, Poetry, and f) Prose. Vol. I. With portrait of Gilbert Stuart, etc. 4to, half calf. New York, 1830 Includes an account of the first appearance of Charles Kean, and other dramatic items of interest. 1 189 Evans (Edward). Catalogue of a Collection of /1 Engraved Portraits, comprising nearly 20,000 Por- traits of Persons connected with English History and Literature. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth uncut. London, n. d. 1T90 Evans (R. M.) Story of Joan of Arc. Illustrated. /J Post 8vo, half mor. London, 1841 1 191 Evelyn (John). Diary and Correspondence, with the (J Private Correspondence between King Charles 1st and Sir Edward Nicholas, etc. Edited by William Bray. 45 fine Portraits and other engravings on steel. 4 vols, crown 8vo, half mor., gilt top. Bohn, London, 1859-63 1 192 Everard (Edward Cape, Comedian). Memoirs of an /